
3829 lines
285 KiB

Structures: Which Architect Designed The Royal Observatory In Greenwich, Uk`Sir Christopher Wren
Structures: Which Architect Was Responsible For Many Of Barcelona's Famous Buildings`Antonio Gaudi
Structures: Which Concert Hall Is Now The Home Of The Halle Orchestra`Bridgewater Hall
Structures: Which European City Has Over 400 Bridges`Venice
Structures: Which Famous Building Was Built By Shih Huang Ti`Great Wall Of China
Structures: Which Of The Seven Wonders Of The Ancient World Was Built By A Ruler's Sister/Widow`Mausoleum Of Halicarnassus
Structures: Which Of The Seven Wonders Of The Ancient World Was The First To Be Built`Pyramids Of Egypt
Structures: Which Vatican Building Was Built For Pope Sixtus Lv`The Sistine Chapel
Structures: While In Fraunces Tavern In New York City, ______ __________ Bid Farewell To His Officers In 1783`George Washington
Structures: While In ________ ______ In New York City, George Washington Bid Farewell To His Officers In 1783`Fraunces Tavern
Structures: While ________ Was Seeking New World To The West, Italian Engineers Were Rebuilding The Kremlin In Moscow`Columbus
Structures: With Well Over 11 Million Volumes, The _______ __________ _______, Founded In 1638, Is The Largest University Library In The United States`Harvard University Library
sttng: alcohol that's reproduced by the replicator`synthehol
sttng: capt picard's favorite alter-ego in the holodeck`dixon hill
sttng: cardassians fought a long war with these people`bajorans
sttng: the enterprise-e belongs to which class of ship`sovereign
sttng: the federation's greatest battle with the borgs took place at which star system`wolf 359
sttng: whoopi goldberg played this bartender`guinan
sttos: captain of the uss excelsior and previous helm officer of the enterprise-a`hikaru`falasha
sttos: captain of the uss excelsior and previous helm officer of the enterprise-a`hikaru sulu
sttos: capt james kirk had a son named`david marcus
sttos: father of vulcan civilization and hero of spock`surak
sttos: which actor portrayed mr spock, and later wrote and directed the critically acclaimed star trek iv`leonard nimoy
Stuart Goddard is also known by what other name`adam ant
"stuart little" was a story about a _____`mouse
Stubbornly resistant to improvement or change: 'hard-core poverty.'`hardcore
Studies by Dr. Karl F. Robinson of Northwestern University reportedly prove that men change their _____ two or three times more often than women.`minds
Studies have shown that men become sexually aroused nearly every time they ______.`dream
Studies show that, for some unknown reason, the higher the level of education, the more men tend to have __ _____.`wet dreams
Studios who recorded "true love ways" in 1965`peter and gordon
Study of ancient writing and documents`palaeography
Study of nerve systems`neurology
Study of organisms of microscopic size, including bacteria, protozoans, viruses, and`microbiology
Study of prehistoric animal & plant life through the analysis of fossil remains`paleontology
Study of the processes by which living cells use, store, & release energy`bioenergetics
Study of the substances found in living organisms, & of the chemical reactions underlying life processes`biochemistry
Stuffed vine or cabbage leaves are called what`dolmades
Stupid: doltish: 'a ----- kid.'`dopey
Stupid things to do ;-) : If you look at the sun long enough, you go _____.`blind
Stygiophobia is a fear of ______`hell
Stygiophobia is the fear of`hell
Styles: Allman Brothers & Lynyrd Skynyrd are examples of this type of American rock.`southern rock
Styles: Bob Marley, Alpha Blondy, Steel Pulse, etc....`reggae
Styles: Miles Davis started this jazz style, which de-emphasized structure.`modal jazz
Styles: This type of jazz most closely resembles the music of the swing bands.`bebop jazz
Styles: This type of metal sees the band members with lots of hairspray & lipstick.`glam metal
Subject to chance or unknown conditions: His kingdom was still ----------: the Danes far from subdued (Christopher Brooke)`precarious
Subject to punishment: legally punishable: 'a ----- offense.'`penal
Subject to snow: 'a snowy climate.'`snowier
subject, verb and object are parts of a ______`sentence
Subject, verb and object are parts of a `sentence
Subordination to someone or something needed or greatly desired`dependance
Substance secreted by male deer and used in perfume`musk
Substance that is a poor conductor of electricity and that will sustain the force of an electric field passing through it.`Dielectric
Substance that neutralizes alkalis and turns litmus paper red`acid
Substantial: filling: a rather... beefy, densely colored wine (Robert M. Parker, Jr.)`beefier
Substantially made or built: stout: 'sturdy canvas.'`sturdier
Subtle but base deception: trickery`artifice
Subtly sly and tempting`serpentine
Succeeded Winston Churchill As Prime Minister In 1945`Clement Attlee
Successful: victorious: 'the winning entry: the winning team.'`winningly
Success in a struggle against difficulties or an obstacle`victories
Succinct: concise: 'a ----- account of the incident.'`brief
Such a bag with sufficient capacity to lift and transport a suspended gondola or other load`balloon
Such a casing fitted with a bullet`cartridge
Such a container and its contents`cup
Such a container and its contents`cupped
Such a container and its contents`keg
Such activities restricted to a class of natural phenomena`science
Such a device together with the truck that carries it`sander
Such a floor converted into an apartment or artist's studio`loft
Such a floor converted into an apartment or artist's studio`lofting
Such a handrail together with its supporting structures`banister
Such a machine distinguished from an electric, spring-driven, or hydraulic motor by its use of a fuel`engine
Such a mark used in orthography, as above an i`dot
Such an advantage, immunity, or right held as a prerogative of status or rank, and exercised to the exclusion or detriment of others`privilege
Such an advantage or penalty`handicap
Such an animal hunted as game`bird
Such an animal hunted as game`birding
Such an installation in which the landing area is on water`airport
Such a piece used as a construction member or as a support`block
Such a piece used as a construction member or as a support`blocked
Such a projectile in a metal casing: a cartridge`bullet
Such a public way considered apart from the sidewalks: 'Don't play in the ------.'`street
Such a set of links, often of precious metal and with pendants attached, worn as an ornament or symbol of office`chain
Such a structure having showy or colorful parts: a blossom`flower
Such a structure having showy or colorful parts: a blossom`flowering
Such a structure or one similar to it used for decoration`pillar
Such a structure used predominantly for entertainment`pier
Such a structure used predominantly for entertainment`piers
Such a substance as recognized or defined by the U.S. Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act`drug
Such a symbol with a clockwise bend to the arms, used as the emblem of the Nazi party and of the German state under Adolf Hitler, officially adopted in`swastika
Such a system including its rules for combining its components, such as words`language
Such a vote`referenda
Such concreted matter of a particular type. Often used in combination: 'sand-----: soap-----.'`stone
Such concreted matter of a particular type. Often used in combination: 'sandstone: soapstone.'`stoning
Such foliage used for decoration`greeneries
Such ornamental work represented two dimensionally by chiaroscuro`fretwork
Such persons considered as a group: the unconverted`heathen
Such pieces of lumber considered as a group: planking`planks
Such stories considered as a group: 'the realm of ----.'`myth
Such stories considered as a group: 'the realm of myth.'`myths
Suck my Kiss Breaking the Girl`red hot chili peppers
Sudden flight or hurried movement of animals or people`stampede
Sudden overthrow of government`coup d'etat
sue randall played this schoolteacher of beaver's in leave it to beaver`miss landers
Suessmeyer finished his _Requiem_.`wolfgang amadeus mozart
Sue went to the store and bought $5.25 worth of sodas and $2.80 worth of bread. What will be the subtotal of her bill`$8.05
Suez lies at one end of the Suez Canal. Which city lies at the other end`port said
Suffering from a disorder of the mind: insane`mad
Suffering from a disorder of the mind: insane`madder
Suffering from a disorder of the mind: insane`mads
Suffering from dementia or a loss of cognitive function`dementedly
Suffering from oppressive heat`sweltering
Suffering from rheumatism`rheums
Suffering: misery`sufferance
Sugar was first added to chewing gum in ____ . . . by a dentist ( William Semple)`1869
Sugar,water and white of egg were the only ingredients of what popular victorian childrens treat`barley sugar
Suggesting softness or sweetness: The ------ air brought in the feel of imminent autumn (Thomas Hardy)`mellow
Suggesting the extreme slowness of a glacier: 'Work proceeded at a ------- pace.'`glacial
Suggestive of a cat, as in suppleness or stealthiness`feline
Suggestive of a worm`wormier
Suggestive of a worm`wormy
Suggestive of death: 'a deadly pallor.'`deadlier
Suggestive of extreme anger in action or appearance: fierce. angry`furious
Suggestive of or resembling a wolf`wolfish
Suggestive of or resembling ghosts`ghastlier
Suggestive of or resembling sleep: 'a ---------- torpor.'`slumberous
Suggestive of the grave: funereal`sepulchral
Suggestive of the sea or sailing life`saltier
Suggestive of the supernatural: mysterious. weird`eerie
Suggestive of winter, as in cheerlessness or coldness: 'a wintry welcome.'`winterier
Suggestive or characteristic of a man: mannish. male`masculine
Suggestive or indicative of weariness, illness, or unhappiness: melancholy: 'a --- expression.'`wan
Suggestive or indicative of weariness, illness, or unhappiness: melancholy: 'a wan expression.'`wanly
Suggestive or indicative of weariness, illness, or unhappiness: melancholy: 'a wan expression.'`wanner
Suicide Made Robert Mitchum Sigh, 'She Seemed Like A Lost Child'`Marilyn Monroe
Suitable for application to the outside: '-------- paints.'`external
Suitable for easy wear: '-------- evening clothes.'`wearable
Suitable or safe for: 'crash------.'`worthy
Suitable: seemly: 'comely behavior.'`comelier
Suited for or used in detection`detective
Suited to the tastes of an epicure: 'an --------- repast.'`epicurean
Summer Holiday was a sixties hit for who`cliff richard
"Summer of 69" was a hit for this Canuck in the Summer of 1984`Bryan Adams
'summer of 69' was a hit for which canuck in 1984`bryan adams
Summertime : This is the sandy area nearest the ocean.`beach
Sunbeams that shine down through the clouds are called`crepuscular rays
Sundered by divorce, separation, or desertion of a parent or parents: 'children from broken homes: a broken marriage.'`brokenly
Sung by the bee gees in 1978, the song is called 'stayin' ______'`alive
sun god in greek mythology`apollo
Sun Which US president bought a place in Colorado to ski during vacations`gerald
Superficially and often speciously attractive: showy: 'glossy trendsetters.'`glossier
Super glue is used to lift fingerprints from what surfaces`difficult
Superior: first-class`pukka
Superior to another or others, as in rank`elder
Superior to another or others, as in rank`elders
Superstars: Which Bruce is co-owner of "Planet Hollywood"`willis
Superstars: Which Jack starred with Shirley Maclaine in _Terms of Endearment_`nicholson
Superstars: Who played Han Solo in _Star Wars_`harrison ford
Superstars: Who was in _Bugsy Malone_ & _Taxi Driver_ as a kid & went on to _The Accused_`jodie foster
Superstars: Who won Oscars for _Philadelphia_ in '93 and _Forrest Gump_ in '94`tom hanks
Superstition says that this birds feathers should never be inside a house`peacock
Superstition says the feathers of which bird shouldn't be used as house decorations`peacock
Supplied with money: 'a family that has always been well --------.'`situated
Supplying or being a final settlement or decision: conclusive. decisive`definitive
Support for horse riders foot`stirrup
Support or aid: 'financial backing.'`backings
Support or encouragement, as from public opinion or established custom`sanction
Support or encouragement proffered in a condescending manner: 'Our little establishment has finally been deemed worthy of the bank's ---------.'`patronage
Supposed: alleged: 'the --------- heir to the throne.'`pretended
Supposed paranormal force moving objects at a distance`telekinesis
Suppressing or causing loss of appetite`anorectic
Supreme power or authority`supremacy
sural refers to what part of the body`calf
Sure to come or happen: inevitable: '------- success.'`certain
Surfing is believed to have originated here`Hawaii
Surgical pincers`forceps
Surgical removal of the kidney is what`Nephrectomy
Suriphobia is the fear of`mice
Surprisingly curt: brusque: 'an ------ answer made in anger.'`abrupt
Surrounding or blocking of a place by an enemy`blockade
Survey of territory to locate enemy`reconnaissance
Susceptible to attack: We are ---------- both by water and land, without either fleet or army (Alexander Hamilton)`vulnerable
Susceptible to transformation by growth and development`formative
Suspension of active hostilities: a truce`ceasefire
Suspension of tiny particles of one substance, called the dispersed phase, in another phase, called the dispersion medium`colloid
Sustaining much activity: 'a busy morning: a busy street.'`busied
Sustaining much activity: 'a ---- morning: a ---- street.'`busy
Suzy Bogguss is 1 of 3 kids. Was she the oldest,middle,youngest`youngest
Swahili is a combination of African tribal languages`arabic & portuguese
Swahili is a combination of African tribal languages`arabic & portuguese`arabic and portuguese
swahili is a combination of arabic and ______`portuguese
swahili is a combination of portuguese and ______`arabic
Sweden is considered part of which European peninsula`scandinavian
Swedish buffet meal with various savoury dishes`smorgasbord
Swedish Sylvia sang Y Viva where`espana
sweeney sisters medleys always included: "clang clang clang goes --- -------"`the trolley
Sweetened dough wrapped around fruit, such as an apple, baked and served as a dessert`dumpling
Sweetened with a substance other than sucrose: '--------- gum: --------- candy.'`sugarless
Sweet fleshy fruit member of the gourd family`melon
Sweet made from nuts, egg white & honey`nougat
Sweet made of nuts browned in boiling sugar`praline
Sweet opaque jelly of flavoured cornflour and milk`blancmange
Sweet or fermented juice of apples, used as a beverage and for making vinegar?`cider
Sweet raised bread dried and browned in an oven`rusk
Sweet smelling fragrant liquid`perfume
Sweet white juicy brown skinned fruit`lychee
Swelling of tissues due to abnormal fluid accumulation`Edema
Swift and vigorous: 'a -------- pace.'`spanking
Swimming game birds, such as ducks and geese, considered as a group`waterfowl
Sybaritic Of or relating to Sybaris or its people`sybaritic
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Algeria`3
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Argentina`2
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Armenia`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Australia`17
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Austria`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Azerbaijan`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Bahamas`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Barbados`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Belarus`11
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Belgium`3
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Brazil`6
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Bulgaria`2
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Cameroon`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Canada`8
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Chile`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: China`15
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Colombia`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Costa Rica`2
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Croatia`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Cuba`7
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Czech Republic`3
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Denmark`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Estonia`2
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Ethiopia`3
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Finland`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: France`11
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Georgia`6
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Germany`26
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Great Britain`7
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Greece`3
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Hungary`3
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Iceland`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: India`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Indonesia`2
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Iran`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Ireland`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Israel`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Italy`13
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Jamaica`3
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Japan`5
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Kazakhstan`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Kenya`2
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Kuwait`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Kyrgyzstan`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Latvia`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Lithuania`3
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Macedonia`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Mexico`3
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Moldova`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Morocco`4
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Mozambique`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Netherlands`4
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: New Zealand`3
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Nigeria`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: North Korea`3
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Norway`3
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Poland`3
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Portugal`2
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Qatar`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Romania`9
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Russia`28
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Saudi Arabia`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Slovakia`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Slovenia`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: South Africa`3
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: South Korea`10
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Spain`5
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Sri Lanka`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Sweden`3
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Switzerland`2
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Taiwan/Republic of China`4
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Thailand`2
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Trinidad and Tobago`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Turkey`2
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Ukraine`10
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: United States of America`33
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Uruguay`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Uzbekistan`2
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Vietnam`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Yugoslavia`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Algeria`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Argentina`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Armenia`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Australia`16
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Austria`2
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Azerbaijan`2
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Bahamas`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Barbados`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Belarus`3
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Belgium`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Brazil`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Bulgaria`5
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Cameroon`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Canada`3
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Chile`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: China`28
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Colombia`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Costa Rica`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Croatia`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Cuba`11
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Czech Republic`2
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Denmark`2
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Estonia`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Ethiopia`4
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Finland`2
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: France`13
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Georgia`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Germany`13
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Great Britain`11
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Greece`4
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Hungary`8
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Iceland`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: India`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Indonesia`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Iran`3
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Ireland`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Israel`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Italy`13
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Jamaica`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Japan`5
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Kazakhstan`3
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Kenya`2
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Kuwait`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Kyrgyzstan`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Latvia`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Lithuania`2
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Macedonia`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Mexico`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Moldova`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Morocco`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Mozambique`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Netherlands`12
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: New Zealand`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Nigeria`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: North Korea`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Norway`4
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Poland`6
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Portugal`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Qatar`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Romania`11
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Russia`32
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Saudi Arabia`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Slovakia`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Slovenia`2
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: South Africa`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: South Korea`8
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Spain`3
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Sri Lanka`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Sweden`4
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Switzerland`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Taiwan/Republic of China`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Thailand`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Trinidad and Tobago`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Turkey`3
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Ukraine`3
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: United States of America`40
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Uruguay`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Uzbekistan`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Vietnam`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Yugoslavia`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Algeria`5
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Argentina`4
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Armenia`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Australia`58
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Austria`3
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Azerbaijan`3
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Bahamas`2
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Barbados`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Belarus`17
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Belgium`5
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Brazil`12
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Bulgaria`13
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Cameroon`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Canada`14
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Chile`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: China`59
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Colombia`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Costa Rica`2
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Croatia`2
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Cuba`29
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Czech Republic`8
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Denmark`6
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Estonia`3
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Ethiopia`8
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Finland`4
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: France`38
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Georgia`6
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Germany`56
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Great Britain`28
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Greece`13
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Hungary`17
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Iceland`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: India`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Indonesia`6
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Iran`4
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Ireland`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Israel`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Italy`34
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Jamaica`7
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Japan`18
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Kazakhstan`7
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Kenya`7
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Kuwait`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Kyrgyzstan`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Latvia`3
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Lithuania`5
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Macedonia`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Mexico`6
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Moldova`2
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Morocco`5
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Mozambique`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Netherlands`25
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: New Zealand`4
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Nigeria`3
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: North Korea`4
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Norway`10
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Poland`14
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Portugal`2
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Qatar`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Romania`26
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Russia`88
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Saudi Arabia`2
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Slovakia`5
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Slovenia`2
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: South Africa`5
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: South Korea`28
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Spain`11
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Sri Lanka`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Sweden`12
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Switzerland`9
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Taiwan/Republic of China`5
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Thailand`3
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Trinidad and Tobago`2
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Turkey`5
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Ukraine`23
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: United States of America`97
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Uruguay`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Uzbekistan`4
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Vietnam`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Yugoslavia`3
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Algeria`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Argentina`2
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Armenia`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Australia`25
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Austria`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Azerbaijan`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Bahamas`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Barbados`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Belarus`3
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Belgium`2
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Brazil`6
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Bulgaria`6
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Cameroon`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Canada`3
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Chile`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: China`16
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Colombia`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Costa Rica`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Croatia`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Cuba`11
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Czech Republic`3
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Denmark`3
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Estonia`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Ethiopia`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Finland`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: France`14
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Georgia`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Germany`17
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Great Britain`10
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Greece`6
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Hungary`6
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Iceland`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: India`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Indonesia`3
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Iran`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Ireland`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Israel`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Italy`8
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Jamaica`4
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Japan`8
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Kazakhstan`4
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Kenya`3
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Kuwait`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Kyrgyzstan`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Latvia`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Lithuania`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Macedonia`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Mexico`2
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Moldova`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Morocco`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Mozambique`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Netherlands`9
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: New Zealand`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Nigeria`3
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: North Korea`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Norway`3
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Poland`5
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Portugal`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Qatar`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Romania`6
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Russia`28
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Saudi Arabia`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Slovakia`3
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Slovenia`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: South Africa`2
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: South Korea`10
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Spain`3
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Sri Lanka`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Sweden`5
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Switzerland`6
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Taiwan/Republic of China`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Thailand`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Trinidad and Tobago`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Turkey`0
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Ukraine`10
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: United States of America`24
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Uruguay`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Uzbekistan`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Vietnam`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Yugoslavia`1
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total`armenia
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total`barbados
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total`chile
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total`iceland
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total`india
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total`israel
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total`kuwait
