Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Study`Conne
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Stuffed With Finely Chopped Meat`Farci
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Stuffy And Odorous`Fuggy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Stuffy - Close`Stivy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Stum - To Renew Fermentation`Stoom
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Stunned`Dazed
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Stuns`Dazes
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Stupefies`Zonks
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Stupid - Idiotic`Mongy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Stupidly`Dully
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Stupid Or Foolish`Dorky
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Stupid`Radgy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Styrofoam`Styro
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Subjected To A Forfeit In The Card Game Of Loo`Looed
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Suborder Of Galliformes That Includes All Members Except The Hoatzin - Plural Of Gallus, A Priest Of Cybele`Galli
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Subscribes - Plural Of Sign, An Indication - A Message Board`Signs
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Subsequently - More Late Than`Later
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Subsequent To - In Pursuit Of`After
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Substantial - Fleshy`Meaty
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Substitute`Proxy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Suburbs`Burbs
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Such`Swich
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Suent, Neat And Tidy - Consistent`Suant
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Suevians`Suevi
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Suevian`Sueve
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Suffered - To Dread`Dreed
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Suffers`Drees
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Suffers From Diarrhea`Lasks
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Suggesting The Sound Of Air Rushing Out, Or A Sudden Collapse`Pffft
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Suint`Swint
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Suitable, Appropriate`Fitty
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Sulfonic`Sulfo
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Sulks`Pouts
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Sulky`Pouty
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Sullen`Dorty
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Summons`Sists
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Sunbathes`Basks
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Sunrises - Becomes Apparent`Dawns
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Superficial - Related To Area`Areal
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Superstitious`Freet
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Supped`Dined
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Supplied With A Microphone`Miked
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Supplies With A Heel - Plural Of Heel`Heels
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Supplies With Liquid Oxygen`Loxes
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Support`Appui
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Support`Appuy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Supports - Adds Siding`Sides
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Supposes - Thinks`Weens
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Supposes - Trusts`Trows
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Surely`Syker
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Surly - Rasping`Gruff
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Surrounds - Bolsters`Girds
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Suslik`Sisel
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Suspends`Hangs
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Suspicious - Fishy`Hinky
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Swallows Up`Gulfs
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Swampy`Boggy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Swapped`Swapt
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Swapped`Swopt
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Swaps`Swops
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Swardy - Grassy - Cespitose`Turfy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Swarthy - Tawny`Swart
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Swathe - The Sweep Of A Scythe - Small Waterline Area Twin Hull Boat`Swath
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Sweal`Swayl
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Sweal`Sweel
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Sweat`Sudor
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Sweeps`Soops
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Sweer, A Bend`Sweir
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Sweetly`Soave
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Sweetly`Soote
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Sweetly`Swote
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Swelled`Swole
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Swells`Plims
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Swinging`Asway
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Swirling`Surgy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Swollen`Swoln
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Swollen`Tumid
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Swollen With Gout`Gouty
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Swoops - Changes Magnification`Zooms
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Swoop`Swope
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Swore - Promised`Vowed
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Syce`Saice
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Synchronizes`Syncs
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Synchrony`Synch
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Syphilis`Sypho
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Syrup`Sirup
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tachometer`Tacho
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Takes A Big Swallow`Swigs
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Takes From The Top - Glides Along The Top`Skims
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Takes Hurriedly`Grabs
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Takes Offense`Dorts
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Talca Gum, Or Talha Gum`Talca
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Talkative - A Motion Picture With Sound`Talky
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Talkative - Cheerful - Brisk`Canty
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Talkative`Yakky
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Talked - Having Jaws`Jawed
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Talks`Chats
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tall And Thin`Lanky
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tallow`Sevum
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tamboo - Taboo - Ostracism`Tambu
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tame, Easy To Manage`Tawie
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tammuz`Tamuz
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tangles - Dirties - Plural Of Foul, An Athletic Infraction`Fouls
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tan Vat Liquor`Owser
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tapa - A Mat Fiber`Tappa
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tapering`Coned
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tapestry Warp Threads`Lisse
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Taps With A Hammer, Looking For Flaws`Tunks
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tarot`Taroc
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tarot`Tarok
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tarred Rope - Picking Apart Oakum Was A Jolly Chore In English Prison`Oakum
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tartan Tights`Trooz
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tart - Sour`Teart
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tasmania`Tassy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tasteless`Wersh
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Taste-tested`Preed
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Taste-tests`Prees
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Taunted, Jeered, Scoffed`Gibed
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Taunted`Jibed
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Taunts`Jibes
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Taut - Tight - Nervous - The Time Sense Of A Verb`Tense
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Taws - A Leather Strap`Tawse
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Teak`Djati
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Teamed`Temed
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Teams`Temes
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tears Apart`Rends
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tears Apart`Rives
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tears Down`Razes
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tears - Leases`Rents
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tears - Strips Off`Tirrs
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Teary`Weepy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Teases`Toses
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tease`Teaze
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tea`Thein
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Teetotum`Totum
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Teind`Tiend
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Telegraphed - Snared - Very Tense`Wired
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Telephony`Vogad
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Teleprinter Exchange`Telex
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tempered`Blued
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Ten`Decem
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tenderloin - A Muscle Of The Loin`Psoas
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tending To Flex Easily`Flexy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tending To Form Crusts`Cakey
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tending To Wag`Waggy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tending To Whine`Whiny
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Ten Million`Crore
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Teriffic - A Clandestine Meeting For Illegal Business`Triff
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Terrible`Awful
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Terse - Unfriendly`Brusk
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tesselated`Tiled
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Testified - Cursed`Sware
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tetrachloroethylene`Terts
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Thank You, Ma'Am - A Bump`Cahot
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Thatch`Datch
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Thatch`Thack
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: That Little Circle Over Certain Scandinavian Vowels`Volle
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The 113 Japanese Syllables - Plural Of Mora, A Unit Of Prosodic Metrical Time - Inexcusable And Blameable Delay`Morae
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The 15 Foot Ring Of Sandy Clay In Which A Sumo Wrestling Match Is Held`Dohyo
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The 17th Month Of The Mayan Civil Calendar`Kayab
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The 18th Month Of The Mayan Civil Calendar`Cumku
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The 19th Letter Of The Arabic Alphabet`Ghain
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The 19th Month Of The Mayan Civil Calendar, Only Five Days Long, And Very Unlucky`Uayeb
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The 3-banded Armadillo Of South America`Apara
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Abdomen Of A Crustacean`Pleon
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Ability To Express And Understand Oral Language`Oracy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Aboriginal Name Of Ayers Rock In Australia`Uluru
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Above-ground Bed Of A Fox`Kumrl
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Absence Of A Tail`Anury
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Absence Or Non-recognition Of Marriage`Agamy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Ace Of Clubs`Basto
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The African Country Of Gabon - A Soft Reddish-brown African Wool`Gabun
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Agouti`Aguti
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Alaska-canada Highway`Alcan
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Amboyna Tree`Walan
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The American Mink`Vison
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The American Turkey Buzzard`Urubu
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Amount Of Nitrogen Needed To Produce Half The Maximum Crop`Baule
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Amount On Which A Tax Rate Is Assessed`Ratal
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Anal Region - The Rump`Podex
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Ancestors Of The Ainu People`Jomon
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Ancient Greek Name For The East Wind - Plural Of Euro, A Monetary Unit Of Europe - A Large Kangaroo`Euros
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Ancient Greek Name For The South Wind`Notus
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Ancient Name Of Jaffa`Joppa
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Ancient Name Of The Rock Of Gibraltar - A Town In Ancient Asia Minor`Calpe
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Ancient Roman College Of Priests Of Mars And Quirinus`Salii
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Anterior Sexless Part Of Certain Worms`Atoke
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Anvil Bone Of The Inner Ear - A Thundercloud Shaped Like An Anvil`Incus
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Apple Or Pear Genus`Pyrus
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Area Of Carthage Laid Out By Queen Dido, Who Was Given As Much Land As Could Be Surrounded By A Bull'S Hide`Byrsa
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Argentinian Bourse - A Bag - A Small Packet Of Drugs`Bolsa
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Armed Bull-head Fish`Pogge
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Armpit`Oxter
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Aroma Plant`Aromo
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Arrowroot - A Unit Of Length Of 2 Yards - Cannot`Canna
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Artichoke`Chard
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Art Of Picking Pockets`Gavar
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Association Of South East Asian Nations`Asean
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Theatrical Atmosphere`Atmos
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Theatrical - Histrionic`Stagy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Theatrically Seductive`Vampy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Australian/New Zealand Army Corps`Anzac
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Avifauna Or Birds Of A Region`Ornis
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Back (Left, Even-numbered) Side Of A Page`Verso
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Back Of An Insect`Notum
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Back Of The Neck`Nuque
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Badger Genus`Meles
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Barbary Ape - A Small Grotesque Porcelain Figure`Magot
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Bark Or Root Of Mexican Trees And Shrubs Used To Make Tepache`Timbe
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Barnacle Goose`Claik
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Bar-tailed Godwit`Prine
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Bathroom`Kahsi
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Bear - A Lullaby`Baloo
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Bearded Seal`Ugrug
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Bed Bug - The Bed Bug Genus`Cimex
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Beetle Genus`Sagra
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Belly Button, Which Adam And Eve Might Not Have Had`Navel
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Betel Leaf`Sirih
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Betel Palm`Bonga
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Biblical Home Of A Witch Visited By Saul`Endor
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Biblical Name Of The Ancient City Of Uruk, Where Writing May Have Been Invented`Erech
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Big Finger - To Hitchhike`Thumb
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Bishop In Chess, Originally An Elephant - Referring To Certain Catalysts`Alfin
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Bitter Herb Used In The Passover Seder, Often Horseradish`Maror
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Bizarre North Korean Ideology Of Self-reliant Socialism`Juche
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Black Gull`Wagel
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Black Portion Of An Architectural Plan Representing Walls`Poche
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Blaubok`Etaac
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Blind Mole Rat`Zemni
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Body Of A Nerve Cell`Cyton
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Body Of Islamic Social And Legal Customs`Sunna
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Body Surface Over The Pubic Bone - Plural Of Pube, A Pubic Hair`Pubes
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Bonnet Monkey - Food - A Smoke During Work`Munga
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Botulinum Toxin, A Paralytic Used To Treat Twitches On The Sick And Wrinkles On The Vain`Botox
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Bramble Genus`Rubus
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Brazilian Macaw`Arara
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Brazilnut Tree`Juvia
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Breast`Bosom
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Bristle-thighed Curlew`Kioea
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The British Naval Army And Air Force Institute`Naafi
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Broad Arrow, Used In Heraldry`Pheon
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Brother Of One'S Parent`Uncle
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Bubble-shell Genus`Acera
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Buddhist New Year Festival`Wesak
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Bulging Part Of A Cask`Bilge
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Bump At The Back Of The Skull`Inion
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Burrel-fly`Whame
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Butter Tree`Fulwa
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Buttocks`Bibby
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Buttocks`Dokus
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Buttocks, Hence Pratfall`Prats
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Buttocks`Ptoot
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Buttocks - The Vagina`Zatch
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Buttocks`Tokis
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Buttocks`Tokus
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Buttocks`Tushy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Call Of A Hen`Cluck
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Canada Lynx`Pishu
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Capital City Of Afghanistan`Kabul
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Capital City Of An Ancient Ethiopian Kingdom`Aksum
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Capital City Of Ghana`Accra
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Capital City Of Jordan`Amman
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Capital City Of Morocco - A Sleeveless Backless Vestment - Unglazed Pottery`Rabat
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Capital City Of Nigeria`Abuja
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Capital City Of South Korea`Seoul
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Capital City Of The Tatar Autonomous Republic`Kazan
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Capital City Of Tunisia`Tunis
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Capital City Of Vietnam`Hanoi
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Capital Of Tannu Tuva, Unreached Goal Of Richard Feynman`Kyzyl
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Capital Of The Tax Haven Theme Park Called Liechtenstein`Vaduz
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Caraway Plant`Carvy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Carcass Of A Whale After Removal Of The Blubber And Baleen (Yum!)`Kreng
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Cattle-owning Class Of The Rundi In East Africa`Tussi
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Caucasian Ibex`Atchi
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Center Of A Basket Bottom Where Weaving Is Begun`Slath
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Centerpiece Of Synagogue Worship`Amida
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Cerebellum`Brain
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Chaffinch`Scoby
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Chain Of Authority Attesting The Authenticity Of A Particular Haddith`Isnad
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Chancel - A Singing Group`Choir
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Chick Pea - A Genus Of Asiatic Herbs`Cicer
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Chief Island Of The Philippines`Luzon
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Chinese Magnolia`Yulan
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Chinese Name Of The Gobi Desert`Shamo
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Chocolate Tree`Cacao
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Circuit Of An English Sheriff To Hold A Court Of Record Twice A Year`Tourn
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Circumference`Girth
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Citizens Of Medina Who Supported Mohammed During The Hegira`Ansar
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The City Of Mecca, In Saudi Arabia`Mekka
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The City Of Troy`Troas
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The City - The Police`Polis
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Closing Of A Poem`Envoi
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Cloud Berry - The Sharp Point Of The Elbow`Noops
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Coal Fish`Bleck
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Coati`Tejon
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Coco Plum`Icaco
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Cod Genus`Gadus
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Color Brown`Broon
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Colorless Stroma Of A Red Blood Cell`Ecoid
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Combination Of Lights And Darks In Japanese Art`Notan
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Common Greek Tongue Used In The New Testament`Koine
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Common Term For The Phragmipedium Plant`Phrag
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Companion To An Intro, A Postscript Or Exit Piece`Outro
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Computer Game Maker'S Award, Similar To The Oscar - A Migrant Worker From Arkansas`Arkie
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Congo`Kongo
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Consecrated Eucharistic Elements In The Orthodox Church`Hagia
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Constellation Gemini - Plural Of Twin, One Of A Pair, Often Identical`Twins
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Constellation Of The Hare`Lepus
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Constellation Of The Whale`Cetus
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Corncrake`Crake
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Corncrake`Creck
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Corncrake - To Lounge`Daker
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Cranial Nerve`Vagus
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Crested Titmouse`Topet
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Crowberry`Monox
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Cry Of A Sheep`Bleat
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Culms Of Munj`Sirki
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Culms Of Munj`Sirky
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Cuman, A Turkic People`Kuman
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Curlew`Whaup
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Currant Genus`Ribes
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Curved Handle Of A Scythe`Snath
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Curved Handle Of A Scythe`Snead
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Danube River`Donau
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Daughter Of One'S Sibling`Niece
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Deadly Carrot (!)`Drias
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Devil`Divil
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Devil Figure In Black Muslim Mythology`Yacub
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Devil`Satan
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Devil - The Two In Cards`Deuce
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Difference In Days Between The Lengths Of The Solar And Lunar Years`Epact
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Direction From Which A Glacier Descends`Stoss
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Direction Of The Shrine In Mecca Toward Which Moslems Pray`Qibla
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Direction Toward Which Muslims Face During Prayer`Kibla
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Disease Thrush`Sprue
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Disease Thrush - Sprue`Sprew
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Divine Word - Plural Of Logo, A Logotype - A Colophon`Logos
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Dodo Genus - Raphus`Didus
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Doing Of Something That Is Contrary To Good Conscience`Dolus
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Dragon Constellation`Draco
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Dried Flesh Of A Skink, Used As Medicine`Dhabb
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Dried Leaves Of Certain Plants Used As A Diuretic And Tea`Buchu
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Dry Wind From The Andes That Blows Across The Pampas`Zonda
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Dunlin Bird`Purre
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Ear`Auris
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Early Opponents Of The Logos Doctrine Expressed In The Gospel Of John`Alogi
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Earthnut`Arnut
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Eastern European Pike Perch`Fogas
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The East German State Security Police`Stasi
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Ebb And Flow Of The Ocean Surface`Tides
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Edge`Brink
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Eighteenth Day Of The Mayan Religious Month`Eznab
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Eighth Day Of The Mayan Religious Month`Lamat
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Eighth Letter Of The Hebrew Alphabet`Hheth
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Elbow`Ancon
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Elder Or Eldest Born Woman`Ainee
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Eleventh Day Of The Mayan Religious Month`Chuen
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Elk`Moose
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Elm Genus`Ulmus
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Embroidered Border Of A Handkerchief`Forre
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Emphatic Repetition Of A Word: More Irish Than The Irish`Ploce
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Employment Exchange Office`Buroo
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The End Of Life`Death
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The English Name For Lyon, France`Lyons
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Exclamation Necessary To Claim A Pair Of Marbles Knocked Out Of The Ring - Plural Of Dubb, A Syrian Bear`Dubbs
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The External Female Genital Organ`Vulva
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The External Portion Of The Ear - A Wing`Pinna
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Extraction Of Information From A Computer Database`Exput
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Eyeball`Glene
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Eye Of A Bean`Hilum
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Fabric Lawn`Linon
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Face`Moosh
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Face Of A Jointed Rock`Slyne
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Family Of Boobies And Gannets`Sulid
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Fast Section Of A Czardas`Friss
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Father Of A Twit`Pater
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Fatty Flesh That Makes One Pudgy`Pudge
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Fbi - An Fbi Agent`Feeby
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Feather Grasses`Stipa
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Felonious Marx Brother`Gummo
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Female Genitals`Mokey
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Feminine Form Of Mezzo`Mezza
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Fiber Of The White Silk Cotton Tree`Kumbi
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Fifth Month Of The Hebrew Calendar`Sebat
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Fig`Ficus
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Final Or Perfect State Of A Metamorphic Insect - An Internal Psychological Image Of An Important Person`Imago
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Finest Middlings, Still Containing Some Bran`Dunst
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Finest Quality Of Abaca`Lupis
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Fir Genus`Abies
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The First Emperor Of The Indian Mogul Dynasty`Babar
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The First Emperor Of The Indian Mogul Dynasty`Baber
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The First Five Books Of The Bible`Torah
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Fisher-martin`Pekan
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Flemish Name For Ypres`Ieper
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Fleshy Parts Under The Lower Jaw`Jowls
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Flora And Fauna Of A Region`Biota
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Florentine Iris`Ireos
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Fly Genus - The Constellation Of The Fly`Musca
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Foamy Milk Layer On The Top Of A Cup Of Espresso Coffee`Crema
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Food Of Love`Music
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Forehead`Frons
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Former Name Of Tokyo - A Natural Unsplit Straw For Hats`Yeddo
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Fourth Month Of The Hebrew Calendar`Tebet
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The French Name For Damascus`Damas
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Front Of The Body`Groof
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Front (Right, Odd-numbered) Side Of A Page In A Book`Recto
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Fruit Of The Cypress`Abhal
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Fruit Of The Oak Tree`Acorn
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Fundamental Character Of A Culture`Ethos
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Gadfly`Brize
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Game Of Basketball - Plural Of Hoop, A Ring`Hoops
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Garb Worn By Muslim Pilgrims`Ihram
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Garden Dormouse`Lerot
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Genus Of Bears`Ursus
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Genus Of Goshawks`Astur
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Genus Of Plants To Which Arugula Belongs`Eruca
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Genus Of The Barbary Ape`Simia
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Genus Of The Snow Partridge`Lerwa
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Genus Of The Spoonbill`Ajaja
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Genus To Which The Apple Belongs`Malus
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Genus To Which The Dog And Wolf Belong`Canis
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Genus To Which The Goose Belongs`Anser
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Genus To Which The Guinea Pig Belongs`Cavia
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Genus To Which The Moose Belongs`Alces
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Genus To Which The Otter Belongs`Lutra
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Genus Type Of The Harpdiae`Harpa
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The German Name For The God Of Thunder, Also Known As Thor - One'S Steady Girlfriend`Donar
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The German Name Of The Latvian Port Of Liepaja`Libau
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Ghost Of A Person About To Die`Taish
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Gluten Of Maize`Zeine
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Gluteus Maximus Muscle - The Buttocks`Glute
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Gnomon Of A Sundial - Steps For Getting Over A Fence`Stile
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Goaway Bird`Goway
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The God Of Crops And Fruit In Norse Mythology, Brother To Freya`Freyr
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Golden Oriole`Pirol
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Government`Govie
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Great Artery`Aorta
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Greater Than Sign, >, Used By The Greeks To Indicate Rejected Passages Of A Text`Diple
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Great Northern Diver`Imber
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Great Skua - A High Quality Diamond - A German Or Austrian Rifleman`Jager
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Greek God Of Ridicule - A Complainer - A Carping Critic`Momus
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Greek Name For Crete`Krete
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Grey Gurnard`Knoud
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Guan, A Large Brazilian Game Bird`Yacou
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Hantaan Virus, Which Causes A Hemorrhagic Fever`Hanta
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Hartebeest - A South American Fox`Caama
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Hartebeest`Kaama
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Head - A Knoblike Protuberance`Caput
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Head Bone That Is Connected To The Neck Bone`Skull
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Headman Of An Indian Village`Patel
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Head`Nurry
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Heartwood Of Sappanwood`Sapan
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Hebrew Afterworld`Sheol
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Hebrew Or Christian Holy Scripture`Bible
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Hebrew Text Of The Bible`Miqra
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Herb Bennet`Avens
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Heron Genus`Ardea
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Herpes Virus`Herps
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Hidden Part Of A Greek Or Roman Temple Where A Deity'S Image Was Housed`Cella
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Highest Valued Suit In Cards - To Outplay`Trump
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The High King In Ancient Ireland`Ardri
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Hock, Or Penultimate Card, In Faro`Hocly
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Holy Grail`Graal
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Honey Guide`Moroc
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Hooghly River In North East India`Hugli
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Hoopoe Genus`Upupa
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Human Trunk`Torso
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Humpback Salmon`Haddo
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Husband Of Semiramis, And Founder Of The City Of Nineveh`Ninus
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Husband'S Brother, Who May Be Called Upon To Marry His Brother'S Wife If He Dies Childless`Levir
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Husk Of Oats After Threshing`Shood
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Husk Of Oats After Threshing`Shude
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Ibex Or Chamois Of The Pyrenees`Izard
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Indian Bloodwood`Jarul
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Indian Buffalo`Arnee
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Indian Province Of Bihar`Behar
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Inedible Husks Of Grain`Chaff
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Insignia Of Royalty`Armil
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Intermediate Form Of The Hindu Numerals That Later Were Used By The Arabs`Gobar
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Intestine`Bowel
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Islamic Name For Satan`Eblis
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Italic Language Of The Siculi`Sicel
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Iulus - The Catkin - The Ament - A Millipede Genus`Julus
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Ivory Palm`Tagua
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Ivory Tree - Rice At Any Stage Prior To Husking`Palay
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Japanese Kana In Its Popular Ordering`Iroha
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Japanese Name For Seoul, Korea`Keijo
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Jarring Impact Of An Inept Line In A Speech`Clong
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Java Plum`Duhat
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Java Plum`Jaman
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Jaws - Plural Of Chop, A Cut Of Meat`Chops
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Jerboa`Dipus
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Jewish Community`Jewry
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Jewish Feast Of Passover`Pesah
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Joint Connecting The Foot And The Leg - To Walk Away From A Job`Ankle
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Joint Connecting The Hand And Arm`Wrist
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Kaaba`Caaba
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Kaiser`Kesar
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Keen Attention Of Eye Or Ear Toward Some Object`Acies
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Khond, A Dravidian Ethnic Group Of East Central India`Kandh
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Kidneys`Renes
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The King Of Ruanda`Mwami
