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254 KiB

Astrology: If You Were Born On 07 June What Star Sign Would You Be`Gemini
Astrology : If you were born on 07 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`gemini
Astrology: If You Were Born On 07 March What Star Sign Would You Be`Pisces
Astrology : If you were born on 07 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`pisces
Astrology: If You Were Born On 07 May What Star Sign Would You Be`Taurus
Astrology : If you were born on 07 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`taurus
Astrology: If You Were Born On 07 November What Star Sign Would You Be`Scorpio
Astrology : If you were born on 07 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`scorpio
Astrology: If You Were Born On 07 October What Star Sign Would You Be`Libra
Astrology : If you were born on 07 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`libra
Astrology: If You Were Born On 07 September What Star Sign Would You Be`Virgo
Astrology : If you were born on 07 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`virgo
Astrology: If You Were Born On 08 April What Star Sign Would You Be`Aries
Astrology : If you were born on 08 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`aries
Astrology : If you were born on 08 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`leo
Astrology: If You Were Born On 08 December What Star Sign Would You Be`Sagittarius
Astrology : If you were born on 08 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`sagittarius
Astrology: If You Were Born On 08 February What Star Sign Would You Be`Aquarius
Astrology: If You Were Born On 08 January What Star Sign Would You Be`Capricorn
Astrology : If you were born on 08 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`capricorn
Astrology: If You Were Born On 08 July What Star Sign Would You Be`Cancer
Astrology : If you were born on 08 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`cancer
Astrology: If You Were Born On 08 June What Star Sign Would You Be`Gemini
Astrology : If you were born on 08 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`gemini
Astrology: If You Were Born On 08 March What Star Sign Would You Be`Pisces
Astrology : If you were born on 08 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`pisces
Astrology: If You Were Born On 08 May What Star Sign Would You Be`Taurus
Astrology : If you were born on 08 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`taurus
Astrology: If You Were Born On 08 November What Star Sign Would You Be`Scorpio
Astrology : If you were born on 08 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`scorpio
Astrology: If You Were Born On 08 October What Star Sign Would You Be`Libra
Astrology: If You Were Born On 08 September What Star Sign Would You Be`Virgo
Astrology : If you were born on 08 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`virgo
Astrology: If You Were Born On 09 April What Star Sign Would You Be`Aries
Astrology : If you were born on 09 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`leo
Astrology: If You Were Born On 09 December What Star Sign Would You Be`Sagittarius
Astrology : If you were born on 09 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`sagittarius
Astrology : If you were born on 09 February what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`aquarius
Astrology: If You Were Born On 09 January What Star Sign Would You Be`Capricorn
Astrology: If You Were Born On 09 July What Star Sign Would You Be`Cancer
Astrology : If you were born on 09 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`cancer
Astrology : If you were born on 09 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`gemini
Astrology: If You Were Born On 09 March What Star Sign Would You Be`Pisces
Astrology : If you were born on 09 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`pisces
Astrology: If You Were Born On 09 May What Star Sign Would You Be`Taurus
Astrology : If you were born on 09 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`taurus
Astrology: If You Were Born On 09 November What Star Sign Would You Be`Scorpio
Astrology : If you were born on 09 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`scorpio
Astrology: If You Were Born On 09 October What Star Sign Would You Be`Libra
Astrology : If you were born on 09 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`libra
Astrology: If You Were Born On 09 September What Star Sign Would You Be`Virgo
Astrology : If you were born on 09 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`virgo
Astrology: If You Were Born On 10 April What Star Sign Would You Be`Aries
Astrology: If You Were Born On 10 August What Star Sign Would You Be`Leo
Astrology : If you were born on 10 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`leo
Astrology: If You Were Born On 10 December What Star Sign Would You Be`Sagittarius
Astrology : If you were born on 10 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`sagittarius
Astrology: If You Were Born On 10 July What Star Sign Would You Be`Cancer
Astrology : If you were born on 10 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`cancer
Astrology : If you were born on 10 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`gemini
Astrology: If You Were Born On 10 March What Star Sign Would You Be`Pisces
Astrology : If you were born on 10 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`pisces
Astrology: If You Were Born On 10 May What Star Sign Would You Be`Taurus
Astrology : If you were born on 10 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`taurus
Astrology: If You Were Born On 10 November What Star Sign Would You Be`Scorpio
Astrology : If you were born on 10 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`scorpio
Astrology : If you were born on 10 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`libra
Astrology: If You Were Born On 10 September What Star Sign Would You Be`Virgo
Astrology : If you were born on 10 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`virgo
Astrology: If You Were Born On 11 April What Star Sign Would You Be`Aries
Astrology : If you were born on 11 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`aries
Astrology : If you were born on 11 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`leo
Astrology: If You Were Born On 11 December What Star Sign Would You Be`Sagittarius
Astrology : If you were born on 11 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`sagittarius
Astrology: If You Were Born On 11 February What Star Sign Would You Be`Aquarius
Astrology: If You Were Born On 11 January What Star Sign Would You Be`Capricorn
Astrology : If you were born on 11 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`capricorn
Astrology: If You Were Born On 11 July What Star Sign Would You Be`Cancer
Astrology : If you were born on 11 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`cancer
Astrology: If You Were Born On 11 June What Star Sign Would You Be`Gemini
Astrology : If you were born on 11 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`gemini
Astrology: If You Were Born On 11 March What Star Sign Would You Be`Pisces
Astrology : If you were born on 11 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`taurus
Astrology : If you were born on 11 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`scorpio
Astrology: If You Were Born On 11 October What Star Sign Would You Be`Libra
Astrology : If you were born on 11 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`libra
Astrology: If You Were Born On 11 September What Star Sign Would You Be`Virgo
Astrology : If you were born on 11 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`virgo
Astrology : If you were born on 12 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`aries
Astrology: If You Were Born On 12 August What Star Sign Would You Be`Leo
Astrology: If You Were Born On 12 December What Star Sign Would You Be`Sagittarius
Astrology : If you were born on 12 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`sagittarius
Astrology : If you were born on 12 February what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`aquarius
Astrology: If You Were Born On 12 January What Star Sign Would You Be`Capricorn
Astrology : If you were born on 12 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`capricorn
Astrology: If You Were Born On 12 July What Star Sign Would You Be`Cancer
Astrology : If you were born on 12 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`cancer
Astrology: If You Were Born On 12 June What Star Sign Would You Be`Gemini
Astrology : If you were born on 12 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`gemini
Astrology: If You Were Born On 12 March What Star Sign Would You Be`Pisces
Astrology: If You Were Born On 12 May What Star Sign Would You Be`Taurus
Astrology : If you were born on 12 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`taurus
Astrology: If You Were Born On 12 November What Star Sign Would You Be`Scorpio
Astrology : If you were born on 12 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`scorpio
Astrology: If You Were Born On 12 October What Star Sign Would You Be`Libra
Astrology : If you were born on 12 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`libra
Astrology: If You Were Born On 12 September What Star Sign Would You Be`Virgo
Astrology : If you were born on 12 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`virgo
Astrology : If you were born on 13 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`aries
Astrology: If You Were Born On 13 August What Star Sign Would You Be`Leo
Astrology : If you were born on 13 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`leo
Astrology: If You Were Born On 13 December What Star Sign Would You Be`Sagittarius
Astrology : If you were born on 13 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`sagittarius
Astrology : If you were born on 13 February what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`aquarius
Astrology: If You Were Born On 13 January What Star Sign Would You Be`Capricorn
Astrology : If you were born on 13 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`capricorn
Astrology: If You Were Born On 13 July What Star Sign Would You Be`Cancer
Astrology : If you were born on 13 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`cancer
Astrology : If you were born on 13 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`gemini
Astrology: If You Were Born On 13 March What Star Sign Would You Be`Pisces
Astrology : If you were born on 13 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`pisces
Astrology: If You Were Born On 13 May What Star Sign Would You Be`Taurus
Astrology : If you were born on 13 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`taurus
Astrology: If You Were Born On 13 November What Star Sign Would You Be`Scorpio
Astrology: If You Were Born On 13 November What Star Sign (Zodiac) Would You Be`Scorpio
Astrology: If You Were Born On 13 October What Star Sign Would You Be`Libra
Astrology : If you were born on 13 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`libra
Astrology: If You Were Born On 13 September What Star Sign Would You Be`Virgo
Astrology: If You Were Born On 14 April What Star Sign Would You Be`Aries
Astrology: If You Were Born On 14 August What Star Sign Would You Be`Leo
Astrology: If You Were Born On 14 December What Star Sign Would You Be`Sagittarius
Astrology: If You Were Born On 14 February What Star Sign Would You Be`Aquarius
Astrology: If You Were Born On 14 January What Star Sign Would You Be`Capricorn
Astrology : If you were born on 14 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`capricorn
Astrology: If You Were Born On 14 July What Star Sign Would You Be`Cancer
Astrology : If you were born on 14 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`cancer
Astrology: If You Were Born On 14 June What Star Sign Would You Be`Gemini
Astrology : If you were born on 14 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`gemini
Astrology: If You Were Born On 14 March What Star Sign Would You Be`Pisces
Astrology : If you were born on 14 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`pisces
Astrology: If You Were Born On 14 May What Star Sign Would You Be`Taurus
Astrology : If you were born on 14 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`taurus
Astrology : If you were born on 14 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`scorpio
Astrology: If You Were Born On 14 October What Star Sign Would You Be`Libra
Astrology : If you were born on 14 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`libra
Astrology: If You Were Born On 14 September What Star Sign Would You Be`Virgo
Astrology : If you were born on 14 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`virgo
Astrology: If You Were Born On 15 April What Star Sign Would You Be`Aries
Astrology : If you were born on 15 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`aries
Astrology: If You Were Born On 15 August What Star Sign Would You Be`Leo
Astrology: If You Were Born On 15 December What Star Sign Would You Be`Sagittarius
Astrology : If you were born on 15 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`sagittarius
Astrology: If You Were Born On 15 February What Star Sign Would You Be`Aquarius
Astrology : If you were born on 15 February what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`aquarius
Astrology: If You Were Born On 15 January What Star Sign Would You Be`Capricorn
Astrology : If you were born on 15 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`capricorn
Astrology: If You Were Born On 15 July What Star Sign Would You Be`Cancer
Astrology : If you were born on 15 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`cancer
Astrology : If you were born on 15 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`gemini
Astrology: If You Were Born On 15 March What Star Sign Would You Be`Pisces
Astrology : If you were born on 15 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`pisces
Astrology : If you were born on 15 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`taurus
Astrology: If You Were Born On 15 November What Star Sign Would You Be`Scorpio
Astrology : If you were born on 15 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`scorpio
Astrology: If You Were Born On 15 October What Star Sign Would You Be`Libra
Astrology : If you were born on 15 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`libra
Astrology: If You Were Born On 15 September What Star Sign Would You Be`Virgo
Astrology : If you were born on 15 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`virgo
Astrology : If you were born on 16 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`aries
Astrology: If You Were Born On 16 August What Star Sign Would You Be`Leo
Astrology : If you were born on 16 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`leo
Astrology: If You Were Born On 16 December What Star Sign Would You Be`Sagittarius
Astrology : If you were born on 16 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`sagittarius
Astrology: If You Were Born On 16 February What Star Sign Would You Be`Aquarius
Astrology : If you were born on 16 February what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`aquarius
Astrology: If You Were Born On 16 January What Star Sign Would You Be`Capricorn
Astrology: If You Were Born On 16 July What Star Sign Would You Be`Cancer
Astrology: If You Were Born On 16 June What Star Sign Would You Be`Gemini
Astrology : If you were born on 16 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`gemini
Astrology : If you were born on 16 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`pisces
Astrology: If You Were Born On 16 November What Star Sign Would You Be`Scorpio
Astrology : If you were born on 16 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`scorpio
Astrology: If You Were Born On 16 October What Star Sign Would You Be`Libra
Astrology : If you were born on 16 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`libra
Astrology: If You Were Born On 16 September What Star Sign Would You Be`Virgo
Astrology : If you were born on 17 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`aries
Astrology: If You Were Born On 17 August What Star Sign Would You Be`Leo
Astrology : If you were born on 17 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`leo
Astrology: If You Were Born On 17 December What Star Sign Would You Be`Sagittarius
Astrology : If you were born on 17 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`sagittarius
Astrology: If You Were Born On 17 February What Star Sign Would You Be`Aquarius
Astrology : If you were born on 17 February what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`aquarius
Astrology: If You Were Born On 17 January What Star Sign Would You Be`Capricorn
Astrology : If you were born on 17 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`capricorn
Astrology: If You Were Born On 17 July What Star Sign Would You Be`Cancer
Astrology : If you were born on 17 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`cancer
Astrology: If You Were Born On 17 June What Star Sign Would You Be`Gemini
Astrology : If you were born on 17 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`gemini
Astrology: If You Were Born On 17 March What Star Sign Would You Be`Pisces
Astrology: If You Were Born On 17 May What Star Sign Would You Be`Taurus
Astrology : If you were born on 17 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`taurus
Astrology: If You Were Born On 17 November What Star Sign Would You Be`Scorpio
Astrology : If you were born on 17 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`scorpio
Astrology: If You Were Born On 17 October What Star Sign Would You Be`Libra
Astrology : If you were born on 17 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`libra
Astrology: If You Were Born On 17 September What Star Sign Would You Be`Virgo
Astrology : If you were born on 17 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`virgo
Astrology: If You Were Born On 18 April What Star Sign Would You Be`Aries
Astrology : If you were born on 18 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`aries
Astrology: If You Were Born On 18 August What Star Sign Would You Be`Leo
Astrology : If you were born on 18 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`leo
Astrology: If You Were Born On 18 December What Star Sign Would You Be`Sagittarius
Astrology : If you were born on 18 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`sagittarius
Astrology : If you were born on 18 February what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`aquarius
Astrology: If You Were Born On 18 January What Star Sign Would You Be`Capricorn
Astrology : If you were born on 18 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`capricorn
Astrology: If You Were Born On 18 July What Star Sign Would You Be`Cancer
Astrology : If you were born on 18 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`cancer
Astrology : If you were born on 18 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`gemini
Astrology: If You Were Born On 18 March What Star Sign Would You Be`Pisces
Astrology: If You Were Born On 18 May What Star Sign Would You Be`Taurus
Astrology : If you were born on 18 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`taurus
Astrology: If You Were Born On 18 November What Star Sign Would You Be`Scorpio
Astrology : If you were born on 18 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`scorpio
Astrology: If You Were Born On 18 October What Star Sign Would You Be`Libra
Astrology : If you were born on 18 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`libra
Astrology: If You Were Born On 18 September What Star Sign Would You Be`Virgo
Astrology : If you were born on 18 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`virgo
Astrology: If You Were Born On 19 April What Star Sign Would You Be`Aries
Astrology : If you were born on 19 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`aries
Astrology: If You Were Born On 19 August What Star Sign Would You Be`Leo
Astrology : If you were born on 19 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`leo
Astrology: If You Were Born On 19 December What Star Sign Would You Be`Sagittarius
Astrology : If you were born on 19 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`sagittarius
Astrology: If You Were Born On 19 February What Star Sign Would You Be`Pisces
Astrology : If you were born on 19 February what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`pisces
Astrology: If You Were Born On 19 January What Star Sign Would You Be`Capricorn
Astrology : If you were born on 19 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`capricorn
Astrology: If You Were Born On 19 July What Star Sign Would You Be`Cancer
Astrology : If you were born on 19 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`cancer
Astrology: If You Were Born On 19 June What Star Sign Would You Be`Gemini
Astrology : If you were born on 19 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`gemini
Astrology: If You Were Born On 19 March What Star Sign Would You Be`Pisces
Astrology: If You Were Born On 19 May What Star Sign Would You Be`Taurus
Astrology : If you were born on 19 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`taurus
Astrology: If You Were Born On 19 November What Star Sign Would You Be`Scorpio
Astrology : If you were born on 19 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`scorpio
Astrology: If You Were Born On 19 October What Star Sign Would You Be`Libra
Astrology : If you were born on 19 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`libra
Astrology: If You Were Born On 19 September What Star Sign Would You Be`Virgo
Astrology: If You Were Born On 20 April What Star Sign Would You Be`Taurus
Astrology : If you were born on 20 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`taurus
Astrology: If You Were Born On 20 August What Star Sign Would You Be`Leo
Astrology : If you were born on 20 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`leo
Astrology: If You Were Born On 20 December What Star Sign Would You Be`Sagittarius
Astrology : If you were born on 20 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`sagittarius
Astrology : If you were born on 20 February what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`pisces
Astrology: If You Were Born On 20 January What Star Sign Would You Be`Aquarius
Astrology : If you were born on 20 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`aquarius
Astrology: If You Were Born On 20 July What Star Sign Would You Be`Cancer
Astrology : If you were born on 20 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`cancer
Astrology: If You Were Born On 20 June What Star Sign Would You Be`Gemini
Astrology : If you were born on 20 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`gemini
Astrology: If You Were Born On 20 March What Star Sign Would You Be`Pisces
Astrology: If You Were Born On 20 May What Star Sign Would You Be`Taurus
Astrology : If you were born on 20 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`taurus
Astrology : If you were born on 20 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`scorpio
Astrology: If You Were Born On 20 October What Star Sign Would You Be`Libra
Astrology : If you were born on 20 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`libra
Astrology: If You Were Born On 20 September What Star Sign Would You Be`Virgo
Astrology : If you were born on 21 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`taurus
Astrology: If You Were Born On 21 August What Star Sign Would You Be`Leo
Astrology : If you were born on 21 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`leo
Astrology : If you were born on 21 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`sagittarius
Astrology: If You Were Born On 21 February What Star Sign Would You Be`Pisces
Astrology : If you were born on 21 February what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`pisces
Astrology: If You Were Born On 21 January What Star Sign Would You Be`Aquarius
Astrology : If you were born on 21 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`aquarius
Astrology: If You Were Born On 21 July What Star Sign Would You Be`Cancer
Astrology : If you were born on 21 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`cancer
Astrology: If You Were Born On 21 June What Star Sign Would You Be`Gemini
Astrology: If You Were Born On 21 March What Star Sign Would You Be`Aries
Astrology : If you were born on 21 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`aries
Astrology: If You Were Born On 21 May What Star Sign Would You Be`Gemini
Astrology : If you were born on 21 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`gemini
Astrology: If You Were Born On 21 November What Star Sign Would You Be`Scorpio
Astrology : If you were born on 21 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`scorpio
Astrology: If You Were Born On 21 October What Star Sign Would You Be`Libra
Astrology : If you were born on 21 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`libra
Astrology: If You Were Born On 21 September What Star Sign Would You Be`Virgo
Astrology: If You Were Born On 22 April What Star Sign Would You Be`Taurus
Astrology : If you were born on 22 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`taurus
Astrology: If You Were Born On 22 August What Star Sign Would You Be`Leo
Astrology : If you were born on 22 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`leo
Astrology: If You Were Born On 22 December What Star Sign Would You Be`Capricorn
Astrology: If You Were Born On 22 February What Star Sign Would You Be`Pisces
Astrology: If You Were Born On 22 January What Star Sign Would You Be`Aquarius
Astrology : If you were born on 22 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`aquarius
Astrology : If you were born on 22 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`cancer
Astrology: If You Were Born On 22 June What Star Sign Would You Be`Cancer
Astrology : If you were born on 22 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`cancer
Astrology: If You Were Born On 22 March What Star Sign Would You Be`Aries
Astrology: If You Were Born On 22 May What Star Sign Would You Be`Gemini
Astrology : If you were born on 22 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`gemini
Astrology : If you were born on 22 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`scorpio
Astrology : If you were born on 22 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`libra
Astrology: If You Were Born On 22 September What Star Sign Would You Be`Virgo
Astrology : If you were born on 22 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`virgo
Astrology : If you were born on 23 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`taurus
Astrology: If You Were Born On 23 August What Star Sign Would You Be`Virgo
Astrology: If You Were Born On 23 December What Star Sign Would You Be`Capricorn
Astrology : If you were born on 23 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`capricorn
Astrology: If You Were Born On 23 February What Star Sign Would You Be`Pisces
Astrology : If you were born on 23 February what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`pisces
Astrology: If You Were Born On 23 January What Star Sign Would You Be`Aquarius
Astrology : If you were born on 23 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`aquarius
Astrology: If You Were Born On 23 July What Star Sign Would You Be`Leo
Astrology: If You Were Born On 23 June What Star Sign Would You Be`Cancer
Astrology : If you were born on 23 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`cancer
Astrology: If You Were Born On 23 May What Star Sign Would You Be`Gemini
Astrology: If You Were Born On 23 November What Star Sign Would You Be`Sagittarius
Astrology : If you were born on 23 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`sagittarius
Astrology: If You Were Born On 23 October What Star Sign Would You Be`Libra
Astrology : If you were born on 23 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`libra
Astrology: If You Were Born On 23 September What Star Sign Would You Be`Libra
Astrology : If you were born on 23 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`libra
Astrology : If you were born on 24 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`taurus
Astrology : If you were born on 24 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`virgo
Astrology: If You Were Born On 24 December What Star Sign Would You Be`Capricorn
Astrology : If you were born on 24 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`capricorn
Astrology: If You Were Born On 24 February What Star Sign Would You Be`Pisces
Astrology : If you were born on 24 February what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`pisces
Astrology: If You Were Born On 24 January What Star Sign Would You Be`Aquarius
Astrology : If you were born on 24 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`aquarius
Astrology: If You Were Born On 24 July What Star Sign Would You Be`Leo
Astrology : If you were born on 24 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`leo
Astrology: If You Were Born On 24 June What Star Sign Would You Be`Cancer
Astrology : If you were born on 24 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`cancer
Astrology: If You Were Born On 24 March What Star Sign Would You Be`Aries
Astrology: If You Were Born On 24 May What Star Sign Would You Be`Gemini
Astrology : If you were born on 24 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`gemini
Astrology: If You Were Born On 24 November What Star Sign Would You Be`Sagittarius
Astrology : If you were born on 24 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`sagittarius
Astrology: If You Were Born On 24 October What Star Sign Would You Be`Scorpio
Astrology : If you were born on 24 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`scorpio
Astrology: If You Were Born On 24 September What Star Sign Would You Be`Libra
Astrology: If You Were Born On 25 April What Star Sign Would You Be`Taurus
Astrology : If you were born on 25 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`taurus
Astrology: If You Were Born On 25 August What Star Sign Would You Be`Virgo
Astrology : If you were born on 25 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`virgo
Astrology: If You Were Born On 25 December What Star Sign Would You Be`Capricorn
Astrology: If You Were Born On 25 February What Star Sign Would You Be`Pisces
Astrology : If you were born on 25 February what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`pisces
Astrology: If You Were Born On 25 January What Star Sign Would You Be`Aquarius
Astrology : If you were born on 25 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`aquarius
Astrology: If You Were Born On 25 July What Star Sign Would You Be`Leo
Astrology : If you were born on 25 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`leo
Astrology: If You Were Born On 25 June What Star Sign Would You Be`Cancer
Astrology : If you were born on 25 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`cancer
Astrology: If You Were Born On 25 March What Star Sign Would You Be`Aries
Astrology : If you were born on 25 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`aries
Astrology: If You Were Born On 25 May What Star Sign Would You Be`Gemini
Astrology: If You Were Born On 25 November What Star Sign Would You Be`Sagittarius
Astrology: If You Were Born On 25 October What Star Sign Would You Be`Scorpio
Astrology : If you were born on 25 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`scorpio
Astrology : If you were born on 25 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`libra
Astrology: If You Were Born On 26 April What Star Sign Would You Be`Taurus
Astrology : If you were born on 26 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`taurus
Astrology: If You Were Born On 26 August What Star Sign Would You Be`Virgo
Astrology : If you were born on 26 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`virgo
Astrology: If You Were Born On 26 December What Star Sign Would You Be`Capricorn
Astrology : If you were born on 26 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`capricorn
Astrology : If you were born on 26 February what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`pisces
Astrology: If You Were Born On 26 July What Star Sign Would You Be`Leo
Astrology : If you were born on 26 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`leo
Astrology: If You Were Born On 26 June What Star Sign Would You Be`Cancer
Astrology : If you were born on 26 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`cancer
Astrology: If You Were Born On 26 March What Star Sign Would You Be`Aries
Astrology : If you were born on 26 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`aries
Astrology: If You Were Born On 26 May What Star Sign Would You Be`Gemini
Astrology : If you were born on 26 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`gemini
Astrology: If You Were Born On 26 November What Star Sign Would You Be`Sagittarius
Astrology : If you were born on 26 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`sagittarius
Astrology: If You Were Born On 26 October What Star Sign Would You Be`Scorpio
Astrology : If you were born on 26 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`scorpio
