When did israel declare independence`14 may 1948 When did Israel declare independence`14 may 1948`may 14, 1948 when did it snow in the sahara desert`18 february 1979 When did Leif Erikson set foot on North America`1000 ad When did Levi Strauss produce the first jeans`1850 When did macau revert to china`1999 When did man first set foot on the moon`1969 When did man made glass first appear in Egypt`4000 bc When did Mark and Engels write the Communist Manifesto`1848 When did members of the Byrds come together as a group`1965 When did Nostradamus live`1503 1566 When did Pope Paul Vl say that fasting was still obligatory on certain days`1966 When did prohibition end in the USA`1933 When did prohibition in the US come to an end`1933 When did richard burton die`1984 When did richard burton finish his last film`1984 when did shakespeare marry anne hathaway`november 27, 1582 When did shires have reeves`feudal times when did singapore last play in the malaysia cup`1994 When did Sir Walter Scott write Ivanhoe`1819 When did skylab crashland in western australia`july 11, 1979 When did the ancient Egyptians devise the 365 day calendar`2500 BC When did the British Empire become the commonwealth`1931 When did the escape take place?`February when did the film 'braveheart' win the oscar for best picture`1995 when did the first man walk on the moon?`1968 When did the first man walk on the moon`1969 When did the first World Series game take place`1903 When did the Fuller Brush Company begin using catalogs`1986 when did the hindenburg explode?`may 6, 1937 when did the landing at guadacanal take place`august 7, 1942`09/07/1942`07-07-1942 When did the last execution in the Tower of London take place`1941 When did the 'live aid' concerts take place`1985 When did the new york mets win their first world series`1969 When did the series 'lost in space' premier on cbs`1965 when did the spaniards finally expel the last of the moors and the jews`1492 When did the three points for a win system start in the football league`1981 when did the titanic sink`april 15, 1912 when did the walt disney resort in florida open to the public`1971 When did veneral disease arrive in Europe?`In the 15th century When did Vincent Marotta develop the Mr Coffee machine`1972 When did William Lyon Mackenzie King retire`1948 When did women get the right to vote in the US`august 26, 1920 When do children grow fastest`springtime When do diurnal animals sleep`night time When does a full moon always rise?`Sunset When does a full moon rise`sunset When does macau revert to china`1999 When does the southern Autumn Equinox occur`12 march when does the southern autumn equinox occur`12th of march when does the uterus expand 500 times its normal size`during pregnancy When do parallel lines meet`never when do you plant winter wheat`in the fall when do you prune fruit trees?`when they are dormant When driving from Innsbruck in Austria to Bolzano in Italy, you cross the 'Bridge of Europe' as you climb which Alpine pass`brenner pass When Forum magazine conducted a scientific survey in the US to fing 'King Dong', what was the longest penis they found?`Ten inches When Franklin D. Roosevelt died on April 12, 1945, ------------- became the first U.S. president to take office in the midst of a war.`harry truman When George I became King of England in 1714, his wife did not become Queen. He placed her under house arrest for ____ years`thirty two When George I became King of England in 1714, his wife did not become Queen. He placed her under house arrest for ____ years`thirty two`32 When going on stage, actors consider it bad luck to be wished what`good luck When he died, the Romans re named September after him, but soon turned back to September. Who was he`tiberius When honey is swallowed, it enters the blood stream within a period of how many minutes`20 minutes When hydrogen burns in the air, _______ is formed`water When is a crepuscular animal active`twilight When is Halley's comet next due to appear`2062 When is it impossible to sneeze`with your eyes open When is Jean Baptiste day in Quebec`june 24 when is kamehameha day?`june 11 When is Saint George's day celebrated`april 23rd When is St. Patrick's day`March 17 When is the best month to plant tulip bulbs`october When is the longest day in the northern hemisphere`june When is the longest day in the southern hemisphere`december When is the only time a flag should be flown upside down`emergency When is the shortest day in the northern hemisphere`december When is the shortest day in the southern hemisphere`june When is the top layer of a wedding cake usually eaten`first anniversary When is the "Twelfth Night"`january 6 When is 'trick or treat'`halloween When is turkey traditionally eaten in america`thanksgiving When John F. Kennedy was president, who was his attorney general`robert kennedy When Jonathan Edwards smashed the world triple-jump in 1995, by how much did he increase it`0.31 metres When kicked in the groin, a soccer player has been`banjoed When Lesbians engage in oral sex, it is generally referred to as..?`Cunnilingus When light waves pass from one medium into another they change direction. This is called `refraction When light waves pass from one medium into another they change direction. This is called _________.`refraction when light waves pass from one medium to another it is called`refraction When measuring a horse, how many inches are there in one 'hand'`four When measuring a horse, how many inches are there in one 'hand'`four`4 When men of the Turkhana tribe in Africa are __________, they may have sex with any woman they choose.`circumcised When not a birdman, what does Ray Randall do for a living`police officer When not fighting crime, what did Underdog do for a living`shoeshine boy When ocean tides are at their highest, they are called`spring tides When ocean tides are at their highest, they are called what`spring tides When ocean tides are at their lowest, they are call`neap tides When ocean tides are at their lowest, they are call what`neap tides When olive oil is described as 'extra virgin', what has happened to it to make it so`first pressing of the olive When performing pop artist Marshall Mathers uses which name`eminem When performing pop artist Marshall Mathers uses which name`eminen "when pirates of the caribbean breaks down, the pirates dont eat the tourists" name the movie`jurassic park When ---------- president Juan Pern died on July 1, 1974, he was succeeded by his wife and vice president, Isabel, who became the first woman president in the Western Hemisphere.`argentine When, prior to the 2001 outbreak was the last time that a foot and mouth epidemic broke out in Britain`1967 When read upside down, what does the term 'umop apisdn' signify`upside down When recognising someone's face, you use the ___ side of your brain`right When Saigon fell, the signal for all Americans to evacuate was this Bing Crosby song playing on the radio.`White Christmas When Saigon fell the signal for all Americans to evacuate was what song by Bing Crosby being played on the radio`white christmas When shipped to the US, the London bridge ( thought by the new owner to be the more famous Tower Bridge ) was classified by US customs to be a 'large`antique When solid substances in the blood are removed, what name is given to the remaining liquid`plasma When someone is a hanger on or serves no purpose, he is called this`fifth wheel When someone is clumsy or awkward, especially with their hands, they are often said to be "all ...." These`thumbs When someone likes to show off various sex acts it is what?`exhibitionism When something is completely different it is said to be one of these of a different color`pale When spelled backwards, the word "retupmoc" becomes what`Computer When Spencer Tracy won his first Academy award in 1937, his Oscar statuette mistakenly bore the name of which detective`dick tracy When stung by a nettle what kind of poisoning is it`acidic poisoning When the above three were compromised, how did Zack warn them?`Eyes Only broadcast When the first escalator, or "inclined elevator," was installed in the department store Harrod's in London (near the turn of the century), ________ was served to passengers who felt faint`brandy When the Hoovers did not want to be overheard by White House guests, they spoke to each other in what language`chinese When the process was discovered, what was the first product to be 'pasteurised'`wine/beer When the students in 'dead poets' society' stood on their desks and said 'o captain! my captain', who were they quoting`walt whitman when the students in 'dead poets' society' stood on their desks & said 'o captain! My captain', who were they quoting`walt whitman When the Titanic left Southampton in April 1912, what was its first port of call`cherbourg When the Titanic sunk there was _____lbs. of ham on it?`seven thousand five hundred When they mate, a yak and a cow produce a`dzo When tomatoes were first imported from Peru into Europe what were they fondly referred to as`Love Apples When Tweety exclaimed, 'I thought I saw a putty tat!', who did he see`Sylvester When two words are combined to form a single word (e.g., motor + hotel = motel, breakfast + lunch = brunch) the new word is called a`portmanteau When two words are combined to form a single word (e.g., Motor + hotel = motel, breakfast + lunch = brunch) what is the new word called`a portmanteau When used to describe a camera, what does SLR stand for`single lens reflex When using a telephone, you must wait for a ____ tone before starting your call`dial When using a telephone, you must wait for a tone before starting your call`dial When was Abraham Lincoln elected`1860 When was apartheid introduced in south africa`1948 When was Big Ben completed`1858 When was black the most common colour for automobiles`during the depression when was black the most common colour for automobiles`during the`marlboro When was Braille printing invented`1829 When was buckingham palace built`1703 When was Butch Cassidy Born`1866 When was chewing gum patented`1869 When was Clinton first elected president of the U S`1992 When was crystal palace destroyed`1936 When was d-day`june 6, 1944 when was decimalisation in the u.k`february 4, 1971 When was Dr. Seuss born`march 2, 1904 When was flavored soda pop invented`1807 When was gas lighting invented`1792 When was george jones inducted into the country music hall of fame`1992 when was helium discovered`1868 when was hiroshima bombed`august 6, 1945 when was ibm's first "personal computer" announced?`1981 When was insulin discovered`1922 When was Ivory Soap introduced`1879 When was Julius Caesar murdered`ides of march when was julius caesar murdered`ides of`moses When was Lady Diana Frances Spencer born`july 1, 1961 When was Mount Everest first climbed`1953 When was nelson mandela released from prison`1990 When was Nelson Mandela released from Robben Island`1990 when was pearl harbour attacked`december 7, 1941 When was Sean Connery born`1930 when was st mary magdalene catholic church in brackettville built?`1878 When was the addressograph invented`1892 When was the Alaskan Highway officially opened`november 21, 1942`11/21/42 when was the alaskan highway officially opened`november 21, 1942`11/21`willis When was the Berlin wall erected`1961 When was the Berlin Wall erected, and when was it dismantled`1961 1990 When was the Berlin Wall erected, and when was it dismantled`1961 1990`1961 when was the berlin wall erected, and when was it dismantled`1961 1990`1961 and 1990 when was the berlin wall erected, and when was it dismantled`1961 1990`1961 and`stoker When was the cascade tuning radio receiver invented`1913 When was the cash register invented`1879 When was the cathode ray tube invented`1878 When was the chair developed`2181 bc when was the constitution fully ratified`1787 When was the date of the christian festival easter fixed by the council of nicaea`325 ad When was the descent of the holy spirit on the apostles`pentecost When was the dynamic loudspeaker invented`1924 When was the earthquake in tulbach`september 29, 1969 when was the earthquake in tulbach`september 29`trees When was the Eiffel Tower completed`1859 When was the electromagnet invented`1828 when was the element chromium first isolated`1797 When was the English and Scottish parliament united`1707 When was the Fascist party founded in Italy`1919 when was the first atomic bomb tested`july 16 1945 When was the first Australian cricket tour to England`1868 When was the first beta of Counter-Strike released`june 19, 1999 when was the first binding international ban on human cloning signed`january 12, 1998 When was the first black mayor of chicago elected`1983 When was the first credit card issued`1900 When was the first daytime bank robbery`february 14, 1866 When was the first jet aircraft flown`1941 When was the first leap year`46 bc When was the first Mad Max film released`1979 When was the first major road race from Paris to Bordeaux`1895 When was the first play staged at Londons Globe Theatre`1599 when was the first public radio broadcast`february 23, 1920 When was the first republic of France was proclaimed in`1792 When was the first seeing eye dog presented to a blind person`april 25, 1938 When was the first space shuttle launched`april, 1981 When was the first suburban shopping mall opened`1922 When was the first telephone used`march 10, 1876 when was the first telephone used`march 10`am When was the first test tube baby born`1978 When was the first toothbrush with bristles invented`1498 When was the first transatlantic solo flight`1927 When was the forked plow invented`before 3000 b c When was the gas turbine invented`1849 When was the Greek alphabet first used`800 bc when was the greek alphabet first used`800`stone When was the incandescent lamp invented`1879 When was the internet first establish[19-something]`1957 When was the Kon-Tiki expedition`1947 When was the laser invented`1960 When was the last Supernova in our galaxy`1604 when was the last time comet hale bop was last seen`1997 When was the last time the Olympic games were held in London`1948 When was the leaning Tower of Pisa completed`1350 When was the magnetic telegraph invented`1837 When was the maiden voyage of the 'Titanic'`1912 When was the Miss World competition founded`1951 When was the newspaper 'pravda' first published`1912 When was the Perestroika policy started in the Soviet Union`january 1988 When was the photoelectric cell invented`1895 When was the polaroid land camera invented`1948 When was the quadruplex telegraph invented`1864 When was the rechargable storage battery invented`1859 When was the record breaking flood of the North Sea`1953 When was the resurrection`easter When was the revolving door invented`1888 When was the Rosetta Stone decoded`1822 When was the Rosetta Stone discovered`1799 When was the Rosetta stone found`1799 When was the Russian satellite Sputnik 1 launched`october 4, 1957 When was the safety pin patented`1849 When was the sewing machine patented`august 12, 1851 When was the shortest war in history`1896 when was the single european currency the euro introduced`january 1999 When was the smoke detector invented`1969 When was the stock ticker invented`1870 when was the tea bag developed`1908 when was the term middle age (medium aevum) first used`late 15th century When was the the Lewis and Clark Expedition`1804 When was the tuberculosis bacterium discovered`1932 When was the typewriter invented`1867 when was the union of south africa founded`1910 When was the v.90 technology implemented`february 1998 When was the war of 1812`1812 When was the Watergate break in`1972 When was the worlds first human heart transplant performed`1967 when was tony jacklin the english open champion?`1969 when were airplanes first used in war`1911 When were bank holidays first indroduced into Britain`1871 When were bank holidays first indroduced into Britain`1871Music : Category: Demented Lyrics: "Couldn't find a seat so I had to stand/With the perverts in the back".`another one rides the bus When were false eyelashes invented`1916 When were film audiences treated to a flushing toilet for the first time`psycho When were fortune cookies invented`1918 When were 'instamatic' cameras first sold`1968 When were jeans invented`1847 When were the Dead Sea scrolls discovered`1947 When were the first scheduled air mail runs`1918 when were the Olympic games first held`776 BC when were the salem witch trials`1692 When Wilde wrote "The unspeakable in full pursuit of the uneatable", what was the uneatable`fox when will smith was known as fresh prince, who was his rap partner`dj jazzy jeff when will the time capsule from the 1984 summer olympics be opened`2034 When you agree to end a quarrel with someone, you bury this`hatchet when you blow air from your mouth, what helps your lungs to exhale?`diaphragm When you blush, your also ___________ reddens`stomach lining when you do something that is not morally accepted it is what?`taboo When you drive in your car, 120 Mph how long will it take to drive 90 miles`45 mins When you go partying around the town, you paint the town this color`red When young, black sea basses are mostly female, but at the age of _____ years many switch sexes to male`five When young, black sea basses are mostly female, but at the age of _____ years many switch sexes to male`five`5 When you quit a job, you do not want to be a jerk; you don't want to burn these behind you`bridges Where abouts was the Russian submarine Kursk when a tragic accident killed all on board`barents sea where are 25% of the world's pigs`china Where are 47 czars buried`kremlin Where are a cow's sweat glands`nose Where are American presidents carved in stone`mount rushmore Where are a snail's reproductive organs`head Where are bangtails found`mailer envelopes Where are Bantu languages spoken`africa Where are birds kept in captivity`aviary Where are chinese gooseberries from`new zealand Where are "coquis" fluently from`Puerto Rico Where are Eriador, Rhun, Gondor and the Bay of Belfalas`middle earth Where are gettysburg and the liberty bell`pennsylvania Where are Gettysburg & the Liberty Bell`pennsylvania Where are Graz and Linz`austria Where are icebergs usually larger`antarctica Where are metamorphic rocks usually found`mountain ranges Where are one quarter of the bones in the human body`feet Where are panama hats originally made`ecuador Where are phalanges`hand Where are plaques of humans wearing nothing`pioneer spacecraft Where are queen mary's gardens`regents park Where are Rocket J. Squirel and Bullwinkle Moose from`Frostbite Falls Where are swedish buns found`denmark Where are the 2006 Commonwealth Games to be held`melbourne Where are the 2006 Winter Olympics to be held`turin Where are the administrative headquarters of Essex`chelmsford Where are the Appalachians`north america Where are the Austerlitz and Victor Hugo underground stops`paris Where are the cheddar caves`mendips Where are the colours blue and yellow used at funerals for warding off evil spirits`singapore Where are the convolutions of Broca`brain where are the crown jewels kept`tower of`fourteen Where are the crown jewels kept`tower of london Where are the deepest mines`south africa Where are the Descartes highlands`on the moon Where are the elgin marbles`the british museum Where are the everglades`florida Where are the famed Tivoli Gardens`copenhagen Where are the Finger Lakes`new york Where are the Greater Antilles`caribbean sea where are the greatest tides recorded`bay of fundy Where are the great Walls of Babylon located in the modern day world`Iraq Where are the guards who wear bearskins`buckingham palace Where are the Guiana Highlands`northern south america Where are the hausa and ibo tribes`nigeria where are the headquarters for the c.i.a`langley`rice Where are the headquarters for the C.I.A.`langley, virginia Where are the headquarters of the European Central Bank`frankfurt Where are the Islands of Langerhans`pancreas Where are the islets of Langerhaans`pancreas Where are the katydid bug's ears`hind legs Where are the most expensive seats at a bullfight`in the shade Where are the mountains of mourne`northern ireland Where are the Nazca Lines`Peru Where are the Pampas`argentina Where are the pitti and uffizi art galleries`florence Where are the pyramids located`Egypt Where are the Queen Elizabeth Islands`canada Where are there over 58 million dogs`u.s.a Where are the smallest bones in the human body located`ear Where are the Spanish Steps`rome where are the tivoli gardens`copenhagen Where are the two steepest streets in the u.s.a`san francisco where are the union stockyards?`chicago Where are the U.S. Tennis Open Championships held`Flushing Meadows, NY Where are the Vosges Mountains`france Where are the 'wallops'`hampshire Where are three quarters of the world's pineapples grown`hawaii Where are wine glasses placed at a table setting`to the right Where are your metatarsals`In your feet Where can Pikes Peak be found`colorado where can pulmonary disease be found`lung where can tuolumne meadows and the hetch hetchy reservoir be found`yosemite national park where can tuolumne meadows and the hetch hetchy reservoir be found`yosemite national`thetis Where can you buy a cup of coffee with cruzeiros`brazil where can you find the oldest underground system in the world`london Where can you find the smallest bone in the human body`ear Where can you make a meal of Spaghetti Junction`birmingham where can you see kheops pyramid`gizeh Where can you see Rodin's "The Burghers of Calais"`calais Where can you see Rodin's "The Burghers of Calais"`in calais where could one find a stevie ray vaughan memorial`austin`rook where could one find a stevie ray vaughan memorial`austin texas Where could the Royal Armouries be seen before their move to Leeds`tower of london where did 19 year old babe ruth hit his first professional home run`maple leaf park where did 19 year old babe ruth hit his first professional home run`maple leaf`stivic Where did 24 democratic and republican national conventions take place`chicago where did abraham lincoln gave his historic speech`gettysburg Where did abraham lincoln gave his historic speech`gettysburg, pennsylvania Where did a court rule that women were breaking the law by camping on a common because the common they were camping on wasnt a common`greenham common Where did Adolph Hitler write Mein Kampf`in prison Where did all the lights go down according to the Bee Gees`massachusetts Where did Anne Frank die`belsen Where did Anne Hathaway live`stratford on avon where did apple computers get its gui interface`xerox Where did aristotle believe the seat of intelligence was`heart Where did a shire have a reeve`england Where did bagpipes originate`middle east where did bill and hilary clinton switch on christmas lights in 1995`belfast Where did bill and hilary clinton switch on christmas lights in 1995`belfast, ireland where did brigham young lead the mormons`great salt lake where did cain live after killing abel?`land of nod Where did Chiang Kai Shek take refuge`taiwan Where did chop suey originate from`united states Where did churchill, roosevelt and stalin meet in 1945`yalta Where did Clark Kent attend college`Metropolis University Where did Clark Kent usually change into his Superman Costume in the Daily Planet building?`Store Room WheredidClarkKentusuallychangeintohisSupermanCostumeintheDailyPlanetbuilding`StoreRoom Where did cuneiform originate`sumer Where did De Gaulle flee to after France surrendered to germany`britain Where did dorothy's house land in 'the wizard of oz'`on the wicked witch of where did dorothy's house land in 'the wizard of oz'. On the`wicked witch of the west Where did Dr Zachary Smith get lost`in space Where did edam cheese originate`holland Where did Edward III keep his greyhounds`isle of dogs Where did Elgin get his marbles from`athena Where did Elgin get his marbles from`athens Where did Fats Domino find his 'thrill' in 1956`on blueberry hill Where did forrest gump keep the book 'curious george'`in his suitcase Where did General Douglas Macarthur return to`corregidor Where did george harrison discover gold`witwatersrand Where did George of the Jungle live?`Imgwee Gwee Valley Where did georgo and laszlo biro invented the ball point pen`hungary where did georgo and laszlo biro invent the ball point pen`hungary Where did Georgo & Laszlo Biro invented the ball point pen`hungary Where did gladiators fight professionally`roman arenas Where did guinevere retire to die`amesbury Where did Gulliver find a race of tiny people`lilliput Where did Harley Proctor find the name Ivory for what is fondly known today as Ivory Soap`The Bible where did harrigan's son attend law school?`harvard Where did Hendrik the Dutch boy stick his finger`dyke Where did Henry VIII's first wife come from`aragon Where did Hitler's 1923 Beer Hall Putsch take place`munich Where did Howdy Doody live`Doodyville Where did Ian Botham score his 149 not out Test snatching innings in 1981`headingley Where did ice hockey originate`canada Where did Israeli agents grab Adolf Eichmann`argentina Where did Japonica originate`japan Where did judy garland's family have their vaudeville act`new grand theater where did judy garland's family have their vaudeville act`new grand theater`minnetonka where did judy garland's family have their vaudeville act`new grand theater stage Where did Kikkoman Soy Sauce originate from`japan Where did Laika the first dog in space die`in space Where did Lindburghs"Spirit of St Louis' flight land`paris Where did little miss muffet sit`on her tuffet Where did Lord Byron die`greece where did marty hartman live?`fernwood, ohio Where did Mighty Mouse get his superpowers`supermarket where did moses receive the ten commandments`mount sinai Where did Mr Badger live in _The Wind in the Willows`the wild wood Where did Napoleon die`st. helena Where did Napoleon die`st helena`saint helena Where did Napoleon suffer his final defeat`waterloo where did nelson lose his eye`battle of calvi Where did nikki lauda get his disfiguring burns`nurburgring Where did North Vietnam PT boats attack the USS Maddox in 1964`gulf of tonkin where did onions originally come from?`mongolia where did orienteering originate`sweden Where did over 300 defiant Indians head off to, after Sitting Bull was killed`wounded knee Where did 'paella' originate`spain where did people go to avoid the draft during the vietnam war`canada where did petula clark advise you not to sleep`subway Where did Phileas Fogg begin and end his trip around the world`london Where did Phyllis Nelson invite us to Move in the 1980s`closer Where did Prince Charles not want to see - a monstrous carbuncle on the face of a much loved friend`the national gallery Where did Robert Clive find fame and fortune in the 1700s`india where did robert preston land a helicopter after buzzing cars on the baltimore-washington parkway on feb 17, 1974`white house lawn Where did Robin Hood supposedly live`Sherwood Forest Where did Ronald and Cindy go on there last date together in the movie "Can't Buy Me Love"?`Airplane junkyard Where did Russian dressing originate from`the united states Where did Simon & Simon take place?`San Diego Where did skylab crash land`australia where did snooker originate`india Where did Stalin, Churchill, Attlee and Truman meet in 1945 to determine the future of Germany after their unconditional surrender`potsdam where did surfing originate`hawaii Where did the 1948 winter olympics take place`st moritz Where did the 1948 winter olympics take place`st moritz`saint moritz Where did the 1972 winter olympics take place`sapporo Where did the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand take place`sarajevo Where did the Bay Of Pigs fiasco take place`cuba Where did the Bay Of Pigs take place`cuba Where did the bayonet originate`bayonne, france where did the beatles give their final live concert on august 29, 1966?`candlestick park Where did the birkenhead sink`danger point Where did the Black Death epidemic begin`china Where did the burglary that led to the resignation of an American President take place`Watergate Building, Washington DC Where did the card game 'bridge' originate`turkey Where did the celts believe dead heroes went`avalon where did the clones have their laboratory in "colony"?