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The King Of The Lapithae, Bound To A Wheel For Loving Hera`Ixion
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The King Who Married Kriemhilde After Siegfried'S Death`Etzel
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The King With The Golden Touch - The Larvae Of The Bean Fly`Midas
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Kittiwake`Annet
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Knee Of The Arm - To Jostle`Elbow
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Knucklebone Of A Sheep, Used For Divination`Dolos
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Koran`Qoran
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Koran`Quran
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Ladykin - A Small Damsel - The Virgin Mary`Lakin
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The La Free Press`Freep
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Language Of Ancient Rome - A Person Of Mediterranean Or Spanish American Origin`Latin
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Language Of Bambula`Mbuba
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Language Of The Mura People Of Brazil`Muran
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Lapwing`Pewit
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Largest Of The Crested Screamers`Chaja
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Lawyer Vine - A Language`Kunda
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Leader Of An Egyptian Village`Omdeh
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Leaves Of An Arabian Bush, Used In Making A Beverage`Kafta
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Lebbek - A Tree Of The Albizzia Genus - A Babylonian God`Siris
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Lending Of Money At Unfair Interest`Usury
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Letter H`Aitch
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Life Breath Or Vital Force In Vedic And Hindu Religion`Prana
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Limba, An African Tree`Afara
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Limba, An African Tree`Frake
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Little Petrel - Charactonymic Nickname For A Daydreamer (Thurber'S The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty)`Mitty
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Local Governing Body Of A Jewish Community`Kahal
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Location Of A Thing`Situs
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Locust Or Algaroba Tree, Or Its Fruit`Carob
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Lone Ranger'S Companion - A Spanish Word For Stupid`Tonto
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Loosely Woven Hyphal Tissue In Certain Fungi`Trama
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Lower Part Of A Sculptured Figure, Like A Quadrangular Sheath`Gaine
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Lower Part Of The Concha Of The Ear - The Nasal Cavity`Cavum
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Lowest Bid In A Card Game Of Frog Or Skat`Frage
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Lowest Deck Of A Ship, Unpopular Except During A Battle`Orlop
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Lowest Hindu Caste`Sudra
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Lowest Of The Three Portions Of The Small Intestine`Ileum
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Lowest Trump In Some Card Games`Deece
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Luminous Medusa`Beroe
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Lyric And Feminine Dance Type Of India`Lasya
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Magpie`Ninut
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Manure Of A Sea-bird`Guano
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Mass Of A Liter Of Hydrogen At 0 Degrees Celsius And 760 Mm Pressure, About 0.08987 Gm`Crith
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Matrix Of An Astrolabe - A Layer Of Humus Between Mor And Mull`Moder
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Menhaden - The Black Perch - A Home For The Aged - A Poorhouse`Pogie
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Meropodite Of A Chela, Consisting Of The Enlarged Palm Of The Hand`Merus
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Migration Of Mohammed And His Followers From Mecca To Medina - An Indian Eunuch`Hijra
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Mikado'S Palace`Dairi
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Mind`Phren
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Mineral Spar`Spath
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Minister'S House`Manse
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Miraculous Nourishment Supplied To The Hebrews Wandering In The Desert`Manna
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Mitu, A Gallinaceous Brazilian Bird`Mitua
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Modern Name For Arbela, In Iraq`Arbil
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Modern Name For Arbela, In Iraq`Erbil
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Modern Name For Arbela, In Iraq`Irbil
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Modulus Or Base Of A Mathematical Congruence`Modul
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Mole Genus`Talpa
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Mole`Woont
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Monitor Lizard`Varan
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Moral Element In Personality, According To Zoroastrianism`Daena
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The More Correct Form Of The Spelling Of The Greek Letter Lambda`Labda
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Moselle River`Mosel
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Most Lateral Point On The Ala Of The Nose`Alare
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Most Severe Form Of Excommunication In Judaism`Herem
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Mother Of A Twit - One Who Mates`Mater
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Mouth Of A Glass Furnace`Bocca
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Mouth - The Belly - The Anus`Bazoo
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Movable Part Of A Helmet That Covers The Eyes`Visor
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Mullet Fish`Mugil
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Mummified Body Of A Caterpillar Killed By A Fungus, Useful For Black Dye`Aweto
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Musical Scale Representation Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti Do`Solfa
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Mustard Plant`Senvy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Name Assumed By Low Country Nobles Resisting The Inquisition`Gueux
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Name Of A Goblin In Normandy`Lutin
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Nape Of The Neck`Scuft
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Nape Of The Neck - The Spinal Cord - The Rear Part Of An Insect'S Middle Section`Nucha
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Native Language Of East Timor`Tetum
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Native Language Of East Timor`Tetun
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Native Rat Of New Zealand`Kiore
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Navel`Nabel
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Nickname For The Us Base At Guantanamo Bay, Cuba`Gitmo
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Nineteenth Day Of The Mayan Religious Month`Cauac
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Ninth Day Before The Ides On The Roman Calendar - A Period Of Daily Prayer`Nones
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Ninth Day Of The Mayan Religious Month`Muluc
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Ninth Planet - The Roman God Of The Underworld And Wealth - Mickey'S Dog`Pluto
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Normal State Of Partial Contraction Of A Muscle`Tonus
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Norse Chief God, Also Known As Odin`Woden
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Norse God Of Poetry And Eloquence`Bragi
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Norse Gods Who Resided In Asgard`Aesir
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The North American Badger`Taxel
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The North American Free Trade Association`Nafta
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Norwegian Language`Norsk
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Nose - A Prolongation Of The Front Of The Head In Cranes And Termites`Nasus
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Nose`Razzo
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Number Of Arguments A Function Or Operator Requires`Arity
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Nuthatch`Sitta
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Nut Of The Areca Palm - An East Indian Pepper Plant`Betel
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Nutria`Coypu
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Offspring Of A Male Lion And A Female Tiger - (Go Ahead! Ask!)`Liger
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Offspring Of A Male Tiger And A Female Lion (See Liger!)`Tigon
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Offspring Of A Stallion And A She-ass`Hinny
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The One True Religions`Sects
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Opah, The King Fish`Cravo
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Opossum Shrimp`Mysis
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Original Plant From Which Members Of A Clone Have Descended`Ortet
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Outer Layer Of Certain Spores`Exine
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Overhead Clearance Between The Elevator Frame And The Car`Runby
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Ox-ray - A Sea-fish - A Spanish Cloak Or Wrap`Manta
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Oyster Catcher`Tirma
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Pacific Goat Fish`Moana
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Pacific Goat Fish`Moano
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Palatinate, A Region Of Germany`Pfalz
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Para Isomer Of Toluene Sulfonyl`Tosyl
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Parrot Fish`Lauia
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Part Of A Plough Projected Down From The Beam`Sheth
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Part Of The Body Between The Ribs And The Hips`Waist
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Part Of Vietnam Where The Annamese People Live`Annam
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Pawpaw, A North American Fruit Tree`Papaw
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Pearly Whites - Cogs`Teeth
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Penis`Bicho
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Penis`Tarse
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The People`Plebs
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Pepper Tree`Molle
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Periwinkle`Vinca
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Persistent Effect Of Past Experience On A Person Or Race`Mneme
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Philadelphia Bus And Subway System - Plural Of Septum, An Anatomical Dividing Wall - `Septa
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Philipine Tree Also Known As The Bogo`Abilo
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Phoby Cat, The Little Spotted Skunk`Phoby
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Phonograph`Phono
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Pigeon Pea`Arhar
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Pike-perch`Sudak
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Pitch Apple`Copei
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Place Of A Crime, From Which The Jury Is Called`Visne
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Plain Surface Between The Channels Of A Triglyph - The Thigh`Meros
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Plant Good King Henry`Blite
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Platform On Which A Hebrew Priest Pronounced The Benediction`Dukan
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Pokeweed`Pocan
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Polish Name For Silesia`Slask
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Polish Name Of The City Of Vilnius`Wilno
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Political Capital Of The Netherlands, Usually The Hague`Hague
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Pollack - Lithe`Lythe
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Poppy`Mecon
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Port City Of Rome, Plural Of Ostium, A Body Organ Opening`Ostia
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Portuguese Name For The Duero River`Douro
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Portuguese Name Of Oporto`Porto
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Practice Of Updating Old Military Aircraft Instead Of Scrapping Them`Cilop
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Practices Of The Indian Thugee Sect`Thagi
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Predominant Ethnic Group And Culture Of India`Hindu
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Present - A Prisoner Guilty Of Sex Crimes Against Children`Nonce
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Principle Of Analogy In Moslem Law`Qiyas
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Proboscis Monkey`Kahau
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Prominent Ridge Along The Seam Line Of The Lower Mandible Of Certain Birds`Gonys
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Propounder Of The Heresy That Christ Was Not Consubstantial With God The Father`Arius
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Province Of The Jews Who Returned From Babylon`Yehud
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Prow Of A Ship`Prore
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Psi Subatomic Particle`Psion
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Ptarmigan`Ryper
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Public Announcement Of An Impending Marriage`Banns
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Puff Bird Genus`Bucco
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Pulpy Matter Constituting Partially Digested Food`Chyme
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Rain Tree`Saman
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Rape Plant`Navet
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Rat Kangaroo`Tungo
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Razorbilled Auk, A Diving Bird`Murre
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Razor Fish Genus`Solen
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Realm Of A Duke`Duchy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Receiver Of Insider Information`Tipee
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Recipient Of A Donation`Donee
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Red-throated Loon`Wabby
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Therefore`Hence
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Reign Style Of The Japanese Emperor Mutsuhito`Meiji
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Remuda`Cavvy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Reverse Of Relief`Creux
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Rhebok`Peele
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Rhinoceros Bird`Topau
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Ridges On A Tire - To Walk Heavily`Tread
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Right Time For Some Agricultural Activity - A Unit Of Weight In Burma - A Site Of Mayan Ruins In The Yucatan Peninsula`Ticul
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Rim Of A Volcanic Crater`Somma
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Ring Of An Annulated Column`Bague
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Ritual Formula Of A Sufi Brotherhood`Dhikr
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Roman Goddess Of Health`Salus
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Roman God Of Love`Cupid
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Roman God Of Revelry - A Masque`Comus
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Rose Apple - Swahili For Hello`Jambo
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Rotch`Rotge
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Royal Horse Guards - A Popular Musical Genre`Blues
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Ruby Snapper Fish`Onaga
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Ruling Planet In A Horoscope`Hyleg
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Rump`Jaxey
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Rump`Jaxie
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Rump`Nache
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Russian City That Was Formerly Georghiu Dezh`Liska
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Russian Name Of Kaunas, Lithuania`Kovno
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Russian Name Of Tartu, Estonia`Yurev
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Russian Sable`Sobol
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Sacred Book Of Islam`Koran
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Sacred Cord Worn By Parsis As A Sign Of Their Faith`Kusti
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Sago Palm`Areng
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Salmon Genus`Salmo
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Same`Samen
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Same`Thilk
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Same - To Copy`Ditto
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Santa Maria Tree`Birma
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Scaly Ant-eater`Manis
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Scratchy Background Noise Of A Portable Cd Player In Use`Shiss
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Screw Pine`Vacoa
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Sea Duck`Whilk
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Seal Genus`Phoca
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Sea Milkwort`Glaux
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Sea`Oggin
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Seat Of Mayan Power In Guatemala - A Unit Of Weight In Burma`Tikal
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Sea Weeds`Algae
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Second Largest City In Finland`Espoo
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Second Month Of The Moslem Calendar`Safar
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Second Name Of An Ancient Roman (As In Caius Julius Caesar )`Nomen
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Sense Of Feeling`Tabet
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Serow, An Asiatic Goat`Jagla
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Seventh Day Of The Mayan Religious Month`Manik
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Seventh Month Of The Moslem Calendar`Rajab
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Severe Back Acne Caused By Using Steroids`Bacne
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Shaft Of A Cart`Thill
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Shape Of The Earth`Geoid
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Shinbone`Tibia
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Sirocco`Siroc
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Site Occupied By A Circus`Tober
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Site Occupied By A Circus`Tobur
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Sixth Month Of The Jewish Ecclesiastical Calendar`Ellul
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Skin In General - The Corium Or True Skin - Lobster Skin`Derma
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Skin On The Top Of The Head`Scalp
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Skipper Fish`Saury
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Sky - To Scram - Hide Clippings Used To Make Glue`Scrow
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Slow Loris, A Small Slender Tailless Large-eyed Nocturnal Lemur`Kokam
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Slow Movement Of A Hungarian Csardas`Lassu
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Smallest Section Of Genetic Material That, When Changed, Results In A Mutation`Muton
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Smell Of Cooking`Nidor
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Snow Goose - Wavy`Wavey
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Soft Palate - A Veil-like Covering`Velum
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Soft Palate`Uvula
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Sole Of The Foot`Pelma
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Son Of Joktan - A Region Containing Gold`Ophir
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Sorry State Of A Go Stone Which Has Only A Single Liberty Or Breathing Spot Left, Vulnerable To Capture In One Move`Atari
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Soul`Anima
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Sound Made In Swallowing`Gwick
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Sound Made When A Cork Is Removed From A Bottle`Cloop
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Sound Of An Impact`Whamo
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The South American Tree That Yields Angico Gum For Tanning`Cebil
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The South East Asia Treaty Organization`Seato
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Soya Bean`Sooja
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Stage Of An Ancient Theater - A Scene In An Opera`Scena
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Staphylococcus Bacterium - A Bacterial Infection`Staph
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Starchy Rhizome Of The Brake`Aruke
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The State Of Being Unpaired`Azygy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Stem At The End Of The Etrog, Which Must Be Unbroken For Ritual Use`Pitom
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Stiff Hairs Of Moths`Scopa
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Stomach`Belly
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Stomach`Bingy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Stomach`Binjy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Stomach`Grouf
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Stomach Of A Ruminant`Rumen
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Strident Tone Produced By A Reed Instrument Blown Incorrectly`Couac
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Sundown Meal That Ends The Ramadan Fast`Iftar
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Supreme National God Of Assyria`Assur
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Sycamore`Daroo
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Syriac Cursive Script`Serta
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Tail Of An Insect`Urite
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Tare`Vetch
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Taro And Other Edible Tubers`Cocco
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Tar-weed`Madia
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Tassels On The Corners Of A Jewish Prayer Shawl`Zizit
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Tawny Or White Owl`Aluco
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Telephone`Phone
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Terminal Lamina Of The Brain`Terma
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Tern Genus`Gygis
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Territory Around Troy`Troad
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Tertian Malaria Parasite`Vivax
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Tewhit, The Common Lapwing Or Pewit`Tewit
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Theory, Apparently, Of Theory (Is There Ismism?)`Ology
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Third Day Of The Mayan Religious Month`Akbal
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Throat - The Neck - The Windpipe`Halse
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Tibeto-burman Language Of Bhutan`Lhoke
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Tibeto-burman Language Of The Mikir People`Mikir
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Tibia`Shank
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Time Between Sundown And Sunup`Night
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Time Between Sun Up And Sun Down`Upsun
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Tine Of A Fork`Prong
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Tip Of The Penis Or Clitoris`Glans
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Tomb Of A Muslim Saint`Ziara
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Tongue Bone, Literally, Something Shaped Like The Greek Letter Upsilon`Hyoid
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Toss Of A Horse'S Head - A Snack`Chack
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Town Of Zibo, In China`Tzepo
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Town Of Zibo, In China`Tzupo
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Traditional Islamic Head-to-toe Covering For Women`Burqa
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Trembling Poplar`Aspen
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Tropical Silk-cotton Tree`Ceiba
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Turkish Government`Porte
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Turkish Name Of Smyrna`Izmir
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Two-faced Roman God Honored By January`Janus
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Type Genus Of Paridae, Including The Titmouse`Parus
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Type Genus Of Percidae`Perca
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Type Genus Of Soleidae`Solea
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Type Genus Of The Family Doradidae`Doras
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Type Genus Of The Family Japagidae`Japyx
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Type Genus Of The Family Lamnidae`Lamna
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Type Genus Of The Family Todidae`Todus
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Umbilical Cord Or Any Anatomical Cordlike Structure`Funis
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Uncut Forelocks Of An Orthodox Jewish Man`Peyes
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Underfur Of Upland Goats Of Kashmir`Pashm
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Unit Of Reciprocal Electrical Inductance`Yrneh
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Units In Which Combined Humidity And Temperature Readings Are Made`Humit
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Unrhymed Talk Preferred By Bourgeiose Gentlemen`Prose
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Upper Leg`Thigh
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Upper Part Of The Concha Of The Ear`Cymba
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Upper Part Of The Human Cranium`Calva
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Uralic Language Of The Nganasani People`Tavgi
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Use Of You In Prose`Tuism
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Vagina As Sexual Object`Coose
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Vagina As Sexual Object`Cooze
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Vagina`Ginch
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Valley Of A Small Stream`Bache
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Vedic God Of The Sky`Dyaus
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Victim Of A Rape`Rapee
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Wailing Wall`Kotel
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Wallflower`Keiri
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Walls Of A Tent`Kanat
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Wa Of The Shan Plateau In Burma`Lawas
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Wasp Genus`Sphex
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Water-chestnut`Trapa
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Welsh`Cymry
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Welsh God Of The Dead`Pwyll
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Welsh`Kymri
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Welsh`Kymry
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The West Indian Hog Rat`Hutia
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The West Indian Hog Rat`Jutia
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Wheel Of A Spur`Rowel
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Whelk And Winkle Genus - A Top - More Powerful`Turbo
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Whidah Bird - A Widow`Veuve
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The White Of An Egg - Varnish`Glair
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Whole Lot`Guntz
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Whortleberry`Frawn
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Whortleberry`Whort
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Wife Of Loki, Who Caught The Falling Acid Drops In A Cup To Spare His Face`Sigyn
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Wife Of Odin In Norse Mythology, Goddess Of Marriage And The Home`Frigg
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Wife Of Siva, The Hindu Goddess Of War, Who Rode A Tiger`Durga
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Wild Ass Of The Kirghiz Steppe`Kulan
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Wilderness`Bondu
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Wilderness`Bundu
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Wild Rose Hip`Choop
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Wild Turnip`Navew
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Willow Genus`Salix
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Willow - Sallow`Sauch
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Willow - Sallow`Saugh
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Witnessing Of A Writ`Teste
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Wolf Herring`Dorab
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Wood Of An Indian Tree, Used For Flutes`Kokra
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Wooly Lemur`Avahi
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Wren`Tiddy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: The Yew Genus`Taxus
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Thick And Sticky`Gucky
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Thick, Dense`Spiss
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Thickly Layered`Caked
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Thick - Stupid`Dense
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Thigh Armor`Cuish
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Thigh Armor`Tasse
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Thin - Active`Lithe
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Thin Flat Section`Slice
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Thingamajig - Thingy`Dooda
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Things Done Again`Redos
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Things (Food, Activities, And So On) Proscribed By The Islamic Religion`Haram
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Things That Enter - Data Given To A Computer Program`Input
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Things You Can'T See The Forest For - Chases Up A Tree`Trees
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Thin Silver Foil Applied As A Sort Of Ornamental Glaze To Indian Sweets`Varak
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Thin Silver Foil Applied As A Sort Of Ornamental Glaze To Indian Sweets`Varaq
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Third`Terzo
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: This Day`Today
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Thole`Thowl
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Thornback Ray`Roker
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Thorough, For The Less-than-thorough`Thoro
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Thoughtless - Scatterbrained`Ditsy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Thoughtless - Scatterbrained`Ditzy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Thought`Thowt
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Thrash`Drash
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Threadlike`Filar
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Three Cards Of The Same Denomination`Prial
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Three Norse Deities`Vanir
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Threepence - To Snap One'S Fingers - A Plant Pest`Thrip
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Three`Trois
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Thrown`Flung
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Throws In The Air - Plural Of Loft, An Attic`Lofts
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Throws Or Falls In Great Amounts - Plural Of Pelt, An Animal Skin`Pelts
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Thrum`Strum
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Thrusts Aside - Plays The Fool - Plural Of Daff, A Daffodil`Daffs
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Thrusts With A Pointed Weapon - Copulates With`Foins
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Thumps`Dauds
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tibetan For Ocean And Referring To The Head Lama Of Tibetan Buddhism`Dalai
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tied In A Knot, A Heraldric Term`Nowed
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tied - Lashed`Roped
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Ties In A Knot`Knots
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Ties - Joins`Binds
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Ties Together`Yokes
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tills`Plows
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Till`Twell
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Till`Until
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tilts`Leans
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Timber Killed By Weather`Dryki
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Timbo, An Amazonian Woody Vine`Ajari
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Timid`Pavid
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tinctured With Aloe`Aloed
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tinkles`Tinks
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tint`Teint
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tiny - A Small Locomotive`Dinky
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tipsy - Befuddled - Like A Mop`Moppy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tipsy - Drunk`Lushy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tired`Weary
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tishri, A Hebrew Month`Tizri
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Titer`Titre
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tivoli`Tibur
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tiwa`Tigua
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tlaco`Claco
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Abandon`Aband
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Abase`Avile
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Abash - To Mortify`Shame
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Abate - To Slacken`Relax
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Abscond - Nothing - Something Worthless`Shice
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Accept - To Assume`Adopt
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Acknowledge - To Concede`Admit
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Acquire Knowledge`Learn
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Act As A Leader Or Director - To Cheat`Fugle
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Add Again`Readd
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Add - To Attach`Affix
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Adjust`Align
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Adjust - To Accommodate`Adapt
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Admonish To Silence`Shush
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Adorn With Gems`Begem
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Advise`Avise
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Advise`Avize
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Advise`Avyze
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Affirm - To Curse`Swear
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Affirm - To Postulate`Posit
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Agitate`Churn
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Alleviate - To Allay`Legge
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Alter - To Correct`Emend
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Amass`Hoard
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Amble Or Stroll`Mosey
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Analyze`Parse
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Anger Or Annoy`Vexed
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Annoy`Peeve
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Annul`Retex
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Anoint`Aneal
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Anoint`Noint
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Answer`Reply
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Append`Annex
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Applaud`Plaud
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Apply An Anti-corrosion Coating To Steel`Barff
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Apportion`Allot
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Approach`Abord
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Arch`Imbow
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Arch - To Bend Into A Curve`Embow
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Argue Against`Rebut
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Argue`Argle
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Arm Again`Rearm
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Arouse`Unbed
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Arrange`Group
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Ascend`Climb
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Ascend - The Upward Heaving Of A Ship`Scend
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Ascend - To Get Up - To Come Up`Arise
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Ask Again`Reask
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Ask - One Who Spies`Spier
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Ask`Speir
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Assail`Beset
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Assuage - To Calm`Suage
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Assuage - To Soften - To Shape Metal By Hammer And Anvil - An Ornamental Molding`Swage
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Toasted Bread - To Drink In Honor Of - To Be Kaput`Toast
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Astonish Or Confound`Abave
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Astound`Amaze
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Attest`Vouch
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Avenge`Venge
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Aver - A Nation - A Condition`State
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Avert - To Fend Off - To Burst - A Wooden Slat`Stave
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Avoid - A Half Dress`Skirt
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Avoid Capture Or Detection`Elude
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Avoid`Evite
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Avoid - To Turn Away`Avert
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Awe - To Confound`Abash
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tobacco`Bacco
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tobacco`Baccy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Badger - To Irritate`Annoy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Badly Mishandle - An Inflammatory Sore`Botch
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Bag Again`Rebag
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Balance - To Ponder`Weigh
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Ban Again`Reban
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Banish - To Drive Away`Fleme
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Baste`Flamb
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Bathe`Beath
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Baulk - To Arrest`Reist
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Beam, To Sparkle With Light`Gleam
