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What movie has meg ryan switching identities with an elderly man`prelude to a kiss
What movie has Steve Martin noting, "it's not the size of a nose that matters, it's what's in it"`roxanne
What movie has William Hurt's son killed at Burger Bonanza`accidental tourist
what moviemakers name is in front of the title the nightmare before christ`tim burton
what movie produced by stanley kubrick was based on a novel by anthony burgess`a clockwork orange
what movie raised director oliver stone's stock in the fall of 87?`wall street
what movie sees its hero moan: "snakes. why'd it have to be snakes"`raiders of the lost ark
what movie starred art carney & ellen burstyn`harry and tonto
What movie starred Hayley Mills as a pyro who liked to start fires`chalk garden
What movie starred Julie Harris & Claire Bloom`haunting
What movie starred Lee Marvin as twins Kid Shelleen and Tim Strawn`cat ballou
what movie starred lee remick & jack lemmon`days of wine and roses
What movie starred michael caine and angie dickenson`dressed to kill
What movie starred Nick Nolte & Tuesday Weld`who'll stop the rain
what movie starred patty duke & barbara parkins`valley of the dolls
What movie starred Sissy Spacek & Tommy Lee Jones`badlands
What movie starred Sissy Spacek & Tommy Lee Jones`black moon rising
What movie stars morgan freeman as a pimp known as fast black`streetsmart
what movie star was called 'america's sweetheart'`mary pickford
what movie tarzan won the 400-metre freestyle at the 1932 olympics`buster crabbe
What movie told of anna anderson's claim to be a russian czar's daughter`anastasia
what movie tough guy convinced sammy davis jr. to stop wearing an eye patch`humphrey bogart
What movie was adapted from a James Clavell novel`KingRat
what movie was named number one in the mpaa top 100`citizen kane
what movie was released in mexico under the name "vaselina"`grease
What movie were the passengers on the plane in Executive Desicion watching?`Born to be Wild
what movie won academy awards for best picture, best director, best screenplay, and best actress in 1977`annie hall
what movie won the academy award for best picture in 1969`midnight cowboy
What movie would you be watching if you saw a female character by the name of Holly Golightly`Breakfast At Tiffanys
What much reported occurence interrupted Bill Beaumont half time team talk at Twickenham in 1981`erica rowes streak
What multinational is the biggest advertizer on the dutch market`Unilever
What multiple birth has odds of 600,000 to 1 against it occurring`quadruplets
What muppet co-anchored a Nightline TV show with Ted Koppel`kermit the frog
What muscle is joined by the lingual nerve to the brain`tongue
What muscles move the ears`auricularis
What muscles provide about 200 pounds of force`jaw muscles
what museum houses the 'mona lisa'`louvre
What museum is home to half the paintings now attributed to Leondardo`the louvre
What museum provides a home for whistler's mother`louvre
What musical format did the Denon company help pioneer`compact discs
What musical group refused to be photographed without its make-up`kiss
What musical instrument did jack benny play`violin
what musical instrument did Louis Armstrong play`Trumpet
What musical instrument did sherlock holmes play`violin
What musical instrument does John McEnroe play`guitar
What musical instrument does ravi shankar play`sitar
What musical instrument is pictured in the logo for Guinness Beer`A Harp
What musical instrument was invented in 1846`saxophone
What musical instrument was mainly operated using perforated rolls of paper`pianola
What musical show discovered Leslie Uggams`sing along with mitch
What musical term indicates a gradual increase in loudness`crescendo
What musical term means 'slowely and stately'`largo
what musical term means 'slowly and stately'`largo
What musical term means that a string player should use the back of the bow - the wooden part`con legno
What musical was named after a U S city`oklahoma
What Muslim race invaded Spain in 711 AD`moors
What Muslims practise shirling as a religious act`dervishes
what must a las vegas blackjack dealer do when he reaches 16`take a card
What must a Mensa member be`genius
What must be exceeded to produce a sonic boom`speed of sound
What must be in position before the House of Commons can sit`mace
what must remain on the floor in pocket billards`one foot
What must the lord chancellor do when he or she presents the Queen's speech to the monarch`kneel
What mythical creature carries an hourglass and a scythe`father time
What mythical scottish town appears for one day every 100 years`brigadoon
What myth is the rhinocerous thought to have inspired`unicorn
What mythyical scottish town appears for one day every 100 years`brigadoon
What name beginning with G was given to the hurricane that caused major devastation in Jamaica during 1988`gilbert
What name did George Eastman invent in 1888 because it was easy to memorize, pronounce & spell`kodak
What name did Kresge's end up with`k mart
What name did napoleon bonaparte sign to his letters`bonaparte
What name did Octavius adopt on becoming the first Roman Emperor in 27 B.C.`augustus
What name did pablo picasso sign to his paintings`picasso
What name did sailors give to the southern tip of Africa`Cape of Good Hope
What name did the Gold Coast take when it became independent in 1957`ghana
What name did the Romans give to Wales`cambria
What name did the Standard Oil Co. of California adopt`esso
What name did Vincent Van Gogh sign to his paintings`vincent
Songs: Better Love _____Time - Dr. Hook`Next
What name do private eye readers associate with princess margaret`yvonne
What name for a fictional orphan means "white skin" in parts of Africa`Tarzan
What name have private eye readers come to associate with the queen`brenda
What name is given to a blood vessel which takes blood away from the heart`artery
What name is given to a boxer who leads with his right hand`southpaw
What name is given to a case for carrying aroows`quiver
What name is given to a castrated cock`capon
What name is given to a chemical reaction which gives out heat`Exothermic
What name is given to a chemical reaction which takes in heat`Endothermic
What name is given to a church bell-ringer`sexton
What name is given to a circular coral reef`atoll
What name is given to a countries song played on official occasions`national anthem
What name is given to a division of a Hells Angels club`chapter
What name is given to a doctor who specialises in skin disorders`dermatologist
What name is given to a drink and a well known book of records`guinness
What name is given to a female calf`a heifer
What name is given to a female calf`heifer
what name is given to a female deer`doe
What name is given to a fibre from the husk of a coconut, used in rope making & matting`coir
What name is given to a five line poem which might begin There was a young girl from Cheshunt`limerick
What name is given to a full length mirror on a swivel`cheval
What name is given to a golf course by the sea`links
What name is given to a group of lions`pride
What name is given to a hasty wedding taking place under duress`shotgun
What name is given to a hill in the centre of any Greek city`acropolis
What name is given to a Hurricane in the Pacific`typhoon
What name is given to a Jewish religious teacher`rabbi
What name is given to a male bee`Drone
What name is given to a male witch`Warlock
What name is given to a man in charge of a dining room in a hotel or restaurant`maitre d'
What name is given to a marriage in which the wife does not acquire her husband's rank and the offspring do not inherit the title`morganatic
What name is given to a mixture of champagne and orange juice`buck's fizz
What name is given to an alloy of mercury and another metal`amalgam
What name is given to an army chaplain`padre
What name is given to an equilateral parallelogram which contains a right angle`a square
What name is given to an equilateral parallelogram which contains a right angle`square
What name is given to animals which eat both plants and meat`Omnivore
What name is given to animals which have pouches`Marsupials
What name is given to animals which only eat meat`Carnivore
What name is given to animals which only eat plants`Herbivore
What name is given to an isolated mountain peak protruding through an ice sheet`nunatuk
What name is given to any muscle with three heads`triceps
What name is given to a pillar of see cliff standing isolated in water`stack
what name is given to a sentence that reads the same forwards and backwards`a palindrome
What name is given to a settlement which is clustered around a central point`Nucleated
What name is given to a statistician employed by an insurance company to calculate risks`an actuary
What name is given to a stone female figure who supports a ceiling on her head`caryatid
What name is given to a substance in which resistance decreaces as temperature increases`semiconductor
What name is given to a swimming event in which an individual or team uses all four strokes`medley
What name is given to a tail that can grip things`prehensile
What name is given to a triangle where all 3 sides are different lengths`scalene
What name is given to a vertical bar dividing a window`mullion
What name is given to a window that opens and shuts by moving up and down`sash window
What name is given to a winged fruit of the ash, elm or sycamore tree`key
What name is given to a year with 366 days`leap
What name is given to a young frog`Tadpole
What name is given to bits of paper thrown at a bride and groom`confetti
what name is given to curried chicken and vegetable soup`mulligatawny
What name is given to farms which specialise in growing crops`arable
What name is given to farms which specialise in rearing animals`Patoral
What name is given to fish cooked in browned butter`meuniere
What name is given to flowers of the genus helianthus`sunflower
What name is given to fractures occuring in young children, when only one side of the bone is broken`greenstick
What name is given to grotesquely carved church water spouts`gargoyles
What name is given to music that constantly syncopates a straightforward tune`ragtime
What name is given to people who fish with rod & line as a hobby`anglers
What name is given to scribblings or drawings on public walls`graffiti
What name is given to small or immature cucumbers usually grown to be pickled`gherkins
What name is given to someone training to be a nun`novice
What name is given to sweet chestnuts preserved in syrup`marrons glace
What name is given to the 1913 show of artists' work in New York, which is often regarded as the beginning of public interest in progressive art in the U.S.A`the armory show
What name is given to the 4th Sunday in Lent`refreshment sunday
What name is given to the abominable snowman`Yeti
What name is given to the art of dwarfing trees`bonsai
What name is given to the belt of low air pressure that is located at the equator`the doldrums
What name is given to the blend of Black China and Darjeeling teas, flavoured with oil of Bergamot`earl grey
What name is given to the bonds which link amino acid molecules together to form proteins`peptide bond
What name is given to the bonds which link amino acid molecules together to form proteins`peptide bonds
What name is given to the broad gap between the outermost and the brightest of Saturn's rings`cassini division
What name is given to the cap worn by a cardinal`biretta
What name is given to the central single wedge-shaped block at the top of an arch, which is essentially a central voussoir`keystone
What name is given to the chief mountain system of Mexico`sierra madre
What name is given to the control column of an aircraft`joystick
What name is given to the crab that lives in an empty gastropod shell, moving to another shell when it outgrows its current home`hermit crab
What name is given to the crater at the top of a volcano caused by its collapse`caldera
What name is given to the current of warm water that flows across the Pacific to Peru`el nino
What name is given to the curved arms which hold lifeboats`davits
What name is given to the day after Christmas Day`boxing day
What name is given to the day of the annunciation of the Virgin, March 25th`lady day
What name is given to the division between the nostrils`septum
What name is given to the drink which is composed of equal parts of beer and stout`black and tan
What name is given to the effect that the Earth is gradually becoming warmer`global warming
What name is given to the Feast of First Fruits, August the first`lammas
What name is given to the fleshy part of a horses tail`the dock
What name is given to the four weeks before christmas`advent
What name is given to the Friday in holy week`good friday
What name is given to the fruit which is a cross between a peach and a plum`nectarine
What name is given to the full moon nearest the Autumn Equinox`harvest moon
What name is given to the giant American transport plane, the C5`galaxy
What name is given to the grounds and buildings of a university`campus
What name is given to the group of animals that eat meat`carnivores
What name is given to the home of a squirrel`drey
What name is given to the hypothetical super-continent which consisted of all the present continents before they split up`pangaea
What name is given to the inhabitants of the Orkney Islands`orcadians
What name is given to the lace scarf worn on the head by Spanish women`mantilla
What name is given to the largest stars in the Universe`red giants
What name is given to the larva of the click beetle`wireworm
What name is given to the mountainous south central region of France`massif central
What name is given to the officials at a race meeting`stewards
What name is given to the outer markings on a tennis court`tramlines
What name is given to the oxide which forms on copper`verdigris
What name is given to the part of the sundial that casts the shadow`gnomon
What name is given to the point on the Earth's surface immediately above the focus of an earthquake`epicentre
What name is given to the point where a river starts`Source
What name is given to the point where two rivers join`Confluence
What name is given to the process by which rocks break when they absorb water`hydration
What name is given to the projecting arm of a sundial`gnomon
What name is given to the red dye obtained from crushed beetles`cochineal
What name is given to the region at the southern end of Argentina and Chile, stretching from the Atlantic to the Andes`patagonia
What name is given to the region surrounding the delta of the river Rhone in France`la camargue
What name is given to the right hand page of an open book`recto
What name is given to the sedimentary rock that has changed after being subjected to heat and pressure, for example, Marble`metamorphic
What name is given to the side of a window, or door, opening at right angles to the main walls`reveal
What name is given to the single super-continent that existed 200 million years ago`Pangaea
What name is given to the small sac or cavity from which a hair grows`follicle
What name is given to the socket in the skull which holds the eye`orbit
What name is given to the spore-bearing leaf of a fern`frond
What name is given to the staff or crook of a bishop`crozier
What name is given to the standard typewriter keyboard layout`qwerty
What name is given to the stand on which an artist rests his canvas`easel
what name is given to the straightaway opposite the one with the finish line in horse racing`the backstretch
What name is given to the study of Hormones`endocrinology
What name is given to the study of lakes`limnology
What name is given to the study of living things in their environment`ecology
What name is given to the sun-dried mud brick, used especially in Spain and what was Spanish America`adobe
What name is given to the system where a newly called barrister has to spend a period of time in the chambers of a Member of the Bar`pupillage
What name is given to the traditional, charcoal heated, Russian tea urn`samovar
What name is given to the two buttons a telephone receive rests on`Plungers
What name is given to the type of window which opens on vertical hinges`casement
What name is given to the unit of mass that weighs about 2.2046 pounds`kilogram
What name is given to the volcano that broods over Catania`mount etna
What name is given to the young of a kangaroo`joey
What name is given to those days which have equal hours of daylight and darkness`Equinox
What name is given to twins who are joined together by some part of their anatomy`siamese
What name is given to young herrings`whitebait
What name is popularly applied to twins congenitally united in a manner not incompatible with life or activity?`siamese twins
What name is Samuel Langhorne Clemens known by`mark twain
What name is the French pianist Phillipe Pages better known`richard claydermen
What name is used by Private Eye when referring to the Queen`brenda
What name is used in a restaurant for the extra charge made when you take in your own wine and they open it for you`corkage
What name is used to describe permanently-frozen subsoil`permafrost
What name was given to an Indian soldier in the service of the British`sepoy
What name was given to a small gaiter, worn over the instep`spat
What name was given to the 17 1h century chair with shafts, borne by two servants`sedan chair
What name was given to the 17th century chair with shafts, borne by two servants`sedan chair
What name was given to the 8th century Muslim invaders of Spain`moors
What name was given to the Celtic priests`druids
what name was given to the group of men who forced men into the army or navy`press gang
What name was given to the period during the French Revolution when 1400 of Robespierre's opponents were executed`reign of terror
What name was given to the period when Charles II regained the throne`restoration
What name was given to the US two man space missions from 1964-66`gemini
What name was given to the wagons used during the French Revolution to transport prisoners to the Guillotine`tumbrils
What natinality was the jewller faberge`russian
What national capital rises where the Blue Nile and White Nile converge`khartoum
What national hamburger chain has square patties but the buns are still round`wendy's
What nationalilty is the film director Milos Forman`Czech
what nationality are roxette`swedish
What nationality are Simple Minds who topped the charts with Belfast Child`scottish
what nationality are the electronics giant siemens`german
What nationality are the pop group The cardigans`swedish
what nationality did the coneheads claim?`french
What nationality is a Breton`french
What nationality is a Sicilian`italian
What nationality is athlete Greta Waitz`norwegian
what nationality is Carlos Reutemann`Argentinian
What nationality is designer Karl Lagerfield`german
What nationality is ex world motor racing champion Keke Rosberg`finnish
What nationality is footballer Davor Suker`croatian
What nationality is footballer Lucas Radebe`south african
What nationality is gabriela sabatini`argentinian
What nationality is Gerhard Berger`austrian
What nationality is golfer Paul Azinger`american
What nationality is Henry Kissinger by birth`german
What nationality is Jean Marc Bosman, famous for his Bosman Ruling affecting football throughout Europe`belgian
What nationality is Marie Curie`polish
what nationality is michael chang`american
What nationality is Prince Phillip`greek
What nationality is Salman Rushdie`british
what nationality is singer K D Lang`Canadian
what nationality is the actor donald sutherland`canadian
What nationality is the artist Jackson Pollock`american
What nationality is the designer Galliano`british
What nationality is the film director milas forman`czech
What nationality is the film director Milos Forman`czech
What nationality is the Formula One driver Mika Hakkinen`finnish
What nationality is the keyboards wizard Vangelis`greek
What nationality is the novelist Margaret Atwood`canadian
What nationality is the novelist Norman Mailer`american
What nationality is the opera singer Montserrat Caballe`spanish
What nationality is the racing driver Jean Alesi`french
What nationality is the singer/actress Bjork`icelandic
What nationality is the singer Celine Dion`canadian
what nationality is the singer falco`austrian
What nationality is the speedway rider Ole Olson`danish
What nationality is the tennis player Todd Woodbridge`australian
What nationality is toho film studios`japanese
What nationality is Yehudi Menuhin`american
What nationality says spasibo for thank you`russian
What nationality was Abel Tasman, discoverer of Tasmania`dutch
What nationality was actress Greta Garbo`swedish
What nationality was Aladdin`chinese
What nationality was alexander graham bell`scottish
What nationality was Alfred Hitchcock`british
what nationality was benito mussolini`italian
What nationality was Bob Marley's father`british
What nationality was Boutros Boutros Ghali, once the Secretary General of the United Nations`egyptian
What nationality was Charlie Chaplin`British
What nationality was chopin`polish
What nationality was Christopher Columbus`Italian
What nationality was dr bart hughes`dutch
What nationality was Edvard Munch`norwegian
What nationality was fairy tale author Hans Christian Andersen`danish
What nationality was General Pershing`american
What nationality was Goya`spanish
What nationality was Hans Christian andersen`danish
What nationality was Heitor Villa-Lobos`brazilian
What nationality was horror film actor Boris Karloff`english
What nationality was Johnny Weismuller`romanian
What nationality was King Cnut of England`Danish
What nationality was laszio biro inventer of the ball point pen`hungarian
What nationality was Liszt`hungarian
What nationality was Louis Braille`french
What nationality was Marie Curie`polish
What nationality was Mata Hari`javanese
What nationality was motor racing legend Juan Fangio`argentinean
What nationality was naturalist Carolus Linnaeus`swedish
What nationality was Pablo Picasso`spanish
What nationality was pocohontas`american indian
What nationality was prince albert`german
What nationality was Prince Henry the Navigator`Portuguese
What nationality was racing driver Juan-Manuel Fanigio`argentinian
what nationality was rembrandt`dutch
What nationality was teiichi igarashi`japanese
What nationality was tennis star vitas gerulaitis`american
what nationality was the ancient general called hannibal`carthaginian
What nationality was the architect Le Corbusier`swiss
What nationality was the artist Goya`Spanish
What nationality was the artist Hieronymus Bosch`dutch
What nationality was the artist james whistler`american
What nationality was the artist Magritte`Belgian
What nationality was the artist Whistler`american
What nationality was the athlete Emil Zatopek`czechoslavakian
What nationality was the composer Bedrich Smetana`czech
What nationality was the composer Delius`british
What nationality was the composer Jean Sibelius`finnish
What nationality was the entertainer Victor Borges`danish
What nationality was the explorer Vitus Bering`danish
What nationality was the famous murderer Dr. Crippen`american
what nationality was the farmer's daughter (tv or movie version)`swedish
What nationality was the first person who walked in space`russian
What nationality was the last person executed by guillotine`tunisian
What nationality was the person who ordered the killing of the last incan king of peru`spanish
What nationality was the playwright August Strindberg`swedish
What nationality was the ponderosa's cook`chinese
What nationality was the sculpture Brancusi`romanian
What nationality was the statesman Chiang Kai-shek`chinese
What nationality was the team that beat the British to the South Pole by four days`norwegian
What nationality were the 123 people who died in the Black Hole of Calcutta`british
What nationality were the 1500 troops that attacked the Bay of Pigs`cuban
What nationality were the original hooligans`irish
What nationality were wilde and shaw`irish
What nationally recognized day originated in Grafton, WV, in 1908`mother's day
What national park is mount snowdon in`snowdonia
What national park sees the annual ten tors walk`dartmoor
What nation did 23 African countries sever relations with in 1974`israel
What nation did Panama declare independence from in 1903`colombia
What nation does the Alphorn come from`switzerland
