
3832 lines
289 KiB

Language & Linguistics: George Bernard Shaw Proposed A 40-Letter Alphabet, To Be Used To Write English Without The Oddities Of Our Traditional`Spelling
Language & Linguistics: German->English: Arm (Adjective)`Poor
Language & Linguistics: German->English: Boot`Boat
Language & Linguistics: German->English: Brief (Noun)`Letter
Language & Linguistics: German->English: Gut (Adjective)`Good
Language & Linguistics: (German) - Very`Sehr
Language & Linguistics: 'Good Night' In French Is`Bonne Nuit
Language & Linguistics: Goose - Geese As Passerby -`Passersby
Language & Linguistics: 'Grandmother' In Yiddish`Bobba
Language & Linguistics: Heliotaxis Means The Response Of An Organism To What`Sunlight
Language & Linguistics: 'Hoi Polloi' In English`The Masses
Language & Linguistics: Homo Sapiens' Means`Man Of Knowledge
Language & Linguistics: 'Honcho' In English`Squad Leader
Language & Linguistics: 'Hook And Eye', 'Strap', 'Tee', 'Butt' And 'Blind' Are All Types Of What`Hinges
Language & Linguistics: Hook, Line And`Sinker
Language & Linguistics: How Do You Say 'I Love You' In German`Ich Liebe Dich
Language & Linguistics: How Many Letters Are In The Hawaiian Alphabet`Twelve
Language & Linguistics: How Many Letters Are Used For Roman Numerals`Seven
Language & Linguistics: How Many Letters In The Roman Alphabet`26
Language & Linguistics: How Many Letters In The Roman Alphabet`Twenty Six
Language & Linguistics: How Many Phonemes (Including The Vowel) Would Construct The Word 'The'`2
Language & Linguistics: How Many Primary Vowels Does The English Language Have`Three
Language & Linguistics: How Many Retroflexes Are There Altogether`Eight
Language & Linguistics: How Would One Say The Month 'April' In French`Avril
Language & Linguistics: Identification Of The System Of The Sets Of Sounds Of Any Language`Phonemics
Language & Linguistics: If A Plant Is Described As Cespitose It Grows In`Clumps
Language & Linguistics: If Your Cv Described You As Having Experience As A Mucker, Where Would You Have Worked`In A Mine
Language & Linguistics: In Ghana, These People Are Known As The Masters Of The Coded Messages Of Drum Language. What People Are They`The Ewe
Language & Linguistics: In Greek Alphabet 'A' Is Called 'Alpha'. What Is The Letter 'E' Called`Epsilon
Language & Linguistics: In Silent Aboriginal Hunting Language, A Closed Hand Slowly Opening Shows That A`Kangaroo Is Near
Language & Linguistics: In Spanish And French An E Is Often Added To Words That In Latin Began In Sch. Escuela, Escole (Later: Ecole) For Schola. What's The Technical Term For Such An Addition At The Beginning Of Words`Prothesis
Language & Linguistics: In The Philippines, Mabuhay Means`Hello
Language & Linguistics: In The Yugoslav Language, Belgrade Is Called Beograd. What Does Beograd Mean`White City
Language & Linguistics: In What Language Is The Magna Carta Written`Latin
Language & Linguistics: In What Language Was Bambi Originally Published`German
Language & Linguistics: In Which European Country Is Romansch One Of The Official Languages`Switzerland
Language & Linguistics: In Which Language Was The Poem 'Beowulf' Written`Old English
Language & Linguistics: ________ Is A Lot Of Talk With Little Silence. Watch Any Adult With A Baby And You'll See This In Action`Parantes
Language & Linguistics: ____________ Is Official, Professional And Pretentious Jargon As When You Call A Killing 'Unlawful Or Arbitrary Deprivation Of Life'`Gobbledegook
Language & Linguistics: ________ Is 'Style' In The Sense Of 'Level Of Formality'. We Use Different Registers Depending On The Context Or Situation. The Way You Talk To Your Friend Isn't How You Would Talk To The President. (This Meaning Of 'Style' Has Nothing To Do With Individual Style Or The Style Of A Period Or Literary Movement)`Register
Language & Linguistics: __________ Is The Only Word In The English Language That Begins And Ends With The Letters Und`Underground
Language & Linguistics: _ __. Is The Shortest Complete Sentence In The English Language`I Am
Language & Linguistics: Italian->English: Ricco`Rich
Language & Linguistics: Italian->English: Tutti`Everyone
Language & Linguistics: John Mccarthy Developed What Language`Lisp
Language & Linguistics: _____ Literally Means 'The Land Of Rabbits.'`Spain
Language & Linguistics: Many Meanings: Fuel, Vapor, Flattulence, Helium. It`Gas
Language & Linguistics: Mardi Gras Is French For`Fat Tuesday
Language & Linguistics: Mauritania's Official Language`French
Language & Linguistics: ____ ______ Means Bountiful Mother`Alma Mater
Language & Linguistics: ________ Means Empty Orchestra In Japanese`Karaoke
Language & Linguistics: _____ Means Fox In Spanish`Zorro
Language & Linguistics: ____ ____ Means 'Soggy Shrub' In Navajo`Kemo Sabe
Language & Linguistics: ______ Means To Drink Like A Duck`Dibble
Language & Linguistics: __________ Means To Fall And Disintegrate`Degringolade
Language & Linguistics: Multiple Meanings: Drinking Utensils Or Sight-Enhancers`Glasses
Language & Linguistics: Multiple Meanings: Slamming Your Hands Together Quickly, Or A Venereal Disease`Clap
Language & Linguistics: Name Both Of The Cities To Represent A Letter In The Phonetic Alphabet`Lima And Quebec
Language & Linguistics: Name The Soda That Is Often Confused With A Drug`Coke
Language & Linguistics: Official Language Of Egypt`Arabic
Language & Linguistics: Official Language Of India`Hindi
Language & Linguistics: Of Which Country Is Amharic An Official Language`Ethiopia
Language & Linguistics: One Of The Remarkable Traits Of Certain Hypnotic Subjects Is Their Ability To Speak In Unknown Or Foreign Languages. This Is Known As`Xenoglossy
Language & Linguistics: Other Than French, Which Language Is Also An Official Language Of Monaco`Monegasque
Language & Linguistics: Peace And`Quiet
Language & Linguistics: 'Perestroika' In English`Restructuring
Language & Linguistics: Precise Identification And Description Of Speech Sounds`Phonetics
Language & Linguistics: Pronounced One Way, It Means Majestic, Another Way, It Means A Month`August
Language & Linguistics: Refers To A Type Of Fabricated And Non-Meaningful Speech Especially When Associated With A Trance State As In The So-Called 'Speaking In Tongues'`Glossolalia
Language & Linguistics: 'Retro' Is Latin For What`Backward
Language & Linguistics: Sahara Means 'Desert' In`Arabic
Language & Linguistics: Set Of Written Symbols, Each Representing A Given Sound Or Sounds, Which Can Be Variously Combined To Form All The Words Of A Language`Alphabet
Language & Linguistics: Sheriff' Is Actually A Contraction Of Which Words`Shire's Reeve
Language & Linguistics: Spoken Language Is Believed To Have Arisen In What Early Human Group`Modern Homo Sapiens
Language & Linguistics: Subject, Verb And Object Are Parts Of A`Sentence
Language & Linguistics: The 10th Letter In The Greek Alphabet`Kappa
Language & Linguistics: The 11th Letter In The Greek Alphabet`Lambda
Language & Linguistics: The 12th Letter In The Greek Alphabet`Mu
Language & Linguistics: The 13th Letter In The Greek Alphabet`Nu
Language & Linguistics: The 14th Letter In The Greek Alphabet`Xi
Language & Linguistics: The 15th Letter In The Greek Alphabet`Omicron
Language & Linguistics: The 17th Letter In The Greek Alphabet`Rho
Language & Linguistics: The 19th Letter In The Greek Alphabet`Tau
Language & Linguistics: The 1st Letter In The Greek Alphabet`Alpha
Language & Linguistics: The 20th Letter In The Greek Alphabet`Upsilon
Language & Linguistics: The 23rd Letter In The Greek Alphabet`Psi
Language & Linguistics: The 24th Letter In The Greek Alphabet`Omega
Language & Linguistics: The 2nd Letter In The Greek Alphabet`Beta
Language & Linguistics: The 5th Letter In The Greek Alphabet`Epsilon
Language & Linguistics: The 8th Letter In The Greek Alphabet`Theta
Language & Linguistics: The 9th Letter In The Greek Alphabet`Iota
Language & Linguistics: The Amish Speak A Dialect They Call 'Mudderschprooch' (____________ _____)`Pennsylvania Dutch
Language & Linguistics: The Amish Speak A Dialect They Call '_______________' (Pennsylvania Dutch)`Mudderschprooch
Language & Linguistics: The Ancient Greek Word For 'Great City'`Megalopolis
Language & Linguistics: The Ancient Language Of India`Sanskrit
Language & Linguistics: The English Equivalent Of The Name Ian`John
Language & Linguistics: The English-Language Alphabet Originally Had Only 24 Letters. The Additional Two Letters Added Later Were`J And U
Language & Linguistics: The English Word For 'Fiesta'`Festival
Language & Linguistics: The English Word For 'Zorro'`Fox
Language & Linguistics: The First American Indian Language Used By The U. S. Army To Transmit Sensitive Military Information During World War I`Choctaw
Language & Linguistics: The First Letter Of The Russian Alphabet`A
Language & Linguistics: The Gaelic Name For Dublin`Baile Atha Cliath
Language & Linguistics: The Hawaiian Alphabet Has How Many Letters`Twelve
Language & Linguistics: 'The Helvetic Confederation' In Latin`Confederatio Helvetica
Language & Linguistics: The Italian Bread Focaccia Gets Its Name From The Latin Word For What`Hearth
Language & Linguistics: The Japanese Art Of Growing Miniature Trees Is Called`Bonsai
Language & Linguistics: The Kurdish Language Is Most Related To What Other Major Language`Persian
Language & Linguistics: The ________ Language Has Over Twenty Words To Describe Different Kinds Of Snow`Eskimo
Language & Linguistics: The Language Of Hungary Is Known As`Magyar
Language & Linguistics: The Language Spoken By The Ancient Babylonians Was Called`Acadian
Language & Linguistics: The Latin Name For The Top Set Of Vertebrae`Cervical
Language & Linguistics: The Latin Phrase Meaning 'In The Original Arrangement'`In Situ
Language & Linguistics: The Latin Qed Spells Out In Full As`Quod Erat Demonstrandum
Language & Linguistics: The Latin Word For 'A Junction Of Three Roads'`Trivia
Language & Linguistics: The Least Frequently Used Letter In The Alphabet`Q
Language & Linguistics: The Literal English Translation For China's Tiananmen Square`Heavenly Peace
Language & Linguistics: The Literal English Translation Of The French Phrase 'Cordon Bleu'`Blue Ribbon
Language & Linguistics: The Literal Meaning Of The Dutch Word Brandewijn' Which We Call Brandy`Burnt Wine
Language & Linguistics: The Literal Meaning Of The Word 'Cenotaph'`Empty Tomb
Language & Linguistics: The Literal Meaning Of The Word 'Pharaoh'`Great House
Language & Linguistics: The Literal Translation Of Aardvark`Earth Pig
Language & Linguistics: The Literal Translation Of The Word Brandy`Burnt Wine
Language & Linguistics: The Longest One-Syllable Word In The English Language Is`Screeched
Language & Linguistics: The Meaning Of The Mercedes Benz Motto 'Das Beste Oder Nichts'`The Best Or Nothing
Language & Linguistics: The Meaning Of The Name Irene, Which Comes From The Greek Words Eirenikos Or Eirene`Aiming At Peace
Language & Linguistics: The Meaning Of The Word 'Dodecanese'`Twelve Islands
Language & Linguistics: The Missing Word In English With The Letter Combination 'Uu' Continuum, Duumvirate, Residuum, Vacuum, Duumvir`Muumuu
Language & Linguistics: The Missing Word In English With The Letter Combination 'Uu' Muumuu, Duumvirate, Residuum, Vacuum, Duumvir`Continuum
Language & Linguistics: The Missing Word In English With The Letter Combination 'Uu' Vacuum, Muumuu, Continuum, Duumvirate, Residuum`Duumvir
Language & Linguistics: The More Common Name For Grape Sugar`Glucose
Language & Linguistics: The More Common Name For 'Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus`Scuba
Language & Linguistics: The More Common Name For The Bird Also Known As The Windhover`Kestrel
Language & Linguistics: The More Common Term For Enuresis`Bed Wetting
Language & Linguistics: The More Popular Name For The Plant Convallaria Majalis`Lily Of The Valley
Language & Linguistics: The More Usual Name For The Egg Plant Or Guinea Squash`Aubergine
Language & Linguistics: The Most Commonly Spoken Language In India`Hindi
Language & Linguistics: The Most Common Term Of Endearment In The U.S`Honey
Language & Linguistics: The Most Frequently Used Letter In The English Alphabet`E
Language & Linguistics: The Most Frequently Used Word In The English Language`The
Language & Linguistics: The Most Widely Spoken Member Of The Iranian Branch Of The Indo-Iranian Languages, A Subfamily Of The Indo-European Languages`Persian
Language & Linguistics: The Name Australia Is Derived From The Latin Word 'Australis' Which Means`Southern
Language & Linguistics: The Name Calista Is Greek For`Most Beautiful
Language & Linguistics: The Name For A Group Of Stars`Constellation
Language & Linguistics: The Name For A Legal Document, Used In Court, In Which A Person Swears That Certain Facts Are True`Affidavit
Language & Linguistics: The Name 'Lego' Comes From Which Danish Words`Leg Godt
Language & Linguistics: The Name 'Yo Yo' Comes From What Language`Tagalog
Language & Linguistics: The Official Language In The Republic Of Yemen`Arabic
Language & Linguistics: The Official Language Of Austria`German
Language & Linguistics: The Official Language Of Cambodia`Khmer
Language & Linguistics: The Official Language Of Egypt`Arabic
Language & Linguistics: The Official Language Of Ethiopia`Amharic
Language & Linguistics: The Official Language Of India`Hindi
Language & Linguistics: The Official Language Of Liberia`English
Language & Linguistics: The Official Language Of Mexico`Spanish
Language & Linguistics: The Official Language Of Morocco`Arabic
Language & Linguistics: The Official Language Of Mozambique`Portuguese
Language & Linguistics: The Official Language Of New Caledonia`French
Language & Linguistics: The Official Language Of Senegal`French
Language & Linguistics: The Official Language Of Somalia`Somali
Language & Linguistics: The Official Language Of St Lucia`English
Language & Linguistics: The Old English Word 'Fneosan' Means What Nowadays`To Sneeze
Language & Linguistics: The Oldest Word In The English Language`Town
Language & Linguistics: The Only 15 Letter Word That Can Be Spelled Without Repeating A Letter Is`Uncopyrightable
Language & Linguistics: The Only 5 Point Letter In Scrabble`K
Language & Linguistics: The Only Capital Letter In The Roman Alphabet With Exactly One Endpoint`P
Language & Linguistics: The Only English Word Formed By The First Three Letters Of The Alphabet`Cab
Language & Linguistics: The Only English Word That Ends In The Letters 'Mt'`Dreamt
Language & Linguistics: The Only Letter Of The English Alphabet With Three Syllables`W
Language & Linguistics: The Only Word In The English Language That Begins And Ends With 'Und'`Underground
Language & Linguistics: The Only Word In The English Language That Ends In The Letters 'Mt'`Dreamt
Language & Linguistics: The Opposite Of Allopathy`Homeopathy
Language & Linguistics: The Opposite Of An Utopia`Dystopia
Language & Linguistics: The Opposite Of 'Synonym'`Antonym
Language & Linguistics: The Other Official Language Of Sri Lanka, Along With Tamil`Sinhala
Language & Linguistics: The Proper Name For A Falling Star`Meteor
Language & Linguistics: The Proper Name For A Moving Stairway`Escalator
Language & Linguistics: The Proper Name For A Watch Pocket`Fob Pocket Watch
Language & Linguistics: The Proper Name For A Whale's Penis`Dork
Language & Linguistics: The Proper Name For Falling Stars`Meteors
Language & Linguistics: The Proper Name For 'Mad Cow Disease'`Bovine Spongiform
Language & Linguistics: The Proper Name For Marsh Gas`Methane
Language & Linguistics: The Proper Name For The Queen Of Spades`Palas
Language & Linguistics: The Proper Term For A Guinea-Pig`Cavy
Language & Linguistics: There Is A Word In The English Language With Only One Vowel, Which Occurs Six Times. It`Indivisibility
Language & Linguistics: The Same 4-Letter Word Can Be Placed In Front Of Each Of The Following Words To Make A New Word: End, Bolt, Lock, Wood`Dead
Language & Linguistics: The Scots Call It 'Shinty' - What Do Canadians And Americans Call It`Hockey
Language & Linguistics: These Are Words In Different Languages That Have The Same Original Source, Eg: 'Water' (English) And 'Wasser' (German)`Cognates
Language & Linguistics: The Second Longest Word In The English Language`Antidisestablishmenterianism
Language & Linguistics: The Second Most Spoken Language On Earth`English
Language & Linguistics: The Shortest Complete Sentence In The English Language`I Am
Language & Linguistics: The Shortest French Word With All Five Vowels`Oiseau
Language & Linguistics: The Spanish Word For Cottonwood Tree`Alamo
Language & Linguistics: The Spanish Word For 'Festival'`Fiesta
Language & Linguistics: The Spanish Word For 'Fox'`Zorro
Language & Linguistics: The Study Of Man And Culture Is Known As`Anthropology
Language & Linguistics: The Study Of The Sounds Of Language Is Known As`Phonology
Language & Linguistics: The Term Bicentennial Represents How Many Years`200
Language & Linguistics: The Term Centennial Represents How Many Years`One Hundred
Language & Linguistics: The Term For A Bet Before Cards Are Dealt`Ante
Language & Linguistics: The Term For A Castrated Rooster`Capon
Language & Linguistics: The Term For A Fine Mist Or Fog Which Is Dispersed In And Carried By A Gas`Aerosol
Language & Linguistics: The Term For A Full Grown Female Horse`Mare
Language & Linguistics: The Term For A Painting Of A Person`Portrait
Language & Linguistics: The Term For A Small Umbrella Used To Protect A Person From The Sun`Parasol
Language & Linguistics: The Term For Jews Of German Origin`Ashkenazim
Language & Linguistics: The Term For The Distance Around A Circle`Circumference
Language & Linguistics: The Term For Unlimited Authority`Carte Blanche
Language & Linguistics: The Term 'Hypnosis' Derives From The Greek Word For`Sleep
Language & Linguistics: The Term 'Lupine' Refers To Which Animal`Wolf
Language & Linguistics: The Term Used By The Military When They Lose A Nuclear Weapon`Broken Arrow
Language & Linguistics: The Universal Mental Grammar, As Noted By _____, Is The Central Throetical Construct Of Modern Linguists`Chomsk
Language & Linguistics: The Welsh Alphabet Does Not Include What English Letters`J, K, Q, V, X, Z
Language & Linguistics: The Xhosa, Swazi, Zulu And Many Other Groups Come From This Family Of Peoples Spread Throughout Central And Eastern Africa, Distinguished By Similar Language Traits`Bantu
Language & Linguistics: This Animal Is Found At The Beginning Of An (English) Encyclopedia`Aardvark
Language & Linguistics: This Germanic Language -- With Borrowings From Numerous Other Tongues -- Is Common Among East European Jews: It Has In Turn Contributed Many Words To English`Yiddish
Language & Linguistics: This Is A Doddle For Uk Players, What Is Moola`Money
Language & Linguistics: This Is The Reading System Used By The Blind`Braille System
Language & Linguistics: To Steal Property Entrusted To One's Care`Embezzle
Language & Linguistics: To What Language Is The Gypsy Romany Language Related`Sanskrit
Language & Linguistics: Translate From Dutch: Belangstelling`Interest
Language & Linguistics: Translate From Dutch: Blij`Glad
Language & Linguistics: Translate From Dutch: Bruin`Brown
Language & Linguistics: Translate From Dutch: Fantastisch`Fantastic
Language & Linguistics: Translate From Dutch: Geel`Yellow
Language & Linguistics: Translate From Dutch: Goed`Good
Language & Linguistics: Translate From Dutch: Grijs`Grey
Language & Linguistics: Translate From Dutch: Groen`Green
Language & Linguistics: Translate From Dutch: Hartelijk`Hearty
Language & Linguistics: Translate From Dutch: Heerlijk`Delicious
Language & Linguistics: Translate From Dutch: Knap`Handsome
Language & Linguistics: Translate From Dutch: Leuk`Amusing
Language & Linguistics: Translate From Dutch: Lief`Cute, Adorable
Language & Linguistics: Translate From Dutch: Ligt Blauw`Light Blue
Language & Linguistics: Translate From Dutch: Mooi`Good-Looking
Language & Linguistics: Translate From Dutch: Ongelooflijk`Incredible
Language & Linguistics: Translate From Dutch: Optimaal`Optimal
Language & Linguistics: Translate From Dutch: Oranje`Orange
Language & Linguistics: Translate From Dutch: Paars`Purple
Language & Linguistics: Translate From Dutch: Positief, Constructief`Positive
Language & Linguistics: Translate From Dutch: Prachtig`Beautiful
Language & Linguistics: Translate From Dutch: Precies Goed`Just Right
Language & Linguistics: Translate From Dutch: Precies`Precisely
Language & Linguistics: Translate From Dutch: Prima`Fine
Language & Linguistics: Translate From Dutch: Roze`Pink
Language & Linguistics: Translate From Dutch: Schatje`Darling
Language & Linguistics: Translate From Dutch: Schattig`Lovely
Language & Linguistics: Translate From Dutch: Schoon, Fraai, Knap, Fijn, Mooi`Beautiful
Language & Linguistics: Translate From Dutch: Schoongemacht`Make Beautiful
Language & Linguistics: Translate From Dutch: Verrassen`Surprise
Language & Linguistics: Translate From Dutch: Vriendelijk, Beminnelijk, Aardig`Pretty
Language & Linguistics: Translate From Dutch: Wit`White
Language & Linguistics: Translate From Dutch: Wonderbaar, Verwonderend`Wonderful
Language & Linguistics: Translate From Dutch: Zwart`Black
Language & Linguistics: Translate Into English The Opera Title 'Die Dreigroschenoper'`The Threepenny Opera
Language & Linguistics: Translate 'January River' Into Portuguese`Rio De Janeiro
Language & Linguistics: Translate: Latin 'Opus Magnum'`Masterpiece
Language & Linguistics: Translate 'Nu Ani Anquiatus' To English`We Are The Ancients
Language & Linguistics: Translate 'Simba' From Swahili Into English`Lion
Language & Linguistics: Victor Hugo's Les Miserables Contains One Of The Longest Sentences In The French Language - How Many Words`823 Words
Language & Linguistics: 'Vu Gbe' , The Language Of The Drums Is An Important Aspect In Various African Ethnic Groups Like The Ewe, The Ashanti And The Ga, In Ghana, As Well As The Fon In Benin And The Yoruba In`Nigeria
Language & Linguistics: Waving A Yellow Flag Is An International Symbol For What`Infectious Disease
Language & Linguistics: What African Country's Name Is Latin For 'Free'`Liberia
Language & Linguistics: What Are Hiragana And Katakana`Japanese Alphabets
Language & Linguistics: What Are The Youngest Letters In The English Language Alphabetically`Jvw
Language & Linguistics: What Are You Doing If You Cachinate`Laughing Loudly
Language & Linguistics: What Branch Of The Indo-European Language Family Do French, Spanish, Italian, And Portuguese Belong To`Romance
Language & Linguistics: What Does 'C'est La Vie' Mean`That's Life
Language & Linguistics: What Does Sos Stand For`Save Our Souls
Language & Linguistics: What Does The Abbreviation N/A Mean`Not Applicable
Language & Linguistics: What Does The Acronym 'Scuba' Mean`Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus
Language & Linguistics: What Does The Ancient Greek Word 'Electron' Mean`Amber
Language & Linguistics: What Does The City Seoul, The South Korean Capital, Mean In The In The Korean Language`The Capital
Language & Linguistics: What Does The French Word 'Pere' Mean In English`Father
Language & Linguistics: What Does The German Term Ohne Binde Mean`Without A Pad
Language & Linguistics: What Does The German Word 'Bad' Mean`Bath
Language & Linguistics: What Does The Greek 'Geo' Denote`Earth
Language & Linguistics: What Does The Greek Phrase Gnothi Seafton Mean`Know Thyself
Language & Linguistics: What Does The Greek Root Word 'Chrom' Mean`Colour
Language & Linguistics: What Does The Greek Word Eureka Mean`I Have Found It
Language & Linguistics: What Does The Latin 'Carpe Diem' Mean`Seize The Day
Language & Linguistics: What Does The Latin Phrase Deo Volente Mean`God Willing
Language & Linguistics: What Does The Latin Word 'Arena' Mean`Sand
Language & Linguistics: What Does Thermos Mean In Greek`Hot
Language & Linguistics: What Does The Russian Word Buran Mean`Blizzard
Language & Linguistics: What Does The Word 'Amen' Mean`Let It Be
Language & Linguistics: What Does The Word Antediluvian Mean`Before The Flood
Language & Linguistics: What Does The Word 'Friar' Mean In Latin`Brother
Language & Linguistics: What Does The Word Khaki Mean`Dusty
Language & Linguistics: What Does The Word 'Osculate' Mean`To Kiss
Language & Linguistics: What Does The Word 'Rabbi' Mean In Hebrew`My Teacher
Language & Linguistics: What Does 'Unicef' Mean`United Nations International Childrens' Emergency Fund
Language & Linguistics: What Do The Japanese Call Japan`Nippon
Language & Linguistics: What European Language Is Most Closely Related To Mongolian`Finnish
Language & Linguistics: What Follows Beta, Gamma And Delta`Epsilon
Language & Linguistics: What Goes Through A Sally Hole`A Bell Rope
Language & Linguistics: What Is A Bibliothek In Frankfurt`Library
Language & Linguistics: What Is A Douroucouli`An Animal
Language & Linguistics: What Is A Female Deer`Doe
Language & Linguistics: What Is A Group Of Larks Called`Exaltation
Language & Linguistics: What Is A Group Of Whales Called`Pod
Language & Linguistics: What Is A Marsupium`Pouch
Language & Linguistics: What Is A Military Governer In Japanese`Shogun
Language & Linguistics: What Is A Mot Mot`Bird
Language & Linguistics: What Is An Algonquin`Moose
Language & Linguistics: What Is A Poilu In France`Soldier
Language & Linguistics: What Is A Prestidigitator`Magician
Language & Linguistics: What Is A Pugilist`Boxer
Language & Linguistics: What Is A Resident Of Moscow Called`Muscovite
Language & Linguistics: What Is A Somnambulist`Sleepwalker
Language & Linguistics: What Is A Whale's Penis Called`Dork
Language & Linguistics: What Is 'Bountiful Mother' In Latin`Alma Mater
Language & Linguistics: What Is E.G. An Abbreviation Of`Exempli Gratia
Language & Linguistics: What Is Ganja In Jamaica`Marijuana
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In Algeria`Arabic, French And Berber
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In Argentina`Spanish, Italian And German
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In Australia`English
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In Austria`German
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In Bangladesh`Bengali And English
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In Belgium`French
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In Brazil`Portuguese And Spanish
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In China`Mandarin
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In Colombia`Spanish And Arawak
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In Denmark`Danish And English
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In Egypt`Arabic
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In Federale Republic Of Yugoslavia`Serbo-Croatian
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In Finland`Finnish And Swedish
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In France`French
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In Germany`German
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In Greece`Greek And Turkish
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In Guatemala`Spanish And Mayan
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In Hong Kong`English And Chinese
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In Hungary`Hungarian
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In India`Hindi And Urdu
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In Indonesia`Indonesian And Sudanese
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In Iran`Persian And Kurdish
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In Ireland`English And Irish
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In Israel`Hebrew And English
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In Japan`Japanese
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In Kenya`Swahili And Bantu
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In Lebanon`Arabic And French
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In Libya`Arabic
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In Malaysia`Malay And Chinese
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In Mexico`Spanish And Maya
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In Netherlands`Dutch
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In New Zealand`English And Maori
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In Panama`Spanish And English
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In Peru`Spanish And Quechua
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In Philipines`Tagalog And English
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In Poland`Polish
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In Portugal`Portuguese
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In Saudi Arabia`Arabic
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In Singapore`English And Chinese
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In South Africa`Afrikaans, English And Zulu
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In South Korea`Korean
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In Spain`Spanish
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In Sri Lanka`Singhalese And Tamil
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In Sudan`Arabic And French
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In Sweden`Swedish
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In Switzerland`Swiss And French
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In Thailand`Thai And English
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In Tunesia`Arabic And French
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In Turkey`Turkish And Kurdish
Language & Linguistics: What Is Or Are The Major Languages In United Kingdom`English
Language & Linguistics: What Is The 2nd Most Commonly Spoken Language In The World`English
Language & Linguistics: What Is The 2nd Most Commonly Spoken Language In The World`Hindi
Language & Linguistics: What Is The 3rd Most Commonly Spoken Language In The World`Hindustani
Language & Linguistics: What Is The 4th Most Commonly Spoken Language In The World`Spanish
Language & Linguistics: What Is The 5th Most Commonly Spoken Language In The World`Russian
Language & Linguistics: What Is The 6th Most Commonly Spoken Language In The World`Arabic
Language & Linguistics: What Is The 8th Most Commonly Spoken Language In The World`Portuguese
Language & Linguistics: What Is The 9th Most Commonly Spoken Language In The World`Malay-Indonesian
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Albanian Word For Water`Uji
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Alsatian Word For Water`Wasser
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Arabic Word For Water`El-Ma
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Armenian Word For Water`Djour
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Azeri Word For Water`Su
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Bambara Word For Water`Gui
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Basque Word For Water`Ura
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Bengali Word For Water`Jal
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Berber Word For Water`Amane
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Bobo Word For Water`Zou
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Breton Word For Water`Dour
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Burmese Word For Water`Yei
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Catalan Word For Water`Aigua
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Cornish Name For Cornish`Kernowek
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Correct Term For The Omission Of A Final Syllable, Sound Or Letter In A Word As E.G. In A Cup O' Tea Where F Is Dropped`Apocop
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Corsican Word For Water`Acqua
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Croat Word For Water`Voda
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Czech Word For Water`Voda
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Danish Word For Water`Vand
Language & Linguistics: What Is The English Word For 'Fiesta'`Festival
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Esperanto Word For Water`Akvo
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Estonian Word For Water`Vesi
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Finnish Word For Water`Vesi
Language & Linguistics: What Is The French Word For Water`Eau
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Galician Word For Water`Auga
Language & Linguistics: What Is The German Word For Water`Das Wasser
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Guaran Word For Water`Y
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Haitian Creole Word For Water`Dlo
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Hungarian Word For Water`Viz
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Icelandic Word For Water`Vatn
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Indonesian Word For Water`Air
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Irish Gaelic Word For Water`Uisge
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Italian Word For Water`Acqua
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Japanese Word For 'Divine Wind'`Kamikaze
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Japanese Word For Water`Mizu
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Kabylian Word For Water`Amane
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Kannada Word For Water`Neeru
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Khmer Word For Water`Thuk
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Kurdish Word For Water`Av
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Language Of Hungary`Magyar
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Lao Word For Water`Nam
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Latin Word For Water`Aqua
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Lebanese Word For Water`Maille
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Literary Term For A Play On Words`Pun
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Lithuanian Word For Water`Vanduo
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Low Saxon Word For Water`Water
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Luxembourgeois Word For Water`Waasser
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Macedonian Word For Water`Voda
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Malay Word For Water`Air
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Maltese Word For Water`Ilma
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Most Commonly Spoken Language In The World`Mandarin
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Most Widely Spoken Member Of The Iranian Branch Of The Indo-Iranian Languages, A Subfamily Of The Indo-European Languages`Persian
Language & Linguistics: What Is The National Language Of Kenya`Kiswahili
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Norwegian Word For Water`Vann
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Occitan Word For Water`Aiga
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Official Language Of Bhutan`Dzongka
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Only Hamito-Semitic Language Written In Latin Script`Maltese
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Persian Word For Water`Ab
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Plural Of Mongoose`Mongooses
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Portuguese Word For Water`Agua
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Russian Word For Water`Voda
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Sardinian Word For Water`Abba
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Scottish Gaelic Word For Water`Uisge
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Scottish Word For Lake`Loch
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Serbian Word For Water`Voda
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Shona Word For Water`Mvura
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Shortest Complete Sentence In The English Language`I Am
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Shortest Complete Sentence In The English Language`I Do
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Slovak Word For Water`Voda
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Slovenian Word For Water`Voda
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Sobota Word For Water`Voda
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Spanish Word For Water`Agua
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Swedish Word For Water`Vatten
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Tagalog Word For Water`Tubig
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Tamil Word For Water`Ta-Neer
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Thai Word For Water`Nam
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Turkish Word For Water`Su
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Udmurt Word For Water`Vu
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Ukrainian Word For Water`Voda
Language & Linguistics: What Is The Waloon Word For Water`Aiwe
Language & Linguistics: What Is The West Indian Creole Word For Water`Dlo
Language & Linguistics: What Is The What Is The Afrikaans Word For Water`Water
Language & Linguistics: What Language Do Gypsies Speak`Romany
Language & Linguistics: What Language Evolved From Latin, Norman-French And Anglo-Saxon`English
Language & Linguistics: What Language Gave U.S. The Words Kimono And Futon`Japanese
Language & Linguistics: What Language Is Klutz An Insult In`Yiddish
Language & Linguistics: What Language Is Most Widely Spoken In Iran`Persian
Language & Linguistics: What Language Is Spoken In San Sebastian/Donostia`Basque
Language & Linguistics: What Language Originating In Europe, Is Most Widely Spoken Around The World`Spanish
Language & Linguistics: What Language Originating In Europe, Is Most Widely Spoken Aroung The World`Spanish
Language & Linguistics: What Language Was Pinocchio Originally Written In`Italian
Language & Linguistics: What Language Was Spoken By The Ancient Romans`Latin
Language & Linguistics: What Latin Word Is Used For Information Of Little Use`Trivia
Language & Linguistics: What Latin Word Means 'Little Shaded Area'`Umbrella
Language & Linguistics: What Letter Of The Alphabet Is The Oldest`O
Language & Linguistics: What Name, Derived From The Gaelic For 'Boy', Is Given To A Scottish Fishing And Hunting Guide`Gillie
Language & Linguistics: What Nationality Says Spasibo For Thank You`Russian
Language & Linguistics: What Native American's Name Was 'Tatanka Iyotake' In His Native Language`Sitting Bull
Language & Linguistics: What Number Does The Roman Numeral C Represent`One Hundred
Language & Linguistics: What Province Of Canada Has French As Its Major Language`Quebec