`germantown Where did the coffee plant originally grow in the wild`africa where did the custom of decorating a christmas tree begin?`germany Where did the deposed Shah of Iran finally find refuge`egypt Where did the deposed Shah of Iran find refuge`egypt Where did the dormouse finish up at the Mad Hatter's tea party`in the teapot Where did the eentsy-weentsy spider climb`up the water spout Where did the exxon valdez oil spill occur`prince william sound where did the famous shootout at the ok corral occur`tombstone Where did the flower Lupin originate`canada Where did the Ghost of Christmas Present take Scrooge first`his clerk's Where did the Great fire of London break out in 1666`A bakers shop in Pudding Lane Where did the greek gods live`mount olympus Where did the incas live`peru where did the industrial revolution start`england Where did The Iron Duke triumph over The Man of Destiny`waterloo Where did the judds spend years shopping demos recorded on a cassette recorder`nashville, tennessee Where did thelast scene of The Graduate take place`on a bus Where did the lib dems hold there conference this year(2002)`brighton Where did the Mafia originate`Sicily Where did 'the mayflower' take the pilgrims`new world where did the most powerful earthquake in us history occur during 1811`new madrid missouri where did the most powerful earthquake in us history occur during 1811`new madrid`yale Where did the olympic games originate`olympus Where did the olympics originate`Greece Where did the Orient Express end its run from Istanbul`paris Where did the original thugs come from`india Where did the Rainbow Bridge replace the Honeymoon Bridge`niagra falls where did the reggae originate?`jamaica where did the ricardos move to when they left new york city`connecticut Where did the rumba originate`cuba Where did the Russian army have its final conflict with Germany in World War I`tannenburg Where did the Simpsons find Santa's Little Helper`Springfield Downs Dog Track Where did the story of Cinderella originate`china Where did the suffragette Emily Davison die`epsom where did the term 'hay fever' originate`england where did the two viking lander robots land?`mars Where did the word 'biscuit' originate`france Where did the world's first successful human heart transplant take place`cape town Where did the worlds first underground railway system open`london Where did Thomas Magnum grow up as a kid?`San Diego Where did Tinga leave Zack when he refused to help her rescue her family from Manticore?`Canada Where did tom brown graduate to from rugby`oxford Where did two Boeing 747 aeroplanes collide on a runway in 1977, with 583 fatalities`tenerife where did two boeing 747's collide in 1977`canary islands Where did Vasco da Gama sail to in 1498`India Where did venetian blinds originate`japan Where did voodoo originate`haiti where did wilt chamberlain play collegiate ball`kansas Where did Wolfe defeat the French under Montcalm`quebec where do ants live`formicary Where do ants live`fornicary Where do arboreal animals live`trees Where do Batman and Robin live`gotham city Where do bees convert nectar to honey`their digestive tract Where do cars carrying GBZ identification plates come from`gibraltar Where do cars with GBA identity plates come from`aldernay Where do cars with GBZ number plates come from`gibralter Where do cricketers rub linseed oil`their bats Where do divers leap from a 100 foot cliff between the Quebrada rocks`acapulco Where do divers leap from a 100 foot cliff into waters between the Quebrada rocks`acapulco Where do Drivada people live`India Where does a camel store its reserve of water`stomach Where does a car with a sticker bearing the letters CH come from`switzerland Where does a cow have its sweat glands`in its nose Where does a john dory live on land, in the air or in the water`water where does alfred hitchcock appear in 'lifeboat'`newspaper Where does a librocularist read`in bed where does a rabbit punch land in boxing?`back of the head Where does Aslan live`narnia Where does a tortoise have an upturned shell at its neck so it can eat cactus brances`galapagos islands Where does Barney become trapped in his Plow King truck`Widow's Peak, which is on Mt. Springfield Where does Bart get the name "Woodrow" from`Woodrow Wilson, U.S. President Where does Belleek Porcelain come from`northern ireland where does bruce willis originally come from`austria Where does Carousel begin`in heaven where does clifton clowers live with his daughter`wolverton mountain Where does Dilbert think of inventions?`In the bathtub Where does fertilisation take place?`In the fallopian tubes Where does George Jetson work`Spacely Sprockets Where do Eskimos wear mukluks`feet Where does Maple Syrup come from`Canada Where does Milhouse's dad work?`The Cracker Factory where does most of the worlds oxygen originate from`water Where does nessie live`loch ness where does nessie live`loch ness scotland where does nodding the head mean no, and shaking it mean yes`albania Where does Peter Pan say is a place where "children never grow up"`never never land Where does queen elizabeth live when she's in london`buckingham palace where does ray bradbury's "chronicles" take place`mars where does 'rijsttafel' originate`indonesia Where does SIN-JIN like to vacation`st johns where does sin-jin like to vacation`st johns`saint johns Where does the annual poker world series take place`las vegas Where does the curious crawling parrot called the kakapo live`new zealand Where does the Dali Lama come from`tibet Where does the Dicken's story "A CHRISTMAS CAROL" take place`england Where does the embryo implant itself in a tubal pregnancy`a fallopian tube`fallopian tube`the fallopian tube where does the european parliament meet`strasbourg where does the famous 'running of the bulls' take place?`pamplona Where does the girl come from in astrid gilberto's most famous song`ipanema Where does the Iditarod dog sled race take place`alaska Where does the island of Surtesy lie`off iceland Where does the kangaroos tail have to be situated in order for it to jump`Touching the ground Where does the lamb lie down, in a Genesis hit`broadway where does the "queen elizabeth ii" usually dock in england`southampton Where does the Rialto Bridge span the Grand Canal`venice Where does the umpire at the batsman's end stand on a cricket field`At Square Leg Where does the univerity of maryland's football team play its home games`byrd stadium Where does the u.s government keep it's supply of silver`west point academy Where does the wine Mateus come from`portugal where does the word denim originate`de nimes Where does the Yellow brick road go`the emerald city Where does Yogi Bear Live`Jellystone Park Where do gallinaceous birds nest`on the ground Where do gaur cattle come from`india Where do Grand Prix drivers put their cars at the beginning of a race`grid Where do Gurkhas come from`nepal Where do hikers sleep, was founded by George Williams and sung about by Village People`ymca where do hippopotami do 80% of their vocalizations`underwater Where do hippopotamuses do 80%of their vocalizations`underwater where do most togolese live?`togo Where do most women say their LEAST favorite place is to have sex?`in a car Where do newts spend their adult life`on land Where do 'open-collar workers' work`home Where do patients with biliary colic experience pain`right upper quadrant Where do penguins come from`south pole Where do pilgrims go to march around the Kaaba and kiss The Black Stone`mecca where do polar bears live?`ice floes of the artic seas Where do pulp come from`sheffield where do red onions originate`italy Where do Rocky and Bullwinkle play football`What'samatta University Where do saunas originate from`finland Where do scousers come from`liverpool where do sikhs originate`punjab Where do swallows migrate to for the winter`south africa where do tangerines live?`tangier, morocco Where do the Amish live`pennsylvania where do the atlanta braves play their home games`turner field where do the atlanta braves play their home games`turner`kubrick Where do the english monarchs live`buckingham palace Where do the italians host the grand prix`monza where do the new york giants and new york jets play their home games`new jersey Where do the seas never have water in them`moon where do the simpsons live`springfield where do the stars leave their footprints in wet cement`grauman's chinese theatre Where do you find the medulla oblongata`brain Where do you find the medulla oblongata`In the brain Where do you find the medulla oblongata`the brain Where do you go to row on the Po`italy Where do you pass through Pedro Miguel Lock`the panama canal where do you pass through the Pedron Miguel lock`Panama canal Where do you sign when agreeing to a contract`dotted line Where in 1431 was Joan of Arc burnt at the stake`rouen Where in 1945 did Churchill, Roosevelt & Stalin have their historic conference`yalta Where, in 1955, was one of the worst accidents in motor racing history, when 82 spectators were killed`le mans Where in ancient greece were the original olympics held`olympia Where in an old house would you find wattle`walls Where in a tree does photosynthesis occur`leaves Where in Britain can you see a grape vine that is certified 300 years old`hampton court Where in Britain did the legendary 1lth century King Orry rule`the isle of man Where in britain was the first combined heart and lung transplant performed`harefield hospital Where in Coleridges Kubla Khan did Khan decree a 'staely pleasure dome`xanadu Where in England did Lady Godiva bare all`coventry where in england is princess diana buried`northampton Where In Europe Is It Illegal For Residents To Gamble But Allowed By Non-Residents`Monte Carlo`Monaco Where in Europe is the Barbary ape found in the wild`gibraltar Where in Europe would you visit the village of Y`france Where in France is the summer residence of thle French President`fontainebleau Where in Huddersfield was the Rugby League formed in 1895`the george hotel Where in India is the Golden Temple, centre of the Sikh religion`amritsar Where in Italy is the wine Marsala made`sicily Where in its body might a pony suffer from laminitis`feet where in london are there four bronze lions`trafalgar square where in london is poets' corner?`westminster abbey Where in London is Rotten Row`hyde park Where in London is the Mermaid Theatre to be found`puddle dock Where in London was the Great Exhibition of 1851 held`hyde park Where, in New Mexico, was the first atomic bomb detonated in July 1945`alamogordo Where, in San Francisco, did the Beatles play their last proper live show together on 29th August 1966`candlestick park Where in scandinavia could you visit the village of a`norway Where in South Australia was the Long Range Weapons`woomera Where in space would you find a "Singularity"`in a black hole Where in the americas is it only 47 miles from the atlantic to the pacific`panama Where in the Ancient World, were the Pillars of Hercules`straits of gibraltar Where in the body are red blood cells produced`bone marrow Where in the body are the adenoids`nose Where in the body are the adenoids`throat Where in the body are the Haversian canals`inside bones Where in the body is the axilla`armpit Where in the body is the labyrinth`The ear Where in the body is the pineal gland`forehead Where in the body is the tiniest human muscle`ear Where in the body would you find the Bowman's capsule`kidney Where in the body would you find the carpals`wrist Where in the body would you find the epiglottis`throat Where in the body would you find the hyoid bone`throat Where in the body would you find the left ventricle`heart Where in the body would you find the malleus, incus and stapes`inner ear Where in the body would you find your olfactory lobes`nose where in the heck do you go to row on the po`italy where in the heck is the coccyx`base of the spine where in the heck would you find the gum department store`moscow where in the heck would you find the medulla oblongata`the brain Where in the house would you normally find crystallised hydrated magnesium silicate`bathroom Where in the human body are the stapes`in the ear Where in the human body is the brachial artery`arm Where in the human body is the Coccyx`base of the spine Where in the human body is the Cochlea`in the ear Where in the human body is the Malleus bone`ear Where in the human body is the pineal gland`in the brain Where in the human body is the round window`ear Where in the human body is the ulna`your arm Where in the human body is the zygoma`cheekbone Where in the solar system would an observer see the "Cassini's Division"`rings of saturn Where in the south pacific did the u.s do nuclear bomb tests in 1946`bikini where in the south pacific did the u.s do nuclear bomb tests in 1946`bikini atoll Where in the UK is the first Legoland outside Denmark`windsor where in the united states is the city called bethlehem located?`pennsylvania Where in the United States would you find the country's only royal palace`hawaii Where in the USA is Yale university`connecticut Where in the US is Great Salt Lake`utah Where in the world are most diamonds found`australia Where in the world is El Salvador`central america Where in the world would you find Adelie Land`antarctica Where in the world would you find the Provinces of Santa Cruz, Rio Negro, Chubut and Neuquen`argentina Where in the world would you find the Provinces of Santa Cruz, Rio Negro, Chubut and Neuquen`patagonia`argentina Where in the world would you find the town of Dildo`Newfoundland where is abbotsford`canada Where is a 'crossbuck'`railroad crossing Where is a fish's caudal fin`the tail Where is Albuquerque`new mexico Where is alsace-lorraine`france Where is America's largest rosary is located`fatima shrine in holliston, massachusetts where is amundsen scott station`south pole where is amundsen scott station`south`step Where is a nave, apse, atrium and narthex`basilica Where is an Axminster carpet now made`wilton Where is ancient troy`turkey Where is Angel Falls`venezuela Where is an insect's skeleton`outside the body Where is Antofagasta`chile Where is Apalachee Bay`florida Where is appomattox`virginia Where is area 51 generally said to be`groom lake where is area 51 generally said to be`groom`thriller where is arthur c. clarke presently residing (as of 1999)`sri lanka Where is a shrimps heart`in its head where is banff national park`canada Where is Beacon Street`Boston Where is Bernebeu stadium`barcelona Where is Big Ben`london Where is bile stored in the human body`gall bladder where is bill gates' company based`redmond`agnew Where is bill gates' company based`redmond, washington Where is Bond Street`london Where is Brest`france Where is Britains first cast iron bridge`ironbridge Where is calcutta`india Where is Canada's largest Danish community located`new brunswick Where is Cape Augustus located`africa Where is cape hatteras`north carolina Where is Capitol Hill`washington dc Where is Carnaby Street`london Where is Casablanca`morocco Where is charlottetown`prince edward island where is chobe national park`botswana where is christopher columbus buried`england where is concord`new hampshire Where is crystal palace`london where is cusco`peru Where is Dam Square?`Amsterdam where is de nimes`france where is digital underground from?`oakland, california where is disneyland`california where is disneyworld`floria where is disneyworld`florida Where is Dizengoff Square`tel aviv Where is Dronning Maud land to be found`antarctica where is drury lane`london Where is dueling legal as long as both parties are registered blood donors`paraguay where is duelling legal as long as both parties are registered blood donors`paraguay Where is Enclyclopaedia Britannica based and published`chicago Where is Eurodisney`paris, france Where is Euston Station located`London Where is Euston Station`London Where is Frostbite Falls`minnesota Where is fujiyama`japan Where is Gasoline Alley`indianapolis motor speedway where is george washington buried`mount`tongue Where is George Washington buried`mount vernon Where is George Washington buried`Mt. Vernon, Virginia Where is gorki park`moscow Where is Gorky Park`moscow where is graceland`memphis, tennessee Where is Greenwich Village`new york Where is guantanamo`cuba where is halicarnassus`asia minor Where is Harry's New York Bar`paris where is hell's canyon`idaho-oregon boundary where is hell's kitchen`new york Where is honshu island`japan where is hoover dam`arizona Where is Huracan stadium`buenos aires Where is Hurst Castle, built by publisher William Randolph Hearst`san simeon, california where is insulin produced`pancreas Where is it a criminal offence to drive a dirty car`russia Where is it polite to stick your tongue out at your guests`tibet Where is Kangaroo Island`south australia where is karachi`pakistan where is karl marx buried`london where is 'kicking horse pass'`rockies where is kruger national park`south africa where is la figaro published`paris where is lahore`pakistan where is lake baikal`russia Where is lake como`italy Where is lake maracaibo`venezuela Where is Lake Winnebago`wisconsin Where is Las Palmas`canary islands Where is Le Figaro published`paris Where is Legoland`copenhagen where is lionel richie dancing`on the ceiling Where is "little America"`antarctica where is llanfaipollgwyngyllgogerychwyrndobll llantisiliogogoch`wales Where is Loch Ness`scotland Where is London's famous Spaniard's Inn`hampstead Where is Londons whispering gallery`st pauls cathedral Where is Londons whispering gallery`st pauls cathedral`saint pauls cathedral where is lower saxony?`germany Where is Madras`india where is mandalay`burma Where is mauna kea`hawaii Where is maxim's restaurant`paris Where is milk the most popular beverage`north america Where is Montevideo`uraguay Where is Montmartre`paris Where is most of America's gold located`Fort Knox Where is most of the vitamin c in fruits`skin Where is mount augustus`western australia Where is Mount Etna`sicily Where is mount mckinley`alaska Where is Mount Olympus`Greece Where is Mount Oylmpus`greece Where is Mount Rushmore`south dakota where is mount st helens`washington where is mount vernon`virginia Where is Mount Vesuvius`italy Where is Mount Victoria`fiji Where is mount washington`new hampshire where is nelson's monument`trafalgar square, london where is noah's ark believed to have landed`mount ararat Where is Noah's Ark thought to have landed`mount ararat where is noah's ark thought to have landed`mount`mccarthy where is normandy?`france Where is nuuk`greenland where is 'old faithful'`yellowstone national`hand Where is 'old faithful'`yellowstone national park Where is one place that the U S flag flies full staff 24 hours a day, is never raised or lowered, & is never saluted`on the moon`moon Where is Poet's Corner`westminster abbey Where is 'Pratt's Bottom?`In Greater London Where is Prince of Wales Island`canada Where is Pushtu mainly spoken`Afghanistan Where is Queen Maud Land located`Antarctica Where is Queen Vctoria's former home, Osborne House`isle of wight Where is Rangoon`burma Where is Red Square`moscow where is 'rijsttafel' a speciality`holland Where is roast camel usually served`bedouin feasts where is rocky and bullwinkle's home`frostbite falls Where is Ruritania`nowhere Where is saint paul's cathedral`london Where is salzburg`austria where is sand creek`colorado where is santa cruz airport`bombay, india where is sapporo`japan Where is sclerotinite found`coal Where is selfridges`oxford street, london Where is Shangri La hidden according to the novelist James Hilton`himalayan valley Where is Shangri-La supposed to be`himalayas Where is sir herbert baker buried`westminster abbey Where is Sir Winston Churchill buried`bladon where is soweto`south africa Where is spain the southernmost`continental europe Where is stone mountain`atlanta Where is stone mountain`georgia Where is St Paul's Cathedral`london Where is Tabasco`mexico Where is Taipei`taiwan Where is terre haute`indiana where is the 19th hole on a golf course`in the clubhouse Where is the 2,000 Guineas run`newmarket Where is The Abominable Snowman said to wander`himalayas Where is the Admirality Arch`London Where is the Alhambra`grenada,spain Where is the ancient game of shinty played`scottish highland where is the ancient world wonder, the mausoleum`halicarnassus Where is the annual All-American Soap Box derby held`akron, ohio where is the arc de triomphe`paris Where is the arch of hadrian`athens where is the arch of titus`rome where is the areopagus`athens, greece Where is the Australian dependency of Kaiser Wilhelm's Land`antarctica where is the bank of england`threadneedle street Where is the Bay of Campeche`mexico Where is the Bernabau stadium`madrid, spain Where is the Bernebau Stadium`Barcelona Where is the bernini bristol hotel`rome Where is the best brandy bottled`cognac Where is the best brandy bottled`Cognac, France Where is the biggest calibre cannon`kremlin Where is the blarney stone`blarney castle where is the blarney stone?`county cork ireland Where is the blue grotto`capri, italy Where is the Blue Grotto`capri, italy`capri where is the blue grotto`capri`ten where is 'the breadbasket of russia'`ukraine Where is the bridge of San Luis Rey`peru Where is the Bridge of Sighs`venice where is the calabria region`italy Where is the Cambrian mountain range`wales Where is the Cape of Good Hope`cape town, south africa where is the capital of the mormons`salt lake city`utah Where is the centennial safe`washington dc where is the chief source of gem-quality topaz`brazil Where is the circus hall of fame`sarasota, fl Where is the city of Brotherly Love`Philadelphia Where is the cleanest air`tasmania where is the clear watery solution known as the 'aqueous humor'`eye where is the colisseum`rome where is the colorado desert`southern california where is the colorado desert`southern`railroad Where is the columella`nose Where is the constellation Scorpius located`southern skies Where is the Cordon Bleu School of Cooking`paris where is the cotton bowl played`dallas where is the 'cutty sark' in permanent dry dock`greenwich Where is the dalai lama's palace`tibet Where is the dalmatian coast`croatia Where is the Dam Square`amsterdam Where is the 'Day of the Dead' celebrated`mexico Where is the Devil's Tower`wyoming usa Where is the dewey classification system used`library Where is the district 'elephant and castle'`london where is the driest place on earth (place, country)`arica chile where is the dutch seat of government`the hague Where is the famed Arch of Hadrian`athens Where is the famed Crazy Horse Saloon`paris where is the famed kew gardens`london Where is the famous Haight Street`san francisco where is the famous waterwheel painted by constable?`flatford mill, essex Where is the fashion capital`milan, italy Where is the fashion capital of the world`milan, italy Where is the fictional television station bdrx located`bedrock Where is the "Firth of Forth'`scotland where is the fissure of rolando`brain where is the fonz's leather jacket today`smithsonian institute Where is the Formula One British Grand Prix held`silverstone Where is the Gateway Arch monument`st louis, missouri Where is the Golden Gate Bridge`san francisco where is the 'grand canyon state'`arizona Where is the Grande Canal`venice where is the 'graveyard of the atlantic'`cape hatteras where is the 'graveyard of the atlantic'`cape`mullins where is the great victoria desert`australia Where is the guggenheim museum`new york city Where is the Gulf of Carpentaria`australia Where is the GUM department store`moscow Where is the hall of mirrors`palace of versailles Where is the Happy Valley racecourse, established in 1846`hong kong Where is the headquarters of the united nations`new york where is the highest point in south america`argentina Where is the Highland Park Ford Plant`Detroit, Michigan Where is the hockey hall of fame`toronto Where is the Holy Kaaba`Mecca Where is the holy shrine established by st bernadette`lourdes Where is the home location of the 'Blue Angels'`Pensacola, FL. Where is the home of golf`st andrews, scotland Where is the home of golf`st andrews, scotland`saint andrews, scotland Where is the House of Seven Gables located`salem Where is the houston space centre`texas Where is the hq of interpol`paris Where is the hub of the world, according to the international flat earth society`north pole Where is the human skin least sensitive`heel Where is the human skin the thickest`back where is the hypothalamus`brain where is the indian chief geronimo buried`fort sill, ok Where is the International Court of Justice`hague Where is the island of korcula`croatia Where is the island of South Georgia`southern atlantic ocean Where is the Isthmus of Corinth`greece Where is the kennedy space centre`cape canaveral, florida Where is the Kennedy Space Centre`cape canaveral, florida`cape canaveral where is the key hidden in the play "dial m for murder"`fifth step`5th step where is the key hidden in the play dial m for murder`the fifth step Where is the Khyber Pass, scene of the 19th century massacre`afghanistan-pakistan border Where is the kitty hawk`smithsonian where is the krishna river`india Where is the land of 10,000 lakes`minnesota Where is the largest aquarium in the US`chattanooga where is the largest circulation of sunday papers`los angeles Where is the largest collection of published erotica in the world stored?`The Vatican Library, Rome Where is the largest gold refinery`south africa where is the largest lighthouse`north carolina Where is the largest population of reindeer found`siberia Where is the largest sculpture in South Dakota`mount rushmore Where is the largest volcano`ecuador Where is the largest volcano in our solar system`mars where is the largest water clock`abbotsford, british columbia Where is the last battle scheduled to take place on the Day of Judgement`armageddon Where is the 'Laughing Cavalier" on display`wallace collection Where is the leaning tower`pisa Where is the line of life`palm Where is the Little Mermaid`copenhagen Where is the London Bridge which the current Thames Bridge replaced`arizona Where is the Longchamps race track`paris Where is the longest train tressle bridge in canada found`Lethbridge, Alberta where is 'the loop' and the 'magnificent mile'`chicago Where is 'the loop' & the 'magnificent mile'`chicago Where is the Louvre located`Paris where is the louvre`paris Where is the lowest point in Europe`caspian sea Where is the lowest point in South America`argentina Where is the Machu Picchu`peru where is the mad river`ohio where is the maine home of poet edwin arlington robinson?