Which European capital city was destroyed by an earthquake in 1755`lisbon
Which european capital stands on the river vltava`prague
Which European city has a bridge called the "Donkey Bridge"`amsterdam
Which European city has a cathedral located inside an old mosque`cordoba
Which European city has an underground station called George V`paris
Which European city has a thoroughfare which translates as 'under the linden trees'`berlin
Which European city hosted the 1934 World Cup finals`rome
Which European city is called Mailand by the Germans`milan
which european city is home to the imfamous 'concrete cows'`milton keynes
Which European city is regarded as the clock making capital of the world`geneva
Which European city is served by Arlanda Airport`stockholm
Which European city is served by Barajas airport`madrid
Which European city is served by Cointrin airport`geneva
Which European city is served by Findel airport`luxembourg
Which European city is served by Fiumicino airport`rome
Which European city is served by Galileo Galilei Airport`pisa
Which European city is served by Kloten Airport`zurich
Which European city is served by Turnhouse Airport`edinburgh
Which European city is sometimes referred to as 'the Venice of the north'`amsterdam
Which European city's name means 'home of the monks'`munich
Which European city was the seat of the papacy from 1309 to 1377`avignon
Which European country (excluding the USSR) produces the most crude petroleum`united kingdom
Which European country has regions named Limburg, Drente and Brabant`netherlands
Which European country has the highest population density`Monaco
Which European country has the largest percentage of forest and woodland`finland
Which European country has the largest population`germany
Which European country has the lowest population density`Iceland
Which European country is a Grand Duchy`luxembourg
Which european country is bordered on three sides by communist countries`austria
Which European country is ruled jointly by the Spanish Bishop of Urgel and the President of France`andorra
which european country is the world's biggest producer of wine bottle corks`portugal
Which European Country produces the wine "Tokay"`hungary
Which european countrys capital stands on the island of Zealand`denmark
Which European country's flag features a shield on an armillary sphere, (an early astronomical instrument), on unevenly divided red and green vertical bands`portugal
Which European country's flag features a shield on an armillary sphere on unevenly divided red and green vertical bands`portugal
Which european country suffered a violent coup attempt in 1981`spain
Which european country uses the most soap`great britain
Which european country was ruled by Tito from 1945 to 1980`yugoslavia
Which European Country was the paper clip invented in`Germany
Which european country will lose its independence if there is no heir to the throne`monaco
Which european monarchy was restored in 1975`spain
Which European peak was first conquered in 1865 by english mountaineer Edward Whymper`the matterhorn
Which European race of people are known as the Sami in their own language`the lapps
Which Eurovision Song winning group's line-up was Mike Nolan, Bobby G, Jay Ashton and Cheryl Baker`buck's fizz
Which evangelist was at the centre of the 'Pearlygate' adultery scandal?`James Bakker
Which event of 1995 was advertised by the complete day's print of 'The Times' newspaper being offered to the public free of charge`launch of windows 95
Which events world record has been held by Nordwig,Bubka,Seagren and Foss`pole vault
Which everyday labour-saving device was patented by Cecil Booth in 1901`vacuum cleaner
Which ex-Neighbours star released the No.2 hit single "Tom" in October 1997`natalie imbruglia
Which exploration of black identity in America was published in 1952`Invisible Man
Which explorer discovered the island of Spitsbergen`willem barents
Which explorer has the middle name Twistleton-Wykeham`Sir Ranulph Fiennes
Which explorers first names were Robert Falcon`scotts
Which explorers trip was sponsored by Ferdinand and Isabella`christopher columbus
Which explorer was the first to successfully navigate the North West passage`roald amundsen
Which explores trip was sponsored by Ferdinand and Isabella`christopher columbus
Which explosive did Alfred Nobel invent`dynamite
Which explosive was invented in 1866`dynamite
Which exponent of solidarity was awarded the 1983 Nobel Peace Prize`lech walesa
Which ex-president died in 1973, five days before an agreement was signed in Paris ending the fighting in Vietnam`Lyndon B Johnson
Which extinct bird lived on mauritius`dodo
Which extravagant and insensitive Austrian widow was guillotined in 1793`marie antoinette
Which extreme right wing organisation takes its name from the position in the alphabet of Hitler's initials`combat 18
Which eye did Moshe Dayan wear a patch over`left
which f1 engine manufacturer built its own four wheel drive car for 1969, but never raced it`cosworth
Which F1 racing driver, after receiving the last rites, went on to win 2 world championships`niki lauda
Which famed English site is found on Salisbury Plain`stonehenge
Which familiar feature of underground stations first appeared in 1894 as a joy ride at Coney Island,New York`escalator
Which family are the godfather films about`corleone
Which family lived at Brideshead`the marchmains
Which family of animals include the Dik Dik, Bongo and Kudu`antelope
Which familys life is the basis for The sound of Music`von trapps
which famous 20th century author has a butterfly (which he discovered and described in a 1941 scientific paper) named after him`vladimir nabokov
which famous actor is emilio estevez's brother`charlie sheen
which famous actor is emilio estevez's father`martin sheen
which famous actor is keifer sutherland's father`donald sutherland
which famous actor is michael douglas' father`kirk douglas
which famous actor is the nephew of francis ford coppolo`nicholas cage
which famous actor never made it to the moon in "apollo13" but made it to mars in "mission to mars"`gary sinise
which famous actor played vinni barbarino in "welcome back kotter`john travolta
which famous actor starred in "braveheart" & "lethal weapon"`mel gibson
which famous actor starred in "fatal attraction" & "the game"`michael douglas
which famous actor starred in "grease" & "look who's talking"`john travolta
which famous actor starred in "the terminator" & "kindergarten cop"`arnold schwarzenegger
which famous actress starred in "basic instinct"`sharon stone
which famous actress starred in "the blue lagoon"`brooke shields
which famous actress starred in "the rocky horror picture movie show" & "thelma & louise"`susan sarandon
Which famous adventure was based on the real life of Alexander Selkirk`robinson crusoe
Which famous African leader died in October 1999`julius nyerere
which famous american actor was queen elizabeth ii's eighth cousin`humphrey bogart
Which famous American lived at San Simeon`william randolph hearst
which famous american playwright was marilyn monroe married to`arthur miller
which famous american playwright was marilyn monroe married to`arthur`parallel
Which famous architect planned the city of Chandigarh in north-west India`le corbusier
Which famous artist died the same year that Shakespeare was born`michelangelo
Which famous artist lost an ear`vincent van goch
Which famous artist lost an ear`vincent van gogh
Which famous artist painted The Potato Eaters`vincent van gogh
Which famous artist painted the sunflowers picture`van gogh
Which famous artist took up painting with his left hand when he lost the use of his right hand at the age of sixty?`Leonardo da Vinci
Which famous artist wrote in mirror writing`Leonardo da Vinci
Which famous athlete was was a Tory M.P. from 1959-66 and 1969-74; latterly holding ministerial office`chris chataway
which famous author also wrote several popular plays in the 1920s, including "mr pim passes by" and "the dover road"`alan alexander milne
which famous author is mary ann evans better known as`george eliot
which famous author is mary ann evans better known as`george`pristina
Which famous author wrote "The Hunt For Red October"`tom clancy
Which famous baseball player uttered this noteable quote, It aint over till its over`Yogi Berra
Which famous battle took place in 1916`Battle of the Somme
Which famous battle took place on July 1st to 3rd 1863`gettysburg
Which famous battle was fought at Senlac Hill`battle of hastings
Which famous battle was fought this day In 490 BC`marathon
Which famous bell ringer killed Archdeacon Frollo`quasimodo
Which famous book by Herman Melville opens with the line "Call Me Ishmael"`Moby Dick
Which famous building was built by Shah Jehan`Taj Mahal
Which famous building was built by Shih Huang Ti`Great Wall of China
Which famous business was founded by Allen Lane`penguin books
Which famous business was founded by Ray Croc`macdonald's
Which famous but short-lived service was originated in 1860 by 1he firm of Russell, Majors and Waddell`pony express
Which famous canine cartoon character was created by Hanna-Barbera in 1958 for the first all-animated television series`huckleberry hound
Which famous car was designed by Alec Issigonis in 1959`the mini
Which famous cigar smoker was born on the same day as Robert Runcie,the former Archbishop of Canterbury`groucho marx
Which famous composer died of tuberculosis, in Paris, in 1849`chopin
Which famous conservationist was murdered by Somali bandits`george adamson
Which famous couple were married in 1981`charles and diana
Which famous cup is the worlds oldest international sporting trophy`the americas cup
which famous daily newpaper used to be based in manchester`the guardian
Which famous dance of the 1920's took its name from a city In the Southern United States`the charleston
Which famous detective lives in 221b Baker Street`sherlock holmes
Which famous diarist's catchphrase was'And so to bed'?`Samuel Pepys
Which famous educator was the first woman medical graduate of Rome University`maria montessori
Which famous English fabric and clothes designer died in 1985 after falling downstairs in her cottage`laura ashley
Which famous english school had Thomas arnold as its headmaster`rugby
Which famous Englishwoman was born in Florence on 12th May 1820,where her well-to-do parents were temporarily resident`florence nightingale
which famous entertainer started out as bette midlers pianist`barry manilow
Which famous fictional character was created by Bob Kane`batman
Which famous fictional creature lived in the 'Great Grimpen Mire`hound of the baskervilles
Which famous fighter pilot lost both of his legs in wwii`group captain douglas bader
Which famous film actor, who died of lung cancer in 1957, used his real name but dropped his middle name of de Forest`humphrey bogart
Which famous footballer was uncle to jack and bobby charlton`jackie milburn
which famous french prophet and astrologer predicted that the world would end in july 1999`nostradamus
Which famous Hollywood landmark is famous for the handprints and signatures in its forecourt`graumans chinese theatre
Which famous Kenyan beer gets its name from an incident when one of the brewery founders was killed by an elephant`tusker
Which famous lady died aged 68 at Kingsburgh in Skye, on 4th March 1790`flora macdonald
Which famous London street name contains six consonants unseparated by vowels`knightsbridge
Which famous motor race is run every year at the Brickyard`indianapolis 500
Which famous museum is in paris, france`louvre
which famous museum opened in london in april 1928`madame`c3po
Which famous museum opened in london in april 1928`madame tussaud
Which famous mystery writer created a mystery by disappearing in 1926`agatha
which famous mystery writer created a mystery by disappearing in 1926?`agatha christie
Which famous nurse was nicknamed "The Lady of the Lamp"`florence nightingale
which famous opera house in milan, italy rose to its greatest heights under toscanini`la`love
Which famous opera house in Milan, Italy rose to its greatest heights under Toscanini`la scala
Which famous painter was portrayed on screen by Kirk Douglas`van gogh
which famous painting is also known as 'la gioconda'`mona lisa
which famous painting was completed in 1506`mona`free
which famous painting was completed in 1506`mona lisa
Which famous person said 'Hell is other people'`jean-paul sartre
Which famous photographer worked in the Crimean War`roger fenton
Which famous piece of artwork depcits the Battle of Hastings`Bayeux Tapestry
Which famous pilot was shot down over Vaux-sur-seine France on 21st April 1918`manfred von richtofen,the red baron
Which famous play write was a great crusader for the simplification of spelling & punctuation`George Bernard Shaw
Which famous poem features a hamlet called Auburn`goldsmith's the deserted village
which famous product was originally marketed as a brain tonic and intellectual beverage`coca cola
which famous racehorse was kidnapped in ireland`shergar
Which famous racing town is close to Tintern Abbey`chepstow
Which famous radio and television family appeared in the show 'Take It From Here'`the glums
Which famous radio comic called his show hos Halfhour`tony hancock
Which famous rugby player was also wimbledon junior tennis champion`jpr williams
Which famous scientist's first published work was a monograph on barnacles?`Charles Darwin
Which famous scientist was once offered the presidency of Israel`albert einstein
Which famous screen character was played by champion swimmer Johnny Weissmuller`Tarzan
Which famous screen goddess had her pubic hair dyed platinum blonde?`Jean Harlow
Which famous ship sank in 1912`Titanic
Which famous showjumper is the brother of show jumper Liz edgar`david broome
which famous singer and actor was born in Hoboken,New Jersey`Frank Sinatra
which famous singer comes from tiger bay cardiff`shirley bassey
Which famous singer lived at 20 Forthlin Road,Liverpool`paul mccartney
which famous singer played opposite kevin costner in "the bodyguard"`whitney houston
Which famous soldier was assassinated whilst sailing round the coast of Ireland`earl mountbatten of burma
Which famous Soviet dissident was a nuclear physicist who developed the nuclear bomb for the Soviet Union`andrei sakharov
Which famous Spanish author fought at the Battle of Lepanto`cervantes
Which famous sporting venue is above NewYorks Pennsylvania Station`madison square gardens
Which famous television celebrity wrote Popcorn and Gridlock`ben elton
Which famous thinker's name was the latinized version of venerable master kong`confucious
Which famous university is in Paris`sorbonne
Which famous US crooner died on a golf course in Spain`bing crosby
Which famous US pioneer paved the way for settlers in 1775`Daniel Boone
Which famous volcano is in the Lipari group of islands`stromboli
Which famous whirlpool is near the Lofoten group of islands`maelstrom
Which famous whirlpool is near the Lofoten group of islands`the maelstrom
Which famous William Golding novel begins with the words. The boy with fair hair lowered himself down the last few feet of rock and began to pick his way towards the lagoon`Lord of the Flies
Which famous writers first names were Edward Morgan`e m forster
Which famous writer was imprisoned in reading Jail for nearly 2 years`oscar wilde
Which fantasy writer's latest book is called "The Fifth Elephant"`terry pratchett
Which farewell literally means 'to God'`adieu
Which Farm album was the same title as a Kirk Douglas film`spartacus
Which fashion designer died september 1985 aged 50`laura ashley
Which fast food chain did Chris Waddle, Stuart Pearce and Gareth Southgate promote in TV adverts`pizza hut
Which fast suburban railway system in Ireland runs from Howth in the North to Bray in the South`dart
Which father and daughter starred in the film 'Paper Moon'`ryan and tatum o'neal
Which father and daughter starred in the film "Tiger Bay"`john & hayley mills
Which father and son have both played cricket for england`colin and chris cowdrey
Which feature length Disney cartoon had a Scottish Terrier called Jock in it`lady and the tramp
Which feature of the night sky is also known as a 'shooting star'`meteor
Which female actress played opposite Jack Nicholson in the movie 'Chinatown'`Faye Dunaway
Which female British model was known as The Shrimp`Jean Shrimpton
Which female comedy characters surname was Morgenstern`rhoda
Which female East Anglian leader rebelled against Roman rule in AD122`Boudicca
Which female icon was created by ruth hande in 1959`barbie
Which female icon was created by Ruth Handler in 1959`Barbie
which female-led new wave band released the albums parallel lines and plastic letters`blondie
Which female vocalist had a number one U.K. hit in 1955 with Softly, Softly`ruby murray
Which female vocalist had a top ten hit in 1988 with "Je ne sais pourquoi"`kylie minogue
Which female vocalist released an album entitled "Drag"`k d lang
Which female vocalist sang the title song to the bond film tomorrow never dies`sheryl crow
Which festival did the first popular greetings card celebrate`st cousin`saint cousin
which festival did the first popular greetings card celebrate`st valentines cousin`saint valentines cousin
Which festival did the first popular greetings card celebrate`st valentines day
which festival did the first popular greetings card celebrate`st valentines day`saint valentines day
Which fiberous, sulphur-rich protein occurs naturally in hair, horns, hooves and feathers`keratin
Which fictional area is the setting for "The Bill"`sun hill
Which fictional character first appeared in 194 i, when she came to America from her Amazon homeland of Paradise Island to help the US defeat the Nazis`diana prince`wonder woman
which fictional character gave her name to california`queen calafia
Which fictional character's first recorded statement was 'You have been in Afghanistan, I see'`sherlock holmes
Which fictional character was brought up in the jungle by apes`tarzan
Which fictional character was introduced in A Study in Scarlet`sherlock holmes
Which fictional city is Superman's home`metropolis
Which fictional detective appears in the novel "Farewell My Lovely"`philip marlowe
Which fictional detective lived at 221b Baker Street`sherlock holmes
Which fictional detective was created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle`sherlock holmes
Which fictional land was used to describe John F Kennedy's term as president`camelot
Which fictional little girl expolred Wonderland`alice
Which fictional park is the home of Yogi Bear`jellystone
Which fictional private detective solved their last case in 1952`Mike Hammer
Which fictional resort is terrorised by a great white shark in the film "Jaws"`amity island
Which fictional sailor was captain of a ship called the Black Pig`captain pugwash
Which fictitious bus company was featured in "On the Buses"`luxton
Which fictitious character lives at Bywater Street, Chelsea`george smiley
Which fictitious private detective solved cases over the air on a local radio station`eddie shoestring
Which fifties singer changed his name from Harold Jenkins`Conway Twitty
Which Fijian golfer won the 1998 US Masters`vijay singh
Which film about Arnhem in WW2 was criticized as 'A Film Too Long'`a bridge too far
Which film actor is known as 'The muscles from Brussels'`jean claude van damme
which film actor played the part of David Addison in the TV show Moonlighting`Bruce Willis
Which film actor's real name was Reginald Truscott-Jones`ray milland
Which film actor was nicknamed 'The Duke'`john wayne
Which film actress, born in 1946, has the real name Susan Abigail Tomaling`susan sarandon
Which film actress, in 1991, appeared nude and in a state of late pregnancy on the cover of 'Vanity Fair' magazine`demi moore
Which film actress was born maria magdalena von losch`marlene dietrich
Which film and TV role links, Leslie Howard, David Niven, Barry K Barnes and Anthony Andrews`the scarlet pimpernel
Which film character owned a newspaper called 'The Enquirer'`citizen kane
Which film contains the line 'Here's looking at you, kid'`casablanca
Which film covers the life of George Cohan`yankee doodle dandy
Which film covers the life of John Reed`reds
Which film, directed by Jonathan Demme, won the 1991 Academy Award for Best Picture`silence of the lambs
Which film, directed by Michael Cimino, won the Oscar for best film in 1978`the deer hunter
Which film, directed by Oliver Stone, won Best Film Oscar in 1986`platoon
Which film, directed by Sydney Pollack, won the 1985 Academy Award for Best Picture`out of africa
Which film director coined the term "Paparazzi" to describe intrusive photographers`fellini
Which film director created "Olympiad" - a celebration of the 1936 Olympics and Nazi ideology`leni riefenstahil
Which film director has the nickname "The Angel of Cinema Death"`quentin tarrentino
which film director made a fleeting appearance in each of his film`alfred hitchcock
Which film director's films include "Midnight Express" and "Bugsy Malone"`alan parker
Which film director's films include "Raging Bull" and "Goodfellas"`martin scorsese
which film ends with 'after all, tomorrow is another day'`gone with the`augustus
Which film ends with 'after all, tomorrow is another day'`gone with the wind
Which film ends with the line, 'What we have here is a failure to communicate'`cool hand luke
Which film featured the characters called Fast Eddie Felson and Minnesota Fats`the hustler
Which film featured the hit song "Bachelor Boy"`summer holiday
Which film finds Jack Nicholson in the Los Angeles oriental district`chinatown
Which film followed the career of athletes Eric Henry Liddell and Harold Abrahams`chariots of fire
Which film heard Gordon Gekko remarking Lunch is for Wimps`wall street
Which film launched Hayley Mills' career`tiger bay
Which film legend claimed to have slept with John F. Kennedy when she was 62?`Marlene Dietrich
Which film links Harrison Ford and novelist Scott Turon`presumed innocent
Which film links novelist Ira Levin and Sharon Stone`sliver
Which film musical was a remake of the Philadelphia Story`high society
Which film preceded 'magnum force' and 'the enforcer'`dirty harry
Which film producer said 'Anyone who goes to a psychiatrist should have his head examined`samuel goldwyn
Which film released prior to the "Zippergate Affair", mirrored what happened to President Clinton`wag the dog
Which film role links Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, Olivia de Havilland and Audrey Hepburn`maid marian
Which films are about the corleone family`the godfather
Which film sees a bored Liverpool housewife decamp to the Greek Islands`shirley valentine
Which film soundtrack featured Glenn Frey,Patti Labelle, Shalamar and the pointer Sisters`beverley hills cop
which film star dog had three names each containing three letters`rin tin tin
Which film star is the real life husband of Goldie Hawn`kurt russell
Which film star made his screen debut in the film "Steamboat Willie" in 1928`mickey mouse
Which film starred Dustin Hoffman in drag as Dorothy`tootsie
Which film starring julie andrews and christopher plummer won the oscar for best picture in 1965`sound of music
Which film starrs jonathan taylor thomas, devon sawa, scott bairstow`wild
which film starrs jonathan taylor thomas, devon sawa, scott bairstow`wild america
Which film star's biography was called Neither Shaken Nor Stirred`sean connery
Which film stars Spencer Tracy as a war veteran with a mission to deliver a posthumous medal`bad day at black rock
Which film star was the subject of a film directed by Richard Attenborough in 1992`charlie chaplin
which film tells the story of 'fast' eddie felson`the hustler
Which film was grace kelly making when she met prince ranier`to catch a
which film was grace kelly making when she met prince ranier`to catch a thief
which film was revamped and re-released mid 1997`star wars
which film won best picture oscar in 1983`terms of endearment
which film won the best picture oscar in 1990`dances with`garden
which film won the best picture oscar in 1990`dances with wolves
Which film won the oscar for best picture in 1987`the last emperor
which film won the oscar for best picture in 1995`braveheart
Which financial pirate had a parrot called Captain Flint`long john silver
Which firm has the motto 'Think"`ibm
Which firm manufactures 'Shreddies'`nestle
Which firm provides tyres to all Formula One Motor Racing teams`bridgestone
which first baseman is known as 'the big hurt'`frank`luigi
which first baseman is known as 'the big hurt'`frank thomas
Which 'first lady of jazz' died in June 1996`ella fitzgerald
Which First Law of Physics states that 'matter can neither be created nor destroyed`conservation of mass
Which fish can kill by electrocution`electric eel
Which fish has types including "King" and Crucian"`carp
Which fishing port in California was the setting for Steinbeck's novels 'Cannery Row' and 'Tortilla Flat'`monterrey
Which fish is pickled to make rollmops`herring
Which "fishy" character, in an opera by Benjamin Britten, is elected May King, spending his prize money on a debauch`albert herring
Which flag consists of 12 gold stars on an azure blue background`the european flag
Which flag flies over the canary islands`spanish
Which flavours of ice cream are used for Neopolitan ice cream`Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry
Which flesh eating monster was slain by Beowulf`grendel
Which Fletwood Mac album cost $1 million to produce in 1979`tusk
Which flightless bird is the symbol of New Zealand`kiwi
Which Flintstone character never made it into the bottles of Flintstone vitamins`Betty Rubble
Which Florida airport is closest to Disneyworld`orlando
Which florida city is the oldest in the usa`st augustine
Which flower, associated with the city of Parma is used to make perfume`violet
Which flower became a craze in 17th century holland`the tulip
Which flower has the Latin name "Galanthus"`snow drop
Which flower has the Latin name 'Lathyrus'`sweet pea
Which flower has types called Decorative, Ball and Pom`pom`dahlia
Which flowering plant family includes the cherry, plum and apple`rose
Which flowering plant is used to produce saffron`crocus
Which flower is a corruption of the french for lions tooth`dandelion
Which flower is also known as heart's-ease`wild pansy
Which flower is alternatively known as the Lent Lily`daffodil
Which flower is the emblem of Holland`tulip
Which flower is the emblem of Scotland`thistle
Which flower is the French equivalent of the poppy as a symbol of remembrance`the blue cornflower
which flower was the emblem of the yorkists in the war of the roses`the white`minerva
which flower was the emblem of the yorkists in the war of the roses`the white rose
Which flying mouse, a cross between Superman and Mickey Mouse, appears in over seventy short cartoons in the Terrytoons series`mighty mouse
Which Food and Drug Store Chain had the highest gross sales (over 22 Billion) in 1994?`kroger company
Which food crop has the latin name 'Saccharum officinarum'`sugar cane
Which food product did Henry Cooper advertise in 1984`shredded wheat
Which foodstuff has types called "blanket" and "honeycomb"`tripe
Which footbal club won the European Cup the first 5 years in which it was held`real madrid
Which Football Club Had The Hit Single "Blue Is The Colour"`Chelsea
Which football club plays at Cold Blow Lane`millwall
Which football club plays at Spotland`rochdale
Which football club used to be called The London Ironworks`west ham united
Which football club won the European Cup the first five years it was held`real madrid
Which footballer starred in the film Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels`vinnie jones
which footballer was responsible for the hit single geordie boys`paul gascoigne
Which Football League team plays at Deepdale`preston
Which Football League team plays at Gresty Road`crewe
Which football manager lifted the F.A. Cup in May 1997`ruud gullit
which football player was nicknamed 'the galloping major'`ferenc`devils
which football player was nicknamed 'the galloping major'`ferenc puskas
Which football Premier League manager was sacked on 12 September 2000`gianluca vialli
Which football team does Alf Garnett famously support`west ham united
Which football team has been nicknamed the "Orange Crush"`denver broncos
which football team has been nicknamed the "orange crush"`denver`tops
Which football team has the nickname "The Magpies"`newcastle united
Which football team plays at Anfield`liverpool
Which football team plays at Craven Cottage`fulham
Which football team plays at Elland Road`leeds united
Which football team plays at Ewood Park`blackburn rovers
Which football team plays at Filbert Street`leicester city
Which football team plays at Goodison Park`everton
Which football team plays at Highbury`arsenal
Which football team plays at Old Trafford`manchester united
Which football team plays at Portman Road`ipswich town
Which football team plays at Pride Park`derby county
Which football team plays at Stamford Bridge`chelsea
Which football team plays at St James' Park`newcastle united
Which football team plays at St marys' Stadium`southampton
Which football team plays at The Boleyn Ground`west ham united
Which football team plays at The Reebok Stadium`bolton wanderers
Which football team plays at The Riverside Stadium`middlesborough
Which football team plays at The Stadium of Light`sunderland
Which football team plays at The Valley`charlton athletic
Which football team plays at Villa Park`aston villa
Which football team plays at White Hart Lane`tottenham hotspur
Which football team plays home games at Gay Meadow`shrewsbury
which football team was known as the 'flying magyars'`hungary
Which football team was nicknamed the 'Orange Crush'`Denver Broncos
Which football team was nicknamed the "Orange Crush"`the denver broncos
Which football team won the First Division Championship in the 1970s but is now in the lower divisions`derby county
Which foot did Neil Armstrong first put down on the moon`left
Which foreign former actor received an honorary knighthood in 1989`ronald reagan
Which foreign monarch appeared on English coins in the 16thC. because he married Mary I`philip ii of spain
Which foreign president said of Margaret Thatcher "She has the eyes of Caliguand a mouth like Monroe"`mitterrand
Which forename, deriving from the Germanic 'rulehard', has been held by three English kings`richard
Which forename, meaning 'richguard' in old English, has been held by eight nglish kings`edward
Which former Archbishop of Canterbury was burned alive in 1556`thomas cranmer
Which former Beatle narrated the adventures of "Thomas the Tank Engine"`ringo starr
Which former big breakfast star is the daughter of a comedian`liza tarbuck
Which former British colony is now called Ghana`gold coast
Which former child star made his debut on the London stage in October 2000`macaulay culkin
Which former dishwasher had his movie premiere in 1921`rudolph valentino
Which former drama critic of the Observer devised the revue "Oh Calcutta"`kenneth tynan
Which former east german leader found refuge at moscow's chilean embassy`erich honecker
Which former Etonian author served once as a policeman in Burma`george orwell
Which former First Lady was "frankly" not amused by Kitty Kelleys unauthorised biography`nancy reagan
Which former footballer is the Brazilian Sports Minister`pele
Which former Marine published the first volume of his diaries in 2000`paddy ashdown
Which former member of the group 'Cream' received the OBE in 1995`eric clapton
Which former member of the Shadows was electrocuted by his guitar`John Rostill
Which former members of Bob Dylan's backing band had their first number one hit with Deeply Dippy`right said fred
Which former MP unsuccessfully staged his own suicide in 1973`john stonehouse
Which former NBA player is married to dancer/choreographer Debbie Allen`Norm Nixon
Which former 'Neighbours' star had a hit with 'Any Dream Will Do'`jason donovan
which former news reader recorded "ringo"?`lorne greene
Which former Oxford University student and English literature teacher wrote Help me make it through the night`kris kristofferson
Which former racing driver owns Austria's second largest airline company`niki lauda
Which former sex symbol starred in Bittersweet Love in 1976`lana turner
Which former Soviet Republic in Central Asia has Alma Ata as its capital`kazakhstan
Which former Soviet Republic in Central Asia has Tashkent as its capital`uzbekistan
Which former Spanish soldier founded the Society of Jesus, commonly known as the Jesuits`ignatius loyola
Which former US Secretary of State was born in Bavaria`henry kissinger
Which form of food poisoning is associated with improperly canned foods`botulism
Which form of light is used to treat skin diseases`ultraviolet
Which form of transport moves along on a cushion of air`hovercraft
Which form of wrestling is won by forcing the opponent to touch the ground with any part of his body but his feet`sumo wrestling
Which formula one grand prix takes place at the spa circuit`belgian
Which formula one racing team is unlikely to finish this season due to financial problems`arrows
Which fort did Custer depart from on May 17, 1876, with the Seventh Cavalry on his way to the Little Big Horn?`Fort Abraham Lincoln
Which fossil fuel is dug up by miners`coal
which four herbs were the title of an album by simon and garfunkel`parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme
Which four herbs were the title of an album by Simon &  Garfunkel`parsley sage rosemary &  thyme
Which four-leafed plant is considered lucky`clover
Which four piece group's name comes from the initial letters of their christian names`abba
Which freezes faster - hot or cold water`hot
Which French acrobat walked a tightrope above the Niagara Falls in 1859`blondin
Which French actor and crooner sings the theme tune to Disney's The Aristocats`maurice chevalier
Which French actor director takes the role of 'Monsieur Hulot' in films such as Mon Oncle and Traffic`jacques tati
Which French artist, in 1883, gave up his job as a stockbroker to paint full time`paul gauguin
