Name The Year: Congo Free State established by King Leopold II of Belgium.`1885
Name The Year: Congress approved daylight saving time.`1918
Name The Year: Congress creates the Territory of Nevada.`1861
Name The Year: Congress decided US flag is 13 red and white stripes and 20 stars.`1818
Name The Year: Congress outlawed polygamy.`1882
Name The Year: Congress passes Tonkin Resolution, official start of Vietnam war.`1964
Name The Year: Congress resolves US currency named "dollar" and adopts decimal coinage.`1785
Name The Year: conjunction of Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn & Moon.`2000
Name The Year: Connie Stevens (in Brooklyn, NY), singer`1938
Name The Year: Conrad Aiken, American poet, short story writer, critic, born.`1899
Name The Year: Constantine`1583
Name The Year: Constantine II, deposed king of Greece (-1967), born. `1940
Name The Year: Constantinople falls to Muhammad II (Turks); ends Byzantine Empire. Also considered the end of the Middle Ages.`1453
Name The Year: Constantinople (later Istanbul) founded.`330
Name The Year: Constantius II, Roman emperor (337-61), born.`317
Name The Year: Constitution of Tunisia promulgated (National Day).`1959
Name The Year: Construction began on 1st private thorium-uranium nuclear reactor.`1958
Name The Year: Construction begins on Disneyland.`1954
Name The Year: Construction of Cologne Cathedral is begun.`1248
Name The Year: Construction of Cologne Cathedral is completed.`1880
Name The Year: Construction of the Brooklyn Bridge begins`1870
Name The Year: Construction on Berlin Wall begins in East Germany.`1961
Name The Year: Continental Congress renames "United Colonies", "United States".`1776
Name The Year: Continuous moving assembly line introduced by Ford (1 car every 2.5 minutes).`1913
Name The Year: Copernicus formally installed as canon of Frauenberg Cathedral.`1501
Name The Year: Copernicus makes his 1st observations of Saturn.`1514
Name The Year: Corbin Bernsen North Hollywood Calif, actor (Arnie Becker-LA Law), born.`1954
Name The Year: Cornelius Otto Jansen of France, Roman Catholic reform leader`1585
Name The Year: Cornerstone for the Statue of Liberty laid.`1884
Name The Year: Cornerstone is laid for Tycho Brahe's Uraniborg observatory.`1579
Name The Year: Cornerstone laid for Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC.`1915
Name The Year: Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in Westminster Abbey.`1953
Name The Year: Corpernicus' DE REVOLUTIONIBUS placed on Catholic Forbidden index`1616
Name The Year: Cosmonaut Gagarin, first man to orbit earth died in a plane crash.`1968
Name The Year: Cosmonaut Gherman Titov circles Earth for a full day in Vostok 2.`1961
Name The Year: Cosmonaut Komarov is first to die in space aboard Soyuz 1.`1967
Name The Year: Cosmonaut Popovich in space first time 2, manned craft in space.`1962
Name The Year: Cosmonauts Popov and Ryumin set space endurance record of 184 days.`1980
Name The Year: Cosmonauts Titov and Strekalov are saved from exploding Soyuz T-10.`1983
Name The Year: Cosmonaut Svetlana Savitskaya became 1st woman to walk in space.`1984
Name The Year: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua gain independence.`1821
Name The Year: Count Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio Volta, invented the electric battery, born.`1745
Name The Year: Count Basie jazz piano great, dies at 79.`1984
Name The Year: Count Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin, inventor, born.`1838
Name The Year: Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin's 1st airship LZ-1, flies.`1900
Name The Year: Coup overthrows Emperor Haile Selassie in Ethiopia (National Day).`1974
Name The Year: Courtney Cox Birmingham Ala, actress (Monica on Friends), born.`1964
Name The Year: Cracow declared a free republic.`1815
Name The Year: Crete unites with Greece.`1908
Name The Year: Crew of Soyuz 29 returns to Earth aboard Soyuz 31.`1978
Name The Year: Crew of Soyuz 31 returns to Earth aboard Soyuz 29.`1978
Name The Year: .C. Roman forces under Julius Caesar invaded Britain.`55 B
Name The Year: Crystal Gayle (in Kentucky), singer, born.`1951
Name The Year: C.S.A. President Jefferson Davis is inaugurated at Montgomery, AL.`1861
Name The Year: C.S. Forester, historical novelist, created Horatio Hornblower`1899
Name The Year: Cuban missile crisis began as JFK becomes aware of missiles in Cuba.`1962
Name The Year: Curtis Mayfield, musician, born.`1942