What nation has had a monarchy the longest?`Japan
What nation has had its own scandels dubbed muldergate & inkathagate`south africa
What nation has its capital in Zagreb`croatia
What nation is nicknamed the 'regaa boyz'`jamaica
What nation is the world's largest producer of tobacco`china
What nation moved its borders eastward and named an island "Millennium Island" in order to be the first nation to welcome the new millennium?`Kiribati
What nation's 90 man army is the world's oldest, dating back to 1506`vatican city's
What nation's populace watches the most TV, per capita`japan's
What nation was led by Genghis Khan`the mongols
What Native American boat was used by the early explorers on narrow rivers`the canoe
What native bird appears on the Great Seal of the United States`american bald eagle
What native language did the USA use as a code in WWII`navajo
What natural disasters are ranked in severity by the Saffir Simpson scale`hurricanes
What natural hydrocarbon polymer comes from the hevea brasiliensis tree`rubber
What natural landscape has almost disappeared from the prairie state of illinois`prairie
What natural materials are tussah and habutai types of`silk
What natural phenomenon is Iris the goddess of`rainbow
What natural product is petrol refined from`oil
What naval rank did Only Fools and Horses ncle Albert attain`stoker
What Nazi concentration camp was depicted in "Sophie's Choice"`auschwitz
What nba player is the all time points scored leader for the Boston Celtics`john havlicek
What nba team chose Dominique Wilkins as their first round draft pick`utah jazz
what nba team has retired the most numbers`boston celtics
What nba team plays home games at the Delta Center`utah jazz
what nba team plays its home games in the corestates center`76ers
what nbc drama was nominated for 19 emmys in 1988?`la law
What neatly stacked snack food features a man with a handlebar moustache on its can`pringles
What neck of water do you cross when sailing from Malaga to Tangier`strait of gibralta
What necktie knot was named for an English Duke who abdicated this throne for Wallis Simpson`Windsor
What neighbouring country did Iraq go to war with in 1980`iran
What nerve carries signals from the retina to the brain`optic nerve
What network features programming just for children`nickelodeon
What New Deal agency is represented by NLRB`national labor relations board
What New England peninsula did Bartholomew Gosnold mistakenly name a cape in 1602?`cape cod
WhatNewEnglandpeninsuladidBartholomewGosnoldmistakenlynameacapein1602`cape cod
What New England state doesn't border the Atlantic`vermont
What New England state is the fitting site for the town of Teaticket`massachusetts
What new england state would be home if you laid down roots in 'bald head'`maine
What new European country shares the name of a greek provience`Macedonia
What new form of art was pioneered by WH Fox Talbot in the 1840's`photography
What new gadget was Mark Twain referring to when he was quoted as saying a curiosity-breeding little joker`The Typewriter
What news anchor attended Reagan High School`dan rather
What news magazine boldly claimed: "there's no substitute"`time magazine
What news magazine did Henry Luce and Briton Hadden found`Time
What newspaper employs Clark Kent and Lois Lane`daily planet
what newspaper's motto is 'all the news that's fit to print'`the new york times
What new territory was created in Canada in 1999?`Nunavut
what new title was macbeth greeted with after returning from a victorious war`thane of cawdor
what new wavers' first north american hit was 1979's roxanne`the police
What New World Indian empire built pyramids in Guatemala`maya
What New World mammal did Columbus say resembled mermaids?`The manatee
What New York based baseball team did Emmett Kelly serve as the hobo mascot`brooklyn dodgers
What new york city avenue divides the east side from the west side`fifth
what new york city avenue divides the east side from the west side?`fifth avenue
What New York City's restaurant is alluded to in many stories by Damon Runyon`lindy's
what new york complex has 208 elevators and 43,600 windows?`world trade center
What New York street is famous for its theatres`broadway
What new york thoroughfare is known as 'millionaires' row'`fifth avenue
What New York Yankee's 1927 jersey fetched a record $360,000`lou gehrig
What New Zealand native invented bungee jumping?`AJ Hackett
What New Zealand native was the first man to climb Mt. Everest`Sir Edmund
What New Zealand native was the first man to climb Mt. Everest?`Sir Edmund Hillary
what nfl quarterback made richard nixon's white house enemies list`joe namath
What NFL team did Vince Lombardi end his coaching career with`The Washington Redskins
What NFL team lost a record 26 consecutive games`tampa bay buccaneers
what nfl team originally drafted quarterback joe theismann?`miami dolphins
What NFL team plays its home games in 3Com Park`49ers
What NFL team plays its home games in the RCA Dome`Indianapolis
what nfl team's pass rush was known as "the silver rush"?`detroit lions
What NFL team was formerly known as the Portsmouth Spartans`detroit
What nhl hockey player was sports illustrated's 'sportsman of the year' for 1970`bobby orr
What NHL star was known as The Roadrunner`yvan cournoyer
What NHL star was known as The Thinking Man's Goalie`ken dryden
what nhl team won 28 consecutive games in the 1977-78 hockey season?`montreal canadiens
what nickname did albert desalvo acquire`boston strangler
What nickname did Charles Dickens give to his character John Dawkins`the artful dodger
What nickname did Imelda Marcos share with a heavey metal rock group`iron butterfly
What nickname did King George the Third have due to his passion for agriculture`farmer george
what nickname did president john f kennedy give to air force one`caroline
What nickname did Queen Anne have which referred to her heavy drinking`brandy nan
What nickname do models have for the Catwalk`runway
What nickname do models have for the Catwalk`the runway
what nickname is given to a studious and literary woman`blue stocking
What nickname is given to the clubhouse bar on a golf course`the 19th hole
What nickname is given to the spectators who follow pro golfer Arnold Palmer around the golf course`Arnies Army
What nickname is given to the spectators who follow pro golfer Lee Trevino around the golf course`Lees Fleas
what nickname was given to mary tudor for murdering so many protestants`bloody mary
What nickname was given to the day when over 100 billion was wiped off the value of shares in the city of London`black monday
What nickname was given to The Lady Juliana, being the only convict ship from England to arrive in Australia with more people alive than when it set off`The Floating Brothel
What nickname was legally added to the full name of boxer Marvin Hagler`Marvelo
what nickname was the "cy" in baseball pitcher cy young's name short for`cyclone
What night club did Ricky work at on 'I Love Lucy'`the tropicana
what night did whigfiels sing about`saturday night
What nocturnal bird is traditionally believed to be wise`owl
What nom de plume was adopted by the writer Joel Chandler Harris`uncle remus
What non-alcoholic syrup is made from pomegranate juice`grenadine
what nonconformist group did london's daily express call 'the new barbarians' in 1958`beatniks
What non-human company did Thoe Heyerdahl have on the Kon_Tiki`parrot
What non mechanical sport achieves the highest speeds`skydiving
what non-surgical instrument do physicians use to explore bodily internals`endoscope
what non-working, stingless bee mates with the queen`a drone
What Norse explorer introduced Christianity to Greenland around 1000 A.D.`leif ericsson
What North African country contains the largest area of the Sahara`algeria
what north american grazer does the chamois resemble?`goat
What north american indian peoples' name meant 'the ancient ones'`anasazi
What North American river was discovered by Sir Alexander Mackenzie`mackenzie
What Northeastern European country's capital is Tallinn?`Estonia
What northern country Helsinki the capital of`finland
what northern england suspension bridge has a central span of 1410 metres`humber bridge
What northern nation's geyser heated soil allows it to grow bananas`iceland's
what north korean reservoir was the site of an epic marine corps battle?`chosin reservoir
What notable band did Vinnie Lopez play for`The East Street Band
What note has a time value of two crotchets`minim
What note is placed on the centre line of a treble clef`b
What note sounds at 261.6 hertz`middle c
What not so hep disease had its virus finally identified in 1984`hepatitis
What novel begins with the sentence, In my younger and more vulnerable years, my father gave me some advice that Ive been turning over in my mind ever since.`The Great Gatsby
What novel by Geoffrey Household was about an attempt to kill Hitler`rogue male
What novel centres on the romances of Ursula and Gudrun Brangwen`women in love
What novel contains the line: "Who promoted Major Major"`catch 22
What novel did Daphne du Mauruer write about Cornish Shipwreckers`jamaica inn
what novel opens with 'the great fish moved silently through the night water'`jaws
What novel recounts john blackthorne's adventures in 16th century japan`shogun
what novel was alexandra ripley hired to pen a sequel to?`gone with the wind
what novel was subtitled memoirs of a woman in pleasure`fanny hill
What novel was the basis for Paper Moon`addie pray
What novel was written by mary shelley at the age of 19`frankenstein
What nuclear disaster greatly increased the relevance of The China Syndrom`three mile island
What nuclear process takes place in an H-Bomb`fusion
What number american president is george W bush`43rd
What number cant be represented in Roman numerals`zero
what number can't be written in roman numerals`zero
What number did Adolf Hitler believe possessed supernatural powers`seven
What number did Levi Strauss affix to the first pair of jeans sold`501
What number did Mickey Mantle Wear`7
What number did Roger Bannister wear when he broke the 4 minute mile`forty-one
What number does a heart denote on a Moroccan bank note`five
What number does Chris Webber wear`4
What number does the Roman numeral C represent`100
What number does VII mean in roman numerals`seven
What number does Vince Carter wear`15
what number is at 12 o'clock on a darboard`twenty
What number is at 12 o'clock on a dart board`20
what number is at 12 o'clock on a dartboard?`twenty
What number is at 6 o'clock on a dart board`three
What number is at the top of a dice if four is at the bottom`three
What number is on the opposite side of the 'five' on dice`two
what number is represented by the roman numerals cxv`115
What number is represented in Morse code by five dashes`zero
What number is represented in Morse code by five dots`five
what number is signified by the prefix mega`million
What number is talc on Mohs Scale of hardness of minerals`one
What number is used to represent satan`666
What number lies between 1 & 5 on a dart board`twenty
What number on a pH scale indicates a neutral substance`seven
What number on the Richter scale, does an earthquake have to reach to be considered major`seven
What number results if you add the number of Commandments to the faces of a regular icosahedron`thirty
What numbers can be found on the back of the U S $5 dollar bill in the bushes at the base of the Lincoln Memorial`172
What numbers does the binary system use`one and zero
What number stays the same when you square it or cube it`one
What number when increased by 10%, the result of which is decreased by 10% gives you 99`one hundred
What number wood is a driver in golf`one
what numeber does allen iverson wear`3
What numerical computer language doesn't have pointer or recursion`fortran
What nursery rhyme character sang for his supper`little tommy tucker
What nursery rhyme character slept in the mountains for 20years`rip van winkle
What nursery rhyme character was arachnaphobic`little miss muffet
What nut is used in the manufacture of dynamite`peanut
What nutrient is required by the body in order to build up muscles`protein
what nuts are used in marzipan`almond
What nuts are used in marzipan`almonds
What nuts are used in the production of dynamite`peanuts
What oath begins: I swear by Apollo`the hippcratic oath
What oath do doctors take`hippocratic
What object is said to bring bad luck if it is broken`mirror
What object is usually attached to a life jacket`whistle
What object,later named Eureka was found by children in the dust at Hopetown in South Africa`countrys first diamond
What occupation did David Jason, Lech Walesa and Ricky Tomlinson all once have in common`electrician
What occupation was the man that Max says 'I hope you're as good as you look soldier cause I'm not a girl that takes disappointment lying down.' to?`Soldier
What ocean contains the Cape Verde Basin`atlantic
What ocean current moderates the weather in north-western europe`gulf stream
What ocean does mauritania border`atlantic
What ocean does the Gulf of Panama lead into`pacific
What ocean does the Zambezi River empty into`indian
What ocean fills nearly a complete hemisphere of the earth's surface`pacific ocean
What Ocean is 64,186,000 square miles`pacific
What ocean is almost exactly half the size of the Pacific`atlantic
What ocean is found along the east border of asia`pacific ocean
What ocean is Mauritius in`indian
What ocean is only a 12th of the size of the Pacific`arctic
What ocean is the Malay Sea considered part of`pacific
What ocean is zero degrees longitude, zero degrees latitude, found in`atlantic
What ocean lies to the north of Alaska`arctic ocean
What ocean liner became a hotel in California`queen mary
What ocean liner burned and sunk in Hong Kong harbour`the queen elizabeth
what ocean liner was christened on sept 20, 1967, at clydebank, scotland`queen elizabeth ii
What ocean's area is 64,186,000 square miles`pacific ocean
What ocean separates North America from Europe`atlantic
What ocean surrounds Pitcairn Island`pacific
What ocean surrounds the Madeira Islands`atlantic
What ocean surrounds the Maldive islands`indian
what ocean surrounds the maldive islands`indian ocean
What ocean surrounds the Sargasso Sea`atlantic
What "Odius column" was opened to the public in 1898`eiffel tower
What office is the penguin running for in batman returns`the mayor
What officer of king pharoah bought joseph as a slave`potiphar
what office supply is measured in reams?`paper
What office supply item does Dilbert count?`Staples
What official in ancient Rome was chosen by the people to protect their interests`tribune
What official residence is home to the worlds first golliwog`chequers
What % of men did not read a single book last year`33%
What Ohio city is known as "the rubber capital of the world"`akron
what oil company did chevron buy for more than 13 billion in 1984`gulf oil corporation
What oil does the flax plant produce`linseed oil
what oil is used on 'bruschetta'`olive oil
What oil tycoon left more then one billion dollars when he died in 1976`j paul getty
What old Coke product has somewhat recently been put back into the market`Mellow Yellow
What old Communist country is closest to the US`ussr
What old London asylum's name became an English word meaning a scene of uproar`bedlam
What Olympic aquatic event includes such positions as the flamingo, crane & fishtail`synchronized swimming
What Olympic event's winner is considered the world's greatest athlete`decathlon
what olympic event's winner is considered the world's greatest athlete`the decathlon
What Olympic event's winner is considered to be the "world's greatest athlete"`the decathlon's
What olympic team did andre agassi's father box for`iranian olympic team
What on a boat is a spinnaker`sail
What on a cat are its vibrissae`whiskers
What, on an Italian menu, is 'zuppa inglese'`trifle
What once accidentally popped out when Kenneth Kendall was reading the news`one of his teeth
What, on earth, did TIROS 1, a US satellite launched in 1960 study`the weather
What one metallic element could critically harm Superman`kryptonite
What one type of cattle produces more than eighty percent of the UK's milk`friesian
What one word fits ____hood; ____hole; ____date`man
What ONE word fits hood; hole; date`man
What one word fits ____stream; ____hill; _____pour`down
What ONE word fits stream; hill; pour`down
What one word links all of these: above, height, mean`average
What one word links all of these: baby, father, stand`grand
What one word links all of these: bar, reference, section`cross
What one word links all of these: beauty, deep, walker`sleep
What one word links all of these: beer, milk, wooden`crate
What one word links all of these: blonde, mountain, tray`ash
What one word links all of these: board, ground, heavens`above
What one word links all of these: boat, net, tube`torpedo
What one word links all of these: bond, insurance, rate`premium
What one word links all of these: boy, poodle, soft`toy
What one word links all of these: bred, fall, treated`ill
What one word links all of these: brick, fresh, pocket`air
What one word links all of these: butter, salted, shell`peanut
What one word links all of these: camera, coffee, replay`instant
What one word links all of these: car, mower, starter`motor
What one word links all of these: case, shy, video`camera
What one word links all of these: catcher, glass, I`spy
What one word links all of these: centre, ending, optic`nerve
What one word links all of these: chimney, mine, road`sweeper
What one word links all of these: comic, glasses, soap`opera
What one word links all of these: comment, labour, manner`casual
What one word links all of these: concert, football, radio`programme
What one word links all of these: cprporal, free, lot`lance
What one word links all of these: crab, eating, juice`apple
What one word links all of these: cradle, gun, toe`cap
What one word links all of these: cream, pie, powder`custard
What one word links all of these: cylinder, naural, station`gas
What one word links all of these: day, nurse, rhyme`nursery
What one word links all of these: down, seat, shop`bucket
What one word links all of these: down, stiff, uphill`climb
What one word links all of these: driver, fly, mobile`crane
What one word links all of these: eagle, golden, shadow`eye
What one word links all of these: fillet, ling, piece`cod
What one word links all of these: flower, hole, melting`pot
What one word links all of these: flower, post, sick`bed
What one word links all of these: free, model, political`demonstration
What one word links all of these: gallery, nouveau, pop`art
What one word links all of these: gesture, gift, strike`token
What one word links all of these: going, part, wheel`spare
What one word links all of these: gold, hour, mat`rush
What one word links all of these: good, law, leg`bye
What one word links all of these: greek, send, willing`god
What one word links all of these: guard, parcel, removal`van
What one word links all of these: heating, issue, park`central
What one word links all of these: idle. lightning, trap`speed
What one word links all of these: inert, laughing, tap`gas
What one word links all of these: inner, ring, trumpet`ear
What one word links all of these: intestine, loom, scale`large
What one word links all of these: korea, magnetic, wind`north
What one word links all of these: life, path, spin`cycle
What one word links all of these: light, pupil, sun`day
What one word links all of these: loft, make, wain`hay
What one word links all of these: lucky, sherbet, stick`dip
What one word links all of these: morning, weather, reception`frosty
What one word links all of these: number, piece, way`one
What one word links all of these: out, pipe, tyre`burst
What one word links all of these: patch, red, white`cabbage
What one word links all of these: plus, radiation, rays`gamma
What one word links all of these: precious, quaver, tone`semi
What one word links all of these: student, time , trade`rag
what one word makes sense when it precedes age, class and east?`middle
what one word makes sense when it precedes top, drive and rock`hard
What one word makes sense when it precedes top, drive & rock`hard
What one word may be added to news, carbon and wall`paper
What one word may be added to news, carbon & wall`paper
what online service is highlighted in the film 'you've got mail'`america online
What opened on the 6th may 1994`channel tunnel
What operatic heroine kills herself on her fathers sword`madame butterfly
What operating system in used on an ibm as400`os400
What operation did Thai men receive free of charge in 1987`vasectomy
what orchestra leader used the words "wunderful, wunderful"`lawrence welk
What orchestral piece did Sibelius write as a patriotic tribute to his homeland`finlandia
What orchestra's theme song was "Moonlight Serenade"`glenn miller orchestra
What order of columns support the Parthenon in Athens`doric
What order of insects contains the most species`beetles
What ore is aluminium made of`bauxite
What organ contains the island of Langerhans`pancreas
What organ contains the smallest bones`ear
What organ did Aristotle think the blood cooled`brain
what organ endured its first us transplant in 1954?`kidney
What organ gave us the word 'hysterical'`uterus
What organic compound does the chemical formula 'C_12H_22_O11' represent`sucrose
What organic compound does the chemical formula 'C_6H_12_O6' represent`glucose
what organic gem is a deep red secretion from a marine animal`coral
What organisation did illya kuryakin work for`uncle
what organisation did mr waverly assign agents for`uncle
what organ is inflamed in the condition encephalitis?`brain
what organization appreciates a gift of erythrocytes`red cross
What organization did Benjamin Chavis take over as head in 1993`naacp
what organization did rod stewart donate all his royalties from do ya think i'm sexy? to`unicef
What organization fought ecological battles from its flagship, Rainbow Warrior`greenpeace
What organization helped defend earth in "ultra man"`science patrol
What organization's launch was FDR preparing to attend when he died`the united nations
What organization was given the only Nobel Peace Price awarded during World War I`International Red Cross
What organization was given the only Nobel Peace Price awarded during World War I?`The Red Cross
What organization was given the only Nobel peace price awarded during WW I`international red cross
What organization was the forerunner to the cia`office of strategic services
What organ of the body is particularly affected by hepatitis`liver
What organ will most often suffer permanent damage if you have amoebic dysentery`the liver
What originally gave "foolscap" paper it's name`the watermark - of a fool's cap
What originally provided the source of dyes for tartan cloth`lichen
what original member of nbc's saturday night live crew once wrote for mad magazine`chevy chase
what original monopoly property is known in france as avenue des champs elysees`park place
What originates from the dalmatian coast`dalmatians
What Orville and Wilbur Wrights achievement in 1903`first power driven flight
What or where is Europa`one of jupiters moons
What Oscar Wilde character possessed a supernatural picture`dorian gray
What OS is primarily used in banks and ATMs only.`os/2
what os was originally called dr-dos`opendos
What other animal, beside a human, can stand on its head`The Asian Elephant
what other band did black sabbath's tony lommi play with?`jethro tull
What other common name is given to a rook in chess`castle
What other element besides hydrogen does water contain`oxygen
what other name did prince namor of atlantis go by`the sub-mariner
What other name does Stephen King write under`Richard Bachman
What other relative of Travolta's made a cameo in Saturday Night Fever`His sister
what other type of animals are bet on at raceways besides the horse`greyhound dogs
What other type of animals are bet on at raceways besides the horse`greyhounds
What other word describes The Young Cannibals`fine
what ottawa indian tribal chief led an uprising against the british`pontiac
What outdoor sport does 'love' mean a score of zero in`tennis
What outfit merged with Time Warner in 1996 to form the world's largest entertainment company`turner broadcasting systems
what outfit's trucks are billed as "built fun tough"?`ford
what 'outlaw's' first hit was luchenbach, texas`waylon jennings
what outweighs the world's humans 10-1`termites