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Beam With Pleasure`Kvell
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Bear`Abear
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Bear, Suffer, Or Endure`Adree
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Be Burdened`Laden
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Become Established In And Adjusted To A New Habitat`Ecize
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Become Late - To Cause To Become Late`Laten
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Be Delirious`Delir
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Be`Exist
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Befool`Poupe
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Beg Again`Rebeg
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Beg - A Unit Of Weight Of India Of About 82 Pounds - A Basket Or Hamper`Maund
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Beget`Breed
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Beg - To Grimace - A Shovel - To Drag Or Scrape Along`Shool
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Be Joyful`Exult
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Belch, To Burp`Eruct
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Bend Or Twist - To Make A Metallic Crackling Sound - Amphetamines`Crink
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Bend Over - A Porch - A Flagon`Stoop
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Berate`Scold
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Besiege`Besit
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Besiege`Siege
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Be Sullen`Glump
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Bet`Wager
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Bevel`Snape
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Bid Again`Rebid
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Bite - To Gnaw`Royne
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Bless`Bensh
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Blossom`Blume
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Blow Noisily`Whuff
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Blow Or Breathe Upon`Ablow
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Blush - To Drive From Hiding - To Wash Away With Water - Five Cards Of The Same Suit In Poker`Flush
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Bluster`Roist
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Board A Bus With High Ceremony`Embus
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Boast`Vaunt
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Bob, Or Cut Short, Again`Rebob
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Botch - A Slap-dash Job - An English Unit Of Measurement Of 1/2 Peck`Bodge
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Bound - To Caper`Scowp
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Boun, To Prepare Or Get Ready`Bowne
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Box Again`Rebox
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Brag`Boast
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Brandish`Wield
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Break - To Split`Spall
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Break - To Violate`Fract
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Break Violently - A Big Success`Smash
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Breathe Heavily`Fnese
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Briefly Close The Eyes - To Flicker - On The Blink Means Not To Be Working`Blink
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Brighten`Undim
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Bring Together`Unite
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Broaden`Widen
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Brush Away - An Oar`Sweep
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Brush Hair The Wrong Way`Fruzz
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Bud Again`Rebud
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Bulge - The Belly Of A Cask`Bouge
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Burn By Contact With Liquid - The Dodder Plant`Scald
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Burn Incense`Cense
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Burn Lightly`Singe
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Burn - To Scorch`Scaum
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Burst`Brast
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Burst Out`Erupt
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Burst With Emotion`Plotz
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Bury`Inter
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Buy Again`Rebuy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Cajole`Fraik
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Calm`Allay
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Cancel`Annul
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Cancel A Sin By Subsequent Actions`Unsin
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Caper`Dance
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Capsize - To Disturb`Upset
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Carouse`Birle
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Carp - To Complain`Cavil
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Carry Away Property Beyond A Sheriff'S Jurisdiction`Eloin
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Carry - Pregnant`Hapai
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Cast Off Feathers`Moult
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Cast Out`Evict
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Castrate`Denut
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Cast`Throw
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Catch - Catechu`Cotch
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Catch - To Fasten`Latch
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Catch - To Hold Tightly`Clasp
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Caterwaul`Wraul
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Caterwaul`Wrawl
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Cause To Fall Heavily, To Precipitate`Adush
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Cause To Founder`Sench
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Cause To Stick In A Bog`Embog
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Cease - A Failing`Lapse
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Cease`Cesse
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Censure`Decry
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Chafe Or Rub`Frote
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Champ Or Chew Loudly`Chonk
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Change`Alter
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Change Direction Abruptly`Hoick
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Chatter`Prate
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Cheat`Cozen
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Cheat - To Falsify Something - Part Of The Magical Phrase Hocus Pocus`Hocus
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Cheat - To Fleece`Yentz
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Check - To Rebuke - To Nip`Sneap
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Cheep - To Call A Cat`Cheet
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Chew Loudly`Chomp
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Chew On`Munch
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Chide - To Assign Guilt`Blame
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Chirp`Cheep
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Chirp`Chirk
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Chirp`Churr
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Choose - A Person Chosen Or Destined To Go To Heaven`Elect
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Choose`Chuse
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Cite`Quote
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Clatter`Clack
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Clatter`Clank
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Claw - To Scratch - To Snatch`Clawk
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Clean - To Cancel - Underbrush`Scrub
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Clean - To Wash Quickly With Water`Rinse
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Cleft`Chynd
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Climb - A Flake - A Measurement System`Scale
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Climb - A Splinter`Speel
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Climb`Sclim
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Climb`Sklim
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Climb Upon - A Steed - A Mountain`Mount
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Climb Up The Back Of`Grimp
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Clip - To Cut`Shear
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Clothe`Clead
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Cluck`Kluck
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Clutch - To Understand`Grasp
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Coddle`Codle
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Cogitate`Think
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Collapse - Barely Detectable`Faint
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Collapse`Slump
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Color`Tinct
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Combine`Merge
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Comb - To Whisk`Flisk
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Come`Acome
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Come Forth - A Matter In Dispute - One Appearance Of A Periodical`Issue
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Come In`Enter
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Command - To Call Or Name`Hight
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Compare - A Fire Starter`Match
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Compare`Liken
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Compete In A Tournament`Joust
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Complain`Gripe
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Completely Dry`Updry
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Conceal`Derne
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Concur`Agree
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Condescend`Deign
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Conduct To A Seat`Usher
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Confine`Immew
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Confuse`Addle
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Confuse`Befog
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Conquer In War`Debel
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Construct - To Erect`Build
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Contaminate`Taint
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Contract Into A Shriveled Form`Snurp
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Contract - To Become Liable For`Incur
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Contradict - To Lie Next To`Belie
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Cook Over A High Flame`Roast
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Cooperate`Coact
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Correct A Computer Program, Replacing Blatant Bugs With Subtle Ones`Debug
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Correct Or Alter A Document`Amend
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Corrode`Exede
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Corrugate`Crimp
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Counsel - To Declare`Arede
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Count - Neat`Compt
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Cover A Roof With Thatch`Theek
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Cover With Plaster`Parge
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Cover With Tin Again`Retin
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Covet`Yisse
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Cow - To Intimidate - To Overcome With Fear`Daunt
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Crave`Yearn
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Crawl`Creep
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Creep - To Go Slowly - To Go On All Fours`Crawl
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Cringe - A Sniveller`Snool
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Cringe`Cower
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Cross - Plural Of Span, A Bridge - A Unit Of Length Of 9 Inches`Spans
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Crouch - Short And Wide`Squat
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Crowd Together`Serry
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Crush Down, Also Spelled Smoosh`Smush
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Crush - To Mash`Creem
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Cry Out In Rutting Time`Troat
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Cry Over Or About`Becry
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Cry, To Bleat, To Blare`Blart
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Curl`Frizz
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Cut A Bream Into Serving Portions (None For Me Thanks)`Solay
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Cut Again`Recut
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Cut - A Latch`Snick
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Cut`Carve
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Cut Closely - To Trim Hair`Shave
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Cut Down - A Ship Reduced In Height By Removing The Upper Deck`Razee
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Cut Finely - To Walk With Preposterously Small Steps`Mince
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Cut`Scise
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Cut`Sever
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Cut Something While The Cutting Tool Is Moving Upwards - To Trim A Show So More Ads Can Be Inserted`Upcut
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Cut - To Gash`Slash
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Dally - To Put Off`Delay
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Dance - A Shrub - The Flower Bud Of The Caper Used As A Seasoning`Caper
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Dance To Rock Music - A Kind Of Small Body-surfing Board`Boogy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Darken`Gloam
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Dawdle - To Walk In A Relaxed Way`Amble
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Dawn`Dawen
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Daze`Daise
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Deafen`Deave
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Deafen`Deeve
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Debark From The Ark`Unark
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Debouch`Bouch
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Decamp - To Bolt - To Travel Lightly And Easily`Scoot
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Decorate`Adorn
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Decrease Or Waste Away`Wanze
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Deduce`Infer
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Defeat Decisively - To Hit Heavily`Whomp
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Defecate`Drite
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Defile With Excrement`Beray
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Defrock A Nun`Unnun
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Deify`Begod
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Delay - To Put Off`Defer
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Deliver An Opinion`Opine
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Demand - To Arrange - `Order
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Demit`Dimit
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Demobilize`Demob
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Demonstrate - To Verify - To Test`Prove
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Deny The Begetting Of - To Disown`Unget
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Depart`Afare
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Depart - Permission`Leave
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Depend - A Mechanical Joint Allowing Movement`Hinge
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Deride - To Guffaw`Laugh
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Desire`Covet
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Destroy`Stroy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Detect An Odor`Smell
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Deteriorate - To Rot`Decay
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Dig Again`Redig
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Dig Out Roughly`Gouge
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Dig Out`Undig
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Dig - To Explore - To Investigate`Delve
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Dig - To Hollow - A Ladle`Scoop
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Dig Up - To Extract`Exter
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Dilate - Engorged, Often With Liquid - To Dry By Smoke`Bloat
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Dip Again`Redip
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Disarm`Unarm
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Disarrange`Deray
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Discard - To Slough`Sluff
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Discharge From The Body`Egest
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Disdain`Sdain
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Disdain`Sdayn
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Disdain`Sdein
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Disgrace - To Blame`Shend
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Dishearten - To Unnerve`Unman
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Disinherit`Unson
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Dismantle`Unrig
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Displace Illegally Or Unfairly`Usurp
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Dispute`Argue
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Dispute - To Oppose`Fight
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Distrain - To Seize And Sell Property Of A Debtor Under A Warrant`Poind
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Divert - An Electrical Device`Shunt
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Divide - A Champagne Bottle Of 200 Milliliters`Split
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Divide In Half`Halve
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Divide Up - Odd, Stupid Or Deviant`Divvy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Divine`Aread
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Divulge - A Hairy Juicy Fruit Of No Known Use`Peach
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Do Better Than`Outdo
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Do Dirty Work`Glorg
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Don A Wig`Bewig
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Do Without`Forgo
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Dowse`Douse
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Drain`Dreen
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Draw Forth`Educe
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Draw Out`Adraw
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Draw Out`Evoke
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Draw With A Crome`Cromb
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Drench`Drook
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Dress Gaudily`Dizen
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Dress Stones - To Shake Or Quiver`Nidge
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Drill`Dreel
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Drink Noisily`Slurp
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Drip`Dreep
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Drone`Drant
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Drop In`Visit
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Drown`Droon
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Dry Again`Redry
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Dry By Smoke - A Rally Of Strokes Between Two Tennis Players`Reast
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Dry By Smoke`Blote
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Dry In The Sun`Beaze
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Dry Out Or Desiccate`Parch
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Dry Up`Arefy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Dub Again`Redub
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Duck Down Or Jump To The Side To Avoid Being Hit`Dodge
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Duck`Drouk
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Dupe - To Break The Rules`Cheat
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Dwarf - An Exploit`Stunt
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Dye Again`Redye
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Dye`Bedye
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Dye - To Permeate`Imbue
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Eat Heavily - To Stuff Oneself`Squff
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Eat - To Perform Oral Sex`Fress
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Educate`Teach
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Toe Jam`Gronk
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Elect Or Appoint - To Subvert`Coopt
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Eliminate`Purge
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Elucidate - To Unravel`Solve
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Elude`Evade
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Emit`Exude
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Emit - To Dart - A Sprout - A Mild Expletive`Shoot
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Enamel`Aimel
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Encage`Emmew
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Encage Or Enclose`Enmew
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Encircle In One'S Arms`Enarm
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Encircle In The Arms - To Hug`Inarm
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Enclose - A Row Of Bushes - To Cover Both Sides Of A Bet`Hedge
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Enclose In A Bay - To Force Into A Bay`Embay
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Enclose In Or Surround With An Orb`Inorb
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Encourage`Yoick
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Endow`Indow
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Endue - To Invest`Indue
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Engrave - To Flay`Sculp
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Enjoy The Taste Of`Savor
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Enmire In A Bog`Bebog
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Ennoble - To Better`Edify
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Enroll`Enrol
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Entangle - To Untwist`Ravel
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Entertain`Amuse
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Entice`Tempt
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Entreat`Plead
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Entrust`Arett
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Err - To Sin`Misdo
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Eructate`Belch
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Escape - A Vista (Landscape) - A Shaft Of A Column`Scape
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Esteem`Steem
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Evade`Shirk
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Evaporate`Steme
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Examine Accounts - To Listen In`Audit
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Examine - A Reading Room`Study
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Examine A Stream Bed For Ore`Shoad
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Examine`Probe
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Exchange, Barter, Or Traffic`Troke
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Exchange`Trade
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Exchange`Troak
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Exclude`Imbar
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Execrate`Curse
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Exempt`Exeem
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Exempt`Exeme
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Exit A Bus As Though It Were A Significant Accomplishment`Debus
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Exit Hastily`Scram
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Expel Mucus During A Sneeze (Stand Back!)`Snurt
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Expend - To Ejaculate`Spend
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Expiate`Atone
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Explain - To Wheedle`Gloze
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Express Gratitude`Thank
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Express`Voice
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Expunge - To Wipe Away`Erase
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Extinguish A Cigarette`Dinch
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Extol Or Praise`Roose
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Extort - To Twist`Wring
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Extract Or Wash Out`Elute
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Exult`Gloat
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Fade`Drint
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Fail`Flunk
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Fail To See - To Forget The Sight Of`Unsee
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Faint`Swoon
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Fall Down Heavily`Cloit
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Fall Or Drop Down`Plunk
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Fan Again`Refan
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Fashion - A Game At Snooker`Frame
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Fasten`Thrap
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Fasten - To Hold`Belay
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Fasten - To Place`Lugow
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Fasten - To Squeeze`Clamp
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Faze`Fease
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Feast - To Carouse`Revel
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Fend Off`Deter
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Fetch`Bring
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Fetch`Fotch
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Toffee`Toffy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Fidget - An Uneasy Or Restless Motion - A Fidgety Person`Fidge
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Fight`Fecht
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Fillet`Filet
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Fill - Things`Stuff
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Find A Parking Place Where There Seem To Be None`Kojak
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Fit Again - To Repair`Refit
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Fit Together And Make Fast`Coapt
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Fix Again`Refix
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Fix - To Establish`Stell
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Flick Away With The Fingers`Fyerk
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Flinch`Wince
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Flip - Rabbit Fur - A Movie`Flick
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Flirt - A Flimsy, Insubstantial Object`Flird
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Flitt`Flitt
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Float In The Air`Hover
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Flush - To Turn Red With Embarassment`Blush
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Flutter`Flaff
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Fly Again`Refly
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Flype - To Fold Back`Flipe
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Fly Up`Upfly
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Follow`Ensue
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Force Out`Eject
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Force Out Of A Country`Exile
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Force Out - To Eject`Expel
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Force - To Drive`Impel
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Forcibly Remove The Trousers Of Another, A British Boarding School Amusement`Debag
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Fornicate With`Swive
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Fornicate With`Swyve
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Free From Followers - To Stop Following Relentlessly`Undog
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Free From Oil`Unoil
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Frequent - To Importune`Haunt
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Fret`Worry
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Frighten`Scare
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Frizz`Frize
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Fry Again`Refry
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Fry In Fat`Saute
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Fume - To Reek - To Consume A Cigarette`Smoke
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Furl - The Rump Feathers Of A Hawk - A Rope Used To Secure Scenery`Brail
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Fuse Into A Vitreous Substance`Fritt
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Gape Or Yawn`Galpe
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Gasp`Agasp
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Gather Fallen Twigs And Branches`Brump
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Gel Again`Regel
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Geld`Spave
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Geld - To Castrate`Desex
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Geld`Unsex
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Genuflect`Kneel
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Gestate - An Opening`Hatch
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Get A Fresh Crew`Reman
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Get Fuddled`Besot
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Together - In Company`Yfere
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Together`Ysame
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Get Up Quickly From A Sitting Position`Unass
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Give Bail For`Abail
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Give Birth`Calve
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Give Forth A Prolonged Whistle - A Small Glass Of Beer`Wheep
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Glance At Sideways`Glink
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Glance Slyly`Glime
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Glare`Glore
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Gleam - To Twist`Twire
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Glide Or Dip - A Quick Oblique Blow - To Boast - A Braggart`Skite
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Glide - To Skid`Slide
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Glimmer - Mica`Glist
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Glower`Glaur
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Gloze - To Explain`Glose
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Glug - A Gulping Sound`Gluck
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Gnarl`Knarl
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Go Crabwise`Sidle
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Go Crazy`Skitz
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Go For`Fetch
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Go On Crutches`Stilp
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Go Wrongly Or Badly`Misgo
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Gradually Come To Life After Waking Up`Grouk
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Graft`Ineye
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Grasp Eagerly - To Grope - A Look`Glaum
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Grate`Gryde
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Grate Or Scrape Harshly`Gride
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Greet - To Weep`Greit
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Grind The Teeth`Gnash
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Grin Or Gape`Gerne
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Groan`Grane
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Groom`Preen
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Guide In A Certain Direction`Weise
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Guide In A Certain Direction`Weize
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Guide Or Direct`Airth
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Guide - To Pilot - A Deballocked Bullock`Steer
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Gulp Or Swallow Rapidly`Xertz
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Gulp`Quaff
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Gush - A Nozzle`Spout
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Handle Something With Dirty Fingers`Claum
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Hang Up`Ahang
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Happen Again`Recur
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Happen Or Befall`Ilimp
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Happen - To Enter The Mind`Occur
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Harden`Inure
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Harmonize - A Bell`Chime
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Harry`Herry
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Hatch`Cleck
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Hate - To Loathe`Abhor
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Haul In Slack`Rowse
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Haul`Shlep
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Haul - To Dishevel`Towse
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Haul - To Dishevel`Towze
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Have Intercourse`Shtup
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Haver`Haber
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Have Sexual Intercourse`Boink
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Have Sexual Intercourse With`Kifer
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Have Sexual Intercourse With`Kyfer
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Hawk - To Peddle`Trant
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Heap`Amass
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Heap Up`Givel
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Hear`Ahere
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Heave Via Tackle`Bowse
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Hem Again`Rehem
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Hem In`Bebay
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Hibernate`Sleep
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Hide Again`Rehid
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Hide Away`Stash
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Hiss Or Whistle`Whiss
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Hit - An Idiot Or Jerk`Doink
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Hit A Short Flyball`Bloop
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Hoard - To Lay Up`Uplay
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Hobble`Hilch
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Hoe Again`Rehoe
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Hoist - A Wading Bird`Crane
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Hoist`Hoise
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Hoist Or Raise`Heeze
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Hold A Reunion`Reune
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Hold At Bay`Dompt
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Hold Onto`Cling
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Honor`Mense
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Hoot`Whoot
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Horrify`Agruw
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Hug`Halch
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Hum - To Sing Softly`Sowff
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Hunt Illegally - To Cook Eggs`Poach
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Hunt In The Dark`Ghoom
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Hunt Stealthily - To Walk Away Angrily - A Stem`Stalk
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Hurl - An Escapade - A Brief Romantic Adventure`Fling
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Toils Incessantly`Moils
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Immerse In Liquid - A Marsh`Merse
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Immure`Emure
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Impede By Estoppal`Estop
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Impinge On - A Small Amount`Touch
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Implant - Referring To Formulas In Which Operators Are Between Their Arguments`Infix
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Implant - To Place Within`Inset
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Impose A Fine Upon`Unlaw
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Impose`Foist
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Impress - To Brand - To Mark`Stamp
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Imprison`Embar
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Increase - To Lift Up - To Rear`Raise
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Incubate - To Meditate Obsessively`Brood
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Indicate - A Small Dot - A Spit Of Land`Point
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Indict`Adyte
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Indite - To Scribble`Write
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Indulge - A Mood - Comic Matter - One Of Four Constituents Of Character`Humor
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Infatuate - To Make An Ass Of`Assot
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Inflict`Wreak
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Infuse`Admix
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Inject Drugs`Geeze
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Inject`Immit
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Ink Again`Reink
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Intend - To Plan - To Devise - A Nettle`Ettle
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Interpret`Areed
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Intuit`Intue
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Inundate`Inund
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Inure - To Harden`Enure
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Jabber`Javer
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Jar - To Jolt - A Milk Shake`Shake
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Jerk Or Twitch`Flerk
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Join - To Make One`Unify
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Jostle`Jundy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Jostle Or Bump Into - Nudzh`Nudge
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Joust`Giust
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Key Again, As When An Untrustworthy Tenant Leaves An Apartment`Rekey
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Kithe`Kythe
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Knock`Clour
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Know`Weete
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Kraal`Craal
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Labor - To Work Hard`Swink
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Lament`Meane
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Lament`Mourn
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Launch`Lanch
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Lay Again - To Pass Along`Relay
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Told`Tauld
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Leap - To Walk With Long Strides`Stend
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Lease Again`Relet
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tolerably - Considerably`Geyan
