Whish organisation was the setting for the best-seller 'Bravo Two Zero`sas
Whiskey made from maize and rye`bourbon
White and the seven dwarfs Where is the Plumas National Forest`california
White, crystalline solid that has the formula c6h4(oh)cooh`salicylic acid
white-out was invented by who's mother?`mike nesmith
White rajah James Brooke and his family ruled which Asian state from 1888 until the Japanese occupation of World War Two`sarawak
White river is the principal tributary of which indiana river`wabash river
'White Room' was a hit off which Eric Clapton album`Cream
Whitney Houston is fucking who?`Bobby Brown
whitney houston's first album, featuring the hit song ___ is released`saving all my love for you
whixh expensive red spice is extracted from the crocus flower`saffron
who 1st Proved Divergence Theorem`Mikhail Ostragradsky
who abducted europa to crete`pollux
who abducted europa to crete`zeus
Who abolished Christmas in 1647`english parliament
who accepts money under restrictions specified by a regulatory body, for participating in a`amateur
who Accidently Knocks The Skeleton Down The Well In Moria`Pippin
who accompanied Hillary on the 1953 expedition to conquer Everest`tensing
who, according to a diary entry, said on march 17 1912 i am just going outside and may be some time`captain oates
Who, according to a song, damaged her foot on a piece of wood and fell into a raging torrent?`Clementine
Who according to Greek mythology was the first woman`pandora
Who, according to her biographer, gave 'oral relief' to studio bosses in return for help with her movie career?`Nancy Reagan
who According To Hilaire Belloc, Had A Chief Defect Of 'Chewing Little Bits Of String'`Henry King
who According To Jewish Historian Josephus Is The Creator Of The Great Pyramid`Seth The Third Son Of Adam
Who, according to Nietzsche, forgoes transient pleasure, exercises creative power, lives at a level of experience beyond standards of good and evil, and is the goal`superman
Who, According To P.T. Barnum, Was Killed By A Train While Trying To Save A Pint-Sized Star`Jumbo
Who, according to the bible was swallowed by a whale`jonah
Who, according to the Bible, was the brother of Jacob`esau
Who accounted for "Soldiers' Pay"`william faulkner
Who accused lancelot of sleeping with guinevere`gawain
who achieved fame as an organist and a tester of church organs`Bach
who achieved the first perfect nine innings baseball game (pitcher pitches 27 out, no hits, no runs)`john lee richmond
Who acquired 4 of the 7 dead sea scrolls in 1955`israel
who acquired cyrix`national`hemingway
who acquired cyrix`national semiconductor
who Acts As A Guarantor`Accommodation Bill
who acts as a supervisor or monitor in a public institution, such as a school, hospital, or prison`matron
who acts for someone else: an agent`factor
who acts or plays in a pantomime`mummer
who acts unwisely on a given occasion: 'I was a ---- to have quit my job.'`fool
who Adapted It From The French Caesar Cut`Mop Top
Who administers martinique`france
who admitted to 13 murders, and was sentenced to life imprisonment in 1967`albert de salvo
Who adopted the title 'Il Caudillo'`franco
who advertises post's sugar crisp cereal on tv`sugar bear
Who advised us to 'break on through to the other side'`doors
Who advocated planting peanuts and sweet potatoes to replace cotton and tobacco`george washington carver
Who advocated the planting peanuts and sweet potatoes to replace cotton and tobacco (i.e. crop rotation)?`George Washington Carver
who advocates the abolition of social inequities`leveler
who --------- a girl with no bust has right to feel low down`marries
Who allegedly bonked Nancy Reagan in the White House?`Frank Sinatra
Who allegedly killed officer J D Tippett`lee harvey oswald
who Allegedly Masterminded The Criminal Activities Of Her Four Sons And Their Friends`Ma Barker
who allegedly threatened the rolling stones because of altamont`hell's angels
Who allowed the bugging of the democratic committee headquarters.`richard
Who allowed the bugging of the Democratic committee headquarters.`richard nixon
who allows oneself to be used for another's profit or advantage: a puppet`stooge
Who, Along With Bill Gates, Started Microsoft`Paul Allen
Who always ended her PBS cooking shows with "Bon Appetit"?`Julia Childs
Who always ended his show in a white e-type jaguar`simon dee
who Always Gets Her Messages Mixed Up When She Takes Everything Literally`Amelia Bedelia
Who always had 56 curls in her hair`shirley temple
Who always tried to kill Krazy Kat`Captain Marvel
who Am I: I Appeared On The Mtv Awards As Fart Man`Howard Stern
who Angers You ____________ You.'- Elizabeth Kenny`Conquers
Who announced his retirement from football after nine seasons in the NFL on the set of The Dirty Dozen in London?`Jim Brown
who Announced The Discovery Of Tuberculin As A Cure For Tuberculosis`Robert Koch
Who anonymously entered a contest in Monaco to find his lookalike and came third`charlie chaplin
who apologised, took back his statement, and said that he thought he was "taller than god"`liam gallagher
who apparently befriends Winston Smith in Orwell's 1984`o'brien
who Appeared As James Bond In Only One Film, On Her Majesty's Secret Service`George Lazenby
who appeared in a funny thing happened on the way to the forum (1966)` buster keaton
who appeared in more than 30 alfred hitchcock films?`alfred hitchcock
Who appeared in 'st. elmo's fire', 'the scarlett letter' and 'striptease'`demi moore
Who appeared in the films Pulp Fiction, Primary Colors and Staying Alive`john travolta
who appeared nude and pregnant on a 1991 cover of vanity fair magazine?`demi moore
who Appeared On A Time Cover Entitled 'The Drug Thugs'`General Manuel Noriega
Who appeared on Jackanory reading his own book The Old man of Lochnagar`prince charles
Who appeared on the back of a u.s banknote in 1875`pocahontas
Who appeared on the back of the $20 bill in 1875`pocahontas
who Appeared On The British WWI Recruitment Poster`Lord Kitchener
Who appeared on the British WWl recruitment poster`lord kitchener
who appeared on Tom Petty's I Wont Back Down`ringo starr
Who appeared regularly on "Just a Minute" on Radio 4 until he died, usually coming last`peter jones
Who appeared solo at the woodstock festival after leaving 'the lovin' spoonful'`john sebastian
who Appears In Aviva's Mirror In The Episode 'The Fourth Sister'`Kali
Who appears on the 100,000 dollar (US) note`Woodrow Wilson
Who appears on the 10,000 dollar (US) note`Salmon Chase
Who appears on the 5,000 dollar (US) note`James Madison
Who appears on the us 5,000 dollar bill`james madison
who Appears Unexpectedly To Solve An Apparently Insoluble Difficulty Is A 'Deus Ex M____'`Machina
Who appears when Aladdin rubs the lamp`genie
who Are Also Known As Malozi Or Barotse`The Lozi
who are bambam's parents`barney and betty rubble
who ___________ Are Called 'Mothers'.'- Abigail Van Buren`Miscalculate
who are daisy duck's three nieces`april may and june
who are film actress Jamie Lee Curtis's famous parents`Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh`janet leigh and tony curtis
who Are Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, And Maggie`Simpsons
Who are Horson's?`Male offspring of prostitutes
Who are Itchy and Scratchy's European counterparts?`Worker & Parasite
Who are Itchy and Scratchy's European counterparts`Worker & Parasite`Worker and Parasite
who are jeffrey hyman, thomas erdelyi, douglas colvin, mark bell, and john cummings`the ramones
Who are known as  the three Bs in musical composition`Bach, Beethoven and Brahms
who are pebble's parents`fred and wilma
Who are remembered for the first successful hot air balloon`montgolfier brothers
Who are santa's reindeer, in alphabetical order`blitzen, comet, dancer,
who are santa's reindeer, in alphabetical order`blitzen, comet, dancer, dasher, prancer and vixen
Who are second to Russia in the all time Winter Olympic medals table`norway
Who are the 2 main characters in Miltons Paradise Lost`adam and eve
who are the 5 simpsons in alphabetical order`bart, homer, lisa, maggie and marge
Who are the Bronte Sisters in alphabetical order`anne, charlotte, emily
who are the cambodian communist guerrillas know as`khmer rouge
who Are The Cardassians' Arch Nemeses`Romulans
Who are the Clampetts`beverley hillbillies
who are the composer and the lyricist for 'the sound of music', respectively`richard rodgers oscar`aldrin
who are the composer and the lyricist for 'the sound of music', respectively`richard rodgers oscar hammerstein ii
who are the creators of south park`trey parker matt stone
who are the creators of south park`trey parker matt`xavier
Who are the first act listed in the 14th edition of the Guinness Book of British Hit Singles`a
Who are the neighbors the Jeffersons left behind when they moved uptown`bunkers
Who are the Nepalese soldiers who have served with the British army since world war i`the gurkhas
Who are the only band to have made a debut appearance as bill toppers in front of 120000 people in Hyde Park`blind faith
Who are the only brothers to win the pga tournament`lionel and jay hebert
who are the only brothers to win the pga tournament?`lionel & jay hebert
who Are The Queen's Best Mates In Bee Hives`Drones
who Are The Ships Sun Viking And Nordic Prince Registered To`Norway
who are the teamleaders in Have i got news for you____ ______ and ___ __________`Paul Merton and Ian Hislop
Who are the three annoying neighbors in "Small Wonder"?`Brandon,Bonnie,and Harriet Brendel
Who are the three annoying neighbors in the sitcom small wonder`brandon, bonnie, and harriet brendel
who Are The Twins In Bart's Class`Sherri & Terri`Sherri and Terri
who are the two main characters in "the odd couple"`oscar & felix
who are the two main characters in "the odd couple"`oscar & felix`oscar and felix`oscar felix
Who are the two male stars of the movie 'Se7en'`Brad Pitt Morgan Fairchild
Who are Yum-Yum and Nanki-Poo`lovers in the mikado
Who argued it out in 'the kitchen debate'`richard nixon and nikita
who argued it out in 'the kitchen debate'`richard nixon and nikita`cervantes
who argued it out in 'the kitchen debate'`richard nixon and nikita khrushchev
who Arrived On Court For A 1973 Tennis Match In A Chinese Rickshaw`Bobby Riggs
Who, as at November 28th 2000, is still the manager of Middlesbrough Football Club`bryan robson
Who asked Gary Cooper 'Where do the noses go?' before their kissing scene in For Whom the Bell Tolls?`Ingrid Bergman
Who asked the musical question "Didn't I Blow Your Mind This Time"`delfonics
who asked the musical question, "who's sorry now"`connie francis
who (As Of January 2002) Is How Old`36
Who, as of October 1998, is the Prime Minister of Israel`benjamin netanyahu
who Assasinated Francis Ferdinand In Sarajevo In 1914`Gavrilo Princip
who Assassinated Chris Hani`Jenuzs Walus
Who assassinated john lennon`mark david chapman
Who assassinated President Kennedy`lee harvey oswald
who Assassinated The Austrian Archduke, Francis Ferdinand`Gavrilo Princip
who assassinated william mckinley`leon czolgosz
Who assembled Steve Austin as the Bionic Man`dr rudy wells
Who assisted behind the bar in "Cheers" before Woody`coach
who assisted King Arthur`merlin
who at buckingham palace wears bearskins`guards
who ate chicken little?`foxy loxy
who ate the three bears' porridge`goldilocks
Who ate Turkey Lurkey`foxy loxy
Who ate watercress to dissolve gravel and stones in the bladder`north
who ate watercress to dissolve gravel and stones in the bladder`north american indians
Who authored 'ivanhoe'`sir walter scott
who authored lust of the libertines`marquis de sade
Who authored The Grapes of Wrath`john steinbeck
Who averaged receiving 21,000 letters a day in 1993`bill clinton
Who backed up Sam the Sham`pharaohs
Who backed wayne fontana`mindbenders
who Banned Smoking In The White House`Hillary Clinton
Who baptised Jesus`john the baptist
who baptized christ`john the baptist
Who barely received passing grades for some of his film performances, but had a no. 1 hit with 'young love' in january 1957`tab hunter
Who battled with MC Tunes on his 1990 top 10 hit The Only Rhyme That Bites`808 state
Who beat Captain Robert Scott in the race to the south pole in 1912`roald amundsen
Who beat Goran Ivanisevic to win the 199Wimbledon men's singles final`andre agassi
Who beat Sonny Liston to become world champion for the first time`cassius clay
Who beat the belles of Tennessee`yellow rose of texas
Who becam an actor after being dismissed by Marks and Spencer training scheme because of his outrageous clothes`edward fox
Who became a genius whenever he put on the fabulous kurwood derby`bullwinkle
who became a genius whenever he put on the fabulous kurwood derby`bullwinkle the moose`bullwinkle moose
who became a genius whenever he put on the fabulous kurwood derby`bullwinkle the moose`bullwinkle`shirelles
who became a Hollywood star in the 1940's and 50s in films such as Bathing beauty and Neptune's Daughter`esther williams
who Became Amir Of Afghanistan In 1919`Amanullah
who became a Pet Detective after shooting to fame in In Living Colour`jim carey
Who became Chancellor of the Exchequer in 1990`norman lamont
who Became' Chief Executive' Of Pakistan In October 1999`General Pervaiz Musharraf
who became eligible to vote in japan, 1945?`women
Who became emperor of France in 1804`napoleon
Who became famous for his Madhouse`Russ Abbot
Who became famous for photographing the civil war`mathew brady
who became france's first woman prime minister in 1991`edith cresson
who Became Golf's First Career $5 Million Winner In 1988`Jack Nicklaus
Who became leader of Iran in 1979`ayatollah khomeini
Who became leader of the Zulu people in 1816 and wielded power for over half a century`chaka
who Became Miss America In 1971`Phyllis George
who Became Poet Laureate Of England In His Poem 'Sea Fever', Published In 1902`John Masefield
Who became Pope on the death of St Peter`linus
who Became President Of France After Charles De Gaulle`Georges Pompidou
Who became president of south africa in 1989`f.w de klerk
Who became Prime Minister following the assassination of Spencer Percival in 1812`robert banks jenkinson
who became roman emperor in ad 138`antoninus`angels
who became roman emperor in ad 138`antoninus pius
who Became Simba's Friends In 'The Lion King'`Pumba And Timon
Who became the first englishman to win the Nobel prize for literature in 1907`rudyard kipling
who became the first father-and-son team to win oscars for the film 'treasure of sierra madre'`walter and john`capone
Who became the first father-and-son team to win oscars for the film 'treasure of sierra madre'`walter and john huston
who became the first nude centerfold for cosmopolitan magazine in april 19`burt reynolds
who Became The First Overlord Of England And Wales`Egbert Of Wessex`egbert
Who became the first President of Cyprus in August 1960`archbishop makarios
Who became the first President of the French Fifth Republic in 1958`charles de gaulle
Who became the first Prime Minister of Malawi in 1964`hastings banda
Who became the first Prime Minister of Tanganyika in 1961`julius nyerere
who became the first qualifier to reach the men's quarterfinals of the Wimbledon Singles`john mcenroe
who Became The First Springbok Rugby Player To Score A Hat-Trick Of Tries In A Test Match Against New Zealand`Ray Mordt
who became the first u.s. president to fly in an airplane while in office`franklin d. roosevelt`roosevelt
who Became The First U.S. Woman Since Wilma Rudolph To Hold A 200-Meter World Record`Florence Griffith-Joyner
who became the first woman president in the Western Hemisphere`argentine
who became the first woman prime minister of canada in 1993`kim campbell
who became the king of egypt at the age of nine`tutankhamen
Who became the king of Jordan in 1952`hussein
who became the oldest rookie in the major leagues at age 42?`satchel paige
who became unofficial first lady during his administration`dolly madison
who Became U.S. President Following The Assassination Of William Mckinley In 1901`Theodore Roosevelt
Who became US president on the resignation of Richard Nixon`gerald ford
Who became World Motor Racing Champion in 1976`james hunt
who Becomes Desperate After An Extended Slump In Glengarry Glen Ross`Jack Lemmon
who becomes one of the greatest Veritech pilots`rick hunter
who Becomes President Of The Us On November 7 1916`Wilson
who befriended 'E.T'`Elliot
who Began Dressing In A Mock Edwardian Style`Ted
who begand the church of the latter day saints (mormons) in 1830?`joseph smith
Who began her career making death masks from the severed heads of those executed by the guillotine after the French Revolution`madame tussaud
who began her diary with the words "dear kitty"`anne frank
who began her diary with the words "dear kitty"`anne`live
Who began his career with 'the yardbirds' and is established as one of the best rock guitarists of his generation`eric clapton
Who began his professional career with black sabbath`ozzy osbourne
who Began Life As An Arch-Villain In A Computer Software Game And Went On To Her Own Tv Series`Carmen Sandiego
Who began work on a 10th symphony when he died during a thunderstorm in 1827`beethoven
Who believed that a prism split light because of 'corpuscles' of varied mass`isaac newton
who believed that "every dog should have a boy"?`mr peabody
who belonged to the fraternal lodge mystic knights of the sea`amos and andy
who belonged to the fraternal lodge mystic knights of the sea`amos and`gandhi
who bent spoons`uri geller
Who, besides lily, has a crush on jack`oona
Who betrayed Jesus to the Romans`judas iscariot
Who betrayed king arthur by sleeping with his wife guinevere`sir lancelot
Who betrayed Samson to the Philistines`delilah
who betrays Admiral Dugalle`Duran
Who bit Holyfield in the boxing ring in 1997`mike tyson
who blinded the Cyclops "Polyphemus"`odysseus
who Borders Egypt On The West`Libya
who Borders Sudan To The North`Egypt
who bought manattan island for the equivalent of 24 dollars`peter`franco
Who bought manattan island for the equivalent of 24 dollars`peter minuit
Who bought the American Chrysler car company in 1998`daimler benz
who bought the ligier team in 1997`alain prost
Who bought the Times in 1981`rupert murdoch
Who (boxer) appeared in 1962 in the film "Requiem for Heavyweight"`muhammad ali
Who breathes through spiracles`insects
who Brewed Kickappoo Joy Juice In 'L'il Abner'`Polecats
who Broke 93 Bones Trying To Leap 36 Cars On His Motorcycle At The Astrodome`Evel Knievel
Who broke into the queens bedroom in 1982`michael fagan
who Broke Muhammad Ali's Jaw In 1973`Ken Norton
Who broke off his engagement to Natasha Rostov in War and Peace`prince andrei bolkonsky
Who broke Wayne Gretzky's string of 8 straight NHL MVP awards`mario lemieux
who Brought Attention To The Phenomena Of Hypnosis`Franz Anton Mesmer
who brought fire to man in greek mythology`prometheus
who brought panic in the us with his programm war of the worlds`orson welles
Who Brought us such hits as I put a Spell on You and Africa Gone Funky`screamin jay hawkins
Who built a city in India called Bucephala in memory of his horse`alexander the great
Who built a loyal following with the release of 'the pretender' in 1976`jackson browne
who built a loyal following with the release of 'the pretender' in 1976`jackson`two
who built and commanded nazi germany's luftwaffe`hermann goering
Who built Camelot`king arthur
who built camelot`king`hera
who built frosty the snowman into a 1952 hit`gene autry
Who built Hampton Court`cardinal wolsey
Who built Peking's Winter Palace`kubla khan
who built Pinocchio`gepetto
who built the ancient city of machu picchu in peru`incas
Who built the 'cherokee' and 'commanche' aircraft`piper
who Built The 'Clermont, ' The First Regular Passenger Steamer`Robert Fulton
Who built the concorde`britain and france
who Built The First Steam Engine To Run On Rails`Richard Trevithick
who Built The Hanging Gardens Of Babylon`Nebuchadnezzar
Who built the hurricane aircraft`hawker
who built the Labyrinth for King Minos on Crete`daedalus
Who built the lambarene missionary station`albert schweitzer
Who built the Menai Suspension Bridge`thomas telford
who Built The Second Largest Pyramid At Giza`Khafre
who Built The Taj Mahal`Shah Jahan
who built the world's largest yacht, atlantis`aristotle onassis
who built the world's largest yacht, atlantis`aristotle`presley
who burned atlanta in 1864`general`indians
Who burned atlanta in 1864`general sherman
who Burned Down The German Parliamentary Building, The Reichstag, On 27 Februari 1933`Marinus Van Der Lubbe
who Burnt Down Greece In 480 Bc`Xeres
Who buy's corner blocks`Stamp Collectors
who, by john dean's reckoning, was deep throat`alexander haig
Who calculated the amount of energy that appears when matter disappears`albert einstein
Who called Billy Idol `the Perry Como` of punk`Johnny Rotten
who Called Chicago 'City Of The Big Shoulders'`Carl Sandburg
who called chicago "city of the big shoulders"`carl`tyler
Who called her autobiography Courting Triumph`virginia wade
who Called Himself 'The Godfather Of Soul' And The 'Hardest Working Man In Show Business'`James Brown
Who called his autobiography "A Kentish Lad"`frank muir
who called oliver north "every secretary's dream of a boss"`fawn`candy
who called oliver north "every secretary's dream of a boss"`fawn hall
who Called Overcrowded, Poorly Ventilated Hospitals 'Gateways To Death'`Florence Nightingale
Who called Russia "a puzzle within a mystery wrappped up in an enigma`winston churchill
Who called the County Cricket Board selectors Gin-slinging dodderers`ian botham
who called the french national team coach "a bag of shit"`eric cantona
who Calls Itself Suomi`Finland
Who calls its parliament 'the knesset'`israel
who calls munich the 'monaco of bavaria'`italians
who calls the moslem faithful to prayer`muezzin
Who Came In From The Cold'`Claire Bloom
Who came to the English throne on the death of Henry I`stephen
Who came to the throne on the death of Edward IV`edward v
who came up with the nickname "Moonlight" for Beethoven's pianoSonata No. 14 in C-sharp minor Op. 27 No. 2`Ludwig Rellstab
Who 'came whiffling through the tulgey wood'`jabberwock
Who camped by a billabong`swagman
who can do things equally well with both hands`ambidextrous
Who can sue the Queen`noone
who Can Swim, But Not Fly`Penguin
who can turn his hand to all trades but is master of none`jack
who can use a "Moving City" tactic`Terran
who Can We Thank For Paper`Egyptians
who Can We Thank For Running Water`Babylonians
Who captained Australia in the famous 1960 Tied Test`richie benaud
who Captained England For The Centenary Cricket Test Series In 1977`Tony Greig
Who captained HMS Victory at the battle of Trafalgar`captain Hardy
who Captained The Bounty Before It Was Taken By Mutineers`William Bligh
Who captained the English soccer team during the 1966 World Cup`bobby moore
Who captained the English soccer team that won the World Cup in 1966`Bobby Moore
Who captained the hms beagle`charles darwin
who Captained The South African Soccer Squad At The 1998 And 2002 World Cups`Lucas Radebe
Who captained the Victory at the Battle of Trafalgar`captain hardy
Who captured esquire's 'most dubious man of the year' award in 1980`billy
who captured esquire's 'most dubious man of the year' award in 1980`billy carter
who captured esquire's 'most dubious man of the year' award in 1980`billy`kazooie
who Captured Rome In 410ad Without A Battle`Visogoths
who Captured The First Confederate Flag During The Civil War`George Armstrong Custer
Who captured three U.S. Open amateur golf titles before reaching the age of 20` Tiger Woods
who cares for and guides a group of people, as a minister or teacher`shepherd
who cares for or watches over someone or something that needs attention or guidance`babysitter
who Carried A Golden Sickle With Him For Cutting Up Mistletoe`Getafix
who Carried It Around With Him In A Specially Made, Velvet-Lined Leather Case`Spork
who carried on charles babbage's work when he died`his`goch
Who carried on Charles Babbages work when he died`his son
who Carried Out The First Heart Transplant Operation`Dr Christiaan Barnard
Who carried out the first manned orbit of the earth`john glenn
Who carried the Olympic flame into the Melbourne Cricket Ground in 1956`Ron Clarke
Who carried the Union Jack at the opening ceremony in the Sydney Olympics`matthew pinsent
who carries a golfer's clubs`caddie
who carries arrows in his quiver`archer
who Carries A Screwdriver`Robert Paul
who carries out menial tasks for others`dogsbody
who carries out orders without question`myrmidon
who Carries The Golfer's Clubs Is Called A(N)`Caddie
who carries the golfer's clubs is called a(n)`caddy
who Carved 'Pinocchio'`Gepetto
Who carved the famed medici tombs in florence`michelangelo
Who carved the worlds tallest totem pole out of one log`mungo martin
who carves the roast beast at the who feast`grinch
who casts spells: an enchanter or magician`charmer
who catained the argentinian world cup winners in 1986`diego maradona
who catained the argentinian world cup winners in 1986`diego`noah
who Caught Tommy Grimes`Mr Miacca
who caused data to take control of the enterprise`his father
Who caused Samson's downfall`Delilah
who caused the death of the lady of shallot`sir lancelot
who Causes Joy`ayoka
who ceded florida to britain`spain
who celebrated a birthday every four years`Gioacchino Rossini
Who celebrated his 40th birthday in 1987 with 1500 guests in a converted tram shed near Aston Villa football ground`prince charles
who celebrated their 25th anniversary in 1991 by recording a live tribute album in red deer, alberta, canada`nitty gritty dirt band
Who chaired the controversial report into the future of the Royal Ulster Constabulary`chris patten
who chaired the Northern Ireland peace talks`george mitchell
who chairs and speaks for a jury`foreman
who chairs and speaks for a jury`forewoman
Who chairs Radio 4's "Just A Minute"`nicholas parsons
who Challenged The Pittsburgh Pirates In Baseball's First World Series`Boston Pilgrims
who Changed His Name From Vernon Wayne Howell For 'Publicity And Business Purposes'`David Koresh
who Changed Radio City Music Hall's Marquee When 'Wheel Of Fortune' Filmed There In 1988`Vanna White
who Changed The Name Of The Maryland Presidential Retreat From Shangri-La To Camp David`Dwight D Eisenhower (In 1953, He Named It After His Grandson
who changes into a wolf`werewolf
Who charted with Over Rising`charlatans
who Chase After Rare Birds Are Called`Twitchers
Who chauffeured lady penelope`parker
Who cheered The Apple of the Eye`glenway wescott
Who choked on her own vomit at age 27`janis joplin
Who chronicled the virility of Burton's chairman Sir Ralph Halpern?`Fiona Wright
Who claimed 'a man is as young as the woman he feels'?`Groucho Marx
who claimed computer and potato chips were economically equivalent`ross perot
Who claimed he could manage six bonks in a row, with only a five-minute pause in between them?`Charlie Chaplin
Who claimed he was the first man to wet his pants on the moon`Buzz Aldrin
who claimed "my name: jose jimenez"`bill dana
who Claimed: 'President Johnson Says A War Isn't Really A War Without My Jokes'`Bob Hope
Who claimed "Rosencrantz & Gguildenstern are dead"`tom stoppard
Who claimed that in the garden of eden god spoke swedish, adam spoke danish, and the serpent spoke french`swedish philologist
Who claimed that, in the Garden of Eden, God spoke Swedish, Adam spoke Danish, &  the serpent spoke French`swedish philologist
who claimed that the sun wasn't 'gonna shine anymore`walker brothers
Who claimed that "They Stooped to Folly"'`ellen glasgow
Who claimed to be Anastasia, daughter of the murdered Tsar Nicholas II`Anna Anderson
Who claimed to be the first person to swim across the atlantic ocean`guy
who claimed to be the first person to swim across the atlantic ocean`guy delage
who claimed to be the first person to swim across the atlantic ocean`guy`george
who claimed to be the world's most perfectly-developed man`charles atlas
who Claimed To 'Float Like A Butterfly, Sting Like A Bee'`Muhammad Ali
who claims to be other than what he or she is: an impostor`humbug
who claims to be the true tsar`dmitri
who Claim To Have A Degree Of Familiarity With The 'Abominable Snowman' Are`Sherpa
who Climbed Mount Fuji At Age 99`Teiichi Igarashi
Who climbed Mt Fuji at age 99`teiichi igarashi
who cling to on the cover of magic bus`a bus