`gardiner Where is the malleus bone located`ear Where is the Marsh of Decay`moon where is the mayo clinic`minnesota where is the mekong river delta`vietnam Where is the meteorological office`bracknell Where is the modern site of the biblical land of Goshen`egypt Where is the modern site of the biblical land of goshen`egypt`the nile delta Where is the most sensitive cluster of nerves`base of the spine where is the mound of mars positive`on the palm of the hand Where is the natchez trail`mississippi Where is the National Exhibition Centre`birmingham Where is the National Motor Museum`beaulieu Where is the Nep stadium`budapest Where is the New Hampshire International Speedway located`loudon Where is the notorious Maze Prison`northern ireland Where is the Notre Dame Cathedral`paris Where is the Ocean of Storms located`On the moon Where is the oldest brewery in the u.s`pottsville, pennsylvania where is the oldest brewery in the u.s`pottsville`scurvy Where is the oldest rock salt mine in the US`avery island, la where is the old quarter 'plaka'`athens`chicago Where is the old quarter 'plaka'`athens, greece where is the only bone not broken because of a skiing accident`inner`denmark Where is the only bone not broken because of a skiing accident`inner ear Where is the only country you would find the Bengal tiger`india Where is the only North American museum dedicated entirely to prostitutes`washington dc where is the only place in great britain where the queen cannot go`house of commons Where is the original Harris tweed spun and woven`Outer Hebrides Where is the original home of bacardi`cuba Where is the original Raffles Hotel`singapore Where is the painted desert`arizona where is the parthenon`athens Where is the Parthenon located`Athens Where is the Plumas National Forest`california Where is the Plymouth Rock`plymouth massachusetts Where is the port of Durban located`South Africa Where is the Portuguese Grand Prix held in the Formula 1 world motor racing championship`estoril where is the prado museum`madrid where is the primary settings for the ww2 epic 'the thin red line'`gaudalcanal Where is the proof of the pudding according to the saying`in the eating Where is there a hill named Taumatawhakatangihangaoauauotameteaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu`new zealand where is the richest source of mineral sand`australia where is the river lethe`hades where is the river lethe`hades`saudi arabia Where is the rock and roll hall of fame`cleveland, ohio Where is the Rose Bowl located`Pasadena, California Where is the royal liver building`liverpool Where is the San Diego Zoo`california where is the san diego zoo located`balboa park Where is the San Marino Grand Prix held in the Formula 1 world motor racing championship`imola Where is the Sea of Showers`moon Where is the sea of tranquility`moon Where is the Sears Tower`chicago Where is the seat of the marquis of bath`longleat Where is the septum linguae`tongue Where is the septum`nose Where is the setting for 'the bridge on the river kwai'`burma where is the shannon river`ireland Where is the site of the US bullion depository`fort knox where is the smithsonian institute`washington Where is the Space Needle`seattle Where is the statue 'Le Petit Pissoir'`brussels where is the statutory inscription, 'he's ain't heavy, he's my brother' (format - city, state)`boy's town, nebraska Where is the sternocleidomastoid located`in the neck`neck where is 'the strip' that was designated an official scenic byway`las`jeopardy Where is 'the strip' that was designated an official scenic byway`las vegas Where is the taj mahal`india where is the tallest tower in the world`toronto where is the thames river`england where is the thyroid gland`Neck Where is the tomb of the Venerable Bede`durham Where is the town North Pole located`Alaska Where is the town of Tequila`mexico Where is the Trevi Fountain`rome Where is the University of the South Pacific located`fiji where is the us sixth fleet stationed`mediterranean`albania where is the us sixth fleet stationed`mediterranean sea Where is the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes`alaska Where is the Vatican City`rome where is the volta river`ghana Where is the wabash river`indiana Where is the Wailing Wall`Jerusalem Where is the Waterford of crystal fame`ireland Where is the welsh grand national run`chepstow Where is the 'whispering gallery'`st paul's cathedral where is the 'whispering gallery'`st paul's cathedral`saint paul's cathedral where is the 'whispering gallery'`st paul's`marsupium`saint paul's`marsupium Where is the "winter carnival" held`quebec Where is the world's biggest national park`canada Where is the world's biggest prison camp`siberia Where is the world's largest computer manufacturing plant?`Japan Where is the world's largest desert`north africa Where is the world's largest library`washington dc Where is the world's largest restaurant`bangkok Where is the worlds largest wine cask`heidelberg, germany where is the worlds longest escalator`leningrad where is the world's most prestigious 24-hour motor racing race held annually`le`braun where is the world's most prestigious 24-hour motor racing race held annually`le mans Where is the Yucatan peninsula`mexico where is thunder bay`canada Where is Times Square`new york Where is tobruk`libya Where is tongeren`belgium Where is Transylvania`romania Where is tupelo`mississippi where is vladivostok`russia where is walla walla`washington Where is wall street`new york Where is Waterloo`belgium Where is Wembley Stadium`london Where is Westminster Abbey located`London Where is westminster abbey`london Where is Yale University`new haven, ct Where might you find a ha-ha and a knot`in a garden Where might you find a tower called a "keep"`in a castle Where on a cheque is a sorting code printed`top right hand corner Where on a cowboy's attire would you find jinglebobs, a heel chain and a rowel`spurs Where, on a horse are its withers`shoulder Where on a horse are the withers`between the shoulder blades Where on a horse is a fetlock`leg Where on a horse is the pastern`above the hoof Where, on cattle, is the dewlap`under the throat Where on the body is the jugular vein`neck Where on the body is the vena cava`heart Where on the body should an helmet be worn`on the head Where on the human body is the ulnar loop`finger Where on the human skeleton would you find the ilium`hip Where on the Iberian peninsular is the Trafalgar Graveyard`gibraltar Where on the moon did Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin land`sea of tranquillity Where on the North Yorkshire moors is the landscape dominated by three giant spheres`fylingdales Where on TV would you find guests Major Gowen and Miss Tibbs`fawlty towers where on your body is your oxter`armpit Where on your body would you find the jejunum`small intestine Where on your body would you normally put a rucksack`back Where, originally, would you have expected to find something described as 'grotesque'`grotto Where, precisely, are a starfish's eyes`ends of its legs Where Robin Hoods bay`north yorkshire Where's America's oldest zoo`philadelphia where's the 19th hole on a golf course?`clubhouse where's the costa del sol`spain Where's the famed Arch of Hadrian`ahtens Where's the famed Arch of Hadrian?`athens where's the sears tower?`chicago Where's the world's largest bullfighting ring`Mexico City Where to peanuts grow`under the ground Where, traditionally is the best stone for making curling stones obtained`ailsa craig Where was Adolf Hitler born`austria Where was Antonio Vivaldi born`venice where was aristotle born`greece Where was a Soviet Republic formed in 1919 which lasted only 4 weeks`bavaria Where was atahualpa king`peru Where was Bobby Kennedy shot`california Where was bob hope born`eltham Where was bruce willis born`germany Where was Budweiser first brewed`st Where was Budweiser first brewed`St. Louis Where was Captain Cook murdered`hawaii Where was coinage invented`lydia Where was "Conozca Beatles" released`mexico Where was cornflakes invented`battle creek sanitarium Where was Daniel thrown into the lion's den`babylon Where was Deep Purple's "Machine Head" recorded`switzerland Where was Draco's law created?`greece Where was Eamon de Valera - Irish Prime Minister 1959 to 1973 - born`usa Where was Edward II murdered in 1327`berkeley castle Where was El Greco born`greece where was emily dickinson's home`massachusetts Where was Enrico Caruso born`naples, italy where was entertainer glen ford born`quebec`aida where was entertainer glen ford born`quebec city where was entertainer hume cronyn born?`london, on where was entertainer hume cronyn born?`london, ontario Where was entertainer John Candy born`toronto Where was entertainer William Shatner born`montreal Where was film director ingmar bergman born`sweden Where was first time, in 1894, the Mormons settled`nevada Where was formed the disco band Boney M in 1976`germany where was frank sinatra born`hoboken, new jersey where was frank sinatra born`hoboken, new`persia where was friedrich nietzeche from`leipzig, germany Where was george a custer defeated`battle of little bighorn Where was 'g.i joe' introduced on february 9, 1964`annual american where was 'g.i joe' introduced on february 9, 1964`annual american international toy fair where was 'g.i joe' introduced on february 9, 1964`annual american international toy`raisin Where was Graf Spee scuttled`montevideo Where was Hannibal from`carthage Where was Hawkeye Pierce's hometown in the show M*A*S*H ?`Crab Apple Cove Where was it always winter but never Christmas`narnia Where was it once against the law to have a pet dog`iceland Where was it once against the law to slam your car door`switzerland Where was Jesus born`bethlehem Where was Jesus crucified`golgotha Where was Jock Ewing flying over when his private jet disappeared`south america Where was Judas buried`potters field Where was King Arthurs court`camelot where was lenin born`ulyanovsk Where was marco polo born`island of korcula Where was Mary Queen of Scots executed`fotheringay castle Where was Methodism founded`Oxford University Where was miss piggy's birthplace`hog springs Where was mohammed born`mecca Where was Mohammed, the founder of Islam born`mecca Where was Napoleon Bonaparte born`corsica Where was napoleon born`corsica Where was napoleon defeated`waterloo Where was Nazareth's live "Snaz" LP recorded`vancouver Where was nelson mandela in prison`robben island Where was nixon's western white house`san clemente where was nixon's western white house`san`five Where was oliver goldsmith's vicar from`wakefield Where was omar shariff born`egypt Where was paper invented`china Where was paper money first used`china Where was President Kennedy assassinated`dallas, texas Where was president truman born`lamar, missouri`lamar missouri Where was Prime Minister Spencer Perceval assassinated`house of commons Where was printing by movable type invented`china where was randolph churchill when he said: 'i didn't come here to meet vulgar people like the kellys'`monaco Where was Room 222`walt whitman high school Where was Rory Gallagher born`ireland Where was Salman Rushdie born`bombay where was shakespeare born`stratford-upon-avon Where was sir ernest shackleton on his way to when he died`antarctica Where was Sir Winston Churchills country home`chartwell Where was skiing invented`norway Where was slave trading abolished in 1807`british empire Where was snoooker invented`india Where was steel first made`india where was superman born`krypton Where was the 1962 World's Fair`seattle Where was the 1975 tube disaster`moorgate where was the 1979 riot at a who concert`cincinnati Where was the 1995 rugby world cup held`south africa Where was the 1999 rugby world cup held`wales Where was the 1st u.s federal penitentiary`leavenworth, kansas Where was the academy that plato founded in 387 bc`athens Where was the agen plum first planted`california Where was the airfield where Charles Lindbergh landed to end his historic solo trans atlantic flight`paris Where was the Armistice, between the Allies and Germany, signed on the 11th November 1918`compiegne where was the atomic bomb project conducted during world war two`los alamos, new mexico Where was the Australian gold rush`victoria Where was the 'Australian' swimmer John Konrads born`latvia Where was the bakery that started the Great Fire of London`pudding lane Where was The Beast, the first mobile robot, developed`johns hopkins Where was the bloodiest collapse of communism`Romania Where was the bloodiest one day battle fought in the u.s civil war`antietam where was the bloodiest one day battle fought in the u.s civil war`antietam creek where was the boxer rebellion`china Where was the capital, established in 1862, of the Confederate States of America`richmond, virginia where was the coldest temperature on earth recorded`antarctica Where was the colossus of rhodes`rhodes harbour Where was the compass invented`china Where was the creator of the comic book character Tintin born`brussels Where was the crossbow invented`china Where was the decimal system developed`india Where was the dental drill invented`united states Where was the earthquake on september 29, 1969`tulbach where was the earthquake that killed 250,000 in 526 ad`antioch`centaurs where was the earthquake that killed 250,000 in 526 ad`antioch`syria Where was the empire ruled by Akbar the Great`India where was the first american skyscraper built`chicago Where was the first beachhead established in the Falklands' War`san carlos where was the first binding international ban on human cloning signed`paris, france Where was the first by-election for the Scottish Parliament held`ayr where was the first confederate white house?`montgomery alabama Where was the first FA Cup Final held`kennington oval Where was the first football world cup`uraguay Where was the first glass made`egypt Where was the first gold strike in California, setting off the 1849 gold rush`sutter's mill Where was the first known lighthouse`alexandria where was the first practical typewriter built`milwaukee Where was the first pyramid constructed`saqqara Where was the first shopping mall opened`saint louis where was the first shopping mall opened`saint`stamp Where was the first shot in the American civil war fired`fort sumter where was the first skyscraper in the world built?`chicago Where was the first speed limit regulation of 20 mph set`england where was the first subway built`england Where was the first test match played`melbourne, australia Where was the first Three Tenors concert held`rome Where was the first toothbrush with bristles developed`china Where was the first unattended 24 hour self service laundromat`austin, texas Where was the football ground stampede that caused 66 deaths in 1971`glasgow Where was the forked plow invented`mesopotamia Where was the golfer Severiano Ballesteros born`spain Where was the Grand National run between 1916 and 1918`Gatwick where was the greatest snowfall ever recorded in a single storm`mount`coburg Where was the greatest snowfall ever recorded in a single storm`mount shasta Where was the "Great Famine" of 1848`Ireland Where was the great library`nineveh where was the home of maine's first governor`kingfield Where was the home of the Amoskeag Indians`manchester Where was the home of the flintstones`bedrock where was the immense fireball that flattened a 12 mile radius of pine forest, and was though to be an alien weapon in 1908`tunguska Where was the last battle fought on English soil`sedgemoor,somerset where was the last battle of the american reveolution fought?`yorktown, virginia where was the last major american indian resistance to white settlement`wounded`b Where was the last major American indian resistance to white settlement`wounded knee where was the match invented`france Where was the monty python film 'the life of brian' banned`scotland Where was the movie "Running Brave" filmed`edmonton Where was the newspaper 'pravda' first published`russia Where was the painting by Michaelangelo , valued at 8 million pounds recently found, after remaining unrecognised for more than 250 years`castle howard Where was the Piper Alpha oil rig belonging to the US Occidental Petroleum Corporation when it exploded in 1988`The North Sea Where was the record for most snowfall in a day, on february 7 1916`alaska Where was the Rosetta stone found`Cairo where was the rosetta stone found`egypt Where was the Royal Mint situated until 1810`tower of london Where was the second atomic bomb dropped`nagasaki where was the second capital of assyria`nineveh Where was the Septuagint written`alexandria Where was the setting for 'shogun'`japan Where was the setting for the 1976 movie "Jaws"`amity island Where was the Titanic mainly built`Belfast, Ireland where was the toxic gas leak at an insecticide plant that killed over 6000 people in 1984`india where was the tv detective series magnum set`hawaii where was the venue for the 1994 world cup final`rose bowl Where was the Wet Dream festival held in November 1970?`Amsterdam Where was the world's first adhesive postage stamp available`england Where was the worlds first dam built`Egypt Where was the XXlV Olympiad held`sydney australia Where was Thomas a Becket murdered`canterbury cathedral Where was William H Bonney, better known as "Billy The Kid", born`new york Where was William Shakespeare born`stratford on avon Where were 3,700,000 people killed in a flood in 1931`huang he river china`china where were 3,700,000 people killed in a flood in 1931`huang he river china`goldwyn Where were arabic numerals first used`india Where were Archie and Edith Bunker's chairs enshrined`The Smithsonian Institute where were both donny and marie osmond born?`ogden, ut Where were both donny and marie osmond born`ogden, utah where were donald duck comics banned because he doesn't wear pants`finland Where were fortune cookies invented`united states Where were 'foul lane', 'stinking lane' and 'bladder street'`london where were four college students fatally shot by ohio national guardsmen as they protested against the vietnam war`kent state university Where were George Mallory & Andrew irvine heading when they were last seen alive`summit of everest Where were ira levin's boys from`brazil where were most of the first punic wars fought`sicily Where were numerous french nuclear tests conducted`muraroa atoll Where were Omaha, Juno and Gold beaches`normandy where were sherlock holmes' rooms`baker street where were the 1896 olympics held`athens, greece where were the 1900 olympics held`paris, france where were the 1906 olympics held`athens, greece where were the 1908 olympics held`london, england where were the 1912 olympics held`stockholm, sweden where were the 1920 olympics held`antwerp, belgium where were the 1924 olympics held`paris, france where were the 1928 olympics held`amsterdam, the netherlands where were the 1936 olympics held`berlin, germany Where were the 1936 Summer Olympics held`berlin where were the 1948 olympics held`london, england Where were the 1952 Olympics held`Helsinki, Finland Where were the 1952 Summer Olympics`helsinki Where were the 1956 Olympics held`Melbourne, Australia where were the 1956 summer olympics held`melbourne where were the 1956 summer olympics`melbourne Where were the 1960 Olympics held`Rome, Italy Where were the 1960 Summer Olympics held`Rome Where were the 1964 Olympics held`Tokyo, Japan Where were the 1968 Olympics held`Mexico City, Mexico Where were the 1972 Olympics held`Munich, West Germany Where were the 1972 Summer Olympics`munich Where were the 1980 Olympic games held`moscow Where were the 1980 Olympics held`Moscow, U.S.S.R. Where were the 1988 Olympics held`Seoul, South Korea Where were the 1992 Olympics held`Barcelona, Spain where were the 1999 channel newsasia scrabble masters held (country)`singapore Where were the ancient olympics held`olympia Where were the ancient script of Linear A and Linear B found`Crete where were the cancelled 1940 summer olympics to have been held`tokyo Where were the fighting shipes 'arizona', 'oklahoma' and 'utah' sunk`pearl where were the fighting shipes 'arizona', 'oklahoma' and 'utah' sunk`pearl fleming n siberia in 1994, a container full of what was discovered in the 2, where were the fighting shipes 'arizona', 'oklahoma' and 'utah' sunk`pearl fleming n siberia in 1994, a container full of what was discovered in the 2`0 where were the fighting shipes 'arizona', 'oklahoma' and 'utah' sunk`pearl harbour where were the first atomic and hydrogen bombs designed`los alamos where were the first atomic and hydrogen bombs designed`los`ohio Where were the first books printed`china Where were the first gambling casinos`egypt Where were the first US automobile races held`narragansett rhode island Where were the first winter olympics held in 1924`chamonix Where were the Hanging Gardens`babylon Where were the Monkees trying to catch the last train to`Clarksville Where were the oldest pair of Levi jeans found`The Mojave Desert Where were the Pillars of Hercules located`Gibraltar Where were the Toltecs from?`Mexico Where were tommy lee jones and al gore freshman roommates`harvard where were women first given the vote, in 1880`isle of`jannings where were women first given the vote, in 1880`isle of man Where will children as young as 15 be jailed for cheating on their finals`bangladesh Where will the 2004 Olympic games be held`athens Where will the next winter olympics take place`turin Where will you find the greater & lesser trochanters`the femur`femur Where will you find the Marianas Trench`western pacific ocean Where will you find twenty moons on the human body`the base of the nails Where would a Britisher be going if he said "I'm going for a slash"`washroom Where would a car carrying the international identification letters FR come from`faroe islands Where would a "kiwi" most likely be found`new zealand Where would a Vietnamese put his dong`in a bank Where would find a woofer and tweeter`in a loudspeaker Where would one eat a taco`mexico where would one find the islands of langerhans`pancreas Where would one have borscht`poland or russia Where would u look at a Snellen Chart`opticians Where would you be if you landed at Dum Dum airport`calcutta Where would you be if you were visiting the Asian city of O`japan Where would you be most likely to see a 'gazebo'`garden Where would you eat a taco`mexico Where would you eat taramasalata washed down with retsina`greece Where would you expect a rabbit punch to land`on the neck Where would you experience serious pain if someone dropped a concrete block on your hallus`your big toe`big toe where would you find a base pair`DNA Where would you find a daisy wheel`typewriter Where would you find a j-curve`economics chart Where would you find a kalamein door`modern office building Where would you find an inner and outer bailey`a castle`castle Where would you find a quokka`australia Where would you find a serif`on a printed letter where would you find a snail's reproductive organs`head Where would you find Black Rod`the house of lords where would you find cassini's division`saturn's rings`saturns peters where would you find cassini's division`saturn's rings`saturns rings Where would you find Central Bay, Moscow Sea and the Bay of Heats`moon Where would you find crofters`scotland Where would you find Fiordland National Park`new zealand where would you find lake zarkol`afghanistan where would you find medulla oblongata`brain Where would you find murals painted`walls Where would you find Pussy Galore?`In Ian Fleming's Goldfinger Where would you find Queen Maud land`antarctica Where would you find the Akond of Swat`in a nonesense poem Where would you find the Bridge of Sighs`venice Where would you find the British prime minister`10 downing street Where would you find the city of Ukkel`belgium Where would you find the 'cornea'`eye Where would you find the deltoid muscle`back where would you find the dutch house, the palm house and the orangery`kew gardens Where would you find the Empire State Building`new york city Where would you find the Fissure of Rolando`in the brain Where would you find the following - couter, pauldron, vambrace and cuisse`in a suit of armour Where would you find the Gulf of Bothnia`between sweden & finland Where would you find the Matterhorn`switzerland Where would you find the "medula oblongata"`brain Where would you find the medulla oblongata`brain Where would you find the 'ocean of storms'`On the moon Where would you find the oldest underground system in the world`london Where would you find the only freshwater seals in the world`lake baikal Where would you find the Palmer Research Station`antarctica Where would you find the Pensacola Mountains`antarctica Where would you find the Sea of Tranquillity`on the moon Where would you find the thickest layer of skin on the human body`feet Where would you find the volcano loki`on jupiter's moon i0 where would you find the vox humana and the vox angelica together`on an organ where would you find the vox humana and the vox angelica together`on an`sidewinders where would you find the wheat state, bananaland, the cabbage patch, land of the white ant and groperland`australia where would you find the yoruba people?`nigeria Where would you find tricounis, clinkers and muggers`on the soles of old hiking boots Where would you find vitreous humour`in your eye Where would you find vox humana and vox angelica together`on an organ where would you find your radius and ulna`arm Where would you go to find The Bull Ring`birmingham england Where would you go to find the bull ring`spain where would you go to see the smallest bicycle built?`circus circus hotel in nevada Where would you see a horse jump over the chair`aintree where would you wear a shako`head Whhich art movement originated in Paris in 1905 with the founding of the Salon d'Automne`fauvism Whhich English cricket captain suffered from epilepsy`tony grieg Which 12 a side stick and ball game is played principally in Scotland`shinty Which 15 a side stick and ballgame was once outlawed by the Statute of Kilkenny`hurling Which 15th Century English King founded Eton College`henry vi Which 16th century Regent of France is considered largely responsible for the St Bartholemew's Day Massacre`catherine de medici Which 16 year old was turned down when he applied for admission to the Swiss Federal Polytechnic Institute`albert einstein Which 17th century English King founded Greenwich Observatory`charles ii Which 18th century French politician gave his name to a black cut-out style of painting`etienne de silhouette Which 18th Century poet was known as 'The Bard of Ayrshire'`robert burns Which 1949 comedy film featured Scottish islanders looting a stricken ship laden with Scotch`whisky galore Which 1950 musical is based on the characters of Damon Runyon`guys and dolls Which 1950's jazz combo featured Milt Jackson on vibes and John Lewis on piano`modern jazz quartet Which 1956 film about the pocket battleship Graf Spec starred John Gregson`battle of the river plate Which 1958 play by Shelagh Delaney was hailed as a landmark in "kitchen sink" drama`a taste of honey Which 1960's musical featured the song Aquarius`hair which 1960s number one begins: 'i love the colourful clothes she wears, and the way the sunlight plays upon her hair'`good vibrations Which 1960s pop group.included Carl Wayne and Roy Wood`the move Which 1966 drama/documentary led to the establishment of Shelter the charity for the homeless`cathy come home which 1966 film featured puppets of Cliff Richard and The Shadows singing the song Shooting Star`Thunderbirds are go which 1977 ac/dc album featured the tracks "dog eat dog and whole lotta loving`let there be rock Which 1978 film from the book of the same name by Ira Levin, tell of the cloning of Adolf Hitler`the boys from brazil Which 1980s band had a front man who married Chrissie Hynde and Patsy Kensit`simple minds Which 1980s mass murderer said that he occasionally took a body from under the floorboards to watch tv with him`dennis nielson Which 1980s pop trio were named after characters from the cartoon Tin-Tin`the thompson twins Which 1982 song was Madness' only UK No. 1`house of fun Which 1985 film involved senior citizens deciding whether to go with aliens to a Utopian world or stay on Earth`cocoon Which 1986 film, from the book of the same name by Umberto Eco, tells of a 10th century detective and monk`the name of the rose which 1990 film had the stuntmen outnumber the credited cast by more than 2:1`the`rainbow which 1990 film had the stuntmen outnumber the credited cast by more than 2:1`the rookie Which 1990s Guns N Roses hit shared its name with a James Bond movie`live and let die Which 1995 film, starring Tom Hanks, used the publicity blurb "Houston, we have a problem."