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tolerant Belief`Adoxy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Let Fall`Avale
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Let In Fresh Air To Drive Out Bad`Defug
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Lever`Prise
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Lie Outside`Outly
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Lift`Alift
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Lift Up`Hoist
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Light`Licht
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Line An Excavation With Stone Or Brick To Prevent Cave Ins`Steyn
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Look At`Dekko
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Look At`Squiz
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Look At`Vardo
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Look At`Vardy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Loosen`Unfix
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Lose Blood Through A Wound - To Secrete - To Impoverish`Bleed
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Lounge About Or Loaf`Bange
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Lower - To Reduce`Abase
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Lure`Decoy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Lurk`Sculk
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Lurk`Skulk
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Lurk - To Slink`Sneak
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Lurk - To Snoop - A Fish - A Part Of The Idiom To Cock A Snook, Thumb To Nose And Fingers Extended`Snook
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Lurk - To Snoop`Snouk
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Madden`Bemad
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Make A Cat Sound`Miaul
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Make A Depression Or Hollow On A Surface - An Ethnic Slur`Dinge
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Make A Disdainful Expression`Sneer
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Make A Dull Thumping Sound - To Hit`Clonk
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Make A God Of`Deify
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Make A Harsh Vibrant Sound`Chirr
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Make A Loud, Resonant Sound`Clang
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Make A Loud Sound By Breathing Through The Nostrils`Snort
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Make Angry - To Annoy`Gramy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Make (A Rope) Undone`Unpay
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Make Crazy`Unwit
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Make Cute`Cuten
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Make Joyful`Elate
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Make Known`Kithe
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Make Lively`Liven
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Make New Again`Renew
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Make Nice`Nicen
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Make Or Become Moldy`Vinew
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Make Or Traverse Underground Passages`Moled
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Make Spiffy - Money Paid To A Salesman To Push Merchandise`Spiff
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Make The Rutting Cry Of A Boar`Fream
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Make Watertight`Caulk
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Toman`Tuman
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Map Again`Remap
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Market A Book Without The Constraint Of The Net Book Agreement`Denet
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Mark Sheep`Buist
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Materialize - To Objectify`Reify
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Mature`Ripen
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Meddle`Medle
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Meech, To Skulk Or Sneak About`Meach
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Mimeograph`Roneo
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Mingle`Immix
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Miscarry - To Cancel`Abort
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Misuse`Abuse
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Mix Again - A Bird Feather`Remix
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Mix`Blend
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Mix`Menge
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Mix Thoroughly`Bemix
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Moan`Groan
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Mock - To Sneer`Sleer
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Mock - To Work Out`Tease
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Moisten - A Leather Falconry Strap`Bewet
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Mooch - To Skulk`Mouch
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Mop Again`Remop
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Move About In A Stupor`Daver
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Move Aimlessly Or Slowly - Bogus - In Need Of Narcotics - To Smoke A Cigarette`Bogue
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Move Backward`Arsle
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Move With A Buzzing Sound`Whirr
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Move With A Crunching Or Shuffling Noise`Rutch
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Move With A Hissing Sound`Whish
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Mow Again`Remow
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Munch`Munge
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Munch On Grass - To Brush Against`Graze
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Murder`Skrag
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Mutter`Crool
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Nag`Nudzh
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Name Or To Call`Clepe
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Nauseate - A Nauseating Unpleasant Person`Nause
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Net Again`Renet
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Noise About`Bruit
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Nonsymbiotically Fixate Atmospheric Nitrogen In Soil`Azofy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Object`Demur
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Obscure`Bedim
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Obstruct - A Rectangular Group Of Houses Surrounded By Roads - A Rectangular Mass`Block
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Ogle`Oggle
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Ogle`Oogle
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Oil Again`Reoil
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Took A Complaint To Court - Litigated`Lawed
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Omit`Elide
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Open - To Permit`Unbar
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Open Up`Unbay
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Oscillate Irregularly`Squeg
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Outdo`Excel
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Outdo`Revie
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Outfit`Equip
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Overwhelm`Whelm
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Pad Again`Repad
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Palpitate - To Pulse`Throb
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Pant Or Snort`Fnast
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Pare - To Split - To Cut Thin Strips From - A Dodge Or Ruse - To Malinger`Skive
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Pass Someone Yet Again On A Circular Track`Relap
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Pat Repeatedly`Bepat
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Pay Back - To Pay Again`Repay
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Pay Together With Others`Copay
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Penalize - To Defraud`Mulct
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Perceive - Wisdom - Reason`Sense
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Perch`Roost
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Perform A Skiing Technique`Wedel
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Permit`Allow
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Perspire`Sweat
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Photocopy - This Is A Trademark In Danger Of Becoming Generic`Xerox
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Pin Again`Repin
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Pinch`Tweak
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Pine - To Waste Away`Dwine
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Place In An Urn`Inurn
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Place In, Or Surround By, A Cup`Encup
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Place Into`Embed
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Place Into`Imbed
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Place On A Peg Again - To Fix A Currency That Was Floating`Repeg
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Plash Or Splash`Plosh
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Play Music Together Informally`Jamit
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Plop Down Heavily`Flump
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Pluck Feathers From A Bird`Ploat
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Poke Or Stir`Proke
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Ponder - To Turn Over`Volve
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Port`Aport
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Portray - To Put Into Effect`Enact
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Postpone`Frist
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Pot Again - To Transplant`Repot
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Topo`Toppo
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Praise`Extol
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Praise`Herye
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Praise - To Raise Higher`Exalt
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Press Close`Serre
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Pretend`Feign
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Prevent`Debar
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Produce - To Present - A Platform`Stage
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Prostrate Oneself, A Variant Of Kowtow`Kotow
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Protect The Line Of A Fish Hook By Winding Wire About It`Gange
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Prove`Pruve
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Provide Support For`Escot
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Provide - To Stay - To Be Erect`Stand
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Provide With`Endow
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Provide With Some Quality Or Gift`Endew
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Provide With Some Quality Or Gift`Endue
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Pry - To Investigate`Snoop
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Pucker`Shirr
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Puff`Pluff
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Pull By The Ears`Sowle
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Pull Someone By The Ears`Soole
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Pulverize`Grind
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Punch`Nevel
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Purify A Slaughtered Animal By Removing Fat, Veins And Sinews`Porge
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Pursue`Chivy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Push Ahead Or Into - A Scow - A Unit Of Weight`Barge
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Push Away`Repel
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Push`Shove
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Push Upon - Journalism`Press
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Push Up - To Cheer Up - To Praise`Boost
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Put A Cap On`Becap
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Put Into A Box`Embox
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Put Into Action`Exert
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Put Into A Pen Again`Repen
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Put Out - To Extinquish - To Suppress`Quell
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Put To Bed Again`Rebed
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Puzzle - The Remains Of A Felled Tree`Stump
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Quack Or Squawk`Quawk
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Quake`Quauk
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Quarrel`Jower
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Quench`Slake
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Raise - To Haul - To Vomit`Heave
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Raise To The Sky`Ensky
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Raise Up - To Build`Erect
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Rap - To Criticize`Knock
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Ravage - To Reave`Reive
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Torches`Teads
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tore Apart - Referring To Wood That Was Split, Not Sawn`Rived
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Recapitulate`Recap
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Receive Pleasure From`Enjoy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Reckon - A Member Of The Nobility`Count
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Recline`Ligge
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tore Down`Razed
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Reduce The Phototoxic Effect By Adding A Safener`Safen
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Reek`Reech
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Refute - To Reject`Refel
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Regain`Reget
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Regurgitate`Vomit
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Reject`Spurn
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Rejigger - To Adjust - To Modify`Rejig
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Relax`Unlax
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Release From A Peg`Unpeg
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Release From A Pin`Unpin
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Release From A Vow`Devow
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Release From Confinement`Unmew
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Release - To Send - To Put Away - To Resign`Demit
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Release`Undam
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Release`Unpen
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Remit - To Dispense With`Waive
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Remove A Ban`Unban
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Remove A Curse`Unhex
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Remove Air From`Deair
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Remove An Electronic Tap`Untap
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Remove An Obstruction`Unjam
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Remove A Priming Cap From`Decap
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Remove Ashes From`Deash
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Remove A Speaking Restraint`Ungag
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Remove A Tax From`Detax
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Remove A Tax`Untax
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Remove A Wig`Unwig
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Remove Fat From`Defat
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Remove Fog From`Defog
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Remove From A Bag`Unbag
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Remove From A Bin`Unbin
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Remove From A Box`Unbox
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Remove From A Can - In The Egyptian Calendar, A Star Governing A 10 Day Period`Decan
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Remove From A Can`Uncan
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Remove From An Urn`Unurn
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Remove From A Pot`Unpot
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Remove Gas From - To Treat Someone Who Has Been Gassed`Degas
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Remove Gum From`Degum
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Remove Ice`Deice
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Remove Ink, Especially From Waste Paper`Deink
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Remove Oil`Deoil
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Remove Padding`Unpad
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Remove Tar From`Detar
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Remove Tar From - To Extract Files From A Tape Archive`Untar
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Remove The Cap From`Uncap
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Remove The Hat`Unhat
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Remove The Husks From Corn`Shuck
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Remove The Key From (As In An Arch)`Unkey
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Remove The Legs`Unleg
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Remove The Pods`Depod
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Remove Tin From Articles Plated With Tin`Detin
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Remove Wax From`Dewax
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Remove Wax From`Unwax
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Renege`Reneg
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Renege`Renig
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Rent For A Fixed Term`Lease
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Repeat`Repet
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Replace - To Diminish - To Release - To Pay`Remit
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Reproduce`Repro
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Reside`Dwell
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Resist - To Arrest`Reest
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Respond To`React
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Retract - To Disavow`Unsay
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Revoke A Legacy`Adeem
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Rid Of Rats`Derat
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Rig Again`Rerig
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Rile - To Salt Fish`Royle
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Rip Open`Unrip
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tormented`Wrung
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Rob Again`Rerob
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Rob A Person Distracted By An Accomplice`Flimp
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Rob`Berob
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Rob`Spung
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Rob`Strub
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Rob - To Swindle`Phutz
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Rouse, To Startle`Abray
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Rouse - To Stir Up`Roust
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tortie`Torty
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Rub Again`Rerub
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Rub - To Irritate - To Vex`Chafe
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Ruin - Booty`Spoil
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Ruin`Wreck
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Rule`Reign
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Rule`Rixle
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Run Again`Rerun
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Run Away`Scapa
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Run Away Together To Get Married`Elope
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Run - To Scamper`Scoup
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Run Up - To Ascend`Uprun
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Rush`Blemm
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Rush`Hurry
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Rush - To Stoop - A Descent`Swoop
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Salute`Greet
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Sanction - To Make Holy - To Bestow Favors Or Esteem`Bless
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Satisfy - To Repay`Appay
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Saturate With Moisture - Wild Oats - Darnel`Drawk
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Savor - To Smack - To Experience`Taste
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Say Again`Resay
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Say - Complete`Utter
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Say`Speak
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Scald`Scaud
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Scare`Appal
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Scare`Skair
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Scathe - To Damage`Scath
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Scatter`Scail
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Scatter`Strew
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Scoff`Skoff
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Scoff - To Mock`Flout
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Scold`Chide
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Scold`Flyte
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Scold - To Brawl`Flite
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Scold`Vizen
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Scorch`Sweal
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Scramble - To Sprawl - The Helix Displayed Above A Fainting Cartoon Character`Spurl
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Scrape Off`Erade
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Scratch - Scared - A Cormorant`Scart
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Scrub - To Scrape`Scour
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Scud Downwind`Spoom
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Scuff The Feet`Slare
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Scurry About`Skice
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Scurry`Skirr
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Search By Feeling`Grope
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Search The Body - To Romp`Frisk
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To See Again`Resee
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To See - To View - To Observe`Sight
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Seize`Afang
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Seize`Sease
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Seize`Seise
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Send Away Or Dismiss`Amand
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Send By Federal Express`Fedex
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Separate`Unmix
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Serve As A Butler`Butle
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Set Again`Reset
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Set Akimbo`Kimbo
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Set In Motion, To Stir Up`Styre
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Set On End`Upend
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Sew Again`Resew
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Shed - A Young Codfish - Something You Can Get In Boston`Scrod
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Shell - To Husk - A Shepherd'S Hut Or Shelter`Sheal
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Shelter - To Guard`Bield
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Shine - An Annotation`Gloss
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Shine`Gleen
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Shine In A Gaudy Manner`Skyre
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Shoot At Random - A Sharp High-pitched Sound`Plink
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Show Disdain`Scorn
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Show Emotion`Emote
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Shrink Or Wizen - Hair - A Head Of Hair`Crine
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Shrivel From Cold`Shram
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Shrivel`Wizen
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Shun`Avoid
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Shut - Nearby`Close
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Sift`Sieve
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Sift`Temse
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Sing Romantically`Croon
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Sire`Beget
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Sit Again`Resit
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Skim Along The Water - To Skip Rocks Across Water`Scoon
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Skim Over`Glide
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Skip - To Canter - To Prance`Titup
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Skive`Scive
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Skulk Or Sneak About`Meech
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Skulk - To Lurk`Slink
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Slap The Buttocks`Spank
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Slaughter For Food According To Islamic Law`Halal
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Slide - To Skulk`Slive
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Slouch`Louch
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Slumber`Sloom
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Slurp`Slorp
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Slurp`Slurf
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Smear - To Daub`Cleam
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Smear With Sticky Dirt - Trouble`Clart
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Smell Badly`Stink
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Smell`Snawk
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Smell - To Inhale`Sniff
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Snarl`Gnarl
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Snarl`Growl
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Snatch Away`Erept
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Sneak About`Prowl
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Sneer - To Mock - To Deride`Scoff
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Sneeze`Neese
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Sneeze`Neeze
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Sniff, Or Smell About`Snowk
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Sniff Or Snort Cocaine`Snerf
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Snipe - To Blow The Nose Without A Handkerchief`Snite
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Snirl - To Turn Up One'S Nose In Scorn`Snurl
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Snook`Snoke
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Snort`Grunt
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Snurp`Snerp
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Solder Together`Braze
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Sort Through Discarded Or Rejected Material Looking For Items Of Some Value`Glean
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Sound Similar`Rhyme
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Sow Again`Resow
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Spatter With Mud`Bemud
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Spawl`Spaul
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Speak Formally`Orate
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Speak Slowly`Drawl
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Spew Invective - An Amour - A Tongue Of Fire`Flame
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Splash`Plesh
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Splice - A Seam - A Marijuana Cigarette`Joint
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Split Into Thin Slabs - Plate-like`Platy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Split Open`Burst
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Split - To Slaver - To Spit`Spawl
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Split Under Pressure, Such As Bricks`Spald
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Spoil - To Bungle`Blunk
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Sponge`Cadge
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Sponge Off Another Person`Mooch
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Spout - A Rush - Speed`Spurt
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Spout Up`Upjet
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Sprain`Wrick
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Spread Thickly`Smear
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Sprinkle Or Wet With Dew`Bedew
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Squeak`Creak
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Squeak`Queak
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Squeal Like A Pig`Whick
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Squeeze Between The Fingers - To Steal - A Difficult Situation`Pinch
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Squeeze`Chirt
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Stab With A Knife`Knive
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Stagger`Lurch
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Stagger - To Lurch - To Jump Up`Stoit
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Stamp - Stump`Stomp
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Stamp - To Brand - To Impress - To Put Into Type`Print
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Stare Aimlessly`Gooze
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Stare At Angrily - A Harsh Light`Glare
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Stare At In Amazement`Gaure
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Stare At One Eating, In The Hopes Of Being Fed`Groak
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Start A Computer Session - A Stretch Of Still Water In A Bay Or River`Login
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Start A Computer Session`Logon
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Start`Begin
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Steal A Car (Acronym: Take Without Owner'S Consent)`Twock
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Steal`Filch
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Steal Or Appropriate`Glomb
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Steal - To Brush Across`Swipe
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Stew`Stive
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Stime - To Stimie - A Glimmer Or Glimpse`Styme
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Stint - To Restrain - To Limit - A Medical Device For Holding Open Arteries`Stent
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Stir, To Move`Quich
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Stitch - To Pierce - To Shut`Steek
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Stoop`Courb
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Stop - A Form Of Payment - A Cross-hatch Pattern - To Verify`Check
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Stop`Cease
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Stop - To Choke`Stoak
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Strangle`Choke
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Stretch Or Bend A Bow`Teise
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Strew`Strow
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Strike Forcibly`Devel
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Strike Or Flog`Linge
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Strike`Smite
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Strike`Strak
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Strip`Exute
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Strip Of Divinity`Ungod
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Stump - A Walking Surface - The Largest Whole Number No Greater Than A Given Number`Floor
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Stymie`Stimy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Subdue - A Central American Timber Tree`Amate
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Subdue - To Crumple - A Hidden Romantic Attraction`Crush
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Submit - To Advert`Refer
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Submit`Yield
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Suborn`Bribe
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Suck - To Drain`Haust
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Sue Again`Resue
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Suffer From A Chemical Attack (Acronym: Salivate, Lachrimate, Urinate, Defecate)`Sludd
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Suffocate In Water`Drown
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Suggest - To Logically Entail`Imply
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Suit - To Be Appropriate`Befit
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Suit - To Prosper - A Short, Fat Person - A Bundle Of Leather - A Potato Cake - An Oaf - Vagina`Fadge
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Sulk Or Mope - The Buttocks`Boody
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Sulk Or Scowl`Glout
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Sully - To Taint`Stain
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Sum - To Destroy`Total
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Sup Again`Resup
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Suppose - To Warrant`Sepad
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Suppress`Quash
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Surmise`Guess
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Sway - To Vibrate`Swing
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Swell`Bulge
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Swell - To Increase`Surge
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Swelter`Swelt
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Swindle`Grift
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Swindle - To Cheat`Chizz
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Swindle`Yench
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Swoon`Dwaum
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Swoon`Swoun
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Swoon - The Accumulation Of Fine Metal Particles From A Grinder`Swarf
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Tag Again`Retag
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Take Back A Question`Unask
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Take By Force Or Authority`Afong
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Take Forcefully`Seize
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Take Loudly Resonant Somnambulistic Nasal Breaths`Snore
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Take Opportunistically - To Fall Asleep While Clothed - To Eat Or Devour`Snarf
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Take Potshots At - Make Cutting Remarks To Or About - A Bird - A Pretext For A Prank Hunt`Snipe
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Take Secretly And Illicitly`Steal
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Take The Lid Off`Unlid
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Total Expenditure`Outgo
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Talk Another Into Doing One A Favor`Iggle
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Talk Pertly - The Chirp Of A Young Bird`Chelp
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Tame - To Daunt - To Soothe`Accoy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Tamp - To Enclose In A Kiln`Scove
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Tan Again`Retan
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Tangle - To Growl`Snarl
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Tap Again`Retap
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Tar Again`Retar
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Tarry`Dally
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Tarry - To Expect`Await
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Tattle`Clipe
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Tattle`Clype
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Tax Again`Retax
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Teach - An Enclosed Carriage`Coach
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Teach - A Railroad Vehicle - A Group Of Followers`Train
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Teach`Leare
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Tear Apart`Divel
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Tear Into Small Pieces`Shred
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Tease`Chyak
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Tease Or Mock`Taunt
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Tease Out`Toaze
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Tease`Teize
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Tempt`Afand
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Tend - An Attendant`Nurse
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Tend - To Incline`Trend
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Terrify`Afear
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Tesselate`Inlay
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To The Camp`Acamp
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To The Contrary`Secus
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To The End`Anend
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To The Left`Aleft
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Thrash - To Emit A Soft Whistling Sound`Swish
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Thread`Thrid
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Throttle - A Quirk`Querk
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Throttle - To Beat Up - An Odd Lean Bit`Scrag
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Thrust - A Long Rope Used To Train A Horse`Longe
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Thrust - A Long Rope Used To Train A Horse`Lunge
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Thrust - To Trample - A Light Blow With The Open Hand`Potch
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Thump - To Defeat Decisively`Whump
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Thwack`Whack
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Thwart`Stymy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Tick - A Metallic Sound`Click
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Tie Again`Retie
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Tie Up`Uptie
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Tilt Or Lean`Hield
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Tilt`Slant
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Titter`Tehee
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Tolerate - To Sojourn`Abide
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Top Again`Retop
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Toss - Tar - A Musical Level`Pitch
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Touch A Clean Surface And Leave Dirty Marks`Climp
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Touse - To Tousle`Touze
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Tousle - To Haul - To Tease`Touse
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Trail - To Drag`Drail
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Trail`Track
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Traipse`Trape
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Transfer Computer Data Very Quickly`Zorch
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Transform From One Shape To Another - Morphine - A Hermaphrodite`Morph
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Treat Well Or Badly`Besee
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Treat With Disdain - The Nose`Snoot
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Trill`Chirp
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Try Again`Retry
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Totter Grass`Briza
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tottering - Unsure`Shaky
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Turn Out (Well Or Badly)`Cheve
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Turn`Pivot
