Science & Technology: What Unix Program Was Named After The Programmer's Dog`Biff
Science & Technology: What U.S. District Judge Declared Microsoft A Monopoly In 1999`Thomas Penfield Jackson
Science & Technology: What Was Computer Pioneer Niklaus Wirth's Nickname At Stanford`Bucky
Science & Technology: What Was Invented Over 3,000 Years Ago That Is Now Considered The First 'Computer'`Abacus
Science & Technology: What Was Launched On The 4th December 1996`Mars Pathfinder
Science & Technology: What Was Louise Joy Brown The First Of`Test Tube Baby
Science & Technology: What Was The 1st Commercial Computer`Univac I
Science & Technology: What Was The 1st Manned U.S. Space Station`Skylab
Science & Technology: What Was The Computer Named After Les Soloman`Sol
Science & Technology: What Was The First 32-Bit Home Video Game System`Panasonic 3do
Science & Technology: What Was The First Analog Computer Named`Harmonic Analyzer
Science & Technology: What Was The First Analog Computer's Function`Analyzing Tides
Science & Technology: What Was The First Arcade Video Game Featuring Vector Graphics Rather Than A Raster Display`Space Wars
Science & Technology: What Was The First Colour Video Game`Breakout
Science & Technology: What Was The First Computer Advertised In A Mail Order Magazine`Honeywell H316
Science & Technology: What Was The First Home Computer To Sell A Million Units`The Commodore Vic-20
Science & Technology: What Was The First Name Of The Inventor Of Boolean Algebra`George
Science & Technology: What Was The First Personal Computer: Kenbak, Scelbi, Or Apple1`Kenbak
Science & Technology: What Was The First Registered Domain`Symbolic.Com
Science & Technology: What Was The First Software Company To Go Public On The Ny Stock Exchange`Cullinet Software
Science & Technology: What Was The First Version Of Microsoft Windows To Have Networking Capabilities`Windows For Workgroups
Science & Technology: What Was The First Version Of Microsoft Windows`Windows 286
Science & Technology: What Was The First Wheeled Vehicle On The Moon Called`Lunakhod 1
Science & Technology: What Was The Name Of The Company To Start Manufacturing The First Commercial Typewriter`Jurgens Mekaniske Establissement
Science & Technology: What Was The Name Of The Computer That Calculated The Ultimate Answer`Deep Thought
Science & Technology: What Was The Name Of The First Artificially Refrigerated Ice Rink`Glaciarium
Science & Technology: What Was The Name Of The First Astronomical Satellite`Ariel 1
Science & Technology: What Was The Name Of The First Commercially Available Electronic Computer`Univac 1
Science & Technology: What Was The Name Of The First Living Earth Creature To Die In Space`Laika
Science & Technology: What Was The Name Of The First Man Made Object To Orbit The Earth`Sputnik I
Science & Technology: What Was The Name Of The First 'Portable' Computer`Osbourne
Science & Technology: What Was The Name Of The First Probe To Land On Venus`Venera 7
Science & Technology: What Was The Name Of The First Probe To Take Pictures Of Venus`Venera 9
Science & Technology: What Was The Name Of The First Space Shuttle Ever Built`Enterprise
Science & Technology: What Was The Name Of The First Space Station`Salyut 1
Science & Technology: What Was The Name Of The First Steam-Powered Warship`Demologos
Science & Technology: What Was The Name Of The First Synthetic Plastic Made In 1908`Bakelite
Science & Technology: What Was The Name Of The Gui For The Commodore 64`Geos
Science & Technology: What Was The Name Of The I.B.M. Computer Which Played Chess Against Gary Kasparov`Deep Blue
Science & Technology: What Was The Name Of The Very First Video Game`Pong
Science & Technology: What Was The Name Of The Virtual Computer Used To Implement Text Games From Infocom`Z-Machine
Science & Technology: What Was The Nationality Of The First Electrical Engineer To Transmit The First Television Images Of Recognizable Human Faces`Scottish
Science & Technology: When Bill Gates Formed His First Company To Sell A Computerized Traffic Counting System To Cities, He Was How Old`14
Science & Technology: Where Is The World's Largest Computer Manufacturing Plant`Japan
Science & Technology: Where Would An 'Octothorpe' Be Found`Telephone
Science & Technology: Which Brothers Built A Home-Made Supercomputer To Calculate The Digits Of Pi`Chudnovsky
Science & Technology: Which Combination Of Materials Is Often Used With To Make Ultra Hard Materials Used High Wear Applications`Tungsten Carbide And Cobalt
Science & Technology: Which Company Developed The Pentium Processor For Computers`Intel
Science & Technology: Which Computer Firm Made A Model Called Amiga`Commodore
Science & Technology: Which Computer Firm Made A Model Numbered Zx80`Sinclair
Science & Technology: Which Computerized Diagnostic Technique Is Godfrey Hounsfield Credited With Inventing`Cat Scan
Science & Technology: Which Computer Language Was The Predecessor To Scheme`Lisp
Science & Technology: Which Electronics Manufacturer Produces The Omnibook`Hewlett Packard
Science & Technology: Which E-Mail Client Came First, Pine Or Elm`Elm
Science & Technology: Which Is The Lowest Level Of Computer Language`Machine Language
Science & Technology: Which Of The Following Is A Computer Storage Device? Speaker Monitor Disk Drive Laser Printer`Disk Drive
Science & Technology: Which Of The Following Is Not A Page Description Language? Postscript, Pdl, Ddl, Html`Pdl
Science & Technology: Which Phrase Means Computer Simulation That Seems Life Like`Virtual Reality
Science & Technology: Which Quantity Determines The Inherent Stiffness Of A Material`Young's Modulus
Science & Technology: Which Russian School Teacher Envisioned How Rockets Would Be Used In Space Travel`Konstantin Tsiolkovsky
Science & Technology: Which Was The World's First Space Station`Salyut I
Science & Technology: Which Website Got The Most Hits During The 1996 Presidential Elections`Time Magazine
Science & Technology: White Light Is A Mixture Of Every Other Colour In The`Spectrum
Science & Technology: Wifi Or 805.11b Is A Network Technology Which Uses What As A Transmission Medium`Radio Wave
Science & Technology: William Shatner Appeared In Tv Commercials For What Computer Company`Commodore
Science & Technology: Will-O'-The-Wisp Or ____-_____ Is A Popular Name For Ignis Fatuus, And Is A Pale Flickering Flame Sometimes Seen Over Marshes, Caused By The Combustion Of Methane Gas In The Marsh`Jack-Dandy
Science & Technology: Will-O'-The-Wisp Or Jack-Dandy Is A Popular Name For _____ ______, And Is A Pale Flickering Flame Sometimes Seen Over Marshes, Caused By The Combustion Of Methane Gas In The Marsh`Ignis Fatuus
Science & Technology: Wood's Metal Is A _______ _____ Consisting Of 50 Per Cent Bismuth, 25 Percent Lead, 12.5 Per Cent Tin And 12.5 Per Cent Cadmium`Fusible Alloy
Science & Technology: Wood's Metal Is A Fusible Alloy Consisting Of 50 Per Cent _______, 25 Percent Lead, 12.5 Per Cent Tin And 12.5 Per Cent Cadmium`Bismuth
Science & Technology: Wood's Metal Is A Fusible Alloy Consisting Of 50 Per Cent Bismuth, 25 Percent Lead, 12.5 Per Cent Tin And 12.5 Per Cent`Cadmium
Science & Technology: Worm Storage Drives Didn't Last Long In The Computer World. What Does Worm Stand For`Write Once Read Multiple
Science & Technology: _____ ______ Wrote The First Computer Program For Babbage's Machine In 1843`Ada Byron
Science & Technology: 'Wysiwyg' Is A Great Little Computer Word. But What Does It Stand For`What You See Is What You Get
Science & Technology: Xanthine Is A ___________ Compound Closely Allied To Uric Acid, That Occurs In Extract Of Meat And In Tea`Nitrogenous
Science & Technology: Xanthine Is A Nitrogenous Compound Closely Allied To ____ ____, That Occurs In Extract Of Meat And In Tea`Uric Acid
Science & Technology: Xanthine Is A Nitrogenous Compound Closely Allied To Uric Acid, That Occurs In Extract Of Meat And In`Tea
Science & Technology: You Type 'Got A Light?' At The Unix C Shell. What's The Answer`No Match
Science & Technology: Ytterbium Is A Bivalent Or Trivalent Metallic Element Of The Rare-Earth Elements That Resembles Yttrium And Occurs With It And Related Elements In Several Minerals Such As`Gadolinite
Science & Technology: Zinc Chloride Is A White Crystalline Compound With The Formula`Zncl2r
Science & Technology: Zinc Oxide Is A Powder, White When Cold And Yellow When Hot With The Formula`Zno
Science & Technology: Zinc Sulphide Is A Yellow-White Water-Soluble Solid With The Formula`Zns
SCIENCE: The body, in the human body the two major female sex hormones are progeterone and which other`oestrogen
SCIENCE: The body, Iodine is  necessary for the functioning of which gland`thyroid
SCIENCE: The body, the adjective cutaneous refers to what`skin
SCIENCE: The body, what is affected by osteomyelitis`the bones
SCIENCE: The body, what is the name of the skin separating the nostrils`columella
SCIENCE: The body, what is the popular name for toxaemia`blood poisoning
SCIENCE: The body, what part of your body would interest a rhinologist`nose
SCIENCE: The body, which acid builds up in the muscles during strenuous exercise`lactic acid
SCIENCE: The body, which bone is between  your femur and your tibia`patella
SCIENCE:The earth takes less than 24 hours of mean solar time to spin once on its axis, how much less`3 minutes 56 seconds
Science : The filament of a regular light bulb is usually made of ________`tungsten
SCIENCE:The human body, name given to the vocal apparatus of the larynx`Glottis
Science : The instrument used in geometry to measure angles is a(n)`protractor
Science : The Kelvin scale is used to measure _________`temperature
Science : The name for the Russian equivalent of Skylab is ________`salyut
Science: The noise that a jet makes when it breaks the sound barrier`sonic boom
Science: theory: study: 'dermato----: sexo----.'`logy
SCIENCE: The point on the celestial sphere diametrically opposite the zenith`nadir
SCIENCE: The presence of which organic substance is revealed by Benedicts test`glucose
SCIENCE: The second nearest planet to the sun visible as a bright morning or evening star`venusMusic : Be Musical: Spinal Tap's "Big Bottom" "How can I leave this ------"`behind
Science : The second space shuttle was named __________`challenger
SCIENCE: The splitting of spectrum line into several components by magnetic field`zeeman effect
SCIENCE: The study of tumours`oncology
Science : The vernal equinox is the beginning of ________`spring
SCIENCE: Thin high cloud`cirrus
Science : This is like an airplane but has its propeller on top instead`helicopter
Science : This is the reading system used by the blind`the  braille  system
Science : This Russian scientist used dogs to study conditioned reflexes`pavlov
Science : This science deals with the motion of projectiles`ballistics
SCIENCE: Titania,Oberon, Miranda and Ariel are all moons of which planet`uranus
Science : To make a car go backwards you have to put it in what gear`reverse
SCIENCE: Unit for measuring wavelengths od electromagnetic radiations, named after a swedish physicist`angstrom
SCIENCE: Unit of sound intensity`decibel
SCIENCE: US Space programme aimed at a lunar landing`apollo
Science: what animal has the longest lifespan in captivity`the giant tortoise
Science: What are proteins made of?`amino acids
SCIENCE; What are tempel-tuttle and Kohoutek`comets
Science: what are the moufflon & bighorn`sheep
Science : What are these: Ceres, Juno, Iris, and Flora`asteroid
Science: what are the two kinds of blood corpuscles in vertebrates`red and white
Science : What branch of science studies the motion of air and the forces acting on objects in air`aerodynamics
SCIENCE:What colour is iridium`steel grey
Science: What did an IBM 7090 computer calculate to 100,265 decimal places in 1961`pi
Science : What did Lewis E. Waterman invent in 1884`fountain pen
SCIENCE: what did Lister use to improve the hygiene of surgical operations`carbolic acid
SCIENCE: What did navigators measure using an astrolabe`altitude of stars
Science : What does the Binet test measure`intelligence
Science : What does the "lithosphere" refer to`the earth's crust
SCIENCE:What do we call the scientific study of mountains`orology
SCIENCE: What falls from the sky and erodes buildings`acid rain
Science: what features of the african elephant are larger that those of an indian elephant`the ears
Science: What has a longer wavelength, AM or FM radio waves?`am
Science: What has a shorter wavelength, UV or IR light?`uv
Science: What has a shorter wavelength, X-rays or gamma rays?`gamma rays
SCIENCE: What important compound was found on the moon in 1998`water
Science: what is a shark's skeleton made of`cartilage
SCIENCE; What is measured in Criths`mass of gases
SCIENCE: What is measured in oktas`cloud cover
SCIENCE: What is measured on the PH scale`acidity/alkalinity
SCIENCE:What is studied in the science of somatology`the body
SCIENCE: What is the antimatter equivalent of the electron`positron
SCIENCE: What is th ecommon name for myocardial infarction`heart attack
SCIENCE: What is the common name for the scapula`shoulder blade
SCIENCE: What is the full name for Economy Class Syndrone (DVT)`Deep vein thrombosis
Science: What is the largest planet without any moons?`venus
SCIENCE: What is the lightest known substance`hydrogen
SCIENCE:What is the most distant planet visible with the naked eye`Uranus
SCIENCE:What is the most radiation sensitive part of the body`The Blood
SCIENCE: What is the name for loss of hair`alopecia
SCIENCE: What is the name given to metals that dont tarnish in air or water and have a good resistance to acids`noble
SCIENCE:What is the name given to molten rock that is ejected as lava`Magma
SCIENCE: What is the name of the process by which a solid substance turns into a gas without first becoming a liquid`sublimation
Science: What is the only planet without an atmosphere?`mercury
SCIENCE: What is th epopular name for the constellation Crux`southern cross
Science: What is the scientific name for humans?`Homo sapiens
SCIENCE: What is the study of flight and control of aircraft`aeronautics
Science: what is the symbol for the element oxygen`o
SCIENCE: What is varicella better known as`chickenpox
Science: what italian astronomer wrote the starry messenger`galileo
Science: What major group of vertebrates are humans in?`mammals
Science: what makes plants green`chlorophyll
Science: What modern-day country did the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs strike closest to?`mexico
Science: What moon of Jupiter is thought to have liquid water?`europa
SCIENCE: What name is given to a dying star which has exhausted the supply of hydrogen at its centre,become enlarged and begun to burn hydrogen as a fuel`red giant
Science: what non-working stingless bee mates with the queen`a drone
Science: What percentage of human DNA is shared with chimpanzees? (type as xx%)`98%
Science: What percentage of human DNA is shared with lettuce? (type as xx%)`40%
Science: what percentage of the population has an iq above 100`fifty percent
SCIENCE : What percentage water is your brain`80%
Science: What planet did the sci-fi movie Event Horizon take place closest to?`neptune
Science: What planet has an atmosphere of CO2 and sulfuric acid?`venus
Science: What planet has the most moons?`jupiter
SCIENCE:What planet lies between Venus and Mars`The earth
Science: What planet's atmosphere has the most ammonia?`neptune
Science: What planet trades places with another planet or object regularly as the planet farthest from the sun?`neptune
Science: what polish astronomer demonstrated in 1512 that the sun is the center of the solar system`nicolas copernicus
SCIENCE: What remedy of no medicinal value is given to humour a patient`placebo
Science: what russian physiologist went to the dogs to write conditioned reflexes`ivan pavlov
Science: what's another name for tetanus`lockjaw
Science: What science is concerned with matter and energy`Physics
Science: what's known as the bishop's stone`amethyst
Science: what's the curved line between any two points on a circle`an arc
Science: what's the largest artery in the human body`the aorta
Science: what's the more familiar name of the himalayas' yeti`the abominable snowman
Science: what's the term for the hybrid offspring if a male lion and a female tiger`liger
Science: what term appies to space devoid of matter`vacuum
SCIENCE: What travels the "mean free path"`molecule
Science: what two colors is a magpie`black and white
Science: what venomous serpent is known as the gentlemen among snakes`the rattlesnake
Science: what vitamin complex includes thiamine, niacin and riboflavin`vitamin b
SCIENCE;What was Apollo iis landing module called`eagle
Science: what was the claim to fame of laika, the russian bitch`the first dog in space
SCIENCE:When coke burns what dangerous gas is given off`carbon monoxide
SCIENCE: When Edward Jennerfirst developed the vaccine for smallpox in 1796 from which animal disease did he produce the vaccine`cowpox
SCIENCE: Where in the body  would you find the fontanelle`skull
SCIENCE: Which branch of mathematics deals with the relationship between the sides and angels of triangles`trigonometry
SCIENCE: Which chemical element is found in all proteins`nitrogen
SCIENCE: Which chemical element takes its name from the greek word for colour`chromium
SCIENCE: Which disease is tested for by the Schich Test`Diphtheria
SCIENCE: Which drug is obtained from the Yellow Cinchona plant`quinine
SCIENCE: Which element has the atomic no 1`hydrogen
SCIENCE: Which element is found in bones, teeth and shells`calcium
SCIENCE; Which english scientist designed computers in the 1820&30s named the Difference Engine and the Analytical Engine`charles babbage
SCIENCE: Which handicapped physicist wrote a brief history of time`Stephen Hawking
SCIENCE:Which instrument measures the intensity of earth quakes`seismograph
SCIENCE: Which is the most prevalent infectious disease to threaten man`malaria
SCIENCE:Which is the nearest galaxy to our own`Andromeda
Science: which is the worlds tallest grass`bamboo
SCIENCE: Which metal comes from the ore cinnabar`mercury
SCIENCE: Which physical property allows a needle to float on water`surface tension
SCIENCE: Which physicist was in charge of the Manhattan Project at Los Alamos to develop the atomic bomb and subsequently promoted the peaceful use of atomic energy`robert oppenheimer
SCIENCE: Which principle first enunciated by the german physicist Werner Heisenberg in 1927 attempts to define unpredictability`the uncertainty principle
Science: Which rocky planet is the largest?`earth
SCIENCE: Which Russian chemist first successfully tabulated the elements in ascending order of their atomic weight in his periodic table`dmitri mendeleyev
SCIENCE: Which scientist known for his great discoveries also invented the cat flap`sir isaac newton
SCIENCE: Which Scottish chemist and physicist invented the vacuum flask`james dewar
SCIENCE: Which Scottish physicist wrote Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism in 1873`james clerk maxwell
SCIENCE: Which series of UK satellites were launched by USA from 1962 to 1979`ariel
SCIENCE: Which theory of combustion did Antoine Lavoisier demolish in the late 18th century`phlogiston theory
Science: Which was the longest dinosaur `Diplodocus
SCIENCE:Who first used mercury in a thermometer`Daniel Fahrenheit
SCIENCE: Who produced the Laws of Motion`Isaac newton
SCIENCE: Whose law states that equal volumes of gas contain equal numbers of molecules when at the same temperature and pressure`avogadro
Science: who was the first man to return to space`virgil grissom
SCIENCE: Who was the third man to set foot on the moon`pete conrad
SCIENCE:With what do we measure the wavelength of light`interferometer
SCIENCE:Zymase is a natural catalyst which acts on glucose to create which drug`alcohol
Scientific name for the study of signs and symbols`semiotics
Scientific study of old age, emphasizing the social and behavioral aspects of aging?`Gerontology
Scientists at Oxford University's Imperial Cancer Research Fund found that people who eat ------------ daily had 24 percent fewer heart attacks and 32 percent fewer strokes.`fresh fruit
Scientists measure the distance of the moon by bouncing light off`moon mirror
Scifi: A Swarm Of These Were Always Floating Around The Artificial Kid's Head`Cameras
Sci Fi: Author of _Big Sky River_ and _Tides Of Light_.`gregory benford
Sci Fi: Author of Lord Valentine's Castle.`robert silverberg
Sci Fi Authors: Brian A_d__s`brian aldiss
Sci Fi Authors: C.B. Ch_rr__`c.b. cherrey
Sci Fi Authors: Creator of the Dune series...`frank herbert
Sci Fi Authors: Creator of the Meg & Timothy series...`madeleine lengle
Sci Fi Authors: Creator of the Narnia series...`c.s. lewis
Sci Fi Authors: Creator of the Neuromancer series...`william gibson
Sci Fi Authors: Creator of the Stainless Steel Rat series...`harry harrison
Sci Fi Authors: "Creator" of the Tek Series...`william shatner
Sci Fi Authors: Creator of the Valentine series...`robert silverberg
Sci Fi Authors: David E__in_s`david eddings
Sci Fi Authors: _Friday_`robert heinlein
Sci Fi Authors: _Godbody_`clifford simak
Sci Fi Authors: Nancy _r_ss`Nancy Kress
Sci Fi Authors: Philip J_s_ F_rm`Philip Jose Farmer
Sci Fi Authors: Spider R__in___`spider robinson
Sci Fi Authors: _The Day Of The Triffids_`john wyndham
Sci Fi Authors: Ursula Le____`ursula leguin
Scifi: Charles Platt Novel Where Human Personalities Are Stored In Computers`Silicon Man
Scifi: Creator Of The Dune Series`Frank Herbert
Scifi: Creator Of The Narnia Series`C.S. Lewis
Scifi: Creator Of The Neuromancer Series`William Gibson
Scifi: Creator Of The Stainless Steel Rat Series`Harry Harrison
Scifi: 'Creator' Of The Tek Series`William Shatner
Scifi: Creator Of The Valentine Series`Robert Silverberg
Scifi: David E __In_S`David Eddings
Scifi: Friday`Robert Heinlein
Sci Fi: FTL is an acronomy for ______ ____ _____.`faster than light
Scifi: Godbody`Clifford Simak
Scifi: H.G. Wells Novel Where Earth Is Invaded By Martians`War Of The Worlds
Sci-fi: How many years were the replicants in Blade Runner programmed to live for?`4
Scifi: In 2061, Dr. Floyd's Ship First Lands On This Object`Halleys Comet
Scifi: In Lord Valentine's Castle, Sleet's Hair Turned White During One Of These`Nightmare
Sci Fi: In Lord Valentine's Castle, Valentine's profession until his memory returns.`juggler
Sci Fi: L. Ron Hubbard began writing this series but died before finishing.`mission earth
sci fi movies: a plethora of beings, including george peppard, saves the universe.`battle beyond the stars
sci fi movies: flash gordon freed the universe from ming the _________.`merciless
sci fi movies: he directed 2001: a space odyssey.`stanley kubrick
sci fi movies: sci-fi thriller with tom selleck, gene simmons and kirsti alley.`runaway
sci fi movies: the bounty hunter killed by han solo in the creature cantina.`greedo
Sci Fi: Name the child who became a magician's apprentice in Feist's Magician.`pug
Scifi: Piers Anthony's Series About Death, Time, War, Evil, Fate, Etc`Incarnations Of Immortality
Sci Fi: Publisher who used to write sci-fi short stories, Lester ___ ___.`del rey
Sci Fi: The aliens in Mission Earth used one of these to power cities.`black hole
Scifi: The Day Of The Triffids`John Wyndham
Scifi: The Geometric Name Of Madeline L'engles Time-Space Wrinkle`Tesseract
Scifi: The Mystical Leaders Of The Invading Force In Magician`Great Ones
Scifi: The Name Of The Invaluable Spice In Dune`Melange
Sci Fi: The number of Rama spacecrafts to reach the solar system`three
Sci Fi: The number of Rama spacecraft to reach the solar system`three
Sci Fi: This word means "to understand innately and totally"`grok
Scifi: Ursula`Leguin
Sci-fi: What is the animal Deckard sees in his dreams in Blade Runner?`unicorn
Sci-fi: What is the animal Dr. Tyrell keeps a robotic version of?`owl
Sci-fi: What was the female precog's name in Minority Report?`agatha
Sci-fi: What was the name of the book Blade Runner was based on?`Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?