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total`kyrgyzstan
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total`macedonia
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total`qatar
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total`sri lanka
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 2 Bronze, 2 in Total`costa rica
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 2 Bronze, 2 in Total`portugal
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 6 Bronze, 6 in Total`georgia
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total`ireland
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total`uruguay
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total`vietnam
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 2 in Total`moldova
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 2 in Total`saudi arabia
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 2 in Total`trinidad and tobago
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 3 Bronze, 4 in Total`north korea
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 4 Bronze, 5 in Total`morocco
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 4 Bronze, 5 in Total`taiwan/republic of china
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 2 Silver, 2 Bronze, 4 in Total`argentina
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 2 Silver, 3 Bronze, 5 in Total`belgium
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 2 Silver, 3 Bronze, 5 in Total`south africa
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 3 Silver, 0 Bronze, 3 in Total`nigeria
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 4 Silver, 3 Bronze, 7 in Total`jamaica
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 6 Silver, 6 Bronze, 12 in Total`brazil
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 11 Gold, 10 Silver, 7 Bronze, 28 in Total`great britain
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 11 Gold, 11 Silver, 7 Bronze, 29 in Total`cuba
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 11 Gold, 6 Silver, 9 Bronze, 26 in Total`romania
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 12 Gold, 9 Silver, 4 Bronze, 25 in Total`netherlands
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 13 Gold, 14 Silver, 11 Bronze, 38 in Total`france
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 13 Gold, 17 Silver, 26 Bronze, 56 in Total`germany
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 13 Gold, 8 Silver, 13 Bronze, 34 in Total`italy
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 16 Gold, 25 Silver, 17 Bronze, 58 in Total`australia
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total`cameroon
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total`colombia
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total`mozambique
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 2 in Total`croatia
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 2 Bronze, 3 in Total`estonia
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 2 Bronze, 3 in Total`thailand
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 3 Bronze, 4 in Total`new zealand
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 2 in Total`bahamas
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 3 in Total`latvia
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 3 in Total`yugoslavia
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 2 Bronze, 4 in Total`uzbekistan
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 3 Bronze, 5 in Total`algeria
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 2 Silver, 3 Bronze, 6 in Total`mexico
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 3 Silver, 1 Bronze, 5 in Total`slovakia
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 3 Silver, 2 Bronze, 6 in Total`indonesia
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 6 Silver, 2 Bronze, 9 in Total`switzerland
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 28 Gold, 16 Silver, 15 Bronze, 59 in Total`china
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 2 Gold, 0 Silver, 0 Bronze, 2 in Total`slovenia
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 2 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 3 in Total`azerbaijan
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 2 Gold, 0 Silver, 3 Bronze, 5 in Total`lithuania
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 2 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 3 in Total`austria
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 2 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 4 in Total`finland
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 2 Gold, 3 Silver, 1 Bronze, 6 in Total`denmark
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 2 Gold, 3 Silver, 2 Bronze, 7 in Total`kenya
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 2 Gold, 3 Silver, 3 Bronze, 8 in Total`czech republic
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 32 Gold, 28 Silver, 28 Bronze, 88 in Total`russia
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 3 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 4 in Total`iran
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 3 Gold, 0 Silver, 2 Bronze, 5 in Total`turkey
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 3 Gold, 10 Silver, 10 Bronze, 23 in Total`ukraine
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 3 Gold, 3 Silver, 11 Bronze, 17 in Total`belarus
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 3 Gold, 3 Silver, 5 Bronze, 11 in Total`spain
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 3 Gold, 3 Silver, 8 Bronze, 14 in Total`canada
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 3 Gold, 4 Silver, 0 Bronze, 7 in Total`kazakhstan
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 40 Gold, 24 Silver, 33 Bronze, 97 in Total`united states of america
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 4 Gold, 1 Silver, 3 Bronze, 8 in Total`ethiopia
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 4 Gold, 3 Silver, 3 Bronze, 10 in Total`norway
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 4 Gold, 5 Silver, 3 Bronze, 12 in Total`sweden
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 4 Gold, 6 Silver, 3 Bronze, 13 in Total`greece
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 5 Gold, 6 Silver, 2 Bronze, 13 in Total`bulgaria
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 5 Gold, 8 Silver, 5 Bronze, 18 in Total`japan
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 6 Gold, 5 Silver, 3 Bronze, 14 in Total`poland
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 8 Gold, 10 Silver, 10 Bronze, 28 in Total`south korea
Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 8 Gold, 6 Silver, 3 Bronze, 17 in Total`hungary
Sydney is on the east coast of ______`australia
Sylvester Stallone's first big 'break' came acting in an X-rated film, titled "The Party at Kitty and Stud's". After the success of Rocky, the film was re-issued with what new title?`Italian Stallion
sylvia miles had the shortest performance ever nominated for an oscar with "midnight cowboy." how long did her role last`6 minutes
Symbolic addmission to Christianity and name giving`baptism
symbol is Pm`prometheum
Symbolized by the jester in Don Mclean's "American Pie"`bob dylan
Symbolophobia is the fear of`symbolism
Symbol si, semimetallic element that is the second most common element on earth, after oxygen`silicon
Symmetrophobia is the fear of`symmetry
Syngenesophobia is a fear of ______`relatives
Syngenesophobia is the fear of`relatives
Synthetic hormone used to build muscle`anabolic steroid
Syphilophobia is a fear of ______`syphilis
Syphilophobia is the fear of`syphilis
Syrup made from the juice of this plant`sorghum
System of compulsory enrollment of men and women into the armed forces?`conscription
System of signalling with arms or 2 flags`semaphore
System of winds producing fine weather`anticyclone
System used especially in tape recording to reduce hiss`dolby
System what are fields of rice called`paddies
Sysyem used especially in tape recording to reduce hiss`dolby
Tabadui, the servant of Shere Khan in Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book, is which type of creature`jackal
Table utensils such as knives, forks, and spoons`flatware
Tachophobia is a fear of ______`speed
Tachophobia is the fear of`speed
Taeniophobia is the fear of`tapeworms
tag lines: 1991: he said "i'll be back"... and he meant it!`terminator 2 judgment day
tag lines: 1997: off the record, on the qt, and very hush-hush`l.a. confidential
tag lines: 1998: on the air, unaware`the truman show
tag lines: alfred hitchcock engulfs you in a whirlpool of terror and tension!`vertigo
tag lines: this is benjamin. he's a little worried about his future`the graduate
tag lines: what actress played the dual roles in "the parent trap" movie`hayley mills
tag lines: what is the name of aladdin's pet monkey`abu
tag lines: what was pluto's original name`rover
tag lines: what was the first full-length, live-action disney film to receive an oscar`20000 leagues under the sea
tag lines: who provided the voice for bagheera in "the jungle book"`sebastian cabot
tailor is a blacksmith`armor
taipei is the capital of ______`taiwan
taiwanese islands closest to mid-point between the mainland and taiwan`penghu islands
Taken for granted: assumed`assumptive
Take That song that featured Lulu in 1993`Relight My Fire
take your medicine: what has caused every human death`hypoxemia (lack of blood to the brain)
Taking effect violently or rapidly: 'a ------- emetic.'`drastic
Taking in everything available, as with the mind: 'an ---------- reader.'`omnivorous
Taking its name from the adjacent country, which channel lies between mainland Africa and Madagascar`mozambique channel
Taking the same point of view`synoptic
Talc is a hydrated silicate of which metal`magnesium
Talcum powder`talcum
Talk about an IQ! : With a weight averaging 7,800kg (17 lbs), this critter boasts having the heaviest brain`Sperm Whale
Talking bird of the starling family`mynah
Talking Heads Songs: Dirty dog in the parking lot`animals
Talking Heads Songs: I was complaining I was down in the dumps`pulled up
Talking Heads Songs: Je me lans vers la gloire....OK`psycho killer
Talking Heads Songs: That looks like a good place to get some thinking done`cities
Talking Heads Songs: You cant tell me that im not creative`for artists only
Tallahassee is the capital of ______`florida
Tall blonde Germanic people of Scandinavia`nordic
Tall, decaying grass left standing after the cutting or grazing season`fog
Tall, decaying grass left standing after the cutting or grazing season`fogs
Tallinn is the capital of which country`estonia
Tallinn is the capital of which republic`estonia
Tall revolving wheel at fairgrounds`ferris
Tamil and English are two official languages of Sri Lanka, what is the third`sinhala (or sinhalese)
Tangents Are All Of Equal Lengths, The Involute Of A Catenary`Tractrix
Tangents Are All Of Equal Lengths, The ________ Of A Catenary`Involute
Tanya donelly belly has a stepsister. what band does she sing in`throwing muses
Tanya donelly sang backup on a song on this bands happy days release`catherine wheel
Tanzania is the country that resulted from the union of tanganyika and ______`zanzibar
Tanzania is the country that resulted from the union of Tanganyika & ______`zanzibar
Tanzania is the country that resulted from the union of zanzibar and ______`tanganyika
Taphephobia is the fear of`being buried alive
Tapinophobia is the fear of`being contagious
tarantino: butch went to great lengths to obtain this item in pulp fiction`gold watch
tarantino: harvey keitel had a role similar to the one he had in pf in which film`point of no return
tarantino: played mr. brown in rd; jimmy in pf`quentin tarantino
tarantino: played mr. pink in rd; played buddy holly waiter in pf`steve buscemi
tarantino: who gives clarence guidance and advice in true romance`elvis presley
Tarantula's can survive ______ years without food`two & half`2.5`two and half`2.5
"tara's theme" is from what movie`gone with the wind
Tarlike mixture of hydrocarbons derived from petroleum`bitumen
Tarquin the Proud was the last king of where`rome
Tarsus, metatarsus, and phalanges are parts of a ______`foot
Tarsus, metatarsus, and phalanges are parts of a(n) `foot
Tarsus, metatarsus, & phalanges are parts of a ______`foot
Tasteful opulence in form, decoration, or presentation`elegance
taste in the arts is considered to be overrefined`longhair
---------- taste with their hind feet`butterflies
Tasting or looking like sugar`sugarier
Tasting or smelling of tin: 'tinny canned food.'`tinnier
Tasting or smelling richly of or as if of fruit: My nose filled with the smells of leather, polish, waxthe fat, fruity smell of rich car(Anthony Hyde)`fruitier
Tasting or smelling richly of or as if of fruit: My nose filled with the smells of leather, polish, waxthe fat, ------ smell of rich car(Anthony Hyde)`fruity
'Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu' is the name of a hill in`new Zealand
Taurophobia is a fear of ______`bulls
Taurophobia is the fear of`bulls
Tea: Better teabags contain these small particles sifted out of better teas`fannings
Teaching or exhibiting goodness or correctness of character and behavior: 'a ----- lesson.'`moral
Teaching or exhibiting goodness or correctness of character and behavior: 'a moral lesson.'`morally
Tea: In this country, tea leaves are pickled and used as a vegetable relish`burma
Team a maryland t-shirt slogan that parodied 'virginia is for lovers' read what`maryland is for crabs
Team game played with oval ball`rugby
Tease: An brass instrument which normally uses a slide`trombone
Tease: Ric Lee, Leo Lyons, Chick Churchill & Alvin Lee`ten years after
Tease: The byrds had a hit with this Pete Seeger song`turn turn turn
Tease: They had an album titled "white punks on dope"`the tubes
Teasing: mocking: His face wore a somewhat --------- almost impertinent air (Lawrence Durrell)`quizzical
Tea: Tea plants belong to this genus`camellia
Tea: The first sprouting of Darjeeling tea leaves in the spring are called this`first flush
Tea: The practice of steeping tea was developed during this Chinese dynasty`ming
Tea: This black tea is flavoured with oil of bergamot, an aromatic Chinese orange`earl grey
Tea: This is the name of the Japanese tea ceremony`chanoyu
Tea: This nation is the world's largest producer of tea`india
Tea Who was on hand for the "Return of the Native"`thomas hardy
Technical theater: what's the instantaneous killing of all stage lights`blackout
Techniques & equipment used to extinguish fires & limit the damage caused by them`fire fighting
Technology: How much cache did the Coppermine CPU have`256k
Technology: How much cache did the Katmai CPU have`512k
Technology: How much cache did the Mendocino CPU have`128k
Technology: How much cache did the Thunderbird CPU have`256k
Technology: How much cache did the Tualatin CPU have`512k
Technology: How much cache did the Willamette CPU have`256k
Technology: What is the codename for Pentium III cpu's with 256k cache`Coppermine
Technology: What is the codename for Pentium III cpu's with 512k cache`Katmai
Technology: What is the codename for Pentium IV cpu's with 256k cache`Willamette
Technology: What is the codename for Pentium IV cpu's with 512k cache`Northwood
Technology: What is the difference between the Intel 386DX and the Intel 386SX processor`Math Coprocessor
Technology: What is the reason behind the layout of the Qwerty keyboard `To slow down typing rates
Technology: What is the successor to AMD's 5x86 CPU`Athlon
Technology: What is the successor to AMD's Athlon CPU`Athlon XP
Technology: What is the successor to ATI's Rage 128 video chipset`Radeon
Technology: What is the successor to ATI's Rage Pro video chipset`Rage 128
Technology: What is the successor to Intel's Pentium CPU`Pentium II
Technology: What is the successor to Intel's Pentium II CPU`Pentium III
Technology: What is the successor to Intel's Pentium III CPU`Pentium IV
Technology: What is the successor to Nvidia's Geforce 256 video chipset`Geforce2
Technology: What is the successor to Nvidia's Geforce2 video chipset`Geforce3
Technology: What is the successor to Nvidia's Geforce3 video chipset`Geforce4
Technology: What is the successor to Nvidia's Riva 128 video chipset`TNT
Technology: What is the successor to Nvidia's TNT2 video chipset`Geforce 256
Technology: What is the successor to Nvidia's TNT video chipset`TNT2
Technology: What is the successor to the Intel 486 CPU`Pentium
Technology: What size cache do Pentium II cpu's have`512k
Technology: What type of memory do i815 motherboards use`SDRAM
Technology: What type of memory do i820 motherboards use`RDRAM
Technology: What type of memory do i845 motherboards use`DDR-SDRAM
Technology: What type of memory do i850 motherboards use`RDRAM
Technology: What type of memory do Intel BX motherboards use`SDRAM
Technology: What type of memory do KT133 motherboards use`SDRAM
Technology: What type of memory do KT266 motherboards use`DDR-SDRAM
Technology: What was launched on the 4th December 1996 `Mars Pathfinder
Technology: What was the Earth's first artificial satellite `Sputnik 1
Technology: What was the first lighthouse `Pharos of Alexandria
Technology: What was the name of the first plane ever to fly `Flyer
Technology: Which was the first manned aircraft to exceed the speed of sound `Bell X-1
Technology: Who invented the Hovercraft `Sir Christopher Cockerell
Technology: Who invented the Telephone `Alexander Graham Bell
Technophobia is a fear of ______`technology
Technophobia is the fear of`technology
Teddy Pendergrass originally sang lead for which group from 1959 to 1975`blue notes
Ted Hughes poet laureate died in which year`1998
Tediously long: drawn-out: 'a lengthy explanation.'`lengthier
Tediously repetitious or lacking in variety. boring`monotonous
Tedious, monotonous, or uninteresting work of any kind`hackwork
Tedious sameness or repetitiousness: 'the monotony of daily routine.'`monotonies
'Teenage riot' and 'silver rocket' are two cuts off which alternative rock group's 1988 'daydream nation' album`Sonic Youth
---------- teens start smoking a day`3,000
Tees Are Closer To The Green In Golf Men's Or Women's`Women's
Tegucigalpa is the capital of ______`honduras
Teheran is the capital of ______`iran
Teichi Igarashi climbed what mountain at the age of 99`mount fuji
teiichi igarashi climbed what mountain at the age of 99`mount`britain
Teiichi igarashi climbed what mountain at the age of 99`mount fuji
Telegraph Hill is part of which American city`san francisco
Teleophobia is the fear of`definite plans
Telephonophobia is a fear of ______`telephone
Telephonophobia is a fear of ______`telephones
Television: All Saints is centred around which ward of All Saints Hospital`17
Television: Don Burke hosts which show`Burke's Backyard
Television: In All Saints, what was Nurse Terri Sullivan before becoming a nurse`a nun
Television: In the TV Series Skippy, What was Skippy`A Kangaroo
television show: the comfy _____`couch
Television - The wizard of ____`OZ
Television - What film did Art Carney win the 1974 best actor Oscar for`Harry and Tonto
Television: What is the name of Frank Gilroy's wife in A Country Practice`Shirley
Television: What is the name Ted Bulpitt's wife in Kingswood Country`Thelma
television - what subject did mr. chips teach`latin
television: what was laverne's last name on laverne and shirley?`defazio
Television: What was the name of the Prison in Prisoner`Wentworth Detention Centre
Television: Where is the TV Series A Country Practice set`Wandin Valley
Television: Where is the TV Series Blue Heelers set`Mt. Thomas
Television: Which character does Alwyn Kurts play in Homicide`Inspector Colin Fox
Television: Which Character does Carol Burns play in Prisoner`Franky Doyle
Television: Which character does Damian Walshe-Howling play in Blue Heelers`Constable Adam Cooper
Television: Which character does Don Barker play in Homicide`DetEctive Sergeant Harry White
Television: Which Character does Ed Devereaux play in Skippy`Matt Hammond
Television: Which Character does Garry Pankhurst play in Skippy`Sonny Hammond
Television: Which character does Gary Day play in Homicide`Senior Detective Phil Redford
Television: Which character does George Mallaby play in Homicide`Senior Detective Peter Barnes
Television: Which character does Gerard Kennedy play in Division 4`Detective Sergeant Frank Banner
Television: Which character does Gill Tucker play in Cop Shop`Constable Roy Baker
Television: Which character does Joyce Jacobs play in A Country Practice`Esme Watson
Television: Which Character does Ken James play in Skippy`Mark Hammond
Television: Which character does Leonard Teale play in Homicide`Detective Sergeant David Mackay
Television: Which character does Martin Sacks play in Blue Heelers`Senior Detective P.J. Hasham
Television: Which character does Michael Pate play in Matlock Police`Detective Sergeant Vic Maddern
Television: Which character does Norman Yemm play in Homicide`Senior Detective Jim Patterson
Television: Which Character does Paula Duncan play in Cop Shop`Detective Danni Francis
Television: Which character does Paul Cronin play in Matlock Police`Senior Constable Gary Hogan
Television: Which Character does Paul Cronin play in Solo One`Gary Hogan
Television: Which Character Does Paul Cronin play in The Sullivans`Dave Sullivan
Television: Which character does Penny Cook play in A Country Practice`Vicki Dean
Television: Which Character does Rod Mulliner play in Ryan`Michael Ryan
Television: Which character does Ross Higgins play in Kingswood Country`Ted Bulpitt
Television: Which Character does Shiela Florence play in Prisoner`Lizzy Birdsworth
Television: Which Character does Steve Bisley play in Water Rats`Detective Sergeant Jack Christey
Television: Which character does Syd Heylen play in A Country Practice`Cookie
Television: Which character does Terry Norris play in Cop Shop`Senior Sergeant Eric O'Rielly
Television: Which Character does Val Lehman play in Prisoner`Bea Smith
Television: Which show featured Ossie the Ostrich`Hey Hey It's Saturday
Television: Which TV Series features Aldo Godolfus`Number 96
Television: Which TV Series features Constable Evan "jonesy" Jones`Blue Heelers
Television: Which TV Series features Constable Joanna "jo" Parrish`Blue Heelers
Television: Which TV Series features Det.Sgt.Vic Maddern`Matlock Police
Television: Which TV Series features Donald Fisher and Alf Stewart`Home and Away
Television: Which TV Series features Dorrie Evans`Number 96
Television: Which TV Series features Inspector Monica Draper`Blue Heelers
Television: Which TV Series features Sergeant Theresa "tess" Gallagher`Blue Heelers
Television: Which TV Series features Tess Silverman McLeod`McLeod's Daughters
Television: Which TV Series stars Bridie Carter as Tess McLeod`McLeod's Daughters
Television: Which TV Series stars Fiona Spence as 'Vinegar Tits'`Prisoner
Television: Which TV Series stars Gary sweet as Sgt.Steve "mickey" McClintock`Police Rescue
Television: Which TV Series stars Georgie Parker as the head nurse`All Saints
Television: Which TV Series stars Gerard Kennedy and Chuck Faulkner`Division 4
Television: Which TV Series stars Gordon Piper as Bob Hatfield`A Country Practice
Television: Which TV Series stars Jack Thompson and Peter Sumner`Spyforce
Television: Which TV Series stars John Wood as Michael Rafferty`Rafferty's Rules
Television: Which TV Series stars Ken James and Garry Pankhurst`Skippy
Television: Which TV Series stars Leonard Teale and Alwyn Kurts`Homicide
Television: Which TV Series stars Lucky Grills`Bluey
Television: Which TV Series stars Maggie Kirkpatrick as 'The Freak"`Prisoner
Television: Which TV Series stars Paul cronin as Dave Sullivan`The Sullivans
Television: Which TV Series stars Paul Cronin as Gary Hogan`Solo One
Television: Which TV Series stars Peter Adams as Detective Jeff Johnson`Cop Shop
Television: Which TV Series stars Peter Phelps as Peter Church`Stingers
Television: Which TV Series stars Rod Mulliner as Michael Ryan`Ryan
Television: Which TV Series stars Ross Higgins as Ted Bulpitt`Kingswood Country
Television: Which TV Series stars Shane Porteous as Dr. Terence Elliott`A Country Practice
Television: Which TV Series stars Steve Bisley as Det.Sgt.Jack Christey`Water Rats
Television: Which TV Series stars Vic Gordon and Michael Pate`Matlock Police
Television: Which TV Series was hosted by Johnny Young`Young Talent Time
Television: Which TV Show was hosted by Uncle Norman and Joffa Boy`The Tarax Show
Television: Who hosted A Current Affair between 1988 and 1993`Jana Wendt
Television: Who hosted A Current Affair between 1994 and 1998`Ray Martin
Television: Who hosted Sale of the Century from 1980 to 1991`Tony Barber
Television: Who hosted Sale of the Century from 1991 to 2001`Glenn Ridge
Television: Who hosted the Don Lane Show`Don Lane
Television: Who hosted The Paul Hogan Show`Paul Hogan
Television: Who hosted The Ray Martin Show`Ray Martin
Television: Who hosted Young Talent Time`Johnny Young
Television: Who is the host of Burke's Backyard`Don Burke
Television: Who is the star of Crocodile Hunter`Steve Irwin
Television: Who plays Aldo Godolfus in Number 96`Johnny Lockwood
Television: Who plays Dave Sullivan in The Sulivans`Paul Cronin
Television: Who plays Detective Mike Georgio in Cop Shop`John Orcsik
Television: Who plays Detective Sergeant Glen Taylor in Cop Shop`George Mallaby
Television: Who plays Detective Sergeant Mick Peters in Division 4`Terence Donovan
Television: Who plays Detective Sergeant Vic Maddern in Matlock Police`Michael Pate
Television: Who plays Det.Sgt.Bluey Hills in Bluey`Lucky Grills
Television: Who plays Dorrie Evans in Number 96`Pat McDonald
Television: Who plays Dr.Simon Bowen in A Country Practice`Grant Dodwell
Television: Who plays Erskine in Spyforce`Jack Thompson
Television: Who plays Inspector Colin Fox in Homicide`Alwyn Kurts
Television: Who plays Inspector Reg Lawson in Homicide`Charles Tingwell
Television: Who plays Joan 'The Freak' in Prisoner`Maggie Kirkpatrick
Television: Who plays Mark Hammond in Skippy`Ken James
Television: Who plays Matt Hammond in Skippy`Ed Devereaux
Television: Who plays Meg Jackson-morris in Prisoner`Elspeth Ballantyne
Television: Who plays Michael Rafferty in Rafferty's Rules`John Wood
Television: Who plays Peter Church in Stingers`Peter Phelps
Television: Who plays Senior Constable Gary Hogan in Matlock Police`Paul Cronin
Television: Who plays Senior Constable Maggie Doyle in Blue Heelers`Lisa Mccune
Television: Who plays Senior Detective Peter Barnes in Homicide`George Mallaby
Television: Who plays Senior Detective Steve York in Matlock Police`Tom Richards
Television: Who plays Sergeant Steve 'mickey' McClintock in Police Rescue`Gary Sweet
Television: Who plays Sonny Hammond in Skippy`Garry Pankhurst
Television: Who plays Strop on The Paul Hogan Shaw`John Cornell
Television: Who plays Vera "Vinegar Tits" in Prisoner`Fiona Spence
Television: Who was Pual Hogans side-kick on The Paul Hogan Show`Strop
Television: Who was the hostess on Great Temptation`Barbara Rogers
Television: Who was the host of Great Temptation`Tony Barber
Television: Who was the host of Hey Hey It's Saturday`Daryl Somers
Television - Who was winnie the pooh's neighbor`piglet
"Tell Him" was released by this group in November 1962`The Exciters
Telly Savalas played which TV detective`kojak
Telosphobia is the fear of`being last
Temperature at which a liquid congeals into the solid state at a given pressure`freezing
Temperature at which a liquid congeals into the solid state at a given pressure?`freezing point
Temperatureatwhichaliquidcongealsintothesolidstateatagivenpressure`freezing point
temperature when condensation occurs is called the`dew`malnutrition
Temperature when condensation occurs is called the`dew point
Temple Either of two successive buildings in ancient Jerusalem serving as the primary center for Jewish worship`temple
Temple or sacred tower in China`pagoda
Temporarily in frequent use: faddish: '------- terminology.'`voguish
Temporarily twisted in an expression of distaste or displeasure: 'made a --- face.'`wry
Temporarily twisted in an expression of distaste or displeasure: 'made a wry face.'`wrier
Temporarily unable to speak, as through astonishment`speechless
Temporary encampment without tents`bivouac
Temporary madness or delirium`frenzied
Ten degrees Celsius is the equivalent of how many degrees Fahrenheit`fifty degrees
Tending or liable to vary: variable`variant
Tending or likely to be erroneous: '-------- hypotheses.'`fallible
Tending or used to initiate`initiatory
Tending to arouse sexual desire`erotic
Tending to cause tumult`tumultuous
Tending to check bleeding by contracting the tissues or blood vessels: hemostatic`styptic
Tending to chirp: 'a ------ parakeet.'`chirpy
Tending to detract or diminish`derogatory
Tending to drink excessively`sottish
Tending to exhaust`exhaustive
Tending to explode`explosive
Tending to form an acid`acidic
Tending to indulge in fancy: 'a -------- mind.'`fanciful
Tending to make poor decisions or careless mistakes`stupid
Tending to mislead: deceptive: '---------- testimony.'`fallacious
Tending to move in or form a group with others of the same kind: '---------- bird species.'`gregarious
Tending to postpone or delay: '-------- in his work habits.' slow`dilatory
Tending to promote or preserve health`hygienic
Tending to protrude or project`extrusive
Tending to push self-assertively forward: brash: 'a spoiled child's --------- behavior.'`obtrusive
Tending to repel or drive off`repulsive
Tending to smear or soil`smearier
Tending to speak or write at excessive length. wordy`prolix
Tending to squeak: 'squeaky shoes.'`squeakier
Tending to stretch excessively`stretchier
Tending to suspect: distrustful: 'a ---------- nature.'`suspicious
Tending to upset the mind or the balance of senses: 'standing on a ----- outcrop of rock.'`heady
Tending to use, using, or expressed in more words than are necessary to convey meaning`wordier
Tending to use, using, or expressed in more words than are necessary to convey meaning`wordy
Tending to worry: anxious`worrisome
tennis : acclaimed as the best swede to step on court since bjorn borg, and arguably the best serve-and-volleyer of all time`stefan edberg
tennis: what area falls between the baseline and the service line?`backcourt
Tennis: what area falls between the baseline & the service line`back court
tennis : who is the only person in history to acheive a 'gold slam', i.e. the four grand slams and the olympic gold all in one year`steffi graf
tennis : who was nicknamed 'muscles'`ken rosewall
Tennis - Who won the US Open in 1989`boris becker
Tenor and soprano are examples of what`singing voices
Tension or strife resulting from a lack of agreement: dissension`discord
Tentative or restrained: guarded: 'felt a -------- optimism that the offer would be accepted.'`cautious
Tent used as sanctuary by Israelites during Exodus`tabernacle
Teratophobia is the fear of`bearing a deformed child
Teresa Quotations: "Do one thing at a time, and do that one thing as if your life depended on it."`Eugene Grace
Terlingua, Texas is the annual site of what cook off`international chili society
Term applied loosely to any of a number of chemical compounds in the carbohydrate group that are readily soluble in water; are colorless, odorless, & usually crystallizable; & are more or less sweet in taste`sugar
Term applied to a migratory people of southern China?`Hakka
Term applied to cultivation of plants in nutrient solutions without use of soil`hydroponics
Term applied to the edible portions of domestic mammals such as cattle, calves, sheep, lambs, & swine`meat
Term applied to the group of plant or animal organs that are necessary for or that are accessory to the reproductive processes (reproduction)`reproductive system
Term applied to the profession in which a knowledge of the mathematical & natural sciences, gained by study, experience, & practice, is applied to the efficient use of the materials & forces of nature`engineering
Term applied to the ripened ovule of a seed plant before germination?`seed
Term for animals in the class including the scorpions and spiders?`arachnid
Termforanimalsintheclassincludingthescorpions and spiders`arachnid
Term for the role the atmosphere plays in insulating and warming the earth's surface`greenhouse
Term for the role the atmosphere plays in insulating and warming the earth's surface?`greenhouse effect
Termfortheroletheatmosphereplaysininsulatingandwarmingtheearth'ssurface`greenhouse effect
Term for the role the atmosphere plays in insulating & warming the earth's surface`greenhouse effect
Terminating after a designated date: 'a ---------- annuity.'`terminable
Termination of pregnancy before the fetus is capable of independent life`abortion
Term indicating the hydrogen ion concentration of a solution, a measure of the solutions acidity`ph
Term meaning `rest' which titled a posthumous RAH retrospective`requiem
Term originally meaning any kind of bird, & later applied chiefly to edible species`fowl
Term popularly applied to a visible growth of fungi or bacteria on wet clothes, food, or other objects`mildew
Terms: A composition of eight parts or voices, or the group of its performers`octet
Terms: A composition of five voices or instruments.`quintet
Terms: A direction to play slightly faster than adagio.`adagietto
Terms: A direction to play "with fire" or great animation`con fuoco
Terms: A direction to repeat from the beginning`da capo
Terms: A French Baroque dance in duple time with strong beat on beat three.`gavotte
Terms: A little sonata`sonatina
Terms: An opera made up of selections from other operas`pasticcio
Terms: A vertical line used to join two or more staves`brace
Terms: Name the scale: d, e, f, g, a, b flat, c sharp, d`d minor
terms of endearment won best picture oscar in 1980, 1982 or 1983`1983
Terms: Term meaning continue playing an octave higher or lower.`8va segue
Terms: The highest adult male voice or lowest female voice`alto
Terms: The opposite of legato.`staccato
Terms: The stress given to one tone over another.`accent
Terms: Two or more melodies sounding against one another is called this.`counterpoint
Term used to designate a crew member for manned space flights of the united states space program`astronaut
Terrestrial gastropod mollusk, related to the snail, but with the shell represented by an internal horny plate overlying the respiratory cavity`slug
Terrestrial: not heavenly or divine: '------- existence.'`earthly
Terry Knight was the original producer of what group`grand funk railroad
Tess Trueheart married which plainclothes detective`Dick Tracy
Testament, metallica, possessed and primus all hail from this geographical area`bay area
testes are nonfunctioning or have been removed`eunuch
Testing severely the powers of endurance: strenuous: 'a long, -------, and exhausting war.'`arduous
Test of metal or ore for ingredients and quality`assay
Testophobia is a fear of ______`tests
Tests on drugs and poisons determine the LD-50 dose. What does LD stand for`lethal dose
Tetanophobia is the fear of`lockjaw`tetanus
Teutophobia is a fear of ______`anything german
teutophobia is a fear of`anything german`german things
Texas Chainsaw Massacre, there was a guy in a wheelchair. What was his name?`Franklin
texas name the lead singer`harleen spiteri
Textophobia is a fear of ______`certain fabrics
Thanatophobia is the fear of`death`dying
"Thanks for the fab picture Marge, I hung it on me wall." Who said it?`Ringo Star
Thanksgiving was proclaimed a national holiday in 1863, 1868 or 1892`1863
Thanks to a dead cow. This topping is called 'minced meat' by some.`ground beef
That big square thing you're staring at right now is called a _______`monitor