Which french artist made his name with his depictions of ballet dancers`degas
Which French artist painted 'The Bridge at Argenteuil', and 'The Magpie'`claude monet
Which French athlete won both the 200m and the 400m on the track at the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games`maria-jose perec
Which French Atlantic port was the target of a raid on March 28th 1942, code-named 'Operation Chariot'`st nazaire
Which French Atlantic port was the target of a raid on March 28th 1942, code-named 'Operation Chariot'`st nazaire`saint nazaire
Which French author and philosopher was the cousin of Nobel Prize-winner Albert Schweitzer`jean paul sartre
Which French author wrote 'The Outsider"`albert camus
Which French book illustrator of the middle 19th Century became widely known for his illustrations of such books as Dante's Inferno and Don Quixote`gustav dore
Which French book was written without using the letter 'E' once`La Disparition
Which French brothers were responsible for the development of cinematography`lumiere
Which French chef lived from 1847 to 1935 and was known as 'the King of Cooks'`auguste escoffier
Which French city is also a word meaning 'enrages'`angers
Which French city is famous for its production of mustard`dijon
Which French city lies at the confluence of the rivers Rhone and Saone`lyons
Which French city stands at the confluence of the Rhone & Saone rivers`lyon
which French composer wrote 'Bolero'`Maurice Ravel
Which French composer wrote 'La Mer'`debussy
Which French composer wrote "Symphonic Fantastique"`hector berlioz
Which French composer wrote "The Carnival of the Animals"`(camille) saint-saens
Which French composer wrote the opera 'The Fair Maid of Perth'`georges bizet
Which french dramatist's works include Phedre and Andromaque`jean racine
Which French educator was born in Coupvray, near Paris, in 1809`louis braille
Which French film star made his US film debut in the film "Green Card"`gerard depardieu
Which French holiday resort hosts an annual film festival`cannes
Which french illustrator became widely known for his books,dante's inferno and don quixote`gustav dore
Which French Jockey has won the Prix de L'Arc de Triomphe three times`olivier peslier
Which French king was known as the Sun King`Louis XIV
Which Frenchman discovered the St. Lawrence river in 1535`jacques cartier
Which Frenchman published "Centuries" in 1555 containing rhyming prophesies up to the year 3797`nostradamus
Which French mathematician, "the father of Modem Mathematics", invented analytical or co-ordinate geometry`rene descartes
Which French missile was used against Britain in the Falklands War`exocet
Which French novelist wrote the book 'Gigi'`colette
Which French novelst also palyed goalkeeper for the algerian football team`albert camus
Which french painter of the 19th century went to live in the south seas`paul gauguin
which french patriot was known as the maid of orleans`joan of arc
which french patriot was known as the maid of orleans`joan of`park
Which French philosopher and political thinker wrote The Social Contract in 1762`rousseau
Which French phrase means 'required by fashion'`de rigueur
Which French phrase translates as 'new cooking'`nouvelle cuisine
which french president said: "america is the only nation in history that has gone directly from barbarism to degeneration without the usual interval of civilization"`georges clemenceau
Which French region is the main produce of Camembert cheese`normandy
Which French revolutionary said 'The surest way to remain poor is to be honest'`napoleon bonaparte
Which French revolutionary was stabbed in his bath by Charlotte Corday`jean paul marat
Which French river joins the Garonne to form the Gironde`dordogne
Which french ruler referred the the english as a nation of shopkeepers`napoleon
Which French town became so famous for its tapestries that its name became the English word for them`arras
Which French town is famous for Porcelain and less famous as H.Q. of the International Bureau of Weights and Measures`sevres
Which French towns name became famous after the discovery there of prehistoric skeletons in 1868`cro magnon
Which French underwater explorer invented the aqualung`jacques cousteau
Which French writer said Everything I  know about morals I learnt on a football field`albert camus
Which French writer won the Nobel Prize for Fiction in 1952`Francois Mauriac
Which fresh water fish has the Latin name 'Esox Lucius`pike
Which fretted instrument has a hollow circular body`banjo
Which Friends actress appeared in the video for Bruce Springsteen's Dancing In The Dark`Courtney cox
Which frontiersman died at the Alamo`davey crockett
Which fruit can be found in Black Forest Gateau`cherries
which fruit comes from bramble bushes`blackberry
Which fruit did Columbus discover in Guadalupe in 1493`pineapple
Which fruit has edible seeds`papaya
Which fruit has its seeds on the outside`strawberry
Which fruit is a cross between a raspberry and a blackberry`loganberry
Which fruit is affected by Noble Rot`grape
Which fruit is produced by the palm tree`date
Which fruit is used in the drink cassis`blackcurrant
Which fungal plant disease particularly affects brassicas`club root
Which future president drafted the Declaration of Independence`Thomas Jefferson
Which future president was the United States Representative to the UN under the Nixon administration`George Bush
Which Gambling Game Is Illegal In France For 364 Days Of The Year (English Title Needed)`Bingo
Which game has 361 intersections`Go
Which game is played at 12 a-side for women, but at 10 a-side for men`lacrosse
Which games company produced alpha centauri, the sequel to civilisation`firaxis games
which games company produced alpha centauri, the sequel to civilisation`firaxis`graf
which games company produced civilization and civilization ii`microprose
Which game uses the largest ball`earthball
Which game usually begins with, "is it animal, vegetable, or mineral"`20 questions
Which game was invented by the English poet Sir John Suckling`cribbage
Which gangster died on the 25th January 1947`al Capone
Which gangster film starred only children`bugsy malone
which gangster tried to make that town his own in the song 'the night chicago died' by paper lace`al capone
Which gangster was shot dead by the FBI on 22 July 1934 as he came out of the Biograph cinema in Chicago`john dillinger
which gang was responsible for the first train robbery in the us`reno brothers
which gang was responsible for the first train robbery in the us`reno`georgia
which garden flower tends to be pink in alkaline soil and blue in acidic soil`Hydrangea
Which garden pest, which can cause great damage to lawns, is the grub of the crane fly`leatherjacket
Which garden plant has varieties called Nelly Moser and Hagley Hybrid`clematis
Which gas forms bubbles in the bloodstream when a diver gets the bends`nitrogen
Which gas glows red when an electric current is passed through it`neon
Which gas has the characteristic smell of rotten eggs`hydrogen sulphide
Which gas is the most abundant in the atmosphere`nitrogen
Which gas was named after the Greek word for green`chlorine
Which gas was named after the Greek word for 'sun'`helium
Which gemstone has the highest value per carat`ruby
Which gemstones can be found in a type of rock called Kimberlite`diamonds
which gender firefly produces light`male
Which general commanded the Union forces at the Battle of Gettysburg`george mead
Which general has been described as 'The Black Eisenhower'`colin powell
Which general was in charge of the us occupation of Japan after WWII`macarthur
Which general was killed at the seige of khartoum in 1885`general gordon
Which genetic trait, often passed from mother to son, was first recognised by john dalton`colour blindness
Which genetic trait, often passed from mother to son, was first recognised by John Dalton, who was himself a sufferer`colour blindness
Which genus of redwood conifers was named to commemorate a great Cherokee Indian`sequoia
Which geographical feature in Africa is known locally as 'The smoke that thunders'`victoria falls
which geologic era saw the development of man`cenozoic
which geologic era saw the end of the dinosaurs`mesozoic
which geologic era saw the first primitive plants and animals`precambrian
Which geologic era saw the rise and fall of the dinosaurs`the mesozoic era
Which George Michael hit was also a hit for Robbie Williams`freedom
Which German actor played Goldfinger`gerd frobe
Which German actress appeared in the film "Witness for the Prosecution`marlene dietrich
Which German brother collected three famous volumes of fairy tales`Jacob & Wilhelm Grimm
Which German city is associated with a round patty of minced beef served in a bun`hamburg
which german city is famed for producing scent`cologne
Which German city is famous for a scent it produces`cologne
Which German City is the home to the Becks brewery`bremen
Which German city stands at the confluence of the Elbe and Alster rivers`hamburg
Which German city stands on the confluence of the Rhine and Moselle rivers`coblenz
Which German city was the birthplace of the poet Heinrich Heine`dusseldorf
Which German city was the target of the first 'thousand bomber raid`cologne
which german composer wrote the ring cycle`richard wagner
Which German computer pop oldies came back in 2000 with Expo 2000`kraftwerk
which german controverisal philosopher and psychologist was called the antichrist`friedrich nietzeche
Which German film director made the film M, in 1951`fritz lang
Which German firm produced the World War Two plane the Condor`fockewulf
Which German General was nicknamed The Desert Fox`Rommel
Which German invented the mercury thermometer in 1714`gabriel fahrenheit
Which German physicist, 1882 to 1945, developed a counter for detecting ionising radiation during his work on cosmic radiation`hans geiger
Which German town hosts the annual Wagner Festival`bayreuth
Which German town is called Aix-la-Chapelle by the French`aachen
Which German was the first man to win the Nobel prize for Physics, doing so in 1901 for a major discovery made in 1895`wilhelm roentgen
Which gestalt entity produced the cult TV show Red Dwarf`Grant Naylor
which ghost ship is the theme of a richard wagner opera`flying dutchman
which ghost ship is the theme of a richard wagner opera`flying`toads
Which Gilbert and Sullivan Opera is subtitled The Slave of Duty`pirates of penzance
Which Gilbert & Sullivan operetta contains the aria "Oh, Foolish Fay"`iolanthe
Which Gilbert & Sullivan operetta contains the aria "The moon and I"`mikado
Which Gilbet and Sullivan opera is sub titled Bunthornes Bride`patience
Which girl's name links Stephen King novel, Cliff Richard single and Princess Leia in 'Star Wars'`carrie
Which girls name means serpent`linda
which girls name of six letters is a palindrome`hannah
Which glam rock group was led by marc bolan`t rex
Which gland is enlarged in the condition known as 'goitre'`thyroid gland
Which gland, situated at the base of the skull regulates growth and metabolism`pituitary gland
Which Gloucestershire town, famous for its abbey, lies on the confluence of the Severn and Avon`tewkesbury
Which goalkeeper broke his neck in the 1956 cup final`bert trautmann
Which goal keeper was the first to win the European Footballer of the year award`lev yashin
Which goalkeeper won 119 caps for northern ireland`pat jennings
Which goddess in Greek mythology is portrayed as the agent of divine punishment`nemesis
Which golf club is a niblick`nine iron
Which golfer has been fined for assaulting volunteer officials and is now Captain of the US Ryder Cup for the competition in 2001`curtis strange
Which golfer has won the British Open most times since 1945`tom watson
Which golfer has won the British Open most times since 1945`tom watson (5)
Which golfer has won the British Open most times since its inception`harry vardon
Which golfing term signifies as many holes in front of an opponent as there are holes left to play`dormie
Which gorgon in mythology was killed by Perseus`medusa
which government (british) section was the first consignment of ballpoint pens meant for`royal air`duck
which government (british) section was the first consignment of ballpoint pens meant for `royal air force
Which government minister turned up at Molesworth Peace Camp wearing a flak jacket`michael heseltine
Which grammatical term is used to describe deliberate understatement`litotes
Which grammatical term is used to describe unnecessary repetition`tautology
Which grandma had the most beautifull legs in the world`Marlene Dietrich
which grandson of genghis khan founded the yuan dynasty`kublai`butterfly
which grandson of genghis khan founded the yuan dynasty`kublai khan
Which great African empire was founded in about AD750`ghana
Which great artist and sculptor designed the fortifications when the Florentine Republic was besieged by the Medicis in 1530`michelangelo
Which great Asian river flows into the sea near Karachi`the indus
Which great battle took place from July 1st to November 18th 1916`The
Which great battle took place from July 1st to November 18th 1916`The Battle
Which great battle took place from July 1st to November 18th 1916?`The Battle of the Somme
Which great Carthaginian general crossed the Alps`hannibal
Which great cathedral was completed in 1717`st pauls cathedral
Which great church, built by the emperor Justinian the First, became a mosque and is now a museum`hagia
Which great city replaced its hereditary kings with chief magistrates in 683 bc`athens
Which great composer said on his deathbed in 1827 after refusing a glass of wine "Too bad, too bad! It's too late"`beethoven
Which great composer said on his deathbed in 1897 after enjoying a glass of wine "Ah, that tastes nice. Thank you"`brahms
which great composer was once a butcher's boy?`dvorak
Which great Italian city was sacked by the Goths in AD410`rome
Which Great Lake has tides`superior
Which great lake is the second largest, after Lake Superior`lake huron
which great lake was the site of the "wreck of the edmund fitzgerald"`superior
Which great operatic heroine has the Christian name of Floria, and dies by leaping from the battlements of the Castel Sant Angeto`tosca
Which great roman leader wrote an account of his campaigns in Gaul`julius caesar
which great russian ruler had no russian blood, but was a german by birth`catherine the great
Which great venetian painter was the son of a man who dyed silk, hence his popular name`tintoretto
Which greek composer has a studio near Marble Arch called Nemo`vangelis
Which Greek did Cicero call "The Father of History"`herodotus
Which Greek dish consists of fish eggs and bread crumbs ground to a paste`taramasolata
which greek figure carried the world on his shoulders`atlas
Which Greek god was zeus' number 2`apollo
Which Greek hero sailed to Crete to battle the Minotaur`Theseus
Which Greek inventor discovered the laws of levers and pulleys`archimedes
Which Greek island is also a variety of lettuce`cos
Which Greek island is said to be the birthplace of Apollo`delos
Which Greek island was the home of the Minoan bull culture`crete
which greek mathematician first measured teh earths circumference by using geometry`eratosthenes
Which Greek mathematician is known as 'The Father of Geometry'`euclid
Which Greek mathematician reputedly said "Give me a fulcrum and I will move the World."`archimedes
Which greek philosopher showed his contempt for materialism by living in a tub`diogenes
Which Greek philosopher was appointed tutor to Alexander the Great in 342 B.C.`aristotle
Which Greek scientist is remembered for his work on buoyancy`archimedes
Which green pigment absorbs light to make plants look green`chlorophyll
Which group backs James Brown, the self-styled 'Godfather of Soul'`the famous flames
Which group did Janis Joplin form in 1970`full tilt boogie
Which group did lou reed front, who, in the 60's recorded 'heroin' and 'sweet jane'`velvet underground
Which group did Paul Weller form after the Jam`the style council
Which group did Steve Winwood join at the age of 16`the spencer davis group
which group did the music for the closing credits of baz lhurman's romeo`juliet`radiohead
which group did the music for the closing credits of baz lhurman's romeo`juliet`vincent
Which group does Axl Rose front`guns n roses
Which group dropped 9,500 in pound notes onto the heads of fans at a concert`steeleye span
Which group featured in the film "Four Weddings and a Funeral"`wet wet wet
Which group had a 1982 UK No 1 hit with "Come on Eileen"`dexy's midnight runners
Which group had a British number one hit in the 1970s with I Don't Like Mondays`boomtown rats
Which group had a British top five hit in the 1960s with Monday, Monday`mamas and the papas
Which group had a hit in 1980 with "Fade To Grey"`visage
Which group had a hit in 1983 with 'Temptation'`heaven 17
Which group had a hit in 1985 with Everybody wants to Rule the World`tears for fears
Which group had a hit in April 1966 with Somebody Help Me`spencer davis
Which group had a hit in April 1966 with Somebody Help Me`spencer davis group
Which group had a hit in August 1975 with Barbados`typically tropical
Which group had a no1 hit in 1966 with Keep on Running`spencer davis group
Which group had a number one hit with `Tiger Feet``Mud
Which group had hit singles in the 1980's with Going Underground and Town Called Malice`the jam
Which group had the hit album 'Urban Hymns'`the verve
Which group had the hit album 'White on Blonde'`texas
Which group had their first U.K. number one hit ill 1973 with Rubber Bullets`ten cc
Which group had their first U.K. number one tilt ill 1974 with Down Down`status quo
Which group has had hits with 'Sit Down' and 'Laid'`james
Which group included Merryl, Jay and Alan`the osmonds
Which group is Rick Wright with`pink floyd
which group kidnapped and murdered italian premier aldo moro`the red brigade
Which group named itself after an American firetruck`REO speedwagon
Which group named themselves after the hit record Boys To Men`boyz II men
Which group of Atlantic Islands were, for a time, known as the Flemish Islands, after Faial was gifted to Isabella of Burgundy in 1466`the azores
Which group of Atlantic Islands were, for a time, known as the Flemish Islands, after Faial was gifted to Isabelof Burgundy in 1466`the azores
Which group of Australian origin had a top twenty hit in 1965 with The Carnival is Over`the seekers
Which group of dinosaurs were aquatic dolphin-like reptiles`ichthyosaurs
Which group of islands lie between Iceland and the UK`the faeroes
Which group of people elect the pope`Cardinals
Which group of people founded Dublin`the vikings
which group realised ghetto romance`damage
which group recorded "a horse with no name" and "ventura highway"?`america
which group recorded 'alley-oop', their only hit`hollywood argyles
which group recorded 'psycho killer'`talking heads
Which group recorded the album, 'By Request'`boyzone
Which group recorded the albums Regatta de Blanc and Ghost in the Machine`the police
Which group released the album "O.K. Computer" in 1997`radiohead
Which group released the album "Urban Hymns" in 1997`the verve
Which group's 1986 hit was 'Waiting for the Ghost Train'`madness
which group sang 'everybody have fun tonight'`wang chung
Which group sang Love Me For A Reason in 1994`boyzone
Which group sang the theme song to the 1966 film, 'Georgy Girl'`the seekers
Which group sang the theme tune to the James Bond film The Living Daylights`aha
Which group's Best of Album is entitled Like You Do`lightning seeds
Which group's first album was called "Piper at the Gates of Dawn"`pink floyd
Which group's first release was 'i ain't gonna eat out my heart anymore'`rascals
which group's first single didn't even scrape the bottom of the top 40, but their second, '867-5309/jenny' peaked and went gold in 1982`tommy`obtuse
Which group's first single didn't even scrape the bottom of the top 40, but their second, '867-5309/jenny' peaked and went gold in 1982`tommy tutone
Which groups third album was 'sports' and featured 'heart and soul' and 'i want a new drug'`huey lewis and the news
Which group was formed in 1972 by Don Henley and Glen Fry`the eagles
Which group was founded by friends at Charterhouse school`genesis
which group was the biggest challenger to the beatles`dave clark five
Which group was the subject of the film "The Great Rock & Roll Swindle"`the sex pistols
Which group were known as flower people`hippies
Which guitarist is known as slow hand`eric clapton
Which Guitarist was in the original line up of Thin Lizzie`eric bell
Which half of a double act used to say "here's another fine mess you've gotten me into`oliver hardy
Which half of a double act used to say "You can't see the join" - referring to the wig his partner did not actually wear`eric morecambe
Which hallucinogenic drug can be extracted from the Mexican cactus peyote`mescalin
Which hand did Charlie Chaplin carry his cane in`left
Which hand do Arabian desert nomads not eat with`left
Which hand does eros hold his bow in`left
which hand does the hook replace on captain hook`left
Which hand is used for the scout handshake`left
Which hangs from the ceiling stalagmites or stalactites`stalactites
Which hard-living rock 'n' roller on tour said: 'I'm saving the bassist for Omaha'?`Janis Joplin
Which hard substance, closely resembling bone, makes up the bulk of a tooth`dentine
Which has more bones   the little finger or the thumb`little finger
which has more english speakers`china or the united states`china
Which has the greater circumference, the equator or the poles`equator
Which have a better chance of running you down on land, alligators or crocodiles`alligators
Which have teeth: toads or frogs`frogs
Which have warts, frogs or toads`toads
Which heavenly movement did Copernicus establish`earth goes round the sun
Which heavyweight boxer was known as the Brockton Blockbuster`rocky marciano
Which Hebrew prophet interpreted the dreams of King Nebuchadnezzar`daniel
Which hebridean island is the 'Mecca' of Scottish christianity`iona
(which he got from Molly Ringwald)?`Underpants
which hemisphere has more countries, northern or southern`northern
Which hemisphere has more countries, the northern or southern`northern
Which Hemisphere of the planet contains the most countries is it the Northern Hemisphere or the Southern Hemisphere`southern hemisphere
Which heraldic term means flying`volant
Which heraldic term means sleeping`dormant
Which herb is similar in appearance to parsley, but its leaves have a slight flavour of aniseed`chervil
which herb is sometimes called vegetable oyster plant`salisfy
Which herb is used to flavour the tomato based sauce on a Pizza`oregano
which herb is used to make Pesto`Basil
Which herb is used to make "Pesto Sauce"`basil
Which herb is used to make the garnish 'gremolata'`parsley
Which herb seed can be either black or white, &  yields an oil that resists turning rancid`sesame
Which herb sends cats into ecstasy`catnip
Which herb whose leaves and blue flowers are both edible, is used in drinks such as 'Pimms'`borage
Which hereditary form of anaemia largely affects people of sub-Saharan African descent`sickle cell anaemia
Which heroic group did D'Artagnan lead`three musketeers
Which heron has highly prized long white feathers`egret
Which hero of Greek legend slew the Cretan Minotaur`theseus
Which hero of tv and cinema fights an unending battle for 'truth, justice, and the American way`superman
Which hills form the border between Avon and Somerset`mendips
Which Himalayan hybrids of yaks and cows are invaluable to Scrabble players`zho
Which Hindu god has an elephants head`Ganesh
Which Hindu God has the head of an elephant`ganesh
Which Hindu gods name is now also used to describe heavy lorries`juggernaut
which historian wrote about the end of history in 1992`francis`cresson
which historian wrote about the end of history in 1992`francis fukuyama
Which historian wrote "The Lays of Ancient Rome"`macaulay
Which historical character is often referred to as 'The Mad Monk'`rasputin
Which historical event is depicted on the Bayeux tapestry`norman conquest of
which historical event is depicted on the bayeux tapestry`norman conquest of`cowboys
Which historical event is depicted on the Bayeux tapestry`norman conquest of england
Which historical figure had a horse called Barbary Roan`richard ii
which historical men had only one testicle`hitler and napoleon
Which historical Swiss man shot an apple from his sons head with a crossbow`william tell
which hit by the 'bobby fuller four' lives on even after his death at age 22`i fought`horses
which hit by the 'bobby fuller four' lives on even after his death at age 22`i fought the law
Which Hitchcock film starred Margaret Lockwood and Michael Redgrave`the lady vanishes
Which Hitchcock film starred Sean Connery`marnie
Which holiday company is currently using the song "The Time of My Life" from "Dirty Dancing" to advertise its holidays`sandals
Which Hollywood actor and singer died in 1995`dean martin
Which hollywood actor combined gibraltar and a river to create his name`rock
which hollywood actor combined gibraltar and a river to create his name`rock hudson
which hollywood actor combined gibraltar & a river to create his name`rock hudson
Which Hollywood actor was born Roy Scherer Jnr`rock hudson
Which Hollywood actor was born Stephen Burton`Burt Lancaster
Which hollywood actress was born shirley schrift`shelley winters
Which Hollywood director made a cameo appearance at the end of The Blues Brothers`steven spielberg
Which Hollywood film star successfully sued Graham Greene for libel`shirley temple
Which Hollywood heart throbs real name was Roy Scherer`rock hudson
Which Hollywood legend won an Oscar for her starring role in Jezebel`bette davis
Which Hollywood smoothie was born Dino Crocetti in 1917`dean martin
Which Hollywood star was born Fredrick Austerlitz`fred astaire
Which holy book forbids a man to hold his penis while urinating?`The Talmud
Which holy man became a favorite of the Tsars family just before the russian revolution`rasputin
Which holywood actress was nicknamed profesional virgin`doris day
Which hopping rodent is known as the"desert rat"`jerboa
Which horror movie actor's real name was William Pratt`boris karloff
Which horror movie has had 6 sequels to date`friday the 13th
which horse fell heavily in the 1999 belmont stakes and terminated its triple crown dreams, and would never race again`charismatic
Which horse had to run farther to win the Melbourne Cup-Peter Pan or Think Big`Peter Pan
Which horse has won the Grand National 3 times`red rum
Which horse won the 1998 Aintree Grand National`earth summit
which horse won the 1999 belmont stakes`lemon drop kid
which horse won the 1999 kentucky derby`charismatic
which horse won the 1999 preakness stakes`charismatic
Which horse won the 2000 grand national`papillion
Which horse won the Grand National in 2000`Papillon
Which horticultural fungicide, consisting of equal parts of copper sulphate and lime, bears the same name as a French port`bordeaux mixture
Which horticultural fungicide, consisting of equal parts of copper sulphate and lime, has the same name as a French port`bordeaux mixture
Which hospital once stood on the site of the Imperial War Museum`bedlam
Which hospital once stood on the site of the Imperial War Museum`bethlam
Which hot, dusty wind blows into Egypt, from the south in early spring and summer`hamsin
Which hot pepper has the same name as the capital of French Guiana`cayenne
Which house did Winston Churchill live in from 1922 to his death`chartwell
which household machine was invented by hubert cecil booth`vacuum cleaner
Which houseplant is nicknamed "The Cast Iron Plant"`the aspidistra
Which houses fought the war of the roses`lancaster and york
which hugo award writer invented the word, "cyberpunk"`william gibson
Which human organ stores bile`gall bladder
Which humorists middle name was Klapka`jerome k jerome
Which hungarian composer was said to be the greatest pianist of the 19th century`franz liszt
Which hunting weapon used by Australian aboriginals was also used by ancient egyptians`boomerang
Which husband and wife were the only british monarchs to rule jointly as king and queen`william iii and mary ii
Which hymn first appeared in Holsts Plane Suite`i vow to thee my country
Which ice cream was advertised to the tune of It's Now Or Never`cornetto
Which ice or snow sport was the first to gain olympic status`figure skating
Which illness is varicella the medical name for`chickenpox
Which imaginery line approximately follows the 180 degree meridian through the pacific ocean`international date line
Which imperial unit of measurement is equal to 2026 yards`nautical mile
Which imperial unit was, allegedly, defined by Henry III by laying three barleycorns end to end`inchname
Which impressionist painter once worked as a teacher in ramsgate`van gogh
Which independent family company is Britain's oldest brewer, having been brewing on the site in Faversham since 1698`shepherd neame
Which independent nation is entirely surrounded by South Africa`lesotho
Which Indian prime minister was killed by her bodyguards in 1984`Indira Gandhi
Which Indian river is holy to Hindus`the Ganges
Which indian smoked fish recipe was adopted by 19th century british as a breakfast dish`kedgeree
Which Indian tribe is mainly associated with the state of Florida`seminole
Which individual had the highest income of anyone in the USA in the 1920s`al capone
Which Indonesian fruit is known for its unpleasant smell`durian
Which Indonesian island has Denpasar as chief city`bali
Which inert gas has a name derived from the Greek for 'lazy'`argon
Which inert gas is a fission product of uranium nuclear reactors`xenon
Which infectious disease is characterized by a swelling of the parotid and salivary glands`mumps
Which infectious disease is known as Kissing Disease`glandular fever
Which influential book on mathematics did Euclid write`elements of geometry
Which ingredient gives Earl Grey tea its distinctive flavour`oil of bergamot
Which insect chews into wood to make a nest`the wasp
Which insect has a hearing organ in one of it's wing veins which enables it to hear the shriek of bats?`lacewing butterfly
Which insect has ears just below its knees on its front legs`cricket
Which insect is so-called because it was dedicated to the Virgin Mary in the middle ages`ladybird
Which insect is sometimes known as the 'darning needle'`dragonfly
Which insect is the most eaten as a delicacy`grasshopper
Which insect plays bass with the Chilli Peppers`flea
Which insects use the substance propolis to glue together their homes`Bees
Which insect transmit malaria`mosquito
Which insect was a number 1 hit for U2`the fly
Which instrumental album launched the Virgin record label`tubular bells
Which instrument developed from African and Latin-American origins features in a modern orchestra as a bass xylophone`marimba
Which instrument did jazz musician Jack Teagarden principally play`trombone
Which instrument did jazz musician Louis Bellson play`drums
Which instrument did Jazz musician Thelonius Monk play`piano
Which instrument did Paganini play`violin
Which instrument did the Jazz musician Dizzy Gillespie play`trumpet
Which instrument did the musician Paganini play`violin
which instrument does tv chef jamie oliver play in his pop group`drums
Which instrument is used to measure the temperature of the human body`thermometer
Which instrument was played by the jazz musician Miles Davis`trumpet
Which internal combustion engine works on the principal of a rotating triangular shaft`wankel engine
Which international alliance was set up in Vienna in 1960 to control the production and pricing of a specific commodity`o p e c
Which international company's magazine is entitled "Expression!"`american express
which international footballer is co-host of a TV chat show and a team captain in Question of Sport`Ally McCoist
Which international footballer was known as 'Black Panther'`eusebio
Which international footballer was nicknamed 'The Golden Vision'`alex young
which international organisation was set up in the aftermath of the first world war with the aim of attaining world peace`the league of nations
Which internet company is currently using the song "Puppy Love" to advertise its search engine`lycos
Which invader won a battle at Panipat in India in 1526`babur
Which invention did Mark Twain become the first famous author to use`typewriter
Which invention is credited Thomas Savery &  Thomas Newcomen`steam engine
which invention was made by joseph swan and also by thomas edison`electric light bulb
which invention was made by joseph swan and also by thomas edison`electric light`hysteria
Which irish adventurer attempted to steal the Crown Jewels from the Tower of London in 1671`colonel blood
Which Irish city is famous for its crystal`Waterford
Which Irish city is famous for the production of glass`waterford
Which Irish city stands at the mouth of the River Lea`cork
Which Irish Golfer played in ten successive Ryder Cup Competitions`christy o'connor senior
Which Irishman set up shelters for over 50,000 homeless children`Thomas Barnardo
Which irish novelist won the 1993 Booker Prize`roddy doyle
Which Irish playwrights middle names are Fingall O'Flahertie Wills`oscar wilde
Which Irish pop band consists of' Paul Hewson, Larry Mullen, David Evans and Adam Clayton`u2
Which Irish saint was once captured and sold as a slave`Saint Patrick
Which Irish scientist produced a set of laws about gases`robert boyle
Which Irish whiskey comes from the worlds oldest legal distillery`Bushmills
Which Irish writer wrote the novel "Tara Road"`maeve binchy
Which iron warship is docked close to HMS Victory at Portsmouth`hms warrior
Which is Africas most populous nation`nigeria
Which is argentina's highest mountain`mount aconcagua
Which is Argentina's second most populous city`cordoba
Which is Bigger, "The United Kingdom" or "Great Britain"`The United Kingdom
Which is Britain's largest native carnivore`badger
Which is by far the brightest star in the night sky as seen from earth`sirius