What oval shaped organ near the stomach purify's blood`spleen
what pacific atoll has been the site of numerous french nuclear tests`muraroa atoll
What Pacific country's capital overlooks Pegasus Bay`new zealand
What pacific island is Noumea the capital of`new caledonia
what painter has been dubbed "the rich man's norman rockwell"?`andrew wyeth
What painting depicts the sister & the dentist of artist Grant Wood as rural farm folk`american gothic
What painting medium was mastered by the victorians`watercolour
What painting movement was conceived by pablo picasso and georges braque`cubism
What palace is found on the site of james i's mulberry orchard`buckingham
What palace was build by the sun king ,Louis XIV in the previous century`versailles
What paper is used to test acid and alkali`litmus
What parasitic plant is used at Christmas to promote kissing`mistletoe
What paris restaurant is at 3 rue royal`maxim's
what park contains firehole river and fairy falls?`yellowstone national park
What Parker Brothers game can be bought in 23 languages`monopoly
What part did ray bolger play in the wizard of oz`scarecrow
What part of a bathroom tap most often needs to be replaced`washer
What part of a camera clicks when a photograph is taken`shutter
What part of a chicken is the 'parson's nose'`rump
what part of a cinnamon tree is used to make cinnamon?`bark
What part of a face, according to research, do infants like most to look at`eyes
What part of a horse would you look at to determine its age`teeth
What part of a human takes about 6 months to grow from base to tip`nails
What part of a knights armour was a basinet`helmet
What part of a man's body do women admire the most?`buttocks
What part of an eatery do some restaurant owners call "the cancer ward"`the smoking section
What part of a Persian king's attire has been adapted for use by women as evening wear`tiara
What part of a person's body must be clutched to feel the 'biceps'`upper arm
What part of a womans body grows during sex`Breasts
What part of Britain is St. David the patron saint of`wales
What part of David Livingstone is buried in Africa`his heart
what part of europe did the normans leave to invade england in 1066`normandy
What part of highland dress is a filiberg`kilt
What part of las vegas has been designated an official scenic byway`the
what part of las vegas has been designated an official scenic byway`the strip
What part of Lenins body was found to be a quarter if its normal size`his brain
What part of New York City was called broken land by the Dutch`brooklyn
what part of the anatomy is Mike Tyson partial to`Ears
What part of the body does a chiropodist treat`feet
What part of the body does a cytologist study`cells
What part of the body does a neuro-surgeon specialise in`nervous system
what part of the body does a rhinologist specialize in`the nose
What part of the body does arthritis particularly affect`the bone joints
what part of the body does glaucoma strike?`eyes
What part of the body does lacrimal fluid lubricate`eyes
What part of the body goes to sleep when you experience taresthesia`foot
What part of the body has a crown, a neck & a root`tooth
What part of the body has a thin drum like membrane stretched across a tube`ear
What part of the body is a busby worn on`head
What part of the body is affected by conjunctivitis`the eye
What part of the body is affected by rhinitis`nose
What part of the body is inflamed by hepatitis`liver
What part of the body is inflamed in hepatitus`liver
What part of the body is particularly affected by pneumonia`lungs
What part of the church contains the choir and altar`chancel
what part of the eye continues to grow throughout a person's life`Lens
What part of the eye is affected by cataracts?`Lens
What part of the human body is most commonly bitten by insects`foot
what part of the human body is most commonly bitten by insects`the foot
What part of the human body is most commonly bitten by insects`two hundred
what part of the human body is most commonly bitten by insects`two hundred and six
What part of the nervous system controls involuntary processes such as breathing and digestion?`Autonomic Nervous System
What part of the polar bear is highly intoxicating to eskimos`liver
What part of the world did Sir Ernest Shackleton explore most`antarctica
What part of you is an orthodontist most interested in`teeth
What part of you is probably type a, b, ab or o`blood
What part of your body can have a gastric ulcer`your stomach
What part of your body contains vertebrae`your spine
What part of your body hurts when you have mumps`throat
What part of your body is elastic, waterproof, washable & fits you very well`skin
What parts of a building does a glazier instal`windows
What parts of a car have drums & shoes`brakes
what parts of hogs are sold as chitterlings?`small intestines
What parts of people's bodies contain their femurs`legs
What parts of the rhubarb plant are poisonous`leaves
What part was played by Patrick Newell in the series The Avengers`mother
what pasadena, texas, nightclub is featured in the 1980 movie urban cowboy`gilley's
What passenger train once ran between London and Edinburgh`flying scotsman
What passenger train once ran between London & Edinburgh`flying scotsman
What pasta gets its name from the Italian word for tongue`linguini
What pastry is uded to make eclairs`choux
what pastry is used to make eclairs`choux
What Patsy Cline song put LeAnn Rimes in the limelight`blue
What peace treaty ended WWI`treaty of versailles
what peak is the highest point in arizona?`humphreys
What peanuts character clings to a security blanket`linus
What peanuts character has a brother named spike`snoopy
What peninsula does Denmark occupy`jutland
What peninsula does Mexico occupy`yucatan peninsula
what peninsula do spain and portugal share`iberian
What peninsula is occupied by Norway & Sweden`scandinavian
What people first used fountain pens`ancient egyptians
What people were the first to use the rounded arch`romans
What percentage of adults have consented to have sex simply because they are to embarrassed to say no?`17%
What percentage of alcohol is contained in a 100 proof mixture`fifty
what percentage of a meatball has to be meat under us agriculture guidelines`65 percent
What percentage of American women sleep nude?`7%
What percentage of a peanut is fat`fourty seven
What percentage of british homes have gardens`80%
What percentage of canadians dine out regularly`70 percent
What percentage of Earth's circumference does the Great Wall span`ten
what percentage of eligible voters voted in the 1988 u.s. presidential election`50
What percentage of fire related deaths is due to smoke inhalation`eighty
What percentage of fire related deaths is due to smoke inhalation`eighty percent
What percentage of married women will be unfaithful to their husbands?`Forty percent
What percentage of melon is water`95%
What percentage of men claim to shave all of their pubic hair regularly?`10%
What percentage of men experiences an occasional difficulty getting an erection?`50
What percentage of men have lied about how many women they have sleep with just to get in bed with a woman?`47%
What percentage of men have lied in order to receive sex?`34%
What percentage of men have wet dreams?`85%
What percentage of men plan their first sexual encounter?`25%
What percentage of men that earn more then $60,000 a year has commited adultery?`70%
What percentage of people are left-handed`seventeen percent
What percentage of the Earth's crust is salty`ninety two
What percentage of the earth's surface is land, approximately`thirty percent
What percentage of the earths weight is taken up by the oceans`less than 1
what percentage of the earths weight is taken up by the oceans?`less than 1 percent
What percentage of the human brain is water`eighty
What percentage of UK brides are pregnant on their wedding day?`thirty four percent
What percentage of UK prostitutes are men?`10%
What percentage of women claim to shave all of their pubic hair regularly?`25%
What percentage of women prefer sex with man on top?`53%
What percentage of women swallow their partner's ejaculate every time they engage in oral sex?`30%
What percentage of your weight is water 30, 50 or 70 percent`seventy
what percent of adults believe that during the next century evidence will be discovered that shows other life in this or other galaxies`68%
What percent of caffeine must be removed from coffee to be labeled as 'decaffeinated'`97 percent
What percent of the world's water is potable (drinkable)`one percent
What percent of ticket sales did arthur rubenstein demand from concerts`seventy
What period is the age of fish`devonian
What peter sellers movie did ringo starr appear in`magic christian
What peter shaffer play is about a boy who blinds six horses`equus
What Pete Seeger composition became the peace campaigners anthem`we shall overcome
What pet is it against the law to have a in Iceland`Dogs
What pets did lyndon johnson have`beagles
What phase of moon precedes a full moon`gibbous
What phenomenon is caused by the gravitational attraction of the moon`Tides
What Philadelphia Phillie often chewed 30 pieces of bubble gum per game`john kruk
What Philippine volcano erupted in 1991`mt pinatubo
What Philip Roth book's subject matter caused Jacqueline Susann to note: "i wouldn't want to shake hands with the author"`portnoy's complaint
What philosopher bears a breakfast item of the same name`francis bacon
What philosophy is associated with jean paul sartre`existentialism
What phone model did Bell introduce for bedroom conversationalists`princess phone
what photographic device was invented by edwin land in 1947`polaroid camera
what phrase did flo make famous on alice?`kiss mah grits
What phrase did the nazi adopt in the 1920s to label their new order`the third reich
What phrase is another way of saying covered in bruises`black and blue
What phrase is associated with the happy face`have a nice day
What phrase meaning 'replacement or backup,' comes from the middle ages when an archer always carried an extra string in case the one on his bow broke`second string
What physical activity comes naturally to most animals but has to be taught to humans`swimming
What physical disability is also known as nanism`dwarfism
What physical disability is also known as nanism`the condition of being a dwarf
what physicist is considered the 'father of modern rocketry'`robert goddard
What pianist always wanted you to meet his brother george`liberace
What piano man used to play for Bette Middler and then went on to his own career and made Hits like "Mandy" and "Copacabana"?`barry manilow
WhatpianomanusedtoplayforBetteMiddlerandthenwentontohisowncareerandmadeHitslike"Mandy"and"Copacabana"`barry manilow
What pictorial record of the Battle of Hastings`the bayeux tapestry
What piece of bent wire, invented in 1899 replaced the pin and ribbon`paper clip
What piece of land did France sell to America in 1803`louisiana
What piece of music commemorates military action that took place on 16th May 1943`the dam busters
What piece of operatic music accompanies the transformation of a russian prince into a vengeful insect`the flight of the bumble bee
what piece stands to the left or right of a rook at the start of a chess game`knight
What pigment affects the colour of the hair & skin`melanin
What pigment allows humans to see better at night`rhodopsin
what pigment is found in all leaves?`chlorophyll
What pigment is missing from the skin of human albinos`melanin
what pigment is responsible for the red color in leaves?`anthocyanins
what pigment is responsible for the yellow color in leaves?`xanthophyll
what pink floyd album topped all in 1980`the wall
What Pink Floyd album was the best-selling album by a British act in the U.S.`The Wall
what pink food helps make flamingos pink?`shrimp
what pitcher gave up mcgwire's 70th homer`carl pavano
what pitcher was nicknamed 'oil can'`dennis boyd
What Pittsburgh Penguin star scored his 600th NHL goal on an Empty net`Mario Lemieux
what pittsburgh pirate was killed in a 1972 plane crash`clemente
What place in the Yukon is known for its 1300 signposts`watson pass
What place is known as the garden of England`Kent
What place is known as 'the land nowhere near'`cape three points
What place on earth gets the most rainfall`kauai
What plane did Aerospatiale of France & the British Aircraft Corp. develop`the concord
What planet boasts the Great Red Spot`Jupiter
What planet did Alf come from?`Melmac
What planet did Percival Lovell discover`pluto
what planet did pioneer 11 take its first close look at on september 1, 1979`saturn
What planet did Star Treks Mr Spock come from`vulcan
What planet did the Mariner space craft explore`venus
What planet did the Thundercats live on?`Third Earth.
What planet did Viking 1 Land on`mars
What planet does Star trek's Mr. Spock come from`Vulcan
What planet does the moon charon orbit`pluto
what planet gave birth to superman`krypton
What planet has a magnetic field 50 times stronger than that of Earth`uranus
What planet has a pink sky`mars
What planet has the Great Red Spot`jupiter
What planet has the longest day`venus
what planet in the solar system is the largest?`jupiter
What planet is best known as both the morning and the evening star`venus
what planet is closest to the sun in the solar system`mercury
what planet is closest to the sun`mercury
What planet is considered the Earth's twin in size and mass`venus
What planet is considered the earth's twin in size & mass`venus
What planet is farthest from the sun in the Milky Way`pluto
What planet is nearest the sun`mercury
What planet is often referred to as Earth's sister planet`venus
What planet is taken over by aliens called overlords in arthur c clarke's novel childhood's end`earth
What planet is the brightest object in the sky, after the Moon and the Sun`venus
what planet is third from the sun`earth
what planet is tv's alf from`melmac
what planet's diameter is almost the same as the earth's`venus
What planet's moons include Io, Ganymede and Hades`jupiter
What planet's moon was the destination in 2001 a space odyssey`jupiter
What planet's orbit does Pluto's intersect`neptune
What planet travels around the Sun every 248 years`pluto
What planet was pummeled by pieces of Shoemaker levy 9 in 1994, producing 2000 mile high fireballs`jupiter
What planet was Spock brought back to life on?`Genesis
what plane used by the u.s. marines has vertical take-off and landing capabilities`harrier jet
What plant did St. Patrick use to explain the Trinity`shamrock
What plant does a natural vanilla flavouring come from`orchid
What plant family (strictly genus) do azaleas belong to`rhododendron
What plant has been used to relieve migraines`feverfew
What plant has the largest seed`coconut
what plant is least botanically related to coffee`cocoa
What plant is opium derived from?`Poppy
What plant is opium derived from`the poppy
What plant is revered by the lovers of the stinky rose`garlic
What plant is rum made from`sugar cane
What plant is snuff made from`tobacco
What plant is sometimes referred to as a 'sparrow grass'`asparagus
What plant is the drug digitalis obtained from`foxglove
what plant is the heart drug digitalis obtained from`foxglove
What plant is the national symbol for Scotland`thistle
what plant is the "sloe" the fruit of`the blackthorn
What plant is the Welsh national emblem`leek
What plant is used for thatching roofs`reeds
What plant maybe 'black', 'green' or 'deadly'`nightshade
What plant provides almost half the world's sugar`sugar beet
What plant's bulb can make you cry`onion
What plant takes its name from the Italian for 'Beautiful lady'`belladonna
What plant was used as a model for corinthian columns`acanthus
what playboy and national lampoon cartoonist put together the book i paint what i see`gahan wilson
What play contains the line 'something is rotten in the state of denmark'`hamlet
What player on a basketball team usually plays the post or pivot position`centre
what players silhouette is on the nba logo`jerry west
What play has recorded more performances than any other in british theatre`mousetrap
what playing card is called "the curse of scotland"?`nine of diamonds
What play marked marlon brando's last broadway appearance`a streetcar named
what play marked marlon brando's last broadway appearance?`a streetcar named desire
What play was being performed when Abraham Lincoln was shot`our american cousin
what playwright is the honored subject of the stratford festival?`william shakespeare
what pledge must be taken upon becoming a us citizen?`pledge of allegiance
what poem begins 'twas brillig, and the slithy toves..'`jabberwocky
What poem did Dante write about heaven & hell`The Divine Comedy
What poem is recited as the finale to Disney's christmas festivities`a visit from st nicholas
what poem is recited as the finale to disney's christmas festivities?`visit from st nicholas
what poet asked "who ever loved, that loved not at first sight"?`chrisopher marlowe
what poet "heard a fly buzz when i died"`emily dickinson
what poetic device did traditional anglo-saxon poetry use most often`alliteration
What poet won the pulitzer prize 4 times`robert frost
What poet wrote how do i love thee`elizabeth barrett browning
What poet wrote "Locksley Hall"`alfred lord tennyson
What poet wrote "Ode to a Nightingale"`john keats
what poet wrote the "elegy written in a country churchyard"?`thomas gray
What point did Scotsman John Napier introduce in a book in 1617`decimal point
what poisonous gas is contained in the exhaust fumes from cars?`carbon monoxide
What poke hand comprises three of a kind and a pair`full house
what poker hand comprises of a three of a kind and a pair`full house
what pole did some 1.5 million zaireans flock to see in 1980?`pope john paul ii
What pole is colder the South Pole or the North Pole`the south pole
what pole is considered the father of modern astronomy`nicolas copernicus
What police force were named in recognition after the statesman Sir Robert Peel who organized the force`London Bobbies
What police force worked for Mack Sennett`keystone kops
What police-officer-turned-writer wrote "The Blue Knight"`joseph wambaugh
What police show featured Officers Webster, Gillis and Danko`rookies
What police show featured Officers Webster, Gillis & Danko`rookies
What Polish composer established piano as a solo instrument free from choral or orchestral influence?`Chopin
What political conversion did Pablo Picasso make in 1944`communist
what political figure was reported as having been seen at the home of marilyn monroe on the day of her death`bobby kennedy
What political position did Ronald Reagan hold before becoming President of the United States`Governor of California
What Polynesian people inhabit New Zealand`maori
what pool shark did jackie gleason portray in the hustler?`minnesota fats
what pop artist designed the cover for the rolling stones' sticky fingers album`andy warhol
What pope died 33 days after his election`john paul i
what pop group recorded the title track for "a view to a kill" in 1985?`a-ha
what pop group recorded the title track for "a view to a kill" in 1985`duran duran
What pop group was originally named 'The Quarrymen'?`The Beatles
What pops out of a cicadas ovipositor`eggs
What popular american tune was borrowd as the theme in the finale of Dvoraks New World Symphony`yankee doodle
What popular American writer coined the word Nerd`doctor seuss
What popular brand named of sugar coated breakfast cereal contained so much iron when introduced in 1977 it could be picked up with a magnet`kellogg's frosted rice cereal
What popular card game originated in Turkey`bridge
What popular catch-phrase of the 70s appeared in Shakespeares Julius Caesar`Right On
What popular dance did the New York musical Runnin Wild introduce in 1923`the charleston
What popular drink was introduced at the St Louis World's Fair in 1904`ice tea
what popular ocean shortcut opened august 15, 1914?`panama canal
what popular pastime was introduced in 1863`roller skating
What popular sitcom star played michael p. keaton's girlfriend lauren miller on family ties`courteney cox
what popular violin player was born in singapore`vanessa mae
what porno film title was used as a cover for a watergate informer`deep throat
What porno star had the longest penis`John Holmes
What portable device did James Spengler invent in 1907, using a soap box, pillow case, a fan & tape`the vacuum cleaner
What portable object is the Teleram T-3000`computer
what port city serves tokyo`yokohama
what port in a computer is refered to as the netbios sharing port`139
What port in a computer is refered to as the SOCKS4 Firewall port`1080
What port is served by the river Taff`cardiff
What portrait is also known as 'La Gioconda'`mona lisa
What portuguese territory will revert to china in 1999`macao
what poseidon adventurer was playboy's playmate of the month for january 1960`stella stevens
what position did babe ruth play when he first entered major league baseball`pitcher
what position did baseball legend cy young play`pitcher
what position did mac davis play in north dallas forty`quarterback
What position do baseball's 'cy young award' winners play`pitcher
What position does a sloth spend its day in`upside down
what position does chris webber play`forward
what position does shaquille o'neal play`center
what position do you play to be able to win the cy young award?`pitcher
what position has been held by 266 men, 33 of whom have died violently`pope
What position was held by Javiar Perez de Cuellar in 1991`U.N general secretary
What poster queens's record did et beat with sales of ten million in 1982`farrah fawcett
what post twist dance was named after an african tribe?`watusi
what power source did stephen ptacek use to fly the english channel`solar
what precedes: 'and never the twain shall meet'`east is east and west is west
What precious metal did alchemists call luna`silver
What precious metal does the U S store in fort knox`gold
What precious stone is a deep red variety of corundum`ruby
What prescription drug is Krusty addicted to?`Percadine
What present-day state was purchased by the US in 1819`florida
What present does Herb give Bart in 8F23?`NRA Membership
What president could write Latin with one hand & Greek with the other`james garfield
What president ended his career on January 17, 1961`dwight eisenhower
What president had a slave for a mistress`thomas jefferson
what president had been a principal in an academy in north pownal, vt?`chester a arthur
What president had red hair`thomas jefferson
what presidential candidate from indiana lost to roosevelt in 1940`wendell
what presidential candidate from indiana lost to roosevelt in 1940`wendell willkie
What presidential ticket featured the slogan: "Get America Moving Again"`carter & mondale
what presidential ticket was dubbed bozo and the pineapple`gerald ford & robert dole
What President invented the Odometer`thomas jefferson
What President promised a chicken in every pot`Herbert Hoover
What presidents birthday is a national holiday`george washington
What president's hobbies included pitching hay, fishing, and golf`calvin
what president's hobbies included pitching hay, fishing, and golf?`calvin coolidge
what president started the "new frontier"`john f kennedy
What President started the "New Frontier"`john kennedy
what president started the "square deal"`teddy roosevelt
what president's wife saw him elected but died before his inauguration?`andrew jackson
what president's youngest child was born when he was 70 years old`john tyler
what president was criticized for picking up his beagles by the ears?`johnson
What President was General Omar Bradley's classmate in 1915 at West Point`dwight eisenhower
What president was nicknamed Sword of the Revolution`george washington
What pre-tv radio show turned film caused people to commit suicide when it was first aired`war of the worlds
What primate, from the mountains of Japan, keeps warm in winter by bathing in hot volcanic springs?`macaque
what prime time soap opera about high fashion modeling lasted half a seaso`paper dolls
What prime-time soap opera debuted as a five-part miniseries in 1978`dallas
what prime time soap was mark harmon a regular on in 1981-1982?`flamingo road
What Prince LP did Wal-Mart refuse to stock in May, 1988`love sexy
what prince lp's opening track is "let's go crazy"`purple rain
What principality derives its revenues from casinos instead of taxes`monaco