Language & Linguistics: What's The Best Known Artificial International Language`Esperanto
Language & Linguistics: Whats The Meaning Of The Latin Battle Cry 'Ad Arma, Ad Arma`To Arms To Arms
Language & Linguistics: What's The Most Widely Spoken Language`Mandarin
Language & Linguistics: What's The Official Language Of Brazil`Portuguese
Language & Linguistics: Whats The Third Most Common Language In The World`Spanish
Language & Linguistics: Whats The Worlds Second Most Spoken Language`English
Language & Linguistics: What Symbol Represents The Voiceless Inter-Dental Fricative`Thet
Language & Linguistics: What Three Letter Word Can Be Placed Before These Words To Make A New Word - 'Light' 'Break' 'Time'`Day
Language & Linguistics: What Three Letter Word Means The Same As 'To Ingest'`Eat
Language & Linguistics: What Was The Language If Ancient Rome`Latin
Language & Linguistics: What Was The Language Of Ancient India`Sanskrit
Language & Linguistics: What Was The Language Spoken By The Babylonians`Acadian
Language & Linguistics: What, With Arabic, Is The Official Language Of Mauritania`French
Language & Linguistics: What Word Beginning With M Is The Unit Measurement For The Brightness Of Stars`Magnitude
Language & Linguistics: What Word Can Be A Verb, Noun, Adjective, Preposition, Conjunction, Interjection And A Verbal Auxiliary`Like
Language & Linguistics: What Word Can Be Found If One Fills In This Missing Letters: S_ _ _U_P_ _ _ _I_N`Sesquipedalian
Language & Linguistics: What Word Connects A Blacksmith And The Human Ear`Anvil
Language & Linguistics: What Word Contains The Combination Of Letters: 'Xop'`Saxophone
Language & Linguistics: What Word Describes The Practice Of Growing And Tending Of A Forest`Silviculture
Language & Linguistics: What Word Describes The State Of Not Being Able To Remember The Word You Want`Lethologica
Language & Linguistics: What Word Did Dan Quayle Devote An Entire Chapter To, In His Book Of Memoirs`Potato
Language & Linguistics: What Word Did Harry Truman Coin For His Daily Walk`Constitutional
Language & Linguistics: What Word Do British People Use To Describe That Which An American Would Call A 'Teeter-Totter'`Seesaw
Language & Linguistics: What Word Do We Get From Shah Mat`Checkmate
Language & Linguistics: What Word For Taking Tissue For Microscopic Examination Was Coined By French Dermatologists In 1879`Biopsy
Language & Linguistics: What Word Is Derived From The Arabic Word Al-Kimia`Chemistry
Language & Linguistics: What Word Is From The Anglo-Saxon 'Dyppan'`Dip
Language & Linguistics: What Word Is Given To The Distance Within Which A Sound Can Be Heard`Earshot
Language & Linguistics: What Word Is Used For A Female Sheep`Ewe
Language & Linguistics: What Word Is Used For A Male Ass`Jack
Language & Linguistics: What Word Is Used For A Male Duck`Drake
Language & Linguistics: What Word Is Used For The Branches Of Willow Used To Make Baskets`Osier
Language & Linguistics: What Word Is Used In A Balance Sheet To Mean 'Everything A Company Owns'`Assets
Language & Linguistics: What Word Is Used In A Balance Sheet To Mean 'What A Company Owes To Its Suppliers And Lenders'`Liabilities
Language & Linguistics: What Word Is Used To Describe The Floating Accommodation For Oil Riggers`Flotel
Language & Linguistics: What Word Links Battle, Ice, Pick`Axe
Language & Linguistics: What Word Links These: Finger, Happy, Off`Trigger
Language & Linguistics: What Word Links These: Squad, Watch, Wave`Crime
Language & Linguistics: What Word Links What Word Links Blanca, Brava, Rica`Costa
Language & Linguistics: What Word Means To Go To A Party Uninvited`Gatecrash
Language & Linguistics: What Word Of Greek Origin Means 'A General Pardon'`Amnesty
Language & Linguistics: What Word Refers To Very Harsh Laws Such As Those Devised By A 7th Century Bc Athenian Legislator`Draconian`Draconic
Language & Linguistics: What Word Was Intentionally Omitted From The Screenplay Of The Godfather`Mafia
Language & Linguistics: What Would You Do With 'Cachaca'`Drink It
Language & Linguistics: What Would You Expect To Own If You Bought Some Imari In Japan`Porcelain
Language & Linguistics: When You Use The Word Cologne For Koeln In Germany Then You Are Using The Non-Local Version Of A Placename. Same Applies To Milan For {Milano:} Prague For Praha, The Hague For Den {Haag:} Etc. What Is The Linguistic Name For Such A Non-Local Version Of A Placename`Exony
Language & Linguistics: Where Would You Find A Snigging Track`In A Forest
Language & Linguistics: Where Would You Find Hachures`On A Map
Language & Linguistics: Which Car's Name Translates From Latin As 'I Roll'`Volvo
Language & Linguistics: Which English Word Is A Combination Of The First 2 Letters Of The Greek Alphabet`Alphabet
Language & Linguistics: Which Is The Glass, Lalang Or Lalique`Lalique
Language & Linguistics: Which Is The Most Widely Used Expression In Any Language`Ok
Language & Linguistics: Which Is The Official Language Of Sao Tome And Principe`Portuguese
Language & Linguistics: Which Is The Only English Word That Contains All The Vowels In Alphabetical Order`Facetious
Language & Linguistics: Which Language Calls Itself Vlaams`Flemish
Language & Linguistics: Which Latin Phrase Translates Into English As 'Peace Be With You'`Pax Vobiscum
Language & Linguistics: Which Letter Is The Only One In The Alphabet That Doesn't Have One Syllable`W
Language & Linguistics: Which Modern Language Gives Us The Term Finito`Italian
Language & Linguistics: Which Of The Following Languages Are Not Related: Maori, Inuit, Hawaiian, Samoan`Inuit
Language & Linguistics: Which Of These Types Of Linguistics Applies Linguistic Theories And Methods To The Analysis Of Disorders Of Spoken, Written Or Signed Language`Clinical Linguistics
Language & Linguistics: Which People Are Known In Their Own Language As Saami`Lapps
Language & Linguistics: Which Two Latin Words Nearly Always Abbreviated Mean 'Course Of Life'`Curriculum Vitae
Language & Linguistics: Which Word Means 'Profound Boredom' In Both French And English`Ennui
Language & Linguistics: Word Used By Biologists In Two Different Senses, Both Of Which Imply The Accommodation Of A Living Organism To Its Environment`Adaptation
Language & Linguistics: 'Yo-Yo' In The Native Language Of The Philippines Means`Come Back Or Return
Language & Linguistics: 'Zephyr' Is The Poetic Name For What`West Wind
Language & Linguistics: Zorro Means Fox In`Spanish
Language : Multiple Meanings: Drinking utensils or sight-enhancers.`glasses
Language : Multiple Meanings: Slamming your hands together quickly, or a venereal disease.`clap
Language : Name the soda that is often confused with a drug.`coke
Language peculiar to a group: argot or jargon: 'thieves' -----.'`slang
Languages : "Entre nous" means __________.`between ourselves
Languages : "faux pas" means ___________.`mistake
Languages : Mardi Gras is French for ___________.`fat tuesday
Languages : The name Australia is derived from the Latin word "australis" which means _______.`southern
Languages : The name for this semi-precious stone comes from the Latin for "sea water"`aquamarine
Language : Subject, verb and object are parts of a _________.`sentence
Languages : What does "c'est la vie" mean`that's life
Languages : What ONE word fits ____hood; ____hole; ____date.`man
Languages : What ONE word fits ____stream; ____hill; _____pour.`down
Languages : What word contains the combination of letters: "xop"`saxophone
Language : This animal is found at the beginning of an (English) encyclopedia`aardvark
Language used by Jews i or from Europe`yiddish
Language : What is the only English word formed by the first three letters of the alphabet`cab
Language : What three letter word means the same as "to ingest"`eat
Languid: drooping`flagging
Lanner, Hobby and Merlin are types of which bird`falcon
Lansing is the capital of ______`michigan
La Paz, Bolivia, is the highest large city in the world at how many feet above sea-level`11,900
la paz is the capital of ______`bolivia
La Paz is the capital of what country`bolivia
la Picardy is a region of which European country`france
Lara Croft is a character in which computer game`tomb raider
Large 3 sided S.American nut`brazil
Large amphibious broad tailed rodent`beaver
Large bird preying on fish`osprey
Large brown seed with edible white lining enclosing milky juice`coconut
Large dog of a breed of wolfhound`alsatian
Large edible fish yielding caviar`sturgeon
Large edible marine fish`tuna
Large extinct flightless bird`dodo
Large feather in wing or tail`quill
Large flatfish valued as food`turbot
Large gland behind the stomach`Pancreas
Large group of naturally occurring & synthetic lipids, or fat-soluble chemicals, with a great diversity of physiological activity`steroids
Large hairy tropical spider`tarantula
Large in degree, kind, or quantity: 'an ample reward.'`amply
Large in degree, kind, or quantity: 'an ----- reward.'`ample
Large in expanse: spacious: 'a broad lawn.'`broader
Large in expanse: spacious: 'a ----- lawn.'`broad
Large in quantity: abundant: '------- rainfall.'`copious
Large in scope or extent: large-scale: 'a macro analysis of many reports.'`macros
Large luxurious car`limousine
large N.American deer`wapiti
Large notice for public display`placard
Large originally American bird bred for food`turkey
Large or imposing, as in quantity, scope, degree, intensity, or scale: Local defense must be reinforced by the further deterrent of ------- retaliatory power (John Foster`massive
Large prawns`scampi
Large rich eloborate cake`gateau
Larger in size than others of the same kind`great
Large shop selling many different types of goods`megastore
Large snake that crushes its prey`python
Large South American constrictor snake`anaconda
Largest artery in the body`aorta
Largest body of fresh water in the world, in east central north America, bounded on the north & east by Ontario, on the south by Michigan & Wisconsin, & on the northwest by Minnesota`lake superior
largest flower in the world`rafflesia
Largest internal organ of vertebrates, weighing 3-4 pounds`liver
Largest island of the continental United States, southeastern New York`long
Largest island of the continental United States, southeastern New York?`long island
LargestislandofthecontinentalUnitedStates,southeasternNewYork`long island
Largest living land mammal, what during the pleistocene epoch roamed every landmass except Australia & Antarctica`elephant
largest moon of jupiter and cupbearer to zeus`ganymede
Large stone pre-historic monument`megalith
largest, rarest, and most powerful anthropoid ape?`gorilla
Large tree-less S.American plain`pampas
Large voracious freshwater fish`pike
Large voracious tropical sea fish`barracuda
Large West African stork its down is used for trimmings`marabou
Large wicker en-cased bottle`demijohn
Large yellow or orange fruit used as a vegetable`pumpkin
larry flynt publishes which men's magazine`hustler
Larry Fortensky was one of this much-married actress's husbands.Who is she`elizabeth taylor
Larva especially of the bluebottle`maggot
La Sila lies in which region of Italy`calabria
Lassa fever is named after the village in which it was first detected in 1969, where is Lassa`nigeria
Last Genesis album before Peter Gabriel's departure`the lamb lies down on broadway
Lasting an indefinitely long time: enduring: '--------- happiness.'`perennial
Lasting for a long period of time or marked by frequent recurrence, as certain diseases: '------- colitis.'`chronic
Lasting three years`triennial
last man to walk on the moon`gene cernan
Last name of the author: 'Doctor Zhivago'`pasternak
Last name of the author:'Dune'`herbert
Last name of the author: 'Goldfinger'`fleming
Last name of the author 'Roots'`haley
Last name of the author:'The Mirror Cracked'`christie
Last name of the man that invented the point bidding system in bridge`tet
Last name of the man who created famous jeweled & enameled eggs`faberge
Last Names: Amen/The Deacon and Thelma...`frye
Last Names: Diff'rent Strokes/Arnold...`jackson
Last Names: Family Matters/Carl and Harriet...`winslow
Last Names: Friends/Monica and Ross...`geller
Last Names: Mr. Belvidere/The family's last name...`owens
Last night i dreamt i went to manderlay again, is the opening line from which classic novel`rebecca
Last Supper Before His Arrest Seated 13 And He Was Crucified On A Friday`Christ
Last Words Were Reportedly, 'I Shall Hear In Heaven!'`Beethoven
Last Words Were Supposed To Have Been 'Let Not Poor Nelly Starve'`Charles Ii
Last Words Were, 'Thank God I Have Done My Duty'`Horatio Nelson
Last Words Were 'Thomas Jefferson Still Survives'`John Adams
Last Words Were 'Thus With A Kiss I Die'`Romeo
Last Words While Facing A Firing Squad On April 28,1945, Were: 'No ... No!'`Benito Mussolini's
Late babe Audrey Hepburn won in 1953 for what romantic movie`roman holiday
Latent but capable of being activated: a harrowing experience which... lay dormant but still menacing (Charles Jackson)`dormancy
Lateral line & dorsal fin are parts of a(n) ________`fish
Lateral Thinking: For example: 88 = P K - Answer 88 Piano Keys: - Question: 1,001 A N`Arabian Nights
Lateral Thinking: For example: 88 = P K - Answer 88 Piano Keys: - Question: 100 = C in a D`Cents in a Dollar
Lateral Thinking: For example: 88 = P K - Answer 88 Piano Keys: - Question: 12 = N on a C F`Numbers on a Clock Face
Lateral Thinking: For example: 88 = P K - Answer 88 Piano Keys: - Question: 12 = S of the Z`Signs of the Zodiac
Lateral Thinking: For example: 88 = P K - Answer 88 Piano Keys: - Question: 13 = S on the A F`Stripes on the American Flag
Lateral Thinking: For example: 88 = P K - Answer 88 Piano Keys: - Question: 1440 = M in a D`Minutes in a Day
Lateral Thinking: For example: 88 = P K - Answer 88 Piano Keys: - Question: 18 = H on a G C`Holes on a Golf Course
Lateral Thinking: For example: 88 = P K - Answer 88 Piano Keys: - Question: 1 = X in Q`X in Quizit
Lateral Thinking: For example: 88 = P K - Answer 88 Piano Keys: - Question: 200 = D for P G in M`Dollars for Passing Go in Monopoly
Lateral Thinking: For example: 88 = P K - Answer 88 Piano Keys: - Question: 24 = H in a D`Hours in a Day
Lateral Thinking: For example: 88 = P K - Answer 88 Piano Keys: - Question: 28 = D in F`Days in February
Lateral Thinking: For example: 88 = P K - Answer 88 Piano Keys: - Question: 29 = D in F in a L Y`Days in February in a Leap Year
Lateral Thinking: For example: 88 = P K - Answer 88 Piano Keys: - Question: 2 = U on a M B`Utilities on a Monopoly Board
Lateral Thinking: For example: 88 = P K - Answer 88 Piano Keys: - Question: 2 = W on a M`Wheels on a Motorcycle
Lateral Thinking: For example: 88 = P K - Answer 88 Piano Keys: - Question: 30 = D in A`Days in April
Lateral Thinking: For example: 88 = P K - Answer 88 Piano Keys: - Question: 30 = D in J`Days in June
Lateral Thinking: For example: 88 = P K - Answer 88 Piano Keys: - Question: 30 = D in S`Days in September
Lateral Thinking: For example: 88 = P K - Answer 88 Piano Keys: - Question: 31 = D in A`Days in August
Lateral Thinking: For example: 88 = P K - Answer 88 Piano Keys: - Question: 31 = D in D`Days in December
Lateral Thinking: For example: 88 = P K - Answer 88 Piano Keys: - Question: 31 = D in J`Days in July
Lateral Thinking: For example: 88 = P K - Answer 88 Piano Keys: - Question: 31 = D in M`Days in March
Lateral Thinking: For example: 88 = P K - Answer 88 Piano Keys: - Question: 31 = D in M`Days in May
Lateral Thinking: For example: 88 = P K - Answer 88 Piano Keys: - Question: 31 = D in O`Days in October
Lateral Thinking: For example: 88 = P K - Answer 88 Piano Keys: - Question: 3 = S in a T`Sides in a Triangle
Lateral Thinking: For example: 88 = P K - Answer 88 Piano Keys: - Question: 40 = D & N of the G F`Days & Nights of the Great Flood
Lateral Thinking: For example: 88 = P K - Answer 88 Piano Keys: - Question: 4 = R S on a M B`Railways Stations on a Monopoly Board
Lateral Thinking: For example: 88 = P K - Answer 88 Piano Keys: - Question: 4 = S in a S`Sides in a Square
Lateral Thinking: For example: 88 = P K - Answer 88 Piano Keys: - Question: 4 = W on a C`Wheels on a Car
Lateral Thinking: For example: 88 = P K - Answer 88 Piano Keys: - Question: 52 = C in a D`Cards in a Deck
Lateral Thinking: For example: 88 = P K - Answer 88 Piano Keys: - Question: 52 = W in a Y`Weeks in a Year
Lateral Thinking: For example: 88 = P K - Answer 88 Piano Keys: - Question: 54 = C in a D including the J's`Cards in a Deck including the Jokers
Lateral Thinking: For example: 88 = P K - Answer 88 Piano Keys: - Question: 57 = H V`Heinz Variety
Lateral Thinking: For example: 88 = P K - Answer 88 Piano Keys: - Question: 5 = D in a Z C`Days in a Zodiac Calender
Lateral Thinking: For example: 88 = P K - Answer 88 Piano Keys: - Question: 60 = M in a H`Minutes in a Hour
Lateral Thinking: For example: 88 = P K - Answer 88 Piano Keys: - Question: 60 = S in a M`Seconds in a Minute
Lateral Thinking: For example: 88 = P K - Answer 88 Piano Keys: - Question: 7 = D in a W`Days in a Week
Lateral Thinking: For example: 88 = P K - Answer 88 Piano Keys: - Question: 86400 = S in a D`Seconds in a Day
Lateral Thinking: For example: 88 = P K - Answer 88 Piano Keys: - Question: 90 = D in a R A`Degrees in a Right Angle
Later than: after: '------ midnight.'`beyond
Later Years Beatles: A special area in Central Park is named after this song in memory of John`strawberry fields forever
Later Years Beatles: Despite popular belief, John claims this song isnt about LSD (Sure....)`lucy in the sky with diamonds
Later Years Beatles: Finish the line: "Friday night arrives without a suitcase...."`sunday morning creeping like a nun
Later Years Beatles: Joe Cocker performed this Beatles tune at Woodstock`with a little help from my friends
Later Years Beatles: John claimed this person was actually the walrus in "Glass Onion"`paul
Later Years Beatles: Name the song: "The one and only Billy Shears!"`sgt. peppers lonely hearts club band
Later Years Beatles: Name the tune: "I'm in love for the first time, don't you know it's gonna last"`dont let me down
Later Years Beatles: Name the tune: "The sun is up, the sky is blue, it's beautiful and so are you"`dear prudence
Later Years Beatles: Name the tune: "The way things are going, they're gonna crucify me"`the ballad of john and yoko
Later Years Beatles: The Beatles' last album together (all 4 of them anyway :)`let it be
Later Years Beatles: The Beatles posed this question on the White Album right before `I Will'`why dont we do it in the road
Later Years Beatles: This album's cover featured the band dressed up....oddly`magical mystery tour
Later Years Beatles: This song was covered by the Jeff Healey Band; on the white album`while my guitar gently weeps
Later Years Beatles: What year was the White Album released`1968
Later Years Beatles: Where did Rocky Raccoon live (Specific)`the black mountain hills of dakota
la The voice of which actor plays the reluctant hero in the film Antz`woody allen
Latin for "time" is`hora
Latin/Law: What means without limit, an infinite extend?`ad infinitum
latin name means 'sea serpent'`hydra
Latin phrase meaning 'something for something'`quid pro quo
Latin Phrases: And you, Brutus`et tu brute
Latin Phrases: Great charter`magna carta
Latin Phrases: Nourishing mother`alma mater
Latin Phrases: Something for something`quid pro quo
Latin Phrases: That is`id est
Latin. ----um (hundred)`cent
Latin word meaning 'by way of'`via
Latour is first division,Montrose second division and Palmer third division,what are the divisions`classifications of wine
Laughable: ridiculous: 'a contribution so small as to be --------.'`derisory
laughing gas and dental anesthetic is also known as`nitrous oxide
laughing gas and dental anesthetic is also known as`nitrous`wind
Laura Branigan's first hit, it stayed at #2 for three weeks.`gloria
laurie london was just 13 when she recorded which classic religious-type ballad in 1957`he's got the whole world in his hands
Laverne & Shirley: what was laverne's favorite drink`milk and pepsi
Lavish: extravagant`exuberant
Law. Able to be tried before a particular court`cognizable
Law. A condition of undetermined ownership, as of an estate that has not yet been assigned`abeyance
Law. A conference between a judge and the attorneys of a case being tried, held outside of the jury's range of hearing`sidebar
Law. A court judgment, especially a judicial decision of the punishment to be inflicted on one adjudged guilty`sentence
Law. A court order prohibiting a party from a specific course of action`injunction
Law. A defendant's risk or danger of conviction when put on trial`jeopardies
Law. Adjudged to have committed a crime`guiltier
Law. Advocacy of causes in court`pleadings
Law. A judicial decision that may be used as a standard in subsequent similar cases: 'a landmark decision that set a legal ---------.'`precedent
Law. A minor under the supervision of a guardian`pupil
Law. An annulment`avoidance
Law. An authorized direction or order: a writ`precept
Law. An improvement beyond normal upkeep and repair that adds to the value of real property`betterment
Law. A notice summoning a defendant to appear in court`summons
Law. A party that signs a promissory note`maker
Law. A person under the legal age of majority: a minor`infant
Law. A plaintiff's interpretation in a libel suit of allegedly libelous or slanderous material`innuendo
Law. A renunciation of one's right or claim`disclaimer
Law. A right granted by a government giving exclusive control over a specified commercial activity to a single party`monopolies
Law. A saving clause`salvo
Law. A short statement preceding a report on an adjudged case and containing a summary of the court's rulings on each point involved`syllabi
Law. A short statement preceding a report on an adjudged case and containing a summary of the court's rulings on each point involved`syllabus
Law. A use of property or course of conduct that interferes with the legal rights of others by causing damage, annoyance, or inconvenience`nuisance
Law. A violent disturbance of the public peace by three or more persons assembled for a common purpose`riot
Law. Coercion illegally applied`duress
Law. Culpability for a crime or lesser breach of regulations that carries a legal penalty`guilt
Law. Culpability for a crime or lesser breach of regulations that carries a legal penalty`guilts
_________ law dictates that a woman may not be on top for any sexual activities.`Massachusetts
Law. Entailing obligations that exceed advantages`onerous
Law. Evidence based on the reports of others rather than the personal knowledge of a witness and therefore generally not admissible as testimony`hearsay
Law. Existing or entered into by mutual consent without formalization by document or ceremony: 'a ---------- marriage: a ---------- contract.'`consensual
la Who played the title role In the film The Madness of King George`nigel hawthorne
Law. Knowledge of and tacit consent to the commission of an illegal act by another`connivance
Law. Money ordered to be paid as compensation for injury or loss`damages
Lawn game with hoops, wooden balls and mallets`croquet
Law. Not being formally accused`uncharged
Law. Not tried in court`untried
Law. Property designated by a householder as the householder's home and protected by law from forced sale to meet debts`homestead
Law. Receiving or having the right to receive proceeds or other advantages`beneficial
laws first described the motion of the planets round the sun`kepler
Law. Temporary suspension of a death sentence: a reprieve`respite
Law. The act of suspending the sentence of a person convicted of a criminal offense and granting that person provisional freedom on the promise of`probation
Law. The exercise or enjoyment of a right or property`user
Law. The grounds for action in a suit`gist
Law. The intent, without just cause or reason, to commit a wrongful act that will result in harm to another`malice
Law. The judgment of a court of equity, admiralty, probate, or divorce`decree
Law. The office of a surrogate`surrogacy
Law. The recovery of possession under a right reserved in a previous property transaction`reevaluate
Law. The state of one's mind at the time one carries out an action`intent
Law. The state of one's mind at the time one carries out an action`intently
Law. The unlawful and unwanted touching or striking of one person by another, with the intention of bringing about a harmful or offensive contact`batteries
Law. To assert formally as a fact`aver
Law. To commit an unlawful injury to the person, property, or rights of another, with actual or implied force or violence, especially to enter onto`trespass
Law. To enter a -----rer`demur
Law. To establish the authenticity of (a will)`provable
Law. To establish the authenticity of (a will)`proves
Law. To establish the authenticity of (a will)`proving
Law. To give a new hearing to (a case) by the same court`rehear
Law. To give priority or precedence to (a creditor)`prefer
Law. To give priority or precedence to (a creditor)`preferred
Law. To hold the property of (a person) against the payment of debts`distress
Law. To induce (a person) to commit perjury`suborn
Law. To make a formal accusation or ------ment against (a party) by the findings of a jury, especially a grand jury`indict
Law. To make over the possession or legal title of: convey`transfer
Law. To question (a witness) again after cross-examination`reexamine
Law. To release (a child) from the control of parents or a guardian`emancipate
Law. To render legally disqualified`disable
Law. To revive (a libel or a canceled will)`republish
Law. To take from legal custody by force`rescue
Law. To transmit or give (real property) by will`devise
Law: What is an accident against which ordinary skill and foresight could not stop?`act of providence
Law: What's an antecedent claim?`preexisting claim
Lawyers' Wigs, Destroying Angels and Earth Stars are all varieties of what`fungi
Layer of paint under another`undercoat
Lazy Susans are named after who?`Thomas Edison's daughter
lb What was the nationality of the abstract artist, Mondrian`dutch
Leader of the League of Crafty Guitarists`robert fripp
leader of the manhattan project`robert oppenheimer
Leaders: 12th U.S. President`Zachary Taylor
Leaders: 13th U.S. President`Millard Fillmore
Leaders: 14th U.S. President`Franklin Pierce
Leaders: 15th U.S. President`James Buchanan
Leaders: 16th U.S. President`Abraham Lincoln
Leaders: 17th U.S. President`Andrew Johnson
Leaders: 18th U.S. President`Ulysses S. Grant
Leaders: 19th U.S. President`Rutherford Birchard Hayes
Leaders: 1st U.S. President`George Washington
Leaders: 21th U.S. President`Chester A. Arthur
Leaders: 22th U.S. President`Grover Cleveland
Leaders: 23th U.S. President`Benjamin Harrison
Leaders: 24th U.S. President`Grover Cleveland
Leaders: 25th U.S. President`William Mckinley
Leaders: 26th U.S. President`Theodore Roosevelt
Leaders: 27th U.S. President`William Howard Taft
Leaders: 28th U.S. President`Woodrow Wilson
Leaders: 29th U.S. President`Warren Gamaliel Harding
Leaders: 2nd U.S. President`John Adams
Leaders: 30th U.S. President`Calvin Coolidge
Leaders: 31st U.S. President`Herbert Clark Hoover
Leaders: 32nd U.S. President`Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Leaders: 33rd U.S. President`Harry S. Truman
Leaders: 34th U.S. President`Dwight David Eisenhower
Leaders: 35th U.S. President`John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Leaders: 37th U.S. President`Richard Milhous Nixon
Leaders: 38th U.S. President`Gerald Rudolph Ford
Leaders: 39th U.S. President`Jimmy Carter
Leaders: 41st U.S. President`George Herbert Walker Bush
Leaders: 42nd U.S. President`William Jefferson Clinton
Leaders: 4th U.S. President`James Madison
Leaders: 6th U.S. President`John Quincey Adams
Leaders: 7th U.S. President`Andrew Jackson
Leaders: 8th U.S. President`Martin Van Buren
Leaders: 9th U.S. President`William Henry Harrison
Leaders: Adam Kok Was The Leader Of Which Nation`Griquas
Leaders: Agency Of The Executive Office Of The President Of The United States, Created In 1947, Together With The National Security Council`Central Intelligence Agency
Leaders: Czar Of Russia,1682-1725, Instituted A Beard Tax`Peter The Great
Leaders: Houari Boumedienne Was President Of Which Country From 1965 To 1978`Algeria
Leaders: Jimmy Carter's Middle Name`Earl
Leaders: King Faisal Was Assassinated In 1975. Of Which Country Was He King`Saudi Arabia
Leaders: King Farouk The First Of Egypt Was Overthrown In 1952 And Spent His Exiled Years Mainly In Which Country, Of Which He Became A Citizen`Monaco
Leaders: King Of Assyria And Babylonia 705-681 Bc`Sennacherib
Leaders: King Of Wessex In The 9th Century`Alfred The Great
Leaders: King Richard The`Lionheart
Leaders: Leon Trotsky, The Seminal Russian Communist, Was Assassinated In Mexico With An`Icepick
Leaders: Mary Robinson Became President Of Which Country In 1990`Ireland
Leaders: Name The First President Of The American Red Cross`Clara Barton
Leaders: Name The First U.S. President To Appear On Television While Serving His Term`Franklin Roosevelt
Leaders: Of What Did Robert The Bruce, King Of Scotland, Die In 1329`Leprosy
Leaders: On November 26,1941, What Did President Roosevelt Declare Will Always Be Celebrated On The Fourth Thursday In November`Thanksgiving
Leaders: 'Papa Doc' Was President Of Which Caribbean Republic Until His Death In 1967`Haiti
Leaders: Romanian Comunist President Shot In December 1989`Nicolae Ceausescu
Leaders: Scandal That Resulted In The Resignation Of President Nixon`Watergate
Leaders: She Was Queen Of Egypt And Mistress Of Julius Caesar`Cleopatra
Leaders: What American President Had A Marijuana Patch In His Backyard`George Washington
Leaders: What Name Did Octavius Adopt On Becoming The First Roman Emperor In 27 B.C`Augustus
Leaders: What Queen Married 2 Of Her Brothers`Cleopatra
Leaders: What Relation Was Queen Victoria To George III`Granddaughter
Leaders: What Roman Emperor Did Peter Ustinov Play In 'Quo Vadis'`Nero
Leaders: What U.S. President Had Solar Panels Installed On The White House Roof`Jimmy Carter`carter
Leaders: What Was JFK's Nickname For His Daughter Caroline`Buttons
Leaders: What Was The Name Of The Scandal That Resulted In The Resignation Of President Nixon`Watergate
Leaders: What Was The Name Of The Swedish Prime Minister, Assassinated In Stockholm In 1986 As He Was Walking Home From The Cinema With His Wife`Olaf Palme
Leaders: Where Are American Presidents Carved In Stone`Mount Rushmore
Leaders: Which 20th Century Leader Introduced The Custom Of Carrying A Flaming Torch From Athens To The Site Of Each Olympic Games`Adolf Hitler
Leaders: Which African Leader Emerged From Prison After 27 Years To Lead His Party Again`Nelson Mandela
Leaders: Which Austrian President Was Engulfed In A Storm Over His Nazi Past In 1988`Kurt Waldheim
Leaders: Which British Leader Was Born In A Ladies' Room During A Dance`Winston Churchill`churchill
Leaders: Which Emperor Made His Horse A Senator`Caligula
Leaders: Which German Emporer Had A Crippled Left Arm`Wilhelm II
Leaders: Which King, According To Shakespeare, Said A Horse, A Horse, My Kingdom For A Horse`Richard III
Leaders: Which King Had Daniel Thrown Into The Lion's Den`Darius
Leaders: Which King Of Babylon Set Up The Code Of Laws`Hammurabi
Leaders: Which King Of Bavaria Was A Great Admirer Of Composer Richard Wagner And Promised Him Everything He Needed`Ludwig II
Leaders: Which King Of England Died In 1910`Edward VII
Leaders: Which King Of England Met The King Of France On The Field Of The Cloth Of Gold`Henry Viii
Leaders: Which Of The Seven Hills Of Rome Gives Its Name To The Italian Presidential Palace`Quirinal Hill
Leaders: Which Prime Minister Established Canada's Own Flag`Lester Pearson
Leaders: Which Prime Minister Of Pakistan Was Deposed In A Military Coup In October 1999`Nawaz Sharif
Leaders: Which Roman Ampitheatre Was Built By Emperor Vespasian In Around 70ad`Colosseum
Leaders: Which U.N. Secretary-General Was Killed In An Air Crash In 1961`Dag Hammarskold
Leaders: Which World-Famous Concert Pianist Became President Of Poland In 1940`Paderewski
Leading Arab astronomer & mathematician of his time`al battani
Leading racehorse owners Sheikh Mohammad and Maktoum al Maktoum are members of the Royal Family of which country`dubai
Lead Singer for Guns n' Roses`axl rose
Lead singer for Portishead:`beth gibbons
lead singer of tin machin is`david bowie
Lead Singers: 10,000 manaics`natalie merchant
Lead Singers: ac,dc`brain johnson
Lead Singers: aerosmith`steven tyler
Lead Singers: bad company`paul rogers
Lead Singers: bad english`john waite
Lead Singers: Big Audio Dynamite`mick jones
Lead Singers: black crowes`chris robinson
Lead Singers: Blind Faith`steve winwood
Lead Singers: blondie`deborah harry
Lead Singers: bon jovi`jon bon jovi
Lead Singers: bush`gavin rossdale
Lead Singers: cars`ric ocasek
Lead Singers: chicago`peter cetera
Lead Singers: Counting Crows`adam duritz
Lead Singers: Cracker`david lowery
Lead Singers: cranberries`delores o'riordon
Lead Singers: Cream`eric clapton
Lead Singers: def leppard`joe elliot
Lead Singers: dentiny's child`beyonce knowles
Lead Singers: dio`ronnie james dio
Lead Singers: dire straits`mark knopfler
Lead Singers: dixie chicks`natalie maines
Lead Singers: dokken`don dokken
Lead Singers: eagles`don henley
Lead Singers: Eurythmics`annie lennox
Lead Singers: fleetwood mac`christine mcvie & stevie nicks
Lead Singers: foreigner`loe gramm
Lead Singers: frankie Goes to Hollywood`holly johnson
Lead Singers: fugees`lauryn hill
Lead Singers: gensis`phil collins
Lead Singers: Gin Blossoms`robin wilson
Lead Singers: heart`ann wilson
Lead Singers: herman's hermits`peter noone
Lead Singers: hole`courtney love
Lead Singers: Human League`philip oakey
Lead Singers: Husker Du`bob mould
Lead Singers: INXS`michael hutchence
Lead Singers: jefferson airplane`grace slick
Lead Singers: jethro tull`ian anderson
Lead Singers: journey`steve perry
Lead Singers: kiss`paul stanley
Lead Singers: korn`jonathon davis
Lead Singers: led zeppelin`robert plant
Lead Singers: limp bizkit`fred durst
Lead Singers: live`edward kowalczyk
Lead Singers: loverboy`mike reno
Lead Singers: matchbox 20`rob thomas
Lead Singers: Ministry`alain jourgensen
Lead Singers: night ranger` jake blades
Lead Singers: nine inch nails`trent reznor
Lead Singers: nirvana`kurt cobain
Lead Singers: no doubt`gwen stefani
Lead Singers: of what group is mark miller the lead singer`sawyer brown
Lead Singers: pearl jam`eddie vedder
Lead Singers: poison`bret michaels
Lead Singers: Pretenders`chrissie hynde
Lead Singers: primus`les claypool
Lead Singers: queen`freddie mercury
Lead Singers: rage against the machine`zack de la rocha
Lead Singers: Red Hot Chili Peppers`anthony kiedis
Lead Singers: rem`michael stipe
Lead Singers: rolling stones`mick jagger
Lead Singers: Roxy Music`bryan ferry
Lead Singers: screaming jets`dave gleeson
Lead Singers: Siouxsie & the Banshees`siouxsie sioux
Lead Singers: smashing pumpkins`billy corgan
Lead Singers: Smithereens`pat dinizio
Lead Singers: staind`aaron lewis
Lead Singers: Stone Roses`ian brown
Lead Singers: stone temple pilots`scott weiland
Lead Singers: Stray Cats`brian setzer
Lead Singers: styx`tommy shaw
Lead Singers: tears for fears`curt smith
Lead Singers: the animals`eric burdon
Lead Singers: The Church`steve kilby
Lead Singers: the clash`joe strummer
Lead Singers: The Honeydrippers`robert plant
Lead Singers: the police`sting
Lead Singers: the pretenders`chrissie hynde
Lead Singers: the pretenders`christy hynde
Lead Singers: The The`matt johnson
Lead Singers: the who`roger daltry
Lead Singers: third eye blind`stephan jenkins
Lead Singers: traffic`steve winwood
Lead Singers: t rex`marc bolan
Lead Singers: twisted sister`dee synder
Lead Singers: U2`bono
Lead Singers: van halen`david lee roth
Lead Singers: wallflowers`jakob dylan
Lead Singers: yes`jon anderson
Leaflike part of a fern or palm`frond
Leaflike part of plant growing before flower`bract
Leaf strips of any of these plants, used in weaving`palmetto
______ leagues under the sea`20,000
Leaks can be costly. A leak of only one drop per second wastes about ___ ________ litres of water per year`ten thousand
Leanne rhimes made a cameo apperance in what movie`Coyote Ugly
leap year was introduced with which calendar`julian calendar
Learning, thinking, or understanding with speed and dexterity: bright: 'a ----- mind.'`quick
Leatherjackets are the larvae of which insect`cranefly
leaves and blue flowers are both edible, is used in drinks such as 'Pimms'`borage
Leaves forming the protective case of a flower bud`calyx
leaves forms the diet of silk worms`mulberry
Leaving on a jet plane was recorded by peter paul and mary, but written by him`john denver
Leavin', on a southern train...`interstate love song
Lebanon, Virginia law says that it is illegal to kick your ____ out of bed.`wife
lectronic device that allows the passage of current in only one direction`diode
Led Zeppelin: "Abuse my love a thousand times however hard I tried"`heartbreaker
Led Zeppelin: "and I'll stand in the rain on the corner, watch the people go shuffling.."`fool in the rain
Led Zeppelin: "California sunlight, sweet Calcutta rain, Honolulu star bright"`the song remains the same
Led Zeppelin: "I aint joking woman, I've got to ramble"`babe im gonna leave you
Led Zeppelin: "If theres a bustle in your hedgerow dont be alarmed now"`stairway to heaven
Led Zeppelin: "In the evening, when the day is done"`in the evening
Led Zeppelin: "Lots of people sitting on the grass with flowers in their heads said"`misty mountain hop
Led Zeppelin: "Lyin' cheatin' hurtin' thats all you seem to do"`your time is gonna come
Led Zeppelin: "Many times I've lied, and many times I've listened"`over the hills and far away
Led Zeppelin: "My, my, my, Im so happy, I'm gonna join the band"`celebration day
Led Zeppelin: "Oh oh oh oh oh dont have to go"`dyer maker
Led Zeppelin: "There's a feeling I get/When I look to the west"`stairway to heaven
Led Zeppelin: "We come from the land of ice & snow, from the midnight sun"`immigrant song
Led Zeppelin: "When mountains crumble to the sea there will still be you & me"`thank you
Led Zepplin: Escalera al cielo`stairway to heaven
Lee Majors played in what Television series`The Fall Guy
Lee Marvin won his only Best Actor Oscar for the dual role of Kid Sheleen and Tim Strawn in which film`cat ballou
Leeway for variation from a standard`tolerance
Lee Where were the Toltecs from`Mexico
Lee Which US state is known as the "Volunteer State"`tennessee
Left-handed people are ----- percent more likely to sample a forkful of food from the plates of fellow diners than are right-handed people.`twenty
Leftover bits of food`scraps
Legally owned property, such as land, capital, or stocks. Often used in the plural`holdings
Legal right to the possession of a thing`ownership
Legal Terms: A crime more serious than a misdemeanor`felony
Legal Terms: A formal agreement enforceable by law`contract
