Psychology : ailurophobia is the fear of`cats
Psychology : ailurophobia is the fear of what`cats
Psychology : androphobia is the fear of`males
Psychology. An often idealized image of a person, usually a parent, formed in childhood and persisting unconsciously into adulthood`imago
Psychology : apiphobia is the fear of`bees
Psychology : barophobia is fear of`gravity
Psychology : bibliophobia is a fear of`books
Psychology : brontophobia is a fear of`thunder or thunderstorms`thunder
Psychology. Caused or conditioned by compulsion or obsession`compulsive
Psychology : clinophobia is the fear of`beds
Psychology : dendrophobia is a morbid fear of`trees
Psychology : eleutherophobia is a fear of`freedom
Psychology : entomophobia is the fear of`insects
Psychology : eosophobia is the fear of`dawn
Psychology : gymnophobia is the fear of`naked bodies
Psychology : hippophobia is the fear of`horses
Psychology : homichlophobia is the fear of`fog
Psychology : homilophobia is the fear of`sermons
Psychology : hominophobia is the fear of`men
Psychology : hoplophobia is the fear of`firearms
Psychology : hormephobia is the fear of`shock
Psychology : hydrargyophobia is the fear of`mercurial medicines
Psychology : hydrophobia is the fear of`water
Psychology : hydrophobophobia is the fear of`rabies
Psychology : hyelophobia is the fear of`glass
Psychology : hygrophobia is the fear of`liquids, dampness`moisture
Psychology : hylephobia is the fear of`materialism
Psychology : hylophobia is the fear of`forests
Psychology : hypengyophobia is the fear of`responsibility
Psychology : hypnophobia is the fear of`sleep
Psychology : hypsiphobia is the fear of`height
Psychology : ichthyophobia is the fear of`fish
Psychology : ideophobia is the fear of`ideas
Psychology : illyngophobia is the fear of`veritgo
Psychology : insectophobia is the fear of`insects
Psychology : iophobia is the fear of`poison
Psychology : isolophobia is the fear of`solitude, being alone
Psychology : isopterophobia is the fear of`termites
Psychology : ----- is the fear of beards`pognophobia
Psychology : ----- is the fear of beds`clinophobia
Psychology : ----- is the fear of dawn`eosophobia
Psychology : ----- is the fear of enclosed spaces`claustrophobia
Psychology : ----- is the fear of feathers`pteronophobia
Psychology : ----- is the fear of gravity`barophobia
Psychology : ----- is the fear of haircuts`tonsurphobia
Psychology : ----- is the fear of insects`entomophobia
Psychology : ----- is the fear of one's mother in law`pentheraphobia
Psychology : ----- is the fear of sleep`hypnophobia
Psychology : ----- is the fear of thunder or thunderstorms`brontophobia
Psychology : judeophobia is the fear of`jews
Psychology : kainolophobia is the fear of`novelty
Psychology : katagelophobia is the fear of`ridicule
Psychology : kathisophobia is the fear of`sitting down
Psychology : kenophobia is the fear of`voids
Psychology : keraunophobia is the fear of`thunder
Psychology : kinetophobia is the fear of`movement`motion
Psychology : kleptophobia is the fear of`stealing
Psychology : koinoniphobia is the fear of`rooms
Psychology : koniophobia is the fear of`dust
Psychology : kosmikophobia is the fear of`cosmic phenomenon
Psychology : kymophobia is the fear of`waves
Psychology : kynophobia is the fear of`rabies
Psychology : kyphophobia is the fear of`stooping
Psychology : leprophobia is the fear of`leprosy
Psychology : leukophobia is the fear of`the color white
Psychology : ligyrophobia is the fear of`loud noises
Psychology : lilapsophobia is the fear of`tornadoes and hurricanes
Psychology : limnophobia is the fear of`lakes
Psychology : linonophobia is the fear of`string
Psychology : liticaphobia is the fear of`lawsuits
Psychology : lockiophobia is the fear of`childbirth
Psychology : logizomechanophobia is the fear of`computers
Psychology : logophobia is the fear of`words
Psychology : lutraphobia is the fear of`otters
Psychology : lygophobia is the fear of`darkness
Psychology : lyssophobia is the fear of`rabies`of becoming mad
Psychology : macrophobia is the fear of`long waits
Psychology : maieusiophobia is the fear of`childbirth
Psychology : maniaphobia is the fear of`insanity
Psychology : mastigophobia is the fear of`punishment
Psychology : mechanophobia is the fear of`machines
Psychology : megalophobia is the fear of`large things
Psychology : melanophobia is the fear of`the color black
Psychology : melissophobia is the fear of`bees
Psychology : melophobia is the fear of`music
Psychology : meningitophobia is the fear of`brain disease
Psychology : menophobia is the fear of`menstruation
Psychology : merinthophobia is the fear of`being bound`tied up
Psychology : metallophobia is the fear of`metal
Psychology : metathesiophobia is the fear of`changes
Psychology : meteorophobia is the fear of`meteors
Psychology : methyphobia is the fear of`alcohol
Psychology : metrophobia is the fear of`poetry
Psychology : microbiophobia is the fear of`microbes
Psychology : microphobia is the fear of`small things
Psychology : misophobia is the fear of`being contaminated with germs
Psychology : mnemophobia is the fear of`memories
Psychology : monophobia is the fear of`one thing
Psychology : mottephobia is the fear of`moths
Psychology : musophobia is the fear of`mice
Psychology : mycophobia is the fear of`mushrooms
Psychology : mycrophobia is the fear of`small things
Psychology : myctophobia is the fear of`darkness
Psychology : mysophobia is the fear of`germs`contamination`dirt
Psychology : mythophobia is the fear of`myths`stories`false statements
Psychology : myxophobia is the fear of`slime
Psychology : nebulaphobia is the fear of`fog
Psychology : nelophobia is the fear of`glass
Psychology : neopharmaphobia is the fear of`new drugs
Psychology : noctiphobia is the fear of`the night
Psychology : nomatophobia is the fear of`names
Psychology : nosemaphobia is the fear of`illness
Psychology : nosocomephobia is the fear of`hospitals
Psychology : nostophobia is the fear of`returning home
Psychology : novercaphobia is the fear of`step mother
Psychology : nucleomituphobia is the fear of`nuclear weapons
Psychology : numerophobia is the fear of`numbers
Psychology : obesophobia is the fear of`gaining weight
Psychology : octophobia is the fear of`the figure 8
Psychology : odynephobia is the fear of`pain
Psychology : oikophobia is the fear of`home surroundings`house
Psychology : ombrophobia is the fear of`rain
Psychology : ommetaphobia is the fear of`eyes
Psychology : oneirogmophobia is the fear of`wet dreams
Psychology : oneirophobia is the fear of`dreams
Psychology : onomatophobia is the fear of`hearing a certain word
Psychology : ophidiophobia is the fear of`snakes
Psychology : ophthalmophobia is the fear of`being stared at
Psychology : optophobia is the fear of`opening one's eyes
Psychology : ornithophobia is the fear of`birds
Psychology : orthophobia is the fear of`property
Psychology : osmophobia is the fear of`smells`odors
Psychology : ostraconophobia is the fear of`shellfish
Psychology : ouranophobia is the fear of`heaven
Psychology : pagophobia is the fear of`ice`frost
Psychology : panophobia is the fear of`everything
Psychology : panthophobia is the fear of`suffering and disease
Psychology : pantophobia is the fear of`fears
Psychology : papaphobia is the fear of`the pope
Psychology : papyrophobia is the fear of`paper
Psychology : paralipophobia is the fear of`neglecting duty
Psychology : paraphobia is the fear of`sexual perversion
Psychology : parasitophobia is the fear of`parasites
Psychology : parturiphobia is the fear of`childbirth
Psychology : pathophobia is the fear of`disease
Psychology : patroiophobia is the fear of`heredity
Psychology : peccatophobia is the fear of`sinning
Psychology : pediculophobia is the fear of`lice
Psychology : pediophobia is the fear of`dolls
Psychology : pedophobia is the fear of`children
Psychology : peladophobia is the fear of`bald people
Psychology : pellagrophobia is the fear of`pellagra
Psychology : peniaphobia is the fear of`poverty
Psychology : pentheraphobia is the fear of`mother-in-law
Psychology : phagophobia is the fear of`swallowing
Psychology : phalacrophobia is the fear of`becoming bald
Psychology : phallophobia is the fear of`penis
Psychology : pharmacophobia is the fear of`drugs
Psychology : pharmacophobia is the fear of`taking medicine
Psychology : phasmophobia is the fear of`ghosts
Psychology : phengophobia is the fear of`daylight`sunshine
Psychology : philemaphobia is the fear of`kissing
Psychology : philosophobia is the fear of`philosophy
Psychology : Phobia What is the fear of being evaluated negatively known as`social
Psychology : phobophobia is the fear of`one's own fears
Psychology : phonophobia is the fear of`noises`voices
Psychology : photoaugliaphobia is the fear of`glaring lights
Psychology : photophobia is the fear of`light
Psychology : phronemophobia is the fear of`thinking
Psychology : phthisiophobia is the fear of`tuberculosis
Psychology : pinigerophobia is the fear of`smothering
Psychology : placophobia is the fear of`tombstones
Psychology : plutophobia is the fear of`wealth
Psychology : pluviophobia is the fear of`rain
Psychology : pneumatiphobia is the fear of`spirits
Psychology : pnigophobia is the fear of`choking`being smothered
Psychology : pocrescophobia is the fear of`gaining weight
Psychology : pogonophobia is the fear of`beards
Psychology : poinephobia is the fear of`punishment
Psychology : poliosophobia is the fear of`contracting poliomyelitis
Psychology : politicophobia is the fear of`politicians
Psychology : polyphobia is the fear of`many things
Psychology : ponophobia is the fear of`overworking`of pain
Psychology : porphyrophobia is the fear of`the color purple
Psychology : potamophobia is the fear of`rivers`running water
Psychology : potophobia is the fear of`alcohol
Psychology : proctophobia is the fear of`rectum
Psychology : prosophobia is the fear of`progress
Psychology : psellismophobia is the fear of`stuttering
Psychology : psychophobia is the fear of`mind
Psychology : psychrophobia is the fear of`cold
Psychology : pteromerhanophobia is the fear of`flying
Psychology : pteronophobia is the fear of`being tickled by feathers
Psychology : pupaphobia is the fear of`puppets pyrexiophobia
Psychology : pyrophobia is the fear of`fire
Psychology : radiophobia is the fear of`radiation, x-rays
Psychology : ranidaphobia is a fear of`frogs
Psychology : ranidaphobia is the fear of`frogs
Psychology : rhabdophobia is the fear of`being severely punished`beaten by a rod
Psychology : rhypophobia is the fear of`dirt
Psychology : rhytiphobia is the fear of`getting wrinkles
Psychology : samhainophobia is the fear of`halloween
Psychology : satanophobia is the fear of`satan
Psychology : schlionophobia is the fear of`school
Psychology : sciophobia is the fear of`shadows
Psychology : scoleciphobia is the fear of`worms
Psychology : scolionophobia is the fear of`school
Psychology : scotomaphobia is the fear of`blindness in visual field
Psychology : scotophobia is the fear of`darkness
Psychology : scriptophobia is the fear of`writing in public
Psychology : selenophobia is the fear of`the moon
Psychology : seplophobia is the fear of`decaying matter
Psychology : sesquipedalophobia is the fear of`long words
Psychology : sexophobia is the fear of`the opposite sex
Psychology : siderodromophobia is the fear of`trains
Psychology : siderophobia is the fear of`stars
Psychology : sinistrophobia is the fear of`things to the left`left-handed
Psychology : sinophobia is the fear of`chinese, chinese culture
Psychology : sitophobia is the fear of`food`eating
Psychology : snakephobia is the fear of`snakes
Psychology : soceraphobia is the fear of`parents-in-law
Psychology : social phobia is the fear of`being evaluated negatively
Psychology : sociophobia is the fear of`society
Psychology : somniphobia is the fear of`sleep
Psychology : sophophobia is the fear of`learning
Psychology : soteriophobia is the fear of`dependence on others
Psychology : spacephobia is the fear of`outer space
Psychology : spectrophobia is the fear of`specters`ghosts
Psychology : spermophobia is the fear of`germs
Psychology : spheksophobia is the fear of`wasps
Psychology : stasibasiphobia is the fear of`standing`walking
Psychology : staurophobia is the fear of`crosses`the crucifix
Psychology : stenophobia is the fear of`narrow things`narrow places
Psychology : stygiophobia is the fear of`hell
Psychology : suriphobia is the fear of`mice
Psychology. The latency period`latencies
Psychology. The unconscious exclusion of painful impulses, desires, or fears from the conscious mind`repression
Psychology. The unconscious exclusion of painful impulses, desires, or fears from the conscious mind`repricing
Psychology. To concentrate (one's interests) upon oneself`introvert
Psychology. To experience habituation`habituate
Psychology : tonsurphobia is a fear of`haircuts
Psychology : toxiphobia is a fear of`poison
Psychology : toxiphobia is a fear of`poisons
Psychology : triskaidekaphobia is a fear of`number thirteen
Psychology : virginitiphobia is the fear of`rape
Psychology : What is the fear of alcohol known as`methyphobia
Psychology : What is the fear of alcohol known as`potophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of ants known as`myrmecophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of anything new known as`neophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of automobiles known as`motorphobia
Psychology : What is the fear of bald people known as`peladophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of beards known as`pogonophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of bearing a deformed child known as`teratophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of bees known as`melissophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of being bound or tied up known as`merinthophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of being buried alive known as`taphephobia
Psychology : What is the fear of being contagious known as`tapinophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of being last known as`telosphobia
Psychology : What is the fear of being severely punished or beaten by a rod known as`rhabdophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of being stared at known as`scopophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of being tickled by feathers known as`pteronophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of birds known as`ornithophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of brain disease known as`meningitophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of bulls known as`taurophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of certain fabrics known as`textophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of changes known as`metathesiophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of childbirth known as`lockiophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of childbirth known as`maieusiophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of childbirth known as`parturiphobia
Psychology : What is the fear of children known as`pedophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of chinese, chinese culture known as`sinophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of choking or being smothered known as`pnigophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of cold known as`psychrophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of computers known as`logizomechanophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of cooking known as`mageirocophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of cosmic phenomenon known as`kosmikophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of crosses or the crucifix known as`staurophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of crowds or mobs known as`ochlophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of darkness known as`lygophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of darkness known as`myctophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of daylight or sunshine known as`phengophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of death known as`necrophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of death or dying known as`thanatophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of decaying matter known as`seplophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of definite plans known as`teleophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of dependence on others known as`soteriophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of dirt known as`rhypophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of dirt or contamination known as`molysmophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of disease known as`nosophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of disease known as`pathophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of dolls known as`pediophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of dreams known as`oneirophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of drugs known as`pharmacophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of dust known as`koniophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of everything known as`panophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of falling in love known as`philophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of fire known as`pyrophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of flying known as`pteromerhanophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of fog known as`nebulaphobia
Psychology : What is the fear of friday the 13th known as`paraskavedekatriaphobia
Psychology : What is the fear of frogs known as`ranidaphobia
Psychology : What is the fear of gaining weight known as`obesophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of gaining weight known as`pocrescophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of german or german things known as`teutophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of germs known as`spermophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of germs or contamination or dirt known as`mysophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of getting wrinkles known as`rhytiphobia
Psychology : What is the fear of ghosts known as`phasmophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of glaring lights known as`photoaugliaphobia
Psychology : What is the fear of glass known as`nelophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of gods or religion known as`theophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of gravity`barophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of halloween known as`samhainophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of hearing a certain word known as`onomatophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of heaven known as`ouranophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of hell known as`stygiophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of heredity known as`patroiophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of home surroundings or house known as`oikophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of ice or frost known as`pagophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of illness known as`nosemaphobia
Psychology : What is the fear of kissing known as`philemaphobia
Psychology : What is the fear of lakes known as`limnophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of large things known as`megalophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of lawsuits known as`liticaphobia
Psychology : What is the fear of learning known as`sophophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of lice known as`pediculophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of lice known as`phthiriophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of light known as`photophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of lockjaw, tetanus known as`tetanophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of long waits known as`macrophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of long words known as`sesquipedalophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of loud noises known as`ligyrophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of many things known as`polyphobia
Psychology : What is the fear of memories known as`mnemophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of menstruation known as`menophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of metal known as`metallophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of meteors known as`meteorophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of mice known as`musophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of mind known as`psychophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of mother-in-law known as`pentheraphobia
Psychology : What is the fear of moths known as`mottephobia
Psychology : What is the fear of movement or motion known as`kinetophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of myths or stories or false statements known as`mythophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of naked bodies`gymnophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of names known as`nomatophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of narrow things or narrow places known as`stenophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of neglecting duty known as`paralipophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of new drugs known as`neopharmaphobia
Psychology : What is the fear of noises or voices known as`phonophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of nuclear weapons known as`nucleomituphobia
Psychology : What is the fear of nudity known as`nudophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of numbers known as`numerophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of one's own fears known as`phobophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of one thing known as`monophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of opening one's eyes known as`optophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of otters known as`lutraphobia
Psychology : What is the fear of outer space known as`spacephobia
Psychology : What is the fear of pain known as`odynephobia
Psychology : What is the fear of paper known as`papyrophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of parasites known as`parasitophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of parents-in-law known as`soceraphobia
Psychology : What is the fear of pellagra known as`pellagrophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of penis known as`phallophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of performing known as`topophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of poetry known as`metrophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of poison known as`toxiphobia
Psychology : What is the fear of politicians known as`politicophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of poverty known as`peniaphobia
Psychology : What is the fear of pregnancy or childbirth known as`tocophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of property known as`orthophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of punishment known as`mastigophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of punishment known as`poinephobia
Psychology : What is the fear of puppets pyrexiophobia known as`pupaphobia
Psychology : What is the fear of rabies known as`kynophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of rabies or of becoming mad known as`lyssophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of radiation, x-rays known as`radiophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of rain known as`ombrophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of rain known as`pluviophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of rectum known as`proctophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of rivers or running water known as`potamophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of rooms known as`koinoniphobia
Psychology : What is the fear of russians known as`russophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of satan known as`satanophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of school known as`schlionophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of school known as`scolionophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of sexual perversion known as`paraphobia
Psychology : What is the fear of shadows known as`sciophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of shellfish known as`ostraconophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of sinning known as`peccatophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of sitting known as`thaasophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of sleep known as`somniphobia
Psychology : What is the fear of slime known as`myxophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of small things known as`microphobia
Psychology : What is the fear of small things known as`mycrophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of smells known as`olfactophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of smells or odors known as`osmophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of smothering known as`pinigerophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of society known as`sociophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of solitude or being alone known as`monophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of speaking known as`laliophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of speed known as`tachophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of standing or walking known as`stasibasiphobia
Psychology : What is the fear of stars known as`siderophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of stealing known as`kleptophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of step mother known as`novercaphobia
Psychology : What is the fear of stooping known as`kyphophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of string known as`linonophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of stuttering known as`psellismophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of suffering and disease known as`panthophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of surgical operations known as`tomophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of surgical operations`tomophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of symbolism known as`symbolophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of symmetry known as`symmetrophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of syphilis known as`syphilophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of taking medicine known as`pharmacophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of taking tests known as`testophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of tapeworms known as`taeniophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of technology known as`technophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of teeth or dental surgery known as`odontophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of telephones known as`telephonophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of theatres known as`theatrophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of the color black known as`melanophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of the color purple known as`porphyrophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of the color white known as`leukophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of the dark or night known as`nyctophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of the figure 8 known as`octophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of the moon known as`selenophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of the night known as`noctiphobia
Psychology : What is the fear of the ocean known as`thalassophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of theology known as`theologicophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of the opposite sex known as`sexophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of the pope known as`papaphobia
Psychology : What is the fear of the sea known as`thalassophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of things to the left side of the body known as`levophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of thinking known as`phronemophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of thunder known as`tonitrophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of tombstones known as`placophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of tornadoes and hurricanes known as`lilapsophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of trains known as`siderodromophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of vegetables known as`lachanophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of vehicles known as`ochophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of wasps known as`spheksophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of waves known as`kymophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of wet dreams known as`oneirogmophobia
Psychology : What is the fear of worms known as`scoleciphobia
Psychology : What is the fear of writing in public known as`scriptophobia
Psychophobia is the fear of`mind
Psychrophobia is the fear of`cold
Pteromerhanophobia is the fear of`flying
Pteronophobia is the fear of`being tickled by feathers
Public dance hall`palais
Public estimation: reputation: 'a politician of ill ----.'`fame
Public institution for the poor`workhouse
Public interest, notice, or notoriety achieved by the spreading of such information`publicity
Public square or market place`piazza
Published after the writer's death: 'a ---------- book.'`posthumous
Published at regular intervals of more than one day`periodical
Published in 1952, The Old Man and the Sea earned which American author the Nobel Prize for literature the following year`Ernest Hemingway
Published or produced in installments, as a novel or television drama`serial
Publishing: What actor was the first man to appear on the cover of McCall's in more than 100 years of publication, in July, 1978`John Travolta
Pulkovo airport serves which Russian city`leningrad
Pulkovo airport serves which Russian city`lenningrad
Pulp, crown, and root are parts of a(n) ________.`tooth
Pulp, crown, and root are parts of a(n) `tooth
Pulp, crown, and root are parts of a(n) ________`Tooth
pulp, crown and root are parts of a ______`tooth
Pulp, crown, & root are parts of a(n) _____`tooth
Pulp Fiction: color fabienna's toothbrush`red
Pulp Fiction: name of the resturant where robbery was held`hawthorne grill
pulp fiction: price of seafood salad at the robbed restaurant (numerals, no period)`435
pulp fiction: sign in pawnshop say shoplifters will be....`beaten to a bloody pulp
pulp fiction: time in morning vincent brings mia to dealers house (numerals no colon)`130
Pulp Fiction: type of soda in brett's cup`sprite
pulp fiction: vincent's last name is what`vega
Pulp Fiction: waiter for mia and vincent is what singer`buddy holly
Pulp Fiction: What brand of car does Mr. Wolf drive`acura
Pungent  crystalline substance used in medicine and mothballs`camphor
Punishment or vengeance as a manifestation of anger`wrath
Punk Rock: He said "I don't like it when people mess with my head; it confuses me."`johnny rotten
Punk Rock: In concert, this band wore giant eyeballs over their heads & tuxedos`the residents
Punk Rock: This band was fronted by Wattie Buchanan, who supported the National Front`the exploited
Punk Rock: What artist drew the infamous cover of the Dead Kennedys' "Frankenchrist"`h.r. giger
Punk Rock: Whether it's really punk or not, this Berkeley band hit big with "Longview"`green day
Punk Rock : Who performed: I Want Candy`bow wow wow
Punk Rock : Who performed: Trans-Europ Express`kraftwerk
Punk, touchwood, or other tinder`spunk
Punny Cat: Band: Pete Townshend, Roger Daltrey, John Entwistle, Kieth Moon`the who
Punny Cat: I could drink to this Cop Killer's tunes...`ice t
Punny Cat: Not Pink Floyd, but their name might apply to PF in concert`electric light orchestra
Punny Cat: Not Pink Floyd, but their name might apply to PF in concert. (Hint: Xanadu)`electric light orchestra
Punny Cat: One might say this band's name is the definition of a pun. (Hint: Pandemonium)`killing joke
Punny Cat: Psychedelic rock band headed by Gerald Garcia.`the grateful dead
Punny Cat: Sometimes I wish this 80's band would just drive away.`the cars
Punny Cat: This 70's 80's band isn't the Air National Guard. They're just all out of love`air supply
Punny Cat: This band's four lettered name was meant to be phonetic`inxs
Punny Cat: This band's name is an echo.`the the
Punny Cat: This band's name is supposedly the band members code for marijuana`green day
Punt, coracle and kayaks are all types of what`boat
Pupaphobia is the fear of`puppets pyrexiophobia
Puppet worked with strings`marionette
Puri is an Indian deep-fried puffed a of what foodstuff`bread
Purina how often do chimpanzees build new sleeping nests`nightly
Purl, plain and cable are all types of what`knitting stitch
Purple-brown colour`puce
Purple Reign: Name the song: "U, _ _____ ___ ___ _, darlin' if u want me to..."`i would die 4 u
Purple Reign: Prince recently changed his name to:`a symbol
Purple Reign: Prince's 3rd #1 record: "You don't have to watch Dynasty, to have an attitude"`kiss
Purple Reign: This movie was the sequel to Purple Rain:`graffiti bridge
Purple Reign: What is the singular name of Prince's clubs in Minneapolis & Los Angeles`glam slam
Purposeful or industrious activity: enterprise`endeavor
pursuit and admiration of beauty is regarded as excessive or affected`aesthete
Pursuit of one's ideals`idealism
'Pushin' Too Hard' was the notable song recorded by which group in the 60's`Seeds
Pushin too hard was the notable song recorded by which group in the 60's`the seeds
Pussycat sings:   "I'll be waiting there for you and I'll show you where young lovers go on a sunny afternoon" Where is "there"`Amsterdam
pussycat sings 'i've been crying today, threw my memories away, something died as i cried for my _____'`broken souvenirs
Pussycat sings 'now the country song forever lost its soul, when the guitar player turned to rock n roll ______' what's the song title`mississippi
pussycat sings 'you're lost every night and your mommy's worried and your daddy's uptight.......'. what's the song title`teenage queenie
put up your dukes: what boxer was hailed by hitler as a paragon of teutonic manhood`max schmeling
Puzzles: A butt holder or trash in pig latin`ashtray
Puzzles: Alive is to Parasite as Dead is to`saprophyte
Puzzles: A tangelo is a cross between a tangerine and a`pomelo
Puzzles: A tigon mom`lion
Puzzles: C-D+I-L+M-V+X to Caesar`dlvi
Puzzles: Film is to Oscar as Mystery novel is to`edgar
Puzzles: Heller's Catch / Number of Confederate States`two
Puzzles: What is the acronym for agitatsiya propaganda`agitprop
Puzzles: What is the acronym for fliegerabwehrkanonen`flak
pygal refers to what part of the body?`buttocks
pyongyang is the capital of ______`north korea
Pyrophobia is the fear of`fire
Pyrotechnics means a display of what`fireworks
QANTAS, the name of the airline, is an acronym for...`queensland and northern territory aerial services
'Q' is the only letter in the alphabet that does not appear in the name of any of the ______`united states
QMS is an acronym for what`queue management system
quadrant`the guardian
quantum leap 2: al's rank in the present, at project quantum leap time (omit "retired").`rear admiral
quantum leap 2: ql received 5 awards in 4 years from this org. rewarding quality tv drama.`viewers for quality television
quantum leap 2: sam first leapt by stepping prematurely into the ql project -----------`accelerator
quantum leap 2: sam's last name.`beckett
quantum leap 2: series creator don b.'s production company: --------- productions`belisarius
Quantum Leap: Admiral Al Calavicci was born in this year.`1945
Quantum Leap: Dr. Sam Beckett was born in this year.`1953
Quantum Leap: First name of Sam's wife.`donna
Quantum Leap: How many degrees does Sam have, including one in ancient languages`six
Quantum Leap: In ep. 87, Sam Leaped into this celebrity who counseled Al about his sex life.`dr. ruth Westheimer
Quantum Leap: In "Play It Again, Seymour", Sam's Leapee is the spitting image of this actor.`humphrey bogart
Quantum Leap: In the 1st episode, Sam Leaped into Tom Stratton, who was of this profession.`test pilot
Quantum Leap: In "The Beast Within", Sam meets this legendary creature.`bigfoot
Quantum Leap: Modern-day tycoon who with his dad exits a cab Sam is entering, in one ep.`donald trump
Quantum Leap: Sam Leaped into a woman for the first time in this episode.`what price gloria
quantum leap: sam leaped out of a human body once-- into this chimpanzee. (name of chimp)`bobo
Quantum Leap: Sam's true love that he sees again when he leaps into one of her professors.`donna
Quantum Leap: Sam usually says these 2 words just after Leaping, sometimes more than once.`oh boy
Quantum Leap: Show name of the boxer Sam leaps into in the ep. The Right Hand of God.`kid cody
Quantum Leap: "The Leap Home, Pt 2", takes place during this war, where Sam's brother dies.`vietnam
Quantum Leap: The main character, Dr. Sam Beckett, was played by this actor.`scott bakula
quantum leap: this is the name of alia's (the evil leaper) hologram partner.`zoey
Quantum Leap: This is the name of the computer linked to Sam and Al by their brainwaves.`ziggy
Quantum Leap: This man, The "God of Quantum Leap", was the executive producer.`don bellisario
Quart bottle or vessel for wine`flagon
Quarter of a circle or sphere`quadrant
Quasimodo lived in what church`Notre Dame
Quayle-isms:The sitcom Murphy Brown got even with Dan Quayle's insults by mocking his spelling of what word`potato
Quayle-isms:which sitcom was the target of Dan Quayle's criticism`Murphy Brown
quebec and newfoundland are the only two canadian provinces which do not allow`personalised licence`attacks
Quebec and newfoundland are the only two canadian provinces which do not allow ______`personalised licence plates
Queen Berengaria never came to England, although she was married to the King. Which King`richard the first
Queen Elizabeth I is reputed to have had how many lovers?`none
Queen Elizabeth I passed a law which forced everyone except for the rich to wear a flat cap on`sundays
"Queen of Hearts"`Juice Newton
Queen song: "George was never my scene and I don't like Star Wars".`bicycle
Queen song which includes the words "fried chicken".`one vision
Queen  Victoria lost her husband, Albert, when he was 42. How did he die`typhoid
Queen Victoria was a carrier of which disease that was responsible for the death of her son, Leopold`haemophilia
Queen Victoria was one of the first women ever to use ________ to combat pain during childbirth`chloroform
Quercus is the generic name for which tree`oak
Quick, clever, and acute in devising or understanding: '------ wits.'`nimble
Quickness in learning and understanding: intelligence`aptitude
Quick Quick: 1,2,3,4 I Declare Thumb`War
Quick Quick: 7 Colours Of The Rainbow`Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet
Quick Quick: A 3 1/2' Floppy Disk Measures ___ And 1/2 Inches Across`Three
Quick Quick: Abotmessagetle`Message In A Bottle
Quick Quick: A Brown Crayon Is What Colour`Brown
Quick Quick: A Butt Holder Or Trash In Pig Latin`Ashtray
quick quick acronym soup: ty`thank you
quick quick acronym soup: wd`well done
quick quick acronym soup: yw`you're welcomeIn 1876---------- , writer (Call of the Wild), born.`jack london
Quick Quick: Age, Class And East`Middle
Quick Quick: Ages <Ages> Ages`Middle Ages
Quick Quick: <Aid> Aid Aid`First Aid
Quick Quick: Alb_At_Ro_Ss`Wandering Albatross
Quick Quick: Alive Is To Parasite As Dead Is To`Saprophyte
Quick Quick: A Long Journey Begins With`A Single Step
Quick Quick: A_L`Several
Quick Quick: Alter, Maniac, Trip`Ego
Quick Quick: Although Not All Come From France, ______ Fries Are Often Served With Hamburgers`French
Quick Quick: A Mother Is 9 Times As Old As Her Son. In 5 Years She Will Be 5 Times As Old As Her Son. How Old Is She Now`45
Quick Quick: An _____ Clock Usually Wakes You In The Morning`Alarm
Quick Quick: Angela Left On A Trip The Day After The Day Before Yesterday And She Will Be Back On The Eve Of The Day After Tomorrow. How Many Days Is She Away`Three Days And Two Nights
Quick Quick: Angle, Shy, Trick`Camera
Quick Quick: Angle, Speed, Trick`Camera
Quick Quick: An Igloo Built Out Of`Snow
Quick Quick: A Smoke Detector Will Alarm If It Detects`Smoke
Quick Quick: A Spoonfull Of Sugar Helps The Medicine`Go Down
Quick Quick: As We Leave From Earth, I Order Our Navigator To Set A Course For The Nearest Star. Where Are We Going`To The Sun
Quick Quick: A Tigon Mom`Lion
Quick Quick: A Time When I'm Green. A Time When I'm Brown. Both Of These Times Cause You To Frown. Just In Between, For A Very Short While, I'm Perfect And Yellow And Cause You To Smile. What Am I`Banana
Quick Quick: A Vicious One Of These Is A Series Of Reactions That Compound An Initial Problem`Circle
Quick Quick: A Water Heater Keeps _____ Warm For You`Water
Quick Quick: Aw_Ay`Breakaway
Quick Quick: A Woman Has At Least 2 Pairs Of Black Gloves,2 Pairs Of White Gloves, And 2 Pairs Of Red Gloves In A Drawer. The Gloves Will Fit Either Hand: They Are Not Right Or Left-Handed. If They Are Removed From The Drawer 1 At A Time Without Looking At The Colours, How Many Must She Remove To Be Certain She Has A Matching Pair For Herself And Her Daughter`Six
Quick Quick: A Woman Has Six Daughters And They Each Have A Brother. How Many Children Does She Have`Seven
Quick Quick: A Word I Know, Six Letters It Contains. Subtract Just One, And Twelve Is What Remains`Dozens
Quick Quick: Bank, Boat, Yellow`River
Quick Quick: B + Anna`Bandanna
Quick Quick: Bar, Cereal, Continental`Breakfast
Quick Quick: Barrier, Bite, Track`Sound
Quick Quick: Base, Room And Basket`Ball
Quick Quick: Basket, Lunch, Site`Picnic
Quick Quick: Battery, Rain, Test`Acid
Quick Quick: Beauty, Talent, World`Natural
Quick Quick: Bed Bed`Twin Beds
Quick Quick: Before Sir Richard Burton Attemped To Discover The Source Of The Nile, Which Was The World's Longest River`The Nile
Quick Quick: Be_ Hav_ Io_R (Or) Be _Hav_Io_Ur`Disturbing Behavior
Quick Quick: Best, Old, Pen`Friend
Quick Quick: Better The _____ You Know`Devil
Quick Quick: Bishop, Rival, Wheel`Arch
Quick Quick: Blessing Singlesb Giblessn`Mixed Blessings
Quick Quick: Board, Bulldog, Paper`Clip
Quick Quick: Bowl, Little, Ring`Finger
Quick Quick: Brian Wanted To Help Contribute To A Charity Fund. A Sponser Told Him For Every Mile He Runs, They Will Donate $20.00 To The Charity. If Brian Runs 5 Miles, How Much Will His Sponser Donate To The Charity`$100
Quick Quick: Brimstone`Sulphur
Quick Quick: Brine`Salt Water
Quick Quick: Brother, Gloves, Skin`Kid
Quick Quick: Brush, Jack, Coal`Tar
Quick Quick: Butcher, Baker And Candlestick Maker Are`Three Men In A Tub
Quick Quick: Cab, Frequency, Station`Radio
Quick Quick: Cake, Tea, Egg`Cup
Quick Quick: Cameo, Pain, Road`Relief
Quick Quick: Carol's Mom Has 3 Daughters. The Youngest Girl Is Named Penny. The Middle Daughter Is Named Nickle. What Is The Oldest Daughter's Name`Carol
Quick Quick: Casa _ A`Casablanca
Quick Quick: Catcher, Poison, Race`Rat
Quick Quick: Centre, Certificate, Record`Medical
Quick Quick: Chestnut, Chicken, Pot`Roast
Quick Quick: _________ Child Has Far To Go`Thursdays
Quick Quick: _______ Child Is Fair Of Face`Mondays
Quick Quick: __________ Child Is Full Of Woe`Wednesdays
Quick Quick: _______ Child Is Loving And Giving`Fridays
Quick Quick: Chrysolite, Beryl, Jasper, And Tourmaline`Gems
Quick Quick: Cicode`Coinside
Quick Quick: City City City City City City ....... Infinity`Eternal City
Quick Quick: Cleveland Spelled Backwards Is`Dna Level C
Quick Quick: Club, Good, Hazard`Health
Quick Quick: Coat, Power, Walk`Over
Quick Quick: Code, Danger, Industrial`Area
Quick Quick: Coffee, Sea, Stew`Irish
Quick Quick: Col + Er`Colander
Quick Quick: Comic, Singer, Soap`Opera
Quick Quick: Complete This Sequence: Mvem`Jsunp
Quick Quick: Conduct Ccodnut Dontcuc`Disorderly Conduct
Quick Quick: Consultation, Entrance, Licence`Fee
Quick Quick: Contract, Dodger, Proposal`Draft
Quick Quick: Cover, Film, Special`Extra
Quick Quick: Crazy Carzy Racyz`Stir Crazy
Quick Quick: _Dea`No Idea
Quick Quick: Deci__Sion`Split Decision
Quick Quick: Defined As 'Dry Winged Fruits, As Of Ash Or Maple, Often Hanging With Others In Bunches'`Keys
Quick Quick: Defined As 'The Fruit Of The Oak, Beech, Chestnut, And Other Forest Trees, On Which Swine Feed'`Mast
Quick Quick: Desserts Backwards`Stressed
Quick Quick: Didamselstress`Damsel In Distress
Quick Quick: Difference, Ice, Old`Age
Quick Quick: Diner, Porter, Sink`Kitchen
Quick Quick: Doctor, Hazel, Hunt`Witch
Quick Quick: Doctor Rotcod Crootd`Spin Doctor
Quick Quick: Dress, Garden, Offer`Formal
Quick Quick: During The American Revolution, The Boston Tea Party Took Place In ______ Harbor`Boston
Quick Quick: Dutch Dutch`Double Dutch
Quick Quick: East <East> East`Middle East
Quick Quick: Enimmt`Imminent
Quick Quick: Erie, Suez, Panama Etc`Canals
Quick Quick: Escape, Nut, Serving`Hatch
Quick Quick: Excellent`Bill And Ted's Excellent Adventure
Quick Quick: Face, Round, Time`About
Quick Quick: Fa_Th`Blind Faith
Quick Quick: Feeling Creative? Maybe You Should Think Outside The`Box
Quick Quick: Film Is To Oscar As Mystery Novel Is To`Edgar
Quick Quick: Forrece`Reinforce
Quick Quick: Fraction, Solution, Truth`Simple
Quick Quick: Fridays Child Is ______ ___`Loving And Giving
Quick Quick: Friendjustfriend`Just Between Friends
Quick Quick: (From Quickquickbank Set) Phonetic Radio Call Signs: Spinner`Sierra Papa India November November Echo Romeo
Quick Quick: Fu0ss`Much Ado About Nothing
Quick Quick: Full, Furnace, Off`Blast
Quick Quick: Gamma, Gun, Sting`Ray
Quick Quick: Glazing Glazing`Double Glazing
Quick Quick: Gniklawtohappiness`Walking Back To Happiness
Quick Quick: Good 40`Good For Nothing
Quick Quick: Gosh! Dang! Phooey! Don't You Hate`Euphemisms
Quick Quick: Gravy Gravy Gravy Gravy Gravy Choo Choo`Gravy Train
Quick Quick: Grease, Room, Tennis`Elbow
Quick Quick: Growth, Policy, Recovery`Economic
Quick Quick: Ha! '14159' Is ... What`A Slice Of Pi
Quick Quick: Ha! Name A Crime For Shooting Sewage`Sewercide
Quick Quick: Ha! Name A Thievin' Bird`Robin
Quick Quick: Ha! What Boid Digs Out Da Coal`Mynah Boid
Quick Quick: Henry Ford, Adolf Hitler, Frank Sinatra, Albert Einstein, Orville And Wilbur Wright`Secondary School Dropouts`Dropped Out Of School`School Drop Out
Quick Quick: Hey Diddle, Diddle, The Cat And The Fiddle The Cow Jumped Over The`Moon
Quick Quick: High, Mark, Turning`Tide
Quick Quick: Hog, Map, Sweeper`Road
Quick Quick: Hole, Low, Skeleton`Key
Quick Quick: Hood, Hole, Date`Man
Quick Quick: Hook, Line And`Sinker
Quick Quick: Horn, Leather, Polish`Shoe
Quick Quick: How Do You Spell Abbreviation`Abbreviation
Quick Quick: How Do You Tell A Male Chromosome From A Female Chromosome`Pull Down Their Genes
Quick Quick: How Is The State Of Mississippi Spelled`Mississippi
Quick Quick: How Many Blackbirds Were Baked In A Pie`Four And Twenty
Quick Quick: How Many Letters Are There In Scrabble`Eight
Quick Quick: How Many Letters Are There In The Word Antidisestablishmentarianism`28
Quick Quick: How Many Letters Does Abbreviation Have`Twelve
Quick Quick: How Many Letters In The Alphabet`Twenty Six
Quick Quick: How Many Lines Are There In A Sonnet`Fourteen
Quick Quick: How Many Lines Does A Limerick Have`Five
Quick Quick: How Many Men Did The King Of France Take Up The Hill`20,000
Quick Quick: How Many Pencils Are There In A Dozen`Twelve
Quick Quick: How Many Trivia Players Does It Take To Change A Light Bulb`Depends On How Many Points There Are
Quick Quick: How Much Will A 38 Degree Angle Measure When Observed Under A Microscope That Magnifies Ten Times`38 Degrees
Quick Quick: How Much Wood Can A Wood Chuck Chuck If A Woodchuck Could Chuck Wood`All The Wood That A Wood Chuck Could Chuck If A Wood Chuck Could Chuck Wood
Quick Quick: Humor, Mannered, Suited, Take`Ill
Quick Quick: Hurr(I)Cane`Eye Of The Hurricane
Quick Quick: I Am A Key That Cannot Open A Lock. I Live In Harmony With Many Others Like Me, Both Black And White. I Make A Solitary Sound When You Tickle Me. What Am I`Piano Key
Quick Quick: I Am A Man, But Will Never Have A Wife. I Was Given A Body, But Never Life. I Was Given A Mouth, But Never Breath. Water Brings Me Life And The Sun Brings Me Death. What Am I`Snowman
Quick Quick: I Am Called By Many Yet I Have No Name. I Am Recognized Digitally Only. What Am I`Phone Number
Quick Quick: I Am Just Two By Two. Sometimes I Am Hot. Sometimes I Am Cold. I Am The Parent Of Numbers That Cannot Be Told. I Am A Gift Beyond Measure, A Matter Of Course. I Am Given With Pleasure When Taken By Force. What Am I`Kiss
Quick Quick: I Am Often Aglow From A Fire Within. If You Take Away My End, You Will Be Home Again. What Am I`Hearth
Quick Quick: I Am Only One Colour, But Not One Size. I Can Be Stuck At The Bottom, But Easily Rise. I Am Present In Sun, But Not In Rain. I Can Do No Harm And Feel No Pain. What Am I`Shadow
Quick Quick: I Am Pronounced As One Letter, But Written With Three. I Am The Same Front To Back, Look With Me And See. What Am I`Eye
Quick Quick: I Am The Ruler Of Shovels. I Have A Double. I Am Thin As A Knife. I Have A Wife. What Am I`King Of Spades
Quick Quick: I Bend In 3 Places And Can Beckon Or Accuse. I'm Known To Make A Very Good Point. What Am I`Index Finger
Quick Quick: I Can Be Created By Many Things. I Can Be Of Any Shape Or Size. I Am Created For Many Reasons. I Can Shrink Or Grow With Time. What Am I`Hole
Quick Quick: I Can Point The Way When I Am Full. When Empty, Nothing Moves Me. I Have Two Skins: One Without And One Within. What Am I`Gloves
Quick Quick: I Come In Different Shapes And Sizes. Part Of Me Are Curves, Others Are Straight. You Can Put Me Anywhere You Like, But I Only Have One Right Place. What Am I`Key
Quick Quick: I Didn't Count The Ducks That I Saw But I Do Remember That One Duck Was In Front Of Two Ducks, Another Duck Behind Two Ducks And Another Duck Between Two Ducks. How Many Ducks Did I See`Three
Quick Quick: I Die Half Of My Life And Live The Rest. I Dance Without Music. I Breathe Without Breath. What Am I`Tree
Quick Quick: If A Plane Crashes Between The Border Of The Us And Canada Where Do You Bury The Survivors`You Don't
Quick Quick: If Hamfon Has 6 Apples, And At The End Of The Day He Has 6 Apples, Assuming Nothing Happens To The Apples By Tomorrow Morning, How Many Apples Will He Have Tomorrow Morning`6
Quick Quick: If There Are 50 Grapes On The Table, And You Grab 12, How Many Grapes Do You Have`Twelve
Quick Quick: If Two's Company And Three's A Crowd, What Are Four And Five`Nine
Quick Quick: If You Look At The Sun Long Enough, You Go`Blind
Quick Quick: If You Were Running A Race, And You Passed The Person In 2nd Place, What Place Would You Be In Now`2nd
Quick Quick: I Go Forever Forward, Never Looking Back. My Limit No One Knows. More Of Me You Lack. I Can Crawl, Stand Still, Or Fly, But Am Never Gotten Back. What Am I`Time
Quick Quick: I Have Eyes But Cannot See. I Have Skin But Cannot Feel. Parts Of Me Grow While Buried. What Am I`Potato
Quick Quick: I Know A Word Of Letters Three. Add Two Letters And Fewer There Will Be`Few
Quick Quick: Implement For Clearing Up Dog Excretment`Pooper Scooper
Quick Quick: Inch, Metal, Set`Square
Quick Quick: In Common: Detroit, Phibes, Demento, Faustus`Doctors
Quick Quick: In Common: Labrador Duck, Passenger Pigeon, Dodo, Heath Hen, Carolina`Extinct Birds
Quick Quick: Insult + Injury`Add Insult To Injury
Quick Quick: In The Nursery Rhyme, What Do We Ask Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary`How Does Your Garden Grow?
