what actor starred in death wish?`charles bronson
what actor stars in the stanley kubrick film "eyes wide shut" with his wife nicole kidman`tom cruise
what actors traded places in "trading places"`eddie murphy & dan aykroyd`eddie murphy and dan aykroyd`dan aykroyd 1973
what actors traded places in "trading places"`eddie murphy & dan aykroyd`eddie murphy and dan aykroyd`dan aykroyd eddie murphy
what actor tried his hand at recording with the 1962 entry old rivers`walter brennan
what actor was a seventh cousin of the princess of wales?`humphrey bogart
What actor was famous for the line "nanoo nanoo"?`Robin Williams
What actor was freshman college roommate to Al Gore?`Tommy Lee Jones
what actor was married to carole lombard between 1939 to 1942`clark`beatty
What actor was married to Carole Lombard between 1939 to 1942`clark gable
what actor was one of the world's top professional bridge players`omar sharif
what actor was on stage when the 1974 academy awards were streaked`david niven
What actor was stung in "the sting"`robert shaw
what actor won a dubious achievement award as the worst new kennedy`arnold schwarzenegger
What actress and singer is part Armenian,part red indian, a fromer Ronette and a vogue model`cher
What actress began her career in the movie "Miracle on 34th Street"`natalie wood
what actress/dancer/politician went "out on a limb"`shirley`flagg
What actress/dancer/politician went "out on a limb"`shirley maclaine
What actress did Peter Wolf marry`faye dunaway
what actress drowned in catalina under mysterious circumstances?`natalie wood
What actress had made a million dollars by the age of 10`shirley temple
what actress had the role of the mother in six weeks`mary tyler moore
what actress had the role of the mother in six weeks`mary tyler`superior
what actress has received the most oscar nominations`hepburn
What actress has received the most Oscar nominations`Katherine Hepburn
What actress hold the record for the biggest gap between oscar wins, with 38 years between her best actress and best supporting actress statuette`Helen Hayes
what actress made 10million by the age of 10`Shirley temple
what actress pitched lori davis hair products & equal in 1993`cher
what actress played honey west in the detective series honey west`anne francis
what actress played jane foster in the series east side/west side`cicely`arkansas
what actress played jane foster in the series east side/west side`cicely tyson
what actress played jane miller in the good life`donna`lom
what actress played jane miller in the good life`donna mills
what actress played jenny preston in the new dick van dyke show?`hope lange
What actress played mrs margaret williams in the danny thomas show`jean
What actress played Mrs Margaret Williams in The Danny Thomas Show`jean`britain
What actress played Mrs Margaret Williams in The Danny Thomas Show`jean hagen
What actress played Rhoda`valerie harper
What actress played Rhoda`valerie`mcphatter
what actress played sarah in the movie the bible`ava gardner
What actress played the female cop on hill street blues`betty thomas
what actress pocketed around 1.5 million dollars for a 15 city lecture tour?`shirley maclaine
what actress portrayed cassie cranston in the sitcom it's a living`ann jillian
what actress portrayed cassie cranston in the sitcom it's a living`ann`remick
what actress said of her gone with the wind role, "it's better to get a week for playing a servant than a week being one"`hattie mcdaniel
What actress sang on broadway in the musical "into the woods"`bernadette peters
What actress's legs were insured for one million dollars`greta garbo
what actress's legs were insured for one million dollars`greta`india
What actress's real name was Frances Gumm`Judy Garland
What actress starred in America Gigolo`lauren hutton
what actress starred in haywire`lee`charlottetown
what actress starred in haywire`lee remick
What actress starred in Playing for Time`vanessa redgrave
what actress starred in the homecoming (pn)`patricia neal
what actress starred in who will love my children?`ann-margret
What actress was born Frances Ethel Gumm`judy garland
what actress was born frances ethel gumm`judy`vorgon
what actress was born samille diane "frosty" friesen?`dyan cannon
what actress was married to mickey rooney, artie shaw & frank sinatra?`ava gardner
What actress wrote the autobiography Call Me Anna`patty duke
what actress wrote the autobiography call me anna`patty`military
What adjective describes an animal that eats both plants and animals`omnivorous
What adjective is used to describe trees which shed their leaves periodically`deciduous
What adjective means 'of the North wind' or 'of the North'`boreal
What adjective was used to describe the flavour of Beech-Nut Gum`flavorific
What ads stopped being shown on television during the 1970's`cigarette
What aerosmith song was written about vince neil of motley crue`dude looks
what aerosmith song was written about vince neil of motley crue`dude looks like a lady
what aerosmith song was written about vince neil of motley crue`dude looks like`simpsons
What aesop animal assumed the grapes he couldnt reach were sour anyway`fox
What affectionate nickname did Princess Diana have for Prince Charles`fishface
What African animal kills the most people`crocodile
What African city is built on gold`johannesburg
What African country is alphabetically first`algeria
What African country is home to Air Ivoire`ivory coast
What African country's name is Latin for "free"`liberia
What African country's name is Latin for "free"`liberia's
What African country's name is Latin for "free"`liberia's`liberias`liberia
What African country was founded by freed American slaves in 1847`liberia
What African fly transmits sleeping sickness`tsetse fly
what african mountain is known as the mountain of the cold devils`mount kilimanjaro
what african nation gave independence to eritrea in 1993`ethiopia
what african nation won its independence from ethiopia in 1993`eritrea
What African peak is known as The Mountain of the Cold Devils`kilimanjaro
What African relative of the pig can weigh four tonnes`hippopotamus
What African republic's name was inspired by its thriving elephant tusk trade?`The Ivory Coast
What age did karen carpenter reach`32
What age does a filly become a mare at`five
What age does a filly become a mare at`five`5
What age is adolescence considered to end at`eighteen
What age of exploration began october 4, 1957`space age
what age of exploration began october 4, 1957`space`team
What age preceded the iron age`bronze age
What age preceded the Iron Age`The Bronze Age
What age preceded the Iron Age`The Bronze AgeBronzeBronze Age
What age were each of Tom Cruise's 3 wives when they divorced him`33
What aging male tennis player did Billie Jean King play in a battle of the sexes`Bobby Riggs
What aging rock group has featured Bill Wyman & Charlie Watts on a long series of albums`rolling stones
What aid to cooking was first manufactured by Mark Gregoire in 1954`non stick pans
What aid to grooming was invented by Col Jacob Schick in 1928`electric razor
What ailing founding father was carted to the Constitutional Convention in a sedan chair carried by four prisoners`benjamin franklin
What airborne predator was the first animal to be put on the endangered species list`The peregrine falcon
What airline is Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services`qantas
What airline is the Westin hotel chain associated with`united
what airplane first broke the 'sound barrier'`x-1
What airport in Uganda was the scene of a rescue drama in 1977`entebbe
what airport is identified by dfw`dallas fort`meters
what airport is identified by dfw`dallas fort worth
What airport is on the Piccadilly subway line`Heathrow
What airport lies across the channel from Rikers Island Penitentiary`la guardia
What airport saw Israeli commandos free 103 hostages on July 4th 1976`entebbe
What Alabama city is called The Cradle of the Confederacy`montgomery
What album by george michael won the grammy in 1988?`faith
What album did Buffett release in 1996`banana wind
What album got Arrowsmith a gold LP in 1975`get your wings
What album holds the world record for copies sold`thriller
what album went platinum for the 20th time in 1984`thriller
What alcoholic beverage is made from honey and water`mead
What alcoholic drink is distilled from molasses`rum
What Alex Haley manuscript fetched at a 1992 auction`the autobiography of malcolm x
What alias "last name" does Apu go under when he joins the Be-Sharpes?`De BeauMarche
What Alice Cooper album simulated an execution during a song`killer
What alkaloid is derived principally from the bark of the cinchona tree?`quinine
What all girl band's first album was named "beauty & the beat"`the go gos
What allowed mexican, andean and some north american indians to hurl their spears a great distance`atlatl
What alloy do copper and tin form`bronze
What alloy do tin and lead form`pewter
What Alpine country's women got the right to vote in 1971`switzerland
What alternative name is given to the Barn Owl because of its harsh cry`screech owl
what amateur archeologist excavated troy and mycenae?`schliemann
What American building is the largest office building in the world`pentagon
What American city did Cadillac found`detroit
What American city is known as Little Havana`Miami
What American city is prone to strong winds`chicago
what american composer is best known for his marches`john philip sousa
What American dice rolling game can be won with an initial throw of seven or eleven`craps
what american federal holiday falls the second monday in october`columbus day
what american federal holiday falls the second monday in october`columbus`trees
What American feminist went bust as a silver dollar`anthony
What American feminist went bust as a silver dollar`Susan B. Anthony
What American general declared "I shall return"`douglas macarthur
what american general said "war is hell"`imre nagy
What american indian tribe drank 'tizwin'`apache
What American playwright titled his autobiography Timebends`arthur miller
what american president had a marijuana patch in his backyard`george washington
What American president had the biggest feet`george washington
What American president made the decision to use the atom bomb`harry truman
What American president was a peanut farmer`jimmy carter
What American spoiled Hitler's Aryan dream at the 1936 Olympics`jesse owens
What American sport sees pennant winners playing off in a world series`baseball
What american state capital is found on the island of oahu`honolulu
What American state did English clergyman Roger Williams found`rhode island
What American state has no houseflies`alaska
What American state has the highest per capita personal income`connecticut
What American state is Dodge City in`kansas
What American state is famous for its black hills`south dakota
What American state is Memphis in`tennessee
What American state's capital is Indianapolis`indiana
What american tv show centred on the cleaver family`leave it to beaver
what american tv show centred on the cleaver family`leave it to`river
What american university provides the setting for love story`harvard
What amphibians do you raise if you run a ranarium`frogs
What ancient greek had the world on his shoulders`atlas
what ancient hunting weapon did the aborigines of australia employ`boomerang
What ancient man's brain was larger than that of modern man`neanderthal
What ancient measure is the distance from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger`cubit
what ancient measure is the distance from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger`the cubit
What ancient measure was the distance from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger`cubit
What ancient middle east kingdom spread to it's greatest extent under king ashurnasirpal in 663 bc`assyria
What ancient people started mining and smelting coper ore, in 5000 BC`The Egyptians
What ancient people were the first to keep records of lunar eclipses`The Mesopotamians
What ancient sovereign married two of her brothers`cleopatra
What ancient symbol's German name translates as "hooked cross"`the swastika
What ancient symbol's German name translates as "hooked cross"`the swastika`swastika
What Andrew Sisters song was originally titled "Anywhere the Bluebird Goes"`don't sit under the apple tree
What and where is the longest group of coral reefs in the world`great
what and where is the longest group of coral reefs in the world`great barrier`bronte
What and where is the longest group of coral reefs in the world`great barrier reef
what anesthetic did wt morton introduce in 1846`ether
What angle do 90 degrees make`right angle
What animal appears on the label of Levi 500 jeans`horse
What animal became officially extinct in 1681`dodo
What animal can communicate using sounds that are below the human hearing range: between 14 & 35 hertz`elephants
What animal can get the disease heaves`horse
What animal can hop as fast as 40 mph`kangaroo
What animal can live several weeks without its head`cockroach
what animal character did eric knight create in 1938`lassie
What animal could you make extinct today, & recreate tomorrow`mule
What animal does mutton come from`sheep
What animal does the adjective 'cervine' refer to`deer
What animal does the adjective 'macropine' refer to`kangaroo
What animal does the adjective 'meline' refer to`badger
What animal does the adjective 'pardine' refer to`leopard
What animal does the adjective 'talpine' refer to`mole
What animal does venison come from`deer
What animal fond in Britain is sometimes called the foul-mart`polecat
What animal has 32 muscles in each ear`cat
What animal has a baleen`whale
What animal has a heart as large as a small car`blue whale
What animal has been called The Poor Mans's Cow`goat
What animal has bony plates and rolls up into a ball if its frightened`armadillo
What animal has bony plates & rolls up into a ball if its frightened`armadillo
what animal has no control over when they go to the bathroom, (completly involuntary action)`birds
What animal has no natural predators`tiger
What animal has no vocal chords`giraffe
What animal has red patches on its rear`mandrill
What animal has the greatest relative size difference between the sexes?`elephant seal
What animal has the highest blood pressure`giraffe
What animal has the largest brain proportionate to its body`ant
what animal has the largest penis size in proportion to its body size`flea
What animal has the longest fur?`musk ox
What animal has the same name as a high church official`cardinal
What animal helped free the netted lion in aesop's fable`mouse
What animal helped free the trapped lion in Aesop's fable`mouse
What animal in India is sacred and cannot be killed`COW
what animal is a called a nanook in eskimo`polar bear
What animal is also called a 'dassie' or 'coney' in South Africa`hyrax
What animal is also known as a 'pachyderm'`elephant
What animal is a mare when female & a stallion when a male`horse
What animal is a musophobic afraid of`mice
What animal is considered to have the highest blood pressure`giraffe
what animal is considered to have the highest blood pressure`the giraffe
What animal is dr. dolittle's pushmi-pullyu`two-headed llama
What animal is featured on the australian coat of arms other than an emu`kangaroo
What animal is featured on the cover of Pink Floyd's album "Atom Heart Mother"`cow
What animal is found on the flag of Sri Lanka`lion
what animal is immune to the poison of the king cobra`mongoose
What animal is known as 'man's best friend'`dog
What animal is known by the nickname sea canary`The Beluga Whale
What animal is mentioned as being the colour of purple grape juice`The South African Blesbok
What animal is most likely to threaten a matador`bull
What animal is most sacred to hindus`cow
What animal is nicknamed the river horse`hippo
What animal is often confused with a leopard`jaguar
What animal is represented by the constellation Lacerta`lizard
What animal is represented by the constellation Monoceros`unicorn
What animal is represented in the astrological sign cancer`crab
What animal is second is producing the most milk consumed`goat
what animal is the king cobra's mortal enemy`mongoose
What animal is the provider of coney fur`rabbit
What animal is the provider of Moroccan leather`goat
what animal is the symbol of france`cockerel
What animal is thought to have inspired the myth of the unicorn`rhino
What animal is thought to have inspired the myth of the unicorn`rhinocerous
What animal is used to locate truffles`pig
What animal, like humans, cries tears when distressed?`elephant
What animal lives in a form`hare
What animal lives in a holt`otter
What animal lives in a lodge`beaver
What animal lives in a warren`rabbits
What animal may be stag, rhinoceros or dung`beetle
What animal often communicate at sound levels as low as 5hz`elephants
What animal only blinks one eye at a time?`hampster
What animal, other than human, is Joshua's DNA most representative of`Dog
What animal, other than human, is Max's DNA most representative of`Cat
What animal, other than humans, can get leprosy?`Armadillos
what animal produces pink milk`yak
What animal provided the hair for hairspring watches`pig
What animal rests in a form`hare
What animals are on the australian coat of arms`emu and kangaroo
what animals are used playing polo`horses
what animal saved arion from drowning`dolphin
What animals became the leaders in Animal Farm`pigs
What animals cannot walk backwards?`Emus
what animals did hannibal lead over the alps for the first time?`elephants
What animals does a hippophobe fear`horses
What animals eye is bigger than its brain?`ostrich
What animal's fleece yields lanolin`sheep
What animals fur is the thickest`The Sea Otter
What animals give birth to fawns`deer
What animals hair is traditionally used to make shaving brushes`badger
What animal's hair is used in violin bows`horse
What animal's milk does not curdle?`Camel
What animal's milk is more than 54% fat`humpback whale
What animals name is Aboriginal for "no drink"`koala
What animals reached plague proprotions in the town of Hamelin`rats
What animal's shell is used to make jewellery`abalone
What animal's tail is called a brush`fox
What animal tailhairs are traditionally used in making violin bows`horse
What animal that may now be extinct is on the tasmanian coat of arms`Tasmanian Devil
What animal took on the role of sheepdog in the film Babe`pig
what animal was first to be named to the animal hall of fame`lassie
What animal was named for what was wrongly thought to be its country of origin`the turkey
What animal was revered by the ancient Egyptians`cat
What animal, when born, falls from a average height of six feet, normally without being hurt`giraffe
what animated character's theme song was "this is it"?`bugs bunny
what animated film was scored by the band america`the last unicorn
What animated superhero was barely a match for powerful puss`mighty mouse
What anniversary did the Royal Television Society celebrate with a visit by the Queen in 1987`60th
What annually televised sporting event always brings a mention for Craven Steps`the boat race
What anthony shaffer two man play opens in the living room of andrew wykes norman manor house`sleuth
What Anthony's stared in the The Guns of Navarone`quinn quayle
What anti-establishment film set in a public school had the same title as a kipling poem`if
What antifungal, which is sometimes used for treating thrush, is named after New York State institute for health`nystatin
What antipodean wonder did Londoners flock to the Lyceum Theatre to see for the first time in 1791`first imported live kangeroo
What, apart from air &  fuel, is filtered in a car`oil
What, apart from a rodeo, is Pendleton, Oregon, best known for`pendleton shirt`pendleton after
what, apart from a rodeo, is pendleton, oregon, best known for`pendleton shirt`pendleton shirts
What ape is the best acrobat`gibbon
What Apollo lunar landing was canceled after a tank explosion`apollo 13
what apollo lunar landing was canceled after a tank explosion`apollo thirteen`apollo 13
What apparatus do weavers weave on`loom
What appears when the sun activates melanocytes`freckles
What appear when the sun activates your melanocytes`freckles
What Apple Computer cofounder sponsored the US Festival`steve wozniak
What appreciation society calls its members The Sons of the Desert`laurel and hardy society
What Arab capital has a name that means "God's gift"`baghdad
What Arabian country claims the world's longest water pipeline`saudi arabia
What arabian peninsula nations recently merged under communist leadership`yemen
What arch can you see from the place de la Concorde`Arch de Triomphe
what arch can you see from the 'place de la concorde'`the arc de triomphe
what architect's story was told in wizard of the dome`buckminster fuller
What are 35% of people using personal ads for dating`married
What are a bat's wings made of`skin
what are abbott & costello's first names`bud & lou
What are adherents to the Society of Friends called`quakers
What are affected by phylloxera`vines
What are a group of gulls called`colony
What are a group of jellyfish called`smuck
What are a group of locusts known as`Plague
What are a group of magpies called`a tittering
What are a group of ostriches called`a pride`pride
What are a group of starlings known as`Murmuration
What are a group of storks known as`Mustering
What are a group of unicorns called`blessing
What are a group of wolves known as`A gam
What area is identified by the letter v`vatican city
what area is most famous for u.s. nuclear weapons testing`white sands, new mexico
What are a jockey's silks`uniform
What are alabaster marbles`alleys
What are allen and wright famous for`root beer
What are animals called if they live both on land & in water`amphibians
What are animals that chew the cud called`ruminants
What are animals that live in tree called`arboreal
What are a tiger's paw prints called`pug marks
What are a tiger's paw prints`pug marks
What are auctioned at tattersalls`racehorses
What are Australia and New Zealand known as`antipodewhich style of french art was developed from the baroque`rococo
What are a whales breathing organs called`lungs
what are babies are born without`knee caps
What are billiard,bulldog,zulu and meershaum varieties of`smokers pipes
What are bloaters a type of`fish
What are B&O, Reading, Pennsylvania and Short Line on an American Monopoly board`stations
What are born with fur and their eyes open`jackrabbits
What are bright regions of the sun's photosphere`facula
What are built & repaired in 'dry dock'`ships
What are Canada's great lakes alphebetically`erie, huron, michigan, ontario, superior
What are cannon & balls first names`tommy & bobby
What are 'carcinogens' liable to cause`cancer
What are catalogued under the Dewey decimal system`book
What are catalogued under the Dewey decimal system`books
What are cavicorns`animals with hollow horns
what are centenary, black star of africa andjubilee`diamonds
What are chanterelles and morels`mushrooms
What are Cherubim & Seraphim`angels
What are chitterlings`animal intestines
what are chrysolite, beryl, jasper and tourmaline`gems
What are chrysolite, beryl, jasper &  tourmaline`gems
what are cirrus, cumulus and cirrostratus`clouds
What are cirrus, cumulus & cirrostratus`clouds
What are clothes worn by soldiers`fatigues
What are Cobol, Fortran and Ada types of`computer languages
what are cocci, spirilla and streptococci`bacteria
What are cone bearing trees called`conifers
What are conifers`cone-bearing trees
What are Covent Garden, La Scala & the Met`opera houses
What are crayons made of`Wax
What are cumulus, cirrus and stratos`clouds
What are daffodils, reesias & hyacinths normally grown from`bulbs
What are death caps`poisonous fungi
What are dense seawater swamps along coasts of hot countries`mangroves
What are described by the terms rep, challis and foulard`neckties
What are described by the terms rep, challis &  foulard`neckties
What are dim sum`chinese snacks
What are dolly,dimmer,rocker`types of light switches
What are dolly parton's working hours`9 to 5
what are dolly parton's working hours`9 to`calgary
What are double sixes called on dice`boxcars
What are drumlins and eskers formed by`glaciers
What are drumlins & eskers formed by`glaciers
What are 'duck tails', 'flat tops' & 'afros'`haircuts
What are Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific`american Time Zones
What are 'electric shadows' to the Chinese`films
What are elementary particles originating in the sun and other stars, that continuously rain down on the earth`cosmic rays
What are elementary particles originating in the sun &  other stars, that continuously rain down on the earth`cosmic rays
What are emblazoned on the jolly roger`skull &  crossbones
What are emblazoned on the jolly roger`skull & crossbones`skull and crossbones
What are exploding stars ten billion times more luminous then the Sun`supernovae
What are falling stars`meteors
What are FAQs`frequently asked questions
What are fawn or pale brown cows called`jersey
what are fawn or pale brown cows called?`jersey cows
What are feathers made from`keratin
What are feta and portella`cheeses
What are fields of rice called`paddies
What are 'Finnan haddies'`smoked haddock
What are "Fisherman's Bends" and "Bucket Hitches"`knots
what are "flying dutchman", "soling" and "tornado" all classes of`sailboats
What are followers of the Society of Friends called`quakers
What are followers of the Unification Church called?`moonies
What are followers of the unification church`moonies
what are followers of the unification church nicknamed?`moonies
what are fossilised dinosaur droppings`coprolite
What are found in oyster shells`pearls
What are fungal remains in coal`sclerotinite
What are gentle breezes coming from the West called`zephyrs
What are german lyric songs, for piano and solo voice`lieder
what are good friends when you are lonely`dreams
What are "gossamer wings"`cobwebs
what are graylings, dabs and groupers`fish
What are great waves resulting from earthquakes`tsunami waves
What are Hale & Pace's first names`Gareth and Norman
What are half human & half horse figures called`centaurs
What are Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton and Xenon`Noble Gases
What are hills and ridges composed of drifting sand`dunes
What are hills & ridges composed of drifting sand`dunes
What are hiragana and katakana`japanese alphabets
What are horseshoe crabs`spiders and scorpions
what are human thigh bones stronger than`concrete
What are igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary the three classes of`rock
What are inhabitants of Naples called`neapolitans
What are iron pyrites often mistaken for`gold
What are jack rabbits`hares
What are Jerry Siegal and Joe Shuster most famous for`superman
What are Kayobi, Doyobi, and Kinyobi`japanese days of the week
What are kazongas?`Breasts
What are knackers to a Norwegian`crisp bread
What are kreplach`jewish ravioli
What are large snow bumps known as in skiing terms`mogul
what are large snow bumps known as in skiing terms?`moguls
what are leokocytes more commonly known as`white blood cells
What are leverets`young hares
What are lime deposits growing up from the floor of a cave called`stalacmites
What are Lincoln Red, Galloway and Welsh Black`cattle
What are listed in the Stanley Gibbons catalogue`postage stamps
What are loose rocks on a mountainside called`scree
what are looser than normal in a double jointed person?`ligaments
What are looser then normal in a double jointed person`ligaments
What are love apples`tomatoes
What are lust, pride, and, envy, sloth, avarice and gluttony collectively known as`seven deadly sins
What are lust, pride, anger, envy, sloth, averice and gluttony`seven deadly sins
What are made of "frogs & snails & puppy dog tails"`little boys