Legal Terms: A supplement to a will`codicil
legal terms: party to a lawsuit?`litigant
Legal Terms: The people chosen to render a verdict in a court`jury
Legal Terms: To steal property entrusted to one's care`Embezzle
legendary city of gold in south america`el dorado
Legendary Indian Ruler in Columbia who coated himself in Gold Dust before bathing`Eldorado
Legendry creature with womans head and body and fishes tail`mermaid
Legend: Say's the goblin? "This shot shall be just as sweet as ____"`pie
Legend: What, according to himself, does Gump know`everything
Legend: What does Jack cut off of Darkness`his hands
Legend: What does the goblin take from the stallion unicorn`horn
Legend: When the stallion unicorn dies, what falls over the land`winter
Legend: Who, besides Lily, has a crush on Jack`oona
Legend: Who is keeping her true size a secret`oona
Legend: Who plays Darkness`tim curry
Legend: Who wakes up thinking he's dead`brown tom
Legitimately: suitably`fairly
Legs - Sharped Dressed Man - Rough Boy`zz top
Legs Were Insured For One Million Dollars`Betty Grable
legs were shown in place of julia roberts' legs in 'pretty woman'`goldie hawn
Leguminous plant with aromatic seeds`fenugreek
Length: 220 yards = 1 ______`furlong
Length of material draped round the body, worn traditionally by Hindu women`sari
Length or duration of life: 'comparing the longevities of the two peoples.'`longevity
Lenin what country is the world's biggest coffee exporter`brazil
lennie baker, saxophone for sha na na, was once a member of this 50's group`danny and the juniors
lennie baker, saxophone for sha na na, was once a member of this 50's group`danny and the`mercury
lennie & george were characters in which john steinbeck book?`of mice and men
Lenses worn for both near and distant vision`bifocal
Lentigines is the medical term for what`freckles
Leo Argyle, Rachel Argyle and Donald Craig are all characters from which Agatha Christie novel`ordeal of innocence
leo baekeland created the first synthetic plastic in 1909 what did he call it`bakelite
Leo Hirschfield named a new candy after his daughter, Clara. What is the name of that candy`Tootsie Roll
Leonardo Da Vinci invented the`scissors
Leonardo da Vinci played the`viola
Leonardo Michelangelo Raphael How many squares are on a Shogi (Japanese chess) board`eighty one
leonine refers to what kind of animal`lion
Leporine refers to what kind of animal`rabbit
lepraphobia is a fear of ____`leprosy
Leprophobia is the fear of`leprosy
lesale and in quantity.'`quantities
lesale shop`warehouse
leslie howard played this instrument in "intermezzo."`violin
lesome: 'a -------- climate.'`salutary
lesome condition: 'the malady of discontent.'`maladies
lesome: He suffered much from a ------ acuteness of the senses (Edgar Allan Poe)`morbid
lesome To Digest, As A Worm To A Toad, A Toad To A Snake, A Snake To A Pig, A Pig To A Man, And A Man To A Worm`Edible
Les Paul and Charlie Christian were exponents of which musical instrument`guitar
Less apparent: deeper: 'the ----- meaning of a poem.'`inner
Lesser in importance, rank, or stature: 'a ----- politician.'`minor
Less than 1% of the ________ Islands are inhabited`caribbean
Lester Bowie, Joseph Jarman, Malachi Favors, Roscoe Mitchell`the art ensemble of chicago
Lethargy: apathy. lethargy`torpor
let it ride: where did joseph jagger break the bank in 1886`monte carlo
Let's Get Political: New Zealand was the first country to give women the vote, in 1893. In 1902, which country was 2nd`Australia
Let's Get Political: Since a reorganization in 1979, Libya's Colonel Gadhafi has held no formal position, but continues to rule under what ceremonial title`Leader of the Revolution
Let's Get Political: This Hungarian Queen ruled 40 years from 1740-1780, and her name would be`Maria Theresa
Let's Get Political: This Netherlands Queen ruled 58 years from 1890-1948, and her name would be`Wilhelmina
Let's Get Political: This UK Queen ruled 63 years, from 1837-1901, and her name would be`Victoria
Let's play blue's clues: what's the name of blue's pinkish dog friend`magenta
Lets you laugh at the weather is the advertising slogan for which coat company`London Fog
Letterman: According to Dave,not a man,woman,or child doesn't enjoy a cool refreshing __.`beverage
Letterman: Dangerous property of the steam rising from NYC streets.`radioactive
Letterman: Dave did this comedy bit every Friday on the NBC show.`viewer mail
letterman: dave made his movie debut in this flick.`cabin boy
letterman: dave resides in this state.`connecticut
Letterman: Dave's NBC studio was in this building.`rockefeller center
Letterman: Guests often complain about the _____ of the Ed Sullivan Theater.`temperature
letterman: he was dave's first guest (on both shows).`bill murray
letterman: singer who cussed dave out and left him stunned.`madonna
Letterman who did david letterman pay four cartons of marlboro to be on his show`miss
Letters inscribed, as on a sign`letterings
letters on a keyboard`typewriter
Leukophobia is the fear of ____`the color white
Level treeless Arctic region with permafrost`tundra
Levophobia is the fear of`things to the left side of the body
Lewis 1994 - How many copies has the #3 "Eagles Greatest Hits" album sold`fourteen
Lewis on what japanese city was the second atomic bomb dropped during world war ii`nagasaki
Liable to be accused or indicted`chargeable
Liberty of the person from slavery, detention, or oppression`freedom
Libreville is the capital of ______`gabon
Libreville is the capital of which African country`gabon
libya is the only country in the world with a solid, single-colored flag -- what color is it?`green
License Plates: What does 1MORDR say when given a first diagnosis`one more doctor
license plates: what does cutnso do for a living`seamstress
License Plates: What does DO LOOP do for a living`computer programmer
license plates: what does mopp-it do for a living`housecleaning
License Plates: What does POVALT sell for a living`sports equipment
License plates: what does sixpak run`liquor store
License Plates: What film series does OB WAN enjoy`star wars
License Plates: What job does NTGLTY have`attorney
License Plates: What job does SRREAL have`artist
license plates: what job does upn dwn do for a living?`elevator operator
license plates: what kind of vehicle bears matrkr?`pickup truck
license plates: what message is is4u giving us?`eyes for you
license plates: what message is ursum1 giving us?`you are someone
License Plates: What message is YSUP giving us`wise up
license plates: what profession job suture practice`surgeon
license plates: what profession job suture practice`surgeonHow did My Darling Clementine die`drowning
license plates: what rock group does klaa2 like?`klaatu
license plates: what's boshog's favorite television show?`dukes of hazzard
License Plates: What's CHEOPS's profession`egyptologist
License Plates: What school does HOYA6 attend`georgetown university
license plates: what's cymru's nationality?`welsh
license plates: what's drz's profession?`anesthesiologist
license plates: what's drzzzz's profession?`anesthesiologist
license plates: what's ibehav's profession`behavioral psychologist
license plates: what singer does dubedo like?`frank sinatra
License Plates: What sport does 10SNE1 enjoy`tennis
License Plates: What sport does DIVOT enjoy`golf
License Plates: What sport does KICKS enjoy`soccer
license plates: what sport does sknydp enjoy`swimming
License Plates: What sport does SOXWIN enjoy`baseball
license plates: what television show does uax4it enjoy`you asked for it
license plates: where does vmigal's boyfriend go to school?`virginia military institute
License Plates: Who are SHEMP1's favorite comedians`three stooges
license plates: who owns the car with eieio on its license plate?`old mcdonald
license plates: who's the favorite author of 2brnot?`shakespeare
Licking what uses one tenth of a calorie`stamp
"Life is an incurable ----------."- Abraham Cowley`disease
"Life is -------------- before one knows what it is."-French proverb`half spent
"Life is infinitely ---------- than the mind of man can imagine."- A. Conan Doyle`stranger
"Life is like a beautiful melody, only the ----------- are messed up."- Anonymous`lyrics
"Life is like riding a ---------. You don't fall off unless you plan to stop pedaling."- Claude Pepper`bicycle
life is the film 'The Music Lovers', based`tchaikovsky
"Life is what happens while you are busy ---------------."- John Lennon`making other plans
Lifeless: expressionless: the face changing to a demon's face with a fixed glassy grin (Katherine Anne Porter)`glassier
Lifeless: expressionless: the face changing to a demon's face with a fixed ------ grin (Katherine Anne Porter)`glassy
life on the mississippi was the autobiography of which american author`mark twain
Life on the planet Earth first evolved where`in the sea
Life Story Is Titled 'Fly Me, I'm Freddie!'`Freddie Laker
life story was the film 'The Coalminer's Daughter' based`loretta lynn
Life Was The Subject Of The 1974 Movie 'Lenny'`Lenny Bruce
Life what major does david bowie's "space oddity" refer to`major tom
"Life would be infinitely happier if we could only be born at the age of ----------- and gradually approach eighteen."- Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)`eighty
Light 2 wheeled hooded vehicle drawn by one or more people`rickshaw
Light brown cane sugar`demerara
Light, colorless fluid obtained from the fractional distillation of petroleum`benzine
light energy can be described in these two terms`photons waves`photon`fangio
light energy can be described in these two terms`photons waves`photon, waves
Lightest inflammable gas known`hydrogen
Light from sky when sun is below horizon`twilight
Light from the sky`skylight
Lighthearted: gay: 'in a ------- mood.'`buoyant
Light in color, especially blond: '---- hair.'`fair
Lighting strikes the Earth about ______ times a second`two hundred
Lighting strikes the Earth about ______ times a second`two hundred`200
Light is ______ ______ radiation`electro magnetic
Lightning strikes about _______ times per minute on this planet`six thousand`6,000
Light or frivolous manner of discussing a subject`persiflage
Light sensitive area at the back of eyeball`retina
Light-sensitive organ of vision in animals`eye
Light silvery metallic element`aluminium
Light Venetian canal boat`gondola
Lightweight tropical American wood used for making models`balsa
Ligustrum is the Latin name of which common garden shrub`privet
Ligyrophobia is the fear of`loud noises
Like a lady in 'the simpsons', sideshow bob's criminal number is the same as what character in 'les miserables'`jean valjean
Like a moth by the flame burned by the fire`thats the way love goes
Liked by acquaintances: sought after for company: Beware of over-great pleasure in being ------- or even beloved (Margaret Fuller)`popular
Like Dionysus, their master _________ are spirits of wild life`Satyrs and centaurs
like eggs benedict, eggs sardou is topped with this creamy sauce`hollandaise sauce
Like fingerprints, what other print is individual`tongue
Likely but uncertain: plausible`probable
Likely to cause an accident: 'a --------- curve.'`breakneck
Likely to cause an epidemic disease`pestilent
Likely to fail under pressure, stress, or strain: lacking resistance: 'a ---- link in a chain.'`weak
Likely to produce or result in anarchy`anarchic
likeness is depicted on the purple heart`george washington
Likeness Is Displayed On The Purple Heart Medal`George Washington
Likeness Is On The World's Most Expensive Star Doll`Elizabeth Taylor
Like Sunday morning...`easy
Like what can a fully ripened cranberry be dribbled`basketball
Lilac Time is a film which tells the life story and uses the music of which composer`franz schubert
Lilapsophobia is the fear of`tornadoes and hurricanes
Lilongwe is the capital of ______`malawi
Limah was the singer with which 1980s chart toppers`kajagoogoo
lima is the capital of ______`peru
Lima is the capital of this country`peru
Limited in importance or significance: trivial: 'a ----- matter.'`small
Limited, restricted, or modified: 'a --------- plan for expansion.'`qualified
limnophobia is the fear of ____`lakes
Line of descent of person or animal`pedigree
Line of hereditary rulers`dynasty
lineup dolores oriordan, noel hogan, mike hogan, feargal lawler`the cranberries
Linguistics. A ------- consonant`coronal
Linguistics. A division of languages below a family and above a branch`subfamily
Linguistics. A large division of possibly genetically related families of languages or linguistic stocks`phyla
Linguistics. A large division of possibly genetically related families of languages or linguistic stocks`phylum
Linguistics. Articulated by lowering the soft palate so that air resonates in the ----- cavities and passes out the nose, as in the pronunciation of the consonants (m), (n), and (ng)or the -----ized vowel of`nasal
Linguistics. Articulated by vibration of the uvula or with the back of the tongue near or touching the uvula`uvular
Linguistics. A slight pause that occurs when two immediately adjacent vowels in consecutive syllables are pronounced, as in reality and naive`hiatus
Linguistics. A word that has a heavy stress or pitch accent on its penultimate syllable`baritone
Linguistics. Being a sound, syllable, or letter occurring between the initial and final positions in a word or morpheme`medial
Linguistics. Having two or more phonetic values`polyphonic
Linguistics. Improperly formed: ungrammatical`illicit
Linguistics. Of, constituting, or relating to the theme of a word: 'a -------- vowel.'`thematic
Linguistics. Of or relating to epenthesis: epenthetic`excrescent
Linguistics. The process by which the meaning of a word becomes negative or less elevated over a period of time, as silly, which formerly meant deserving sympathy,helpless or simple, has come to mean showing a lack of good`pejoration
Linguistics. The pronunciation of a consonant with an aspirate`aspiration
Linguistics. The study of relationships between signs and symbols and what they represent. Also called semasiology`semantics
Linguistics. To add an ------- to`augment
Linguistics. To evince a difference that can distinguish meaning: 'Voiced and voiceless stops -------- in English but not in Cree.'`contrast
Linguistics. Two or more successive consonants in a word, as cl and st in the word`cluster
Linguistics. Voiceless: '-------- consonants.'`unvoiced
Linguistics: What language family do Hungarian, Finnish and Estonian belong to`Finno-Ugric
Linked or related to the World Wide Web`webbed
Linonophobia is the fear of`string
Linseed oil is obtained from the seed of which plant`flax
Linz, Austria is a leading port on which river?`Danube
Linz, Austria is a leading port on which river`the danube
Lionel Ritchie is dancing - where`On the ceiling
Lions have been exported to _____ by Windsor Safari Park in England`africa
Lipps Inc: El pueblo mas funky`funkytown
Lipps, Inc's only hit was covered by Pseudo Echo eight years later.`funkytown
Liquid food of oatmeal boiled in milk or water`gruel
Liquid or other matter poured forth`effusion
Liquids that solidify when exposed to air, & are used to cover surfaces for decorative & protective purposes`paint & varnish
Liquids that solidify when exposed to air, & are used to cover surfaces for decorative & protective purposes`paint & varnish`paint and varnish
Liquid substance that dissolves or breaks down another substance into a more elementary form & is usually present in greater quantity than that substance`solvent
Liquid that circulates in plants, as distinguished from liquid plant products, such as turpentine & perfume oils, that must be extracted from plant tissues`sap
Lisa Kudrow plays which character in the television series Friends`phoebe
lisa loopner and todd dilamuca are this`nerds
Lisbon is a variety of which type of garden vegetable`onion
lisbon is the capital of ______`portugal
Lisbon lies on which river`tagus
Lisssssspy sounding girl that Phil Collins sang about in 1985`sussudio
"Listen or thy ---------- will keep thee deaf."- American Indian Proverb`tongue
l is the roman numeral for what number?`fifty
List of ingredients and instructions for preparing food`recipe
List the 1st & last names of all 4 Sweathogs on Welcome Back Kotter?`Vinnie Barbarino,Freddie Washington,Arnold Horshack,and Juan Epstein
---------- literally means 'the land of rabbits'`spain
Literally "white mountain" in French, what is the highest peak in France`mont blanc
LITERARUTRE: In The Merchant of Venice, how much money did Antonio borrow from Shylock`3,000 ducats
Literary Characters: Also know as Mistress Betty this English adventuress is a creation of Defoe`moll flanders
Literary Characters: American expatriate who joins the loyalists in 'For whom the bell tolls'`robert jordan
Literary Characters: He is an orphan and the unwanted ward of his sister in 'Great Expectations'`philip pirrip
Literary Characters: In Melville's 'Moby Dick' he hails from the south sea island of Kovovoko`queequeg
Literary Characters: The boy who will not grow up`peter pan
Literary Characters: The ever sobbing animal in 'Alice in Wonderland'`mock turtle
Literary Characters: The invisible man in H.G. Wells's novel`griffin
Literary Characters: This impecunious man is always 'waiting for something to turn up'`wilkins micawber
Literate Rock: Anthrax's _Skeletons In The Closet_ is based on his story "Apt Pupil":`stephen king
Literate Rock: Finish the Billy Idol line: "Reading ______ books, tryin to stay hip":`murder
Literate Rock: Finish the Lloyd Cole line: "Read ______ ______, get a new tailor"`norman mailer
Literate Rock: _For Whom The Bell Tolls_ is a novel by Hemingway and a song by this band:`metallica
Literate Rock: Kate Bush and Pat Benatar both sang about this Bronte classic:`wuthering heights
Literate Rock: Metallica paraphrases "Stranger eons death may die" from what horror writer`hp lovecraft
Literate Rock: Name 1 of 2 Iron Maiden songs with the same names as Robert Heinlein novels.`the number of the beast
Literate Rock: Rush made this Coleridge poem into a musical epic in the mid-70s.`xanadu
Literate Rock: Rush's song _Anthem_ & the 2112 album are based on her writings:`ayn rand
Literate Rock: Steely Dan took their name from this book:`naked lunch
Literate Rock: The band This Mortal Coil took their name from a line by this playwright:`william shakespeare
Literate Rock: This Billy Joel song mentions Stranger In A Strange Land & Catcher In The Rye:`we didnt start the fire
Literate Rock: This Concrete Blonde song is loosely based on Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles:`the vampire song
Literate Rock: This Zeppelin tune has references from Lord Of The Rings:`ramble on
Literate Rock: What Peter Gabriel song is dedicated to author Anne Sexton?`mercy street
LITERATURE: 1984, novel The Camomile Lawn, was written by whom`mary wesley
LITERATURE:2002. Which actor has written an autobiography entitled Lucky Man:A Memoir`Michael J Fox
LITERATURE: A book entitled The Contemplative mans recreation is concerned with which pastime`angling
LITERATURE: According to the Brothers Grimm, how tall was Tom Thumb`five and a half inches
LITERATURE: Alex Haley novel in which he traces his lineage back to Africa`roots
LITERATURE: A pseudonym of Rene Raymond, novelist known for No orchids for Miss Blandish`james hadley chase
LITERATURE:At which school did Mr Chips teach latin`Brookfield
LITERATURE: Author of A Dolls House`ibsen
LITERATURE: Author of A Farewell to Arms`ernest hemingway
LITERATURE: Author of Brighton rock`greene
LITERATURE:Author of Matilda,James and the Giant Peach and Willy Wonka`Roald Dahl
LITERATURE: Author of Tom Browns Schooldays`Thomas Hughes
Literature : Authors : Look Homeward Angel`Thomas Wolfe
Literature Authors: Moll Flanders`daniel defoe
Literature : Authors : The Doom that Came to Sarnath and other short stories`H P Lovecraft
Literature Authors: Tom Jones`henry fielding
Literature : Authors : White Fang`Jack London
LITERATURE: British novelist best known for The Cruel Sea`nicholas monsarrat
LITERATURE:British playwright (This is where we came in, Invisible friends)`Alan Ayckbourn
LITERATURE: British writer best known for his memoirs Cider with Rosie and as I walked out one Midsummer morning`laurie lee
LITERATURE:British writer known for The Ipcress file,Funeral in Berlin`Len Deighton
Literature : Captain Hook, Tiger Lily, and Tinker Bell are characters in what story`peter pan
LITERATURE: Character in David Copperfield`uriah heep
LITERATURE: Dorothea Brooke is the central character in which classic`Middlemarch
Literature: Douglas Adams is famous for writing what `The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy
Literature : Dr. Seuss wrote this book: The Cat in the______.`hat
Literature : Edgar Allen Poe wrote a famous poem about his animal.`raven
LITERATURE: English dramatist and poet famous for plays such as Tamburlaine the Great, Dr Faustus`Christopher Marlowe
LITERATURE: English Romantic poet of Don Juan`byron
LITERATURE:Family name of Meg, Jo and Amy in Louisa May Alcotts book Little Women`March
LITERATURE:Feb 2002, latest Joan Collins novel`Star Quality
LITERATURE:French writer (Le Pere Goriot, La Comedie Humaine)`Honore de Balzac
LITERATURE: french writer whose works include Les Miserables`vicotr hugo
LITERATURE: From what source did Aldous Huxley take the title of his 1936 novel Eyeless in Gaza`samson agonistes
LITERATURE:From which city did Shakespeares "two gentlemen" come`Verona
Literature : From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: Double, double`macbeth
Literature : From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: Goodnight, goodnight! parting is such sweet sorrow, That I should say goodnight till it be morrow`Romeo and Juliet
Literature : From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: To be or not to be`Hamlet
Literature : From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: To be or not to`hamlet
Literature : From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: What in a name That which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet.`romeo and juliet
Literature : From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: What's in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet`Romeo and Juliet
LITERATURE: From whom did the animals seize the farm in Animal farm`Mr Jones
literature: her dog had no bone.`old mother hubbard
Literature: he won a Pulitzer prize for 'profiles in courage'`john f kennedy`kennedy
LITERATURE:Homers Iliad tells of the siege of which city`Troy
Literature: How is Samuel Clemens better known `Mark Twain
literature: how many attended the march hare's tea party`four
Literature : How many lines are in a sonnet`14
Literature : How many lines are in a sonnet`fourteen`14
Literature : How many plays is Shakespeare generally credited with today`37
LITERATURE: in childrens lit, how many chronicles of Narnia did CS Lewis write`seven
LITERATURE: In George Orwells 1984 what is Britain called`Airstrip one
LITERATURE: In Goethes Faust, the evil spirit to whom Faust sells his soul`mephistopheles
LITERATURE: In hich famous childrens book what was Cedric Errols title`lord fauntleroy
LITERATURE: In shakespeares play who told Macbeth that he would eventually become king`the three witches
LITERATURE: In Shakespeare who gives his sons the advice neither a borrower nor a lender be`polonius
LITERATURE: In Swifts Gullivers Travels what is the name of the land of giants`brobdingnag
LITERATURE: In Tennysons poem when "the mirror crack'd from side to side" who cried "the curse is come upon me"`the lady of shalott
LITERATURE: In the 1982 childrens book The BFG by Roald Dahl what does BFG stand for`big friendly giant
LITERATURE: In the childrens book Wind in the Willows, which animal befriended Rat,Mole and Toad`mister badger
LITERATURE: In the famous Beckett play, for whom were Vladimir and estragon waiting`godot
LITERATURE: In the Famous Five books, what is the name of the dog`Timmy
LITERATURE: In the famous story who was Passepartouts master`Phileas Fogg
LITERATURE: In the PG Wodehouse novels what was Jeeves Christian name`reginald
LITERATURE: In the Tarzan stories what was the name of Tarzans monkey friend`Nkima
LITERATURE: In Thomas Hardy's Jude the Obscure which city did he call Christminster`oxford
LITERATURE: In Treasure Island, who apart from JimHawkins narrates part of the story`Dr Livesey
LITERATURE:In Treasure Island, who gets black spot from Blind Pew`Billy Bones
LITERATURE: In which area did Thomas Hardy set his novels`wessex
LITERATURE: In which book did people find Shangri-La`The Lost horizon
Literature: In which book is Scheherazade a story teller `Arabian Nights
LITERATURE: In which classic novel did Inspector Javert hunt down Jean Valjean`les miserables
LITERATURE: In which country was Salman Rushdie born`India
LITERATURE: In which Daphne du Maurier novel was Mrs Danvers the housekeeper at Manderlay`rebecca
LITERATURE: in which Dickens novel does the midwife Sarah Gamp appear`martin chuzzlewit
LITERATURE: In which novel did Michael Henchard sell his wife for 5 guineas`The mayor of Casterbridge
LITERATURE: In which novel do Athos,Porthos and Aramis all appear`Vicomte de Bragelonne
LITERATURE: In which novel does Angela Quested accuse a local doctor of rape`a passage to india
LITERATURE: In which play does Gwendolyn Fairfax love Jack Worthing, who was found in a handbag as a baby`the importance of being earnest#
LITERATURE: In which Shakespeare play do Beatrice and Benedick apeear`much ado about nothing
LITERATURE: In which story does Bob Cratchit have a crippled son called Tiny Tim`a christmas carol
LITERATURE:In which work by Shakespeare do the Earls of Pembroke,Essex & Salisbury and the Lord Bigot appear`The life and death of King John
literature: ___________ is the magic phrase in ali baba and the forty thieves`open sesame
Literature : Lord of the Rings : Gandalf's elven name`Mithrandir
Literature : Lord of the Rings : What is the name of Gandalf's horse`Shadowfax
LITERATURE: Name of a barrister in Dickens Pickwick Papers`Serjeant Buzfuz
LITERATURE: Name of the book about the Watergate scandal written by Washington Post reporters Bernstein and Woodward`All the Presidents Men
LITERATURE: Name of the cat in the satirical H Allen Smith novel where the cat inherited a baseball team`rhubarb
LITERATURE: Name of the central character in Middlemarch`Dorothea Brooke
LITERATURE:Name Shakespeares Moor of Venice`Othello
LITERATURE:Name the principal horse in George Orwells Animal Farm`Boxer
Literature : Name the Shakespeare play from this ultra short plot summary: Urged on by his wife, a man murders his king in order to take his place.`macbeth
LITERATURE: Nathaniel west novel`the day of the locust
LITERATURE: Novel by Laurie Lee`cider with rosie
LITERATURE:Novel by Mrs Henry Wood, heroine Lady Isabel Vane`East Lynne
LITERATURE:Novelist famous for Jamaica Inn,rebecca`Daphne Du Maurier
LITERATURE: NOvel written by Charles Reade as a sequel to his Love me little, love me long`hard cash
LITERATURE: Of which bird did Wordsworth write " While I am lying on the grass, thy twofold shout I hear`the cuckoo
Literature or art produced in this style`surrealism
LITERATURE: "Parcel arrived safely;tied with string" is the autobiography of which multi talented star`michael crawford
LITERATURE: Play by Dylan Thomas about a welsh seaside village`under milk wood
LITERATURE: Poet and novelist whose first novel was Lucky Jim`sit kingsley amis
Literature: Pulitzer prize winning novelist who authored 'the grapes of wrath'`john steinbeck
LITERATURE:Quotes - who wrote"Mans inhumanity to man makes countless thousands mourn`Robert Burns
LITERATURE:Shakespeare,in which work do Leontes,King of Sicilia and Mansillius, the yound prince appear`The winter's tale
LITERATURE: she loves Hamlet in Shakespeares play`ophelia
Literature : Stephen King's: " Pet ________".`cemetary
Literature : Stephen King's: "Salem's _________".`lot
Literature : Stephen King's: " The Dead ________".`zone
LITERATURE: The Bell Jar was the only novel of which american poet`sylvia plath
Literature: The book "Wamyouruijoshou" was the first to use what word `Kite
Literature : "The Diary of Anne Frank" was first published in English under what title`the diary of a young girl
Literature: The Greek title of the Book of Revelation.`Apocalypse
literature: the place where gulliver found a race of tiny people`lilliput
LITERATURE: The push me pull you appears in which stories`doctor dolittle
LITERATURE: The subject of which 1964 novel by illiam Golding is the building of a medieval cathedral`The spire
LITERATURE: The works of Mrs Darrell Waters have been translated into 128 languages, who was she`Enid Blyton
Literature : This girl hid from the Nazis in Amsterdam.`anne frank
Literature : This Shakespearean king was the actual king of Scotland for 17 years.`macbeth
LITERATURE: Trespassing animals disliked by Betsy in Dickens David Copperfield`donkeys
LITERATURE: Unfinished poetic work by Geoffrey Chaucer begun around 1387`the canterbury tales
LITERATURE: US poet and essayist`ralph waldo emerson
LITERATURE: What 1974 book starts "i can see by my watch, without taking my hand from the left grip of the cycle, that it is eigth thirty in the morning`zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance
literature: what aesop animal assumed the grapes he couldn't reach were sour anyway`the fox
literature: what are the first three words in the bible`in the beginning
literature: what beautiful youth pined for the love of his reflection`narcissus
literature: what book is subtitled the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life`the origin of species
Literature: What book is the film Blade Runner based on `Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
literature: what category of writing are the hugo and nebula awards given for`science fiction
LITERATURE: what colour was Alexandre Dumas' tulip`black
literature: what cornelius ryan book chronicles the events of d-day`the longest day
literature: what detective retired to become a beekeeper`sherlock holmes
Literature : What did Jeannie C. Riley describe as "a little Peyton Place"`Harper Valley
literature: what drug did sherlock holmes take at the start of his career`cocaine
LITERATURE:What is Louisa May Alcotts most famous book`Little Women
literature: what is the most commonly-used punctuation mark`the comma
LITERATURE: What is the name of Arthur Ransomes famous childrens book published in 1931`swallows and amazons
LITERATURE: What is the name of Jean Elliotts poetic lament for the scots killed at the battle of Flodden in 1513`flow'rs o' the forest
LITERATURE:What is the name of John Osbornes "Entertainer"`Archie Rice
Literature: What is the second best-selling book of all time `Quotations from the Works of Chairman Mao Tse-Tung
literature: what joel chandler harris book tells the stories of br'er fox and br'er rabbit`uncle remus
literature: what language is stern magazine published in`german
LITERATURE: What links the following Mein Kampf,Pilgrims Progress and History of the World`written in prison
Literature : What other name does Stephen King write under`Richard Bachman
Literature : What publication was subtitled The What's New Magazine`Popular Science
literature: what richard adams book includes an account of bigwig's encounter with a fox`watership down
Literature: What series has Robert Jordan written `Wheel of Time
Literature : What Shakespearean play features the line: A plague on both your houses`romeo and juliet
"Literature" : What's Penthouse's sister publication for women`viva
literature: what's the name of the little people in frank baum's the wonderful wizard of oz`munchkins
literature: what's the name of the old gray donkey in winnie-the-pooh`eeyore
literature: what tom wolfe book is about the mercury astronauts`the right stuff
Literature: What trilogy did J.R.R. Tolkien write `Lord of the Rings
LITERATURE: What type of novels were written by Zane Grey`westerns
Literature: What US presidential mother wrote an autobiography titled Times to Remember`Rose Kennedy
literature: what vladimir nabokov novel features professor humbert in love with a twelve year old girl`lolita
LITERATURE: What was Andrew Motions first poem as poet laureate`an epithalamium
LITERATURE:What was John Dawkins nickname in Oliver Twist`The artful dodger
literature: what was lady chatterley's first name`constance
literature: what was mark twain's real name`samuel langhorne clemens
LITERATURE: What was the name of Beatrix Potters hedgehog laundress`mrs tiggy winkle
LITERATURE: What was the name of David Copperfields old nurse`peggotty
Literature : What was the name of Mother Goose's son`jack
literature: what was the pen name of english novelist mary ann evans`george eliot
LITERATURE: What was the pen name of the 19th century author Maria Louisa de la Ramee`ouida
LITERATURE: What was the pseudonym of Amandine Aurore Lucie Dupin,Baronne Dudevant`george sand
Literature: What word is Isaac Asimov famous for coining `Robotics
literature: what writer is copenhagen's little mermaid a memorial to`hans christian andersen
literature: where does ray bradbury's chronicles take place`mars
literature: where would you arrive by going second to the right and straight on till morning`never-never land
LITERATURE: Which 14th century write told the story of pilgrims travelling to Canterbury`geoffrey chaucer
LITERATURE: Which 1954 play by Brendan Behan was about life in an Irish Prison on the eve of an execution`the quare fellow
LITERATURE: Which 20th novel, made into a film, concerns the friendship of a teacher called Fielding and a doctor called Aziz`a passage to india
LITERATURE: Which adventure novel featured Gagool,Twala and Umbopa`King Solomon's mines
LITERATURE: Which american wrote Astoria, The legend of sleepy hollow and Bracebridge Hall`Washington Irving
literature: which author penned the hunchback of notre dame`victor hugo
LITERATURE: Which book opens with the words - Of late years an abundant shower of curates has fallen upon the north of england`shirley
LITERATURE; Which book opens with the words-the primroses were over`watership down
LITERATURE: Which British poet is revered as a hero in Greece`Byron
LITERATURE: Which character rode a horse called Rosinante`Don Quixote
LITERATURE: Which characters main opponent was Von Stalheim`Biggles
LITERATURE: Which classic of English Literature centres around theGordon riots of 1780`Barnaby Rudge
LITERATURE: Which controversial writer wrote Time for a Tiger and The kingdom of the Wicked`anthony burgess
LITERATURE: Which criminal was made into a romantic figure in the novel Rookwood`Dick Turpin
LITERATURE: Which detective story writer created the amateur detective Albert Campion`margery allingham
LITERATURE: Which DH Lawrence novel was put "on trial" for obscenity`Lady Chatterly's Lover
LITERATURE: Which duo first appeared in The man with two left feet`Bertie Wooster and Jeeves
LITERATURE: Which ex soldier wrote The seven pillars of Wisdom`T E Lawrence
LITERATURE: Which famous adventure story was originally called The Sea Cook`Treasure Island
LITERATURE: Which famous novel has the characters the Cheeryble brothers,Mulberry Hawk, Madeline Bray and Newman Noggs`Nicholas Nickleby
LITERATURE: Which famous writers first major publication was a biology textbook`H G Wells
LITERATURE: Which fantasy novel published in 1937 has an alterantive title There and Back again`the hobbit
LITERATURE: Which film is based on Conrads Heart of Darkness`Apocalypse now
LITERATURE: Which German scholar sold his soul to the devil in return for power and kmowledge`Faust
Literature: Which Irish novalist wrote "Dubliners"`james joyce
LITERATURE: Which is the longest part written by Shakespeare, at 11,610 words`Hamlet
LITERATURE: Which John Steinbeck novel deals with the Joad family's move from Oklahoma dustbowl to California`the grapes of wrath
LITERATURE: Which New Zealand writer created Roderick Alleyn of Scotland Yard`Ngaio Marsh
LITERATURE: Which Noel Coward play features Elyot and Amanda`Private Lives
LITERATURE: Which novel starts it is a truth universally acknowleged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife`pride and prejudice
LITERATURE; Which of Mr Pickwicks friends married Arabella Allen`nathaniel winkle
LITERATURE: Which poet is buried in Grasmere churchyard`Wordsworth
LITERATURE:Which poet wrote The Borderers and The Prelude`William Wordsworth
LITERATURE: Which religious prisoner wrote his autobiography Grace Abounding and also began the allegory about Christians journey to the celestial city while in prison`john bunyan
LITERATURE: Which Russian poet had african blood and died in a duel`Pushkin
LITERATURE: Which science fiction writer in his 1972 book The Lost Worlds of 2001 wrote -Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic`arthur c clarke
LITERATURE: Which Scottish writer resurrected the caddish Harry Flashman from Tom Browns schooldays in a series of Flashman Novels`george macdonald fraser
LITERATURE: Which shakespearean character ahs a dog called Crab which he describes as the sourest natured dog that lives`launce
LITERATURE: Which Shakespeare play features Petruchio,Katharina and Bianca`The taming of the shrew
LITERATURE: Which term for Ireland was first used by Dr Drennan in his poem Erin`Emerald isle
LITERATURE: Which three writers used the pseudonyms Currer,Ellis and Acton Bell`charlotte,emily and anne bronte
LITERATURE: Which Tolstoy heroine threw herself under a train`Anna Karenina
LITERATURE: Which Trojans story is told in the Aeneid by Virgil`Aeneas
LITERATURE: Which US Playwright wrote The Odd couple`Neil Simon
LITERATURE: Which US poetess married Ted Hughes and committed suicide aged 31`Sylvia Plath
LITERATURE: Which welsh language poet wrote The Gododdin in about AD600`aneirin
LITERATURE: Which writer created the lost world of Pellucidar, lost city of Opar, John Carter, Warlord of Mars and Carson of Venus`edgar rice burroughs
LITERATURE: Which writer married Annabel Lee and died of alcohol`Edgar Allan Poe
LITERATURE:Who could not "write a serious romance under any other motive than to save my life"`Jane Austen
literature: who created nicole in tender is the night`f. scott fitzgerald
Literature: Who created Sherlock Holmes `Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
LITERATURE: Who created the naval charcter Hornblower`C S Forester
Literature: Who is associated with the address 221B Baker Street, London `Sherlock Holmes
LITERATURE: Who is the heroine of Shakespeares As you like it`Rosalind
LITERATURE: Who is the hero of Captain W E Johns best known stories`Biggles
LITERATURE: Who is the leading character of a story that features a fairy called Tinkerbell`Peter Pan
LITERATURE: Who killed Macbeth in Shakespeares play`Macduff
LITERATURE: Whom did Sherlock Holmes refer to as THE Woman`Irene Adler
LITERATURE: Whom does Viola love in Twelfth Night`Duke Orsino
LITERATURE: Whose plays were published in the First Folio`Shakespeare