`apollo 13 which 1996 film had 'choose life' as its advertising slogan`Trainspotting Which 1996 film starred Will Smith as Captain Steven Hillier and Bill Pullman as President Thomas J. Whitmore`independence day Which 1998 film stars Robert Redford as a hero blessed with a gift for healing`the horse whisperer Which 19th-20th century Danish composer's second Symphony is known as The Four Temperaments`carl nielsen Which 19th century artist was awarded a farthing in a libel case`whistler Which 19th century figure was married to Jenny von Westphalen`karl marx Which 19th century French artist painted 'Bathers at Asnieres'`georges seurat Which 19th Century novelist's writings included travel sketches called Pictures From Italy and American Notes`charles dickens Which 19th Century poet was known as 'The Bard of Rydal Mount'`william wordsworth Which 19th century polish pianist and composer has been called The poet of the piano`chopin Which 19th century Russian chemist formulated the Periodic Table of Elements`mendeleyev Which 19th century Russian composer of pieces such as "Pictures at an Exhibition" was also a professional soldier`modest mussorgsky Which 19th century Russian composer of pieces such as Prince Igor was also a research chemist`alexander borodin Which 19th century Russian composer's third Symphony is called 'The Polish'`tchaikovsky Which 19th century traveller and linguist first translated the 'Arabian Nights'`sir richard burton Which 19th century US President had the initials CAA`chester alan arthur Which 19th century US President had the initials JKP`james knox polk Which 19th century writer coined the phrase "Sandwich Board Man"`charles dickens Which 2001 film starred john cleese & woody harrelson`scorched Which 20th century artist's three-volume autobiography is entitled Diary of a Genius`salvador dali Which 20th century Italian dictator was called 'Il Duce'`Benito Mussolini Which 20th century king reigned for less than a year`edward viii Which 20th century leader introduced the custom of carrying a flaming torch from Athens to the site of each Olympic games`adolf hitler Which 20th century US president had the real name Leslie King`gerald ford Which 24 hour period is noted for its practical jokes`all fools day Which 2 articles are traditionally carried by Father Time`hourglass & scythe`hourglass and scythe Which 2 elements in the air were first named by Lavoisier in 1777`oxygen and nitrogen Which 2 elements make up water`Hydrogen & Oxygen Which 2 metals are combined to make brass`copper and zinc Which 2 sports are combined in a biathlon`skiing and shooting Which 3 actresses are the new "Charlie's Angels"`lucy liu, drew barrymore & cameron diaz Which 3 colours are on the Dutch flag`red, white & blue Which 3 olympic events restrain throwers in a circle`shot, hammer & discus which 4800 km long highway was built by the incas`great royal`montpelier which 4800 km long highway was built by the incas`great royal road Which 50's Actress was born Vera Jayne Palmer`jane mansfield Which 50's singer changed his name from harold jenkins`conway twitty Which 50s singer changed hos name from Harold Jenkins`conway twitty Which 60's folk artist sang the lyrics "god told abraham kill me your son. abe said man you must be puttin me on"?`bob dylan Which 60s pop star played Len Faircloughs son stanley in Coronation Street`peter noone Which 60s radio show with John Cleese and Tim Brooke-Taylor featured ferrets, rhubarb tarts and wombats`i'm sorry i'll read that again Which 60's song from the film Buster was the first hit for Phil Collins both sides of the Atlantc`a groovy kind of love Which 70s pop group included Rick Wakeman and Hudson Ford duo in its union`the strawbs which 80's group reached no2 with "happy birthday "`altered images which 80's singer 's real name is stuart goddard`adam ant Which 90s Grand National Winner was trained by Martin Pipe`minnehoma Which 937 foot tanker caused the worlds worst oil pollution disaster in 1989`the exxon valdez Which 9-fingered pop pianist starred in the film Its all Happening`Russ Which 9-fingered pop pianist starred in the film Its all Happening?`Russ Conway Which 9th Century monk is credited with having devised an alphabet`saint cyril Which academy is located in Annapolis, Maryland`united states navy which account did homer write of the trojan war`the iliad Which acid builds up in the body during excessive exercise`lactic Which acid is found in nettle stings`formic Which acid is found in unripe apples and other fruit`malic acid Which acid is found in yoghurt`lactic which action film star is a former mr universe`arnold schwarzenegger Which activity, which can be described as a sport, was initially a coming-of-age initiation ceremony on pentecost island`bungee jumping Which actor and entertainer's autobiography is titled "Moab is my Washpot"`Stephen fry Which actor and muscle man, a former 'Mr. Universe', gained fame and fortune in Italy, playing mythical heroes such as Hercules`steve reeves Which actor and muscle man, gained fame and fortune in italy, playing hercules`steve reeves Which actor appeared in "Pulp Fiction", Reservoir Dogs" and "The Piano"`harvey keitel Which actor, best known for his portrayal of a hero of the Napoleonic wars, secretly married Abigail Cruttenden in November 1997`sean bean Which actor/director was responsible for the rebuilding of the Globe Theatre`sam wanamaker Which actor had a surprise chart-topper with "If" in 1975`telly savalas which actor had a top ten hit in 1987 with respect yourself`bruce willis Which actor has played Fagin on both the stage and in the 1968 film Oliver!`ron moody Which actor played Ace Ventura`jim carey Which actor played Alain Chanier in The French Connection`fernando rey Which actor played Flash Gordon in the 1930s films`buster crabbe Which actor played in all of these films Shadowlands, Nixon and The Mask of Zorro`anthony hopkins Which actor played lronside in the television series of that name`raymond burr Which actor played 'Marcus Welby, MD'`robert young which actor played Mork in the sitcom Mork and Mindy`Robin Williams Which actor played Mozart in the 1984 film Amadeus`tom hulce Which actor played Mozart in the 1984 film Amadeus`tom hulse which actor played "r" in the james bond movie, "the world is not enough"`john cleese Which actor played seven different characters in the 1965 film The Family Jewels`jerry lewis Which actor played the character Joe Patrioni in all four Airport films`george kennedy Which actor played the first doctor who`william hartnell Which actor played The Lone Ranger on television`clayton moore Which actor played the marine expert Matt Hooper in the film Jaws`richard dreyfuss Which Actor Played the Part Of "Little James Bond" In The Film "Casino Royale"`Woody Allen Which Actor Played The Part Of "Sir James Bond" In The Film "Casino Royale"`David Niven Which actor played the title role in the mad max series of films`mel gibson which actor played the title role in the mad max series of films`mel`marx Which actor plays the leading part in the movie Prophecy`Christopher Walken Which actor plays the part of Dr. Frasier Crane in the Channel 4 series "Frasier"'`kelsey grammer which actor plays with the band dog star`keanu reeves Which actor portrayed Al Lonely the Maytag Repairman in TV Commercials from 1967 to 1989`Jesse White Which actor portrayed head of Tommy Lee Jones department in the film Men In Black`rip torn Which actor portrayed Sam, the piano player, in the film Casablanca`Dooley wilson Which actor provided the macabre voice overs at the end of Michael Jacksons Thriller hit single`vencent price which actor provided the voice of 'charlie' in the tv series 'charlie's angels'`john forsythe Which actor said his epitaph should read - He was lucky and he knew it`cary grant Which actor said, 'Love means never having to say you're sorry'`Ryan O'Neal Which actor said, 'Love means never having to say you're sorry'`Ryan O'Neil Which actor said the line "when you're slapped you'll take it and like it`humphrey bogart Which actor said 'You ain't heard nothin' yet in the film The Jazz Singer`al jolson Which actor's autobiography is entitled Dear Me`peter ustinov Which actor/singer wrote the autobiography 'Parcel Arrived Safely, Tied With String'`michael crawford Which actors life was based on the Neil Simon movie The Goodbye Girl`Dustin Hoffman which actors original name was 'william henry pratt'`boris karloff Which actor sped off with Jack Lemmon in a speedboat at the end of the film "Some Like it Hot"`joe e BROWN Which actor's real name is Emmanuel Goldenberg`edward g robinson which actor starred in both Crossroads and Brooside`Steven Pinder Which actor starred in Key largo`humphrey bogart Which actor starred in The Big Sleep`humphrey bogart Which actor started his film career as a giggling psychotic killer in the gangster movie Kiss of Death`richard widmark Which actor took over Paul Scofields role in The shooting Party when he broke his leg`james mason Which actor took the male lead in the Hitchcock thriller The Birds`rod taylor which actor was accused of communistic sympathies in the goldbergs?`philip loeb Which actor was born Maurice Micklewhite`michael caine Which actor was Howard Hughes describing when he said 'His ears make him look like a taxi cab with both dooors open'`clarke gable Which actor was nominated for Best Actor for his role in The Insider`Russell Crowe Which actor was the exorcist in The Exorcist`max von sydow Which actor was the first to play Robin Hood on television`richard greene Which actor, who played Dr, Who collapsed and died at a Dr, Who convention`patrick troughton Which actor won an Oscar for his portrayal of Gauguin in the film Lust For Life`anthony quinn Which actor wore nothing but black for the last 45 years of his life`yul brynner Which actor wrote a short walk from harrods in 1993`dirk bogarte which actress/actor hired a private investigator to find david strickland before it was too late`brooke shields Which actress and singer played 'Breathless Mahoney' in the film Dick Tracy`madonna Which actress appeared in "A Handful of Dust", "The English Patient" and "The Horse Whisperer"`kirstin scott thomas Which actress co-starred with Michael Douglas in the film War of the Roses`kathleen turner Which actress, created a DBE in 1956, had a theatre in Croydon named after her`peggy ashcroft Which actress did Peter Lawford describe as 'the worst lay in the world'?`Rita Hayworth Which actress has the real name Diane Hall`diane keaton Which actress is married to Blake Edwards`julie andrews Which actress is the wife of playwright Jack Rosenthal`maureen lipman Which actress is to play Lara Croft in the soon to be released film "Tomb Raider - The Movie"`Angelina jolie Which actress left 'The Queen Vic' in 1999 to begin a solo singing career`martine mccutcheon Which actress played Katy in the sitcom The Farmer's Daughter`inger stevens which actress played the adopted niece in all in the family?`danielle brisebois Which actress played the Bond girl Honeychile Rider in Doctor No`ursula andress Which Actress Played The Part Of "Pussy Galore" In The Bond Film "Goldfinger"`Honor Blackman Which actress plays Clarice Starling in the current film "Hannibal"`julianne moore Which actress plays the role of Ally McBeal on TV`calista flockhart Which actress replaced Faye Dunaway in the Broadway production of 'Sunset Boulevard'`glen close Which actress said 'Some of my best leading men have been dogs and horses`elizabeth taylor Which actress said 'Sometimes I'm so sweet even l can't stand it'`julie andrews Which actress spent a month in a rome prison in 1982 for tax irregularities`sophia loren Which actress's real name was Jane Peters`carole lombard which actress stareed in cat ballou, barbarella and klute`jane fonda which actress stareed in cat ballou, barbarella and klute`jane`lisa Which actress starred in The Big Sleep`lauren bacall Which actress starred in the film Love Story`ali mcgraw Which actress starred in the film Notting Hill`julia roberts Which actress was briefly married to Alexander Korda & played Cathy in the 1939 film of ;Wuthering Heights`merle oberon Which actress was in the TV movies: The Oddyssey,and Merlin?`Isabella Rosselini Which actress was known as the "It" girl`clara bow Which actress was known as the "Sweater Girl"`lana turner Which actress won an Oscar for her role in the 1938 film Jezebel`bette davis Which adjective is used to describe a volcano that no longer erupts`extinct Which Aerosmith song was re-made by Run D.M.C.?`Walk this way Which African airport was the subject of a fly-on-the-wall documentary in 1999`lagos Which African capital city is at the highest altitude`addis ababa Which African capital city is named from the Greek meaning 'three towns'`tripoli Which African country had its capital transferred to Abuja`nigeria Which African country had its capital transferred to Dodoma`tanzania Which African country has the letters EAK as its international vehicle registration`kenya Which African country's national flag is red with a single green pentacle in the centre`morocco Which African leader came to power in 1969 and has remained in power for over 30 years`gaddafi Which african leader did the special aka sing about`nelson mandela Which African leader emerged from prison after 27 years to lead his party again`Nelson Mandela Which african river did Henry Morton Stanley explore in the 1870s`the congo Which Agatha Christie title comes from a nursery rhyme involving a mouse`hickory dickory dock Which Agatha Christie title comes from a nursery rhyme involving birds`pocket full of rye which age do the hindus believe we are now living, characterized by wickedness and disaster`kaliyuga which ageing rocker flopped with the solo album 'goddess in the doorway' in 2001`mick jagger Which aircraft set the record for the first piloted supersonic flight`bell x-1 Which aircraft was designed by Sir Christopher Cockerell`hovercraft Which airline has its home base in Atlanta, Georgia`delta Which airline has the registration prefix 'vr'`cathay pacific which airplanes flew the first mission in 'desert storm'`stealth bombers which airplanes flew the first mission in 'desert storm'`stealth`chicago Which Alabama city was the first capital of the Confederacy during the Civil War`montgomery Which Alan Parker film dealt with racial murders in America`mississippi burning Which Alastair is a member of the Channel 4 horse racing team`Alastair Down Which album contains the tracks "New Kid in Town' and 'Life in the Fast Lane'`hotel california Which album released on august 11 1969 was a collaboration between donovan and jeff beck`barabajagal which album was the last released, featuring the beatles?`hey jude which album won the best album award at the 1997 brits for manic street preachers`everything must go Which alcoholic drink is also a girls name`sherry which alcoholic drink was once banned as it was believed it could make you mad`absinthe Which alcoholic spirit is flavoured with junniper berries`gin Which Alistair is a member of the Channel 4 horse racing team`alistair down Which allotrope (form) of carbon gets its name from the Greek word adamas meaning 'invincible'`diamond Which almost extinct South African ass is a relative of the zebra`quagga which alphabet only has 12 letters in it`hawaiian alphabet Which alternative ceomedian called his first novel Stark`ben elton Which amendment is the 'lame duck' amendment`20th Which American actor played 'Captain Hook' to Robin Williams 'Peter Pan'`dustin hoffman which american actor starred in casablanca and the big sleep`humphrey bogart which american actor starred in casablanca and the big sleep`humphrey`twain Which American actor was married to Madonna`sean penn Which American actress was married to Prince Ali Khan`rita hayworth Which American aircraft company makes the F15 Eagle`mcdonnell-douglas Which American aircraft company produces the F14 Tomcat`grumman Which American artist is La Cicciolina, the Italian porn queen, married to?`Jeff Koons Which American astronaut played golf on the moon`alan shepard Which American author wrote Moby Dick`herman melville Which American author wrote "Rip Van Winkle"`washington irving Which American author wrote 'The Age of Innocence' and 'Ethan Frome'`edith wharton Which American author wrote 'The Crucible'`arthur miller Which American author wrote the million pound sellers 'The Witches of Eastwick' and 'The Poorhouse Fair'`john updike Which American author wrote the novel "The Last Tycoon"`f scott fitzgerald Which American baseball player in 1998 took the record for the most home runs (62) in a season`mark mcgwire Which American Blues singer originally recorded "Got my Mojo Working"`muddy waters Which American Blues singer originally recorded 'Smokestack Lightning'`howlin' wolf Which American chat show hostess apppeared in the film 'The Color Purple'`oprah winfrey Which American city is known colloquially as 'Foggy Bottom'`washington d c which american city is named after an ancient capital of egypt`memphis Which American city is nicknamed The Big Easy`New Orleans Which American city is served by Dulles Airport`washington d c Which American city is served by Logan International Airport`boston Which American clarinettist and bandleader created the jazz idiom known as swing`benny goodman Which American clarinettist bandleader was known as 'The King of Swing'`benny goodman Which american comic said: 'I could never be a woman. I'd just stay home and play with my breasts all day'?`Steve Martin Which American composer wrote the ballet Appalachian Spring'`aaron copland Which American Country and Western singer, born Virginia Pugh, died in 1998`tammy wynette Which American criminal was known as Scarface`al capone Which American crowned a great 1998 by winning at Wentworth`mark o'neara Which American devised a noise reduction system, now in general use, for tape-recorders etc`ray dolby Which American dramatist wrote 'Death of a Salesman'`arthur miller Which american driver won formula one world championships in 1978`mario andretti Which American female vocalist had a hit in 1980 with "Call Me"`debbie harrie Which American female vocalist had a hit in 1980 with "Call Me"`debbie harry Which American female vocalist had a hit in 1985 with 'We Don't Need Another Hero'`tina turner Which American footballer won four Super Bowls with the San Francisco 49ers`joe montana Which American general commanded the American defense of the Phillipines (1941-2) and defeated the Japanese in the Pacific (1944-5)`macarthur Which american group named itself after an american firetruck`reo speedwagon Which American Indian tribe was, from the late 18th Century, native to Florida`seminole Which American invented the bi-focal lens`benjamin franklin Which American League outfielder stole 130 bases in 1982`rickey henderson Which American League player won the Cy Young Award in 1983`lamarr hoyt Which American magician & escapologist was born Erich Weiss in 1874`Harry Houdini Which American Military Academt was established in 1802 on the Hudson river`West Point Which American newspaper has the slogan "All the news that's fit to print"`new york times Which american novelist had a long-standing affair with Simone de Beauvoir?`Nelson Algeren Which American president coined the term the New Deal`f d roosevelt Which American president could write Latin with one hand and Greek with the other, simultaneously`James Garfield Which american president had the middle name milhous`richard nixon Which American president holds the record for the most consecutive hand shakes at an official function`theodore roosevelt Which American president is credited with the plan of 'vietnamization'`nixon Which American President ordered the dropping of the first atomic bomb`Harry S Truman Which American president renamed "Shangri-la" as "Camp David" after his grandson`eisenhower Which American president said, 'It is not best to swap horses when crossing streams'`abraham lincoln Which American president said, 'The only thing we have to fear is fear itself`f d roosevelt Which American President's desk bore the legend 'The Buck Stops Here'`harry truman Which American president won the biggest vote in Amercan election history`ronald reagan Which american president won the biggest vote in american election history`ronald reagan Which american presindent was known as Tricky dicky`richard nixon Which American river caused serious flood damage in 1993`Mississippi Which american RnB rockers were known as CCR`creedance clearwater revival Which american said I have a dream`martin luther king Which American said "There's a sucker born every minute"`p t barnum which american secretary of state has won the nobel peace prize`henry kissinger which american secretary of state has won the nobel peace prize`henry`rabbit Which American's first successful play was 'All My Sons'`arthur miller Which american state calls itself The Last Frontier`alaska Which American state ceded the District of Columbia for a national capital in 1790`maryland Which american state forms the border of missouri`arkansas Which American state has a bear on its flag`california Which American state has a Union Jack on its flag`hawaii Which American state has Boise as its capital`idaho Which american state has orange blossom as its official flower`florida Which American state is called 'The Silver State'`nevada Which american state is known as the land of opportunity`arkansas which american state is known as the lnd of opportunity`arkansas Which American state is known as the Lone Star State`Texas Which American state is nicknamed the 'Beehive' state`utah Which American state is nicknamed the 'Corn Husker' state`nebraska Which American state is nicknamed 'The Empire State of the South' or 'Peach State'`georgia Which American state is nicknamed the 'Evergreen' state`washington Which American state is nicknamed 'The Sioux State' or 'Flickertail State'`north dakota Which American state passed a bill declaring Pi to be 3`Indiana Which american statesman won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973`henry kissinger Which American state was the first, in 1780, to abolish slavery`pennsylvania Which american swimmer won 8 olympic medals between 1984 & 1992`matt biondi Which american tourist attraction was carved by Gutzon Borglum`mount rushmore Which American TV series, set in Malibu, is claimed to be the most watched TV programme worldwide`baywatch Which American was three times U.S.Women's Open Golf Champion and won two Gold Medals at the 1932 Olympics`mildred didrickson Which American, who died in 1910, wrote "Water - taken in moderation - cannot harm anybody"`mark twain Which American won the 1964 Nobel Peace Prize`martin luther king Which american writer and lecturer was deaf and blind`helen keller Which American writer created John Carter of Mars and David Innes of Pellucidar`Edgar Rice Burroughs Which american writer described Wagners music as being better than it sounds`mark twain Which American writer of childrens books said 'Adults are obsolete children`dr seuss Which American writer published "A Walk in the Woods"`bill bryson Which amusement park opened near los angeles in 1955`disneyland Which anatomical feature is traditionally said to be a guide to the size of a man's penis?`Nose Which ancient abandoned South American city was discovered by Hiram Bingham in 1911`machu picchu which ancient chinees game is usually played by 4 people using 2 dice and 136 tiles`mahjong Which Ancient Chinese philosophers name meant 'Kong the Master'`confucius Which ancient city did the archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann`troy Which ancient city was conquered by Genghis Khan`tashkente Which ancient continent is said to be submerged`Atlantis which ancient greek thought that sight was caused by rays emitted by the eye`pythagoras Which ancient ship was brought up from the sea in 1982`the mary rose Which ancient town, capital of the legendary King Minos, was excavated and reconstructed by Sir Arthur Evans between 1899 and 1935`knossos Which ancient town, was excavated and reconstructed by sir arthur evans between 1899 and 1935`knossos Which Ancient Wonder of the World was on mainland Greece`statue of zeus which ancient world wonder was located at halicarnassus`mausoleum Which Andalusian town is the centre of the sherry-making industry`jerez Which angel did God send to visit the young girl Mary`gabriel Which angry young man wrote Epitaph for George Dillon`john osborne Which animal always gives birth to identical quadruplets`armadillo Which animal always grows new teeth to replace the old`crocodile Which animal appears on the national flag of Sri Lanka`lion Which animal became extinct in Britain in 1683`wild boar Which animal can endure temperatures below freezing whilst in hibernation`the bat Which animal can mate over 50 times a day`lion which animal does ermine come from`stoat Which animal eats wood twice as fast when listening to heavy metal music`termite Which animal family does the mandrill belong to`baboon Which animal floats in water`porcupine which animal has been known to steal milk directly from a cow`hedgehog Which animal has breeds called Berkshire and Tamworth`pig Which animal has breeds called Briards and Griffons`dog which animal has the largest brain`blue whale Which animal has the largest eyes`giant squid Which animal has the latin name 'Bos grunniens'`yak Which animal has the smallest babies in relation to the size of the adult`kangaroo Which animal has varieties called, Bank, Water, Field and Orkney`vole Which animal has varieties called 'Cornish Rex', 'Rag Doll' and 'Scottish Fold'`domestic cat Which animal has varieties called, Water, Common and Pygmy`shrew Which animal, if seen, is said to be a sign of spring`robin Which animal is associated with the beginning of a MGM film`a lion Which animal is known as 'mouton' to the French and 'schaf' to the Germans`sheep Which animal is known as the 'prairie wolf'`coyote Which animal is known as 'zorro' in Spanish and 'volpe' in Italian`fox which animal is the official emblem of canada`beaver Which animal is the only living member of the order Proboscides`elephant which animal is unable to stick out its tongue`crocodile Which animal lives at the highest altitude`yak Which animal lives in a citadel`mole Which animal lives in a holt`otter Which animal might be described as 'hircine'`goat Which animal often precedes the words derby and jacket`donkey Which animal (on average) can travel a distance of 30 to 40 miles a night`wolf which animal, other than humans, can contract leprosy`armadillo Which animal possesses the most complicated sexual equipment in the animal kingdom?`The Flea Which animals breasts go into terrine de canard a l'orange`duck Which animal secretes the pigment sepia`cuttlefish Which animals fur is used to make a musquash coat`musk rat Which animal sleeps with one eye open`dolphin Which animals meatphorically constitute a heavy rainstorm`cats and dogs Which animals metaphorically constitute a heavy rainstorm`cats and dogs which animal's name is the greek for 'river horse'`hippopotamus Which animals name prefixes the words dog and terrier to give the name of two dog breeds`bull which animal's nickname is 'ship of the desert'`camel Which animal's sperm is longer than that of an elephant?`mouse which animal survives only on eucalyptus leaves`koala which animal's young are called "joeys"?