379 lines
12 KiB
379 lines
12 KiB
'use strict';
const config = require('config');
const crypto = require('crypto');
const timers = require('timers/promises');
const {
} = require('mathjs');
const getLeaders = require('../utils/get-leaders');
const pickRandom = require('../utils/pick-random');
const style = require('../utils/style');
const { solveAll } = require('../utils/numbers-solver');
const { parse: limitedParse, divide: mathDivide, import: mathImport } = create({
class FractionError extends Error {
constructor(message) {
this.name = 'FractionError';
function divide(a, b) {
const result = mathDivide(a, b);
if (result % 1) {
throw new FractionError(`${style.bold(style.code(`${a} / ${b}`))} results in a fraction`);
return result;
}, { override: true });
const settings = config.numbers;
const games = new Map();
/* eslint-disable no-irregular-whitespace */
function padNumber(number) {
if (!number) {
return ' ';
const string = String(number);
if (string.length === 3) {
return string;
if (string.length === 2) {
return ` ${string}`;
return ` ${string} `;
function getTarget(game) {
return `${style.grey(style.code('['))}${style.bold(style.code(game.target))}${style.grey(style.code(']'))}`;
function getBoardNumbers(game) {
// return `\`[\`${game.numbers.concat(Array.from({ length: config.numbers.length - game.numbers.length })).map((number) => style.bold(`\`${padNumber(number)}\``)).join('`|`')}\`]\``;
return `${style.grey(style.code('['))}${game.numbers.concat(Array.from({ length: config.numbers.length - game.numbers.length })).map((number) => style.bold(style.code(padNumber(number)))).join(style.grey(style.code('|')))}${style.grey(style.code(']'))}`;
function getBoard(context) {
const game = games.get(context.room.id);
if (game.target) {
return `${getBoardNumbers(game)} and the target is ${getTarget(game)}`;
return getBoardNumbers(game);
function countNumbers(numbers) {
return numbers.reduce((acc, number) => ({ ...acc, [number]: (acc[number] || 0) + 1 }), {});
function getWinnerText(game) {
if (game.state === 'pick') {
return null;
if (game.winner) {
return `The winner is ${style.bold(game.winner.prefixedUsername)}, who gets ${style.bold(game.points[game.winner.username])} points.`;
return 'No one found a solution.';
function getSolutionText(game) {
if (game.points[game.winner?.username] === 10 && game.solution?.answer === game.target) {
return `The target ${getTarget(game)} was solved as follows: ${style.bold(style.code(game.winner.solution))}. My solution was ${style.bold(style.code(game.solution.solution))}.`;
if (game.points[game.winner?.username] === 10) {
// the winner somehow found a solution the solver did not
return `The target ${getTarget(game)} was solved as follows: ${style.bold(style.code(game.winner.solution))}. Even I couldn't get that, well done!`;
if (game.solution?.answer === game.target) {
return `The target ${getTarget(game)} could be solved as follows: ${style.bold(style.code(game.solution.solution))}.`;
if (game.solution) {
return `The target ${getTarget(game)} was impossible, the closest answer is ${style.bold(game.solution.answer)} as follows: ${style.bold(style.code(game.solution.solution))}.`;
return null;
function stop(context, aborted) {
const game = games.get(context.room.id);
if (!game) {
context.sendMessage(`There is no numbers game going on, ${context.user.prefixedUsername}. You can start one with ${config.prefix}numbers!`, context.room.id);
if (game.winner) {
context.setPoints(game.winner, game.points[game.winner.username]);
const wrapText = aborted
? `The game was stopped by ${style.cyan(`${config.usernamePrefix}${context.user.username}`)}.`
: style.bold('Time\'s up!');
const winnerText = getWinnerText(game);
const leaders = Object.keys(game.points).length > 1
? `Honorary mentions: ${getLeaders(game.points, context.user, { skip: [game.winner.username] })}.`
: null;
const solutionText = getSolutionText(game);
context.sendMessage([wrapText, winnerText, leaders, solutionText].filter(Boolean).join(' '), context.room.id);
async function play(context) {
const game = games.get(context.room.id);
game.counts = countNumbers(game.numbers);
game.target = crypto.randomInt(100, 999);
game.solutions = await solveAll(game.numbers, game.target, 3);
game.solution = game.solutions.reduce((closest, solution) => (!closest || Math.abs(game.target - solution.answer) < Math.abs(game.target - closest.answer) ? solution : closest), null);
game.state = 'solutions';
context.sendMessage(`${getBoard(context)}. You have ${style.bold(style.green(settings.timeout))} seconds, let's start!`, context.room.id);
context.logger.info(`Numbers game started by ${context.user.username}, numbers ${game.numbers.join('|')}, target ${game.target}, ${game.solution.answer === game.target ? 'exact' : 'closest'} solution for ${game.solution.answer} is: ${game.solution.solution}`);
try {
await timers.setTimeout((settings.timeout / 3) * 1000, null, { signal: game.ac.signal });
context.sendMessage(`${getBoard(context)}. You have ${style.bold(style.green(`${Math.round((settings.timeout / 3) * 2)} seconds`))} left`, context.room.id);
await timers.setTimeout((settings.timeout / 3) * 1000, null, { signal: game.ac.signal });
context.sendMessage(`${getBoard(context)}. You have ${style.bold(style.green(`${Math.round(settings.timeout / 3)} seconds`))} left`, context.room.id);
await timers.setTimeout((settings.timeout / 3) * 1000, null, { signal: game.ac.signal });
} catch (error) {
// abort expected, probably not an error
function pickBig() {
return pickRandom([100, 75, 50, 25]);
function pickSmall() {
return pickRandom([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]);
function pickNumbers(type, context) {
const game = games.get(context.room.id);
if (!game) {
if (type === 'big') {
game.numbers = game.numbers.concat(pickBig());
