
3884 lines
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TV / Movies: Disney Afternoon: RR Name the Rescue Rangers' feline enemy.`fat cat
TV/Movies: Disney Afternoon: RR What is the name of the fly`zipper
TV / Movies: Disney Afternoon: TS What is Baloo's term of endearment for his employer`beckers
TV/Movies: Disney Afternoon: TS What is the name of Baloo's plane`the sea duck
TV/Movies: Disney Afternoon: TS Where is Higher for Hire based`cape suzette
TV / Movies: Disney Afternoon: What is the usual length of The Disney Afternoon`two hours
TV / Movies: Disney Afternoon: What was the only new program on the original TDA`talespin
TV/Movies: Disney Movie: Bernard, Miss Bianca, Penny`the rescuers
TV/Movies: Disney Movie: Geppetto, Monstro, Jiminy Cricket (Watch the Spelling!)`pinocchio
TV/Movies: Disney Movie: Jaq, Lucifer, Gus Gus`cinderella
TV/Movies: Disney Movie: Rafiki, Nala, Simba`the lion king
TV / Movies: Disney's 1979 attempt at a sci-fi flick, with Ernest Borgnine`the black hole
TV/Movies: Disney Songs: 2 alligators tip over a boat shortly after this song in "The Little Mermaid."`kiss da girl
TV/Movies: Disney Songs: She had hits with "Tall Paul," "O Dio Mio," and "Pineapple Princess"`annette
TV/Movies: Disney Songs: Song that serenades Lady and the Tramp as they chow down spaghetti`bella notte
TV / Movies: Doctor Who: First name of the Doctor's "granddaughter" `susan
TV / Movies: Doctor Who: Multi-purpose gadget which helps the Doctor out of many sticky situations`sonic screwdriver
TV / Movies: Doctor Who: Name of the Doctor's race `the time lords
TV / Movies: Doctor Who: Name of the Doctor's "time machine"`tardis
TV / Movies: Doctor Who: One of the Canary Islands; the story "Planet of Fire" was filmed here.`lanzarote
TV / Movies: Doctor Who: Roman emperor whom the Doctor meets in the story "The Romans"`nero
TV / Movies: Doctor Who: The rights for a new series of Dr.Who are held by what Spielberg-owned company `amblin
TV / Movies: Doctor Who: Very famous painting which is an important plot element in "City of Death"`the mona lisa
TV / Movies: Doctor Who: What would you immediately notice if you stepped inside the TARDIS`bigger on the inside
TV / Movies: Doreen Tracy, Cheryl Holdridge & Cubby O'brien were known on tv as what`mouseketeers
TV / Movies: "Dozens of people are dying all the time, thousands, so why not mother"`Julian
Tv/Movies:Drama:In the movie In the Name of The Father what was the Father's Name`Guiseppe Conlon
Tv/Movies:Drama:In the Revenge who played the woman Tom Cochran and Tiburon Mendez fought over`Madeleine Stowe
Tv/Movies:Drama In what 1990 film did Jeremy Irons play Klaus von Burlow`Reversal of Fortune
Tv/Movies:Drama:In what 1990 movie did Tom Cochran try to 'get even' with Tiburon Mendez`Revenge
Tv/Movies:Drama:Name Kevin Costner's character in the 1991 film JFK`Jim Garrison
Tv/Movies:Drama:What 1954 naval court room drama co-starred Humphrey Bogart,Jose Ferrer and Van Johnson`The Caine Mutiny
Tv/Movies:Drama:What 1990 film found Campbell Scott and cast in an emotional examination of AIDS`Longtime Companion
Tv/Movies:Drama:What 1993 movie told the storyof jailed Irishman Gerry Conlon`In the Name of The Father
Tv/Movies:Drama:Who played Bob Woodward in the 1976 film All the President's Men`Robert Redford
Tv/Movies:Drama:Who played Jim Garrison in the 1991 film JFK`Kevin Costner
Tv/Movies:Drama:Who played lee Harvey Oswold in 1991's JFK`Gary Oldman
TV/Movies: Dr Seuss: --- Apples Up On Top (written under a pseudonym)`ten
TV/Movies: Dr Seuss: Dr. Derring's Singing Herring sing this to you!`happy birthday
TV/Movies: Dr Seuss: He owned a bottomless pool`mcelligot
TV/Movies: Dr Seuss: His most successful book, it launched the Beginner Books series`the cat in the hat
TV/Movies: Dr Seuss: _Mr. Brown Can ---! Can You`moo
TV/Movies: Dr Seuss: The number of hats Barholomew Cubbins wore`500
TV/Movies: Dr Seuss: The totalitarian turtle`yertle
TV / Movies: Duke Slater was the best friend of this marine.`gomer pyle
TV/Movies: Dukes Of Hazzard: Bo and Luke's CB handle`lost sheep
TV/Movies: Dukes Of Hazzard: Finish the line of the theme song: "Making their way ..."`the only way they know how
TV/Movies: Dukes Of Hazzard: General Lee's make and model`dodge charger
TV/Movies: Dukes Of Hazzard: It is a _______ that DoH isn't on some cable network. Also a play genre`tragedy
TV/ Movies: During the first 5 seasons, in how many South Park episodes kenny did NOT get killed`5
TV/Movies: Easy Movie Superstars: Which Robert starred with Dustin Hoffman in _All the President's Men`redford
TV/Movies: Easy Movie Superstars: Which Warren starred in _Dick Tracy_ and _Bugsy Malone`beatty
TV / Movies: Ed Asner won an emmy for his role in this series in 1977`roots
TV / Movies: Ed Harris watches his wife,Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, drown to death.`The Abyss
TV / Movies: Elvis how many songs were recorded for the movie "Follow That Dream"`seven
TV/Movies: Elvis how many songs were recorded for the movie "Follow That Dream"`seven`7
TV / Movies: Elvis Presley's real parents appeared in what movie`king creole
TV / Movies: Emmy awards: Helen Hunt has 4 best comedy actress honors, but she still has not caught whom`mary tyler moore
TV / Movies: Emmy awards: Name the only actress with 4 best drama actress awards`tyne daly
TV / Movies: Entertainment : 1984 murder in the military movie produced and directed by Norman Jewison`a soldiers story
TV/Movies: Entertainment: Adrienne Barbeau and Barry Bostwick were stars of this long-running musical`grease
TV / Movies: Entertainment: Disney film in which "When you wish upon a star" was introduced`pinocchio
TV / Movies: Entertainment: First conductor of radio NBC's symphony.`arturo toscanini
TV / Movies: Entertainment: Frederic's love in the pirates of penzance.`mabel
TV/Movies: Entertainment: Fred MacMurray invented this rubbery substance in The Absent Minded Professor`flubber
TV/Movies: Entertainment Grabbag: 1903 Edwin Porter film classic not filmed in the Wild West, but in New Jersey`the great train robbery
TV/Movies: Entertainment Grabbag: 1983 movie that played in Mexico City as "Electrodanza"`flashdance
TV / Movies: Entertainment Grabbag 2: In The Searchers, John Wayne searches for this actress.`natalie wood
TV / Movies: Entertainment Grabbag 2: In this musical, the hero sells his soul so the Senators can win the pennant`damn yankees
TV / Movies: Entertainment Grabbag 2: Johnny Cash recorded albums at Folsom & this other California prison`san quentin
TV / Movies: Entertainment Grabbag 2: Murray Grechner's occupation on The Odd Couple`policeman
TV / Movies: Entertainment Grabbag 2: She was the "Empress of the Blues"`bessie smith
TV / Movies: Entertainment Grabbag 3: The heaviest character in Bill Cosby's repertoire`fat albert
TV / Movies: Entertainment Grabbag 3: TV prime-time soap that took wing from a pilot called The Vintage Years`falcon crest
TV / Movies: Entertainment Grabbag 3: What movie begins "Episode IV: A New Hope"`star wars
TV / Movies: Entertainment Grabbag 4: Kirk Douglas and George C. Scott have bothed played this man to distinction`george s patton jr
TV/Movies: Entertainment Grabbag 4: What subject teacher Chet Kincaid taught on the Bill Cosby show`gym`pe
TV / Movies: Entertainment Grabbag 4: What TV doctor battles the Daleks`dr who
TV/Movies: Entertainment Grabbag: He played John-Boy on The Waltons`richard thomas
TV/Movies: Entertainment Grabbag: He played the sleezy evangelist the James Bond movie Licence to Kill`wayne newton
TV/Movies: Entertainment Grabbag: Naval comedy that switched from the S. Pacific to Italy in its 4th season`mchales navy
TV / Movies: Entertainment: He played TV's Tarzan.`ron ely
TV / Movies: Entertainment: He wrote "Dracula".`bram stoker
TV / Movies: Entertainment : In Blazing Saddles, the most common name in Rock Ridge`johnson
TV / Movies: Entertainment: L'il Abner's last name.`yokum
TV / Movies: Entertainment: Miss Moneypenny adores this figure.`james bond
TV / Movies: Entertainment : Mustached comedian who portrayed Frankie in North to Alaska`ernie kovacs
TV / Movies: Entertainment: Name of comedian Steve Martin's first album.`lets get small
TV / Movies: Entertainment : Name of the computer in Wargames`wopr
TV/Movies: Entertainment: Owner of the circus in Circus Boy`tim champion
TV/Movies: Entertainment: Played maid marian to Sean Connery's Robin Hood in "Robin and Marian"`audrey hepburn
TV/Movies: Entertainment Potpourri: Garp's sport in The World According to Garp`wrestling
TV/Movies: Entertainment Potpourri: Italian movie star that made Life's cover six times`sophia loren
TV/Movies: Entertainment Potpourri: Mr. Fawlty's first name on Fawlty Towers`basil
TV/Movies: Entertainment Potpourri: TV Group which included Sgt. Andrew Carter and Cpl. James Kinchloe`hogans heroes
TV/Movies: Entertainment Potpourri: TV show that featured a buzzer named Beulah`truth or consequences
TV / Movies: Entertainment : The McKenzie Brothers SCTV talk show`the great white north
TV / Movies: Entertainment: The name of Dagwood Bumstead's friend & neighbor.`herb woodley
TV / Movies: Entertainment: Thomas Dolby says she blinded him with this.`science
TV/Movies: Entertainment: Who was the lead singer of the Jefferson Starship`grace slick
TV / Movies: Entrepreneur that owned Jurassic Park`john hammond
TV/Movies: Esoterica Abounds: Simba, Nala, and Mufasa are just a few characters in this movie`the lion king
TV / Movies: Ex Secret Service Agent and Ex Football player fight corrupt football owner`The Last Boy Scout
TV/Movies: Family Flicks: Complete the title, _Honey, I Shrunk the`kids
TV/Movies: Family Flicks: Complete the title, _Lady and the`tramp
TV/Movies: Family Flicks: In _Aladdin_, what was the name of the Sultan's evil adviser`jafar
TV/Movies: Family Flicks: In _Buster's World_, how does Buster earn pocket money`magic
TV/Movies: Family Flicks: In _Home Alone_, where have Kevin's family gone`paris
TV / Movies: Family Flicks: In the film _Benji_, what type of creature was the main character`Dog
TV/Movies: Family Flicks: Name Dorothy's dog in _The Wizard of Oz`toto
TV / Movies: Family Flicks: Name the baby elephant with big ears who starred in a Disney cartoon feature.`Dumbo
TV/Movies: Family Flicks: To what use does Dumbo put his big ears`flying
TV/Movies: Family Flicks: What type of dog was Beethoven in the film of that name`st bernard`saint bernard
TV / Movies: Family Flicks: What was Macaulay Culkin's character called in _Home Alone_`Kevin
TV / Movies: Family Flicks: Who played the part of Dorothy in _The Wizard of Oz_`Judy Garland
TV / Movies: Family Flicks: Who was Bugsy Malone's girlfriend (Full character name)`Blousey Brown
TV / Movies: Family ties: who was alex p. Keaton's idol`ronald reagan
TV/Movies: Famous Celebrities: What is the surname of 8-times married actress Zsa Zsa`gabor
TV/Movies: Famous Celebrities: What nationality is Sophia Loren`italian
TV/Movies: Famous Celebrities: Which Gareth's summer miss of 1996 made him a household name`southgate
TV/Movies: Famous Celebrities: Which Johnny's name was once linked to the model Kate Moss`depp
TV/Movies: Famous Celebrities: Which TV show made Canadian Pamela Anderson famous`baywatch
TV/Movies: Famous Directors: Directed "Bicycle Thieves"`vittorio de sica
TV/Movies: Famous Directors: Directed "Cabaret"`bob fosse
TV/Movies: Famous Directors: Directed "Fear Eats the Soul"`rainer werner fassbinder
TV / Movies: Famous Directors: Directed "Fury"`Fritz Lang
TV / Movies: Famous Directors: Directed "Gas, Food, Lodging"`Allison Anders
TV/Movies: Famous Directors: Directed "Monsieur Hire"`patrice leconte
TV/Movies: Famous Directors: Directed "Naked"`mike leigh
TV/Movies: Famous Directors: Directed "Out of Africa"`sidney pollack
TV / Movies: Famous Directors: Directed "Platoon"`Oliver Stone
TV/Movies: Famous Directors: Directed "Shadowlands"`richard attenborough
TV / Movies: Famous Directors: Directed "Silence of the Lambs"`Jonathan Demme
TV / Movies: Famous Directors: Directed "Terms of Endearment"`James L Brooks
TV/Movies: Famous Directors: Directed "The Birds"`alfred hitchcock
TV/Movies: Famous Directors: Directed "The Player"`robert altman
TV / Movies: Famous Gills: Actor who played Fish on "Barney Miller" and "Fish." (gill, fish ... get it)`Abe Vigoda
TV / Movies: Famous Gills: Name the Monty Python member who best fits this TV / Movies.`Terry Gilliam
TV/Movies: Famous Gills: Played Laura Ingalls Wilder in "Little House on the Prairie."`melissa gilbert
TV / Movies: Famous Gills: Plays Agent Dana Sculley on the "X-Files."`Gillian Anderson
Tv/Movies:Famous Lines:"He's not as tough as he thinks." Neither are we" What film`The Sting
Tv/Movies:Fantasy:What 1981 Film co-starred Harry Hamlin, Laurence Olivier and Maggie Smith`Clash of the Titans
Tv/Movies:Fantasy:Which film features a group going down a really big hole to find Arne Saknussem`Journey to the Center of the Earth
Tv/Movies:Fantasy:Who played the clergyman in 'The Bishop's Wife'`David Niven
TV / Movies: Farm boy and mentor team up with two smugglers to rescue kidnapped princess`Star Wars
TV / Movies: Father mulcahy: "_____, the lord moves in mysterious ways, but you take the cake". To whom was he referring`klinger
TV / Movies: Features: Darlanne Fluegel, Jimmy Smits, Gregory Hines, and Billy Crystal`Running Scared
TV / Movies: Features: Rutger Hauer, Sean Young, Harrison Ford, Edward James Olmos, and Joe Turkel`Blade Runner
TV / Movies: Features: Tom Skerritt, Ian Holm, Sigourney Weaver, and John Hurt`alien
TV / Movies: Features: Virginia Madsen, Peter O' Toole, Vincent Spano, and Muriel Hemingway`Creator
TV / Movies: Features: "You can't handle the truth!"`a few good men
TV/Movies: Film 101: Famous Hong Kong director of _Red Sorghum_ & _To Live`zhang yimou
TV/Movies: Film 101: Film and video makers are very ENTHUSIASTIC about this brand of digital editor`avid
TV / Movies: Film 101: French phrase referring to all the elements to be photographed -props,sets,etc.`mise-en-scene
TV/Movies: Film 101: He served as director of photography for Orson Welles' _Citizen Kane`gregg toland
TV/Movies: Film 101: Metal mesh screens, or ----- are used to cut the intensity of a light source`scrims
TV / Movies: Film 101: One of the very first ethnographic films: of the North.`Nanook
TV / Movies: Film 101: Silent films in Japan were narrated by live performers called .`Benshi
TV / Movies: Film 101: The light-sensitive compound suspended in film stocks' emulsion (two words)`silver halide
TV/Movies: Film 101: The relationship of the frame's width to its height`aspect ratio
TV / Movies: Film 101: TRUE or FALSE: Woody Allen is an overrated putz.`true
TV / Movies: Film Air: A definition of longevity: Oscar winner 48 years apart, in 1933 & 1981.`Katharine Hepburn
TV/Movies: Film Air: Film which won Audrey Hepburn an Oscar for best actress`roman holiday
TV/Movies: Film Air: First man to play Chester A. Riley on TV version of "The Life of Riley"`jackie gleason
TV / Movies: Film Air: In "The Maltese Falcon," what was Peter Lorre's character named `Joel Cairo
TV / Movies: Film Air: Rod Steiger played the villain in which smash hit musical (Yup, he sang, too.)`Oklahoma
TV / Movies: Film Air: TV's first LIVE western series, "Action in the Afternoon," was produced where `Philadelphia
TV / Movies: Film Air: What actor's torn white t-shirt caused a major stir in "Picnic" in 1957 `William Holden
Tv/Movies:Filmlines:In what Francis Ford Coppola film did we hear, "Peggy, you know what a penis is- stay away from it"`Peggy Sue Got Married
Tv/Movies:Filmlines:What 1981 film featured the line "Who was that masked man?"`Legend of the Lone Ranger
Tv/Movies:Filmline: Which 1969 Western featured the line "I wont watch you die. I'll miss that scene if you don't mind."`Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
TV/Movies: Film Roles: Arthur`dudley moore
TV / Movies: Film Roles: Captain Blood`Errol Flynn
TV / Movies: Film Roles: Carrie`Sissy Spacek
TV / Movies: Film Roles: Dick Tracy`Warren Beatty
TV/Movies: Film Roles: Doctor Doolittle`rex harrison
TV / Movies: Film Roles: Dr. Phibes`Vincent Price
TV/Movies: Film Roles: Elmer Gantry`burt lancaster
TV/Movies: Film Roles: Gigi`leslie caron
TV / Movies: Film Roles: Inspector Clouseau`Peter Sellers
TV / Movies: Film Roles: Lawrence of Arabia`Peter OToole
TV/Movies: Film Roles: Mary Poppins`julie andrews
TV/Movies: Film Roles: Norman Bates`anthony perkins
TV/Movies: Film Roles: Private Benjamin`goldie hawn
TV/Movies: Film Roles: Shaft`richard roundtree
TV / Movies: Film Roles: Sherlock Holmes`Basil Rathbone
TV / Movies: Film Roles: The Bandit`Burt Reynolds
TV / Movies: Film Roles: The Great Santini`Robert Duvall
TV/Movies: Film Roles: The Music Man`robert preston
TV/Movies: Film Roles: The Sheik`rudolph valentino
TV / Movies: Film title________(a number) leagues under the sea`20,000
TV / Movies: Film title 'the last days of ______' `pompeii
TV / Movies: Film Top Cops: Actress who was Arnold's partner in Kindergarten Cop`Pamela Reed
TV/Movies: Film Top Cops: Aidan Quinn is the cop, Madeleine Stowe the formerly blind woman in`blink
TV / Movies: Film Top Cops: Chevy Chase bungles Jack Palance's surveillance in... `Cops Robbersons
TV / Movies: Film Top Cops: Clever spoof series from the makers of _Airplane!_`The Naked Gun
TV / Movies: Film Top Cops: Con-man James Garner got to be sheriff in... `Maverick
TV / Movies: Film Top Cops: Connery played a salty cop aiding Eliot Ness in...`The Untouchables
TV/Movies: Film Top Cops: Dirty Harry's last name`callahan
TV / Movies: Film Top Cops: Dreyfus & Estevez were on a...`Stakeout
TV/Movies: Film Top Cops: Helen Mirren played her in several telefilms`Jane Tennyson
TV/Movies: Film Top Cops: Jean-Claude travels to the past`Time Cop
TV/Movies: Film Top Cops: Michael Douglas says, "I like to get kissed before I get f--ked." (ack)`black rain
TV/Movies: Film Top Cops: Nick Nolte was originally a cop opposite Eddie Murphy's con in`48 hrs
TV / Movies: Film Top Cops: Peter Sellers immortalized this character. (careful)`Jacques Clouseau
TV / Movies: Film Top Cops: Tom Hanks had a canine partner in...`Turner & Hooch
TV / Movies: Film: who played "celie" in the color purple`Whoopi Goldberg
TV / Movies: Film: who played "claudia draper" in nuts`Barbra Streisand
TV / Movies: Film: who played "dr raymond stantz" in ghost busters`Dan Aykroyd
TV / Movies: Film: who played "marty mcfly" in back to the future`michael j fox
TV / Movies: First a psycho cadet in "The Strange One" and then he ran for his life. Who`Ben Gazzara
TV/ Movies: First Class Flicks: A American rock star foils the East Germans' plans of global conquest.`top secret!
TV / Movies: First Class Flicks: A American rock star foils the East Germans' plans of global conquest.`Top Secret!
TV / Movies: First Class Flicks: Chance the gardener finds himself as presidential advisor thru accident.`Being There
TV / Movies: First Class Flicks: Con artist & his young pal formulate elaborate swindle.`The Sting
TV / Movies: First Class Flicks: Eliot Ness & crew clean up Chicago.`The Untouchables
TV / Movies: First Class Flicks: Hollywood exec receives threats from underappreciated writer.`The Player
TV / Movies: First Class Flicks: Jailed rebel has personality conflict with chain gang warden, plans escape.`Cool Hand Luke
TV / Movies: First Class Flicks: Modern L.A. mobsters learn one of their number is police informer.`Reservoir Dogs
TV / Movies: First Class Flicks: Small European nation declares war on U.S. to gain post-war aid...but wins.`The Mouse That Roared
TV / Movies: First Class Flicks: Three washed-up movie stars hired by besieged Mexican town to fight bandito.`Three Amigos!
TV / Movies: First feature-length animated movie by Disney`snow white and the seven dwarfs
TV / Movies: First name of private eye Mannix.`Joe
TV/Movies: Flicks: Archaeologist teams up with long lost father in search of the Holy Grail`indiana jones and the last Crusade
TV/Movies: Flicks: A T-Rex eats a lawyer. Nobody liked him anyway`jurassic park
TV/Movies: Flicks: Christopher Lloyd is returned to his odd family, Gomez, Morticia, et al`the addams family
TV/Movies: Flicks: Cyborg is sent back through time to assassinate mother of future rebel`the terminator
TV/Movies: Flicks: Dim-witted man finds himself in important histrical events in the USA`forrest gump
TV/Movies: Flicks: Documentary about the pressure placed on women to be thin and beautiful`the famine within
TV/Movies: Flicks: Harrison Ford unearths a holy relic, and it melts alot of Nazis`raiders of the lost ark
TV/Movies: Flicks: High schooler plays hooky and shows his best friend how to have a good time`ferris buellers day off
TV/Movies: Flicks: Jack Nicholson movie about mental hospital and R.P. McMurphy`one flew over the cuckoos nest
TV/Movies: Flicks: Mary Steenburgen, Steve Martin, Rick Moranis all have family crises`parenthood
TV/Movies: Flicks: Mountain Ranger races terrorists on mountain to find three money suitcases`cliffhanger
TV/Movies: Flicks: Movie featuring the immortal characters Blanche DuBois and Stanley Kowalski`a streetcar named Desire
TV/Movies: Flicks: Policeman visits wife in Los Angeles and battles terrorists on highrise`die hard
TV/Movies: Flicks: Quote: "Khan, I am laughing at the superior intellect." (full name, no ":")`star trek 2 the wrath of khan
TV/Movies: Flicks: Robin Williams has a sexual identity crisis`mrs. doubtfire
TV/Movies: Flicks: Six man jewelry heist gone bad. Characters with colorful names`reservoir dogs
TV/Movies: Flicks: Suicidal cop is partnered with reluctant aging cop. Fight drug runners`lethal weapon
TV/Movies: Flicks: Theme Song by Brian Adams: Everything I Do (I Do It For You)`robin hood prince of thieves
TV/Movies: Flicks: Tom Hanks and Dan Akroyd track down the crimes of P.A.G.A.N`dragnet
TV / Movies: Flub a dub & Chief Thunder Chicken were regulars on`howdy doody
TV/ Movies: Former miss America Phyllis George interviews Burt Reynolds on _____`cbs morning news
TV / Movies: For what tv series was walter d. Dishell medical adviser`mash
TV / Movies: For which film did Al Pacino win best actor oscar in 1992`scent of a woman
TV / Movies: For which movie did Peter O'Toole win an Oscar`None (Hes never won)
TV / Movies: FOX's show about five kids struggling through life without their parents`party of five
TV/Movies: Fox TV: Bruce Campbell stars as this chacracter in the Fox series set in the Old West`brisco county jr
TV/Movies: Fox TV: Name of Fox's failed series about college life, starring Jason Gedrick`class of 1996
TV / Movies: Fox TV: On 90210: Who are the twins (name1 and name2) `Brandon and Brenda
TV / Movies: Fox TV: On In Living Color: Name the body-building beauty played by Jim Carrey.`Vera De Milo
TV / Movies: Fox TV: On Melrose Place: What is the name of Matt's wife (first name)`Katya
TV/Movies: Fox TV: The hit song "How Do You Talk to an Angel" came from what failed Fox series`the heights
TV / Movies: Fox TV: The Simpsons began as cartoon shorts on what show`Tracey Ullman Show
TV / Movies: Fox TV: This failed Fox comedy starred Richard Lewis and Don Rickles.`Daddy Dearest
TV / Movies: Fox TV: What famous actress provided the voice for Maggie Simpson's first words`Elizabeth Taylor
TV / Movies: Fox TV: What Fox show did comedienne Kim Coles perform in before _Living Single_`In Living Color
TV / Movies: Fox TV: What gossipy talk show host once had a late night program on Fox`Joan Rivers
TV / Movies: Fox TV: What is Living Single star Dana Owens better known as`Queen Latifah
TV / Movies: Fox TV: What sanitation engineer calls Baltimore his home`Roc
TV/Movies: Frank Sinatra: For what role in From Here to Eternity did Sinatra win an Academy Award`maggio
TV / Movies: Frank Sinatra: In what year was Frank Sinatra born`1915
TV / Movies: Frank Sinatra: Sinatra starred in this musical version of "The Philadelphia Story."`High Society
TV / Movies: Frank Sinatra: Sinatra was once married to this actress, star of "The Barefoot Contessa."`Ava Gardner
TV / Movies: Frank Sinatra: This comedian once said, "Make yourself like Frank. Hit somebody."`Don Rickles
TV / Movies: Frank Sinatra: What film did Sinatra pull from release after Kennedy's assassination`Manchurian Candidate
TV / Movies: From 1956 to 1972 how many commercially released films did Elvis appear in`33
TV / Movies: From the mind of comedian Robin Harris comes this animated bunch of brats`bebes kids
TV / Movies: From which tv show was "beverly hills buntz" a spinoff`hill street blues
TV / Movies: From which tv show was "mork & mindy" a spinoff`happy days
TV / Movies: F scott fitzgeralds "the great gatsby" stars robert redford and`mia farrow
TV/Movies: Full House: Complete Michelle's line: "You're in big -------, ------!"`trouble mister
TV/Movies: Full House: Danny's last name`tanner
TV / Movies: Full House: Full House is set in this city`San Francisco
TV / Movies: Full House: Name Jesse and Rebecca's children (use "and")`Nicky and Alex
TV / Movies: Full House: Name the three daughters, in order of oldest to youngest (no commas)`DJ Stephanie Michelle
TV / Movies: Full House: Rebecca's maiden name`Donaldson
TV / Movies: Full House: This character popularized the phrase "Whoa baby!"`Kimmie
TV/Movies: Gals Named Mary: Her name, repeated twice, was the title of a 1970's TV show`mary hartman
TV/Movies: Gals Named Mary: Host of "CNN & Company" (1994)`mary tillotson
TV/Movies: Gals Named Mary: She played Joanne Loudon on "Newhart"`mary frann
TV / Movies: Game show: dick clarks popular word association game began in 1973 as the $10,000 pyramid. But inflation raised the stakes. How high up did the pyramid eventually go`$100,000
TV / Movies: Game show: dr. Joyce brothers began her career as a media personality by being a winning contestant on`$64,000 question
TV / Movies: Game Shows: Chuck Woolery & Rolf Benerschke hosted this show, but are not famous for it.`Wheel of Fortune
TV/Movies: Game Shows: Game where "if you hear this sound twice (bz bz) you've given a duplicate answer`family feud
TV / Movies: Game Shows: He hosted High Rollers, the $128,000 Question, Concentration, Wizard of Odds`Alex Trebek
TV/Movies: Game Shows: He hosted High Rollers, the Question, Concentration, Wizard of Odds`alex trebek
TV/Movies: Game Shows: Host of Caesar's Challenge`ahmad rashad
TV / Movies: Game Shows: Host of the $100,000 Pyramid and the $25,000 Pyramid.`Dick Clark
TV/Movies: Game Shows: Host of the Family Feud after Richard Dawson`ray coombs
TV / Movies: Game Shows: Host of Win Lose or Draw`Bert Convy
TV / Movies: Game Shows: Jackie Gleason hosted "You're in the Picture," which lasted this many shows`One
TV / Movies: Game Shows: Name of the buzzer on "Truth or Consequences".`Beulah
TV / Movies: Game Shows: New Mexico city renamed in 1950 for 10th anniversary of this show (City/Show)`Truth or Consequences
TV/Movies: Game Shows: Original "Jeopardy!" announcer: later became voice of "Saturday Night Live"`don pardo
TV/Movies: Game Shows: The Family Channel advertises this as "-------- -------:The Interactive Game"`trivial pursuit
TV/Movies: Game Shows: This show's giant, 50-foot pinball game had 4 miles of wiring`magnificent marble machine
TV / Movies: Game Shows: With a run of over 17 years, prime-time television's longest running game show.`Whats My Line
TV / Movies: Game show: three of the following U S Presidents appeared at one time or another on what's my line. Which one did not Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George Bush`george bush
TV / Movies: Game show: who has hosted more game shows than anybody`bill cullen
TV/Movies: Gen X TV: Before becoming James Bond, Roger Moore starred as what other secret agent`the saint
TV / Movies: Gen X TV: For whom did Underdog have a bad case of puppy love`Sweet Polly Purebred
TV/Movies: Gen X TV: In alphabetical order (1, 2, 3, 4), what were the first names of the Monkees`davy mickey mike peter
TV / Movies: Gen X TV: Name the two curmudgeons in the balcony on "The Muppet Show" (Use and).`Statler and Waldorf
TV / Movies: Gen X TV: On "L.A. Law", Rosalind Shays died by falling into this.`Elevator Shaft
TV / Movies: Gen X TV: On "Laverne & Shirley", what was Carmine's nickname `The Big Ragu
TV / Movies: Gen X TV: What company did the Taxi gang work for `Sunshine Cab Co
TV / Movies: Gen X TV: What cousin appeared in the last season making "The Brady Bunch" more annoying `Oliver
TV / Movies: Gen X TV: What two "Happy Days" spinoffs have "and" in their titles (format: 1, 2)`Mork and Mindy Laverne and Shirley
TV / Movies: Gen X TV: What was the name of the robot agent in "Get Smart"`Hymie
TV / Movies: Gen X TV: Who played Schneider, the handyman, on "One Day at a Time" `Pat Harrington
TV / Movies: Gen X TV: Who's real, ideal, awfully cute, and an ever-loving doll in a monkey suit`Magilla Gorilla
TV / Movies: George Cukor won his last Oscar for directing which 1964 musical`my fair lady
TV / Movies: Get Smart: Control had a branch office here, but lost it`Las Vegas
TV / Movies: Get Smart: Famous Hawaiian detective impeccably dressed in white suit and hat.`Harry Hoo
TV / Movies: Get Smart: His first name is Ludwig.`Siegfried
TV/Movies: Get Smart: In Smart's _apartment_, the phone is hidden inside this`phone
TV / Movies: Get Smart: Kaos executioner & Smart's nemesis.`Siegfried
TV / Movies: Get Smart: KAOS POW camp Gitche Gomee Noo-Nee Wah-wah is located in this state.`New Jersey
TV / Movies: Get Smart: KAOS stands for this`Nothing
TV / Movies: Get Smart: Said "I'd give anything to be cooped up in anything as big as a small room."`thirteen
TV/ Movies: Get Smart: Said "I'd give anything to be cooped up in anything as big as a small room."`thirteen`13
TV / Movies: Get Smart: Said "Jawohl, Siegfried."`Shtarker
TV / Movies: Get Smart: Said "People hate; robots love."`Hymie
TV / Movies: Get Smart: Said "Would you believe ... "`Smart
TV/Movies: Get Smart: Siegfried's faithful sidekick and dummkopf`shtarker
TV / Movies: Get Smart: Smart calls this Chinese KAOS agent "The Craw".`The Claw
TV / Movies: Get Smart: Smart's beautiful partner, later his wife.`99
TV / Movies: Get Smart: Smart's call number.`86
TV / Movies: Get Smart: Spoof of the James Bond movie _Dr. No_.`Dr Yes
TV / Movies: Get Smart: The chief's bumbling secretary.`Larabee
TV / Movies: Get Smart: This actor plays Smart & also provides the voice of Inspector Gadget.`Don Adams
TV / Movies: Get Smart: This actor plays Smart and also provides the voice of Inspector Gadget.`Don Adams
TV / Movies: Get Smart: This agent is stationed in a mailbox, couch, airport locker, trash can, etc.`13
TV / Movies: Get Smart: This is issued by Control in different flavors every month.`Suicide pill
TV / Movies: Get Smart: This is mostly likely 99's real first name`susan
TV / Movies: Get Smart: This plexiglass anti-eavesdropping device was invented by Professor Cone.`Cone of Silence
TV/ Movies: Get Smart: Who said "I'd give anything to be cooped up in anything as big as a small room."`Agent 13
TV/ Movies: Get Smart: Who said "People hate; robots love."`hymie
TV/ Movies: Get Smart: Who said "Would you believe ... "`smart
TV/Movies: Gilligans Island: Gilligan and he shared the same hut`skipper
TV / Movies: Gilligans Island: Ginger appears to read what & predict the future `crystal ball
TV/Movies: Gilligans Island: How many pounds does Lovey's diamond engagement ring weigh`one
TV / Movies: Gilligans Island: The color of the Skipper's shirt`blue
TV / Movies: Gilligans Island: The Skipper uses what in search for fresh water `divining rod
TV/Movies: Gilligans Island: What book does the Professor consult most`world of facts
TV/Movies: Gilligans Island: What does Gilligan always eat at the movies`popcorn
TV / Movies: Gilligans Island: What does Mr. Howell use as a golf ball `avocado pit
TV/Movies: Gilligans Island: What is the name of the beauty pageant held on "Gilligan's Island"`miss castaway
TV / Movies: Gilligans Island: Which Gilligan movie premiered in 1981 `The Harlem Globetrotters on Gilligans Island
TV-Movies: gilligans island: who played gilligan's would-be native mother-in-law`henny backus
TV/Movies: "-God. How does a woman get so bitter? -Observation."`the opposite of sex
TV/ Movies: Good Morning Vietnam stared what actor as Adrian Cronauer`robin williams
TV/Movies: Grab Bag: Sung by Jack Nicholson in the movie of Tommy`go to the mirror
TV / Movies: Grease: Frenchy dropped out of beauty school after tinting her hair this color`pink
TV / Movies: Grease: "Renegade" star who played Tom, characterized as a dumb jock.`Lorenzo Lamas
TV/Movies: Grease: Sandy left Danny while seeing this movie at the drive-in`the blob
TV / Movies: Grease: Sang the song, "Grease," for the opening credits.`Frankie Valli
TV/Movies: Grease: She got her name because she was the best dancer at St. Bernadette's`chacha
TV / Movies: Grease: Some of the T-Birds had to go to summer school to retake this class.`gym
TV / Movies: Grease: This was the rival gang of the T-Birds.`Scorpions
TV/Movies: Grease: What did Frenchy do that made Sandy puke`pierced her ear
Tv/Movies:Grossing:How much money did the 1980 film 9 to 5 earn?`59.1 million
Tv/Movies:Grossing:How much money did the 1980 film Stir Crazy earn`$58.4 million
Tv/Movies:Grossing:How much money did the 1980 film The Empire Strikes back earn`$141.6 million
Tv/Movies:Grossing:How much money did the 1987 film Beverly Hills Cop 2 earn`$80.8 million
Tv/Movies:Grossing:How much money did the 1987 film Fatal Attraction earn`70.0 million
Tv/Movies:Grossing:How much money did the 1987 film Three Men and a Baby earn`$81.3 million
TV / Movies: Hank azaria (simpon voices) was the camera man for what movie`godzilla
TV / Movies: Hanna barbera rose to fame by creating what duo for mgm`tom & jerry
TV/Movies: Hanna barbera rose to fame by creating what duo for mgm`tom & jerry`tom and jerry
TV / Movies: Happy days: joanie's first date was with one of fonzie's cousins. What was his name`spike
TV / Movies: "He doesn't want to exchange ideas, he wants to exchange fluids."`Crimes and Misdemeanors
TV / Movies: He is the voice of Charlie on Charlie's Angels`john forsythe
TV / Movies: He performed as Jack Skellington in _A Nightmare Before Christmas_.`Danny Elfman
TV-Movies: he played burt lancaster's commanding officer in run silent, run deep`clark gable
TV-Movies: he played carmine sabatine in the freshman`marlon brando
TV / Movies: He played Han Solo in the 'Star Wars' series`harrison ford
TV / Movies: He played himself in "Rage In Harlem" and acted in "Down By Law"`Screamin Jay Hawkins
TV / Movies: He played Mr. Short Term Memory`Tom Hanks
TV / Movies: He played the evil villain of "Dallas" (Actor's name).`Larry Hagman
TV / Movies: He played the part of King Arthur in "Camelot."`Richard Harris
TV / Movies: "He's famous for saying, "Why, soitenly".`curly
TV / Movies: He stared in Magnum P.I.`tom selleck
TV / Movies: He used to be known as Howard Cohen.`howard cosell
TV / Movies: He was born Carlos Ray.`chuck norris
TV / Movies: He was born Gordon Sumner.`sting
TV / Movies: He was born Krishna Banji.`ben kingsley
TV / Movies: He wrote & directed 'Clockwork Orange'`stanley kubrick
TV/Movies: Highlander: First name of Duncan's Scottish wife in the first movie`heather
TV/Movies: Highlander: On Highlander The Series, what is the name of Duncan MacLeod's young partner`richie ryan
TV / Movies: Highlander: What activity is Duncan involved in when he is first seen in the first episode`Having sex
TV/Movies: Highlander: What does the neon sign that Brenda is tied to in the first movie read`silvercup
TV / Movies: Highlander: What famous actor plays Juan Ramirez `Sean Connery
TV/Movies: Highlander: What is the full name of Connor MacLeod's mentor? (hint: 5 words)`juan sanchez villa lobos Ramirez
TV / Movies: Highlander: What is the name of the female police officer in the first movie `Brenda Wyatt
TV / Movies: Highlander: What is the name of the lead evil immortal in Highlander 2: The Quickening `General Katana
TV/Movies: Highlander: What is the only way to truly kill an immortal`beheading
TV/Movies: Highlander: What movie line sums up the struggle of the immortals (hint: 5 words)`there can be only one
TV/Movies: Highlander: What was Duncan's occupation in the first season`antique dealer
TV/Movies: Highlander: What was the name of Duncan MacLeod's monk mentor`darius
TV / Movies: Highlander: What was the name of the first evil Immortal in the TV Show`Slan Quince
TV / Movies: Highlander: Where can immortals never fight`Holy ground
TV / Movies: Highlander: Where nationality is Juan Ramirez`Egyptian
TV / Movies: Highlander: Who was Duncan's love interest in the first season of the TV Show `Tessa Noel
TV / Movies: Hollywood: Actress who said, "You know how to whistle...put your lips together-and blow"`Lauren Bacall
TV / Movies: Hollywood: Barbra Streisand played Fanny Brice this many times in the movies.`2
TV / Movies: Hollywood: Dimunitive actor provided the voice for animated cartoon, Oswald the Rabbitt.`Mickey Rooney
TV / Movies: Hollywood: Dynasty actress who rose to early popularity as Audra Barkley in Big Valley.`Linda Evans
TV / Movies: Hollywood: First Egyptian actor to become an international film star.`Omar Sharif
TV / Movies: Hollywood: First member of the original Saturday Night Live to leave the show.`chevy chase
TV-Movies: hollywood: formerly david jones, his films include the man who fell to earth and the hunger`david bowie
TV/Movies: Hollywood: Gun twirler from Blazing Saddles`gene wilder
TV/Movies: Hollywood: He played Lando Calrissian in the Star Wars sequels`billy dee williams
TV/Movies: Hollywood: He played Mork's son on Mork and Mindy`john winters
TV / Movies: Hollywood: He uttered the immortal lines, "I never drink--wine".`bela lugosi
TV / Movies: Hollywood: He was a circus acrobat before acting.`burt lancaster
TV / Movies: Hollywood: His last film was The Killers in 1964 before moving on to bigger things.`reagan
TV / Movies: Hollywood: Just before her death the NY Times called her a "weak imitation of Marilyn"`Jayne Mansfield
TV / Movies: Hollywood: Musical superstar played a saloon pianist in South Sea Sinner.`Liberace
TV / Movies: Hollywood: Name of Brooke Shields' mother.`Teri
TV / Movies: Hollywood: Novelist who played Disney's TV hero Texas John Slaughter.`tom tryon
TV / Movies: Hollywood: Richard Chamberlain's first name.`George
TV/Movies: Hollywood: She had children out of wedlock with Roger Vadim and Marcello Mastroianni`catherine deneuve
TV/Movies: Hollywood: She is Frances Brokaw's controversial daughter`jane fonda
TV / Movies: Hollywood: She is the mother of Jason Gould.`Barbra Streisand
TV/Movies: Hollywood: She played Kitty Russell on Gunsmoke`amanda blake
TV / Movies: Hollywood: Singer made his debut in The Jazz Singer.`neil diamond
TV / Movies: Hollywood: Star Trek star who played an extraterrestrial in Zombies of the Stratosphere.`nimoy
TV/Movies: Hollywood: The "C" in George C Scott stands for this`campbell
TV / Movies: Hollywood: The "King of the Miniseries" after doing Shogun and the Thorn Birds`richard chamberlain
TV / Movies: Hollywood: This tough guy starred in the porno "A Party at Kitty's and Studs"`sylvester stallone
TV / Movies: Hollywood: TV/Casino star who wrote much poetry, including Touch Me, & Touch Me Again.`Suzanne Somers
TV / Movies: Howdy Doody had how many freckles`48
TV/ Movies: How long did "i love lucy" run`six seasons`6 seasons
TV / Movies: How many '58 Plymouth Furys were used to make the movie "christine"`9
TV / Movies: How many children do the Brady's have`six
TV/Movies: How many children do the Brady's have`six`6
TV/ Movies: How many episodes were there in the original star trek series`75
TV / Movies: How many episodes were there in the original Star Trek series`seventy five
TV/Movies: How many episodes were there in the original Star Trek series`seventy five`75
TV/ Movies: How many james bond movies did sean connery star in`7
TV / Movies: How many james bond movies did sean connery star in`seven
TV/ Movies: How many james bond movies did sean connery star in`seven`7
TV/ Movies: How many of the canoeing party survived in Deliverance`3