Astrology: If You Were Born On 26 September What Star Sign Would You Be`Libra
Astrology : If you were born on 26 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`libra
Astrology: If You Were Born On 27 April What Star Sign Would You Be`Taurus
Astrology : If you were born on 27 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`taurus
Astrology : If you were born on 27 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`capricorn
Astrology: If You Were Born On 27 February What Star Sign Would You Be`Pisces
Astrology: If You Were Born On 27 January What Star Sign Would You Be`Aquarius
Astrology : If you were born on 27 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`aquarius
Astrology: If You Were Born On 27 July What Star Sign Would You Be`Leo
Astrology : If you were born on 27 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`leo
Astrology: If You Were Born On 27 June What Star Sign Would You Be`Cancer
Astrology : If you were born on 27 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`cancer
Astrology: If You Were Born On 27 March What Star Sign Would You Be`Aries
Astrology : If you were born on 27 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`aries
Astrology: If You Were Born On 27 May What Star Sign Would You Be`Gemini
Astrology : If you were born on 27 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`gemini
Astrology: If You Were Born On 27 November What Star Sign Would You Be`Sagittarius
Astrology : If you were born on 27 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`sagittarius
Astrology: If You Were Born On 27 October What Star Sign Would You Be`Scorpio
Astrology : If you were born on 27 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`scorpio
Astrology: If You Were Born On 27 September What Star Sign Would You Be`Libra
Astrology : If you were born on 27 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`libra
Astrology: If You Were Born On 28 April What Star Sign Would You Be`Taurus
Astrology : If you were born on 28 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`taurus
Astrology: If You Were Born On 28 August What Star Sign Would You Be`Virgo
Astrology : If you were born on 28 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`virgo
Astrology: If You Were Born On 28 December What Star Sign Would You Be`Capricorn
Astrology : If you were born on 28 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`capricorn
Astrology: If You Were Born On 28 February What Star Sign Would You Be`Pisces
Astrology: If You Were Born On 28 January What Star Sign Would You Be`Aquarius
Astrology : If you were born on 28 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`aquarius
Astrology: If You Were Born On 28 July What Star Sign Would You Be`Leo
Astrology : If you were born on 28 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`leo
Astrology: If You Were Born On 28 June What Star Sign Would You Be`Cancer
Astrology : If you were born on 28 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`cancer
Astrology: If You Were Born On 28 March What Star Sign Would You Be`Aries
Astrology : If you were born on 28 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`aries
Astrology: If You Were Born On 28 May What Star Sign Would You Be`Gemini
Astrology : If you were born on 28 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`gemini
Astrology: If You Were Born On 28 November What Star Sign Would You Be`Sagittarius
Astrology : If you were born on 28 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`sagittarius
Astrology: If You Were Born On 28 September What Star Sign Would You Be`Libra
Astrology: If You Were Born On 29 April What Star Sign Would You Be`Taurus
Astrology : If you were born on 29 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`taurus
Astrology: If You Were Born On 29 December What Star Sign Would You Be`Capricorn
Astrology : If you were born on 29 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`capricorn
Astrology : If you were born on 29 February what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`pisces
Astrology: If You Were Born On 29 January What Star Sign Would You Be`Aquarius
Astrology : If you were born on 29 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`leo
Astrology : If you were born on 29 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`cancer
Astrology: If You Were Born On 29 March What Star Sign Would You Be`Aries
Astrology : If you were born on 29 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`aries
Astrology: If You Were Born On 29 May What Star Sign Would You Be`Gemini
Astrology : If you were born on 29 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`gemini
Astrology: If You Were Born On 29 November What Star Sign Would You Be`Sagittarius
Astrology : If you were born on 29 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`sagittarius
Astrology: If You Were Born On 29 October What Star Sign Would You Be`Scorpio
Astrology : If you were born on 29 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`scorpio
Astrology: If You Were Born On 29 September What Star Sign Would You Be`Libra
Astrology : If you were born on 29 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`libra
Astrology: If You Were Born On 30 April What Star Sign Would You Be`Taurus
Astrology : If you were born on 30 April what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`taurus
Astrology : If you were born on 30 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`virgo
Astrology: If You Were Born On 30 December What Star Sign Would You Be`Capricorn
Astrology : If you were born on 30 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`capricorn
Astrology: If You Were Born On 30 January What Star Sign Would You Be`Aquarius
Astrology : If you were born on 30 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`aquarius
Astrology: If You Were Born On 30 July What Star Sign Would You Be`Leo
Astrology : If you were born on 30 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`leo
Astrology: If You Were Born On 30 June What Star Sign Would You Be`Cancer
Astrology : If you were born on 30 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`cancer
Astrology: If You Were Born On 30 March What Star Sign Would You Be`Aries
Astrology : If you were born on 30 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`aries
Astrology: If You Were Born On 30 May What Star Sign Would You Be`Gemini
Astrology : If you were born on 30 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`gemini
Astrology: If You Were Born On 30 November What Star Sign Would You Be`Sagittarius
Astrology : If you were born on 30 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`sagittarius
Astrology: If You Were Born On 30 October What Star Sign Would You Be`Scorpio
Astrology : If you were born on 30 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`scorpio
Astrology: If You Were Born On 30 September What Star Sign Would You Be`Libra
Astrology : If you were born on 30 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`libra
Astrology: If You Were Born On 31 August What Star Sign Would You Be`Virgo
Astrology : If you were born on 31 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`virgo
Astrology: If You Were Born On 31 December What Star Sign Would You Be`Capricorn
Astrology : If you were born on 31 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`capricorn
Astrology : If you were born on 31 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`leo
Astrology: If You Were Born On 31 March What Star Sign Would You Be`Aries
Astrology : If you were born on 31 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`aries
Astrology: If You Were Born On 31 May What Star Sign Would You Be`Gemini
Astrology : If you were born on 31 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`gemini
Astrology: If You Were Born On 31 October What Star Sign Would You Be`Scorpio
Astrology : If you were born on 31 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`scorpio
Astrology: Libra, ___ ______, Is The Only Inanimate Symbol In The Zodiac`The Scales
Astrology: Libra The Scales Is The Only _________ ______ In The Zodiac`Inanimate Symbol
Astrology : Our galaxy is commonly known called _________.`milky way
Astrology: Pearl, Crystal And Emerald Are Gemstones For Which Chinese Astrology Sign`Rabbit
Astrology: Peridot Is The Birthstone For`August
Astrology: The Astrological Sign For Death`Pluto
Astrology: The Birthstone For August`Peridot
Astrology: The Birthstone For December`Turquoise
Astrology: The Birthstone For February`Amethyst
Astrology: The Birthstone For January`Garnet
Astrology: The Birthstone For July`Ruby
Astrology: The Birthstone For June`Pearl
Astrology: The Birthstone For March`Aquamarine
Astrology: The Birthstone For May`Emerald
Astrology: The Chrysanthemum Is The Flower For What Month`November
Astrology: The First Sign Of The Zodiac`Aries
Astrology: The First Sign Of The Zodiac, Symbolized By The Ram`Aries
Astrology: The Flower For April`Stock
Astrology: The Flower For August`Iceland Poppy
Astrology: The Flower For December`Hydrangea
Astrology: The Flower For February`Petunia
Astrology: The Flower For January`Aster
Astrology: The Flower For July`Lilly Of The Valley
Astrology: The Flower For June`Pansy
Astrology: The Flower For March`Zinnia
Astrology: The Flower For May`Chrysanthemum
Astrology: The Flower For October`Rose
Astrology: The moon is exalted when it is in which sign?`pisces
Astrology: The Only Sign In The Zodiac Which Doesn't Represent A Living Thing`Libra
Astrology: The Seventh Sign Of The Zodiac`Libra
Astrology: The Star Sign For 23 September To 22 October`Libra
Astrology: The Tenth Sign Of The Zodiac`Capricorn
Astrology: What is Julia Robert's astrological sun sign?`scorpio
Astrology: What Is March's Birthstone`Aquamarine
Astrology: What Is The Birthstone For May`Emerald
Astrology: What Is The Birthstone For September`Sapphire
Astrology: What Is The Birthstone For Someone Born Under The Sign Of Cancer`The Ruby
Astrology: What Is The First Sign Of The Zodiac`Aries
Astrology: What Is The First Sign Of The Zodiac, Symbolized By The Ram`Aries
Astrology: What Is The Only Sign In The Zodiac Which Doesn't Represent A Living Thing`Libra
Astrology: What Is The Only Sign In The Zodiac Which Doesn't Represent A Living Thing`Libra (The Scales
Astrology: What is the ruling planet of the sign Taurus?`venus
Astrology: What Is The Sixth Sign Of The Zodiac`Virgo
Astrology: What Is The Third Sign Of The Zodiac`Gemini
Astrology: What Is The Western Equivalent To The Chinese Sign Of The Dog`Libra
Astrology: What Is The Zodiacal Symbol For Aquarius`The Water Carrier
Astrology: What Is The Zodiacal Symbol For Aries`Ram
Astrology: What Is The Zodiacal Symbol For Cancer`Crab
Astrology: What Is The Zodiacal Symbol For Capricorn`Goat
Astrology: What Is The Zodiacal Symbol For Gemini`The Twins
Astrology: What Is The Zodiacal Symbol For Libra`Scales
Astrology: What Is The Zodiacal Symbol For Pisces`The Fish
Astrology: What Is The Zodiacal Symbol For Sagittarius`An Archer
Astrology: What Is The Zodiacal Symbol For Scorpio`Scorpion
Astrology: What Is The Zodiacal Symbol For Taurus`Bull
Astrology: What Is The Zodiacal Symbol For Virgo`The Virgin
Astrology: What Is Your Zodiacal Sign If You Are Born On August 9th`Leo
Astrology: What planet rules beauty and romance?`venus
Astrology: What Sign Is The Water Carrier The Zodiacal Symbol For`Aquarius
Astrology: What Sign Of The Zodiac Covers August 24 To September 23`Virgo
Astrology: What Sign Of The Zodiac Covers December 22 To January 21`Capricorn
Astrology: What Sign Of The Zodiac Covers January 21 To February 20`Aquarius
Astrology: What Sign Of The Zodiac Covers May 21 To June 22`Gemini
Astrology: Whats The Symbol Of The Zodiacal Sign Gemini`Twins
Astrology: What Two Astrological Signs Begin With The Letter A`Aquarius And Aries
Astrology: What was the last age before the Age of Aquarius?`age of pisces
Astrology: Which Date Starts The Astrological Year`March 21
Astrology: Which Month Has A Diamond As A Birthstone`April
Astrology: Which sign in the zodiac is said to be the most powerful?`scorpio
astronaut neil armstrong stepped on the moon with his ---------- foot first`left
A 'strong breeze' registers what force on the Beaufort Scale`six
A strong fear, dislike, or aversion`phobia
A strong feeling of identity with and loyalty to one's tribe or group`tribalism
A 'strong gale' registers what force on the Beaufort Scale`nine
A stronghold or fortified place: a bulwark`citadel
A strong inclination or preference: a taste: 'a -------- for sweets: a -------- for travel.'`fondness
A strong or acrid odor`fume
A strong oxford shoe, usually with ornamental perforations and wing tips`brogue
A strong reddish orange to strong or vivid orange`tangerine
A strong twilled cloth often used for raincoats`gaberdine
A strong twisted or braided cord sometimes used in making whiplashes`whipcord
A strong, vivid purplish red`fuchsia
A strong wish or urge: 'an -------- for learning.'`appetite
A strong yellowish green`emerald
Astronomy : A heavenly body moving under the attraction of the Sun and consisting of a nucleus and a tail is a(n) _______.`comet
Astronomy. An apsis`apse
Astronomy : Does Uranus have an aurora`yes
Astronomy : From 1979 until 2000 the most distant planet from the earth was ________.`neptune
Astronomy : If you're in the northern hemisphere, Polaris, the North Star, can be found by looking which direction`north
Astronomy : Name the largest planet in the solar system.`jupiter
Astronomy : Name the second-largest planet in the solar system.`saturn
Astronomy. Of or relating to the planet Mercury`mercurial
Astronomy : Our galaxy is commonly known called`milky way
Astronomy : The Big Dipper is part of what constellation`ursa major
Astronomy. The completely dark portion of the shadow cast by the earth, moon, or other body during an eclipse`umbra
Astronomy : The fourth planet from the sun is _______.`mars
Astronomy : The name for the group of stars which form a hunter with a club and shield is ________.`orion
Astronomy : The North Star is also known as ________.`polaris
Astronomy : The planet closest to the sun is _________.`mercury
Astronomy : There are _ planets in this solar system.`9
Astronomy : There are ----- planets in this solar system`nine`9
Astronomy. The rising of a star above the horizon`ascension
Astronomy. The sensible`horizon
Astronomy : The spiral galaxy nearest ours is the ________.`andromeda
Astronomy : The tides on the earth's oceans are actually created by gravitational pull from the ____`moon
Astronomy : This cluster of stars is also known as the Seven Sisters.`pleiades
Astronomy : This comet appears every 76.3 years.`halley
Astronomy : This planet's diameter is most equal to that of the earth's.`venus
astronomy: what cluster of stars is also known as the plow or the wagon`big dipper
Astronomy : What does "Ursa Major" mean in everyday English`big bear
Astronomy : What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Aquila`Eagle
Astronomy : What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Auriga`Charioteer
Astronomy : What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Camelopardalis`Giraffe
Astronomy : What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Canes Venatici`Greyhounds
Astronomy : What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Cassiopeia`Cassiopeia
Astronomy : What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Cepheus`Cepheus
Astronomy : What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Coma Berenices`Berenice's Hair
Astronomy: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Corona Borealis `Northern Crown
Astronomy : What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Cygnus`Swan
Astronomy : What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Delphinus`Dolphin
Astronomy : What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Draco`Dragon
Astronomy : What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Equuleus`Colt
Astronomy: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Lacerta `Lizard
Astronomy : What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Leo Minor`Lesser Lion
Astronomy : What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Lyra`Lyre
Astronomy : What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Ophiuchus`Serpent Bearer
Astronomy: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Sagitta `Arrow
Astronomy : What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Serpens`Serpent
Astronomy : What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Triangulum`Triangle
Astronomy : What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Ursa Major`Great Bear
Astronomy : What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Ursa Minor`Little Bear
Astronomy : What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Vulpecula`Fox
Astronomy : What is the name for a group of stars`constellation
Astronomy : What is the name for the theoretical end-product of the gravitational collapse of a massive star`black hole
Astronomy : What is the name used to describe the "minor planets"`asteroid
Astronomy : What is the ocean of air around the earth called`atmosphere
Astronomy : What is the proper name for falling stars`meteors
Astronomy : What is the term for the path followed by a body in space`orbit
Astronomy : What phenomenon is caused by the gravitational attraction of the moon`tide
Astronomy : What planet boasts the Great Red Spot`jupiter
Astronomy : Which meteor shower occurs on the 10th October`Draconids
Astronomy : Which meteor shower occurs on the 12th August`Perseids
Astronomy: Which meteor shower occurs on the 14th November `Andromedids
Astronomy : Which meteor shower occurs on the 16th November`Leonids
Astronomy: Which meteor shower occurs on the 21st April `Lyrids
Astronomy : Which meteor shower occurs on the 21st October`Orionids
Astronomy : Which meteor shower occurs on the 4th May`Eta Aquarids
Astronomy : Which meteor shower occurs on the 4th November`Taurids
Astronomy : Which planet did John Couch Adams and Urbain Leverrier work out the existence and position of before it could actually be seen`Neptune
Astronomy: Which planet does the moon Callisto belong to`Jupiter
Astronomy : Which planet has a moon called Cordelia`Uranus
Astronomy : Which planet has a moon called Deimos`Mars
Astronomy : Which planet has a moon called Europa`Jupiter
Astronomy : Which planet has a moon called Prometheus`Saturn
Astronomy : Which planet has a year lasting approx. 88 earth days`Mercury
Astronomy : Which planet in our solar system is the closest to the Sun`Mercury
Astronomy : Which planet in our solar system is the second closest to the Sun`Venus
Astronomy : Which planet in our solar system is the third closest to the Sun`Earth
Astronomy : Which planet in out solar system is the sixth closest to the Sun`Saturn
Astronomy : Which planet in the solar system was discovered in 1846`Neptune
Astronomy: Which planet is covered in thick clouds of carbon dioxide and sulphuric acid `Venus
Astronomy: Which planet is known as the red planet `Mars
Astronomy : Which planet is named after the sky God in Greek mythology`Uranus
Astronomy : Which planet was discovered by William Herschel in 178l`uranus
Astronomy : Which planet was discovered in 1846`neptune
Astronomy: Which planet was discovered in 1930 `Pluto
Astronomy: Which star is nearest the Earth `Sun
Astronomy: Who was the first person to notice "canals" on Mars `Schiaparelli
Astrophobia is a fear of ______`stars
Astrophobia is a fear of ______`starsAs sick as a(n) `dog
Astrophobia is the fear of`stars and celestial space
A structure composed of columns placed at regular intervals`colonnade
A structure made of bricks`brickwork
A structure made of such bars and supports and forming a barrier or guard: a ----ing`rail
A structure made of such bars and supports and forming a barrier or guard: a railing`rails
A structure, often decorative, from which a jet or stream of water issues`fountain
A structure or part that encircles or bounds an orifice, as: Anatomy. A labium`lip
A structure or part that encircles or bounds an orifice, as: Anatomy. A labium`lipread
A structure or part that is porous`porosities
A structure, such as a basin or reservoir, used for collecting or draining water`catchment
A structure, such as a freestanding monument, shaped like an inverted U`arched
A structure, such as a freestanding monument, shaped like an inverted U`arches
A structure, such as a freestanding monument, shaped like an inverted U`arching
A structure, such as a freestanding monument, shaped like an inverted U`archly
A structure, such as a window, screen, or trellis, made of or containing such a framework`lattice
A structure, typically a table, before which the divine offices are recited and upon which the Eucharist is celebrated in Christian churches`altar
A structure used for locomotion or attachment in an invertebrate animal, such as the muscular organ extending from the ventral side of a mollusk`foot
A structure used for locomotion or attachment in an invertebrate animal, such as the muscular organ extending from the ventral side of a mollusk`footed
A structure used for locomotion or attachment in an invertebrate animal, such as the muscular organ extending from the ventral side of a mollusk`foots
A structure, usually of stone or brick, for holding an outdoor fire`fireplace
A strumpet`trollop
A student or scholar of logic`logician
A student studying for a graduate degree, such as a PhD`grads
A student studying for a ----uate degree, such as a PhD`grad
A study by researcher Frank Hu and the Harvard School of Public Health found that women who snore are at an increased risk of high blood pressure and ---------------------`cardiovascular disease
A Study in Scarlet was the first novel to feature which literary character`sherlock holmes
A study of physics and chemistry of celestial bodies`astrophysics
A stumble or fall`trip
A stumble or fall`tripped
A stupa is a shrine to the memory of whom`buddha
A stupid act, remark, or idea`stupidity
A stupid or oafish person`goon
A stupid person: a dolt`klutz
A stupid person: a dolt`klutziness
A stupid person: a dolt`mutt
A sturdy box with a lid and often a lock, used especially for storage`chest
A sturdy box with a lid and often a lock, used especially for storage`chests
A sturdy cloth of this color`khaki
A style in which hair is cut`haircut
A style of automobile with a similar roof`landau
A style of cooking: cuisine: 'a restaurant with a fine French -------.'`kitchen
A style of music evolved from southern African-American secular songs and usually distinguished by a syncopated 4/4 rhythm, flatted thirds and sevenths, a 12-bar structure, and lyrics in athree-line stanza in which the second line repeats the first: The blues is an expression of anger against shame`bluesy
A style of rock music that incorporates elements of punk rock and heavy metal, popularized in the early 1990s and often marked by lyrics exhibiting nihilism, dissatisfaction,`grunge
A style of writing with cursive characters`script
A stylish or trendy word or phrase`buzzword
A subdivision of an arrondissement in France`canton
A subdivision of a plot of land, especially a plot used for experimental purposes`subplot
A subdivision of a written work`section
A subdivision of a written work`sectioned
A subject of artistic representation`theme
A subordinate evil spirit: a demon`devil
A subordinate group`subgroup
A subordinate heading or title`subhead
A subordinate official`minion
A subordinate role, as in a play`underpart
A substance added to paint, varnish, or ink to speed drying`dryer
A substance added to something else: a filler`loadings
A substance containing ------, obtained from the stomachs of hogs and calves and used as a digestive aid`pepsin
A substance necessary for or taking part in a particular metabolic process`metabolite
A substance, such as paint, detergent, or insecticide, packaged under pressure with a gaseous propellant for release as a spray of fine particles`aerosol
A substance, such as saliva, mucus, tears, bile, or a hormone, that is secreted`secretion
A substance that yields hydrogen ions when dissolved in water`acid
A substance to be so analyzed`assay
A substance used to color something`colorings
A substance with a similar consistency or function`puttied
A substance with a similar consistency or function`putty
A succession without a break or gap in time: 'won the title for three years in a ---.'`row
A succession without a break or gap in time: 'won the title for three years in a row.'`rowed
A suction pump used to create a partial vacuum`aspirator
A sudden attack made from a concealed position`ambush
A sudden burst, as of rain or smoke`gust
A sudden burst, as of rain or smoke`gusting
A sudden burst, as of rain or smoke`gusts
A sudden disturbing feeling: '-----s of homesickness.'`qualm
A sudden effusion of blood into an organ or tissue`apoplexy
A sudden eruption: an outburst: an -------- of strikes, violent agitation, and arrests (Samuel Chew)`outbreak
A sudden forward movement or p`lunge
A sudden gust of wind: a squall`williwaw
A sudden gust of wind`flurried
A sudden headlong rush or flight of a crowd of people`stampede
A sudden interruption of continuity: a gap`chasm
A sudden loud blow or bump`bang
A sudden manifestation or increase, as of a disease: an outbreak`breakout
A sudden movement made in avoiding a thrust in fencing`volt
A sudden or unusual sight: ( [The designer's] indoor-outdoor reversals and juxtapositions call forth a Magritte ---------- beneath a Miami moon`apparition
A sudden shock, revelation, or turn of events`zinger
A sudden short burst, as of energy, activity, or growth`spurt
A sudden, swift drop or plunge: 'Stock prices took a --------.'`nosedive
A sudden, violent disturbance of the mind`brainstorm
A sudden, violent outpouring, as of emotion: did not... give way to any ----------s of private grief (Thackeray)`ebullition
A sufferer of leukemia has too many _____`leukocytes
A "sugar" wedding anniversary is celebrated after how many years`6
A sugar with the formula c12h22011, belonging to the group of carbohydrates known as disaccharides`sucrose
A sugar with the formula c12h22011, belonging to the group of carbohydrates known as disaccharides (sugar)`sucrose
A suggestion or trace`smack
A sultan's palace. Also called serai`seraglio
A summary: 'a resum of the facts of the case.'`resume
A summary of the plot of a play,film etc with details of characters scenes etc`scenario
A summary or review`overview
A summer house giving a view`gazebo
A sum of money lent at interest`loan
A sum of money or other resources set aside for a specific purpose: 'a pension ----.'`fund
A sum of money required of a postulant at a convent`dowries
A sum or aggregate`summation
A sumptuous formal dinner`banquet
asuncion is the capital of ______`paraguay
A sun-dried grape is known as a(n) ___________`raisin
A sun-dried grape is known as a(n) `raisin
A sun-dried grape is known as a(n)- `Raisin
A super-fast data link between your PC & devices such as digital cameras`firewire
A superficial and usually temporary romance`flirtation
A superficial coating or discoloration of organic materials, such as cloth, paper, or leather, caused by fungi, especially under damp conditions`mildew
A superficially or deceptively attractive appearance`gloss
A superficially or deceptively attractive appearance`glossing
A superficial outgrowth of plant tissue, such as the prickle of a rose`emergence
A supernatural being: a ghost or specter`visitant
a supernova star is known to astronomers as a what`pulsar
A superstructure at the bow of a merchant ship where the crew is housed`forecastle
A supervisor or superintendent`overseer
A supplement or appendix`codicil
A supply of food`larder
A supply of money: a purse`till
A supporter of such a party or movement`communist
A support or foundation`pedestal
A surface bounding a solid figure`side
A surface bounding a solid figure`sided
A surface bounding a solid figure`sides
A surface bounding a solid figure`siding
A surface, especially an open, unoccupied piece of ground: 'a landing ----: a playing ----.'`area
A surface, layer, or mass of frozen water`ice
A surface, layer, or mass of frozen water`ices
A surface or its condition with respect to its suitability for walking or running, especially the condition of a racetrack`footing
A surface or structure configured in such a curve: a perfect --------- of white sand lined with palm... trees (Islands)`concavity
A surface that deviates from planarity in a smooth, continuous fashion`curve
A surgical operation or procedure, especially one involving the removal or replacement of a diseased organ or tissue`surgeries
A surplus: an excess`overage
A survey conducted by Masters and Johnson in the early 1980s revealed that the third-most frequent fantasy amongst both homosexual men and women was a __________ _________`heterosexual encounter
A surveyor's mark made on a stationary object of previously determined position and elevation and used as a reference point in tidal`benchmark
A survey revealed that ---------- percent of snowmobilers in Maine are males. Snowmobiling added $226 million to the state's economy in 1996.`eighty seven
A suspended bed of canvas or netting`hammock
A suspender strap with a fastener attached to a girdle or belt to hold up a stocking or sock`garter
A suspension of fine solid or liquid particles in a gaseous medium`smokes
A suspension of magnesium hydroxide in water is better known as what`milk of magnesia
A sweetheart`lass
A sweet or pleasant odor: a scent`fragrance
A sweet syrupy drink, especially one to which medicine can be added`julep
A sweet to moderately dry white wine from California`sauterne
As well: also`likewise
As what did Al Capone's business cards identify him`Furniture Dealer
As what did Everton Weekes become Barbados' champion after retiring as his countrys cricket captain`bridge
As what did h.g wells refer to adolf hitler`certifiable lunatic
As what did Kotex first manufactured in WWI`bandages
As what did Sir Walter Raleigh become famous`explorer
as what did the ancient greeks consider onions`aphrodisiac
As what does superstition say that peacock feathers shouldn't be used`house
as what does superstition say that peacock feathers shouldn't be used`house decorations
As what is -40 degrees C the same as what in F`minus forty degrees
As what is -40 degrees C the same as what in F`minus forty degrees`-40`minus fourty
as what is 7-up also known`un-cola
As what is a camelopard also known`Giraffe
As what is a giraffe also known`Camelopard
As what is a gnu also known`wildebeest
As what is america online known`aol
As what is a moose also known`Algonquin
as what is arizona known`grand canyon state
As what is a swimming pool also known`Natatorium
As what is a wildebeest also known`gnu
As what is Beethoven's piano sonata in C-sharp minor more commonly known`the moonlight sonata
as what is boston also known`beantown
as what is british honduras now known`belize
As what is California also known`golden state
As what is 'Cape Town' also known`kaapstad
As what is carol anne duffy best know`poet
as what is ceylon now known`sri lanka
As what is Constantinople now known`Istanbul
as what is 'danny boy' also known`londonderry air
as what is dutch guiana now known`surinam
As what is East Pakistan now known`bangladesh
As what is formosa now known`taiwan
as what is frank thomas known`big hurt
as what is garlic also known`stinky rose
As what is haemophilia also known`royal disease
As what is Hungary also known`magyar
as what is infantile paralysis commonly`polio
As what is Krung Thep is more commonly known`Bangkok
As what is Merle Haggard also known as`okie from muskogee
As what is miami also known`little havana
As what is milan considered`fashion capital
As what is Minnesota also known`gopher state
As what is minus forty degrees celcius the same`minus forty degrees
as what is minus forty degrees celcius the same`minus forty degrees fahrenheit
as what is minus forty degrees fahrenheit the same`minus forty degrees
as what is minus forty degrees fahrenheit the same`minus forty degrees celcius
As what is New Jersey also known`garden state
As what is niagara falls also known`honeymoon capital
As what is niagara falls also known?` The Honeymoon Capital
As what is Polaris also known`North Star
As what is saccharin mainly used`sweetener
As what is san francisco known`queen of the pacific
as what is south west africa now known`namibia
As what is 'South West Township' known in south africa`Soweto
As what is sulphur also known`Brimstone
As what is switzerland also known`helvetia
As what is the 9th century kingdom of Alba now known`scotland
As what is the Bowery known`street of forgotten men
As what is the Devonian period also known`age of fish
As what is the drug Novocain used`anaesthetic
As what is the exclamation point known to mathematicians`factoria
as what is the exclamation point known to mathematicians`factorial
As what is the glue on israeli postage stamps certified`kosher
As what is the Gulf of Gascony now known`the bay of biscay
As what is the international criminal police known`interpol
as what is the 'londonderry air' also known`danny boy
As what is the medical term pruritis more commonly known`itching
As what is the mississippi river known`father of waters
As what is the most frequently played segment of Wagners Lohengrin known`here comes the bride