What are map makers called`cartographers
what are marmosets?`monkeys
what are mastiffs usually employed as?`watchdogs
What are mazurka, fandango and polonaise types of`dances
What are mentioned in the book of Ezra for the first time in the Bible`coins
What are meteors`falling stars
What are Mongrel cats referred to as`Moggies
What are most of the solar system's planets named for`roman gods
what are most of the solar system's plantes named for`roman gods
what are most of the solar system's plantes named for`roman`symphony
what are mother mary's "whispered words of warning"`let it be
what are mother mary's "whispered words of warning"`let it`shergar
what are mother mary's "whispered words of wisdom"?`let it be
What are Muharram, Rajab and Safar`months in the muslim calendar
What are mustard and ketchup`condiments
what are nbs des`national bureau of standards data encryption standar
What are noctilucent, cirrus, and cirrostratus categories of`Clouds
What are non-precious metals called`base metals
What are obstacles like sand traps and ponds called in golf`hazards
What are officers of 46 u.s federal agencies authorised to carry`firearms
What are old boys of Winchester College called`wykehamists
What are ornithophilous flowers`flowers pollinated by birds
What are or were Ojibway, Oneida, Onondaga and Osage`north american indians
What are osiers`branches of willow
What are ovens used for baking clay pots or sculptures called`kilns
What are painted ladies,speckled woods and wall browns`butterflies
What are panatelas`cigars
What are pearls found in`oyster shells
What are penny buns, puffballs and stinkhorns`mushrooms
What are people encouraged to kiss under`mistletoe
What are people who collect stamps called`philatelists
What are Petrol, Naphta, Kerosine, Diesel and Oil`Hydrocarbons
What are phalanges`finger bones
what are phalanges`finger`leaves
What are pillows in South Korean inns filled with`wheat husks
What are pistachio and filbert types of`nuts
What are pot bellies, scandinavians & franklins`stoves
What are pug marks`tiger paw prints
What are pulex irritans`human fleas
What are pyramid, bean, snapper lead and running shot all varieties of`Sinkers for Fishing
What are quasi-stellar radio sources better known as`quasars
what are quasi-stellar radio sources`quasars
What are Queenslanders called`Banana Benders
What are rain boots called`galoshes
What are rats unable to do, making them extra vulnerable to poison`vomit
What are religious ascetics who practise scourging or mutual whipping for bodily discipline or penance`flagellants
What are ren and stimpy's last names`hoek & cadoogan
What are ren and stimpy's last names`hoek & cadoogan`hoek and cadoogan
what are ren and stimpy's last names`ren hoek & stimpy cadoogan
What are Ren and Stimpy's last names?`Ren Hok Stimpy Cadoogan
What are repaired in the shop in which Bullman is based`clocks
What are responsible for a lot of the worlds pollution as they produce the largest amount of methane out of all animals`termites
What are ringers and jillaroos`australian cowboys and girls
what are robots called in star wars`droids
what are robots called in the movie star wars`droids
what are rocks and boulders carried by valley glaciers called`moraine
what are 'rods in pickle'`troubles in store
What are Romney Marsh, Swaledale and Suffolk types of`sheep
What are "Roti, Loochis, and Puris"`indian bread
What are Russian astronauts called`Cosmonauts
What are Saddlebacks, Middle Whites and Berkshires`pigs
What are scallions`spring onions
What are scallops`shellfish
What are seraphim and cherubim`ranks of angels
What are sheep if cats are feline`ovine
What are ship captains' special sea maps called`charts
What are siblings`brothers & sisters by blood
what are slicks in auto racing jargon`tires
What are snacks eaten with drinks before a meal`canapes
what are 'snowballs' to a hot-rodder`white-walled tires
What are sometimes called the backbone of england`pennines
What are squirrel hairs used to make`camel hair brushes
What are swedish buns`danishes
what are terra cotta objects baked from?`clay
what are Texas told to remember`The Alamo
What are the 2 languages spoken in Malta`english and maltese
What are the 2 main divisions of chemistry`organic and inorganic
What are the 3 big colleges of the Ivy League`(name them alphabetically)Harvard, Princeton, Yale
what are the 3 major methods of storing files in secondary storage?`sequential direct indexed file organization
what are the 3 types of swords used in olympic fencing (in alphabetical order, no commas)`epee foil`cup
what are the 3 types of swords used in olympic fencing (in alphabetical order, no commas)`epee foil sabre
what are the 50 days immediately preceding easter known as`quinquagesima
What are the Amish also known as`pennsylvania dutch
what are the annual awards for the best billboards (obies) named after?`obelisks
What are the barrels used to age Bordeaux made of`oak
what are the "big three" american colleges?`yale, princeton & harvard
What are the Boyoma and Tugela`waterfalls
What are the bread slots in a toaster called`toast wells
What are the Buckingham Palace guards commonly known as`beefeaters
What are the busiest days for hospital emergency departments`mondays
What are the chances a unit in cover have of being hit? __%`70
What are the chances a unit on a cliff have of being hit? __%`70
What are the cherubim and seraphim`angels
What are the christian names of Cannon and Ball`tommy and bobby
What are the Christian names of the novelist P D James`phyllis dorothy
What are the clay targets in trap shooting called`pigeons
what are the clouds of magellan`Galaxies
What are the colors of the flag around which steel pulse rallies`red gold black green
What are the colors of the Swedish flag`Yellow blue
what are the "cool" areas of the sun called`sun`cabbage
what are the "cool" areas of the sun called`sun spots
what are the crushed chick peas used in middle eastern cuisine`hoummous
What are the cutting teeth called`incisors
What are the deepest parts of the oceans`ocean trenches
What are the dots called on dominoes`pips
what are the dots on dominoes`pips
What are the dubious facts passed on by word of mouth as traditional beliefs`old wives tales
what are the famed hills of south dakota`black hills
what are the first four words of we are the world`there comes a`moscow
what are the first four words of we are the world`there comes a time
What are the first & middle names of the famous poet E.E. Cummings`Edward Estlin
what are the first names of Mulder and Scully in The X Files`Fox and Dana
what are the first names of the couple in 'cat on a hot tin roof'`brick and`canyon
what are the first names of the couple in 'cat on a hot tin roof'`brick and maggie
what are the first names of the everly brothers`phil & don
What are the first names of the popular early 80's duo hall and oates`darryl
what are the first names of the popular early 80's duo hall and oates`darryl and`3
what are the first names of the popular early 80's duo hall and oates`darryl and john
what are the first six words of dicken's a tale of two cities`it was the best of times
What are the first three words in the Bible`in the beginning
What are the first three words of the bible`in the beginning
What are the first three words of the US Constitution`we the people
what are the first two letters in the greek alphabet?`alpha beta
What are the flat treeless plains of Argentina called`pampas
What are the following pig,craps and Everest`dice games
What are the four basic methods of calculation in mathematics`addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
What are the four colours of croquet balls`red, yellow, blue, black
What are the four main blood groups`a, b, ab & o
What are the four most used languages in North America`(In alphabetical order)English French Italian Spanish
what are "the four nightingales" better known as?`the marx brothers
what are the four seas named after colours`red sea, white sea, black sea, yellow`doonesbury
what are the four seas named after colours`red sea, white sea, black sea, yellow sea
What are the front cutting teeth called`incisors
What are the fundamental constituents of tissue building drugs`anabolic steroids
What are the grinding teeth called`molars
What are the height and width of a horse measured in`Hands
What are the highest cloud formations called`cirrus
What are the highest-paying odds on a roulette table`Thirty Five to One
what are the high tides called when the Sun,Moon,& Earth are ranged in a straight line`Spring tides
What are the hole punchings on a postage stamp called`Chad
What are the identification letters for Chicago's O'hare airport`ord
What are the individual dots on a computer screen that make up the overall picture called`pixels
What are the ingredients of a daiquiri`rum and lemon
What are the initials for deoxyribonucleic acid`dna
What are the initials 'vcp'`video cassette player
What are the initials 'vcr'`video cassette recorder
What are the international vehicle registration letters for Swiss cars`ch
What are the 'irons' in horse racing`stirrups
What are the islands called in the north of the Netherlands`Wadden
What are the largest oceans in order of size`pacific, atlantic, indian
What are the larvae of flies called`maggots
What are the lime deposits hanging from the ceiling of a cave called`stalactites
what are the little people of ireland called whose job it is to help others?`leprechauns
What are the longest cells in the human body`neurones
What are the main divisions of a play or opera called`acts
what are the main ingredients of both financiere and perigueux sauces`madeira and truffles
What are the main ingredients of the Irish dish 'colcannon'`green cabbage and potatoes
What are the male organs of a flower called`stamens
What are the maximum dimensions of an ice skating rink`60 by 30 metres
What are the membranes enveloping the brain and spinal cord called`meninges
What are the mineral deposits in caves growing upward called`stalagmites
What are the more common terms for the maxilla and mandible`upper and lower jaw
what are the most common initials of superman's friends and enemies`l.l.
what are the most numerous members of the animal kingdom`Insects
What are the most repulsive warring creatures in the lord of the rings`orcs
what are the moufflon and bighorn?`sheep
What are the moufflon &  bighorn`sheep
What are the names of Angelica's parents in the Rugrats`Drew and Charlotte
what are the names of daisy duck's nieces`april, may and june
What are the names of donald duck's nephews`huey dewey and louey
What are the names of Mickey Mouses two nephews`Ferdy & Mordy
What are the names of the Flanders' children`Rod & Todd`Rod and Todd
What are the names of the Ninja Turtles in alphabetical order`Donatello
What are the names of the Ninja Turtles in alphabetical order?`Donatello Leonardo Michelangelo Raphael
What are the names of the Simon brothers from Simon & Simon?`Rick & AJ
What are the names of the Simon brothers from Simon & Simon`Rick & AJ`Rick and AJ
what are the names of the three dimaggio brothers (d v j )`dom vince`delaware
what are the names of the three dimaggio brothers (d v j )`dom vince joe
What are the names of the three little characters on a Kellogg's rice bubbles box`snap, crackle, pop
What are the names of the three wise monkeys (in the order of see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil)`mizaru, mikazaru, mazaru
what are the names of the two basic knitting stiches?`plain & purl
what are the names of the two basic knitting stiches`plain & purl`plain and purl
What are the names of the two famous disney chipmunks`chip and dale
what are the names of the two famous disney chipmunks?`chip & dale
what are the names of the two famous disney chipmunks`chip & dale`chip and dale
What are the names of the two stone lions in front of  the New York Public Library`patience & fortitude
What are the names of the two stone lions in front of  the New York Public Library`patience & fortitude`patience and fortitude
What are the natives of Tangier called`tangerines
What are the nine letters on the center row of a standard qwerty keyboard (from left to right)`asdfghjkl
what are the odds for s club 7 according to their hit record`2 in a million
What are the odds that a professional golfer will get a hole-in-one`one in 15,000
What are the offical reports of parliamentary proceedings called`hansard
What are the official languages of malta`maltese and english
what are the official languages of malta`maltese and`rome
What are the only 2 poisonous lizards in the world`gila monster & beaded lizard
What are the only animals that copulate face to face`humans
What are the only canines whose hair has a hook (or barb) on each individual follicle`dalmatians
What are the only food that astronauts do not have to treat & dehydrate when flying in space`pecans
What are the only numbers where they are the values of the numbers of factors they have`1 &  2
What are the only numbers where they are the values of the numbers of factors they have`1 & 2`1 and 2
What are the only numbers where they are the values of the numbers of factors they have`one & two`1 & 2`1 and 2
What are the only primes that end in 2 or 5`2 & 5
What are the only three nations with Jewish populations over one million`israel, russia, u.s
What are the only three nations with Jewish populations over one million`israel, russia, u.s.a
What are the only three nations with Jewish populations over one million`israel, russia, u.s.`israel, russia &  us
What are the only two commonly ingested items pure enough to be absorbed into the bloodstream directly through the stomach walls`honey and alcohol
what are the only two commonly ingested items pure enough to be absorbed into the bloodstream directly through the stomach walls`honey and`brushes
What are the only two landlocked countries in South America (alphabetical order)`bolivia & paraguay
What are the only two landlocked countries in South America (alphabetical order)`bolivia & paraguay`bolivia and paraguay
What are the only two london boroughs that start with the letter 'e'`ealing
what are the only two london boroughs that start with the letter 'e'`ealing and enfield
what are the only two london boroughs that start with the letter 'e'`ealing and`questions
What are the only two London boroughs that start with the letter 'e'`ealing & enfield
What are the only two London boroughs that start with the letter 'e'`ealing & enfield`ealing and enfield
What are the only two perennial vegeatbles`rhubarb & asparagus
What are the only two perennial vegeatbles`rhubarb & asparagus`rhubarb and asparagus
What are the only two poisonous lizards in the world`Gila Monster & Beaded Lizard
What are the Perseids`summer meteor showers
What are the playing pieces of dominoes`bones
What are the pouched animals called`marsupials
What are the primary colors`red yellow blue
what are the primary colors`red yellow blue`blue red yellow`blue yellow red`yellow blue red`yellow blue`hall
what are the primary colors`red yellow blue`blue red yellow`blue yellow red`yellow blue red`yellow blue red
What are there 100 of to the Drachma in Greece`leptas
What are there 10 of in a kilometre`hectometres
what are the red monopoly properties`kentucky illinois indiana
what are the red monopoly properties`kentucky illinois indiana`illinois kentucky indiana`indiana kentucky illinois
what are the red monopoly properties`kentucky illinois indiana`illinois kentucky indiana`indiana kentucky`it
What are the residents of the island of Lesbos called`lesbosians
What are the rhea and cassowary both types of`flightless birds
What are the roads of guam paved with`coral
What are the roaring forties`winds
What are the sacred Hindu texts called`logical guesse
What are the sacred Hindu texts called`vedas
What are the sandals called that are worn in ceremonial japanese tradition`tabi
What are the sava, drava and soca`rivers
What are the scientists who study dinosaur fossils called`Palaeontologists
What are the scientists who study volcanoes called`Volcanologists
What are these: Ceres, Juno, Iris, and Flora`asteroid
What are these: Ceres, Juno, Iris, and Flora`asteroids
What are these: chrysolite, beryl, jasper, and tourmaline`gems
What are the seed-bearing fruits of pine,cedar and fir trees called`cones
What are the separators on a guitar neck called`frets
What are the seven letters on the bottom row of a standard qwerty keyboard (from left to right)`zxcvbnm
What are the seven things Sheffield and Rome have in common`hills
What are the siberian prison islands also known as`gulag archipelego
what are the smallest blood-carrying 'tubes' in the human body called`capillaries
What are the smallest blood-carrying 'tubes' in the human body`Capillaries
What are the stage names of William Mitchell and John Payne`Peter Finch & Jack Thompson
What are the Star of Africa and Cullinan II`diamonds
what are the stinging cells of a man of war called?`nematocysts
What are the structures that hold bones together in the body`ligaments
What are the surnames of the two men who determined the structure of DNA`crick and watson
what are the surnames of the two ronnies`barker and corbett
what are the surnames of the two ronnies`barker & corbett
what are the tallest trees`california redwoods
What are the three anatomical parts of an insect`head thorax abdomen
What are the three breeds of dog known as the setter`english, gordon, irish
what are the three capital cities of south africa (c j p)`cape town johannesburg pretoria
What are the three clours in germanys national flag`black red gold
What are the three colors on the west german flag`Black Red and Gold
What are the three colours on a roulette wheel`black, green & red
what are the three great pyramids of egypt`cheops chephren mycernius
What are the three largest countries in order`russia, canada, china
What are the three main types of greek columns`doric, ionic and corinthian
What are the three main types of Greek columns`doric, ionic &  corinthian
what are the three operative words on a ouija board`yes no goodbye
what are the three principal peoples of ancient greece (in alphabetical order, no commas)`aeolians dorians ionians
What are the three winter months in the southern hemisphere`june, july and
what are the three winter months in the southern hemisphere`june july august
what are the three winter months in the southern hemisphere`june, july & august`june july august
What are the tiny air sacs in the lungs called`alveoli
What are the traditional Japanese unrhymed poems called`haiku
What are the trails left in the sky by aircraft composed of`condensed water vapour
What are the transitional periods of the zodiac called`cusps
What are the Twin Cities?`Minneapolis and St Paul
What are the two basic aids in orienteering`map and compass
what are the two basic aids in the sport of orienteering`a map and compass
What are the two christian names of HE Bates`herbert ernest
What are the two cities in charles dickens' 1859 novel a tale of two cities`london and paris
What are the two cities in Charles Dickens 1859 novel 'A Tale Of Two Cities`london & paris
What are the two cities in Charles Dickens 1859 novel 'A Tale Of Two Cities`london & paris`london and paris
what are the two ends of a magnet called`Poles
What are the two highest consecutive numbers that can be multiplied together to give a number less than 1,000`31 & 32
What are the two highest consecutive numbers that can be multiplied together to give a number less than 1,000`31 & 32`31 and 32
What are the two hottest months at the equator`march and september
what are the two languages of malta`english maltese
What are the two largest cities in scotland`glasgow edinburgh
What are the two main gases that make up our breathable air`oxygen and nitrogen
what are the two main ingredients in crayola crayons`paraffin wax colored pigments`paraffin wax and colored pigments
What are the two main ingredients of a Lyonnaise sauce`white wine & onions
What are the two main islands of the Philippines`mindanao & luzon
What are the two main islands of the Philippines`mindanao & luzon`mindanao and luzon
what are the two main metals in pewter`lead and tin
what are the two main minerals in the semi precious stone turquoise`copper and aluminium
What are the two official languages of Canada`english & french
What are the two official languages of Canada`english & french`english and french
What are the two primary ingredients in cracker jack`popcorn and
what are the two primary ingredients in cracker jack`popcorn & peanuts`popcorn peanuts`popcorn and`quito
what are the two standard kinds of type`pica and elite`pica elite
what are the two standard kinds of type`pica and elite`pica`sioux
What are the two stone lions in front of the new york public library`patience and fortitude
what are the types of limestone deposits that form from dripping water in calcite`stalactites`stalagmites
What are the units of measurement for Energy`Joule
What are the units of measurement for Force`Newton
What are the units of measurement for Frequency`Hertz
What are the units of measurement for Power`Watt
What are the units of measurement for Pressure`Pascal
what are the us backed guerrilla forces opposed to the sandinista government in nicaragua called`contras
What are the worlds four oceans - alphabetically`Arctic, Atlantic, Indian and Pacific
What are the world's tallest trees`coast redwoods
What are the youngest letters in the English language alphabetically`j, v, w
What are the young of a rabbit called`kittens
What are the young of seals called`pups
What are thin tellin, little piddock, pod razor and quahog`sea shells
What are thribbles and censers`vessels for burning incense
What are tiny cracks in the glaze of pottery`crackle
What are train drivers called in the U.S.A.`engineers
What are Trawsfynnydd (Trous-fun-uth) and Wylfa (Wilva) in Wales`nuclear power stations
What are truffles`edible fungi
what are two numbers that have no divisors in common`relatively`cache
what are two numbers that have no divisors in common`relatively prime
what are two people who are both monozygotic`identical twins
What are u doing here - |r|e|a|d|i|n|g|`reading between the lines
What are ungulates`hoofed animals
what are venomous water moccasins of the pit viper family`cotton mouths
what are venomous water moccasins of the pit viper family`cotton`patrick
What are Walrus tusks made of`ivory
What are white dwarfs and red giants`stars
What are wrapped in rashers of bacon to make the dish Angels on Horseback`oysters
What are you afraid of if you suffer from xenophobia`foreigners
what are you caught in, if a haboob blows up`a sandstorm
What are you caught in if a haboob blows up`sandstorm
What are you doing if you are ledgering`fishing
What are you doing if you 'yarn over' or 'pop corn'`knitting
What are you fi your described as dextral`right handed
What are you forbidden to fly an aeroplane over in India`taj mahal
what are you forbidden to fly an aeroplane over in india`taj`peacock
what are you forbidden to fly an airplane over in india`taj`bluebells
What are you forbidden to fly an airplane over in India`taj mahal
What are you if you're hirsute`hairy
What are you if your IQ is below 25`idiot
What are you if you suffer from baker's leg`knock kneed
What are young eels called`elvers
What are young hares called`leverets
What are young herrings`sardines
What are young rats called`pups
What are you said to hit when you go to bed`the sack
What are you said to pull over someone's eyes if you deceive them`the wool
What are you wearing if you have a dogging heel`cowboy boots
what are you wearing if you're shod in beavertails?`snowshoes
What are you while training to become a priest`ordinand
What Argentine soccer player was hailed as the world's best when he arrived at the 1982 World Cup`Diego Maradona
What argentinian boxer was shot dead outside a nevada brothel in may 1976`oscar bonavena
What army publishes the newspaper The War Cry`salvation army
What armys motto is blood and fire`salvation army
What arrives at your table in Madrid if you say 'La cuenta, por favor'`bill
what artery carries blood from the heart to the body?`aorta
What artery carries blood inside the heart to the heart tissue`coronary artery
What arthurian knight had the strength of ten because his heart was pure`sir
what arthurian knight had the strength of ten because his heart was pure`sir galahad
what arthurian knight had the strength of ten because his heart was pure`sir`ureter
What Arthur Miller play recounts his marriage to Marilyn Monroe`after the fall
What artificial organ was first developed by Canada's Gordon Murray`kidney
What artificial sweetener is some 400 times sweeter than sugar`saccharin
What artificial sweeteners got the ax in 1969`cyclamates
What artificial waterway links the black sea to the baltic via leningrad`volga-baltic canal
what artificial waterway links the black sea to the baltic via leningrad`volga-baltic`rigoletto
What artist composed the classical work Tannhauser?`Wagner
what artist cut off his right ear?`vincent van gogh
What artist first recorded the jamaican traditional louie, louie`toots and the maytals
What artist had the surname Buonarroti`michelangelo
What artist had the surname buonarrotti`michelangelo
What artistic term was named after a French finance minister`silhouette
what artist painted "crackers in bed"`norman rockwell
What artist's first british hit was the little shoemaker in 1954`petula clark
What artists real name is marshall mathers iii`eminem
What artist's surname was van Rijn`remberandt
What artist's surname was van rijn`rembrandt
What artist was the subject of the book the agony and the ecstasy`michelangelo
What as Girlschool's most successful album`hit & run
What Asian capital boasts the 80,000 seat Workers Stadium`peking
What Asian city boasts the world's biggest bowling alley`tokyo
What Asian city was once called Edo`Tokyo
what asian country did james michener take readers to in his 1963 novel caravans`afghanistan
What asian country is bordered by the soviet union and china`mongolia
What Asian country is home to most speakers of Telugu`india
What Asian country used to be ruled by a shah`iran
What Asian country was acupuncture first practised in`china
what asian politician was in prison when time named him man of the year for 1930`gandhi
What astronaut later went into the wasp-breeding business`scott carpenter
What astronaut soared into history on february 20, 1962`john glenn
what astronomer-architect designed the present st. paul's cathedral in london`christopher wren
What astronomical unit of distance is used for measurements beyond the solar system`parsec
What athelete's autobiography was simply titled my life`magic johnson's
What Athenian comic poet wrote "Lysistrata"`aristophanes
what athlete released the photo book rare air in 1993?`michael jordan
what athlete was known to adoring fans as "saint bart"?`bart starr
What attaches the muscles to the bones or cartilage`tendons
what attach skeletal muscles bones`tendons
What attack did Isoroku Yamamota plan and lead`pearl harbour
what attack was planned and lead by isoroku yamamoto`pearl harbour
What attack was planned & lead by Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto`pearl harbour
What attracted eight and a half million people top Battersea Pleasure Gardens between may and Sept 1951`festival of britain
What Aussie was the first world champion boxer to retire with a perfect record`Jimmy Carruthers
what australian actor played max in the road warrior?`mel gibson
What australian band's first number one song, "spicks & specks", was released in 1967`bee gees
What Australian band was originally known as The Farriss Brothers`inxs
What australian city had the country's first steam and electric trains`melbourne
what australian city was named after the wife of king william iv`adelaide