What principality has the House of Grimaldi ruled since the middle ages`monaco
What printer did seiko develop for the 1964 tokyo olympics`dot matrix
What printing system utilizes tiny dots`dot matrix
what prints are used by breeders and trainers to identify dogs`nose prints
What prison is found at princetown`dartmoor
What prison island was off the coast of French Guiana`Devil's Island
What pro athlete did Fortune claim added $10 billion to the U.S. economy, in 1998`michael jordan
What probably caused the craters on the moon`meteors
What problem did Jack have?`Severe convulsions
What process allows plants receiving sunlight to make their own food`photosynthesis
What process did Nicholas Appart develop after discovering that you could preserve fruit in a jar by sealing it and boiling it`the canning process
What process does animal hide have to undergo to become leather`tanning
What process forms drumlins, eskers and cirques`glaciation
What process involves the heating of milk to a temperature of about 60 degrees`pasteurisation
What Procol Harem tune was based on the Bach cantata 'Sleepers Awake'`A Whiter Shade of Pale
What Procol Harem tune was based on the Bach cantata Sleepers Awake`Whiter Shade of Pale
What produce did Molly Malone sell`cockles and mussels
what producer, dubbed king of the nudies, hit it big with vixen in 1968`russ meyer
What produces the natural gas which is New Zealand's contibution to the greenhouse effect`sheep
What product built hershey, pennsylvania`chocolate
what product claimed to have the "skin you love to touch"?`woodbury
What product did farfel the dog advertise`nestle's chocolate
what product featured the slogan, "try it, you'll like it"?`alka seltzer
What product first produced in germany had a formula that combined alcohol, lemon spirits, orange bitters and mint oil`cologne
What product is known for sponsoring the "rotten sneaker contest`odor eater
What product is sold with "just for the taste of it"'`diet coke
What product is sold with the slogan "just for the taste of it"'`diet coke
What product orginally sold as 'the esteemed brain tonic & intellectual beverage'`coca cola
What product's TV commercial launched Lorraine Chase's career`campari
What product used the slogan "hasn't scratched yet"`bon ami cleaning powder
what product was advertised by the first commercial to portray nudity on us televison (1987)?`viola brassieres
what product was endorsed by bill cosby?`kodak
What product was endorsed by Don Meredith`lipton tea
what product was endorsed by dorothy hammill?`short & sassy
What product was endorsed by Ella Fitzgerald`memorex
what product was endorsed by lorne greene`alpo
what product was endorsed by sammy davis jr?`alka seltzer
what product was endorsed by tom bosley?`glad trash bags
What product was the first to use a photograph of a nude woman in its advertisements`Woodbury Soap
What product was the first TV advert advertising`Toothpaste
What professional sport does Junkyard Dog star in`wrestling
What professional wrestler is known as "The Heartbreak Kid"`Shawn Michaels
What profession did Conan Doyle and Somerset Maughamboth follow before becoming writers`medicine
What profession was lillian hellman`authoress
what prophet led the children of israel to the promised land`moses
What proportion of executive air-travellers see the person in the next seat as a potential romance?`1 in 4
what protective gear are hammer purchasers warned to wear?`goggles
What protein makes blood red`haemoglobin
What protruded from the rocks at the end of the film 'planet of the apes'`statue of liberty
What province of Canada has French as its major language`quebec
What pseudonym was used by the short story writer William Sydney Porter`o'henry
What publication was subtitled The What's New Magazine`Popular Science
what pulitzer prize winner read a poem at jfk's inauguration?`robert frost
what pulitzer-prize winning author wrote sports in america`james michener
What Pulitzer prize winning novelist ran for mayor of New York City`norman mailer
what pulitzer prize-winning play dramatized the life of black boxing champ jack johnson`the great white hope
What punishment was meted out to english poachers in the time of richard the lionheart`castration
What purged the Great Plague of London`Great Fire of London
What purple flower is the emblem of Scotland`the thistle
What purplish color was the first to be produced synthetically as a dye`mauve
what purplish colour was the first to be produced synthetically as a dye`mauve
What purpose did the Bastille serve before it was stormed on July 14th 1789`prison
What purpose does synovial fluid serve in the body`lubricates joints
what queen did edmund spenser dedicate his faerie queene to?`elizabeth i
What queen is associated with detective stories`ellery queen
What queen married 2 of her brothers`cleopatra
what race have both al and bobby unser won`the indianapolis 500
What racehorse of the 1920s was so hopeless that its name has become a term of derision`Drongo
What race in the sport called coursing`greyhound
what race in the sport called coursing`greyhounds
What race of people suffered an estimated 35 million deaths at the hands of the Mongols`chinese
What race's runners refer to the noisy section along wellesley college as the "screech tunnel"`africa
what race's runners refer to the noisy section along wellesley college as the "screech tunnel"?`the boston marathon
What race's winner is draped with a blanket of roses`kentucky derby
What race writes the third worst poetry in the universe`vogons
What racing number is Santa's Little Helpers girlfriend?`Number 8
what racket sport derives its name from the resilience of its ball`squash
What radioactive element is used to power modern heart pacemakers`polonium
What radio sitcom is set in rural Ambridge`the archers
What rags to riches film knocked out all competitors to win the 1976 best picture oscar`rocky
what railroad has 97 stops on its 5,799-mile route`trans-siberian railway
What range of hills runs up through Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire`chilterns
What rank did George Washington achieve in the British army`colonel
What rank did Idi Amin achieve in the British army`sergeant
What rare metal melts at 86 degress Fahrenheit?`Gallium
What rare water creature gives its name to a river in Florida`manatee
What Ray Bradbury novel is named for temperature at which paper catches fire`fahrenheit 451
What Ray Charles song pines: "I'll just live my life in dreams of yesterday"`i can't stop loving you
what r&b group did gary brooker play with before procol harum`paramounts
what r&b singing group was the first to use violins on a record?`drifters
What reached London in 1665 with catastrophic results`bubonic plague
What recent film was advertised with the catchline "Dead in the heart of Texas`blood simple
What recently independent country was formerly known as greenland`kalaalit
what recently independent country was formerly known as greenland?`kalaalit nunaat
what record company's top song-writing production team was made up of brian holland, lamont dozier and eddie holland`motown
what record did babe ruth break when he hit 60 homers`his own
What record did Beamon break at the 1968 Olympics`long jump
What record did Bill Haley and the Comets release in 1955`rock around the clock
What record does the Khaki Campbell breed of duck hold`egg laying
What recording innovation was introduced in 1958`stereo
What record label first captured the beatles`polydor
What red fruit is most often eaten in green salads`tomato
What reduction is indicated when a measurement is prefixd by the word pico`a million,millionth part
What reference book published in 1852 classified words for the first time according to the ideas that they expressed`rogets thesaurus
What refinement to the wristwatch was patented by John Harwood in 1924`self winding mechanism
what regal hamburger chain does tv host robin leach flog?`burger king
What reggae great sang "get up, stand up, burnin' and lootin'`bob marley
What region of China is the Dalai Lama's palace in`tibet
What region of SW France is famous for its Claret`medoc
What region of the world did Hernando de Soto explore in the 1500s`the american southwest
What registration letter is given to aircraft in the UK`g
What registration letter is given to aircraft in the USA`n
What relation is Superman to Supergirl`first cousin
What relation is Whitney Houston to Dionne Warwick`niece
What relationship are james arness and peter graves`brothers
What relationship has a girl to her father's brother`niece
What relationship was Jesus to John the Baptist`cousin
What relation to you is your uncle's father`grandfather
What relation was Genghis Khan to Kublai Khan`grandfather
What relation was Louis XV of France to Louis XIV`great grandson
What relation was Queen Victoria to George III`granddaughter
What relation was William the Conqueror to King Stephen`grandfather
What relation was William the Conqueror to Stephen (1096-1154)`grandfather
What relative of Genghis Khan let Marco Polo ride elephants on hunting trips`kublai khan
what relative of king faisal of saudia arabia assassinated him`his nephew
What relative of King Faisal of Saudia Arabia assassinated him`nephew
What releases an explosive charge of air that moves at speeds up to 60 mph`cough
what religion are i.r.a members`catholic
what religion celebrates Ramadan.`Islam
What religion did Bob Marley belong to`rastafarian
What religion does a 'rabbi' practise`judaism
What religion follows the teachings of the prophet Mohammed`islam
What religion has mosques as its places of worship`islam
what religion is based on the teachings of saffhartha guatama`buddhism
What religion was founded by Guru Nanak`Sikhism
What religion was founded by Lao-tzu`Taoism
What religion was founded by Siddhartha Gautama`Buddhism
What religion were the Huguenots`protestant
what religious cult was founded by jim jones in the 1970s?`people's temple
What religious elements is voodoo a mixture of`roman catholicism
what religious group did brigham young lead to utah`mormons
what religious holiday immediately follows halloween`all saints day
What religious leader did Apple yank from its "Think Different" ad campagn in Hong Kong so as not to offend China, in 1998`the dalai lama
what religious movement did joseph smith found?`mormonism
What religious movement was founded by william booth`salvation army
What remained at the bottom of Pandora's Box`hope
What remained closed for 3000 years until Feb 1923`tutankhamuns tomb
What remarkable record was set in 1997 by Jeanne Calment in France`oldest ever person
What remote region of Russia borders China, Kazakhstan & Mongolia`siberia
What repeated word forms the total lyrical content of the Entertainment USA signature tune`oy
What replaced English as the official language of Kenya in 1974`swahili
What represents the zodiac sign Scorpio`scorpion
What represent the body and blood of Christ in the service of Holy Communion`bread and wine
What reptilian feature evolved in feathers`scales
What reptilian feature evolved into feathers`scales
What republic would a Finn reach by paddling due south from Helsinki`estonia
What resin used in varnish is a secretion of the lac insect`shellac
What resource is the Queen of Englands salary drawn from`The Civil List
What restaurant chain attempts to steal and then buy Flaming Moes from Moe`Tipsy McStagger'
What restaurant chain had served forty five thousand million hamburgers by 1983`mcdonalds
What returned in 1985 that is pictured on the Bayeux Tapestry`Halley's Comet
What returns to the night sky every 76 years`halleys comet
What reusable drawing pad notched its 50 millionth sale in 1985`etch-a-sketch
What revolutionary fought with Castro and died in Bolivia`che guevara
What rhino is the world's second largest land mammal`white rhino
What riddle asked: "what is it that walks on four legs, then on two legs, & then on three"`the riddle of the sphinx
What rifle accessory originated in Bayonne, France, in 1641`bayonet
what rings the globe 23 degrees south of the north pole`arctic circle
what risk player wins tied dice rolls, the attacker or defender`defender
What river are the cities of patna and calcutta on`ganges
What river begins in Syria and passes through Lake Tiberias into the Dead Sea`jordan
What river begins in Syria and passes through Lake Tiberias into the Dead Sea`the jordan
What river boasts the worlds largest tidal barrier`thames
What river did francisco de orellano become the first to travel the length of`amazon
What river did John baptize Christ in`jordan
what river divides the dutch capital of amsterdam in two?`amstel
What river does the Budapest Hilton afford a spectacular view of`danube
What river does the Grand Coulee Dam dam`columbia
what river does the grand coulee dam dam`columbia river
What river flows between Minneapolis and St Paul`mississippi
What river flows past the temple of karnak`nile
What river flows through Rome`tiber
What river flows through Vienna, Budapest and Belgrade`danube
What river forms at the confluence of the Allegheny & the Monongahela`ohio river
What river had 40 million fish killed by insecticide in 1969`rhine
what river had bodies floatin' in eve of destruction`the jordan river
What river has the largest drainage basin?`Amazon
What river in the world is the longest`nile
What river is called 'Old Man River'`Mississippi
What river is formed by the confluence of the Paranaiba and Grande rivers`Parana
What river is Gateshead on`tyne
What river is Glasgow on`clyde
What river is Hull on`humber
What river is known as China's Sorrow because of its flooding`yellow
What river is known as China's Sorrow`Yellow
What river is Liverpool on`Mersey
What river is nicknamed Old Muddy`mississippi
What river is represented by the blue stripe on the Gambian flag`gambia
What river is sacred to the Hindus`ganges
What river is spanned by the George Washington Bridge`hudson
What river is the Temple of Karnak near`Nile
What river is the temple of Karnak near`the nile
What river joins the white nile at khartoum`the blue nile
what river passes through cologne, france`rhine
What river provided water to feed the Hanging Gardens of Babylon`The
What river provided water to feed the Hanging Gardens of Babylon?`The Euphrates
what river runs through rome, the capital city of italy`tiber
What river runs through the the Grand Canyon`the colorado river
what river's cruises originate in aswan, luxor and cairo`nile
What river snakes through Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia, Romania, & Bulgaria`the danube
What river tumbles over victoria falls`zambezi
What river was Francisco de Orellano the first to travel the length of`amazon
What river was India named after`indus
What river were the Joan of Arc's remains cast into`the seine
what river winds through hell's canyon`snake river
What roars in the 'roaring forties'`wind
What robert louis stevenson adventure features the ship called covenant`kidnapped
what robin hood character narrates the 1973 disney version`allan-a-dale
what robin hood character narrates the 1973 disney version`allan-a-dale
what rock band did angus and malcoln young form in australiain 1973`AC/dc
What rock did graham greene write about`brighton
What rockers asked fans to pick the songs for Slippery When Wet`bon jovi
What rock group recorded "Smokin'" and "More Than A Feeling"`boston
what rock group recorded such smash hits as 'come sail away' and 'the grand illusion'`styx
what rock group recorded the music for the film 'the highlander'`queen
What rock group uses roman numerals on all of its album covers`chicago
What rock is formed from layers of mud & clay`shale
What rock magazine that came out in the eighties is now Rolling Stone's major competitor?`Spin
What rock makes the cheapest, softest form of sandpaper?`flint
what rock music term was coined by william burroughs in his book "the soft machine"?`heavy metal
What rock n roll classic opens the movie Bull Durham`rock around the clock
what rock star attended the london school of economics for two years`mick jagger
What rock star joined the cast of General Hospital`rick springfield
what rock star was shot in 1980?`john lennon
What rodent did the Normans bring over to Britain with them`rabbit
What rodent is famous for building dams`beaver
What rodent was banned from Germany by Hitler`mickey mouse
what rod stewart song cashed in on disco?`do ya think i'm sexy
What Rogers and Hart musical is based on a Shakespeare play`the boys from syracuse
What role did Herve Villechaize portray in Fantasy Island`tatoo
What role did ken osmond play on leave it to beaver`eddie haskell
What role did Michael Sarrazin play in the TV movie Frankenstein`dr victor frankenstein
what role did phyllis lindstrom play in the mary tyler moore show?`landlady
What role does mickey mouse play in "fantasia"`sorcerer's apprentice
What role won Julie Andrews her only Oscar`Mary Poppins
What romance novel cover boy began hyping his new perfume Mediterraneum`fabio
What Roman emperor died in 117 a.d`trajan
What roman emperor does the King of Diamonds represent`julius caesar
What Roman emperor made his horse a senator`caligula
What Roman Emporer gave Constantinople its name`constantine
What Roman galley was Judah Ben Hur a slave oarsman on`astrea
What Roman god is January named after`janus
what roman governor tried christ`pontius pilate
What Rome ruin is inhabited by hundreds of cats`colosseum
what rome tourist attraction has 138 steps`spanish steps
What room did w c fields keep his library in`bathroom
what root flavours root beer`sarsparilla
what roundball team did abraham m saperstein establish and send on the road in 1928`harlem globetrotters
What route linked Canterbury and Winchester in medieval times`teh pilgrims way
what royal house did henry viii belong to`tudor
what rule in the '50s raised the scores of nba basketball games`twenty four second rule
what rum, lime and sugar cocktail is named for a town near santiago, cuba`the daiquiri
what runs up and down on the rolling stones' sticky fingers album cover`zip
What Russian city boasts the Hermitage Museum`leningrad
What Russian city's name translates to 'ruler of the east'`vladivostok
What Russian city used to be called St Petersburg and Petrograd`leningrad
What russian city was formerly known as st petersburg, then petrograd, and until 1918 was the capital of the country`leningrad
What russian emigre to the us is credited with inventing the helicopter`igor
what russian emigre to the us is credited with inventing the helicopter`igor sikorsky
what russian fighter was most encountered in the skies over korea`mig 15
What Russian novelist did Teddy Roosevelt call "a sexual & moral pervert"`leo tolstoy
what russian spy was exchanged for u-2 pilot francis gary powers in 1962`rudolf abel
What russian word 'restructuring'`perestroika
What Russian writer was deported from the Soviet Union in 1974`alexander solzhenitsyn
What rxame is given to the study of lakes`limnology
What's a 10-20 to a police officer`location
What's a "banger" in London`sausage
What's a bee's home called`hive
whats a bibliothek in frankfurt`a library
What's a block & tackle used for`lifting weights
what's a canadian two penny black`stamp
what's a cape cod turkey to a fisherman?`codfish
What's a "cat-o'-nine-tails"`whip
What's a Coelacanth`fish
What's a common expression for "stomach"`breadbasket
Whats a community of ants called`a colony
What's a computer screen's display made up of`pixels
What's "Aconitine Nitrage" more commonly known as`wolfsbane
what's a cooter?`turtle
What's a dead body of an animal called`carcass
what's a disk of gas orbiting a star of black hole called?`accretion disk
What's a "dragoman" in Egypt`guide
What's a dried plum`prune
What's a family group of lions called`pride
What's a farm that has both cattle and crops called`mixed farm
Whats a female ogre called`ogress
what's a fisherman's bend, or bucket hitch?`knot
What's a flat, broad bodied, odorous insect`stinkbug
What's a funambulist`A tightrope walker
What's a funambulist?`tightrope walker
What's a ginkgo`tree
What's a goober`peanut
What's a "group" of apes called`shrewdness
What's a group of ferrets called`business
What's a group of kittens called`kindle
Whats a group of Peacocks called`muster
What's a "group" of toads called`knot
What's a hockey team's "blue line corps"`defensemen
What sailor's disease resulted from a deficiency of Vitamin C`scurvy
What saint came to be known as santa claus`saint nicholas
What saint is the huge church in the Vatican named after`st peter
What saint offerred Jesus a handkerchief`st veronica
What saint's day is march 17`st. patrick's
What salad vegetable would you be eating if you were having a 'French Breakfast'`radish
What's a langur`monkey
What's a liuor of apricot pits`amaretto
What's a "mae west"`life preserver
Whats a male witch called`warlock
What's a meerschaum`A Pipe
Whats "Americas favorite fun car"`mustang
What's a microchip made of`silicon
what's a more common name for "wedlock"`marriage
What's a more proper name for artificial or false teeth`dentures
Whats an alternative name for a bookmaker`turf accountant
What's an angle subtended by the diameter of an object called`angular
What's an angle subtended by the diameter of an object called`angular diameter
What's a natatorium`A swimming pool
what's an earth station receiver most commonly called`satellite dish
What's an egg that floats on water`very old
What's a new yorker trying to bribe a way into when offering "key money"`apartment
what san francisco giant had his father as a first base coach?`barry bonds
what's an illegal move by a baseball pitcher called`a balk
what's another name for allspice`pimento
What's another name for a mountain lion`puma
what's another name for a panther?`leopard
Whats another name for a third molar`wisdom tooth
What's an other name for Cannabis`marijuana
What's another name for pickled bread?`Dill-dough
what's another name for tasmania`van diemen's land
Whats another name for tetanus`lockjaw
What's another name for the Aurora Australis`southern lights
What's another name for the yellow poplar tree`tulip
what's another word for stewardess?`air hostess
What's a Okapi`mammal
What's a person who does not eat meat called`vegetarian
what's a plant or animal that is food for parasites called`host
what's a polo ball made of?`rubber
what's april's birthstone`diamond
What's a "semaphore"`arm signals
what's a sextant used for?`navigation
what's a single unit of quanta called`a quantum
What's a single unit of quanta called`quantum
Whats a snowstorm called in Alaska`Blizzard
Whats a sudden & violent burning called`deflagration
Whats a Sultans wife called`sultana
What's a telephone PBX`private branch exchange
what satellite carried the first trans-atlantic tv broadcast`telstar
what satellite series' name is russian for fellow traveler`sputnik
What satellite series name was Russian for 'fellow traveller'`sputnik
What satellite spawned a hit single`telstar
What's a truffle`edible fungus
What 'saturday night live' star played in the film 'stripes'`bill murray
what sauce is made of cream, eggs, parmesan & bits of bacon`carbonara
What Saudi Arabian king was assassinated by his nephew in 1975`faisal
what's a unit of magnetic field strength called`gauss
what's a us sailor's job if he wears a "c" on his sleeve?`cook
What's Australia's island state`tasmania
what's a warm puppy, by charles m schulz's reckoning`happiness
What's a warm puppy, by Charles Schultz's reckoning`happiness
what's a word meaning the "center of mass"`centroid
What saying was engraved on the thimble token of the 1935 Monopoly game`For a Good Girl
what's babe ruth's hometown?`baltimore
what's been called the innermost sanctuary of american power?`oval office
What's been the ruin of many a poor boy in New Orleans`house of the rising
What's been the ruin of many a poor boy in New Orleans`house of the rising sun
What's Belgium's main port`antwerp
What's Bill Cosby's full name on The Cosby Show`heathcliff huxtable
What's "birth control for roaches"`black flag
What's bottled in Jeroboams`champagne
What's Britain's highest military decoration`victoria cross
What scale is used in measuring water hardness`clarke's scale
What scale is used to measure wind speed`Beaufort
What scale measures temperature`rankine scale
what's californias most famous fault`san andreas
What scandinavian capital begins and ends with the same letter`oslo
What Scandinavian city is called The White City of The North`helsinki