who cloned dolly the sheep from an adult mammary cell in 1997`dr ian wilmut
who closely resembles a parent`chip off the old block
who Coached President Eisenhower For Tv`Robert Montgomery
Who coached The Bad News Bears`morris buttermaker
Who coached the Celtics to 6 NBA championships`bob cousy
who Coached The Gold Medal-Winning U.S. Hockey Team In The 1980 Olympics`Herb Brooks
Who co-anchored the NBC Nightly News before Tom Brokaw went solo`roger mudd
who coated himself in Gold Dust before bathing`Eldorado
who Coined The Greeting, 'Hello' Used For Answering The Telephone`Thomas Edison
who Coined The Phrase Bah, Humbug`Charles Dickens
who Coined The Phrase 'Good To The Last Drop'`Theodore Roosevelt
Who coined the phrase "natural selection" to describe the evolutionary process`charles darwin
who coined the phrase "The Three Great B's" in reference to Bach,Beethoven and Brahms`Hans von Bulow
Who coined the term 'assassination'`william shakespeare
who Coined The Term 'Bit'`John Tukey
who Coined The Term 'Close Encounters Of The Third Kind'`J Alan Hynek
who Coined The Term 'Cyberspace'`William Gibson
Who coined the term 'proletariat'`karl marx
Who coined the term, 'the evil empire'`ronald reagan
who coined the term "united nations"`franklin d roosevelt`fdr
Who coined the theory that the earth revolves around the sun`nicolaus
who coined the theory that the earth revolves around the sun`nicolaus copernicus
Who coined the word 'bourgeoise'`karl marx
who Coined The Word 'Hypertext'`Ted Nelson
who Coined The Word Sociology`Auguste Comte
who collaberated with the germans`quisling
who Collaborated With John Lennon On 'Whatever Gets You Through The Night'`Elton John
who collaborated with U B Lwerks in the creation of Mickey Mouse`walt disney
Who collects banknotes`notaphile
Who collects coins or medals`numismatist
Who collects match box labels`philluminist
Who collects stamps`philatelist
who collect stamps called`philatelists
Who collided with Zola Budd in the 1984 Olympic 3000 metres`mary decker
Who comanded the Confederate Forces in the American Civil War`general robert e lee
who comes directly after scotty in the enterprise's chain of command`sulu
who Comes from Nowhere`kione
Who comes hopping down the bunny trail`peter cottontail
who Comes With A _____ To You Brings Two Away From You`Story
Who commanded the "Caine"`captain queeg
who Commanded The English Fleet Which Defeated The Spanish Armada`Admiral Howard
Who Commanded the Prussian Forces At The Battle Of Waterloo`Blucher
Who commanded the rough riders in Cuba in the Spanish American War`leonard wood
Who commanded the Russian navy on the Black Sea from 1788 1789`john paul jones
who Commanded The Ship That Was The First To Sail Around The World`Ferdinand Magellan
who Commanded The U.S.Forces That Halted Erwin Rommel's Afrika Korps In Tunisia`George Patton
who Commanded The Xii Corps For The Union Side`Joseph Mansfield
who Commanded The Xii Corps For The Union Side`Joseph Mansfield`Mansfield
who commanded united nations forces during the korean conflict (1952-1953)`mark clark
who commanded us forces in vietnam from 1964 to 1968?`william c westmoreland
who committed suicide because he was bored`george sanders
Who committed the first daytime robbery`frank and jesse james
who Committed 'The Slice Felt Round The World' In 1993`Lorena Bobbitt
who communicates nothing of substance or interest`windbag
who compares the merchandise and prices of competing merchants`shopper
Who competes for the Dunmow Flitch`happily married couples
who compiled the first american dictionary`noah webster
Who compiled the first American dictionary`webster
who Complained That Santa's Little Helper Unholied The Holy Water`Agnes Skinner
who completed the first circumnavigation of the globe in a balloon`bertrand piccard`brian jones
who completed the first trigonometrical survey of the Sub-Continent`sir george everest
Who Composed and performed music for Kings Firestarter`tangerine dream
Who composed, and played, the music for the film Genevieve`larry adler
Who composed a Paris and a Prague Symphony`mozart
Who composed Boris Godunov`mussorgsky
Who composed "Brigg Fair" and "The Florida Suite"`frederick delius
who composed 'carnival of the animals'`camille saint-saens
who composed Clair de Lune`Claude Debussy
Who composed Clair de Lune`debussy
Who composed "Ein Heldenleben"`richard strauss
Who composed "Emilia de Liverpool"`donizetti
who composed Finlandia`Sibelius
Who composed "Invitation to the Dance " in 1819`weber
Who composed La Marseillaise`rouget de l'isle
Who composed "Messiah"?`handel
Who composed "Night on the Bare Mountain" in 1867`moussorgsky
Who composed 'peter and the wolf'`sergei prokofiev
Who composed 'Pictures at an Exhibition'`mussorgsky
who composed "rhapsody in blue"`george gershwin
who composed Rhapsody on a Theme by Paganini`Rachmaninov
who composed 'romeo and juliet'`sergei`4th
Who composed 'romeo and juliet'`sergei prokofiev
Who composed Rule Britannia`arne
Who composed "Sinfonia Antartica"`ralph vaughan williama
Who composed 'Symphonia Antarctica'`vaughan williams
Who composed Symphonie Fantistique`berlioz
Who composed the album Fans`malcolm mclaren
Who composed the Ballet 'Billy the Kid' in 1939`aaron copland
Who composed the ballet music 'The Three-Cornered Hat'`manuel de falla
who composed the 'blue danube waltz'`johann strauss
who composed the 'blue danube waltz`johann strauss`johann strauss`18
who composed the 'blue danube waltz`johann strauss`johann strauss ii
Who composed the "Brandenburg Concerto"`johann sebastian bach
Who composed the cantata Carmina Burana`carl orff
Who composed The Carnival of the Animals`saint saens
Who composed the Cat's Fugue`scarlatti
who composed the connie francis hit stupid cupid at the age of 16`neil sedaka
Who composed The Firebird`stravinsky
Who composed "The Fountains of Rome" and "The Pines of Rome"`respighi
Who composed 'the four seasons'`vivaldi
Who composed the Goldberg Variations`j. s. bach
Who composed the hymn Onward Christian Soldiers`arthur sullivan
Who composed the Illiad`homer
Who composed The Karelia Suite`sibelius
who Composed The Majority Of The Music Featured In 'Vision Of Escaflowne'`Yoko Kanno
Who composed the musical "Annie Get Your Gun"`irving berlin
Who composed the musical piece Carmina Burana`carl orff
who composed the musical piece "Silence" for solo piano`John Cage
Who composed the musical work Fingal 's Cave`mendelssohn
Who composed the musical work The Damnation of Faust`hector berlioz
Who composed the music for Apollo 13`james horner
who composed the music for Evita`andrew lloyd webber
Who composed the music for the ballet 'l'apres-midi d'un faune'`claude
who composed the music for the ballet 'l'apres-midi d'un faune'`claude debussy
who composed the music for the ballet 'l'apres-midi d'un faune'`claude`worms
Who composed the music for the ballet 'Spartacus' in 1954`aram khatchachurian
who composed the music for the movie sixth sense`james newton howard
Who composed the music for the musical Showboat`jerome kern
Who composed the music for the opera "Don Carlos" in 1865`guiseppe verdi
Who composed the music for the opera The Bartered Bride`bedrich smefana
Who composed the music for the opera "The Bartered Bride" in 1866`bedrich smetana
Who composed the music for the opera The Cunning Little Vixen`leos janacek
Who composed the music to which the words "Twinkle, twinkle, little star" were added`mozart
who composed the opera Aida`Verdi
Who composed the opera "A Village Romeo and Juliet"`frederick delius
Who composed the opera 'Bluebeard's Castle' and the ballet 'The Wooden Prince'`bela bartok
Who composed the opera 'Boris Godunov'`modeste mussorgsky
Who composed the opera "Boris Godunov"`moussorgsky
Who composed the opera Boris Godunov`mussorgski
Who composed the opera buffo The Golden Cockerel in 1909`rimsky-korsakov
Who composed the opera "Duke Bluebeard's Castle"`bebartok
Who composed the opera 'Eugene Onegin'`tchaikovsky
Who composed the opera I Pagliacci`leoncavallo
Who composed the opera: Lakme and the ballet: Coppelia`de libes
Who composed the opera Lakme`delibes
Who composed the opera Lulu`alban berg
Who composed the opera 'Macbeth'`verdi
Who composed the opera "Madame Butterfly"`Puccini
Who composed the opera "Parsifal"`wagner
Who composed the opera The Flying Dutchman in 1843`richard wagner
Who composed the opera, "The Queen of Spades"`tchaikovsky
Who composed the opera The Rake's Progress and the ballet The Firebird`igor stravinsky
Who composed the opera "The Rake's Progress"`stravinsky
Who composed the opera Tosca`puccini
who composed the orchestral suite the planets`gustav holst
Who composed the Overture to the Wasps`vaughan williams
who composed the piano piece, "Liebestraum"`Liszt
Who composed the piano pieces Heliotrope Bouquet, Elite Syncopation and Maple Leaf Rag`scott joplin
Who composed the 'Rape of Lucretia'`britten
Who composed the songs "The Old Folks at Home" and "Beautiful Dreamer"`stephen foster
who Composed The Soundtrack To The 'Star Wars Trilogy'`John Williams
who Composed The Successful Musical King Kong`Todd Matshikiza
Who composed the symphonic poem Finlandia`jean sibelius
Who composed the symphonic poems Swan of Tuonela and Kullervo`sibelius
Who composed the symphonic suite "Schererazade" in 1885`rimsky korsakov
Who composed 'The Tales of Hoffman'`jacques offenbach
Who composed the theme for 'The Pink Panther"`henry mancini
Who composed the title music to the film "The Deerhunter"`stanley myers
Who composed the title music to TV's "Inspector Morse"`barrington pheloung
Who composed the Trout Quintet`franz schubert
Who composed the William Tell Overture`rossini
who composed this work`Josef Haydn
Who composed "Three Places in England" and "The Unanswered Question"`charles ives
who computes`computer
who Concentrated On The Guitar Full-Time After An Injury Shortened His Paratrooper Career`Jimi Hendrix
Who conducted a television campaign for Mayor of Hollywood`walter o'keefe
who Conducted Mozart's Memorial Service In Vienna`Antonio Salieri
who conducted the exclusive tv interview with donna rice in june, 1987`barbara ert`not
who conducted the exclusive tv interview with donna rice in june, 1987`barbara walters
who conducts religious services for an institution, such as a prison or hospital`chaplain
Who confessed - the two great turning points in my life were when my father sent me to Oxford and when society sent me to prison`oscar wilde
who Confronts'`Saddam
Who conned Springfield into buying a monorail?`Lyle Lanley
who Conquered Mexico`Hernando Cortez
who conquered mexico`hernando`damme
who conquered old age in Time Enough For Love`lazarus long
who Conquered The Castle Of Elvas In Portugal`Geraldo Geraldes
who Conquered The Castle Of Elvas (Portugal)`Geraldo Geraldes
Who conquered the matterhorn in 1865`edward whymper
who Conquers Himself Is Mighty.'- Lao-Tzu`Conquers
who Conquers His Enemies: For The Hardest Victory Is The Victory Over Self.'-Aristotle`Desires
who Consist Of 700 Islands`Bahamas
who Constructed The Most Beautiful Building In The World As Regarded By Many Because It Is A Symbol Of Love And Mourning. The Emperor Built This In Memory Of His Wife. Where Are You`India
who consulted the Witch of Endor`king saul
who consults another`consultant
who consumes 25% of the world's energy`united states
who Contains The Region Of Assam`India
who Continually Got His Goat. And One Day At Dawn With Her Nightshift On, He Slit Her Bloody Throat.'`Dead Poets Society
who continued to weep after she had been turned to stone`niobe
who Controlled Canada's Hudson Bay Company`British
Who controlled the government of china before mao tse tung`chiang kai-chek
who Controls Access To The North Sea From The Rivers Schelde, Meuse And Rhine`Netherlands
Who controls more than 80% of the world's rough diamond supply`de beers
who controls resources and expenditures, as of a household`manager
who Controls The Present Controls The Past'`George Orwell
who Controls The Spice...'`Controls The Universe
who cooked at the diner`matt guitar murphy
who Cooked For The Bellamy Family`Mrs Bridges
who cooked for the Cartwrights on the Ponderosa`hop sing
who cooks beans and ----- in same pot very unsanitary`peas
Who co-owns a horse (with Krusty the Clown) named Kruddler?`Bette Midler
who correctly explained phases of the moon and eclipses of the sun and the moon`anaxagoras
who co-starred as Gale Sayers in Brian's Song`billy dee williams
who Co Starred Opposite Leonardo Di Caprio In The Movie 'Titanic'`Kate Winslet
who Co Starred With Eddie Albert In The Tv Series 'Greenacres'`Zsa Zsa Gabor
who Co Starred With Julie Andrews In 'Mary Poppins'`Dick Van Dyke
who Co Starred With Lucille Ball In 'Here's Lucy'`Desi Arnaz
who co starred with lucille ball in "here's lucy"`desi arnez
who Co Starred With Michael Douglas In The Film War Of The Roses`Kathleen Turner
who co starred with tom hanks in "sleepless in seattle"`meg ryan
Who co stars next to dirk in naughty amateur home videos?`Anari Vachs
who could beat her in a race`atlanta
who Could Cook Without A Stove In 'Firestarter'`Drew Barrymore
Who could distinguish 140 forms of tobacco ash`sherlock holmes
who could inherit the empire's throne`legitimate
who could not answer its riddle`sphinges
who Couldn't Enunciate On 'The Fat Albert Show'`Mushmouth
who Couldn't Pay The Tax Had To Get Their Beards Shaven`Peter The Great
who couldn't resist the danger`basic instinct
who Couldn't Talk, But Replied To All By Making Sounds`Gerald Mcboing Boing
who counseled al about his sex life`dr. ruth westheimer
who Counted Himself Out On March 31,1968`Lyndon Johnson
Who coupled with the Devil and gave birth to Andrew John`rosemary
Who courageously proved that lightning was electricity`benjamin franklin
Who covered the Diana Ross and The Supremes song You Can't Hurry Love in 1983`phil collins
who Covers An Entire Continent`Australia
who Co-Wrote 'The Communist Manifesto'`Marx And Engels
Who co-wrote "The Communist Manifesto"`marx engels`marx and engels
who co-wrote the communist manifesto with marx`engles
Who co-wrote the "Liverpool Oratorio" with Carl Davis in 1991`paul mccartney
Who co-wrote the song "Do they know it's Christmas" with Bob Geldof`midge ure
who co-wrote the song 'fame' with david bowie`john lennon
Who crashed out of the 1995 Tour de France after just 92 seconds`chris boardman
who Created A Bear Called State O'maine And A Dog Called Sorrow`John Irving
who created a light form of comic opera called "Operette" His surname is`offenbach
who created an 86-letter syllabary for the cherokee language`sequoyah
who created british master spy george smiley`john le`burma
who Created British Master Spy George Smiley`John Le Carre
who created colored chalk`Lucifer, the Devil
who Created Coloured Chalk`The Devil
who Created 'Dennis The Menace'`Hank Ketcham
who created 'dennis the menace'`hank`llama
Who created detective Nero Wolfe`rex stout
who created dr. jekyll and mr. hyde`robert louis stevenson
Who created Hagar the Horrible`dik browne
Who created Harry Lime`graham greene
who created horatio hornblower?`cs forester
who created 'horton'`dr`bladder
who Created 'Horton'`Dr Seuss
who created 'Inspector Maigret'`georges simenon
Who created james bond`ian fleming
Who created Jergens Lotion`andrew jergens
who created jergens lotion`andrew`scales
Who created John Blackthorne`james clavell
who created Lamb Chop`Shari Lewis
Who created master spy George Smiley`john le carre
who created 'maudie frickett'`jonathan`jr
Who created Maudie Frickett?`Jonathan Winters
Who created 'maudie frickett'`jonathan wintersR kelly sings 'if i can see it then i can do it, if i just believe it, there's nothing to it' what's the song title`i believe i can fly
Who created Maudie Frickett`Jonathan Winters`Winters
Who created Miss Marple`agatha christie
who Created Napster`Shawn Fanning
who created nomad`jackson roykirk
Who created 'Peter Rabbit'`beatrix potter
who created peter rabbit`beatrix`stooges
who created philip marlowe?`raymond chandler
Who created Rambling Sid Rumpole`kenneth williams
who Created 'Rocky And Bullwinkle'`Jay Ward
who created "rocky & bullwinkle"`jay ward
who Created Rudolph`Robert L. May
Who created Sherlock Holmes`Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
who created star trek`gene roddenberry
who created star trek`gene roddenbury
who Created Such Tv Series As Star Trek And Earth Final Conflict`Gene Roddenberry
who created such tv series as star trek and earth final conflict`gene rodenberry
Who created the cartoon character 'Bugs Bunny'`chuck jones
Who created the character E.L. Whisty`peter cook
Who created the characters "The Toff" and "The Baron"`john creasey
Who created the character Waiter Mitty`james thurber
Who created the character Walter Mitty`james thurber
who created the comic strip 'blondie'`chic`james
who created the comic strip 'blondie'`chic young
who created the comic strip 'bloom county'`berkeley`balder
who created the comic strip 'bloom county'`berkeley breathed
who Created The Comic Strip Dilbert`Scott Adams
who created the comic strip 'doonesbury'`garry`odin
Who created the comic strip 'Doonesbury'`garry trudeau
Who created the detectives Dalziel and Pascoe`reginald hill
Who created the Discworld series of novels`terry pratchett
who Created The Dy/Dx Notation`Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
who created the famed butler "jeeves"`pg`eden
Who created the famed butler "Jeeves"`pg wodehouse
Who created the fictional character Horatio Hornblower`c.s.forester
Who created the fictional detective Aurolio Zen`michael dibdin
Who created the fictional detective Cordelia Gray`p d james
who Created The Fictional Detective Cordelia Grey`P D James
Who created the fictional detective Detective Inspector Ghote`h r f keating
who Created The Fictional Detective Nero Wolfe`Rex Stout
who created the fictional detective sam spade?`dashiell hammett
Who created the first flavored soda pop`townsend speakman
Who created the 'grinch'`dr seuss
who created the idea of using atomic numbers for elemental identification`henry moseley
who created the idea of using atomic numbers for elemental identification`henry`witnesses
Who created the Metropolitan Police Force`sir robert peel
who Created 'The Muppet Show'`Jim Henson
Who created The Muppets`jim henson
who created the muppets`jim`tennis
who created the musical les miserables`alain boublil
who created the musical les miserables`alain`werewolf
who created the music for n2o: nitrous oxide`the crystal method
who created the music for N2O: Nitrous Oxide`The Crystal Method`Crystal Method
Who created the myrmidons`zeus
who created the painting known as the mona lisa`leonardo da vinci
who Created The Practical Steam Engine`James Watt
who created the 'purple heart' decoration in 1782`george`kansas
Who created the 'purple heart' decoration in 1782`george washington
Who created the round table`merlin
Who created 'the saint'`leslie charteris
Who created the Scottish detective, Inspector Rebus`ian rankin
Who created the secret seven`enid blyton
Who created "The Simpsons"`matt groening
who created the simpsons`matt`roses
who created the Statue of Liberty, born`bartholdi
who created the 'twilight zone'`rod`philadelphia
who Created The 'Twilight Zone'`Rod Serling
who Created The Word 'Grok'`Robert A. Heinlein
Who created 'trepanning'`dr bart hughes
who created 'trepanning'`dr bart`tufoil
who created triviaserv`flipper`james
who created triviaserv`flipper`light
who created wal-mart`sam`snikt
who created wal-mart`sam walton
who created winne-the-pooh`a a milne
who Created Winnie The Pooh`A. A. Milne
Who created Woody Woodpecker`walter`halen
Who created Woody Woodpecker`walter lantz
who Created 'Yertle The Turtle'`Dr Seuss
Who cremated on the banks of the ganges river on january 31, 1948`mahatma
who cremated on the banks of the ganges river on january 31, 1948`mahatma gandhi
who cremated on the banks of the ganges river on january 31, 1948`mahatma`me
who cries when 'she cries a rain storm, she cries a river, she cries a hole in the ground'`ernest
who cries when 'she cries a rain storm, she cries a river, she cries a hole in the ground'`susannah
who crossed Niagara Falls blindfolded and on stilts`emile blondin
who Crossed The Usa Planting Fruit Trees`Johnny Appleseed
who Crowned A Great 1998 By Winning At Wentworth`Mark O'meara
who Crowned Napoleon Emperor Of France`Napoleon
who crowned napoleon`napoleon
who Crowned Phyllis George As Miss America On Tv In 1971`Bert Parks
who Crusaded For Women's Dress Reform`Bloomer Costume
who currently holds the world transfer record for a soccer player`christian vieri
who cussed Dave out and left him stunned`madonna
who Cut Off His Own Ear`Vincent Van Gogh
Who cut off Van Gogh's ear`himself
who Cuts, Polishes And Engraves Gems`Lapidary
who Cut The Gordian Knot`Alexander The Great
who Cut The One Ring From Sauron's Hand`Isildur
Who'd Always Say, 'Say Goodnight Gracie`George Burns
Who danced the Dance of the seven veils`salome
who dance while wearing jock strap have make believe`ballroom
who deals in black magic called`necromancer
who deals in black magic`necromancer
who deals in human merchandise: their caste colors are blue and yellow`caste of slavers
who Deals In Petty Crime`Skelm
who Deals With Dead Spirits Called`Necromancer
who decided he'd rather drink hemlock than deny his beliefs`Socrates
Who deciphered the Rosetta stone`jean champollion
Who declared in 1962 that having a hole drilled through the cranium enabled people to reach a higher state of consciousness`dr bart hughes
who declared in 1962 that having a hole drilled through the cranium enabled people to reach a higher state of consciousness`dr bart`kea
who Declared In 1966: 'A Communist Military Takeover In South Vietnam Is No Longer Just Improbable....It Is Impossible'`Lyndon Johnson
who declared: i think i'll go out an milk the elk`w.c. fields
who Declared Martial Law In The Philippines In 1972`Ferdinand Marcos
who declared peace is at hand`henry kissinger
who declared this disease eliminated`schiphol
who declared this disease eliminated`smallpox
who Declared War On Britain And France In June 1940`Italy
who Declared War On Germany In 1939`Neville Chamberlain
who declares 'misere'`to win no tricks
who Declined The Prize) For His Work Which, Rich In Ideas And Filled With The Spirit Of Freedom And The Quest For Truth, Has Exerted A Farreaching Influence`On Our Age
who Decreed The _____ To Be Equal To Three Barleycorns End To End`Inch
who dedicated his first three piano sonatas to Josef Haydn`Beethoven
who defeated Athene in a weaving contest`arachne
who defeated atlanta in a footrace`melanion
who defeated atlanta in a footrace`pollux
Who defeated charles iiat the battle of worcester in 1651`oliver cromwell
who Defeated Joe Lewis In 1932`Max Schmeling
who defeated Napoleon at the battle of Waterloo`Arthur Wellesley
Who defeated Napoleon at Waterloo`duke of wellington
who defeated sugar ray leonard in the brawl in montreal`roberto duran
who Defeated The English At The Battle Of Hastings In 1066`Normans
who defeated the Romans at Ausculum in 279 B C`pyrrhic
who defected in 1974`mikhail baryshnikov
who Defected To The Us In 1967`Svetlana
who defected to the US`svetlana
who defended jack ruby, oswald's assassin`melvin belli
who defended jack ruby, oswald's assassin`melvin`stevenson
who defended john scopes in the monkey trial`clarence darrow
who defies established religious precepts: a freethinker`libertine
who Defined Heat In Ergs Per Calorie`James Joule
Who defined the contagion theory (infectious diseases caused by living agent transmitted from person to person) in 1546`girolamo Fracastoro
Who defined the continental drift theory in 1858`antonio snider-pellegrini
who Defined Value In Relation To Scarcity And Regarded The Balance Of Supply And Demand As Determining Equilibrium Prices`Neoclassical School
Who define heat in ergs per calorie`james joule
who defrauds: a swindler`gyp
who deliberately sets fire to property`arsonist
who delivered Israel from the Midianites`gideon
who delivered the longest acceptance speech for her oscar in mrs miniver?`greer garson
who Delivered What One Paper Called A 'Furious Tirade' At The United Nations`Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev
who Delivers Harry To Privet Drive`Hagrid
who demands absolute adherence to forms and rules`martinet
who Demonstrates Throughout The Season The Greatest All-Round Ability As A Defenceman`James Norris Trophy
Who denied Jesus three times`peter
who Deposed Helmut Kohl As Chancellor Of The Federal German Republic In 1998`Gerhard Schroder
Who described assassination as "the extreme form of censorship"`g b shaw
Who described DH Lawrence's portrayal of sex in 'Lady Chatterley's Lover' as 'Essentially sacred...an act of Holy Communion'?`Bishop of Woolwich
who described herself as 'The Last of the Red Hot Mommas'`sophie tucker
Who described the 1972 World Chess Championship as The free world against the lying,cheating, hypocritical russians`bobbie fischer
Who described the moon during Apollo 11 as "magnificent desolation"`buzz aldrin
who Deserves To Be The Most Powerful Man In The World, And You, You're A Fu_King Idiot!'`Timecop
who Designed A Dress Held Together By Saftey Pins Worn By Elizabeth Hurley In 1994`Versace
who designed hearst castle`julia morgan
who Designed Lady Diana Spencer's Wedding Dress For Her 1980 Wedding To Prince Charles`David And Elizabeth Emanuel
Who designed London's Marble Arch`john nash
who Designed Madonna's Famous Pointed Corset`Jean Paul Gaultier
who designed Marble Arch`john nash
who designed much of the great western railway`isambard kingdom brunel
who Designed Norway`Slartibartfast
who Designed Queen Elizabeth Ii's Wedding Dress`Norman Hartnell
who designed the ak-47 assault rifle`mikhail kalashnikov
who designed the ak-47 assault rifle`mikhail`vieri
who designed the beatles' early collarless jackets?`pierre cardin
Who designed the bouncing bomb in World War II`barnes wallis
Who designed the Cenotaph in Whitehall`edwin lutyens
Who designed the Clifton suspension bridge`brunel
who designed the cover of the stones' sticky fingers lp?`andy warhol
who Designed The Dome Of St. Peter's, Rome`Michelangelo
Who designed the dose of StPeter's, Rome`Michelangelo
who Designed The Famous Cover Of 'Sgt Peppers Lonely Heart Club Band'`Peter Blake
Who designed the first feasible automobile with an internal combustion engine`karl f benz
who designed the first feasible automobile with an internal combustion engine`karl`rush
who Designed The First Petrol Driven Car To Take The Roads In 1885`Karl Benz
Who designed the Houses of Parliament but died before they were completed`sir charles barry
who Designed The Italian Flag`Napoleon Bonaparte
Who designed the modern stained glass window at the Church of All Saints, Tudeley Kent`Marc chagall
Who designed the Palace of Westminster`sir charles barry
Who designed the Parthenon in Athens and the statue of Zeus at Olympia`phidias
Who designed the Pascal programming language`niklaus wirth
Who designed the queen's wedding dress and coronation robes`norman hartnell
who Designed The Statue Of Freedom Top The Capital Building In Washington D.C`Thomas Crawford
Who designed the steam engines Flying Scotsman and Mallard`sir nigel gresley
who Designed The Twin-Towered World Trade Center In New York City`Minoru Yamasaki
Who designed the uniforms for the Vatican City's Swiss guards`michelangelo
who designed the uniforms the vatican city's swiss guards wear`michelangelo
who Designed The Union Buildings In Pretoria, South Africa`Sir Herbert Baker
Who designed the union buildings`sir herbert baker
who designed the union buildings`sir herbert`mitchell
who designed the voortrekker monument`gerard moerdijk
who designs dance routines`choreographer
who designs for or owns such an establishment`couturier
who Desire Children Whisper Their Wish To The Ear Of A __________ Cow`Sacred
who Destroyed The Czech Mining Village Of Lidice`The Nazis
Who detailed her romance with bill clinton in the december penthouse issue`jennifer flowers
Who detailed her romance with Bill Clinton in the December Penthouse`jennifer flowers
who detailed her romance with bill clinton in the december penthous`gennifer flowers
who detailed her romance with bill clinton in the december penthous`gennifer us
who Determined Natural Rubber's Polymer`C. Hanson Greville Williams
who determined the structure of DNA`crick and watson
who developed alternating current and radio, born`tesla