As what is the north star also known`Polaris
As what is the painting 'arrangement in grey and black #1' known`whistler's
as what is the painting 'arrangement in grey and black #1' known`whistler's mother
As what is the south pole also known`amundsen scott station
as what is the thyroid cartilage also known`adam's apple
As what is the tree with the botanical name 'Betula' better known`birch
as what is tibet also known`roof of the world
as what is washington also known`evergreen state
As what was Anne Bonney notorious in the 18th century`pirate
As what was bangladesh formerly known`east pakistan
as what was belize was formerly known`british honduras
As what was Bruce Bairnsfather best known`cartoonist
As what was cleopatra also known`serpent of the nile
As what was Istanbul previously known`Constantinople
As what was John F. Kennedy airport formerly known`idlewild
As what was kotex first manufactured in wwi`bandages
As what was Liberace famous`pianist
As what was Lincoln Park in Chicago originally used`cemetary
As what was Louis XIV also known`sun king
As what was Matthew Hopkins known in the mid-seventeenth century`witchfinder general
As what was Sir Matthew Baillie Begbie known as in the late 1800's`hanging judge
As what was sony's video recorder known`beta max
As what was Surinam formerly known`dutch guiana
As what was Taiwan formerly known`Formosa
As what was the 19th century Prime Minister Arthur Wellesley better known`duke of wellington
as what was 'the new york times' formerly known`new york daily news
As what was 'the strip' in las vegas designated`official scenic byway
As what was the Taj Mahal built`Tomb
As what was tomato ketchup once sold?`medicine
as what was veronica lake known`peekaboo girl
As what was winchester known by the romans`venta bulgarum
As what were 'The Supremes' originally known`Primettes
As who is Cassius Clay now known`Mohammed Ali
as who is o'shea jackson known`ice cube
As who is Terry Bollea known`Hulk Hogan
As who is the Frankish ruler Charles the Great better known`Charlemagne
As who is Vincent Furnier known`Alice Cooper
As whom is marvin lee aday better know as`meatloaf
As whom was fitness expert Derrick Evans better known`mr motivator
As whom was Jan Ludvik Hoch better known`robert maxwell
As who, was Lev Davidovitch Bronstein better known`leon trotsky
A swift pirate ship, often operating with official sanction`corsair
A swindler or cheat, especially at games`rook
A swindler or cheat, especially at games`rooking
A Swiss city associated with gnomes`zurich
A swollen condition`tumescence
A swollen part: a swelling`tumor
A sword`blade
A synopsis`conspectus
A synthetic compound that acts like a hormone in the body`hormonal
A systematic collection of regulations and rules of procedure or conduct: 'a traffic ----.'`code
A systematic plan for the expenditure of a usually fixed resource, such as money or time, during a given period: 'A new car will not be part of our`budget
A system by which debtors are bound in servitude to their creditors until their debts are paid`peonage
A system, form, or instance of abbreviated or formulaic reference: The classical error is to regard a scientific law as only a --------- for its`shorthand
A system of belief, principles, or opinions: 'laws banning discrimination on the basis of race or -----: an architectural ----- that demanded simple`creed
A system of characters or symbols representing sounds or things`alphabet
A system of church government in which bishops are the chief clerics`episcopacy
A system of drains`drainage
A system of electric wires`wiring
A system of exercises practiced as part of this discipline to promote control of the body and mind`yoga
A system of geometry: 'Euclidean geometry.'`geometries
A system of ideas of right and wrong conduct: 'religious morality: Christian morality.'`moralities
A system of knowledge or beliefs about celestial phenomena: 'the various astronomies of ancient civilizations.'`astronomy
A system of numbering`numeration
A system of reasoning: 'Aristotle's logic.'`logics
A system of supporting shores`shoring
A system of symbols or representations`symbolism
A system of -------- track, together with the land, stations, rolling stock, and other related property under one management`railroad
A system of tubes`tubings
A system reflecting on a large scale one of its component systems or parts`macrocosm
A system regarded as analogous in its structure or functions to a living body: 'the social --------.'`organism
A system used to allocate a scarce commodity, such as food, only to those capable of deriving the greatest benefit from it`triage
at 12 years old, an african named ernest loftus made his first entry in his diary and continued everyday for ---------- years`91
at 12 years old, an african named ---------- made his first entry in his diary and continued everyday for 91 years`ernest loftus
at 12 years old, an ---------- named ernest loftus made his first entry in his diary and continued everyday for 91 years`african
at 21, tania aebi completes her 2 1/2 year solo voyage around the world on a`26-foot sloop`fire
at 21, tania aebi completes her 2 1/2 year solo voyage around the world on a`26-foot sloop`sailboat
At 30 miles long, in which North American city would you find Figueroa Street`los angeles
at 4,260 feet, what is the longest single bridge span in the us?`verrazano narrows
At 45, what did boxer, George Foreman win`heavyweight championship
at 45, what did george foreman win`heavyweight championship
at 7900 feet, is the deepest canyon in North America, deeper even than the Grand Canyon`Hell's Canyon
At 9,970,610 km2, Canada is the world's second-largest ______`country
A table showing the months, weeks, and days in at least one specific year`calendar
A tablet containing aromatic substances that is burned to fumigate or deodorize the air`pastille
At about what age does a boy's penis reach adult size?`Seventeen
At a certain distance in space or time: 'a mile ---: a week ---.'`off
At a certain distance in space or time: 'a mile off: a week off.'`offed
At a certain distance in space or time: 'a mile off: a week off.'`offs
A tactical unit of ground combat forces between a division and an army commanded by a lieutenant general and composed of two or more divisions and`corps
at a fair in maine, a boy spit a ---------- seed 38 ft`watermelon
at a fair in maine, a boy spit a watermelon seed ---------- ft`38
at age 16, confucius was a ---------- inspector`corn
at age 16, ---------- was a corn inspector`confucius
at age---------- , confucius was a corn inspector`16
At age seventy, What % of men are still potent?`73%
A tagged bird of this species flew the greatest known distance for a bird. (22,500 km)`arctic tern
At a glance, the Celsius scale makes more sense than the Fahrenheit scale for temperature measuring. But its creator, Anders Celsius, was an oddball scientist. When he first developed his scale, he made freezing 100 degrees and boiling 0 degrees, or upside down. No one dared point this out to him, so fellow scientists waited until Celsius died to change the scale. True or False`true
At a jet plane's speed of ______ miles per hour, the length of the plane becomes one atom shorter than its original length`six hundred and twenty
At a jet plane's speed of ______ miles per hour, the length of the plane becomes one atom shorter than its original length`six hundred and twenty`620
a ---------- takes 33 hours to crawl one mile`snail
A talent or ability that has potential for development or use. Often used in the plural: 'a student of great capabilities.'`capability
A tall military hat made of black fur`bearskin
A tall pointed formation, such as a mountain peak`pinnacle
A tall, slender structure used for observation, signaling, or pumping`towered
At all times: incessantly: 'was ------- complaining about the job.'`forever
At andrew Jackson's funeral in 1845, his pet parrot had to be removed. Why`because it was swearing
A tangelo is a cross between which fruits`tangerine and pomelo
A 'tangelo' is a cross between which fruits`tangerine & pomelo
At an indefinite time in the future: 'Let's get together --------.'`sometime
At an unspecified future time`manana
At any given time, there are 1,800 ______ going on around the world`rainstorms
At any time: 'Have you ---- been to Europe?'`ever
A tape or covered cord sewn into a seam as reinforcement or trimming`welt
A tape recording of numerous voices talking at the same time, used as an antibugging device to hinder or prevent eavesdropping`babbler
At a rapid or precipitous rate: 'a ----- rise in salaries.'`steep
At a rapid or precipitous rate: 'a steep rise in salaries.'`steeply
A target vulnerable to sweeping gunfire`enfilade
A tasty delicacy: a tidbit`morsel
A tavern or restaurant`inn
Ataxiophobia is the fear of`ataxia (muscular incoordination)
A tax levied on corporations or individuals after net income has exceeded a certain level`surtax
Ataxophobia is the fear of`disorder`untidiness
A tayberry is a cross between which two fruits`blackberry and raspberry
A tayberry is a cross between which two fruits`blackberry and raspberry`raspberry and blackberry
at birth a ---------- is smaller than a mouse and weighs about four ounces`panda
at birth a panda is smaller than a mouse and weighs about ---------- ounces`four
At birth, the two ovaries already hold what?`A lifetime supply of eggs
At Christmas 1997, the 'must have' toy was the 'Teletubbies', but what was the most popular toy at Christmas 1996`buzz lightyear
At Darts, what is a score of 26 called`bed and breakfast
At darts, what is a score of 26 called`bed & breakfast
At darts, what is a score of 26 called`bed & breakfast`bed and breakfast
A teacher and guide in spiritual and philosophical matters`guru
A teacher or instructor`professor
A teaching elder in the Presbyterian Church`presbyter
A tea`kettle
A team of carriage horses harnessed in single file`tandem
A team of medical experts in Virginia contends you're more likely to catch the common ____ _____ by shaking hands than by kissing.`cold virus
A team of three horses abreast`troika
A tear-shaped object`teardrop
A teat`tit
A teat`tits
A technical expert, especially one in a managerial or administrative position`technocrat
A technique by which patients monitor their own bodily functions in an attempt to alter those functions`bio feedback
A technique or means`device
A tedious moralizing lecture or admonition`homilies
A telephone line that gives quick and direct access to a source of information or help: This 24-hour hot line has... volunteers on duty to talk to callers about personal`hotline
Atelophobia is the fear of ____`imperfection
A temperature low enough to cause freezing`frost
A temperature low enough to cause freezing`frosting
A temporary debarment, as from school or a privilege, especially as a punishment`suspension
A temporary manner, attitude, or pattern of behavior: 'just a passing -----.'`phase
A temporary partial paralysis of habitually or excessively used muscles`cramp
A temporary platform used while making an impromptu or nonofficial public speech`soapbox
A temporary stop: a pause`letup
A temporary structure for sheltering troops`hut
A temporary structure for sheltering troops`huts
A temporary suspension of operation, especially of electric power`outage
A temporary suspension of operation, especially of electric power`outback
A tenacious, diligent, or persistent person`sticker
A tendency, especially in thought or feeling, contrary to what seems the strongest: As she talks nostalgically of her days of glory... a poignant`undertow
A tendency to be or remain at the center`centrality
A tender young chicken suitable for broiling`broiler
A ten-gallon hat holds 3/4 gallon or ---- quarts.`three
A Ten pound note depicts a scene from which Dickens novel`pickwick papers
A tenth-grade student in a U.S. high school`sophomore
Atephobia is the fear of`ruin`ruins
A termination, especially of a voyage or flight`landings
A term used as a descriptive substitute for the name or title of a person, such as The Great Emancipator for Abraham Lincoln`epithet
A terrapin is a type of _________.`turtle
A terrapin is a type of `turtle
A terrapin is a type of _________.`Turtle
A territorial division exercising administrative, judicial, and political functions in Great Britain and Ireland`county
A territorial magnate`lord
A territory or sphere of influence or control: a realm`dominion
A test, as of a machine, for proper functioning`checkout
A test or standard used in measurement, comparison, or judgment. standard`yardstick
A test taken for practice`pretest
A textile pattern of parallel bands or lines on a contrasting background`stripe
"At first i was afraid i was petrified" name song and artist`i will survive gloria gaynor
At first: 'not what I had ---------- expected.'`originally
At first: originally`primarily
At full tilt, Pumas can leap a distance of about ____ feet`sixty
At full tilt, Pumas can leap a distance of about ____ feet`sixty`60
At funerals in ancient ------, when the lid of the coffin was closed, mourners took a few steps backward lest their shadows get caught in the box.`china
A thatched or tiled one-story house in India surrounded by a wide verandah`bungalow
Athazagoraphobia is the fear of`being forgotten
A theater in which a resident company presents works from a specified repertoire, usually in alternation`repertory
A theatrical performance of this kind: a variety show`vaudeville
athens is the capital of ______`greece
A theory or a system of moral values: An ----- of service is at war with a craving for gain (Gregg Easterbrook)`ethic
a thermophile would be an organism that thrives in an environments with a high ______`temperature
A thick chemical froth, such as shaving cream or a substance used to fight fires`foam
A thick chemical froth, such as shaving cream or a substance used to fight fires`foaming
A thick cream soup made of pur ed vegetables`bisque
A thick grouping, as of trees or bushes`clump
A thick growth of shrubs: a thicket`bush
A thick oil or viscous substance, especially when used as a lubricant`grease
A thick oil or viscous substance, especially when used as a lubricant`greasing
A thick protective cover similar to or suggestive of a`quilt
A thick revolving cylinder for winding cables`capstan
A thick slice of a large fish cut across the body`steak
A thick-soled laced half boot worn by actors of Greek and Roman tragedies`buskin
A thief`ripoff
A thin, clear soup based on stock, to which rice, barley, meat, or vegetables may be added`broth
A thin glassy coating of ice`glaze
A thing of less than average size, length, extension, or duration`shortie
A thing of less than average size, length, extension, or duration`shorty
A thing or part that extends outward beyond a prevailing line or surface: 'spiky ----------s on top of a fence: a ---------- of land along the coast.'`projection
A thing that is adjacent`adjacency
A thin Indin cake of unleavened bread`chapatti
A thin, loosely woven fabric of silk, cotton, or synthetic fiber`grenadine
A thin, opaque, abnormal coating on the cornea of the eye`filming
A thin pancake with savoury or sweet filling`crepe
A thin plaster for finishing walls and ceilings`grout
A thin slice of bacon is called this`rasher
A thin varnish made by dissolving this substance in denatured alcohol, used to finish wood`shellac
Athletic contest of 3 events`triathlon
athletics: who won a consecutive 122 races at 400m hurdles between 1977 1987`edwin moses
A thong for binding the hair, worn by women in ancient Greece`miter
A thoroughbred racehorse one year old dating from January 1 of the year in which it was foaled`yearling
A thorough going and complete republican might be called a dyed-in-the what kind of republican`wool
A thoroughgoing & complete republican might be called a dyed-in-the...what kind of republican`wool
A thoroughly contemptible, detestable person`asshole
Athousand miles name the artist`vanessa carlton
A thousand-year period of holiness mentioned in Revelation 20, during which Jesus and his faithful followers are to rule on earth`millennia
At how many revolutions per minute does a long play record turn`thirty three and a third
A thrashing administered especially as punishment`whippings
A thread used in surgery to tie a bleeding blood vessel is called a(n) _________.`ligature
A thread used in surgery to tie a bleeding blood vessel is called a(n) `ligature
A thread used in surgery to tie a bleeding blood vessel is called a(n) `Ligature
A three-legged stand made of metal, used for supporting cooking vessels in a hearth`trivet
A three-masted schooner`tern
A threshing machine`thresher
Athropod with worm like body and many legs`centipede
A thug or gangster`ruffian
A thumb index`indices
A tight-fitting cap worn under a veil, as by nuns`coif
Atilla the Hun is thought to have been a`dwarf
A time`clock
A timely blessing or benefit: 'A brisk breeze is a boon to sailors.'`boons
A timely blessing or benefit: 'A brisk breeze is a ---- to sailors.'`boon
A tincture of opium, was a common sedative in Victorian times`laudanum
A tingling or pricking sensation`prickle
A tingling or pricking sensation`prickling
A "tin" wedding anniversary is celebrated after how many years`10
A tiny amount: a bit: 'not a ----- of truth in her story.'`speck
A tiresome or unwelcome moral lecture or discourse: tedious sermonizing`preachment
A title: a name`rubric
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Algeria`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Argentina`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Armenia`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Australia`21
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Austria`2
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Azerbaijan`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Bahamas`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Belarus`8
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Belgium`2
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Brazil`9
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Bulgaria`5
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Burundi`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Canada`7
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: China`12
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Chinese Taipei`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Costa Rica`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Croatia`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Cuba`8
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Czech Republic`2
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Denmark`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Ecuador`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Ethiopia`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Finland`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: France`14
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Georgia`2
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Germany`27
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Great Britain`5
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Greece`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Hong Kong, China`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Hungary`10
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: India`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Indonesia`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Iran`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Ireland`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Israel`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Italy`12
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Jamaica`2
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Japan`5
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Kazakhstan`4
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Kenya`3
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Latvia`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Lithuania`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Malaysia`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Mexico`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Moldova`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Mongolia`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Morocco`2
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Mozambique`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Namibia`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: New Zealand`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Nigeria`3
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: North Korea`2
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Norway`2
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Philippines`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Poland`3
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Portugal`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Puerto Rico`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Romania`9
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Russia`14
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Slovakia`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Slovenia`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: South Africa`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: South Korea`5
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Spain`6
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Sweden`2
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Switzerland`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Syria`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Thailand`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: The Netherlands`10
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Tonga`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Trinidad and Tobago`2
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Tunisia`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Turkey`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Uganda`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Ukraine`13
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: United States of America`25
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Uzbekistan`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Yugoslavia`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Zambia`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Algeria`2
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Argentina`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Armenia`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Australia`7
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Austria`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Azerbaijan`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Bahamas`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Belarus`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Belgium`2
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Brazil`3
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Bulgaria`3
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Burundi`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Canada`3
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: China`14
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Chinese Taipei`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Costa Rica`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Croatia`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Cuba`9
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Czech Republic`4
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Denmark`4
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Ecuador`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Ethiopia`2
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Finland`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: France`14
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Georgia`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Germany`19
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Great Britain`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Greece`4
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Hong Kong, China`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Hungary`7
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: India`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Indonesia`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Iran`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Ireland`3
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Israel`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Italy`13
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Jamaica`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Japan`3
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Kazakhstan`3
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Kenya`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Latvia`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Lithuania`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Malaysia`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Mexico`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Moldova`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Mongolia`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Morocco`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Mozambique`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Namibia`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: New Zealand`3
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Nigeria`2
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: North Korea`2
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Norway`2
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Philippines`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Poland`6
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Portugal`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Puerto Rico`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Romania`4
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Russia`25
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Slovakia`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Slovenia`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: South Africa`3
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: South Korea`7
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Spain`4
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Sweden`2
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Switzerland`3
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Syria`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Thailand`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: The Netherlands`4
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Tonga`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Trinidad and Tobago`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Tunisia`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Turkey`4
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Uganda`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Ukraine`9
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: United States of America`42
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Uzbekistan`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Yugoslavia`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Zambia`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Algeria`3
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Argentina`3
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Armenia`2
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Australia`37
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Austria`3
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Azerbaijan`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Bahamas`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Belarus`15
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Belgium`6
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Brazil`15
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Bulgaria`14
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Burundi`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Canada`21
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: China`46
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Chinese Taipei`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Costa Rica`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Croatia`2
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Cuba`25
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Czech Republic`9
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Denmark`6
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Ecuador`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Ethiopia`3
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Finland`4
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: France`34
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Georgia`2
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Germany`63
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Great Britain`14
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Greece`8
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Hong Kong, China`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Hungary`20
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: India`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Indonesia`3
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Iran`3
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Ireland`4
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Israel`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Italy`35
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Jamaica`6
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Japan`14
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Kazakhstan`11
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Kenya`8
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Latvia`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Lithuania`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Malaysia`2
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Mexico`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Moldova`2
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Mongolia`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Morocco`2
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Mozambique`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Namibia`2
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: New Zealand`6
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Nigeria`6
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: North Korea`5
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Norway`6
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Philippines`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Poland`14
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Portugal`2
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Puerto Rico`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Romania`19
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Russia`59
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Slovakia`3
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Slovenia`2
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: South Africa`5
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: South Korea`27
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Spain`14
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Sweden`8
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Switzerland`6
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Syria`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Thailand`2
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: The Netherlands`17
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Tonga`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Trinidad and Tobago`2
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Tunisia`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Turkey`6
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Uganda`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Ukraine`24
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: United States of America`98
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Uzbekistan`2
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Yugoslavia`2
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Zambia`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Algeria`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Argentina`2
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Armenia`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Australia`9
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Austria`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Azerbaijan`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Bahamas`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Belarus`6
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Belgium`2
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Brazil`3
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Bulgaria`6
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Burundi`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Canada`11
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: China`20