Quick Quick: In The Rhyme About Magpies, 'One For Sorrow, Two For Joy', What Are 6 Magpies For`Gold
Quick Quick: I Soar Without Wings. I See Without Eyes. I've Traveled The Universe To And Fro. I've Conquered The World, Yet I've Never Been Anywhere But Home. What Am I`Imagination
Quick Quick: Ist`Capitalist
Quick Quick: ____ Is What Keeps Everything From Happening At Once`Time
Quick Quick: Job, Pudding, Victoria`Plum
Quick Quick: Joe Loves To Create Confusion. One Tuesday He Sent An E-Mail Memo To His Secretary That Said, 'I'll Be Back In The Office Three Days Before One Week After The Day After Tomorrow.' When Would He Be Back`Monday Of The Following Week
Quick Quick: John Smith's Father's Last Name`Smith
Quick Quick: Lasonw`Son In Law
Quick Quick: Likely To Have A Watermark`Paper
Quick Quick: 'Little Boy' And 'Fat Man' Were The First`Atomic Bombs
Quick Quick: 'Little Tom Tucker, Shall Sing For His Supper.' What Sort Of Child Was Called 'Tom Tucker', In Medieval England`Orphan
Quick Quick: Living, Smoking, Sitting`Room
Quick Quick: Love, Honour, And`Obey
Quick Quick: Loyal, Master, Rack`Toast
Quick Quick: Manager, Record, Team`Player
Quick Quick: Meal, Set, Work`Piece
Quick Quick: Modern, Scan, Violet`Ultra
Quick Quick: Mondays Child Is ____ __`Fair Of Face
Quick Quick: My Life Can Be Measured In Hours. I Serve By Being Devoured. Thin, I Am Quick. Fat, I Am Slow. When I Am Aglow Wind Is My Foe. What Am I`A Candle
Quick Quick: Mysthornide`Thorn In My Side
Quick Quick: My Thunder Comes Before My Lightning. My Lightning Comes Before My Rain. My Rain Dries And Burns All It Touches. What Am I`Volcano
Quick Quick: Name The Circular Plastic Media You Put In A Cd-Rom Drive`Cd
Quick Quick: Name The Teletubbies`Laa Laa, Tinky Winky, Dipsy And Po
Quick Quick: Nap, Walk, Call`Cat
Quick Quick: National, Syndicate, Ticket`Lottery
Quick Quick: Nature 'Nature' Nature`Second Nature
Quick Quick: Never Never Never Never Never ............................. Infinity`Neverending
Quick Quick: Noonsunny`Sunny Afternoon
Quick Quick: North Atl_An_Ti_C`North Atlantic Drift
Quick Quick: Nova, Comet, Galaxy, Meteor`Cars
Quick Quick: Of Bre_Ad`Slice Of Bread
Quick Quick: Ok, For Our First Question: How Many Animals Did Moses Take With Him On The Ark`0
Quick Quick: On A Qwerty Keyboard, What Comes To The Left Of Esc`Nothing
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just Above A`Q
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just Above B`G
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just Above C`D
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just Above D`E
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just Above F`R
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just Above G`T
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just Above J`U
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just Above K`I
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just Above L`O
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just Above M`J
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just Above V`F
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just Above X`S
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just Above Z`A
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just Below A`Z
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just Below D`C
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just Below E`D
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just Below F`V
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just Below H`N
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just Below J`M
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just Below O`L
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just Below R`F
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just Below S`X
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just Below T`G
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just Below U`J
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just Below W`S
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just Below Y`H
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just To The Left Of B`V
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just To The Left Of C`X
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just To The Left Of D`S
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just To The Left Of F`D
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just To The Left Of H`G
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just To The Left Of J`H
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just To The Left Of K`J
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just To The Left Of L`K
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just To The Left Of M`N
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just To The Left Of N`B
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just To The Left Of O`I
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just To The Left Of R`E
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just To The Left Of S`A
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just To The Left Of V`C
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just To The Left Of W`Q
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just To The Left Of X`Z
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just To The Left Of Y`T
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just To The Right Of A`S
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just To The Right Of B`N
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just To The Right Of C`V
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just To The Right Of D`F
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just To The Right Of E`R
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just To The Right Of F`G
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just To The Right Of G`H
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just To The Right Of I`O
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just To The Right Of J`K
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just To The Right Of K`L
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just To The Right Of N`M
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just To The Right Of O`P
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just To The Right Of Q`W
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just To The Right Of R`T
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just To The Right Of T`Y
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just To The Right Of U`I
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just To The Right Of W`E
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just To The Right Of X`C
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just To The Right Of Y`U
Quick Quick: On A Standard Computer Keyboard, This Is The Letter Just To The Right Of Z`X
Quick Quick: Oranges And Lemons, The Bells Of`St Clements`saint Clements
Quick Quick: Ormca`Minorca
Quick Quick: Patient: I Have A Piece Of Lettuce Sticking Out Of My Bottom! Examining Doctor: I Am Sorry, It Appears To Only Be The Tip Of The`Iceberg
Quick Quick: Peter Piper Picked A Peck Of What`Pickled Peppers
Quick Quick: Phonetic Radio Call Signs: Chingada`Charlie Hotel India November Golf Alpha Delta Alpha
Quick Quick: Phonetic Radio Call Signs: Crouch`Charlie Romeo Oscar Uniform Charlie Hotel
Quick Quick: Phonetic Radio Call Signs: Drksky`Delta Romeo Kilo Sierra Kilo Yankee
Quick Quick: Phonetic Radio Call Signs: Ear`Echo Alpha Romeo
Quick Quick: Phonetic Radio Call Signs: Nathan`November Alpha Tango Hotel Alpha November
Quick Quick: Phonetic Radio Call Signs: Nimhu`November India Mike Hotel Uniform
Quick Quick: Phonetic Radio Call Signs: Nztca`November Zulu Tango Charlie Alpha
Quick Quick: Phonetic Radio Call Signs: Sabi`Sierra Alpha Bravo India
Quick Quick: Phonetic Radio Call Signs: Sturm`Sierra Tango Uniform Romeo Mike
Quick Quick: Poicasent`Case In Point
Quick Quick: Potoooooooo`Potatoes
Quick Quick: Punishment`Capital Punishment
Quick Quick: Race Car Is A`Palindrome
Quick Quick: Rat, Blue, Cottage`Cheese
Quick Quick: Red Means Stop, _____ Means Go`Green
Quick Quick: Rice Paper Does Not Have Any ___ In It`Rice
Quick Quick: Sang For His Supper`Little Tommy Tucker
Quick Quick: ______ ____ ______ Sat On A Tuffet`Little Miss Muffet
Quick Quick: Saturdays Child _____ ____ ___ ___`Works Hard For His Living
Quick Quick: Sea, Carpet, Hot, Cent`Red
Quick Quick: S H E E T`Spreadsheet
Quick Quick: Simple Simon Met A Pieman Going Where`To The Fair
Quick Quick: Sion Sion Sion Sion Sion Sion Sion Sion Sion Sion`Tension
Quick Quick: Sleeve Hem <Pocket> Lapel`Pick Pocket
Quick Quick: Slept In The Mountains For 20years`Rip Van Winkle
Quick Quick: Slingfee`Mixed Feelings
Quick Quick: Smelborp`Back Problems
Quick Quick: Smoke Smoke Smoke Smoke Smoke Smoke Smoke`Chain Smoke`Chain Smoking
Quick Quick: __________ Spelled Backwards Is Dna Level C`Cleveland
Quick Quick: Spr_____Ing`Spring Break
Quick Quick: Squad, Watch, Wave`Crime
Quick Quick: Stolen By Tom, Tom The Piper's Son`Pig
Quick Quick: Sue Went To The Store And Bought R5.25 Worth Of Sour Worms And R2.80 Worth Of Chappies. What Will Be The Subtotal Of Her Bill`R8.05
Quick Quick: Symbol Of Good Luck`Four Leafed Clover
Quick Quick: Tahc`Backchat
Quick Quick: T...... C......., To Shorten Your Toes`Toenail Clippers
Quick Quick: The Battle Of Waterloo Was Won`On The Playing Fields Of Eton
Quick Quick: The Da , T E Day, He Day, The D Y`Part Of The Days
Quick Quick: The Enemy Camp Had Been Observed, The Message Was Written And Encoded, But The Spy Was Caught. We Had To Let Him Go When We Could Not Decipher The Innocent Message He Was Carrying: 'Al: The Trucks Arrive, Charles Knows When Every Day. Do Answer When Necessary.' What Day Of The Week Will The Enemies Attack`Wednesday
Quick Quick: Thefootdoor`Foot In The Door
Quick Quick: The Gr___Ass`Cut The Grass
Quick Quick: The Longest Key On Your Keyboard Is The _____ Bar`Space
Quick Quick: The More You Take, The More You Leave Behind. What Are They`Footsteps
Quick Quick: The Most Common Name In Nursery Rhymes`Jack
Quick Quick: The Name Of Our Trivia Bot`tz
Quick Quick: The Only Mammal That Can't Fly That Can Fly`Human
Quick Quick: Thepigcateons`Cat Among The Pigeons
Quick Quick: The Practice Of Using Long, Sometimes Difficult Words In Speech Or Writing, For Which Gany Often Gets Blamed For`Sesquipedalianism
Quick Quick: The Princess's Name In The Story The Sleeping Beauty`Aurora
Quick! Quick! : There are __ seconds in a minute`60
Quick Quick: There Are _____ Seconds In A Minute`Sixty
Quick Quick: Thermo Thermo`Thermal Couple
Quick Quick: The Same 4-Letter Word Can Be Placed In Front Of Each Of The Following Words To Make A New Word: End, Bolt, Lock, Wood`Dead
Quick Quick: The Season ______ Comes Right After Spring`Summer
Quick Quick: The Sentence ____________________ Uses Every Letter Of The Alphabet`The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over A Lazy Dog
Quick Quick: Theskeletoncloset`Skeleton In The Closet
Quick Quick: The Triviagod Website`Www.Triviagod.Za.Net
Quick Quick: The Two Sexes Of Humans Are Male And`Female
Quick Quick: Thewithewindllows`The Wind In The Willows
Quick Quick: This Is Required To Make All Electric Things Work`Electricity
Quick Quick: This Is The Sandy Area Nearest The Ocean`Beach
Quick Quick: This Normally Has 4 Legs And Your Butt Is Parked In It Right Now`Chair
Quick Quick: Th____Rough`Breakthrough
Quick Quick: Thursdays Child Has ___ __`Far To Go
Quick Quick: Time Time`Two Time`Double Time
Quick Quick: Tniop`Turning Point
Quick Quick: Today's Special Word Is Legs. Let's __ ____ ___ ______ ___`Go Home And Spread The Word
Quick Quick: Top, Drive And Rock`Hard
Quick Quick: To Refuel Your Car You Go To A ___ Station`Petrol
Quick Quick: To Track A Leprechaun You Follow The Sound Of His _________'S ______?(Two Words)`Shoemakers Hammer
Quick Quick: Tuesdays Child Is ____ __`Full Of Grace
Quick Quick: Two Fathers And Two Sons Went Into A Bar To Have A Drink Together. They Spent Fifteen Pounds Altogether And Each Man Spent The Same Amount. How Much Did Each Man Spend`Five Pounds
Quick Quick: Type Nose, Five Times Fast`Nose, Five Times Fast
Quick Quick: Type Stuff`Stuff
Quick Quick: Type The Alphabet`Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
Quick Quick: Type The Alphabet... Backwards`Zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba
Quick Quick: Type The First Letter Of The Alphabet`A
Quick Quick: Type The Word Because`Because
Quick Quick: Type The Word Elk`Elk
Quick Quick: Type The Word Flacid`Flacid
Quick Quick: Type The Word Fun`Fun
Quick Quick: Type The Word Goodbye`Goodbye
Quick Quick: Type The Word Hello`Hello
Quick Quick: Type The Word Moose`Moose
Quick Quick: Type The Word Now`Now
Quick Quick: Type The Word Splendid`Splendid
Quick Quick: Type The Word`The Word
Quick Quick: Type This`This
Quick Quick: Venture-Venture`Joint Venture
Quick Quick: 'Waiter, What's This Fly Doing In My Soup?!' 'The ____ Stroke'`Back
Quick Quick: Waste Astew Wates`Waste Recycling
Quick Quick: Was The First Gramophone Recording`Mary Had A Little Lamb
Quick Quick: Wealth Wealth Wealth Wealth Wealth ........Eternity 'Wealth'`Infinate Wealth
Quick Quick: What 11-Letter Word Is Pronounced Incorrectly By More Than 99% Of Ivy League Graduates`Incorrectly
Quick Quick: What Acronym Will You Type After This Question Is Answered Correctly`Wd
Quick Quick: What Angle Do 90 Degrees Make`Right Angle
Quick Quick: What Are Made Out Of Sugar And Spice And Everything Nice`Little Girls
Quick Quick: What Are The Most Popular Themes For Kids Nusery Rhymes`Death And Injury
Quick Quick: What Are The Names Of The Ninja Turtles In Alphabetical Order`Donatello Leonardo Michelangelo Raphael
Quick Quick: What Character Did The Wolf Impersonate In 'Little Red Riding Hood'`The Grandmother
Quick! Quick! : What color is a blue crayon`blue
Quick! Quick! : What color is a green crayon`green
Quick! Quick! : What color is a red crayon`red
Quick Quick: What Colour Is A Blue Crayon`Blue
Quick Quick: What Colour Is A Green Crayon`Green
Quick Quick: What Colour Is A Lilac Crayon`Lilac
Quick Quick: What Colour Is A Maroon Crayon`Maroon
Quick Quick: What Colour Is A Orange Crayon`Orange
Quick Quick: What Colour Is A Pink Crayon`Pink
Quick Quick: What Colour Is A Red Crayon`Red
Quick Quick: What Couldn't Jack Sprat's Wife Eat`Lean
Quick Quick: What Day Of The Week Did Solomon Grundy Die`Saturday
Quick Quick: What Day Of The Week Did Solomon Grundy Get Buried On`Sunday
Quick Quick: What Day Of The Week Did Solomon Grundy Take Ill On`Thursday
Quick Quick: What Day Of The Week Did Solomon Grundy Worsen On`Friday
Quick Quick: What Day Of The Week Was Solomon Grundy Born On`Monday
Quick Quick: What Day Of The Week Was Solomon Grundy Christianed On`Tuesday
Quick Quick: What Did Jimmy Crack`Corn
Quick Quick: What Did Little Bo-Peep Lose`Her Sheep
Quick Quick: What Did The Knave Of Hearts Steal`Tarts
Quick Quick: What Did The Sparrow Kill Cock Robin With`Bow And Arrow
Quick Quick: What Did The Three Little Kittens Lose`Their Mittens
Quick Quick: What Did Wham! Say To Do Before You Go Go`Wake Me Up
Quick Quick: What Does Ppmd Do For A Living`Urologist
Quick Quick: What Do Hansel And Gretel Push The Witch Into`The Oven
Quick Quick: What Do You Get If You Cross 8 Bits With A Snowman`Frostbyte
Quick Quick: What Do You Get If You Divide The Circumference Of A Pumpkin By Its Diameter`Pumpkin Pie
Quick Quick: What Do You Get When You Cross A Vampire With A Snowman`Frostbite
Quick Quick: What Do You Get When You Cross Poison Ivy With A Four Leaf Clover`A Rash Of Good Luck
Quick Quick: What Do You Pin The Tail On At A Birthday Party`Donkey
Quick Quick: What Dwarf Could Spin Straw Into Gold`Rumpelstiltskin
Quick Quick: What D'you Get When You Break A Mirror`A Broken Mirror
Quick Quick: What Eggdrop Bot Exists To Serve This Room`Azrael
Quick Quick: What English Word Starting With 'B' Has Three Consecutive Double Letters`Bookkeeper
Quick Quick: What Food Of The Three Bears Did Goldilocks Eat`Porridge
Quick Quick: What Gets Bigger The More You Take Out Of It`Hole
Quick Quick: What Gets Broken Every Time You Say It`Silence
Quick Quick: What Has A Mouth And Fork But Never Eats`A River
Quick Quick: What Is 1 + 1`2
Quick Quick: What Is 1 + 2`3
Quick Quick: What Is 1 + 4`5
Quick Quick: What Is 1 + 6`Seven
Quick Quick: What Is 5 + 5`10
Quick Quick: What Is Brown And Sticky`A Stick
Quick Quick: What Is Green As Grass But Grass It's Not, White As Snow But Snow It's Not, Red As Blood But Blood It's Not, Black As Coal But Coal It's Not`Blackberry
Quick Quick: What Is It That Walks On Four Feet In The Morning, Two Feet At Noon, And Three Feet In The Evening`Man
Quick Quick: What Is It That You Cannot Hold For Five Minutes, Yet Is Lighter Than A Feather`Your Breath
Quick Quick: What Is Nimhu's Favourite Old Movie`Barbarella
Quick Quick: What Is The 11th Letter Of The Alphabet`K
Quick Quick: What Is The 12th Letter Of The Alphabet`L
Quick Quick: What Is The 13th Letter Of The Alphabet`M
Quick Quick: What Is The 14th Letter Of The Alphabet`N
Quick Quick: What Is The 15th Letter Of The Alphabet`O
Quick Quick: What Is The 16th Letter Of The Alphabet`P
Quick Quick: What Is The 17th Letter Of The Alphabet`Q
Quick Quick: What Is The 19th Letter Of The Alphabet`S
Quick Quick: What Is The 1st Letter Of The Alphabet`A
Quick Quick: What Is The 21st Letter Of The Alphabet`U
Quick Quick: What Is The 22nd Letter Of The Alphabet`V
Quick Quick: What Is The 23rd Letter Of The Alphabet`W
Quick Quick: What Is The 24th Letter Of The Alphabet`X
Quick Quick: What Is The 25th Letter Of The Alphabet`Y
Quick Quick: What Is The 26th Letter Of The Alphabet`Z
Quick Quick: What Is The 2nd Letter Of The Alphabet`B
Quick Quick: What Is The 3rd Letter Of The Alphabet`C
Quick Quick: What Is The 4th Letter Of The Alphabet`D
Quick Quick: What Is The 5th Letter Of The Alphabet`E
Quick Quick: What Is The 6th Letter Of The Alphabet`F
Quick Quick: What Is The 8th Letter Of The Alphabet`H
Quick Quick: What Is The 9th Letter Of The Alphabet`I
Quick Quick: What Is The Angriest Kind Of Wind`Crosswind
Quick Quick: What Is The Next Letter: W I T N`L
Quick Quick: What Is The Only English Word Formed By The First Three Letters Of The Alphabet`Cab
Quick Quick: What Is The Shortest Word In The English Language That Contains The First Six Letters Of The Alphabet`Feedback
Quick Quick: What Keeps One From Crying When Peeling Onions`Chewing Gum
Quick Quick: What Key Is To The Right Of T On A Keyboard`Y
Quick Quick: What Kind Of Murderer Has Fiber? Answer: A ____ Killer`Cereal
Quick Quick: What Letters Are Missing From Here - Abcdeghijlmopqrstuvwxy`F, K, N, Z
Quick Quick: What Malady Made Napoleon Uncomfortable In The Saddle During The Battle Of Waterloo`Hemorrhoids
Quick Quick: What Means Both 'Hello' And 'Goodbye' In Hawaii`Aloha
Quick Quick: What Medication Was Applied To Jack's Head After His Tumble Down The Hill`Vinegar And Brown Paper
Quick Quick: What Mixture Is Used To Calm Crying Babies`Gripe Water
Quick Quick: What Object Has Keys That Open No Locks, Space But No Room, And You Can Enter But Not Go In`Keyboard
Quick Quick: What Set Of Numbers Would Come Next In The Following Series? 30 20 29 21 28 22 27 23 26 24`25 25
Quick Quick: What Shouts 'Tip Me Over, Pour Me Out' In A Children's Song`Little Teapot
Quick Quick: Whats Nfi Mean`No Fucking Idea
Quick Quick: What 'Sometimes Shoots Up Taller Like An India-Rubber Ball'`My Shadow
Quick Quick: Whats Radar Spelled Backwards`Radar
Quick Quick: What Starts With P, Ends With E, And Has Lots Of Letters`Post Office
Quick Quick: Whats The Abbreviation For United States Of America`Usa
Quick Quick: What's The 'Hobgoblin Of Little Minds'`A Foolish Consistency
Quick Quick: What Tool Gave A Puzzle Its Name`Jigsaw
Quick Quick: What Was The Name Of He-Man's Legless, Wizard Friend`Orco
Quick Quick: What Would Be Kept In An 'Aviary'`Birds
Quick Quick: When Is Nimhu's Birthday`2nd May 1979
Quick Quick: When Read Upside Down, What Does The Term 'Umop Apisdn' Signify`Upside Down
Quick Quick: When Spelled Backwards, The Word 'Retupmoc' Becomes What`Computer
Quick Quick: When You Quit A Job, You Do Not Want To Be A Jerk: You Don't Want To Burn These Behind You`Bridges
Quick Quick: Where Did Little Miss Muffet Sit`On Her Tuffet
Quick Quick: Where Did Your Ancesters Come From`The Womb
Quick Quick: Where Is The Ocean Of Storms Located`On The Moon
Quick Quick: Where Is The Universe`Here
Quick Quick: Where Was The Constitution Signed`At The Bottom
Quick Quick: Which Bush Do We Go Round On A Cold And Frosty Morning`Mulberry
Quick Quick: Which Dwarf Is The Leader Of The Dwarf's In 'Snow White'`Doc
Quick Quick: Which Dwarf Is The Only One Of The Seven Dwarfs Not To Have A Beard`Dopey
Quick Quick: Which Word Is Misspelled In This Question: Mississippi, Luxembourg, Neutron`Misspelled
Quick Quick: Why`Because
Quick Quick: Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road`To Get To The Other Side
Quick Quick: Why Is Televison Called A Medium? A: Because It Is Neither Rare Nor ___`Well Done
Quick Quick: Wing Wing <Wing>`Right Wing
Quick Quick: Wise Sewi Isew`Otherwise
Quick Quick: With Pointed Fangs, I Sit In Wait. With Piercing Force, I Dole Out Fate. Over Bloodless Victims Proclaiming Might. Eternally Joining With A Single Bite. What Am I`Staple
Quick Quick: Wynken, Blynken, And Nod Are Found In 4658 By What Author`Eugene Field
Quick Quick: Xfxixnxgxexrxsx`Fingers Crossed`Crossing Fingers`Crossed Fingers`Cross Fingers
Quick Quick: Yggip`Piggyback
Quick Quick: You Are In A Room Where All Walls Face South. A Bear Walks By. What Colour Is It`White
Quick Quick: You Can't Keep This Until You Have Given It`Promise
Quick Quick: You'll Lose Sleep Over This Problem`Insomnia
Quick Quick: You Only Live, You Only Live`You Only Live Twice
Quick! Where's my mirror ;- : When spelled backwards, the word "retupmoc" becomes what`computer
Quinine is added to water to make _______.`tonic water
Quinine is added to water to make `tonic water
Quinine is an alkaloid extract of the bark of the _______ tree`cinchona
quinine is an alkaloid extract of the bark of which tree`cinchona tree
Quinine is obtained from what part of an evergreen tree`Dried Bark
Quinine is obtained from what part of an evergreen tree`Dried Bark`Bark
Quite a Year for Plums_`bailey white
Quite large: considerable: 'a goodly sum.'`goodlier
quito is the capital of ______`ecuador
Quotations: 'A bikini is like a barbed-wire fence. It protects the property without obstructing the view.'`Joey Adams
Quotations: 'A billion here, a billion there - pretty soon it adds up to real money.'`Everett Dirksen
Quotations: "A billion here, a billion there - pretty soon it adds up to real ---------."- Senator Everett McKinley Dirksen (1896 - 1969)`money
Quotations: 'A bone to the dog is not charity. Charity is the bone shared with the dog, when you are just as hungry as the dog.'`Jack London
Quotations: 'A converted cannibal is one who, on Friday, eats only fishermen.'`Emily Lotney
Quotations: "A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."`William James
Quotations: "------------- - a group of men who keep minutes and waste hours."- M. Berle`committee
Quotations: "A ---------- is a person who works hard all his life to become known, then wears dark glasses to avoid being recognized."- Fred Allen (1894 - 1956)`celebrity
Quotations: "A -------- is like a barbed-wire fence. It protects the property without obstructing the view."- Joey Adams`bikini
Quotations: "A ------------ is one of the only pieces of evidence we have that people are still thinking."- Jerry Seinfeld (1954 - )`bookstore
Quotations: "All paid employments absorb and degrade the mind."`Aristotle
Quotations: "---------- are all in your mind."Anonymous`headaches
Quotations: "---------- are expected to do twice as much as men in half the time and for no credit. Fortunately, this isn't difficult."- Charlotte Whitton (1896 - 1975)`women
Quotations: "------------ are more dangerous foes of truth than lies."- Nietzsche`convictions
Quotations: "--------- aren't exactly people...they're a whole lot of people trying to be one person."- F. Scott Fitzgerald`writers
Quotations: "------------ are the only creatures that allow their children to come home."- Bill Cosby (1937 - )`human beings
Quotations: "------------- are useless. They can only give you answers."- Pablo Picasso`computers
Quotations: "--------- as if everything depended on God, and work as if everything depended upon man."- Cardinal Francis J. Spellman`pray
Quotations: "A stand can be made against invasion by an army; no stand can be made against invasion by an idea."`Victor Hugo
Quotations: "China is a big country, inhabited by many ----------."- Charles De Gaulle (1890 - 1970)`chinese
Quotations: "Choose your friends by their character and your socks by their color. Choosing your socks by their ---------- makes no sense, and choosing your friends by their color is unthinkable."- Anon.`character
Quotations: "Christmas is over and Business is Business."- Franklin Pierce Adams`business
Quotations: "Civilization is unbearable, but it is less unbearable at the top."- Timothy Leary`civilization
Quotations: "Cockroaches and -------------- are the only things that can stay up all night and eat anything."- Herb Caen`socialites
Quotations: "---------- comes by being brave; fear comes by holding back."- Publilius Syrus`courage
Quotations: "----------- comes from understanding that the obstacles in front of you are not going to go away."- Sarah Ferguson`humility
Quotations: "------------ comes not from always being right but from not fearing to be wrong."- Peter T. McIntyre`confidence
Quotations: "--------- concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will."- Frederick Douglass (August 4, 1857)`power
Quotations: 'Discipline without freedom is tyranny; freedom without discipline is chaos.'`Cullen Hightower
Quotations: 'Distrust any enterprise that requires new clothes.'`Henry David Thoreau
Quotations: "Distrust any enterprise that requires new clothes."`Henry David Thoreau`Thoreau
Quotations: 'Doctors are the same as lawyers; the only difference is the lawyers merely rob you, whereas doctors rob you and kill you, too.'`Anton Chekhov
Quotations: 'Doctors can bury their mistakes, Architects can only advise their clients to plant vines.'`Frank Lloyd Wright
Quotations: 'Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.'`George Bernard Shaw
Quotations: 'Do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of.'`Benjamin Franklin
Quotations: 'Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person.'`Mother Teresa
Quotations: 'Do one thing at a time, and do that one thing as if your life depended on it.'`Eugene Grace
Quotations: 'Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.'`Theodore Roosevelt
Quotations: "Do you realize the responsibility I carry? I'm the only person standing between Nixon and the White House."`John F. Kennedy
Quotations: " your -------------. You can't lead without knowing what you're talking about..."- George Bush (1925 - )`homework
Quotations: "---------- expands according to our willingness to put up with it."- Barry Farber`crime
Quotations: "------- expands so as to fill the time available for its completion."- Stephen Crane`work
Quotations: "...For that's the way it is with life, as some of the most beautiful days come completely by chance. But even the most beautiful days eventually have their ----------." - Author Unknown`sunsets
Quotations: "-------------- has always been a privilege of those who could afford to pay for it."- Ellen Frankfort`choice
Quotations: "------------ has ruined more marriages than infidelity."- Charles McCabe`honesty
Quotations: "-------------- has taught us to eat with a fork, but even now if nobody is around, we use our fingers."- Will Rogers`civilization
Quotations: "----------- have no souls, but they can love each other."- Henry Demarest Lloyd`corporations
Quotations: "---------- have served all these centuries as looking-glasses possessing the magic and delicious power of reflecting the figure of man at twice its natural size."- Adolph Simon Ochs`women
Quotations: "He'll regret it to his ----------, if he ever lives that long."- Frank Nugent`dying day
Quotations: "'He means well' is ----------- unless he does well."- Plautus`useless
Quotations: "He must have a truly ------------ nature, for he weeps when there is nothing at all to weep about."- Oscar Wilde`romantic
Quotations: "Here is the test to find whether your ------------ is finished: if you're alive, it isn't."- Richard Bach`mission on earth
Quotations: He's dead, Jim`mccoy
Quotations: "He that always gives way to others will end in having no ----------- of his own."- Aesop`principles
Quotations: "He who angers you ------------ you."- Elizabeth Kenny`conquers
Quotations: "He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question remains a fool ----------."- Chinese Proverb`forever
Quotations: "He who controls the past commands the ----------. He who commands the future conquers the past."- George Orwell`future
Quotations: "He who dies with the most toys is, nonetheless, --------------------."- Anon.`still dead
Quotations: "He who establishes his argument by noise and command shows that his reason is ----------."- Michel de Montaigne`weak
Quotations: "He who joyfully marches in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the ---------- would suffice."- Albert Einstein`spinal cord
Quotations: "He who loves the --------- as his body may be entrusted with the empire."- Lao-Tzu`world
Quotations: "He who ----------- others is strong; He who conquers himself is mighty."- Lao-Tzu`conquers
Quotations: "Hold fast to -----------, for if dreams die, life is a broken bird that cannot fly."- Langston Hughes`dreams
Quotations: "Honest --------------- is often a good sign of progress."- Mohandas K. Ghandi`disagreement
Quotations: "Houston, Tranquility Base here. The ----------- has landed."- Neil Alden Armstrong`eagle
Quotations: "How is it that the person in front of you at the --------------- always has one item that requires a summit conference?"- JoAnn Thomas`supermarket checkout
Quotations: "How much better to know that we have dared to live our --------- than to live our lives in a lethargy of regret."- Gilbert Caplin`dreams
Quotations: "Husbands are like --------. They go out if unattended."- Zsa Zsa Gabor`fires
Quotations: "I am a deeply ---------- person."- Andy Warhol`superficial
Quotations: "I am as bad as the ----------, but, thank God, I am as good as the best."- Walt Whitman`worst
Quotations: "I am free of --------------. I hate everyone equally."- W.C. Fields`prejudice
Quotations: "I am not bound to ------------ thee with my answer."- William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616)`please
Quotations: "I am not --------- enough to know everything."- Oscar Wilde (1854 - 1900)`young
Quotations: "I am proud of the fact that I never invented ------------."- Thomas Alva Edison (1847 - 1931)`weapons to kill
Quotations: "I can never forgive God for having created the ----------."- Peter Ustinov`french
Quotations: "I can see clearly now ... that I was wrong in not acting more decisively and more forthrightly in dealing with ---------------... "- Richard Nixon`watergate
Quotations: "I can take it... The tougher it gets, the ------------- I get... "- Richard Nixon`cooler
Quotations: "I consider ----------- a gift."- Septima Clark`chaos
Quotations: "I count him braver who overcomes his ---------- than him who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory is the victory over self."-Aristotle`desires
Quotations: "I destroy my enemy when I make him my ---------."- Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)`friend
Quotations: 'I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is to try to please everyone.'`Bill Cosby
Quotations: 'I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts.'`Will Rogers
Quotations: "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying."`Woody Allen
Quotations: "If ------------ didn't exist, all the money in the world would have no meaning."- Aristotle Onassis (1906-1975)`women
Quotations: "---------------, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important."- Clive Staples Lewis (1898-1963)`christianity
Quotations: "If I'd known I was going to ---------------------------, I'd have taken better care of myself."- Eubie [James Herbert] Blake`live this long
Quotations: "If I had to do it all over again, I would do exactly the same things, although maybe a little -----------."- James Stewart`quicker
Quotations: "If I'm not back in five minutes, ----------------."- Ace Ventura, Pet Detective`wait longer
Quotations: "If it weren't for -------------- I'd have no sex life at all."- Rodney Dangerfield`pickpockets
Quotations: "If it weren't for --------------, we'd all be watching television by candlelight."- George Gobel`electricity
Quotations: "If I want your -----------, I'll give it to you."- Al Capone`opinion
Quotations: "If I were --------------, would I be wearing this one?"- Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)`two-faced
Quotations: "If men and women are in chains, anywhere in the world, the ------------ is endangered everywhere."- John F. Kennedy`freedom
Quotations: "If men could get -------------, abortion would be a sacrament."- Florence R. Kennedy`pregnant
Quotations: "If one tells the ----------, one is sure, sooner or later, to be found out."- Oscar Wilde`truth
Quotations: "If only I had a little -----------, I'd be perfect."- Ted Turner`humility
Quotations: "If someone says It's not the money, it's the -------------,'it's the money.'"- Angelo Valenti`principle
Quotations: "If the facts don't fit the ----------, change the facts."- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)`theory
Quotations: "If the grass is ----------- in the other fellow's yard - let him worry about cutting it."- Fred Allen`greener
Quotations: "If thine enemy wrong thee, buy each of his children a -----------."- Chinese Proverb`drum
Quotations: "If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally -------- ourselves."- Thomas A. Edison`astound
Quotations: "If we all said to people's faces what we say behind one another's backs, society would be --------------."- Honor  de Balzac`impossible
Quotations: "If we all said to people's faces what we say behind one another's backs, society would be --------------."- Honor de Balzac`impossible
Quotations: "If we cannot now end our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for ---------."- John Fitzgerald Kennedy`diversity
Quotations: "If we don't ----------, we don't grow. If we don't grow, we aren't really living."- Gail Sheehy`change
Quotations: "If we don't ----------, we run the risk of failure."- J. Danforth Quayle`succeed
Quotations: "If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called ------------, would it?"- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)`research
Quotations: "If we want things to stay as they are, things will have to ---------."- Guiseppe di Lampedusa (1896 - 1957)`change
Quotations: "If you always do what interests you, then at least one person is -----------."- Katharine Hepburn`pleased
Quotations: "If you aren't fired with ----------, you will be fired with enthusiasm."- Vince Lombardi`enthusiasm
Quotations: "If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will avoid -------------------- of sorrow."- Chinese Proverb`one hundred days
Quotations: "If you become a ---------, you don't change, everyone else does."- Kirk Douglas`star
Quotations: "If you believe that dreams can come true, be prepared for the occasional ---------- too."- French Proverb`nightmare
Quotations: "If you can count your money, you don't have a --------------."- J. Paul Getty`billion dollars
Quotations: "If you can ----------- it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it."- William Arthur Wood`imagine
Quotations: "If you can --------- it, you can do it."- Walt Disney (1901-1966)`dream
Quotations: "If you cannot get your ---------- to call you, try not paying his bill."- Pete Ferguson`lawyer
Quotations: "If you can't say anything --------- about someone, sit right here by me."- Alice Lee Roosevelt Longworth`good
Quotations: "If you can't ----------, then get up and do something instead of lying there worrying. It's the worry that gets you, not the lack of sleep." - Dale Carnegie`sleep
Quotations: "If you copy from one author it's ------------. If you copy from two it's research."- Wilson Mizner`plagiarism
Quotations: "If you cross an ---------- with a Jehovah Witness, you get a fellow who knocks on your door for no particular reason."- Blanche Knott`agnostic
Quotations: "If you don't know where you're going, you will probably end up ---------------."- Laurence Johnston Peter`somewhere else
Quotations: "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't --------------."- Maya Angelou`complain
Quotations: "If you have never been --------- by your child, you have never been a parent."- Bette Davis (1908 - 1989)`hated
Quotations: "If you live to the age of a -------------- you have made it because very few people die past the age of a hundred."- George Burns`hundred
Quotations: "If you live to the age of a -------------- you have made it because very few people die past the age of a hundred."- George Burns`hundred`100
Quotations: "If you tell the truth you don't have to ------------- anything."- Mark Twain`remember
Quotations: "If you ----------- what you do, you'll never work another day in your life."- Confucius`enjoy
Quotations: I'll make him an offer, he don't refuse.`don vito corleone
Quotations: I'm the only Western reporter here in Baghdad.`peter arnett
Quotations: "In his private heart no man much respects himself."`Mark Twain
Quotations: "---------- is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to live taking the form of a readiness to die."- G. K. Chesterton`courage
Quotations: "------------- is a relentless master. It has no present, only the past rushing into the future. To try to hold fast is to be swept aside."- John fitzgerald Kennedy`history
Quotations: "---------- is a vast early warning system."- Norman Cousins`history
Quotations: "---------- is a word used in advertising circles to refer to any incident to which the word "emergency" cannot be applied."- Fred Allen`crisis
Quotations: "----------- is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin."- Mother Teresa`yesterday
Quotations: "--------------- is interest paid on trouble before it is due."- William Inge`worry
Quotations: "-------- is nature's way of keeping everything from happening at once."- Unknown`time
Quotations: "------------- is not a bad profession. If you succeed there are many rewards, if you disgrace yourself you can always write a book." - Ronald Reagan`politics
Quotations: "------------- is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose."- Lyndon B. Johnson`yesterday
Quotations: " is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear."- Ambrose Redmoon`courage
Quotations: "--------- is of two kinds: first, altering the position of matter at or near the earth's surface relative to other matter; second, telling other people to do it."- Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)`work
Quotations: "----------- is one of the permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous mind,"- Samuel Johnson - 1751`curiosity
Quotations: "------------ is perhaps the most equally divided, but surely the most underemployed talent in the world."-Christine Collange`common sense
Quotations: "------------ is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."- Earl Wilson`courage
Quotations: "------------- is the art of preventing people from busying themselves with what is their own business."- Paul Valery`politics