who Developed Meccano`Frank Hornby
Who developed the concept of perestroika`gorbachev
who Developed The First Analog Computer`William Thomson
Who developed the first  cylinder lock`linus yale
Who developed the first internal pacemaker`clarence  lillehie
Who developed the first jet fighter`germany
Who developed the first nuclear reactor`enrico fermi
Who developed the first nuclear submarine`soviet union
who developed the first practical pneumatic tyre`john dunlop
who developed the first successful totally artificial heart`robert jarvik
who Developed The Fortran Language`John Backus
who Developed The Four-Three-Quarter System`Cardiff Rfc
Who developed the Ice age theory in 1840`louis agassiz
who Developed Their Society Over Thousands Of Years In Isolation, Speak A Language That Includes Unique 'Click' Consonants`San
Who developed the jet engine in the 1930s`Frank Whittle
who Developed The Laws Of Electrolysis`Michael Faraday
Who developed the laws of planetary motion`johannes kepler
Who developed the LCD (liquid crystal display)`hoffmann-la roche
who developed the library decimal system?`melvil dewey
who developed the nuclear bomb for the soviet union`andrei sakharov
who developed the periodic table of chemical elements`dimitri medeleev
who Developed The Telegraph In Usa`Samuel Morse
who Developed The Theory Of Colours`Isaac Newton
Who developed the vaccine for smallpox`Edward Jenner
Who devised a method of map projection that is named after him`mercator
Who devised and patented the pneumatic tyre`john boyd dunlop
who devised a triangle to show the probability of various results occurring when any number of coins are tossed`blaise pascal
Who devised the periodic table of elements`mendeleev
who Devised The Point Count Bidding System For Bridge`Charles Goren
who Devised The Printed Circuit Board`National Bureau Of Standards
who Devised The Use Of Punch Cards To Operate Computers`Herman Hollerith
Who devoured a cake with the words 'eat me' written on it in currants`alice
who dicovered jamaica`christopher columbus
who did a 1960 gallup poll reveal had the most famous name in the world`elvis presley
who did a cover version in 1995 of the oasis hit wonderwall`mike flowers
Who did actor George Savalas play in Kojak`stavros
Who did Adolf Hitler dictate Mein Kampf to while in prison?`Rudolf Hess
Who did Adolf Hitler marry`eva braun
Who did Adolph Hitler keep a framed photograph on his desk of`henry ford
Who did a double album after leaving the beatles as an effort to raise money for the famine in bangladesh`george harrison
who did albino luciani become on aygyst 26, 1978`pope john paul i
who Did Alice Follow Down The Rabbit Hole`White Rabbit
Who did always rescue sweet Polly Purebred`underdog
who did amd acquire to develop the k6 microprocessor`nexgen
Who did American John Brown's underground movement help`slaves
Who did Anne Boleyn lose her head over`henry viii
Who did anthony eden succeed as british prime minister in 1955`winston
who did anthony eden succeed as british prime minister in 1955`winston churchill
who did anthony eden succeed as british prime minister in 1955`winston`ocean
who did "are you experienced" in 1967`jimi hendrix
who did ariadne help to escape the labyrinth`atlanta
who did ariadne help to escape the labyrinth`theseus
who Did Arthur H Bremer Try To Assassinate On May 13,1972`George Wallace
who did arthur h bremer try to assassinate on may 13, 1972`george`york
who Did Assassinated President John F. Kennedy's Widow Marry In 1968`Aristotle Onassis
who did athena turn into a spider`arachne
Who did author leslie charteris create`the saint
Who did a version of 'one bourbon, one scotch, one beer' on his 1977 debut album`george thorogood
who Did Babe Ruth Call 'The Greatest First Baseman Of All Time'`Lou Gehrig
who did bellerophon tame`kuwait
who did bellerophon tame`pegasus
who did benito mussolini dally`clara petacci
who did bilbo baggins get his ring of invisibility from`gollum
who Did Bill Clinton Have An Affair With That Was Made Public While He Was In The Oval Office`Monica Lewinsky
who did bill clinton meet at 16, inspiring him to his career`john darrel
Who did bill clinton meet at 16, inspiring him to his career`john kennedy
Who did billy joel and christie name their daughter after`ray charles
who did bobby fischer beat to win the world chess championship`boris`london
Who did bobby fischer beat to win the world chess championship`boris spassky
who Did Bobby Riggs Challenge When He Declared: 'Women Play About 25 Percent As Good As Men'`Billie Jean King
who Did Bob Dylan Once Famously Claim As 'America's Greatest Living Poet'`Smokey Robinson
who did bob hope mean in 1977, when he said 'we've lost the most recognizable voice in the world'`bing crosby
Who did Boris Becker defeat in the mens singles finals at Wimbledon in 1985`kevin curran
who did boris spassky lose in the world chess championship`bobby fischer
who did boris spassky lose in the world chess championship`bobby`harbour
who Did Bowie Kuhn Replace As Baseball Commissioner In 1969`General William Eckart
Who did boy george become on stars in thier eyes 2001`david bowie
who did brigham young lead to utah`mormons
who did "brown sugar" in 1971`rolling`incas
Who did caesar and cleo become`sonny and cher
who did caesar and cleo become`sonny and`zorro
who did cain murder`abel
who did cain murder`wilson
Who did cassius stab`julius caesar
who Did Cbs Go On The Road With`Charles Kuralt
Who did charlie becker play in 'the wizard of oz'`the mayor of the munchkins
who did "Cheap Sunglasses" in 1979`park
who did "cheap sunglasses" in 1979`zz`bunkers
who did "cheap sunglasses" in 1979`zz top
who Did Chief Sitting Bull Call 'Little Sure Shot'`Annie Oakley
who did "child in time" in 1970`deep`millionaires
who did "child in time" in 1970`deep purple
who did "choo choo" in 1972`ten joplin
who did "choo choo" in 1972`ten years after
who Did Christina Onassis Grudgingly Give $25 Million To, In 1977`Jacqueline Onassis
Who did Christina Onassis grudgingly give $25 million to, in 1977`jacqueline onassis`jackie onassis
who Did Christopher Columbus Insist Cuba Was A Part Of`China
who Did Cleopatra Wed After Frustrating Marriages With Her Two Younger Brothers`Marc Antony
who Did Cleopatra Woo`Marc Antony
who did Cleopatra woo`mark antony
Who did colonel tom parker act as manager for`elvis presley
who did "come together" in 1969`beatles
who did "come together" in 1969`radon
who Did Courtney Love Play In Sid And Nancy`Gretchen
who did daniel ellsberg leak the pentagon papers`new york times
who Did Dave Stewart Propose To The First Time He Met Her`Annie Lennox
Who did David kill`goliath
who did david letterman pay four cartons of marlboro to be on his show`miss ussr
who Did Davy Crockett Beat In A Keelboat Race, From Disney's Perspective`Mike Fink
Who did Dickens base his Mr Micawber character on`his father
who Did Dick Van Dyke Play On The 'Dick Van Dyke Show'`Rob Petrie
who did diemos personify`callisto
who did dita beard work for`itt
who did Donovan shoot`indy's father`indiana jones father
who did donovan shoot`indy's father`indiana jones revue
who did "don't fear the reaper" in 1976`blue oyster cult
who did "don't fear the reaper" in 1976`blue oyster jr
who did don't let him go in 1980`reo speedwagon
who Did Dot Cotton Assist In Her Suicide On Eastenders? (First Name Only)`Ethel
who Did Dray'auc Marry After She Had Her Marrage Removed`Fro'tak
who did dr karl austin assassinate in baton rouge in 1935?`huey long
who Did Dr. Seuss Supposedly Attend College With And Were Members Of The Same Fraternity, Even Though Seuss Was 18 Years Older`Kurt Vonnegut, Jr
who did edward fox play`j
who did edward fox play`jackal
who Did Edward Prince Of Wales Marry In 1863`Alexandria Of Denmark
who did eric clapton write 'layla' for`linda mccartney
who did eric clapton write 'layla'`linda`lee
who did eric clapton write 'layla'`linda mccartney
who did father damien minister from 1873 to his death`molokai lepers
who did father damien minister from 1873 to his death`moore
who Did Fawn Hall Describe As 'Every Secretary's Dream Of A Boss'`Oliver North
who did "fool for your loving" in 1980`mason
who did "fool for your loving" in 1980`whitesnake
who did "fool to cry" in 1976`rolling stones
who did "fool to cry" in 1976`rolling`thames
who did "foreplay/long time" in 1976`boston
who Did Franco Zeffirelli Call 'The Most Beautiful Creation I Have Ever Seen ... Almost Like A Drug'`Brooke Shields
who did frank sinatra marry at the sands hotel, las vegas in 1966?`mia farrow
who did frank sinatra marry in november of 1951`ava gardner
who did "game of love" in 1965`wayne fontana and the
who did "game of love" in 1965`wayne fontana & the mindbenders`wayne fontana and the`23
who did "game of love" in 1965`wayne fontana & the mindbenders`wayne fontana and the mindbenders
who did Ganymede replace as Cup-Bearer to the Gods`hebe
who Did Gawain Accuse Lancelot Of Sleeping With`Guinevere
Who did gawain accuse of sleeping with guinevere`sir lancelot
who did gawain accuse of sleeping with guinevere`sir`patsy
Who did general francisco franco designate as his successor in spain in 1969`king juan carlos
who did general francisco franco designate as his successor in spain in 1969`king juan`oklahoma
who Did George Bush Lose A 1970 Texas Senate Election To`Lloyd Bentsen
who did george bush lose a 1970 texas senate election to`lloyd`fisher
Who did George Foreman defeat in 1973 to become Heavyweight Boxing Champion of the World`joe frazier
who Did Gerald Ford Succeed As Vice President In 1973`Spiro T. Agnew
who Did Giuseppe Zangara Try To Assassinate In Miami On Feb. 15,1933`Franklin Roosevelt
Who did God ask that he sacrifice his only son`abraham
who did "Going Mobile" in 1971`duck
who did "going mobile" in 1971`the duck
who Did Gorbachov Describe As His Best Intelligence Officer During The Russian Coup`Cnn
who did hank ketcham create`dennis the`alaska
who Did Hank Ketcham Create`Dennis The Menace
who did harry morgan play`officer bill die
who did harry morgan play`officer bill gannon
Who did Hayley Mills think the murderer was who she sheltered in her shed in Whistle down the wind`jesus
who did he ask for`marilyn`garland
who did he ask for`marilyn monroe
who did he defeat`herbert hoover
who did he marry in 1567`mary queen of scots
Who did Henry Ford name the Edsel car after`his son
who Did Henry Viii Marry When He Was 18`Catharine Of Aragon
who did henry viii of england divorce to marry anne boleyn`catherine of aragon
Who did henry winkler play in 'happy days'`digital video disc
who did henry winkler play in 'happy days'`fonzy`arthur fonzerelli
Who did henry winkler play in 'happy days'`The Fonz
who did Herbert Von Karajan replace as conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic`Furtwangler
Who did Hercules persuade to go and get the Golden Apples for him`atlas
who did "here comes my baby" in 1967`tremeloes
who Did He Refer To As 'The King'`Elvis Presley
who did he see`sylvester
who did he think should have shared his prize`charles best
who Did He Work Before His Film Career Started`Coffin Maker
who did h.g wells refer to as a certifiable lunatic`adolf hitler
who did h.g wells refer to as a certifiable lunatic`adolf rabbit
who did "houses of the holy" in 1975`led zepplin
who did "i'd love to change the world" in 1971`ten years
who did "i'd love to change the world" in 1971`ten years after
who did "i'd love to change the world" in 1971`ten years`reagan
who did "i don't like mondays" in 1979`boomtown rats
who did "i don't like mondays" in 1979`boomtown`zeppelin
who did "i like it" in 1964`gerry and the pacemakers
who did "i like it" in 1964`gerry and the walker
Who did Imran Khan marry in 1995`jemima goldsmith
who did imran khan marry in 1995`jemmima goldsmith
who did indy find at the castle`his`tiber
who did "island girl" in 1975`elton john
who did "island girl" in 1975`maclaine
who did israeli agents kidnap in argentina`adolf eichmann
who Did Italian Porn Star Illona Staller Offer To Have Sex With If He'd Free Foreigners, In 1990`Saddam Hussein
who did "it's all over now" in 1964`rolling pygmy
who did "it's all over now" in 1964`rolling stones
who did Jackie chan star with in 'Rush hour' and 'Rush hour 2'`Chris Tucker
who did "jackie wilson said" in 1972`van`lane
who did "jackie wilson said" in 1972`van morrison
Who did James Earl Ray murder in 1968`martin luther king
who did "jesus just left chicago" in 1972`zz buck
who did "jesus just left chicago" in 1972`zz top
Who did Jimi Hendrix once praise on the Jimmy Carson TV show as one of Americas most promising guitarists`billy gibbons
Who did Jimmy Carter defeat in the 1976 US Presidential election`Gerald Foe
Who did Jimmy Carter defeat in the 1976 US Presidential Election`gerald ford
Who did Jimmy Carter defeat to win the Presidency of the USA`gerald ford
Who did joan collins play in 'dynasty'`alexis carrington
who did jocasta marry`oedipus
Who did Joe Louis beat in 1937 to become world Heavyweight boxing champion`jim braddock
Who did John F Kennedy succeed as US president`dwight d eisenhower
who Did Johnny Famechon Defeat To Win The World Featherweight Title In 1969`Jose Legra
Who did Joseph Stalin succeed as premier of Russia`lenin
Who did Jusuf Habibie succeed as President of Indonesia`suharto
who DID kill Laura Palmer`leland
who did "lady of the 80's" in 1980`loverboy
who did "lady of the 80's" in 1980`now
who did "land of a thousand dances" in 1983`j geils band
who did "land of a thousand dances" in 1983`j geils`million
who Did Larry Hagman Portray In The Tv Series 'Dallas'`J.R Ewing
Who did lennox lewis represent at the olympics`canada
Who did Leonardo DiCaprio play in the movie Titanic?`Jack Dawson
who did leon czolgosz assassinate`william kinley
who did "let my love open the door" in 1980`peter townsend
who Did Linda Blair Play In The Exorcist`Reagan
who Did Lloyd Bentsen Tell In 1988: 'I Knew Jack Kennedy.... You're No Jack Kennedy'`Dan Quayle
who did louis nye greet with, hi-ho steverino`steve allen
Who did Louis XVI give the Hope diamond to`marie antoinette
Who did "Love Potion No 9" in 1971`coasters
who did "love potion number nine" in 1965`searchers
who did lurch work for`the addams family
Who did macduff kill`macbeth
Who did madeline kahn play in the film 'paper moon'`trixie delight
who Did Majel Barret Play In The Original Star Trek Series`Nurse Chapel
who Did Manchester United Beat To Go Through To The 1999 European Cup Final`Juventus
who Did Manchester United Buy For  12.6 Million On August 20th 1998`Dwight Yorke
who Did Margaret Thatcher Follow As Leader Of The Conservative Party`Edward Heath
Who did Mark David Chapman shoot on December 8, 1980`lennon
Who did Mary Quant call 'the knock out beauty of our time'`twiggy
who did "matchbox" in 1964`america
who did "matchbox" in 1964`beatles
Who did Max and Sketchy deliver a human finger to in "Out"`Tacoma Bleed
who did michael dukakis accuse of "making deals with drug thieves"`george bush
who did mick jagger write 'as tears go by'`marianne faithfull
who did milton describe as 'eyeless in gaza at the mill with the slaves'`samson
who did minos hire to construct the labyrinth`daedalus
who Did Mork Want To Kidnap When He First Came Down To Earth`Richie Cunningham
Who did mozart marry`constance weyburn
who did muhammad ali beat to become world heavyweight champion for the first time`sonny liston
who Did 'Napoleon In The Pesthouse At Jaffa'`Antoine-Jean Gros
who Did Nathuram Godsay Murder In 1948`Mahatma Gandhi
who Did Ned Flanders Accidentally Baptize Instead Of Bart`Homer
Who did New York's Cosmos buy for $4.5 million in 1975`pele
who Did Nicholas Cage Play In David Lynch's Wild At Heart`Sailor Ripley
Who did Normal try to sell Jampony to?`Mr. Sivapathasundaram
who did "no surprise" in 1979`aerosmith
who did "no surprise" in 1979`maddox
who Did Not Want To Be Remembered After His Death As A`Propagator Of Violence
who Didn't Invent The Passenger Lift In 1852 But Did Invent A Safety Device Which Made Them Safe Enough For General Use`Elisha G. Otis
who Didn't Kick In A Buck`Reservoir Dogs
who didn't like her singing`mary hart
who did oedipus marry`jocasta
who did "oh my my" in 1974`ringo starr
who did orson welles play in the film 'the third man'`harry`actor
Who did orson welles play in the film 'the third man'`harry lime
who did "over and over" in 1965`dave`snakes
who Did Oxford United Fans Sing 'He's Fat, He's Round, He's Never At The Ground`Robert Maxwell
who did "paint it black" in 1966`rolling stones
who did "paradise of the dashboard light" in 1977`meatloaf
Who did patrick duffy portray in the tv series 'dallas'`bobby ewing
who did patrick macnee portray in the spy drama the avengers?`jonathan steed
Who did Pat Sajak play on the soapie 'Days Of Our Lives'`Kevin Hathaway
who Did Peeping Tom Peep At`Lady Godiva
Who did Perseus kill`Medusa
who Did Piper Marry`Leo
Who did pocahontas entertain in the nude`colonists
who Did Pocahontas Save From The 'Savages'`John Smith
Who did pussy cat go to see in London`queen
Who did Queen Elizabeth II marry`prince phillip
who did ray davis provide lead vocals for`kinks
who did ray walston play`uncle tim
who did "red skies" in 1983`blackout
who did "red skies" in 1983`fixx
who did richard clayderman play a ballad`sternum
Who did Richard Nixon call the ayatollah of the press corps`sam donaldson
Who did Ringo Starr marry in 1965`maureen cox
who did ringo starr marry in 1981`barbara bach
Who did Robin Hood constantly wage war with`sheriff of nottingham
Who did Rocky Marciano defeat to first take the title in 1952`walcott
Who did Roger Bannister beat at the Commonwealth Games of 1954`john landy
who Did Ron Howard Play In 'Happy Days'`Richie
who did sam leap into`larry stanton
Who did Samson fall in love with`delilah
who Did Sara Jane Moore Try To Assassinate`Gerald Ford
who did "satisfaction" in 1965`rolling stones
who Did Shah Jehan Build Taj Mahal For`His Wife, Mumtaz Mahal
Who did shakespeare call the the moor of venice`othello
who did "she's so cold" in 1980`rolling stones
who Did Sidney Say Would Play Her In Scream 2`Tori Spelling
Who did Simple Simon meet on the way to the fair`pieman
Who did Sitting Bull call little sure shot`annie oakley
who did "sleepwalker" in 1977`kinks
who did "slow ride" in 1976`alaska
who did "slow ride" in 1976`foghat
who Did 'Snoopy' Become When He Started Hanging Around Campus`Joe Cool
Who did Sonny Liston succeed as world heavyweight boxing champion`Floyd Patterson
who did "southern man" in 1971`neil young & crazyhorse`neil young and crazyhorse
who did "southern man" in 1971`neil young & crazyhorse`neil young and iowa
who did spain cede florida`britain
Who did Spain fight in the 1808-1814 Peninsular War?`Portugal
who did "spirits in the material world" in 1981`police
who Did Squeaky Fromme Try To Assassinate`Gerald Ford
who did squeaky fromme try to assassinate`gerald fordWhat is the name of the river that runs on the border of california and arizona`colorado
who did star the movie black sabbath was named after`boris karloff
who did "stone cold fever" in 1971`humble pie
who did "strange brew" in 1967`cream
who did "stranger in a strange land" in 1971`leon russell
who did "stranger in a strange land" in 1971`leon`tyson
who did "stranglehold" in 1975`ted nugent
who did "stranglehold" in 1975`ted`soccer
who did "street fighting man" in 1968`rolling stones
who did "take the long way home" in 1979`nation
who did "take the long way home" in 1979`supertramp
who did "tattoo vampire" in 1976`blue oyster cult
who did "tattoo vampire" in 1976`blue oyster`livingston
Who did TE Lawrence dedicate 'Seven Pillars of Wisdom' to?`His Arab toyboy
who did 'tennis world' name rookie of the year in 1974`martina`legs
who Did 'Tennis World' Name Rookie Of The Year In 1974`Martina Navratilova
Who did the barons Fitzurse, De Tracy, De Morville and Le Breton conspire to murder`thomas becket
who Did The Beach Boys' Al Jardine Ask For 'Help' To Get His Old Girl Out Of His Heart`Rhonda ('Help Me Rhonda'
who did the blonde ambition tour`madonna
who did the british #1 hit two tribes`frankie goes to hollywood
who did the cyclops forge thunderbolts`spirits
who did the cyclops forge thunderbolts`zeus
Who did the every popular "Nights In White Satin"`moody blues
Who did the factory that Charlie Bucket visited in a Roald Dahl story belong to`willy wonka
who did the golan heights belong to before israel`syria
who did the golliwogs become in 1968`creedence clearwater revival
who Did The Guitar Solo In 'Sultans Of Swing'`Mark Knopfler
who Did 'The Hulsenbeck Children'`Philipp Otto Runge
who did the lady of the lake give excalibur`sir lancelot
who did the lady of the lake give excalibur`superior
who did "the logical song" in 1979`ford
who did "the logical song" in 1979`supertramp
who Did The Los Angeles Dodgers Finally Beat In A Third Trip To The World Series`The New York Yankees
who did the los angeles times endorse in the 1964 preisential election`barry goldwater
who Did 'The Luncheon Of The Boating Party',1881`Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Who did the MG's back up`booker t
Who did the Miracle Mets defeat to win the 1969 world series`thailand
Who did the mosman skank`aswad
who Did The Music For The 1970's Film 'Saturday Night Fever'`Bee Gees
who did the music for the 1970's film 'saturday night fever'`bee`lennon
who did the music for the movie "when harry met sally"`harry connick jr
who did the music for the movie "when harry met sally"`harry`sooners
who did the national enquirer offer 250,000 dollars to perform a human head transplant`dr christian barnard
who Did The New York Jets Sign To A 427,000 Dollars Contract On January 2,1965`Joe Namath
who did the new york jets sign to a 427,000 dollars contract on january 2, 1965`joe`rabbit
Who did the norse god odin have as handmaidens`valkyries
Who did the original Peeping Tom peep at`lady godiva
Who did the owl and pussycat buy their ring from`pig
who Did The Pga Name Golfer Of The Century In 1988`Jack Nicklaus
who did the popular 1970's tune 'godzilla'`blue oyster cult
who Did The Republicans Nominate For Vice-President In 1936`Frank Knox
who Did The Roman Catholic Church Admit Was Right 350 Years Ago To Suggest Earth Revolved Around The Sun`Galileo
who did the roman general publius scipio africanus defeat`hannibal
who Did The Romans Call Hibernia`Ireland
who Did The Same In A Closet`John F Kennedy
Who did The Saturday Evening Post dub in 1959 as the ultimate material girl`  Barbie
who did the seven mules block for`four horseman of notre dame
who did the song '867-5309/jenny' spawn a lawsuit`tommy tutone
who did the sword excalibur belong`king arthur
who did the theme song for the movie "the piano" entitled "the heart asks pleasure first"`michael nyman
Who did the us marine corps honor for 5 decades of entertaining troups`bob hope
who did the u.s pay for the purchase of alaska`russia
who did the u.s postal service print 500 million stamps in 1993`elvis presley
who Did The Voice For Pacha, The Villager`John Goodman
who did the voice for the cartoon character betty boop?`mae questel
who Did The Voice For The Starkist Charlie The Tuna Commercials`Herschel Bernardi
who did the voice of the dragon in 'Dragonheart'`sean connery
who did the voice of the dragon`sean connery
who did the voice of the dragon`sean costner
Who did the voice of the Grinch in the animated version of How the Grinch Stole Christmas`June Foray
who Did The Voice Of Troy Mcclure`Phil Hartman
Who did the voices of bugs bunny, sylvester and tweety pie`mel blanc
who did the voices of bugs bunny, sylvester and tweety pie`mel`tibia
Who did the Walrus and the Carpenter take for a walk`the oysters
who did "thick as a brick" in 1972`salesman
Who did ticket to ride in 1965`beatles
who did "ticket to ride" in 1965`shout
who did time magazine nickname the "first lady of radio" in 1939?`kate smith
who did "to love somebody" in 1967`bee gees
who did "to love somebody" in 1967`bee`pacific
who did tom hulce play`year
who did 'topper' belong`hopalong cassidy
who did "tora, tora, tora" in 1981`rod stewart
who did "tora, tora, tora" in 1981`state
who did "unchained" in 1981`van halen
who did "unchained" in 1981`van`tree
who did valeri solanis shoot`andy`alice
Who did valeri solanis shoot`andy warhol
Who did Vivian Vance play on 'the lucy show'`Vivian Bagley
who did we hear but never see in charlies angels`charlie
who did William Hague appoint as Shadow Foreign Secretary`michael howard
who did william shatner play`captain james t`guacamole
who did william shatner play`captain james t kirk
who did "wonderful world" in 1965`hermans`francisco
who did "wonderful world" in 1965`hermans hermits
who did "World Without Love" in 1964`peter & gordon`peter and gordon`incas
who did "World Without Love" in 1964`peter & gordon`peter and gordon`peter gordon
who did "world without love" in 1964`peter & gordon`peter and gordon`peter incas
Who did yoko ono marry`john lennon
who did yoko ono marry`john`sicily
who did "young americans" in 1975`david bowie
who did yusufa k. lule replace as his african country's leader in 1979`idi amin dada
who did zeus place in the heavens as the constellation ursa major`callisto
who Did Zheng Xiangling Help With Her Amazing Ability`Doctors
who Did Zola Budd Trip In The 1984 Los Angeles Olympics`Mary Decker
who Died A Few Months Before He Was Born`Rutherford B. Hayes
who Died At Gravesend In March 1617 When She Was About To Embark For Her Homeland In America`Pocahontas
who died at the age of 35`van mccoy
who Died At The Age Of ______, Never Saw A Woman`Eighty
who died at the age of ----------, never saw a woman`eighty`80
who died before the project was completed`sam wanamaker
who died from alchol poisioning in 1980`bon scott
who died in 1839, was the first person in the world to die by what method`he was hit by a train
who died in 1863, famous for his painting Liberty Guiding the People`delacroix
who Died In 1910, Wrote 'Water - Taken In Moderation - Cannot Harm Anybody'`Mark Twain
who Died In 1950, Said 'I'm Only A Beer Teetotaller - Not A Champagne Teetotaller'`George Bernard Shaw
who died in 1977 entered a competition to find his look alike, anonymously, and only came third`charlie chaplin
who died in 1977, was the co-creator of which cartoon character`asterix the gaul
Who died in a porsche spyder`james dean
who died in April 1998 after many years fighting apartheid in South Africa`trevor huddleston
who died in suspicious circumstances in 1948`jan masaryk
who died in the 70s was born Ellen Naomi Cohen`mama cass
Who died in the arms of the last German Kaiser`queen victoria
who died in the black hole of calcutta`british
who died in "the bonding"`marla holland
who died of a drug overdose`frankie lymon
who died of aids complications`howard ashman
who Died Of An Overdose In Paris In 1971`Cimetiere Du Pere Lachaise
who died of lung cancer in 1957, used his real name but dropped his middle name of de Forest`humphrey bogart
Who died on french soil august 31st 1997`princess diana
who Died On Saint Helena`Napoleon
Who died on Sept 12th 1977 whilst being held in custody by the South African police`steve biko
who Died Shortly After The Yalta Conference: Churchill, Roosevelt, Or Stalin`Roosevelt
Who died three days after elvis presley`groucho marx
Who died three days before groucho marx`elvis presley
who died tragically of a heroin overdose in 1996`Sublime
Who died whilst attempting to discover the source of the Nile`stanley livingstone
who Dies And Returns In Another Body`Heaven Can Wait
Who dies in every episode of the cartoon series South Park`Kenny
Who dies in the back of a powder blue cadilac on New Years day 1953`hank williams
who dies & returns in another body`heaven can wait
who dies with the most toys is, nonetheless, --------------------."- Anon`still dead
who dipped a piece of o ring into a glass of water in a demonstration, &  proved that low temperatures at the launhpad were responsible for the challenger disaster`richard phillips feynman
who Directed '2001: A Space Odyssey' And 'A Clockwork Orange'`Stanley Kubrick
who Directed 'A Clockwork Orange'`Stanley Kubrick
who Directed A Fistful Of Dollars`Sergio Leone
who Directed 'Alien 3'`David Fincher
who directed aliens`james cameron
who Directed All James Bond Films Up To The Recent 'The World Is Not Enough'`Peter Brocolli
who Directed 'Always'`Steven Spielberg
who Directed 'Amistad'`Steven Spielberg
who Directed 'Anatomy Of A Murder'`Otto Preminger