TV/ Movies: How many of the canoeing party survived in Deliverance`three
TV/ Movies: How many of the canoeing party survived in Deliverance`three`3
TV/ Movies: How many seasons did "I Love Lucy" run?`6
TV / Movies: How many 'Southpark' episodes have there been that Kenny didn't get killed`one
TV/Movies: How many 'Southpark' episodes have there been that Kenny didn't get killed`one`1
TV / Movies: How many St. Bernards were used in the movie "cujo"`5
TV/ Movies: How many stories did the towering inferno have`138
TV / Movies: How many stories did the towering inferno have`one hundred & thirty eight
TV/ Movies: How many stories did the towering inferno have`one hundred & thirty eight`138
TV/ Movies: How many westerns were directed by a woman`1
TV / Movies: How many westerns were directed by a woman`one
TV/ Movies: How many westerns were directed by a woman`one`1
TV / Movies: How much would contestants win if you could not "make me laugh" on tv`one dollar per minute
TV/ Movies: How old was Sally Field when she starred in Gidget`18
TV / Movies: How old was Sally Field when she starred in Gidget`eighteen
TV/ Movies: How old was Sally Field when she starred in Gidget`eighteen`18
TV/Movies: "How To Marry A Millionaire" co-starred 3 film legends: Monroe, Bacall, and`Betty Grable
TV / Movies: "How To Marry A Millionaire" co-starred 3 film legends: Monroe, Bacall, and who`Betty Grable
TV / Movies: How was the virus transmitted in the movie 'Outbreak'`through the air
TV /Movies:Hugo Drax was the villian of which James Bond book and film`moonraker
TV / Movies: Humphrey Bogart won his only Oscar for which film`african queen
TV/Movies: "I am totally butt crazy in love with Josh."`clueless
TV / Movies: "Id like to tame her shrew!!!"`back to school
TV/Movies: "I feel a hate crime coming on. "`chasing amy
TV / Movies: "I feel the _____ ____, I feel your heartbeat..."`Night Heat
TV / Movies: If norm could have any woman in the world, who would it be`jill eikenberry
TV / Movies: "I hate meeses to pieces" is the motto of this cat`jinks
TV / Movies: In "10,000 Leagues Under The Sea", what ship did Captain Nemo travel in`nautilus
TV / Movies: In 1933, mickey mouse, an animated cartoon character, received 800,000 of these`fan letters
TV / Movies: In 1943, who's legs were insured with Lloyd's of London for the whopping sum of $1.25 million.`betty grable
TV / Movies: In 1957 which actress recorded 'Tammy' from one of her films`debbie reynolds
TV / Movies: In 1959, he played Milton Armitage on The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis.`warren beatty
TV / Movies: In 1985, near age of 90, george burns said, "people think that all i do is stand up & tell a few jokes. The jokes are easy. It's ..." What "... That's hard"`standing up
TV / Movies: In a movie titled "miss annie rooney" what does the rko as in rko pictures stand for`radio keith orpheum
TV / Movies: In Brian de Palma's 1984 movie, "Scarface," how many times is the "f word" said`206 times
TV / Movies: In "Charade," Audrey Hepburn says [this] is what's wrong with Cary Grant. What`Nothing
TV / Movies: Independent Films: 1989 black comedy starring Winona Ryder and featuring Shannen Doherty`Heathers
TV/Movies: Independent Films: 1992 Clinton campaign documentary which popularized "It's the Economy, Stupid"`the war Room
TV/Movies: Independent Films: 1996 film based on a Vonnegut novel about an American spy in Nazi Germany`mother night
TV / Movies: Independent Films: 1996 Steve Buscemi film about suburban losers & their neighborhood bar `Trees Lounge
TV / Movies: Independent Films: Co-star of "Saving Private Ryan" who also directed "The Brothers McMullen"`Edward Burns
TV / Movies: Independent Films: David Lynch's 1976 film filled with bizarre ideas and nightmare imagery`Eraserhead
TV / Movies: Independent Films: Director & star of the 1989 documentary "Roger & Me" `Michael Moore
TV / Movies: Independent Films: Incredibly overweight Ricki Lake starred in this 1988 John Waters film`Hairspray
TV / Movies: Independent Films: Infamous $7,000 film the director financed as a medical guinea pig`El Mariachi
TV / Movies: Independent Films: Kevin Smith's New Jersey Trilogy consists of "Clerks," "Mallrats," & ... `Chasing Amy
TV/Movies: Independent Films: Mark Wahlberg allegedly wore a prosthetic device in this 1997 film`boogie nights
TV/Movies: Independent Films: Matthew Broderick played physicist Richard Feynman in this 1996 love story`infinity
TV / Movies: Independent Films: Nathan Arizona Jr. was a central character in which 1987 indie hit `Raising Arizona
TV / Movies: Independent Films: Spike Lee's breakthrough 1986 low-budget sex comedy `Shes Gotta Have It
TV/Movies: Independent Films: Struggling actors cruise L.A.'s hip neo-lounge scene in this 1996 film`swingers
TV/Movies: Indiana Jones: In Latin, what letter does Jehova start with`i
TV/Movies: Indiana Jones: In the Temple of Doom, what bodily fluid is Indy forced to drink`blood
TV/Movies: Indiana Jones: In what type of institution does Marcus Brody work`museum
TV / Movies: Indiana Jones: Name the first challenge`breath of god
TV/Movies: Indiana Jones: Name the first Indiana Jones movie`raiders of the lost ark
TV/Movies: Indiana Jones: Name the third Indiana Jones movie (full name: six words)`indiana jones and the last crusade
TV / Movies: Indiana Jones: What actor portrays the adult Indiana Jones `harrison ford
TV/Movies: Indiana Jones: What animal is Indy's father terrified of`rat
TV / Movies: Indiana Jones: what creature did Indy's father fear`rats
TV/Movies: Indiana Jones: What does the penitent man do in the presence of God`kneel
TV/Movies: Indiana Jones: What hand-to-hand weapon does Indy commonly employ`whip
TV/Movies: Indiana Jones: What kind of scientist is Indiana Jones`archaeologist
TV/Movies: Indiana Jones: What nationality was rival archaeologist Rene Belloq`french
TV/Movies: Indiana Jones: What organ does Mola Ram remove from his victims`heart
TV/Movies: Indiana Jones: What possession does Indy never quite lose`hat
TV / Movies: Indiana Jones: What relic was Indy's father obsessed with finding `the holy grail
TV/Movies: Indiana Jones: What was the name of Indy's dog from childhood`indiana
TV/Movies: Indiana Jones: What woman conspires with Nazis to steal the grail diary? (first name only)`elsa
TV / Movies: Indiana jones: who produced the indiana jones series`george lucas
TV / Movies: Indiana Jones: Who was Indy's diminutive sidekick in the second film (two words)`Short Round
TV / Movies: In "dirty dancing",what was baby's real name`frances houseman
Tv / movies: In Dr Who, what was Tardis an abbreviation of `Time and relative dimensions in spaceCategory:Americanisms Britains say 'tarmac'; Americans say .`runway
TV / Movies: In "Family Affair", what was Buffy's dolls name`mrs beasley
TV / Movies: In "gone with the wind" rhett butler was from what southern town`charleston
TV / Movies: In "gone with the wind", scarlett regains her wealth by investing in what type of business`sawmill
TV / Movies: In "gone with the wind", what is the last name of scarlett's 1st husband`hamilton
TV / Movies: In "gone with the wind", what is the last name of scarlett's 3rd husband`butler
TV/Movies: Ingrid Bergman first won co-starring with Charles Boyer in what`gaslight
TV / Movies: In Ian Fleming's James Bond series, what does the 00 in 007 stand for`license to kill
TV / Movies: In "Mandingo II", Garrett Morris kissed this football player`O.J. Simpson
TV / Movies: In 'Southpark', what is Chef obsessed with`sex
TV / Movies: "Instant gratification takes too long."`Postcards from the Edge
TV / Movies: In the 1932 movie scarface, what coin did george raft flip during the film`nickel
TV / Movies: In the 1996 version of "romeo & juliet", who played juliet`claire danes
TV / Movies: In the Batman tv series of the '60's, who played the villainess Marsha Queen of Diamonds`carolyn jones
TV / Movies: In the cartoon 'marine boy' what was marine boy's dolphin named `splasher
TV / Movies: In the cartoons who was hokie wolf's sidekick`dingaling
TV / Movies: In the film '101 Dalmatians', what animal is Sergeant Tibbs`cat
TV / Movies: In the film "bringing up baby", the baby is what`leopard
TV/ Movies: In the film 'hackers', how old was 'zero_kool' when he was first arrested`11
TV / Movies: In the film 'Hackers', how old was 'Zero_kool' when he was first arrested`eleven
TV/ Movies: In the film 'hackers', how old was 'zero_kool' when he was first arrested`eleven`11
TV / Movies: In the film 'Star Trek First Contact', when Picard shows Lilly she is orbiting earth, Australia & Papua New Guinea are clearly visible, but which country is missing`new zealand
TV /Movies:In the film 'The Conqueror' John Wayne plays which historical character`genghis khan
TV / Movies: In the first part of 'Hard To Kill', what did Steven Seagal use to kill the mobster`credit card
TV / Movies: In "thelma & louise", louise wanted to go to mexico without entering which state`texas
TV / Movies: In the Lone Ranger, what was the name of Tonto's horse`scout
TV / Movies: In "The Maltese Falcon," what was Peter Lorre's character named`Joel Cairo
TV / Movies: In the movie "annie", who played daddy warbucks`albert finney
TV / Movies: In the movie Snow White, what instrument did Sneezy play`accordian
TV / Movies: In the movie "the manchurian candidate", how many people are feared dead in the hurricane`20
TV / Movies: In the original version of 'Romeo & Juliet', who played Juliet`olivia hussey
TV / Movies: In the original version, what was "the fly" saying as the movie ended`help me
TV / Movies: In the prequel to "Patriot Games",what ship did the main character save`red october
TV / Movies: In the recent Superman series, who played Lois Lane`teri hatcher
TV / Movies: In the series 'Happy Days', what was the Fonz's full name`arthur fonzarelli
TV / Movies: In 'The Shining' what was the child's imaginary friend's name (the one who told him things that were going to happen)`tony
TV / Movies: In the simpsons, who was the voice for maggies first word`elizabeth taylor
TV / Movies: In the soapie 'One Life To Live' who was Vicky's alter ego`nicky
TV / Movies: In the theme song from 'The Flintstones', what is the line after 'Let's ride with the family down the street'`through the courtesy of fred's two feet
TV / Movies: In the tv series ally mcbeal, what is the dancing baby more popularly called`ugachaka
TV / Movies: In the tv show "boone", what was boone's last name`sawyer
TV / Movies: In the tv show 'voyage to the bottom of the sea', what was the name of the atomic submarine`seaview
TV-Movies: in the two jakes, he plays the part of jake gittes`jack nicholson
TV / Movies: In the U K comedy series "The Benny Hill Show" what were the singers & dancers called`hill's angels
TV / Movies: In 'The Wizard Of Oz', what was Dorothy's dog's name`toto
TV / Movies: In "the wizard of oz",what was dorothys last name`gale
TV / Movies: In 'The Wizard Of Oz', where did Dorothy live`kansas
TV / Movies: in 'The Wizard Of Oz', which character sang 'come out, come out, wherever you are`glinda
TV / Movies: In this series Christopher Connely and Jodie Foster played father and daughter.`Paper Moon
TV / Movies: In "Tin Man", who was the federation emissary`tam elbrun
TV / Movies: In walt disney's "bambi" what was the skunk's name`flower
TV / Movies: In what 1967 film did Gene Hackman earn his first Oscar nomination`bonnie & clyde
TV/Movies: In what 1967 film did Gene Hackman earn his first Oscar nomination`bonnie & clyde`bonnie and clyde
TV / Movies: In what city does Fat Albert live`philadelphia
TV / Movies: In what epic film did Charles Laughton play Quasimodo`the hunchback of notre dame
TV / Movies: In what episode does Captain Kirk get married`paradise syndrome
TV / Movies: In what film did john wayne co star with lauren bacall`blood alley
TV / Movies: In what film did Rick Moranis make his big screen debut`strange brew
TV / Movies: In what film were audiences treated to a flushing toilet for the first time`psycho
TV / Movies: In what movie did patty duke sing "funny little butterflies"`billy
TV / Movies: In what movie did we hear, 'carpe, carpe diem! Seize the day, boys! Make your lives extraordinary'`dead poets society
TV / Movies: In what movie did we hear two characters say the following 'my teacher tells me beauty is on the inside. That's just something ugly people say.'`liar liar
TV / Movies: In what movie does john travolta play an angel`michael
TV/ Movies: In what movie was Holly Hunter in love with a musical instrument`the piano
TV / Movies: In what town did mary hartman take place`fernwood
TV / Movies: In what town did warren beatty work in shampoo `beverly hills
TV / Movies: In what tv game show did contestants have to predict if a card was higher or lower than the next one`card sharks
TV / Movies: In what tv series did henry winkler play arthur fonzarelli`happy days
TV / Movies: In what year was the bar in Cheers established`1895
TV / Movies: In what year was the movie "a kiss before dying" released`1991
TV / Movies: In what year was the movie "city slickers" released`1991
TV / Movies: In what year was the movie "fame" released`1980
TV / Movies: In what year was the movie "lady in white" released`1988
TV / Movies: In what year was the movie "rocky v" released`1990
TV / Movies: In what year was the movie "stakeout" released`1987
TV / Movies: In what year was the movie "the deer hunter" released`1978
TV / Movies: In "when harry met sally", sally demonstrates how to fake an orgasm for harry in a famous scene set in a deli. The punchline is delivered by a older woman who places her lunch order by saying, "i'll have what she's having." Who played that lady`estelle reiner
TV / Movies: In which 1996 movie did michael keaton clone himself`multiplicity
TV / Movies: In which city does "I Remember Mama" take place`san francisco
TV / Movies: In which film based on a cartoon character did Madonna co star with Warren Beatty`dick tracy
TV / Movies: In which film did Elvis Presley play an indian`stay away joe
TV/ Movies: In which film did Michael Caine use his famous catchphrase Not a lot of people know that`educating rita
TV / Movies: In which film does the character ben braddock appear`the graduate
TV/ Movies: In which movie did Eric Idle & Robbie Coltrane dress as women`nuns on the run
TV / Movies: "I think people should mate for life, like pigeons or Catholics."`Manhattan
TV / Movies: "It's a Zen thing, like how many babies fit in a tire."`Waiting for Guffman
TV/Movies: "It's beautiful: Pigeons fly, women fall from the sky! I'm moving here!"`life is beautiful
TV / Movies: Its common knowledge that crystal gayle & loretta lynn are sisters, but can you name their other singing sister`peggy sue
TV / Movies: "-I've been giving myself shock treatments. -Up the voltage"`Real Genius
TV / Movies: Jack Lemmon's portrayal of businessman Harry Stoner in ___ wins him an oscar`save the tiger
TV / Movies: James Bond: Actress who played May Day in A View to a Kill`Grace Jones
TV/Movies: James Bond: After the success of "Star Wars", production began on this 007 movie`moonraker
TV/Movies: James Bond: Bond plays this game with Kamal Khan in Octopussy`backgammon
TV/Movies: James Bond: He played James Bond in only one film`george lazenby
TV / Movies: James Bond: He was the author of the original Bond books.`Ian Fleming
TV / Movies: James Bond: James Bond's wife dies in this film `on her majesty's secret service
TV/Movies: James Bond: Letter name for James Bond's superior`m
TV / Movies: James Bond: The code-name of 007's boss.`M
TV / Movies: James Bond: The last name of the villian in "Moonraker" was ____.`Drax
TV/Movies: James Bond: The main villian in A View to a Kill`max zorin
TV/Movies: James Bond: The secretary`moneypenny
TV / Movies: James Bond: The usual cover for Bond's organization is this type of company.`importers
TV / Movies: James Bond: This group sang the title song for A View to a Kill `Duran Duran
TV / Movies: James Bond: This group sang the title theme for "View to a Kill".`Duran Duran
TV/Movies: James Bond: This was the top grossing film in the US and UK in 1966`thunderball
TV/Movies: James Bond: What did Bond wager in a backgammon game in "Octopussy"`faberge egg
TV / Movies: James Bond: Who sang the theme for "You Only Live Twice"`Nancy Sinatra
TV / Movies: James Bond: Who will star as James Bond in the next 007 movie (1994)`Pierce Brosnan
TV-Movies: jim jarmusfilm about taxi drivers at night in 5 different places`night on earth
TV / Movies: John Boy was a character in this series`the waltons
TV / Movies: John Denver & George Burns appeared together in what 1977 film`oh god!
TV / Movies: John Williams composed the music for over 10 of this director's films`steven spielberg
TV / Movies: Joseph Ninian Yule played andy Hardy but we know him by this name`mickey rooney
TV / Movies: Katey segal plays the part of peggy in this tv show.`married with children
TV / Movies: Kermit the frog is ____ ______`left handed
TV / Movies: Kevin Costner teaches Tim Robbins how to pitch for the Bulls.`Bull Durham
TV/Movies: Kids in the Hall: Dave Foley liked to visit couples in bedrooms because he was one of these`axe murderer
TV/Movies: Kids in the Hall: First Kid to join the cast of SNL`mark mckinney
TV/Movies: Kids in the Hall: Kevin looks best in this kind of lighting`refrigerator lighting
TV-Movies: kids in the hall: name the 5 kids: first names, alphabetical order`bruce david kevin mark scott
TV/Movies: Kids in the Hall: The Kid that played Satan`mark mckinney
TV/Movies: Kulture: Film in which Divine consumes a fresh dog turd`pink flamingos
TV / Movies: Lana turner said, "i want you to stay away from me" to clark gable in _____`honky tonk
TV/Movies: Last Names: Amen/The Deacon and Thelma`frye
TV/Movies: Last Names: Diff'rent Strokes/Arnold`jackson
TV/Movies: Last Names: Family Matters/Carl and Harriet`winslow
TV/Movies: Last Names: Friends/Monica and Ross`geller
TV / Movies: Late babe Audrey Hepburn won in 1953 for what romantic movie`roman holiday
Tv/Movies:Legends:What comic genius' wives were 16,16,20 &17 years old at the time of their marriages`Charlie Chaplin
Tv/Movies:Legends:What links Marilyn Monroe's roles in the following films. Right Cross (1950),O Henry's Full House (1952) and The Seven Year Itch (1955)`Your never told her name
Tv/Movies:Legends:What was the first name of Charlie Chaplin's last wife`Oona
TV / Movies: Leslie Howard played this instrument in "Intermezzo."`violin
TV / Movies: Letterman: According to Dave,not a man,woman,or child doesn't enjoy a cool refreshing __.`Beverage
TV/Movies: Letterman: Dangerous property of the steam rising from NYC streets`radioactive
TV/Movies: Letterman: Dave did this comedy bit every Friday on the NBC show`viewer mail
TV / Movies: Letterman: Dave made his movie debut in this flick.`Cabin Boy
TV / Movies: Letterman: Dave resides in this state.`Connecticut
TV/Movies: Letterman: Dave's NBC studio was in this building`rockefeller center
TV/Movies: Letterman: Guests often complain about the _____ of the Ed Sullivan Theater`temperature
TV / Movies: Letterman: He was Dave's first guest (on both shows).`Bill Murray
TV / Movies: Letterman: Singer who cussed Dave out and left him stunned.`Madonna
TV / Movies: Lisa Loopner and Todd DiLaMuca are this`Nerds
TV / Movies: Lone NYC cop against a highrise full of baddies.`Die Hard
TV / Movies: Longtime companions loni anderson & burt reynolds marry in _____`florida
TV / Movies: Madonna and Eurythmics share this song title; also a 1987 movie Madonna was in.`Whos That Girl
TV-Movies: madonna and eurythmics share this song title as well as a 1987 movie madonna was in`who's that girl
TV / Movies: Madonna and sean Penn starred together in this 1987 film`shanghai surprise
TV/Movies: "Magnificent Seven" is a remake of this Japanese movie`Seven Samurai
TV/ Movies: Malcom McDowell kills a woman with a giant penis sculpture.`a clockwork orange
TV/Movies: Marx Movies: Chico and Harpo are spies Chicolini and Pinkie in this movie`duck soup
TV / Movies: Marx Movies: Either you are dead or my watch has stopped`A day at the races
TV / Movies: Marx Movies: Groucho: One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas`Animal Crackers
TV/Movies: Marx Movies: I am sure the familiar strains of Verdi's music will come back to you`a night at the opera
TV/Movies: Marx Movies: In this movie Chico is a tooty-fruity selling tout`a day at the races
TV/Movies: Marx Movies: Say,if you get near a song , play it`animal crackers
TV/Movies: Marx Movies: The first part of the party of the first part .... the second part`a night at the opera
TV / Movies: Marx Movies: The last appearance of the Marx brothers together was in this TV curio`The incredible jewel robbery
TV / Movies: Marx Movies: The last film together of the brothers`Love Happy
TV/Movies: Marx Movies: The name of the character played by Groucho in 'A Day at the races'`dr hackenbush
TV/Movies: Marx Movies: This movie contains their celebrated state room scene aboard an ocean liner`a night at the opera
TV / Movies: Marx Movies: Whatever it is I am against it`Horsefeathers
TV / Movies: MASH: Colonel Blake is from this state`Illinois
TV / Movies: MASH: Colonel Potter loves to ride this animal, even in Korea.`Horse
TV / Movies: MASH: Colonel Potter paints him throwing a discus.`Klinger
TV-Movies: mash: his favorite drink is a grape ne-hy.`radar
TV-Movies: mash: in the dream episode, who dreams of having his limbs removed for his failures`hawkeye pierce
TV / Movies: MASH: In the movie, who plays Radar`gary burghoff
TV / Movies: MASH: Klinger wears dresses to earn himself one of these.`Section 8
TV / Movies: MASH: To avoid detection, this agent would discretely jump through windows `Flagg
TV/Movies: MASH: Trapper John and Hawkeye build one of these in their tent`still
TV / Movies: MASH: What city does Winchester hail from`Boston
TV / Movies: MASH: What does O.R. stand for`Operating room
TV / Movies: MASH: What is B.J. Honeycutt's Wife's name `Peg
TV / Movies: MASH: What is Klinger court-martialed for `Theft
TV / Movies: MASH: What is the name of Radar's contact in Eye Corps`Sparky
TV / Movies: MASH: What was the name of the final episode `Goodbye Farewell & Amen
TV/Movies: MASH: What was the name of the final episode`goodbye farewell and amen
TV / Movies: MASH: Which character walked through a mine field to rescue a lost child `John
TV / Movies: MASH: Which character writes home often to his father in Maine`Hawkeye Pierce
TV / Movies: MASH: Which future star played a soldier diagnosed with leukemia `Patrick Swayze
TV / Movies: MASH: Who directed the final episode `Alan Alda
TV / Movies: MASH: Who plays Hawkeye Pierce`alan alda
TV / Movies: Mash: who said, "thanks for the eight pound baby nose"`klingers father
TV / Movies: MASH: William O'Reilly earns the name Radar by his ability to hear these transports`Helicopters
TV / Movies: Meg Ryan switches bodies with Sydney Walker`prelude to a kiss
TV / Movies: Men in black was responsible for doubling sales of what`ray ban sunglasses
TV / Movies: Michael Mann's slick 80's classic`Miami Vice
TV / Movies: Mickey mouse's ears are always turned which way, no matter which direction his head is pointing`to the front
TV/Movies: Minutiae: Name the Band: "Don't Go," "Midnight," "Situation," and "Only You"`yaz
TV / Movies: Miss Moneypenny adores this figure.`james bond
TV / Movies: Monty Python: He went on to direct "Time Bandits" and "Brazil"`Terry Gilliam
TV/Movies: Monty Python: How many questions must one answer`3
TV / Movies: Monty Python: Lancelot's servant `Concord
TV / Movies: Monty Python: Name of the kid who falls out of window `Herbert
TV/Movies: Monty Python: One must cut down the mightiest tree with this`herring
TV/Movies: Monty Python: Sacrifice this to the Knights of Nee`shrubbery
TV/Movies: Monty Python: The animal with pointy teeth`rabbit
TV / Movies: Monty Python: The deformed knight had this many heads.`3
TV / Movies: Monty Python: The deformed knight had this many heads.`three
TV/ Movies: Monty Python: The deformed knight had this many heads.`three`3
TV / Movies: Monty Python: The enchanter's name`Tim
TV / Movies: Monty Python: The first knight to cross the bridge`Lancelot
TV / Movies: Monty Python: The shape of the earth`banana
TV / Movies: Monty Python: This bird was dead, not just "stunned" or "pining for the fjords"`parrot
TV/Movies: Monty Python: This dessert invaded Earth in order to win Wimbledon`blancmange
TV / Movies: Monty Python: What was the name of the scholary knight at the witch trial `Sir Bedivere
TV / Movies: "moon river" is from what movie`breakfast at tiffany's
TV-Movies: moronic duo 1: bandb once forgot how to ___ and had to go to a doctor for help`urinate
TV / Movies: Moronic Duo 1: B&B called a 1-900 phone sex line and listened to a woman's all night.`butt
TV/Movies: Moronic Duo 1: B&B once forgot how to ------- and had to go to a doctor for help`urinate
TV / Movies: Moronic Duo 1: B&B took a lie detector test for stealing money from what establishment`Burger World
TV/Movies: Moronic Duo 1: Beavis has this every once in a while during a "video that sucks"`seizure
TV / Movies: Moronic Duo 1: (Easy one!) The network that airs B&B:`MTV
TV-Movies: moronic duo 1: the banned episode has bandb saying they'd put what in a cat's butt`firecracker
TV/Movies: Moronic Duo 1: The "banned episode" has B&B saying they'd put what in a cat's butt`firecracker
TV-Movies: moronic duo 1: the cd featuring bandb: the beavis and butt-head`experience
TV/Movies: Moronic Duo 1: The CD featuring B&B: "The Beavis and Butt-Head ----------"`experience
TV-Movies: moronic duo 1: the genre of food that bandb most like`mexican
TV / Movies: Moronic Duo 1: The type of car B&B drove (and wrecked) once, shown during credits too`Corvair
TV / Movies: Moronic Duo 1: What was on the blackboard that B&B couldn't read after a doctor's visit`sexual intercourse
TV / Movies: Mostly Classic Movies: Choreographed ultra-violence; 1971 Best Picture Oscar`clockwork orange
TV / Movies: Mostly Classic Movies: Gene Kelly, Donald O'Connor, Debbie Reynolds: "greatest movie musical"`singin in the rain
TV / Movies: Mostly Classic Movies: Its director wanted to make an "unwatchable" film. To most people, it is.`salo
TV / Movies: Mostly Classic Movies: What good is sitting/alone in your room Come! Hear the music play!`cabaret
TV / Movies: Mostly Classic Movies: Willis O'Brien, special-effects wizard, did this follow-up to King Kong.`mighty joe young
TV/Movies: Mostly Older Movies: Action/comedy with Kurt Russell and two "girls with green eyes"`big trouble in little china
TV/Movies: Mostly Older Movies: Al Pacino and a young Michelle Pfeiffer in a drug-dealing violence-fest:`scarface
TV/Movies: Mostly Older Movies: Anne Francis and Robby The Robot starred in this SciFi classic:`forbidden planet
TV/Movies: Mostly Older Movies: Early Nat'l Lampoon film: John Belushi plays Bluto:`animal house
TV / Movies: Mostly Older Movies: "Fast-paced" comedy starring Tony Curtis, Natalie Wood, and Jack Lemmon:`the great race
TV-Movies: mostly older movies: horrible carradine six-part miniseries; dad made me turn off mtv to watch it`shogun
TV/Movies: Mostly Older Movies: If Dad had bought stock in LucasFilm, this movie would have made us rich:`star wars
TV / Movies: Mostly Older Movies: Jimmy Stewart had an invisible friend by this name:`harvey
TV / Movies: Mostly Older Movies: John Huston directed Katherine Hepburn and Humphrey Bogart in...`the african queen
TV/Movies: Mostly Older Movies: Musical about Viet Nam with Treat Williams and Beverly D'angelo:`hair
TV / Movies: Mostly Older Movies: Musical starring (gulp) Clint Eastwood and Lee Marvin:`paint your wagon
TV/Movies: Mostly Older Movies: Musical with Richard Harris and Lynn Redgrave:`camelot
TV / Movies: Mostly Older Movies: Natalie Wood's last film; also starring Christopher Walken:`brainstorm
TV/Movies: Mostly Older Movies: Older scifi movie starring Sigourney Weaver:`alien
TV/Movies: Mostly Older Movies: "With a capital T and that rhymes with P and that stands for Pool!"`the music man
TV / Movies: Movie about 5 teenagers forced to spend Saturday at detention.`The Breakfast Club
TV / Movies: Movie about two dimwits who travel through time in a phone booth.`Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure
TV/Movies: Movie Actors: He starred in Lassie Come Home and Planet of the Apes`roddy mcdowall
TV / Movies: Movie Actors: He starred in The Silence of the Lambs and Howard's End`Anthony Hopkins
TV/Movies: Movie Actors: He was in Silkwood and Backdraft`kurt russell
TV / Movies: Movie Actors: He won an Oscar for Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde`Frederick March
TV / Movies: Movie Actors: Radio star who won a 1986 Oscar for Cocoon`Don Ameche
TV / Movies: Movie Actors: The heartthrob in Dirty Dancing and Ghost`Patrick Swayze
TV / Movies: Movie Actors: The leading man in Mrs. Miniver and Madame Curie`Walter Pidgeon
TV/Movies: Movie Actors: The Tin Man in The Wizard of Oz`jack haley
TV / Movies: Movie Actresses: 40s star married to both Charlie Chaplin & Burgess Meredith`Paulette Goddard
TV/Movies: Movie Actresses: Actress in Psycho and Touch of Evil`janet leigh
TV / Movies: Movie Actresses: Auntie Mame & Gypsy`Rosalind Russell
TV / Movies: Movie Actresses: Irish actress in How Green Was My Valley & The Quiet Man`Maureen OHara
TV / Movies: Movie Actresses: Italian actress who won a 1961 Oscar for Two Women`Sophia Loren
TV / Movies: Movie Actresses: She married Humphrey Bogart`Lauren Bacall
TV / Movies: Movie Actresses: She starred in Broadcast News & The Piano`Holly Hunter
TV / Movies: Movie Actresses: She starred in Casablanca, Gaslight, & Anastasia`Ingrid Bergman
TV/Movies: Movie Actresses: She was the star of 40s MGM swimming spectaculars`esther williams
TV/Movies: Movie Actresses: She won Oscars for (ch) Kramer vs. Kramer and Sophie's Choice`meryl streep
TV / Movies: Movie Actresses: Star of Some Like It Hot and The Seven Year Itch`Marilyn Monroe
TV / Movies: Movie Actresses: The star of Roman Holiday and Breakfast at Tiffany's`Audrey Hepburn
TV / Movies: Movie Bombs: 1967 Beatles TV film: good music, but the movie made NO sense`magical mystery tour
TV/Movies: Movie Bombs: A failed 80's action series repackaged as movies and shown on MST3K`master ninja
TV / Movies: Movie Bombs: A giant lizard terrorizes the Texas countryside; killed by a flaming car`giant gila monster
TV / Movies: Movie Bombs: A jazz pianist is haunted by ghost of a girl he let fall from a lighthouse`tormented
TV/Movies: Movie Bombs: American spies botch a Soviet missile sabotage: in return, NYC is nuked`rocket attack usa
TV / Movies: Movie Bombs: A soldier is hit with radiation and grows 50 feet tall`the amazing colossal man
TV / Movies: Movie Bombs: A vacationing family is ensnared by a Satanic cult (truly evil!)`manos the hands of fate
TV / Movies: Movie Bombs: Bela Lugosi had top billing even though he died before filming on this began`plan 9 from outer space
TV/Movies: Movie Bombs: Bert I. Gordon film with Peter Graves and giant grasshoppers`beginning of the end
TV / Movies: Movie Bombs: Gamera fights a stupid-looking monster with a head like a giant blade`gamera vs guiron
TV-Movies: movie bombs: gene hackman, david janssen, and gregory peck: apollo13-ish space bomb`marooned
TV / Movies: Movie Bombs: Lon Chaney Jr. is an executed killer brought back to life`the indestructible man
TV/Movies: Movie Bombs: Sean Connery's brother Neil as a secret agent (yes, it really happened!)`operation double 007
TV / Movies: Movie Bombs: Set in caveman days, yet tire tracks can be seen in the background`cave dwellers
TV / Movies: Movie Bombs: The best-known X-rated animated film`fritz the cat
TV/Movies: Movie Bombs: This dreadful Fu Manchu film had the MST3K guys HOWLING in pain`castle of fu manchu
TV/Movies: Movie Bombs: This WAY overbudget epic was nicknamed "Fishtar"`waterworld
TV/Movies: Movie Bombs: Woman, two kids transported into the future where apes are in control`time of the apes
TV / Movies: Movie Directors: Boccaccio '70, The Gold of Naples, The Bicycle Thief`De Sica
TV/Movies: Movie Directors: Breezy, Pale Rider, FireFox`eastwood
TV / Movies: Movie Directors: Hamlet goes Business, Ariel, Leningrad Cowboys go America`Kaurismaki
TV/Movies: Movie Directors: Interiors, Manhattan, Shadows and Fog`allen
TV / Movies: Movie Directors: Neighbors, The Karate Kid, Joe`Avildsen
TV/Movies: Movie Directors: Nuovo Cinema Paradiso, Everybody's fine`tornatore
TV / Movies: Movie Directors: Rosemary's Baby, Tess, Frantic`Polanski
TV/Movies: Movie Directors: The Egyptian, Doctor X, Casablanca`curtiz
TV / Movies: Movie Directors: The Fisher King, Brazil, Time bandits`Gilliam
TV/Movies: Movie Directors: The Seventh Seal, Persona, Crisis`bergman
TV / Movies: Movie featuring a ode to Wally World's Marty Moose.`National Lampoons Vacation
TV / Movies: Movie In Which: Bill Murray, Geena Davis, and Randy Quaid rob a bank`quick change
TV / Movies: Movie In Which: Billy Crystal and Gregory Hines play Chicago police detectives`running scared
TV / Movies: Movie In Which: Cop James Caan is assigned a partner from another planet`alien nation
TV/Movies: Movie In Which: Denzel Washington falls for the daughter of an Asian Indian immigrant`mississippi masala
TV/Movies: Movie In Which: Gabriel Byrne teaches Bridget Fonda to be an assassin`point of no return
TV/Movies: Movie In Which: Gary Oldman hunts down a one-armed female Russian assasin`romeo is bleeding
TV/Movies: Movie In Which: Jack Lemmon searches for his missing son in Chile during the Allende regime`missing
TV / Movies: Movie In Which: Jessica Lange, Sissy Spaceck, and Diane Keaton play the McGrath sisters`crimes of the heart
tv/ movies: movie in which mae west says "why don't you come up sometime... and see me"`she done him wrong
TV / Movies: Movie In Which: Pierce Brosnan is a soviet agent (from the Forsyth novel)`the fourth protocol
TV / Movies: Movie Lines: Come Kirsti, time to play!`Hellraiser
TV/Movies: Movie Lines: Do you ask for justice, or revenge`clash of the titans
TV / Movies: Movie Lines: Drive carefully, don't forget to fasten your condom!`Father Of The Bride
TV/Movies: Movie Lines: I don't want to kill you and you don't wanna die`silverado
TV/Movies: Movie Lines: I have always depended on the kindness of strangers`a streetcar named desire
TV / Movies: Movie Lines: I like to play with things a while.`Flash Gordon
TV / Movies: Movie Lines: Insanity runs in my family. It practically gallops.`Arsenic & Old Lace
TV/Movies: Movie Lines: I promise that I will lose, for at least an hour`maverick
TV/Movies: Movie Lines: I sound my barbaric YAWP`dead poets society
TV / Movies: Movie Lines: I've got women to do, places to see!`Kuffs
TV / Movies: Movie Lines: I've never had a woman for a partner.`Striking Distance
TV / Movies: Movie Lines: Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you.`Catch-22
TV/Movies: Movie Lines: Like drinking Drano, it cleans you out but leaves you feeling hollow inside`the naked gun
TV/Movies: Movie Lines: Play it, Sam, "As Time Goes By!"`casablanca
TV / Movies: Movie Lines: Right after you left, I popped your daughter's trunk.`son in law
TV/Movies: Movie Lines: Roger dodger, this is Chilly Willy Milli Vanilli, going in`hot shots
TV/Movies: Movie Lines: Show me a move, Q Ball`under siege
TV/Movies: Movie Lines: The shark still looks fake`back to the future 2
TV/Movies: Movie Lines: Wake up, time to die`blade runner
TV / Movies: Movie Lines: You must have been toilet trained at gun-point.`renaissance man
TV/Movies: Movie Lines: Your ego's writing checks your body can't cash`top gun
TV/Movies: Movie Lines: Your partner died squealing like a pig`the untouchables
TV/Movies: Movie Lines: Zang! (excellent! in cantonese)`waynes world
Tv/Movies:Movielink:What do Dr. Elrich's Magic Bullet (1938), Panic in the Street (1950) & Longtime Companion(1990) have in common`Diseases were the theme
TV / Movies: Movie Musicals: Barry Williams, (yes, Greg) starred in this musical based on Charlemagne's life`Pippen
TV/Movies: Movie Musicals: Finish this "Oliver" song: "One boy, boy for _______!"`sale
TV-Movies: movie musicals: finish this oliver song one boy, for`sale
TV/Movies: Movie Musicals: He starred as a chimney sweep in "Mary Poppins":`dick van dyke
TV / Movies: Movie Musicals: He starred as the Director in "A Chorus Line", but don't get fatally attracted!`Michael Douglas
TV/Movies: Movie Musicals: The final sequence of this movie featured Kenny Jones instead of Keith Moon:`the kids are Alright
TV/Movies: Movie Musicals: This 1977 movie featured the Bee Gees on its soundtrack:`saturday night fever
TV/Movies: Movie Musicals: This Beatle wrote the soundtrack to a Lethal Weapon movie:`george harrison
TV / Movies: Movie Musicals: This woman sang the theme song to Sidney Poitier in "To Sir With Love"`Lulu
TV / Movies: Movie Musicals: What character did Gary Burghoff play in "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown" `Charlie Brown
TV / Movies: Movie Musicals: What famous person painfully sang in "Paint Your Wagon" `Clint Eastwood
TV / Movies: Movie Quotes: "Have fun strorming the castle!"`the princess bride
TV / Movies: Movie Quotes: "I...AM AN F.B.I. AGENT"`point break
TV / Movies: Movie Quotes: "Ive got on cowboy boots" "Oh yeah, you blend"`my cousin vinny
TV / Movies: Movie Quotes: "Stay on or get off!!"`speed
TV/Movies: Movie Quotes: "Thats the fact, Jack!!"`stripes
TV/Movies: Movie Quotes: "Well, you can live off of it, but it tastes like sh--"`crocodile dundee
TV/ Movies: Movie Quotes: "Well, you can live off of it, but it tastes like shit"`crocodile dundee
TV / Movies: Movie Quotes: "Wendy....I'm home!"`the shining
TV/Movies: Movie Quotes: "What in the wide wide world of sports is going on here"`blazing saddles
TV / Movies: Movie Quotes: "You got a love bite on your neck! Your life's going down the toilet!"`moonstruck
TV / Movies: Movie Quotes: "You go up there & get a baby H.I.!"`raising arizona
TV / Movies: Movie Quotes: "You just shot an unarmed man!" "Well, he should have armed himself"`unforgiven
TV/Movies: Movies and TV/ Movies: Wayne and Garth says "We're not worthy!" to him in _Wayne's World`alice cooper
TV / Movies: Movies: Anthony Perkins served aboard this type of vessel in "On the Beach."`Submarine
TV / Movies: Movies: Bing Crosby received this type of Oscar for his role as Father Chuck O'Malley.`plaster
TV/Movies: Movies: Directed and produced "North by Northwest."`alfred hitchcock
TV / Movies: Movie set in 1950's Ireland about three friends and their first loves.`Circle of Friends
TV / Movies: Movies: Famous swinging character has been played by Pierce, Henry, and Barker.`Tarzan
TV/Movies: Movies: He played Burt Lancaster's commanding officer in Run Silent, Run Deep`clark gable
TV/Movies: Movies: He played Carmine Sabatine in The Freshman`marlon brando
TV/Movies: Movies: In The Two Jakes, he plays the part of Jake Gittes`jack nicholson
TV/Movies: Movies: Jane Wyman had no speaking role, but lots of acting, in this movie`johnny belinda
TV / Movies: Movies: Largest grossing film of 1993.`Jurassic Park
TV/ Movies: Movies & Music Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince did a parody of this horror flick with Englund`nightmare on elm street
TV/ Movies: Movies & Music L.L. Cool J song from _Less Than Zero_: "Heels tall, bikini small, she says.."`going back to cali
TV/ Movies: Movies & Music Performer of title song from 1981 Bond movie _For Your Eyes Only_.`sheena easton
TV/ Movies: Movies & Music Phil Collins song from movie of same name starring Jeff Bridges & James Woods.`against all odds
TV/ Movies: Movies & Music "Time Warp" was revealed in this 1975 not so horrifying picture with Tim Curry.`rocky horror picture show
TV / Movies: Movies & MusicTV / Movies: Movies & TV / Movies: Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince did a parody of this horror flick with Englund`Nightmare on Elm Street
TV/Movies: Movies: Name of Brando's character in "A Streetcar Named Desire."`stanley kowalski