Quotations: "----------- is the best of all instructors."- Publilius Syrus`practice
Quotations: "------------ is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen."- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)`common sense
Quotations: "--------- is the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees all others."- Winston Churchill`courage
Quotations: "-------------- is the inner voice which warns us somebody may be looking."- Henry Louis Mencken - 1949`conscience
Quotations: "------------ is the knack of seeing things as they are, and doing things as they ought to be done."-Josh Billings`common sense
Quotations: "------------- is the last resort of the unimaginative."- Oscar Wilde`consistency
Quotations: "---------- is the main quality of leadership, no matter where it is exercised."- Walt Disney`courage
Quotations: "--------------- is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon."- Napoleon`history
Quotations: "--------- is turning one's worst moments into money."- J.P. Donleavy`writing
Quotations: It's almost Funny Five time`dr. demento
Quotations: It's the economy, stupid`carville
Quotations: "Life is an incurable ----------."- Abraham Cowley`disease
Quotations: "Life is -------------- before one knows what it is."-French proverb`half spent
Quotations: "Life is infinitely ---------- than the mind of man can imagine."- A. Conan Doyle`stranger
Quotations: "Life is like a beautiful melody, only the ----------- are messed up."- Anonymous`lyrics
Quotations: "Life is like riding a ---------. You don't fall off unless you plan to stop pedaling."- Claude Pepper`bicycle
Quotations: "Life is what happens while you are busy ---------------."- John Lennon`making other plans
Quotations: "Life would be infinitely happier if we could only be born at the age of ----------- and gradually approach eighteen."- Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)`eighty
Quotations: "Listen or thy ---------- will keep thee deaf."- American Indian Proverb`tongue
Quotations: "Live as if you were to -----------. Learn as if you were to live forever."- Mohandas K. Ghandi`die tomorrow
Quotations: "Look for the light behind every ---------."- Robert Schuler`shadow
Quotations: "Love is like a -----------. It goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes."- Unknown`butterfly
Quotations: "Love is the triumph of imagination over -------------."- H. L. Mencken`intelligence
Quotations: "------------ make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society."- Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)`clothes
Quotations: May the bird of paradise bite you on the bippy`karnak
Quotations: "-------------.  Millions of people being lonesome together."- Henry David Thoreau`city life
Quotations: "------------- music is the kind we keep thinking will turn into a tune."- Kin Hubbard (1869 - 1930)`classical
Quotations: My wife wears a good Republican cloth coat.`richard nixon
Quotations: Open channel D.`solo
Quotations: "Politics has become so --------- that it takes a lot of money to even be defeated."- Will Rogers`expensive
Quotations: "Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with -----------."- Mao Zedong (1893-1976)`bloodshed
Quotations: "Power always has to be kept in check; power exercised in secret, especially under the cloak of national security, is -----------------."- William Proxmire`doubly dangerous
Quotations: "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts -----------."- Anon.`absolutely
Quotations: "Power is the great ------------."- Henry Kissinger - 1971`aphrodesiac
Quotations: "---------- should be read, but neither seen nor heard."- Daphne Du Maurier`writers
Quotations: "------------ should merely indicate where the smiles have been."- Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)`wrinkles
Quotations: 'The greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our disposition and not our circumstances.'`Martha Washington
Quotations: "The greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our disposition and not our circumstances."`Martha Washington`washington
Quotations: 'The greater the difficulty, the more the glory in surmounting it.'`Epicurus
Quotations: 'The greatest difficulties lie where we are not looking for them.'`Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Quotations: "The greatest difficulties lie where we are not looking for them."`Johann Wolfgang von Goethe`Goethe
Quotations: "The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."`Victor Hugo
Quotations: 'The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves.'`Victor HugoWhat is another name for iron oxide`Rust
Quotations: "The greatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes."`Sir Winston Churchill
Quotations: 'The greatest of all faults, I should say, is to be conscious of none.'`Thomas Carlyle
Quotations: "The harder you --------, the luckier you get."- McAlexander`work
Quotations: "The hardest job kids face today is learning ------------ without seeing any."- Fred Astaire`good manners
Quotations: "The hardest thing in life is to know which ---------- to cross and which to burn."- David Russell`bridge
Quotations: "The hardest thing to understand in the world is the ."- Albert Einstein (1875-1955)`income tax
Quotations: "The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is ---------."- Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)`laughter
Quotations: "The hunger for ------- is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread."- Mother Teresa`love
Quotations: "The important thing is not to stop -------------."- Albert Einstein (1875-1955)`questioning
Quotations: "The interpretation of --------- is the royal road to a knowledge of the unconcious activities of the mind."- Sigmund Freud`dreams
Quotations: "The last of the human ------------- is to choose one's attitudes."- Victor Frankl`freedoms
Quotations: "The laziest man I ever met put ---------- in his pancakes so they would turn over by themselves."- W.C. Fields`popcorn
Quotations: "The less things ----------, the more they remain the same."- Sicilian proverb`change
Quotations: "The luckiest man in the world was Adam - he had no ---------------."- Sholom Aleichem`mother-in-law
Quotations: "The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but ---------------."- Thomas Jefferson`newspapers
Quotations: "The minute you start --------- about what you are going to do if you lose, you have lost."-George Schultz`talking
Quotations: "The more I ----------, the more I realize I don't know."- Albert Einstein`learn
Quotations: "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the ----------."- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)`mysterious
Quotations: "The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is at all --------------."- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)`comprehensible
Quotations: "The -------- of money is the root of all evil."- The apostle Paul`love
Quotations: "The old believe everything, the middle-aged suspect everything, the young -------------------."- Oscar Wilde`know everything
Quotations: "The --------------- we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer."- Henry Kissinger`illegal
Quotations: "Throw your ---------- over the fence and the rest will follow!" - Norman Vincent Peale`heart
Quotations: "Times fun when you're having ------."- Kermit the Frog`flies
Quotations: "To my embarrassment I was born in bed with a lady."`Wilson Mizner
Quotations: "Women are like ---------- to me. I like to look at them but I wouldn't want to own one."- W.C. Fields (1880 - 1946)`elephants
Quotations: "Women have always been the guardians of wisdom and --------- which makes them natural, but usually secret, rulers."- Charlotte Wolff (1904-1986)`humanity
Quotations: "Women who ----------- are called 'mothers'."- Abigail Van Buren`miscalculate
Quotations: "Words make you think a thought. Music makes you feel a feeling. A song makes you feel a ---------."- E.Y. Harbug (1898 - 1981)`thought
Quotations: "Words without ------- are like sails without wind."- Courier Record (Blackstone, Virginia)`ideas
Quotations: "Work and pray, live on hay, You'll get pie in the sky when you -------."- Archilochus`die
Quotations: "Work as if you were to live a hundred years, Pray as if you were to die -------."- Benjamin Franklin`tomorrow
Quotations: "Working with ------------- is like getting hit over the head with a valentine."ZZZ- Christopher Plummer`julie andrews
Quotations: "Work is a necessity for man. Man invented the ---------------."- Pablo Picasso`alarm clock
Quotations: "Write it on your ----------- that every day is the best day in the year."- Ralph Waldo Emerson`heart
Quotations: "Years may wrinkle the skin. Lack of ---------- will wrinkle the soul."- Anonymous`enthusiasm
Quotations: "You always smile but in your eyes your ----------- shows."- William Peter Horn`sorrow
Quotations: "You are either part of the ----------- or part of the problem."- [Leroy] Eldridge Cleaver`solution
Quotations: "You are never given a -------- without also being given the power to make it come true. You may have to work for it, however."- Richard Bach`wish
Quotations: "You can always take what you have and make it --------."- Ted Williams`better
Quotations: "You can always tell a ----------- man, but you can't tell him much."- James Barnes`harvard
Quotations: "You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to ----------- you."- Eric Hoffer`frighten
Quotations: "You can fool all the people some of the time, and --------------------- all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."- Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)`some of the people
Quotations: "You can get more with a kind word and a gun than you can with a ---------- alone."Al Capone (1899 - 1947)`kind word
Quotations: "You can never plan the ----------- by the past."- Edmund Burke`future
Quotations: "You cannot do a -------------- too soon because you never know how soon it will be too late."- Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882)`kindness
Quotations: "You cannot escape the -------------- of tomorrow by evading it today."- Abraham Lincoln`responsibility
Quotations: "You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for --------."- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)`war
Quotations: "You can observe a lot by ------------."- Yogi [Lawrence Peter] Berra`watching
Quotations: "You can stand tall without -------------- on someone. You can be a victor without having victims."- Harriet Woods`standing
Quotations: "You can't depend on your eyes when your ---------- is out of focus."- Mark Twain (1835-1910)`imagination
Quotations: "You can tell a lot about a fellow's character by his way of eating ------------."- Ronald Reagan`jellybeans
Quotations: "You can't have a long successful career without a ------------."- Nolan Ryan`positive attitude
Quotations: "You can't make a ----------- out of a Sow's Ear."- Jonathan Swift`silk purse
Quotations: "You can't shake hands with a ----------------."- Indira Gandhi (1917 - 1984)`clenched fist
Quotations: "You come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by seeing an imperfect person ----------."- Sam Keen`perfectly
Quotations: "You don't get --------- when everybody sings the same note."- Doug Floyd`harmony
Quotations: "You get the best out of others when you give the best of -----------."- Harry Firestone`yourself
Quotations: You're soaking in it.`madge
Quotations: ZZZ"Home is where the --------- is."- Anonymous`house
Quotes: 'A Bikini Is Like A Barbed-Wire Fence. It Protects The Property Without Obstructing The View.'`Joey Adams
Quotes: 'A Billion Here, A Billion There - Pretty Soon It Adds Up To Real Money.'`Everett Dirksen
Quotes: 'A Bone To The Dog Is Not Charity. Charity Is The Bone Shared With The Dog, When You Are Just As Hungry As The Dog.'`Jack London
Quotes: According To Benjamin Disraeli, The Third, And Worst Kind Of Lie`Statistics
Quotes: A Computer Will Never Need More Than 640k Of Memory In 1982`Bill Gates
Quotes: "A cynic is someone who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.`wilde
Quotes: A Girl's Legs Are Her Best Friends, But The Best Of Friends Must Part`Redd Foxx
Quotes: 'A Great Many People Think They Are Thinking When They Are Merely Rearranging Their Prejudices.'`William James
Quotes: 'A ________ Is Like A Barbed-Wire Fence. It Protects The Property Without Obstructing The View.'- Joey Adams`Bikini
Quotes: 'A ____________ Is One Of The Only Pieces Of Evidence We Have That People Are Still Thinking.'- Jerry Seinfeld`Bookstore
Quotes: 'A Key To Foreign Policy Is To Rely On Reliance.'`George W Bush
Quotes: A little inaccuracy saves a world of explanation.`CE Ayres
Quotes: 'All Human Life Is There' - A Quotation From Henry James - Was Used To Promote Which British Sunday Newspaper In The 1950s`News Of The World
Quotes: 'All Paid Employments Absorb And Degrade The Mind.'`Aristotle
Quotes: 'All Things Were Made Up Of Air, Earth, Fire, Water'`Aristotle
Quotes: All Work Is As Seed Sown: It Grows And Spreads, And Sows Itself Anew`Thomas Caryle
Quotes: 'All You Need To Fly Are Lovely Things And Fairy Dust'`Peter Pan
Quotes: And In The End It's Not The Years In Your Life That Count. It's The Life In Your Years`Abraham Lincoln
Quotes: Any Intelligent Fool Can Make Things Bigger And More Complex... It Takes A Touch Of Genius -- And A Lot Of Courage To Move In The Opposite Direction`Albert Einstein
Quotes: '__________ Are All In Your Mind.'Anonymous`Headaches
Quotes: '____________ Are More Dangerous Foes Of Truth Than Lies.'- Nietzsche`Convictions
Quotes: '____________ Are The Only Creatures That Allow Their Children To Come Home.'- Bill Cosby (1937 - )`Human Beings
Quotes: '_____________ Are Useless. They Can Only Give You Answers.'- Pablo Picasso`Computers
Quotes: Arise!Awake! And stop not till the goal is reached`swami vivekananda
Quotes: (Aristotle) Friendship Is A Single Soul, Dwelling In`Two Bodies
Quotes: As A Lover, I'm About As Impressive As A Magician On The Radio`Scott Roeben
Quotes: '_________ As If Everything Depended On God, And Work As If Everything Depended Upon Man.'- Cardinal Francis J. Spellman`Pray
Quotes: 'Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You, But What You Can Do For Your Country'`John F Kennedy
Quotes: 'A Stand Can Be Made Against Invasion By An Army: No Stand Can Be Made Against Invasion By An Idea.'`Victor Hugo
Quotes: (Ava Gardner) Deep Down I Am Fairly`Superficial
Quotes: 'A Verbal Contract Isn't Worth The Paper It's Written On'`Samuel Goldwyn
Quotes: A Word To The Wise Ain't Necessary -- It's The Stupid Ones That Need The Advice`Bill Cosby
Quotes: Before God We Are All Equally Wise - And Equally Foolish`Albert Einstein
Quotes: (Benjamin Franklin) Never Confuse Motion With`Action
Quotes: Bigamy Is Having One Wife Too Many. Monogamy Is The Same`Oscar Wilde
Quotes: (Bill Cosby) I Do Not Sing, I Do Not Dance, And I Don't Say`Sir
Quotes: Border Relations Between Canada And Mexico Have Never Been Better`George W Bush
Quotes: Boy, After Seeing Rambo Last Night, I Know What To Do Next Time This Happens`Ronald Reagan
Quotes: (Brigitte Bardot) I Am Not An Actor. I Am A`Phenomenon
Quotes: Charlotte Whitton: Whatever Women Do They Must Do Twice As Well As Men To Be Thought Half As Good. Luckily, This Is Not`Difficult
Quotes: 'China Is A Big Country, Inhabited By Many __________.'- Charles De Gaulle (1890 - 1970)`Chinese
Quotes: 'Choose Your Friends By Their Character And Your Socks By Their Colour. Choosing Your Socks By Their __________ Makes No Sense, And Choosing Your Friends By Their Colour Is Unthinkable.'- Anon`Character
Quotes: 'Christmas Is Over And Business Is ________.'- Franklin Pierce Adams`Business
Quotes: (Churchill) Americans Usually Get It Right, After Trying`Everything Else First
Quotes: (Clarence Darrow) The First Half Of Our Lives Is Ruined By Our Parents, And The Second Half`By Our Children
Quotes: 'Cockroaches And ______________ Are The Only Things That Can Stay Up All Night And Eat Anything.'- Herb Caen`Socialites
Quotes: '__________ Comes By Being Brave: Fear Comes By Holding Back.'- Publilius Syrus`Courage
Quotes: '___________ Comes From Understanding That The Obstacles In Front Of You Are Not Going To Go Away.'- Sarah Ferguson`Humility
Quotes: '____________ Comes Not From Always Being Right But From Not Fearing To Be Wrong.'- Peter T. Mcintyre`Confidence
Quotes: Common Looking People Are The Best In The World: That Is The Reason The Lord Makes So Many Of Them`Abraham Lincoln
Quotes: Complete The Quote: 'Some Folk'll Never Lose A Toe But Then Again Some Folk'll Like ______ ___ _____ _____ _____'`Cletus The Slack Jawed Yokel`Cletus
Quotes: Complete This Quote: 'Enter Freely, Of Your Own Will, And Leave Some Of The...'`Happiness You Bring
Quotes: Complete This Quote From Bill Gates: '______ Ought To Be Enough For Anybody.'`640k
Quotes: Complete This Quote From The Monster In Frankenstein: 'Fire...'`Bad
Quotes: Complete This Quote: 'I Feel The Need ___ The Need For ___'`Speed
Quotes: Complete This Quote: 'Soylent Green Is...'`People
Quotes: Computers Are Useless. They Can Only Give You Answers`Pablo Picasso
Quotes: '_________ Concedes Nothing Without A Demand. It Never Did And It Never Will.'- Frederick Douglass (August 4,1857)`Power
Quotes: Conversation Is Like A Television Set On Honeymoon...Unnecessary`Peter Sellers
Quotes: Dancing is a perpendicular expression of a horizontal desire.`george bernard shaw
Quotes: 'Discipline Without Freedom Is Tyranny: Freedom Without Discipline Is Chaos.'`Cullen Hightower
Quotes: 'Distrust Any Enterprise That Requires New Clothes.'`Henry David Thoreau
Quotes: 'Doctors Are The Same As Lawyers: The Only Difference Is The Lawyers Merely Rob You, Whereas Doctors Rob You And Kill You, Too.'`Anton Chekhov
Quotes: 'Doctors Can Bury Their Mistakes, Architects Can Only Advise Their Clients To Plant Vines.'`Frank Lloyd Wright
Quotes: Dogs Look Up To You, Cats Look Down On You. Give Me A Pig. He Just Looks You In The Eye And Treats You As An Equal`Winston Churchill
Quotes: Dogs Look Up To You, Cats Look Down On You, I Prefer Pigs, They Treat You As Equals`Winston Churchill
Quotes: 'Do Not Follow Where The Path May Lead. Go Instead Where There Is No Path And Leave A Trail.'`George Bernard Shaw
Quotes: 'Do Not Squander Time, For That Is The Stuff Life Is Made Of.'`Benjamin Franklin
Quotes: 'Do Not Wait For Leaders: Do It Alone, Person To Person.'`Mother Teresa
Quotes: Don't Give Up The Ship`John Paul Jones
Quotes: Don't Have Sex Man. It Leads To Kissing And Pretty Soon You Have To Start Talking To Them`Steve Martin
Quotes: 'Do One Thing At A Time, And Do That One Thing As If Your Life Depended On It.'`Eugene Grace
Quotes: 'Do What You Can, With What You Have, Where You Are.'`Theodore Roosevelt
Quotes: 'Do You Realize The Responsibility I Carry I'm The Only Person Standing Between Nixon And The White House.'`John F. Kennedy
Quotes: 'Do Your _____________. You Can't Lead Without Knowing What You're Talking About.'- George Bush (1925 - )`Homework
Quotes: (Eddie Cantor) The Most Common Reason For Divorces Is`Men And Women
Quotes: (Eldridge Cleaver) Homosexuality Is A Sickness, Just As Are Baby-Rape Or Wanting To Become Head Of`General Motors
Quotes: (Emerson) Within, I Do Not Find Wrinkles And Used Heart, But Unspent`Youth
Quotes: 'Et Tu Brute'`Julius Caesar
Quotes: 'Eureka'`Archimedes
Quotes: Ever Notice How It's A Penny For Your Thoughts, Yet You Put In Your Two-Cents? Someone Is Making A Penny On The Deal`Steven Wright
Quotes: Every So Often, I Like To Stick My Head Out The Window, Look Up, And Smile For A Satellite Picture`Steven Wright
Quotes: 'Everything Must Either Be Or Not Be, Whether In The Present Or In The Future'`Aristotle
Quotes: '__________ Expands According To Our Willingness To Put Up With It.'- Barry Farber`Crime
Quotes: '_______ Expands So As To Fill The Time Available For Its Completion.'- Stephen Crane`Work
Quotes: Experience enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again.`Franklin P Jones
Quotes: Failure Is Inevitable. Success Is Elusive`Steven Spielberg
Quotes: "Few people know how to be old"`la rochefoucauld
Quotes: Few people know how to be old   Who by`la rochefoucauld
Quotes: First, Let Me Make It Very Clear, Poor People Aren't Necessarily Killers. Just Because You Happen To Be Not Rich Doesn't Mean You're Willing To Kill`George W Bush
Quotes: 'Forgive Your Enemies, But Never Forget Their Names'`John F Kennedy
Quotes: For Satan Finds Some Mischief Still\For Idle Hands To Do`Isaac Watts
quotes: "funny, she doesn't look druish"`space balls
Quotes: (George Bernard Shaw) Democracy Substitutes Election By The Incompetent Many For Appointment By The`Corrupt Few
Quotes: (George Bernard Shaw) He Knows Nothing And He Thinks He Knows Everything. That Points Clearly To A`Political Career
Quotes: 'Give Me A Firm Place To Stand And I Will Move The Earth'`Archimedes
Quotes: 'Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death'`Patrick Henry
Quotes: 'Glory Is Fleeting, But Obscurity Is Forever.'`Napoleon Bonaparte
Quotes: Great Spirits Have Always Encountered Violent Opposition From Mediocre Minds`Albert Einstein
Quotes: (Groucho Marx) From The Moment I Picked Up Your Book Until I Laid It Down, I Was Convulsed With Laughter. Some Day I`Intend To Read It
Quotes: (Groucho Marx) I Find Television Very Educating. Every Time Somebody Turns On The Set`I Go Into The Other Room And Read A Book
Quotes: (Groucho Marx) I Knew Doris Day Before She Became A`Virgin
Quotes: Hanover, Indiana Was The 'Dufus Capital Of The World'`Larry Bird
Quotes: '____________ Has Ruined More Marriages Than Infidelity.'- Charles Mccabe`Honesty
Quotes: '______________ Has Taught U.S. To Eat With A Fork, But Even Now If Nobody Is Around, We Use Our Fingers.'- Will Rogers`Civilization
Quotes: '___________ Have No Souls, But They Can Love Each Other.'- Henry Demarest Lloyd`Corporations
Quotes: He Does Not Preach What He Practices Till He Has Practiced What He Preaches`Confucius
Quotes: He Had Ambitions, At One Time, To Become A Sex Maniac, But He Failed His Practical`Les Dawson
Quotes: 'He'll Regret It To His __________, If He Ever Lives That Long.'- Frank Nugent`Dying Day
Quotes: 'He Means Well' Is ___________ Unless He Does Well.'- Plautus`Useless
Quotes: 'He Must Have A Truly ____________ Nature, For He Weeps When There Is Nothing At All To Weep About.'- Oscar Wilde`Romantic
Quotes: 'Here Is The Test To Find Whether Your ____________ Is Finished: If You're Alive, It Isn't.'- Richard Bach`Mission On Earth
Quotes: He Reminded Me A Little Of Walt Disney's Version Of A Mad Scientist (On Star Wars Director George Lucas)`Steven Spielberg
Quotes: Heroism On Command, Senseless Violence, And All The Loathsome Nonsense That Goes By The Name Of Patriotism -How Passionately I Hate Them`Albert Einstein
Quotes: He said "To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance."`oscar wilde
Quotes: He Wouldn't Pay A Nickel For Another Patterson-Liston Fight`Floyd
Quotes: 'History Is Bunk'`Henry Ford
Quotes: 'Hitch Your Wagon To A Star'`Ralph Waldo Emerson
Quotes: (H.L.Mencken) It Is Even Harder For The Average Ape To Believe That He Has`Descended From Man
Quotes: 'Hold Fast To ___________, For If Dreams Die, Life Is A Broken Bird That Cannot Fly.'- Langston Hughes`Dreams
Quotes: Home Is Where The _________ Is.'- Anonymous`House
Quotes: 'Honest _______________ Is Often A Good Sign Of Progress.'- Mohandas K. Ghandi`Disagreement
Quotes: How do I love thee?`elizabeth browning
Quotes: 'How Is It That The Person In Front Of You At The _______________ Always Has One Item That Requires A Summit Conference'- Joann Thomas`Supermarket Checkout
Quotes: How Many Legs Does A Dog Have If You Call The Tail A Leg? Four. Calling A Tail A Leg Doesn't Make It A Leg`Abraham Lincoln
Quotes: 'How Much Better To Know That We Have Dared To Live Our _________ Than To Live Our Lives In A Lethargy Of Regret.'- Gilbert Caplin`Dreams
Quotes: Human Beings Are The Only Creatures On Earth That Allow Their Children To Come Back Home`Bill Cosby
Quotes: 'Husbands Are Like ________. They Go Out If Unattended.'- Zsa Zsa Gabor`Fires
Quotes: I Admit, I Have A Tremendous Sex Drive. My Boyfriend Lives Forty Miles Away`Phyllis Diller
Quotes: 'I Am A Deeply __________ Person.'- Andy Warhol`Superficial
quotes: " an f.b.i. agent"`point break
Quotes: I Am Enough Of An Artist To Draw Freely Upon My Imagination. Imagination Is More Important Than Knowledge. Knowledge Is Limited. Imagination Encircles The World`Albert Einstein
Quotes: 'I Am Free Of ______________. I Hate Everyone Equally.'- W.C. Fields`Prejudice
Quotes: 'I Am Not Bound To ____________ Thee With My Answer.'- William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616)`Please
Quotes: 'I Am Not _________ Enough To Know Everything.'- Oscar Wilde (1854 - 1900)`Young
Quotes: 'I Am Proud Of The Fact That I Never Invented ____________.'- Thomas Alva Edison (1847 - 1931)`Weapons To Kill
Quotes: I Believe, I Believe This Country, I Know This Country Is A Fabulous Country. But I Believe We've Got Great Days Ahead Of Us`George W Bush
Quotes: I Blame My Mother For My Poor Sex Life. All She Told Me Was, 'The Man Goes On Top And The Woman Underneath'. For Three Years My Husband And I Slept On Bunk Beds`Joan Rivers
Quotes: I Bought A Dog The Other Day...I Named Him Stay. It's Fun To Call Him...'Come Here, Stay! Come Here, Stay!' He Went Insane. Now He Just Ignores Me And Keeps Typing. He's An East German Shepherd`Steven Wright
Quotes: 'I Can Never Forgive God For Having Created The __________.'- Peter Ustinov`French
Quotes: 'I Can See Clearly Now That I Was Wrong In Not Acting More Decisively And More Forthrightly In Dealing With ________________'- Richard Nixon`Watergate
Quotes: 'Ich Bin Ein Berliner`John F Kennedy
Quotes: I Come From A Different Generation From My Dad`George W Bush
Quotes: 'I Consider ___________ A Gift.'- Septima Clark`Chaos
Quotes: I Do Not Know With What Weapons World War 3 Will Be Fought, But World War 4 Will Be Fought With Sticks And Stones`Albert Einstein
Quotes: 'I Don't Know The Key To Success, But The Key To Failure Is To Try To Please Everyone.'`Bill Cosby
Quotes: I Don't Know The Key To Success, But The Key To Failure Is Trying To Please Everybody`Bill Cosby
Quotes: 'I Don't Make Jokes. I Just Watch The Government And Report The Facts.'`Will Rogers
Quotes: 'I Don't Trust People Without A Sense Of _______'`Humour
Quotes: I Don't Understand Anything About The Ballet. All I Know Is That During The Intervals The Ballerinas Stink Like Horses.'`Anton Chekov
Quotes: I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying.`Woody Allen
Quotes: 'I Do This For One Reason, Not To Break You, Not To Torture You, But To ____`Save You
Quotes: I Dream For A Living`Steven Spielberg
Quotes: If A Equals Success, Then The Formula Is: A = X+Y+Z, X Is Work. Y Is Play. Z Is Keep Your Mouth Shut`Albert Einstein
Quotes: 'If ____________ Didn't Exist, All The Money In The World Would Have No Meaning.'- Aristotle Onassis (1906-1975)`Women
Quotes: '_______________, If False, Is Of No Importance, And If True, Of Infinite Importance. The Only Thing It Cannot Be Is Moderately Important.'- Clive Staples Lewis (1898-1963)`Christianity
Quotes: If I Answer Questions Every Time You Ask One, Expectations Would Be High. And As You Know, I Like To Keep Expectations Low`George W Bush
Quotes: If I Had My Life To Live Over Again, I'd Be A Plumber`Albert Einstein
Quotes: 'If I Had To Do It All Over Again, I Would Do Exactly The Same Things, Although Maybe A Little ___________.'- James Stewart`Quicker
Quotes: 'If I'm Not Back In Five Minutes, ________________.'- Ace Ventura, Pet Detective`Wait Longer
Quotes: 'If It Weren't For ______________ I'd Have No Sex Life At All.'- Rodney Dangerfield`Pickpockets
Quotes: 'If It Weren't For ______________, We'd All Be Watching Television By Candlelight.'- George Gobel`Electricity
Quotes: 'If I Want Your ___________, I'll Give It To You.'- Al Capone`Opinion
Quotes: If I Were Two-Faced, Would I Be Wearing This One`Abraham Lincoln
Quotes: 'If I Were ______________, Would I Be Wearing This One'- Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)`Two-Faced
Quotes: 'If Men And Women Are In Chains, Anywhere In The World, The ____________ Is Endangered Everywhere.'- John F Kennedy`Freedom
Quotes: 'If Men Could Get _____________, Abortion Would Be A Sacrament.'- Florence R. Kennedy`Pregnant
Quotes: 'If One Tells The __________, One Is Sure, Sooner Or Later, To Be Found Out.'- Oscar Wilde`Truth
Quotes: If Sex Is Such A Natural Phenomenon, How Come There Are So Many Books On How To`Bette Midler
Quotes: 'If Someone Says It's Not The Money, It's The _____________, 'It's The Money.'- Angelo Valenti`Principle
Quotes: 'If The Facts Don't Fit The __________, Change The Facts.'- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)`Theory
Quotes: 'If The Grass Is ___________ In The Other Fellow's Yard - Let Him Worry About Cutting It.'- Fred Allen`Greener
Quotes: 'If Thine Enemy Wrong Thee, Buy Each Of His Children A ___________.'- Chinese Proverb`Drum
Quotes: 'If We All Did The Things We Are Capable Of Doing, We Would Literally ________ Ourselves.'- Thomas A. Edison`Astound
Quotes: 'If We All Said To People's Faces What We Say Behind One Another's Backs, Society Would Be ______________.'- Honour? De Balzac`Impossible
Quotes: 'If We Don't __________, We Don't Grow. If We Don't Grow, We Aren't Really Living.'- Gail Sheehy`Change
Quotes: 'If We Don't __________, We Run The Risk Of Failure.'- J. Danforth Quayle`Succeed
Quotes: 'If We Knew What It Was We Were Doing, It Would Not Be Called ____________, Would It'- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)`Research
Quotes: 'If You Always Do What Interests You, Then At Least One Person Is ___________.'- Katharine Hepburn`Pleased
Quotes: 'If You Are Patient In One Moment Of Anger, You Will Avoid ___ ________ ____ Of Sorrow.'- Chinese Proverb`One Hundred Days
Quotes: 'If You Become A _________, You Don't Change, Everyone Else Does.'- Kirk Douglas`Star
Quotes: 'If You Believe That Dreams Can Come True, Be Prepared For The Occasional __________ Too.'- French Proverb`Nightmare
Quotes: 'If You Can Count Your Money, You Don't Have A ______________.'- J. Paul Getty`Billion Dollars
Quotes: 'If You Can ___________ It, You Can Achieve It. If You Can Dream It, You Can Become It.'- William Arthur Wood`Imagine
Quotes: 'If You Can _________ It, You Can Do It.'- Walt Disney (1901-1966)`Dream
Quotes: If You Can't Beat 'Em, Arrange To Have 'Em Beaten`George Carlin
Quotes: 'If You Can't __________, Then Get Up And Do Something Instead Of Lying There Worrying. It's The Worry That Gets You, Not The Lack Of Sleep.' - Dale Carnegie`Sleep
Quotes: 'If You Copy From One Author It's ____________. If You Copy From Two It's Research.'- Wilson Mizner`Plagiarism
Quotes: 'If You Don't Know Where You're Going, You Will Probably End Up _________ ______.'- Laurence Johnston Peter`Somewhere Else
Quotes: 'If You Have Never Been ______ By Your Child, You Have Never Been A Parent.'- Bette Davis (1908 - 1989)`Hated
Quotes: 'If You Live To The Age Of A ________ You Have Made It Because Very Few People Die Past The Age Of A Hundred.'- George Burns`Hundred
Quotes: 'If You're Killed, You've Lost A Very Important Part Of Your Life.'`Brooke Shields
Quotes: 'If You Tell The Truth You Don't Have To ________ Anything.'- Mark Twain`Remember
Quotes: If you've seen one redwood, you've seen them all.`reagan
Quotes: 'If You Want Something Said, Ask A Man. If You Want Something Done, Ask A Woman.'`Margaret Thatcher
Quotes: 'If You ___________ What You Do, You'll Never Work Another Day In Your Life.'- Confucius`Enjoy
Quotes: 'I Have Opinions Of My Own -- Strong Opinions --But I Don't Always Agree With Them.'`George Bush
Quotes: I Just Got Out Of The Hospital. I Was In A Speed-Reading Accident. I Hit A Bookmark`Steven Wright
Quotes: I Killed A Killdeer. ...I Thought It Was A Dove`George W Bush
Quotes: I Know What I Believe. I Will Continue To Articulate What I Believe And What I Believe -- I Believe What I Believe Is Right`George W Bush
Quotes: I'll Come And Make Love To You At Five O'clock. If I'm Late, Start Without Me`Tallulah Bankhead
Quotes: I'll Make Him An Offer, He Don't Refuse`Don Vito Corleone
Quotes: I Love Coming To North Carolina. It's A Fabulou.S. State, Full Of Fabulous People`George W Bush
Quotes: Imagination Is More Important Than Knowledge`Albert Einstein
Quotes: I'm A Patient Man, Which Is Hard For Me To Believe`George W Bush
Quotes: I'm Living On A One-Way Dead End Street. I Don't Know How I Got There`Steven Wright
Quotes: I'm The Master Of Low Expectations`George W Bush
Quotes: I'm The Only Western Reporter Here In Baghdad`Peter Arnett
Quotes: Inertia Accounts For Two-Thirds Of Marriages. But Love Accounts For The Other Third`Woody Allen
Quotes: I Never Forget A Face, But In Your Case I'll Be Glad To Make An Exception`Groucho Marx
Quotes: 'In Future, Everyone Will Be Famous For 15 Minutes'`Andy Warhol
Quotes: 'In His Private Heart No Man Much Respects Himself.'`Mark Twain
Quotes: 'In My Free Time I Do Differential And Integral Calculus'`Karl Marx
Quotes: In Order To Be An Immaculate Member Of A Flock Of Sheep, One Must Above All Be A Sheep Oneself`Albert Einstein
Quotes: Intellectuals Solve Problems: Geniuses Prevent Them`Albert Einstein
Quotes: 'In This World Nothing Can Be Said To Be Certain, Except Death And Taxes'`Benjamin Franklin
Quotes: I Practice Safe Sex - I Use An Airbag`Garry Shandling
Quotes: I Refuse To Answer That Question On The Grounds That I Don't Know The Answer`Douglas Adams
Quotes: '__________ Is Almost A Contradiction In Terms. It Means A Strong Desire To Live Taking The Form Of A Readiness To Die.'- G. K. Chesterton`Courage
Quotes: '_____________ Is A Relentless Master. It Has No Present, Only The Past Rushing Into The Future. To Try To Hold Fast Is To Be Swept Aside.'- John Fitzgerald Kennedy`History
Quotes: '__________ Is A Vast Early Warning System.'- Norman Cousins`History
Quotes: '__________ Is A Word Used In Advertising Circles To Refer To Any Incident To Which The Word 'Emergency' Cannot Be Applied.'- Fred Allen`Crisis
Quotes: '___________ Is Gone. Tomorrow Has Not Yet Come. We Have Only Today. Let U.S. Begin.'- Mother Teresa`Yesterday
Quotes: '_______________ Is Interest Paid On Trouble Before It Is Due.'- William Inge`Worry
Quotes: '________ Is Nature's Way Of Keeping Everything From Happening At Once.'- Unknown`Time
Quotes: '_____________ Is Not A Bad Profession. If You Succeed There Are Many Rewards, If You Disgrace Yourself You Can Always Write A Book.' - Ronald Reagan`Politics
Quotes: '_____________ Is Not Ours To Recover, But Tomorrow Is Ours To Win Or Lose.'- Lyndon B. Johnson`Yesterday
Quotes: ' Is Not The Absence Of Fear, But Rather The Judgement That Something Else Is More Important Than Fear.'- Ambrose Redmoon`Courage
Quotes: '_________ Is Of Two Kinds: First, Altering The Position Of Matter At Or Near The Earth's Surface Relative To Other Matter: Second, Telling Other People To Do It.'- Bertrand Russell (1872 - 1970)`Work
Quotes: '___________ Is One Of The Permanent And Certain Characteristics Of A Vigorous Mind, '- Samuel Johnson - 1751`Curiosity
Quotes: '____________ Is Perhaps The Most Equally Divided, But Surely The Most Underemployed Talent In The World.'-Christine Collange`Common Sense
Quotes: '_____________ Is The Art Of Preventing People From Busying Themselves With Their Own Business.'- Paul Valery`Politics
Quotes: '___________ Is The Best Of All Instructors.'- Publilius Syrus`Practice
Quotes: '____________ Is The Collection Of Prejudices Acquired By Age Eighteen.'- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)`Common Sense
Quotes: '_________ Is The First Of Human Qualities Because It Is The Quality Which Guarantees All Others.'- Winston Churchill`Courage
Quotes: '______________ Is The Inner Voice Which Warns Us Somebody May Be Looking.'- Henry Louis Mencken - 1949`Conscience
Quotes: '____________ Is The Knack Of Seeing Things As They Are, And Doing Things As They Ought To Be Done.'-Josh Billings`Common Sense
Quotes: '_____________ Is The Last Resort Of The Unimaginative.'- Oscar Wilde`Consistency
Quotes: '__________ Is The Main Quality Of Leadership, No Matter Where It Is Exercised.'- Walt Disney`Courage
Quotes: '_______________ Is The Version Of Past Events That People Have Decided To Agree Upon.'- Napoleon`History
Quotes: '_________ Is Turning One's Worst Moments Into Money.'- J.P. Donleavy`Writing
Quotes: '___________ Is Unbearable, But It Is Less Unbearable At The Top.'- Timothy Leary`Civilization
Quotes: I Think People Should Be Free To Engage In Any Sexual Practices They Choose: They Should Draw The Line At Goats Though`Elton John
Quotes: I Think There Is A World Market For Maybe Five Computers`Thomas Watson
Quotes: I Think There Is Some Methodology In My Travels`George W Bush
Quotes: 'It Isn't Pollution That Is Harming The Environment. It's The Impurities In Our Air And Water That Are Doing It.'`Dan Quayle
Quotes: It Makes Up For The Strip Search`Woody Allen
Quotes: It's An Unimaginable Honour To Be The President Of Such A Fabulous Country. I Say 'Fabulous Country' Because There Is No Doubt In My Mind We Can Achieve Anything We Put Our Mind To`George W Bush
Quotes: 'It's Clearly A Budget. It's Got A Lot Of Numbers In It.'`George W Bush
Quotes: "Its not that I'm afraid to die. I just don't want to be there when it happens"`allen
Quotes: It's So Simple To Be Wise. Just Think Of Something Stupid To Say And Then Don't Say It`Sam Levenson
Quotes: I've Been To War. I've Raised Twins. If I Had A Choice, I'd Rather Go To War`George W Bush
Quotes: I've Changed My Style Somewhat, As You Know. I'm Less--I Pontificate Less, Although It May Be Hard To Tell It From This Show. And I'm More Interacting With People`George W Bush
Quotes: I've Coined New Words, Like, 'Misunderstanding' And 'Hispanically'`George W Bush
Quotes: I've Got About The Attention Span Of A Gnat On Speed`Thom Yorke
Quotes: 'I Was Raised In The West. The West Of Texas. It's Pretty Close To California. In More Ways Than Washington, D.C., Is Close To California.'`George W Bush
Quotes: I Was Recently On A Tour Of Latin America, And The Only Regret I Have Was That I Didn't Study Latin Harder In School So I Could Converse With Those People`Dan Quayle
Quotes: I Was Thrown Out Of College For Cheating On The Metaphysics Exam: I Looked Into The Soul Of Another Boy`Woody Allen
Quotes: 'I Work Only According To The God's Instruction.' These Words Were Uttered By Which Infamous Dictator`Idi Amin
Quotes: Let Me Put It To You This Way, I Am Not A Revengeful Person`George W Bush
Quotes: Let Me See If I Can Put This Into English, Or Texan`George W Bush
Quotes: 'Life Is An Incurable __________.'- Abraham Cowley`Disease
Quotes: 'Life Is ______________ Before One Knows What It Is.'-French Proverb`Half Spent
Quotes: 'Life Is Infinitely __________ Than The Mind Of Man Can Imagine.'- A. Conan Doyle`Stranger
Quotes: 'Life Is Like A Beautiful Melody, Only The ___________ Are Messed Up.'- Anonymous`Lyrics
Quotes: 'Life Is Like Riding A _________. You Don't Fall Off Unless You Plan To Stop Pedaling.'- Claude Pepper`Bicycle
Quotes: 'Life Is What Happens While You Are Busy _______________.'- John Lennon`Making Other Plans
Quotes: 'Life Would Be Infinitely Happier If We Could Only Be Born At The Age Of ___________ And Gradually Approach Eighteen.'- Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)`Eighty
Quotes: Listen, It's A Healthy Debate For People To Express Their Opinion. People Should Be Allowed To Express Their Opinion. But America Needs To Know, I'll Be Making Up My Mind Based Upon The Latest Intelligence And How Best To Protect Our Own Country Plus Our Friends And Allies`George W Bush
Quotes: 'Listen Or Thy __________ Will Keep Thee Deaf.'- American Indian Proverb`Tongue