who Directed And Also Co-Starred In The Movie Easy Rider`Dennis Hopper
who Directed And Made A Cameo Appearance In Chinatown`Roman Polanski
who Directed And Produced 'North By Northwest.'`Alfred Hitchcock
who Directed And Starred In Films Such As 'The Little Tramp'`Charlie Chaplin
who Directed And Starred In Films Such As 'The Little Tramp'`Maurice Chevalier
Who directed and starred in the film 'Little Man Tate'`jodie foster
who Directed And Starred In 'The Little Tramp'`Charlie Chaplin
who Directed 'Apocalypse Now'`Francis Ford Coppola
who Directed 'A River Runs Through It'`Robert Redford
who Directed 'Artificial Intelligence: Ai'`Steven Spielberg
who Directed 'Atlantis'`Luc Besson
who Directed 'Au Revoir Les Enfants' Aka 'Goodbye Children'`Louis Malle
who Directed 'Being John Malkovich'`Spike Jonze
who Directed 'Blade Runner'`Ridley Scott
who directed Blazing Saddles`mel brooks
who Directed 'Blue Velvet'`David Lynch
who Directed Born On The Fourth Of July`Oliver Stone
who Directed 'Bowfinger'`Frank Oz
who Directed 'Braveheart'`Mel Gibson
who Directed 'Brazil'`Terry Gilliam
who Directed Breezy, Pale Rider, Firefox`Eastwood
who Directed 'Brothers Grimm'`Terry Gilliam
who Directed 'Captain Eo'`Francis Ford Coppola
who Directed 'Carrie' And 'The Untouchables'`Brian De Palma
who Directed Carrie, The Bonfire Of The Vanities, Scarface`Brian De Palma
who Directed Casablanca, Yankee Doodle Dandy, Captain Blood`Michael Curtiz
who Directed 'Catch Me If You Can'`Steven Spielberg
who directed chariots of fire`hugh hudson
who Directed 'Chasing Amy'`Kevin Smith
who Directed Citizen Kane`Orson Welles
who Directed 'Clerks'`Kevin Smith
who Directed 'Close Encounters Of The Third Kind'`Steven Spielberg
who Directed 'Columbo: Murder By The Book'`Steven Spielberg
who Directed 'Darkend Room'`David Lynch
who Directed 'Day Of The Fight'`Stanley Kubrick
who Directed 'Dementia 13'`Francis Ford Coppola
who Directed 'Dirty Rotten Scoundrels'`Frank Oz
who Directed 'Dracula'`Francis Ford Coppola
Who directed 'drive he said', 'goin' south' and 'the two jakes'`jack
who directed 'drive he said', 'goin' south' and 'the two jakes'`jack nicholson
who Directed 'Dr. Strangelove'`Stanley Kubrick
who Directed 'Dune'`David Lynch
who Directed 'Escape To Nowhere'`Steven Spielberg
who directed 'e.t'`steven spielberg
who Directed 'Expedition: Bismarck'`James Cameron
who Directed 'Eyes Wide Shut'`Stanley Kubrick
who Directed Fame`Alan Parker
who Directed 'Fear And Desire'`Stanley Kubrick
who Directed 'Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas'`Terry Gilliam
who Directed Female Trouble, Cry Baby, Pink Flamingos`John Waters
who Directed 'Fight Club'`David Fincher
who Directed 'Finian's Rainbow'`Francis Ford Coppola
who Directed 'Firelight'`Steven Spielberg
who Directed 'Flying Padre'`Stanley Kubrick
who Directed 'Full Metal Jacket'`Stanley Kubrick
who Directed Gandhi`Richard Attenborough
who Directed 'Gardens Of Stone'`Francis Ford Coppola
who Directed 'Godfather Trilogy'`Francis Ford Coppola
who Directed 'Good Omens'`Terry Gilliam
who Directed Green Card, Picnic At Hanging Rock, The Mosquito Coast`Weir
who directed gremlins`joe dante
who Directed Hamlet Goes Business, Ariel, Leningrad Cowboys Go America`Kaurismaki
who directed "hello, dolly"?`gene kelly
who Directed 'Hook'`Steven Spielberg
who Directed 'Housesitter'`Frank Oz
who Directed 'Indiana Jones 4'`Steven Spielberg
who Directed 'Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade'`Steven Spielberg
who Directed 'Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom'`Steven Spielberg
who Directed 'In & Out'`Frank Oz
who Directed Interiors, Manhattan, Shadows And Fog`Allen
who Directed 'Jabberwocky'`Terry Gilliam
Who directed John Wayne's last film "The Shootist"`don siegel
who directed 'jurassic park'`steven spielberg
who directed "king of kings"`cecil b. demille
who Directed 'La Femme Nikita'`Luc Besson
who Directed 'La Strada' And 'La Dolce Vita'`Fellini
who Directed 'Lick The Star'`Sofia Coppola
who Directed 'Lolita'`Stanley Kubrick
who Directed 'Lost Highway'`David Lynch
who Directed 'Lost In Translation'`Sofia Coppola
who Directed 'Lumi?Re Et Compagnie'`David Lynch
who Directed Madadayo, Drunken Angels, Kagemusha`Kurosawa
who Directed 'Mallrats'`Kevin Smith
who Directed 'Megalopolis'`Francis Ford Coppola
who Directed 'Midnight Express' And 'Bugsy Malone'`Alan Parker
who Directed 'Monty Python & The Quest For The Holy Grail`Terry Gilliam
who Directed Mr. Smith Goes To Washington, It's A Wonderful Life, It Happened One Night`Frank Capra
who Directed 'Mulholland Dr.'`David Lynch
who Directed 'Nashville' And 'The Player'`Robert Altman
who Directed 'Nebo Zovyot'`Francis Ford Coppola
who Directed Nuovo Cinema Paradiso, Everybody's Fine`Tornatore
who Directed 'One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest'`Milos Forman
who Directed 'Ordinary People'`Robert Redford
who Directed Othello, Citizen Kane, The Trial`Orson Welles
who Directed Othello, The Magnificent Ambersons, Citizen Kane`Orson Welles
who Directed Pale Rider, Bird, White Hunter Black Heart`Clint Eastwood
who Directed 'Panic Room'`David Fincher
who Directed 'Paths Of Glory'`Stanley Kubrick
who Directed 'Peggy Sue Got Married'`Francis Ford Coppola
who Directed Peggy Sue Got Married, The Conversation, Bram Stoker's Dracula`Francis Ford Coppola
who Directed 'Piranha Part Two: The Spawning'`James Cameron
who Directed 'Poltergeist'`Steven Spielberg
who Directed 'Psycho' And The 'The Birds`Alfred Hitchcock
who Directed 'Quiz Show '`Robert Redford
who Directed 'Rabbits'`David Lynch
who Directed 'Raging Bull' And 'Goodfellas'`Martin Scorsese
who Directed 'Raiders Of The Lost Ark'`Steven Spielberg
who Directed Rainman`Barry Levinson
who Directed Repulsion, Bitter Moon, Rosemary's Baby`Roman Polanski
who Directed Rosemary's Baby, Tess, Frantic`Roman Polanski
who Directed 'Rumble Fish'`Francis Ford Coppola
who Directed Runaway Train, Tango And Cash, Maria's Lovers`Konchalovsky
who Directed 'Saving Private Ryan'`Steven Spielberg
who directed 'schindler's list'`steven spielberg
who Directed 'Se7en'`David Fincher
who Directed Sex Lies And Videotape, King Of The Hill, Kafka`Stephen Soderbergh
who Directed 'Six Figures Getting Sick'`David Lynch
who Directed 'Spartacus'`Stanley Kubrick
who directed & starred in films such as `the little tramp'`maurice chevalier
who directed star trek: first contact`jonathan frakes
who directed Star Wars`george lucas
who Directed 'Storytime'`Terry Gilliam
who Directed 'Supernova'`Francis Ford Coppola
who Directed Taxi Driver, Cape Fear, The Colourof Money, Mean Streets`Martin Scorsese
who Directed 'Terminator 2: Judgment Day'`James Cameron
who directed the 1916 film 'intolerance'`d.w`fair
Who directed the 1916 film 'intolerance'`d.w griffith
who Directed The 1935 Film 'The Informer'`John Ford
Who directed the 1946 'It's A Wonderful Life'`frank capra
Who directed the 1951 film "Strangers on a Train"`alfred hitchcock
Who directed the 1954 film On the Waterfront`elia kazan
Who directed the 1954 movie The Blackboard Jungle`Richard Brooks
Who directed the 1968 film 'Rosemary's Baby'`roman polanski
Who directed the 1971 film Macbeth`roman polanski
Who directed the 1971 film 'Straw Dogs'`sam peckinpah
who Directed The 1974 Film Chinatown Starring Jack Nicholson`Roman Polanski
Who directed the 1976 film All The President's Men`alan j pakula
Who directed the 1978 film Invasion of the Body Snatchers`Philip Kaufman
Who directed the 1989 film The War of the Roses`danny devito
Who directed the 1996 film "Matilda"`danny de vito
Who directed the 1996 film "Trainspotting"`danny boyle
Who directed the 1997 film "Titanic"`james cameron
Who directed the 1998 gangster film Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels`guy ritchie
Who directed the 1999 movie eyes wide shut`stanley kubrik
who directed the 2000 film 'Gladiator'`ridley scott
who Directed 'The Abyss'`James Cameron
who Directed 'The Adventures Of Baron Munchausen'`Terry Gilliam
who Directed 'The Alphabet'`David Lynch
who Directed 'The Amputee'`David Lynch
who Directed 'The Beat Of The Live Drum'`David Fincher
Who directed 'the breakfast club'`john hughes
who directed 'the breakfast club'`john`rex
Who directed the buttery classic 'Last Tango in Paris'`Bertolucci
who Directed The Cia In 1976 And 1977`George Bush
who directed the commercially successful the way we were`sydney`pole
who Directed The Commercially Successful The Way We Were`Sydney Pollack
who directed the Commitments`alan parker
who Directed 'The Conversation'`Francis Ford Coppola
who Directed 'The Cotton Club'`Francis Ford Coppola
who Directed 'The Crimson Permanent Assurance'`Terry Gilliam
who directed the dark crystal (2 people jh fo)`jim henson frank`eight
who Directed The Dark Crystal (2 People Jh Fo)`Jim Henson Frank Oz
who Directed 'The Dark Crystal'`Frank Oz
who directed the development of the first atomic bombs`j robert oppenheimer
who Directed The Egyptian, Doctor X, Casablanca`Curtiz
who directed the elephant man?`david lynch
who Directed 'The Fantastic Miss Piggy Show'`Frank Oz
Who directed the film A Fistful of Dollars`sergio leona
who directed the film 'aliens'`scott
Who directed the film Born on the Fourth of July`oliver stone
Who directed the film 'bowfinger'`frank oz
who Directed The Film 'Bridge Over The River Kwai'`David Lean
who Directed The Film 'Cocoon'`Ron Howard
Who directed the film "Dial 'M' for Murder"`alfred hitchcock
who directed the film, fame`alan`carmichael
Who directed the film, fame`alan parker
Who directed the film. 'Four Weddings and a Funeral'`mike newell
Who directed the film Gandhi`richard attenborough
who Directed The Film 'Jaws'`Steven Spielberg
who directed the film 'jfk'`oliver stone
Who directed the film. "Lawrence of Arabia"`david lean
Who directed the film M.A.S.H. `robert altman
Who directed the film "Once upon a time in the West"`sergio leone
Who directed the film "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest"`milos forman
Who directed the film 'ordinary people'`robert redford
Who directed the film Rain Man`barry levinson
Who directed the films All That Jazz, Sweet Charity and Cabaret`bob fosse
Who directed the films A Nun's Story, High Noon and A Man For All Seasons`fred zinneman
Who directed the films 'Carrie' and 'The Untouchables'`brian de palma
Who directed the films High Noon and A Man for all Seasons`fred zinneman
Who directed the film Silence of the Lambs`jonathan demme
Who directed the films 'La Strada' and 'La Dolce Vita'`fellini
Who directed the films, Mrs Miniver, Ben Hur and Funny Girl`william wyler
Who directed the film 'Some Like it Hot'`billy wilder
who directed the film 'the duel'`steven`orange
Who directed the film 'the duel'`steven spielberg
Who directed the film the purple rose of cairo`woody allen
Who directed the film The Sound of Music`robert wise
who Directed The Film 'Titanic'`James Cameron
who directed the final episode`alan alda
who Directed The Fisher King, Brazil, Time Bandits`Gilliam
who Directed 'The Fisher King'`Terry Gilliam
who directed the forces in the battle of el alamein`montgomery and`johnson
who directed the forces in the battle of el alamein`montgomery and rommel
Who directed 'The French Connection' and 'The Exorcist'`william friedkin
who Directed 'The Game'`David Fincher
who Directed 'The Godfather'`Francis Ford Coppola
who Directed 'The Grandmother'`David Lynch
who Directed 'The Last Gun'`Steven Spielberg
who Directed 'The Legend Of Bagger Vance'`Robert Redford
who Directed 'The Lost World'`Steven Spielberg
who Directed 'The Magnificent Ambersons' In 1942`Orson Welles
who Directed 'The Man Without A Face'`Mel Gibson
who Directed 'The Messenger: The Story Of Joan Of Arc'`Luc Besson
who Directed 'The Milagro Beanfield War'`Robert Redford
who Directed 'The Million Dollar Hotel'`Wim Wenders
who Directed 'The Miracle Of Flight'`Terry Gilliam
who directed the monochrome (sepia) sequences at the beginning and end of "the wizard of oz" (1939)?`king vidor
who directed the monochrome (sepia) sequences at the beginning & end of "the wizard of oz" (1939)`king vidor
who directed the movie "annie"`john huston
who directed the movie "annie"`john`languages
who directed the movie broadway danny rose`woody allen
who directed the movie broadway danny rose`woody`poisoning
who Directed The Movie E.T`Steven Spielberg
who directed the movie rabbit test?`joan rivers
Who directed the movie "The Full Monty"`peter cattaneo
Who directed the movie "The Silence of the Lambs"`jonathon demme
who Directed 'The Muppets Take Manhattan'`Frank Oz
Who directed the musical 'My Fair Lady'`george cukor
who Directed 'The Outsiders'`Francis Ford Coppola
who Directed 'The Passion Of The Christ'`Mel Gibson
who Directed 'The Playgirls And The Bellboy'`Francis Ford Coppola
who Directed 'The Professional'`Luc Besson
who Directed 'The Rainmaker'`Francis Ford Coppola
who Directed 'The Rain People'`Francis Ford Coppola
who Directed 'The Score'`Frank Oz
who Directed 'The Seafarers'`Stanley Kubrick
who Directed The Seventh Seal, Persona, Crisis`Bergman
who directed 'the shining'`stanley`furious
who Directed 'The Shining'`Stanley Kubrick
who Directed 'The Stepford Wives'`Frank Oz
who Directed 'The Straight Story'`David Lynch
who Directed 'The Sugarland Express'`Steven Spielberg
who Directed 'The Terminal'`Steven Spielberg
who Directed 'The Terminator'`James Cameron
who Directed 'The Terror'`Francis Ford Coppola
who Directed 'The Unfinished Journey'`Steven Spielberg
who Directed 'The Virgin Suicides'`Sofia Coppola
who Directed 'The Wizard Of Oz' (1939)`Victor Fleming
who Directed 'Three (From Coloursbank Set) Blue', 'Three (From Coloursbank Set) White' And 'Three (From Coloursbank Set) Red'`Krzysztof Kieslowski
who Directed 'Titanic'`James Cameron
who directed top gun`tony scott
who Directed 'True Lies'`James Cameron
who Directed 'Trust' And 'Amateur'`Hal Hartley
who Directed 'Twilight Zone: The Movie'`Steven Spielberg
who Directed 'Twin Peaks'`David Lynch
who Directed 'Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me'`David Lynch
who Directed 'What About Bob?'`Frank Oz
Who directed Where the Boys Are`harry levin
who Directed 'Wild At Heart'`David Lynch
who Directed 'You're A Big Boy Now'`Francis Ford Coppola
who directs an orchestra or other such group`conductor
who Directs Trains Through A Railroad Division Or The Switching Operations In A Terminal, Station, Or Yard`Trainmaster
who directs you to your seat in a cinema`usherette
who discovered alaska`vitus bering
who Discovered And Named The Pacific Ocean`Balboa
who Discovered A Sea Route In The 15th Century To India Around The Continent Of Africa, Was From What European Country`Portugal
Who discovered bacteria in 1683`anton van leeuwenhoek
who discovered basic principles of fluid behavior`daniel bernoulli
who Discovered Basic Principles Of Fluid Behaviour`Daniel Bernoulli
Who discovered Botany Bay`Captain Cook
who Discovered Circulation`William Harvey
who Discovered Florida`Juan Ponce De Leon
who discovered florida`ponce de`hurt
Who discovered Florida`ponce de leon
Who discovered gamma rays`ernest rutherford
who Discovered Glutathionea Compound Of Three Amino Acids Required For The Utilization Of Oxygen By The Cell`Frederick Hopkins
Who discovered gold on the witwatersrand`george harrison
Who discovered in 1860 that carbolic acid is an antiseptic`dr lister
who discovered jamaica`christopher columbus
who discovered king tut's tomb, and in what year was it discovered`howard carter in 1922
who discovered laws of---------- , born`heredity
who discovered laws of heredity, born`mendel
Who discovered morphine`friedrich saturner
Who discovered natural radioactivity`antoine becquerel
who Discovered Newfoundland`Abot
who Discovered Nitrogen`Daniel Rutherford
who Discovered Nothing But An Empty Bottle When He Opened Al Capone's Safe In A Highly-Rated Tv Special`Geraldo Rivera
who discovered oil deposits in alaska`british petroleum
who Discovered Oxygen In 1774`Joseph Priestly
Who discovered oxygen`joseph priestley
Who discovered penicillin`alexander fleming
Who discovered penicillin`alexander flemming
who discovered penicillin`fleming
Who discovered penicillin`sir alexander fleming
Who discovered phobos`asaph hall
who discovered radioactivity`antoine henri becquerel
who discovered radioactivity in uranium`antoine henri becquerel
Who discovered radiocarbon dating`willard libby
who discovered radium, die on 4th July 1934`radiation poisoning
who Discovered Red Corpuscles, Was Born February 12 In 1637`Jan Swammerdam
Who discovered Saturn's rings`galileo
who "discovered" tasmania`abel janszoon tasman
Who discovered Tasmania`abel tasman
who discovered that galaxies were all red-shifted i.e the universe was expanding`edwin hubble
Who discovered the basic statistical laws of heredity`gregor mendel
Who discovered the binomial theory at the age of 21`isaac newton
who Discovered The Black Holes Of Outer Space, And He Named The Phenomenon In 1967`John Wheeler
Who discovered the cholera micro-organism`koch
who discovered the circulation of blood`William Harvey
who discovered the electron`jj thomson
who Discovered The Fact That Certain Rocks - Lodestone Or _________ - Attracted Each Other`Magnetite
who Discovered The Fact That Certain Rocks - Lodestone Or Magnetite - Attracted Each Other`Amber
who Discovered The Fact That Certain Rocks - Lodestone Or Magnetite - Attracted Each Other`Electron
who Discovered The Fact That Certain Rocks - _________ Or Magnetite - Attracted Each Other`Lodestone
Who discovered the fermentation process in 1860`louis pasteur
who Discovered The Four Largest Moons Of Jupiter`Galileo
who discovered the grand canyon`francisco coronado
who Discovered The Gulf Stream`Benjamin Franklin
who discovered their dream girls, the chipettes, in a 1987 flick?`chipmunks
who discovered their dream girls, the chipettes in an 1987 flick?`chipmunks
Who discovered the Laws of Electromagnetism`Michael Faraday
who discovered the  mainland of North America in 1497`cabot
who Discovered The Mechanics Of Circulation Of Blood`William Harvey
who discovered the mississippi river`hernando de`bush
who Discovered The Mississippi River`Hernando De Soto
who Discovered The Neutron In 1932`Sir James Chadwick
who discovered the neutron in 1932`sir james`innsbruck
Who discovered the neutron`james chadwick
Who discovered the ozone`christian schonbein
Who discovered the planet Uranus`william herschel
Who discovered the positron in 1932`carl anderson
Who discovered the proton in England in 1919`ernest rutherford
who discovered "the psychology of sex"?`havelock ellis
Who discovered the relationship between current and voltage in a conductor`ohm
who discovered the River Zambezi`David Livingstone
who Discovered The Ruins Of Knossos On Crete In 1900`Sir Arthur Evans
who discovered the south pole?`roald amundsen
who Discovered The Tomb Of King Tut-Ankh-Amun`Howard Carter And Lord Carnarvon
who Discovered The Tomb Of Tutankhamen`Howard Carter
Who discovered the tomb of Tutenkhamen`howard carter
Who discovered the tuberculosis bacterium`robert koch
Who discovered the Zambezi river`david livingstone
Who Discovered Tutankhamen's Tomb In 1922`Howard Carter
who Discovered Uranus`Friedrich Wilhelm Herschel
who discovered uranus in 1781`sir william`bucephalus
who discovered uranus in 1781`sir william herschel
Who discovered Victoria Falls`david livingston
who Discovered Victoria Falls`David Livingstone
who discovered victoria falls`david`osbourne
who Discovered Vitamin C`Linus Pauling
who discovered x-rays in 1895`rontgen
Who discovered x-rays`wilhelm roentgen
who discovered x-rays`wilhelm`saturday
who discovers a murder`blow out
who Disliked Getting A Bath ('_____ The Dirty Dog')`Harry
who Dismissed Him From His Previous Job As Chief Executive Of Tottenham Hotspur`Terry Venables
who disobey orders from Admiral Dugalle`Vice-Admiral Stukov
who distributes cards`dealer
who -------d my life savings out of me.'`wheedle
Who do Brain of Britain and Stop the Week have in common`robert robinson
Who do Brazilians call Huguinho, Zezinho &  Luisinho`huey  dewey louie
who does Admiral Dugalle blame for the death of his Life long friend Stukov`Himself
Who does Alice follow down the hole`white rabbit
who Does All He Knows How To Make Us Disobedient`Neighbor
who Does Bart Defeat In The Semi-Final Match To Advance On To The Finals To Play Todd Flanders`Ralph
Who does Bart have to sit beside on the filed trip to SNPP?`Wendel
who Does Bart Play In The President's Day Play`John Wilkes Booth
who does christina applegate play on the tv sitcom 'jesse'`jesse
Who does David Soul play in Starsky and Hutch`hutch
who does dino the dinosaur belong`fred flintstone
Who does Donald Duck call "Toots"`daisy duck
who does don mclean refer to as 'the king'`elvis presley
Who does fred savage play on 'the wonder years'`kevin arnold
who Does Gotland Belong To`Sweden
who does it my way`frank sinatra
who does kate jackson play on the tv series 'charlie's angels'`sabrina duncan
Who does Linus wait for each Halloween`great pumpkin
who Does Mr. Burns Credit His Long Life To`Satan
who Does Mr. Burns Want To Wed`Marge's Mother
who Does Nimhu Lurve`Noddiex
who Does Not Ask A Question Remains A Fool __________.'- Chinese Proverb`Forever
who does not attend school`truant
who does not eat animals or animal products`vegan
who does not eat meat called`vegetarian
who does not go to extremes is described as middle-of-the-what`road
who Doesn't The World Revolve Around`Me
who Does Sesame Street's Ernie Live With`Bert
Who does Springfield believe is trapped down a well?`Timmy O'Toole
who does the "fisherman's ring" belong to?`pope
who Does The Galapagos Islands Belong To`Ecuador
who Does The Island Of Mykonos Belong To`Greece
Who does the Mona Lisa depict`Madonna Lisa Gherardini
Who does the statue, the Colossus of Rhodes, depict`Helios
who Does The Tourist Mecca Of Bali Belong To`Indonesia
who does the voice for homer on the simpsons`dan castellanata
Who does the voice for yoda in the star wars films`frank oz
who Does The Voice Of Sideshow Bob`Kelsey Grammar
who dominates a group or an activity`matriarch
who dominates or leads a group or an endeavor: 'industrial ---------s.'`potentate
who Donated The First Dress For The Smithsonian Collection Of Gowns Worn By First Ladies`Helen Taft
who ------d on me because of a mistake in my report.'`pounce
who Donned Size 11 Gloves When He Wasn't Using His Giant Paws To Handle A Basketball For The 76ers`Julius Erving
Who do the Japanese call Miki Mauso`mickey mouse
who do the people worship in Temple of Doom`kahlimar
Who drafted most of the american declaration of independence`thomas
who Drafted Most Of The American Declaration Of Independence`Thomas Jefferson
Who drafted the declaration of Independence and became President of the U.S.A. in 1800`thomas jefferson
who drafted the first periodic table`mendeleev
who drank from the wrong grail`donovan
who draws "hagar the horrible"`dik browne
Who draws the cartoon Fred bassett`graham
who Draws The Far Side Series Of Cartoons`Gary Larson
Who dreamed about the sun, moon &  stars bowing down to him`job
who dreams of having his limbs removed for his failures`hawkeye pierce
Who drew the comic 'the maxx'`sam keith
who drew the first comic strip in 1896, 'the yellow kid'`richard felton outcault
who Drew The 'Hazel' Cartoons For Saturday Evening Post`Ted Key
Who drew the Mr Men`roger hargreaves
Who drew the Peanuts series of cartoons`charles schulz
who drew up the first logarithmic tables`john napier
Who drinks the most tea per capita`ireland
who Drive The _____ _____ _____________. To Become A 'Hotddogger, ' You Need A College Degree And You Should Be Skilled In The Field Of Communications, Journalism, Advertising, Or Public Relations. The Competition Is Stiff, Of Nearly 1,000 Applicants Received Each Year, Only 21 Are Hired And Sent To Hot Dog High In Madison, Wisconsin`Oscar Mayer Wienermobiles
who drop watch in --------, bound to have shitty time`toilet
who drowned herself in 1942`virginia woolf
who drowned in a toilet after a drug overdose?`lupe veleZ
who ------d the audience with virtuosic jumps.'`dazzle
Who dubbed australia 'the lucky country'`donald horne
who Dubbed Australia 'The Lucky Country' In One Of His Novels`Donald Horne
who dubbed the voice of the beast in the 1991 disney beauty and the beast?`robby benson
who duetted with Aretha Franklin on 'sisters are doing it for themselves'`Annie Lennox
who duetted with bing crosby on "little drunner boy"`david bowie
Who duetted with David Bowie on the record 'Peace on Earth'`bing crosby
who during migration rush into the sea and drown`lemming
who during WWll designed a prefabricated rapidly constructed bridge`bailey
who dyed silk hence his popular name`tintoretto
Who earned $50 playing harmonica on a Harry Belafonte album in 1960`bob dylan
who Earned A Nobel Prize For Peace For His Role In Resolving The Russo-Japanese War`Theodore Roosevelt
Who earned a Nobel Prize for peace for his role in ressolving the Russo Japanese War`theodore roosevelt
who Earned International Headlines For Slapping A Battle-Fatigued Soldier In 1943`George Patton
who Earned The Moniker 'Lady Lindy'`Amelia Earhart
who Earned The Nickname 'Top Gun' In The Persian Gulf War`Colin Powell
who Eat _____ _______ Daily Had 24 Percent Fewer Heart Attacks And 32 Percent Fewer Strokes`Fresh Fruit
who Eat Planktion Are In The Sub-Order`Mysticet
who eats only fruit`fruitarian
Who eats the most turkey per capita`israel
who eats too many --------, sits on toilet many moons`prunes
who ----ed an immigrant in the park.'`bash
who Edited The First Glossary Of Computer Technology In 1954`Grace Murray Hopper
who edited the 'indian opinion' during his stay in south africa`mahatma gandhi
Who edited the Joy of Sex`alex comfort
who -------ed the operatic world.'`conquer
Who eloped with the pussycat`owl
who Else At The Camp David Peace Negotiations`Menachem Begin
who Else Besides Ted Williams Won The Triple Crown Twice`Roger Hornsby
who Else`Charles Collingwood
who else devised the "Popish Plot"`titus oates
who else`edward the confessor
who employed Josef Haydn`Prince Esterhazy
who Emulates The Jesters Of The Middle Ages In Scourging Authority And Upholding The Dignity Of The`Downtrodden
who Enacted A Law Requiring Cigarette Manufacturers To Put Health Warnings On Their Packages`Lyndon B Johnson
Who ended his news broadcasts with "Glad we could get together"`john cameron swayze
who engages in frotteurism`frotteurist
who engages in indecent exposure: an exhibitionist`flasher
Who enjoyed a first flight in Concorde on 6 aug 1985`the queen mother
who enjoy in the uk`zero
who enjoys driving fast`speed merchant
who Enjoys Getting Wet`Turkish Van
who Enslaved Him And Massacred His Villagein This Fullblooded Adventure Epic Based On Robert E. Howards Pulp Tales`Conan The Barbarian
Who entered the uk charts at no 7in sept 2002with its written in the stars`paul weller
who Entertained The Colonists By Doing Cartwheels In The Nude`Pocahontas
who envisioned a work for 2000 performers combining music, poetry, dancing, colours and perfumes`Scriabin
who Envisioned The Invisible Man And The Time Machine`H.G. Wells
who Escapes The Evils Of Moderation By Committing Dyspepsia`Glutton
Who established horse power as a unit of measurement`james watt
who established the Gallup poll`george
Who established the modern theory of biological evolution`charles darwin
Who established the Presbyterian form of Protestantism in Switzerland`john calvin
who Establishes His Argument By Noise And Command Shows That His Reason Is __________.'- Michel De Montaigne`Weak
who even has to be tutored... in the clich s that comprise the basic interview (George F. Will)`bimbo
who Eventually Becomes One Of The Things He Was Sworn To Destroy, Books, In This Ray Bradbury Classic`Fahrenheit 451
who eventually marries the alien enemy ace`maxmillian sterling
who examines personal mail and official dispatches to remove information considered secret or a risk to security`censor
who Exceeded The Speed Limit Of 8 Mph`Bicycle Squad
who exclaimed: "holy barracuda"?`robin
who Exclaims 'Off With Her Head'`Queen Of Hearts
who exercises power in a harsh, cruel manner`tyrant
who exhibited it at the Kennel Club in 1907`afghan hound
who exhibits one's learning or scholarship ostentatiously`pedant
who exhibits one's learning or scholarship ostentatiously`pedants
who experimented with peas and is considered the founder of genetics`gregor mendel