TV/Movies: Movies: Natalie Wood worked for this store in "Love with the Proper Stranger"`macys
TV/Movies: Movies: Played Miles Monroe (owner of Happy Carrot Health Food Store) in Sleeper`woody allen
TV/Movies: Movies: Ronald Coleman played Charles Rainier, an amnesia victim from WWI, in this film`random harvest
TV/Movies: Movies: She played the part of Amy, the sheriff's wife in "High Noon."`grace kelly
TV/Movies: Movies: The climax of what Spielberg film takes place at Devil's Tower`close encounters of the third kind
TV / Movies: Movies: The hospital in which the Doctor Kildare series was set.`blair general
TV/Movies: Movies: The sequel to "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes."`gentlemen marry brunettes
TV / Movies: Movies: This actress said, "What are you gonna do Arrest me"`Sharon Stone
TV / Movies: Movies: This American played the lecherous Komarovsky in "Doctor Zhivago."`Rod Steiger
TV / Movies: Movies: This disney film introduced the song "Zip-a-dee-do-dah"`song of the south
TV/Movies: Movies: This movie hero was a defender of the weak, champion of justice`lone ranger
TV/Movies: Movies: Timothy Dalton starred in this flashy sci-fi film`flash gordon
TV / Movies: Movies & TV / Movies: L.L. Cool J song from _Less Than Zero_: "Heels tall, bikini small, she says.."`Going Back to Cali
TV / Movies: Movies & TV / Movies: Performer of title song from 1981 Bond movie _For Your Eyes Only_.`Sheena Easton
TV / Movies: Movies & TV / Movies: Phil Collins song from movie of same name starring Jeff Bridges & James Woods.`against all odds
TV / Movies: Movies & TV / Movies: "Time Warp" was revealed in this 1975 not so horrifying picture with Tim Curry.`rocky horror picture show
TV/Movies: Movies: Western in which Gable said, "Why don't you jump in and get wet all over?"`honky tonk
TV/Movies: Movies: William Hurt plays Macon Leary in this movie`accidental tourist
TV/Movies: Movie Tag Lines: 1979: In space, no one can hear you scream`alien
TV/Movies: Movie Tag Lines2: 1940: Walt Disney's Technicolor FEATURE triumph!`fantasia
TV/Movies: Movie Tag Lines 2: 1955: Teenage terror torn from today's headlines`rebel without a cause
TV/Movies: Movie Tag Lines 2: 1959: The movie too HOT for words!`some like it hot
TV/Movies: Movie Tag Lines 2: 1967: This is Benjamin. He's a little worried about his future`the graduate
TV/Movies: Movie Tag Lines 2: 1980: I am not an animal! I am a human being!`the elephant man
TV/Movies: Movie Tag Lines 2: 1985: 17 year old Marty McFly got home early last night. 30 years early`back to the future
TV/Movies: Movie Tag Lines 2: 1988: 40 stories of sheer adventure!`die hard
TV/Movies: Movie Tag Lines 2: 1995: A little pig goes a long way`babe
TV/Movies: Movie Tag Lines 2: 1995: Gluttony, greed, sloth, envy, wrath, pride, lust`se7en
TV/Movies: Movie Tag Lines 2: 1995: The toys are back in town`toy story
TV/Movies: Movie Tag Lines 2: 1996: Someone has taken their love of scary movies one step too far`scream
TV / Movies: Movie Tag Lines: Frozen in the 60's...thawing spring '97, baby! Debonair. Defiant. Defrosted.`Austin Powers
TV / Movies: Movie Tag Lines: In space, no one can hear you scream.`Alien
TV / Movies: Movie Tag Lines: It's nothing personal.`Terminator 2
TV / Movies: Movie Tag Lines: Makes Ben Hur look like an Epic`Monty Python and the Holy Grail
TV / Movies: Movie Tag Lines: With love comes risk. With obsession comes...`Damage
TV / Movies: Movie that featured the line "Here's looking at you kid."`casablanca
TV / Movies: Movie that featured the song "Born Free"`born free
TV / Movies: Movie that featured the song "I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Outta My Hair"`south pacific
TV/Movies: Movie That Features: A hockey mask on a dead guy`friday the 13th
TV / Movies: Movie That Features: Al Pacino, Steven Bauer, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Mary E. Mastrantonio`Scarface
TV/Movies: Movie That Features: An Irish soul band`the commitments
TV / Movies: Movie That Features: Christopher Walken, Mary Stuart Masterson, Chris Penn, and Sean Penn`At Close Range
TV/Movies: Movie That Features: David Grant, Kevin Costner, and Rae Dawn Chong`american flyers
TV / Movies: Movie That Features: Emma Thompson as "Beatrice"`Much Ado About Nothing
TV/Movies: Movie That Features: Fisher Stevens, Ally Sheedy, and Steve Guttenberg`short circuit
TV/Movies: Movie That Features: Griffin Dunn, Rosanna Arquette, and Terri Garr`after hours
TV/Movies: Movie That Features: Julia Roberts, Cameron Diaz, and Dermot Mulroney with wedding bell blues`my best Friends Wedding
TV / Movies: Movie That Features: Matthew Modine, Mercedes Ruehl, Dean Stockwell, and Michelle Pfeiffer`Married to the Mob
TV / Movies: Movie That Features: Mike Meyers as an English secret agent and an evil misbehaving world tyrant.`Austin Powers
TV / Movies: Movie That Features: Nicke Nolte, Eddie Murphy, Annette O' Toole, and Sonny Landham`48 Hours
TV/Movies: Movie That Features: Patrick Swayze, Cynthia Gibb, Ed Lauter, and Rob Lowe`youngblood
TV/Movies: Movie That Features: Peter Sellers, George C. Scott, and Slim Pickens (short answer form)`dr strangelove
TV / Movies: Movie That Features: Sam, a piano player in a bar.`Casablanca
TV / Movies: Movie That Features: Sam Wheat`Ghost
TV/Movies: Movie That Features: Scissor-hands`edward scissorhands
TV/Movies: Movie That Features: Snowy mountain cannibalism`alive
TV/Movies: Movie That Features: Stephen Rea, Miranda Richardson, Jaye Davidson, and Forest Whitaker`the crying Game
TV / Movies: Movie That Features: Tom Berenger, Willem DaFoe, Charlie Sheen, and Francesco Quinn`Platoon
TV / Movies: Movie That Features: Virginia Madsen, Peter O' Toole, Vincent Spano, and Muriel Hemingway`Creator
TV / Movies: Movie Theme Songs: Movie that featured "Blaze of Glory"`Young Guns II
TV / Movies: Movie Theme Songs: Movie that featured "Can't Help Falling In Love" (UB40's version)`Sliver
TV / Movies: Movie Theme Songs: Movie that featured "(Don't You) Forget About Me"`Breakfast Club
TV / Movies: Movie Theme Songs: Movie that featured "Gotham City"`Batman and Robin
TV / Movies: Movie Theme Songs: Movie that featured "Kiss from a Rose"`Batman Forever
TV / Movies: Movie Theme Songs: Movie that featured "Kiss"`Under the Cherry Moon
TV/Movies: Movie Theme Songs: Movie that featured "Last Dance"`Thank God It's Friday
TV / Movies: Movie Theme Songs: Movie that featured "Nobody Does It Better"`The Spy Who Loved Me
TV / Movies: Movie Theme Songs: Movie that first featured "Whatever Will Be, Will Be"`Man Who Knew Too Much
TV / Movies: Movie titles: around the world in ___ days`80
TV / Movies: Movie titles____ fiction`pulp
TV / Movies: Movie titles: from _____ with love`russia
TV / Movies: Movie titles: _____ my way`going
TV / Movies: Movie titles: the african _____`queen
TV / Movies: Movie titles: The Three Faces Of ___`eve
TV / Movies: Movie titles: The ____ Worker (1962)`miracle
TV/Movies: Movie Trivia: Actor originally intended to be Wizard in "Wizard of Oz"`w c fields
TV / Movies: Movie Trivia: Actor who committed suicide because he was bored`george sanders
TV / Movies: Movie Trivia: Actress whose real name is Frances Gumm`judy garland
TV/Movies: Movie Trivia: Amount of money "E.T." grossed in first 2 weeks of release (in millions)`44
TV/Movies: Movie Trivia: Animal of which Indiana Jones is afraid`snake
TV/Movies: Movie Trivia: "Citizen Kane" won this many Academy Awards`1
TV/Movies: Movie Trivia: Dean Martin's real last name`crocetti
TV/Movies: Movie Trivia: Fred Astaire's dancing partner in "The Dancing Lady"`joan crawford
TV-Movies: movie trivia: mgm is an acronym for this`metro goldwyn mayer
TV / Movies: Movie Trivia: Movie that featured the line "Here's looking at you kid."`casablanca
TV / Movies: Movie Trivia: Movie that featured the song "Born Free"`born free
TV / Movies: Movie Trivia: Movie that featured the song "I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Outta My Hair"`south pacific
TV / Movies: Movie Trivia: Name of movie generally regarded as first sound movie`jazz singer
TV/Movies: Movie Trivia: Number of movies Burton and taylor made together`10
TV / Movies: Movie Trivia: Original choice to play Rick in "Casablanca"`ronald reagan
TV/ Movies: Movie Trivia: Original choice to play Rick in "Casablanca"`ronald reaganMusic : 80's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: Sweet Sixteen`billy idol
TV / Movies: Movie Trivia: Rock Hudson's real last name`fitzgerald
TV / Movies: Movie: what star shoots pool by holding the cue in his mouth`mr ed
TV/Movies: MTV Features: He holds the record for most Video Music Awards hosted`arsenio hall
TV/Movies: MTV Features: This many presidents have been interviewed by an MTV correspondent`2
TV/Movies: MTV Features: You could lose your favorite possesions in this MTV game show`trashed
TV / Movies: MTV: MTV plays these most of the day`videos
TV / Movies: MTV: "The Grind" is hosted by this former "Real Worlder"`Eric
TV / Movies: MTV: This show features two absurd, cartoon teenagers with the laugh, "Huh huh"`Beavis & Butthead
TV/Movies: MTV: This show features two absurd, cartoon teenagers with the laugh, "Huh huh"`Beavis & Butthead`Beavis and Butthead
TV / Movies: MTV: This show has videos from 7:00 p.m. until 9: p.m.`prime
TV / Movies: MTV: This show is a contest in which contestants try to survive the "scratch factor"`Lip Service
TV/Movies: Muppet Mania: Gonzo eats a tire to the tune of this`flight of the bumblebee
TV/Movies: Muppet Mania: He was the muppeteer controlling Dr. Floyd Pepper and Robin`jerry nelson
TV/Movies: Muppet Mania: He was the muppeteer controlling Gonzo and Dr. Bunsen Honeydew`dave goelz
TV/Movies: Muppet Mania: He was the muppeteer controlling Miss Piggy and Grover`frank oz
TV / Movies: Muppet Mania: Kermit wrote a guide to this decade`90s
TV/Movies: Muppet Mania: Name of the muppet that throws boomerang fish`lew
TV / Movies: Muppet Mania: Name of the muppet that throws boomerang fish`Lew Zealand
TV/Movies: Muppet Mania: On the cartoon, "Muppet Babies", only this part of Nanny's body was ever shown`legs
TV / Movies: Muppet Mania: She was the chicken girlfriend of Gonzo`Camilla
TV / Movies: Muppet Mania: The Muppets recently released a movie based on this Dickens's novel.`A Christmas Carol
TV / Movies: Muppet Mania: The name of Oscar the Grouch's girlfriend (Sesame Street)`Grungetta
TV / Movies: Muppet Mania: The name of the Elephant friend of Big Bird on 'Sesame Street'`mr Snuffleupagus
TV / Movies: Muppet Mania: this is a bear's natural habitat (The Muppet movie)`Studebaker
TV / Movies: Muppet Mania: This Muppet was a patriotic eagle`Sam
TV / Movies: Muppet Mania: This muppet was a piano playing dog`Rowlf
TV / Movies: Muppet Mania: What is the name of Dr. Teeth's band`The Electric Mayhem
TV/Movies: Muppet Mania: What lived in Ernie's garden (Sesame Street)`twiddle bugs
Tv/Movies:Musical:What 1957 film co-starred Fred Astaire and Cyd Charisse`Silk Stockings
Tv/Movies:Musical:What 1983 film co-starred Robert Duvall, Tess Harper and Ellen Barkin`Tender Mercies
Tv/Movies:Musical:Who played the pinball wizard in the 1975 'Tommy'`Elton John
Tv/Movies:Musical:Who played the Scarecrow in the 1978 film The Wiz`Michael Jackson
TV/Movies: Music Movie Trivia: "Arnold" solos this Cole Porter song in Torch Song Trilogy`love for sale
TV / Movies: Music Movie Trivia: Cicero's theme song, sung by a girl on a farm sitting next to a tractor.`Over the Rainbow
TV/Movies: Music Movie Trivia: Each Mad Max movie has a version of this song`happy birthday
TV / Movies: Music Movie Trivia: She sang the beautifully haunting love theme from _Bram Stoker's Dracula_.`Annie Lennox
TV / Movies: Music Movie Trivia: Song in which Tim Curry does his best Judy Garland (with Alfalfa shadow).`Im Going Home
TV/Movies: Music Movie Trivia: Sound of Music song: "The sun has gone to bed and so must I..."`so long farewell
TV/Movies: Music Movie Trivia: This famous jazz musician was the band leader in "Hello, Dolly!"`louis armstrong
TV/Movies: Music Movie Trivia: This Gypsy song's footage is thought to be lost forever`together we go
TV / Movies: Music Movie Trivia: This movie musical features Ann Margaret rolling in baked beans.`Tommy
TV / Movies: Music Movie Trivia: This song is sung in Chinese in the second Indiana Jones movie.`Anything Goes
TV / Movies: my favorite ______`martian
TV / Movies: Name 1 of the 3 well known female sex symbols in Myra Breckinridge`farrah fawcett
TV / Movies: Name dennis the menace's next door neighbors.`george & martha wilson
Tv/Movies:Namegame:Whos film characters included Joe Bella,Tommy Five Tone and Jack Ruby`Danny Aiello
TV-Movies: name of brando's character in a streetcar named desire`stanley kowalski
TV/Movies: Name one of the 2 girls that shared the flat with Robin in "Man About The House"`jo`chrissy
TV / Movies: Name one of the major stars in "chinatown"`john huston
TV / Movies: Name one of the major stars in "fool for love"`randy quaid
TV / Movies: Name one of the major stars in "ghostbusters"`bill murray
TV / Movies: Name one of the major stars in "harlem nights"`richard pryor
TV / Movies: Name one of the major stars in "ruthless people"`judge reinhold
TV / Movies: Name one of the major stars in "sharkeys machine"`brian keith
TV / Movies: Name one of the major stars in "soapdish"`kevin kline
TV / Movies: Name one of the major stars in "the 'burbs"`bruce dern
TV / Movies: Name one of the major stars in "top gun"`kelly mcgillis
TV / Movies: Name one of the road movies with bob, bing & dorothy`road to hong kong
TV / Movies: Name one of three people to have won Emmy, Grammy, Tony, and Oscar`helen hayes
TV / Movies: Name That Actor: ...who played Apollo Creed`carl weathers
TV / Movies: Name That Actor: ...who played Ashley Wilkes`leslie howard
TV / Movies: Name That Actor: ...who played Bob Woodward`robert redford
TV / Movies: Name That Actor: ...who played Ferris Bueller`matthew broderick
TV / Movies: Name That Actor: ...who played Mozart in "Amadeus"`tom hulce
TV/Movies: Name That Celebrity: Director and dixieland clarinetist`woody allen
TV / Movies: Name That Celebrity: English character actor & owner of a fish-and-chips fast food chain`Arthur Treacher
TV/Movies: Name That Celebrity: The director of Citizen Kane and The Third Man`orson welles
TV / Movies: Name That Disney Movie: Alice, White Rabbit, Cheshire Cat`Alice In Wonderland
TV / Movies: Name That Disney Movie: Baloo, Bagheera, Shere Khan`The Jungle Book
TV / Movies: Name That Disney Movie: Bernard, Miss Bianca, Penny`The Rescuers
TV / Movies: Name That Disney Movie: Chernabog, The Sorcerer's Apprentice`Fantasia
TV / Movies: Name That Disney Movie: Cody, Percival Macleash, Miss Bianca`The Rescuers Down Under
TV / Movies: Name That Disney Movie: Dodger, Georgette, Tito`Oliver and Company
TV / Movies: Name That Disney Movie: Geppetto, Monstro, Jiminy Cricket (Watch the Spelling!)`Pinocchio
TV / Movies: Name That Disney Movie: Gurgi, Eilonwy, Fflewddur Fflam`The Black Cauldron
TV / Movies: Name That Disney Movie: Madam Mim, Wart, Archimedes`The Sword In The Stone
TV / Movies: Name That Disney Movie: Maleficent, Aurora, Merryweather`Sleeping Beauty
TV / Movies: Name That Disney Movie: Nora, Pete, Elliot`Petes Dragon
TV / Movies: Name That Disney Movie: Robin, Marian, Sir Hiss`Robin Hood
tv/ movies: name that show: jerry van dyke is related to an automobile`my mother the car
tv/ movies: name that show: murray, cody, nick & roboboz live on a boat & solve crimes`riptide
TV/Movies: Name That TV Show: Goober, Floyd, Opie, Barney`andy griffith
TV/Movies: Name That TV Show: Hayden, Christine, Dauber`coach
TV/Movies: Name That TV Show: Max Weinberg, Andy Richter, Conan`late night with conan obrien
TV/Movies: Name That TV Show: Six, Joey, Anthony`blossom
TV/Movies: Name That TV Show: Urkel, Laura, Carl`family matters
TV/Movies: Name That TV Show: Wapner, Rusty, Doug`peoples court
TV / Movies: Name the 3 daughters in "The Brady Bunch" (oldest to youngest)`marcia, jan & cindy
TV / Movies: Name the 3 sons in "The Brady Bunch" (oldest to youngest)`greg, peter & bobby
TV / Movies: Name the actor who played the leading role in "the good, the bad, & the ugly"`clint eastwood
tv/ movies: name the airplane used in "sky king" (name of the plane, not make/model)`songbird
tv/ movies: name the big, black truck used to shuttle k.i.t.t. from place to place`goliath
TV / Movies: Name the boat in the Love Boat`pacific princess
TV / Movies: Name the character identified with the expression "one of these days alice,pow,right in the kisser!"`ralph kramden
TV / Movies: Name the disney cartoon in which the character "belle" appears`beauty & the beast
TV / Movies: Name the dog in the yankee doodle cartoons`chopper
TV / Movies: Name the european hit, now an animated series about underwater people.`snorks
TV/Movies: Name Their Job: Michelangelo Antonioni`film director
TV / Movies: Name the male actor in "Moonlighting"`bruce willis
TV / Movies: Name the male actor in "Remington Steele"`pierce brosnan
TV / Movies: Name the movie about life after death set in Chicago that revolved around several medical students with a death wish.`flatliners
TV / Movies: Name The Movie: Christian Slater becomes a cop and tracks down his brother's killer.`Kuffs
TV / Movies: Name The Movie: Three stones, alot of water, and a broken down bridge that Indy has to climb.`Indiana Jones and The Temple Of Doom
TV / Movies: Name the only Elvis Presley film in which Elvis did not star`love me tender
TV / Movies: Name the queen of the jungle who had bob as a mate`sheena
TV / Movies: Name the top rated show of the 1977 78 season`laverne & shirley
TV/Movies: Name the top rated show of the 1977 78 season`laverne & shirley`laverne and shirley
TV /Movies:Nathan Brittles is the hero of which classic western`she wore a yellow ribbon
TV / Movies: Nearsighted mr. Magoo was voiced by which actor, who went on to sitcom fame`jim backus
TV / Movies: Nephew & companion of Hercules on Hercules' 12 labors`iolaus
Tv/Movies:Nicknames:Who was known as 'The Platinum Blond'`Jean Harlow
TV/Movies: Numbers Movies: "Bring out the Gimp."`pulp fiction
TV/Movies: Numbers Movies: "Here kitty kitty! Here kitty! Here Jonesy!"`alien
TV/Movies: Numbers Movies: Mel Gibson patrols the roadways of near-future Australia (first in a series)`mad max
TV/Movies: Numbers Movies: Talking Heads concert film brilliantly shot by Jonathan Demme`stop making sense
TV/Movies: Numbers Movies: " the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow"`monty python and the holy grail
TV / Movies: Of what was charlie chaplains cane made`bamboo
TV / Movies: Older Movies: Al Pacino & a young Michelle Pfeiffer in a drug-dealing violence-fest:`scarface
TV / Movies: Older Movies: Anne Francis & Robby The Robot starred in this SciFi classic:`forbidden planet
TV / Movies: Older Movies: Early Spielberg film with Roy Scheider & Richard Dreyfus:`jaws
TV / Movies: Older Movies: Katherine Hepburn was a socialite flirting with reporter Jimmy Stewart:`the philadelphia story
TV / Movies: Older Movies: Silly comedy with Dudley Moore & Liza Minelli (freebie):`arthur
TV / Movies: On Captain Midnight, what was Ichabod Mudd's nickname`icky
TV / Movies: On "charlie's angels", who was the voice of charlie`john forsythe
TV / Movies: One of the episodes in which mulder has fired his gun is _____`oubliette
Tv/Movies:One word:Complete the film titles ----- Frankenstein, ----- Doctor's in Love & ----- Guns`young
Tv/Movies:One Word:Complete the film titles -------Goes to the Races,------- in the Navy & ------- in the Haunted House`Francis
TV/ Movies: On 'gilligan's island' mrs. Howell's maiden name was what`wentworth`
Tv/Movies:On Location:What 1970 'disaster' film was filmed partially at Minneapolis-St Paul international Airport`Airport
TV / Movies: On 'Mad About You', Paul & Jamie's baby was named Mabel. What does it stand for`mothers always bring extra love
TV / Movies: On mork & mindy, what was mindy's last name`mcconnell
TV / Movies: On mork & mindy, who was the leader of the friends of venus`exidor
TV / Movies: On Porter Waggoner's show, who was his first singing partner `norma jean
TV / Movies: On 'Southpark' what usually happens to Kenny`he gets killed
TV / Movies: On the cartoon show 'the jetsons', how old is judy`15
TV/ Movies: On 'the flintstones' who is barney & betty rubble's son`bambam`bam bam
TV/ Movies: On 'the flintstones' who is barney & betty rubble's son`bamm-bamm
TV / Movies: On the show 'Greenacres' what was 'Arnold Ziffel'`pig
TV / Movies: On tvs gilligans island, what characters real name was roy hinkley`the professor
TV / Movies: On tv's the love boat, what was adam bricker's job on the ship`doctor
TV / Movies: On what british sitcom was 'all in the family' based`steptoe & son
TV/Movies: On what british sitcom was 'all in the family' based`steptoe & son`steptoe and son
TV / Movies: On what cartoon show did the characters watch tv on station bdrx`flintstones
TV / Movies: On what game show was the phrase "big bucks, big bucks, no whammy, no whammy, and...stop!"`press your luck
TV / Movies: On what show was Ralph Malph`happy days
TV / Movies: On what show was 'The Ponderosa'`bonanza
TV / Movies: On what TV show might you hear "Arrrrgh! We have movie sign!!!"`mystery science theater 3000
TV / Movies: On what tv show was 'the ponderosa'`bonanza
TV / Movies: On which show did Gene Gene the dancing machine appear`the gong show
TV / Movies: On which show did Lena Horne make her debut`ed sullivan
TV / Movies: On which show is there a butler named Lurch`the adams family
TV / Movies: Original choice to play Rick in "Casablanca"`ronald reagan
Tv/Movies:Oscarlink:What do James Dean,Spencer Tracy and Peter Finch have in common`Posthumously nominated for Best Actor
Tv/Movies:Oscars:1946 Who won Best Actor for his part in the film The Best Years of Our Lives`Fredric March
Tv/Movies:Oscars:For his role in which movie did Peter Finch win the Best Actor Oscar for posthumously`Network
Tv/Movies:Oscars:In 1936 who won the Best Actor Oscar`Paul Muni
Tv/Movies:Oscars:Loretta Young won best actress oscar in 1947 for her role in what movie`The Farmer's Daughter
Tv/Movies:Oscars:Name the two films Oliver Stone won the Best Director Oscar for`Born on the Fourth of July & Platoon
Tv/Movies:Oscars:What 1972 film saw the whole cast nominated for the Oscars`Sleuth
Tv/Movies:Oscars:What event postponed the Oscar ceremony in 1980`Attempted Assassination of Ronald Reagan
Tv/Movies:Oscars:What film won Best Picture in 1952`The Greatest Show on Earth
Tv/Movies:Oscars:What film won the Oscar for Best Picture in 1970`Love Story
Tv/Movies:Oscars:What sad distinction does Peter Finch Hold`Only person to win Posthumously
Tv/Movies:Oscars:What was unusual about the Oscar presented to ventriloquist Edgar Bergen for his outstanding comic creation`It was made of wood
Tv/Movies:Oscars:Which film won the Best Picture Oscar in 1979`Kramer vs. Kramer
Tv/Movies:Oscars:Who starred in the 1972 film Sleuth`Laurence Olivier
Tv/Movies:Oscars:Who starred in the 1972 film Sleuth`Michael Caine
Tv/Movies:Oscars:Who won Best Actress in 1947`Loretta Young
Tv/Movies:Oscars:Who won Best Director accolades for the film All Quiet on the Western Front`Lewis Milestone
Tv/Movies:Oscars:Who won best supporting actress in 1993`Anna Paquin
TV / Movies: Other than mistress, how was Kristin related to J.R. Ewing`sister in law
TV/Movies: "Our love is God, let's go get a Slushie."`heathers
Tv/Movies:Past-Times:What film used 250,000 extras for a funeral scene`Gandhi
Tv/Movies:Past-Times:Which film fetures Four of the Queen's guys taking on Four of the Cardinal's guys`The Three Musketeers
TV / Movies: Patrick stewart plays the part of captain picard in this tv show.`star trek: the next generation
TV /Movies:Paul Newman married which actress`joanne woodward
TV / Movies: Paul Newman's profession in "The Young Philadelphians."`lawyer
TV / Movies: PBS TV: Complete: Sharpe's Enemy, Sharpe's Company, Sharpe's Eagles, Sharpe's ______.`Rifles
TV/Movies: PBS TV: Masterpiece Theater: ___ _____ _____ of Thika (1981)`the flame trees
TV/Movies: PBS TV: Mystery!: ________ and Caldicott (1986)`charters
TV/Movies: PBS TV: What 1986 Masterpiece Theater series featured a beloved English schoolteacher`goodbye mr. chips
TV / Movies: PBS TV: What 1995 Masterpiece Theater series starred Richard Harris as a magician`The Great Kandinsky
TV / Movies: PBS TV: What musical instrument does Bertie Wooster play`Piano
TV/Movies: PBS TV: What Mystery! series has had the most separate runs (9 through 1996)`inspector morse
TV / Movies: PBS TV: What was the 1989 Mystery! series about US-Soviet intelligence in Germany`Game Set and Match
TV / Movies: PBS TV: Who is the current (1996) host of Mystery! `Diana Rigg
TV / Movies: Peggy Lipton co-starred in this hep <g> 70's series`Mod Squad
TV / Movies: Phrase coined to describe Errol Flynn's unmatched success with women`In like Flynn
TV / Movies: Pierce Brosnan is a soviet agent (from the Forsyth novel)`the fourth protocol
TV / Movies: Played maid marian to Sean Connery's Robin Hood in "Robin and Marian".`audrey hepburn
TV / Movies: Played the part of Hans Christian Andersen in the movie of the same name.`Danny Kaye
TV / Movies: Policeman must defuse bus which will blow if it goes below 50 miles per hour`Speed
TV / Movies: Policeman visits wife in Los Angeles and battles terrorists on highrise`Die Hard
TV / Movies: Popeye's chief adversary has two names, bluto & ______`brutus
TV / Movies: Pop Kulture: Film in which Divine consumes a fresh dog turd.`pink flamingos
TV / Movies: Pop Kulture: What is the longest running soap opera still on the air`guiding light
TV/Movies: Pop Music On Film: The movie "UHF" starred him`weird al yankovich
TV/Movies: Pop Music On Film: The name of "The Dating Game" show theme by Herb Alpert`spanish flea
TV/Movies: Pop Music On Film: This singer can currently be seen on film in "Little Buddah"`chris isaak
TV/Movies: Pop Music On Film: This singer has hit #1 four times with movie themes, including 2 from "Buster"`phil collins
TV/Movies: Potpourri: Movie in which Mae West says "Why don't you come up sometime... and see me"`she done him Wrong
TV / Movies: Power Rangers: Character who says, "Ay ay ay ay ay!"`Alpha
TV/Movies: Power Rangers: Give the colours of the replaced Rangers (alphabetical, no commas)`Black Red Yellow
TV / Movies: Power Rangers: Give the coors of the replaced Rangers (alphabetical, no commas)`Black Red Yellow
TV/Movies: Power Rangers: Identity of the Green Ranger`tommy
TV / Movies: Power Rangers: Identity of the original Black Ranger`Zack
TV / Movies: Power Rangers: Name the actor who plays Bulk`Jason Narvy
TV/Movies: Power Rangers: Name the city in which the Rangers live and defend`angel grove
TV / Movies: Power Rangers: Name the city in which the Rangers live & defend`Angel Grove
TV / Movies: Power Rangers: Name the robot the Green Ranger controlled`Dragonzord
TV / Movies: Power Rangers: The Black Ranger's weapon of choice`Power axe
TV/Movies: Power Rangers: The creator of MMPR also this similar Ranger-like show`vr troopers
TV / Movies: Power Rangers: The only lyrics in the theme song`Go go Power Rangers
TV / Movies: Power Rangers: This phrase is always said before transforming into the Rangers`Its morphin time
TV/Movies: Power Rangers: Trini is a collector of these`dolls
TV/Movies: Power Rangers: Type of robot dinosaur the Blue Ranger controls`triceratops
TV / Movies: Power Rangers: Type of robot dinosaur the Yelow Ranger controls`Saber-toothed Tiger
TV / Movies: Psycho killer was recorded by this group`talking heads
TV/Movies: Pulp Fiction: book that vega read while expunging bodily wastes`madame blair
TV/Movies: Pulp Fiction: color fabienna's toothbrush`red
TV/Movies: Pulp Fiction: Mr. Wolf asks for this in his coffee`lots of cream lots of sugar
TV / Movies: Pulp Fiction: name of the resturant where robbery was held`hawthorne grill
TV / Movies: Pulp Fiction: price of seafood salad at the robbed restaurant (numerals, no period)`435
TV / Movies: Pulp Fiction: sign in pawnshop say shoplifters will be....`beaten to a bloody pulp
TV / Movies: Pulp Fiction: time in morning vincent brings mia to dealers house (numerals no colon)`130
TV/Movies: Pulp Fiction: type of soda in brett's cup`sprite
TV/Movies: Pulp Fiction: Vince and Mia go to this restaurant. (3 wds.)`jack rabbit slims
TV / Movies: Pulp Fiction: Vincent's last name is what`vega
TV/Movies: Pulp Fiction: waiter for mia and vincent is what singer`buddy holly
TV/Movies: Quality Movies: 1994 film by Milcho Manchevski with actress Katrin Cartlidge in a leading role`before the rain
TV/Movies: Quality Movies: Directed "Nashville" and "The Player"`robert altman
TV/Movies: Quality Movies: Directed "The Magnificent Ambersons" in 1942`orson welles
TV/Movies: Quality Movies: Director of "Au Revoir Les Enfants" aka "Goodbye Children"`louis malle
TV/Movies: Quality Movies: Director of "Trust" and "Amateur"`hal hartley
TV/Movies: Quality Movies: Jim Jarmusch film "about" taxi drivers at night in 5 different places, eg Rome`night on earth
TV/Movies: Quality Movies: Produced "Howards End" and "The Remains of the Day"`ismael merchant
TV/Movies: Quantum Leap 2: Al's last name (watch the spelling!)`calavicci
TV / Movies: Quantum Leap 2: Al's rank in the present, at Project Quantum Leap time (omit "Retired").`Rear Admiral
TV/Movies: Quantum Leap 2: How Al describes Sam's brain as affected by the original Leap`swiss cheese
TV/Movies: Quantum Leap 2: J. Turner & John Cullum from this quirky hit guested in the same QL episode`northern Exposure
TV / Movies: Quantum Leap 2: QL received 5 awards in 4 years from this org. rewarding quality TV drama.`Viewers for Quality Television
TV / Movies: Quantum Leap 2: Sam first Leapt by stepping prematurely into the QL project -----------`Accelerator
TV/Movies: Quantum Leap 2: Sam leaps into this blonde bombshell's chauffeur in ep. Goodbye Norma Jean`marilyn Monroe
TV / Movies: Quantum Leap 2: Sam's last name.`Beckett
TV / Movies: Quantum Leap 2: Series creator Don B.'s production company: --------- Productions`Belisarius
TV / Movies: Quantum Leap: Admiral Al Calavicci was born in this year.`1945
TV / Movies: Quantum Leap: Dr. Sam Beckett was born in this year.`1953
TV/Movies: Quantum Leap: How many degrees does Sam have, including one in ancient languages`six
TV/Movies: Quantum Leap: In "Blood Moon", Sam leaps into this type of creature`vampire
TV/Movies: Quantum Leap: In "Deliver Us From Evil", this character appears- Sam's opposite counterpart`alia
TV / Movies: Quantum Leap: In ep. 87, Sam Leaped into this celebrity who counseled Al about his sex life.`Dr. Ruth Westheimer
TV/Movies: Quantum Leap: In "Play It Again, Seymour", Sam's Leapee is the spitting image of this actor`humphrey bogart
TV/Movies: Quantum Leap: Sam Leaped into a woman for the first time in this episode`what price gloria
TV / Movies: Quantum Leap: Sam Leaped out of a human body once-- into this chimpanzee. (name of chimp)`Bobo
TV/Movies: Quantum Leap: Sam's true love that he sees again when he leaps into one of her professors`donna
TV/Movies: Quantum Leap: Sam usually says these 2 words just after Leaping, sometimes more than once`oh boy
TV/Movies: Quantum Leap: Show name of the boxer Sam leaps into in the ep. The Right Hand of God`kid cody
TV/Movies: Quantum Leap: "The Leap Home, Pt 2", takes place during this war, where Sam's brother dies`vietnam
TV/Movies: Quantum Leap: The main character, Dr. Sam Beckett, was played by this actor`scott bakula
TV/Movies: Quantum Leap: This is Sam Beckett's birthday. (Month and day)`august 8
TV / Movies: Quantum Leap: This is the name of Alia's (the evil leaper) hologram partner.`Zoey
TV/Movies: Quantum Leap: This is the name of the computer linked to Sam and Al by their brainwaves`ziggy
TV/Movies: Quantum Leap: This man, The "God of Quantum Leap", was the executive producer`don bellisario
TV/Movies: Quotes : "A Black Sheriff"`Blazing saddles
TV/Movies: Quotes : "Are you pondering what i'm pondering"`Pinky & the brain
TV/Movies: Quotes : "Dozens of people are dying all the time, thousands, so why not mother"`Julian
TV / Movies: Quotes: "Funny, she doesn't look Druish"`space balls
TV/Movies: Quotes : "He doesn't want to exchange ideas, he wants to exchange fluids"`crimes and misdemeanors
TV / Movies: Quotes: "I...AM AN F.B.I. AGENT"`point break
TV/Movies: Quotes : "Id like to tame her shrew!!!"`Back to school
TV/Movies: Quotes : "I feel the -----, I feel your heartbeat..."`night heat
TV/Movies: Quotes : "Instant gratification takes too long"`Postcards from the edge
TV/Movies: Quotes : "I think people should mate for life, like pigeons or Catholics"`Manhattan
TV/Movies: Quotes : "- I've been giving myself shock treatments. - Up the voltage"`Real genius
TV/Movies: Quotes : "Stay alive, no matter what occurs. I WILL find you."`The last of the mohicans
TV/Movies: Quotes : "There is no spoon"`The Matrix
TV/Movies: Quotes : "There's only one thing: he doesn't like my hat."`the unbearable lightness of being
TV/Movies: Quotes : "The times they are a-changin' back"`Bob Roberts
TV / Movies: Quotes: "Too bad she won't live! But then again who does"`blade runner
TV/Movies: Quotes : "When pirates of the caribbean breaks down, the pirates dont eat the tourists"`Jurassic Park
TV/Movies: Quotes : "Zed's dead baby, Zed's dead"`Pulp Fiction
TV / Movies: Rank & name of the mad scientist on "hogan's heroes"`private carter
Tv/Movies:RealNames:What 1933 film was the first to co-star Frederick Austerlitz and Virginia McMath`Flying Down to Rio
TV/Movies: Real World: Aaron hopes to do this as a career`cpa
TV/Movies: Real World: During the show, Beth S. says this is her occupation in the movie industry`production assistant
TV/Movies: Real World: Name of the place where Jon performs every weekend in his hometown`goldies
TV/Movies: Real World: This rommate's truck was towed away as a practical joke`dom
TV/Movies: Real World: When Jon enters a talent contest, he uses the fax machine at this business`kinkos
Tv/Movies:Remake:What was the title of the 1984 remake of the 1938 A Yank at Oxford`Oxford Blues
Tv/Movies:Remake:Which 1969 Bob Fosse musical is based on 1957's Nights of Cabiria`Sweet Charity
TV / Movies: Rhinewhens BleedingHeart Movies: Lone NYC cop against a highrise full of baddies.`Die Hard
TV / Movies: Rhinewhens BleedingHeart Movies: Malcom McDowell kills a woman with a giant penis sculpture.`A Clockwork Orange
TV / Movies: Rhinewhens BleedingHeart Movies: "The Cleaner" pours acid on a still living man.`Le Femme Nikita
TV / Movies: Rhinewhens BleedingHeart Movies: Will Smith knifes himself to get aquantied with high society folks.`Six Degrees of Seperation
TV / Movies: Rhinewhens BleedingHeart Movies: "Zed's dead baby, Zed's dead."`Pulp Fiction
TV / Movies: Righteous Brothers song revived by _Ghost_ starring Moore and Swayze.`Unchained Melody
TV/Movies: Robert De Niro starred in this film`raging bull
TV / Movies: Robert Redford's real first name.`Charles
TV/Movies: Robotech: Commander of the space fortress and Rick's true love interest`lisa hayes
TV / Movies: Robotech: Daredevil pilot who becomes one of the greatest Veritech pilots.`Rick Hunter
TV / Movies: Robotech: Japanese-translated name of the second storyline arc.`SDC Orguss
TV / Movies: Robotech: Japanese-translated name of the third storyline arc.`SDB Mospeada
TV / Movies: Robotech: Master Veritech pilot who eventually marries the alien enemy ace.`Maxmillian Sterling
TV / Movies: Robotech: Name of the alien ambassador, second in command of the alien fleet.`Exedore
TV/Movies: Robotech: Robotech is mainly based on this Japanese Animation series`sdf macross
TV / Movies: Robotech: Robotech name of the third storyline arc.`The Invid Invasion
TV/Movies: Robotech: The alien fortress crash-landed on this remote island`macross island
TV / Movies: Robotech: Total number of episodes in the entire Robotech saga.`85
TV / Movies: Rocky Horror: How many minutes long is the movie version`100
TV/Movies: Rocky Horror: What actor played Brad Majors in the movie`barry bostwick
TV/Movies: Rocky Horror: What company produced The Rocky Horror Picture Show`twentieth century fox
TV / Movies: Rocky Horror: What is the name of the head transvestite`frank n. furter
TV/Movies: Rocky Horror: What is the "specialty of the house"`roast loin of pork
TV/Movies: Rocky Horror: What is used to create Rocky`sonic oscillator
TV/Movies: Rocky Horror: What is written on the sign outside the Frankenstein Mansion`enter at your own risk
TV/Movies: Rocky Horror: What rating did the MPA give the movie`r
TV / Movies: Rocky Horror: What was Janet's last name`weiss
TV/Movies: Rocky Horror: Where do Brad and Janet live`denton
TV / Movies: Rocky Horror: Where does Frank come from (full name)`transexual transylvania
TV / Movies: Rod Steiger played the villain in which smash hit musical (Yup, he sang, too.)`Oklahoma
TV / Movies: Ron Howard's directed his first film in 1977. What was it called`grand theft auto
TV/Movies: Rush Limbaugh: Rush event held in 1992 in Ft. Collins, Colorado`dans bake sale
TV/Movies: Rush Limbaugh: Rush's chief of staff`kit carson
TV/Movies: Rush Limbaugh: Rush's on-air name as a disc jockey`jeff christie
TV/Movies: Rush Limbaugh: The call letters of the EIB affiliate on shortwave (15.420 MHz)`wrno
TV/Movies: Rush Limbaugh: The name of Rush's newletter`limbaugh letter
TV/Movies: Sci Fi Movies: A cult classic about a government worker obsessed with a revolutionary woman`brazil
TV / Movies: Sci Fi Movies: A plethora of beings, including George Peppard, saves the universe.`Battle Beyond the Stars
TV / Movies: Sci Fi Movies: Flash Gordon freed the universe from Ming the _________.`Merciless
TV / Movies: Sci Fi Movies: He directed 2001: A Space Odyssey.`Stanley Kubrick
TV/Movies: Sci Fi Movies: He played the captain of the guard in Dune`patrick stewart
TV/Movies: Sci Fi Movies: He played the leader of the forest people in Flash Gordon`pierce brosnan
TV/Movies: Sci Fi Movies: In Total Recall, oppression ended when this was created on Mars`atmosphere
TV / Movies: Sci Fi Movies: Sci-fi thriller with Tom Selleck, Gene Simmons and Kirsti Alley.`Runaway
TV / Movies: Sci Fi Movies: The bounty hunter killed by Han Solo in the Creature Cantina.`Greedo
Tv/Movies:SciFi:What 1956 low budget classic co-starred Kevin McCarthy and Dana Wynter`Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Tv/Movies:SciFi:What did HAL say would fail in 2001, A Space Odyssey`antenna
Tv/Movies:SciFi:What important part did Canadian Douglas Rain play in the 1968 film 2001, A Space Odyssey`The voice of HAL
Tv/Movies:SciFi:What scary 1979 film co-starred Sigourney Weaver,Tom Skerrit and John Hurt`Alien
Tv/Movies:SciFi:Who attemted to fix the antenna in 2001, A Space Odyssey`Poole
Tv/Movies:SciFi:Who directed the film Invasion of the Body Snatchers`Don Siegel
TV / Movies: Sean Connery got a well-deserved Oscar for which 1980s movie`the untouchables
TV / Movies: Seinfeld: He played the "close talker".`Judge Reinhold
TV / Movies: Seinfeld: Jerry questioned if her breasts were real (actress name)`Teri Hatcher
TV / Movies: Seinfeld: Kramer got her a pineapple Italian Ice.`Bette Midler
TV / Movies: Seinfeld: Kramer & Newman play this game of world conquest.`Risk
TV / Movies: Seinfeld: Who was "master of his domain" `George
TV / Movies: Seinfield: Elaine's boyfriend with the serial killer name`joel rifkin
TV / Movies: Seinfield: George's name if he was a porno star`buck naked
TV / Movies: Seinfield: Jerry questioned if her breasts were real (actress name)`Teri Hatcher
TV / Movies: Seinfield: Name of the pilot they wrote for NBC`jerry
TV / Movies: Seinfield: Who was "master of his domain"`george
Tv/Movies:Sequels:What, in 1973, was the last sequel to the Planet of the Apes`Battle for the Planet of the Apes
Tv/Movies:Sequels:What was the 1980 sequel to 1977's Oh God!`Oh God! Book ii
Tv/Movies:Sequels:What was the third film in the Oh God series called`Oh God!You Devil
Tv/Movies:Sequels:What was the title of the 1978 sequel to the 1961 The Guns of Navarone`Force 10 from Navarone