That big square thing you're staring at right now is called a `monitor
That can be answered or refuted: 'an ---------- charge.'`answerable
That can be argued plausibly: defensible in argument: 'three -------- points of law.'`arguable
That can be readily vaporized`volatile
That can be steered. Used of boats, ships, or aircraft`navigable
That can pass through a given pore size`filterable`filtrable
That contains directions for use in a dramatic performance: 'the play's acting text.'`actings
That did a man named Dunlop invent in the 1880's`pneumatic tire
that is your zodiacal sign if you're born on july 15`cancer
That may be depleted or worn out by use: '---------- paper products.'`consumable
That or those remaining: 'The beginning was boring, but the ---- was inte----ing. The ---- are arriving later.'`rest
That, until the mid-1600s, scientists believed that each sperm cell contained-inside of it-a tiny ______ being?`human
that was defaced in the "crime of the century"?`mount rushmore
That was the original name of the singer tina turner`annie mae bullock
That which comes to be known, as through perception, reasoning, or intuition: knowledge`cognition
That which is gathered or amassed: a collection or accumulation`gathering
That which is intended to induce laughter or amusement: 'a writer skilled at crafting -----.'`humor
The 11th in a set or sequence`eleven
The 13th in a set or sequence`thirteen
The 13th through 19th items in a series or scale, as years of a century or degrees of temperature`teen
The 14th in a set or sequence`fourteen
The 14th July 1789 marked the start of what`French Revolution
The 14th letter of the Alphabet`N
The 15th in a set or sequence`fifteen
The 15th letter of the Alphabet`O
The 16th in a set or sequence`sixteen
The 18th in a set or sequence`eighteen
The 1917 Declaration about the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine was named after which Prime Minister`balfour
The 1928 republican campaign slogan promised "A ________ in every pot, a ____ in every garage"`chicken car
The 1948 musical 'Where's Charley' was based on which English farce`charley's aunt
The 1950s saw an upsurge in the popularity of science fiction writing. Which forefather of modern SF wrote his first novel in 1952, called Player Piano`Kurt Vonnegut
the 1962 recreation of d-day 1944 was entitled the _____?`longest day
the 1973 film "the sting" involved a hoax on what type of gambling`horseracing
The 1976 Olympic Mascot for Montreal, Canada was a beaver. What was the beavers name`Amik
The 1976 Summer Olympics were held in this city.`montreal
The 1980s band were Scrittiwhat`politti
The 1982 football strike lasted how many days`57
The 1982 football strike lasted how many days`fifty seven
The 1982 football strike lasted how many days`fifty seven`57
the 1984 concert film 'stop making sense' featured which band`talking heads
The 1984 winter olympics were held at what site`sarajevo
the 1990 national championship in women's indoor track was won by`texas
The 1991 National Championship in Women's Volleyball was won by`ucla
The 1991 novel "Scarlett" by Alexandra Ripley was a sequel to which other novel`Gone With The Wind
The 1999 Weetabix Women's British Open Golf Championship was held at which golf course`woburn
The 19th in a set or sequence`nineteen
the 1st academy awards were presented in what year`1927
The 1st annual grammy awards were awarded in what year`1959
The 1st buffalo ever born in captivity was born at Chicago's Lincoln Park Zoo in what year`1884
The 1st personal computer went on sale in what year`1977
The 1st U S federal holiday honoring Martin Luther King, jr. Was in what year`1986
The 1st u.s federel penitentiary was completed in 1900, 1906 or 1912`1906
The 1st US minimum wage law was instituted in what year`1938
The #1 Thai Island Holiday Resort`Phuket
the 20th anniversary of ___ is celebrated?`earth day
The 20th letter of the Alphabet`S
The 24-hour period during which the earth completes one rotation on its axis`day
The 25th U S president always wore a red carnation. He was _______ ______`william mckinley
The 25th wedding anniversary is silver, what's the 6th`iron
The 3 largest newspaper circulations are`russian
the 3 most valuable brand names on earth in order is`marlboro, coca-cola and budweiser
The 50s: Roy Campanella was the first black to play this baseball position`catcher
The 50s: This pact was signed by the Soviet Union and its eastern allies`warsaw
The 50s: William Goldings 1955 novel about boys stranded on an island`lord of the flies
The 60s: First nation ever to resign from the united nations`indonesia
The 60s: Malta won independence from this country in 1964`england
The 60s: Only actress to win two Oscars in this decade.`katharine hepburn
The 60s: This film popularized "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"`cool hand luke
The 60s: This team won the first super bowl`green bay
The 80s: Argentina called them the Malvinas Islands, the British this.`falkland
The 80s: Charles and Diana were wed in this cathedral`st paul`saint paul
The 80s: First man to ride the space shuttle into orbit twice.`john young
The 80s: G.D. Searle & Co put this brand sweetener on the market in 1983.`nutrasweet
The 80s: John Paul II forgave this man for shooting him.`memet agca
The 80s: The US mining of this nations harbor created an uproar in 1984`nicaragua
The 80s: This actor was with Wagner and Natalie Wood when she drowned.`christopher walken
The 80s: This team destroyed the Redskins in the 1984 superbowl`raiders
'The 900 Days' is a chronicle about what group's siege of Leningrad`nazi
'The 900 days' is a chronicle about whose siege of Leningrad`nazi
'The 900 Days' is a chronicle of the Nazi siege of what city`Leningrad
The 9th, 1st, 20th 15th and 14th letters of the Alphabets spell what`Jason
The 9th letter of the Alphabet`J
The aardvark is the first animal listed in a dictionary but what is the second`aardwolf
The aardvark was named by dutch settlers in Africa, what does its name mean`earth pig
The ability or habit of keeping secrets: closeness`secrecies
The ability or power to concentrate mentally`attention
The ability or power to persuade: Three foremost aids to ---------- which occur to me are humility, concentration, and gusto (Marianne Moore)`persuasion
The ability to deliver fire against an enemy in combat`firepower
The ability to move from place to place`locomotion
The ability to produce such sounds`voice
The ability to think abstractly or profoundly. mind`intellect
The abode of God and the angels: paradise`empyrean
The abscissa at the endpoint of an arc of a unit circle centered at the origin of a Cartesian coordinate system, the arc being of length x and measured counterclockwise from the point (1,0) if x is positive or clockwise`cos
The abscissa at the endpoint of an arc of a unit circle centered at the origin of a Cartesian coordinate system, the arc being of length x and measured counterclockwise from the point (1,0) if x is positive or clockwise`cosine
The accent that falls on a stressed syllable in a line of scanned verse`ictus
the acol system is used in which game`bridge
The acorn is the fruit of which tree`oak
The action of which operetta is centred around Venice and the fictional land of Barataria`the gondoliers
The actions of a despot: tyranny`despotism
The actions of puppets`puppetries
The actions or reactions of a person or animal in response to external or internal stimuli`behavior
The active ingredient in Chinese Bird's nest soup is`saliva
The active ingredient in smelling salts is`ammonia
The activities of the Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts`scoutings
The activity of fighting with the fists`fisticuffs
The activity of taking a band, typically a rock band, on extended tours`roadwork
The act of abiding: a sojourn`abode
The act of alleging`allegation
The act of approaching`access
the act of a vampire turning a human into another vampire of their clan is called the _______`embrace
The act of breathing out: exhalation`expiration
The act of bringing up`nurture
The act of circulating, distributing, or publishing by an office or official group: 'government ----- of new bonds.'`issue
The act of coming in: entrance`income
The act of conducting a search for something: 'house hunting.'`huntings
The act of departing or taking leave`farewell
The act of depositing, especially the laying down of matter by a natural process`deposition
The act of entering another's territory or domain`incursion
The act of fishing with a light rod and a reel having a bail or similar device that guides the line around a stationary spool and that can be disengaged to let the line run freely, as whencasting. Also`spinnings
The act of granting`accordance
The act of incising or making grooves`flutings
The act of inducing hypnosis`hypnotism
The act of inventing such a creation or pretense`fiction
The act of leaving or quitting a meeting, company, or organization, especially as a sign of protest`walkout
The act of looking or searching for food or provisions`forage
The act of making a reverent petition to God, a god, or another object of worship`prayer
The act of moving the limbs or body as an expression of thought or emphasis`gestural
The act of one that prints`printings
The act of one that shaves`shavings
The act of presenting such material to the public`libel
The act of reasoning from factual knowledge or evidence`inference
The act of seizing and carrying off by force: abduction`raping
The act of signing one's name`signature
The act of striving: 'the ------- of higher education.'`pursuit
The act of taking in`intake
The act of taking possession or asserting a claim: '---------- of command.'`assumption
The act of uniting sexually`couplings
The act of using this device`brush
The act or an instance of adultery`misconduct
The act or an instance of being stubborn or refractory`obstinacy
The act or an instance of bringing something up to date`update
The act or an instance of coming into public view: 'The author made a rare personal ----------.'`appearance
The act or an instance of committing to confinement`committal
The act or an instance of forgetting: total forgetfulness: 'sought the great -------- of sleep.'`oblivion
The act or an instance of laying up: 'budget cuts that forced the lay-up of several ships.'`layup
The act or an instance of locking`lockup
The act or an instance of putting a shiny finish on shoes`shoeshine
The act or an instance of remembering: recollection: 'spent the afternoon lost in ------.'`memory
The act or an instance of remembering: recollection: 'spent the afternoon lost in memory.'`memories
The act or an instance of rising or rising up`uprisings
The act or an instance of severe behavior, especially punishment`severities
The act or an instance of treachery`perfidies
The act or an instance of turning about and facing or moving in the opposite direction: a reversal: 'Stock prices fell in the morning but rallied in a`turnaround
The act or an instance of turning off`turnoff
The act or an instance of violent action or behavior`violence
The act or an instance of watching a movie or television`viewings
The act or an instance such exchange`wordplay
The act or a period of observing: surveillance`vigil
The act or a period of residing in a place`residence
The act or art of making such lace`tatting
The act or art of singing: 'broke into ----.'`song
The act or fact of seeing: 'hoping for a ----- of land: caught ----- of a rare bird.'`sight
The act or manner of treating: treatment: 'subjected the car to rough -----.'`usage
The act or outcome of grasping the inward or hidden nature of things or of perceiving in an intuitive manner`insight
The act or practice of rendering aloud written or printed matter: 'skilled at forensic reading.'`readings
The act or practice of rendering aloud written or printed matter: 'skilled at forensic reading.'`readopt
The act or practice of rendering aloud written or printed matter: 'skilled at forensic reading.'`readout
The act or process by which something is seasoned`seasonings
The act or process of bearing young: parturition: 'the mare's second -----.'`birth
The act or process of chewing cud`rumination
The act or process of going out`outgo
The act or process of inducing: '---------- of sleep.'`inducement
The act or process of ------ing: respiration`breath
The act or process of making a net`nettings
The act or process of making white or whiter`whitening
The act or process of perfecting: 'Perfection of the invention took years.'`perfection
The act or process of providing with or forming into sheets`sheetings
The act or process of repairing the bodies of motor vehicles`bodywork
The act or process of testing, trying, or putting to the proof: 'a ----- of one's faith.'`trial
The act or process of treating with medicine`medication
The act or process of trying to achieve equal rights and status`liberation
The act or process of using such a system`notation
The act or technique of providing with gears`gearings
The actor who played captain sisko in 'star trek deep space nine', played ____ the 1970's series 'spencer for hire'`hawk
The act, process, art, or occupation of constructing`buildings
The act, process, or art of carving or fashioning objects from wood`woodcraft
The act, process, or method of voting, especially in secret`ballot
The act, right, or power of giving`gift
The addition of what turns a Welsh rarebit into a Buck rarebit`poached egg
The Adelie penguin is native to what continent`Antarctica
The Adi Granth is the Holy Book of which religion`sikh
The Adi Granth is the holy book of which religion`sikhism
The administration of which US President was known as "The thousand days of Camelot"`kennedy
The administrative personnel, executives, or staff working in such a place`office
The administrative personnel, executives, or staff working in such a place`offices
the admiral's cup is one of the most prized trophies for what`sailing yachts
The Admiralty islands are part of which country`papua new guinea
The advertisement or message posted on such a panel`billboard
The Aerosmith song I Don't Want to Miss a Thing was from the soundtrack of which 1998 film`armageddon
The agen plum first planted in 1856, 1857 or 1858`1856
The agen plum was the basis of what giant u.s industry`prunes
The aggregate fruit of any of these plants, consisting of many small, fleshy, usually red drupelets`raspberry
The aggregate fruit of this plant`strawberry
The ailment known as conjunctivitis is also referred to by what colourful name pink eye`conjuctivitis
the air canada silver broom is won in which sport`curling
The air or climate in a specific place`atmosphere
The Alan Parsons Project hit the charts in 1982 with this song.`eye in the sky
The Alaska highway terminal is in`edmonton
The Albert Canal links Liege with which city`antwerp
The album 'Thriller' won a record __ grammy awards`eight
The alcohol found in wine, beer & liquor is known as grain alcohol or what`ethanol
The aleutian islands can be found in which ocean`Pacific Ocean
The 'Alligator Pear' is better known as the`avocado
The Amayra guides of Bolivia are said to be able to keep pace with a trotting horse for a distance of`100 kilometres
'The amazing Spider Man' was one of the first comic books to have a story in which one of the supporting characters ____`dies
the american flag first flew over a foreign fort in what country?`libya
The American pilot Charles Lindbergh received the Service Cross of the German Eagle from _____ _____ in 1938`hermann goering
The American Robert Oppenheimmer is best known for the development of what`atom bomb
The American's held the first election in which colony in 1619`virginia
The American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (aspca) was formed in what year`1866
The Americans refer to them as Potato Chips. What do the British refer to them as`Potato Crisps
The American word 'suspenders' is used for which accessory in Britain`braces
The America's Cup left home for the first time to go where`australia
The Amhara, people inhabit which African country`ethiopia
The amount by which a price is reduced`markdown
The amount by which something --------s`decrease
The amount, extent, position, size, or value reached in an estimate`estimation
The amount of a substance that can be dissolved in a given amount of solvent`solubility
The amount of carbon in the human body is enough to fill about _____ 'lead' pencils`9,000
The amount of liquid that this bottle can hold`magnum
The amount of radiation administered as therapy to a given site`dose
The amount of time between two specified instants, events, or states`interval
The amount of what substance in granite determines its color`feldspar
The amount of wire, thread, or string wound on such a cylinder`spool
The amount of wood in an area as measured in cords`cordage
The amount of work that a machine produces or can produce in a specified time period`workload
The amount or extent of slipping`slippage
The amount or proportion by which something shrinks`shrinkage
The amount or quantity that such a container can hold`box
The amount that a basket can hold`baskets
The amount that a ------ can hold`basket
The amount that a --- can hold`jug
The amount that a jug can hold`jugs
The amount that a thimble can hold`thimbleful
The amount that such a cup can hold`mug
The amount that such a cup can hold`mugs
The amount that such a utensil can hold`scoop
The amount that such a vessel can hold`basin
The amount that such a vessel can hold`tub
The amount that such a vessel can hold`tubs
The amount that this container can hold: 'buy a ---- of gas.'`tank
The analogous dorsal region in other animals`back
The analogous dorsal region in other animals`backing
The analogous dorsal region in other animals`backless
The analogous dorsal region in other animals`backs
The analogous part of an invertebrate organism`head
The analogous part of an invertebrate organism`heading
The analogous part of an invertebrate organism`heads
The analogous part of the body on certain mammals`buttock
The anatomic or functional manifestations of a disease: 'the --------- of cancer.'`pathology
The ancient cities of Mohenjo Daro and Harappa were in which country`india
The Ancient Egyptians trained ______ to wait at their tables`baboons
The ancient Greek dialect of Lesbos`lesbian
the ancient greeks played a form of football known to them as _________`harpaston
the ancient mesopotamian civilization was cradled in between which two 'life-giving' rivers`euphrates tigris
The ancient town of Luxor stood on which river`nile
The Angel falls in Venezuela are nearly _________ times taller than Niagara falls`twenty
The Angel falls in Venezuela are nearly _________ times taller than Niagara falls`twenty`20
The angel of independence in Mexico City was built by who`salvador rivas mercado
The angles inside a square total _______ degrees`360
The angles inside a square total degrees`three hundred and sixty
The Anglo Nubian, Toggenburg and Murcian are breeds of which animal`goat
the animal in you: what animal has the longest lifespan in captivity`the giant tortoise
the animal in you: what do nictitating women do to men`wink at them
the animal in you: what is by far the largest organ of the human body`the skin
the animal in you: what is the shape of a camel's spine`straight
the animal in you: what's the strongest muscle in the human body`the tongue
the animal in you: which animal lives in a lodge`the beaver
the animal in you: who was the first animal named to the animal hall of fame, in 1969`lassie
The animal responsible for the most human deaths world wide is the ________`mosquito
The animals kept in such an enclosure`pen
The animals kept in such an enclosure`penned
The animals kept in such an enclosure`penning
The animals kept in such an enclosure`pens
The animals kept in such an enclosure`pent
The animal with the largest brain in relation to its body is the`ant
the animated feature 'aladdin' takes place in what city`agrabah
The aniseed-flavoured drink absinthe contained, originally, an extract of which plant`wormwood
The ankle`tali
The ankle`talus
The anniversary of one's birth`birthday
The annual Award for Best Science Fiction novel published in the UK is named after which writer`arthur c. clarke
The annual Vermont Ceramic Show is held in what town`essex junction
the anschluss joined which two countries in a union in 1938`germany and austria
The ant always fall over on its right side when ----------`intoxicated
The ant always falls over on its right side when`intoxicated
The anterior part, as of an object or organism`forepart
The antlers of a deer`attire
The anus`ass
The anus`asses
The Appalachian mountain chain is on which continent`north america
The appearance of the upper atmosphere, especially with reference to weather. Often used in the plural: 'Threatening skies portend a storm.'`skied
The application of chemical principles & techniques to geologic studies, to understand how chemical elements are distributed in the crust, mantle, & core of the earth`geochemistry
The application of science to law?`forensic science
Theapplicationofsciencetolaw`forensic science
The April 1972 issue of Cosmopolitan featured actor ____ ________ as the first nude male centerfold of a popularly read magazine.`Burt Reynolds
The aquatic animal, the Red Sponge, can be broken into a thousand pieces and still _______ itself`reconstitute
The archbishop of krakow, in 1978, came to be known as whom`pope john paul
the archbishop of krakow, in 1978, came to be known as whom`pope john paul ii
The architect Edwin Lutyens is best known for his plans for which capital city`new delhi
The area along an international border`frontier
The area, location, or position directly before or ahead`front
The area, location, or position directly before or ahead`fronted
The area, location, or position directly before or ahead`fronting
The area of jurisdiction of a bishop: a diocese`episcopate
The area of reduced pressure or forward suction produced by and immediately behind a fast-moving object as it moves through air or water`slipstream
the area of the atlantic ocean without its dependent seas is approximately how big ___ square miles`31,830,000
The area of the human mouth, chin, and jaw`mugged
The area of the human mouth, chin, and jaw`mugging
The area on a pair of pants, underpants, or shorts where the two leg panels are sewn together`crotch
The area or sphere in which an activity takes place`range
The area or sphere in which an activity takes place`ranging
The ________ are no wider than the head of a pin and connect the ovaries to the uterus.`fallopian tubes
The _______are tubes in the testes that manufacture sperm.`seminiferous tubules
The arm of a mechanical crane`jib
The aromatic, many-seeded fruit of this plant, edible only when cooked`quince
The aromatic resin of the mastic tree, used especially in varnishes, lacquers, adhesives, and condiments and as an astringent`mastics
The aromatic resin of the ------ tree, used especially in varnishes, lacquers, adhesives, and condiments and as an astringent`mastic
The arrangement of all the tones and chords of a composition in relation to a tonic`tonalities
The arrangement of events in time`chronology
The arrangement of individual characters of a particular typeface into words, sentences, paragraphs, & so on, for the purpose of printing & publishing (printing; type)`typesetting
The arteries & veins surrounding the brain stem are called what`circle of willis
The article on which one is working with needle and thread: needlework`sewings
The articulated prehensile claws of certain arthropods, such as the lobster`pincers
The artist formerly known as prince had a both a hit song & movie by this title`purple rain
The Artist Im Not Your Steppin Stone`the monkees
The art of beautiful handwriting`calligraphy
The art of creating representations`caricature
The art of making statues`statuaries
The art of making timepieces`horology
The art of representing objects or forms on a surface chiefly by means of lines`drawings
The art of tracing designs and taking impressions of them is `lithography
The art of training falcons for hunting`falconry
The art or practice of such exercises`gymnastics
The art or process of carving a design in this manner`intaglio
The art or process of making such a composition`montage
The art or process of producing such enamelwork`cloisonne
The art or science of construction, especially of large buildings`tectonics
The art or sport of fencing`fence
The art or sport of fencing with this sword`epee
The art or study of orthography`spellings
The art or technique of executing such a picture`monochrome
THE ARTS: By what name is the 16th century Italian painter Jacopo Robusti better known`tintoretto
THE ARTS: During the Renaissance, the iTalian Donatello was prominent in which field`sculptor
THE ARTS:English painter 1887 - 1976`Laurence Stephen Lowry
THE ARTS: From a play by which greek comedy dramatist does the expression Cloud cuckoo land come`aristophanes
THE ARTS: From which play,first performed in 1956 was the term Angry young men derived`look back in anger
THE ARTS: George Bernard Shaws play Arms and the Man was made into which operetta in 1894`the chocolate soldier
THE ARTS: How did racey Emin shock the art world in 1999`with her bed
THE ARTS: In a Midsummers Nights Dream, whose head did Puck turn into that of an ass`bottom
THE ARTS: In the theatrical world, what name is given to the financial backer of a stage production`angel
THE ARTS: In traditional english drama, who was Columbines lover`harlequin
THE ARTS: In what sphere was Karsh of Ottawa famous`photography
THE ARTS: In which European art galleries are the 2 versions of Leonardo Da Vincis Virgin of the Rocks`the louvre & the national gallery
THE ARTS: In which Gilbert and Sullivan operetta does Pooh Bah appear`the mikado
THE ARTS: In which Puccini opera is a seamstress named Mimi the heroine`la boheme
The art, skill, or performance of an acrobat`acrobatics
THE ARTS: Lively dance for two persons`rigadoo
THE ARTS: L S Lowrie, what does LS stand for`laurence stephen
THE ARTS: Of which theatre is Alan Ayckbourn artistic director`the stephen joseph theatre
THE ARTS: Sculptor Rodin was working on a commision when he died, it has become one of his most famous works what was it`the thinker
THE ARTS: The artist Canaletto painted many views of which city`venice
THE ARTS: What form of entertainment sprang out of the old Commedia dell'arte`pantomime
THE ARTS: What is a closet drama`one for reading
THE ARTS: What term was given to dramatists whose work attacked the values of the establishment`angry young men
THE ARTS: What was the former name of the Royal Ballet`sadlers wells ballet
THE ARTS: What was the name of Stravinskys first ballet which was first performed in 1910, which he shortened into a suite as it was too long and patchy`the firebird
THE ARTS: What was the name of the Jew of Malta in the play by Christopher Marlowe`barabas
THE ARTS: What was the name of the town in which Gilbert and Sullivans The Mikado set`titipu
THE ARTS: What was the surname of the Dutch painter Rembrandt`van rijn
THE ARTS: Which 17th century dutch artist painted a famous series of self portraits`rembrandt
THE ARTS: Which 20th century artist has been called The King of Schlock Art`morris katz
THE ARTS: Which American architect developed geodesic domes`richard buckminster fuller
THE ARTS: Which American artist is famous for a picture of a can of beans`Andy Warhol
THE ARTS: Which artist featured a cemetary in his home town in his 1923-27 painting The Resurrection:Cookham`stanley spencer
THE ARTS: Which artist is known for his silk screen images of Marilyn Monroe`andy warhol
THE ARTS: which artist painted 62 self portraits`Rembrandt
THE ARTS: Which artists most famous painting was The persistence of Memory`Dali
THE ARTS: Which ballet dancers 1998 autobiography was entitled Life in Dance`darcey bussell
THE ARTS: Which british poet died in greece in 1824`byron
THE ARTS: Which comedian made his operatic debut in The Mikado`jasper carrott
THE ARTS: Which dups theatrical performances were called At the drop of a hat`flanders and swann
THE ARTS: Which english poet and dramatist was jailed for murder after killing the actor Gabriel Spencer in a duel in 1598`ben jonson
THE ARTS: Which former ballet dancer was the first director of the Royal Ballet which she had founded in 1931`dame ninette de valois
THE ARTS: Which form of dancing features charaters from the Robin Hood stories,along with Bavian the fool, Malkin the Clown and a hobby horse`morris dancing
THE ARTS: Which northern artist has a new perfroming and visual arts centre in Salford named after him`l s lowrie
THE ARTS: Which painting by Sir Edwin Landseer is owned by John Dewar &sons and featured on the labels of their whisky bottles`the monarch of the glen
THE ARTS: Which playwright was arrested for homosexuality in 1895`oscar wilde
THE ARTS: Which post impressionist french artist renowned for his paintings of Tahiti was the subject of a Somerset Maugham novel`paul gauguin
THE ARTS: Which Renaissance artist painted Mystic Nativity 1500 which is now in the National Gallery, London`sandro botticelli
THE ARTS: Which Spanish painter painted the picture known as The Rokeby Venus`velasquez
THE ARTS: Which theatre in London did Bernard Miles found in 1951 and name after a tavern destroyed in the Great Fire of London`the mermaid
THE ARTS: Which was the last ballet directed by Rudolf Nureyev in 1992`la bayadere
THE ARTS: Who is the sculptor of Newton on the piazza of the new British Library at St Pancras`eduardo paolozzi
The arts: Who left The weir of Hermiston unfinished`robert louis stevenson
THE ARTS: Who painted "And when did you last see your father", now in the walker Art Gallery in Liverpool`william frederick yeames
THE ARTS: Who painted Snow storm- steamboat off a Harbours mouth`Turner
THE ARTS: Whose painting exhibited in 1874 gave rise to the term Impressionism`claude monet
THE ARTS: Who was principal conductor of the Halle Orchestra from 1949 - 1970`sir john barbirolli
THE ARTS: Who wrote An ideal Husband`oscar wilde
The art, technique, or process of narrating`narrative
the ashes is played between which 2 countries (alphabetical order)`australia england
the ashes is played between which 2 countries (alphabetical order)`australia`knesset
The ashes of the average cremated person weighs how many pounds`nine
The ashes of the average cremated person weighs how many pounds`nine`9
The ash of these seaweeds, used as a source of potash and iodine`kelp
The assassination of what country's Archduke led to World War I?`Austria
The assassin in The Man With the Golden Gun was played by who`christopher
The assassin in The Man With the Golden Gun was played by who`christopher lee
The assault on Starfleet by the Borg was at`wolf 359
the assault on starfleet by the borg was at`wolf`jerry
The assembly place of such a subdivision`curia
the astronomical entity known as the pleiades is a`star`belgium
the astronomical entity known as the pleiades is a`star cluster
The astrophysical study of the history, structure, and constituent dynamics of the universe`cosmology
theater: who wrote "the importance of being earnest"`oscar wilde
The Atlanta Braves baseball team has retired # 35 which used to belong to _____`phil niekro
The Atlanta Hawks basketball team have retired 23 which used to belong to _____`lou hudson
The Atlantic Penguin was the alternative name for which bird that became extinct in 1844`great auk
the atmosphere of venus and mars consists mainly of this compound?`carbon dioxide
The Atomium is a famous tourist attraction in which city`brussells
Theatrical effects or mannerisms: histrionics`theatrics
Theatrical performance in the afternoon`matinee
Theatrophobia is a fear of ______`theatres
Theatrophobia is the fear of`theatres
the attack of what country started world war ii?`poland
The attribution of one's own feelings to an object`empathy
The Auckland Islands belong to which country`New Zealand
The Auricularis muscles are used to move the____ `ears
The ----a used to seal such a document`bull
The Australian cricket team compete against which other nation for the Ashes`england
The Australian term for extras in cricket are`sundries
The Austrians invented them in the 19th century by hanging them from balloons, what were they`aerial bombs
The authorities do not allow tourists to take pictures of ______ in Zambia`pygmies
The author Jules Verne was born in which city`nantes
the author of 'the yearling' and 'cross creek' was _________ _______ _______.`marjorie kinnan rawlings
The automobile company that makes beetles`volkswagen
The automobile company that makes beetles`volkswagon
The ______ (a variety of llama) appears to be the most popular four-legged bedmate for many single Peruvian guys.`alpaca
The average 60-minute audio cassette tape has _______ feet of tape in it`562.5
The average 6-month accumulation of barnacles on the hull of a ship can produce enough drag to force the vessel to burn -------- percent more fuel than normal when cruising.`fourty
The average adult human has 32 of these?`Teeth
The average American/Canadian drinks about _______ sodas a year`six hundred
The average American/Canadian drinks about _______ sodas a year`six hundred`600
The average American/Canadian will eat about 11.9 pounds of _______ per year`cereal
The average American drinks approximately how many sodas per yer`six hundred
The average American drinks approximately how many sodas per yer`six hundred`600
The average American's diet today consists of 55 percent -----------`junk food
The average American will eat 35,000 --------- during their life span.`cookies
The average American woman has sexual intercourse how many times a year?`87
The average amount that high school kids spend on their prom is??`523
The average automatic dishwasher uses how many litres of water per wash cycle`sixty eight
The average automatic dishwasher uses how many litres of water per wash cycle`sixty eight`68
The average bank teller loses about how many dollars every year`250
The average bout of sexual intercourse burns ____ calories/hour?`360
The average bra size sold at Frederick's of Hollywood in 1966 was a 34B. Today, it's a ----`36c
The average chocolate bar has ____ insects' legs in it`eight
the average garden variety caterpillar has ---------- muscles in its head`248
the average garden variety ---------- has 248 muscles in its head`caterpillar
The average human body contains enough fat to make how many bars of soap`7
The average human body contains enough iron to make how many 3" nails`1
The average human body contains enough phosphorous to make how many match heads`2,000
The average human body contains enough ____ to kill all fleas on an average dog`sulfur
The average human brain weighs ___ kg`1.3
The average human eats __________ spiders in their lifetime at night`eight
The average human eats __________ spiders in their lifetime at night`eight`8
The average human produces how many quarts of spit in a lifetime`25,000
The average human uses which muscles most`the eye`eye
The average ice berg weighs ___________ tons`20,000,000
The average lifetime total amount of male ejaculation?`14 gallons
The average male will ejaculate 2000 times from ______in his lifetime?`masturbation
The average man's erection is how long?`12.9 cm
The average number of erections per day for American males?`11
The average person has 1,460 of these each year`dreams
The average person has over ________ dreams a year`1,460
The average person laughs _______ times a day`thirteen
The average person laughs _______ times a day`thirteen`13
The average porcupine has about _______ quills`30,000
The average _______ reaches sexual maturity six months after birth.`steer
The average single woman has sex ___ times a year. Married women are doing it 111 times a year.`72
The average sperm donor makes _,_ _ _ to _,_ _ _ a year.`$4,000 to $5,000