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Chinese Taipei`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Costa Rica`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Croatia`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Cuba`8
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Czech Republic`3
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Denmark`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Ecuador`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Ethiopia`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Finland`2
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: France`6
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Georgia`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Germany`17
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Great Britain`8
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Greece`4
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Hong Kong, China`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Hungary`3
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: India`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Indonesia`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Iran`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Ireland`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Israel`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Italy`10
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Jamaica`3
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Japan`6
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Kazakhstan`4
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Kenya`4
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Latvia`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Lithuania`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Malaysia`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Mexico`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Moldova`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Mongolia`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Morocco`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Mozambique`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Namibia`2
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: New Zealand`2
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Nigeria`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: North Korea`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Norway`2
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Philippines`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Poland`5
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Portugal`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Puerto Rico`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Romania`6
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Russia`20
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Slovakia`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Slovenia`2
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: South Africa`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: South Korea`15
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Spain`4
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Sweden`4
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Switzerland`3
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Syria`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Thailand`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: The Netherlands`3
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Tonga`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Trinidad and Tobago`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Tunisia`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Turkey`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Uganda`0
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Ukraine`2
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: United States of America`31
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Uzbekistan`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Yugoslavia`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Zambia`1
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total`india
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total`israel
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total`lithuania
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total`mexico
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total`mongolia
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total`mozambique
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total`puerto rico
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total`tunisia
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total`uganda
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 2 Bronze, 2 in Total`georgia
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 2 Bronze, 2 in Total`morocco
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 2 Bronze, 2 in Total`trinidad and tobago
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total`azerbaijan
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total`bahamas
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total`chinese taipei
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total`latvia
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total`philippines
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total`tonga
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total`zambia
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 2 in Total`malaysia
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 2 in Total`moldova
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 2 in Total`uzbekistan
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 2 in Total`yugoslavia
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 2 Bronze, 3 in Total`austria
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 2 Silver, 0 Bronze, 2 in Total`namibia
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 2 Silver, 0 Bronze, 2 in Total`slovenia
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 2 Silver, 1 Bronze, 3 in Total`argentina
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 13 Gold, 10 Silver, 12 Bronze, 35 in Total`italy
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 14 Gold, 20 Silver, 12 Bronze, 46 in Total`china
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 14 Gold, 6 Silver, 14 Bronze, 34 in Total`france
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 19 Gold, 17 Silver, 27 Bronze, 63 in Total`germany
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total`burundi
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total`costa rica
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total`ecuador
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total`hong kong, china
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total`syria
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 2 in Total`portugal
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 2 in Total`thailand
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 2 in Total`armenia
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 2 in Total`croatia
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 3 in Total`indonesia
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 3 in Total`iran
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 3 in Total`slovakia
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 2 Silver, 1 Bronze, 4 in Total`finland
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 3 Silver, 2 Bronze, 6 in Total`jamaica
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 4 Silver, 3 Bronze, 8 in Total`kenya
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 6 Silver, 8 Bronze, 15 in Total`belarus
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 8 Silver, 5 Bronze, 14 in Total`great britain
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 25 Gold, 20 Silver, 14 Bronze, 59 in Total`russia
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 2 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 3 in Total`algeria
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 2 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 3 in Total`ethiopia
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 2 Gold, 1 Silver, 2 Bronze, 5 in Total`north korea
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 2 Gold, 1 Silver, 3 Bronze, 6 in Total`nigeria
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 2 Gold, 2 Silver, 2 Bronze, 6 in Total`belgium
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 2 Gold, 2 Silver, 2 Bronze, 6 in Total`norway
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 2 Gold, 4 Silver, 2 Bronze, 8 in Total`sweden
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 3 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 4 in Total`ireland
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 3 Gold, 11 Silver, 7 Bronze, 21 in Total`canada
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 3 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 5 in Total`south africa
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 3 Gold, 2 Silver, 1 Bronze, 6 in Total`new zealand
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 3 Gold, 3 Silver, 0 Bronze, 6 in Total`switzerland
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 3 Gold, 3 Silver, 9 Bronze, 15 in Total`brazil
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 3 Gold, 4 Silver, 4 Bronze, 11 in Total`kazakhstan
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 3 Gold, 6 Silver, 5 Bronze, 14 in Total`bulgaria
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 3 Gold, 6 Silver, 5 Bronze, 14 in Total`japan
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 42 Gold, 31 Silver, 25 Bronze, 98 in Total`united states of america
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 4 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 6 in Total`denmark
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 4 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 6 in Total`turkey
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 4 Gold, 3 Silver, 10 Bronze, 17 in Total`the netherlands
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 4 Gold, 3 Silver, 2 Bronze, 9 in Total`czech republic
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 4 Gold, 4 Silver, 0 Bronze, 8 in Total`greece
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 4 Gold, 4 Silver, 6 Bronze, 14 in Total`spain
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 4 Gold, 6 Silver, 9 Bronze, 19 in Total`romania
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 6 Gold, 5 Silver, 3 Bronze, 14 in Total`poland
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 7 Gold, 15 Silver, 5 Bronze, 27 in Total`south korea
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 7 Gold, 3 Silver, 10 Bronze, 20 in Total`hungary
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 7 Gold, 9 Silver, 21 Bronze, 37 in Total`australia
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 9 Gold, 2 Silver, 13 Bronze, 24 in Total`ukraine
Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 9 Gold, 8 Silver, 8 Bronze, 25 in Total`cuba
atlanta is the capital of ______`georgia
atlanta is the capital of what state?`georgia
Atlanta is the capital of what US state`georgia
Atlantic City Hotel-Casino Is Three Times The Size Of The Taj Mahal, It's East Indian Namesake`Donald Trump
at latitude ---------- degrees south you can sail all the way around the world`sixty
At least: 'Fully half of the volunteers did not appear.'`fully
at least how many times a year does one blink`ten million
At Mcdonalds in New Zealand, what kind of pies do they serve instead of cherry ones`apricot
a toast: what country produces rioja wines`spain
A tobacco pipe with a bowl made of this mineral`meerschaum
A token of something to come: a promise or an assurance`earnests
A tollbooth equipped with a gate`tollgate
A tollgate on a turnpike`piked
A tollgate on a turnpike`piking
A tollgate`turnpike
A tomahawk`hatchet
A tombstone`marker
Atomosophobia is the fear of`atomic explosions
At once: immediately: 'Stop ---.'`now
At once: immediately: 'Stop now.'`nows
A tone control system designed to compensate for frequency distortion in audio systems`equalizer
A tone that is eight diatonic degrees above or below another given tone`octave
A tool for clinching nails, screws, or bolts`clincher
A tool or device similar in function or action to this striking tool, as: The part of a gunlock that hits the primer or firing pin or explodes the percussion cap andcauses the gun`hammer
A tool or machine used for digging or excavating`digger
A tool, such as a screw------ or hammer, that is used for imparting forceful pressure on another object`driver
A tool used for cutting the teeth of machine parts, as of a gearwheel`hob
A tool used for cutting the teeth of machine parts, as of a gearwheel`hobs
A tool with a large head, used to strike a surface without damaging it`mallet
A tool with screw point for boring holes in wood`auger
A toothpick is the object most often _______ on by Americans`choked
A topiary garden`topiaries
A tornado at sea is called a ___`waterspout
At or on this`hereupon
At or to the stern of a vessel`astern
A total defeat`drubbings
A total of 1,670 people died in a theatre fire in China in what year`1845
A total, often ludicrous failure`debacle
A tough, often aggressive or violent youth`hoodlum
A tough, protective covering, such as the bony scales covering certain animals or the metallic plates on tanks or warships`armor
A tough, protective covering, such as the bony scales covering certain animals or the metallic plates on tanks or warships`armoring
A tower marking a turning point in a race among aircraft`pylon
A town`crier
A town crier`bellman
A town hall`guildhall
A town is not a city until it has a _________`cathedral
at present, the tallest (twin) tower office block in the world is`petronas towers
A track-and-field event in which a ------ is thrown`discus
A track providing a runway for wheeled equipment`railway
A tract of forested land thatrises above an adjacent marsh in the southern United States`hammock
A tract of forested land thatrises above an adjacent marsh in the southern United States`hummock
A tract of land devoted to the raising and breeding of domestic animals`farm
A tract of land forming a passageway, such as one that allows an inland country access to the sea through another country`corridor
A tractor-trailer`semis
A trained fighter in ancient Rome`gladiator
A training college for priests`seminary
A transaction in a stock market security above the price of the previous transaction`uptick
A transparent body of this form, often of glass and usually with triangular ends, used for separating white light passed through it into a spectrum or for reflecting beams`prism
A transparent fabric used as a drop in the theater to create special effects of lights or atmosphere`scrim
A traveling amusement show usually including rides, games, and sideshows`carnival
A traveling circus freak in England was rumored to have had the largest reported penis of all time. his name was "Mighty Mike," and he had a __-____ phallus.`25-inch
A traveling company that performs such entertainments`circus
A tray or salver`waiter
A treacherous person. Also called ----- in the grass`snake
A treatise or book discussing this art`rhetoric
A treaty establishing peaceful relations`concord
A tree or shrub grown by this method`bonsai
A trellis or other framework on which an -------- is grown`espalier
A trembling or quivering effect: 'a ------ of aspen leaves.'`tremor
A Tremonton, Utah law states that no woman is allowed to have sex with a man while riding in an ________.`ambulance
A trench or channel for drainpipes or wiring`chase
A triangle with three equal sides is called `equilateral
A triangle with three equal sides is called`Equilateral
A triangle with two equal sides is called __________`isosceles
A triangle with two equal sides is called `isosceles
A triangular element, similar to or derivative of a Grecian --------, used widely in architecture and decoration`pediment
A triangular metal bracket used to strengthen a joist`gusset
A trick: a subterfuge`chicanery
A tripping or triggering device on a mechanism`tripper
A trivial thing: a trifle`trinket
A tropical American tree (Crescentia cujete) bearing hard-shelled, gourdlike fruits on the trunk and main branches. Also called -------- tree`calabash
A tropical Asian evergreen tree (Cinnamomum ------) having aromatic bark used as a substitute for cinnamon`cassia
A tropical house lizzard`gecko
A trotting horse suited for routine riding or driving: a hack`hackney
A trough fixed under or along the eaves for draining rainwater from a roof.Also called regionally eaves spout, eaves trough, rainspout,spouting`gutter
A troupe of minstrels`minstrelsy
A trowel-shaped tool for smoothing the surface of clay, sand, or plaster in a mold`plane
A trowel-shaped tool for smoothing the surface of clay, sand, or plaster in a mold`planes
A trowel-shaped tool for smoothing the surface of clay, sand, or plaster in a mold`planing
A truck having a cab and no body, used for pulling large vehicles such as vans or trailers`tractor
A trusted person`trustier
A trustee: a depositary`depository
a trust or charge is committed`committee
Attached or confined to the earth or to earthly concerns: 'an ---------- existence.'`earthbound
Attached together in repeated units: 'a ---------- form fed into a printer.'`continuous
Attached to or formed by a skeleton`skeletal
Attack of the killer`tomatoes
Attend a party uninvited`gatecrash
Attended with, showing, or causing anxiety: 'spent an ------- night waiting for the test results.'`anxious
Attentive care: heedfulness`diligence
At that event: on account of that`thereat
At the 1991 World championships in Tokyo, which British hurdler ran the last leg of the 4x400 relay to win gold for Britain`kris akabusi
at the age of 5 a filly becomes a .....`mare
at the bar: what do you get when you mix tequila, triple sec and lime juice`a margarita
at the battle of antietam, who commanded the xii corps for the union side`joseph mansfield
At the beginning of a game of draughts how many pieces does each player have`twelve
At the end of 'Planet of the Apes' what protruded from the rocks`Statue of Liberty
At the end of "Planet Of The Apes" what protruded from the rocks`the statue of liberty
At the end of which siege in 1954 were the French finally beaten in Vietnam`dien bien phu
At the end of World War Two, which was the last European capital to be liberated, in May 1945`prague
at the f-1 grand prix race which killed aryton senna, which other driver suffered the same cruel fate`ratzenberger
At the height of its power, in 400 B.C., the Greek city of ------ had 25,000 citizens and 500,000 slaves.`sparta
at the height of its power, in 400 b.c., this greek city had 25,000 citizens and 500,000 slaves.`sparta
At the height of the teddy bear's huge popularity in the early 1900s, there is record of one Michigan priest who publicly denounced the teddy as an insidious weapon. He claimed that the stuffed toy would lead to the destruction of the instincts of ------------ and eventual racial suicide.`motherhood
At the Montreal Olympics, Nelli Kim was judged to have given a perfect performance in the floor exercise and which other discipline`vault
at the movies: this actress made her first million before the age of ten`shirley temple
at the movies: what 1968 film featured music from richard strauss's also sprach zarathustra`2001: a space odyssey
at the movies: what country was the setting of the john wayne film the quiet man`ireland
at the movies: what film featured the search for the perfect wave`the endless summer
at the movies: what film has zero mostel and gene wilder trying to mastermind a broadway flop`the producers
at the movies: what film introduced the song the first time ever i saw your face`play misty for me
at the movies: what film marked robert redford's directorial debut`ordinary people
at the movies: what film's climax takes place on the face of mount rushmore`north by northwest
at the movies: what film was inspired by daniel keyes's novel flowers for algernon`charly
at the movies: what island was the jungle home of king kong in the 1933 film`skull island
at the movies: what mythical scottish town appears for one day every 100 years`brigadoon
at the movies: what sissy spacek film climaxed at the bates high school senior prom`carrie
at the movies: what was the first x-rated animated cartoon movie`fritz the cat
at the movies: which film won rod steiger the best actor oscar in 1967`in the heat of the night
at the movies: who played regan macneil in the exorcist`linda blair
at the movies: who portrayed the german spy die nagel in the eye of the needle`donald sutherland
at the movies: who spoke the only word in mel brook's silent movie`marcel marceau
At the nearest point , Russia and America are less than ____ km apart`four
At the nearest point , Russia and America are less than ____ km apart`four`4
At the outbreak of World War I, the American ----------- consisted of only fifty men.`air force
At the same time: 'The court is deliberating: ---------, we must be patient.'`meanwhile
At the scene of which of his famous paintings did Vincent Van Gogh shoot himself`the cornfield
At the side: alongside`aboard
At the time of Julius Caesar, who was the ruler of Egypt`Cleopatra
At the tip of which continent is Cape Horn`South America
at the turn of the last---------- , dublin ireland had the largest slave market in the world, run by the vikings`millennium
at the turn of the last millennium, dublin ireland had the largest ---------- market in the world, run by the vikings`slave
at the turn of the last millennium, dublin ireland had the largest slave market in the world, run by the----------`vikings
at the turn of the last millennium, ---------- ireland had the largest slave market in the world, run by the vikings`dublin
At this time: now: 'We'll adjourn the meeting ---- and discuss remaining issues after lunch.'`here
Attitudes, conditions, or behaviors that promote stereotyping of social roles based on gender`sexism
Attracting notice as being unusual or extraordinary. noticeable`remarkable
Attractive men with muscular physiques, such as those in these images`beefcake
Attribution of human form or qualities to that which is not human?`Anthropomorphism
at twelve noon gmt on london what time is it in aukland new zealand`twelve midnight`12am`midnight
A tube or duct for enclosing electric wires or cable`conduit
A tuber of this plant`potato
A tube that encloses and protects electric wires`raceway
A tuft of hair on such a projection`fetlock
A tumultuous, confused rush`whirlwind
A turkey's furcula better known as a`wishbone
A turkey's furcula is commonly now as`a wishbone
A turning away or in the opposite direction: a reversal`reversion
A turning or rotational motion about an axis`revolution
A turning or twisting force`torque
A turn`stile
At what age did madonna lose her virginity`fifteen
At what age did Mrs Beaton & Anne Boleyn both die`twenty nine
at what age did raquel welch win her first beauty contest?`fourteen
At what age did robbie williams join take that`sixteen
at what age does a filly become a mare and a colt become a horse?`five years
at what age does a filly become a mare and a colt become a horse`five years5 years
At what age does a filly become a mare`five
At what age does a filly become a mare`five`5
at what age does a filly become a mare`five years
At what airport did Israeli commandos free 103 hostages in 1976`entebbe
At what angle above the horizon must the sun be to create a rainbow`forty
At what angle above the horizon must the sun be to create a rainbow`forty`40
at what angle above the horizon must the sun be to create a rainbow`forty degrees
At what atoll in the South Pacific did the U S do bomb nuclear bomb test in 1946`bikini atoll`bikini
At what does singapore use the colors blue and yellow to ward off evil spirits`Funerals
at what does singapore use the colours blue and yellow to ward off evil spirits`funerals
At what does Singapore use the colours blue & yellow to ward off evil spirits`funerals
At what do girasol plants look`the sun
at what famed london studio was part of graceland waxed in`abbey road studio
at what law firm could you find the defenders`preston & preston
at what new jersey bar did bruce springsteen begin his early career?`stone pony
at what nightclub in liverpool were the beatles "discovered"`the cavern`carvern
at what place did the piscataqua tribe of indians live?`dover
At what point in a meal would you serve potage`start
At what sport did Italian Giacomo Agostini compete`motor cycling
At what studio was the first ska song supposedly recorded`jamaica broadcasting studios
At what temperature do Fahrenheit & Celcius give the same value`-40
at what temperature in celcius degrees does alcohol freeze`-130
At what temperature should 'rice wine' be served`warm
At what theme park are the Looney Toons associated with`Six Flags
At what theme park are the Looney Toons associated with`Six Flags`6 flags
at what theme park are the looney toons`six flags
at what time did the hiroshima bomb detonate`8:15 am
At what weight did Frank Bruno win a boxing world championship title`heavyweight
At which address will you find the White House`1600 pennsylvania avenue
At which Air Show in 1973 did Russia's supersonic "Konkordski" aircraft crash`paris
At which American University were four students shot dead in 1970 whilst protesting against the Vietnam War`kent state, ohio
At which American University were four students shot dead , while protesting against the Vietnam War`kent
At which battle did General James Scarlett lead the Charge of the heavy Brigade`balaclava
at which battle did the charge of the light brigade take place`baraclava
at which battle did the english prince edward the black crush the french army, capturing the french king and his nobles`poitiers
At which battle did Theodore Roosevelt lead the charge of the "Rough Riders"`san juan hill
At which battle of 1513 was King James IV of Scotland killed`Flodden
At which battle was James Duke of Monmouth defeated in 1685 as he tried to seize the english throne`sedgemoor
At which city would you find the Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet, Stone's Brewery and Midland railway station`sheffield
At which city would you find the National Water Sports Centre, Hardy Hanson Brewery and Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem Inn`nottingham
At which conference in 1944 was the International Monetary System, including the I.M.F. and the World Bank, set up`bretton woods
At which game was Willie Mays a celebrated player`baseball
At which Grand Prix circuit did Ayrton Senna lose his life`san marino
At which grand prix did Nikki Lauda make his comback`Italian
At which great house in Derbyshire is the Emperor Fountain, built by Joseph Paxton`chatsworth
At which high school did Mr Novak teach`jefferson high
At which important event didmr.s.r.bastard oficiatein 1878`the f a cup final
At which lengthy battle did 10,000 Athenians defeat 20,000 Persians`marathon
at which meeting did allied leaders complete plans for the defeat for germany in ww2 and the foundation of the united nations`yalta conference
at which naval battle did the japanese fleet destroy the russian fleet of equal size, bringing victory for japan in the russo-japanese war`tshushima
At which Olympic games did Olga Korbut win three gold medals`munich
at which olympic games did steve redgrave win his first gold medal`los angeles
At which olympics did Zola Budd accidentally trip Mary Decker`1984
at which olympics did zola budd accidentally trip mary decker`1984 los angeles olympics
At which Paris terminus does the Eurostar train from London arrive`gare du nord
at which racecourse is the "one thousand guineas run"`newmarket
At which school did Ken Barlow teach`bessie street
At which school did Mr Chips teach Latin`brookfield
At which sport did Yvonne McGregor win a bronze medal for Great Britain at the Sydney Olympics`cycling
At which sport do Oxford and Cambridge Universities compete for the Bowring Bowl`rugbyunion
At which sporting venue in New York did the Beatles, once play a concert`shea stadium
At which town did Livingstone and Stanley meet in 1871`ujiji
At which university did Spike Lee teach`harvard
At which university did the poet Philip Larkin work as a librarian`hull
At which War of the Roses battle, fought to the North of London, was Warwick the Kingmaker killed`barnet
At which weight was boxer Freddie Mills World Champion`light heavyweight
At whose court was Merlin the wizard`King Arthur
A twig of one of these trees`osier
A twilled wool fabric or garment having such a pattern`tartan
A twisted roll of tobacco`pigtail
A two-wheeled vehicle drawn by an animal and used in farm work and for transporting goods`cart
A two-wheeled vehicle drawn by an animal and used in farm work and for transporting goods`carts
Atychiphobia is the fear of ____`failure
A type of climbing rose having numerous red, pink, or white flowers`rambler
A type of coasting sled`jumper
A type of musical instrument turned by hand`hurdy-gurdy
A type of pale purple color`mauve
A type of popular music combining elements of jazz, blues, and soul and characterized by syncopated rhythm and a heavy, repetitive bass line`funks
A type of square dance`quadrille
A type of tangerine`satsma
A type of windsurfing board that is less stable but faster than the standard one`funboard
A typewritten or handwritten version of a book, an article, a document, or other work, especially the author's own copy, prepared and submitted for publication`manuscript
A typhoon struck which island in Japan in 1934, killing 4,000 people`Honshu
A typical American eats how many pigs in his/her lifetime`twenty eight
A typical American eats how many pigs in his/her lifetime`twenty eight`28
A typical american eats how many pigs in his or her lifetime`twenty eight`28
a typical american eats ---------- pigs in his/her lifetime`twenty eight
A typical bed usually houses over how many dust mites`6 billion
a typical double mattress contains as many as ---------- house dust mites`2 million
A typically good-natured parody, especially in theater: The comedy fodder ranged from -------s of British Royalty to... Sophie Tuckerisms (Variety)`putdown
A tyrant: a despot`dictator
A tyrant`pharaoh
Auctioneer's or judge's hammer`gavel
Audaciously rude or disrespectful: impertinent`insolent
August 2002, Abs reached the UK top ten with this song`what you got
August 2002, Gareth Gates had a second top ten uk hit with this song`anyone of us
August 2002, he made it! Darius' no 1 UK hit`colourblind
August 2002, no 2 uk hit for the Sugarbabes`roundhouse
August 2002, Shakiras 2nd UK top 20 record`underneath your clothes
August 2002, Uk top 20 hit for the S Club Juniors`automatic high
August 2002, who had a no 1 UK hit with Crossroads`blazin' squad
August 2002, Who had a top 10 uk hit with Just the Way`milky
August 2002, who had a top ten uk hit with a cover of Madonnas Like a prayer`madhouse
August 2002, Who had a top ten uk hit with Starry eyed`oakenfold
August 2002, who had a uk top 20 hit with I'm alive`celine Dion
augusta is the capital of what state?`maine
Auguste Rodin was famous in which field of the arts`sculpture
august is the month when most ---------- 's are born`baby
a uk no 1 record`louis armstrong
A unifying or connecting tie or bond`ligament
A unit for measuring absorbed doses of radiation, equivalent to one roentgen of x-rays or gamma rays`rem
A unit for measuring absorbed doses of radiation, equivalent to one roentgen of x-rays or gamma rays`rems
A unit in a connected series of units: '----s of sausage: one ---- in a molecular chain.'`link
A unit of angular measurement equal to one sixtieth of a degree, or 60 seconds. Also called ------ of arc`minute
A unit of electrical energy equal to the work done when a current of one ampere is passed through a resistance of one ohm for one second`jouncing
A unit of length equal to 30 inches (0.76 meter)`pace
A unit of length equal to 30 inches (0.76 meter)`paces
A unit of liquid measure equal to one quarter of a pint`noggin
A unit of retinal illumination, equal to the amount of light that reaches the retina through 1 square millimeter of pupil area from a surface having a brightness of 1 candela`photon
A unit of volume or capacity in the British Imperial System, used in dry and liquid measure and equal to 2,219.36 cubic inches or 36.37 liters. See`bushel
A unit of volume or capacity in the U.S. Customary System, used in dry measure, equal to 1/16 peck or 1/2 quart (0.551 liter)`pint
A unit of volume or capacity in the U.S. Customary System, used in dry measure, equal to 1/8 peck or 2 pints (1.101liters)`quart
A unit of volume or capacity in the U.S. Customary System, used in dry measure, equal to 1/8 peck or 2 pints (1.101liters)`quarts
A unit of weight equal to 2,240 pounds (1.016 metric ---- or 1,016.05 kilograms).Also called long ton`tons
Aural means relating to what part of the body`ear
Aurophobia is the fear of`gold
Aurora borealis are more commonly referred to as what`northern lights
auroraphobia is the fear of ____`northern lights
A U.S. Army administrative and tactical unit composed of a headquarters unit, at least one unit of infantry or armor or both, and designated support units. A ------- can be commanded by abrigadier general`brigade