TV / Movies: Sequel to Die Hard was called this`die harder
TV / Movies: "shaft" premieres on cbs as richard roundtree recreates the flamboyant`private eye
TV / Movies: She has been nominated for best actress 12 times, winning only once (for 'Sophie's Choice')`merryl streep
TV/ Movies: She has been nominated for best actress 12 times, winning only once (for 'Sophie's Choice')`meryl streep
TV / Movies: She played lois lane in the 1978 film version of "superman"`margot kidder
TV / Movies: She played "Police Woman"`dickinson
TV / Movies: She played the lead role in "coal miner's daughter"`sissy spacek
TV-Movies: she played the part of amy, the sheriff's wife in high noon`grace kelly
TV / Movies: She was born Frances Gumm.`judy garland
TV / Movies: She won an Oscar as a hooker in "Elmer Gantry."`Shirley Jones
TV/Movies: Sidekicks: Cartoon characters: Beavis`butthead
TV/Movies: "Simba" is the common swahili word for`a lion
TV / Movies: "simba" is the common swahili word for what`a lion
TV/Movies: Simpsons Cartoon 2: Bart has foiled this evil genius, Krusty's former sidekick, five times`sideshow bob
TV/Movies: Simpsons Cartoon 2: Homer was committed to an insane asylum after coming to work wearing this`a pink shirt
TV/Movies: Simpsons Cartoon 2: In a fortune teller's prediction, Lisa will get engaged to this British man`hugh parkfield
TV/Movies: Simpsons Cartoon 2: She is the voice of Bart Simpson`nancy cartwright
TV/Movies: Simpsons Cartoon 2: WakkoJr was pleased when this Simpson character became a vegetarian`lisa
TV / Movies: Simpsons Cartoon : Before Maggie's conception, Homer quit the Power Plant to work here.`Barneys Bowlarama
TV/Movies: Simpsons Cartoon: Burns' beloved teddy-bear`bobo
TV / Movies: Simpsons Cartoon : Homer works the night shift at this place to pay for Lisa's pony.`Kwik-E-Mart
TV / Movies: Simpsons Cartoon : How old are Bart and Lisa (# & #)`Ten and Eight
TV / Movies: Simpsons Cartoon : She is the voice of Lisa.`Yeardley Smith
TV / Movies: Simpsons Cartoon : This "Kramer vs. Kramer" star played Reverend Lovejoy's daughter Jessica.`Meryl Streep
TV/Movies: Simpsons Cartoon: What is Lisa's future occupation according to the CANT test`homemaker
TV / Movies: Simpsons: How much did it cost Milhouse to buy Bart's soul`$5
TV / Movies: Simpsons: How much does Homer charge for eternal happiness in his telemarketing scam`$1
TV / Movies: Simpsons: in one episode, who moved in across the street from the simpsons`george bush
TV/Movies: Simpsons: In the episode when Ned's house is destroyed, what does Bart reply to him after Ned says something mean to him`i am shocked & appalled`i am shocked
TV / Movies: Simpsons: In the opening credits, how many cars do the Simpsons have`two
TV/Movies: Simpsons: In the opening credits, how many cars do the Simpsons have`two`2
TV / Movies: Simpsons: in the thrilling two part cliffhanger "who shot mr. Burn" what was the motive for gunning down springfield's evil billionaire nuclear plant owner`stealing maggie's lollipop
TV / Movies: Simpsons: In which movie was Moe in`little rascals
TV / Movies: Simpsons: Milhouse was the movie sidekick of what comic book hero`radioactive man
TV / Movies: Simpsons: Moe makes him box against champion Drederick Tatum`homer
TV / Movies: Simpsons: Principal Skinner once proposed marriage to her, the celibate Bouvier twin`Patty
TV / Movies: Simpsons: simpsons creator matt groening named homer, marge, lisa & maggie after his parents & sisters, respectively. But who is bart named for`no one
TV / Movies: Simpsons: The name of the amorous French bowling instructor who propositioned Marge`Jacques Brunswick
TV / Movies: Simpsons: This "Kramer vs. Kramer" star played Reverend Lovejoy's daughter Jessica`meryl streep
TV / Movies: Simpsons: What concert does Homer take Bart & Lisa too`lollapalooza
TV / Movies: Simpsons: what does nelson say when something bad happens`ha ha
TV / Movies: Simpsons: what is krusty the clowns real name`herschel krustofsky
TV / Movies: Simpsons: what is the secret ingredient in a flaming moe`cough syrup
TV / Movies: Simpsons: when marge & homer first met in high school, where were they`detention room
TV / Movies: Simpsons: Who is the principal of the school Bart & Lisa attend`seymore skinner
TV / Movies: Simpsons: Who shot Mr. Burns`maggie
TV/Movies: Sitcoms: British sitcom on which "Three's Company" was based`man about the house
TV/Movies: Sitcoms: City in which Mary Richards lived`minneapolis
TV/Movies: Sitcoms: He played Jonas (Skipper) Grumby`alan hale
TV/Movies: Sitcoms: He played Latka Gravas (and his alter ego, Vic Ferrari)`andy kaufman
TV/Movies: Sitcoms: Her character once wrote a romance novel which even included cooking recipes`patty duke
TV / Movies: Six man jewelry heist gone bad. Characters with colorful names`Reservoir Dogs
TV / Movies: SNL: He plays a motivational speaker who lives in a van down by the river`Chris Farley
TV / Movies: SNL: "Now is the time on Sprockets when we -----"`Dance
TV / Movies: SNL: She was Emily Litella, Baba Wawa, and Roseanne Roseannadanna`Gilda Radner
TV / Movies: SNL: The Church Lady hosted this show where everything was special`Church Chat
TV / Movies: SNL: When they appeared on Family Feud, Richard Dawson "French" kissed them`Coneheads
TV / Movies: Southpark: during the opening sequence who is in the top right window of the school`scuzzlebutt
TV / Movies: Southpark: how much does truckers special cost`5.99
TV / Movies: Southpark: what are there a lot of in china, according to mrs. Cartman`black people
TV / Movies: Southpark: what is printed on chef's apron`chef
TV / Movies: Southpark: what is the name of the newspaper mr garrison is reading at the quarry`rocky mtn news
TV / Movies: Southpark: what letter is on everyones shirt at the canadian football game:`f
TV / Movies: Southpark: what will you clean to support your drug habits if you fail the 3rd grade`diamonds
TV / Movies: Southpark: Who are floating above the South Park sign, during the opening credits`terrance & phillip
TV / Movies: Southpark: who drove the red truck during officer barbrady's parade`jesus
TV / Movies: Southpark: who is the first kid hit out in a dodgeball game`clyde
TV/Movies: Sports Actors: In what movie did Ronald Reagan say "win one for the Gipper"`knute rockne all american
TV/Movies: Sports Actors: This former NFL lineman starred in the TV series Hunter`fred dryer
TV/Movies: Sports Actors: What former LA Rams great became a regular on Little House on the Prairie`merlin olsen
TV / Movies: Sports Actors: What former NFL running back became a regular on Hill Street Blues`Ed Marinaro
TV/Movies: Sports Actors: What glass-jawed former heavyweight contender was once spoofed on The Simpsons`gerry Cooney
TV / Movies: Sports Actors: What was the name of the character resembling Babe Ruth in The Natural`The Whammer
TV / Movies: Sports Actors: Who played Roy Hobbs' old girlfriend and eventual wife in The Natural`Glenn Close
TV / Movies: Sports Actors: Who played the woman who pretended to be Hobbs' mistress in The Natural`Kim Basinger
TV / Movies: Sports Actors: Who starred as boxer Rocky Graziano in Somebody Up There Likes Me`Paul Newman
TV / Movies: Starfleet Commander Riker (Next Generation) plays what musical instrument`trombone
Tv/Movies:Starline:Who was Howard Hughes describing when he said "There are two good reasons why men will want to see her."`Jane Russell
Tv/Movies:Stars:Which 1968 Film was Goldie Hawn's debut`The One and Only Genuine Family Band
Tv/Movies:Stars:Who appeared in Doc Hollywood (1991) Singles (1992) & Point of No Return (1993)`Bridget fonda
Tv/Movies:Stars:Who has played a Beverly Hills hustler, a Navy cadet and a very wealthy Beverly Hills 'john'`richard gere
Tv/Movies:Stars:Who has played a hit man, the devil and a humorous super villain`Jack Nicholson
Tv/Movies:Stars:Who has played an inventor, a musketeer and a break dancing grandfather`Don Ameche
Tv/Movies:Stars:Who is the granddaughter of playwright Eugene O'Neill`Geraldine Chaplin
Tv/Movies:Stars:Who was the first actress to appear on the cover of Life Magazine in May 1937`Jean Harlow
Tv/Movies:Stars:Who was the star of the 1936 film 'The Story of Louis Pasteur'`Paul Muni
TV/Movies: Star Trek Classic: Landru's will is enforced by them`lawgivers
TV/Movies: Star Trek Classic: This race is related to the vulcans`romulans
TV / Movies: Star Trek Deep Space 9: His uncle owns the bar on Deep Space Nine`Nog
TV / Movies: Star Trek: Deep Space 9: Kira's home planet`Bajar
TV / Movies: Star Trek Deep Space 9: Name of Cirroc Lofton's character`Jake Sisko
TV / Movies: Star Trek Deep Space 9: Name of Colm Meany's character `Miles OBrien
TV/Movies: Star Trek: Deep Space 9: Name of the O'Briens' son`Kirayoshi
TV / Movies: Star Trek: Deep Space 9: Name of the O'Briens' son`Yoshi
TV / Movies: Star Trek Deep Space 9: She carried Miles' son because Keiko could not have children `Major Kira
TV / Movies: Star Trek Deep Space 9: What does Ben Sisko toss in his office to relieve his tension`Baseball
TV / Movies: Star Trek: Deep Space 9: What does Keiko do for a living`Botanist
TV/Movies: Star Trek Deep Space 9: What does Rom call his mother`moogie
TV / Movies: Star Trek Deep Space 9: What was Sisko's rank before he became captain`Commander
TV / Movies: Star Trek: Deep Space 9: Whom does Worf babysit while the O'Briens are busy`Yoshi
TV / Movies: Star Trek: Deep Space 9: Who seeks the advice of a hologram to pursue Kira`Odo
TV/Movies: Star Trek Next Gen Characters: The name of Data's cat`spot
TV/Movies: Star Trek Next Gen Characters: This omnipotent letter makes live interesting on the old 1701D`q
TV/Movies: Star Trek Next Gen Characters: This RELIC made an appearance on a New Generation in the 6th Season`scotty
TV/Movies: Star Trek Next Gen Characters: Worf's son's name`alexander
TV/Movies: Star Trek Next Gen Chars: The 'bar' on the ship is located on deck`10
TV / Movies: Star Trek Next Gen Chars: The crew of the Big E met this writer in "Times Arrow"`Samuel Clemens
TV / Movies: Star Trek Next Gen Chars: The first character from TOS to make an appearance on TNG`McCoy
TV/Movies: Star Trek Next Gen Chars: The name of Data's cat`spot
TV/Movies: Star Trek Next Gen Chars: The NCC-1701D was made at which shipyard`utopia planitia
TV/Movies: Star Trek Next Gen Chars: This character befriended Hugh`laforge
TV/Movies: Star Trek Next Gen Chars: This character was killed by a black oil slick`yar
TV / Movies: Star Trek Next Gen Chars: This character was the Commander of NCC-1701E in "All Good Things"`Riker
TV / Movies: Star Trek Next Gen Chars: This omnipotent letter makes live interesting on the old 1701D.`Q
TV/Movies: Star Trek Next Gen Chars This person spent a season at StarFleet Medical on earth`crusher
TV/Movies: Star Trek Next Gen Chars: This RELIC made an appearance on a TNG ep in the 6th Season`scotty
TV / Movies: Star Trek Next Gen Chars: Transporter Chief with a constantly changing rank...`OBrien
TV/Movies: Star Trek Next Gen Chars: Which characters mother was a ship's captain`laforge
TV/Movies: Star Trek Next Generation: Captain Edward Jellico commanded this ship in Chain of Command, Part I`cairo
TV/Movies: Star Trek Next Generation: Characters: The first character from TOS to make an appearance on TNG`mccoy
TV/Movies: Star Trek Next Generation Characters: The O'Brien's daughters first name was`molly
TV/Movies: Star Trek Next Generation Characters: This character was the Commander of NCC-1701E in "All Good Things"`riker
TV/Movies: Star Trek Next Generation Characters: This omnipotent letter makes live interesting on the old 1701D`q
TV/Movies: Star Trek Next Generation: Characters: Transporter Chief with a constantly changing rank`obrien
TV/Movies: Star Trek Next Generation: Characters: Worf's son's name`alexander
TV/Movies: Star Trek Next Generation: First encounter with Moriarty occurs in this episode`elementary dear data
TV/Movies: Star Trek Next Generation: Picard becomes a Borg in this episode`best of both worlds
TV/Movies: Star Trek Next Generation: Tech: In the Warp engine core, matter-antimatter annihilation is regulated by this`dilithium crystal
TV/Movies: Star Trek Next Generation: Tech: This crystal is the only material known to be nonreactive with antimatter`dilithium crystal
TV/Movies: Star Trek Next Generation: Tech: This small device is used for voice communications and transporter lock-ons`personal communicator
TV/Movies: Star Trek Next Generation: Tech: This type of electronics is used in computer systems and networks`optical electronics
TV/Movies: Star Trek Next Generation: The musical instrument Picard prizes most`flute
TV/Movies: Star Trek Next Gen Tech: Captain James T. Kirk's Enterprise has designation NCC-1701`a
TV/Movies: Star Trek Next Gen Tech: Navigational deflector shields are generated by this`main deflector dish
TV/Movies: Star Trek Next Gen Tech: The Bussard ________ scoops up interstellar gas to replenish the fuel supply`ramjet
TV/Movies: Star Trek Next Gen Tech: This Enterprise, NCC-1701-_, is destroyed defending a Klingon outpost`c
TV/Movies: Star Trek Next Gen Tech: This transporter device scans matter streams for dangerous microbial patterns`biofilter
TV / Movies: Startrek:who played captain james tkirk`william shatner
TV / Movies: Star Wars: 1Who played Admiral Ackbar`Tim Rose
TV / Movies: Star Wars: Identify the sayer of the following quote: "I am. I really am."`han solo
TV / Movies: Star Wars: Name of the creature Luke fought in Jabba the Hut's place.`rancor
TV / Movies: Star wars: obi wan's first words to luke after being killed by darth vader`run luke run
TV / Movies: Star Wars: Original owner of C3PO and R2D2.`Biggs
TV / Movies: Star wars: what actor supplied the voice for darth vader`james earl jones
TV / Movies: Star wars: what is the name of the fake rebel base which princess leia gives`dantooine
TV / Movies: Star Wars: What was Luke Skywalker's nickname on Tatooine`wormie
TV / Movies: Starwars Who is c3 po's sidekick`r2d2
TV/ Movies: Star wars: who was one of three imperial officers mentioned in star wars, other than darth vader`tarkin`motti
TV / Movies: "Stay alive, no matter what occurs. I WILL find you."`The Last of the Mohicans
TV / Movies: Steve martin's cyrano was in love with this woman whose name was also the movie title. Name her`roxanne
TV / Movies: ______ street is where big bird & oscar the grouch live`sesame
TV / Movies: "stuart little" was a story about a _____`mouse
Tv/Movies:Studios:What Studio produced Merrie Melodies`Warner Brothers
Tv/Movies:Studios:What Studio produced Silly Symphonies`Disney
TV/Movies: Superstars: Which Jack starred with Shirley Maclaine in _Terms of Endearment`nicholson
TV / Movies: Sweeney sisters medleys always included: "Clang Clang Clang Goes --- -------"`The Trolley
TV / Movies: Sylvia miles had the shortest performance ever nominated for an oscar with "midnight cowboy." How long did her role last`6 minutes
TV / Movies: Tag Lines: 1991: He said "I'll be back"... and he meant it!`Terminator 2 Judgment Day
TV / Movies: Tag Lines: 1997: Off the record, on the QT, and very hush-hush`L.A. Confidential
TV / Movies: Tag Lines: 1998: On the air, unaware`The Truman Show
TV / Movies: Tag Lines: Alfred Hitchcock engulfs you in a whirlpool of terror and tension!`Vertigo
TV / Movies: Tag Lines: This is Benjamin. He's a little worried about his future`The Graduate
TV / Movies: Tag Lines: What actress played the dual roles in "The Parent Trap" movie`Hayley Mills
TV / Movies: Tag Lines: What is the name of Aladdin's pet monkey`Abu
TV / Movies: Tag Lines: What was Pluto's original name`Rover
TV / Movies: Tag Lines: What was the first full-length, live-action Disney film to receive an Oscar`20000 Leagues Under the Sea
TV / Movies: Tag Lines: Who provided the voice for Bagheera in "The Jungle Book"`Sebastian Cabot
TV / Movies: Tarantino: Butch went to great lengths to obtain this item in Pulp Fiction`gold watch
TV / Movies: Tarantino: Harvey Keitel had a role similar to the one he had in PF in which film`point of no return
TV/Movies: Tarantino: He produced both Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction: long haired yuppy scum`lawrence bender
TV/Movies: Tarantino: He provided the voice for K-Billy's Super Sounds of the 70s announcer`steven wright
TV / Movies: Tarantino: Played Mr. Brown in RD; Jimmy in PF`quentin tarantino
TV / Movies: Tarantino: Played Mr. Pink in RD; played Buddy Holly waiter in PF`steve buscemi
TV/Movies: Tarantino: Pulp Fiction won this award at the 1994 Cannes Film Festival`palme dor
TV/Movies: Tarantino: QT had originally planned to be which character in RD`mr pink
TV/Movies: Tarantino: QT made an appearance in this film telling what Top Gun is REALLY about. :)`sleep with me
TV/Movies: Tarantino: QT's first script that was made into a full-length film`true romance
TV/Movies: Tarantino: QT used to refer to this film as `The reservoir film'`au revoir les enfants
TV/Movies: Tarantino: This female character is mentioned in RD and is a main character in TR`alabama
TV / Movies: Tarantino: Who gives Clarence guidance and advice in True Romance`elvis presley
TV / Movies: Television show: the comfy _____`couch
TV / Movies: Television the wizard of ____`oz
TV / Movies: The 1st academy awards were presented in what year`1927
TV/Movies: The 60s: This film popularized "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"`cool hand luke
TV/Movies: The 80s: This actor was with Wagner and Natalie Wood when she drowned`christopher walken
TV / Movies: The actor who played Captain Sisko in 'Star Trek Deep Space Nine', played ____ the 1970's series 'Spencer For Hire'`hawk
Tv/Movies:The Biz:What director was responsible for the top grossing film of the 60's`Robert Wise
TV / Movies: the bunkers had neighbors who got their own series. Their last name was what`jefferson
TV / Movies: The car everyone was looking for`54
TV / Movies: The characters Bert & Ernie on Sesame Street were named after Bert the cop & Ernie the taxi driver in what move by Frank Capra`its a wonderful life
TV/ Movies: "The Cleaner" pours acid on a still living man.`la femme nikita
TV / Movies: "The Cleaner" pours acid on a still living man.`Le Femme Nikita
TV / Movies: The director of BIG`penny marshall
TV-Movies: the director of raiders of the lost ark`alan spielberg
TV/Movies: The Disney Afternoon: What is the usual length of The Disney Afternoon`two hours
TV/Movies: The Disney Afternoon: What was the only new program on the original TDA`talespin
TV / Movies: the ed _____ show`sullivan
TV / Movies: The famous banned baseball legend featured in "Field of Dreams"`Shoeless Joe Jackson
TV / Movies: The female lead in 'The Blue Lagoon'`brooke shields
TV / Movies: the final dance number always had lots of bubbles`lawrence welk show
TV / Movies: The first 18 minutes of this movie is black & white`the wizard of oz
TV / Movies: The first __________ on tv was 'a woman to remember'. It began on the dumont tv network on february 21, 1947`soap opera
TV / Movies: The highest tv audience of nearly 140 million viewers was achieved for which broadcast`superbowl xxx
TV/ Movies: The Hollywood version of the french hit 'les comperes' is ________ ___ , starring robin williams & billy crystal`father's day
TV/ Movies: The Hollywood walk of fame star was awarded to "bill conti" for _____`movies
TV/ Movies: The Hollywood walk of fame star was awarded to "buck jones" for _____`movies
TV/ Movies: The Hollywood walk of fame star was awarded to ernest tubb for _____`music
TV/ Movies: The Hollywood walk of fame star was awarded to "johnny mack brown" for _____`movies
TV/ Movies: The Hollywood walk of fame star was awarded to "milton berle" for _____`television
TV/ Movies: The Hollywood walk of fame star was awarded to "texas guinan" for _____`movies
TV/ Movies: The Hollywood walk of fame star was awarded to "toby wing" for _____`movies
TV/ Movies: The Hollywood walk of fame star was awarded to "vincente minnelli" for _____`movies
TV/ Movies: The Hollywood walk of fame star was awarded to "warren hull" for _____`radio
TV / Movies: The les nessman character on the tv series wkrp in cincinnati wore what in every episode`band aid
TV / Movies: The line 'no soup for you, come back 1 year!' was from which sitcom`seinfeld
TV/Movies: Themes: Believe it or not, it's just me`greatest american hero
TV/Movies: Themes: Drive! Push it to the floor till the engine screams`hardcastle and mccormick
TV/Movies: Themes: Here we are, face to face, a couple of`silver spoons
TV / Movies: Themes: High winds in northern sky will carry you away, you know you have to leave here`Due South
TV / Movies: Themes: I bet we've been together for a million years...`Family Ties
TV/Movies: Themes: .... in charge of our days and our night`charles in charge
TV / Movies: Themes: In West Philadelphia I was born and raised...`The Fresh Prince of Bel Air
TV/Movies: Themes: Just two good old boys, never meaning no harm`the dukes of hazzard
TV / Movies: Theme Song by Brian Adams: Everything I Do (I Do It For You)`Robin Hood Prince Of Thieves
TV / Movies: Theme Songs: Movie that featured "Call Me"`American Gigolo
TV / Movies: Theme Songs: Movie that featured "Candy Man"`Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
TV / Movies: Theme Songs: Movie that featured "Copacabana"`Foul Play
TV / Movies: Theme Songs: Movie that featured "End of the Road"`Boomerang
TV / Movies: Theme Songs: Movie that featured "I Just Called To Say I Love You"`Woman in Red
TV / Movies: Theme Songs: Movie that featured "Kiss"`Under the Cherry Moon
TV / Movies: Theme Songs: Movie that featured "Love is All Around" by Wet Wet Wet`Four Weddings and a Funeral
tv/ movies: theme songs: movie that featured "love is all around"`four weddings and a funeral
TV / Movies: Theme Songs: Movie that featured "Summer Nights"`Grease
TV / Movies: Theme Songs: Movie that featured "You Can Leave Your Hat On" (Tom Jones)`The Full Monte
tv/ movies: theme songs: movie that featured "you can leave your hat on" (tom jones)`the full monty
TV / Movies: Themes: Well, it's a 5 o'clock world when the whistle blows...`The Drew Carey Show
TV / Movies: Themes: What would you do if I sang out tune`Wonder Years
TV / Movies: The movie "psycho" was based on a book by _____`robert bloch
TV / Movies: The movie, "the reincarnation of peter proud," starred what beautiful actress`jennifer o'neill
TV / Movies: The ______ Of Oz`wizard
TV / Movies: The oldest male to win an Oscar`george burns
TV / Movies: "There is no spoon."`The Matrix
TV / Movies: "There's only one thing; he doesn't like my hat."`The Unbearable Lightness of Being
TV / Movies: The science fiction series "lost in apace" (set in the year 1997) premiered on cbs in what year`1965
TV / Movies: The Simpsons: Homer works at this type of energy plant.`nuclear
TV/Movies: The Simpsons: Lisa plays this instrument`saxaphone
TV/Movies: The Simpsons: Mr. Burns runs for this office`governor
TV/Movies: The Simpsons: The barber shop quartet that Homer was in`be sharp
TV/Movies: The Simpsons: The first name of Homer's dad`abraham
TV / Movies: The Simpsons: The name of Mr. Burns assistant.`smithers
TV/Movies: The Simpsons: The name of the Quicki-Mart owner`apu
TV / Movies: The Simpsons: The name of the Simpsons neighbors.`flanders
TV/Movies: The Simpsons: The Red Hot Chili Peppers play at a benefit for him`krusty
TV/Movies: The Simpsons: What is the name of the Simson's cat`snowball
TV / Movies: The Simpsons: What is the name of the Simson's cat`snowball ii
TV / Movies: The Simpsons: What Simpson had a crush on his/her substitute teacher`lisa
TV/Movies: The Simpsons: What theme park do Marges' sisters take Bart and Lisa too`duff gardens
TV / Movies: The skipper's first & last name on 'gilligan's island' is __________.`jonas grumby
TV /Movies:The song 'A Whole New World' comes from which Disney film`aladdin
TV /Movies:The song 'Evergreen' features in which Barbra Streisand film`a star is born
TV / Movies: The story about a king who prematurely divides his kingdom between his daughters is portrayed in which film`king lear
TV / Movies: The Swiss Family _______`robinson
TV / Movies: The (then) 12 year old actress who starred in 'The Professional'`natalie portman
TV/Movies: The Tick: "Chef of chicanery! Your ____ are mine!"`buns
TV/Movies: The Tick: "I hate broccoli, and yet, in a certain sense, I am ________."`broccoli
TV/Movies: The Tick: What job did Arthur have before became the Ticks sidekick`an accountant
TV/Movies: The Tick: "Yeast Devil! Back to the oven that _____ you!"`baked
TV / Movies: "The times they are a-changin' back."`Bob Roberts
TV / Movies: The weatherman on the Today Show (prior to 1993)`willard scott
TV / Movies: This 1983 series was cancelled and then renewed as a result of audience demand.`Cagney and Lacey
TV / Movies: This actor was a member of the sitcom, 'Night Court' & also narrated the gruesome 'Texas Chain Saw Massacre'`john larroquette
TV-Movies: this actress said, what are you gonna do arrest me`sharon stone
TV / Movies: This actress was a child when she starred in National Velvet`elizabeth taylor
TV-Movies: this american played the lecherous komarovsky in doctor zhivago.`rod steiger
TV / Movies: This Clark Gable/Claudette Colbert film kicked butt in 1934`it happened one night
TV/Movies: This Clark Gable/Claudette Colbert film kicked butt in 1934`it happened on night
TV / Movies: This comedy drama focused on a family with eight children`eight is enough
TV / Movies: This comedy series won the best actor & best supporting actress Emmies in 1981 82`mash
TV / Movies: This comedy was the first color movie for Bob Hope.`The Paleface
TV / Movies: This director's films include platoon, the doors & natural born killers`oliver stone
TV / Movies: This disney movie relies heavily on computer animation`tron
TV / Movies: This excellent film received the most nominations ever`all about eve
TV / Movies: This famous costume designer won 8 individual Oscars`edith head
TV / Movies: This film was an ambitious concert sequence of cartoons by walt disney`fantasia
TV / Movies: This flick swept the 1991 Academy Awards`silence of the lambs
TV / Movies: This is a classic film about a huge gorilla`king kong
TV / Movies: This is the black counterpart to American Bandstand.`soul train
TV / Movies: This movie had mira sorvino playing the role of a callgirl, in which she won an oscar.`mighty aphrodite
TV / Movies: This movie hero was a defender of the weak, champion of justice`Lone Ranger
TV / Movies: This movie is about the migration of poor workers from the dust bowl to the californian fruit valleys`the grapes of wrath
TV-Movies: this movie moved classical music into the forefront by disney`fantasia
TV / Movies: This movie starring marlon brando won the best picture award in 1972`the godfather
TV/ Movies: This movie starring sam neill won best movie in the 1993 cannes film festival`piano`
TV / Movies: This muppet wears dark glasses & plays the saxophone`zoot
TV / Movies: This producer of dynasty was inducted into the 1983 guinness book of world records as the most prolific tv producer`aaron spelling
TV / Movies: This series was originally going to be called Oil`dynasty
TV / Movies: This show had two cousins named Luke & Bo`the dukes of hazzard
TV / Movies: This tv show performer was known as 'the shnozz' & ended every show with 'goodnight mrs. Calabash, wherever you are'`jimmy durante
TV / Movies: This was the first 3 d film`bwana devil
TV / Movies: This was the first cartoon talking picture`steamboat willie
TV / Movies: This was the sequel to "star wars"`the empire strikes back
TV / Movies: This was the sequel to "the empire strikes back"`return of the jedi
TV/Movies: Threes Company: Chrissy won this fabulous prize in a grocery store contest`turkey baster
TV/Movies: Threes Company: He always called Jack "Mi Jefe"`felipe
TV/Movies: Threes Company: Jack eventually left the apartment to move in with this girl`vicky
TV/Movies: Threes Company: Jack faked this condition after wrecking Janet's car`amnesia
TV/Movies: Threes Company: Janet became a real floozy when she got this fashion accessory`blonde wig
TV/Movies: Threes Company: Janet was saving this for when she got married, but Jack destroyed it`grandmothers vase
TV/Movies: Threes Company: Larry's last name was Dallas, but he wasn't a Texan. What nationality was he`greek
TV/Movies: Threes Company: This roommate came before Terri and after Chrissy`cindy
TV/Movies: Threes Company: Three's Company spun off this show focusing on Jack`threes a crowd
TV/Movies: Threes Company: What year and make was Mr. Roper's car`58 chevy
TV/Movies: Threes Company: When Jack got his own restaurant, he named it this`jacks bistro
TV/Movies: Threes Company: When Jack was in the military, what sport did he compete in`boxing
TV/Movies: Threes Company: Which one of the roommates was a medical professional`terri
Tv/Movies:Thriller:In the movie Psycho what did they use for blood in the shower scene`chocolate sauce
Tv/Movies:Thriller:What Hitchcock film featured sisters Marion and Lila Crane`Psycho
TV / Movies: Tim Robbins satire about a right-wing, folk singing, Senatorial candidate`bob roberts
TV / Movies: Tom Cruise plays a high school football player`all the right moves
TV / Movies: Tony curtis enters the world of escapism as he ably portrays escape artist`harry houdini
Tv/Movies:Toons:What 1986 animated feature was directed by Don Bluth`An American Tail
Tv/Movies:Toons:What 1986 animated feature was produced by Steven Spielberg`An American Tail
Tv/Movies:Toons:What famous conductor participated in Disney's 1940 classic Fantasia`Leopold Stokowski
Tv/Movies:Toons:What former TV M.A.S.H. alumnus was the voice of cogsworth in the 1991 Beauty and the Beast`David Ogden Stiers
Tv/Movies:Toons:What toon superstar did Bob Clampett create`Bugs Bunny
Tv/Movies:Toons:Who created toon superstar Bugs Bunny`Bob Clampett
Tv/Movies:Toons:Who was the model for the sorcerer, Yensid, in the Sorcer's Apprentice segment of the 1940's Fantasia`Walt Disney
TV / Movies: Tramp was the name of what animal on the show My Three Sons`dog
TV / Movies: Trapper John, M.D. Was a spinoff from what show`mash
Tv/Movies:Triple Play:What historical character has been portrayed by Trevor Howard, Charles Laughton and Anthony Hopkins`Captain William Bligh
Tv/Movies:Triple Play:What Native-American has been played bye Victor Mature,Anthony Quinn and Iron Eyes Cody`Crazy Horse
TV / Movies: TV Actors: Mr. Haney on Green Acres`Pat Buttram
TV / Movies: TV Actors: Roseanne regular and host of Fernwood 2-Night`Martin Mull
TV / Movies: TV Actors: The dad on Family Affair`Brian Keith
TV / Movies: TV Actors: The martian on My Favorite Martian`Ray Walston
TV / Movies: TV Actors: The Riddler on Batman`Frank Gorshin
TV / Movies: TV Actresses: Emma Peel on The Avengers`Diana Rigg
TV / Movies: TV Actresses: Erica Kand on All My Children`Susan Lucci
TV / Movies: TV Actresses: Krystle on Dynasty`Linda Evans
TV / Movies: TV Actresses: Mallory Keaton on Family Ties`Justine Bateman
TV / Movies: TV Actresses: Pamela Barnes Ewing on Dallas`Victoria Principal
TV/Movies: TV: Alex Haley was the author of this book that became a famous miniseries`roots
TV/Movies: TV: He played the 6 Million Dollar Man`lee majors
TV/Movies: TV: He played the private eye Matt Houston`lee horsley
TV/Movies: TV Last Names: Coach/Luther`van dam
TV/Movies: TV Last Names: ER/Dr. Doug`ross
TV/Movies: TV Last Names: Family Matters/Carl and Harriet`winslow
TV/Movies: TV Last Names: Frasier/Frasier`crane
TV/Movies: TV: McHale's rank in McHale's Navy`lieutenant commander
TV/Movies: TV/ Movies: Beverly Hills 90210: Which character was arrested for drunk driving`brandon walsh
TV/ Movies: TV/ Movies: Born May 7, 1901, He Starred In This Movie: Return to Paradise - 1953`gary cooper
TV / Movies: TV / Movies: Category: Beverly Hills 90210: Which character was arrested for drunk driving`brandon walsh
TV/Movies: TV: Name of the character on "Have Gun, Will Travel"`paladin
TV/Movies: TV Occupations: Photojournalist (Perfect Strangers)`larry appleton
TV/Movies: TV Pets: Name Roscoe P. Coltrane's dog on "Dukes of Hazzard."`flash
TV/Movies: TV Pets: Name the dog on "The Ghost and Mrs. Muir."`scruffy
TV / Movies: TV Pets: Name the dog on "The Ghost & Mrs. Muir."`Scruffy
TV / Movies: TV Pets: Name the one-eyed dog on "Tales of the Gold Monkey."`Jack
TV / Movies: TV Pets: Name the two guard dogs on "Magnum P.I." (x & y)`Zeus & Apollo
TV/Movies: TV Pets: Name the two guard dogs on "Magnum P.I." (x & y)`zeus & apollo`zeus and apollo
TV/Movies: TV Pets: Seen/heard after "Family Ties": "Sit, ___, sit. Good dog!"`ubu
TV/Movies: TV Pets: What breed of dog was Lassie`collie
TV / Movies: TV Pets: What breed of dog was Rin Tin Tin `German shepherd
TV / Movies: TV Pets: Who owned Scooby Doo `Shaggy
TV / Movies: TV Roles: Alice`Linda Lavin
TV / Movies: TV Roles: Data`Brent Spiner
TV / Movies: TV Roles: Edith Bunker`Jean Stapleton
TV / Movies: TV Roles: George Jefferson`Sherman Hemsley
TV / Movies: TV Roles: J.R. Ewing Jr. and Captain Tony Nelson`Larry Hagman
TV/Movies: TV: She shared an apartment with Jack Tripper and Chrissy Snow (full name)`janet wood
TV/Movies: TV Themes: Believe it or not, it's just me`greatest american hero
TV/Movies: TV Themes: I've been down this road, walking the line that's painted by pride`ally mcbeal
TV/Movies: TV Themes: These days are ours`happy days
TV/Movies: TV: This product goes "plop plop fizz fizz"`alka seltzer
TV / Movies: TV Top Cops: Bochco's attempt at singing police officers (lasted about 1 ep :).`cop rock
TV / Movies: TV Top Cops: Bochco's classic emmy winning ensemble piece.`hill street blues
TV / Movies: TV Top Cops: Don Johnson and Philip Michael Thomas played... (last names)`Crockett Tubbs
TV/Movies: TV Top Cops: Don Johnson and Philip Michael Thomas played... (last names)`crockett & tubbs`crockett and tubbs
TV / Movies: TV Top Cops: Erik Estrada (!) & Larry Wilcox starred in...`CHiPs
TV/Movies: TV Top Cops: He played Fuerillo on Hill Street Blues`daniel j. travanti
TV/Movies: TV Top Cops: In this show undercover cops infiltrate high schools`21 jump street
TV / Movies: TV Top Cops: Slapstick cop show, also a song by Peter Gabriel`Sledgehammer
TV/Movies: TV Top Cops: This series partnered a human cop with an alien one`alien nation
TV / Movies: TV Transpo: Bo and Luke Duke's car went by this name.`General Lee
TV / Movies: TV Transpo: Give the squad number of Roy DeSoto and Johnny Gage in "Emergency!"`51
TV / Movies: TV Transpo: Michael Knight's car was named K.I.T.T., which stood for:`Knight Industries Two Thousand
TV/Movies: TV Transpo: Mork's spaceship, to an earthling, appeared to be a giant one of these`egg
TV / Movies: TV Transpo: Name T.C.'s helicopter tour company on "Magnum P.I."`Island Hoppers
TV / Movies: TV Transpo: Name That Show: Jerry Van Dyke is related to an automobile.`My Mother the Car
TV / Movies: TV Transpo: Name That Show: Murray, Cody, Nick & RoboBoz live on a boat & solve crimes.`Riptide
TV / Movies: TV Transpo: Name the airplane used in "Sky King." (name of the plane, not make/model)`Songbird
TV / Movies: TV Transpo: Name the big, black truck used to shuttle K.I.T.T. from place to place.`Goliath
TV/Movies: TV Transpo: Name the cartoon VW that was chased around by the evil Chopper Bunch`wheelie
TV/ Movies: TV Transpo: The classic "road show." Revived in 1993 w/ Dan Cortese (Earth, Solo ...).`route 66
TV / Movies: TV Transpo: What was the more official name of the Love Boat (prior to the name change)`Pacific Princess
TV/Movies: TV: TV series about Bentley Gregg and his niece Kelly`bachelor father
TV/Movies: TV: You'd find Julie, Doc, Gopher, and Isaac on this show`love boat
TV / Movies: Twin Peaks: A burning smell is present whenever who is nearby`Bob
TV / Movies: Twin Peaks: What state was Twin Peaks set in`Washington
TV / Movies: Twin Peaks: What was the title of the Twin Peaks movie`Fire Walk With Me
TV / Movies: Twin Peaks: Which 2 cast members dated eachother during the taping of Twin Peaks`Machlachan and Fenn
TV / Movies: Twin Peaks: Who played Shelly Johnson`Maedchen Amick
TV / Movies: UK TV: What do Jilly Goolden and Oz Clarke of "Food and Drink" sample`Drink
TV / Movies: UK TV: What is the profession of Miriam Stoppard`Doctor
TV/Movies: UK TV: What type of programme is Sophie Grigson most likely to present`cooking
TV / Movies: UK TV: Which Carol was the woman on Channel Four`Vorderman
TV / Movies: UK TV: Which Eamonn spoke the first words on GMTV`Holmes
TV/Movies: UK TV: Which Gaby presented the first series of "Whatever You Want"`roslin
TV / Movies: UK TV: Which Jill replaced Sue Cook on "Crimewatch UK"`Dando
TV/Movies: UK TV: Which Matthew presents "Stars in Their Eyes"`kelly
TV/ Movies: Under what name did norma jean mortenson become famous`marilyn monroe
TV / Movies: Until Titanic tied with 11, this film had the most academy awards`ben hur
TV/ Movies: Useless Space Trivia: What movie do all cosmonaughts watch before they go into space`beloye solntse pustinny`white sun of the desert
TV/ Movies: Useless Space Trivia: What movie do all cosmonaughts watch before they go into space`white sun of the desert
TV / Movies: Vinnie Barbarino, Boom Boom, Epstein, Horshack & Arnold are from what group`the sweathogs
TV/ Movies: Walt disney had wooden`teeth
Tv/Movies:War:John Wayne starred in this 1968 Vietnam War film`The Green Berets
TV/ Movies: Warren beatty is an la rams quarterback who dies & returns in another body`heaven can wait
Tv/Movies:War:What was Humprey Bogart's Character's name in 1954's The Caine Mutiny`Captain Queeg
TV-Movies: wayne and garth say we're not worthy to him in wayne's world`alice cooper
Tv/Movies:Western:In what 1953 film did Alan Ladd's character beat teh gunfighter Wilson to the draw`Shane
TV / Movies: What 1941 film featured the tune Pink Elephants on Parade`dumbo
TV / Movies: What 1950's tv western hero often quoted shakespear`paladin
TV / Movies: What 1960s show's original cast included Alan Reed, Jean Vander Pyl, Mel Blanc & Bea Benaderet`flintstones
TV/ Movies: What 1966 1971 soap opera centered on vampires, werewolves & witchcraft`dark shadows
TV / Movies: What 1977 movie featured a dog named Verdell`as good as it gets
TV / Movies: What 1982 movie did actress meryl streep take her oscar for best actress`sophie's choice
tv/ movies: what 1982 movie did meryl streep take her oscar for best actress`sophie's choice
TV / Movies: What 1988 film sequel brings its characters back to Earth from Antarea`cocoon: the return
TV / Movies: What 1991 film role went to kevin costner when turned down by harrison ford`jim garrison in jfk
TV / Movies: What 1991 road movie was originally intended for Meryl Streep & Goldie Hawn`Thelma & Louise
TV/Movies: What 1991 road movie was originally intended for Meryl Streep & Goldie Hawn`thelma & louise`thelma and louise
TV / Movies: What 1992 hit movie sees Tom Hanks explain: "There is no crying in baseball"`a league of their own
TV/ Movies: What 1995 movie was initially banned in malasyia because pigs are offensive to muslims`babe
TV / Movies: What accessories did Wonder Woman use to deflect bullets`golden bracelets
TV/ Movies: What actor did mae west ask to "come up & see me sometime"`cary grant
TV/ Movies: What actor often plays banjo with the beverly hills unlisted jazz band `george segal
TV/ Movies: What actor played john waynes son in red river`montgomery clift
TV/ Movies: What actor played major willie williston in steve canyon`jerry paris
TV/ Movies: What actor played the captain in hill street blues`daniel j travanti
TV/ Movies: What actor played the wizard of oz`frank morgan
TV/ Movies: What actor plays captain kirk from the original star trek`william shatner
TV/ Movies: What actor portrayed tom jeffords in the western broken arrow`john lupton
TV / Movies: What actor stars in the Stanley Kubrick film "Eyes Wide Shut" with his wife Nicole Kidman`tom cruise
TV / Movies: What actor won a Dubious Achievement Award as the Worst New Kennedy`Arnold Schwarzenegger
TV / Movies: What actress did Peter Wolf marry`faye dunaway
TV / Movies: What actress had made a million dollars by the age of 10`shirley temple