Who experimented with the idea of contact lenses`leonardo da vinci
Who explained the secrets of Life on Earth`david attenborough
who explored America's east coast in 1509`sebastian cabot
who explored Antarctica.'`humanness
who explored Antarctica.'`humans
who explored Mayan ruins, born`edward
who explored Mayan ruins, born`thompson
who Explored __________ Ruins, Born`Mayan
who Expressed The Famou.S. Statement 'I Think, Therefore I Am'(Full Name Required!)`Rene Descartes
who expresses or sets forth dogma`dogmatist
who Failed A Drug Test And Lost A 100 Meters Gold Medal At The 1988 Olympics`Ben Johnson
who Falls Asleep At The Tea Party In 'Alice In Wonderland'`The Dormouse
who Falls In Love With Sidney Poitier`A Patch Of Blue
who falls out of window`herbert
who Falsely Accuses Billy Of Being The Leader Of A Mutiny`John Claggart
who falsly claims to have medical skill and knowledge`quack
Who famously faked Samuel Palmer's paintings`tom keating
who Famously Had A Sign On His Desk Saying 'The Buck Stops Here'`Harry Truman
Who famously said 'cogito ergo sum' which translates as 'I think therefore I am.'`rene descartes
who Famously Said 'If In Doubt, Tell The Truth.'`Mark Twain
who famously said 'I have nothing to declare except my genius'`oscar wilde
Who famously said 'Please don't shoot the pianist, he's only doing his best.'`oscar wilde
Who famously said 'Some newspapers dispose of their garbage by printing it.'`spiro agnew
Who famously said 'Some newspapers dispose of their garbage by printing it.'`spiro t agnew
Who famously said 'We must all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.'`benjamin franklin
Who, famously, was 'Old Hickory'`president andrew jackson
who Farm It, 'You Have To Be At One With The Nori, Otherwise It Won't Grow.' What Is Nori? (Hint: Think 'Sushi')`Seaweed
who fathered cher's son, elijah blue`gregg allman
Who fathered three successive sovereigns`henry viii
who Feared It As A Scorpion Breeder`Basil
who fears Nihlathak is at the root of Anya's disappearance`Malah
who feast`grinch
who feast`london
who Feeds A Poison Apple To Snow White`The Old Witch
who Feels Completely Isolated From Society`The Stranger
who fell asleep in the catskills for twenty years`rip van winkle
who Fell Behind Roger Maris In 1961 For The Homerun Record`Mickey Mantle
who fell down the well`Jessica
who Felled A Hazel Or Apple Tree Was Sentenced To Death In Ancient _____. Those Trees Were Considered Sacred`Ireland
who Fell From Grace With the Sea`yukio mishima
who Fell In Love With A Ghost In The Episode 'Dead Man Dating'`Piper
Who fell inlove with Little White Dove`running bear
Who fell through the ice at Dingley Dell`mr pickwick
who Fell To Earth And The Hunger`David Bowie
who fell to Earth at the beginning of Salman Rushdie's novel Satanic Verses`gibreel
who Fell to Earth`david bowie
who Fell to Earth & The Hunger`david bowie
who ferries the dead across the river styx`charon
who ferries the dead across the river styx`justitia
who 'Fiddled' While Rome Burned`Nero
who fight with wife all day, get no ------ at night`piece
who Figured Out How To Win Friends And Influence People`Dale Carnegie
who figured out how to win friends and influence people`dale`proletariat
who finds a tiny flying saucer on her roof in "The Invaders"`agnes moorehead
who Finds His Matter Ready To His Hand, In Teaching That All Things, Whether Actually Or Only Apparently Material, Flow From The Primal Principle`Emanation
who finds it difficult to punish or be strict`softie
Who finished as the Leading Amateur in the 1998 British Open Golf championship`justin rose
who Finished Last In The 1997 Ac Delco 400`Jimmy Spencer
who fired the gun)  (The Great & Secret Show)`tesla bombeck
who first ate an  "`oyster
Who first believed that the earth was round`the ancient greeks
who First Bred It, Rev ____`John Russell
who First Bred It, Rev John Russell`Jack Russell
who First Brought Blood From His Opponent's Head Was The Winner`Cudgels
who First Brought Blood From His Opponent's Head Was The Winner`Single-Stick
who First Calculated 'Pi' Around 250 Bc`Archimedes
who First Coined The Term 'Cyberspace'`William Gibson
Who first described jealousy as  a 'green eyed monster'`shakespeare
who first designed the mini-skirt`mary`bacchanal
who first designed the mini-skirt`mary quant
who first discovered Marilyn Monroe`photographer
Who first discovered the existence of Neptune`johann galle
who first finds out that juliet is 'dead'`nurse
who First Finds Out That Leo Is A White-Lighter In The Episode 'Secrets And Guys'`Phoebe
who first finds out that Raszagal is under Kerrigan's control`Aldaris
who First Found That Landing An Airplane Was Almost As Tough As Getting Off The Ground`Orville Wright
Who first had a hit in 1981 with 'Tainted Love'`soft cell
Who first had a number 1 hit in 1981 with 'Don't You Want Me'`human league
Who first incorporated amorphous phosphorus in the manufacture and use of safety matches, by 1855`lundstrom brothers
who First ____ It, Rev John Russell`Bred
who first orbited the Earth, was showered with ______ tonnes of ticker tape when he got back`3,529
who first played Virgil Tibbs 'In the Heat of the Night'`poitier
Who first postulated the cosamic string theory`thomas kibble
Who first proposed the concept of atomic structure in 1911`ernest rutherford
who first published the admonition "please do not shoot the pianist.He is doing his best"`Oscar Wilde
who First Recognised The U.S In 1776`Croatia
Who first recorded pass the kouchie`the mighty diamonds
who First Recorded The Existence Of Lead Pencils`Conrad Gesner
Who first said Awop-bop-a-loo-mop-alop-bam-boom`little richard
Who first sang 'White Christmas'`bing crosby
who First Settled Maryland`Lord Baltimore
Who first shaved his head to play Pontius Pilate in The Greatest Story ever Told`telly savalas
Who first split light into the colours of the rainbow`Isaac Newton
who first swum the english channel in 1875`matthew webb
Who first titillated press and public not so much by his single White Boy as by his looks in 1982`boy george
Who first uk no 1 hit was into the groove`madonna
who First Used Acupuncture`Emperor Shen-Nung
who First Used An Incubator To Hatch Eggs Was`Dutch Scientists
who First Used An Incubator To _____ ____ Was Dutch`Hatch Eggs
who First Used Antiseptics`Joseph Lister
Who first used antiseptics`Jospeh Lister
who First Vulcanized Rubber For Usage In Tires`Charles Goodyear
Who first wore red racing stripes on his spacesuit during a moonwalk`alan shepard
who first wrote music for "prepared" piano`Olivier Messiaen
Who first wrote the line, 'The female of the species is more deadly than the male.'`rudyard kipling
who fits in this category`george harrison
who Fixed The Date Of The Christian Festival 'Easter'`Council Of Nicaea
who Fled To Any Place For Mercy Or Protection`Infula
Who flew above Sleeping Beauty Castle from 1961 to 1977`tinker bell
who Flew For 43 Years Without A Pilot's License`Orville Wright
who Flew The Concord To Sing In Both The London And Philadelphia Parts Of Live Aid On The Same Day`Phil Collins
Who flew the rocket powered Bell X IAa at a record mach 2.5`chuck yaeger
who flew too close to the sun and had his wings melted`icarus
Who flew too close to the sun`icarus
who flew too near the sun wearing wings attached with wax`icarus
who Flies Into Her Room, And Manages To Set Herself Free`The Malachite Palasce
who flies into the centre of hurricanes`hurricane hunters
who flies planes directly into tropical storms and hurricanes`53rd weather reconnaissance squadron
who floats like a butterfly, stings like a bee, born`muhammed ali
who fly plane ----------- have crackup`upside down
who fly right into the center of hurricanes`hurricane hunters
Who followed Alexander Haig as US foreign secretary in 1982`george schultz
Who followed Grover Cleveland as US President in 1889`benjamin harrison
Who followed Grover Cleveland as US President in 1897`william mckinley
who Followed Henry Viii To The Throne`Edward Vi
Who followed up beetlejuice with clean and sober`michael keaton
who followed up his runaway hit with hats off to larry`del shannon
who followed walk right back with temptation`everly brothers
who Followed William Hague As Leader Of The Conservative Party In The U.K`Ian Duncan Smith
who follow which religion`islam
Who forced 146 captured british officers into the black hole of calcutta`indian troops
who forgets, will be destined to remember`nothingman
Who forgot their thong in the safe house`Ling Ling
who formed a band called the warlocks with his brother in 1967`dusty hill
who Formed And Managed The Sex Pistols`Malcolm Mclaren
Who formed Microsoft with Bill Gates`paul allen
who Formed The Alpha Suffrage Club Of Chicago, The First African American Female Suffrage Organisation`Ida Wells
who Formed The Nhl Players' Association`Alan Eagleson
who formed zz top in 1969`billy gibbons
who formerly occupied the west bank which now belongs to israel`jordan
Who, for more than two decades, guided steamships through perilous waters into safe harbour off new zealand`pelorus jack
who Formulated The Geocentric Theory`Ptolemy
who Formulated The Heliocentric Theory`Copernicus
who Formulated The Laws Which First Explained The Movements Of The Planets Properly`Kepler
who Formulated The Robot Laws`Isaac Asimov
who Formulated The System Of Hindu Philosophy Known As Yoga Around 300 Ad`Patanjali
who Fought Along Side The British Against The Americans In The War Of 1812`Tecumseh
who fought george foreman in the 'rumble in the jungle'`mohammed ali
who Fought In The 1967 Six Days War`Arabs And Israelis
who fought in the American Revolution`kosciusko
who fought in the battle of marathon`persia and greece
who Fought In The Boxing Match Called 'The Thrilla In Manila'`Muhammad Ali And Joe Frazier
Who fought mohammed ali in the fight billed as the thriller in manila`joe frazier
who fought mohammed ali in the 'rumble in the jungle'`george foreman
who fought muhammad ali in the 'rumble in the jungle'`george foreman
who fought muhammad ali in the thrilla in manila`joe frazier
who fought over the falkland islands in 1982`britain and argentina
who fought over the falkland islands in 1982`britain and`brussels
who Fought Professionally In Roman Arenas`Gladiator
Who fought professionally in Roman arenas`gladiators
who Fought Professionally In Roman Arenas Was A`Gladiator
who fought professionally in Roman arenas was a(n) ____________`gladiator
who fought the British in the American War of Independence`lafayette
who Fought The Queen Of The Fairies For Tamlane, Her Love..And Won`Fair Janet
Who fought Tommy Burns for the world heavyweight boxing championship in Sydney in 1908`Jack Johnson
who Fought With Quarterstaffs On A Log Bridge`Robin Hood And Little John
who fought with quarterstaffs on a log bridge`robin hood and little karaoke
who fought with staffs on a log bridge`robin hood & little john
who found and destroyed the inca civilization?`francisco pizarro
who Found A Particularly Well-Watered And Fertile Area Might Well Acquire Livestock Through Trade, Settle Down, And Become Relatively Sedentary ________ Pastoralists`Khoikhoi
Who founded American TV station CNN`ted turner
who Founded A Monastery On Lindisfarne In Ad 635`Saint Aidan
who founded a&m records`herb alpert jerry moss`herb alpert and jerry`dodgers
who founded a&m records`herb alpert jerry moss`herb alpert and jerry moss
Who founded Atari`nolan bushnell
who founded avogadro's law`amadeo avogadro
who founded boolean algebra?`george boole
who founded 'boys town'`father`catholic
who founded 'boys town'`father flanagan
who founded digital research?`gary kildall
who Founded Gue Tech`George Underwood Edwards
who Founded Haagen Dazs Ice Cream`Reuben Mattus
who Founded Hallmark Cards, Inc., In 1910`Joyce C Hall
Who founded histology`marie bichat
Who founded 'live aid' and 'band aid'`bob geldof
who Founded Live Aid`Bob Geldof
who Founded Microsoft`Bill Gates
Who founded Mormonism`Joseph Smith
Who founded one of the first American detective agencies in 1850, and guarded Abraham Lincoln at his inauguration`allan PINKERTON
Who Founded Pravda`V. I. Lenin
who Founded Psychoanalysis`Sigmund Freud
Who founded the academy in athens`plato
who founded the american red cross`clara barton
Who Founded The American Red Cross Society`Clara Barton
who founded the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers(ASCAP) in 1914`Herbert
Who founded the Ballets Russe in 1909`serge diaghilev
who Founded The Black And White Minstrels`George Mitchell
Who founded the boy scout movement`robert baden powell
Who founded the boy scouts`lord baden powell
Who founded the boy scouts of America?`Daniel Beard
who founded the boy scouts`sir robert baden-powell
who Founded The Caroligian Empire`Charlemagne
who founded the Christian Science Movement`mary baker eddy
who founded the church of england`king henry viii
who founded the church of england`king`teak
who Founded The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints`Joseph Smith
Who founded the Church of Scientology`l. ron hubbard
Who founded the Cult of $cientology`l. ron hubbard
who founded the economist magazine in 1843`james`carthaginian
who founded the economist magazine in 1843`james wilson
Who founded the Fascist party in Italy in 1919`benito mussolini
Who founded the FIRST "Big Bang" theory in 1927 (the universe originated with a huge explosion)`george lemaitre1927
Who founded the Foundation for Infantile Paralysis`franklin roosevelt
Who founded the Girl Guides`robert baden-powell
who founded the girl scouts`juliette gordon low
who Founded The 'Guiness Book Of World Records'. (Last Name)`Mcwhirter
who founded the "Guinesss Book of World Records". (last name)`mcwhirter
who Founded The 'Habitat' Company In 1971`Sir Terence Conran
who founded the irish republican army`michael collins
who founded the jefferson airplane`paul kantner
who Founded The Jewish Zionist Movement In 1897`Herzl
who Founded The Kentucky Fried Chicken Restaurant Chain`Colonel Harlan Sanders
Who founded the knowledge of blood circulation`william harvey
Who founded the London Metropolitan Police`sir robert peel
who Founded The Mcdonalds Chain`Ray Kroc
Who founded the Methodist faith`John Wesley
who Founded The Missionaries Of Charity In 1948`Mother Teresa
Who founded the Missionaries of Charity in 1948`mother theresa
Who founded the miss world competition`eric morley
Who founded the National Viewers and Listeners Assoc`mary whitehouse
who Founded The Order Of The Missionaries Of Charity In Calcutta In 1948`Mother Teresa
Who founded the People's Temple Commune`Jim Jones
who founded the people's temple commune?`reverend jim jones
Who founded the Persian empire`king cyrus
Who founded the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood in 1848`dante gabriel rossetti
Who founded the Rocket record label`elton john
who Founded The Salvation Army`William Booth
Who founded the 'sas'`david stirling
who Founded The Simpson's Home Town, Springfield`Jebediah Obadiah Zachariah Jedadiah Springfield
Who founded The Society Of Jesus`ignatius loyola
Who founded the society of Jesus`st. ignatius loyola
Who founded the society of Jesus`st ignatius loyola`saint ignatius loyola
who Founded The Town Of Springfield`Jebediah Springfield
who Founded The Tva Tennessee Valley Association As Part Of His New Deal Programme`Franklin D Roosevelt
who founded the ymca in 1844`george`milwaukee
who founded the ymca in 1844`george williams
Who founded troy`cadmus
Who found himself flying on the island laputa`gulliver
Who found himself flying on the island of Laputa`gulliver
who Found His Crown To Be A Perfect Fit When He Was Invested On July 1,1969`Prince Charles
who found King Tutankhamen`carter
who Found Piglet A New House`Eeyore
who found the long lost explorer david livingston`henry`luxembourg
Who found the long lost explorer david livingston`henry stanley
who found the Lost Chord'`jimmy durante
who Found The Ufo That Crashed Near Roswell New Mexico In 1947`Mac Brazel
who Framed Roger Rabbit"`jessica
who Frighten Her Away By Threatening Her Life`Goldilocks And The Three Bears
Who, From The Existing Philosophical Beliefs, Tried To Select The Doctrines That Seemed To Them Most Reasonable, And Out Of These Constructed A New System`Eclecticism
who from the southeastern united states were relocated to indian territory over numerous routes`the five civilized tribes
who (FULL name) did Anthony model Humfrey after`lester del rey
who functions as the tool of another person or power`dupe
who furnishes evidence`witness
who gained fame as a mind-over-matter spoon-bender`uri geller
who Gained National Celebrity By Voting Illegally For President Grant In 1872`Susan B Anthony
Who gather together in covens`witches
Who gave a 1.25 million charity cheque to Bob Geldof in Oct 1986 that he couldnt have given to him 3 months later`terry waite
who gave a long monologue about queen mab`mercutio
Who gave a piano concert in Moscow in April 1986 having left Russia 61 years earlier`vladimir horowitz
who Gave Aragorn An Emerald Brooch, For Which He Was Nicknamed, Elfstone`Galadriel
who gave birth to the winged horse, Pegasus, from her blood after she had been slain`medusa
Who gave excalibur to king arthur`lady of the lake
who gave her name to a peach dessert`dame nellie melba
who gave his name to a type of leather boot`blucher
who gave his name to the international scale of temperature`anders celsius
who Gave It The Recursive Name Php Hypertext Preprocessor`Php
who gave john f. kennedy a dog named pushinka`nikita khrushchev
Who gave Joseph Keaton his nickname of "Buster"`harry houdini
who gave kent allard permission to use his name in the comic book series, the shadow`lamont cranston
who gave marilyn monroe a poodle named 'mafia'`frank sinatra
who Gave Millions Of Dollars To Britain In 1930`Edward Harkness
who gave millions of dollars to britain in 1930?`edward s harkness
who gave radar his exam for his high school diploma`colonel blake
who gave the longest acceptance speech in Oscar history`greer garson
who Gave The Oath, Six Cabinet Members, And Various Dignitaries`Theodore
Who gave the U. S.A. the Statue of Liberty`france
who gave the 'winds of change' speech to the south african government in cape town`harold`actium
who gave the winds of change speech to the south african government in cape town`harold macmillan
who Gave U.S. Champagne`Pierre
who Gave Us Little Red Riding Hood`The Brothers Grimm
Who gave us malted milk`william horlick
who Gave Us The Line, 'Polly Put The Kettle On, We'll All Have Tea.'`Charles Dickens
who Gave You The Instrumental Hit 'Silhouette'`Kenny G
who get married get divorced`50%
who Gets A Name For _____ ______ Can Stay In Bed Until Midday`Early Rising
who Gets Bitten By Vampire Bats On The Big Toe`Campers
who gets kicked in --------, left holding the bag`testicles
who Gets The 'Picayune Intelligence'`Frostbite Falls
who gets the 'picayune intelligence'`frostbite`pennsylvania
who Ghost-Wrote Xaviera Hollander's 'The Happy Hooker'`Yvonne Dunleavy
Who ghost-wrote Xaviera Hollander's "The Happy Hooker"`yvonne`lansing
who Give Birth. They Are Reused In Vein Transplant Surgery`Umbilical Cords
who gives Clarence guidance and advice in True Romance`elvis presley
who Gives Light`epifanio
Who gives manicures at the Salon East Beauty Parlor`madge
who gives massage`masseuse
who gives practical experience and training to a student, especially of medicine or nursing`preceptor
who gives up just like that`Tide Is High Blondie
who gives Y.T. his dogtags`uncle enzo
who go ---- banking.'`into
who Gobbles In The Turkey Family`Tom Turkey
who Goes To A Psychiatrist Ought To Have His`Head Examined
who goes to a psychiatrist should have his head examined`samuel goldwyn
who go looking for buried treasure`the goonies
Who go on trial at a court martial`servicemen
who 'go out in the mid-day sun'`mad dogs and englishmen
Who got $10 million to provide the voice of a baby for a 1990 movie`bruce willis
who Got 1st Patent For False Teeth`C. M. Graham
Who got his 100-meter dash gold medal stripped away due to his steroid use in the 1988 Olympics?`Ben Johnson
Who got his 100-meter dash gold medal stripped away due to to steroid use in the 1988 Olympics?`Ben Johnson
who got his 100-metre dash gold medal stripped away due to to steroid use in the 1988 olympics`ben johnson
who got his name because of a yellow-and-black striped shirt he wore until it literally fell apart?`sting
Who got his name because of a yellow &  black striped shirt he wore until it literally fell apart`sting
who Got His Nickname After He Killed 4,280 Buffalo In Eighteen Months`'Buffalo Bill' Cody
Who got in the basket with teddy& andy pandy`looby loo
who got in their way.'`trample
who got kidnapped`Sam
who got knocked out by muhammad ali in kinshasha, zaire, in 1974`george foreman
who Got Laughs Opposite Eddie Murphy In The Role Of Detective Billy Rosewood`Judge Reinhold
Who got lost in the fog in his search for the America's Cup in 1970`Baron Bich
Who got married in a berlin air raid shelter on 29th of april 1945 and committed suicide together the next day`adolf hitler & eva braun
Who got married in a berlin air raid shelter on 29th of april 1945 and committed suicide together the next day`hitler and eva braun
who Got Million To Provide The Voice Of A Baby For A 1990 Movie`Bruce Willis
who Got Most Electoral Votes In 1824`Andrew Jackson
who go to bed with sex on mind wake up with ------- in hand`solution
who go to bed with --------------- wake up with smelly finger`itchy butt
who go to college do it just to make more money`70%
who Go To __________ Do It Just To Make More Money`College
Who got slimmed first in Ghostbusters?`Peter Venkman
who got the ------- and brought the bill.'`message
who got their own series. Their last name was what`jefferson
Who got the world's worst circumcision`john bobbit
who Got To Give Liz Taylor A Spanking In 'Father Of The Bride'`Spencer Tracy
who governed people's dreams`queen mab
who Grabs Food Without Being Encouraged Disgraces Himself`Declines
who Graduated In The Class Of 1946`Jimmy Carter
who graduate with honors:`4/5
who grew to manhood in his absence`telemachus
who grinds their teeth is a`bruxomaniac
who griped about the hollywood "cultural elite" in june`dan quayle
who guarded a tree bearing golden apples on the Islands of the Blessed`hesperides
who guards a condemned person before execution`deathwatch
who Guested On Batman As Minerva`Zsa Zsa
who Guided Lewis And Clark, Is From This Native American Tribe`Shoshone Tribe
who guided manchester united to an unprecedented english league, fa cup and european cup treble, and was later to be knighted on qeii's birthday`sir alex ferguson
who guided manchester united to an unprecedented english league, fa cup and european cup treble, and was later to be knighted on qeii's birthday`sir`microprose
Who gyred and gimbled in the wabe`the slithy toves
who habitually spreads intimate or private rumors or facts`gossips
who habitually takes the drugs freebase or crack`basehead
who Had 410 Rushing Attempts In One Season`Jamal Anderson
who had 5 top 10 hits in a row, one of which was 'take good care of my baby'`bobby vee
Who had 60s hits with Zabadak and the Legend of Xanadu`dave dee,dozy,beaky,mick and titch
Who had a 1960's hit with"You've Lost That Lovin'Feeling"`righteous brothers
Who had a 1961 hit with '(Home in) Pasadena'`temperance seven
Who had a 1965 hit with 'Windmill in old Amsterdam'`ronnie hilton
who had a 1968 hit with "dance to the music"?`sly & the family stone
who had a 1969 hit with Two Little Boys`rolf harris
Who had a 1970s number one with Matchstalk Men and Matchstalk Cats and Dogs`brian and michael
Who had a 1973 hit with You're So Vain`carly simon
Who had a 1978 hit with "Love Will Find a Way"`pablo cruise
Who had a 1981 number one with Don't You Want Me`the human league
Who had a 1998 hit with Last Thing On My Mind`steps
Who had a 1999 hit single with "I Try"`macy gray
who Had A 1999 Hit Single With 'I Try'`Macy Grey
Who had a 1999 hit with Blue`Eiffel 65
Who had a 30-year love affair with dashiel hammett`lillian hellman
who had a 30-year love affair with lillian hellman`dashiel`465
who Had A 30 Year Love Affair With Lillian Hellman`Dashiel Hammett
Who had a a wife called Roxana and a horse called Bacephalus`Alexander The Great
Who had a backing group called 'The Blueflames'`georgie fame
who Had A Best Selling Single In 1972 With 'Amazing Grace`Royal Scots Dragoon Guards
who Had A Big Adventure In A Giant Peach`James
who had a big hit called "i had too much too dream last night"`electric prunes
Who had a bit in 1987 with a re-release of My Baby Just Cares For Me`nina simone
Who had a British Top Ten hit in 1964 with the song Ramona`bachelors
who had a cameo giving the sheriff a high five`count basie
who Had A Cameo Role In 'Gremlins' As A Man In Electric Wheelchair`Steven Spielberg
who Had A Cameo Role In 'Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom' As A Tourist At Airport`Steven Spielberg
who Had A Cameo Role In 'Jaws' As A Amity Point Lifestation Worker`Steven Spielberg
who Had A Cameo Role In 'The Blues Brothers' As A Cook County Assessor's Office Clerk`Steven Spielberg
who Had A Cameo Role In 'The Lost World: Jurassic Park' As A Popcorn-Eating Man`Steven Spielberg
who Had A Cameo Role In 'Vanilla Sky' As A Guest At David Aames' Party`Steven Spielberg
who Had A Cameo Role In 'Your Studio And You' As A Backlot Tour Guide`Steven Spielberg
who Had Achieved Fame In South Africa With ___ _________ ________ And Later With Her Own Band The Skylarks`The Manhattan Brothers
who Had Achieved Fame In South Africa With The Manhattan Brothers And Later With Her Own Band ___`The Skylarks
Who had a childhood fanatsy that she was really Marilyn Monroe's daughter`debbie harry
Who had a cleaner called Mrs Scrubbit`the woodentops
Who had a cross-dressing cousin, Lord Cornbury, whom she assigned to be governor of New York and New Jersey?`Queen Anne
who had a dog called Bran`fingal
Who had a dog called Gnasher`dennis the menace
who Had A Face That 'Launched A Thousand Ships'`Helen Of Troy
who Had A Gristly Hobby. She Liked To Torture And Kill Slaves`Madame Lalaurie
who Had a Heart`Dionne Warwick
Who had a hit in 1971 with "You've Got A Friend'`james taylor
Who had a hit in 1974 with 'when will i see you again'`three degrees
who had a hit in 1974 with 'when will i see you again'`three`smack
Who had a hit in 1983 with 'True'`spandau ballet
Who had a hit in 1986 with 'Don't Leave Me This Way'`the communards
who had a hit in 1989 shares her name with an item of army uniform`sam brown
Who had a hit in 1995 with an upbeat version of Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D Minor`vanessa mae
who had a hit in 1998 with 'Brimful of Asha`Cornershop
who Had A Hit In 1999 With 'I Knew I Loved You'`Savage Garden
who Had A Hit In The Eigthties With 'Dancing On The Ceiling'`Lionel Richie
Who had a hit single entitled You're Gorgeous`baby bird
Who had a hit single in 1996 with "Rotterdam"`beautiful south
Who had a hit single in 1998 with "Believe"`cher
Who had a hit single in 1998 with "Millennium" (both names needed)`robbie williams
Who had a hit single with 'All I Have To Do Is Dream'`everley brothers
Who had a hit single with 'Oops!..I Did it Again`britney spears
who had a hit song with 'I got you babe'`sonny and cher
Who had a hit with anyone can fall in love in 1986`anita dobson
who had a hit with "Begin the Beguine'`julio iglesias
who had a hit with 'calendar girl'`neil sedaka
who had a hit with classical gas`mason williams
who had a hit with 'House of the Rising Sun'`animals
who had a hit with songbird`kenny g
Who had a hit with 'Stand By Your Man'`tammy wynette
Who had a hit with the party song 'Agadoo'`black lace
Who had a hit with the song '24 hours from Tulsa'`gene pitney
Who had a huge hit in 1964 with the instrumental Java`al hirt
Who had a magic lamp that could summon a genie`aladdin
Who had a major hit with joni mitchell's 'both sides now'`judy collins
who had a major hit with joni mitchell's 'both sides now'`judy`feathers
Who had a man servant named cato`inspector clouseau
who had a massive hit in 1985 with their album born in the usa`bruce springsteen
Who had an acting career in the u.k and got his first break in music when he was chosedn to be a replacement drummer in genesis in 1970`phil collins
who had an acting career in the u.k and got his first break in music when he was chosedn to be a replacement drummer in genesis in 1970`phil`zombies