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Tweak`Tweag
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Twinkle - A Conventionally Attractive Person - A Homosexual`Twink
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Twirl - A Coil`Querl
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Twirl`Whirl
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Twist - A Dyer'S Weed`Woold
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Twist Fiber After Carding`Slubb
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Twist - To Distort - To Have Sexual Intercourse`Screw
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Twist - To Snarl - To Wrinkle`Snirl
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Twist - To Worry - To Harm - To Pledge To A Fraternity`Feeze
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Touchy - Testy`Techy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tough Outer Husks - Yaps - Ships`Barks
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tough`Teuch
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tough`Teugh
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Unbend`Unbow
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Uncan`Untin
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Undercut Coal In A Mine`Kirve
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Undo A Zipper`Unzip
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Undo The Sewing Of`Unsew
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Undo - To Unbind`Untie
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Unfold`Unlap
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Unite With A Growing Plant By Insertion - Political Bribes`Graft
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Unlock A Door Using A Celluloid Card`Lloid
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Unpin Something - To Remove Pins`Depin
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Unravel - To Twist - To Worry - To Harm`Feaze
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Unstick`Ungum
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Untwist`Unlay
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Unweave - To Unravel`Unweb
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Urge To Action`Tarre
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Urge - To Use A Vehicle For Transport - A Campaign`Drive
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tourmaline`Shorl
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Use Again`Reuse
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Use`Apply
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Use A Skateboard`Skurf
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Use Psychological Insight - A Bridge Convention - Psychiatrist`Psych
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Utter A Harsh Squawk`Crawk
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Utter Hastily`Blurt
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Utter Jewish Prayers`Doven
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Vegetate`Vedge
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Vend`Vened
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Vomit`Buick
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Vomit - To Reach`Retch
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Waft - To Buoy - A Soda With Ice Cream - A C Data Type`Float
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Wait Upon - To Present An Item To - To Function In Some Capacity`Serve
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Waken - To Carouse`Rouse
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Walk Heavily And Clumsily`Clomp
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Walk`Waulk
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Walk With Ungraceful Strides`Stram
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Wander - A Mound Of Snow`Drift
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Wander`Stray
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Wander - To Fall Ill - To Break Down`Traik
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Wane Or Decrease`Abate
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Warble`Chirl
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Warble - To Quaver`Trill
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Toward Or On The Side Toward The Mesial Plane`Mesad
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Toward The Base`Basad
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Toward The Hemal Side`Hemad
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Toward The Inside`Entad
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Toward The Outside`Ectad
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Toward The Ulna`Ulnad
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Warn`Awarn
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Wash By Percolation`Leach
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Wash The Body`Bathe
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Watch Over`Guard
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Wax Again`Rewax
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Wean`Spane
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Wean`Spean
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Wear Away`Erode
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Weave`Braid
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Weave`Plait
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Wed Again`Rewed
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Wedge`Scoat
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Wed - To Join`Marry
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Weigh Or Press`Peise
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Wheeze - A Lung Disease Of Cattle`Hoose
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Wheeze - A Lung Disease Of Cattle`Hooze
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Whelp`Whalp
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Whimper - To Complain About Minor Problems`Whine
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Whine In Sympathy`Crose
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Whine Or Howl`Whewl
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Whinge`Winge
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Whirl - To Gyrate`Swirl
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Whirl - To Rotate`Twirl
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Whistle Softly`Sowth
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Wield`Sownd
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Wiggle - To Hitch - In The Phrase Hotch Potch, A Miscellany`Hotch
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Wilt`Droop
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Win Again`Rewin
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Win All Tricks In Piquet`Capot
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Wipe`Dicht
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Work At Greek Grammar`Typto
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Work With Saw And Chisel Across The Grain`Thurm
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Work With The Hands`Knead
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Worry - To Fret`Graum
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Worship`Adore
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Wrap The Head In A Hood - Movable Property`Moble
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Wrap - To Hide`Cover
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Wrench`Thraw
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Wrench`Wrest
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Wrinkle - To Shrivel`Rivel
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Write`Impen
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Writhe - To Turn`Twist
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Yearn For - To Desire`Crave
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Yell`Shout
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Yodel`Jodel
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Yodel`Yodle
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: To Yowl`Yowed
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Trades Or Does Business - Passes Out Playing Cards`Deals
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Traditional Japanese High Wooden Thongs`Okobo
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tramped - Increased`Hiked
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tranquilizers`Tranx
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Transferred A Computer File Using Ftp (File Transfer Protocol)`Ftped
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Transmits`Sends
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Transported By Bus`Bused
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Trappings For A Horse Or Elephant`Jhool
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Traveled By Bicycle`Biked
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Traveled - Prospered`Fared
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Traveled Through Air`Flown
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Travels - Missteps`Trips
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Travels Through Air - Plural Of Fly, A Back Stage Appliance - An Insect`Flies
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Travels Upon A Conveyance`Rides
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Treacle Candy`Gundy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Treated Well Or Badly`Besaw
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Treated With Alum`Tawed
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Treated With Lime - Cemented`Limed
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Treats With Alum - Plural Of Alum, An Alumnus`Alums
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Trees Of The Genus Madhuca - The Butter Tree`Mahua
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Trees Of The Genus Madhuca - The Butter Tree`Mohwa
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Trees Of The Genus Madhuca - The Butter Tree`Mowra
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tremble - An Earthquake`Quake
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Trembles`Dirls
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Trembles - Plural Of Quap, A Hypothetical Particle Made Of A Positron And A Quark`Quaps
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Trembles`Quabs
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Trembles`Quobs
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Trembles - Throbs`Quops
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Trembling With Fear`Aheap
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Trichomoniasis`Trich
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tried`Tride
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Trifles`Nugae
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Trimmer`Parer
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Trims`Pares
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Trims - Secures`Trigs
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Trionyx`Amyda
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Trite - Metaphorically Tepid`Banal
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Triturus - The Newt Genus`Molge
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Trod`Trode
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Trojan`Troic
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Troth - Plural Of Trog, A Troglodyte`Trogs
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Troubled`Carky
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Trough`Troch
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Trough`Troft
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Trousers - Plural Of Pant, A Short, Labored Breath`Pants
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Trousers`Trews
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: True Being`Ousia
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: True Skin - The Dermis`Cutis
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Trumps - Plural Of Ruff, A Collar`Ruffs
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Truth`Sooth
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tubular`Tubal
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tubular`Tubar
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tufa`Tophe
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tuft`Tuffe
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tuille - Armor Plates`Tuile
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tuinal`Tooey
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tuinal`Tooie
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tuinal`Tuies
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tumid - Swollen`Puffy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tupik`Topek
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Turds`Feces
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Turf - Bacon`Sward
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Turf - Marijuana`Grass
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Turf`Terfe
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Turfy`Gleby
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Turkish Delight`Lokum
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Turkish Hierarchy`Ulema
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Turned Around - Intoxicated`Slued
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Turned Left`Hawed
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Turned Left Or Right`Yawed
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Turned Pages In A Book - Called One'S Name`Paged
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Turn Over`Volti
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Turns Aside - Plural Of Ward, A Person Under Guardianship, A Division Of A Town Or Hospital`Wards
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Turns Over`Flips
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Turns Over - Plural Of Roll, A Bun`Rolls
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Turns Over`Tumps
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Turns Pages In A Book - Plural Of Page, An Attendant - A Leaf Of A Book`Pages
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Turns Sharply`Veers
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tusser`Tasar
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tussis`Cough
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tut-tutted`Tsked
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tuyere`Tuyer
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Twelve`Twall
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Twenty - A Score`Corge
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Twill`Toile
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Twisted Gut, A Deadly Problem In Horses`Tharm
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Twisted, Matted, And Crusted Hair, As A Result Of Neglect Or Fashion - A Fold Of Tissue`Plica
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Twisted`Welkt
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Twofold`Binal
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Two-rayed`Diact
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Two Times`Twice
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Typical`Typal
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Typical`Usual
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Typy`Typey
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tyrian Purple Dye - A Snail Which, When Crushed, Yields A Purple Dye`Murex
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Tzigany`Zigan
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Udi, A North Caucasic Language`Udish
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Ugly`Mampy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Ugly`Manpy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Ulan Bator`Kulun
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Ultima Thule - A Town In Greenland`Thule
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Unable To Afford Alcohol At The Moment - Solemn - Serious`Sober
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Unaggressive - A Friend Of Popeye`Wimpy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Unaired`Musty
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Unbeatable At Golf`Dormy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Unboiled - Not Soaked`Unsod
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Unbound`Loose
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Unclean Or Unfit, According To Jewish Law`Trayf
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Unclothed`Bared
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Unclothed - Bare`Naked
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Under - Beneath`Below
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Underground Comic Books`Comix
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Underground Tunnels And Wells In The Middle East`Qanat
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Undersized`Durgy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Undesirable Plants - To Remove Weeds - Widow'S Clothes`Weeds
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Undo - To Do Away With`Fordo
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Undulates`Waves
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Undulating`Curvy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Uneath, Difficult, Distressing`Uneth
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Unemotional`Stoic
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Unequal`Aniso
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Uneven, As If Gnawed Away`Erose
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Uneven`Bumpy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Uneven Dilation - A Varicose Vein`Varix
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Uneven, Full Of Ruts`Rutty
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Uneven`Jaggy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Unfinished`Rough
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Unfit - Clumsy`Inapt
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Unfreezes`Thaws
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Unhealthful`Toxic
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Unhidden - Explicit`Overt
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Uninvited`Unbid
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Unites - Becomes Part Of`Joins
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Universe`World
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Unkempt`Towsy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Unkempt`Unket
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Unkid - Strange - Unkempt`Unked
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Unknown - Strange - Unkempt`Unkid
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Unleashes For Attack`Sicks
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Unleavened Bread`Azyme
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Unleavened Bread`Matzo
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Unliberated`Unlib
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Unlucky`Janky
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Unlucky - Mildly Sick`Donsy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Unmounted - Runny`Unset
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Unmoving - Inactive`Inert
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Unpaired`Impar
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Unpleasant - Mean - Foul`Nasty
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Unread`Unred
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Unreasoningly`Madly
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Unrendered Pork Fat`Flead
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Unruly - Wild`Royet
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Unsaturated Hydrocarbons`Diene
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Unstable - Shaky`Quaky
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Unstable - Wobbly`Tippy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Unsuspicious - Plausible`Unsus
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Unveils - Reveals`Bares
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Unwieldy - Massive`Hulky
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Unwillingness To Cohabit, On The Part Of One Marital Partner`Nusus
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Uproar`Furor
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Uproariously`Aroar
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Urease`Urase
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Urges`Spurs
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Urn-shaped`Urnal
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Used In The Phrase Gandy Dancer, A Manually Propelled Railway Cart`Gandy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Used In The Phrase Gyppy Tummy, Denoting Diarrhea - A Gypsy`Gyppy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Used In The Phrase Harum Scarum, To Mean A Riot, Disruption, Or Disorder`Harum
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Used In The Phrase Herky Jerky To Mean By Fits And Starts`Herky
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Used In The Phrase Nicey Nice`Nicey
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Used In The Phrase Old Timey, Of Old Times`Timey
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Used In The Phrase Umpty Ump, To Refer To A Large Indefinite Quantity`Umpty
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Used Profanity - Took An Oath`Swore
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Used To The Maximum`Maxed
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Useful`Utile
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Useless - Second-rate`Ditso
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Uses A Musical Form Of Speech`Sings
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Uses As Attire - Runs Down`Wears
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Uses A Typewriter - Plural Of Type, A Kind`Types
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Usun`Wusun
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Usury`Usure
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Utopian - Fanciful - A Subset Of A Ring Comprising All Linear Combinations Of One Or More Generators`Ideal
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Utters A Barking Sound - Not The Warps`Woofs
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Utters A Harsh Cry`Brays
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Utters A Loud Harsh Cry`Yaups
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Utters A Loud Harsh Cry`Yawps
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Utters A Loud Long Mournful Cry - Plural Of Yawl, A Small Boat`Yawls
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Utters A Sharp Shrill Cry`Yelps
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Vacant`Empty
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Vacant - Tenantless`Unlet
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Vacuous, Pointless - Blowing In Puffs`Faffy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Vagina`Vadge
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Vails - Pourboire`Vales
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Vain - Imperious`Proud
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Vain - Messy`Vogie
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Valued - Ranked - Scolded`Rated
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Vannevar Bush'S Proposed Name For The Personal Computer, In 1945`Memex
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Vaporizes - Plural Of Boil, An Inflamed Cyst`Boils
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Vaporous`Gassy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Vapors - Emits Smoke - Looks Angry`Fumes
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Abate`Abait
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Almah, An Egyptian Dancing Girl`Almeh
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Amala`Amlah
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Aotes, A Genus Of Nocturnal Monkeys`Aotus
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Bialy, An Onion Roll`Biali
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Boyar, A Russian Nobleman`Boiar
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Carotte, A Cylindrical Roll Of Tobacco`Carot
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Chakra, One Of 6 Points Of Spiritual Power In The Body`Cakra
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Chay`Choya
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Choop, The Wild Rose Hip`Choup
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Cider, Fermented Apple Juice`Cyder
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Clepe, To Name Or To Call`Cleep
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Cobia`Cabio
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Cutie, An Attractive Person`Cutey
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Dals, Dishes Of Lentils And Spices`Dahls
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Decare, 10 Ares, A Unit Of Measurement Of Area`Dekar
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Dhoti, A Loin Cloth`Dhuti
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Dindle`Dinle
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Donat, A Grammar Book`Donet
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Doodad, A Thingamajig - A Doohickey`Dodad
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Dor`Dorre
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Duma, The Russian Parliament`Douma
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Etna`Aetna
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Evoe, An Interjection Of Bacchi Frenzy`Evhoe
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Evoe, The Cry Of Exhilaration Of The Bacchanals`Evohe
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Fegs, An Interjection Of Surprise`Faags
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Feta, A Cheese Made Of Goat Milk`Fetta
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Finnif, Yiddish For Five, A Five Dollar Bill`Finif
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Finnif, Yiddish For Five, A Five Dollar Bill`Finuf
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Flead, Unrendered Pork Fat`Fleed
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Fleam, A Lancet`Fleem
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Gecko, A Lizard`Gecco
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Gecko, A Lizard`Gekko
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Hansa, A Medieval Merchant Guild`Hanse
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Hora, An Israeli Dance`Horah
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Imam, An Islamic Priest`Imaum
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Kayo, Or Ko, A Knockout In Boxing`Kayoe
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Keeve, A Brewer'S Mash Tub`Kieve
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Khitan, A Tatar People`Kitan
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Kraut, Pickled Cabbage`Crout
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Liter, A Unit Of Volume`Litre
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Lulav, A Palm Branch For Use With The Etrog During Sukkoth.`Lulab
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Mahua, The Butter Tree`Mahwa
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Nazca, An Indian Culture Of Peru That Preceded The Incas`Nasca
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Newar, A Mongoloid People Of Nepal`Niwar
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Nullah`Nalla
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Numdah`Namad
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Ocher, A Yellow Brown Color - A Natural Pigment Of This Color`Ochre
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Ocote, A Resinous Mexican Pine`Okote
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Olcha, A Tungusic People Living Near The Mouth Of The Amur River`Olchi
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Prosit, A German Drinking Toast`Prost
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Pukka, For Real Or Genuine`Pucka
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Raki, A Turkish Liqueur`Rakee
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Sade, A Hebrew Letter`Sadhe
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Sade, A Hebrew Letter`Tsade
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Sade, A Hebrew Letter`Tsadi
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Schtick, A Humorous Bit Or Routine`Shtik
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Sheal, A Hiding Place`Sheel
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Simar, A Scarf - A Loose Dress`Cymar
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Sluit, A Deep Dry Ditch Washed Out By Heavy Rain`Sloot
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Tebet, A Hebrew Month`Tevet
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Temne, An African Language`Timne
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Tired, Wheeled`Tyred
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Tishri, A Month Of The Hebrew Calendar`Tisri
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Umber - A 3 Person Card Game Using 40 Cards ( No 8'S, 9'S Or 10'S )`Omber
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Umber, A Brown Pigment`Umbre
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Verst, A Russian Unit Of Distance`Werst
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Zakho, A Town In Northern Iraq`Zakhu
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Of Zombie, A Reanimated Corpse`Zombi
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Past Tense Of Come`Comed
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Plural Of Cecum`Caeca
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Plural Of Cecum`Coeca
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Plural Of Deer`Deers
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Plural Of Self, An Individual`Selfs
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variant Spelling Of Jurel, A Blue Runner Fish`Xurel
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Variegated - Glazed`Paned
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Varieties Of Sand - Smooths With Sandpaper`Sands
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Various Edible Marine Algae`Sloke
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Vaudeville`Vaude
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Veering Abruptly Up Or Down - To Brew`Steep
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Venerable - Silvery`Hoary
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Ventilated`Aired
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Verbena, A Herb`Vitex
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Verbose`Wordy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Veritable - True - Genuine`Pukka
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Vertical - Sheer - To Gauge A Depth`Plumb
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Vertigo`Dinus
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Very - Exactly`Quite
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Very Excitable - Above`Hyper
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Very - Much`Mucho
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Very Stylishly Dressed - A Nap`Zizzy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Vesuvian - A Firelock Fuse - A Wooden Or Paper Match`Fusee
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Vetoed`Nixed
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Vetoes`Nixes
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Vexation`Pioue
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Vexes Or Irritates - Biles`Galls
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Vexes`Teans
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Vibrations - Atmosphere`Vibes
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Video Products For Children`Kideo
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Vigorous - Active`Yauld
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Vigorous - Impudent`Nervy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Vinegar`Eisel
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Virtu - Rarity In Art`Vertu
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Visby, A Seaport In Sweden`Wisby
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Vised`Viced
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Visionary - Speculative`Viewy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Visits - A City In France`Tours
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Vista`Visto
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Vital - Living`Alive
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Vizier`Vezir
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Vocabulary`Vocab
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Vocal Inflection`Arsis
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Volcanic Earth`Trass
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Volcanic Mud - A Mud Volcano`Salse
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Volume - Room - Extent`Space
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Volumetric - Taken To The Third Power`Cubic
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Vomited`Puked
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Vomits`Barfs
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Vomits`Pukes
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Vomits`Spews
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Vomits`Yorks
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Vomits`Yukes
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Voodoo, A Haitian Supernatural Belief`Vodou
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Voodoo Sorcery - A Wanker, Or Masturbator`Wanga
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Voracity - Covetousness`Greed
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Votive`Votal
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Waff`Wauff
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wafting`Awaft
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wails Over The Dead`Keens
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Waited`Bided
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Waits In Concealment`Lurks
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Waits - Tarries`Bides
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wakes Up - Mixes`Stirs
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wakes`Wauks
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wales`Cymru
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wales`Kymru
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Walked Back And Forth - Regulated One'S Effort`Paced
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Walked Through Shallow Water`Waded
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Walks Lamely`Limps
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Walks Slowly`Plods
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Walks Through Shallow Water`Wades
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wall-eye`Whall
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wampum - A Toll Paid To Pass`Peage
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wampum - Beads`Sewan
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wandered`Roved
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wanders`Roams
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wanders`Roves
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wandle`Wanle
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Waning`Awane
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Waning`Waney
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wanton`Cadgy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wards Off`Fends
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wares`Goods
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Warm And Damp`Muggy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Warms Up - Plural Of Heat, A Stage Of A Competition`Heats
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Warmth`Lewth
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wart-ridden`Warty
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wary`Alert
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Was Alive`Lived
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Was Erect`Stood
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Was Good For A Purpose`Docht
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Washed`Laved
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Washes`Laves
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Was Sick`Ailed
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wasteful`Wasty
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Was Wary Of`Wared
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Watches Over - Is Displeased By`Minds
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Water Bugs`Velia
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Watercress`Cress
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Water Vapor - To Fume In Anger`Steam
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Watery`Blear
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Watery - Murky`Soupy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Watery Stuff`Blash
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Watery`Washy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Waves - Rides The Waves - Browses On The Internet`Surfs
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Waves`Waffs
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Waving`Awave
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wavy - Scalloped`Oundy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wavy`Undee
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wax-like`Ceric
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Way Of Coming In`Entry
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Weakly`Wanly
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Weal - A Temporary Red Area Of The Skin`Wheal
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wealthy Ones`Haves
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wear And Tear`Slite
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wearies - Plural Of Jade, A Semiprecious Gemstone`Jades
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wearing A Cape`Caped
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wearing A Toga`Togad
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wears Away By Persistent Biting`Gnaws
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wears Away By Rubbing - Plural Of Fray, A Skirmish`Frays
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Weblike`Telar
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wedged - Having Keys`Keyed
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Weeps - Proclaims`Cries
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Weepy - Tear-filled`Teary
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Weight`Wecht
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Weighty - Dense`Heavy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Weird - Wacky - Wild - Formal`Wiggy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Welds`Walds
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Welfare - A Charitable Institution Or Poorhouse`Pogey
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Well Dressed, As In The Phrase All Duded Up`Duded
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Well Nigh - A Wellington Boot - Force Or Power`Welly
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Well, Then`Aweel
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Went Maying`Mayed
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wept`Cried
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: West African Magic`Obeah
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Westward`Awest
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wet - Boggy - Awful - Furious`Spewy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wet, Damp - A Weakling`Weaky
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wet - Dank - Of Humus`Humic
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wet - Saturated`Soggy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wet Snow`Slush
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wet`Wiery
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: What Particular One`Which
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wheat`Trigo
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Where Iphigenia Was Sacrificed`Naxos
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Where The Akkadians Lived - One Of The Four Cities Of Nimrod'S Kingdom`Akkad
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Where They Coveted Their Neighbor'S Ass, And Not His Wife`Sodom
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Where`Whaur
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Whey - A Vaccine`Serum
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Whined`Puled
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Whines`Mewls
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Whines`Pules
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Whiney`Puley
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Whips - Beats - Copulates With - Moves Quickly - Plural Of Firk, A Trick - A Freak`Firks
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Whips - Tries To Sell`Flogs
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Whirring`Awhir
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Whiskey`Usque
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Whisks Away`Shoos
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: White`Leuco
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: White Magic`Magia