Quotes: Listen, We'll Answer Two Questions A Side, Alternating. Please Address -- So Don't -- One Of These Things Where You Ask Me And Ask The Prime Minister, Or Vice Versa. Let's Just Ask One Question To One Of Us As We Rotate Back And Forth, If You Don't Mind`George W Bush
Quotes: 'Live As If You Were To ___________. Learn As If You Were To Live Forever.'- Mohandas K. Ghandi`Die Tomorrow
Quotes: 'Love Is Like A ___________. It Goes Where It Pleases And It Pleases Where It Goes.'- Unknown`Butterfly
Quotes: 'Love Is The Triumph Of Imagination Over _____________.'- H. L. Mencken`Intelligence
Quotes: (Luis Bunuel) Thank God That I Am Still An`Atheist
Quotes: '____________ Make The Man. Naked People Have Little Or No Influence On Society.'- Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)`Clothes
Quotes: Many Wise Words Are Spoken In Jest, But They Don't Compare With The Number Of Stupid Words Spoken In Earnest`Sam Levenson
Quotes: (Mark Twain) Man Is The Only Animal That Blushes, Or`Needs To
Quotes: 'Marriage Is A Wonderful Invention But So Is The Bicycle Repair Kit`Laurence Olivier
Quotes: '_____________. Millions Of People Being Lonesome Together.'- Henry David Thoreau`City Life
Quotes: (Montaigne) Obstinacy And Dogmatism Are The Surest Signs Of Stupidity. Is There Anything More Confident, Resolute, Disdainful, Grave And Serious Than An`Ass
Quotes: '_____________ Music Is The Kind We Keep Thinking Will Turn Into A Tune.'- Kin Hubbard (1869 - 1930)`Classical
Quotes: My Apartment Was Robbed And Everything Was Replaced With Exact Replicas...I Told My Roommate And He Said 'Do I Know You?'`Steven Wright
Quotes: My Computer Goes Down On Me More Often Than My Girlfriend`Robert Paul
Quotes: My Father Taught Me To Work: He Did Not Teach Me To Love It`Abraham Lincoln
Quotes: 'My Father Warned Me About Booze And Men, But He Never Mentioned A Word About Cocaine And Women, '`Tallulah Bankhead
Quotes: My, We Have Got A Fabulous United States Military`George W Bush
Quotes: My Wife Wears A Good Republican Cloth Coat`Richard Nixon
Quotes: (Napoleon) There Is No Place In A Fanatics Head, Where`Reason Can Enter
Quotes: 'Nice Guys Finish Last'`Leo Durocher
Quotes: Nobody In Football Should Be Called A Genius. A Genius Is A Guy Like Norman Einstein`Joe Theismann
Quotes: No Child In America Should Be Left Behind In This Country`George W Bush
Quotes: No Great Genius Has Ever Existed Without Some Touch Of Madness`Aristotle
Quotes: No one ever went broke underestimating the inteligence of the American public`p.t.barnum
Quotes: 'Oh My, How Very Important. I'll Alert The Galaxy'`Aris Boch
Quotes: Old Soldiers Never Die They Just`Fade Away
Quotes: One Of My Favorites. The Only One I Remember`George W Bush
Quotes: On Teaching, Seneca Wrote, 'It Is When The Gods Hate A Man With Uncommon Abhorrence That They Drive Him Into The Profession Of A ____________.'`Schoolmaster
Quotes: Open Channel D`Solo
Quotes: (Oscar Wilde) Experience Is The Name Everyone Gives To`Their Mistakes
Quotes: Oscar Wilde Is Quoted As Saying, 'One Should Always Be In Love. That Is The Reason One Should Not...' What`Marry
Quotes: 'Politics Gives Guys So Much Power That They Tend To Behave Badly Around Women. And I Hope I Never Get Into That'`Bill Clinton
Quotes: 'Politics Has Become So _________ That It Takes A Lot Of Money To Even Be Defeated.'- Will Rogers`Expensive
Quotes: 'Politics Is War Without Bloodshed While War Is Politics With ___________.'- Mao Zedong (1893-1976)`Bloodshed
Quotes: Power Corrupts, And Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely`John Emerich Edward Acton
Quotes: 'Power Corrupts, And Absolute Power Corrupts ___________.'- Anon`Absolutely
Quotes: 'Power Is The Ultimate Aphrodisiac'`Henry Kissinger
Quotes: 'Power Is The Ultimate ____________.'- Henry Kissinger - 1971`Aphrodisiac
Quotes: 'Public Service Is My Motto'`Al Capone
Quotes: Put Your Hand On A Hot Stove For A Minute, And It Seems Like An Hour. Sit With A Pretty Girl For An Hour, And It Seems Like A Minute. That's Relativity`Albert Einstein
Quotes: Reading Computer Manuals Without The Hardware Is As Frustrating As Reading Sex Manuals Without The Software`Arthur C. Clarke
Quotes: 'Religion___ Is The Opiate Of The Masses'`Karl Marx
Quotes: 'Researchers Have Discovered That Chocolate Produces Some Of The Same Reactions In The Brain As Marijuana... The Researchers Also Discovered Other Similarities Between The Two, But Can't Remember What They Are.'`Mayy Lauer
Quotes: 'Ronald Reagan Doesn't Dye His Hair: He Bleaches His Face'`Johnny Carson
Quotes: Said 'A Woman Without A Man Is Like A Fish Without A Bicycle.'`Gloria Steinem
Quotes: Said "I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members."`groucho marx
Quotes: (Sam Goldwyn) Coffee Isn't My`Cup Of Tea
Quotes: (Sam Goldwyn) Colour-Television. I Don't Believe That, Until I Have Seen It`Black On White
Quotes: (Sean Connery) I Am Not Vicious. I Am`Scottish
Quotes: Sex Is Better Than Talk...Talk Is What You Suffer Through So You Can Get To Sex`Woody Allen
Quotes: Sex Is More Fun Than Cars But Cars Refuel Quicker Than Men`Germaine Greer
Quotes: Sex Is The Most Beautiful Thing That Can Take Place Between A Happily Married Man And His Secretary`Barry Humphries
Quotes: '__________ Should Be Read, But Neither Seen Nor Heard.'- Daphne Du Maurier`Writers
Quotes: '____________ Should Merely Indicate Where The Smiles Have Been.'- Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)`Wrinkles
Quotes: 'Smoking Kills. If You're Killed, You've Lost A Very Important Part Of Your Life.'`Brooke Shields
Quotes: Sometimes When I Sleep At Night I Think Of 'Hop On Pop'`George W Bush
Quotes: (Sophia Loren) Thank You For The Compliment. But Everything You See, I Owe To`Spaghetti
Quotes: (Stendhal) Women Are Always Eagerly On The Lookout For Any`Emotion
Quotes: (Steven Wright) If You Shoot At Mimes, Should You`Use A Silencer
Quotes: (St. John Ervine) American Motion Pictures Are Written By The Half-Educated For The`Half-Witted
Quotes: Take the A Train.`duke ellington
Quotes: That All Matter Comes From Fire, Water, Earth And Air`Aristotle
Quotes: 'That's One Small Step For Man, One Giant Leap For Mankind'`Neil Armstrong
Quotes: The 50-50-90 Rule: Anytime You Have A 50-50 Chance Of Getting Something Right, There's A 90% Probability You'll Get It Wrong`Andy Rooney
Quotes: 'The Beatles Are Unfit For The Times.', Said A Presumably Shamefaced And (Understandably) Anonymous Record Company Executive. What Company Did This Musical Einstein Represent`Decca
Quotes: The Benefits Of Helping Somebody Is Beneficial`George W Bush
Quotes: The Best Way To Get A Bad Law Repealed Is To Enforce It Strictly`Abraham Lincoln
Quotes: 'The Best Way To Resist Temptation Is To Yield To It'`Oscar Wilde
Quotes: The Closest I Ever Came To A Menage-A-Trois Was When I Dated A Schizophrenic`Rita Rudner
Quotes: The First Part Of Your Question Is That -- Is Whether Or Not The Weapons Of Mass Destruction Question`George W Bush
Quotes: 'The Fundamental Question Is, 'Will I Be A Successful President When It Comes To Foreign Policy?'I Will Be, But Until I'm The President, It's Going To Be Hard For Me To Verify That I Think I'll Be More Effective.'`George W Bush
Quotes: 'The Greater Our Knowledge Increases, The More Our Ignorance Unfolds'`John F Kennedy
Quotes: 'The Greater Part Of Our Happiness Or Misery Depends On Our Disposition And Not Our Circumstances.'`Martha Washington
Quotes: 'The Greater The Difficulty, The More The Glory In Surmounting It.'`Epicurus
Quotes: 'The Greatest Happiness Of Life Is The Conviction That We Are Loved - Loved For Ourselves, Or Rather, Loved In Spite Of Ourselves.'`Victor Hugo
Quotes: 'The Greatest Of All Faults, I Should Say, Is To Be Conscious Of None.'`Thomas Carlyle
Quotes: 'The Great Masses Of The People Will More Easily Fall Victims To A Big Lie Than To A Small One.'`Adolf Hitler
Quotes: 'The Harder You ________, The Luckier You Get.'- Mcalexander`Work
Quotes: 'The Hardest Job Kids Face Today Is Learning ____________ Without Seeing Any.'- Fred Astaire`Good Manners
Quotes: 'The Hardest Thing In Life Is To Know Which __________ To Cross And Which To Burn.'- David Russell`Bridge
Quotes: 'The Hardest Thing To Understand In The World Is The.'- Albert Einstein (1875-1955)`Income Tax
Quotes: 'The Hunger For _______ Is Much More Difficult To Remove Than The Hunger For Bread.'- Mother Teresa`Love
Quotes: 'The Hunger For Love Is Much More Difficult To Remove Than The Hunger For Bread.'`Mother Teresa
Quotes: 'The Important Thing Is Not To Stop _____________.'- Albert Einstein (1875-1955)`Questioning
Quotes: The Internet Is A Great Way To Get On The Net'`Bob Dole
Quotes: Their's Was Not To Reason Why: Their's Was But To Do Or Die`Lord Tennyson
Quotes: 'The Last Of The Human _____________ Is To Choose One's Attitudes.'- Victor Frankl`Freedoms
Quotes: The Last Time I Was Inside A Woman Was When I Was Inside The Statue Of Liberty`Woody Allen
Quotes: 'The Less Things __________, The More They Remain The Same.'- Sicilian Proverb`Change
Quotes: The Light At The End Of The Tunnel Has Been Turned Off Due To Budget Cuts`Steven Wright
Quotes: The Line 'Dr Livingstone, I Presume!'`Henry Morton Stanley
Quotes: 'The Luckiest Man In The World Was Adam - He Had No _______________.'- Sholom Aleichem`Mother-In-Law
Quotes: 'The Mass Of Men Lead Lives Of Quiet Desperation'`Henry David Thoreau
Quotes: 'The Minute You Start _________ About What You Are Going To Do If You Lose, You Have Lost.'-George Schultz`Talking
Quotes: 'The Most Beautiful Thing We Can Experience Is The __________.'- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)`Mysterious
Quotes: The Most Beautiful Thing We Can Experience Is The Mysterious. It Is The Source Of All Art And Science`Albert Einstein
Quotes: The Most Expensive Habit In The World Is Celluloid, Not Heroin, And I Need A Fix Every Few Years`Steven Spielberg
Quotes: 'The Most Incomprehensible Thing About The World Is That It Is At All ______________.'- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)`Comprehensible
Quotes: 'The No-Mind Not-Thinks No-Thoughts About No-Things'`Buddha
Quotes: 'The ________ Of Money Is The Root Of All Evil.'- The Apostle Paul`Love
Quotes: 'The Old Believe Everything, The Middle-Aged Suspect Everything, The Young ___________________.'- Oscar Wilde`Know Everything
Quotes: 'The Price Of Greatness Is Responsibility.'`Winston Churchill
Quotes: 'There Are Three Kinds Of Lies: Lies, Damned Lies, And Statistics'`Mark Twain
Quotes: The Remarkable Thing About Television Is That It Permits Several Million People To Laugh At The Same Joke And Still Feel Lonely`T.S. Eliot
Quotes: 'The Reports Of My Death Are Greatly Exaggerated.'`Mark Twain
Quotes: There's Nothing Sexier Than A Lapsed Catholic`Woody Allen
Quotes: There You Are. You Look Just Like Yourself`George W Bush
Quotes: The Secret Of Creativity Is Knowing How To Hide Your Sources`Albert Einstein
Quotes: The Trouble With The World Is That The Stupid Are Cocksure And The Intelligent Are Full Of Doubt`Bertrundt Russel
Quotes: The Use Of Cobol Cripples The Mind: Its Teaching Should, Therefore, Be Regarded As A Criminal Offense`Edsgar Dijkstra
Quotes: 'The Victor Will Never Be Asked If He Told The Truth'`Adolf Hitler
Quotes: 'The Way Of The Warrior Is The Resolute Acceptance Of Death'`Miyamoto Musashi
Quotes: 'The _______________ We Do Immediately. The Unconstitutional Takes A Little Longer.'- Henry Kissinger`Illegal
Quotes: They Misunderestimated Me`George W Bush
Quotes: 'This Administration Is Doing Everything We Can To End The Stalemate In An Efficient Way. We're Making The Right Decisions To Bring The Solution To An End'`George W Bush
Quotes: This Is A Fabulous Country In Which We Live, It Is. And It's Because The People Are Fabulous`George W Bush
Quotes: (Thomas Henry Huxley) Logical Consequences Are The Scarecrows Of Fools And The Beacons Of`Wise Men
Quotes: (Thoreau) Rather Than Love, Than Money, Than Fame, Give Me`Truth
Quotes: 'Throw Your __________ Over The Fence And The Rest Will Follow!' - Norman Vincent Peale`Heart
Quotes: 'Times Fun When You're Having ______.'- Kermit The Frog`Flies
Quotes: 'Today Europe Tomorrow The World'`Adolf Hitler
Quotes: To Err Is Human, But To Really Foul Things Up You Need A Computer`Paul Ehrlich
Quotes: To Err Is Human, To Forgive`Divine
Quotes: 'To My Embarrassment I Was Born In Bed With A Lady.'`Wilson Mizner
quotes: "too bad she won't live! but then again who does"`blade runner
Quotes: Try Not To Become A Man Of Success, But Rather Try To Become A Man Of Value`Albert Einstein
Quotes: Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house...`moore
Quotes: Two Things Are Infinite: The Universe And Human Stupidity: And I'm Not Sure About The The Universe`Albert Einstein
Quotes: Ulysses S. Grant Sent An Urgent Message To The War Department Saying, 'I Will Not Move My Army Without _____.'`Onions
Quotes: United We Stand, Divided We Fall`Abraham Lincoln
Quotes: 'Veni, Vidi, Vici' (I Came, I Saw, I Conquered)`Julius Caesar
Quotes: War is hell.`william sherman
Quotes: W C Fields: After Two Days In Hospital, I Took A Turn For The`Nurse
Quotes: (W.C.Fields) I Am Free Of All Prejudice. I`Hate Everyone Equally
Quotes: W C Fields: I Don't Drink Water: Fish ____ In It`Fuck
Quotes: W C Fields: There's No Such Thing As A Tough ____ - If You Parboil Them First For Seven Hours, They Always Come Out Tender`Child
Quotes: 'We Must Have The Attitude That Every Child In America -Regardless Of Where They're Raised Or How They're Born-Can Learn.'`George W Bush
Quotes: 'We're Not In The Hamburger Business, We're In Showbusiness'`Ray Kroc
Quotes: 'What A Piece Of Work Is Man! How Noble In Reason! How Infinite In Faculty! In Form And Moving, How Express And Admirable! In Action, How Like An Angel! In Apprehension, How Like A God! The Beauty Of The World! The Paragon Of Animals!'`Hamlet
Quotes: What Did Architect Frank Lloyd Wright Call Chewing Gum For The Eyes`Television
Quotes: What Follows The Phrase 'Eye For Eye, Tooth For Tooth'`Hand For Hand, Foot For Foot
Quotes: What Leader Said, In 1938, 'This Is The Second Time In History That There Has Come Back From Germany To Downing Street Peace With Honour. I Believe It Is Peace For Our Time.'`Neville Chamberlain
Quotes: What Literary Classic Was Initially Rejected With The Comment, 'It Is Impossible To Sell Animal Stories In America.'`Animal Farm
Quotes: 'What, Me Worry'`Alfred E Neuman
Quotes: Whenever I Hear Any One Arguing For Slavery I Feel A Strong Impulse To See It Tried On Him Personally`Abraham Lincoln
Quotes: 'Whenever I Watch Tv And See Those Poor Starving Kids All Over The World, I Can't Help But Cry. I Mean I'd Love To Be Skinny Like That But Not With All Those Flies And Death And Stuff.'`Mariah Carey
Quotes: 'Whenever Meditating Over A Disease, I Never Think Of Finding A Remedy For It, But Instead A Means Of Preventing It`Louis Pasteur
Quotes: When The Academy Called, I Panicked. I Thought They Might Want Their Oscars Back And The Pawn Shop Has Been Out Of Business For A While`Woody Allen
Quotes: 'When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Get Going'`Knute Rockne
Quotes: When You Become Senile, You Won't Know It`Bill Cosby
Quotes: (Whitney Grisword) The Only Sure Weapon Against Bad Ideas Is`Better Ideas
QUOTES:Who said " a desperate disease requires a dangerous remedy"`Guy Fawkes
QUOTES:Who said "And so to bed"`Samuel Pepys
QUOTES: Who said "A week is a long time in politics"`Harold Wilson
QUOTES: Who said "Big brother is watching you "`George Orwell
QUOTES: Who said "Each generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it"`George Orwell
QUOTES:Who said "England expects that everyman will do his duty"`Horatio, Lord Nelson
QUOTES:Who said "England is a nation of shopkeepers"`Napoleon
QUOTES:Who said "Four legs good, two legs bad"`George Orwell
QUOTES:Who said "Guns will make us powerful, butter will only make us fat"`Hermann Goering
QUOTES: Who said " I am the enemy you killed, my friend"`Wilfred Owen
QUOTES:Who said "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants`Sir Isaac Newton
QUOTES:Who said "If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever"`George Orwell
QUOTES: Who said "i'm not against the police; I'm just afraid of them"`Alfred Hitchcock
QUOTES: Who said "Its a funny old world - a mans lucky if he gets out alive"`W C Fields
QUOTES: Who said "I've been accused of every death except the casualty list of the World War"`Al Capone
Quotes: who said "i was gratified to be able to answer so promptly"`mark twain
QUOTES:Who said "Kiss me, Hardy"`Horatio, Lord Nelson
QUOTES: Who said"Like all the best families we have our share of eccentricities, of impetuous and wayward youngsters`Elizabeth ii
quotes: who said "love is the greatest refreshment in life"`pablo picasso
Quotes: Who said "Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence"`hl mencken
QUOTES:Who said "She floats, she hesitates, in a word she's a woman"`Jean Racine
QUOTES: Who said "Thank God I have done my duty"`Horatio, Lord Nelson
QUOTES: Who said "this is the greatest week in the history of the world since creation"`richard nixon
QUOTES: Who said "We have to distrust each other its our only defence against betrayal"`Tennessee Williams
QUOTES:Who said " You are too young to fall asleep forever"`Siegfried Sassoon
QUOTES: Who wrote " The female of the species is more deadly than the male"`Kipling
Quotes: Why Pay A Dollar For A Bookmark? Why Not Use The Dollar For A Bookmark`Steven Spielberg
Quotes: With Fame I Become More And More Stupid, Which Of Course Is A Very Common Phenomenon`Albert Einstein
Quotes: With My Wife I Don't Get No Respect. I Made A Toast On Her Birthday To 'The Best Woman A Man Ever Had.' The Waiter Joined Me`Rodney Dangerfield
Quotes: 'Women Have Always Been The Guardians Of Wisdom And _________ Which Makes Them Natural, But Usually Secret, Rulers.'- Charlotte Wolff (1904-1986)`Humanity
Quotes: Women Need A Reason To Have Sex, Men Just Need A Place`Billy Crystal
Quotes: (Woody Allen) What If Everything Is An Illusion And Nothing Exists In That Case, I Definitely`Overpaid For My Carpet
Quotes: 'Words Make You Think A Thought. Music Makes You Feel A Feeling. A Song Makes You Feel A _________.'- E.Y. Harbug (1898 - 1981)`Thought
Quotes: 'Words Without _______ Are Like Sails Without Wind.'- Courier Record (Blackstone, Virginia)`Ideas
Quotes: 'Work And Pray, Live On Hay, You'll Get Pie In The Sky When You _______.'- Archilochus`Die
Quotes: 'Working With _____________ Is Like Getting Hit Over The Head With A Valentine.'Zzz- Christopher Plummer`Julie Andrews
Quotes: 'Work Is A Necessity For Man. Man Invented The _______________.'- Pablo Picasso`Alarm Clock
Quotes: 'Write It On Your ___________ That Every Day Is The Best Day In The Year.'- Ralph Waldo Emerson`Heart
Quotes: 'Years May Wrinkle The Skin. Lack Of __________ Will Wrinkle The Soul.'- Anonymous`Enthusiasm
Quotes: 'You Always Smile But In Your Eyes Your ___________ Shows.'- William Peter Horn`Sorrow
Quotes: 'You Are Either Part Of The ___________ Or Part Of The Problem.'- [Leroy] Eldridge Cleaver`Solution
Quotes: 'You Can Always Take What You Have And Make It ________.'- Ted Williams`Better
Quotes: 'You Can Discover What Your Enemy Fears Most By Observing The Means He Uses To ___________ You.'- Eric Hoffer`Frighten
Quotes: 'You Can Fool All The People Some Of The Time, And _____________________ All The Time, But You Cannot Fool All The People All The Time.'- Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)`Some Of The People
Quotes: 'You Can Get More With A Kind Word And A Gun Than You Can With A __________ Alone.'Al Capone (1899 - 1947)`Kind Word
Quotes: 'You Can Never Plan The ___________ By The Past.'- Edmund Burke`Future
Quotes: 'You Cannot Do A ______________ Too Soon Because You Never Know How Soon It Will Be Too Late.'- Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882)`Kindness
Quotes: 'You Can Observe A Lot By ____________.'- Yogi [Lawrence Peter] Berra`Watching
Quotes: 'You Can Stand Tall Without ______________ On Someone. You Can Be A Victor Without Having Victims.'- Harriet Woods`Standing
Quotes: 'You Can't Depend On Your Eyes When Your __________ Is Out Of Focus.'- Mark Twain (1835-1910)`Imagination
Quotes: 'You Can't Expect A Boy To Be Depraved Until He Has Been To A Really Good School.'`H.H. Munroe
Quotes: 'You Can't Have A Long Successful Career Without A ____________.'- Nolan Ryan`Positive Attitude
Quotes: 'You Can't Make A ___________ Out Of A Sow's Ear.'- Jonathan Swift`Silk Purse
Quotes: 'You Can't Shake Hands With A ________________.'- Indira Gandhi (1917 - 1984)`Clenched Fist
Quotes: 'You Come To Love Not By Finding The Perfect Person, But By Seeing An Imperfect Person __________.'- Sam Keen`Perfectly
Quotes: 'You Don't Get _________ When Everybody Sings The Same Note.'- Doug Floyd`Harmony
Quotes: 'You Get The Best Out Of Others When You Give The Best Of ___________.'- Harry Firestone`Yourself
Quotes: You Know The One Thing That's Wrong With This Country? Everyone Gets A Chance To Have Their Fair Say`Bill Clinton
Quotes: You Know When You Put A Stick In Water And It Looks Bent? That's Why I Never Take Baths`Steven Wright
Quotes: You're Soaking In It`Madge
Quotes: (Zsa Zsa Gabor) I Never Hated A Man So Much, That I Returned His`Diamonds
Qwest records is the personal label of this prominent black producer`quincy jones
Rabat is the capital of ______`morocco
Rabat is the capital of which country`Morocco
Rabbis considered as a group`rabbinate
Rabbits like _______`licorice
Rabbits love this black stuff`licorice
Racehorses have been known to wear out new ______ in one race`shoes
Rachael was the wife of _____`jacob
Racing Music Artists: Who did "Unchained" in 1981`van halen
Racing who was the second male actor to refuse a best actor oscar`marlon brando
'Racoon' is derived from a native American word that means`scratcher
radar is an example of a _____ word`palindromic
radar is a well known palindrome. name two other words related to transportation which are also palindromes`racecar kayak
Radiant with bright color: 'a maple tree ------ in autumn.'`ablaze
Radiating from or converging to a common center`radial
Radiation Military operations above the surface of the earth`air warfare
Radical political group responsible for the October Crisis of 1970 (Init.)`flq
Radical Russian Marxists are known as`bolsheviks
radioactive carbon, used for dating fossils`carbon 14
Radioactive: '-----chemistry.'`radio
Radioactive hydrogen isotope of atomic mass 3 & symbol 1h3 or t`tritium
Radioactive metallic element`plutonium
RADIO ALPHABET: What is the call sign for the letter A`alfa
RADIO ALPHABET: What is the call sign for the letter B`bravo
RADIO ALPHABET: What is the call sign for the letter E`echo
RADIO ALPHABET: What is the call sign for the letter F`foxtrot
RADIO ALPHABET: What is the call sign for the letter H`hotel
RADIO ALPHABET: What is the call sign for the letter I`india
RADIO ALPHABET: What is the call sign for the letter J`juliet
RADIO ALPHABET: What is the call sign for the letter K`kilo
RADIO ALPHABET: What is the call sign for the letter L`lima
RADIO ALPHABET: What is the call sign for the letter P`papa
RADIO ALPHABET: What is the call sign for the letter Q`quebec
RADIO ALPHABET: What is the call sign for the letter R`romeo
RADIO ALPHABET: What is the call sign for the letter S`sierra
RADIO ALPHABET: What is the call sign for the letter T`tango
RADIO ALPHABET: What is the call sign for the letter V`victor
RADIO ALPHABET: What is the call sign for the letter W`whiskey
RADIO ALPHABET: What is the call sign for the letter X`xray
RADIO ALPHABET: What is the call sign for the letter Y`yankee
Radiohead's baby has got this, a divers problem`the bends
Radiophobia is the fear of`radiation, x-rays
Raging: uncontrollable: '----- thirst.'`rabid
Ragtime piano music`honky-tonk
Raiders what is the oakland raiders' motto`commitment to excellence
Railings on a balcony are called a..`baulstrade
Rainbow and speckled are types of what fish`trout
Rainfall is measured with a`ombrometer
Rainfall not absorbed by soil`runoff
"Raison d'etre" means`reason for existence
Ra is the chemical symbol for which element`radium
Raleigh is the capital of ______`north carolina
Ralph and Carolyn Cummins had ____ children between 1952 and 1966, all were born on the 20 February`five
Ralph and Carolyn Cummins had ____ children between 1952 and 1966, all were born on the 20 February`five`5
Ralph Freeman designed which Australian landmark`sydney harbour bridge
Ramones motto "_____ _____ hey!"?`gabba gabba
Ramon Mercador assassinated whom`leon trotsky
Ranch what famous building did sir john vanbrugh design`blenheim palace
Randall and hopkirk deceased had been recently resurrected. who played marty hopkirk in the original series`kenneth cope
Random: haphazard`chancy
Randy Meisner, Bernie Leadon, Don Henley, Glen Fry were part of which band`the eagles
Randy Travis said his love was 'deeper than the ______'`holler
Range of audibility: earshot`hearings
Range of vision, comprehension, or experience: outlook`purview
Range of vision`kenning
Rangoon is the capital of ______`burma
Ranidaphobia is a fear of ______`frogs
Ranidaphobia is the fear of`frogs
Rank growth of such plants`weed
rank & name of the mad scientist on "hogan's heroes"`private carter
rank of a knight between bachelor and baron?`banneret
_____ ____ ranks as the number one sexual act desired by heterosexual men.`oral sex
Ranks: Both the _____ and SCV have the same Rank`Marine
Ranks: Both the Marine and _____ have the same Rank`SCV
Ranks: What is the Rank of a Battlecruiser`Commodore
Ranks: What is the Rank of a Dropship`Warrant Officer
Ranks: What is the Rank of a Firebat`Corporal
Ranks: What is the Rank of a Ghost`Specialist
Ranks: What is the Rank of a Goliath`First Sergeant
Ranks: What is the Rank of a Marine`Private
Ranks: What is the Rank of a Medic`First Lieutenant
Ranks: What is the Rank of a Valkyrie`Lieutenant Commander
Ranks: What is the Rank of a Vulture`Sergeant
Ranks: What is the Rank of a Wraith`Captain
Ranks: What Terran unit has no Rank`Science Vessel
Ranma's father in Ranma 1/2 is transformed into this animal`panda
Rapacious: predatory`ravenous
Rapacious: predatory`vulturous
Rapacious: ravenous`lupine
Rap group 2 Live Crew tells it their way and gets banned in`florida
Rap group 2 Live Crew tells it their way & gets banned in`florida
Rapidity: swiftness`fastness
Rapid movement from one note to a non-adjacent note is what`tremolo
Rapists in Nambia can choose either __________ or 20 years of hard labor.`castration
Rap: Name the first band signed to Beastie Boys Grand Royal record label`luscious jackson
Rap: This female musician wants you to sing her a happy song`melissa ferrick
Rap Trivia: A Tribe Called Quest joined this group for the rap "Scenario."`leaders of the new school
Rap Trivia: Gave us "Blue Cheese" (abbreviation)`umcs
Rap Trivia: He rapped the title track to the first gang violence film, "Colors."`ice-t
Rap Trivia: Told us he'd "rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6."`ice cube
Rap Trivia: "You on point, 'Tip" "___ ___ ____, ____."`all the time fife
Rap: Which band is the house band for Where in the World is Carmen Sandiago`rockappella
Rarity of appearance or occurrence: 'antiques that are valued for their scarcity.'`scarcities
Raspberry, dewberry and blackberry are all members of what family`rose
Rasputin, the Mad Monk of Russia, was in rapid succession, poisoned, shot, raped, castrated and then drowned. His penis, a massive 12 3/4 inches long, was apparently retrieved and carefully preserved in a specially made ________-_____ box.`velvet-lined
Rathbone what was tarzan's true identity`lord greystoke
Rather dark in color: 'dusky skin.'  dark`duskier
Ratio of the mass of a body to its volume, usually expressed as its specific gravity`density
Rats can swim for a 1/2 mile without resting, and they can tread water for _____ days straight`three
Rats can swim for a 1/2 mile without resting, and they can tread water for _____ days straight`three`3
rats, mice, beavers and squirrels are all ______`rodents
Rats, mice, beavers, and squirrels are all `rodents
Rats, mice, beavers, and squirrels are all`Rodents
Rave Culture: An underground party, with lots of dance music.`rave
Rave Culture:, an archive of rave info, gets its name from a song by this band.`the shamen
Rave Culture: MDMA & Extasy refer to one type of`drug
Rave Culture:Rave Culture: Raves are typically held at this time.`night
Rave culture raves are typically held at this time`night
Rave Culture: These types of beverages are commonly available at raves.`smart drinks
Raw material, as for artistic creation`fodder
Raw vegetebles served as an hors d'oeuvre are called what`crudites
Ray and Dave Davies were members of what group`the kinks
Ray charles plays piano and what other instrument`saxophone
ray charles plays piano & what other instrument`saxophone
Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder, and Jose Feliciano share what physical characteristic`blindness
ray charles was born blind true or false`false
Ray charles went blind at what age`six years old
ray charles went blind at what age`six years old`6 years class
ray charles went blind at what age`six years old`6 years old
Rays Are Wavy, Instead Of Straight Like Those Of A Mullet`Estoile
Ray Saunders built what famous Vancouver landmark`gastown steam clock
reached no 2 in april 1990"opposites attract name the female singer`paula abdul
Reaching number two in the charts in 1991, which was the first hit single for Right Said Fred`i'm too sexy
Reaching number two in the UK charts in 1991, which was the first hit single for Right Said Fred`i'm too sexy
Reaching or including only half or a portion: partial: '------- measures.'`halfway
Readily accessible: 'found a handy spot for the hammer.'`handier
Readily accessible: 'found a ----- spot for the hammer.'`handy
Readily capable of adapting or of being adapted: 'an -------- worker: -------- clothing for children with special needs.'`adaptive
Readily perceived: appreciable`sensible
Readily reacting to suggestions, influences, appeals, or efforts: 'a ---------- student.'`responsive
Readily relied on: dependable: 'a ---------- assistant.'`calculable
Readily understood: clear or obvious`apparent
Readiness to be persuaded: pliability`facilities
Ready or willing`lief
Ready or willing to receive favorably: '--------- to their proposals.'`receptive
Ready to accept or acquiesce: willing: 'She was content to step down after four years as chief executive.'`contented
Reagan and Nancy Davis What 19th century novelist spent his last days as an inspector at New York's Customs House`Herman Melville
real gone kid was a top 10 hit for who`deacon blue
Real ______, kept below 55 degrees F, will sweat when brought too quickly to room temperature?`Chocolate
Real last name of Madonna`ciccone
Really hard Maths: 1 + 1 =`2
Really hard Maths: 1 + 2 =`3
Really hard Maths: 1 + 3 =`4
Really hard Maths: 1 + 4 =`5
Really hard Maths: 1 + 5 =`6
Really hard Maths: 1 + 6 =`7
Really hard Maths: 1 + 7 =`8
Really hard Maths: 1 + 8 =`9
Really hard Maths: 1 + 9 =`10
Really hard Maths: 1 x 1 =`1
Really hard Maths: 1 x 2 =`2
Really hard Maths: 1 x 3 =`3
Really hard Maths: 2 x 2 =`4
Really hard Maths: 2 x 3 =`6
Really hard Maths: 50 - 50 =`0
Really hard Maths: 50 + 50 =`100
real name is Frances Gumm`judy garland
Real Name Is Jerome Silberman`Gene Wilder
Real Name Is John Carter`Charlton Heston
real name is john`hannibal
real name is Malden Sukilovitch, appeared in the TV series 'Streets of San Francisco'`karl malden
Real Name Is Mary Francis Reynolds`Debbie Reynolds
real name is Melvin Kaminsky`mel brooks
real name is Ramon Estevez (full name)`martin sheen
Real Name Was Erich Weiss`Houdini
Real Name Was Gordon Matthew Sumner`Sting
real name was Marion Morrison`john wayne
real name was Ruby Stevens (full name)`barbara stanwyck
Reams and quires are units of measure for`paper
Reasoning from the general to the specific: deduction`syllogism
Rebelling against the leadership of a political party`insurgent
rebellion were the 'Bloody Assizes' presided over by the infamous Judge Jeffreys`duke of monmouth
rebellious march to the sea`mahatma ghandi
Rebounding of shell or bullet`ricochet
---------- recapitulation is the reason our extremities develop faster than the rest of us`cephalacaudal
Received or inherited from a father: 'a -------- trait.'`paternal
Recent Books Include 'Crisis Four' And 'Firewall'`Andy Mcnab
recent books include 'Shattered' and 'Second Wind'`dick francis
Receptive to change: adaptable: 'pliable attitudes.'`pliability
Recklessly wasteful: wildly extravagant`profligacy
Reconciliation or an instance of reconciliation between God and humans`atonement
Reconnaissance squadron into where does the 53rd weather reconnaissance squadron fly`tropical storms
Record Did Babe Ruth Break When He Hit 60 Home Runs In 1927`His Own
Record labels: the logo for this label features people dancing`tommy boy
Record labels: this early neil diamond label has a gun in its logo`bang
Record labels: this fat man label group included kama sutra records`buddah
Record labels: todd rundgrens label, or the town goldilocks wandered into`bearsville
Record labels: u2s label is polygram`island
Record labels: what is bjorks current label 1994`elektra
Record labels: what is l7s current label 1994`reprise
Record labels: what is shonen knifes current label 1994`virgin
Record labels: what is superchunks current label`merge
Record labels: what is the jesus and mary chains current label 1994`warner brothers
Record labels: what is the name of the record label that madonna owns`maverick
record of 61 home runs in one major league season`roger`aquamarine
record of 61 home runs in one major league season`roger maris
Recovery of something pawned or mortgaged`redemption
Recurring daily. Used especially of attacks of malaria`quotidian
Recurring or moving in cycles: '------al history.'`cyclic
Recycling one glass jar, saves enough energy to watch T.V for ________ hours`three
Recycling one glass jar, saves enough energy to watch T.V for ________ hours`three`3
Recycling one glass jar, saves enough energy to watch t.v for _____`three
recycling one glass jar, saves enough energy to watch t.v for _____`three hours
Red blood cells are produced in the ________`bone marrow
Red cosmetic used to colour cheeks`rouge
Reddish-brown colour alluding to hair`auburn
Reddish brown wood used to make furniture`mahogany
Reddish: rosy`ruddier
Redeemer Christianity. Jesus`redeemer
Red iron oxide is more commonly known as what`rust
Red mercuric sulfide used as a pigment`cinnabar
Red`yellow blue red`yellow blue red
Reeves who produced 'sgt pepper's lonely hearts club band'`george martin
Refracting light without spectral color separation`achromatic
Refreshment of body or mind: recreation: 'played golf for ----------.'`relaxation
Refusal of a group to trade or associate with another group, an individual, an organization, or a nation?`boycott
Refuse: rubbish`offal
Refuse: trash`garbage
Regarded as characteristic of an uncle, especially in benevolence or tolerance`avuncular
Regarded as not being fully human`subhuman
Regarded with or worthy of worship or veneration: revered: 'a ---- book.'`holy
Reggae: What song has been sung by Bob Marley, Rod Stewart and Aretha Franklin`people get ready
Reggae: What was Bob Marley's first single, released by Leslie Kong in 1962`judge not
Reggae: What was Jimmy Cliff's character's name in the movie, "The Harder They Come"`ivan
Reggae: What was the number Frederick 'Toots' Hibbert wore when he was imprisoned`54-46
Reggae: Who did the "mosman Skank"`aswad
Reggae: Who first recorded "Pass the Kouchie"`the mighty diamonds
Reggae: Who sang about "The Israelites"`desmond dekker
Reggae: With whom did Peter Tosh sing "(You Got to Walk and) Don't Look Back"`mick jagger
Regional dialect differing from literary language`patois
Region of atmosphere beyond mesosphere`thermosphere
Region of SE France & NW Italy`riviera
Regligion : On which mountain did Moses receive the Ten Commandments`sinai
Regularly or customarily used: 'ended the speech with the ----- expressions of thanks.'`usual
Regularly recurring: 'plagued by -------- interruptions.'`constant
Regular oval shape`ellipse
Rehaven, elberta, desert gold & sunhaven are all varieties of _____`peaches
reign did the Pilgrimage of Grace take place`henry viii
Reign Of Terror Killed Some 3 Million People In Cambodia In The 1970's`Pol Pot
Rejected Authors: Cornhuskers`carl sandburg
Rejected Authors: Lord of the Flies`william golding
Rejected Authors: The Good Earth`pearl buck
Rejected Authors: Valley of the Dolls`jacqueline susann
Rejected Authors: Winesburg, Ohio`sherwood anderson
Rejection of all religious & moral priciples`nihilism
Relapse to a less perfect or developed state`regression
Related in origin, as certain words in genetically related languages descended from the same ancestral root: for example, English name and Latin nmen`cognate
Relating or adapted to the production of good or improved offspring`eugenic
Relating to a device capable of using two polarizations, such as a transistor that uses positive and negative charge carriers`bipolar
Relating to agricultural or rural matters`agrarian
Relating to both lips`bilabial
Relating to, characteristic of, or concerned with commonplaces: ordinary`mundane
Relating to color perceived to have a saturation greater than zero`chromatic
Relating to conditions that exist at the earth's equator: '---------- heat.'`equatorial
Relating to construction or building`tectonic
Relating to conversation: conversational`colloquial
Relating to cookery what are 'lokshen', used in a type of Jewish soup`noodles
Relating to food a Charentais is a variety of what`melon
Relating to food of what is 'lollo biondo' a variety`lettuce
Relating to food, what are 'loquats'`fruit
Relating to food what are 'quenelles' type of`dumpling
Relating to food what is another name for 'tamarillo'`tree tomato
Relating to food what is 'halloumi'`cypriot cheese
Relating to food what is 'pancetta' a type of`bacon
Relating to food, what is 'Polenta' made from`cornmeal
Relating to food what is porcini a type of`mushroom
Relating to food what meat is the dish 'saltimbocca' made with`veal
Relating to or befitting a person born free`freeborn
Relating to or being a body part analogous to the humerus`humidified
Relating to or being a commodity or resource, such as solar energy or firewood, that is inexhaustible or replaceable by new growth`renewable
Relating to or being a freak: 'a -------- extra toe.'`freakish
Relating to or being a system of simultaneous communication of two or more messages on the same wire or radio channel`multiplex
Relating to or being stock or securities not listed on a stock exchange`unlisted
Relating to or causing unusual swelling`varicose
Relating to or characteristic of death`mortuaries
Relating to or characteristic of skeptics or skepticism`sceptical
Relating to or characteristic of skeptics or skepticism`skeptical
Relating to or characteristic of the clergy: clerical`reverend
Relating to or characteristic of the ------ virgins`vestal
Relating to or composed of two or more propulsion units`multistage
Relating to or connected with the armed forces or the profession of arms`martial
Relating to or consisting of a harmonic chord`chordal
Relating to or constituting a poem in this category, such as a sonnet or an ode`lyric
Relating to or constituting a poem in this category, such as a sonnet or an ode`lyrics
Relating to or containing advice, especially a warning: 'an advisory memorandum regarding airworthiness.'`advisories
Relating to or dealing with shaping or modeling: 'the ------- art of sculpture.'`plastic
Relating to or directed toward a particular person, group, or purpose: 'called his father with -------- birthday wishes: gave -------- attention to the`especial
Relating to or executed by three parties: 'a ---------- agreement.'`tripartite