Sci-fi: What was the name of the Russian film director who made a sci-fi film that a Unix-like operating system took its name from?`andrei tarkovsky
Sci-fi: What was the name of the test given in Blade Runner to test for replicants?`The Voight-Kampff test
Sci-fi: What was the TV network that the astronauts on the ship in 2001: A Space Odyssey had their interview on?`bbc
Scifi: Which Science Fiction Writer Developed A Series Of Ethics For Robots Known As The Laws Of Robotics`Isaac Asimov
Scifi: Which Sci-Fi Sitcom Star Like To Eat Cats`Alf
Scifi: Which Sci-Fi Writer Adapted His Own Book For The Movie Pet Sematary`Stephen King
Sci-fi: Who was the actor who played the doctor in Dark City?`keifer sutherland
Sciophobia is the fear of`shadows
Scoleciphobia is the fear of`worms
scolionophobia is a fear of ____`school
Scolionophobia is the fear of`school
Scopophobia is the fear of`being stared at
Scorching: burning: 'the ------ noonday sun.'`torrid
scorer of the 'hand of god' goal against england, only to silence the english fans later in the match as he sidewinded past five defenders and slotted the ball past peter shilton`diego`laika
scorer of the 'hand of god' goal against england, only to silence the english fans later in the match as he sidewinded past five defenders and slotted the ball past peter shilton`diego maradona
Scornful reproach or contempt: 'a term of ----------.'`opprobrium
Scotch mist is a type of what`rain
What would you call the act of making a mark on a body by burning`branding
Scotomaphobia is the fear of`blindness in visual field
Scotophobia is the fear of`darkness
Scots. A brimless cap worn by men or boys`bonnet
Scots. A thin square of turf or sod used for roofing`divot
scottish: a "bairn" is a?`child
Scottish is the language called Gaelic, whereas Irish is actually called`gaeilge
Scottish lake or narrow inlet of the sea`loch
Scottish sailor Alexander Selkirk became inspiration for what novel`robinson
Scottish sailor Alexander Selkirk became inspiration for what novel`robinson crusoe
Scottish Terrier's name in Disney's 'Lady and the Tramp'`Jock
Scrambled Eggs was the original title of the Beatles hit, Yesterday, however, what was the original title of their hit song, Eleanor Rigby`Daisy Hawkins
Scree is the term for loose what`rocks
scriptophobia is a fear of`writing in`plant
Scriptophobia is a fear of ______`writing in public
Scriptophobia is the fear of`writing in public
Scrupulous moral rigor, especially hostility to social pleasures and indulgences: Puritanism is the source of our greatest hypocrisies and most crippling`puritanism
Scuba: if a marine animal cannot be identified, a diver should _____`avoid it completely
Sculptors which of the four teenage mutant ninja turtles was named after an artists and/or sculptor that did not occur in the same time period as the other three`donatello
scurvy is a lack of which vitamin`vitamin`brain
Scurvy is a lack of which vitamin`vitamin c
Scurvy is caused by a lack of ....`vitamin c
Sea between Europe and N.Africa`mediterranean
Sea Cucumbers are a type of what`animal
Sea in which the Great Barrier Reef is located`coral
Seals can withstand water pressure of up to _________ pounds per square inch`eight hundred and fifty
sean connery got a well-deserved oscar for which 1980s movie`the untouchables
Sean Connery was the sexiest man in the 20th century according to who`new women
Sea or salted water`brine
Sea otters have ______ coats of fur`two
Sea otters have ______ coats of fur`two`2
Seascape, Folkestone is the most valuable painting sold at auction by which British Artist`jmw turner
Seasoned smoked beef`pastrami
Seasoned smoked sausage`frankfurter
Seasoned stew of meat and vegetables`ragout
'Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness' is a line from which Keats poem`to autumn
Seattle which is the largest theme resort hotel`lost city
Seaweed with berry like air vessels`sargasso
Secondary, incidental: 'byway.'`bye
Second City 2: Antwerp`belgium
Second City 2: Basra`iraq
Second City 2: Hanoi`vietnam
Second City 2: Oran`algeria
Second City 2: Pusan`south korea
Second City: Albuquerque (state)`las cruces
Second City: Ankara`turkey
Second City: Arequipa`peru
Second City: Atlanta (state)`columbus
Second City : Benghazi`libya
Second City: Boise City (state)`pocatello
Second City: Boston (state)`worcester
Second city: Brisbane (state)`rockhampton
Second City: Bulawayo`zimbabwe
Second city: Cheyenne (state)`casper
Second City: Cork`ireland
Second City: Dededo (Guam)`tamuning
Second City: Graz`austria
Second City : Hanoi`vietnam
Second City: Hobart (state)`launceston
Second City: Honolulu (state)`hilo
Second City: Houston (state)`dallas
Second City: Indianapolis (state)`fort wayne
Second City: Kansas City (state)`saint louis
Second City: Little Rock (state)`fort smith
Second City: Melbourne`australia
Second city: Milwaukee (state)`madison
Second City: Montreal`canada
Second City: Montreal (province)`quebec
Second City : Omdurman`sudan
Second City: Opporto`portugal
Second City : Quezon City`philippines
Second City : Rabat-Sale`morocco
Second city: Salt Lake City (state)`west valley city
Second City: San Juan (Puerto Rico)`bayamon
Second City: Sioux Falls (state)`rapid city
Second city: St. Croix (U.S. Virgin Islands)`st. thomas
Second city: St. Croix (U.S. Virgin Islands)`st thomas`saint thomas
Second City: Tampere`finland
second man to walk on the moon, his nickname was "buzz"?`aldrin
Second Novel Was The Love Machine`Jacqueline Susanne
Second place Magellan mistakes for the East Indies...`chile
Secreting fat or sebum`sebaceous
Secret or hitherto undivulged particulars of history or biography`anecdota
Secret or occult`cryptic
Sedimentary and igneous are types of what`rock
Sedimentary rocks are usually formed in _______`layers
Sedimentary rocks often contain ______`fossils
Seed Production Drops To 1/3,000th Of Normal Without ___`Bat Pollinators
Seed Production Drops To 1/3,000th Of Normal Without Bat Pollinators`Agave Plants
Seed Production Drops To 1/3,000th Of Normal Without Bat Pollinators`Tequila
Seeds of SE Asian aromatic plant used as a spice`cardamon
Seelinnikoi by vaartina is an ingrian rune song from this nation`finland
Seen or able to be seen by the eye: visible: 'a ------ presentation: a design with a dramatic ------ effect.'`visual
see spot run: what is the smallest breed of dog`chihuahua
seinfeld: he played the "close talker".`judge reinhold
seinfeld: jerry questioned if her breasts were real (actress name)`teri hatcher
seinfeld: kramer got her a pineapple italian ice.`bette midler
seinfeld: kramer & newman play this game of world conquest.`risk
seinfeld: who was "master of his domain"`george
seinfield: elaine's boyfriend with the serial killer name`joel rifkin
seinfield: george's name if he was a porno star`buck naked
seinfield: jerry questioned if her breasts were real (actress name)`teri hatcher
seinfield: name of the pilot they wrote for nbc`jerry
seinfield: who was "master of his domain"`george
Seismic activity can be measure on the Richter scale or which other scale`mercalli
Seized with or feeling cold: shivering`chillier
Seizure of neutral vessels at sea by a belligerent power in time of war`spoliation
Selaphobia is the fear of`light flashes
Selene was greek god of what`moon
Selenology is the study of what`moon
Selenophobia is a fear of ______`moon
Selenophobia is the fear of`the moon
Self-deprecating: humble: 'an ---------- manner.'`apologetic
Self-government or the right of self-government: self-determination`autonomies
Self-important: presumptuous`upstart
Self-imposed absence from one's country`exile
Selfishly or callously calculating: 'showed a ------- disregard for the safety of his troops in his efforts to advance his reputation.'`cynical
Self-regulating: 'an --------- washing machine.'`automatic
Selling or intended for the sale of food products to be consumed off the premises: 'a ------- counter: ------- containers.'`takeout
Selma and Patty's favourite star.`MacGyver
Selma and Patty's favourite star`MacGyver, or Richard Dean Anderson
Selva is another name for what`tropical rain forest
Semaphore is a method of sending signals using what`flags
Semen contains small amounts of more than 30 elements, including fructose, ascorbic acid, cholesterol, creatine, citric acid, lactic acid, nitrogen, vitamin B12, and various salts and _ _ _ _ _ _ _.`enzymes
Semiprecious transparent stone usually yellow`topaz
Semi-skimmed milk contains approximately how much fat`two %
'Send in the Clowns' is a song from which Sondheim musical`a little night music
Sensitive to or appreciative of art or beauty: 'an -------- temperament.'`artistic
Sentimental drivel`goo
Sentimental drivel`goos
Sentimental or tender emotion`heartthrob
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Argentina`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Australia`5
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Austria`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Belgium`2
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Brazil`3
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Bulgaria`13
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Canada`5
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Chile`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: China`12
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Colombia`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Costa Rica`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Czechoslovakia`2
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Denmark`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Djibouti`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: East Germany`30
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Finland`2
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: France`6
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Great Britain`9
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Greece`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Hungary`6
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Indonesia`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Iran`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Italy`4
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Jamaica`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Japan`7
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Kenya`2
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Mexico`2
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Mongolia`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Morocco`2
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Netherland Antilles`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Netherlands`5
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: New Zealand`8
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Norway`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Pakistan`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Peru`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Philippines`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Poland`9
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Portugal`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Romania`6
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Senegal`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: South Korea`11
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Spain`2
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Suriname`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Sweden`7
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Switzerland`2
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Thailand`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Turkey`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: United States`27
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: USSR`46
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Virgin Islands`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: West Germany`15
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Yugoslavia`5
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Argentina`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Australia`3
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Austria`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Belgium`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Brazil`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Bulgaria`10
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Canada`3
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Chile`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: China`5
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Colombia`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Costa Rica`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Czechoslovakia`3
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Denmark`2
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Djibouti`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: East Germany`37
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Finland`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: France`6
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Great Britain`5
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Greece`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Hungary`11
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Indonesia`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Iran`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Italy`6
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Jamaica`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Japan`4
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Kenya`5
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Mexico`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Mongolia`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Morocco`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Netherland Antilles`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Netherlands`2
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: New Zealand`3
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Norway`2
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Pakistan`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Peru`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Philippines`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Poland`2
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Portugal`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Romania`7
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Senegal`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: South Korea`12
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Spain`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Suriname`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Sweden`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Switzerland`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Thailand`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Turkey`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: United States`36
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: USSR`55
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Virgin Islands`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: West Germany`11
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Yugoslavia`3
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Argentina`2
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Australia`14
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Austria`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Belgium`2
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Brazil`6
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Bulgaria`35
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Canada`10
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Chile`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: China`29
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Colombia`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Costa Rica`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Czechoslovakia`8
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Denmark`4
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Djibouti`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: East Germany`102
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Finland`4
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: France`16
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Great Britain`24
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Greece`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Hungary`23
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Indonesia`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Iran`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Italy`14
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Jamaica`2
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Japan`14
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Kenya`9
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Mexico`2
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Mongolia`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Morocco`3
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Netherland Antilles`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Netherlands`9
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: New Zealand`13
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Norway`5
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Pakistan`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Peru`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Philippines`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Poland`16
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Portugal`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Romania`24
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Senegal`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: South Korea`33
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Spain`4
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Suriname`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Sweden`11
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Switzerland`4
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Thailand`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Turkey`2
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: United States`94
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: USSR`132
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Virgin Islands`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: West Germany`45
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Yugoslavia`12
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Argentina`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Australia`6
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Austria`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Belgium`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Brazil`2
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Bulgaria`12
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Canada`2
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Chile`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: China`11
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Colombia`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Costa Rica`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Czechoslovakia`3
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Denmark`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Djibouti`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: East Germany`35
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Finland`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: France`4
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Great Britain`10
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Greece`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Hungary`6
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Indonesia`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Iran`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Italy`4
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Jamaica`2
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Japan`3
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Kenya`2
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Mexico`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Mongolia`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Morocco`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Netherland Antilles`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Netherlands`2
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: New Zealand`2
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Norway`3
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Pakistan`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Peru`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Philippines`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Poland`5
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Portugal`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Romania`11
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Senegal`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: South Korea`10
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Spain`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Suriname`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Sweden`4
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Switzerland`2
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Thailand`0
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Turkey`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: United States`31
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: USSR`31
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Virgin Islands`1
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: West Germany`14
Seoul 1988 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Yugoslavia`4
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total`colombia
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total`djibouti
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total`greece
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total`mongolia
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total`pakistan
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total`philippines
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total`thailand
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 2 Bronze, 2 in Total`belgium
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 2 Bronze, 2 in Total`mexico
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total`chile
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total`costa rica
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total`indonesia
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total`iran
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total`netherland antilles
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total`peru
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total`senegal
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total`virgin islands
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 2 in Total`argentina
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 2 Silver, 0 Bronze, 2 in Total`jamaica
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 2 Silver, 2 Bronze, 4 in Total`switzerland
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 4 Silver, 7 Bronze, 11 in Total`sweden
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 10 Gold, 12 Silver, 13 Bronze, 35 in Total`bulgaria
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 11 Gold, 14 Silver, 15 Bronze, 45 in Total`west germany
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 11 Gold, 6 Silver, 6 Bronze, 23 in Total`hungary
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 12 Gold, 10 Silver, 11 Bronze, 33 in Total`south korea
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total`austria
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total`portugal
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total`suriname
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 2 Bronze, 3 in Total`morocco
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 0 Bronze, 2 in Total`turkey
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 2 Bronze, 4 in Total`finland
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 1 Silver, 2 Bronze, 4 in Total`spain
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 2 Silver, 3 Bronze, 6 in Total`brazil
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 2 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 4 in Total`denmark
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 2 Gold, 2 Silver, 5 Bronze, 9 in Total`netherlands
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 2 Gold, 3 Silver, 0 Bronze, 5 in Total`norway
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 2 Gold, 5 Silver, 9 Bronze, 16 in Total`poland
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 36 Gold, 31 Silver, 27 Bronze, 94 in Total`united states
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 37 Gold, 35 Silver, 30 Bronze, 102 in Total`east germany
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 3 Gold, 2 Silver, 5 Bronze, 10 in Total`canada
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 3 Gold, 2 Silver, 8 Bronze, 13 in Total`new zealand
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 3 Gold, 3 Silver, 2 Bronze, 8 in Total`czechoslovakia
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 3 Gold, 4 Silver, 5 Bronze, 12 in Total`yugoslavia
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 3 Gold, 6 Silver, 5 Bronze, 14 in Total`australia
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 4 Gold, 3 Silver, 7 Bronze, 14 in Total`japan
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 55 Gold, 31 Silver, 46 Bronze, 132 in Total`ussr
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 5 Gold, 10 Silver, 9 Bronze, 24 in Total`great britain
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 5 Gold, 11 Silver, 12 Bronze, 29 in Total`china
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 5 Gold, 2 Silver, 2 Bronze, 9 in Total`kenya
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 6 Gold, 4 Silver, 4 Bronze, 14 in Total`italy
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 6 Gold, 4 Silver, 6 Bronze, 16 in Total`france
Seoul 1988 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 7 Gold, 11 Silver, 6 Bronze, 24 in Total`romania
seoul is the capital of ______`south korea
Seoul is the capital of which country`South Korea
Separate and distinct from others of the same group, category, or nature: 'made an exception in this ---------- case.'`particular
Sephardim are followers of which religion`judaism
sephardim jews are jews from which two countries`spain`oedipus
sephardim jews are jews from which two countries`spain portugal
Sepia is obtained from which sea creature`cuttlefish
Seplophobia is the fear of`decaying matter
september's birthstone`sapphire
septicaemia is better known as`blood`after
septicaemia is better known as _____?`blood poisoning
sequel to die hard was called this`die harder
Seretse Khama was the first President of which country`botswana
sergeant barry sadler records a tribute to his fellow soldiers with?`ballad of the green berets
Sericulture involves raising which animals`silkworms
Series of chemical elements that share similar electron orbital structures and hence similar chemical properties?`Transition Elements
Serious or dire: grave: 'a -------- crime.'`grievous
Serotine, Leislers and Noctule are all varieties of which animal`bat
Serotine, Leislers and Noctule are all varieties of which nianinial`bat
Service where is the largest circulation of sunday papers`los angeles
Serving as a copula: 'a ---------- verb.'`copulative
Serving as a model`exemplary
Serving as a symbol`symbolic
Serving as a vehicle: 'a --------- contrivance.'`vehicular
Serving to express or indicate: 'actions ---------- of frustration.'`expressive
Serving to identify a particular disease: characteristic`diagnostic
Serving to promote one's interest: 'was merciful only when mercy was ---------.'`expedient
Serving without pay: unsalaried: '------ research assistants.'`unpaid
Sesquipedalophobia is the fear of`long words
Set of written symbols, each representing a given sound or sounds, which can be variously combined to form all the words of a language?`alphabet
------------------ set sail for the New World on a Friday in 1492.`christopher columbus
Seven Dwarfs Hammer, anvil, and stirrup are parts of the ______.`Ear
Seventeen thousand how many camels carried the 117,000 volumes of abdul kassem ismael's library`four hundred
Seventy nine what is the maximum number of degrees in a reflex angle`three hundred and
Seventy nine what is the maximum number of degrees in a reflex angle`three hundred and fifty nine
Seventy percent of house dust is made up of dead -----------------------`skin flakes
Several different ways in what printing may be accomplished, such as lithography, letterpress, flexography, gravure, &  screen printing`printing techniques
Several Middle Eastern Islamic countries have laws stating that it is illegal to eat meat from a ______ you have had sex with.`sheep
Severe and rigid economy: 'wartime ---------.'`austerity
Severe infant disorder of communication & behavior that develops before the age of three`autism
Severity: rigor`asperities
Sewn with close, vertical stitches drawing two edges together, with each stitch passing over the seam formed by the edges`overhand
Sex actually relieves __________. A lovemaking session can release the tension that restricts blood vessels in the brain.`headaches
sex burns 360 ---------- per hour`calories
Sex change operations have been legal since 1952 when a young GI, _______ __________, managed to persuade a German surgeon to perform a total castration on him.`George Jorgensen
Sex is a beauty treatment. Scientific tests find that when woman make love they produce amounts of the _________ ________, which make hair shiny and skin smooth.`hormone estrogen
Sex is an instant cure for mild depression. It releases the body ___________ into the bloodstream, producing a sense of euphoria and leaving you with a feeling of well-being.`endorphins
"Sex" is the most popular search topic in search engines, with as many as __% of online users visiting sex-oriented Web sites.`30
Sex is the safest tranquilizer in the world. IT IS ___ TIMES MORE EFFECTIVE THAN VALIUM.`ten
Sexophobia is the fear of`the opposite sex
Sex Pistols: _n_rc_y _n th_ _K`anarchy in the uk
Sex symbol and film star ________ ________ said this about herself in her unfinished autobiography: "I have always had a talent for irritating women since I was 14."` Marilyn Monroe
sextiles, oostmaand, weodmonath and thermidor are old names for which summer month`august
Sex toys are banned throughout the state in?`Alabama
Sexual desire`libidinal
Sexual excitement`eroticism
Sexually mature and attractive. Used of young women`nubile
sexual organs have been modified is known as a what`castrato
Sexual rape`ravishment
Sexy female anagram: evil lass in erotica`Alicia Silverstone
Sgt Peppers Beatles: 1,2,3,4 can I have a little more`all together now
Sgt Peppers Beatles: Carve your number on my wall, and maybe you will get a call from me`if i needed someone
Sgt Peppers Beatles: He keeps all his money in a big brown bag inside a zoo`baby you're a rich man
Sgt Peppers Beatles: I listen for your footsteps coming up the drive`don't pass me by
Sgt Peppers Beatles: I look at the floor and I see it needs sweeping`while my guitar gently weeps
Sgt Peppers Beatles: I wonder should I get up and fix myself a drink`i'm so tired
Sgt Peppers Beatles: Lets hear it for Dennis O'Bell`you know my name look up the number
Sgt Peppers Beatles: The king of Marigold was in the kitchen cooking breakfast for the queen`cry baby cry
Sgt Peppers Beatles Tunes: "1,2,3,4,5,6,7, all good children go to heaven.."`you never give me your money
Sgt Peppers Beatles Tunes: "Carve your number on my wall, and maybe you will get a call from me.."`if i needed someone
Sgt Peppers Beatles Tunes: "If the sun don't come, you get a tan from standing in the english rain.."`i am the walrus
Sgt Peppers Beatles Tunes: "I listen for your footsteps/Coming up the drive..."`dont pass me by
Sgt Peppers Beatles Tunes: "I'm filling the cracks that ran through the door"`fixing a hole
Sgt Peppers Beatles Tunes: "Let's hear it for Dennis O'Bell.."`you know my name (look up the number)
Sgt Peppers Beatles Tunes: "Well on the way, head in a cloud..."`the fool on the hill
Sgt Peppers Beatles: You should hear what they say about you cheat cheat`baby it's you
Shabby, drab, or squalid`dingy
Shabby or cheap: 'a crummy little rowboat.'`crumbier
Shabby or cheap: 'a crummy little rowboat.'`crumby
Shade of crimson and a dye`magenta
Shades Of Red: 4 weeks at #1, this is the most successful song to have "red" in the title`roses are red my love
Shades Of Red: Animal that will "go down in history."`rudolph the red-nosed reindeer
Shades Of Red: Biggest hit for the group Cyrkle`red rubber ball
Shades Of Red: Chris DeBurgh admired this woman`the lady in red
Shades Of Red: Early 20th century tune had Casey waltzing with this woman`strawberry blond
Shades Of Red: Fairy tale character sung about by Sam the Sham and the Pharoahs`little red riding hood
Shades Of Red: Follow up release to Warrant's Cherry Pie`i saw red
Shades Of Red: Johnny Hurricanes rock version of Red River Valley`red river rock
Shades Of Red: Leader singer of the group Simply Red.`mick hucknell