TV / Movies: What actress pitched lori davis hair products & equal in 1993`cher
TV / Movies: What actress played honey west in the detective series honey west`anne francis
TV / Movies: What actress played Sean Connery's daughter in "The Presidio"`meg ryan
TV / Movies: What actress said of her gone with the wind role, "it's better to get a week for playing a servant than a week being one"`hattie mcdaniel
tv/ movies: what actress said of her gone with the wind role, "it's better to get a week playing a servant than a week being one"`hattie mcdaniel
TV / Movies: What actress's real name was frances gumm`judy garland
TV / Movies: What actress starred in "I.Q"`meg ryan
tv/ movies: what actress starred in the homecoming`patricia neal
TV / Movies: What actress starred in the homecoming (pn)`patricia neal
TV / Movies: What American show centred on the Cleaver family`leave it to beaver
TV/ Movies: What american singer made his film debut in Cisco Pike`kris kristofferson
TV / Movies: What animal character did eric knight create in 1938`lassie
tv/ movies: what animal was first to be named in the animal hall of fame`lassie
TV / Movies: What animal was first to be named to the animal hall of fame`lassie
TV / Movies: What are abbott & costello's first names`bud & lou
TV/Movies: What are abbott & costello's first names`bud & lou`bud and lou
TV / Movies: What are robots called in star wars`droids
TV / Movies: What are the names of Daisy Duck's nieces`april may june
TV / Movies: What are the names of Donald Duck's nephews`huey dewey & louey
TV / Movies: What are the surnames of the two ronnies`barker & corbett
TV/Movies: What are the surnames of the two ronnies`barker & corbett`barker and corbett
TV / Movies: What bar did Archie Bunker buy`kelseys bar
TV / Movies: What Billy Joel hit was chosen as the theme for Bosom Buddies`My Life
TV / Movies: What boat had been wrecked resulting in the crew being marooned on Gilligans Island`minnow
TV/Movies: What brand of car was the time machine in "Back To The Future'`DeLorean
TV / Movies: What brand of car was the time machine in "Back To The Future'`de loreon
TV / Movies: What breed of dog is Rin Tin Tin`german shepherd
TV/ Movies: What British pop star appeared in the 1970 film Performance`mick jagger
TV/Movies: What car company sponsored, but opted not to run ads during a 195 minute broadcast of Schindler's List`Ford Motor Company`Ford
TV / Movies: What cartoon, by Greg Daniels & Mike Judge, concerns a Texas propane salesman & his somewhat functional family`king of the hill
TV / Movies: What cartoon couple chose Las Venus for their second honeymoon`George & Jane Jetson
tv/ movies: what cartoon hero had this as there secret identity penrod pooch`hong kong phooey
TV / Movies: What cartoon hero had this as there secret identity Penrod Ppooch`hong kong phooey
TV / Movies: What cartoon show's theme warns: "Watch out for that tree!"`George of the Jungle
TV / Movies: What car was used in 'Back To The Future'`de lorean
TV/ Movies: What character did charles bronson play in man with a camera`mike kovac
TV / Movies: What character did George Burns play in 'Oh, God'`god
TV / Movies: What character did Kate Jackson play in "Charlies Angels"`sabrina
TV/ Movies: What character did mclean stevenson play on tvs m.a.s.h.`henry blake
TV/ Movies: What character did tex avery first create upon arriving at mgm`screwball squirrel
TV / Movies: What character had a horse named Cochise`joe cartwright
TV/ Movies: What child actress received a miniature oscar in 1944`margaret obrien
TV / Movies: What city do Batman & Robin patrol`gotham city
TV / Movies: What city is home to Donald Duck`duckburg
TV / Movies: What city is the setting for the movie 'Chinatown'`los angeles
TV / Movies: What classic science fiction tv show hit the airwaves in 1966`star trek
TV / Movies: What color was Bullitt's car`green
TV / Movies: What colour was c3 po the robot from star wars`gold
TV / Movies: What comedy duo appeared on the first broadcast of the toast of the town"`dean martin & jerry lewis
TV / Movies: What commodity is at stake in the major battles in Mad Max II `petrol
TV/ Movies: What company was the original sponsor of tvs superman`kelloggs
TV / Movies: What computer animated animals warmed hearts in Coca Cola's ALWAYS ads in the mid 1990's`polar bears
TV / Movies: What country was the setting for "Doctor Zhivago"`russia
TV / Movies: What country was the setting for 'The King & I'`siam
TV / Movies: What country was the setting for the telemovie Shogun`japan
TV/ Movies: What country was the setting of You Only Live Twice`japan
TV / Movies: What cowboy did William Boyd play `hopalong cassidy
TV / Movies: What cowboy rode Trigger in the movies`roy rogers
TV / Movies: What cowboy taught President Sukarno's son how to twirl a six shooter`roy rogers
TV / Movies: What day was circus day on the Mickey Mouse club`thursday
tv/ movies: what designation appears on entertainment tonight microphones`et
TV / Movies: What detective duo was featured in mystery at devil's paw`the hardy boys
TV / Movies: What did Al Bundy do for a living in "Married With Children"`shoe salesman
TV / Movies: What did Disney turn Tommy Kirk into in 1959`the shaggy dog
TV / Movies: What did Moulder find in the whirlpool plumbing in "3"`hypodermic needle
tv/ movies: what did mulder find in the whirlpool plumbing in "3"`hypodermic needle
TV/ Movies: What director made one silent and one sound version of the Ten Commandments`cecil b. demille
TV/ Movies: What director of comedy films was one of the creators of get smart`mel brooks
TV / Movies: What Disney character shares his name with a planet`pluto
TV/ Movies: What disney movie features the last line "goodbye herbie"`love bug
TV/ Movies: What does clark kent do when he rushes in to telephone booths`changes into superman
TV/ Movies: What does "f/x" mean in the movies `special effects
TV / Movies: What does Mel Blanc's headstone say`that's all folks
TV / Movies: What does Mork's finger do after drinking orange juice`burps
TV/ Movies: What does `the cherry orchard' have in common with old editions of `startrek'`mr checkhov
TV / Movies: What does Thumper call ice in "Bambi"`lichens
TV / Movies: What does "tie" in the Star Wars tie fighter stand for`twin ion engine
TV/ Movies: What embarrassing problem did tammy fae bakker have to overcome in the 60s`bed wetting
TV / Movies: What entertainer is allowing one of his songs to be used in a government campaign to beat drunk driving`michael jackson
TV / Movies: What episode ended wesley's regular appearances`final mission
TV/ Movies: What evil henchmen followed "rodac's" commands in tv's "space giants" `lugo men
TV/ Movies: what family lives next door to the flintstones`the rubbles
TV / Movies: What famous actor is listed only as 'Stud' in the credits for the 1970 film, 'Myra Breckinridge'`tom selleck
TV / Movies: What famous animal character called 'Skull Island' home`king kong
TV / Movies: What famous athlete appeared in the Towering Inferno`oj simpson
TV/ Movies: What famous comedian died at christmas in 1977`charlie chaplin
TV/ Movies: What famous film did actor bela lugosi not finish filming due to his death`dracula
TV/ Movies: What fictional doctor talks to the animals`doctor dolittle
TV / Movies: What Film: Dennis Quaid, Louis Gossett Jr`Enemy Mine
TV/ Movies: What film did art carney win the 1974 best actor oscar for`harry & tonto
TV/Movies: What film did art carney win the 1974 best actor oscar for`harry & tonto`harry and tonto
TV/ Movies: What film did Frank Sinatra play a drug addict in`the man with the golden gun
TV / Movies: What film did Paul Newman play Fast Eddie Felson in`hustler
TV/ Movies: What film ends with the line "After all tomorrow is another day"`gone with the wind
TV / Movies: What film featured a cat named Mr. Bigglesworth`austin powers
TV/ Movies: What film featured a character named Kid Shelleen`cat ballou
TV/ Movies: What film featured jack nicholson as a los angeles private eye`chinatown
TV / Movies: What film found Bruce Willis at 'Flotsam Paradise'`fifth element
TV / Movies: What Film: Harrison Ford, Sean Young, Rutger Hauer`bladerunner
TV / Movies: What film holds the record for the most academy awards won, with 11`ben hur
TV / Movies: What film is generally considered the worst film ever made`attack of the killer tomatoes
TV / Movies: What Film: Kurt Russell, Keith David, Wilford Brimley`The Thing
TV / Movies: What Film: Kurt Russell, Val Kilmer, Michael Biehn`Tombstone
TV/ Movies: What film launched marlene dietrich`the blue angel
TV / Movies: What Film: Pierce Brosnan, Leslie Anne Down, Adam Ant`Nomads
TV / Movies: What film rating replaced the "x" rating`nc 17
TV/ Movies: What film saw Burt reynolds ride in a canoe with a broken leg`deliverance
TV/ Movies: What film & sequel both won the best picture oscar`the godfather
TV/ Movies: What film star began life in England as Archibald Leach`cary grant
TV / Movies: What film starred Drew Barrymore, Mary Louise Parker, & Matthew McConaughney`boys on the side
TV/ Movies: What film starred james brolin & margot kidder`amityville horror
TV/ Movies: What film starring Jane Fonda has Duran Duran as the villian`barbarella
TV/ Movies: What film were the hills alive in`sound of music
TV/ Movies: What film won the best motion picture oscar in 1950`all about eve
TV/ Movies: What film won the best motion picture oscar in 1956`around the world in 80 days
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1927/1928 1st Academy Awards`wings
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1928/1929 2nd Academy Awards`the broadway melody
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1929/1930 3rd Academy Awards`all quiet on the western front
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1934 7th Academy Awards`it happened one night
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1935 8th Academy Awards`mutiny on the bounty (1935)
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1936 9th Academy Awards`the great ziegfeld
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1937 10th Academy Awards`the life of emile zola
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1938 11th Academy Awards`you can't take it with you
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1939 12th Academy Awards`gone with the wind
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1940 13th Academy Awards`rebecca
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1941 14th Academy Awards`how green was my valley
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1942 15th Academy Awards`mrs. miniver
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1943 16th Academy Awards`casablanca
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1944 17th Academy Awards`going my way
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1945 18th Academy Awards`the lost weekend
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1946 19th Academy Awards`the best years of our lives
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1947 20th Academy Awards`gentleman's agreement
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1948 21st Academy Awards`hamlet (1948)
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1949 22nd Academy Awards`all the king's men
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1950 23rd Academy Awards`all about eve
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1951 24th Academy Awards`an american in paris
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1952 25th Academy Awards`the greatest show on earth
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1953 26th Academy Awards`from here to eternity
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1954 27th Academy Awards`on the waterfront
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1955 28th Academy Awards`marty
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1956 29th Academy Awards`around the world in 80 days
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1957 30th Academy Awards`the bridge on the river kwai
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1958 31st Academy Awards`gigi
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1959 32nd Academy Awards`ben-hur
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1960 33rd Academy Awards`the apartment
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1961 34th Academy Awards`west side story
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1962 35th Academy Awards`lawrence of arabia
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1963 36th Academy Awards`tom jones
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1964 37th Academy Awards`my fair lady
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1965 38th Academy Awards`the sound of music
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1966 39th Academy Awards`a man for all seasons
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1967 40th Academy Awards`in the heat of the night
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1968 41st Academy Awards`oliver!
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1969 42nd Academy Awards`midnight cowboy
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1970 43rd Academy Awards`patton
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1971 44th Academy Awards`the french connection
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1972 45th Academy Awards`the godfather
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1973 46th Academy Awards`the sting
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1974 47th Academy Awards`the godfather part ii
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1975 48th Academy Awards`one flew over the cuckoo's nest
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1976 49th Academy Awards`rocky
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1977 50th Academy Awards`annie hall
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1978 51st Academy Awards`the deer hunter
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1979 52nd Academy Awards`kramer vs. kramer
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1980 53rd Academy Awards`ordinary people
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1981 54th Academy Awards`chariots of fire
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1982 55th Academy Awards`gandhi
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1983 56th Academy Awards`terms of endearment
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1984 57th Academy Awards`amadeus
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1985 58th Academy Awards`out of africa
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1986 59th Academy Awards`platoon
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1987 60th Academy Awards`the last emperor
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1988 61st Academy Awards`rain man
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1989 62nd Academy Awards`driving miss daisy
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1990 63rd Academy Awards`dances with wolves
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1991 64th Academy Awards`the silence of the lambs
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1992 65th Academy Awards`unforgiven
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1993 66th Academy Awards`schindler's list
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1994 67th Academy Awards`forrest gump
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1995 68th Academy Awards`braveheart
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1996 69th Academy Awards`the english patient
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1997 70th Academy Awards`titanic
TV/ Movies: What film won the Oscar for best Picture in 1998 71st Academy Awards`shakespeare in love
TV / Movies: What former US vice president was the title star of Meet the Veep`alben w barkley
TV/ Movies: What georgia town did scarlett o'hara condemn as being full of pushy people`atlanta
TV / Movies: What Glenn Close movie did critic andrea Shaw describe as "the one night stand who won't go away"`fatal attraction
TV / Movies: What happened on screen for the first time in India in 1977`screen kiss
TV/ Movies: What Hollywood starlet's pinup graced the most GI barracks in World War II`betty grable
TV/ Movies: What Hollywood starlet's pinup graced the most GI barracks in World War II`betty grable's`betty grables`betty grable
TV / Movies: What housewife once portrayed a deep throated nurse`linda lovelace
TV/ Movies: What illness disabled the flight crew in the movie Airplane`food poisoning
TV / Movies: What is Batman's aircraft called`batplane
TV / Movies: What is Batman's car called`batmobile
TV / Movies: What is Cornelius Mcgillicuddy's stage name`connie mack
TV / Movies: What is Donald Duck's middle name`fauntleroy
TV/Movies: What is E.T. famous for saying`e.t. phone home`e t phone home
TV / Movies: What is grampa Simpsons first name`abe
TV / Movies: What is Mickey Mouse's dog's name`pluto
TV / Movies: What is Nelson Eddys occupation in Rose Marie`royal canadian mounted policeman
TV / Movies: What is radar o'reilly's favorite drink`grape nehi
TV / Movies: What is Richie's surname in Happy Days`cunningham
TV / Movies: What is the American network A.B.C's full name`american broadcasting corporation
TV / Movies: What is the first movie Winona was in`Lucas
TV / Movies: What is the first name of Dr. Smith "Lost In Space"`zachary
TV / Movies: What is the first name of Ms. Arquette, star of _Desperately Seeking Susan`Rosanna
TV / Movies: What is the first word uttered in the movie Citizen Kane`rosebud
TV / Movies: What is the full name of bullwinkle (from "rocky & bullwinkle")`bullwinkle j moose
TV / Movies: What is the highest number of Best Actors won by the same guy`2
TV / Movies: What is the longest running soap opera still on the air`guiding light
TV / Movies: What is the name of batman & robin's secret hiedout`batcave
TV / Movies: What is the name of Dr Who's time machine`the tardis
TV / Movies: What is the name of Paul & Jamies dog in "Mad About You"`murray
TV / Movies: What is the name of the actor who plays cliff clavin`john ratzenberger
TV / Movies: What is the name of the actor who plays "q" in the james bond films`desmond llewelyn
TV / Movies: What is the name of the cartoon where Wile E. Coyote finally caught the road runner`soup or sonic
TV / Movies: What is the name of the hotel in "Twin Peaks"`the great northern
TV / Movies: What is the name of the little boy in toy story (first name only)`andy
TV / Movies: What is the name of the movie that horace pinker appeared in`shocker
TV / Movies: What is the name of the movie that leatherface appeared in`the texas chainsaw massacre
TV / Movies: What is the name of the skunk in the film, "Bambi"`flower
TV / Movies: What is the name of the theme song for the film 'the highlander'`princes of the universe
Tv/movies: What is the name of Tom cruise' new film`minority report
TV / Movies: What is the newspaper serving Frostbite Falls, Minnesota, the home of Rocky & Bullwinkle`the picayune intellegence
TV / Movies: What is the real name of bo derek`cathleen collins
TV / Movies: What is the real name of rocky (from "rocky & bullwinkle")`rocket j squirrel
TV / Movies: What is the registry number of the Enterprise in the original Star Trek`ncc 1701
TV / Movies: What is the room called where people wait before going on tv`green room
TV / Movies: What is the secret agent number of James Bond`007
TV / Movies: What is the stage name of actress demetria guynes`demi moore
TV / Movies: What is the stage name of bernard schwartz`tony curtis
TV / Movies: What is the subtitle for the fourth chapter of "Star Wars"`a new hope
TV / Movies: What is the surname of the father & son actors Lloyd, Jeff, & Beau`Bridges
TV / Movies: What is the third most filmed story of all time`oliver twist
TV/Movies: What is WC Fields' full name`william claude dukenfield
TV / Movies: What is WC Fields' full name`william claude dunkenfield
TV / Movies: What is Winnie The Pooh's real name`edward bear
TV / Movies: What james dickey novel tells the story of an ill fated canoe trip`deliverance
TV / Movies: What Julie Andrew's comedy was William Holden's last screen appearance`s.o.b.
TV/ Movies: What kind of hats did laurel and Hardy wear`bowler hats
TV / Movies: What kind of machines did those magnificent men have in a well known film`flying machines
TV / Movies: What knighted actor titled his autobiography blessings in disguise`alec guinness
TV / Movies: What language was Doctor Zhivago written in`russian
TV / Movies: What late filmmaker was notorious for timing employees' trips to the soft drink machine`walt disney
TV / Movies: What lodge did Fred Flintstone & Barney Rubble belong to`the royal order of water buffalo
TV / Movies: What looney toons character used a univac to solve a mystery`porky pig
TV / Movies: What Michael Douglas movie was hyped: "a brutal murder. A brilliant killer. A cop who couldn't resist the danger"`basic instinct
TV / Movies: What Mork & Mindy vet was a regular on Hee Haw during the 1983 84 season`jonathan winters
TV / Movies: What movie about military cover ups did Tom Cruise, Demi Moore, Jack Nicholson & Kevin Bacon star in`a few good men
TV / Movies: What movie actor is the son of actor henry fonda`peter fonda
TV / Movies: What movie actress is the daughter of actor henry fonda`jane fonda
TV / Movies: What movie caused Newsweek to note, "All is forgiven for The Cable Guy"`the truman show
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Anthony Minghella win the Oscar for best Director In 1996 69th Academy Awards`the english patient
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Barry Levinson win the Oscar for best Director In 1988 61st Academy Awards`rain man
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Bernardo Bertolucci win the Oscar for best Director In 1987 60th Academy Awards`the last emperor
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Billy Wilder win the Oscar for best Director In 1945 18th Academy Awards`the lost weekend
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Billy Wilder win the Oscar for best Director In 1960 33rd Academy Awards`the apartment
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Bob Fosse win the Oscar for best Director In 1972 45th Academy Awards`cabaret
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Carol Reed win the Oscar for best Director In 1968 41st Academy Awards`oliver!
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Clint Eastwood win the Oscar for best Director In 1992 65th Academy Awards`unforgiven
TV / Movies: What movie did critic andrew sarris refer to as lawrence of russia`dr zhivago
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did David Lean win the Oscar for best Director In 1957 30th Academy Awards`the bridge on the river Kwai
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did David Lean win the Oscar for best Director In 1962 35th Academy Awards`lawrence of arabia
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Delbert Mann win the Oscar for best Director In 1955 28th Academy Awards`marty
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Elia Kazan win the Oscar for best Director In 1947 20th Academy Awards`gentleman's agreement
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Elia Kazan win the Oscar for best Director In 1954 27th Academy Awards`on the waterfront
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Francis Ford Coppola win the Oscar for best Director In 1974 47th Academy Awards`the godfather Part Ii
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Frank Borzage win the Oscar for best Director In 1931/1932 5th Academy Awards`bad girl
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Frank Capra win the Oscar for best Director In 1934 7th Academy Awards`it happened one night
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Frank Capra win the Oscar for best Director In 1936 9th Academy Awards`mr. deeds goes to town
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Frank Capra win the Oscar for best Director In 1938 11th Academy Awards`you can't take it with you
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Franklin J. Schaffner win the Oscar for best Director In 1970 43rd Academy Awards`patton
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Frank Lloyd win the Oscar for best Director In 1932/1933 6th Academy Awards`cavalcade
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Fred Zinnemann win the Oscar for best Director In 1953 26th Academy Awards`from here to eternity
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Fred Zinnemann win the Oscar for best Director In 1966 39th Academy Awards`a man for all seasons
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did George Cukor win the Oscar for best Director In 1964 37th Academy Awards`my fair lady
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did George Roy Hill win the Oscar for best Director In 1973 46th Academy Awards`the sting
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did George Stevens win the Oscar for best Director In 1951 24th Academy Awards`a place in the sun (1951)
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did George Stevens win the Oscar for best Director In 1956 29th Academy Awards`giant
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did James Cameron win the Oscar for best Director In 1997 70th Academy Awards`titanic (1997)
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did James L. Brooks win the Oscar for best Director In 1983 56th Academy Awards`terms of endearment
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did John Ford win the Oscar for best Director In 1935 8th Academy Awards`the informer
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did John Ford win the Oscar for best Director In 1940 13th Academy Awards`the grapes of wrath
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did John Ford win the Oscar for best Director In 1941 14th Academy Awards`how green was my valley
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did John Ford win the Oscar for best Director In 1952 25th Academy Awards`the quiet man
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did John G. Avildsen win the Oscar for best Director In 1976 49th Academy Awards`rocky
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did John Huston win the Oscar for best Director In 1948 21st Academy Awards`the treasure of the sierra Madre
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did John Schlesinger win the Oscar for best Director In 1969 42nd Academy Awards`midnight cowboy
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Jonathan Demme win the Oscar for best Director In 1991 64th Academy Awards`the silence of the Lambs
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Joseph L. Mankiewicz win the Oscar for best Director In 1949 22nd Academy Awards`a letter to three Wives
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Joseph L. Mankiewicz win the Oscar for best Director In 1950 23rd Academy Awards`all about eve
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Kevin Costner win the Oscar for best Director In 1990 63rd Academy Awards`dances with wolves
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Leo Mccarey win the Oscar for best Director In 1937 10th Academy Awards`the awful truth
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Leo Mccarey win the Oscar for best Director In 1944 17th Academy Awards`going my way
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Mel Gibson win the Oscar for best Director In 1995 68th Academy Awards`braveheart
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Michael Cimino win the Oscar for best Director In 1978 51st Academy Awards`the deer hunter
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Michael Curtiz win the Oscar for best Director In 1943 16th Academy Awards`casablanca
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Mike Nichols win the Oscar for best Director In 1967 40th Academy Awards`the graduate
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Milos Forman win the Oscar for best Director In 1975 48th Academy Awards`one flew over the Cuckoo's Nest
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Milos Forman win the Oscar for best Director In 1984 57th Academy Awards`amadeus
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Norman Taurog win the Oscar for best Director In 1930/1931 4th Academy Awards`skippy
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Oliver Stone win the Oscar for best Director In 1986 59th Academy Awards`platoon
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Oliver Stone win the Oscar for best Director In 1989 62nd Academy Awards`born on the fourth of July
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Richard Attenborough win the Oscar for best Director In 1982 55th Academy Awards`gandhi
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Robert Benton win the Oscar for best Director In 1979 52nd Academy Awards`kramer vs. kramer
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Robert Redford win the Oscar for best Director In 1980 53rd Academy Awards`ordinary people
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Robert Wise win the Oscar for best Director In 1965 38th Academy Awards`the sound of music
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Robert Zemeckis win the Oscar for best Director In 1994 67th Academy Awards`forrest gump
TV / Movies: What movie did Sharon Stone land the lead in after it was nixed by Kim Basinger, Ellen Barkin, Michelle Pfeiffer & Geena Davis`basic instinct
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Steven Spielberg win the Oscar for best Director In 1993 66th Academy Awards`schindler's list
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Steven Spielberg win the Oscar for best Director In 1998 71st Academy Awards`saving private ryan
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Sydney Pollack win the Oscar for best Director In 1985 58th Academy Awards`out of africa
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Tony Richardson win the Oscar for best Director In 1963 36th Academy Awards`tom jones
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Victor Fleming win the Oscar for best Director In 1939 12th Academy Awards`gone with the wind
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Vincente Minnelli win the Oscar for best Director In 1958 31st Academy Awards`gigi
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Warren Beatty win the Oscar for best Director In 1981 54th Academy Awards`reds
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did William Friedkin win the Oscar for best Director In 1971 44th Academy Awards`the french connection
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did William Wyler win the Oscar for best Director In 1942 15th Academy Awards`mrs. miniver
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did William Wyler win the Oscar for best Director In 1946 win the Oscar for best Director In 19th Academy Awards`the best years of our lives
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did William Wyler win the Oscar for best Director In 1959 32nd Academy Awards`ben-hur
TV/ Movies: What Movie Did Woody Allen win the Oscar for best Director In 1977 50th Academy Awards`annie hall
TV : Movies: What movie gave Humphrey Bogart the line: "I remember every detail. The Germans wore gray. You wore blue."`Casablanca
TV / Movies: What movie has been nominated for 14 oscars`all about eve
TV / Movies: What movie has Steve Martin noting, "it's not the size of a nose that matters, it's what's in it"`roxanne
TV / Movies: What movie included "what we have here is a failure to communicate"`cool hand luke
TV / Movies: What movie is this quote from "i'm taking you off the air, i think you're having a breakdown."`network
TV / Movies: What movie shows robin williams lining up to buy toilet paper`moscow on the hudson
TV / Movies: What movie's release coincided with protests over the three mile island incident`china syndrome
TV/ Movies: What movie told of Ann Anderson's claim to be a russian czars daughter`anastasia
TV / Movies: What multiple personality patient of the 1950s was so famous a book & a movie were made about her`eve
TV / Movies: What musical was named after a U S city`oklahoma
TV / Movies: What network features programming just for children`nickelodeon
TV / Movies: What newspaper employs Clark Kent and Lois Lane`daily planet
TV / Movies: What night club did Ricky work at on 'I Love Lucy'`the tropicana
TV / Movies: What one actor provided the original voices for bugs bunny, daffy duck, barney rubble & jetsons boss cosmo spacely`mel blanc
TV / Movies: What one city must a movie play in to be eligible for an oscar`los angeles
TV / Movies: What PBS quiz show do 8 out of 10 teachers believe to be useful in teaching geography`where in the world is carmen sandiego
TV / Movies: What person, not a "seinfeld" regular cast member, is featured on every episode of "seinfeld", either by name or pictures on jerry's refrigerator`superman
TV / Movies: What pint sized italian actor once played guitar for joey dee & the starliters`joe pesci
TV / Movies: What plane crash movie had night talk show hosts cracking cannibalism jokes`alive
TV / Movies: What popular youth oriented actor made a cameo appearance in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country`christian slater
TV / Movies: What 'pretty baby' star failed to prevent playboy press from releasing nude photos`brooke shields
TV / Movies: What pre tv radio show turned film caused people to commit suicide when it was first aired`war of the worlds
tv/ movies: what private eye hangs out at the kamehameha club`magnum
TV/ Movies: What private eye hangs out at the Kamehameha Club`thomas magnum
TV/ Movies: What private eye hangs out at the Kamehameha Club`thomas magnum`magnum
TV / Movies: What profession was charlie brown's father`barber
TV / Movies: What quiz program was hosted by Groucho Marx`you bet your life
TV / Movies: What record company released the twin peaks soundtrack`warner bros
TV / Movies: What repetitive movie starred bill murray & andie mcdowell`groundhog day
TV / Movies: What rodent was banned from the soviet union by stalin`mickey mouse
TV / Movies: What role did Herve Villechaize portray in Fantasy Island`tatoo
TV/ Movies: What role did Herve Villechaize portray in Fantasy Island`tatooWhat year was the first oreo sold in`1912
TV / Movies: What role does mickey mouse play in "fantasia"`sorcerers apprentice
TV / Movies: What's Ace Ventura's occupation`pet detective
TV / Movies: What sci fi film opens with the words "Episode iv A New Hope"`star wars
TV / Movies: What seinfeld character takes off his shirt during visits to the toilet`george costanza
TV / Movies: What series did chris carter produce after his wildly successful x files`millennium
TV / Movies: What short lived series starred Ice Cube`the watcher
TV / Movies: What show did abc air when the earthquake stopped the world series`roseanne
TV / Movies: What show do Ron Howard & Erin Moran play brother & sister in`happy days
TV / Movies: What show/game has characters such as Bulbasaur & Pikachu`pokemon
TV/ Movies: What show's characters wrecked over 300 cars during its TV run`dukes of hazzard
TV/ Movies: What show's characters wrecked over 300 cars during its TV run`the dukes of hazzard`dukes of hazzard
TV / Movies: What sitcom character was once named Toxic Waste Handler of the Month`homer simpson
TV / Movies: What sitcom popularized the line, "up your nose with a rubber hose"`welcome back, kotter
TV / Movies: What smash sitcom did lisa kudrow make her tv debut on, in 1982`cheers
TV / Movies: What song was sung when hawkeye was leading the singing on a cold winter night`we're having a heatwave
TV / Movies: What soul great appears in the flick Ski Party`james brown
TV / Movies: What spielberg movie ended atop devils tower`close encounters of the third kind
TV / Movies: What star of Mask helped found a charity for kids with cranio facial problems`cher
TV/ Movies: Whats the collective name for westerns made in Italy`spaghetti westerns
TV / Movies: What's the favorite movie of rose bud`citizen kane
TV / Movies: Whats the first name of batmans butler`alfred
TV / Movies: What's the first video game to become a television show `pacman
TV/ Movies: Whats the name of the cartoon character who lives in Jellystone National Park`yogi bear
TV/ Movies: What's the name of the team Coach coaches on "Coach"`screaming eagles
tv/ movies: what's the name of the team coach coaches on "coach"`the screaming eagles
TV/ Movies: What's the name of the team Coach coaches on "Coach"`the screaming eagles`screaming eagles
TV / Movies: What's the name of the voice over actor who played Fred Flintstone`daws butler
TV/ Movies: Whats the name of the Wilkes plantation in Gone with the Wind`twelve oaks
TV / Movies: Whats the number on "herbie" the love bug`53
TV / Movies: What Sylvester Stallone movie was hyped: " His whole life was a million to one shot"`Rocky
TV / Movies: What syndicated show sometimes goes by the title E T`entertainment tonight
TV / Movies: What Texan slammed back more bourbon & branch water than any character in tv history`j. R. Ewing
TV / Movies: What thrill flick master died at 80 in 1980`alfred hitchcock
TV/ Movies: What transporter room aboard the Enterprise is Chief O'brien's favorite`3
TV / Movies: What transporter room aboard the Enterprise is Chief O'brien's favorite`three
TV/ Movies: What transporter room aboard the Enterprise is Chief O'brien's favorite`three`3
TV / Movies: What trivia fact about mel blanc (voice of bugs bunny) is most ironic`he was allergic to carrots
TV / Movies: What TV comedian with no ID card was asked to give a Tarzan yell to verify her identity, at Bergdorf Goodman`carol burnett
TV / Movies: What tv series did Dirk Benedict star in`battlestar galactica
TV / Movies: What tv series starred six female impersonators during its 17 year run`lassie
TV / Movies: What TV show centered around a car with a 300 mph cruising speed`knight rider
TV / Movies: What tv show ended "the story you have just seen is true. Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent"`dragnet
TV / Movies: What tv show made henry winkler a star`happy days
TV / Movies: What tv show saw robert culp wearing a nehru jacket & peace pendant`i spy
TV / Movies: What tv show took place at the convent san tanco`flying nun
TV / Movies: What tv show when off the air when it was still #1 in the ratings`i love lucy
TV/Movies: What tv sitcom opens with the theme "making our dreams come true"`laverne & shirley`laverne and shirley
TV / Movies: What tv talker penned tell it to the king`larry king
TV / Movies: What two seinfeld characters reversed the peepholes in their apartment doors`kramer & newman
TV/Movies: What two seinfeld characters reversed the peepholes in their apartment doors`kramer & newman`kramer and newman
TV /Movies:What type of dog is Lady in the cartoon 'Lady and the Tramp'`cocker spaniel
TV / Movies: What type of vehicle took bj away from the 4077th for the last time`motorcycle
TV / Movies: What U K actress starred in the comedy series "Executive Decision"`penelope keith
TV / Movies: What U K actress starred in "To The Manor Born"`penelope keith
TV / Movies: What U K comedy series was a spin off from "Man About The House"`george & mildred
TV/Movies: What U K comedy series was a spin off from "Man About The House"`george & mildred`george and mildred
TV/ Movies: What U K comedy series was centred around Grace Bros department store`are you being served
TV/ Movies: What U K comedy series was centred around Grace Bros department store`are you being served`are you being served
TV / Movies: What war was Gone With the Wind about`civil war
TV / Movies: What was Archie Bunkers wife's name`edith
TV / Movies: What was Barbara Streisand's first film`funny girl
TV/ Movies: What was Barbra Streisands first film`funny girl