Relating to or exhibiting kinesis`kinetic
Relating to or exhibiting memory loss or mental impairment associated with aging`senile
Relating to or indicative of one's deepest nature: '-------- prayers.'`intimate
Relating to or inhabited by commuters: '------- suburbs.'`bedroom
Relating to or interested in sports`sportive
Relating to or resembling a sheath`vaginal
Relating to or situated on or close to the anterior aspect of the human body or the lower surface of the body of an animal`ventral
Relating to or using signals over a range of frequencies`broadband
Relating to, produced by, or involving reproduction that occurs without the union of male and female gametes, as in binary fission or budding`asexual
Relating to, providing, or undergoing training in a special skill to be pursued in a trade: '---------- students learning to operate a lathe.'`vocational
Relating to ---------s`homiletic
Relating to symptomatology`semiotic
Relating to the caudal end of the body in quadrupeds or the dorsal side in humans and other primates`posterior
Relating to the hypodermis`hypodermic
Relating to the physical self: 'a concern with ------- beauty rather than with inward reflections.'`outward
Relationship by marriage`affinities
Relationship by nature or character: affinity`kinship
Relatively advanced in age: 'Pamela is our ---est child.'`old
Relatively close to the fuselage of an aircraft: 'the ------- engines.'`inboard
Relatives: Aeneas' mom`aphrodite
Relatives: Isaac's mom`sarah
Relatives: James MacArthur's (Danno) mon`helen hayes
Relatives: Odysseus's son`telemachus
Relatives: Sargent Shriver's brother-in-law`john kennedy
Relatives: Warren Beatty's sister`shirley maclaine
Relaxing: '------- novels about country life.'`anodyne
Relax was a massive hit for which scouse band`Frankie goes to hollywood
Release from imprisonment provided by the payment of such money`bail
Release from imprisonment provided by the payment of such money`bailing
Release from life: death`quietus
Relevance: pertinence`relevancy
Relieving or soothing the symptoms of a disease or disorder without effecting a cure`palliative
Religion : Followers of the Unification Church are called ________`moonies
Religion : He led the Israelites out of Egypt`moses
Religion : He led the Mormons to the Great Salt Lake`young
Religion : He was the first King of the Hebrews`saul
Religion : He was the second King of Israel`david
Religion: In ancient Egypt which animal was considered sacred `Cat
Religion: In China why were kites flown on the ninth day of every month `To banish evil
Religion : In what month is Christmas observed`december
Religion : Name the holiest day in the Jewish calendar`yom kippur
Religion: What is the holy book of Islam `Koran
Religion: What religion was founded by Guru Nanak `Sikhism
Religion: What religion was founded by Lao-tzu `Taoism
Religion: What religion was founded by Siddhartha Gautama `Buddhism
Religion: Where was Methodism founded `Oxford University
Religion : Which city is sacred to Jews, Christians, and Muslims`jerusalem
Religion: Which group of people elect the pope `Cardinals
Religion: Which tree do Druids regard sacred `Oak
Religious ardor or zeal: piety`devotion
Religious initiation of Jewish boy at 13`bar mitzvah
Religious or spiritual fellowship`communion
Religious phenomenon in which a message is sent by God (or by a god) to human beings through an intermediary, or prophet?`prophecy
Religious restday`sabbath
Religious witchcraft especially as practised in the W.Indies`voodoo
Remaining as a residue`residual
Remaining free from dirt or decay: clean: '-------- mountain snow.'`pristine
Remaining in a place only a brief time: '--------- laborers.'`transient
Remaining in a state of virginity`virginal
Remaining to a person after taxes have been deducted: '---------- income.'`disposable
remains are elsewhere`cenotaph
Remarks intended to deceive: deceit. Often used in the plural`shenanigan
Remember !hof for top10, !report <problem> if you have a problem, !add <question>;<answer> if you'd like to contribute. Say Babe to win`Babe
remember when: who was john deutschendorf better known as`john denver
Remorse or contrition for past conduct or sin.  penitence`repentance
Removal of waste materials by means of a sewer system`sewerage
Remove forcibly or exile to another country`deport
R.E.M. song: "Take comfort in your friends."`everybody hurts
Rem tune if you could see yourself now baby, the tables are turned`bang and blame
REM Tune: "If you could see yourself now baby, the tables are turned"`bang & blame
Rem tune ive had my fun and now its time to spread your conscience overseas`orange crush
REM Tune: "I've had my fun & now its time to spread your conscience overseas"`orange crush
REM Tune: "Make your money with exploitation, Make it holy illumination"`king of comedy
REM Tune: "Put pepper in my coffee, I forgot to bark on command"`circus envy
Rem tune take this penny and make it into a necklace when i leave`auctioneer
REM Tune: "Take this penny & make it into a necklace when I leave"`auctioneer
Renaissance era a popular 15th-century form in england was the two-part`carol
Renaissance era kind of polyphony said to reach its ultimate degree of perfection 16th c`vocal
Renaissance era name one of the two best known spanish composers of the 16th century`morales
Renaissance era the principal english composer of the first half of the 15th century`john dunstable
Renaissance Era: Vocal style dominated but the beginning of an independant _____ style appeared.`instrumental
Renal failure is the failure of which organs`kidneys
Rene descartes & Pierre de Fermat are credited with significant development of _______ theory`probability
Rene Laennec invented which aid to medicine in 1819`stethoscope
'Rennet' is an extract from the stomachs of which animal`calves
rennet is used to make...`cheese
Reno The assassination of what country's Archduke led to World War I`Austria
Renown: fame`celebrity
reo speedwagon bust on the scene in 1971, but this chart topper which included the song "keep on loving you" came off this album in 1982`high infidelity
reo speedwagon bust on the scene in 1971, but this chart topper which included the song 'keep on loving you' came off which album in 1982`high infidelity
Repeating an initial instance: 'a second chance.'`seconded
Repeating an initial instance: 'a second chance.'`seconding
Repetition of the initial letter (generally a consonant) or first sound of several words, marking the stressed syllables in a line of poetry or prose?`alliteration
Replacement of a missing body part with such a device`prostheses
Reporters of which newspaper uncovered the Watergate scandal`washington post
Represented as if in a picture: '--------- prose.'`pictorial
Representing or arising from the possession of money or wealth: 'the triumph of ------- interests over landed interests.'`moneyed
Representing or arising from the possession of money or wealth: 'the triumph of moneyed interests over landed interests.'`monied
Reproductive cells of ferns and fungi`spores
Republic in south eastern Africa, formerly the British protectorate of Nyasaland, bounded on the north by Tanzania, on the east by Lake Nyasa (malawi), on the southeast & south by Mozambique, & on the west by Zambia`malawi
Republic in southeastern Europe, bounded on the north by Austria, on the northeast by Hungary, on the south by Croatia, and on the west by Italy.`slovenia
Republic in southern central America, bounded on the north by Nicaragua, on the east by the Caribbean Sea, on the southeast by Panama, &  on the southwest &  west by the Pacific Ocean`costa rica
Republic in south western Asia, located on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea`israel
Repugnant: nasty: '------ remarks.'`rancid
Repulsive or offensive: objectionable: 'an ugly remark.'`uglier
Required to move or act more rapidly: rushed`hurriedly
Requiring caution or skill: 'a ------ recipe.'`tricky
Requiring caution or skill: 'a tricky recipe.'`trickier
Requiring great care, effort, or attention: 'an -------- task.'  burdensome`exacting
Requiring much effort or expense: demanding`exigent
Requiring no training or skill: '--------- jobs: --------- labor.'`unskilled
Requiring or exhibiting courage and bravery.  brave`bold
Requiring or exhibiting little effort or endeavor: undemanding: 'took the easy way out of her problems: wasn't satisfied with easy answers.'`easier
Requiring or exhibiting little effort or endeavor: undemanding: 'took the ---- way out of her problems: wasn't satisfied with ---- answers.'`easy
Requiring or suitable to --------- storage`cryogenic
Requiring payment of money: 'a --------- offense.'`pecuniary
Requiring payment to a particular person or entity`payable
Requiring special tact or skill in handling: delicate: 'a touchy situation.'`touchier
res are only taking calls for cash'`your latest`german
res are only taking calls for cash'`your latest trick
Researchers claim that 9% of college students have engaged in a _______ _______.`golden showers
Researchers don't know why killer whales like to rub their sensitive stomachs on the bottom of shallow beaches, but they think it may be a form of`grooming
Research has shown that sex, angry outbursts, and strenuous tennis are among the triggers identified as responsible for __ percent of all heart attacks.`17
research indicates that ---------- are attracted to people who have recently eaten bananas`mosquitos
research indicates that mosquitos are attracted to people who have recently eaten----------`bananas
Resembling a berry or berries: an off-dry, ------- flavor (New York Times)`berried
Resembling a cavern, as in depth, vastness, or effect: 'a --------- yawn: --------- echoes.'`cavernous
Resembling a farce: ludicrous`farcical
Resembling a feather or plume`plumier
Resembling a feather or plume`plumy
Resembling a fin: finlike`finnier
Resembling a legume`leguminous
Resembling an ellipse in shape: elliptical`oval
Resembling a pronoun, as by specifying a person, place, or thing, while functioning primarily as another part of speech. His in his choice is a`pronominal
Resembling ashes, especially in color: very pale: 'A face ----- with grief.'`ashen
Resembling a spider's web: very fine: '------- handwriting.'`spidery
Resembling a willow tree, especially: Flexible: pliant`willowier
Resembling brass, as in color`brassier
Resembling bubbles: 'big, bubbly clouds.'`bubblies
Resembling down: 'downy white clouds.'`downier
Resembling down: '----- white clouds.'`downy
Resembling gas`gassier
Resembling gold, as in color or luster`gilts
Resembling gristle`gristlier
Resembling hooves: hooflike`ungulate
Resembling, imitative of, or suggestive of a man rather than a woman: 'a ------- stride.'  male`mannish
Resembling life in a monastery in style, structure, or manner, especially: Secluded and contemplative`monastic
Resembling or characteristic of a reptile`reptilian
Resembling or characteristic of a weed: 'a weedy plant.'`weedier
Resembling or suggestive of a feather, as in form or lightness`feathery
Resembling or suggestive of grass, as in color or odor`grassy
Resembling seeds or a seed`seedy
Resembling silver in color or luster: A fountain threw high its ------- water (Harriet Beecher Stowe)`silvery
Resembling slush, as in consistency`slushier
Resembling steel, as in color or hardness: 'steely eyes.'`steelier
Resembling the eye in form or function: '------ spots: an ------ organ.'`ocular
Resembling the grain of wood`grainier
Resembling wire in form or quality, especially in stiffness: 'wiry red hair.'`wirier
Resembling wool`woolier
Resentful or bitter in rivalry: envious: '------- of the success of others.'`jealous
Reserved in manner`diffident
Reserve or propriety in speech, dress, or behavior`modesties
res, For Telling Them They Are Not`Bores
Residential & business district, Manhattan, New York City`harlem
Residing in or dependent on essential nature: intrinsic: 'the -------- contradictions of the theory.'`internal
Resin used for making varnish`shellac
Resistant to stain or corrosion: '--------- metal.'`stainless
Resisting control: difficult to control`restive
Respectful attention or consideration: 'grateful for the teacher's ------.'`notice
Respectful attention or consideration: 'grateful for the teacher's notice.'`noticed
Responsible to higher authority: accountable: '-------- to the law.'  responsible`amenable
Responsive to external conditions or stimulation`sensitive
Restlessly active or nervous: restive`skittish
Restless or nervous`itchier
Restrained or reserved in style`reticent
Restrained or reserved in style`retina
Restraint in the use of or abstinence from alcoholic liquors.  abstinence`temperance
Restricted entirely to the mind: subjective`immanence
Restricted to theory: not practical: '---------al physics.'`theoretic
Resulting from exposure to something, such as an antigen or antibiotic`acquired
Resulting from or marked by a lack of honesty`dishonest
Resulting from stupidity or misinformation: unwise: 'a ------- decision.'`foolish
Resulting from the action of fast-flowing streams: '---------- erosion.'`torrential
Resulting from willfulness and obstinacy`headstrong
Resulting or likely to result in misfortune: inauspicious.  unfortunate`unluckier
Result of an act--- or process: 'indent---.'`ion
Results of a survey show that 76 percent of women make their bed every day, compared to ------- percent of men.`fourty six
"retro" is latin for what`backward
Return, as for an injury or friendly act`requital
Revealing no emotion: expressionless`impassive
Revealing previously unknown information`tellingly
Reverend Ian Paisley can use three initials after his name to indicate that he is a member of the new Northern Ireland Parliament. What are they`mla
reversed`biscuits and cookies
Revival of classical art and literature in the 14-16th century`renaissance
Revolving gate with arms`turnstile
Rhabdophobia is the fear of`being severely punished
Rhabdophobia is the fear of`being severely punished`beaten by a rod
Rhetorical understatement`meioses
Rheumatoid arthritis`rheumatism
Rhinoceros horn, when powered, is believed in some countries to increase a persons`sexual potency
rhinos are in the same family as---------- , and are thought to have inspired the myth of the unicorn`horses
rhinos are in the same family as horses, and are thought to have inspired the myth of the----------`unicorn
rhoda was a spinoff from what other popular tv show`mary tyler moore`chang
Rhoda was a spinoff from what other popular tv show`mary tyler moore show
Rhode Island's providence atheneum was used by a poet to court his sweetheart`edgar allen poe
Rhyme Time: athenian cliff`greek peak
Rhyme Time: consume muscle`eat meat
Rhyme Time: great boat`large barge
Rhyme Time: identical toy`same game
Rhyme Time: noise vest`racket jacket
Rhypophobia is the fear of`dirt
Rhytiphobia is the fear of`getting wrinkles
Ribbons, feathers & rosettes on hats are called:`cockaues
Ribbon shaped pasta`tagliatelle
Rice originated from what continent`Asia
Rice what was lestat's mother's name`gabrielle
Rich and sumptuous: 'A grand meal was laid before them.'`grander
Rich and sumptuous: 'A ----- meal was laid before them.'`grand
Richard Clayderman played a ballad for`Adeline
Richard Drew came up with this 'sticky' invention in 1929`scotch tape
Richard Drew produced an all purpose sticky tape, under what name was it sold in Europe`sellotape
Richard Gere was married to which model`cindy crawford
Richard II died aged __ in 1400. A hole was left in the side of his tomb so people could touch his royal head, but 376 years later some took advantage of this and stole his ______`33 & jawbone
Richard II died aged __ in 1400. A hole was left in the side of his tomb so people could touch his royal head, but 376 years later some took advantage of this and stole his`33 & jawbone`33 and jawbone
Richard iii belonged to which royal house`york
Richard I was the son of which English monarch`henry ii
Richard M Nixon was the President of the US from 1969-1974 What does the M stand for`Milhous
Richard Nixon published a book called __________`six crisis
Richard Nixon was the 1st U S president to visit China in february of what year`1972
Rich blue-veined Italian cheese`gorgonzola
Rich crescent shaped roll`croissant
Rich flavoured underground fungus`truffle
Richly colored: resplendent`flamboyant
Richmond is the capital of ______`virginia
Richness or significance, especially in evoking an association or strong emotion: It is home and family that give ---------... to life (George Gilder).Israel, gateway to Mecca, is of course a land of religious --------- and geopolitical significance`resonance
Rickenbacker who gave millions of dollars to britain in 1930`edward s harkness
Rickets is caused by a lack of which vitamin`vitamin d
ride'em cowboy: how many seconds must a cowboy stay aboard a rodeo bronc`eight
ride on time reached no1 1989 for who`black box
Right handed people live, on average, ______ years longer than left handed people do`nine
Right handed people live, on average, ______ years longer than left handed people do`nine`9
Right or permission to enter`ingress
Rigid: fixed: 'an -------- rule.'`ironclad
Rigorously self-disciplined or self-restrained`spartan
Ringo's first hit after the break up was...`it dont come easy
Rio de janeiro is the capital of ______`argentina
'Riotous Assembly' was the first novel by which author`tom sharpe
Ripken What planet is farthest from the sun in the Milky Way`pluto
"ripley's believe it or not" is\was hosted by whom`jack palance
Ripley's believe it or not was hosted by whom`jack palance
Rising about 100 miles northwest of Valencia and flowing east to the Atlantic, which is the longest river of the Iberian peninsula`the tagus
Rising in Lesotho and flowing east to the Atlantic, which is the longest river in South Africa`the orange
Rising only slightly above surrounding surfaces`lowest
Rising only slightly above surrounding surfaces`lowness
Rita marley, marcia griffiths and judy mowatt comprise what vocal group`the i-threes
River in the central U S, the largest & most important river in North America`mississippi
River Providence is the capital of what state`rhode island
River that flows through Maidstone, Chatham and Gillingham.. The`Medway
Riveting is a method of joining pieces of what`metal
Riyadh is the capital of ______`saudi arabia
R kelly sings if i can see it then i can do it, if i just believe it, there's nothing to it`i believe i can fly
R kelly sings 'if i can see it then i can do it, if i just believe it, there's nothing to it' what's the song title`i believe i can fly
rls of a gastropod shell`volute
Road on which toll is charged`turnpike
Roads on which trains of freight & passenger cars, drawn by locomotives, travel on tracks formed by pairs of parallel metal rails (locomotive)`railroads
Roald Dahl's children's story Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was made in to a film, what was the title`willie wonka and the chocolate factory
Robert Baden-Powell founded this group in 1907`boy scouts
Robert de Niro won Best Actor Oscar for which film in 1980`raging bull
Robert dole`ford dole`ford and dole
robert f kennedy was a senator for what us state`new`greece
robert f kennedy was a senator for what us state`new york
robert fulton invented the submarine in 1800, 1830 or 1860`1800
Robert Goddard, Hermann Oberth and Konstantin Tsilovsky were all responsible for what`Beginning of Space Age
Robert Heinlein: Character who conquered old age in Time Enough For Love`lazarus long
Robert Heinlein: Editor of Astounding SF to whom Heinlein made his first sale`john campbell
Robert Heinlein: Paradoxical term for his stories about a probable course of events`future history
Robert Heinlein: RAH never owned a farm, but often used this pen name`anson macdonald
Robert Heinlein: Space vehicle named after famous Italian scientist`rocket ship galileo
Robert John Lange produced what group's "Pyromania" LP`def leppard
robert john lange produced what group's "pyromania" lp`def`michael
Robert John Lange produced what group's "Pyromania" LP`def`pie
Roberts in which film was goldie hawn the body double for julia roberts`pretty woman
robert urich played dan tanna on what series?`vegas
robert wyatt left soft machine to form "_____ mole"?`matching
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves was released in what year`1992
robin hood was also known as`robin of`gollywog
robin hood was also known as`robin of loxley
Robins Nest and George and Mildred were spin offs from which sit com`man about house
Robin williams`bette midler and robin williams
Robin Williams played a forces dj in this film`good morning vietnam
Robodoc is the first robot to help in which common replacemant operation`hip
robotech: daredevil pilot who becomes one of the greatest veritech pilots.`rick hunter
robotech: japanese-translated name of the second storyline arc.`sdc orguss
robotech: japanese-translated name of the third storyline arc.`sdb mospeada
robotech: master veritech pilot who eventually marries the alien enemy ace.`maxmillian sterling
robotech: name of the alien ambassador, second in command of the alien fleet.`exedore
robotech: robotech name of the third storyline arc.`the invid invasion
robotech: total number of episodes in the entire robotech saga.`85
Rock composed mostly of calcium carbonate`limestone
Rock fans are all ears for the Doobie Brothers' first Top 20 hit`listen to the music
rock groups: bill haley & the _____?`comets
rock groups: buddy holly & the _____`crickets
Rock groups: dion and the _____`belmonts
rock groups: dion & the _____`belmonts
ROCK GROUPS: Frankie Lymon & the _____`teenagers
rock groups: frankie vallie & the _____?`four seasons
Rock groups: Hank Ballard & the _____`midnighters
rock groups: jerry butler & the _____`impressions
ROCK GROUPS: Junior Walker & the _____`all stars
ROCK GROUPS: Little Anthony & the _____`imperials
ROCK GROUPS: Rosie & the _____`originals
ROCK GROUPS: Tommy James & the _____`shondells
Rock Groups: Tom Petty and the _____`heartbreakers
Rock Groups: Tom Petty & the _____`heartbreakers
"Rock 'n' Roll High School,"`The Ramones
rock 'n roll: what backup group accompanied singer little anthony`the imperials
rock 'n roll: what jerry jeff walker tune became the biggest hit the nitty gritty dirt band ever had`mr. bojangles
rock 'n roll: what names precede yarrow, stookey and travers`peter, paul and mary
Rock n Roll: What rock group did Ed Sullivan mean in saying: "I promise they'll never be back on our shooooow"`The Rolling Stones
rock 'n roll: what simon and garfunkel lp was britain's biggest-selling album of the '70s`bridge over troubled water
Rock n Roll: What singer was Bob Dylan addressing in singing: "It ain't me, babe"`Joan Baez
rock 'n roll: what smash 1971 tune ran eight minutes and 27 seconds`american pie
rock 'n roll: what song, dedicated to this wife, did john denver claim it took him 10 minutes to write on a ski lift`annie's song
rock 'n roll: what song put james taylor into the limelight`fire and rain
rock 'n roll: where's the total eclipse of the sun in carly simon's you're so vain`nova scotia
rock 'n roll: which member of the jackson five married into the berry gordy family`jermaine jackson
Rock n roll who is U2's lead singer`bono
rock 'n roll: who made it big with tiptoe through the tulips in 1968`tiny tim
Rock n Roll: Whose mother did Dr Hook and The Medicine Show sing about in 1972`Sylvia's
Rock opera recently made into a broadway musical.`tommy
Rock salt`halite
Rock salt`halitosis
Rock star had big-screen debut in hard to hold`rick springfield
Rock, the original composition & texture of which has been altered by heat & pressure deep within the earths crust`metamorphic
Rocky Horror: How many minutes long is the movie version`100
Rocky Horror: What is hanging over Rocky's head`the sword of damocles
Rocky Horror: What is the "specialty of the house"`roast loin of pork
Rocky Horror: What was Brad's last name`majors
Rocky Horror: Who wrote The Rocky Horror Picture Show`richard obrien
Rod, chain and furlong are all units of what`length
Rodgers who discovered the grand canyon`francisco coronado
Rodney Dangerfield left what career to return to show business`paint salesman
rodney dangerfield left what career to return to show business`paint`white
rod steiger played the villain in which smash hit musical (yup, he sang, too.)`oklahoma
rod stewart is scottish true or false`false
Rod Stewart song ".... its gonna be alright"`tonights the night
Rod stweart want's to try to love again but`the first cut is the deepest
roe is processed into caviar. Also called ------ sturgeon, whitefish`beluga
Roe made the first flight in to Britain in a British plane in which year`1909
Roger Moore's first appearance as James Bond was in which film`live and let die
Rogers what film features the song 'born free'`born free
Roland Gift was the lead singer with which group`fine young cannibals
Roland Orzabel and Curt Smith were better known as what`tears for fears
Rolling Stones: How many grammy awards have the Stones won`none
Rolling Stones: Name the album: All Down the Line, Rocks Off, Sweet Virginia`exile on main street
Rolling Stones: Name the artist: She's the Boss, Primitive Cool, Memo From Turner`mick jagger
Rolling Stones: Name the Year: Altamont concert, Let It Bleed released, Brian dies`1972
Rolling Stones: No puedes siempre conseguir lo que quieres`you cant always get what you want
Rolling Stones petition with questionable grammar?`gimme shelter
Rolling Stones song from 1971; they couldn't drag them away`wild horses
Rolling Stones Songs: "I can't even speak with you..."`cant be seen
Rolling Stones Songs: "I saw her today at the reception, and a glass of wine in her hand..."`you cant always get what you want
Rolling Stones Songs: "I won't cry when you say goodbye..."`out of tears
Rolling Stones Songs: "Just like every cop's a criminal, & all the sinners saints..."`sympathy for the devil
Rolling Stones Songs: "Pride & joy & greed & sex, thats what makes our town the best..."`shattered
Rolling Stones Songs: "She comes in colors everywhere, she combs her hair..."`shes like a rainbow
Rolling Stones Songs: "The dogs begin to bark and the hounds begin to howl..."`little red rooster
Rolling Stones Songs: "The elephant's in the bedroom, throwing all his weight about..."`sad sad sad
Rolling Stones Songs: "Yesterday don't matter if its gone..."`ruby tuesday
Rolling Stones song which Rev. Jesse Jackson objected to`some girls
Rolling Stones: What song from Steel Wheels earned the Stones a grammy nomination`almost hear you sigh
Roman Catholic Church. A coffin-shaped structure draped with a pall, used to represent the corpse at a requiem Mass celebrated after the burial`catafalque
Roman Catholic Church. An agreement between the pope and a government for the regulation of church affairs`concordat
Roman Catholic Church. A rosary having beads for five decades of Hail Marys`chaplet
Roman Catholic Church. A service that includes the office of Vespers. No longer in ecclesiastical use`evensong
Roman Catholic Church. A triangular candelabrum used at Tenebrae during Holy Week`hearse
Roman Catholic Church. Minor, therefore warranting only temporal punishment`venial
Roman Catholic Church. The beginning of the Mass, usually consisting of an antiphon, a psalm verse, and the Gloria Patri`introit
Roman Catholic Church. The private rooms in which the cardinals meet to elect a new pope`conclave
Roman Catholic Church. The superior in certain orders`minister
Roman Catholic Church. To proclaim (a deceased person) to be one of the blessed and thus worthy of public religious veneration in a particular region or`beatified
Roman Catholic mass for the dead`requiem
Roman counterpart has the same name`apollo
roman general in league with julius caesar and crassus`pompey the great`arkin
roman general in league with julius caesar and crassus`pompey the great`pompey
Roman goddess of hearth and home, vowed to chastity`vestal virgin
Roman God of love`cupid
Roman God of The Sea`Neptune
Romanian comunist president shot in december 1989`nicolae ceausescu
Romanian music : who performed "Ploaie in Luna Lui Martie"`paula selling
Romanian soccer team wich won the European Champions League in 1986(in final with CF Barcelona)`steaua bucuresti
roman london has sunk. by how many feet?`fifteen feet
Roman numeral lxxii is equivalent to`72
roman numeral lxxii is equivalent to`seventy two
roman numeral lxxii is equivalent to`seventy two`woodcock
Roman numerals: what is equivalent of cc`200
Roman numerals: what is equivalent of clx`160
Roman numerals: what is equivalent of cm`900
Roman numerals: what is equivalent of mdcix`1609
Roman numerals: what is equivalent of xix`19
Roman numerals: what is equivalent of xl`40
Roman numerals: what is equivalent of xviii`18
Roman Polanski's occupation`Film Director
Rome is the capital of ______`italy
ronald reagan's v.p`george bush`george herbert walker bush
Ron howard's directed his first film in 1977. what was it called`grand theft
ron howard's directed his first film in 1977. what was it called`grand theft auto
ron howard's directed his first film in 1977. what was it called`grand theft`noah
Ronnie Bond drummed with what group`troggs
Room for daddy What cat sniffed: "Cute rots the intellect"`garfield
Room or space, especially adequate space: 'There is ----- for everyone at the back of the room.'`place
Room or space, especially adequate space: 'There is place for everyone at the back of the room.'`placed
Room or space, especially adequate space: 'There is place for everyone at the back of the room.'`placer
Room or space, especially adequate space: 'There is place for everyone at the back of the room.'`placing
Room or space immediately under the roof of a house`attic
Roosevelt had a landslide victory over Hoover in which year`1932
Roosevelt Quotations: "Do you realize the responsibility I carry I'm the only person standing between Nixon and the White House."`John F. Kennedy
roots have filled the container`pot bound
Roquefort cheese is made from the milk of which animal`sheep
Rose, single, buttercup, & pea are all type of ____ on chickens`combs
Rotary motor driven by by flow of water or gas`turbine
rotating on its axis will not accumulate an accretion of bryophytic vegetation.`a rolling stone gathers no moss
Rotheim invent the aerosol in 1919, 1926 or 1931`1926
Rough bath sponge made from dried gourd`loofah
Rough leaved winter cabbage`savoy
Roughly a quarter of the world's people live in`china
Roughly how many bananas does the U S consume per year`11 billion
Roughly how many stone slabs are there in the Great Pyramid`two million
Roughly ----------- percent of the population of the under-developed world is under 15 years old.`fourty
Roughly what percentage of sea water is salt`three %
Rough or surly in manner.  gruff`crustier
Roulette was, allegedly, invented by which French mathematician and philosopher`blaise pascal
Round which planet do the moons Ganymede and Callisto orbit`jupiter
roxy music had a hit in 1981 with jealous guy who wrote the song`john lennon
Roy Chapman became baseball's first fatality in which year`1920
ROYGBIV in a rainbow, what color does the I stand for`indigo
Roy Lichtenstein, Robert Rauschenberg and Andy Warhol were associated with which Art movement`pop art
roy orbison has his second #1 hit with`pretty`fish
roy orbison has his second #1 hit with`pretty woman
roy orbison says 'you have to pick up your feet, you've got a deadline to meet, because you're ______'`working for the`free
Roy orbison says 'you have to pick up your feet, you've got a deadline to meet, because you're ______'`working for the man
Rubber is an impertinent ingredient in the manufacture of`bubble gum
Rubber soled canvas shoe`plimsoll
Rubbish: trash`riffraff
Rubens is considered to be the supreme master of which style of painting`baroque
Rubies are a red variety of corundum. What name is given to corundum gemstones of any other colour`sapphires
Rudimentary:incipient: 'an --------- nation, not yet self-governing.'`embryonic
Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer, was created in what year`1939
Rudolph Valentinos movie premiere was in which year`1921
Rugby is played with what type of ball`oval
Rugby League: Auckland ________`Warriors
Rugby League: Manly ________`Sea Eagles
rugby was introduced to new zealand in 1867, 1870 or 1888`1870
Rugged and uneven: 'a craggy face.'`craggier
Ruin: destruction`undoing
Rule Is Used To Solve Simultaneous Linear Equations By Using Determinants`Cramer
ruler of the ussr during the second world war`josef`quark
ruler of the ussr during the second world war`josef stalin
Rulers of what ancient civilization were buried in rock-cut tombs in the arid valley of the kings near its capitol of Thebes`egypt
ruling families: which principality has the house of grimaldi ruled since the middle ages`monaco
Ruling over extensive territories or over colonies or dependencies: '-------- nations.'`imperial
Ruling power or authority: sovereignty`scepter
Rum is made from this plant`sugar cane
Rumor has it that MTV still shows these things on occasion`music videos
Run away to marry secretly`elope
Run-down: dilapidated`derelict
Rupert Holmes said I am not into health food I am into champagne`escape
Rural country: the backwoods`boondocks
Rush album containing "Spirit of the Radio"`permanent waves
Rush comes from this country`canada
Rush Limbaugh: Call letters of the EIB flagship station in New York.`wabc
Rush Limbaugh: Rush event held in 1992 in Ft. Collins, Colorado.`dans bake sale
Rush Limbaugh: Rush Limbaugh-The Television show premiered in the fall of the year ____.`1992
Rush Limbaugh: Rush's adopted California hometown.`sacramento
Rush Limbaugh: Rush's chief of staff.`kit carson
Rush Limbaugh: Rush's on-air name as a disc jockey.`jeff christie
Rush Limbaugh: The call letters of the EIB affiliate on shortwave (15.420 MHz).`wrno
Rush Limbaugh: The name of Rush's newletter.`limbaugh letter
Rush Limbaugh: The name of Rush's second book.`see i told you so
Rush: Name the 3 band members, last name only, in alphabetical order`lee lifeson peart
Rush: The members of Rush are from what country`canada
Rush: The song Train To Bangkok contains lots of thinly veiled references to what`drugs
Rush: The video for this song featured a cyborg trying to rebel`the body electric
Russian alcoholic spirit distilled from rye`vodka
Russian country cottage`dacha
Russian emperors were known as czars; what was the czars wife known as`czarina
Russian triangular musical instrument`balalaika
russophobia is a fear of`anything`fahrenheit
Russophobia is a fear of ______`anything russian
Russophobia is the fear of`russians
Rustic or awkward person`bumpkin
Ruthin is in which now restored Welsh county`denbighshire
Sabbatical also Sabbatic Relating or appropriate to the Sabbath as the day of rest`sabbatical
Sable is the heraldic name for which colour`black
Sadat what athlete released the photo book rare air in 1993`michael jordan
saddam hussein is the leader of ______`iraq
saddam hussein was the leader of`iraq
Sage mountain on Tortola, is the highest point at 1,781 feet, of which British Caribbean dependency`british virgin islands
Sagging or leaning to one side`lopsided
Sahara mean _______ in Arabic`desert
Said my get-up-and-go must've got up and went`sweet emotion
Said or done without humor: She winked at me, but it was ---------: a wink of warning (Truman Capote)`humorless
saigon is the capital of`south`denmark
Saigon is the capital of ______`south vietnam
Sailors lacking vitamin c would contract which disease`scurvy
saint patrick was ireland's first ______`bishop
Saintpaulia is the botanical name for which houseplant`african violet
saint paul is the capital of ______`minnesota
Saints considered as a group`sainthood
saint vladimir is the patron saint of what country`russia
sakhmet was the egyptian god of`war and divine`ariadne
Sakhmet was the egyptian god of ______`war and divine vengeance
Salad dressing of oil and wine vinegar`vinaigrette
Salad of sliced raw cabbage,carrot and apple`coleslaw
Salad plant, its root can be roasted and ground and used as coffee`chicory
Salary or wages: 'The new appropriations bill could mean a larger -------- for state employees.'`paycheck
Salem is the capital of which US state`oregon
Salicylic acid is an important ingredient of which drug`aspirin
Salivary foam released as a result of disease or exhaustion`froth
Salivary foam released as a result of disease or exhaustion`frothing
salt lake city is the capital of what state`utah
Salt n Pepa song: "Can't u hear the music pumpin hard like i wish u would"`push it
Salt water lake seperated from sea by sandbank`lagoon
Salvador Allende former president of Chile was assassinated in what year`1973
Salvadore Allende was the former president of which country`chile
sam cooke belonged to which gospel group before he turned to rock'n'roll`soul stirrers
S.American cowboy`gaucho
S. American rodent with soft grey fur`chinchilla
Same Song Title: Huey Lewis and the News, Celine Dion`the power of love
Same Song Title: Madonna, the Beatles`rain
Same Song Title: Madonna, Tommy James and the Shondells`hanky panky
Same Song Title: Survivor, Whitesnake`is this love
Same Song Title: Whitesnake, the Hollies`here i go again
Same Title: Huey Lewis and the News, Celine Dion`the power of love
Same Title: Joey Dee and the Starlighters, Tears For Fears`shout
Same Title: John Lennon, Tori Amos`god
Same Title: Mariah Carey, Bryan Duncan`love takes time
Same Title: Survivor, Whitesnake`is this love
Samhainophobia is the fear of`halloween
Sam. is the abbreviation for the name of which two Old Testament books`samuel
Samuel Adams Boston Lager is brewed in this US state`pennsylvania
Samuel Johnson's dictionary was published in what year`1755
Samuel Sewall, John Hathome and William, Stoughton were the presiding judges at which series of 17th Century trials`salem witch trials
sandra day o'connor becomes the first woman to be appointed a`supreme court justice
Sanford what presidential candidate from indiana lost to roosevelt in 1940`wendell
San Francisco Bay is located near what city`San Francisco
San Francisco lies on which dangerous geological feature`san andreas fault
Sang "After all that we've been through, I will make it up to you,I promise to"`chicago
Sang by robert palmer, '______ to love'`addicted
Sang ``Venus'', #1 hit on 2/7/70`shocking blue
san jose is the capital of`costa`leone
San jose is the capital of ______`costa rica
san salvador is the capital of ______`el salvador
Sans Serif and Courier are examples of what`typing fonts
Santa Claus reportedly lives at the _____ pole.`north
Santa Claus reportedly lives at the  Pole`north
Santa Cruz is the capital of which holiday island`tenerife
santa fe is the capital of what state`new`car
Santa fe is the capital of what state`new mexico
Santa's reindeer in the order of the song (minus rudolph) are how many`nine
Santa's reindeer in the order of the song (minus rudolph) are how many`nine`9
Santas reindeer in the order of the song (minus rudolph) are what`dasher, dancer, prancer, vixen, comet, cupid, donner, blitzen
Santiago is the capital of ______`chile
Santo domingo is the capital of ______`dominican republic
Sapphire is the birthstone for what month`september
sapphire is the birthstone for which month`september
sarah ophelia colley cannon is better remembered as?`minnie pearl
Sasheen Little-Feather accepted an Academy Award in 1972 for which actor`Marlon Brando
sashimi is often served with what vegetable`daikon
'Sassenach' is the Scottish word for what`englishman
Satanic Majesties Request Music: What was the only hit song for the band 'It's a Beautiful Day'`White
Satan means`adversary
Satanophobia is the fear of`satan
Satisfactory: good: 'an OK fellow.'`okay
Satisfied: complacent`placid
Saturday is named for which planet`saturn
Saturn is __________ kilometres in diameter`119,000
Saturn is __________ miles in diameter`74,000
Saturn is the only planet that is less dense than ______`water