what scandinavian city was terrorized in the 1962 sci-fi classic reptilicus`copenhagen
What scandinavian country boasts the world's highest per capita rate of borrowing from libraries`denmark
What Scandinavian country is Europe's biggest shipbuilder`sweden
What Scandinavian country owned Iceland from 1262 to 1944`denmark
What's Captain Buck Roger's first name`william
What's CCDOS`chinese character disk operating system
What's Cheops's profession`egyptologist
What school did billy bunter attend`greyfriars
what school did helen keller graduate with honors from in 1904`radcliffe college
What school does Harry Potter attend`hogwarts
What school does tom attend in tom brown's school days`rugby
What school is opposite windsor on the thames`eton
what schoolteacher was actually put on trial for teaching evolution?`john scopes
what science combines botany and zoology`biology
What science deals specifically with plant and animal life in the sea`marine biology
What science deals specifically with plant & animal life in the sea`marine biology
What science deals with the motion of projectiles`ballistics
What science deals with the origin and structure of the Universe`cosmology
What science deals with the structure of the universe and it's origin`cosmology
what science did gregor mendel establish in 1866`genetics
What science is celebrated on mole day, every october 23rd`chemistry
what science studies animals by their droppings`scatology
What science was pioneered by Zygmunt Florenty von Wroblewsky`cryogenics
What scientific field did John Tebbutt excel at`astronomy
What scientist developed the modern theory of evolution`charles darwin
What scientist had the first name Isaac`newton
what scientist is credited with the discovery that there are galaxies beyond our milky way?`edwin hubble
What scientist is credited with the discovery that there are galaxies beyond our Milky Way?Edwin Hubble`hubble
what sci-fi film opens with the words "episode iv-a new hope"`star wars
What sci-fi tv show of the 60's became a Filmation cartoon in the 70's?`Star Trek
What's CODASYL`conference of data system languages
what's considered the most highly-specialized mammal`the whale
What's considered the sister language of english`german
What score does Sideshow Bob sing to Bart before he is going to kill him?`The HMS Pinafore
What score is not possible for a cribbage hand`nineteen
What Scottish city does a Glaswegian call home`glasgow
What Scottish city's patron saint is St Mungo`glasgow
What Scottish pirate captained the 284 ton 34 gun ship Adventure Gallery`captain william kidd
What Scottish singer once said "My passions are soccer, drinking and women, in that order`rod stewart
what's "crocodile" dundee's given name`michael
what sctv character has the same name as a hill street detective`johnny larue
What sculptor is responsible for the kiss`rodin
What sculpture, the most often viewed work at St. Peter's Basilica, is the only one Michelangelo ever signed`The Pieta
What's david bowie son's name`zowie bowie
Who won the 1940 Pulitzer for Fiction for 'The Grapes of Wrath'`John Steinbeck
what's detective hooperman's first name?`harry
What's dichloro diphenyl trichloro ethane better known as`ddt
What's divided into the temporal, parietal, occipital and frontal lobes`brain
What sea animal looks like a pin cushion`sea urchin
What sea creature resembles a knight in chess`seahorse
What sea creature squirts water from both holes when alarmed`Sea Squirts
What sea creature uses its chest as a table while floating on its back`sea
What sea creature uses its chest as a table while floating on its back`seal
What sea creature uses its chest as a table while floating on its back`sea otter
What sea did the Romans call mare nostrum`mediterranean
What sea does the Danube river flow into`black sea
What sea fossils can be found in the Himalayas at the height of 18,000 feet`ammonites
What seagulls have played at Wembley`brighton
what sea is actually the largest lake in the world?`caspian sea
What sea is between Australia & the Solomon Islands`coral
What sea is between Italy and Yugoslavia`Adriatic
What sea is Bombay on`arabian
what sea is crossed on a flight from athens to rome?`ionian sea
what sea is situated between vietnam and the philippines`south china sea
What sea is situated between Vietnam & the Philippines`south china sea
what sea is south of cuba`caribbean sea
What sea lies between new zealand and australia`tasman
What sea lies between Riga and Stockholm`baltic
What sea lies to the west of Japan`the sea of japan
what seal skin artic owl figure is marketed as a souvenir of canada?`ookpok
What seaport's name is spanish for 'white house'`casablanca
what seaport's name was spanish for 'white house' until being renamed`casablanca
What sea separates Europe from North Africa`Mediterranean Sea
What sea seperates Naples and Algiers`mediterranean
What seasonal south Asian wind is characterised by heavy rains`monsoon
what seasonal south asian wind is characterized by heavy rains`the monsoon
what season are most trees pollinated in?`spring
What season begins with the vernal equinox`spring
What season ends with the winter solstice`autumn
What season ends with the winter solstice`fall
What seasoning is mentioned more than 30 times in the bible`salt
What season is hail most prevalent in`summer
What season is it in Australia when it is summer in England`winter
What season is it in Australia when Santa Claus drops in`summer
what season is statistically the most hazardous`summer
What season is the setting for shakespeare's a midsummer nights dream`spring
What season should you head to the pond to look for tadpoles`spring
What sea sparkles between Asia Minor and Greece`aegean
What sea surrounds the Cayman Islands`caribbean
What sea that separates Italy from Yugoslavia`adriatic
what sea would you cross to travel from shanghai to korea`yellow sea
What second division side defeated Manchester United in the 1975 F A Cup Final`southampton
what second world war airplane was named the wooden wonder`dehavilland mosquito
what second world war airplane was named the wooden wonder`dehavilland mosquito
what section of manhattan is noted for its negro and latin american residents`harlem
What section of paris featured most prominently in the work of the french impressionists`montmartre
What seductive WW I spy had a daughter named Banda who was also a spy`mata hari
What seed takes five years to yield consumable fruit`coffee beans
What segment of television receieves the ACE awards?`cable
what self-defense system that resembles the fighting methods jujitsu and judo`aikido
what's england's oldest university?`oxford
what sense does a dying person lose first`sight
what sense is most closely linked to memory`Smell
What sentence uses every letter of the alphabet`the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
what separates the gulf of california from the pacific ocean`the baja peninsula
What sequence is this the start of: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7`natural numbers
What sequence is this the start of: 1 2 4 8 16 32 64`power of 2
What sequence is this the start of: 1 2 6 24 120 720 5040`factorials
What sequence is this the start of: 1 3 12 60 360 2520`even permutations
What sequence is this the start of: 1 4 11 20 31 44 61 100`octal squares
What sequence is this the start of: 2 4 6 8 10 12 14`even numbers
what serial killer was better known as 'son of sam'`david berkowitz
What series has Robert Jordan written`Wheel of Time
What serious underwater ailment was named after a Victorian notion of chic posture`the bends
What served as a cowboy's wash cloth, dust mask & water filter`a bandana
What settlers were the forebears of the Boers of South Africa`dutch
What seven man group from camden town became the pop success of 1980`madness
What's excision of the breast called`mastectomy
What sex is a filly`female
What sexual acts lead up to intercourse?`Foreplay
What sexual disease did both Hitler and Mussolini suffer from?`Syphilis
What sexually ambigious prisonmate was often dubbed "Mrs. Hitler"`rudolf hess
what sexually transmitted disease caused an epidemic in the 15th century`syphilis
What sexual peccadillo did Charles II, Voltaire and Rousseau have in common? A penchant for_____ _______`being spanked
what sexy rocker did madonna dub "the midget"`prince
what's for supper: what in the heck does an anthropophagist eat`people
what's found on lonely street`heartbreak hotel
What's George Bush's full name`george herbert walker bush
What's Gerald Ford's middle name`rudolph
what sgt pepper song sighs: "when it gets dark i tow your heart away"`lovely rita
What shadow team driver was killed testing, prior to the 1974 South African grand prix`peter revson
What shakespearean king was actually king of scotland for 17 years`macbeth
what shakespearean play featured shylock`the merchant of venice
What Shakespearean play features Iago`othello
what shakespearean play features rosencrantz and guilderstern`hamlet
What Shakespearean play features the line: A plague on both your houses`Romeo and Juliet
What Shakespearean play features the line 'a plague on both your houses'`romeo & juliet
what shakespearean play is set in the 12th century at the kronborg castle`hamlet
What shakespearean play refers to the date of epiphany`twelfth night
What shakespeare character has the most lines with 1,422`hamlet
What Shakespeare character is it considered bad luck to mention in a theater`macbeth
What Shakespeare play features a character called Puck`a midsummer night's dream
What shakespeare play features rosencrantz and guilderstein`hamlet
What Shakespeare play has Portia as the heroine`merchant of venice
What Shakespeare play opens with a storm at sea`the tempest
What Shakespeare's play was this line in ... 'A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse'`Richard III
What Shakespearioan play has the main character declaring 'Get thee to a nunnery'`hamlet
What shape are ice crystals`hexagonal
What shape are playing cards in India`round
What shape is a crystal of table salt: a cube, oval or sphere`cube
What shape is a goat's pupil`rectangular
What shape is formed by one side of a pyramid`triangle
What shape is something that is cuneiform`wedge shaped
What shape is something that is reniform`kidney shaped
What shape is the head of an Allen key`hexagonal
What shape is the pasta called 'farfalle'`butterfly shaped
What shape is the pasta conciglie`shell-shaped
What shape is the pasta Farfalle`butterfly-shaped
What shape is the pasta 'fettuccini'`ribbons
What shape is the set of all points in a plane equidistant from a certain point`circle
What's HDTV short for to a video buff`high definition television
What's headquartered on New York's East River between 42nd and 48th streets`United Nations
What's heaven to fallen Norse warriors`Valhalla
What shellfish is traditionally featured in the French dish, Coquilles St. Jacques`Scallops
What shepherd god invented the flute`pan
What shepherd god was the legendary inventor of the flute`pan
What sheriff claimed to be Walking Tall`buford pusser
What shields the earth from the solar wind`earth's magnetic field
what ship bears the identification number ncc 1701`the starship enterprise
What ship board disease did Captain Cook prevent by taking fresh food and fruit juice`scurvy
What ship did jason sail on`argo
What ship did Sir Francis Drake circle the world in`the golden hind
what ship is in permanent dry dock in greenwich`cutty sark
what ship, nearly capsized in a storm in 1937, gave passenger paul gallico the idea for the poseidon adventure`the queen mary
What ship sank in "a night to remember"`titanic
What ship sank off ireland in 1915`the lusitania
What ship sank the battleship Hood`bismarck
what ship sank the british battleship hood`the bismarck
What ship's survivors were rescued by the liner Carpathia`titanic
What ship was found drifting in 1872, but all the crew had disappeared`marie celeste
What ship was torpedoed and sunk off the coast of Ireland on May 7th 1915`lusitania
What shoe brand were all 39 members of the Heaven's Gate cult wearing when they committed suicide in 1997`nike
What shoe company has the slogan no slogans`reebok
What shoemaker was an underwriter for rock's 1988 human rights now tour`reebok
What shook San Francisco in 1906`earthquake
what shops were legalized on may 1st 1961`betting shops
What short lived series starred Ice Cube`the watcher
What short-lived sitcom featured Snow White and Prince Charming living as husband & wife?`The Charmings
What short-lived tv series starred ice-cube`the watcher
What short lived TV western did Rod Serling produce after Twilight Zone`loner
What should a golfer shout as a warning`fore
What should you ask for in the US if you want jam`jelly
What should you never leave home without`American Express
What shouts 'tip me over,pour me out' in a children's song`little teapot
What show did Claire Danes get her start on?`My So-Called Life
What show did dano get to book the bad guy`hawaii 5-0
What show did the catch phrase, "Yeah, That's The Ticket" originate on?`Saturday Night Live
What Show did the Simpsons first appear?`The Tracy Ullman Show
What show do Ron Howard & Erin Moran play brother & sister in`happy days
what show ended each week with the line "grease for peace"?`sha na na
What show ended with the sound of two hands clapping`laugh in
what show featured a sgt garcia as one of the bad guys?`zorro
What show featured Nell Carter as a larger than life housekeeper?`Gimme a Break
What show/game has characters such as bulbasaur and pikachu`pokemon
What show/game has characters such as Bulbasaur & Pikachu`pokemon
What show has the character mike stivic`all in the family
what show starred robert lansing as brigadier general frank savage`twelve o'clock high
what show's theme song was 'everybody knows your name'`cheers
What show's theme song was 'Suicide is Painless'`mash
what show topped the nielsen ratings for 1992`60 minutes
what show topped the nielsen ratings for 1993`home improvement
what show topped the nielsen ratings for 1994`seinfeld
What show was a spin-off of Transformers?`Go-Bots
What show was Just the 10 of us spin off of?`Growing Pains
What show was "Whatcha talkin' 'bout Willis?" a standard catch phrase?`Different Strokes
What shrinks on some birds to allow them to carry additional food on long flights`brains
What shuttle launch merited the Time cover headline "Whew"`Discovery
What's ibm's motto`think
What's Iceland's main industry`fishing
what side of the brain is responsible for the right hand`left
What Sidney Sheldon novel included nuns among its main characters`sands of time
what siege was still going on when nbc started shooting a docudrama on it?`seige at waco
What sign is the water carrier the zodiacal symbol for`aquarius
What sign of the zodiac covers November 22nd to December 21st`sagittarius
what sign of the zodiac is represented by a centaur?`sagittarius
What sign of the zodiac run from 19 feb to 20 march`pisces
what sigourney weaver movie includes the line: "let her go, you bitch"`aliens
what silky fiber comes from a ceibe tree?`kapok
What silvery liquid metal is used in thermometers`mercury
What simple kitchen utensil is used to get lumps out of flour`sieve
What Sinatra hit did he dooby dooby do in`strangers in the night
What singer/actress got her start in a gay bath house in New York`bette midler
what singer did a dj once mistakenly refer to "urethra"?`aretha franklin
what singer first appeared with the hoboken four?`frank sinatra
what singer had a brother named jessie garon?`elvis presley
what singer holds the world record for the widest octave range`mariah carey
what singer sang "the greatest love of all"?`whitney houston
What singer's February 6th birthday is a national holiday in Jamaica`Bob
What singer's February 6th birthday is a national holiday in Jamaica?`Bob Marley
what singer starred on radio's "your hit parade"`frank sinatra
What singer who had his one and only hit song in 1991 play a high school jock named Ricky in the 1987 movie "Can't Buy Me Love"?`Gerardo Mejia
what singing group consisted of laverne, maxine and patty`andrews sisters
what singing group felt "glad all over"?`dave clark five
what singing group felt glad all over`the dave clark five
what singing group was once known as the quarrymen`beatles
What singing group were once known as The Quarrymen`the beatles
What single by tina turner won the grammy in 1984`what's love
What single colour is the Libyan flag`green
What single desert contains half the desert surface of the world`the sahara
What single name is used by Ian Kilminster of Motorhead`lemmy
What single word connects the Spanish Armada, and the two TV programmes, Danger Man and The Worker`drake
Whats is soccer legend Pele's real name`edson arantes do nascimento
what sitar master warmed up the woodstock audience with melanie?`ravi shankar
what's it called when time is reckoned by the position of the sun`apparent solar time
what sitcom has plenty of sippers of snapple?`seinfeld
What sitcom was "The Facts of Life" a spinoff of?`Different Strokes
What site staged the original Olympics`olympia
What six-time Olympic champion was known as The Flying Finn`Paavo Nurmi
What size are Australian swimming phenomenon Ian Thorp's feet`17
What size does the largest species of Seahorse measure`8 Inches
What size of boot is thrown in a welly throwing competition`eight
what size of paper is 148 x 210 mm`a5
What size of paper measures 297 x 420mm`a3
What size shoes did Clementine wear`nine
what's january's birthstone`garnet
What's Krypton's state at standard temperature and pressure`gaseous
What's Krypton's state at standard temperature & pressure`gaseous
what sleepy crooner's first million-seller was a tune called temptation`perry como
What slim volume began a record 161 week stint atop the hardcover fiction best sellar list in 1993`the bridges of madison county
What slippery creatures slither to the Sargasso Sea to spawn`eels
What's Mach I`speed of sound at sea level
What's malcolm x's real name`malcolm little
What small Arctic rodents are said to, but don't, commit suicide in mass plunges into the sea`lemmings
What small dwelling might have a kayak leaning against it`igloo
What small fish, often tinned, was named after a Mediterranean island`sardine
What small island is in the Bay of Naples`isle of capri
What small region at end of medulla oblongata serves as 'bridge' to brain`pons
What's Margaret Houlihan's nickname`hot lips
what's margaret thatcher's middle name`hilda
What's Mauritania's official language`french
What's miami's most famous suburb`miami beach
What's Mick Dundee's necklace made from`crocodile teeth
What's missing from a woman suffering from amazia`breasts
what's missing from a women suffering from Amazia`Breasts
What's mixed with Kahlua or Tia Maria to make a Black Russian`vodka
What's Mulder's nickname?`SPOOKY
What snack food was portrayed in claymation dancing to "Heard it Through the Grapevine"?`Raisins
What snake will roll over and fake a death to confuse its attacker?`eastern hognose
Whats name is the big tittied black chick on howard stern?`Robin Quivers
What's Nero Wolfe's favorite drink during office hours`beer
What's nm to a sailor`nautical mile
What's North America's largest lake`superior
What's nucleomitiphobia the fear of`nuclear bombs
what's nyapmoc?`mixed company
What soap was about the trials and tribulations of a vampire`dark shadows
what soap won the emmy for best daytime drama in 1983?`young & the restless
What soccer club won three consecutive league titles in the 1930's`arsenal
What soccer player was known as The Black Pearl`Pele
What social insects are the favourite food of numbats`termites
What society in england, dating from 1617, has it's own degree which allows a person to practice medicine`apothecaries
what soda is known as the un-cola`7-up
What soda was billed as "distinctively different"`dr pepper
What soft white sweets can be roasted over a fire`marshmallows
what do london casinos do with playing cards at the end of the evening`destroy them
What Somerset town claims the final resting place of the legendary King Arthur`glastonbury
What's one round of a polo match called`chukkah
What song about christmas was ahit in mid summer in 1956`i'm walking backwards for christmas
What song by Dire Straits Mark Knopfler was inspires by seeing a second rate jazz band in a pub at Greenwich`sultans of swing
What song by Don McLean talks about the day Buddy Holly died`American Pie
What song by The Mighty Diamonds was a hit for the British group Musical Youth`pass the dutchie
What song did aerosmith perform live at mtv-10`dream on
What song did aretha franklin sing in blues brothers`think
What song did Aretha Franklin sing in Blues Brothers`think
What song did Aretha Franklin sing in Blues Brothers`Think
What song did Aretha Franklin sing in 'The Blues Brothers'`Think
What song did Aretha Franklin sing in the movie 'Blues Brothers'`think
What song did bobby hebb sing to his brother in 1966`sunny
what song did claude joseph rouget de lisle write in 1792?`marseillaise
What song did country and western singer marty robbins win a grammy for`el
what song did elton john and george michael sing as a duet`don't let the sun go down on me
What song did Hal sing in 2001`daisy, daisy
What song did michael jackson sing about a rodent`ben
what song did paul anka release when he was just a teenager`lonely boy
What song did The Kinks rewrite "Louie Louie" into`you really got me
What song do elvis presley and ub40 have in common`can't help falling in
what song do elvis presley and ub40 have in common`can't help falling in love
What song does eminem sing with Dr.Dre?`Forgot about dre
What song does Mr. Burns make a parody of as he is showing off his animal skin clothes (Two dozen and One Greyhounds)?`"Be Our Guest" from Beauty & The Beast
What song does Rodney Dangerfield sing in "Back To School"`twist and
What song does Rodney Dangerfield sing in Back To School`twist and shout
What song earned Lionel Richie his first Grammy`truly
what song established bobby vinton's career`roses are red
What song exclaims: "You can even eat the dishes"`candy man
What song from Bambi begins" "Drip, drip, drop"`little april showers
what song from rocy iii earned an oscar nomination`eye of the tiger
what song gave peter, paul and mary their first number one single?`leaving on a jet plane
What song has been sung by bob marley, rod stewart and aretha franklin`people get ready
What song is dire straits singing about 'that ain't working, that's the way you do it, get your money for nothing, get your ______'`chicks for free
What song mentions one of 16 vestal virgins`whiter shade of pale
what song opened with the high-pitched laugh of surfaris manager dave smallins`wipeout
What song spawned a lawsuit for tommy tutone`867-5309 jenny
What song's words were changed and then published in 1935 as 'happy birthday to you'`good morning to you
what song title completes the marvin gaye lyric: 'when i get that feeling, i want '`sexual healing
What song was a hit for the Beatles and Anita Bryant`till there was you
What song was originally 'good morning to you' before the words were changed and it was published in 1935`happy birthday to you
What song was the beatles first attempt at social commentary`nowhere man
what song won the grammy for best instrumental in 1968`classical gas
What song won the grammy for "song of the year" in 1977`you light up my
what song won the grammy for "song of the year" in 1977?`you light up my life
What son of Henry II ascended to the throne in 1199 and was nicknamed Lackland`john
What's on the outside of a turtle`Shell
what soprano sang at prince charles wedding?`kiri te kanawa
what soprano simply titled her autobiography beverly?`beverly sills
whats oratorio's name is herbrew for "anointed one"`messiah
what sor of creature is a ptarmigan`bird
What sort of ache is otalgia`earache
What sort of acid is in an ants sting`formic acid
what sort of a creature is a nematobe`a worm
What sort of an animal is an anchovy`fish
What sort of animal is a "Blue Orpington"`chicken
what sort of animal is a drill`a monkey
what sort of animal is a merganser`a duck
What sort of animal is an anopheles`mosquito
what sort of animal is a palomino`horse
What sort of animal is donkey kong of video game fame`gorilla
What sort of animal lives in a holt`otter
What sort of animal produces "cashmere"`goat
What sort of animals were Pinky & Perky`pigs
What sort of a plant is a deodar`tree