if (type === 'small') {
game.numbers = game.numbers.concat(pickSmall());
if (type !== 'small' && type !== 'big') {
type.toLowerCase().slice(0, config.numbers.length - game.numbers.length).split('').forEach((typeKey) => {
game.numbers = game.numbers.concat(typeKey === 'b' || typeKey === 'l' ? pickBig() : pickSmall());
if (game.numbers.length === config.numbers.length) {
context.sendMessage(`${getBoard(context)} Would you like a big number or a small one?`, context.room.id);
function playSolution(solution, context) {
const game = games.get(context.room.id);
try {
const parsed = limitedParse(solution.replace(/`/g, '')); // backticks may be used to prevent the expression from being expanded by Markdown in SChat
const numbers = parsed.filter((node) => node.type === 'ConstantNode').map((node) => node.value);
const counts = countNumbers(numbers);
const imagined = Object.keys(counts).filter((number) => !game.counts[number]);
const overused = Object.entries(counts).filter(([number, count]) => count > game.counts[number]).map(([number]) => number);
if (imagined.length > 0) {
context.sendMessage(`You are using ${imagined.map((number) => style.bold(number)).join(' and ')} not on the board, ${context.user.prefixedUsername}`, context.room.id);
if (overused.length > 0) {
context.sendMessage(`You are using ${overused.map((number) => style.bold(number)).join(' and ')} too often, ${context.user.prefixedUsername}`, context.room.id);
const answer = parsed.evaluate();
const distance = Math.abs(game.target - answer);
const points = config.numbers.points[distance];
const lastScore = game.points[context.user.username] || 0;
const highestScore = Object.values(game.points).reduce((acc, userPoints) => (userPoints > acc ? userPoints : acc), 0);
const summary = distance === 0
? `Your solution ${style.bold(style.code(parsed))} results in ${style.bold(answer)}, which is ${style.bold('exactly on target')}`
: `Your solution ${style.bold(style.code(parsed))} results in ${style.bold(answer)}, which is ${style.bold(distance)} away from target ${getTarget(game)}`;
if (points && points > lastScore) {
game.points[context.user.username] = points;
if (points && points > highestScore) {
game.winner = {
solution: parsed,
context.sendMessage(`${summary} for ${style.bold(points)} points, the current winner, ${context.user.prefixedUsername}`, context.room.id);
if (points && points > lastScore) {
context.sendMessage(`${summary} for ${style.bold(points)} points, your personal best, but not beating the winning ${style.bold(highestScore)} points, ${context.user.prefixedUsername}`, context.room.id);
if (points) {
context.sendMessage(`${summary} for ${style.bold(points)} points, but does not beat your personal best of ${style.bold(lastScore)} points, ${context.user.prefixedUsername}`, context.room.id);
context.sendMessage(`${summary} for ${style.bold('no')} points, ${context.user.prefixedUsername}`, context.room.id);
} catch (error) {
// invalid solution
if (error.name === 'FractionError') {
context.sendMessage(`${error.message}, which is not allowed, ${context.user.prefixedUsername}`, context.room.id);
function start(context, numbers) {
if (games.has(context.room.id)) {
context.sendMessage(`${getBoard(context)} is the current board. Use ${config.prefix}numbers:stop to reset.`, context.room.id);
games.set(context.room.id, {
state: 'pick',
numbers: [],
target: null,
points: {},
winner: null,
ac: new AbortController(), // eslint-disable-line no-undef
if (numbers) {
pickNumbers(numbers, context);
context.sendMessage('Let\'s play the numbers! Would you like a big number or a small one?', context.room.id);
function solve(calculation, context) {
try {
const parsed = parse(calculation.replace(/`/g, '')); // backticks may be used to prevent the expression from being expanded by Markdown in SChat
const answer = parsed.evaluate();
context.sendMessage(`${style.bold(style.code(parsed))} = ${style.bold(answer)}`, context.room.id);
} catch (error) {
context.sendMessage(`Failed to solve ${style.bold(style.code(calculation))}: ${error.message}`, context.room.id);
function onCommand(args, context) {
if (context.subcommand === 'stop') {
stop(context, true);
if (['calculate', 'calc', 'solve'].includes(context.subcommand || context.command)) {
solve(args.join(' '), context); // two from the top, four from the bottom, please Rachel
if (['numsgo', 'numgo'].includes(context.command) || ['start', 'go', 'auto', 'random'].includes(context.subcommand)) {
start(context, 'bbssss'); // two from the top, four from the bottom, please Rachel
if (!args.subcommand) {
function onMessage(message, context) {
const game = games.get(context.room.id);
const body = message.originalBody || message.body; // * gets resolved to <em>
if (game?.state === 'pick') {
const multi = body.match(/\b[bls]{2,}\b/i)?.[0];
if (multi) {
pickNumbers(multi.toLowerCase(), context);
if (/big/i.test(body)) {
pickNumbers('big', context);
if (/small/i.test(body)) {
pickNumbers('small', context);
if (game?.state === 'solutions') {
playSolution(body, context);
module.exports = {
commands: ['numsgo', 'numgo', 'calculate', 'calc', 'solve'],
help: `Reach the target number using only the ${config.numbers.length} numbers on the board; you do not have to use all of them. You may use addition, subtraction, multiplication and divisions, but each calculation must result in a whole number. You can score points for solutions up to ${config.numbers.points.length} away from the target, but only the first best solution gets the points. Quick-start with ${config.prefix}numsgo, or use ${config.prefix}numbers to fill the board by manually selecting a random *large* or *big* number (100, 75, 50, 25), a random *small* number (1-10), or multiple at once like LLSSSS.`, // eslint-disable-line max-len