What Australian colloquial word means genuine or honest`dinkum
What australian food was discovered by john macadam`macadamia nuts
What Australian jockey was called The Demon Darb`Darby Munro
What Australian marsupial is often mistaken for a monkey?`cuscus
What Australian mother won gold medals in running and hurdling at the Melbourne Olympics`Shirley Strickland
What australian state boasts mount isa, the worlds largest town by area`queensland
What Australian state capital was named after a city in Scotland`perth
what austrian city hosted olympic games 12 years apart`innsbruck
What Austrian city was named for its mining and trading of salt`salzburg
What Austrian city was named for it's mining &  trading of salt`salzburg
What author landed a 468 pound marlin without harness in the early 1930's`ernest hemingway
what author of couples suggested in a 1969 paris review piece that we 'take coitus out of the closet'`john updike
what author of sex and the single girl went on to edit cosmopolitan into a money-making magazine`helen gurley brown
What author penned such books as "Mila 18", "Trinity" and "Exodus"`leon uris
What author penned such books as "Mila 18", "Trinity" &  "Exodus"`leon uris
What author said 'accidents will occur in the best regulated families'`charles dickens
what author said 'accidents will occur in the best regulated families'`charles`perkins
What auto company raised a giant three pointed star above the Stuttgart skyline`daimler benz
What automaker bought Rolls Royce in 1998`volkswagen
What automobile company makes the Corvette`general motors
What automobile company makes the ram`dodge`daimler chrysler
what automobile division manufactures the corvette?`chevrolet
What avenue is New York City's famed easter parade held on`fifth avenue
What avenue runs along the east side of Central Park, New York`fifth avenue
what averted an arab boycott of the 1948 summer olympics?`israel's exclusion
What award can baseball pitchers earn`cy young award
What award did washington create in 1782 as a decoration to recognize merit in enlisted men and non-commissioned officers`purple heart
What award does Homer receive in "Brother Can You Spare Two Dimes?"`The First Annual Montgomery Burns Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence
What award, founded in 1901, is funded with the help of the Bank of Sweden?`The Nobel Prize
What ball contains 216 stitches`official baseball
What ballerina is known by her peers as "The Body"`cynthia gregory
What ball sport has the same name as a vegetable`squash
what band backed neil young on his album after the gold rush`crazy horse
What band claimed that "Youre an orgasm addict"`buzzcocks
What band consist of Donald Fagen, Walter Becker, Michael McDonald, Rick Derringer`steely Dan
What band debuted with the album "cooleyhigh harmony"`boyz ii men
what band did dion form in 1958?`belmonts
what band did dion form in 1958`the belmonts
what band did james brown tour and record with in the 1950's`famous flames
What band did the music for the 1970s film saturday night fever`the bee gees
what band do geezer butler, and bill ward play in`black sabbath
What band got their name from the sixties movie Barbarella?`Duran Duran
what band had a hit song titled after ol' blue eyes, frank sinatra`cake
What band had a hit with itchycoo park`the small faces
what band had their first hit with 'radar love'`golden earring
What band have the following all performed in at one time or another,ginger baker,mick jagger,eric burdon,paul jones and danny thompson`alexis corners blues incorporated
What band in the late 80's were exposed for not recording their own hits`milli vanilli
What band leader did singer Jo Stafford marry`paul weston
what bandleader had the themes satin doll and take the a train`duke ellington
What band performed "roll over lay down"`status quo
What band performed the classic single "all right now"`free
What band played to 2.5 million people in 37 countries on its 1993 keep the faith tour`bon jovi
what band recorded "30 days in the hole"?`humble pie
what band recorded earschplittenloudenboomer`steppenwolf
What band recorded the 1978 hit album: 'Briefcase Full of Blues'?`The Blues Brothers
What band recorded the 1990'2 hit 'slide'`goo goo dolls
What band recorded the clasic album "Dark Side Of The Moon" in 1973`pink floyd
what band's albums borrowed the marx brothers' titles "a night at the opera" & "a day at the races"`queen
what band sang about 'the wall'`pink floyd
What band sang the 80s song "walkin' on sunshine"`katrina & the waves
What band sang the theme song to "The Breakfast Club?"`Simple Minds
What band's lead singer regularly entered the stage on a motorcycle`judas priest
What band sold the most number of records in the 1970's`Led Zepplin
what band started out traveling with andy warhol's mulitmedia show "the exploding plastic inevitable"`the velvet underground
what band's video, "girls on film", was banned by mtv & the bbc`duran duran
What band urged you to sit down`james
what band was cory wells with`three dog night
what band was frankie valli the lead man for`the four seasons
what bank is owned by the prudential`egg bank
What bars do kids belly up to on playgrounds`monkey bars
what baseball executive earned the nickname "the trader"?`frank lane
What baseball legend appeared as himself in the 1938 movie, Western Rawhide`Lou Gehrig
what baseball manager's eatery was closed due to rat infestation`tommy lasordas
what baseball manager's eatery was closed due to rat infestation`tommy`mercury
what baseball pitcher has the most strike-outs`nolan ryan
what baseball player has the most hits`pete rose
what baseball player has the most hits`pete`rugby
what baseball player was known as the 'say-hey kid''`willie mays
what baseball player was nicknamed "stan the man"`stan`frontierland
what baseball player was nicknamed "stan the man"`stan musial
What baseball player was walked the most times`babe ruth
What baseball skipper was named national league manager of the year`jim leyland
What baseball team began playing home gates at Mile High Stadium`The Colorado Rockies
What basic product is cheese made out of`milk
what basketballer inked ake shoes?`michael jordan
What basketballer was dubbed the NBA's Identified Flying Object`julius
What basketballer was dubbed the NBA's Identified Flying Object`julius erving
what basketballer was dubbed the nba's identified flying object`julius`playboy
what basketball star played a genie in 'kazaam'`shaquille`ford
What basketball star played a genie in 'kazaam'`shaquille o'neal
What battle cry inspired Texas troops after the Alamo fell`remember the alamo
What battle does the 1812 Overture celebrate`borodino
What battle resulted in the largest number of german pow's`battle of
what battle resulted in the largest number of german pow's`battle of`costello
what battle resulted in the largest number of german pow's?`battle of stalingrad
What battle took place in 1815`waterloo
what battle was a horse named comanche the only losing survivor of`battle of little big horn
What beach boys song blathers "rah rah rah rah, sis boom bah"`be true to
what beach boys song blathers "rah rah rah rah, sis boom bah"`be true to`bell
what beach boys song blathers "rah rah rah rah, sis boom bah"`be true to your school
What beach provided the most resistance to Allied forces on D Day`omaha
What bean is used in the production of chocolate`cocoa
What bean shaped organs filter waste products from the blood`kidneys
What Beastie Boys song is named after an old patriot`paul revere
What beating victim's 23-lawyer defense team handed the city of los angeles a legal suit for a million dollars`rodney king
What beating victim's 23 lawyer defense team handed the city of Los Angeles for $4.4 million`rodney king
What beating victim's 23-lawyer defense team handed the city of los angeles for million`rodney king
What Beatle is left handed`paul mccartney
What Beatle is left handed`paul`paper
What Beatle reportedly slept with a light on`john lennon
what beatle reportedly slept with a light on`john`pasadena
what beatles album came with a 24-page full-colour picture book`magical mystery tour
what beatles album featured back in the u.s.s.r`the white album
what beatles album featured "back in the ussr"`white album
What Beatles album spent the longest time atop the charts, at 15 weeks`sgt.
What Beatles album spent the longest time atop the charts, at 15 weeks?`sgt. pepper's lonely hearts club band
what beatles ballad, including french lyrics, won a 1966 grammy as song of the year`michelle
What Beatle song includes a girl with kaleidoscope eyes`lucy in the sky with diamonds
what beatle song sets hindu scriptures to music?`all things must pass
what beatle's real name is richard starkey`ringo starr
what beatles single lasted longest on the charts, at 19 weeks`hey jude
what beatles song added one day to the week`eight days a week
what beatles song did fats domino hit with in 1968`lady madonna
What beatles song mimics the beach boy's "california girls"`back in the ussr
what beatles tune made mention of a villainous character named dan`rocky raccoon
What beautiful hotel commands a matchless view of quebec city`chateau
what beautiful hotel commands a matchless view of quebec city`chateau frontenac
What beautiful street in Paris begins at the Arc de Triomphe`champs elysees
What beautiful youth pined for the love of his reflection`narcissus
What became a national holiday in the u.s in 1890`christmas
What became Spain on july 9th, 1947`Kingdom
What became the 50th american state`hawaii
What became the biggest use for aluminum starting in 1960`tin cans
What became the first operational British jet fighter in 1945`gloster meteor
what beer is sold in shelbyville`fudd
What beer was named after president Jimmy Carter's brother`billy beer
What began August 15th 1969 on Max Yasgur's dairy farm`woodstock
What began in 1567, was outlawed in 1826 and was reintroduced in 1994`lottery
What begins - If music be the food of love`twelfth night
What bells said "oranges and lemons"`st clements
What bells said "oranges and lemons"`st clements`saint clements
What beloved baseball broadcaster dies on october 22`red barber
What berries are commonly used to flavour english gin`juniper berries
What berries give gin its flavour`juniper berries
What best describes an agent provocateur?`spy
What beverage did Louis Pasteur first pasteurise in 1864`wine
What beverage do people drink 311,000 of per minute worldwide`Coca-cola
what beverage product took to claiming: 'life without caffeine is stimulating enough'`sanka
what biblical character lost his strength when his hair was cut`samson
What biblical disease did 39 texans come down with in 1992`leprosy
What biblical figure is known as the father of the human race`adam
what biblical phenomenon did a group of scientists conclude in 1982 was a super nova`the star of bethlehem
What biblical relic is astronaut James Irwin famous for seeking`noah's ark
what biblical relic is astronaut james irwin famous for seeking`noah's ark`noahs ark
what billy joel album was 1979's top seller`52nd street
what billy joel hit was chosen as the theme for bosom buddies`my life
What bird builds a nest about 12 feet deep and eight and a half feet wide`bald eagle
What bird builds the largest nest`eagle
What "bird" can achieve ground speed of 30 MPH`ostrich
what bird can fly the whole day without flapping its wings`albatross
What bird can swim but cant fly`penguin
What bird can swim but not fly`penguin
what bird did benjamin franklin advocate as the us national symbol`the turkey
What bird do shuttlecock feathers come from`goose
What bird familey does the bunting belong to`finch
What bird feathers were used as quills for writing`goose
What bird has a 46 foot long small intestine`ostrich
What bird has double-plumed feathers`Emu
What bird has two toes`ostrich
What bird in Greek legend was given the 100 eyes of Argus`peacock
What bird is also known as the gooney bird`albatross
What bird is an excellent swimmer, but can't fly`penguin
What bird is a shag`cormorant
What bird is associated with lundy island`puffin
What bird is associated with the birth of children`stork
What bird is associated with the goddess Athena`owl
What bird is associated with the Tower of London`Raven
What bird is a symbol of peace`dove
What bird is famed for nesting on chimneys`stork
What bird is the offspring of a cob and a pen`swan
What bird is the offspring of a cob & a pen`cygnet
What bird is the reminder to us of a personal burden`The albatross
What bird is the symbol of the United States`Eagle
What bird lays an egg that is roughly a quarter of its body weight?`Kiwi
What bird lays an egg the size of a pea`hummingbird
What bird lays the largest egg`ostrich
What bird makes an excellent watchdog`goose
What bird provided the quills that were used for writing`goose
what bird's feathers does superstition say should never be in a house as decoration`peacock
What birds will lay eggs only in the early morning`ducks
What birthstone melts in vinegar`Pearl
What Bishop was killed in Rome on February 14 270 a d`st  valentine
What Bishop was killed in Rome on February 14 270 a d`st valentine`saint valentine
What bites campers on the big toe`vampire bat
what bites campers on the big toe`vampire`godzilla
What bit of Bobby Goldsboro sirup focused on a dying young wife`Honey
What bit of Bobby Goldsboro syrup focused on a dying young wife`honey
What black comic always had a poem for his audience`nipsy russell
what black entertainer gave 20 million dollars to spelman college in 1988?`bill cosby
What black magazine was founded by john h johnson in 1947`ebony
What Black Sabbath's song which title stands for the british slang to 'cocainomane'`snowblind
what blew up at lakehurst, new jersey, on may 6, 1937`the hindenburg
What blew up at Lakehurst, New Jersey, on May 6th 1937`hindenburg
What blind musician wrote the aretha franklin hit until you come back to me`stevie wonder
What blonde was the subject of the four most expensive Andy Warhol works sold at auction`marilyn monroe
What blondie hit says: "roll me in designer sheets i'll never get enough"`call me
what blood sport originated the word crestfallen`cockfighting
What blood type has been found in less than a dozen people since it was first discovered`type ah
what blue creature does alice find sitting on a mushroom in wonderland`caterpillar
What board game derives its name form the Persian word for king`chess
what board game derives its name from the persian word for king`chess
What board game did Humphrey Bogart excel at`Chess
what board game gets its name from the persian word for king`chess
What board game is called checkers in North America`draughts
What board game is known as The Game of four Winds`mah jong
What board game prints more money every day than the U.S. Treasury`Monopoly
What board game's name is derived from the Latin for 'I Play'`ludo
What board game was originally called criss cross`scrabble
What boat did Hiawatha build himself`canoe
What boat is found on the canals of Venice`gondola
What Bobby Darin oldie was used to plug liquid Drano`splish splash
What bodily function can reach a break neck speed of 200 mph`sneeze
What bodily function can reach the breakneck speed of 200 miles per hour`sneeze
what bodily function can reach the breakneck speed of 200 miles per hour`the sneeze
What body of water borders Saudi Arabia to the east`Persian Gulf
what body of water does the danube river flow into`black`hoffman
What body of water does the Danube River flow into`black sea
What body of water does the Loire River flow into`atlantic ocean
what body of water does the rhone river empty into`mediterranean
What body of water is fed from the south by the Wadi Araba & from the north by the river Jordan`the dead sea`dead sea
What body of water is the old port of marseilles on`mediterranean
What body of water rises in the Yukon &  flows south to British Columbia`lizard river
What body of water separates Alaska from Russia`bering strait
what body of water separates australia and new zealand`tasman sea
what body of water were ridgway and blyth the first to row across`the atlantic ocean
What body organ does the drug "ecstasy" cause the most damage to`brain
What body organs did Mae West say could be an asset if you hide them`brains
What body parts are oversized in a man suffering from gynecomastia`breasts
what bombay-born writer was called the bard of empire`rudyard kipling
What bone connects your shoulder blade &  elbow joint`the humerus
What bone connects your shoulder blade &  elbow joint`the humerus`humerus
What book about a horse was written by the Victorian Anna Sewell`black beauty
What book did a Mississippi man try to sue in 1994, claiming it was based on "oppressive hearsay"`the bible`bible
What book did Bobby Riggs write`court hustler
What book did Christians often place on their foreheads to cure insomnia in medieval times`the bible`bible
What book did Christians often place on their foreheads to cure insomnia in medieval time`the bible
What book did forrest gump keep in his suitcase`curious george
What book does Dr. Wolfe, the dentist, show Ralph?`The Big Book Of British Smiles
What book does Holden Caufield appear in`the catcher in the rye
What book explains how to obtain & keep political power`the prince
What book features Jim Hawkins`treasure island
What book is the connection between E. Nesbitt and railways`the railway children
What book is the film Blade Runner based on`Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
What books does ME JANE read`tarzan
What book was three days of the condor based upon`six days of the condor
What book, written by Isaac Newton, is considered the world's greatest single work of science`Principia Mathematica
what bore was the largest cannon ever made`920mm
What Boston Celtic's player think that Woody's hometown is full of idiots`larry bird
What Boston craftsman made George Washington's false teeth`paul revere
What boundary did Hyde Park mark until the end of the 19th century`teh london boundary
what "boundary" divided the north and south in the us civil war?`mason dixon line
What bowling term means three straight strikes`turkey
what boxer played the lead in the broadway musical buck white?`muhammad ali
What boxer received a barrage of criticism for leaving Australia for the U.S.A. in 1916`Les Darcy
what boxer's nickname was gentleman jim`james j corbett
what boxer was known as "manos de piedra"`roberto duran
What boxer was nicknamed gentleman jim`james corbett
What boxing division has Britain held the most world titles in`flyweight
What boxing weight division boasts Tony "TNT" Tubbs`heavyweight
what boys name comes of the latin word for small`paul
What boys swear they will 'be prepared'`boy scouts
what boys' toy was introduced at the annual american international toy fair in new york on feb. 9, 1964`g.i`champagne
What boys' toy was introduced at the annual american international toy fair in new york on feb. 9, 1964`g.i joe
what boy time-travelled with mr. peabody in the 'rocky and bullwinkle' cartoon`sherman
What branch of biology concentrates on heredity`genetics
what branch of chemistry deal with fermentation as applied in wine-making and brewing`zymurgy
what branch of dental science deals with "tooth straightening"?`orthodontics
What branch of law did professor Kingsfield teach in the paper chase`contracts
What branch of mathematics has a name meaning "earth measuring"`geometry
What branch of mathematics was devised by Sir Isaac Newton`calculus
What branch of science studies heat, electricity and magnetism`physics
What branch of science studies heat, electricity & magnetism`physics
What branch of science studies the motion of air and the forces acting on objects in air`aerodynamics
What branch of science studies the motion of air & the forces acting on objects in air`aerodynamics
what branch of science studies the structure of an organism`anatomy
what branch of the camel family is found only in the andes mountains`the llama
What brand and color of underwear is Marty wearing in Back to the Future?`Purple Calvin Klein briefs
What brand claims to be "your style of gin"`beefeater
What brand computer performed the first Valentine's Day wedding in 1981`apple
What brand name did Galvin Manufacturing give to its line of radios for motorists`motorola
What brand name of playing cards is the most popular in America`Bicycle
what "brand new land" opened at walt disney world's magic kingdon in 1988`mickey's birthdayland
What brand of Bourbon is Marge caught stealing at the Kwik-E-Mart`"Kernel Kwik-E-Mart's"
what brand of car was the time machine in "back to the future'`de loreon
What brand of cheese celebrated its 60th birthday in 1988`velveeta
What brand of footwear is endorsed by dr j`converse
What brand of footwear was invented by Adolf Dassler`adidas
what brand of syrup did gary carter admit to pouring on pancakes`aunt`considine
what brand of syrup did gary carter admit to pouring on pancakes`aunt jemima
what brand of whipped cream first appeared on store shelves in 1947`reddi-whip
What brassy songstress played Lola Lasagne on TV's Batman`ethel merman
what brassy songstress played lola lasagne on tv's batman`ethel`portugal
What Brazilian region caught gold fever in 1980`amazon region
what breakfast cereal company uses the slogan "the best to you each mornin`kellogg's cereals`kelloggs cereals
what breakfast cereal company uses the slogan "the best to you each mornin`kellogg's cereals`kelloggs copper
What breakfast cereal was invented at battle creek sanitarium`cornflakes
What breakfast dish was ordered by a writer as a hangover cure`eggs benedict
what bred of dog is snoopy?`beagle
What breed horse is the favourite among cowboys`quarter horse
what breed is the most popular racing dog`greyhound
What breed of cat has no tail`manx
what breed of cat has no tail`manx cat
what breed of cat has no tail`manx`juniors
What breed of cats are seal points and blue points`siamese
What breed of dog advertises hush puppies`basset
what breed of dog got its name from the German for growler`Schnauzer
What breed of dog has an inability to bark`Basenji
What breed of dog was Nipper, the RCA dog`A Mongrel
What breed of horse was Mr. Ed (The TV Talking horse`A palomino
What breed of sheepdog was developed in Australia from Scottish collies`kelpie
what brewery sponsored the who's farewell tour in the u.s.`schlitz
What brewing aid is obtained from the sturgeon`isinglass
What bridge connects Anglesey with the mainland`menai
What bridge crosses the Thames between Vauxhall and Westminster bridges`lambeth
What British actor got 2.25 percent of the profits from STAR WARS`Alec
What British actor got 2.25 percent of the profits from STAR WARS?`Alec Guinness
What british actor penned the autobiography what's it all about`michael caine
what british airport was james earl ray captured at`heathrow
What British author created "Gunga Din"`rudyard kipling
What british band is named after the inventor of the seed drill`jethro tull
what british battlecruiser did german warships bismarck and prinz eugen sink in may 1941`hms hood
What british bird are smaller than a wren`goldcrest and firecrest
What british car was the Le Mans success story of the 1950's`jaguar
What British city did Adolf Hitler study art in`liverpool
What British city did Adolph Hitler study art in`liverpool
What british comedian was the first man to appear on the cover of 'playboy'`peter sellers
What British duo's works are referred to as the savoy operas`gilbert & sullivan
what british fast food chain shares a name with a hungry cartoon character`wimpey
what british firm manufactures sports cars under the initials mg`morris garage
what british glitter rocker plays on iggy pop's raw power album`david bowie
what british humorist created the "winnie the pooh" children's book series`aa milne
what british monarch reigned the longest`queen victoria
what british newspaper switched from an all-ads front page to news on may 3, 1966`the times of london
what british peerage gave its name to an overcoat, a sofa and a cigarette`chesterfield
What british prime minister claimed 'hitler has missed the bus'`neville
what british prime minister claimed 'hitler has missed the bus'`neville chamberlain
What British royal was dubbed "fish face" by his wife?`Prince Charles
what british studio pounded out numerous schlocky, low-budget horror films in the 60's`hammer studios
what british theatrical rocker's alter ego was the thin white duke`david bowie
what british tv series featured 'emma peel'`avengers
what broadway hit was hyped simply in ads: "now and forever"`cats
What broadway musical was inspired by cervantes's 'don quixote'`man of la
what broadway musical was inspired by cervantes's 'don quixote'`man of la mancha
what broadway production of gilbert & sullivan's did linda ronstadt star in the 80's`pirates of penzance
What Broadway show went through 2,488 pounds of yak hair between 1982 &  1995`cats
What Bronze Age civilisation emerged on the Greek Island of Crete about 2500 BC`minoan
what brother & sister duo produced a show in their family studio`donny & marie osmond
what building are British monarchs crowned in`Westminster abbey
What building defect was the title of along running TV comedy series`rising damp
What building material is composed of sand, cement, stone & water`concrete
What building material was extensively used by the romans and then forgotton until the 18th century`concrete
What bumbling andy griffith show character has the middle initial b`barney
what bumbling andy griffith show character has the middle initial b?`barney fife
What business did  brothers Maurice and Charles start in 1970 to become the worlds 5th largest of its type by 1985`saatchi & saatchi
What business did brothers Maurice & Charles start in 1970, to become the worlds 5th largest of its type by 1985`Saatchi & Saatchi
What business was the source of John D. Rockefeller's fortune`oil
What butterfly has the same name as a punctuation mark`comma
what butterfly has the same name as a punctuation mark`the comma
what buxom bellower noted: 'recording gospel has become big business. every saint and sinner does it now'`mahalia jackson
What by product of the manufacture of Coca Cola is sold to pharmaceutical companies`cocaine
what cake was traditionally eaten on mothering sunday`simnel
what california city did route 66 end its westward run in?`los angeles
What California city in Hollywood as a suburb of`los angeles
what california city is walt disney studios located in`burbank
What calypso singer founded USA for Africa, the charity that waxed "We Are the World"`harry belafonte
What came down on Jesus' head after he was baptised`dove
what came first electric kettle, electric toaster or electric vacuum`electric vacuum
What came out of Milton's head`steam
What Canadian broadcaster created the radio character old Rawhide`max ferguson
What Canadian city features a clam shaped City Hall`toronto
What Canadian city features a clam shaped City Hall`toronto, ontario
What Canadian city is at the west end of Lake Ontario`Hamilton
what canadian city saw 75 days of filming for i'll take manhattan?`toronto
What Canadian city was Carling beer first brewed in`toronto
what canadian group performs on the we are the world lp`northern lights
What Canadian horse won the 1964 Kentucky Derby`northern dancer
What Canadian island has a capital named Charlottetown`prince edward island
What Canadian Prime Minister retired in 1984?`Pierre Trudeau
What canadian professional snooker player is nicknamed the grinder`cliff
what canadian professional snooker player is nicknamed the grinder?`cliff thorburn
What Canadian province contains towns by the name of Elbow and Eyebrow`saskatchewan
What Canadian province covers the smallest land mass`prince edward island
what canadian province has no skunks, poison ivy or snakes?`newfoundland