Shades Of Red: Ray Charles, Dion, and Kenny Rogers all sang about this woman`ruby
Shades Of Red: Redhead who had back-to-back #1s in 1988.`rick astley
Shades Of Red: Sam Cooke sung about this "little" animal.`red rooster
Shades Of Red: Singers of "Incense & Peppermints"`strawberry alarm clock
Shades Of Red: Song appearing first on the charts in 1984, the four years later to go to number one`red red wine
Shades Of Red: Stevie Wonder's "Love Light In Flight" can be found on this movie's soundtrack`the woman in red
Shades Of Red: The Brothers Johnson's "Letter 23" was of this flavor.`strawberry
Shades Of Red: This American Indian group popularized swamp rock in the early 1970s`redbone
Shades Of Red: This Bing Crosby Guy Lombardo duet was one of the best selling songs of 1935`red sails in the sunset
Shades Of Red: This duo hit the charts with You Don't Know in 1988`scarlett and black
Shades Of Red: This redhead's first album release was "Give It Up" in 1971.`bonnie raitt
Shadowfax is the horse of which fictional wizard`gandalf
"shaft" premieres on cbs as richard roundtree recreates the flamboyant`private eye
Shah Jahan of India built what famously beautiful building as a memorial to his favorite wife`taj mahal
shake it up: what country suffers from the most earthquakes`japan
shaken, not stirred: what kind of school did pussy galore run`a flying school
shaken, not stirred: what was the second james bond film that jaws appeared in`moonraker
shakespearean character: "age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety."`enobarbus
shakespearean character: "all the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players."`jaques
shakespearean character: "ask for me tomorrow, and you shall find me a grave man."`mercutio
shakespearean character: "but soft what light through yonder window break"`romeo
shakespearean character: "for there was never yet philosopher that could endure the toothache patiently."`leonato
shakespearean character: "frailty, thy name is woman."`hamlet
shakespearean character: "friends, romans, countrymen, lend me your ears."`antony
shakespearean character: "goodnight, sweet prince, and flights of angels sing you to thy rest."`horatio
shakespearean character: "hath not a jew eyes hath not a jew hands, organs, brewing`zymurgy
shakespearean character: "hath not a jew eyes hath not a jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions"`shylock
shakespearean character: "i am but mad north-north west, when the wind is southerly i know a hawk from a hand saw."`hamlet
shakespearean character: "i did impeticos thy gratillity, for malvolio's nose is no whipstock; my lady has a white hand, and the mrymidons are no bottle-ale houses."`feste
shakespearean character: "it is too full o'the milk of human kindness, to catch the nearest way."`lady macbeth
shakespearean character: "let not the royal bed of denmark be a couch for luxury and damned incest."`ghost of hamlet
shakespearean character: "love sought is good, but given unsought is better."`olivia
shakespearean character: "methinks she's too low for a high praise, too brown for a fair praise, and too little for a great praise."`benedick
shakespearean character: "my salad days, when i was green in judgement, and cold in blood."`cleopatra
shakespearean character: "o brave new world, that has such people in't"`miranda
shakespearean character: "say that she rail, why then i'll tell her plain she sings as sweetly as a nightingale."`petruchio
shakespearean character: "some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them."`malvolio
shakespearean character: "something is rotten in the state of denmark."`marcellus
shakespearean character: "the quality of mercy is not strained; it droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven upon the place beneath."`portia
shakespearean character: "there is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune."`brutus
shakespearean character: "there's a divinity that shapes our ends, rough-hew them how we will."`hamlet
shakespearean character: "this precious book of love, this unbound lover, to beautify him, only needs a cover."`lady capulet
shakespearean character: "this royal throne of kings, this scept'red isle, this earth of majesty, this seat of mars, this other eden, demi-paradise."`gaunt
shakespearean character: "this was the most unkindest cut of all."`antony
shakespearean character: "though this be madness, yet there is method in't."`polonius
shakespearean character: "we are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with a sleep."`prospero
shakespearean character: "well, everyone can master a grief but he that has it."`benedick
shakespearean character: "what is honor a word. what is that word honor air - a trim reckoning"`falstaff
Shakespeare invented the words _________ & _______`assassination & bump
Shaky or infirm, as with age: decrepit: 'creaky knee joints: a creaky regime.'`creakier
Shall stand and face the hounds of hell and rot inside a corpse's shell`thriller
Shameful or indecent: 'tawdry secrets.'`tawdrier
Shane Lynch of Boyzone has twin sisters in which pop group`B'witched
shania twain's name is of american indian origin, what does shania mean`on my way
shania twain's real first name is what`ilean
Shaped like a breast or nipple`mastoid
Shaped like a spine`spinier
Shaped like a spine`spiny
Shaped similar to a cube`cubic
Shaped to curve around the sides: 'a ---------- windshield.'`wraparound
shares a common ancestry, allegiance, character, or purpose with another or others, especially: A kinsman`bro
shares a common ancestry, allegiance, character, or purpose with another or others, especially: A kinsman`brother
Sharks and rays are the only animals known to man that cannot succumb to cancer. Scientists believe this is related to the fact that they have no bone - only`cartilage
sharks and rays are the only animals known to man that cannot succumb to which disease`cancer
Sharks are immune to`cancer
Sharks can travel up to _____ miles per hour`forty
Sharks can travel up to _____ miles per hour`forty`40
Shark's teeth are literally as hard as`steel
Sharp and penetrating: pungent or severe: '---------- remarks.'`astringent
Sharp: cutting: 'pointed criticism.'`pointedly
Sharply penetrating: piercing: 'a cutting wind.'`cuttingly
Sharp or biting, as in character or expression: At times, the playwright allows an ------- tone to pierce through otherwise arid or flowery prose`acerbic
Sharp or biting: '----- cheese.'`nippy
Sharp or bitter in tone or meaning: cutting`tart
Sharp or bitter in tone or meaning: cutting`tarter
Sharp pointed projection on a plant`thorn
Shbat is Arabic for what month`february
Shedding or losing foliage at the end of the growing season: '--------- trees.'`deciduous
Sheena Easton sang the title song for which 'James Bond' film`for your eyes only
sheep breeds`afghan arabi
sheep breeds`algarve churro
sheep breeds`algerian arab
sheep breeds`arapawa island
sheep breeds`arles merino
sheep breeds`barbados blackbelly
sheep breeds`beulah speckled-face
sheep breeds`blackhead persian
sheep breeds`black welsh mountain sheep
sheep breeds`bluefaced leicester
sheep milk is used to produce roquefort----------`cheese
Sheep will not drink from __________. Hence, the line in the Twenty-third Psalm: "He leadeth me beside the still waters"`running water
Sheet or ring of rubber to seal joint between metal surfaces`gasket
she had a notoriously bad relationship`olivia de havilland
She had hits like "Still Got This Thing", "Black Velvet", and "Lover Of Mine".`myles
She had hits like "Still Got This Thing", "Black Velvet", & "Lover Of Mine"`alannah myles
She had the great misfortune of living in Paris during the reign of terror, & she was forced to make death masks of the people who had been guillotined. Later she moved to Britain, & these death masks became the basis of a famous wax museum. She was Madame _________`tussaud
She is famous for her airbrushed woman-animal art`olivia
She is the author of "Dear Mr. Henshaw"`Beverly Cleary
she monster with a lion's head, goat's body & serpent's tail`chimera
She overcame her handicaps to become a lecturer and a scholar`Helen Keller
She overcame her handicaps to become a lecturer and a scholar.`keller
She overcame her handicaps to become a lecturer & a scholar`helen keller
She played a Polish refugee in 'Sophie's Choice'`Meryl Streep
she played carrie.`sissy spacek
She played Lois Lane in the 1978 film version of 'Superman'`Margot Kidder
she played shirley valentine.`pauline collins
She played the lead role in 'Coal Miner's Daughter'`Sissy Spacek
'Sheriff' is actually a contraction of which words`Shire's Reeve
Sherlock Holmes and Moriarty fought at which famous falls`reichenbach
Sherlock Holmes: Dr Watson took part in the British army camapaign in this country`afghanistan
Sherlock Holmes: For Holmes she is always 'the woman'`irene adler
Sherlock Holmes: He is the founder member of the 'Diogenes Club' in London`mycroft holmes
Sherlock Holmes: He is the 'most indispensible man in England' according to Holmes`mycroft holmes
Sherlock Holmes: He played Prof Moriarty in the 1976 movie 'The seven percent solution'`laurence olivier
Sherlock Holmes: Holmes made his first appearance in 1887 in this novel`a study in scarlet
Sherlock Holmes: Name the team that Holmes uses to do the legwork for him`baker street irregulars
Sherlock Holmes: 'The five orange pips' saw Holmes oppose this racist organization`ku klux klan
Sherlock Holmes: The number of adventures that are related by Holmes himself`2
Sherlock Holmes: This adventure of Holmes has the most film versions`hound of the baskervilles
Sherlock Holmes: This famous thriller writer was Dr Watson in the '32 film The Sign of Four`ian fleming
Sherlock Holmes: To where does Holmes finally retire`sussex downs
Sherlock Holmes: What animated Disney feature is based on Sherlock Holmes`great mouse detective
Sherlock Holmes: What is Professor Moriarty's first name`james
Sherlock Holmes: What is the last book of Holmes stories`case book of sherlock holmes
Sherlock Holmes: What was the original title of "A Study in Scarlet"`a tangled skein
Sherwood park, Alberta, Canada is the largest ______ in the world`hamlet
sheryl crowe born name the year`1962
She sang vocals along with Iggy Pop on "Candy"`kate pierson
She sang "Walkin' After Midnight" & "I Fall To Pieces"`patsy cline
She starred in Broadcast News and The Piano.`Holly Hunter
She starred in Broadcast News & The Piano.`Holly Hunter
She starred in the 1952 film, 'Niagara'`Marilyn Monroe
She was a famous Swedish film star`greta garbo
she was born frances gumm.`judy garland
She was called 'The Maid of Orleans'`Joan of Arc
She was married to both George Harrison & Eric Clapton.(not at the same time)`patricia boyd
She was Queen of Egypt and mistress of Julius Caesar.`cleopatra
She was queen of Egypt & mistress of Julius Caesar`cleopatra
She was Sports Illustrated's first female 'Man of the Year'`Billie Jean King
She was "Sports Illustrated's" first female "Sportsman of the Year".`billie jean king
She was the country singing sensation that Homer managed.`Lurleen Lumpkin
She was the daughter of Anne Boleyn & Henry VII`queen elizabeth i
She was the first First Lady to be received privately by the Pope`Jackie Kennedy
She was the first woman premier of Israel`Golda Meir
She was the first woman premier of Israel.`meir
She was the first woman to fly the Atlantic solo`Amelia Earhart
She was the first woman to fly the Atlantic solo.`e. earhart
She was the first woman to swim the English channel.`ederle
She was the first woman to swim the English channel`Gertrude Caroline Ederle
She was the greatest trick shot artist of all time`Annie Oakley
she won an oscar as a hooker in "elmer gantry."`shirley jones
She won the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize for her work among the poor`Mother Teresa
She won the judgement of Paris`aphrodite
She wrote "The Birds"`Daphne Du Maurier
She wrote the song "Wind Beneath My Wings"`julie gold
She wrote "Valley of the Dolls".`jaqueline susann
Shifty or tricky`lubricious
Shinguards were introduced into football in which year`1839
Shining or glittering like stars`starrier
Ships designed for the various operations involved in modern naval warfare`vessels
Ships Were The First To Cross The Antarctic Circle`James Cook
Shirley Bassey recorded a hit song taken from The Sound of Music, what was it`climb every mountain
Shirley Manson is lead vocalist with which band`garbage
Shirley Temple and J.B. Priestley have both instituted libel proceedings against which British author`graham greene
Shivering or trembling like the leaves of one of these trees`aspen
shock treatment for epilepsy was once administered by electric----------`catfish
shock treatment for ---------- was once administered by electric catfish`epilepsy
Shoe with open work upper fastened with straps`sandal
Shop selling exotic cooked meats and cheeses`delicatessen
Shop where pastries are made and sold`patisserie
Shortage of food: famine`dearth
Short club carried by a police officer`truncheon
Short curtain around bedspread`valence
Short dagger or type of heel on a shoe`stiletto
Short full trousers worn in the 16th century`slops
Short, high-freuency radio waves lying roughly between very-high-freuency (infrared) waves & conventional radio waves (electromagnetic radiation; radio)`microwaves
Short in extent or duration: brief: 'There is little time left.'`littleness
Short in stature, long on talent, Doug Flutie wins the`heisman trophy
Short legged breed of Welsh dog`corgi
Short legged long bodied dog`dachshund
Short or waste silk fibers, especially from the outer surface of the cocoon of a silkworm`floss
Short, simple, descriptive poem idealizing country life?`idyll
Short, simple, descriptive poem idealizing country life`Idyll
Short Story Authors: A Good Man is Hard to Find`flannery oconnor
Short Story Authors: Barn Burning`william faulkner
Short Story Authors: Harrison Bergeron`kurt vonnegut
Short Story Authors: Strawberry Ice Cream Soda`irwin shaw
Short Story Authors: Young Man Axelbrod`sinclair lewis
Short tail of a rabbit or hare`scut
"---------- should be read, but neither seen nor heard."- Daphne Du Maurier`writers
"------------ should merely indicate where the smiles have been."- Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)`wrinkles
Shout`twist and shout
Show Claimed To Have 'The World's Most Dangerous Band'`David Letterman
Shower what is a tokinese`cat
Show How many tines are in a standard dinner fork`four
Showing comradeship: brotherly`fraternal
Showing deferential or submissive respect: 'a ------ apology.'`humble
Showing evidence of schooling, training, or experience`educated
Showing gentleness and mildness.  kind1`benign
Showing gentleness and mildness.  kind1`benignly
Showing great generosity: 'a ---------- gift.'  liberal`munificent
Showing little or no spirit or animation: listless: 'a ------- mood.'`languid
Showing little thought, preparation, or concern: 'a ---- response to a complex question.'`glib
Showing no clemency: unmerciful`inclemency
Showing no emotion or personality: 'an aloof, ---------- manner.'`impersonal
Showing no originality: blindly imitative: 'a ------- copy of the original.'`slavish
Showing or arising from a lack of education or knowledge: 'an -------- mistake.'`ignorant
Showing or characterized by cheerfulness and lighthearted excitement: merry`gay
Showing or filled with gloom: 'gloomy faces.'`gloomier
Showing or requiring courage and fortitude: bold`nervier
Showing or requiring courage and fortitude: bold`nervy
Showing promise of fame or success`comings
Showing resolution and fortitude: plucky: 'a gritty decision.'`grittier
Shrewish Wife Was Named Xantippe`Socrates
Shrimps' hearts are in their`heads
Shrimps' hearts are where`in their heads
Shrine margaret thatcher becomes the first woman elected prime minister of`great
Shrines: Armor Shrine, boosts your Armor by _____%`100
Shrines: Mana Recharge Shrine, increases the rate at which your Mana refills by _____%`50
Shrines: Recharge Shrine, recharges your Mana at a rate that's _____% faster than normal`400
Shrines: _____ Shrine, causes explosions when touched, but will also release several Exploding Potions`Exploding
Shrines: _____ Shrine, completely restores your Mana`Mana
Shrines: _____ Shrine, increases both your likelihood to hit and maximum damage by 200%`Combat
Shrines: _____ Shrine, it will poison you when you touch it, but it will also give up 5-10 Gas Potions`Poison
Shrines: _____ Shrine, provides +2 to all skills you have already developed`Skill
Shrines: _____ Shrine, provides 75% more resistance to Cold`Resist cold
Shrines: _____ Shrine, provides 75% more resistance to Fire`Resist Fire
Shrines: _____ Shrine, provides 75% more resistance to Lightning`Resist Lightning
Shrines: _____ Shrine, provides 75% more resistance to Poison`Resist Poison
Shrines: _____ Shrine, provides unlimited Stamina while active`Stamina
Shrines: _____ Shrine, recharges your Mana at a rate that's 400% faster than normal`Recharge
Shrines: _____ Shrine, refills both your Mana and Health`Refill
Shrines: _____ Shrine, refills your Health only`Health
Shrines: _____ Shrine, when u touch this Shrine, the nearest enemy becomes a Unique monster`Monster
Shrub with flowers attractive to butterflies`buddleia
'Siamese Dream' was which chicago-based group's breakthrough second album`Smashing Pumpkins
Sickening or insipid in taste`mawkish
Sidekicks: Astrological twins: Castor`pollux
Side project with 3/4 of REM`hindu love gods
Siderodromophobia is the fear of`trains
Siderophobia is the fear of`stars
sides are all of different lengths`scalene
Sidney Poitier became the first black actor to win a Best Actor Oscar when he got the award for which film`lilies of the field
Sid vicious od'd in this nyc hotel`the chelsea hotel
siege of leningrad`nazi
Sienna is a shade of what colour`brown
Sieze control of vehicle`hijack
Sigmund Freud brought his first sample of _______ for $1.27 per gram`coccaine
Sigmund Freud, founder of psychoanalysis, was born in what country`austria
Signal or time after which people must remain indoors`curfew
Signature On The Usa's 'Declaration Of Independance' Is Legible From The Farthest Distance`John Hancock's
Signor Bona Slang hung by his nose to arouse the desires of young girls,by what name is he better known`daring young man on the flying trapeze
Sikorsky what jerry van dyke sitcom is widely hailed as the worst in tv history`my
Silky case spun by larva to protect it as a pupa`cocoon
Silver Screen: How many films did Elvis Presley make`33
Silver Screen: How many films did Elvis Presley make`Thirty Three
Silver Screen: What is Princess Aurora's better-known name`Sleeping Beauty
Silver Screen: What was Stanley Kubrick's first film after 2001: A Space Odyssey`A Clockwork Orange
Silver Screen: Who made nine movies with Annette Funicello`Frankie Avalon
Silver Screen: Whose first major album was Ziggy Stardust and The Spiders from Mars`David Bowie
Silvery heavy liquid metal`mercury
"simba" is the common swahili word for what`a lion
Similar or equivalent: 'pianists of ---------- ability.'`comparable
Similar tack used for attaching a pack to an animal`saddle
Similar tack used for attaching a pack to an animal`saddled
Similar to a hill: steep`hillier
Similes: As bold as`brass
Similes: As clean as a(n)`whistle
Similes: As clear as a(n)`bell
Similes: As cute as a(n)`button
Similesas dry as a _____`bone
Similes: As easy as ________`Pie
Similes: as fit as a(n) __________`fiddle
Similes: as good as _________`gold
Similes: As graceful as a(n)`swan
Similes: As loud as`thunder
Similes: as neat as a ______`pin
Similes: As pleased as _________`Punch
Similes: as pretty as a(n) ________`picture
Similes: as quiet as a(n) _________`mouse
Similes: as sick as a(n) ___________`dog
Similes: As sly as a(n)`fox
Similes: as tough as _____`nails
Similes: as white as a _____`sheet
Similes: Fresh as a(n)`daisy
similies: as happy as a`lark
similies: as old as the?`hills
Similies: As proud as a`peacock
similies: as quick as a`wink
similies: as regular as`clockwork
Similies: As right as ________.`rain
Similies: As thin as a`rail
Simmons film - who was the female star of bugsy malone`jodie foster
Simon Peter and his brother were both disciples. What was the brother's name`andrew
Simon & Simon: what unusual thing did rick live in`in a boat
Simple and carefree: 'an ------- vacation in a seashore cottage.'`idyllic
Simple, trim, or severe in line or design: 'a neat, -------- dress: -------- curtains.'`tailored
Simpsons Cartoon 2: Bart has foiled this evil genius, Krusty's former sidekick, five times.`sideshow bob
Simpsons Cartoon 2: Homer was committed to an insane asylum after coming to work wearing this.`a pink shirt
Simpsons Cartoon 2: In a fortune teller's prediction, Lisa will get engaged to this British man.`hugh parkfield
Simpsons Cartoon 2: She is the voice of Bart Simpson.`nancy cartwright
Simpsons Cartoon 2: WakkoJr was pleased when this Simpson character became a vegetarian.`lisa
simpsons: from what country is groundskeeper willie from`scotland
simpsons: in one episode, who moved in across the street from the simpsons`george bush
simpsons: in the thrilling two part cliffhanger "who shot mr. burn" what was the motive for gunning down springfield's evil billionaire nuclear plant owner`stealing maggie's lollipop
simpsons: moe makes him box against champion drederick tatum`homer
simpsons: principal skinner once proposed marriage to her, the celibate bouvier twin`patty
simpsons: simpsons creator matt groening named homer, marge, lisa & maggie after his parents & sisters, respectively. but who is bart named for`no one
simpsons: the name of the amorous french bowling instructor who propositioned marge`jacques brunswick
simpsons: this "kramer vs. kramer" star played reverend lovejoy's daughter jessica`meryl streep
simpsons: what are the names of marge's twin sisters`patty and selma
simpsons: what did homer carve his chili spoon from`a bigger spoon
simpsons: what does apu say to every customer as they leave the kwik-e-mart`thank you, come again
simpsons: what does nelson say when something bad happens?`ha ha
simpsons: what is bart's dog named`santa's little helper
simpsons: what is bart's favorite comic book`radioactive man
simpsons: what is homer's favorite brand of beer`duff
simpsons: what is krusty the clowns real name`herschel krustofsky
simpsons: what is lisa and bart's favorite cartoon show`itchy and scratchy
simpsons: what is the school principal's full name`seymour`gauss
simpsons: what is the school principal's full name`seymour skinner
simpsons: what is the secret ingredient in a flaming moe`cough syrup
simpsons: what street do the simpsons live on`evergreen terrace
simpsons: what town do the simpsons live in`springfield
simpsons: when marge & homer first met in high school, where were they`detention room
simpsons: who created the simpsons`matt groening
simpsons: who shot mr. burns`maggie
Simultaneously arousing wonder and inquisitiveness, and eluding explanation or comprehension: 'a ---------- visitor: ---------- conduct.'`mysterious
Sinatra had a hit duet with this singer on "I've Got You Under My Skin."`bono
Sinatra What are the primary colors`red yellow blue`blue red yellow`blue yellow
Sinbad faced this arabian mythical bird of prey name the bird`roc
Since 1600, 109 species and subspecies of what have become extinct`birds
Since 1600, how many species and subspecies of birds have become extinct`one
since 1600, how many species and subspecies of birds have become extinct`one hundred and nine
Since 1978, at least 37 people have died as a result of --------------------, in an attempt to get free merchandise. More than 100 have been injured.`shaking vending machines
Since Hindus don't eat beef, the Mcdonald's in New Delhi makes its burgers with what`mutton
Since its introduction in February 1935, more than 150 million ----------- board games have been sold worldwide.`monopoly
Since re-organisation in 1993, how many provinces are there now in South Africa`nine
Since the beginning of the modern olympics, which are the only 2 countries to compete in them all (list alphabetically)`australia & greece
Since the beginning of the modern olympics, which are the only 2 countries to compete in them all (list alphabetically)`australia & greece`australia and greece
Since Thomas Jefferson was a widower, who became unofficial first lady during his administration`dolly madison
since when has instant coffee been around`18th century
Since white tigers have pigmented stripes and blue eyes, they are not`albinos
"since you've been gone i've been lost without a trace"name the song`every breath you take
Sinead o'connor covered this nirvana song on universal mother`all apologies
singapore football's foreign import from australia, and scorer of a hat-trick in the last malaysia cup final, but was charged with match-fixing and faded away`abbas`hans
singapore football's foreign import from australia, and scorer of a hat-trick in the last malaysia cup final, but was charged with match-fixing and faded away.`abbas saad
singapore football's foreign import from the czech republic, but he was tried for match-fixing and jumped bail, fleeing in acrimony`michal`jack
singapore football's foreign import from the czech republic, but he was tried for match-fixing and jumped bail, fleeing in acrimony.`michal vana
Singapore is the capital of ______`singapore
Singapore lies at the end of which peninsula`malayan
singapore uses the colours blue and yellow at funerals to ward off`evil`figaro
Singapore uses the colours blue and yellow at funerals to ward off ______`evil spirits
singapore was a colony of which european power`britain
Singer leads a group of prostitues against a ruthless pimp.`love is a battlefield
singer Louise used to be a member of which group`Eternal
Singer of "Poor Little Fool," he died on New Years Eve of 1985.`ricky nelson
Singer of songs like "Someday" and "Hero"`mariah carey
Singer paula ______`abdul
Singer Sarah Brightman was the second wife of which composer`andrew lloyd webber
Single block of stone shaped into a pillar`monolith
Single-celled fungus used to make beer & bread rise`yeast
Single celled micro-organism`bacterium
Single: distinct: Pshaw! said I, with an air of carelessness, three ------- times (Laurence Sterne)`several
Single Season Strikeout Record Did Nolan Ryan Beat By One`Sandy Koufax
Singularity: uniqueness`oneness
Singularly speaking, where was George Michael in 1998`outside
Singularly, who was Born In The USA`bruce springsteen
Sinistrophobia is the fear of`things to the left
Sinistrophobia is the fear of`things to the left`left-handed
Sinophobia is a fear of ______`anything chinese
Sinophobia is the fear of`chinese, chinese culture
Siouxie & the ...`banshees
Sip of Juice: Don McLean song about an ancient City`babylon
Sip of Juice: Juices Favorite Beatle`lennon
Sip of Juice: Name the Band Time, Eye in the Sky, pyramania`alan parsons project
Sir Archibald MacIndoe was a pioneer in which field during WW2`plastic surgery
Sir Emest Swinton was a British colonel credited with the invention of which weapon`tank
Sir Isaac Newton was obsessed with the`occult and supernatural
Sir Isaac Newton was only _______ ______  years old when he discovered the law of universal gravitation`twenty three
Sir Isaac Newton was only _______ ______  years old when he discovered the law of universal gravitation`twenty three`23
Sirocco, mistral and chinook are all types of what`winds
Sir Richard Grenville in the Revenge fought a single-handed action against 53 Spanish ships off which of the Azores in 1591`flores
Sir Richard Marsh was Chairman of British Rail in the 1970s and 1980s. He had earlier been prominent in what field`politics (cabinet minister)
Sir Robert Watson-Watt was a pioneer in which field during WW2`radar
Sir Winston Churchill's mother was descended from a`red indian
Sir Winston Churchill was born in a ladies' cloakroom after his mother went into labour during a dance at`blenheim palace
Sister Of Emperor Augustus who married Mark Anthony`Octavia
sister, Pamela appeared in the 1988 movie Sleepaway Camp 2`bruce springsteen
sister ship of the german battleship bismarck`tirpitz
S is the US mint mark for what city`san francisco
Sitcoms: British sitcom on which "Three's Company" was based`man about the house
Sitcoms: City in which Mary Richards lived`minneapolis
Sitcoms: He played Jonas (Skipper) Grumby`alan hale
Sitcoms: He played Latka Gravas (and his alter ego, Vic Ferrari)`andy kaufman
Sitcoms: Her character once wrote a romance novel which even included cooking recipes`patty duke
Sitophobia is the fear of`food
Sitophobia is the fear of`food`eating
Situated away from the sea: inland`freshwater
Situated beneath or on the underside: inferior`caudal
Situated beneath the surface of the water or ground: submerged: 'a ------ reef.'`sunken
Situated nearest the middle`midmost
Situated on higher ground: '----- regions.'`upper
Situated or placed at rather wide intervals, as in time or space: '---------- oases in the desert.'`infrequent
Six ounces of orange juice contains the minimum daily requirement for which vitamin`vitamin c
Six ounces of what contains the minimum daily requirement for vitamin c`orange juice
Sixteen pounds is the maximum legal weight of what sporting device`bowling
Sixteen pounds is the maximum legal weight of what sporting device`bowling ball
Sixth sign of the zodiac`virgo
Sixties Tunes: BG song: ``It's something I think's worthwhile, if the puppet makes you smile''`holiday
Sixties Tunes: Group for ``... You should see what a lovely, lovely world this could be ...''`rascals
Sixties Tunes: How much did Little Anthony & the Imperials hurt`bad
Sixties Tunes: Three Dog Night night hit about a number`one
Sixties Tunes: Turtles: Who would ``she rather be with''`me
sixtieth anniversary is the ____ anniversary`diamond
Sixty percent of big-firm executives said the -------------- is as important or more important than the rsum itself when you're looking for a new job.`cover letter
Sixty percent of married men will have at least one affair. True or False?`True
Sixty six mhz italy's equivalant to the dollar is ______`lira
Sixty what lives in a fornicary`ants
six u.s presidents never had ______`children
Size And Shape Resembles A Goose Egg`Wind Musical Instrument
Size: bulk: 'a person of large -----.'`girth
S J Perelman wrote the screen plays for many of the films starring which zany comedians`marx brothers
Ska: Crazy ska thrash band tried to Pave The World and said Kiss Your Ass Goodbye`blue meanies
Ska: DC soulska band named not for nasty reasons but for their growing waistlines`pietasters
Ska: Fishbones fatalistic 1985 ska classic that was also a Dr Demento fave`party at ground zero
Ska: Originally the Skatterbrains, this band changed after hearing Goethes Faust`mephiskapheles
Ska: Probably the first ska band. Led by Tommy McCook, they once backed Marley`skatalites
Ska Ska music's reputed 2nd wave was most popular in this "Special" country`england
Ska Sweet sounding Boston band that seduced us with a Simple Song`bim skala bim
Ska: The Skatalites recorded it in 1967, The Specials did a faster version live`guns of navarone
Ska: The Specials now legendary recording label, as clear as black and white`2 tone
Ska: This Anaheim band, once ska, is very popular. Because of Gwen perhaps`no doubt
Ska: This Bay Area combo is Dill Records most appropriate artist`skankin pickle
Ska: This NYC record label is ska musics strongest, with bands like The Toasters`moon records
Ska: This style of hat, popular among skasters, is also a German ska record label`pork pie
Ska: This wacky St. Louis ska punk band got their name from a music class`mu330
Ska What rocksteady act had an early MTV hit with the song "Our House"`madness
Skiing: Japan houses the only ski resort of this type`indoor
Skiing: Skis with these on them supposedly make the initiation of turns easier`caps
Skiing: The Swix company manufactures poles as well as this skiing/racing essential`wax
Skiing: This is the largest company that manufactures skis, boots, & bindings`salomon
Skiing: This Utah resort averages more snow anually than any other in the 48 states`alta
Skillful in accomplishing a purpose, especially by the use of cunning or craft`artful
Skillful, subtle handling of a situation: tactful, diplomatic maneuvering`finesse
Skill in evasion or deception: guile`craft
Skill of speaking without using the lips`ventriloquism
Skill or knowledge in a particular area.  art1`expertise
Skin disease of dogs`mange
Skin disease with red scaly patches`psoriasis
Skin is thickest where`back
Skin of sheep or goat prepared for writing on`parchment
Ski run of compacted snow`piste
Skopelos, Thasos and Andros are all what`greek islands
Skullcap worn by Jewish men`yarmulke
Skydivers accelerate to a terminal velocity of ______ mph`one hundred and twenty
Slanderous: libelous: 'made --------- statements about his rival.'`injurious
Slang. A ---- bag`dime
Slang. A black eye: 'got a real ------ from stumbling into the door.'`shiner
Slang. A blood vessel from which there is uncontrolled bleeding`bleeder
Slang. A clear plastic bubble or shell covering part of an aircraft`greenhouse
Slang. A contemptible or disreputable person`buggered
Slang. A contestant entered dishonestly into a competition`ringer
Slang. A crazy or an eccentric person: a --------- under the delusion that he was Saint Nicholas (John Strahinich)`fruitcake
Slang. A depth charge`ashcan
Slang. A despicable person`maggot
Slang. A dirty or very untidy place`pigsty
Slang. A doughnut`sinker
Slang. A fat person`porker
Slang. A hired killer`iceman