which is cape town's major choir`philharmonic`banner
Which is cape town's major choir`philharmonic choir
Which is colder, minus 40 degrees centigrade or minus 40 degrees fahrenheit`neither
Which is colder, north or south pole`south
which is colder, the north of south pole`south pole
Which is colder the North or South Pole`south
Which is colder, the North or South Pole`south pole
Which is considered the most powerful piece on the chess board?`queen
Which is considered the most powerful piece on the chess board`the queen`queen
Which is Ecuador's most famous volcano`cotopaxi
Which is Edvard Munch's most famous painting`the scream
Which is Elton John's first album`empty sky
Which is Englands oldest golf club`royal blackheath
Which is England's oldest repertory theatre`liverpool playhouse
Which is Europe's largest country after Russia`ukraine
which is Europe's second busiest airport`Frankfurt
Which is farthest north, Bombay, Calcutta or Rangoon`calcutta
Which is farthest north, Estonia, Latvia or Lithuania`estonia
Which is farthest north, Helsinki, Oslo or Stockholm`helsinki
Which is farthest south, Athens, Madrid or Rome`athens
Which is farthest west, Birmingham, Bristol or Liverpool`liverpool
Which is farthest west, Dublin, Glasgow or Lisbon`lisbon
Which is found in an ocean   the North Pole or the South Pole`the north pole
Which is furthest north   Perth, Adelaide or Sydney`perth
which is furthest west --- dublin, glasgow, or lisbon`lisbon
Which is Hamilton, Ontario, Canada closer to: North Pole, Tokyo, Egypt or the equator`equator
Which is harder   quartz or steel `quartz
Which island do the nationalist chinese occupy`taiwan
Which island has over 1000 stone statues scattered around`easter island
Which island includes the New York boroughs of Queens and Brooklyn`long island
Which island is called Kalaallit Nunaat in its own language`greenland
Which island is known to its inhabitants as Kerkyra`corfu
Which island left the E.E.C. in 1985`greenland
Which island lies off the North West coast of Anglesey`holy island
Which island lies off the southern end of the Isle of Man`calf of man
Which island lies to the west of australia`mauritius
Which island off the coast of Massachusetts was settled by the Quakers in 1659`nantucket
which islands are hotly contested between vietnam, china, malaysia, brunei and the phillipines`spratly islands
Which islands lie to the east of Kenya in the Indian Ocean`the seychelles
Which islands natives are called Vectians`isle of wight
Which island's roads are paved with coral`guam
Which islands way of life and culture is described as Bajun`barbados
Which islands were named after Prince Philip of Spain`The Philippines
Which island was born near Iceland in 1963`Surtsey
Which island was bought from native Indians for $24 worth of trinkets`manhattan
Which island was defended by Faith, Hope, and Charity during WW2`malta
Which island was the centre of US immigration`ellis
Which is larger: A microcomputer or a minicomputer`minicomputer
Which is larger: The British or US pint`british
Which is larger: The North or the South island of New Zealand`south
Which is Londons most frequently stolen road sign`abbey road
Which is longer: A baseball bat or a cricket bat`baseball bat
Which is longer in humans: The small intestine or the large intestine`small intestine
Which is more Fattening   a baked potato or a hamburger patty`hamburger patty
Which is more: One tablespoon or two teaspoons`one tablespoon
Which is more tender: The left or right leg of a chicken`left
Which is most valuable: An ounce of gold, platinum or silver`platinum
Which ISN'T an actual porn movie title?(Clear and Present Poontang, Friday the 13th: A Nude Beginning,Jur-ass in the Park, Edward Penishands)`Poontang
which is oasis' bestselling album to date (full name)`what's the story (morning glory)
Which is oldest: Spring lamb, hoggett or mutton`mutton
which is peter sellers' most famous role`inspector clouseau
Which Israeli Prime Minister was assassinated in 1995`yitzhak rabin
Which Israeli seaport was captured by the Crusaders in the 12th century`acre
Which is Romania's greates harbour`constanta
Which is sculptor Gutzon Borghun's most famous work`mount rushmore
Which is the 3rd nearest star to the solar system`barnard's star
which is the best irc network`hint`starts with g`hint`galaxynet
which is the best irc network`hint`starts with g`hint`team17
Which is the best Poker hand?`royal flush
WhichisthebestPokerhand`royal flush
Which is the brightest of the stars in the constellation Centaurus`alpha centauri
which is the brightest planet in the night sky`venus
which is the "city of light"`paris
Which is the closest town to Ayres Rock`alice springs
Which is the coldest planet in our solar system`pluto
Which is the collective term for a group of bears`sloth
Which is the correct order for Elizabeth Taylor's eight husbands?`Hilton, Wilding, Todd, Fisher, Burton, Burton, Warner, Fortensky
Which is the deepest freshwater lake in the world`lake baikal
which is the deepest known cave near carlsbad, new mexico`lechuigilla cave
Which is the deepest mine`western deep levels mine
which is the deepest ocean`pacific
Which is the Earth's fifth largest continent`antarctica
Which is the Earth's fourth largest continent`south america
Which is the Earth's largest continent`asia
Which is the Earth's second largest continent`africa
Which is the Earth's second smallest continent`europe
Which is the Earth's smallest continent`oceania
Which is the Earth's third largest continent`north america
Which is the farthest west, barbados, haiti or jamaica`jamaica
Which is the farthest west, the Aegean, Ionian ot Tyrrhenian sea`tyrrhenian
Which is the fastest production car to date`Mclaren f1
Which is the first animal listed in the Oxford English Dictionary`aardvark
Which is the fourth planet from the Sun`mars
Which is the galaxy closest to the Milky Way`andromeda
Which is the geological period before the Ordovician`cambrian
Which is the highest capital city in Europe`madrid
Which is the highest city in the world`lhasa, tibet
which is the highest hill in singapore`timah hill
Which is the highest mountain in Canada`mount logan
Which is the highest mountain in England`scafell pike
which is the highest mountain in germany`zugspitze
Which is the highest mountain outside Asia`aconcagua
Which is the highest peak in the Andes`aconcagua
Which is the highest poker hand 2 pairs or three of a kind`three of a kind
Which is the home state of former US President Jimmy Carter`georgia
which is the lake that is half in california and half in nevada`lake tahoe
Which is the larger of the rhinocerous`white
Which is the larger of the rhinocerous, white or black`white
Which is the largest african bird of prey`lammergeyer
Which is the largest and heaviest instrument in a concert orchestra`piano
Which is the largest aquatic bird`albatross
Which is the largest artery in the human body`aorta
Which is the largest bird of prey native to England`buzzard
which is the largest candy consuming nation`netherlands
Which is the largest cathedral`st peter's
Which is the largest channel island`jersey
Which is the largest city in India`calcutta
Which is the largest city in Pakistan`karachi
Which is the largest city inside the Arctic Circle`murmansk
Which is the largest city in the Canary Islands`las palmas
Which is the largest city of the Balearic Islands`palma
Which is the largest city on Lake Michigan`chicago
Which is the largest county in Ireland`Cork
Which is the largest English county`North Yorkshire
which is the largest freshwater scottish lake`loch lomond
Which is the largest (in area) of the Australian States and Territories`western australia
Which is the largest island in the Caribbean`cuba
Which is the largest island in the Mediterranean`sicily
which is the largest island in the world`greenland
Which is the largest island of Japan`honshu
Which is the largest joint in the human body`knee
Which is the largest known butterfly`queen alexandra's birdwing
Which is the largest lake in Africa`victoria
Which is the largest lake in south america`lake maracaibo
Which is the largest landlocked country`mongolia
Which is the largest living bird`ostrich
Which is the largest member of the kingfisher family`kookaburra
Which is the largest moon in the Solar System`ganymede
which is the largest mountain chain in eastern u.s.a`appalachians
Which is the largest ocean`pacific
Which is the largest of Neptune's moons`triton
Which is the largest of the Asteroids`ceres
Which is the largest of the Balearic Islands`majorca
Which is the largest of the Canadian Provinces and Territories`northwest territories
Which is the largest of the Canary Islands`tenerife
Which is the largest of the Egyptian Pyramids`Pyramid of Cheops
Which is the largest of the Greek islands`crete,
Which is the largest of the Italian lakes`garda
Which is the largest of the National Parks of England and Wales`lake district
Which is the largest of the Seychelles`mahe
Which is the largest of the Society Islands`tahiti
which is the largest of the solomon islands`guadalcanal
Which is the largest of the United states`alaska
Which is the largest planet in our solar system`jupiter
Which is the largest planet in the solar system`jupiter
which is the largest planet`jupiter
Which is the largest primate`gorilla
Which is the largest province of canada`quebec
Which is the largest river forming part of the u.s-mexico border`rio grande
which is the largest river forming part of the u.s-mexico border`rio`twelve
Which is the largest Scandinavian country`sweden
Which is the largest species of antelope`eland
Which is the largest species of shark`whale shark
which is the largest theme resort hotel`lost city
Which is the largest vulture`andean condor
Which is the largets of the Scilly isles`st marys
Which is the last book of the Old Testament`malachi
Which is the last of the four Grand Slam tennis tournaments to be played in the year`us open
Which is the last of the year's four quarter days`christmas day
Which is the longest bone in the body`femur
Which is the longest river entirely in Spain`ebro
which is the longest river in asia`yangtze
Which is the longest river in France`loire
Which is the longest river in Italy`po
Which is the longest river in Mexico`rio grande
which is the longest river in nigeria`niger
Which is the longest river in the british isles`shannon
which is the longest river in the united kingdom`severn
Which is the longest river in the western hemisphere`amazon
Which is the longest river - not river system - in the U.S.A.`the missouri
Which is the longest river system in Australia`the murray-darling
Which is the longest snake in the western hemisphere`anaconda
which is the longest straight in the world?`straight of malacca
Which is the longest word that can be made from one row on a keyboard`typewriter
Which is the lowest Perfect Number`six
Which is the lowest Perfect Number`six`6
Which is the lowest ranking suit in Contract Bridge`clubs
Which is the morning star if Venus is the evening star`venus
Which is the most abundant element in the universe`hydrogen
Which is the most ancient walled city`jericho
which is the most-consumed, man-made beverage in the world`tea
Which is the most densely populated country in the European Union`the netherlands
which is the most densely populated state`new jersey
which is the most effective drug for preventing malaria`quinine
Which is the most famous engine to run on the Merioneth line`thomas the tank
Which is the most famous engine to run on the Merioneth line`thomas the tank engine
which is the most imp0rtant piece in chess`king
Which is the most Northerly African country through which the Greenwich meridian passes`algeria
Which is the most Northerly African country`tunisia
Which is the most northerly of the Shetland Isles`unst
which is the most photographed and climbed mountain`mount fiji
Which is the most photographed &  climbed mountain`mount fuji
Which is the most populated continent in the world`asia
Which is the most populated territory in australia`new south wales
which is the most remote island in the southern atlantic ocean`bouvet island
Which is the most southerly capital city in the Commonwealth`wellington
Which is the most southerly of the Windward Islands off the coast of South America`grenada
which is the most venomous spider`black widow
Which is the most watched news channel internationally`cnn
Which is the most westerly of the four time zones in mainland USA`pacific
Which is the most westerly South American country through which the Equator passes`ecuador
Which is the most widely used expression in any language`ok
Which is the name for classical music played by a small group of instruments`chamber music
Which is the nearest first-class football ground to the River Thames`craven cottage
Which is the nearest galaxy to our own, excluding the Magellanic Clouds`andromeda
Which is the nearest seaside resort to london`southend
Which is the oldest American military decoration`the purple heart
which is the oldest city in britain`ripon
which is the oldest functioning university in the world`cambridge
Which is the oldest of the major college football bowl games`rose bowl
Which is the oldest passenger railway station in London`london bridge
Which is the oldest republic in Europe`san marino
Which is the only 10 letter word that can be spelt just using the top row of letters on a keyboard`typewriter
Which is the only animal other than humans that can get leprosy`armadillos
Which is the only arab country without a desert`lebanon
Which is the only athletics track event in which women do not compete`steeplechase
Which is the only Australian state capital that is not named after a person`perth
Which is the only bird in the Chinese calendar`rooster
Which is the only bird in the UK to assume an all-white plumage`ptarmigan
Which is the only bird that can see the colour blue`owl
Which is the only body cell with no nucleus`red blood cell
which is the only body cell with no nucleus`red blood`stick
Which is the only book written by margaret mitchell`gone with the wind
which is the only central american country without an atlantic coastline`el salvador
Which is the only city still in existence that is mentioned in Genesis`damascus
which is the only city where all major sports teams have the same colours`pittsburgh
which is the only continent without reptiles`antarctica
which is the only country that has every type of climate`new`lifeboat
Which is the only country that has every type of climate`new zealand
which is the only country to never have imposed censorship for movies intended for adults`belgium
Which is the only country to represent a letter in the phonetic alphabet`india
Which is the only county in Northern Ireland that does NOT border Lough Neagh`fermanagh
Which is the only deciduous coniferous tree widely used in forestry`larch
Which is the only English word to both begin and end with the letters U-N-D ?`Underground
Which is the only EU country without a land border with any other EU country`greece
Which is the only Grand Slam golf tournament that Arnold Palmer didn't win`us pga
Which is the only king in a deck of cards without a moustache`king of hearts
which is the only king in a deck of cards without a moustache`king of`underground
Which is the only liquid metal element at room temperature`mercury
Which is the only living bird with two toes on each foot`ostrich
Which is the only London Underground station with a platform bar`sloan square
Which is the only mammal capable of true flight`bat
which is the only mammal with four knees`elephant
which is the only mammal with hair on the soles of its feet`polar bear
Which is the only marsupial native to North America`opossum
Which is the only member of the Commonwealth never ruled by Britain`mozambique
Which is the only musical bird that can fly backwards`hummingbird
which is the only native north american marsupial`opossum
Which is the only one of the 48 contiguous states of the US to have a land border with only one other state`maine
which is the only one of the great lakes entirely within the u.s.`michigan
Which is the only one of the seven dwarfs not to have a beard`dopey
which is the only one of the seven dwarfs without a beard`dopey
Which is the only part of an oar that should get wet`blade
Which is the only planet that rotates clockwise`venus
Which is the only position in soccer allowed to handle the ball`goalie
Which is the only position in soccer allowed to handle the ball`goalkeeper
which is the only president of the usa in the 20th century not to be depicted on film (full name)`warren gamaliel harding
which is the only president of the usa in the 20th century not to be depicted on film (full name)`warren gamaliel`uruguay
Which is the only sea below sea level`dead sea
which is the only shakespearean play without songs`comedy of`cain
which is the only shakespearean play without songs`comedy of errors
Which is the only Shakespeare play with the name of an English town in the title`the merry wives of windsor
Which is the only sport at which one person could win 8 Olympic golds in the same year`gymnastics
which is the only u.s. space shuttle to never be launched`enterprise
which is the only u.s state capital without a mcdonald's`montpelier`september
Which is the only u.s state capital without a mcdonald's`montpelier, vermont
Which is the only US State due south of Alaska`hawaii
Which is the only vitamin not present in eggs`vitamin c
Which is the only work by Dukas most people have ever heard of`the sorcerer's apprentice
Which is the only work by Leoncavallo most people have ever heard of`i pagliacci
Which is the penultimate book of the New Testament`jude
Which is the principal river of Romania`danube
Which is the 'quiet' ocean`pacific ocean
Which is the second brightest star in the night sky`canopus
Which is the second largest city in England`birmingham
Which is the second largest city in Norway`bergen
Which is the second largest city in Sweden`gothenburg
Which is the second largest of the Balearic Islands`minorca
Which is the second largest of the great lakes of north america`lake huron
Which is the second largest of the Japanese islands`hokkaido
Which is the second longest river in the world`Amazon
Which is the second planet from the sun`venus
Which is the slowest land animal`sloth
Which is the smallest Canadian province`prince edward island
which is the smallest country in the world`vatican city
Which is the smallest independent country`vatican city
Which is the smallest ocean`arctic
Which is the smallest of the North American Great Lakes`ontario
which is the smallest of the untied states`rhode island
Which is the smallest republic in South America`surinam
Which is the smallest US state`rhode island
Which is the stately home of the Devonshire family`chatsworth
Which is the tallest breed of dog`irish wolfhound
Which is the tallest of the wild British roses`dog rose
Which is the third highest mountain in the world`Kangchenjunga
Which is the trailing edge of an aircraft wing`the rear edge
Which is the US Mormon State`utah
which is the war with the third-highest casualties of all time`sino-japanese`poland
which is the war with the third-highest casualties of all time`sino-japanese war
Which is the windy city`chicago
Which is the World's 3rd highest mountain`kangchenjunga
Which is the worlds biggest glider first used in 1982`US space shuttle
Which is the worlds biggest port`rotterdam
Which is the worlds busiest international airport`heathrow
which is the world's deepest lake`lake baikal
which is the world's deepest lake`lake`warr
Which is the world's highest capital city`la paz
Which is the worlds hottest capital city`khartoum
Which is the world's largest fish`whale shark
Which is the world's largest monolith`mount augustus
which is the world's largest monolith`mount`moon
Which is the worlds largest museum - in area it covers`new york natural history
Which is the world's largest rodent`capybara
Which is the world's most northerly capital city`reykjavik
Which is the world's oldest passenger airline`klm
Which is the worlds second largest French speaking city`montreal
which is the world's second largest monolith`ayers`four
Which is the world's second largest monolith`ayers rock
which is the worlds smallest independant country`vatican city state
Which is the worlds tallest grass`Bamboo
which is the world's warmest sea`red`an
Which is the world's warmest sea`red sea
Which is your sternum   your breastbone or tailbone`breastbone
Which Italian artist, circa 1267 - 1337, is reputed to have been able to draw a perfect circle, freehand`giotto
Which Italian artist, circa 1487-1576 gave his name to a hair colour`titian
Which italianate village did Clough Williams-Ellis design in North Wales`portmeirion
Which Italian born US physicist won the 1938 Nobel Prize for Physics for his work on radioactive elements`enrico fermi
Which Italian city is built on 118 islands`venice
Which Italian city is famous for its leaning tower`pisa
which italian city is the setting for 'romeo and juliet'`verona
Which italian city was once ruled by a doge`venice
Which Italian city was severely damaged by an earthquake in 1908`messina
Which Italian composer's funeral in 1924 reputedly 'brought Italy to a standstill`puccini
Which Italian composer's funeral in 1924 was said to have brought Rome to a standstill`puccini
which italian composer wrote The Four Seasons`Antonio Vivaldi
Which Italian cruise ship was attacked in 1985`achille lauro
Which Italian dish consists of filled tubes of pasta baked in a sauce`cannelloni
Which Italian dramatist wrote the play 'Accidental Death of an Anarchist'`dario fo
Which Italian family first developed its racing car in Bologna in 1924`maserati
Which Italian hard cheese is especially good for grating`parmesan
Which Italian inventor first transmitted signals across the English Channel`marconi
Which Italian modern art movement was initiated in 1909 by the poet Filippo Tomasso Marinetti`futurism
Which Italian painter is best known for his ceiling fresco of Aurora`guido reni
Which Italian painter noted for "red" canvases died in Venice of the plague in 1576, aged about 99`titian
Which Italian playwright won the Nobel Prize for Literature on 1997`his plays include "the accidental death of an anarchist"`dario fo
Which Italian politician was found hanging under Blackfriars Bridge in 1982`roberto calvi
Which Italian seaport city is called 'La Superba'`it's not venice, as you might think.genoa
Which Italian tourist attraction was exposed as a mediaeval fake in 1988`turin shroud
Which Italian won the 1998 Tour de France cycle race`marco pantani
Which Italian writer wrote The Periodic Table`primo levi
Which item is put into a can to give beer a head of foam`widget
Which item of clothing can cause temporary impotence?`Tight trousers
Which item of clothing do Eskimos (or Inuit) call mukluks`sealskin boots
which item of clothing when first worn in 1797 caused dogs to bark, women to faint and a boys arm to be broken`top hat
Which Ivan was Terrible`ivan iv
Which Jane Austen novel was originally entitled First Impressions`pride and prejudice
Which Japanese firm produced the World War Two plane the Zero`mitsubishi
Which Japanese suicide technique translates to the English 'belly cutting'`Hara-kiri
Which Japanese suicide technique translates to the English "belly cutting"`hara-kiri`seppuku`harakiri
which jars of clay album has a platinum record`jars of clay
Which jazz cornettist composed and recorded "Davenport Blues" in 1925`b1x beiderbecke
which jazz muscian was nicknamed satchmo`louis armstrong
Which jazz pianist composed the jungle music "Black and Tan Fantasy" with Bubber Miley, and recorded it with his band in 1927`duke ellington
Which jazz pianist do you associate with the tune Take Five`dave brubeck
which jazz singer was known as Lady Day`Billie Holiday
Which jazz trumpet virtuoso is credited as having invented scat' singing?`Louis Armstrong
Which jello is the only jello flavor that comes from real fruit, not artificial flavoring`cranberry
Which Jethro Tull LP cover showed a man leading two horses`heavy horses
Which Jethro Tull LP cover showed a man leading two horses`heavy`tzu
Which jewish american singer became a born again christian in 1979`bob dylan
Which jewish feast remembers the salvation in Egypt`passover
Which Jewish king built the Temple in Jerusalem of which, the Wailing Wall is a remnant`solomon
Which Jewish spring festival celebrates the deafeat of Haman's plot to massacre the Jews`purim
Which jockey became a best selling thriller writer`dick francis
Which jockey rode a Derby winner called Pinza`gordon richards
Which jockeys first Derby winner was Never say die`lester piggott
Which John Steinbeck novel takes its title from a line in one of Robert Burns' Poems`of mice and men
Which John Updike novel features three divorcees on the make who are seduced by the devil`the witches of eastwick
Which John Wayne film was a hit for Ultravox in 1982`reap the wild wind
Which John Wayne Western was described by a critic as, 'Grand Hotel on Wheels'`stagecoach
Which "Jones" was born at Kirkbean, Dumfries & Galloway in 1747 and became an American naval officer`john paul jones
Which KC and the Sunshine Band song was a hit for KWS in the 90's`please don't go
Which kellogg's cereal was advertised by tusk tusk the elephant`coco
which kellogg's cereal was advertised by tusk tusk the elephant`coco crispies
which kellogg's cereal was advertised by tusk tusk the elephant`coco`engine
Which key has one sharp`G
Which kids were On The Block in 1990`new
which kind of religious followers refuse to pledge allegiance to anything but god`jehovah's`helper
which kind of religious followers refuse to pledge allegiance to anything but god`jehovah's witnesses
which kind of whale sports a long, twisted ivory tusk?`narwhal
Which king built a huge palace and church called the Escorial`philip II of spain
Which king did Daniel defy that led to him being thrown into the lions den`nebuchadnezzar
Which King had Daniel thrown into the Lion's den`darius
Which king had the longest reign in british history`george iii
Which king led the English at the battle of Agincourt`henry v
Which king married Charlotte of Mecklenberg Strelitz`george the third
Which King of England died in 1910`edward vii
Which king of England married Catherine of Valois, and died in 1422`henry v
Which king of England met the king of France on the field of the cloth of gold`henry viii
Which King of England was nicknamed "the unready"`ethelred ii
Which King of England was the son of Edward the Black Prince`richard the second
Which king of Great Britain won world wide recognition as a stamp collector`george v
Which King of Troy was the father of Paris & Hector`priam
Which king ordered the compilation of the Doomsday Book`William i
Which King reputedly told the tide to recede`canute
Which king turned whatever he touched into gold`midas
Which king was crowned at Scone in Scotland in 1651`charles ii
Which king was known as 'The Hammer of the Scots'`edward i
Which king was nicknamed Coeur de Lion`richard i
Which kitchen appliance was first designed in 1927 by the American Charles Strite`automatic toaster
Which kitchen appliance was invented by Fred Waring`blender
Which kitchen device contains a magnetron`microwave oven
Which Knight caused the death of the Lady of Shallott`sir lancelot
Which knight of the Round Table fought the Green Knight`sir gawain
which knight of the round table guarded the holy grail`sir`handel
which knight of the round table guarded the holy grail`sir perceval
Which Knight of the Round Table threw Excalibur into the lake`sir bedivere
Which knight of the Round Table was the lover of Queen Guinevere`lancelot
which kraftwerk no1 was officially the b side of computer love`the model
Which Labelle hit did All Saints take to number 1`lady marmalade
Which Labour MP faked suicide by a supposed drowning in 1974`john stonehouse
Which Labour Mp lost his front bench trade and industry post for taking a part time job on Sky television`austin mitchell
Which Labour politician, according to Harold Wilson, "immatures with age"`tony benn
Which Labour politician did Aneurin Bevan call "a dessicated calculating machine"`hugh gaitskell
Which lachrymose character teaches Alice to sing "The Lobster Quadrille"`the mock turtle
Which "lady" was the most famous mistress of Wragley Hall`lady chatterley
Which Lakeland poet was born in 1770`william wordsworth
Which lake was created by the building of the Aswan High Dam`lake nasser
Which lake was created by the building of the Hoover Dam`lake mead
Which Lancashire city is home to the Old Trafford cricket ground`manchester
Which Lancashire town was known to the Romans as Coccium`wigan
Which land animal can reach the highest`giraffe
Which land locked country on central Africa was formerly known as Nothern Rhodesia`zambia
Which land was discovered by Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy`narnia
Which land was explored by the viking Erik the Red in about 982`greenland
Which language calls itself Vlaams`flemish
Which language do Walloons speak a version of`french
which language is the word "ketchup" derived from`chinese
Which large extinct flightless bird of New Zealand resembled the ostrich`moa
Which large marsh, once a haunt of smugglers, lies between Hythe and Rye on the south coast`romney marsh
Which large marsh, once thought bottomless, lies between Liverpool and Manchester`chat moss
Which large plain in Australia has a name meaning treeless`nullarbor
Which Latin American author wrote 'The War of the End of the World'`mario vargas llosa
Which Latin American dance involves forming a chain`conga
Which Latin motor-manufacturing name was originally that of a subsidiary of S.K.F. - the bearing makers - for whom the car's design engineers worked`volvo
Which Latin phrase translates into English as 'peace be with you'`pax vobiscum
which latter day gameshow host had a hit with anyone who had a heart`cilla black
Which Lauren was married to Humphrey Bogart`bacall
Which law did Sir Isaac Newton discover when he was only twenty three years old`law of universal gravitation
which law did sir isaac newton discover when he was only twenty three years old`law of universal`you
Which lawman was engaged in the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral`wyatt earp
Which lawyer broke the law by refusing to be finger-printed in the Transvaal during 1907?`Gandhi
Which leader has the first name of Fidel`castro
Which leader introduced reforms in Czechoslovakia in the late 60s`alexander dubcek
Which leader was defeated at the battle of Salamis`alexander
Which leader won the battle of Austerlitz in 1805`napoleon
Which legendary american golfer was played by Glenn Ford in the 1951 movie Follow the Sun`ben hogan
Which legendary beauty does Mephistopheles procure for Dr Faustus`helen of troy
Which legendary hero left the ruins of Troy and sailed to Italy to found the city of Rome`aeneas
which legendary king of cyprus fell in love with a statue`pygmalion
Which leisure  activity was handed to the world by an american pie company in around 1900`frisbee
Which letter and number signyfy the vitamin riboflavin`b2
Which letter do more capital cities start with than any other`b
Which letters describe psychic power`esp
Which Lewis Carroll animal faded away until nothing was left but a grin`cheshire cat
Which lifesavers flavour can emit sparks when chewed in the dark`Wintergreen
Which line of latitude separates North and South Korea`38th
which lion knocks out a horse with one punch in the movie blazing saddles?`alex karras
Which liqueur gives the cocktail "Tequila Sunrise" its red glow`grenadine
Which liqueur has blackcurrant as its main source`cassis
Which liqueur is the French equivalent of Curacao`grand marnier
Which liquid is a major part of a hummingbird's diet`nectar
Which list did sarah ferguson make five times in people's magazine`worst
which list did sarah ferguson make five times in people's magazine`worst dressed list
which list did sarah ferguson make five times in people's magazine`worst dressed`roads
Which literary character said 'Many's the night I've dreamt of cheese, toasted mainly.'`ben gunn
Which literary character was supposedly based on Vlad the Impaler`Dracula
Which literary traveller was accompanied by Passepartout`phileas fogg
Which literary traveller was accompanied by the dog Toto`dorothy
Which living bird has the longest wingspan`the albatross
Which lizard gave Culture Club a smash hit`chameleon
Which local team did Eastenders Arhtur support`walford united
Which loch lies closest to Glasgow`loch lomond
Which loin of beef did charles ii insist on knighting because he liked it so much`sirloin
Which London airport was once a race track`gatwick
Which London art gallery caused a furore by exhibiting a pile of bricks`the tate
Which London club saw the start of Phileas Fogg's journey`the reform club
Which London house was the home of the Duke Of Wellington.  It was also known as No. 1 London.`apsley house
Which London landmark is now the depository of the royal coronation regalia`the tower of london
Which London MP is more famous as an actress`glenda jackson
Which London's church's other name is the Collegiate Church of St. Peter`westminster abbey
Which London shopping arcade is patrolled by Beadles`burlington arcade
Which London station handles trains directly to the continent, through the channel tunnel`waterloo
Which London Street identifiable by its name was inhabited by a French community in the 16th century`petty france
Which London street is associated with bespoke tailors`savile row
Which London street is associated with Sweeney Todd`fleet street
which london street is famous for its hotels`park`arms
Which London street is famous for its hotels `park lane
Which London street is the home of the Prime Minister`downing street
Which London theatre house is built on the site of a well once famous for its medicinal properties`sadlers wells
Which London tube line is usually red on maps`central
Which London Underground line goes to Heathrow`piccadilly line
Which London Underground Line has been extended to the Millennium Dome`jubilee