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: White Specks In Human Feces (Who'S Looking?)`Xysma
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Whitish`Whity
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Whiz`Whizz
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Whomps - Defeats Decisively`Womps
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Whops`Whaps
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Whorl`Wharl
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Whose`Whase
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Widdy`Wuddy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wide - A Woman`Broad
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Widening Gradually, Like A Chimney`Evase
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wide - To Slant - To Slope`Splay
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wild Animals`Ferae
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wild`Feral
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Will Not - Won'T`Wonna
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Will Or Ought To`Shall
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wills`Wulls
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wiltja`Wilja
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Winded - Lost`Blown
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wing Commander`Winco
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wing Commander`Winko
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Winged - Of Late`Alate
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Winking`Awink
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wins All The Tricks In A Card Game - Plural Of Vole, A Rodent`Voles
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Winter`Hiems
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wiser`Sager
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wished For`Hoped
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wishes For`Hopes
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wisps Of Precipitation That Evaporate Before Reaching The Ground`Virga
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Witanagemote`Witan
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Witchcraft - A Witch`Wicca
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: With A Head`Pated
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Withdrawal`Adray
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Withers`Welks
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: With Gaiety`Gayly
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Withhold'S Mother'S Milk, And Diverts To Prepared Food`Weans
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: With Long Or Admirable Legs`Leggy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: With Long Teeth`Tusky
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Without Prickles`Inerm
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Without`Senza
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: With Sadness`Sadly
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: With Tendrils`Vined
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Woeful`Woful
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Woes`Dules
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wolof`Jolof
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Woman`Ooman
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Won Again`Rewon
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Won All The Tricks In A Card Game`Voled
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wonderful - To Expand - A Self-important Person`Swell
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wooden - Wooden Dishes And Utensils`Treen
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Woody Tissue`Xylem
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Woolly - Shaggy`Fuzzy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Woolly`Wooly
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wordy`Prosy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Work - Childbirth - An English And Israeli Political Party`Labor
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Worked Hard`Tewed
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Work`Yacka
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Worn Out, Tired`Peeky
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Worries - Raised Bars On A Guitar Neck`Frets
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Worries - Scolds`Frabs
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Worse`Warre
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Worst`Warst
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Worthless Matter`Dross
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Worth - Usefulness - Desirability`Value
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Would Not`Nould
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wounds`Vulns
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Woven Footwear - Hits`Socks
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wrack`Vrack
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wrack`Wrake
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wrinkly`Rucky
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Written Down Quickly`Jotty
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Written In Runes`Runic
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Wrung - Wrong`Wrang
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Xylene, An Aromatic Fluid`Xylol
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Xylene`Xylyl
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Yabim`Jabim
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Yakut`Sakha
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Yarn - A Low Repetitious Murmur`Thrum
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Yawns - Gapes`Gants
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Yclad, Clothed`Ycled
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Yearned For`Pined
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Yearns For - Plural Of Pine, An Evergreen`Pines
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Yeasty - Crazy`Barmy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Yeasty`Yesty
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Yerava`Erava
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Yerba`Yerva
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Yes`Uhhuh
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: (Yet More) Dissonant Jazz`Bebop
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Yielding Easily To Pressure`Melch
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Yielding Underfoot`Sinky
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Yields`Cedes
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Yird, Earth`Yeard
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Yoo Hoo To A Pig`Sooey
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Young`Jeune
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Youpan`Yopon
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Yours`Yourn
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: You, Severally - A Cheetah`Youse
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: You (Severally) - You Guys - Youse - Y'All`Youns
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Yowls`Howls
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Yuchi, An Indian People Of The South Eastern United States`Uchee
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Yucky`Yukky
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Zero`Aught
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Zippy`Zappy
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Zonic, Of Or Having To Do With Zones`Zonal
Useless Trivia: What Word Means: Zooming - Futuristic`ZoomyArchitecture: Which famous building was built by Shah Jehan `Taj Mahal
Useless Trivia: While performing her duties as queen, Cleopatra sometimes wore a fake---------- .`beard
Useless Trivia: Woodpecker scalps, porpoise teeth, and giraffe tails have all been used as---------- .`money
Useless Trivia: ---------- wrote the nursery rhyme Twinkle twinkle, little star at the age of five`mozart
Useless Trivia: You are more likely to get attacked by a cow than a---------- .`shark
Useless Trivia: You are more likely to get attacked by a ---------- than a shark.`cow
Useless Trivia: You can only smell 1/20th as well as a---------- .`dog
Useless Trivia: Zorro means fox in---------- .`spanish
Useless Trivia: Zorro means ---------- in Spanish.`fox
USELESS: What vegetable do germans refer to as "money"`cabbage
Usenet group dedicated to discussion of brewing`rec.crafts.brewing
Use of the fewest and barest essentials or elements, as in the arts, literature, or design`minimalism
Use or possession of something beneficial or pleasurable`enjoyment
_______ uses 60 million male condoms per year and 1 million female condoms. Guess the Ugandans like to practice safe sex!`Uganda
use your head: how often are brain cells replaced`never
US HISTORY: What is the birthplace of President Andrew Jackson`Hermitage, Tennessee
Using, displaying, or proceeding from policy: judicious: 'a ------- decision.'`politic
Using few words: terse`curt
Using methods to protect against infection by pathogenic microorganisms: '------- surgical techniques.'`aseptic
Using morse code, what is transmitted using 3 dots, 3 dashes and 3 dots`distress signal
Using morse code, what is trasmitting using 3 dots, 3 dashes and 3 dots`distress signal
Using or containing insulting or coarse language: 'finally reprimanded the ------- colleague.'`abusive
Using or marked by tact and sensitivity in dealing with others`diplomatic
Using or operated by energy derived from the sun: 'a ----- heating system.'`solar
Using or used in liturgy`liturgical
us involvement in vietnam escalates when american ships are fired upon in?`gulf of tonkin
us marines fought in peking in 1900 what military campaign`boxer`crayons
us marines fought in peking in 1900 what military campaign`boxer rebellion
U.S. President: Calvin _________.`coolidge
U.S. President: Calvin `Coolidge
U.S. President, Chester Alan ________.`arthur
U.S. President, Chester Alan `Arthur
U.S. President, Herbert C. _________.`hoover
U.S. President, Herbert C. `Hoover
US President, Herbert C.`Hoover
U.S. President, John Quincy ________.`adams
U.S. President, John Quincy `Adams
US President, John Quincy`Adams
US PRESIDENTS: Has B.Franklin ever been president of the U.S.? (yes/no)`no
US PRESIDENTS: In what year did A.Lincoln die`1865
US PRESIDENTS: In what year did J.F.Kennedy die`1963
US PRESIDENTS: Was Ulysses S. Grant a Republican? (yes/no)`yes
US PRESIDENTS: What party did Andrew Jackson represent`democrats
US PRESIDENTS: Who had to resign from the presidency`nixon
US PRESIDENTS: Who preceded F.D.Roosevelt`hoover
US PRESIDENTS: Who reigned during the Korean War`eisenhower
US PRESIDENTS: Who reigned during the War of 1812`madison
US PRESIDENTS: Who reigned for 4 years, then not and then again 4 years`cleveland
US PRESIDENTS: Who succeeded Abraham Lincoln`johnson
US PRESIDENTS: Who succeeded F.D.Roosevelt`truman
US PRESIDENTS: Who succeeded George Washington`adams
US PRESIDENTS: Who succeeded James Madison`monroe
US PRESIDENTS: Who succeeded Jimmy Carter`reagan
US PRESIDENTS: Who succeeded John Quincy Adams`jackson
US PRESIDENTS: Who succeeded Richard Nixon`ford
US PRESIDENTS: Who was Eisenhowers' vice president`nixon
US PRESIDENTS: Who was John Adams' vice president`jefferson
US PRESIDENTS: Who was Kennedy's vice president`johnson
US PRESIDENTS: Who was Nixon's first vice president`agnew
US PRESIDENTS: Who was president during World War I`wilson
US PRESIDENTS: Who was president in 1900`mckinley
US PRESIDENTS: Who was the first Democrat president of this century`wilson
US PRESIDENTS: Who was the first president of the U.S.`washington
US PRESIDENTS: Who was the last Whig president`fillmore
US PRESIDENTS: Who was the only Federalist party president`adams
US PRESIDENTS: Who was the third president of the U.S.A.`Jefferson
US PRESIDENTS: Who was vice president under J.Q.Adams and A.Jackson`calhoun
U.S. President, Woodrow __________.`wilson
U.S. President, Woodrow `Wilson
US President, Woodrow`Wilson
US slang:a person who habitually takes the drugs freebase or crack`basehead
US slang:bean-counter`accountant
US slang: stupid or insignificant person`bozo
US spacecraft "Viking I" makes the first successful ___ on Mars`landing
Ussr how much did david letterman pay to have miss ussr on his show`four cartons
US, West Germany and Japan not participate in the 1980 Olympic games in Moscow, as a protest because of Soviet activity in which country`afganistan
us, west germany and japan not participate in the 1980 olympic games in moscow, as a protest because of soviet activity in which country`afghanistan
US writer Ralph Waldo`emerson
Utah belongs to which group of states`rocky mountain
Utah. Yeast bread dough, deep-fried and served with honey and butter or with a savory filling`scone
Utensils such as knives, forks, and spoons used as tableware`cutlery
Uther pendragon was the father of ______`king arthur
Uttered or produced by the voice`vocally
Vaccinophobia is the fear of ______`vaccination
Vaduz is the capital of ______`liechtenstein
Vaguely outlined: indistinct`blearier
Vain or ostentatious display.  display`pomps
Vain, ostentatious display`vainglory
Valence when did the first man walk on the moon`1968
Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman to do what in 1963`travel in space
Valentine in an average lifetime, the average american gives flowers 136 times on __`mother's day
Valkyries are warrior maidens in which mythology`norse
Valois wine is produced by which European country`switzerland
Valuable or precious possessions of any kind`treasure
Valuable or precious possessions`riches
Vampire Bats can hear sound frequencies which are over _____ times higher than any picked up by the human ear`eight
Vampire Bats can hear sound frequencies which are over _____ times higher than any picked up by the human ear`eight`8
Vampires: Favourite place to sleep (and it's portable!)`coffin
Vampires: Most effective spot to pierce with a wooden stake.`heart
Vampires: Muppet vampire enjoyed doing this.`counting
Vampires: Often, a vampire's pallor.`pale
Vampires: Substance required for survival.`blood
Vampires: These teeth grow especially long in vampires.`incisors
Vancover Island & British Columbia became one colony in`1866
Vanessa Bell was the artist sister of which writer`virginia woolf
Van gogh what does oestrogen protect against`heart attacks
Van Halen: Eddie is married to what actress`valerie bertinelli
Van Halen: On what soundtrack did Sammy appear with "The Girl Gets Around"`footloose
Van Halen: Song on 1984, video included "Miss Chemistry"`hot for teacher
Van Halen: What city in the Netherlands were Alex and Edward Van Halen born`nijmegen
Van Halen: What Pete Townshend song was featured on VH Live: Right Here, Right Now`wont get fooled again
Van Halen: Who is the only member of the band born in California`sammy hagar
Van Halen: Who played clarinet on "Big Bad Bill" on "Diver Down"`jan van halen
Vanilla flavouring is derived from which flower`orchid
Vanilla Ice's _Ice Ice Baby_ sounds a lot like this David Bowie/Queen song:`under pressure
Vanilla is the extract of fermented & dried pods of several species of what`orchids
Vanna White, game show hostess of Wheel of Fortune, stated in her interview on The Tonight Show that she lost her virginity on a?`golf course
Variable or uneven in character or quality`streakier
Variant of ---1`bur
Variant of baloney2`baloneys
Variant of baloney2`boloney
Variant of bur1`burr
Variant of daimon`daemon
Variant of karat`carat
Variant of`plasma
Variants of`penuche
Varicose veins occurs usually in which part of the body`legs
Varietal name applied to two different minerals`alabaster
Variety entertainment`vaudeville
Various early Christian writings proposed as additions to the New Testament but rejected by the major canons`apocrypha
Various methods used to prevent pregnancy from occurring`birth control
Vasco da Gama rounded the Cape of Good Hope in what year`1498
Vast in range or scope: 'a -------- view.'`spacious
Vast region comprising the eastern part of the Asian portion of Russia, bounded on the west by the Ural mountains; on the north by the Arctic Ocean; on the east by the Pacific Ocean; & on the south by China, Mongolia, & Kazakstan`siberia
VCRs: DSS stands for this (Hint:Audio related)`dolby surround sound
VCRs: Nth America uses this format of tape.`ntsc
VCRs: The standard type of VCR is this (ie Beta)`VHS
VCRs: This company produces VCR's with APC(Automatic Picture Control)`sony
VCRs: This standard records at 1/2 normal speed.`long play
VCRs: This standard records at normal speed.`standard play
VCRs: VCR stands for this.`video cassette recorder
VCRs: VCR's with only one audio channel are known as this type.`mono
VCRs: VCR's with two audio channel's are known as this type.`stereo
Vega mechanical device that produces a force, or thrust, along the axis of rotation when rotated in a fluid, gas or liquid`propeller
Vegans are at risk of lacking which vitamin`b12
Vegetable matter from bogs used as fuel`peat
Vegetable protein food made from fungus`quorn
Vegetable with greenish flower heads`broccoli
Vegetable with green or purple leaves forming a round head`cabbage
(veggatenks) what is the name of track 18 on the marshal mathers lp from slim shady`criminal
Vehement, persistent advocacy of a cause: the -------- of criticism of the news media from the right (Michael Pollan)`drumbeat
Vehicle designed for the transportation of the sick or injured`ambulance
Vehicles or pedestrians in transit: 'heavy ------- on the turnpike: stopped oncoming ------- to let the children cross.'`traffic
Vehicle used to travel on snow`sleigh
Veil concealing face except eyes`yashmak
Velveteen is made from a mixture of Silk and which other fibre`cotton
Velvet Underground song about a self-mailing young man?`the gift
Venal: dishonest: 'a ------- mayor.'`corrupt
"venice of the north"`stockholm
Venom Is More Potent, A Rattlesnake's Or A Female Black Widow Spider's`Black Widow
Venus, Aphrodite and Hathor are all goddesses of what`love
Venus has how many moons`0
Venus has how many moons`none
Venus has how many moons`none`0
Venus is __________ kilometres in diameter`12,000
Venus is __________ miles in diameter`7,456
Venus is ____ million kilometres from the Sun`one hundred & eight
Venus is ____ million kilometres from the Sun`one hundred & eight`108
Venus takes nearly ___ Earth days to circle the Sun`two hundred & twenty five
Venus takes nearly ___ Earth days to circle the Sun`two hundred & twenty five`225
venustraphobia is the fear of`beautiful`scotia
Venustraphobia is the fear of ______`beautiful women
Verbal exchange: conversation`discourse
Verbophobia is the fear of`words
Verdict On Her Affair Was: 'Honey, A Dirt Sandwich Is Better Than Dwight Yoakam'`Sharon Stone
Verdi wrote 'aida' to commemorate the opening of the ____ ____`suez canal
Verifiable or provable by means of observation or experiment: '--------- laws.'`empirical
Vermicelli literally means`little worms
Vermicelli literally means `little worms
Vermicelli literally means ___________.`Little worms
Verminophobia is the fear of ______`germs
Vermont became the 14th state of the U S  in 1791, 1792 or 1793`1791
Veronique means the dish is served, garnished with what`white grapes
version got to no. 1 in 1969`marvin gaye
Very absorbent, as paper or soil`bibulous
Very disagreeable: unpleasant`beastlier
Very early: 'the --- hours of the morning.'`wee
Very early: 'the wee hours of the morning.'`weer
Very famous painting which is an important plot element in "City of Death"`the mona lisa
Very fashionable or stylish`hep
Very: fully: quite: 'We were glad ------ to leave.'`enough
Very great in area or extent: immense`vast
Very hard rain would pour down at the rate of about _____ miles per hour`twenty
Very hard rain would pour down at the rate of about _____ miles per hour`twenty`20
Very old: aged: The ---------- Earth, as one might say,/Beat like the heart of Man (William Wordsworth)`antiquated
Very ornate: flowery: 'a florid prose style.'`floridly
Very ornate: flowery: 'a ------ prose style.'`florid
Very pleasant: delightful: 'a --------- revenge.'`delicious
Very profound: limitless: '------- misery.'`abysmal
Very rapid and eventful: rushed: 'whiz-bang pacing: a whiz-bang schedule.'`whizzbang
Very slowly and with difficulty: laboriously: 'walking ------- through the snow.'`heavily
Very small clouds that look like they have been broken off of bigger clouds are called`scuds
Very small fancy cakes`petits fours
Very small: insignificant: 'a minor candidate's ---------- share of the vote.'`fractional
Very small in size, weight, or thickness: 'fine type: fine paper.'`finest
Very small in size, weight, or thickness: 'fine type: fine paper.'`fining
Very small in size, weight, or thickness: '---- type: ---- paper.'`fine
Very stylish in dress`dapper
Very thin light crisp biscuit`wafer
Very thin sheet iron, usually plated with tin`taggers
Very unpleasant: disagreeable`horrible
Vesper The evening star, especially Venus`vesper
Vestiophobia is the fear of`clothing
VH1: Janet Jackson video partially inspired by Paula Abdul's "Cold Hearted"`if
VH1: Segment which features 80's videos`the big 80's
VH1: Sheryl Crow kicks off her shoes at the beginning of this video`strong enough
VH1: This artist was credited with the 90's biggest comeback`meatloaf
VH1: This Phil Collins video is a sort of documentary about making music videos`dont lose my number
VH1: This sexy swimsuit model hosted a 'Body Language' special`kathy ireland
VH1: Video Madonna and a lion roam the streets of Venice`like a virgin
VH1: Video: shots of band interspliced with scenes from "Robin Hood"`everything i do
VH is the civil aircraft international prefix for which country`australia
Viciousness of conduct or action`villainies
Viciousness of conduct or action`villainy
Victor Emmanuel III was the last king of what country`italy
victor hugo's les miserables contains one of the longest sentences in the french language - how many words`823 words
victoria is the capital of`hong`company
Victoria is the capital of ______`hong kong
Victoria is the capital of the ______`seychelles
Victorian women tried to enlarge their breasts by bathing in _______`strawberries
Victories In The 1936 Olympics Upset Hitler`Jesse Owens
Victorious: conquering`triumphant
Video Games: Advertised briefly as the bloodiest video game in existence`mortal kombat
Video Games: Final Fantasy Legend 1-3 are known in Japan as what?`SaGa 1-3
Video Games: Grand Theft Auto: Vice City resembles what movie`Scarface
Video Games: How many buttons (excluding the control pad) did the original NES controller have?`Four
Video Games: How many buttons (excluding the control pad) did the original NES controller have?`Four`4
Video Games: How many fighters are playable in 'Street Fighter II'?`Eight
Video Games: How many fighters are playable in 'Street Fighter II'?`Eight`8
Video Games: How many gears do you have in 'Pole Position'?`Two
Video Games: How many gears do you have in 'Pole Position'?`Two`2
Video Games: How much money do you start with in the game 'Wall Street Kid'?`$500,000
Video Games: how much money do you start with in the game wall street kid`five hundred thousand`$500,000
Video Games: if you're killing a goomba, what game are you playing`super mario bros
Video Games: If you're killing a goomba, what game are you playing?`Super Mario Bros.`Mario
Video Games: In 'Adventure', which castle had a dark maze in it when you played on any but the easiest difficult level?`The Black Castle
Video Games: In Adventure, which castles require the bridge to explore fully?`Black and White Castles
Video Games: In Chrono Trigger, who is the "Master of War?"`Spekkio
Video Games: in dead or alive 2, hayabusa informs you that if your soul is imperfect`living will be difficult
Video Games: In Dead or Alive 2, Hayabusa informs you that "If your soul is imperfect," what?`Living will be difficult
Video Games: In 'Pac-Man' for the Atari 2600, how many points were each pellet worth?`One
Video Games: In 'Pac-Man' for the Atari 2600, how many points were each pellet worth?`One`1
Video Games: In Super Mario Bros. 2, how many extra lives do you get for spinning three 7s on the slot machine?`Ten`10`
Video Games: In the 'Extreme Battle' mini-game in 'Resident Evil 2', what characters are selectable?`Claire, Leon, Ada, and Chris
Video Games: In the game "Chrono Trigger," what is Lucca's mother's name?`Lara
Video Games: in the game joust, what animal was your mount`an ostritch
Video Games: In the game Joust, what animal was your mount?`An Ostritch`Ostritch
video games: in the intro movie of 'xenogears', what message appears over and over again on the ship's monitors`you shall be as gods
Video Games: In the intro movie of 'Xenogears', what message appears over and over again on the ship's monitors?`"You shall be as gods."`You shall be as  gods
Video Games: In the Mystical Ninja series, who is Goemon's sidekick?`Ebisumaru
Video Games: In the original All-C Saga game, who kills Mandy and Matthew?`Simetra
Video Games: in the original contra, what gun would get you`spread gun
Video Games: In the original Contra, what gun would "S" get you?`Spread Gun
Video Games: In the Sonic the Hedgehog series, what serves as your energy?`Rings
Video Games: In the Soul Edge series, who is known as "The Dandy of the South Seas?"`Cervantes
Video Games: in ultimate mortal kombat 3, what animal does mileena turn into in her animality`a skunk
Video Games: In Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, what animal does Mileena turn into in her Animality?`A Skunk`skunk
Video Games: In what game do you collect Jiggies, Jinjos, and Feathers (amongst other things)?`Banjo-Kazooie
Video Games: in what game do you collect jiggies, jinjos, and feathers`banjo-kazooie
Video Games: In which Mega Man game did Mega Man first gain the ability to charge up his shots?`Mega Man 4
Video Games: Konami's classic shooter Salamander is better known in the U.S. as what?`Life Force
Video Games: Manjimaru is the main character of which game?`Kabuki Klash
Video Games: Mario first starred in this game against a giant gorilla`donkey kong
Video Games: Mega Man's traditional nemesis in the Mega Man series is whom?`Dr. Wily
Video Games: Name all of the main characters from each Final Fantasy game, in order (Final Fantasy 2 and 4-10 only).`Frionel,Cecil,Butz,Terra,Cloud,Squall,Zidane,and Tidus
Video Games: Name the final boss from each Final Fantasy game (1-8, in that order).`Chaos, Emperor from Hell, Dark Cloud, Zeromus, Deathgyunos, Kefka, Sephiroth, and Ultimecia
Video Games: Nintendo's mascot, Mario, has a last name. What is it?`Mario
Video Games: nolan bushnell, creator of the first arcade game, also founded the video arcade chain now known as what`chuck e. cheese
Video Games: Nolan Bushnell, creator of the first arcade game, also founded the video arcade chain now known as what?`Chuck E. Cheese's
Video Games: One of the first 3-D screen games, it had a ship resembling the space shuttle`zaxxon
Video Games: On what non-Nintendo console can you find Zelda games?`Philips CD-I
Video Games: Samus Aran is the femme-fatale of which series of games?`Metroid
video games: 'secret of evermore' was entirely produced in which country`usa
Video Games: 'Secret of Evermore' was entirely produced in which country?`U.S.A.`usa`America`United States
Video Games: Tetris game where the object is to stack objects on people's heads`hatris
Video Games: The Hylians come from what game series?`The Legend of Zelda
Video Games: The Minus World of Super Mario Bros. is a never-ending version of what stage?`2-2
Video Games: the minus world of super mario bros is a never-ending version of what stage`2`two
Video Games: The Nintendo 64 was titled under what name during production?`Project Reality
Video Games: The quote "You spoony bard!" is from what game?`Final FantasyIV`Final Fantasy 4
Video Games: The Sega Genesis game about two lost aliens looking for their spaceship was called what?`ToeJam and Earl
Video Games: What alternate dimension does Link find himself in in Majora's Mask?`Termina
Video Games: What arcade game did Shigeru Miyamoto design Donkey Kong as a replacement for?`Radarscope
Video Games: What are names of the two brothers in the Double Dragon games?`Billy and Jimmy
Video Games: What color is the 1-up mushroom in Super Mario Bros.?`Green
Video Games: What did the letters in ROB (the old NES peripheral) stand for?`Robotic Operating Buddy
Video Games: What does the acronym "NES" stand for?`Nintendo Entertainment System
Video Games: What do you need to collect 100 of to get an extra life in Super Mario Bros.?`Coins
Video Games: What entertainment product did Nintendo make before entering the video game business?`Playing cards
Video Games: What fuzzy animal does Croc rescue?`The Gobbos
Video Games: What game takes place on the fantastic island of Koholint?`Link's Awakening
Video Games: What happened to the innocent residents of the Mushroom Kingdom when Bowser Koopa took over?`They became bricks and powerup blocks
video games: what is a "koopa"`a turtle
Video Games: What is a "koopa?"`A turtle`turtle
Video Games: What is Celine Jules's (Star Ocean: The Second Story) favorite food?`Baby rabbit risotto
Video Games: What is Mario's profession?`Plumber
Video Games: What is Ozzie's hyper sister's name in the original 'All-C Saga' game?`Treli
Video Games: What is the development team at Nintendo headed by Shigeru Miyamotocalled?`EAD
Video Games: What is the most powerful whip in 'Castlevania 2'?`Flame Whip
Video Games: What is the name of the cloud-riding, glasses-wearing koopa in the Super Mario Bros. series?`Lakitu
Video Games: What is the name of the Playstation controller that uses two analog joysticks?`Dual Shock
Video Games: what is the name of the star fox team's cocky wingman`falco lombardi
Video Games: What is the name of the Star Fox Team's cocky wingman?`Falco Lombardi`Falco
Video Games: What is the name of the video game inspired by the movie Alien?`Xenophobe
Video Games: What is the signature move of the Bombs in the Final Fantasyseries?`Exploder
Video Games: What is your character's name in the 'Legend of Zelda' series?`Link
Video Games: what item's sound effect was removed from smash brothers when it was ported from japan to the united states`the beam sword
Video Games: What item's sound effect was removed from Smash Brothers when it was ported from Japan to the United States`The Beam Sword`Beam Sword
Video Games: what member of the original starfox team betrays the group to join starwolf`pigma dengar
Video Games: What member of the original StarFox team betrays the group to join StarWolf?`Pigma Dengar`Pigma
video games: what new female fighter is introduced in 'virtua fighter 4'`vanessa lewis
Video Games: What new female fighter is introduced in 'Virtua Fighter 4'?`Vanessa Lewis`Vanessa
Video Games: what number is the pok mon scyther in the pokemon gameboy games`123
Video Games: what number is the pokmon scyther in the pokemon gameboy games`123
video games: what number is the pokmon "scyther" in the pokmon gameboy games`123
Video Games: What number is the Pok mon "Scyther" in the Pok mon GameBoy games`123
Video Games: What number is the Pokmon "Scyther" in the Pokmon GameBoy games?`123
Video Games: what number is the pokTmon scyther in the pokemon gameboy games`123
Video Games: What number is the PokTmon "Scyther" in the PokTmon GameBoy games`123
Video Games: What object did you need to get to the secret room in Atari's 'Adventure'?`The dot
Video Games: What special track is unlocked in 'Excite Bike 64' if you finish the tutorial?`Classic NES Excite Bike
Video Games: What's the first video game ever to contain an "Easter Egg"?`Adventure
Video Games: what video game starts out with koma pigs stealing your treasured bracelet`tomba
Video Games: What video game starts out with Koma Pigs stealing your treasured bracelet?`Tomba!`Tomba
Video Games: What was Nintendo's first Arcade game?`Radarscope
Video Games: What was the first Arcade game ever released?`Computer Space
Video Games: What was the first cartridge that had a battery backed save feature?`The Legend of Zelda
Video Games: What was the first game created by Rare?`Slalom
Video Games: What was the first home console system released by Sega?`Sega Master System
Video Games: What was the hybrid pinball/video game in the Pac-Man series?`Baby Pac-Man
Video Games: When was the first 'Final Fantasy' created?`1987
Video Games: when was the first final fantasy created`1987`ninteen eighty seven
Video Games: Which body part is found in Bodley Mansion in 'Castlevania II: Simon's Quest'?`An eye
Video Games: Which character was introduced in 'Super Street Fighter II'?`Cammy
Video Games: Which company made the original 'Donkey Kong'?`Nintendo
Video Games: Which RPG series features a line of inventors of the name "Shaia?"`Lufia
Video Games: Which was the first console "Duke Nukem' game?`Duke Nukem 64
Video Games: who created the music for n2o: nitrous oxide`the crystal method
Video Games: Who created the music for N2O: Nitrous Oxide?`The Crystal Method`Crystal Method
Video Games: Who invented Tetris?`Alexey Pazhitnov
Video Games: Who is Mega Man's creator?`Dr. Light
Video Games: Who is Mega Man's sister?`Roll
Video Games: Who is the boss of the SNES game, 'Ranma 1/2: SUPER Hard Battle'?`Herb
Video Games: Who is the developer at Nintendo responsible for classics like Donkey Kong, Super Mario Bros., and The Legend of Zelda?`Shigeru Miyamoto
Video Games: Who is the famed musical director for Square's Final Fantasy series?`Nobuo Uematsu
video games: who is the first gym leader you fight in 'pokmon' for the game boy`brock
Video Games: who is the first gym leader you fight in pokmon for the game boy`brock
Video Games: Who is the first gym leader you fight in 'Pokmon' for the Game Boy?`Brock
Video Games: Who is the main character from Nintendo's 'Earthbound'?`Ness
Video Games: Who is the main character in the 'DeathQuest' series?`Lucretzia
video games: who is the third opponent in 'super smash brothers'`fox mccloud
Video Games: Who is the third opponent in 'Super Smash Brothers'?`Fox McCloud`Fox
Video Games: Who manufactured the first home video game system?`Magnavox
video games: who pilots the gundam "epyon" in the game 'gundam wing: endless duel'`miliardo peacecraft
Video Games: Who pilots the Gundam "Epyon" in the game 'Gundam Wing: Endless Duel'?`Miliardo Peacecraft`Miliardo`Zechs
Video Games: Who programmed Roller Coaster Tycoon?`Chris Sawyer
Video Games: Who said "All life begins and ends with least this is my belief for now..."?`Nu
Video Games: Who was the main character in the original 'Street Fighter'?`Ryu
Video Games: Who wrote the song, "Pac-Man Fever?"`Buckner and Garcia
Video: Madonna and a lion roam the "streets" of Venice`like a virgin
Video: Nuns get stuck on train tracks & are saved by Shaolin monks`hope of deliverance
Video: Paula Abdul dances barefoot in a grass field`promise of a new day
Video: Prince slowly rises naked out of a tub`when doves cry
Videos: A bullet passes through the jack of diamonds`twilight zone
Videos: A girl dressed in yellow flirts with a man in a movie theater.`bust a move
Videos: Alice becomes a cake and gets eaten`don't come around here no more
Videos: A little girl pedals her tricycle through kenya, Russia, Spain, and New York.`sweet lullaby
Videos: A projection of the lead singers face moves along a roadway`burning down the house
Videos: Cher consorts frivolously with sailors while wearing a skimpy outfit.`if i could turn back time
Videos: Chevy Chase lip-synchs.`you can call me al
Videos: Colored stills of the group in concert are seemlessly run together as animation`shadrach
Videos: Elton John appears as a cartoon.`club at the end of the street
Videos: Features DaveTV`just a gigolo
Videos: Fish flopping around out of water; exploding piano.`epic
Videos: Four expressionless women play instruments as lead singer looks into camera.`addicted to love
Videos: Four women sing while waterskiing`vacation
Videos: Girl gets drawn into a comic strip featuring a motorcycle racer.`take on me
Video: shots of band interspliced with scenes from "Robin Hood"`everything i do
Videos: Man and woman dance in a laundromat and throw clothes at each other`every heartbeat
Videos: Man finds dog, gets large enough reward to save his bar.`all i need is a miracle
Videos: Mark Gastineau and the Statue of Liberty do an odd dance.`walk like an egyptian
Videos: Metal worker's forge a pair of angels wings`losing my religion
Videos: MTV used subtitles for this reggae-rap video`informer
Videos: Orange haired lady pounds fist on desk and spins globe.`sweet dreams
Videos: Shows only the words to this George Michael song.`praying for time
Videos: Shows romance between two mummies`everlasting love
Videos: Sinead O'Connor nicks her scalp shaving`the motown Song
Videos: Singer leads a group of prostitues against a ruthless pimp.`love is a battlefield
vienna is the capital of ______`austria
Vienna Stands On Which River. The...`Danube
Vientiane is the capital of ______`laos
Vietnam, laos, cambodia, thailand and malaysia is known by what name`indochina
Vietnam, laos, cambodia, thailand and malaysia, were influenced by who in early times`china and india
Vigesimal is which base numbering system`base twenty
vigesimal is which base numbering system`base`water
Vigorous growth of living things, such as plants`thrift
Vigorous growth of living things, such as plants`thrifts
Vigorous, lively, and vital: a vibrant group that challenged the... system (Philip Taubman)`vibrancy
Vigorously active: energetic or zealous`strenuous
Vigorously sharp-tempered: 'a peppery sales clerk.'`peppiness
Vigorously sharp-tempered: 'a ------- sales clerk.'`peppery
Vigorous strength: muscular power`sinew
Vikings what was the nickname given to the minnesota vikings' defensive unit`purple
Vince clarke & alison moyet formed what band in 1981`yazoo
Vince Guaraldi song which is played in every Charlie Brown animated special.`linus and lucy
Vince Lombardi & Brian Picollo both died in _____`1970
Vincent Minelli directed which Oscar winning musical in 1958`gigi
Vincent Van Gogh sold exactly one painting while he was alive, what was it`red vineyard at arles
Vinnie Jones is associated with which sport`football
Violent anger: frenzy`furor
Violent compression`implosion
Violent & Funky - Die Lika Pig`infectious grooves
Violent hurricaine in E.Asian seas`typhoon
Violent, uncontrolled action: turbulence`furies
Virago is the  name of a publisher of feminist books but what does the word actually mean`loud,violent and bad tempered woman
Viral disease of rabbits`myxomatosis
Virginia law states that it is illegal to have sex with the ______ __.`lights on
Virginia woolf what two rivers join forces on the outskirts of st louis`missouri and
Virginitiphobia is the fear of ______`rape
Viscid: sticky`viscous
Viscose rayon`viscose
Viscous black liquid produced in the destructive distillation of coal to make coke & gas`coal tar
"Vissi D'Arte" is a famous aria from a Puccini opera in which the eponymous heroine is an opera singer. Name the opera`tosca
Visual representation of individual people, distinguished by references to the subject's character, social position, wealth, or profession.`portraiture
Vitamin B1 is also known as`thiamine
Vitamin B found in liver, milk & eggs`riboflavin
Vitricophobia is the fear of`step-father
Vividly or movingly expressive: 'a look -------- with compassion.'  expressive`eloquent
Vocal music characterized by florid ornamental passages`coloratura
Vocal or instrumental sounds possessing a degree of melody, harmony, or rhythm`musics
Vocals of SoftCell`marc almond
Vodka, milk, coca-cola and kahula mixed together makes this`Vodka Paralyser
Voice Did Al Gore Not Recognize When She Phoned Him On 'Larry King Live'`Tipper Gore's
Volcanic lake in Romania:`lake st ana
Voracious S.American freshwater fish`piranha
voted best band in the world and best act of the millenium in kerrang magazine in 1999 name the band`black sabbath
vsop stands for`very special old pale
Vulgar Slang. A woman's breasts`knockers
Wadsworth In what year was Diet Pepsi introduced`1965
Wagoner Auriga`wagoner
Wallace in greek and roman mythology, what food of the gods was said to make immortal anyone who ate it`ambrosia
Walloonphobia is the fear of`walloons
Walrus tusks are made of ________.`ivory
Walrus tusks are made of `ivory
Walrus tusks are made of ________`Ivory
Walt Disney had an apartment in Disneyland, where was it located`over the fire house
walt disney had wooden`teeth
walt disney's autograph bears no resemblance to the famous disney----------`logo
Walter and john huston became the first father-and-son team to win oscars for which film`treasure of sierra madre
Walter Matthau starred as a slovenly sports reporter in the film The Odd Couple, what was his character name in the film`oscar madison
Walter raleigh 1992 - What Democratic hopeful's birth date received a draft lottery #311`bill clinton
Wanting or needing affection, attention, or reassurance, especially to an excessive degree`needier
Wanting or needing affection, attention, or reassurance, especially to an excessive degree`needy
Wanting to eat or drink more than one can reasonably consume: gluttonous`greedier
War: 1950-1953`Korea`Korean
War: 1961-1975`Vietnam
---------- ward cleaver beaumont was an ordained minister`hugh
War heroine violette bushell was better known by her married surnamet`szabo
War heroine Violette Bushell was better known by her married surname - what is it`szabo
Warm current of the North Atlantic ocean, flowing in a generally northeastern direction from the straits of Florida to the grand banks, east &  south of Newfoundland`gulf stream
warren beatty is an la rams quarterback who dies & returns in another body`heaven can wait
warren harding's v.p.`calvin coolidge
warsaw is the capital of ______`poland
Warsaw is the capital of what country`Poland
was an arrest warrant issued in Dresden in 1849`Verdi
---------- was born during a wwii air raid`ringo starr
was buckingham palace built`fertility
was buckingham palace built`john sheffield
was Diana Prince the alter ego`wonderwoman
was Dr David Banner the alter ego`the incredible hulk
---------- was first introduced in england in 1799 by british prime minister, william pitt`income tax
---------- was first used as a medical treatment in 2700 b.c. by chinese emperor shen-nung`acupuncture
was Halley's Comet named`edmund halley
was he better known`radar
was he referring`klinger
washington dc is the capital of ______`united states
Washington DC lies on which river`potomac
was it said by Gerald Ford, 'He doesn't dye his hair - he's just prematurely orange'`ronald reagan