The average weekly poultry slaughter by TYSON Foods Inc in 1994 was_____?`26,500,000
The average woman uses up approximately her height in lipstick every ____ years.`five
The B-2 Stealth Bomber is designed to fly undetected by`radar
The baby ruth candy bar was named after which u.s president's daughter`grover cleveland
the baby ruth candy bar was named after which u.s president's daughter`grover`net
The background radiation in ________ is twice that of the rest of Great Britain`aberdeen
The back of a coin or medal`verso
The backwash of a wave that has broken upon a beach`rifts
The badger is a memebr of which family of animals`weasel
The bagpipe was originally made from the whole skin of a ______`dead sheep
The Bahamas lie off which US state`florida
the bajorans wear an ear-piece in which ear?`right
The balboa is the unit of currancy in which country`panama
the bald-headed eagle is the national bird of ______`america
The Balfour Declaration by Great Britain was in what year`1917
The ballet 'Pineapple Poll' was reconstructed by Sir Charles Mackerras from sketches by which composer, more famous as half of a partnership`sir arthur sullivan
The ball that is used in this game`baseball
The ball used in this game`softball
the band aid song do they know its christmas was written by whom`bob geldof
The band Duran Duran got their name from an astronaut in the 1968 Jane Fonda movie`barbarella
The Bangles, Sinnead O'Connor, & Tom Jones have recorded his songs:`prince
The baptist What New World mammal did Columbus say resembled mermaids`The manatee
The Barents Sea is an arm of which ocean`arctic
The base block at the intersection of the baseboard and the vertical trim around an opening`plinth
The base of the great pyramid of Egypt is large enough to cover how many football fields`10
The basic assumptions or principles of a subject`elements
The basic ingredients of a ploughmans lunch is bread & what`cheese
The basis of all scientific agriculture, what involves six essential practices: proper tillage; maintenance of a proper supply of organic matter in the soil; maintenance of a proper nutrient supply; control of soil pollution; maintenance of the correct soil acidity; & control of erosion`soil management
The basis of all scientific agriculture, which involves six essential practicesproper tillage; maintenance of a proper supply of organic matter in the soil; maintenance of a proper nutrient supply; control of soil pollution; maintenance of the correct soil acidity; & control of erosion`soil management
The basis on which a thing stands, is founded, or is supported. base1`foundation
The Batavian Republic was set up by France in 1795 in which European country`holland
The battlefield of Austerlitz is in which modern day country`czech republic
The battle of Austerlitz was fought in Monrovia.In which modern country is it`czechoslovakia
The Battle of Inkerman took place in which war`crimean
The Bay of Naples and the Gulf of Salerno are inlets of which sea`tyrrhenian
The "Bay of Pigs" fiasco took place in this country.`cuba
The Beach Boys had two British number one hits, "Good Vibrations" and which other`do it again
The Beach Boys made their debut with what single`surfin
The beanlike seeds of this plant, enclosed within a pulpy fruit`coffee
The Bear and the Dragon is the last novel by which writer`tom clancey
the bear is the ____ ____ of bern.`heraldic emblem
The Beatles: A Beatles song says there are this many days in a week.`eight
the beatles covered "twist and shout" previously a hit for this group`the isley brothers
The Beatles: Cuando llega la lluvia`when the rain comes
The Beatles first number 1 hit was ...`love me do
the beatles' last live performance took place on the roof of this building:`apple studios
The Beatles: McCartney made up this song when he fancied some French words.`michelle
The Beatles: Of all the ex Beatles, he has the greatest net worth`paul
The Beatles: Originally Miss Daisy Hawkins, she picks up the rice and lives in a dream`eleanor rigby
The Beatles performed at this stadium in Minneapolis in 1964.`met stadium
The Beatles song "martha my dear" was written by paul mccartney about what`sheepdog
The Beatles: The beatles manager that died of a suspected drug overdose`brian epstein
The Beatles: The club in Liverpool made famous for the Beatles early appearences`cavern
The Beatles: The first Beatles song for which Ringo received full composing credit`don't pass me by
The Beatles: The first Harrison composition featured on the A side of a Beatles single`something
The Beatles: The name of Mean Mr. Mustards sister`pam
The Beatles: The number of people killed by Maxwells silver hammer`3
The Beatles: The only Beatles song starting with the letter J`julia
The Beatles: This album has the same title as the Beatles' first feature film.`a hard days night
The Beatles: This is what Rocky Raccoon found when he checked into his room`gideons bible
The Beatles: This song was inspired by a cornflakes advertisement on TV.`good morning good morning
The Beatles: This was the first number one Beatle hit in America`i want to hold your hand
The Beatles: With over 2500 cover versions, it's the most widely covered of Beatles songs`yesterday
The beer museum in Cincinnati is associated with this brewery`oldenberg
The begetting of a bastard`bastardies
The begetting of a bastard`bastardy
The Belcher Islands are in what bay`hudson
The belief in the existence of spiritual beings that are separable or separate from bodies`animism
The belief that no God exists`atheism
The belief that some mental phenomena cannot be explained by physical laws`mentalist
The _______ believe that lame men made the best lovers and consequently used to break the legs of their male captives.`Amazons
the Bells Toll`ernest hemingway
the Bell Tolls - 1943`gary cooper
the Bell Tolls 1943`Gary Cooper
the Bell Tolls 1943`Ingrid Bergman
the bell tolls'`ernest brain
the bell tolls'`ernest hemingway
the Bell Tolls'`ernest hemmingway
The Bell Tolls: It Tolls For Thee`Donne
The Bell Tolls`Katina Paxinou
the bell tolls'`robert jordan
the bell tolls" set`spanish civil war
The bench on which a judge or other presiding officer sits in court`tribunal
The benefice of a vicar`vicarage
The beneficial or nutritious part`goodness
The Berber language of this people`riffs
The Bereich is a wine producing region of which country`germany
The Bering Strait divides Russia from where`alaska
The bering strait lies between alaska and ______`russia
The bering strait lies between russia and ______`alaska
the berlin air lift was known as`operation`clark
The berlin air lift was known as`operation vittles
the berlingske tidende is what country's leading newspaper?`denmark
The berries of this plant, used in sauces, jellies, relishes, and beverages`cranberry
The best known penis in the world is probably the one belonging to The best known penis in the world is probably the one belonging to _____ ______ _______ (1944-1988), whose penis when in erection measured a stunning 12" (30.5 cm)!`John Curtis Holmes
The best or most skilled members of a group: 'the football team's -----.'`elite
THE BIBLE: According to the Talmud, what did God do with 7 handfuls of earth brought ot him by the angel Azrael`he made adam
The Bible: After Jonah spent time underwater, God sent him here`ninevah
THE BIBLE: Brother of Japheth and Ham`shem
The Bible: David spoke his last words to this person.`solomon
THE BIBLE: Doubting apostle`thomas
THE BIBLE: Father of Isaac`abraham
The Bible: God gave Solomon his great wisdom through this`dream
The Bible: God said, "Be strong and of a good courage" to him`david
The Bible: He battled King Og at Edrei`moses
THE BIBLE: In the Old Testament, from what kind of wood was the Ark of the Covenant made`acacia
THE BIBLE: In the sermon on the mount who did Jesus warn would appear as wolves in sheeps clothing`false prophets
THE BIBLE: In which book is the plague of toads described`exodus
The Bible: Isaiah and Ezekiel foretell this grisly practice`cannibalism
The Bible: Name of John the Baptist's father.`zacharias
The Bible: Noah's ark is supposed to have rested on this mountain after deluge`ararat
THE BIBLE: Second bird to be released from Noahs ark`dove
THE BIBLE: Substance miraculously supplied as food to the Israelites in the wilderness`manna
The Bible: The Book of Psalms say God has this many chariots`20000
The Bible: The brother of Moses, he became the first Jewish high priest`aaron
The Bible: The first five books of the Old testament are together called as`pentateuch
The Bible: The gutsy Razis tossed this at the 500 soldiers send to kill him`intestine
THE BIBLE: The name of which book comes form the greek word for origin`genesis
The Bible: The Nebuchadnezzar king was of this nation.`babylon
The Bible: "The Prodigal Son". What does "prodigal" mean`wasteful
The Bible: "The Prodigal Son". What does "prodigal" mean`wasteful`lavish
THE BIBLE: The symbol of which apostle is a club, the weapon by which he was killed`st jude
The Bible: This part of King Saul's belongings was displayed in the temple of Dagon`his head
The Bible: This person in Genesis was raped by his daughters`lot
The Bible: This was Abraham's name before God changed it`abram
THE BIBLE: To what does the adjective diluvial refer`the flood
THE BIBLE: To which mountain did Elijah summon Ahab to choose between God and Baal`mount carmel
the bible: what did god call the firmament`heaven
THE BIBLE: What is the fifth book of the New Testament`Acts of the Apostles
THE BIBLE: What is the longest name in the Bible`Mahershalalbaz
THE BIBLE: What means "He who strives with God" and was the name given to Jacob after he'd wrestled with an angel`Israel
THE BIBLE: What took place at Golgotha`Christ's crucifixion
THE BIBLE: What was the name given to the chalice used by Christ at the Last Supper and later given to Joseph of Arimathea`holy grail
THE BIBLE: Which disciple denied knowing Jesus Christ three times`peter
THE BIBLE: Which gospel writer has the lion as his symbol`mark
THE BIBLE: Which wife of Ahasuerus of Persia risked her life to save her people from Hamans plot to have them killed`esther
THE BIBLE: Who annointed Saul and David as Kings of Israel`Samuel
THE BIBLE: Who came from Gath`goliath
THE BIBLE: Who successfully interpreted the Pharoahs dreams`joseph
THE BIBLE: Who was King Solomons mother`Bathsheba
THE BIBLE: Who was the father of disciples James and John`Zebedee
THE BIBLE: Who wrote The Epistles`St Paul
The Big Crunch is considered the reverse of what event`The big bang
The Big Dipper is part of what constellation`Ursa Major
the big four television broadcasting networks in the us.`nbc cbs abc fox
the big four television broadcasting networks in the us`nbc cbs abc`mountain
The biggest beer selling establishment in the world is the Mathaser. In what city, the capital of Bavaria, is the Malthaser located?`munich
the biggest bell is the ____________, cast in the kremlin in 1733. it weighs 216 tons, but alas, it is cracked and has never been rung`tsar kolokol
the biggest selling album of all time`thriller
The Big One was the name given to the company created when the Ringling Brothers Circus merged with which other circus`barnum & bailey`barnum and bailey
The Billy Joel song "Uptown Girl" is about what woman`christie brinkley
the biological clock is also known as`circadian rhythm
The biro brothers invented the ballpoint pen in 1936, 1938 or 1939`1938
The birthrate of a population`fertility
The biscuit or cake made for this dessert`shortcake
The bishop's throne in a cathedral is called a...`cathedra
The bite from which insect caused the death of the poet Rupert Brook`mosquito,
The black country is in which area of england`west midlands
The Black Death claimed roughly __________ lives in the thirteenth century`forty million`40,000,000
the black jews of ethiopia are known as`falasha
The 'Black Pope' was in charge of which religious group`jesuits
The Black Prince was the first holder of which Royal title`duke of cornwall
The black widow spider can devour as many as _______ 'mates' in a single day`twenty
The black widow spider can devour as many as _______ 'mates' in a single day`twenty`20
The Black Widow spider eats her mate during or after ___.`sex
The blank space bordering the written or printed area on a page`margins
The blesbok, a South African antelope, is almost the same color as`grapefruit
The blesbok, a South African ______, is almost the same color as grapejuice`antelope
the bliss of mrs blossom starred what actress in the title role`shirley maclaine
the bliss of mrs blossom starred what actress in the title role`shirley`randall
The blood of a grasshopper is`white
The blood of mammals is what color`red
the blowfly, is a parasitic insect specific to what species of birds?`bluebirds
The Bluebell flower is a member of which family`lily
The Blue Mountains are a feature of which Caribbean Island`jamaica
The Blue Mountains can be found on which Caribbean island`jamaica
The Blue Ridge Mountains lie in Virginia and which other state`georgia
the blue whale is the largest animal on earth. how long can it get (in feet)`100 feet
The board game monopoly is based upon streets in what u.s. city`Atlantic City, New Jersey
The bodice or waist of a dress`corsage
THE BODY: A mass of lymphoid tissue at the back of the throat`adenoids
THE BODY: another name for a tendon`sinew
THE BODY: A sore on the eyelid`stye
THE BODY: Bursitis affects the knee, what is its common name`housemaids knee
THE BODY: By what name is the tendon at the back of the ankle known`the achilles
THE BODY: By which other name is the shinbone known`the tibia
THE BODY: Caries is an extremely common disease, by which name is it better known`tooth decay
THE BODY: Colourless constituent of blood`plasma
THE BODY: Except for sex cells, all human cells contain 23 pairs of what`chromosomes
THE BODY: Exercise the mind in the contemplation of spiritual matters`meditate
THE BODY: For which congenital disability was spastic a common name`cerebral palsy
THE BODY: Graves disease is caused by excessive production of what`thyroid hormone
THE BODY: Hard coating on the teeth`enamel
THE BODY: How many teeth shoudl a person have`thirty two
THE BODY: In which organ are the hepatic arteries`the liver
THE BODY: Joint between femur and tibia`knee
THE BODY: Lossof memory`amnesia
The body of a human`carcass
The body of an aircraft`fuselage
The body of an insect is divided into how many sections`three
The body of an insect is divided into how many sections`three`3
The body of ceremonies or rites used in a place of worship`ritual
The body of ceremonies or rites used in a place of worship`ritually
THE BODY: Of or concerned with the voice`vocal
The body of rules and principles governing the affairs of a community and enforced by a political authority: a legal system: 'international ---.'`law
THE BODY: Of the kidneys`renal
The body or outward appearance of a person or an animal considered separately from the face or head: figure`form
The body or outward appearance of a person or an animal considered separately from the face or head: figure`formed
The body or outward appearance of a person or an animal considered separately from the face or head: figure`forming
The body or outward appearance of a person or an animal considered separately from the face or head: figure`forms
THE BODY: Received by the ear`aural
THE BODY: Small stirrup shaped bone of the middle ear`stapes
the body snatchers released a single in 1980 titled "lets do _____"`rock steady
THE BODY: The parasitic organism plasmodium, carried by an insect, transmits which disease`malaria
THE BODY: The philtrum is a groove on the exterior of the body, where`between the nose and lip
THE BODY: To what does the adjective buccal refer`cheek
THE BODY: What are the pads of cartilage between spinal vertebrae commonly known`discs
THE BODY: What does HIV stand for`human immunodeficiency virus
THE BODY: What do white blood cells produce to fight antigens`antibodies
THE BODY: What is affected by cholecystitis`gall bladder
THE BODY: What is affected by otitis`the ear
THE BODY: What is the common name for the disease parotitis`mumps
THE BODY: What is the common name for the talus bone`ankle bone
THE BODY: What is the common name given to the third molar teeth`wisdom teeth
THE BODY: What is th econdition called when an internal organ protrudes through the wall of the cavity in which it is normally contained`hernia
THE BODY: What is the more common name for allergic rhinitis`hay fever
THE BODY: What is the name given to an examination of a body by dissection to determine cause of death`autopsy
THE BODY: What is the popular name for decompression sickness`the bends
THE BODY: What is the proper name for the kneecap`the patella
THE BODY: What name is given to opacity in the lens of the eye`cataract
THE BODY: What name is given to the bodys 24 hour cycle of sleeping, waking`circadian rhythm
THE BODY: What were foreman,longman,lecman and littleman old names for`the fingers
THE BODY: What would you be doing if your soft palate and pharynx were vibrating because of an obstruction`snoring
THE BODY: where are red blood cells formed`in the bone marrow
THE BODY: Where are the deltoid muscles`on the shoulder
THE BODY: Where in the body is the cochlea`the inner ear
THE BODY: Where is the carotid artery situated`in the neck
THE BODY: Where is the coccyx`base of the spine
THE BODY: Where is the pituitry gland`under the brain
THE BODY: where is the temporal bone`side of the skull
THE BODY: where would you find carpal bones and tarsal bones respectively`hands and feet
THE BODY: Where would you find lymphocytes and thrombocytes`the blood
THE BODY: Which acid is produced in the muscles during exercise`lactic acid
THE BODY: Which aperture allows light into the eye`pupil
THE BODY: Which disease is a virus infection and swelling of the parotid salivary glands`mumps
THE BODY: Which disease is spread by a body louse`typhus
THE BODY: which gland produces hormones to control the bodys metabolic rate`thyroid
THE BODY: Which hormone regulates blood sugar level`insulin
THE BODY: which is the longest bone in the human body`femur
THE BODY: Which joint is affected by a Potts fracture`ankle
THE BODY: Which sense is stimulated by the reaction of the olfactory cells`smell
THE BODY: Which sight defect is the opposite of hypermetropia`myopia
The ----bone`shin
The bones making up this section, especially the seven small bones of the human ankle`tarsi
The bones of a _____ weigh less than it's feathers`a pigeon
The bony outer projection of this joint`elbow
The bony outer projection of this joint`elbows
The book '1984' written in 1949, 1950 or 1959`1949
The book by Copernicus, which suggested that the Sun and not the Earth was the centre of the solar system, was banned officially banned by the Papacy until`1835
The book called 'the cocktail party' was written by _________`ts eliott
The book "Cry the Beloved Country' was set in which country`south africa
The book 'One Hundred Years of Solitude' won the Nobel Prize for Literature in what year`1982
The book 'Wamyouruijoshou' was the first to use what word`Kite
The Boomtown Rats were averse to which day of the week`monday
The boondocks J Worthington Foulfellow was the fox in what Disney cartoon`pinocchio
The border or limit so indicated`boundaries
The Bosman ruling was a legal decision relating to which sport`football
The Bosphorus links which two seas`black and marmara
the boss is also known as ___________?`bruce springsteen
The bottom, rear, or hindmost part: 'the ---- of a shirt.'`tail
The bottom, rear, or hindmost part: 'the tail of a shirt.'`tails
The boundary surrounding a specific area: bounds: 'within the city limits.'`limiting
The boundary surrounding a specific area: bounds: 'within the city -----s.'`limits
The brain uses more than __% of the oxygen used by the human body`twenty five
The brain uses more than __% of the oxygen used by the human body`twenty five`25
The branch of an armed force that procures, maintains, and issues weapons, ammunition, and combat vehicles`ordnance
The branch of an army that specializes in the use of such weapons`artillery
The branch of an army that specializes in the use of such weapons`arty
The branch of a science or art consisting of its explanatory statements, accepted principles, and methods of analysis, as opposed to practice: 'a fine`theories
The branch of chemistry that is concerned with the rates of change in the concentration of reactants in a chemical reaction`kinetics
The branch of linguistics that deals with etymologies`etymology
The branch of literature constituting such works. caricature`satire
The branch of literature constituting such works`farce
The branch of medicine dealing with curing by operative procedures is ________`surgery
The branch of medicine dealing with curing by operative procedures is `surgery
The branch of medicine dealing with curing by operative procedures is ________`Surgery
The branch of medicine that deals with the causes or origins of disease`etiologic
The branch of this science encompassing treatment by drugs, diet, exercise, and other nonsurgical means`medicine
The branch of which tree is a symbol of peace`olive
The "brat" was a model of which car`subaru
The Braves moved to Atlanta from where`milwaukee
The breach of an oath or promise`perjuries
The bridge connecting boston and cambridge via massachusetts avenue is commonly know as the ______`harvard bridge
The bridge connecting Boston & Cambridge via Massachusetts Avenue is commonly know as the ______`harvard bridge
the bridge of sighs were usually crossed by __________`prisoners
The bristly flower head of D. sativus, used to produce a napped surface on wool and other fabrics`teasel
The British colonial law in India monopolizing salt production provoked whose rebellious march to the sea`mahatma ghandi
The British did not release the body of Napoleon Bonaparte to the French until _____ days after his death`twenty
The British did not release the body of Napoleon Bonaparte to the French until _____ days after his death`twenty`20
The British Mediterranean Fleet defeated Italian naval forces at which battle in May 1941`cape matapan
The brothers Don and Phil formed which singing group`everly brothers
the brothers liam & noel gallagher are members of this group`oasis
the brothers of zeus`hades poisedon
The building or buildings occupied by such a community`convent
The buildings and grounds of such an institution`university
The bulb of this plant`garlic
The bulla used to seal such a document`bulls
the bunkers had neighbors who got their own series. their last name was what`jefferson
The bunya-bunya tree is native to which country`australia
The burrowing boodie of Australia is the only kangaroo in the world that lives _________`underground
The bursting shells fired from such artillery`flack
The bursting shells fired from such artillery`flak
The Bushmen of the _______ have semi-erect penises all the time.`Kalahari
The bushy tip of the tail of certain animals: 'a cow's ------.'`switch
The busiest muscles in the body are found where`eyelids
The business of providing tours and services for tourists`tourism
The business with which such a body of persons is charged`mission
The business with which such a body of persons is charged`missions
The ------- butterfly`emperor
The Butterfly "Vanessa Atalanta" is better known as what. The...`Red Admiral
The Caboliers was the name of whose jazzy band`cab calloway
The Caduceus is the symbol of what profession`medical
The calypso originated on which West Indian island`trinidad
The Canadian air force won the 1948 olympic gold medal for what sport`hockey
The Canadian dairy producers parodied this song with "M M M Moo Cows..."`k k k katy
The Canadian dollar`loonies
The Canadian province of ____ ______ leads the world in exporting lobster, wild blueberries, & christmas trees`nova scotia
The Canadian shield is formed of what`maple leaf
The canary islands in the pacific are named after what animal`dog`dogs
The canary islands in the pacific are named after what animal`dogs
the canary islands in the pacific are named after what animal`dog`woman
The 'canebrake', 'timber' and 'pygmy' are types of what`rattlesnake
The "canebrake", "timber" & "pygmy" are types of what`rattlesnakes
The capacity of a merchant ship in units of 100 cubic feet`tonnage
The capacity or activity of a tutor: instruction or teaching`tutelage
The cap and bells formed the insignia of which group of people`jesters
The Capital City of Azerbaidzhan`Baku
The capital of Romania`bucuresti
The capital of the African country Liberia is named after which American President?`James Monroe
The cap of a jester, decorated to resemble the comb of a rooster`cockscomb
The cardinal is the state bird of 5, 7 or 9 u.s states`seven
The cardinal point on the mariner's compass 180 clockwise from due north and directly opposite north`sou
The cardinal point on the mariner's compass 180 clockwise from due north and directly opposite north`south
The cardinal point on the mariner's compass 180 clockwise from due north and directly opposite north`souths
The cardinal point on the mariner's compass located at 0`north
The cardinal point on the mariner's compass located at 0`norths
the car everyone was looking for`54
The "Carol of the Bells" is what nationality`ukrainian
the car's design engineers worked`volvo
The ------- cartilage`thyroid
The cases and belongings of a traveler`luggage
The Cassini division is associated with which planet`saturn
The Castel Sant Angelo, in Rome, was originally the tomb of' which emperor`hadrian
The caterpillar is the larval stage of which animal`butterfly
The catfish has over ________ taste buds, that makes the catfish rank #1 for animal having the most taste buds`27,000
The cattle so herded`roundup
The Caucasus lie between which two stretches of water`black and caspian sea's
The cause or object of such a feeling`aversion
The cavity formed by this structure`pelves
The cecum is part of the`large intestine
the cecum is part of the`large`revolution
The cecum is the pouch at the beginning of the..`large intestine
The celebration of such an anniversary`jubilee
The Celtic language of Wales. Also called Cymric`welsh
The celtic queen, Boudicca (Boadicea), allegedly took poison to prevent torture by the Romans after they defeated her rebel forces in battle. Where is she thought to be buried`kings cross station
The center of spiritual life: the soul`ghost
The center of spiritual life: the soul`ghosts
the centigrade scale is also known as the _____ scale`celsius
The central idea or point: gist`upshot
The central processing unit of a computer exclusive of peripheral and remote devices`mainframe
The ceremonies, prayers, or other religious forms by which this love is expressed`worship
The ceremony or celebration of a marriage`weddings
The chador is a robe worn by women of which religion`islam
The chamber on the right side of the heart that receives venous blood from the right atrium and forces it into the pulmonary artery`ventricle
The chameleon has a tongue that is _______ times the length of its body`1.5
The Channel between England and France grows about ______ millimetres each year`three hundred
The Channel between England and France grows about ______ millimetres each year`three hundred`300
The character Captain Queeg appeared in which film`the caine mutiny
The character Charley Allnut appeared in which film`the african queen
The characteristic and expected social behavior of an individual`role
The characteristics of light by which the individual is made aware of objects or light sources through the receptors of the eye, described in terms of`color
The characteristics of light by which the individual is made aware of objects or light sources through the receptors of the eye, described in terms of`colors
The characteristic state or condition of a living organism`life
The Character Names Of The Tallest and Shortest of Bond Henchmen`Answer Format: Tallest & Shortest`Jaws & Nick Nack
the characters bert & ernie on sesame street were named after bert the cop & ernie the taxi driver in what move by frank capra`its a wonderful life
The characters, Farmer Boulderwood and Sergeant Troy appear in which Thomas Hardy novel`far from the madding crowd
The characters in a dramatic or literary work`personas
The characters lister and rimmer appear in which tv sitcom`red dwarf
the characters of homer, marge, lisa, & maggie were given the same first names as who's real life father, mother, & two sisters`matt groening
The character Wackford Squeers appears in which Charles Dickens' novel`nicholas nickleby
The "Chariots of Fire' Olympics took place in which year`1924
The Charles Bridge and St Vitus' Cathedral are in which European city`prague
The Charleston was indroduced in which year`1925
The cheat "There Is No Cow Level" is a reference to what Blizzard game`Diablo 2
The checks and preparations carried out during this activity`countdown
The chemical composition of a particular living system or biological substance: 'viral ----------ry.'`biochemist
The chemical ethylene glycol is most commonly used as what`antifreeze
The chemical formula for rubidium bromide is rbbr. It is the only chemical formula known to be a what`palindrome
The chemical formula H2O2 refers to what?`Hydrogen Peroxide
The chemical ______, found in ripe fruit, causes jam to set when cooling`pectin
The chemical phenylethylamine, which your brain produces when you fall in love, is found in what food`chocolate
The chicken can travel up to _____ miles per hour`nine
The chicken can travel up to _____ miles per hour`nine`9
The chief food for more than half the people in the world is ____`rice
The chief law officer of a city, town, or government department`sol
The chief law officer of a city, town, or government department`solicitor
The chief officer of a government, state, or political division`executive
The chief of police of Paris, France`prefect
The chief one of a related group: 'the -------- of a newspaper chain: the -------- of a line of reference books.'`flagship
The children in one family`brood
The children's classic Charlotte's Web features a pig, what is he called`Wilbur
The childrens' nursery rhyme 'Ring-a-Ring-a-Roses' actually refers to the Black Death which killed about ______ people in the fourteenth-century`30,000,000
The childrens story 'The Rose and The Ring' was written by which 19th century novelist`william thackeray
The chimpanzee holds the record for the quickest mammal sexual intercourse session at an average of _______ seconds.`three
The chimpanzee holds the record for the quickest mammal sexual intercourse session at an average of?`three seconds
the chinese almanac is also called the _____`i ching
The Chinese call fossilized dinosaur teeth 'dragon's teeth' What are they used for`Medicines
The Chinese dialect of Peking`pekinese
The Chinese ideograph with two women under one roof means what?`Trouble
The 'Chinese Restaurant Syndrome' is thought to be caused by what`monosodium glutamate
The Chinese used fingerprints as a method of identification as far back as AD`seven hundred
The Chinese used fingerprints as a method of identification as far back as AD`seven hundred`700
The Chinese were using aluminum to make things as early as ___ ad`300
The chinese were using what metal to make things as early as 300 ad`aluminium
the christian calendar, which we use today, was invented by`exiguus
The chrysanthemum is the flower for what month`november
the chuck e. cheese franchise was created by---------- , a restaurant combining ----------`robotic
the chuck e. cheese franchise was created by---------- , a restaurant combining robotic`atari
the chuck e. ---------- franchise was created by atari, a restaurant combining robotic`cheese
The Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie is a World Heritage Site, in which Italian city would you find it`milan
The circular outer part of a wheel, furthest from the axle`rimmed
The circumstances in which an event occurs: a setting`context
The city of Buffalo is situated at the eastern edge of which lake`erie
The city of Carlisle, in Cumbria, stands upon which river`eden
The city of ____ ____ contains a district called 'Hell's Kitchen'`new york
The city of Istanbul straddles two separate continents, ______ & _______ `europe & asia
The city of Istanbul straddles two separate continents, ______ &`europe & asia`europe and asia
The city of Karachi lies at the mouth of which river`indus
The city of ______ left the Industrial Promotion Centre standing as a monument the atomic bombing`hiroshima
The City of London police are reigning Olympic champions for Britain in what sport`Tug of War
The city of Mt. Vernon, Washington grows more ______ than the entire country of Holland`tulips
The city of Rouen stands on which river`seine
The city of Sheffield stands on the River Sheaf; and on which other, major, river`dublin
The city of Tours stands on which river`loire
The city of winnipeg manitoba's by-pass is known as _____`duff's ditch
The city with the most riders in it's subway system is what`moscow
The Clash: Ch_rl__ d_nt s_rf`charlie dont surf
the clash had only one number 1 hit what was it`should i stay or should i go
The class of animals known as _________, which include dolphins and whales, have the largest penises among animals.`cetaceans
The class of compositions in a genre: 'has excellent command of the chanteuse ----------.'`repertoire
The clay or soil from which this brick is made`adobe
"the cleaner" pours acid on a still living man.`la femme nikita
"The Cleaner" pours acid on a still living man.`le femme nikita
The clergy`priesthood
The Clifton Suspension Bridge spans which river`avon
The ----- clitoridis`glans
The closest relatives to anteaters are what`sloths & armadillos
The closest relatives to anteaters are what`sloths & armadillos`sloths and armadillos
The closest relative to the spiny anteater is what`platypus
The closure of which British nuclear re-processing plant was announced in 1998`dounreay
The cloth from which such a coat is made, usually of wool, often with a heavy nap`mackinaw
The clothing pressed or to be pressed with a heated iron`ironings
The CN Tower is in which Canadian city`toronto
The coast line around this lake in North Dakota is longer than the California coastline along the Pacific Ocean.`Lake Sakakawea
The cocktail "Daiquiri" contains limejuice and which spirit`rum
The cocktail "Margarita" contains cointreau, lime and which spirit`tequila
the cocoanut grove night club disaster occurred in what major us city?`boston
The code name for the allied invasion of Italy in WW II was operation _______`avalanche
The coelacanth, once thought to be extinct, is what kind of creature`fish
The coldest temperature ever recorded was ____ deg Celsius, in Siberia`-70
The collecting of Beer mats is called`tegestology
The collection of poems called Barrack Room Ballads and Other Verses was written by whom in 1892`rudyard kipling
The collective conscious and unconscious processes in a sentient organism that direct and influence mental and physical behavior`mind
The collective conscious and unconscious processes in a sentient organism that direct and influence mental and physical behavior`minds
The Color of Money starring Paul Newman was released in this year`1986
The color of the blood of an octopus is`bluish green
The color ----- was first used in the Afghan War in 1880 - the color was considered good camouflage.`khaki
The combination of distinctive features of literary or artistic expression, execution, or performance characterizing a particular person, group, school,`style
The combination of parts at the same pitch or in octaves`unison
The combination of the queen of spades and jack of diamonds in this game`pinochle
the comedian/actor joseph levitch is better known to us as?`jerry lewis
The commander of the Apollo 11 command module & the first woman shuttle commander share this same last name`collins