Which London Underground station had its name changed to Barbican in 1968`aldersgate
Which long motor race is held in France every June`le mans 24 hour
Which loud-mouthed chicken was renowned for bellowing "I say boy!"`foghorn leghorn
Which lover of Romeo was a hit for The Four Pennies`juliet
Which lump of rock is the worlds largest monolith`ayers rock
Which madame popularised luncheon vouchers in the 1980's`cynthia payne
which made them safe enough for general use`elisha g. otis
which magazine features alfred e. newman`mad magazine
Which magazine is subtitled 'The International Magazine for Men'`penthouse
Which magazine was founded by John F. Kennedy Jr. in 1995`George
Which magazine was founded by the American Dewitt Wallace`reader's digest
Which magician did lothar assist`mandrake
Which mainland Latin American country is in neither South America nor Central America`Mexico
Which major 1970 box office success centred on the relationship between characters played by Ryan O'neal and Ali Macgraw`love story
Which major car manufacturer will take over the Benetton Formula 1 team next years`renault
Which major Danish tourist attraction is built out of miniature bricks`legoland
Which major finance company was founded in 1850 by Henry Wells of Wells Fargo fame`american express
Which major food company grew out of the Sanitas Food Company of Battle Creek, Michigan`kelloggs
Which major horserace is held in Australia on the first Tuesday in November`the melbourne cup
Which major international organization was created in 1945`United Nations
Which major jazz composer and bandleader was known as 'Duke'`Edward Kennedy Ellington
Which major land offensive began on the 1st July, 1916`battle of the somme
Which Major League baseball team has its stadium in South Bronx`new york yankees
Which major New York leisure area was laid out by Fred Olmstead and Calvert Vaux and opened in 1876`central park
Which major novel takes place entirely on the day of June 16 1904`ulysses
Which major planet spins in the opposite direction to the rest`venus
Which major river flooded and cut all rail links to Derby in November 2000`the derwent
Which major river flooded York in November 2000`the ouse
Which major river flows through Gloucester`severn
Which major US city hosts an annual grand prix auto race on its streets`detroit
Which major US city is in Dade County`miami
Which make of helicopter has the same name as a North American wind`chinook
Which make of motorcycle was ridden by Carl Fogarty during 1998`ducati
which malaysian state is kuala lumpur in`selangor
Which male actor won an Academy Award in 1965 for his performance in Cat Ballou`Lee Marvin
Which male Christian name derives from the Gaelic word for 'handsome'`kenneth
Which mammal boasts the most nipples   the cat, horse or pig`pig
Which mammal doesn't drink any water in its entire life`dolphin
Which Mammal has the highest blood pressure`giraffe
which mammal has the longest lifespan`man
Which mammals name is said to have come from an Italian word meaning 'old woman'?`monkey
Which man has made the highest individual innings at Lord's, an innings of 333`graham gooch
Which man has the most monuments erected in his honour`buddha
Which man's name means Bearer of Christ`christopher
Which Manticore creation doesn't have a barcode`Joshua
Which manufacturing company was founded by Lord Nuffield`morris motors
Which man was Max complaining about when she said, 'Why is it guys are always so task-oriented? I mean it's work, work, work, work, work.' (Which person was under discussion)?`Normal
Which man who invented the microphone in 1876 died on august 2, 1922`alexander graham bell
Which Marilyn Monroe film was adapted for a stage play starring Daryl Hannah in London in 2000`seven year itch
Which Mark Twain classic was remade by Disney in 1993`adventures of huckleberry finn
which marlon brando film won best picture award in 1972`godfather
Which married couple won the Nobel prize for science in 1903`marie and pierre curie
Which marsupial is classed in two varieties: as the 'naked-nose' or 'brown' and the 'hairy-nosed'`wombat
Which marsupial is native to North America`opossum
Which martial art has a name that originates from the Japanese word for "gentle"`jujitsu
Which Marx Brothers film features a bunch of Nazis trying to make off with stolen treasure`a night in casablanca
Which massacre took place 24 august 1572`massacre of st bartholomew
Which massacre took place on 24th August 1572`The massacre of St Bartholomew
Which material can you not use in a microwave oven, plastic,glass or metal`metal
Which meat do Hindus not eat`beef
Which meat is horshradish traditionally served with`beef
Which meat is traditionally used to make cock-a-leekie soup`chicken
Which meat on a roast turkey has more calories, white or dark`dark
Which medical condition is detected using the Ishiharo Test`colour blindness
Which medical condition is detected using the Ishiharo Test`defective colour vision`colour blindness
Which medical instrument for listening to the sounds of the chest was invented in 1819`stethoscope
Which medical pioneer taught his students under the shade of a plane tree on the island of Cos`hippocrates
Which medical soap premiered on April Fool's Day, 1963`general hospital
Which medication companys slogan is wake up your liver bile`Carters Little Liver Pills
Which medicinal drug is obtained from the bark of the chinchona tree`quinine
Which Mediterranean island gives its name to a type of womens trousers`capri
Which Mediterranean island has coasts on three seas - Mediterranean, Ionian, and Tyrrhenian`sicily
Which Mediterranean island is named after a metal`cyprus
Which Mediterranean island is named after the soldiers who were skilled in the use of slings`the balearics
Which Mediterranean island once housed Napoleon`elba
Which Mediterranean island was divided into two in 1974`cyprus
Which member of Led Zeppelin died, leading to the breakup of the band`bonham
Which member of Margaret Thatcher's Cabinet was once an airline pilot`norman tebbit
Which member of Queen had a top ten hit with Love Kills`Freddie mercury
which member of the british royal family once appeared in the sitcom friends`sarah ferguson
Which member of the Cabinet draws the largest salary`lord chancellor
Which member of the camel family has no hump`llama
Which member of the carp family is most regularly sold by british pet shops`goldfish
Which member of the crow family is treated as a pet at the Tower of London`raven
Which member of the Dynasty cast was born near Paddington Station on 23 may 1933`joan collins
Which member of the European birch tree family produces edible nuts of the same name`hazel
Which member of the Monty Python team turned up as an English sheriff in the spoof western Silverado`john cleese
which member of 'the oak ridge boys' is a former radio disc jockey`duane allen
which member of the peanuts gang once said 'there's no heavier burden than a great potential'`linus
Which member of the Rolling Stones drowned in a swimming pool`brian jones
Which member of the Royal Family is Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports`queen mother
Which member of the Royal Family retired as President of the World Wildlife Fund in 1996`prince philip
Which member of the royal family was born in the Hampshire village of Dummer`duchess of york
Which member of the royal family was christened on Dec 21 1984`prince harry
Which member of the royal family was described as a kinky devil by his former girlfriend Vicki Hodge`prince andrew
Which member of the UK government resigned after a scandal in 1983`cecil parkinson
which member of the wkrp staff did loni anderson play`jennifer
Which member of Wings went bankrupt in 1986`denny laine
which members of the Beegees are twins`Maurice & Robin Gibb
Which meridian does the international date line approximately follow through the pacific ocean`180 degree meridian
Which metal is always present in an amalgam`Mercury
Which metal is combined with lead to make pewter`tin
Which metal is combined with steel to make it stainless steel`chromium
Which metal is extracted from the ore haematite`iron
Which metal is in liquid state at ordinary room temperature`mercury
Which metal is liquid at normal temperatures`mercury
Which metal is normally liquid`mercury
which metal is represented by the symbol ba`barium
Which metal is used for the element in the electric light`tungsten
Which metallic element has  the atomic number 26`iron
Which metallic element has the symbol fe`iron
Which metal, with the Atomic Number 3, is the lightest known solid element`lithium
which meteor shower occurs on the 10th october`draconids
which meteor shower occurs on the 12th august`perseids
which meteor shower occurs on the 14th november`andromedids
which meteor shower occurs on the 16th november`leonids
which meteor shower occurs on the 21st april`lyrids
which meteor shower occurs on the 21st october`orionids
which meteor shower occurs on the 4th may`eta aquarids
which meteor shower occurs on the 4th november`taurids
Which metric unit of area is equal to just under 2.5 acres`hectare
Which Mexican poet, winner of the Nobel literature prize in 1990, died in April 1998`octavio paz
Which mexican rebel was shot to death in 1923`Pancho Villa
Which Michael Jackson song could have referred to a tennis star`billie jean
Which Middle Eastern city is also the name of a type of artichoke`jerusalem
Which Middle eastern city is the home of the Evil Council`jerusalem
Which middle Eastern country has Riyadh as its capital`saudi arabia
Which middle eastern country's official name is Al-Lubnan`lebanon
Which military battle took place in 1815`Waterloo
Which military commander won the victories of Blenheim,Ramilles,Oudenarde and Malplaquet`duke of marlborough
Which milk has more fat than cow milk`reindeer
Which Millais painting was later used in adverts for soap`bubbles
Which million dollar building cost more than a million dollars`sydney opera
Which million dollar building cost more than a million dollars`sydney opera house
Which Milton Bradley Capture-the-flag board game features spies, scouts and bombs`Stratego
Which Mindbenders track did Phil Collins take to number 1`groovy kind of love
Which mineral has the chemical formula FeS2`iron pyrites
which mineral is 9 on the moh's hardness scale`corundum
Which ministerial post has a higher salary than Prime Ministers`the lord chancellor
Which minister traditionally lives at no 11 Downing Street`chancellor of the exchequer
which minister was hanged at salem massachusetts for witchcraft`george burroughs
Which miracle did Jesus perform at Cana`water into wine
which mobster first built a gambling resort in the nevada desert that became las vegas`bugsy`seasons
which mobster first built a gambling resort in the nevada desert that became las vegas`bugsy siegel
Which model, undergoing cosmetic surgery, had part of her inner thigh removed and placed in her top lip?`Suzanne Mizzi
Which model village was built from 1888 by William Lever for workers at his soap factory`port sunlight
Which model was a judge for the 1999 Whitbread Literary Prize`jerry hall
Which modem country was formerly Nyasaland`malawi
Which modern author wrote The Regeneration trilogy`pat barker
Which modern city was once called Byzantium`istanbul
Which modern country made up most of Gaul in modern times`france
Which modern country occupies the former Roman province of Lusitania`portugal
Which modern country was called Siam`thailand
Which modern instrument was formerly known as the Sackbut`trombone
Which modern Irish writer's novels include Dublin Four and Evening Class`maeve binchy
Which modern word derives from the Greek word meaning 'testicle'?`Orchid
Which monarch bought the estate of Sandringham`queen victoria
Which monarch of England preceded Richard I`henry ii (1154-1189)
Which monarch signed the Magna Carta at Runnymede`king john
Which monarch was the first to appear on a postage stamp`queen victoria
Which monastic order has members also called White Friars`carmelite
which monkee was in "circus boy"`mickey dolenz
Which Monopoly token was voted most popular by players in 1998`The Race Car
Which monster legend first came into being in 1921 when large footprints were photographed in the snow`the yeti
Which month gives its name to the Hawthorn Blossom`may
Which month has a diamond as a birthstone`April
which month has an extra day every 4 years`february
Which months are named after men who actually lived`july and august
Which Months have 28 Days`All of them
Which month was named after caesar augustus`august
Which month was named after julius caesar`july
Which Moody Blues album takes its title from the famous mnemonic spelling out the lines of the treble stave`every good boy deserves favour
Which moon was discovered on 22 June 1978`charon
Which mother and daughter supersatrs were both coached by Kay Thompson`judy garland and liza minelli
Which motor car manufacturer makes the Zafira`vauxhall
Which motor car manufacturer produces the Sharan people carrier`volkswagen
Which motor car manufacturer produces the Sintra 2.2 litre people carrier`vauxhall
Which motor company has the emblem of the prancing horse`ferrari
Which motor company produces the Alhambra`seat
Which motor cycle company built the dominator`norton
Which motorised vehicle was the original product of Lamborghini`tractors
which motor manufactuer made a model called the acclaim`triumph
Which motorway is, being developed as a ring motorway round Manchester`m60
Which mountain is the highest in the Alps`mont blanc
Which mountain peak is the highest in the Western Hemisphere`aconcagua
Which mountain range acts as a physical boundary between Europe and Asia`the urals
Which mountain range forms a geographical boundary between Europe and Asia`urals
Which mountain range is climbes by the worlds highest railway`the andes
which mountain range is traversed by the highest railroad`andes
Which mountain range reaches from the Black Sea through Georgia to the Caspian Sea`caucasus
Which mountain range reaches from the Black Sea through Georgia to the Caspian Sea`caucasus`kavkaz
Which mountain range reaches from the Black Sea through Georgia to the Caspian Sea`kavkaz
Which mountain range seperates France from Spain`pyrenees
Which mountains are between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea`caucasus
Which mountains are regarded as the east border of Europe`Ural
Which mountain shares its name with one of the three musketeers`athos
Which mountain was first conquered by Edward Whimper in 1865`the matterhorn
Which mountain was the home of the Greek Gods`mount olympus,
which move faster, frogs or toads`frogs
Which moves faster, frogs or toads`frogs
Which movie about a TV news show won Peter Finch a posthumous Oscar`network
Which movie actor starred in From Here to Eternity,Elmer Gantry and Birdman of Alcatraz`burt lancaster
which movie did michelle pfeifer & george clooney star together in`one fine day
Which movie did Skinner take Patty to see?`Space Mutants V: The Land Down Under
Which movie had a device known as a flux-capacitor?`Back to the Future
which movie holds the record for the most number of kisses, at 127`don juan
which movie holds the record for the most number of kisses, at 127`don`war
which movie immortalised the line "frankly my dear, i don't give a damn."`gone with the`block
which movie immortalised the line "frankly my dear, i don't give a damn."`gone with the wind
Which movie is the line "Snakes, I hate snakes" from?`Raiders Of The Lost Ark
Which movie prompted the style of wearing cutoff sweatshirts over the shoulder?`Flashdance
which movie starred both john travolta & olivia newton john`grease
Which movie was NOT directed by Inoshiro Honda`A.Godzilla, King of Monsters. B.Latitude Zero. C.Mothra D.8 ManD8 Man
which movie won the most oscars`ben`conrad
which movie won the most oscars`ben hur
Which MP introduced a bill in 1876 making a loading line on ships compulsory`samuel plimsoll
Which Ms. Turner was the speaking voice of the voluptuous Jessica Rabbit`kathleen
Which mtv veejay co-starred in encino man`pauly shore
Which much loved character was killed off in a fire on BBC radio to compete for an audience tuning in to the first ITV broadcast`grace archer
Which municipal appointment did Richard Whittington hold`lord mayor of london
Which muscian was halfway between the gutter`fat boy slim
Which museum in Washington DC is said to be the largest in the world`the smithsonian institute
Which museum now occupies the site of the old Bedlam Hospital in London`imperial war museum
Which musical contains the songs: Tonight and Maria`west side story
Which musical featured the "Red Shadow"`desert song
Which musical featured the song 'If I ruled the world'`pickwick
which musical featured the songs summer nights and hopelessly devoted to you`grease
Which musical features the song "Getting to Know You"`the king and i
Which musical features the song 'Happy Talk'`south pacific,
Which musical features the song "I'm gonna wash that man right out of my hair"`south pacific
Which musical features the song "Sit Down, You're Rocking the Boat"`guys and dolls
Which musical features the song Some Enchanted Evening`south pacific
Which musical included the songs "Hello, young lovers" and "Shall we dance"`the king and 1
Which musical included the songs "Wand'rin' star" and "I talk to the trees"`paint your wagon
Which musical includes the Barbara Dickson/Elaine Page song I Know Him So Well?`Chess
Which musical includes the song "if i were a rich man"`fiddler on the roof
Which musical instrument did Dizzy Gillespie play`trumpet
which musical instrument did Jacqueline du Pre play`Cello
which musical instrument did Stephane Grappelli play`Violin
Which musical instrument does Bill Clinton play`Saxophone
Which musical instrument has a mouthpiece called a 'fipple'`recorder
Which musical instrument is played by Ravi Shankar`sitar
Which musical instrument links Roy "Chubby" Brown, Russ Abbot and bandleader Jack Parnell`drums
Which musical instrument was the original product of the Yamaha company`piano
Which musical is based on the life of Fanny Brice`funny girl
Which musical is set around The taming of the shrew`kiss me kate
Which musical note is the longest`breve
Which musical tells the story of an escaped convict and is set in Louisiana in 1959`whistle down the wind
Which musical term denotes that a piece is to be played 'sweetly'`dolce
Which musical term denotes that the pitch of a note is lowered by a semitone`flat
Which musical term means a mass for the dead`requiem
Which musical was based on Cervantes' novel 'Don Quixote'`man of la mancha
Which musical was based on H.G.Wells' novel 'Kipps'`half a sixpence
Which musical was based on the play The Matchmaker?`Hello Dolly
Which musical won the Oscar for Best Picture in 1961`west side story
Which musician fronted the Tubeway Army`gary numan
Which musician holds the record for the most carreer gold records`paul mccartney
Which musician is married to Cleo Laine`john dankworth
Which musician of non-u.k. citizenship was awarded an honorary knighthood in 1986`bob geldof
Which musician of non-U.K. citizenship was awarded an honorary knighthood (KBE) in 1986`bob geldof
Which musician was awarded the National Humanties Medal for his efforts to preserve WaldenWoods`Don Henley
Which musician wrote the book "twixt twelve and twenty" in 1958`pat boone
Which mutiny was directed against Captain Queeg`the caine mutiny
Which mythical creature has a lion's head, a goat's body, and a dragon's tail`chimaera
Which mythical creature has a lion's head, a goat's body, and a dragon's tail`chimaera`chimera
Which mythical creature has a lion's head, a goat's body, and a dragon's tail`chimera
Which mythical land was supposed to lie between Cornwall and the Scilly Isles`l yonesse
Which mythological creature was half man, half horse`centaur
Which name has been most frequently chosen by Roman Catholic Popes`john
Which name is given to a doctor specialising in treating diseases in children`paediatrician
Which name is the "dukes of stratosphere" better known under`xtc
Which name meaning 'God with us' was given to Christ as the deliverer of Judah`immanuel
Which national cuisine uses lemon grass`thai
Which nationalist assumed the title govenor of scotland in 1297`william wallace
Which nationality was Matthias Grunewald`german
which national park contains the lowest point in the western hemisphere`death valley national`gilgamesh
which national park contains the lowest point in the western hemisphere`death valley national park
Which nation did moshoeshoe found`basotho
Which nation has Dzongkha as its officail language`bhutan
Which nation has the longest predicted life expectancy for both men and women`liechtenstein
which nation, on average, takes the longest time over its meals?`france
Which nation recently won the Alfred Dunhill Cup at St. Andrews`spain
Which nation was defeated by Napoleon at the Battle of Friedland in 1807`russia
Which nation was defeated by Napoleon at the Battle of Jena in 1806`prussia
Which nation was led by genghis khan`mongolia
Which nation was led by Genghis Khan`The Mongols
Which nation will join the Five Nations Championship in 2000`italy
Which nation won the most medals in the 1994 Winter Olympics`norway
Which Native American princess saved the life of settler John Smith in 1606`Pocahontas
Which NATO country is the world's largest producer of Uranium`canada
Which natural phenomenon can be measured on the Mercalli scale`earthquakes
Which natural wonder did Cook explore off eastern australia`the great barrier reef
Which Naval rank is equivalent to the Air Force rank of Squadron Leader`lieutenant commander
which nazi broadcaster was known as lord haw-haw`william`fish
which nazi broadcaster was known as lord haw-haw`william joyce
Which nazi leader had his 6 children poisoned prior to his own death`goebbels
Which nbc series premier episode was titled leaping on a string`quantum leap
Which Nepalese mountain was first climbed by Maurice Herzog`annapurna
Which new engine regulation replaced the 2.5 litre rule at the start of the 1961 season`1.5 litre
Which new england woman's college was the first brand of wrigley's gum named`vassar
Which new London airport was opened by the queen in 1987`london city airport
Which New Mexico town adopted the name of a radio quiz show`truth or consequences
Which new M.P. for Oldham entered Parliament in 1900, the year his first novel was published`winston churchill
Which newspapaer launched a ferry aid single that managed to include large chested Linda Lusardi in its list of pop stars`the sun
Which newspaper did mahatma ghandhi edit during his stay in south africa`indian opinion
Which newspaper owner's career inspired the film "Citizen Kane"`william randolph hearst
Which newspaper owner's name became an exclamation of surprise or disbelief`gordon bennett
Which new-wave band rocked the Casbah?`The Clash
which new wave icon appears as himself in the film the wedding singer`billy idol
Which new york city building was finished in 1931`empire state building
Which New York street is famous for its theatres`broadway
Which new zealand model did rod stewart marry in 1990`rachel hunter
Which New Zealand novelist won the Booker Prize with her novel The Bone People`keri hulme
Which nfl's defensive unit was named 'the purple people eaters'`minnesota
which nfl's defensive unit was named 'the purple people eaters'`minnesota vikings
Which NFL team's defensive unit was nicknamed 'The Purple People Eaters'`Minnesota Vikings
Which NFL team's defensive unit was nicknamed "The Purple People Eaters"`the minnesota vikings
Which nglish county boasts the longest stretch of coastline`cornwall
which nhl franchise holds the record for the longest unbeaten streak`philadelphia flyers
which nhl team won the stanley cup in both 1997 and 1998`detroit red wings
Which Nigerian leader died in office and was rumoured to be on Viagra`general sani abacha
Which Nigerian won the Booker Prize in 1991 with 'The Famished Road'`ben okri
Which nightingale sings the male or the female`male
Which nineteenth century author is buried in Samoa`robert louis stevenson
which nobel laureate renounced his knighthood in 1919 following the amritsar massacre of 400 indian demonstrators by british troops`rabindranath tagore
Which Nobel Prize was won by Henry Kissinger`peace
Which Nobel Prize winner wrote 'The Old Man and the Sea`ernest hemingway
Which Nobel prize-winning author wrote Voss and The Twyborn Affair`patrick white
Which Nobel Prize-winning novelist is best known for 'And Quiet Flows the Don'`mikhail sholokhovin
Which Noel Coward play formed the basis for the film 'Brief Encounter'`still life
Which non-motorised sporting event has the longest duration`tour de france
Which norman king of england began building the tower of London`william I
Which Norse goddess kept the apples of youth`idun
Which norse god had the valkyries as handmaidens`odin
Which north african city was first visited by the europeans in the 1820s`timbuktu
Which North American volcano suffered a major eruption in 1980`mt. st. helens
Which northern football league team is based at moss rose`macclesfield town
Which northern Italian city has a summer open air opera season`verona
Which Northumberland castle is claimed to be the second largest inhabited castle in the world`alnwick
Which north western Italian city is known in that country as Torino`turin
which norwefian composer wrote the incidental music for 'peer gynt'`edward grieg
Which note does an orchestra tune to`a
Which note does a symphony orchestra tune to`A
Which notorious australian robber was hanged at Melbourne in 1880`ned kelly
Which notorious British murderer appears in Alban Berg's unfinished opera Lulu`jack the ripper
Which notorious island off the Western coast of America was known as 'The island of pelicans'`alcatraz
Which novel begins "The family of Dashwood had been long settled in Sussex"`sense and sensibility
Which novel begins - The mole had been working very hard all morning cleaning his little home`wind in the willows
Which novel by H G Wells describes the invasion of Earth by martians`the war of the worlds
Which novel by James Joyce features twin brothers called "Sean the Post" and "Shem the Penman"`finnegans wake
Which novel by Jane Austen features the Woodhouse family`emma
Which novel by Louis de Bernieres is set in Cephalonia`captain corelli's mandolin
Which novel by Michael Crichton was the number one best-selling paperback in 1993`jurassic park
Which novel by Thackeray, subtitled "A novel without a hero", follows the ups and downs of two schoolfriends from Miss Pinkerton's Academy in Chiswick`vanity fair
Which novel did Ernest Hemingway say that all modern american literature comes from`huckleberry finn
Which novel features Major Major and Milo Mindbender`catch 22
Which novel features Room 101`1984
Which novel finds Milo Minderbinder elected as mayor of half a dozen italian cities`catch 22
Which novelist claimed he had made love to six women in a brothel, one straight after another?`Guy de Maupassant
Which novelist created Crown Prosecutor Helen West`frances fyfield
Which novelist created pathologist Kay Scarpetta`patricia cornwell
Which novelist created the seafaring characters Jack Aubrey and Stephen Maturin`patrick o'brian
Which novelist died of typhoid after drinking water in Paris`arnold bennett
Which novelist explained how the rhino got his skin,the camel his hump and the leopard his spots`rudyard kipling
Which novelist gave their name to a slang word for 2000 pounds`jeffrey archer
Which novelist's latest chiller is called "Bag of Bones"`stephen king
Which novelist wrote The Forsythe Saga`john galsworthy
Which novelist wrote The guns of Navarone,Ice Station Zebra and Where eagles Dare`alistair maclean
Which novelist wrote tilly trotter and the glass virgin`catherine cookson
Which novel of the Russian Revolution did Boris Pasternak write`dr zhivago
Which novel preceded Paradise Regained`paradise lost
which novel was the character svengali from`trilby
Which novel was the subject of a famous 1960's trial`lady chatterley's lover
Which novel, when broadcast in America, was believed by many people to be a real news report, and it caused widespread panic`the war of the worlds
Which number cannot be represented in Roman numerals`zero
Which number completes the group's name: s club`seven`7
which number completes the group's name: s club - what`seven
Which number could not be represented in the Roman numbering system`zero
Which number is at the top of a dartboard`twenty
Which number on a roulette wheel is colored green`zero
which number on a roulette wheel is coloured green`zero
Which number psalm begins, 'The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want'`23rd
Which number results if you add the number of Apostles to the number of sides in a decagon`twenty two
Which number results if you add the number of Apostles to the number of sides in a decagon`twenty two`22
which number system only uses 1 and 0`binary system
which number, when doubled, exceeds its half by nine`6
Which number, when doubled, exceeds its half by nine`six
Which number, when doubled, exceeds its half by nine`six`6
Which nurse organized a hospital for British troops during the Crimean War`Florence Nightingale
Which nursery rhyme is supposed to be based in the 'Black Death'`ring o ring o roses
Which nursery rhyme was the first gramophone recording`mary had a little
Which nursery rhyme was the first gramophone recording`mary had a little lamb
Which nut is used to make Marzipan`almond
Which nymph in mythology was deprived of speech by Hera in order to stop her chatter`echo
Which object was known as a Churchwarden`long clay pipe
Which obstetrician, together with biologist Robert Edwards, developed in vitro fertilisation`patrick steptoe
Which ocean are the West Indies on`atlantic
Which ocean can you swim in from the Seychelles`indian
Which ocean does the Zambezi river empty into`indian ocean
Which ocean has an area of approximately 166 sq km`pacific ocean
Which oceanic islands are the lowest country on Earth in elevation, with a maximum height of 2.4 metres`the maldives
Which oceanic plate lies off the Andes`nazca
Which ocean is at its deepest in the Puerto Rico trench`atlantic
Which ocean is deeper   the Atlantic or the Pacific`pacific
Which ocean is the worlds deepest on average`pacific
Which ocean lies north of Guyana`atlantic
which ocean liner made its maiden voyage in may 1936`queen mary
which ocean reaches its maximum depth in the marianas trench`pacific`ocean29
which ocean reaches its maximum depth in the marianas trench`pacific ocean`pacific
Which ocean surrounds hawaii`pacific
Which ocean was Balboa the first european to see in 1513`pacific
which of allegro, presto and andante is the fastest in music`presto
Which of Arthurs knights undertook the Seige Perilous`galahad
Which of Atlanta, St Louis and San Franciso is a US state capital`atlanta
Which of Beethoven's Piano Concertos has the nickname 'The Emperor'`five`5
Which of boston, chicago and new york city is a u.s. state capital`boston
Which of Charles Dickens' characters is, reputedly, based upon his own father`mr. micawber
Which of Charles Dickens' novels in set partly in America`martin chuzzlewit
Which of Charles Dickens' novels is mainly set in the Marshalsea Prison`little dorritt
Which of Dicken's novels is set during the Gordon Riots`barnaby rudge
Which officer commands a platoon`lieutenant
Which official's residence is at Gracie Mansion`mayor of new york
Which of Hardy's heroines was arrested at Stonehenge`tess of the d'urbervilles
Which of Henry VIIIs wives outlived him`catherine parr
Which of Henry VIII's wives was his siter-in-law`catherine of aragon
Which of his old songs, with new lyrics, did Elton John record as a tribute to Diana`candle in the wind
Which of his operas did Sullivan have to rewrite in America because hed left the music in England`the pirates of penzance
which of hitler's deputies parachuted into scotland to negotiate peace terms`rudolf hess
Which of India's states is thought to have the largest Sikh population`punjab
Which of its products did Heinz try to squeeze out in November 1999`salad cream
Which of Jacobs sons had a coat of many colours`joseph
Which of Jesus' desciples was described as doubting`thomas
Which of King Henry the Eighth's six wives was married to him for the shortest period`anne of cleves
Which of Mars, Mercury &  Neptune cannot be seen with the naked eye`neptune
Which of maryland, massachusetts and vermont isnt one of the us's new england states`maryland
Which of Mary's arms supports Jesus in Michelangelo's 'Pieta'`right
Which of Napoleon's Marshals commanded the 'Old Guard' at Waterloo`ney
Which of Paul McCartney's daughters is a top fashion designer`stella
Which of Paul Simon's musical characters was told to hop on the bus`Gus
Which of Shakespeare's heroines has a maid Nerissa`portia
Which of Shakespeare's kings cries: "A horse! A horse! My kingdome for a horse!"`richard iii
which of Shakespeare's kings cries 'a horse a horse my kingdom for a horse`Richard III
Which of Shakespeares playes is subtitled 'The Moor of Venice`othello
Which of Shakespeare's plays begins with the line 'Now is the winter of our discontent.'`richard the third
Which of Shakespeare's plays contains the most number of words`hamlet
Which of Shakespeares plays involves a pound of flesh`the merchant of venice
Which of Shakespeares plays is about a black soldier`othello
Which of Shakespeare's plays is set in the Forest of Arden`as you like it
which of snow white's dwarfs was mute`dopey
Which of tea leaves or coffee beans have more caffeine`tea leaves
which of tea leaves or coffee beans have more caffeine`tea`trading
Which of the 48 contiguous states extends farthest north`Minnesota
Which of the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse rides a red horse`famine
Which of the 5 senses is less sharp after you eat too much`hearing
Which of the 60 minutes men hosted several game shows in the early part of his career`mike wallace
Which of the American Marshal Islands became famous as a nuclear test site`bikini atoll
Which of the apostles was crucified upside down`saint peter