Slang. A house, building, or apartment, especially where one resides`gaffes
Slang. A mean or despicable person`lice
Slang. A mouthful of a liquid: 'took a ----- of grape juice.'`slurp
Slang. An easy task or a pleasant experience`picnic
Slang. An eccentric, impulsively whimsical, or irrational person`screwball
Slang. An employee assigned to investigate and stop leaks of sensitive information`plumber
Slang. An eye`peeper
Slang. An irritating, disgusting, or contemptible person`stinker
Slang. An obese person`blimp
Slang. An obstinate person`donkey
Slang. An old rickety vehicle, especially a decrepit automobile or aircraft`crate
Slang. An uncomfortably confined space`coop
Slang. A person regarded as annoying, arrogant, or impertinent`snot
Slang. A person regarded as foolish or contemptible`dipstick
Slang. A piece of money`ducat
Slang. A police officer`gendarme
Slang:A promiscuous woman`slapper
Slang. A prostitute`hooker
Slang. A remarkable or astounding person or thing`corker
Slang. A return of a percentage of a sum of money already received, typically as a result of pressure, coercion, or a secret agreement`kickback
Slang. A sensational headline`screamer
Slang. A sexually attractive man with a well-developed physique`hunk
Slang. A sexually attractive man with a well-developed physique`hunks
Slang. A small portion of liquor`snifter
Slang. A spree, especially a drinking spree`bender
Slang. A stupid, clumsy, or dull person`meatball
Slang. A style of popular music designed to appeal to adolescents, characterized by bouncy rhythms and a generally cheerful tone`bubblegum
Slang. A ten-dollar bill`sawbuck
Slang. A thorough search of a place or person`shakedown
Slang. A trifling amount of money: 'gets $100 an hour, which isn't ---.'`hay
Slang. A trifling amount of money: 'gets $100 an hour, which isn't hay.'`hays
Slang. A very attractive person`looker
Slang. A whining complaint`bellyache
Slang. A woman held to be antagonistic or overbearing`battleax
Slang. A woman`mama
Slang. A woman singer`canaries
Slang. A word that is difficult to pronounce`jawbreaker
Slang. Excessively sentimental: mawkish`sappier
Slang. Fat or corpulent`porkier
Slang. Foolish: silly: '----- ideas about saving money.'`jerky
Slang. Foolish: silly: 'jerky ideas about saving money.'`jerkier
Slang. Frightening`freakier
Slang. Frightening`freaky
Slang. Frightening`freckling
Slang. Highly appealing or interesting: attractive: The recruiting brochures are getting ------ (Jack R. Wentworth)`sexier
Slang. Highly appealing or interesting: attractive: (The recruiting brochures are getting sexier (Jack R. Wentworth)`sexy
Slang. Impertinent: arrogant`snottier
Slang. Money`kale
Slang. Nonsense: foolishness`applesauce
Slang. One given to empty or boastful talk`gasbag
Slang. One that depresses, frustrates, or disappoints: 'Getting stranded at the airport was a real ------.'`bummer
Slang. One that is suggestive of a genetic ------, as in bizarre appearance or inaptitude`mutant
Slang:Person with very short hair or very little`slaphead
Slang police informer`nark
Slang. Showy: flashy: 'a jazzy car.'`jazzier
Slang. Something exceptionally exciting or wonderful`dynamite
Slang. Something that is extremely difficult to deal with or withstand: 'an exam that was a real ------.'`killer
Slang. So remarkable as to elicit disbelief: fantastic`unreal
Slang term for Toronto (Moo)`cowtown
Slang. The approximately proper range, as of possibilities or alternatives: 'Your estimate is high, but still in the --------.'`ballpark
Slang. The human nose`nozzle
Slang. The most miserable or undesirable place in a particular area`armpit
Slang. Tiresome or annoying`drippy
Slang. To berate: scold`raggedier
Slang. To berate: scold`ragging
Slang. To decline or fall rapidly: 'His good fortune has --------ed.'`toboggan
Slang. To destroy (electronic circuitry) with excessive heat or current: (a power surge to the computer that fried a number of sensitive electronic`frying
Slang. To extract or remove abruptly: '----ed the starting pitcher early in the game.'`yank
Slang. To go: '---ped off to the movies.'`bop
Slang. To kill`croak
Slang. To kill deliberately: murder`whack
Slang. To put out of commission`kayo
Slang. To talk noisily or stupidly: jabber`yap
Slang. To turn informer: betray an accomplice or secret`squeal
Slang. Very tiresome`draggier
Slang. Wet plaster, mortar, or cement`mud
Slang: what term was defined as "far away from the ordinary"`far out
Slang word for food or drink`nosh
Slang word for huge or enormous`humongous
Slang word meaning aggressively blatent or provocative`in-your-face
Slanting toward one another at the bottom. Used of a pair of wheels`dished
Slate is formed by the metamorphosis of _________`shale
Slate is formed by the metamorphosis of `shale
Slate is formed by the metamorphosis of _________`Shale
Slate is formed by the metamorphosis of what`shale
Slave trading was abolished in the british empire in 1807, 1825 or 1855`1807
Slavishly or foolishly imitative: (My own performances were ----- imitations of Olivier's stirring cadences (Robert Brustein)`apish
slayer of the gorgon & the kraken and husband of andromeda`perseus
Sleeping accommodations. Often used in the plural: 'We found the -------- on the tour rather primitive.'`lodgings
Sleeping sickness is carried by which insect`tsetse fly
sleeve did indy find the ace`beppo
sleeve did indy find the ace`shorty
Slender tree with straight trunk and often tremulous leaves`poplar
Slender turret next to a mosque`minaret
Sliced bread was patented by Mrs P. Ride, a mother of 5, on 1 April`1954
Slightly intoxicated`pottier
Slippery when wet was a hit album for what rock band`bon jovi
Slivovitz is a brandy made from what`plums
slogan is "you got the right one, baby"`diet pepsi
"s'long, joe" it's the end of an era when baseball great ___ retires`joe dimaggio
Sloppily sentimental`squishier
Sloths spend ____% of their lives asleep`seventy five
Sloths spend ____% of their lives asleep`seventy five`75
Slovenly in appearance: shabby or seedy`slipshod
Slovenly: untidy`slatternly
slowest flying bird`american`synthehol
slowest flying bird`american woodcock
Slow in understanding or discernment: dull: a -------- oligarchy that flatly refused to see that history was condemning it to the dustbin (Jasper`purblind
Slow moving reptile with horny domed shell`tortoise
"Slow Ride" was Foghats biggest hit from this album released in 1975?`fool for the city
"SlowRide"wasFoghatsbiggesthitfromthisalbumreleasedin1975`fool for the city
'Slow Ride' was Foghat's biggest hit from which album released in 1975`Fool
'slow ride' was foghat's biggest hit from which album released in 1975`fool for the city
Slow to see or respond: not prompt`unreadier
Sluggish, dull, and stolid`bovine
Sluggish from sleep`sleepier
Sluggish from sleep`sleepy
Sluggish in action or motion: lethargic.  inactive`inert
Sluggish in action or motion: lethargic.  inactive`inertly
Slugs and snails belong to which class of molluscs`gastropods
Slugs have 4 ______`noses
Slyly clever: crafty: 'a foxy scheme.'`foxier
Slyly clever: crafty: 'a ---- scheme.'`foxy
Small, active, carnivorous freshwater fish, found in the islands of the southern caribbean sea &  in northern south america`guppy
Small area on a computer screen in which the user is prompted to provide information, select commans etc`dialogue box
Small bag or packet containing shampoo`sachet
Small beetle destructive to the potato`colorado
Small boat used in the Far East`sampan
Small broad surgical knife with sharp point`lancet
Small buns made from choux pastry, filled with cream and covered in chocolate are called what`profiteroles
Small bushy tailed monkey`marmoset
small chalet on the costa del magnifico.....'`twisting by the pool
Small crisp batter cake`waffle
Small dark mammel its skin is used for fur`sable
Small deer with white spotted reddish brown summer coat`fallow
Small dish for baking individual portions of food`ramekin
smallest bone in the human body`stirrup
Smallest in magnitude or degree`little
Smallest particle of a substance having the specific chemical properties of that substance`molecule
Small ferocius reddish-brown flesh eating mammal`weasel
Small flat emblem worn as a sign of office`badge
Small flesh eating civit like animal`mongoose
Small freshwater carp`minnow
Small game bird related to the partridge`quail
Small glass bottle`phial
Small graceful antelope`gazelle
Small guitar with 4 strings`ukulele
Small herb with fragrant flowers`verbena
Small hole for passing cord through`eyelet
Small hollow cake of choux pastry with a filling`profiterole
Small in amount or degree`minimally
Small in quantity or amount: meager: 'slim chances of success.'`slimmed
Smallish lunchtime pizzas from Pizza Hut are called?`personal pan
Small medicinal tablet to be dissolved in the mouth`lozenge substance used to reduce friction`lubricant
Small one masted fore-and-aft rigged vessel`sloop
Small ornamental case for portrait hung round the neck`locket
Small parrot often kept as a pet`budgerigar
Small pasta squares containing meat or vegetables`ravioli
Small piece of bread or pastry with a savoury topping`canape
Small pieces of bread or crackers with a savoury topping are called what`canapes
Small pieces of fried or toasted bread usually served with soup`croutons
Small pig-like mammal with short flexible snout`tapir
Small polecat used in catching rabbits and rats`ferret
Smallpox is also known as _______`variola
Small rectangular instrument played by blowing and sucking air through it`harmonica
Small round case of puff pastry with a savoury filling`vol-au-vent
Small sea fish related to the herring`pilchard
Small shallow drum with tingling discs in rim`tambourine
Small shell fish clinging to rocks`barnacle
Small tailed amphibian`newt
Small usually long tailed parrot`parakeet
Small vegetable like a marrow`courgette
Small wild horse of mexico and California`mustang
Smart: stylish`dressier
Smart: stylish`dressy
Smashing Pumpkins song: "Bored by the chore/of saving face"`today
Smeared with mire: muddy`mirier
Smeared with mire: muddy`miry
Smelling bananas and/or green apples (smelling, not eating) can help you lose`weight
smelling bananas or ---------- can help you lose weight`green apples
smelling ---------- or green apples can help you lose weight`bananas
Smetana in what novel do we find winston smith living in the nation of oceania and battling doublespeak and the thought police`1984
Smew, garganey and shoveler are all types of what bird`duck
Smock, Post and Tower are types of what`windmill
Smoke, fog, &  mist are all....`aerosols
Smooth and lustrous`waxy
Smooth barked glossy leaved tree`beech
Smooth pulp of vegetables or fruit`puree
Smurfs: Failing in his efforts to deceive the smurfs, Gargamel created this smurf`smurfette
Smurfs: The only mechanical smurf`clockwork smurf
Smurfs: There are this many smurfs`101
Smurfs: This character is Yohan's best friend`peewee
Smurfs: This is the color of a smurf that has been bitten by a gnapp`purple
Smurfs: This is the youngest of all the smurfs.`baby smurf
Smurfs: This smurf composes odes to himself and is, in essence, quite "vain."`vanity smurf
Smurfs: This smurf has a "hiakhiak" laugh an dgives "trapped" presents to his smurfs`jokey
Smurfs: This smurf is the only smurf who wears glasses.`brainy smurf
Smurfs: This smurf spends his day dreaming "what could be"`dreamy smurf
Smurfs: When conducting the orchestra, Papa Smurf stands on this`mushroom
Snails can sleep for _____ without eating`three years`3 years
Snails have no teeth and no jaws, how do they eat`file their food with their tongue
Snails mate only once in their lifetime, but it can take up to ____ hours`twelve
Snails mate only once in their lifetime, but it can take up to ____ hours`twelve`12
Snakephobia is the fear of`snakes
Snakes are reptiles. What are frogs`amphibians
snakes : how does a python kill it's prey`by suffocating it
snakes : two fluid ounces of a this snake's venom is all it takes to kill an elephant or 20 people`king cobra
Snares are part of which musical instrument`drums
snl: he plays a motivational speaker who lives in a van down by the river`chris farley
snl: "now is the time on sprockets when we -----"`dance
snl: she was emily litella, baba wawa, and roseanne roseannadanna`gilda radner
snl: the church lady hosted this show where everything was special`church chat
snl: when they appeared on family feud, richard dawson "french" kissed them`coneheads
Snooker originated in`india
Snow and rain together`sleet
Snow Crash: Name the book's main character`hiro protagonist
Snow Crash: Name the hacker who is infected with Snow Crash, owner of The Black Sun:`da5id
Snow Crash: Name the mafia henchman who wields REASON:`fisheye
Snow Crash: Nova Sicilia, Narcolombia, Mr. Lee's Greater Hong Kong, etc, are what?`franchulatesfranchises
Snow Crash: What does Ng industries specialize in`security
Snow Crash: What does "ultima ratio regum" mean`last argument of kings
Snow Crash: What does Y.T. stand for?`yours truly
Snow Crash: What is Jason Breckenridge's mafia nickname?`the iron pumper
Snow Crash: What is the language spoken by taxi drivers`taxilinga
Snow Crash: What is the name of Y.T.'s kourier boyfriend`roadkill
Snow Crash: What is your image or icon called in the metaverse?`avatar
Snow Crash: What security company arrests Y.T. at the beginning of the book`metacops
So ancient that no date can be determined`dateless
Soap was originally made by boiling fat and adding ____ to it`lye
Soap what's the capital of illinois`springfield
So as to result in disaster or ruin`fatally
So as to slant: sloping`sidelong
So as to thwart, obstruct, or oppose: perversely`athwart
So astounding as to suggest a miracle: phenomenal: 'a ---------- recovery: a ---------- escape.'`miraculous
Sobers Hit For 6 Sixes N An Over (Cricket)`Malcolm Nash
Soccer new york ______`cosmos
Soccer: Soccer Stadiums: Which team plays at "Abbey Stadium".`Cambridge United
Soccer: Soccer Stadiums: Which team plays at "Boundary Park".`Oldham Athletic
Soccer: Soccer Stadiums: Which team plays at "Carrow Road".`Norwich City
Soccer: Soccer Stadiums: Which team plays at "Celtic Park".`Celtic
Soccer: Soccer Stadiums: Which team plays at "City Ground".`Nottingham Forest
Soccer: Soccer Stadiums: Which team plays at "Deepdale".`Preston North End
Soccer: Soccer Stadiums: Which team plays at "Edgeley Park".`Stockport County
Soccer: Soccer Stadiums: Which team plays at "Gigg Lane".`Bury
Soccer: Soccer Stadiums: Which team plays at "Goodison Park".`Everton
Soccer: Soccer Stadiums: Which team plays at "Hawthorns".`West Bromwich Albion
Soccer: Soccer Stadiums: Which team plays at "Ibrox Stadium".`Glasgow Rangers
Soccer: Soccer Stadiums: Which team plays at "Layer Road".`Colchester United
Soccer: Soccer Stadiums: Which team plays at "Maine Road".`Manchester City
Soccer: Soccer Stadiums: Which team plays at "Molineux".`Wolverhampton Wanderers
Soccer: Soccer Stadiums: Which team plays at "Oakwell Ground".`Barnsley
Soccer: Soccer Stadiums: Which team plays at "The County Ground".`Swindon Town
Soccer: Soccer Stadiums: Which team plays at "The Den".`Millwall
Soccer: Soccer Stadiums: Which team plays at "Turf Moor".`Burnley
Soccer: Soccer Stadiums: Which team plays at "Victoria Ground".`Stoke City
Soccer: The New York _________.`cosmos
Soccer: The New York `Cosmos
Soccer: The world cup 1998 was held in`France
Soceraphobia is the fear of`parents-in-law
Social phobia is the fear of`being evaluated negatively
Sociophobia is a fear of ______`society
Sociophobia is the fear of`society
Sodium barcarbonate is better known as `baking soda
Sodium Hydroxide is more commonly known as `lye
Sodomy has always been a serious offense in ____. If caught, the offender is first dragged through the streets on a rope, then hung; afterwards the corpse is burned while fully clothed symbolizing the sodomite's total destruction.`Peru
Sofia is the capital of ______`bulgaria
Softball began being played in Chicago in what year`1888
Softball is a variation on which game`baseball
Soft Cell: Don't touch me please, I can't stand the way you tease`tainted love
Soft drinks are American's favorite beverage. Water ranks #2, and milk is #3. The average American drinks about ----------- gallons of soft drinks per year.`fifty two
Soft fabric with short thick pile on one side`velvet
Soft flat soled shoe worn by American Indians`moccasin
Soft----: 'group----: share----.'`ware
Soft Italian cheese`ricotta
Soft mud or slush`slopped
Soft mud: slop: mire`slush
Soft: smooth`sooth
Soft sweet mixture made of chocolate`truffle
Soft undressed Chinese silk`shantung
Soft usually hot dressing applied to a sore or inflamation`poultice
Software that conforms to this standard, used for composing and editing electronic music`midi
Software: Who invented Tetris `Alexi Pazhitnov
Soiled by or as if by having been dragged through mud`bedraggled
So keen and perceptive as to seem preternatural`uncannier
Solar time what's the usual age for a jewish boy to celebrate his "bar mitzvah"`thirteen
Solar time what's the usual age for a jewish boy to celebrate his "bar mitzvah"`thirteen`13
_______sold 44,200,000 cases of their 16 oz cans in 1994?`lipton tea
soldiers were the first ever to win the Nobel Peace Prize`united
Solely or exclusively: 'He was -------- to blame.'`entirely
Solfatara in Southern Italy is a what`volcano
Solid figure with every point on its surface equidistant from centre`sphere
Solid fragments of inorganic or organic material that come from the weathering of rock and are carried and deposited by wind, water, or ice`sediment
Solidified milk fat, especially cows milk, used principally as a food item`butter
'Soling Star' and 'Fin' are categories in which sport`yachting
Soloist with small group" in 1970`alone
Solvable or comprehensible only with painstaking effort.  complex`intricate
Solzhenitsyn What were Christmas tree icicles originally made from`lead
Somberly or gravely impressive.  serious`solemn
Somberly or gravely impressive.  serious`solemnly
Some animals spend the winter in a sleep-like state known as _________.`hibernation
Some animals spend the winter in a sleep-like state known as `hibernation
Somebody forced to use their last and poorest resources is said to be scraping the bottom of the`barrel
Somebody who rings bells`campanologist
Somebody with more important things to do  has other`fish to fry
Some Chinese typewriters have ______ characters`5,700
Some Eskimos have been known to use _________ to keep their food from freezing`refrigerators
some graves have grilles on them to prevent what?`body snatching
Some hotels in Las Vegas have _________ floating in their swimming pools`gambling tables
Some moral purists in the Middle Ages believed that women's ____ ought to be covered up because the Virgin Mary had conceived a child through them`ears
Someone able to use both hands equally well`ambidextrous
Someone abstaining from sexual relations`celibate
Someone from a wealthy family is said to be born with what in their mouth`silver spoon
Someone who grinds their teeth is a`bruxomaniac
Someone who is prejudiced against Jews`anti-semetic
Someone who talks too much is said to 'talk the hind legs`off a donkey
Someone who treats feet and their ailments`chiropodist
Someone with firmly fixed opinions is said to be dyed in what`the wool
Someone with no hair is said to be as bald as which bird`coot
Some ribbon worms will eat _______ if they cant find any food`themselves
Some snakes can take as long as ______ _______ hours to copulate`twenty four
Some snakes can take as long as ______ _______ hours to copulate`twenty four`24
Some soft drinks are made sweeter by adding`coal
Some stores would not stock his Lovesexy LP as he appears nude on the cover`prince
Something about to occur`imminence
Something added as decoration or ornament, especially a band of lace or embroidery on clothing`trimmings
Something added or gained: 'a force swelled by ---------s from allied armies.'`increment
Something added, such as a room or section appended to a building`addition
Something aimed or fired at`target
Something allotted: 'had already used up their weekly --------- of flour.'`allotment
Something arousing sexual desire`aphrodisiac
Something attached as a permanent appendage, apparatus, or appliance: 'plumbing -------s.'`fixture
Something beyond doubt: a certainty`sureties
Something botched: a bungle`butcheries
Something cast in a mold`castings
Something cherished for its age or historic interest`relic
Something complex: 'a maze of bureaucratic and legalistic complexities.'`complexity
Something conferring honor or renown`gloried
Something conferring honor or renown`glory
Something confessed, especially disclosure of one's sins to a priest for absolution`confession
Something configured as a long, thin line: 'limp ------s of hair.'`string
Something contributing to such growth or increase: the ---------s of paint that had buried the door's details like snow (Christopher Andreae)`accretion
Something counterfeit, forged, or fraudulent`forgeries
Something cut short or arrested in development: 'a stub of a tail.'`stubs
Something declared or stated positively, often with no support or attempt at proof`assertion
Something delicate, light, or flimsy`gossamer
Something delivered, as a shipment or package`deliveries
Something demonstrated to exist or known to have existed: 'Genetic engineering is now a fact. That Chaucer was a real person is an undisputed fact.'`facts
Something demonstrated to exist or known to have existed: 'Genetic engineering is now a ----. That Chaucer was a real person is an undisputed ----.'`fact
Something dependent or subordinate`dependency
Something derived from a prototype or earlier form: 'Today's bicycles are ----------s of the earlier velocipede.'`descendant
Something destructive or fatal`poison
Something destructive or fatal`poisons
Something discovered`discovery
Something distinguished from its surroundings by its outline`shapes
Something done or performed: a deed: 'a charitable ---.'`act
Something done or performed: a deed: 'a charitable act.'`acts
Something -------d`promise
Something ------ed`barter
Something ------ed`replay
Something elaborately adorned`ornate
Something elusive or delusive`phantom
Something emitted`emission
Something erected: a construction`erection
Something, especially a building, that has undergone -----ilitation`rehab
Something, especially a muscle, that contracts`contractor
Something, especially a sum of money, required as a forfeit for an offense`penalties
Something exhibited: an exhibit`exhibition
Something expensive or hard to obtain`luxuries
Something extraordinarily large`bumper
Something false: a lie`falsities
Something felt to resemble a richly and complexly designed cloth: 'the tapestry of world history.'`tapestries
Something felt to resemble this neck ornament, as in shape: 'a -------- of hundreds of tiny islands.'`necklace
Something formed: 'beautiful cloud ---------s.'`formation
Something forming a web`webbing
Something free of charge`buckshee
Something frightening but not dangerous`scarecrow
Something given as security for the execution, completion, or existence of something else`guarantied
Something given as security for the execution, completion, or existence of something else`guaranty
Something given away at no charge, especially a premium`giveaway
Something given or held as security to guarantee payment of a debt or fulfillment of an obligation`pledge
Something given to help the needy: alms`charities
Something green in color`greenest
Something having a very light, soft, or frothy consistency or appearance: 'a fluff of meringue: a fluff of cloud.'`fluffing
Something having the general shape of a ----: 'a ---- of sugar.'`cube
Something having the general shape of a cube: 'a cube of sugar.'`cubing
Something held in the mouth and chewed, such as a quid of tobacco`cud
Something illusory or insubstantial`mirage
Something immaterial that obstructs or impedes: 'Intolerance is a ------- to understanding.'  obstacle`barrier
Something imposed, such as a tax, an undue burden, or a fraud`imposition
Something imputed, ascribed, or attributed`imputation
Something in an incipient or undeveloped form. Often used in the plural: 'the --------s of social behavior in children: the --------s of a plan of action.'`rudiment
Something inappropriate or unpleasing`infelicity
Something included`inclusion
Something ----- in color`green
Something incumbent: an obligation`incumbency
Something indecent`indecency
Something indelicate`indelicacy
Something indicative: an outward sign: '-------- of grief on a mourner's face.'`evidence
Something in ------ form, especially a new version of an earlier movie or song`remade
Something infused or introduced: 'an economy in need of regular capital --------s.'`infusion
Something in remade form, especially a new version of an earlier movie or song`remake
Something inserted, as an ornamental strip of lace or embroidery inserted between pieces of fabric`insertion
Something in which one excels`excellence
Something likened to a huge statue, as in size or importance: 'a colossus of bureaucracy.'`colossi
Something likened to this sensory appendage, as in function or form: 'sensitive public relations -------e.'`antenna
Something loathsome, despicable, or worthless`crud
Something luminous`luminosity
Something made of ----, especially a bottle stopper`cork
Something made of openwork fabric, especially: A device for capturing birds, fish, or insects`net
Something moist, fresh, pure, or renewing: The timely dew of sleep/... inclines/Our eye-lids (John Milton)`dews
Something moist, fresh, pure, or renewing: (The timely --- of sleep/... inclines/Our eye-lids (John Milton)`dew
Something morally offensive: filth`ordure
Something necessary: 'The necessities of life include food, clothing, and shelter.'`necessity
Something new and unusual: an innovation`novelties
Something newly introduced`innovation
Something nonessential but desirable that contributes to an effect or result.  appendage`accessory
Something not in accord: a conflict: the disharmonies that assail the most fortunate of mortals (Peter Gay)`disharmony
Something offered free or at a reduced price as an inducement to buy something else`premium
Something offered or substituted for a mistake or fault: 'made ----------s in the report.'`correction
Something of great size`mammoth
Something of little importance: a trifle`toy
Something of mixed origin or composition`hybrids
Something of value extorted in this manner`blackmail
Something opaque`opacities
Something or a group of things that are or may be picked`pickings
Something plated with a chromium alloy`chrome
Something pleasing and appealing, especially a choice food`delicacies
Something probable`likelihood
Something produced by work`labor
Something prominent, especially an area of land raised above its surroundings`prominence
Something provided`provision
Something puzzling or difficult`stickler
Something redundant or excessive: a superfluity`redundancy
Something rejected`rejection
Something related to but of lesser importance than a larger work or occurrence: 'a political scandal that was but a -------- to modern history.'`footnote
Something renewed`renewal
Something reported`reportage
Something resembling a --------, as: The flared base of certain tree trunks`buttress
Something resembling a fin in shape or function, as: A fixed or movable airfoil used to stabilize an aircraft, missile, or projectile in flight`finned
Something resembling a --- in shape or function, as: A fixed or movable airfoil used to stabilize an aircraft, missile, or projectile in flight`fin
Something resembling an architectural pillar in form or function: 'a ------ of mercury in a thermometer.'`column
Something resembling an ------, especially in being isolated or surrounded, as: An unattached kitchen counter providing easy access from all sides`island
Something resembling an openwork fabric or structure in form or concept, especially: A system of lines or channels that cross or interconnect: 'a`network
Something resembling or analogous to this structure in form or function: 'a land ------ between the continents: a ------ of understanding between two`bridge
Something resembling such a composition: 'a photojournalistic -----.'`essay
Something resembling such a disk or ring in appearance or movement or having a ----- as its principal part or characteristic, as: The steering device on`wheel
Something resembling such an object: 'The moon's disk was reflected in the pond.'`discs
Something resembling such an object: 'The moon's ---- was reflected in the pond.'`disk
Something resembling such gear or tackle, as the arrangement of straps used to hold a parachute to the body`harness
Something resembling the flower of a plant: Her hair was caught all to one side in a great bloom of frizz (Anne Tyler)`bloomed
Something resembling the ----- in shape or position`cheek
Something resembling this band`halo
Something resembling this material, especially the short growth of hair that eventually protrudes from the skin after shaving`stubble
Something resembling this structure in configuration or pattern`honeycomb
Something resembling this utensil in shape`funnel
Something resilient used as a rest, support, or shock absorber`cushion
Something revealed, especially a dramatic disclosure of something not previously known or realized`revelation
Something said: an utterance, remark, or comment: 'May I say a ---- about that?'`word
Something serving as a defense or safeguard: We have seen the necessity of the Union, as our ------- against foreign danger (James Madison)`bulwark
Something serving to influence or persuade`bribe
somethings gotten hold of my heart was a hit in january 89 for who`marc almond & gene pitney
Something shaped like a -----: 'a ----- of pie.'`wedge
Something shaped like a -------, especially a sharp turn in a road`hairpin
Something shaped like a T`tee
Something shaped like a T`tees
Something shaped like one of these fungi`mushroom
Something shaped like such a dagger`stiletto
Something shaped like such a figure: 'a -------- of land.'`triangle
Something shaped like this polyhedron`pyramid
Something shaped or sounding like this instrument`trumpet
Something shaped or used like a ------, especially a narrow medicated or cosmetic stick: 'an eyebrow ------.'`pencil
Something similar to a ----------, as in slenderness or strength`matchstick
Something similar to the cultivated, groomed hair on the human upper lip, as: A group of bristles or hairs about the mouth of an animal`mustache
Something similar to this utensil or its bowl, as: A shiny, curved, metallic fishing lure`spoon
something smaller than an electron, with 1/3 of its charge`quark
Something small of its class`miniature
Something socially unacceptable is said to be beyond what`the pale
Something spread out: an expanse`outspread
Something stated: a declaration`statement
Something subtle, especially a nicety of thought or a fine distinction`subtleties
Something, such as a column or monument, made from one large block of stone`monolith
Something, such as a cord, used to bind`binder
Something, such as a cruel act or remark, that causes pain or suffering`cruelties
Something, such as a decorative valance or flounce, that resembles a woman's underskirt`petticoat
Something, such as a directional mark on a sign or drawing, having the shape of an`arrowhead
Something, such as a directional symbol, that is similar to an arrow in form or function`arrows
Something, such as a directional symbol, that is similar to an ----- in form or function`arrow
Something, such as a garment, that is in the current mode: 'a swimsuit that is the latest -------.'`fashion
Something, such as a glove, that is offered or thrown down as a pledge or challenge to fight`gage
Something, such as a glove, that is offered or thrown down as a pledge or challenge to fight`gaging
Something, such as air or vapor, that is exhaled`exhalation
Something, such as a multinational corporation, that has many powerful, centrally controlled branches`octopi
Something, such as an act or expression, that offends good taste or propriety`vulgarity
Something, such as an argument, that refutes someone or something`refutation
Something, such as an idea or information, that is to be refined and made or incorporated into a finished effort: '-------- for a comedy.'`material
Something, such as an object, an idea, or a symbol, that exists, is thought to exist, or is represented as existing`beings
Something, such as an order, promise, requirement, or obligation: 'You ----- leave now. He ----- answer for his misdeeds. The penalty ----- not exceed two years`shall
Something, such as a note, written hastily or illegibly`scrawl
Something, such as a note, written hastily or illegibly`scrawling
Something, such as a petroleum ointment, having the consistency of a soft, semisolid food substance`jellied
Something, such as a petroleum ointment, having the consistency of a soft, semisolid food substance`jelly
Something, such as a piece of writing, that is judged to be worthless`glop
Something, such as a piece of writing, that is judged to be worthless`gloppy
Something, such as a point previously claimed in argument, that is later conceded`concession
Something, such as a protective shield for a machine, that resembles this garment in appearance or function`apron
Something, such as a quality, subject, or activity, that evokes this mental state: 'counts the theater among his --------s.'`interest
Something, such as a ringlet of hair, that is long, slender, and curling`tendril
Something, such as a ripened fruit, that has been blown down by the wind`windfall
Something, such as a safety pin, that resembles such a piece of wire in shape or use`pinned