what sort of athletes do sit spins, axel jumps and flying camels`figure skaters
What sort of athletes do sit spins, axel jumps & flying camels`figure skaters
What sort of beans aremost usually used to produce bean sprouts`mung beans
What sort of body fat produces a dimpled effect on the skin`cellulite
What sort of bone is broken as wishes are made`a wishbone
What sort of celestial body is Uranus`planet
What sort of coins are traditionally used in two-up`Pennies
what sort of creature is a "bleak"`a fish
what sort of creature is a camberwell beauty`butterfly
What sort of creature is a Harlequin`duck
what sort of creature is a 'miller's thumb'`fish
what sort of creature is an albacore`fish
What sort of creature is a Tarantula Hawk`wasp
what sort of creature is a water moccasin`a snake
What sort of drum is the tympanum`eardrum
What sort of establishment is the setting for the movie "The China Syndrome"`nuclear power plant
What sort of fish is used to make an Arbroath Smokie`smoked haddock
What sort of food is a 'rollmop'`fish
What sort of garment is a dirndl`skirt
What sort of leaves do silkworms eat`mulberry
What sort of lenses float on eye fluid`contact lenses
What sort of lines never meet`parallel
What sort of lollies did Ronald Reagan keep on his desk`jelly beans
What sort of music is intended for a room rather than a large auditorium`chamber
What sort of place was Bedlam in 18th century London`lunatic asylum
What sort of ship has a runway on its deck`aircraft carrier
What sort of stone floats on water`pumice
What sort of tax system does Australia & New Zealand have`goods & services tax
What sort of travel is associated with Cape Canaveral`space travel
What sort of weapon is a flintlock`gun
What sort of window is composed of 2 sections one of which slides over the other`sash
What sort of winds lie either side of the Doldrums`trade
What sort of writing system did the ancient Egyptians use`hieroglyphics
What sort or creature is a Boto`dolphin
What soul great appears in the flick Ski Party`james brown
what soul songstress cruises the freeway of love`aretha franklin
what sound does wolverine's adamantium claws make when he extends them from his forearms`snikt
What sound made by people can be almost as loud as the noise of a pneumatic drill`snore
What soup is likely to be on the menu in warsaw or moscow`borsht
What soup would be on the menu in poland or russia`borscht
What South American capital city shares its name with a legume`lima
what south american capital is the world's highest`la paz, bolivia
What South American city does an 82 foot statue of Christ overlook`rio de janeiro
what south american communist lost his "presidency" in february 1990`daniel ortega
What south american country fittingly named its highest mountain for christopher columbus`colombia
What south American country has both a Pacific and Atlantic coastline`Colombia
What South American country has both a Pacific & Atlantic coastline`colombia
What South American country has the world's highest golf course`peru
What South American country is alphabetically first`argentina
What South American country produces the most coffee`brazil
What South American country takes its name from the latin for silvery`argentina
What South American country took its name from the Inca for 'cold winter'`chile
What South American country took its name from the Latin for silvery`argentina
What South American country uses the same vowel three times in first five letters of its name`uruguay
What South American country was named after Venice`venezuela
what south american dance did mr ed attempt on occasion?`tango
what south american leader did pope pius xii excommunicate on june 16, 1955, a month after he ended tax exemptions on church property`juan peron
what southern city is now located where fort dallas once stood in 1895`miami
What southern US state capital is said to have been named for the Western & Atlantic Railroad`Atlanta
What South Pacific island country are Viti Levu & Vanua Levu part of`fiji
What South Seas island are you visiting if you land at President Duvalier Airport`haiti
What southwestern US state hosts an annual festival named after the fire ant`Texas
what soviet leader was temporarily deposed by coup in 1991?`gorbachev
what soviet republic was devastated by an earthquake in 1988?`armenia
What space precedes Park Lane on a Monopoly board`chance
What space shuttle did Discovery replace`challenger
What Spanish artists surrelistic paintings feature items such as clock faces`salvador dali
What spanish city gave its name to sherry`jerez
What Spanish city gaves its name to sherry`jerez
what spanish explorer searched for the fountain of youth?`ponce de leon
What Spanish surrealist modestly titled his 1965 book "Diary of a Genius"`salvador dali
what's par on the 18th hole at pebble beach`five
What special talent did Molly Ringwald have in The Breakfast Club?`She could apply lipstick with her breasts
What species of animal is a vicuna`Llama
what species of animal is vicuna`llama
What species of animal would Rangifer Tarandus refer to`Deer
what species was flipper?`dolphin
What speed did Marty have to reach in order to activate the flux capacitor?`88 miles an hour
What speed, in miles per hour, must an athlete average to run one mile in exactly four minutes`fifteen
what speed skater won 5 gold medals at the 1980 winter olympics`heiden
What's Pennsylvania's state tree`mountain laurel
What's Penthouse's sister publication for women`Viva
What spice do chefs pay the most for`Saffron
What spice is Zanzibar famous for`cloves
What spice tastes like a blend of cinnamon, nutmeg & cloves`allspice
what spiritual ends: "and the walls came tumblin' down"?`joshua fit the battle of jericho
What's played at Wembley Stadium every May`The F.A.Cup soccer final
What spokescat warned: "humph! Din din. I'll eat when i'm ready"`morris the cat
what's pollo on a menu in rome?`chicken
what spooky 1970's tv show marked steven spielberg's directorial debut`night gallery
What spooky star hosted the quiz show ESP`vincent price
What's Popeye's official age`r thirty four
what's popeye's official age`thirty four
What sport are barbells used in`weightlifting
what sport begins in front of the south stake?`croquet
What sport can you play at Indonesia's Senayan Statium`badminton
What sport considers it a foul to hold an opponent's head under water`water polo
What sport could see six chinamen in a maiden and a nightwatchman with a duck`cricket
what sport did andre agassi's dad compete in?`boxing
What sport did Australian Gordon johnson star in`Cycling
50s Authors: Across the River and into the Trees`hemingway
What sport did Burt Reynolds play at Florida State University`football
What sport did Edward Greeves play well enough to win the first Brownlow medal in`Australian Rules Football
What sport did James Naismith invent`Basketball
what sport did leo seltzer develop from the dance marathons and walkathons of the 1920s and '30s`roller derby
What sport did Mark Twain describe as 'a good walk spoiled'`golf
what sport did Olga Korbut excel at`Gymnastics
What sport did Prussias Baron Gottfried von Cramm play at international level`tennis
What sport did the Homestead Grays and Kansas City Monarchs play`baseball
What sport do Americans play on a diamond`baseball
What sport does "FISA" govern`auto racing
what sport does gorow enjoy?`crew
What sport do players 'tee off' in`golf
What sport do the competitors play for the Ryder Cup`golf
What sport do the Harlem Globetrotters play`basketball
What sport do the Kansas City monarchs participate in`baseball
What sport do you rack your balls in`billiards
What sport do you shag flies in`baseball
What sport do you throw bombs in`football
What sport exercises all the muscles at once`swimming
What sport featured Damn Yankees`baseball
What sport featured Mick McManus and Jackie Pallo`wrestling
What sport features a railroad split`bowling
What sport features "jammers"`roller derby
What sport features sculls, strokes and slides`rowing
What sport features skulls, strokes and slides`rowing
what sport features slotbacks, tailbacks and touchbacks?`football
What sport features snatches and clean jerks`weightlifting
What sport features the fastest-moving ball`Jai-alai
What sport/game is Bobby Fischer associated with`chess
What sport/game is chris evert associated with`tennis
what sport has a contest called an 'individual pursuit'`cycling
What sport has a hooker in a scrum`rugby
What sport has 'screwballs', 'bunt' and 'flies'`baseball
What sport has sprint, tandem and team pursuit events`cycling
what sport has you hike out while close-hauled?`sailing
What sporting event first took place in 1903`tour de france
What sporting target has a point total of 1,335`dartboard
What sport involves bats & flies`baseball
What sport is associated with the clubs of Essendon, Hawthorn and Collingwood`australian rules football
what sport is associated with the queensbury rules?`boxing
What sport is central to Ernest Hemmingway's Death in the afternoon`Bullfighting
what sport is considered the easiest for gamblers to fix`boxing
What sport is Frank Nobilo associated with`golf
What sport is governed by the rules drafted by the Marquis of Queensbury`boxing
What sport is identified with the movie, "Kansas City Bomber"`roller derby
What sport is it recommended that you duck the boom in`yachting
What sport is known as "A good walk spoiled`Golf
What sport is known as 'the grand old game'`Baseball
What sport is often called 'ping pong'`table tennis
what sport is played by the cardiff devils`ice hockey
What sport is played in more countries than any other`soccer
What sport is played on a field known as a diamond`baseball
what sport is played on the biggest field?`polo
What sport is played on the largest field`polo
what sport is sometimes called rugger`rugby
What sport might you shoot a clout in`archery
what sport might you tick-tack or walk the dog in`skateboarding
What sport originated when William Ellis grabbed a soccer ball and ran with it in 1823`rugby
what sport penalises for spearing, slashing, boarding and butt-ending`ice hockey
What sport penalizes players for spearing, slashing, boarding and butt-ending`Ice Hockey
What sport requires stones to be thrown at houses`curling
What sport's been the subject of the most American movies`boxing
What sports car did chevrolet make its one millionth of`corvette
What sports celebrity had the nickname of "Truck"`leonard robinson
What sport sees stones thrown at a house`curling
what sports stadium has been called the eighth wonder of the world`houston astrodome
What is the only sports team to have played professionally on all seven continents?`harlem globetrotters
what sport's umpire sat in a padded rocking chair before 1859?`baseball
What sport takes place at a regatta`sailing
What sport takes place on the cresta run`tobogganing
what sport uses a ball called a slitter?`hurling
What sport uses a map & a compass`orienteering
What sport uses barrier stalls`horse racing
What sport uses clowns to protect the competitors`rodeo
What sport uses crampons`mountain climbing
What sport uses plugs and leaders`fishing
What sport uses rubber cushions and slate beds`billiards
what sport uses stumps, bails and bats`cricket
What sport uses stumps, bails & bats`cricket
what sport uses the term 'catching a crab'`rowing
what sport uses the terms fletching, nock and shaft?`archery
What sport was Argentinian, Juan Fangio associated`motor racing
What sport was Boris Onishchenko caught cheating at in the Montreal Olympics`fencing
What sport was created when William Webb Ellis flouted the rules of football in 1823`rugby football
what sport was dominated by rod laver in the 1960's`tennis
what sport was featured in the film Kansas city bomber`roller derby
what sport was featured on the first cover of sports illustrated`baseball
What sport was involved in the movie "kansas city bomber"`roller derby
What sport was obligatory for Kennedy males during Hyannis Port weekends`touch football
What sport was observed by Captain James Cook in 1771`surfing
What sport was standardised under the Queensberry rules`boxing
What sport was standardized under the marquise of queensberry rules`boxing
What sport was standardized under the Queensberry Rules`Boxing
What sport would you be playing if the score was duece`tennis
What sport would you hear the term gorby mentioned`Skiing
What sport would you helicopter to the Bugaboos for`skiing
what sport would you use a niblick or mashie in`golf
What sport you would tick tack or walk the dog in`skateboarding
What's Prince Charles' favorite cereal`cornflakes
What's Princess Aurora's better-known name`sleeping beauty
What spy novelist was Moscow correspondent for Reuters & The Times of London`ian fleming
what square in london is the site of many colorful neon squares?`picadily circus
Whats radar spelled backwards`Radar
what's ringo starr's real last name`starkey
what's robert a heinlein's middle name?`anson
What's Robin Williams' middle name`McLaurim
what's short for "light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation"?`laser
What's shredded to make sauerkraut`cabbage
what's sipped by 856562f america's alcoholic drinkers?`beer
What's spaceball played on`trampoline
What's spain's biggest source of income`tourism
What's sporting field is 78 feet long`tennis court
What's Steve Martin's nosiest movie`roxanne
What's Stevie Wonder's real name`steveland morris
what's string or thread made from dried intestines called?`catgut
what's studied by an oologist?`birds eggs
What stadium is home to the Seattle Mariners`kingdome
What stadium outside New York was the scene of one of The Beatles most famous concerts`shea
What stage name was adopted by lee yuen kam`bruce lee
What stage of a meal would you eat charlotte`dessert
what stands on the site of new york's old waldorf-astoria hotel`empire state building
What stands on top of the cactus on Mexicos flag`eagle
What star in the constellation of Perseus, is an eclipsing binary, also known as Beta Persei has a name that derives from the Arabic for " The Ghoul"`algol
What star is at the centre of the solar system`the sun
What star of the Breakfast Club was also part of the orginal cast of the facts of life?`Molly Ringwald
What star sign follows aquarius`pisces
what star's memphis home was bruce springsteen refused entry to in 1976?`elvis presley
what 'star trek the next generation' episode was the most popular of all time`best of both worlds
What starts the breakdown of food when it is still in the mouth`enzymes
What starts with an"E',ends with an "E' and only has one letter in it`An Envelope
What state boasts the highest peak in the bighorn mountains`wyoming
What state borders Alabama to the north`Tennessee
What state contains the following counties: Creek, Osage, Cherokee, Choctaw, and Seminole`oklahoma
What state contains the most cacti, or cactuses`arizona
What state did sam mccloud come from`new mexico
What state did the great pumpkin fucker inhabit?`Ohio
What state fought more battles in the revoltionary war than any other`south
What state fought more battles in the Revoltionary War than any other`south carolina
what state full of milk and honey was the destination in the grapes of wrath`california
What state has a former pro wrestler as governor`minnesota
What state has the bluebonnet as it's flower`texas
What state has the camellia as the state flower`Alabama
What state has the forget-me-not as the state flower`Alaska
What state has the golden poppy as the state flower`California
what state has the largest area of us forest land within its boundaries`alaska
what state has the most land area designated as indian reservations?`arizona
What state has the most workers employed by the travel & tourism industry`california
What state has the scarlet carnation as the state flower`Ohio
What state has the yellow hibiscus as the state flower`Hawaii
what state houses washington dc`maryland
What state is considered the vampire capitol of America`rhode island
What state is Devils Tower located in`Wyoming
What state is Disneyland in`california
what state is harvard located in`massachusetts
What state is mount mckinley in`alaska
What state is only part of the united states by treaty`texas
What state is only part of the U S by treaty`texas
what state is proud to say it is the largest in the u.s`alaska
what state is 'the evergreen state'`washington
What state is 'the garden state'`new jersey
What state is the Golden State`California
What state is 'the gopher state'`minnesota
what state is the hat creek observatory located in`california
What state is 'the hoosier state'`indiana
what state is the kitt peak national observatory?`arizona
What state is the land of Lincoln`Illinois
What state is the second largest of the U S`texas
What state motto is "She Flies with Her Own Wings"`Oregon
What state officially recognized baked beans as the state food`massachusetts
what state put sam nunn in the senate`georgia
what state's average 1987 wage of 28,008 dollars topped all others?`alaska
what state sent joe biden to the senate?`delaware
what state was elvis born in?`mississippi
What state was the 48th to join the US`arizona
What state was the home to Mayberry`North Carolina
What state would you be in, if you were in Intercourse`pennsylvania
what statue did dobie gillis mimic while contemplating life and love`rodin's thinker
What statue does Mr. Burns give to the Simpson Family?`3000-year-old carved head of Xtapolapocetl
What statue overlooks Piccadilly Circus`Eros
What statuette is awarded annually to the best TV commercial`clio
what steve martin film had him go from rags to riches to rags`the jerk
what steve mcqueen movie featured the san francisco car chase scene?`bullitt
What's the 1st name of Wayne Gretzky's father`walter
Whats the abbreviation for United States of America`USA
What's the adhesion of molecules to the surfaces of solids called`absorbtion
what's the adhesion of molecules to the surfaces of solids called`adsorption
what's the all-time best selling popular novel`gone with the wind
What's the American term for a flat`apartment
What's the ancient Greek word for "great city"`megalopolis
What's the ancient language of India`sanskrit
What's the apparent gap between Saturn's A & B rings called`cassini division
What's the average annual temperature worldwide (Fahrenheit)`fifty eight
What's the average duration for food to pass through the digestive system`24 hours
What's the average number of murders a child has seen on tv by the age 16`eighteen thousand
What's the basic unit for measuring electric energy`joule
what's the bay of fundy in maritime canada noted for`tides
What's the best known artificial international language`esperanto
What's the best possible poker hand`royal flush
what's the best time of day to buy a pair of shoes`late afternoon
Whats the better known name of Edson Arantes do Nascimento`pele
What's the better-known name of the card game Twenty-One?`Blackjack
What's the biggest living bird`ostrich
What's the brightest star in the night sky`sirius
what's the caliber of an "uzi"`nine millimeters
what's the capital city of the province of prince edward island in canada`charlottetown
What's the capital of Australia`Canberra
what's the capital of azerbaidzjan`baku
what's the capital of bahamas`nassau
What's the capital of Bahrain`manama
What's the capital of Bhutan`Thimphu
what's the capital of canada?`ottawa
what's the capital of caucasian georgia?`tbilisi
whats the capital of chile`santiago
what's the capital of colombia`bogota
What's the capital of Colorado`denver
What's the capital of Comoros`moroni
what's the capital of delaware?`dover
what's the capital of denmark`copenhagen
What's the capital of ecuador`quito
What's the capital of England`London
What's the capital of Estonia`tallinn
what's the capital of france`paris
what's the capital of gaungdong province in china`canton
what's the capital of ghana?`accra
what's the capital of great britain?`london
What's the capital of Illinois`springfield
what's the capital of iowa`des moines
what's the capital of iran`tehran
what's the capital of ireland`dublin
what's the capital of italy`rome
what's the capital of jordan?`amman
What's the capital of Katar`Doha
what's the capital of kenya?`nairobi
What's the capital of Liberia`monrovia
what's the capital of liechtenstein?`vaduZ
what's the capital of madagascar?`tananarive
What's the capital of Malaysia`kuala lumpur
what's the capital of mali?`bamako
What's the capital of Michigan`lansing
What's the capital of Montana`helena
What's the capital of Netherlands`amsterdam
What's the capital of Nevada`carson city
What's the capital of Nicaragua`managua
What's the capital of North Dakota`bismarck
What's the capital of Ohio`columbus
What's the capital of Oman`muscat
What's the capital of paraguay`asuncion
What's the capital of peru`lima
What's the capital of Qatar`doha
what's the capital of romania?`bucharest
what's the capital of russia`moscow
Whats the capital of Saudi Arabia`riyadh
What's the capital of Senegal`dakar
what's the capital of south carolina`columbia
What's the capital of Sweden`Stockholm
What's the capital of Syria`damascus
Whats the capital of Texas`austin
what's the capital of thailand?`bangkok
what's the capital of the central african empire?`bangui
What's the capital of the Comoros`moroni
what's the capital of the maldives islands?`male
what's the capital of the northwest territories`yellowknife
What's the capital of Uruguay`montevideo
What's the capital of Vanuatu`vila
What's the capital of Vermont`montpelier
what's the capital of virginia`richmond
what's the capital of wales`cardiff
What's the capital of Western Samoa`apia
What's the capital of West Virginia`charleston
What's the capital of Wyoming?`cheyenne
whats the capital poland`warschau
What's the cause of delirium tremens`alcoholism
What's the cause of surface ocean currents`winds
What's the centre division of a Backgammon board called`The Bar
What's the Christian penitential season from end of November to Christmas`advent
what's the circulation of winds around a low pressure system called?`cyclone
what's the claim to fame of aleksei leonov`first space walk
what's the claim to fame of chang and eng bunker`first siamese twins
what's the claim to fame of lhasa, tibet`world's highest city
What's the claim to fame of San Bernardino county`largest in the us
what's the color of mourning in most moslem countries?`white
what's the coloured part of the eye called?`iris
whats the colour of jealousy`green
What's the colour of the jersey awarded to the leaders of the 'Tour de France`yellow
what's the commonest name for the constellation ursa major?`great bear
What's the common name for calcium carbonate`chalk
What's the common name for hydrogen hydroxide`water
What's the common name for leucocytes, found in the blood`white blood cells
what's the common name for rice wine?`sake
Whats the common name for the Australian parakeet`budgerigar
What's the common name for the disease that doctors call "rubella"`german measles
Whats the common name for the drug acetaminophen`paracetamol
What's the common name for vitriolic acid`sulfuric acid
What's the common name of hydrogen hydroxide`water
What's the common term for a cubic decimetre`litre
What's the common term for precipitation infused by sulfuric & nitric acids`acid rain
what's the common term for xerography`photocopying
What's the composition of "dry ice"`carbon dioxide
Whats the computer term "bit" short for`binary digit
What's the connection between Benson & Growing Pains?`Missy Gold and Tracey Gold,
what's the content of a "byte"`8 bits
What's the Cray-2 immersed in`subzero flurocarbon fluid
What's the Crystal Anniversary`fifteenth
What's the cubed root of 27`3
What's the currency in algeria`dinar
what's the currency in bangladesh`taka
What's the currency of Bulgaria`Lev
what's the currency of laos`kip
what's the currency of san marino`lira
What's the curved line between any two points on a circle`arc
What's the decimal equivalent of the binary number 101`five
What's the deepest trench in the Indian Ocean`Java Trench
What's the definition of macho?`Jogging home from your own vasectomy
What's the difference between fish and meat?`If you beat your fish it dies
What's the difference between light and hard?`You can sleep with a light on
Whats the difference between roast beef and pea soup`anyone can roast beef
What's the difference between sin and shame?`It is a sin to put it in, but it's a shame to pull it out.