Which of the Beatles group played piano on Don't Pass Me By`ringo starr
Which of the Beatles wrote In his own right`john lennon
Which of the Beatles wrote "In his own write"`john lennon
Which of the Beatles wrote the Liverpool Oratorio in 1991`paul mccartney
Which of the Bee Gees' Gibb brothers is NOT a twin`barry
Which of the big cats lives in the mountains of Asia`the snow leopard
Which of the brightest stars is furthest north`capella
Which of the channel islands is famous for its lack of cars`sark
Which of the "dynamic duo" shares its name with a town in Turkey`batman
which of the five great lakes is entirely in the us`michigan
Which of the five senses are you most likely to lose if hit by lightning`hearing
Which of the five senses develops first`smell
Which of the five senses is less sharp after you eat too much`hearing
which of the following does not live under water sea cucumber, sea urchin or sea pink`sea pink
Which of the following english words did not come from the chinese language ketchup, kowtow or decoy`decoy
Which of the following is not a synonym for a penis: schlong, schmuck, schnitzel, schnapps, schwanz?`schnapps
Which of the following is NOT the name of an American Indian tribe? Iroquois, Sunni or Navajo`Sunni
Which of the following is the smallest paper size; A3, A4, or A5`a5
Which of the four basic arithmetic symbols was introduced by William Oughtred in is textbook Clavis Mathematica in 1631`multiplication
which of the four monkees was marcia in love with (brady bunch)`davey jones
Which of the four seasons should a tulip bulb be planted in`autumn
which of the four teenage mutant ninja turtles was named after an artists and/or sculptor that did not occur in the same time period as the other three`donatello
Which of the goodies on tv was a doctor`graham garden
Which of the Great Train Robbers became a florist outside Waterloo station`buster edwards
Which of the halogens is liquid at room temperature`bromine
Which of the hawaiian islands has active volcanoes`hawaii
Which of the Hawaiian islands have active volcanoes`hawaii
Which of the London underground lines was the world's first`metropolitan
Which of the major planets isnt named after a god`earth
Which of the Marx brothers wore a painted on false moustache`groucho
Which of the new German Lande (pronounced "lender") or states has its capital at Dresden`saxony
Which of the new German Lande (pronounced "lender") or states has its capital at Potsdam`brandenburg
Which of the Old Testarnent prophets was taken up to Heaven in a fiery chariot`elijah
Which of the primary colors of light has the highest energy`blue
Which of the professionals was played by martin shaw`doyle
which of the proffessionals was played by martin shaw`doyle
Which of these animals does not grow one or more horns? The caribou, the giraffe or the rhinoceros`The caribou
which of these islands is the largest - anglesey or mull`mull
Which of these is not a prime number-5,7,9,11`9
Which of these is not one of the Corrs-Andrea,Colleen,Sharon`Colleen
Which of the senses does the olfactory nerve serve`smell
Which of the senses is poorly developed in most birds`smell
Which of the senses outlasts all others in a human lifetime`taste
Which of these nuts is not actually a nut - peanut, cashew nut, macademia nut`peanut
Which of the services resolved the Balcombe Street siege`police
which of the seven dwarfs is ashamed to take his hat off`bashful
Which of the seven dwarfs plays the organ`grumpy
Which of the seven dwarves comes first alphabetically`bashful
Which of the seven hills of Rome gives its name to the Italian presidential palace`quirinal hill
Which of the seven wonders of the ancient world stood at Olympia`the statue of zeus
Which of the seven wonders of the ancient world was alive`the hanging gardens of babylon
Which of the seven wonders of the ancient world was built by a ruler's sister and widow`mausoleum of halicarnassus
Which of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world was built by a ruler's sister/widow`mausoleum of halicarnassus
Which of the Seven Wonders of the World was constructed by the sculptor Phidias about 430 B.C.`statue of zeus
Which of the stars of "outrageous fortune" also starred in tv's "cheers"`shelley long
Which of the twelve largest islands in the World lies directly between Borneo and New Guinea`celebes
which of the two chipmunks has a black nose`chip
which of the two hits by 'the fireflies' made it to number 22 in 1959`you were mine
Which of the United States is nicknamed the Equality State`wyoming
Which of the U.S. states borders only one other state`Maine
which of the wright brothers flew their plane, based on the toss of a 50-cent piece`orville
which oil company did george bush co-found in texas`zapata petroleum corporation
Which old coin was worth four pennies`groat
Which Old Testament character is said to have consulted the Witch of Endor`king saul
which old testament figure was the father of ham, shem and japheth`noah
Which Old Testament King was succeeded by his son Rehoboam`solomon
Which Oliver Stone film won the Oscar for the best film in 1986`platoon
Which Olympic event did Mary Peters win in 1972`womens pentathlon
Which Olympic event involves throwing a 5lb 6.55oz object`mens discus
Which Olympic gold medallist became the MP for Falmouth and Camborne in 1992`sebastian coe
Which Olympics did the US boycott?`980
Which once-common disease was also known as the 'white death'`tuberculosis
which one-armed civil war veteran led the first expedition through the grand canyon on the colorado river`john wesley`kingsley
which one-armed civil war veteran led the first expedition through the grand canyon on the colorado river`john wesley powell
Which one does most of the hunting   the male or the female lion`female
Which one is Frankenstein   the monster or the man who made him`man who makes him
Which one is smallest   boulder, pebble or stone`pebble
which one man band released the album 'mellow gold'`beck
Which one of Edgar Bergen's dummies claims Snerdsville, Iowa as his hometown`mortimer snerd
which one of edgar bergen's dummies claims snerdsville, iowa as his hometown`t ho was the first woman elected to Congress in 1917`jeanette plant
which one of holden caulfield's brothers died of leukemia in the novel catcher in the rye`allie
Which one of rc, rl and rlc circuits which one oscillates charge`rlc
Which one of the A Team was a Pilot?`H.M. Murdoch
Which one of the a team was a pilot`murdoch
Which one of the Beverley Sisters was not a twin`joy
Which one of the Great Lakes is linked to Lake Huron by the Detroit River`erie
which one of the monkees played a circus boy in circus boy?`mickey dolenZ
Which one of these are NOT are a part of the endocrine system....pituitary gland, the thyroid or the duodenum`duodenum
Which one of the three tenors is not spanish`pavarotti
Which one of the world's four largest countries doesn't have any stars on its flag`canada
Which one seldom goes in the water   a frog or a toad`toad
Which one time stage coach company founded american express`wells fargo
Which one wears a small moustache   Laurel or Hardy`hardy
Which one word can mean all of the following: a water bird, to bend down or zero score`duck
Which one word connects Illinois, Mary O'Brien and 'The Simpsons'`springfield
Which one word links a Scottish river, the captain of the New Zealand Rugby Union team, and a BBC comedy programme`blackadder
Which Ontario town claims to be the birthplace of A.A. Milnes Winnie the Pooh`White River
Which opear tells the story of a girl who works in a cigarette factory`carmen
Which opera, based on Bizet's Carmen, is set in a parachute factory`carmen jones
Which opera, composed by Saint-Saens, and first performed in 1877, is set in Palestine`samson and delilah
Which opera features the character 'Escamillo'`carmen
Which opera house is being haunted in 'The Phantom of the Opera`paris opera house
Which opera is 20 hours long and had a special theatre built for its first performance`der ring des nibelungen
Which opera/musical is set in Catfish Row`porgy & bess
Which opera/musical is set in Catfish Row`porgy & bess`porgy and bess
Which opera's cast list includes an owl,woodpecker,gnat,badger,jay,frog,grasshopper and a fox`the cunning little vixen
Which opera singer sang Perhaps Love with John Denver`placido domingo
Which opera singer was known as "La Stupenda"`joan sutherland
which operatic tenor is nicknamed 'big lucy`Luciano Pavarotti
Which opera was comissioned by the Khedive of Egypt`verdis aida
Which operetta is subtitled 'The Slave of Duty'`pirates of penzance
Which order of monks is known as the 'Greyfriars'`franciscans
Which organ in the body is inflamed in nephritis`kidney
Which organisation coordinates investigations from member police forces`interpol
Which organisation has the motto Blood and Fire`the salvation army
Which organisation has the motto "Citius, Altius, Fortius"`olympic movement
Which organisation has the motto For home and country`the womens institute
Which organisation has the motto, 'Nation Shall Speak Peace Unto Nation'`bbc
Which organisation has the motto 'Sure and Steadfast'`boy's brigade
Which organisation is the subject of Stephen Knights book The Brotherhood`freemasons
Which organisation killed Aldo Moro`the red brigade
Which organisation makes the claim "Where Science Never Sleeps"`bnfl
Which organisation said to Mrs Thatcher, we only have to be lucky once, you have to be lucky always`the ira
Which organisation was founded by Nathan Bedford Forrest in 1865`ku klux klan
Which organisation was founded by William Booth`salvation army
Which organisation won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1977`amnesty international
Which organization was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize during WWll`the red cross
which organization was formed on september 4 1940 to oppose us entry into world war two`america first committee
Which organ of the body produces bile`liver
Which organs do the renal arteries carry blood too`kidneys
Which organs of the body are affected by nephritis`kidneys
Which oriental plant, originally grown for the oil producing seeds, yields much more controversial produce`marijuana
Which oriole signed a five-year 30.5 million dollar pact, tops in baseball`cal ripkin jr
Which Oscar-winning actor's only film as a director was the 1961 Western One-Eyed Jacks`marlon brando
Which oscar winning actress married media mogul Ted Turner in 1991`jane fonda
Which Oscar-winning film of the 1980s was directed by Hugh Hudson`chariots of fire
Which Oscar winning film portrayed events about the Khmer Rouge massacres in Cambodia`The Killing Fields
Which other disease is said to caused by the chicken pox virus`shingles
Which other left wing faction did the Bolsheviks defeat to take control after the Russian revolution`mensheviks
Which outdoor game is evolved from the French game, paille-maille or pall-mall`croquet
Which outdoor game is won by "pegging out"`croquet
Which outlaw is the favourite subject of the artist Sidney Nolan`ned kelly
Which outlaws real name was William Bonney`billy the kid
Which ovine expression is used for a disreputable member of a family or group`black sheep
Which ovine expression is used to describe a wishful amorous glance`sheep's eyes
Which Oxford College's Chapel is also Oxford's Cathedral`christ church
Which Pacific atoll gave its name to an article of clothing`bikini
Which Pacific island group , significant in the development of biology , contains the islands Isabella, San Cristobel and Santa Cruz`galapagos
Which Pacific republic was formerly known as the New Hebrides`vanuatu
which painter drew early ideas for a helicopter`da vinci
Which painter, famous for his pop-art, died in 1997`roy lichtenstein
Which painters name means "little barrel'`botticelli
Which painters real name was Domenikos Theotokopoulos`el greco
Which painter threw a knife at Paul Gauguin in the french town of Arles`vincent van gogh
Which painting in the National Gallery shows the River Stour seen from Flatford Mill with Willy Lot's Cottage on the left`the hay wain
Which painting medium is an emulsion of egg yolks and water`tempera
Which paint shares its name with a disease of dogs`distemper
Which palace was built by Henry VIII on the site of a leper hospital`saint james's
Which Panamanian boxer's nickname, translated into English, means "hands of stone" or "stone fists"`roberto duran
Which Paradise was a hit for Coolio featuring LV`gangstas
Which parent determines the gender of their offspring`father
Which Paris building has a glass pyramid in its forecourt`the louvre
Which parrot attacks sheep`kea
Which particles, when emitted by radioactive nuclei, are known as beta particles`electrons or positrons
Which partner of Mary Ford designed and gave his name to a famous guitar`les paul
Which partnership was responsible for the musical Paint Your Wagon`lerner & loewe
Which partnership was responsible for the musical Paint Your Wagon`lerner & loewe`lerner and loewe
Which part of a book is also a type of finger`index
Which part of a car is connected to the cylinder head by the exhaust manifold`exhaust pipe
Which part of a car is connected to the cylinder head by the inlet manifold`carburettor
which part of a car's engine regulates the mixture of air and petrol`The Carburetor
which part of a car's engine regulates the mixture of air and petrol`The`England
Which part of a cat's eye reflects light`Tapetum
Which part of Africa was known as 'The Land of Gold'`Ghana
Which part of a nerve cell carries impulses away from the cell body?`Axon
Which part of her body did sandie shaw bare on stage`her feet
Which part of the body are said metaphorically to burn when someone is talking about you`ears
which part of the body does a piece of armour called the greave protect`shin
Which part of the body is affected by encephalitis`brain
Which part of the body is affected by phlebitis`veins
Which part of the body is affected by the condition "blepharism'`eyelid
Which part of the body is affected by the condition nephritis`kidneys
Which part of the body is affected by the condition stomatitis`mouth
Which part of the body is associated with the adjective 'pulmonary'`lungs
Which part of the body is associated with the adjective 'renal'`kidneys
Which part of the body is called the Laryngal Prominence`adam's apple
Which part of the body is featured on the cover of Pink Floyd's album "Meddle"`ear
Which part of the body is most affected by the disease diptheria`throat
Which part of the body is operated on In a 'menisectomy'`knee
Which part of the body is referred to as the "Calcanium Tendon"`achilles tendon
Which part of the body is technically known as the Thorax`chest
Which part of the body suffers from opthalmia`eyes
Which part of the body would a doctor normally examine with an auriscope or otoscope`ear
Which part of the brain is responsible for balance and muscular co-ordination`cerebellum
Which part of the human eye controls the size of the pupil`iris
Which part of the human eye may be removed and kept in an eye bank`cornea
Which part of the pig is used for ham`top of the hind legs
Which part of the tree produces the aromatic bitter of Angostura Bitters`bark
Which part of your body has rods &  cones`eye
Which part of your body might suffer from a stigmatism`eyes
Which part of your body would be affected if you suffer from chilblaines`feet
Which parts of the body are affected by conjunctivitis`eyes
Which pastry is traditionally used to make the Greek dish baklava`filo
Which patriotic pop song creeps in at the end of the New World Symphony`yankee doodle
which paw do most polar bears use to paw fish from streams`the left
Which pbs newsman moderated the first presidential debate`jim lehrer
Which peak overlooks the city of Cape Town`table mountain
which peanuts character made their debut on august 22, 1960`sally brown
which peanuts character made their debut on august 22, 1960`sally`lawrie
Which Peanuts character plays the piano`Schroder
Which peaople did ghengis khan lead`mongols
Which peculiar bird had a shoe-polish named after it`kiwi
Which pedigree dog breed is the tallest`irish wolfhound
which peninsula do spain and portugal occupy`iberian peninsula
Which peninsula do Spain &  Portugal occupy`iberian peninsula`iberian
which peninsula is occupied by norway and sweden`scandinavian peninsula
Which peninsula is occupied by Norway &  Sweden`scandinavian peninsula`scandinavian
Which pen name does the author Harry Patterson also use`jack higgins
Which people are excluded from inheritance and succesion from salic law`women
Which people are known in their own language as Saami`lapps
Which people first brought the cat to Europe`the Romans
Which people first used fountain pens`ancient egyptians
Which people fought in regiments called impis`the zulus
Which people invented the compass`chinese
Which people slide down a pole to help them to get to work quickly`firemen
Which people's name means 'eaters of raw meat'`eskimos
Which people's republic stands between the Bay of Bengal and the foothills of the Himalayas, bordered by India and Burma`bangladesh
Which people were probably the first to "discover america`the vikings
Which perfume company made the fragrance organza`givenchy
Which perfume company make the fragrance Organza`givenchy
Which period followed Picasso's Blue period`rose
Which period was first, jurassic or carboniferous`carboniferous
Which Persian astronomer is best known for his poems or 'Rubaiyat'`Omar Khayyam
Which Persian poet is best known for his 'Rubaiyat'`omar khayyam
Which Persian poet's work first came to popular attention in the famous translation by Edward Fitzgerald`omar khayyam
which person's name is an anagram of 'nigel fetch an iron leg'`florence nightingale
Which person would be most likely to wear a cassock and maniple`clergyman
which peter cetera song came from the film 'the karate kid, part ii'`glory of love
Which Peter chose the right Flava to get to number one`andre
Which pharaoh built the great temple at Abu Simbel`ramses ii
Which philosopher became identified with 'free love'?`Bertrand Russell
Which philosopher carried round a lantern, looking for an honest man`diogenes
Which philosopher claimed: 'The male is ruled by nature superior and the female inferior; one rules and the other is ruled'?`Aristotle
Which philosopher founded the Stoic school`zeno
Which philosopher's last words, were: "Go on, get out! Last words are for fools who haven't said enough."`karl marx
which philosopher wrote the spirit of the laws, which inspired the framers of the american constitution`montesquieu
Which philospher is buried in Highgate cemetary in London`karl marx
Which phone number was introduced to the uk in 1937`999
Which photographer, in 1976, told us that we'd take great snaps if we used an Olympus`david bailey
Which phrase is taken from the French meaning blank sheet of paper`carte blanche
Which phrase means computer simulation that seems life like`virtual reality
Which phrase means split equally between two`fifty fifty
Which phrase means 'take all responsibility and accept the blame'`carry the can
Which physicist and former surveyor discovered the law which bears his name explaining the tension of a spring`robert hooke
Which physicist discovered radioactivity`becquerel
Which pianist, composer and band leader had a music teacher called Miss Clinkscales`duke ellington
Which pianist is said to have coined the phrase I cry all the way to the bank`liberace
Which piece of wood is proverbially a misfit in a round hole`square peg
Which pigment produces the colour of hair or skin in animals`melanin
which pirate fought in the battle of new orleans`jean laffite
which place has 30 of the hottest springs in europe`aachen
which place is the driest in the world`atacama desert
which plane made the first man-powered cross-channel flight`gossamer albatross
which plane made the first man-powered cross-channel flight`gossamer`zatopek
Which planet circles the sun every 84 years`uranus
Which planet did John Couch Adams and Urbain Leverrier work out the existence and position of before it could actually be seen`neptune
Which planet does the moon iapetus belong to`saturn
which planet has a great red spot`Jupiter
Which planet has a moon called Charon`pluto
Which planet has a moon called Europa`jupiter
Which planet has an ice-covered moon called Europa`jupiter
Which planet has a satellite called Cordelia`uranus
Which planet has a year lasting approx. 88 earth days`mercury
Which planet has Callisto and Io as two of its moons`jupiter
Which planet has moons called Umbriel, Miranda and Oberon`uranus
Which planet has Prometheus as a satellite`saturn
Which planet has the greatest gravity, Mars or Uranus`uranus
Which planet has the hottest surface`venus
Which planet has the moon Ganymede`jupiter
Which planet has the shortest day because it rotates the fastest`jupiter
Which planet in our Solar System has the most satellites`saturn
Which planet in our solar system orbits closest to the sun`mercury
Which planet in our solar system was discovered most recently`pluto
Which planet in the solar system was discovered in 1846`neptune
Which Planet is 228 million kilometres from the Sun and has an orbital time of 1.88 years`mars
Which Planet is 2872 million kilometres from the Sun and has an orbital time of 84 years`uranus
which planet is closest in size to the earth`venus
Which planet is closest to the Sun`mercury
Which planet is covered in thick clouds of carbon dioxide and sulphuric acid`Venus
Which planet is fourth closest to the Sun`mars
which planet is known as the "giant of planets"?`jupiter
Which planet is known as the 'horned planet'`venus
Which planet is known as the red planet`Mars
Which planet is named after the sky God in Greek mythology`uranus
Which planet is nearest in size to Earth`venus
Which planet is nearest in size to that of the Earth`venus
Which planet is orbited by the moon Charon`pluto
Which planet orbits the sun the fastest`mercury
Which planet other than mercury does not have moons`venus
which planet's largest satellite is titan`saturn
Which planets year is shorter than its day`venus
Which planet takes 225 days to orbit the sun`venus
Which planet takes 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds to revolve once on its axis`The Earth
Which planet takes the longest to revolve around the sun`pluto
Which planet was discovered by William Herschel in 178l`uranus
Which planet was discovered in 1846`neptune
Which planet was discovered in 1930`Pluto
Which planet was first seen in 1846`Neptune
Which planet was furthest from the sun in 1988`Neptune
Which planet was originally named georgian star`uranus
Which planet was previously called Hesperus`venus
Which planet was the 'Planet of the Apes'`Earth
Which planet was visited by the Galileo probe in 1995`jupiter
Which planet with at least eighteen known moons is sixth closest to the Sun`saturn
Which plant did the Indians use to paint their faces and tomahawks`bloodroot
Which plant does the farmer grow for sugar`sugar beet
Which plant does the farmer grow for sugar`sugar beet`sugar cane
which plant does the hallucinogen mescaline come from`peyote
Which plant does this describe - leaves in equal pairs,dull purple flowers and black,cherry sized berries`deadly nightshade
Which plant has flower parts apparently resembling the instruments of Christ's crucifixion`passion flower
Which plant has gills, a veil and scales`mushroom
Which plant has the alternative name Lonicera`honeysuckle
Which plant has the latin name Centaurea cyanus`cornflower
Which plant has the scientific name Convallaria`lily of the valley
Which plant is processed for linseed oil`flax
Which plant is the national emblem of Scotland`scotch thistle
Which plant of the daisy family provides a medicine used for the treatment of bruises`arnica
Which plant of the goosfoot family is similar to spinach`orach
Which plants belong to the genus Urtica`nettles
Which plant used in homeopathic medicine is also called monksbane`aconite
Which play by Joe Orton has a title which means plunder`loot
Which play by Samuel Beckett features the characters Estragon and Vladimir`waiting for godot
Which play by Tennessee Williams features the characters Blanche and Stella Dubois`a streetcar named desire
which player in nba history has the most career points`kareem abdul-jabbar
which play has had the longest run on broadway`chorus line
Which play opens with: "when shall we three meet again"`macbeth
Which play won the Pulitzer Prize for Drama`south pacific
Which playwright and dissident became President of Czechoslovakia in 1989`vaclav havel
Which playwright called his third wife 'Adolf'?`John Osborne
Which playwright invented the name Wendy`j m barrie
Which playwright observed that alcohol enhances sexual desire, but impairs performance?`William Shakespeare
Which playwright was chalie chaplins father in law`eugene o'neill
Which playwright wrote Blithe Spirit`noel coward
Which playwright wrote Lady Windermere's Fan`oscar wilde
Which pleated instrument did Friedrich Buschman invent in 1822`The accordian
Which plumbers mate was discovered by ollywood after being called to unblock producer mack Sennets drains`fatty arbuckle
Which poem begins "If I should die, think only this of me"`the soldier
Which poem begins "Oh to be in England now that April's here"`home thoughts from abroad
Which poet and garden designer was married to Harold Nicholson`vita sackville-west
Which poet composed Paradise Lost`john milton
Which poet described autumn as 'the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness'`john keats
Which poet died of self administered arsenic at the age of 17`thomas chatterton
Which poet died on an American lecture tour at the age of 39`dylan thomas
Which poet dies off the Italian coast at the age of 30`shelley
Which poet first said "A thing of beauty is a joy forever"`keats
Which poet gave his name to a cape south of Brisbane`byron
Which poet had syphillis?`John Keats
Which Poet Laureate declared 'I must go down to the sea again, to the lonely sea and sky'`john masefield
Which Poet Laureate said he had not had enough sex, when asked if he had any regrets about his life?`Sir John Betjeman
which poet laureate was married to sylvia plath`ted hughes
Which Poet Laureate wrote about 'Miss Joan Hunter-Dunn and the anthology 'New Bats in Old Belfries`john betjeman
Which poet played cricket for Harrow against Eton in 1805`byron
Which poets Tiger was burning bright`william blakeWhich company was ordered to perform safety checks on 1755 of its jets in 1989`boeing
Which poet wrote Jerusalem`william blake
Which poet wrote my love is like a red red rose`robert burns
Which poet wrote Ode to a Skylark`shelley
Which poet wrote 'Ode to the West Wind'`shelley
which poet wrote "paradise lost"`milton
Which poet wrote the poem, "The Soldier"`rupert brooke
Which poet wrote the song of hiawatha`henry longfellow
which poker hand consist of cards all of one suit`flush
Which polar explorer died in a plane crash, while searching for a missing Italian airship`ronald amundsen
Which policeman gave up his job to become a professional snooker player`ray reardon
Which Polish astronomer proposed that the Earth was not the centre of the Universe`Copernicus
Which politicain is best known as the architect of the National Health Service`aneurin bevan
Which political party did Margaret Thatcher lead`conservatives
Which political party was founded in West Germany in 1972 by the late Petra Kelly`the green party
Which political scandal brought down Richard Nixon`watergate
Which politician is commemorated at a museum in Llanystumdwy,Wales`lloyd george
Which politician said 'I haven't got the figure for jeans'?`Margaret Thatcher
Which politician served Harold Wilson as Minister of Technology (1966-70) and Secretary of State for Energy (1975-79)`tony benn
Which politician was known as 'Dai Bananas' and was Deputy Chief Prosecutor at the Nuremberg Trials`sir david maxwell fyfe
Which politician was known as the Welsh wizard`david lloyd george
Which pop band flopped with a movie called 'Honest'`all saints
Which pop duo had a hit in 1983 with 'Club Tropicana'`wham
Which Pope died on today's date in 1978`john paul 1
Which pope initiated the first crusade in 1095`urban ii
Which pop female singer did Bee Gee singer Maurice Gibb marry in 1969`Lulu
Which pop group consisted of Eric Clapton, Jack Bruce & Ginger Baker`cream
Which pop group had a hit with robert de niros' waiting`bananarama
Which pop group included Brian, Carl & Dennis Wilson`beach boys
Which pop group's only U.K. chart entry, "Sugar Sugar" got to No. 1 in 1969`the archies
Which pop group's only u.k. chart entry, sugar sugar got to number one in 1969`the archies
Which pop group took its name from its financial state in 1977`dire straits
which pop group was exposed for lip synching their way to the top of the charts`milli vanilli
Which pop singer received a knighthood in the 1995 Honours List`cliff richard
Which pop singer sang the theme of the Bond film The Man with the Golden Gun`lulu
Which pop song contains a similar melody to Tchaikovsky's Symphony in E minor`annie's song
Which pop star appeared in many of the 'gidget' films, and hit no 3 with the calliope sound of 'goodbye cruel world' in the early 60's`james darren
Which pop star chose to name one of her companies slutco`madonna
Which pop star once recorded the Crossroads theme tune`paul mccartney
Which pop star received a mention from the organisers of the 1986 Nobel Peace Prize`bob geldof
which popstar recorded a special version of the crossroads theme tune which was played at the end of episodes with a particularaly dramatic ending`paul mccartney
Which pop stars first major screen role was as an alien called Thomas Jerome Newton`David Bowie
Which pop stars yacht capsized during the 1985 Fastnet race`simon le bon
Which pop tv programme invited a panel of star guests to judge a recent record a hit or a miss`juke box jury
Which popular association was originally called the Rosebuds`the brownies
Which popular BBC radio presenter died of cancer in 1989`ray moore
Which popular liqueur was named after the London pub in which it was first envisaged`bailey's
Which popular perfume was originally thought to offer protection against the plague`eau de cologne
Which popular singer of the 60's &70's has the real name Clive Powell`georgie fame
Which popular singer of the 80's has the real name Christopher Davidson`chris de burgh
Which popular TV night show host wrote Leading with My Chin`Jay Leno
Which porn star claims to have had sex with 3000 men?`Annie Sprinkle
Which port and naval base is situated on the Atlantic coast of NW France`brest
Which port in Northern France lies at the mouth of the River Seine`le havre
Which port is Israel's only outlet to the Red Sea`eilat
Which port is the capital of the Italian region of Liguria`genoa
Which port on the River Douro is the second largest city in Portugal`oporto
Which portuguese colony reverts to china in december 1999`macau
Which port was at the centre of the Klondike Gold Rush`skagway
which position is not named in abbott and costello's 'who's on first' routine`right field
which position is usually played by the tallest member of a basketball team`centre
Which position is usually played by the tallest member on a basketball team`centre
Which powerful medical tool was first discovered in Germany in 1895 by Wilhelm Rontgen`x-ray
Which power station in Pennsylvania was the scene of a 1979 nuclear accident`three mile island
Which PRB painter was responsible for painting, 'The Light of the World'`william holman hunt
which pre-metal group did a cover of the 1958 hit 'summertime blues'`blue cheer
Which premiership club moved to a new ground at the beginning of the 2001-2 season`southampton
Which premiership team moved to a new ground at the start of 2001/2002 season`southampton
Which president gave the first televised State of the Union address`Dwight D Eisenhower
Which president had the nickname 'Old Hickory'`Ronald Reagan
Which presidential candidate began life as william jefferson blythe`bill clinton
Which president married Martha Dandridge Custis`george washington
Which president of Singapore suffers from cancer`ong teng cheong
Which President of the Soviet Union died in 1953, aged 73`Joseph Stalin
which president proposed the "new deal"`franklin roosevelt
Which president said in a Playboy interview, that he had 'committed adultery in my heart many times'`Jimmy Carter
Which president was elected 4 consecutive times`Harry S Truman
Which president was responsible for the Louisiana Purchase`Jefferson
Which president was responsible for the 'louisiana purchase'`thomas
which president was responsible for the 'louisiana purchase'`thomas jefferson
Which pretender to the English throne was hanged in 1499`perkin warbeck
Which primary color has the shortest name`red
which primate comes from borneo and sumatra?`orang utan
Which primate has the largest and thickest penis?`homo sapiens
Which prime minister established canada's own flag`lester pearson
Which prime minister felled trees for a hobby`william gladstone
Which Prime Minister introduced Income Tax`pitt the younger
Which Prime Minister of Pakistan was deposed in a military coup in October 1999`nawaz sharif
Which prime minister's wife created a scandal with her antics`margaret
which prime minister's wife created a scandal with her antics`margaret trudeau
Which principal conductor of both the New York Philharmonic Orchestra and the Halle Orchestra died in 1970`sir john barbirolli
Which principality has been ruled by the Grimaldi family since the 15th century`monaco
Which prison featured in the TV series "Porridge"`slade
Which private eye hero did the author Raymond Chandler create`philip marlowe
Which process allows the absorption of liquids by plants through their roots`osmosis
Which producer took a drug overdose in 1966`brian epstein
Which product is measured by its octane rating?`gasoline
Which product used the slogan: "keep that schoolgirl complexion"`palmolive
Which product used the slogan: "Keep that schoolgirl complexion"`palmolive soap
Which product was advertised as 'tested by dummies, driven by the intelligent'`volvo cars