TV / Movies: What was Ben Stiller's character called in 'Mystery Men'`mr furious
TV / Movies: What was bob dyer's wife's first name`dolly
TV / Movies: What was Bugs Bunny originally known as`oswald the rabbit
TV / Movies: What was daffy ducks usual closing line`you're dispicable
TV / Movies: What was dirty harry's badge number`2211
TV / Movies: What was dorothys last name in "the wizard of oz"`gale
TV / Movies: What was Eddie Murphy's character name in 'Beverley Hills Cop'`axel foley
TV / Movies: What was Floyds occupation in "andy of Mayberry" & "Great Gildersleeve"`barber
TV / Movies: What was Frank Spencer's wife name in "Some Mothers Do Have Them"`betty
TV / Movies: What was Garth's last name in 'Wayne's World'`algar
TV / Movies: What was george of the jungle always running in to`trees
TV / Movies: What was goldfinger's first name`auric
TV/ Movies: What was Gomez & Morticia's daughter's name in "The Addams Family"`wednesday
TV/ Movies: What was Gomez & Morticia's son's name in "The Addams Family"`pugsley
TV/ Movies: What was Gomez's wifes name in "The Addams Family"`morticia
TV/ Movies: What was Keanu Reeves' computer world alias in 'The Matrix'`neo
TV/ Movies: What was Keanu Reeves' first big film`point break
TV/ Movies: What was Kevin Bacon's first big hit`footloose
TV/ Movies: What was Lestat's last name`de lioncourt
TV/ Movies: What was Lestat's mother's name`gabrielle
TV/ Movies: What was Lucy's maiden name on 'I Love Lucy'`mcgillicuddy
TV/ Movies: What was Mae West's last film`sextet
tv/ movies: what was mary ann's last name in gilligans island`summers
TV / Movies: What was mary ann's last name off of gilligans island`summers
TV / Movies: What was mickey mouse almost called`mortimer
TV / Movies: What was Mickey Mouse's first known as`mortimer mouse
TV / Movies: What was Mr. Spock's blood type`x positive
tv/ movies: what was napoleon solo's badge number in the "man from uncle"`eleven
TV/ Movies: What was Napoleon Solo's badge number in the "Man From Uncle" program`11
TV / Movies: What was Napoleon Solo's badge number in the "Man From Uncle" program`eleven
TV/ Movies: What was Napoleon Solo's badge number in the "Man From Uncle" program`eleven`11
tv/ movies: what was napoleon solos boss's name`mr waverley
TV / Movies: What was Npoleon Solos boss's name`mr waverley
TV / Movies: What was one of the 5 movies nominated for best motion picture in 1955`mister roberts
TV / Movies: What was one of the 5 movies nominated for best picture in 1989`field of dreams
TV / Movies: What was pat brady's jeep named on the roy rogers show`nellybelle
TV/ Movies: What was 'Rocky's' last name`balboa
TV / Movies: What was rocky's nickname in the ring`the italian stallion
TV/ Movies: What was Samantha & Darren Stevens' girl called in Bewitched`tabitha
TV/ Movies: What was Samantha's mother's name in Bewitched`endora
TV / Movies: What was shirley maclains first film`goodbye
TV / Movies: What was Stoney Burke's occupation`rodeo rider
TV / Movies: What was supermans dog named`krypto
TV/ Movies: What was Superman vulnerable to`kryptonite
TV / Movies: What was the andy griffith show a spin off of`the danny thomas show
TV/ Movies: What was the Beatles first film`a hard days night
TV/ Movies: What was the butler's name in "Family Affair"`mr french
TV/ Movies: What was the butler's name in "The Addams Family"`lurch
TV/ Movies: What was the dog's name in the Brady Bunch`tiger
TV/ Movies: What was the favourite dish at Mels Diner in Alice`chili
TV / Movies: What was the first city with more than one tv station`new york
TV/ Movies: What was the first film to team Jack Lemmon & Walter Matthau`fortune cookie
TV/ Movies: What was the first movie Tom Cruise & Nicole Kidman star together in`days of thunder
TV / Movies: What was the first spin off in tv history`the andy griffith show
TV / Movies: What was the first talking picture filmed by MGM (1928)`alias jimmy valentine
TV / Movies: what was the hand called in "the addams family"`thing
TV / Movies: What was the highest rated US syndicated game show in 1982`family feud
TV / Movies: What was the Inspector's name in Boston Blackie`francis faraday
TV / Movies: what was the magic word in mary poppins`supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
tv/ movies: what was the more official name of the love boat (prior to the name change)`pacific princess
TV / Movies: What was the name given to robin hood's men in sherwood forest`merry men
TV / Movies: What was the name of ashley wilkes plantation in "gone with the wind"`twelve oaks
TV / Movies: what was the name of buffy's doll in the 1970's show 'family affair'`mrs beasley
TV / Movies: What was the name of Captain Geoffrey Thorpe's pirate ship in "The Sea Hawk`albatross
TV / Movies: What was the name of captain jean luc picard's fish`livingston
TV / Movies: What was the name of character sean connery played in "name of the rose"`william of baskerville
TV / Movies: what was the name of darren's boss`larry tait
TV / Movies: What was the name of dick & jane's dog`spot
TV / Movies: What was the name of flash gordon's girlfriend`dale arden
TV / Movies:What was the name of Inspector Clouseau's manservant`cato
TV / Movies: What was the name of lisa's pony in the simpsons`princess
TV / Movies: What was the name of Luke McCoy's younger brother in the Real McCoys`little luke
TV/Movies: What was the name of Luke's strange little advisor in "The Empire Strikes Back"`yoda
TV/ Movies: What was the name of Michael Knight's car in "Knight Rider"`kitt
TV / Movies: What was the name of micheal knight's car in "knight rider"`kitt
TV / Movies: What was the name of morticia addams man eating plant`cleopatra
TV / Movies: What was the name of Mr. Wilson's dog in Dennis the Menance`fremont
TV / Movies: what was the name of ross' pet monkey on 'friends'`marcell
TV / Movies: What was the name of Ross's pet monkey on Friends`marcell
TV / Movies: What was the name of sherlock holmes' smarter older brother`mycroft
TV / Movies: What was the name of Sky King's 1953 twin cessna airplane`songbird
TV / Movies: What was the name of steve martins character in "the jerk"`navin johnson
TV / Movies: What was the name of the alligator on Miami Vice`elvis
TV / Movies: What was the name of the aunt in the western 'How The West Was Won'`molly
TV / Movies: what was the name of the bartender in the tv series 'cheers'`sam malone
TV / Movies: What was the name of the bumbling patrolman on "odd couple"`murray greschler
TV / Movies: What was the name of the car belonging to tom slick`thunderbolt grease slapper
TV / Movies: What was the name of the car in the stephen king movie of the same name`christine
TV / Movies: What was the name of the character played by kate jackson in the rookies`jill danko
TV / Movies: What was the name of the dance company on the Carol Burnett Show`ernest flatt dancers
TV / Movies: What was the name of the dog in RCA Victor's trademark`nipper
TV / Movies: What was the name of the dog in the Bionic Woman`max
TV/ Movies: What was the name of the family featured in `father knows best`anderson
TV / Movies: What was the name of the family featured in `father knows best`andrews
TV / Movies: What was the name of the family in the "blondie" movies`bumstead
TV / Movies: What was the name of the first film where George Burns played God`oh, god
TV / Movies: What was the name of the flying nun`sister bertrille
TV / Movies: what was the name of the last film where george burns played god`oh god, you devil
TV / Movies: What was the name of the motel in the film 'psycho'`bates motel
TV / Movies: What was the name of the oil company that bought Jed Clampett's oil strike`the ok oil company of tulsa
TV / Movies: What was the name of the old fireman on "leave it to beaver"`gus
TV / Movies: What was the name of the ranch in bonanza`ponderosa
TV / Movies: what was the name of the ranch in the tv series 'bonanza'`ponderosa
TV / Movies: What was the name of the ranch on the Roy Rogers show`double r bar ranch
TV / Movies: what was the name of the six million dollar man`steve austin
TV / Movies: what was the name of the two space shuttles in 'armegeddon'`freedom & independence
TV/Movies: what was the name of the two space shuttles in 'armegeddon'`freedom & independence`freedom and independence
TV/ Movies: What was the number of Gunther Toody's patrol car`54
TV / Movies: What was the number of Gunther Toody's patrol car`fifty four
TV/ Movies: What was the number of Gunther Toody's patrol car`fifty four`54
TV / Movies: what was the old tarts name in "the golden girls"`blanche
tv/ movies: what was the principal setting location in "young at heart"`tashmoo prison
TV / Movies: What was the principal setting location in "Young At Heart"`tashmoo prison, pa
TV / Movies: What was the real name of john wayne`marion morrison
TV / Movies: What was the real name of the dolphin that played flipper in the movie`mitzi
TV / Movies: What was the screen name of the lead character in the untouchables`elliot ness
TV / Movies: What was the secret identity of captain america`steve rogers
TV / Movies: What was the sequel to "claudia" `claudia & david
TV/Movies: What was the sequel to "claudia"`claudia & david`claudia and david
TV/ Movies: What was the sequel to Gentlemen Prefer Blondes`gentlemen marry brunettes
TV / Movies: What was the sequel to 'going my way'`the bells of st mary's
TV/ Movies: What was the sequel to The Pink Panther`a shot in the dark
TV / Movies: What was the setting for the sound of music`austria
TV / Movies: What was the shape of lolita's sunglasses in the 1962 film`hearts
TV / Movies: What was the stone in the 1984 movie "romancing the stone"`emerald
TV / Movies: What were the stakes between Mr Simmons & Goldfinger in the rigged gin game`five dollars a point
TV/ Movies: What word was intentionally omitted from the film The Godfather`mafia
TV / Movies: What year was "The Abyss" released`1989
TV / Movies: What year was the movie "The Love Bug" released`1969
TV / Movies: When going on stage, actors consider it bad luck to be wished what `good luck
TV / Movies: "when pirates of the caribbean breaks down, the pirates dont eat the tourists" name the movie`jurassic park
TV / Movies: When the students in 'dead poets' society' stood on their desks & said 'o captain! My captain', who were they quoting`walt whitman
TV / Movies: When was the show Leave It To Beaver first aired`october 4, 1957
TV / Movies: Where did clark kent attend college`metropolis university
TV / Movies: where did dorothy's house land in 'the wizard of oz'`on the wicked witch of the west
TV/ Movies: Where did Maxwell Smart hide his telephone`his right shoe
TV/ Movies: Where did Maxwell Smart hide his telephone`his right shoe`right shoe
TV / Movies: Where did mighty mouse get his superpowers`the supermarket
TV / Movies: Where did robin hood supposedly live`sherwood forest
TV / Movies: Where did the kids sit on tvs howdy doody time`the peanut gallery
TV / Movies: Where does Lilith work`boston general
TV / Movies: Where do the flintstones live`bedrock
TV / Movies: where do the simpsons live`springfield
TV / Movies: Where was entertainer John Candy born`toronto, canada
TV / Movies: Where was Matt Dillon the sheriff`dodge
TV / Movies: Where were Archie & Edith bunkers chairs enshrined`the smithsonian institute
TV / Movies: Where were donald duck comics banned because he doesnt wear pants`finland
TV / Movies: Where were sherlock holmes' rooms`baker street
TV / Movies: Which 1981 film starring dudley moore, liza minnelli & john gielgud had a theme sung by christopher cross`arthur
TV/ Movies: Which 1993 film starred Richard Attenborough`jurassic park
TV/ Movies: which 2 famous actors both starred in "Apollo 13" & "forest gump"`tom hanks & gary sinise
TV/ Movies: which 2 famous actors both starred in "apollo13" & "forest gump"`tom hanks & gary sinise`gary sinise & tom hanks
TV / Movies: Which actor has a tattoo on his wrist reading "scotland forever"`sean connery
TV / Movies: Which actor is one of the world's top professional bridge players`omar shariff
TV / Movies: Which actor played the title role in the mad max series of films`mel gibson
TV/ Movies: Which actor provided the baby's voice in 'Look Who's Talking'`bruce willis
TV / Movies: Which actor Reeves starred in _Bram Stoker's Dracula`Keanu
TV / Movies: Which actress made a million by the age of 10`shirley temple
TV/Movies: Which actress starred with Rock HUdson in "Pillow Talk"`doris day
TV / Movies: Which animal tv series ran for the greatest number of seasons`lassie
TV / Movies: Which board game did humphrey bogart excel at`chess
TV/ Movies: Which Bond theme was sung by Nancy Sinatra`you only live twice
TV / Movies: Which Canadian Leslie stars in _The Naked Gun_ series of films`Nielsen
TV / Movies: Which cartoon family can 'sing the blues'`the simpsons
TV / Movies: Which character did diana rigg play in the 'the avengers'`emma peel
TV / Movies: Which character sang "come out, come out, wherever you are" in "the wizard of oz"`glinda, the good witch of the north
TV /Movies Which children's author wrote the screenplay of 'Chitty Chitty Bang Bang'`roald dahl
TV/ Movies: Which child star featured in Michael Jacksons black or White video`macaulay culkin
TV / Movies: Which city had the first movie theatre in the us`los angeles
TV/Movies: Which colourful cat was sought by Inspector Clouseau`pink panther
TV / Movies: Which comedian produced bill cosby's first album`allan sherman
TV / Movies: Which comedy act started as "the six musical mascots"`marx brothers
TV / Movies: Which comedy duo did the famous, "who's on first" routine`abbott & costello
TV / Movies: Which comic book hero was the first to spawn a television series`superman
TV / Movies: Which comic character had the vital statistics 19 19 19`olive oil
TV / Movies: Which company produced the syndicated mouse factory series`walt disney studios
TV / Movies: Which disaster movie was actually nominated for a best picture oscar`the towering inferno
TV/ Movies: Which Disney movie features Mufasa and his brother Scar`the lion king
TV / Movies: which famous actor is emilio estevez's brother`charlie sheen
TV / Movies: which famous actor is emilio estevez's father`martin sheen
TV / Movies: which famous actor is keifer sutherland's father`donald sutherland
TV / Movies: which famous actor is michael douglas' father`kirk douglas
TV / Movies: which famous actor is the nephew of francis ford coppolo`nicholas cage
TV / Movies: which famous actor never made it to the moon in "apollo13" but made it to mars in "mission to mars"`gary sinise
TV / Movies: which famous actor played vinni barbarino in "welcome back kotter`john travolta
TV / Movies: which famous actor starred in "braveheart" & "lethal weapon"`mel gibson
TV / Movies: which famous actor starred in "fatal attraction" & "the game"`michael douglas
TV / Movies: which famous actor starred in "grease" & "look who's talking"`john travolta
TV / Movies: which famous actor starred in "the terminator" & "kindergarten cop"`arnold schwarzenegger
TV / Movies: which famous actress starred in "basic instinct"`sharon stone
TV / Movies: which famous actress starred in "the blue lagoon"`brooke shields
TV / Movies: which famous actress starred in "the rocky horror picture movie show" & "thelma & louise"`susan sarandon
TV / Movies: which famous singer played opposite kevin costner in "the bodyguard"`whitney houston
TV / Movies: Which female film personality was once imprisoned in the maximum security casa circondarialli prison in italy`sophia loren
TV /Movies:Which film actor began his climb to stardom in the TV cowboy series 'Rawhide'`clint eastwood
TV / Movies: Which film featured harold lloyd dangling from a clock tower`safety last
TV / Movies: Which film had the following line i love the smell of napalm in the morning `apocalypse now
TV/ Movies: Which film industry brothers were Jack, Sam, Harry and Albert`warner brothers
TV / Movies: Which film preceded magnum force & the enforcer`dirty harry
TV/ Movies: Which film returned Love is All Around to the charts`four weddings and a funeral
TV / Movies: Which film star has his statue in leicester square`charlie chaplin
TV /Movies:Which hitchcock film is based on a novel by Daphne du Maurier`the birds
TV / Movies: which hollywood actor combined gibraltar & a river to create his name`rock hudson
TV/Movies: Which horrific film creation was activated if his name was spoken 3 times into a mirror`candyman
TV / Movies: Which junior made a tv docudrama about his dad`michael landon jr
TV / Movies: Which macho actor died in 1979. His real name was marion michael morrison`john wayne
TV / Movies: Which marx brother had real name julius henry`groucho
TV / Movies: Which marx brother had real name milton`gummo
TV / Movies: Which marx brothers real first name was arthur`harpo
TV / Movies: which monkee was in "circus boy"`mickey dolenz
TV / Movies: Which motel chain paid connie frances $2.65 million as a settlement because she was raped in one of its motels`howard johnson
TV/Movies: Which motel chain paid connie frances million as a settlement because she was raped in one of its motels`howard johnson
TV/ Movies: which movie did cher, michelle pfeiffer & susan sarandon star together in`witches of eastwick
TV/ Movies: which movie did cher, michelle pfeiffer & susan sarandon star together in`witches of eastwick`the withches of eastwick
TV / Movies: which movie did michelle pfeifer & george clooney star together in`one fine day
TV/ Movies: Which Movie does Whoopi Goldberg give birth to a white child`made in america
TV / Movies: Which movie musical features alan arkin as a has been superhero`the return of captain invincible
TV/ Movies: Which movie saw Sylvester Stallone sentenced to 70 years in a deep freeze`demolition man
TV / Movies: which movie starred both john travolta & olivia newton john`grease
TV / Movies: Which movie starred glenn close, jeff bridges & robert loggia`jagged edge
TV / Movies: which of the four monkees was marcia in love with (brady bunch)`davey jones
TV / Movies: Which of the Munsters is 350 years old`grandpa
TV / Movies: Which of tom & jerry is the cat`tom
TV/ Movies: which peanuts character plays the piano`schroder`schroeder
TV/ Movies: which peanuts character plays the piano`schroeder
TV / Movies: Which sitcom starred jim belushi & michael keaton`working stiffs
TV / Movies: Which soap did rhodas husband end up on after his first prime time divorce`general hospital
TV / Movies: Which Star Trek movie had 2 animals named George and Gracie (subtitle only)`The Voyage Home
TV / Movies: Which 'tarzan' swimmer was the first man to swim a hundred yards in less than a minute`johnny weismuller
TV / Movies: which tv series was david cassidy in`partridge family
TV / Movies: Which was the first animated peanuts tv special`a charlie brown christmas
TV / Movies: Which western television series saw Clint Eastwood rise to fame`rawhide
TV / Movies: Which x files episode had the highest tv rating in the second season`end game
TV / Movies: Who appeared in A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum (1966)`buster keaton
TV / Movies: Who appeared in 'st. Elmo's fire', 'the scarlett letter' & 'striptease'`demi moore
TV / Movies: Who are the neighbors the Jeffersons left behind when they moved uptown`bunkers
TV/ Movies: Who became a Pet Detective after shooting to fame in In Living Colour`jim carey
TV / Movies: Who collaborated with U B Lwerks in the creation of Mickey Mouse`walt disney
TV / Movies: Who cooked for the Cartwrights on the Ponderosa`hop sing
TV / Movies: who co starred opposite leonardo di caprio in the movie "titanic"`kate winslet
TV / Movies: who co starred with eddie albert in the tv series "greenacres"`zsa zsa gabor
TV / Movies: who co starred with lucille ball in "here's lucy"`desi arnez
TV / Movies: who co starred with tom hanks in "sleepless in seattle"`meg ryan
TV / Movies: Who coupled with the Devil and gave birth to Andrew John`rosemary
TV/ Movies: Who created Maudie Frickett`jonathan winters
TV/ Movies: Who created Maudie Frickett`jonathan winters`winters
TV / Movies: Who created "rocky & bullwinkle"`jay ward
TV/ Movies: who created star trek`gene roddenberry
TV / Movies: who created star trek`gene roddenbury
TV/ Movies: Who danced with a mouse in the film Anchors Aweigh`gene kelly
TV / Movies: Who did charlie becker play in 'the wizard of oz'`the mayor of the munchkins
TV / Movies: who did frank sinatra marry in november of 1951`ava gardner
TV / Movies: who did joan collins play in 'dynasty'`alexis carrington
TV / Movies: Who did Pat Sajak play on the soapie 'Days Of Our Lives'`kevin hathaway
TV / Movies: who died in a porsche spyder`james dean
TV / Movies: Who directed "anatomy of a murder"`otto preminger
TV / Movies: who directed 'e.t'`steven spielberg
TV / Movies: Who directed gremlins`joe dante
TV / Movies: who directed 'jurassic park'`steven spielberg
tv/ movies: who directed psycho and the birds`alfred hitchcock
TV / Movies: Who directed _Psycho_ and the _The Birds`Alfred Hitchcock
TV / Movies: Who directed 'schindler's list'`steven spielberg
TV / Movies: Who directed & starred in films such as `the little tramp'`maurice chevalier
TV / Movies: Who directed star trek: first contact`jonathan frakes
TV / Movies: Who directed Star Wars`george lucas
TV /Movies:Who directed the 2000 film 'Gladiator'`ridley scott
TV / Movies: Who directed the film, fame`alan parker
TV-Movies: who directed the magnificent ambersons in 1942`orson welles
TV / Movies: Who directed the monochrome (sepia) sequences at the beginning & end of "the wizard of oz" (1939)`king vidor
tv/ movies: who directed the monochrome sequences at the beginning & end of "the wizard of oz" (1939)`king vidor
TV / Movies: who directed 'the shining'`stanley kubrick
TV / Movies: Who directed "the wizard of oz" (1939)`victor fleming
TV / Movies: Who directed top gun`tony scott
TV / Movies: Who does the voice for homer on the simpsons`dan castellanata
TV / Movies: who does the voice for yoda in the star wars films`frank oz
TV / Movies: Who finds a tiny flying saucer on her roof in "The Invaders"`agnes moorehead
TV / Movies: Who first shaved his head to play Pontius Pilate in The Greatest Story ever Told`telly savalas
TV / Movies: Who got $10 million to provide the voice of a baby for a 1990 movie`bruce willis
TV/Movies: Who got million to provide the voice of a baby for a 1990 movie`bruce willis
TV / Movies: Who had one of his nipples bitten off by an alligator while he was host of his wild kingdom show`lorne greene
TV / Movies: Who hosted the 1997 grammy awards`ellen degeneres
TV / Movies: Who is "America's sweetheart"`mary pickford
TV / Movies: who is batman's gay offsider`robin
TV / Movies: Who is cast as poirot in "murder on the orient express" (1974)`albert finney
TV / Movies: who is david soul's famous brother`robert urich
TV / Movies: Who is Edgar Winter's famous brother`johnny winter
TV / Movies: Who is famous for writing 'interview with the vampire', the first book in the vampire chronicles`anne rice
TV / Movies: Who is featured on 1984s the best of annette`annette funicello
TV / Movies: Who is fred & wilma's daughter`pebbles
TV / Movies: Who is judy garland's famous daughter`liza minnelli
TV / Movies: Who is melanie griffiths married to`antonio banderas
TV / Movies: who is mr. Warmth`don rickles
TV / Movies: Who is M's secretary`miss moneypenny
TV / Movies: who is robert urich's famous brother`david soul
TV / Movies: Who is Roger Rabbit's wife in Touchstone's "Who Framed Roger Rabbit"`jessica
TV / Movies: who is schroeder's favourite composer`beethoven
TV / Movies: who is shirley mclean's brother`warren beatty
TV / Movies: Who is superman's alter ego`clark kent
TV / Movies: Who is the anchorperson for channel 17 news`Sally Vacuum
TV / Movies: Who is the fastest mouse in all of mexico`speedy gonzales
TV/ Movies: Who is the Hollywood star who played the most leading roles in 153 feature films`john wayne
TV / Movies: Who is the lone ranger's side kick`tonto
TV / Movies: who is the main character in 'touched by an angel'`monica
TV/ Movies: Who is the mother of Mia Farrow`maureen o'sullivan
TV /Movies:Who is the star of the 2000 film 'The Patriot'`mel gibson
TV / Movies: Who is the super hero that runs around wearing a red cape & tights `superman
TV / Movies: Who is the voice of the duchess in the "aristocats"`eva gabor
TV / Movies: Who is the voice of tony the tiger`thurl ravenscroft
TV / Movies: Who is the world's busiest man made tourist attraction named after`walt disney
TV / Movies: who is warren beatty's sister`shirley mclaine
TV / Movies: Who killed laura palmer (in "twin peaks")`leland palmer
TV / Movies: Who leads the muppets' jazz band`dr. Teeth
TV / Movies: who lived downstairs in the uk comedy "man about the house"`george & mildred
TV/ Movies: who lives next door to the flintstones`the rubbles`rubbles
TV / Movies: Who made stars of fanny brice & w.c. fields`fred & ethel
TV / Movies: Who made superman's costume in the adventures of superman`his mother
TV /Movies:Who married the actor Liam Neeson`natasha richardson
TV / Movies: Who not only sang the hit song the Power Of Love for the movie Back To The Future, but also appeared in it`huey lewis
TV / Movies: Who ordered the crew to strip down to their undies while she filmed a revealing scene for Sleeping With The Enemy`julia roberts
TV / Movies: Who owns "the Double R" diner in "Twin Peaks"`detroit
TV / Movies: who owns the licensing rights to all star wars merchandise`george lucas
TV / Movies: who played alexis carrington in the tv series 'dynasty'`joan collins
TV/ Movies: who played alex keating in "family ties"`michael j. fox
TV/ Movies: who played alex keating in "family ties"`michael j. fox`michael j fox
TV / Movies: Who played andy thompson in the headmaster`andy griffith
TV / Movies: who played arthur fonzarelli in 'happy days'`henry winkler
TV / Movies: who played beaver in "leave it to beaver"`jerry mathers
TV / Movies: Who played ben cartwright on "bonanza"`lorne greene
TV / Movies: Who played bonnie to warren beatty's clyde`faye dunaway
TV / Movies: Who played captain nemo in "20,000 leagues under the sea"`james mason
TV / Movies: who played charlie in "charlies angels"`john forsythe
TV / Movies: who played commander riker in 'star trek'`jonathon frakes
TV / Movies: Who played "Cosmo B Topper" on 'Topper'`leo g carroll
TV / Movies: who played "daniel boone"`fess parker
TV / Movies: who played deanna troi in 'star trek the next generation'`marina sirtis
TV / Movies: Who played derek flint in "our man flint"`james coburn
TV / Movies: Who played dorothy in "the wizard of oz" (1939)`judy garland
TV / Movies: Who played dutch schultz in "billy bathgate" (1991)`dustin hoffman
TV / Movies: who played forrest gump`tom hanks
TV / Movies: who played garth in wayne's world`dana carvey
TV / Movies: who played george costanza on 'seinfeld'`jason alexander
TV / Movies: Who played gidget in gidget grows up`karen valentine
TV / Movies: who played god in 'oh god, book ii'`george burns
TV / Movies: Who played Grandpa Walton on the Waltons`will greer
TV / Movies: Who played granny on the "beverly hillbillies"`irene ryan
TV / Movies: Who played henry in "henry v" (1990)`kenneth branagh
TV / Movies: Who played henry v in "the black shield of falworth"`dan o'herlihy
TV / Movies: Who played hitler in "hitler the last ten days" (1973)`alec guinness
TV / Movies: Who played hogan in "hogan's heroes"`bob crane
TV / Movies: Who played hopalong cassidy`william boyd
TV / Movies: Who played hot lips in mash `loretta swit
TV / Movies: Who played ilsa llund laszlo in casablanca`ingrid bergman
TV / Movies: Who played Jack Crabbe, survivor of Custer's Last Stand, in Little Big Man`dustin hoffman
TV/ Movies: who played jeannie in "i dream of jeannie"`barbara eden
TV/ Movies: who played jeannie in "i dream of jeannie"`barbra eden`barbara eden
TV / Movies: who played jim morrison's girlfriend in "the doors"`meg ryan
TV / Movies: Who played john bosley on charlies angels (first & last names)`david doyle
TV / Movies: who played 'johnny mnemonic'`keanu reeves
TV / Movies: Who played "Kathleen Riley" in Suspect`cher
TV/ Movies: Who played King Rat in the 1965 movie of the same name`george segal
TV/ Movies: Who played Lancy Howard in the film The Cincinnati Kid`edward g. robinson
TV / Movies: who played lestat in 'interview with the vampire'`tom cruise
TV / Movies: Who played little joe on "bonanza"`michael landon
TV / Movies: who played louis in 'interview with the vampire'`brad pitt
TV / Movies: Who played Luke Skywalker in 'Star Wars'`mark hamill
TV / Movies: Who played lulu hogg on dukes of hazzard`pearl shear
TV / Movies: Who played Major Pappy Boyington in the war drama Baa Baa Black Sheep`robert conrad
TV / Movies: who played marcus welby`robert young
TV / Movies: who played mary richard's boss in the mary tyler moore show`ed asner
TV/ Movies: Who played Melanie in Gone with the Wind`olivia de havilland
TV / Movies: who played mike brady in the brady bunch`robert reed
TV-Movies: who played miles monroe in sleeper`woody allen
TV / Movies: who played minnesota fats in the movie, 'the hustler'`jackie gleason
TV / Movies: who played mork in "mork & mindy"`robin williams
TV / Movies: who played mr. Spock in "star trek"`leonard nimoy
TV / Movies: who played opposite dean martin in rio grande`john wayne
TV / Movies: who played opposite dennis quaid (she eventually married him) in "inner space"`meg ryan
TV / Movies: who played opposite tom hanks in "you've got mail"`meg ryan
TV / Movies: Who played pauline porizkova's alibi in the movie "her alibi"`tom selleck
TV / Movies: Who played pontius pilate in "the last days of pompeii"`basil rathbone
TV/ Movies: Who played private detective philip marlowe in the 1946 film "the big sleep`"`humphrey bogart
TV / Movies: who played queen amidala in the latest 'star wars' film`natalie portman
TV / Movies: Who played quint the shark hunter in jaws`robert shaw
TV / Movies: Who played richie cunningham in the tv show happy days`ron howard
TV / Movies: who played richie in 'happy days'`ron howard
TV / Movies: Who played ringo kid in the 1939 film "stagecoach"`john wayne
TV/ Movies: Who played Robin in the film Batman Forever`chris o'donnell
TV / Movies: who played romeo in the 1996 release of romeo & juliet`leonardo di caprio
TV / Movies: who played samantha in "bewitched"`elizabeth montgomery
TV / Movies: Who played samantha on "bewitched"`elizabeth montgomery
TV / Movies: Who played scarlette ohara in "gone with the wind"`vivien leigh
TV / Movies: Who played sharkey in sharkey's machine`burt reynolds
TV / Movies: Who played sherlock holmes on the pbs series`basil rathbone
TV / Movies: Who played sinbad in "captain sinbad" (1963)`guy williams
TV / Movies: Who played sinbad in "sinbad the sailor" (1947)`douglas fairbanks jr
TV / Movies: who played "snake" in "escape from new york"`kurt russell
TV / Movies: Who played sportin' life in the film porgy & bess`sammy davis jr
TV / Movies: Who played steve douglas on "my three sons"`fred macmurray
TV / Movies: Who played steve erkel in 'family matters'`jaleel white
TV / Movies: Who played the character of jim rockford in the series the rockford files`james garner
TV / Movies: Who played "the cisco kid"`duncan renaldo
TV / Movies: Who played the coach on tvs "white shadow"`ken howard
TV / Movies: Who played the cowardly lion in "the wizard of oz" (1939)`bert lahr
TV / Movies: who played the father in "my three sons"`fred macmurray
TV / Movies: who played the father in the uk comedy "bless this house"`sid james
TV / Movies: who played "the flying nun"`sally field
TV / Movies: who played the incredible hulk`bill bixby
TV / Movies: who played the inventor in 'honey, i shrunk the kids'`rick moranis
TV / Movies: who played the joker on the original batman movie`caesar romero
TV / Movies: who played the male lead in the movie grease`john travolta
TV / Movies: Who played the mass-murderer (4 kills) in "Charade"`Walter Matthau
TV / Movies: who played the master in "i dream of jeannie"`larry hagman
TV / Movies: who played the mermaid in "splash"`darryl hannah
TV / Movies: who played the mother in "the partridge family"`shirley jones
TV / Movies: who played the mum in the brady bunch`florence henderson
TV / Movies: who played the mutating fly in the film 'the fly'`jeff goldblum
TV / Movies: who played the penguin on the original batman`burgess meredith
TV / Movies: who played the president of the u.s in 'air force one'`harrison ford
TV / Movies: Who played the 'Rifleman' in the series`chuck connors
TV / Movies: Who played the role of Crassus in Stanley Kubrick's Spartacus`lawrence olivier
TV / Movies: Who played the role of ethan edwards in "the searchers"`john wayne
TV / Movies: who played the role of gilligan on tv`bob denver
TV / Movies: Who played the role of jack benny's tv valet`eddie rochester anderson
TV / Movies: Who played the role of richard blaine in casablanca`humphrey bogart
TV / Movies: Who played the role of the 6th doctor in the british sci fi show "dr who"`colin baker
TV / Movies: Who played the role of tillie with walter matthau in pete n tillie`carol burnett
TV / Movies: who played "the six million dollar man"`lee majors
TV / Movies: who played the starring role in "waterworld"`kevin costner
TV / Movies: who played the stepmother in 'my stepmother is an alien'`kim bassinger
TV /Movies:Who played the suave thief,Sir Charles Lytton, in the film The Pink Panther`david niven
TV / Movies: Who played "the thing" in the original movie`james bailey
TV / Movies: Who played the title role in "calamity jane" (1953)`doris day
TV / Movies: Who played the title role in the 1957 comedy the sad sack`jerry lewis
TV/ Movies: Who played the title role in the 1969 film 'Ned Kelly'`mick jagger
TV / Movies: Who played the title role in the "cosmo topper" tv series`leo g carroll
TV /Movies:Who played the title roll in the 1938 film 'The Adventures of Robin Hood'`errol flynn
TV / Movies: Who played the 'universal soldier'`jean claude van damme
TV / Movies: Who played tonto on "the lone ranger" series`jay silverheels
TV / Movies: Who played Trixie Delight in the film 'Paper Moon'`madeline kahn
TV / Movies: who played tv's superman in the original series`george reeves
TV / Movies: Who played tv's "wonder woman"`lynda carter
TV / Movies: Who played wild bill hickok in "little big man" (1970)`jeff corey
TV / Movies: who played "wonder woman"`linda carter
TV / Movies: who played woody in "cheers"`woody harrelson
TV / Movies: who play frank spencer in "some mothers do have them"`michael crawford
TV / Movies: Who plays a nearsighted neighbour in the two Ghostbusters movies`rick moranis
TV / Movies: who plays "angela" on whos the boss`judith light
TV / Movies: Who plays "bull" in the tv series "nightcourt"`richard moll
TV / Movies: who plays dana scully in "the x files"`gillian anderson
TV / Movies: Who plays detective dana scully in the x files`gillian anderson
TV / Movies: who plays fox mulder in "the x files"`david duchovny
TV / Movies: Who plays james bond in never say never again`sean connery
TV / Movies: Who plays jamie in "mad about you"`helen hunt
TV / Movies: who plays kelly in "married with children"`christina applegate
TV / Movies: who plays many voices, such as dr nick, & moe on 'the simpsons'`hank azaria
TV/ Movies: who plays monica in "friends"`courteney cox
TV/ Movies: who plays monica in "friends"`courtney cox arquette`courtney cox
TV / Movies: Who plays paul in "mad about you"`paul reiser
TV / Movies: who plays rachel in "friends"`jennifer aniston
TV / Movies: Who plays ralph furley on threes company`don knotts
TV / Movies: Who plays the "cigarette smoking man" in the x files`william b davis
TV / Movies: Who plays the nutcase in "the hitcher"`rutger hauer
TV / Movies: Who portrayed cheyenne bodie in cheyenne`clint walker
TV / Movies: Who portrayed eliza doolittle in broadways original "my fair lady"`julie andrews
TV / Movies: Who portrayed prewett in from here to eternity`montgomery clift
TV / Movies: Who portrayed sherlock holmes in 14 films between 1939 & 1946`basil rathbone
TV / Movies: Who portrayed spocks human mother on tvs "star trek"`jane wyatt
TV / Movies: Who portrayed the birdman, in the movie birdman of alcatraz`burt lancaster
TV / Movies: Who portrayed the demolitions expert in the guns of navarone`david niven
TV / Movies: Who portrayed the father on tv's "my three sons"`fred macmurray
TV / Movies: Who put the curse on billy halleck in richard bachman's 'thinner'`gypsy
TV / Movies: Who referred to their captain as "old lead bottom"`crew on mchale's navy
TV / Movies: Who replaced harvey korman on the carol burnett show`dick van dyke
TV / Movies: who sang the title song to 'goldfinger'`shirley bassey
TV / Movies: Who's brother pulled strings to get her her first movie role`julia roberts'
TV / Movies: Whose autobiography is titled Groucho & Me`groucho marx
TV/ Movies: Whose biography was titled The Other Side of the Rainbow`judy garland
TV/ Movies: Whose biography was titled The Other Side of the Rainbow`judy garland`judy garland's`judy garlands
TV/ Movies: Whose figure did Walt Disney use as a model for Tinkerbell`marilyn monroe
TV / Movies: Whose legs were shown in place of Julia Roberts' legs in 'Pretty Woman'`goldie hawn
TV / Movies: Whose life was the subject of the 1974 movie "Lenny"`lenny bruce
TV / Movies: whose neighbors were frank & irene lorenzo`archie bunker's
TV / Movies: Whose sister, Pamela appeared in the 1988 movie Sleepaway Camp 2`bruce springsteen
TV / Movies: Who shared A Touch Of Class with George Segal`glenda jackson
TV / Movies: Who shipped his academy award oscar back to his father's hardware store`james stewart
TV / Movies: who shot j.r. ewing in the tv series 'dallas'`kristin shepard
TV / Movies: Whos Olive Oils brother`castor oil
TV / Movies: Who solves the crime in "death on the nile"`hercule pirot
tv/ movies: who solves the crime in "death on the nile"`hercule poirot
TV/ Movies: Who spent most of the MASH series trying to get out of Korea but was the only one to remain there`klinger
TV / Movies: Who stared in the movie "Canadian Bacon"`john candy
TV / Movies: who starred as mchale in "mchale's navy"`ernest borgnine
TV / Movies: who starred as the nanny in "the nanny & the professor"`juliet mills
TV/ Movies: Who starred in 9 films with Katherine Hepburn`spencer tracy
TV / Movies: Who starred in & directed the Gauntlet`clint eastwood
TV / Movies: Who starred in the 1939 film "Drums Along The Mohawk"`henry fonda
TV/ Movies: Who starred in the film Richie Rich`macaulay culkin
TV / Movies: Who starred in the film 'the man with two brains' `steve martin
TV/ Movies: Who starred in The Hunter`steve mcqueen
TV / Movies: Who starred in the title role of hec ramsey`richard boone
TV / Movies: who starred opposite billy crystal in "when harry met sally"`meg ryan
TV / Movies: who starred opposite tom hanks in "sleepless in seattle"`meg ryan
TV / Movies: Who starred with fred astaire in the christmas movie "holiday inn"`bing crosby
TV / Movies: Who starred with john travolta in the movie "broken arrow"`christian slater
TV / Movies: Who starred with mel gibson in the 'lethal weapon' films`danny glover
TV / Movies: Who thanked his parents for not practicing birth control upon picking up a 1979 Best Actor Oscar`dustin hoffman
TV / Movies: who was alice's boyfriend in "the brady bunch"`sam the butcher
tv/ movies: who was "america's sweetheart"`mary pickford
TV / Movies: Who was asked to audition for Cheers after playing a hairdresser on a Taxi episode`ted danson
TV / Movies: who was basil in the uk comedy "fawlty towers"`john cleese
TV / Movies: Who was Ben Hur's rival in the great chariot race`messala
TV / Movies: Who was born Marion Morrison`john wayne
TV / Movies: who was brandon lee's father`bruce lee
TV / Movies: Who was Bruce Lee's son`brandon lee
TV / Movies: Who was Bud Abbott's partner`lou costello
TV / Movies: Who was captain of the starship Enterprise before James T. Kirk`christopher pike
TV / Movies: Who was chief marshall of the Mickey Mouse Club`walt disney