The commander or one of the crew of such a ship`privateer
The commercial functions involved in transferring goods from producer to consumer`marketings
The commercially valuable white fur of this animal`ermine
The commissioned officers on a warship`wardroom
The common garden flower TAGETES is a variety of which popular plant`marigold
The common name for a low frequency speaker`woofer
The common people of an ancient Greek state`demos
The common people: the populace`crowd
The common people: the populace`plebes
The common term for a member of the bee genus 'Bombus' is the`bumblebee
The companionship of individuals in a congenial atmosphere and on equal terms`fellowship
The company Steiff is most famous for making which toys`teddy bears
The comparative study of folk knowledge and culture. Also called folkloristics`folklore
The complex of chemical and physical phenomena characteristic of or attributable to isomers`isomerism
The composer Berlioz married Harriet Smithson in which year`1833
The composite of qualities, such as courage, determination, and vigor, often thought to be appropriate to a man`manhood
The composition of printed material from movable type`typo
The composition, structure, properties, and reactions of a substance`chemistry
The compound carotene gives the _______ its colour`carrot
The compound of this sect was under siege in Waco, Texas.`Branch Davidians
The conception and development of a plan or an idea in the mind`gestation
the concerti on the two voyager probes information discs are performed by what famed canadian pianist`glenn gould
The concert which Morrison allegedly "revealed" himself was in what city`miami
The condensed water vapor trail left behind by jets and rockets is called a`contrail
The condition of active, blazing combustion: 'burst into -----.'`flame
The condition of active, blazing combustion: 'burst into flame.'`flames
The condition of being -----: 'a car with a trailer in tow.'`towed
The condition of being a child without parents`orphanage
The condition of being an opposing principle, force, or factor: 'the inherent ---------- of capitalism and socialism.'`antagonism
The condition of being a tenant: tenancy`tenantry
The condition of being born to the gentry`gentility
The condition of being delegated`delegation
The condition of being depressed`depression
The condition of being dismissed`dismissal
The condition of being distorted`distortion
The condition of being drawn or pulled`traction
The condition of being ---ed: 'a car with a trailer in ---.'`tow
The condition of being elevated`elevation
The condition of being excited`excitement
The condition of being expanded or stretched`dilatation
The condition of being extinguished`extinction
The condition of being false: lack of truth`untruth
The condition of being full, ample, or complete`plenitude
The condition of being held as a pledge against the payment of a loan: 'jewels in pawn.'`pawned
The condition of being homesick: homesickness`nostalgia
The condition of being immersed`immersion
The condition of being in conflict: antagonism: The history of men's ---------- to women's emancipation is more interesting perhaps than the story of that emancipation`opposition
The condition of being indented`indention
The condition of being indicted`indictment
The condition of being infamous`infamies
The condition of being infamous`infamy
The condition of being irritated: vexation: 'honked the horn with ---------- at the delay.'`irritation
The condition of being knocked down`knockdown
The condition of being linked`linkage
The condition of being mixed: 'the inevitable -------s of urban neighborhoods.'`mixture
The condition of being pressed`pressure
The condition of being protected`protection
The condition of being regarded with disapproval`disfavor
The condition of being retained`retention
The condition of being revived`revival
The condition of being seduced`seduction
The condition of being separated`separation
The condition of being severed`severance
The condition of being spoiled`spoilage
The condition of being starved`starvation
The condition of being stopped or held back: restraint: 'kept my temper in check: holding agricultural pests in check with sprays.'`checks
The condition of being stopped or held back: restraint: 'kept my temper in -----: holding agricultural pests in ----- with sprays.'`check
The condition of being strongly and generally disapproved`disgrace
The condition of being subverted`subversion
The condition of being sustained`sustenance
The condition of being towed: 'a car with a trailer in tow.'`towing
The condition of being towed: 'a car with a trailer in tow.'`tows
The condition of being twisted or turned`torsion
The condition of being vibrated`vibration
The condition of having a disguised or concealed identity`incognito
The condition of having incorrect or false knowledge`error
The condition of having lost honor or good repute`dishonor
The condition of having one's clothing stuck between the buttocks, often from having had one's pants or underwear pulled up as a prank`wedgie
The condition of so being stretched: tautness`tension
The condition of such a curvature of the legs`bowleg
The condition or causative agent, such as a bacterium, fungus, or virus, that results in`blight
The condition or fact of being excluded`exclusion
The condition or quality of being human`humanities
The condition or quality of being knowledgeable in a particular subject or field: 'cultural --------: biblical --------.'`literacy
The condition or time of flowering: 'peach trees in -------.'`blossom
The condition produced by corroding`corrosion
The condition, rank, or conduct of a peasant`peasantry
The condition resulting from altering: modification`alteration
The condition resulting from a`sprain
The condition resulting from bad fortune or ill luck: 'wanted to help those in ----------.'`misfortune
The condition resulting from such lack`privation
The condition underfoot as it affects one's headway in walking or riding: 'Once we left the trail the ----- was rough.'`going
The condom is named after __. _________ Condom.`Dr. Charles
The condom-made originally of linen-was invented in the early _____'_.`1500's
The conduct or mode of existence of a vagrant`vagrancies
The Congress of Paris ended which war`crimean war
The connection of people by blood or marriage: kinship`relation
The conqueror Temujin was better known by what name`genghis khan
The conscious production or arrangement of sounds, colors, forms, movements, or other elements in a manner that affects the sense of beauty, specifically the productionof the beautiful in a`art
The conservative, william h. rehnquist, was appointed by ronald reagan in 1986 to which highly influential post, which he still (February '99) holds`chief justice
The constellations Canis Major and Canis Minor are said to represent the dogs of the Greek Hunter`orion
The construction of which famous New York City building was completed in 1931`the empire state
The contact, or moment of contact, of a landing aircraft or spacecraft with the landing surface`touchdown
The containers and often the utensils used when eating: 'took out the ----es and silverware: washed the ----es.'`dish
The contents or capacity of such a structure`shelves
The context and environment in which a situation is set: the background`settings
The continuous decorative moulding between a wall and the ceiling`cornice
The convex surface of a road`camber
The cooking term "parmentier" indicates which vegetable`potatoes
The Copts account for about 5% of the population of which country`egypt
The cords, threads, or wires surrounding these spaces. Often used in the plural`mesh
The correct name for the voice box is the _________`larynx
The corresponding bone in the hind leg of an animal`fibula
The corresponding part of the forefoot of a quadruped`metacarpi
The corresponding part of the hind foot of other vertebrates`heel
The corresponding part of the hind leg of a quadruped or other vertebrate animal`thigh
The corresponding region in vertebrates other than mammals`abdomen
The cortex and medulla are parts of what human organ`kidney
The cortex & medulla are parts of what organ`kidney
The cost at which something is obtained: 'believes that the ----- of success is hard work.'`price
The cost of carting`cartage
The cost of such maintenance`upkeep
The cost of the first pay-toilets installed in England was`tuppence
The Cotswold Hills are mainly in which County`Gloucestershire
The cotton fabric used for such loincloths`dhoti
the cotton mouth is a member of which family`pit`bishop
the cotton mouth is a member of which family`pit viper
The countries of Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg are together called `Benelux
The countries of Sarawak and Brunei lie on which island`borneo
The Country Cut-ups was the original name of what country & western music group`The Oak Ridge Boys
The Country Gentleman is the nickname of what guitarist`chet atkins
The country name for which bird is 'merle'`blackbird
The country name for which bird is the 'ruddock'`robin
The country of Benin changed its name from Dahomey in`1975
the country of siam was renamed to what in 1939`thailand
The course or direction in which a ship or aircraft is moving`headings
The covered compartment of a heavy vehicle or machine, such as a truck or locomotive, in which the operator or driver sits`cab
The covered compartment of a heavy vehicle or machine, such as a truck or locomotive, in which the operator or driver sits`cabbed
The covered compartment of a heavy vehicle or machine, such as a truck or locomotive, in which the operator or driver sits`cabs
The cover for such an opening`hatch
The cover for such an opening`hatches
The covering on the tip of a shoelace is a(n) `aglet
The craft or occupation of a potter`potteries
The craft, trade, or business of upholstering`upholstery
The crank used to give motion to a grindstone or similar device`winch
The crawl`freestyle
The crayfish isn't a fish at all - it is related to the`lobster
The creation or use of new words or senses`neologism
The creature Hirudo medicinalis was used extensively by doctors, what is it`leech
The Crimea lies on which body of water`black sea
The crisp bits that remain after rendering fat from meat or frying or roasting the skin, especially of a pig or a goose`cracklings
The crisp thick leafstalks of this plant`celeries
The crocodile is surprisingly fast on land. If pursued by a crocodile, a person should run in a ______ motion, for the crocodile has little or no ability to make sudden changes of direction`zigzag
The crop that ripens or is gathered in a season`harvest
The crop that ripens or is gathered in a season`harvesting
The crowning achievement or final stroke: the culmination or acme`capstone
'the crucible' is a play set during which trials`salem witchcraft trials
The cruise liner, Queen Elizabeth II, moves only _________ for each gallon of diesel that it burns`six inches
The cry of a horse`neigh
The crystalline quartz, Amethyst was once believed to prevent`drunkenness
The 'Crystal Palace' at the Great Exhibition of 1851, contained ______ square metres of glass`92,900
The cucumber is a _____, not a vegetable`fruit
The current line-up of which POP group includes John McVie, Christine McVie, Stevie Nicks and Lindsay Buckingham`fleetwood mac
The curved, beaklike prow of an ancient Roman ship, especially a war galley`rostra
The custom of a red lantern to signify a brothel was first introduced in Avignon, France, in ____.`1234
The cutting mechanism of a reaper or mower`sickle
The Czech dialects of Bohemia`bohemian
The Daiquiri cocktail is named after a place in which country`cuba
The Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy comes from which piece by Tchaikovsky`nutcracker suite
The date of which christian festival was fixed in 325 ad by the council of nicaea`easter
The daughter of James V and the French noblewoman Mary of Guise` Mary Queen Of Scots
The dawn`morn
The day after Christmas day`boxing day
The Dead Sea lies on the border of Israel and which other country`jordan
The Dead Sea Scroll was discovered in what year`1947
The de beers group of companies controls more than 80% of the world's supply of ______`rough diamonds
The decorations of which English woodcarver adorn the walls of Hampton Court and Windsor Castle`grinling gibbons
The deeper part of a river or harbor, especially a deep navigable passage`channel
the deepest ocean trench in the world`marianas
The defensive positions of first base, second base, third base, and shortstop considered as a unit`infield
The degree of sharpness of a cutting blade`edge
The degree of sharpness of a cutting blade`edging
The degree to which a substance is toxic`toxicities
The degree to which a thing extends: 'prosecuted to the fullest ------ of the law.'`extent
The degree to which this quality is exercised: 'The program was implemented with great ---------- and speed.'`efficiency
the "deliverance" soundtrack featured "dueling ______"`banjos
The democrats nominate Massachusetts governor _____ for president`michael dukakis
The density of what would be measured with a lactometer`milk
The depiction of the Mad Hatter in "Alice in Wonderland" reflected a poisoning of 19th century hatmakers from what`mercury
The deriving of pleasure, or the tendency to derive pleasure, from cruelty`sadism
the desert fox was`erwin`mercator
the desert fox was`erwin rommel
The designated area of each golf hole from which a player makes his or her first stroke`teed
The design, development, and production of aircraft`aviation
The desire to drink`thirst
The destruction or ruin of one's own interests: 'It is professional ------- to involve oneself in illegal practices.'`suicide
The detective Miss Marple was created by which writer`agatha christie
The determination of right and wrong in questions of conduct or conscience by analyzing cases that illustrate general ethical rules`casuistry
The Devil: Satan`fiend
The Devil: Satan. Used with the`archenemy
The Devil's Dictionary: adj. Able to pick with equal skill a right-hand pocket or a left.`ambidextrous
The Devil's Dictionary: adj. Addicted to the cruelty of devouring the timorous vegetarian, his heirs and assigns.`carnivorous
The Devil's Dictionary: adj. Devoid of consideration for the selfishness of others.`selfish
The Devil's Dictionary: adj. Reliant upon another's generosity for the support which you are not in a position to exact from his fears.`dependent
The Devil's Dictionary: adj. Sensible, madam, to the worth of this present writer. Alive, sir, to the advantages of letting him alone.`good
The Devil's Dictionary: adj. Unduly concerned about the preservation of that which can be lost only if not worth keeping.`jealous
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A bearer of good tidings, particularly (in a religious sense) such as assure us of our own salvation and the damnation of our neighbors.`evangelist
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A bondman's change from the tyranny of another to the despotism of himself.`emancipation
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A book which the Mohammedans foolishly believe to have been written by divine inspiration, but which Christians know to be a wicked imposture, contradictory to the Holy Scriptures.`Koran
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A ceremony at which two persons undertake to become one, one undertakes to become nothing, and nothing undertakes to become supportable.`wedding
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A certain nervous disorder afflicting the young and inexperienced. A passion that goeth before a sprawl.`zeal
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A commodity which is a more or less adulterated condition the State sells to the citizen as a reward for his allegiance, taxes and personal service.`justice
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A daily record of that part of one's life, which he can relate to himself without blushing.`diary
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A daughter of Hope and Fear, explaining to Ignorance the nature of the Unknowable.`religion
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A dead sinner revised and edited.`saint
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A drink served at banquets of the Olympian deities. The secret of its preparation is lost, but the modern Kentuckians believe that they come pretty near to a knowledge of its chief ingredient.`nectar
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A familiar kitchen-garden vegetable about as large and wise as a man's head.`cabbage
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A game said to be played with cards for some purpose to this lexicographer unknown.`poker
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A hollow edifice erected for the habitation of man, rat, mouse, beetle, cockroach, fly, mosquito, flea, bacillus and microbe.`house
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A kind of mystic ceremony substituted for religious worship, with what spiritual efficacy has not been determined.`bath
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A large stone presented by the archangel Gabriel to the patriarch Abraham, and preserved at Mecca. The patriarch had perhaps asked the archangel for bread.`Caaba
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A lie that has not cut its teeth. An habitual liar's nearest approach to truth: the perigee of his eccentric orbit.`fib
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A machine of great moral value to man, allaying his concern for the future by reminding him what a lot of time remains to him.`clock
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A machine which makes a Frenchman shrug his shoulders with good reason.`guillotine
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A male person commonly known in America as a "crowned head," although he never wears a crown and has usually no head to speak of.`king
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A method of untying with the teeth of a political knot that would not yield to the tongue.`battle
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A mistake in taste for which the wisdom of the future will adjudge a punishment called trigamy.`bigamy
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A modest gentleman shrinking from the distinction of private life and diligently seeking the honorable obscurity of public office.`nominee
The Devil's Dictionary: n. An act or event out of the order of nature and unaccountable, as beating a normal hand of four kings and an ace with four aces and a king.`miracle
The Devil's Dictionary: n. An American sovereign in his probationary state.`alien
The Devil's Dictionary: n. An ancient Egyptian, formerly in universal use among modern civilized nations as medicine, and now engaged in supplying art with an excellent pigment. He is handy, too, in museums in gratifying the vulgar curiosity that serves to distinguish man from the lower animals.`mummy
The Devil's Dictionary: n. An arboreal animal which makes itself at home in genealogical trees.`monkey
The Devil's Dictionary: n. An armed force for protection and participation.`police
The Devil's Dictionary: n. An ecclesiastical dignitary one point holier than a bishop.`archbishop
The Devil's Dictionary: n. An inevitable occurrence due to the action of immutable natural laws.`accident
The Devil's Dictionary: n. An ingenious instrument which indicates what kind of weather we are having.`barometer
The Devil's Dictionary: n. An inscription on a tomb, showing that virtues acquired by death have a retroactive effect.`epitaph
The Devil's Dictionary: n. An instrument to tickle human ears by friction of a horse's tail on the entrails of a cat.`fiddle
The Devil's Dictionary: n. An unlocked door in the prison of Identity. It leads into the jail yard.`opiate
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A nutritious substance supplied by a bountiful Providence for the fattening of the poor.`air
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A parlor utensil for subduing the impenitent visitor. It is operated by pressing the keys of the machine and the spirits of the audience.`piano
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A person who boasts himself hard to please because nobody tries to please him.`critic
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A person whom we know well enough to borrow from, but not well enough to lend to. A degree of friendship called slight when its object is poor or obscure, and intimate when he is rich or famous.`acquaintance
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A person with a Caucasian body and a Mongolian soul. A Tartar Emetic.`Russian
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A place in which the dead are laid to await the coming of the medical student.`grave
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A place where horses, ponies and elephants are permitted to see men, women and children acting the fool.`circus
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A place where the wicked cease from troubling you with talk of their personal affairs, and the good listen with attention while you expound your own.`heaven
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A play in which the story is told without violence to the language. The least disagreeable form of dramatic action.`pantomime
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A popular entertainment given to the military by innocent bystanders.`riot
The Devil's Dictionary: n. Appointing your grandmother to office for the good of the party.`nepotism
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A preparation that renders the hook more palatable. The best kind is beauty.`bait
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A prostrating disease caused by a determination of the heart to the head. It is sometimes accompanied by a copious discharge of hydrated chloride of sodium from the eyes.`emotion
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A rival aspirant to public honors.`impostor
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A sentiment appropriate to the occasion of another's superiority.`hatred
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A sharp and clever remark, usually quoted, and seldom noted; what the Philistine is pleased to call a "joke."`witticism
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A ship big enough to carry two in fair weather, but only one in foul.`friendship
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A sign that something will happen if nothing happens.`omen
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A singular instrument worn at the end of the human arm and commonly thrust into somebody's pocket.`hand
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A slimy, gobby shellfish which civilization gives men the hardihood to eat without removing its entrails! The shells are sometimes given to the poor.`oyster
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A soft, indestructible automaton provided by nature to be kicked when things go wrong in the domestic circle.`cat
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A species of snake. So called from its habit of adding funeral outlays to the other expenses of living.`adder
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A statement or belief manifestly inconsistent with one's own opinion.`absurdity
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A state of mind produced by contemplation of a neighbor's uneasiness.`comfort
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles. The conduct of public affairs for private advantage.`politics
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A tyrant's authority for crime and fool's excuse for failure.`destiny
The Devil's Dictionary: n. A woman with a fine prospect of happiness behind her.`bride
The Devil's Dictionary: n. Death's baby-carriage.`hearse
The Devil's Dictionary: n. Desire and expectation rolled into one.`hope
The Devil's Dictionary: n. Emulation adapted to the meanest capacity.`envy
The Devil's Dictionary: n. Homo Creator's testimony to the sound construction and fine finish of Deus Creatus. A popular form of abjection, having an element of pride.`worship
The Devil's Dictionary: n. In American politics, a large corporation composed in greater part of thrifty working men, widows of small means, orphans in the care of guardians and the courts, with many similar malefactors and public enemies.`trust
The Devil's Dictionary: n. In Christian countries, the day after the baseball game.`Monday
The Devil's Dictionary: n. In diplomacy, a last demand before resorting to concessions.`ultimatum
The Devil's Dictionary: n. In man, the gateway to the soul; in woman, the outlet of the heart.`mouth
The Devil's Dictionary: n. In the Buddhist religion, a state of pleasurable annihilation awarded to the wise, particularly to those wise enough to understand it.`nirvana
The Devil's Dictionary: n. Nature's provision for wealthy American minds ambitious to incur social distinction and suffer high life.`nobelman
The Devil's Dictionary: n. One of Imagination's most precious possessions.`liberty
The Devil's Dictionary: n. One skilled in circumvention of the law.`lawyer
The Devil's Dictionary: n. One who drafts a plan of your house, and plans a draft of your money.`architect
The Devil's Dictionary: n. One who in a perilous emergency thinks with his legs.`coward
The Devil's Dictionary: n. Purchasing the barrel of whiskey that you do not need for the price of the cow that you cannot afford.`economy
The Devil's Dictionary: n. Reverence for the Supreme Being, based upon His supposed resemblance to man.`piety
The Devil's Dictionary: n. That period of life in which we compound for the vices that we still cherish by reviling those that we have no longer the enterprise to commit.`age
The Devil's Dictionary: n. That which discloses to the wise and disguises from the foolish their lack of understanding.`education
The Devil's Dictionary: n. That which sternly impels us in the direction of profit, along the line of desire.`duty
The Devil's Dictionary: n. The art and practice of selling one's credibility for future delivery.`prophecy
The Devil's Dictionary: n. The art of depicting nature as it is seen by toads. The charm suffusing a landscape painted by a mole, or a story written by a measuring-worm.`realism
The Devil's Dictionary: n. The art of orally persuading fools that white is the color that it appears to be. It includes the gift of making any color appear white.`eloquence
The Devil's Dictionary: n. The chief of a nation that prefers the pestilence of despotism to the plague of anarchy.`dictator
The Devil's Dictionary: n. The classical prototype of the modern "small hot bird."`phoenix
The Devil's Dictionary: n. The death of endeavor and the birth of disgust.`achievement
The Devil's Dictionary: n. The doctrine that everything is God, in contradistinction to the doctrine that God is everything.`pantheism
The Devil's Dictionary: n. The dream of a mad philosopher. That which would remain in the cupel if one should assay a phantom. The nucleus of a vacuum.`reality
The Devil's Dictionary: n. The eleventh twelfth of a weariness.`november
The Devil's Dictionary: n. The father of a most respectable family, comprising Enthusiasm, Affection, Self-denial, Faith, Hope, Charity and many other goodly sons and daughters.`delusion
The Devil's Dictionary: n. The god of the world's leading religion. The chief temple is in the holy city of New York.`Mammon
The Devil's Dictionary: n. The human race, collectively, exclusive of the anthropoid poets.`humanity
The Devil's Dictionary: n. The infancy of youth, the youth of manhood, the entire past of age.`yesterday
The Devil's Dictionary: n. The kind of clothing worn by a man whose tailor is a blacksmith.`armor
The Devil's Dictionary: n. The kind of ignorance distinguishing the studious.`learning
The Devil's Dictionary: n. The least hateful form of dejection.`pleasure
The Devil's Dictionary: n. The Mahometan Supreme Being, as distinguished from the Christian, Jewish, and so forth.`Allah
The Devil's Dictionary: n. The March fool with another month added to his folly.`April fool
The Devil's Dictionary: n. The most acceptable hypocrisy.`politeness
The Devil's Dictionary: n. The music with which we charm the serpents guarding another's treasure.`language
The Devil's Dictionary: n. The only thing that the rich are willing for the poor to call theirs, and keep.`distance
The Devil's Dictionary: n. The period of a thousand years when the lid is to be screwed down, with all reformers on the under side.`millennium
The Devil's Dictionary: n. The period of human life intermediate between the idiocy of infancy and the folly of youth--two removes from the sin of manhood and three from the remorse of age.`childhood
The Devil's Dictionary: n. The period of our lives when, according to Wordsworth, "Heaven lies about us." The world begins lying about us pretty soon afterward.`infancy
The Devil's Dictionary: n. The Period of Possibility, when Archimedes finds a fulcrum, Cassandra has a following and seven cities compete for the honor of endowing a living Homer.`youth
The Devil's Dictionary: n. The power by which a woman charms a lover and terrifies a husband.`beauty
The Devil's Dictionary: n. The science that treats of the various tribes of Man, as robbers, thieves, swindlers, dunces, lunatics, idiots and ethnologists.`ethnology
The Devil's Dictionary: n. The smallest current coin.`advice
The Devil's Dictionary: n. The tribute of a fool to the worth of the nearest ass.`vanity
The Devil's Dictionary: n. Worthless matter, such as the religions, philosophies, literatures, arts and sciences of the tribes infesting the regions lying due south from Boreaplas.`rubbish
The Devil's Dictionary: pro. All there is in the world if you like it.`enough
The Devil's Dictionary: v.i. Secretly to overhear a catalogue of the crimes and vices of another or yourself.`eavesdrop
The Devil's Dictionary: v.i. To lay the foundation for a future offence.`apologize
The Devil's Dictionary: v.i. To perform successively (and successfully) the functions of mastication, humectation, and deglutition.`eat
The Devil's Dictionary: v.i. To succumb to the preponderance of one set of influences over another set.`decide
The Devil's Dictionary: v. To ask for something with an earnestness proportioned to the belief that it will not be given.`beg
The Devil's Dictionary: v. To lay the foundation for a superstructure of imposition.`please
The Devil's Dictionary: v.t. To affirm another's guilt or unworth; most commonly as a justification of ourselves for having wronged him.`accuse
The Devil's Dictionary: v.t. To bother about the best method of accomplishing an accidental result.`plan
The Devil's Dictionary: v.t. To create a vacancy without nominating a successor.`kill
The Devil's Dictionary: v.t. To venerate expectantly.`adore
The Devonian Period is also known as the Age of __________.`fish
The Devonian Period is also known as the Age of `fish
the diagrammatic representation of subway maps, circuit boards and many other complicated networks is called`topology
The dialect or accent of the natives of the East End of London`cockney
The dial tone of a normal telephone is in what key`f
The diameter of the Moon is ______ km`3,476
The diameter of wool is measured in`microns
'The Diary of Anne Frank' was first published in English under what title?`Diary of a Young Girl
'The Diary of Anne Frank' was first published in English under what title`The Diary of a Young Girl
The digestive juices of crocodiles contain so much __________ that they have dissolved iron spearheads and 6-inch steel hooks that the crocodiles have swallowed`hydrochloric acid
The dimension between two surfaces of an object, usually the dimension of smallest measure`thickness
The diocese of a bishop`bishopric
The direction of the earth's axial rotation`east
The direction of the earth's axial rotation`easts
The direction opposite to the direction of the earth's axial rotation`west
The direction opposite to the direction of the earth's axial rotation`wests
The direct or exact opposite: 'Hope is the antithesis of despair.'`antitheses
the director of big`penny marshall
The dirt road that General Washington and his soldiers took to fight off General Clinton during the Battle of Monmouth was called the`burlington path
The Dirty Harry franchise ran to five films what was the title of the final 1988 film`the dead pool
The discharge of a duty, function, or office`exercise
The discharge of a duty, function, or office`exercises
The discomfort, weakness, or pain caused by a prolonged lack of food`hunger
The discontinuance of a relationship, as a marriage or a friendship`breakup
The discovery of gold in which region of Yukon provoked a rush`klondike
The disease caused by such a fungus`ergot
The disease Tuberculosis, is best known as ________`consumption
The dishes served or available at a meal`menu
The Disney Afternoon: GT Name Goofy's son.`max
the disputed area between syria and israel`golan heights
The distance around the outside of a circle is its `circumference
The distinctive dress worn by the members of a particular group: uniform: 'ushers in ------.'`livery
The distinctive dress worn by the members of a particular group: uniform: 'ushers in livery.'`liveries
The distribution of atomic or subatomic particles in a system, as in a magnetically resolved molecular beam, arranged in order of masses`spectra
The Doctor Marten's company is best known for producing what`shoes
the Doctor meets in the story "The Romans"`nero
The doctrine or belief that this is the worst of all possible worlds and that all things ultimately tend toward evil`pessimism
The doctrine, policy, or practice of rejecting violence in favor of peaceful tactics as a means of gaining political objectives`nonviolent
The doctrine that mind and matter are formed from, or reducible to, the same ultimate substance or principle of being`monism
The doctrine that the ascetic life releases the soul from bondage to the body and permits union with the divine`asceticism
The doctrine that there is no God or gods`atheism
The document in which such an agreement is set down`treaties
the dodo became extinct in 1581, 1593 or 1681`1681
The dog and the turkey were the only two domesticated animals in ancient`mexico
The dogon are an _____`african tribe
The Dolby sound system was introduced in which year`1967
The dollar was established as the official currency of the U S in what year`1785
The domain ruled by a king: a kingdom`kingship
The Dome of the Rock is a shrine in which Middle Eastern city`jerusalem
The Dominican Republic forms two thirds of which island`hispaniola
The dong is the principal currency of which South`east asian country`vietnam
The doorkeeper of a Masonic or other fraternal society's lodge`tiler
The Doors: Album cover: a bunch of circus freaks playing in the street`strange days
The Doors: Composer of "Light My fire"`robby krieger
The Doors: First album released after Jim's death, Manzarek sings most songs.`other voices
The Doors: Jim Morrison's poetry work which included "Not to touch the earth"`celebration of the lizard
The Doors: Jim would be turning this age in December of 1995.`fifty two
The Doors: lyric: "Champion sax & a girl named Sandy.."`the soft parade
The Doors: lyric: "Dance on fire as it intends..."`when the musics over
The Doors: Robby Krieger played what instrument`guitar
The Doors:The Doors: Jim Morrison's poetry work which included "Not to touch the earth"`celebration of the lizard
The Doors: This Doors hit was a US #1 in 1968.`hello i love you