Something, such as a safety ---, that resembles such a piece of wire in shape or use`pin
Something, such as a sign or symbol, that denotes`denotation
Something, such as a statement, principle, or belief, that is true, especially an enduring truth: (The mind once suddenly aware of a verity for the first time immediately invents`verities
Something, such as a sword, that is made of`steel
Something, such as a tape measure, that resembles a`ribbon
Something, such as a tapestry, that is hung`hanging
Something, such as a task, that is assigned.  task`assignment
Something, such as a thick growth of hair on the head, that resembles`thatch
Something, such as a tie, band, or fastener, that attaches one thing to another`attachment
Something, such as a towel, used for wiping`wiper
Something, such as a toy pinwheel, that is similar to a -------- in appearance or operation`windmill
Something, such as a tray, that is used in serving food and drink`server
Something, such as a watch bearing, that is made from a`ruby
Something, such as a worm, used for this purpose`bait
Something, such as a worm, used for this purpose`bated
Something, such as a worm, used for this purpose`bating
Something, such as conduct or an act, that is stupid or foolish`imbecility
Something, such as lace, thought to resemble a waterfall or series of small waterfalls, especially an arrangement or fall of material`cascade
Something, such as light, radiant heat, sound, or an image, that is reflected`reflection
Something, such as money, given or received as payment or reparation, as for a service or loss`comp
Something, such as money or an illegal drug, that has been hidden or stored`stash
Something, such as territory, acquired by conquering`conquest
Something, such as territory, that is ceded`cession
Something, such as the keel of a ship, that resembles a`backbone
Something, such as the pleated windbag of an accordion, that resembles this apparatus`bellows
Something, such as tiring effort or activity, that causes weariness: 'the ------- of a long hike.'`fatigue
Something suggested: 'We ordered the shrimp, a ---------- of the waiter.'`suggestion
Something suggesting the coil of a -----: a complex tangle: 'a twisted ----- of lies.'`skein
Something suggesting the smooth surface of`velvet
Something suggestive of a dense growth of plants, as in impenetrability or thickness: (the ------- of unreality which stands between us and the facts of`thicket
Something superficial that is used to cover a deficiency or defect`cosmetic
Something swollen, especially an abnormally swollen body part or area`swellings
Something taken to be true for the purpose of argument or investigation: an assumption`hypotheses
Something taught`teachings
Something tempting or enticing`temptation
Something that accompanies or is attendant on another: the traditional notion that government was the --------en of business (Doris Kearns`handmaid
Something that accumulates or increases`accrual
Something that acts very quickly and intensely: 'a land swept by the -------- of revolution.'`wildfire
Something that affords ease or comfort`easement
Something that affords shade`umbrage
Something that agonizes, torments, or wounds`dagger
Something that alleviates pain or distress`relief
Something that amuses, entertains, or pleases`amusement
Something that apparently has magic power`talisman
Something that captures or ensnares`birdlime
Something that causes damage, harm, or loss: 'Smoking is now considered a --------- to good health.'`detriment
Something that causes spoilage`spoiler
Something that closes or shuts`closure
Something that conceals, protects, or screens: 'under a ------ of fog.'`shroud
Something that confines or restrains`manacle
Something that containing both letters and numbers`alphanumeric
Something that contributes to physical or material comfort`amenities
Something that covers or conceals: 'a ----- of secrecy.'`cloak
Something that covers or protects`umbrella
Something that distracts the mind and relaxes or entertains`diversion
Something that disturbs one's comfort: an annoyance`discomfort
Something that elongates: an extension`elongation
Something that encircles like a belt`girdle
Something that encircles or surrounds`cincture
Something that encompasses a wide variety of items or situations: 'a word that serves as a -------- for a bewildering array of computer accessories.'`catchall
Something that enriches`enrichment
Something that envelops: a wrapping`envelope
Something that escapes by leaking`leakage
Something that expresses or communicates: 'Let this plaque serve as an ---------- of our esteem.'`expression
Something that faithfully reflects or gives a true picture of something else`mirror
Something that falls with the force and quantity of a shower of ice and hard snow: 'a ---- of pebbles: a ---- of criticism.'`hail
Something that fits closely around the neck or throat, as: A tight-fitting necklace`choker
Something that flows in or into: 'a lake fed by a freshwater ------.'`inflow
Something that flows out: 'an ------- of water from a power plant.'`outflow
Something that flows out or forth: an emanation: tremendous emotional ---------s that affected blocks of people at a time, causing them to walk faster`effluence
Something that functions as or resembles a screen, cover, or barrier: 'the ------- of mist before the mountain: a heavy ------- of artillery fire.'`curtain
Something that gives great pleasure or enjoyment`delight
Something that has been acquired or added: an acquisition`accession
Something that has been dissected, such as a tissue specimen under study`dissection
Something that hinders, engulfs, or overwhelms: 'a ------ of detail.'`morass
Something that impairs or detracts from physical perfection: a defect.  blemish`faulting
Something that indicates or reveals information: a sign`telltale
Something that induces forgetfulness of sorrow or eases pain`nepenthe
Something that is bequeathed: a legacy`bequest
Something that is clearly established or assured: On the field of battle there are no certainties (Tom Clancy)`certainty
Something that is considered big or important: 'Her new movie is expected to be a ------.'`biggie
Something that is forfeited: a penalty`forfeiture
Something that is given liberally`bounties
Something that is injected, especially a dose of liquid medicine injected into the body`injection
Something that is just, impartial, and fair`equities
Something that is molded`moldings
Something that is null, especially an act having no legal validity`nullities
Something that is of irregular, inferior, or dubious origin`bastards
Something that is or has been seen`vision
Something that is passed down from preceding generations: a tradition`heritage
Something that is rebated or returned`giveback
Something that issues from a source: an emission`emanation
Something that is the exact opposite or contrary of another: an antipode`antipodean
Something that is trite, obvious, or predictable: a commonplace`banalities
Something that is utterly stupid or silly`fatuities
Something that is valued for its beauty or perfection: 'a little --- of a book.'`gem
Something that joins or connects two things together: a link`couple
Something that lacks substance or significance`sandcastle
Something that numbs or stupefies`opium
Something that occludes`occlusion
Something that one can hold onto for support`handhold
Something that one wishes to convey, especially by language: 'The writer's meaning was obscured by his convoluted prose.'`meanings
Something that pollutes: a pollutant or a group of pollutants: 'Pollution in the air reduced the visibility near the airport.'`pollution
Something that pours out or is poured out: an outflow: 'an ---------- of lava: an ---------- of charges and countercharges.'`outpouring
Something that produces wonder: a marvel`wonderment
Something that registers or responds to fluctuations: an indicator: 'Opinion polls serve as a --------- of the public mood.'`barometer
Something that resembles such a border or edging`fringe
Something that resembles such an ornament, especially the pollen-bearing inflorescence of a corn plant`tassel
Something that resembles this type of band: 'a ---- of trees.'`belt
Something that restrains a flood or outpouring: 'The ruling opened the ---------s to refugees seeking asylum.'`floodgate
Something that restrains, blocks, or suppresses`inhibition
Something that serves as a goad or incentive`spur
Something that serves as a goad or incentive`spurred
Something that serves as a guide or an example: a guideline`guidepost
Something that serves as an entrance or a means of access: 'a ------- to success: the ------- to the West.'`gateway
Something that serves as an obstacle: a barrier.  bulwark`barricade
Something that serves to guide`cynosure
Something that serves to indicate: a sign`indication
Something that serves to link or join: a connection`linkup
Something that serves to obscure clear perception and discernment`blinders
Something that serves to restrict: a restraint`fetter
Something that soothes or heals: a balm`salve
Something that suggests a`hieroglyph
Something that suggests such a representation, as in clarity of representation`map
Something that suggests such a representation, as in clarity of representation`mapped
Something that supports or sustains`aliment
Something that sweetens: a sweetener`sweetening
Something that swings back and forth from one course, opinion, or condition to another: 'the -------- of public opinion.'`pendulum
Something that takes place`occurrence
Something that weighs down or oppresses: a burden`plummet
Something thick, soft, and pulpy`mush
Something thick, soft, and pulpy`mushing
Something trivial or commonplace that concludes a series of significant events: 'After a week of dramatic negotiations, all that followed was ----------.'`anticlimax
Something trivial or foolish: nonsense`tomfoolery
Something trivial`triviality
Something unreal, insubstantial, or imaginary`unreality
Something used to decorate`decoration
Something used to fill a space, cavity, or container: 'a gold filling in a tooth.'`fillings
Something useless or cumbersome`lumber
Something usually made of -----, especially: A drinking vessel`glass
Something usually made of glass, especially: A drinking vessel`glassing
Something uttered very softly`whisper
Something very small or insignificant`pinhead
Something viewed as a product of human conception or agency rather than an inherent element: The very act of looking at a naked model was an artifact of`artefact
Something viewed as a product of human conception or agency rather than an inherent element: The very act of looking at a naked model was an -------- of`artifact
Something with an especially delicious flavor or fragrance`ambrosia
Something with which a person, an organization, or a thing is equipped`equipment
Something worthless, deceptive, or insincere`bullshit
Something worth striving for: a highly desirable possession`prise
Something worth striving for: a highly desirable possession`prize
Something wrecked`wreckage
Sometimes called the Malaysian Dollar, what is the official name of the Malaysian currency`ringitt
Some very Orthodox Jew refuse to speak Hebrew, believing it to be a language reserved only for the`prophets
Somewhat large or big: goodly`goodish
Somewhat nauseated`sickish
Somewhere Out There is a song from what movie`an american tail
Somewhere Out There is a song from what movie`an`jupiter
somewhere out there is a song from what movie`an`pennsylvania
Some women can _____ during orgasm?`ejaculate
Somniphobia is a fear of ______`sleep
Somniphobia is the fear of`sleep
Somnus was the Roman god of ______`sleep
sonar is also known by its british name of`asdic
Song - "Ain't nothing for us in Belfast, the pound is so old its a pity"`alternative ulster
song artists: long john _____?`baldry
Song at the end of which Topol steps in horse manure in "Fiddler on the Roof".`if i were a rich man
song by queen which has the lyrics "galileo... galileo... galileo... galileo..."`bohemian rhapsody
Song by The Who which included the lyrics "...I get excitement at your feet."`listening to you
Song: "Don't ask me/What you know is true"`never tear us apart
Song: "Heading up to San Francisco for the Labor Day weekend show"`come monday
Song: "I know I don't get there often enough, but God knows I sure do try"`one particular harbor
Song: "I'm standing here on the ground/The sky above won't fall down"`dont change
Song in which John Lennon claims Paul was the Walrus`glass onion
Song in which Tim Curry does his best Judy Garland (with Alfalfa shadow)`im going home
Song: "I stand alone don't need anyone, cuz I'm rob just came to have fun"`it takes two
Song - "I've got nothing to do, but hang around and get screwed up on you"`screamager
Song: "My life was leading to this day. Watching the whole thing slip away."`fools paradise
Songs: 1-2-3 - _____Estefan & Miami Sound Machine`Gloria
Songs: _____2 U - The Jets`Rocket
Songs: '65 Love Affair - _____Davis`Paul
Songs: 867-5309/Jenny - _____Tutone`Tommy
Songs: 99 Luftballons - _____`Nena
Songs: 9 To 5 - _____Parton`Dolly
Songs: _____About You - Level 42`Something
Songs: Abracadabra - Steve _____Band`Miller
Songs: A Different Corner - George _____`Michael
Songs: Adult _____- Daryl Hall & John Oates`Education
Songs: Africa - _____`Toto
Songs: _____After Time - Cyndi Lauper`Time
Songs: Ain't Even _____With The Night - John Cougar`Done
Songs: A Little In Love - _____Richard`Cliff
Songs: Alive And Kicking - Simple _____`Minds
Songs: _____All - Cher & Peter Cetera`After
Songs: All _____- Christopher Cross`Right
Songs: All I Need Is A _____- Mike + The Mechanics`Miracle
Songs: All I Need - Jack _____`Wagner
Songs: All _____Long (All Night) - Lionel Richie`Night
Songs: _____All My Love For You - Whitney Houston`Saving
Songs: _____All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - Phil Collins`Against
Songs: All _____Out - Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam W/ Full Force`Cried
Songs: All Out Of _____- Air Supply`Love
Songs: All Over The World - Electric Light _____`Orchestra
Songs: All She _____To Do Is Dance - Don Henley`Wants
Songs: All Those Years Ago - _____Harrison`George
Songs: All Through The Night - _____Lauper`Cyndi
Songs: All _____Time - Tiffany`This
Songs: Almost _____- Mike Reno & Ann Wilson`Paradise
Songs: Alone - _____`Heart
Songs: Always On My Mind - _____Nelson`Willie
Songs: Always On My _____- Pet Shop Boys`Mind
Songs: Always _____There To Remind Me - Naked Eyes`Something
Songs: Amanda - _____`Boston
Songs: _____And Clover - Joan Jett & The Blackhearts`Crimson
Songs: _____And Day - Al B. Sure!`Nite
Songs: _____And Ivory - Paul Mccartney & Stevie Wonder`Ebony
Songs: An _____Dream - Dirt Band`American
Songs: Angel - _____`Aerosmith
Songs: Angelia - _____Marx`Richard
Songs: Angel _____- Jeff Healey Band`Eyes
Songs: Angel - _____`Madonna
Songs: Angel Of The _____- Juice Newton`Morning
Songs: An _____Man - Billy Joel`Innocent
Songs: Another Day In Paradise - _____Collins`Phil
Songs: Another _____In The Wall - Pink Floyd`Brick
Songs: Another One Bites The _____- Queen`Dust
Songs: _____Arms - Journey`Open
Songs: Arthur's _____(Best That You Can Do) - Christer Cross`Theme
Songs: _____- Atlantic Starr`Always
Songs: _____At Night - Corey Hart`Sunglasses
Songs: At This _____- Billy Vera & The Beaters`Moment
Songs: A Woman Needs Love - Ray Parker Jr. & _____`Raydio
Songs: Axel F - Harold _____`Faltermeyer
Songs: Baby Come To Me - _____Austin W/ James Ingram`Patty
Songs: Baby Don't _____My Number - Milli Vanilli`Forget
Songs: Baby, I Love Your Way/Freebird Medley - Will To _____`Power
Songs: _____Baby - Jackson Browne`Somebody's
Songs: Baby Love - _____`Regina
Songs: Back On The Chain Gang - _____`Pretenders
Songs: Back To Life - Soul II _____`Soul
Songs: Bad _____- Bon Jovi`Medicine
Songs: Bad Boy - Miami Sound _____`Machine
Songs: Batdance - _____`Prince
Songs: Being With You - _____Robinson`Smokey
Songs: Be Near _____- ABC`Me
Songs: _____Be Startin' Somethin' - Michael Jackson`Wanna
Songs: Bette _____Eyes - Kim Carnes`Davis
Songs: Better Be Good To Me - Tina _____`Turner
Songs: Big _____- Fleetwood Mac`Love
Songs: Biggest Part Of Me - _____`Ambrosia
Songs: Billie Jean - Michael _____`Jackson
Songs: _____- Billy Joel`Allentown
Songs: _____- Billy Ocean`Loverboy
Songs: Blame It On The Rain - Milli _____`Vanilli
Songs: _____- Blondie`Rapture
Songs: Blue _____- Elton John`Eyes
Songs: _____Blue - Icehouse`Electric
Songs: Blue Jean - _____Bowie`David
Songs: _____Blue - Madonna`True
Songs: _____- Bob Seger`Shakedown
Songs: Born To Be My _____- Bon Jovi`Baby
Songs: Boy From New York City - _____Transfer`Manhattan
Songs: Brass In _____(I'm Special) - The Pretenders`Pocket
Songs: Breakin'...There's No _____Us - Ollie & Jerry`Stopping
Songs: Break My Stride - Mathew _____`Wilder
Songs: Breakout - Swing _____Sister`Out
Songs: Brilliant Disguise - Bruce _____`Springsteen
Songs: _____- Bryan Adams`Heaven
Songs: Buffalo Stance - Neneh _____`Cherry
Songs: Burning _____- Survivor`Heart
Songs: Bust A Move - _____M.C.`Young
Songs: _____By Me - Ben E. King`Stand
Songs: California Girls - _____Lee Roth`David
Songs: Call Me - _____`Blondie
Songs: _____Can It Be Now? - Men At Work`Who
Songs: _____Can Only Get Better - Howard Jones`Things
Songs: Can't Fight _____Feeling - REO Speedwagon`This
Songs: _____Can't This Be Love - Van Halen`Why
Songs: Can't We Try - Dan _____W/ Vonda Sheppard`Hill
Songs: Careless _____- Wham!`Whisper
Songs: Carrie - _____`Europe
Songs: _____Carry - 'Til Tuesday`Voices
Songs: Cars - Gary _____`Newman
Songs: Casanova - _____`Levert
Songs: Catch _____(I'm Falling) - Pretty Poison`Me
Songs: _____Cat Strut - Stray Cats`Stray
Songs: Causing A _____- Madonna`Commotion
Songs: Centerfold - J. Geils _____`Band
Songs: C'est La Vie - _____Nevil`Robbie
Songs: _____Change - Expose`Seasons
Songs: Chariots Of Fire - _____`Vangelis
Songs: Cherish - _____`Madonna
Songs: Cherry _____- John Cougar Mellencamp`Bomb
Songs: China Girl - _____Bowie`David
Songs: _____Christian - Night Ranger`Sister
Songs: Church Of The Poison Mind - _____Club`Culture
Songs: Circle In The _____- Belinda Carlisle`Sand
Songs: _____ (Clock Of The Heart) - Culture Club`Time
Songs: Cold _____- Paula Abdul`Hearted
Songs: Come On _____- Dexy's Midnight Runners`Eileen
Songs: Come _____- The Kinks`Dancing
Songs: Coming Up (Live At Glasgow) - _____Mccartney & Wings`Paul
Songs: Comin' In And _____Of Your Life - Barbra Streisand`Out
Songs: _____- Commodores`Nightshift
Songs: Conga - _____Sound Machine`Miami
Songs: Cool _____- Little River Band`Change
Songs: Cool Love - _____Cruise`Pablo
Songs: Cool Night - Paul _____`Davis
Songs: Could've Been - _____`Tiffany
Songs: Cover Me - Bruce _____`Springsteen
Songs: Crazy About Her - Rod _____`Stewart
Songs: Crazy For You - _____`Madonna
Songs: Crazy _____Thing Called Love - Queen`Little
Songs: Cross My _____Heart - The Jets`Broken
Songs: Cruel _____- Bananarama`Summer
Songs: Cruisin' - Smokey _____`Robinson
Songs: Crumblin' Down - John _____Mellencamp`Cougar
Songs: Crying - _____Mclean`Don
Songs: Cupid/I've Loved You For A _____Time - Spinners`Long
Songs: _____Dance - Pointer Sisters`Neutron
Songs: Dancing In The Sheets - _____`Shalamar
Songs: _____- Dan Fogelberg`Longer
Songs: Dare Me - _____Sisters`Pointer
Songs: Daydream _____- Anne Murray`Believer
Songs: _____Days - Bruce Springsteen`Glory
Songs: _____Dead Ahead - Boz Scaggs`Breakdown
Songs: De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da - The _____`Police
Songs: Der _____- After The Fire`Kommissar
Songs: Desert Moon - _____Deyoung`Dennis
Songs: Desire - Andy _____`Gibb
Songs: Diamonds - _____Alpert`Herb
Songs: Did It In A _____- Daryl Hall & John Oates`Minute
Songs: Didn't We _____Have It All - Whitney Houston`Almost
Songs: Dirty Diana - _____Jackson`Michael
Songs: Dirty _____- Don Henley`Laundry
Songs: Doctor! Doctor! - _____Twins`Thompson
Songs: Doing It All For My _____- Huey Lewis & The News`Baby
Songs: Do I _____- Stevie Wonder`Do
Songs: _____Do Me Like That - Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers`Don't
Songs: Don't Be _____- Bobby Brown`Cruel
Songs: Don't Be _____- Cheap Trick`Cruel
Songs: Don't Close Your Eyes - _____`Kix
Songs: Don't Cry - _____`Asia
Songs: Don't Disterb This _____- The System`Groove
Songs: Don't Dream It's Over - _____House`Crowded
Songs: Don't Fall In Love With A _____- Kenny Rogers/Kim Carnes`Dreamer
Songs: Don't Get Me _____- Pretenders`Wrong
Songs: Don't Know _____- Linda Ronstadt/Aaron Neville`Much
Songs: Don't Let Go - Issac _____`Hayes
Songs: Don't Let It End - _____`Styx
Songs: Don't Lose My _____- Phil Collins`Number
Songs: Don't Mean _____- Richard Marx`Nothing
Songs: Don't _____Me - Taylor Dayne`Rush
Songs: Don't _____Me (When I'm Gone) - Glass Tiger`Forget
Songs: _____Don't Preach - Madonna`Papa
Songs: Don't Shed A Tear - _____Carrack`Paul
Songs: Don't _____So Close To Me - The Police`Stand
Songs: Don't Stop Believin' - _____`Journey
Songs: Don't Talk To _____- Rick Springfield`Strangers
Songs: Don't Wanna Lose You - _____Estefan`Gloria
Songs: Don't Worry Be _____- Bobby Mcferrin`Happy
Songs: Don't You _____Me - Human League`Want
Songs: Don't You Want Me - Jody _____`Watley
Songs: Don't You _____What The Night Can Do? - Steve Winwood`Know
Songs: Do That To Me One _____Time - Captain & Tennille`More
Songs: _____Doves Cry - Prince`When
Songs: Do What You Do - _____Jackson`Jermaine
Songs: Down _____- Men At Work`Under
Songs: _____Down The House - Talking Heads`Burning
Songs: Do You _____Want To Hurt Me - Culture Club`Really
Songs: Dreaming - _____Richard`Cliff
Songs: Dreamin' - _____Williams`Vanessa
Songs: Dreamtime - _____Hall`Daryl
Songs: Drivin' My _____Away - Eddie Rabbitt`Life
Songs: _____- Duran Duran`Notorious
Songs: Easy Lover - Philip Bailey W/ Phil _____`Collins
Songs: Edge Of _____(Just Like The White Winged Dove)-S Nicks`Seventeen
Songs: Election Day - _____`Arcadia
Songs: Electric Avenue - _____Grant`Eddy
Songs: Emotional Rescue - The _____Stones`Rolling
Songs: Empty _____(Hey Hey Johnny) - Elton John`Garden
Songs: Endless _____Nights - Richard Marx`Summer
Songs: Eternal Flame - _____`Bangles
Songs: Even The Nights Are Better - _____Supply`Air
Songs: Everybody _____To Rule The World - Tears For Fears`Wants
Songs: Every _____In The World - Air Supply`Woman
Songs: Every Little Step - _____Brown`Bobby
Songs: Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic - The _____`Police
Songs: Every Rose Has It's Thorn - _____`Poison
Songs: Everything Your _____Desires - Daryl Hall & John Oates`Heart
Songs: Everytime You Go Away - _____Young`Paul
Songs: Every _____You Take - The Police`Breath
Songs: Express Yourself - _____`Madonna
Songs: Eye In The Sky - Alan _____Project`Parsons
Songs: Eye Of The Tiger - _____`Survivor
Songs: _____Eyes - Eric Carmen`Hungry
Songs: Faith - George _____`Michael
Songs: Family Man - Daryl Hall & _____Oates`John
Songs: Far From Over - Frank _____`Stallone
Songs: Fast Car - Tracy _____`Chapman
Songs: _____- Fat Boys & The Beach Boys`Wipeout
Songs: Father _____- George Michael`Figure
Songs: Fire Lake - _____Seger`Bob
Songs: Flashdance - _____Cara`Irene
Songs: Foolish Beat - Debbie _____`Gibson
Songs: _____For A Day - Thompson Twins`King
Songs: Forever Your Girl - Paula _____`Abdul
Songs: Fortress _____Your Heart - Sting`Around
Songs: _____For You - Gloria Estefan & Miami Sound Machine`Anything
Songs: For Your Eyes Only - _____Easton`Sheena
Songs: Freeze-Frame - J. _____Band`Geils
Songs: Fresh - Kool & The _____`Gang
Songs: Friends _____Lovers - Gloria Loring & Carl Anderson`And
Songs: Funky Cold _____- Tone Loc`Medina
Songs: Gemini _____- The Moody Blues`Dream
Songs: Get It On (_____A Gong) - Power Station`Bang
Songs: Get _____On It - Kool & The Gang`Down
Songs: Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car - Billy _____`Ocean
Songs: Girl I'm Gonna _____You - Milli Vanilli`Miss
Songs: _____Girl - Lionel Richie`Ballerina
Songs: _____Girl - Madonna`Material
Songs: _____Girl - New Kids On The Block`Cover
Songs: Girls Just Want To _____Fun - Cyndi Lauper`Have
Songs: _____Girls (Need Love Too) - Samantha Fox`Naughty
Songs: Girl You _____It's True - Milli Vanilli`Know
Songs: Give Me The Night - George _____`Benson
Songs: Giving You The Best That I Got - _____Baker`Anita
Songs: Gloria - _____Branigan`Laura
Songs: Glory Of Love - _____Cetera`Peter
Songs: _____- Go-Go's`Vacation
Songs: Goin' Down - Greg _____`Guidry
Songs: _____Gonna Give You Up - Rick Astley`Never
Songs: Good Thing - Fine Young _____`Cannibals
Songs: Goody Two _____- Adam Ant`Shoes
Songs: Go _____- Stevie Wonder`Home
Songs: Got A _____On Me - Christine Mcvie`Hold
Songs: Got My Mind Set On You - _____Harrison`George
Songs: _____Go With Me - Expose`Come
Songs: Groovy Kind Of Love - Phil _____`Collins
Songs: Guilty - Barbra _____& Barry Gibb`Streisand
Songs: _____Guys Have All The Luck - Rod Stewart`Some
Songs: Hangin' _____- New Kids On The Block`Tough
Songs: Harden My _____- Quarterflash`Heart
Songs: Hard Habit To Break - _____`Chicago
Songs: Hard To Say - _____Fogelberg`Dan
Songs: Hard To Say I'm _____- Chicago`Sorry
Songs: Harlem _____- The Rolling Stones`Shuffle
Songs: _____Have Fun Tonight - Wang Chung`Everybody
Songs: Head _____Heals - Tears For Fears`Over
Songs: Head Over _____- The Go-Go's`Heels
Songs: Head To Toe - _____Lisa & Cult Jam`Lisa
Songs: Heart And Soul - Huey _____& The News`Lewis
Songs: Heart And _____- T'Pau`Soul
Songs: Heartbeat - Don _____`Johnson
Songs: Heartbreaker - Dionne _____`Warwick
Songs: _____Heart - Bruce Springsteen`Hungry
Songs: Heart _____- Olivia Newton-John`Attack
Songs: Hearts - _____Balin`Marty
Songs: Heart To _____- Kenny Loggins`Heart
Songs: Heat Of The _____- Asia`Moment
Songs: Heat Of The Night - Bryan _____`Adams
Songs: Heaven Help Me - Deon _____`Estus
Songs: Heaven - _____`Warrant
Songs: Hello Again - _____Diamond`Neil
Songs: Here I Go Again - _____`Whitesnake
Songs: Here _____The Rain Again - Eurythmics`Comes
Songs: Her Town Too - _____Taylor & J.D. Souther`James
Songs: He's So _____- Pointer Sisters`Shy
Songs: Hey _____- Steely Dan`Nineteen
Songs: Higher _____- Steve Winwood`Love
Songs: Him - Rupert _____`Holmes
Songs: Hip To Be _____- Huey Lewis & The News`Square
Songs: Hit Me With Your _____Shot - Pat Benatar`Best
Songs: Holding Back The Years - _____Red`Simply
Songs: Hold Me - _____Mac`Fleetwood
Songs: Hold On - _____`Santana
Songs: Hold On Tight - Electric _____Orchestra`Light
Songs: Hooked On _____- Royal Philharmonic Orchestra`Classics
Songs: Hot _____In Love - Loverboy`Girls
Songs: Hot Rod _____- Robbie Dupree`Hearts
Songs: How Am I _____To Live Without You - Laura Branigan`Supposed
Songs: How Do I _____You - Linda Ronstadt`Make
Songs: How _____I Fall? - Breathe`Can
Songs: How Will I Know - _____Houston`Whitney
Songs: Human - _____League`Human
Songs: Human Nature - Michael _____`Jackson
Songs: Hurt So Bad - Linda _____`Ronstadt
Songs: Hurts So Good - John _____`Cougar
Songs: I Ain't Gonna Stand For It - Stevie _____`Wonder
Songs: _____I Am (Just When I Thought I Was Over You) - Air Supply`Here
Songs: I _____A Rumour - Bananarama`Heard
Songs: I Can _____About You - Don Hartman`Dream
Songs: I Can't Go _____That (No Can Do) - Daryl Hall & John Oates`For
Songs: I Can't Stand It - _____Clapton`Eric
Songs: I Can't Tell You Why - _____`Eagles
Songs: I Can't Wait - Nu _____`Shooz
Songs: I Didn't Mean To Turn You On - _____Palmer`Robert
Songs: I Don't Need You - _____Rogers`Kenny
Songs: I Don't Wanna Go On With You Like That - _____John`Elton
Songs: I Don't Wanna Live _____Your Love - Chicago`Without
Songs: I Don't Want To Live _____You - Foreigner`Without
Songs: I Don't Want Your Love - _____Duran`Duran
Songs: If Ever You're In My Arms Again - Peabo _____`Bryson
Songs: If I Could Turn Back Time - _____`Cher
Songs: If It Isn't Love - New _____`Edition
Songs: I _____For You - Chaka Khan`Feel
Songs: If This Is It - _____Lewis & The News`Huey
Songs: If You Don't Know Me By Now - _____Red`Simply
Songs: If You Leave - Orchestral _____In The Dark`Manoeuvres
Songs: If You Love Somebody Set Them Free - _____`Sting
Songs: I Get Weak - Belinda _____`Carlisle
Songs: I Guess That's Why They Call It The _____- Elton John`Blues
Songs: I Hate _____For Loving You - Joan Jett & The Blackhearts`Myself
Songs: I Just Can't Stop _____You - Michael J. & Siedah Garrett`Loving
Songs: (I Just) Died In Your Arms - _____Crew`Cutting
Songs: I Just _____To Say I Love You - Stevie Wonder`Called
Songs: I Keep Fogettin' (_____Time You're Near) - Michael Mcdonald`Every
Songs: I Knew You Were Waiting (For Me) - _____F. & George M.`Aretha
Songs: I Know There's _____Going On - Frida`Something
Songs: _____I Lie To You? - Eurythmics`Would
Songs: I Like It - _____4th & B'way`Dino
Songs: I'll Always Love You - _____Dayne`Taylor
Songs: I'll Be Loving You (_____) - New Kids On The Block`Forever
Songs: I'll Be There For You - _____Jovi`Bon
Songs: I'll Tumble 4 Ya - Culture _____`Club
Songs: I Love A _____Night - Eddie Rabbitt`Rainy
Songs: I Love Rock'n _____- Joan Jett & The Blackhearts`Roll
Songs: I Love You - _____Blues Band`Climax
Songs: I Made It Through The Rain - _____Manilow`Barry
Songs: _____I'm In Love - Eddie Money`Think
Songs: I Miss You - _____`Klymaxx
Songs: I'm _____- Kenny Loggins`Alright
Songs: I'm On _____- Bruce Springsteen`Fire
Songs: I'm _____Out - Diana Ross`Coming
Songs: I'm So Excited - _____Sisters`Pointer
Songs: I'm _____Standing - Elton John`Still
Songs: I'm Your _____- Wham!`Man
Songs include "Getto Jam", "Long Beach Thang" and "Sweet Potatoe Pie"`domino
Songs include "Ready for the '80s," and "Macho Man"`village people
Songs: Infatuation - Rod _____`Stewart
Songs: _____In Love - Jackson Browne`Lawyers
Songs: In My _____- Mary Jane Girls`House
Songs: _____Inside - INXS`Devil
Songs: _____Inside Myself - Gino Vannelli`Living
Songs: _____In The Dark - Bruce Springsteen`Dancing
Songs: _____In The Stream - Kenny Rogers & Dolly Parton`Islands
Songs: _____In The U.S.A. - Bruce Springsteen`Born
Songs: _____In The Wind - Elton John`Candle
Songs: In Too Deep - _____`Genesis
Songs: Into The Night - Benny _____`Mardones
Songs: Invincible - Pat _____`Benatar
Songs: Invisible Touch - _____`Genesis
Songs: In Your Room - _____`Bangles
Songs: _____In Your Sleep - The Romantics`Talking
Songs: I Ran (So Far Away) - A _____Of Seagulls`Flock
Songs: I Remember _____You - Boys Club`Holding
Songs: _____- Irene Cara`Breakdance
Songs: _____- Irene Cara`Fame
Songs: _____Is A Place On Earth - Belinda Carlisle`Heaven
Songs: _____Is In Control (Finger On The Trigger) - Donna Summer`Love
Songs: Is It Love - Mr. _____`Mister
Songs: Is There _____I Should Know - Duran Duran`Something
Songs: Is This Love - _____`Survivor
Songs: Is This Love - _____`Whitesnake
Songs: I Still _____- Brenda K. Starr`Believe
Songs: I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For - _____`U2
Songs: _____It All Away - Genesis`Throwing
Songs: _____It Away - Paul Mccartney`Take
Songs: _____It - Def Leppard`Armageddon
Songs: _____It - Devo`Whip
Songs: _____It Like It Is - Heart`Tell
Songs: _____It - Michael Jackson`Beat
Songs: _____It Now - New Edition`Cool
Songs: _____It Real - The Jets`Make
Songs: It's _____Again - Supertramp`Raining
Songs: It's A _____- Men At Work`Mistake
Songs: It's A Sin - Pet _____Boys`Shop
Songs: (It's Just) The Way That You Love Me - _____Abdul`Paula
Songs: _____It's Love - Van Halen`When
Songs: It's My _____- Diana Ross`Turn
Songs: It's No Crime - _____`Babyface
Songs: It's Still _____And Roll To Me - Billy Joel`Rock
Songs: It's _____Take A Miracle - Deniece Williams`Gonna
Songs: _____It To Me Gently - Juice Newton`Break
Songs: _____It Up For Your Love - Delbert Mcclinton`Giving
Songs: _____It Up - The Cars`Shake
Songs: I've Done _____For You - Rick Springfield`Everything
Songs: (I've Had) The _____Of My Life - Bill Medley & Jennifer Warnes`Time
Songs: I've _____In Love Before - Cutting Crew`Been
Songs: I've Never _____To Me - Charlene`Been
Songs: I Wanna Be Your _____- Prince`Lover
Songs: I Wanna Dance With _____- Whitney Houston`Somebody
Songs: I Want A New Drug - Huey _____& The News`Lewis
Songs: I Want Her - _____Sweat`Keith
Songs: I Want To Be _____Man - Roger`Your
Songs: I Want To Know _____Love Is - Foreigner`What
Songs: I _____We're Alone Now - Tiffany`Think
Songs: I Won't Hold You Back - _____`Toto
Songs: I Wouldn't _____Missed It For The World - Ronnie Milsap`Have
Songs: I _____Your Sex - George Michael`Want
Songs: Jack And Diane - John _____`Cougar
Songs: Jacob's _____- Huey Lewis & The News`Ladder
Songs: Jane - _____Starship`Jefferson
Songs: _____- Janet Jackson`Control
Songs: Jeopardy - _____Kihn Band`Greg
Songs: Jesse - _____Simon`Carly
Songs: Jessie's _____- Rick Springfield`Girl
Songs: _____- John Lennon`Woman
Songs: _____- Journey`Faithfully
Songs: Jump (For My Love) - _____Sisters`Pointer
Songs: Jump - _____Halen`Van
Songs: Just Like _____- David Lee Roth`Paradise
Songs: Just The Two Of Us - _____Washington Jr. W/ Bill Withers`Grover
Songs: Just To See Her - _____Robinson`Smokey
Songs: _____- Karla Bonoff`Personally
Songs: Karma _____- Culture Club`Chameleon
Songs: (Keep Feeling) _____- Human League`Fascination
Songs: Keep On Loving You - REO _____`Speedwagon
Songs: Keep The Fire Burnin' - _____Speedwagon`REO
Songs: Keep Your Hands To _____- Georgia Satellites`Yourself
Songs: _____- Kenny Loggins`Footloose
Songs: King Of _____- The Police`Pain
Songs: Kiss On My List - Daryl Hall & _____Oates`John
Songs: Kiss - _____`Prince
Songs: _____- Kool & The Gang`Celebration
Songs: _____- Kool & The Gang`Cherish
Songs: _____- Kool & The Gang`Joanna
Songs: Kyrie - Mr. _____`Mister
Songs: Ladies _____- Kool & The Gang`Night
Songs: Lady - _____Rogers`Kenny