what canadian province includes the telephone area code 204?`manitoba
what canadian province includes the telephone area code 306?`saskatchewan
what canadian province's license plates asked you to "keep it beautiful"`ontario's`ontario
what canadian province's license plates asked you to "keep it beautiful"`ontario's`tehran
What canadian province was largely taken over by irish rebels for a month in the 19th century`ontario
What Canadian province was named after a daughter of Queen Victoria`alberta
What Canadian province was the site of England's first overseas possession`newfoundland
What Canadian sketch comedy show helped launch John Candy's career?`SCtv
What Canadian Territory was established as a homeland for the Inuit in April of 1999`Unuavat
What canal connects Lake Ontario and Lake Erie`Welland
what canal connects lake ontario and lake erie?`welland canal
What canal connects Lake Ontario & Lake Erie`welland
what canal did gaugin help build as a labourer`panama canal
What canal did Gaugin help to build as a labourer`panama canal
what canal does Port Said stand on?`suez canal
What canal parts redesigned by Leonardo da Vinci in 1497 are still in use today`locks
What canal separates Africa from Asia`suez canal
What canal separates Lake Erie & Lake Ontario`the welland canal
what can amphibians do on land and in water?`live & breathe
what can amphibians do on land and in water`live & breathe`live and breathe
What can babies do, but not adults, while they drink`breathe
What can be caught in a kheda, or keddah`elephant
What can be classified as, 'Up, Down, Top, Bottom, Strange and Charm'`quarks
What can be described as a Flemish Bond`brickwork
What can be described as An orbiting device which transmits information or can be used for communication`satellite
what can be found over a door or at the back of a boat`transom
What can be measured in angstroms`wavelengths
What can be, right, acute or reflex`an angle
what can be tulip, balloon or flute`wine glasses
what can drive a vampire away`a crucifix`crucifix
what can drive a vampire away`a crucifix`lasordas
What candy bar was actually named after Grover Cleveland's baby daughter, Ruth`baby ruth
What candy bar was first introduced by dropping them from airplanes over 40 american cities`butterfingers
What candy did president reagan keep on his desk in the white house`jelly
What candy did president Reagan keep on his desk in the white house`jelly beans
What candy received it's name because the machine that makes them looks like it is kissing the conveyor belt`hershey kisses
What can go without water longer than a camel`giraffe
What can last longer without water than a camel can`rat
what cannot be trademarked`surnames
What can readers learn about in Equus magazine`horses
what can release approximately one billion grains of pollen`ragweed plant
What can run faster uphill than they can (or want to) downhill, because of the bone structure of their legs`bulls
What can smell a drop of blood a quarter of a mile away`sharks
What can stop the Duke of Earl`nothing
what can't an elephant do`jump
What can't roosters do if they can't fully extend their necks`crow
What can withstand hundreds of bee stings`honey badger
what can withstand hundreds of bee stings`honey`mars
What can you be a maximum of 75 miles from in england`sea
What can you buy in a bar that Japanese farmers massage into their cows to make the meat tender`gin
What can you hold without touching`Your Breath
What can you not catch a lot of when you can not catch a lot of catchalot`whales
what caped hero had a dog named ace`batman
What capital city does the liffey river flow through`dublin
What capital city is found near the headwaters of the Bosna River`sarajevo
What capital city lies at the junction of the sava and danube rivers`belgrade
What capital city overlooks the River Tagus`lisbon
What capital city overlooks the Tagus River`lisbon
What capital city's old section centres on Puerta del Sol`madrid
What capital rises where the Blue Nile nad White Nile converge`khartoum
What cap was first made in and named after a Moroccan city`fez
What carbonated beverage started out life in the 1890's as 'Brad's Drink'`pepsi
What car company makes the Colt`mitsubishi
What card game can you peg out in`cribbage
What card game derived its name from Biritch, or Russian Whist`Bridge
what card game has 2,598,960 possible hands`poker
what card game has variations known as cincinnati, chicago and lowball`poker
What card game is said to have been invented by the poet Sir John Suckling`cribbage
What card game shares its name with that of a floating bridge`pontoon
what card game was invented by harold s vanderbilt in 1925`contract bridge
What car did Caractacus Potts drive`chitty chitty bang bang
What cargo was H.M.S. Bounty carrying when the mutiny occurred`breadfruit
What Caribbean island did the Ra II land at after a 3200 mile ocean voyage`barbados
what caribbean island has both an upper hell gate and a lower hell gate`saba
What Caribbean state is made up of 700 islands the largest of which is New Providence`the bahamas
What car is the coolest in the world (hint: German car)`vw golf
what carly simon hit became the music for a heinz ketchup commercial`anticipation
what carmaker's ads boast: "we build excitement"`pontiac
What car manufacturer also makes airplane engines`rolls royce
What car of the 1940s featured a central "cyclops eye" headlight that turned with the wheels`the tucker
What carries blood to the heart`veins
What carries sensations from the tongue to the brain`lingual nerve
what carries signals from the retina to the brain`optic nerve
what cartoon and comic strip character had measurements of 19-19-19`olive`clockwork
what cartoon and comic strip character had measurements of 19-19-19`olive oyl
What cartoon character had no feathers until the censors decided he 'looked naked'`tweety
What cartoon characters are at 6 flags theme park`looney tunes
What cartoon character was created by Georges Herge`Tintin
What cartoon featured a boy with a community of tiny people living in his wall?`The Littles
what cartoon hero had to fight oil can harry?`mighty mouse
what cartoonist introduced us to blondie and dagwood bumstead?`chic young
What cartoon rabbit spaceman fights alien toads with lasers`bucky o'hare
What cartoon show's record prime time run of 6 years was beaten in 1996 by The Simpsons?`The Flintstones
What car was used in 'back to the future'`de lorean
What castle is The Blarney Stone found in`blarney
what castle is "the blarney stone" found in`blarney castle
what castle is "the blarney stone" found in`blarney`romania
What castle was built for Henry III`windsor
What cast member of er was on an 80's show of the same name`george clooney
What cast member of TV's F Troop served in the US Cavalry in real life`forrest tucker
What Castro trademark did the CIA try to lace with poison`his cigar`cigar
What catastrophe was caused by a shipment of argentinian corned beef to britain in 1964`outbreak of typhoid
What category of Oscar was the only award for the film Star Wars`sound track
what category of writing are the hugo and nebula awards given for`science fiction
What catholic bishop was killed in rome on february 14 in 270 ad`st
What Catholic Bishop was killed in Rome on February 14 in 270 AD`st`oss
What Catholic Bishop was killed in Rome on February 14 in 270 AD`st valentine
What Catholic Bishop was killed in Rome on February 14 in 270 AD`st valentine`saint valentine
what cat is unable to draw its claws into its paws?`cheetah
what cat jumped from cartoons to car windows?`garfield
What cat sniffed: "Cute rots the intellect"`garfield
What caused 20 million deaths in 1918`influenza
What caused a separation of Baja, California and the rest of Mexico`The San
What caused a separation of Baja, California and the rest of Mexico?`The San Andreas Fault
What caused a separation of Baja, California and the rest of Mexico`The San Andreas FaultSan Andreas Fault
What caused d h lawrence's early death`tuberculosis
What caused fjords`glaciers
What caused the computer in Electric Dreams to become alive?`Spilled Champagne
What caused the Crab nebula`supernova
what caused the death of Alice Coopers pet Boa`a rat
What caused the gremlins in the movie Gremlin to become evil?`Eating after midnight
what caused the origin of the term 'debugging'`moth
What caused universal studios to postpone the july 3 release of the looters`the la riots
what cause iron to rust`oxygen
What causes "baker's itch"`yeast
What causes gout`uric acid
what cbs show most often followed 60 minutes during the 80's?`murder she wrote
What ceased to be legal tender in 1970`half crown
What ceased to be legal tender in the U.K. on 21st November 1970`the ten shilling note
What ceased to be legal tender in the U.K. on 30th June 1980`the sixpence
What celebrated photographer snapped shots of Yosemite for 67 straight years`ansel adams
What celestial body has a diameter of 864,000 miles`sun
What celestial body is the centre of the Jovian system`jupiter
What cellulose  is used to make textiles and gramophone records`acetate
What cemetery is Karl Marx buried in?`Highgate
What central American country extends furthest north`belize
what central american country's airline is lancia`nicaragua
what century saw the discovery of krypton?`nineteenth
What century saw the War of the Roses?`The 15th century
What century was the Domesday Book written in`eleventh
What century was the setting for TV's "Star Trek"`23rd century
What cereal carries the slogan, "a bowl a day keeps the bullies away"`apple
what cereal carries the slogan, "a bowl a day keeps the bullies away"`apple`blender
What cereal carries the slogan, "A bowl a day keeps the bullies away"`apple jacks
What ceremony took place for the first time on Thursday, 30th April 1789, in a building on Broad Street, New York`inauguration of u.s. president
what chain did ray kroc build?`mcdonald's
What champion galloper did 73-year-old Tommy Woodcock train to a string if victories in 1977`Reckless
What channel seperates Denmark from Norway`skagerrak
What character became the eventual leader on blake's seven`avon
What character did Abe Vigoda play in the sitcom Fish`phil fish
What character did Frances Bavier play in The Andy Griffith Show`aunt bea taylor`aunt bea
what character did frances bavier play in the andy griffith show`aunt bea taylor`young
What character did george burns play in 'oh, god'`god
what character did hal march play in the george burns & gracie allen show?`harry morton
What character did James Farentino play in the series The Lawyers`neil darrel
What character did James MacArthur play in Hawaii Five-0`danny williams
What character did Michael J Fox play in the film Back to the Future`marty mcfly
what character did robert urich play in SWAT?`jim street
what character did robert vaughn portray in the series the lieutenant?`captain rambridge
What character did rock star rick springfield play on tv's general hospital`dr. noah drake
What character did Tex Avery first create upon arriving at MGM`Screwball Squirrel
What character does Julia Roberts play in the film 'Pretty Woman'?`A tart with a heart
what character does snoopy pretend to fight`red baron
what character encountered by alice never stopped sobbing`mock turtle
what character encountered by alice never stopped sobbing`mock`whey
What character has been portrayed by reginald owen, alistair sim and albert finney`scrooge
What characteristics do the Struldbrugs all share, in Gulliver's Travels`immortality
what character on `M-A-S-H` has never had his/her left hand shown on T.V.`radar
what character's shoes have been filled by roger moore, george lazenby iii, and david niven`james bond
what character's story contains the line 'new lamps for old'`aladdin
What character was invented to respond to questions from Gold Medal Flour customers`betty crocker
What character was j r r tolkien inspired to create after seeing the painting the mountain spirit on a postcard`gandalf
What character was played by phil silvers on the phil silvers show`sgt ernie
what character was played by phil silvers on the phil silvers show`sgt ernie bilko`sgt bilko
what character was played by phil silvers on the phil silvers show`sgt ernie bilko`sgt`records
What Charles Manson follower attacked a fellow inmate with a hammer`lion
What charles manson follower attacked a fellow inmate with a hammer`lynette
What Charles Manson follower attacked a fellow inmate with a hammer`lynette "squeaky" fromme
What Charles Manson follower attacked a fellow inmate with a hammer`lynette "squeaky" fromme`squeaky fromme
What chart topper did Paul McCartney sing with Stevie Wonder`ebony & ivory
What Cheers actor was in "The Empire Strikes Back?"`John Ratzenberg
What cheese comes from the caves of causses,France`roquefort
what cheese was served in ny central park to hail the lunar landing?`blue cheese
what chemical component is found in fellowes duster product`tetrafluoroethane
What chemical compound is the principal constituent of stony coral`calcium carbonate
What chemical element has the abbreviation 'au'`gold
What chemical element has the abbreviation 'o'`oxygen
What chemical element is also known as quicksilver`mercury
what chemical element is composed of two protons, usually two neutrons and usually two electrons`helium
What chemical element's discovery in 1774 made bleached paper possible`chlorine
What chemical substance can halophytic bacteria tolerate`salt
what chemical symbol is used for the element actinium?`ac
What chess piece is usually valued as 5 points`rook
what "chews through grease, food and hair.. as no liquid can"?`drano
what chicago citizen once declared: "public service is my motto"`al capone
What Chicago intersection is called the busiest in the world`madison & state
what chicago intersection is called the busiest in the world`madison & state`madison and state
What chicken part is the snack of choice for Chinese movie goers`feet
what chief justice headed the commission that declared 'lee harvey oswald...acted alone'`earl warren
What chief justice headed the commission that declared 'lee harvey oswald...acted alone'`earl warren
What childhood disease did 312 Americans have in 11993, a record low?`measles
What childhood disease did only 312 americans have in 1993`measles
what children's author's real name was theodor geisel`dr. seuss
What children's book did Forrest Gump keep in his suitcase?`Curious George
What children's tale contains the line 'come CinderSlut and hold this skein of wool for me'`Cinderella
What children's tale contains the line: come cinderslut, & hold this skein of wool for me`cinderella
what child star's picture appeared on the cover of the sgt. pepper album`shirley temple
What chilean president was killed in a 1973 coup d'etat`salvador allende
What Chinese city is the world's largest noncapital`shanghai
What Chinese city's name became a synonym for kidnapping`Shanghai
What Chinese city was leveled by an earthquake in 1976`tangshan
What Chinese dynasty was overthrown in 1911`Manchu
What Chinese dynasty was overthrown in 1911`manchu`manchu dynasty
What chinese region is nicknamed The Roof of the World`tibet
What Chinese river is known as The Child of the Ocean`yangtze
What chocolate bar was named the official snack of the 1984 olympic games`snickers
What chocolate is named after a planet`mars bar
What Chris Tarrant saturday children's programme became cult viewing for adults`tiswas
what christian rock group recorded such songs as 'honestly' and 'to hell with the devil'`stryper
What Christina Crawford book was originally titled "the hype"`mommie dearest
what chrysler corp car was last produced in 1960?`de soto
What Chuck Berry hit does Marty McFly play, in Back to the Future`johnny be good
what chuck berry song was the rolling stone's first single`come on
what cigar-chewing comedian observed: 'you're only as old as the woman you feel'`groucho marx
what cigarette claimed to 'separate the men from the boys'`lucky strike
What cinematic interest did John F Kennedy and his brother Bobby share?`Marilyn Monroe
What cities expressways, built on a radial pattern dating from the eighteenth century, are so overloaded that traffic often grinds to a halt for 30 to 40 miles outside the city`tokyo
what cities were the start and finish of the first intercontinental auto race in 1908`new york & paris
What citrus fruit shares it's name with a major Chinese language`mandarin
What city are you in if you stroll in the piazza san marco &  visit torcello, burano &  murano`venice
What city are you in if you take the tube to Oxford Circus`london
What city became the U S federal capital in 1789`new york
What city boasts a world of coca cola pavilion featuring futuristic soda fountains`atlanta
What city boasts a World of Coca Cola pavillion featuring futuristic soda fountains`atlanta
What city boasts Leonardo's famed fresco of the Last Supper`milan
What city boasts the Copacabana Beach and Impanema`Rio de Janeiro
What city boasts the Copacabana Beach & Impanema`rio de janeiro
What city boasts the only royal palace in the US`honolulu
What city burned in 64 AD`rome
What city contains the Quartier Latin`paris
What city did Adolf Hitler plan to rename Germania`berlin
what city did boogie woogie music first appear in during the 1920's`chicago
what city did cable cars first roll down clay street in 1873`san francisco
what city did general sherman burn in 1864`atlanta
What city did Jacques Guernerin make the first parachute jump over, in 1797`paris
What city did superman save from destruction before biting the dust`metropolis
what city did the atlanta braves transfer from for the 1966 season`milwaukee
What city did the "motley crue" form in`hollywood
What city do batman and robin patrol`gotham
What city do batman and robin patrol`gotham city
What city does leonardo da vinci airport serve`rome
What city does orly airport serve`paris
What city does Prestwick Airport serve`glasgow
What city do the italians call the monaco of bavaria`munich
What city exists on every continent?`Rome
what city features the exclusive Copacabana beach`Rio de Janeiro
what city fell to the wooden horse`troy
what city gets water through the delaware aqueduct?`new york
What city had the first zoo in the US`philadelphia
What city has 400 hotels, but no cemeteries`miami beach, fl
what city has been air-rated the cleanest in the nation for a city its size?`amarillo
what city has been air-rated the cleanest in the US for a city its size?`amarillo
What city has been hailed as The Athens of the North`edinburgh
What city has more homeless cats per square mile than any other city in the world`rome
What city has the fictional zipcode 90210`beverly hills
what city has the largest bowling alley in the world with 252 lanes?`tokyo japan
What city has the most taxis in the world`new york
What city has the most underground stations`new york
What city has the most unlisted phone numbers in the phone book`las vegas
what city has the tallest building outside the united states`toronto, canada
What city has the world's largest black population`new york
What city has the world's largest bus fleet`sao paulo, brazil
What city has the world's longest subway system`london
what city holds the warana festival every spring`brisbane
What city hosted the 1936 summer olympics`berlin
What city hosted the 1976 summer olympics`montreal
What city in India was famous for a black hole`calcutta
What city in Nepal translates as "wooden temples?"`Katmandu
What city in southern jordan did john burgon speak of when he described it as 'a rose-red city, half as old as time'`petra
what city in tennessee is the country music centre of america`nashville
What city in the world has the lowest birth rate`vatican city
What city is across the golden gate bridge from San Francisco`oakland
what city is almost home to almost half of michelangelos statues`florence
What city is also known as Beantown`boston
What city is also known as  City, U.S.A.`Nashville
What city is also known as Music City, U.S.A.`nashville
What city is April wine from`montreal
What city is associated with Alcatraz`San Francisco
What city is at the eastern end of the st lawrence seaway`montreal
What city is at the end of the line when leaving Nice on the Mistral`paris
What city is at the head of the Nile River Delta`cairo
What city is Canada's steel capital`hamilton
What city is famed for its rive gauche`paris
What city is graced by michelangelo's david`florence
What city is graced by the arch of titus`rome
What city is home to almost half of Michelangelo's statues`florence
What city is home to Europe's tallest building`moscow
What city is home to the famed Manneke Pis fountain`brussels
What city is home to the "Just for Laughs" comedy festival`montreal
What city is home to the main airport on the costa del sol`malaga
What city is known as auld reekie`edinburgh
What city is known as little havana`miami
What city is known as the river capital of the world`akron
What city is known as The Venice of The North`amsterdam
What city is known as the 'windy city'`chicago
what city is known as the "world's nickel capital"`sudbury ontario`california
what city is known as the "world's nickel capital"`sudbury ontario`sudbury
What city is located at the head of the Nile delta`cairo
What city is located on the southernmost tip of the Malay Peninsula`singapore
What city is near the mouth of the Amazon river`belem
What city is on Lake Erie at the mouth of the Cuyahoga River`Cleveland
What city is on the west end of lake ontario`hamilton
what city is served by dulles airport`washington`attic
what city is served by dulles airport`washington dc
What city is served by Narita Airport`tokyo
what city is signified by the 'd' stamped on some american coins?`denver
What city is Sugarloaf Mountain located in`rio de janeiro
What city is terrorized by a toddler in honey, i blew up the kid`las vegas
What city is the Christian Science Monitor based in`Boston
What city is the Kremlin located in`Moscow
What city is the Kremlin located`moscow
What city is the queen of the pacific`san francisco
What city is the setting for the US sitcom Cheers`boston
what city is the setting of victor/victoria`paris
What city is wiener schnitzel named after`vienna
What city old and new has been the capital of India`delhi
What city provided the setting for One day at a time?`Indianapolis
What city ranks second after New York as America's advertising hub`chicago
What city rises at the head of the Nile River Delta`cairo
What city's baseball stadium is known as the coliseum`oakland
what city's football team is known for its "dog pound"?`cleveland browns
What city's harbour does The Little Mermaid hail grace`copenhagen
What city's homeowner hoped to discourage tourists with a sign that read: "Mork doesn't live here, so go away"`boulder's`boulders`boulder
What city's magazine broke the Iran contra scandal in a 1986 article`beirut
What city's main thoroughfare is O'Connell Street`dublin
What city's main thoroughfare is the Grand Canal`venice
What city's name is derived from 'dubh linn'`dublin
What city's old quarter is called the plaka`athens
What city's police force did Charlie Chan work with`Honolulu
What city's sewer tour gets no stars in the Michelin Green Guide`paris
What city's siege is chronicled in harrison salisbury's the 900 days`leningrad
what city & state was marilyn manson raised in`canton, ohio
What city's underground railroad system has the most stations (458) of any in the world`new york
What city was beseiged for 880 days during World War II`leningrad
What city was Bunker Hill near`boston
What city was called 'The Rose red city, half as old as time`petra
What city was conquored by Joshua`jericho
What city was destroyed by Little Boy`hiroshima
What city was destroyed by Mongols in 1258, Tamerlane in 1400, the Persians in 1524, & nearly by U S bombers in 1991`baghdad
What city was founded in 753 BC`Rome
what city was home to canada's first zoo`halifax
what city was madonna threatened to be arrested in for grabbing her crotch`toronto
What city was Martin Luther King Jr assassinated in`memphis
what city was named after francis of assisi`san francisco
What city was named for it's mining and trading of salt`salzburg
What city was originally called edo`tokyo
What city was the birthplace of the United Nations`san francisco
What city was the first home to the Statue of Liberty`paris
what city was the first home to the statue of liberty`paris, france
What city was the leader of the delian league`athens
What city was the original Dixie`new orleans
What city was the setting for 'Gone With the Wind'`Atlanta
what city was the site for the 1956 summer olympics`melbourne
What city was the site of the first meeting of the United Nations General Assembly`london
What city would you be in if you were feeding the pigeons in the Piazza San Marco`venice
What city would you reach if you dialled 031 from London`edinburgh
What city would you visit if you were in "Old Fort Henry"`kingston
What city would you visit to see Phar Lap's huge heart on display`Canberra
What city would you visit to see the Kon-Tiki raft`oslo
What city would you visit to see Wenceslaus Square`prague
What civilisation invented the arch`roman
what civilization's legendary lost city can be seen at machu picchu?`incas
what civil war was fought between 1936 and 1939`spanish civil`nilsson
What civil war was fought between 1936 and 1939`spanish civil war
What classical piece of music serves as the Lone Ranger's theme song`william tell overture
What classic rock band sang the song 'Paint it Black'`Rolling Stones
What class is categorized as the bourgeoisie`middle class
What class of animals makes up more than two thirds of all known species`insects
What class of animals makes up more then two thirds of known species`insects
What class of creatures are sometimes called hexapods`insects
What class of fruit are mandarins, limes & grapefruit`citrus
What class of ship was the Caine`minesweeper
What cleaned like a white tornado`ajax
What clergyman wrote the best selling boom The Power of Positive Thinking`norman vincent peale
What close relative of the wallaby is good at climbing trees`tree kangaroo
What clothing got its name from dungri, a suburb of bombay`dungarees
what club did barry manilow call the hottest spot north of havana`the copacabana
what club did joe hunt lead before being sentenced to life in prison?`billionaire boys club
what club did joe hunt lead before being sentenced to life in prison`billionaire boys`doggie
what club, founded in 1950, introduced the use of credit cards?`diner's club
What coalition brought a new version of the Donna Summer no1 into the charts in 1985`bronski beat with marc almond
What coast of Australia is Sydney on`east
what cocktail does bourbon, sugar and mint make`mint`benz
What cocktail does bourbon, sugar and mint make`mint julep
What cocktail is made from brandy and white creme de menthe`stinger
What cocktail is made from gin and collins`tom collins
what cocktail is made from rum, lime and cola`cuba`french
What cocktail is made from rum, lime and cola`cuba libre
What cocktail is made from triple sec, tequila and lemon or lime juice`margarita
What cocktail is made from vodka and kahlua`black russian
What cocktail is made from whiskey, hot coffee and whipped cream`irish
what cocktail is made from whiskey, hot coffee and whipped cream`irish coffee
what cocktail is made from whiskey, hot coffee and whipped cream`irish`crash
What cocktail is made of rum and lemon`daiquiri
what cocktail is made up of vodka, orange juice and galliano`harvey wallbanger
What codename had the German assault on Moscow in WW II`barbarossa
What coffee concoction is named after the Capuchin monks`cappucino
What coffee growing country is the largest in South America`brazil
what co-founder of the actors studio directed james dean in east of eden`elia kazan