LITERATURE: Who set stories in the imaginary county of Barsetshire`Anthony Trollope
LITERATURE: Who slew the monster Grendel in an old poem`beowulf
literature: who solves the crime in death on the nile`hercule poirot
LITERATURE:Who was Becky Thatchers boyfriend`Tom sawyer
literature: who was it that wrote: 'a thing of beauty is a joy forever'`john keats
literature: who was minnehaha's husband`hiawatha
LITERATURE:Who was Sherlock Holmes' house keeper and landlady`Mrs Hudson
LITERATURE: Who was the bully in Tom Browns Schooldays`Flashman
LITERATURE: Who was the guzzling and greedy giant created by Rabelais`gargantua
LITERATURE: Who was the incurable optimist in David Copperfield`mr micawber
LITERATURE: Who won the Booker Prize for The Old Devils`kingsley amis
Literature: Who wrote 1984 `George Orwell
LITERATURE: Who wrote A handful of Dust, Vile Bodies and Decline and Fall`evelyn waugh
LITERATURE: Who wrote All quiet on the Western Front`Erich Remarque
LITERATURE:Who wrote Arms and the Man`George Bernard Shaw
LITERATURE:Who wrote Brighton rock`Graham Greene
LITERATURE: Who wrote chitty chitty bang bang`ian fleming
LITERATURE: Who wrote Dr Zhivago`Boris Pasternak
Literature: Who wrote "Ender's Game" `Orson Scott Card
LITERATURE: Who wrote Fair stood the wind for France`H E Bates
LITERATURE:Who wrote Finnegans wake`james Joyce
LITERATURE: Who wrote Frenchmans Creek and My cousin Rachel`daphne du maurier
LITERATURE: Who wrote Journey to the centre of the earth`Jules Verne
LITERATURE: Who wrote Kublai Khan`samuel taylor coleridge
LITERATURE:Who wrote Marys Little Lamb`Sarah Josepha Hale
LITERATURE:Who wrote Mill on the Floss`George Elliot
LITERATURE: Who wrote Ode to the West Wind`shelley
Literature: Who wrote the Belgariad `Leigh and David Eddings
LITERATURE: Who wrote the book "Mussolini, His part in my downfall"`Spike Milligan
LITERATURE: Who wrote the book Schindlers Ark`Thomas kenneally
Literature: Who wrote the book "The Origin of Species" `Charles Darwin
LITERATURE:Who wrote the boys stories Stalky & Co`Rudyard Kipling
LITERATURE:Who wrote the childrens Mr Men series`Roger Hargreaves
LITERATURE: Who wrote The Count of Monte Cristo`Alexandre Dumas
LITERATURE:Who wrote The Day of the Jackal`Frederick Forsyth
Literature: Who wrote the Discworld series `Terry Pratchett
Literature: Who wrote the epic poem Odyssey `Homer
LITERATURE: Who wrote the first essays in English`Francis Bacon
LITERATURE: Who wrote the Forsyte Saga`john Galsworthy
LITERATURE: Who wrote The French Lieutenants Woman`John Fowles
LITERATURE: Who wrote The Good Companions`J B Priestley
LITERATURE:Who wrote The History of Mr Polly`H G Wells
LITERATURE: Who wrote the novel Kipps`H G Wells
LITERATURE: Who wrote the novel The Card`arnold bennett
Literature: Who wrote the novel "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde" `Stevenson
LITERATURE:Who wrote the poem Maud`Tennyson
Literature: Who wrote the shortest ever letter `Victor Hugo
LITERATURE: Who wrote the Three Musketeers`alexandre dumas
LITERATURE:Who wrote The Time Machine`H G Wells
Literature: Who wrote "The Wind in the Willows" `Kenneth Grahame
Literature: Who wrote three books under the title "Das Kapital" `Karl Marx
LITERATURE: Who wrote To the lighthouse and Mrs dalloway`Virginia Woolf
LITERATURE: Who wrote Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn`Henry Miller
LITERAURE: Who is the fourth Musketeer`D'Artagnan
Liticaphobia is the fear of ____`lawsuits
LITRATURE: What is the title of Chestertons poem - with monstrous head and sickening cry and ears like errant wings`the donkey
Litterature : Homer wrote this account of the Trojan War.`iliad
Little boy and fat man were the first`atomic bombs
"Little Boy" & "Fat Man" were the first`atomic bombs
Little House on the Prarie: what was the name of the woman who helped run the school for the blind`hester sue
Little Jimmy Osmond topped the charts with 'Long Haired Lover from...`liverpool
Little round chocolate candies are known as _andms`m
Little round chocolate candies are known as _&m's`m
Live Aid was to benefit which starving country?`Ethiopia
"Live as if you were to -----------. Learn as if you were to live forever."- Mohandas K. Ghandi`die tomorrow
Lively and playful: frisky`coltish
Lively and spirited: jaunty`sassier
Lively dance associated with sailors`hornpipe
Liverpool M.P. William Huskisson, who died in 1839, was the first person in the world to die by what method`he was hit by a train
Lives Intertwine`Hannah And Her Sisters
Living, growing, or present in --------: '-------- flowers.'`woodland
Living in a cloister`cloistral
Living in or situated in a town`urban
Living in poverty or misery`submerged
Living in trees: arboreous: '-------- apes.'`arboreal
Living or growing in, on, or near the water: '------- animals and plants.'`aquatic
Living or lasting only for a day, as certain plants or insects do`ephemeral
Living or located on an island`insular
Living or working along the`waterside
LIVING WORLD: Found in the Fens, the Swallowtail is Britains largest native ewhat`butterfly
LIVING WORLD: Mulberry leaves are the staple food of which animal`silkworm
liza minnelli sings 'what good is sitting alone in your room, come hear the music play....' what's the song title`cabaret
Lizard able to change colour for camouflage`chameleon
Liz Taylor, Bruce Springsteen and Frank Sinatra all converted to this religion`Judaism
lly Confuse And Distract An Attacker. A New Tail Of Different Colours And Patterns Quickly Regenerates. There Are About A Dozen Species Of Glass Lizard In The World`Legless
lly Confuse And Distract An Attacker. A New Tail Of Different Colours And Patterns Quickly Regenerates. There Are About A Dozen Species Of _____ ______ In The World`Glass Lizard
lly Extinct, May Be Said To Have Seen Their Best Nights`Incubus
lly Indonesian island`sumatra
lly owned by Turner Broadcasting System, Incorporated, which is based in Atlanta, Georgia`cnn
lly within Europe`france
Loafers, espadrilles and brogues are all types of what`footwear
Lobby or entrance hall`vestibule
Lobster like freshwater crustacean`crayfish
Lobsters have blue`blood
Local or general insensibility to pain with or without the loss of consciousness, induced by an anesthetic`anesthesia
Located ahead or in advance: 'kept her eye on the ------- horizon.'`forward
Located at a distance from the shore: 'an -------- mooring: -------- oil-drilling platforms.'`offshore
Located in front`opponent
Located in northern Arizona, established as a national monument in 1908 & as a national park in 1919`grand canyon national park
Located in or inhabiting a wood or forest`silvan
Located in or inhabiting a wood or forest`sylvan
located in the western yukon at 19,850 feet, it is canada's highest point`mount logan
Located on, around, or in the direction of an axis`axial
Located on, in, or near the head`cephalic
Located on the shore: 'an ------- beacon: an ------- patrol.'`onshore
Located or residing in a suburb`suburban
Lockiophobia is the fear of`childbirth
Lockjaw is another name for which disease`tetanus
Logan airport serves which US city`boston
Logan County, Colorado law states that it is illegal to kiss a woman while she is ______.`asleep
Logic. A class of objects divided into subordinate species having certain common attributes`genus
Logic. A proposition obtained by conversion`converse
Logic. Contradictory: inconsistent`repugnant
Logic. One of the propositions in a deductive argument`premise
Logic. The relationship of contradictory terms: inconsistency`repugnance
Logic. The word or set of words that serves as a link between the subject and predicate of a proposition`copula
Logic. To limit the variables of (a proposition) by prefixing an operator such as all or some`quantified
Logic : You are in a room where all walls face south. A bear walks by. What color is it`white
Logizomechanophobia is a fear of ______`computers
Logizomechanophobia is the fear of`computers
Logo is dervied from the greek word meaning what`word
Logophobia is a fear of ______`words
Logophobia is the fear of`words
Loincloth worn by male Hindus`dhoti
Lome is the capital of ______`togo
London boasts the oldest public museum in the world, founded in 1753. Which is it`The British Museum
London's Great Exhibition`albert hall
Londons red double decker buses are painted with which other colour running in a horizontal stripe round the middle`cream
lone nyc cop against a highrise full of baddies.`die hard
Long before Starship, this group hit the San Francisco Scene`The Jefferson Airplane
long before starship, which group hit the san francisco scene`jefferson airplane
Long billed wading bird with a musical cry`curlew
Long: '-----biotics.'`macro
Long bridge carrying railway or road over valley`viaduct
Long case clock are the proper name for what`grandfather clocks
Longest reigning empress of Russia`catherine the great
longest river in the southern hemisphere`answer amazon
Longest river of Asia, in China, about 5526 km (about 3434 mi) in length`yangtze
Long green fleshy fruit used in salads`cucumber
Long handled metal cooking pot`skillet
Long handled spoon for serving liquids`ladle
Long light narrow sledge for sliding downhill`toboggan
Long necked Indian lute`sitar
Long necked long legged wading bird`heron
Long pointed tooth projecting beyond mouth`tusk
Long, straight, and limp: '---- and floppy hair.'`lank
Long-suffering: patient`enduring
Long thin cigar`panatella
longtime companions loni anderson & burt reynolds marry in _____`florida
Long tubular Australian Aboriginal musical instrument`didgeridoo
Long tusked amphibious arctic mammal`walrus
Long What was Dorothy's aunt's name in The Wizard of Oz`aunt em
Lonnie Donnegan asked his listeners this strange question`Does Your Chewing Gum Lose It's Flavor On The Bedpost Overnight
'Look at me, I'm as helpless as a kitten up a tree' begins which Burke & Garner song`misty
"Look for the light behind every ---------."- Robert Schuler`shadow
looks like rain: what's the boundary between two air masses called`a front
Look, up in the sky: How many months does it take the moon to revolve around the Earth`One
look, up in the sky: which of the planets has the shortest year`mercury
Loony Laws: Where is it illegal to cross state lines with a duck on your head`Minnesota
Loose Lucy is my...`delight
Loose thick usually cotton trousers worn for sports or leisurewear`sweatpants
Lord Byron had a @@@@ foot`Club
lord, have mercy: what does god create in the first sentence of the bible`heaven and earth
Lord Irvine's title is associated with which place`lairg
Lord of the Rings: According to the LOR poem, where do shadows lie`in the land of mordor
Lord of the Rings: Frodo is chosen to deliver The Ring into the heart of what`mount doom
Lord of the Rings: From whom did Bilbo obtain The Ring`gollum
Lord of the Rings: Gandalf's elven name.`mithrandir
Lord of the Rings: What is the name of Gandalf's horse`shadowfax
Lord of the Rings: What is the name of Gandalf's ring`narya the great
Lord of the Rings: What were the last words spoken in LOR`well im back
Lord of the Rings: Who had decieved the Lord of Rohan for a number of years`wormtongue
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Algeria`2
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Australia`12
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Austria`1
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Belgium`2
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Brazil`2
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Cameroon`1
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Canada`16
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: China`9
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Colombia`0
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Denmark`3
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Dominic Republic`1
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Egypt`0
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Finland`6
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: France`15
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Great Britain`7
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Greece`1
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Iceland`1
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Ireland`0
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Italy`12
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Ivory Coast`0
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Jamaica`2
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Japan`14
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Kenya`1
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Mexico`1
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Morocco`0
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Netherlands`6
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: New Zealand`2
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Nigeria`1
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Norway`2
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Pakistan`0
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Peru`0
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Portugal`2
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Puerto Rico`1
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Romania`17
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Spain`2
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Sweden`6
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Switzerland`4
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Syria`0
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Taiwan`1
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Thailand`0
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Turkey`3
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: United States`30
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Venezuela`3
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: West Germany`23
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Yugoslavia`7
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Zambia`1
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Algeria`0
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Australia`4
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Austria`1
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Belgium`1
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Brazil`1
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Cameroon`0
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Canada`10
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: China`15
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Colombia`0
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Denmark`0
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Dominic Republic`0
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Egypt`0
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Finland`4
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: France`5
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Great Britain`5
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Greece`0
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Iceland`0
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Ireland`0
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Italy`14
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Ivory Coast`0
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Jamaica`0
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Japan`10
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Kenya`1
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Mexico`2
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Morocco`2
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Netherlands`5
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: New Zealand`8
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Nigeria`0
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Norway`0
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Pakistan`1
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Peru`0
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Portugal`1
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Puerto Rico`0
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Romania`20
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Spain`1
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Sweden`2
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Switzerland`0
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Syria`0
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Taiwan`0
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Thailand`0
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Turkey`0
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: United States`83
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Venezuela`0
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: West Germany`17
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Yugoslavia`7
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Zambia`0
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Algeria`2
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Australia`24
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Austria`3
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Belgium`4
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Brazil`8
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Cameroon`1
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Canada`44
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: China`32
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Colombia`1
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Denmark`6
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Dominic Republic`1
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Egypt`1
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Finland`13
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: France`27
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Great Britain`19
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Greece`2
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Iceland`1
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Ireland`1
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Italy`32
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Ivory Coast`1
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Jamaica`3
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Japan`32
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Kenya`2
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Mexico`6
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Morocco`2
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Netherlands`13
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: New Zealand`11
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Nigeria`2
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Norway`3
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Pakistan`1
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Peru`1
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Portugal`3
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Puerto Rico`2
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Romania`53
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Spain`5
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Sweden`19
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Switzerland`8
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Syria`1
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Taiwan`1
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Thailand`1
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Turkey`3
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: United States`174
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Venezuela`3
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: West Germany`59
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Yugoslavia`18
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Zambia`1
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Algeria`0
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Australia`8
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Austria`1
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Belgium`1
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Brazil`5
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Cameroon`0
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Canada`18
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: China`8
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Colombia`1
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Denmark`3
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Dominic Republic`0
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Egypt`1
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Finland`2
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: France`7
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Great Britain`11
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Greece`1
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Iceland`0
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Ireland`1
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Italy`6
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Ivory Coast`1
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Jamaica`1
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Japan`8
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Kenya`0
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Mexico`3
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Morocco`0
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Netherlands`8
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: New Zealand`1
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Nigeria`1
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Norway`1
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Pakistan`0
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Peru`1
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Portugal`0
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Puerto Rico`1
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Romania`16
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Spain`2
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Sweden`11
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Switzerland`4
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Syria`1
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Taiwan`0
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Thailand`1
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Turkey`0
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: United States`61
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Venezuela`0
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: West Germany`19
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Yugoslavia`4
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Zambia`0
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total`cameroon
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total`dominic republic
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total`iceland
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total`taiwan
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total`zambia
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 2 Bronze, 2 in Total`algeria
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 3 Bronze, 3 in Total`turkey
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 3 Bronze, 3 in Total`venezuela
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total`colombia
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total`egypt
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total`ireland
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total`ivory coast
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total`peru
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total`syria
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total`thailand
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 2 in Total`greece
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 2 in Total`nigeria
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 2 in Total`puerto rico
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 2 Bronze, 3 in Total`jamaica
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 2 Bronze, 3 in Total`norway
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 3 Silver, 3 Bronze, 6 in Total`denmark
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 4 Silver, 4 Bronze, 8 in Total`switzerland
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 10 Gold, 18 Silver, 16 Bronze, 44 in Total`canada
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 10 Gold, 8 Silver, 14 Bronze, 32 in Total`japan
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 14 Gold, 6 Silver, 12 Bronze, 32 in Total`italy
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 15 Gold, 8 Silver, 9 Bronze, 32 in Total`china
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 17 Gold, 19 Silver, 23 Bronze, 59 in Total`west germany
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total`pakistan
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 2 in Total`kenya
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 2 Bronze, 3 in Total`portugal
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 3 in Total`austria
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 2 Bronze, 4 in Total`belgium
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 2 Silver, 2 Bronze, 5 in Total`spain
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 5 Silver, 2 Bronze, 8 in Total`brazil
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 20 Gold, 16 Silver, 17 Bronze, 53 in Total`romania
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 2 Gold, 0 Silver, 0 Bronze, 2 in Total`morocco
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 2 Gold, 11 Silver, 6 Bronze, 19 in Total`sweden
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 2 Gold, 3 Silver, 1 Bronze, 6 in Total`mexico
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 4 Gold, 2 Silver, 6 Bronze, 13 in Total`finland
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 4 Gold, 8 Silver, 12 Bronze, 24 in Total`australia
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 5 Gold, 11 Silver, 7 Bronze, 19 in Total`great britain
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 5 Gold, 7 Silver, 15 Bronze, 27 in Total`france
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 5 Gold, 8 Silver, 6 Bronze, 13 in Total`netherlands
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 7 Gold, 4 Silver, 7 Bronze, 18 in Total`yugoslavia
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 83 Gold, 61 Silver, 30 Bronze, 174 in Total`united states
Los Angeles 1984 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 8 Gold, 1 Silver, 2 Bronze, 11 in Total`new zealand
Loss or abridgment of freedom`restraint
------------------- lost 41 of his 98-men crew to scurvy (a lack of vitamin C) on his first voyage to the South Pacific in 1768. By 1795, the importance of eating citrus was realized, and lemon juice was issued on all British Navy ships.`captain cook
Lot's wife turned back to look at Sodom and was turned into what`pillar of salt
lottery commence in britain`1994
Loud and full: boisterous: '---------- laughter.'`uproarious
Loud and unrestrained in a way that suggests thunder: '---------- applause.'`thunderous
Loud, noisy, and lacking in restraint or discipline. vociferous`boisterous
Loudspeaker for low frequencies`woofer
"Louis, 1 think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship" are the last words of which film`casablanca
Louisiana &amp: Southern Mississippi. A streambed, often dry according to the season`coulee
Louisiana is another state, that bears the mark of Robert Cavelier Sieur de La Salle. The first European to descend the Mississippi River to the delta, this French explorer named the area La Louisianne after who in 1682`Louis XIV of France
"Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship" are the last words of which film`casablanca
Louis Pasteur developed a vaccine for what`rabies
Louis "Satchmo" Armstrong, jazz trumpeter and singer, died in New York at what age`seventy one
louis "satchmo" armstrong, jazz trumpeter and singer, died in new york at what age`seventy one`71
louis "satchmo" armstrong, jazz trumpeter and singer, died in new york at what age`seventy one`washroom
Louis "Satchmo" Armstrong, jazz trumpeter & singer, died in New York at what age`seventy one
Louis, thinks this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship are the last words of which film`casablanca
Louis xvi was guillotined in 1732, 1793 or 1842`1793
love and marriage: what does the male praying mantis lose to the female after mating`his head
Love bites was sung by?`Def Leppard
love in bloom was the theme song of this comedy show.`jack benny show
"Love is like a -----------. It goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes."- Unknown`butterfly
"Love is the triumph of imagination over -------------."- H. L. Mencken`intelligence
Love Languages: "Ik Hou Van Jou" in Utrecht`dutch
Love Languages: "Je T'aime' in Nancy`french
Love Languages: "Szeretlek Te'ged" in Budapest`hungarian
Love Languages: "Te Amo" in Vatican City`latin
Love Languages: "Ya tebe kokhayu" in Kiev`ukrainian
love reminds pussycat of a song`georgie
love, shine a light was the 1997 eurovision winner for the uk, who performed it`katrina and the waves
Love Songs: According to Voice of the Beehive this is a flame from the devil's fire.`the beat of love
Love Songs: Elvis Costello asked,"What's so funny 'bout _____ ____ ___ _____________"`peace love and understanding
Love Songs: Lenny Kravitz song recorded by Madonna`justify my love
Love Songs: Song covered by Voice of the Beehive that asks "What am I so afraid of"`i think i love you
Love Songs: Song that says "if I seem a little strange, well that's because I am" what`unloveable
Love Songs: Squeeze song "beat me up with your letters with your walk out notes"`is that love
Love Songs: The Pretenders asked to be talk to with one of these.`a message of love
Love Songs: The Pretenders covered this song for the movie _Indecent Proposal_.`im not in love
Love Songs: Type of love Howard Jones was looking for when he needed a friend & a lover`everlasting love
Love what does encephalitus affect`brain
Low area between hills`valley
Low: despicable`worthless
lowest melting point of any metal`mercury
Low in sound: hushed or subdued`still
Low in spirits: depressed. depressed`downcast
Low or lower in quality, value, or estimation: '-------- craft: felt -------- to his older sibling.'`inferior
Low pitched brass wind instrument`tuba
lt dax came out the worm hole by herself, how did she come out?`inside an orb
luanda is the capital of ______`angola
Luanda is the capital of which African country`angola
Luang prabang was the capital of ______`laos
Lucifer is latin for`light bringer
Ludicrously odd, unlikely, or inappropriate`screwy
Ludicrous: nonsensical: 'gave me a ---------- reason for not going.'`cockamamie
Luiphobia is the fear of`lues, syphillis
Luis Marcus, a San Francisco cosmetic manufacturer invented which popular hair accessory`The bobbypin
Luke Vandervelde is the new head of which retail business`marks & spencer
Luke Vandervelde is the new head of which retail business`marks & spencer`marks and spencer
Lumber cut for studs`studdings
Lunar revolutionary who hated the handle `Why not'`wyoming knott
Lurid or sensational`tabloid
lusaka is the capital of ______`zambia
Lustful: bawdy`salacious
Lutetia was the Roman name for which European city`paris
Lutraphobia is the fear of ____`otters
Luxembourg is the capital of ______`luxembourg
Lygophobia is the fear of`darkness
Lying beyond or outside the area of immediate interest`ulterior
Lying, leaning, or resting on something else: '--------- rock strata.'`incumbent
Lynyrd Skynyrd wrote "Sweet Home Alabama" in answer to what song by Neil Young`southern man
lyrics: a cloud appears above your head a beam of light comes shining down on you`i ran
Lyrics: A cloud appears above your head a beam of light comes shining down on you`I Ran A Flock of Seagulls
lyrics: across the north and south to key largo love for sale`smooth operator
Lyrics: Across the north and south to Key Largo love for sale`Smooth Operator Sade
lyrics: ain't got no gal to make you smile`don't worry be happy
lyrics: a little flesh a little history`one night in bangkok
Lyrics: A little flesh a little history`One Night in Bangkok Murray Head
lyrics: all the cops in the donut shop say way-o way-o`walk like an egyptian
Lyrics: All the cops in the donut Shop say way-o way-o`Walk Like An Egyptian The Bangles
lyrics: all the doors i closed on time will open up again`back in the high life again
Lyrics: All the doors I closed on time will open up again`Back In The High Life Again Steve Winwood
lyrics: all you sittin' in high places the rain's gonna fall on you`all you zombies
Lyrics: All you sittin' in high places the rain's gonna fall on you`All You Zombies Hooters
lyrics: always spoke my mind with a gun in my hand`ride like the wind
lyrics: and even though i wander i'm keepin you in sight you're a candle in the wind on a cold dark winters night`can't fight this feeling
Lyrics: And even though I wander I'm keepin you in sight you're a candle in the wind on a cold dark winters night`Can't Fight This Feeling REO Speedwagon
lyrics: and heart to heart you win if ya survive`the warrior
Lyrics: And heart to heart you win if ya survive`The Warrior Scandal w/ Patty Smyth
Lyrics: 'and he's bad bad _____ _____ (jim croce)`leroy brown
lyrics: and if this world runs out of lovers we'll still have each other`nothing can stop us now
Lyrics: And if this world runs out of lovers we'll still have each other`Nothing Can Stop Us Now Starship
lyrics: and i had a feeling i could be someone be someone be someone`fast car
Lyrics: And I had a feeling I could be someone be someone be someone`Fast Car Tracy Chapman
lyrics: and incidents arose from circumstance`heat of the moment
Lyrics: And incidents arose from circumstance`Heat Of The Moment Asia
lyrics: and i remember how we'd play simply waste the day away`our house
lyrics: and it's true we are immune when fact is fiction and tv reality`sunday bloody sunday
Lyrics: And it's true we are immune when fact is fiction and TV reality`Sunday Bloody Sunday U2
lyrics: and i've never been a loser and i just can't lose tonight`winning it all
Lyrics: And I've never been a loser and I just can't lose tonight`Winning It All The Outfield
Lyrics: And mama always told me be careful what you do don't go around breaking young girls' hearts`Billie Jean Michael Jackson
lyrics: and she's lovin him with that body i just know it`jessie's girl
Lyrics: And she's lovin him with that body I just know it`Jessie's Girl Rick Springfield
lyrics: and the best thing you've ever done for me is to help me take my life less seriously it's only life after all`closer to fine
Lyrics: And the best thing you've ever done for me is to help me take my life less seriously it's only life after all`Closer to Fine Indigo Girls
lyrics: and then the conversation turned until the sun went down`keep feelin' fascination
Lyrics: And then the conversation turned until the sun went down`Keep Feelin' Fascination Human League
lyrics: and there's a heart that's breaking down this long distance line tonight`missin' you
Lyrics: And there's a heart that's breaking down this long distance line tonight`Missin' You John Waite
lyrics: and though she will mess up your life you want her just the same`invisible touch
Lyrics: And though she will mess up your life you want her just the same`Invisible Touch Genesis
lyrics: and when the night is cold and dark you can't see you can't see light`never surrender
Lyrics: And when the night is cold and dark you can't see you can't see light`Never Surrender Corey Hart
lyrics: and when we hear the voices sing the book of love will open up and let us in`broken wings
Lyrics: And when we hear the voices sing the book of love will open up and let us in`Broken Wings Mr. Mister
lyrics: and you may say to yourself my god what have i done`once in a lifetime
Lyrics: And you may say to yourself My god what have I done?`Once In a Lifetime Talking Heads
lyrics: and your friends don't dance and if they don't dance well they're no friends of mine`safety dance
Lyrics: And your friends don't dance and if they don't dance well they're no friends of mine`Safety Dance Men Without Hats
lyrics: animals strike curious poses`when doves cry
Lyrics: Animals strike curious poses`When Doves Cry Prince
lyrics: an invisible man sleeping in your bed`ghostbusters
Lyrics: An invisible man sleeping in your bed`Ghostbusters Ray Parker Jr.
lyrics: an invisible man sleepin' in your bed..`ghostbusters
Lyrics: An invisible man sleepin' in your bed...`Ghostbusters by Ray Parker Jr.
lyrics: another kiss and you'll be mine one track mind!`addicted to love
Lyrics: Another kiss and you'll be mine one track mind!`Addicted to Love Robert Palmer
lyrics: are you happy are you satisfied how long can you stand the heat`another one bites the dust
Lyrics: Are you happy are you satisfied how long can you stand the heat`Another One Bites The Dust Queen
lyrics: are you more than hot for me or am i a page in your history book`straight up
Lyrics: Are you more than hot for me or am I a page in your history book`Straight Up Paula Abdul
lyrics: as god has shown us by turning stone to bread`we are the world
Lyrics: As God has shown us by turning stone to bread`We Are the World USA for Africa
lyrics: at night i wake up with the sheets soaking wet and a freight train running through the middle of my head`i'm on fire
Lyrics: At night I wake up with the sheets soaking wet and a freight train running through the middle of my head`I'm on Fire Bruce Springsteen
lyrics: at this moment you mean everything!`come on eileen
Lyrics: At this moment you mean everything!`Come On Eileen Dexys Midnight Runners
Lyrics: A week without you but I forget two weeks without you and I still haven't gotten over you yet`Vacation The Go-Go's
lyrics: baby baby when i look at you i get a warm feeling inside`i feel for you
Lyrics: Baby baby when I look at you I get a warm feeling inside`I Feel For You Chaka Khan
lyrics: been workin so hard. i'm punchin my card`footloose
Lyrics: Been workin so hard. I'm punchin my card`Footloose Kenny Loggins
Lyrics: Before I put another notch in my lipstick case you better make sure you put me in my place!`Hit Me With Your Best Shot Pat Benatar
lyrics: bermuda bahama come on pretty mama`kokomo
Lyrics: Bermuda Bahama come on pretty mama`Kokomo The Beach Boys
lyrics: better make it fast or else i'm gonna get pissed`push it
Lyrics: Better make it fast or else I'm gonna get pissed`Push It Salt-N-Pepa
lyrics: but i am held in some invisible vice and i can't get away`to live and die in l.a.