Saturn is the roman god of ______`agriculture
Saturn takes just over ____ Earth years to circle the Sun`twenty nine
Saturn takes just over ____ Earth years to circle the Sun`twenty nine`29
Sausage seasoned with pepper`pepperoni
Savage garden took 13 nominations and 10 wins at which awards`aria awards
Savior Christianity. Jesus`savior
Say Cheese: Dutch origin; inedible casing; mild; appetizer, dessert.`edam
Say Cheese: English origin; mild to very sharp; snack, cooking, dessert.`cheddar
Say Cheese: French origin; cherry brandy flavor; appetizer, dessert.`gourmandise
Say Cheese: French origin: pungent: appetizer, dessert`camembert
Say Cheese: Italian origin: mellow: appetizer, dessert`fontina
Say Cheese: Italian origin: mild: as an appetizer, for dessert`bel paese
Say Cheese: Italian origin: mild, curd or dry: cooking, dessert`ricotta
Say Cheese: Italian origin; pungent flavor; crumbly; in salads, for dessert.`gorgonzola
Say Cheese: Norwegian origin; caramel flavor; sandwich, snack.`gjetost
Say Cheese: Probably French origin; tangy, sharp; appetizer, salad, dessert.`blue
Say Cheese: Swiss origin; clover flavor; usually grated.`sapsago
Say Cheese: Swiss origin; nutty, sharper than Swiss; cooking, dessert.`gruyere
Say Cheese: This Mother Goose character was eating what we'd call cottage cheese`little miss muffett
Say Cheese: U.S. origin; very mild; hill slightly; salad, snack, dessert.`cream
Say Cheese: Yugoslavian origin: salty, appetizer, snack, dessert`kashkaval
Saying: A bird in the hand is worth two in the`bush
saying: absence makes the heart grow?`fonder
Saying: a penny saved is a penny....`earned
Saying: don't switch horses in....`midstream
Saying: out of sight, out of....`mind
Sayings & Smiles: A Bird In The Hand Is Worth Two In The`Bush
Sayings & Smiles: According To An Old Proverb, 'The Soul Of Wit'`Brevity
Sayings & Smiles: According To The Proverb, What Should Not Be Washed In Public`Dirty Linen
Sayings & Smiles: According To The Saying , What Causes Shepherd's Delight`Red Sky At Night
Sayings & Smiles: According To The Saying, What Speak Louder Than Words`Actions
Sayings & Smiles: A Circumstance Or A Topic That Is Very Different From What You Had First Thought It Would Be, Is What`A Horse Of A Different Colour
Sayings & Smiles: Adding Insult To`Injury
Sayings & Smiles: A Fool And His Money Are Soon ... What`Parted
Sayings & Smiles: Albert Einstein Was Once Offered The Presidency Of Israel. He Declined Saying He Had No Head For`Problems
Sayings & Smiles: ____ And Shine`Rise
Sayings & Smiles: 'An Englishman's Home __ ___`Is His Castle
Sayings & Smiles: A _______ Of One's Imagination`Figment
Sayings & Smiles: A Person Putting A Lot Of Effort Into A Task Is Said To Be Using`Elbow Grease
Sayings & Smiles: A Promiscuous Woman`Slapper
Sayings & Smiles: As Blind As A(N)`Bat
Sayings & Smiles: As Bold As A(N)`Brass
Sayings & Smiles: As Bold As`Brass
Sayings & Smiles: As Clean As A(N)`Whistle
Sayings & Smiles: As Close As Two ______ In A Pod`Peas
Sayings & Smiles: As Easy As A(N)`Pie
Sayings & Smiles: As Fat As A(N`Pig
Sayings & Smiles: As Fit As A(N)`Fiddle
Sayings & Smiles: As Fresh As A(N)`Daisy
Sayings & Smiles: As Good As`Gold
Sayings & Smiles: As Graceful As A(N)`Swan
Sayings & Smiles: As Happy As A(N)`Clam
Sayings & Smiles: As Large As A(N)`Life
Sayings & Smiles: As Light As A(N)`Feather
Sayings & Smiles: As Loud As A(N)`Thunder
Sayings & Smiles: As Mad As A(N)`Wet Hen
Sayings & Smiles: As Neat As A(N)`Pin
Sayings & Smiles: As Old As The`Hills
Sayings & Smiles: As Pale As A(N)`Ghost
Sayings & Smiles: As Pleased As A(N)`Punch
Sayings & Smiles: As Poor As A(N)`Churchmouse
Sayings & Smiles: As Pretty As A(N)`Picture
Sayings & Smiles: As Quiet As A(N)`Mouse
Sayings & Smiles: As Sick As A(N)`Dog
Sayings & Smiles: As Sly As A(N)`Fox
Sayings & Smiles: As Smart As A(N)`Whip
Sayings & Smiles: As Strong As A(N)`Ox
Sayings & Smiles: As Tough As A(N)`Nails
Sayings & Smiles: A Watched Pot Never`Boils
Sayings & Smiles: Ball And`Chain
Sayings & Smiles: Barking Dogs Seldom`Bite
Sayings & Smiles: 'Bend Your ______.'`Cozars
Sayings & Smiles: Birds Of A`Feather
Sayings & Smiles: Chomping At The`Bit
Sayings & Smiles: Complete The Line: 'Step On A Crack'`Break Your Back
Sayings & Smiles:Complete The Proverb No Kitchen Is Big Enough To Hold ___`Two Women
Sayings & Smiles: Complete This Proverb: A Growing Youth Has A`Wolf In His Belly
Sayings & Smiles: Complete This Proverb: Facts Are`Stubborn Things
Sayings & Smiles: Complete This Proverb: The End Justifies`The Means
Sayings & Smiles: Don't ____ Be Happy`Worry
Sayings & Smiles: Don't Bite The Hand That`Feeds You
Sayings & Smiles: Don't Cry Over Spilled`Milk
Sayings & Smiles: Don't Take Any Wooden`Nickels
Sayings & Smiles: E.T. Famous For Saying`E.T. Phone Home
Sayings & Smiles: Everybody Wants To Go To Heaven But Nobody Wants To`Die
Sayings & Smiles: Fresh As A(N)`Daisy
Sayings & Smiles: Giving Someone Every Opportunity To Do Something, But Not Being Able To Force Them To Do It If They Don't Really Want To, Is Said To Be Doing What`Leading A Horse To Water
Sayings & Smiles: Good Fences Make`Good Neighbors`Good Neighbours
Sayings & Smiles: Haste Makes`Waste
Sayings & Smiles: How Many Cooks Spoil The Broth, According To A Well Known Saying`Too Many
Sayings & Smiles: How Many Is A Baker's Dozen`Thirteen
Sayings & Smiles: How Nutty (Crazy) Can A Person Be`As A Fruitcake
Sayings & Smiles: If God Had Meant Us To Fly He Would Have Given Us`Wings
Sayings & Smiles: If Someone Gets Angry About A Particular Subject And Starts Criticising Other People Just Because They Think They Are Better Or More Clever, They Are Said To Be Doing What`Getting On Their High Horse
Sayings & Smiles: If ___________ Was Shorter, The Face Of The World Would Be Changed`Cleopatras Nose
Sayings & Smiles: If You Consume A Lot, You Are Said To Do What`Eat Like A Horse
Sayings & Smiles: If You Criticise Something Or Feel Doubtful About Something That Is Really A Good Chance Or Offer, You Are Said To Be Doing What`Looking A Gift Horse In The Mouth
Sayings & Smiles: If You Have A Solution That Is Not Perfect, What Do You Say You Still Have To Work Out`The Kinks
Sayings & Smiles: If You Told Someone That They Were One In A Million, You'd Be Saying There Were __________ Of Them In China`1,800
Sayings & Smiles: In Traditional Idiom You Might Say That An Elderly Person's Face Is As Wrinkled As A`Prune
Sayings & Smiles: 'It Only Takes A _____ To Get A Fire Going'`Spark
Sayings & Smiles: Keep The From The Door`Wolves
Sayings & Smiles: Knock Me For A`Loop
Sayings & Smiles: Larger Than`Life
Sayings & Smiles: 'Listeners Never Hear Any __'`Good Of Themselves
Sayings & Smiles: ____ Maids All In A Row`Pretty
Sayings & Smiles: Make A Mountain Out Of A`Molehill
Sayings & Smiles: Man Does Not Live By`Bread Alone
Sayings & Smiles: Often Referred To As 'The Oldest Profession'`Prostitution
Sayings & Smiles: Of What Is The Proof In The Eating`The Pudding
Sayings & Smiles: ___ On A Limb`Out
Sayings & Smiles: On Which Side The Bread Is`Buttered
Sayings & Smiles: Peace And`Quiet
Sayings & Smiles: Person With Very Short Hair Or Very Little`Slaphead
Sayings & Smiles: Port And`Starboard
Sayings & Smiles: Slang Word For Huge Or Enormous`Humongous
Sayings & Smiles: Slow And Steady Wins The`Race
Sayings & Smiles: Swing Low, Sweet`Chariot
Sayings & Smiles: Take Me To Your`Leader
Sayings & Smiles: The Cat That Swallowed The`Canary
Sayings & Smiles: The Early Bird`Catches The Worm
Sayings & Smiles: The Greatest Thing Since ______ Bread`Sliced
Sayings & Smiles: ____ The Lonely`Only
Sayings & Smiles: The Pen Is Mightier Than The`Sword
Sayings & Smiles: The ___ Piper`Pied
Sayings & Smiles: There's Many A Good Tune`Played On An Old Fiddle
Sayings & Smiles: 'There's Nothing ______ With Me.'`Cruvis
Sayings & Smiles: 'The Soul Of Wit'`Brevity
Sayings & Smiles: 'The Very _____ Do Not Always Do As They Are Told'`Young
Sayings & Smiles: 'The Very Young Do Not Always Do As They Are ____'`Told
Sayings & Smiles: Time ____ When Your Having Fun`Flies
Sayings & Smiles: Too Many _____ In The Fire`Irons
Sayings & Smiles: To Pick The Best From A Group`Cherry-Pick
Sayings & Smiles: We've Arrived, And To Prove It We're`Here
Sayings & Smiles: What, According Ot The Saying, Makes Waste`Haste
Sayings & Smiles: What Animal Are You Like When You Behave Rudely And Roughly And Causing Uproar And Damage`Like A Bull In A China Shop
Sayings & Smiles: 'What Can't Be Cured Must Be ________________'`Endured
Sayings & Smiles: What Daily Vegetable Do Typical Boxer's Ears Look Like`Cauliflower
Sayings & Smiles: What Do Most Of Us Not Like To Work For`Peanuts
Sayings & Smiles: What Do You Cook When You Spoil Your Chances`Your Goose
Sayings & Smiles: What Do You Spill When You Let Out Information Indiscreetly`The Beans
Sayings & Smiles: What Is Meant By A 'Mare's Nest'`An Illusory Finding
Sayings & Smiles: What Is Something Not, If You Take No Interest In It`Your Cup Of Tea
Sayings & Smiles: What Kind Of Work Needs No Skill`Donkey-Work
Sayings & Smiles: What Phrase Is Another Way Of Saying Covered In Bruises`Black And Blue
Sayings & Smiles: What Sort Of Animal Are You , When You Begrudge Others What You Cannot Use Yourself`A Dog In The Manger
Sayings & Smiles: When A Girl Is Really Pretty, You Might Say That She Is A Sight For Sore`Eyes
Sayings & Smiles: When In ____ Do As The Romans Do`Rome
Sayings & Smiles: When The ____ Come Home`Cows
Sayings & Smiles: When You Cannot ___ A Certain Unpleasant Truth Or Situation, It Means That You Find It Hard To Accept It`Stomach
Sayings & Smiles: When You Decide To Use All Your Authority To Stop Something, You Decide To Put Your ___ Down`Foot
Sayings & Smiles: When You Earn Or Lose Money Very Quickly And Easily, You Earn Or Lose It Hand Over`Fist
Sayings & Smiles: When You Have The ___ To Do Or To Say Something Not So Nice, Then It Means You Have The Required Rudeness Or Incivility For It`Cheek
Sayings & Smiles: When You ____ Upon A Star`Wish
Sayings & Smiles: When You Use All Your Resources To Defend Yourself From Some Attack(Er), Then You Fight Tooth And`Nail
Sayings & Smiles: You Get What You ____ For`Pay
Saying: the road to hell is paved with....`good intentions
Saying: too many cooks spoil the....`broth
Scabies or mange in domestic animals or livestock, especially sheep`scab
Scabies or mange in domestic animals or livestock, especially sheep`scabs
Scafell Pike is the highest mountain in`England
Scalene, isosceles and equilateral are all types of what`triangles
Scanty or meager: 'a stingy meal: stingy with details about the past.'`stingier
"Scaramanger" Appeared In Which James Bond Film`The Man With The Golden Gun
Scarcity: dearth: 'a ------- of natural resources.'`paucity
Scarefell pike is the highest point of which national park`lake district
Scarlet-colored clothing or cloth`scarlet
SCEINCE: A manometer measures the pressure of what`liquids
SCEINCE:How many moons has the planet Mercury`none
SCEINCE: The Body, what contains the choroid,sclera and fovea`the eye
SCEINCE: What is known as the Universal solvent`water
Scelerophibia is the fear of`bad men`burglars
Scelerophibia is the fear of`burglars
Scene in drama in which person speaks alone`monlogue
Scented ointment for hair`pomade
Scents: Charlie and Jontue manufacturer`revlon
Scents: Opium pusher`yves st. laurant
Scents: Scent filled orb worn as a pendant`pomander
Scents: Tagalog for flower of flowers`ylang-ylang
Scents: The only orchid used in perfume (and ice cream)`vanilla
Scents: This flower is distilled into an attar, an oil, and a water`rose
Schlionophobia is the fear of`school
Schwarzenegger what us state was named after french words for "green" and "mountain"`vermont
Schwarzkopf on what game in 1994 did norman schwarzkopf post the highest score`celebrity
Science : Acetylsalicylic acid is more commonly known as`aspirin
SCIENCE: Acute febrile virus disease of tropical Africa`lassa fever
Science : A flat-bottomed conical laboratory flask with a narrow neck is called a(n) __________`erlenmeyer
Science: After chimpanzees, what primate is most closely related to humans?`bonobos
SCIENCE: Against which disease was the salk vaccine developed`polio
SCIENCE: Alchemists preparation for turning metal into gold`elixir
SCIENCE: Alkaloid obtained from the plant nux vomica used as a tonic although poisonous`strychnine
science and nature: what is canis lupus`a wolf
science and nature: what the heck is inside corn that makes it pop`water
[science and technology] from which language does the term 'eureka' come`greek
Science and Technology: granny smith, james grieve and egremont russet are all types of which fruit`apple
Science and Technology: how many colored squares has a rubiks cube`54
[science and technology] how many coloured squares has a rubiks cube`54
Science and Technology: how many degrees are there in a circle`360
Science and Technology: how many pockets has a snooker table`6`six
Science and Technology: in dyeing what is the name given to the substance used for fixing the color`catalyst
[science and technology] in dyeing what is the name given to the substance used for fixing the colour`catalyst
Science and Technology: the deficiency of which vitamin causes scurvy`c
Science and Technology: what are animals called if they are abl to live on land or in water`amphibians
Science and Technology: what are romney marsh, suffolk and swaledale`sheep`breeds of sheep
Science and Technology: what are the larvae of flies called`maggots
Science and Technology: what color spots has the common ladybird`black
[science and technology] what colour spots has the common ladybird`black
Science and Technology: what does a palaeontologist study`fossils
[science and technology] what do the initials NASA of the us government agency for space flight represent`national aeronautics and space administraation
Science and Technology: what first appeared beside the roads outside the houses of parliament in 1868`traffic lights
[science and technology] what first appeared beside the roads outside the huses of parliament in 1868`traffic lights
Science and Technology: what fruit is considered to be the most nutritious`avocado
Science and Technology: what is a chuckwalla`a lizard`lizard
Science and Technology: what is a death cap`toadstool
Science and Technology: what is considered to be the least nutritious fruit or vegetable`cucumber
Science and Technology: what is the gestation period of a cow`9 months`nine months
Science and Technology: what is the instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure`barometer
Science and Technology: what is the lightest known gas`hydrogen
Science and Technology: what is the mathematical term used to describe the shape of a cell in a honeycomb`hexagon
Science and Technology: what is the name given given to the lowest temperature theoretically possible`absolute zero
Science and Technology: what is the name given to the green pigment in plants`chlorophyl
Science and Technology: what is the name given to the short tail of a rabbit`scut
Science and Technology: what is the name of sugar found in fruit`fructose
Science and Technology: what is the name of the brand of mathematics that deals with the sides and angles of a triangle`trigonometry
Science and Technology: what is the name of the instrument used for measuring humidity in the air`hygrometer
Science and Technology: what is the name of the minute organisms found drifting near the surface of seas and lakes`plankton
Science and Technology: what is the name of the world wide organization initiated by jean henri dunant in 1962`the red cross`red cross
Science and Technology: what is the unit used to measure supersonic speed`mach
Science and Technology: what links flamsteed halley, bradley and bliss`astronomy
Science and Technology: what name is given to a female swan`pen
Science and Technology: what pistol took its name from the person who patented it in 1835`colt
Science and Technology: what type of animal is pulex irritans`flea
Science and Technology: what type of creature is a sidewinder`snake`a snake
Science and Technology: which fruit has the latin name of malus oumila`apple
Science and Technology: which woman scientist was awarded two nobel prizes in the early part of the 20th century`marie curie
Science and Technology: who discovered x-rays in 1895`rontgen
SCIENCE: An instrument for examining the interior of the eye`ophthalmoscope
Science : A phrenologist reads`skulls
Science : A point to which rays of light converge is called a(n) ________`focus
SCIENCE: Arch, loop and whorl are all parts of what`fingerprints
SCIENCE:Artificial satellite used as a base for scientific and medical research`space station
Science : A shallow dish with a cover, used for science specimens is a(n) ________`petri
SCIENCE: A silvery-white metallic element used in falsh bulbs and foreworks`magnesium
SCIENCE:Astronomy, a satellite of saturn discovered by Christiaan Huygens in 1655`Titan
SCIENCE:Belgian cosmologist, proposed the Big Bang theory`Georges Lemaitre
Science: Besides protons and electrons, what is the 3rd type of subatomic particle?`neutron
Science : Botany and Zoology combined make up the science of _______`biology
SCIENCE: Brightest star in orion`rigel
SCIENCE:Bright spots of sunlight seen around the edge of the moon just before & after an eclipse`Bailys beads
SCIENCE:british fertility expert`Lord Robert Winston
Science : By what chemical process do plants manufacture food`photosynthesis
SCIENCE: By what name is acetyl-salicylic acid better known`aspirin
Science : By what name is Lysergic acid diethylamide better known`lsd
SCIENCE: Calamine, used to treat stings and burns is a carbonate of which element`zinc
SCIENCE: Calciferol is more commonly known as which vitamin`vitamin d
Science : Cetology is the study of ________`whales
Science : Circuits can be wired in series or in _________`parallel
Science : Cocci, Spirilla, and Streptococci are types of ________`bacteria
SCIENCE: Compound of oxygen`oxide
SCIENCE:Computer language`BASIC
SCIENCE: Consisting of or containing the monovalent group C2h5(5)`ethyl
SCIENCE: Contagious disease of birds transmissable to humans in the form of pneumonia`psittacosis
SCIENCE: Counting outwards from the sun which is the third planet in our solar system`the earth
SCIENCE: Dark substance forming the first faeces of new born infant`meconium
Science : Deoxyribonucleic acid is better known as __________`dna
Science : Dermatitis affects the __________`skin
SCIENCE:Dog star`sirius
Science: do sea gulls drink sea water`yes
Science : Epidermal cells, palisade cells, and veins are parts of a(n) ________`leaf
Science : Ethylene glycol is frequently used in automobiles.. How`anti-freeze
SCIENCE:Examination of the internal organs & tissues of a dead body to establish the cause of death`Postmortem
Science fact: What is the term for mass per unit volume`density
Science Fantasy Books: Authors: Who wrote "The Drenai Series of books".`David Gemmel
Science Fantasy Books: Authors: Who wrote "The Rigante Series of books".`David Gemmel
Science Fantasy Books: Authors: Who wrote "The Silmarilion".`j. r. r. Tolkien
Science Fiction Books: Authors: Who wrote "Rendezvous with Rama".`Arthur C. Clark
Science Fiction Books: Authors: Who wrote the "known Space" series of books.`Larry Niven
Science Fiction Books: Authors: Who wrote "The Man in the Maze".`Robert Silverberg
Science Fiction: Who wrote "From the Earth to the Moon"`Jules Verne
Science : Forked, Sheet, and Ball are types of __________`lightning
SCIENCE:formation of living organisms from non living substances`Abiogenesis
SCIENCE: For which discovery did immunologist and pathologist Karl Landsteiner win the 1930 Nobel Prize for medicine`ABO blood typing system
SCIENCE: For which method of three dimensional photography did scientist Dennis Gabor win the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1971`holography
SCIENCE: French physicist and mathematician,developed  the rule for determining the direction of the magnetic field associated with an electric current`Andre Marie Ampere
SCIENCE: From which American Nobel prize winners Lectures on  Physics was the book Six easy pieces taken`richard feynmann
SCIENCE: Fullerenes, discovered in 1985, were a new form of which element`carbon
SCIENCE: Gas that forms nearly four fifths of air`nitrogen
Science : Growing plants in liquids rather than soil is known as ________`hydroponics
Science : He designed the first feasible automobile with an internal combustion engine`benz
Science : He invented "bifocal" lenses for eyeglasses`benjamin franklin
Science : He is known for his theory of "Evolution"`charles darwin
Science : He transmitted radio signals across the Atlantic in 1901`marconi
Science : He wrote "Sexual Behaviour in the Human Male" in 1948`kinsey
SCIENCE: How many bits, handled as one unit, constitute a byte`eight
Science: how many colors are there in a rainbow`seven
Science: how many days will it be before a clock, losing 30 minutes a day shows the right time again`twenty four
Science : How many degrees does the earth rotate each hour`fifteen
Science: How many moons does Mars have? (numeral, not word)`2
Science: How many times more bacterial DNA than human DNA is there in a person's body?`10
Science: How many times more than the brain does the human body typically weigh`40
Science: How many times more than the brain does the human body typically weigh`forty
Science: how many tons of gem diamonds are mined every year`two
SCIENCE: If you suffer from comedones, what have you got`blackheads
SCIENCE: In biology which rusiian physiologist was known chiefly for conditioning dogs to salivate upon hearing a bell`ivan petrovich pavlov
SCIENCE: Inert gaseous element, atomic no 18 discovered by Lord Rayleigh and William Ramsey in 1894`argon
science in history: who is the only woman to have won two nobel prizes`marie curie
SCIENCE: Instrument for measuring the force of an earth quake`seismograph
SCIENCE: Instrument for measuring the heat radiated from the sun`pyrheliometer
SCIENCE: In the constellation Gemini, who are the twins`castor and pollux
SCIENCE: In which constellation is the star Betelgeuse`Orion
Science : In which country was the match invented`france
SCIENCE: In which field would you encounter the Pons Asinorum`geometry
SCIENCE: June 2002, name of the asteroid that narrowly missed - by 75000 miles- colliding with the earth`2002mn
science, medicine: where is the human skin the thickest`the back
SCIENCE: Metal added to tin to make bronze`copper
SCIENCE: MMR the vaccination, what does it stand for`measles, mumps & rubella
SCIENCE: Name given to a positive electrode`anode
SCIENCE: Name of the inventor of the stethoscope`Dr Rene Laennec
SCIENCE: Name of the medical device invented to preserve female patients modesty`stethoscope
SCIENCE: Name that planet,about the same size as earth, shrouded in thick clouds of carbon dioxide,lashed by sulphuric acid rain`venus
SCIENCE: Name that planet,a giant ball of hydrogen and helium, appx 480 million miles from earth`Jupiter
SCIENCE: Name that planet,closest to the sun,a rocky moon like planet,surface is hot enough to melt lead`mercury
SCIENCE: Name that planet,second largest planet, made mostly of hydrogen gas -would float if put in a big enough bowl!!!!`saturn
Science & Nature: 2,000 Pounds Of __________ And Other Space Debris Fall On The Earth Everyday`Space Dust
Science & Nature: 20% Of What Is In The Metal Part At The End Of A Pencil`Sulphur
Science & Nature: 22.75 Hours Is The Current Record For The Longest ___________ Mating Session`Rattlesnake
Science & Nature: 22.75 Hours Is The Current Record For The Longest Rattlesnake Mating`Session
Science & Nature: 22.75 Hours Is The Current Record For The Longest Rattlesnake ______ Session`Mating
Science & Nature: 22.75 _____ Is The Current Record For The Longest Rattlesnake Mating Session`Hours
Science & Nature: 24-Karat Gold Has To Have A Small Amount Of _____ In It To Keep It From Being Too Soft`Copper
Science & Nature: 3.26 Light Years Equals One`Parsec
Science & Nature: 40% Of ____ Are Lefties`Cats
Science & Nature: -459.7 F Also Know As`Absolute Zero
Science & Nature: 50 To 70 Percent Of A Whale's Body Weight Is`Blubber
Science & Nature: 75% Of The Chemical Energy Contained In Petrol Is Wasted By A`Combustion Engine
Science & Nature: A 42-Foot Sperm Whale Has About 7 Tons Of ___ In It`Oil
Science & Nature: A 42-Foot _____ Whale Has About 7 Tons Of Oil In It`Sperm
Science & Nature: A 4-Inch-Long __________ Can Grip A Rock With A Force Of 400 Pounds. Two Grown Men Are Incapable Of Prying It Up`Abalone
Science & Nature: A 6 Pound Sea-Hare Can Lay 40,000 Eggs In A`Minute
Science & Nature: A 7 Sided Polygon Is Called A`Heptagon
Science & Nature: 'Aa' And 'Pahoehoe' Are Kinds Of What`Lava
Science & Nature: A ______ Always Grows New Teeth To Replace The Old Teeth`Crocodile
Science & Nature: A _______ An Inch Long Has A Chirp That Is Audible For Nearly A Mile`Cricket
Science & Nature: Aardvarks Live Underground In`Burrows
Science & Nature: A _____ _______ At Lift-Off Develops More Power Than All The Automobiles In England Combined`Space Shuttle
Science & Nature: A ___ Averages 40,000 Jaw Movements A Day`Cow
Science & Nature: A _________ Averages A Weight Loss Of Between 15 And 25 Pounds During A Race`Racehorse
Science & Nature: A Baboon Engages In A Typical Sex Session That Lasts All Of __`15 Seconds
Science & Nature: A Baboon Engages In A Typical ___ _______ That Lasts All Of 15 Seconds`Sex Session
Science & Nature: A Baby Baleen Whale Depends On A Mother's Milk Diet For At Least ___`Six Months
Science & Nature: A Baby Bat Is Called A`Pup
Science & Nature: A Baby Blue Whale Is __ Feet Long At Birth`25
Science & Nature: A Baby Caribou Is So Swift, It Can Easily Outrun Its Mother When It Is Only _____ ____ Old`Three Days
Science & Nature: A Baby Caribou Is So Swift, It Can Easily Outrun Its ______ When It Is Only Three Days Old`Mother
Science & Nature: A Baby Eel`Elver
Science & Nature: A Baby Giraffe Is About __ Feet Tall At Birth`Six
Science & Nature: A Baby Grey __________ Drinks Enough Milk To Fill More Than 2,000 Bottles A Day`Whale
Science & Nature: A Baby Grey Whale Drinks Enough Milk To Fill More Than _____ Bottles A Day`2,000
Science & Nature: A Baby Harp Seal Doubles Its Weight In Only ____ Days After Birth, Thanks To The Amount Of Protein In Its Mother's Milk. It Takes A Horse Sixty Days To Double Its Birth Weight`Five
Science & Nature: A Baby Harp Seal Doubles Its Weight In Only Five Days After Birth, Thanks To The Amount Of Protein In Its Mother's Milk. It Takes A Horse _____ Days To Double Its Birth Weight`Sixty
Science & Nature: A Baby Harp Seal _______ Its Weight In Only Five Days After Birth, Thanks To The Amount Of Protein In Its Mother's Milk. It Takes A Horse Sixty Days To Double Its Birth Weight`Doubles
Science & Nature: A Baby __________ Is About Six Feet Tall At Birth`Giraffe
Science & Nature: A Baby Kangaroo At The Time Of Its Birth Measures`One Inch
Science & Nature: A Baby Oyster Is Called A(N)`Spat
Science & Nature: A Baby Oyster`Spat
Science & Nature: A Baby ____ Seal Doubles Its Weight In Only Five Days After Birth, Thanks To The Amount Of Protein In Its Mother's Milk. It Takes A Horse Sixty Days To Double Its Birth Weight`Harp
Science & Nature: A Baby ______ Whale Depends On A Mother's Milk Diet For At Least Six Months`Baleen
Science & Nature: A Baby ____ Whale Drinks Enough Milk To Fill More Than 2,000 Bottles A Day`Grey
Science & Nature: A Bald _____'S Nest Can Be 12 Feet Deep And 10 Feet Wide`Eagle's
Science & Nature: A Banana Is Not A Fruit, But A`Herb
Science & Nature: A Bangtail`Perforated Tag
Science & Nature: A Barnacle Has The Largest __________ Of Any Other Animal In Relation To Its Size`Penis
Science & Nature: A Basking Shark Can Filter 2,375 Gallons Of _____ An Hour`Water
Science & Nature: A Basking Shark Can Filter _, ___ Gallons Of Water An Hour`2,375
Science & Nature: A Bear In Hibernation Loses Up To 25 Percent Of Its ____`Body Weight
Science & Nature: A Bear In Hibernation Loses Up To __ Percent Of Its Body Weight`25
Science & Nature: A Bear In Hibernation _____ Up To 25 Percent Of Its Body Weight`Loses
Science & Nature: A Bear In ___________ Loses Up To 25 Percent Of Its Body Weight`Hibernation
Science & Nature: A _____ Beats Its Wings About 1,000 Times Per Second`Midge
Science & Nature: A Belted Galloway`A Breed Of Cow
Science & Nature: A Better Known Name Of Switzerland's Mont Cervin`The Matterhorn
Science & Nature: A Bird Chews With Its _______, Since Most Birds Do Not Have Teeth, A Bird Routinely Swallows Small Pebbles And Gravel. These Grits Become Vigorously Agitated In The Bird's Stomach And Serve To Grind Food As It Passes Through The Animal's Digestive System`Stomach
Science & Nature: A Bird Chews With Its Stomach, Since Most Birds Do Not Have Teeth, A Bird Routinely Swallows Small _______ And Gravel. These Grits Become Vigorously Agitated In The Bird's Stomach And Serve To Grind Food As It Passes Through The Animal's Digestive System`Pebbles
Science & Nature: A Bird Chews With Its Stomach, Since Most Birds Do Not Have Teeth, A Bird Routinely Swallows Small Pebbles And Gravel. These Grits Become Vigorously Agitated In The Bird's Stomach And Serve To _____ Food As It Passes Through The Animal's Digestive System`Grind
Science & Nature: A Bird 'Chews' With Its Stomach. Since Most Birds Do Not Have Teeth, A Bird Routinely Swallows Small Pebbles And Gravel. These Grits Become Vigorously Agitated In The Bird's Stomach And Serve To Grind Food As It Passes Through The`Digestive System
Science & Nature: A Bird Chews With Its Stomach, Since Most Birds Do Not Have Teeth, A Bird Routinely Swallows Small Pebbles And ______. These Grits Become Vigorously Agitated In The Bird's Stomach And Serve To Grind Food As It Passes Through The Animal's Digestive System`Gravel
Science & Nature: A Bird In The Hand Is Worth`Two In The Bush
Science & Nature: A Bird's ______ Beak Is Necessary For Catching And Eating Prey, The Edges Of The Beak Act Like Scissors To Cut Through The Prey's Flesh`Hooked
Science & Nature: A Bird Sees Everything At Once In Total Focus, Whereas The _____ Eye Is Globular And Must Adjust To Varying Distances, The Bird's Eye Is Flat And Can Take In Everything At Once In A Single Glance`Human
Science & Nature: A Bird Sees Everything At Once In Total Focus, Whereas The Human Eye Is ________ And Must Adjust To Varying Distances, The Bird's Eye Is Flat And Can Take In Everything At Once In A Single Glance`Globular
Science & Nature: A Bird Sees Everything At Once In Total Focus, Whereas The Human Eye Is Globular And Must Adjust To _______ _________, The Bird's Eye Is Flat And Can Take In Everything At Once In A Single Glance`Varying Distances
Science & Nature: A Bird Sees Everything At Once In Total Focus. Whereas The Human Eye Is Globular And Must Adjust To Varying Distances, The Bird's Eye Is Flat And Can Take In Everything At Once In A ______`Single Glance
Science & Nature: A Bird Sees Everything At Once In Total Focus, Whereas The Human Eye Is Globular And Must Adjust To Varying Distances, The ____'S Eye Is Flat And Can Take In Everything At Once In A Single Glance`Bird's
Science & Nature: A Bird Sees Everything At Once In _____ _____, Whereas The Human Eye Is Globular And Must Adjust To Varying Distances, The Bird's Eye Is Flat And Can Take In Everything At Once In A Single Glance`Total Focus
Science & Nature: A Bird Sees Everything __ ____ In Total Focus, Whereas The Human Eye Is Globular And Must Adjust To Varying Distances, The Bird's Eye Is Flat And Can Take In Everything At Once In A Single Glance`At Once
Science & Nature: A Bird's Hooked Beak Is Necessary For ________ And Eating Prey, The Edges Of The Beak Act Like Scissors To Cut Through The Prey's Flesh`Catching
Science & Nature: A Bird's Hooked Beak Is Necessary For Catching And Eating Prey, The Edges Of The Beak Act Like Scissors To Cut Through The Prey's`Flesh
Science & Nature: A Bird's Hooked Beak Is Necessary For Catching And Eating Prey, The Edges Of The Beak Act Like ________ To Cut Through The Prey's Flesh`Scissors
Science & Nature: A Bird _____ With Its Stomach, Since Most Birds Do Not Have Teeth, A Bird Routinely Swallows Small Pebbles And Gravel. These Grits Become Vigorously Agitated In The Bird's Stomach And Serve To Grind Food As It Passes Through The Animal's Digestive System`Chews
Science & Nature: A Bison Can Jump ___`Six Feet
Science & Nature: A Blue Moon`2nd Full Moon In 1 Month
Science & Nature: A Blue _____'S Tongue Weighs As Much As An Elephant`Whale
Science & Nature: A Blue Whale Can Grow As Long As _____ Railway Cars And Heavier Than 35 Elephants, And Has A Tongue The Size Of A Small Car`Three
Science & Nature: A Blue Whale Can Grow As Long As Three _______ Cars And Heavier Than 35 Elephants, And Has A Tongue The Size Of A Small Car`Railway
Science & Nature: A Blue Whale Can Grow As Long As Three Railway Cars And Heavier Than 35 _________, And Has A Tongue The Size Of A Small Car`Elephants
Science & Nature: A Blue Whale Can Grow As Long As Three Railway Cars And Heavier Than 35 Elephants, And Has A Tongue The Size Of A Small`Car
Science & Nature: A Blue Whale's Heart Beats Only ____ _____ ___`Nine Times Per Minute
Science & Nature: A Blue Whale's _____ Is So Large That Fifty People Could Stand On It`Tongue
Science & Nature: A Blue Whale's Tongue Weighs As Much As An`Elephant
Science & Nature: A Boats Speed Measured In`Knots
Science & Nature: About 110 Domestic ________ Cocoons Are Needed To Make A Man's Tie`Silkworm
Science & Nature: About 110 Domestic Silkworm _______ Are Needed To Make A Man's Tie`Cocoons
Science & Nature: About 110 Domestic Silkworm Cocoons Are Needed To Make A ___'_`Man's Tie
Science & Nature: About 14 Percent Of The World's Protein Consumption Comes From`Fish
Science & Nature: About 1 In 5,000 North Atlantic Lobsters Are Born`Bright Blue
Science & Nature: About 24 Newborn ________ Can Fit In A Teaspoon. They Are About 0.07 Ounce At Birth`Opossums
Science & Nature: About 24 Newborn Opossums Can Fit In A Teaspoon. They Are About.07 Ounce At`Birth
Science & Nature: About 27 Tons Of ____ Rains Down On The Earth Each Day From Space, Making A Total Of Almost 10,000 Tons Each Year`Dust
Science & Nature: About 2 Million _______ Would Be Required To Cover The Full Stop At The End Of This Sentence`Hydrogen Atoms
Science & Nature: About 40 _____ Erupt In Our Galaxy Each Year`Novae
Science & Nature: About 70% Of All Living Organisms In The World Are`Bacteria
Science & Nature: About How Fast Can A Dragonfly Fly: 10,20,30 Or 40 Miles Per Hour`30 Mph
Science & Nature: About How Many Degrees Can A Great Horned Owl Turn Its Head`270
Science & Nature: About How Many Feet Of Earth Could An Ambitious Mole Tunnel Through In One Day: 20 Feet,100 Feet,200 Feet Or 300 Feet`300 Feet
Science & Nature: About How Much Of The Earth's Surface Is Permanently Covered In Ice`One Tenth
Science & Nature: About __% Of All Living Organisms In The World Are Bacteria`70%
Science & Nature: About One-Third Of The World's ____ Harvest Is Used To Feed Pets And Livestock`Fish
Science & Nature: About What Percent Of A Beluga's Body Weight Is Blubber`40
Science & Nature: A Bouvier Des Flanders`Dog
Science & Nature: A __________ Breathes Only 10 Times In Hibernation`Woodchuck
Science & Nature: A _________ Breathes Only Ten Times Per Hour While Hibernatin`Woodchuck
Science & Nature: A _____ Breathes Through The Upper Part Of Its Foot, Near The Shell`Snail
Science & Nature: A Breed Of Black And White Dairy Cattle`Friesian
Science & Nature: Absolute Zero (Zero Degrees Kelvin) Is Only Theoretical. The Lowest Laboratory Temperature Achieved Is 280 Picokelvin. In Which Scandinavian Country Was This Produced`Finland
Science & Nature: A Buck Can Be Either A Male Kangaroo, Male ______, Male Antelope, Or Male Deer`Rabbit
Science & Nature: A Buck Can Be Either A Male Kangaroo, Male Rabbit, Male ________, Or Male Deer`Antelope
Science & Nature: A Buck Can Be Either A Male ________, Male Rabbit, Male Antelope, Or Male Deer`Kangaroo
Science & Nature: A 'Bunya-Bunya' Tree Is Native To Which Country`Australia
Science & Nature: A Butterfly's Taste Sensors Are Located Below Their`Feet
Science & Nature: A 'Cameleopard' Is An Archaic Term For What Animal`Giraffe
Science & Nature: A ______ Can Accelerate From 0 To 70 Km/H In 2 Seconds`Cheetah
Science & Nature: A __________ Can Advance 7 To 8 Meters In A Single Stride, And The Animal Completes Four Strides Per Second. A Stride Is Measured As The Distance Between Successive Imprints Of The Same Paw`Cheetah
Science & Nature: A ____ Can Be Either A Male Kangaroo, Male Rabbit, Male Antelope, Or Male Deer`Buck
Science & Nature: A _____ Can Detect One Part Of Blood In 100 Million Parts Of Water`Shark
Science & Nature: A ________ Can Eat Only When Its Head Is Upside Down`Flamingo
Science & Nature: A __________ Can Fall From A 5-Story Building Without Injury`Rat
Science & Nature: A ________ Can Fall Over 100 Feet And Remained Unharmed. They Use Their Tails As Parachutes To Help Slow Their Descent`Squirrel
Science & Nature: A _________ Can Fly 25 Miles Per Hour`Dragonfly
Science & Nature: A ______ _____ Can Give Birth To 85 Babies`Garter Snake
Science & Nature: A __________ Can Go Without Water Longer Than A Camel Can`Giraffe
Science & Nature: A __________ Can Go Without Water Longer Than A Camel Can`Rat
Science & Nature: A ___ Can Go Without Water Longer Than A _____ Can`Camelrat
Science & Nature: A _____ _______ ________ Can Grow To Be 35 Inches (90 Cm) In Length - Longer Than Your Arm`South African Bullfrog
Science & Nature: A _____ Can Have About 25,000 Teeth`Snail
Science & Nature: A ______ ___ ______ Can Include Over 5-Million Busy Members - Soliders And Workers (Undeveloped Females Never Have Wings And Cannot Mate), Males (Can Mate With The Queen), And The Queen`Single Ant Colony
Science & Nature: A _____ Can Jump 6 Feet`Bison
Science & Nature: A __________ Can Last Longer Without Water Than A Camel`Rat
Science & Nature: A ___________ Can Leap Over Obstacles 500 Times Its Own Height. In Relation To Its Size, It Has The Greatest Jumping Ability Of All Animals`Grasshopper
Science & Nature: A __________ Can Learn To Recognize Itself In A Mirror, But Monkeys Can't`Chimpanzee
Science & Nature: A ________ Can Live As Long As 25 Years And Weigh Up To 1,200 Pounds`Swordfish
Science & Nature: A __________ Can Lose Up To 30 Percent Of Its Body Weight In Perspiration And Continue To Cross The Desert. A Human Would Die Of Heat Shock After Sweating Away Only 12 Percent Of Body Weight`Camel
Science & Nature: A _____ Can Lose Up To 30 Percent Of Its Body Weight In Perspiration And Continue To Cross The Desert`Camel
Science & Nature: A _____ Can Lose Up To One-Third Of Its Weight Between Meals`Camel
Science & Nature: A _____ Can Move Twice As Fast In Water As It Can On Land`Sloth
Science & Nature: A __________ Cannot Contract Or Carry The Rabies Virus`Squirrel
Science & Nature: A __________ Cannot Jump If Its Tail Is Lifted Off The Ground. It Needs Its Tail For Pushing Off`Kangaroo
Science & Nature: A ___ Can Not Move It's Jaw Side To Side`Cat
Science & Nature: A _______ Can Only Jump If Its Tail Is Touching The Ground`Kangaroo
Science & Nature: A ____________ Can Open Its Mouth Wide Enough To Accommodate A 4-Foot-Tall Child`Hippopotamus
Science & Nature: A ________ ________ Can Reach A Speed Of 28 Miles Per Hour (40 Kilometers Per Hour) For A Short Distance`Charging Elephant
Science & Nature: A _________ ______ Can Reach Up To 175 Miles Per Hour When Diving Through The Air. That Speed Is Equal To The Fastest Car In The Indianapolis 500`Peregrine Falcon
Science & Nature: A ___ Can React To Something It Sees And Change Direction In 30 Milliseconds`Fly
Science & Nature: A ____ _____ Can Remain Submerged Up To 15 Minutes`Gray Whale
Science & Nature: A _______ Can Remember A Specific Tone Far Better Than A Human Can`Dolphin
Science & Nature: A __________ Can Remember A Specific Tone Far Better Than Can A Human`Dolphin