`kangaroo Which animal was once called the 'camelopard`giraffe Which animated characters would you find on the SS Pennsyltucky`rocky & bullwinkle which animated characters would you find on the ss pennsyltucky`rocky & bullwinkle`rocky and bullwinkle which anniversary is dubbed the crystal anniversary`the fifteenth Which annual award is given for distinguished contribution to children's Literature`Newbery Medal Which antibiotic is named after the Latin word for Little Brush or Tail`penicillin Which ape is normally known as man of the woods`orangutan Which Apollo mission took the first man to the moon`apollo eleven which apollo misson is famous for the saying 'houston, we've got a problem'`apollo 13 Which apollo space mission put the first men on the moon`apollo 11 which apollo space mission put the first men on the moon`apollo 11`11 Which Apostle didn't believe in the resurrection until he had seen the Saviour's wounds`thomas Which apostle is the patron of bankers, book-keepers and tax collectors`matthew Which Apostle refused to believe in Christ's resurrection until he had seen His wounds`thomas Which Apostle replaced Judas Iscariot`matthias Which apostle was the only one to die a natural death`st john the evangelist Which apparatus is used for weaving`a loom Which arabic sailor featured in the Arabian Nights`sinbad Which archangel is the patron of television and radio workers, messengers and postal workers`gabriel Which architect designed Brighton Pavilion for George IV`john nash Which architect designed Brighton pavilion`John Nash which architect designed st paul's cathedral in london`sir christopher wren Which architect designed the Guggenheim Museum in New York`frank lloyd wright Which architect designed the Royal Crescent Bath`john wood Which architect designed the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, UK`sir christopher wren Which architect was responsible for many of Barcelona's famous buildings`antonio gaudi Which architect was responsible for the building of Blenheim Palace`sir john vanbrugh Which area of water lies between China and Korea`yellow sea Which areas of a tennis court are added for doubles matches`tramlines Which are barnacles, plants or animals`animals Which are the biggest and most powerful warships today`aircraft carriers Which are the most used muscles in the body`eye muscles which are the only three teams in european soccer history to attain the famed treble (alphabetically)`ajax celtic manchester united which are the only two mammals with hymens`humans and horses which are the three longest rivers in order`nile, amazon, mississippi Which are the twin cities`minneapolis and saint paul Which Argentinian golfer, aged 44,won the British Open in 1967`roberto de vicenzo Which Argentinian in 1967 became the oldest-ever winner of the Open Golf Championship at the age of 44`roberto de vicenzo Which Argentinian politician commanded the invasion of the Falkland Islands`general galtieri Which arm did King George V have a large blue and red dragon tattoo on`right which arm of the british armed forces did t e lawrence join`royal air force which arm of the british armed forces did t e lawrence join`royal`kerouac Which army officer holds a rank between a colonel and a major general`brigadier Which army rank is equivalent to the naval rank of Lieutenant-Commander`major Which aromatic rice is traditionally used in Indian cookery`basmati Which arteries carry blood to the head and neck`carotid Which artery supplies blood to the heart and neck`carotid Which artery takes blood from the heart to the lungs`the pulmonary artery Which art gallery is the home of Rodin's ' The Kiss' and Picasso's The Three Dancers'`tate modern Which art gallery would you visit to see Botticelli's ' Birth of Venus'`the uffizi, florence Which Arthur first conceived the idea of geostationary satellites`arthur c. clarke which arthur miller play is set during the salem witchcraft trials`the crucible Which Arthur Miller play uses the witch trials of Salem to comment on the so called McCarthy witchhunts`the crucible Which artificial fiber was invented in 1938`Nylon Which artist, born in Russia in 1887, painted Self Portrait With Seven Fingers, Birthday and Bouquet With Flying Lovers`marc chagall Which artist did the stage design for the ballet 'Parade'`picasso Which artist first sketched the principal of the parachute`leonardo da vinci Which artist fixed the image of Santa Claus in our minds`Thomas Nast which artist/group had a hit in 1990 with "close to you"`maxi priest which artist/group had a hit in 1990 with "ice ice baby"`vanilla ice which artist/group had a hit in 1992 with "i'm too sexy"`right said fred Which artist had a hit in 1990 with close to you`maxi priest Which artist had a hit in 1990 with ice ice baby`vanilla ice Which artist had a hit in 1992 with i'm too sexy`right said fred Which artist married Olga Koklova in 1918`pablo picasso Which artist painted 'Guernica'`picasso which artist painted northern streets full of matchstick people`Lowry Which artist painted "The Monarch of the Glen"`edwin landseer Which artist painted 'The Night watch'`rembrandt Which artist painted the picture Guernica`pablo picasso Which artist painted the picture known as the haywain`constable Which artist painted the picture Tahitian Women`paul gaugin Which artist painted the picture The Persistence of Memory`salvador dali Which artist painted "The Potato Eaters"`vincent van gogh Which artist painted the work popularly known as 'Bubbles'`millais Which artist painted Venus of Urbino`titian Which artist painted water lilies at his garden in Giverny`claude monet Which artist pictured Dr Tulp giving a lesson`rembrandt Which artist produced more than 200 paintings while he was in the asylum in st. remy`vincent van gogh Which artist, remembered more for his portraits than his landscapes, was born in Sudbury, Suffolk, in 1717`gainsborough Which artist said "I draw like a child, entirely out of my head"`l.s.lowry Which artists life is depicted in Moulin Rouge`toulouse-lautrec Which artists won the Turner Prize in 1986`gilbert & george Which artists work entitled '' My Bed'' shocked the art world when exhibited at the Tate Gallery in 1999`tracey emin Which artist went mad after being sent to work as a priest in Belgium`vincent van gogh Which art movement would you associate with Marcel Duchamp`dada Which Asian city was designed by Sir Edwyn Lutyens as a grand symbol of the British Empire`new delhi Which Asian country is split east to west by the Hindu Kush`afghanistan Which astrological sign both begins and ends the calendar year`Capricorn Which astronaut did Tom Hanks play in the film Apollo 13`jim lovell Which astronauts mothers maiden name was moon`buzz aldrin which astronaut was the first to orbit the earth`yuri garagin Which astronomer and military band conductor discovered Uranus in 1781`w f herschel Which astronomer discovered the planet Uranus in 1781`william herschel Which astronomical unit is equal to 3.26 light years`parsec which athenian historian wrote history of the peloponnesian war`thucydides Which athlete in 1989, became the first man to clear 8ft in the high jump`javier sotomayor which athletes do sit spins, axle jumps and flying camels`figure skaters Which athlete withdrew from the Sydney Olympics claiming she had been confronted by a stranger in her hotel room`marie-jose perec Which athletics event is sometimes known as the metric Mile`1500 metres Which Athletics world record was held by cricketer C B Fry`long jump Which austere Christian sect, founded in 1650, rejects cultural rites and an ordained ministry`quakers which australian actor starred in "captain blood" and "gentleman jim"`errol flynn Which Australian and New Zealand Prime Ministers are commemorated in Westminster Abbey in London`Billy Hughes and Richard Seddon Which Australian animal rolls into a spiky ball when in danger`echidna Which Australian animal, together with the echidna, is the sole survivor of the order Monotremata`platypus Which Australian anti hero gave rise to the tourist industry in the town of Glenrowan`ned kelly Which Australian author wrote Illywhacker and Oscar and Lucinda`peter carey Which Australian businessman has made a fortune in the newspaper industry`rupert murdoch Which Australian Capital is named after the naturalist on the Vessel 'Beagle'`darwin Which Australian city hosted its final Formula 1 race in 1995`adelaide Which Australian city is known as 'The City of Light'`adelaide Which Australian city is named after William IV's Queen`adelaide Which Australian city stands on the Port Jackson Inlet`sydney Which Australian coast is Perth on`west Which Australian conductor was born in Schenectady, New York, in 1925 and became musical director of Sadlers Wells opera in 1970`charles mackerras Which australian duo took 13 nominations and 10 wins at the aria awards`savage garden Which Australian national park was included on the World Heritage List in 1981`Kakadu National Park which australian outlaw said just before he was hanged "such is life"`ned kelly Which Australian pioneer's son refused a baronetcy because of his father's involvement in the Rum Rebellion`Edward, son of John Macarthur Which Australian Prime Minister was renowned for using the term "Scumbag"`Paul Keating Which Australian State allows the cultivation of opium poppies to produce drugs`Tasmania Which Australian State Capital is named after a Queen of England`adelaide Which Australian state capital lies on the River Paramatta`sydney Which Australian state capital was named in honour of a British naturalist`darwin Which Australian state capital was named in honour of a British Prime Minister`melbourne Which Australian state has the waratah the state flower`New South WalesMUSIC:Who composed the Opera Albert Herring`benjamin Britten Which australian tennis star was nicknamed The Rockhampton Rocket`rod laver Which Australian throwing stick is supposed to return to the thrower`boomerang Which Australian was the only man to win the tennis Grand Slam twice`rod laver Which Australian won the 1998 US Men's Open Tennis Championship`patrick rafter Which austrian born composer who was superstitious about numbers died on fri 13th at 13 mins to midnight`arnold schonberg Which Austrian composer wrote the operas Wozzeck & Lulu`berg Which Austrian president was engulfed in a storm over his Nazi past in 1988`kurt waldheim Which author created Peter Rabbit`beatrix potter Which author created Svengali`georges du maurier Which author created the character hannibal lecture`thomas harris Which author created the character Sid Halley`dick francis Which author created the detectives Miss Marple and Hercule Poirot`agatha christie Which author died on the same day as Shakespeare`cervantes Which author edited Household Words`charles dickens Which authoress wrote "Bridget Jones' Diary"`helen fielding Which author, famous for such novels as 'The Naked Lunch', died in 1997`william s burroughs Which author/illustrator wrote the Owl and the Pussycat`edward lear Which author introduced the phrase 'the Beat Generation' in his novel entitled On The Road`jack kerouac Which author is often referred to as the Laureate of the Jazz Age`f scott fitzgerald which author's book saw a huge surge in sales in 1984`george orwell Which author used the pseudonym Acton Bell`anne bronte which author, while high on peyote, accidentally shot his wife and killed her during a game of william tell (that his wife had suggested)`william burroughs Which author wrote about the fictional Napoleonic war hero Sharpe`bernard cornwell Which author wrote 'Death in the Afternoon'`ernest hemingway Which author wrote "If not actually disgruntled, he was far from gruntled"`p g wodehouse Which author wrote plays about love, hate, marriage, emancipation, and VD`ibsen Which author wrote the Belgariad Series`david eddings Which author wrote "The Duncton Chronicles"`william horwood Which author wrote the four best-selling crime novels known as "The LA Quartet"`james ellroy Which author wrote the four best-selling crime novels known as "The Quartet"`james ellroy Which author wrote the novel Tom Jones`henry fielding which author wrote the popular shannara series?`terry brooks Which author wrote the "Redwall" series of novels`brian jacques Which author wrote the 'Stone Diaries'`carol shields Which author wrote the two World War 2 books 'Fighter' and 'Bomber'`len deighton Which author wrote the World According to Garp`john irving Which avenue can be found along the right bank of the Seine`champs elysees Which Bach compsositions were never performed for the nobleman to whom they were dedicated`the brandenburg concertos Which bad guy in the James Bond movies didnt have his heart in the right place`Dr. No Which balding actor donned a pigtail for his role in the film Medicine Man`sean connery Which ballet company is based at the Maryinsky Theatre`kirov ballet Which ballet position is named after the French for bent`plie Which ballet star had a nickname of Misha`Mikhail Boryshnikov Which Baltic country has Tallin as its capital`estonia Which baltic seaport was the german rocket centre during wwii`peenemunde Which band backed singer Jimmy James`The Vagabonds Which band comprises Shaznay and Melanie plus sisters Natalie and Nicole`all saints Which band comprises sisters Andrea, Sharon, and Caroline with their brother Jim`the corrs which band covered nilsson's 'one' and brought it to the top ten in 1969`three dog`hunter which band covered nilsson's 'one' and brought it to the top ten in 1969`three dog night Which band did david bowie and the 'sons of soupy sales' form`tin machine Which band did three of The Specials form when they left`fun boy three Which band had 2 nuber one hits in Denmark before their home country of Sweden`ace of base Which band had a 1999 hit single with "Flying Without Wings"`westlife which band had a hit with Bitter sweet symphony`The Verve Which band had a member called left eye`tlc Which band had members Robert palmer, Andy and John Taylor, and Tony Thompson?`The Power Station Which band had top 10 hits with 'Body Talk' & 'Just An Illusion'`imagination which band had top ten hits with robert de niro's waiting and i want you back`bananarama which band is fronted by Jarvis Cocker`Pulp Which bandleader died in an air crash over the English Channel during World War II`Glenn Miller Which band leader is associated with Take the A Train`duke ellington Which band leader was killed in a plane crash`glenn miller Which band member was Boy George allegedly seeing in Culture Club during the eighties? (Just name the instrument he plays)`The Drummer Which band of the 60s and 70s recorded Live at Pompeii`pink floyd which band reached no 8 in 1985 with 'johnny come home'`fine young cannibals Which band reached number two in the charts in 1988 with the album The First of a Million Kisses`fairground attraction Which band recorded a song called Bank Holiday`blur Which band recorded the album parachutes`coldplay Which band recorded the live album 'Live and Dangerous'`thin lizzie Which band recorded the live album 'Strangers in the Night'`ufo Which bands 1986 album was called London 0 Hull4`the housemartins Which band's 1986 album was titled `London 0 Hull 4``The Housemartins Which band sold the most number of records in the 1970's`led zeppelin Which band takes their name from the clown in a stephen king's book`pennywise Which band took there name from a character from to kill a mocking bird`boo radleys which band topped the singles charts in 1999-19yrs after the previous number1`blondie which band used to be called seymour`blur Which band was Sid Vicious in before he joined the Sex Pistols`siouxsie and the banshee Which band was 'So Lonely" in 1980`police Which band were back for good unfortunately in 1995`take that Which band were named after a 1950 film starring Bette Davis, Anne Baxter, George Sanders and Celeste Holm`all about eve Which bank did the jailed Nick Leeson work for and ruin`barings Which bank lies to the left of a canoeist paddling upstream, the left or the right`right Which barbarians threatened Roman Britain from Scotland`picts Which baseball team did Jackie Robinson play for in 1947`Brooklyn Dodgers Which battle in 1704 was the first of Marlborough's four great victories`blenheim Which battle in World War One was "Haig's Big Push"`the somme Which battle is sometimes called the Battle of Three Emperors`austerlitz Which battle took place between May 3-8 1942 and was the first great aircraft carrier battle`battle of the coral sea Which battle took place in Leicestershire in 1485`bosworth field Which battle was fought by Wellington two days before Waterloo`quatre bras Which bay was the site of the first Australian settlement`Botany Bay Which BBC TV comedy featured spoof news and current affairs, and introduced Alan Partridge`the day today Which bear like creature is found in Australian gum trees`koala which beatle admitted: 'we can't sing. we can't do anything. we're just having a good time'`paul mccartney Which beatle almost did at the age of six when his appendix burst`ringo starr Which beatle number one hit featured the word yellow in the title`yellow submarine which beatle played the pope in the film lisztomania`ringo`fever Which Beatle played the pope in the film Lisztomania`Ringo Star which beatle posed in his bare feet on the abbey road album`mccartney Which Beatle said: 'A woman should be obscene and not heard'?`John Lennon Which beatle sang backing vocals on david bowies fame`john lennon Which beatle song features sweet loretta`get back Which Beatles on the cover to the album 'Abbey Road' has no shoes or socks`paul Which Beatles' song did Michael Jackson sing in the film Moonwalker`come together Which Beatles' song had the working title "Scrambled Eggs" until they'd written the proper lyrics`yesterday Which Beatles song has been "covered" most frequently by other artists`yesterday Which Beatles song is the most recorded song of all time`yesterday Which beatles song is the most recorded`yesterday Which Beatle took up auto racing`george harrison Which beatle took up racing cars`george harrison which beatle took up racing cars`george`stream Which Beatle wrote the score for the 1966 film The Family Way`paul mccartney Which Beaufort Scale number is described as 'strong gale'`nine Which beautiful woman was stolen from her husband and caused the Trojan war`helen of troy Which beer's name was the first trade mark in the UK`red triangle (bass) Which beer was first brewed in Leuven in 1366`stella artois Which Belgian port saw the Herald of Free Enterprise set sail with its bow doors open in 1987`zeebrugge Which Belgian provincial capital is situated at the junction of the Meuse and Ourthe rivers`liege Which best selling author had already made and lost a million pound fortune in the food business before he ever started writing`harold robbins Which best selling author once represented Louth in Parliament`jeffrey archer Which best-selling author writes novels featuring the pathologist Dr. Kay Scarpetta`patricia cornwell Which best selling car did Alec Issigonis design`mini Which best selling car with a production spanning some 30 years is to be replaced by the "Focus"`ford escort Which beverage is a Quaker Oats product`Gatorade Which biblical character had 12 sons`jacob Which biblical woman was the mother-in-law of Ruth`naomi Which Billy Joel album earned him a Grammy Award in 1979`52nd Street Which billy joel video was a parody of elvis on ed sullivan`tell her about it Which Billy Rose song, written in 1924 with Marty Bloom and Ernest Brever, was a hit for Lonnie Donegan in 1959`does your chewing gum lose its flavour Which Billy Rose song, written with Al Jolson and Dave Dreyer, was a hit as a duet for Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jnr. in 1962`me and my shadow Which biologist has written the books The Selfish Gene and Climbing Mount Improbable`richard dawkins Which bird became extinct in 1861`Dodo Which bird builds its nest at the end of a tunnel in a riverbank`kingfisher which bird can walk under water`dipper Which bird did Keats describe as, 'Light Winged Dryad of the Trees'`nightingale Which bird eats with its bill upside down`flamingo Which bird family are the Anserinae`geese Which bird family are the Columbidae`doves and pigeons Which bird had the largest wingspan`wandering albatross Which bird has nostrils at the end of its beak`kiwi Which bird has plumes onits head resembling the quills secretaries used to put behind their ears`secretary bird Which bird has the largest wing span`albatross Which bird has the largest wingspan`The wandering albatross Which bird is also known as the butcher bird`shrike Which bird is known as the laughing jackass`the kookaburra Which bird is known as the Sea Parrot`puffin Which bird is the international symbol of happiness`Bluebird which bird is traditionally believed to sing before it dies`swan Which bird lays its eggs in other birds nests`cuckoo Which bird migrates the furthest distance`arctic tern Which bird migrates the longest distance - a return journey of more than 22.000 miles`arctic tern Which bird, native to Great Britain, is nicknamed the "Yaffle" after its distinctive laughing cry`green woodpecker Which bird,one of the commonest in the world in 1814,became extinct a century later`passenger pigeon Which birds are famous for the sound made by their wings and being able to fly backwards`hummingbirds Which birds are kept in lofts and are used for racing`pigeons Which birds are the only ones to fly backwards`hummingbirds Which bird took manfred mann to no 1 in 1966`pretty flamingo Which bird turns its head upside down to eat`flamingo Which bird turns its head upside down to eat`flamingoHow many names did the first telephone book ever issued contain`fifty Which bird was described by Wordsworth as 'A Wandering Voice'`cuckoo Which birth sign precedes Cancer`gemini Which biscuit is named after a French royal family`bourbons Which biscuit is names after an Italian revolutionary leader`garibaldi Which bit of the body was called 'the expressive button' by the Victorians?`Clitoris Which bivalve mollusc is said to be good for one's love life`oyster which black actress played jane foster in east side/west side`cicely`apple Which black actress played Jane Foster in East Side/West Side`cicely tyson Which block did they escape from?`Block 12 Which blood vessels carry blood from the heart to the various parts of the body`arteries Which blue flag with a white rectangle in the centre represents 'P' in the international code of signals`the blue peter Which Blue Peter presenter had a dog called Shep`john noakes which Blue Peter presenter was sacked in 1998 for using cocaine`Richard Bacon Which board game do Rod and Todd Flanders like to play?`Good Samaritan Which board game is said to have come from the Welsh for little battle`backgammon Which board game was invented by Alfred Butts`scrabble Which board game was invented by Charles Darrow in 1929`monopoly Which boat is tradionally used on the canals of Venice`gondola Which Bob Dylan song was a hit for Jimi Hendrix in 1968`all along the watchtower which bob marley hit, recorded in london, took six years to reach the uk top-ten (this song was later recorded by the group, boney m)`no woman no cry which bob went on tour during the summer of 1999 with paul simon`dylan Which body of water links the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea`sea of marmara Which body of water seperates France from Great Britain`english channel Which Bohemian ruler featured in a popular translation of a Czechoslovakian carol was murdered by his brother`good king wenceslas Which bomb used in the Dambuster raids was invented by Barnes Wallis`bouncing bomb Which Bond films theme tune was sung by Duran Duran`a view to a kill Which Bond Film Was To Be Called "Mr Kiss Kiss Bang Bang" But Was Renamed`Thunderball Which bone in the human body is at the front but sounds like it should be at the back`sternum Which Bonn musician left for Vienna in 1792 to study Haydn`beethoven Which bony structure includes the zygomatic, ethmoid, and vomer bones'`skull Which booby prize was once the co-host of a TV game show`dusty bin Which book begins "Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without any presents"`little women Which book by Harriet Beecher Stowe was subtitled Life among the lowly`uncle toms cabin Which book by James Joyce takes palce on a single Dublin day in June 1904`ulysses Which book by Peter Wright did Margaret Thatcher try to supress`spycatcher Which book caused a minor controversy in 1997 when a survey of Waterstone's customers voted it the best book of the twentieth century`lord of the rings Which book co written by Peter Wright did the government try to ban in 1986`spycatcher Which book describes the the experiences of 'Alexander Selkirk`robinson crusoe Which book ends with the lines: 'Thank goodness! said Bilbo laughing, and handed him the tobacco-jar`the hobbit Which book featured the miser scrooge`a christmas carol Which book features the love affair of Connie and mellors`lady chatterleys lover Which book first featured the character Felix Leiter`casino royale Which book, first published in 1949, begins with the words: "it was a bright cold day in april & the clocks were striking thirteen"`1984 Which book has the statement 'all pigs are equal, but some pigs are more equal than others'`1984 Which book has the statement 'all pigs are equal, but some pigs are more equal than others'`animal farm Which book has to do with instructions about sacrificial worship`leviticus Which book is subtitled "the Mistakes of a Night"`she stoops to conquer which book is the story of moses to be found`exodus Which Book of the Bible, a collection of sayings about righteousness, follows Psalms`proverbs Which book of the Bible tells of Goliath's slaying by David`samuel Which book of the bible tells of the death of moses`deuteronomy Which book of the Bible tells of two censuses, both conducted by Moses`numbers Which book of the Bible was a hit for Bob Marley`exodus Which book of words has a latin name that means 'treasure'`thesaurus Which book starts Marley was dead`a christmas carol Which book was the sequel to "Little Women"`good wives which book won the booker of bookers in 1993`midnight's children which book won the booker of bookers in 1993`midnight's`erythrocyte Which book written by Edith Holden became a best seller recently, well after her death`the country diary of an edwardian lady Which book written by Isaac Newton is regarded as the greatest single work of science`principia mathematica Which bottled water originates in Dovedale`ashbourne which bowie classic contains the lines: 'sailors fighting in the dance halls, oh man! look at those cavemen go!'`life on mars Which boxer broke Muhammed Ali's jaw`ken norton Which boxer came out of retirement in April 1987 to surprisingly take the WBC middleweight title from Marvin Hagler`sugar ray leonard Which boxer ended the run of 42 consecutive victories by Chris Eubank`steve collins Which boxer gave up halfway through a title fight with Sugar Ray Leonard`roberto duran Which boxer holds the record for the longest-reign as World Heavyweight Champion`joe louis Which boxer is heaviest a bantamweight, middleweight or welterweight`middleweight Which boxer's nickname was "Smokin' Joe"`joe frazier Which boxers nick name was The Ambling Alp`primo carnera Which boxer starred as prizefighter John Gully in the 1975 film Royal Flash`henry cooper Which boxer was Cliff Morgans opposing captain in the first edition of A Question of Sport`henry cooper Which boxer was known as the Manassa Mauler`jack dempsey Which boxer won the Olympic heavyweight gold medal in 1964`joe frazier which boyband did joey mcintyre begin his professional singing career with`new kids on the block Which boy did Sister Sledge take to number 1`frankie Which boys name means javelin`barry Which branch of science is concerned with the study of matter and energy`physics Which brand of sportswear takes its nape from a South African gazelle`reebok Which brass instrument has a slide`trombone Which brazilian footballer was nicknamed Little Bird`garrincha which brazilian made his formula 1 grand prix debut in the 1978 german grand prix`nelson piquet Which breakfast cereal did Tori Amos sing about`cornflakes Which breakfast cereals advertising slogan was For breakfast its dandy, for snack its quite handy, or eat it like candy`Post Sugar Crisp Which breed of dog did Queen Victoria own`Daschund Which breed of dog has a name derived from the old name for Greece`Greyhound Which breed of dog is crossed with a greyhound to produce a lurcher`collie Which breed of dog originated in Ormskirk and is a cross between a corgi and a Manchester terrier`lancashire heeler Which breed of dogs is used to pull sleds in Canada & Alaska`husky Which breed of dog takes its name from the Russian for 'swift'`borzoi Which breed of dog was developed from the Bullenbaiser`boxer Which breed of dog was introduced to Britain from Seistan province of Persia by John Barff, who exhibited it at the Kennel Club in 1907`afghan hound Which breed of dog was known as The Coach Dog`dalmation Which breed of dog was Supreme Champion at Crufts 1995`irish setter Which breed of large dog, used by German nobility in the 17th Century to hunt boar and stags, is known there as the Deutsche Dog`great dane Which brewery produces Pendle Witch Bitter`moorhouses Which brewery sponsored the 1987 Melbourne Cup`fosters which brewing companies red triangle was the first registered trademark`bass Which British actor, famous for roles in horror films, was the cousin of author lan Fleming`christopher lee Which British aircraft company produced a classic car marque and also made buses and trucks in the post war era`bristol Which British airport has the identification code EMA`east midlands Which British animal has the scientific name Lutra Lutra`otter Which British animal has the scientific name Meles Meles`badger Which British artist (1723-92) painted Mrs. Siddons as the Tragic Muse`sir joshua reynolds Which British athlete was disqualified in the 1984 Olympic womens 3000 metres`zola budd which british author created sherlock holmes`sir arthur conan doyle which british author created sherlock holmes`sir arthur conan`gunnell Which british author has the first names John Ronald Reuel`JRR Tolkien which british band recorded both these albums: my generation and odds and sods`the who Which British bird is the largest of the European grouse`capercaillie Which British Boxer made a winning comeback in Jan 1991`lloyd honeyghan Which British city is served by Dyce Airport`aberdeen Which British city is served by Turnhouse Airport`edinburgh Which British Classic horse race is named after the 12th Earl of Derby's home near Epsom`the oaks Which British coin was minted from silver until 1672`the half penny Which British colony became a province of Canada in 1949`newfoundland Which british colony was returned to the Chinese in 1997`hong kong which british columbia city began as a logging mill called hastings mill`vancouver Which British comedy actor was given the freedom of Tirana in 1995`norman wisdom Which British commander drove th efrench fromQuebec in 1759`james wolfe Which British crime story novelist wrote 'King Kong'`edgar wallace Which british designer works for the french fashion house of chloe`stella mccartney Which British director founded the Theatre Workshop in Manchester in 1945`joan littlewood Which British driver won five British Grand Prix races in the 1960s`jim clark Which British engineer designed the Mini motorcar`sir alec issigonis which british female singer of the 60's famous for her beehive hairstyle died in 1999`dusty springfield Which British film, set in the north of England during the miners' strike, had a massive release in the U.S.A. in November 2000`billy elliot Which british football team was nearly wiped out by a plane crash at Munich in 1958`manchester united Which British football team won the 1967 European Cup`celtic Which british hero's statue stands on a column in trafalgar square`horatio nelson Which British Island group lies just off the coast of Normandy`channel islands Which British islands are the farthest north`shetlands Which british king gave his name to a potato`king edward Which British King had the-longest reign`george iii Which British king said 'I don't like abroad, I've been there'`george v Which British king was openly bisexual?