what's the distinguishing feature of marsupial animals`they have pouches
What's the easternmost point in the USA`west quoddy head maine
what's the echidna's favorite food?`ants
What's the Eskimo word for a moccasin type boot`mukluk
what's the european consortium that produces passenger planes?`airbus industries
What's the fastest sea dwelling mammal`the dolphin
what's the fastest sport in the world?`jai alai
What's the favorite food of dragonflies`mosquitoes
What's the fifth largest country in the world`brazil
What's The Finnish Name for "Finland"`Suomi
whats the first book of the Old Testament`genesis
what's the first day of lent?`ash wednesday
what's the first day of the week`sunday
whats the first instruction given runners by the started of a race`on your marks
what's the first name of childen's show host, mr rogers?`fred
whats the first name of u2's leadsinger`paul
what's the first quotation in the bible attributed to god`let there be light
What's the first sign of the zodiac`aries
What's the first video game to become a television show`pac man
What's the flavor of Angelica`licorice
What's the fluid capacity of Monica Lewinsky's mouth?`1 U.S.leader
What's the former name of Istanbul`Constantinople
What's the formula for the area of a rectangle`length times width
What's the fourth book of the new testament`john
What's the Gaelic name for Dublin`baile atha cliath
What's the general name for germ fighting drugs such as penicillin & streptomycin`antibiotics
Whats the German name for their own country`deutschland
what's the gestation period for human beings?`nine months
What's the greatest source of lead poisoning`leaded gasoline
what's the greek form of the name ardashir the persian?`artaxerxes
What's the hardest bone in the human body`jawbone
What's the hardest substance in the human body`enamel
What's the hebrew word for "proper"`kosher
What's the height of conceit?`Having an orgasm and calling out your own name
Whats the highest adult male singing voice`alto
what's the highest continuous mountain range of the southern appalachians`great smoky mountains
What's the highest mountain in the 48 contiguous u.s. States`mount whitney
What's the highest mountain in the 48 contiguous U S states`Whitney
Whats the highest mountain in the Alps`mont blanc
What's the highest navigable lake in the world`lake titicaca
What's the highest position attained in the Loyal Order of Moose Lodge`supreme governor
what's the highest possible hand in poker, using jokers`five aces
Whats the highest score possible with three darts`one hundred and eighty
what's the home country of evil doers boris and natasha?`pottsylvania
What's the Hoosier State`indiana
What's the infamous contraction of Geheime Staatspolizei`gestapo
What's the international radio code word for the letter "A"`alpha
What's the international radio code word for the letter "B"`bravo
What's the international radio code word for the letter "C"`charlie
What's the international radio code word for the letter "D"`delta
What's the international radio code word for the letter "E"`echo
What's the international radio code word for the letter "F"`foxtrot
What's the international radio code word for the letter "G"`golf
What's the international radio code word for the letter "H"`hotel
What's the international radio code word for the letter "I"`india
What's the international radio code word for the letter "J"`juliet
What's the international radio code word for the letter "K"`kilo
What's the international radio code word for the letter "L"`lima
What's the international radio code word for the letter "M"`mike
What's the international radio code word for the letter "N"`november
What's the international radio code word for the letter "O"`oscar
What's the international radio code word for the letter "P"`papa
What's the international radio code word for the letter "Q"`quebec
What's the international radio code word for the letter "R"`romeo
What's the international radio code word for the letter "S"`sierra
What's the international radio code word for the letter "T"`tango
What's the international radio code word for the letter "U"`uniform
What's the international radio code word for the letter "V"`victor
What's the international radio code word for the letter "W"`whiskey
What's the international radio code word for the letter "X"`xray
What's the international radio code word for the letter "Y"`yankee
What's the international radio code word for the letter "Z"`zulu
what's the italian game that resembles lawn bowling`bocci
Whats the Italian game thats similar to lawn bowling`bocci
What's the largest airport in the US`dallas, fort worth
What's the largest alluvial flood plain in the U.S.`the mississippi delta
What's the largest and most powerful of the american cats`jaguar
what's the largest animal alive with teeth`sperm whale
What's the largest aquatic bird`albatross
what's the largest artery in the human body`aorta
What's the largest bay in the world`hudson bay
What's the largest bay in the world`hudson's bay
what's the largest cat in the americas`jaguar
what's the largest city between ireland and canada`reykjavik
what's the largest city in arizona?`phoenix
what's the largest city in china`shanghai
what's the largest city in the spanish speaking world`mexico city
What's the largest commercial passenger plane`the jumbojet
What's the largest continent in the world`asia
what's the largest fresh water lake in the world?`lake superior
What's the largest island in the arctic ocean, with 195,928 square miles`baffin
What's the largest island in the Atlantic`greenland
What's the largest island in the British Isles, with 84,200 square miles`great britain
what's the largest island in the mediterranean sea`sicily
what's the largest japanese island?`honshu
Whats the largest lake in Africa`lake victoria
Whats the largest lake in africa`victoria
What's the largest lake in South America`lake maracaibo
Whats the largest library in the world`the library of congress
Whats the largest man made structure visable from space`great wall of china
What's the largest meseum in the world`louvre
What's the largest & most powerful of the American cats`jaguar
What's the largest museum in the world?`louvre
what's the largest port in france`marseilles
what's the largest scandinavian country`sweden
what's the largest train station in britain?`waterloo station
What's the largest urban park in the world, located in Philadelphia PA`fairmount park
what's the largest us agricultural crop by weight`corn
what's the largest usa metro area without an nba franchise`st louis
what's the largest usa metro area without an nfl franchise?`st louis
What's the largest USA metro area without an NHL franchise`dallas
what's the largest us island?`hawaii
What's the last line of Dicken's A Christmas Carol`god bless us everyone
What's the last name of the most famous ornithologist`audubon
What's the last of the cat's senses to develop`sight
Whats the last word of the bible`amen
whats the latest province of holland`flevoland
what's the latin phrase meaning "in the year of our lord"`anno domini
what's the leading female singer in an opera called`the prima donna
What's the leading radio-audience survey company in the US`arbitron
What's the light sensitive layer on photographic film called`emulsion
what's the "line" along which earthquakes occur`fault line
what's the locale for barney miller (tv show)`new york city
what's the locale for cheers?`boston
What's the locale for Sgt Bilko`fort baxter
What's the locale for the farmer's daughter`washington dc
What's the location for newhart`vermont
What's the location of the "Circus Hall of Fame"`sarasota florida
What's the longest non mechanical sporting event`tour de france
What's the longest river in Asia?`yangtze
What's the longest river in the british isles`shannon
What's the longest river in the U S`mississippi river
what's the longest river in western europe`the rhine
What's the longest running soap-series in the USA`ATWT
What's the longest tendon in the body`achilles tendon
what's the lord of the flies in the book of the same name`a pig's head
what's the lowest level of computer language?`machine language
what's the magic phrase in ali baba and the forty thieves`open sesame
What's the main boulevard of Paris`champs elysee
Whats the main ingredient in bouillabaisse`seafood
What's the main ingredient in glass`sand
What's the Malayan sun bear's main claim to fame`smallest bear
What's the maximum number of players in a game of Chinese chequers`six
Whats the maximum number of wives permitted at any one time under Islamic law`four
What's the maximum rent payable for landing on a Monopoly railroad`200
What's the meaning of the electronic term "LED"`light emitting diode
Whats the meaning of the Latin battle cry 'ad arma, ad arma`to arms to arms
what's the meaning of the zoological term ruminant`cud chewer
what's the medical term for cancer of the blood?`leukemia
What's the middle day of a non-leap year`july 2nd
What's the minimum number of players on an NFL team`eleven
what's the more common name for the constellation ursa major`great bear
What's the more familiar name of the Himalayas Yeti`Abominable Snowman
what's the more familiar name of the himalayas' yeti`the abominable snowman
Whats the most abundant element in the sun`hydrogen
What's the most abundant metal element in the earth's crust`aluminium
What's the most abundant metal element in the Earth's crust`aluminum
What's the most common Christian name of US presidents`james
What's the most common color of Topaz`yellow
what's the most common colour of topaz`yellow
What's the most common first name in the world`muhammad
What's the most common fowl on Earth`chicken
What's the most common name in nursery rhymes`jack
what's the most common non contagious disease in the world?`tooth decay
What's the most common term for a rotary wing aircraft`helicopter
What's the most common term of endearment in the U.S.`honey
what's the most dangerous modern occupation?`astronaut
What's the most effective insulator brick, fibreglass or wood`fibreglass
what's the most extensively grown and eaten food`wheat
What's the most frequently ingested mood altering drug`caffeine
what's the most illustrious trophy in yachting`the america's cup
What's the most mountainous country in europe`switzerland
what's the most-often-spoken western language in czechoslovakia`german
What's the most popular form of bridge`contract bridge
what's the most popular ice cream flavour in north america`vanilla
what's the most popular registered dog in america`the poodle
What's the most popular sport in South America`soccer
What's the most powerful card in Euchre`right bower
What's the most powerful card in Euchre`The right bower
what's the most powerful type of microscope`electron
what's the most rejected entry submitted to guinness book of records?`longest paper clip chain
what's the most sensitive finger on the human hand`the index finger
what's the most us common street name`park street
What's the most valuable crop in burma, laos and thailand`poppy
What's the most widely-played game card in the world`Solitaire
what's the most widely-used seasoning in the world`salt
What's the motto that appears in the MGM circle above the lions head`ars gratia artis
whats the Muslim name of God`allah
What's the name designated to pay grade E-2 in the US Marine Corps`private first class
what's the name designated to rank o-5 in the us marine corps`lieutenant colonel
Whats the name for an organism that live on or in another`parasite
What's the name for a pen for pigs`pigsty
Whats the name given a star that has collapsed into no dimensions`black hole
What's the name of a plants male reproductive cells`pollen
whats the name of bart simpsons best friend`millhouse
What's the name of B.B. King's guitar`Lucille
what's the name of broomhilda's buzzard buddy?`gaylord
Whats the name of curry soup`mulligatawny
what's the name of dick and joanna's hotel, on newhart?`stratford inn
Whats the name of El Ninos lesser known little sister`la nina
What's the name of Garfield's Rubber Chicken`stretch
what's the name of garfield's teddy bear`pooky
Whats the name of Jacques Cousteaus research ship`calypso
what's the name of prehistoric flying reptiles?`pterosaurs
What's the name of Snoopy's secretary`woodstock
what's the name of the archipelago at the tip of south america`tierra del fuego
what's the name of the bear in jungle book`baloo
Whats the name of the boy in Jungle Book`mowgli
Whats the name of the bugle call at military funerals`last post
What's the name of the cat in the "Nine Lives" TV commercials`morris
whats the name of the chubby hairy dark brown headed porn actor that has been in over 5,000 adult films`Ron Jeremy
What's the name of the counting system in which four is written "100"`binary
What's the name of the counting system in which four is written "100"`binary system
What's the name of the dragon in the Ivor the Engine stories`idris
What's the name of the Dutch racer in the F1`Jos Verstappen
What's the name of the extinct volcano near hawaii's waikiki beach`diamond
what's the name of the extinct volcano near hawaii's waikiki beach`diamond head
what's the name of the gland in the lower front portion of the neck?`thyroid gland
Whats the name of the Gothic cathederal church in Paris`notre dame
what's the name of the hill in jerusalem where jesus was crucified`calvary
What's the name of the holy book of Islan`the koran
What's the name of the large prominent vein in the side of your neck`jugular vein
What's the name of the largest area of the brain`cerebrum
Whats the name of the large wooded area in which Robin Hood was supposed to have lived`sherwood forest
whats the name of the magician who helped the hobbits`gandalf
whats the name of the moviedirector of dr. strangelove and a clockwork orange`stanly kubrick
Whats the name of the New Zealand Rugby teams pre-match war dance`the haka
Whats the name of the orca who played in free Willy`Keiko
What's the name of the piece flipped into the cup in tiddlywinks`The Wink
Whats the name of the plaster used for coating outside walls`stucco
what's the name of the point at which condensation begins`the dew point
what's the name of the rabbit in bambi`thumper
What's the name of the second book in the Bible`exodus
Whats the name of the song that Jay-z sings with Mariah Carey?`Heartbreaker
what's the name of the very small shrew`pygmy
What's the name of the very small shrew`pygmy shrew
what's the name of the wizard of id's wife?`blanch
What's the name of this character: "&"`ampersand
Whats the national airline of Ireland`aer lingus
what's the national anthem of australia?`waltzing matilda
what's the nationality of agatha christie's detective hercule poirot`belgian
what's the nationality of agatha christie's hercule poirot?`belgian
What's the national sport of Japan`sumo wrestling
what's the nearest galaxy to our own`andromeda
What's the Newfoundland term that describes catching squid for bait`squid jigging
What's the next line: "We the people of the United States in order to form a more perfect union......'?`establish justice
what's the nfl penalty for an invalid fair catch signal?`five yards
what's the nfl record for most points in a shutout victory?`sixty-four
what's the nickname for california?`golden state
What's the nickname for Chicago, Illinois`windy city
what's the nickname for hawaii`aloha state
Whats the nickname for Indiana`hoosier state
What's the nickname for Mobile, Alabama`gulf city
what's the nickname for new hampshire?`granite state
what's the nickname for new jersey?`garden state
What's the nickname for North Carolina`tar heel state
what's the nickname for north dakota`sioux state
what's the nickname for old towne, maine`canoe city
What's the nickname for Paris, France`city of light
what's the nickname for pennsylvania?`keystone state
what's the nickname for south carolina?`palmetto state
What's the nickname for South Dakota`coyote state
what's the nickname for tennessee`volunteer state
What's the nickname of Chicago's cuccessful NBA basketball team`bulls
what's the nickname of former oddsmaker jimmy snyder`jimmy the greek
what's the nickname of jack dawkins in oliver twist?`artful dodger
What's the nickname of the Detroit franchise in the MILL`turbos
What's the nickname of the Iowa state football team`cyclones
What's the nickname of the University of Georgia football team`Bulldogs
What's the nickname of Wisconsin's football team`badgers
what's the northernmost scandinavian country?`norway
whats the number on "herbie" the love bug`53
what's the number ten to the power of 100?`a googol
What's the oed`oxford english dictionary
Whats the official animal of Canada`beaver
what's the official currency of monte carlo`french franc
what's the official language of bangladesh`bengali
what's the official language of chad, mali and niger?`french
what's the official language of egypt, tunisia and morocco`arabic
Whats the official language of Morocco`arabic
What's the official language of st lucia`english
what's the official language of the most serene republic of san marino`italian
what's the official name of the tract of land known as seward's folly?`alaska
what's the official state bird of the state of utah`seagull
What's the official state sport of alaska`dog sledding
What's the offspring of a lioness & a tiger called`liger
Whats the oldest brewery in continuous operation in North America`molson
what's the oldest capital in the america's?`mexico city
What's the oldest fraternity in America`phi beta kappa
what's the oldest stroke used in competitive swimming`breaststroke
What's the oldest university in rhode island`brown university
What's the only 5 point letter in scrabble`k
What's the only alcoholic beverage on sale before noon in finland`beer
What's the only animal, aside from man, that can get leprosy`armadillo
what's the only animal species in which the male becomes pregnant?`sea horse
what's the only australian city to have hosted the olympic games`melbourne
what's the only base unit of measurement still defined by an artifact`kilogram
what's the only base unit of measure still defined by an artifact`kilogram
What's the only bird that can fly upside down`the hummingbird
what's the only city on new providence island in the bahamas`nassau
What's the only day named for a planet?`Saturday
what's the only dog which doesn't have a pink tongue`the chow
what's the only east european country that officially discourages tipping`bulgaria
what's the only element capable of tarnishing and damaging gold?`mercury
What's the only female animal that has antlers`caribou
What's the only horse to be disqualified after winning the Kentucky Derby`dancer's image
What's the only insect that produces food humans eat`the honeybee
what's the only large ape found in asia?`orangutan
What's the only mammal that can't jump`elephant
what's the only man-made structure visible from space`the great wall of china
what's the only nation with a non-rectangular flag`nepal
what's the only North American marsupial`opossum
what's the only place in europe where monkeys live free?`gibraltar
What's the only property an orthodox Hindu woman can own?`Jewelry
what's the only sea that starts with "d"?`dead sea
Whats the only US state name that ends in three vowels`hawaii
what's the only us state that ends with a k`new york
what's the only u.s. state to end in the letter k`new york
what's the only us state to grow coffee`hawaii
What's the only US state which borders only a Canadian province`alaska
what's the only video game that became a television show`pac-man
What's the opposite of "fantasy"`reality
Whats the opposite of orient`occcident
What's the opposite of 'synonym'`antonym
Whats the opposite of the nadir`zenith
What's the opposite of the orient`occident
what's the opposite of the orient?`the occident
What's the opposite of windward`leeward
what's the other name for the card game patience`solitaire
what's the other name of the date of julius caesar's assassination?`ides of march
whats the other term for the rook in chess?`castle
What's the parent company of the "jack-in-the-box" hamburger chain`ralston
what's the parent company of the "jack-in-the-box" hamburger chain`ralston purina
What's the particle reponsible for gravitational forces`graviton
Whats the piece of plastic used for strumming a guitar called`plectrum
What's the plural of 'larva'`larvae
Whats the plural of mongoose`mongooses
What's the point scored immediately after deuce in tennis?`Advantage
Whats the point value of the bullseye outer on a dartboard`twenty five
What's the point value of the outer bullseye on a dartboard`Twenty Five
What's the point where a planet is farthest from the sun called`aphelion
what's the positive electrode of a battery called`the anode
What's the predominant church in greece`greek orthodox church
What's the primary function of two-thirds of a shark's brain`detecting
What's the primary function of two thirds of a shark's brain`detecting aromas
What's the principal river of Ireland`shannon
What's the process of splitting atoms called`fission
Whats the proper name for a cherry?`hymen
what's the proper term for the production of light by living organisms?`bioluminescence
What's the psychological term for self-love`narcissism
what's the puck used in underwater hockey made of?`lead
What's the radical feminist word for "history"`herstory
What's the real name of the French philosopher Voltaire`francois marie arouet
what's the red cross called in arab countries?`red crescent
what's the region immediately below the earth's crust?`mantle
What's the respiratory organ of most fish`gill
What's the resting place of those buried at sea`davey jones locker
What's the resting place of those buried at sea`Davey Jones's Locker
what's the roofing material for montreal's olympic stadium`teflon
What's the royal dog of China`pekingese
Whats the Russian word for east which was given to early space capsules`vostok
What's the second brightest star visible from Earth`canopus
What's the second largest asteroid in this solar system`pallas
Whats the second largest city in Oregon`eugene
What's the second largest continent`africa
What's the second largest desert in Africa`kalahari desert
What's the second most spoken language on earth`english
what's the second oldest american university?`william & mary
What's the second Xanth novel`The Source of Magic
Whats the secret identity of Don Vito Corleone`the godfather
What's the seventh sign of the Zodiac`libra
what's the shortest day of the year`december 21
what's the shortest verse in the bible`jesus wept
Whats the singular of dice`die
what's the singular of graffiti`graffito
What's the sky king's home, near the town of grover, called`flying crown
what's the sky king's home, near the town of grover, called?`flying crown ranch
Whats the smallest breed of dog`chihuahua
what's the smallest known planet in our solar system?`pluto
What's the smallest mammal`shrew
What's the smallest state (in area) west of the Mississippi`hawaii
What's the soft tissue inside bones called`marrow
what's the solid core of a comet called`nucleus
what's the song title of ringo starr's song 'peaches and cream, lips like strawberry wine, you're beautiful and your mine'`you're sixteen
what's the song title of rod stewart's song 'can you hear me, can you hear me through the dark night far away'`sailing
what's the song title of the queen song 'it's not easy, but you've got friends you can trust'`friends will be friends
What's the Spanish word for cottonwood tree`alamo
What's the speed limit of sex?`68 at 69 you have to turn around
whats the square root of 121`eleven
What's the square root of one-quarter`one half
What's the state bird of utah`sea gull
What's the state flower of Alaska`forget me not
what's the state motto of california?`eureka
what's the street address for the white house?`1600 pennsylvania avenue
what's the study of gases in motion called?`aerodynamics
what's the surname of dagwood's boss?`dithers
Whats the surname of the mediaeval author of Canterbury Tales`chaucer
Whats the sweet life in Rome`la dolce vita
What's the Swiss Family Robinson's destination when shipwrecked`america
Whats the symbol of the zodiacal sign Gemini`twins
What's the tallest mountain in Canada`logan
What's the telephone area code for Chicago`312
What's the term for a bet before cards are dealt`ante
What's the term for a configuration of stars`constellation
Whats the term for a mass of diffused gas & ice particles in solar orbit`comet
What's the term for a resident of Liverpool`liverpudlian
what's the term for pleasure-seeking as a way of life`hedonism
what's the term for the blood pressure reading when the heart is at rest`diastolic
What's the term for the giant forest hog's social unit`sounder
Whats the term used for the submerged fringe of a continent`continental shelf
what's the theme song for midnight cowboy`everybody's talkin'
what's the third-largest lake in the world`lake victoria
Whats the third most common language in the world`spanish
what's the third smallest continent`antarctica
what's the top-selling soft drink outside of the us?`coca-cola
what's the traditional trade for aspiring spanish bullfighters`bricklaying
What's the United Kingdom's largest ethnic minority`the scots
What's the unit of measure for a racehorse's height`hand
what's the unit used to measure sound`decibel
What's the unofficial anthem of the musical theater`there's no business like show business
What's the USA's largest legal cash crop`corn
what's the usa's most popular spectator sport`horseracing
What's the USA's second most popular spectator sport`horse racing
what's the usual age for a jewish boy to celebrate his "bar mitzvah"`thirteen
What's the value of face cards in Cribbage`Ten
Whats the warmest continent`africa
What's the Weather Like: With a highest recorded temperature of 58.0 Celsius, this location is the world's hottest`Al'Az-iz-iyah, Libya
What's the Weather Like: With a lowest recorded temperature of -89.2 Celsius, this location is the world's coldest`Vostok, Antarctica
What's the Weather Like: With an annual average of 335 days per year, this location is the world's wettest`Waialeale, Hawaii
What's the Weather Like: With an annual average rainfall of .7mm, this location is the world's driest`Arica, Chile
What's the Weather Like: With an average of 4,127 annual hours of sunshine, this location is the world's sunniest`Yuma, Arizona
What's the Weather Like: With an average of only 736 annual hours of sunshine, this location is the world's cloudiest`Ben Nevis, Scotland
what's the winter counterpart to estivation`hibernation
what's the women's tennis equivalent to the davis cup`the federation cup
what's the world largest basilica`st. peter's
what's the worlds highest waterfall`angel falls
What's the world's largest cat`tiger
Whats the worlds largest church`st peters, vatican city
Whats the worlds largest coral reef`great barrier reef
what's the world's largest fresh-water island?`manitoulin
Whats the worlds largest sea`mediterranean
what's the worlds largest tourist attraction`walt disney world
Whats the worlds longest snake`python
What's the world's most common compound`water
what's the worlds most popular, non-alcholic, organic beverage?`coffee
Whats the worlds second most spoken language`english
What's the worlds widest river?`Amazon
[Whats the year] All Night Long (All Night) -- Lionel Richie`1983
[Whats the year] Big Girls Don't Cry -- The Four Seasons`1962
[Whats the year] Breaking Up Is Hard To Do -- Neil Sedaka`1962
[Whats the year] Can't Help Falling In Love -- Elvis Presley`1962
[Whats the year] Down Under -- Men At Work`1983
[Whats the year] Duke Of Earl -- Gene Chandler`1962
[Whats the year] Every Breath You Take -- The Police`1983
[Whats the year] Flashdance -- Irene Cara`1983
[Whats the year] He'll Have To Go -- Jim Reeves`1960
[Whats the year] Islands In The Stream -- Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton`1983
[Whats the year] Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini -- Brian Hyland`1960
[Whats the year] Monster Mash -- Bobby "Boris" Pickett & The Crypt-Kickers`1962
[Whats the year] Only The Lonely (Know How I Feel) -- Roy Orbison`1960
[Whats the year] Poetry In Motion -- Johnny Tillotson`1960
[Whats the year] Roses Are Red -- Bobby Vinton`1962
[Whats the year] Save The Last Dance For Me -- The Drifters`1960
[Whats the year] The Loco-Motion -- Little Eva`1962
[Whats the year] The Twist -- Chubby Checker`1960
[Whats the year] The Twist -- Chubby Checker`1962
[Whats the year] Unchain My Heart -- Ray Charles`1962
what's the zodiacal sign for capricorn`the goat
What's the zodiacal symbol for Virgo`virgin
What stinky item(s) can prevent your toolbox from rusting`Mothballs
What stone is associated with the Orient`jade
what stone is used in the manufacture of billiards tables`slate
What stone is used to make snooker tables`slate
What storied European mountain is known in Italy as Monte Cervino`the matterhorn
What story features flopsy, mopsy and cottontail`peter rabbit
What story features Flopsy,Mopsy and Cottontail`tales of peter rabbit
Whats towns problem with rats was solved by the Pied Piper`hamlin
what's traditionally the first event in a rodeo`bareback riding
what strait joins the atlantic ocean to the mediterranean sea`straits of gibraltar
What strait links the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean`strait of gibralter
What street is Maple Leaf Gardens on`carlton st
what strength-testing world championship is held every october in petaluma, california`wrist-wrestling
What stretch of water separates South Yemen and Somalia`gulf of aden
What stretch of water seperates Australia from Tasmania`bass strait
What stretch of water seperates the Sinai Peninsula from Saudi Arabia`gulf of aqaba
What strikes a bell to make it ring`clapper
What strikes the ball in a game of fives`hand
What strikes the Empire State Building more than 50 times a year`lightning
What strongman was the original 97 pound weakling`charles atlas
What struck honshu island, japan in 1934 killing 4,000 people`typhoon
What structure consisting of many blood cells, feeds the foetus during pregnancy`placenta
What structure in the back of the brain governs motor control?`cerebellum
What structure in the back of the brain governs motor control`the cerebellum
What style of architecture is the Empire State Building`art deco
what style of art did al capp call 'a product of the untalented, sold by the unprincipled to the utterly bewildered'`abstract
What style of dancing was popularized with rap music?`Break Dancing
What style of music was pioneered by jazzmen Charlie Parker and Dizzy Gillespie`be bop
What style were the piano compositions of Scott Joplin`ragtime
What subject did critic Mary Whitehouse teach`art
What subject did Mr. Chips teach?`Latin
What subject is covered in the mag 'bondage'`james bond
What subjects were early islamic artists forbidden to paint`animals and plants
What submarine had logged over 100,000 miles before being refueled in 1958`uss nautilus
What submarine vanished on May 21, 1968`the scorpion
What substance are the beds of good snooker tables made from`slate
What substance did Charles Best and Frederick Banting discover in 1922`insulin
What substance did fred macmurray invent in the absent minded professor`flubber
what substance did joseph priestley name for its ability to erase pencil marks`rubber
what substance found in the human body is also used in the manufacture of matches`phosphorous
What substance in wine acts as a preservative and allows for ageing`tannin
What substance is a rhino's horn made of?`keratin
What substance is processed in a ginnery`cotton
what substance is realeased during an allergic reaction`histamine
What substance is used in chemistry to test for acidity`litmus paper
What substance is used to ensure that a good joint is made with solder`flux
What substance must mix with food to give it taste`saliva
What substance or commodity is measured in yards, cuts, heers, hanks and spindles`linen
What substance was responsible for the expression 'mad as a hatter '`mercury nitrate
What Sudanese city's name means "elephant trunk"`khartoum
what suit is the suicide king`hearts
What's ulster`northern ireland
What sultry 1940's blonde dumped the names Constance Ockelman and Connie Keane`veronica lake
What sunken ship did US and French scientists discover in 1985`titanic
What sunk the Luisitania`german submarine
What superhero did Lindsay Wagner portray on TV`the bionic woman
What supermarkets were founded by Sir John Cohen with the slogan 'Pile it high, sell it cheap'`tesco
what superpowers did batman acquire`none
What surface is basketball most frequently played on`asphalt
What surface was a fresco painted on`fresh plaster
What surgical operation was done 115,000 times in us in 1986`silicone breast
What surname do Bobby, John and Teddy have in common`kennedy
What surname links the singers Jim and Van`morrison
What surrey town is famed for its salts`epsom
What's used to make grenadine syrup`pomegranate
what's usually thrown the farthest in a track and field competition`javelin
what's valentina tereshkova's claim to fame?`first woman in space
what's water's boiling point on the centigrade scale?`one hundred degrees
What's wayne and garth's favorite hockey team in wayne's world`chicago blackhawks
What sweet fruit grows on certain kinds of palm tress`dates
What's white sugar mixed with to make brown sugar`molasses
what swimmer broke 50 records and then became a famous actor`johnny weissmuller
What swimming stroke is named after an insect`butterfly
What swings in a grandfather clock`pendulum
What Swiss resident won a Grammie Award for singing Downtown`petula clark
what swiss town has hosted two winter olympics`st. moritz
What symbol appeared in green on white flags flown by U.S. relief ships during the Irish potato famine`shamrock
What symbol appears on the tails of Qantas jets`flying kangaroo
what symbol did artist robert paul create for hugh hefner`playboy rabbit logo
What symbol indicates the current entry position on a computer screen`cursor
What symbolises the election of a new Pope`white smoke
What symbol is on the flag of Vietnam?`Star
What symbol on the Bacardi symbol is there because the soil where the sugar cane grows is fertile from the excessive guano`the bat
What symphony includes a setting of Schillers Ode to Joy`beethovens ninth symphony
What symptom of hypothermia is odonterism`chattering teeth
what's your aglet`tips of your shoe laces
what's your sign: how many degrees are there in each house of the zodiac`thirty
what system do the blind use for reading?`braille
What system is based on the number 10`decimal
What system is based on the number 60`sexagesimal
What system was introduced in 1967 to deal with the loud hiss on cassettes`dolby
What tailor was struck blind after looking at the nude Lady Godiva`peeping tom
What takes a human 17 muscles to do`smile
What takes a human 43 muscles to do`frown
What takes eight minutes to reach Earth`sunlight
What talking doll introduced in 1960, said Im Hungry, and Will you play with me`Chatty Cathy
What talk show host did fred foy announce for`dick cavett
what talk show hostess gave her guests the fewest opportunities to speak, according to a 1996 msu survey?`oprah winfrey
what tank did german general and tactical mastermind heinz guderian call the best tank in the world`t-34
what tank did german general and tactical mastermind heinz guderian call the best tank in the world`t-34
Whatt are a jockeys clothes called`silks
What teaching aid is made mainly from soft limestone`chalk
what team did dean smith coach`north carolina tar heels
What Team does David Beckham play for`Manchester United
what team has won more world series than any other?`new york yankees
What team has won the most NBA championships`boston celtics
What team has won the most Stanley Cup championships`montreal canadiens
what team has won the most stanley cup hockey championships`the montreal canadiens
What team sport did Australia win its only gold medal in at the 1908 London Olympics`Rugby Union
What team won Super Bowl VII`miami dolphins
What team won the Super Bowl XII`dallas cowboys
What technique did Patrick Steptoe and Robert Edwards pioneer`in vitro fertilization
What technique records and reproduces three-dimmensional images using light from a laser but without the need for cameras or lenses`holography
what teeth are used for biting or cutting`incisors
What telephone company calls itself "The Right Choice"`at&t
What television character was born july 1, 21 bc in pompeii`jeannie
what television fbi agent received a citation from general william westmoreland for narrating a film on the army reserve`efrem zimbalist jr.