what coins were outlawed as legal tender in britain in 1961?`farthings
what coin was discontinued for 41 years, beginning in 1935`silver dollar
what cole porter tune received its second wind from fred parris and the five satins`in the still of the night
What collective name is given to march 25th,June 24th,September 29th and December 25th`the quarter days
what colleen mccullough novel commanded a record sum for paperback rights`the thorn birds
what college did barry sanders attend`oklahoma
what college did chris webber attend`michigan
what college did grant hill attend`duke
What college did Heisman trophy winner Barry Saunders play football for`oklahoma state university
What college did Jim Plunkett play football for`stanford
What college handbook edited by Lisa Birnbach described how to be really top drawer`the official preppy handbook
What college has won the most NCAA Mens basketball championships`ucla
What collegiate sport includes 3 match periods, one shorter than the other`wrestling
What colombian drug lord's fortune was pegged by forbes at 5 billion dollars`pablo escobar's
What color are a beaver's teeth`orange
What color are an albino elephant's toenails`white
What color are a Siamese cat's eyes`blue
What color are a zebra's stripes during the first six months of life?`brown
What color are the castellated walls of the kremlin`red
What color are the clovers in lucky charms`green
What color are the majority of candies in a package of M&M's`brown
What color are the scallops 35 eyes`Blue
What color collar does Lady wear, in Lady and the Tramp`blue
what color does litmus paper turn if a solution is acidic`pink or red`uterus
what color does litmus turn in the presence of acid`red
What color does the bride wear in a chinese wedding`red
What color does the bride wear in China`red
What color do turnips turn when sunburnt`green
What color do you get in mirc using control code number 2`dark blue
what color do you get in mirc using control code number 4`4red`red
What color do you get in mirc using control code number 4`red
What color dye is obtained from wood`blue
What color eyes did The Boys from Brazil have`blue
What color is a blue crayon`blue
what color is a granny smith apple`green
What color is a green crayon`green
what color is a mix of yellow with red`orange
What color is an emerald`green
What color is an orange`orange
What color is a red crayon`Red
what color is a yaks milk`Pink
What color is azure`blue
What color is catherine wheel's skin, according to the song`black metallic
What color is chinese red`red
What color is chlorophyll`green
What color is cochineal`red
what color is demerara sugar`brown
What color is malachite`Green
what color is mary poppin's umbrella?`black
What color is Mr Spock's blood`green
what color is pac-man?`yellow
What color is produced by the complete absorption of light rays`black
what color is produced from the complete absorption of light rays`black
What color is tarragon`Dark green
What color is the blood of an octopus`bluish green
what color is the blood of an octopus`pale bluish-green`bluish green
What color is the car that Starsky & Hutch drive?`Red with a white swoop
What color is the cross on the swedish national flag`yellow
What color is the cross on the swiss national flag`white
What color is the last and most valuable ball a snooker player must pocket?`black
What color is the lion on the side of the Detroit Lions football helmet`blue
what color is the milk of a tibetian yak`pink
What color is the mineral malachite`green
What color is the nut of a pistachio`green
What color is the skin of the polar bear`black
What color is the stripe on a mountie 's dress pants`yellow
What color is the stripe on a mountie's dress pants`yellow
What color is the tip of a Canada lynx's tail`black
What color is the umbilical cord`blue
What color jacket is John Lennon wearing on "Rubber Soul"`brown
What color light has the greatest wavelength`red
what color light is displayed on the port side of a boat?`red
What color marks the only group of monopoly properties with three u.s. State names`red
What color of mandm is the most prevalent in each bag of mandm's (30%)`brown
What colors are the 'Microsoft' logo going clockwise`Red, Green, Yellow, Blue
what colors make a scene appear to recede on a picture?`blues & violets
what colors make a scene appear to recede on a picture`blues & violets`blues and violets
What color square does the white king start a chess game on`black
What color top hat does Jiminy Cricket sport, in Pinocchio`blue
What color upset the heroine of hitchcock's marnie`red
What color was Bullitt's car`Green
What color was Coca Cola originally?`green
What color was moby dick`white
What color was the car that starsky & hutch drove`red with a white stripe
What color was the maltese falcon`black
What color were E.T's eyes`blue
What colour are a scallop's 35 eyes`blue
What colour are a siamese cat's eyes`blue
What colour are blue tit's breasts`yellow
What colour are emu eggs`green
What colour are mickey mouse's gloves`white
What colour are most basketballs`orange
What colour are most of Venices gondolas`black
what colour are rupert the bear's trousers`yellow and black
What colour are shelled pistachio nuts`green
what colour are the castellated walls of the kremlin`red
What colour are the cliffs of dover`white
What colour are the corner squares of a scrabble board`red
What colour are the C strings on a harp`Red
What colour are the flowers of the mustard plant`yellow
What colour are the flowers of the saffron`purple
What colour are the guest bathrobes and towels at the very exclusive Riz Hotel in Paris`Apricot
What colour are the properties kentucky, illinois, and indiana in monopoly`red
What colour are the properties kentucky, illinois, & indiana in monopoly`red
What colour are the seats in the House of Lords`red
What colour are the stars on the Australian national flag`white
What colour are the stars on the New Zealand national flag`red with white border
What colour are Venetian gondolas, except those of high public officials`black
What colour beards grow the quickest`blonde
What colour belt does a first-degree dan wear with his karate garb`Black
What colour belt does a junior beginner wear in judo`white
What colour bottles do good Rhine wines come in`brown
What colour clothing is traditionally worn by tennis players`white
What colour comes between yellow & blue in a rainbow`green
What colour container does a big mac come in`yellow
What colour does a chameleon turn when its angry`black
What colour does blue litmus turn in an acid`red
What colour does blue,red and green light make`white
What colour does copper give to a firework`green
What colour does jaundice make the skin`yellow
What colour does litmus paper turn if it is dipped in lemon juice`red
what colour does the bride wear in a chinese wedding`red
What colour does the prefix 'leuco-' refer to`white
What colour do people in China wear when they are in mourning`white
What colour dots does the winner of the Tour de France mountain stage wear on his jersey`Red
what colour dye is obtained from woad`blue
What coloured jersey is worn by the leader of the Tour de France cycling race`yellow
what colour eyes did the boys from brazil have`blue
What colour flag indicates an EEC approved clean beach`blue
What colour flag means danger if it is waved during a motor race`yellow
What colour flag should you wave if you want to declare a truce`white
What colour gloves do snooker referees wear`white
What colour is a Granny Smith apple`green
What colour is a male blackbird`black
What colour is a mandrill's scrotum?`Blue
What colour is amethyst`purple
What colour is an aircraft's 'black box' flight recorder`orange
What colour is an emerald`green
What colour is a New York taxi`Yellow
What colour is angelica, used in decorating cakes`green
What colour is an orang-utan's willy?`Bright pink
What colour is a palamino horse`golden with white mane and tail
What colour is a robin's egg`blue
What colour is a yaffle`green woodpecker
what colour is azure`blue
what colour is bianco wine`white
What colour is bistre, a pigment used in artist's paints and inks`brown
What colour is cerulean`blue
What colour is Chablis`white
what colour is chinese red`red
What colour is cinnabar`red
what colour is cochineal`red
What colour is demerara sugar`brown
What colour is diamond dust`black
What colour is grover`blue
What colour is malachite`green
What colour is mars said to be`red
What colour is Max Headrooms hair`blond
what colour is mr spock's blood`green
What colour is normally associated with cowardice`yellow
What colour is produced by the complete absorption of light rays`black
What colour is pure molten gold`green
What colour is Riesling wine`white
What colour is Supergirl's hair`blonde
What colour is Tannic Acid`Yellow
What colour is the albumen in a hard boiled egg`white
What colour is the all clear flag in motor racing`green
What colour is the bullseye on an official archery target`Yellow
what colour is the car that starsky & hutch drive`red with a white stripe
What colour is the Central line as shown on London underground maps`red
What colour is the circle line as depicted on the London underground maps`yellow
What colour is the circle on the flag of Bangladesh`red
What colour is the 'Cookie Monster' from the programme Sesame Street`blue
What colour is the coolest part of a flame`blue
What colour is the cross on the Swedish national flag`yellow
What colour is the cross on the Swiss national flag`white
What colour is the cue ball in snooker`white
What colour is the danger flag in auto racing`yellow
What colour is the danger flag in motor racing`yellow
What colour is the District Line as shown on maps of the London underground`green
What colour is the European Flag`Blue
What colour is the Ferrari emblem`yellow
What colour is the hammer and sickle on Russia's flag`gold
What colour is the hammer and sickle on the Soviet Union's flag`Gold
What colour is the inside of a pistachio nut`green
What colour is the leather in the House of Commons`green
What colour is the left hand circle of the Olympic rings`blue
What colour is the mineral malachite`green
What colour is the number 13 on a roulette wheel`black
What colour is The Queens blotting paper`black
What colour is the result of mixing red and yellow`orange
What colour is the sea around the yellow submarine`green
What colour is the star on the flag of Vietnam`yellow
What colour is the stone in an amethyst ring`purple
What colour is the stripe on a Canadian Mountie's dress pants`yellow
what colour is the stripe on a mountie's dress uniform`yellow
What colour is the umbilical cord`blue
What colour is undyed leather`buff
What colour is viridian`green
What colour is worn by the number 5 dog in greyhound racing`orange
What colour is Yak's milk`pink
what colour is zz-top's car`red
What colour lenses are required to view a 3-d film`red and green
what colour lenses are required to view a 3-d film`red and`thousand
What colourless liqueur is made from cherries`kirsch
What colourless, odourless light gas is used to lift airships`helium
What colour light is displayed on the port side of a boat`red
What colour of boxing trunks was Muhammad Ali partial to`white
What colour on black produces the most visible combination`yellow
What colour on Monopoly properties are landed on most often`orange
what colour represents the piccadilly line on london's tube`blue
What colour results from mixing red & blue`purple
What colours are on the belgian flag`yellow, black and red
What colours are the Baltimore Orioles`orange black`orange and black
what colours do the major pittsburgh sports teams wear`black and gold
What colour shirts did Garibaldis followers wear`red
What colour shirts must table tennis players wear in official competition`black
What colour shirts must table tennis players wear in official competitions`black
what colour shoes was pat boone known for`white
What colour square does the white king start a game of chess on`black
What colours was the ferrari formula 1 car in the 1964 u.s.a grand prix`blue
what colours was the ferrari formula 1 car in the 1964 u.s.a grand prix`blue and white
What colour thread is used for filigree`silver or gold
what colour top do bottles of unpasteurized milk have`green
what colour upset the heroine of hitchcock's marnie`red
What colour was diana spencer's engagement photograph suit`blue
What colour was Judas Escariot's hair`red
What colour was Moby Dick`white
what colour was monica lewinsky's dress in her encounter with clinton`blue
What colour was the first artificial dye, discovered in 1855, by WH Perkins`Mauve
What colour was the hundred billionth crayola crayon`periwinkle blue
What colour was the maltese falcon`black
what colour was the penny black postage stamp changed to in 1841`red
What colour was Winston Churchills hair`red
What colour were the blackout lights at Waterloo station during World War II`blue
what colour would one associate with the spanish volunteer force on the eastern front in the second world war`blue
What colour would one associate with the Spanish volunteer force on the eastern front in the WWII`blue
What colour would the sky be if viewed from mars`pink
What combat sport did Dr Jigoro Kano devise in Japan in 1882`judo
What combination of nitrogen and hydrogen is in part produced commercially as a by-product of coal-gas manufacturing`ammonia
what comedian has played god in two movies`george burns
What comedian is known as the Imelda Marcos of White Nikes`Jerry Seinfeld
What comedian "kicked the bucket" in "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad World"`jimmy durante
What comedian noted at the Oscar ceremonies that his suit was fireproof`richard pryor
what comedian performed at caesar's palace on his 97th birthday in 1993`george burns
What comedian played "Shakes the clown" in 1992`Bobcat Goldthwait
What comedian's life is hashed out in the book Jackie, Oy`jackie mason
What comedian was booted out of a Peoria grammar school when nuns learned his grandmother operated a number of brothels`Richard Pryor
What comedienne's baby appeared on the first cover of tv guide`lucille ball
what comedy act started as "the six musical mascots"?`marx brothers
What comedy team's films included 'hollywood or bust' and 'living it up'`dean martin and jerry lewis
what comedy team's films included 'hollywood or bust' and 'living it up'`dean martin and jerry`speed
What comes after deuce in tennis`advantage
What comic actor starred with Richard Pryor in Stir Crazy`gene wilder
what comic book super-crimefighter defended central city?`flash
What comic features dennis the menace`beano
What comic hero got married at a 1987 New York Mets baseball game`spiderman
What comic immortalized the line, "take my wife, please"`henny youngman
what comic strip canine turned 35 in 1985`snoopy
What comic strip character grew a 7 inch bicep & 20 inch forearm`popeye
What comic strip character has been declared to have the lowest IQ in America`Li'l Abner
What comic strip character is Beetle Bailey's sister`Lois
what comic-strip character married the horn-helmeted helga`hagar
what comic strip did berkeley breathed create`bloom county
what comic strip did garry trudeau create`doonesbury
what comic strip duck is a billionare`scrooge`lydia
What comic strip duck is a billionare`scrooge mcduck
What comic strip is set at Camp Swampy`Beetle Bailey
what comic strip kids with german accents did rudolph dirks create in 1897`the katzenjammer kids
What comic was korky the cat in`dandy
what commercial product was called "stronger than dirt"?`ajax
What commercial was Michael Jackson singing for when his hair caught on fire?`Pepsi
What committee eventually developed a standard for the 'c' programming language`ansi
what commodity was offered to young ladies in hound dog orange, tutti frutti red and heartbreak hotel pink`lipstick
what common ailment can't you catch at the north pole`a cold
What common ailment cant you catch at the north pole`cold
What common allergens are the male sex cells of plants`pollen
What common animal is the only animal that can see both infra red & ultra violet light`goldfish
What common Christian name was shared by artists Cezanne and Gaugin`paul
What common dog breed takes its name from the fact that they were originally bred to hunt a game bird called "woodcocks"`cocker spaniels
What common garden bird has the Latin name 'troglodytes troglodytes'?`wren
What common household pet sleeps an average of 14 hours a day`cat
What common illness is known for causing people to have 'seizures'`epilepsy
What common medical technique was introduced to Britain from Turkey in 1721 and tried out on condemned criminals`inoculation
What common name is given to the bushes or trees of the genus Ilex`holly
What common name is given to trees of the genus Quercus`oak
What common pests does New Zealand not have`squirrels
what common phrase originated when 'bedsprings' were ropes woven through wooden bed frames and needed to be kept from sagging by using a key to stretch them`sleep`corn
What common phrase originated when 'bedsprings' were ropes woven through wooden bed frames and needed to be kept from sagging by using a key to stretch them`sleep tight
What common tool has a head & a claw`hammer
What commonwealth country's national flower is the wattle`australia
What common word used by road users is derived from the Hindu god Jagganath`juggernaut
what company cleverly called its camcorder canovision 8`canon
What company created a computer dubbed Jackintosh`Atari
What company created the Wave (.wav) file type`Microsoft
What company decided incubus was a good name for a womens running shoe`reebok
What company developed the first nylon bristles`dupont
What company did the discoverer of KEVLAR work for`dupont
what company has/had the following advertising slogan 'oh what a feeling'`toyota
What company has the following advertising slogan 'Finger Lickin' Good'`kfc
What company introduced trash compactors to the market`Whirlpool
What company invented abs brakes for cars`bosch
What company invented the compact disk in 1972`rca
What company is dubbed "BUD" on a stock exchange ticker tape`anheuserbusch
What company is dubbed "BUD" on a stock exchange ticker tape`anheuser busch`anheuser busch
What company is sometimes known as 'BIG BLUE'`ibm
What company is the largest aircraft manufacturer in the world`boeing
What company is the worlds largest user of silver`kodak
What company made Doom`ID
What company made PacMan?`Bally Midway
What company made the first color arcade game?`Atari
What company makes a car called the accord`honda
What company makes Microsoft Windows 2000`microsoft
What company makes Pampers disposable diapers`Proctor & Gamble
what company makes scotch tape`3m
What company makes vegemite`kraft
What company makes windows 98`microsoft
What company owns Technics`panasonic
what company owns the world's second largest truck fleet`coca cola
What company produces Baby Ruth and Butterfinger candy bars`curtiss
What company produces 'Cheerios'`general mills
what company produces flight simulator`microsoft
What company produces SoundBlaster sound cards`creative
What company produces the game Doom`id
what company produces the orange drink tang`kraft
what company produces the software 'first aid'`cybermedia
what company produces the software 'pc anywhere'`symantec
what company produces thinkpad computers`ibm
what company represents walt disney world's grand prix raceway?`goodyear
What company's logo is the world's second most recognized symbol, after the christian cross`coca cola
What company sponsored TV's College Bowl quiz show`general electric
What company supplied the imperial Russian court with vodka from 1886 to 1917`smirnoff
what company supplied uniforms for the first green bay packers football team`acme packing company
What company used the little aligators as it's symbol on clothing?`Izods
What company was formed by the Swede, Ingvar Kamprad`ikea
What company was founded by Sir Allan Lane in 1935`penguin books
What company was the first news wire service`associated press`aap
What company was the major sponsor for the show Studio One`westinghouse
What competitive failure did Norway achieve in 1963,1978 and 1981`nil points
What complaint do you suffer fron if you have podobromhidrosis`smelly feet
What completed a journey of 19,500 miles with only three stops in August 1929`the graf zeppelin
What completes Maie Antoinette's famous remark`let them`eat cake
What completes the name of the 60's pop duo Sonny and`cher
What completes the name of the British tennis star Tim`henman
What completes the name of the French novelist Honore de`balzac
What completes the saying 'many hands.......'`make light work
What completes the term "double-....." which forms the structure of DNA`helix
What completes the title An ..... Husband, a comedy by Oscar Wilde`ideal
What completes the title 'Come .... Him" from Handel's Messiah`unto
What completes the title of the Savoy opera Princess`ida
What completes this saying The Pen is Mightier`than the sword
What completes this saying 'There's no smoke .....'`without fire
What completes this well known saying..'An Englishman's home`is his castle
What compony produces the software program Winamp`nullsoft
What composer had the forenames piotr illyich`tchaikovsky
What composer is credited with introducing ballet into opera`lully
What composer's film biography won best picture at the oscars in 1984`mozart
What composer was working on his 10th symphony at the time of his death`beethoven
what composer wrote the opera 'tosca'`giacomo puccini
what compound, a toxic pollutant by industrial standards, is naturally so abundant in the air of the amazonian rainforest that you may burn your lungs`formic acid
What compound is often added to water supplies to help prevent toth decay`fluoride
What compound is the major constituent of limestone, coral and seashells`calcite
What compound might you expect to find in diet soft drinks`aspartame
What comprises than 54% of humpback whale's milk`fat
What computer company TV ad showed a woman throwing a javelin through a TV`apple
What computer company TV ad showed a woman throwing a javelin through a TV`sea ow many continents must a sport be regularly played in before it is`accepted
What computer company unleashed Lisa and her trained "mouse", in 1983`apple
what computer company was steve job's next job after he left apple?`next inc
what computer device has a number ranging from 300 to 19,200?`modem
What computer game featured a disco leftover looking for love?`Leisure Suit Larry
What computer-generated Matt Frewer character starred in Coke commercials, and British and American TV`max headroom
What computer language was named after ada lovelace`ada
what computer predicted, correctly, that eisenhower would win a landslide victory in the 1952 elections`univac
What computer starred in "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress" by Robert A Heinle`mike
What concentration camp is the name of Anne Frank's burial site`bergen belsen
what conclusive battle ended the french stay in viet nam`dien bien phu
what condiment gets its name from the malay word for 'taste' or 'fish sauce'`ketchup
What conflict was known as "THE WAR TO END ALL WARS"`world war i
What conflict was known as 'Truman's folly'`The Korean War
What Connecticut town introduced the first telephone directory in 1878`new
what connecticut town introduced the first telephone directory in 1878`new`christie
What Connecticut town introduced the first telephone directory in 1878`new haven
What connects Kabul with Peshawar`khyber pass
What connects the Rhine to other rivers`canals
What conqueror died june 13, 323 b.c. at Babylon`alexander the great
what consists of brahma, shiva, and vishnu`hindu trinity
What consists of the troposphere, the stratosphere, and the ionosphere`The Atmosphere
What console was the game 'Stradius' for`NES
What constellation contains the twins Castor and Pollux`gemini
what constellation embraces polaris`the little dipper
What constellation is known as The Water Bearer`aquarius
What constellation is named after a legendary flying horse`pegasus
what constellation is represented by a bull`taurus
What constellation is represented by a crab`cancer
What constellation is represented by a fish`pisces
What constellation is represented by a goat`capricorn
what constellation is represented by a hunter with a club and shield`orion
what constellation is represented by a lion`leo
what constellation is represented by a scorpion`scorpio
what constellation is represented by a water carrier`aquarius
What constellation is represented by scales`libra
What constellation represents a hunter with club and shield`orion
What constituency did Margaret Thatcher represent in Parliament`finchley
What constitutes 12 percent of an eggs weight`shell
What consumer durable will you find in 96.6% of British households`television
What contagious disease was known as Gaol Fever in the nineteenth century`typhus
What contagious disease was scheduled for complete eradication on June 30, 1999`smallpox
What contains as much caffeine as eighteen ounces of an average cola drink`a cup of coffee
What continent boasts the greatst number of Roman Catholics`south america
What continent contains Queen Maud Land, Wilkes Land and Bird Land`antarctica
What continent did Britain first begin to colonise in 1788`australia
What continent did Christopher Columbus think he was on when he landed in the Americas`asia
What continent did Mungo Park explore in the early 1800s`africa
What continent did the ballroom dance called the 'tango' come from`south america
What continent dit the potato plant originally come from`south america
What continent had the greatest explosion of aids cases`africa
What continent has the highest average elevation`antarctica
What continent has the lowest highest mountain`australia
What continent has the most people per square mile`europe
What continent is bounded on the north by the Timor Sea, The Arafura Sea &  the Torres Straights`australia
what continent is considered the easiest to defend in the game of "risk"`australia
What continent is cut almost in half by the equator`africa
What continent is Cyprus considered to be part of`Asia
What continent is Egypt in`africa
What continent is home to half the world's people`asia
What continent is home to jaguars`south america
What continent is home to most of the world's penguins`antarctica
What continent is home to one third of the world's languages`africa
What continent is home to the largest number of countries`africa
What continent is Lake Titicaca in`south america
What continent is part of both the east and west hemispheres`antarctica
What continent is Sierra Leone in`africa
what continent is sierre leone in?`africa
What continent is submerged`atlantis
What continent is the country of cameroon in`africa
What continent is the home to the greatest number of countries`Africa
What continent pushes up the atlas mountains`africa
What continent should you live in if you want to speak bantu every day`africa
what continent's southern tip is cape agulhas?`africa
What continent's westernmost point is called Cape Verde`africa
What controversial book did germaine greer write`the female eunuch
What controversy arose in the 1972 Olympics USSR-USA basketball game`clock
what convicted murder was norman mailer's "the executioner's song" about`gary gilmore
what cookbook opened: 'the cook, said saki, was a good cook, as cooks go, and as cooks go, she went'`the joy of cooking
What cooking device was invented to use aboard US spaceships`microwave oven
what cooking school is in paris`cordon bleu
What cool snack was first introduced to America in 1923`The Popsicle
What could be defined as:'having an orgasm before your partner desires it'?`Premature ejaculation
what couldn't jack sprat's wife eat?`lean