Lyrics: But I am held in some invisible vice and I can't get away`To Live and Die in L.A. Wang Chung
lyrics: but it's worth it all to hear them say that they care`she works hard for the money
lyrics: but now it's over the moment's gone`i just died in your arms
lyrics: but somewhere sometime when you're curious i'll be back around`you might think
Lyrics: But somewhere sometime when you're curious I'll be back around`You Might Think The Cars
lyrics: but whatever road you choose i'm right behind you win or lose`forever young
Lyrics: But whatever road you choose I'm right behind you win or lose`Forever Young Rod Stewart
lyrics: but when i win your heart i'm gonna paint it cherry red`midnight blue
Lyrics: But when I win your heart I'm gonna paint it cherry red`Midnight Blue Lou Gramm
lyrics: but when the wrong word goes in the right ear i know you been lyin' to me`one thing leads to another
Lyrics: But when the wrong word goes in the right ear I know you been lyin' to me`One Thing Leads To Another The Fixx
lyrics: buying bread from a man in brussels he was 6 foot 4 and full a muscles`down under
Lyrics: Buying bread from a man in Brussels he was 6 foot 4 and full a muscles`Down Under Men At Work
lyrics: by order of the prophet we ban that boogie sound`rock the casbah
Lyrics: By order of the prophet we ban that boogie sound.`Rock The Casbah The Clash
Lyrics: Can make it I know I can. You broke the boy in me but you won't break the man`Man in Motion St. Elmo's Fire John Parr
lyrics: can make it i know i can. you broke the boy in me but you won't break the man`st. elmo's fire
lyrics: can't get food for the kid`electric avenue
Lyrics: Can't get food for the kid`Electric Avenue Eddy Grant
lyrics: can you hear them they talk about us telling lies well that's no surprise`our lips are sealed
Lyrics: Can you hear them? They talk about us telling lies well that's no surprise`Our Lips Are Sealed The Go-Go's
lyrics: caught up in the action i've been looking out for you`the heat is on
Lyrics: Caught up in the action I've been looking out for you`The Heat Is On Glenn Frey
lyrics: couldn't see how much i missed you now i do`only in my dreams
Lyrics: Couldn't see how much I missed you now I do`Only In My Dreams Debbie Gibson
lyrics: crazy little woman in a one man show`pour some sugar on me
Lyrics: Crazy little woman in a one man show`Pour Some Sugar On Me Def Leppard
lyrics: daddy says she's too young but she's old enough for me`seventeen
Lyrics: Daddy says she's too young but she's old enough for me`Seventeen Winger
lyrics: darken the city night is a wire steam in the subway earth is afire`hungry like the wolf
Lyrics: Darken the city night is a wire steam in the subway earth is afire`Hungry Like The Wolf Duran Duran
lyrics: darlin' in my wildest dreams i never thought i'd go`harden my heart
Lyrics: Darlin' in my wildest dreams I never thought I'd go`Harden My Heart Quarterflash
lyrics: deals dope out of denny's/keeps a table in the back`welcome to the boomtown
lyrics: didn't know how lost i was until i found you`like a virgin
Lyrics: Didn't know how lost I was until I found you`Like A Virgin Madonna
lyrics: did you really think about it before you made the rules`the way it is
Lyrics: Did you really think about it before you made the rules`The Way It Is Bruce Hornsby and the Range
lyrics: distant eyes losin ground i'm reachin for you you you`seprate ways
Lyrics: Distant eyes losin ground I'm reachin for you you you`Seprate Ways Journey
lyrics: don't drink don't smoke what do ya do`goody two shoes
Lyrics: Don't drink Don't smoke what do ya do?`Goody Two Shoes Adam Ant
lyrics: don't go around breaking young girls' hearts`billie jean
Lyrics: Don't go around breaking young girls' hearts`Billie Jean Michael Jackson
lyrics: don't let go while i'm hangin' on 'cause i been hangin' on so long`jeopardy
Lyrics: Don't let go while I'm hangin' on 'cause I been hangin' on so long`Jeopardy Greg Kihn
lyrics: don't take money don't take fame don't need no credit card to ride this train`power of love
Lyrics: Don't take money don't take fame don't need no credit card to ride this train`Power Of Love Huey Lewis and the News
lyrics: don't wanna be a girl like that do you wanna see a grown man cry`naughty naughty
Lyrics: Don't wanna be a girl like that do you wanna see a grown man cry?`Naughty Naughty John Parr
lyrics: don't want no captain crunch don't want no raisin bran`eat it
Lyrics: Don't want no Captain Crunch don't want no raisin bran`Eat It Weird Al Yankovic
lyrics: don't wish it away don't look at it like this forever`i guess that's why they call it the blues
Lyrics: Don't wish it away don't look at it like this forever`I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues Elton John
lyrics: do you ever dream of me do you ever see the letters that i write`nikita
lyrics: do your fancy dances`the stroke
Lyrics: Do your fancy dances`The Stroke Billy Squire
lyrics: drawn into the stream of undefined illusion`something about you
lyrics: dream of better lives the kind which never hate`melt with you
Lyrics: Dream of better lives the kind which never hate`Melt With You Modern English
lyrics: dreams stay with you like a lover's voice fires the mountainside`in a big country
Lyrics: Dreams stay with you like a lover's voice fires the mountainside`In A Big Country Big Country
lyrics: dressed up like a million-dollar trooper`puttin' on the ritz
Lyrics: Dressed up like a million-dollar trooper`Puttin' On The Ritz Taco
lyrics: earth below us drifting falling floating weightless`major tom
Lyrics: Earth below us drifting falling floating weightless`Major Tom Coming Home Peter Schilling
lyrics: easy ready willing overtime`can't go for that
Lyrics: Easy ready willing overtime`Can't Go For That Hall and Oates
lyrics: emotions come i don't why/cover up love's alibi`call me
lyrics: ever since you've been leaving me i've been wanting to cry`much too late for goodbyes
Lyrics: Ever since you've been leaving me I've been wanting to cry`Much Too Late For Goodbyes Julian Lennon
lyrics: every claim you stake i'll be watching you`every breath you take
Lyrics: Every claim you stake I'll be watching you`Every Breath You Take The Police
lyrics: every day is christmas and every night is a new year's eve`the sweetest taboo
Lyrics: Every day is Christmas and every night is a New Year's Eve`The Sweetest Taboo Sade
lyrics: everyone you meet they're jamming in the streets`all night long
Lyrics: Everyone you meet they're jamming in the streets`All Night Long Lionel Richie
lyrics: everything you do is quite angelicate`why can't i be you
Lyrics: Everything you do is quite angelicate`Why Can't I Be You The Cure
lyrics: every time he pulls me near i just wanna cheer`let's hear it for the boy
Lyrics: Every time he pulls me near I just wanna cheer`Let's Hear It For The Boy Denise Williams
lyrics: every time i see you falling i get down on my knees and pray`bizarre love triangle
Lyrics: Every time I see you falling I get down on my knees and pray`Bizarre Love Triangle New Order
lyrics: every time i think of you i always catch my breath`missing you
Lyrics: Every time I think of you I always catch my breath`Missing You John Waite
lyrics: every time you call my name i heat up like a burnin' flame`abracadabra
Lyrics: Every time you call my name I heat up like a burnin' flame`Abracadabra Steve Miller
lyrics: excuse me for the moment i'm at a loss for words`don't disturb this groove
lyrics: eyes that look like heaven lips like cherry wine`elvira
lyrics: feel like i could run away run away from this empty heart`shattered dreams
Lyrics: Feel like I could run away run away from this empty heart`Shattered Dreams Johnny Hates Jazz
lyrics: food is served and you're stone cold munchin'`bust a move
Lyrics: Food is served and you're stone cold munchin'`Bust a Move Young MC
lyrics: for every minute i have to work i need a minute of play`turn up the radio
Lyrics: For every minute I have to work I need a minute of play`Turn Up the Radio Autograph
lyrics: from frustration first inclination is to become a monk and leave the situation`bust a move
lyrics: get out quick 'cause seein' is believin'`easy lover
Lyrics: Get out quick 'cause seein' is believin'`Easy Lover Philip Bailey and Phil Collins
lyrics: get to know the feeling of liberation and relief or release`don't dream it's over
lyrics: get up get up get up get up let's make love tonight`sexual healing
Lyrics: Get up get up get up get up let's make love tonight`Sexual Healing Marvin Gaye
lyrics: goddess on the mountain top`venus
Lyrics: Goddess on the mountain top`Venus Bananarama
lyrics: good things might come to those who wait but not for those who wait too late`just the two of us
lyrics: got in a little hometown jam so they put a rifle in my hand`born in the u.s.a.
Lyrics: Got in a little hometown jam so they put a rifle in my hand`Born in the U.S.A. Bruce Springsteen
lyrics: guess i should a known by the way you parked your car sideways that it wouldn't last`little red corvette
Lyrics: Guess I should a known by the way you parked your car sideways that it wouldn't last`Little Red Corvette Prince
lyrics: had a premonition that he shouldn't of gone alone`smugglers blues
Lyrics: Had a premonition that he shouldn't of gone alone`Smugglers Blues Glenn Frey
lyrics: happiness is so hard to find`i can't wait
lyrics: have some more chicken have some more pie`eat it
Lyrics: Have some more chicken have some more pie`Eat It Weird Al Yankovic
lyrics: heirs of the cold war tbat's what we've become. inherited troubles i'm mentally numb`crazy train
Lyrics: Heirs of the cold war tbat's what we've become. Inherited troubles I'm mentally numb.`Crazy Train Ozzy Osbourne
lyrics: he plays a melody born to tear me all apart`piano in the dark
lyrics: her hair reminds me of a warn safe place where as a child i'd lie`sweet child of mine
Lyrics: Her hair reminds me of a warn safe place where as a child I'd lie`Sweet Child Of Mine Guns N' Roses
Lyrics: He's licking his lips he's ready to win on the hunt tonight for love at first sting`Rock You Like a Hurricane Scorpions
lyrics: he's the one that makes ya feel alright`dr. feelgood
Lyrics: He's the one that makes ya feel alright`Dr. Feelgood Mtley Cre
lyrics: he turned to me as if to say hurry boy it's waiting there for you`africa
Lyrics: He turned to me as if to say Hurry boy it's waiting there for you`Africa Toto
lyrics: he wants me but only part of the time`voices carry
Lyrics: He wants me but only part of the time`Voices Carry 'Til Tuesday
lyrics: i am the maker of rules dealing with fools`eye in the sky
Lyrics: I am the maker of rules dealing with fools`Eye In The Sky Alan Parsons Project
Lyrics: 'I am woman, ____ __ ____ (helen reddy)`hear me roar
lyrics: i asked the doctor to take your picture so i could look at you from inside as well`turning japanese
Lyrics: I asked the doctor to take your picture so I could look at you from inside as well`Turning Japanese Vapors
lyrics: i buy you champagne and roses put diamonds on your finger`party all the time
Lyrics: I buy you champagne and roses put diamonds on your finger`Party All the Time Eddie Murphy
lyrics: i can feel her comin' from a mile away`and we danced
Lyrics: I can feel her comin' from a mile away`And We Danced Hooters
lyrics: i can hear you comin' i know what you're after`lunatic fringe
Lyrics: I can hear you comin' I know what you're after`Lunatic Fringe Red Ryder
lyrics: i can see a new horizon underneath the blazin' sky`man in motion
Lyrics: I can see a new horizon underneath the blazin' sky`Man In Motion John Parr
lyrics: i can see the sun in win-ter-time`in a big country
Lyrics: I can see the sun in Win-ter-time`In a Big Country Big Country
lyrics: i can see your face in the mirrors of my mind`valotte
Lyrics: I can see your face in the mirrors of my mind`Valotte Julian Lennon
lyrics: i can't get any rest people say i'm obsessed`she drives me crazy
Lyrics: I can't get any rest people say I'm obsessed`She Drives Me Crazy Fine Young Cannibals
lyrics: i can't help recalling how it felt to kiss and hold you tight`always something there to remind me
Lyrics: I can't help recalling how it felt to kiss and hold you tight`Always Something There To Remind Me Naked Eyes
lyrics: i can't sleep at night i toss and turn`every little step
Lyrics: I can't sleep at night I toss and turn`Every Little Step Bobby Brown
lyrics: i can't understand what makes a man hate another man`people are people
Lyrics: I can't understand what makes a man hate another man`People Are People Depeche Mode
lyrics: i can wait another day until i call you`no more lonely nights
Lyrics: I can wait another day until I call you`No More Lonely Nights Paul McCartney
lyrics: i don't know what you expect staring into the tv set`burning down the house
Lyrics: I don't know what you expect staring into the TV set`Burning Down The House Talking Heads
lyrics: i don't know where i'm goin' but i sure know where i've been`here i go again
Lyrics: I don't know where I'm goin' but I sure know where I've been`Here I Go Again Whitesnake
lyrics: i don't worry 'cause my wallet's fat`sharp dressed man
Lyrics: I don't worry 'cause my wallet's fat`Sharp Dressed Man ZZ Top
Lyrics: 'I feel the ___ ___ under my feet (carole king)`earth move
lyrics: i find myself telling you things i don't even tell my best friends`lost in emotion
lyrics: i follow where my mind goes`love my way
Lyrics: I follow where my mind goes`Love My Way The Psychedelic Furs
lyrics: if you'd stay i'd subtract twenty years from my life`at this moment
lyrics: if you got the money honey we got your disease`welcome to the jungle
Lyrics: If you got the money honey we got your disease`Welcome to the Jungle Guns N' Roses
lyrics: if you say goodbye to me tonight there will still be music left to write`longest time
Lyrics: If you say goodbye to me tonight there will still be music left to write`Longest Time Billy Joel
lyrics: if you want to find all the cops they're hanging out in the donut shop`walk like an egyptian
Lyrics: If you want to find all the cops they're hanging out in the donut shop`Walk Like An Egyptian The Bangles
lyrics: if you won't take my kisses in the night then,`jump
Lyrics: If you won't take my kisses in the night then,`Jump The Pointer Sisters
lyrics: i got a mouth like an alligator`bang your head
lyrics: i got a picture of you- ahh-ha-ahh-ha-ah-ah woh-oh-woh-oh`back on the chain gang
Lyrics: I got a picture of you- ahh-ha-ahh-ha-ah-ah woh-oh-woh-oh`Back on the Chain Gang The Pretenders
lyrics: i got nine lives cat's eyes using every one of them and runnin' wild`back in black
lyrics: i had a friend was a big baseball player back in high school`glory days
Lyrics: I had a friend was a big baseball player back in high school`Glory Days Bruce Springsteen
lyrics: i had a whiskey on the rocks and change of a dollar for the jukebox`rock this town
Lyrics: I had a whiskey on the rocks and change of a dollar for the jukebox`Rock This Town The Stray Cats
Lyrics: I have a picture pinned to my wall`Hold Me Now The Thompson Twins
lyrics: i i was standing you were there`never tear us apart
Lyrics: I I was standing you were there`Never Tear Us Apart INXS
lyrics: i just have to look good/i don't have to be clear`dirty laundry
lyrics: i knew he must a been about seventeen`i love rock 'n' roll
Lyrics: I knew he must a been about seventeen`I Love Rock 'n' Roll Joan Jett
Lyrics: I knew right from the beginning that you would end up winnin' I knew right from the start you'd put an arrow through my heart`Round and Round Ratt
Lyrics: I know a good thing must come to an end but it's hard to take losing a friend`I Know There's Something Going On Frida
lyrics: i know a guy who's tough but sweet. he's so fine he can't be beat`i want candy
Lyrics: I know a guy who's tough but sweet. He's so fine he can't be beat.`I Want Candy Bow Wow Wow
Lyrics: I know a guy who's tough but sweet. He's so fine he can't be beat.`I Want Candy Bow Wow WowMusic : 70's Chart Toppers: Name The Artist: Autobahn`kraftwerk
lyrics: i know a guy who's tough but sweet`i want candy
Lyrics: I know a guy who's tough but sweet`I Want Candy Bow Wow Wow originally done by The Strangeloves
lyrics: i know a place where we can dance the whole night away underneath electric stars`rhythm of the night
Lyrics: I know a place where we can dance the whole night away underneath electric stars`Rhythm Of The Night DeBarge
lyrics: i know her love is true but it's so damn easy makin' love to you`run to you
Lyrics: I know her love is true but it's so damn easy makin' love to you`Run To You Bryan Adams
lyrics: i know i've been wearin' crazy clothes/and i look pretty crappy sometimes`you better you bet
lyrics: i know just how to whisper and i know just how to cry`makin' love out of nothing at all
Lyrics: I know just how to whisper and I know just how to cry`Makin' Love Out Of Nothing At All Air Supply
Lyrics: I know when to pull you closer and I know when to let you loose`Maing' Love Out Of Nothing At All Air Supply
lyrics: i know when to pull you closer and i know when to let you loose`making' love out of nothing at all
lyrics: i know you'll soon recover/me i go from one extreme to another`look of love
lyrics: i know you really want to tell me goodbye`stop draggin' my heart around
Lyrics: I know you really want to tell me goodbye`Stop Draggin' My Heart Around Stevie Nicks
lyrics: i know you're not mine anymore-anyway-anytime`i keep forgettin
lyrics: i know your plans don't include me`we've got tonite
lyrics: i'll be alone dancin you know it baby`don't you forget about me
Lyrics: I'll be alone dancin you know it baby`Don't You Forget About Me Simple Minds
lyrics: i'll be anything you need`sledgehammer
lyrics: i'll be back when i found my fears and i'll see you again in a thousand years`love's been a little bit hard on me
Lyrics: I'll be back when I found my fears and I'll see you again in a thousand years`Love's Been A Little Bit Hard On Me Juice Newton
lyrics: i'll be stretching my mouth to let those big words come right out`big time
Lyrics: I'll be stretching my mouth to let those big words come right out`Big Time Peter Gabriel
lyrics: i'll be your friend i'll help you carry on`lean on me
Lyrics: I'll be your friend I'll help you carry on`Lean On Me Club Nouveau
lyrics: i'll kick you out of my home if you don't cut that hair`fight for your right to party
lyrics: i love you though you hurt me so`tainted love
Lyrics: I love you though you hurt me so`Tainted Love Soft Cell
lyrics: i'm about to lose control and i think i like it`i'm so excited
Lyrics: I'm about to lose control and I think I like it`I'm So Excited The Pointer Sisters
lyrics: i'm always workin' slavin' every day`nothin' but a good time
Lyrics: I'm always workin' slavin' every day`Nothin' But A Good Time Poison
Lyrics: I'm gonna buy me a one way ticket nothin's gonna hold me back. Your love's like a slow train comin and I can feel it comin down the track- whoah`When The Going Gets Tough Billy Ocean
lyrics: i'm just going to keep on counting until you are mine`1-2-3
Lyrics: I'm just going to keep on counting until you are mine`1-2-3 Gloria Estefan and the Miami Sound Machine
lyrics: i'm like a boy among men/i'd like a permanent friend`digging your scene
lyrics: i'm livin' for givin' the devil his due`burnin' for you
lyrics: i'm lying in the rain but i never wave bye bye but i try`modern love
Lyrics: I'm lying in the rain but I never wave bye bye but I try`Modern Love David Bowie
lyrics: i'm lying in the rain but i never wave bye-bye`modern love
Lyrics: I'm lying in the rain but I never wave bye-bye`Modern Love David Bowie
lyrics: i'm not hiding the remedy to cure this old heart of mine`i can dream about you
lyrics: i'm not internationally known but i'm known to rock a microphone`it takes two
Lyrics: I'm not internationally known but I'm known to rock a microphone`It Takes Two D.J. Easy Rock and Rob Base
lyrics: i'm not the kind of girl who gives up just like that`tide is high
Lyrics: I'm not the kind of girl who gives up just like that`Tide Is High Blondie
lyrics: i'm not the one to tell you what's wrong or what's right`burnin' for you
Lyrics: I'm not the one to tell you what's wrong or what's right`Burnin' For You Blue Oyster Cult
lyrics: i'm on the hunt i'm after you`hungry like the wolf
Lyrics: I'm on the hunt I'm after you`Hungry Like the Wolf Duran Duran
lyrics: i'm the one who can feel the sun right in the pourin' rain`midnight blue
lyrics: i need fifty dollars to make you holler`wild thing
Lyrics: I need fifty dollars to make you holler`Wild Thing by Tone-Loc
Lyrics: I need fifty dollars to make you holler`Wild Thing Tone-Loc
lyrics: i need some company a guardian angel to keep me warm when the cold winds blow`take me home tonight
Lyrics: I need some company a guardian angel to keep me warm when the cold winds blow`Take Me Home Tonight Eddie Money
lyrics: i never believed in things that i couldn't see i said if i can feel it how could it be`you can do magic
Lyrics: I never believed in things that I couldn't see I said if I can feel it how could it be`You Can Do Magic America
Lyrics: I never meant to be so bad to you. One thing I said that I would never do`Heat of the Moment Asia
lyrics: i said mom this shirt is plaid with a butterfly collar`parents just don't understand
Lyrics: I said mom this shirt is plaid with a butterfly collar`Parents Just Don't Understand by D.J. Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince
lyrics: i said to my reflection 'let's get out of this place'`tempted
Lyrics: I said to my reflection 'Let's get out of this place'`Tempted Squeeze
lyrics: i see no harm or danger in escaping if the method suits the style`on the loose
lyrics: is it so wrong to be human after all`something about you
Lyrics: Is it so wrong to be human after all?`Something About You Level 42
lyrics: i stain my sheets i don't even know why`blister in the sun
Lyrics: I stain my sheets I don't even know why`Blister In The Sun Violent Femmes
lyrics: i swear that i could see forever in your eyes`almost paradise
Lyrics: I swear that I could see forever in your eyes`Almost Paradise Mike Reno and Ann Wilson
lyrics: it belongs to them let's give it back`beds are burning
Lyrics: It belongs to them let's give it back`Beds Are Burning Midnight Oil
lyrics: i tell you one and one makes three`cult of personality
Lyrics: I tell you one and one makes three`Cult Of Personality Living Colour
lyrics: i tell you one time only with my business please don't mess`rumors
lyrics: it happened forever for a short time`suddenly last summer
lyrics: i think i thought you were someone else`pop song '89
Lyrics: I think I thought you were someone else`Pop Song '89 R.E.M.
Lyrics: I think of you and let it go`99 Luftballoons Nena
lyrics: i think of you and let it go`99 red balloons
lyrics: i think they got the alias that you been livin under`gloria
Lyrics: I think they got the alias that you been livin under`Gloria Laura Branigan
lyrics: it looks so easy but you know looks sometimes deceive`head over heels
lyrics: it must've been some kind of kiss i shoulda walked away`i just died in your arms
Lyrics: It must've been some kind of kiss I shoulda walked away`I Just Died In Your Arms Cutting Crew
lyrics: i took a page out of my rule book for you`perfect way
Lyrics: I took a page out of my rule book for you`Perfect Way Scritti Politti
lyrics: i touch you once i touch you twice`if you leave
Lyrics: I touch you once I touch you twice`If You Leave Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark
Lyrics: I tried my imagination but I was disturbed`867-5309/Jenny Tommy Tutone
lyrics: it's a given l.a. law someone's faster on the draw`shakedown
lyrics: it's getting hard to wake up in the morning`toy soldiers
lyrics: it's gettin' rough off the cuff i've got to say enough's enough`one thing leads to another
lyrics: it's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you it's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do`africa
Lyrics: It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you it's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do`Africa Toto
lyrics: it's gonna take money a whole lotta spendin' money`got my mind set on you
Lyrics: It's gonna take money a whole lotta spendin' money`Got My Mind Set On You George Harrison
Lyrics: It shakes all over like a jelly fish, i kinda like it, crazy ____ ____ ____ ___ (queen)`little thing called love
lyrics: it's just another sunday in a tired old street`we built this city
Lyrics: It's just another Sunday in a tired old street`We Built This City Starship
lyrics: it's no better to be safe than sorry`take on me
Lyrics: It's no better to be safe than sorry`Take On Me A-ha
lyrics: it's poetry in motion when she turned her eyes to me`she blinded me with science
Lyrics: It's poetry in motion when she turned her eyes to me`She Blinded Me With Science Thomas Dolby
Lyrics: It's time to bring this ship in to the shore and throw away the oars forever`Can't Fight This Feeling REO Speedwagon
lyrics: i turn the switch and check the number i leave it on when in bed i slumber`mexican radio
Lyrics: I turn the switch and check the number I leave it on when in bed I slumber`Mexican Radio Wall of Voodoo
lyrics: i used to think maybe you loved me now i know that it's true`walkin' on sunshine
Lyrics: I used to think maybe you loved me now I know that it's true`Walkin' On Sunshine Katrina and the Waves
lyrics: i've been meaning to tell you i've got this feeling that won't subside`hungry eyes
Lyrics: I've been meaning to tell you I've got this feeling that won't subside`Hungry Eyes Eric Carmen
lyrics: i've done no harm i keep to myself`who can it be
Lyrics: I've done no harm I keep to myself`Who Can It Be Now? Men At Work
lyrics: i've got a secret i've been hiding under my skin`mr. roboto
Lyrics: I've got a secret I've been hiding under my skin`Mr. Roboto Styx
lyrics: i've got my back against the record machine`jump
Lyrics: I've got my back against the record machine`Jump Van Halen
lyrics: i've got to run away from the pain you drive into the heart of me`tainted love
Lyrics: I've got to run away from the pain you drive into the heart of me`Tainted Love Soft Cell
lyrics: i've had the blues the reds and the pinks`love stinks
Lyrics: I've had the blues the reds and the pinks`Love Stinks J. Geils Band
lyrics: i've seen a million faces and i've rocked them all`wanted
Lyrics: I've seen a million faces and I've rocked them all`Wanted Bon Jovi
lyrics: i wake up alone with it all`big love
lyrics: i wanna take you to my cage lock you up and hide the key`jungle love
Lyrics: I wanna take you to my cage lock you up and hide the key`Jungle Love The Time
Lyrics: I was a high school loser never made it with a lady 'til the boys told me somethin I missed`Walk This Way Run-D.M.C. w/ Aerosmith
lyrics: i was born to love you but i will never be free you'll always be a part of me`always something there to remind me
Lyrics: I was born to love you but I will never be free you'll always be a part of me`Always Something There To Remind Me Naked Eyes
lyrics: i was wrong now i find just one thing makes me forget`red red wine
Lyrics: I was wrong now I find just one thing makes me forget`Red Red Wine UB40
lyrics: just a look at that girl with the lights comin up in her eyes`somebody's baby
Lyrics: Just a look at that girl with the lights comin up in her eyes`Somebody's Baby by Jackson Browne
lyrics: just don't ask me how i am`luka
Lyrics: Just don't ask me how I am`Luka Suzanna Vega
lyrics: just like adam and eve 'cept you set me free`you dropped a bomb on me
lyrics: just like the white wing dove sings a song sounds like she's singing`edge of 17
Lyrics: Just like the white wing dove sings a song sounds like she's singing`Edge of 17 Stevie Nicks
lyrics: just pick it up and throw it into shape`what you need
lyrics: kick off your sunday shoes`footloose
Lyrics: Kick off your Sunday shoes`Footloose Kenny Loggins
lyrics: kid can't read at seventeen the words he knows are all obscene but it's all right`touch of grey
Lyrics: Kid can't read at seventeen the words he knows are all obscene but it's all right`Touch of Grey Grateful Dead
lyrics: knew he must've been about seventeen`i love rock 'n' roll
Lyrics: Knew he must've been about seventeen`I Love Rock 'n' Roll Joan Jett
lyrics: let me hear your body talk`physical
Lyrics: Let me hear your body talk`Physical Olivia Newton-John
lyrics: let me tell you 'bout the girl i met last night`high on you
Lyrics: Let me tell you 'bout the girl I met last night`High On You Survivor
lyrics: let's talk about second chances`never gonna let you go
Lyrics: Let's talk about second chances`Never Gonna Let You Go Sergio Mendes
lyrics: let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be`greatest love of all
Lyrics: Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be`Greatest Love of All Whitney Houston
lyrics: like a knight in shining armor from a long time ago`glory of love
Lyrics: Like a knight in shining armor from a long time ago`Glory of Love Peter Cetera
lyrics: listen up everybody if you wanna take a chance`hangin' tough
Lyrics: Listen up everybody if you wanna take a chance`Hangin' Tough New Kids On The Block
lyrics: love like a road that never ends`the next time i fall
lyrics: loving would be easy if your colors were like my dream`karma chameleon
Lyrics: Loving would be easy if your colors were like my dream`Karma Chameleon Culture Club
lyrics: loving would be easy if your colours were like my dream red gold and green`karma chameleon
Lyrics: Loving would be easy if your colours were like my dream red gold and green`Kharma Chameleon Culture Club
lyrics: making love to you was never second best`melt with you
Lyrics: Making love to you was never second best`Melt With You Modern English0
lyrics: mine's an ordinary life working when it's daylight and sleeping when it's night`take me home
Lyrics: Mine's an ordinary life working when it's daylight and sleeping when it's night`Take Me Home Phil Collins
lyrics: music does the talkin says the things you wanna hear`magic power
Lyrics: Music does the talkin says the things you wanna hear`Magic Power Triumph
lyrics: my baby may not be rich he's watchin every dime`let's hear it for the boy
Lyrics: My baby may not be rich he's watchin every dime`Let's Hear it for the Boy Deniece Williams
lyrics: my eyes dilate my lips go green`start me up
Lyrics: My eyes dilate my lips go green`Start Me Up The Rolling Stones???
lyrics: my fantasy has turned to madness and all my goodness has turned to badness`obsession
Lyrics: My fantasy has turned to madness and all my goodness has turned to badness`Obsession Animotion
lyrics: nations go to war over women like you it's just a form of appreciation`strut
Lyrics: Nations go to war over women like you it's just a form of appreciation`Strut Sheena Easton
Lyrics: No April rain no flowers' bloom no wedding Saturday within the month of June`I Just Called To Say You Stevie Wonder
lyrics: no chocolate covered candy hearts to give away`i just called to say i love you
Lyrics: No chocolate covered candy hearts to give away`I Just Called To Say I Love You by Stevie Wonder
lyrics: no huggin' no kissin' til i get a wedding ring`keep your hands to yourself
Lyrics: No huggin' no kissin' til I get a wedding ring`Keep Your Hands To Yourself Georgia Satellites
lyrics: nothing had the chance to be good nothing ever could`holding back the years
Lyrics: Nothing had the chance to be good nothing ever could`Holding Back The Years Simply Red
lyrics: now every time i go for the mailbox gotta hold myself down`walking on sunshine
Lyrics: Now every time I go for the mailbox gotta hold myself down`Walking on Sunshine Katrina and the Waves
lyrics: now girl i know the difference between right and wrong`if you don't know me by now
lyrics: now it seems you're telling me/you've changed your wicked ways`i heard a rumour
lyrics: now the mist across the window hides the lines`steppin' out
Lyrics: Now the mist across the window hides the lines`Steppin' Out Joe JacksonShe's as heavy as a Chevy pure excitement...`Misled Kool and the Gang
lyrics: now we're sharing the same dreams and our hearts can beat as one`carribean queen
Lyrics: Now we're sharing the same dreams and our hearts can beat as one`Carribean Queen Billy Ocean
lyrics: oceans apart day after day and i slowly go insane`right here waiting for you
Lyrics: Oceans apart day after day and I slowly go insane`Right Here Waiting For You Richard Marx
lyrics: oh mother dear we're not the fortunate ones`girls just wanna have fun
Lyrics: Oh mother dear we're not the fortunate ones`Girls Just Wanna Have Fun Cyndi Lauper
lyrics: oh thikin' about all our younger years it was only you and me we were young and wild and free`heaven
Lyrics: Oh thikin' about all our younger years it was only you and me we were young and wild and free`Heaven Bryan Adams
lyrics: oh yeah i just wanna watch the girls go by`summertime girls
Lyrics: Oh yeah I just wanna watch the girls go by`Summertime Girls Y&T
Lyrics: 'On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair, warm smell of ________ (eagles)`colitas
Lyrics: Once upon a time there was light in my life but now there's only love in the dark`Total Eclipse of the Heart Bonnie Tyler
lyrics: one likes to believe in the freedom of music`spirit of radio
Lyrics: One likes to believe in the freedom of music`Spirit of Radio Rush
lyrics: one more bad break could bring a fall`eyes without a face
lyrics: one that won't make me nervous wonderin what to do`i want a new drug
Lyrics: One that won't make me nervous wonderin what to do`I Want a New Drug Huey Lewis and the News
lyrics: only time will tell if we stand the test of time`why can't this be love
lyrics: on the ice blue line of insanity it's a place most never see`maniac
Lyrics: 'Ooh baby, baby it's a _________ (cat stevens)`wild world
lyrics: ooh baby do you know what that's worth`heaven is a place on earth
Lyrics: Ooh baby do you know what that's worth?`Heaven Is a Place On Earth Belinda Carlisle
lyrics: out on the road today i saw a deadhead sticker on a cadillac`the boys of summer
Lyrics: Out on the road today I saw a deadhead sticker on a Cadillac`The Boys Of Summer Don Henley
lyrics: paul i think i told you i'm a lover not a fighter`the girl is mine
Lyrics: Paul I think I told you I'm a lover not a fighter`The Girl Is Mine Michael Jackson
lyrics: people don't you know don't you know it's about time`move this
Lyrics: People don't you know don't you know it's about time`Move This Technotronic
lyrics: people of the world today are we looking for a better way of life`rhythm nation
Lyrics: People of the world today are we looking for a better way of life`Rhythm Nation Janet Jackson
lyrics: play the guitar on the mtv`money for nothing
Lyrics: Play the guitar on the MTV`Money for Nothing Dire Straits
lyrics: put me in coach i'm ready to play today`centerfield
Lyrics: Put me in coach I'm ready to play today`Centerfield John Fogerty
lyrics: puts a song in this heart of mine/puts a smile on my face every time`i love a rainy night
lyrics: put the needle on the record`pump up the volume
Lyrics: Put the needle on the record`Pump Up The Volume M|A|R|R|S
lyrics: red light yellow light green light go!`pour some sugar on me
lyrics: red roses temptation you make the most of an iffy situation`don't rush me
lyrics: religion is a light in the fog`what i am
lyrics: rolling like thunder under the covers`that's why they call it the blues
Lyrics: Rolling like thunder under the covers`That's Why We Call It The Blues Elton John
lyrics: ronny bobby ricky and mike if i like a girl who cares who you like`cool it now
lyrics: sail away with me to another world`islands in the stream
Lyrics: Sail away with me to another world`Islands In The Stream Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers
Lyrics: Sailed away to China in a little row boat to find ya you said you had to get your laundry done`Break My Stride Matthew Wilder
lyrics: scratches his head and does his best james dean`jack and diane
Lyrics: Scratches his head and does his best James Dean`Jack and Diane John Cougar Mellencamp
lyrics: see yourself give your freewill a chance you've got to work to succeed`owner of a lonely heart
Lyrics: See yourself give your freewill a chance you've got to work to succeed`Owner of a Lonely Heart Yes
lyrics: she dances like she's never danced before`maniac
Lyrics: She dances like she's never danced before`Maniac Michael Sambello
lyrics: she don't need a man's touch`glamorous life
Lyrics: She don't need a man's touch`Glamorous Life Sheila E.