Songs: Lady (You _____Me Up) - Commodores`Bring
Songs: La Isla Bonita - _____`Madonna
Songs: La _____- Los Lobos`Bamba
Songs: Land Of _____- Genesis`Confusion
Songs: Late In The _____- Paul Simon`Evening
Songs: Lay Your _____On Me - Bon Jovi`Hands
Songs: Leader Of The Band - Dan _____`Fogelberg
Songs: Lean On Me - Club _____`Nouveau
Songs: Leather And Lace - _____Nicks W/ Don Henley`Stevie
Songs: Legs - ZZ _____`Top
Songs: Let It Whip - Dazz _____`Band
Songs: Let Me Be The One - _____`Expose
Songs: Let Me Love You Tonight - Pure _____League`Prairy
Songs: Let My Love Open The Door - _____Townshend`Pete
Songs: Let's _____Awhile - Janet Jackson`Wait
Songs: Let's Dance - David _____`Bowie
Songs: Let's _____- Earth, Wind & Fire`Groove
Songs: Let's Get Serious - _____Jackson`Jermaine
Songs: Let's Go Crazy - Prince & The _____`Revolution
Songs: Let's Go _____The Way - Sly Fox`All
Songs: Let's _____It For The Boy - Deniece Williams`Hear
Songs: Let The Music Play - _____`Shannon
Songs: Ley Largo - _____Higgins`Bertie
Songs: Life In A _____Town - The Dream Academy`Northern
Songs: Lights Out - Peter _____`Wolf
Songs: Like A Prayer - _____`Madonna
Songs: Like A Virgin - _____`Madonna
Songs: _____Like The Wolf - Duran Duran`Hungry
Songs: _____- Lionel Ritchie`Hello
Songs: _____- Lipps, Inc.`Funkytown
Songs: Listen To Your Heart - _____`Roxette
Songs: Little _____- Elton John`Jeannie
Songs: Little Lies - _____Mac`Fleetwood
Songs: Little Red _____- Prince`Corvette
Songs: _____Lives - Phil Collins & Marilyn Martin`Separate
Songs: Live To Tell - _____`Madonna
Songs: Living In _____- James Brown`America
Songs: Living In Sin - Bon _____`Jovi
Songs: Livin' On A Prayer - _____Jovi`Bon
Songs: Look Away - _____`Chicago
Songs: Lookin' For Love - _____Lee`Johnny
Songs: Looking For A New Love - Jody _____`Watley
Songs: Look _____You've Done To Me - Boz Scaggs`What
Songs: Lost In _____- Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam`Emotion
Songs: Lost In Love - Air _____`Supply
Songs: Lost In Your _____- Debbie Gibson`Eyes
Songs: _____Lost That Lovin' Feeling - Daryl Hall & John Oates`You've
Songs: Love Bites - Def _____`Leppard
Songs: _____Love - Diana Ross & Lionel Richie`Endless
Songs: Love In An Elevator - _____`Aerosmith
Songs: Love Is A _____- Pat Benatar`Battlefield
Songs: _____Love Of All - Whitney Houston`Greatest
Songs: Love On The Rocks - _____Diamond`Neil
Songs: Love's _____A Little Bit Hard On Me - Juice Newton`Been
Songs: Love Somebody - _____Springfield`Rick
Songs: Love Song - The _____`Cure
Songs: Love _____- The B-52's`Shack
Songs: Love Touch - _____Stewart`Rod
Songs: Love Will _____All - Lionel Richie`Conquer
Songs: Love Will Turn You Around - _____Rogers`Kenny
Songs: Love Zone - Billy _____`Ocean
Songs: Lovin' _____Minute Of It - Loverboy`Every
Songs: Lucky Star - _____`Madonna
Songs: Luka - _____Vega`Suzanne
Songs: Mad About You - _____Carlisle`Belinda
Songs: _____- Madonna`Borderline
Songs: Magic - _____Newton-John`Olivia
Songs: Magic - The _____`Cars
Songs: Make A Move On Me - _____Newton-John`Olivia
Songs: Make Me Lose Control - Eric _____`Carmen
Songs: Making Love - _____Flack`Roberta
Songs: Making Love Out OF Nothing At All - Air _____`Supply
Songs: Maneater - Daryl _____& John Oates`Hall
Songs: Maniac - Michael _____`Sembello
Songs: Manic Monday - _____`Bangles
Songs: Man In The _____- Michael Jackson`Mirror
Songs: Man On Your _____- Little River Band`Mind
Songs: Master Blaster (Jammin') - Stevie _____`Wonder
Songs: Medley: Into Venus... - _____On 45`Stars
Songs: _____Me Now - Thompson Twins`Hold
Songs: Mercedes Boy - _____`Pebbles
Songs: Method Of _____Love - Daryl Hall & John Oates`Modern
Songs: _____Me With Your Love - Surface`Shower
Songs: _____- Michael Jackson`Bad
Songs: _____- Michael Jackson`Thriller
Songs: Midnight Blue - _____Gramm`Lou
Songs: Mirror, _____- Diana Ross`Mirror
Songs: Miss Me _____- Culture Club`Blind
Songs: Miss Sun - Boz _____`Scaggs
Songs: Miss You _____- Janet Jackson`Much
Songs: Miss You Like Crazy - _____Cole`Natalie
Songs: Money For Nothing - Dire _____`Straits
Songs: Monkey - _____Michael`George
Songs: Mony _____- Billy Idol`Mony
Songs: More _____- Kim Carnes`Love
Songs: _____More Night - Phil Collins`One
Songs: Morning _____(Nine To Five) - Sheena Easton`Train
Songs: Mr. _____- Styx`Roboto
Songs: _____Much Time On My Hands - Styx`Too
Songs: Muscles - _____Ross`Diana
Songs: My _____- Bobby Brown`Prerogative
Songs: My _____- Bruce Springsteen`Hometown
Songs: My _____Can't Tell You No - Rod Stewart`Heart
Songs: _____My Eyes (Forever) - Lita Ford W/ Ozzy Osbourne`Close
Songs: My Love - Lionel _____`Richie
Songs: _____My Way Back To You/Forgive Me Girl - Spinners`Working
Songs: Nasty - _____Jackson`Janet
Songs: Need You _____- INXS`Tonight
Songs: _____- Neil Diamond`America
Songs: _____- Neil Diamond`Heartlight
Songs: Never _____- Corey Hart`Surrender
Songs: Never - _____`Heart
Songs: Never _____Let You Go - Sergio Mendes`Gonna
Songs: Never Tear Us Apart - _____`INXS
Songs: New _____- INXS`Sensation
Songs: New Moon On _____- Duran Duran`Monday
Songs: Nikita - _____John`Elton
Songs: Nobody's _____- Kenny Loggins`Fool
Songs: Nobody - _____`Sylvia
Songs: Nobody Told Me - John _____`Lennon
Songs: Nothin' But A Good Time - _____`Poison
Songs: Nothing's Gonna _____My Love For You - Glenn Medeiros`Change
Songs: Nothing's _____Stop Us Now - Starship`Gonna
Songs: _____- Oak Ridge Boys`Elvira
Songs: Obsession - _____`Animotion
Songs: _____Of A Lonely Heart - Yes`Owner
Songs: Off The _____- Michael Jackson`Wall
Songs: _____Of Heart - Cyndi Lauper`Change
Songs: _____Of Love - Aretha Franklin`Freeway
Songs: _____Of Shock - The Jacksons`State
Songs: _____Of The Airwaves - Charlie Dore`Pilot
Songs: _____Of The County - Kenny Rogers`Coward
Songs: _____Of The Heart - Rick Springfield`Affair
Songs: _____Of You - Sa-Fire`Thinking
Songs: Oh No - _____`Commodores
Songs: (Oh) Pretty _____- Van Halen`Woman
Songs: Oh _____- Steve Perry`Sherrie
Songs: _____Ol' Night - John Cougar Mellencamp`Lonely
Songs: Once Bitten Twice Shy - _____White`Great
Songs: One _____Day - Carole King`Fine
Songs: One Good _____- Peter Cetera`Woman
Songs: _____One Is To Blame - Howard Jones`No
Songs: One _____Leads To Another - The Fixx`Thing
Songs: One Moment In Time - _____Houston`Whitney
Songs: One More Try - _____Michael`George
Songs: One Night In _____- Murray Head`Bangkok
Songs: One On One - Daryl Hall & John _____`Oates
Songs: _____On Feel The Noize - Quiet Riot`Cum
Songs: Only In My _____- Debbie Gibson`Dreams
Songs: Only The _____- The Motels`Lonely
Songs: _____On Me - A-Ha`Take
Songs: _____On Movin' - Soul II Soul`Keep
Songs: On My Own - _____Labelle/Michael Mcdonald`Patti
Songs: On Our Own - _____Brown`Bobby
Songs: _____On The Ceiling - Lionel Richie`Dancing
Songs: On The Dark Side - John _____& The Beaver Brown Band`Cafferty
Songs: On The Radio - _____Summer`Donna
Songs: _____On The Way - Crosby, Stills & Nash`Wasted
Songs: _____On To The Nights - Richard Marx`Hold
Songs: _____On Water - Eddie Money`Walk
Songs: _____On You - Lionel Richie`Stuck
Songs: _____On You - The Jets`Crush
Songs: Open Your Heart - _____`Madonna
Songs: _____'O' The Times - Prince`Sign
Songs: Our House - _____`Madness
Songs: Out Of The Blue - _____Gibson`Debbie
Songs: Out Of Touch - _____Hall & John Oates`Daryl
Songs: Overkill - Men At _____`Work
Songs: Pac-Man _____- Buckner & Garcia`Fever
Songs: Paradise City - _____N' Roses`Guns
Songs: Part-Time _____- Stevie Wonder`Lover
Songs: Party All The Time - _____Murphy`Eddie
Songs: Passion - Rod _____`Stewart
Songs: Patience - Guns N' _____`Roses
Songs: _____- Pebbles`Girlfriend
Songs: Penny _____- Lionel Richie`Lover
Songs: Perfect Way - _____Politti`Scritty
Songs: _____- Phil Collins`Sussudio
Songs: Physical - _____Newton-John`Olivia
Songs: Piano In The Dark - Brenda _____`Russell
Songs: Pink Houses - _____Cougar`John
Songs: Pink _____- Natalie Cole`Cadillac
Songs: Please Don't Go - KC & The _____Band`Sunshine
Songs: _____- Pointer Sisters`Automatic
Songs: Point Of No _____- Expose`Return
Songs: Pop Life - Prince & The _____`Revolution
Songs: Pour Some Sugar On Me - _____Leppard`Def
Songs: _____- Prince`Delirious
Songs: Private Dancer - _____Turner`Tina
Songs: Private Eyes - _____Hall & John Oates`Daryl
Songs: Promises, Promises - _____Eyes`Naked
Songs: Prove Your Love - Taylor _____`Dayne
Songs: Purple _____- Prince & The Revolution`Rain
Songs: Puttin' On The _____- Taco`Ritz
Songs: _____Queen (No More Love On The Run) - Billy Ocean`Caribbean
Songs: Queen Of Hearts - Juice _____`Newton
Songs: _____Rain - Bruce Hornsby & The Range`Mandolin
Songs: Raspberry Beret - Prince & The _____`Revolution
Songs: _____- Ray Parker Jr.`Ghostbusters
Songs: Read 'Em And Weep - Barry _____`Manilow
Songs: Real Love - Doobie _____`Brothers
Songs: Real Love - _____Watley`Jody
Songs: _____Red Wine - UB40`Red
Songs: Refugee - Tom Petty & The _____`Heartbreakers
Songs: _____- R.E.M.`Stand
Songs: Respect _____- Bruce Willis`Yourself
Songs: Rhythm Is _____Get You - Gloria Estefan & MSM`Gonna
Songs: Rhythm Of The Night - _____`Debarge
Songs: Ride Like The _____- Christopher Cross`Wind
Songs: Right Here Waiting - _____Marx`Richard
Songs: Right On Track - _____Club`Breakfast
Songs: R.O.C.K. In The U.S.A - John _____Mellencamp`Cougar
Songs: Rock Me Amadeus - _____`Falco
Songs: Rock On - _____Damian`Michael
Songs: Rock The Casbah - The _____`Clash
Songs: Rock _____- The Whispers`Steady
Songs: Rock With You - _____Jackson`Michael
Songs: Roll With It - Steve _____`Winwood
Songs: Romeo's Tune - Steve _____`Forbert
Songs: Roni - _____Brown`Bobby
Songs: Round And _____- Ratt`Round
Songs: Run To You - _____Adams`Bryan
Songs: Sad _____(Say So Much) - Elton John`Songs
Songs: Sailing - _____Cross`Christopher
Songs: Same Old Lang _____- Dan Fogelberg`Syne
Songs: Sara - Fleetwood _____`Mac
Songs: Sara - _____`Starship
Songs: Satisfied - Richard _____`Marx
Songs: Say It Isn't So - Daryl Hall & John _____`Oates
Songs: Say, Say, Say - Paul Mccartney & _____Jackson`Michael
Songs: Say You, Say Me - _____Richie`Lionel
Songs: Say You Will - _____`Foreigner
Songs: Sea Of Love - The _____`Honeydrippers
Songs: Second _____- Thirty Eight Special`Chance
Songs: Secret _____- Atlantic Starr`Lovers
Songs: Secret _____- Karyn White`Rendezvous
Songs: Self _____- Laura Branigan`Control
Songs: Sentimental Street - _____Ranger`Night
Songs: Seperate Ways (Worlds Apart) - _____`Journey
Songs: Sexual _____- Marvin Gaye`Healing
Songs: Sexy Eyes - Dr. _____`Hook
Songs: _____Shade Of Winter - Bangles`Hazy
Songs: Shadows Of The _____- Pat Benatar`Night
Songs: Shake You Down - _____Abbott`Gregory
Songs: Shake Your Love - _____Gibson`Debbie
Songs: Shame On The Moon - Bob _____& The Silver Bullet Band`Seger
Songs: Share Your Love With Me - _____Rogers`Kenny
Songs: Shattered Dreams - Johnny _____Jazz`Hates
Songs: _____She Comes - The Cars`Tonight
Songs: She _____- Cyndi Lauper`Bop
Songs: She Drives Me Crazy - Fine _____Cannibals`Young
Songs: _____Sheila - Ready For The World`Oh
Songs: She _____Me With Science - Thomas Dolby`Blinded
Songs: She's A _____- The Tubes`Beauty
Songs: She's Like The Wind - _____Swayze/Wendy Fraser`Patrick
Songs: She's Out Of My Life - _____Jackson`MichaelWhat is the capital of Antigua and Barbuda`saint john's
Songs: (She's) Sexy + 17 - _____Cats`Stray
Songs: She Wants To Dance With Me - Rick _____`Astley
Songs: _____She Wants - Wham!`Everything
Songs: _____She Was My Girl - Four Tops`When
Songs: She Works Hard For The Money - _____Summer`Donna
Songs: Shining Star - The _____`Manhattans
Songs: Should I Do It - Pointer _____`Sisters
Songs: Should've Known Better - _____Marx`Richard
Songs: Shout - Tears For _____`Fears
Songs: Sign Your _____- Terence Trent D'Arby`Name
Songs: Silent _____(On Dangerous Ground) - Mike + The Mechanics`Running
Songs: Simply _____- Robert Palmer`Irresistible
Songs: Sledgehammer - _____Gabriel`Peter
Songs: Sleeping Bag - ZZ _____`Top
Songs: Slow Hand - _____Sisters`Pointer
Songs: Small Town - _____Cougar Mellencamp`John
Songs: Smooth _____- Michael Jackson`Criminal
Songs: Smooth _____- Sade`Operator
Songs: So Alive - _____And Rockets`Love
Songs: So Emotional - _____Houston`Whitney
Songs: Soldier Of Love - _____Osmond`Donny
Songs: Solitare - Laura _____`Branigan
Songs: Somebody's Knockin' - _____Gibbs`Terri
Songs: Somebody's _____Me - Rockwell`Watching
Songs: Someday - _____Tiger`Glass
Songs: Some Like It Hot - _____Station`Power
Songs: Something So Strong - _____House`Crowded
Songs: Somewhere Out There - Linda _____& James Ingram`Ronstadt
Songs: Songbird - _____G`Kenny
Songs & Songwriters: What Bob Dylan song introduced Sonny and Cher to the world`I Got You, Babe
Songs: Special Lady - Ray, _____& Brown`Goodman
Songs: Spies _____Us - Paul Mccartney`Like
Songs: Spirits In The _____World - The Police`Material
Songs: Stand _____- Stevie Nicks`Back
Songs: Start Me Up - The _____Stones`Rolling
Songs: Steal _____- Robbie Dupree`Away
Songs: Step By _____- Eddie Rabbitt`Step
Songs: Steppin' Out - Joe _____`Jackson
Songs: St. _____Fire (Man In Motion) - John Parr`Elmo's
Songs: Stomp! The _____Johnson`Brothers
Songs: Stop _____My Heart Around - Stevie Nicks W/ Tom Petty`Dragging
Songs: Strut - Sheena _____`Easton
Songs: Stuck With You - Huey _____& The News`Lewis
Songs: Suddenly Last Summer - The _____`Motels
Songs: Suddenly - _____Ocean`Billy
Songs: Sukiyaki - Taste Of _____`Honey
Songs: Summer Of '69 - _____Adams`Bryan
Songs: Super _____(Part 1) - Rick James`Freak
Songs: Sweet _____- Air Supply`Dreams
Songs: Sweet _____(Are Made Of This) - Eurythmics`Dreams
Songs: Sweet Child O' _____- Guns N' Roses`Mine
Songs: Sweet Freedom - Michael _____`Mcdonald
Songs: Sweetheart - Franke & The _____`Knockouts
Songs: Sweet Love - _____Baker`Anita
Songs: Tainted _____- Soft Cell`Love
Songs: Take It _____On Me - Little River Band`Easy
Songs: Take It On The _____- REO Speedwagon`Run
Songs: Take Me Home _____- Eddie Money`Tonight
Songs: Take Me _____- Phil Collins`Home
Songs: Take Me To Heart - _____`Quarterflash
Songs: Take My Breath Away - _____`Berlin
Songs: Take My _____(You Can Have It If You Want It)- Kool & Gang`Heart
Songs: Take Your _____(Do It Right) - S.O.S. Band`Time
Songs: Talk To Me - _____Nicks`Stevie
Songs: _____- Teena Marie`Lovergirl
Songs: Telefone (Long Distance Love Affair) - _____Easton`Sheena
Songs: Tell Her _____It - Billy Joel`About
Songs: Tell It To My _____- Taylor Dayne`Heart
Songs: _____Than I Can Say - Leo Sayer`More
Songs: _____That Girl - Madonna`Who's
Songs: That's All! - _____`Genesis
Songs: That _____- Stevie Wonder`Girl
Songs: That's What _____Are For - Dionne And Friends`Friends
Songs: _____- The Beach Boys`Kokomo
Songs: The _____Boys Medley - The Beach Boys`Beach
Songs: The Boys Of Summer - Don _____`Henley
Songs: _____- The Cars`Drive
Songs: The _____- Cheap Trick`Flame
Songs: The _____Dance - Men Without Hats`Safety
Songs: The _____- Duran Duran`Reflex
Songs: The End Of The _____- Don Henley`Innocence
Songs: The Girl Is _____- Michael Jackson & Paul Mccartney`Mine
Songs: _____The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Get Going - Billy Ocean`When
Songs: The Heat Is On - Glenn _____`Frey
Songs: The _____In Red - Chris Deburgh`Lady
Songs: The _____It Is - Bruce Hornsby & The Range`Way
Songs: The Language Of Love - Dan _____`Fogelberg
Songs: The _____Life - Sheila E.`Glamorous
Songs: The Loco-Motion - Kylie _____`Minogue
Songs: The Long Run - _____`Eagles
Songs: The Look Of Love (Part One) - _____`ABC
Songs: The Look - _____`Roxette
Songs: The Lover In Me - _____Easton`Sheena
Songs: Theme From "Greatest American Hero" - _____Scarbury`Joey
Songs: Theme From "Hill _____Blues" - Mike Post`Street
Songs: The _____Move Medley - The Beatles`Beatles
Songs: The Night _____- Little River Band`Owls
Songs: The _____Of Love - Huey Lewis & The News`Power
Songs: The _____Of Rock & Roll - Huey Lewis & The News`Heart
Songs: The _____Of Times - Styx`Best
Songs: The One I _____- R.E.M.`Love
Songs: The One That You Love - _____Supply`Air
Songs: The _____- Oran "Juice" Jones`Rain
Songs: The Other Guy - _____River Band`Little
Songs: The Other _____- Ray Parker Jr.`Woman
Songs: The Promise - _____In Rome`When
Songs: There'll Be Sad Songs (To Make You Cry) - _____Ocean`Billy
Songs: (There's) No Gettin' Over Me - _____Milsap`Ronnie
Songs: The Rose - _____Midler`Bette
Songs: The _____- Scandal/Patty Smyth`Warrior
Songs: The Search Is Over - _____`Survivor
Songs: The Second Time _____- Shalamar`Around
Songs: _____The Seeds Of Love - Tears For Fears`Sowing
Songs: These _____- Heart`Dreams
Songs: The _____Song (They Don't Write 'Em) - Greg Kihn Band`Breakup
Songs: The Sweetest _____- Sade`Taboo
Songs: The _____Thing (I've Ever Known) - Juice Newton`Sweetest
Songs: The _____Things - Steve Winwood`Finer
Songs: The Tide Is High - _____`Blondie
Songs: The _____Time - Billy Joel`Longest
Songs: The _____Time I Fall - Peter Cetera And Amy Grant`Next
Songs: The Valley Road - Bruce _____& The Range`Hornsby
Songs: The Wanderer - _____Summer`Donna
Songs: The Way You _____Me Feel - Michael Jackson`Make
Songs: The Wild _____- Duran Duran`Boys
Songs: _____The Wind - Bob Seger`Against
Songs: The Winner Takes It All - _____`Abba
Songs: They Don't Know - _____Ullman`Tracey
Songs: _____The Years - Kenny Rogers`Through
Songs: The _____Years - Mike + The Mechanics`Living
Songs: The _____You Love Me - Karyn White`Way
Songs: Think Of Laura - _____Cross`Christopher
Songs: This Is It - _____Loggins`Kenny
Songs: This Little Girl - Gary U.S. _____`Bonds
Songs: This Time I Know It's For Real - Donna _____`Summer
Songs: _____This Town - Stray Cats`Rock
Songs: _____This Way - Run D.M.C.`Walk
Songs: _____- Tierra`Together
Songs: Time - Alan _____Project`Parsons
Songs: _____Time - Peter Gabriel`Big
Songs: _____- Timex Social Club`Rumors
Songs: Tired Of Toein' The Line - Tocky _____`Burnette
Songs: To All The Girls I've Loved Before - _____Iglasias/Willie Nelson`Julio
Songs: To Be A _____- Billy Idol`Lover
Songs: Together _____- Rick Astley`Forever
Songs: _____To Heaven - Breathe`Hands
Songs: _____To Love - Robert Palmer`Addicted
Songs: _____To Me - Ann Wilson & Robin Zander`Surrender
Songs: _____- Toni Basil`Mickey
Songs: Tonight, I _____My Love - Peabo Bryson & Roberta Flack`Celebrate
Songs: Tonight, _____, Tonight - Genesis`Tonight
Songs: Too Hot - _____& The Gang`Kool
Songs: Too Late For _____- Julian Lennon`Goodbyes
Songs: Too Shy - _____`Kajagoogoo
Songs: Total _____Of The Heart - Bonnie Tyler`Eclipse
Songs: _____To The Jungle - Guns N' Roses`Welcome
Songs: _____- Toto`Rosanna
Songs: Touch Me (I Want Your_____) - Samantha Fox`Body
Songs: Toy Soldiers - _____`Markita
Songs: Treat Me Right - Pat _____`Benatar
Songs: Trouble - _____Buckingham`Lindsey
Songs: True - _____Ballet`Spandau
Songs: Truly - Lionel _____`Richie
Songs: Tryin' To Live My Life _____You - Bob Seger`Without
Songs: Turn Your Love _____- George Benson`Around
Songs: Twilight Zone - Golden _____`Earring
Songs: Twist Of Fate - _____Newton-John`Olivia
Songs: Two Of Hearts - _____Q`Stacy
Songs: Two _____- Phil Collins`Hearts
Songs: Typical Male - _____Turner`Tina
Songs: _____- U2`Desire
Songs: U Got The Look - _____`Prince
Songs: Union Of The Snake - _____Duran`Duran
Songs: _____Up In You - .38 Special`Caught
Songs: _____Up - Paula Abdul`Straight
Songs: Upside Down - _____Ross`Diana
Songs: Uptown Girl - _____Joel`Billy
Songs: Up Where We _____- Joe Cocker & Jennifer Warnes`Belong
Songs: Urgent - _____`Foreigner
Songs: Valerie - Steve _____`Winwood
Songs: Valotte - Julian _____`Lennon
Songs: Venus - _____`Bananarama
Songs: _____Vice Theme - Jon Hammer`Miami
Songs: Victory - Kool & The _____`Gang
Songs: _____View To A Kill - Duran Duran`A
Songs: Waiting For A _____Like You - Foreigner`Girl
Songs: Waiting For A Star To Fall - _____Meets Girl`Boy
Songs: Waiting On A Friend - _____Rolling Stones`The
Songs: Wait - _____Lion`White
Songs: Wake Me Up _____You Go-Go - Wham!`Before
Songs: Walking On Sunshine - _____& The Waves`Katrina
Songs: Walk Like An _____- Bangles`Egyptian
Songs: Walk Of Life - _____Straits`Dire
Songs: Wanted Dead Or Alive - _____Jovi`Bon
Songs: Watching The _____- John Lennon`Wheels
Songs: We Are The World - USA For _____`Africa
Songs: We Belong - _____Benatar`Pat
Songs: We Didn't Start The Fire - _____Joel`Billy
Songs: We Don't Have To Take Our _____Off - Jermaine Sterwart`Clothes
Songs: We Don't Need _____Hero (Thunderdome) - Tina Turner`Another
Songs: We Don't Talk Anymore - Cliff _____`Richard
Songs: We'll Be Together - _____`Sting
Songs: West End Girls - _____Shop Boys`Pet
Songs: We _____The Beat - The Go-Go's`Got
Songs: We _____This City - Starship`Built
Songs: We've Got Tonight - _____Rogers & Sheena Easton`Kenny
Songs: _____- Wham!`Freedom
Songs: What About Love? - _____`Heart
Songs: What Are We Doing In Love - _____West`Dottie
Songs: What I Am - Edie _____& The New Bohemians`Brickell
Songs: What _____I Done To Deserve This? - Pet Shop Boys`Have
Songs: What Kind Of Fool - Barbra _____& Barry Gibb`Streisand
Songs: What's Forever For - _____Murphey`Michael
Songs: What's Love _____To Do With It - Tina Turner`Got
Songs: What's On _____Mind (Pure Energy) - Information Society`Your
Songs: What _____You Done For Me Lately - Janet Jackson`Have
Songs: What You Don't Know - _____`Expose
Songs: What You Need - _____`INXS
Songs: When I'm With You - _____`Sheriff
Songs: When I See You Smile - Bad _____`English
Songs: When I Think Of You - Janet _____`Jackson
Songs: When _____Sings - ABC`Smokey
Songs: When The _____Cry - White Lion`Children
Songs: Where Do _____Hearts Go - Whitney Houston`Broken
Songs: While You See A Chance - Steve _____`Winwood
Songs: Who's Crying Now - _____`Journey
Songs: Who's Johnny - El _____`Debarge
Songs: Who's Zommin' _____- Aretha Franklin`Who
Songs: Who Will You Run To - _____`Heart
Songs: Why Do Fools _____In Love - Diana Ross`Fall
Songs: Wild Thing - Tone _____`Loc
Songs: Wild, Wild _____- Escape Club`West
Songs: Will You Still Love Me? - _____`Chicago
Songs: Wind Beneath My _____- Bette Midler`Wings
Songs: _____Wings - Mr. Mister`Broken
Songs: Wishing Well - _____Trent D'Arby`Terence
Songs: _____Wit'cha - Bobby Brown`Rock
Songs: With Every Beat Of My _____- Taylor Dayne`Heart
Songs: With Or _____You - U2`Without
Songs: _____Without A Face - Billy Idol`Eyes
Songs: _____With The Night - Lionel Richie`Running
Songs: With You I'm _____Again - Billy Preston & Syreeta`Born
Songs: Woman In Love - _____Streisand`Barbra
Songs: Words Get In The Way - _____Sound Machine`Miami
Songs: Word Up - _____`Cameo
Songs: _____World - Huey Lewis & The News`Perfect
Songs: Wrapped Around Your _____- The Police`Finger
Songs: Xanadu - _____Newton-John`Olivia
Songs: Yes, I'm _____- Teri Desario W/ KC`Ready
Songs: Yesterday's _____- Neil Diamond`Songs
Songs: You And I - _____Rabbitt W/ Crystal Gayle`Eddie
Songs: You Are - _____Richie`Lionel
Songs: _____You Believe In Love - Huey Lewis & The News`Do
Songs: You _____Be Mine (The Woo Woo Song) - Jeffrey Osboune`Should
Songs: You _____Be Right - Billy Joel`May
Songs: You Can Do _____- America`Magic
Songs: You Can't Hurry Love - Phil _____`Collins
Songs: You Don't _____Me Anymore - Steel Breeze`Want
Songs: _____You (Forget About Me) - Simple Minds`Don't
Songs: You Give Good Love - _____Houston`Whitney
Songs: You Give Love A _____Name - Bon Jovi`Bad
Songs: You Got It (The _____Stuff) - New Kids On The Block`Right
Songs: You _____Hear How She Talks About You - M. Manchester`Should
Songs: You _____It All - The Jets`Got
Songs: _____You - John Waite`Missing
Songs: You Make My Dreams - _____Hall & John Oates`Daryl
Songs: You _____Me Hangin' On - Kim Wilde`Keep
Songs: Young Turks - Rod _____`Stewart
Songs: Your Are My _____- Freddie Jackson`Lady
Songs: Your _____Dreams - The Moody Blues`Wildest
Songs: You're Only _____(Second Wind) - Billy Joel`Human
Songs: You're The Inspiration - _____`Chicago
Songs: _____Your Hands On Me - Thompson Twins`Lay
Songs: Your _____Is Driving Me Crazy - Sammy Hagar`Love
Songs: Your Love - The _____`Outfield
Songs: You _____Think - The Cars`Might
Songs: You _____To The City - Glenn Frey`Belong
Songs: _____Zone - Kenny Loggins`Danger
Song title: all my friends are getting ________ (skyhooks)`married
Song title: another brick in the ____ (pink floyd)`wall
Song title: flesh for _______ (billy idol)`fantasy
Song title: heartache _______ (eagles)`tonight
Song title: i am _______ (helen reddy)`woman
Song title: "If you want to kiss the sky, better learn how to kneel."`mysterious ways
Song title: "I have never met Napoleon, but I plan to find the time."`pretzel logic
Song title: listen to the _______ (the doobie brothers)`music
Song title: _____ love songs (wings)`silly
Song title: my ________ (the knack)`sharona
Song title: "Nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky."`dust in the wind
Song title: peaceful, easy _________ (eagles)`feeling
Song title: "Pretty women out walking with gorillas down my street."`is she really going out with him
Song title: _______ queen (abba)`dancing
Song title: ______ rock (daddy cool)`eagle
Song Titles: Composer of: Capriccio Italien, andante Conscabile, Sleeping Beauty Waltz`tchaikovsky
Song Titles: Composer of: God Bless America, Always, Cheek to Cheek`irving berlin
Song Titles: Musical with songs:Anything You Can Do, They Say It's Wonderful`annie get your gun
Song Titles: Operatta with songs: Barney O'Flynn, I Can't Do the Sum, March of the Toys`babes in toyland
Song title: ______ sunrise (eagles)`tequila
Song Titles: Wakko's America, Yakko's World, & Yakko's...`universe
Song title: take it to ___ ____ (eagles)`the limit
Song title: "The King called out his jet fighters."`rock the casbah
Song title: the long & ______ road`winding
song title: ticket to _____.`ride
Song title: "What's puzzling you is the nature of my game."`sympathy for the devil
Song title: when you're in love with a _________ woman (dr hook)`beautiful
Song title: you are so ______ (joe cocker)`beautiful
Song title: you should be ________ (bee gees)`dancing
Song: "Wanted to sail upon your waters since I was three feet tall"`pirate looks at forty
Songwriter Bernie Taupin wrote for which well known musician`elton john
Songwriter, Bernie Taupin wrote songs for which well know musician`elton john
song writers: who wrote woodstock`joni mitchell
Song written by Dylan, covered by Clapton & the Greatful Dead`knockin on heavens door
Song written by Young on his 19th birthday`sugar mountain
Song: "You ain't a beauty but hey you're all right."`thunder road
sonny & cher's daughters name is`chastity
son of laius, and later, killed his father to marry his mother`oedipus
Son of ones brother or sister`nephew
Son-On-Law Was Editor Of Izvestia In 1963`Khrushchev
Son Phil Starred When 'Mission: Impossible' Returned To Tv In 1988`Greg Morris
Soothing song to send a child to sleep`lullaby
Sophophobia is the fear of`learning
So piteous as to excite tears: 'a ------- melodrama.'`tearful
Soprano Galli-Marie created the title role in which opera by Bizet, at its premiere at the Opera Comique in Paris, on the third of March 1875`carmen
Sorrowful song or poem`elegy
So soon: 'Are you quitting -------?'`already
So suddenly that magic seems involved: right away`presto
Soteriophobia is the fear of`dependence on others
Soundgarden asks that you keep off this:`my wave
Soundgarden's latest (1997) album`down on the upside
Soundgarden's utensil song`spoonman
Sounding harsh to the ear: dissonant`unmusical
Soundman Who was the king of England during the American Revolution`george iii
Sound Navigation Ranging is better known as _________.`sonar
Sound Navigation Ranging is better known as `sonar
Soundness of judgment or reason`sanity
Sound or a sound of any kind: 'The only ----- was the wind in the pines.'`noise
Sound reproduction using 4 transmission channels`quadraphonic
Soundtrack(Kelly/Ellis/Hare)`joey b elis & tynette hare
Soundtracks: Al Green hit from the 70s that appears in Pulp Fiction & Higher Learning`lets stay together
Soundtracks: Finish the lyric: I'm hooked on a feeling & I'm high on believing...`that youre in love with me
Soundtracks: The doctor suggests the silly woman put this in the coconut for her bellyache.`the lime
Soundtracks to 3 Star Wars movies by this composer`john williams
Soundtracks: What surf music icon performs "Misirlou" over Pulp's opening credits`dick dale
Soundtracks: Where do "the broken hearts stay" according to this Pulp Fiction song.`lonesome town
sound travels fastest in which form of medium`agostini`diamond
sound travels fastest in which form of medium`solid
Sour kind of dark cherry`morello
Sour semi-solid food made from milk fermented with added bacteria`yoghurt
South Africa: Administrative Capital`Pretoria
South Africa: A Fourth Major African State Formed In South Africa During The 1820s And 1830s Was The Ndebele State Ruled By`Mzilikazi
South Africa: A Friend And Supporter Of Columbus's, This Portuguese Mariner Was The First To Round The Southern Tip Of Africa, Which He Named The Cape Of Good Hope`Bartolomeu Dias
South Africa: Afrikaans, A Seventeenth-Century African Variant Of Dutch, Differs From Its Parent Language In That It Has Eliminated ___________ ______ And Many Inflected Verbs`Grammatical Gender
South Africa: Against Which Country Did Pat Symcox Score His One And Only Test Century`Pakistan
South Africa: A Khoikhoi Group Was Generally Presided Over By A _______ (Rich Man). The _______ Was Not An Autocrat, But Rather Could Only Exercise Power In Consultation With Other Male Elders`Khoeque
South Africa: A Lingua Franca Called ______ ____ Is Widely Spoken, Especially In Urban Areas, Mainly By Males`Tsotsi Taal
South Africa: Among The Most Spectacular Birds Of South Africa Are The`Cranes
South Africa: An Explorer From Which European Country Was The First To Land In South Africa`Portugal
South Africa: A South African Coin Containing 1 Troy Ounce Of Gold`Krugerrand
South Africa: A South African ____ Was Once Awarded A Medal And Promoted To The Rank Of Corporal During World War I`Monkey
South Africa: At A Total Area Of 129 370 Square Kilometres, This Is The Country's Fourth-Largest Province`Western Cape
South Africa: Bantu-Speaking People Of Southern Africa`Zulu
South Africa: Bartolomeo Diaz Called It The Cape Of Storms. It is now called`The Cape Of Good Hope
South Africa: Caves In The Sterkfontein Area Comprise A World Heritage Site Known As The ______ __`Cradle Of Humankind
South Africa: Eats Termites And Is Related To The Hyaena`Aardwolf
South Africa: First African In Space`Mark Shuttleworth
South Africa: From Which City Can You See Table Mountain`Cape Town
South africa has mines deeper than any other country in the world, at depths of almost 4 kilometres at the`western deep levels mine
South africa is the biggest producer and exporter of ______`mohair
South Africa: Language Derived From Dutch And Used In South Africa`Afrikaans
South Africa: Name The South African Author Of 'Cry, The Beloved Country'`Alan Paton
South Africa: Nelson __________ Mandela`Rolihlahla
South Africa: Of Which Church Was Desmond Tutu An Important Leader`Anglican
South Africa produces two-thirds of the world's`gold
South Africa: Rhodes Univ. (1904) And The Albany Museum, With Collections Of Prehistoric And Natural History Materials, Are In This City`Grahamstown
South Africa: Sophiatown Was Razed And The White Suburb Of ______ Built In Its Place`Triomf
South Africa: South Africa Has 11 Official Languages, Nine Of Which Are`Indigenous
South Africa: 'Soweto' In South Africa An Abbreviation Of`South West Township
South Africa's Robben Island takes its name from which creatures`seals
South Africa: The Inkatha Freedom Party (Basically Zulu) Opposed The Anc Government After The Fall Of`Apartheid
South Africa: The Largest Natural Harbour In South Africa`Saldanha Bay
South Africa: The Mamokhorong Was A Single-String Violin That Was Used By The ____ In Their Own Music-Making`Khoi
South Africa: The Meeting Point Of The Indian And Atlantic Oceans`Cape Agulhas
South Africa: The System Of Racial Segregation In South Africa Was Called`Apartheid
South Africa: Trial In Which Nelson Mandela And Garvan Mbeki Were Sentenced To Life Inprisonment`Rivonia Trial
South Africa: Tutu Was The ______ Of The Anglican Church When He Received The Nobel Peace Prize`Archbishop
South Africa: What Does Umkhonto We Sizwe Mean`Spear Of The Nation
South Africa: What Guerrilla Movement Fought For Namibia's Idependence During The South African Occupation Of The Country`Swapo
South Africa: What is 'Cape Town' Also Known as`Kaapstad
South Africa: What Was Nelson Mandela's Prison Number`46664
South Africa: What Was The Name Of The South African Prime Minister Murdered In 1966`Hendrik Verwoerd
South Africa: Where Were The First Alluvial Diamonds Discovered In South Africa`The Vaal River`vaal
South Africa: Which Newspaper Did Mahatma Ghandhi Edit During His Stay In South Africa`Indian Opinion
South Africa: Which South African All-Round Cricketer Matriculated From Wynberg Boys' High School In 1993`Jacques Kallis
South American gauchos were known to put raw steak under their saddles before starting a day's riding, in order to ______ the meat`tenderise
Southern Comfort is made from a base of Bourbon whiskey and flavouring from which fruit`peach
South of Tucson, Arizona, most of the road signs are in what system`metric
southpark: during the opening sequence who is in the top right window of the school`scuzzlebutt
southpark: how does kenny sign his name on the diaherria note`k
southpark: how much does truckers special cost`5.99
southpark: what are there a lot of in china, according to mrs. cartman`black people
southpark: what is printed on chef's apron`chef