who had animal rights activist's angry over taking a panther on stage`janet jackson
who had a no 1 hit in 1988 with "the only way is up "`yazz
who had a no1 hit in 1998 with "sex on the beach "`t-spoon
Who had a No. 1 hit record in 1964 with 'Don't Throw Your Love Away'`the searchers
Who had a No. 1 hit record in 1965 with 'I'm Alive'`the hollies
Who had a no1 hit with Rubber Bullets in 1973`10cc
who Had A No. 1 With 'If You Leave Me Now'`Chicago
who had a number 1 album with crossroads`tracy chapman
Who had a number 1 hit in 1979 with the song One Day At A Time`lena martell
Who had a Number 1 hit in 2000 with 'American Pie'`madonna
Who had a number one hit in 1966 with Keep on Running`spencer davis group
Who had a number one hit in 1969 with Something in the Air`thunderclap newman
Who had a number one hit in 1970 with In the Summertime`mungo jerry
Who had a number one hit single in 1972 with Son of My Father`chicory tip
Who had a number one hit with I Should Be So Lucky`kylie minogue
Who had a number one hit with shaddap your face`joe dolce
who Had A Number One Hit With The Song 'The Good, The Bad And The Ugly`Hugo Montenegro
Who had a number one hit with the song 'Two Little Boys'`rolf harris
who Had A Pet Dog Named Windy`Howdy Doody
who had a pop music hit with 'willie and the hand jive'`johnny merrick
who had a pop music hit with 'willie and the hand jive'`johnny otis
who Had A Reputation For Being Tight With Money, As ___________ Are A Tight Outline Around A Subject`Silhouettes
who Had Argued Over Billiards`Billiard Balls
who had a ship with a beam hewn from the 'speaking oaks of dodona'`atlanta
who had a ship with a beam hewn from the 'speaking oaks of dodona'`earthquake
Who had a sixties hit with `Zabadak` and `The Legend Of Xanadu`Dave Dee,Dozy,Beaky,Mick & Tich
who had a summer tv show in the us in 1979`pink lady
Who had a top 10 hit with 'If I said you had a beautiful body would you hold it against me'`bellamy brothers
who had a top ten hit with 'you're the one'`purple
who had a top ten hit with 'you're the one'`vogues
Who had a top twenty hit in 1958/59 with "Chantilly Lace"`big bopper
Who Had A UK #1 Hit in 1989 With "Somethings Gotten Hold Of My Heart"`Marc Almond
Who Had A UK #1 Hit in 1993 With "All That She Wants"`Ace Of Base
Who Had a UK #1 Hit With "Dream Lover" In 1959`Bobby Darin
Who had a UK No 1 hit single in 1983 with "Uptown Girl"`billy joel
who had a worldwide hit with enjoy the silence`depeche mode
who had back-to-back #1s in 1988`rick astley
who had been almost everywhere (Willa Cather)`worldlier
who Had Been Captured At Lincoln`Battle Of Winchester
who had been guillotined. Later she moved to Britain, & these death masks became the basis of a famous wax museum. She was Madame`tussaud
who Had Been Persuaded By British Governor Sir Harry Smith To Remain In Natal Rather Than Join The Trek To Other Areas`Ladysmith
who had Bob as a mate`18
who had bob as a mate`sheena
Who had Brass In Pocket`the pretenders
who Had Brought Down At Least Five Enemy Aircraft`Ace
Who had buckingham palace built`john sheffield
Who had Chanel #5 sprayed in the ring before he wrestled`gorgeous george
who had chanel no. 5 sprayed in the ring before he wrestled`gorgeous george
who had decieved the Lord of Rohan for a number of years`wormtongue
Who had dreams in 1993`gabrielle
who Had Europe's Fastest Economic Growth Rate In 1988`Spain
who Had Everything - 1953`Elizabeth Taylor
who Had Formally Been A Boy Scout`John F. Kennedy
who Had Her First Entry Into The British Charts In December 1985 With 'Saving All My Love For You'`Whitney Houston
who had herself portrayed in male costume, with a beard and without breasts`egypt
who had her uninsured jewellery stolen at an airport in 1995`duchess of york
who Had Hiccups For 69 Years`Charles Osborne
who Had His Likeness Added To A Michelangelo Work When He Ordered A Replica For His Las Vegas Bedroom`Liberace
who had his one and only hit song in 1991 play a high school jock named Ricky in the 1987 movie "Can't Buy Me Love"`Gerardo Mejia
Who had hit records with 'You Love Us' and 'Kevin Carter'`manic street preachers
Who had hits called "Sleeping Bag" and "Legs"`zz top
Who had hits with Bed Sitter and Torch`soft cell
Who had hits with I Am a Rock and The Boxer`simon & garfunkel
who had IRS problems; sold posessions to pay back taxes`willie nelson
who had it made retrieved for a bounty`renegade
who had just signed them to his soul city label`argentina
who had lost his right hand in World War I`Ravel
who Had Mary Queen Of Scots Killed But Named Mary's Son Her Successor`Elizabeth I
who had messages on their clothes to express their feelings`Shirt Tales
who Had, Next To Samuel Jackson, A Leading Roll In 'Unbreakable'`Bruce Willis
who had nine heads`hydra
who Hadn't Yet Divorced Her First Husband, And Was Branded An 'Adulterer' During His Re-Election Campaign`Andrew Jackson
Who had number one hits with call me and atomic`blondie
who had one of his nipples bitten off by an alligator while he was host of his wild kingdom show`lorne greene
Who had over 1000 patents registered to him when he died`thomas edison
who Had Poachers Castrated`Richard The Lionheart
who Had Previously Defeated And Killed Edwin, King Of Northumbria. Oswald Became King Of Northumbria After The Battle. Cadwallon Was The Only British King To Destroy An English Dynasty, And His Death Weakened The Britons`Battle Of Rowley Burn
who had roles as baba wawa, rhoda weiss, and roseanna roseannadanna?`gilda radner
who Had Silver Bells And Cockle Shells In Her Garden`Mary
Who had six fingernails on one hand , but only five fingers on that hand`anne boleyn
Who had teenage sidekicks Zan, Wendy, Jayna &  Marvin`super friends
who had the 1936 miss hungary title taken away from her because she was underage`zsa zsa gabor
who had the first central heating systems`romans
Who had the first ever official number one in 1952`al martino
who had the first nuclear submarine in its aresenal`russia
who Had The Higher Approval Rating After A Year In Officeronald Reagan Or Bill Clinton`Bill Clinton
who Had The Highest Investments In China In 1937`Britain
Who had the hit's Gold, True, and Communication`spandau ballet
who had the hit single plush`stone temple pilots
Who had their first no 1 with message in a bottle`police
who Had Their First Number One Hit With 'Timothy' In 1967`Four Jacks And A Jill
who had the nickname 'golden bear'`jack nicklaus
who Had The Number-1 Hit Ringo In 1964`Lorne Greene
who had the role of the piano man in lady sings the blues`richard pryor
who Had The Shortest Term Of Office Of Any U.S. President`William Henry Harrison
who had the top grossing concert`billy joel
Who had the UK Christmas NO 1 single in 1995 with Earth Song`michael jackson
who Had The U.S. Army's Dog Tag Number 533 107 61`Elvis Presley
Who had the vision that resulted in the book of Revelations`john
who Had Three Breasts`Anne Boleyn
who had three songs in that first top 10 chart`vera lynn
who Had To Be Blindfolded Before He Was Allowed To Enter Lothlorien`Gimli
Who had top ten hits in the 1960s with 'Together, Somewhere' and 'Hold Me'`p.j. proby
Who had top ten hits in the 1980s with Run to the Hills, Can I Play With Madness and The Evil That Men Do`iron maiden
who Had To Resign Because He Had An Affair With His Secretary`Cecil Parkinson
who had to watch the bee`Homer and Bernie
who Had Turned Against Edward And Restored Henry Vi To The Throne`Battle Of Barnet
who Had Worked As A __________ For The Dutch And Had Even Traveled To Java, Led An Armed Attempt To Expel The Dutch From The Cape Peninsula`Translator
who Had Worked As A Translator For The Dutch And Had Even Traveled To Java, Led An Armed Attempt To Expel The Dutch From The Cape Peninsula`Doman
who Had Worked As A Translator For The Dutch And Had Even Traveled To Java, Led An Armed Attempt To Expel The Dutch From The Cape Peninsula`Khoikhoi
who Had Worked As A Translator For The Dutch And Had Even Traveled To Java, Led An Armed Attempt To Expel The _____ From The Cape Peninsula`Dutch
who Had Worked As A Translator For The Dutch And Had Even Traveled To ____, Led An Armed Attempt To Expel The Dutch From The Cape Peninsula`Java
who Hangs Out On The Streets Of Cape Town. The Term _____ Originates From The Berg (Mountain), And Has Connotations, According To Prejudice, That They Are Members Of Inbred Hillbilly Clans. This Is Not Really So. It Has More To Do With Alcoholism And Tragic Social Circumstances Such As Poverty And Homelessness`Bergie
who Has A Fetish For Statues Or`Mannequins
who Has A Fish In Their Apartment`Mulder
who Has A Leg For An Arm And An Arm For A Leg`Mr. Mccraig
who has a line of sports shoes for nike`Micheal Jordan
who has an Affinity for Barbarians`Charsi
who has an insatiable interest or devotion: 'a sports ------.'`junkie
who has an insatiable interest or devotion: 'a sports junkie.'`junky
who has a record 5 wins in f-1 racing`juan manuel fangio
who has a repetitive forename`gabor
who has a series of books called the wheel of time`robert jordan
who has a servant called Sanch Panza`don quixote
Who has a statue in leicester square`charlie chaplin
who Has A Town In Wyoming Named After Him`Buffalo Bill Cody
who Has Become The Most Popular Cat To Appear On Tv Commercials`Morris
who has become the most popular cat to appear on tv commercials`morris the cat`boone
who Has Been Criticized By Educationalists For Social, Racial And Sexual Stereotyping`Enid Blyton
who has been deprived of parental care and has not been adopted`orphaned
who Has Been Dubbed (1998) As Tv's Talk Show 'King Of Sleaze'`Jerry Springer
who Has Been Eating ___ (It Is Said About This British Food), And You'll Think You Are Licking Paint`Marmite
who Has Been In Power In Cuba Since Declaring The Country A Socialist Nation Over 30 Years Ago`Fidel Castro
Who has been known as the "Mother of Country Music"`maybelle carter
who has been known as the "mother of country music"`maybelle`garden
who has been married to joan, joanne, joanna and alexis`johnny`association
Who has been married to joan, joanne, joanna and alexis`johnny carson
Who has been nicknamed Dr Death in the 1990s`dr jack kevorkian
who has been revealed as the father of Ashley Peacock`fred elliott
who Has Been Serving Apple Pie For More Than 100 Years`Yale College
who Has Been The Only American President To Win Non-Consecutive Terms To The White House`Grover Cleveland
who has been through many battles, struggles, or fights`warhorse
who Has Built A Shoddy Nest. If Spurned, The Male Must Take The Nest Apart And Completely Rebuild It In Order To Win The Affections Of The Female`Knot-Tying Weaverbird
who Has Built A Shoddy Nest. If Spurned, The Male Must Take The Nest Apart And Completely Rebuild It In Order To Win The __________ Of The Female`Affections
who Has By Far The Largest Pig Population`China
who has certain legal rights to or control over the premises occupied: a tenant or owner`occupant
who has charge of a parish and owns the tithes from it`rector
Who has children named Rumer & Scout`demi moore & bruce willis
who has completed a pilgrimage to mecca`hadji
who has completed the undergraduate curriculum of a college or university and holds a --------'s degree`bachelor
who has criminal jurisdiction in a city`recorder
Who has daughters named Jade, Elizabeth, Scarlett and Georgia`mick jagger
who Has Delusions Of Grand Orgies With Triviagod Gals`Scooby
who has died and gone to heaven`saint
who has died and gone to heaven`saints
who Has Died Called`Elegy
who Has Direct Personal Knowledge Of The Matter, You Hear It Straight From The Horse's`Mouth
who Has Dropped His Stick Or Any Other Piece Of Equipment From Regaining Possession Of It, What Is The Proper Penalty`Interference
who has earned the highest academic degree awarded by a college or university in a specified discipline`doctor
who Has Either The Advantages Of Wealth And Power, Or The Consideration To Be Dead`Eulogy
who has entered a religious order but has not yet taken final vows. Also called novitiate`novice
who Has Failed To Establish It`Rebel
who Has Five Wives, Became The First Person Convicted Of Polygamy In Utah In ___ Years`Fifty
who has friends named fatso flannigan, bobby mcguire and skinni mulligan`gilligan
Who has had hits with heartbeat, 5-6-7-8 and tragedy`steps
who has hit the most home runs in one season (73)`Barry Bonds
who has killed one's brother or sister`fratricide
who has lost her huband by death`widow
who has made an outpost on the planet the crystal is on`Terran
who has made a pilgimage to mecca`hajji
Who has more chromosomes, Tarzan or Cheetah`cheetah
who has nearly completed the requirements for a degree`candidacy
who has never been married`bachelor
who has never divorced`paul mccartney
who Has Never Made A Mistake Has Never Tried Anything New`Albert Einstein
who has no need of wine (Ana s Nin)`intoxicate
who has no religious beliefs`infidel
who Has No Vices Has Damned Few Virtues`Abraham Lincoln
who has or assumes a blank expression`deadpan
who has paid for the right to collect and retain certain revenues or profits`farmer
who Has Played Fagin On Both The Stage And In The 1968 Film Oliver`Ron Moody
Who has played in the most consecutive baseball games`cal ripken jr
who Has Predicted Many Disasters, Happenings And Events`Nostradamus
who has presented his weekly radio monologue 'letter from america' for the bbc without a break since march 1946`alistair cooke
who has provided Shaggy's voice for all 30 years`casey kasem
who has recently graduated from medical school and is learning medical practice in a hospital under supervision, prior to beginning a`intern
who has reddish-blond hair (first name only)`emily
Who Has Relied On The Assistance Of His Friends`Beggar
who Has Scored Against More Than 140 Goaltenders In His Nhl Career`Wayne Gretzky
who has served in the armed forces: Privilege, a token income... were allowed for -------s of both world wars (Mavis Gallant)`veteran
who Has So Earnestly Pursued Pleasure That He Has Had The Misfortune To Overtake It`Debauchee
who has special knowledge or access to confidential information`insider
who has stolen the most bases in baseball`ricky henderson
who has stolen the most bases in baseball`ricky`moonstruck
who has the ability to change the color of his costume`caped chameleon
who Has The Ability To Change The Colour Of His Costume`Caped Chameleon
who Has The Biggest Percentage Of Female Heads Of Household`Botswana
who Has The Biggest Population`China
who Has The Car Registration Letter T`Thailand
who Has The Distinction Of Being A 'Special Addition' (Ie Making The List Longer Than 10) To The Fbi's Ten Most Wanted List`James Earle Ray
who Has The Distinction Of Being The First 'Special Addition' (Ie Making The List Longer Than 10) To The Fbi's Ten Most Wanted List`James Earle Ray
who Has The First Line Ever On The Show)`Serena Fredrick
who Has The Folly To Worship Something That He Can See And Feel`Heathen
who has the has the black nose`chip
Who has the highest per capital consumption of cheese`france
who Has The Highest Per Capita Tea Consumption`Ireland
who Has The Highest Population Density`Monaco
who Has The Largest Armed Force`China
who Has The Largest School, With An Enrollment Of About 25,000`Philippines
who Has The Longest Chairlift In Europe`Switzerland
who Has The Lotus Flower As Its National Symbol`India
who Has The Most Cars Per Mile Of Road`England
who Has The Most Personalised Licence Plates`Illinois
who Has The Most Scientific Reason For Everything`Scully
who Has The Most Test Wickets For South Africa`Shaun Pollock
Who has the most u.s banknotes`russia
who has the most wins in 500cc grand prix racing, with 8 wins`giacomo agostini
who has the nickname, the divine miss m`bette`columbia
who has the nickname, the divine miss m`bette midler
who Has The Oldest Constitution That Still Exists`America
who Has The Power Of Seeing That Which Is Invisible To Her Patron, Namely, That He Is A Blockhead`Clairvoyant
who has the power to execute writs, processes, and arrests`bailiff
who has the Rank of Captain`Wraith
who has the Rank of Commodore`Battlecruiser
who has the Rank of Corporal`Firebat
who has the Rank of First Lieutenant`Medic
who has the Rank of Lieutenant Commander`Valkyrie
who has the Rank of Master Sergeant`Siege Tank
who has the Rank of Sergeant`Vulture
who has the Rank of Specialist`Ghost
who has the Rank of Warrant Officer`Dropship
who Has The Second Largest Fleet Of Trucks In The World`United Parcel Service
who has the voice of bugs bunny, sylvester and tweety pie`mel blanc
who Has The Worlds Highest Golf Course`Peru
Who has the world's largest double-decker tram fleet`hong kong
who Has The World's Most Southerly City`Chile
who has this in front of her house`flower garden
who has withdrawn from a given social group or environment`dropout
Who has won the most Best Actress Academy Award Oscars`katherine hepburn
who has worked with both Costello and Tom Waits`mark ribot
who Has Written Many Books About Jack Aubrey And Stephen Maturin`Patrick O'brian
who Hated Bugs. Alas, Her Father, Dr. Thomas Muffet, Was An`Entomologist
Who hated mozart with a deadly passion`salieri
who hates children and dogs cant be all bad`w.c. fields
who hates humankind`misanthropist
who Hates Women As Much As Women Hate Each Other. - H L Mencken`Misogynist
who have a native proficiency in one language and are acquiring proficiency in the`bilingual
who have been pope, ---------- have died violently`33
who have been pope, how many have died violently`thirty three
who Have Contracted Ebola`Black Vomit
who have died of an incurable disease in the hope of a future cure`cryonics
who Have Died On The Fourth Of July Were Thomas Jefferson And John Adams (Both Died In 1826), And _____ ______ In 1831`James Monroe
who Have Died On The Fourth Of July Were Thomas Jefferson And John Adams (Both Died In 1826), And James Monroe In 1831`Calvin Coolidge
who Have Ever Been To Space Have Gotten There Via What`Space Shuttle
who have ever smoked have now quit`half
who Have Followed The Eightfold Path Will Be Freed From The Cycle Of Reincarnation And Gain What State Of Total Peace`Nirvana
who have followed the eightfold path will be freed from the cycle of reincarnation & gain what state of total peace`nirvana
who have fought for control of Afghanistan in recent years`taliban
who have gathered to participate in an activity.  band2`partied
who have gathered to participate in an activity.  band2`party
who Have Given Birth. The Cords Are Reused In Vein Transplant Surgery`Umbilical Cords
who have hand in pocket not just jingling ------------`change
who have head up as#, have -------- outlook on life`sh##ty
who have head up ass, have -------- outlook on life`shitty
who have hit the top 40`ernie and kermit
who have hit the top 40`ernie &  kermit
who have hit the top 40`ernie & kermit`ernie and kermit
who Have Killed Soldiers And Captured A Hospital`Burma
who have long since sold out to conformity (John M. Wilson)`malcontent
who have no jobs`jobless
who Have Nothing`Ben E King
who have nothing`sylvester
who Have Over 60,000 Species In Their Group`Weevils
Who, Having Dined, Is Charged With The Care Of The Plate`Husband
who He Accidentally Kills In The Series 'Seinfeld'`Susan
who Headed Alfa Romeo's Racing Team In The 1950ies`Enzo Ferrari
who headed the task force that proposed the space shuttle`spiro agnew
who headlined Lollapalooza 94`smashing pumpkins
who Heads The Herd Called`Lead Mare
who heard it through the grapevine in 1968`marvin gaye
who heats something or tends a heating apparatus`heater
who Held Five Different World Titles During His Career`Sugar Ray Leonard
Who held out his hand and miraculously parted the waters of the Red sea so that the Israelites could pass to safety`moses
who held the record as the most prolific living author`barbra cartland
who Held The Record For Most Home Runs In A Season`Roger Maris
who Helmed Four Of The Top 10 Highest-Grossing Movies Before Finally Winning An Oscar For His Craft`Steven Spielberg
who Helped Clark Kent When He Was The 'Scarecrow'`Lex Luthor
who helped Donovan pick out the Grail`elsa illinois
who helped Donovan pick out the Grail`elsa snyder
who Helped George Harrison Produce 'My Sweet Lord'`Phil Spector
who helped inaugurate New York's Carnegie Hall in 1891`Tchaikovsky
who Helped Merry And Pippin`Treebeard
who Helped Plan The __________ Burglary For President Nixon, Both Worked At Disneyland When They Were Younger`Watergate
who helped run the school for the blind`hester sue
who Helped Run The School For The Blind On Little House On The Prarie? (Besides Mary Ingalls)`Hester Sue
who helped theseus escape the labyrinth`ariadne
Who hid in a house at 263 Princengracht, Amsterdam, for two years`anne frank
who hired daedalus to construct the labyrinth`minos
Who hired The Jackal`oas
who hit 5 in 1983 with she blinded me with science`thomas dolby
Who hit a golf shot on the moon`alan sheppard
Who hit a homerun in his first at bat in college, the olympics, &  the major leagues`will clark
who Hit His 600th Baseball Homerun On September 22,1969`Mays`Willie Mays
who hit in 1981 with Ah! Leah!`donnie iris
who hit in 1982 with love plus one`haircut 100
who hit in 1989 with angel eyes`jeff healey band
who Hit No. 1 With A Song After Her Release From A Hospital For Spinal Surgery`Gloria Gaynor
who Hits Joey`Katie
who hits many extra-base hits`slugger
who hit the bestseller list yet again with WLT: A Radio Romance`death
who hit the bestseller list yet again with WLT: A Radio Romance`garrison keillor
who holds a commission in the armed forces`officer
who holds an opposing opinion or view`con
who holds an opposing opinion or view`cons
who holds a peerage by descent or appointment`peeress
Who holds British passport No.1`prince philip
who holds england's all time record for international soccer caps`viv anderson
who Holds On To The Stock And Makes A Lot Of Money`George
who holds or seeks a political office`politician
who holds the career home run record in major league baseball`hank aaron
who holds the modern day record for most errors by an outfielder`ty cobb
who holds the modern day record for most errors by an outfielder`ty`reznor
who Holds The Nfl Record For Most Rushing Yards In A Season`Eric Dickerson
Who holds the nhl record for the most goals scored during a regular season`wayne gretzky
who Holds The Record For Consecutive Games Kicking A Field Goal`Matt Stover
who Holds The Record For Most Rushing Yards In An Nfl Career`Emmitt Smith
Who holds the record for most touchdown passes in one season`dan marino
who Holds The Record For The Fastest Ball Ever Bowled In Cricket`Shoaib Akhtar
who holds the record for the highest #triviabot of sales for a single recording`bing crosby
who holds the record for the highest #triviabot of sales for a single recording`bing`state
who holds the record of the longest reign in world history`ramses ii
Who holds the world on his shoulders`atlas
who Holds The World Record For The Loudest Burp`Paul Hunn
who holds this rank`airman
who holds this rank`commodore
who holds this rank or a similar rank in another military organization`colonel
who Hoof It To Work`Alaska
who Hope In Reincarnation To Be ______ As Men`Reborn
who Hope In Reincarnation To Be Reborn As`Men
who Hope In Reincarnation To Be Reborn As Men`China
who Hope In Reincarnation To Be Reborn As Men`Ninpo
who hosted and performed at the 1st Lollapalooza`ice t
Who hosted Britain's first Saturday night television lottery show`noel edmonds
who hosted NBC's Scrabble and Scattegories game shows`charlie tuna
who hosted the 1982 soccer world cup`spain
who hosted the 1995 Academy Awards`david letterman
Who hosted the 1997 Grammy Awards`Ellen Degeneres
who hosted the 1997 Grammy Awards`helen degeneres
Who hosted the 1999 cricket world cup`england
who hosted the show this is your life`ralph edwards
who hosted the show this is your life`ralph`speedwagon
who Hosted Tv's Longest Running Tv Show`Ed Sullivan
who Hosts 'America's Most Wanted'`John Walsh
Who hosts the Monza grand prix `italy
who Hunts`hunter
who id the lead singer with blur`damon alban
Who 'imagined' a better world`john lennon
who imitates the behavior, customs, or dress of an admired person or group`wannabe
who, immediately prior to maurice greene, was the fastest sprinter ever`ben johnson
Who imported the first Go set into Britain`Marco Polo
Who in 1497 established the first Portuguese colony in India`vasco da gama
Who, in 1519, was the first man to sail around the world`juan sebastian del cano
Who, in 1655, discovered Saturn's rings`christiaan huygens
Who, in 1671, wrote the tragedy in blank verse "Samson Agonistes"`john milton
who In 1773 Discovered The Digestive Action Of Saliva`Lazzaro Spallanzani
who In 1774 Patented A Precision Cannon Borer`John Wilkinson
who In 1792 Explored Puget Sound And Named Mount Rainier`George Vancouver
Who, In 1835, Took The Earliest Surviving Photograph, Was Born February 11 In 1800`William Henry Fox Talbot
Who in 1859 was described as "The Daring Young Man on the Flying Trapeze"`jules leotard
who In 1863, Succeeded Frederick Vii As King Of Denmark`Christian Ix
who, in 1865, was the first us president to be assassinated`abraham`city
Who, In 1865, Was The First U.S. President To Be Assassinated`Abraham Lincoln
Who, in 1874, painted the picture called La Loge`auguste renoir
Who, In 1889, Painted The Picture Called The Starry Sky`Vincent Van Gogh
who In 1892 Introduced An Adding-Subtracting Machine With A Printer`William S. Burroughs
who In 1893 Defined Vegetables As Plants Eaten In A Meal And Fruits As Plants Eaten As Dessert`United States Supreme Court
Who in 1893 defined vegtables as plants eaten in a meal and fruits as plants eaten as dessert`United States Supreme Court
Who, in 1902, made the first million selling record`enrico caruso
who, in 1923, said that he wanted to climb mount everest "because it is there"`george`cantona
who, in 1923, said that he wanted to climb mount everest "because it is there"`george mallory
Who, in 1943, wrote the book The Gremlins, which was later turned into a successful film`roald dahl
Who, in 1947, was the first man to break the sound barrier`chuck yeager
Who, in 1948, became the first Prime Minister of Israel`david ben-gurion
who, in 1952, became the only winner of the 5000m, 10000m and marathon in the same games`emil`baggio
who, in 1952, became the only winner of the 5000m, 10000m and marathon in the same games`emil zatopek
Who, in 1957, was the first-black player to win a singles title at Wimbledon`althea gibson
who in 1958 had a top ten pop music hit with "Willie and the Hand Jive"`Johnny Otis
Who, in 1962, had a hit with 'Bobby's Girl'`susan maughan
who in 1962 wrote about his`galactic network concept
Who, in 1965, became the first non-American in 45 years to win the U.S Open Championship`gary player
who In 1967 Became The First African-American To Serve On The Supreme Court`Thurgood Marshall
who, in 1968, became the oldest singer to get a number 1 hit in britain`louis armstrong
Who, in 1969, became the first British male golfer to win the British Open since 1951`tony jacklin
who, in 1975 was the first rock and roller to appear simultaneously on the covers of time and newsweek`bruce springsteen
Who, In 1976, Were The 3 Original Actresses In 'Charlie's Angels'`Jaclyn Smith, Kate Jackson And Farrah Fawcett
Who, in 1976, were the 3 original actresses in "Charlie's Angels"`jaclyn smith, kate jackson & farah fawcett
Who, in 1977, was the first woman to ride in the Grand National`charlotte brew
who In 1984, Became The First Chairwoman Of The Democratic Platform Committee`Geraldine Ferraro
who in 1984 reached no 2 with " its raining men "`the weather girls
who, in 1984, repeated jesse owens' feat of winning the 100, 200, long jump and 4x100 relay`carl`amazon
who, in 1984, repeated jesse owens' feat of winning the 100, 200, long jump and 4x100 relay`carl lewis
Who in 1988 became the first elected female prime minister in an Islamic country`Benazir Bhutto
Who, In 1990, Was The First Professional Boxer To Beat Mike Tyson`James (Buster) Douglas
who , In 1991, Appeared Nude And In A State Of Late Pregnancy On The Cover Of 'Vanity Fair' Magazine`Demi Moore
Who, In 1993, Said That Tax Dodging Was A Sin That Risked Eternal Damnation`Pope John Paul Ii
Who in 1994 knocked out Michael Moorer to become the oldest man ever to win a version of the World Heavyweight Boxing title`george foreman