lyrics: she had the body of a venus lord imagine my surprise`dude looks like a lady
Lyrics: She had the body of a venus Lord imagine my surprise`Dude Looks Like a Lady Aerosmith
lyrics: she'll get a hold on you believe it`easy lover
Lyrics: She'll get a hold on you believe it`She's an Easy Lover Phil Collins and Phillip Bailey
lyrics: she'll let you take her home/it whets her appetite`bette davis eyes
lyrics: she's as heavy as a chevy pure excitement..`misled
lyrics: she showed me the beach gave me a peach and pulled out the suntan lotion`going back to cali
Lyrics: She showed me the beach gave me a peach and pulled out the suntan lotion`Going Back To Cali LL Cool J
lyrics: she's so fine she's all mine the girl is all right!`legs
Lyrics: She's so fine she's all mine the girl is all right!`Legs ZZ Top
lyrics: she stepped off the bus out into the city street`fallen angel
Lyrics: She stepped off the bus out into the city street`Fallen Angel Poison
lyrics: she's tidied up and i can't find anything!`she blinded me with science
lyrics: she told me to come but i was already there`you shook me all night long
Lyrics: She told me to come but I was already there`You Shook Me All Night Long AC/DC
lyrics: she was running from a fat man selling salvation in his hand`jacob's ladder
lyrics: shoot me like a rocket into space!`lovin' every minute of it
Lyrics: Shoot me like a rocket into space!`Lovin' Every Minute of It Loverboy
lyrics: sister's sighing in her sleep`our house
Lyrics: Sister's sighing in her sleep`Our House Madness
lyrics: slight of hand and a twist of fate on a bed of nails she makes me wait`with or without you
Lyrics: Slight of hand and a twist of fate on a bed of nails she makes me wait`With or Without You U2
lyrics: so if you're feeling low turn up your radio`everybody have fun tonight
Lyrics: So if you're feeling low turn up your radio`Everybody Have Fun Tonight Wang Chung
lyrics: so let's sink another drink cause it'll give me time to think`dancing with myself
Lyrics: So let's sink another drink cause it'll give me time to think`Dancing With Myself Billy Idol
lyrics: so let's sink another drink 'cause it'll give me time to think`dancin' with myself
Lyrics: So let's sink another drink 'cause it'll give me time to think`Dancin' With Myself Billy Idol
lyrics: so many times it happens too fast you trade your passion for glory`eye of the tiger
Lyrics: So many times it happens too fast you trade your passion for glory`Eye of the Tiger Survivor
Lyrics: Somebodies callin after somebody somebody turns the corner out of sight. Lookin for somebody somewhere in the night`Tender Is the Night by Jackson Browne
lyrics: some break the rules and live to count the cost`no one is to blame
lyrics: some of them want to abuse you some of them want to be abused`sweet dreams
Lyrics: Some of them want to abuse you some of them want to be abused`Sweet Dreams Eurythmics
lyrics: some of the want to use you. some of them want to get used by you`sweet dreams are made of this
Lyrics: Some of the want to use you. Some of them want to get used by you.`Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This Eurythmics
lyrics: somewhere between the soul and soft machine/is where i find myself again`kyrie
Lyrics: So now I'll go the minstrel road without you`Take It Easy on Me Little River Band...But I'm frightened of the things I might find`Voices Carry 'Til Tuesday
lyrics: so put your books aside loosen up the suit and tie..`typical male
lyrics: so when the night falls my lonely heart calls`i wanna dance with somebody
Lyrics: So when the night falls my lonely heart calls`I Wanna Dance With Somebody Whitney Houston
Lyrics: So when you call up that shrink in Beverly Hills you know the one Dr. everything be all right`Let's Go Crazy by Prince
lyrics: so wild so free so far from me. you're all i want my fantasy`photograph
Lyrics: So wild so free So far from me. You're all I want my fantasy`Photograph Def Leppard
lyrics: so you better go back to your bars your temples your massage parlors`one night in bangkok
Lyrics: So you better go back to your bars your temples your massage parlors`One Night In Bangkok Murray Head
lyrics: so you better treat her right`she works hard for the money
Lyrics: So you better treat her right`She Works Hard For The Money Donna Summer
lyrics: so you think my singing's out of time well it makes me money`cum on feel the noize
Lyrics: So you think my singing's out of time well it makes me money`Cum On Feel the Noize Quiet Riot
lyrics: speed so fast felt like i was drunk`fast car
Lyrics: Speed so fast felt like I was drunk`Fast Car Tracy Chapman
lyrics: step on a crack break your momma's back`whip it
Lyrics: Step on a crack break your momma's back`Whip It Devo
Lyrics: Stop walking down my street. Who do you expect to meet?`Don't Come Around Here No More Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
lyrics: strange voices are saying ah what did they say things. i can't understand`cruel summer
Lyrics: Strange voices are saying ah what did they say? Things. I can't understand`Cruel Summer Bananarama
lyrics: streetlight people living just to find emotion`don't stop believin'
Lyrics: Streetlight people living just to find emotion`Don't Stop Believin' Journey
lyrics: suckin on chili dogs outside the tastee-freez`jack and dianne
Lyrics: Suckin on chili dogs outside the Tastee-Freez`Jack and Dianne John Cougar Mellencamp
lyrics: take my license and all that jive`i can't drive 55
Lyrics: Take my license and all that jive`I Can't Drive 55 Sammy Hagar
lyrics: take your-passion and make it happen`what a feeling
Lyrics: Take your-passion and make it happen`What A Feeling Irene Cara
Lyrics: Take your passion and make it happen`What A Feelin' Irene Cara
lyrics: telegram force and ready`union of the snake
lyrics: that little faggot he's a millionaire`money for nothing
Lyrics: That little faggot he's a millionaire`Money For Nothing Dire Straits
lyrics: the beating of our hearts is the only sound`i think we're alone now
Lyrics: The beating of our hearts is the only sound`I Think We're Alone Now Tiffany
lyrics: the evening had turned to rain watch the water roll down the drain`life in a northern town
lyrics: the five years we have had have been such good times`don't you want me
Lyrics: The five years we have had have been such good times`Don't You Want Me? Human League
lyrics: the hollywood squares are livin' in disneyland`let's go all the way
lyrics: the in crowd say it's cool to dig this chanting thing`rock the casbah
lyrics: the mirror speaks the reflection lies`cult of personality
lyrics: the moon. beautiful. the sun. even more beautiful`oh yeah
Lyrics: The moon. Beautiful. The sun. Even more beautiful`Oh Yeah Yello
lyrics: the more you live the faster you will die`der kommisar
Lyrics: The more you live the faster you will die`Der Kommisar After The Fire
lyrics: the only one who'll hang out with me is my dear old granddad`i drink alone
Lyrics: The only one who'll hang out with me is my dear Old Granddad`I Drink Alone George Thorogood and the Destroyers
lyrics: the phone rings in the middle of the night my father yells 'what you gonna do with your life'`girls just wanna have fun
Lyrics: The phone rings in the middle of the night my father yells 'what you gonna do with your life?'`Girls Just Wanna Have Fun Cyndi Lauper
lyrics: there doesn't seem to be anyone around`i think we're alone now
Lyrics: There doesn't seem to be anyone around`I Think We're Alone Now Tiffany
lyrics: there is freedom within there is freedom without`don't dream it's over
Lyrics: There is freedom within there is freedom without`Don't Dream It's Over Crowded House
lyrics: there is good and bad mmmm-hmmm in everyone`ebony and ivory
Lyrics: There is good and bad mmmm-hmmm in everyone`Ebony and Ivory Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder
lyrics: there's a freeway runnin' through the yard`free fallin'
Lyrics: There's a freeway runnin' through the yard`Free Fallin' Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
lyrics: there's a skeleton chokin' on a crust of bread`king of pain
Lyrics: There's a skeleton chokin' on a crust of bread`King Of Pain The Police
lyrics: there's so many good ones still around`c'est la vie
lyrics: there was a woman in the jungle and a monkey on the tree`missionary man
lyrics: there were incidents and accidents there were hints and allegations`you can call me al
Lyrics: There were incidents and accidents there were hints and allegations`You Can Call Me Al Paul Simon
lyrics: the road is long there are mountains in your way`up where we belong
Lyrics: The road is long there are mountains in your way`Where We Belong Joe Cocker amd Jennifer Warnes
lyrics: the salvation army band played and the children drank lemonade`life in a northern town
Lyrics: The Salvation Army band played and the children drank lemonade`Life In a Northern Town Dream Academy
Lyrics: The school bell rings you know it's my cue I'm gonna meet the boys on floor number two`Smokin' in the Boys' Room by Mtley Cre
lyrics: the sheik he drove his cadillac`rock the casbah
Lyrics: The sheik he drove his Cadillac`Rock The Casbah The Clash
lyrics: the tears i cry aren't tears of pain`human
lyrics: the western desert lives and breathes`beds are burning
lyrics: they even bother my poor father 'cause he's down with me`it's tricky
Lyrics: They even bother my poor father 'cause he's down with me`It's Tricky Run-D.M.C.
lyrics: they gave you life and in return you gave them hell`shout
Lyrics: They gave you life and in return you gave them hell`Shout Tears for Fears
lyrics: they say i better get a chaperone/because i can't stop messin' with the danger zone`she bop
lyrics: they see your every move`private eyes
Lyrics: They see your every move`Private Eyes Hall and Oates
lyrics: they threw an american flag in our face`allentown
Lyrics: They threw an American flag in our face`Allentown Billy Joel
lyrics: things are going great and they're only getting better`future's so bright i gotta wear shades
Lyrics: Things are going great and they're only getting better`Future's So Bright I Gotta Wear Shades Timbuk 3
lyrics: think of the tender things that we were working on`don't forget about me
Lyrics: Think of the tender things that we were working on`Don't Forget About Me Simple Minds
lyrics: this is it boys this is war`99 red balloons
Lyrics: This is it boys this is war`99 Red Balloons Nena
lyrics: this is the world we live in and these are the hands were given`land of confusion
Lyrics: This is the world we live in and these are the hands were given`Land of Confusion Genesis
lyrics: this is too good to be true/lucky [or look at] me fallin' for you`believe it or not
lyrics: tin roof...... rusted`love shack
Lyrics: Tin roof...... Rusted`Love Shack The B-52's
lyrics: to have you with me i would swim the seven seas`we'll be together tonight
Lyrics: To have you with me I would swim the seven seas`We'll Be Together Tonight Sting
lyrics: tosses her head and flips her hair/she got a whole bunch of nothin' in there`valley girl
Lyrics: Tosses her head and flips her hair/She got a whole bunch of nothin' in there`Valley Girl Frank Zappa w/ Moon Unit
Lyrics: Tried my imagination but I was disturbed`867-5309/Jenny Tommy Tutone
lyrics: two silhouettes saying goodnight by the garden gate`come dancing
Lyrics: Two silhouettes saying goodnight by the garden gate`Come Dancing The Kinks
lyrics: want a big red car and a big white house and a blue-eyed girl like you`c-i-t-y
Lyrics: Want a big red car and a big white house and a blue-eyed girl like you`C-I-T-Y John Cafferty and the Beaver Brown Band
lyrics: watching every motion in this foolish lover's game`take my breath away
Lyrics: Watching every motion in this foolish lover's game`Take My Breath Away Berlin
lyrics: we are strong no one can tell us we're wrong`love is a battlefield
Lyrics: We are strong no one can tell us we're wrong`Love Is A Battlefield Pat Benatar
lyrics: we are the ones who make a brighter day so let's start giving`we are the world
Lyrics: We are the ones who make a brighter day so let's start giving`We Are The World USA For Africa
lyrics: we can dance everybody look at your hands`safety dance
Lyrics: We can dance everybody look at your hands`Safety Dance Men Without Hats
lyrics: we can feel the motions of a thousand dreams`doctor! doctor!
Lyrics: We could dance and party all night and drink some cherry wine`We Don't Have To Take Our Clothes Off Jeramine Stewart
lyrics: we don't have the time for psychological romance`word up
lyrics: we got the words/no one needs to show us how`method of modern love
Lyrics: We got the words/No one needs to show us how`Method of Modern Love Hall and Oates
lyrics: we know the game and we're gonna play it`never gonna give you up
lyrics: welcome to the big time you're bound to be a star`it don't mean nothing
Lyrics: Welcome to the big time you're bound to be a star`It Don't Mean Nothing Richard Marx
lyrics: well by the force of will my lungs are filled and so i breathe`something about the weather
Lyrics: Well by the force of will my lungs are filled and so I breathe`Something About The Weather 10,000 Maniacs
Lyrics: Well I like takin' off don't like burnin' out every time you turn it on makes me wanna shout`Cool the Engines Boston
lyrics: well it's all right riding around in the breeze`end of the line
Lyrics: Well it's all right riding around in the breeze`End Of The Line The Traveling Wilburys
lyrics: we'll leave the tv and the radio behind`steppin' out
Lyrics: We'll leave the TV and the radio behind`Steppin' Out Joe Jackson
Lyrics: 'Well, she was just _________ (the beatles)`seventeen
lyrics: well superman looked up at me he said 'you rock so naturally'`jam on it
Lyrics: Well Superman looked up at me he said 'You rock so naturally'`Jam On It Newcleus
lyrics: we'll take your car yes we will we'll take your car and drive it`centerfold
Lyrics: We'll take your car yes we will we'll take your car and drive it`Centerfold J. Geils Band
lyrics: well they shake their heads and [they] look at me as if i've lost my mind`watching the wheels
lyrics: went the distance now i'm back on my feet`eye of the tiger
Lyrics: Went the distance now I'm back on my feet`Eye Of The Tiger Survivor
lyrics: we're even skanking to bob marley/ reggae's expanding with sly and robbie`genius of love
lyrics: we wish you'd all throw in the towel`it's a mistake
lyrics: what does love want me to do`let the music play
lyrics: what's your definition of dirty baby`i want your sex
Lyrics: What's your definition of dirty baby`I Want Your Sex George Michael
lyrics: what's your price for flight`sister
Lyrics: What's your price for flight`Sister Christian Night Ranger
lyrics: when i feel that rockin' beat i can't sit still up outta my seat`she's sexy & 17
lyrics: when i'm dancing close to her i can smell the chemicals`she blinded me with science
Lyrics: When I'm dancing close to her I can smell the chemicals`She Blinded Me With Science Thomas Dolby
lyrics: when i'm lost at sea i hear your voice and it carries me`heaven is a place on earth
Lyrics: When I'm lost at sea I hear your voice and it carries me`Heaven is a Place On Earth Belinda Carlisle
lyrics: when will we ever learn/there's nowhere else we can turn`love will conquer all
lyrics: when you go you're gone forever`karma chameleon
lyrics: where am i to go now that i've gone too far`twilight zone
lyrics: where can i find a woman like that`jesse's girl
Lyrics: Where can I find a woman like that`Jesse's Girl Rick Springfield
lyrics: where ye goin' what you lookin' for`sister christian
lyrics: whoa no i've got to keep on moving`break my stride
Lyrics: Whoa no I've got to keep on moving`Break My Stride Matthew Wilder
lyrics: who needs a heart when a heart can be broken`what's love got to do with it
Lyrics: Who needs a heart when a heart can be broken?`What's Love Got To Do With It? Tina Turner
lyrics: who's gonna block your ears when you scream`drive
Lyrics: Who's gonna block your ears when you scream?`Drive The Cars
lyrics: why do i find it so hard to write the next line oh i want the truth to be said`true
Lyrics: Why do I find it so hard to write the next line oh I want the truth to be said`True Spandau Ballet
lyrics: will you meet him on the main line or will you catch him on the rebound`gloria
Lyrics: Will you meet him on the main line or will you catch him on the rebound?`Gloria Laura Branigan
lyrics: wish i knew what you were looking for`under the milky way
Lyrics: Wish I knew what you were looking for`Under The Milky Way The Church
lyrics: with every breath i'm deeper into you`crazy for you
Lyrics: With every breath I'm deeper into you`Crazy For You Madonna
Lyrics: With my body and soul I want you more than you'll ever know`I've Had TheTime Of My Life Bill Medley and Jennifer Warnes
lyrics: with the touch of a velvet glove`abracadabra
Lyrics: With the touch of a velvet glove`Abracadabra Steve Miller
lyrics: won't you pack your bags we'll leave tonight`two tickets to paradise
Lyrics: Won't you pack your bags we'll leave tonight`Two Tickets To Paradise Eddie Money
lyrics: work all day to earn his pay so we can play all night`morning train 9 to 5
Lyrics: Work all day to earn his pay so we can play all night`Morning Train9 to 5 Sheena Easton
lyrics: worlds are turning and we're just hanging on`higher love
lyrics: wouldn't wanna be swept away far away from the one that i love`hard to say i'm sorry
Lyrics: Wouldn't wanna be swept away far away from the one that I love`Hard To Say I'm Sorry Chicago
lyrics: write it on a pound note pound note`goody two shoes
Lyrics: Write it on a pound note pound note`Goody Two Shoes Adam Ant
lyrics: yo no soy marinero por ti sere por ti sere por ti sere`la bamba
Lyrics: Yo no soy marinero por ti sere por ti sere por ti sere`La Bamba Los Lobos
lyrics: you always live your life never thinking of the future`owner of a lonely heart
Lyrics: You always live your life never thinking of the future`Owner Of a Lonely Heart Yes
lyrics: you are so hard to read you play hide n seek with your true intentions`straight up
Lyrics: You are so hard to read you play hide n seek with your true intentions`Straight Up Paula Abdul
lyrics: you better listen up 'cause man this ain't just talk`this little girl
lyrics: you can feel the punishment but you can't commit the sin`no one is to blame
Lyrics: You can feel the punishment but you can't commit the sin`No One Is To Blame Howard Jones
lyrics: you can listen as well as you hear`the living years
Lyrics: You can listen as well as you hear`The Living Years Mike and the Mechanics
lyrics: you can say anything you like but you can't touch the merchandise`she's a beauty
Lyrics: You can say anything you like but you can't touch the merchandise`She's a Beauty The Tubes
lyrics: you do the boom boom into lay heart you set my soul sky high when your lovin starts`wake me up before you go go
Lyrics: You do the boom boom into lay heart You set my soul sky high when your lovin starts`Wake Me Up Before You Go Go Wham!
lyrics: you fell asleep i stayed awake and watched the passing cars`walk the dinosaur
lyrics: you got to roll with the punches to get to what's real`jump
Lyrics: You got to roll with the punches to get to what's real`Jump Van Halen
lyrics: you in that dress my thoughts i confess verge on dirty`come on eileen
Lyrics: You in that dress my thoughts I confess verge on dirty`Come On Eileen Dexys Midnight Runners
lyrics: you know i like my girls a little bit older`your love
Lyrics: You know I like my girls a little bit older`Your Love The Outfield
lyrics: you'll flow down her river she'll ask and you'll give her`lips like sugar
Lyrics: You'll flow down her river she'll ask and you'll give her`Lips Like Sugar Echo and the Bunnymen
lyrics: you make the sun shine brighter than doris day`wake me up before you go-go
Lyrics: You make the sun shine brighter than Doris Day`Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go Wham!
lyrics: you might think i'm crazy but i'm serious`pleasure principle
lyrics: you're all the things i've got to remember`take on me
Lyrics: You're all the things I've got to remember`Take On Me A-ha
lyrics: you're everywhere but you're so hard to find`urgent
Lyrics: You're everywhere but you're so hard to find`Urgent Foreigner
lyrics: you're givin me the chills baby please baby don't`mickey
Lyrics: You're givin me the chills baby please baby don't`Mickey Toni Basil
lyrics: you're like the sun chasing all of the rain away`always
Lyrics: You're like the sun chasing all of the rain away`Always Atlantic Starr
lyrics: you're moving in circles won't you dilate`too shy
lyrics: you're not naive you must be strong`too shy
Lyrics: You're not naive you must be strong`Too Shy Kajagoogoo
lyrics: your feet are going to be on the ground your head is there to move you around`stand
Lyrics: Your feet are going to be on the ground your head is there to move you around`Stand R.E.M.
lyrics: your heart's been achin' but you're too shy to say it`never gonna give you up
Lyrics: Your heart's been achin' but you're too shy to say it`Never Gonna Give You Up Rick Astley
lyrics: your life is trite and jaded`we're not gonna take it
lyrics: your lights are on but you're not home`addicted to love
Lyrics: Your lights are on but you're not home`Addicted To Love Robert Palmer
lyrics: your mom threw away your best porno mag`you gotta fight for your right to party
Lyrics: Your mom threw away your best porno mag`You Gotta Fight For Your Right To Party Beastie Boys
lyrics: your moves are so raw i've got to let you know you're one of my kind`need you tonight
Lyrics: Your moves are so raw I've got to let you know you're one of my kind`Need You Tonight INXS
lyrics: your very first kiss was your first kiss goodbye`you give love a bad name
Lyrics: Your very first kiss was your first kiss goodbye`You Give Love a Bad Name Bon Jovi
lyrics: you see it all around you good lovin' gone bad`hold on loosely
Lyrics: You see it all around you good lovin' gone bad`Hold On Losely .38 Special
lyrics: you take me by the heart when you take me by the hand`mickey
Lyrics: You take me by the heart when you take me by the hand`Mickey Toni Basil
Lyrics: You tell me that you want me you tell me that you need me you tell me that you love me and I know that I'm right cause I hear it in the night.`Talking In Your Sleep The Romantics
lyrics: you think you're mad too unstable kicking in chairs and knocking down tables`west end girls
Lyrics: You think you're mad too unstable kicking in chairs and knocking down tables`West End Girls Pet Shop Boys
lyrics: you've got to find a way say what you want to say`break out
Lyrics: You've got to find a way say what you want to say`Break Out Swing Out Sister
lyrics: you walked in on the sly scopin' for love`who's zoomin' who
Lyrics: You walked in on the sly scopin' for love`Who's Zoomin' Who Aretha Franklin
lyrics: you want a piece of my heart you better start from the start`workin' for the weekend
Lyrics: You want a piece of my heart you better start from the start`Workin' For The Weekend Loverboy
lyrics: you want a piece of my heart you better start from the start. you wanna be in the show come on baby lets go!`working for the weekend
Lyrics: You want a piece of my heart you better start from the start. You wanna be in the show come on baby lets go!`Working For The Weekend Loverboy
lyrics: you want your percentage but i'm the fool paying the dues`hold me
Lyrics: You want your percentage but I'm the fool paying the dues`Hold Me Fleetwood Mac
lyrics: you were the first you'll be the last`the flame
Lyrics: You were the first you'll be the last`The Flame Cheap Trick
Lyssophobia is the fear of`of becoming mad
Lyssophobia is the fear of`rabies`of becoming mad
Macaque, Grenon and Drill are all types of which animal`monkeys
macau will be reverted to chinese control after being under which country's rule`portugal
Mace is the outer covering of which common spice`nutmeg
Machine that decreases the volume & increases the pressure of a quantity of air by mechanical means`air compressor
Machine used to separate the fibers of cotton from the seeds`cotton gin
Maclaine how many letters (maximum) can a thoroughbred horse can have in its name`fourteen
macrophobia is the fear of ____`long waits
Madame Tussard the waxwork founder was born in which city`strasbourg
Made acid or rancid by fermentation`sour
Made acid or rancid by fermentation`soured
Made by oneself`homemade
Made, done, or produced by an elf`elfin
Made In Canada: City where Motley Crue recorded Dr. Feelgood`vancouver
Made In Canada: City where the big Faith No More/Metallica/Guns'N'Roses riot occured in '91`montreal
Made In Canada: James Labrie's band previous to Dream Theater:`winter rose
Made In Canada: Songs include "Helluvatime" and "Big Fing Deal".`slik toxik
Made In Canada: The Canadian counterpart of MTV:`muchmusic
Made In Canada: Their songs include "Mr. Windley", "No One Knows", and "Drive".`haze
Made In Canada: The lead vocalist/guitarist for Haze`marc albert
Made In Canada: The name of the major copyright corporation in Canada`socan
Made In Canada: The only Canadian band to win Yamaha's International MusicQuest`haywire
Made In Canada: They have such hits as "Tom Sawyer" and "Nobody's Hero".`rush
Made in the Netherlands, what are Edam and Gouda`cheeses
Made of a -------- fabric: 'a -------- tablecloth.'`homespun
Made of a sheer or transparent fabric`peekaboo
Made of horn or a similar substance`horny
Made of or coated or treated with rubber, plastic, or a sealing agent to prevent penetration by water`waterproof
Made of or framed by timbers, especially exposed timbers`timbered
Made safe for young children, as by the removal or alteration of potential hazards: 'a ---------- kitchen.'`childproof
Made to play at what speed were not manufactured after 1958`78 rpm
Made to undergo trials or distress. Often used in combination: 'a much------ teacher.'`tried
Mad: insane`distraught
Madison is the capital of what US State`Wisconsin
madison is the capital of ______`wisconsin
Madness released a hit single in 1979 titled "The _____"`prince
madonna and sean penn starred together in this 1987 film`shanghai surprise
Madonna has a tattoo of this persons face on her butt`Marilyn Monroe
Madonna has had 8 number 1 's in the UK singles chart, yet her best selling single only reached number 3. Name it`like a virgin
Madonna's album where you can find "Rain" and "Deeper and Deeper"`erotica
Madrid and Lisbon are both located near this river`Tagus
madrid and lisbon are both located near which river`tagus river
madrid is the capital of ______`spain
Madrid & Lisbon are both located near this river`tagus river
Madrid missouri who lived at 1313 mockingbird lane`munsters
Maersk, Premiair and Sterling are all current airlines from which European country`denmark
maestro fresh wes hails from what country`canada
MAEVE BINCHY.Which river runs through Stuttgart and Heidelberg and joins the Rhine at Mannheim`neckar
Magazines: John Leonard was one in a long line of editors-in-chief for this magazine`vanity fair
Magazines: Magazine famous for its Norman Rockwell cover paintings`saturday evening post
Magazines: This magazine chronicled the Man of Bronze and the Fabulous Five.`doc savage
Magazines: This magazine features an obituary on its last page`rolling stone
Magazines: This magazine features departments "Picks & Pans" and "Chatter"`people
Magazines: This magazine has departments "Around the Mall" and "The View from the Castle"`smithsonian
Magazines: This magazine selects the man of the year`time
Magazines: This magazine used to boast a circulation of 7,777,777.`better homes and gardens
Magazines: This subject is covered in the magazine "Bondage" (two words)`james bond
Magazines: Womens magazine launched by New York in the 70's.`ms
Mageirocophobia is the fear of ____`cooking
Maggie Tulliver is a central character in which George Eliot novel`mill on the floss
Magic Gathering: 2/4, Banding, White`icatian phalanx
Magic Gathering: 7/7 Flying, Green/White/Blue`arcades sabboth
Magic Gathering: Contract from Below requires you to play for ____`ante
Magic Gathering: The First Magic book`arena
Magic Gathering: This card allows you to take one extra turn`time walk
Magic the Dog and Morgan Fairchild have appeared in commercials for which popular clothing store chain`Old Navy
Magnetic field Comics: What color suit does Clark Kent always wear`blue
Magnetic field: '-------meter.'`magneto
Magnificent appearance or display: grandeur`splendor
'magnificent seven' is a remake of this japanese movie`seven samurai
Magnum PI: thomas magnum's dad was played by what actor`robert pine
Magnum PI: what kind of car did higgins drive`an audi
Magnum PI: what was the name of the charter service that tc ran`island hoppers
Magnum PI: what was the name of the club`the king kamehameha
mahatma gandhi was cremated in 1948, 1952 or 1959`1948
Mahatma Hinduism. Used as a title of respect for a person renowned for spirituality and high-mindedness`mahatma
Maieusiophobia is the fear of`childbirth
Mail conveyed or to be conveyed by aircraft`airmail
Mail old trek: the providers live on what planet`triskelion
Main Purpose Is Not The Generation Of Profit`Income And Expenditure
Maintained for or used by the people or community: 'a ------ park.'`public
Maintained for or used by the people or community: 'a public park.'`publics
Main town on Oahu Island, Hawaii`Honolulu
Majestic: imposing: 'The cheetah is a ------ animal.'`superb
Majestic: lofty`statelier
Major in greek mythology, who was visited by zeus in the form of a swan, and became the mother of helen and pollux`leda
Maker or seller of women's hats`milliner
"------------ make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society."- Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)`clothes
Making a fine display: impressive or showy: (a coat of ----- red lipstick on a mouth so wrinkled that it didn't even have a clear outline (Anne Tyler)`brave
Making a harsh scratching noise: 'a scratchy voice: a scratchy record.'`scratchier
Making a mark not easily erased or washed away: 'an --------- pen for labeling clothing.'`indelible
Making less harsh or abrasive: mollifying: 'the --------- approach of a diplomatic mediator.'`emollient
Making one liable to indictment: 'an ---------- offense.'`indictable
Malabo is the capital of ______`equatorial guinea
Malachite is an ore of which metal`copper
Malaria is traditionally spread by which insect`mosquito
Malaria is transmitted by the female ____ mosquito`anopheles
Malcolm Cooper is an Olympic gold medal winner in which sport`shooting
Malcolm Forbes was born in _____`1919
Malcolm McLaren had a hit in 1983 with this song`double dutch
malcom mcdowell kills a woman with a giant penis sculpture.`a clockwork orange
male bees will try to attract sex partners with ---------- fragrance`orchid
Male cats have _____ on their genitals, which cause the females to cry out in pain on withdrawal`barbs
Male genitalia reach adult proportion at approximately what years of age.`14.9
male lead in "my girl"`macaulay culkin`mcaulay culkin
Male Partners Die After The First And Only Mating`Termite Queens
Male sheep?`Ram
Male singing voice between alto and baritone`tenor
male swingers swap what?`their women
Male Vocalists: Eric Clapton's 1973 comeback concert was staged at this London venue.`rainbow theatre
Male Vocalists: In response to his success, he said "Im a schmoozer, so why dont you rock me"`beck
Male Vocalists: Lead singer of the Drifters, he went solo to gain greater fame.`ben e. king
Male Vocalists: Ray Charles was not blind from birth, but rather due to this disease.`glaucoma
Male Vocalists: Stevie Ray Vaughan played back up on this Bowie song.`lets dance/china girl
Male Vocalists: The name of his second album was "San Francisco Days"`chris isaak
Male Vocalists: These days, this rapper is 6th in the world in the sport of speedboat racing`vanilla ice
Male Vocalists: This singer's first song to find any success was "Please Please Please" in 1956`james brown
Male Vocalists: This song was Elvis Costello's ode to his grandmother.`veronica
Male voice above normal range`falsetto
male ---------- will try to attract sex partners with orchid fragrance`bees
Malta is an island in which sea`mediterranean
Mame the first manned spacecraft to be launched into orbit for the second time`columbia
Mammal characterized by short, strong legs; elongated feet that are more or less plantigrade (heels touch the ground); & straight, strong toes adapted to burrowing`badger
Mammals and birds harmful to crops and game`vermin
Management, supervision, or guidance of an action or operation`direction
Managua is the capital of ______`nicaragua
Man At Saint Marks Her headline hit in 1984 was "Girls Just Want To Have Fun"`cyndi lauper
Mancha who wrote 'don quixote'`cervantes
MandM candy was first produced in 1940 for what specific group`us
Maneuvers used against an enemy: 'Guerrilla ------- were employed during most of the war.'`tactics
Manfred Mann's ...`earth band
Maniaphobia is the fear of`insanity
Manifested in or involving practice: '--------- applications of calculus.'`practical
Maniophobia is a fear of ______`insanity
manner and dress are deemed typical of traditional preparatory schools`preppie
Manner of death for Stevie Ray Vaughn`plane crash
Manner of singing favoured by Swiss mountain dwellers`yodelling
Manner of walking`gait
Manorial land retained for the private use of a feudal lord`demesne
Mans headress of fabric wound round cap or head`turban
Mans name meaning 'king'`rex