which professional golfer is nicknamed "the shark"`greg`fox
which professional golfer is nicknamed "the shark"`greg norman
Which professional wrestler popped both of John Stossel's ear drums during a 20/20 interview?`"Dr.D
Which professon would you belong to if you had FRIBA after your name`architecture
Which prominent African-American singer was nominated for a Best Actress Oscar in 1972`Diana Ross
Which protein forms nails and hair`keratin
Which province provides 25% of Canadas agricultural income`saskatchewan
Which psychologist and psychiatrist introduced the term 'inferiority complex'`alfred adler
Which publication features Larry King's weekly column`USA Today
Which Puccini opera, unfinished at his death, contains the aria In Questa Reggia`turandot
Which pudding has a name that mean 'white food'`blancmange
Which Punjabi city is famous for its Golden Temple`amr1tsar
Which Punjabi city is famous for its Golden Temple`amritsar
which purple gemstone did the romans think prevented drunkeness`amethyst
Which quartet ends with the Division of the Spoils`the raj quartet
Which quartet issued the Limehouse Declaration`sdps gang of four
Which queen had menstrual cramps eased with marijuana`queen victoria
which queen outlived all her 17 children`queen anne
Which queen single was a xmas number one in 1975 and again in 1991`bohemian rhapsody
Which queen's statue stands adjacent to Westminster Bridge`boadicea
Which Queen was the subject of a film called Mrs Brown`queen victoria
Which quirky brunette was one of the first MTv VJ's?`Martha Quinn
Which quiz show became a programme in its own right after first appearing as part of Wednesday Night Out`name that tune
Which race built a cube spacecraft`the borg
Which race tradionally end at mortlake`the boat race
Which racing driver was killed whilst flying his own aircraft`graham hill
Which racist organisation was formed in tennessee in 1865`ku klux klan
Which radio 2 presenter once had a hit with a single called The Man form Laramie`jimmy young
Which radioactive gas is emitted by granite rock formations`radon
Which radio and TV presenter made the hit parade in 1978 with a version of the Cornish Floral dance`terry wogan
Which radio play starts "To begin at the beginning: it is spring,moonless night in the small town,starless and bible black`under milk wood
Which RAF rank is equivalent to an army colonel`group captain
Which ragtime composers music was heard in 'The Sting'`scott joplin
Which railway line built before 1891 and 1905 is the worlds longest`trans siberian
Which railway station has a fictional bear named after it`paddington
Which railway station in London, designed by Edward Wilson and opened in 1874, serves East Anglia`:liverpool street
which railway station in london is known by two names`bank and monument
Which railway station in London is known by two names`bank &  monument
Which railway station in London is known by two names`bank & monument`bank and monument
Which railway tunnel, 20 kilometres long, joining Isselle in Italy with Brig in Switzerland, is cut under Mount Leone in the Alps`simplon
Which railway tunnel, 20 kilometres long, joining Isselle in Italy with Brig in Switzerland, is cut under Mount Leone in the Alps`simplon tunnel
Which range of mountains in north Africa stretches from Morocco to Tunisia`atlas
which rap group was totally crossed out`kris kross
which rapper found success as a film director with the 1998 release of "the players club"`ice cube
which rapper starred as a cop in the film 'new jack city'`ice t
which raw meat is most likely to contain a trichina worm`pork
Which Ray Charles rocker was an adaptation of the hymn Jesus is all the world to me`i gotta woman
which real cartoon features the ultra-violent duo of itchy & scratchy`the simpsons
which real cartoon features the ultra-violent duo of itchy & scratchy`the`singh
which real island was daniel defoe's robinson cruesoe based on`juan fernandez
which real life brothers played the kray twins in the film the krays`martin and gary kemp`the kemps
Which recent best-seller tells the story of writer Mike Noonan's supernatural battle with dead computer king, Max Devore`bag of bones
Which recent best-seller tells the story, set during World War Two, of an Italian's love for a Greek girl`captain corelli's mandolin
Which recent best-selling novel recounts the history of the Greek island of Cephalonia`captain corelli's mandolin
which reclusive american millionaire had a phobia about germs`howard hughes
Which recording by 10 cc contains the lines 9 keep your picture on the wall, it hides a nasty stain that's lying there."`i'm not in love
Which record label is owned by Elton John`rocket records
Which red dwarf actor presents robot wars`craig charles
Which red-haird slide guitar player won a grammy in 1989 for her album 'nick of time'`bonnie raitt
Which red-head won Star Search and then went on a shopping mall singing tour that took America by storm in 1987 and 1988?`Tiffany
Which Red Hot Chili Pepper member was voted "Best Actor" in his senior class listing`Anthony Kiedis
Which reggae duo charted with twist and shout in the 1990s`chaka demus and pliers
Which region of France do Germans call Lothringen`lorraine
Which region of Germany has Munich as its capital`bavaria
Which region of Spain has Barcelona as its capital`catalonia
Which regular Private Eye Feature lists cock ups by sports commentators`colemanballs
Which regular solid has a faces which are all pentagons`dodecahdron
Which regular solid has a faces which are all pentagons`dodecahedron
Which relative of John Travolta's made a cameo appearance in Saturday Night Fever?`his mother
Which religion believes in the Four Noble Truths`buddhism
which religion is well-known for its practice of theotherapy?`christian science
Which religion's holiest shrine is the Golden Temple at Amritsar`sikh
Which religion's holiest shrine's are in the Ise Shima National Park near Osaka`shinto
Which religions various branches claims 100% of Afghanistans population`islam
which religion uses pagodas`buddhist
Which religious group grew out of the Watch Tower Society`jehovah's witnesses
Which religious group was founded by Mary Baker Eddy in 1879`christian scientists
Which religious group whipped themselves into a frenzy in the middle ages`the flagellants
Which religious group whipped thewselves into a frenzy in the Middle Ages`The flagellants
Which religious leader is said to have found enlightenment while sitting under a tree`buddha
Which religious order was founded by Saint Bruno`carthusian
Which rem song features kate from the b-52s`shiny happy people
Which Renaissance City was severely flooded in November 1966`florence
Which resort is located at the north-eastern edge of Exmoor`minehead
Which resort was the setting for the first butlins holiday camp`skegness
Which retail entrepreneur founded The Body Shop in 1976`anita roddick
Which retired army general got 5 million dollars to write his memoirs`norman schwarzkopf
Which revolutionary leader once worked as a porter at. the CarIton Hotel in London, and as a pastry chef at Escoffier's restaurant in aris`ho chi minh
Which Rhinestone Cowboy was a former Beach Boy`glen campbell
Which Richard Adams book featured a fox terrier called Snitter`the plague dogs
Which river contains the most fresh water`Amazon
Which river does the city of Bonn stand on`rhine
Which river features in the title of a famous waltz`the danube
which river flows from the cheviot hill through newcastle, gateshead and jarrow`tyne`the`iv
Which river flows over the Niagara Falls`Niagara river
Which river flows over the Victoria Falls`zambezi
Which river flows through Innsbruck`the inn
Which river flows through Munich`isar
Which river flows through the grand canyon`colorado
Which river flows under the bridge linking Scotland and England at Coldstream`river tweed
Which river forms most of the boundary between Mexico and USA`rio grande
Which river forms part of the southern boundary of the state of Indiana, separating it from Kentucky`ohio
Which river forms the eastern border between england and scotland`the tweed
which river is dammed by the hoover dam`colorado`marbles
Which river is dammed by the hoover dam`colorado river
Which river is known as China's Sorrow`yellow river
which river is "ol' man river"`mississippi
Which river is reputed to be haunted by the Lorelei`the rhine
Which river joins the Severn near Tewkesbury`avon
Which river made The Grand Canyon`Colorado
Which river marks the border of the United States and Mexico`rio grande
Which river passes through germany, austria, slovakia, hungary, croatia, yugoslavia, romania, blugaria and ukraine before arriving at the black sea`danube
Which river rises in Southern China, flows through Cambodia and Laos into Vietnam where it enters the sea south of Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon)`mekong
Which river rises in the Cevennes around 75 miles north of the Mediterrranean and flows around 650 miles to reach the Atlantic in the north of the Bay of Biscay`loire
Which River rises near the Polish-Czech border and flows north to the Baltic Sea`vistula
Which river runs through Cambridge`the cam
Which river runs through Chalons and Macon to join the Rhone at Lyons`saone
Which river runs through Chalons and Macon to join the Rhone at Lyons`the saone
Which river runs through Florence`arno
Which river runs through St Petersburg`neva
Which river runs through Stuttgart and Heidelberg and joins the Rhine at Mannheim`the neckar
Which river runs through the Swiss city of Basle`rhine
Which river runs through Vienna,Bratislava and Belgrade`the danube
Which river seperates Buenos Aires from Montivideo`river plate
Which rivers estuary boasts Foulness Island`the thames
Which river was Jesus baptised in`the jordan
which road is the main shopping area in singapore`orchard`mae
which road is the main shopping area in singapore`orchard road
Which road runs from the US/Canadian border to Santiago Chile`pan american highway
Which road runs from the US/Canadian border to Santiago Chile`the pan american highway
Which rock and roller and his son Ricky wrote a string of hit songs for his daughter`kim wilde
which rock band's albums include 'beggar's banquet and exile on main street`rolling stones
Which Rock Group do the brothers Liam and Noel Gallagher lead`oasis
Which rock group of the eighties gave away a silver keychain at every concert, which was supposed to bring good luck to whoever caught it?`ZZtop
which rock group wrote and performed "sympathy for the devil"?`rolling stones
Which rock is the result of limestone undergoing a metamorphic change due to heat and pressure in the earth`marble
Which rock musician committed suicide in Scattle on 5th April 1994`kurt cobain
which rock singer starred opposite mel gibson in mad max beyond the thunderdome`tina turner
Which rock songwriter is also called Jersey Devil`bruce springsteen
Which rock star has the nickname Slowhand`eric clapton
Which rock star is known as The Groover From Vancouver`bryan adams
Which rock trio had a hit album with Mussorgskis Pictures at an Exhibition`emerson,lake and palmer
Which role has been played on film by Lon Chaney, Claude Rains and Herbert Lom`phantom of the opera
Which role was played by Tim McInerny on TV's 'Blackadder IV'`captain darling
which rolling stones lp contained "goin' home"?`aftermath
Which Roman ampitheatre was built by Emperor Vespasian in around 70ad`colosseum
Which Roman emperor founded Constantinople`Constantine
Which Roman emperor issued the Edict of Milan, ending the persecution of Christians`constantine
Which Roman emperor ordered the building of a frontier wall across northern England in AD122`Hadrian
Which Roman emperor was reputedly poisoned by his wife Agrippina`claudius
Which Roman fortification ran from the Firth of Clyde to the Firth of Forth`antonine wall
Which Roman goddess was the wife of Jupiter`juno
Which Roman god is two-faced`janus
Which Roman poet wrote the poem The Aeneid`Virgil
Which room did napolean keep the mona lisa in`bathroom
Which rowing club stages the Henley Regatta`leander
Which royal house ruled France from 1328-1589`valois
Which Royal Navy ship featured in the B.B.C. television documentary Sailing`ark royal
Which royal residence on the Isle of Wight now belongs to the nation`osborne house
Which royals portrait by Brian Organ was carved up by both critics and a slasher`princess diana
which royal survived a kidnap attempt in 1974`princess anne
which royal was married to lord snnowdon`princess margaret
Which Rusian city endured Bloody Sunday on January 5th`st petersburg
Which Russian (1880-1942) choreographed the dying swan for`pavlova kokine
Which Russian actor invented Method Acting`stanislavsk1
Which Russian choreographer (1904-1983) moved to the USA and became a founder member of the School of American ballet`balachine
Which Russian city used to be called Leningrad &  Petrograd`st petersburg
Which Russian composer and research chemist (1833-1887), had the Christian name Alexander`borodin
Which Russian composer caused a riot with his ultra-modern Rite of Spring`Igor Stravinsky
Which Russian composer wrote the opera 'Mozart and Salieri' in 1897`rimsky-korsakov
Which Russian Czar was the first cousin of George V`nicholas ii
Which Russian dynasty started with the coronation of Mikhail Fyodorovitch in 1613`romanov
Which Russian leader introduced glasnost and perestroika`Mikhail Gorbachev
which russian president encouraged 'glasnost'`gorbachev
Which Russian river flows into the Sea of Azov`don
Which russian scientist used dogs to study conditioned reflexes`ivan pavlov
Which Russian Tsar died at Ekaterinburg in 1918`nicholas ii
Which Russian word means openness`glasnost
Which russion ballet star defected to the west in 1961`rudolph nureyev
Which sacred volcano last erupted in 1707`mount fuji or fujiyama
Which saint died about 601 AD`david
Which saint founded a monastery at Iona in the sixth century`columba
Which saint founded a monastery at Iona in the sixth century`saint columba
Which saint gave her name to a firework`st.catherine
Which saint gave her name to a firework`st catherine`saint catherine
Which saint has the deer as his iconographical emblem`st francis
Which saint has the deer as his iconographical emblem`st francis`saint francis
Which saint is on a 20 note`cecilia
Which saint led the monks from Iona to Lindisfarne in the seventh century`st cuthbert`saint cuthbert
which saint's 11,000 maidens were slain by the huns?`ursula
Which Saint's Day falls on the 13th June`st anthony`saint anthony
Which Saint's Day falls on the 30th November`st andrew`saint andrew
Which saint's day is celebrated on Boxing Day`saint stephen
Which saint's emblem is two breasts on a dish`st agatha
Which saint's emblem is two breasts on a dish`st agatha`saint agatha
Which saint's emblem is two eyes in a dish`st lucy
Which saint's emblem is two eyes in a dish`st lucy`saint lucy
Which Saint translated the Vulgate bible`jerome
Which Saint was canonised in 1920, 489 years after she was burned at the stake`joan of arc
Which saint was the first Bishop of Paris`saint denis
Which saint was the first Bishop of Paris`st denis
Which saint was the first Bishop of Paris`st denis`saint denis
Which saint would you call upon if you had lost something`saint antony of padua
Which Salford brewer gave his name to the S.I. unit of energy`joule
Which S.American country has Quito as its capital`ecuador
Which sands off the coast of Kent coast are known as The Widow Maker`goodwin sands
Which san francisco 49ers star was listed as the highest paid`joe montana
Which sauce eaten with pasta is made from cream, bacon, cheese and eggs`carbonara
Which sauce has the same name as a state in Mexico`tabasco
Which sauce is made by adding chopped capers and gherkins to mayonnaise`tartare
Which sauce is made by adding chopped capers and gherkins to mayonnaise`tartare sauce
Which saxophonist joined David A Stewart in the charts on 'Lily Was Here'`candy dulfer
Which saying is attributed to author Henry David Thoreau`any fool can make a rule
Which scale is based on the speed of sound`Mach
Which scale named after a German mineralogist is used to measure the hardness of minerals`mohs
Which scale named after an Italian geologist is used to measure the intensity of earthquake shocks`mercalli
which scandanavian group had a hit with doctor jones`aqua
Which Scandinavian alcoholic spirit is made from potatoes`aquavit
which scandinavian country is known as suomi in its own language`finland
Which Scandinavian language is the purest descendant of Old Norse`icelandic
which scandivanian prime minister was assassinated in 1986`olaf palme
which scandivanian prime minister was assassinated in 1986`olaf`sharon
Which scheme allows a persons legal costs to be paid by public funds`legal aid
Which school of architecture was founded in Weimar in 1919`bauhaus
Which school took Grandma to number 1`st. winifreds
Which science deals with matter and energy`physics
which science fiction author invented such things as the communications satellite`isaac asimov
Which science fiction author used the penname Edward Powys Bradbury`michael moorcock
which science fiction book by william gibson won the hugo and nebula award.`neuromancer
Which science fiction novel has its title from the flash point of paper`farenheit 451
Which science fiction writer developed a series of ethics for robots known as the Laws of Robotics`isaac asimov
Which science fiction writer is also a fully qualified biochemist`isaac asimov
Which science fiction writer is credited with "inventing" communication satellites`arthur c  clarke
Which science fiction writer penned "The Martian Chronicles" &  "Farenheit 451"`ray bradbury
Which science studies animal behaviour in natural habitats`Ethology
Which science studies weather`meteorology
Which scientist discovered Oxygen`joseph priestley
Which scientist, M.P. and Master of the Mint gave his name to the metric unit of force`isaac newton
Which scientists name is given to the heat treatment of milk`louis pasteur
Which scientist was born so prematurely that his mother said he could have been put into a quart mug`isaac newton
Which sci-fi author predicted artificial satellites in 1945`arthur c clark
Which Sci-Fi Sitcom star like to eat cats?`Alf
Which sci-fi writer adapted his own book for the movie Pet Sematary`stephen king
Which Scotiish town was devastated after a mid air explosion on a Boeing 747`lockerbie
Which Scots-born engineer devised the loading mechanism of the rifle which was the standard weapon for British forces in both World Wars`james lee
which scottish-born machinist became americas first environmentalist`john muir
Which Scottish born machinist became America's first environmentalist`john muir
Which scottish city lies between the mouths of the rivers dee and don`aberdeen
Which Scottish city stands at the mouth of the River Tay`dundee
Which Scottish dish is made from offal mixed with oatmeal and boiled in a bag made from the animal stomach`haggis
which scottish driver drives f1 cars for mclaren`david coulthard
Which Scottish engineer gave his name to the S.I. unit of power`watt
which Scottish historical character was played by Mel Gibson in the film Braveheart`William Wallace
Which Scottish inventor pioneered the television`John Logie Baird
Which Scottish Quarter day is on August 1st`lammas
Which Scottish rebel was the subject of the film "Braveheart"`william wallace
Which Scottish rocker styled himself "sensational" and once had a role in Hair`alex harvey
Which scottish singer married a German Hare Krichna devotee`annie lennox
Which Scottish town is considered the capital of the Highlands`Inverness
Which screen role has been played by, among others, Elliot Gould and Humphrey Bogart`philip marlowe
Which sea area lies between Plymouth and Wight`portland
Which sea does the river Rhone flow into`mediterranean
Which sea forms the north coast of Africa`mediterranean
Which sea-green incorruptible was guillotined in 1794`robespierre
which sea is between asia minor and greece`aegean sea
which sea is between australia and tasmania`tasman sea
Which sea is between Australia &  Tasmania`tasman sea
which sea is between korea and china`yellow sea
Which sea is linked to the Ionian Sea by the Corinth Canal`aegean
which sea is north of alaska`beaufort sea
which sea is north of murmansk, russia`bering sea
Which sea is the city of Beirut on`mediterranean
Which sea is to the east of the Scottish mainland`north sea
Which sea-port is Europe's largest`rotterdam
Which sea route connects the North Atlantic with the Beaufort Sea and the Pacific Ocean`the northwest passage
Which sea route did Amundsen navigate in 1903-1906`the north-west passage
Which sea separates Turkey from Greece`aegean sea
which seaside resort is on the fylde`blackpool
Which seaside resort offers views of Thatchers Rock`torquay
Which seattle-based band had a hit with 'daughter'`pearl jam
Which sea, with no placename in its name, lies between Korea and Shanghai`yellow
Which Secretary of State for Education was responsible for introducing the National Curriculum`kenneth baker
Which Semi-conductor Company Produced The 486dx4-120 CPU`AMD
Which series when shown in Germany resulted in floods of "confession" calls from viewers`holocaust
Which sex has the shorter human vocal cords`female
Which sex is Michael Jackson[hint:no one KNOWS]`unknown
Which sex is twice as likely to contract leprosy`male
Which sex of the lion does 90% of the hunting`The female
Which sex symbol had 10.5mm pearls sewn into her evening dress to make her nipples look pointed?`Marlene Dietrich
Which sex symbol spurned the sexual advances of Adolf Hitler?`Marlene Dietrich
Which sexual aberration did writer Anatole France consider the strangest?`Chastity
Which sexual act ranks as the number one desired by heterosexual men?`Fellatio
which sex wolf is always leader of the pack`female
which shakespearean character declared "if music be the food of love, play on"`duke`murray
which shakespearean character declared "if music be the food of love, play on"`duke orsino
Which Shakespearean character died in his bed "Babbling of green fields" according to Mistress Quickly`falstaff
Which Shakespearean character gives the advice, "neither a borrower nor a lender be..."`polonius
Which Shakespearean character has the most lines`Hamlet
Which Shakespearean character, in Twelfth Night,  utters the words 'If music be the food of love, play on.'`orsino
Which shakespearean character provided the plot for verdi's only comedy`falstaff
which shakespearean character's last words were, "thus with a kiss i die"`romeo
Which Shakespearean character utters the words 'If music be the food of love, play on.'`orsino
Which "Shakespearean" horse won the Champion Hurdle in 1973 and 1975`comedy of errors
Which Shakespearean play inspired music by Bernstein,lyrics by Sondheim and a character called Officer Krupke`romeo and juliet
Which Shakespearean play opens with the line "Cease to persuade, my loving roteus."`two gentlemen of verona
Which Shakespearean role has been played on film by Leslie Howard and Leonard Whiting`romeo
Which Shakespearean role has been played on film by Leslie Howard, Laurence Harvey and Leonard Whiting`romeo
Which Shakespeare character described himself as having "Loved not wisely but too well"`othello
Which Shakespeare character dies saying "The rest is silence"`hamlet
Which Shakespeare comedy begins 'if music be the food of love, play on'`twelfth night
Which Shakespeare comedy is the only one of his plays to have an alternative title`twelfth night
Which Shakespeare play features Cordelia, Regan, and Goneril`king lear
Which Shakespeare play features the characters Demetrius, Lysander, Helena and Hermia`a midsummer night's dream
Which Shakespeare play features the line 'Something is rotten in the state of Denmark`hamlet
Which Shakespeare play has female characters, Bianca and Katherine`the taming of the shrew
Which Shakespeare play has only two female characters, Portia and Calpurnia`julius caesar
Which shakespeare play is set in the forest of arden`as you like it
Which Shakespeare play was adapted into the hit musical "West Side Story"`romeo and juliet
Which Shakespeare play was the inspiration for the hit musical West Side Story`romeo & juliet
Which Shakespearian character, son of Polonius, poisons Hamlet with his foil`laertes
Which Shawnee chief became a British Army officer in 1812`Tecumseh
Which shellfish is sometimes called a Queenie`scallop
Which ship canal by-passes the Niagara Fails`welland canal
Which ship did charles darwin captain`hms beagle
Which ship first sent the morse code signal sos`the titanic`titanic
which ship first sent the morse code signal 'sos'`titanic
Which ship laid the first transatlantic telegraph cable`great eastern
Which shipping area covers the North coast of Ireland`malin
Which shoulder go superstitious people throw salt over`left
Which shoulder should you throw spilled salt over`left
Which shoulder should you throw spilled salt over`The left
Which show featured Q,anna and dee as the little ladies`rock follies
Which show introduced Lou Grant`the mary tyler moore show
which show tune starts: 'isnt it rich, are we a pair'`send in the clowns
Which shrimp like crustaceans are the principal food of baleen whales in the Antarctic Ocean`krill
which shrub is tapioca made from`manioc
which side did britain support in the us civil war?`confederacy
Which side of a book are the even-numbered pages usually on`left
Which side of a Chicken has the most Feathers`The Outside
Which side of a commercial jet does the pilot sit on`left
Which side of the bed does superstition say is the wrong side`left
Which side of the bed does superstition say is the wrong side of the bed`left
Which side of the boat is the STERN`BACK
Which side of the human body is controlled by the left side of the brain`right side
Which side of the road do people drive on in France`right
Which side of the road would be travel on if you were driving in Japan`left
Which side used a Trojan horse to enter the city of Troy`the greeks
Which side won the Spanish civil war, Nationalists or Republicans`nationalists
Which 'Sidney' made his film debut at the age of 61 in 'The Maltese Falcon'`sidney greenstreet
Which Sidney Pollack film won the Oscar for best film in 1985`out of africa
Which 'Sidney' won a best actor Oscar for, 'Lilies of the Field'`sidney poitier
Which sight problem occurs in men far more then in women`Colour Blindness
Which significant, technology-linked word, came into the English vocabulary after first appearing in a Czech play in 1920`robot
Which sign of the zodiac has a sting in the tail`scorpio
which sign of the zodiac is represented by the twins`gemini
Which sign used in punctuation denotes interrogation`question mark
Which silent film actor was known as 'The Great Stone Face'`buster keaton
Which silent movie star was known as 'The Man with A Thousand Faces'`lon chaney
Which silent movie star was nicknamed "Stone Face"`buster keaton
which simple minds album spent 83 weeks in the uk charts`once upon a time
Which simpson made the cover of bowling magazine`homer simpson
Which singer/actor was born with the christian names Harry Lillis`bing crosby
which singer/actress played billie holiday in the film lady sings the blues`diana ross
Which singer/comedian travelled to the USA to see how he could adapt his material to American Football`max boyce
Which singer did Sissy Spacek portray in Coal Miners Daughter`loretta lynn
Which singer died a happy man on a Spanish golf course in 1977`bing crosby
Which singer died an unhappy man when his father shot him in 1984`marvin gaye
Which singer famously said 'You aint heard nothing yet'`al jolson
Which singer got to number one over Christmas 1985 with "Merry Christmas Everyone"`shakin stevens
Which singer got to number one over Christmas 1988 with "Mistletoe and Wine"`cliff richard
Which singer had a hit in the 1980s with "Together We Are Beautiful"`fern kinney
Which singer had a Number 1 hit in 1960 with Three Steps to Heaven`eddie cochran
Which singer had top ten hits in the 1980s with Sledgehammer and Games Without Frontiers`peter gabriel
Which singer has albums called blonde on blonde and blood on the tracks`bob dylan
Which singer is a former school teacher`sheryl crow
Which singer is known as the 'Walrus of Love'`barry white
Which singer is known by the nickname of "Fat Lucy"`luciano pavarotti
Which singer is the son of former bandleader and singer Ross McManus`elvis costello
Which singer married chris judd in 2001`jennifer lopez
Which singer played billie holliday in lady sings the blues`diana ross
Which singer recorded the album, 'I've Been Expecting You'`robbie williams
Which singer released a 1974 album titled `Caribou``Elton John
Which singer sang 'The Rose'`Bette Midler
Which singer/songwriter had a hit in 2000 with babylon`david gray
which singer / songwriter is known as The Boss`Bruce Springstein
Which singer/songwriter won a Grammy in 1988 with 'Don't Worry, Be Happy'`bobby mcferrin
which singer starred with Kevin Costner in the film The Bodyguard`Whitney Houston
Which singer took his stage name from these two persons' name, "Long John Baldry" and "Elton Dean"`elton john
which singer used to be a member of the sugarcubes`bjork
Which singer was associated with the song 'Ol' Man River'`paul robeson
Which singer was given the nickname 'The Killer'`jerry lee lewis
which singer was nicknamed the little sparrow`edith piaf
Which singer went solo after performing with the Commodores`lionel richie
Which singer who died in the 70s was born Ellen Naomi Cohen`mama cass
Which singing celebrity approached President Nixon in the hopes of becoming a drug enforcement officer`Elvis Presley
Which singing duo found fame and regonition via a tv beer advert`chas and dave
Which singing King died in 1965`nat king cole
Which single didn't get banned by the BBC despite the line, "Candy never lost her head even when she was giving head"?`Walk on the wild side
Which single word connects a Beethoven composition, a Glenn Miller melody and some Terry's chocolates`moonlight
Which sitcom helped launch Michael J. Fox's career by portraying him as a money-grubbing teenager?`Family Ties
Which sitcom starred Richard Beckinsale and Paula Wilcox as geoffrey and Beryl`the lovers
Which six letter word contains no vowels`rhythm
Which size of paper measures 210 x 297mm`a4
which ska band was fronted by busta bloodvessel`bad manners
which ski resort in the us was the site of the 1960 winter olympics`squaw valley
Which small animal caused the death of William III`a mole
Which small animals reportedly march to the sea to drown`lemmings
Which small republic is situated on the slopes of Monte Titano in Italy`san marino
Which small republic makes up Yugoslavia with Serbia`montenegro
which small swedish town gave its name to 4 chemical elements`ytterby
Which snake is supposed to have killed Cleopatra`asp
Which snake kills the most humans`king cobra
which sneaker is named after the greek god of victory`nike
Which soap did playwright Ernest Thompson (On Golden Pond) act in`somerset
Which soap did Rhoda's husband end up on after his first prime time divorce`general hospital
which soap did the star of magnum pi start on`young & the restless`young and the columbus
which soap did the star of magnum pi start on`young & the restless`young and the restless
Which soap duet hit with Especially For You`kylie minogue & Jason donovan
which soap first had a pregnancy in its storyline`search for`carolina
which soap first had a pregnancy in its storyline`search for tomorrow
Which soap is set on a built up corner of Lord Derbys estate`brookside
Which soap oprea is set mostly in Albert Square`eastenders
which soccer club was nicknamed 'the busby babes'`manchester united
Which soccer team in the 1994 world cup had all 11 players' surnames ending with the letters 'ov'`bulgaria
Which society was founded by English puritan George Fox`society of friends
Which soda is Bart asked to test in his fantasy? (Hint- "pleasing taste, some monsterism")`Nature's Goodness
Which soft drink, made by Britvic, shares its name with a South American dance`tango
Which soft drink was the first to be sold in aluminium cans in 1975`tizer
Which software company produces the 1-2-3 spreadsheet and the Approach database`lotus
Which soft white stone is used for statues and vases`alabaster
Which solid particles settle at the bottom of a bottle of wine`dregs
Which solo male singer had a chart hit in 1964 with 'Boys Cry'`eden kane
Which Somerset and England bowler took 105 wickets in the 1998 County Cricket Championship but failed to win a place in the Ashes tour party`andrew caddick
Which song and dance star of British musicals became Mrs Dale on radio`jessie matthews
Which song by Steppenwolf starts 'Get Your Motor Running'`born to be wild
Which song composed by Sir Arthur Sullivan in sorrow over his brother's death became the most popular ballad of the nineteenth century`the lost chord
Which song did aretha franklin sing in the original 'blues brothers' film`think
which song did neil diamond write that was covered by tony tribe`red red wine
Which song did robin luke write about his 5 year old sister`susie darlin'
which song did robin luke write about his 5 year old sister`susie darlin'How many days are there in February in a leap year`twenty nine
Which song did Sonny & Cher sing at the end of their show`i've got you babe
Which song did the easybeats record that everyone sang at the end of a work week`friday on my mind
Which song did the Illinois Police Commission add to their blacklist of drug orientated records in 1971`puff the magic dragon
Which song does the following quote come from: "Send me a postcard, drop me a line, stating point of view"`when im sixty four
Which song from the 1942 film "Holiday Inn" has achieved the greatest sales of any record ever`white christmas
Which song gave rolf harris a number one in 1970`two little boys
Which song has been a hit for both Charlie Drake and Dean Martin`volare
Which song has charted twice for Jimmy Young in 2 different versions`unchained melody
Which song includes the words nothing is real ,nothing to get hung up about`strawberry fields