southpark: what is the name of the newspaper mr garrison is reading at the quarry`rocky mtn news
southpark: what letter is on everyones shirt at the canadian football game:`f
southpark: what will you clean to support your drug habits if you fail the 3rd grade`diamonds
southpark: who drove the red truck during officer barbrady's parade`jesus
southpark: who is the first kid hit out in a dodgeball game`clyde
Southpaw to us means a boxer who leads with his right hand; but in which sport did the term originate`baseball
South West Africa is the previous name of which country`namibia
South what actor did barbara walters ask: "do you take steroids"'`arnold
Soy un perdedor, ..., so why don't you kill me`loser
Space for bells in a church tower`belfry
Space indiana jones: what did drinking from the grail "grant"`immortality
Spaceman Spiff was a charcter on which eighties cartoon strip?`Calvin and Hobbes
Spacephobia is a fear of ______`outer space
Spacephobia is the fear of`outer space
space satellite was launched in april 1962, named after a character in shakespeare's the tempest`ariel
'Spaghetti' is the diminutive of the Italian word for:`cords
Spain ceded Florida to Britain in exchange for this territory.`cuba
Spain's equivalant to the dollar is ______`peseta
Spain's equivalant to the dollar is the`euro
Spaniard rodrigo diaz de viva was better known as`El Cid
Spanish city near which the story "The Two Doctors" was filmed`seville
Spanish dictator Franco nominated whom as his successor`prince juan carlos
Spanish dish of rice saffron chicken and seafood`paella
Spanish: How do you say "fifty"`cincuenta
Spanish: How do you say "four"`cuatro
spanish: how do you say "one hundred"?`cien
Spanish: How do you say "sixteen"`diez y seis
Spanish monetary unit`peseta
Spanish or Italian name for a bar or wine shop`cantina
Spanish woman's lace scarf worn over head and shoulders`mantilla
spasibo is Russian for...`thank you
Speaker's Corner is a feature of which London park`hyde park
Speaking of underwear, what does bvd stand for`bradley, vorhees & day
Speaking or behaving in an artificial way to make an impression`affectedly
Spear, apple and pepper are types of which plant`mint
Special attention or effort directed toward something: 'a small-town newspaper's emphasis on local affairs.'`emphases
Special honor or respect shown or expressed publicly.  honor`homage
Specialist in psychology`psychologist
Special points of consideration: particulars`specialities
Special Virtue Is That It Allows U.S. To Regard The Human Condition 'From The Perspective Of Eternity', From All Social And Temporal Points Of View`Communitarians
Species what country are you stuck in if you're doing hard time at boniato prison`cuba
Specifically, what is the westernmost point in the contiguous u.s`cape
specifically, what is the westernmost point in the contiguous u.s`cape alava, washington
Specific or direct: '---------- and connotative meanings.'`denotative
Spectrophobia is the fear of`ghosts
Spectrophobia is the fear of`specters`ghosts
Speculative or theoretical`notional
Speech disorder characterized by involuntary hesitations & rapid repetitions of speech elements (speech & speech disorders)`stuttering
Speech of extravagant self-praise`vaunt
Speed or quickness: celerity`alacrity
Speed racer was a "demon on wheels," but what was the name of his car`the mach v
Speleology is the study of`caves
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: area`aera
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: are`era
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: association`noitaicossa
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: barbara`arabrab
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: baseball`llabesab
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: briar`rairb
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: chair`riahc
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: cricket`tekcirc
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: damsulegna`angelusmad
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: dragon`nogard
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: draw`ward
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: estate`etatse
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: feel`leef
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: first`tsrif
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: football`llabtoof
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: free`eerf
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: friday`yadirf
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: gail`liag
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: group`puorg
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: hello`olleh
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: hill`llih
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: improve`evorpmi
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: japan`napaj
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: karey`yerak
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: keyboard`draobyek
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: knowledge`egdelwonk
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: letter`rettel
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: living`gnivil
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: mick`kcim
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: mississippi`ippississim
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: monday`yadnom
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: monthly`ylhtnom
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: news`swen
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: now`won
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: on`no
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: our`ruo
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: people`elpoep
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: peter`retep
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: please`esaelp
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: question`noitseuq
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: residents`stnediser
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: ring`gnir
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: rugby`ybgur
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: small`llams
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: soccer`reccos
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: television`noisivelet
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: tennis`sinnet
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: that`taht
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: the`eht
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: thesaurus`suruaseht
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: thursday`yadsruht
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: time`emit
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: tonight`thginot
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: to`ot
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: trivia`aivirt
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: tuesday`yadseut
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: wednesday`yadsendew
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: weekly`ylkeew
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: we`ew
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: welcome`emoclew
Spell Backwards sdrawkcaB llepS: yes`sey
---------- spelled backwards is dna level c`cleveland
Spelling: what is the only 15 letter word that can be spelled without repeating a letter`uncopyrightable
Spell out: quasar`quasi stellar object
Spell the name of the largest city in New Mexico`albuquerque
Spell this out ! CHRLCHN is either a famous TV, or film detective with all the vowels missing; name him`Charlie chan
Sperm banks keep their donor semen at approximately?`-321 degrees Fahrenheit
Sperm banks keep their donor semen at approximately at what temperature (in Celcius)?`-80
Sperm can remain active for:`2 to 5 days
Sperm is the smallest single ____ in a mans body`cell
Sperm mature in the _________, which are highly coiled tubules located on the edge of both testes.`epididymis
Spermophobia is a fear of ______`germs
Spermophobia is the fear of`germs
sperm whale vomit & vital ingredient in many old perfumes`ambergris
Spheksophobia is the fear of`wasps
Spice girl's victoria adams was married to who`David beckham
Spice made from the berry of the pimento plant`allspice
spiders : there are more than ______ known spider species throughout the world`35000
spiders : the world's largest known spider a record leg-span of 28 cm (11 in) is a male`goliath bird eating spider
Spiders' webs are a traditional natural ______ _______, when applied to a cut they quickly stop the flow of blood`clotting agent
Spike Lee's _____ is released to critical acclaim`do the right thing
Spinal Tap: Complete the line Plowing through you beanfields`poking your hay
Spinal Tap: Derek saw himself as this, between the two geniuses in the band`lukewarm water
Spinal Tap: He played Duke Fames manager`hesseman
Spinal Tap: Ian claimed that Jeanine dressed like this`an australian's nightmare
Spinal Tap: Lt. Hookstratten was played by this "DC Follies" host`fred willard
Spinal Tap: Nigel's special amp goes up to this number`eleven
Spinal Tap's "Big Bottom" "How can I leave this ------"`behind
Spinal Tap song about a very unpleasant place to be`hell hole
Spinal Tap: The band got lost in the basement of the theater in this city`cleveland
Spinal Tap: The name of Nigels piano composition in D minor`lick my love pump
Spinal Tap: Title of a proposed musical based on the life of Jack the Ripper`saucy jack
Spinal Tap: Where did the band tour when they reunited at the end of the movie`japan
Spinal Tap: Yes I Can by Sammy Davis Jr should really be called this`yes i can if frank sinatra says its ok
Spiral shelled marine mollusc`whelk
Spiral slide at a funfair`helter-skelter
Spiral staircases in medieval castles are running in what direction`clockwise
Spirit distilled from malted barley`whiskey
Spirit obtained from petroleum and used as a cleaning agent`benzine
spirits in the material world (1981) was recorded by what group?`police
Spiritual nourishment of divine origin`manna
Spite: malice: He died soon after... of pure ------- and vexation (Sir Walter Scott)`despite
Splendid attire`sheen
Splendor or magnificence: show`braveries
Splinters: 'The vessel was beaten to --------- on the rocks.'`matchwood
Spoken, performed, done, or composed with little or no preparation: extemporaneous: 'a few --------- remarks.'  extemporaneous`impromptu
Sponsorship: patronage: 'a concert held under the a---- of the parents' association.'`egis
Sponsorship: patronage: 'a concert held under the ----- of the parents' association.'`aegis
Spoons is a term used to describe what?`A cuddling position
SPORT: 1956, which Manchester City goalie unknowingly completed the FA Cup Final against Birmingham City  with a broken neck`bert trautman
SPORT: 1965, Which became the first team to play in consecutive League Cup Finals`Leicester City
SPORT: 1976, who lost his British heavyweight title to Joe Bugner in round one`Richard Dunn
SPORT: 1978 World Cup final. Dick Nanninga of Holland made sporting history,how`first sub to score
SPORT: 2001 world motocross champion`Jamie Dobb
SPORT: (2002) Name the last non European driver to win the FormulaOne drivers championship`Jacques Villeneuve
SPORT:2002, sponsor of the football league`nationwide
SPORT: 2002, which football club will play at a new stadium called Walkers Bowl next season`Leicester City
SPORT: 2002, which jockey rode Bindaree to victory in this years Grand National`Jim Culloty
SPORT: 2002, who beat Stephen Hendry to win the Embassy World Snooker championship`Peter Ebdon
SPORT: 2002, who is the current chief executive of the Football Association`Adam Crozier
SPORT: 2002, who to date has scored most points for Scotland in Rugby Union internationals`gavin hastings
SPORT:2002, winners of the University Boatrace`Oxford, dark blues
SPORT: 2002, Winter Olympics, which team defeated the USA to win the ice hockey gold`Canada
SPORT:Against which country was Maradona sent off during the 1982 world Cup finals`Brazil
SPORT:Alan Cork, with 145 goals holds the all time League scoring record for which football club`Wimbledon
SPORT:American city where the Suns play basketball`Phoenix
SPORT:A sporting outsider`underdog
SPORT:Aston Villas colours`Claret and Blue
SPORT: At which football ground would you find the Rous and Rookery stands`Watford
SPORT:At which motor racing venue will you find the Niki LaudaKurve & the Jochen Rindt Kurve`A1 Ring, Austria
SPORT:At which motor racing venue would you find the Coca Cola Kurve, Ford Kurve and Dunlop Kurve`Nurburgring
SPORT:At which motor racing venue would you find the Jim Clark Kurve and the Ayrton Senna Kurve`Hockenheim
SPORT: At which sport was Fred Perry World champion in 1929`table tennis
Sport : Baseball: The Baltimore ________`orioles
Sport : Baseball: The Toronto _________`bluejays
Sport : Basketball: The Boston ___________`celtics
Sport : Basketball: The Denver _________`nuggets
Sport : Basketball: The Los Angeles _________`lakers
Sport : Basketball: The New York __________`knick
Sport : Basketball: The Seattle ________`supersonics
Sport : Basketball: The Utah ________`jazz
SPORT: British decathlete,Olympic champion 1980 & 84`daly thompson
SPORT: British motor racing World Champion 1992`nigel mansell
SPORT: British sprinter, subject of the film Chariots of Fire`Harold Abrahams
SPORT: By which name is John Sholto-Douglas better known in the boxing world`Marquis of Queensberry
SPORT:Colourful chairman of Fulham F C`Mohamed Al fayed
SPORT:Cricket, West Indian paceman who captained Gloucestershire`Courtney Walsh
SPORT: David Beckhams nickname`goldenballs
SPORT: English decathlete`Daley Thompson
SPORT:English football team, nicknamed the baggies`West Bromwich Albion
SPORT: English ice dance champions`Torvill and Dean
SPORT: English National Hunt Jockey, champion jockey 1982 and 1986-1992`Peter Scudamore
SPORT: Female Pentathlon winner at the 1972 Olympics`mary peters
SPORT:Female skater who won Olympic gold in 1988`Katarina Witt
SPORT:First Australian to win the Wimbledon mens singles title`Norman Brookes
SPORT:First presenter of Match of the Day`Ken Wolstenholme
Sport : Football: The Baltimore ________`colts
Sport : Football: The Buffalo _______`bills
Sport : Football: The Cincinnati _________`bengals
Sport : Football: The Cleveland ________`browns
Sport : Football: The Dallas _________`cowboys
Sport : Football: The Denver _________`broncos
Sport : Football: The Miami __________`dolphins
Sport : Football: The Minnesota _______`vikings
Sport : Football: The New Orleans __________`saints
Sport : Football: The Seattle _______`seahawks
SPORT: Formal game or sports event in which people or teams compete against each other`match
SPORT:Former golf club, equiv to the modern No5 or 6 Iron used for approach shots`Mashie
SPORT: For what does Real stand in Real Madrids name`royal
SPORT:For which club was Marco van asten playing when he was European Footballer of the year 1988,1989 & 1992`A C Milan
SPORT: French motor racing driver who won the world championship 1985,86 and 89`Alain Prost
SPORT: From which famous bridge does the boat race start`Putney
SPORT: Golfers warning cry`fore
SPORT: Golf, what is the American name for an albatross`double eagle
SPORT: Grand National race course`aintree
Sport : He holds the NHL record for the most goals scored during the regular season`wayne gretzky
SPORT: He was manager of Liverpool football club 1985-91`kenny dalglish
Sport : He was the NBA, MVP in 1976, 77, and 80`kareem abdul-jabbar
Sport : Hockey: The Boston ___________`bruins
Sport : Hockey: The Buffalo _________`sabres
Sport : Hockey: The Calgary __________`flames
Sport : Hockey: The Chicago _________`black hawks
Sport : Hockey: The Detroit ________`red wings
Sport : Hockey: The Edmonton __________`oilers
Sport : Hockey: The Los Angeles ________`kings
Sport : Hockey: The Montreal ________`canadiens
Sport : Hockey: The Pittsburgh __________`penguins
Sport : Hockey: The St. Louis __________`blues
Sport : Hockey: The Toronto _______`maple leafs
Sport : Hockey: The Vancouver ________`canucks
SPORT:Home to Bristol City`Ashton Gate
SPORT:How many FA Challenge cup trophies have there been`three
Sport : How many feet high is a basketball net`ten
Sport : How many games must you win to win a normal set in tennis`six
SPORT: How many innings make up a standard game of baseball`nine
Sport : How many minutes is a major penalty in hockey`five
Sport : How many minutes is each period of hockey`20
SPORT: How many Olympic gold medals has Mark Spitz won`nine
Sport : How many players are there on a soccer team`eleven
Sport : How many players are there on a water polo team`seven
SPORT: How many players in a hurling team`fifteen
Sport : How many players make up a field hockey team`eleven
Sport : How many points are awarded for a safety touch in football`two
SPORT:How many points for a brown on a snooker table`four
Sport : How many referees work a soccer game`one
Sport : How many seams are there on a football (American)`four
Sport : How many sides does a home-plate have`five
SPORT:How many teams formed the original Football League in 1888`twelve
SPORT:If you were standing in a diamond which sport would you be playing`baseball
SPORT: In 1905 which inside forward and goal scorer was transferred from Middlesbrough to Sunderland for a fee of 1000 which provoked the FA to limit transfer fees to 350`alf common
SPORT: In 1981 which  football club manager was quoted in The Sunday Times saying Football is not a matter of life and death, its much more important than that`bill shankly
SPORT: In 1983-4 who was the first British footballer to win the european Golden Boot`ian rush
SPORT: In 1997 Graham Souness managed which Italian club for three months`Torino
SPORT: In 1998,which athlete broke the world record for the mens 10,000 metres twice in 13 days`Haile Gebrselaisse
SPORT: In billiards a shot that is pocketed after striking another ball`in-off
SPORT: In cricket 111 is believed to be unlucky, what is it called`Nelson
SPORT: In cricket where is a yorker pitched to land`on or just inside the crease
SPORT: In cricket, who scored Englands first Test century`W G Grace
sporting events: where is gasoline alley`the indianapolis motor speedway
SPORT: In golf if a hole is 249 yards long, what par is it`three
SPORT: In golf what would you put in your shag bag`practice balls
SPORT: In golf where would you keep your practice balls`shag bag
SPORT: In judo if the referee shouts sono mama what do the players do`freeze
SPORT: In judo what does the referee shout to make players freeze`sono-mama
SPORT: In motorracing what colour flag denotes Danger no overtaking`yellow
Sport : In pro football a "sudden death" period lasts how many minutes long`15
SPORT:In showjumping what is the penalty for three refusals`Elimination
SPORT:Instituted in 1955, what is the original name of the UEFA cup`Inter-cities Fair Cup
Sport : In ten-pin bowling, how many points does a perfect game consist of`300
SPORT:In the 1976 Olympics, who was the only female competitor not to be given a sex test`Princess anne
SPORT: In the 1980s who was the only non american or european to win the Ladies singles at Wimbledon`Evonne Cawley
SPORT: In the decathlon, which event comes third on the first day`shot put
Sport : In this team sport each player gets a chance to play every position`volleyball
SPORT: In what game would you use the terms suidgers and squopping`tiddlywinks
Sport : In what sport is the Heisman trophy awarded`american  football
Sport: In what year did Torvell & Dean win the world championships`1981
SPORT: In which city are the US football team The Redskins based`washington
SPORT:In which city in North America were the 1976 Summer Olympics held`Montreal
Sport : In which city is the Cotton Bowl played`dallas
Sport : In which city is the Hockey Hall of Fame located`toronto
SPORT:In which city is the worlds largest indoor games convention held annually`London
SPORT:In which event did Great Britain win their only Winter Olympic medal(bronze) in 1998 in Japan`Four-man bobsleigh
SPORT: In which event did Richard Meade win Olympic gold`Equestrianism
Sport : In which game or sport is a "Zamboni" used`hockey
SPORT: In which game would you use the expression "J'adoube"`chess
SPORT:In which scottish town do Morton play their home matches`Greenock
SPORT:In which scottish town do Queen of the South play their home matches`Dumfries
SPORT:In which scottish town do Raith Rovers play their home matches`Kirkcaldy
SPORT:In which Scottish town do Ross County play their home matches`Dingwall
SPORT: In which sport are Peter Nicol and Cassie Campion leading names`squash
SPORT:In which sport can you legally perform a body slam or a double leg pick up`Judo
SPORT:In which sport did Britains Jason Queally win an Olympic gold medal in Sydney 2000`cycling
SPORT: In which sport did Phil Read win many World Championships`motor cycling
SPORT:In which sport does Hashim Khan excel`Squash
Sport : In which sport is a "hole-in-one" possible`golf
Sport : In which sport is the America's Cup awarded`sailboat racing
Sport : In which sport is the Cy Young Trophy awarded`baseball
Sport : In which sport is the Davis Cup awarded`tennis
SPORT:In which sport is the macrobertson International Shield contested`croquet
Sport : In which sport is the term, "Hang ten" used`surfing
Sport : In which sport is the term "love" used`tennis
Sport : In which sport is the term "wishbone" used`football
SPORT: In which sport is the Thomas Cup contested`badminton
SPORT: In which sport is the Uber Cup contested`Ladies badminton
SPORT: In which sport would you come across the terms`trampolining
Sport : In which sport would you find the "slapshot"`hockey
SPORT: In which sport would you go to a basho`sumo wrestling
SPORT: In which weight category did John Conteh fight`Light heavyweight
SPORT:In which year did archery in its present form become an olympic sport`1972
SPORT:In which year did Ian Botham receive his first cap`1977
SPORT: in which year did Santa Claus win the DerbY`1964
SPORT: In which year was Baseballs American League formed`1900
SPORT:In which year was Baseballs National League formed`1876
SPORT:In which year was basketball invented`1891
SPORT:In which year was FIFA formed`1904
SPORT: In which year was the 3rd division added to the football league`1920
SPORT: In which year was the 4th division added to the football league`1958
SPORT:In which year was the F A cup instituted`1871
SPORT:In which year was the F A Cup stolen from a Birmingham shop window`1895
SPORT:In which year was the F a Cup trophy presented to Lord Kinnaird on completion of 21 years as F A President`1910
SPORT:In which year was the Federation Internationale de Tir a l'Arc, world governing body of archery formed`1931
SPORT:In which year was the Football Association fromed`1863
SPORT:In which year was the football world cup first held`1930
sport: In which year was the International Amateur Athletic Fed formed`1913
SPORT:In which year was the second division added to the football league`1892
SPORT:In which year were the first British Archery Championships held`1844
SPORT:Jamaican test venue`Sabina Park
SPORT: Jimmy Hill gave up his job as manager of which football club in 1967 to become a tv presenter`coventry city
SPORT: June 2002, name of the discgraced South African cricketer killed in a plane crash`hansie cronje
SPORT: Location of the 2002 F A cup Final`Cardiff
SPORT: Location of the summer Olympic Games in 1896`Athens,Greece
SPORT: Location of the summer Olympic Games in 1900`Paris,France
SPORT: Location of the summer Olympic Games in 1904`St Louis,USA
SPORT: Location of the summer Olympic Games in 1908`London,England
SPORT: Location of the summer Olympic Games in` 1912`Stockholm,Sweden
SPORT: Location of the summer Olympic Games in 1920`Antwerp,Belgium
SPORT: Location of the summer Olympic Games in 1924`Paris,France
SPORT: Location of the summer Olympic Games in 1928`Amsterdam,Netherlands
SPORT: Location of the summer Olympic Games in` 1932`Los Angeles,USA
SPORT: Location of the summer Olympic Games in 1936`Berlin,Germany
SPORT: Location of the summer Olympic Games in 1948`London,England
SPORT: Location of the summer Olympic Games in 1952`Helsinki,Finland
SPORT: Location of the summer Olympic Games in 1956`Melbourne,Australia
SPORT: Location of the summer Olympic Games in 1960`Rome,Italy
SPORT: Location of the summer Olympic Games in 1964`Tokyo,Japan
SPORT: Location of the summer Olympic Games in 1968`MexicoCity,Mexico
SPORT: Location of the summer Olympic Games in 1972`Munich,West Germany
SPORT: Location of the summer Olympic Games in 1976`Montreal,Canada
SPORT: Location of the summer Olympic Games in 1980`Moscow,USSR
SPORT: Location of the summer Olympic Games in 1984`Los Angeles,USA
SPORT: Location of the summer Olympic Games in 1988`Seoul,South Korea
SPORT: Location of the summer Olympic Games in 1992`Barcelona,Spain
SPORT: Location of the summer Olympic Games in 1996`Atlanta,USA
SPORT: Location of the summer Olympic Games in 2000`Sydney,Australia
SPORT:Loosing finalists in Italia 90`Argentina
SPORT:March 2002, which 1992 Barcelona Olympic 5000m gold medal winner recently returned to sport after a drugs ban`Dieter Baumann
SPORT:March 2002, which cricketer has been voted Trinidad & Tobagos sportsman of the year for the fourth time`Brian Lara
SPORT: May 2002, which driver won this years Monaco Grand Prix`david coulthard
SPORT: may 29th 1985, 41 people were killed at which stadium tragedy`heysel stadium
Sport: Name englands most famous steeplechase`the grand national
SPORT: Name given in golf to a putt short enough to be conceded`a gimmie
Sport: Name Lancashires cricket ground`old trafford
SPORT: Name of Andre Agassi and Steffi Grafs baby son`jaden gil
SPORT: Name of the Argentinian footballer responsible for breaking David Beckhams foot and jeopardising Englands World Cup hopes`Aldo Duscher
SPORT: Name of the Republic of Irelands coach who famously sent home Roy Keane`mick mccarthy
SPORT:Name of the UEFA Cup trophy`Henry Delauney Trophy
SPORT:Name the British heavyweight who beat Berndt August for the European championship`Richard Dunn
SPORT:Name the famous Swiss bobsleigh course`The Cresta Run
Sport: Name the first english classic horse race run in 1776`st leger
SPORT: Name the first English club to play 4000 league(Football League and Nationwide League) matches`Notts County
SPORT: Name the first football team from Holland to win the European Cup`Feyenoord
SPORT: Name the first team to play in successive Wembley FA Cup finals (1933&34)`manchester City
SPORT:Name the first Yorkshire club to win footballs FA Cup`Sheffield Wednesday
SPORT:Name the footballer who clinched Englands 1966 World cup win`Geoff Hurst
Sport : Name the hockey trophy awarded to the player demonstrating the best sportsmanship`the  lady byng  trophy
SPORT:Name the Rangers stadium`ibrox
SPORT Nick name of Chicagos American Football Team`bears
SPORT:No score in tennis`love
Sport of riding on water on sailboard`windsurfing
Sport of running across country using map and compass`orienteering
SPORT: Old Trafford, home of which football team`Manchester United
SPORT: One of two or more contesting teams or factions`side
Sport : On what type of surface are the tennis matches at Wimbledon played`grass
SPORT: On which circuit is motor racings Grand Prix d'Endurance run`Le mans
SPORT: "Ossies going to Wembley, his knees have gone all trembly" unforgettable song???? - which team`Tottenham Hotspur
SPORT:Over which course is the Stewards Cup run`Goodwood
SPORT: Popular english jockey with a unique high riding style,champion jockey 11 times between 1960 and 1982`Lester Piggott
SPORT:Ray Wilkins won 22 England Caps whilst playing for which Italian Club`A C Milan
SPORT:Renamed in 1960, what was the UEFA cup tournaments second name`European Fairs Cup
Sport resembling hang-gliding using a parachute like canopy attached to the body by a harness`paragliding
SPORT: Royal Porthcawl is one of the Royal golf courses in wales, name the other`Royal St Davids
Sports: 11 A Side Bat And Ball Game Resembling Cricket And Rounders`Stoolball
Sports: 1994 Data East Game Based On The Pinball-Themed Broadway Play`Tommy
Sports: 25 Points Were Given To A Laff-Alympics Team For Placing First In A Given Event. How Many For Placing Second`15
Sports: A Backgammon Board Is Marked Out In Sawtooth 'Points' In Two Colours. How Many Of These Points Are There`24
Sports. A ball thrown or batted with a twist`twister
Sports: A Battleship Occupies How Many Squares`Four
Sports: Aboard Which Horse Did Pat Taaffe Win The Cheltenham Gold Cup In 1964,1965 And 1966`Arkle
Sports: A Bowling Pin Need Only Tilt How Far In Order To Fall Down (It's A Decimal)`7.5 Degrees
Sports. A boxing blow given while receiving or parrying another`counter
Sports: A Bridge Hand With No Cards In One Suit Called`Void
Sports: A Bridge Hand With No Cards In One Suit Is Said To Have A`Void
Sports: A Caman Is A Stick Used For Playing Hurling. Traditionally They Are Made From ___, Which Gives The Best Performance`Ash
Sports: A Caman Is A Stick Used For Playing _______. Traditionally They Are Made From Ash, Which Gives The Best Performance`Hurling
Sports: A Camog Is A Crooked, Broad-Bladed Stick Used For Playing`Camogie
Sports: A Card Game Similar To Rummy`Canasta
Sports: According To John Aubrey's Brief Lives , What Card Game Did The English Poet, Sir John Suckling, Invent In 1630`Cribbage
Sports: According To Suppliers, Purple Is, By Far, The Favorite Ink Colour In Dabbers Used By _____`Bingo Players
Sports: A __________ Checkerboard Has 121 Holes`Chinese
Sports: A Chinese Checkerboard Has __________ Holes`121
Sports: Actors: Besides Field Of Dreams, What Other Baseball Movie Starred Kevin Costner`Bull Durham
Sports Actors: In what movie did Ronald Reagan say "win one for the Gipper"`knute rockne all american
sports actors: what former nfl running back became a regular on hill street blues`ed marinaro
Sports Actors: What glass-jawed former heavyweight contender was once spoofed on The Simpsons`gerry Cooney
sports actors: what was the name of the character resembling babe ruth in the natural`the whammer
Sports Actors: Who co-starred as Gale Sayers in Brian's Song`billy dee williams
Sports Actors: Who played Babe Ruth in The Babe Ruth Story`william bendix
Sports Actors: Who played Jimmy Piersall in Fear Strikes Out`anthony perkins
Sports Actors: Who played Lou Gehrig in Pride of the Yankees`gary cooper
Sports Actors: Who played Roy Hobbs' old girlfriend and eventual wife in The Natural`glenn close
Sports Actors: Who played the manager in The Natural`wilfred brimley
Sports Actors: Who played the pesky sportswriter in The Natural`robert duvall
Sports Actors: Who played the woman who pretended to be Hobbs' mistress in The Natural`kim basinger
Sports Actors: Who starred as an Olympic skier in Downhill Racer`robert redford
sports actors: who starred as boxer rocky graziano in somebody up there likes me`paul newman
Sports: Ad&D: Max Level Of A Human Fighter`Unlimited
Sports. A dive in which the diver leaves the board facing forward, does a back somersault, and enters the water feet first`gainer
Sports: A Draughts Player Starts With How Many Pieces`Twelve
Sports: A 'Featherie' Was An Early Form Of' Which Piece Of Sports Equipment`Golf Ball
Sports: A Forfeited Game In __________ Is Recorded As A 9-0 Score. In Football It Is Recorded As A 1-0 Score`Baseball
Sports. A formal race usually having an open field of contestants: 'a motorcycle derby.'`derbies
Sports: A Free-Legged Pacer Can Compete In What Sport`Harness Racing
Sports: After How Many Points Do Players Change Service In Table Tennis`5
Sports: After Michael Jordan Accomplished This Feat Early In 01-02 Nba Season How Many People Now Have Over 30,000 Career Points In The Nba`Four
Sports: After Retiring From Baseball, What Team Did Babe Ruth Coach`Brooklyn Dodgers
Sports: A Fun, New Winter Sport`Snowboarding
Sports: Against Which County Did Brian Lara Make His First-Class Record Of 501 Runs`Durham
Sports: A Game In Which Small Balls Are Struck Into Holes On Inclined Board`Bagatelle
Sports: A Game Of Pool Is Referred To As A`Frame
Sports: A Game Played With Rackets And Shuttlecock`Badminton
Sports: A Harness Racer's Vehicle Called`Sulky
Sports: A High School In Daytona Beach, Fl., Also Is The Alma Mater Of Which Of The Following Nba Standouts`Vince Carter
Sports: A Hockey Team's 'Blue Line Corps'`Defensemen
Sports: A ______ Is A 9 Meter Square Mat Of Compressed Straw With A Tight Canvas Covering On Which Judo Contests Are Held`Tatami
Sports: A ______ Is A 'Almost A Point' Scored In Judo`Wazari
Sports: A _____ Is A Crooked, Broad-Bladed Stick Used For Playing Camogie`Camog
Sports: A ____ Is A Heavily Padded Gauntlet Worn During Kendo To Protect The Hand And Forearm`Kote
Sports: A _______ Is A Japanese Jacket Worn For Kendo`Keikogi
Sports: A _____ Is A Judo Contest`Shiai
Sports: A ______ Is A Loose-Fitting Suit Worn For Combat In Judo`Judogi
Sports: A __________ Is An Athletic Contest In Wrestling And Boxing`Pancratium
Sports: A _____ ____ Is An Offensive Manoeuvre In American Football Where By Two Running Backs Cross Paths And Charge Into The Opposition's Line, One Of The Backs Receiving The Ball From The Quarterback While The Other Back Fakes Possession`Cross Buck
Sports: A ______ Is A Participant In Judo`Judoka
Sports: A _____ Is A Roughly Trimmed Young Pine-Trunk Used In Scottish Highland Games`Caber