Who in 1994 knocked out Michael Moore to become the oldest man ever to win a version of the World Heavyweight Boxing title`george foreman
Who, in 1997, became the first black referee in the English Premier League`uriah rennie
Who, in 1998, became Germany's seventh post-war Chancellor`gerhard schroder
who, in an effort to prove the danger of using ac (alternating current) in homes, carried out experiments where he electrocuted dogs with ultra-high voltages`thomas edison
who ------ in another man's well often catches crab`fishes
who in a perilous emergency thinks with his legs`coward
who In Austria Was Killed On June 28 1914`Franz Ferdinand
who In A Wide Cultural Perspective And With Poetic Overtones Fashions The`Drama Of Existence
Who in baseball was known as king kong`dave kingman
who In Children's Literature Was Told 'To Begin At The Beginning And End At The End'`Alice
who ------ in church, sits in own pew`farts
who incinerate the Terran planets infested by Zerg`Tassadar
who in classical mythology was apollo's mother`leto
Who incurred the wrath of the gods by stealing fire from them, and giving it to mankind`prometheus
who in early times`china and india
Who, in egyptian mythology, is the god of the dead`aker
Who in Egyptian mythology was the wife of Osiris`isis
Who in fiction rode a horse called "Shadowfax"`the wizard gandalf
Who in fiction was the arch-enemy of Flash Gordon`ming the merciless
who informs against others: an informer`informant
Who in greek mythology had snakes instead of hair`medusa
Who, in Greek mythology, was chained to rock with an eagle picking at his liver`prometheus
Who, in Greek mythology, was condemned to eternally roll a stone uphill, where it continually rolled back down again`sisyphus
Who in Greek mythology was the son of Chaos`erebus
Who in Greek mythology was the son of Daedalus`icarus
Who, in Greek Mythology, were Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos`the fates
who inherited $300 million from her late husband J. Howard Marshall II`anna nicole smith
who In His Novel Combines The Poet's And The Painter's Creativeness With A Deepened Awareness Of Time In The Depiction Of The`Human Condition
Who initiated the works of the Bible`king solomon
Who, In Legend, Sailed With A Silmaril On His Brow`Earendil
who In Legend Was Supposed To Have Ridden From London To York On A Horse Called Black Bess`Dick Turpin
Who, in literature, is eligible to be nominated for the annual award called the Carnegie Medal`authors of children's books
Who, in literature, was Sarah Woodruff`the french lieutenant's woman
Who in mythology was condemned to sit under a sword suspended by a hair`damocles
Who in mythology was the muse of lyrics and poetry`erato
who in nba history has blocked the most shots`hakeem olajuwon
who In One Movie Plays Phoebe Frost And In Another Movie Plays Alice Sycamore`Jean Arthur
Who in Shakespeare claimed to be "A man more sinned against than sinning"`king lear
Who in Shakespeare's King lear was the sister of Goneril and Cordelia`regan
who in shakespeare was the moor of venice`othello
who Insisted The Toilets Be Raised An Inch Before He'd Begin A Chess Match With Boris Spassky`Bobby Fischer
who insists on the best accommodations.'`aristocrat
who inspects, tests, and certifies weights and measures`sealer
who instructs in a pedantic or dogmatic manner`pedagogue
Who insured her chest for 2 million?`Suzanne Mizzi
who Intended To Invade Serbia - And Serbian Forces On River Drina Which Forms The Border Between The Two Countries`Battle Of The Drina
Who, In The 18th Century, Was Known As 'Sea Green Incorruptible'`Robespierre
Who in the 1983/4 season became the first British footballer to win the European Golden Boot award`ian rush
Who in the 20th century is credited with building the first successful helicopter, which flew in 1939`igor sikorsky
Who in the 60s produced the 'Space Age' collection`pierre cardin
Who, in the 60's recorded 'heroin' and 'sweet jane'`velvet underground
Who, in the 60's recorded such notables as "Heroin" and "Sweet Jane"`The Velvet Underground
Who in the bible had his vineyards confiscated`naboth
Who in the Bible is reputed to have overseen the making of The Golden Calf`aaron
Who in the Bible received thirty pieces of silver`judas
Who in the bible was afflicted by torments to test his faith`job
Who, in the Bible, was taken up to heaven in a fiery chariot`elisha
Who, in the Bible, was taken up to heaven in a fiery chariot`elisha`elias
Who in the bible was the brother of Esau`jacob
Who, in the Holy Bible, was the father of David`jesse
Who, in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, terrorized settlers in the New South Wales and Victoria regions`Bushrangers
who In The Show Once Guest Starred As Himself (Not In Wormhole Extreme)`Michael Ryan
Who introduced bagpipes to the british isles`romans
who Introduced Jack Crusher To Beverly`Walker Keel
who Introduced Michael Dukakis When He Accepted The Democratic Presidential Nomination`Olympia Dukakis
Who introduced racial segregation in south africa`national party
who introduced rugby to new zealand`charles monro
Who introduced the christmas tree to england from bavaria`prince albert
Who introduced the first designer collection for men`pierre cardin
who Introduced The Flexible Film`George Eastman
who Introduced The Flexible Film Was Also Responsible For What Other Popular Invention`The Box Camera
who Introduced The Gregorian Calendar`Pope Gregory Xiii
who introduced the idea of composition based on tone-rows`Schoenberg
Who introduced the idea that electrons move round the nuclei of atoms in well defined orbits`niels bohr
Who introduced the "New Look" in fashion in 1947`christian dior
Who introduced the printing press into england in 1476`william caxton
who Introduced The Sundial To Greece`Anaximander
Who introduced the terms negative and positive in relation to electricity`benjamin franklin
Who introduces Bart to Herman?`Grampa Simpson
Who introduces Bart to Herman`Grampa Simpson`Grandpa Simpson
who Introduces Channel 4's Time Team Programme`Tony Robinson
Who introduces the animals on the tv show`mr greenjeans
Who introduces the Radio 4 programme Home Truths`john peel
who Intrudes Into The Lives Of The Lovers`La Ruffiana
who Invaded England In 55 Bc`Romans
who Invented A Close Fitting Garment Worn By Dancers`Jules Leotard
Who invented aluminum manufacture, (by electrolytic action)`charles hall
who Invented A Method Of Making Paper Using Tree Bark, Hemp, And Rags In 105`Tsai Lun
who invented a method of teaching for children as young as two`shinichi suzuk1
Who invented analytic geometry`descartes
Who invented anesthetic: (first use of anesthetic-ether-on humans)`crawford long
who Invented An Illegal Way To Make Free Long Distance Calls`Steve Wozniak
who invented a rapid fire weapon in 1953`uzi
Who invented a screw which lifts water to a higher level`archimedes
Who invented aspirin`dr  felix hoffman
Who invented barbed wire in 1873`joseph e. glidden
who invented Bazaar, Acquire, Can't Stop, and Domination`sidney sackson
Who invented bifocal glasses`benjamin franklin
Who invented 'bifocal' lenses for eyeglasses`benjamin franklin
Who invented bi-focal spectacles in the 18th Century`benjamin franklin
Who invented braille in 1829`louis braille
Who invented braille in 1829`louis braille`louis
Who invented carbonated soda water`joseph priestley
who invented cat's eyes`percy shaw
Who invented cement in 1824`joseph aspdin
Who invented chewing gum in 1848`john curtis
Who invented Coca Cola`dr john pemberton
Who invented condensed milk`gail borden
Who invented condensed milk in 1853`gail borden
Who invented Cornflakes`john harvey kellog
Who invented crop insurance`benjamin franklin
Who invented dynamite`Alfred Nobel
Who invented false eyelashes`d.w griffith
Who invented fiber optics`narinder kapany
Who invented fortune cookies`charles jung
Who invented James Bond`Ian Fleming
who Invented _________, John Gregg, Was Deaf`Shorthand
who invented levi's jeans`levi`salk
who invented levi's jeans`levi strauss
Who invented logarithms`John Napier
Who invented mass car production`henry ford
Who invented painting by numbers`palmer paint company
who Invented Peanut Butter`George Washington Carver
Who invented Penicillin`alexander Fleming
Who invented plate tectonics`alfred wegener
who Invented Popcorn`North American Indians
Who invented popsicles`frank epperson
Who invented popsicles`george orwell
Who invented psychoanalysis`sigmund freud
Who invented rabies immunization`louis pasteur
Who invented scissors?`Leonardo Da Vinci
who invented shorthand in 1588`sir timothy bright
Who invented sluice gates, swimming belts, and scissors`leonardo da vinci
who invented spectrum analysis`kirchhoff & bunsen`bunsen & kirchhoff
Who invented teflon`dupont
who invented television`john baird
Who invented Tetris`Alexi Pazhitnov
Who invented the 1st generation machine gun in 1718`james puckle
Who invented the 2nd generation machine gun in 1861`richard j gatling
Who invented the aerosol can`erik rotheim
Who invented the aerosol`erik rotheim
who invented the air brake?`george westinghouse
Who invented the air conditioner`willis carrier
Who invented the alloy pinchbeck`thomas pinchbeck
Who invented the assembly line`henry ford
who "invented" the atomic bomb`j robert oppenheimer
Who invented the automatic rifle`john browning
who Invented The Automobile`Gottlieb Daimler, Karl Benz
who invented the automobile in 1885`karl benz
Who invented the ballpoint pen`georgo and laszlo biro
who invented the ballpoint pen in 1938`biro
Who invented the barometer in 1643`evangelista torricelli
Who invented the blast furnace`Henry Bessemer
Who invented the bolometer`samuel p langley
who invented the bra`mary phelps jacobs
Who invented the 'bunsen burner'`robert bunsen
who Invented The Calculus Of Variations`John Bernoulli
Who invented the carpet sweeper in 1876`melville bissell
Who invented the carpet sweeper in 1876`melville r bissell
Who invented the cash register in 1879`james ritty
who Invented The Centigrade Scale`Anders Celsius
Who invented the chair`egyptians
Who invented the chemical battery`Alessandro Volta
Who invented the clockwork radio`trevor bayliss
who Invented The Computer Mouse`Douglas C. Engelbart
Who invented the conical bullet`claude minie
who Invented The Cotton Gin`Eli Whitney
who invented the credit card?`edward bellamy
Who invented the difference engine`charles babbage
who invented the dynamo, transformer and direct current motor`michael faraday
Who invented the egg mcmuffin`ed peterson
Who invented the electrical bass`fender
Who invented the electrical bass`Leo Fender
who invented the electrical bass`leo fender`fender
who invented the electric bass guitar`leo fender
Who invented the electric battery`alessandro volta
who invented the electric chair`dr alphonse rockwell
Who invented the electric cooking range`thomas ahearn
Who invented the electric fan`schuyler wheeler
Who invented the electric flatiron`henry seely
Who invented the electric razor in 1928`jacob schick
Who invented the electric shaver`jacob schick
Who invented the electric transformer`william stanley
Who invented the electric washing machine`alva fisher
Who invented the exploding shell`henry shrapnel
Who invented the ferris wheel`ferris
Who invented the first accurate seismograph`john milne
Who invented the first  bifocal lens`benjamin franklin
Who invented the first chocolate candy`conrad j van houten
Who invented the first completely automated robotic milking machine`denmark
Who invented the first continuous stitch sewing machine`isaac singer
Who invented the first electric razor`jacob schick
Who invented the first flush toilet`thomas crapper
who invented the first fully-automatic machine gun`hiram maxim
Who invented the first MODERN bicycle in 1884`james starley
Who invented the first oil well`edwin drake
who invented the first polaroid camera in 1947`edwin land
Who invented the first practical radar`sir robert watson-watt
Who invented the first practical steam engine`thomas newcomen
Who invented the first sewing machine`elias howe
who Invented The First Telescope But, Was Refused A Patent`Hans Lippershey
who Invented The First Typewriter With A Manual Keyboard`Xavier Progin
Who invented the food processor in 1947`kenneth wood
Who invented the fountain pen in 1884`lewis waterman
who Invented The Frisbee`William Russel Frisbee
Who invented the gatling gun`richard gatling
Who invented the geodesic dome`buckminster fuller
Who invented the hamburger`louis lassen
who invented the hawaiian steel guitar?`alvino rey
Who invented the holograph`dennis gabor
Who invented the Hoovercraft`Cristopher Cockrell
Who invented the ice cream soda`robert green
Who invented the ice cream sundae`william garwood
Who invented the idea of "infantile sexuality" or the Oedipus complex`sigmund freud
who invented the idea of the "collective unconcious?"`carl jung
who invented the java programming language`sun microsystems
who invented the java programming language`sun microsystems`sun
Who invented the kinetoscope`thomas edison
Who invented the lie detector`john augustus larson
Who invented the lightbulb`Thomas Edison
Who invented the lightning conductor in June 1752`bejamin franklin
who Invented The Lightning Rod`Benjamin Franklin
Who invented the liquid-fuelled rocket`robert goddard
Who invented the LP record in 1948`peter goldmark
Who invented the magnifying glass`friar roger bacon
who Invented The Mechanical Reaper`Cyrus Mccormick
who Invented The Mercury Thermometer`Gabriel Fahrenheit
Who invented the microphone`charles wheatstone
who invented the microphone in 1876 died on august 2, 1922`alexander graham bell
Who invented the microwave oven`percy spencer
Who invented the military tank`sir ernest swinton
Who invented the miners safety lamp`sir humphry davy
Who invented the mini skirt`mary quant
Who invented the most common projection for world maps`gerardus mercator
Who invented the moving assembly line in 1913`henry ford
Who invented the Parking Meter`carlton c mcgee
who invented the parking meter`c.c magee
Who invented the pendulum clock in 1656`christian huygens
Who invented the phonograph?`Thomas Edison
who invented the Piano Nocturne`John Field
who invented the pneumatic tyre from a section of garden hose, (for his sons tricycle)`john dunlop
Who invented the pneumatic tyre from a section of garden hose`john dunlop
Who invented the Polaroid camera`edwin land
Who invented the potato chip`george crum
who Invented The Predecessor To Today's Computers`Charles Babbage
Who invented the pressure cooker (early version)`denis papin
who Invented The Printing Press`Johannes Gutenberg
who invented the radio`guglielmo marconi
Who invented the radio`reginald fessenden
who invented the reflecting telescope?`isaac newton
Who invented the revolver`samuel colt
who Invented The Rickshaw`Rev Jonathan Scobie
who invented the rifle in 1520`joseph kotter
Who invented the rotary combustion engine`felix wankel
Who invented the safety lamp for miners in 1816`Humphrey Davy
Who invented the safety pin`walter hunt
Who invented the saxophone`adolphe sax
who invented the sewing machine`elias howe
who Invented The Slinky`Richard James
who Invented The Smallpox Vaccine`Edward Jenner
Who invented the Spinning Frame`richard arkwright
Who invented the 'Spinning Jenny'`james hargreaves
Who invented the stethoscope`rene laennec
who Invented The Stock Ticker In 1870`Thomas Edison
who Invented The Study Of Formal Logic And Pioneered The Study Of Zoology`Aristotle
who invented the submarine`robert fulton
Who invented the system of paying for postage with stamps`Rowland Hill
Who invented the tank in 1914`sir ernest swinton
Who invented the tape recorder (magnetic steel tape)`valdemar poulsen
who Invented The Tcp/Ip Standard`Vint Cerf
Who invented the telegraph`samuel morse
Who invented the telephone`Alexander Graham Bell
who Invented The Telescope`Galileo Galilei
Who invented the term 'gamesmanship'`stephen potter
who invented the thermometer`galileo galilei
Who invented the toothbrush`William Addis
Who invented the vacuum flask`james dewar
Who invented the vulcanizationprocess of rubber`charles goodyear
Who invented the windmill`arabs
Who invented the windmill`arabsQuotations: 'The greatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes.'`Sir Winston Churchill
Who invented the Windows o s`bill gates
who Invented The Wireless Radio`Guglielmo Marconi
Who invented the word "assassination"`shakespeare
Who invented the World Wide Web`tim berners-lee
who Invented The World Wide Web`Tim Berners-Lee`Berners-Lee
who invented the wristwatch?`louis cartier
Who invented the yo yo`donald f duncan
Who invented the zip fastener in 1893`whitcomb judson
who Invented The Zipper`Judson
Who invented Utopia`sir thomas moore
who Invented Velcro`Georges De Mestral
who Invented Wax Paper`Thomas Edison
who investigates citizens' complaints against the government or its functionaries`ombudsman
who Investigates Drug Related Crime`Narc
who invited you to Dance To The Music`Sly and the Family Stones
Who, in World War Two, was the Japanese equivalent of 'Lord Haw Haw'`tokyo rose
who Is A Bit Of A Cry-Baby, Is A '____.'`Sook
who Is A Bit Of A ___-____, Is A 'Sook.'`Cry-Baby
who is abjectly subservient to a specified person or influence: I was still the ----- of education and prejudice (Edward Gibbon)`slave
who Is About To Release An Auto-Biography Co-Written With Eamon Dunphy`Roy Keane
who is above and below scotty in the enterprise's chain of command`spock sulu`spock and sulu
who ______ _____ _____ Is A Bruxomaniac`Grinds Their Teeth
who Is Actor Warren Beatty's Sister`Shirley Maclaine
who is actually still on the government's payroll and is available for assignments`annuitant
who is a ------- dictionary.'`walking
who is Admiral Dugalle Life long friend`Vice-Admiral Stukov
Who is advised "not to carry the world upon his shoulders"`jude
who is afraid of everything`panphobic
who is agent fox mulder on the x-files`david duchovny
who is agent mulder's nemisis on the x-files`cigarette smoking man
Who is Al Gores running mate in the 2000 Presidential election campaign`joe liebermann
who is also called the rain queen`queen modjadji
who Is Also Known As Mr. Warmth`Don Rickles
who Is Also Known As 'The Maker'`Forge
Who is always the victim the game of Cluedo`dr. black
who is america's biggest trading partner`canada
who is "americas sweetheart"`mary pickford
who is America's sweetheart`mary pickford
who is anakin skywalker's mother`shmi skywalker
who is an anchor in a competition, such as a relay race`anchorman
who Is Androphobic Has A Fear Of What`Men
who is an inspiration to others`luminaries
who is anna mae bullock`tina turner
who Is Anne Mae Bullock`Tina Turner
who is a non profesional`amateur
who is a nonprofessional:  [a program] to educate laywomen in the ways of political campaigns (New York)`laywoman
who is an -------- to the world of opera.'`ornament
who is a "philematophobe" hates what`being kissed
who is appointed by a testator to execute the testator's will`executor
who is a prostitute's customer`john
who is a renowned Bandit in Lut Gholein`Elzix
who is a ruler of a principality`prince
who is, as of 1999, britain's longest serving post-wwii prime minister`margaret thatcher
who is assistant to the Gaffer or Senior Electrician`best boy
Who is associated with the address 221B Baker Street, London`Sherlock Holmes
who is associated with the word 'eureka'`archimedes
Who is a successful recording artist, talented landscape artist, and author of children's books`ricky van shelton
who Is Austin Powers`International Man Of Mystery
who is authorized to write and issue official accounts of judicial or legislative proceedings`reporter
who is avoided by others: a pariah`leper
who is a 'wild and crazy guy'`steve martin
who is Baal's Brother`Diablo
who is barney & betty rubble's son`bambam`bam bam
who Is Bart's Best Friend`Millhouse
who Is Bart's Teacher`Mrs Krabappel
who is batman's gay offsider`robin
Who is befriended by buttons`cinderella
who is believed to be capable of producing rain, as through magical or ritual actions`rainmaker
who is bert's best friend on sesame street?`ernie
who is better known as william jefferson blythe`bill clinton
Who is Betty in A private function`a pig
who Is Bibendum Better Known As`The Michelin Man
Who is Bleedin' Gums Murphy's younger brother?`Dr. Hibbert
Who is Britains best known former kindergarten teacher`diana
who is britain's defender of the faith`queen elizabeth ii
Who is broomhilda's buzzard buddy`gaylord
who is Brother in Arms to Jamella`Halbu
who Is Bugs Bunny's Nephew`Clyde
who is buried under the arc de triomphe`unknown soldier
Who is c3po's sidekick`r2d2
who Is Cable In Relation To Cyclops`Son
who Is Called The Father Of The H Bomb`Edward Teller
Who is called the 'texas tornado' by her fans`tanya tucker
who is cameron going to marry`the first girl he lays
who Is Capitol City's Mascot`Goofball
who Is Captain Mark Phillips Married To`Princess Anne
who is caryn johnson better known as`whoopi goldberg
Who is cassius clay now known as`mohammed ali
who Is Cast As Poirot In 'Murder On The Orient Express' (1974)`Albert Finney
who is chip's mom in beauty and the beast`mrs pots
who Is Christina Claire Ciminella`Wynonna Judd
who is cinderella's stepmother`lady tremaine
who Is Cited As The Founder Of The Anthropology Of Religion`Sir Edward Burnett Taylor
who Is Closest Starts The Game`Diddle For The Middle
who is col potter's favorite singing cowboy`tex ritter
who is comedian lenny henrys wife`dawn french
who Is Comic Book Superhero The Hulk's Girlfriend`Betty Ross
who is concerned with the interests and welfare of humans`humanist
who is considered one of the founders of modern chemistry because of his contributions to experimentation`joseph priestley
who Is Considered The Doctor Of Medicine`Hippocrates
who Is Considered The Father Of Modern Geology`James Hutton
who Is Considered The Founder Of Genetics`Gregor Mendel
who is considered the patron saint of travellers`st christopher
who Is Considered The Patron Saint Of Travellers`St Christopher`saint Christopher
who Is Considered To Be The Father Of Modern Economics`Adam Smith
Who is considered to be the Vitamin C "guru"`dr linus pauling
who Is Constantly Setting His Balls On Fire`Johnny Knoxville
Who is Country Music Hall of Fames only 2 time inductee?`roy rogers
WhoisCountryMusicHallofFamesonly2timeinductee`roy rogers
who Is Credited As Author Of The Book 'Close Encounters Of The Third Kind'`Steven Spielberg
who is credited as the 'father of alternating current'`nikola tesla
who is credited with coining the phrase, 'm'kay'`mr. vandresen
who Is Credited With Developing 'Coordinate Geometry'`Descartes
Who is credited with inventing scat singing`louis armstrong
who is credited with inventing television?`john baird
Who is credited with inventing the first mercury thermometer`gabriel fahrenheit
Who is credited with inventing the fountain pen in 1848`lewis waterman
Who is credited with inventing the game of baseball`Doubleday
Who is credited with inventing the light bulb`edison
Who is credited with inventing the transistor`dr william shockley
Who is credited with inventing the world's first mechanical calculating machine`blaise pascal
Who is credited with invention of the nuclear reactor?`Enrico Fermi
who Is Credited With Saying Religion Is The Opium Of The People`Karl Marx
who is credited with the foundation of the kingdom of the south saxons, or sussex`aella
Who is credited with the invention of Bakelite`dr. baekeland
Who is credited with the invention of logarithms`john napier
Who is credited with the invention of the cylinder lock`elihu yale
who Is Credited With The Invention Of The Piano Was Born On May 4,1655`Bartolommeo Cristofori
Who is credited with the invention of the seed drill`jethro tull
who Is Daisy Duck's Boyfriend`Donald Duck
who Is David Cassidy's Half-Brother`Shaun Cassidy
who is david robert jones better known as`david bowie
who is david soul's famous brother`robert urich
who Is Dick Tracy's Sweetheart`Tess Trueheart
who is dionne warwicks famous cousin`whitney houston
who Is Directly In Line Of Succession To King Fahd`Prince Abdullah, Crown Prince
Who is donald duck's girlfriend`daisy duck
who Is Donald Duck's Rich Uncle`Scrooge Mcduck
Who is Donald Duck's uncle`Scrooge
who Is Drew Barrymore's Grandfather`John Barrymore
who Is Dr. Fraiser's Adopted Daughter`Cassandra
who Is Dr. Seuss? (Real Name)`Theodor Geisel
who Is Dr. Vladimir Krabokov`The Evil Dr. Crab
Who is Dr. Vladimir Krabokov?`The Evil Dr. Crab of "Radioactive Man"
who Is Eager Or Ready To Shed Blood Is '__________.'`Sanguinary
who Is Eager To Know The Latest News And Gossip - Otherwise, A Busybody`Quidnunc
who is eagle eye cherrys singing sister`nene cherry
who is easily deceived: a dupe`sucker
Who is Edgar Winter's famous brother`johnny winter
Who is edson arantes do nascimento`pele
who is Elrond's daughter`arwen
Who is Elton John lyrics writer`bernie taupin
who Is Elton Singing About With The Song Which Begins 'Goodbye Norma Jean'`Marilyn Monroe
who Is Emilio Estevez's Father`Martin Sheen
Who is Emperor of Japan`akihito
who is engaged aggressively or energetically in an activity, cause, or conflict: 'neighborhood -------s fighting against developers.'`warrior
who is especially gifted in the perception and expression of the beautiful or lyrical: ( [the naturalist John Burroughs] was the bard of the bird feeder, the poet of the small andhomey`poets
Who is famous for historically riding naked on horseback through Coventry, England`Lady Godiva
who Is Famous For Saying 'I'll Be Back'`Arnold Schwarzenegger
who Is Famous For Saying 'Make My Day'`Clint Eastwood
who is famous for the saying`smokey the bear
Who is famous for writing 'interview with the vampire', the first book in the vampire chronicles`anne rice
who Is Famously Buried In The Churchyard At Bamburgh, Northumberland`Grace Darling
who is featured on 1984s the best of annette`annette funicello
who is felt to be particularly cruel, brutish, or hideous`ogre
Who is first of the 7 dwarfs alphabetically`bashful
who Is Five Times More Likely To Die In An Accident - A Right-Handed Or A Left-Handed Person`A Left-Handed Person
who is flash gordon's arch enemy`ming the merciless
who Is Following Another Vehicle Too Closely`Bumper Sticker
who Is Fond Of Saying 'I Will Gladly Pay You Tuesday For A Hamburger Today'`Wimpey
who is --------- for his work`unsuited
who is fourth in line to the english throne`prince andrew
who Is Four Times As Old As Rupert. Rupert's Younger Sister Is Half Rupert's Age. If Rupert's Sister Is Three Years Old, How Old Is Tom`72
who Is Frank Cujo Now Known As`Jean-Claude Van Damme
who is fred flintstone's best friend`barney rubble
who is fred & wilma's daughter`pebbles
who Is Frodo's Trusted Companion`Sam
who is from an earlier time and has originated or contributed to a common tradition shared by a particular group`forefather
who is from outside a particular group or community: an outsider`foreigner
Who is Gabbo's puppeteer?`Arthur Crandell
who Is Gandalf Talking To When He Says, Too Long Have You Stayed In The Shadow`Theoden
Who is gaylord the buzzard's buddy`broomhilda
who is generally considered responsible for writing most of the Psalms -74 in all`king david
who is generally regarded as the founder of the science of mineralogy`agricola
Who is geneticly Alec's identical twin`Ben
Who is geneticly Ben's identical twin`Alec
who Is Georgios Kyriacos Panayiotou`George Michael
who Is Gimli The Son Of`Gloin
who is goemon's sidekick`ebisumaru
who Is Gog's Companion In London's Guild Hall`Magog
Who is Goldie Hawns actor partner`kurt russell
who is gonna love me`dionne warwick
who Is Goofy's Neighbor In 'The Goofy Movie'`Pete
who is Grundy's daughter`surprise
Who is Hamlet's tragic suicidal girlfriend`ophelia
who is han solo's co-pilot`chewbacca
who is happy's partner`bob barker
who Is Harold Lloyd Jenkins`Conway Twitty
who Is Harry Kellerman and Why Is He Saying Those Terrible Thing - 1971`dustin hoffman
who is he and what school is he from`Principal Valiant from Shelbyville Elementary
who is heard but never seen in TV's Blind Date`Our Graham
who is hector hugh munro better known as`saki
who Is He Friends With`Heathcliff
who Is Hercules' Father`Zeus
who is hired as an escort or a dancing partner for a woman`gigolo
who Is Home For Europe's Largest Glacier`Switzerland
who Is Homer Running Away From When He Goes To Micro Asia`Pbs