A U.S. dime is worth ___ cents`10
A U.S. dime is worth cents`ten
A useful article or device`utilities
A u-shaped bend in a river is called a(n)....`oxbow
A U-shaped object similar to a`horseshoe
aussie rules, a game popular in australia, is also played in a similar form in ireland, known as`gaelic football
Aussie Slang: Aerial ping pong`aussie rules football
Aussie Slang: Aggro`upset about something
Aussie Slang: Amber fluid`beer
Aussie Slang: Ankle biter`young child
Aussie Slang: Arse over tit`fall over
Aussie Slang: Arvo`afternoon
Aussie Slang: 'ave a Gander`have a look
Aussie Slang: 'ave a Gander`look
Aussie Slang: Bagged someone`critisise someone
Aussie Slang: Balls up`terrible mistake
Aussie Slang: Barbie or B.B.Q`barbecue cooking
Aussie Slang: Battler`someone who works hard
Aussie Slang: Beanie`ski hat
Aussie Slang: Beauty`something has gone really well
Aussie Slang: Bewdy`good or the best
Aussie Slang: Beyond the Black stump`far from the city
Aussie Slang: Big note`make yourself out to be important
Aussie Slang: Billabong`a waterhole
Aussie Slang: Billy cart`a cart built by a child
Aussie Slang: Billy`container used to make a cup of tea
Aussie Slang: Bingle`car accident
Aussie Slang: Biscuit`cookie
Aussie Slang: Blimey`surprised by something
Aussie Slang: Bloke`australian male
Aussie Slang: Bloods worth Bottling!`someone has done you a good deed
Aussie Slang: Bloody oath`agree with someone
Aussie Slang: Blotto`someone being drunk
Aussie Slang: Blowies`blow flies
Aussie Slang: Blowing your dough`spending all your money
Aussie Slang: Bludger`someone who is lazy
Aussie Slang: Blue ass fly`someone doing something very fast
Aussie Slang: Blue Heeler`police
Aussie Slang: Bluey`a nickname for someone with red hair
Aussie Slang: Bob's your uncle`something that has worked out well
Aussie Slang: Bombed out`unsuccessful or drunk
Aussie Slang: Bonzer`excellent
Aussie Slang: Boomer`kangaroo
Aussie Slang: Booze`alcohol
Aussie Slang: Booze bus`van used by police to random test motorists for alcohol
Aussie Slang: Bo-peep`have a look at something
Aussie Slang: Bottler of an idea`great idea
Aussie Slang: Brekky`breakfast
Aussie Slang: Brown-eye`moon someone
Aussie Slang: Buckley's chance`not a chance
Aussie Slang: Bugger`rogue
Aussie Slang: Builders bum`top of the buttocks exposed above pants
Aussie Slang: Bull dust`a lie
Aussie Slang: Bunyip`mythical outback creature
Aussie Slang: Bushed`lost or tired
Aussie Slang: Bush telegraph`the town gossip network
Aussie Slang: Cactus`somethings had it
Aussie Slang: Carked it`someones died
Aussie Slang: Cheeky`someone who teases in a fun way
Aussie Slang: Cheesed off`fed up with something
Aussie Slang: Chew the fat`have a good talk together
Aussie Slang: Chewy`chewing gum
Aussie Slang: Chinwag`having a conversation
Aussie Slang: Chocker`something is full
Aussie Slang: Chook`a chicken, rooster or hen
Aussie Slang: Chunder`vomit
Aussie Slang: Clod hoppers`your feet
Aussie Slang: Cobber`a friend
Aussie Slang: Cobberdobber`someone who dobs in a mate
Aussie Slang: Cockie`farmer
Aussie Slang: Coldie`a cold beer
Aussie Slang: Cooee`call for greeting someone at a distance in the bush
Aussie Slang: Corroboree`aboriginal festival dance
Aussie Slang: Cot case`a drunk or exhausted person
Aussie Slang: Couch potato`a person who spends all their time watching television
Aussie Slang: Cozzie`swimming costume
Aussie Slang: Crapper`toilet
Aussie Slang: Crook`feeling ill or a criminal
Aussie Slang: Cuppa`have cup of tea or coffee
Aussie Slang: Dacks`trousers or shorts
Aussie Slang: Damper`flour and water bread mix cooked in the coals of a camp fire
Aussie Slang: Dead marine`empty beer bottle
Aussie Slang: Deadset`without a doubt
Aussie Slang: Digger`australian soldier
Aussie Slang: Dijeridu`aboriginal wind musical instrument
Aussie Slang: Dilly Dally`someone that takes their time to go somewhere
Aussie Slang: Dilly Dally`someone that taking there time to go someone where
Aussie Slang: Dinki-di`something good from a australia or originating from downunder
Aussie Slang: Dodgy`something suspicious and underhanded is going on
Aussie Slang: Donk`engine in a car, boat or motor bike
Aussie Slang: Do the lolly`to get very angry
Aussie Slang: Drongo`someone who is stupid
Aussie Slang: Dropped your bundle`to lose control of the situation
Aussie Slang: Dry as a dead dingo's donger`drought or very dry climate
Aussie Slang: Duck's Guts`something that is interesting
Aussie Slang: Dunny`toilet
Aussie Slang: Earbashing`someone talking to you for a long time
Aussie Slang: Eat a horse, and chase the jockey`you are very very hungry
Aussie Slang: Esky`portable ice box
Aussie Slang: Fair crack of the whip!`give me a fair go
Aussie Slang: Fair dinkum`honest, genuine
Aussie Slang: Fair enough`agree, acceptable
Aussie Slang: Fat chance`little to no chance of something happening
Aussie Slang: Fella`person or a male
Aussie Slang: Fibber`someone who tell lies
Aussie Slang: Five finger discount`shoplifting
Aussie Slang: Flog`to sell something
Aussie Slang: Footy`ozzie rules football
Aussie Slang: Fossick`search for something
Aussie Slang: Fruit cake`mentally unstable
Aussie Slang: Full as a boot`drunk
Aussie Slang: Full as a goog`either full of food or alcohol
Aussie Slang: Full of it`someone telling a load of garbage
Aussie Slang: Garbo`garbage collector
Aussie Slang: G 'day`a freindly welcome
Aussie Slang: G 'day`a friendly welcome
Aussie Slang: Get nicked`to get caught
Aussie Slang: Goer`something or someone that works well
Aussie Slang: Gone round the bend`gone crazy or mental
Aussie Slang: Gone to the dogs`something or someplace that is no longer any good
Aussie Slang: Good on ya Mate!`well done
Aussie Slang: Go off like a bucket of prawns in the hot sun`to create a commotion
Aussie Slang: Grog`alcohol
Aussie Slang: Grot`person who is very dirty or untidy
Aussie Slang: Grouse`something is great,terrific
Aussie Slang: Gutful`more than enough
Aussie Slang: Hair of the dog`have another drink of alcohol to try and get rid of a hangover
Aussie Slang: Hang on a tick`wait for minute
Aussie Slang: Happy as a pig in mud`very happy
Aussie Slang: Having a Blue`having a fight or argument
Aussie Slang: Hit the deck`to duck or put ones head down
Aussie Slang: Holy-dooly`an expression of surprise
Aussie Slang: Hoon`a show-off with limited intelligence
Aussie Slang: Hoo-roo`saying goodbye to someone
Aussie Slang: Howzat?`asking someone how something is
Aussie Slang: In the Nick`naked
Aussie Slang: In your dreams`telling someone that it isn't going to happen
Aussie Slang: Jack-in-the-box`someone who can not sit still
Aussie Slang: Jarmies`pyjamas
Aussie Slang: Jigged`its broken or no long useful
Aussie Slang: Jigging`truanting from school
Aussie Slang: Jocks`male underpants
Aussie Slang: Jumbuck`sheep
Aussie Slang: Just down the road`could be just down the road or it could be 20 km's away
Aussie Slang: Kick in`to help out with money
Aussie Slang: Kick the bucket`to die
Aussie Slang: Kip`short rest or sleep
Aussie Slang: Kiwi`someone who lives in new zealand
Aussie Slang: Knackers`male testicles
Aussie Slang: Knocker`someone who makes derogatory remarks
Aussie Slang: Knock-off`to steal
Aussie Slang: Knock`to critisise
Aussie Slang: Lav or Lavvy`outdoor tiolet
Aussie Slang: Like a hornet in a bottle`furious
Aussie Slang: Lingo`language
Aussie Slang: Lippie`lipstick
Aussie Slang: Liquid amber`beer
Aussie Slang: Loaded`extremely wealthy
Aussie Slang: Lolly`money
Aussie Slang: Macca's`mcdonald's
Aussie Slang: Mad as a cut snake`crazy
Aussie Slang: Manchester`household linen
Aussie Slang: Mate`friend
Aussie Slang: Matilda`a blanket roll carried by a swagman
Aussie Slang: Middie`285 ml beer glass
Aussie Slang: Missus`your wife
Aussie Slang: M'oath`on my oath
Aussie Slang: Mozzie`mosquito
Aussie Slang: Mucking around`playing around stupidly
Aussie Slang: Mug`you fool
Aussie Slang: Mulga`rough country
Aussie Slang: Nackered`absolutely exhausted or very tied
Aussie Slang: Never Never`mythical place in the outback
Aussie Slang: Nick off`go away
Aussie Slang: Nick`steal something
Aussie Slang: Nifty`stylish
Aussie Slang: Noggin'`head or brains
Aussie Slang: No-hoper`an incompetent person
Aussie Slang: Not the full Quid`short on brains
Aussie Slang: Nulla-nulla`wooden club used by aborigines
Aussie Slang: Ocker`stereotype australian that likes beer, sport women and uncultured
Aussie Slang: Off the beaten Track`seldom used roads
Aussie Slang: Oldies`parents
Aussie Slang: Outback`remote part of australia
Aussie Slang: Out house`toilet
Aussie Slang: Oz`australia
Aussie Slang: Paddock`grazing field for sheep and cattle
Aussie Slang: Pat-malone`you are on your own
Aussie Slang: Pester`annoy or bother someone
Aussie Slang: Pommy or Pom`english person
Aussie Slang: Poo tickets`toilet paper
Aussie Slang: Possie`great position
Aussie Slang: Postie`mail delivery person
Aussie Slang: Pot`285 ml glass of beer
Aussie Slang: Pot hole`hole in the road
Aussie Slang: Prang`automotive crash
Aussie Slang: Prezzies`gifts
Aussie Slang: Pub`place for buying and drinking alcohol
Aussie Slang: Pull your head in`tell someone to mind their own business
Aussie Slang: Pull your socks up`try harder
Aussie Slang: Push-bike`bicycle
Aussie Slang: Rack off`told to go away angrily
Aussie Slang: Rafferty's Rules`something with no rules at all
Aussie Slang: Raining cats'n'dogs`heavy storm & rain
Aussie Slang: Ratbag`not a nice person
Aussie Slang: Reckon`opinion
Aussie Slang: Ridgie didge`true or genuine article
Aussie Slang: Righto`okay or that's right
Aussie Slang: Ring-in`substitute
Aussie Slang: Rip off`to have been cheated
Aussie Slang: Ripper`it's really great
Aussie Slang: Rip snorter`something is great
Aussie Slang: Road train`multi-trailered semi truck
Aussie Slang: Sacked`put off from work
Aussie Slang: Sanga`sandwich
Aussie Slang: Schooner`large beer glass
Aussie Slang: Servo`service station for cars
Aussie Slang: Sheila`woman
Aussie Slang: She'll be right!`everything will be ok
Aussie Slang: Shonky`poor quality
Aussie Slang: Shoot through`to leave in a hurry
Aussie Slang: Shout`usually means buy some friends a beer at the pub, after your turn then it is theirs
Aussie Slang: Shove off!`told to get lost in a angry way
Aussie Slang: Sickie`a day taken off work not necessarily from illness
Aussie Slang: Skip`australian born
Aussie Slang: Skite`bragger
Aussie Slang: Snag`sausage
Aussie Slang: Sparkie`electrician
Aussie Slang: Spit the dummie`end result from getting upset about something
Aussie Slang: Spud`potato
Aussie Slang: Squatter`someone who lives on someone else's land or house with out permission
Aussie Slang: Stickybeak`someone can not mind their own business
Aussie Slang: Stone the crows`exclamation of amazement
Aussie Slang: Stone the crows!`shocked at something
Aussie Slang: Strewth`shock at something
Aussie Slang: Stubby`small bottle of beer
Aussie Slang: Stuffed`very tired
Aussie Slang: Stunded mullet`to describe someone who has a surprised look on their face
Aussie Slang: Suss it out`check something out
Aussie Slang: Swag`canvas bag or cover that you keep all your belonging and bedroll in, to protect it from the weather when camping out
Aussie Slang: Swagman`a man who travels around the country on foot
Aussie Slang: Ta or Tar`thanks
Aussie Slang: Tax`to steal
Aussie Slang: Tea`evening meal
Aussie Slang: The John`the toilet
Aussie Slang: The Nuddy`naked
Aussie Slang: Thongs`sandals made from rubber
Aussie Slang: Thunder box`toilet
Aussie Slang: Tinnie`can of beer`aluminum boat
Aussie Slang: Tinnie`can of beer or a aluminum boat
Aussie Slang: Too right!`something is absolutely right & correct
Aussie Slang: True Blue`something that is real australian
Aussie Slang: True blue`totally australian
Aussie Slang: Tuckerbag`a bag for storing food in the bush
Aussie Slang: Tucker`food
Aussie Slang: Turn it up`take a look at yourself for a moment
Aussie Slang: Two-up`traditional australian heads or tails gambling game with two coins originally played by the diggers in the war
Aussie Slang: undees`underpants
Aussie Slang: Up shit creek`things are going wrong for you
Aussie Slang: Up sh#t creek`things are going wrong for you
Aussie Slang: Up your nose`something that annoys you
Aussie Slang: Up yourself`full of yourself
Aussie Slang: Vegies`vegetables
Aussie Slang: Veg-out`to relax
Aussie Slang: Wag`skip school, truency
Aussie Slang: Walkabout`go for a long walk, aboriginals used this period for spiritual enlightenment
Aussie Slang: Wally`someone who keeps making mistakes
Aussie Slang: Wanker`a male that is really stupid but they think they are the greatest
Aussie Slang: Waterhole`pub or hotel
Aussie Slang: White pointer`great white shark
Aussie Slang: Whopper`something surprisingly big
Aussie Slang: Winge`complain and carry on unnecessarily
Aussie Slang: Woomera stick`used by aborigines to throw spears
Aussie Slang: Woop woop`somewhere a long way from civilization
Aussie Slang: Wowser`a killjoy
Aussie Slang: Wrapped`excited about something good that has happened
Aussie Slang: Yabbie`freshwater australian crayfish
Aussie Slang: Yakka`hard work
Aussie Slang: Yarn`a story that can be true or fictional
Aussie Slang: Yobbo`stupid or uncultivated person
Aussie Slang: Yonks`a long period of time
Aussie Slang: Zebra crossing`painted white lines on the black road used as a pedestrain crossing on a roadway
Aussie Slang: Zits`acne
Aussie Slang: Zonked`really really tired
Austin is the capital of ______`Texas
Austin is the capital of what state`texas
Austinite Bob Mould's new power trio famous for songs like "Hoover Dam"`sugar
Australia: Australia Is Home To 500 Species Of`Coral
Australia: Australia Is The Richest Source Of Mineral __________ In The World`Sands
Australia: Australian Meteorologist Nils Lied, While In Antartica, Drove A Golf Ball`2414 Metres
Australia: Australian Politician, Pauline Hanson, Is Renowned For Which Phrase`Please Explain
Australia: Australian Ron Clarke Set 18 World Records As A Long Distance Runner But Never Won An`Olympic Title
Australia: Australia's Christmas Island Is In What Ocean`Indian Ocean
Australia: Australia's Leading Domestic Competition`Sheffield Sheild
Australia: Australia Was Originally Created To Serve As A British ______ Colony`Penal
Australia: Close To 72 Percent Of Australia's ___________ Live In Towns And Cities`Aboriginals
Australia: How Many States Are There In Australia`Six
Australia: In Australia, How Is The Date Of Mothers' Day Calculated`Second Sunday In May
Australia: In Australia It Considered Rude To Do`Wink
Australia: In Australia, There Is A Species Of Baby Spider That Bite Off The ____ Of Their Mothers And Slowly Dine On Them Over A Period Of Weeks`Legs
Australia: In Australia What Are The Water Police Known As`Water Rats
Australia: In What State Would You Find Albury`New South Wales
Australia: In What State Would You Find Armidale`New South Wales
Australia: In What State Would You Find Ballarat`Victoria
Australia: In What State Would You Find Bathurst`New South Wales
Australia: In What State Would You Find Bendigo`Victoria
Australia: In What State Would You Find Bundaberg`Queensland
Australia: In What State Would You Find Cairns`Queensland
Australia: In What State Would You Find Canberra`Act
Australia: In What State Would You Find Canowndra`New South Wales
Australia: In What State Would You Find Cessnock`New South Wales
Australia: In What State Would You Find Devonport`Tasmania
Australia: In What State Would You Find Dubbo`New South Wales
Australia: In What State Would You Find Fremantle`Western Australia
Australia: In What State Would You Find Geradlton`Western Australia
Australia: In What State Would You Find Gladstone`Queensland
Australia: In What State Would You Find Horsham`Victoria
Australia: In What State Would You Find Inverell`New South Wales
Australia: In What State Would You Find Ipswich`Queensland
Australia: In What State Would You Find Kiama`New South Wales
Australia: In What State Would You Find Mackay`Queensland
Australia: In What State Would You Find Maitland`New South Wales
Australia: In What State Would You Find Maryborough`Queensland
Australia: In What State Would You Find Mildura`Victoria
Australia: In What State Would You Find Moe`Victoria
Australia: In What State Would You Find Moree`New South Wales
Australia: In What State Would You Find Narabri`New South Wales
Australia: In What State Would You Find Newcastle`New South Wales
Australia: In What State Would You Find Orange`New South Wales
Australia: In What State Would You Find Parkes`New South Wales
Australia: In What State Would You Find Port Pirie`South Australia
Australia: In What State Would You Find Rockhampton`Queensland
Australia: In What State Would You Find Salisbury`South Australia
Australia: In What State Would You Find Shellharbour`New South Wales
Australia: In What State Would You Find Shepparton`Victoria
Australia: In What State Would You Find Stirling`Western Australia
Australia: In What State Would You Find Surfers Paradise`Queensland
Australia: In What State Would You Find Swan Hill`Victoria
Australia: In What State Would You Find Tamworth`New South Wales
Australia: In What State Would You Find Taree`New South Wales
Australia: In What State Would You Find Wagga Wagga`New South Wales
Australia: In What State Would You Find Wangaratta`Victoria
Australia: In What State Would You Find Wodonga`Victoria
Australia: In What State Would You Find Wollongong`New South Wales
Australia: In Which State Of Australia Is The Coastal Region Of Swanland`Western Australia
Australia is the richest source of mineral ---------- in the world`sands
Australian Aboriginals have been known to slit the penis through to the urethra so that it can be flattened out to resemble the forked penis of the??`kangaroo
Australia: Name The Australian Wooden Instrument Made Of Hallowed Eucalyptus Branch`Didgeridoo
Australia: Name The Flightless Bird Found In Australia And New Guinea`Cassowary
Australia: Name The Largest Lake In Australia`Lake Eyre
Australia: Name The Wild Dogs Of Australia`The Dingo
Australian authors : genre - fantasy (her books are wonderful!!!) - the axis trilogy and the wayfarer redemption`sara douglass
Australian highwaymen or robbers who, in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, terrorized settlers in the New South Wales and Victoria regions?`Bushrangers
Australian Highwaymen were known as what`bush rangers
Australian john newcombe played in what sport`Tennis
Australian male vocalist also know as whispering jack`john farnham
Australia: Northern Territory`Darwin
Australian termites have been known to build mounds at least ____ feet wide`one hundred
Australian termites have been known to build mounds at least ____ feet wide`one hundred`100
Australian termites have been known to build mounds ______ feet high`twenty
Australian termites have been known to build mounds ______ feet high`twenty`20
Australia: On What Date Is Australia Day Celebrated`January 26th
Australia: Simpsons Gap National Park Is Located Where In Australia`Northern Territory
Australia: Sir Mark Oliphant Was Once Premier Of Which Australian State`South Australia
Australia's oldest university`sydney university
Australia's original name contained which words`terra incognita
Australia: This Australian Film Director, Directed Driving Miss Daisy`Bruce Beresford
Australia was originally created to serve as a British ______ colony.`penal
Australia: What Australian City Would You Be In If You Were Enjoying The Festivities Of Moomba`Melbourne
Australia: What Famous Sydney Construction Was Opened In 1932`Harbour Bridge
Australia: What Is The Body Of Water Separating Australia And Papua New Guinea`Torres Strait
Australia: What Is The Capital Of State Of Victoria`Melbourne
Australia: What Is The Longest River In Australia`The Murray River
Australia: What Is The Main Product Of The Barossa Valley In South Australia`Wine
Australia: Which Australian Bird Is On Our 10cent Coin`Lyrebird
Australia: Which Australian City Is Known As The City Of Churches`Adelaide
Australia: Which Australian City Was Host To The Nation's First Steam Train, And Its First Electric Train`Melbourne
Australia: Which Australian Famous Actor Is Married To English Aristocrat Rachel Ward`Bryan Brown
Australia: Which Australian Pioneer Woman Worked Hard To Help The Newly Arrived Women And Children`Caroline Chisholm
Australia: Which Australian Singer Is Recognised As Most Successful Female Pop-Star`Olivia Newton-John
Australia: Which Australian State Is Host To The Town Of Gundagai`New South Wales
Australia : which australian state would you find the great ocean road`victoria
Australia: Which Australian Swimmer Has Held Every World Freestyle Record At The Same Time`Shane Gould
Australia: Which Author Wrote Illywhacker And Oscar And Lucinda`Peter Carey
Australia: Which Bushranger Was Hanged In Old Melbourne Gaol In 1880`Ned Kelly
Australia: Which City Hosted Its Final Formula 1 Race In 1995`Adelaide
Australia: Which City Is Named After William Iv's Queen`Adelaide
Australia: Which City Stands On The Port Jackson Inlet`Sydney
Australia: Which Duo Took 13 Nominations And 10 Wins At The Aria Awards`Savage Garden
Australia: Which Is The Only Australian State Capital That Is Not Named After A Person`Perth
Australia : which little bird would you go to see at phillip island (victoria)`fairy penguin
Australia : which river flows through the city of melbourne`yarra river
Australia: Which State Capital Was Named In Honour Of A British Naturalist`Darwin
Australia: Which State Capital Was Named In Honour Of A British Prime Minister`Melbourne
Australia: Which State Is Host To The Town Of Gundagai`New South Wales
Australia: Which Was The Only Man To Win The Tennis Grand Slam Twice`Rod Laver
Austria is a leading port on which river`danube
Austrian physicist and Nobel laureate, best known for his mathematical studies of the wave mechanics of orbiting electrons?`Schrodinger
Austrian physicist and Nobel Laureate, best known for his mathematical studies of the wave mechanics of orbiting electrons`Schrodinger
Which type of planes competed for the Schneider Trophy`sea planes
A usually adjustable opening in an optical instrument, such as a camera or telescope, that limits the amount of light passing through a lens or onto a`aperture
A usually bell-shaped cover, used chiefly to protect plants from frost`cloche
A usually bound publication compiled by the graduating class of a school or college, recording the year's events and typically containing photographs of`yearbook
A usually funnel-shaped container in which materials, such as grain or coal, are stored in readiness for dispensation`hopper
A usually minor event or condition that is subordinate to another`incident
A usually nonmalignant growth or tumor protruding from the mucous lining of an organ such as the nose, bladder, or intestine, often causing obstruction`polyp
A usually saucer-shaped bell that is struck with a mechanically operated hammer`gong
A usually temporary layoff from work`furlough
Author: Anatomy of a Murder`robert traver
Author : "A Raisin in the Sun"`hansberry
Author: Arrowsmith`sinclair lewis
Author: A Study in Scarlet`sir arthur conan doyle
Author: A Swiftly Tilting Planet, A Wind In The Door`lengle
Author awarded in Dec. 1993 the Premio Cervantes`miguel delibes
Author: Broca's Brain`carl sagan
Author: Buffalo Girls`larry mcmurtry
Author : "Catch 22"`Joseph Heller
Author: Catch-22, No Laughing Matter, God Knows`joseph heller
Author: Congo, The Terminal Man`michael crichton
Author: Darkness at Noon`arthur koestler
Author: Deadly Rich, Ballerina, The Privileged Lives`stewart
Author: Diplomacy`Henry Kissinger
Author: Dragonsdawn`anne mccaffrey
authored "gone with the wind"`margaret mitchell
Author: Gift of the Magi`O. Henry
Author: How To Win Friends and Influence People`Dale Carnegie
Author: In Cold Blood`truman capote
Author: Intruder In The Dust, A Rose For Emily`faulkner
Author: I, Robot`Isaac Asimov
Authority charged with the disposition of legal actions involving children?`juvenile court
Authoritychargedwiththedispositionoflegalactionsinvolvingchildren`juvenile court
Authority Music: What instrument does Ravi Shankar play`The Sitar
Authorization or sanction: 'government ----.'`fiat
Authorized by a proper authority: authoritative: '-------- permission.'`official
Authorized by or based on law: 'a legal right.'`legally
Author : Magic Kingdom For Sale -- Sold!`Terry Brooks
Author: Maine, The Beans Of Egypt`chute
Author : "Mein Kampf"`Adolf Hitler
Author: Me`katharine hepburn
Author of a brief history of time`stephen hawkings
Author of 'Coming of Age in Samoa', the mostly widely read book in the field of anthropology`margaret mead
author of "frankenstein"`mary shelley
author of gulliver's travels`jonathan swift
Author : "Of Human Bondage"`summerset maugham
Author of "Letters from the House of the Dead"`dostoevsky
Author of "Papillion"`charriere
author of "roots"`alex haley
author of such children books as the enchanted wood, famous five`enid blyton
author of such fairy tales: the frog prince, hansel & gretel`grimm brothers`brothers grimm
Author of "The Kiss of a Spider Woman"`puig
Author of "The Man in the High Castle"`phillip k. dick
Author: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest`kesey
Author: Presumed Innocent`scott turow
Author Richard Bach is known for which flighty novel`Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Authors: anatomy of a murder`robert traver
Authors: arrowsmith`sinclair lewis
Authors: a study in scarlet`sir arthur conan doyle
Authors: a swiftly tilting planet, a wind in the door`lengle
Authors: Atlas Shrugged`ayn rand
authors : born in 1933 - he wrote the power of one and april fool's day`bryce courtenay
Authors: broca's brain`carl sagan
Authors: buffalo girls`larry mcmurtry
Authors: catch-22, no laughing matter, god knows`joseph heller
Authors: darkness at noon`arthur koestler
Authors: deadly rich, ballerina, the privileged lives`stewart
Authors: Diana`andrew morton
Authors: diplomacy`henry kissinger
Authors: dragonsdawn`anne mccaffrey
Authors: Every Living Thing`herriot
Authors: Exit Earth`caidin
Authors: Exodus`uris
Authors: gift of the magi`o. henry
Authors: Hideaway`dean koontz
Authors: how to win friends and influence people`dale carnegie
Authors: in cold blood`truman capote
Authors: intruder in the dust, a rose for emily`faulkner
Authors: Invisible Man`ralph ellison
Authors: i robot`isaac asimov
Authors: Jewels`danielle steel
Authors: Last of the Mohicans`cooper
authors, literature: what was lost and regained by poet john milton`paradise
authors, literature: which author penned the maltese falcon`dashiell hammett
authors, literature: who is the subject of irving stone's the origin`charles darwin
authors, literature: who penned the purloined letter`edgar allen poe
authors, literature: who's the only us president to have won a pulitzer prize`john f kennedy
authors, literature: who turned all he touched into gold`king midas
authors, literature: who wrote marjorie morningstar`herman wouk
authors, literature: who wrote: 'rose is a rose is a rose is a rose'`gertrude stein
authors, literature: who wrote the scarlatti inheritance`rober ludlum
Authors: maine, the beans of egypt`chute
Authors: Marjorie Morningstar`herman wouk
Authors of 1992: A Return to Love`marianne williamson
Authors of 1992: Attack of the Deranged Mutant Killer Monster Snow Goons`bill watterson
Authors of 1992: Dolores Claiborne`stephen king
Authors of 1992: I Can't Believe I Said That`kathie lee gifford
Authors of 1992: More Wealth Without Risk`charles givens
Authors of 1992: Sam Walton`sam walton
Authors of 1992: The Firm`john grisham
Authors of 1992: The Pelican Brief`john grisham
Authors: one flew over the cuckoo's nest`kesey
AUTHORS/POETS: Who wrote Illiad`alexander pope
Authors: presumed innocent`scott turow
Authors: Red Storm Rising`clancy
Authors: Red Storm Rising`Tom Clancy
Authors: steppe, juxtaposition, fractal mode`piers anthony
Authors: tekwar`william shatner
Author: Steppe, Juxtaposition, Fractal Mode`piers anthony
Authors: the 7 habits of highly effective people`stephen covey
Authors: the great and secret show, weaveworld, imajica`barker
Authors: the lords of discipline`pat conroy
Authors: the ninja, the miko, the jian, angel eyes`lustbader
Authors: The Old Man and the Sea`ernest hemingway
Authors: The Prince of Tides`conroy
Authors: the puppet masters`robert heinlein
Authors: the satanic verses`rushdie
Authors: The Silence of the Lambs`thomas harris
Authors: the sword of shannara, magic kingdom for sale -- sold`terry brooks
Authors: the turn of the screw`james
Authors: the twits`roald dahl
Authors: the wizard of earthsea`ursula leguin
Authors: two years before the mast`richard henry dana
Authors: war and remembrance`herman wouk
Authors: Westerns: Who wrote the "Sackett" series of books.`Lous L'amour
Authors: Westerns: Who wrote the "Sudden" series of books.`Oliver Strange
Authors: What was Eric Segal's novel`Love Story
AUTHORS: Who wrote 101 Uses for a Dead Cat`simon bond
Authors: who wrote 1876`gore vidal
AUTHORS: Who wrote 1919`john de passos
AUTHORS: Who wrote 1984`george orwell
Authors: who wrote 20,000 leagues under the sea`jules verne
AUTHORS: Who wrote 42nd Parallel`john de passos
AUTHORS: Who wrote About Samuel Johnson`james boswell
AUTHORS: Who wrote A Brave New World`aldous huxley
AUTHORS: Who wrote A Bridge to Far`cornelius ryan
AUTHORS: Who wrote Absolom Xl`william faulkner
AUTHORS: Who wrote A Christmas Carol`charles dickens
AUTHORS: Who wrote A Clockwork Orange`anthony burgess
Authors: who wrote adventures of huckleberry finn`mark twain
AUTHORS: Who wrote A Farewell to Arms`ernest hemingway
AUTHORS: Who wrote A French Lieutenants Woman`john fowles
Authors: who wrote all the kings men`robert penn warren
Authors: who wrote a modest proposal`jonathan swift
AUTHORS: Who wrote Andromeda Strain`michael creighton
Authors: who wrote angle of repose`wallace stegner
AUTHORS: Who wrote Animal Farm`george orwell
AUTHORS: Who wrote Anne of Green Gables`l m montgomery
AUTHORS: Who wrote Anthem`ann rand
AUTHORS: Who wrote A Prayer for Owen Meany`john irving
AUTHORS: Who wrote A Red Badge of Courage`stephen crane
AUTHORS: Who wrote A Room with a View`e m forster
AUTHORS: Who wrote Arrowsmith`sinclair lewis
AUTHORS: Who wrote Art of Love`ovid
Authors: who wrote art of war`sun tzu
AUTHORS: Who wrote As I Lay Dying`william faulkner
AUTHORS: Who wrote At Freddies`penelope fitzgerald
AUTHORS: Who wrote A Time to Kill`john grisham
AUTHORS: Who wrote Atlas Shrugged`ayn rand
AUTHORS: Who wrote A View for the Bridge`arthur miller
AUTHORS: Who wrote Babbitt`sinclair lewis
AUTHORS: Who wrote Beloved`toni morrison
AUTHORS: Who wrote Big Green Book`robert graves
AUTHORS: Who wrote Big Money`john de passos
AUTHORS: Who wrote Billy Budd`herman melville
Authors: who wrote blood of amber`roger zelazny
AUTHORS: Who wrote Bobok`fydor dostoyevsky
AUTHORS: Who wrote Born Free`joy adamson
Authors: who wrote brideshead revisited`evelyn waugh
AUTHORS: Who wrote Brief History of Time`stephen hawkings
AUTHORS: Who wrote Brocas Brain`carl sagan
AUTHORS: Who wrote Burmese Days`george orwell
Authors: who wrote caine mutiny`herman wouk
AUTHORS: Who wrote Cakes and Ale`w somerset maugham
AUTHORS: Who wrote Call of Wild`jack london
Authors: who wrote candide`voltaire
Authors: who wrote cannery row`john steinbeck
AUTHORS: Who wrote Cantebury Tales`geoffrey chaucer
AUTHORS: Who wrote Captain Courageous`Rudyard Kipling
AUTHORS: Who wrote Cardinal of the Kremlin`tom clancy
AUTHORS: Who wrote Carrie`Stephen King
Authors: who wrote casey at the bat`ernest thayer
AUTHORS: Who wrote Catch 22`joseph heller
AUTHORS: Who wrote Catcher in the Rye`j d salinger
Authors: who wrote catriona`robert louis stevenson
AUTHORS: Who wrote Centennial`james mitchener
Authors: who wrote charlottes web`elwyn brooks white
AUTHORS: Who wrote Chitty Chitty Bang Bang`ian fleming
AUTHORS: Who wrote Chronicles of Narnia`cs lewis
AUTHORS: Who wrote Cider with Rosie`laurie lee
AUTHORS: Who wrote Citizen of the Galaxy`robert heinlein
AUTHORS: Who wrote Clear and Present Danger`tom clancy
AUTHORS: Who wrote Collector's Choice`john paul getty
Authors: who wrote confederacy of dunces`john kennedy toole
Authors: who wrote confessions of nat turner`william styron
Authors: who wrote cool million`nathanael west
AUTHORS: Who wrote Counte of Monte Christo`alexander dumas
AUTHORS: Who wrote Crime and Punishment`fydor dostoyevsky
AUTHORS: Who wrote Cry the Beloved Country`alan paton
AUTHORS: Who wrote Cunning Man`robertson davies
AUTHORS: Who wrote Daisy Millers`henry james
AUTHORS: Who wrote Das Capital`karl marx
AUTHORS: Who wrote David Copperfield`charles dickens
Authors: who wrote day of the locust`nathanael west
Authors: who wrote day of the triffids`john wyndham
AUTHORS: Who wrote Death Comes for the Archbishop`willa cather
AUTHORS: Who wrote Death of a Salesman`arthur miller
AUTHORS: Who wrote Debt of Honour`tom clancy
AUTHORS: Who wrote Deerslayer`james fenimore cooper
AUTHORS: Who wrote Deptford Mice Trilogy`robert jarvis
AUTHORS: Who wrote Deptford Trilogy`robertson davies
AUTHORS: Who wrote Don Quixote`cervantes
AUTHORS: Who wrote Door into Summer`robert heinlein
AUTHORS: Who wrote Double Star`robert heinlein
Authors: who wrote dracula`bram stoker
AUTHORS: Who wrote Dragon's Egg`robert forward