The Dotmatrix printer was developed for the 1964 Tokyo Olympic Games by the Japanese company`seiko
The dot over the letter 'i' is called what`tittle
The double helix is most associated with the structure of what`dna
the drachma is the currency of which country`greece
The dramatic genre characterized by this treatment`melodrama
The dress or manner of a fop`fopperies
The dried aromatic stigmas of this plant, used to color foods and as a cooking spice and dyestuff`saffron
The dried bark of any of these plants. Also called Jesuit's bark, Peruvian bark`cinchona
The dried, bitter-tasting rhizome and roots of Rheum palmatum or R. officinale of eastern Asia, used as a laxative`rhubarb
The dried, fibrous part of the loofa fruit, used as a washing sponge or as a filter. Also called dishcloth gourd, vegetable sponge`loofah
The dried flowers of this plant`safflower
The dried leaves and roots of some of these plants, which yield a poisonous alkaloid that was formerly used medicinally`aconite
The dried leaves of Cassia angustifolia or C. acutifolia, used medicinally as a cathartic`senna
The dried leaves of such a plant, chewed by people of the Andes for a stimulating effect and also used for extraction of ----ine and other alkaloids`coca
The dried, nearly ripe berries of this plant used as a spice, especially in baking`allspice
The dried root bark of this plant, used as a flavoring and a source of a volatile oil`sassafras
The dried roots and rhizomes of this shrub`ipecac
The drink used in such toasting, commonly ale or wine spiced with roasted apples and sugar`wassail
The Dropship speeches made references to what movie`Aliens
The drug digitalis is obtained from which plant`foxglove
The duckbill platypus of Australia can store up to _____ worms in its large cheek pouches`six hundred
The duckbill platypus of Australia can store up to _____ worms in its large cheek pouches`six hundred`600
The Duke of Beaufort learned a game called Poona in India in the late nineteenth century. What game is Poona known as now`Badminton
The duodenum and the jejunum are two of the three sections of the small intestine. Which is the third`ileum
The durable wood of any of these trees or shrubs`oak
The duration of such power`rule
the dust and gas surrounding an active comet's nucleus`coma
The Dutch in general prefer their french fries with`mayonnaise
The Dutch owned I.N.G. group took over which failed investment bank`baring's
The earliest breast implants were done in the 1940's by ___________ prostitutes hoping to entice the American GI's. They injected their breasts with liquid silicone.`Japanese
The earliest form of an organism: a seed, bud, or spore`germ
The earliest form of an organism: a seed, bud, or spore`germs
The earliest period of life: 'had an interest in music almost from the ------.'`cradle
The early Catholic Church _______ divorce. People are allowed to separate but never to remarry.`banned
The early Christian church forbade couples from having sex on Wednesdays, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and, of course, Sundays.`Fridays
The early personal computer, the Sinclair ZX80, had _________ of internal memory`1 kilobyte
The ears of the Asiatic _____ bears are larger than those of other bear species`black
The earth doesnt take exactly 24hours to rotate - is it faster or slower`faster
The earth`globe
The Earth is pear shaped, the North Pole radius being ____ mm longer than the South Pole radius`forty four
The Earth is pear shaped, the North Pole radius being ____ mm longer than the South Pole radius`forty four`44
The earth's atmosphere and the space beyond is known as `aerospace
The earths atmosphere & the space beyond is known as _______`aerospace
The earth's average velocity orbiting the sun is _________ km per hour`107,220
The earth's circumference is approximately how many miles`24,870
The Earth's core consists primarily of which 2 metals`iron and nickel
The earth together with all its inhabitants and created things`universe
The Earth weighs around _____________ tons`6,588,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
The Easybeats released "Friday On My _____"`mind
the ---------- e. cheese franchise was created by atari, a restaurant combining robotic`chuck
The ecstasy of salvation: spiritual joy`bliss
The Ecuadorian poet, Jos Olmedo, has a statue in his honour in his home country. But, unable to commission a sculptor, due to limited funds, the government brought a second-hand statue .. Of the English poet`lord byron
The Ecuadorian poet, Jos Olmedo, has a statue in his honour in his home country. But, unable to commission a sculptor, due to limited funds, the government brought a second-hand statue .. Of the English poet`lord byron
The Edge plays in what band`U2
The edges of a roof that project over the walls`eaves
The edible adductor muscle of this mollusk`escallop
The edible adductor muscle of this mollusk`escapade
The edible adductor muscle of this mollusk`scallop
The edible adductor muscle of this mollusk`scollop
The edible fruit of this tree. Also called alligator pear, ------- pear`avocado
The edible, immature flower head of this plant. Also called globe`artichoke
The edible, nutlike, oily seed of this plant, used for food and as a source of oil.Also called regionally goober, goober pea`peanut
The edible part, as of a piece of fruit or a nut`meat
The edible part, as of a piece of fruit or a nut`meats
The edible part of such a plant`veg
The edible parts of one of these mammals`pig
The edible parts of one of these mammals`pigged
The edible parts of one of these mammals`pigs
The edible pods of this plant, used in soups and as a vegetable. Also called gumbo`okra
The edible popped kernels of this variety of corn`popcorn
The edible root of this plant`rutabaga
The edible root of this plant`swede
The edible seed, leaf, or rhizome of this plant`lotus
The edible seeds or stalks of this plant`fennel
The edible stem, leaf, or root of Angelica arch`angelica
The edible yellow-orange fruit of this tree`apricot
The Edmonton Oilers play which sport`ice hockey
the ed _____ show`sullivan
The effect of such a collision or blow`shock
The effect of such a gust`blast
The effect or product of perceiving`perception
The effect produced when sound is reflected back is known as a(n) _______.`echo
The effect produced when sound is reflected back is known as a(n) `echo
The egg mass or spawn of certain crustaceans, such as the lobster`roe
The eggs of the sturgeon fish are an expensive delicacy what are they called`caviar
the egyptian ---------- for 100,000 is a tadpole`hieroglyph
The Egyptian god Anubis had the head of which animal`jackal
The Egyptian godess Bastet was depicted with the head of which creature`cat
the egyptian god horus is usually depicted by what member of the animal kingdom`a falcon
the egyptian hieroglyph for 100,000 is a----------`tadpole
The Egyptian hieroglyph for 100,000 is what`tadpole
the egyptian hieroglyph for ---------- is a tadpole`100,000
The Eiffel Tower is how many feet high`984 feet
The Eiffel Tower receives a fresh coat of paint every _ years`seven
The Eiffel Tower receives a fresh coat of paint every _ years`seven`7
The eighth in a set or sequence`eights
The eighth of the nine orders of angels in medieval angelology`archangel
Thee last days of`pompeii
the electrically conducive gaps surrounding nerve endings are`synapses
The electric chair was first used in 1890, 1900 or 1910`1890
The electric chair was invented by a`dentist
The electric eel is the most shocking animal on Earth - no other animal packs such a big charge. If attacking a large prey, a 9-foot-long eel can discharge about _____ volts`eight hundred
The electric power required by an appliance or device`wattage
The electronic systems, equipment, and other devices so developed: 'The -------- on this spacecraft represent a new generation of`avionics
The elephant can smell water up to how many miles away`three
The elephant can smell water up to how many miles away`three`3
The elephant is the only mammal that can't`jump
The elevator was invented by`elisha otis
The elongated, edible fruit of these plants, having a thick yellowish to reddish skin and white, aromatic, seedless pulp`banana
The ELO system is used to rate players of which board game`chess
The embryonic digestive tube, consisting of the foregut, the midgut, and the hindgut`gutted
The embryonic digestive tube, consisting of the foregut, the midgut, and the hindgut`gutting
The embryonic digestive tube, consisting of the foregut, the midgut, and the hindgut`gutty
The embryonic digestive tube, consisting of the fore---, the mid---, and the hind`gut
The embryonic structure or development of a particular organism`embryology
The emotional and behavioral characteristics of an individual, group, or activity: 'the ---------- of war.'`psychology
The emotional and physical attachment occurring between a parent or parent figure, especially a mother, and offspring, that usually begins at birth and is the`bondings
The emotion aroused by something awe-inspiring, astounding, or marvelous: 'gazed with ------ at the northern lights.'`wonder
The emotion aroused by something awe-inspiring, astounding, or marvelous: 'gazed with wonder at the northern lights.'`wonders
The empire state building was completed in 1930, 1931 or 1932`1931
The Empire Strikes Back, when the ghost of obi wan kenobi said that luke was their last hope against the empire, who was yoda refering to when he said, no, there is another`princess leia
The Emu gets its name from the ______ word for ostrich`portuguese
The enclosure or platform with its operating equipment, motor, cables, and accessories`elevator
The end of existence or activity: termination: 'the ------ of the streetcar.'`demise
The end`omega
The energy which a body possesses by virtue of its motion is called ________.`kinetic
The energy which a body possesses by virtue of its motion is called `kinetic
The energy which a body possesses by virtue of its motion is called ________`kinetic energy
The England World Cup team released a song called Back Home in which year`1970
The English city of Salisbury stands on which river`avon
the english parliament abolished christmas in 1644, 1645 or 1647`1647
The English translation is "Ocean of Wisdom". How do we know the more common original`dalai lama
The entire military land forces of a country`army
The entire process of cell division including division of the nucleus and the cytoplasm`mitoses
The entire range of an instrument or voice`diapason
The eohippus was an early form of which animal`horse
The epic work by Homer recounting the events of the Trojan War`the iliad
The Equalizer: what did the hero (mccall) call his former superior from the agency`control
The equator crosses only one Asian country. Which one`indonesia
The equipment used in such detection`radar
The era that followed the Mesozoic`cenozoic
The erectile hairs along the back of the neck of an animal, especially of a dog: 'This dark alley gives me the -------'`hackles
The erosive processes by which a glacier is reduced`ablation
The --------escent coating inside the screen of a cathode-ray tube`phosphor
The essential nature or condition of being a god: divinity`deities
The essential qualities distinguishing one person from another: individuality: He would walk a little first along the southern walls, shed his European self, fully enter this`selves
The essential substance or elements: essence: We are such -----/As dreams are made on (Shakespeare)`stuff
The establishment of a corporation's existence`franchise
The eternal spiritual sovereignty of God or Christ`kingdom
The ethical belief that self-interest is the just and proper motive for all human conduct`egoism
The European nightjar`nighthawk
The events following the climax of a drama or novel in which such a resolution or clarification takes place`denouement
The evil or misfortune that comes in or as if in response to such an appeal: 'bewailed the ----- of ill health.'`curse
The evolutionary development of an organ or other part of an organism: 'the --------- of the amphibian intestinal tract.'`phylogeny
The excrement of animals`droppings
The executive officer of a unit of the armed forces`execs
The exercise of such a right`suffrage
The exercise of such control or power`domination
The Exosphere merges with the _______ `ionosphere
The expenditure of something, such as time or labor, necessary for the attainment of a goal: Freedom to advocate unpopular causes does not require that such advocacy`cost
The experience of such communion as described by mystics`mysticism
The explosive mixture of -------- and air`firedamp
The expression checkmate comes from the Arabic expression 'shah mat', what does it mean`The king is dead
The expression of such an attitude in behavior or speech: derision`scorn
The expression or manifestation of such feeling`joy
The expression or manifestation of such feeling`joyfully
The expression or manifestation of such feeling`joys
The Extensor digiti minimi manus is used to extend the`little finger
The extent, measurement, or dimension downward, backward, or inward: 'dove to a ----- of 30 feet: shelves with enough ----- to store the large boxes.'`depth
The extinct elephant bird was native to which island`madagascar
the (extinct) tasmanian tiger is formally known as`thylacine
The extolling or exaltation of a deity, ruler, or hero`praise
the extraordinary legal process which orders a jailer to bring the prisoner before the judge immediately is called a writ of______`habeas corpus
The eye`brow
The eyebrow`brows
The eye itself`eyeball
the eyes have it: what part of the eye continues to grow throughout a person's life`the lens
The fa ade of a building`frontal
The fab four are ....`the beatles
The fabric used for this floor covering`carpet
The face of a clock`dialed
The facial expression produced by grinning`grinned
The facial expression produced by ----ning`grin
The fact of being elected`election
The fact of being or having been received: 'They denied ------- of the shipment.'`receipt
The fact of being removed`removal
The fact of existence: being`entity
The fact of having been elsewhere when a crime in question was committed`alibi
The fact of having survived`survival
The fact or condition of being apart in space: remoteness`distance
The fact or quality of having position in space`localities
The fact or state of being deceived`deception
The fact or state of continued being: life: 'our brief --------- on Earth.'`existence
The fact or state of having been created`creation
The faculty or act of expressing or describing thoughts, feelings, or perceptions by the articulation of words`speech
The faculty to feel or perceive: physical sensibility: 'The patient has very little --------- left in the right leg.'`sensation
The Falketing is the parliament of which country`denmark
the famous banned baseball legend featured in "field of dreams"`shoeless joe jackson
The famous bridge at Avignon was built over which river`rhone
the famous last theorem, an = bn = cn, n=2, belonged to`pierre de fermat
the famous last theorem, an = bn = cn, n=2, belonged to`pierre de`kursk
The famous last words: 'go away... I'm alright' were uttered by whom`h.g. wells`wells
The famous Rosetta Stone was found in 1799 near the town of Rosetta in north , on the Nile.`egypt
The famous 'To be or not to be' speech is in which Shakespeare play`hamlet
the famous watch making industry of switzerland began in which are`jura mountains
The famous Woodstock music festival took place in what year`1969
The far side of the moon was first photographed by a Russian satellite in`1959
The fastest animal an earth, if you try to get them to chase a mechanical rabbit, they will figure out to stop, face the other way & wait for the rabbit to lap`cheetah
The fastest bird is a spine tailed swift. How fast can it fly (mph)`106
The fastest bird is the _____ ______ _____, clocked at speeds of up to 106 miles per hour`spine tailed swift
The fastest tectonic movement on earth is 240 mm per year, at the Tonga micro-plate near`samoa
The fat and juices exuded from roasting meat, often used in making gravy. Often used in the plural`drippings
The Federal Reserve Board`feds
The feeling, as of sympathy or pity, so aroused`pathos
The feeling of having experienced something before is known as _______`deja vu
The feeling of having experienced something before is known as `deja vu
The feelings or characteristics associated with being a mother: motherliness`maternity
the female lead in 'the blue lagoon'`brooke shields
the female lead in tr baskin was played by what actress`christmas
The female of certain aquatic animals, such as an octopus or lobster`hen
The female of certain aquatic animals, such as an octopus or lobster`hens
The female of various mammals, such as the hare, goat, or kangaroo`doe
The female side of a family tree is known as the distaff side. What is the male side called`spear
The female version of Homer.`Mindy Simmons
The fiber obtained from these plants`jute
The fibre sisal is chiefly used to make what`ropes
the fibrous form of several minerals and hydrous silicates of magnesium?`asbestos
The Fifth Book of the Old Testiment`Deuteromony
The fifth sign of the zodiac in astrology`lion
the fighting irish' is the nickname of what college football team`notre dame
The figure 0: a cipher: a zero`nought
The filament of a regular light bulb is usually made of ________.`tungsten
The filament of a regular light bulb is usually made of `tungsten
The film ' A Clockwork Orange' was based on a book by which author`anthony burgess
The film Apocalypse Now was based on whose novel`joseph conrad
The film Casablanca starred Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman but who were the two stars originally set to star in this classic film`Ann Sheridan & Ronald Reagan
The film Chinatown was released in what year`1974
The film 'Dancer in the dark' features which pop star`bjork
The film "High Society" was a musical remake of which 1940 film`the philadelphia story
The film M-A-S-H was set during which war`korean
The film 'The Bishop's Wife' was released in what year`1947
The film "The Innocents" was based on which Henry James story`the turn of the screw
The film 'the wizard of ______'`oz
The film 'The Wizard of Oz' was released in which year`1939
the final dance number always had lots of bubbles`lawrence welk show
the final frontier: what celestial body is the centre of the jovian system`jupiter
The "final solution" dealt with what people`jews
The fine, light-colored textile fiber obtained from this plant`flax
The fine paid by a new husband to the lord of the manor, to ensure that the husband had the first night (first fuck, not first foot)?`Amober
The fins of which fish are made into a soup`shark
The fireballs had some success with the record 'torquay', but when they teamed up with jimmy gilmer, which record stayed at no. 1 for an entire year`sugar shack
The firefly depends on sight to find a ______`mate
The firefly depends on sight to find ______`mate
The firm, edible, usually rounded fruit of this tree`apple
The first 18 minutes of this movie is black and white`The Wizard of Oz
The first 18 minutes of this movie is black and white`Wizard of Oz
the first 18 minutes of this movie is black & white`the wizard of oz
the first 18 minutes of which film is in black and white`wizard of oz
the first academy awards were presented in 1927, 1930 or 1941`1927
The first American advertisement for tobacco was published in what year`1789
The first American satellite was launched in which year`1958
The first atom bomb was dropped on which Japanese city`hiroshima
The first atomic submarine, was built in Maine. What was it called`the Swordfish
The first automobile to cross the United States took ______ days in 1903 to travel from San Francisco to New York`fifty two
The first automobile to cross the United States took ______ days in 1903 to travel from San Francisco to New York`fifty two`52
The first baby born on the --------- during its voyage to the New World was named - Oceanus Hopkins. The second child born after the ship set anchor was named Peregrine White.`mayflower
The first battle in the War of American Independence took place where`lexington
The first Beatle to tour the United States`george harrison
The first beat of a measure`downbeat
the first book in the bible after the gospels`acts of the apostles
The first book of __________ was introduced on april 10, 1924`crosswords
The first breakfast cereal was produced in 1893. What was it`shredded wheat
The first charity flag day was held in 1914, 1917 or 1919`1914
The first city in the world to have a population of over one million was`london
The first Combined National Championship in skiing was held in what year`1954
The first commercial flight of the Boeing 747 took place on January 22, 1970. Where did it fly 'from' and 'to'`New York London
The first commercial opera house opened in which year`1637
The first commercial passenger airplane began flying in`1914
The first commercial passenger airplane with a bathroom began flying in`1919
The first Corvette rolled off the Chevrolet assembly line in Flint, MI. in what year`1953
The first country to host the summer & the winter olympics in the same year`france
The first cricket one-day international was held between england and ______`australia
The first dog in space was named _________.`laika
The first dog in space was named `Laika
The first eurovision song contest was in 1951, 1956 or 1958`1956
the first ever international cricket test match was held between england and ______`australia
The first example of which type of brain-teaser appeared in the New York World newspaper in 1913`crossword
___, the first felt-tip pen, is introduced to the market`pentel
the first five books of the bible are known as`torah (pentauch)
the first five books of the bible are known as`torah (pentauch`colostrum
The first instrument on which the carol "silent night" was played was:`a guitar
The first internal combustion engine was developed in 1885 by`karl benz
The first international cricket match ever, was held between canada and _____`u.s.a
The first international cricket match ever, was held between Canada & _____`u s a
The first International floodlight football match took place in what year`1955
The first issue of Playboy magazine appeared in December 1953, and sold for $.50. Its centerfold was a nude calendar photo of Marilyn Monroe, purchased by ____ _______ for $500`Hugh Hefner
the first known contraceptive was crocodile dung, used by egyptians in ---------- b.c`2000
The first known contraceptive was crocodile dung, used by the Egyptians in 2000 B.C. It was replaced with __________ droppings when they realized it wouldn't work.`elephant
the first known contraceptive was crocodile---------- , used by egyptians in 2000 b.c`dung
The first known encyclopedias date back to ancient -------.`greece
The first manned balloon flight was in which year`1783
The first mass production began in 1808, what was the product`wooden pulley blocks
The first metered taxi become operational in 1899, 1903 or 1907`1907
The first modern Olympiad was held where`athens
The first Modern Olympics were held in Athens in 1896, where in 1900 were the second games held`paris
the first names of the carpenters. (k r)`karen richard
the first names of the corrs. (a c j s)`andrea caroline jim`anderson
the first names of the corrs. (a c j s)`andrea caroline jim sharon
The first newspaper horoscopes were published in 1920, 1930 or 1940`1930
The first nipple rings, called bosom rings, appeared in Victorian Europe in the ____'_. They became fashionable among woman who often wore them joined together by a small gold chain.`1890's
The first nuclear chain reaction in 1942 by Enrico Fermi & Arthur Compton was achieved in what U S city`chicago
The first nude Playboy centerfold was`marilyn monroe
The first of a successful series of children's books was published in 1952. What was it called`The Borrowers
The first "official" vasectomy was performed in?`1893
The first "official" vasectomy was performed in what year?`1893
The first of the nine orders of angels in medieval angelology`seraph
the first __________ on tv was 'a woman to remember'. it began on the dumont tv network on february 21, 1947`soap opera
The first parking meter was installed in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, in`1935
the first person to have calculated the value of pi`archimedes
The first person to swim the English Channel did so in what year`1875
The first postage stamp went on sale in england in 1835, 1838 or 1840`1840
The first programmable machine was made in 1808, what was it`loom
the first projection map of the world was by`mercator
The first public strip-tease dance was performed in Paris in??`1894
The first recorded reference to cricket dates back to`1272
The first reference to a term "heavy metal" is found in a song by this band`steppenwolf
The first rubber gloves were used during surgery in 1890, 1910 or 1920`1890
The first Russian satellite was launched in which year`1957
The first sets of dentures were used in which century`sixteenth
The first seven words from "girl from ipanema"`tall & tan & young & lovely
The first shopping mall was opened in 1922, 1932 or 1947`1922
The first spaghetti western starring Clint Eastwood was called what`a fistful of dollars
The first spaghetti western starring Clint Eastwood was made in what year`1964
The first speed limit was set in 1903, 1906 or 1909`1903
The first state to ratify the United States Constitution was also the first state to have it's own commemorative state quarter minted`deleware
The first steam engine arrived in America in this year`1753
The first successful British/American space satellite was launched in April 1962, named after a character in Shakespeare's The Tempest`ariel
The first 'talking' film was released in what year`1927
The first taxi with metered fares were operational in`1907
The first telephone call was made in what year`1876
The first telephone exchange was opened in the US in what year`1878
The first toilet ever seen on television was on what show`Leave It To
The first toilet ever seen on television was on what show?`Leave It To Beaver
The first trees to move into a newly cleared forest area are called`pioneer
the first trees to move into a newly cleared forest area are called`pioneer`molasses
The first trees to move into a newly cleared forest area are called`pioneer species
The first U S marines wore high leather collars to protect their necks from sabres, hence the term __________`leathernecks
The first vibrators were invented in ____ as treatment for what was known then as hysteria?`1869
The first video game was _____, introduced in 1972 by Noel Bushnell, who then created Atari`pong
The first washing machine was marketed by Hurley Machine Co in`1907
The first __________ __________ was invented in 1869 and was steam powered, it was used to treat female disorders.`automatic vibrator
The fissure of Rolando, would be found in the ________`human brain
The five W's of journalism, these items should begin every news story`who what when where why
The flag of a nation, state, or army`banner
The flag of which African country consists of a horizontal tricolour of Red, White and Black with a gold eagle in the centre`egypt
The flag of which Asian country consists of a horizontal tricolour of orange, white and green with a blue wheel symbol in the centre`india
The flagship known as Queen Anne's Revenge belonged to the famous pirate, Blackbeard. The ship sank in 1718. Blackbeard's real name was ------------.`edward teach
The flat upper part of the stern of a vessel, made of wood and often richly carved`taffrail
The flaxlike fiber from the stem of this plant, used in making fabrics and cordage`ramie
the fleas of which animal carried the plague known as the black death?`black rat
The fleece of this mammal`vicuna
The flesh of a slaughtered full-grown steer, bull, ox, or cow`beef
The flesh of a slaughtered full-grown steer, bull, ox, or cow`beeves
The flesh of a young sheep used as meat`lamb
The flesh of a young sheep used as meat`lambed
The flesh of a young sheep used as meat`lambing
The fleshy, edible drupe of this tree. Also called Chinese date`jujube
The fleshy muscular organ joined to the hyoid bone is the ____`tongue
The fleshy, often edible parts of plants`herbage
The fleshy, smooth-skinned, purple, red, or green berry of a -----, eaten raw or dried as a raisin and widely used in winemaking`grape
the fleur de lys is the national flower of ______`france
The flight of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina in 622 A.D., marking the beginning of the Muslim era`hegira
The flipping of a coin to decide an issue`tossup
The floor of a body of water, especially the sea`grounded
The floor of a body of water, especially the sea`grounds
The floor of a motor vehicle`floorboard
The floor show presented by such a restaurant or nightclub`cabaret
The Florida Martins won the World series baseball in this year`1997
The flower clusters of this plant, eaten as a vegetable before the flower buds open`broccoli
The flower head of one of these plants`dahlia
The flowering shrub Philadelphus is better known by what name`mock orange
The flower nasturtium is native to which country`peru
The flower of any of these plants, especially one cultivated for ornament`orchid
The flower of any of these plants`magnolia
The flower of any of these plants`tulip
The flower of such a plant`wildflower
The flower of this plant`gardenia
The fluid contents of a plant cell vacuole`sap
The fluid contents of a plant cell vacuole`sapped
The fluid contents of a plant cell vacuole`sapping
The fluid contents of a plant cell vacuole`saps
The fluid so injected`enema
The fluorescent tube uses ___% of the power to produce an equal amount of light as a tungsten filament bulb`twenty
The fluorescent tube uses ___% of the power to produce an equal amount of light as a tungsten filament bulb`twenty`20
The flying fish has been known to glide up to _____ metres`ninety
The flying fish has been known to glide up to _____ metres`ninety`90
The Flying Pickets took a cover version of this Yaz song to #1 in the U.K.`only you
The Folketing is the parliament of which country`denmark
The followers of John Wycliffe were given what nickname by their enemies`lollards
the food of greek and roman gods?`ambrosia
The food of the Greek & Roman gods`ambrosia
The food provided for a midday meal`lunch
The foodstuff 'carambola' is known by what alternative name`starfruit
The food tripe is made from`cow stomach
The football club Galatasaray is based in which country`turkey
The football huddle originated at what university`gallaudet
The foot of such an animal, especially a horse`hooves
The force or impetus transmitted by a collision`impact
The forces and processes that produce and control all the phenomena of the material world: 'the laws of ------.'`nature
The forces used to effect this isolation`blockade
The force that brings moving bodies to a halt is ___________.`Friction
The force with which a body is attracted to Earth or another celestial body, equal to the product of the object's mass and the acceleration of gravity`weighting
The foremost or leading position in a trend or movement`vanguard
The form and structure of an organism or one of its parts: 'the ---------- of a cell: the ---------- of vertebrates.'`morphology
The form of such a gem`baguette
The Fort George Point in Belize City was formed by the silt runoff of what hurricane`hattie
The forward side of a fore-and-aft sail`luff
The Foundations' song Build Me Up Buttercup was revived as part of the soundtrack to which 1998 film`there's something about mary
The founder of the Mongol Empire took a name that translates as Emperor of all, what is the name`Genghis khan
The four main elements of eath's atmosphere are exosphere, ionosphere, stratosphere and __________ `troposphere
the four seasons took their name from what`bowling alley
The four stages in the life-cycle of an insect are: egg, adult, pupa, and ________.`larva
The four stages in the life-cycle of an insect are: egg, adult, pupa, and `larva
The fourth planet from the sun is `Mars
The Fourth Planet from The Sun`Mars
The four throwing events at the olympics are shotput, discus, javelin and ______`hammer throw
The four throwing events at the olympics are shotput, discus, javelin & ______`hammer throw
The fourth sign of the zodiac in astrology`cancer
The fragrant dried leaves, stems, and flowers of this plant`lavender
The fragrant rootstock of the -----, used in perfumes and cosmetics. Also called -----root`orris
The frame or framework for a window or door`casings
The French army were the first to use this type of communication`semaphore
The French flag`tricolor
The French know this food as 'Boudin noir'. What do we call it`black pudding
The French know this food as 'Creme 1'Anglaise'. What do we call it`egg custard
The French National Anthem..La`Marseillaise
The French national anthem`marseillaise
The French term cul-de-sac literally means what`bottom of the bag
The Frenchwoman Jeanne Poisson was better known by which name`madame de pompadour
The 'frigorifique' was the names of the world's first what`refrigerator ship
---------- the frog has 11 points on his collar around his neck`kermit
The front of a building`facade
The fruit of any of these plants, especially the dried pungent types used as a condiment and in medicine`capsicum
The fruit of this plant. Also called aubergine, melongene`eggplant
The fruit of this plant. Also called gooseberry gourd`gherkin
The fruit of this plant, having a hard green rind and sweet watery pink or reddish flesh`watermelon
The fruit of this plant, used as a staple food in tropical regions`plantain
The fruit of this tree, having a yellow aromatic rind and juicy, acid pulp`lemon
The fruit of this tree, spherical at the base and tapering toward the stalk`pear
The fruit of which shrub is used to make sloe gin`blackthorn
The fruits of any of these plants, used for jams, jellies, desserts, or beverages`currant
The fruits of cereal grasses especially after having been harvested, considered as a group: 'The grain was stored in a silo.'`grains
The fruits of cereal grasses especially after having been harvested, considered as a group: 'The ----- was stored in a silo.'`grain
The fruit the plantain is closely related to which other fruit`banana
Theft of personal property`larceny
The Full Name for the drug L.S.D`Lysergic Acid Diethylamide
The Full Name for the explosive T.N.T.`Trinitrotolune
The full name of the Titanic is R.M.S. Titanic. What does the letter M stand for`mail
The fungi native to a region`mycologies
The ' funny bone' is not a bone but a`nerve
the funny papers: what kind of dog is marmaduke`great dane
The fur of a rabbit`cony
The furthest point from any ocean would be in`china
The future`tomorrow
The gable holding such a window`dormer
The 'galia' is a variety of which fruit`melon
the gallagher brothers are supporters of which football club`manchester city
The Galliard is a 16th century dance originating from which country`italy
The Gambia is an enclave in which other African country`senegal
The Gambia is an enclave in which other Aftican country`senegal
The game of badminton is known as what game in India`Poona
The game of conkers is played using the nuts from which tree`horse chestnut
the game pelota vasca is also known as`jai alai
the game pelota vasca is also known as`jai`moses
The game preserve featured in the TV series "Daktari"`wameru
The game reserve featured in the TV series "Daktari"`wameru
The gaseous material surrounding the earth and other planets is called the ______`atmosphere
The gastrocnemius muscles are not in the stomach. Where in the body are they`calves
The gathering and organization of the equipment needed for an operation, procedure, or task`setup
The Gbe language of the Ewe people`ewe