was Jan Ludvik Hoch better known`robert maxwell
was julius caesar stabbed`cassius
was julius caesar stabbed`fogerty
was Marie Antoinette married`louis xvi
was mary ann todd married`abraham lincoln
---------- was once appointed special agent of the bureau of narcotics and dangerous drugs`elvis presley
---------- was related to princess diana`humphrey bogart
Was richmal crompton a man or woman`woman
was Rossini referring in the phrase "The Mozart of theChamps-Elysees"`Offenbach
was sean connery in the longest day (yes or no)`yes
Was shirley temple 21, 25 or 29 when she made her last film`21
was the American state of Maryland named`henrietta maria
Was the Brachiosaurus the fastest or slowest of the dinosaurs`Slowest
Was the computer originally thought useful [yes/no]`yes
--------------- was the first country to give woman the vote, in 1893.`new zealand
was the first covenant of God`adam & eve`adam and eve
------- was the first European country to establish a system for health insurance for its workers in 1888.`germany
---------- was the first head of the united states post office`benjamin franklin
---------- was the first man to pee his pants on the moon`buzz aldrin
------- was the last Ivy League college to go coed, in 1972.`dartmouth
Was the telephone originally thought useful [yes/no]`no
was the third longest reign`henry iii
Watchful care or management: supervision`oversight
watch your language: what english word comes from the old french covrefeu, meaning cover fire`curfew
watch your language: what's the spanish word for black`negro
Water affected by the tides, especially tidal streams`tidewater
Water containing carbon dioxide under pressure is called ________`soda water
Water containing carbon dioxide under pressure is called  `soda water
Water filled tank, usually with glass sides, in which aquatic plants & animals, particularly fish, are kept`aquarium
Water found below the surface of the land`groundwater
Water freezes at _ degrees Celcius.`0
Water freezes at _ degrees Celcius`zero
Water freezes at __ degrees Fahrenheit.`32
Water freezes at  degrees Fahrenheit`thirty two
Water in vapor state, used in the generation of power & on a large scale in many industrial processes`steam
Waterloo Is Just South Of Which European Capital City`Brussels
Waterproof cloth for covering`tarpaulin
Waterproof hip boots or trousers worn especially while fishing`waders
Waterproof rubber boot`wellington
Water Solution Does Not Conduct An Electric Current`Nonelectrolyte
Water vapor condensed on and clouding the appearance of a surface`mist
Wavering: undecided`pendulous
Waves 'break' when their height is how much more than the depth of the water`seven tenths
Wax like substance from the sperm whale used in perfumes`ambergris
wayne rogers plays this character in house calls?`charlie michaels
Way Religious phenomenon in which a message is sent by God (or by a god) to human beings through an intermediary, or prophet`prophecy
Way who lived on bonnie meadow way in new rochelle`rob and laura petrie
WD-40 Company products are sold in more than ________ countries around the world`one hundred and fifty
WD-40 Company products are sold in more than ________ countries around the world`one hundred and fifty`150
Wealthy Roman men would often keep a preferred child slave for _______ purposes.`sexual
Weapon consisting of a long, sharp edged or pointed blade fixed in a hilt (a handle that usually has a protective guard at the place where the handle joins the blade)`sword
Weapon resembling a short sword or a dagger, designed to be attached to the muzzle of a rifle or musket`bayonet
Weapons & Warfare: 10th August 1557. Anglo-Spanish Forces Defeated The French`Battle Of St Quentin
Weapons & Warfare: 10th July,1460. Battle In The Wars Of The Roses At Which Edward, Earl Of March - The Future Edward Iv - Defeated The Lancastrians, Killing Many Of The Main Lancastrians, And Capturing Henry Vi`Battle Of Northhampton
Weapons & Warfare: 10th May 1307. Robert The Bruce Defeated The Earl Of Pembroke`Battle Of Loudon Hill
Weapons & Warfare: 11th August 1332. Battle Between Edward Balliol, Son Of John Balliol, Deposed King Of Scotland And The Earl Of Mar, Guardian Of The Realm During The Minority Of David Ii, The Son Of Robert The Bruce. Balliol Was Victorious And Was Able To Declare Himself King Of Scotland, Although He Was Only Able To Hold On To The Throne For Three Months`Battle Of Dupplin Muir
Weapons & Warfare: 11th December 1282. Decisive Battle Of Edward I's Conquest Of Wales. Llewellyn Of Gwynedd Was Raising Rebellion In South And Mid Wales, And Was Thus Away From His Stronghold In Snowdonia. He And His Troops Encountered The English, Led By John Giffard And Edmund Mortimer`Battle Of Orewin Bridge
Weapons & Warfare: 11th September 1297. William Wallace And Andrew Moray Defeated The English Forces Under Earl Warenne. The English Army Was Forced To Deploy Across Swampy Ground, Where Their Cavalry Was Less Useful, And Was Split In Two, And Warenne Fled To Berwick. After The Battle, Wallace Was Able To Gain Control Of Most Of Scotland For A Short Period`Battle Of Stirling Bridge
Weapons & Warfare: 12th-25th September 1918. Successful British Assault On German Positions On The Hindenburg Line`Battle Of Epehy
Weapons & Warfare: 12th October 1899-17th May 1900. About 750 Soldiers,1700 Civilians, And 7,000 Africans Were Besieged By 10,000 Boers. Col Robert Baden-Powell Held The Boers Off Until Relief Arrived. This Was A Great Boost For British Morale`Siege Of Mafekeng
Weapons & Warfare: 1340. A Naval Victory For England And Edward Iii Over France And Philip Iv Which Marked The Beginning Of The Hundred Years' War. The French Ships Were Chained Together, While The English Remained Mobile, And Were Able To Destroy The French Fleet - 200 French Ships Were Lost, While Only Thirty Escaped. The Battle Was The Start Of Edward Iii's Successful Military Career See Noble`Battle Of Sluys
Weapons & Warfare: 13th December 1939. Naval Battle In The South Atlantic Between A British Squadron Of 3 Ships - Hms Exeter, Hms Ajax, And Hms Achilles - And The German Pocket Battleship Admiral Graf Spee. Hitler, Unwilling For The Graf Spee To Be Sunk By The British Warships`Battle Of The River Plate
Weapons & Warfare: 13th July 1643. English Civil War Battle At Roundway Down, Near Devizes, Wiltshire, In Which Royalist Troops Under Lord Wilmot Defeated The Parliamentarians Under Sir William Waller`Battle Of Roundway Down
Weapons & Warfare: 13th November 1093. A Scottish Invasion Force Led By Malcolm Iii, King Of Scotland, Was Defeated By The English. The Invasion Was Triggered By The Fortification Of Carlisle By William Ii. Both Malcolm And His Son Edward Were Killed In The Battle`Battle Of Alnwick
Weapons & Warfare: 13th September 1356. Victory For Edward, The Black Prince, Over King John Ii Of France During The Hundred Years' War`Battle Of Poitiers
Weapons & Warfare: 1435. Meeting In Northern France Between Representatives Of Henry Vi Of England, Charles Vii Of France, And Philip The Good Of Burgundy To Settle The Hundred Years' War`Treaty Of Arras
Weapons & Warfare: 14th June 1645. Cromwell's Forces Defeated Prince Rupert And The Royalists At Naseby During The English Civil War`Battle Of Naseby
Weapons & Warfare: 14th October 1066. The English Army Under Harold, Exhausted After Their March From The Battle Of Stamford Bridge Against The Norwegian Army Of Harald Hardraada And Tostig, Are Defeated By The Normans And Harold Is Killed At Senlac Hill`Battle Of Hastings
Weapons & Warfare: 14th October 1318. Battle In Ireland Between The Forces Of Edward Bruce And Those Of The English In Ireland. Bruce Had Invaded Ireland At The Instructions Of His Brother Robert, And Had Some Initial Successes, But He And His Allies Were Defeated At Dundalk And Edward Bruce Killed. Bruce's Invasion Had Been A Disaster For Ireland, And Had Seen Widespread Destruction`Battle Of Dundalk
Weapons & Warfare: 15th April 1450. English Defeat In The Later Stages Of The Hundred Years' War. The French Intercepted And Defeated A Force Marching To Relieve The Siege Of Caen, Killing 4000 English Troops And Allowing The French To Reoccupy Normandy, Originally Conquered By Henry V`Battle Of Formigny
Weapons & Warfare: 15th May 1464. Battle In The Wars Of The Roses Between A Yorkist Army Led By Lord Montagu And A Lancastrian One Led By Henry Beaufort,3rd Duke Of Somerset. The Yorkists Were Defeated, And Somerset Was Executed After The Battle. This And Hedgeley Moor Ended Resistance To Edward Iv`Battle Of Hexham
Weapons & Warfare: 1667. The Treaty Which Ended The Second Anglo-Dutch War. Under The Terms Of The Treaty, Britain Gained New Amsterdam, Which Was Renamed New York`Treaty Of Breda
Weapons & Warfare: 16th August 1513. Henry Viii And Emperor Maximilian Defeat The French At Guinegatte`Battle Of The Spurs
Weapons & Warfare: 16th June 1487. Battle Outside Newark Where Lambert Simnel, After Being Crowned As Edward V At Dublin, Returned To England With Forces To Fight The Royal Army. Simnel Was Supported By Irish And English Yorkists, And Had Some German Mercenaries In His Force. The Revolt Failed, Simnel Was Defeated, Captured, And Pardoned`Battle Of Stoke
Weapons & Warfare: 16th June 1743. During The War Of The Austrian Succession, This Was The Last Battle Led By A British Monarch When George Ii Defeated The French Army Of 50,000, With An Allied Army Of 42,000 English, Austrian And Hanoverian Troops`Battle Of Dettingen
Weapons & Warfare: 1709. Battle In Which The Allied Forces Under The Duke Of Marlborough And Eugene, Prince Of Savoy, Defeated The French`Battle Of Malplaquet
Weapons & Warfare: 1739. War Between Britain And Spain Over From Britain's Illicit Trade With Spanish America. It Merged Into The War Of The Austrian Succession. The Name Comes From The Claim Of Robert Jenkins, A Merchant Captain, That His Ear Had Been Cut Off By Spanish Coastguards Near Jamaica`War Of Jenkins' Ear
Weapons & Warfare: 1745. Battle Near Prestonpans, East Scotland, In Which The Jacobite Forces Of The Young Pretender, Prince Charles Edward Stuart Defeated The English. He Led His Army Into England To Gain Popular Support, But Returned To Scotland`Battle Of Prestonpans
Weapons & Warfare: 1759. Battle At Which General James Wolfe Defeated The French`Battle Of Quebec
Weapons & Warfare: 1857-1858. Aka The Sepoy Rebellion. A Revolt Of Indian Soldiers - The Sepoys - Against The British In Northern India, From Bengal To The Punjab, And In Central India. As A Consequence, The British East India Company Ended Its Control Of India And Was Replaced By British Crown Administration`The Indian Mutiny
Weapons & Warfare: 18th June 1643. John Hampden Is Mortally Wounded In The Second Battle Of The English Civil War`Battle Of Chalgrove
Weapons & Warfare: 18th November 1940. This Was The 8th Army's First Offensive In North Africa`Battle Of Libya
Weapons & Warfare: 18th October 1016. Cnut, King Of Denmark, Heavily Defeated Edmund Ironside, King Of England. Edmund Was Forced To Partition The Country, Giving The North To Cnut. However, Ironside Was Killed Before The Agreement Came Into Force, And Cnut Became King Of England`Battle Of Ashingdon
Weapons & Warfare: 1914-1915. A Series Of Battles Between Austrian And Russian Forces Near The Town Of Lemberg, Now Lvov In The Ukraine. The Russians Were Repulsed By German Forces In June 1915 And The Town Remained In German Hands For The Remainder Of The War`Battle Of Lemberg
Weapons & Warfare: 1915-1916. A Series Of Indecisive Engagements Between German And Russian Forces Along The River Dvina, Near The Latvian Capital, Riga`Battles Of The Dvina
Weapons & Warfare: 1917-1918. A Series Of Battles Between Austrian And Italian Troops`Battles Of The Piave
Weapons & Warfare: 1918. 2 British Attempts To Block The Entrance Of The Ostend Harbour And Deny The Germans Use Of The Harbour. Ostend Was Occupied On 14th October 1914 And Remained In German Hands For The Rest Of The War`Battle Of Ostend
Weapons & Warfare: 1941-1943. A Series Of Battles Between Soviet And German Forces Over The Possession Of Kharkov, The 4th Most Important City In The Ussr. The City Changed Hands Several Times Before Finally Being Recaptured By Soviet Forces Aug 1943`Battle Of Kharkov
Weapons & Warfare: 1942-1943. A Series Of Us Land And Sea Battles For Control Of The Largest Of The Solomon Islands After The Americans Discovered That The Japanese Were Building An Airfield. The Engagements Were Inconclusive Until The Japanese Decided That Such Heavy Losses Could Not Be Justified And Evacuated`Battle Of Guadalcanal
Weapons & Warfare: 1944. An Allied Battle To Keep Japanese Forces From An Important Road Junction At Imphal, In The Manipur District Northwest Of Calcutta, Northeast India. The Japanese - Starving And Diseased - Had Lost 53,000 Troops And Fell Back To The Chindwin River, And Abandoned Their Artillery And Transport. This Was The Turning Point In The Burma Campaign`Battle Of Imphal
Weapons & Warfare: 19th August 1388. A Scottish Army Led By James,2nd Earl Of Douglas, Defeated An English Army Led By Henry Percy. Douglas Was Killed By Percy, And Percy Was Captured, Although His Reputation Was Enhanced By His Personal Performance During The Battle`Battle Of Otterburn
Weapons & Warfare: 19th February-17th March 1945. The Island Of Iwo Jima Was A Japanese Air Base. Us Marines Landed On The Island Which Was To Be Used For A Final Assault On Mainland Japan. In This Intense Battle,22,000 Japanese Troops Put Up Fierce Resistance, But The Us Forces Finally Secured The Island`Battle Of Iwo Jima
Weapons & Warfare: 19th May 1692. A Large French Fleet Was Destroyed By The British Under Russell`Battle Of La Hogue
Weapons & Warfare: 1st August 1759. Four Miles North West Of Minden In Westphalia, Germany. A Battle During The Seven Years' War, When The French Were Defeat By A Combined British-Hanoverian Army. The Yorkshire Soldiers Helped Gain A Victory`Battle Of Minden
Weapons & Warfare: 1st May 1645. Royalist Highlanders Defeat The Scottish Covenanters During The English Civil War`Battle Of Auldcarn
Weapons & Warfare: 1st November 1914. At The Start Of World War I, The German Admiral Von Spee Began To Raid Commerce In The South Pacific. In October 1914, A British Squadron Sent To Address The Problem, Encountered The Germans Off Coronel. The British Were Outgunned, Outnumbered And Completely Defeated, Losing 1,500 Crew. This Was One Of The First British Naval Defeats Of The War`Battle Of Coronel
Weapons & Warfare: 20th-30th September 1914. An Indecisive Battle Between The French And The German Forces Which Were Making For The Sea. As Both Sides Attempted To Outflank Each Other, There Was A Stalemate Which Was Only Broken When German Reinforcements Arrived`Battle Of Albert
Weapons & Warfare: 20th June 1306. Battle In Which The English, Led By Aymer De Valence Defeated The Scots Under Robert The Bruce, Forcing Bruce To Flee, And Capturing Many Of His Key Supporters`Battle Of Ruthven
Weapons & Warfare: 20th September 1319. Yorkshire Battle At Which Untrained Forces Led By William Melton, Archbishop Of York, Was Crushed By The Scots Under Sir James Douglas. The Defeat Forced Edward Ii To Abandon The Siege Of Berwick`Battle Of Myton
Weapons & Warfare: 21st May 1940. An Allied Attack On German Forces Holding The French Town Of Arras. Rommel Beat Off The British Tanks Using 88mm Anti-Aircraft Guns. This Was The First Time The Guns Were Used In An Anti-Tank R?Le`Battle Of Arras
Weapons & Warfare: 22nd August 1139. Battle During The Anarchy In Which The Invading Scots, Led By David I, Were Defeated By The English, Led By William, Count Of Aumale, On Cowton Moor, North Of Northallerton`Battle Of The Standard
Weapons & Warfare: 22nd January 1879. Zulu Victory Over - Mostly Welsh - British Forces At A Site 100 Miles North Of Durban. The Battle Was Fought During A Solar Eclipse. About 350 Troops Of The Original Contingent Of 1,800 Escaped And The Invasion Of Zululand Was Temporarily Halted Until Reinforcements Were Received From Britain`Battle Of Isandhlwana
Weapons & Warfare: 22nd July 1298. Edward I Defeated The Scots Under William Wallace At Falkirk, Near Edinburgh. Wallace Faced The English In Open Battle, But His Cavalry Fled And His Spearmen Were Beaten By The English Archers. The Battle Led To Wallace's Fall From Power In Scotland, Although He Remained At Large For Another Seven Years`Battle Of Falkirk
Weapons & Warfare: 22nd May 1455. The First Battle Of The Wars Of The Roses, Was A Victory For The House Of York When Richard, Duke Of York Captured Henry Vi`Battle Of St Albans
Weapons & Warfare: 22nd November 1915. Unsuccessful British Attempt To Dislodge Turkish Forces From The City Of Ctesiphon, South-East Of Baghdad In Iraq. The British Lost Over 4,500 Troops`Battle Of Ctesiphon
Weapons & Warfare: 23rd April 1014. Battle At Which The Irish, Led By Brian Boru, High King Of Ireland, Defeated A Force Of Scandinavians Led By The Viking King Of Dublin. The Victory Limited The Scandinavians To Their Coastal Ports. Brian Boru, One Of The Greatest High Kings Was Killed In The Battle`Battle Of Clontarf
Weapons & Warfare: 23rd August 1914. This Was The First Engagement Between The German And British Forces In The First World War. The British Were Defeated And Pulled Back`Battle Of Mons
Weapons & Warfare: 23rd July 1403. A Rebel Force Led By Henry Percy - Intending To Join With Owen Glyn Dwr Against Henry Iv Was Defeated By Henry. Hotspur Was Killed In The Battle And His Body Displayed In Shrewsbury. Hotspur's Death Reduced The Threat To Henry Iv`Battle Of Shrewsbury
Weapons & Warfare: 23rd May 1706. Battle Near Ramillies, Belgium, During The War Of The Spanish Succession In Which English, Danish And Dutch Under The Duke Of Marlborough Defeated The French And Their Allies. This Effectively Ended The Spanish Empire In Europe`Battle Of Ramillies
Weapons & Warfare: 23rd October 1642. The First Major Battle Of The English Civil War Took Place On A Ridge In Warwickshire, Between Royalists Under Charles I And Parliamentarians Under The Third Earl Of Essex. The Result Was Indecisive`Battle Of Edgehill
Weapons & Warfare: 24th January 1915. Naval Battle Between British And German Forces At The Dogger Bank Sandbank In The Middle Of The North Sea. British Casualties Were To 6 Killed And 22 Wounded. German Losses Were About 1,000 Killed And 300 Wounded. Several Ships On Both Sides Were Damaged`Battle Of Dogger Bank
Weapons & Warfare: 24th June 1314. Robert I The Bruce Of Scotland Defeated The English Under Edward Ii. Edward Had Come To Relieve The Besieged Stirling Castle. The Scots Were Grouped In Four Units, Consisting Of Pikemen With A Few Cavalry, And Protected Their Front With Pits And Stakes`Battle Of Bannockburn
Weapons & Warfare: 25th April 1707. A Battle In The War Of The Spanish Succession In Which British, Portuguese, And Spanish Forces Were Defeated By The French At The Spanish Town Of Albacete`Battle Of The Almansa
Weapons & Warfare: 25th October 1854. Battle During The Crimean War, Russian Attack On British Positions, Near A Town In Ukraine,6 Miles South-East Of Sebastopol. It Was The Scene Of The Charge Of The Light Brigade Of British Cavalry Against The Russian Entrenched Artillery`Battle Of Balaclava
Weapons & Warfare: 25th September 1066. Harold Was In The South Of England With An Army Which He Had Assembled To Meet The Anticipated Invasion By The Normans. Upon News Of The Norse Invasion Of Harald Hardraada, King Of Norway, And Tostig, The King's Exiled Brother, Harold Marched North And Confronted The Norse Army At Stamford Bridge, A Crossing Of The River Derwent 9 Miles North-East Of York`Battle Of Stamford Bridge
Weapons & Warfare: 26th July 1757. Battle In The Seven Years' War . The Duke Of Cumberland, In Charge Of A 40,000 Strong German Army Protecting Hanover, Was Defeated By The French, Leaving Hanover Vulnerable And Leading Him To Sign The Treaty Of Klozter-Zevan, Allowing The French To Occupy Hanover`Battle Of Hastenbach
Weapons & Warfare: 27th April 1296. Scottish Battle In Which Edward I Defeated John Balliol. Balliol Had Been Appointed King Of Scotland By Edward At The Request Of The Scottish Lords, But Had Been Unable To Withstand The Demands Of Edward I And Of His Own Scottish Advisors. After His Defeat, Balliol Surrendered His Throne To Edward`Battle Of Dunabr
Weapons & Warfare: 27th February 1881. British Were Defeated By The Boers`Battle Of Majuba
Weapons & Warfare: 27th November 1940. Indecisive Naval Battle Between An Italian Fleet And A British Convoy In The Mediterranean. The Italians Returned To Naples To Avoid Air Strikes Against Their Only Two Serviceable Battleships`Battle Of Cape Spartivento
Weapons & Warfare: 27th September 1810. A Battle Of The Peninsular War`Battle Of Busaco
Weapons & Warfare: 28th March 1941. British Naval Victory Off The South Coast Of Greece Over Italian Forces Which Had Been Sent To Disrupt Allied Shipping In The Mediterranean`Battle Of Cape Matapan
Weapons & Warfare: 2nd February 1141. Battle During The Civil War Of Maud & Stephen While Stephen Was Captured By Forces Supporting Matilda. As A Result Of The Battle, Matilda Controlled The Country For Seven Months`Battle Of Lincoln
Weapons & Warfare: 2nd February 1461. A Yorkist Army Led By Edward, Duke Of York, The Future Edward Iv, Defeated A Lancastrian Army Lead By James Butler, Earl Of Wiltshire, And Jasper Tudor, Earl Of Pembroke. Owen Tudor Was Captured And Executed, While Edward Marched On To London And Was Proclaimed King`Battle Of Mortimer's Cross
Weapons & Warfare: 2nd February 1645. Royalist Highlanders Defeat The Scottish Covenanters During The English Civil War`Battle Of Inverlochy
Weapons & Warfare: 2nd November 1899-28th February 1900. The British Were Besieged By The Boers During The Boer War`Siege Of Ladysmith
Weapons & Warfare: 2nd September 1898. 8000 British And 17,000 Egyptian Forces Under Kitchener Beat 50,000 Sudanese Tribesmen Under The Khalif Abdullah El Taashi`Battle Of Omdurman
Weapons & Warfare: 3,000 Pounds Of What Fruit Did The Visigoths Demand In Ransom When They Laid Siege To Rome In 408 A.D`Peppercorns
Weapons & Warfare: 30th December 1460. Fought Near Sandal Castle During The Wars Of The Roses. Richard, Duke Of York - The Grand Old Duke Of York Of The Nursery Rhyme - Was Besieged And Then Killed During The Battle`Battle Of Wakefield
Weapons & Warfare: 30th December 1942. British Naval Victory Over German Forces Which Had Attacked A British Convoy En Route To Murmansk. The Convoy Was Protected By 6 British Destroyers And 5 Smaller Escort Vessels`Battle Of Barents Sea
Weapons & Warfare: 30th November-3rd December 1916. An Austro-German Force Defeated The Romanian Armies Which Were Attempting To Defend Bucharest With A Pincer Movement From The North And South, On The Line Of The Argesul River. Bucharest Was Left Under Occupation By The Germans`Battle Of The Argesul
Weapons & Warfare: 31st May 1916. The Were Heavy British Losses In The Indecisive Naval Battle Between British And German Forces Off The West Coast Of Jutland`Battle Of Jutland
Weapons & Warfare: 3rd September 1650. Battle During The English Civil Wars In Which Oliver Cromwell Beat The Scots Under David Leslie`Battle Of Dunbar
Weapons & Warfare: 43 Ad. Battle During The Second Roman Invasion Of Britain. The Britons, Led By Caractacus And Togodumnus, Were Surprised When The Romans, Led By Aulus Plautius, Crossed The River Medway, Kent. The Ensuing Battle Lasted For Two Days, And At The End The Defeated Britons Scattered, Leaving Togodumnus Dead. Caractacus Escaped And Continued His Resistance`Battle Of Medway
Weapons & Warfare: 4th August 1265. Battle Of The Barons' Wars. Simon De Montfort Was Holding Henry Iii Prisoner, And Prince Edward - The Future Edward I - Led An Attempt To Rescue His Father. Edward's Army Defeated De Montfort's Near Evesham`Battle Of Evesham
Weapons & Warfare: 4th May 1471. Margaret Of Anjou, Wife Of Henry Vi, Was Defeated And Captured By Edward Iv During This Battle Of The Wars Of The Roses. Edward, Prince Of Wales, Son Of Henry Vi Was Killed In The Battle`Battle Of Tewkesbury
Weapons & Warfare: 577 Ad. Battle Near Bath In Which Ceawlin Of Wessex, Bretwalda Of The English And The Britons. Ceawlin's Victory Split The Britons Of Wales From Those Of Devon And Cornwall, And Was Followed By The Capture Of Gloucester, Cirencester And Bath, Considerably Advancing The English Conquest`Battle Of Deorham
Weapons & Warfare: 5th August 641. Battle, Possibly At Oswestry, At Which Oswald, King Of Northumbria, Was Defeated And Killed By Penda, King Of Mercia. Oswald's Death At Pagan Hands Soon Transformed Him Into A Saint. Penda's Victory Established Mercia As The Chief English Kingdom`Battle Of Maserfelth
Weapons & Warfare: 5th August 910. Battle In Staffordshire Fought By Edward The Elder Of Wessex Against The Invading Danes From York. Edward's Victory Ended The Threat To The English From The Northumbrian Viking For Many Years`Battle Of Tettenhall
Weapons & Warfare: 603 Ad. Battle At Which Aethelfrith, King Of Northumbria, Defeated An Invading Force From The Irish Kingdom Of Argyll`Battle Of Degsastan
Weapons & Warfare: 632 Ad. Battle On The Northumbrian Border In Which The Forces Of Edwin Were Defeated By Those Of Cadwallon And Penda. Edwin Had Previously Invaded Gwynedd, And Cadwallon's Attack Was In Revenge. Edwin Was Killed, And Northumbria Split Back Into Deira And Bernicia`Battle Of Hatfiled Chase
Weapons & Warfare: 654 Ad. Battle Fought At The Now Unknown Winwaed, A Stream Near Leeds, Between Oswiu, King Of Bernicia, And Penda, King Of Mercia. Oswiu, Having Come Close To Defeat, Was Eventually Victorious, While Penda Was Killed In The Battle. After The Battle Northumbria Was For A Period Dominant, While Mercia Was Temporarily Dismembered`Battle Of Winwaed
Weapons & Warfare: 6th January 871. A West Saxon Army Led By Alfred Defeated The Danes. This Was Not A Decisive Victory, And The Saxons Suffered Subsequent Defeats`Battle Of Ashdown
Weapons & Warfare: 6th July 1685. After The Accession Of The Catholic James Ii In 1685, The Protestant James Scott, Duke Of Monmouth Landed At Lyme Regis, Dorset, Claimed The Crown. He Was Proclaimed King At Taunton. He Raised A Rebellion, Which Was Crushed At Sedgemoor, Somerset. This Was The Last Battle Fought On English Soil`Battle Of Sedgemoor
Weapons & Warfare: 7th May 1689. Battle At Killiecrankie, Scotland, During The First Jacobite Uprising. General Mackay - For William Of Orange - Was Defeated By John Graham Of Claverhouse, A Supporter Of James Ii. Claverhouse Was Killed And The Revolt Soon Petered Out. The Remaining Forces Were Routed On 21st August`Battle Of Killiecrankie
Weapons & Warfare: 838 Ad. Battle Fought In The Tamar Valley, Cornwall, Between Egbert And The Britons Of Cornwall Allied With The Danes. Egbert Was Victorious, And Annexed Cornwall To Wessex, Removing One Of The Last British Kingdoms`Battle Of Hingston Down
Weapons & Warfare: 83 Ad. Battle At An Unidentified Location In The Strathmore Valley Of Central Scotland, At Which The Romans, Led By Agricola, The Roman Governor, Defeated The Caledonians During Agricola's Attempt To Conquer Lowland Scotland`Battle Of Mons Graupius
Weapons & Warfare: 851 Ad. A Victory For Aethelwulf Against The Invading Danes. Danish Invasions Had Moved From Simple Raids To Full Scale Invasions That Wintered In England`Battle Of Aclea
Weapons & Warfare: 902 Ad. Battle Between Edward The Elder, King Of Wessex, And A Force Composed Of Danes From Northumberland, And Edward's Relative Aethelwold. Edward Lost The Battle, But Both Aethelwold And Eric, The Danish King Of Northumberland, Were Killed`Battle Of The Holme
Weapons & Warfare: 937 Ad. Battle Between The Combined Forces Of Wessex And Mercia Led By Aethelstan And A Mixed Force Of Picts, Scots, Irish Norsemen And Britons, Led By The King Of The Scots. The Battle Was Won By Aethelstan. The Exact Location Is Unknown, Although It Was In Northern England`Battle Of Burnanburgh
Weapons & Warfare: 9th April-May 1917 Partially Successful British Attack On German Forces In Support Of A French Offensive On The Siegfried Line. British Casualties Were 84,000, German Casualties 75,000`Battle Of Arras
Weapons & Warfare: 9th September 1613. The Defeat Of The Invading Scots - Led By James Iv Of Scotland - By The English - Under Thomas Howard, The Seventy Year Old Earl Of Surrey - At A Site,3 Miles South-East Of Coldstream, In Northumberland, England. Many Scots, Including King James Iv Of Scotland, Were Killed, And The Scots Lost At Least A Third Oftheir Army Of 20000-30000 Men`Battle Of Flodden
Weapons & Warfare: A British Ww-I Aircraft Machine Gun`Lewis
Weapons & Warfare: A Family Of Six Died In __________ During Wwii As A Result Of A Japanese Balloon Bomb`Oregon
Weapons & Warfare: A Family Of Six Died In Oregon During Wwii As A Result Of A Japanese Balloon`Bomb
Weapons & Warfare: Afghanistan Lay Claim To Territory In The Punjab, And Was Backed By Russia. The British Feared That Russian Influence Will Spread To The Borders Of India. Anglo-Indian Forces Invaded Afghanistan And Captured The Capital, Kabul, In August 1840`First Afghan War
Weapons & Warfare: After What War Was Interpol Introduced`World War Ii
Weapons & Warfare: After Which Battle Of The English Civil War Did Charles Ii Hide In An Oak Tree At Boscobel, To Avoid Capture By The Roundheads`Worcester
Weapons & Warfare: Aka Battle Of St Quentin. 29th-30th August 1914. An Unsuccessful French Assault On German Forces At St Quentin`Battle Of Guise
Weapons & Warfare: Aka Battle Of Ypres, Battle Of The Yser. September-November 1918. A Series Of Battles Which Were Fought As The British Advanced Into Belgium And Northern France And Repelled The Germans Back Into Germany`Battle Of Flanders
Weapons & Warfare: Aka The Fifth Battle Of Arras. August 1918. Indecisive Battle Between British And German Forces On The Scarpe River In France. The British Captured Several Villages And Completed The Operation With The Capture Of Bullecourt`Battle Of Scarpe
Weapons & Warfare: Allied Bomber Raid On Which German City In February 1945 Caused More Than 200 000 Casualties`Dresden
Weapons & Warfare: Allied Bombers Were Issued With Biro Pens As Fountain Pens Leaked At`High Altitude
Weapons & Warfare: American Rebels Defeated The British In 1777`Battle Of Saratoga
Weapons & Warfare: An Alternative Name For The Battle Of Aboukir Bay`Battle Of The Nile
Weapons & Warfare: An Old, Short, Large Bored Gun`Blunderbuss
Weapons & Warfare: Another Name For A Big Battleship`Dreadnought
Weapons & Warfare: Another Name For The Battle Of Adwalton Moor`Battle Of Atherton Moor
Weapons & Warfare: Anti Tank Rocket Launcher`Bazooka
Weapons & Warfare: A Part Of The Battle Of Ypres Fought Between July-November 1917. This Was A Long And Bitter Battle Fought In Driving Rain On Waterlogged Ground. It Achieved An Advance Of 5 Miles Of No Strategic Significance, But The Allies Lost More Than 300,000 Casualties`Battle Of Passchendaele
Weapons & Warfare: A Pin-Up Photo Of ___________ Adorned The First Test Bomb Dropped On Bikini Atoll In The Marshall Islands In July 1946`Rita Hayworth
Weapons & Warfare: Approximately How Long After The Atomic Bombs Were Dropped On Japan Did They Surrender`One Week
Weapons & Warfare: April-May 1915. A Series Of Battles Between Austro-German And Russian Forces`Battle Of Dunajetz
Weapons & Warfare: April-May 1944. A Battle As The Allied Garrison At Kohima, In North-East India, Fought Off A Wave Of Japanese Attacks`Battle Of Kohima
Weapons & Warfare: Army Officer Ranked Below Major-General`Brigadier
Weapons & Warfare: Artillery Nco Below The Rank Of Sergeant`Bombadier
Weapons & Warfare: A Series Of Battles Between British And Axis Forces In The Struggle For Control Over The Libyan Port Of Tobruk During World War Ii. Montgomery Recovered It After The Second Battle Of El Alamein And It Remained In British Hands For The Rest Of The War`Battle Of Tobruk
Weapons & Warfare: A Series Of Battles Between British And Egyptian Forces And The Sudanese Dervish Tribesmen`The Sudan Wars
Weapons & Warfare: At What Time Did The Hiroshima Bomb Detonate`8: 15 Am
Weapons & Warfare: At Which Battle Did General James Scarlett Lead The Charge Of The Heavy Brigade`Balaclava
Weapons & Warfare: August 1914. A German Operation To Capture The City Of Liege, Belgium. The City Remained In German Hands Throughout The War`Battle Of Liege
Weapons & Warfare: August 1917. A Battle In Which The Austro-German Forces Were Defeated By Combined Russian And Romanian Forces`Battle Of Maracesti
Weapons & Warfare: August 19 1914: Ultimatum From Japan To Which Country`Germany
Weapons & Warfare: August 1941. German Victory Over Russian Forces At Kiev. The City Remained In German Hands Until Liberated By The 1st Ukrainian Front In November 1943`Battle Of Kiev
Weapons & Warfare: August 1942. Naval Battle Between The Japanese And A Us-Australian Force Which Was Protecting Us Transports Reinforcing Guadalcanal. The Japanese Attacked Unexpectedly And Sank 3 Us And 1 Australian Cruiser And Damaged 2 Others`Battle Of Savo Island
Weapons & Warfare: August-September 1918. Fought Over The Same Terrain As The Battle Of The Somme When The British Pushed The Germans Back 5 Miles And Captured 34,250 Prisoners,270 Guns, And Many Important Strategic Positions`Battle Of Bapaume
Weapons & Warfare: A War Between Parties Of The Same Country`Civil War
Weapons & Warfare: Axe With An Arched Blade At Right Angle To Handle`Adze
Weapons & Warfare: Battle Of The Crimean War In Which Russia Sank The Turkish Fleet`Battle Of Sinope
Weapons & Warfare: Because Metal Was Scarce, The Oscars Given Out During Ww Ii Were Made Out Of What`Wood
Weapons & Warfare: Beneath Which Paris Monument Is The Tomb Of France's Unknown Soldier`Arc De Triomphe
Weapons & Warfare: British Victory Over The Zulus In The Zulu Wars. The Zulu Leader Cetewayo Was Captured`Battle Of Ulundi
Weapons & Warfare: By What Name Is The 3rd Battle Of Ypres Known`Passchendaele
Weapons & Warfare: Code Name : Development Of The A-Bomb`Manhattan Project
Weapons & Warfare: Codename: F-14`Tomcat
Weapons & Warfare: Code Name Of Patton's 3rd Army In Wwii`Lucky
Weapons & Warfare: Code Names: B-52`Stratofortress
Weapons & Warfare: Code Names: F-8`Crusader
Weapons & Warfare: Code Names: Mig-21`Fishbed
Weapons & Warfare: December 1914-January 1915. Russian Victory Over Turkish Forces. This Led To The Collapse Of The Turkish Offensive In The Caucasus`Battle Of Sarikamish
Weapons & Warfare: Dirk, Poniard, And Stiletto Are All Types Of What`Daggers
Weapons & Warfare: During Conscription For Wwii, There Were Nine Documented Cases Of Men With Three`Testicles
Weapons & Warfare: During The 1940s, _______ Contributed Directly To The War Effort In The 1940s, By Manufacturing First-Aid Kits And Dye Markers For The U.S. Navy. When The War Ended, The Cosmetic Firm Began To Produce Manicure And Pedicure Instruments, Which Were Tremendously Successful`Revlon
Weapons & Warfare: During The English Civil War, The Mansion Of The Roman Catholic Marquis Of Winchester Was Besieged By The Parliamentarians And Overwhelmed In October 1645`Battle Of Basing House
Weapons & Warfare: During The Napoleonic Wars When The British Fleet - Commanded By Admiral Nelson From Hms Victory - Defeated The Combined French And Spanish Fleet. Nelson Was Struck By A Musket Shot From The French Ship, Redoubtable, And Died 3 Hours Later, Just As The British Victory Was Complete`Battle Of Trafalgar
Weapons & Warfare: During The Spanish American War In 1898, There Were 45 Stars On The`American Flag
Weapons & Warfare: During Which World War Did Engineers Develop Solid-Fuel Rockets`Ww Ii
Weapons & Warfare: During World War I, Belgian Shepherds Worked As Red Cross Dogs And As`Messengers
Weapons & Warfare: During World War Iiinvading American Forces First Set Foot On The European Mainland In What Country`Italy
Weapons & Warfare: During World War I In July-Nov 1916 On The River Somme In Northern France. It Was Planned By The Marshal Of France, Joseph Joffre, And British Commander In Chief, Haig`Battle Of The Somme
Weapons & Warfare: During World War Ii, The Original Copies Of The U.S. Constitution And The Declaration Of Independence Were Taken From The Library Of Congress And Kept At _____________, Kentucky`Fort Knox
Weapons & Warfare: During World War Ii, The Very First Bomb Dropped On Berlin By The Allies Killed The Only _____ In The Berlin Zoo`Elephant
Weapons & Warfare: During World War I, The Punishment For Homosexuality In The French Army Was`Execution
Weapons & Warfare: During Wwii American Soldiers Called Themselves G.I.S.  What Does G.I. Stand For`Government Issue
Weapons & Warfare: During Wwii, Americans Tried To Train __________ To Drop Bombs`Bats
Weapons & Warfare: English Civil War Battle On 5th July 1643, Where William Seymour Defeated Sir William Waller`Battle Of Lansdown
Weapons & Warfare: Every Photograph Of An American Atomic Bomb Detonation Was Taken By __________ Edgerton`Harold
Weapons & Warfare: Every Photograph Of An American Atomic Bomb Detonation Was Taken By Harold`Edgerton
Weapons & Warfare: February 1916. The Germans Launched A Massive Offensive Which Lasted Until December. There Were Great Losses On Both Sides`Battle Of Verdun
Weapons & Warfare: February 1945. Battle To Clear The German Reichswald Forest As Part Of The General Allied Advance Into Germany`Battle Of Reichswald
Weapons & Warfare: Final And Decisive Action Of The Napoleonic Wars, That Effectively Ended French Domination Of Europe`Battle Of Waterloo
Weapons & Warfare: First Jet Fighter`Me 262
Weapons & Warfare: Five Members Of Lt. Col. George Armstrong Custer's Family Were Killed At The Battle Of ______ ___ ____: Tom And Boston, Two Half-Brothers: Harry Armstrong Reed, A Nephew: And A Brother-In-Law, James Calhoun`Little Big Horn
Weapons & Warfare: Florence Nightingale Tended The Soldiers In Which War`Crimean
Weapons & Warfare: Florence Nightingale Was Known As 'The Lady Of The ______'`Lamp
Weapons & Warfare: Fought In Yorkshire On Palm Sunday,29th March 1461. During The Wars Of The Roses, The House Of York Defeated The Lancastrians In The Bloodiest Battle On English Soil, And Edward, Duke Of York Became Edward Iv. These Were The Largest Armies Ever To Have Met On An English Battlefield. Around 30,000 Men Died In The 10-Hour Long Battle`Battle Of Towton
Weapons & Warfare: Four Japanese Carriers Were Destroyed In This Battle`Midway
Weapons & Warfare: France And Mexico Were Involved In A Year-Long Conflict Popularly Known As The ____________ In 1838. Mexico Refused To Pay For Damage Done By Mexican Army Officers To A Restaurant Run By A French Pastry Chef In Tacubaya, Now A Section Of Mexico City`Pastry War
Weapons & Warfare: From About The 8th Century, This Romano-Celtic Victory Over The Invading Saxons At Mount Badon Around 520 Ad, Was Attributed To Arthur`Battle Of Mount Badon
Weapons & Warfare: General Roberts Captured Kabul And Relieved Kandahar`Second Afghan War
Weapons & Warfare: German Field Marshall In Wwi And Later Elected President`Paul Von Hindenburg
Weapons & Warfare: German Rocket Center In Ww2. The First V1s And V2s Where Launched There`Peenemunde
Weapons & Warfare: Germany's Allies In Ww Ii Were Japan, Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria, Finland, Libya, And`Romania
Weapons & Warfare: Germany's Allies In Ww I Were Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria And`Turkey
Weapons & Warfare: He Was Defeated At The Battle Of Little Bighorn`George A Custer
Weapons & Warfare: He Was Defeated In The Battle Of Hastings In 1066`King Harold
Weapons & Warfare: Homer Wrote This Account Of The Trojan War`The Iliad
Weapons & Warfare: How Long Did The Thirty Years War Last`Thirty Years
Weapons & Warfare: How Long Was The Six Day War`Six Days
Weapons & Warfare: How Many Black Union Soldiers Were Awarded The Congressional Medal Of Honour`Sixteen
Weapons & Warfare: How Many Miles Can A Pershing Missile Travel`Four Hundred
Weapons & Warfare: How Many People Were Killed In The Battle Of Lexington`Eight
Weapons & Warfare: How Many Vcs Were Awarded In The Falklands War`Two
Weapons & Warfare: Huge Battle At The End Of The World`Armageddon
Weapons & Warfare: In 1066 Was The Battle Of ... What`Hastings
Weapons & Warfare: In 12th October- 11th November 1914, A British Offensive Was Launched To Secure The Channel Ports Of Dunkirk And Ostend, And Clashed With A German Offensive Also Intended To Take Those Ports`Battle Of Ypres
Weapons & Warfare: In 1843, The Maori Revolted Against The British In New Zealand. This Was The First Of A Series. In 1860, A Second War Began. In 1868, A Third War Began`The Maori Wars
Weapons & Warfare: In 31 Bc Battle Of Actium: __________ Defeats Marc Antony And Becomes Emperor Augustus`Octavian
Weapons & Warfare: In 31 Bc Battle Of Actium: Octavian Defeats __________ And Becomes Emperor Augustus`Marc Antony
Weapons & Warfare: In 31 Bc Battle Of Actium: Octavian Defeats Marc Antony And Becomes Emperor`Augustus
Weapons & Warfare: In 31 Bc Battle Of__________ : Octavian Defeats Marc Antony And Becomes Emperor Augustus`Actium
Weapons & Warfare: In 53__________,13th Roman Emperor (98-117), Conqueror Of Ctesiphon, Born`Trajan
Weapons & Warfare: In 53 Trajan, __Th Roman Emperor (98-117), Conqueror Of Ctesiphon, Born`13th
Weapons & Warfare: In December 1942, The British Attack Was An Attempt To Boost Morale And Give British Forces Confidence In Operating Against The Japanese. It Was Halted By The Japanese At Donbailk And Withdrew`Battle Of Arakan
Weapons & Warfare: In January 878, Alfred The Great Were Routed By A Surprise Attack By Guthrum And The Danes. He Was Forced To Hide In The Marshes At Athelney, Somerset, Where The Famous Incident Of Burning The Cakes Is Said To Have Taken Place`Battle Of Chippenham
Weapons & Warfare: Intervention By The Us On March 15 1916 In Which Country`Mexico
Weapons & Warfare: In Warfare And Law-Enforcement, The More Common Name For Lachrymators`Tear Gas
Weapons & Warfare: In Wartime, What Is The Right Of A Belligerent Warship To Stop Neutral Merchant Vessels On The High Seas In Order To Ascertain The Nature Of The Cargo And The Ownership Of The Vessel And Thus Determine Its Liability To Capture`Right Of Search
Weapons & Warfare: In What Battle That Occurred On October 21,1805, Was Lord Nelson Killed`Trafalgar
Weapons & Warfare: In What Country Is The Waterloo Battlefield`Belgium
Weapons & Warfare: In What War Did The Jet Fighters First Battle Each Other`Korean War
Weapons & Warfare: In Which Battle Were 4 Japanese Carriers Destroyed`Midway
Weapons & Warfare: In Which German City Started A Revolution On November 9 1917`Berlin
Weapons & Warfare: In Which War Did Florence Nightingale Lead A Team Of Nurses`Crimean War
Weapons & Warfare: In Which War Did The Battle Of Sedan Take Place`Franco-Prussian
Weapons & Warfare: In Which War Did Ulysses Grant And Robert Lee Fight On The Same Side`Mexican