TV / Movies: Who was Clark Kent`superman
TV / Movies: Who was credited with handling the 'boxing choreogrophy' in "Rocky"`sylvester stallone
TV / Movies: Who was Daisy the dog's owners`blondie & dagwood bumstead
TV / Movies: who was elvis presley's female co starin g. I. Blues`juliet prowse
TV/ Movies: Who was E.T.'s best friend`elliot
TV / Movies: Who was Fred Astaire's partner`ginger rogers
TV / Movies: Who was Fred Flinstone's best friend`barney rubble
TV / Movies: who was george burns' wife, whom he had a popular tv show with`gracie allen
TV / Movies: Who was Goldfinger's bodyguard`oddjob
TV / Movies: Who was Johnny Carsons original announcer`ed mcmahon
TV / Movies: who was lauren bacall's first husband`humphrey bogart
TV / Movies: Who was Lou Costello's partner`bud abbott
TV/ Movies: Who was Luke Skywalkers father`darth vader
TV / Movies: Who was married to Tess Truehart`dick tracy
TV / Movies: Who was Miss Hungary of 1936`zsa zsa gabor
TV / Movies: Who was Mr Peabodys adopted boy`sherman
TV / Movies: Who was "Mr Television`milton berle
TV/ Movies: Who was nominated for actor in a Supporting role in 1988`river phoenix
TV/ Movies: Who was nominated for actress in a Supporting role in 1975`brenda vaccaro
TV/ Movies: Who was nominated for actress in a Supporting role in 1980`diana scarwid
TV / Movies: Who was nominated for best actor in 1975`al pacino
TV / Movies: Who was nominated for best actress in 1928 29`bessie love
TV / Movies: Who was nominated for best actress in 1944`greer garson
TV / Movies: Who was nominated for directing in 1984`woody allen
TV / Movies: Who was originally cast as the scarecrow in "The Wizard Of Oz" (1939)`buddy ebsen
TV / Movies: Who was originally cast as the tin man in "The Wizard Of Oz" (1939)`ray bolger
TV / Movies: who was pinocchio's father`geppetto
TV / Movies: Who was Robin Hood's girlfriend`maid marion
TV / Movies: Who was Ronald Reagans first wife`jane wyman
TV / Movies: Who was Sherlock Holmes' sidekick`watson
TV / Movies: Who was Superman's girlfriend`lois lane
TV / Movies: who was the actor that played the starring role in escape from new york`kurt russell
TV / Movies: who was the announcer on you bet your life`george fenneman
TV / Movies: Who was the baddie in spaghetti westerns`lee van cleef
TV / Movies: Who was the body of Darth Vader`david prowse
TV / Movies: Who was the bounty hunter in "Wanted Dead Or Alive"`steve mcqueen
TV / Movies: Who was the captain of the airliner in "The High And The Mighty"`Robert Stack (John Wayne was co-pilot)
TV / Movies: who was the director of 'terminator & titanic'`james cameron
TV / Movies: Who was the editor at metropolis newspaper`perry white
TV / Movies: Who was the Elven Queen in the Lord of the Rings`galadriel
TV / Movies: Who was the female star in Wings`clara bow
TV / Movies: Who was the female star of "New York, New York"`liza minnelli
TV / Movies: Who was the female star of "Rosemary's Baby"`mia farrow
TV / Movies: Who was the female star of the "The Color Purple"`whoopi goldberg
TV/ Movies: Who was the female star of West Side Story`natalie wood
TV / Movies: who was the first actress to appear on the cover of life magazine`jean harlow
TV / Movies: who was the first american actress to appear on a postage stamp`grace kelly
TV / Movies: Who was the first black performer to win an Oscar`hattie mcdaniel
TV / Movies: Who was the first supposedly computer generated TV talk show host`Max Headroom
TV / Movies: Who was the first voice of Mickey Mouse`walt disney
TV / Movies: Who was the girl in Peter Sellers' 'Soup'`goldie hawn
TV / Movies: Who was the host for The Gong Show`chuck barris
TV / Movies: Who was the host of Night Gallery`rod sterling
TV / Movies: Who was the Hulk's first friend`rick jones
TV / Movies: Who was the little tramp of silent movies`charlie chaplin
TV /Movies:Who was the male star in the film The Beach`leonardo dicaprio
TV / Movies: Who was the male star of "New York, New York"`robert deniro
TV / Movies: who was the millionaire in "gilligans island"`thurston howell iii
TV / Movies: who was the movie star in "gilligans island"`ginger
TV / Movies: Who was the only actor to become president of the U S`ronald reagan
TV / Movies: Who was the only person the new owners didn't fire, on The Mary Tyler Moore Show`ted baxter
TV / Movies: Who was the only person to be awarded the Oscar for best actor posthumously`peter finch
TV / Movies: Who was the president of the oil company that bought Jed Clampett's oil`john brewster
TV / Movies: Who was the producer of "Gone With the Wind"`david o selznick
tv/ movies: who was the producer of "gone with the wind"`david selznick
TV / Movies: Who was the supporting actor that appeared in Captain Kangaroo`tom terrific
TV-Movies: who was the supporting actor that appeared in rocky and his friends`mr peabody
TV / Movies: Who was the supporting actor that appeared in the Underdog Show`tennessee tuxedo
TV / Movies: Who was the supporting actor that appeared in the Yogi Bear Show`snagglepuss
TV / Movies: Who was the vixen in the mini series East of Eden`jane seymour
TV / Movies: Who was the voice of E.T.`debra winger
TV-Movies: who was the voice of rocket j. squirrel and natasha fatale`june foray
TV / Movies: Who was the voice of Rocket J. Squirrel & Natasha Fatale`june foray
TV / Movies: Who was the writer/director/producer of Enter Laughing`carl reiner
TV / Movies: Who was to be honoured in the U S swimming hall of fame`johnny weissmuller
TV / Movies: Who was Tom Cruise first married to`mimi rogers
TV/Movies: Who were Daisy the dog's owners`blondie & dagwood bumstead
TV / Movies: who were lucy & ricky's next door neighbours & best friends`fred & ethel
TV/Movies: who were lucy & ricky's next door neighbours & best friends`fred & ethel`fred and ethel
TV-Movies: who were superman's biological father and mother on krypton`jor el and lara
TV-Movies: who were the guests on johnny carson's final tonite show`bette midler and robin williams
TV / Movies: Who won best actor award for "On Golden Pond"`henry fonda
TV/ Movies: Who won best actor Oscar for his role in 'Save the Tiger'`jack lemmon
TV / Movies: Who won best actress for her role in Network`faye dunaway
TV / Movies: Who won best actress for her role in The Country Girl`grace kelly
TV / Movies: Who won best director Oscar for Ordinary People`robert redford
TV / Movies: Who won best supporting actor for his role in Ryan's Daughter`john mills
TV / Movies: Who won best supporting actor for his role in the Westerner`walter brennan
TV / Movies: Who won best supporting actor for his role in Twelve O'clock High`dean jagger
TV-Movies: who won best supporting actress oscar for bonnie and clyde`estelle parsons
TV / Movies: Who won best supporting actress oscar for Bonnie & Clyde`estelle parsons
TV / Movies: Who won for directing Lawrence of Arabia (Best Picture, 1962)`david lean
TV / Movies: Who won the 1983 Oscar for best supporting actress`linda hunt
TV / Movies: Who won the only Oscar given to the hilarious _A Fish Called Wanda_`kevin kline
TV / Movies: Who won the oscar for best actor in 1931 32`wallace beery
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1927/1928 1st Academy Awards for the Movie 7TH HEAVEN, STREET ANGEL and SUNRISE`janet gaynor
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1928/1929 2nd Academy Awards for the Movie COQUETTE`mary pickford
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1929/1930 3rd Academy Awards for the Movie THE DIVORCEE`norma shearer
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1930/1931 4th Academy Awards for the Movie MIN AND BILL`marie dressler
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1931/1932 5th Academy Awards for the Movie THE SIN OF MADELON CLAUDET`helen hayes
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1932/1933 6th Academy Awards for the Movie MORNING GLORY`katharine hepburn
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1934 7th Academy Awards for the Movie IT HAPPENED ONE NIGHT`claudette colbert
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1935 8th Academy Awards for the Movie DANGEROUS`bette Davis
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1936 9th Academy Awards for the Movie THE GREAT ZIEGFELD`luise rainer
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1937 10th Academy Awards for the Movie THE GOOD EARTH`luise rainer
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1938 11th Academy Awards for the Movie JEZEBEL`bette Davis
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1939 12th Academy Awards for the Movie GONE WITH THE WIND`vivien leigh
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1940 13th Academy Awards for the Movie KITTY FOYLE`ginger rogers
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1941 14th Academy Awards for the Movie SUSPICION`joan Fontaine
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1942 15th Academy Awards for the Movie MRS. MINIVER`greer garson
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1943 16th Academy Awards for the Movie THE SONG OF BERNADETTE`jennifer jones
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1944 17th Academy Awards for the Movie GASLIGHT`ingrid Bergman
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1945 18th Academy Awards for the Movie MILDRED PIERCE`joan crawford
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1946 19th Academy Awards for the Movie TO EACH HIS OWN`olivia de havilland
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1947 20th Academy Awards for the Movie THE FARMER'S DAUGHTER`loretta young
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1948 21st Academy Awards for the Movie JOHNNY BELINDA`jane wyman
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1949 22nd Academy Awards for the Movie THE HEIRESS`olivia de havilland
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1950 23rd Academy Awards for the Movie BORN YESTERDAY`judy holliday
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1951 24th Academy Awards for the Movie A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE`vivien leigh
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1952 25th Academy Awards for the Movie COME BACK, LITTLE SHEBA`shirley booth
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1953 26th Academy Awards for the Movie ROMAN HOLIDAY`audrey hepburn
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1954 27th Academy Awards for the Movie THE COUNTRY GIRL`grace kelly
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1955 28th Academy Awards for the Movie THE ROSE TATTOO`anna magnani
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1956 29th Academy Awards for the Movie ANASTASIA (1956)`ingrid bergman
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1957 30th Academy Awards for the Movie THE THREE FACES OF EVE`joanne woodward
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1958 31st Academy Awards for the Movie I WANT TO LIVE!`susan hayward
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1959 32nd Academy Awards for the Movie ROOM AT THE TOP`simone signoret
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1960 33rd Academy Awards for the Movie BUTTERFIELD 8`elizabeth taylor
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1961 34th Academy Awards for the Movie TWO WOMEN`sophia loren
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1962 35th Academy Awards for the Movie THE MIRACLE WORKER`anne bancroft
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1963 36th Academy Awards for the Movie HUD`patricia neal
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1964 37th Academy Awards for the Movie MARY POPPINS`julie andrews
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1965 38th Academy Awards for the Movie DARLING`julie Christie
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1966 39th Academy Awards for the Movie WHO'S AFRAID OF VIRGINIA WOOLF?`elizabeth taylor
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1967 40th Academy Awards for the Movie GUESS WHO'S COMING TO DINNER`katharine hepburn
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1968 41st Academy Awards for the Movie FUNNY GIRL`barbra streisand
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1968 41st Academy Awards for the Movie THE LION IN WINTER`katharine hepburn
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1969 42nd Academy Awards for the Movie THE PRIME OF MISS JEAN BRODIE`maggie smith
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1970 43rd Academy Awards for the Movie WOMEN IN LOVE`glenda jackson
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1971 44th Academy Awards for the Movie KLUTE`jane Fonda
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1972 45th Academy Awards for the Movie CABARET`liza Minnelli
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1973 46th Academy Awards for the Movie A TOUCH OF CLASS`glenda jackson
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1974 47th Academy Awards for the Movie ALICE DOESN'T LIVE HERE ANYMORE`ellen burstyn
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1975 48th Academy Awards for the Movie ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST`louise fletcher
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1976 49th Academy Awards for the Movie NETWORK`faye Dunaway
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1977 50th Academy Awards for the Movie ANNIE HALL`diane keaton
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1978 51st Academy Awards for the Movie COMING HOME`jane fonda
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1979 52nd Academy Awards for the Movie NORMA RAE`sally field
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1980 53rd Academy Awards for the Movie COAL MINER'S DAUGHTER`sissy spacek
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1981 54th Academy Awards for the Movie ON GOLDEN POND`katharine hepburn
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1982 55th Academy Awards for the Movie SOPHIE'S CHOICE`meryl streep
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1983 56th Academy Awards for the Movie TERMS OF ENDEARMENT`shirley maclaine
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1984 57th Academy Awards for the Movie PLACES IN THE HEART`sally field
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1985 58th Academy Awards for the Movie THE TRIP TO BOUNTIFUL`geraldine page
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1986 59th Academy Awards for the Movie CHILDREN OF A LESSER GOD`marlee matlin
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1987 60th Academy Awards for the Movie MOONSTRUCK`cher
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1988 61st Academy Awards for the Movie THE ACCUSED`jodie foster
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1989 62nd Academy Awards for the Movie DRIVING MISS DAISY`jessica tandy
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1990 63rd Academy Awards for the Movie MISERY`kathy Bates
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1991 64th Academy Awards for the Movie THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS`jodie foster
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1992 65th Academy Awards for the Movie HOWARDS END`emma thompson
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1993 66th Academy Awards for the Movie THE PIANO`holly Hunter
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1936 9th Academy Awards for the Movie ANTHONY ADVERSE`gale sondergaard
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1937 10th Academy Awards for the Movie IN OLD CHICAGO`alice brady
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1938 11th Academy Awards for the Movie JEZEBEL`fay Bainter
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1939 12th Academy Awards for the Movie GONE WITH THE WIND`hattie mcdaniel
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1940 13th Academy Awards for the Movie THE GRAPES OF WRATH`jane darwell
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1941 14th Academy Awards for the Movie THE GREAT LIE`mary astor
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1942 15th Academy Awards for the Movie MRS. MINIVER`teresa wright
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1943 16th Academy Awards for the Movie FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS`katina paxinou
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1944 17th Academy Awards for the Movie NONE BUT THE LONELY HEART`ethel barrymore
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1945 18th Academy Awards for the Movie NATIONAL VELVET`anne revere
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1946 19th Academy Awards for the Movie THE RAZOR'S EDGE`anne baxter
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1947 20th Academy Awards for the Movie GENTLEMAN'S AGREEMENT`celeste holm
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1948 21st Academy Awards for the Movie KEY LARGO`claire trevor
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1949 22nd Academy Awards for the Movie ALL THE KING'S MEN`mercedes mccambridge
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1950 23rd Academy Awards for the Movie HARVEY`josephine hull
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1951 24th Academy Awards for the Movie A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE`kim hunter
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1952 25th Academy Awards for the Movie THE BAD AND THE BEAUTIFUL`gloria grahame
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1953 26th Academy Awards for the Movie FROM HERE TO ETERNITY`donna reed
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1954 27th Academy Awards for the movie ON THE WATERFRONT`eva marie saint
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1954 27th Academy Awards`saint - on the WATERFRONT`eva marie
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1955 28th Academy Awards`fleet - east of eden`jo Van
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting role in 1955 28th Academy Awards for the movie EAST OF EDEN`jo Van fleet
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1956 29th Academy Awards for the Movie WRITTEN ON THE WIND`dorothy malone
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1957 30th Academy Awards for the Movie SAYONARA`miyoshi umeki
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1958 31st Academy Awards for the Movie SEPARATE TABLES`wendy hiller
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1959 32nd Academy Awards for the Movie THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK`shelley winters
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1960 33rd Academy Awards for the Movie ELMER GANTRY`shirley jones
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1961 34th Academy Awards for the Movie WEST SIDE STORY`rita moreno
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1962 35th Academy Awards for the Movie THE MIRACLE WORKER`patty duke
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1963 36th Academy Awards for the Movie THE V.I.P.S`margaret rutherford
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1964 37th Academy Awards for the Movie ZORBA THE GREEK`lila kedrova
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1965 38th Academy Awards for the Movie A PATCH OF BLUE`shelley winters
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1966 39th Academy Awards for the Movie WHO'S AFRAID OF VIRGINIA WOOLF?`sandy dennis
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1967 40th Academy Awards for the Movie BONNIE AND CLYDE`estelle parsons
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1968 41st Academy Awards for the Movie ROSEMARY'S BABY`ruth gordon
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1969 42nd Academy Awards for the Movie CACTUS FLOWER`goldie hawn
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1970 43rd Academy Awards for the Movie AIRPORT`helen Hayes
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1971 44th Academy Awards for the Movie THE LAST PICTURE SHOW`cloris leachman
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1972 45th Academy Awards for the Movie BUTTERFLIES ARE FREE`eileen heckart
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1973 46th Academy Awards for the Movie PAPER MOON`tatum o'neal
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1974 47th Academy Awards for the Movie MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS`ingrid bergman
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1975 48th Academy Awards for the Movie SHAMPOO`lee Grant
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1976 49th Academy Awards for the Movie NETWORK`beatrice straight
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1977 50th Academy Awards for the Movie JULIA`vanessa Redgrave
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1978 51st Academy Awards for the Movie CALIFORNIA SUITE`maggie smith
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1979 52nd Academy Awards for the Movie KRAMER VS. KRAMER`meryl streep
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1980 53rd Academy Awards for the Movie MELVIN AND HOWARD`mary steenburgen
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1981 54th Academy Awards for the Movie REDS`maureen Stapleton
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1982 55th Academy Awards for the Movie TOOTSIE`jessica lange
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1983 56th Academy Awards for the Movie THE YEAR OF LIVING DANGEROUSLY`linda hunt
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1984 57th Academy Awards for the Movie A PASSAGE TO INDIA`peggy ashcroft
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1985 58th Academy Awards for the Movie PRIZZI'S HONOR`anjelica huston
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1986 59th Academy Awards for the Movie HANNAH AND HER SISTERS`dianne wiest
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1987 60th Academy Awards for the Movie MOONSTRUCK`olympia dukakis
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1988 61st Academy Awards for the Movie THE ACCIDENTAL TOURIST`geena davis
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1989 62nd Academy Awards for the Movie MY LEFT FOOT`brenda fricker
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1990 63rd Academy Awards for the Movie GHOST`whoopi Goldberg
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1991 64th Academy Awards for the Movie THE FISHER KING`mercedes ruehl
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1992 65th Academy Awards for the Movie MY COUSIN VINNY`marisa tomei
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1993 66th Academy Awards for the Movie THE PIANO`anna paquin
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1994 67th Academy Awards for the Movie BULLETS OVER BROADWAY`dianne wiest
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1995 68th Academy Awards for the Movie MIGHTY APHRODITE`mira sorvino
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1996 69th Academy Awards for the Movie THE ENGLISH PATIENT`juliette binoche
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1997 70th Academy Awards for the Movie L.A. CONFIDENTIAL`kim basinger
TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Supporting Role in 1998 71st Academy Awards for the Movie SHAKESPEARE IN LOVE`judi dench
TV / Movies: Who won the Oscar for her role in A Streetcar Named Desire`vivien leigh
TV / Movies: Who wrote episode 2.05 "Duane Darry"`chris carter
TV / Movies: who wrote & performed "year of the cat"`al stewart
TV/ Movies: who wrote the classic thriller 'the birds'`alfred hitchcock
TV/ Movies: who wrote the classic thriller 'the birds'`alfred hitchcock`hitchcock
TV / Movies: who wrote the vampire series that featured lestat as the main character`anne rice
TV /Movies:Who wrote the wartime film 'In Which We Serve'`noel coward
TV/Movies: "Why, I guess you don't know everything about women yet?"`the empire strikes back
TV/ Movies: Will Smith knifes himself to get aquantied with high society folks.`six degrees of seperation
TV / Movies: Wings On TV: Characters from this series pop up on the show occasionally`cheers
TV / Movies: Wings On TV: Helen plays this instrument`cello
TV/Movies: Wings On TV: In the early shows, Helen had a rule against dating these`pilots
TV/Movies: Wings On TV: Joe goes to this island, where Brian used to live`mustique
TV / Movies: Wings On TV: Lowell's wife, whom he divorces in the course of the series`bunny
TV/Movies: Wings On TV: Name of Roy's ex-wife`sylvia
TV / Movies: Wings On TV: Old geezer known for asking irritating questions and conning people`carlton blanchard
TV / Movies: Wings On TV: Roy went to Boston to sing this song in public`star spangled banner
TV/Movies: Wings On TV: This character saw a man robbing a jewelry store`antonio
TV/Movies: Wings On TV: Whenever Helen gets depressed, she does this (1 word)`eat
TV / Movies: Winning for Mrs Miniver, she took longer than 1.5 hours to say _thanks_`greer garson
TV / Movies: Winona Ryder: Complete the title: "Welcome Home ---- ----------".`Roxy Carmichael
TV / Movies: Winona Ryder: In what film does Winona star with Johnny Depp `Edward Scissorhands
TV / Movies: Winona Ryder: What is the first movie Winona was in `Lucas
TV / Movies: Winona Ryder: What relation is Winona to Pfeiffer in The Age of Innocence `Cousin
TV / Movies: Winona Ryder: Where was Winona born (City State)`Winona Minnesota
TV/Movies: Wizard Of Oz: Chevy Chase movie which takes place in 30's Hollywood`under the rainbow
TV/Movies: Wizard Of Oz: Glinda's first words to Dorothy. (9 words)`are you a good witch or a bad witch
TV / Movies: Wizard Of Oz: In the book, these items give the Emerald City its green appearance. (2 words)`green spectacles
TV/Movies: Wizard Of Oz: In the book, the unusual meteorological event is called this`cyclone
TV/Movies: Wizard Of Oz: It makes the muskrat guard his musk`courage
TV / Movies: Wizard Of Oz: Second kind of animal heard in the MGM film.`Chicken
TV / Movies: Wizard Of Oz: The actor originally slated to play the tin man.`Buddy Ebsen
TV / Movies: Wizard Of Oz: The famous actress who played Dorothy.`judy garland
TV / Movies: Wizard Of Oz: The words the wicked witch wrote in the sky above the Emerald City.`Surrender Dorothy
TV/Movies: World Of Disney: CinemaScope was used on an animated feature for the first time on what release`lady and the Tramp
TV/Movies: World Of Disney: In "Pinocchio", what is the name of Geppetto's pet cat`figaro
TV/Movies: World Of Disney: In "The Toroise and the Hare," what's the Hare's first name`max
TV/Movies: World Of Disney: In what state was "Old Yeller" set`texas
TV/Movies: World Of Disney: What color is the fairy that grants Geppetto's wish to bring Pinocchio to life`blue
TV/Movies: World Of Disney: What is the only Disney animated feature that has received a PG rating`black cauldron
TV/Movies: World Of Disney: What was the first live-action Disney film to receive a PG rating`black hole
TV/Movies: X Files: In what episode did Mulder have sex with a "vampire"`3
TV/Movies: X Files: Name one of the two other recent Sci-Fi shows, that Deep Throat has appeared in`quantum leap
TV/Movies: X Files: What was Mulder's sisters name`samantha
TV/ Movies: "Zed's dead baby, Zed's dead."`pulp fiction
TV / Movies: Zorro was the secret identity of what wealthy landowner`don diego de la vega
TV/ Movies: Zsa Zsa Gabor has been married how many times`8
TV / Movies: Zsa Zsa Gabor has been married how many times`eight
TV/ Movies: Zsa Zsa Gabor has been married how many times`eight`8
TV / Movie: What U.S. state is the setting for I Dream of Jeannie`Florida
[Tv, Music and entertainment] in the tv drama quincy, what was quincy's profession`pathologist
[Tv, Music and entertainment] in which city is the tv detective show 'taggart' set`glasgow
[Tv, Music and entertainment] in which film did peter finch urge people to yell 'im mad as hell and im not gonna take this anymore`network
[Tv, Music and entertainment] nirvana had a hit with 'smells like teen spirit' what is teen spirit`deodorant
[Tv, Music and entertainment] of which hollywood star was it said 'wet she was a star'`esther williams
[Tv, Music and entertainment] what did elvis presley find 'down at the end of lonely street`heartbreak hotel
[Tv, Music and entertainment] what is actor michael keatons real name`michael douglas
[Tv, Music and entertainment] what is donald ducks girlfriend called`daisy
[Tv, Music and entertainment] what is the name of the womens prison in 'prisioner cell block h`wentworth
[Tv, Music and entertainment] what kind of music did singer mahalia jackson specialise in`gospel
[Tv, Music and entertainment] what was george michaels first solo single`careless whisper
[Tv, Music and entertainment] what was the name of holly golightly's cat in breakfast at tiffany's`cat
[Tv, Music and entertainment] what was the name of the character played by anthony hopkins in 'silence of the lambs'`hannibal lecter
[Tv, Music and entertainment] what was the name of the character played by antino fargas in 'starsky and hutch'`huggy bear
[Tv, Music and entertainment] what was the name of the character played by sigourney weaver in the alien films`ripley
[Tv, Music and entertainment] what was the spicebirls first hit record`wannabe
[Tv, Music and entertainment] where was inspector morse set`oxford
[Tv, Music and entertainment] which action film actor is a former world champion in karate`chuck norris
[Tv, Music and entertainment] which actor delivered the eulogy at the funeral in four weddings and a funeral`john hannah
[Tv, Music and entertainment] which actor guested on blurs parklife`phil daniels
[Tv, Music and entertainment] which band had an album in 1975 called 'a night at the opera'`queen
[Tv, Music and entertainment] which british animator has won three oscars for his short films featuring wallace and gromit`nick park
[Tv, Music and entertainment] which film stars original name was maurice micklewhite`michael caine
[Tv, Music and entertainment] which jazz pianist had his own group called the 'red hot peppers'`jelly roll morton
[Tv, Music and entertainment] which major hollywood star made a cameo appearance at the end of the film fairy tale`mel gibson
[Tv, Music and entertainment] which musical instrument does vanessa mae play`violin
[Tv, Music and entertainment] which record producer created the 'wall of sound' production technique`phil spector
[Tv, Music and entertainment] which tv detective catch phrase was 'who loves ya baby'`kojak
[Tv, Music and entertainment] which us band had a hit in 1992 with 'everybody hurts`rem
[Tv, Music and entertainment] which us singers real name is richard penniman`little richard
[Tv, Music and entertainment] who co-wrote the song 'fame' with david bowie`john lennon
[Tv, Music and entertainment] who is the presenter of tv's masterchef`loyd grossman
[Tv, Music and entertainment] who is the quizmaster on fifteen to one`william g stewart
[Tv, Music and entertainment] who played herman munster in the sitcom 'the munsters'`fred gwynne
[Tv, Music and entertainment] who played james bond in the film 'casino royale'`david niven
[Tv, Music and entertainment] who played oskar schindler in the film schindlers list`liam neeson
[Tv, Music and entertainment] who plays lois lane in tv's 'the new adventures of superman`teri hatcher
[Tv, Music and entertainment] who was actress isabella rosselinis famous mother`ingrid bergman
[Tv, Music and entertainment] who was the lead singer with the band madness`suggs
[Tv, Music and entertainment] who were tim-brooke-taylor, graeme garden and bill oddie`the goodies
[Tv, Music and entertainment] who wrote the musical score for the film chariots of fire`vangelis
[Tv, Music and entertainment] who wrote the musical scores for'lawrence of arabia, dr zhivago and ryans daughter`maurice jarre
[Tv, Music and entertainment] who wrote the songs for the wombles`mike batt
[Tv, Music and entertainment] who wrote the songs in walt disneys the lion king`tim rice and elton john
TV: Name of the character on "Have Gun, Will Travel".`paladin
TV: Name the Police Station in The Bill`Sun Hill
TV: name the year - red dwarf`1988
TV: name the year -the clangers`1969
TV Occupations: Photojournalist (Perfect Strangers)`larry appleton
TV: One foot in the grave, what was the first name of Victor Meldrews wife`margaret
TV: On what British series was All in the Family based`till death do us part
TV Pets: Name Roscoe P. Coltrane's dog on "Dukes of Hazzard."`flash
TV Pets: Name the dog on "The Brady Bunch."`tiger
TV Pets: Name the dog on "The Ghost and Mrs. Muir."`scruffy
tv pets: name the dog on "the ghost & mrs. muir."`scruffy
tv pets: name the one-eyed dog on "tales of the gold monkey."`jack
tv pets: name the two guard dogs on "magnum p.i." (x & y)`zeus & apollo
TV Pets: Seen/heard after "Family Ties": "Sit, ___, sit. Good dog!"`ubu
TV Pets: What breed of dog was Lassie`collie
tv pets: what breed of dog was rin tin tin`german shepherd
tv pets: who owned scooby doo`shaggy
TV:Possible the richest comedian in the world`Jerry Steinfeld
TV: Presenter of Call my Bluff`bob holness
TV: Presenter of the Time Team`tony robinson
tv roles: alice`linda lavin
tv roles: data`brent spiner
tv roles: edith bunker`jean stapleton
tv roles: george jefferson`sherman hemsley
tv roles: j.r. ewing jr. and captain tony nelson`larry hagman
TV: Roswell: After being shot, Max uses his powers to heal Liz, but what does he leave on her stomach while doing so`Silver handprint
TV: Roswell: A member of which boy band played an alien in the first season finale`Backstreet Boys
TV: Roswell: Approximately how many bottles of Tabasco sauce did Roswell fans send to the WB last year during the campaign to get the show renewed for another season`Six Thousand`6000
TV: Roswell: Before becoming an actor, what did Brendan Fehr want to become`Teacher
TV: Roswell: Colin Hanks is the son of which famous actor`Tom Hanks
TV: Roswell: How many lives did Max save`2
TV: Roswell: How much does a cherry coke cost at the Crashdown Cafe`$1.25`1.25 dollars
TV: Roswell: In Max's vision of Liz in kindergarten, she's wearing a dress that her mother made for her. What's on the dress`Cupcake
TV: Roswell: In which city did Majandra Delfino grow up`Miami
TV: Roswell: In which episode does the cast get to play characters from the past`Summer of '47`Summer of 47
TV: Roswell: In wich episode do Max en Liz kiss for the first time`Heat Wave
TV: Roswell: Julie Benz, who stars as Kathleen Topolsky, played Darla in which series`Angel
TV: Roswell: Katherine Heigl also worked as a`Model
TV: Roswell: Katherine Heigl is half Irish and half _____ `German
TV: Roswell: Shiri Appleby appeared in a Music Video from which Band`Bon Jovi
TV: Roswell: Shiri Appleby was on a print ad for which company`Levi's`Levi's Jeans
TV: Roswell: The Roswell Theme song is performed by`Dido
TV: Roswell: What agent's name does Michael use when rescuing Max in the White Room`Agent Stevens
TV: Roswell: What character disguised himself as Max in season 1`Nasedo
TV: Roswell: What color is Maria's car`Red
TV: Roswell: What did Isabel get for Michael to give to Maria for Christmas`Pearl Earrings
TV: Roswell: What does Shiri means in Hebrew`Song of my soul
TV: Roswell: What happens to Liz in the first episode of Roswell, which leads Max to save her`She gets shot`Gets shot
TV: Roswell: What is Jason Behr's favorite snack food`Krispy Kreme Donuts
TV: Roswell: What is Kyle's newfound religion`Buddhism
TV: Roswell: What is Maria's last name `Deluca
TV: Roswell: What is the name of Jason Behr's dog`Ronin
TV: Roswell: What is the name of Michael's father`Hank
TV: Roswell: What is the reservation called where River Dog lives`Mesaliko Reservation
TV: Roswell: What is the sheriff's last name on Roswell`Valenti
TV: Roswell: What is the title of the Roswell theme song`Here with me
TV: Roswell: What kind of car does Maria drive`Volkswagen Jetta
TV: Roswell: Whats Katherine Heigls second name`Marie
TV: Roswell: What's Majandra Delfinos second name`Alejandra
TV: Roswell: What state is Roswell in`New Mexico
TV: Roswell: Whats the name of Michael's dupe counterpart`Rath
TV: Roswell: Whats the name of the executive producer from Roswell, who also starred in ST: TNG`Jonathan Frakes
TV: Roswell: What was the immediate cause of Alex's death`Car Accident
TV: Roswell: What was the name of Kyle's new girlfriend in the episode "Heat Wave"`Vicky Delaney
TV: Roswell: What was the name of Max's boss at the UFO Center during Season 1`Milton
TV: Roswell: What/who does Miss Topolosky claim to be`Guidence Councelor
TV: Roswell: What word do Liz and Maria use as an alternative to the word "Alien"`Czechoslovakian
TV: Roswell: When Liz and Alex got caught with Alcohol, where was the party`Soap factory
TV: Roswell: When Maria quizzes Michael for her class project, what does he say is his favorite TV show `Win Ben Stein's Money
TV: Roswell: Where exactly are Max and Liz when they share their first kiss`Liz's balcony
TV: Roswell: Where is Max employed`UFO Center`The UFO Center
TV: Roswell: Which famous horror flick did Katherine Heigl star in`Bride of Chucky
TV: Roswell: Which movie did Brendan Fehr starred as Brendan`Disturbing Behavior
TV: Roswell: Which Roswell cast member auditioned for three different roles on the show`Shiri Appleby
TV: Roswell: Which Roswell cast member is not only an actor, but also a dancer and singer`Majandra Delfino
TV: Roswell: Which song is playing at the end of The Miracle (A Roswell Christmas Carol)`Come all ye faithful
TV: Roswell: Which two characters get stuck in the arcade in "Viva Las Vegas"`Liz and Tess`Tess and Lizz
TV: Roswell: Which two characters get thrown in jail in "Viva Las Vegas"`Max and Michael`Michael and Max
TV: Roswell: Which two characters were put in jail`Liz and Alex`Alex and Liz
TV: Roswell: Which university did Shiri Appleby attend before taking time off to pursue her acting career`University of Southern California
TV: Roswell: Who auditions to be a stripper in season 2`Maria
TV: Roswell: Who cured michael when he almost died`River Dog
TV: Roswell: Who does not attend the camping trip with their father`Michael
TV: Roswell: Who donated blood for Max`Alex
TV: Roswell: Who do Rath and Lonnie kill`Zahn
TV: Roswell: Who gives Max the alcohol when he gets drunk`Kyle
TV: Roswell: Who guest starred as "man on stage that announces the crash of the UFO" in the Pilot episode`Jonathan Frakes
TV: Roswell: Who helped Liz communicate with her Grandma when she was in a coma`Max
TV: Roswell: Who is graduating early`Isabel
TV: Roswell: Who is the author of the series of books that are the basis for the Roswell TV show `Melinda Metz
TV: Roswell: Who is the Christmas Nazi`Isabel
TV: Roswell: Who is the last to die in the alternate future according to 'Future Max'`Michael
TV: Roswell: Who killed agent Pierce`Michael
TV: Roswell: Who's baby did Isabel think she was pegnant with`Michael
TV: Roswell: Who stole the diary from Liz`Michael
TV: Roswell: Who warns Max in "Max in the City", that he is in danger (Kinda)`Liz
TV: Roswell: Who was the first to learn Max, Isabel, and Michael's secret`Liz
TV: Roswell: Who was the new alien who came along at the end of season 1`Tess
TV: Roswell: Who was the one who was the designated leader between the 4 aliens`Max
TV: Roswell: Who won the blind date contest `Liz
TV: Roswell: William Sadler guest starred in 3 episodes of this famous scifi-show as Sloan`Star Trek DS9`Deep Space Nine
TV: Roswell: William Sadler starred in which movie with Bruce Willis`Die Hard 2`Die Hard II
TV: Sci-fi series starring Gillian Anderson`The X files
Tv series 'american ______'`bandstand
TV: Series set in Honolulu starring Jack Lord as tough cop Steve McGarrett`Hawaii Five-O
TV: Series starring Leonard Rossiter as Rigsby`rising damp
TV: She shared an apartment with Jack Tripper and Chrissy Snow (full name).`janet wood
tv shows: what was the name of the evil oranization on get smart`k.a.o.s.