what could roman catholics do in good conscience for the first time on dec 5, 1966`eat meat on friday
What counntry is Kuala Lumpur the capital of`malaysia
What counrty would you visit to ski in the Dolomites`italy
What countries are known as the ABC powers`argentina brazil chile
What countries are known as the ABC powers`argentina brazil`jefferson
What countries does the Mont Blanc Tunnel join`france and italy
What countries shores meet the Sargasso Sea`none
What countries still have not signed a peace treaty for wwii`russia and
what countries still have not signed a peace treaty for wwii`russia and japan
What country accepted 75,000 convicts between 1790 and 1840`australia
What country administers Greenland`denmark
What country administers the caribbean hideaway of martinique`france
what country and western singer supported "anti-meat" ads in 1990`kd lang`k d lang
What country are the Islands of Quemoy and Matsu part of`Taiwan
What country are the islands of quemoy & matsu part of`taiwan
What country are the Nobel prizes awarded in`sweden
What country are the ships Sun Viking &  Nordic Prince registered in`norway
What country are Toyota cars built in`Japan
What country are you in if you woo in the Wu dialect`china
What country are you stuck in if you're doing hard time at Boniato Prison`cuba
What country artist and sausage company owner sang the hit song Big Bad John`Jimmy Dean
What country boasts the Chrysanthemum Dynasty`japan
What country boasts the Krishna River`india
What country boasts the most cars per mile of road`britain
What country boasts the most coastline`canada
What country boasts the most dams`united states
What country boasts the most dams`u s a`u.s.a`united states
What country boasts the most subway passengers`japan
What country boasts the southernmost point in continental Europe`spain
what country boasts the worlds largest supply of Fresh water`Canada
What country borders Egypt on the west`Libya
What country borders Egypt to the south`Sudan
What country borders kenya to the south`tanzania
What country borders libya on the east`egypt
What country borders sudan to the north`egypt
What country brews peroni beer`italy
What country calls itself Suomi`finland
what country calls its parliament "majlis"?`iran
What country ceded Florida to the US in 1819`spain
What country claimed Rubens, Van Dyck and Breugel as citizens`belgium
What country claimed the first US warship sunk in World War II`germany
What country comes last in an alphabetical list`zimbabwe
what country consist of 700 islands?`bahamas
What country consists mainly of the Jutland Peninsula`denmark
what country consists mostly of the jutland peninsula`denmark
what country consists of some 13,000 islands stretching for almost 5,000 kilometers`indonesia
What country consumes the most wine per capita`italy
What country contains Africa's northern most point`tunisia
What country contains over half the world's geysers`united states
What country contains South America's highest and lowest points`argentina
What country contains the easternmost point in South America`brazil
What country contains the greater lengths of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers`iraq
What country contains the largest icefield in Europe`norway
What country contains the region of assam`india
What country controls access to the North Sea from the rivers Schelde, Meuse and Rhine`Netherlands
What country controls access to the North Sea from the rivers Schelde, Meuse & Rhine?`Netherlands
What country could you expect to have an afternoon tiffin in`india
What country covers an entire continent`australia
What country covers more then 194,000 square miles of the Iberian Peninsula`Spain
what country cried after the death of their king hussein`jordan
What country declared war on both Germany and the Allies in World War II`italy
what country declared war to germany at the start of wwi`japan
what country defeated britain in the davis cup at wimbledon in july 2000`ecuador
What country did Abel Tasman discover in 1642`New Zealand
What country did artist rene magritte call home`belgium
What country did Bing Crosby die in`spain
What country did Christopher Columbus insist Cuba was a part of`china
What country did columbus make his historic voyage for`spain
What country did European explorers call Cathay`China
What country did Fidel Castro organise his 26th of July movement in`mexico
What country did Fidel Castro take over as leader of in 1959`cuba
What country did Germany invade on September 1st 1939`poland
What country did golf originate in`scotland
what country did italy annex in 1939`albania
What country did King Gustav V reign over from 1907 to 1950`sweden
What country did kung fu get started in`china
What country did Lord Haw Haw Broadcast propaganda for in World War II`germany
What country did Morocco and Tunisia fight to win their independance from`france
What country did Olympic marathon gold medallist Abebe Bikila represent`Ethiopia
What country did President Carter ban exports to on April 7, 1980`iran
What country did roulette originate in`france
What country did Siam become`thailand
What country did the Allies invade in World War II's Operation Avalanche`italy
What country did the Battle of El Alamein take place in`egypt
What country did the fandango originate in`spain
What country did the first performance of Handels Messiah take place in`Ireland
What country did the houses of Rurik and Romanov rule`russia
What country did the king in "The King and I" rule`siam
What country did the Mau Mau Uprising take place in`kenya
What country did the Operating System "Linux" come from`Finland
What country did the Pope visit after Britain in 1982`argentina
What country did the romans call hibernia`ireland
What country did the U S import 36 million gallons of beer from in 1987`west germany
What country did venetian blinds originate from`japan
What country did venetian blinds originate in`japan
what country did victor emmanuel iii reign over as its last king`italy
What country did volvo & Saab cars originate`sweden
what country displaced the us as the most generous donor of foreign aid?`japan
What country does cricketer Imran Khan come from`pakistan
What country does Gotland belong to`sweden
What country does Paul Hogan come from`australia
What country does Queen Beatrix rule`netherlands
what country does tequila come from`mexico
What country does the Galapagos Islands belong to`ecuador
What country does the inventor of the Rubik's cube come from`hungary
What country does the island of Mykonos belong to`Greece
what country does the north channel separate from northern ireland?`scotland
What country does the tourist mecca of Bali belong to`indonesia
What country do Fiats & Alfa Romeos come from`italy
What country do Geishas come from`japan
what country do the balearic islands belong to`spain
What country do Walloons call home`belgium
What country experienced both a gold rush and a jade rush in the mid-ninteenth century`New Zealand
what country exports goods through the port of durban`south africa
what country first attempted to build a canal across panama`france
What country first claimed the Mississippi River in 1682`france
What country first thrilled to Twiggy ice cream`britain
What country formed the union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar`Tanzania
What country formed the union of Tanganyika & Zanzibar`tanzania
what country forms a 2,000-mile archipelago along the east coast of asia`japan
What country gave the Statue of Liberty to the US`france
What country generates the most hydroelectric power`canada
what country governs the camayan islands`britain
What country had Europe's fastest economic growth rate in 1988`spain
what country had the highest investments in china in 1937?`britain
What country had the largest military force in the Middle East at the beginning of August 1990`Iraq
What country has 100 mongo to the tugrik`mongolia
What country has a territoral dispute with Spain`United Kingdom
what country has been called the queen of the antilles`cuba
What country has by far the largest pig population`china
What country has international registration letter M`malta
What country has more than 150 volcanoes, including 60 active volcanoes`Japan
what country has not been at war since 1814`sweden
What country has Sophia as its capital`bulgaria
What country has the 2nd largest desert in the world`australia
What country has the best defensive position in the board game Diplomacy`england
What country has the biggest population`china
What country has the biggest population in the world`China
What country has the car registration letter T`thailand
What country has the e-mail address '.za'`south africa
What country has the highest per capita consumption of cheese`france
What country has the highest population density`monaco
What country has the largest number of soldiers`china
What country has the largest sheep population`australia
What country has the longest chairlift in europe`switzerland
What country has the lotus flower as its national symbol`india
What country has the most sheep`australia
What country has the most war power`Russia
What country has the port of Haifa`Israel
What country has the Southern Cross on it's flag`Australia
What country has the third most satellites in orbit`france
What country has the word 'Hellas' on its stamps`greece
what country has the world's highest golf course?`peru
What country has the world's highest population density`monaco
What country has the world's most southerly city`Chile
What country has threatened Belize for many years with territorial claims`guatemala
What country has won the most Contract Bridge world championships`italy
what country has won the most gold medals in the modern-day olympics?`united states
What country has won the most Olympic hockey gold medals`canada
What country have most popes come from`italy
What country hosted soccer's 1978 world cup`argentina
What country hosted the 1982 world cup of soccer`spain
What country invaded Cyprus in 1974`turkey
What country invented bowling`germany
What country invented high octane gasoline in 1930`russia
What country invented the fiber tip marker in 1962`japan
What country is accessed with the international telephone calling code 43`austria
What country is accessed with the international telephone calling code 60`malaysia
What country is accessed with the international telephone calling code 671`guam
What country is ac/dc from`australia
What country is also a continent`australia
What country is also known as helvetia`switzerland
What country is angel falls in`venezuela
what country is bordered by france, germany, austria, and italy`switzerland
What country is bordered by Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt`israel
What country is bounded in part by the Indian Ocean and Coral and Tasman seas`australia
What country is bounded in part by the Indian Ocean, Coral and Tasmen seas`australia
What country is "Bryan Adams" from`canada
What country is called Bharat in Hindi`india
What country is considered the cradle of horse racing`england
What country is credited with the invention of the toothbrush`china
what country is directly east of portugal`spain
What country is directly north of Israel`Lebanon
What country is directly north of the continental United States`Canada
What country is directly west of Spain`Portugal
What country is further from the equator`transylvania
What country is headed by King Fahd Ibn Abdul Iziz, one of 44 sons sired by a 22 wife dad`saudi arabia
What country is home for Europe's largest glacier`switzerland
What country is home to Heineken beer`netherlands
What country is home to Olympic airways`Greece
What country is home to Sabena airlines`belgium
What country is home to shakespeare's hamlet`denmark
What country is home to the bank of alexandria`egypt
What country is home to the blue grotto`italy
What country is home to the Dresdner Bank`germany
What country is home to the Flemings and walloons`belgium
What country is home to the football team Anderlecht`belgium
What country is home to the Matterhorn`switzerland
What country is home to the sphinx`egypt
What country is home to the TAP airline`portugal
What country is home to Varig Airlines`brazil
What country is Hudson Bay in`canada
What country is identified by the letter a`austria
What country is identified by the letter b`belgium
What country is identified by the letter c`cuba
What country is identified by the letter d`germany
What country is identified by the letter e`spain
What country is identified by the letter j`japan
What country is identified by the letter l`luxembourg
What country is identified by the letter n`norway
What country is identified by the letter p`portugal
What country is identified by the letter r`romania
what country is identified by the letters ma`morocco
What country is identified by the letter s`sweden
What country is identified by the letter t`thailand
What country is identified by the letter u`uruguay
What country is known as Helvetia`switzerland
What country is known as the Hellenic Republic`Greece
What country is known as the land of the White Eagle`Poland
What country is located between Panama and Nicaragua`Costa Rica
What country is located between Panama & Nicaragua`costa rica
What country is loftleider airlines based in`iceland
what country is made up of 13000 islands stretching almost 5000 kms`indonesia
What country is magyar spoken in`hungary
What country is Men Without Hats originally from?`Canada
What country is mount everest in`nepal
What country is named after a line of latitude`ecuador
what country is national park 'de meinweg' in`holland
What country is North of Zambia`zaire
What country is Phnom Penh the capital of`Cambodia
What country is represented by the letters sf on international license plates`finland
what country is responsible for avia wines`yugoslavia
What country is ruled by the House of Orange`netherlands
What country is Santo Domingo the capital of`Dominican Republic
What country is Santo Domingo the capital of`the dominican republic
What country is Seoul the capital of`south korea
What country is sometimes called Eire`ireland
What country issued a platinum coin in 1988 bearing a koala`australia
What country is surrounded by brazil, argentina and bolivia`paraguay
what country is surrounded by brazil, argentina and bolivia`paraguayIf you were born on 24 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`virgo
What country is Tehran the capital of`iran
What country is the band `A-Ha` from`norway
what country is the dalai lama's place in`tibet
What country is the E.E.C's smallest member`luxembourg
what country is the group queen from`england
What country is the Hellenic Republic`greece
What country is the Helvetian Republic`switzerland
What country is the Holy Land to Chinese Buddhists`india
What country is the island of Sicily part of`italy
what country is the largest exporter of frogs legs`Japan
what country is the largest per capita consumer of beer?`germany
What country is the largest producer of olive oil`spain
What country is the larget per capita consumer of beer`west germany
What country is the only one that has a Bible on its national flag`dominican republic
What country is the Panama Canal found in`panama
What country is the resort city of st moritz in`switzerland
What country is the setting for colleen mccullough's the thorn birds`australia
What country is the setting for edgar allen poe's the pit and the pendulum`spain
What country is the setting for The Thorn Birds`australia
What country is the world leader in cobalt mining, producing two-thirds of the world's cobalt supply`zaire
what country is the world's biggest coffee exporter?`brazil
What country is the world's biggest producer of wool`australia
What country is the world's deepest mine located?`South Africa
What country is the world's largest exporter of frog's legs`japan
what country is the world's largest importer of cognac`united states
What country is the world's largest supplier of nickel`canada
What country is the world's leading exporter of beef & veal`australia
What country is the Yucatan Peninsula the southern part of`mexico
What country is Timbuktu in`mali
What country is transylvania in`Romania
What country is Ulan Bator the capital of`mongolia
What country is well known for producing champion long distance runners`Kenya
What country joined the E.E.C. with the Uk`eire
What country joins Central America to South America`panama
What country lies between Nicaragua and Panama`costa rica
What country lies directly south of Detroit`canada
What country lies north of france and south of holland`belgium
What country lies to the west of Botswana`namibia
what country lifted a ban on aristotle, shakespeare and dickens on feb 11, 1978`china
What country lifted a ban on Aristotle, Shakespeare and Dickens on February 11th 1978`china
What country lifted a ban on Aristotle, Shakespeare & Dickens in 1978`china
What country lost the Crimean War`russia
what country measures road distances in versts`russia
what country musicians autobiography was titled sing me back home`merle haggardThread made from intestines of sheep used for strings of musical instruments`catgut
what country music 'outlaw' gave up his airplane seat to the big bopper`waylon jennings
what country music star spent his early life living in a boxcar`merle haggard
what country music tv show was hosted by roy clark & buck owen`hee haw
What country must import river sand from Scotland for construction &  camels from North Africa`saudi arabia
What country occupies the 'Horn of Africa`Somalia
What country offered Albert Einstein its presidency in 1952`israel
What country offers the only overland exit from South America`panama
What country officially limits women to one child`china
What country owns corsica`france
What country owns Elba, Capri and Ischia islands`italy
what country owns the azores`portugal
What country owns the island of Corfu`Greece
What country owns the island of sicily`italy
What country performer once worked as a Minnie Pearl impersonator at Opryland`chely wright
What country played host to the 1982 soccer World Cup Finals`spain
What country played West Germany in soccers world cup finals in both 1986 & 1990`argentina
What Country-Pop artist was once a cheerleader alongside classmate Brenda Lee at Maplewood High School in Nashville`rita
What Country-Pop artist was once a cheerleader alongside classmate Brenda Lee at Maplewood High School in Nashville?`rita coolidge
WhatCountry-PopartistwasonceacheerleaderalongsideclassmateBrendaLeeatMaplewoodHighSchoolinNashville`rita coolidge
What country posesses the Nicobar Island`india
what country produces carlsberg, tuborg and wiibroe beer`denmark
What country produces Rioja wines`spain
What country produces the most olive oil`spain
What country produces the original Edam cheese`netherlands
What country produces the original Edam cheese`the netherlands
What country produces Wiibroe beer`denmark
what country prohibited the importing of barbie dolls because they were considered 'anti-islamic'`iran
What country provided the birthplace of Christopher Columbus`italy
What country provides the setting for the novel summer of the seventeenth doll`australia
what country ranked third in automobile production in 1986?`west germany
what country's 2 dollar note pictures 6 eskimos, 2 kayaks and 2 harpoons`canada
What country's air force was destroyed on the ground on the morning of June 5th 1967`egypt
What country's airline is TAP`portugal
What country's alps surround lake lucerne`switzerland
What country's answer to the oscars is the cesar`france
What country's anthem begins 'O God Bestower of the blessings of the Swazi'`swaziland
What country saw the opening of euro disneyland`france
What country saw the origin of lawn tennis`england
what country saw the origin of the asain flu`china
What country saw the origin of the Asian flu`china
what country's been the site of most of european battles?`belgium
What country's been the site of the most European battles`belgium
What country's border would an Azerbaijani reach by hiking due south across rhe Talish Mounains`iran's`irans`iran
What country's capital is Caracas`venezuela
What country's capital is Lagos`nigeria
What country's capital is montevideo`uruguay
What country's capital is Tirana`albania
What country's capital is Tripoli`libya
what country's capital is wellington?`new zealand
What countrys capital was formed when Pesth and Buda merged`hungary
what country's car registration letters are PNG`papua new guinea
what country's car registration mark is PL`poland
What country's cavalry used dried milk as long ago as the 13th century`mongolia
what country's citizens are called kiwis?`new zealand
What country's currency features a portrait of John Tebbutt`australia
What country's currency is considered the most difficult to counterfeit`japan
What country's currency is the Bolivar`venezuela
What country sees 41 million people speak Hakka as a first language`china
What country's entire population was condemned to death by the Spanish Inquisition`netherlands
What country's entire population was condemned to death by the Spanish Inquisition`the netherlands
What country's explorers discovered the site of Pensacola, Florida`spain
What country's flag flies over Spitsbergen`norway
What country's flag flies over the Azores`portugal
What country's flag flies over the Canary Islands`spain
What country's flag flies over the Faroe Islands`denmark
What country's flag flies over the island of Corfu`greece
What country's flag flies over the snow covered Queen Elizabeth Islands`canada
What country's flag flutters over the Galapagos Islands`ecuador
What country's flag has a big red maple leaf on it`canada
What country's flag has fifty stars on it`usa
What country's flag has lasted the longest without change`denmark
What country's flag is called the union jack`england
What country's flag is incorporated most often in others`britain
What countrys flag is made up of the Union Jack and the Southern Cross`australia
What country's flag was Christopher Columbus sailing under when he discovered America`spain
What country's flag was reversed to yield the Red Cross flag`switzerland
What country's forces assisted in the overthrow of Idi Amin in 1979`tanzania
What country shares a 1,030 mile border with Sweden`norway
What country's holidays include discovery day, natal day & fete nationale`canada
What country singer and sometimes actor is known as the country outlaw`willie nelson
what country singer's duets with loretta lynn ended when he died at age 59`conway`moose
What country singer's duets with loretta lynn ended when he died at age 59`conway twitty
What country singer/songwriter (and sometimes actor) is known as 'the country outlaw'`Willie Nelson
What country's language is called Magyar`hungary
What country's largest city is Sao Paulo`brazil
what country's last dependency in western africa was gambia?`great britain
What country's major airline is Alitalia`italy
What country's major seaport is Alexandria`egypt
What country's most popular tourist area is called the Algarve`portugal
what country's name is abbreviated cssr?`czechoslovakia
What country's name was replaced by its current wine Myanmar`burma
What countrys national flower is the wattle`australia
What country's national folk hero is called Holger Danske`Denmark
What country's note pictures 6 eskimos, 2 kayaks & 2 harpoons`canada
What country's note pictures 6 eskimos, 2 kayaks and 2 harpoons`canada
what country's original name contained the words 'terra incognita'`australia
what country's parliament is discussing asking britain to return the koh-i-noor diamond`india
What country's people call their language Magyar`hungary
What country's people developed the crossbow`china
what country's people stand up for the anthem the reign of our emperor`japan
What country's people stand up for the anthem 'the reign of our emporer'`japan
What countrys people were found to be the worlds top television viewers in a 1990 survey`japan
What country's people were taxed for using salt in the 17th century`france
What country's port of Dunwich fell into the sea`suffolk
What country sprang from the union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar`tanzania
what country's president zia perished in a 1988 plane crash`pakistan
What country star learned ventriloquism when he was 6`mark chestnutt
What countrys travel requirements include a 3 dollar contribution to save Nubian monuments`egypt
What country's travel requirements include a contribution to save nubian monuments`egypt
What country's typical foods include tacos, enchiladas & tortillas`mexico
What country suffered a potato famine in 1845`ireland
What country suffered the most combat deaths in World War II`soviet union
What country suffers from the most earthquakes`japan
What country surrounds the Republic of San Marino`italy
What country tested it's first nuclear bomb in 1974`india
What country topped winter olympics medalists with a total of 26`germany
What country used the deadly nerve gas SARIN against Kurdish minority factions in the 1990s?`Iraq
What country uses the markka as currency`finland
What country was annexed by Mussolini in 1936`abyssinia
What country was Anwar Sadat president of before his assassination`egypt
What country was a terrible beauty to leon uris`ireland
What country was basketball invented in`u s a
What country was called Botany Bay and New Holland until 1820`australia
What country was called Caledonia by the Romans`scotland
What country was divided at the 38th parallel`korea
what country was first recognized by the us on november 16, 1933?`soviet union
What country was formerly called Ceylon`sri lanka
What country was formerly known as East Pakistan`bangladesh
What country was formerly known as siam`thailand
what country was formerly portuguese east africa`mozambique
What country was Idi Amin dictator`uganda
what country was liberated during the gulf war`kuwait
What country was mother's day first celebrated in`u s a
What country was Mother Teresa origionally from`scotland
What country was once known as Gaul`France
What country was originally known as Terra Australis Incognita`australia
What country was Phar Lap born in`new zealand
What country was potato chips invented in`u.s.a
What country was ruled by pol pot, leader of the khmer rouge party`cambodia
what country was sir edmund hillary born in`new zealand
What country was St Patrick born in`wales
what country was the bridge of san luis rey in`peru
What country was the first in the world to allow women voters?`New Zealand
What country was the late Freddie Mercury born in`south africa
What country was the most heavily bombed in the Vietnam war`cambodia
What country was the scene of the Boxer Rebellion of 1900`china
what country was the scene of the maori wars`new zealand
What country was the setting for Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves`persia
What country was the setting for 'Casablanca'`Morocco
What country was the setting for 'Doctor Zhivago'`Russia
What country was the setting for ivor the engine`wales
What country was the setting for 'the king and i'`siam
What country was the setting for 'The King and I'`Siam (Thailand)
What country was the setting of 'you only live twice'`japan
What country was the talent spotting hughie green raised in`canada
What country was the target of Germany's planned but canned Operation Sea Lion`britain
What country was the victim of a Russian invasion in 1956`hungary
what country was yoko ono born in`japan
What country were pekingese dogs once considered sacred in`china
What country were the Incas from`Peru
What country which has the same name as a bird`turkey
What country won 29 medals at the 1988 Winter Olympics`soviet union
What country won its second Olympic ice hockey gold medal in 1980`The U.S.A.