which song is also known as lsd`lucy in the sky with diamonds
Which song is played throughout the film "Blackboard Jungle"`rock around the clock
Which song, made famous by Frank Sinatra, was originally titled 'In Other Words'`fly me to the moon
which song's does the "don't look back in anger" intro sound like`imagine
Which song was a hit for both Elvis Presley and the Pet Shop Boys`always on my mind
which song was a hit for both pat benatar and john cougar mellencamp`i need a lover
Which song was a hit for Elvis Costello in 1979`oliver's army
Which song was a uk christmas number one hit in 1995 for michael jackson`earth song
Which song was Britain's first Eurovision Song Contest winner`puppet on a string
Which song was released by Billy Joe Royal and written by Joe South`down in
Which song was released by Billy Joe Royal & written by Joe South`down in the boondocks
Which song writing partnership collaborated on the musical 'Gigi'`lerner & loewe`lerner and loewe
Which Sonny and Cher hit featured in the film 'Buster'`i got you babe
which son of zeus was a messenger and herald of the gods`hermes
Which son of Zeus was a messenger &  herald of the gods`hermes
Which sort of nuts are used in the making of pesto sauce`pine nuts
Which South African Golfer won the British Open in 1949, 1950, 1952 and 1957`bobby locke
Which South African mammal is also called a Suricate`meerkat
which south african newspaper was edited by mahatma gandhi`indian opinion
Which south african oil company has estblished the only commercially proven 'oil from coal' operations in the world`sasol
Which South African President was assassinated in 1966`hendrik verwoerd
Which South African word means 'seperate development' or segregation`apartheid
which south american capital is the world's highest`la paz
Which South American city is built in the shape of an aeroplane`brasilia
Which South American city is situated close to the volcano Cotopaxi`quito
Which South American country has borders only with Brazil and Argentina`uruguay
Which South American country has borders with only Colombia and Peru`ecuador
which south american country has both a pacific and atlantic coastline`colombia
Which south american country produces Maracaibo coffee`venezuela
Which South American national flag consists of nine blue and white horizontal stripes with a golden sun in the top left corner`uruguay
Which South American river is known as 'The King of Waters'`amazon
Which south-east Asian city is served by Kimpo International airport`seoul
Which south east Asian city was formerly called Krung Threp`bangkok
which southpark character is killed every episode`kenny
Which South Seas volcano blew up in 1883`Krakatoa
which south vietnamese president was overthrown in a coup with tacit us approval`ngo dinh diem
Which southwestern city is the home of the National Lifeboat Museum`bristol
which soviet cosmonaut was the first woman to walk in space`svetlane`leisurely
which soviet cosmonaut was the first woman to walk in space`svetlane savitskaya
Which Soviet leader backed down over the Cuban missile crisis in 1962`kruschchev
Which Soviet leader called himself Man of Steel`Josef Stalin
Which space probe passed Halleys Comet on 1986`giotto
Which space satellite was launched in april 1962, named after a character in shakespeare's the tempest`ariel
Which spaceship carried the codename NCC1701`Enterprise
Which space travel first did Vladamir Komarov achieve in 1967`he became the first human fatality
Which spanish cyclist won his second tour de france`miguel indurain
which spanish explorer named the amazon river`orellana
Which Spanish football team play at the Nou Camp stadium`barcelona
Which special effects studio was created by director George Lucas for the Star Wars series of films`industrial light and magic
which species is the largest of the bear family`polar bear
Which species of animal has sub-species that include Burchell's, Grant "s and Chapman's`zebra
Which species of animal has sub-species which include Maasai, Reticulated and Rothschild's`giraffe
Which species of bird gave Darwin his theory of evolution`finch
Which species of birds are the longest living`parrots
Which species of Elephant has the largest ears`african
Which species of fir is named after the plant collector. who sent its seeds back to Britain in 1827`douglas fir
Which spell has the highest range`Parasite
Which spell has the lowest range`Consume
Which spell has the lowest range of all Protoss spells`Hallucination
Which Spice Girl quit in 1998`geri
Which spicy soup literally means 'pepper water'`mulligatawny
Which spirit is added to sugar and egg yolks to make Advocaat`brandy
Which spirit is the base of a White Lady Cocktail`gin
Which spirit is the basis of the cocktail Daiquiri`rum
Which spirit is the characteristic ingredient of "Planter's Punch"`rum
Which spiritual song, made famous by Joan Baez, became the anthem for American Civil Rights movement in the 1960s`we shall overcome
Which sport allows substitutions without stoppage in play`hockey
which sport did Alanis Morrissette compete in during1997`Triatholon
Which sport do Australia &  NZ play when battling for the manning cup`hockey
Which sport do the Atlanta Braves play`baseball
Which sport do you most associate with Badminton House`three-day eventing
Which sport had its first official rules laid down in 1744`Cricket
Which sport has a movement called a 'telemark'`skiing
Which sport has a name which literally means 'gentle way'`judo
Which sport has had these world champions,Lionel van Praag,Jerzy Szczakiel,Ivan Mauger`speedway
Which sporting event has the largest live attendance in the world`tour de france
Which sporting event was won 5 times by Eddy Merckx`tour de france
Which sport is contested for the Swaythling Trophy`table tennis
Which sport is featured in the book and film "This Sporting Life"`rugby league
Which sport is featured in the film "Raging Bull"`boxing
Which sport is played by L.A. Lakers`basketball
Which sport is played by the Sheffield Steelers`ice hockey
Which sport is practiced in nets`cricket
Which sport is Wayne Gretzky famous for`ice hockey
Which sport might involve a schuss`skiing
Which sport plays to the Harvard Rules`american football
Which sport requires stones to be 'thrown' at houses`curling
Which sportsman is told that his balls mustnt weigh more than 1.62 ounces each`golfers
Which sportsman, who died in 1999, was nicknamed the Yankee Clipper`joe di maggio
Which sport's ruling body is the F.I.E. (Federation Internationale d'Escrime)`fencing
Which sportswear company is named after a Greek Goddess`nike
Which sportswear company was founded in Germany by a certain Dr. Dassler`adidas
Which sport used a Pavarotti performance as its theme in 1990`football
Which sport uses "stones" and a "house"`curling
Which sport uses stones and brooms`curling
Which sport uses the terms knuckleball, cycle, and bunt`baseball
which sport uses the terms nock, fletching and shaft`archery
Which sport was included in the Commonwealth Games for the first time in 1998, at the insistence of Malaysia`ten pin bowling
Which sport would you associate Alberto Tomba`skiing
Which sport would you practice if you were a toxophilite`archery
Which Springfield resident was chosen to become an astronaut`Barney Gumbel, then Homer J. Simpson
Which stage and film musical contains the song 'If I Loved You'`carousel
Which stage musical features the song "Bring Him Home"`les miserables
Which stage musical is based on the Shakespeare comedy 'The Taming of the Shrew'`kiss me kate
Which star appears brightest in the northern constellation Lyra -it is also the fourth brightest in the night sky`vega
Which star appears brightest in the northern constellation lyra`vega
Which star comes from Luton but feels at home wherever his hat is`paul young
Which star died during the filming of his movie "game of death"`bruce lee
Which star died during the filming of his movie Game of Death in 1973`bruce lee
Which star in his 50s still has a curvaceous figure and averages 15 costume changes during a performance`danny la rue
Which star is nearest the Earth`Sun
Which star of British films was born in the Old Kent Road and was called Maurice Mickelwhite`michael caine
Which star of films such as 'Ryan's Daughter' died in 1997`robert mitchum
Which star of films such as 'The Philadelphia Story' died in 1997`james stewart
Which star of Stand By Me died in 1993 of drug-induced heart failure`River Phoenix
Which star sign covers the period March 22nd to April 21st`aries
which star wars cast member was a regular on general hospital`mark hamill
Which state became the 14th state of the u.s`vermont
Which state distills the most whiskey`kentucky
which state first elected a woman as governor?`wyoming
Which state forms an enclave at the heart of the city of Rome`vatican city
Which state had the largest population increase between 1847 and 1860`california
Which state has Cape Hatteras`north carolina
Which state has the most hospitals`California
Which state in India was hit by the 'Cyclone of the Century' in November 1999`orissa
Which state is called the pelican state`louisiana
which state is known as the gem state`idaho
Which state is the Evergreen State`Washington
Which state is the Garden State`New Jersey
Which state is the Wolverine State`Michigan
which state motto is "manly deeds, womanly words"`maryland
Which state of America is known as the Equality State`wyoming
Which state of Australia lays claim to Lizard &  Heron Islands`queensland
Which statesman said that Germany's problems could only be resolved by "blood and iron"`bismarck
Which state's official flag is in the shape of a pennant`ohio
Which states share Death Valley in the USA`california and nevada
which state's song was originally old folks at home`florida
Which state was affected by the Dust Bowl in America in the 1930's`oklahoma
Which state was proclaimed by David Ben-Gurion`israel
Which state was the first to secede from the Union in 1860`South Carolina
Which station in London is the terminal of th Great Western Railway`paddington
which statue is missing its arms`venus de`jacob
Which statue is missing its arms`venus de milo
Which steamship of 1843 was the first to cross the Atlantic using a screw propeller`the Great Britain
Which steeplechase has the longest run of sponsorship of any british horserace`whitbread gold cup
Which Steinbeck novel tells of a family migrating to California`the grapes of wrath
which stephen king film featuredseveral original ac/dc songs, which later appeared on the album "who made who`maximum overdrive
Which Stephen King story was made into the movie Stand By Me`the body
Which Steven Spielbereg film pits Dennis Weaver against a truck with an unseen driver`duel
Which Steven Spielberg film pits Dennis Weaver against a truck with an unseen driver`duel
Which Steven Spielberg film was based on a book by Peter Benchley`jaws
Which stone fruit has a kernel that can be used as a flavouring`apricot
Which story had a fairy called Tinkerbell`peter pan
which story is narrated by ishmael`moby`christmas
Which story is narrated by Ishmael`Moby Dick
Which story of the foreign legion was written by p.c. wren`beau geste
Which strait connects the Gulf of Oman to the Persian Gulf`hormuz
Which strait separates Russian and Alaska`bering strait
Which Strait separates Tasmania from the Australian mainland`bass
Which strait separates Tierra del Fuego from mainland South America`magellan's strait
Which stretch of water separates Denmark from Sweden`kattegat
Which stretch of water separates Sardinia and Corsica`strait of bonifaccio
Which stretch of water seperates Tierra del Fuego from the rest of South America`strait of magellan
Which stringy cheese is used in the making of pizzas`mozarella
Which stringy item is used to clean between the teeth`dental floss
Which strong wine gets its name from a city in Northern Portugal`port
Which style of architecture is distinguished by vertical lines of tall pillars and by pointed arches`gothic
Which style of collar was popularised in the 1930s by Shirley Temple, whose dresses had collars of this type`peter pan
Which substance causes milk to curdle, and is used to make cheese`rennet
Which substance, found in most British kitchens, is made using the processes of cutting, tearing, curling and fermentation`tea
Which substance may be added in the preparation of jams to make them set`pectin
Which substance, occurring naturally in fruit, causes jams and preserves to set`pectin
Which substance used as a bleach, can also be used as the oxidizing agent in rocket fuel`hydrogen peroxide
which suburb of southwest london hosts the annual all englend lawn tennis championships`wimbledon
Which supergroup said The Winner Takes It All`abba
which super hero has been played by, among others,Michael Keaton,Val Kilmer and George Clooney`Batman
Which superhero has been portrayed on screen by Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer and George Clooney`batman
Which superhero loves peace enough to kill for it`Peacemaker
Which supermodel is frequently referred to as 'The Body'`elle mcpherson
Which superstar film actor's real narne is T.C. Mapother IV`tom cruise
Which surname connects Henry, Peter, Jane and Bridget`fonda
Which surname is shared with Carly and Paul`simon
Which Swedish-born actress appeared in the films The Man With the Golden Gun and Royal Flash`brit ekland
Which Swedish-born actress appeared in the films Tommy and Grumpy Old Men`ann-margret
Which Swedish car manufacturer once admitted price fixing in Britain`volvo
Which Swedish naturalist developed the system of plant and animal classification which is still used today`carolus linnaeus
Which Swedish Prime Minister was shot dead as he walked home through Stockholm`olof palme
Which Swedish scientist's name is given to a unit of length equal to one hundred millionth of a centimetre (10-8 cm)`angstrom
Which Swedish tennis player won the Wimbledon singles title in 1988 and 1990`stefan edberg
Which Swedish word translates as 'table of buttered bread'`smorgasbord
Which sweet-sounding fungus kills trees`honey fungus
Which swimming stroke is named after an insect`butterfly
Which swinging swimmer retired in 1929 with 67 records to his credit`johnny weissmuller
Which Swiss artist, born in 1879, painted Landscape With Yellow Birds, The Twittering Machine and Fish Magic`paul klee
Which Swiss mountain has an infamous North face`eiger
Which Swiss Philanthropist was awarded The Noble Peace Prize in 1901`jean henri dunant
Which Swiss psychoanalyst identified a collective as well as a personal unconscious in the human psyche`carl jung
Which Swiss town hosts the annual Golden Rose Television Festival`montreux
Which sydney landmark opened in 1973`opera house
Which symbol is on the musical staff of a score`cleff
Which system requires that one-mile in every five must be straight? These straight sections are usable as airstrips in times of wars or other emergencies`The Eisenhower Interstate System
which 'tarzan' swimmer was the first man to swim a hundred yards in less than a minute`johnny`metro
Which 'tarzan' swimmer was the first man to swim a hundred yards in less than a minute`johnny weismuller
Which task oriented person in Max's life says 'Bip, Bip, Bip'?`normal
Which tatty TV series which started in 1977 has been filmed with Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore and Lucy Liu playing the title roles`charlie's angels
Which teacher did Maggie Smith play in the 1969 film of Muriel Spark's novel`miss jean brodie
Which team, apart from Newcastle United, plays its home games at St James' Park`exeter city
which team does larry bird coach`indiana`f
which team does larry bird coach`indiana pacers
Which team game is played on a pitch 60 yards wide by 100 yards long with a penalty spot 7 yards from the goal`hockey
Which team knocked England out of the 1999 Rugby Union World Cup`south africa
Which team plays at Abbey Stadium`Cambridge United
Which team plays at Boundary Park`Oldham Athletic
Which team plays at Carrow Road`Norwich City
Which team plays at Celtic Park`Celtic
Which team plays at City Ground`Nottingham Forest
Which team plays at Deepdale`Preston North End
Which team plays at Edgeley Park`Stockport County
Which team plays at Gigg Lane`Bury
Which team plays at Goodison Park`Everton
Which team plays at Hawthorns`West Bromwich Albion
Which team plays at Ibrox Stadium`Glasgow Rangers
Which team plays at Layer Road`Colchester United
Which team plays at Maine Road`Manchester City
Which team plays at Molineux`Wolverhampton Wanderers
Which team plays at Oakwell Ground`Barnsley
Which team plays at The County Ground`Swindon Town
Which team plays at The Den`Millwall
Which team plays at Turf Moor`Burnley
Which team plays at Victoria Ground`Stoke City
Which team were relegated from the Football league in 1999`scarborough
Which team won the 1998 Champions League final`real madrid
Which team won the Rugby League Super League Grand Final in 1999`st helens`saint helens
Which team won the University Challenge on television in 1999`the open university
Which teenage actress was the first to be given her own American television show during the years 1963-1966`Patty Duke
which teenybop favorites were formerly called the saxons`the bay city rollers
Which Teletubby is dressed in red`Po
Which television and radio personality wrote the historical novel Credo in 1996`melvyn bragg
Which television couple were characterised for many years by Alan Reed and Jean Vanderpyl`fred & wilma flintstone
Which television detective did Glenn Chandler create`taggart
Which television island gave well-heeled guests the chance to live out their dreams in the 1970's`fantasy island
Which television programme did Roy Castle present for 22 years`record breakers
Which television sci`fi comedy stars john lithgow and kristen johnston as dick nd sally solomon`third rock from the sun
Which television series is based on the Constable novels by Nicholas Rhea, the pen name of former Yorkshire policeman Peter Walker`heartbeat
Which television series of the 1960s was set around 'Fenner Fashions'`the rag trade
Which television western series always ended with the words 'Head 'em up, move 'em out'`rawhide
Which temperature scale begins at minus 273.15 degrees Celsius`kelvin
Which temperature scale begins at minus 273.15 degrees Celsius`kelvin`absolute`thermodynamic
Which tender cut of steak is shaped like a letter`t-bone
Which tennesee williams play is about a sicilian-american woman`rose tattoo
Which Tennessee Williams play features a character called 'Big Daddy'`cat on a hot tin roof
Which tennessee Williams play features  the characters Maggie and Brick`cat on a hot tin roof
Which tennis player defected to the west in 1975`martina navratilova
Which tennis player was known as 'Little Mo'`maureen connolly
Which tennis player was known as the 'Rockhampton Rocket'`rod laver
Which tennis player was stabbed while on court`monica seles
Which tennis star made the cover of the magazine longevity`jimmy connors
Which tennis star played in her 20th wimbledon`martina navratilova
Which tennis star's father had to pay 280,000 to a Playboy model to stop her talking about their affair to the press?`Steffi Graf
Which tennis star wore denim shorts during matches`andre agassi
Which term connects a type of match and a nickname for the Devil`lucifer
Which terminal of a battery is indicated by a plus sign`positive
Which term is applied to early morning birdsong`dawn chorus
Which term is used in the Christian calendar for the last few days leading up to Easter Sunday`holy week
Which term means to send into the country or to banish for a time from town or college`rusticate
Which territory of North Africa, situated on the southern side of the Strait of Gibraltar, belongs to Spain`ceuta
Which terrorist group carried out the massacre of Israeli athletes during the Munich Olympics in 1972`black september
Which terrorist group killed 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics`black september
Which terrorist group murdered the Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympic Games`black september
Which theatrical genre of the 1960's included the plays of ionescu and beckett characterised by a lack of logical form`theatre of the absurd
Which the second longest river in the world`amazon
Which thick custard-like food is made when fresh milk is artificially curdled by bacteria`yoghurt
Which Third world leader was assassinated by members of her bodyguard in 1984`Mrs Indira Gandhi
Which Thomas Harris novel was the top selling adult fiction novel of the year 2000 in the UK`Hannibal
Which three colours are in Germanys national flag`black,red and gold
Which three countries make up Benelux`belgium,the netherlands,luxembourg
Which three-letter word can precede each of the following to make a new word each time -belt, -fare and -light.`fan
Which three-letter word can precede each of the following to make a new word each time`-rot, -mine and -nation.car
which three man band lost their leader brad nowell, who died tragically of a heroin overdose in 1996`sublime
which three meanings does the word shalom have in hebrew`peace hello bye
which three races make up horseracing's triple crown (alphabetically)`belmont stakes kentucky derby preakness`rosewall
which three races make up horseracing's triple crown (alphabetically)`belmont stakes kentucky derby preakness stakes
Which three sectarian groups are involved in the conflict in Bosnia and Herzogovina`Serbs, Croats and Muslims
which three states form the straits settlement`malacca penang singapore
Which three words complete the full title of Shakespeare's play Hamlet - - -`prince of denmark
Which thriller writer created CIA agent Jack Ryan in stories such as "The Hunt For Red October"`tom clancy
Which throwing event is not included in the Decathlon`throwing the hammer
Which tiny piece of matter is composed of protons, neutrons and electrons`atom
Which title goes before the name of a man who has been knighted`sir
Which title originally meant "Successor to Mohammed"`caliph
Which title was John Flamsteed the first to hold,in 1675`Astronomer Royal
Which Tom Jones song spent most weeks at number one in 1966`green green grass of home
which tommy edwards tune begins with 'many a tear has to fall ...'`it's all in the game
Which tom wait's song was a hit for rod stewart`downtown train
Which town in Brazil, 1,000 miles up the Amazon, was at one time the major port for the rubber trade`manaus
Which town in the US had Clint Eastwood as its mayor`carmel
Which town is famous for it's Salts and it's Racecourse`epsom
Which town is the administrative hq of Shropshire`shrewsbury
Which town is the birthplace of Jesus Christ`bethlehem
Which town is the home to Hugh,Pugh,Barney,McGrew,Cuthbert,Dibble and Grub`trumpton
Which town on the River Colne holds an annual Oyster Fair`colchester
Which Townsend Thoreson ferry capsized off Zeebruge in 1987`the herald of free enterprise
Which town stands at the mouth of the Great Ouse`kings lynn
Which town was at the centre of the Klondike Gold Rush`dawson city
Which town was the seat of the French government in WWII`vichy
Which town would you be leaving if you were sailing away from the capital of the Flemish coast`dunkirk
Which toy company manufactures the 'Barbie Doll'`mattel
which toy consists of a spring that "walks" down stairs?`slinky
which toy, popular in the 80s, was 'easily', but not correctly, solved by removing the stickers or blocks to win`rubik's cube
Which traditional japanese sport takes place in a circular ring`sumo
which traditional japanese sport takes place in a circular ring`sumo`plates
which traditional japanese sport takes place in a circular ring`sumo wrestling
Which travel company cater exclusively for the over 50s`saga
Which travellers set off in the Mayflower in 1620`the pilgrim fathers
Which tree do Druids regard sacred`Oak
Which tree has the Latin name Fagus Pupurea`copper beech
Which tree has the same name as a part of your hand`palm
Which tree is often found in graveyards`yew
Which tree is the emblem of Lebanon`cedar
Which tree was used for making longbows`common yew
Which tribe did chief Cetewayo lead to a victory over the British in 1879`the zulus
Which tribe did Hiawatha belong to`ojibwas
Which tribe, under their Chief Alaric, sacked Rome in 410 AD`visigoths
Which trio was originally known as the 'primettes'`supremes
Which trophy did John Jeffrey damage to earn a five month suspension from rugby`the calcutta cup
Which trophy is inscribed "The Gentlemen's Single-Handed Championships of the World"`wimbledon men's singles cup
Which trophy was Ronald  Reagan referring to when he said dont bolt that cup down too tightly`the americas cup
Which tropical American animal resembles the pig`tapir
Which tropical fruit has black seeds in the centre`papaya
Which tropic passes through Taiwan`tropic of cancer
Which tube line goes to Brixton`victoria
Which tube line runs to Heathrow Airport`piccadilly line
Which Turkish town was the birthplace of St Paul`tarsus
Which turn-of-the-century French dramatist is famous for his farces`georges feydeau
Which TV "Avengers" Girl Has Never Appeared In A Bond Film`Linda Thorson
Which TV cartoon series based in Springfield started life on the Tracey Ullman show`the simpsons
which TV cartoon series features the characters Kenny,Cartman,stan and Kyle`South Park
Which tv character drives a car with the reg. number J 1610`jim bergerac
Which TV character has a horse called Hercules`harold steptoe
Which TV comedian wrote Katy and the Nurgla`harry secombe
Which tv cook is the daughter of a former chancellor of the exchequer`nigella lawson
Which TV cowboy had Pancho as his sidekick`cisco kid
Which TV current affairs presenter also owns a chain of local newspapers`david dimbleby
Which TV detective series is set in the town of Denton`frost
Which TV detective was created by R.D. Wingfield`frost
Which tv drama showed the effect of a nuclear bomb falling on Sheffield`threads
Which tv game ends with the Star Spin round`takeover bid
which tv game show is considered to be the most successful in recent decades`wheel of fortune
Which TV Golden Girl  was once the Vice-President of the Los Angeles Zoo Commission`Betty White
which tv manufacturer's brand name is a synonym for apex?`zenith
Which tv network did many conservatives want privatized`pbs
Which TV newsreader was once the editor of the Daily Express`alastair burnet
which tv presenter used to be the girl in the boddingtons beer commercials`melanie sykes
Which TV programme has been presented by four people called Robinson - Kenneth, Robert Anne, and Tony`points of view
which tv program "returned control" to you at its conclusion`outer`hess
Which TV program "returned control" to you at its conclusion`outer limits
Which TV secret agents real name was Paul Metcalfe`captain scarlett
Which TV series based on moadern classic featured Yorkshires Castle Howard in the title role`brideshead revisited
Which tv series ended each episode with the bedroom lights being switched off & the family saying goodnight`the waltons
Which TV series ends every episode with bedroom lights being switched off and evryone saying goodnight`the waltons
which tv series featured clarence the cross eyed lion`daktari
Which TV series featured Florence, Dougal and zebedee`the magic roundabout
Which TV series featured the spaceship "Liberator"`blake's seven
Which TV series has a Mountie as a central character`due south
Which Tv series invented The Flying Fickle Finger of Fate award`rowan and martins laugh in
Which TV series is set in the village of Adensfield`heartbeat
Which TV series starred James Bolam as Jack Ford`when the boat comes in
Which TV series starred Leslie Phillips and donald Sinden as clergymen`Our
Which TV series starred Leslie Phillips and donald Sinden as clergymen?`Our Man At Saint Marks
which tv series was david cassidy in`partridge family
Which tv series was set in Londons Eaton Place`upstairs downstairs
Which TV series was set on Craggy Island`father ted
Which TV show portrayed the lives of performing arts high school students`Fame
Which Tv show used a clapometer to select winners`opportunity knocks
Which tv show was compered by a frog`the muppets
Which tv sitcom originated from a stage play called The Banana Box`rising damp
Which tv soap celebrated its 40th birthday in 2000`coronation street
Which tv soap do the woolpackers originate from`emmerdale
Which twins were the brothers of Helen of Troy`castor & pollux
Which twins were the brothers of Helen of Troy`castor & pollux`castor and pollux
which two americans comprised the 1999 wimbledon men's finals`pete sampras andre agassi
which two americans comprised the 1999 wimbledon men's finals`pete sampras andre`sosa
Which two ballet dancers were Marguerite and Armand created for`fonteyn and nureyev
which two biblical cities were destroyed by fire and brimstone`sodom and gomorrah
Which two birds assisted Noah in finding dry land`dove and raven`raven and dove
Which two bodies of water separate Britain from mainland Europe`the english channel & the north sea
Which two bodies of water separate Britain from mainland Europe`the english channel & the north sea`english channel & north sea`north sea & english channel
Which two books in the old testament list the ten commandments`exodus and
Which two books in the old testament list the ten commandments`exodus and deuteronomy
which two books in the old testament list the ten commandments`exodus and`mersey
Which two cities are linked by the M8`glasgow & edinburgh
Which two cities are linked by the M8`glasgow & edinburgh`glasgow and edinburgh
Which two colours appear on the Bangladesh flag`green & red
Which two colours appear on the Bangladesh flag`green & red`green and red
Which two colours appear on the Vietnam flag`yellow & red
Which two colours appear on the Vietnam flag`yellow & red`yellow and red
Which two countries became independent in 1957`ghana &  malaysia
Which two countries became independent in 1957`ghana & malaysia`ghana and malaysia
Which two countries boundaries were decided by the Asburton Treaty`usa and canada
which two countries formed tanzania`tanganyika and`saxophone
Which two countries formed tanzania`tanganyika and zanzibar
Which two countries form what used to be called patagonia`chile and
which two countries form what used to be called patagonia`chile and argentina
which two countries form what used to be called patagonia`chile and`ontario
Which two countries form what used to be called Patagonia`chile &  argentina
Which two countries form what used to be called Patagonia`chile & argentina`chile and argentina
Which two countries fought the Hundred Years War`England & France
Which two countries' national anthem does not mention the country's name`united states and holland
which two countries' national anthem does not mention the country's name`united states and`prints
Which two countries were involved in the 'Battle of the Thames'`britain & canada
Which two countries were involved in the 'Battle of the Thames'`britain & canada`britain and canada
Which two early 19th century German brothers wrote a collection of fairy tales`grimm brothers
which two elements is the sun mainly composed of`hydrogen helium
Which two english football teams are nicknamed the magpies`newcastle united & notts county
which two explorers had a heady, and as yet still unresolved dispute over the first to reach the north pole in the early 1900s (fc rp)`frederick cook robert`army
which two explorers had a heady, and as yet still unresolved dispute over the first to reach the north pole in the early 1900s (fc rp)`frederick cook robert peary
Which two famous men were missing one testicle?`Hitler and Napoleon
which two fighting ships other than the 'arizona' were sunk at pearl harbor`oklahoma and`rumplestiltskin
Which two fighting ships other than the 'arizona' were sunk at pearl harbor`oklahoma and utah
Which two fighting ships other than the 'oklahoma' were sunk at pearl harbor`arizona and utah
Which two fighting ships other than the 'utah' were sunk at pearl harbor`arizona and oklahoma
which two fighting ships other than the 'utah' were sunk at pearl harbor`arizona and`royale
Which two fruits are an anagram of each other`lemon and melon
Which two kicks in football must be played forwards`penalty kick and kick-off
Which two Latin words nearly always abbreviated mean 'course of life'`curriculum vitae
Which two letters are worth 10 points in the board game Scabble`Q & Z
Which two letters in Scrabble are worth two points`d & g
Which two letters in Scrabble are worth two points`d & g`d and g
Which two male fish give birth`sea horse and pipe fish
Which two man series of space missions preceded the Apollo missions`gemini
which two metals is the singapore dollar coin made of?`aluminium bronze
Which two numbers used in conjunction mean 'message understood'`ten-four
Which two oceans are joined by the bering strait`pacific and arctic
Which two of New York's boroughs are actually islands`manhattan & staten island
which two rivers merge to form the nile`white nile and blue nile
Which two rugby teams compete for the Calcutta Cup`england and scotland
which two sciences are a part of biology`botany and`stooges
which two sciences are a part of biology`botany and zoology
Which twosome signed the washington charter`george bush and boris yeltsin
which two songs by fats domino have colour in them`blueberry hill and blue heaven
Which two South American countries do not share a land boundary with Brazil`chile & ecuador
Which two South American countries do not share a land boundary with Brazil`chile & ecuador`chile and ecuador
Which two sports are combined in a biathlon`skiing & shooting
Which two sports do you go backwards to win`rowing & tug of war
Which two teams automatically qualified for the france '98 soccer world cup`france and brazil
which two u.s presidents had the same surname`adams
Which two US Presidents shared 1924 as the year of their birth`george bush & jimmy carter
Which two X5 never needed much sleep?`Max and Jhondy
Which type of aircraft was the most successful during the Battle of Britain`hurricane