Sports: A ____ Is A Shout In Kendo Which Must Accompany A Blow For A Point To Be Scored`Kiai
Sports: A _____ Is A Stick Used For Playing Hurling. Traditionally They Are Made From Ash, Which Gives The Best Performance`Caman
Sports: A _____-_____ Is A Variation Of Cross-Country Running Which Originated In The Eighteenth Century`Paper-Chase
Sports: A Judoka Is A Participant In`Judo
Sports: A.K.A A Pair Of Aces And A Pair Of Eights`Dead Mans Hand
Sports: A Keikogi Is A Japanese Jacket Worn For`Kendo
Sports: A Kiai Is A Shout In _____ Which Must Accompany A Blow For A Point To Be Scored`Kendo
Sports. A kick of a stationary ball from the middle of the field in soccer that starts play at the beginning of a half or after a goal has been scored`kickoff
Sports: A Kote Is A Heavily Padded Gauntlet Worn During _____ To Protect The Hand And Forearm`Kendo
Sports: A Kote Is A Heavily Padded ________ Worn During Kendo To Protect The Hand And Forearm`Gauntlet
Sports: Alcalde Is A Card Game Variation Of ______ For Three Players, Played With The 40-Card Spanish Deck`Brisca
Sports: Alister Allan And Malcolm Cooper Won Olympic Medals In Which Sport`Shooting
Sports: All Pinball Machines Are Made Near This City, The Pinball Capital Of The World`Chicago
Sports: Although Magic Is Known As King Of Triple Doubles This Person Averaged A Triple Double Through An Entire Season`Oscar Robertson
Sports: Aluette (Or La Vache, '___ ___ ____') Is A Card Game Played In Vendee And The Coasts Of Brittany, Using A 48- Card Spanish Suited Deck With Special Designs`The Cow Game
Sports: Aluette (Or La Vache, 'The Cow Game') Is A Card Game Played In ______ And The Coasts Of Brittany, Using A 48- Card Spanish Suited Deck With Special Designs`Vendee
Sports: Aluette (Or __ _____, 'The Cow Game') Is A Card Game Played In Vendee And The Coasts Of Brittany, Using A 48- Card Spanish Suited Deck With Special Designs`La Vache
Sports: A Lump Of Pure Gold The Size Of A Matchbox Can Be Flattened Into A Sheet The Size Of What`A Tennis Court
Sports: Alvan Adams Was The Rookie-Of-The-Year In The Nba In 1975-76. For What Team Did He Play`Phoenix Suns
Sports: Americans Spend More Than __________ Million A Year On Golf Balls`$630
Sports. A metal or metal-tipped spear thrown for distance in track and field competitions. The men's ------- is about 2.6 meters (8 1/2 feet) in length: the women's is about 2.2 meters (7 1/4`javelin
Sports &amp: Games. An official supervising the play: an umpire`referee
Sports &amp: Games. A usually numerical record of a competitive event: 'keeping -----.'`score
Sports: An 1872 Soccer Game In _______, Scotland, Between An English All-Star Team And Its Scottish Counterpart Marked The Beginning Of International Play`Glasgow
Sports: An Ad&D 2nd Edition Demon Is A`Tanar'ri
Sports: An Ad&D 2nd Edition Devil Is A`Baatezu
Sports. An association of teams or clubs that compete chiefly among themselves. Also called loop1`lea
Sports. An association of teams or clubs that compete chiefly among themselves. Also called loop1`league
Sports: A 'Niblick'`Golfer's Nine Iron
Sports. An implement used in some games to drive a ball, especially a stick with a protruding head used in golf`club
Sports. An implement used in some games to drive a ball, especially a stick with a protruding head used in golf`clubs
Sports: An Ippon Is A 'Full Point' Scored In`Judo
Sports: An _____ Is A 'Full Point' Scored In Judo`Ippon
Sports. A notebook containing descriptions and diagrams of the plays of a team, especially a football team`playbook
Sports: Another Name For A Football`Pigskin
Sports: Another Name For The Card Game 'Blackjack'`Twenty One
Sports: Another Name For The Card Game 'Twenty One'`Blackjack
Sports. Any of various gymnastic exercises or jumps in which the movement of the legs suggests the opening and closing of`scissors
Sports: A 'Passed Ball' Is An Error Charged To Which Player In Baseball`Catcher
Sports: A Perfect Game In Tenpin Bowling Is`12 Strikes
Sports: A 'Pigskin' Is Another Name For A(N)`Football
Sports. A player of curling`curler
Sports: A Poker Hand Consisting Of Three Of A Kind And A Pair Is Called A`Full House
Sports: A Racehorse Which Has Never Won A Race Is Refereed To As A`Maiden
Sports. A ----- race`relay
Sports: A Racing Sledge Steered And Braked Mechanically`Bobsleigh
Sports: Archie Moore, Was World Champion In What Sport From 1952 1962`Boxing
Sports. A rectangular area marked off in front of the goal in hockey and lacrosse`crease
Sports: A Retiarius Was A _____ _________ Armed With A Trident, Net And Dagger And With An Armoured Defense For The Left Shoulder And Leather Armoured Left Sleeve`Roman Gladiator
Sports: A Retiarius Was A Roman Gladiator Armed With A _______, ___ ___ ______ And With An Armoured Defense For The Left Shoulder And Leather Armoured Left Sleeve`Trident, Net And Dagger
Sports: Arlington Is The Advanced Form Of What Card Game`Rummy
Sports. A round of golf played by two people`twosome
Sports. A rowing machine`rowboat
Sports: A Shiai Is A ____ Contest`Judo
Sports. A short series of performances or athletic contests`miniseries
Sports: A Soccer Ball Has __ Panels`Thirty Two
Sports: As Of November 2000, Which Golfer Has Won The Most Prize Money In International Competition`Greg Norman
Sports: A Tennis Shot Hit In The Air When Close To The Net`Volley
Sports. A tied score`deadlock
Sports: A Toboggan Course`Cresta Run
Sports: At Oxford And Cambridge Universities, A ____ Is A Sporting Honour Awarded To Students Representing Their University In A Game Or Athletics`Blue
Sports: A Trained Fighter In Ancient Rome`Gladiator
Sports: A Trainee Jockey Under 21 Years Of Age Called`Apprentice
Sports: At The 1991 World Championships In Tokyo, Which British Hurdler Ran The Last Leg Of The 4x400 Relay To Win Gold For Britain`Kris Akabusi
Sports: At The Beginning Of A Game Of Draughts How Many Pieces Does Each Player Have`Twelve
Sports: At The Center, How Many Feet High Is A Badminton Net`Five Feet
Sports: At The Montreal Olympics, Nelli Kim Was Judged To Have Given A Perfect Performance In The Floor Exercise And Which Other Discipline`Vault
Sports: At Which Grand Prix Circuit Did Ayrton Senna Lose His Life`San Marino
Sports: At Which Grand Prix Did Nikki Lauda Make His Comback`Italian
Sports: At Which Sport Do Oxford And Cambridge Universities Compete For The Bowring Bowl`Rugby
Sports: At Which Weight Was Boxer Freddie Mills World Champion`Light Heavyweight
Sports: A Type Of Windsurfing Board That Is Less Stable But Faster Than The Standard One`Funboard
Sports: Australian Meteorologist Nils Lied, While In Antartica, Drove A Golf Ball`2414 Metres
Sports: Australian Rules Football Was Originally Designed To Give __________ Something To Play During The Off Season`Cricketers
Sports: A _______ Was A Boxing-Glove Weighted With Metal, And Used By The Greek And Roman Pugilists`Caestus
Sports: A _______ Was A Former No. 9 Iron Golf Club, Giving A Great Deal Of Lift`Niblick
Sports: A __________ Was An Equestrian Contest Between Military Knights And Others Armed With Lances Which Were Common In The Middle Ages. They Were Introduced To England By The Normans`Tournament
Sports: A ________ Was A Roman Gladiator Armed With A Sword And Shield And Also A Helmet With A Perforated Face Guard And An Elaborate Plume`Myrmillo
Sports: A _________ Was A Roman Gladiator Armed With A Trident, Net And Dagger And With An Armoured Defense For The Left Shoulder And Leather Armoured Left Sleeve`Retiarius
Sports: A Wazari Is A 'Almost A Point' Scored In`Judo
Sports: A Wazari Is A '______ _ _____' Scored In Judo`Almost A Point
Sports: A Young Female Racehorse Called`Filly
Sports: Babe Ruth Wore A Piece Of This Under His Cap To Keep His Head Cool.. And Changed It Every 2 Innings`Cabbage
Sports: Backgammon Is An Old Board Game Also Called ____ ____, Tavla Or Tables, And Is Typically Played For Money`Tric Trac
Sports: Backgammon Is An Old Board Game Also Called Tric Trac, _____ Or Tables, And Is Typically Played For Money`Tavla
Sports: Badminton Is A Game Played On A Rectangular Court By Two Players, Or Two Pairs Of Players, With Light Rackets Used To Volley A ___________ Over A High Net That Divides The Court In Half`Shuttlecock
Sports: Badminton Star Liem Swie King Represented Which Country`Indonesia
Sports: Bandy Is A Game Similar To ______, Played On An Ice-Covered Football Pitch`Hockey
Sports: Barcelona 1992 Sports:) How Many Bronze Medals Were Won By: Kenya`2
Sports: Barcelona 1992 Sports:) How Many Gold Medals Were Won By: Ghana`0
Sports: Baseballer Joe Schlabotnik's Greatest Fan`Charlie Brown
Sports: Baseball: Hank Aaron Received More Of What Than Any Other Person`Personal Fouls
Sports: Baseball In Houston, Is Played At ____ Field (Events In Texas In January 2002 Have Made This Highly Embarrassing To Them)`Enron
Sports: Baseball Star Joe Dimaggio Married Which Actress`Marilyn Monroe
Sports: Baseball: The Atlanta`Braves
Sports: Baseball: The Baltimore`Orioles
Sports: Baseball: The Boston`Red Sox
Sports: Baseball: The Chicago`Cubs
Sports: Baseball: The Cleveland`Indians
Sports: Baseball: The Florida`Marlins
Sports: Baseball: The Houston`Astros
Sports: Baseball: The New York`Mets
Sports: Baseball: The Philadelphia`Phillies
Sports: Baseball: The San Diego`Padres
Sports: Baseball: The Toronto`Bluejays
Sports: Basketball: The Boston`Celtics
Sports: Basketball: The Chicago`Bulls
Sports: Basketball: The Denver`Nuggets
Sports: Basketball: The Los Angeles`Lakers
Sports: Basketball: The Milwaukee`Bucks
Sports: Basketball: The New York`Knicks
Sports: Basketball: The Seattle`Supersonics
Sports: Basketball: The Utah`Jazz
Sports: Bat Masterson Was A Sportswriter For What Paper`Morning Telegraph
Sports: Before 1850, Golf Balls Were Made Of Leather And Were Stuffed With`Feathers
Sports: Bela (________) Is A Trick Taking Card Game, The Winner Of A Hand Is Not Necessarily The Winner Of The Most Tricks`Cloybosh
Sports: Bezique, Piquet And Pinochle Are All Types Of What`Card Games
Sports: Billie Jean King Competed In Which Modern Sport`Tennis
Sports: Birkenbeinerlauf Is A _________ ___`Norwegian Ski Race
Sports: Blind Cow Is The German And Austrian Name For The Game Of _____ ___'_`Blind Man's Buff
Sports: Blind Fly Is The Italian Name For Game Of _____ ___'_`Blind Man's Buff
Sports: Board Game Involving Rapid Climbing And Tragic Sliding`Chutes And Ladders
Sports: Board Game With Pieces Moved According To Throw Of Dice`Backgammon
Sports: Bobby Locke Was The First South African Golfer To Win Which Open`British
Sports: Bone Ace Was An English 17th Century Variation On The Earlier Card Game ___ ___`One And Thirty
Sports: Botvinnik, Petrosian And Tal Have All Been World Champions Of What`Chess
Sports: Boxing: He Was Heavy-Weight Champion In Boxing From 1962-1964, And Known As Sonny`Charles Liston
Sports: Boxing: He Was Heavy-Weight Champion In Boxing From 1964-1970, And Known As The Louisville Lip`Cassius Clay
Sports: Boxing: He Was Heavy-Weight Champion In Boxing From 1973-1974 And From 1994-1997 And Known As Big George`George Foreman
Sports: Boxing: He Was Heavy-Weight Champion In Boxing From 1974-1978 And From 1978-1979 And Known As The Greatest`Muhammad Ali
Sports: Boxing: He Was Heavy-Weight Champion In Boxing From 1980-1985 And Known As The Easton Assasin`Larry Holmes
Sports: Boxing: He Was Heavy-Weight Champion In Boxing From 1985-1988 And Known As The Spinks Jinx`Michael Spinks
Sports: Boxing: He Was Heavy-Weight Champion In Boxing From 1992-1993 And Known As Big Daddy`Riddick Bowe
Sports: Boxing: He Was Heavy-Weight Champion In Boxing From 1997-1998 And Known As The Cannon`Shannon Briggs
Sports: Boxing: He Was Heavy-Weight Champion In Boxing From 1998-2001 And Known As The Lion`Lennox Lewis
Sports: Boxing: He Was Heavy-Weight Champion In Boxing In 1978 And Known As Neon Leon`Leon Spinks
Sports: Boxing: He Was Heavy-Weight Champion In Boxing In 2001 And Known As The Rock`Hasim Rahman
Sports: Brian Lara Broke The Record For The Highest First Class Cricket Innings By Scoring 501 Not Out Against Which County In 1994`Durham
Sports: Button And House Are Terms Used In Which Sport`Curling
Sports: By What Name Is The England Cricket Team's 1932/33 Tour Of Australia Known`Bodyline
Sports: Calabresella (_________) Is An Italian Card Game For Three Players`Terziglio
Sports: Casino Game Played With Ball And Spinning Wheel`Roulette
Sports: Cau Robat Is A Card Game Played In _________, The North East Part Of Spain`Catalonia
Sports: Cego Is A Special Type Of _____, Played In South West Germany`Tarok
Sports: Cego Is A Special Type Of Tarok, Played In South West`Germany
Sports: Charles Darrow Based His Game Upon The 1904 'The Landlord's Game'`Monopoly
Sports: Cheat (Also Known As 'Bullshit' And '_ _____ __') Is A Card Game For Between Two And Ten Players`I Doubt It
Sports: Chemin De Fer Is A Variation Of Which Card Game`Baccarat
Sports: Chess Is A Game Of Skill Played On A _________`Chequered Board
Sports: Cheuca Was An Early Form Of Hockey Played By The Araucano Indians In`Argentina
Sports: Cheuca Was An Early Form Of Hockey Played By The ________ _______ In Argentina`Araucano Indians
Sports: Cheuca Was An Early Form Of ______ Played By The Araucano Indians In Argentina`Hockey
Sports: Christine Child Won Six British Titles In The 1970s, In Which Sport`Judo
Sports: Churchhill Downs, The Home Of The Kentucky Derby, Is Located In Which City`Louisville
Sports: Cicera Is An _______ Fishing Card Game Closely Related To The Popular Game Scopa`Italian
Sports: Club Nicknames: Brentford Fc`The Bees
Sports: Coiffeur-Schieber Is A Card Game Of The _____ ____ Group For Three Or Four Players`Swiss Jass
Sports: Company That Made Atari Games Like Kaboom And Megamania`Activision
Sports: Complete The Name Of This Famous Us Ice Hockey Team 'The Los Angeles ________'`Kings
Sports: Complete The Name Of This Football Team 'The Wolverhampton _________'`Wanderes
Sports: Coon-Can Is A Card Game For Between Two And Seven Players, And Is Derived From An Old Spanish Game Called`Conquian
SPORT: Scottish town north of Ayr, famous for its golf course`troon
Sports: Country In Which The Winter Sport Of Curling Was Invented`Scotland
Sports: Cricketer Dennis Lillee Once Tried To Use An Aluminium Bat Of His Own Design Called`The Combat
Sports: Department What Was The Worst Team In Major League Baseball In 1991`Cleveland Indians
Sports: Design Tool For Budding Gloria Vanderbilts`Fashion Plates
Sports: Dkw Are A German Manufacturer Of Motor Cycles. They Were Established In 1919 And Became Notable For Highly Developed And Specialised Racing Machines With ___-______`Two-Stroke Engines
Sports: Dobbm Is An Extremely Popular Card Game In The ______ Valley Among Card Players Of All Generations`Stubai
Sports: Droggn Is A Tarock Game For Three Players That Comes From The`Tyrol
Sports: Edinburgh Academicals Rfc Is The Oldest Rugby Union Club In`Scotland
Sports: Edinburgh Sc Is An ___ _______ Club Formed In 1742, The First In The World`Ice Skating
Sports: Egyptian Ratscrew Is A Card Game, Also Known As Egyptian War, Or ___________ Is Currently Popular In The Usa`Bloodystump
Sports: Egyptian Ratscrew Is A Card Game, Also Known As ________ ___, Or Bloodystump Is Currently Popular In The Usa`Egyptian War
Sports: Essential Equipment For A Boxer Comprises Gloves, Hand Tape, Protector Below The Waist, Boots And What Else`Gumshield
Sports: Eva Gabor And Johnny Carson Popularized This Game By Climbing Over Each Other`Twister
Sports: Every Finalest In The 100-Meter Dash Of The Last Four Olympics, Has Been Of What Descent`West African
Sports. Executed with the hand brought forward and up from below the level of the shoulder: underhand`underarm
Sports: Fencing Is The Sport Of Sword-Fighting. Three Weapons Are Used: The ____, Epee, And The Sabre`Foil
Sports: Fencing Is The Sport Of Sword-Fighting. Three Weapons Are Used: The Foil, Epee, And The`Sabre
Sports: Fencing Is The Sport Of _____-________. Three Weapons Are Used: The Foil, Epee, And The Sabre`Sword-Fighting
Sports: Ferdie Adoboe Set A World Record On 28 July 1983 By Running 100 Yards _________ In 12.8 Seconds`Backwards
Sports: Ferencvaros Is An Association Football Club In`Budapest
sports figures: what golfer had the nickname super mex`lee trevino
Sports: Football Became So Popular That Various English Monarchs, Including Edward Ii And Henry Vi, Forbade The Game Because It Took Interest Away From`Archery
Sports: Football Called In Italy`Calico
Sports: Football: The Cincinnati`Bengals
Sports: Football: The Cleveland`Browns
Sports: Football: The Dallas`Cowboys
Sports: Football: The Denver`Broncos
Sports: Football: The Miami`Dolphins
Sports: Football: The Minnesota`Vikings
Sports: Football: The New Orleans`Saints
Sports: Football: The Oakland`Raiders
Sports: Football: The Philadelphia`Eagles
Sports: Football: The Pittsburgh`Steelers
Sports: Football: The Seattle`Seahawks
Sports: Football: The Wolverhampton`Wanderers
Sports: Football Was Played In The Twelfth Century, Though Without Any`Rules
Sports: Football: Which Team Plays At 'Anfield'`Liverpool
Sports: Football: Which Team Plays At 'Craven Cottage'`Fulham
Sports: Football: Which Team Plays At 'Goodison Park'`Everton
Sports: Football: Which Team Plays At 'Highbury'`Arsenal
Sports: Football: Which Team Plays At 'Old Trafford'`Manchester United
Sports: Football: Which Team Plays At 'Portman Road'`Ipswich Town
Sports: Football: Which Team Plays At 'Stamford Bridge'`Chelsea
Sports: Football: Which Team Plays At 'St. James Park'`Newcastle United
Sports: Football: Which Team Plays At 'St. Marys Stadium'`Southampton
Sports: Football: Which Team Plays At 'The Riverside Stadium'`Middlesborough
Sports: Football: Which Team Plays At 'The Stadium Of Light'`Sunderland
Sports: Football: Which Team Plays At 'The Valley'`Charlton Athletic
Sports: Football: Which Team Plays At 'Upton Park'`West Ham
Sports: Football: Which Team Plays At 'White Hart Lane'`Tottenham Hotspur
Sports: Football: Which Team Were Manchester United Playing When Eric Canonta Aimed His Infamous Flying Kick At A Spectator`Crystal Palace
Sports: Former Baseball Star Chuck Connors Hits A Bull's-Eye With Adult-Western`Rifleman
Sports: For What Football Team Did Bo Jackson Play Before His Injury`Los Angeles Raiders
Sports: For What Football Team Did Larry Csonka Play His Last Nfl Game`Dolphins
Sports: For What Olympic Team Did Andre Agassi's Father Box`Iranian Olympic Team
Sports: For What Sport Is A Harrier Bred`Hunting
Sports: For What Team Did The 'Firebrand Of Hockey' Eddie Shore Play`Boston Bruins
Sports: Four Men In The History Of Boxing Have Been Knocked Out In The First __________ Seconds Of The First Round`11
Sports: Frank Lloyd Wright Son John Invented These After Watching Workers Move Timber`Lincoln Logs
Sports: Franz Beckenbauer, Known As The Kaiser, Played Football (Soccer) For Which German City`Munich
Sports: From What Country Was The Athlete Peter Snell`New Zealand
Sports: From What Fairly Light-Weight Wood Is A Bat For The Sport Of Cricket Traditionally Made From`Willow
Sports: From What Game Is Poker Thought To Have Originated From`Poque
Sports: From What Is The Floor Of A Boxing-Ring Made`Curves
Sports: From What Material Are Snooker Balls Made`Chrystallite
Sports: From What Material Is The Ring Made In Sumo Wrestling`Clay
Sports: From Which Sport Does The Phrase' To Win Hands Down' Come`Horse Racing
Sports: From Which Type Of Wood Are Most Baseball Bats Made`Ash
Sports&Games: How is the chess term "shah mat" better known `Checkmate
Sports&Games: How many pieces are found in a chess set `32
Sports&Games: Tic-Tac-Toe is based on which game `Nine men morris
Sports&Games: What does "Dan" mean `Grade
Sports&Games: What is the Chess ranking system called `Elo
Sports&Games: What is the name of the board that Baduk is player on `Goban
Sports&Games: What sport did James Naismith invent `Basketball
Sports&Games: Which game has 361 intersections `Go
Sports&Games: With which sport is Babe Ruth associated `Baseball
Sports&Games: With which sport is Bjorn Borg associated `Tennis
Sports&Games: With which sport is Bobby Moore associated `Soccer
Sports&Games: With which sport is Chirs Evert-Lloyd associated `Tennis
Sports&Games: With which sport is Jack Nicklaus associated `Golf
Sports&Games: With which sport is Muhammad Ali associated `Boxing
Sports&Games: With which sport is Pele associated `Soccer
Sports: Garmisch Is A Bobsleigh Course At ________-_____________ In The Bavarian Alps. It Was Built For The 1936 Winter Olympic Games But Opened In Time To Stage The World Championships In 1934`Garmisch-Partenkirchen
Sports: Give One Of The Forenames Of Baseball Player, Babe Ruth`George`Herman
Sports: Gleneagles Is A Scottish Hotel Golf Course In The ________ Foothills`Grampian
Sports: Go Down On Me Football The Denver`Broncos
Sports: _ Goes First In Tic Tac Toe`X
Sports: Gong Zhu Is A Chinese Version Of The Card Game Hearts, In Which The _____ __ ______ Is The Penalty Card Known As The Pig`Queen Of Spades
Sports: Gong Zhu Is A Chinese Version Of The Card Game Hearts, In Which The Queen Of Spades Is The Penalty Card Known As The`Pig
Sports: Gong Zhu Is A Chinese Version Of The Card Game ______, In Which The Queen Of Spades Is The Penalty Card Known As The Pig`Hearts
Sports: Grand Prix What Measures Walking Distance`Pedometer
Sports: Gurning Is The Ancient British Pasttime Of _______ _________`Pulling Grotesque Faces
Sports: Hack, Hog Line, House Are All Terms Used In What Winter Sport`Curling
Sports: Hallein Sbc Is The Leading ______ ____ Of Austria`Skibob Club
Sports: Harai-Goshi Is A Sweeping Hip Throw Used In`Judo
Sports: Harai-Goshi Is A ________ ___ _____ Used In Judo`Sweeping Hip Throw
Sports: Hearts (_____ _____) Is A Trick Taking Card Game In Which The Object Is To Avoid Winning Tricks Containing Hearts: The Queen Of Spades Is Even More To Be Avoided`Black Maria
SPORT: Sheffield venue for snooker`The Crucible Theatre
Sports: He Holds The Nba Record For Most Seasons In A Row Scoring More Then 2,000 Points`Karl Malone
Sports: He Holds The Nhl Record For The Most Goals Scored During The Regular Season`Wayne Gretzky
Sports: He's The Division I All Time Ncaa Basketball Leader In Points`Pete Maravich
Sports: He Was Heavy-Weight Champion In Boxing 1994 And Known As Double M`Michael Moorer
Sports: He Was Heavy-Weight Champion In Boxing From 1885-1892, And Known As The Boston Strong Boy`John L. Sullivan
Sports: He Was Heavy-Weight Champion In Boxing From 1892-1897, And Known As Gentleman Jim`James J. Corbett
Sports: He Was Heavy-Weight Champion In Boxing From 1897-1899, And Known As Ruby Robert`Bob Fitzsimmons
Sports: He Was Heavy-Weight Champion In Boxing From 1899-1905, And Known As The Boilermaker`James J. Jeffries
Sports: He Was Heavy-Weight Champion In Boxing From 1905-1906, And Known As The Fightin' Kentuckian`Marvin Hart
Sports: He Was Heavy-Weight Champion In Boxing From 1906-1908, And Known As The Little Giant Of Hanover`Tommy Burns
Sports: He Was Heavy-Weight Champion In Boxing From 1908-1915, And Known As Lil' Arthur`Jack Johnson
Sports: He Was Heavy-Weight Champion In Boxing From 1915-1919, And Known As The Pottawatomie Giant`Jess Willard
Sports: He Was Heavy-Weight Champion In Boxing From 1919-1926, And Known As The Manassa Mauler`Jack Dempsey
Sports: He Was Heavy-Weight Champion In Boxing From 1926-1928, And Known As The Fighting Marine`Gene Tunney
Sports: He Was Heavy-Weight Champion In Boxing From 1932-1933, And Known As The Boston Gob`Jack Sharkey
Sports: He Was Heavy-Weight Champion In Boxing From 1933-1934, And Known As The Ambling Alp`Primo Carnera
Sports: He Was Heavy-Weight Champion In Boxing From 1935-1937, And Known As The Cinderella Man`James J. Braddock
Sports: He Was Heavy-Weight Champion In Boxing From 1937-1949, And Known As The Black Bomber`Joe Louis
Sports: He Was Heavy-Weight Champion In Boxing From 1949-1951, And Known As The Cincinnatti Cobra`Ezzard Charles
Sports: He Was Heavy-Weight Champion In Boxing From 1951-1952, And Known As Jersey Joe`Joe Walcott
Sports: He Was Heavy-Weight Champion In Boxing From 1952-1956, And Known As The Brockton Blockbuster`Rocky Marciano
Sports: He Was Heavy-Weight Champion In Boxing From 1956-1959, And From 1960-1962`Floyd Patterson
Sports: He Was Heavy-Weight Champion In Boxing From 1959-1960`Ingemar Johansson
Sports: He Was Heavy-Weight Champion In Boxing From 1962-1964, And Known As Sonny`Charles Liston
Sports: He Was Heavy-Weight Champion In Boxing From 1964-1970, And Known As The Louisville Lip`Cassius Clay
Sports: He Was Heavy-Weight Champion In Boxing From 1970-1973 And Known As Smokin'`Joe Frazier
Sports: He Was Heavy-Weight Champion In Boxing From 1973-1974 And From 1994-1997 And Known As Big George`George Foreman
Sports: He Was Heavy-Weight Champion In Boxing From 1974-1978 And From 1978-1979 And Known As The Greatest`Muhammad Ali
Sports: He Was Heavy-Weight Champion In Boxing From 1980-1985 And Known As The Easton Assasin`Larry Holmes
Sports: He Was Heavy-Weight Champion In Boxing From 1988-1990 And Known As Iron Mike`Mike Tyson
Sports: He Was Heavy-Weight Champion In Boxing From 1990-1992 And From 1993-1994 And Known As The Real Deal`Evander Holyfield
Sports: He Was Heavy-Weight Champion In Boxing From 1992-1993 And Known As Big Daddy`Riddick Bowe
Sports: He Was Heavy-Weight Champion In Boxing From 1997-1998 And Known As The Cannon`Shannon Briggs
Sports: He Was Heavy-Weight Champion In Boxing From 1998-2001 And Known As The Lion`Lennox Lewis
Sports: He Was Heavy-Weight Champion In Boxing In 1978 And Known As Neon Leon`Leon Spinks
Sports: He Was Heavy-Weight Champion In Boxing In 1990 And Known As Buster`James Douglas
Sport : She was "Sports Illustrated's" first female "Sportsman of the Year"`billie jean king
Sports: He Was The Nba, Mvp In 1976,77, And 80`Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
sports history: he was the first man to run the mile in less than four minutes`roger bannister
Sports: Hitch And Kick Was A Form Of High Jump Popular In The ______`Border Games
Sports: Hockey: The Calgary`Flames
Sports: Hockey: The Chicago`Black Hawks
Sports: Hockey: The Detroit`Red Wings
Sports: Hockey: The Edmonton`Oilers
Sports: Hockey: The Montreal`Canadians
Sports: Hockey: The Pittsburgh`Penguins
Sports: Hockey: The St. Louis`Blues
Sports: Hockey: The Vancouver`Canucks
Sports: Hockey: What Divides The Rink Laterally Into Three Equal Areas`Blue Line
Sports: Holani Is An Ancient Form Of Hockey Still Played In`Turkey
Sports: Honey Is Used As A Center For __________ Balls And In Antifreeze Mixtures`Golf
Sports: Honey Is Used As A Center For Golf Balls And In __________ Mixtures`Antifreeze
Sports: How Did Paul Wilson Run 100 Yards In 13.1 Seconds On September 22nd 1979 To Set A World Record`Backwards
Sports: How Does A Cricket Umpire Signal A Six`He Holds Both Hands Above His Head
Sports: How Is The Chess Term 'Shah Mat' Better Known`Checkmate
Sports: How Long Are Major League Soccer Games`Ninety Minutes
Sports: How Long Does A Game Of Ice Hockey Last`Sixty Minutes
Sports: How Long Is An Olympic Swimming Pool`Fifty Metres
Sports: How Long Is A Standard Olympic Swimming Pool`Fifty Metres
Sports: How Long Is Camptown Racetrack`Five Miles
Sports: How Long Is The Le Mans Endurance Motor Race`24 Hours
Sports: How Long Must The First Word In A Scrabble Game Be`Two Letters
Sports: How Many Balls Are Used In A Game Of Snooker In Addition To The Cue Ball`Twenty One
Sports: How Many Balls Are Used In A Game Of Snooker Including The Cue Ball`Twenty Two
Sports: How Many Balls Are Used In Snooker (Including The Cue Ball)`Twenty Two
Sports: How Many Balls Were There In The Old Australian Over`Eight
Sports: How Many Baseball Gloves Can Be Made From One Cow`Five
Sports: How Many Basic Positions Of The Feet Are There In Ballet`Five
Sports: How Many Bedrooms Are There In The Detective Board Game Clue`None
Sports: How Many Blades Are There On A Kayak Paddle`Two
Sports: How Many Bonus Points In Scrabble If All Seven Tiles Played At Once`Fifty
Sports: How Many Bowling Balls Does It Take To Make A Spare`Two
Sports: How Many British Opens Did Golfer, Peter Thompson, Win`Five
Sports: How Many Broken Clubs Is A Golfer Alowed To Replace During A Round`One
Sports: how many bulls are killed in a formal bullfight`six
Sports: How Many Bulls Are Slaughtered In A Normal Bullfight`Six
Sports: How Many Cars Are Permitted To Take Part In A Formula One Race`Twenty Six
Sports: How Many Classic Horse Races Are There`Five
Sports: How Many Consecutive Strikes Are Needed For A Perfect Game Of 10-Pin Bowls`Twelve
Sports: How Many Contestants Participated In The First Modern Olympiad`Four Hundred And Eighty Four
Sports: How Many Continents Must A Sport Be Played On Before The Ioc Will Consider Making It An Olympic Event For Men`Four
Sports: How Many Continents Must A Sport Be Regularly Played In Before It Is Accepted Into The Olympics`Five
Sports: How Many Copies Of The 1856 British Guiana Stamp Are Known To Exist`One
Sports: How Many Countries Competed In The First Modern Olympics In 1896`Thirteen
Sports: How Many Countries Contribute Teams To The Super 12 Tournament`Three
Sports: How Many Degrees Must A Regulation Bowling Pin Be Tipped Before It Will Fall`75
Sports: How Many Dice Are Used In Backgammon`Five
Sports: How Many Dimples Are On A Standard Tournament-Legal Golf Ball`336
Sports: How Many Dimples Does A Golf Ball Have`Three Hundred And Thirty Six
Sports: How Many Discs Does Each Player Have To Start With In Draughts (Checkers)`Twelve
Sports: How Many Dots Are On A Twister Mat`Thirty
Sports: How Many Double-Word-Score Spaces Are There On A 'Scrabble' Board`Seventeen
Sports: How Many English Test Cricket Venues Are There`Six
Sports: How Many Feet High Is A Basketball Net`Ten
Sports: How Many Feet Is It From The Service Line To The Net In Tennis`Twenty One
Sports: How Many Fingers Are Used To Draw A Bow`Three
Sports: How Many Forwards Are There In A Rugby Union Team`Eight
Sports: How Many Games Must You Win To Win A Normal Set In Tennis`Six
Sports: How Many Gold Medals Did Jesse Owens Win In The 1936 Berlin Olympics`Four
Sports: How Many Gold Medals Did Swimmer Mark Spitz Win At The Munich Olympics In 1972`Seven
Sports: How Many Gold Medals Were Won By Swimmer Mark Spitz At The 1972 Summer Olympics Held In Munich`Seven
Sports: How Many Holes Are There In A Standard Horseshoe`Eight
Sports: How Many Holes Are There In A Tenpin Bowling Ball`Three
Sports: How Many Holes Does A Chinese Checkerboard Have`121
Sports: How Many Home Runs Did Baseball Great Ty Cobb Hit In The Three World Series In Which He Played`None
Sports: How Many Hoops Are There On An Association Croquet Court`Six
Sports: How Many Housing Property Squares Are There On A Monopoly Board`Twenty Two
Sports: How Many Hurdles Are There In A 400 Metres Hurdle Race`Ten
Sports: How Many Hurdles Are There In A Women's Hurdle Sprint`Ten
Sports: How Many Hurdles In A 400m Hurdle Race`Ten
Sports: How Many Hurricanes Made The 2000 All Black Squad`One
Sports: How Many Individual Bets Make Up A Yankee`Eleven
Sports: How Many Innings Are Played In A Normal Game Of Softball`Seven
Sports: How Many Innings Are There In A Regulation Softball Game`Seven
Sports: How Many Innings Must A Starting Pitcher Pitch To Get A Victory`Five
Sports: How Many Israeli Athletes Were Killed At The Munich Olympics`Eleven
Sports: How Many Lanes Are There In An Olympic Swimming Pool`Eight
Sports: How Many Lanes Does An Olympic Swimming Pool Have`Eight
Sports: How Many Laps Are There In A Speedway Race`Four
Sports: How Many Laps Make Up The Indianapolis 500`Two Hundred
Sports: How Many Members On A Hurling Team`Fifteen
Sports: How Many Minutes Is A Major Penalty In Hockey`Five
Sports: How Many Minutes Is Each Period Of Hockey`Twenty Minutes
Sports: How Many Numbered Coloured Balls Are There In Pool`Fifteen
Sports: How Many Numbers Are On The Spinner In 'The Game Of Life'`Ten`10
Sports: How Many Panels On A Soccer Ball`32
Sports: How Many Panels On A Soccer Ball`Thirty Two
Sports: How Many Pawns Does Each Player Have At The Start Of A Chess Game`Eight
Sports: How Many Periods Of Play Are There In A Game Of Ice Hockey`Three
Sports: How Many Phalanges (Finger Bones) Are In A Human Hand`Fourteen
Sports: How Many Pieces Does Each Player Start With In A Chess Game`Sixteen
Sports: How Many Players Are In A Water Polo Team`Seven
Sports: How Many Players Are On A Polo Team`Four
Sports: How Many Players Are On A Quidditch Team`Seven
Sports: How Many Players Are There On A Baseball Team`Nine
Sports: How Many Players Are There On A Hurling Team`15
Sports: How Many Players Are There On A Men's Lacrosse Team`Ten
Sports: How Many Players Are There On A Soccer Team`Eleven
Sports: How Many Players Are There On A Water Polo Team`Seven
Sports: How Many Players Compete On An Equestrian Polo Team`Four
Sports: How Many Players In A Lacrosse Team`Twelve
Sports: How Many Players Make Up A Field Hockey Team`Eleven`11
Sports: How Many Players Make Up A Team In Ice Hockey`Six
Sports: How Many Players Make Up A Water Polo Team`Seven
Sports: How Many Players On Field For An Australian Rules Football Team`Eighteen
Sports: How Many Players Play In A Volleyball Team`Six
Sports: How Many Pockets Are There On A True Billiard Table`None
Sports: How Many Pockets On A Standard Snooker Table`6
Sports: How Many Points Are Awarded For A Safety Touch In Football`Two
Sports: How Many Points Are Awarded For A Touchdown In American Football`Six
Sports: How Many Points Are Awarded To The Winning Driver Of A Formula 1 Grand Prix Race`Ten
Sports: How Many Points Are There On A Backgammon Board`Twenty Four
Sports: How Many Points Are There On A 'Maltese Cross'`Eight