Science & Nature: A ____________ Can Run Faster Than A Man`Hippopotamus
Science & Nature: A _____ Can Shut Its Nostrils During A Desert Sandstorm`Camel
Science & Nature: A _____Can Sleep For Three Years`Snail
Science & Nature: A _____ Can Sleep Standing Up`Horse
Science & Nature: A __________ Can Squeeze Through An Opening No Larger Than A Dime`Rat
Science & Nature: A ______ _______ Can Taste Wit Any Part Of Its Body`Marine Catfish
Science & Nature: A ______ _______ Can Taste With Any Part Of Its Body. The Female ______ _______ Hatches Her Eggs In Her Mouth`Marine Catfish
Science & Nature: A ________ Can Transport Germs As Far As 15 Miles Away From The Original Source Of Contamination`Housefly
Science & Nature: A _________ Can't Stick Out Its Tongue`Crocodile
Science & Nature: A Carbohydrate Consists Of Carbon, Hydrogen, And Which Other Element`Oxygen
Science & Nature: A Carnivore Is A Meat-Eating Animal. A __________ Is A Fruit-Eating Animal`Frugivore
Science & Nature: A Castrated Bull`Bullock
Science & Nature: A Castrated Horse`Gelding
Science & Nature: A Castrated Ram`Wether
Science & Nature: A Cat Has 32 Muscles In`Each Ear
Science & Nature: A Cat Keeps Purring, No Matter If It Is Inhaling Or ________, A Baffling Accomplishment`Exhaling
Science & Nature: A Cat Keeps Purring, No Matter If It Is ________ Or Exhaling, A Baffling Accomplishment`Inhaling
Science & Nature: A Cat's Arching Back Is Part Of A Complex Body Language System, Usually Associated With Feeling Threatened. The Arch Is Able To Get So High Because The Cat's Spine Contains Nearly 60 Vertebrae Which Fit Loosely Together. Humans Have Only`34 Vertebrae
Science & Nature: A Cat's _______ ____ Is Part Of A Complex Body Language System, Usually Associated With Feeling Threatened. The Arch Is Able To Get So High Because The Cat's Spine Contains Nearly 60 Vertebrae Which Fit Loosely Together. Humans Have Only 34 Vertebrae`Arching Back
Science & Nature: A Cat's Jaw Can't Move`Sideways
Science & Nature: A Cat Uses Its Whiskers To Determine If A Space Is Too Small To Squeeze Through. The Whiskers Act As Feelers Or __________, Helping The Animal To Judge The Precise Width Of Any Passage`Antennae
Science & Nature: A Cat Will Clean Itself With ___ ___ ______ After A Dangerous Experience Or When It Has Fought With Another Cat. This Is Believed To Be An Attempt By The Animal To Soothe Its Nerves By Doing Something Natural And Instinctive`Paw And Tongue
Science & Nature: According To Scientists, ____ Exists On Mars, Mercury, And Venus`Gold
Science & Nature: According To Several Studies, Less Than 3 Percent Of The __________ Population Become Man-Eaters`Tiger
Science & Nature: According To Some Estimates, The Bugs That _______ Eat In One Year Weigh As Much As All The People On Earth`Spiders
Science & Nature: According To The Classification System By Carolus Linnaeus, There Are 5 Kingdoms Of Living Things. Animals, Plants, Funji, Protists, And What`Monerans
Science & Nature: According To The National Wild Turkey Federation, The Number Of Wild Turkeys In The U.S. Has Increased From An All Time Low Of 30,000 To More Than 4 Million Today. One State Park In Iowa Now Boasts More Than __________ Turkeys Per Square Mile`One Hundred
Science & Nature: According To Tradition, Which Animals Desert A Sinking Ship`Rats
Science & Nature: According To Zoology Experts, There Is No Real Difference Between Doves And __________. The Choice Of Name Rests Almost Altogether On Custom And Geography, Although The Smaller Of The Species Is, More Often Than Not, Called A Dove`Pigeons
Science & Nature: A Cell Containing Only One Set Of Chromosomes`Haploid Cell
Science & Nature: A Certain Musical ____ Can Sexually Excite Cats, The Same Note When Played For Kittens Makes Them Want To Go To The Bathroom`Note
Science & Nature: A Certain Musical Note Can ________ Excite Cats, The Same Note When Played For Kittens Makes Them Want To Go To The Bathroom`Sexually
Science & Nature: A Certain Musical Note Can Sexually Excite Cats, The Same Note When Played For Kittens Makes Them Want To Go To The`Bathroom
Science & Nature: A Certain Musical Note Can Sexually Excite Cats, The Same Note When Played For _______ Makes Them Want To Go To The Bathroom`Kittens
Science & Nature: A Certain Musical Note Can Sexually Excite Cats, The Same ____ When Played For Kittens Makes Them Want To Go To The Bathroom`Note
Science & Nature: A Certain Musical Note Can Sexually Excite ____, The Same Note When Played For Kittens Makes Them Want To Go To The Bathroom`Cats
Science & Nature: A Certain _______ Note Can Sexually Excite Cats, The Same Note When Played For Kittens Makes Them Want To Go To The Bathroom`Musical
Science & Nature: A Cesium Atom In An Atomic Clock Beats __________ Times A Second`9,192,631,770
Science & Nature: A Cesium Atom In An __________ Clock Beats 9,192,631,770 Times A Second`Atomic
Science & Nature: A Cetacean's Horizontally Flattened Tail Is Called A`Fluke
Science & Nature: Acetylsalicylic Acid Is More Commonly Known As`Aspirin
Science & Nature: A Chain Of Supporting Cells Enclosing The Axons Of Many Neurons And Forming An Insulating Layer Called The Myelin Sheath`Schwann Cells
Science & Nature: A Chameleon's _____ Is Twice The Length Of Its Body`Tongue
Science & Nature: A Chameleon's Tongue Is ___ The Length Of Its Body`Twice
Science & Nature: A Change In Activity Rate In Response To A Stimulus`Kinesis
Science & Nature: A Characteristic Of A 'Nimbus' Cloud`Rain
Science & Nature: A Chemical Substance That Yields Hydrogen Ions (H+) When Dissolved In Water`Acid
Science & Nature: A Chicken Loses Its Feathers When It Becomes`Stressed
Science & Nature: A ____-________ ___________ Chick Gapes In Response To Air Movement From Its Mother's Wings, And Also Apparently In Response To Her Call`Ruby-Throated Hummingbird
Science & Nature: A Chimpanzee Can Learn To Recognize Itself In A ______, But Monkeys Can't`Mirror
Science & Nature: A Chimpanzee Can Learn To Recognize Itself In A Mirror, But _______ Can't`Monkeys
Science & Nature: A Cicada Passes Eggs Through Its`Ovipositor
Science & Nature: A ____ Cloud Is Wispy And Contains Seperated, Small Puffs`Cirrus
Science & Nature: A Cockroach Can Live Several Weeks With Its Head Cut Off - It Dies From`Starvation
Science & Nature: A Cockroach Will Live Nine Days Without Its ______, Before It Starves To Death`Head
Science & Nature: A Coho A Type Of`Fish
Science & Nature: A Cold Front`Cold Air Sliding Under Warm Air
Science & Nature: A Colony Of 150 ___ _____ ____ Can Protect Local Farmers From Up To 33 Million Or More Rootworms Each Summer`Big Brown Bats
Science & Nature: A Colony Of Bees Have To Fly Almost Fifty-Five Thousand Miles And Tap Two Million Flowers To Make One`Pound Of Honey
Science & Nature: A Colony Of _____-______ ____ Varies In Size From 400,000 To Over 1 Million Individuals`White-Footed Ants
Science & Nature: A Common ________ Is Faster--In One Sense--Than A Jet Airplane. The Fly Moves 300 Times Its Body Length In One Second, While The Jet, At The Speed Of Sound, Travels 100 Times Its Body Length In One Second`Housefly
Science & Nature: A Commonly Used Process For Oxide And Nitride Deposition, Cvd, Stands For`Chemical Vepor Deposition
Science & Nature: A Completely Blind _________ Will Still Take On The Colours Of Its Environment`Chameleon
Science & Nature: A Completely _____ Chameleon Will Still Take On The Colours Of Its Environment`Blind
Science & Nature: A __________ Consumes About 33 Percent Of Its Body Weight In A Single Meal`Pelican
Science & Nature: A Corrosive Substance`Acid
Science & Nature: A Cow Can't Give Milk Until She's _____ _____ __ _`Given Birth To A Calf
Science & Nature: A Cow Can't __________ Until She's Given Birth To A Calf`Give Milk
Science & Nature: A Cow Gives Nearly How Many Glasses Of Milk In Her Lifetime`200,000
Science & Nature: A Cow-Hocked Horse Has His Hocks What`Too Close Together
Science & Nature: A Cows Stomach Has How Many Compartments`Four
Science & Nature: A Creature Known As A 'Chupacabra' Has Allegedly Been Preying On Wild Animals. What Sort Of Creature Is A Chupacabra`Land Creature
Science & Nature: A Creature That Has No Brain Is`Anencephalous
Science & Nature: A Crested Parrot`Cockatoo
Science & Nature: A Crocodile Cannot Stick Its Out`Tongue
Science & Nature: A Crocodile Can't Stick Out Its`Tongue
Science & Nature: 'Acrosternum Hilare' And 'Euschistus Servus' Are Two Types Of Stink Bugs Which Are Found In North America, But What Are The Common Names Of These Two Species`Green Stink Bug And Brown Stink Bug
Science & Nature: A Day On __________ Is About 9 Hours,50 Minutes,30 Seconds At The Equator`Jupiter
Science & Nature: A Dead Body Of An Animal Called`Carcass
Science & Nature: Adelie Penguins Employ _______ As Part Of Their Courtship Ritual`Yawning
Science & Nature: A Desert Bean That Actualy Produces More Beans During A Drought Is The`Tepary Bean
Science & Nature: Ad?Lie __________ Employ Yawning As Part Of Their Courtship Ritual`Penguins
Science & Nature: A Dolphin Can Remember A Specific ______ Better Than A Human`Tone
Science & Nature: A Donkey Is An 'Ass, ' But An Ass Is Not Always A Donkey. The Word 'Ass' Refers To Several Hoofed Mammals Of The Genus Equus, Including The`Onager
Science & Nature: A Donkey Will Sink In __________ But A Mule Won't`Quicksand
Science & Nature: A Dragonfly Flaps Its Wings 20 To 40 Times A Second, Bees And __________ 200 Times, Some Mosquitoes 600 Times, And A Tiny Gnat 1,000 Times`Houseflies
Science & Nature: A Dragonfly Flaps Its Wings 20 To 40 Times A Second, Bees And Houseflies 200 Times, Some __________ 600 Times, And A Tiny Gnat 1,000 Times`Mosquitoes
Science & Nature: A Dragonfly Flaps Its Wings 20 To 40 Times A Second, Bees And Houseflies 200 Times, Some Mosquitoes 600 Times, And A ____ ____ 1,000 Times`Tiny Gnat
Science & Nature: A Dragonfly's Penis Has A Shovel On The End That Scoops Out A Rival Male's`Semen
Science & Nature: A ____ ____ _____ Drinks Enough Milk To Fill More Than 2,000 Bottles A Day`Baby Grey Whale
Science & Nature: A ________ Drinks Water Through Its Nose`Tortoise
Science & Nature: A Duck Has __________ Eyelids`Three
Science & Nature: Adult ________ ____ 5 Feet To 7 Feet Long Produce Enough Electricity - 600 Volts - To Stun A Horse`Electric Eels
Science & Nature: Adult Male _________ Are Black, With White Wings And Tail, And Female _________ Are Grey. The Bare Neck And Legs Of The Male Are Red, Whereas The Female's Are Pale Flesh Colour`Ostriches
Science & Nature: Adult ________ ___________ Play Dead When Handled`Goatweed Butterflies
Science & Nature: Adult Polar Bears Usually Eat Just The Skin And Blubber Of A Seal. They Leave The Meat For Cubs And Scavengers. One Seal Will Sustain An Adult Bear For`Eleven Days
Science & Nature: A ____ Eagle's Nest Can Be 12 Feet Deep And 10 Feet Wide`Bald
Science & Nature: A ______ Engages In A Typical Sex Session That Lasts All Of 15 Seconds`Baboon
Science & Nature: A ________, Engorged On Blood, Is Able To Fly Carrying A Load Twice Its Own Weight`Mosquito
Science & Nature: A ___'_ Eye Has More Than 4,000 Lenses`Fly's
Science & Nature: A Famous Stallion Will, On Retirement, Command An Impressive Stud Fee For Servicing Approved Mares. Specialist Stud-Farms House One Or More Stallions, Each Of Which Is Allowed To Service About __________ Per Season`40 Mares
Science & Nature: A Female Cat`Queen
Science & Nature: A Female Deer`Doe
Science & Nature: A Female Ferret`Jill
Science & Nature: A Female Fox Is Called A Vixen. A Male Is Called A`Dog Fox
Science & Nature: A Female ____'_ Milk Is Closest To Human Milk`Donkey's
Science & Nature: A Female Mouse May Spawn As Many As Ten Litters Of Eight To Ten Young During Her Lifetime - Which Is Generally Less Than A Year. The Gestation Period Is Three Weeks, And The Young Mice Reach Maturity In Only`Ten Weeks
Science & Nature: A Female Sheep`Ewe
Science & Nature: A Female Swine, Or A Sow, Will Always Have A Even Number Of Teats Or Nipples, Usually`Twelve
Science & Nature: A Female Swine, Or A Sow, Will Always Have A Even Number Of ______, Usually Twelve`Nipples
Science & Nature: A Female ________ That Has Become A Recent Mother Holds A Reserve Embryo Inside Of Her After Her First Baby Has Crawled Into Her Pouch. This Embryo Is An 'Emergency Back-Up' Baby, Should The First One Die Prematurely`Kangaroo
Science & Nature: A Female _____ Will Die If It Goes Into Heat And Cannot Find A Mate`Ferret
Science & Nature: A Figure With Eight Equal Sides Called`Octagon
Science & Nature: A __________ Fish Can Swim 100 Miles In A Single Day`Tuna
Science & Nature: A Flat-Topped, Submerged Volcanic Mountain Is Called A`Guyot
Science & Nature: A Flowering Plant That Lives Three Or More Years Called`Perennial
Science & Nature: A Fly Agaric`A Mushroom
Science & Nature: A Fly Stuck In A Spider Web Can Escape In About ____ _______ If The Spider Doesn't Get To It First`Five Seconds
Science & Nature: A __________ Focuses Its Eye By Changing The Angle Of Its Head, Not By Changing The Shape Of The Lens Of The Eye, As Humans Do`Horse
Science & Nature: A 'Fody' A Type Of`Bird
Science & Nature: A Foetus Acquires Fingerprints At The Age Of _____ Months`Three
Science & Nature: African Tree With Massive Trunk And Edible Fruit`Baobab
Science & Nature: Afternoon Temperatures On ____ Go Up To About 80? F In Some Areas, And Down To -190? F At Night`Mars
Science & Nature: A Fullgrown Bear Can Run As Fast As A`Horse
Science & Nature: A Fullgrown ____ Can Run As Fast As A Horse`Bear
Science & Nature: A Full-Grown __________ May Be 8 Feet High At The Shoulder And Weigh Almost A Ton`Moose
Science & Nature: A Functional Group Consisting Of A Hydrogen Atom Joined To An Oxygen Atom By A Polar Covalent Bond`Hydroxyl Group
Science & Nature: A Galaxy Of Typical Size - About 100 Billion Suns - Produces Less Energy Than A Single`Quasar
Science & Nature: A Garter Snake Can Give Birth To`85 Babies
Science & Nature: A Gas Produced By The Incomplete Combustion Of Coal In A Mine Fire Is Very Poisonous, Its Chemical Name`Carbon Monoxide
Science & Nature: A _________ ____ Generates Temperatures Five Times Hotter Than Those Found At The Sun's Surface`Lightning Bolt
Science & Nature: A __________ Generates Temperatures Five Times Hotter Than Those Found On The Sun's Surface`Lightning Bolt
Science & Nature: A Geoduck Is A Large`Clam
Science & Nature: A German 'Alsatian'`German Shepherd
Science & Nature: A _______ _____ Gets Its Name From Its Speed In Running The Quarter-Mile`Quarter Horse
Science & Nature: A Giant Pacific __________ Can Fit Its Entire Body Through An Opening No Bigger Than The Size Of Its Beak`Octopus
Science & Nature: A Giant Sequoia`Redwood Tree
Science & Nature: A Gigantic Mass Of Snow And Ice, Mixed With Stones And Earth, Which Falls From The Mountains Into The Valleys Is Called A`Avalanche
Science & Nature: A Gila Monster Is A Type Of What`Lizard
Science & Nature: A Ginkgo`Tree
Science & Nature: A Giraffe Can Go Without Water Linger Than A _____ Can`Camel
Science & Nature: A Giraffe's Sticky, Black Tongue Can Be More Than 18 Inches Long And Is Used To Gather Food Into The Mouth. Males Typically Feed With Their Head And Neck At Full Vertical Stretch, Often With Their Tongues Extended To Reach The Shoots On The Underside Of The Mature Tree Canopy. Females Feed At The Body Or Knee Height, With Their _____ ______`Necks Curled Over
Science & Nature: A Giraffe's Sticky, Black Tongue Can Be More Than 18 Inches Long And Is Used To Gather Food Into The Mouth. Males Typically Feed With Their Head And Neck At ____ ________ _______, Often With Their Tongues Extended To Reach The Shoots On The Underside Of The Mature Tree Canopy. Females Feed At The Body Or Knee Height, With Their Necks Curled Over`Full Vertical Stretch
Science & Nature: A Giraffe's Sticky, _____ ______ Can Be More Than 18 Inches Long And Is Used To Gather Food Into The Mouth. Males Typically Feed With Their Head And Neck At Full Vertical Stretch, Often With Their Tongues Extended To Reach The Shoots On The Underside Of The Mature Tree Canopy. Females Feed At The Body Or Knee Height, With Their Necks Curled Over`Black Tongue
Science & Nature: A __________ Gives Nearly 200,000 Glasses Of Milk In Her Lifetime`Cow
Science & Nature: A Good Milking ___ Will Give Nearly 6,000 Quarts Of Milk Every Year`Cow
Science & Nature: A Googolplex`The Largest Named Number
Science & Nature: A Great Wave Resulting From An Earthquakes Is Called A (An)`Tsunami
Science & Nature: A Greyish Cat With Dark Stripes Called`Tabby
Science & Nature: Agricultural Science Concerning Methods Of Soil Management And Crop Production`Agronomy
Science & Nature: Agriculture Incorporating The Cultivation And Conservation Of Trees`Agroforestry
Science & Nature: A Group Of Bees Can Be Called Either A Hive, A Swarm, Or A`Grist
Science & Nature: A Group Of Foxes Is Called A`Skulk
Science & Nature: A Group Of Gorillas Is Known As A`Band
Science & Nature: A Group Of Kangaroos Is Known As A`Troop
Science & Nature: A Group Of Larks Called`Exaltation
Science & Nature: A Group Of Owls Is Called A`Parliament
Science & Nature: A Group Of This Animal Can Drive Off A Group Of Lioness From Their Prey. It`Spotted Hyaena
Science & Nature: A Group Of This Called: Bacteria`Culture
Science & Nature: Ag`Silver
Science & Nature: A Guanaco`Wild Llama
Science & Nature: A ___ Has 32 Muscles In Each Ear`Cat
Science & Nature: A __________ Has About 400 To 700 Vibrissae, Or Whiskers, In 13 To 15 Rows On Its Snout. Vibrissae Are Attached To Muscles And Are Supplied With Blood And Nerves. A __________ Moves Its Snout Through Bottom Sediment To Find Food. Abrasion Patterns Created By Their Tusks Show That They Are Dragged Through The Sediment, But Are Not Used To Dig Up Prey`Walrus
Science & Nature: A ______ Has About 400 To 700 Vibrissae`Walrus
Science & Nature: A __________ Has A Lifespan Of 24 Hours`Dragonfly
Science & Nature: A _____ Has Almost 3,000 Feathers`Robin
Science & Nature: A _____ _____ Has A Mass Equal To That Of The Sun, But A Diameter Only About That Of Earth`White Dwarf
Science & Nature: A ____________ Has A Stomach 10 Feet Long, Capable Of Holding 6 Bushels Of Grass`Hippopotamus
Science & Nature: A ________ Has Eight Eyes, One At The End Of Each Leg`Starfish
Science & Nature: A ___ Has Five Eyes, Two Large Compound Eyes On Either Side Of Its Head, And Three Ocelli (Primitive Eyes) On Top Of Its Head To Detect Light Intensity`Bee
Science & Nature: A ______ Has Five Pairs Of Legs`Shrimp
Science & Nature: A _____ Has Nearly 3,000 Feathers`Robin
Science & Nature: A __________ Has No Colour Vision, It Sees Only In Black And White. Every Part Of Its Field Of Vision, However, Is In Perfect Focus, Not Just Straight Ahead, As With Humans`Squirrel
Science & Nature: A ________ Has No Colour Vision, It Sees Only In Black And White`Squirrel
Science & Nature: A ___ Has No Stomach`Moth
Science & Nature: A __________ Has The Largest Penis Of Any Other Animal In Relation To Its Size`Barnacle
Science & Nature: A __________ Has Three Eyelids`Duck
Science & Nature: A __________ Has Three Toes On Each Foot`Rhinoceros
Science & Nature: A _________'_ Heart Is Nothing But A Simple Tube With Valves. The Tube Can Pump Blood Backwards And Forwards In The Insect. The Heart Can Even Stop Moving, Apparently Without Harming The Roach`Cockroach's
Science & Nature: A Heavenly Body Moving Under The Attraction Of The Sun And Consisting Of A Nucleus And A Tail Is A`Comet
Science & Nature: A Heavenly Body Moving Under The Attraction Of The Sun And Consisting Of A Nucleus And A Tail Is A(N)`Comet
Science & Nature: A Herd Of Sixty ____ Is Capable Of Producing A Ton Of Milk In Less Than A Day`Cows
Science & Nature: A Hibernating _________ Breathes Only Ten Times Per Hour`Woodchuck
Science & Nature: A Hibernating Woodchuck Breathes Only Ten Times Per Hour. An __________ Woodchuck Breathes 2,100 Times An Hour`Active
Science & Nature: A Hippo Can Open Its Mouth Wide Enough To Fit A 4 Foot Tall`Child
Science & Nature: A Hippopotamus Can Run Faster Than A`Man
Science & Nature: A Hippopotamus Has A Stomach 10 Feet Long, Capable Of Holding 6 Bushels Of`Grass
Science & Nature: A Holstein Cow's Spots Are Like A ___________ Or A Snowflake: No Two Cows Have Exactly The Same Pattern Of Spots`Fingerprint
Science & Nature: A ________'_ Horizontally Flattened Tail Is Called A Fluke`Cetacean's
Science & Nature: A Horse Focuses Its Eye By Changing The Angle Of Its ____, Not By Changing The Shape Of The Lens Of The Eye, As Humans Do`Head
Science & Nature: A Horse Is Measured In`Hands
Science & Nature: A Horse's Foot Called`Hoof
Science & Nature: A Horseshoe For A Full-Grown Clydesdale Measures More That 22 Inches From End To End And Weighs About Five Pounds. It Is More Than Two Times As Long And Four Times As Heavy As A Shoe Worn By A ______`Riding Horse
Science & Nature: A Horseshoe For A Full-Grown __________ Measures More That 22 Inches From End To End And Weighs About Five Pounds. It Is More Than Two Times As Long And Four Times As Heavy As A Shoe Worn By A Riding Horse`Clydesdale
Science & Nature: A Hot Spring That Shoots Steam Into The Air`Geyser
Science & Nature: A Housefly Can Transport Germs As Far As 15 Miles Away From The Original Source Of`Contamination
Science & Nature: A House Fly's Feet Are 10 Million Times More Sensitive Than A`Human Tongue
Science & Nature: A Hummingbird's Heart Beats ____ Beats In A Minute`615
Science & Nature: A Hummingbird Weighs Less Than A`Penny
Science & Nature: A ____ In Hibernation Loses Up To 25 Percent Of Its Body Weight`Bear
Science & Nature: A __________ In The Wild Usually Makes No More Than 20 Kills A Year`Lion
Science & Nature: Air Is 21% Oxygen,78% ______, And 1% Other Gases`Nitrogen
Science & Nature: Air Moving In A Spiral Around A High Pressure Called`Anticyclone
Science & Nature: Air Under Pressure Greater Than That Of The Atmosphere`Compressed Air
Science & Nature: A _____ Is 95 Percent Water`Jellyfish
Science & Nature: A _______ Is Able To Clean Its Ears With Its Own Tongue`Giraffe
Science & Nature: A _______ Is A Large Clam`Geoduck
Science & Nature: A _________ Is A Meat-Eating Animal. A Frugivore Is A Fruit-Eating Animal`Carnivore
Science & Nature: A ___ Is A Mixture Of Minerals`Rock
Science & Nature: A __________ Is An Autopsy On Animals`Necropsy
Science & Nature: A '______' Is An Edible Sea Snail`Winkle
Science & Nature: A ___________ Is A Snake That Kills Its Prey By Wrapping A Loop Of Its Body Around The Prey And Squeezing It To Death`Constrictor
Science & Nature: A _____ Is A Solid Substance That Occurs Naturally And Has A Cystalline Structure`Mineral
Science & Nature: A ________ ________ Is Called A Twit`Pregnant Goldfish
Science & Nature: A _____ Is Capable Of Eating An Animal Four Times Larger Than The Width Of Its Own Head`Snake
Science & Nature: A ____ Is Capable Of Jumping 13 Inches In A Single Leap. In Human Terms, This Would Be Equivalent To A Person Leaping 700 Feet In One Bound`Flea
Science & Nature: A _____ Is Formed By Carbon Crystallizing`Diamond
Science & Nature: A ______ Is Not An Insect. It Is An Arachnid - It Has Eight Legs Instead Of Six, And Has No Wings Or Antennae. The Same Is True Of The Daddy Longlegs, Scorpion's Mite, And Tick - None Is Technically Part Of The Insect Class`Spider
Science & Nature: A ____ Is The Hooked Jaw Many Male Salmon Develop During Spawning`Kype
Science & Nature: A ____ Is The Resulting Offspring Of A Sheep And A Goat`Geep
Science & Nature: A _____ Is The Slowest Moving Animal On The Planet. Its Top Speed Is .07 Miles Per Hour, Which Would Take It 15 Minutes To Cross A Four-Lane Road. Next Is The Spider At 1.2 Miles Per Hour, The Chicken At 9 Miles Per Hour, The Pig At 11 Miles Per Hour, And The Squirrel At 12 Miles Per Hour`Sloth
Science & Nature: A ______ Is The Trails Left By A High-Flying Plane Or Jet`Contrail
Science & Nature: A Jynx Is A __________, Also Know As The Wryneck Because Of Its Peculiar Habit Of Twisting Its Neck`Woodpecker
Science & Nature: A Jynx Is A Woodpecker, Also Know As The _______ Because Of Its Peculiar Habit Of Twisting Its Neck`Wryneck
Science & Nature: A Kind Of Expanded Polystyrene`Styrofoam
Science & Nature: A Kind Of Small Domestic Fowl`Bantam
Science & Nature: A Kind Of Tortoise In The Galapagos Islands Has An Upturned Shell At Its Neck So It Can Reach Its Head Up To Eat What`Cactus Branches`Cactus
Science & Nature: A King Cobra Is The Biggest Of All Poisonous Snakes And Can Grow To Over 13 Feet Long. A Bite From A King Cobra Can Kill An ________ In 4 Hours`Elephant
Science & Nature: A Kiron`Energy Particle`Energy
Science & Nature: A Koala Will Spend 22 Hours A Day Asleep, Earning It First Place As The World's Sleepiest Animal. Next In Line Is The _____ At 20 Hours, The Armadillo At 19 Hours, The Opossum At 19 Hours, And The Lemur At 16 Hours A Day`Sloth
Science & Nature: A Koala Will Spend 22 Hours A Day Asleep, Earning It First Place As The World's Sleepiest Animal. Next In Line Is The Sloth At 20 Hours, The Armadillo At 19 Hours, The _______ At 19 Hours, And The Lemur At 16 Hours A Day`Opossum
Science & Nature: A Koala Will Spend 22 Hours A Day Asleep, Earning It First Place As The World's Sleepiest Animal. Next In Line Is The Sloth At 20 Hours, The Armadillo At 19 Hours, The Opossum At 19 Hours, And The _____ At 16 Hours A Day`Lemur
Science & Nature: A Koala Will Spend 22 Hours A Day Asleep, Earning It First Place As The World's Sleepiest Animal. Next In Line Is The Sloth At 20 Hours, The _________ At 19 Hours, The Opossum At 19 Hours, And The Lemur At 16 Hours A Day`Armadillo
Science & Nature: A Krill, A Type Of Shrimp, If Attacked, Literally _____ ___ __ ___ _____, Leaving The Predator To Chase The Shell While The Krill Escapes`Jumps Out Of Its Shell
Science & Nature: A Kype Is The ______ ___ Many Male Salmon Develop During Spawning`Hooked Jaw
Science & Nature: Al`Aluminium
Science & Nature: A Large Cage Or Building For Keeping Birds`Aviary
Science & Nature: A Large Caribbean __________ Excretes A Ton Of Sand A Year. Using Two Oversized Front Teeth, It Nibbles On Seagrass And Scrapes Algae. Another Set Of Teeth In Its Throat Grinds Up The Coral It Ingests`Parrot Fish
Science & Nature: A Large _________ ______ ____ Excretes A Ton Of Sand A Year. Using Two Oversized Front Teeth, It Nibbles On Seagrass And Scrapes Algae. Another Set Of Teeth In Its Throat Grinds Up The Coral It Ingests`Caribbean Parrot Fish
Science & Nature: A Large Flawless Emerald Is Worth More Than A Similarly Large Flawless`Diamond
Science & Nature: A Large Fur Covered Marsupial Mammal Of Australia And Tasmania`Wombat
Science & Nature: A Large ___ Needs More Than 2 Tonnes Of Food A Day`Whale
Science & Nature: A Large S.American Vulture`Condor
Science & Nature: A Large Sea Bird Or Greedy Person`Gannet
Science & Nature: A Large Swarm Of __________ Can Eat 80,000 Tons Of Corn In A Day`Locusts
Science & Nature: A Large Swarm Of Locusts Can Eat 80,000 Tons Of __________ In A Day`Corn
Science & Nature: A Large Swarm Of Locusts Can Eat __________ Tons Of Corn In A Day`80,000
Science & Nature: A Large Whale Needs More Than ________ Of Food A Day`Two Tonnes
Science & Nature: Alaska Has More Caribou Than`People
Science & Nature: Alaska's Lake Illiamna Is Reputedly Home For A Species Of Giant Fish Which Grows To 30 Feet In Length. Though There Have Been Numerous Sightings No Hard Evidence Has Been Obtained. The Most Popular Explanation For These Creatures Is That They Are A Species Of What`Sturgeon
Science & Nature: A Layered Rock Resulting From The Consolidation Of Sediment`Sedimentary Rock
Science & Nature: Albert Einstein Couldn't Talk Properly Until He Was Nine, And Was Thought To Be Suffering From`Dyslexia
Science & Nature: Albert Einstein Was Offered The Presidency Of __________ In 1952`Israel
Science & Nature: Alces Alces`Moose
Science & Nature: A Light Metal Approximately As Strong As Steel`Titanium
Science & Nature: A Light Sometimes Seen Over Marshy Ground At Night`Ignis Fatuus
Science & Nature: A Line Drawn From An Angle Of A Triangle To The Mid-Point Of The Opposite Side Is A(N)`Median
Science & Nature: A Lipid`Fat
Science & Nature: All Cows Are Females: The Males Are Called`Bulls
Science & Nature: All __________ Float In Water`Porcupines
Science & Nature: All _______ Have Tongues`Mammals
Science & Nature: Alligators And __________ Have Something In Common, At Least Auditorily. They Can Hear Notes Only Up To 4,000 Vibrations A Second`Old People
Science & Nature: All Male Mosquitoes Are`Vegetarians
Science & Nature: All Mammals Have`Tongues
Science & Nature: All Metamorphic Rocks Have`Been Changed
Science & Nature: All Polar Bears Are ____`Left-Handed
Science & Nature: All Porcupines Float In`Water
Science & Nature: All The Coal, Oil, Gas, And Wood On Earth Would Only Keep The ___ Burning For A Few Days`Sun
Science & Nature: All The Planets In Our Solar System Could Be Placed Inside The Planet`Jupiter
Science & Nature: All Totalled, The Sunlight That Strikes Earth At Any Given Moment Weighs As Much As An Ocean`Liner
Science & Nature: Almonds Are Members Of What Family`Peach
Science & Nature: Almost Everyone Knows The Date When The First Astronauts Landed On The Moon, July 20th,1969. But Anyone Knows What's The Date Of The Launching`July 16th,1969
Science & Nature: Almost Half The ____ In The World Are Kept By Farmers In China`Pigs
Science & Nature: Almost Half The Pigs In The World Are Kept By Farmers In`China
Science & Nature: A Lobster's _______ Are In Its Forehead And Its Teeth In Its Stomach`Kidneys
Science & Nature: A Lobster's Kidneys Are In Its ________ And Its Teeth In Its Stomach`Forehead
Science & Nature: A Lobster's Kidneys Are In Its Forehead And Its _____ In Its Stomach`Teeth
Science & Nature: A Long Winged Sea Bird Related To The Petrel`Albatross
Science & Nature: A Long Wire Wound In A Close-Packed Helix And Carrying A Current`Solenoid
Science & Nature: A Loofah Is A Type Of What`Plant
Science & Nature: Alpine Plant With White Bracts`Edelweiss
Science & Nature: Also Called Bettas, The Males Of What Fish Species Are Bred In Thailand For The Purpose Of Competitive Combat, With People Gambling On The Matches`Siamese Fighting Fish
Science & Nature: Alteration Of Iron-Rich Rocks Or Minerals Into Other Substances Due To Oxygen`Oxidation
Science & Nature: Although ________ Are Excellent Swimmers, The Deepest That One Has Been Observed Diving Is 33 Feet. Typically, The Large, Gentle Creatures Feed No Deeper Than About Ten Feet Below The Surface Of The Water`Manatees
Science & Nature: Although _______ Live Near Rivers, Streams, And Lakes, They Do Not Eat Fish. Eat Only Plants. They Eat Poplar Trees, Carrots, Cattail, Mushrooms, Potatoes, Berries, Water Plants, Swamp Wood, And Fruit. Soft Bark Is The Main Food For A Beaver`Beavers
Science & Nature: Although Manatees Are Excellent __________, The Deepest That One Has Been Observed Diving Is 33 Feet. Typically, The Large, Gentle Creatures Feed No Deeper Than About Ten Feet Below The Surface Of The Water`Swimmers
Science & Nature: Although _________ May Cause A Landslide, It Is Still Gravity That Causes The Land To Move Down`Earthquakes
Science & Nature: Although Only Nine Inches Tall, An Adult Roadrunner Can Keep Pace With A _____`Human Sprinter
Science & Nature: Although Only Nine Inches Tall, An _____ __________ Can Keep Pace With A Human Sprinter`Adult Roadrunner
Science & Nature: Although Some Sedimentary Rocks Are Formed From Evaporation, The Original Minerals Came From The _______ Of Rocks`Erosion
Science & Nature: Although Technically In The Order Carnivora, Grizzly Bears Are Largely`Vegetarian
Science & Nature: Although The Last Of The ________ ______ In Captivity Died In Hobart In 1935, Some May Still Roam Tasmania's High Country`Tasmania Wolves
Science & Nature: Although The Last Of The __________ In Captivity Died In Hobart In 1935, Some May Still Roam Tasmania's High Country. The Wolflike Marsupial's Scientific Name, Thylacinus Cynocephalus, Means 'The Pouched Dog With A Wolf Head.'`Tasmanian Devils
Science & Nature: Aluminium Can Be Spun Into A _____ So Fine That 1.5 Pounds Of It Could Encircle The Earth`Filament
Science & Nature: Aluminium Is Strong Enough To Support __________ Pounds Per Square Inch`90,000
Science & Nature: A Lump Of Pure Gold The Size Of A Matchbox Can Be Flattened Into A Sheet The Size Of A ___`Tennis Court
Science & Nature: A Lux A Measure Of`Illumination
Science & Nature: __________ Always Turn Left When Exiting A Cave`Bats
Science & Nature: __________ Always Walk Backwards`Doodlebugs
Science & Nature: A Malamute`Eskimo Dog
Science & Nature: A Male Ass`Jack
Science & Nature: A Male Baboon Can Kill A`Leopard
Science & Nature: A Male __________ Becomes Fully Feathered When He Is Three Years Old, But Can Mate Earlier`Peacock
Science & Nature: A Male _______ ____ Can Detect And Find A Female Of His Species A Mile Away`Emperor Moth
Science & Nature: A Male ______ Can Kill A Leopard`Baboon
Science & Nature: A Male Cat Is Called A What`Tom
Science & Nature: A Male Cat Is Referred To As A 'Tom'. What Is A Female Cat`A Queen
Science & Nature: A Male Chimpanzee Is 5 Times __________ Than The Average Human Male`Hornier
Science & Nature: A Male Chimpanzee Is __________ Times Hornier Than The Average Human Male`5
Science & Nature: A Male Cougar Called`Tom
Science & Nature: A Male Duck`Drake
Science & Nature: A Male Goat That Has Been ________ Is Known As A 'Wether.'`Neutered
Science & Nature: A Male Goat That Has Been Neutered Is Known As A '______.'`Wether
Science & Nature: A Male Goose Called`Gander
Science & Nature: A Male Gorilla Is Called A '__________' When The Hair On Its Back Turns Silver In Late Adulthood. Male Gorillas Can Reach 7 Feet`Silverback
Science & Nature: A Male Hawk, Particularly The Male Peregrine, Is Called A`Tiercel
Science & Nature: A Male __________ Is 5 Times Hornier Than The Average Human Male`Chimpanzee
Science & Nature: A Male ________ Is Called A Boomer, And A Female Is Called A Flyer`Kangaroo
Science & Nature: A Male Kangaroo Is Called A ______, And A Female Is Called A Flyer`Boomer
Science & Nature: A Male Kangaroo Is Called A`Boomer
Science & Nature: A Male Kangaroo Is Called A Boomer, And A Female Is Called A`Flyer
Science & Nature: A Male Kangaroo Is Called A Boomer, And A ______ Is Called A Flyer`Female
Science & Nature: A Male Moth Can Smell A Female Moth From ___ Yards Away`100
Science & Nature: A Male Pig Is A ____. A Female Pig Is A Sow. A Baby Pig Is A Piglet`Boar
Science & Nature: A Male Pig Is A Boar. A Female Pig Is A Sow. A Baby Pig Is A`Piglet
Science & Nature: A __________ Male Reindeer Is Called A Bull`Castrated
Science & Nature: A Male Sheep`Ram
Science & Nature: A Male Swan Called`Cob
Science & Nature: A Male __________ That Has Been Neutered Is Known As A 'Wether.'`Goat
Science & Nature: A Mamba`A Snake
Science & Nature: A Manned Rocket Reaches The Moon In Less Time Than It Took A __________ To Travel The Length Of England`Stagecoach
Science & Nature: A Man's Carbon-Based 'Best Friend'`Dog
Science & Nature: A Marine Catfish Can Taste With Any Part Of Its Body. The Female Marine Catfish Hatches Her Eggs In Her`Mouth
Science & Nature: A Marsupium`Pouch
Science & Nature: A Martingale Performs What Function`Keeps The Horse's Head Down
Science & Nature: A Massive Ensemble Of Hundreds Of Millions Of Stars, All Gravitationally Interacting, And Orbiting About A Common Center`Galaxy
Science & Nature: A Mass Of Flowers On A Tree`Blossom
Science & Nature: A Mated Pair Of __________ Can Produce Up To 15,000 Babies In One Year`Rats
Science & Nature: A Mature, Well-Established _______ ______ With As Many As 60,000 Members Will Eat Only About One-Fifth Of An Ounce Of Wood A Day`Termite Colony
Science & Nature: A _____ ___ May Lay As Many As 3,000 Eggs In A Single Day`Queen Bee
Science & Nature: Ambergis Used In The Making Of`Perfume
Science & Nature: A __________ Measures Blood Pressure`Sphygmomanometer
Science & Nature: American Burrowing Animal With Plated Body`Armadillo
Science & Nature: Americans Consume More Than 353 Million Pounds Of Turkey During National Turkey Lovers' Month (June). By Comparison, More Than 675 Million Pounds Of Turkey Will Be Consumed At`Thanksgiving
Science & Nature: A Microchip Made Of`Silicon
Science & Nature: A Millipede Has ___ Legs On Each Segment Of Its Body`Four
Science & Nature: A Mixture Formed Naturally In The Earth Is Known As`A Mineral
Science & Nature: Ammonia Is The Active Ingredient In`Smelling Salts
Science & Nature: A Mole Can Dig A Tunnel __________ Feet Long In One Night`Three Hundred`Three Hundred
Science & Nature: A Mole Can Dig Over __________ Feet Of Tunnel In A Single Night`Two Hundred And Fifty
Science & Nature: A Moon In Its First Quarter`Two-Bit Moon
Science & Nature: A Mosquito Has __ Teeth`Forty Seven
Science & Nature: A Mother _______ Often Gives Birth While Standing, So The Newborn's First Experience Outside The Womb Is A 1.8-Meter (6-Foot) Drop. Ouch`Giraffe
Science & Nature: A Moth Has No`Stomach
Science & Nature: A Mule Is Sired On A Mare By An Ass. The Offspring Of A Stallion And A Female Ass`Hinny
Science & Nature: A Mustelidae Family Member Is A(N)`Weasel
Science & Nature: A Myocardial Infarct`Heart Attack
Science & Nature: An Adult Female _______ Will Eat About 300 Medium-Size Aphids Before It Lays Eggs. About Three To Ten Aphids Are Eaten For Each Egg The Beetle Lays. More Than 5,000 Aphids May Be Eaten By A Single Adult In Its Lifetime`Ladybug
Science & Nature: An Adult Giraffe's Kick Is So Powerful That It Can _________ A Lion`Decapitate
Science & Nature: An Adult Killer Whale Needs To Eat About ______ Seals A Day`Three
Science & Nature: An Adult Lion's Roar Can Be Heard Up To Five Miles Away, And Warns Off Intruders Or Reunites Scattered Members Of The`Pride
Science & Nature: An Adult _______'S Tail Can Measure Up To 32 Inches (81 Cm) In Length`Cheetah
Science & Nature: An Adult Walrus Typically Eats About 3,000 __________ Per Day`Clams
Science & Nature: An Algonquin`Moose
Science & Nature: Analogy Bull-Cow As Fox`Vixen
Science & Nature: An Alpaca Is Sheared Only Once Every Two Years And Yields Only About 5 Or 6 Pounds Of Wool At Each Shearing. Because The Yield Is So Small And The Material So Desirable, Alpaca Wool Is`Very Expensive
Science & Nature: An American Animal Hospital Association Survey Revealed That ______________ Percent Of Dog Owners Sign Letters Or Cards From Themselves And Their Dogs`Sixty Two
Science & Nature: An America Reindeer`Caribou
Science & Nature: An Anemometer Measures ____`Wind Velocity
Science & Nature: An Anencephalous Creature Has No`Brain
Science & Nature: An Aneroid Is A Kind Of`Barometer
Science & Nature: An Animal Described As Ecaudate Lacks Which Physical Feature`Tail
Science & Nature: An Animal Described As Ecostate Lacks Which Physical Feature`Ribs
Science & Nature: An Animal Epidemic Is Called An`Epizootic
Science & Nature: An Animal Is A Bird If It Has`Feathers
Science & Nature: An Animal Is A Fish If It Has`Gills
Science & Nature: An Animal Stuffer Is A(N)`Taxidermist
Science & Nature: An Animal Stuffer Is A`Taxidermist
Science & Nature: An Animal That Eats Both Plants And Animals Is Known As An`Omnivore
Science & Nature: An Animal That Feeds On Flesh Is Called`Carnivorous
Science & Nature: An Animal That Uses Metabolic Energy To Maintain A Constant Body Temperature, Such As A Bird Or Mammal`Endotherm
Science & Nature: An Antelope May Be Able To Escape A Cheetah By What`Zigzagging
Science & Nature: An Anticoagulant From _______ ___ ______ May Soon Be Used To Treat Human Heart Patients. Contrary To Popular Misconception, Bats Are Not Blind, Do Not Become Entangled In Human Hair, And Seldom Transmit Disease To Other Animals Or Humans`Vampire Bat Saliva
Science & Nature: An Area Of Low Pressure Is Called A What`Cyclone
Science & Nature: An Armadillo Swallows Air So That It Can _____ __`Float On Water