The geiger counter was invented in 1913 to measure what`radioactivity
The general character or structure held in common by a number of people or things considered as a group or class`type
The general course or progression of one's working life or one's professional achievements: 'an officer with a distinguished ------: a teacher in the midst`career
the generally acknowledged oldest "city" in the world`jericho
The genetic constitution of an individual, group, or class`genetics
The genre of literature comprising such works`parodied
The George Cross was awarded to the entire population of which island`malta
the german equivalent of the maginot line`gustav linev
the german equivalent to the us "bazooka" in ww2 is called`panzerfaust
The German language contains 30 words that refer to the act of?`kissing
The German Opel family was known for the manufacture of what`cars
The Germans call it Ostsee. What do we call it`baltic sea
The Germans name for their country`deutschland
The German term Weizen refers to beers made with this ingredient`wheat
The German WWII Junker 87 Fighter Bomber Was Better Known As... The`Stuka
The ghost of a dead person`wraith
The ghost of Anne Boleyn might be expected to walk in which London palace`hampton court
The giant panda is native to what continent`Asia
The giant squid has the largest ____ in the world`eyes
The gift (1982) was a No1 album for which band`the jam
The gigantic Badshashi mosque is in which city in Pakistan`lahore
'The girls'll go crazy for a....' what is the name of this ZZ-Top tune`Sharp
'the girls'll go crazy for a....' what is the name of this zz-top tune`sharp dressed man
The girl's name Erica is also the Latin word for which plant, another girl's name`heather
The glans clitoridis`glandes
The glass snake is actually a ________?`lizard
The glossy black and white fur of this mammal`skunk
The "gluteus maximus" is the largest what`human muscle
The gluteus maximus muscle is the bulk of the`ass
The gluteus maximus muscle is the bulk of the`buttock`ass`butt
The golden state warriors basketball team retired 42 which used to belong to _____`nate thurmond
The Golden Temple at Amritsar is sacred to which religion`sikhism
The Goliath frog of West Africa is nearly _____ feet long`three
The Goliath frog of West Africa is nearly _____ feet long`three`3
The Gong Show once dedicated an entire show to versions of this song.`feelings
The goods or services itemized in an`invoice
The -------- goose`barnacle
The Goose Fair is held annually in which British city`nottingham
The Gorbals is a district of which city`glasgow
The _____ got its name from the corruption of the words ' Day's eye'`daisy
"the governor and company of merchants of london trading into the east indies" was the original title of which major colonial company`english east india company
The gradual process of wasting`wastage
The Graf Zeppelin completed a 19,500 mile trip in what year`1929
The grain of any of these grasses, ground to produce flour used in breadstuffs and pasta`wheat
The grain of any of these plants, used as food and fodder`oat
The grain of any of these plants, used as food and fodder`oats
The grain of H. vulgare or its varieties, used for livestock feed, malt production, and cereal`barley
The grain of such a grass`cereal
The grain of this plant, used in making flour and whiskey and for livestock feed`rye
The grains or kernels of this plant, used as food for humans and livestock or for the extraction of an edible oil or starch. Also called Indian corn,`corning
The grapes for Muscadet are grown near which French river`loire
The grass on the prairie can be eaten up by 27 cattle in 6 weeks. If there are 23 cattle, the grass can be eaten up in 9 weeks. If there are 21 cattle, how many weeks would it take for the grass to be eaten`12 weeks
The Grateful Dead were once called what`the warlocks
The grayish outer part of a sunspot`penumbra
The Great Barrier Reef is how many miles long`one thousand two hundred and fifty
the great basin, great victoria and the great sandy are all what`deserts
The greatest distance under given weather conditions to which it is possible to see without instrumental assistance`visibility
The greatest hits of this group known for long red beards`zz top
The greatest or utmost degree: 'the --------- of despair.'`extremity
The greatest quantity or degree reached or recorded: the upper limit of variation`maxima
The greatest quantity or degree reached or recorded: the upper limit of variation`maximum
The greatest snowfall ever in a single storm was ___ inches at the Mount Shasta ski bowl in february, 1959`189
the greatest tank battle of the second world war took place at`kursk
the greatest violin virtuoso of all time was`paganini
The Great gate of kiev comes from which work by mussorgski`pictures at an exhibition
The great gothic cathedral of Milan was started in 1386, and wasn't completed until what year`1805
The great gothic cathedral of Milan was started in 1386, & wasn't completed until what year?`1805
The Great Lakes are: Lake Superior, Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Lake Michigan & Lake`ontario
The great poet, Walt Whitman, preferred the company of men to women and in a post-mortem examination it was revealed that he was probably born a??`eunuch
The Great Pyramid of Giza consists of _________ blocks each weighing 2.5 tons`2,300,000
The Great Pyramid was built as a tomb for which Egyptian Pharaoh`khufu
The Great Salt Lake lies in which American state`utah
The great warrior _______________ died in bed while having sex`ghenghis khan
The Greek mixture of yoghurt, cucumber and seasonings is called what`tzaziki
The Greek warrior Odysseus played a major role in which war`trojan
the greek word "pandemonium" comes from which designated place.`palace of satan
The Greek word phosphor translates to what in English`Light-bearer
the green leaves of summer' is the theme from which john wayne western`the alamo
The 'green mountain state' is....`vermont
The green variety of beryl is called ________`emerald
The green variety of beryl is called `emerald
The groove cut by a saw blade`kerf
The ground, especially when covered with grass`sod
The ground on which a church stands`churchyard
The group of natural processes, including weathering, dissolution, abrasion, corrosion, and transportation, by which material is worn away from the`erosion
the group of seven painted predominantly?`landscapes
The group undertaking such a journey`expedition
The Guarani is the unit of currency in which South American country`paraguay
The Guggenheim Museum in New York is the work of which architect`frank lloyd wright
The Guinness company is famous for making which product`beer
The Gulf of Panama leads into which ocean`pacific
The gulf of panama leads into which ocean`pacific ocean
The Gulfs of Taranto and Corinth are inlets of which sea`ionian sea
The gyrocompass was invented by`elmer sperry
The hair-covered, dressed pelt of such a mammal, used in the making of garments and as trimming or decoration`fur
The hair-covered, dressed pelt of such a mammal, used in the making of garments and as trimming or decoration`furred
The hair-covered, dressed pelt of such a mammal, used in the making of garments and as trimming or decoration`furring
The hair-covered, dressed pelt of such a mammal, used in the making of garments and as trimming or decoration`furs
The hair that appears on this region at puberty`pubes
The hamburger was invented in what year`1900
The hand-operated or hand-powered holder for this implement`drill
The hard, aromatic seed of this tree, used as a spice when grated or ground`nutmeg
The hard bony tissue that develops around the ends of a fractured bone during healing`callus
The hard, close-grained wood of any of these trees, used especially in furniture, interior finishes, and plywood`birch
"The harder you --------, the luckier you get."- McAlexander`work
"The hardest job kids face today is learning ------------ without seeing any."- Fred Astaire`good manners
"The hardest thing in life is to know which ---------- to cross and which to burn."- David Russell`bridge
"The hardest thing to understand in the world is the ."- Albert Einstein (1875-1955)`income tax
The hard external supporting and protecting structure in many invertebrates, such as mollusks and crustaceans, and certain vertebrates, such as turtles:`skeleton
The hard or woody, jointed, often hollow stems of these plants, used in construction, crafts, and fishing poles`bamboo
The hard piece at the end of a shoelace or piece of clothing is called an_____`aglet
The hard, tough, heavy wood of such a tree`hickories
The hardy boys and ______`nancy drew
the hardy boys and`nancy`hampshire
The Hardy boys & ______`nancy drew
the harvard of thailand`chulalongkorn university
The ______________ has 14,174 teeth (105 rows, 135 teeths in each)`garden snail
The __________ has a penis no less than two feet long.`Rhinoceros
The ______ ______ has more laws governing sexual behavior than all of the European nations combined.`United States
The Hausa, Yoruba and lbo peoples are the principal ethnic groups of which African country`nigeria
The Hawaiian alphabet has how many letters?`12
The headgear with a glass mask worn by deep-sea divers`helmet
The head of a ---------iat in the Soviet Union until 1946`commissar
the headquarters of the world health organisation (who) can be found in which city`geneva
The heart beats faster during a brisk walk or heated argument than during _______ ___________.`sexual intercourse
The heart of giraffe is two feet long, and can weigh as much as ____ ____ pounds`twenty four
the heaviest tank ever to see action in world war ii, weighing in at 68 tons`koenigstiger
The Hebrew Scriptures, the sacred book of Judaism`bible
the hebrew word for peace, used as both a greeting and a farewell`shalom
The Hebrides are part of this country`Scotland
The height of the edge of such a garment, measured from the floor`hemline
The height or level of the bottom edge of a skirt, dress, or coat: a hemline`hems
The height or level of the bottom edge of a skirt, dress, or coat: a ---line`hem
The Heights of Abraham is in which Canadian province`quebec
The heraldic term "gules", meaning red, comes from the french word "gueules," meaning a ______`throat
The Heraldic term Tenny relates to which colour`brown
The highest degree of arousal is known as what?`Ruff
The highest grade that can be achieved in marksmanship`expert
The highest grade that can be achieved in marksmanship`expertly
The highest known score for a single word in competition Scrabble is ---------`three hundred and ninety two
The highest level or degree that can be attained`summit
The highest man-made temperature - _____ million degrees Celsius - was generated at Princeton University in a fusion power experiment in 1978`seventy
The highest man-made temperature - _____ million degrees Celsius - was generated at Princeton University in a fusion power experiment in 1978`seventy`70
The highest mountain in North America`mount mckinley
The highest official in certain cathedrals or collegiate churches`provost
The highest part sung in part music`descant
The highest point in Missouri is ____________ at 1,772 feet above sea level`taum sauk mountian
The highest position of authority`topside
The highest temperature ever recorded occurred in Libya in 1922. What was the temperature (fahrenehit)`136
the highest tv audience of nearly 140 million viewers was achieved for which broadcast`superbowl xxx
The highest waterfall in the world, Angel Falls in Venezuela, has a total drop of how many feet`3,121
The highjump method of jumping head first and landing on their back is called the`fosbury flop
The -----h in a set or sequence`eight
The Hindu or Muslim system of sex segregation, practiced especially by keeping women in seclusion`purdah
the hippocampus, amyglada and mammary bodies are`parts of`majlis
the hippocampus, amyglada and mammary bodies are`parts of the brain
The _________ holds the record for the quickest sexual intercourse session at an average of three seconds.`chimpanzee
The hole made by such a rupture`blowout
The holiest part of a sacred place, as the part of a Christian church around the altar`sanctuary
The hollow part of a pipe or tube`bore
the hollywood version of the french hit 'les comperes' is ________ ___ , starring robin williams & billy crystal`father's day
the hollywood walk of fame star was awarded to "bill conti" for _____`movies
the hollywood walk of fame star was awarded to "buck jones" for _____`movies
the hollywood walk of fame star was awarded to ernest tubb for _____`music
the hollywood walk of fame star was awarded to "johnny mack brown" for _____`movies
the hollywood walk of fame star was awarded to "milton berle" for _____`television
The Hollywood walk of fame star was awarded to "Nelson Riddle" for _____`music
the hollywood walk of fame star was awarded to "texas guinan" for _____`movies
the hollywood walk of fame star was awarded to "toby wing" for _____`movies
the hollywood walk of fame star was awarded to "vincente minnelli" for _____`movies
the hollywood walk of fame star was awarded to "warren hull" for _____`radio
The hood on a monks habit is call a`cowl
The horizontal angle of the observer's bearing in surveying, measured clockwise from a referent direction, as from the north, or from a referent`azimuth
The horizontal mark (&nbsp: &nbsp:) used to indicate a stressed or long syllable in a foot of verse`macron
The horizontal part of a step`tread
The horned lizard`toad
The horny part of a horse's hoof`coffin
The hottest flame known is produced with carbon subnitride (C4N2), which can generate a temperature of ____C`4988
The Hound of the Baskervilles was published in which year`1903
The housefly hums in the middle octave, key of`f
The house of a colonial resident`residency
The house of the owner of such an estate`hacienda
The House of Windsor rules England. The Netherlands is ruled by the House of ------.`orange
The Houston Astrodome was opened in what year`1965
The hull of an old, unseaworthy, or wrecked ship`hulk
The human body contains about sixthy thousand miles of _____ _______`blood vessels
The human body contains enough carbon to make ______`900 pencils
the human body contains enough carbon to make`900`snore
The human body contains enough of what to kill all the fleas on an average dog`sulphur
The human body contains enough of what to make 2,200 match heads`phosphorous
The human body contains enough of what to make 900 pencils`carbon
The human body contains enough phosphorous to make ______`2,200 match heads
The human body contains enough sulphur to kill ______`all the fleas on a dog
The human body has about sixty thousand miles of ______`blood vessels
The human body has enough fat to produce ___ bars of soap`seven
The human body has enough fat to produce ___ bars of soap`seven`7
The human body has less muscles in it than a`caterpillar
The human body has over 600 what to account for 40% of the body's weight`muscles
The Human Body: The most common health disorder, affecting both males and females`Depression
The human body transmits nerve impulses at about __ metres a second`ninety
The human body transmits nerve impulses at about __ metres a second`ninety`90
the human brain is composed of how much water`eighty percent`80`80%`80 percent
The human brain is __% water`eighty
The human head is a quarter of our total length at birth, but only an eighth of our total length by the time we reach`adulthood
the human heart creates enough pressure to squirt blood how high`thirty feet
The human heart creates enough pressure when it pumps out to the body to squirt blood _______ feet`thirty
"The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is ---------."- Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)`laughter
The human wrist contains more bones than the`ankle
The Hundred Secret Senses_`amy tan
The hundred year war actually lasted how many years`116 years
"The hunger for ------- is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread."- Mother Teresa`love
The hunting of what is regulated by the I.W.C`whales
The Huron Indians thought the French Canadian men were physically inferior and ugly because of their excessive hairiness. The Indians particularly despised which type of facial hair`Beards
The husband of one's aunt`uncle
The hydrochloric acid in the human stomach is strong enough to dissolve a`nail
The hymen`maidenhead
The ice cream soda was invented in what year`1874
The ideas of Marcus Garvey were behind the foundation of which religion`rastafarianism
the image of what historical person is believed to be on the shroud of turin`jesus
The Imperial Throne of Japan has been occupied by the same family for the last ______ _________ years`thirteen hundred
"The important thing is not to stop -------------."- Albert Einstein (1875-1955)`questioning
The impression made by this surface`typeface
The impression made with such a seal`signet
The impression so made`seal
The impression so made`sealed
The Inca civilization was located mainly in which modern country`peru
the incas lived in which mountain range`andes
The ? includes the spinal cord and the brain`Central Nervous System
The Indiana Pacers basketball team retired 35 which used to belong to _____`roger brown
The Indian City of Bombay is now called what`mumbai
The Indian god Hanuman is depicted as which animal`monkey
The ------- Indian language was used successfully as a code by the United States in World War II.`navajo
the indian word for grizzly bear is the name for what canadian city`kelowna
The indication on a musical score of which fingers are to be used in playing`fingerings
The Indonesian capital Jakarta is in which island`java
The indoor theatre at the new globe, being built in london, is named after which historical person`inigo jones
The indoor theatre at the new Globe, being built in London, will be named after which historical person`inigo jones
The inevitable events predestined by this force`fate
The inevitable events predestined by this force`fates
The infinite extension of the three-dimensional region in which all matter exists`space
the infinity character on the keyboard is called a----------`lemniscate
The inflated oval ball used in this game`football
The inflated, spherical ball used in this game`basketball
The inflated, spherical ball used in this game`volleyball
The informal transmission of information, gossip, or rumor from person to person`grapevine
the ingrediants in a kamikaze are:`vodka triple sec lime juice
The inhabitants of ________ are known as 'Monegasques'`monaco
the initial milk that's expressed from a new mother`colostrum
The initial spurt of ejaculate travels at __ miles per hour. By way of comparison, the world record for the 100 yard dash is 27.1 miles per hour.`28
The initial spurt of ejaculate travels at _______ per hour?`28 miles
The initials TC stand for which cartoon character`top cat
The inner parts, as of a machine`innards
The inner, usually edible seed of a nut or fruit stone`kernel
The Inquisition forced him to recant his belief in the Copernican Theory.`galileo
The Inquisition forced this person to recant his belief in the Coppernican Theory. Who was he?`galileo
The installation of bathtubs is prohibited in _____, Kanas.`Topeka
The institution or obligation of paying -----s`tithe
The instruments played by such a group`orchestra
The instrument used in geometry to measure angles is a(n) _______.`protractor
The instrument used in geometry to measure angles is a(n) `protractor
The internal diameter of a gun, diameter of a bullet`calibre
The International Atomic Energy Agency and World Health organization are agencies of the`United Nations
The international date line is in the`atlantic ocean
The international vehicle registration letters RCH denotes which country`chile
The Internet Relay Chat Program, which normally connects to port 6667, is more commonly known as `IRC
"The interpretation of --------- is the royal road to a knowledge of the unconcious activities of the mind."- Sigmund Freud`dreams
The intestines`viscera
The invalidation of a marriage, as for nonconsummation, effected by means of a declaration stating that the marriage was never valid`annulment
The invention of which card game is attributed to the poet Sir John Suckling`cribbage
the inventor of the scissors`leonardo da vinci
The Ionian and Cyclades are island groups of which country`Greece
Their albums included "Angst In My Pants" Kimono My House" and "Propaganda"`sparks
The Irawaddy runs through which country`myanmar
Their "Be my girl-Sally" is about an inflatable friend`the police
Their hugely successful hit off Shabooh Shoobah was called what`the one thing
The Irish Province of Connaught contains five counties. Sligo and Galway are two. Name one of the others. leitrim`mayo`roscommon
Their lead singer scores most Tim Burton movies`oingo boingo
The iron collar used for such an execution`garrote
The iron content of which vegetable was, for years, overstated due to the incorrect placement of a decimal point in U.S. Government's food tables`spinach
The iron content of which vegetable was overstated due to the incorrect placement of a decimal point`spinach
The irreducible, indestructible material unit postulated by ancient atomism`atoms
The irreducible, indestructible material unit postulated by ancient ----ism`atom
The ________ is a fish that can actually walk on land`mudskipper
The _________ is a hollow muscular chamber about the size and shape of a pear. This elastic organ is where an egg becomes fixed and matures as pregnancy progresses.`uterus
The ________ is born under water`hippopotamus
The Isis is the upper stretch of which English river`thamesIn what year was the first telecommunications satellite launched`1962
The island nation of ------- is proudly reclaiming its ancient honor of being the birthplace of the Greek goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite, and now offers a tasteful re-creation of her ancient rites for visitors and locals.`cyprus
The island of Formosa is now known by which name`taiwan
The island of Krakatoa was almost completely destroyed by a volcanic eruption in which year`1883
The Island of Lundy is part of which English county`devon
The island of Mauritius lies in which ocean`indian
The Island Of Monserrat Is Part Of Which Island Group ?????? Islands`Leeward
The island of Sardinia is part of which country`italy
The island of Skorpios was the site of her 1968 wedding`jacqueline kennedy
The island of South Georgia belongs to which country`britain
The Island of Tasmania is part of which country`australia
The islands Luzon, Mindoro and Mindanao are part of which country`philippines
The Islands of Langerhans won't be found on a map, they're a group of cells located in the`pancreas
the ---------- is the largest building from ancient rome that survives intact`pantheon
The ________ is the only animal whose evidence is admissible in an American court`bloodhound
the ---------- is the only mammal that can't jump`elephant
The _________ is the opening through which sperm passes to fertilize the egg and through which a baby exits the uterus in birth.`cervix
The _________ is the tube through which sperm pass on their way out of the scrotum and to the urethra.`vas deferens
The ______ is the U.S. Marine tilt-rotor transport that takes off and lands like a helicopter, but flies like an airplane`osprey
The italian bread focaccia gets its name from the Latin word for what`hearth
The Ivor Novello awards are given for achievement in which field`songwriting
The Jacksons: According to one Jackson, P.Y.T. stands for this.`pretty young thing
The Jacksons: First name of Jermaine's wife, daughter of Motown president Barry Gordy`hazel
The Jacksons: He played lead guitar on "Beat It"`eddie van Halen
The Jacksons: Hit which ends with the crucial words but I'm not`if
The Jacksons: Janet Jackson was briefly married to this singer in 1984`james debarge
The Jacksons: Katherine Jackson, the Jacksons matriarch, is of this religion.`jehovahs witness
The Jacksons: Living Colour musician who played guitar on "Black Cat"`vernon reid
The Jacksons: Name of Michael Jackson's biography`moonwalker
The Jacksons: Rebbie Jacksons only top 40 hit`centipede
The Jacksons: She said "Michael was performing all the time...he could be my son."`diana ross
The Jacksons: The eldest sibling of the jackson family`rebbie Jackson
The Jacksons: The Michael jackson album preceding Thriller`off The Wall
The Jacksons: There are only three cuts in the entirety of this Janet Jackson video.`when i think of you
The Japanese art of growing miniature trees is called _____`bonsai
The Japanese martial art of fencing is called ________.`kendo
The Japanese martial art of fencing is called `kendo
The Japanese word 'karate' can be translated as`open hand
The jargon used in a specific business or field`shoptalk
The Jay belongs to which bird family`crow
The jazz music for this dance`stomp
The Jeffersons was a spinoff from what show?`All in the Family
The Jefferson's was a spinoff of what show?`All in the Family
The John Lennon album released by Yoko Ono 4 years after his death`milk & honey
the jolly roger is the traditional flag of what`pirates
The Jordanian city Amman was once called what`philadelphia
"The Joshua Tree" and "Achtung Baby" by this Irish group`u2
The Joy of?`sex
The judds spent years in nashville shopping demos recorded on a ______`cassette recorder
The juice of a fruit or plant boiled with sugar until thick and sticky`syrup
The juice of which berry can be used to prevent and treat urinary tract problems`cranberry
The Kalahari Desert in is which continent`Africa
The Kalahari desert is mainly in which country`botswana
The Kalahari Desert lies mainly in which country`botswana
The Kama Sutra was written by Mallanga Vatsyayana, who was rumored to be __________.`celibate
The Karakoram mountain range is on which continent`asia
The karyotype describes the number, shape and size of which structures within a cell`chromosomes
The katydid bug hears through holes in its ____ legs`hind
The Kelvin scale is used to measure _________.`temperature
The Kelvin scale is used to measure `temperature
The Kentucky Derby, also known as the 'Run for the Roses', is staged at which racecourse`churchill downs
The kidney-shaped seed of this tree, eaten after roasting`cashew
The Kikuyu people inhabit which African country`kenya
The killing of a large number of people: a massacre: I could not give my name to aid the --------- in this war, fought on both sides for grossly`slaughter
The killing of ones mother`matricide
The ________ kills more people world wide than all the poisonous snakes combined`honeybee
The King of Barataria is the sub-title of which operetta`the gondoliers
The Kiss is probably the best known sculpture in a British Gallery -who is it by`auguste rodin
The _ _ _ _ _ _ kiss was first known as "maraichinage," a term to describe the prolonged, deep, tongue kiss practiced by the Maraichins, inhabitants of Brittany, France.`French
The Kiwi is the only bird with _____ at the end of its bill`nostrils
The koala bear eats the leaves from this tree.`eucalyptus
The koala eats the leaves from this tree`eucalyptus
The Kohinoor is the world's largest diamondWhat does Kohinoor mean`mountain of light
The Koran is the Holy Book of which Religion`islam
The Korat plateau in Thailand gives its name to what kind of animal`cat
The Kremlin in Moscow is known as the seat of government in Russia. What does the Russian word "kremlin" mean`citadel
the kriegsmarine was which branch of nazi germany's armed forces`navy
The Kyber Pass connects which 2 Countries.... ??? And`Pakinstan And Afghanistan`Afghanistan & Pakinstan`Afghanistan and Pakinstan
The lack of this element in the diet is a cause of goitre`iodine
The lance ceased to be an official battle weapon in the British Army in`1927
The land and waters under the jurisdiction of a government`territory
The landing gear of an aircraft, including the wheels, skids, floats, and other structures that support the aircraft on land or water`chassis
The land or realm of the fairies`faerie
The land sighted or reached after a voyage or flight`landfall
the language spoken by the ancient babylonians was which of the following`acadian
The large, brown, hard-shelled seed of the coconut, containing white flesh surrounding a partially fluid-filled central cavity`cocoanut
The large muscle at the front of the upper arm that flexes the forearm. Also called ------ brachii`biceps
The large optics diamond turning machine has severed a single human hair, lenghtwise, how many times`three thousand
The large optics diamond turning machine has severed a single human hair, lenghtwise, how many times`three thousand`3000
The large pulpy round fruit of this plant, having a thick, orange-yellow rind and numerous seeds`pumpkin
The large, round fruit of this tree, having a yellow rind and juicy, somewhat acid pulp`grapefruit
the largest artificial lake in the world is`lake`muezzin
the largest artificial lake in the world is`lake volta
the largest bone in the human body`femur
The largest _______ bottle is a 170 ft. tall water tower`ketchup
The largest cell in the human body is the female reproductive cell`the ovum
The largest eggs in the world are laid by a`shark
The largest Great White Shark ever caught measured _______ feet`thirty seven
The largest Great White Shark ever caught measured _______ feet`thirty seven`37
The largest Great White Shark ever caught weighed ________ pounds`24,000
The largest iceberg recorded ( in 1956 ) was 200 miles long and 60 miles wide, larger that the country of`belgium
The largest internal organ of the human body is`liver
The largest jellyfish in the world has a bell that can reach _______ feet across`eight
the largest lake in africa is lake ____`victoria
the largest land lizards known are`komodo dragons
the largest land lizards known are`komodo`richter
The largest muscle in the human body is the`buttock muscle
the largest nerve in our body`sciatic
The Largest of The Canary Islands`Tenerife
The largest order of mammals, with about _____ species, is rodents`1,700
the largest organ of the human body is the`skin
the largest plane every built and flown by howard hughes`spruce goose
the largest plane every built and flown by howard hughes`spruce`major
The largest pornography collection in the world is located at The Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality. It contains 80,000 pornographic books and at least ___,____movies.`150,000
the largest radio telescope dish in the world is in?`puerto rico
the largest "seed" of any plant is that of the`coconut
The largest shark ever caught with a rod was just less than ______ feet long`seventeen
The largest shark ever caught with a rod was just less than ______ feet long`seventeen`17
The largest single organ of the human body is the `skin
The largest species of seahorse measures _____ inches`eight
The largest sundial was constructed in which year`1724
The largest tree in the world grows in the U S; which tree is it`redwood tree
the largest tree in the world is nicknamed`general`oratrix
the largest tree in the world is nicknamed`general sherman
The largest wave ever recorded was near the Japanese Island of Ishigaki in 1971. It was recorded at ______metres high`eighty five
The largest wave ever recorded was near the Japanese Island of Ishigaki in 1971. It was recorded at ______metres high`eighty five`85
The larva of which insect is known as a leatherjacket`Crane-fly
The larva of which insect is known as the leatherjacket`crane fly
The larva or pupa of a mosquito`wiggler
the larygngeal cords are also known as`voice box
the larygngeal cords are also known as`voice`sherman
The last 12-cylinder car produced in the United States was the 1948 __________`lincoln continental
The last day of public operation of the Liverpool Overhead Railway was December the 30th of which year`1956
The last descendant of what musical family died on christmas day 1845`Bach
'the last emperor' won the oscar for best picture in 1987, 1988 or 1990`1987
The last guillotine execution was in 1967, 1977 or 1984`1977
The last incan king of peru was killed in 1501, 1533 or 1601`1533
The last line of this document is 'Working men of all countries, unite'`Communist Manifesto
The last line of this document is "working men of all countries, unite."`the communist manifesto
The last line of which document is 'working men of all countries, unite'`communist manifesto
The last major american indian resistance to white settlement was in 1860, 1875 or 1890`1890
The last Nascar driver to serve jail time for running moonshine was who`buddy arrington
The last of a cat's senses to develop is`sight
"The last of the human ------------- is to choose one's attitudes."- Victor Frankl`freedoms
The last of the thirteen original British colonies was named after England's King George II in 1733`georgia
The last person to be ------------- in France, Hamida Djandoubi, was executed in 1977.`guillotined
The Last Waltz chronicled the farewell performance of what rock group`the band
the last word in the bible, in revelations`amen
The latin qed spells out in full as`quod erat demonstrandum
the latin qed spells out in full as`quod`myocardium
The Latin word, in tota, means what in English`Totally
The latter part: 'in the --------- of life.'`afternoon
The law in ________, Oklahoma states that women may not gamble in the nude, in lingerie or while wearing a towel.`Schulter
"The laziest man I ever met put ---------- in his pancakes so they would turn over by themselves."- W.C. Fields`popcorn
The lbo people are natives of which country`nigeria
The leader of a pack of wolves is called a _____wolf?`alpha
The leader of a work crew, as in a factory`foreperson
The leading forces in a military thrust`spearhead
The lead vocalist/guitarist for Haze`marc albert
The leaf fibers of this plant, used for mats, baskets, and other products`raffia
The least expensive prostitutes in the world are the Petrapole people who live on the border of Bangladesh. They charge as little as 10 ______, which is the equivalent of $0.28.`rupees
The leather made from this hide`cowhide
The leaves of any of these plants used as a seasoning`marjoram
The leaves of kale, used as a vegetable. Also called ------- greens`collards
The leaves of L. sativa, used especially in salads`lettuce
The leaves of these plants, dried and processed chiefly for use in cigarettes, cigars, or snuff or for smoking in pipes`tobacco
The leaves of this plant used as a seasoning`basil
The leaves of this plant used as a seasoning`oregano
The leaves of this plant used as a seasoning or garnish`chervil
The leaves of this plant used as a seasoning`rosemaries
The leaves of this plant used as a seasoning`tarragon
The leaves of this plant used as a seasoning`thyme
The leaves of which bitter aromatic herb are used in cookery`tansy
The leaves or seeds of this plant, used as a seasoning`dill
The ledge between a parapet & a moat is a(n)..`berm
The leech has 32 _______`brains
The leech will gorge itself up to _____ times its body weight and then just fall off its victim`five
The leech will gorge itself up to _____ times its body weight and then just fall off its victim`five`5
The left-hand side of an account or accounting ledger where bookkeeping entries are made`debit
The left lung is smaller than the right lung to make room for what`heart
The left lung is smaller than the right lung, to make room for which organ`heart
The left side of the brain is usually responsible for the control of`speech
The left testicle usually hangs lower than the right for?`right-handed men
The left testicle usually hangs _____ than the right for right-handed men.`lower
The legal tenure by which a villein held land`villeinage
the legendary creature "sasquatch" was also known as_________?`bigfoot
the legendary joe diamaggio was married to which diva`marilyn monroe