what temperature in kelvin's is absolute zero`0
What temperature reads the same in both the Fahrenheit and Celsius scales`minus forty degrees
what temptress does legend tell us turned ulysses' men into swine?`circe
What Tennessee town sprang up as key research site of the Manhattan project`oak ridge
what tennessee williams play features blanche dubois and the kowalskis`a streetcar named desire
What tennis ball company's logo is 'you've seen one you've seen them all'`penn
What tennis player earned the nickname the Swedish steel`bjorn borg
What tennis star earned the nickname SuperBrat`John McEnroe
what tennis star founded the magazine women's sports?`billie jean king
What tennis term is said to come from the French word for egg`Love
What tennis term is said to come from the French word for eggs`love
What ten volume tome did Victor Hugo give the world in 1862?`Les Miserables
What term applies to the aroma of wine`bouquet
What term applies to the consistency, thickness and substance of a wine`body
What term applies to the property of metals that allows them to be drawn out in to a thin wire`ductile
What term can describe a cheap disreputable nightclub, and a style of ragtime piano playing`honky tonk
What term comes from the catholic church practice of appointing someone to give opposing views on a nominee for sainthood`devil's advocate
What term denote the study of flags`vexillology
What term describes a pain in the chest usually caused by lack of oxygen`angina
What term describes energy obtained from underground heat`geothermal
What term describes how quickly an object moves over a certain distance?`Speed
What term describes the driest form of sparkling wine`brut
What term describes the study of the behaviour of materials and substances at very low temperatures`cryogenics
What term describes the West as opposed to the Orient`occident
What term did an ad man coin in 1928 for what had been known as "ringworm"`Athlete's foot
What term for a musical movement means, literally, "joke"`scherzo
What term has gradually replaced "jungle" because it "has a nice ring to it," according to William Safire`rain forest
What term is applied to animals or plants that are not nocturnal`diurnal
What term is applied to ethyl alcohol that has been treated with poison to make it unfit for human consumption`denatured
What term is applied to rocks changed by heat and pressure`metamorphic
What term is applied to the natural process by which molecules will disperse evenly throughout a particular substance`diffusion
What term is applied to the widow of a king`queen dowager
What term is derived from the athletic supporters which were introduced in 1874 to help bicycle riders as they pedaled over cobblestone roads?`jock strap
What term is derived from the practise of clans of long ago wanting to get rid of their unwanted people without killing them so burned their houses down instead`getting fired
What term is given to that part of the Earth which can support life`biosphere
What term is given to the scientific study of all aspects of the life of fungi`mycology
What term is given to the seasonal movement of animals especially birds and fish`migration
What term is used for how stars are graded for brightness`magnitude
What term is used for the speed at which a piece of music is played`Tempo
What term is used for the technique of growing plants without soil`hydroponics
What term is used in skittles to describe the knocking down of all the pins with a ball still left to throw`a spare
What term is used in the world of wine for the first growth of grapes`premier cru
What term is used to describe the mind functioning as the center of thought and behavior`psyche
What term is used to describe the process of extracting poison from snakes`milking
What term is used to describe the warm front of a depression being overtaken by its cold front`occlusion
What term means to shed flakes or scales of skin`exfoliate
What term originally meant instruction in all branches of knowledge, or a comprehensive education in a specific subject`encyclopedia
What term originally menat instruction in all branches of knowledge, or a comprehensive education in a specific subject?`encyclopedia
What term was used from 1914 onwards to describe music emanating from New Orleans`jazz
What terrorist group was headed by Donald DeFreeze`symbionese liberation army
What Texan slammed back more bourbon and branch water than any character in TV history?`j. r. ewing
WhatTexanslammedbackmorebourbonandbranchwaterthananycharacterinTVhistory`j. r. ewing
What thames river bridge is nearest the tower of london`tower
What The ASCII Code ALT+0189 Produce`½
What theme park is located in Buena Park, California`knotts berry farm
what theme park opened in 1968 in billund, denmark`legoland
What theme park was dubbed by some wags as "Euro dismal"`disneyland paris
What the most north-eastern state of the contiguous u.s`maine
What theory describes the beginning of our universe`big bang
What theory did John T Scopes teach, contrary to Tennessee law in 1925`evolution
What Theory did Max Plank develope in 1900`Quantum
What theory was developed by Albert Einstein`relativity
What the the L stand for of author L. Frank Baum`Lyman
What thick metal plate is thrown in the olympics`discus
what think tank conducted the first computer simulated war game in 1952?`rand corporation
What thirst quencher was promoted with the line 'Probably the best lager in the world'`carlsberg
what thornton wilder play was made into a movie with music by aaron copland`our town
What three brothers named John, Dick and Ken all represented Australia in Rugby`The Thornetts
What three categories are rocks divided, according to their formation`igneous sedimentary metamorphic
what three colors are the arrow poison frogs of south america`orange, red & yellow
what three colors of ink are used to print a us dollar bill`black green blue
What three colours are present in the flag of Bulgaria`white, green & red
What three colours make up the Rumanian flag`blue, yellow & red
what three days of the week did woodstock encompass?`friday, saturday & sunday
What three letters are overly used to indicate 'Laugh Out Loud'`lol
What three letter word means 'the front of a ship'`bow
What three letter word means the same as 'to ingest'`eat
what three "little ones" sailed away in the nursery rhyme's wooden shoe?`wynken, blynken & nod
what three monopoly properties are green?`pacific, north carolina & pennsylvania
What three numbers divide into nine evenly`one, three, nine
what three planets' first three letters spell sun`saturn uranus neptune
what three states have as their eastern boundary the mississippi river?`iowa missouri arkansas
What three types of weapons are known in Pentagon-speak as ABC`atomic, biological and chemical
What three words follow Shakespeare's Now is the winter of our discontent`made glorious summer
What three words mean the same as 5,880,000,000,000 miles`one light year
What three words that are colors do not rhyme with any other words`orange silver purple
What thrill flick master died at 80 in 1980`alfred hitchcock
What Tibetan mammal lives at a higher altitude than any other in the world`yak
What ticklish item did Susan Hibbard invent in 1876`The feather duster
What tide occurs when the sun and moon has least influence`neap
what time does dennis rodman have tatooed on his wrist`4:20
What time do Spanish bullfights start`five pm
What time piece has a gnomon in the middle`sundial
What time was it when the mouse ran down the clock`one o'clock
What time would you watch "Late Night With David Letterman" on NBC?`12:30-1:30
What tiny animal, valued for its pale grey fur, lives higher than any other in the andes`chinchilla
What tiny European country lists its currencies as the franc and the peset`andorra
What tiny vessel connects an artery with a vein`capillary
What tiny vessels connects an artery with a vein`capillary
What Titan giant's name is also a book of maps`atlas
What titan had snakes for hair`medusa
What title character of a children's book turned his enemies into butter`sambo
What title connects The Shadows last UK chart entry in 198nd a Graham Greene novel`the third man
What title connects Wham!'s first UK chart entry and a Keifer Sutherland film`young guns
What title did Juan & Quixote share`don
What title did Zola give to the letter he wrote to the newspaper L'Aurore in 1898`j'accuse
What title is given to a Muslim ruler`emir
What title is given to the head of state in Brunei`sultan
What title is given to wife of an earl`countess
What title is reserved for the leader of the entire Ku Klux Klan`grand wizard
what title often preceded russian novelist leo tolstoy's name?`count
what title role did the pacific princess play?`love boat
What title was given to Harold Macmillan on his 90th birthday`earl of stockton
What title was held by the governor of India before independence`viceroy
What title was once given to the rulers of Venice`doge
What toe is the foot reflexology pressure point for the head`Big Toe
what toe is the foot reflexology pressure point for the head`the big toe
What toiletry was introduced to the United States in 1955`Roll-on deodorant
What Tokyo street glitters with famed department stores and nightclubs`ginza
what tokyo street glitters with famed department stores and nightclubs`the ginza
What toll free area code prefix went into service after the supply of 800 numbers began to dwindle`888
what tom cruise movie's ads declared: "when he pours, he reigns"`cocktail
What tome did Nazis give newlyweds & parents of large families`mein kampf
What took place on a Chicago squash court in 1941`first controlled atomic chain reaction
What took place on a New York State dairy farm belonging to Max Yasgur in 1969`woodstock festival
What took Thomas Jefferson 18 days to write`the declaration of independence
What tool gave a puzzle its name`jigsaw
what tools are used to crewel`needles
What tools do you use to crewel`Needles
What tops the list as the worlds all time best selling or distributed book`bible
What tourist attraction in rome has 138 steps`spanish steps
what tower was climbed in the beatles song i am the walrus`the eiffel tower
what town did andy taylor and barney fife patrol`mayberry
What town did Billy Joel call home`long island
what town is the tv show 'gunsmoke' set in`dodge city
What town lies at the opposite end of the Suez Canal to Port Said`suez
What towns from Arkansas and Texas did Harold Lloyd Jenkins combine for his country and western stage name`conway twitty
What town was featured in z cars`newtown
What town was the site of lady godiva's famous ride`coventry
What toxic chemical indiscriminately killed vegetation in the Vietnam war`agent orange
what toxin is found in apple seeds?`cysnogenic glycoside
What toy company is the world's1 maker of female apparel`mattel
what toy company makes barbie dolls`mattel
What toy is launched on a string and has a tail`kite
what toyota vehicle takes its name of the latin word for crown`corolla
What toy was in short supply for the 1983 Chirstmas season?`Cabbage Patch Kid
what toy was originally made from the bladder of an animal`balloon
what track and field event can you use the scissors in?`high jump
What trade name was given to the phenol-formaldehyde resin developed as the first synthetic plastic in 1909`bakelite
What trade was stated on Al Capone's business cards`Used furniture dealer
What traditionally is used under the felt as the bed of a snooker table`slate
What tragedy occurred two years to the day after the federal raid on the branch Davidian complex in Waco`oklahoma city bombing
What train leaves Pennsylvania Station at quarter to nine`chattanooga choo choo
What, translated literally is the 10th month`december
What, translated literally, is the ninth month`november
What translates and executes your program`an interpreter
what translates high-level languages into machine language?`a compiler
What transparent material is produced by heating lime, sand & soda`glass
What transporter room aboard the enterprise is chief o'brien's favorite`three
What trap is a greyhound running from if its in black and white stripes in England and orange in Ireland`trap six
what travels at a speed of 5.9 million million miles, or 9.4 million kilometers per year`light
What travels faster than light a laser beam, sound or nothing`nothing
What travels in gaggles`geese
What travels through space at 66,700 miles per hour`earth
what travels through space at 66,700 miles per hour`planet earth
What travels towards earth at between 100 and 1000mph and returns at 87000 mph`lightning
What treaty ended the American revolution`treaty of paris
What treaty saw the end of the American Civil War`Treaty of Appomattox
What tree, other than maple, can be tapped to produce syrup`birch
What tree provided the laurel of classical wreaths`bay
what trees are commonly found in english churchyards`yew trees
What trees live in wet salty swamps`mangrove
What trees only produce acorns when they are fifty`oak
what tree was sacred to athena`olive
what tribe did american indian runner billy mills belong to`sioux
What tribe of American indians lent their name to a punk rock haircut`mohawks
What tribe walked the 'trail of tears'`cherokee
What trilogy did J.R.R. Tolkien write`Lord of the Rings
what triple crown-winning horse took the 1973 belmont stakes by 31 lengths`secretariat
what trophy goes to the outstanding us college football player of the year`heisman
What trophy is awarded to the winner of the NHL play-offs?`Stanley Cup
What trophy is awarded to the winner of the NHL play-offs`The Stanley Cup
What tropical disease does an insect of the Anophales genus transmit`malaria
What tropical root is used to flavor soft drinks`ginger
What tropic passes through Australia?`capricorn
What tropic passes through Australia`tropic of capricorn
What tropic passes through Mexico`cancer
what tropic passes through mexico`tropic of cancer
What trumpeter led all other jazz musicians in Ed Sullivan Show appearances`louis
What trumpeter led all other jazz musicians in Ed Sullivan Show appearances?`louis armstrong
WhattrumpeterledallotherjazzmusiciansinEdSullivanShowappearances`louis armstrong
What tunnel connects France and Italy`Mont Blanc Tunnel
What Turkish city has spread to both sides of the Bosporus Strait`istanbul
What turns blue litmus paper red`acid
What tusked creature helped embellish sailors' tails of Unicorns`narwhal
What TV actress co-starred in 1986's "Howard The Duck"?`Lea Thompson
What TV comedian with no ID card was asked to give a Tarzan yell to verify her identity, at Bergdorf Goodman?`Carol Burnett
what tv comedy show's theme song is rastatherian`cosby show
what tv comic sang "near you" at the end of every show?`milton berle
what tv commercial line followed: "i can't believe i ate the whole thing"?`you ate it ralph
What tv cowboy taught president sukarno's son how to twirl a six-shooter`roy
what tv cowboy taught president sukarno's son how to twirl a six-shooter`roy rogers
What tv dog had successive masters named jeff, timmy and corey`lassie
what tv fishing host has been called "the jack nicklaus of fishing"?`bill dance
what tv movie by rod serling resulted in bomb threats during airing`doomsday flight
What TV musical drama written by Dennis Potter was named after a 1930s song`pennies from heaven
What tv network features programming just for children`nickelodeon
What TV personality did Doritos commercials?`Jay Leno
What TV role did actress Shirley Booth play?`Hazel
what T.V. Series changed the names to protect the innocent`Dragnet
what tv series did dirk benedict star in`battlestar galactica
What TV series did Richard Widmark star in`madigan
what tv series did stuart whitman star in`cimarron strip
What tv series featured robert shaw as dan tempest`buccaneers
what tv series featured the character 'rusty b company'`rin tin tin
what tv series featured the line: "warning, aliens approaching"`lost in space
What tv series featured the riddler, the penguin and the joker`batman
What tv series from 1970-1974 starred susan dey`partridge family
What tv series set in newyork stars sarah jessica parker`sex and the city
What tv series starred six female impersonators during its 17 year run?`Lassie
What tv series was based on the series of books by laura ingalls wilder`little house on the prairie
what tv show dealt with life at the ponderosa`bonanza
What TV show did John Lennon and Yoko Ono co-host in 1972`mike douglas show
what t.v. show did john sebastian sing the theme for`welcome back kotter
what tv show starred the characters billy jo, betty jo & bobby joe?`petticoat junction
what tv show was hosted by wine nipping culinary artist graham kerr?`galloping gourmet
what tv show when off the air when it was still #1 in the ratings`i love lucy
What TV show with married couples and family life appealed to those over the age of 29?`Thirtysomething
What TV soap star was originally cast as the lead in Cleopatra in 1963`joan collins
what tv western star rode a horse named tony`tom mix
what twenties film idol starred in "the sheik and blood and sand"`rudolf valentino
What twins were nursed by a wolf`romulus & remus
What two '80's dance movies did Cynthia Rhodes have a major role in?`Dirty Dancing and Flashdance
what two airlines fly the concorde`british airways & air france
What two animals are shown supporting the shield on Australias coat of arms`The Kangaroo & the Emu
What two astrological signs begin with the letter a`aquarius & aries
what two baseball players broke roger maris' record of 61 home runs in a season`mark mcgwire sammy sosa
What two biblical cities did god destroy with fire and brimstone`sodom and
what two biblical cities did god destroy with fire and brimstone`sodom and gemorrah
What two biblical cities did God destroy with fire & brimstone`sodom & gemorrah
what two body organs benefit from cardiovascular exercise?`heart & lungs
What two brothers were nominated for president by the Republicans in 1884`william and john sherman
what two canadian cities are home to rcmp training depots?`regina & ottawa
what two canadian provinces don't border salt water`alberta saskatchewan
What two characters from Sesame Street got their names from the movie "It's a Wonderful Life"`bert
What two characters from Sesame Street got their names from the movie "It's a Wonderful Life"?`bert and ernie
WhattwocharactersfromSesameStreetgottheirnamesfromthemovie"It'saWonderfulLife"`bert and ernie
what two cities in australia have hosted the olympic games`melbourne & sydney
what two colors is a magpie?`black & white
What two colours are blood cells`red & white
What two colours are most colour blind people unable to distinguish between`red & green
What two colours feature on the flag of peru`red and white
What two commanders directed the forces at the battle of El Alamein`montgomery & rommel
What two countries contain the Sierra Nevada mountains`spain & usa
What two countries is Andorra between`france & spain
What two countries sandwich the Dead Sea`israel & jordan
what two countries were known as "the yellow peril" in the 1890's?`china & japan
What two European states enjoy observer status at the United Nations`switzerland & vatican city
What two factors do meteorologists combine to determine the heat index`temperature & humidity
What two flavours make mocha`coffee and chocolate
What two H-elements (named alphabetically) were the first produced by the Big Bang`Helium and hydrogen
What two ingredients make a Black Velvet`Champagne and Stout
what two julies won best actress oscars for 1964 and 1965`andrews & christie
what two large veins bring blood back to the heart from the upper and lower body`vena cava
What two letter word is found in the title of four of the beatles' first eight singles`me
What two materials were the first aeroplance wings made of`cloth & wood
What two metals form the alloy white gold`gold and silver
What two mountain ranges does the Tour de France race through`alps & pyrenees