AUTHORS: Who wrote Dragons of Eden`carl sagan
Authors: who wrote dr. jekyll and mr. hyde`robert louis stevenson
AUTHORS: Who wrote Dr. Zhivago`boris pasternak
AUTHORS: Who wrote Dubliners`James Joyce
AUTHORS: Who wrote Dung Beetle`hans christian anderson
AUTHORS: Who wrote El Gringo`carlos fuentes
AUTHORS: Who wrote Elmer Gantry`sinclair lewis
AUTHORS: Who wrote Embraced by the Light`betty j eadie
AUTHORS: Who wrote Enders Game`orson scott card
AUTHORS: Who wrote Evangeline`longfellow
AUTHORS: Who wrote Every Living Thing`james herriot
AUTHORS: Who wrote Fahrenheit 451`ray bradbury
AUTHORS: Who wrote Father Brown Mysteries`gilbert keith chesterton
AUTHORS: Who wrote Fear of 50`erica jong
AUTHORS: Who wrote Fear of Flying`erica jong
AUTHORS: Who wrote Female Eunoch`germaine greer
AUTHORS: Who wrote Fifth Business`robertson davies
AUTHORS: Who wrote Finnegans Wake`James Joyce
AUTHORS: Who wrote Fire next Time`james a baldwin
AUTHORS: Who wrote Firestarter`Stephen King
AUTHORS: Who wrote Flowers in the Attic`v c andrews
AUTHORS: Who wrote Flying`charles de lint
AUTHORS: Who wrote For Whom the Bells Toll`ernest hemingway
AUTHORS: Who wrote Frankenstein`mary shelley
AUTHORS: Who wrote From Here to Eternity`James Joyce
Authors: Who wrote "Funerals Are Fatal"`agatha christie
AUTHORS: Who wrote Gai-jim`james clavell
AUTHORS: Who wrote Golden Bowls`henry james
AUTHORS: Who wrote Gone with the Wind`margaret mitchell
AUTHORS: Who wrote Good Earth`pearl s buck
AUTHORS: Who wrote Gravitys Rainbow`thomas pyncheon
AUTHORS: Who wrote Greenmantle`charles de lint
AUTHORS: Who wrote Guilty Pleasures`laurell k hamilton
AUTHORS: Who wrote Handmaid's Tale`margaret attwood
AUTHORS: Who wrote Hard Times`charles dickens
AUTHORS: Who wrote Heart Is a Lonely Hunter`carson mccullers
AUTHORS: Who wrote Heart of Darkness`joseph conrad
AUTHORS: Who wrote Heart of the Matter`graham green
AUTHORS: Who wrote Henderson the Rain King`saul bellow
AUTHORS: Who wrote High Wind in Jamaica`richard hughes
AUTHORS: Who wrote Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy`douglas adams
AUTHORS: Who wrote Hotel`arthur hailey
AUTHORS: Who wrote House of 7 Gables`nathanial lewis
AUTHORS: Who wrote House of Seven Gables`nathanial hawthorne
AUTHORS: Who wrote How to Win Friends and Influence People`dale carnegie
AUTHORS: Who wrote Hunchback of Notre Dame`victor hugo
AUTHORS: Who wrote Hunt for Red October`tom clancy
AUTHORS: Who wrote I Am Legend`richard matt
AUTHORS: Who wrote Iceman Cometh`eugene oneill
AUTHORS: Who wrote Ice Palace`edna furber
AUTHORS: Who wrote I Claudius`robert graves
AUTHORS: Who wrote If Only They Could Talk`james herriot
AUTHORS: Who wrote Illusions`richard bach
AUTHORS: Who wrote Il Principe&`niccolo macchiavelli
AUTHORS: Who wrote Imajica`barker
AUTHORS: Who wrote Incarnations of Immortality`piers antony
AUTHORS: Who wrote In Cold Blood`truman capote
AUTHORS: Who wrote Interview with a Vampire`anne rice
AUTHORS: Who wrote Invisible Man`ralph ellison
AUTHORS: Who wrote Invitation to a Beheading`vladimir nabokov
AUTHORS: Who wrote I Robot`isaac asimov
AUTHORS: Who wrote Ironweed`William Kennedy
AUTHORS: Who wrote Islands in the Stream`ernest hemingway
AUTHORS: Who wrote It Should't Happen to a Vet`james herriot
AUTHORS: Who wrote It`Stephen King
AUTHORS: Who wrote Ivanhoe`sir walter scott
AUTHORS: Who wrote Jane Eyre`charlotte bronte
AUTHORS: Who wrote Jaws`peter benchley
AUTHORS: Who wrote Joy of Collecting`john paul getty
AUTHORS: Who wrote Kim`Rudyard Kipling
AUTHORS: Who wrote King Arthur`thomas malory
AUTHORS: Who wrote Lady with Lapdog`anton chekhov
AUTHORS: Who wrote Last of the Mohicans`james fenimore cooper
AUTHORS: Who wrote Les Miserables`victor hugo
AUTHORS: Who wrote Let Sleeping Vets Lie`james herriot
AUTHORS: Who wrote Leviathan`thomas hobbes
AUTHORS: Who wrote Light in August`william faulkner
AUTHORS: Who wrote Lightning`Dean Koontz
AUTHORS: Who wrote Little Country`charles de lint
AUTHORS: Who wrote Little Men`louisa may alcott
AUTHORS: Who wrote Little Women`louisa may alcott
AUTHORS: Who wrote Lodore`mary shelley
AUTHORS: Who wrote Lolita`vladimir nabokov
AUTHORS: Who wrote Lonesome Dove`larry mcmurtry
AUTHORS: Who wrote Long Goodbye`raymond chandler
AUTHORS: Who wrote Lord Jim`joseph conrad
AUTHORS: Who wrote Lord of the Flies`william golding
AUTHORS: Who wrote Madame Bovary`gustav flaubert
AUTHORS: Who wrote Main Street`sinclair lewis
AUTHORS: Who wrote Maltese Falcon`dashiell hammett
AUTHORS: Who wrote Man in the Iron Mask`alexander dumas
AUTHORS: Who wrote Mansfield Park`jane austen
AUTHORS: Who wrote Marlow`arthur conan doyle
AUTHORS: Who wrote Martian Chronicles`ray bradbury
AUTHORS: Who wrote Mask`Dean Koontz
AUTHORS: Who wrote Mein Kampf`adolf hitler
AUTHORS: Who wrote Memory and Dreams`charles de lint
AUTHORS: Who wrote Microserfs`douglas coupland
AUTHORS: Who wrote Middlemarch`george elliot
AUTHORS: Who wrote Midnight Children`salman rushdie
AUTHORS: Who wrote Millengro`charles de lint
AUTHORS: Who wrote Misfits`arthur miller
AUTHORS: Who wrote Mission Earth`l ron hubbard
AUTHORS: Who wrote Miss Marple`agatha christie
AUTHORS: Who wrote Moby Dick`herman melville
AUTHORS: Who wrote Moonheart`charles de lint
AUTHORS: Who wrote Moon Is a Harsh Mistress`robert heinlein
AUTHORS: Who wrote Movable Feast`ernest hemingway
AUTHORS: Who wrote Mulengro`charles de lint
AUTHORS: Who wrote Murders of Rue Morgue`edgar allan poe
AUTHORS: Who wrote My Antonia`willa cather
AUTHORS: Who wrote My Favourite Hero`James Joyce
AUTHORS: Who wrote My Friend Flicka`mary o'hara
AUTHORS: Who wrote Mythago Wood`robert holdstock
AUTHORS: Who wrote Naked Lunch`william s burroughs
AUTHORS: Who wrote Necroscope`lumley
AUTHORS: Who wrote Never Bet the Devil on Your Head`edgar allan poe
AUTHORS: Who wrote Night Chills`Dean Koontz
AUTHORS: Who wrote Nightwork`irwin shaw
AUTHORS: Who wrote Nostromo`joseph conrad
AUTHORS: Who wrote Nothing Lasts Forever`sidney sheldon
AUTHORS: Who wrote Of Human Bondage`w somerset maugham
AUTHORS: Who wrote Old Curiousity Shop`charles dickens
AUTHORS: Who wrote One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest`Ken Kesey
AUTHORS: Who wrote One of Ours`willa cather
AUTHORS: Who wrote On the Beach`Neville shute
AUTHORS: Who wrote On the Road`Jack Kerouac
AUTHORS: Who wrote O Pioneer!`willa cather
AUTHORS: Who wrote Other Side of Midnight`sidney sheldon
AUTHORS: Who wrote Pale Fire`vladimir nabokov
AUTHORS: Who wrote Parades End`ford madox ford
AUTHORS: Who wrote Paradise Lost`john milton
AUTHORS: Who wrote Patriot Games`tom clancy
AUTHORS: Who wrote Pelican Brief`john grisham
AUTHORS: Who wrote Peter Pan`james m barrie
AUTHORS: Who wrote Pilgrims Progress`john bunyan
AUTHORS: Who wrote Point Counterpoint`aldous huxley
AUTHORS: Who wrote Portnoy's Complaint`philip roth
AUTHORS: Who wrote Portrait of a Ladys`henry james
AUTHORS: Who wrote Pride and Prejudice`jane austen
AUTHORS: Who wrote Psycho`richard bloch
AUTHORS: Who wrote Puppet Masters`robert heinlein
AUTHORS: Who wrote Rainbow`d h lawrence
AUTHORS: Who wrote Rainmaker`john grisham
AUTHORS: Who wrote Rebecca`daphne du maurier
AUTHORS: Who wrote Red Storm Rising`tom clancy
AUTHORS: Who wrote Roots``arthur hailey
AUTHORS: Who wrote Russia House`john le carre
AUTHORS: Who wrote Sahara`clive cussler
AUTHORS: Who wrote Sailing Alone Around the World`joshua slocum
AUTHORS: Who wrote Satanic Verses`salman rushdie
AUTHORS: Who wrote Schindler's List`Thomas Keneally
AUTHORS: Who wrote Schindler's List`Thomas Kennedy
AUTHORS: Who wrote Secret Sharer`joseph conrad
AUTHORS: Who wrote Sense and Sensibility`jane austen
AUTHORS: Who wrote Sheltering Sky`paul bowles
AUTHORS: Who wrote Shock Wave`clive cussler
AUTHORS: Who wrote Silas Marner`george elliot
AUTHORS: Who wrote Simon Templar`leslie charteris
AUTHORS: Who wrote Single and Single`john le carre
AUTHORS: Who wrote Slay Ride`dick francis
AUTHORS: Who wrote Someplace to Be Flying`charles de lint
AUTHORS: Who wrote Something Wicked this Way Comes`ray bradbury
AUTHORS: Who wrote Sometimes a Great Notion`Ken Kesey
AUTHORS: Who wrote Song of Solomon`toni morrison
AUTHORS: Who wrote Sons and Lovers`d h lawrence
AUTHORS: Who wrote Sound and the Fury`william faulkner
AUTHORS: Who wrote Starquake`robert forward
AUTHORS: Who wrote Starship Troopers`robert heinlein
AUTHORS: Who wrote Storm Warning`jack higgins
AUTHORS: Who wrote Stranger in a Strange Land`robert heinlein
AUTHORS: Who wrote Strangers`Dean Koontz
AUTHORS: Who wrote Study in Scarlet`arthur conan doyle
AUTHORS: Who wrote Submarine`tom clancy
AUTHORS: Who wrote Sum of All Fears`tom clancy
AUTHORS: Who wrote Sun Also Rises`ernest hemingway
AUTHORS: Who wrote Tai-pen`james clavell
AUTHORS: Who wrote Tale of Two Cities`charles dickens
AUTHORS: Who wrote Tender Is the Night`f scott fitzgerald
AUTHORS: Who wrote Terra Nostra`carlos fuentes
AUTHORS: Who wrote Testament`john grisham
AUTHORS: Who wrote The Age of Reason`thomas paine
AUTHORS: Who wrote The Ambassadors`henry james
AUTHORS: Who wrote The Bear`william faulkner
AUTHORS: Who wrote The Black Cat`edgar allan poe
AUTHORS: Who wrote The Chamber`john grisham
AUTHORS: Who wrote The Client`john grisham
AUTHORS: Who wrote The Deliverance`james dickey
AUTHORS: Who wrote The Eagle Has Landed`jack higgins
AUTHORS: Who wrote The Exorcist`william peter blatty
AUTHORS: Who wrote The Firm`john grisham
AUTHORS: Who wrote The Fountainhead`ayn rand
AUTHORS: Who wrote The Godfather`mario puzo
AUTHORS: Who wrote The Great Gatsby`f scott fitzgerald
AUTHORS: Who wrote The Ground Beneath Her Feet`salman rushdie
AUTHORS: Who wrote The Jungle Book`Rudyard Kipling
AUTHORS: Who wrote The Jungle`upton Sinclair
AUTHORS: Who wrote The Just So Stories`Rudyard Kipling
AUTHORS: Who wrote The Last Tycoon`f scott fitzgerald
AUTHORS: Who wrote The Lottery`shirley jackson
AUTHORS: Who wrote The Magus`john fowles
AUTHORS: Who wrote The Moneychangers`arthur hailey
AUTHORS: Who wrote The Moviegoer`walker percy
AUTHORS: Who wrote The Mystery of Marie Roget`edgar allan poe
AUTHORS: Who wrote The Old Man and the Sea`ernest hemingway
AUTHORS: Who wrote The Partner`john grisham
AUTHORS: Who wrote The Plague Dogs`richard adams
AUTHORS: Who wrote the Rama Series`arthur c clarke
AUTHORS: Who wrote The Recognition`william gaddis
AUTHORS: Who wrote The Runaway Jury`john grisham
AUTHORS: Who wrote The Scarlett Letter`nathanial hawthorne
AUTHORS: Who wrote The Snopes Trilogy`william faulkner
AUTHORS: Who wrote The Stand`Stephen King
AUTHORS: Who wrote The Town`william faulkner
AUTHORS: Who wrote Third Man`graham green
AUTHORS: Who wrote Thorn Birds`colleen mccullough
AUTHORS: Who wrote Three Musketeers`alexander dumas
AUTHORS: Who wrote Through the Looking Glass`lewis carroll
AUTHORS: Who wrote Timberlaine`sinclair lewis
AUTHORS: Who wrote Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy`john le carre
AUTHORS: Who wrote Tobacco Road`erskine caldwell
AUTHORS: Who wrote To Kill a Mockingbird`harper lee
AUTHORS: Who wrote To Kill a Mockingbird`harper lee
AUTHORS: Who wrote Town like Alice`neville shute
AUTHORS: Who wrote Trader`charles dickens
AUTHORS: Who wrote Travels`marco polo
AUTHORS: Who wrote Tropic of Cancer`henry miller
AUTHORS: Who wrote Trustee in the Toolroom`neville shute
AUTHORS: Who wrote Ulysses`James Joyce
AUTHORS: Who wrote Under the Volcano`malcolm lowry
AUTHORS: Who wrote USA Trilogy`john de passos
AUTHORS: Who wrote Vanity Fair`dorothy parker
AUTHORS: Who wrote Vanity Fair`william thackerey makepeace
AUTHORS: Who wrote Vet in Harness`james herriot
AUTHORS: Who wrote V`thomas pyncheon
AUTHORS: Who wrote Watchers`Dean Koontz
AUTHORS: Who wrote Watership Down`richard adams
AUTHORS: Who wrote Way of All Flesh`samuel butler
AUTHORS: Who wrote We the Living`ayn rand
AUTHORS: Who wrote Wheel of Time Series`Robert Jordan
AUTHORS: Who wrote Where the Air Clears`carlos fuentes
AUTHORS: Who wrote Wild Sargasso Sea`jean rhys
AUTHORS: Who wrote Wind in the Willows`kenneth graham
AUTHORS: Who wrote Wings of the Doves`henry james
AUTHORS: Who wrote Winnie the Pooh`aa milne
AUTHORS: Who wrote Without Remorse`tom clancy
AUTHORS: Who wrote Wizard of Oz`l frank baum
AUTHORS: Who wrote Women in Love`d h lawrence
AUTHORS: Who wrote World According to Garp`john irving
AUTHORS: Who wrote Wuthering Heights`emily bronte
Authors: working`studs terkel
Authors: Zorba the Greek`nikos kazantzakis
Author: Tekwar`william shatner
Author : Thanatopsis"`bryant
Author: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People`stephen covey
Author: The Drifters, Tales Of The South Pacific, Toko-ri`james michener
Author: The Great And Secret Show, Weaveworld, Imajica`barker
Author: The Lords of Discipline`pat conroy
Author: The Ninja, The Miko, The Jian, Angel Eyes`lustbader
Author: The Onion Field, The New Centurions. What First Name`wambaugh
Author: The Puppet Masters`robert heinlein
Author: The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich`william shirer
Author: The Satanic Verses`rushdie
Author: The Sword Of Shannara, Magic Kingdom For Sale -- Sold`terry brooks
Author : The Sword Of Shannara`Terry Brooks
Author: The Turn Of The Screw`james
Author: The Twits`roald dahl
Author: The Wizard Of Earthsea`ursula leguin
Author: This Perfect Day`ira levin
Author: Time Enough For Love`robert a. heinlein
Author: Two Years Before the Mast`richard henry dana
Author: War and Remembrance`herman wouk
Author: Working`studs terkel
Autobiographical Novel Was Called The Bell Jar`Sylvia Plath
Autobiography Is Called ' All Of Me'`Barbara Windsor
Autobiography Is Entitled 'Life Is A Roller Coaster'`Ronan Keating
Autobiography Is Entitled 'Part My Soul'`Winnie Mandela
Autobiography Is Parcel Arrived Safely: Tied With String`Micheal Crawford
Autobiography Is Titled 'Groucho And Me'`Groucho Marx
autobiography is titled Groucho & Me`groucho marx
Autobiography Was Entitled My Wicked Wicked Ways`Errol Flynn
Autodysomophobia is the fear of`one that has a vile odor
Autogamy is the act of?`Making oneself pregnant
Automatic mechanical action`automatism
Automatic: '----pilot.'`auto
Automatonophobia is the fear of`animatronic creatures
Automysophobia is a fear of ______`being dirty
Autonysophobia is the fear of`being dirty
Autophobia is a fear of ______`being alone
Autophobia is the fear of`being alone
Auxiliary: helping: 'an --------- pump.'`ancillary
A vagrant: a tramp`vagabond
A vague notion, remembrance, or belief: 'I have the ---------- that we have met once before.'`impression
Avalon was a No1 hit album for which group`roxy music
A valuable item that is owned`asset
A valve or gate used in such a channel: a floodgate: 'open ------s to flood a dry dock.' Also called ------ gate`sluice
A van or small bus used to carry passengers on a regular route, as between an airport and a downtown area`limousine
A variety of Cheddar cheese molded into a long cylinder`longhorn
A variety of hard calcite, translucent and sometimes banded`alabaster
A Varsovian lives in which city`warsaw
A vassal or subject owing allegiance and services to a lord or sovereign under feudal law`liege
A vault or chamber for burial of the dead`tomb
A vehement denunciation: a curse: the sound of a witch's --------s in some unknown tongue (Nathaniel Hawthorne)`anathema
A vehicle carrying a toxic substance is required to display a sign showing what symbol`skull and crossbones
A vehicle or device propelled by one or more rocket engines, especially such a vehicle designed to travel through space`rocketed
A vehicle powered by a ------ engine`diesel
A vehicle, such as a bulldozer, that moves on continuous belts of metal plates`crawler
A vehicle, such as a streetcar, that runs on rails: 'a railroad car.'`cars
A vehicle, such as a street---, that runs on rails: 'a railroad ---.'`car
A vehicle used in racing`racer
A vein of mineral ore deposited between clearly demarcated layers of rock. Also called lead1`lode
A vein of ore`reefs
A vending machine`vender
A vending machine`vendor
A venture or an initial attempt, especially outside one's usual area: 'an actor's ----- into politics.'`foray
Average age of first intercourse:`16 yrs
Average frequency of sex:`7 times a month
Average number of lifetime sexual partners for women?`Approximately 2
A verbal picture or description, especially of a person`portrait
A verb in the -------- form`preterit
A verse, stanza, or poem written in iambs. Often used in the plural`iambic
A vertical pole`mast
A vertical pole`masts
A very brief, close-fitting bathing suit worn by men`bikini
A very choice or delicious dish`viand
A very detailed account or report of something: a narration`recital
A very great number`multitude
A very heavy snowstorm with high winds`blizzard
A very large amount. Often used in the plural: '----- of work to do.'`reams
A very large amount. Often used in the plural: '----s of work to do.'`ream
A very large animal, especially a whale`leviathan
A very large mound or mass`alp
avery laser labels are ---------- after company founder r. stanton avery`named
A very ornate style of speech or writing`rococo
A very slender line`hairline
A very small amount: a whit: 'didn't care -------- about politics.'`twopence
A very small amount: 'not a -------- of remorse.'`pittance
A very small or sharp point: 'a -------- of light.'`pinpoint
A very successful singer of nonoperatic music: 'a jazz ----.'`diva
A very successful singer of nonoperatic music: 'a jazz diva.'`dives
A very tall center and a real ladies man`wilt the stilt
A vessel containing oil or alcohol burned through a wick for illumination`lamps
A vessel in which newly caught seafood is prepared for shipment and sale: 'a floating fish -------.'`factory
A vessel, such as a submarine or an aircraft carrier, from which weapons can be deployed`platform
A vest in America is which garment`waistcoat
aviation history: who built the spruce goose`howard hughes
Aviation: This airline was founded on July 13, 1925 as Western Air Express, and is now known today as _____`TWA
Aviation: This airline, with the Douglas Aircraft Co., developed the first modern, efficient airliner - the DC-1`TWA
Aviation: This was the first airline to fly the Atlantic in scheduled service using the Doppler radar system`TWA
Aviation: This was the first airline to install a dynamometer-type engine test cell, resulting in greater accuracy and safety at less cost`TWA
Aviation: This was the first airline to offer low-cost air transportation between the United States and Europe`TWA
Aviation: This was the first airline to require the its pilots have a flight plan, flight log, flight clearance, and cockpit check lists`TWA
Aviatophobia is a fear of ______`flying
A vicious one of these is a series of reactions that compound an initial problem`circle
A Victoria Cross is struck from gun metal of Russian cannons captured at which battle`sebastopol
A view`finder
A violation of etiquette`solecism
A violent and sudden change in the earth's crust`cataclysm
A violent bursting as a result of internal pressure`explosion
A violent physical or verbal attack: an assault`onrush
A violent thunderstorm in western Africa or nearby Atlantic waters`tornado
A violent tropical storm, especially one originating in the southwestern Pacific Ocean or Indian Ocean`cyclone
a virginia law requires all ---------- to be kept out in the yards, not inside the house`bathtubs
A virgin`maid
A virgin`maidens
A visible image, especially one on a flat surface or screen: 'the ------- reflected in the lake: focused the ------- on the movie screen.'`picture
A vision on the island of patmos inspired which book of the bible`revelations
A visual system for sending information by means of two flags that are held one in each hand, using an alphabetic code based on the position of the`semaphore
A vital force or driving impulse: 'Broadway is the --------- of the New York City theater world.'`heartbeat
A vivid red to reddish orange. Also called Chinese red, cinnabar`vermilion
Avocados have the highest calories of any fruit at ___ calories per hundred grams`167
Avoidance of excess expenditure: economy`savings
Avoiding work or employment: lazy: 'shiftless, ---- youth.' lazy`idle
A volatile, highly flammable liquid, C2H5OC2H5, derived fromthe distillation of ethyl alcohol with sulfuric acid and used as a reagent and solvent. It was formerly used as an anesthetic. Also called diethyl -----,`ether
A volume of tables, charts, or plates that systematically illustrates a particular subject: 'an anatomical -----.'`atlas
A vote in which a population exercises the right of national self-determination`plebiscite
A vulgar, coarse, or abusive remark or passage`scurrility
A wading bird with long upturned bill`avocet
A waist-length, sleeveless garment worn for protection: 'a warm down ----: a bulletproof ----.'`vest
A waist-length, sleeveless garment worn for protection: 'a warm down vest: a bulletproof vest.'`vesting
A waist-length, sleeveless garment worn for protection: 'a warm down vest: a bulletproof vest.'`vests
Awaiting or requiring payment: due or collectible`receivable
A walking stick tipped with a metal spike`pikestaff
a walk in the park name the group`nick straker band
A walk outdoors`outings
A wall or ceiling constructed of a prefabricated material, such as plasterboard or paneling`drywall
A wanderer: a rover`vagrant
A wanderer`vagabond
A wardrobe assistant, as for an actor`dresser
A warehouse for the storage of wine`bodega
A warning of existing or approaching danger`alarm
A warrant officer in the U.S. Marine Corps having charge of ordnance`gunner
A washbowl or basin, especially one permanently installed with running water`lavatories
A wasting away, deterioration, or diminution: 'intellectual atrophy.'`atrophied
A waterfall or rapid`chute
A water heater keeps warm for you`water
A waterproof over shoe`galosh
A watertight chamber attached to the side of a ship to facilitate repairs below the water line`cofferdam
Away from another or others: 'grew ----- over the years: decided to live -----.'`apart
Away from one's home or usual environment`afield
Away from the center or middle: 'The troops fanned ---.'`out
Away from the center or middle: 'The troops fanned out.'`outing
Away from the center or middle: 'The troops fanned out.'`outs
Away from the correct course: amiss. amiss`awry
Away from the right or good, as in thought or behavior: straying to or into wrong or evil ways`astray
A way in which two or more things are joined: 'a mortise-and-tenon -----: flexible -----s.'`joint
A way of acting: bearing or behavior`manner
A way of reasoning: judgment: 'To my --------, this is not a good idea.'`thinking
A weak, foolish, or stupid person`noodle
A wealthy class that controls a government`plutocracy
A weapon consisting of a curved, flexible strip of material, especially wood, strung taut from end to end and used to launch arrows`bow
A weapon consisting of a curved, flexible strip of material, especially wood, strung taut from end to end and used to launch arrows`bowing
A weapon consisting of a curved, flexible strip of material, especially wood, strung taut from end to end and used to launch arrows`bows
A wedding ceremony`espousal
A wedge-shaped, horny prominence in the sole of a horse's hoof`frog
A weight on the end of a line, used especially by masons and carpenters to establish a true vertical`plumb
A weight or spring that prevents a door from slamming`doorstop
A weight, such as a block, attached to the leg of an animal to hinder movement`clog
A well-fortified position`bastion
A well in which water rises through natural pressure`artesian
A well know song 'its a long way to Tipperary, but where is Tipperary`republic of ireland
A welt, a vamp, a tongue and a quarter can all be found on which object`a shoe
Awesome ambient band headed by Dr. LX Patterson - songs "Assasin", "Blue Room"`the orb
Awesome: astounding: 'drove at a -------- rate of speed.'`terrific
A westernized version of this garment consisting of a loose, usually brightly colored waist-length or ankle-length tunic`kaftan
A West Indian tree (Zanthoxylum flavum) having smooth, slightly oily, lustrous wood`satinwood
A whaling ship`whaler
A wharf`jetties
A wheel turned by or driving a belt`pulley
A wheel turns or spins on an _____`axle
A wheel with buckets attached to its rim for raising water`waterwheel
A whip of plaited leather or cord`thong
A whirlpool of extraordinary size or violence`maelstrom
A white crystalline substance obtained from whey and used in infant foods, bakery products, confections, and pharmaceuticals as a diluent and excipient. Also called`lactose
A white frothy liquid is produced on plants by the frog hopper insect, what is it called`cuckoo spit
A white mtallic element`barium
A white person regarded as having a provincial, conservative, often bigoted attitude`redneck
A white Southerner working for or supporting the federal government during Reconstruction`scalawag
A white to brownish crystalline compound, C9H13NO3, isolated from the adrenal glands ofcertain mammals or synthesized and used in medicine as a heart stimulant, vasoconstrictor, and`epinephrin
A wide annual ring in a tree indicates`good health
A widened roadway forming the approach to tollbooths on a highway`plaza
A widow's`mite
A widow's mite`mites
A wild ox`bison
a ---------- will sink in quicksand but a mule won't`donkey
A wind from the southwest or south that brings heavy rainfall to southern Asia in the summer`monsoon
A window with such sashes`casement
A wind with a speed from 64 to 73 miles (from 103 to 117 kilometers) per hour, according to the Beaufort scale. Also called violent`storm
A wind with a speed greater than 74 miles (119 kilometers) per hour, according to the Beaufort scale`hurricane
A wind with a speed of 74 miles or more is designated as a what`hurricane
A wine merchant`vintner
A "winkle" is an edible`sea snail
A wise man`sage
A withered, shrunken, or well-preserved body that resembles an embalmed body`mummies
A withered, shrunken, or well-preserved body that resembles an embalmed body`mummy
A woman ballet dancer`ballerina
A woman described as a Magdalene in the 17th Century was a repentant what`prostitute
A woman employed to suckle children other than her own: a wet nurse`nurses
A woman from Worcestershire, England did this every day for 977 consecutive days`sneezed
A woman having a --------- voice`contralto
A woman holding the title to a barony`baroness
A woman holding title to a duchy in her own right`duchess
A woman never forgets the man who remembers, was the 1950s advertising slogan for what brand of chocolates`Whitmans Chocolates
A woman noted for special achievement in a particular field`heroine
A woman predictor: a woman soothsayer`prophetess
A woman prophet`sibyl
A woman prostitute`drab
A woman prostitute`moll
A woman prostitute`molls
A woman prostitute`slut
A woman regarded as coarse and shrewishly abusive`fishwife
A woman regarded as disreputable or shrewish`jading
A woman regarded as overbearing`dominatrix
A woman regarded as proper and virtuous`ladies
A woman regarded as proper and virtuous`lady
A woman regarded as quarrelsome, shrewish, or malicious`vixen
A woman regarded as ugly or terrifying`gorgon
A woman's bosom`bust
A woman's bosom`busts
A woman's breast or breasts`bosom
A woman's clitoris contains twice as many sensitive nerve endings than the head of a man's penis. True or False`true
A woman's close-fitting hat that consists of material wound around a small inner cap`turban
A woman servant`wench
A Woman's G-Spot is located..?`In the paraurethral sponge
A woman sharing the same racial, cultural, or national background as another`kinswoman
a woman's heart beats ---------- than a man's`faster
A woman skilled in equitation`horsewoman
A woman's laced outer garment, worn like a vest over a blouse`bodice
A woman's long scarf of cloth or fur worn about the shoulders`stoles
A woman's nipples can swell up to ____ their normal size when aroused?`25%
A woman's ovaries are comparable in size to:`unshelled almonds
A woman sovereign`queens
A woman's private chamber in a medieval castle: a boudoir`bower
A woman's small hat with upright sides and a flat crown`pillbox
A woman that keeps a male porn actor erect in between filming is a??`fluffer
A woman who has lost her huband by death`widow
a woman who is a "philematophobe" hates what?`being kissed
A woman with a violent, scolding, or nagging temperament: a scold`shrew
A woman with a violent, scolding, or nagging temperament: a scold`shrews
A woman with dark hair`brunette
A woman with more than human powers`superwoman
a ---------- women can get a divorce if her husband doesn't give her coffee`saudi arabian
A woodchuck breathes only ___ times during hibernation`ten
A woodchuck breathes only ___ times during hibernation`ten`10
A wooden faucet placed in the bunghole of a cask`spigot
A wooden frame built especially to support the sides of an arch until the keystone is positioned`laggings
A wooden paddle, as one used in table tennis`rackets
A wooden paddle, as one used in table tennis`racquet
A wooden pin used in the game of -------s`ninepin
A "wood" wedding anniversary is celebrated after how many years`5
A "wool/copper" wedding anniversary is celebrated after how many years`7
A woolen fabric with a coarse twill weave, used chiefly for suits and overcoats and originally made from the wool of this breed of sheep`cheviot
A word in this case`ablatives
a word like 'nasa' formed from the initials of other words is a(n) _________.`acronym
A word like 'NASA' formed from the initials of other words is a(n) `acronym
A word like 'NASA' formed from the initials of other words is a(n) _________.`Acronym
A word or an expression that serves as a figurative or symbolic substitute for another`synonym
A word or an expression that serves as a figurative or symbolic substitute for another`synonyms
A word or form in the ------ case`dative
A word or group of words used to describe or evaluate, often disparagingly`name
A word or group of words used to describe or evaluate, often disparagingly`names
A word or phrase identified with a particular group or cause: a catchword`shibboleth
A word or phrase interpolated as an embellishment in the sung parts of certain medieval liturgies`trope
A word or phrase interpolated as an embellishment in the sung parts of certain medieval liturgies`tropical
A word or phrase that does not contribute any meaning but is added only to fill out a sentence or a metrical line`expletive
A word used to designate several different things`homonym
A work of art created by sculpture`sculptural
A work of fiction describing a`utopia
A work, such as a literary piece, composed of both borrowed and original material`collage
A work written or printed on this parchment`vellum
A woven fabric with raised pattern`brocade
A wrap for warmth or to deaden sound`muffler
A wrapping for a corpse`shroud
A wreath of flowers is called a what`garland
A wrinkle-resistant fabric of fibers made from any of these resins`polyester
A writer of dictionaries is known as a`Lexicographer
A writers assumed name`nom de plume
A written dialogue`colloquies
A written grant from the sovereign power of a country conferring certain rights and privileges on a person, a corporation, or the people: 'A royal ------- exempted the Massachusetts colonyfrom direct`charter
A written offer to contract goods or services at a specified cost or rate: a bid`tendered
A written order directing that such lodging be provided`billeted
A written record of expenditure, disbursement, or completed transaction`voucher
A written statement of facts or a petition presented to a legislative body or an executive`memorial
A written text that has been abridged`abridgment
a ---------- written to celebrate a wedding is called a epithalamium`poem
A wrongful seizure or exercise of authority or privilege belonging to another: an encroachment: in our own day, gross ----------s upon the liberty of`usurpation
Axe with an arched blade at right angle to handle`adze
Axl rose's then girlfirend erin everly was the subject of which guns n roses track`sweet child of mine
Axl Rose was an anagram for what phrase?`Oral Sex
A yarmulka is a skullcap worn by followers of which religion`judaism
A yarmulke`skullcap
A yarn or fabric made from either of these kinds of hair`angora
A year as expressed through the recurrence of the ------ season`winter
A yellowish to greenish-brown oily liquid containing phenols and creosols, obtained from coal tar and used as a wood preservative and disinfectant. It can cause severe neurological disturbances`creosote
Ayers Rock is a tourist attraction in which country`australia
A young bird is called a`fledgling
A young bull`bullock
A young child`nestling
A young film actress publicized as a future star`starlet
A young horse or related animal`foal
A young or inexperienced person`fledgeling
A young pilchard`sardine
A young unmarried woman`damsel
A youth`sapling
Ayrton Senna died in an accident at which grand prix`San Marino
A zealot: a fanatic`enthusiast
aztec emperor ---------- had a nephew, cuitlahac, whose name meant plenty of excrement`montezuma
aztec emperor montezuma had a nephew, cuitlahac, whose name meant plenty of----------`excrement
aztec emperor montezuma had a nephew, ---------- , whose name meant plenty of excrement`cuitlahac
Azurite is an ore of which metal`copper
babb's covered bridge in windham is the only covered bridge in what county`cumberland county
Babieca was the name of who's horse`el cid
Babies are born without`knee caps