The Lempira is the currency of which country`honduras
The Lempira is the national currency of which country`Honduras
The Lemur is native to where`madagascar
The length of such a boundary`perimeter
The length or measurement of such a seam`inseam
the les nessman character on the tv series wkrp in cincinnati wore what in every episode`band aid
The lesser`celandine
"The less things ----------, the more they remain the same."- Sicilian proverb`change
the letter c on a water tap in france refers to what`hot`bulgaria
the letter c on a water tap in france refers to what`hot water
The lettering or design produced with such a sheet`stencil
The letters or words so formed`skywriter
The Lie Detector was invented by John Augustus Larson in`1921
The life expectancy of the average mockingbird is ____ years`10
The life processes or characteristic phenomena of a group or category of living organisms: 'the biology of viruses.'`biologist
The light brown fur of the coypu`nutria
The light, fibrous, flexible, absorbent skeleton of certain of these organisms, used for bathing, cleaning, and other purposes`sponge
The likelihood of recovery from a disease`prognoses
The limit of this quotient as the time of travel becomes vanishingly small: the first derivative of distance with respect to time`speed
The line a pretty woman never needs any money inspired pretty woman by him`roy orbison
the line 'no soup for you, come back 1 year!' was from which sitcom`seinfeld
The lines of people so arranged`gantlet
The Lions is the team name of which Rugby League club`swinton
The Lipari islands are a group of seven volcanic islands to the northeast of which major island in the Mediterranean Sea`sicily
The lipari islands are to the northeast of which major island in the mediterranean sea`sicily
The liqueur Gran Marnier is based on which spirit`brandy
The liquid or melted state induced by heat`fusion
the lira is the currency of ______`turkey
The literal translation for the swedish word 'smorgasbord' is "board for ______________(two words)`buttered bread
The literary genre represented by`novels
The literary genre represented by -----s`novel
The Little Bighorn, scene of Custer's last stand, is in which US State`montana
the little bit of flesh at the back of the roof of your mouth`uvula
The Little Dipper`dipper
The little lump of flesh just forward of your ear canal, right next to your temple, is called a(n) ______`tragus
The Little Mermaid is found in the harbour of which city`Copenhagen
The little "m's" on "M&M's"(r) Chocolate Candies weren't printed on the candies until ____`1950
The Little Shop of Horrors (1986) takes place in what kind of shop`florist shop
the liver, alimentary canal, and pancreas are part of which system`digestive
The liver is the largest internal organ weighing about ____ kilograms`10.5
The liver of what is highly intoxicating to eskimos`polar bear
The living organisms and their environment composing the`biosphere
The living spaces and possessions belonging to such a unit`household
The "l.l." In l.l. Bean stands for what`leon leonwood
the loach, plaice, remora and skate are all types of what`fish
The locality or political division from which a jury is called and in which a trial is held`venue
The locus of points for which the sum of the distances from each point to two fixed points is equal`ellipse
The loin and leg of a four-footed animal, especially as used for food: 'a ------ of venison.'`haunch
The Lombard League was a mediavel coalition of cities in which European country`italy
the london firm called white chappel bell manufactured what famous bell?`liberty bell
The longest bike weighed how much`more than a ton
The longest daisy chain is thought to have been at one of Emperor Tiberius's orgies, it was estimated at??`30
The longest division of geologic time, containing two or more eras`aeon`eon
the longest fence in the world was built to keep out ______`dingoes
The longest key on your keyboard is the _____ bar.`space
The longest key on your keyboard is the bar`space
The longest kiss listed in the Guinness Book of World Records lasted an incredible ___ hours. And then their lips fell off. What I want to know is how they managed to breathe during this kiss from hell?`417
the longest land vehicular tunnel in the us is located in what state?`colorado
the longest living land mammal is`homo sapiens
the longest pregnancy of any mammal is`elephant
The longest recorded flight of a chicken is`thirteen seconds`13 seconds
The longest river in Western Europe is `Rhine
The longest river in western Europe is _________`the rhine
The longest suspension bridge in the world is the Akashi Kaikyo, located where`japan
The longest time someone has typed on a typewriter continuously is 264 hours, set by whom?`Violet Burns
The longest time someone has typed on a typewriter continuously is ____ hours, set by Violet Gibson Burns`264
The longest tunnel connects delaware and ______`new york
The longest tunnel connects new york and ______`delaware
the longest tunnel in the world is located in what country`japan
The' Long John Silver Collection' housed on the Cutty Sark is the nations largest collection of what`ship's figureheads
The longmuir brothers were members of which teeny bop band`the bay city rollers
The long term effect of the sun's radiation on the rotating earth's varied surface & atmosphere`climate
the loon, shoebill and grebe are all types of what`birds
The loop at the top of a bell by which it is hung`cannon
The lord of the rings, ents are walking, talking what`trees
The Lord of the Rings_`j.r.r. tolkien
The lotus is the national flower of what country`india
The Lou Reed song 'Walk on the Wild Side' is about what?`Transsexualism
The 'love apple' is more commonly known as what`tomato
The love story of which writer is portrayed in the film ""Shadowlands"`c s lewis
The lower or supporting surface of a structure`floor
The lower part of an interior wall when finished in a material different from that of the upper part`wainscot
The lower part of the leg of a cooked fowl`drumstick
The lower portion of the wall of a room, decorated differently from the upper section, as with panels`dado
The lowest balcony in a theater or the first few rows of that balcony`mezzanine
The lowest degree or amount reached or recorded: the lower limit of variation`minima
The lowest degree or amount reached or recorded: the lower limit of variation`minimum
the lowest elevation in the usa is`death`marley
The lowest elevation in the USA is`death valley
The lowest habitable story of a building, usually below ground level`basement
The lowest or coarsest class of people. Often used with the`rabble
The lowest point: 'the ----- of their fortunes.'`nadir
the lowest string on a violin is in which key`g major
the lowest string on a violin is in which key`g`suttee
"The luckiest man in the world was Adam - he had no ---------------."- Sholom Aleichem`mother-in-law
the lumbar spine consists of how many vertebrae?`five
The luminous irregular envelope of highly ionized gas outside the chromosphere of the sun`coronas
The lungfish can live out of water in a state of suspended animation for _____ years`three
The lungfish can live out of water in a state of suspended animation for _____ years`three`3
The luster characteristic of a pearl of high quality`orient
The luster characteristic of a pearl of high quality`oriented
The lychee is native to which country`china
The lyrics for "rudolph the red nosed reindeer" were written as a poem by who`robert may
The M25 motorway circles which city`london
The Mabinogion is a collection of legends from which country`wales
The Madeira islands lie in which ocean`atlantic
The mad Emperor Caligula once decided to go to war with the Roman God of the sea, Poseidon, and ordered his soldiers to throw their spears into the _____ at random`water
The magic word "Abracadabra" was originally intended for the specific purpose of curing`hay fever
The Magnificent Seven is a version of what 1954 film`seven samurai
The maiden names of which two cartoon characters are slaghoople and mcbricker`wilma flintstone and betty rubble
The main building of a country club`clubhouse
The main burden: 'bore the ----- of the household chores.'`brunt
The main circle and trilithons at Stonehenge are built of which rock`sandstone
The main elements of the Exosphere are hydrogen and ______`helium
The main house on an estate: a mansion`manor
The main promoter of country music, the CMA, stands for this.`country music association
The main square in Venice is named after this saint`mark
The main street in Back to the Future is also the main street in what other 80's movie?`Gremlins
the main us army tank of the second world war`sherman
The majority of reptiles are oviparous - What does this mean`egg laying
The majority of small toothed whales are called_______`dolphins
The making of what well known dessert item was perfected by Sicilian Francisco Procopio in 1659`ice cream
The Malabar Coast is on the West Coast of which country`india
The male Californian sea-otter grips the nose of the female with his teeth during`mating
the male ---------- can smell the virgin female gypsy moth from 8 miles away`gypsy moth
The male fetus is capable of attaining an erection during the last ________.`trimester
The male gypsy moth can "smell" the virgin female gypsy moth from how far away (its a decimal)`1.8 miles
the male gypsy moth can smell the virgin female gypsy moth from ---------- miles away`eight
The male parent of an animal, especially a domesticated mammal such as a horse`sire
the 'male' part of a flower, which encompasses the filament and the anther is generally termed the what`stamen
The male prayer leader in a mosque`imam
The malleus and the incus are two of the three auditory ossicles. Which is the third`stapes
The malleus and the incus are two of the three auditory ossicles. Which is the third`stapes`stirrup
The mamas and papas consisted of c. elliott, j. phillips, m. phillips, and him`doherty
The management of a forestland`forestry
The management of a household`menage
The management of the details of an operation`logistics
The mangle was once used in which domestic chore`washing
The man known as the Red baron was famous in which field`aviation
The manner in which an expression is phrased`phrasings
The manner in which a painter applies paint with a brush`brushwork
The manner in which something is expressed in words: 'software --------.'`verbiage
"The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but ---------------."- Thomas Jefferson`newspapers
The Man Who Would be King was released in what year`1975
The Maori are native to what country`new zealand
The margin of land bordering a body of water`brink
The Mariana Trench is the deepest part of which ocean`pacific
The Mariana Trench is the deepest point of the Pacific Ocean to what depth does it reach. Give answer in feet.`36,160
The marimba is a deeper toned form of which instrument`xylophone
The marine iguana is native to which island group`galapagos
The Marquis de Sade, born June 2, 1740, died in an insane asylum in ____ at the age of seventy-four.`1814
The Marquis de Sade was imprisoned by the request of his mother-in-law for "___ ______".`sex crime
The Marquis of Blandford is heir to which British Peerage`duke of marlborough
the marquis of queensberry rules apply to what sport`boxing
The Masai are native to which continent`africa
The mascot for the 2nd Canadian Infantry Brigade in WWI later went on to become this beloved children's character`winnie the pooh
The Mason-Dixon line ran between Maryland and which other American State`pennsylvan1a
The Mason-Dixon line ran between Maryland and which other American State`pennsylvania
The massive skeleton of the African elephant accounts for about _______ percent of the body weight`fifteen
The massive skeleton of the African elephant accounts for about _______ percent of the body weight`fifteen`15
The mass of common people: the populace`mob
The mass of common people: the populace`mobs
The mass that slides. Also called landslip`landslide
The Matami Tribe of West Africa play a version of football, the only difference being that they use a ____ ____ instead of a more normal ball`human skull
The materials collected in such a case, especially when representative of a person's work: 'a photographer's ---------: an artist's --------- of drawings.'`portfolio
The mathematical notation for a product is designated by what greek letter`pi
The mathematical notation for a summation is designated by what greek letter`sigma
The mathematical study of properties of lines, angels, etc., is `geometry
The mathematical study of properties of lines, angels, etc., Is ________`geometry
The mathematical study of properties of lines, angles, etc., Is ________`geometry
The "Maxima" was a model of which car`nissan
The maximum flight speed of a Boeing 747-300 jetliner is __________ miles per hour`five hundred and eighty three
The maximum flight speed of a Boeing 747-300 jetliner is __________ miles per hour`five hundred and eighty three`583
The Maya civilisation (2600 BC - 625 AD) was in which modem country`mexico
the mazatecco indians of mexico can hold a complete conversation by which of the following whistling, sneezing or humming`whistling
The MBW Isetta was unveiled at an International Motor Show in London, England in 1955. What was the vehicle fondly dubbed as`The Bubble Car
The measure or beat of movement, as in dancing or marching`cadence
The medical journal The Lancet was established in which year`1823
The medical name for the voice box is the `larynx
The medical term for a black eye is`circumorbital haematoma
The medieval Roman number R represented 80. What number was represented by R with a bar above it`eighty thousand
The Mediterranean island of Sicily is part of which country`italy
The members of the grass family considered as a group`grassing
The members of this band always hide behind gigantic eyeball masks:`the residents
The Menai Strait is part of which larger stretch of water`irish sea
The men in one Australian tribe shake ______ instead of hands when greeting each other.`penises
The mental ability to perceive and distinguish relationships: discernment: 'Fatigue may affect a pilot's judgment of distances.'`judgement
The mental and physical deterioration associated with aging`senility
The Mercedes Benz car company is based in which German city`stuttgart
Theme repeated and developed in astistic work`motif
'The Merry Man and his Maid', is the alternate title for which Gilbert and Sullivan operetta`yeoman of the guard
The Mersey River runs through _____`liverpool
Themes: Believe it or not, it's just me`greatest american hero
Themes: Drive! Push it to the floor till the engine screams.`hardcastle and mccormick
Themes: Here we are, face to face, a couple of ...`silver spoons
themes: high winds in northern sky will carry you away, you know you have to leave here`due south
The mesh material used to make door or window screens`screenings
themes: i bet we've been together for a million years...`family ties
Themes: .... in charge of our days and our night.`charles in charge
themes: in west philadelphia i was born and raised...`the fresh prince of bel air
Themes: Just two good old boys, never meaning no harm...`the dukes of hazzard
themes: well, it's a 5 o'clock world when the whistle blows...`the drew carey show
themes: what would you do if i sang out tune`wonder years
The metal gallium will melt in the heat of your ______`hands
the metallic salt of which metal is added to the mixture in a fireworks rocket to create the color blue`copper
The metal part at the end of a pencil is twenty percent`sulfur
The metal part of a lamp that surrounds the bulb and supports the shade is called a`harp
The metal ______ will melt in the heat of your hands`gallium
The method of construction of a vault`vaultings
The method or equipment used to provide artificial illumination`lightings
The microscopic structure of tissue`histology
The Middle ear and the Pharynx are joined with the ________ tube`eustachian
The middle, often muscular layer of the wall of a blood vessel`media
The middle or slack part of an extended rope`bight
The middle outer portion of the front of the human body, extending roughly from just below the breast to the waistline`midriff
The midget and the rentpayer are varieties of which vegetable`the broad bean
The mild-flavored bulb of this plant, used in cookery`shallot
The milk of cows, goats, or other animals, used as food by humans`milking
The mind or brain`pates
The minimum number of members required to be legal is known as a`quorum
The minimum wage in 1938 was how many cents per hour`25
The mink makes love for longer than any other animal. How long?`Up to eight hours
"The minute you start --------- about what you are going to do if you lose, you have lost."-George Schultz`talking
The missiles thus discharged`volley
The Missouri is the tributary to which major US river`mississippi
The mistress of a large, fashionable household`chatelaine
The mistress of a sultan, king, or prince`sultana
The Moa bird of New Zealand, which became extinct four hundred years ago, was over ____ feet tall`ten
The Moa bird of New Zealand, which became extinct four hundred years ago, was over ____ feet tall`ten`10
The moaning sound of which animal was used as the sound of the Tornado in the film Twister`A Camel
the mobo awards were held recently, what does mobo stand for`music of black origin
The model ape used in the 1933 movie ' King Kong ' was ______ inches tall`eighteen
The model ape used in the 1933 movie ' King Kong ' was ______ inches tall`eighteen`18
The Model T Ford was produced from 1909 until 1927. Which revolutionary innovation was introduced in 1913`mass production
The modern African republic of Tanzania was formed when Tanganyika and which other nation were combined`zanzibar
The Modern Pentathlon event includes the disciplines fencing, cross-country running, riding, shooting and which other event`swimming
The Mojave Desert is mainly in which state`California
The mola mola, or ocean sunfish, lays up to how many eggs at one time`5 billion
The molding around a door or window`architrave
The Molly Maguires was a secret organisation operating in which industry in 19th century America`coal mining
The molten material from a volcano is `lava
the mona lisa is also known by the original name of`la gioconda
the mona lisa is also known by the original name of`la`hamelin
The Mongolian ------ (Meriones unguiculatus), having large dark eyes and a long furry tail and often kept as a pet`gerbil
the mongoose is immune to what snake's poison`king cobra
The Monkees: Soy un creedor`im a believer
The moon`phoebe
The moons of which planet are called Phobos and Deimos after two mythical horses that drew the chariot of the Roman god of war`Mars
The moose`bullwinkle moose
The moose`elk
"The more I ----------, the more I realize I don't know."- Albert Einstein`learn
The more sex you have, the more you will be offered. The sexually active body gives off greater quantities of chemicals called ___________. These subtle sex perfumes drive the opposite sex crazy!`pheromones
'the morning sun when its in your face really shows your age' which classic song`maggie may
The most abundant metal in the earths crust is what`aluminium
The most abundant metal in the earths crust is what`aluminum
"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the ----------."- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)`mysterious
The most carnivorous of all bears is the ______ bear`polar
The most common blood type in the world is ___`type o
The most common form of cancer is _____ cancer`skin
The most common name in the world is`mohammed
The most common sexual activity among homosexuals is ____ ___.`oral sex
The most ejaculatory orgasms ever recorded in 1 hour for a man is ________. However, although no official records exist, a man can have much more.`sixteen
The most famous church in Great Britain, enshrining many of the traditions of the British people?`Westminster Abbey
the most famous german "pocket battleship" of ww2, scuttled in the end at montevideo was named after`admiral graf spree
The most famous work by Edward Gibbon is on the decline and fall of which empire`roman
The most important ingredient: the crucial element`essence
"The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is at all --------------."- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)`comprehensible
The most memorable kiss in a motion picture was in -------------------, according to 25 percent of those polled.`gone with the wind
The most northerly point of mainland Africa is in which country`tunisia
the most popular first name in the world is`muhammad
The most positive, diplomatic, or ethical course`highroad
The most prominent of the 12 disciples of Jesus Christ, a leader and missionary in the early church, and traditionally the first bishop of Rome?`peter
The most sensitive cluster of nerves is at the base of the ____`spine
The most sensitive finger is the`forefinger
The most shoplifted book in the world is ________`the bible
The most successful X-rated movie of all time is?`Deep Throat
The Most Trusted Name in Electronics is the advertising slogan for which company`RCA
The most venomous of all snakes, known as the _____, has enough venom in one bite to kill more than 200,000 mice`taipan
The most vital part: 'a strategic attack aimed at the enemy's -------.'`jugular
The most widely mimicked Al Jolson song`mammy
The motion of air currents around an object as it moves through the air, especially the motion of air about a moving airplane`airflow
The motion or noise of rolling`trundle
The motion produced by such a force`impulse
The motor for Alberta, Canada is fortis et liber which is Latin for what`Strong and Free
The motto of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police is Maitiens le droit. What does Maitens Le droit mean in English`Uphold the right
The motto on the back of the great seal of the USA`annuit coeptis
The moulding around a door or window`architrave
The Mount of Jupiter and the Girdle of Venus are found on the _________`palm of your hand
The mouth arachnophobia is a fear of ______`spiders
The movable equipment and supplies of an army`baggage
The movement organized around this belief`feminism
The movements and paces of a trained horse`manege
The movie, Brians Song, focused on Brian Piccolo. What football team did Brian Piccolo play for`The Chicago Bears
the movie "psycho" was based on a book by _____`robert bloch
The movies Toy Story and Toy Story 2 were created by Disney and ______`Pixar
the movie, "the reincarnation of peter proud," starred what beautiful actress`jennifer o'neill
the movie the rose was inspired by what musician's life`janice joplin
The movie uhf starred him`weird al yankovic
The moving part of an electromagnetic device such as a relay, buzzer, or loudspeaker`armature
The muffled sound produced by or as if by a blow with a blunt object: a thud`thump
The mullet fish only turns _____ after death`red
The Mundurucu', an Amazonian tribe, refer to sexual intercourse as "______ _______".`eating penises
The murderer Dr. Crippen was medically qualified, but what was he in London`a dentist
the muscles of the heart are called the ____`myocardium
The Muses were the goddesses of poetry and song. How many of them were there`nine
The museum of modern art in New York City hung Matisse's 'Le Bateau' upside down for how long before an art student noticed the error: How many days`forty seven
The museum of modern art in New York City hung Matisse's 'Le Bateau' upside down for how long before an art student noticed the error: How many days`forty seven`47
the musical cats is based on whose poems`t s elliot
the music for advertisements is also called a _____`jingle
The music for a square dance`hoedown
The music for or in the rhythm of the`minuet
The music for such a dance. Also called gigue`jig
The music for such a dance. Also called gigue`jigging
The music for such a dance. Also called gigue`jiggling
The music for this dance`beguine
The music for this dance, in 6/8 time`tarantella
The music for this dance`tango
The musician Stephane Grappelli was famous for playing which instrument`violin
The music in Walt Disney's 'Sleeping Beauty' is based upon which composers version of the classic story`tchaikovsky
The music that accompanies a movie`soundtrack
The muzzle of a lion is like a fingerprint -- no two lions have the same pattern of`whiskers
The Naira is the currency of which African country`nigeria
The name Australia is derived from the Latin word 'australis' which means `southern
The name "dinosaur" comes from two Greek words What do they mean`Terrible lizard
The name Felicity means what`happiness
the name for a person who's forever claiming to be suffering from one illness to another is`hypochondriac
The name for the edible part of a Plum`sarcocarp
The name for the group of stars which form a hunter with a club and shield is `Orio
The name for the group of stars which form a hunter with a club & shield is ________`orion
The name for the Russian equivalent of Skylab is ________.`salyut
The name for the Russian equivalent of Skylab is `Salyut
The name for this semi-precious stone comes from the Latin for "sea water"`Aquamarine
The name goulash means what`herdsman
The name Jeep is a derivative of the expression G.P. What doe G.P. mean in military slang`General Purpose Vehicle
The name 'Lego' comes from which Danish words`leg godt
The name ________literally means "big tit?`of Wyoming's Grand Teton peak
The name of all the _______ end with the same letter that they start with`continents
the name of iran's parliament`majlis
the name of israel's parliament`knesset
the name of japan's parliament`diet
The name of Rocky Balboas pet goldfish in the film Rocky`Moby Dick
The name of Rush's guitarist`alex lifeson
the name of the 2-man capsule built by the americans`gemini
the name of the aztec/toltec god meaning flying serpent`quetzalcoatl
The name of the barrier lowered to block a castles gateway`portcullis
the name of the battleship sent to defend singapore from japanese attack, only to be sunk`prince of`ussr
the name of the battleship sent to defend singapore from japanese attack, only to be sunk`prince of wales
The name of the boys summer camp setting of Adventures of Spin and Marty segment of the childrens TV Series the Mickey Mouse Club`Triple R Ranch
the name of the british general who surrendered singapore to the japanese`arthur percival
the name of the dog from 'the grinch who stole christmas' was`max
The name of the famous basalt pillars found on the Northern Ireland's coast`The Giants Causeway
the name of the first manned capsule in space`vostok
the name of the ibm computer that sent gary kasparov into deep despair`deep`agincourt
the name of the ibm computer that sent gary kasparov into deep despair`deep blue
the name of the ill fated space shuttle that exploded shortly after lift off`challenger
the name of the largest city in new mexico`albuquerque
The name of the little people in Frank Baum's the Wonderful Wizard of Oz`munchkins
The name of the Royal family from henry VIII to Elizabeth I`tudor
The name of the ship of the Pilgrim Fathers (1620). The...`Mayflower
The name of the underworld in Greek mythology`tartarus
The name of the wolf companion of Lieutenant John Dunbar (Kevin Costner) in the film Dances with Wolves was`Two Socks
The name of what style of painting was taken from, the title of a Claude Monet work`impressionism
The name of which constellation me 'harp'`lyra
The name of which dance literally means'double step'`samba
The name of which disease comes from the Italian meaning 'bad air'`malaria
The name of which dog breed is also the name for an animals footprint`pug
The name of which element comes from the Greek for 'stranger'`xenon
The name of which game is latin for I play`ludo
The name of which musical instrument is the italian word for soft`piano
The name of which musical instrument means "sound of wood"`xylophone
The name of which of the seven hills of Rome is the origin of the word 'palace'`palatine hill
The name of which opera house literally translates as 'the staicase'`la scala
The name of which particle when translated from the greek means cannot be cut`the atom
The name of which plant comes from the Greek meaning 'earth-apple'`camomile
The name of which poet is an anagram of toilets`t s eliot
The name of which type of sausage also means nonsense`boloney
The name of which U.S. State means "Place of Flowers"`florida
The name of Wyoming's Grand Teton peak literally means?`big tit
The name 'quark' for a type of particle in Physics, was derived from the work of which Irish writer`james joyce
The name singapore means what`city of lions
The name "yo yo" comes from what language`tagalog
The narrow part of the abdomen of an insect`waists
The national anthem of Greece is ____ verses long`158
The National day of Ethiopia, 21st March, commemorates a victory at Adowa in 1896 over which country`italy
The national flag of _____ was designed by Napoleon Bonaparte`italy
The national flag of which South American country bears a circle depicting stars in the night sky`brazil
The Nationalist Chinese occupy this island`Taiwan
The nationalist Chinese occupy this island`taiwan`formosa
The national legislative body of a nation, especially a republic`congress
The nation or territory ruled by an emir`emirate
The nation or territory ruled by an emir`emissaries
The native inhabitants of Australia are called _____`aborigines
The natural process of rock disintegration is better known as _______`erosion
the nature of things: what does a pluviometer measure`rainfall
The Navajo language`dine
the nba record of 100 points by a single person in a game was scored by`wilt chamberlain
The negatively charged terminal of a primary cell or of a storage battery that is supplying current`anode
The nerve fibres in the squid are ____ times thicker than a humans'`five hundred
The nerve fibres in the squid are ____ times thicker than a humans'`five hundred`500
The nest of an eagle or bird of prey is an`eyrie
The new company formed by such a divestiture`spinoff
The newly hatched, earliest stage of any of various animals that undergo metamorphosis, differing markedly in form and appearance from the adult`larva
The new millenium starts on ________`january 1, 2001
the new name for bombay`mumbai
The nickname of ballet star Mikhail Boryshnikov`Misha
"The Night They Invented Champagne" is a song from which musical`gigi
The Nile crocodile averages about 45 years in the wild, and may live up to ____ years in captivity`eighty
The ninth in a set or sequence`nine
The ninth in a set or sequence`nines
The ninth sign of the zodiac in astrology`archer
The Non-Beatles CCR song, perhaps about a woman who is gloating`proud mary
The Non-Beatles Van Halen song, perhaps egging on a potential suicide victim`jump
The non stick frying pan was spin off from which area of research`space
The normal body temperature in ___ degrees Celsius`thirty seven
The normal body temperature in ___ degrees Celsius`thirty seven`37
The normal body temperature of the Clydesdale horse is ________ degrees Fahrenheit`one hundred and one
The normal body temperature of the Clydesdale horse is ________ degrees Fahrenheit`one hundred and one`101
The normal temperature of a cat is _____ degrees (it's a decimal)`101.5
The Norse god of light & peace`balder
The norse god of thunder`thor
The North American bison, Bison bison`buffalo
The northern most country claiming part of Antarctica is`norway
The northern or southern latitude beyond which trees do not grow`timberline
The northern part of north america lies within the ______`arctic circle
The North Star is also known as `Polaris
The nose continues to _____ throughout your life`grow
The notch or the projecting piece used in such a joint`joggle
The Nova Zemlya Glacier in the (former) USSR is over _____ km long`four hundred
The Nova Zemlya Glacier in the (former) USSR is over _____ km long`four hundred`400
The novel "Weir of Hermiston" was an unfinished novel by which writer`r l stevenson
The now-extinct ancestor of the horse, _______, had a short neck, a pug muzzle, and stood no higher than a medium-sized dog`eohippus
The Nuffield Radio Astronomy Laboratories are more usually known by what name`jodrell bank
The numbat, quokka and yapok are all types of what`marsupials
The number in the third position left of the decimal point in an Arabic numeral`hundred
the number of logical records in one physical record is referred to as?`blocking factor
The number of people that a room can hold: 'a ------- of guests.'`roomful
The number of UFO sightings constantly increase when _____ is nearest the Earth`mars
The number of votes cast or recorded`poll
The nutlike fruit of this tree. Also called litchi nut`lychees
The nut of this tree`butternut
The nut of this tree, having an edible sweet kernel`butternuts
The oath of such fidelity`fealties
The object or goal desired: 'Her -------- is the presidency.'`ambition
The objects laid out for a meal on this article of furniture`tabling
The obligations of a vassal to a lord`allegiance
The observable activity of an "individual.(________)`behaviour
The occupation of a banker`bankings
The _____ Ocean covers the world's longest mountain range`atlantic
the octal number system is based on the number _____?`eight
the octal number system is based on the number _____`eight8
The octopus has a funnel-shaped opening beneath its head through which hit secretes a black fluid when threatened. What is this funnel called?`siphon
the oder and vistula are rivers in which european nation`poland
The Oedipus complex is the sexual love of a son for his mother. What is the equivalent complex of a daughter's sexual love for her father called`electra complex
The Oedipus Complex is the sexual love of a son for his mother. What is the sexual love of a daughter for her father called`electra complex
The ----- of a ship or boat`sails
The ------ of certain animals, eaten as food`kidney
The ---- of cows, goats, or other animals, used as food by humans`milk
The office, authority, or jurisdiction of an absolute ruler`tyrannies
The office, function, or authority of a governing individual or body`government
The office of president of a republic`presidency
The office or district of a bailiff`bailiwick
The office, rank, or title of a duke`dukedom
The office, term of office, or jurisdiction of a consul`consulate
The official currency, coins, and negotiable paper notes issued by a government`money
The official currency, coins, and negotiable paper notes issued by a government`moneys
The official currency, coins, and negotiable paper notes issued by a government`monies
the official kevin bacon fan club claim they can connect kevin bacon with any other actor or actress in how many steps`three
The official map-making organisation for the UK`Ordnance Survey
The official name for a peeping tom is _____________?`Opipeuter
the official state song of georgia since 1922 has been what`georgia on my mind
"The -------- of money is the root of all evil."- The apostle Paul`love
The often edible nut of any of these trees`chestnut
The okapi is a member of which animal family`giraffe
The Oklahoma bombing suspect obtained a copy of the "Turner Diaries," a book which advocates the violent overthrow of government, from where`internet
the old airport of hong kong, kai tek, was replaced by`chek`blue
the old airport of hong kong, kai tek, was replaced by`chek lap kok
"The old believe everything, the middle-aged suspect everything, the young -------------------."- Oscar Wilde`know everything
The Old English word 'fneosan' means what nowadays?`To sneeze
the oldest male to win an oscar`george burns
The oldest tree in Britain is a yew in Scotland, how old is it`1,500 years
The oldest US Miltary Medal. The...`Purple Heart