Mans scarf worn inside an open necked shirt`cravat
Mantle what is the official name of michael knight's car`Knight Industries 2000
Manufactured by du pont in 1938, what was dr. west's miracle tuft, the first nylon example of`the toothbrush
Manufactured by Du Pont in 1938, what was 'Dr West's Miracle tuft, the first nylon example of`toothbrush
many ancient mayan ruins are located on which peninsula`yucatan`beethoven
Many ancient Mayan ruins are located on which peninsula`yucatan peninsula
many a slugabed has been reminded that 'the early bird catches' this`the worm
Many factors including vitamins A, D, B12 and which other vitamin must be present to aid the clotting of blood`vitamin k
Many female children are named 'Friday' after which patron saint of Oxford`st frideswide
many female children are named 'friday' after which patron saint of oxford`st frideswide`saint frideswide
Many male fish blow bubbles when they want to`copulate
Many Meanings: Fuel, vapor, flattulence, helium. What is it`gas
Many men and women __________ while they masturbate.`fantasize
Many sailors used to wear ____ earrings so that they could afford a proper burial when they died`gold
Many thought this song stood for lsd, but john lennon insisted it was about a girl at his son's school. what is the song title`lucy in the sky with
many thought this song stood for lsd, but john lennon insisted it was about a girl at his son's school, what is the song title`lucy in the sky with diamonds
Maputo is the capital of ______`mozambique
Maracaibo is the second largest city in which South American country`venezuela
Maraschino is a liqueur flavored with what`cherries
'Maraschino' is a liqueur flavoured with what`cherries
Marbella is a resort on which Spainsh coast`costa del sol
marcel ---------- had a swordfish at home`prousthave
marcel prousthave had a ---------- at home`swordfish
marconi transmitted radio signals across the atlantic in 1901, 1902 or 1903`1901
marconi transmitted radio signals across which ocean`atlantic`christmas
Marconi transmitted radio signals across which ocean`atlantic ocean
Marco Polo travelled to the Tatar Empire, what is it now called`china
Mardi gras is French for ___________ ?`Fat Tuesday
Mardi Gras is French for `fat tuesday
Mardi Gras is French for ___________`Fat Tuesday
Mares' tails are examples of which type of cloud`cirrus
Margaret made a trade with charles to train the nurses. What did she have to do in return`a classical record
margaret thatcher becomes the first woman elected prime minister of`great britain
Margate lies on the coast of which English county`kent
Marge Simpson has the same maiden name as a former First Lady. Name the former First Lady`Jackie Kennedy
Marie Curie won Nobel prizes in which two categories`physics and chemistry
Marie Curie won Nobel prizes in which two categories`physics and chemistry`chemistry and physics`physics & chemistry`chemistry & physics`physics chemistry`chemistry physics
Marie Curie won Nobel prizes in which two categories`physics and chemistryMusic : The Police: This song was on the cassette tape, but not the album, of _Synchronicity_.`murder by numbers
Marie Osmond has only had one UK hit single as a solo artist name it`paper roses
Marijuana is Spanish for what`mary jane
Marilyn Monroe had six`toes
Marinated limbs of fowl`chicken wings
Marine creature with tusks`walrus
Mariner Chinese: What do you call a Chinese sailing ship`junk
Marines`merchant marines
'Maris Piper' In An Oven Until It Goes Soft Inside`Baked Potato
Maritime law`admiralty
Mark David Chapman was famous for what in 1980?`Shooting John Lennon
mark dinning released which tear-jerker that went to the top of the charts in november 1959`teen angel
Marked by abundance: 'a wealthy land.'`wealthier
Marked by abundance: plentiful. liberal`bountiful
Marked by a lack of care or precision: slipshod: 'sloppy use of language.'`sloppier
Marked by a lack of good taste: coarse`indelicate
Marked by a lack of shame: 'a --------- lie.'`shameless
Marked by a narrow-minded morality`moralistic
Marked by an orderly, logical, and aesthetically consistent relation of parts: 'a -------- essay.'`coherent
Marked by a retarded tempo: 'a ---- waltz.'`slow
Marked by brutal force: 'Stalin's --------- treatment of the kulaks.'`roughshod
Marked by brutality or depravity`bestial
Marked by bumps and jolts: rough: 'a bumpy flight.'`bumpier
Marked by confidence in oneself: self-assured. sure`confident
Marked by conspicuous devoutness: 'a ----- and holy observation.'`pious
Marked by crudeness or lack of restraint in taste, style, or manner`barbaric
Marked by damage, deterioration, or ruin: 'a junkyard full of -------- vehicles.'`spavined
Marked by decay or decline`overripe
Marked by effortless grace: 'a ----- ballet dancer.'`lithe
Marked by exaggerated self-display and unnatural behavior: affectedly dramatic`theatrical
Marked by extreme desire to acquire or possess: '-------- of learning.'`covetous
Marked by firm, unwavering conviction or expression: forthright: 'a ---------- refusal to yield.'`foursquare
Marked by friendly intimacy. comfortable`cosier
Marked by friendly intimacy. comfortable`cosy
Marked by great physical power: 'a ------ blow to the head.'`strong
Marked by high prices: '--------- stores.'`expensive
Marked by intellectual productivity. fertile`fecund
Marked by lack of affectation: genuine. naive`unaffected
Marked by lethargy: torpid`comatose
Marked by narrowness of mind, ideas, or views`pettier
Marked by narrowness of mind, ideas, or views`petty
Marked by neglectful or heedless failure to remember: '--------- of one's responsibilities.'`forgetful
Marked by negligence: slipshod. sloppy`slovenly
Marked by or affording occasion for agreeable conversation and conviviality. social`sociable
Marked by or arising from a feeling or assumption of one's superiority toward others: 'an -------- contempt for the weak.' proud`arrogant
Marked by or causing distress: emotional: an account of a ------- mother-daughter relationship (Francesca Simon)`fraught
Marked by or composed of abrupt, disconnected parts or sounds: 'staccato applause.'`staccati
Marked by or contributing to luxury`luxurious
Marked by or done with force and energy. active`vigorous
Marked by or done with valor. brave`valiance
Marked by or exhibiting calm endurance of pain, difficulty, provocation, or annoyance`patient
Marked by or exhibiting calm endurance of pain, difficulty, provocation, or annoyance`patiently
Marked by or indicating a lack of maturity: puerile: 'tired of your -------- pranks.'`childish
Marked by or indicating the tone and resiliency of healthy tissue: 'firm muscles.'`firmed
Marked by or indicating the tone and resiliency of healthy tissue: 'firm muscles.'`firming
Marked by or offering devoted and assiduous attention to the pleasure or comfort of others. thoughtful`attentive
Marked by or offering fun and gaiety: festive: 'a merry evening.'`merrier
Marked by or providing unrestrained gratification: self-indulgent`decadent
Marked by or requiring strict adherence to rigorous standards or high principles: 'a ------ code of behavior.'`severe
Marked by or resulting from a desire to hurt: spiteful`vindictive
Marked by or resulting from lack of forethought or thoroughness: 'a -------- mistake.'`careless
Marked by or suggesting a lack of normal maturity: 'silly, -------- behavior.'`immature
Marked by pain or rigidness: 'a ---- back.'`lame
Marked by pain or rigidness: 'a lame back.'`lamer
Marked by pain or rigidness: 'a lame back.'`laming
Marked by prickling or tingling or smarting: 'a prickly sensation in my foot.'`pricklier
Marked by self-indulgence, triviality, or decadence: 'an ------ group of self-professed intellectuals.'`effete
Marked by self-restraint and reticence. silent`reservedly
Marked by sensationalism: 'a ----- account of the crime.' ghastly`lurid
Marked by showy elegance: splendid: 'a dashing coat.' fashionable`dashingly
Marked by success: prosperous`auspicious
Marked by the presence of wood or xylem: '----- plants.'`woody
Marked by the presence of wood or xylem: 'woody plants.'`woodier
Marked by the suspension of regular breathing, as from tension or excitement: 'a ---------- audience.'`breathless
Marked by the tendency to spread, especially into healthy tissue: 'an -------- carcinoma.'`invasive
Marked by uncontrolled excitement or emotion: ecstatic: '--------- joy: a crowd of --------- baseball fans.'`delirious
Marked by unrelenting intensity: extreme: '--------- heat.'`ferocious
Marked by worry and distress: troublesome: Of all the ------- stages of human development, adolescence is the most infamous (David Gelman)`fretful
Marked for certain death: doomed: 'was marked as a dead man by the assassin.'`deader
Marked for certain death: doomed: 'was marked as a ---- man by the assassin.'`dead
markets. Phobias: Fear of leaving a safe place`agoraphobia
Mark mcguire tied and went on to beat whose record of 61 home runs in one major league season`roger maris
Mark Mishon ate 61 of these in 7 minutes at The Obelix Creperie.`Pancakes
Mark, rouble and escudo are all types of what`currency
Mark Twain died at age 75 in _____`1910
Mark Twain was born on a day in 1835 & he died in 1910, what was in view on both occasions`halleys comet
Marley what did actor john wayne win from rudd weatherswax in a poker game`lassie
Marley whose likeness is depicted on the purple heart`george washington
Marley Who still receives an estimated 25 pieces of junk mail per year at Walden Pond`Thoreau
marlon brando and vivien leigh share the screen in ___?`a streetcar named desire
Marlon Brando starred in 'Last Tango in Paris' which actress was he tangoing with`maria schneider
Marquis de Queensbury rules: Where does a "rabbit punch" land, in the sport of boxing`back of the head
Marshall Field was the founder, in 1941, of what Chicago paper`chicago sun
Marsha Wash says she's gonna go out and let herself get absolutely soaking wet because`It's raining men
Mars is __________ kilometres in diameter`6,790
Mars is __________ miles in diameter`4,219
Mars is ____ million kilometres from the Sun`two hundred & twenty eight
Mars is ____ million kilometres from the Sun`two hundred & twenty eight`228
Mars is sometimes called the ___ planet`red
Mars takes ______ Earth days to circle the sun`six hundred & eighty seven
Mars takes ______ Earth days to circle the sun`six hundred & eighty seven`687
Martha Jane Canary is better known by what name`calamity jane
martha reeves was the lead singer of what motown singing group?`ronettes
Martin British rock-music group that rivaled the popularity of the group's early contemporaries, The Beatles`the rolling stones
Martin Luther King Day was declared a national public holiday in the US by which president`Ronald Reagan
Martin Luther King was the youngest recipient of what`nobel peace prize
Martin what 1980's tv series starred bruce willis`moonlighting
Marx Movies: Chico and Harpo are spies Chicolini and Pinkie in this movie`duck soup
marx movies: either you are dead or my watch has stopped`a day at the races
marx movies: groucho: one morning i shot an elephant in my pajamas`animal crackers
Marx Movies: In this movie Chico is a tooty-fruity selling tout`a day at the races
Marx Movies: Say,if you get near a song , play it`animal crackers
Marx Movies: The first part of the party of the first part .... the second part...`a night at the opera
marx movies: the last appearance of the marx brothers together was in this tv curio`the incredible jewel robbery
marx movies: the last film together of the brothers`love happy
Marx Movies: This movie contains their celebrated state room scene aboard an ocean liner`a night at the opera
marx movies: whatever it is i am against it`horsefeathers
mary and martha lived in this town and so did lazarus, sometimes`bethany
Mary Anne Nichols, Martha Turner, Annie Chapman, Elizabeth Stride, and Catherine Eddowes were London prostitutes who were murdered and dismembered by the notorious --------------- in the autumn of 1888. The perpetrator of these chilling atrocities was never found, although many theories as to his/her identity persist to this day.`jack the ripper
Mary Donaldson was the first woman to hold which post`lord mayor of london
Mary I and Mary II were on the throne for the same number of years. How long were their reigns`five years
mary j blige born 11 jan 1971`atlanta, georgia
Maryland State Quarter depicts the dome of the______________, the largest wooden dome in the country built without nails`Maryland Statehouse
Mary Magdalene is the patron saint of ______`prostitutes
Mary Pickford was born in _____`1893
Mary Queen of Scots belonged to which royal house`stuart
Mary Robinson became president of Ireland in which year`1990
Mary Robinson became president of which country in 1990`ireland
maseru is the capital of ______`lesotho
Maseru is the capital of which African country`lesotho
mash: colonel blake is from this state`illinois
mash: colonel potter loves to ride this animal, even in korea.`horse
MASH: Colonel Potter paints him throwing a discus.`klinger
mash: in the movie, who plays radar`gary burghoff
MASH: Klinger wears dresses to earn himself one of these.`section 8
Mash: name the operator radar talks to on the telephone where did the most powerful earthquake in us history occur during 1811`new
mash: to avoid detection, this agent would discretely jump through windows`flagg
MASH: Trapper John and Hawkeye build one of these in their tent.`still
mash: what city does winchester hail from`boston
mash: what does o.r. stand for`operating room
mash: what is b.j. honeycutt's wife's name`peg
MASH: What is Klinger court-martialed for`theft
m-a-s-h: what is nurse dish's first name`maggie
mash: what is the name of radar's contact in eye corps`sparky
m-a-s-h: what sport was father mulcahy's sister into`basketball
M*A*S*H: What was Radar O'Reilly's real first name?`Walter
Mash: what was the name of bj's wife`peg
mash: what was the name of the final episode`goodbye farewell & amen
Mash: what was walter radar o'reilley's home town`ottumwa, iowa
Mash: when hawkeye called hollywood, who did he ask for`marilyn monroe
m-a-s-h: where did radar's mother send him when the cat had kittens`to the movies
mash: which character walked through a mine field to rescue a lost child`john
mash: which character writes home often to his father in maine`hawkeye pierce
mash: which future star played a soldier diagnosed with leukemia`patrick swayze
MASH: Who directed the final episode`alan alda
m-a-s-h: who gave radar his exam for his high school diploma?`colonel blake
mash: who plays hawkeye pierce`alan alda
mash: who said, "thanks for the eight pound baby nose"`klingers father
Mash: who was the "commie smelling" army intelligence officer`colonel
mash: william o'reilly earns the name radar by his ability to hear these transports`helicopters
Masked pantomime character in diamond patterned costume`harlequin
Mason A Free`mason
Mason A Freemason`masons
Masonry of such stones`ashlar
Massacre who was the narrator of the film 'texas chainsaw massacre'`john larroquette
Mass murder especially among a particular race or nation`genocide
Masters & Johnson were famous for books on what topic`human sexuality
Mastigophobia is the fear of ____`punishment
Masturbation is defined as..?`getting your ownself off
Material burned to give fragrant fumes`incense
Material disseminated by the advocates or opponents of a doctrine or cause: 'wartime ----------.'`propaganda
Material, especially straw, on which animals sleep`beddings
Material for shelves`shelving
Material made from the skin of an animal`leather
Materials that have been excavated`diggings
Material, such as a word or passage, that has been removed from a body of written or printed matter`deletion
Material that has been knitted or is being knitted`knittings
Material used for making packages`packagings
Material used to cover this surface`ceilings
Material used to make quilts`quiltings
Material used to thicken: 'stir in a ---------- of flour and water.'`thickening
Material wealth regarded as having an evil influence`mammon
Material withheld from civilian use in WW II because it was needed to make parachutes`nylon
Material world Where does the Dicken's story "A CHRISTMAS CAROL" take place`england
Material world who played the male lead in the 1965 film entitled the war lord`charlton
Material written for publication in a newspaper or magazine or for broadcast`journalism
Mateus is a wine region of which country`portugal
Mathematics. A computational procedure in which a cycle of operations is repeated, often to approximate the desired result more closely`iteration
Mathematics. A geo------ function that describes the distances between pairs of points in a space`metric
Mathematics. A graphic representation of an algebraic or geometric relationship`diagram
Mathematics : A line drawn from an angle of a triangle to the mid-point of the opposite side is a(n) _______.`median
Mathematics. A mode`norms
Mathematics &amp: Physics. The number of times a specified periodic phenomenon occurs within a specified interval, as: The number of repetitions of acomplete sequence of values of a periodic function per unit variation of an`frequency
Mathematics &amp: Statistics. Of or relating to a type of circumstance or event that is described by a probability distribution`random
Mathematics. An algebraic expression consisting of one or more summed terms, each term consisting of a constant multiplier and one or more variables raisedto integral powers. For example, x2 - 5x + 6 and 2p3q + y are ----------s`polynomial
Mathematics : An angle greater than 180 degrees and less than 360 degrees is a(n) ________ angle.`reflex
Mathematics : An angle greater than 90 degrees is said to be _________.`obtuse
Mathematics : An integer that is greater than 1 and is divisible only by itself and 1 is known as a(n) _______.`prime
Mathematics : Approximately how many inches are there in one meter`39
Mathematics. A proposition that has been or is to be proved on the basis of explicit assumptions`theorem
Mathematics : Arc, radius, and sector are parts of a(n) _________.`circle
Mathematics : Arc, radius, & sector are parts of a(n)`circle
Mathematics. A segment of a circle`arc
Mathematics. A set having the same number of points as all the real numbers in an interval`continua
Mathematics. A set having the same number of points as all the real numbers in an interval`continuum
Mathematics. A single vector that is the equivalent of a set of vectors`resultant
Mathematics. A statement, usually an equation, that one thing equals another`equalities
Mathematics : A triangle with three equal sides is called _______.`equilateral
Mathematics : A triangle with two equal sides is called __________.`isosceles
"Mathematics" : A U.S. dime is worth ___ cents.`10
Mathematics : A U.S. dime is worth ___ cents`ten`10
Mathematics. Being the same or identical to in value`equal
Mathematics. Congruent`congruous
Mathematics. Designating geometric lines or planes that are neither parallel nor perpendicular`oblique
Mathematics. Having factors: factorable`composite
Mathematics. Having no elements or members: null: 'an empty set.'`emptied
Mathematics. Having the base three`ternaries
Mathematics : He is known as "The Father of Geometry".`euclid
Mathematics : How many corners are there in a cube`eight
Mathematics : How many nickles are there in $2.25`45
Mathematics : If you cut through a solid sphere what shape will the flat area be`circle
Mathematics : Name the number system which uses only the symbols 1 and 0.`the binary system
Mathematics. Occurring as a result of an operation that is not linear`nonlinear
Mathematics. Of or being the coefficient of the --------- unit in a complex number`imaginary
Mathematics. Of or relating to an ------- or an ------- function`inverse
Mathematics. That can be put into a one-to-one correspondence with the positive integers`countable
Mathematics : The angles inside a square total _______ degrees.`360
Mathematics. The identity element for addition`zero
Mathematics : The mathematical study of properties of lines, angels, etc., is ________.`geometry
Mathematics. The number by which another number is multiplied. In 8 32, the ---------- is 8`multiplier
Mathematics. The number left over when one integer is divided by another: 'The --------- plus the product of the quotient times the divisor equals`remainder
Mathematics. The portion of a line between any two points on the line`segment
Mathematics. The ratio of the change in the angle of a tangent that moves over a given arc to the length of the arc`curvature
Mathematics : The space occupied by a body is called its ______.`volume
"Mathematics" : The square root of 1 is`1
Mathematics. To draw to scale by means of a scale and --------or: plot`protract
Mathematics. To have three or more points coincident with`osculate
Mathematics. To perform multiplication on`multiplied
Mathematics. To place (one geometric figure) over another so that all like parts coincide`superpose
Mathematics. To subject to permutation`permute
Mathematics : Two angles that total 180 degrees are called _______.`supplementary
Mathematics : What geometric shape has 4 equal sides`square
Mathematics: What is the square root of -1 `i
Mathematics: Who invented logarithms `John Napier
Mathematics: Who proved Fermat's Last Theorem `Andrew Wiles
Math & Numbers: 0,2,6,12,20,30,42,56,`72
Math & Numbers: 0,2,6,12,20,30,42,56,72,`90
Math & Numbers: 100,81,64,49,`36
Math & Numbers: 100 Sided Polygon Called`Hectogon
Math & Numbers: 100 Zeros After The Number 1 Is A Very Very Large Number Called What`Googol
Math & Numbers: 10 Sided Polygon Called`Decagon
Math & Numbers: 1,10,11,100,101,`110
Math & Numbers: 111,111,111 X 111,111,111 Equals`12,345,678,987,654,321
Math & Numbers: 1, -1,2, -3,4, -7,6, -11,8, -15,14,`-17
Math & Numbers: 11 Sided Polygon Called`Hendecagon
Math & Numbers: 12 Sided Polygon Called`Dodecagon
Math & Numbers: 1,3,5,11,21,43,`85
Math & Numbers: 13 Sided Polygon Called`Triskaidecagon
Math & Numbers: 1,4,9,25,49,121,169,`289
Math & Numbers: 14 Sided Polygon Called`Tetrakaidecagon
Math & Numbers: 14x20`280
Math & Numbers: 15 Sided Polygon Called`Pentakaidecagon
Math & Numbers: 17 Sided Polygon Called`Heptakaidecagon
Math & Numbers: 1,8,27,125,216,`64
Math & Numbers: 18 Sided Polygon Called`Octakaidecagon
Math & Numbers: 19 Sided Polygon Called`Enneakaidecagon
Math & Numbers: 1 Sided Polygon Called`Monogon
Math & Numbers: 20 Sided Polygon Called`Icosagon
Math & Numbers: 21 + 44`65
Math & Numbers: 21+9`30
Math & Numbers: 220 Yards Equals One`Furlong
Math & Numbers: 240 Minutes In Hours`Four
Math & Numbers: 2,4,2,6,3,12,8,40,`35
Math & Numbers: 2 + (5 X 6) =`32
Math & Numbers: 2 Sided Polygon Called`Digon
Math & Numbers: 30 Sided Polygon Called`Triacontagon
Math & Numbers: 3.26 Light Years Equals One`Parsec
Math & Numbers: 3+7`10
Math & Numbers: 3 Days And 6 Hours In Minutes`4,680
Math & Numbers: 3 Sided Polygon Called`Trigon
Math & Numbers: 40 Sided Polygon Called`Tetracontagon
Math & Numbers: 4,9,25,49,121,`169
Math & Numbers: 4 Sided Polygon Called`Tetragon
Math & Numbers: .5 X Base X Height Is The Formula To Find The Area Of What Geometric Figure`Triangle
Math & Numbers: 60 Sided Polygon Called`Hexacontagon
Math & Numbers: 65% Of Sixty`Thirty Nine
Math & Numbers: 70 Sided Polygon Called`Heptacontagon
Math & Numbers: 7 Sided Polygon Called`Heptagon
Math & Numbers: 80 Sided Polygon Called`Octacontagon
Math & Numbers: 8 Sided Polygon Called`Octagon
Math & Numbers: 9 Sided Polygon Called`Enneagon
Math & Numbers: About How Many Cm In A Foot`Twenty Five
Math & Numbers: A Capital D Is The Roman Numeral For Which Number`Five Hundred
Math & Numbers: A Depth Of 2 Fathoms (3,6 Metres) Is Called A ___`Mark Twain
Math & Numbers: A Dodecagon`A Polygon With 12 Sides
Math & Numbers: A Jiffy Is An Actual Unit Of Time For __________ Of A Second. Thus The Saying, I Will Be There In A Jiffy`1/100th
Math & Numbers: Algebra: Define The Value Of X: 0x + 7 + 5x = 2x + 30 + 40`21
Math & Numbers: Algebra: Define The Value Of X: 100x + -89x = 121`11
Math & Numbers: Algebra: Define The Value Of X: 10 - 20x-10=15x-5x+90`9
Math & Numbers: Algebra: Define The Value Of X: 10x = 130`13
Math & Numbers: Algebra: Define The Value Of X: -10x - 19 = 19 - 8x`-19
Math & Numbers: Algebra: Define The Value Of X: 10x+5+0= 2x - 3x + 60`5
Math & Numbers: Algebra: Define The Value Of X: -11+10x+11-33=X+2x+100`19
Math & Numbers: Algebra: Define The Value Of X: 12x + 0 = 144`Twelve
Math & Numbers: Algebra: Define The Value Of X: 12 = -X + 1`-11
Math & Numbers: Algebra: Define The Value Of X: 14 = -2x`-7
Math & Numbers: Algebra: Define The Value Of X: 15 + 5x = 0`-3
Math & Numbers: Algebra: Define The Value Of X: 17x - 12 = 114 + 3x`9
Math & Numbers: Algebra: Define The Value Of X: 29 - X = 13`16
Math & Numbers: Algebra: Define The Value Of X: 2x - 10 = 10 - 3x`Four
Math & Numbers: Algebra: Define The Value Of X: 2x = 10`5
Math & Numbers: Algebra: Define The Value Of X: -32 = X + 3`-35
Math & Numbers: Algebra: Define The Value Of X: 46 = 47 - X`1
Math & Numbers: Algebra: Define The Value Of X: 4x + 6 = -10`-4
Math & Numbers: Algebra: Define The Value Of X: 6x - 2 + 2x = -2 + 4x + 8`2
Math & Numbers: Algebra: Define The Value Of X: 99 + 5x = 2000 - 5x - 911`99
Math & Numbers: Algebra: Define The Value Of X: -X - 1 = 221 + 2x`-74
Math & Numbers: Algebra: Define The Value Of X: X + 3 = 5`2
Math & Numbers: Algebra: Define The Value Of X: X - 6 = 9`15
Math & Numbers: Algebra: Solve It: 14a X 3a - 8a ~ 2`17
Math & Numbers: Algebra: Solve It: 3x + 2x`5x
Math & Numbers: Algebra: Solve It: 7y - 2y + 3y`8y
Math & Numbers: A Line That Touches A Circle At Only One Point Is Called A`Tangent
Math & Numbers: American Applied Mathematician And Electrical Engineer, Noted For His Development Of The Theory Of Communication Now Known As Information Theory`Claude Shannon
Math & Numbers: American Mathematician And Founder Of Cybernetics, The Study Of Control And Communication In Machines, Animals, And Organisations`Wiener
Math & Numbers: An Angle Called If It Is Less Than 90 Degrees`Acute
Math & Numbers: An Angle Greater Than 180 Degrees And Less Than 360 Degrees Is A(N) ________ Angle`Reflex
Math & Numbers: An Angle Greater Than 90 Degrees And Less Than 180 Degrees Is Said To Be`Obtuse
Math & Numbers: An Angle Greater Than 90 Degrees Is Said To Be`Obtuse
Math & Numbers: An Angle Less Than 90 Degrees`Acute
Math & Numbers: An Angle Subtended By The Diameter Of An Object Called`Angular
Math & Numbers: An Eight Sided Polygon Called`Octagon
Math & Numbers: An Enneahedron Is Solid With __________ Faces`Nine
Math & Numbers: An Enneahedron Is __________ With Nine Faces`Solid
Math & Numbers: An Integer That Is Greater Than 1 And Is Divisible Only By Itself And 1 Is Known As A(N) ____`Prime Number
Math & Numbers: An Irrational Number Is A Number That Goes On Forever With __`No Pattern
Math & Numbers: An Ogee Curve`S-Curve
Math & Numbers: An S-Curve Is Called An`Ogee Curve
Math & Numbers: Apart From Gottfried Leibniz, Which Famous Scientist Developed The Many Techniques Of Calculus In Mathematics`Isaac Newton
Math & Numbers: Approximately,1 Out Of __________ People Suffer From Asthma`25
Math & Numbers: Approximately __________ Cakes Of Ivory Soap Had Been Manufactured By 1990`30 Billion
Math & Numbers: Approximately How Many Children Did Pharaoh Ramses Ii Father`One Hundred And Sixty
Math & Numbers: Approximately How Many Times Sweeter Is Saccharin Than Sucrose`500
Math & Numbers: Approximately How Much Salt Is In Every Gallon Of Seawater`Quarter Pound
Math & Numbers: Approximately How Old Is The First Known Written Advertisement`Three Thousand Years Old
Math & Numbers: Approximately __________ Of Software In China Is Pirated`98%
Math & Numbers: Arc, Radius, And Sector Are Parts Of A(N)`Circle
Math & Numbers: A Set Of All X Such That {X=1,2,3,4...} Is The Definition For What Classification Of Numbers`Natural
Math & Numbers: A Set Of All X Such That {X=...-3, -2, -1,0,1,2,3...} Is The Definition For What Classification Of Numbers`Integers
Math & Numbers: A Single Unit Of Quanta Called`Quantum
Math & Numbers: Assuming Rudolph Was In Front, There Are 40320 Ways To Rearrange The Other __________ Reindeer`Eight
Math & Numbers: Assuming Rudolph Was In Front, There Are __________ Ways To Rearrange The Other Eight Reindeer`40320
Math & Numbers: Assuming __________ Was In Front, There Are 40320 Ways To Rearrange The Other Eight Reindeer`Rudolph
Math & Numbers: A Triangle With A 90 Degree Angle In It Called`Right Angled Triangle
Math & Numbers: A Triangle With Two Equal Sides Is Called`Isosceles
Math & Numbers: A U.S. Dime Is Worth ___ Cents`Ten
Math & Numbers: Benoit Mandelbrot Discovered What Mathematical Structures`Fractals
Math & Numbers: Branch Of Mathematics Concerned With The Study Of Such Concepts As The Rate Of Change Of One Variable Quantity With Respect To Another, The Slope Of A Curve At A Prescribed Point, And The Computation Of The Maximum And Minimum Values Of Functions`Calculus
Math & Numbers: Branch Of Mathematics That Deals With The Properties And Relationships Of Numbers (Number)`Number Theory
Math & Numbers: Branch Of Mathematics Using Letters To Represent Numbers`Algebra
Math & Numbers: Can You Divide 10230 By 3 And Get A Natural Number`Yes
Math & Numbers: Can You Divide 222222 By 6 And Get A Natural Number`Yes
Math & Numbers: Capital L Is The Roman Numeral For Which Number`50
Math & Numbers: Complex Numbers Are The Combination Of Imaginary Numbers And`Real Numbers
Math & Numbers: Defined As Declarative Statements Which Are Either True Or False, But Not Both At The Same Time, These Are The Building Blocks Of Logic`Propositions
Math & Numbers: Divide The Roman Numeral Dxxii By Iii. In Roman Numerals, What Would Be Your Answer`Clxxiv
Math & Numbers: E0, Pd2+ + 2e- = Pd(S)`+0.987
Math & Numbers: E(Base, Natural Logs) To 4 Decimals`2.7182
Math & Numbers: E=Mc², What Does The 'M' Stand For`Mass
Math & Numbers: Equivalent Of The Nobel Prize`Fields Medal
Math & Numbers: Everyone Liked The Matrix Soo...Add Matrix A [1 2 3 4] To Matrix B [4 3 2 1] And Say The Answer`[5 5 5 5]
Math & Numbers: French Philosopher, Scientist, And Mathematician, Sometimes Called The Father Of Modern Philosophy`Descartes
Math & Numbers: Given That The Probability Of An Event A Is 9 Over 13, What Are Odds In Favour Of A`9: 4
Math & Numbers: He Is Known As 'The Father Of Geometry'`Euclid
Math & Numbers: How Do Write 49 In Roman Numerals`Xlix
Math & Numbers: How Do You Write 69 In Roman Numerals`Lxix
Math & Numbers: How Long In A Lifetime Does An Average Person Spend Kissing`Two Weeks
Math & Numbers: How Many Bags Of Mail Were Lost By The Pony Express`One
Math & Numbers: How Many Bends In A Standard Paperclip`Three
Math & Numbers: How Many Bits Are In A Nibble`Four
Math & Numbers: How Many Christmas Trees Are Produced By Nova Scotia Anually`One
Math & Numbers: How Many Corners Are There In A Cube`Eight
Math & Numbers: How Many Cups Are There In A Gallon`Sixteen
Math & Numbers: How Many Days Are There In A Fortnight`14
Math & Numbers: How Many Days Where There In 1976`366
Math & Numbers: How Many Different Letters Are Used In Roman Numerals`Seven
Math & Numbers: How Many Different Masses Can Be Obtained Using Weights Of Mass 1kg,2kg,5kg, And 10kg`15
Math & Numbers: How Many Equal Sides Are There On A Scalene Triangle`None
Math & Numbers: How Many Eyes Are There In A Deck Of 52 Cards`Forty Two
Math & Numbers: How Many Feet Are There In A Nautical Mile`Six Thousand And Eighty
Math & Numbers: How Many Feet Are There In One Fathom`Six
Math & Numbers: How Many Feet Of Tape Does The Average Sixty Minute Audio Cassette Contain`562.5
Math & Numbers: How Many Freckles Did Howdy Doody Have`Forty Eight
Math & Numbers: How Many Herrings Are In A Warp`Four
Math & Numbers: How Many Holes Are There In A Standard Horseshoe`Eight
Math & Numbers: How Many Hours Are There In A Week`168
Math & Numbers: How Many Individual Bets Make Up A Yankee`Eleven
Math & Numbers: How Many Letters Are Used For Roman Numerals`Seven
Math & Numbers: How Many Letters In The Roman Alphabet`Twenty Six
Math & Numbers: How Many Letters Of The Alphabet Are Used As Roman Numerals`Seven (I, V, X, L, C, D, M
Math & Numbers: How Many Lines Make Up A Number On A Digital Clock`Seven
Math & Numbers: How Many Lives Did Herb Philbrick Lead`Three
Math & Numbers: How Many Loaves Of Bread In A Baker's Dozen`Thirteen
Math & Numbers: How Many Months Are There In A Year`Twelve`12
Math & Numbers: How Many Moons Does Jupiter Have`Sixteen
Math & Numbers: How Many Names Did The First Telephone Book Ever Issued Contain`Fifty
Math & Numbers: How Many Noggins Are There In A Print`Four
Math & Numbers: How Many Rooms Are There In Buckingham Palace`Six Hundred And Two
Math & Numbers: How Many Seconds Are In A Day`Eighty Six Thousand Four Hundred
Math & Numbers: How Many Segments For The Number 8 On A Digital Clock`Seven
Math & Numbers: How Many Sides Does A Dodecahedron Have`Twelve
Math & Numbers: How Many Sides Does A Heptagon Have`Seven
Math & Numbers: How Many Sides Does A Octagon Have`Eight
Math & Numbers: How Many Sides Does A Pentagon`5
Math & Numbers: How Many Times Can U Fold A Piece Of Paper`Eight
Math & Numbers: How Many Times Is The Capacity Of A Pipe Increased If The Diameter Is Doubled`Four
Math & Numbers: How Much Is 30 Divided By 1/3 Plus Ten`One Hundred
Math & Numbers: If You Count From 1 To 100, How Many 7's Will You Come Across`20