`James I Which British Military leader had a horse called Copenhagen`duke of wellington Which British Monarch could neither speak nor write English`George I Which british monarch had the shortest reign`lady jane grey Which british monarch was renowned for saying 'We are not amused'`victoria Which British motor manufacturer produced a model called the 'Elf'`riley Which British motor manufacturer produced a model called the 'Hunter'`hillman which british novelist wrote the 'jewel in the crown'`paul scott which british novelist wrote the 'jewel in the crown'`paul`worm Which british novelist wrote "the rachel papers" and "money"`martin amis Which British physician, 1749 to 1823, developed the first effective vaccine against smallpox`edward jenner Which British politician founded the New Party in 1931`oswald mosley Which British politician was held at gunpoint after landing at the wrong airport in 1988`neil kinnock Which British Prime Minister brought in a 10.30 pm TV curfew in 1973`edward heath Which British prime minister died in 1965`Winston Churchill which british prime minister introduced the 3 day week`edward`africa Which British prime minister introduced the 3 day week`edward heath Which British Prime Minister said "a week is a long time in politics"`Harold Wilson Which British prime minister said 'You never had it so good'`harold macmillan Which British Prime Minister said "You've never had it so good" and spoke of the "wind of change"`Harold Macmillan Which British Prime Minister was born in Canada`andrew bonar law Which British Prime Minister was nicknamed 'the goat' for his active sexual appetite?`David Lloyd-George which british prime minister was the only one to marry a divorcee`margaret thatcher Which British Prime Minister wrote the novels Coningsby and Sybil`benjamin disraeli Which British Prime Minster was said to be 'stiff to everyone but a lady'?`Pitt the Younger Which British Queen was excommunicated by the Pope`elizabeth i Which British racecourse gives its name to racecourses in Perth,Australia and Toronto,Canada`ascot Which British race track would you visit to see Clearways`brands hatch Which British Railway station has the greatest number of platforms`waterloo Which British rock group released a 1990s album called Parklife`blur Which British royal took tea with Adolf Hitler`duke of windsor Which British scientist invented a safety lamp for miners`davy which british sea captain was mistaken for lono the god of fertility when he landed in hawaii`james cook Which British singer was the first white woman to be signed to the Tamla Motown music label`kiki dee Which British soccer team was owned by Elton John`watford Which british sport apart from tennis has is hq at Wimbledon`croquet Which British sports car took its name from the Morris garages where it was developed`the mg Which British stage and film director won an Oscar in 2000`sam mendes Which British statesman, Minister of Labour in the National Government (1940-1945) became Foreign Secretary in Attlee's Cabinet (1945-1951)`ernest bevin Which British statesman, Minister of Labour in the National Government 1940-45, became Foreign Secretary in 1945`ernest bevin Which British tennis player was the husband of Chris Evert`john lloyd Which british theatre has a permanent backdrop of sea and sky`minack theatre of cornwall Which British town did the Romans call DUBRIS`dover Which British town is famous for its cutlery production`sheffield Which british university is the only one named after an engineer`brunel Which British warrior was the queen of the Iceni`boudicca Which Briton became Formula One Motor Racing champion in 1976`james hunt Which Briton, in 1987, made the first transatlantic flight by balloon`richard branson Which Briton won the gold medal in the 100 metres in Moscow in 1980`allan wells which broadway actress had a piece of wwii army equipment named after her`mae west Which Broadway musical opened on March 31, 1943`Oklahoma which brookside character was nicknamed rod the plod`rod corkhill Which brothers built a home-made supercomputer to calculate the digits of Pi`Chudnovsky Which 'brothers' had a hit with, 'The Sun ain't gonna shine anymore'`walker brothers Which 'brothers' had a hit with, 'This old heart of mine'`isley brothers Which brothers published the storybook entitled 'Household Tales' in the 19th century`the brothers grimm Which Bruce Springsteen song won the 1993 original song Oscar`philadelphia Which buff coloured cotton comes from China`nankeen Which building commemorates the great fire of london`monument which building in washington dc gave its name to a political scandal`watergate Which building was adapted to hold 'Tate Modern'`bankside power station Which businessman said: 'When you marry your mistress you automatically create a vacancy'?`Sir James Goldsmith Which business people might use a 'Millers Guide'`antiques dealers Which Californian city houses the site of the Rose Bowl statium`pasadena Which californian desert drops below sea level`death valley which californian town was john steinbecks famous cannery row set in`monterey Which camera company produces the popular 'Sureshot'`canon Which camera company produces the popular 'Trip'`olympus Which camera was introduced by Eastman Kodak in 1900 & was originally sold for one dollar`Brownie Which Canadian actor died during the filming of Wagons East &`John Candy Which canadian athlete was cleared to compete for his country in 1990 after a positive drugs test at the 1988 Olympics`ben johnson Which canadian based baned released mmmmm mmmmmmm mmmmmmmm in 1994`crash test dummies Which Canadian city has the busiest airport`toronto Which Canadian city is known as the city of Saints`montreal Which Canadian city was originally called Bytown`ottawa Which Canadian island is the setting for 'Anne of Green Gables`prince edward island Which Canadian Prime Mister set out to create a Just Society`Pierre Trudeau Which Canadian province extends farthest north`Quebec Which Canadian province has the capital Edmonton`Alberta Which Canadian province has the largest population`ontario Which Canadian province produces the most maple syrup`quebec Which canadian province was formerly called acadia`nova scotia Which Canadian singer represented Switzerland in the 1988 Eurovision Song Contest`celine dion Which canal links Lakes Ontario and Erie`welland Which canal links the Baltic to the North Sea`kiel Which canal was nationalised in 1956`suez Which canal, which joins the North Sea with the Baltic, opened in 1895`kiel canal Which canary sings the male or female`the male which candy was selling poorly until the movie E.T. popularized it`Reese's Pieces Which capital city has a statue of a mermaid in its harbour`copenhagen Which capital city has Old Fort Denison located in its harbour`sydney Which capital city is built on the site of ancient Tenochtitlan`mexico city Which capital city means ` black pool``Dublin Which capital city, on a plateau 7400 feet above sea level, has a population of nearly 19 million`mexico city Which capital city stands near the delta of the Irrawaddy river`rangoon Which capital city stands on the north shore of the river Plate estuary`montevideo Which capital city stands on the river Manzanares`madrid Which capital city was founded in 1566 by the Knights of St. John`valetta Which capital city was originally scheduled to hold the 1940 Summer Olympics, and had to wait for twenty-four years`tokyo Which capital city was scheduled as second choice to hold the 1944 Summer Olympics, and had to wait for another twelve years`helsinki Which capital is known as the Glass Capital of the World`Toledo Which capital is the largest city in Africa`cairo Which carbohydrate makes jam gel`pectin Which car company has a logo consisting of three diamonds`mitsubishi Which car company invented and patented the three point seat belt but let other car companies use it free of charge`volvo Which car company makes the Almera`nissan Which car company makes the 'Avensis'`toyota Which car company makes the Xsara`citroen Which car company manufactures a model called Persona`proton Which car company manufactures the Lupo`volkswagen Which car company, originally called Horch after its founder, changed its name to its Latin equivalent`audi Which car company other than Rover has a Viking ship as its emblem`lada Which car company produced the Victor, Tigra and Cavalier`vauxhall Which car company produces the Voyager people carrier`chrysler Which Car company's logo is made up out of two ovals`toyota Which car company took over Mitsubishi in March 2000`daimler`chrysler Which car company tried harder because they were number two`avis Which car emblem consists of four linked circles`audi Which Caribbean city has a waterfront area called the Malecon`havana Which caring organisation was founded in 1953 by Chad Varah`The Samaritans Which car introduced in 1907, required 48 feet to stop from speed of 25mph`rolls royce silver ghost Which car make has a double diamond as its logo`renault which car maker produced the car known as the javelin`amc Which car manufacturer built a model called 'Oxford', first produced in 1913`morris motors Which car manufacturer makes a model called the Pony`hyundai Which car manufacturer makes the Xantia model`citroen Which car manufacturer produced a model called the 'Duett'`volvo (1953-69) Which car manufacturer produces the car model called Matiz`daewoo Which car manufacturer produces the car model called Octavia`skoda Which car manufacturer's badge shows a Viking longship head on`rover Which car manufacturer takes its name from the Latin for 'I roll'`volvo Which car manufacturer was the first to fit seat belts to their vehicles`volvo Which car manufacturer was the first to introduce front wheel drive in 1934`citroen Which car manufaturer produces a model called the 'Laguna'`renault Which car number does Mika Hakkinen have in 2000`one Which Carthaginian general defeatd the romans after an epic mountain march`hannibal Which carton series includes a dog called Spike`tom and jerry Which cartoon character's vital statistics were 19-19-19 -in inches`olive oyl Which cartoon features a robot character called Bender`futurama Which cartoonist created Andy Capp`reg smythe Which cartoon show would you hear the exclamation I hate meeces to pieces`The Huckelberry Hound Show Which car was named after the daughter of an investor`mercedes benz Which car won the 1953 italian grand prix`maserati Which Castle, home of the Dukes of Rutland, is near Grantham in Lincolnshire`belvoir castle Which castle in London was built at around the time of William the Conqueror`Tower of London Which cathedral city, sixty miles from Paris, has two spires`chartres Which Cecil B. De Mille classic carried the publicity tag, 'The mightiest dramatic spectacle of all the ages'`the ten commandments Which celebrated scientist was also a poet,musician,architect,sculptor,engineer and artist`leonardo da vinci Which celebratory song was written by music publisher Clayton F Summy and plagiarised by Stravinsky`happy birthday to you Which cellphone company headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, started as a telegraph repair shop`Ericsson Which cellular structures are composed of DNA`chromosomes Which Central American country extends furthest north`Belize Which central character in a children's pantomime is a woodcutter`ali baba Which century saw the construction of the Taj Mahal`seventeenth Which century was hadrians wall built in`2nd Which cereal diseases can cause food poisoning and gangrene of the fingers if consumed`ergot Which chain of stores was founded by Selim Zilk in 1961`mothercare Which champion boxer split from his trainer Brendan Ingle in 1999`prince naseem hamed Which chancellor was accused of taxing fish and chips`nigel lawson Which character appears in most Shakespeare plays`falstaff Which character, created by novelist Saul Bellow, says: 'Let me in, I'm a poet. I have a big cock'.?`Von Humboldt Fleischer Which character did Berlioz, Gounod and Liszt all compose music about`faust Which character did David Jason play in the T.V. series Porridge`blanco which character did diana rigg play in the 'the avengers'`emma peel Which character did jodie foster play in bugsy malone`tullulah Which character did Lewis Carroll's Alice meet, sitting on a mushroom smoking a 'long hookah'`the caterpillar Which character did Mel Gibson play in the film "Braveheart"`william wallace Which character died on BBC radio on the same night ITV was launched`grace archer Which character from beavis and Butthead has their own show?`Daria Which character from Dickens' "Great Expectations" had been jilted on her wedding day`miss havisham Which character from The Archers thinks he is also a country and western star`eddie grundy Which character in Bond films has been played by Donald Pleasance, Telly Savalas, and Charles Gray`blofeld Which character in Charles Dickens' "Hard Times" shares his surname with a North West town`stephen blackpool which character in Coronation St is played by Amanda Barrie`Alma Baldwin which character in emmerdale apparently returned from the dead`kim tate Which character in 'Forrest Gump' loved shrimp`Bubba which character in Neighbours is played by Ian Smith`Harold Bishop Which character in "The Avengers" drove a Lotus Elan`emma peel Which character in "The Avengers" drove a Lotus Elan`emma pefl Which character in the "Phil Silvers Show" was played by Maurice Gosfield`dobermann Which character in TV's Red Dwarf is a hologram`rimmer Which character in TV's Red Dwarf is obsessed with fashion`cat Which character is the narrator of Melville's Moby Dick`ishmael which character of the southpark series gets killed in every volume`kenny Which character on TV's 'M-A-S-H'was played by an actor mising several fingers`radar Which character quit?`Original Cindy Which character refers to himself as 'An Old Bailey hack'`rumpole Which character sang 'Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are' in 'The Wizard of Oz'`Glinda Which character sang, "When you wish upon a star.." in Disney's "Pinocchio"`Jiminy Cricket Which characters in the bible had no uncles,aunts and only one set of grandparents`cain and abel Which character stars in the 'Tomb Raider' computer games`lara croft which character tried to poison his mother in eastenders`nick cotton Which character was made famous by Arthur Conan Doyle`sherlock holmes Which character was played by Diana Rigg in the TV series "The Avengers"`emma peel Which character was played by Roger Mooore in 'The Saint'`simon templar Which character was portrayed by Meryl Streep in the film Out of Africa`karen blixen Which character was portrayed by Robert Redford in the film Out of Africa`dennis finch hatton Which character was the "muscleman" on Mission Impossible`willie Which charismatic but controversial European never won Wimbledon but was the first ATP number one ranked male tennis player in 1973`ilie nastase Which Charles Dickens character said "please sir, i want some more`oliver twist Which Charles Dickens novel was brought to the screen by David Lean`oliver twist Which Charlie was the drummer with the Rolling Stones`Charlie watts Which chart song was based upon psalm 137`rivers of babylon Which chart topper spent his 1985 birthday on a hi jacked TWA aircraft`demis roussos Which chat show host flirted with Miss Piggy and was floored by Emu`michael parkinson Which cheese is traditionally put on pizza`mozzarella Which chemical compound in the body is linked to hardening of the arteries`cholesterol Which chemical element derives its name for the Greek word for violet`iodine Which chemical element emits a greenish glow in air, and, unless kept in water, burns of its own accord`phosphorus Which chemical element gets it's name from a greek word meaning "stranger"`xenon Which chemical element has the ancient name Stannum`tin Which chemical element is named after die Latin word for 'red'`rubidium Which chemical element is named after the 1959 winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics`laurencium Which chemical element is named after the Greek word for 'green'`chlorine Which chemical element is represented by the symbol S`sulphur Which chemical element takes its name from a German word for goblin`cobalt Which chemical element, with atomic number 3, is named after the Greek word for 'stone'`lithium Which chemical element, with atomic number 54, is named after the Greek word for 'stranger'`xenon Which chess move allows you to move two of your own pieces`castling Which chess piece can moved as many squares as you like in any direction`queen Which chess piece is usually valued as 5 points`rook Which chess player was beaten by IBM's 'Deep Blue' in 1997`gary kasparov Which child hero did Anthony Buckeridge create in 1948`jennings Which children's author also wrote a story about a man who has sex with a leper?`Roald Dahl Which childrens book authored by Margaret Wise Brown features a little rabbit and a quiet old lady whispering hush`Goodnight Moon Which childrens character has a cat called Jess`postman pat Which childrens classic did Johann David Wyss write`the swiss family robinson Which childrens classic was written by Anna Sewell`black beauty Which childrens comic indroduced the characters Dennis the Menace & Lord Snooty in 1938`beano Which childrens show premiered on T.V., December 27, 1947`The Howdy Doody Show Which childrens stiry takes place in St Petersburg Missouri`tom sawyer Which childrens TV presenter released records as Bombalurina`timmy mallett which childrens tv program features big bird`sesame street Which childrens tv signature gave the Settlers their only hit`follyfoot Which Chilean island in the Pacific is famed for its gigantic statues`easter island Which chinese leader wrote The little Red Book`mao tse-tung Which Chinese surname means 'Prince'`wang Which Chinese teacher & philosphers ideas deeply influenced the cultures of Asia`Confucious Which chocolate-coated confection, made by Jacob's, shares its name with a member's association`club Which Christian Feast is celebrated on 15th August`assumption of virgin mary Which Christian Feast is celebrated on 1st November`all saints Which christmas decoration is said to have been an important symbol at Druid Human sacrifices`mistletoe which chubby actress portrayed topanga lawrence on tv's 'boy meets world'`danielle fishel Which cicada is the noisy one the male or the female`male which circus has for years proclaimed itself to be 'the greatest show on earth'`barnum and bailey Which city 50 miles from the coast is America's eighth busiest port`houston which city became the capital of czechoslovakia in 1918`prague Which city, capital of the Assyrian Empire, was destroyed by fire in 612 B.C.`nineveh Which city did Crocket and Tubbs spend most of their time in?`Miami Vice Which city does Orly airport serve`paris Which city does the Liffey flow through`dublin Which city, founded on 1 January 1502, was named after a non-existent river`rio de janeiro Which city gives its name to the french national anthem`marseilles which city had a 17-day tire fire during 2/90 that burned millions of tire`ontario Which city had the first movie theatre in the US`Los Angeles Which city had the first movie theatre in the US`Los Angeles, CA Which city has a ram as its emblem`derby Which city has the famous opera house La Scala`milan which city has the highest murder rate, 43 per 100,000`cape town Which city has the highest population`Mexico City Which city has the largest rodeo in the world`Calgary Which city has the longest metro system`london Which city has the two steepest streets in the usa`san francisco which city has the world's higest monument?`st louis which city has the world's higest monument`st louis`saint louis Which city hosted the 1904 Olympic Summer Games Held`St Louis Which city hosted the 1904 Olympic Summer Games`St Louis`saint Louis Which city hosted the 1920 Olympic Summer Games`Antwerp Which city hosted the 1920 Olympic Summer Games Held`Antwerp Which city hosted the 1924 Olympic Summer Games Held`Paris Which city hosted the 1924 Olympic Summer Games`Paris Which city hosted the 1932 Olympic Summer Games Held`Los Angeles Which city hosted the 1932 Olympic Summer Games`Los Angeles Which city hosted the 1948 Olympic Summer Games Held`London Which city hosted the 1948 Olympic Summer Games`London Which city hosted the 1952 winter olympics`oslo Which city hosted the 1956 Olympic Summer Games Held`Melbourne Which city hosted the 1956 summer olympics`melbourne Which city hosted the 1960 Olympic Summer Games Held`Rome Which city hosted the 1964 Olympic Summer Games Held`Tokyo Which city hosted the 1964 Winter Olympics held (Austria)`Innsbruck Which city hosted the 1968 Olympic Summer Games Held`Mexico City Which city hosted the 1968 summer olympics`mexico city Which city hosted the 1968 Winter Olympics held (France)`Grenoble Which city hosted the 1972 Olympic Summer Games Held`Munich Which city hosted the 1972 Olympic Summer Games`Munich Which city hosted the 1972 Winter Olympics held (Japan)`Sapporo Which city hosted the 1988 summer olympics`seoul Which city hosted the 1988 Winter Olympics (Canada)`Calgary Which city hosted the 1988 Winter Olympics held (Canada)`Calgary Which city hosted the 1994 Winter Olympics held (Norway)`Lillehammer Which city hosted the 1994 Winter Olympics (Norway)`Lillehammer Which city hosted the 1998 Winter Olympics held (Japan)`Nagano Which city hosted the 1998 Winter Olympics (Japan)`Nagano Which city hosted the first modern olympics in 1896`athens Which city hosted the first winter olympics in 1924`chamonix Which city hosted the olympics in 1920`antwerpen Which city hosted the second olympics in 1900`paris Which city hosted the third olympics 1904`st louis Which city hosted the third olympics 1904`st louis`saint louis Which city hosted the world fair under the theme "Man and His World"`montreal Which city houses the hq of the EEC`brussels Which city in Central Alabama was the first capital of the Confederacy (1861) during the Civil War`montgomery Which city in India has the largest population`bombay Which city in Lombardy is the second largest city in Italy`milan which city in north-west england was a roman fortress named deva`chester Which city in NW Germany is the capital of Lower Saxony`hanover Which city in Siberia gives its name to a character in The Wombles`tomsk Which city is a 'player with railroads, and the nation's freight handler'`chicago which city is at the west end of lake superior`duluth Which city is built upon a group of islands`venice Which city is directly northwest of Windsor, Ontario`detroit Which city is dominated by Sugar Loaf mountain`rio de janeiro Which city is home to Coleman's mustard`norwich which city is home to nine of the 10 largest hotels in the world`las`guitar which city is home to nine of the 10 largest hotels in the world`las vegas Which city is home to the White City tennis courts`sydney Which city is, in terms of population, the second largest in Mexico`guadalajara Which city is known as Motown`Detroit Which city is known as the Windy City`Chicago Which city is known as the windy city`chicago, illinois`chicago Which city is on the east coast of australia`sydney Which city is on the east side of San Francisco Bay`Oakland Which city is sacred to Jews, Christians, and Muslims`Jerusalem Which city is sacred to Jews, Christians, & Muslims`jerusalem Which city is served by Fornebu airport`oslo Which city is served by ringway airport`manchester Which city is served by Schwekat airport`vienna Which city is the capital of the Austrian province of Tyrol`innsbruck Which city is the capital of the Italian region of Tuscany`florence Which city is the home of New Zealands House of Representatives`wellington Which city is the home of spider man`new york Which city is the home of the Fiat motor company`turin Which city is the home of the sundae`two rivers Which city is the home town of The Beatles`liverpool Which city is the location for the 1998 Commonwealth Games`kula lumpur Which city is the setting for Bizet's Carmen`seville Which city is the title of Mozart's 36th Symphony`prague Which city lies at the eastern terminus of the Trans-Siberian railway`vladivostock Which city of Southern Turkey was the birthplace of St. Paul`tarsus Which city of Switzerland is the headquarters of the International Red Cross`geneva Which city's airport is the home base for Cathay Pacific Airlines`hong kong Which city saw 3,700 fires started on the last two days of april`los angeles Which city sees Hyman Roths birthday celebrations in The Godfather Part II`havana Which city's music was featured in "I Feel Fine"?`liverpool's Whichcity'smusicwasfeaturedin"IFeelFine"`liverpool's Which citys olympics were the setting for the film Dont walk run`tokyos Which city was Axel Foley a cop in?