TV Sitcom: Will Smith starred in which sitcom`Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air
TV's STTNG: In "Naked Now", who takes control of the Enterprise`wesley
TV's STTNG: In "Naked Now", who takes control of the Enterprise`wesley crusher
tv's sttng: in "the big goodbye", who was the mob head?`cyrus redblock
TV's STTNG: In "The Emmissary", what was the name of the Klingon ship`tong
TV's STTNG: In "The Most Toys", Data nearly committed what crime`murder
TV's STTNG: In "Tin Man", who was the Federation emissary`tam elbrun
tv's sttng: in what episode did q ask riker to join the continuum?`hide and q
tv's sttng: of what material is the enterprise made?`tritanium
tv's sttng: picard visited what planet in "captain's holiday"?`risa
TV's STTNG: What 27th century species visits Risa`vorgon
tv's sttng: what peculiar physical characteristic do zaldans share`webbed fingers
tv's sttng: what race is mordock?`benzite
TV's STTNG: What race possesses the greatest strategic minds`zakdorn
TV's STTNG: What's Dr Pulaski's first name`catherine
TV's STTNG: Where was Riker raised`alaska
tv's sttng: who caused data to take control of the enterprise?`his father
TV's STTNG: Who died in "The Bonding"`marla aster
tv's sttng: who introduced jack crusher to beverly`walker keel
TV's STTNG: Who is the first person affected in "Naked Now"`geordi
Tv's sttng: who led the mission on which lt aster died`worf
tv's sttng: whom did the borg kidnap in "best of both worlds"`captain picard
tv's sttng: who tried to have data disassembled`commander maddox
TV: stars from guiding light continued their roles in this two-hour prime-time dramatic special (1983)`the cradle will fall
TV: Star Trek: After a transporter accident Cmdr. Riker got a double. What was his name`Thomas Riker
TV: Star Trek: After dying Jadzia passed the Dax-Symbiont to this woman`Ezri
TV: Star Trek: How many episodes were there in the original Star Trek series`Seventy Five`75
TV: Star Trek: What is the name of Data's cat`Spot
TV: Star Trek: What is the registry number of the Enterprise in the original Star Trek Series`NCC 1701
TV: Star Trek: What's the full name of Captain Kirk`James Tibirius Kirk
TV: Star Trek: Who killed Gowron`Worf
TV: Star Trek: Who plays Commander Riker`Jonathan Frakes
TV: Star Trek: Who plays Deanna Troi in 'The Next Generation'`Marina Sirtis
TV: Star Trek: Who was the captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise before Kirk`Christopher Pike
Tv Talk Show Had An Elected Official And Ross Perot Clashing Over Nafta`Larry King
tv: the final episode of mash was aptly titled`goodbye, farewell and amen
TV: The grumpy teacher in Grange Hill`Mr Bronson
TV:The housewives favorite gardener`Alan Titchmarsh
TV Themes: Believe it or not, it's just me`greatest american hero
TV Themes: But those dreams have remained and they've turned around...`welcome back kotter
TV Themes: Everywhere you look, everywhere you go.`full house
TV Themes: Hangin' out down the street, the same old thing we did last week...`that 70s show
TV Themes: If you have a problem...`the a-team
TV Themes: I'm gonna live forever. Baby remember my name...`fame
TV Themes: It's like some kind of torture to have to watch the show!`the muppet show
TV Themes: I've been down this road, walking the line that's painted by pride...`ally mcbeal
TV Themes: Set your course for adventure, your mind on a new romance...`love boat
TV Themes: She's the lady in red when everybody else is wearing tan.`the nanny
TV Themes: When the world never seems to be living up to your dreams...`facts of life
TV Themes: You're half the fun now, with me & all the gang, learning from each other...`fat albert & the cosby kids
TV: The wonderful thing about Tiggers is`That I'm the only one`I'm the only one
tv: this "ed" hosts "star search"?`mcmahon
TV: This product goes "plop plop fizz fizz"`alka seltzer
tv top cops: bochco's attempt at singing police officers (lasted about 1 ep :).`cop rock
tv top cops: bochco's classic emmy winning ensemble piece.`hill street blues
tv top cops: don johnson and philip michael thomas played... (last names)`crockett & tubbs
tv top cops: erik estrada (!) & larry wilcox starred in...`chips
tv top cops: slapstick cop show, also a song by peter gabriel`sledgehammer
tv transpo: bo and luke duke's car went by this name.`general lee
tv transpo: give the squad number of roy desoto and johnny gage in "emergency!"`51
tv transpo: michael knight's car was named k.i.t.t., which stood for:`knight industries two thousand
tv transpo: name t.c.'s helicopter tour company on "magnum p.i."`island hoppers
tv transpo: name that show: jerry van dyke is related to an automobile.`my mother the car
tv transpo: name that show: murray, cody, nick & roboboz live on a boat & solve crimes.`riptide
tv transpo: name the airplane used in "sky king." (name of the plane, not make/model)`songbird
tv transpo: name the big, black truck used to shuttle k.i.t.t. from place to place.`goliath
tv transpo: the classic "road show." revived in 1993 w/ dan cortese (earth, solo ...).`route 66
tv transpo: what was the more official name of the love boat (prior to the name change)`pacific princess
TV Trivia : What did TVs IMF stand for`impossible mission forces
TV Trivia : What was the first network series devoted entirely to rock and roll`american bandstand
TV: Warren Mu=itchells famous Tv character`alf garnett
TV: What are the Dutch names of Donald Duck's nephews`Kwik Kwek en Kwak`Kwik Kwek & Kwak
TV: What are the names of Donald Duck's nephews`Huey Dewey and Louey`Huey Dewey Louey
TV: What BBC comedy involves an army concert party`It aint half hot mum
tv: what black family lived next door to the bunker's?`jeffersons
TV What did TVs IMF stand for`impossible mission forces
TV: What does ALF stand for?`Alien Life Form
TV: What does Angel have that other vampires don't`A soul
TV: What does Angel have that other vampires dont`A soul
TV: What does M.A.S.H stand for`mobile army surgical hospital
tv: what exec got her first job in the hot point commercials?`mary tyler moore
tv: what game show climaxed with the "big deal of the day"`lets make a deal
T.V: What is Dot Cotton' ex husband called`Charlie
TV: What is Kermit D Frog's Girlfriend's name`Miss Piggy
TV: What is the drummer's name in 'The Muppet Show'`Animal
TV: What is the frog's full name in 'The Muppet Show'`Kermit D Frog`Kermit D. Frog
TV: What is the name of Jaleel White's character in the tv series 'Family Ties'`Steve Erkel
TV: What is the name of South Park's animated aggressor`Cartman
TV: what is the name of the bear from rainbow`bungle
TV:What is the name of the Ewings ranch`southfork
TV: what is the name of the flintstones daily paper`daily slate
TV: What is the name of the pub in Emmerdale`The Woolpack
TV: What series began as an adaptation of The Adventures of a black bag`dr finlays casebook
tv: what series did jack albertson play in?`chico & the man
TV: What show/game has characters such as Bulbasaur and Pikachu`Pokemon
TV: What show was Sister Bertrille in`flying nun
tv: what sitcom did the jeffersons spin off from`all in the family
TV: What sitcom topped the Nielsen ratings from 1971-76`all in the family
TV: What type of car did Emma Peel drive in The Avengers`Lotus Elan
TV: What was Coronation Stret originally going tobe called until it was realised that it sounded like a loo cleaner`florizel street
tv: what was napoleon solo's badge number in the "man from uncle" program?`eleven
tv: what was the favourite dish at mel's diner in alice?`chili
TV What was the first network series devoted entirely to rock and roll`american bandstand
TV: What was the first programme shown on Channel 4 on 2nd November 1982`countdown
TV: What was the location of the filming for Brideshead revisited`castle howard
tv: what was the name of archie bunker's grandson`joey stivic
TV: What was the name of Mary Richard's boss?`Lou Grant
TV: What was the name of Richard Beckinsales character in Porridge`Lennie Godber
TV: what was the name of steptoe and sons horse`hercules
TV: What was the name of the aging rock band in the 1987 series Tutti Frutti`The Majestics
TV; What was the name of the butler in To the manor born`Brabinger
TV: What wa s the name of the cook in Upstairs Downstairs`Mrs Bridges
TV: What was the name of the first vampire to appear in buffy`Darla
TV: What was the setting for the 1984 series Trippers day`supermarket
TV:What was Yossers catchword`Gizzajob
TV: When Buffy died what did it say at the bottom of her gravestone`She saved the world a lot
TV: Where is Angel set`Los Angeles
TV: Where is Coronation Street based`Weatherfield
TV: Where is Heartbeat set`Aidensfield
TV; Where was Geoff Hamiltons BBc gardens`Barnsdale
TV: Which actress was the first to travel with Dr Who`carol ann ford
TV: Which Angel character lived in a cave for 5 years in Pylea`Fred
TV: Which BBC comedy series starring Meera Syal satirises Asian life in Britian`goodness gracious me
TV: which brassy liver bird is paul o grady's alter ego`lily savage
TV: Which cartoon character had 3 nephews called Huey,Dewey and Louie`donald duck
TV: which cartoon character lives in a dustbin`top cat
TV: Which character did Paul Eddington play in Yes, Minister`Jim Hacker
TV: Which character left buffy and now has his own hit T.V show of the same name`Angel
TV: Which childrens programme featured the soup dragon, the froglets and the iron chicken`the clangers
TV: Which company produces the Teletubbies`regdoll productions
TV: Which ex Blue Peter presenter went on to present Songs of Praise`Diane Louise Jordan
TV: Which ex F1 racing driver went on to present ITVs Grand Prix Live programme`Martin Brundle
TV: Which famous character can be spotted in every episode of Seinfeld`Superman
TV: Which female character left buffy the vampire slayer and is now a main character in angel`Cordelia Chase
TV: Which holiday camp is featured in Hi de Hi`Maplins
TV: which is the purple teletubbie`tinky winky
TV: Which National Trust Property was the location for Mr Darcys home in the BBC 1995 adaptation of Pride and Predjudice`lyme park
TV: Which puppets worked for International Rescue`thunderbirds
TV: Which puppet was presented by Annette Mills`muffin the mule
TV:Which series starring Michelle Collins and Paul Kaye is set on a Scottish Island`Two thousand acres of Sky
TV: Which Thats Life presenter was famous for his odd odes`Cyril fletcher
TV: Which tv game show was presented by Ted Rogers and gave Dusty Bin to losers`3-2-1
TV: Which watcher from buffy the vampire slayer now stars in Angel`Wesley Price
TV: Who appears as Alan Partridge and Paul Calf`steve coogan
TV: Who are Blake Carringtons two children`Fallon and Stephen
TV: Who co hosted the Big Breakfast with Denise Van Outen`johnny Vaughan
TV: Who co hosted the Big Breakfast with Johnny Vaughan`Denise van Outen
TV: Who connects Time Team with Blackadder`tony robinson
TV: Who created Roland Rat`anne wood
TV: Who created Rosie and Jim`anne wood
TV: Who created Rumpole of the Bailey`Sir John Mortimer
TV: Who did the original voice of Bugs Bunny`Mel Blanc
TV: Who fronted and devised the show Its a square world`Michael Bentine
TV: Who had one of his nipples bitten off by an alligator when hosting a Nature TV show`Lorne Green
TV: Who has "short,fat, hairy legs"`Ernie Wise
TV: Who hosts Countdown`Richard Whiteley
T.V: Who is famous for his "Diddymen"`Ken Dodd
TV: Who is known as the King of chat`Michael Parkinson
TV: who is seigfelds manic neighbour`kramer
TV: Who is the spokesperson for the exercise tapes 'Tae Bo'`Billy Blanks
TV: Who killed Kenny`They killed Kenny`They
TV: Who operates Orville`Keith harris
TV: who played Captain Scott in The Last Place on Earth`martin shaw
TV: Who played Darla from Buffy the vampire slayer and Angel`Julie Benz
TV: Who played Doyle`Glen Quinn
TV: Who played Doyle in "Angel"`Glen Quinn
TV: Who played faith from buffy the vampire slayer`Eliza Dushku
TV: Who played George Costanza on 'Seinfeld'`Jason Alexander
TV: Who played Giles from buffy the vampire slayer`Anthony Stewart head
TV: Who played Gloria in It aint half hot, Mum`Melvyn Hayes
TV: Who played Ironside`Raymond Burr
TV: Who played Kavanagh QC`john Thaw
TV: Who played Oz from buffy the vampire slayer`Seth Green
TV: Who played Riley from buffy the vampire slayer`Marc Blucas
TV: who played Steve Erkel in 'Family Matters'`Jaleel White
TV: Who played the charmer in the tv series of the same name`Nigel Havers
TV; Who played The Fonz`henry winkler
TV: Who played the lead role in the series Sorry`Ronnie Corbett
TV: Who played the original buffy the vampire slayer in the film`Kirsty Swanson
TV; Who played the part of Manuel in the 1975-79 BBC series faulty Towers`andrew sachs
TV: Who played the radio talk show host in Midnight Caller`gary Cole
TV: Who played the role of "Wojo" on Barney Miller`max gail
TV: Who played the Timelord 1987 - 1989`sylvester mccoy
TV: Who played the title role in the series My wife next door`Hannah Gordon
TV: Who played the witch wife in Bewitched`Elizabeth Montgomery
TV: Who plays Angel from buffy the vampire slayer and angel`David Boreanaz
TV: Who plays Anya from buffy the vampire slayer`Emma Caulfield
T.V: Who plays Barbara in "The Royale Family"`Sue Johnston
TV: Who plays buffy the vampire slayer`Sarah Michelle Gellar
TV: Who plays Cordelia Chase from buffy the vampire slayer and angel`Charisma Carpenter
TV: Who plays dawn from buffy the vampire slayer`Michelle Trachtenberg
TV:Who plays Del boy in Only Fools and Horses`David Jason
tv: who plays "dwayne" on different world?`kadeem hardison
TV: Who plays "Elyse" on Family Ties`meredith baxter birney
TV: Who plays Fred from Angel`Amy Acker
TV: Who plays Gunn from Angel`J august Richards
TV: Who plays "Hunter" on the TV show by the same name`fred dryer
T.V: Who plays "Inspector Morse"`John Thaw
T.V: Who plays Jack Vincent in Casualty`Will Mellor
tv: who plays "john" on dear john?`judd hirsch
tv: who plays "kelly" on married with children`christina applegate
TV: Who plays many voices, such as Dr. Nick, and Moe on 'The Simpsons'`Hank Azaria
TV: Who plays Mike Baldwin in Coronation Street`johnny briggs
TV: Who plays Morse's assistant Sgt lewis`kevin whately
TV: who plays Mr Bean`Rowan Atkinson
TV: Who plays Nick Berrys wife in Heart beat`Niamh Cusack
TV: Who plays Nick Rowan in Heartbeat`Nick Berry
Tv: who plays "roz" on night court`marsha warfield
TV: Who plays Samantha in Sex and the City`Kim Cattrall
TV: Who plays spike from buffy the vampire slayer`James Masters
TV: Who plays Tara from buffy the vampire slayer`Amber Benson
TV: Who plays Wesley from Angel`Alexis Denisof
TV: Who plays willow from buffy the vampire slayer`Alyson Hannigan
TV: Who plays Xander from buffy the vampire slayer`Nicholas Brendon
TV: Who portrayed Hawkeyes's original sidekick, Trapper John`wayne rodgers
TV: Who presented Telly Addicts`noel edmonds
TV: Who presented This is your life in 1995`Michael Aspel
TV: Who presents Channel 4s Time Team`Tony Robinson
T.V: Who presents "Dog eat Dog"`Ulrika Jonsson
T.V: Who presents "My kind of music"`Michael Barrymore
T.V: Who presents "The Waiting Game"`Ruby Wax
TV: Who produced All in the Family`norman lear
TV: Whose series is "how to be a gardner"`Alan Titchmarsh
TV: Whose stooges have included Rodney Bewes and Roy North`Basil Brush
TV: who's favorite expletive iss"my arse"`jim royale
TV; Who sings the title song for One Foot in the Grave`Eric Idle
TV: Who spells his name T. I. double Grr`Tigger
TV:Who starred as Bobby Ewings wife in Dallas`Victoria Principal
TV: Who starred with Roger Moore in The Persuaders`Tony Curtis
TV: Who was Alex P. Keaton's idol?`Ronald Reagan
TV Who was Carl in Five Easy Pieces before going to Walton's Mountain`waite
TV Who was Chief Marshall of the Mickey Mouse Club`walt disney
TV: Who was Desmond Lynams co presenter on the first series of How do they do that`Jennie Hull
TV: Who was Pennys boyfriend in Just Good friends`vince
TV Who was shown on the Ed Sullivan show form the waist up only`Elvis Presley
TV: Who was the first presenter of the BBCs Come Dancing`mcdonald hobley
TV: Who was the first presenter of the Golden Shot`Jackie Rae
TV: Who was the first presenter of tomorrows World`Raymond baxter
TV: Who was the head writer in the WJM-TV newsroom`murray slaughter
TV: Who was the Lone Ranger's Indian companion`Tonto
TV: Who was the narrator for the 1999 BBC1 series of Walking with Dinosaurs`kenneth branagh
TV: Who was Winnie The Pooh's neighbour`Piglet
TV: Who were Lucy and Ricky's next door neighbours and best friends`Fred and Ethel
TV: With which programme would you associate Zippy,George and Bungle`Rainbow
TV: X-Files: Finish this Scully-quote from 'X-Cops': "The FBI has ___ _ ___"`Nothing to hide
TV: X-Files: In 'Small Potatoes', Amanda Nelligan says that the father of her baby is ___ ______`Luke Skywalker
TV: X-Files: In the episode Je Souhaite, Mulder and Scully watch a movie. Which one`Caddyshack
TV: X-Files: In the language of The Lone Gunmen, 'Kung Fu' is synonymous with`Computer hacking skills`Computer hacking
TV: X-Files: In 'The Post-Modern Prometheus', the Great Mutato likes what kind of sandwich`Peanut Butter`Peanut butter sandwich
TV: X-Files: Mulder and Scully go undercover as a married couple in the episode 'Arcadia'. Name one of the pet names they use for eachother.`Poopyhead`Honeybunch
TV: X-Files: Mulder has a pet. Is it a cat, a fish or a bird`a fish`fish
TV: X-Files: Mulder's father, Scully's father, and Scully's brother all have the same first name. It is also Mulder's middle name.`William
TV: X-Files: Nicholas Lea, the actor who plays Alex Krycek, had a different role on which 1st season episode`Genderbender`Gender Bender
TV: X-Files: The classic episode 'Humbug' established the dark humor that was to become a trademark of The X-Files. Who wrote that episode`Vince Gilligan
TV: X-Files: What is her father's nickname for Scully`Starbuck
TV: X-Files: What is the name of Gillian Andersons daughter, which is also the name of the ship in episode 3x15`Piper Maru
TV: X-Files: What is the name of Mulder's sister`Samantha
TV: X-Files: What is the name of Scully's dog`Queequeg
TV: X-Files: What song does Scully sing to Mulder in the 4th season episode 'Detour'`Joy to the World
TV: X-Files: Who plays Alex Krycek`Nicholas Lea`Lea
Twenty-five years after first playing James Bond, Sean Connery won an Oscar. For his part in which film`the untouchables
Twenty two carat gold has _____ parts per thousand pure gold`916
twin peaks: a burning smell is present whenever who is nearby`bob
twin peaks: what state was twin peaks set in`washington
twin peaks: what was the title of the twin peaks movie`fire walk with me
twin peaks: which 2 cast members dated eachother during the taping of twin peaks`machlachan and fenn
twin peaks: who played shelly johnson`maedchen amick
Twisted tightly above a wound, this device is used to halt bleeding by compressing blood vessels`tourniquet
Two 1.5 volt batteries, when connected in series, produces _ volts.`3
Two 1.5 volt batteries, when connected in series, produces _ volts`three
Two 1.5 volt batteries, when connected in series, produces _ volts`three`3
Two 747's collided here in 1977`Canary Islands
Two angles that total 180 degrees are called _______`supplementary
Two angles that total 180 degrees are called `supplementary
two brothers were springbok rugby players`loftus versfeld
Two countries have names which mean Land of the South, what are they`vietnam and australia
Two creatures support the Royal Coat of Arms, one is a lion what is the other`unicorn
Two dollars!`Better Off Dead
Two door car with a hard roof and slopping back`coupe
Two European countries have a 'z' in their name, what are they`czech republic & switzerland
two former members of what group formed hot tuna?`jefferson airplane
Two households both alike in dignity" is the opening line of which Shakespearean play`romeo and juliet
Two in every three buyers pays the sticker price for what item without arguing`automobile
Two islands are situated in San Francisco harbour. One is Alcatraz, name the other`angel island
two men who share a record number of swimming gold medals (11) are`mark spitz and matt biondi
Two objects have struck the earth with enough force to destroy a whole city. Each object, one in 1908 and again in 1947, struck regions of ---------. Not one human being was hurt either time.`siberia
Two of the main causes of temporary impotence are tight pants and prolonged __________ ________.`cigarette smoking
Two of the permanent residents of Fawlty Towers were old ladies. One is Miss Tibbs, what is the name of the other`miss gatsby
"Two of Us,"`Grover Washington with Bill Withers
Two or more figures that make up a unit or design, as in sculpture`group
Two or more figures that make up a unit or design, as in sculpture`grouping
Two or more initials interwoven`monogram
Two out of three adults in the United States have`hemorrhoids
Two people or two things in close association: 'a --- of negotiators.'`duo
Two rules joined together as adjustable arms used to measure or draw angles of any size or to fix a surface at an angle. Also called ----- square`bevel
Two short words are combined to give the name of which small stand with several shelves or layers for displaying ornaments`whatnot
Two similar things: a pair`couplet
Two -----s of a forked river.'`prong
Two South American countries have no coastline, Bolivia is one what is the other`paraguay
Two things grew on the little nut tree. A silver nutmeg & what else`golden pear
Two under par on a hole of golf is called a(n) ________.`eagle
Two under par on a hole of golf is called a(n) `eagle
Two years before the outbreak of WWll which country did Japan invade`china
tybalt's surname in romeo and juliet`capulet
Tylenol, darvon, and aspirin are examples of`analgesics
Tylenol, darvon, & aspirin are examples of _____`analgesics
type four now, quickly :-)`four
Type of Alphabet used in Russian, Bulgarian, Serbian etc.`Cyrillic
Type of cherry used in cocktails`maraschino
Type of Dodge also a snake`viper
Type of frothy milky coffee`cappuccino
Type of glazed earthenware`delft
Type of moist aerated Italian bread`ciabatta
Type of Music played by S. E. Rogie of Sierra Leone`palm wine
Type of Pakistani curry cooked and served in a shallow dish`balti
Type of spongiform encaphalopathy affecting human beings and leading to dementia`creutzfeldt-jakob disease
Type os spicy tomato sauce`salsa
type the alphabet backwards`tebahpla`colorblind
type the alphabet backwards.`tebahpla eht
Typewritten matter`typescript
Typically Tropical had only one number one hitIt was in 1975 with a song with the name of which island country as the title`barbados
Typically, which type of literary form is an elegy`poem
Typical or indicative of prayer, as a mannerism, gesture, or facial expression`prayerful
Typographical error, in short`typo
Tyrannophobia is the fear of _____`tyrants
Tyre is a port in which country`Lebanon
U2 song: "And so she woke up, woke up from where she was"`running to stand still
U2 song: "Johnny take a walk with your sister the moon".`mysterious ways
U2: What 1988 album, contains Live & B-Side tracks, along with new ones`rattle & hum
U2: What Elvis Presely Song did U2 play on their latest tour(1994)`i cant help falling in love with you
U2: What is Bono's real name`paul hewson
U2: What is the name of the lead singer`bono
U2: What was the last stop on U2's latest tour(1994)`sydney
Ugly carved figures projecting from roofs of churches, etc are`gargoyles
UK 50s: In 1959, which party was elected for the third time in a row in Britain?`conservative
UK 50s: Robert Menzies was the Prime Minister of which country throughout the 50s?`australia
UK 50s: The 1951 Festival of Britain was centred on which city?`london
UK 50s: The first of which contest was won by a woman from Sweden in 1951`miss world
UK 50s: _The Mousetrap_ opened its London stage run, but who wrote it?`agatha christie
UK 50s: Which 77-year-old was returned as British Prime Minister?`winston churchill
UK 50s: Which American evangelist Billy led a London crusade?`graham
UK 50s: Which Billy became the first English soccer player to win 100 caps?`wright
UK 50s: Which Grace married Prince Rainier of Monaco`kelly
UK 50s: Which Len captained England as they won the Ashes?`hutton
UK 50s: Which Sir Gordon won the Derby for the firs time`richards
UK 50s: Who reached the summit of Mount Everest in 1953?`edmund hilary
UK 50s: Who reached the summit of Mount Everest in 1953`hilary
(UK Charts) Top 10 Hit in 1952 with "Zing A Little Zong"`Bing Crosby
(UK Charts) Top 10 Hit in 1964 with "The Wedding"`Julie Rogers
(UK Charts) Top 10 Hit in 1965 with "Don't Make My Baby Blue" The`Shadows
(UK Charts) Top 10 Hit in 1969 with "Frozen Orange Juice"`Peter Sarstedt
(UK Charts) Top 10 Hit in 1970 with "Young Gifted And Black"`Bob And Marcia
(UK Charts) Top 10 Hit in 1971 with "Johnny Reggae" The`Piglets
(UK Charts) Top 10 Hit in 1972 with "Horse With No Name"`America
(UK Charts) Top 10 Hit in 1973 with "Bad Bad Boy"`Nazareth
(UK Charts) Top 10 Hit in 1974 with "Banana Rock" The`Wombles
(UK Charts) Top 10 Hit in 1975 with "Delilah" The`Sensational Alex Harvey Band
(UK Charts) Top 10 Hit in 1975 with "D.I.V.O.R.C.E."`Billy Connolly
(UK Charts) Top 10 Hit in 1976 with "Squeeze Box" The`Who
(UK Charts) Top 10 Hit in 1977 with "Do Anything You Wanna Do"`Eddie And The Hotrods
(UK Charts) Top 10 Hit in 1977 with "Native New Yorker"`Odyssey
(UK Charts) Top 10 Hit in 1977 with "Nights On Broadway"`Candi Staton
(UK Charts) Top 10 Hit in 1978 with "Wishing On A Star"`Rose Royce
(UK Charts) Top 10 Hit in 1980 with "Baby I Love You" The`Ramones
(UK Charts) Top 10 Hit in 1983 with "My Oh My"`Slade
(UK Charts) Top 10 Hit in 1983 with "New Years Day"`U2
(UK Charts) Top 10 Hit in 1984 with "Passengers"`Elton John
(UK Charts) Top 10 Hit in 1985 with "Road To Nowhere"`Talking Heads
(UK Charts) Top 10 Hit in 1985 with "Spirit In The Sky"`Doctor And The Medics
(UK Charts) Top 10 Hit in 1987 with "Who Found Who"`Jellybean
(UK Charts) Top 10 Hit in 1988 with "Hands To Heaven"`Breathe
(UK Charts) Top 10 Hit in 1992 with "End Of The Road"`Boyz II Men
(UK Charts) Top 10 Hit in 1992 with "Keep On Walking"`Ce Ce Peniston
(UK Charts) Top 10 Hit in 1992 with "On A Ragga Trip"`SL2
(UK Charts) Top 10 Hit in 1992 with "Weather With You"`Crowded House
(UK Charts) Top 10 Hit in 1993 with "Jump They Say"`David Bowie
(UK Charts) Top 10 Hit in 1993 with "Stairway To Heaven"`Rolf Harris
(UK Charts) Top 10 Hit in 1994 with "Dry County"`Bon Jovi
(UK Charts) Top 10 Hit in 1994 with "When We Dance"`Sting
(UK Charts) Top 10 Hit in 1996 with "How Bizarre"`OMC
(UK Charts) Top 10 Hit in 1996 with "Peaches"`Presidents Of The United States Of America
UK City featuring Large Oil Refinery at Fawley`Southampton
UK City: Largest Nuclear Naval Base`Plymouth
UK county that has has only 1 border`Cornwall
uk football: winners of the f.a cup 2002`arsenal
uk football: winners of the premiership title 2002`arsenal
UK Footy: Which Arsenal manager won six trophies in eight years`george graham
UK Footy: Which club are nicknamed "The Addicks"`charlton athletic
UK Footy: Which club are nicknamed "The Bees"`barnet
UK Footy: Which club are nicknamed "The Bees"`brentford
UK Footy: Which club are nicknamed "The Bluebirds"`carlisle united
UK Footy: Which club are nicknamed "The Blues"`birmingham city
UK Footy: Which club are nicknamed "The Cherries"`bournemouth
UK Footy: Which club are nicknamed "The Clarets"`burnley
UK Footy: Which club are nicknamed "The Pirates"`bristol rovers
UK Footy: Which club are nicknamed "The Railwaymen"`crewe alexandra
UK Footy: Which club are nicknamed "The Robins"`bristol city
UK Footy: Which club are nicknamed "The Seagulls"`brighton
UK Footy: Which club are nicknamed "The Seasiders"`blackpool
UK Footy: Which club are nicknamed "The Trotters"`bolton wanderers
UK Footy: Which club are nicknamed "The Tykes"`barnsley
UK Footy: Which club are nicknamed "The Villans"`aston villa
UK Footy: Which club became the first London club to win the league in 1935`arsenal
UK Footy: Which club first played a league game in 1888`aston villa
UK Footy: Which club is haunted by former manager Frank Chapman`arsenal
UK Footy: Which club only won 3 games in the season 1912-1913`arsenal
UK Footy: Which club only won one game in 1912-1913`arsenal
UK Footy: Which club paid 3.5 million for Savo Milosevic in 1995`aston villa
UK Footy: Which club played at Perry Bar in 1876`aston villa
UK Footy: Which club received 5.5 million for David Platt in 1991`aston villa
UK Footy: Which club was disbanded in 1901`barnet
UK Footy: Which club was formerly called Dial Square`arsenal
UK Footy: Which club was formerly called Woolwich Reds`arsenal
UK Footy: Which club was founded in 1886`arsenal
UK group who had a hit with 'House of the Rising Sun'`animals
UK Market town in Hereford AND Worcester. Famous for Carpet Manufacture`Kidderminster
UK Roulette: If You Bet 5 On Red & 5 On Black, What Is The Only Number That Prevents You From "Breaking Even"`0
UK Roulette: If You Bet 5 On Red & 5 On Black, What Is The Only Number That Prevents You From "Breaking Even"`0
UK Roulette: What Number Comes Next... 1,20,14,31`9
uk tv: what do jilly goolden and oz clarke of "food and drink" sample`drink
uk tv: what is the profession of miriam stoppard`doctor
UK TV: What type of programme is Sophie Grigson most likely to present`cooking
uk tv: which carol was the woman on channel four`vorderman
UK TV: Which Eamonn spoke the first words on GMTV`holmes
UK TV: Which Gaby presented the first series of "Whatever You Want"`roslin
UK TV: Which Jill replaced Sue Cook on "Crimewatch UK"`dando
UK TV: Who is Mrs. Lenny Henry (Full name)`dawn french
Ukuleles were first crafted in Hawaii in 1879 by Portuguese immigrants. The Instruments name means what`Jumping flea
Ulan bator is the capital of ______`mongolia
ulna, radius, and clavicle are types of __________`bone
Ulna, radius, and clavicle are types of `bone
Ulna, radius, and clavicle are types of ________`bones
Ulna, radius, & clavicle are types of __________`bones
Ultramarine is a shade of what colour`blue
Uluru is the native name for which geographical feature`ayers rock
Umber, sienna and sepia are all shades of which colour`brown
Unable to endure irritation or opposition: intolerant: '--------- of criticism.'`impatient
Unable to perform adequately: incompetent: 'an --------- administrator.'`incapable
Unable to sleep`sleepless
Unable to think or express one's thoughts in a clear or orderly manner: '---------- with grief.'`incoherent
Unaffected by time: ageless. ageless`timeless
Unavowed: secret`sneaking
Unbounded space, time, or quantity`infinities
Unbrella giving shade from the sun`parasol
Unbroken view of surrounding region`panorama
Unceasing: unremitting: '------- criticism.'`nonstop
Uncertain of the facts`unsure
Unclear, confused, or uncertain: 'I have only a hazy notion of what she wants. I'm a bit hazy on the new budget.'`hazier
Unclear, confused, or uncertain: 'I have only a ---- notion of what she wants. I'm a bit ---- on the new budget.'`hazy
Uncle what is the name of the cord joining a mother and her unborn child`umbilical
Unclouded: fair: 'serene skies and a bright blue sea.'`serenity
Unclouded: fair: '------ skies and a bright blue sea.'`serene
Unconcerned: nonchalant: 'had a blasT attitude about housecleaning.'`blase
Uncontrolled or immoderate indulgence in an activity: 'an orgy of spending.' binge`orgies
Uncountable: innumerable: 'There are --------- reasons for my declining the invitation.'`uncounted
Uncouth: barbarous`heathenish
Uncultured or primative person`barbarian
Underground cemetry`catacomb
'Under My Wheels' and 'Be My Lover' were cuts of whose 1971 'Killer' release`Alice Cooper
Under other circumstances: 'Otherwise I might have helped.'`otherwise
Understanding: comprehension: 'very quick on the ------.'`uptake
Understood without the need for words: 'an -------- pact.'`unspoken
under the leadership of nasser, this union of egypt and syria was proclaimed on feb 1, 1958`united arab republic
underwater song evolves from year to year, killer whales retain individual ---------- unchanged over long periods, possibly even for life`dialects
Under what circumstances did Lord Castlereagh wound George Canning in 1809`a duel
Under what name did 18th Century frenchman Francois-marie Arouet write`voltaire
under what name did andy mccluskey and paul humphries enjoy hits with their synthesizer-based pop`orchestral manoeuvres in the dark
Under what name did Lord Tweedsmuir write several novels`john buchan
Under what name did Michael Barratt have four number one hits in the 1980s`shakin' stevens
under what name did norma jean mortenson become famous?`marilyn monroe
under what name is thomas lanier williams better known?`tennessee williams
Under what name was the boy doll 'G.I. Joe' marketed in Britain`action man
Under what other name does Stephen King write`richard bachman
Under what pseudonym does Harry Paterson also write`jack higgins
Under what river does the Holland Tunnel run`Hudson
Under what river does the Holland Tunnel run`hudson river
Under what river does the Holland Tunnel run`The Hudson
Under what structure was the first nuclear reactor built in Chicago`football stadium
under which name is eric patrick clapp known`eric clapton
Under which rules was boxing standardised`marquise of queensberry
Undisciplined: unruly: '---------- youths.'`disorderly
Undoubtedly: certainly: 'You ------ can't be serious.'`surely
Unduly enlarged or aggrandized: swollen: 'an -------- estimate: an -------- ego.'`inflated
Unduly inquisitive: prying`curious
Uneven in quality or performance: 'Their work is ------ at best.'`patchy
Uneven in quality or performance: 'Their work is patchy at best.'`patchier
Unexplained: 'A Particularly Haunting Story Was Told In The 12th Century By William Of Newburgh, A Reliable Chronicler Of The Period. Two _____ ________ Were Found. They Spoke An Unknown Language And Refused All Known Food Except Broad Beans.'`Green Children
Unexplained: 'Area 51' Is Located Near Which Air Force Base`Nellis
Unexplained: A Young Slave Girl Chloe Poisoned The Children And Wife Of Judge Woodruffe In This House In Louisiana. The Rest Of The Slaves Then Hanged Her And Threw Her Body Into The River. Her Spirit Still Haunts This House Along With That Of The Two Young Children Of Judge Woodruffe. Name The House`Myrtles Plantation
Unexplained: Bigfoot: Where And When Was 'Bigfoot' First Caught On Video Camera`Bluff Creek 1967
Unexplained: 'Chupacabras' (Allegedly Found In Puerto Rico) Translates Roughly As What`Goat Suckers
Unexplained: Fill In The Blank: _____________ Is A Popular Scientific Theory 'Explaining' Poltergeists`Psychokinesis
Unexplained: Flight 19 (Which Disappeared In The Bermuda Triangle)Consisted Of What Type Of Aircraft`Grumman Avengers
Unexplained: Ghosts: A Ghost Seen By Multiple Witnesses, On Specific Occasions, In Specific Places, In Called A What Ghost`Recording
Unexplained: Hoaxes: How Long Did The World Believe The Story And Photographs Of The 'Fairies' In Elsie And Frances' Garden`70 Years
Unexplained: In July Of 1947, A Ufo Crashed Near This Town In New Mexico. According To Reports, The Bodies Of Several Aliens Were Found Near The Ship. The Army Reported To Have A 'Flying Disc' In It's Posession And Later Changed It's Story Claiming It Was Just A Weather Ballon`Roswell
Unexplained: Located Near Groom Lake, Nevada This Secret Military Installation Is Believed To Be Home To Actual Alien Aircraft`Area 51
Unexplained: Of Wolf And Man: What Is The Scientific Name For When A Man Believes He Is A Wolf`Lycanthropy
Unexplained: On June 24,1947 This Idaho Businessman Observed Nine Shiny Objects Weaving In And Out Of The Cascade Mountain Range Near Mt. Rainier In The State Of Washington`Kenneth Arnold
Unexplained: On June 30th,1908, Something Exploded Here,8 Km Above The Ground And Destroying Nearly Everything For About 2150 Square Kilometers. It Is Still Unknown What That Something Was`Tunguska
Unexplained: On November 5,1975 This Logger From Arizona Was Supposedly Abducted By A Ufo While His Friends Watched. His Story Is The Basis For The Movie 'Fire In The Sky'`Travis Walton
Unexplained: On September 19,1961 This Couple From Portsmouth, New Hampshire Claimed To Be Abducted By Aliens While Traveling Home From A Vacation In Canada On Us Route 3 Near The Village Of Lancaster. They Claimed An Object Hovered Over Their Car And Then They Heard A Sound Like A Tuning Fork Which Caused Them To Fall Asleep, When The Awoke They Were In Ashland, Nearly Two Hours Away`Betty And Barney Hill
Unexplained: Reincarnation: What Is Transferred Into A New Body When You Die? Your`Soul
Unexplained: 'Stigmata' Is A Peculiar Condition In Which People`Bleed From The Hands And Feet
Unexplained: Strange Bodies: What Is Chromidrosis`Coloured Sweat
Unexplained: The Brazilian Antonio Villas Boas Was Famous For Reputedly`Having Sex With An Alien
Unexplained: The Bulgarian Vampire Had Two Forms. What Did It Look Like Or Do During The First 40 Days`Filmy Body
Unexplained: The Los Angeles Pet Cemetery In California Is Where A Lot Of Celebrity Pets Are Buried. There Have Been Many Sightings Here, But Most Notably Of Kabar. What Was Kabar`Great Dane
Unexplained: The Name Given To The Objects Sighted By Military Pilots During The Second World War`Foo Fighters
Unexplained: This Building Was Originally Built In 1863 For Henry Dawson Ellis Bull On The Banks Of The Stour River In Essex And Has Been Host To Strange Paranormal Activity For Over A Century. It Is Considered One Of The Most Haunted Houses In England. Name It`Borley Rectory
Unexplained: This Ghost Wrote Telka, Hope Trueblood, The Sorry Tale (Among Many Others) Through A Medium By The Name Of Mrs Curran`Patience Worth
Unexplained: This Is The Name Commonly Given To The Small Aliens With Large Heads, Large Dark Eyes And Little Or No Hair`Greys`Grey
Unexplained: This Term Loosely Means Noise Spirits`Poltergeist
Unexplained: Ufos: On 23 May,1995, What Was The Object That Was Seen Floating Over West Virginia, Ohio And Kentucky`Blockbuster Blimp
Unexplained: Valerie Leverenenko From The Ukraine Was Capable Of`Burning Paper With His Finger
Unexplained: What Animal Is Said To Be The Victim Of The First Official 'Animal Mutilation' Case In 1967`Horse
Unexplained: What Fell From The Sky Killing A Carpenter Working On His Roof In Dusseldorf, Germany On Jan. 10,1951`A 6 Feet Long Shaft Of Ice
Unexplained: What Fell From The Sky On Bergen In 1579`Lemmings
Unexplained: What Fell Into The Pool In Caddyshack Which Caused A Major Exodus`A Baby Ruth Candy Bar
Unexplained: What Strange Creatures Fell By The Thousands On The Southern Part Of Memphis, Tn In 1877`Live Snakes
Unexplained: What Was Nathan Coker's Special Ability`Immunity To Heat
Unexplained: Which Company Produces A Plastic Model Kit Of The Roswell Ufo`Testors
Unfaithful wives were made to chase a ________ through town, naked in medieval France.`chicken
Unflinching in battle or action: valiant: 'put up a gallant resistance to the attackers.'`gallantly
Unflinching in battle or action: valiant: 'put up a ------- resistance to the attackers.'`gallant
Unfriendly, cold and sexually unresponsive`frigid
Unfriendly: hostile: 'a cold, -------- voice.'`inimical
Ungava Bay is in what country`Canada
Uninviting or unnerving in aspect: forbidding: undoubtedly the ----mest part of him was his iron claw (J.M. Barrie)`grim
United in matrimony: 'a ------- couple.'`married
Unit of measure for energy`joule
Unit of stellar distance, about 3.25 light years`parsec
Unit of weight measuring fineness of silk and nylon`denier
Universal donors have what type of blood`o
---------- university offers bag piping as a major`carnegie mellon
unix is a play on words on which '60's operating system`multics
Unknown: 'The nation's geopolitical strategy is yet ---------.'`uncharted
Unlawful activity: 'statistics relating to violent -----.'`crime
Unlawful: '-------- death.'`wrongful
unlike a zebra or a leopard, this animal comes in both spotted and striped varieties.`skunk
Unlike: different`various
Unlikeness: incongruity`disparity
unlike other rna viruses, which viruses (which includes hiv) replicate backwards as dna rather than rna genomes inside their hosts, by means of an enzyme they carry called reverse transcriptase`retroviruses
Unmarked by trails or paths`trackless
Unmitigated in any way: utter: '----- incompetence.'`gross
Unpleasant and irascible`vinegary
Unpleasant or objectionable: '---- weather.' offensive`vile
Unproductive of success: 'a --------- search.' futile`fruitless
Unrestrained by convention or propriety: insolent`audacious
Unrestrainedly fanciful: extravagant: '--------- hopes.'`fantastic
Unruly: disaffected: 'a -------- child.'`mutinous
Unscramble this word: a a a b n a l c c s`casablanca
Unscramble this word: a a a b n c l c a s`casablanca
Unscramble this word: a a b t u o m r`marabout
Unscramble this word: a a c b m o c t`catacomb
Unscramble this word: a a c s e i p p`papacies
Unscramble this word: a a c y p i r t`rapacity
Unscramble this word: a a d a c n`canada
Unscramble this word: a a e d d s h d e`deadheads
Unscramble this word: a a e e c h t r`tracheae
Unscramble this word: a a f s l e f l`falafels
Unscramble this word: a a g d e m n`managed
Unscramble this word: a a g e s v`savage
Unscramble this word: a a g s e g r`garages
Unscramble this word: a a g y a u p r`paraguay
Unscramble this word: a a i d f r`afraid
Unscramble this word: a a i i h w`hawaii
Unscramble this word: a a j o n v`navajo
Unscramble this word: a a l c i t b s`basaltic
Unscramble this word: a a l e s y c t`catalyse
Unscramble this word: a a l l e l p r`parallel
Unscramble this word: a a l m b i c s`cabalism
Unscramble this word: a a m c r a a n t`catamaran
Unscramble this word: a a m i b m r`marimba
Unscramble this word: a a m s c h d r`drachmas
Unscramble this word: a a n a b e h r`habanera
Unscramble this word: a a n d e c v l`valanced
Unscramble this word: a a n o i v l`valonia
Unscramble this word: a a n p j`japan
Unscramble this word: a a n s l c b e`balances
Unscramble this word: a a n t u t l a r`tarantula
Unscramble this word: a a o t t b f l`flatboat
Unscramble this word: a a p e a g s n`apanages
Unscramble this word: a a p m z e d i`diazepam
Unscramble this word: a a p n a m`panama
Unscramble this word: a a p n i o t l`talapoin
Unscramble this word: a a r a t j k`jakarta
Unscramble this word: a a r g c a a m s d`madagascar
Unscramble this word: a a r k s i t m`tamarisk
Unscramble this word: a a r l s t p l`plastral
Unscramble this word: a a r m u i s m`samarium
Unscramble this word: a a r o t`aorta
Unscramble this word: a a s d e k d m`damasked
Unscramble this word: a a s h a r`sahara
Unscramble this word: a a s i g a n k`nagasaki
Unscramble this word: a a s k a l`alaska
Unscramble this word: a a s m n t o c u t`catamounts
Unscramble this word: a a t s e m l`malates
Unscramble this word: a a t s n i a m`amanitas
Unscramble this word: a a t y r o n t`natatory
Unscramble this word: a a t y r o s n`sanatory
Unscramble this word: a a u l n n b i`biannual
Unscramble this word: a a y a l s m i`malaysia
Unscramble this word: a b a c r r b i`barbaric
Unscramble this word: a b a e c g b`cabbage
Unscramble this word: a b e r b r`barber
Unscramble this word: a b e x m a j u`jambeaux
Unscramble this word: a b i e l t r`librate
Unscramble this word: a b i g n g r`garbing
Unscramble this word: a b i y l r r`library
Unscramble this word: a b l g b i g n`gabbling
Unscramble this word: a b l i y`libya
Unscramble this word: a b l s m e r r`ramblers
Unscramble this word: a b l s r e b b`babblers
Unscramble this word: a b o a i d c m`cambodia
Unscramble this word: a b o l r x c y`carboxyl
Unscramble this word: a b o s r i p l`parboils
Unscramble this word: a b r k y e d a`daybreak
Unscramble this word: a b s r e i`serbia
Unscramble this word: a c a a m s l n`almanacs
Unscramble this word: a c a a r m s`mascara
Unscramble this word: a c e r r n l e`larcener
Unscramble this word: a c e s o e h l`shoelace
Unscramble this word: a c e Y c n n s`nascency
Unscramble this word: a c h e r e m s`marchese
Unscramble this word: a c h n a b r`barchan
Unscramble this word: a c h n t m w a`watchman
Unscramble this word: a c h s r e p t`patchers
Unscramble this word: a c h y t k l e`latchkey
Unscramble this word: a c i d l y e c`delicacy
Unscramble this word: a c i e s c f l`fascicle
Unscramble this word: a c i g n s u`saucing
Unscramble this word: a c i i d s a h`dichasia
Unscramble this word: a c i s t e l`elastic
Unscramble this word: a c l i i t`italic
Unscramble this word: a c l o p u a c`acapulco
Unscramble this word: a c o t e n f l`falconet
Unscramble this word: a c o y l n f r`falconry
Unscramble this word: a c p k e h r l`kreplach
Unscramble this word: a c t y i b r`barytic
Unscramble this word: a d a e c e s l`escalade
Unscramble this word: a d a n d g r`grandad
Unscramble this word: a d a r o t m n`mandator
Unscramble this word: a d b d u h`buddha
Unscramble this word: a d d i p k p e n`kidnapped
Unscramble this word: a d e c k c r`cracked
Unscramble this word: a d e e l i v v l u`vaudeville
Unscramble this word: a d e h a s p`saphead
Unscramble this word: a d e i l f l`flailed
Unscramble this word: a d e p t a d`adapted
Unscramble this word: a d e r g s p`sparged
Unscramble this word: a d e s h g n`gnashed
Unscramble this word: a d e s r s n`sanders
Unscramble this word: a d e t m n s i`mediants
Unscramble this word: a d f m n o l r`landform
Unscramble this word: a d h c e m r`marched
Unscramble this word: a d i l e s l`sallied
Unscramble this word: a d i m y w`midway
Unscramble this word: a d i s s m p l`plasmids
Unscramble this word: a d i s t b n`bandits
Unscramble this word: a d l b e w r`warbled
Unscramble this word: a d l c i h i`chiliad
Unscramble this word: a d l g n i w d`waddling
Unscramble this word: a d l m s s i e`misleads
Unscramble this word: a d l r e p d`paddler
Unscramble this word: a d l s r e s d`saddlers
Unscramble this word: a d m n e s n`sandmen
Unscramble this word: a d n i n i`indian
Unscramble this word: a d o a n r m l`mandorla
Unscramble this word: a d o c l o o r`colorado
Unscramble this word: a d o g e t n`tangoed
Unscramble this word: a d p i e t l`taliped
Unscramble this word: a d r m u e r`eardrum
Unscramble this word: a d s p r e e u`persuade
Unscramble this word: a d s s w a h n`handsaws
Unscramble this word: a d t i s n e`instead
Unscramble this word: a d t n e t i`tainted
Unscramble this word: a d v k r a a r`aardvark
Unscramble this word: a d w d r a l n`landward
Unscramble this word: a d y e h t s r`hydrates
Unscramble this word: a d y t h n h r`hydranth
Unscramble this word: a e a e l b h t`hateable
Unscramble this word: a e a e t b d l`dateable
Unscramble this word: a e a g g b g`baggage
Unscramble this word: a e a s m d n`maenads
Unscramble this word: a e a y k w t a`takeaway
Unscramble this word: a e b l l a b s`baseball
Unscramble this word: a e b s r i r t`rarebits
Unscramble this word: a e d d n i c y`cyanided
Unscramble this word: a e d s g a r h`rhagades
Unscramble this word: a e e e t g n`teenage
Unscramble this word: a e g u a t m r`ageratum
Unscramble this word: a e h r r c s e`searcher
Unscramble this word: a e i a r p r`pareira
Unscramble this word: a e i l v`alive
Unscramble this word: a e i m n c r`carmine
Unscramble this word: a e i r s s g l`glassier
Unscramble this word: a e l c p`place
Unscramble this word: a e l e v i w k`wavelike
Unscramble this word: a e l s a l p t`patellas
Unscramble this word: a e l s f f s n`snaffles
Unscramble this word: a e l s z l g e`gazelles
Unscramble this word: a e l t t s e`seattle
Unscramble this word: a e l v s`slave
Unscramble this word: a e m d e l r`emerald
Unscramble this word: a e m t n e f k`fakement
Unscramble this word: a e n c f r`france
Unscramble this word: a e n d m i e x`examined
Unscramble this word: a e n d s c`ascend
Unscramble this word: a e n e t i g l`galenite
Unscramble this word: a e n g i i m`imagine
Unscramble this word: a e n l i p r`praline
Unscramble this word: a e n r t t p o`patentor
Unscramble this word: a e n s a z c d`cadenzas
Unscramble this word: a e n s d o s p`spadones
Unscramble this word: a e n s e c c d`cadences
Unscramble this word: a e n s e c v l`valences
Unscramble this word: a e n s t e l s`lateness
Unscramble this word: a e o b v`above
Unscramble this word: a e o w k`awoke
Unscramble this word: a e r c b`brace
Unscramble this word: a e r e p t l`prelate
Unscramble this word: a e r g n i w f`wafering
Unscramble this word: a e r g t n s p`trepangs
Unscramble this word: a e r n t m w a`waterman
Unscramble this word: a e r s o`arose
Unscramble this word: a e r s t i e e`eateries
Unscramble this word: a e r y n p`napery
Unscramble this word: a e r y r t`artery
Unscramble this word: a e s n i t p e l`palestine
Unscramble this word: a e s t a a n`anatase
Unscramble this word: a e s x t`texas
Unscramble this word: a e t g c i f n`faceting
Unscramble this word: a e t r m s s e`seamster
Unscramble this word: a e t r o n f w r t`waterfront
Unscramble this word: a e t s e t p l`palettes
Unscramble this word: a e t t u s t`statute
Unscramble this word: a e u l r f i`failure
Unscramble this word: a e u r e v m n`maneuver
Unscramble this word: a e w e s i p l`palewise
Unscramble this word: a f i t f c i`caitiff
Unscramble this word: a f i t f m s`mastiff
Unscramble this word: a f i u u l t b e`beautiful