Weapons & Warfare: In World War Ii, What Was 'Operation Torch'`Allied Invasion Of North Africa
Weapons & Warfare: In World War Ii, Where Was The Defensive Line Known As The Gin Drinkers Line`Hong Kong
Weapons & Warfare: In Wwii, Thousands Of Soldiers Did It When They Reached The Rhine: General Patton Was Even Photographed Doing It. What Were They Doing (One Word)`Peeing
Weapons & Warfare: July 1917. An Austro-German Victory Over The Russians In Polish Galicia`Battle Of Tarnopol
Weapons & Warfare: July 1918. An Unsuccessful German Attempt To Take The Villages Of Vaux And Fossoy, In Northern France, Which Were Held By The Us 3rd Division`Battle Of Vaux-Fossoy
Weapons & Warfare: July 1943. An Unsuccessful German Attack Against A Russian Salient. This Was The Greatest Tank Battle In History With Nearly 6,000 Tanks And 2,000,000 Troops`Battle Of Kursk
Weapons & Warfare: June 1942. Us Naval Victory Over Japan Off Midway Island, North-West Of Hawaii`Battle Of Midway
Weapons & Warfare: June-December 1266. Towards The End Of The Second Barons' War. After Their Defeat At Evesham, Some Of The Supporters Of Simon De Montfort Retreated To The Montfort Castle At Kenilworth, Where They Were Able To Hold Out For Six Months, Before Eventually Surrendering`Siege Of Kenilworth
Weapons & Warfare: Largely Won By Hurricanes: Battle Of`Britain
Weapons & Warfare: March 1351. A Breton Team Defeated An English Team Of 30 Knights For Possession Of Brittany`Battle Of Thirty
Weapons & Warfare: March 1945. The Last Major German Offensive On The Eastern Front In Hungary As They Attempted To Defend The Hungarian Oilfields Against Russian Forces. The Germans Fell Back With Losses Of Over 40,000 Troops And 500 Tanks`Battle Of Lake Balaton
Weapons & Warfare: March 7 1918, Peace Between Germany And Which Other Country`Finland
Weapons & Warfare: March-April 1917. A Number Of Unsuccessful British Assaults On The Turkish-Held Town Of Gaza During The Allied Invasion Of Palestine. The British Were Beaten Off With Losses Of About 7,000 Troops. General Dobell Was Relieved Of His Command As A Result Of The Failure`Battle Of Gaza
Weapons & Warfare: May 1915. British Attack On German Lines In Support Of The French Attack On Lens In The Battle Of Artois. The Allies Suffered Over 6,000 Killed And Wounded, While German Casualties Were Just Over Half That Number`Battle Of Aubers Ridge
Weapons & Warfare: May 1915. Indecisive Battle Between British And German Forces In Northern France. The British Broke Through The German Lines In Two Places, And Gained About Half A Mile. British Losses Were 3,620 Dead,17,484 Wounded, And 4,321 Missing`Battle Of Festubert
Weapons & Warfare: May-August 1917. Battle Between Allied And German Forces Around The French Town Of Lens. This Was An Important Railway Junction And An Engineering Town In A Mining Area, And Was The Scene Of Almost Constant Battle During The War`Battle Of Lens
Weapons & Warfare: May-June 1918. Allied Victory Over German Troops In Northern France During The German Offensive On The Marne`Battle Of Chateau-Thierry
Weapons & Warfare: May-June 1942. German Victory For Rommel Over British Forces At Gazala, A Coastal Town In Libya. This Was The Most Severe British Defeat During The Desert Campaign Of World War Ii. Indecision And Arguments In British Headquarters Enabled Rommel To Overwhelm The British`Battle Of Gazala
Weapons & Warfare: May-June 1944. Allied Campaign To Recapture The Island Of Biak, Off The Coast Of New Guinea, From The Japanese. Us And Australian Troops Attacked The Island 27 May 1944. There Were 2,700 Allied Casualties And 9,000 Japanese`Battle Of Biak
Weapons & Warfare: Name Of The German Wwii Military Code`Enigma
Weapons & Warfare: Name The Dagger Which Lends Its Name To A Type Of Women's Shoes With Slender Pointed Heels`Stiletto
Weapons & Warfare: Name The Weapon Consisting Of A Long Shaft With A Sharply Pointed Head`Spear
Weapons & Warfare: November 1918. The Final Part Of The British Advance Across Flanders. British And Canadian Forces Took The Town Of Valenciennes, Then Advanced To Attack The Main German Defensive Line Along The River Sambre, And To The Town Of Landrecies`Battle Of The Sambre
Weapons & Warfare: November 1941. German Defeat By Russian Forces In Fighting For Rostov On The River Don In The Southern Ussr. This Was The First Setback In The German Invasion Of The Soviet Union`Battle Of Rostov
Weapons & Warfare: November 1943-March 1944. 16 Heavy Bombing Attacks By The Raf. 9,111 Bomber Sorties Were Flown During The Campaign And Immense Damage Was Done To The City. Around 600 Bombers Were Lost`Battle Of Berlin
Weapons & Warfare: October 1428-May 1429. During The Hundred Years' War, The English Were Defeated By The French. The English Were Rapidly Conquering France At This Stage Of The War Until This Victory Turned The Tide Of French Fortunes. A Sequence Of Subsequent French Successes Gradually Brought The War To An End`Battle Of Orleans
Weapons & Warfare: October 1914. A Battle Between Allied And German Forces As The Allies Tried To Reach The Sea. Allied Troops Managed To Stave Off Successive German Attacks. The Germans Brought Up Heavy Artillery And The Belgians Opened The Sluices At Nieuwport And Flooded An Area In Front Of Their Position, Which Lay Below Sea Level`Battle Of Yser
Weapons & Warfare: October 1918. A Successful Allied Operation In Northern France`Battle Of Selle
Weapons & Warfare: October 1941-January 1942. An Unsuccessful German Attack On Moscow`Battle Of Moscow
Weapons & Warfare: October 1942. Indecisive Naval Battle Between Us And Japanese Fleets North Of The Solomon Islands`Battle Of Santa Cruz
Weapons & Warfare: October 1944. Us Naval Victory Over The Japanese At Leyte Gulf To The East Of The Philippines. This Was The Biggest Naval Battle In History, Involving 216 Us Warships,2 Australian Vessels, And 64 Japanese Warships, And Ended With The Destruction Of The Japanese Navy`Battle Of Leyte Gulf
Weapons & Warfare: On 27th May 1645, The Royalists Under Prince Rupert Besieged Leicester, Until The City Was Stormed And Sacked On 31st May`Battle Of Leicester
Weapons & Warfare: On 4th January 1644, Major Eden Marched A Small Parliamentary Force Through Sowerby, Leaving Captain Helliwell's Company To Guard His Camp. At Sowerby Bridge, He Encountered The Royalists, Killed Three And Captured Captain Clapham And 40 Men`Battle Of Slaughter Gap
Weapons & Warfare: On April 25 1915, Allied Troups Land Where`Gallipoli
Weapons & Warfare: On March 16 1917, Which Country Becomes A Republic`Russia
Weapons & Warfare: On November 7 1914, Tsingtau Was Taken By Which Country`Japan
Weapons & Warfare: On October 3 1918, Boris Iii Became The King Of Which Country`Bulgaria
Weapons & Warfare: On September 3 1914, Reims Was Occupied By`The Germans
Weapons & Warfare: Osred I Defeated The Usurper, Eadwulf`Battle Of Bamburgh
Weapons & Warfare: Pitches With Charcoal And Saltpetre Mixed To Make Gunpowder`Sulphur
Weapons & Warfare: Pomgrenate: A Spanish Fruit Has Given The Name To This Modern Weapon`Grenade
Weapons & Warfare: Rorke's Drift Was A Battle In Which War`Zulu War
Weapons & Warfare: Scottish Battle During The English Civil War`Battle Of Inverkeithing
Weapons & Warfare: Scottish Battle During The English Civil War`Battle Of Philiphaugh
Weapons & Warfare: September 1914 / July-August 1918. 2 Unsuccessful German Offensives In Northern France`Battle Of Marne
Weapons & Warfare: September 1915. An Unsuccessful Anglo-French Attempt To Recover The Mining District Around The Towns Of Loos And Lens From The Germans`Battle Of Loos
Weapons & Warfare: September 8 1914: The Fall Of`Maubeuge
Weapons & Warfare: Strip Of Dry Land Between Lake Comacchio And The Lombardy Marshes In Northern Italy. It Was Heavily Defended By The Germans And Blocked The Allies' Route To The Lombardy Plain And Northeast Italy Which Was To Be The Final Allied Advance In Italy`Battle Of The Ardent Gap
Weapons & Warfare: 'The 900 Days' Is A Chronicle About What Group's Siege Of Leningrad`Nazi
Weapons & Warfare: 'The 900 Days' Is A Chronicle Of The Nazi Siege Of What City`Leningrad
Weapons & Warfare: The Administrative Area Of The 7th Indian Division At Sinzewa, Burma - Was Besieged By The Japanese 55th Division Between The 5th And 23rd February 1944. The Siege Was Lifted When The Japanese Were Taken From Behind By The 5th Indian Division Approaching Over The Ngakyedauk Pass. This Was The First Major Victory Over The Japanese For British And Indian Troops`Battle Of The Admin Box
Weapons & Warfare: The Allies Defeated Napoleon At Leipzig In 1813`Battle Of The Nations
Weapons & Warfare: The Battle For This Small Island (Smaller Than The Pentagons Parking Lot) Is Known As The Marines Bloodiest Battle. Virtually The Entire First Two Assault Waves Were Wiped Out`Tarawa
Weapons & Warfare: The Battle Of Bunker Hill Took Place On`Breed's Hill
Weapons & Warfare: The Battle Of ______ Has The Distinction Of Being The First Battle Fought By Ships That Never Saw Each Other`Coral Sea, The Entire Battle Was Fought By Aircraft
Weapons & Warfare: The Battle Of Trafalgar Was Won By Which Military Commander`Admiral Nelson
Weapons & Warfare: The British Mediterranean Fleet Defeated Italian Naval Forces At Which Battle In May 1941`Cape Matapan
Weapons & Warfare: The _____ Ceased To Be An Official Battle Weapon In The British Army In 1927`Lance
Weapons & Warfare: The Celtic Queen, Boudicca (Boadicea), Allegedly Took Poison To Prevent Torture By The Romans After They Defeated Her Rebel Forces In Battle. Where Is She Thought To Be Buried`Kings Cross Station
Weapons & Warfare: The First Battle In The War Of American Independence Took Place Where`Lexington
Weapons & Warfare: The First Soldier To Die In The Civil War Was Not Killed In Battle. He Died In An Accident After The Battle During The Planned ___ ___`100 Gun Salute
Weapons & Warfare: The Grumman F6f Fighter Was Called The`Hellcat
Weapons & Warfare: The Japanese Had Taken The Island In March 1942, And Used It As A Refuelling And Supply Base For Their Operations Against Guadalcanal And The Other Solomon Islands. The Island Was Garrisoned By About 35,000 Japanese Troops. Around 8,500 Japanese Were Killed In Fighting, And A Further 9,000 Died Of Illness And Malnutrition`Battle Of Bougainville
Weapons & Warfare: The Name Of The Cryptography Machine Used By The German's In Ww2`Enigma
Weapons & Warfare: The Name Of The First Ironclad Warship Launched`Hms Warrior
Weapons & Warfare: The Nickname For The British 8th Army In North Africa During World War Ii. Their Uniforms Carried A Shoulder Insignia Depicting A Jerboa, A North African Rodent Which Was Capable Of Jumping Great Distances. Their Most Famous Victories Included The Removal Of The Italian Army From Egypt In December 1940 And The Battle Of El Alamein`The Desert Rats
Weapons & Warfare: The Power Of The First ________ _____ Tested In 1952 Was Equal To The Combined Power Of All The Bombs Dropped On Germany And Japan In World War Two - Including The Atomic Ones`Hydrogen Bomb
Weapons & Warfare: The Second 'October Revolution' On November 6-7 1917 Was Where`Russia
Weapons & Warfare: The Shortest War In History Was Between Zanzibar And England In 1896. Zanzibar Surrendered After __ Minutes`38
Weapons & Warfare: The Shortest War On Record, Between Britain And _____________ In 1896, Lasted Just 38 Minutes`Zanzibar
Weapons & Warfare: The Soviet Unions Highest Military Honour`Order Of Lenin
Weapons & Warfare: The Sword Used By Ninja Is (Hyphenated)`Ninja-To
Weapons & Warfare: The Tenth Part Of A Roman Legion Consisting Of 600 Men Was Known As What`A Cohort
Weapons & Warfare: The Ukrainian City Was Besieged By The English And The French During The Crimean War`Battle Of Sebastopol
Weapons & Warfare: The World's First Combat Jet Fighter Was The Me-262 Which Was Deployed By What Country`Germany
Weapons & Warfare: The Wwii Air Attack On The Ploesti Oil Field In Romania Was Known As`Operation Soapsuds
Weapons & Warfare: This Country's Forces Fought And Won The Battle For Berlin, Bringing An End To The War In Europe`Russia
Weapons & Warfare: This Last Battle Of World War Ii Was Fought On This Island`Okinawa
Weapons & Warfare: This Spaniard Conquered Mexico`Hernando Cortes
Weapons & Warfare: This Was The First Naval Battle Fought Solely Between Aircraft Carriers: 2 Words`Coral Sea
Weapons & Warfare: This Weapon Lends Its Name To A Type Of Woman's Shoe With A Slender, Tapered High-Heel`Stiletto
Weapons & Warfare: What Battle Cry Inspired Texas Troops After The Alamo Fell`Remember The Alamo
Weapons & Warfare: What Battle Resulted In The Largest Number Of German Pow's`Battle Of Stalingrad
Weapons & Warfare: What Branch Of The Military Allows Its Personnel To Salute With The Left Hand If The Right Is Occupied`The Navy
Weapons & Warfare: What Branch Of The Military Was Don Davis' Character On The X-Files, William Scully, Enlisted In`Navy
Weapons & Warfare: What British Policy During World War I Became The Basis For Establishing A Jewish Homeland In Palestine`The Balfour Declaration
Weapons & Warfare: What Childhood Name Was Shared By Gen. George A. Custer And Chief Crazy Horse, The Oglala Sioux Leader He Faced At The Battle Of The Little Big Horn`Curly
Weapons & Warfare: What Civil War General Graduated First In The West Point Class Of 1829`Robert E. Lee
Weapons & Warfare: What Commander Directed The French Forces At The Battle Of Orleans`Joan Of Arc
Weapons & Warfare: What Country Boasted World War Two's Two Biggest Battleships`Japan
Weapons & Warfare: What Country Suffered The Most Combat Deaths In World War Ii`Soviet Union
Weapons & Warfare: What Did The Perthians Conquer In 141 Bc`Mesopotamia
Weapons & Warfare: What Do You Need 15 Pounds Of To Build An Atomic Bomb`Plutonium
Weapons & Warfare: What, During World War Two, Was The German Or Nazi Equivalent To The Japanese Kempei Tai`Gestapo
Weapons & Warfare: What Essentially Are The South American Indian Weapons Called 'Boleadoras' Or Bola`Balls
Weapons & Warfare: What General First Commanded United Nations Forces In The Korean War`Douglas Macarthur
Weapons & Warfare: What General Fought During The Anglo-Boer War And Became The Prime Minister Shortly After`Louis Botha
Weapons & Warfare: What General Hammond's Oldest Granddaughter's First Name`Tessa
Weapons & Warfare: What German City Was The Site Of The War Crime Trials Following World War Ii`Nuremberg
Weapons & Warfare: What German Pocket Battleship Was Lost In The Battle Of The River Plate`Admiral Graf Spee
Weapons & Warfare: What Invaders From The North Was The Great Wall Built To Repel`The Mongols
Weapons & Warfare: What Is A Burgonet`A 16th Century Helmet
Weapons & Warfare: What Is A Fighting Axe With Stone Head Used By North American Indians Called`Tomahawk
Weapons & Warfare: What Japanese Battle Cry Meant Long Live The Emperor`Banzai
Weapons & Warfare: What King's Army Defeated The French At The Battle Of Agincourt In 1415`Henry V
Weapons & Warfare: What Submarine Vanished On May 21,1968`The Scorpion
Weapons & Warfare: What Two American Civil War Generals Encountered Each Other For The First Time In The May 1864 Battle Of The Wilderness`Grant And Lee
Weapons & Warfare: What Underwater Explosive Missiles Are Shot From A Submarine`Torpedoes
Weapons & Warfare: What Underwater Item Did Whitehead Develop`Torpedo
Weapons & Warfare: What U.S. War Killed Brent And Stuart, The Tarleton Twins`Civil War
Weapons & Warfare: What War Began In 1899 With The Invasion Of Natal, And Ended In 1902 With The Peace Of Vereeniging`Boer War
Weapons & Warfare: What War Did Joan Of Arc's Inspirational Leadership Help End`The Hundred Years War
Weapons & Warfare: What War Involving England Began In 1899 And Ended In 1902`Boer War
Weapons & Warfare: What War Lasted From June 5th To June 11th,1967`Six Day War
Weapons & Warfare: What War Lasted From June 5 To June 11 1967`Six Day War
Weapons & Warfare: What War Spawned The Popular Motto: 'Praise The Lord And Pass The Ammunition'`World War Ii
Weapons & Warfare: What War Was Rudely Interrupted By The Bubonic Plague`The Hundred Years War
Weapons & Warfare: What War Was The Subject Of The Oscar-Winning Documentary 'Hearts And Minds'`Vietnam War
Weapons & Warfare: What Was The Allies' Password On D-Day`Mickey Mouse
Weapons & Warfare: What Was The Bloodiest Siege In History`Leningrad
Weapons & Warfare: What Was The Code Name For The Atari 2600 Video Game System`Stella
Weapons & Warfare: What Was The Code Name For The Day The First Atom Bomb Was Detonated At Alamogordonew Mexico (July 161945)`Day Of Trinity
Weapons & Warfare: What Was The Codename For The Development Of The Atom Bomb`Manhattan Project
Weapons & Warfare: What Was The Code Name For The Us Rescue Mission In Iran`Eagle Claw
Weapons & Warfare: What Was The Codename Of The Aborted German Invasion Of England In 1940`Operation Sealion
Weapons & Warfare: What Was The Codename Of The Allied Invasion Of North Africa In 1942`Operation Torch
Weapons & Warfare: What Was The Code Name Of The D-Day Invasion`Operation Overlord
Weapons & Warfare: What Was The Daily Ration Of Hard Liquor For Soldiers During The Revolutionary War For The Continental Army?(In Ounces)`4 Ounces
Weapons & Warfare: What Was The D-Day Invasion Password`Mickey Mouse
Weapons & Warfare: What Was The First Ironclad Warship Launched`Hms Warrior
Weapons & Warfare: What Was The Longest War In U.S. History`Vietnam
Weapons & Warfare: What Was The Most Significan't Battle Fought On Belgian Soil In 1815`The Battle Of Waterloo`Battle Of Waterloo
Weapons & Warfare: What Was The Name For British Military Aviation During World War I`Royal Flying Corps
Weapons & Warfare: What Was The Name Of The B-29 That Dropped The Bomb On Hiroshima`Enola Gay
Weapons & Warfare: What Was The Name Of The First U.S. Battleship`U.S.S. Maine
Weapons & Warfare: What Was The Name Of The Submarine That Sank In The Barents Sea In Recent Years`Kursk
Weapons & Warfare: What Was The Name Of The Submarine Which Sank The General Belgrano During The Falklands Conflict`Hms Conqueror
Weapons & Warfare: What Was The Number Of John F. Kennedy's Pt Boat In World War Ii`109
Weapons & Warfare: What Was The Operative Name Of Ww I Spy Geertruida Zelle`Mata Hari
Weapons & Warfare: What Was The War During Reagan's First Term That Took Place On An Island In The Carribean`Grenada
Weapons & Warfare: What Was The Worlds First Medium Range Super-Sonic Missile`V2
Weapons & Warfare: What Was The Wwii Verbal Code Meaning Message Received Or Will Comply`Roger
Weapons & Warfare: What Was Used To Signal Advance Into Battle In World War I For The East Surrey Regiment`A Man Dribbling A Soccer Ball
Weapons & Warfare: What Was World War I Known As Before World War Ii`The Great War
Weapons & Warfare: What Weapon Is Tattooed On Glen Campell's Arm`Dagger
Weapons & Warfare: What Weapons Did The Indians Use To Defeat Custer`Winchester Specials
Weapons & Warfare: What Weapon Was Used At The Battle Of Verdun When The Germans Broke Out A Flammerwerfer`Flame Thrower
Weapons & Warfare: What Weapon Was Used By The Germans Against Russia In 1915`Tear Gas
Weapons & Warfare: What Were The Lone Three Fighter Planes Which Defended Malta In World War Ii Nicknamed`Faith, Hope And Charity
Weapons & Warfare: What World War I Hero Received 50 Medals`Alvin York
Weapons & Warfare: Where Did Wolfe Defeat The French Under Montcalm`Quebec
Weapons & Warfare: Where Was Belleau Wood, The Site Of A Famous World War I Battle`France
Weapons & Warfare: Which Army Rank Is Equivalent To The Naval Rank Of Lieutenant-Commander`Major
Weapons & Warfare: Which Battle Is Sometimes Called The Battle Of Three Emperors`Austerlitz
Weapons & Warfare: Which Battle Was Fought By Wellington Two Days Before Waterloo`Quatre Bras
Weapons & Warfare: Which Belgian City Was Occupied On August 20 1914`Brussels
Weapons & Warfare: Which Belgian City Was Taken By The Germans On August 4-17 1914`Liege
Weapons & Warfare: Which Belgian City Was Taken On October 14 1914`Brugge
Weapons & Warfare: Which Belgian City Was Taken On October 15 1914`Oostende
Weapons & Warfare: Which Belgian City Was Taken On October 16 1914`Zeebrugge
Weapons & Warfare: Which Belgian City Was Taken On October 9 1914`Antwerp
Weapons & Warfare: Which Bomb Used In The Dambuster Raids Was Invented By Barnes Wallis`Bouncing Bomb
Weapons & Warfare: Which British Battleship Was Sunk, In 1941, By The Bismark`Hms Hood
Weapons & Warfare: Which British Destroyer Was Sunk In The Battle For The Falklands`Hms Sheffield
Weapons & Warfare: Which City Was Occupied By The English On March 11 1917`Baghdad
Weapons & Warfare: Which Country's East Coast Was Attacked By The Germans On January 19-20 1915`England
Weapons & Warfare: Which Czech Village Seas Destroyed By The Germans In Retaliation, Following The Assassination Of Reinhard Heydrich In World War Two`Lidice
Weapons & Warfare: Which English Ship Was Destroyed By The German Submarine U9 September 22 1914`Aboekir
Weapons & Warfare: Which Famous Battle Took Place On July 1st To 3rd 1863`Gettysburg
Weapons & Warfare: Which Famous Battle Was Fought This Day In 490 Bc`Marathon
Weapons & Warfare: Which Great Battle Took Place From July 1st To November 18th 1916`The Battle Of The Somme
Weapons & Warfare: Which Iron Warship Is Docked Close To Hms Victory At Portsmouth`Hms Warrior
Weapons & Warfare: Which Military Battle Took Place In 1815`Waterloo
Weapons & Warfare: Which North European City Was Occupied On September 3 1917`Riga
Weapons & Warfare: Which Russian City Was Taken On March 1-3 1918`Kiev
Weapons & Warfare: Which Tsar Was Arrested On March 21 1916`Tsar Nicholas Ii
Weapons & Warfare: Which Two Fighting Ships Other Than The 'Arizona' Were Sunk At Pearl Harbor`Oklahoma And Utah
Weapons & Warfare: Which Two Fighting Ships Other Than The 'Oklahoma' Were Sunk At Pearl Harbor`Arizona And Utah
Weapons & Warfare: Which Two Fighting Ships Other Than The 'Utah' Were Sunk At Pearl Harbor`Arizona And Oklahoma
Weapons & Warfare: Which War Was Concluded By The 'Treaty Of Utrecht'`Queen Anne's War
Weapons & Warfare: Which War Was Ended By The Treaty Of Westphalia`30 Years War
Weapons & Warfare: Which War Was Formally Concluded At Paris In 1856`Crimean
Weapons & Warfare: Which Ww2 Fighter-Bomber Did De Havilland's Make Out Of Wood`Mosquito
Weapons & Warfare: Which Ww2 Norwegian Collaborator's Name Became Synonymous With Treachery`Quisling
Weapons & Warfare: With What Kind Of Pen Were Allied Bomb Crews Issued`Biro Pens
Wearable with either side turned outward: 'a ---------- skirt: a ---------- vest.'`reversible
We are not interested in the possibilities of defeat; they do not exist."Queen Victoria speaking during which British military action`The Boer war
Wearing a garment that is low-cut or strapless`decollete
Wearing old, shabby clothing`threadbare
Wearing tweeds`tweedier
Wedding: Anniversaries: A "bronze/pottery" wedding anniversary is celebrated after how many years.`8
Wedding: Anniversaries: A "china" wedding anniversary is celebrated after how many years.`20
Wedding: Anniversaries: A "coral" wedding anniversary is celebrated after how many years.`35
Wedding: Anniversaries: A "crystal" wedding anniversary is celebrated after how many years.`15
Wedding: Anniversaries: A "diamond" wedding anniversary is celebrated after how many years.`60
Wedding: Anniversaries: A "emerald" wedding anniversary is celebrated after how many years.`55
Wedding: Anniversaries: A "fruit/flowers" wedding anniversary is celebrated after how many years.`4
Wedding: Anniversaries: A "golden" wedding anniversary is celebrated after how many years.`50
Wedding: Anniversaries: A "ivory" wedding anniversary is celebrated after how many years.`14
Wedding: Anniversaries: A "lace" wedding anniversary is celebrated after how many years.`13
Wedding: Anniversaries: A "leather" wedding anniversary is celebrated after how many years.`3
Wedding: Anniversaries: A "pearl" wedding anniversary is celebrated after how many years.`30
Wedding: Anniversaries: A "platinum" wedding anniversary is celebrated after how many years.`70
Wedding: Anniversaries: A "pottery/willow" wedding anniversary is celebrated after how many years.`9
Wedding: Anniversaries: A "ruby" wedding anniversary is celebrated after how many years.`40
Wedding: Anniversaries: A "sapphire" wedding anniversary is celebrated after how many years.`45
Wedding: Anniversaries: A "silk/linen" wedding anniversary is celebrated after how many years.`12
Wedding: Anniversaries: A "silver" wedding anniversary is celebrated after how many years.`25
Wedding: Anniversaries: A "steel" wedding anniversary is celebrated after how many years.`11
Wedding: Anniversaries: A "sugar" wedding anniversary is celebrated after how many years.`6
Wedding: Anniversaries: A "tin" wedding anniversary is celebrated after how many years.`10
Wedding: Anniversaries: A "wood" wedding anniversary is celebrated after how many years.`5
Wedding: Anniversaries: A "wool/copper" wedding anniversary is celebrated after how many years.`7
Wedding rings are normally worn on what finger of your hand`ring finger
'We had joy, we had fun ..' what is the song title`Seasons in the Sun
Weight carrying structure that can travel through the air, supported either by its own buoyancy or by the dynamic action of the air against its surfaces`aircraft
Weight Has Been Arbitrarily Set At 12.01115`Carbon
Weight-loss guru ___ brings his fitness ideas to the little screen`richard
Weight-loss guru ___ brings his fitness ideas to the little screen`richard simmons
Weighty or significant: full of meaning: 'a conversation occasionally punctuated by -------- pauses.'`pregnant
Weird Al: Parody of Addicted To Love`addicted to spuds
Weird Al: Parody of Beat It`eat it
Weird Al: Parody of I Love Rock n' Roll`i love rocky road
Weird Al: Parody of La Bamba`lasagna
Weird Al: Parody of Livin' On The Edge`livin in the fridge
Weird Al Parody of MacArthur Park`jurassic park
Weird Al Parody of My Sharona`my bologna
Weird al yankovich parody of billy ray cyrus song`achy breaky song
Weird al yankovich parody of i love rock and roll`i love rocky road
Weird al yankovich parody of lola`yoda
Weird al yankovich parody of macarthur park`jurassic park
Weird, yet pathetic, song that has Paula Abdul crying "Horny horns!"`vibeology
Weissmuller what do you call the hollow spaces in the bones surrounding your nose`sinuses
We Know Well Enough To Borrow From, But Not Well Enough To Lend To`Acquaintance
Well, Blow me Down!: What was the name of Popeye's adopted son`Swee'Pea
Well-groomed and neatly tailored`sleek
Well-groomed: polished: 'The soign  celebrity granted a brief interview.'`soigne
Well known deaf and syphilitic Teutonic composer.`beethoven
well-to-do parents were temporarily resident`florence nightingale
Well-to-do: well-off: 'a ---------- family.'`prosperous
We Love you Baby is the message embossed in Braille on the back of Paul McCartney and Wings, Red Rose Speedway.  For which pop singer was this message intended for`Stevie Wonder
We love you baby is the message embossed in Braille on the back of which Paul McCartney and Wings album`Red Rose Speedway
Welsh mercenary bowmen in the medieval period only wore one ____ at a time`shoe
welsh rabbit is a food made from`bread
were can you find the hanging gardens`babylon
Were ignition keys first used to start cars in 1910, 1936 or 1949`1949
were is pop singer bryan adams from`canada
Were Russian`Battle Of The Alma
Western civilization discovered aluminium in 1727, 1787 or 1827`1827
Westminster Abbey was originally a monastery of which order of monks`benedictines
West Virginia law dictates that a man may have sex with an _______ as long as it is under 40 lbs.`animal
Wet Wet Wet had a number one hit single with which Beatles' song in 1988`little help from my friends
Wha is the highest fence in the grand national`the chair
Whales can't swim`backwards
Whales increase in weight 30,000,000,000 times in their first ___ years`two
Whales increase in weight 30,000,000,000 times in their first ___ years`two`2
Whare would you find a dog with no legs`where you left him
what 100 plus island group includes palm island and mustique`grenadines
what 10cc song got to nuber 1in 1978`dreadlock holiday
What 10th century ohemian King became a hero at the hands of Victorian hymn writer JM Neale`king wenceslas
What 1,300 foot column of basalt do Wyoming indians want to keep people from climbing`Devil's Tower
What 17th century explorer was buried with a pipe and a box of tobacco`sir
What 17th century explorer was buried with a pipe and a box of tobacco`sir walter raleigh
What 1839 innovation changed the face of mail delivery`the envelope
What 1839 innovation changed the face of mail delivery`the envelope`envelope
what 1872 presidential candidate founded the new york tribune in 1841`horace greeley
What 18th century tourist attraction is at the end of berlins Unter den Linden`brandenburg gate
What 1902 children's book continues to sell over 50,000 copies per year`the tale of peter rabbit
what 1920's cowboy star rode tony the wonder horse`tom mix
what 1936 quasi-documentary has been known as tell your children, doped youth and love madness`reefer madness
what 1937 movie was seen by 20 million within three months of its release`snow white and the seven dwarfs
what 1941 film featured the tune pink elephants on parade`dumbo
What 1942 movie did the song white christmas come from`holiday inn
What 1942 naval engagement saw the sinking of four japanese aircraft carriers`battle at midway
What 1942 naval engagement saw the sinking of four japanese aircraft carriers`battle at midway`midway
What 1942 naval engagement saw the sinking of four Japanese aircraft carriers`midway
What 1949 book was a bestseller 35 years later`1984
What 1950 film class was nominated for a record 14 oscars and won six`All About Eve
what 1950's tv western hero often quoted shakespear`paladin
what 1951 film featured ronald reagan raising a chimp?`bedtime for bonzo
What 1953 broadway musical introduced the song "stranger in paradise"`kismet
What 1954 movie pushed rock n roll into the social mainstream and made for an entire generation of terrified parents?`The Blackboard Jungle
What 1955 fad was good for New York City fur dealers`coonskin hats
what 1956 film was cecil b. demille's last`the ten commandments
what 1958 eddie cochran song became his biggest us hit and a classic?`summertime blues
what 1958 eddie cochran song became his biggest us hit and a rock classic`summertime`blinds
What 1958 eddie cochran song became his biggest us hit and a rock classic`summertime blues
What 1958 song was the coaster's only #1 hit`yakkety yak
What 1960 movie inspired the rash of beach party movies`where the boys are
what 1960 novel by harper lee was prefaced with the charles lamb quotation: 'lawyers, i suppose, were children once'`to kill a mockingbird
What 1960s female rock group consisted of two sets of sisters`shangri las
what 1960s group had the #1 hit song "my boyfriends back"?`angels
What 1963 joseph l mankiewicz film cost 28 million dollars`cleopatra
What 1964 Beatles biggie did Capital re-release as a video in 1984`i want to hold your hand
What 1965-1969 TV series took place on the 30,000 acre Barkley Ranch`big valley
what 1966 1971 soap opera centered on vampires, werewolves & witchcraft`dark shadows
What 1968-69 TV series did Joan Blondell star in`here come the brides
What 1968-71 TV series did Ken Berry star in`mayberry rfd
what 1968 book by norman mailer won both the pulitzer prize and national book award in 1969`armies of the night
What 1969 film did Glenn Campbell appear in`true grit
what 1969 john fowles novel centered on abandoned mistress sarah woodruff`the french lieutenant's woman
What 1969 sex spoof had a different author for every chapter`naked came the
what 1969 sex spoof had a different author for every chapter`naked came the stranger
What 1970 film tells of the soaring relationship of a boy and a kestrel`kes
What 1970 movie hit was banned on military bases?`MASH
What 1970's film came from a pink floyd tune`the wall
what 1970's group performed the popular song 'baby i'm-a want you'`bread
What 1970's tv series gave larry hagman his start`i dream of genie
What 1971 series depicted robert powell as a scientific watchdog`doomwatch
what 1972 connoisseur's guide opened with a chapter called starters and included main courses, sauces and pickles, and problems`the joy of sex
what 1972 film was shot on location on the chattooga river in the appalachians`deliverance
what 1972 movie did marlon brando star in?`last tango in paris
What 1972 musical saw david essex as jesus christ`godspell
What 1973 Rolling Stones song does Tori Amos do a cover version of`angie
what 1979 tv series did james best appear in`dukes of`cookies
what 1979 tv series did james best appear in`dukes of hazzard
What 1980 LP was the Chipmunk's attempt at offering punk music`chipmunk punk
what 1980's tv series starred bruce willis`moonlighting
What 1980 Vietnam flick was re-released in 1987`apocalypse now
what 1982 film starred nick nolte and eddie murphy`48 hours
what 1982 german titled movie showed "the other side of world war ii"?`das boot
What 1982 horror film starred JoBeth Williams as a woman whose youngest child is carried off into a TV set`poltergeist
What 1982 movie did actress Meryl Streep take her Oscar for Best Actress`sophie's choice
what 1982 movie did actress meryl streep take her oscar for best actress`sophie's e
what 1982 movie stars henry winkler as a morgue attendant`night shift
what 1983 movie did david bowie star in?`ziggy stardust & the spiders from mars
What 1985 chart topper opined: "We are the ones/To make a better world"`we are the world
what 1987 movie shot kevin kostner to superstardom?`untouchables
what 1988 blockbuster was dubbed "cockney meets cartoon"`who framed roger rabbit
what 1988 film sequel brings its characters back to earth from antarea?`cocoon: the return
what 1988 mel gibson movie did usa today call "easy to swallow"`tequila sunrise
What 1988 movie reunited william hurt and kathleen turner`accidental tourist
what 1988 movie was hyped with the word "amore"?`moonstruck
what 1991 film role went to kevin costner when turned down by harrison ford`jim garrison in jfk
what 1991 road movie was originally intended for meryl streep & goldie hawn`thelma & louise
what 1992 hit movie sees tom hanks explain: "there is no crying in baseball"`a league of their own
What 1994 olympic gold-winning figure skater was an orphan`oksana baiul
what 1995 movie was initially banned in malasyia because pigs are offensive to muslims?`babe
What 1996 single became the first international hit for the Spice Girls`wannabe
What 1998 film broke the opening weekend box-office record`the waterboy
what 19th-century humourist cabled home from europe: 'the report of my death was an exaggeration'`mark twain
What 19th century novelist spent his last days as an inspector at New York's Customs House?`Herman Melville
what 19th century war between russia and england, turkey, britain and france, was named for a peninsula in the black sea`crimean`somnambulist
What 19th century war between russia and england, turkey, britain and france, was named for a peninsula in the black sea`crimean war
What 20th-century American president was so obsessed with secrecy that he often wrote 'burn this' on personal letters?`Lyndon Johnson
what 20th century monarch reigned only 325 days`edward viii
what 25 year old ex presidential daughter announced plans to marry in 1993`amy carter
What 265m high peak is located in wyoming`devil's tower
What '27 baseball team had a crew of heavy hitters called murderer's row`new
what '27 baseball team had a crew of heavy hitters called murderer's row`new york yankees`hooker
what '27 baseball team had a crew of heavy hitters called murderer's row`new york yankees`yankees
What 2 countries border the Dead Sea`israel and jordan
What 2 countries share the Khyber pass`afghanistan and pakistan
What 2 drinks make a spritzer`white wine and soda
What 2 products did Frederich Albrecht Winzer extract in one process from coal`gas and coke
What 2 word german greeting brought the response "Nuts you dope" from Fred Mac Murray in the 1943 film Above Suspicion`heil hitler
What 2 words do most of the episodes of friedns begin with`the one
What 2 word title has provided the title for 12 american chart records`hold on
What 38 years old heavyweight couldn't answer the 11th round bell in 1980`muhammad ali
what 38 years old heavyweight couldn't answer the 11th round bell in 1980`muhammad`metamorphic
What 42 year-old Panamanian boxer won his 89th pro fight in 1993`roberto
What 42 year-old Panamanian boxer won his 89th pro fight in 1993`roberto duran
what 42 year-old panamanian boxer won his 89th pro fight in 1993`roberto`torme
What 4-Non Blondes song has the same name as a 70's singer`superfly
What 50's song begins with a phone ringing & hello baby`chantilly lace
what 70s jazz/rock group took their name from the writings of william burroughs`steely dan
what 80's band included members from bad company and led zeppelin?`the firm
What 80's cartoon theme song did Ricky Martin sing?`Rubic-the Amazing Cube
What 80's cartoon was a showcase for 'New Wave' Music videos?`Kidd Video
What 80's game show featured the "Whammy"?`Press Your Luck
What 80's group sang the theme song to "Square Pegs".`The Waitresses
what 80's movie did michael keaton squeeze the biggest bucks from`beetlejuice
What 80's Pro-Wrestler was turned into a G.I. Joe character?`Sgt. Slaughter
What 80's spin off of a 70's tv show did Martin Lawrence play on?`What's Happening Now
What '88 Mel Gibson movie did USA Today call "easy to swallow"`tequila sunrise
what abbreviation come from libra, meaning pound in latin`lb.
What abbreviation comes from libra, meaning pound in Latin`lb
What ability has the silkworm moth lost through domestication`flight
What Aboriginal boxer died in an accident while training for a world title fight`Dave Sands
what academic title did nazi propaganda minister josef goebbels hold`doctor
What, according ot the saying, makes waste`haste
What according tho Edward Young and headmasters the world over,is the thief of time`procrastination
What, according to Freud, is the female equivalent of the Oedipus Complex?`The Electra Complex
What, according to Hilaire Belloc's cautionary verse, was Matilda's problem`she told such dreadful lies
what, according to joni mitchell, 'took away my old man'`a big yellow taxi
What according to Margaret Thatcher would the government ban from being put into British fridges`chlorofluorocarbons
what according to the Bible was created on the 4th day`sun and moon
What according to the proverb might one wear if it fits`cap
What according to the saying never strikes the same place twice`lighting
What, according to tradition, will leave Gibraltar before the British`apes
What acid is produced in the stomach`hydrochloric
What acid is the cause of a nettles sting`formic
What action would you do in the game of Charades to signify you were miming someone's name`pat your head
What activity is it helpful to have a green thumb in`gardening
What activity might include the cobra,the camel,the locust and the plough`Yoga
What activity other than hopping do kangaroos excel at`biting
What activity traditionally takes place under mistletoe`kissing
What actor appeared in all three of these films, Straw Dogs, Midnight Cowboy, and The Graduate`Dustin Hoffman
What actor authored the 1978 historical book The Outlaw Trail`robert redford
what actor did barbara walters ask: "do you take steroids"'`arnold
what actor did barbara walters ask: "do you take steroids"'`arnold schwarzenegger
what actor did mae west ask to "come up & see me sometime"`cary grant
What actor heartthrob was born Michael Shalboub in 1932`omar sharif
What actor is one of the world's top professional Bridge players`Omar Sharif
What actor mouthed the line "Whatch you talkin' 'bout Willis?"`Gary Coleman
what actor often plays banjo with the beverly hills unlisted jazz band?`george segal
what actor or actress from tv's 'cheers' made and appearance in 'the empire strikes back'`john ratzenberger
What actor played "Alice's" boss`vic tayback
what actor played batman in the first batman movie`keaton
what actor played ben casey?`vince edwards
What actor played Benson`robert guillaume
what actor played buddy flower in bringing up buddy?`frank aletter
what actor played charlie, the border patrol guard, in the border`jack nicholson
what actor played dr michael upton in doctor in the house?`barry evans
what actor played george cooper in my favorite husband`barry`5
What actor played George Cooper in My Favorite Husband`barry nelson
what actor played hank williams in your cheatin' heart`george hamilton
What actor played harry callahan`clint eastwood
what actor played igor in mel brooks' young frankenstein?`marty feldman
What actor played john wayne's son in red river`montgomery clift
what actor played john wayne's son in red river`montgomery`steiger
what actor played lt frank ballinger in m squad`lee marvin
what actor played major willie williston in steve canyon`jerry paris
what actor played seaman shatz in the comedy series hennesey?`arte johnson
What actor played seven roles in no way to treat a lady`rod steiger
what actor played socrates miller in the people's choice`jackie cooper
what actor played socrates miller in the people's choice`jackie`nebraska
what actor played the captain in hill street blues`daniel j`geologist
what actor played the captain in hill street blues`daniel j travanti
What actor played the lead in the remake of breathless`richard gere
what actor played the lead in the remake of breathless`richard`league
what actor played the psychopath hitchhiker in the hitcher`rutger`england
what actor played the psychopath hitchhiker in the hitcher`rutger hauer
what actor played the role of the mayor in jaws?`murray hamilton
what actor played the title role in monsignor?`christopher reeve
what actor played the wizard of oz`frank`california
What actor played the Wizard of Oz`frank morgan
what actor played trapper john, md`pernell`avalon
What actor played trapper john, md`pernell roberts
what actor played woody allen's best friend in "annie hall"`tony`harmonica
What actor played woody allen's best friend in "annie hall"`tony roberts
what actor plays al bundy on the tv show 'married with children'`oneil
what actor plays captain kirk from the original star trek`william shatner
What actor portrayed Neil Brock in the drama series East Side/West Side`george c scott
What actor portrayed Pretty Boy Floyd in Young Dillinger`robert conrad
what actor portrayed tom jeffords in the western broken arrow?`john lupton
What actor received his mission instructions by tape recorder`peter graves
what actor said, "love means never having to say you're sorry"?`ryan o'neal
what actor's backside was displayed in "the big easy" & "inner space"`dennis quaid
What actor's real name is Maurice Micklewhite`Michael Caine