`Detroit Which city was devastated first by an earthquake and then by a fire in 1906`san francisco Which city was faced with a $1 billion debt after staging the Olympic Games`montreal which city was first known as stalingrad and then leningrad`st petersburg which city was first known as stalingrad and then leningrad`st petersburg`saint petersburg Which city was first the capital of Wessex, then England`winchester which city was formerly two individual cities, but merged in 1873`budapest Which city was linked to New York by Alexander Graham Bells first cross country telephone call`chicago which city was mozart born in`salzburg Which city was the capital of British India until 1912`calcutta Which city was the capital of Scotland from the 12 century until 1452`perth Which city was the first in the world to use house numbers in the 18th-century`london which city was the first to be surrounded by a wall`jericho Which city was the first with one million inhabitants`london Which city was the location for the 1994 Winter Olympics`lillehammer, norway Which city was the seat of the Holy Roman Emperors in the 17th century`vienna which city was the setting for the film 'dirty harry'`san francisco Which city, with a population of 3 million, is the highest capital city in Europe at 2100 feet`madrid Which city would you visit to see Raphael's Madonna with the Golden Finch`nswer florence Which civilisation instigated the 7 day week`roman civilisation Which civil war was fought in the 1930's`spanish Which Clash LP cover shows them standing on a railway track`combat rock Which class 'A' drug is also known as Doves`ecstacy Which classic 1960 film was remade scene for scene and released in January 1999`psycho which classic 60s song begins: 'dirty old river, must you keep rolling, flowing into the night'`waterloo sunset Which classical composer was nicknamed 'The Red Priest'`vivaldi Which classic British car company of the 1940s and 1950s now produces armoured vehicles for the British military`alvis Which classic dish contains strips of steak cooked in a wine sauce with sour cream`stroganoff Which classic film finally had a sequel made 46 years after its release`the wizard of oz Which classic film of 1948 was advertised as, 'Greed, Gold and Gunplay on a Mexican Mountain of Malice'`treasure of the sierra madre Which classic French dish contains chicken, bacon and red wine`coq au vin Which classic Hollywood western is based on the film "The Seven Samurai`the magnificent seven Which classic serial starred Jeremy Irons & Anthony Andrews`brideshead revisited Which class of racing yacht has the same name as a Shakespeare play`tempest Which class of racing yacht has the same name as a Wagner opera`flying dutchman Which club did Eusebio play for throughout the 1960s`benfica Which cocktail is made from creme de cacao, cream and brandy`brandy which cocktail is made from creme de cacao, cream and brandy`brandy alexander Which code helps children to cross the road safely`green cross code Which coffee company has the advertising slogan Drink it and sleep`Sanka Which collection of stories was told by Scheherazade`the thousand and one nights Which colony left the Commonwealth in June 1997 and is unlikely ever to return`hong kong which color is by far the favorite ink color in dabbers used by bingo players`purple Which colour goes before angel & bayou on Roy Orbison's singles`blue Which colour has been potted in snooker if the break goes from 23 points to 28`blue Which colourless, odourless light gas is used to lift airships`helium which colourless, odourless, light gas lifts airships`helium Which colour moves first in draughts`black Which comedian, born in 1893, was 'The man who found the Lost Chord'`jimmy durante which comedian created the character of maude frickert`jonathan`curry Which comedian created the character of Maude Frickert`jonathan winters which comedian had a number one single about a milkman`benny hill Which comedian rowed for the defeated Cambridge crew in the 1980 university boat race`hugh laurie Which comedian said'If they liked you, they didn't applaud - they just let you live'`bob hope Which comedian's alternative persona is 'John Shuttleworth'`he was 'jilted john', a one hit wonder in 1978`graham fellows Which comedian's catch phrase was I won't take my coat oft, I'm not stopping`ken platt Which comedians revived randall & hopkirk(deceased)`reeves and mortimer Which comedian's theme tune is 'Thanks for the Memory'`bob hope Which comedian was Sherlock Holmes to Arthur Lowes watson`john cleese Which comedienne's alternative persona is 'Mrs. Merton'`caroline aherne Which comedy actress is the wife of Billy Connolly`pamela stephenson Which comedy duo did the famous, 'Who's on first' routine`Abbott and Costello Which comedy duo first performed together in 1926`laurel and hardy which comedy duo had the 1991 hit the stonk`hale & pace which comedy duo lived in oil drum lane`steptoe and son Which comedy was the story of a Mormon in LA who gets recruited to star in a skin flick?`Orgazmo Which comes first in a butteryfly's life being a caterpillar or being a pupa`caterpillar Which comet did the space probe Giotto whizz past in 1986`halleys comet which comet has an orbital period of 2900 years`humason which comet has an orbital period of 6.7 years`biela's comet Which comet struck Jupiter in July 1994`shoemaker-levy Which comet visible around Easter 1998 was named after two scientists`hale-bopp Which comic actor who died in 1977 entered a competition to find his look alike, anonymously, and only came third`charlie chaplin Which comic book hero, with an alter ego of Steve Rogers, did Joe Simon and Jack Kirby create`captain america Which comic is drawn by sam keith`the maxx which comic opera by gilbert and sullivan had a japanese theme`the mikado`mikado Which comic strip character's owner is named Jon Arbuckle`Garfield which comic strip did chic young create`blondie Which comic strip did sam keith draw`the maxx Which comic strip was banned from 'Stars and Stripes'`Beetle Bailey Which comic strip was banned from "Stars & Stripes"`beetle bailey Which common animal looks like a long-legged rabbit`hare Which common french phrase used to describe a road closed at one end translates to 'Bottom of the Bag'`cul de sac Which common garden flower is sometimes called heartsease`pansy Which common household gadget uses the same frequencies as radar`microwave oven Which Commonwealth country's one dollar coin is known as a Loonie`canada Which common word has 5 consecutive vowels`queueing which community has the highest level of rh-negative blood in the world`the basque which community has the highest level of rh-negative blood in the world`the`manioc Which company, based at Westgate Brewery, Bury St. Edmonds, produces Abbot Ale`greene king Which company built the first spiral escalator in the 1980's`mitsubishi Which company claimed to be "one step ahead of the rest"`panasonic Which company developed 'instant' coffee in the 1930s`nestle Which company, during the 1984 Super Bowl, aired what is considered one of the best commercials in TV history?`Apple Which company, formed by Cecil Rhodes in 1888, was an amalgamation of several diamond companies and is still going strong`de beers Which company has a logo officially called 'The Swoosh'`nike Which company introduced Cranberry juice cocktail in 1930`Ocean Spray Which company is the largest buyer of sugar in the world?`Coca-cola Which company is the shirt sponsor for Leicester football club`walker's crisps Which company launched the first clone of an IBM personal computer in 1982`compaq Which company made Magic Carpet`Bullfrog which company made the command & conquer series`westwood Which company made the Cross Your Heart bra`playtex Which company made Worms`team17 Which company manufactured the Boxer car`porsche Which company manufactured the motor car with the model name 'Minx'`hillman Which company manufactures the perfume Eternity`calvin klein Which company manufactures The Stealth Bomber`lockheed Which company markets the perfume 'Allure'`chanel Which company markets the perfume 'L'Air du Temps'`nina ricci Which company operates direct trains from Liverpool to Newcastle`northern spirit Which company operates direct trains from Liverpool to Norwich`central which company owns mtv and aol`viacom Which company patented the pneumatic tyre`michelin Which company pioneered the first trans-Pacific passenger flights`pan american which company produced the acclaimed fifa computer game series`electronic arts Which company produced the first commercially available LED watch`sinclair Which company produced the first nylon`dupont Which company produced the syndicated mouse factory series`walt disney which company produced the syndicated mouse factory series`walt disney`herman Which company produced the syndicated Mouse Factory series`walt disney studios Which company produced the World War Two aeroplane, the 'Lightning'`lockheed which company produces the sf-4900c digital diary`casio Which company produces the Sintra car`vauxhal Which company produces the sintra car`vauxhall which company produces the software cubase`steinberg Which company promises "The Best to you each Morning"`kellogg's Which company released it's first personal computer on august 12, 1981`ibm which company rented out the vehicles that were used in the oklahoma city and world trade centre bombings`ryder trucks Which company sponsors rugby leagues super league`tetley Which company uses the advertising slogan "Stop being English"`ikea Which competition was organised by Mecca Ltd. to coincide with the 1951 Festival of Britain`miss world Which compny makes the perfume 'Coco'`chanel Which composer and pianist also became prime minister of Poland`paderewski Which composer and pianist became Prime Minister of Poland in 1919`paderewski Which composer, born in Russia in 1882, became a French citizen in 1934, and died in New York in 1971`stravinsky Which composer, born in russia in 1882, became a french citizen in 1934`stravinsky Which composer dedicated his first symphony to Harriet Smithson and later married her`berlioz Which composer dies before he could finish his Requiem Mass on D Minor`mozart Which composer is buried in the same cemetery as Jim Morrison of 'The Doors' pop group`frederic chopin Which composer is especially associated with good food`rossini Which composer originally dedicated his third symphony to Napoleon, but changed his mind when his hero declared himself Emperor`beethoven Which composer's second symphony was called the Resurrection, his tenth was unfinished`mahler Which composer's unfinished Third Symphony was completed by Anthony Payne and first performed in 1998`edward elgar Which composer was given the soubriquet' IL PRETE ROSSO I`vivaldi Which composer was so anti semitic that he would only conduct Medelssohns music if he was wearing gloves`wagner Which composer wrote a quintet to a fish`franz schubert Which composer wrote a work for instrumentalists and short wave radios`karlheinz stockhausen Which composer wrote `The Damnation Of Faust``Berlioz Which compound comes from the nux vomica tree`strychnine Which compound forms about 70% of the human body`water Which computer firm made a model called Amiga`commodore Which computer firm made a model numbered ZX80`sinclair Which computer game gave the Ambassadors of Funk featuring MC Mario a 1992 hit`supermarioland Which computer game is sub-titled Oscanha of Time`legend of zelda Which computerized diagnostic technique is Godfrey Hounsfield credited with inventing`cat scan which computer manufacturer is the producer of the`compaq Which computer net work was launched in 1984`the internet Which computer whizz developed the C5 car`Clive Sinclair Which computer whizz kid developed the C5 car`sir clive sinclair Which concert hall is now the home of the Halle orchestra`bridgewater hall Which condition often involving muscle rigidity or overactivity is the name of a pop group`catatonia Which condition usually affecting children is characterized by a harsh cough and difficulty breathing`croup Which Confederate General was shot by his own sentries after forgetting the password`"stonewall" jackson Which conqueror led his army from Greece to western india`alexander the great Which conqueror started with a small tribe at the age of 13 and had conquered empires from the Black Sea to the Pacific by the time he died in 1227`genghiz khan Which Conservative MP wrote the recent novel 'The Clematis Tree`ann widdecombe Which conspiracy finally persuaded Elizabeth I to execute Mary Queen of Scots`babington plot which constellation contains the stars castor and pollux`gemini Which constellation contains the the red super-giant star Betelguese`orion Which constellation is known as the bull`taurus Which constellation is the water-bearer`aquarius Which constellation named after a mythological hunter contains the star Rigel`orion which constituent of curry powder is also used in india to dye cotton fabric?`turmeric Which consumer affairs programme had Esther Rantzen and John Pitman as assistants`the braden beat which contains more caffeine a teaspoon of coffee or a teaspoon of tea`tea Which contains the most calories an avocado or a large potato`an avocado`avocado which continent has the fewest species of flowering plants`antarctica Which continent has the highest mountain outside Asia`south america Which continent has the most countries`africa Which continent has the shortest coastline of all the continents`Africa Which continent's highest mountain is made up of three extinct volcanoes, Mawensi, Shira, and Kibo, the youngest and highest`africa Which continent stretches further Aouth Africa or South America`south america Which continent was explored by frenchman Jacques Cartier in the 1530s`north america Which continent was the original home to the humble potato`south america Which controversial, well-known, hallucinogenic drug was discovered by Albert Hofmann in Switzerland in 1943`lsd Which cookery dish is named after a Napoleonic battle`chicken marengo Which cookery movement was started in 1972 by two food critics`nouvelle cuisine Which Cornishman invented the first steam locomotive in 1803`Richard Trevithick Which 'Coronation Street' actor later won a Hollywood Oscar for Best Actor`ben kingsley Which coronation street character aquired a new pair of glasses in 2001`deirdre rachid Which 'Coronation Street' character is played by John Savident`fred elliott Which Coronation Street character is played by Julie Hesmondhalgh`hayley cropper Which "Coronation Street" character was played by Ian Mercer`gary mallett Which Coronation Street character was played by Jean Alexander`hilda ogden Which cosmetics giant began in 1886 as the California Perfume company?`Avon which countries car registration mark s 'CDN`canada which countries occupy the iberian peninsula`spain and portugal Which countries occupy the Iberian Peninsula`spain & portugal Which countries occupy the Iberian Peninsula`spain & portugal`spain and portugal which countries occupy the scandinavian peninsula`norway and sweden Which countries occupy the Scandinavian Peninsula`norway & sweden Which countries occupy the Scandinavian Peninsula`norway & sweden`norway and sweden Which countries were joined politically in 1707`england and scotland Which country administers Christmas Island`Australia which country adopted the world's first 'plastic currency' in 1988`australia Which country altered it's timezone in order to be the first to see in the year 2000`Tonga Which country always leads the opening olympic procession`greece Which country and western singer is known as the 'okie from muskogee'`merle which country and western singer is known as the 'okie from muskogee'`merle haggard Which country are the Galapagos Islands part of`Ecuador which country are the world conker champions`great britain Which country (as of 2000) has the lowest crime rate in the world`togo which country banned e.t dolls because there is a law against selling dolls without human faces`france Which country became the second to issue postage stamps in 1843`brazil Which country blew up a greenpeace ship in new zealand`france Which country boasts San Marcos University,the oldest active university in the Americas`peru Which country boasts the largest area, australia, brazil or india`brazil Which country borders all of Lethoso`South Africa Which country borders China,South Korea and the Soviet Union`north korea Which country borders Italy, Switzerland, West Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, and Liechtenstein`Austria Which country borders Italy, Switzerland, West Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, & Liechtenstein`austria Which country can be reached by bridge from Singapore`malaysia Which country cancelled national beauty contests 1992, claiming they were degrading`canada Which country (capital Kiev) lies just south of Belarus`ukraine Which country (capital Luanda) lies just south of Zaire`angola Which country completley surrounds san merino`italy Which country completly enclosed Berlin`east germany Which country contains 1/4 of the worlds cattle population`india Which country controlled Angola prior to its independence`portugal Which country covers the largest area, Iran or Iraq`iran Which country developed 'Tae-Kwan-Do'`Korea Which country developed the TGV high speed train`France Which country did Abba win the Eurovision Song Contest for in 1974`sweden Which country did Australia beat in the 1991 Rugby Union World cup final`england Which country did boxer Lennox Lewis represent in the 1988 Olympics`canada Which country did Britain and her allies fight against in the Crimean War`Russia Which country did Celine Dion represent when she won the Eurovision Song Contest in 1988`switzerland Which country did Chiang Kai-shek found in 1949`taiwan Which country did Konrad Adenauer lead from 1949 to 1963`west germany which country did mussolini invade in 1935`ethiopia Which country did the allies invade in 'Operation Avalanche'`italy Which country did the usa purchase alaska from in 1867`russia which country did the u.s buy from russia for two cents per acre`alaska Which country does Bryan Adams come from`canada which country does Dame Kiri Te Kanawa come from`New Zealand Which country does Gruyere cheese come from`switzerland Which country does Luxembourg share a border with`Belgium which country does mariah carey originate from`usa Which country does the kalahari desert cover 84% of`botswana Which country does the lion represent on the Queen's coat of arms`England Which country do Rastafarians regard as the Promised Land`ethiopia Which country do the pop group Black Box come from`italy Which country executed Mata Hari for spying`france Which country fought against Japan in the Battle of the Coral Sea`USA which country gave the statue of liberty to america`france Which country had a foreign minister called Lee Bum Suk`south korea Which country had Asias fastest growing economy during the 70s`south korea Which country had four kings called malcolm`scotland Which country had the first steam railway`britain Which country had the worlds first woman prime minister`ceylon Which country has a flag depicting a cedar tree in the centre`lebanon Which country has a flag of a red circle on a white background`Japan Which country has a flag of a red circle on a white background`japanmusic: who recorded the 1963 hit song "pipeline"`chantays Which country has a map on it's flag`cyprus Which country has a Mount Bruce`australia Which country has a national flag whose design symbolises the country's geographical position on the globe`nauru Which country has Ankara as its capital`Turkey Which country has a plain green flag`libya Which country has a single cedar tree on its flag`lebanon Which country has been called "the gift of the Nile"`egypt Which country has Budapest as its capital`Hungary Which country has cantons as its political divisions`switzerland Which country has international registration letter P`portugal Which country has never won the World Cup`holland which country has over 135,000 amway distributors`australia Which country has over 40% of its land below sea level`netherlands Which country has regions named Cyreniaca, Tripolitania and Fezzan`libya Which country has Robert Mugabe as its Prime Minister`zimbabwe Which country has the currency 'yen'`japan Which country has the e-mail address '.ie'`republic of ireland Which country has the fourth largest population`Indonesia Which country has the greatest number of Nobel Prize winners`u s a Which country has the highest elevation in Africa, with a minimum height of 1381 metres`lesotho Which country has the highest literacy rate in the world, the second highest life expectancy, and is Europe's largest producer of bananas`iceland Which country has the highest teenage pregnancy rate in Europe?`Britain which country has the juno awards?`canada Which country has the largest army in the world`china which country has the longest coast line`Canada Which country has the longest land border`China Which country has the most daily newspapers`india Which country has the most emigrants`mexico Which country has the most southerly city`chile Which country has the most telephones per 100 inhabitants`sweden Which country has the most world championship wins for angling`france Which country has the oldest national flag`Denmark Which country has the worlds highest divorce rate`america Which country has virtually the same size population as uk`france Which country has won the Eurovision Song Contest most times`ireland which country has won the most eurovision contests`ireland Which country has won the most Nobel Prizes for Literature`france Which country has won the most Nobel Prizes for Peace`United States of America`usa`u.s.a. Which country has won the most Nobel Prizes for Peace`u s a Which country has won the most Olympic gold medals at 10,000 metres`finland Which country has won the most tug of war world championships`england which country headed the ottoman empire`turkey Which country hosted the 1982 World Cup of soccer`Spain Which country hosted the Battle of Waterloo`belgium Which country improbably beat England in the 1950 World Cup - at Belo Horizonte in Brazil`u s a Which country in Africa has Ndjamena as its capital`chad Which country in Africa has the largest area`sudan Which country in southern african was previously known as bechuanaland`botswana Which country inspired the english word serendipity,meaning unexpected delight`sri lanka Which country introduced the first compulsory primary education`germany Which country is 2790 miles long but only 250 miles wide at its widest point`chile Which country is also known as Suomi`Finland Which country is also the world's largest archipelago`indonesia Which country is a member of the Commonwealth, despite never having been a former colony nor a member of the British Empire`mozambique Which country is associated with the "pampas"`argentina Which country is bordered by Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan and Iran`turkmenistan Which country is bordered by Sudan, Ethiopia and Djibouti`eritrea Which country is called Misr by its natives`egypt which country is completly surrounded by italy`san marino Which country is credited with the discovery of the paper making process`china which country is denominated by the initials za`south africa which country is denominated by the initials za`south`paris which country is divided at the 38th parallel`korea Which country is home to flamenco dancing`spain Which country is indicated by the car identification letters RA`argentina Which country is indicated by the car identification letters WAL`sierra leone Which country is known as the Hashemite Kingdom`jordan which country is known as the land of the 1000lakes`finland Which country is known as 'The Land of the White Eagle'`poland Which country is known as the roof of the world`tibet which country is made up of over 800 islands including viti levu`fiji which country is mount kilimanjaro in`tanzania Which country is nearest to the island of Jersey`france Which country is part of ANZUS security alliance along with New Zealand & the USA`australia Which country is ruled by two Captains Regent`san marino Which country is the biggest consumer of wine`france Which country is the Dalai Lama's palace in`tibet Which country is the largest in Africa`sudan Which country is the largest producer of cheese`america Which country is the only one to have won the Rugby Union World Cup twice`australia Which country is the only one which doesnt print its name on its postage stamps`britain Which country is the setting for the ballet Giselle`germany Which country is the smallest population`Vatican City Which country is widely acknowledged to have the largest Jewish population`united states Which country joined the Commonwealth in 1995 despite never having been a British possession`mozambique Which country joined WWII as an ally of Nazi Germany`Bulgaria Which country left the Commonwealth in 1949 and has not rejoined`eire Which country left the Commonwealth in 1987 and has not rejoined`fiji Which country lies between Tunisia and Egypt`libya Which country lies between Zaire to the north and Namibia to the south`angola Which country makes panama hats`ecuador Which country music legend was known as 'the drifting cowboy'`hank williams Which country never issues a house address number thirteen`france Which country occupies the horn of africa`somalia Which country occupies the Jutland Peninsula`denmark Which country occupies the Yucatan Peninsula`mexico which country only introduced telephones in 1983`bhutan Which country originated the Carpetbag Steak`australia Which country other than Scandinavia, American coastline, Iceland and Greenland has fjords`new zealand Which country owns Macdonald Island`australia Which country owns the island of Corsica`france Which country owns the Suez Canal`egypt Which country, per capita, uses the most umbrellas`england Which country placed a ban on the playing of all video and computer games`greece Which country produced almost all of the worlds diamonds until the 18th century`india Which country produces a stew called 'bigos'`poland Which country produces Dao wine`portugal Which country produces Franconia wine`germany Which country produces most of the worlds gold`south africa which country produces the most oranges`brazil Which country recently became world extreme ironing champions`britain which country refers to the native people as 'first nation's people'`canada Which country refused to join the EEC in 1973`norway Which country rejected joining the euro currency in a referendum`denmark Which country rejected membership of the E.E.C. in 1972`norway Which country Rugby team dances the Haka before each game`new zealand Which country Rugby team dances the Haka before each game`new zealands Which country ruled Papua New Guinea until its independence in 1975`australia Which country's alps surround Lake Lucerne`switzerland Which countrys army was led by Gustavus Adolphus in the 1600s`sweden Which country saw the Mau Mau uprising?