What country won the first gold medal in the first modern-day Olympics`us
What country won the first gold medal in the first modern-day Olympics`USA
What country would a Bulgarian with a good sense of direction walk through to reach Armenia by foot`turkey
What country would you be in if you landed smack in the middle of Plock`poland
What country would you be in if your train's engine had S.N.C.F. painted on it`france
What country would you be in if you were holidaying in suva`fiji
What country would you come up in if you drilled a hole straight throught the earth from Buenos Aires`china
What country would you have to visit to see the ruins of Troy`turkey
What country would you visit to see Ayers Rock`australia
What country would you visit to see Casablanca`morocco
What country would you visit to ski in the Dolomites`italy
What county attracts tourists to the seaside village of Clovelly`devon
What county boasts englands largest fish and chip shop`yorkshire
What county can jamaica inn be found in`cornwall
What county is Broadmoor in`berkshire
What county is Chicago`cook county
what county is chicago`cook`nose
What county is corfe castle in`dorset
What county is home of the Quantocks and Mendips`somerset
What county is john constable most closely associated with`suffolk
What county is known as The Garden of England`kent
What county is stonehenge in`wiltshire
What coutnry did 300,000 Chinese troops invade in February, 17979?`Vietnam
What coverted Greek items lie in the British Museum`the elgin marbles
what cowboy did william boyd play`hopalong cassidy
What cowboy star sings Blueberry Hill in the 1941 movie The Singing Hills`gene autry
What craft are lark's heads, half hitches and Chinese crown knots associated with`Macrame
What craft toy involved cutting plastic figures, coloring them in, and then baking them in the oven?`Shrinky Dinks
What craft uses a kiln and a kick wheel`pottery
What craft uses a kiln and kick wheel`pottery
What Cream member was in Atomic Rooster & Hawkwind`ginger baker
What creature acts as a carrier of the diseae bilharzia`freshwater snail
What creature appears on the flag of Wales`dragon
What creature can jump 200 times its own length`the flea
What creature can turn it's stomach inside out`starfish
What creature does the Galapagos Islands take their name from`tortoise
What creatured squirts blood from its eyes at its' attackers?`horned toad
What creature is athena, greek goddess of wisdom associated with`owl
What creature is the subject of Roald Dahl's children's book Esio Trot`tortoise
what creatures acts as the carrier for the disease bilharzia`snails
What creatures call an apiary home`bees
What creatures do the Galapagos islands take their name from?`Tortoises
what creatures do the galpagos islands take their name from`tortoises
What creatures live in a formicary`ants
What creatures live in an apiary`bees
What creature's name was derived from French words meaning "spiny pig"`the porcupine`porcupine
What creatures of Greek mythology are part man and part horse`centaurs
What creature takes its name from the Aborigine for 'good cockatoo'`budgerigar
What creature was the early symbol for Christ`fish
what credit card company claims in ads that "membership has its privileges`american express
what credit card company claims in ads that "membership has its privileges`american`vienna
What credit card company recorded 205 million dollars in 3rd quarter losses`american express
What credit card features a centurion on its face`american express
What crime did Burke and Hare commit`body snatching
What crime did Sid Vicious commit in 1978`murder
What crime do you commit if you give false evidence`perjury
What crooner produced inauguration balls for JFK & Ronald Reagan`frank sinatra
what crooner was nicknamed 'der bingle'`bing crosby
What crop is grown in the most countries`corn
what crop was brought to malaya from brazil, and was to become malaya's chief export`rubber
What cross dressing band's first video was filmed on a mississippi riverboat`culture club
What crucial battle took place in 1815`waterloo
what cry would a bowler give to appeal to the umpire for a lbw`howzat
What culinary treat did John Montagu invent so he didnt have to leave the gambling tables`the sandwich
What cult-fav eighties movie features John Lithgow from another dimension?`The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai
What cult film made an instant star out of a rotund rocker named Meat Loaf?`The Rocky Horror Picture Show
What cult of people do Stonehenge and Eisteddfods have in common`druids
What current cast member of ER was on an 80's show of the same name?`George Clooney
what current nhl team was formerly called the colorado rockies?`new jersey devils
What current popular sitcom star played Michael P. Keaton's girlfriend Lauren Miller on Family Ties?`Courteney Cox
What c word defines a substances that speeds a chemical reaction without being consumed`catalyst
What Czech runner blitzed the opposition at the 1952 Olympics`Emil Zatopek
What dam is said the be the largest hydroelectric station in the world`itaipu
What dance gained renown in new york city's peppermint lounge`twist
What dance involves bending over backwards to get under a low bar`limbo
What dance is most associated with Buenos Aires`tango
What dance is most associated with Buenos Aires?`the tango
WhatdanceismostassociatedwithBuenosAires`the tango
what dance movie resurrected the great eric carmen's singing career`dirty dancing
what dance movie resurrected the great eric carmen's singing career`dirty`nevada
what dance was developed from the rumba and african dances?`conga
What danger does Homer see in going into space?`The Planet of the Apes
What dangerous insulation material is known as the woolly rock`asbestos
what dangles over the tongue from the palate`the uvula
What dangles over the tongue from the palate`uvula
What dangles over the tongue from the palate`uvulva
What Daniel Defoe character lived on an island`robinson crusoe
What date did FDR say would live in infamy`december 7, 1941
What date is boxing day observed on`december 26
What date is St George's day`23rd April
what date is the beginning of the astrological year`march 32st
What date is the 'Ides' of March`fifteenth
What date of the year may a fool fool a fool`april 1
What date on the calender is Abraham Lincoln's birthday`Feb 12
What date was black Tuesday`october 29, 1929
What date was V E day`may 8 1945
What daughter of Czar Nicholas II is said to have escaped death in the Russian Revolution`anastasia
What day commemorates the Gallipoli Campaign`anzac day
What day does Garfield hate most`monday the 13th
What day is St Georges Day`23 april
What day of the week did King Henry VIII die on`friday
What day of the week did Solomon Grundy die?`Saturday
what day of the week did world war ii start`friday
what day of the week is named after the god odin`wednesday
what day of the week isn't a market day in morocco?`friday
What day of the week is the national gallery of Canada closed`monday
What day of the week was JFK assassinated on`friday
What day of the week was John F. Kennedy assassinated on`friday
What day of the week was solomon grundy married on`wednesday
What day of the week would visitors be permitted to view the House of Commons and House of Lords session in London, England`Wednesday
what day was "guest star day" on the mickey mouse club"`tuesday
What dead african leader was originally known as Ras Taffari`haile selassie
what deceased singer's material did paul mccartney acquire rights to`buddy holly
what deck of card contains the wheel of fortune and the lovers card`tarot
What deck of cards includes the Lovers and Death`tarot cards
What deck of cards includes the wheel of fortune, the lovers & death`tarot cards
What declaration warned against interference in the America's`monroe doctrine
what declaration warned against interference in the america's`monroe`xiv
What defense lawyer's clients included Lenny Bruce and Jack Ruby`melvin belli
What degree is 'dds'`doctor of dental surgery
What delicacy is also known as pickled roe`caviar
What delicacy is known indelicately as pickled roe`caviar
What democratic country gives military aid to both iran and iraq`united
what democratic country gives military aid to both iran and iraq`united`rain
What Democratic country gives military aid to both Iran and Iraq`united states
What Democratic hopeful's birth date received a draft lottery #311`bill clinton
What democratic hopeful turned down a music scholarship to lsu`bill clinton
What democrat won the new hampshire primary`paul tsongas
What denomination in the US has the most churches`southern baptist
What department store says 'Always Low Prices, Always.'`walmart
what deposed dictator tried to enter zaire under a false passport in 1989?`idi amin
what deposed ruler had his spleen removed in egypt in 1980`shah of
What deposed ruler had his spleen removed in Egypt in 1980`shah of iran
What deranged movie murderer has been dubbed a "jaws on land"`jason
What derogatory name is derived from a remark given by the Kaiser to members of the British Expeditionary Force under Sir John French, in 1914`old contemptibles
What derogatory term for new military recruits gave its name to a popular game`snooker
What describes early Germanic alphabet letters or magical signs`runic
What describes "Noon Good"`good afternoon
What describes one complete turn of a rotating object`revolution
What describes the early development of life`embryonic
What desert country borders saudi arabia, iraq and the persian gulf`kuwait
What desert covers most of southern Mongolia`the gobi desert
What desert covers most of southern Mongolia`the gobi desert`gobi desert
What desert has a land mass as large as Europe`sahara
What desert has been called the garden of allah`sahara
What desert has the highest sand dunes`sahara
what desert has the highest sand dunes`the sahara
What desert lies in Mongolia`gobi
what desert shrub yields an oil similar to whale oil?`jojoba
What desert spreads from botswana into south west africa`kalahari
What detective agency's motto is 'We never sleep'`pinkertons
what detective aided escaping slaves on the underground railroad`allan`aerosmith
what detective aided escaping slaves on the underground railroad`allan pinkerton
what detective debuted in 'a study in scarlet'`sherlock holmes
What detective duo was featured in Mystery at Devil's Paw`Joe and Frank Hardy
What detective duo was featured in Mystery at Devil's Paw`The Hardy Boys
what detective lives on punchbowl hill and has 11 children`charlie chan
What determines the winners of the people's choice awards`gallup poll
What detroit based record company was founded by barry gordy jnr`motown
What Detroit based record company was founded by Barry Gordy Jr.`motown
What device changes the voltage of alternating currents`transformer
What device converts alternating current into direct current`rectifier
What device is Isaac Merritt Singer famous for`singer sewing machine
What device is normally used to measure wind direction`weather vane
What device is used to measure weather pressure`Barometer
What device is used to summon MP's to vote in the House of Commons`division bell
what device might you use to stem the flow of blood`tourniquet
What device quietens a car's exhaust`muffler
What device used to be called a 'spyglass'`telescope
What device used to be described in Greek as 'watcher of the small'`Microscope
What device was used to determine a ship's latitude`Sextant
what dickens character said 'please sir i want some more'`oliver twist
What Dickens work features Mr Wardle`pickwick papers
what did 65 members of the women liberation movement of new york and new jersey torch at the 1968 miss america pageant`their brassieres
what did 80,000 men cut to build solomon's temple`the cedars of lebanon
what did 81 percent of us prisoners plead in court?`guilty
What did Abebe Bikila go without in winning the 1960 Olympic marathon`shoes
what did abebe bikila go without in winning the 1960 oylmpic marathon?`shoes
What did a Cordwainer make`shoes
What did actor John Wayne win from Rudd Weatherswax in a poker game`lassie
What did actor Peter Lawford have a lifetime obsession with?`Voyeurism
What did adolphe sax invent`saxophone
What did a Great Dane called Caliph unfortunately do whilst on trial for his life for biting`bit the judge
What did air cadet frank whittle invent in 1928`jet engine
what did air cadet frank whittle invent in 1928`jet`spain
What did AJ stand for in Simon & Simon's AJ Simon?`Andrew Jackson
What did Alan Webster fire 1,231 yards to set a world record in 1982`arrow
What did Al Capone die of?`Syphilis
What did Al Capone's business card say he was?`used furniture dealer
What did Al Capone's business card say his profession was`A used furniture dealer
what did alchemists believe they could turn metals into`gold
What did Alessandro Volta first manufacture in 1800`battery
What did Alexander Graham Bell invent`telephone
What did Alexander Graham Bell muffle to keep it from interrupting his work`his telephone`the telephone`telephone
What did Alfred Cruickshank claim to have seen in 1923`loch ness monster
What did Alfred Nobels father, Immanuel Nobel invent`Plywood
What did a medieval knight wear on his back and his chest`cuirass
What did American Abolitionists try to end`slavery
What did American Harland D. Sanders give to the world in 1939`kentucky fried chicken
What did Americans call the first Cuban in space?`Castronaut
What did Americans celebrate the end of in 1933`prohibition
What did American Whitcomb L Judson invent in 1893`zip fastener
What did Americas tacky National Enquirer ask Dr Christiaan Barnard to transplant for a $2500000 fee in 1979`human head
What did Amerigo Vespucci realize was a new continent & not part of Asia, in 1502`south america
What did an Alipile (a slave at baths) do in times gone by?`Plucked hair from armpits
What did ancient Egyptians make from the tall water plant papyrus`paper
What did ancient Egyptian women do with the metal antimony`paint their eyes
What did ancient Romans use truffles for?`Aphrodisiacs
what did andrew jergens create`jergens`cologne
What did andrew jergens create`jergens lotion
what did an earthquake destroy at halicarnassus`mausoleum
What did an IBM 7090 computer calculate to 100,265 decimal places in 1961`pi
What did AOL claim had been found, on April Fool's Day in 1996`Life on Jupiter
What did a pack of cards not include until 1857`jokers
What did Archie Bunker call his son-in-law?`Meathead
What did Archie Bunker on 'All In The Family' call his son-in-law Mike?`Meathead
What did Archimedes say after discovering the principle of buoyancy`eureka
What did Archimedes say upon discovering the principle of buoyancy in his bath`eureka
What did aristotle believe the heart was`seat of intelligence
What did artist Toulouse-Lautrec revolutionize in the art world`Poster Design
What did a scuttlebutt hold`drinking water
What did a ship called the Ancon travel through first, on August 15, 1914`the panama canal
What did a ship called the Ancon travel through first, on August 15, 1914`the panama canal`panama canal
What did Atlanta pharmacist John Pemberton sell two-thirds of his interest in for 283 dollars and 29 cents in 1887`coca cola
What did Australia receive its first shipment of in 1788`convicts
What did Aztec Indians smoke in 1522`tobacco
What did Ben Calhoun win in a poker hand in the western The Iron Horse`railroad
What did benjamin franklin tie to his kite`key
What did Bill Gates' wife say on their wedding night`microsoft
what did bock's car drop, in 1945`an atom bomb on nagasaki
What did boxer Cassius Clay change his name to`muhammed ali
What did Brahms compose for the University of Breslau after they gave him an honorary PhD`academic festival overture
What did British motorists have to contend with for the first time in 1960`traffic wardens
What did british symphony orchestras do without until 1820`conductor
What did captain matthew webb swim first`english channel
what did casper's friend spooky wear?`derby hat
What did channel four launch as its first soap opera`brookside
What did Charles Conrad of Apollo 12 become in November 1969`third man on the moon
What did Charles Elmer Hires invent in 1869`root beer
what did charles goodyear invent by accident in 1839`vulcanized rubber
What did charles jung invent`fortune cookies
What did Charles Richter invent a scale to measure`earthquakes
What did Charlie Chaplin & W.C. Fields have in common`both died on christmas day
what did clarence birdseye perfect in 1924`frozen food
what did clio represent in the nine muses?`history
What did Colonel Blood try to steal in 1671`british crown jewels
what did colonel blood try to steal in 1671`the british crown`five
What did Colonel Blood try to steal in 1671`The British Crown Jewels
What did Col Thomas Blood try to steal in 1675`the crown jewels
What did Cosmo G Spacely represent in the cartoon series The Jetsons`george jetson's boss`georges boss`george's 80
what did cosmo g spacely represent in the cartoon series the jetsons`george jetson's boss`georges boss`george's boss
what did cowboys refer to as 'tonsil paint'`whiskey
What did cowboys refer to as tonsil plant`whisky
What did cowpunchers use to protect their legs`chaps
What did Dagwood give up to marry Blondie`A family inheritance
What did dan aykroyd and john belushi quit 'saturday night live' to become`blues brothers
what did dan aykroyd and john belushi quit 'saturday night live' to become`blues`perestroika
what did daniel ellsberg leak to the new york times`pentagon papers
What did david stirling found`sas
what did del boy and rodney auction for 6 million in an episode of only fools and horses`a watch
What did denmark sell to the u.s`virgin islands
what did desi arnaz do before becoming an actor/singer`bird-cage cleaner`birdcage cleaner`bird cage`basie
what did desi arnaz do before becoming an actor/singer`bird-cage cleaner`birdcage cleaner`bird cage cleaner
what did devo wear on their heads on the "freedom of choice" lp`flower pots
What did dice players call a six in the Old West`johnny hicks
what did dice players call a six in the old west`johnny`war
What did dick whittington achieve that jeffrey archer didnt`lord mayor of london
What did Disraeli refer to as a 'milestone round our necks'`colonies
what did 'd.m.z' stand for in the vietnam war`demilitarized`white
What did 'd.m.z' stand for in the Vietnam war`demilitarized zone
What did Dougal Haston excel at`mountaineering
What did dr bart hughes create`trepanning
What did dr david banner become when he got angry`incredible hulk
what did dr david banner become when he got angry`incredible`opperman
What did Dr Godfrey invent in 1762`fire extenguisher
What did Dr Godfrey invent in 1762`fire extinguisher
what did dr godfrey invent in 1762`fire`wadsworth
what did dr john pemberton invent`coca cola
What did dr john pemberton invent in atlanta, georgia in 1886`coca cola
what did dr john pemberton invent in atlanta, georgia in 1886`coca`store
What did Dr John S Pemberton invent`coca-cola
What did dr seuss' grinch steal`christmas
What did d.w griffith invent`false eyelashes
what did d.w griffith invent`false`joe
What did early sailors call the islands where cinnamon,cloves and nutmegs were grown`the spice islands
What did Easau sell his birthright to Jacob for`Pottage
What did East Pakistan become`bangladesh
What did ed peterson invent`egg mcmuffin
What did Edwin Land invent in the 1940's`polaroid camera
What did Einstein publish in 1905`special theory of relativity
What did Eire leave in 1949`commonwealth
What did Elisha Otis invent in 1852`elevator
What did Elisha Otis invent in 1853`the passenger lift
What did eli whitney invent`cotton gin
What did Emerson, Lake and Palmer burn on stage during their concerts`The
what did emerson, lake & palmer burn on stage during their concerts`american flag
What did Emerson, Lake & Palmer burn on stage during their concerts?`The American flag
What did 'Enigma' return to in January 1994`innocence
what did epicurus found`epicurean`galahad
What did epicurus found`epicurean philosophy
What did eric morley found`miss world competition
What did eric morley found`miss world competitionWhat's the square root of one-quarter`one half
What did erik rotheim invent in 1926`aerosol
What did Esso become`exxon
what did father edward flanagan found near omaha, nebraska`boys`roosevelt
what did father edward flanagan found near omaha, nebraska`boys town
what did father flanagan found`boys`fabric
what did father flanagan found`boys town
What did F.D. Roosevelts initials stand for`franklin delano
What did Fletch's initials (I. M.) stand for?`Irwin Maurice
what did 'foreigner' want to know in their popular early 1980's smash hit`what love is
What did Foucault demonstrate with his pendulum`the rotation of the earth
What did France,West Germany,Belgium,Luxembourg<Holland and Italy sign in 1958`the treaty of rome
what did frank sinatra call 'my kind of town'`chicago
What did friar roger bacon invent`magnifying glass
What did Gabriel Fahrenheit invent`thermometer
what did gail borden give to the world in 1853?`condensed milk
What did Gatling invent in 1863`rapid firing gun
What did Gene Autry name his ranch`melody ranch
What did Gentleman Jim do for a living`fight
What did george foreman win`heavyweight boxing championship
What did george harrison discover on the witwatersrand`gold
what did georges claude invent in 1911?`neon lights
What did George Stephenson call his steam engine`rocket
What did god call the firmament`heaven
What did God change Abram's name to`abraham
What did Goldilocks eat`porridge
What did Grace Darling's father keep`lighthouse
What did Grace Kelly become in 1956`princess
What did Graham Sutherland design for the rebuilt Coventry Cathedral`the altar tapestry
What did Gregor Mendel study`heredity
What did hans christian anderson always travel with in case of fire`rope
what did hansel and gretel find in the witch's house`a treasure
What did Harry Connick put after his name`junior
What did He-man say when he lifted his sword and gained his strength?`By the power of Grayskull I am He-Man
What did henry shrapnel invent`exploding shell
what did hercules have to kill for his first labour`nemean tiger
What did Hercules use to clean the Augean stables`a river
what did homer write about in 'the iliad'`trojan war
What did Horatio Nelson lose at the age of 40`arm
What did Ira Remsen discover in 1879, perhaps proclaiming 'How sweet it is'`saccharin
What did Iroquois Indians mix with willow bark and call "kinickinick"`tobacco
What did italian dictator Mussolinis title Il Duce mean`the leader
What did jack the ripper sign on his first note`yours truly
what did janis joplin die from`overdose
What did Japanese athlete Suburaya do after failing to win in the 1964 Olympics`committed hari-kiri
What did Jeannie C. Riley describe as 'a little Peyton Place'`Harper Valley
what did jesus have`the uggets
what did jesus say when he calmed the storms`peace, be still
What did jim henson create`muppets
What did jim morrison do on march 1, 1969`exposed himself
what did jim morrison do on march 1, 1969`exposed himself`get naked on stage`get naked
What did Jim Neighbors get caught doing?`bobbing on Rock Hudson
What did jim rockford call his father`rocky
What did john augustus larson invent`lie detector
What did John F Kennedy claim was his biggest mistake as president`bay of pigs invasion
What did John Glenn name the first Mercury capsule to orbit the earth`friendship 7
What did Johnny Staccato do when he wasn't busy as a private eye`jazz pianist
What did Joseph Bloch invent in 1921`The Whistling Tea Kettle
What did joseph priestely discover`oxygen
What did joseph priestley invent`carbonated soda water
What did Joseph Smith found`mormonism
What did Joseph Swan invent`electric lamp
What did Julia Ward Howe originate`mothers day
what did karen and richard carpenter call the apartment building they built with the royalties from their first hit`close to you
What did Karl Marx write with Friedrich Engles, in 1848`the Communist manifesto
What did Kenneth Williams,William Wordsworth and Napoleon all suffer from`piles
What did Kenneth Williams,William Worsworth and Napolean all suffer from`Piles
What did Kennington Oval become during wwii`prisoner of war camp
What did Kirkpatrick MacMillan invent in 1839`bicycle
What did Leon Gaumont produce for the first time in france before 1900`talking films
What did Leo Sayer wear to promote the song I Won't Let The Show Go On`a clown suit
What did Lewis E. Waterman invent in 1884`fountain pen
What did Lewis E. Waterman invent in 1884`The fountain pen
What did Lilius invent< Clavius complete and Pope Gregory XIII introduce`gregorian calander
What did Lippershey invent in 1608 that Galileo often gets the credit for`refracting telescope
What did little bo-peep lose`her sheep
What did Lloyd George describe as 'Balfour's Poodle'`house of lords
What did Lloyd's first admit on January 1st 1970`women
What did Longfellow declare to be the universal language of mankind`music
what did lonnie donnegan has his listeners`does your chewing gum lose its flavour on the bedpost overnight
What did Lorraine Chase famously advertise on TV`campari
What did louis cartier invent`wristwatch
what did louis waterman invent in 1884`fountain pen
What did Lyndon Johnson declare war against on January 8, 1964`poverty
What did many historians believe that the Unicorn actually was`rhinoceros
What did marconi transmit across the atlantic`radio signals
What did Marie Antoinette and Jayne Mansfield have in common`bust size
What did Marie Curie die of on 4th july 1934`radiation poisoning
What did Marilyn Monroe famously say was the only thing she wore in bed`chanel no. 5
What did Mary Baker Eddy found in the late 1800s`the christian science movement
What did Mary Beth and Harvey Lacey call their first son`harvey jnr
what did mary phelps jacobs invent`bra
What did Mary Poppins say helped the medicine go down`a spoon full of sugar
What did Maynard G Krebs say his middle initial stood for`walter
What did medieval artists use to bind their pigment paints`egg yolk
What did Melita Bentz discover in 1908`The Coffee Filter
what did melville bissel invent`carpet sweeper
What did members of the nazi ss have tattooed in their armpits`blood type
what did michael collins found`i.r.a
What did michael hutchence of inx die of`suicide
What did Miss Muffet sit on`tuffet
What did Moldavia & Walachia unite to become`romania
What did Moses do for a living before he was called by God`shepard
What did Moses receive on Mount Sinai`ten commandments
What did Moses receive on Mount Sinai`ten commandments`10 commandments
What did Mother Hubbard look for in her cupboard`a bone
What did Mr Bojangles do to amuse his cell mates`he danced
What did My Favorite Martian have to do before he could become invisible`raise his antenna
what did my favorite martian have to do before he could become invisible`raise his`jamaica
What did NASA launch a$100 million search for in 1992`aliens
What did Neptune hold in his hand`trident
What did north american indians eat to dissolve gravel and stones in the bladder`watercress
What did not exist in Japan prior to contact with the West in the nineteenth century?`Kissing
What didn't wolfman jack do until the 1970's`reveal his face
What did one of the earliest mixtures of toothpaste consist of`Wine & pumice
What did Oscar Wilde say was "the anathema of the drinking classes"`work
What did Otto Titzling invent`bra
What did Otto Titzling invent`the brassiere
what did paladin's business card say?`have gun, will travel
What did Pandora release when she opened her box`troubles and misery
What did pat benatar sing before she went into rock music`opera
what did pat conroy write`beach music
What did Paul Benier leave in his locked getaway car while he robbed a bank in Swansea, Massachusetts`his car keys`car keys`the car keys