who is Homer Simpson's brother (FIRST AND LAST NAME)`herb powell
Who is Homer Simpson's brother?`Herb Powell
who Is Home To Sabena Airlines`Belgium
who Is Home To The Bank Of Alexandria`Egypt
Who is identified with the word 'eureka'`archimedes
who Is Iguanadon's Evil Alter-Ego`Bandersnatch
who is in charge of a particular department or unit, as in a governmental agency or school system`supervisor
who is in charge of Guarding Lut Gholein`Griez
who is in charge of the household affairs of a large estate, club, hotel, or resort`steward
who is in charge or in command of others`leader
"Who" is in every episode of the tv series 'Seinfeld'`Superman
who is inexperienced, awkward, or ill-mannered`cub
who Is Ingrid Bergmans Famous Actress/Model Daughter`Isabella Rossellini
who Is In 'Night Flight', China Seas', And 'To Please A Lady'`Clark Gable
who is intellectually or morally enslaved`thraldom
who is in the business of demolishing old buildings`wrecker
who Is In These Films: 'Four Men And A Prayer'how Green Was My Valley' And 'The Quiet Man'`Barry Fitzgerald
who is in the top right window of the school`scuzzlebutt
who is isolated or detached from the activities or concerns of his or her own community`outsider
who is Ivy's twin sister`ida
who Is Jack Napier Better Known As In 'Batman'`The Joker
who Is James Bond's Cia Contact`Felix Leiter
who Is James Bonds Recurring Foe`Ernst Stavro Blofeld
who is JB in The Specials Sock It To Em JB Full Name`james bond
Who is Jeeves' young master`bertie wooster
who is judy garland's famous daughter`liza minnelli
who Is Julia Wells Better Known As`Julie Andrews
who Is Julius Dithers Chief Employee`Dagwood Bumstead
who is just starting to learn or do something: a novice`beginner
who Is Karen Blixen Better Known As`Isaak Dinesen
who is keeping her true size a secret`oona
Who Is Kicknamed "The Muscles from Brussels"`Jean Claude Van Damme
who Is King In 'The Sword In The Stone'`King Arthur
Who is King of Jordan`abdullah ii
who is king of the gods`odin
Who is known as a collector of trivia`spermologer
Who is known as big mama in ladies pro golf`joanne carner
who Is Known As 'Good Queen Bess'`Queen Elizabeth I
who is known as 'mr perfect' in singapore bowling`jack wong
who Is Known As Mr. Television`Milton Berle
who is known as "The Dandy of the South Seas"`Cervantes
Who is known as the father of genetics`Gregor Mendel
Who is known as the father of genetics`mendel
Who is known as the father of geometry`euclid
Who is known as the 'Father of History'`Herodotus
who Is Known As The Father Of Modern Day Rocket Science`Robert Goddard
who Is Known As The 'Father Of Modern Economics'`Adam Smith
Who is known as the father of muneralogy`georgius agricola
who Is Known As The 'Father Of The Atomic Bomb'`Robert Oppenheimer
Who is known as the father of western philosophy`plato
who Is Known As The 'First Lady Of Astronomy'`Caroline Herschel
who Is Known As The 'George Washington' Of South America`Simon Bolivar
who is known as the god of the desert`ash
who Is Known As The Hellenic Republic`Greece
Who is known as the high priest of revenge`philip seldon
who is known as the "king of the high c's"?`luciano pavarotti
who Is Known As 'The Muscles From Brussels'`Jean Claude Van Damme
who Is Known As The Texas Tornado`Colin Edwards
who Is Known As The 'The Godfather Of Punk Music'`Lou Reed
who Is Known As 'The World's Oldest Teenager'`Dick Clark
Who is known for the 'theory of evolution'`charles darwin
who Is Known In England As The Tatty Detective`Columbo
Who is known in golf as the Emperor Jones`bobby jones
Who is known in his own country as 'La Perola Negra', or 'The Black Pearl'`pele
who Is Kramer's Idol`Mickey Mantle
who Is Krusty's Father`Haymen Krustofsky
Who is Krusty's father?`Rabbi Hyman Krustofsky
who Is Krusty's 'Lousy Half Brother'`Luke Perry
Who is Krusty's monkey?`Mr. Teeny
Who is Krusty's secretary?`Lois Pennycandy
who is learning a trade or occupation, especially as a member of a labor union`apprentice
who is legally responsible for the care and management of the person or property of an incompetent or a minor`guardian
Who is Leslie Hornby better known as`twiggy
Who is Liam Gallagher's famous ex-wife`patsy kensit
Who is likely to have a faster pulse   a man or a woman`a woman
who Is Lisa's Idol`Bleedin Gums Murphy
Who is listed as the most decorated American soldier of the Korean War`anthony herbert
who Is Located Between Panama And Nicaragua`Costa Rica
who Is Luke Skywalker's Father`Darth Vader
who Is Lunch Lady At Springfield Elementary`Lunch Lady Doris
who Is Lustful Or Desirous Is '_____________.'`Concupiscible
Who is Marge's art teacher?`Mr. Lombardo (John Lovitz)
who Is Marge's Celibate Sister`Patti Bouvier
who Is Marge's Date For The Prom`Artie Ziff
Who is married to actor/director James Brolin`barbra streisand
Who is married to eddie van halen`valerie bertanelli
Who is married to her co presenter John Stapleton`lynn faulds wood
Who is married to valerie bertanelli`eddie van halen
who Is Martha Dandridge Custis`Martha Washington
who is marty wildes daughter`kim wilde
Who is maureen o'sullivan's daughter`mia farrow
Who is McBain's nemesis?`Mendoza
who is McDonald's mascot(full name)`ronald mcdonald
who is mega man's creator`dr. light
who is mega man's sister`roll
who is melanie griffiths married to`antonio banderas
Who is melanie griffith's mother`tippi hedren
who is mel brooks' wife?`anne bancroft
Who is mia farrow's mother`maureen o'sullivan
who Is Michael Douglas' Father`Kirk Douglas
Who is mickey mouse's girlfriend`minnie mouse
who Is Midge Hadley`Barbie's Best Friend
Who is minnie mouse's boyfriend`mickey mouse
Who is miss piggy in love with`kermit
who is most likely the most famous vegeterian ever to live`adolf hitler
Who is most likely to be described  as a thespian`actor
Who is most likely to be the victim of a black bear attack`a menstruating woman
who Is Mother Goose's Son`Jack
who is mr. burns' assistant`waylon smithers
who is Mrs. Lenny Henry (Full name)`dawn french
who is mr. Warmth`don rickles
Who is Mr. Warmth`rickles
Who is m's secretary`Miss MoneyPenny
who Is Mulan's Father`Fa Zhou
who Is Mulan's Trainer, Leader, And Love Interest`Shang
Who is musician Kenneth Gorelick better known as`kenny g
who is nba history has the most asssists`john stockton
who is nba history has the most steals`john stockton
Who is Ned Flanders' wife?`Maude Flanders
who Is Neuromancer's Twin/Other Half`Wintermute
who is "niagara" by the inspiral carpets about`marilyn monroe
Who is nick and nora charles' dog`asta
who Is Nicknamed 'The Iron Lady'`Margaret Thatcher
who Is Nimhu's Drinking Partner Online`Blondie
who Is Nine Inch Nails`Trent Reznor
who Is Nintendo's Flagship Character`Mario
Who is no longer the manager of Chelsea, having been sacked in 2000`gianluca vialli
who Is Not Heir To The Throne Is Called An 'Infante.' The Daughter Of The King Of Spain Or Portugal Is An '_______.'`Infanta
who Is Obstinately And Zealously Attached To An Opinion That You Do Not Entertain`Bigot
Who is often referred to as the thinking man's beagle`snoopy
Who isolated adrenaline in 1897`john jacob abel
Who Is Oldest Actor To Play James Bond In The United Artists Series Of Bond Films`Sean Connery
who Is Olive Oyl's Boyfriend`Popeye
who Is Olive Oyl's Brother`Castor Oyl
who is on a u.s. $100 bill?`benjamin franklin
Who is on a U S $20 bill`andrew jackson
Who is on a U S $5,000 bill`james madison
Who is on a U S $50 bill`ulysses s grant
Who is on a u.s. bill`benjamin franklin
Who is on the Canadian  bill`laurier
who is o'shea jackson known`ice cube
Who is othello's wife`desdemona
who is pat andrejewski better known as`pat benatar
who Is Patty And Selma's Favorite Star`Mcgyver
who is paul mccartney singing about in "here today"?`john lennon
who Is Pieter-Dirk Uys Also Known As`Evita Bezuidenhout
who Is Pinocchio's Conscience`Jiminy Cricket
who is playfully mischievous: a scamp`rogue
Who is popeye's adopted son`swee'pea
who Is Popeye's Arch Enemy`Bluto
who Is Popeye's Girlfriend`Olive Oyl
who is predestined to damnation`reprobate
who is prejudiced against Jews`anti-semetic
Who is President of Germany`roman herzog
Who is President of the Czech Republic`vaclav havel
Who is President of the European Central Bank`wim duisenberg
Who is President of the European Commission`jacques santer
Who is Prime Minister of Australia`john howard
Who is Prime Minister of Canada`jean chretien
who Is Prince Vladimir Tepes Better Known As`Dracula
Who is Private Eyes "First Lady of Fleet St"`glenda slagg
who is professor x's half brother`juggernaut
who Is Protected By The Swiss Guard`The Pope
who is publicly employed to perform services, as for a government`servant
who Is Queen Aleta's Husband`Prince Valiant
Who is quoted as having said The sound of the ball hitting the batsmans skull was music to my ears`jeff thomson
Who is Radioactive Man's sidekick?`Fallout Boy
who Is Ralph's Incompetent Dad`Chief Clancy Wiggum
who Is Really Lucille Leseur`Joan Crawford
who is regarded as being indifferent or antagonistic to artistic and cultural values`philistine
who is regarded as being weak and ineffectual`weenie
who is regarded as easygoing, mild-mannered, or amiable`pussycat
Who is regarded as inventor of the modern computer`charles babbage
who Is Regarded As The Most Influential Monarch Of Russian Romanov Dynasty`Peter I
Who is reginald dwight known as`elton john
Who is reputed to have invented the googly`b j t bosanquet
who is responsible for a collection of specialized or technical information or materials, such as musical scores or computer documentation`librarian
who Is Responsible For The Policing Of Paris And Provincial Urban Jurisdictions With Populations Of More Than 10,000 In France`Police Nationale
who is rigidly devoted to the details of administrative procedure`bureaucrat
who is robert urich's famous brother`david soul
who Is Robert Van Winkle`Vanilla Ice
Who is Robert Zimmermann`Bob Dylan
who is robert zimmerman now known as`bob dylan
who Is Robin Hood's Girlfriend`Maid Marian
who Is Rogue's Foster Brother`Nightcrawler
who Is Rumored To Be Trying To Have 'Touched By An Angel' Taken Off The Air`Madalyn Murray O'hair
Who is said to have brought the Holy Grail from Palestine to England`joseph of arimathea
who Is Said To Have Once Stated, 'If You Ever Tried To Give Rock 'N' Roll Another Name, You Might Call It Chuck Berry'`John Lennon
Who is said to have planted the first potatoes grown in ireland`sir walter raleigh
Who is Sally Brown's sweet baboo`Linus
Who is Sally Brown's sweet baboo`linus van pelt
who Is Santo Domingo The Capital Of`Dominican Republic
who Is Sauron`The Lord Of The Rings
Who is schroeder's favourite composer`beethoven
who Is Scooby Doo's Nephew`Scrappy Doo
Who is Scooby Doo's son`Scrappy Doo
who is second in command in The Sons of Korhal`Sarah Kerrigan
who is second in command on the starship enterprise`Spock
Who is Secretary General of the United Nations`kofi annan
who is sent to battle remote, usually very severe forest fires, often for days at a time`coyote
Who is Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer`francis maude
Who is Shirley McLaine's famous brother`warren beatty
Who is Shirley Mclean's brother?`Warren Beatty
who is shroeder's favourite composer`beethoven
who Is Singer Eithne Ni' Bhraonain Better Known As`Enya
who is single-minded or accomplished in scientific or technical pursuits but is felt to be socially inept and will probably answer this question`geek`nerd
who Is Sir Harry Web Better Know As`Sir Cliff Richard
who is skeptical about the existence of God but does not profess true atheism`agnostic
who is skilled in riding and managing horses: a horseman`caballero
who Is Skinner's Superior`Superintendent Chalmers
who Is Snoopy's Arch Enemy`The Red Baron
who Is Snoopy's Bird Friend In 'Peanuts'`Woodstock
who Is Sometimes Known As 'Patch'`Wolverine
Who is stationed at Camp Swampy in the comic strips`Beetle Bailey
who Is Steveland Morris Better Known As`Stevie Wonder
who is suffering from loss of memeory`amnesiac
who Is Sullen Or Bad-Tempered Is '_____.'`Dorty
who is superior of a convent in certain religious orders`abbess
who is superman's alter ego`clark kent
who Is Superman's Boss`Perry White
who is supposedly Bugs' nephew`buster bunny
who Is Surrounded By Brazil, Argentina And Bolivia`Paraguay
Who is swee'pea's adopted father`popeye
who Is Tennessee Tuxedo's Sidekick`Chumly
Who is terry bollea known as`hulk hogan
who Is Thabo Mbeki's Lawyer`Peter Leon
who Is The 2003/2004 World Footballer Of The Year`Zenedine Zidane
Who is the 20th century zoologist who wrote The Naked Ape`desmond morris
who Is The Abandoned Man Cub In The Jungle Book`Mowgli
who is the actor brother of tom conway`george sanders
who Is The Actress, Famous For Her Romantic Comedies In Which She Starred Alongside Tom Hanks, Majored In Journalism At New York University`Meg Ryan
who Is The Actual Piano Player On The 'Peanuts' Cartoons`Vince Guaraldi
who is the administrator of cloud city`lando calrissian
Who is the A in A&M`herb alpert
who Is The Alanta Hawks All Time Leader In Career Points`Dominique Wilkins
who is the all-time leading scorer in ncaa men's basketball`pete maravich
who is the all time top baseball pitcher in strikeouts`nolan ryan
who is the all time top baseball player in home runs`hank aaron
who is the all time top baseball player in runs scored`ty cobb
who Is The American Inventor Of Photographic Materials`George Eastman
who is the anchorperson for channel 17 news`sally vacuum
Who is the anti-heroine of Thackeray's "novel without a hero"`becky sharp
who is the arch-enemy of Flash Gordon`Ming the Merciless
Who is the arch enemy of Ronald McDonald`hamburgler
who Is The Auther Of The Satanic Commandements (The Satanic Bible)`Anton Zandor Lavey
Who is the author of Dune`frank herbert
Who is the author of I'll Be Seeing You released in 1993`mary higgins clark
Who is the author of Jude the Obscure`thomas hardy
who is the author of mirc`khaled mardam-bey
who is the author of mirc`khaled mardam`walton
who Is The Author Of Sister Carrie`Theodore Dreiser
who is the author of the bestselling "memoirs of a geisha"`arthur golden
who Is The Author Of 'The Black Cauldron' Book Series`Lloyd Alexander
Who is the author of The Fist of God and Icon`frederick forsyth
Who is the author of the Jim Chee mysteries`Tony Hillerman
Who is the author of the science fiction book I, Robot`isaac asimov
who is the author of 'the snow queen' and 'the ugly duckling'`hans christian andersen
Who is the babylonian goddess of love and fertility`ishtar
who Is The Bad Boy That Leads Pinocchio Astray`Lampwick
who Is The Bad Guy In 'Aladdin'`Jafar
who Is The Bad Lion In 'The Lion King'`Uncle Scar
Who is the Barber of Seville?`Figaro
Who is the beano bear`biffo
Who is the beautiful French girl Paul McCartney sings about`michelle
who Is The Beautiful Lady Cat In 'Aristocats'`Duchess
who Is The Belly Dancer Homer Is Caught With`Princess (Shauna) Kasimir
who Is The Best Known Among The Founders Of The American Federation Of Labor`Samuel Gompers
who Is The Best Selling Author Of All Time In The English Language`Dame Agatha Christie
who Is The Best-Selling Saxophonist`Kenny G
who is the best-selling saxophonist`kenny`ruderal
who Is The Big Blue Star In 'Aladdin'`The Genie
Who is the biggest producer and exporter of mohair`south africa
who Is The Bird In 'Aladdin'`Iago
who Is The Bloodhound In 'Lady And The Tramp'`Trusty
who Is The Body Being Dressed At The Beginning Of 'The Big Chill'`Kevin Costner
who is the book of Ecclesiastes attributed`solomon
who is the Book of Proverbs attributed to`solomon
who is the Book of Psalms attributed to`david
who is the boss of the SNES game, 'Ranma 1/2: SUPER Hard Battle'`Herb
Who is the boss of 'Virgin"`sir richard branson
who Is The Bovine Friend Of Mickey And Goofy`Clarabelle Cow
who is the bringer of jollity`jupiter
Who is the Buddhist leader of the Tibetan people`the Dalai Lama
Who is the buxom bosom buddy of captain kremmen`carla
who Is The Captain Of The Space Station In Star Trek Ds9`Benjamin Sisko
Who is the career assists leader in the NBA`john stockton
Who is the career hits leader in Major League baseball`rose
who is the career leader in rbis`lou gehrig
who is the career leader in rbis`lou`state
who Is The Central Character In Ayn Rand's 'The Fountainhead'`Howard Roark
who is the central character in the game 'tomb raider'`lara croft
Who is the central figure in Peter C Newmans 'The Establishment Man'`conrad black
Who is the C E O of Apple Computers`steve jobs
who Is The Chairman Of The U.S. Federal Reserve Bank`Alan Greenspan
Who is the Chairman of the US Federal Reserve Bank as at January 1999`alan greenspan
who Is The Channel 5 Action News Host`Kent Brockman
who Is The Cheeriest Trivagod Player Ever But Is Slowly Learning To Be A Bitch Thanks To Marz`Mea
who is the Chief of Engineering`laforge
Who is the chief of lamaism in tibet and mongolia`dalai lama
who is the chief of the valkyries`brunhilda
who Is The Clock In 'Beauty And The Beast'`Cogsworth
Who is the clown in shakespeare's henry iv and the merry wives of windsor`falstaff
who is the "Coalminer's Daughter"`loretta lynn
who is the Commader of the Rebel Fleet`Admiral Ackbar
Who is the commader of the rebel fleet in starwars`admiral ackbar
Who is the commander in the Sons of Korhal`Jim Raynor
who is the commanding officer of the starship swinetrek`captain link hogthrob
Who is the Commonwealth Secretary General`emeka anyaoku
who is the companion of a woman, especially on a social occasion`escort
who is the composer of the famous song "white christmas"?`irving berlin
Who is the Conservative M P for Billericay`theresa gorman
Who is the CoOrdinator of DALnet`dalvenjah
who is the Cowboy`bernie taupin
who Is The Cowboy's Girlfriend In 'Toy Story'`Bo Peep
who Is The Creator Of The 'Star Wars Trilogy'`George Lucas
who is the current (1996) host of Mystery!`diana rigg
who is the current captain of the australian cricket team  (1999/2000)`steve waugh
who Is The Current Leader Of Cuba`Fidel Castro
Who is the current monarch of Belgium`albert ii
Who is the current monarch of the Netherlands`beatrix
who Is The Current Prime Minister Of France`Lionel Jospin
Who is the current Secretary of State for Social Security`alastair darling
Who is the daily mirror's long running cartoon strongman`garth
who Is The Daughter Of Actor Tony Curtis And Psycho Star Janet Leigh`Jamie Lee Curtis
who is the daughter of Polonius`ophelia
who is the daughter to a Elder of Harrogath`Anya
who is the designer of the games civilization, civilization ii and colonization`sid charismatic 876, a colony twenty-eight miles long and more than three miles wide`was
who is the designer of the games civilization, civilization ii and colonization`sid meier
who is the developer at nintendo responsible for classics like donkey kong, super mario bros., and the legend of zelda`shigeru miyamoto
who is the Diabolus in Musica (the devil in music)`Late medieval name for the Tritone interval
who is the director and writer of pulp fiction`quentin tarantino
Who is the director father of Madonna's son, Rocco`guy ritchie
who Is The Director Of A Streetcar Named Desire`Llewellyn Sinclair
Who is the disaster prone character played by Rowan Atkinson`mr bean
who Is The Dog In 'Peter Pan'`Nana
Who is the dog in 'the grinch who stole christmas'`max
Who is the dog in the 'peanuts' cartoon`snoopy
Who is the dog on the crackerjack box`bingo
Who is the egyptian goddess of love`isis
who is the egyptian mother goddess`isis
who Is The Elder Statesman Of 'British Blues', And Fronted 'The Bluesbreakers'`John Mayall
Who is the English aristocrat that forms part of the Thunderbirds team`lady penelope
who Is The Evil Clergyman In 'The Hunchback Of Notre Dame'`Frollo
Who is the exchange student from Germany?`Uter
who is the ex-lead singer of the dead kennedys`biafra
who is the famed musical director for square's final fantasy series`nobuo uematsu
who is the famous bass guitarist for the band Primus`les Claypool
who Is The Famous Cartoon Lumberjack`Paul Bunyon
who Is The Famous Giantkiller`Jack
Who is the fastest mouse in All of Mexico`Speedy Gonzales
who Is The Fastest Mouse In All Of Mexico`Speedy Gonzalez
who Is The Father Dog In '101 Dalmatians'`Pongo
who Is The Father Of Isabella. He Also Employs Arlecchino And Treats Him Cruelly`Pantalone
who Is The Father Of Modern Genetics`Mendel
who is the father of Odin`bor
who is the father of Ophelia`polonius
who Is The Father Of Poonam, Sashi, Pria, Uma, Anoop, Sandeep, Nabendu And Gheet`Apu Nahasapeemapetilan
who Is The Father Of Swing`Benny Goodman
Who is the Father of the Atom`democritus
who Is The Father Of The Modern Mystery`Edgar Allan Poe
who Is The Favorite Musical Composer Of Fictional Cartoon Character Schroeder Of Peanuts, Drawn By Charles Schulz`Beethoven
Who is the female presenter of the BBC's horseracing coverage`clare balding
Who is the female presenter of the TV programme Fort Boyard`melinda messenger
who Is The First Cartoon Character To Ever Have Been Made Into A Balloon For A Parade`Fruit
who Is The First Character To Speak In 'Star Wars'`C3po
Who is the first dead man to help Bart and Lisa unravel Sideshow Bob's electoral fraud?`Edgar Neubauer
who is the first female qualifier at wimbledon to reach the semi-finals`alexandra stevenson
who Is The First Gym Leader You Fight In 'Pok?Mon' For The Game Boy`Brock
who is the first gym leader you fight in pokTmon for the game boy`brock
who is the first kid hit out in a dodgeball game`clyde
who Is The First Klingon To Serve On Board A Federation Starship`Worf
who is the first male qualifier at wimbledon to reach the semi-finals`john`konigsberg
who is the first male qualifier at wimbledon to reach the semi-finals`john mcenroe
Who is the First Mate on the Recovery Vessel Starheaper`Norris Bailey
who is the first modern head of government to bear a child while in office`benazir bhutto
who is the first person affected in "Naked Now`argyles
who is the first person affected in "naked now"`geordi
who Is The First Person To Be Sorted Into Their House`Hermione Granger
who Is The First Person To Make A Wish On The Monkey's Paw`Maggie
who Is The First Person We Hear Speaking`Galadriel
who is the first world cup trophy named after`jules`mallory
who is the first world cup trophy named after`jules rimet
who Is The Founder And Trainer Of The X-Men`Xavier
who Is The Founder Of Casio Computer Corporation`Tadao Kashio
who Is The Founder Of Dalnet`Dalvenjah
who is the founder of KFC`colonel sanders
who Is The Founder Of Malaya Republic (Now Malaysia)`Tunku Abdul Rahman
who is the founder of modern-day singapore (full name title)`sir thomas stamford raffles
who is the founder of modern-day singapore (full name title)`sir thomas stamford`speer
who Is The Founder Of Nascar`Bill France
who Is The Founder Of The Satanic Church In The Usa`Anton Zandor Lavey
who is the fourth fairy in Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'`cobweb
Who is the frankish ruler charles the great better known as`charlemagne
who is the Frankish ruler Charles the Great better known`Charlemagne
who is the frankish ruler charles the great better known`dolphin
who is the friendly ghost?`casper
who is the front man for 'nine inch nails'`trent reznor
who Is The Ghost That Walks`Phantom
Who is the gifted daughter of Rev C L Franklin`aretha franklin
who is the goddess of fortune`fortuna
who is the goddess of the underworld`frigg
who is the god of light and joy`balder
who is the god of light and joy`sweden
who is the god of the underworld`cherti
Who is the god of thunder and war in norse mythology`thor
Who is the god of war in norse mythology`thor
who Is The Good Guy In 'The Rescuers'`Bernard
who Is The Good Sorcerer In 'The Sword And The Stone'`Merlin
who is the grandson of sigmund freud`lucian freud
who Is The Greatest Boxer Ever`Muhammad Ali
Who is the greatest boxer ever`muhammid ali`cassius clay
who is the greatest criminal mind in the universe`stainless steel rat
Who is the greatest`me
Who is the great-grandmother of King David`ruth
Who is the Greek counterpart of Hercules`heracles
Who is the greek counterpart of juno`hera
Who is the Greek counterpart of Jupiter`zeus
Who is the greek counterpart of mercury`hermes
Who is the greek counterpart of neptune`poseidon
Who is the greek counterpart of venus`aphrodite
Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god amor`eros
Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Cupid`eros
Who is the Greek equivalent of the Roman goddess Diana`artemis
Who is the greek equivalent of the roman goddess, minerva`athena
Who is the greek equivalent of the roman goddess venus`aphrodite
Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Diana`artemis
Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Discordia`eris
Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Juno`hera
Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Jupiter`zeus
Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Mars`ares
Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Mercury`hermes
Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Minerva`athena
Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Neptune`poseidon
Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Pluto`hades
Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Venus`aphrodite
Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Vesta`hestia
Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Vulcan`hephaistos
Who is the greek equivalent of vulcan`hephaestus
Who is the Greek god of archery`apollo
Who is the greek god of shepherds and flocks`pan
Who is the Greek god of shepherds &  flocks`pan
who is the greek god of sleep`hypnos
Who is the Greek god of war`ares
Who is the Greek messenger god`hermes
who Is The Group That Help Mulder And Scully`Lone Gunmen
who Is The Gym Teacher At Springfield Elementary`Mrs. Pommelhorse
Who is the headmaster of Hogwarts school in the Harry Potter books`professor dumbledore
who is the head of the mafia`uncle enzo
Who is the head of the Roman Catholic Church`the pope
Who is the heir to Rainier III of Monaco`prince albert
who Is The Hellenic Republic`Greece
Who is the helmsman of the boat when you are sailing into Hades?`Charon
Who is the hero and narrator of Salman Rushdie's novel Midnight's Children`saleem sinai
who Is The Heroine In 'The Rescuers'`Ms. Bianca
Who is the heroine of Silence of the Lambs and Hannibal. (Full name)`clarice starling
who Is The Hero Of Rider Haggard's Adventure, King Solomon's Mines`Alan Quartermain
who is the hero of the oldest epic preserved in writing`gilgamesh
who Is The Hero's Arch-Enemy`Ming The Merciless
Who is the hindu god of good fortune`ganesha
Who is the historical figure most often portrayed in movies`napoleon bonaparte
who Is The Huge Black Assistant Of Mandrake The Magician`Lothar
who Is The Hunchback Of Notre Dame's Girlfriend`Esmeralda
who Is The Hunter And All Around Egotist In 'Beauty And The Beast'`Gaston
who Is The Hunter In 'Tarzan'`Clayton
Who is the husband of actress Sophia Loren`carlo ponti
who is the husband of frigg`eritrea
who is the husband of frigg`odin
who Is The Idol Of The German Organisation Of Non-Commercial Supporters Of Donaldism`Donald Duck
Who is the idol of the german organization of non-commercial supporters of donaldism`donald duck
who is the idol of the german organization of non-commercial supporters of donaldism`donald`moo
who is the instrumentalist in Erasure`vince clarke
who is the inventor of the reed-pipe`marsyas
who is the inventor of the reed-pipe`teton
who Is The 'Invisible' Star Of The Film ' Hollow Man'`Kevin Bacon
Who is the Irish Prime Minister`bertie ahearne
Who is 'The Iron Lady'`Margaret Thatcher
who Is The Jetson's Family Robot`Rosey
Who is the Jolly Green Giant's helper`little green sprout
who is the jolly green giant's helper`little green sprout`brown
Who is the Jolly Green Giant's helper`little green sprout`sprout
who Is The King Of The Apes, According To Edgar Rice Burroughs`Tarzan
Who is the King of the fairies in folklore`oberon
Who is the Labour MP for Stevenage, married to a best selling author`barbara follett
who is the largest builder of fire engines in the united states`ward`garner
Who is the largest builder of fire engines in the united states`ward la
who is the largest builder of fire engines in the united states`ward la france
who is the largest land bridge in singapore named after`benjamin sheares