Science & Nature: An Asexual Means Of Propagation In Which Outgrowths From The Parent Form And Pinch Off To Live Independently Or Else Remain Attached To Eventually Form Extensive Colonies`Budding
Science & Nature: An Astronomical Unit Is The Standard Measurement Taken From The Earth To Where`The Sun
Science & Nature: An Atom Is Comprized Of These 3 Subatomic Particles: Electron, Neutron, And`Proton
Science & Nature: A Natterjack`Toad
Science & Nature: An Average Mature ______ Weighs Between 3 And 5 Pounds, Much Smaller Than Its Relative The Hare, Which Usually Weighs Between 6 And 12 Pounds`Rabbit
Science & Nature: An Average-Size __________ Weighs About 150 Pounds`Aardvark
Science & Nature: An _________ Can Go Through 2,000 To 3,000 Teeth In A Lifetime`Alligator
Science & Nature: An ___ Can Lift 50 Times Its Own Weight, Which Is Equivalent To A Human Being Pulling A 10-Ton Trailer`Ant
Science & Nature: An ______ ______ Can Live Up To 70 Years, Which Is Almost The Same Length As The Average Human Life Span`Andean Condor
Science & Nature: An _______ ___ Can Make Eleven And A Half Omelets`Ostrich Egg
Science & Nature: An _________ Can Sleep While Flying`Albatross
Science & Nature: An ___ Can Survive For Up To Two Weeks Underwater`Ant
Science & Nature: Ancient Egyptians Believed That 'Bast' Was The Mother Of All Cats On Earth. They Also Believed That Cats Were`Sacred Animals
Science & Nature: _______ And Arachnids Make Up 80 Percent Of All The Animal Species On Earth`Insects
Science & Nature: ________ And Cats Sleep About Fourteen Hours A Day`Gorillas
Science & Nature: _________ And Copulation Of The Giant Swallowtail Butterfly Occur In The Afternoon`Courtship
Science & Nature: An ________, Despite Is Ponderous Appearance, Can Reach Speeds Up To 25 Mphs On An Open Stretch`Elephant
Science & Nature: An __________, Despite Its Ponderous Appearance, Can Reach Speeds Up To 25 Miles Per Hours On An Open Stretch`Elephant
Science & Nature: _______ And Horns Are Not The Same. Horns Grow Throughout An Animal's Life And Are Found On Both The Male And Female Of A Species. _______, Composed Of A Different Chemical Substance, Are Shed Every Year`Antlers
Science & Nature: __________ And Old People Have Something In Common, At Least Auditorily. They Can Hear Notes Only Up To 4,000 Vibrations A Second`Alligators
Science & Nature: _____ And Other Crustaceans Can Escape Danger By Simply Discarding An Injured Or Trapped Limb`Crabs
Science & Nature: ___ And Other Popular Pond Fish Can Survive In 38-Degree Water. As Long As The Water Is Not Frozen, The Fish Will Be Unaffected`Koi
Science & Nature: _________ And Short-Tailed Shrews Get By On Only Two Hours Of Sleep A Day`Elephants
Science & Nature: ______ And Squid Can Express Emotion By Changing The Colour Of Their Skin. Normally Brown, Their Skin Can Become Green Or Blue When They Are Frightened Or Trying To Attract A Mate`Octopi
Science & Nature: An Eagle Can Attack, Kill, And Carry Away An Animal As Large As A Young Deer. The Harpy Eagle Of South America Feed On`Monkeys
Science & Nature: An 'Earth Pig'`Aardvark
Science & Nature: An Ecological Relationship Between Organisms Of Two Different Species That Live Together In Direct Contact`Symbiosis
Science & Nature: An __________ Egg Can Make Eleven-And-A-Half Omelets`Ostrich
Science & Nature: An _______ Egg Is Equal In Volume To 24 Chicken Eggs`Ostrich
Science & Nature: An Eight Sided Polygon Called`Octagon
Science & Nature: An Elastic Stomach Permits The ____-___ __________ To Swallow Prey Much Larger Than Itself`Deep-Sea Anglerfish
Science & Nature: An Elephant Has The World's Largest Penis, Weighing About`27 Kg
Science & Nature: An Elephant May Consume 500 Pounds Of Hay And 60 Gallons Of Water In A`Single Day
Science & Nature: An Elephant's ____ Can Weight As Much As Three Kilograms`Tusk
Science & Nature: An Elver`Baby Eel
Science & Nature: An Emasculated Stallion Called`Gelding
Science & Nature: An Embryonic Shoot Present In The Angle Formed By A Leaf And Stem`Axillary Bud
Science & Nature: An Enzyme Found In Saliva And Pancreatic Juices That Hydrolyzes Starch To Maltose. Also Known As Ptyalin, Diastase, Or Amylopsin`Amylase
Science & Nature: An Erythrocyte`Red Blood Cell
Science & Nature: An Eskimo Would Be Ingesting Toxic Doses Of Vitamin A If He Ate A Polar Bears`Liver
Science & Nature: __________, An Essential Ingredient Of Many Expensive Cosmetics, Is, In Its Native Form, A Foul-Smelling, Waxy, Tarlike Substance Extracted From The Fleece Of Sheep`Lanolin
Science & Nature: An Estimated 80% Of Animals On Earth Have __________ Legs`Six
Science & Nature: An Estimated __________ Of Animals On Earth Have Six Legs`80%
Science & Nature: A Nest In Which Insects Or Spiders Deposit Their Eggs Is Called A '_____.'`Nidus
Science & Nature: A __________ Never Actually Sees The Food As It Eats, Since Its Eyes Are On Top Of Its Head And Its Mouth And Nostrils Are On The Bottom`Stingray
Science & Nature: A ______'_ _____ Never Stop Growing. They Are Worn Down By The Animal's Constant Gnawing On Bark, Leaves And Other Vegetable Matter`Rodent's Teeth
Science & Nature: A Newborn ____ _____ Calf Is An Average 16 Feet Long. For Reasons Unknown, All ____ _____ Calves Are Born In The Warm, Shallow Lagoons Of Baja, California`Grey Whale
Science & Nature: A Newborn ______ ___ Can Run When It Is Only Three Hours Old`Guinea Pig
Science & Nature: A Newborn Chinese Water Deer Is So Small It Can Almost Be Held In The ____ __ ___`Palm Of The Hand
Science & Nature: A Newborn Chinese Water __________ Is So Small It Can Almost Be Held In The Palm Of The Hand`Deer
Science & Nature: A Newborn Grey Whale Calf Is An Average 16 Feet Long. For Reasons Unknown, All Grey Whale Calves Are Born In The Warm, Shallow Lagoons Of Baja,`California
Science & Nature: A Newborn Guinea Pig Can ___ When It Is Only Three Hours Old`Run
Science & Nature: A Newborn ________ Is Small Enough To Fit Into A Teaspoon`Kangaroo
Science & Nature: A Newborn _________ Is Three Times As Large As The Egg It Derived From`Crocodile
Science & Nature: A Newborn Kangaroo Is Small Enough To Fit Into A`Teaspoon
Science & Nature: A Newborn Kangaroo Or Joey Is About The Size Of`A Lime Bean
Science & Nature: A Newborn Turkey Chick Has To Be Taught To Eat, Or It Will Starve. Breeders Spread Feed Underfoot, Hoping The Little Ones Will Peck At It And Get The Idea. Turkeys Tend To Look Up With Their Mouths Open During Rainstorms. As A Result, Many`Drown
Science & Nature: A Newly Hatched Fish Is Called A`Fry
Science & Nature: A Newly Hatched _________ Is Three Times As Large As The Egg From Which It Has Emerged`Crocodile
Science & Nature: An Extinct Species Of __________ Had A Head The Size Of A Shetland Pony's And Reached A Height Of More Than Ten Feet`Kangaroo
Science & Nature: An Extinct Species Of Kangaroo Had A Head The Size Of A ________ ____'S And Reached A Height Of More Than Ten Feet`Shetland Pony
Science & Nature: An _____________ From Vampire Bat Saliva May Soon Be Used To Treat Human Heart Patients. Contrary To Popular Misconception, Bats Are Not Blind, Do Not Become Entangled In Human Hair, And Seldom Transmit Disease To Other Animals Or Humans`Anticoagulant
Science & Nature: An ______ Front Occurs When A Cold Front Overtakes A Warm Front`Occluded
Science & Nature: An Iguana Can Stay Under Water For _____ _____ Minutes`Twenty Eight
Science & Nature: A Nilgai`A Large Antelope
Science & Nature: Animal Or Plant Without The Normal Pigmentation Of Its Species`Albino
Science & Nature: Animals And Plants Which Produce Light Are Said To Be`Bioluminescent
Science & Nature: Animals That Have _____ _____ __ ____, Like Insects, Belong To The Class Insecta`Three Pairs Of Legs
Science & Nature: Animals That Once Existed But Don't Exist Now Are Said To Be`Extinct
Science & Nature: Animals Which Eat Both Plants And Meat`Omnivores
Science & Nature: Animals Which Have Pouches`Marsupials
Science & Nature: Animals Which Only Eat Meat`Carnivore
Science & Nature: Animals With Four Pairs Of Legs, Like Spiders, Belong To The Class`Arachinida
Science & Nature: Animals With ____ _____ __ ____, Like Spiders, Belong To The Class Arachinida`Four Pairs Of Legs
Science & Nature: An Infant Whale Is Called A What`Calf
Science & Nature: An Insect Called While It Is Changing Its Form Inside A Cocoon`Pupa
Science & Nature: An Instrument For Measuring The Magnitude Of Electric Current Flow`Ammeter
Science & Nature: An Instrument On A Car To Measure The Distance Travelled Is Called A(N)`Odometer
Science & Nature: An Ion Or Radical Which Is Attracted To The Anode Because Of The Negative Charge`Anion
Science & Nature: An ______ Is Sheared Only Once Every Two Years And Yields Only About 5 Or 6 Pounds Of Wool At Each Shearing. Because The Yield Is So Small And The Material So Desirable, Alpaca Wool Is Very Expensive`Alpaca
Science & Nature: An ________ May Consume 500 Pounds Of Hay And 60 Gallons Of Water In A Single Day`Elephant
Science & Nature: An __________ May Weigh As Much As 300 Pounds. Its Intestinal Tract Is 45 Feet Long`Ostrich
Science & Nature: An _____ ____ Needs 11 Ounces Of Food Each Day`Adult Crow
Science & Nature: Annually, The Amount Of _____ That Is Dumped In The World's Oceans Is Three Times The Weight Of Fish That Is Caught From The Oceans`Garbage
Science & Nature: An Object Weighing 100 Pounds On Earth Would Weigh Just 38 Pounds On`Mars
Science & Nature: An Object Weighing 100 Pounds On _____ Would Weigh Just 38 Pounds On Mars`Earth
Science & Nature: An Octopus Has How Many Hearts`Three
Science & Nature: An _______ Often Uses Its Powerful Legs To Kick At An Enemy. Some Have Even Killed Lions That Way`Ostrich
Science & Nature: An Old Ancient Remedy For A Toothache Was To Eat What`Mouse
Science & Nature: An Ordered Sequence Of Events In The Life Of A Dividing Eukaryotic Cell, Composed Of The M, G1, S, And G2 Phases`Cell Cycle
Science & Nature: An Organism That Needs Only Carbon Dioxide As A Carbon Source But That Obtains Energy By Oxidizing Inorganic Substances`Chemoautotroph
Science & Nature: A Normal Cow's Stomach Has __________ Compartments: The Rumen, The Recticulum (Storage Area), The Omasum (Where Water Is Absorbed), And The Abomasum ( The Only Compartment With Digestive Juices)`Four
Science & Nature: An Ornithorhynchus`Platypus
Science & Nature: An Ostriche's Eye Is ______ Than Its Brain`Bigger
Science & Nature: An Ostrich's Eye Is Bigger Than Its`Brain
Science & Nature: An Ostrich's What Is Bigger Than Its Brain`Eye
Science & Nature: Another Classification Is Stratification: Is A Cloud Flat, Or Is Convective Uplift Making It 'Bumpy' Which Of These Is Cumuliform`Cumulonimbus
Science & Nature: Another Common Name For The Oryx`Gemsbok
Science & Nature: Another Common Nickname For Orca Is`Wolf Of The Sea
Science & Nature: Another Name For A Black Leopard`Panther
Science & Nature: Another Name For A Killer Whale`Orca
Science & Nature: Another Name For A Mountain Lion`Puma
Science & Nature: Another Name For A Spiny Anteater`Echidna
Science & Nature: Another Name For The Beak Of A Bird`Bill
Science & Nature: Another Name For The Prairie Wolf`Coyote
Science & Nature: Another Term For A Black Leopard`Panther
Science & Nature: Another Way To Express The Unit Volt`Joules Per Coulomb
Science & Nature: An Oxer Is A Type Of What`Jump
Science & Nature: An Ox Is A Castrated Bull. A ____ Is A Sterile Cross Between A Male Ass And A Female Horse`Mule
Science & Nature: An Ox Is A Castrated Bull. A Mule Is A Sterile Cross Between A Male Ass And A`Female Horse
Science & Nature: An Oxlike Antelope`Gnu
Science & Nature: An ________'S Ears Weigh Over 100 Pounds Each`Elephant
Science & Nature: An _______'S Eye Is Bigger Than It's Brain`Ostrich
Science & Nature: An _____'S Nest Can Be 12 Feet Deep And 10 Feet Wide`Eagle
Science & Nature: An _____ ____'S Roar Can Be Heard Up To Five Miles Away, And Warns Off Intruders Or Reunites Scattered Members Of The Pride`Adult Lion
Science & Nature: An ________'S Trunk Is Strong Enough To Tear A Tree Out Of The Ground, Yet Dexterous Enough To Untie A Knot And Sensitive Enough To Smell Water Three Miles Away`Elephant
Science & Nature: An _________ Swallows Air So That It Can Float On Water`Armadillo
Science & Nature: Anteaters Prefer Termites To`Ants
Science & Nature: Anteaters Prefer ________ To Ants`Termites
Science & Nature: Antelopes Don't Have _______, They Have Horns That Grow Throughout Their Lives`Antlers
Science & Nature: Anthocyanins Are Compounds Which Produce What`Colours
Science & Nature: Antilocapra Americana`Pronghorn
Science & Nature: Antlers And Horns Are Not The Same. Horns Grow Throughout An Animal's Life And Are Found On Both The Male And Female Of A Species. Antlers, Composed Of A Different Chemical Substance, Are Shed`Every Year
Science & Nature: Ants Prefer Not To Walk Through ____`Baby Powder
Science & Nature: An _____ ______ Typically Eats About 3,000 Clams Per Day`Adult Walrus
Science & Nature: An Underground Layer Of Water Filled Rock Is Called An`Aquifer
Science & Nature: An Unfledged Pigeon Called`Squab
Science & Nature: An _____ _____ Usually Weighs About Seven To Eight Pounds`Adult Skunk
Science & Nature: An _______ ____ Was Exhibited In The United States For The First Time On November 26,1716`African Lion
Science & Nature: An _______ ________ Will Eat Up To 500 Pounds Of Food A Day. Their Diet Consists Of Twigs, Leaves, Grasses, And Fruit`African Elephant
Science & Nature: Any Animal Lacking A Vertebral Column, Or Backbone`Invertebrate
Science & Nature: Any Member Of A Group Of Protozoa (Single-Celled Animals) That Are Blood Parasites`Trypanosome
Science & Nature: Any Of A Group Of Composite Organisms Made Up Of A Fungus And An Alga Living In Symbiotic Association (Symbiosis)`Lichen
Science & Nature: Any Of A Large Group Of Chemicals Almost Exclusively Organic In Nature, Used For The Colouring Of Textiles, Inks, Food Products, And Other Substances`Dyes
Science & Nature: Any Of As Many As 50,000 Marine, Freshwater, And Terrestrial Species Of Mollusk`Snail
Science & Nature: Any Of Several Soft Metal Alloys Used To Line Bearings And Bushings In Order To Reduce Friction`Babbitt Metal
Science & Nature: Any Of The Non-Metallic Elements Which Forma Salt When Combined With A Metal`Halogen
Science & Nature: Any Of Various Scientific Recording Devices Designed To Register A Person's Bodily Responses To Being Questioned`Polygraph
Science & Nature: Any Of Various Viruses That Are Parasites Of Bacteria`Bacteriophage
Science & Nature: Any Or All Forms Of Water Particles That Fall From The Atmosphere`Precipitation
Science & Nature: Anything That Occupies Space And Has Mass Is Generally Known As`Matter
Science & Nature: Any Type Of Machine That Obtains Mechanical Energy Directly From The Expenditure Of The Chemical Energy Of Fuel Burned In A Combustion Chamber That Is An Integral Part Of The Engine`Internal Combustion
Science & Nature: A __________ Occurs When All The Planets Of The Our Solar System Line Up`Syzygy
Science & Nature: A ________ Of Neutron Star Material Weighs About 110 Million Tons`Teaspoon
Science & Nature: A One Humped Camel Called`Dromedary
Science & Nature: A One-Humped Camel Is Called A`Dromedary
Science & Nature: A Pair Of _______ ____ ____ Is Capable Of Catching And Eating Nearly 3,000 Rats A Year`Nesting Barn Owls
Science & Nature: Apart From Humans, Certain Species Of ________ Are The Only Animals To Experiment Sexually. They Have Been Known To 'Wife Swap' And Indulge In Group Sex. Kinky`Chimpanzee
Science & Nature: A ______ Passes Eggs Through Its Ovipositor`Cicada
Science & Nature: A Person Or Animal Lacking Pigment In Skin Hair And Eyes`Albino
Science & Nature: A Photic Sneeze Is Caused By`Sunlight
Science & Nature: A Phrenologist Reads`Skulls
Science & Nature: A Physical Property Of A Substance, Defined As The Mass Contained In A Unit Of Volume`Density
Science & Nature: A Piece Of Glass That Separates Light Into The Visible Spectrum Is Called A`Prism
Science & Nature: A Pig Always Sleeps On Its __________ Side`Right
Science & Nature: A Pig Is A Hog, But A Hog Is Not A Pig. 'Hog' Is A Generic Name For All _____. Per Hog-Raising Terminology, A Pig Is A Baby Hog Less Than Ten Weeks Old`Swine
Science & Nature: A Pig Is A Hog, But A Hog Is Not A Pig. 'Hog' Is A Generic Name For All Swine. Per Hog-Raising Terminology, A Pig Is A Baby Hog ____ ____ ___ _____`Less Than Ten Weeks Old
Science & Nature: A Pig's Form Of Locomotion`Digitigrade
Science & Nature: A Pinto A Type Of`Piebald Horse
Science & Nature: A Place Where Bees Are Kept Called`Apiary
Science & Nature: A Plaice, A _____ ________ ________, Can Lie On A Checkerboard And Reproduce On Its Upper Surface The Same Pattern Of Squares, For Camouflage`Large European Flounder
Science & Nature: A Plaice, A Large European Flounder, Can Lie On A Checkerboard And Reproduce On Its Upper Surface The Same Pattern Of Squares, For`Camouflage
Science & Nature: A Plant Produced By Crossing Different Species Is Know As What`A Hybrid
Science & Nature: A Plant That Lives For Many Years`Perennial
Science & Nature: A Point To Which Rays Of Light Converge Is Called A(N)`Focus
Science & Nature: A Pony Is Classified As What Height (And Below) In Hands`14.2 Hands
Science & Nature: A Popular Name For The Wood Hyacinth`Bluebell
Science & Nature: A Portuguese Man O' War`Blue Bottle
Science & Nature: A Positively Charged Ion That Migrates Through The Electrolyte Toward The Cathode Under The Influence Of A Potential Gradient`Cation
Science & Nature: Approximately 70 Percent Of The Earth Is Covered With Water: How Much Of That Water Is Drinkable`One Percent
Science & Nature: Approximately How Many Litres Of Water Can An Elephant's Trunk Hold`5 Litres
Science & Nature: Approximately How Many Species Of Butterfly Are There`One Hundred Thousand
Science & Nature: A Pregnant Goldfish Is Called A`Twit
Science & Nature: A Pregnant Goldfish`Twit
Science & Nature: A _______ Produces Notes 100 Times Higher Than The Highest Note A Human Soprano Can Reach`Dolphin
Science & Nature: A Pure Crystalline Substance Formed Naturally In The Earth Is Known As`A Mineral
Science & Nature: A Quarter Horse Gets Its Name From Its Speed In Running The`Quarter-Mile
Science & Nature: A Quarter Of The ______ In The United States Died Of A Vast Virus Epidemic In 1872`Horses
Science & Nature: Aquatic Mollusc With Hinged Double Shell`Bivalve
Science & Nature: A Rabbit Is Not Able To`Vomit
Science & Nature: Arabian Horses Have One Less Vertebra In Their Backbones Than Other`Horses
Science & Nature: A Racehorse Averages A Weight Loss Of Between 15 And 25 Pounds During A`Race
Science & Nature: A 'Rail'`Bird
Science & Nature: A Rat Can Last Longer Without _____ Than A Camel`Water
Science & Nature: A Rat Can Last Longer Without Water Than A ____ Can`Camel
Science & Nature: Araucaria Or Chile Pine Has A More Common Name, It`Monkey Puzzle Tree
Science & Nature: Arc, Radius, And Sector Are Parts Of A(N)`Circle
Science & Nature: Arctic Terns Found In North America And The Arctic Migrate Each Year As Far South As Antarctica And Back, A Round Trip Of Over 18,000 Miles. Theirs Is Probably The Longest`Migratory Flight
Science & Nature: Are Aardvarks More Active During The Day Or During The Night`Night
Science & Nature: ________ ______ Are Able To Leap 15 Feet High`Atlantic Salmon
Science & Nature: _________ Are Actually Beetles`Fireflies
Science & Nature: _____ Are Actually The Only Gemstone Formed Inside A Living Organism`Pearls
Science & Nature: __________ Are Also Known As 'Woodchucks, ' 'Whistle Pigs, ' And 'Marmots.'`Groundhogs
Science & Nature: __________ Are Attracted To The Colour Blue Twice As Much As To Any Other Colour`Mosquitoes
Science & Nature: Are Barnacles Plant Life Or Animals`Animals
Science & Nature: _________ Are Believed To Be The Oldest Living Birds. Their Fossils Date Back To When Dinosaurs Walked The Earth`Ostriches
Science & Nature: _____ ____ Are Born Blind And Weigh Only About 2 To 3 Pounds (1 Kg)`Tiger Cubs
Science & Nature: _______ Are Born Hairless And With Their Eyes Closed: Hares Are Born Covered With Fur And With Their Eyes Opened`Rabbits
Science & Nature: ___-______ ______ Are Called Dromedaries. The Word 'Dromedary' Means 'Running.' The Word Was Applied Originally To Thoroughbred Camels That Were Trained For Racing`One-Humped Camels
Science & Nature: _____ _____ Are Champion Long-Distance Swimmers Among Land Mammals, And It Is Not Uncommon To Find Them At Sea As Far As 50 Miles From Land Or An Ice Floe`Polar Bears
Science & Nature: ____ _________ Are Chief Export Of Nauru, An Island Nation In The Western Pacific`Bird Droppings
Science & Nature: ________ Are Colour Blind`Crocodiles
Science & Nature: _____ Are Colour Blind`Dogs
Science & Nature: _________ Are Covered With Hair. Although It Is Not Apparent From A Distance, At Close Range One Can Discern A Thin Coat Of Light Hairs Covering Practically Every Part Of An Elephant's Body`Elephants
Science & Nature: _________ Are Crustaceans, And Are Related To Shrimp, Crabs, And Lobsters`Barnacles
Science & Nature: ______ Are Devoted Creatures. All Members Of A Pack Share In The Care And Upbringing Of The Pups`Wolves
Science & Nature: ____ _____ Are Divided Into Segments Or Rings And Have Tube Shaped Bodies`True Worms
Science & Nature: A Redwood Tree`Giant Sequoia
Science & Nature: _____ Are Essential To The Health Of Armadillos And Hedgehogs: They Provide Necessary Stimulation Of The Skin. Deloused Armadillos And Hedgehogs Will Die`Fleas
Science & Nature: __________ Are Excellent Swimmers`Porcupines
Science & Nature: ______ _____ Are Excellent Swimmers. They Have Been Known To Swim More Than 60 Miles Without A Rest`Polar Bears
Science & Nature: _____ Are Extremely Shortsighted Creatures, Which Means They Live Mainly In A World Of Scent And Sound`Bears
Science & Nature: _________ Are Free-Ranging, Yet Territorial Animals That Travel In Small Herds. One Of The Reasons They Travel In Numbers Is So They Can Huddle To Stay Warm - They Don't Handle Cold Well And Can Freeze To Death Quickly`Javelinas
Science & Nature: __________ Are Freeze-Tolerant And Spend Winters Frozen On Land, Only To Thaw In The Spring And Begin Their Breeding Process In Vernal Ponds`Wood Frogs
Science & Nature: _____Are Hermaphroditic, They Have Both Sets Of Sexual Organs On Their Bodies`Worms
Science & Nature: _______ Are Hermits`Gophers
Science & Nature: ___________ Are Huge Birds That Crash Through The Undergrowth Of Rainforests Using Large Bony Growths On Their Heads As Path-Clearers`Cassowaries
Science & Nature: _____ Are Humped Cattle Found In India, China And Northern Africa. Zebubs Are Tsetse-Like Flies Found In Ethiopia`Zebus
Science & Nature: _____ Are Humped Cattle Found In India, China, And Northern Africa`Zebus
Science & Nature: ____ Are Immune To Cancer`Sharks
Science & Nature: __________ Are In The Same Family As Horses, And Are Thought To Have Inspired The Myth Of The Unicorn`Rhinos
Science & Nature: _____ Are Known To Engage In Sex Immediately After Feasting On Rabbit's Blood Specifically If The Opportunity Presents Itself`Fleas
Science & Nature: A Relationship Between Two Different Types Of Organism Which Live Together For Their Mutual Benefit`Symbiosis
Science & Nature: ______ _______ Are Law Enforcers In Eastern India. Despite Having Radios And E-Mail, The Orissa State Police Force Uses 700 Pigeon 'Police' To Shuttle Messages Between Distant Stations`Homing Pigeons
Science & Nature: _______ Are Literally As Hard As Steel`Shark's Teeth
Science & Nature: ______ Are Marsupials, Not Bears. They Also Have No Tail Or Eyelids`Koalas
Science & Nature: ____ Are More Efficient Than Caffeine In Keeping People Awake In The Mornings`Apples
Science & Nature: Are Most Cats Right Pawed Or Left Pawed`Left
Science & Nature: ______ ______ Are Most Often Female`Riding Camels
Science & Nature: ________ Are Much Heavier Than Cheetahs`Leopards
Science & Nature: ________ Are Never Slimy. Their Scales Have Few Glands, And Are Usually Silky To The Touch`Reptiles
Science & Nature: __________ Are Nocturnal`Porcupines
Science & Nature: ____ ______ Are Not Bald. The Top Of Their Head Is Covered With Slicked-Down White Feathers: From A Distance, They Appear Hairless`Bald Eagles
Science & Nature: _________ Are Not Naturally Pink. They Get Their Colour From Their Food, Tiny Green Algae That Turn Pink During Digestion`Flamingos
Science & Nature: _____ ________ Are Not Spiders And Do Not Bite`Daddy Longlegs
Science & Nature: _______ Are Not The Result Of Mating A Seagull And A Dove`Pigeons
Science & Nature: ___________ Aren't Flies`Dragonflies
Science & Nature: ____ Aren't Really Blind. Their Sense Of Hearing Is More Acute And More Useful At Night, But They Can See`Bats
Science & Nature: Are Periwinkles Animal, Vegetable Or Mineral`Vegetable
Science & Nature: __________ ___ _____ Are Polygamous. A Mature Male May Breed With 3 To 40 Females In A Season`California Sea Lions
Science & Nature: __________ Are Powerful Jumpers. A 20-Inch Adult Can Leap 20 Feet In A Single Bound`Jackrabbits
Science & Nature: ____ Are Reportedly The Only Birds That Can See The Colour Blue`Owls
Science & Nature: ______ Are Reported To Be Inquisitive, Friendly Animals`Llamas
Science & Nature: _______ Are Responsible For Over A Thousand Deaths A Year By The Banks Of The Nile`Crocodiles
Science & Nature: _____ Are Sea Cows, Not Whales`Dugongs
Science & Nature: _____ Are Seen 1,500 Miles Inland And In Every U.S. State`Gulls
Science & Nature: _____ ______ Are Sexually Mature At Birth`Sperm Whales
Science & Nature: _______ ________ Are Slow Swimmers. They Have Been Clocked Up To 15 Mph For Short Bursts, But The Animals Usually Cruise At Speeds Of 6 Mph Or Less`Florida Manatees
Science & Nature: ___________ Are Snakes That Move By Looping Their Bodies Up In The Air And Pushing Against The Ground When They Land. Their Tracks In The Ground Would Look Like A Series Of Straight Lines Angling In The Direction The Snake Was Traveling`Sidewinders
Science & Nature: __________ Are Social Birds That Congregate In Huge Flocks. While The Flock Grazes In A Field, Lookouts Will Be Posted To Watch For Approaching Danger. They'll Raise The Alarm If Humans Approach`Crows
Science & Nature: _____ Are So Powerful That Their Bite Can Generate A Force Of Up To 6 Tons Per Square Inch`Sharks
Science & Nature: ______ Are So Rare That A Biological Reserve Has Been Specifically Created For Them`Golden Toads
Science & Nature: _________ Are Such Fast Runners, They Can Outrun A Horse. Males Can Roar Like A Lion`Ostriches
Science & Nature: ______ Are The Largest And Most Colourful Species Of The Parrot Family`Macaws
Science & Nature: __________ Are The Largest Of The Minnows - It's A Big Family, Including Over 300 American Species, Mainly Small Freshwater Fishes. True Minnows (Family Cyprinidae) Are Soft-Rayed Fishes With Teeth In Their Throats Only`Carp
Science & Nature: _________ _________ Are The Latest Must-Have On The Bovine Circuit. The Beds, Listed At $175 Each, Are Said To Enhance Cattle Health By Reducing Joint Damage`Ergonomic Waterbeds
Science & Nature: ____ ____ Are The Most Widespread Of All North American Mice. About The Only Place Where Deer Mice Won't Be Found Is In Florida And Other Swampy Regions Of The Southern United States. They Prefer Reasonably Dry Country`Deer Mice
Science & Nature: __________ Are The Only Animals Born With Horns. Both Males And Females Are Born With Bony Knobs On The Forehead`Giraffes
Science & Nature: ______ Are The Only Forest Antelope To Form Herds. They Also Have Prehensile Tongues`Bongos
Science & Nature: ____ Are The Only Known Bird To Have Nostrils Located At The Tip Of Their Beak`Kiwis
Science & Nature: __________ Are The Only Mammals In Which Multiple Young Form From A Single Egg With Any Regularity. All Four Of The Young, Always Of The Same Sex, Are Identical Quadruplets And Developed From The Same Egg. They Even Shared A Single Placenta While In The Womb`Armadillos
Science & Nature: ____ Are The Only Mammals That Are Able To Fly. The 'Flying Squirrel' Can Only Do What The Gliding Opposum Does - Glide For Short Distances`Bats
Science & Nature: __________ Are The Only Mammals That Are Retro-Mingent (They Pee Backwards)`Cattle
Science & Nature: _____ Are The Only Truly Social Cat Species, And Usually Every Female In A Pride, Ranging From 5 To 30 Individuals, Is Closely Related`Lions
Science & Nature: Are There Any Plants That Use Insects For Food`Yes
Science & Nature: Are There More Sheep Than People In The Falkland Islands`Yes
Science & Nature: ____________ Are The Smallest Birds - So Tiny That One Of Their Enemies Is An Insect, The Praying Mantis`Hummingbirds
Science & Nature: __________ Are The Smallest Breed Of Dog Used For Hunting. They Are Low To The Ground, Which Allows Them To Enter And Maneuver Through Tunnels Easily`Dachshunds
Science & Nature: ______ Are Tsetse-Like Flies Found In Ethiopia`Zebubs
Science & Nature: _______Are Unable To Cough`Giraffes
Science & Nature: ___ _______ Are Used In Drugs For Treating Asthma And Cancer`Sea Sponges
Science & Nature: _______ ______ Are Used To Brighten Eye Shadow And Nail Polish`Herring Scales
Science & Nature: ____ ______ Are Voluntary Breathers. For This Reason, They Sleep With Only Half Of Their Brain At One Time. The Other Half Remains Alert To Regulate Breathing. Resident Whales Typically Remain Near The Surface, Breathing And Swimming In A Pattern. When Traveling Together, Resident Pods Have Been Observed To Breathe In Unison. Although It Is Not Known Why This Occurs, It Could Be A Way Of Helping The Pod Keep Tabs On One Another`Orca Whales
Science & Nature: _______ Are Well-Known Singers. The Song Is A Mating Call Produced By The Males Only`Cicadas
Science & Nature: Are Yabbies Found In Fresh Or Salt Water`Fresh
Science & Nature: A Rhinoceros Has __________ Toes On Each Foot`Three
Science & Nature: A Rhinocerous Horn Made Of`Hair
Science & Nature: A Rhodesian Ridgeback`Dog
Science & Nature: Ariel Is A Satellite Of Which Planet In The Solar System`Uranus
Science & Nature: Armadillos Can Be`Housebroken
Science & Nature: Armadillos Can Walk Where`Underwater
Science & Nature: Armed With Bony Plates And Rolls Up Into A Ball If Frightened`Armadillo
Science & Nature: A Robin Has Almost 3,000`Feathers
Science & Nature: Aromatic Plant Used For Seasoning And Salads`Coriander
Science & Nature: A ___ Running At Its Top Speed Can Traverse A Mile In About 7.5 Minutes`Pig
Science & Nature: Arvicola Richardsoni`Vole, Richardson's Water
Science & Nature: As A Camelopard Also Known`Giraffe
Science & Nature: As A Giraffe Also Known`Camelopard
Science & Nature: A Saguaro Cactus Can Grow To Be Around ______ Feet Tall`Forty
Science & Nature: A Salamander Is A`Amphibian
Science & Nature: As A Moose Also Known`Algonquin
Science & Nature: A Sandstorm Can Cause The Static Electricity To Raise To __ Volts Per Square Yard, High Enough To Make A Person Sick`80
Science & Nature: A Sardine`Young Herring
Science & Nature: As`Arsenic
Science & Nature: As A Rule, Many Birds Generally Lay Fewer Eggs In A Clutch In The __________, Where The Amount Of Daylight Is Shorter Than In Northern Latitudes. It Is In The Northern Reaches Of The World That More Summer Food For Birds Is Available As A Result Of The Longer Days`Tropics
Science & Nature: A __________'S Backbone Is Just As Straight As A Horse's`Camel
Science & Nature: A ______'S Beak Can Close With A Force Of 350 Pounds Per Square Inch`Parrot
Science & Nature: A Seagull Can Drink Salt Water Because It Has Special Glands That Filter Out The`Salt
Science & Nature: A _______ Sea-Hare Can Lay 40,000 Eggs In A Single Minute`Six Pound
Science & Nature: A ____ Sees Everything At Once In Total Focus, Whereas The Human Eye Is Globular And Must Adjust To Varying Distances, The Bird's Eye Is Flat And Can Take In Everything At Once In A Single Glance`Bird
Science & Nature: A Series Of 15 Radioactive Elements In The Periodic Table (Periodic Law) With Atomic Numbers 89 Through 103`Actinide Series
Science & Nature: A _______ Setting Out Through Space At The Rate Of 186,000 Miles A Second Would Describe A Gigantic Circle And Return To Its Origins After About 200 Billion Years`Sunbeam
Science & Nature: A _______'S Flipper Has Five Digits And Nearly The Same Bone Structure As A Human Arm And Hand`Dolphin
Science & Nature: A Shadow Of A Four-Dimensional Object Would Have`Three Dimensions
Science & Nature: A Shallow Dish With A Cover, Used For Science Specimens Is A(N)`Petri Dish
Science & Nature: A _______ Shark Can Filter 2,375 Gallons Of Water An Hour`Basking
Science & Nature: A _______'S Hearing Is So Acute That It Can Detect Underwater Sounds From 15 Miles Away`Dolphin
Science & Nature: A _______'S Heart Beats 300 Times A Minute On Average`Hedgehog
Science & Nature: A _____'S Heart Beats Only Nine Times A Minute`Whale
Science & Nature: A ______'S Heart Is In Its Head`Shrimp
Science & Nature: A Shoal Of ______ Reduced A 100 Pound Capybara To A Skeleton In Less Than A Minute`Piranhas
Science & Nature: A Short Legged Hunting Dog`Basset
Science & Nature: A Shrimp Has More Than A Hundred Pairs Of Chromosomes In Each Cell Nucleus. Man Has Only`Twenty Three
Science & Nature: A Shrimp Has __________ Pairs Of Legs`5
Science & Nature: A Shrimp's Heart Is In Its`Head
Science & Nature: A Shrimp's _____ Is In Its Head`Heart
Science & Nature: A Sick Pig Rarely _____ It's Tail`Curls
Science & Nature: A Sick ___ Rarely Curls It's Tail`Pig
Science & Nature: A Silicate Mineral, Heat Resistant And Insulating`Asbestos
Science & Nature: A Single ______ _____ ___ Can Catch 1,200 Mosquitoes-Sized Insects In Just One Hour`Little Brown Bat
Science & Nature: A Single Cut Diamond Usually Has __ Facets`Eighteen
Science & Nature: A Single Menhaden (____) Can Filter Six Or Seven Gallons Of Seawater A Minute And Extract A Pint Of Food An Hour`Pogy
Science & Nature: A Single ________ (Pogy) Can Filter Six Or Seven Gallons Of Seawater A Minute And Extract A Pint Of Food An Hour`Menhaden
Science & Nature: A Single ________ Preparing For Winter May Gather And Cache More Than 20 Bushels Of Food`Squirrel
Science & Nature: A Single Sheeps __________ Might Well Contain As Many As 26 Million Fibres`Fleece
Science & Nature: A Single _______, With Its Razor-Sharp Teeth, Is Still Dangerous Enough When Out Of Water To Rip Off The Flesh, Or A Finger Or Toe, From An Unwary Fisherman`Piranha
Science & Nature: A 'Sirocco' Refers To A Type Of`Wind
Science & Nature: A Sizable Oak Tree, During The Typical Growing Season, Gives Off __________ Gallons Of Moisture`28,000
Science & Nature: A Sizable __________ Tree, During The Typical Growing Season, Gives Off 28,000 Gallons Of Moisture`Oak
Science & Nature: A _______'S Kidneys Are In Its Forehead And Its Teeth In Its Stomach`Lobster
Science & Nature: A Skunk Will Not __________ And Throw Its Scent At The Same Time`Bite
Science & Nature: A Slang Name For Diamonds`Ice
Science & Nature: A Small Fertile Area In A Desert Called`Oasis
Science & Nature: A Small, Flightless Bird Native To New Zealand`Kiwi
Science & Nature: A Small Herring Or Sprat`Brisling
Science & Nature: A Small Hound Used For Hunting Hares`Beagle
Science & Nature: A Small Organelle In The Cytoplasm Of Animal Cells: It Organizes The Spindle Apparatus During Mitosis Or Meiosis`Centriole
Science & Nature: A Snail Breathes Through The Upper Part Of Its Foot, Near The`Shell
Science & Nature: A Snail Can Have About 25,000`Teeth
Science & Nature: A Snail Can Have About ________ Teeth`25,000
Science & Nature: A Snail Can Sleep For`Three Years
Science & Nature: A Snail Speeding Along At Three Inches Per Minute Would Need 15 Days To Travel`One Mile
Science & Nature: A Snake Has No Ears. However, Its ______ Is Extremely Sensitive To Sound Vibrations, And By Constantly Flicking Its Tongue That Snake Picks Up These Sound Waves`Tongue
Science & Nature: A Snake Has No Ears. However, Its ______ Is Extremely Sensitive To Sound Vibrations. By Constantly Flicking Its ______, The Snake Picks Up These Sound Waves. In This Sense, A Snake 'Hears' With Its`Tongue
Science & Nature: A Snake Has No Ears. However, Its Tongue Is Extremely Sensitive To _____ __________, And By Constantly Flicking Its Tongue That Snake Picks Up These Sound Waves`Sound Vibrations
Science & Nature: A Snake Has No __________. However, Its Tongue Is Extremely Sensitive To Sound Vibrations. By Constantly Flicking Its Tongue, The Snake Picks Up These Sound Waves. In This Sense, A Snake 'Hears' With Its Tongue`Ears
Science & Nature: A Snake Is Capable Of Eating An Animal Four Times Larger Than The Width Of Its Own`Head
Science & Nature: A Snake's __________ Is Located In The Front One-Fifth Portion Of Its Body`Stomach
Science & Nature: A ___'S Nose Has More Than 200 Scent-Receiving Cells`Dog
Science & Nature: As Of 2001, How Many Fillies Have Won The Kentucky Derby`Three
Science & Nature: A Solar Day On _______, From Sunrise To Sunset, Lasts About Six Earth Months`Mercury
Science & Nature: A South African __________ Can Grow To Be 35 Inches (90 Cm) In Length - Longer Than Your Arm`Bullfrog
Science & Nature: A Spat`Baby Oyster
Science & Nature: A Species Of Earthworm In Australia Grows Up To __________ Feet In Length`Ten
Science & Nature: A Species Of Earthworm In ______ Grow Up To 3 Metres In Length`Australia
Science & Nature: A Species Of __________ In Australia Grows Up To 10 Feet In Length`Earthworm
Science & Nature: A Species Of _______ In Australia Grow Up To 3 Metres In Length`Earthworm
Science & Nature: A Species Of ______ Is Born Naturally Blind In The Indus And Ganges Rivers In South Asia`Dolphin
Science & Nature: A Species Of __________ Known As The Linckia Columbiae Can Reproduce Its Entire Body - That Is, Grow Back Completely - From A Single Severed Pieces Less Than A Half-Inch Long`Starfish
Science & Nature: A Species Of Sponge, Called The ___ ______, Can Be Pushed Through A Piece Of Fabric So That It Is Broken Into Thousands Of Tiny Pieces. The Animal Does Not Die. Rather, All The Pieces Reassemble Until The Sponge Returns To Its Original Form`Red Sponge
Science & Nature: A Species Of Sponge, Called The Red Sponge, Can Be Pushed Through A Piece Of Fabric So That It Is Broken Into Thousands Of Tiny Pieces. The Animal Does Not Die. Rather, All The Pieces Reassemble Until The Sponge Returns To Its`Original Form
Science & Nature: A Species Of Sponge, Called The Red Sponge, Can Be Pushed Through A Piece Of Fabric So That It Is Broken Into Thousands Of Tiny Pieces. The Animal Does Not Die. Rather, All The Pieces __________ Until The Sponge Returns To Its Original Form`Reassemble
Science & Nature: A _____ Speeding Along At Three Inches Per Minute Would Need 15 Days To Travel One Mile`Snail
Science & Nature: A _____'S Penis Is Called A Dork`Whale
Science & Nature: A Sphygmomanometer Used To Measure`Blood Pressure
Science & Nature: A Spider Is Not An Insect. It Is An Arachnid - It Has Eight Legs Instead Of Six, And Has No Wings Or Antennae. The Same Is True Of The Daddy Longlegs, ________'_ ____, And Tick - None Is Technically Part Of The Insect Class`Scorpion's Mite
Science & Nature: A Spider Is Not An Insect. It Is An Arachnid - It Has Eight Legs Instead Of Six, And Has No Wings Or Antennae. The Same Is True Of The Daddy Longlegs, Scorpion's Mite, And ____ - None Is Technically Part Of The Insect Class`Tick
Science & Nature: A Spider Is Not An Insect. It Is An Arachnid - It Has Eight Legs Instead Of Six, And Has No Wings Or Antennae. The Same Is True Of The _____ ________, Scorpion's Mite, And Tick - None Is Technically Part Of The Insect Class`Daddy Longlegs
Science & Nature: A Spider Is Not An Insect. It Is An ________ - It Has Eight Legs Instead Of Six, And Has No Wings Or Antennae. The Same Is True Of The Daddy Longlegs, Scorpion's Mite, And Tick - None Is Technically Part Of The Insect Class`Arachnid
Science & Nature: A Square Mile Of Fertile Earth Has __________ Earthworms In It`32,000,000
Science & Nature: A Squirrel Cannot Contract Or Carry The __________ Virus`Rabies