What did pennsylvania legalise before any other colony`witchcraft
What did people desperately tried to avoid getting on "Press Your Luck?"`The Whammy
What did Peppermint Patty always call Charlie Brown`Chuck
What did Percy Shaw invent and market 2 years after a foggy drive in 1933`cats eyes
What did Percy Shaw invent`cat's eyes
what did perry white always yell when he got exasperated?`great caesar's ghost
what did peter minuit buy for the equivalent of 24 dollars`manhattan`carlos
What did peter minuit buy for the equivalent of 24 dollars`manhattan island
What did Peter Minuit buy in 1626`Manhattan Island
What did peter sellers use as an ink blotter in the wrong box`cat
what did pete townsend dub the ultimate vehicle for "killing and creating"`rock music
What did physicist Lord Rutherford discover inside the nucleus of the atom`protons
What did plato found in 387 bc`the academy
What did pocahontas do to entertain the colonists`cartwheels
What did pocahontas wear while entertaining the colonists`nothing
What did Pope Pius V do to Queen Elizabeth in 1570`excommunicated her
What did Pope Pius V do to Queen Elizabeth in 1570 (lets keep it clean, huh?)`excommunicated her
What did Portuguese explorers christen O Rio Mar, "The River Sea", in the 16th century`the amazon river`amazon river
What did President J. Buchanan not have`A wife
What did president lincoln proclaim a national holiday in 1863`thanksgiving
What did presidents Madison, Monroe, Polk, and Garfield have in common`The first name JamesFirst name
What did puritans ban the singing of`carols
What did Pythagoras recommend for scorpion bites`mustard
What did Queen Elizabeth II do for the first time in 1957`Appeared on TV
what did Queen Elizabeth's godson design for her in 1596`a flush toilet
What did Queen Victoria call 'a pretty little castle in the old scotch style'`balmoral
What did Regan due to the striking air traffic controllers?`Fired them
What did Richard Nixon have on the left side of his scalp, from forehead to neck`scar
What did Rip van winkle do for 20 years`sleep
What did Roald Amundsen reach first`south pole
What did robert bunsen invent`bunsen burner
what did robert fulton invent`submarine
What did robert montgomery coach president eisenhower for`television
what did rod serling create`twilight zone
What did Roger Buell do for a living in The Mothers-in-Law`television writer
what did roland garros create in 1915`a fighter plane
What did Rontgen discover to win the first Nobel Prize for Physics in 1901`x rays
What did Royal Navy officers have to start wearing after 1748`uniforms
What did Russell Day do on the River Thames in 1983 that hadnt been done there for 150 years`caught a salmon
what did russian defector victor belenko deliver to the japanese in september, 1976`a mig 25
what did sailors call rum diluted with water`Grog
What did Sally Rogers always wear in her hair`a bow
What did Sandy Fowler invent for drinkers that had he patented it would have made him millions`tea bag
What did scientists build in a squash court under a football stadium at the university of Chicago in 1942`nuclear reactor
What did sexologists willam masters and virginia johnson file for`divorce
What did Shakespeare call women's genitals?`bird nests
what did shakespeare, churchill, napoleon, and washington all have?`red hair
What did sheryl crow do before she became a singer`teach
what did she wear when she went into the water`an itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka-dot bikini
what did she wear when she went into the water`an itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka-dot`telly
What did shirley temple always have in her hair`curls
what did sir alexander flemming isolate in 1928`penicillin
What did Sir Arnold Lunn begin in Switzerland`slalom skiing
What did Sir Christopher Cockerell invent`hovercraft
What did Sir Humphrey Davy discover in 1801`magnesium
What did Sir Humphrey Davy invent in 1815`miners safety lamp
What did Sir John Harington design for his own home in 1589`first water closet
What did Sir Lancelot's adultry prevent him from doing`finding the Holy Grail
What did Sir Rowland Hill introduce in Britain in 1840`envelopes
What did Sir Thomas Blanket first manufacture in 1340`blankets
What did Sisko's father use to call his family`taste testers
What did soldier Phillip Williams temporarily lose in the Falklands`memory
What did soldiers during World Wars I & II use Kleenix for`To dress wounds
What did steve martin once call terre haute`nowhere u.s.a
What did Temujin change his name to`Genghis Khan
What did the 1944 education act extend`secondary education
What did the 1980 US naval academy class have for the first time in history`a woman
What did the 1980 US Naval Academy class have for the first time in history`women graduates
What did the 1st u.s federal legislation in 1909 prohibit`narcotics
what did the a-bomb dropped over hiroshima miss its target by?`800 feet
What did the Americans prohibit the drinking of in 1775`tea
What did the ancient greeks call any group of numbers more than 10,000`myriad
What did the ancient Greeks call 'The Pillars of Hercules'`straits of gibraltar
what did the archbishop of krakow become in 1978`pope
What did the athletics pentathlon become after 1980`heptathlon
What did the Austrian govt sell in 1909 at 10,000 for a single gramme`radium
What Did The Average White Band Pick Up in 1975..The`Pieces
what did the aztecs use for money?`cacao beans
What did the Aztec word for 'avocado' mean?`Testicle
What did the big bang create`universe
What did the call letters of Chicago radio and TV station WLS originally stand for, in reference to Sears Roebuck (its former owner)`Worlds Largest Store
What did the Celts consider sacred because it communicated moisture from the ground into the air`trees
What did The Chief nickname Starsky's car on Stasky and Hutch??`The Striped Tomato
what did the children put on frosty the snowman to bring him to life?`old silk hat
What did the Chinese not refer to themselves as`silk people
What did the church of england allow women to become`priests
What did the combination act forbid`formation of trade unions
What Did The "Congress Of Vienna" Grant Switzerland In 1815`Neutrality
What did the contestants in the Greek olympics wear`nothing
What did the Crane brothers run the length of in a record 101 days in 1983`himalayas
what did the crocodile swallow in peter pan?`alarm clock
What did the Egyptian bakers use to knead dough in 4000 bc`Their feet
what did the egyptians believe your 'spiritual double' was called`ka
What did the esso 'blee dooler' sell`paraffin
what did the film crew call the shark in 'jaws'`bruce
What did the Franks commision report on`the falklands war
what did the ghan railway get its name from`camel drivers
What did the government blame the high inflation figures on in Dec 1987`computer error
What did the Greeks call Roman goddess, minerva`athena
What did the House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha change it's name to`House of Windsor
what did the inmates of changi prison camp build`burma railway
What did the Israelites eat in the desert after the exodus`manna
What did the knave of hearts steal`tarts
What did the lady of the lake give king arthur`excalibur
What did the license plate on the Delorean in Back To The Future spell out?`OUTATIME
What did the Lloyds of London Insurance group start out as`A Coffee House
What did the Manhattan project set out to develop in 1941`atomic bomb
What did the Massachusetts Bay colony outlaw in 1641`lawyers
What did the Montgolfier brothers rise to fame in`balloons
what did the mysterious db cooper jump out of (what type)`boeing 727
What did the name 'battenberg' become`mountbatten
What did the name 'saxe-coburg' become`windsor
What did the old woman in the shoe give her children to eat`broth
What did the old woman who lived in a shoe give her children for supper?`Broth without any bread
What did the Oshkosh steamer win`first automobile race
What did the Ottawa Convention ban in 1998`land mines
what did the papal treaty of tordesillas divide between the spanish and the portugese`the world
What did the person chained to wall in Goonies want?`A Baby Ruth candy bar
What did the Perthians conquer in 141 bc`mesopotamia
What did the "P" in Roscoe P. Coltrane (from Dukes of Hazzard) stand for?`Purvis
What did the p in roscoe p. coltrane stand for`purvis
What did the repair technicians of the first 'modern' computers wear while working`shorts and roller skates
What did the repair technicians of the first 'modern' computers wear while working`shorts & roller skates
what did the republicans call the platform they hyped in the 1994 congressional elections?`contract with america
What did the roman emperors and the rich people of rome carried on`litters
What did the Romans call London`londinium
What did the Romans call Scotland`caledonia
What did the Romans call the tenth part of a legion - between 300 and 600 men`a cohort
What did the Scott Brothers call Toilet Paper after they brought it stateside from England`Waldorf Tissue
What did the shire's reeve become when the concept was brought to the u.s`sheriff
What did the sign on the door of the whorehouse say?`Beat it - we're closed
What did the song '867-5309/jenny' spawn for tommy tutone`lawsuit
What did the Soviet Union call its supreme policy making body`politburo
What did the sparrow kill Cock Robin with`bow & arrow
What did the sparrow kill Cock Robin with`bow & arrow`bow and arrow
What did the steamship Savannah cross in 1819`the atlantic ocean
What did the Tennessee radio programme WSM Barndance change its name to`the grand ole opry
What did the three bears leave to cool when they went for a walk`porridge
What did the three little kittens lose`their mittens
What did the title character in john fowles's the collector collect`butterflies
what did the title of joyce jillson's rebuttal to real men don't eat quiche say real women don't do`pump gas
What did the townspeople give up in Cold Turkey`smoking
What did the Ugly Duckling grow up to be`swan
What did the US buy from Russia at two cents an acre`alaska
what did the us declare indians were in 1924`citizens
what did the u.s use to shoot down saddam hessein's scud missles in the gulf war`patriot missiles
what did the white house have before it had an indoor bathroom`telephone
what did the 'x' in x-ray stand for`unknown
what did they call the robot on lost in space?`robot
What did the young Don Bradman practise hitting with a cricket stump to improve his batting`A Golf Ball
What did thomas sheraton design and produce`furniture
What did thousands ogle for the first time when it served as a pace car for a race in Alabama in 1964`the mustang`mustang
What did to decimate originally mean in military terms`kill every tenth man
What did Tommie Smith wear at his victory ceremony in the 1968 Olympics`black glove
What did Tommy Kirk shoot because of hydrophobia`old yeller
What did tom, tom, the piper's son steal`pig
What did Tory MP Keith Best apply for 6 lots of when he was only allowed one lot`british telecom shares
What did TVs IMF stand for`Impossible Mission Forces
what did us army surgeon walter reed study while stationed in cuba?`yellow fever
What did Vasco Nunez de Balboa discover when he crossed the Panama in 1513`pacific ocean
What did victorian women bathe in to try to enlarge their breasts`strawberries
What did victorian women try to enlarge by bathing in strawberries`breasts
what did victorian women try to enlarge by bathing in strawberries`their breasts`breasts
What did Victorian women try to enlarge by massaging with crushed strawberries`their breasts
What did Wallace Carothers invent`nylon
what did walter brennan lose to a poker playing indian in red river`his false teeth`false teeth
what did walter hunt invent in 1849`safety pin
What did walter huston remove to perform in the movie the treasures of the sierra madre`teeth
What did Watson, Crick and Wilkins discover`dna
What did Welch's grape juice become a favorite substitute for when the 18th amendment passed`wine
what did wham! say to do before you go go?`wake me up
what did whitcombe judson invent in 1891`zip
What did Wilde describe as "A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing"`cynic
What did Wilhelm Roentgen discover in 1895?`X-rays
What did William G Morgan invent at Holyoake Massachusetts USA`vollyball
What did William II,Richard I,Edward II,James I and William III all have a reputation for being`homosexual
What did William Morris repair before he started to build cars`bicycles
What did William Seward buy from Russia in 1867`alaska
What did Winston Churchill describe as 'a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma'`russia
what did 'wonderwoman' use to deflect bullets`golden bracelets
What did Woody ask Kelly's father when they first met`he asked if they could date
what did yoko hire to wish john lennon a happy 40th birthday`skywriter
What did you do 10 million times last year`breathe
What did Yuri Gagarin do for the first time in 1961`travel in space
What dietary deficiency causes simple goitre`iodine
what dietary problem were 65 percent of brazilians suffering in 1985`malnutrition
what diet book was named for a town in new york state?`complete scarsdale diet
What differentiates a ferrous alloy from a non ferrous alloy`contains iron
What direction does the Nile River flow`north
what direction does the sphinx face`east
What direction does the Tower of London face across the Thames`south west
What direction do horses run around a racetrack in Victoria`Anti-Clockwise
What direction do many northern birds fly when autumn arrives`south
What direction do the best surfing beaches face`west
what direction is the sahara desert expanding in by half a mile a year`south
What direction is the Sahara expanding in by a half a mile a year`south
What direction is the Sahara expanding in by half a mile a year`south
what dire straits song says 'we're going on a holiday now, gonna take a villa, a small chalet on the costa del magnifico.....'`twisting by the pool
what dire straits video was the first to be almost entirely computer generated`money for nothing
What dirty building did heracles clean by diverting a river`augean stables
What disaster hit Ireland between 1845 & 1849`potato famine
What disease did august von wassermann develop a scientific test for in 1906`syphilis
what disease did august von wassermann develop a specific test for in 1906`syphilis
What disease did bark beetles introduce to The Netherlands in 1919`dutch elm disease
what disease did mary mallon carry`typhoid fever
What disease did the painter Vicent van Gogh suffer from?`Syphilis
what disease does an oncologist work against`cancer
What disease do the French call 'la rage'`rabies
What disease do you get if you eat too many christmas decorations`tinselitis
What disease has been used to control the rabbit population`myxomatosis
What disease is also known as 'rubella'`German measles
What disease is carcinomaphobia a fear of`cancer
What disease is carried by the tsetse fly`sleeping sickness
what disease is caused by a deficiency of red blood cells or hemoglobin?`anemia
what disease is most common in soap operas`amnesia
what disease may be prevented or cured through the use of quinine`malaria
What disease results from a lack of Vitamin C`scurvy
What disease's sufferers were required to carry rattles to warn people of their approach in 15th century England`leprosy
What disease's sufferers were required to carry rattles to warn people of their approach in 15th century England`leprosy's`leprosy
What disease was first encountered at the Siege of Mecca in 569`smallpox
what disease was known as consumption or the white death`tuberculosis
what disease was known as the white plague`tuberculosis
What disease was once known as phthisis`Tuberculosis
what disease was once known as the 'white plague'`tuberculosis
what disease was the so-called miracle drug krebiozen, ultimately found to be totally useless, supposed to cure`cancer
what disk jockey did the guess who put into musical history`wolfman jack
what disney character sang 'when you wish upon a star'`jiminy cricket
What Disney character shared the front cover of Disney Adventures magazine with Michael Jackson in 1993`Pinocchio
What disney character's picture did the N Y  Times wrongly call goofy`pluto
What Disney character's picture did the NY Times wrongly call Goofy`pluto's
What disney film boasts the song that's what uncle remus said`song of the
what disney film boasts the song that's what uncle remus said`song of the south
What Disney film do Parisians know as Blanche Neige Aet les Sept Nains`snow white and the seven dwarfs
What disney film stars bette davis`watcher in the woods
what disney hero's death sparked 15 thousand protest letters a week?`davy crockett
what disneyland square features le gourmet?`mikhail gorbachev
what disneyland square features le gourmet?`new orleans square
what disneyland thoroughfare depicts life from 1890 to 1910?`main street, usa
what disney movie featured the song march of the cards?`alice in wonderland
What Disney movie features an owl named Big Mama`fox & the hound
what disney movie stars merlin the magician and wart the boy king`sword in the stone
What distance is the Olympic steeplechase contested over (in metres)`three thousand
What distant planet circles the sun every 84 years?`Uranus
what distasteful substance was mia farrow forced to drink as rosemary?`tannis root
What divides the american north from the south`mason-dixon line
what dj coined the term "rock & roll"`alan freed
What DJ's/Group mixed UB40's "One In Ten"`808 state
What do 100 Egyptian piastres make`one pound
what do 100 kopecks make`one ruble
What do 12% of mississippi households lack`telephones
What do 25% of Americans secretly bite`their toenails
what do 876562f all professional boxers suffer from?`brain damage
What do 87 percent of all professional boxers suffer from`brain damage
What do a Christmas tree and a priest have in common?`Their balls are just for decoration
What do agrophobics fear`open spaces
What do a hundred piastres make in egypt`pound
What do airplane mechanics call motor oil`pickle juice
What do airplane mechanics refer to as 'pickle juice'`motor oil
What do a kangaroo, an anteater and a seahorse have in common`pouch
What do Alaskan sled drivers should to get their dog teams moving`Hike
what do all these have in common: queen christina of sweden, in 1654; louis bonaparte, in 1810; william ii of germany, in 1918 and king faruk i of egypt, in 1952`they abdicated their thrones
What do all the seven dwarfs except dopey have`beard
What do American golfers call a hole in one`ace
What do Americans and Australians call what the English call British Summer Time`daylight saving time
What do Americans call a 'waistcoat'`vest
What do Americans call 'candy floss'`cotton candy
What do americans call chick peas`garbanzo beans
What do Americans call courgettes`zucchini
What do Americans call 'fairy floss'`cotton candy
What do Americans call ladybirds`ladybugs
What do americans call nappies`diapers
What do Americans call the silencer on a car`muffler
What do Americans call the vegetable swede`rutabaga
What do Americans call what we call a guide dog for the blind`seeing-eye dog
what do americans receive the most amount of radiation from`x-rays
What do americans traditionally eat on thanksgiving day`turkey
What do a pen and a cob produce`cygnets
What do architects claim Chicago's Tacoma Building to be the first of`skyscraper
what do arteries struck by coronary artery disease do?`contract
What do Aunt Agatha, Canfield and Miss Milligan have in common`all card games
What do Australians call dust storms`willy-willies
What do BA Barraca's initials stand for`bad attitude
What do bank holidayers in France mean when they say they plan to 'faire le pont' if the holiday falls midweek`take the rest of the week off
What do bees collect`nectar
What do birds do with the aid of their syrinx`sing
What do birds use their feathers for apart from keeping warm and flying`communicating
What do breeders and trainers use to identify dogs`nose prints
What do British tabloids often refer to as Buck House`buckingham palace
What do bullet proof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers & laser printers all have in common`all invented by women
What do butchers call the edible internal part of an animal`offal
What do butterflies eat   grubs, nectar or nothing`nectar
What do camels store in their humps   water, fat or milk`fat
What do chefs cal The Master Spice`pepper
What do chicken breeders add to their chickens diets in an effort to improved the smell of their rearing sheds`Garlic
What do chickens do during a total solar eclipse`sleep
What do Christians call the period of fasting before Easter`lent
What do Christians call the place which the Hebrews called Golgotha, (Place of Skulls)`calvary
What do climbers call a peak higher than 914 m (3,000ft)`A munro
What do Colley Cibber, John Masefield and john Betjeman have in common`poets laureate
What do cricket umpires take off to show that it is time for lunch`bails
What doctor discovered the source of malaria in 1880`charles laveran
what document did button gwinnett sign on the upper left hand side`declaration of independence
What document is needed for one to enter a foreign country`passport
What do dendrochronologists count`tree rings
What dodgers and cubs first-baseman dropped baseball to take up actin`chuck
what dodgers and cubs first-baseman dropped baseball to take up actin`chuck connors
what dodgers and cubs first-baseman dropped baseball to take up acting`chuck connors
What Dodgers and Cubs first baseman left baseball to take up acting`chuck connors
What Dodger struck out 2,396 batters in 2,324 innings`sandy koufax
What do diners in a restaurant use to take away their leftovers`doggy bag
What do Dogs and Trees have in common`Bark
What do Dolly Parton, Jane Fonda, Brigitte Nielsen and Joan Rivers all have in common?`Silicone breast implants
what do dominica, mexico, zambia, spain, kiribati, fiji and egypt all have on their flags`birds
What do eccrine glands produce`sweat
What do elephants do on average 2 hours a day`sleep
what do englishmen weigh themselves in`stones
What do English speakers call the city that ltalians call Torino`turin
What do English speakers call the region that the Spanish know as 'el Pais Vasco'`the basque country
What do English women do before American women?`Lose their virginity
What do enzymes in a beer's mash convert the starch into`sugar
What do enzymes start while food is still in the mouth`breakdown of food
what do enzymes start while food is still in the mouth`breakdown of food`digestion
What does 180 degrees make`straight line
What does 2thwrk do for a living`dentist
What does 360 degrees make`circle
What does 3 d mean`three dimensional
What does 3 d mean`three dimensional`3 dimensional
What does 4wd on a car indicate`four wheel drive
What does 'aandw' of root beer fame mean`allen and wright
what does a baby elephant suck with`its mouth
What does a barber do with his strop`sharpen a razor
What does a barometer measure`atmospheric pressure
what does a basenji not do that others of its kind can do?`bark
What does a Bedouin use an agal to secure`head cloth
What does a bibliophile enjoy`books
what does a binet scale measure?`intelligence
What does a "bird dog" do`scouts
What does a botanist study`plants
What does a boxer's second throw into the ring to stop a fight`towel
What does a brandophile collect`cigar bands
what does a brandophile collect`cigar`girl
What does a bryologist study`mosses
What does a burglar call a crow bar`jemmy
What does a butterfly clip usually hold in position`hair
what does a camel's hump contain`fat
What does a camel store in its hump`fat
What does a campanologist do`ring bells
What does a Campbell-Stokes recorder measure`hours of sunshine
What does a 'canophilist like`dogs
What does a carpologist study`fruit and seeds
what does a cartographer do`makes`anniversary
What does a cartographer do`makes maps
What does a catoptrophic narcissist fear`mirrors
What does a cat use to determine if a space is too small to squeeze through`whiskers
what does a cb radio operator refer to as a pregnant roller skate`a volkswagen
What does AC/DC mean in a personal ad?`Bisexuality
what does a chromophobic fear?`certain colors
What does a chronometer measure`time
What does a cobbler mend`shoes
What does a compass needle point to`north
what does a compass's needle point to`magnetic north
What does a conchologist study`shellfish
What does a cooper make`barrels
What does a 'coper' deal in`horses
What does a craftsman called a bodger make`chair parts
What does a.d. actually stand for`anno domini
What does adagio mean`slow
What does a depilatory remove`hair
What does a dipsomaniac crave`alcohol
What does a dolorimeter measure`pain
What does a dowser do`find water
What does a "dozen dozen" amount to`a gross
what does a.d. stand for in the christian calendar`anno domini
what does a farrier put shoes on?`horse
what does a Farrier put shoes on`Horses
What does a fishmonger do for a living`sells fish
What does a fluviometer measure`river levels
what does a frog close when it swallows`its eyes
What does a gallophobic englishman fear`france
What does a gallophoic englishman fear`france
What does a Geiger counter detect`radiation
What does a German call Munich`munchen
What does a gynephobic man fear`women
what does a gynophobic man fear`women
what does a hamlet need to be a village`church
What does a hamlet need to become a village`a church
What does a heliologist study`sun
What does a heliologist study (the)`sun
What does a herpetologist study`reptiles and amphibians
What does a hippophobic fear`horses
What does a horologist measure`time
what does AIDS stand for`acquired immune deficiency syndrome
What does a i stand for`artificial intelligence
What does aka stand for`also known as
What does a king cobra normally eat   beetles, rodents or snakes`snakes
What does a kleptomaniac suffer from`Stealing
What does a la carte mean in a restaurant`according to the menu
what does a laxicographer do`writes dictionaries
What does al capone's headstone say`my jesus mercy
What does a lepidopterist collect`butterflies
What does a lepidopterist collect`butterflies and moths
What does a lepidopterist study`butterflies & moths`butterflies and moths
What does ALF stand for?`Alien Life Form
What does a linguist study`languages
What does Ally Sheedy say she likes to drink in the Breakfast Club?`Vodka
What does Ally Sheedy use to decorate her picture in the Breakfast Club?`Dandruf
What does 'Alma Mater' mean`bountiful mother
What does "alopecia" refer to`hair loss
What does a mahout mind`elephant
What does a marsupial mouse have that other mice don't`a pouch
What does a marsupial mouse have that other mice don't`a pouch`pouch
What does amd stand for`advanced micro devices
What does a meteorologist study`the weather
What does a meteorologist study`weather
What does am fm do for a living`disc jockey
What does AM-FM do for a living`disk jockey
What does am/fm stand for`amplitude modulation/frequency modulation
What does Amoco stand for`american oil company
What does a monophobia`being alone
What does a month beginning with a sunday always have`friday the 13th
What does a mosque's mihrab indicate the direction to`mecca
What does a mosquito vibrate to make its buzzing sound`wings
what does 'a.m' stand for`ante meridian
What does a mycologist study`fungi
What does a mycologist study`fungi`mushrooms
What does a myologist study`muscles
What does an abecedarian study`alphabet
What does an accordion have that a concertina doesn't`keyboard
What does an agriologist study`primitive cultures
What does an agrologist study`soil
what does an agrostologist study?`grass
What does an anemologist study`wind