Babies knee caps don't appear until the child reaches ________ years of age`2 - 6
BABIES NAMES:Meaning beloved`Cerys
Baby eels are`elvers
"baby i dont care" was a hit for which band`transvision vamp
'Baby I see this world has made you sad, some people can be bad ..." What is the Dire Straits song title`Why Worry
"Baby It's You" was just one of the many hits of the early 60's for this girl group?`The Shirelles
'baby it's you' was one of many hits for which girl group in the early 60's`shirelles
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: A Breath`abel
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Actor`anoki
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: A Dream`aislinn
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: A follower of Thor`arthur
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: alt form of Acacia`asasia
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Amber Colored / Red`amber
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Ambitious`almeda
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Angel`arella
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Angelic`angel
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Angelic`angela
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Angelic`angelica
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Angelic`angelina
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Angelic`angelo
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: April`abril
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: A Rock`art
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Ash Tree Farm`ashby
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Ash Tree Settlement`ashton
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Attractive, Peaceful`allene
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Basket`adita
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Bearded One`algeron
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Beautiful Addition`adah
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Beautiful Altar`arabela
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Beautiful Altar`arabella
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Beautiful`ani
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Beautiful Girl`adamma
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Beloved`amy
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Beloved`aziza
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Beloved Friend`aimee
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Beloved One`adora
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Beloved One`aiko
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Best`arista
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Bird`aya
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Birds`avis
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Blessed, Happy`asher
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Bliss`anando
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Blossom`adsila
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Bold`arkadiy
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Bold, Bowman`arch
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Born at Dawn`asa
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Bowman`archer
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Breath`anemone
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Breath`avel
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Bright as a Star`asta
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Bringer of Good Things`avedis
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Chaste One`adara
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Cheerful, Full of Energy`allegra
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Cheerful/Merry`alair
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Cherished One`ahava
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Child Born After Grandmother Died`abiba
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Children of the Wind`anila
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Clothes Worn on Outside`aderes
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Cloud from Heaven`aolani
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Counselor`alfred
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Courageous`andie
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Courageous`andrea
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Crown, Royal`ade
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Dark, Rich`adriana
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Dark, Rich`adrienne
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Dawn`aurora
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Dead and Awake`akuji
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Decoration`adie
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Defender`aliya
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Defender of Mankind`alexandria
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Defender of Mankind`alexia
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Delicious`aulii
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Divine Strength`astrid
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Doors of Cedar`ariza
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Dream`aislin
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Dream, Vision`ashling
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Eager, Noble`alfonso
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Eager, Noble`alphonse
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Eagle`arne
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Eagle, Ruler, Peace`aren
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Eagle Tree`arvid
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: East`anatole
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Enchanted`arien
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Enlightened`arin
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Eternal`amara
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Example, Lesson`abbra
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Fair, Beautiful`alana
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Fair Complected`alva
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Faithful`amana
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Fall Season`autumn
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Father`abbott
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Father`abu
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Father of a Multitude`abe
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Father of a Multitude`abraham
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Father of Dew`avital
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Father of Joy`abbie
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Father of Joy`abby
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Father of Joy`abigail
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Father of Light`abner
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Father of Peace`axelle
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Father of the Noble Prince`adelio
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Father or Mother of Many`abie
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Female Deer`afra
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Fem. form of ALAN`alyn
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Fem. form of ANTHONY`antonia
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Fem. form of ANTHONY`antonie
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Fiery One`aden
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Firey`aidan
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: First Son`antranig
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Fisherman`andreas
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Flourishing, Praiseworthy`antoinette
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Flower`aelan
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Flowering Field`ardice
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Flowering Field`ardith
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Flowerlike`anthea
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Flower that Never Fades`amaranta
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Flower that Never Fades`amarante
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Forest`aran
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Forest Water`amadahy
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Form of ADELINE`alina
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Form of ALANA`alanna
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Form of ALBERT`alberto
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Form of EILEEN`aileen
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Form of ELIZABETH`ailish
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Form of HELEN`alena
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Form of Richard or Eric`aric
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Friend`ami
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Friendship`amity
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Friend to All`arvin
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: From AGNES`annice
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: From AGNES`annis
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: From A.J.or Nat.Am name meaning Unconquerable`ajay
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: From Alsace-Loraine area of France`alsatia
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: From ANALIESE`analise
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: FROM ANDRA & LYN`andralyn
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: From ANGELA`angie
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: FROM ANNA & LISA`analiese
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: From AUDREY`audra
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: FROM AURORA`aurorette
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: FROM ELIJAH`alijah
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: From LAURA`alaura
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: From the Afton River`afton
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: From the Apricot`apria
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: From the Ash Tree`ashley
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: From the Ash Tree Town`ashtyn
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: From the East`anatola
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: From the name AFRICA`affrica
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: From the name ALAN`allen
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: From the name ALBERT`al
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: From the name ALBERT`alberta
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: From the name ALEXANDER`alastair
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: From the name ALFRED`avery
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: From the name AMENA`amina
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: From the name ANDREW`andres
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: From the name ANDREW`andy
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: From the name ANNA`ann
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: From the name ANNA`anne
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: From the name ANNA`anya
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: From the name ANN`annissa
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: From the name ANTONIA`antionette
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: From the name ARCHIBALD`archie
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: From the name ARIEL`ari
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: From the name ARMAND`armande
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: From the name ARMAND`armando
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: From the name ARNE OR ARNOLD`arnie
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: From the name ARTHUR`artie
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: From the name ARTHUR`arty
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: From the name ASHLEY`ash
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: From the name AUGUSTIN`austin
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: From the name AUGUSTUS`august
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: From the Top of the Tree OR Prince`amir
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Girl Prayed For`abeni
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Goat`adiel
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Goat`aja
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Goddess of Love`aphrodite
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Goddess of the Moon`artemis
Baby names beginning with a: meaning: goddess of wisdom and war`athena
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Goddess of Wisdom & War`athena
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: God is Exalted`athalia
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: God is My Aid`azriel
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: God is my Refuge, Noble`adalia
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Godlike`amma
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: God of my People`amiel
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: God of the Sun`apollo
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Golden`aurelia
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Good`agatha
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Good`aggie
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Graceful`anais
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Grace, New Moon`annamika
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Grace of God`anja
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Gracious`ana
Baby names beginning with a: meaning: gracious and consecreted to god`annalise
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Gracious`anita
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Gracious`anitra
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Gracious`anna
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Gracious`annette
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Gracious`annick
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Gracious & Consecreted to God`annalise
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Great`abia
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Great Champion`anlon
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Greek God`adonia
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Handsome`alan
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Hard Worker`amalie
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Hardworking`amalia
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Hazel`aveline
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Healer`althea
Baby names beginning with a: meaning: heart sings and dances`alima
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Heart Sings & Dances`alima
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Heavenly Altar`aracely
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: He Laughs`ahanu
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Helper`aida
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: He Who Wins the Struggle`ajani
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: High, Exalted`aram
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: High Father`abram
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Highly Valued`azize
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Hill`arlo
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Holy`ariadne
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Holy`ariana
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Holy`ariane
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Honest Woman`amena
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Immortal`amaranth
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Immortal`ambrose
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Innocent`ayanna
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Iris`ayame
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Island`avalon
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Joy, Ardent`aine
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Joyful`aliza
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Joyful Spring`aviva
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Joy, Pleasure`anisa
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Just, Fair`adila
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Just, Wise`adli
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Knowledgeable`arif
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Last Daughter`audi
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Life`aizza
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Life`asha
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Life`ashia
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Life`aysha
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Light`annot
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Lightning`asnee
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Like a Bird`ava
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Lioness of God`ariel
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Lioness of God`ariella
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Lioness of God`arielle
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Little Ann`anneke
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Long Lived`alda
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Lord of Mine`avi
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Love`ai
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Love`amorina
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Loved One`asthore
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Lovely`ah
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Love of God`amadeus
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Lover`amador
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Loving, Kind-Hearted`aloha
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Manly`analu
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Manly Beauty`appollo
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Manly, Courageous`andre
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Manly, Courageous`andrew
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Melody`aria
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Mighty Huntress`atalanta
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Mother of Many Nations`abrianna
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: My Father is Peace`absolom
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: My Lord`adonai
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: My Own Meadow`ainsley
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: My Witness`adlai
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Native of Adria: Greek City`adriano
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Night Rain`amaya
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Noble, Adorned`adina
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Noble and Serene`adela
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Noble`armina
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Noble, Bright`albert
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Noble, Bright`auberta
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Noble, Bright`aubrey
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Noble, Brilliant`alka
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Noble, Descender`alia
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Noble, Exalted`adair
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Noble Friend`alvin
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Noble, Kind`ada
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Noble, Kind`adelaide
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Noble, Kind`adele
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Noble, Kind`adeline
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Noble, Kind`adelle
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Noble, Kind`ady
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Noble, Kind`ailis
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Noble Strength`audrey
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Noble, Strong One`aubrianna
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Noble, Sublime`ali
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Of Higher Birth Order`almira
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Of Noble Birth`alison
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Of Noble Birth`allie
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Of Noble Birth`allison
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Of Noble Birth`allyson
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Of Noble Birth`alyson
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Of Noble Birth`alyssa
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Of Old Age`aldan
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Of Old Age`alden
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Of Old Age`aldon
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Of the Army`armand
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Of the Red Earth`akamu
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Old`aldona
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: One of Select Birth`asabi
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: One to be Honored`alake
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: One who Causes Joy`ayoka
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: One who charms`alize
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Opening`abrienda
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Opening`april
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Original, Pure`asli
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Outside`aoko
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Past Glory`azuka
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Peace`an
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Peace`anh
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Pillar`ande
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Pleasant`afric
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Pleasant`africa
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Pledge`arlen
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Pledge`arlene
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Pledge`arlynda
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Power`amandla
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Praiseworthy, Flourishing`antony
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Prayer`atira
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Prince`amiri
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Princess`armelle
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Promised by God`amaris
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Protector of Mankind`alessa
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Protector of Mankind`alex
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Protector of Mankind`alexa
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Protector of Mankind`alexander
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Protector of Mankind`alexandra
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Protector of Mankind`alexis
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Protector of Men`alec
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Protector of Men`alejandro
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Pure`agnes
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Pure`azra
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Red Earth`adem
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Resolute`agamemnon
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Resurrection`anastasia
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Resurrection`asia
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Revered, Exalted`augustin
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Revered, Exalted`augustus
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: ROOTS: ASHLEY&LYN`ashlyn
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Ruler of Eagles`arnaud
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Shining Star from Heaven`alohilani
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Sky Blu`azura
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Small and Winged`aleda
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Small, winged`alida
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Soft Air, Breeze`aure
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Soft, Gentle`anana
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Son of Adam`addison
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Soul`alma
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Source of all Life`axel
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Sowing the Fields`arissa
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Species of Flowers`amaryllis
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Star`aster
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Star`astra
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Starlike`astin
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Starting Life at Dawn`asalie
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Strong as an Eagle`arnold
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Strong & Courageous`andra
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Sun`asis
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Superior`anevay
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Sweet Gum Tree`alaqua
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: The Brightest`anwar
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: The Earth`adam
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: The Earth`adamina
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: The First`avak
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: The Oak Tree`ayla
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Thorny`acacia
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: To Be Troubled`amos
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: To Sing`aron
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: To Tie`avongara
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Trustworthy`aman
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Truthful`alicia
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Truthful`alika
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Truthful One`aleta
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Truthful One`aletha
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Truthful One`alethea
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Truth, Noble`alice
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Truth, Noble`alisha
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Truth, Noble`alissa
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Ultimate`azana
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Unique Strength`angus
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Unity, One`ace
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Very Beautiful`anika
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Very Bold`archibald
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Vigilant, Watchful`argus
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Virtuous`aretha
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Vision, Dream`aisling
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Warm`ardelle
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: White`alban
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: White`albin
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: White, Fair`albany
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: White-Skinned`albina
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Winged One`aletta
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Wisdom`akili
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: With Honor`annora
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Wolf`adolfo
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Wolf`adolph
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Work of the Lord`amelia
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Worl`alem
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Worthy of Love`amanda
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Worthy of Praise`anthony
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Youth`aviv
Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Youthful`atalo
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: A Badger`brock
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: A Baker`baxter
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: A Bishop`bishop
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: A Blessing`bracha
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Above, Superior`belay
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: A Brit`brighton
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: A Brit`bryton
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: A Broad Ford`bradford
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: A Broad Lea, Meadow`bradley
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: A Builder`bona
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: A Butterfly`butterfly
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: A Cap`barretta
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: A Dancing Song`ballard
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: A Flame`blaze
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: A Flower, Bloom`bluma
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: All Good`bono
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Anteater`bikita
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: A Raven`brendan
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: A Steep Climb`brent
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Baby`baby
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Baby`bebe
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Bailiff`baylee
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Bailiff, Steward`bailey
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Barley Farm`barton
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Bear`bjorn
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Bear or Cottag`byron
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Beautiful`belita
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Beautiful`blinda
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Beautiful, Handsome`beau
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Beautiful, Handsome`beauregard
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Beautiful Snake`belinda
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Beautiful View`belva
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Beauty`belle
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Birch Tree`birch
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Blessed`baruch
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Blessed`beatriz
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Blessed`bendek
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Blessed`benecia
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Blessed`benedict
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Blessings`barke
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Blonde`blondelle
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Bold As A Bear`bernard
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Born after Long Wait`biton
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning:Born on Thursday`baba
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Bowman`bevis
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Brandy, After Dinner Drink`brandee
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Brave as a Bear`bernadette
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Brave`brayden
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Bright Maiden`berdine
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Bright, nobility`bert
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Bringer of Joy`beatrice
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Brings Victory`bernice
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Briton, British`brett
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Broad`braden
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Broad Meadow`brad