Which type of alterntive medicine is sometimes known as 'acupressure'`shiatsu
Which type of flavour is detected at the back of the tongue`bitter
Which type of Greek play writers were Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euipedes`tragedy
Which type of hospital is the selling for Graham Greene's story A Burnt-Out Case`leprosy
Which type of paint dries faster   oil or acrylic`acrylic
Which type of pistol was known as the Peacemaker in the old West`colt 45
Which type of reference book summerises items of general knowledge listed in alphabetical order`encyclopedia
Which type of sport is Indianapolis famous for`indy racing
Which type of trawling net has the same name as a European river`seine
Which type of wheat yields flour used to make best quality spaghetti`durum
Which type of wood is used to smoke meats`hickory
Which types of wood are most often used for firewood in the home`hardwood
Which tyre company withdrew from Formula 1 at the end of 1986`pirelli
Which U2 offering was the first ever million-selling CD`the joshua tree
Which ugandan President wasnt invited to the 1977 meeting of Commonwealth Heads of State`idi amin
Which UK city, other than London, has a station called Charing Cross`glasgow
Which UK premiership soccer team moved to a new ground at the start of 2001/2002 season`southampton
which ukraine composer wrote the powerful opera, "the love for three oranges"`prokofiev
Which U.K. Soccer star has Brooklyn tattooed on his backside`David Beckham
Which ultimately disgraced person was 'Surveyor of the Queen's Pictures' until 1972`anthony blunt
Which unfortunate Greek god gave his name to the word tantalize`tantalus
which union officer of the american civil war designed the modern basis of baseball`abner doubleday
Which unit has the spell with the variable range`Ghost
Which unit is defined as the power necessary to lift 33,000 pounds a distance of 1 foot in 1 minute`one horsepower
Which university uses the radio and tv as its lecture theatre`the open university
Which UN Secretary-General was killed in an air crash in 1961`dag hammarskold
Which unseeded player, a.former finalist, beat Stephen Hendry in Round One of the final stages of he 1998 World Professional Snooker championship`jimmy white
Which US actress gave her name to an inflatable life jacket`mae west
Which U.Sairport is the busiest in the World`o'hare
which us author wrote the "murders in the rue morgue"`edgar allan`khan
which us author wrote the "murders in the rue morgue"`edgar allan poe
Which U.S. baseball player was known as the 'Yankee Clipper'`joe di maggio
Which U.S. biologist has published collections of essays entitled Bully for Brontosaurus and Dinosaur in a Haystack`stephen jay gould
Which US boxer was known as 'The Manessa Mauler'`jack dempsey
which U.S chat show host had an acting role in the film The Color Purple`Oprah Winfrey
Which US city is called the "Windy City"`chicago
Which U.S. city is known as Beantown`Boston
Which U.S. city is known as 'Mile High City'`denver
which us city is known as "motown"`detroit
Which U.S. city is known as the Biggest Little City in the World`Reno
Which US city is known as the biggest little city in the world`reno, nevada
Which U.S. city is named after an ancient capital of Egypt`memphis
Which U.S City is the home of the Mowton Record Company`detroit
Which US city was bombed by terrorists in 1995`oklahoma city
which us city was called new amesterdam in the earyl 17th century`new york
Which US city was named after the only person to be governor of 2 states`houston
Which US coin has 118 ridges around the edge`dime
which us composser and pianists music was featured in the film "the sting"`scott joplin
Which US cop series had the catchphrase "who loves ya baby'`kojak
Which U.S. disc-jockey first coined the phrase "rock-and-roll" in 1951`alan freed
Which useful household item is made from naphthalene`Mothballs
Which US female vocalist had two UK number 1s in the 1950s with "Comes-a-Long-a-Love" and "Rock and Roll Waltz"`kay starr
Which US film actress was married to Mickey Rooney and Frank Sinatra`ava gardner
Which US football team won the 1998 Superbowl`denver broncoes
Which US gangster town gave its name to the group who had a no 1 with 'if you leave me now' `chicago
Which US golfer was killed when his plane crashed in 1999`payne stewart
Which U.S. government branch includes the President and Vice President?`Executive
Which US government branch includes the president &  vice president`executive branch
Which US lake is situated in the Sierra Nevada on the Californian border`tahoe
Which U.S. male vocalist had four UK number 1s in the 1950s, including "Look at That Girl" and "Rock-a-Billy"`guy mitchell
which u.s native american culture includes 'the snake dance'`hopi indians
Which US president bought a place in Colorado to ski during vacations`gerald
Which US president bought a place in Colorado to ski during vacations`gerald ford
Which US President brought in prohibition in 1919`woodrow wilson
which us president delivered the gettysburg address`abraham lincoln
which us president delivered the gettysburg address`abraham`miles
Which US President died of pneumonia in 1841, a few weeks after his inauguration`william harrison
Which U.S. President, early in his political life, was accused of trying to win votes by plying voters with alcohol`George Washington
which u.s. president entertained his friends by writing latin with one hand and greek with the other.`james a. garfield
Which U.S. president gave the 'four freedoms of democracy' speech- ie freedom from want; freedom from fear; freedom of worship and freedom of speech`franklin d  roosevelt
Which U.S. President had 10 children`harrison
Which U.S. President had a sign on his desk which read "The buck stops here"`harry s. truman
Which US President had the longest term in office`f d roosevelt
which us president has an african capital named after him`james monroe
Which U.S. president is on the five-dollar bill`Abraham Lincoln
Which US president lead his "rough riders" up San Juan hill`theodore roosevelt
Which US President ordered the dropping of the atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki`truman
Which U.S. President pardoned Robert E. Lee posthumously of all crimes of treason?`Gerald Ford
Which US President pleaded guilty to committing 'adultery in his heart'?`Jimmy Carter
Which US president received &  10% of the profits when he was interviewed by david frost`richard nixon
Which US president said, "the buck stops here"`harry truman
Which U.S. president said, 'The buck stops here'`Truman
Which US president used a wheelchair`franklin roosevelt`authority
which us president used a wheelchair`franklin roosevelt`fdr
Which US President was awarded the 1919 Nobel Peace`woodrow wilson
Which U S  president was fatally shot in 1881`garfield
Which US President was given an honorary knighthood by Great Britain`dwight d eisenhower
Which US President was never re-elected`john adams
which us president was nicknamed "ole rough & ready"`zachary`measles
which us president was nicknamed "ole rough & ready"`zachary taylor
Which U.S. president was sworn into office in his father's house, by his father on 2nd August 1923`calvin coolidge
which u.s president was the first to use 'fireside chats' and informal radio broadcasts to explain important issues to the u.s public`franklin`copper
which u.s president was the first to use 'fireside chats' and informal radio broadcasts to explain important issues to the u.s public`franklin d roosevelt
Which US President won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906 for his mediation in the Russo-Japanese War`theodore ROOSEVELT
Which US President won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1919 for securing the League of Nations covenant at Versailles`woodrow wilson
Which U.S. scientist first made nylon`wallace carothers
which us showman established the 'greatest show on earth' in 1871`p
Which US singer is nicknamed the 'Queen of Soul'`aretha franklin
which U.S singer opened a theme park called Dollywood`Dolly Parton
which us soap was a spin off of dallas`knotts landing
Which US soul singer was known as 'Lady Day'`billie holiday
Which U.S. state borders a Canadian territory`Alaska
which us state borders on the most other states`missouri
Which U.S. state coined a name with an invented Indian meaning, Gem of the Mountains`Idaho
Which U. S. State did Ray Charles have on his mind on a 1960 single`georgia
Which US state did Thomas Jefferson describe as 'A jewel among the states'`delaware
Which u.s state gets the most rainfall`hawaii
Which US state has Salt Lake City as its capital`utah
Which us state has the fewest gas stations`alaska
Which U.S. state has the least rainfall`Nevada
Which US state has the most vehicles and highways per square mile`new jersey
Which US state has the postal abbreviation IN`indiana
Which u.s state has the smallest population`alaska
Which US state is farthest east, Alabama, Louisiana or Mississippi`alabama
Which US state is farthest north, Nebraska, Nevada or North Carolina`nebraska
which u.s. state is hit by the most tornadoes annually`Texas
which us state is known as "little rhody" or the "ocean state"`rhode island
Which US state is known as the "Aloha' state`hawaii
Which US state is known as the "Coyote State" or the "Shunshine State"`south dakota
which us state is known as the "empire state"`new york
Which US state is known as the "Gem State"`idaho
which us state is known as the "golden state"?`california
Which US state is known as the "last frontier"`alaska
which us state is known as the "lone star state"?`texas
Which US State is known as the Mother of Presidents`virginia
Which US State is known as the Pelican State`louisiana
Which US state is known as the "Sunshine State"`florida
Which US state is known as the "Volunteer State"`tennessee
which us state is named from the spanish for "snow clad"?`nevada
Which U.S. state is nick named 'the First State' because it was the first to ratify the American Constitution in 1787`delaware
Which US state is nicknamed 'The Garden State'`new jersey
Which U.S. state is sometimes known as 'Seward's Folly'`alaska
Which US state is the Lone Star state`Texas
Which U S state, known as the Diamond State, or The First State, has the peach blossom as its state flower`delaware
Which U.S.State lies immediately to the East of Illinois`indiana
Which U. S. State provided the title of a Bee Gees hit single`massachusetts
Which U.S. state receives the most rainfall`Hawaii
Which US states way of life and culture is described as Cajun`louisiana
Which US state was named in honour of Elizabeth I`virginia
Which US state was the 50th`hawaii
Which us state was the title of a bee gees number one hit`massachusetts
Which US tourist attraction is known as the Shrine of Democracy`mount rushmore
Which US university saw its National Guardsmen open fire on its students in 1970`kent state university
Which US writer wrote The Naked and the Dead`norman mailer
Which vaccine was developed by Louis Pasteur`rabies
Which valuable element has the atomic number 79`gold
Which valuable material has the same atoms as coal`diamond
Which variety of lettuce has long narrow leaves`cos
Which Vatican building was built for Pope Sixtus lV`the sistine chapel
Which vegetable has varieties called: Enorma, Red Knight and Red Emperor`runner bean
which vegetable is a bud, and can be eaten red or green`cabbage
Which vegetable is referred to as 'eggplant' in the U.S.A.`aubergine
Which vegetable is the emblem of Wales`leek
Which vegetable is used if a dish is described as 'a la Bretonne'`haricot beans
Which vegetable is used if a dish is described as 'a la Crecy'`carrots
Which vegetable is used to make Moussaka`aubergine
Which vegetable, relative of the cauliflower do we know by its italian name`broccoli
Which vegetables are the bulb like stems of the bullrush`water chestnuts
Which vehicle accessory is to be banned in Britain but not in the rest of Europe`bullbars
Which Venezuelan river has the distinction of sharing a name with a womble`orinoco
Which Verdi opera, commissioned by the Khedive of Egypt, was finished in 1870`aida
Which verdi opera has the aria 'la donna e mobile'`rigoletto
Which vertebrate holds the record for the longest recorded life span`tortoise
Which very fast ball game is also known as Jai Alai`pelota
Which very select organisation has a table as its logo`mensa
Which very sweet Greek desert cake is made from "filo pastry, nuts fruit and honey"`baclava
which veteran country singer is known as the man in black`johnny cash
Which veteran singer had a hit with 'Catch a Falling Star'`perry como
Which veteran West Indies fast bowler announced his retirement from cricket in 2001`Curtly Ambrose
Which Victor Hugo novel was turned into a stage musical`les miserables
Which Victorian became the world's most famous sufferer of neurofibromatosis`john merrick/elephant man
Which Victorian explorer and translator was best known for his translations of the "Kama Sutra" and "Arabian Nights"`richard burton
Which victorian was poet laureate for 40 years`alfred, lord tennyson
Which village near Norwich gives its name to a type of cloth`worsted
Which virtue shares its name with a card game`patience
which vocalist is known for "every little breeze seems to whisper louise"?`maurice chevalier
Which volcano could erupt over the town of Ottaviano`vesuvius
Which volcano destroyed Pompeii in 79 bc`vesuvius
Which volcano erupted in 1669, resulting in the deaths of 20,000 people`etna
Which volcano erupted in AD 62, killing the occupants of Pompeii`Vesuvius
Which volcano overlooks the city of Catania`etna
Which Wagner opera includes the Swan Chorus`lohengrin
which war began on june 25, 1950`korean war
Which war did the Treaty of Vereeniging end`boer
Which war did the Treaty of Vereeniging end`the boer war
Which war film used the music of The Doors and Wagner`apocalypse now
Which war hero gave his name to a type of footwear`duke of wellington
Which warm wind from the south which is drawn into the valleys of the Northern Alps, helps to melt the snow in the spring`fohn
Which war ran from 1853-1856. The`Crimean War
Which wars featured the Battle of Quatre Bras`The Napoleonic Wars
Which war was ended by the Treaty of Westphalia`30 years war
Which war was formally concluded at Paris in 1856`crimean
Which war was fought between 1861 and 1865`the american civil war
Which was britain first pirate radio staion`radio caroline
Which was David Platt's first professional club`manchester united
Which was Dickens' first novel`pickwick papers
Which was the 1st winner of the academy award for best picture, and the only silent film to achieve that honor`wings
Which was the best selling single of 1981`dont you want me , human league
Which was the biggest dinosaur in terms of overall length`diplodocus
which was the destination port on the titanic's maiden voyage`new york
Which was the first American thoroughbred to win $1,000,000`citation
which was the first american thoroughbred to win 1 million dollars?`citation
Which was the first animated full-length cartoon`snow white
Which was the first antibiotic`penicillin
Which was the first apostle to be stoned to death`stephen
which was the first asian country to host the quadrennnial commonwealth games`malaysia
Which was the first book to tell the story of the lioness Elsa`born free
which was the first book to tell the story of the lioness elsa`born`warhol
Which was the first British group to have 3 consecutive U.K. No. 1 hits that went straight to No. 1 upon release`gerry and the pacemakers
Which was the first city to host the Summer Olympic games for a second time`paris
Which was the first city to open a length of underground railway`london
Which was the first country to give women the right to vote`new zealand
Which was the first country to grant women the vote`new zealand
Which was the first country to host 2 soccer world cups`mexico
Which was the first country to introduce vat`denmark
Which was the first country to issue driving licences and to introduce driving tests in 1893`france
Which was the first country to produce `PopStars'`New Zealand
Which was the first credit card`diners club
which was the first credit card`diners`kosher
Which was the first Disney cartoon to show a girls belly button`aladdin
which was the first foreign country to open its own "disneyland"?`japan
Which was the first 'indiana jones' film`raiders of the lost ark
which was the first 'indiana jones' film`raiders of the lost`bone
Which was the first James Bond book written by Ian Fleming in 1953`casino royale
which was the first 'james bond' novel`casino`hairs
Which was the first 'james bond' novel`casino royale
Which was the first Japanese city bombed in 1945`hiroshima
Which was the first magazine to publish a hologram on its cover`national
which was the first magazine to publish a hologram on its cover`national geographic
Which was the first manned aircraft to exceed the speed of sound`Bell X-1
Which was the first of the National Parks in England and Wales`peak district
Which was the first Pinball game that used flippers`Humpty Dumpty
Which was th efirst pop band to tour China`wham!
Which was the first South American country to gain independence from Spain`paraguay
Which was the first spacecraft to go up and down and up and down again`space shuttle colombia
Which was the first 'spaghetti western' starring Clint Eastwood`a fistful of dollars
which was the first state to secede from the union`south carolina
Which was the first US city to stage the summer Olympics`st louis
Which was the first US city to stage the summer Olympics`st louis`saint louis
Which was the last country to host both the Summer and the Winter Olympic Games in the same year`germany
which was the last major country to welcome monopoly`ussr
Which was the last NFL team to have an all-white roster`washington redskins
Which was the last port of call from which the Titanic sailed`queenstown
which was the last rascals hit in 1968`people got to be`dc
Which was the last rascals hit in 1968`people got to be free
Which was the longest dinosaur`Diplodocus
Which was the only EEC country to vote against stronger health warnings on cigarette packets in 1989`britain
Which was the only film actor who was one of The Magnificent Seven and also one of The Dirty Dozen`charles bronson
which was the only month recorded in history not to have a full moon`february 1865
Which was the sacred animal of ancient Egypt`cat
which was the second 'james bond' novel to be made into a film`from russia with love
Which was the second Japanese city bombed in 1945`nagasaki
Which was the world's first space station`salyut 1
Which waterfall has the highest drop in the world`angel falls
Which waterfalls did Sherlock Holmes supposedly disappear into`reichenbach
Which way does the jack of hearts usually face`right
Which way do the clocks go in winter`back
which way is up: how many compass point names are there`thirty two
Which way up should eggs be stored`pointed end down
Which weapon did Robert Whitehead invent in 1866`torpedo
Which wedding anniversary is coral`thirty fifth
Which wedding anniversary is wood`fifth
Which weighs more   hot water or cold water`hot water
Which well-known author wrote the James Bond novel Colonel Sun under the pseudonym Robert Markham`kingsley amis
Which well known character also operates under the following names; Old Harry,Clootie,Auld Hornie`the devil
Which well known modern writer is descended from the creator of the dahlia`roald dahl
Which well known novelist, has written a children book called 'Haroun and the Sea of Dreams`salman rushdie
Which Welsh band released the album International Velvet`catatonia
Which Welsh island is called the Isle of the Saints`bardsey island
Which welsh village provided the setting for The Prisoner`portmeirion
Which West Bengal town is the centre of production of the tea called 'The Champagne of Teas' because of its grape aroma`darjeeling
Which West End musical stars Elaine Paige and Jason Scott Lee`the king & i
Which West End musical stars Lucy Arnaz and Ian McShane`witches of eastwick
Which west indian spin bowlers are immortalised in a calypso`ramadhin and valentino
Which West Indies and Hampshire fast bowler died of cancer in 1999`malcolm marshall
Which West Texas town was a hit for Marty Robins`el paso
Which white American won the 1998 US Ladies Open Tennis Championship`lindsay davenport
Which wild animal of the English countryside is known as a Puss to a huntsman or courser`hare
Which wild flower is also known as Fireweed, because it is the first to grow back after a fire`rose bay willow herb
Which wild goat is found in the Alps and the Pyrenees`ibex
Which wild west train robber is thought to have escaped his pursuers and adopted a new life in New York running a weighing machine business`butch cassidy
Which wine has the varieties Malmsey and Sercial`madeira
which winged horse was said to have sprung from the blood of medusa`pegasus
Which winner of the 1998 Nobel Peace Prize was once a trainee priest`john hulme
Which Wirral industrial plant was the first in Europe to produce enriched uranium`capenhurst
Which woman athlete won britain a silver medal at the Mexico Olympics but subsequently dies of cancer`lillian board
Which woman has the most monuments erected in her honour`virgin mary
which woman's name shares the title with a new hit tv show on the wb network`felicity
Which woman won the most medals at the summer olympics`shannon miller
Which women, according to statistics, are the most likely to have sex on the first date?`Australian
Which wooded area of Nottingham was originally a royal park where kings hunted deer`sherwood forest
Which wood is traditionally used to make pencils`cedar
Which word, associated with Nuclear Physics, is a variation of a Greek word meaning 'final cut'`atom
Which word can precede pie, loaf and cheese to make types of food`cottage
Which word can precede the following; -count -bath -bank`blood
Which word comes from the Greek word gymnazein which means to exercise naked, which often was done in ancient Greece?`gymnasium
Which word comes from the Roman "where three roads meet" as a place where messages were left`trivia
Which word comes from the Spanish word aguacate which is derived from the Aztec word ahuacati which means testicle?`avocado
Which word completes the title of the J K Rowling book 'Harry Potter and the Chamber of....'`secrets
Which word describes 2 lines which are always the same distance apart`parallel
Which word describes a male singer singing in a high register`falsetto
Which word describes glass which darkens when exposed to light`photochromic
Which word describing chaos first appeared in Milton's Paradise Lost`pandemonium
Which word follows Juliet, Kilo and Lima`mike
Which word follows, side, oil and ear`drum
Which word for the metric unit of electric current is taken from the name of a French physicist`ampere
Which word is derived from "user of hashish"`assassin
Which word is related to these three: nap, walk, call`cat
Which word is related to these three: painting, bowl, nail`finger
Which word is related to these three: rat, blue, cottage`cheese
Which word is the Latin for 'pebble' and is now, applied to a branch of mathematics`calculus
Which word is used to describe the ratio of a machine's output of energy to its input`efficiency
Which word is used to mean a serious meditative poem, especially a lament for the dead`elegy
Which word is used to mean, malicious enjoyment at the misfortunes of others`Schadenfreude
Which word links aid, jargon and precedent`legal
Which word links blanket, paint and suit`wet
Which word links bound, mother and worm`earth
Which word links chrome, plane and rail`mono
Which word links collar, market and pit`flea
Which word links consultation, entrance and transfer`fee
Which word links course, date and over`due
Which word links double, strap and wag`chin
Which word links down,economy and king`size
Which word links job, parking and vacant`lot
Which word links lock, wardrobe and winning`combination
Which word links opera, relief and strip`comic
Which word means a signed document in support of a particular action`a petition
Which word means egg shaped`ovoid
Which word means sliding down a rope to get to the bottom`abseiling
Which word means the minimum number who must attend a meeting to make it valid`quorum
Which word means to run away and get married`elope
Which word means to turn from liquid into vapour`evaporate
Which word other than renege means 'to neglect to follow suit at cards'`revoke
Which word refers to all the animal life of a specific place or time`fauna
Which word refers to farm land where no crops have been sown`fallow
Which word refers to food grown without the use of artificail fertilizers`organic
Which word refers to the internal diameter of a gun barrel`calibre
Which word, taken from the French, translates literally as 'rotten pot'`potpourri
Which World Champion boxer's real name was Walker Smith`sugar ray robinson
Which World Champion boxer was nicknamed 'The Cinderella Man'`james j braddock
Which World Champion heavyweight boxer held the title for the longest`joe louis
Which world-famous concert pianist became President of Poland in 1940`paderewski
Which World Famous news agency began life in 1850 using carrier pigeons`reuters
Which world famous song and dance man died on the same day as Muppeteer Jim Henson`sammy davis jnr
Which world famous sporting track is demolished and rebuilt every year`cresta run
Which World Heavyweight boxing champion from 1915-1917 was known as the "Great White Hope"`jess willard
Which World Heavyweight boxing champion's real name was Arnold Raymond Cream`'jersey' joe walcott
Which world leader married for the second time in 1998 at the age of 80`nelson mandela
Which world leader resigned  on Christmas Day in 1991`mikhail gorbachev
Which world leader won the 1990 Nobel Peace Prize`mikhail gorbachev
Which world saving puppets lived on 'Tracy Island'`thunderbirds
Which world-wide organisation was founded in 1865 as the Christian Mission`salvation army
which worldwide tv station is devoted to music`mtv
Which would usually live longer, a giraffe or a zebra`zebra
Which wrestler complained in 1990 that some airlines made him pay for 2 seats instead of 1`giant haystacks
which wright brother was involved in the first aircraft accident`orville
Which writer became a Governor General of Canada`john buchan
Which writer created Detective-Inspector Bucket`charles dickens
Which writer created Jeeves`p g wodehouse
Which writer created Sergeant Cuff`wilkie collins
Which writer decribed the sea as 'scrotum tightening'?`James Joyce
Which writer established the three laws of robotics`isaac asimov
Which writer &  illustrator was fired in july 1992 by King Features over an abortion rights story line in his daily comic strip Popeye`bobby london
Which writer left a fortune in his will to develop a new phonetic alphabet`g b shaw
Which writer of 85 bestsellers died in 1998 aged 91`catherine cookson
Which writer of horror novels also uses the pseudonym  Richard Bachman`stephen king
Which writer of the 17th and 18th Centuries first penned the line 'For fools rush in where angels fear to tread.'`alexander pope
Which writer produced the Foundation Saga`isaac asimov
Which writer quoted, 'Men seldom make passes at girls who wear glasses'`dorothy parker
Which writer said "a little learning is a dangerous thing"`alexander pope
Which writers books were relaunched in 1990 with absolutely no mention of gollywogs`enid blyton
Which writer's claim that he had slept with 10,000 women was reduced to just 1,000 by his second wife?`Simenon
Which writer's first novel, published in 1948, was Never Love a Stranger - his 23rd and latest, published in 1997, is Tycoon`harold robbins
Which writer's latest work, Birds of Prey , features the Courtneys - the family that appeared in his first, When the Lion Feeds , published in 1964`wilbur smith
Which writer's widow changed the family's name to Holland after his death to avoid scandal`oscar wilde
Which WW2 fighter-bomber did de Havilland's make out of wood`mosquito
Which WW2 Norwegian collaborator's name became synonymous with treachery`quisling
Which WWF wrestler died after being breaking loose from a cable lowering him to the ring`Owen Hart
Which wwii fanfare by Aaron Copland was a 1977 hit for Emerson,Lake and Palmer`fanfare for the common man
which wwii nazi was seized in buenos aires in 1960, tried and executed`adolf eichmann
which wwii nazi was seized in buenos aires in 1960, tried and executed`adolf`tract
Which X5 ended up in LA working as a mechanic?`Zane
Which X5 ended up working nights at a Bar in San Fransisco?`Jhondy
Which X5 turned himself over to Lydecker to protect Max?`Zack
Which X5 was rescued by a woman named Hannah?`Max
WHICH YEAR: Arizona admitted to the Union`1912
WHICH YEAR:Battle of Bannockburn`1314
WHICH YEAR:Battle of Blenheim`1704
WHICH YEAR:Battle of the Boyne`1690
WHICH YEAR:Beginning of the Boer war`1899
WHICH YEAR:Black Death ravages England`1348
WHICH YEAR:Boston Tea Party`1773
WHICH YEAR: Britain captured Gibraltar from Spain`1704
WHICH YEAR:Buckingham Palace`1633
WHICH YEAR:Charge  of the Light Brigade`1854
WHICH YEAR:Charles darwin publishes Origin of the Species`1859
WHICH YEAR:Concorde entered commercial service`1976
WHICH YEAR: Did Apache chief Cochise die`1876
Which year did Jemima Goldsmith marry Imram Kahn`1995
Which year did Niagara Falls freeze`1932
which year did shakespeare's sister get to no1 with 'stay'`1992
WHICH YEAR:Did the Seminole Indian Tribe sign a peace treaty with the United States`1975
WHICH YEAR:Elizabeth ii becomes queen`1952
WHICH YEAR:Emmeline Pankhurst launches the suffragette movement`1905
WHICH YEAR: First photocopier marketed`1907
Which year first saw women taking part in Olympic track and field events`1928
WHICH YEAR:Francis Drake sets off around the world`1577
WHICH YEAR:Great Fire of London`1666
WHICH YEAR:Great plague ravages England`1665
WHICH YEAR:Greenwich Mean time  adopted`1859
WHICH YEAR: Gregory I became pope`590
WHICH YEAR:Harrods opens`1849
WHICH YEAR:Henry Tudor becomes Henry viii`1485
WHICH YEAR: Henry VIII met Francis I on the Field of the cloth of gold`1520
WHICH YEAR:Hong Kong returned to China`1997
WHICH YEAR:India gains independence`1947
which year lasted 445 days`46 bc
which year lasted 445 days`46`zidane
WHICH YEAR: Michaelangelo born`1475
Which year - Nasser and De Gaulle died and Allende was elected President of Chile`1970
WHICH YEAR:NATO formed`1949
Which year of the Chinese calander began in the year 2000`dragon
WHICH YEAR:Prince Charles born`1948
WHICH YEAR:Prince Charles marries`1981
Which year saw America's final withdrawal from Vietnam`1973
WHICH YEAR:The dissolution of the monasteries`1536
WHICH YEAR:The falklands war`1982
WHICH YEAR:The gulf war`1990
Which year was the St. Valentines Day Massacre`1929
Which year were the Jesse Owen Olympic games`1936
Which year were the 'Jesse Owens' olympic games`1936
WHICH YEAR: W G Grace born`1848
Which Yorkshire river is formed by the confluence of the Swale and Ure`ouse
Which Yorkshire Rugby League club has the team name 'The Rams'`dewsbury
Which Yorkshire town has the same name as the capital of Nova Scotia`halifax
which young animals clock an amazing 31 mph at full speed and cover about 3 times their body length per leap`kittens
Which Yuppie banker did Rodney marry in Only Fools and Horses`cassandra
Which Zerg Cerebrate commands the second largest Zerg brood`Araq
Which zodiacal sign is represented by a goat`capricorn
Whic man made material is named after the french words for velvet and hook`velcro
WHIC YEAR:treaty of Vereeninging end the Boer war`1902
Whihc biblical epic was written by a former governot of New Mexico`ben hur
Whihc british Prime minister was born in Edinburgh in 1953`tony blair
Whihc novelist was exiled to the channel islands`victor hugo
Whihc popular actress starred in a barely credible 1967 TV series about a nun who could fly`sally fields
Whih royal wedding of the eighties is now scandelously coming apart?`Charles and Di
While a female chimpanzee is in heat, she seeks sex an average of _______ times a day.`twenty
While at Havard University, Edward Kennedy was suspended for cheating on a _____ exam`spanish
While at the same time`whereas
While experimenting with speeding up a tape, david seville created three voice characters and released a christmas song in 1958. which nutty group was this`chipmunks
While nudity was considered commonplace to the ancient Greeks, a man was considered indecent if he had?`an exposed erection
While nudity was considered commonplace to the ancient Greeks, a man was considered indecent if he had an exposed what?`erection
While only 41% of women say they enjoyed sex the first time, a whopping __% of men did.`86
while performing her duties as queen, cleopatra sometimes wore a fake----------`beard
while rain was falling on the street, guards atop the building alongside it were having a snowball fight on nov 13 1958. what was this building`empire state building
While serving in Congress, -------------- introduced a bill that attempted to bar slavery from all future states admitted to the Union, a measure that might later have prevented the U.S. Civil War if it had not been defeated - by a single vote.`thomas Jefferson
While sleeping, one man in eight does what`snores
While sleeping, one man in ten does what`grinds his teeth
While the ancient ----------- may be the best-known mummy makers, they were far from the first. A very sophisticated fishing tribe called the Chinchoros, who lived on the north coast of what is now Chile, were embalming their dead as early as 5000 B.C.`egyptians
While the earth's atmosphere is divided into 4 main zones, which is the highest zone`exosphere
While the world was busy welcoming the arrival of the twentieth century on December 31, 1900, a forceful gale on England's Salisbury Plain blew over one of the ancient monumental stones at ---------------`stonehenge
Whiny lisa loeb song from the equally whiny movie reality bites`stay
Whish actress was nominated for an Oscar for her part as a prostitute in the 1995 film Leaving Las Vegas`elizabeth shue