Math & Numbers: If You Cut Through A Solid Sphere What Shape Will The Flat Area Be`Circle
Math & Numbers: If You Multiply Pi By The Square Of The Radius Of A Circle, What Do You Get`The Area Of A Circle
Math & Numbers: In 1659 What German Mathematician Introduced The Modern Sign For Division ( A Line With A Dot Above And Below It)`Johann Heinrich Rahn
Math & Numbers: In An Isosceles Triangle, If The Two Equal Angles Are 35 Degrees, The Third Angle`110 Degrees
Math & Numbers: In Imperial Measurement, How Many Pounds Are There In One Hundredweight`One Hundred And Twelve
Math & Numbers: In Imperial Measurement, How Many Square Yards Are In A Square Chain`484
Math & Numbers: In Roman Numerals What Does The Letter M With A Bar Over It Stand For`One Million
Math & Numbers: In September,1999, The Value Of Pi Was Calculated To A Record Number Of Decimal Places. How Many`206 Billion
Math & Numbers: In The First 100,000 Digits Of Pi, Which Number Occurs Most Frequently`1
Math & Numbers: ____ Involves Manipulation Of Propositions Or Statements In Order To Arrive At Desired Conclusions`Logic
Math & Numbers: Ludolph Van Ceulen, A German Mathematician, Calculated Pi To 35 Decimal Places: He Proudly Had This Value Engraved On His`Tombstone
Math & Numbers: Name A Quadrilateral Which Has No Axes Or Lines Of Symmetry`Trapezium
Math & Numbers: Names For Numbers: 1 Followed By 42 Zeroes`Tredecillion
Math & Numbers: _____ Notation Is Generally Represented By N! And Involves Consecutive Numbers Multiplied Together In Descending Order Until The Number Reaches One`Factorial
Math & Numbers: Nothing Is Guaranteed To Be True In Life ____ Can Fill The Spiritual Holes That We All Seek To Plug`Logic
Math & Numbers: Now, In Pi's First 100,000 Digits, Which Number Occurs Least Frequently`9
Math & Numbers: N Sided Polygon Called`N-Gon
Math & Numbers: On What Number Is The Decimal System Based`Ten
Math & Numbers: On What Number Is The Sexagesimal System Based`Sixty
Math & Numbers: Pi= 3.1415_26535___What Digit Belongs In The Blank`9
Math & Numbers: Pi Is An ______ Number, This Means That Its Decimals Keep Going And Going, It Can Not Be Written As A Fraction`Irrational
Math & Numbers: Pi Is Best Described As What Type Of Number`An Irrational Number
Math & Numbers: Pi Is Named After A Letter Of Which Alphabet`The Greek
Math & Numbers: Pi Is The Ratio Of A Circle's`Circumference To Diameter
Math & Numbers: Solve For X: 5x+4=24`Four
Math & Numbers: Solve This: 10 X 3 + 2`32
Math & Numbers: Take A 3 By 3 Square. The First Row Reads: 1,2,3. The Second Row: 4,5,6. The Third Row: 14,19, Which Number Is Missing`24
Math & Numbers: Take A 3 By 3 Square. The First Row Reads: 2,3,1. The Second Row: 1,4,5. The Third Row: 9, ___,26. Which Number Is Missing Here`43
Math & Numbers: Take A 3 By 3 Square. The First Row Reads: 9,1,7. The Second Row: 8,2,4. The Third Row: 7,3,`1
Math & Numbers: The Answer To A Division Problem Is Called The`Quotient
Math & Numbers: The Derivative Of Sin X`Cos X
Math & Numbers: The _____Determines Whether Two Sets Of Scores Are Significantly Different. It Can Be Used With Small Samples And Even If The Standard Deviation Is Not Known. As Sample Sizes Increase, The Measurement Becomes More Accurate`T-Test
Math & Numbers: The Equivalent Of X To The First Power`X
Math & Numbers: The Equivalent Of X To The Negative One`1 Divided By X
Math & Numbers: The Equivalent Of X To The Zero Power`1
Math & Numbers: The First Antiderivative Of Acceleration Is`Velocity
Math & Numbers: The Greek Capital Letter 'Sigma' Is Used To Denote What Process`The Sum Of
Math & Numbers: The Instrument Used In Geometry To Measure Angles Is A(N)`Protractor
Math & Numbers: The Longest Side In A Right-Angled Triangle Is Called The`Hypotenuse
Math & Numbers: The Mathematical Notation For A Product Is Designated By What Greek Letter`Pi
Math & Numbers: The Mathematical Study Of Properties Of Lines, Angels, Etc., Is`Geometry
Math & Numbers: The Mathematician Cardano Was Imprisoned For Doing The Horoscope Of`Jesus Christ
Math & Numbers: The Maths Equivalent Of The Nobel Prize`Fields Medal
Math & Numbers: The Maximum Number Of Degrees In An Acute Angle`Anything Below Ninety Degrees
Math & Numbers: The Minimum Number Of Degrees In An Obtuse Angle`Anything Above Ninety Degrees
Math & Numbers: The Most Commonly Used Statistical Measure Of Spread In A Normally-Distributed Population`Standard Deviation
Math & Numbers: The Name Given To A Curve That Approaches A Line, But Never Quite Touches It`Asymptote
Math & Numbers: The Name Given To A Quadrilateral With One, And Only One, Pair Of Sides Parallel To Each Other`Trapezium
Math & Numbers: The Name Given To The Number Equal To 10 Raised To The Power Of 100`A Googol
Math & Numbers: The Number 174,465 That Belongs To The Telephone`U.S Patent Number
Math & Numbers: The Number Of Births In India Each Year Is Greater Than The Entire Population Of`Australia
Math & Numbers: The Number Of Ufo Sightings Constantly Increase When Mars Is Nearest The`Earth
Math & Numbers: The Number Pi (3.14..) Is What Type Of Number`Irrational
Math & Numbers: The Probability Of Someone Throwing A 2,3 Or 12 With A Pair Of Dice`1 Over 9
Math & Numbers: The Probability Of Throwing A Sum Of 7 On Two Dice`1 Over 6
Math & Numbers: The Product Of 4 X 4 X 24 X 44`16896
Math & Numbers: The Product Of 67 X 5`335
Math & Numbers: The Pythagorean Theorem Applies To What Kind Of Triangle`Right-Angled
Math & Numbers: The Ratio Of The Circumference Of A Circle To Its Diameter`Pi
Math & Numbers: The Roman Numeral For Eleven`Xi
Math & Numbers: The Roman Numeral For Fifteen`Xv
Math & Numbers: The Roman Numeral For Fifty`L
Math & Numbers: The Roman Numeral For Forty`Xl
Math & Numbers: The Roman Numeral For Four`Iv
Math & Numbers: The Roman Numeral For Fourteen`Xiv
Math & Numbers: The Roman Numeral For Nine`Ix
Math & Numbers: The Roman Numeral For Nineteen`Xix
Math & Numbers: The Roman Numeral For One`I
Math & Numbers: The Roman Numeral For Seventeen`Xvii
Math & Numbers: The Roman Numeral For Seventy`Lxx
Math & Numbers: The Roman Numeral For Sixteen`Xvi
Math & Numbers: The Roman Numeral For Sixty`Lx
Math & Numbers: The Roman Numeral For Six`Vi
Math & Numbers: The Roman Numeral For Ten`X
Math & Numbers: The Roman Numeral For Thirteen`Xiii
Math & Numbers: The Roman Numeral For Thirty`Xxx
Math & Numbers: The Roman Numeral For Three`Iii
Math & Numbers: The Roman Numeral For Twenty`Xx
Math & Numbers: The Roman Numeral For Two`Ii
Math & Numbers: The Space Occupied By A Body Is Called Its`Volume
Math & Numbers: The Square Root Of 16`Four
Math & Numbers: The Square Root Of 1 Is`1
Math & Numbers: The Square Root Of -1`Undefined
Math & Numbers: The Square Root Of 4096`64
Math & Numbers: The Square Root Of 64`Eight
Math & Numbers: The Square Root Of 81`9
Math & Numbers: The Square Root Of 9801`99
Math & Numbers: The Square Root Of One Quarter`One Half
Math & Numbers: The Square Root Of The Product Of 55+65+24`Twelve
Math & Numbers: The Square Root Of Zero`0
Math & Numbers: The Sum Of 236 - 145`91
Math & Numbers: The Sum Of 27 + 52`79
Math & Numbers: The Sum Of 2a + 5a`7a
Math & Numbers: The Sum Of 2y + 32y + 56y`90y
Math & Numbers: The Sum Of 32 + 49 + 765`846
Math & Numbers: The Sum Of 75 + 23 + 84 - 101 + 18`99
Math & Numbers: The Sum Of 99 - 33 - 33 - 33`0
Math & Numbers: The Sum Of Days In A Week + Months In A Year + Hours In A Day`43
Math & Numbers: The Sum Of Days In September + Days In February In Leap Year Equals`59
Math & Numbers: The Sum Of Days In Week, According To The Beatles + 'The Loneliest Number' + How Many It Takes To Tango`11
Math & Numbers: The Sum Of Digits On One Hand (Including Thumb)+ Number Of Cat's Lives + Wheels On A Unicycle Is`15
Math & Numbers: The Sum Of Legs On A Tripod + Wheels On A Bicycle Equals`5
Math & Numbers: The Sum Of Number Of Muses + Numerical Date Of Valentine's Day Equals What`23
Math & Numbers: The Sum Of Number Of Ways To Leave Your Lover + Days Of Christmas`62
Math & Numbers: The Sum Of Seasons In A Year + Wonders Of The World Is`11
Math & Numbers: The Sum Of Sides Of A Square + Sides Of A Hexagon Is`Ten
Math & Numbers: The Sum Of The Even Numbers Between 1 And 21 Equals`110
Math & Numbers: The Sum Of The Loneliest Number + Golden Rings In The Christmas Carol + Pennies In A Dollar Equals`Sixteen
Math & Numbers: The Sum Of The Number Of Commandments + Number Of Roman Catholic Sacraments + Number Of Deadly Sins + Number Of Entities In Holy Trinity`27
Math & Numbers: The Sum Of The Number Of Jesus' Apostles + The Number Of Days In A Week`19
Math & Numbers: The Sum Of The Number Of Little Pigs + The Number Of Blind Mice + The Number Of Peter Rabbit's Brothers And Sisters`9
Math & Numbers: The Symbol Used To Represent Summation Notation Called`Sigma
Math & Numbers: The Term Centennial Represents How Many Years`One Hundred
Math & Numbers: The Term Quadricentennial Represents How Many Years`Four Hundred
Math & Numbers: The Term Quartocentennial Represents How Many Years`Twenty Five
Math & Numbers: The Term Quincentennial Represents How Many Years`Five Hundred
Math & Numbers: The Term Semicentennial Represents How Many Years`Fifty
Math & Numbers: The Term Septiquinquennial Represents How Many Years`Seventy Five
Math & Numbers: The Term Sesquincentennial Represents How Many Years`One Hundred And Fifty
Math & Numbers: The Term Sesquiquadricentennial Represents How Many Years`Four Hundred And Fifty
Math & Numbers: The Term Sesquitercentennial Represents How Many Years`Three Hundred And Fifty
Math & Numbers: The Term Tercentennial Represents How Many Years`Three Hundred
Math & Numbers: The Volume Of Which Solid Is Given By The Formula 4/3 Pi(R)Cubed`Sphere
Math & Numbers: This Is A Compound Statement Which Is False No Matter What The Truth Values Are Of Its Smaller Components`Contradiction
Math & Numbers: This Is A Compound Statement Which Is True No Matter What The Truth Values Are Of Its Smaller Components`Tautology
Math & Numbers: This Is The Most Simple Of The Logical Connectives In Logic. Using It And Negation, All Other Common Logical Connectives Can Be Derived`Conjunction
Math & Numbers: This Logic Tool Consists Of Three Statements, Two Of Which Are Premises And The Other, A Conclusion. In Order To Check Validity, Venn Diagrams Are Often Used`Syllogism
Math & Numbers: This Term Is The Most Simple Operation In Logic. It Simply Reverses The Truth Value`Negation
Math & Numbers: This Tool Is Where Logicians Do Much Of Their Work. It Is Designed To Summarize Truth Values Using Rows And Columns`Truth Table
Math & Numbers: Two Angles That Total 180 Degrees Are Called`Supplementary
Math & Numbers: Type Of Mathematics Used To Calculate Area`Integral Calculus
Math & Numbers: Type Of Mathematics Used To Calculate Rates Of Change`Differential Calculus
Math & Numbers: (Ux = Vy) And (Uy = -Vx) Are What`Cauchy-Riemann Equations
Math & Numbers: Warning Tough Sequences: 0-7-26-63-124-215`342
Math & Numbers: Warning Tough Sequences: 1-10-11-100-101-110`111
Math & Numbers: Warning Tough Sequences: 1-2-3-5-8-13-21`34
Math & Numbers: Warning Tough Sequences: 1-2-4-5-10-11-22-23`46
Math & Numbers: Warning Tough Sequences: 13-6-10-9-7-12-4-15`1
Math & Numbers: Warning Tough Sequences: 17-19-23-29-31-37`41
Math & Numbers: Warning Tough Sequences: 2-4-12-48-240-1440`10080
Math & Numbers: Warning Tough Sequences: 25-32-37-47-58-71-79`95
Math & Numbers: Warning Tough Sequences: 27-9-18-6-12-4`8
Math & Numbers: Warning Tough Sequences: 2-8-18-32-50-72`98
Math & Numbers: Warning Tough Sequences: 32-36-9-12-4-6`3
Math & Numbers: Warning Tough Sequences: 4-6-10-14-22-26`34
Math & Numbers: Warning Tough Sequences: 60-30-20-15-12`10
Math & Numbers: Warning Tough Sequences: 87-174-261-348-435`522
Math & Numbers: Warning Tough Sequences: 9-13-12-16-15-19-18`22
Math & Numbers: Warning Tough Sequences: B, B, Kb, Mb`Gb
Math & Numbers: Warning Tough Sequences: J, F, M, A, M, J`J
Math & Numbers: Warning Tough Sequences: M, T, W, T, F`S
Math & Numbers: Warning Tough Sequences: O, T, T, F, F`S
Math & Numbers: Warning Tough Sequences: R, O, Y, G, B, I`V
Math & Numbers: Warning Tough Sequences: T, T, T, F, F`S
Math & Numbers: What Based Math Do The Ancients Use`Eight
Math & Numbers: What Comes Next 120,60,40,30,24,`20
Math & Numbers: What Does The Mathematical Symbol That Look Like An 8 On It's Side Mean`Infinity
Math & Numbers: What Does The Normal Distribution Graph Look Like`Bell-Shaped
Math & Numbers: What Geometric Shape Has 4 Equal Sides`Square
Math & Numbers: What Is 1/2 X 1/2`1/4
Math & Numbers: What Is 2 + 2`Four
Math & Numbers: What Is 2 Cubed`Eight
Math & Numbers: What Is 65% Of Sixty`Thirty Nine
Math & Numbers: What Is A Figure With Eight Equal Sides Called`Octagon
Math & Numbers: What Is An Eight-Sided Polygon Called`Octagon
Math & Numbers: What Is Considered The Luckiest Number Worldwide`Nine
Math & Numbers: What Is The Cube Root Of 27`Three
Math & Numbers: What Is The Maximum Number Of Degrees In An Acute Angle`89
Math & Numbers: What Is The Maximum Number Of Degrees In A Reflex Angle`359
Math & Numbers: What Is The Minimum Number Of Degrees In A Reflex Angle`181
Math & Numbers: What Is The Name Of A Line Or Curve On A Graph, Which A Graph Of A Mathematical Function Aproaches But Never Actually Touches Or Crosses`Asymptote
Math & Numbers: What Is The Name Of The 'X' Coordinate In Geometry`Abscissa
Math & Numbers: What Is The Only Prime Number That Is Even`Two
Math & Numbers: What Is The Square Root Of 121`Eleven
Math & Numbers: What Is The Square Root Of One Quarter`One Half
Math & Numbers: What Is The Term For Any Four Sided Figure`Quadrilateral
Math & Numbers: What Measures Walking Distance`Pedometer
Math & Numbers: What Name Is Given To An Equilateral Parallelogram Which Contains A Right Angle`A Square
Math & Numbers: What Number Did Adolf Hitler Believe Possessed Supernatural Powers`Seven
Math & Numbers: What Number Does A Heart Denote On A Moroccan Bank Note`Five
Math & Numbers: What Number Is At 12 O'clock On A Dartboard`Twenty
Math & Numbers: What Number Is At 6 O'clock On A Dartboard`Three
Math & Numbers: What Number Lies Between 1 And 5 On A Dart Board`20
Math & Numbers: What Number Stays The Same When You Square It Or Cube It`One
Math & Numbers: What Sequence Is This The Start Of: 1 2 4 8 16 32 64`Power Of 2
Math & Numbers: What Sequence Is This The Start Of: 1 3 12 60 360 2520`Even Permutation
Math & Numbers: What Sequence Is This The Start Of: 1 4 11 20 31 44 61 100`Octal Square
Math & Numbers: What Sequence Is This The Start Of: 2 4 6 8 10 12 14`Even Numbers
Math & Numbers: Which Fraction Is Closest To Pi`22 Over 7
Math & Numbers: Which French Mathematician, 'The Father Of Modem Mathematics', Invented Analytical Or Co-Ordinate Geometry`Rene Descartes
Math & Numbers: X To The Power Of Zero Equal To`One
Math & Numbers: You Have 6 Different Objects, In How Many Ways Can They Be Arranged`720
Math & Numbers: You Have Five Weights. 1kg,3kg,5kg,50kg, And 100kg. How Many Different Weights Can You Make By Taking Combinations Of The 5 Above Weights`31
MATHS: What is the square root of 729`27
maths: what's a number called if it's equal to the sum of its divisors other than itself`perfect
Math: what is 1 days and 2 hours in hours`26
Math: what is 240 minutes in hours`four`4
Math: what is 3 days and 6 hours in minutes`4,680
Math: what is 7 days and 10 hours in minutes`10,680
Math: what's a number called if it's equal to the sum of its divisors other than itself`perfect
Matter or a specific body of matter in this state`liquid
Matter remaining after completion of an abstractive chemical or physical process, such as evaporation, combustion, distillation, or filtration: residuum`residue
Matthew Perry plays which character in the television series Friends`chandler
Matt mcclaren managed this american punk band before he discovered johnny rotten and formed the sex pistols`new york dollspunk joan jett and lita ford were both members of this all girl band`the runaways
Mature ovary in flowering plants, together with all inseparably connected parts of the flower`fruit
Maudlin sentimentality`schmaltz
Mauna Loa is the world's largest active volcano`california
Mauritania is in which continent`africa
Max Ernst, Joan Miro and Salvador Dali were associated with which Art movement`surrealism
Maxillary palps, abdomen, and metathorax are parts of a(n) ________.`insect
Maxillary palps, abdomen, and metathorax are parts of a(n) `insect
Maxillary palps, abdomen, & metathorax are parts of a(n) ________`insect
Max is X5-###`452
MAY 2002: Which australian soap/pop star has become the new "face of L'oreal"`natalie imbruglia
MAY 2002: Which Hollywood actress made her most famous screen appearance on a stores cctv camera stealing clothes`winona ryder
Mayfair, london is a district of little streets near ______`hyde park
may of 1967 saw nigeria's eastern region secede forming this nation?`biafra
Mbabane is the capital of ______`swaziland
Mcbricker of what did aristotle say all things were made up`air, earth, fire, water
McCartney achieved his biggest ballad with this song released on the album Help in 1965`yesterday
mccartney achieved his biggest ballad with which song released on the album help in 1965`yesterday
McDonalds: After the first cup of this beverage, refills are usually free.`coffee
McDonalds: All of their products seem to be prefaced with which 2 letters`mc
McDonalds: McDonald's 'Iced Tea' is actually this brand`nestea
McDonalds: On St Patricks day you can get shakes that are this color?`green
McDonalds: Out of the two big cola brands, which one do they sell`coca cola
McDonalds: Sesame Bun, thick pattie, extra cheese, pickles, sauce.`quarter pounder
McDonalds: Soft Bun, Pickles, Sauce, Pattie.`hamburger
McDonalds: The burger stealer in a convicts outfit?`hamburgular
McDonalds: These things may sound like Scottish lumps of gold, but are food.`mcnuggets
McDonalds: This is a common nickname for McDonalds(singular)`micky d
McDonalds: What is their large morning meal with Eggs,Sausage,Hash Browns etc, called?`big breakfast
McDonalds: Who is McDonald's mascot?(full name)`ronald mcdonald
McDonalds: You can get these with Chocolate or Strawberry Toppings to name a few.`sundae
Mckinley what u.s secretary of state bought alaska from russia for 7.2 million dollars`seward
MDMA is another name for which illegal drug`ecstasy
MDMA is another name for which illegal drug`ectasy
Meaning 'a hidden advantage', the expression 'ace in the hole' is derived from which card game`stud poker
Meaning 'Black Knife' in Gaelic what is the dagger worn in the sock with full Highland Dress`skean dhu
Meaningless, fatuous, or unbelievable: 'a junky novel.'`junkier
Mean Joe Greene was NFL outstanding defensive player twice while playing lineman for the:`Pittsburgh Steelers
---------- means bountiful mother`alma mater
---------- means empty orchestra in japanese`karoke
---------- means fox in spanish`zorro
---------- means 'soggy shrub' in navajo`kemo sabe
---------- means to drink like a duck`dibble
---------- means to fall and disintegrate`degringolade
Measured by the revolution of the moon`lunar
Measured from base to summit, what is the highest mountain`mauna kea
Measured from or referred to a pole: '----- distance: ----- diameter.'`polar
Measured or determined by means of the apparent daily motion of the stars: '-------- time.'`sidereal
Measured or moving forward or in a direction of increase or progress`positive
Measurement: 15 pounds per square inch equal`one atmosphere
measurement: 15 pounds per square inch equal`one`city
Measures taken by a state or an alliance of states to prevent hostile action by another state`deterrence
Measuring a specified number of units in this dimension: 'two inches -----.'`thick
Measuring a specified number of units in this dimension: 'two inches thick.'`thicker
Meat from animal killed according to Muslim law`halal
Mecca is a city in which country`saudi arabia
mechanical device that produces a force, or thrust, along the axis of rotation when rotated in a fluid, gas or liquid?`propeller
Mechanophobia is a fear of ______`machines
Mechanophobia is the fear of`machines
Mecidine : Doctors often have this instrument around their neck.`stethoscope
Medical examination of a dead human body, including the internal organs, to determine the cause of death or to study pathological changes`autopsy
Medical experts say you should sleep on your right side to improve _____`digestion
Medically, what are lentigenes`freckles
medical researchers contend that no disease ever identified has been completely----------`eradicated
Medical treatment involving needles`acupuncture
Medicinal root of a plant found in E.Asia and N.America`ginseng
Medicine : A baby doctor is a _________.`pediatrician
Medicine : A bone specialist is a(n) ________.`osteopath
Medicine : A loss of memory is known as __________.`amnesia
Medicine : A medicine that hastens the emptying of the bowels is called a ________.`laxative
Medicine. A mixture of drugs, usually in solution, for the diagnosis or treatment of a condition`cocktail
Medicine. An apparatus for maintaining an infant, especially a premature infant, in an environment of controlled temperature, humidity, and oxygen`incubator
Medicine. An extract from the anterior or posterior lobes of the --------- gland, prepared for therapeutic use`pituitary
Medicine. An instrument or device that compresses, such as a forceps or clamp`compressor
Medicine : A non-cancerous tumor is said to be _______.`benign
MEDICINE: Area accumulating pus within body tissue`Abscess
Medicine. A respirator`ventilator
Medicine : A thread used in surgery to tie a bleeding blood vessel is called a(n) _________.`ligature
Medicine : Carditis, affects the ________.`heart
Medicine. Composed of or having two chambers, as an abscess divided by a septum`bicameral
Medicine. Diagnostic or distinctive`diacritic
Medicine: disease caused by deficiency of vitamin d`rickets
Medicine : Doctors often have this instrument around their neck`stethoscope
Medicine : Due to a lack of vitamin C, sailors used to contract this disease.`scurvy
Medicine : Encephalitis affects the ________.`brain
Medicine : Gastritis affects the __________.`stomach
Medicine : Hammer, anvil, and stirrup are parts of ________.`ear
Medicine : He discovered the process of vaccination for prevention of smallpox.`edward jenner
Medicine : Hepatitis affects the __________.`liver
Medicine: How is german measles also known `Rubella
Medicine : How many bones are there in the human body`206
Medicine : How many chambers does the human heart have`four
Medicine : How many pints of blood does the average human have in his/her body`twelve
Medicine : Infantile Paralysis is commonly known as ________.`polio
Medicine : In the field of psychiatry this term means self-love.`narcissism
Medicine : In what organ of the body is insulin produced`pancreas
Medicine : In which organ is a clear watery solution known as the "aqueous humor" found`eye
Medicine : In which organ is a pulmonary disease located`lung
Medicine : In which organ is your "hypothalmus" located`brain
Medicine : Medically, what are lentigenes`freckles
Medicine : Medical treatment involving needles`acupuncture
Medicine : Meningitis affects the _________.`brain
Medicine : Myositis affects the _________.`muscle
Medicine : Name the hardest substance in the human body.`enamel
Medicine : Name the largest artery in the human body.`aorta
Medicine : Name the largest gland in the human body.`liver
Medicine. Of, relating to, or being a fever that fluctuates during the day, as in tuberculosis or septicemia`hectic
Medicine : Osteomyelitis affects the _________.`bones
Medicine : Peritonitis, affects the ________.`abdomen
Medicine prescribed for phychological reasons type of dummy pill`placebo
Medicine : Prosthetics deals with the making of __________.`artificial limb
Medicine : Tarsus, metatarsus, and phalanges are parts of a(n) _________.`foot
Medicine : The branch of medicine dealing with curing by operative procedures is ________.`surgery
Medicine : The correct name for the voice box is the _________.`larynx
Medicine : The lack of this element in the diet is a cause of goitre.`iodine
Medicine : The largest single organ of the human body is the ________.`skin
Medicine : These animals were once used to bleed the sick.`leech
Medicine : These attach muscles to bones or cartilage.`tendon
Medicine : The teeth used for biting or cutting are known as _______.`incisors
Medicine. The total number of cases of a disease in a given population at a specific time`prevalence
Medicine. The use of ultrasonic waves for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes, specifically to image an internal body structure, monitor a developing fetus, or generate`ultrasound
Medicine : This branch of medicine deals with old age and its diseases.`geriatrics
Medicine : This disease consists of a purposeless, continual growth of white blood cells.`leukemia
Medicine : This fingerlike projection is attached to the large intestine.`appendix
Medicine : This is known as "The Royal Disease".`hemophilia
Medicine : This large bean-shaped lymph gland can expand and contract as needed.`spleen
Medicine : This membrane controls the amount of light entering the eye.`iris
Medicine : This organ is a small pouch that stores bile.`gall bladder
Medicine : This parasite lives in the intestines of man and animals.`tapeworm
Medicine : This small gland attached to the brain exerts a control over growth.`pituitary
Medicine. To introduce (a drug or vaccine, for example) into a body part, especially by means of a syringe`inject
Medicine. To introduce (a drug or vaccine, for example) into a body part, especially by means of a syringe`injector
Medicine. To remove a nerve or part of a nerve`enervate
Medicine : Ulna, radius, and clavicle are types of __________.`bone
Medicine : What disease is also known as "rubella"`german measles
Medicine : What hormone is produced by the adrenal glands`adrenaline
Medicine : What is an organism called that lives on or in a host animal`parasite
Medicine : What is a skin specialist called`dermatologist
Medicine : What is the biggest disqualifying factor for prospective astronauts`eyesight
Medicine : What is the medical term for cancer of the blood`leukemia
Medicine : What is the name of the bone in the lower leg`tibia
Medicine : What kind of poisoning is known as plumbism`lead
medicine: what organ contains the islands of langerhans`the pancreas
Medicine : What toe is the foot reflexology pressure point for the head`big toe
Medicine : Where do you find the medulla oblongata`brain
Medicine : Where in the body is the tiniest human muscle`ear
Medicine : Which disease is also known as "Hansen's Disease"`leprosy
Medicine: Who developed the vaccine for smallpox `Edward Jenner
Medicine: Who discovered Penicillin `Alexander Fleming
Medicine: Who first used antiseptics `Joseph Lister
Medicine. Willingness to follow a prescribed course of treatment`compliance
Medicine : With what body part is otology involved`ear
Medieval singer or musician`minstrel
Medieval weapon consisting of an iron or steel spearhead joined to a long pole`pike
Medina is located in what country`saudi arabia
Mediocre ability, achievement, or performance`mediocrity
Mediterranean island on which Shakespeare's 'Othello" is partly set`cyprus
Mediterranean port of NW Israel`haifa
Meek or stupid`sheepish
Meeting among N.American Indians`powwow
Meeting place for public discussion`forum
megalophobia is the fear of ____`large things
meg ryan switches bodies with sydney walker`prelude to a kiss
Melancholy or sullen`saturnine
Melanie shares her surname with which ex-US President`bush
Melanie's million-seller came after breaking a vegetarian diet at McDonalds`brand new key
Melanophobia is the fear of ____`the color black
Mel Gibson and Danny Glover appear in which series of films`lethal weapon
Mel gibson starred in the film version of which play that grossed the most`hamlet
Melilla on the coast of Morocco is territory belonging to another country. Which one`spain
Melissa Etheridge: Melissa is from this KS city on the MO border (famous for another reason).`leavenworth
Melissa Etheridge: Melissa's first four albums were released on this record label:`island
Melissa Etheridge: Name the song: "Does she inject you, seduce you & affect you"`like the way i do
Melissa Etheridge: Song: "Am I your passion, your promise, your end.. I say I am"`yes i am
Melissa Etheridge: Song: "If I could have my way I wouldn't be dreaming, scheming, screaming"`brave & crazy
melissa mathison the screen writer who wrote E.T is married to which hollywood star`harrison ford
Melissophobia is the fear of`bees
Melons are made up of approximately what percentage of water`ninety
Melophobia is the fear of`music
Melophobia is the fear or hatred of ____`music
Member of a fraternity for mutual help with secret rituals`freemason
Member of a Jamaican sect`rastafarian
Member of dwarf people of equitorial Africa`pygmy
Member of male non enclosed religious order`friar
Member of self appointed group for keeping order`vigilante
Member of the Church of jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints`mormon
Members of the nazi ss had their blood type tattooed where`on their armpits
Members of the phylum rhodophyta, a large group of aquatic plants with approximately 6000 species`red algae
Members of this religion meet in what are called Kingdom Halls`Jehovah's Witnesses
Members of which religion might worship in a gurdwara`sikh
Members Were Derived From Two Or More Ancestral Forms Not Common To All Members`Polyphyletic
Memoirs Are Entitled Long Walk To Freedom`Nelson Mandela
Menace What Disney film do Parisians know as Blanche Neige Aet les Sept Nains`snow
Men are 6 times more likely to be struck by _______ than women`lighting
Men are classed as infertile if their sperm count falls below?`5 million per millilitre of semen
Men are ten times more likely to be ________ than women`color blind
Men as opposed to women`mankind
Men have on average __% more red blood cells than women`ten
Men have on average __% more red blood cells than women`ten`10
Meniere's disease affects the`Hearing
men in black was responsible for doubling sales of what`ray ban sunglasses
Meningitis affects the `brain
Meningitis affects the _________`Brain
Meningitophobia is the fear of ____`brain disease
________ men may only have sex with female animals. Sex with a male animal is punishable by death.`Lebanese
Menophobia is the fear of`menstruation
Men over the age of 18, in ________ may be charged with statutory rape if the passenger in his car is not wearing her socks and shoes and is under the age of 17.`Indiana
Menstrual cramps have been known, in rare cases, to induce _______.`orgasms
Mental acceptance of and conviction in the truth, actuality, or validity of something: 'His explanation of what happened defies ------.'`belief
mental acumen is well below par`imbecile
Mentally disposed: willing: 'He was ready to believe her.'`readied
Mentally disposed: willing: 'He was ----- to believe her.'`ready
Mentally or emotionally upset: deranged: '------- with grief.'`berserk
Mentally perceptive or alert: awake: 'The patient remained fully --------- after the local anesthetic was administered.'`conscious
Mentally quick or alert: 'an ----- mind.'`agile
Mentally responsive and perceptive: quick`alert
Mentally sound: sane or rational`lucid
Mentally sound: sane or rational`lucidity
Mental or emotional balance: poise`equilibria
Mental or emotional state: spirits: 'was in fine ------.'`fettle
Mental or emotional unhappiness or distress: Our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions, and not on our circumstances (Martha Washington)`miseries
Mental posture: point of view: Peru... has also toughened its ------ toward foreign investors (Abraham F. Lowenthal)`stance
Mental Question: 3 + 3 + 3`nine
Mental skill or adroitness: cleverness`dexterity
Mental suffering: anguish: Relieve my spirit from the ---- that bows it down (Benjamin Disraeli)`bale
MEntertainment Grabbag: Musical that gave us the song "People Will Say We are in Love"`oklahoma!
Mentioned in many westerns, which Texan city, situated at the base of the Franklin Mountains, stands on the Rio Grande`el paso
Mentor of Titan had two children in the Marvel comics, Thanos and `Ero
Men wear cologne, on average, __ days per month.`21
Men were taxed as a punishment for having sex with ________ in Ancient Rome.`animals
Men who deflower virgins, regardless or age or marital status, may face up to five years in jail in ______, Washington.`Auburn
mercury is also known by its vernacular name of`quicksilver
Mercury is __________ kilometres in diameter`4,880
Mercury is __________ miles in diameter`3,032
Merging the words 'melt' and 'weld' created which word`meld
Meridians converge at the ______`poles
Meridians converge at the `poles
Meridians converge at the`Poles
Meringue desert filled with fruit and cream`pavlova
Merinthophobia is the fear of`being bound
Merinthophobia is the fear of`being bound`tied up
Merry: festive: 'a --------- atmosphere at the reunion.'`convivial
Merry: joyous: 'a ------- party.'`festive
Merry or joyful activity: festivity: 'making preparations for the holiday --------.'`gaieties
Merry or joyful activity: festivity: 'making preparations for the holiday gaieties.'`gayeties
Messina was damaged by an earthquake in what year`1908
Metal eating and serving utensils`silverware
Metal framework on a vehicle to protect it in the event of a collision with a large animal`bull bar