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Brook, Stream`brooke
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Brook, Stream`brooklyn
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Broth`bree
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Brown Haired`bruno
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Burnt Meadow`brinley
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: By God!`beyla
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Child`bambi
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Consecrated to God`bethan
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Consecrated to God`betty
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Courageous`burdette
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Covered Bridge`brigham
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Crane`baka
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Crib`bingham
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Crowned with Laurel`brencis
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Dark and Pure`bronwen
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Dedicated to God`belicia
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Deer, Cowboy`buck
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Doer of Good Deeds`bonifacy
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Fairy Palace`brein
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Father of Multitudes`braima
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Fem. form of BENEDICT`benita
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Feminine form of BRENDAN`brenda
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Field or Plain`blair
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Fighter`borka
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Flower`bakula
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Flower`blodwyn
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Flower`blum
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Flower-like`blossom
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Forerunner`bash
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Fortress`burton
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Freckled`breckin
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Freshness`bina
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Friend`buddy
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From a Nickname`buzz
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From Ban`bayen
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: FROM BERNARD`benard
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From BRANDY`brandie
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From Brigham Lane`brilane
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From Britain`brittnee
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From Brittain, British`brittania
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From SABRINA`brina
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the Dark Valley`braeden
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the Fair Valley`belden
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the fortress`burke
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the meadow of the Birch Tree`barclay
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name BARBARA`barb
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name BARBARA`barbie
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name BARRETTA`barr
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name BARRY`bary
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name BARTHOLEMEW`bart
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name BARTHOLEMEW`barth
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name BEATRICE`bea
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name BELINDA`blenda
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name BELLE`bell
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name BELLE`bella
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name BELLE`bellini
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name BENEDICT, BENJAMIN`ben
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name BENJAMIN`benjy
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name BENJAMIN`benny
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name BERNARD`barnard
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name BERNARD`barney
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name BERNARD`barny
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name BERNARD`bern
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name BERNARD`bernadine
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name BERNARD`bernie
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name BERNARD`berny
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name BERN`berne
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name BINGHAM`bin
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name BLANCHE`bianca
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name BLYTHE`blithe
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name BONITA`bonnie
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name BOWEN`bowie
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name BRAND`bran
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name BRAND`brant
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name BRENDAN`brandon
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name BRENDAN`brend
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name BRIAN`brand
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name BRIAN`briar
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name BRICE`brick
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name BRICE`bryce
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name BRIDGET`bridgit
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name BRIDGET`brigitte
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name BRITANNIA`brit
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name BRITTANIA`brita
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name BRITTANIA`britain
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name BRITTANIA`britannia
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name BRITTANIA`britany
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name BRITTANIA`brittany
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name BUNNY`buffy
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name BURKE`berke
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name BURTON`burt
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name ELIZABETH`babette
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name ELIZABETH`bess
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name ELIZABETH`bessie
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name ELIZABETH`beth
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name ELIZABETH`betsy
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name ELIZABETH`bette
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name REBECCA`becca
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name REBECCA`becka
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name REBECCA`becky
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name ROBERT`bob
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name WILLIAM`bill
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: From the name WILLIAM`billy
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Glorious`berit
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Good`boone
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Good Luck`bonaventure
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Green Jewel`beryl
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Happy`beata
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Happy`blythe
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Heather`brier
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Hero`bijan
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Heroine`bertille
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: High One`bidelia
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Hill, Furrow`bartholemew
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Hill, Furrow`barto
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Hut`booth
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Joy is Found`bayo
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Kind`benen
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Kingly`bazyli
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Knife, Sword`blade
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Life`bethany
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Lightning`barak
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Like a Bird`byrd
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Like a King`basil
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Little Blessed One`bennett
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Little Rabbit`bunny
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Little Raven`brenna
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Little Top`barran
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Lively`bibiana
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Lively`bibiane
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Location Name`bisbee
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Married`beulah
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Messenger, Friend`bud
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Minstrel, Poet`baird
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Most Treasured`bo
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Mountain`berg
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Near the Meadow of the Beavers`beverly
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Near the Woods`burian
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Noble Man`baron
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Of the City of Bubastis`bast
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: One of the 3 Kings`balthasar
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: One Who Brews Beer`brewster
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Perfect Joy`bliss
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Pet form of BINGHAM`bing
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Pheasant`bena
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Pretty, Beautiful`bonita
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Pupil of an Eye`bilen
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Raven-like`brennan
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Region in France`brielle
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Root: BRODERICK`brody
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Running Water`brooks
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Sacred Wood`bel
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Scottish name for a child`bairn
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Sea Man`bahari
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Second Born of Twins`banji
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Secretive`bian
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Secretive`biana
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: She of Fair Skin`bela
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Shining`bertha
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Small Hill`brynn
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Son of a Prophecy`barnabas
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Son of BENJAMIN`benson
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Son of Evan`bevan
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Son of HARRY`barry
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Son of My Right Hand`benjamin
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Son of OWEN`bowen
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Sorrow`brone
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Stone`bedros
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Strange, Foreign`barbara
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Strength`brygid
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Strife`brazil
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Strong`bridget
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Strong`brigit
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Strong, Fierce One`bronson
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Strong, Honorable`bryant
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Strong One`brian
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Strong One`brianna
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Strong One`brianne
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Strong One`bryan
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Strong One`bryanne
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Strong, Virtuous, Honorable`breanna
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Strong, Virtuous, Honorable`briana
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Sweet, Melodious`bebhin
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Swift, Strong`boaz
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: The Brook`beck
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: The Glaciar`brede
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: The One Who Brings Joy`beate
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: The Son of RICE`brice
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: The Source`bron
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: The Source of a River`blaine
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: To Bind`bond
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: To Sparkle`brilliant
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Town of Barr`barrington
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Venerable, Revered`bastien
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Victorious`berenice
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Vine with Small Blossoms`bryony
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Virtuous, Princess`brinly
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Warrior`boris
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: White`blake
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: White`blanche
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: With Red-Brown Hair`bayard
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Woods`bruce
Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Yellow Haired`boyd
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: A Clear, Brilliant Glass`crystal
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: A Cushion`cody
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: A Dove`columbia
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: A Family is Born`caimile
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: A Fortress, Camp`chester
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: A Gift`chipo
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: A Maiden`corin
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: A Marsh or an herb`curry
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: A Nail`clove
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Ancient`cian
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Ancient Egyptian Wind`cirocco
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: A Pillar stone`carha
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: A Public Hill`cyd
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: A Raven`corbin
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: A Rock`carrick
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Artful One`carissa
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: A Steep Bank`cleavant
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: A Town By the River`chilton
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: A Vineyard`carmel
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Bald`calvin
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Barrel Maker`cooper
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Battle, Warrior`chad
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Beautiful`callia
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Beauty`calla
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Beloved`cana
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Beloved`caresse
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Beloved`cherie
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Beloved`cheryl
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Bent Nose`cameron
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Bent Nose`camryn
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Bird`cholena
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Bird of Peace`chenoa
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Black`ciara
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Blind`cecil
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Blind`cecile
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Blind`cecilia
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Blind`celia
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Blind`cili
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Blooming`chloe
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Bold or Short`cort
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Bold, Wise Counselor`conrad
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Bountiful Orchard`charmaine
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Brave`casey
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Brave Warrior`caley
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Brilliant`clarissa
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Brilliant`cuthbert
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Bringing Peace, Calm`chesna
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Candle Maker`chandler
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Castle`cala
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Champion`cassia
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Chancellor`chance
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Chancellor`chauncey
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Charity, Kindness`charity
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Cherry`cerise
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Chief`cedric
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Child, Also form of NICHOLAS`colin
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Chipping Sparrow`chip
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Christ-bearer`christopher
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Christian, Annointed`christiana
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Christian, Annointed`christina
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: City in France`calais
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: City in Georgia`conyers
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: City of Pharohs`cairo
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Clear, Bright`clara
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Clear, Bright`claral
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Clear, Luminous`clarence
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Clergyman`clark
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Clever`cassidy
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Cliff`clive
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Coal Town`colton
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Consolation`consuela
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Consolation`consuelo
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Constant`constance
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Contraction of CHARLES`carl
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Courteous`curtis
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Crooked line`camlin
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Curly Haired`crispin
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Dark as a Raven`corby
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Daughter of the Sea`cordelia
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Dazzling White`candida
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Dazzling White`candide
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Dear Little One`carina
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Dew Drop`chumani
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Dim. of CLEOPATRA`cleta
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Dim. of LUCRETIA`crete
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Dove`callum
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Dove`calum
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Dove`colm
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Driver of a Cart`carter
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Enthroned`cyrah
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Fair Sex`cai
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Faith`creda
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Faithful, Bold`caleb
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Falcon`chayton
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Fanciful`caprice
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Female Child`chavi
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Fem. form of CARL`carla
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Feminine form of CHARLES`carlotta
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Feminine form of CLAUDE`claudia
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Fire White, Pure`candace
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Firm, constant`constantine
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Flourish`cyma
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Flower Goddess`cloris
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Form of Caleb`cale
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Form of CLAUDIA`clodia
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Form of COLLEEN`collice
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Form of SHANE`cheyne
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Fox`crevan
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From a Steep Cliff`clifford
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From a Town near a Cliff`clifton
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From CARA and LEE`caralee
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: FROM CHARLES`charlee
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From CHARLOTTE`charla
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From CHELSEA`chelsia
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From CHER and LIN`cherlin
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From China`china
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From COLOGNE`coligny
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From Heaven, Heavenly`ciel
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the Court`courtney
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the Crag`craig
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CAIN`caine
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CAITLYN`caitlin
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name Calvin`calvine
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CAMERON`cam
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CANDACE`candice
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CANDACE`candie
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CANDACE`candy
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CARL`carlos
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CARLETON`carlton
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CARL or CARLISLE`corliss
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CARLOTTA`carly
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CARMEL`carmelita
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CAROL AND LINDA`caroline
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CAROL AND LINDA`carolyn
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CAROL`carrie
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CAROL`charo
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CARR`cary
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CASPER`caspar
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CATHERINE`caitlyn
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CATHERINE`cathy
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CATHERINE`cayla
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CECERO`ciro
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CECILIA`cece
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CECILIA`cecily
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CECILIA`cicely
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CECILIA`cicily
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CECILIA`cissy
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CESAR`caesar
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name Cesar`chezarina
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CHARISSE`charis
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CHARLES`charlene
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CHARLES`chars
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CHARLES`chas
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CHARLES`chick
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CHARLES`chuck
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CHARLOTTE`charlot
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CHARLOTTE or CAROLINE`carlota
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CHERYL`cher
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CHERYL`cheri
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CHERYL`cherry
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CHESTER`chet
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CHILTON`chill
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CHINA`chyna
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CHINA`chynna
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CHRISTOPHER`chris
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CHRISTOPHER`chrissy
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CHRISTOPHER`christa
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CHRISTOPHER`christian
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CHRISTOPHER`christine
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CHRISTOPHER`christy
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CHRISTOPHER`cristy
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CLARA`claire
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CLARA`clare
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CLARK`clarke
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CLAYTON`clay
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CLAYTON`clayland
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CLEAVANT`cleavon
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CLEAVON`cleave
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CLEMENT`clem
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CLEMENT`clemens
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CLEO`clea
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CLEO`clio
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CLIFFORD`cliff
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CLINTON`clint
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name COLIN`collin
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CONNOR`conan
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CONNOR`conor
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CONSTANCE`connie
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CORINNE`corine
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CORNELIUS`cornelia
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CORNELIUS`cornell
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name COY`coye
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CURTIS`curt
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CYNTHIA`cindy
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CYNTHIA`cyndi
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name CYRIL`cy
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name FRANCIS`chico
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name KERR`carr
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name NICHOLAS`cole
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name NICOLE`colette
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the name SHANNON`channon
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From the Sky`celeste
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: From Wales`cambria
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Garden`carmela
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Gem Cutter`cutter
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: General`clitus
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Gentle, Merciful`clement
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Girl`colleen
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: God is Gracious`ceana
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: God is Gracious`cianna
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Grace, Beauty, Kindness`charisse
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Gracious and Womanly`carrieann
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Gracious`chana
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Great`chen
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Gritty`chesmu
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Handsome`cullen
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Harbor`chelsa
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Heart, Maiden`cora
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Heaven`celestyn
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Helmet`corey
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Helmet`cory
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Hero`conlan
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Hero`conley
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Hero`connley
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Horn-Colored`cornelius
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Hound of the plain`conway
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Hunter`chase
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Illustrious`cleatus
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: In Praise of Flowers`cleantha
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Keeper of Records, Secretary`chancellor
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Knife Maker`cutler
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Knowledgeable`connor
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Ladylike`cirila
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Lame`claude
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Land of High Cliffs`cleveland
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Life`chava
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Life, Waterfall`chailyn
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Like a Lovely Blossom`calantha
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Like Coral`coralia
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Little and Womanly`carolena
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Little and Womanly`charlotte
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Little Castle`cashlin
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Little Cora`corentine
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Little Dove`colman
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Little Great One`cheney
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Little Maiden`coralie
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Long Haired`cesar
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Lord`cid
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Lordly`cyril
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Loving, Kind`caron
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Made of God`chimelu
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Maiden`corina
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Maiden`corinna
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Maiden`corinne
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Man`charleigh
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Manly, Full Grown`charles
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Meadow Flower`clover
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Melody, Song`carol
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Merciful`clementine
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Moon`celina
Baby Names Beginning With "C": Meaning: Moon`celine