`Kenya Which country's borders was established in 1919 by the 'Treaty of St.Germain'`austria Which countrys coastline did Matthew Flinders explore in about 1800`Australia Which country's coins depict a harp on one side and animals on the other`ireland Which countrys curency is the real`brazil which country's currency is the forint`hungary which country's currency is the markka`finland Which country's entire population was condemned to death by the Spanish Inquisition`netherlands Which countrys exceedingly large king brought his own chair to Prince Charles' wedding`tonga Which countrys flag did ferdinand magellan fly when he went on his world cruise`spain Which countrys football teams play in the bundesliga`germany Which country's football team won the 1978 World cup`Argentina Which country's highest mountain is named after a Polish patriot who never went there`australia Which country singer made an appearance in the film True Grit`glen campbell which country singer 'walked the line'`hank williams Which country singer wrote the song 'Your Cheatin' Heart`hank williams which country's kings used to be crowned on tara hill`ireland Which country's languages include English, Zulu and Afrikaans`south africa which country's name means "equator"`ballou Which country's name means "equator"`ecuador Which country's name means the savior`el salvador Which countrys national anthem is Inno di mameli`italy Which country's national flag consists of a white crescent and star, offset left of centre, on a red field`turkey Which country's national flag consists of five-pointed yellow stars, one large and four smaller, in the top left corner on a red field`china Which country's national flag consists only of a green field`libya Which country's national flag has a bird and a snake depicted in combat`mexico Which country's national flag has a tree depicted on it`lebanon Which countrys national flower is the wattle`australia Which country's national symbol is the harp`ireland Which country's ships fly under the Union Jack`Britain Which country's troops sustained the greatest number of deaths in WWll`russia Which country suffered bomb attacks by ETA`spain Which country supplies almost 80% of the worlds jute`bangladesh Which country, the most populous in Africa, was suspended from the Commonwealth in 1995 for anti-democratic behaviour`nigeria which country used to be referred to by the initials ddr`east germany which country used to be referred to by the initials ddr`east`hannah Which country used Zero fighter planes during World War II`Japan Which country uses the international vehicle registration letters ET`egypt Which country uses the international vehicle registration letters MA`morocco Which country uses the 'yen' for currency`Japan Which country wants britain to return the koh-i-nor diamond`india Which country was crossed for the first time by Burke & Wills`Australia Which country was founded by Muslim leader Mohammed Ali Jinnah`Pakistan Which country was hoping to stage a Formula One motor race in 1999 but was beaten to it by Malaysia`china Which country was invaded by Soviet troops in August 1968`czechoslovakia Which country was invaded by Soviet troops in December 1979`afghanistan Which country was known as 'the Cockpit of Europe'`belgium Which country was known to explorers as the Roof of the World`tibet Which country was led by Kemal Atatturk`turkey Which country was named after the sea people known as Peleset or Philistines`palestine Which country was once ruled by a Mikado`japan Which country was once ruled by Tsars`russia which country was originally known as terra australis`Australia Which country was ruled by female monarchs throughout the 20th century`netherlands Which country was split into two zones by the Yalta agreement`Germany Which country was the first to elect a woman as head of state`iceland Which country was the first to give women the vote`new zealand Which country was the first to legalise abortion`iceland Which country was the first to win the soccer World Cup 3 times`brazil Which country was the setting for The Flame Trees of Thika?`kenya WhichcountrywasthesettingforTheFlameTreesofThika`kenya Which country were Nubia and Kush a part of until they gained their independence in 1085 bc`egypt Which country were the first edible Easter Bunnies made`Germany Which Country & Western singer is quoted as saying "It takes an awful lot of money to look this cheap."`dolly parton Which Country Won The 1975 Eurovision With "Ding-A-Dong"`Netherlands Which country won the 2002 soccer World Cup`Brazil Which country won the European Soccer Championship in 1984`france Which country won the first Cricket World Cup`west indies Which country won the gold medal for football at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics`nigeria Which country won the Olympic men's Basketball Gold medal in 1996`cuba Which country won the World Cup of Soccer in 1982.`italy Which country would come first in an alphabetical list of countries`Afghanistan Which county are you in if you are On Ilkley Moor bah't 'at`north yorkshire Which county has an 88 mile footpath called Robin Hood Way`nottinghamshire which county has two little londons`lincolnshire Which county includes most of the Cotswold Range`gloucestershire Which county lies between the north sea and greater london`essex Which countys villages still follow the old custom of well dressing`derbyshire which county won the Benson& Hedges cricket final in 1998`Essex Which county would you head for if the Prime Minister invited you to the officail country seat`buckinghamshire Which couple duetted "Especialy For You' in 1989`kylie minogue & jason donovan Which couple were exiled from The Philippines in 1986`ferdinand and imelda Marcos Which course did Homer fail in high school?`Remedial Science 1A Which cow disease was first identified in Britian in 1986 and by 1996 had claimed 158,000 cattle`bovine spongiform encephalopathy Which creature can lift 50 times its own body weight`an ant Which creature did Oliver Reed have tattooed on his genitals`eagle Which creature do Eskimos (or Inuit) call a nanook`polar bear Which creature does not have a brain (no, vinyljunkie is not an acceptable answer :o)`a starfish Which creature is responsible for silting up the bay around Mont St-Michel. It was accidentally taken there by the Americans during the -Day landings`snail Which creatures breathe out through a "blow hole"`whales Which creatures lived in Arnold Bros (est. 1905)`nomes Which creatures of folklore are said to be afraid of garlic`vampires Which creatures sang "We all stand together"`frogs Which creatures transmit Bubonic Plague`rat fleas Which creature symbolised St. Mark the Evangelist`lion Which creature takes its name from the Spanish for 'the lizard'`alligator Which creature taught Dr. Doolittle how to talk to the animals`his parrot Which creature was half horse, half man`centaur Which creature was it believed could live in fire`salamander Which cricketer achieved a hat-trick for England in January 1999`darren gough Which cricketer achieved a hat-trick in successive Test Matches in March 1999`wasim akram Which cricketer captained England and also won honours in fencing`rachel heyhoe-flint Which cricketer has played more tests than any other`allan border Which cricketer is known as the 'Rawalpindi Express'`shoaib akhtar Which cricketer played in 52 test matches and averaged 99.94 runs`sir don bradman Which cricketer was dropped for 2 months for admitting hed smoked dope when he was a student`ian botham Which cricketer won his england cap before his county`brian close Which cricket ground is the headquarters of the MCC`lords Which cricket player holds the world record for the highest individual score in first-class cricket`brian lara Which crime fiction writer's titles have an alphabetical theme. e.g A is for Alibi and E is for evidence.`sue grafton Which crime fiction writer's titles have a numerical theme. e.g. 1 for the money, 2 for the Dough`janet evanovich Which crime novelist has a hero called 'Mike Hammer'`mickey spillane Which crosby, stills, and nash's debut album included a song about a girl and the colour of her eyes`sweet judy blue eyes Which cross was the symbolof the Free French during World War 2`cross of lorraine which crowded house hit begins 'walking round the room singing stormy weather at 57 mount pleasant street'`weather with you Which crown is placed on an english monarchs head at the moment of coronation`st edwards crown Which Cuban heavyweight boxer won three Olympic gold medals`teofilio stevenson Which Cuban heavyweight won his third consecutive gold medal in Moscow in 1980`teofilo stevenson Which cuisine uses harissa as a condiment`middle eastern Which culinary term means to be cooked with onion`lyonnaise Which current british rock/pop star was at one time a teacher`sting which czech dramatist became the president of czechoslovakia in 1989`vaclav havel Which Czech village seas destroyed by the Germans in retaliation, following the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich in World War Two`lidice Which Czech writer invented the term 'Robot'`karel capek Which czech wrote the peasant comedy opera 'the bartered bride'`bedrich Which Czech wrote the peasant comedy opera 'The Bartered Bride'`bedrich smetana Which dairy product is used in Welsh Rabbit`Cheese Which 'Dallas' star lost their virginity at the age of 18 in the back of a Chevrolet?`Victoria Principal Which dam in the USA was known as the Boulder Dam between 1933 and 1947`hoover dam Which dam in the USA was known as the Boulder Dam between 193and 1947`hoover dam Which dance did the pop group Kaoma introduce to the British music charts in 1989`lambada Which dance in 2/4 time originated in Bohemia in the early 19th century`polka Which dance in treble time originated as a peasant dance in France and was adopted by the French court in the 18th century`minuet Which dance is musically associated with Matilda`waltz Which dancer found guilty of espionage was shot dead during WWll`mata hari Which dancer was also an agent in WWI`mata hari Which dance, which became popular in the music halls of Paris about 1840, has a named derived from a French word meaning 'scandal'`cancan Which Daniel Defoe character was born in Newgate Prison`moll flanders Which Danish author wrote The Snow Queen`Hans Christian Andersen Which Danish philosopher's name translates as 'churchyard'`kierkegaard Which Danish philosopher, wrote The Concept of Dread and later had his views used as the basis for existentialism`soren kierkegaard Which danish philosopher, wrote the concept of dread`soren kierkegaard Which Danish word means 'play well'`lego Which "daring young man on the flying trapeze" gave his name to a garment`jules leotard Which date is inscribed on the book held by the statue of liberty`july 4 which date is inscribed on the book held by the statue of liberty`july 4 1776 Which day is the first day of Holy Week in the Christian calendar`palm sunday Which day of the week is named after the moon`monday Which day of the week links an Easybeats single, a killer called Jason and Robinson Crusoe`friday Which day of the week saw the official start of wwii`friday Which deadly disease seems to strike through commercial airconditioners`legionnaires disease Which deceased actor appears in the current Ford Puma advertisement`steve mcoueen Which decisive naval battle in June 1942 marked the turning point of the war against Japan in the Pacific`midway Which denomination bank note did the Bank of England introduce in 1752 and withdraw in1945`1,000*1,000 Which department is the ITU in a hospital`intensive therapy unit Which department of the us government did eliot ness work for`treasury which department of the us government did eliot ness work for`treasury department which department of the us government did eliot ness work for`treasury`shaw Which desert is in south-east california`mojave desert which desert is in south-east california`mojave`jill Which designer markets clothes under the 'Emporio' label`giorgio armani Which dessert is named after a ballerina`pavlova which destiny child single was the theme to charlie's angel's movie`independent woman Which detective had an assistant called Tinker`sexton blake Which detective novelist caused a sensation by disappearing for ten days in 1926`agatha christie Which detective played the violin and and took cocaine for relaxation`sherlock holmes Which detective-story/thriller writer's no. 1 best-seller "The Testament" came out in paperback in 2000`john grisham Which detective story writer created the character Tommy Beresford`agatha christie Which detective was played by Jack Webb in Dragnet`sgt joe friday Which detective was played by Robert Stack on TV and by Kevin Costner in a film`eliott ness which device did thomas brown invent in 1810`mailbox which diamond is named after the persian for 'mountain of light'`koh-i`joyce which diamond is named after the persian for 'mountain of light'`koh-i-noor Which Dickens character teaches Oliver Twist to pick pockets`the artful dodger Which Dickens character was 'ever so umble'`uriah heep Which Dickensian character had a nurse called Clara Peggotty`david copperfield Which Dickens novel is sub-titled "The Parish Boy's Progress"`oliver twist Which Dickens work featured Mr & Mrs Micawber`david copperfield Which diminutive Hollywood villain was born Laszlo Loewenstein in 1904`peter lorre Which dinosaur ahd a huge sharp claw on its foot`veloceraptor which dinosaur had a huge sharp claw on its foot`veloceraptor Which dinosaur is the longest ever recorded`diplodocus Which direction are greyhound races run in, clockwise or anticlockwise`anticlockwise which direction did charles dickens have to face in order to sleep`north which direction does a merry-go-round turn`counterclockwise Which director/producer started his career as a student with the film THX-1138 which he later reworked for his feature-directing debut`george lucas Which dire straits song tells of 'the monster mash,and most of the taxis,and the whores are only taking calls for cash'`your latest trick Which disaffected people have striven to create their own state called Khalistan`sikhs Which disaster movie included the song We may never love this way again`the towering inferno Which disease is also known as 'Hansen's Disease'`leprosy Which disease is now known as Hansen's disease`leprosy Which disease is tested for using the 'Schick Test'`diphtheria Which disease is transmitted to humans by the mosquito`yellow fever Which disease was known as the Kings Evil`scrofula Which dish in cookery was named after a napoleonic battle`chicken marengo Which Disney cartoon character first appeared in a film called 'The Little White Hen'`donald duck Which Disney character became an agent for Timothy Mouse`dumbo the elephant Which Disney film features the ballad 'Can You Feel The Love Tonight`the lion king Which Disney film hit the box office in 1942`Bambi Which Disney film was the first to have a completely human cast`song of the south Which Disney movie includes the song The Bear Necessities`the jungle book Which Disney movie was based on a novel by French writer Victor Hugo`The Hunchback of Notre Dame Which dj was a regular mr fix it`jimmy saville Which doctor loved Lara Antipova`dr zhivago Which dog name is a slang term for a detective`bloodhound Which dogs best friend is a bird called woodstock`snoopy Which dog was originally bred by a tax collector in Germany for protection on his rounds`doberman Which dog was originally bred to hunt badgers`dachshund Which dormant volcano is the highest peak in Japan`fujiyama Which do you usually become aware of first thunder or lightning`lightning Which dramatist, who died in 1950, said "'I'm only a beer teetotaller - not a champagne teetotaller"`g b shaw Which dress designer was shot dead in the summer of 1997`gianni versace Which Drew was in _E.T._ and _Batman Forever`barrymore Which drink beloved of the 19th century Parisians was flavoured with wormwod and is now illegal`absinthe Which drink does Melanie Sykes advertise on TV`boddingtons Which drink is known as "the uncola"`7 up which drink is known as "the uncola"`7-up`7`airmen Which drink is known as "the uncola"`7-up`7 up Which drink is made from mare's milk`kumiss Which drink is named after the Ethiopian city Kaffa`Coffee which drink is named after the ethiopian city of 'kaffa'`coffee Which drink should be served in a glass called a copita`sherry Which drink was advertised as 'The Wodka from Varrington'`vodka Which drink was advertised on TV by David Bowie's wife Iman`tia maria Which driver won the 1999 World Motor Racing Championship`mika hakkinen Which driver won the British Grand Prix four years running from 1962 to 1965`jim clark Which drug can be extracted from the bark of the cinchona tree`quinine Which drug comes from the coca plant`cocaine Which drug is used in medicine to dilate the pupils of the eyes`atropine Which dukedom does Prospero hold in "The Tempest"`the duke of milan Which Duke was British Prime Minister in 1829`Wellington Which duo did well with "Bye Bye Love" in 1957`everly brothers Which duo's best-selling album, The Innocents, topped the album charts in January 1989`erasure Which Dutch actor is very famous in Hollywood`Rutger Hauer Which Dutch painter was knighted by Charles I`rubens Which dwarf is the leader of the dwarf's in "Snow White"`doc Which ear can most people hear better with`right which ear did vincent van gogh partially cut off`his left ear Which ear did vincent van gogh partially cut off`left Which early central american people built pyramids and invented a calendar`the maya Which early state was founded as a haven for Catholics`maryland Which early type of bicycle had a large front wheel and a small back one`penny farthing Which East African leader gave himself the title of 'Conqueror of the British Empire'`idi amin Which East Anglian county shares its name with a city in Virginia, USA`norfolk which eastender featured on mike sarne's 1962 hit come outside`wendy richards Which 'Eastenders' character was found guilty of the murder of Saskia`matthew rose Which east German city was totally destroyed by Allied bombing in 1945`dresden Which EC country takes up part of the Balkan Peninsula`greece Which economist, influential in the 1980's in Britain, won the Nobel Prize for Economics in 1976`milton friedman Which economist wrote 'The Affluent Society'`j k galbraith Which edible nut of the American hickory tree is similar to a Walnut`pecan Which edible vegetable relative of the sunflower has nothing to do with the artichoke and doesnt come from the middle east`jerusalem artichoke Which edifice was built on the orders of Shih Huang Ti`great wall of china Which educational establishment in Utah is known as B.Y.U.`brigham young university Which EEC member uses more microwave ovens than the rest put together`great britain Which Egyptian prime minister nationalized the Suez Canal`nasser Which eighties album, that sold 20 million plus copies, featured Vincent Price`Thriller Which eighties band comprised of George Michael & Andrew Ridgley`wham Which eighties cartoon ended with the phrase: "And knowing is half the battle?"`G.I.Joe Which eighties musician got sued by a music related company for using their name as part of his pseudonym?`Thomas Dolby Which eighties sitcom featured Tom Hanks in drag on a regular basis?`Bosom Buddies which elementary particle orbits the nucleus of an atom and has a mass 1836 times smaller than that of a proton`electron Which element, atomic number 46, has the symbol Pd`palladium Which element, atomic number 52, has the symbol Te`tellurium Which element, atomic number 55, takes its name from the Greek for heavy`barium Which element, atomic number 74, takes its name from the Swedish for Heavy Stone`tungsten Which element derives its name from the Greek for 'bringer of light'`phosphorus Which element, discovered by Pierre and Marie Curie, did she name after the country of her birth`polonium Which element gets its name from the ancient name for the city of paris`lutetium Which element has an atomic number of 23 and the symbol V`vanadium Which element has an atomic number of 62 and the symbol Sm`samarium Which element has exactly the same name as a planet`mercury Which element has the chemical symbol Cs; capital C lower-case s`caesium Which element has the chemical symbol Sr; capital S lower-case r`strontium Which element has the highest melting point`carbon Which element has the lowest boiling point`helium Which element has the symbol FE`iron Which element, in its molten form, largely comprises the earth's core`iron Which element is also known as Quicksilver`Mercury Which element is named after the Greek for stone`lithium Which element is named from an asteroid discovered in 1801`cerium Which element is responsible for the red colouring of the planet Mars`iron which element is used in computer chips`silicon Which element makes up 2.5% of the Earth's crust`potassium Which element makes up 2.6% of the Earth's crust`magnesium Which element makes up 27.72% of the Earth's crust`silicon Which element makes up 2.83% of the Earth's crust`sodium Which element makes up 3.63% of the Earth's crust`calcium Which element makes up 46.6% of the Earth's crust`oxygen Which element makes up 5% of the Earth's crust`iron Which element makes up 8.13% of the Earth's crust`aluminium Which element was once known as Kalium`potassium Which element was once known as Wolfram`tungsten Which elephant can't be domesticated, the African or Indian`african Which Elvis Presley film did not star Elvis`love me tender Which Elvis Presley hit quoted Shakespeare`are you lonesome tonight Which eminent French novelist defended Dreyfus when he was accused of betraying military secrets`zola Which eminent Greek philosopher famously tutored Alexander the Great`aristotle Which eminent Labour politician is a devoted supporter of Sheffield Wednsday`roy hattersley Which emperor is credited with standardizing dec. 25 as christmas day`constantine Which emperor made his horse a senator`caligula which emperor said wellington wasnt a good general`napoleon Which empire did Cortes destroy in 1521`the aztecs Which empire was conquered by Pizarro`inca empire Which emu sits on the eggs the male or the female`the male which endocrine glands secrete aldosterone and cortisol?`adrenal Which end of a 1.5 volt household battery is the negative terminal`bottom end Which end of its body does a horse raise first when it gets up from lying down`front Which enduring character was created by Bob Clampett for the 1938 cartoon Porky's Hare Hunt`Bugs Bunny Which English actor starred in "The Muppet Christmas Carol"`michael caine Which English actor was married to Zsa Zsa Gabor and to her sister Magda`george sanders Which English actor won his first Oscar for a role in 'Arthur' at the age of 77`sir john gielgud Which English actress appeared on TV in 'Edge of Darkness' and 'The Singing Detective' and the film 'Scandal'`joanne whalley Which English actress was most famous for her role in Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest`dame edith evans Which English agriculturist invented the seed drill`jethro tull which english agriculturist's name was adopted and well-known in the pop music world`jethro tull which english agriculturist's name was adopted to become well-known in the pop music world`jethro tull Which English artist painted The Haywain`john constable Which English Benedictine monk is known as the Apostle of Germany`st boniface Which English Benedictine monk is known as the Apostle of Germany`st boniface`saint boniface Which English book was written without using the letter 'E' once`a Void Which English bowler achieved his test career best when he took 7 wickets for 46 runs against South Africa in December 1999`andrew caddick Which English Cathedral has a clock with no face`salisbury Which English cathedral is famous for its whispering gallery`st paul's Which English cathedral is famous for its whispering gallery`st paul's`saint paul's Which English cheese was mentioned in the Doomesday Book`cheshire Which English chemist discovered oxygen`joseph priestley Which English chemist discovered oxygen`Joseph Priestly Which English city has an annual Goose Fair`nottingham Which English comedian became the first Moomba King in 1967`Robert Morley Which English composer was born in Bradford in 1862 and died in 1934`frederick delius Which English composer was born near Worcester in 1857 and died in 1934`edward elgar Which English county is named after the East Saxons`Essex Which english county precedes its name with Royal`berkshire Which english cricket captain was given the nickname Sardine in Australia`douglas jardine Which English currency note first appeared in 1797, was withdrawn in 1821, then reissued in 1928`one pound note which english dramatist and poet was born at stratford-upon-avon in 1564?`william shakespeare Which english general won the battle of Blenheim`marlborough Which English house had the red rose as its symbol`house of lancaster Which english humourists christian names were Pelham Grenville`p.g wodehouse Which English king did Robert the Bruce defeat at Bannockburn`edward ii Which English king married Berengaria of Navarre, who never set foot on English soil`richard the first Which English King met Francis I of France on the 'Field of the Cloth of Gold'`henry viii Which English king's coronation was postponed because he was suffering from appendicitis`edward vii Which english king was killed at the Battle of Hastings`harold Which English King was known as "Curtmantle"`henry ii Which English king was known as 'Longshanks'`edward i Which english king was known as The Hammer of the Scots`edward I Which English king was married to Eleanor of Aquitaine`henry ii Which english king was one of the princes in the tower`edward v Which English King was the brother of Richard the Lionheart`john Which English king won the Battle of Agincourt`henry v Which English Leader's body was exhumed from Westminster Abbey and his dead body hanged at Tyburn`oliver cromwell Which English magician & occultist described himself as the 'beast of the apocalypse'`alister crowley Which englishman bettered his own 1980 Olympic 1500 metres time when he won the race in 1984`seb coe which englishman journeyed into antarctica in the quest for the south pole, only to find that the norwegian flag had been planted there 35 days earlier, and perished on his journey back (full name)`robert falcon scott Which Englishman kept a famous diary from 1660 to 1669`Samuel Pepys Which english monarch lost the crown jewels in The Wash`king john Which English monk, scholar and historian wrote 'Ecclesiastical History of the English People'`(venerable) bede Which english novelist and playwright was once a full time cinema critic`graham greene Which english physicist worked on thermodynamics and has a unit of energy named for him`james prescott joule Which english playwright was murdered by his lover in 1967`joe orton Which English poet created The Jumblies and The Dong with the Luminous nose`edward lear Which english poet died in 1824 helping Greece in her revolt against the Turks`lord byron Which English poet is buried on the Greek Island of Skyros following his death from blood poisoning in 1915`rupert brooke Which English poet wrote 'No man is an island, entire of itself.'`john donne Which English poet wrote The Iron Man`Ted Hughes Which English porcelain factory used an anchor as its mark`chelsea which english quaker founded pennsylvania`william penn Which English Queen bore her husband 17 children`anne Which English Queen was the daughter of Henry Vlll`mary which english reformer was instrumental in abolishing slavery in the british empire`william wilberforce Which English river has the same name as a Russian one`don which english romantic poet was expelled from oxford for atheism`percy bysshe shelley Which English royal consort was known as "Anne of a thousand days"`anne boleyn Which English royal palace did one critic call a collection of stone pumpkins and pepper pots`brighton pavilion Which English scientist invented the electric light bulb`joseph swan Which English statesman and philosopher wrote 'Advancement of Learning'`francis bacon which english statesman was awarded the nobel prize for literature`winston churchill Which English village was until Oct 2002 accepted to be "the middle of England`meriden Which english woman campaigned for improved prison conditions in the 19th century`elizabeth fry Which English word can describe both a type of fruit pie and one who mends shoes`cobbler Which English word is a combination of the first 2 letters of the Greek alphabet`alphabet Which english writer is reported to have been stabbed to death in a pub`christopher marlowe Which English writer was named after a Staffordshire lake`rudyard kipling Which entertainer has the nickname "Slowhand"`eric clapton Which entertainer said 'I cried all the way to the bank'`liberace Which entertainers feet were insured for $650,000`fred astaire Which entertainer was known as the armed forces sweetheart`vera lynn Which entire novel is set in June 16th 1904`ulysses which epic describes the trojan war`homer's iliad Which epic film was based on a novel by Lew Wallace`ben hur Which eponymous animal in a children's story had friends called Merrylegs and Ginger`black beauty Which eponymous literary character, a linen-weaver, has his hoard of gold stolen by Dunstan Cass`silas marnir Which eponymous literary character lives on Exmoor and grows to love John Ridd`lorna doone Which eponymous, or title female, cartoon character was created by Max Fleischer`betty boop which er doctor was in the 'revenge of the nerds'`anthony edwards which er doctor was in the 'revenge of the nerds'`anthony`estevez Which eternally young character was created by J M Barrie`peter pan Which ethnic group of people lived in the biblical city of Nineveh before it was sacked in 612 B.C.`assyrians Which European capital city has a bridge called the "Halfpenny Bridge"`dublin Which European capital city is heated by volcanic springs`reykjavik Which European capital city's name translates into English as "Merchants Haven"`copenhagen