Name The Year: C Virgil (Publius Vergilius Maro) (Mantua, Italy), poet (Aeneid), born.`70 B
Name The Year: Cybill Shepherd (in Memphis, TN), actress (Moonlighting, Sybil), born.`1950
Name The Year: Cyclone kills estimated 300,000 in Bangladesh.`1970
Name The Year: Cyd Charisse (in Amarillo, Texas), actor, dancer, born.`1921
Name The Year: Cyrano de Bergerac French dramatist/novelist, dies in Paris.`1655
Name The Year: Cyrano de Bergerac, writer, born.`1619
Name The Year: Czechoslovakia declares independence from Austria.`1918
Name The Year: Czechoslovak National Day.`1945
Name The Year: Dabney Coleman, actor, born.`1933
Name The Year: Dalai Lama, religious leader, born.`1935
Name The Year: Dale Carnegie, author (How to Win Friends and Influence People)`1888
Name The Year: Dame Agatha Christie mystery writer (Murder on the Orient Express), born.`1890
Name The Year: Dame Margaret Rutherford, England, actress (Murder Most Foul), born.`1892
Name The Year: Dame Margot Fonteyn England, ballerina (partner of Nureyev), born.`1919
Name The Year: Dame Nellie Melba, Australian Opera Singer, reveals secret of her now famous toast.`1901
Name The Year: Dana Carvey, comedian (Sat Night Live, Wayne's World), born.`1955
Name The Year: Dana Delaney, actress, born.`1957
Name The Year: Dana Plato (in Maywood, CA)`1964
Name The Year: Dan Aykroyd, Ottawa Canada, comedian/actor (SNL, Dragnet), born.`1952
Name The Year: Danes defeat Saxons at Battle of Assandun (Ashingdon).`1016
Name The Year: Dan Haggerty, actor (Grizzly Adams)`1941
Name The Year: Daniel Bernoulli, Basel, Switzerland, mathematician, born.`1700
Name The Year: Daniel Boone frontiersman/explorer, born.`1734
Name The Year: Daniel Burnham, American architect, built skyscrapers`1846
Name The Year: Daniel J. Travanti, actor (Hill Street Blues)`1940
Name The Year: Daniel Ortega Saavedra, president of Nicaragua (1984- )`1945
Name The Year: Dan Marino NFL quarterback (Miami Dolphins), born.`1961
Name The Year: Danny Bonaduce actor (Danny-Partridge Family) (1959 approx), born.`1959
Name The Year: Danny DeVito, actor (Taxi, Ruthless People, Twins), director (War of the Roses)`1944
Name The Year: Danny Kaye Bkln NY, UNICEF/comedian/actor (Danny Kaye Show), born.`1913
Name The Year: Dan Quayle, U.S. Vice-president (1989-1992), alleged twit, born.`1947
Name The Year: Dante Alighieri Day.`1583
Name The Year: Daphne du Maurier novelist (Rebecca, The Parasites), born.`1907
Name The Year: Darius Milhaud, composer`1872
Name The Year: Darwin returns to England aboard the HMS Beagle.`1836
Name The Year: Dave Stewart, rocker (Eurythmics-Here Comes the Rain Again), born.`1952
Name The Year: David Ben-Gurion founding father of Israel dies in Tel Aviv at 87.`1973
Name The Year: David Bowie, musician, actor, born.`1947
Name The Year: David Bowie releases "Fame".`1975
Name The Year: David Bowie releases his 1st record (Can't Help Thinking About Me).`1966
Name The Year: David Bowie releases "Space Oddity".`1969
Name The Year: David Bowie's "Let's Dance" single goes #1.`1983
Name The Year: David Byrne Dunbartin Scotand, rocker (Talking Heads-Psycho Killer) , born.`1952
Name The Year: David Carradine, actor (Kung fu, Death Race 2000), born.`1940
Name The Year: David Cassidy, Shirley Jones' kid on TV and real life, born.`1950
Name The Year: David Faustino, actor (Married With Children's Bud Bundy), born.`1974
Name The Year: David Frost, pundit`1939
Name The Year: David Geffen, record company president, born.`1943
Name The Year: David Hasselhoff, actor, born.`1952
Name The Year: David Herbert "DH" Lawrence England, writer (Lady Chatterly's Lover), born.`1885
Name The Year: David Hume England, empiricists (Treatise of Human Nature), born.`1711
Name The Year: David Lee Roth, rocker, born.`1955
Name The Year: David Letterman, late night television talk show host, born.`1947
Name The Year: David Lynch, director (Dune, Eraserhead), born.`1946
Name The Year: David McCallum, actor (Ilya Kuryakin in Man from U.N.C.L.E.), born.`1933
Name The Year: David Niven, actor, born.`1910
Name The Year: David O Selznick Gone With the Wind's producer, dies at 63.`1965
Name The Year: David O Selznick Pittsburgh Pa, producer (Gone With the Wind), born.`1902
Name The Year: David Rappaport 3'11' actor (wizard), shoots himself at 38.`1990
Name The Year: David Rockefeller, International Power Broker, born. `1915
Name The Year: David Russell Lange PM (L) New Zealand, born.`1942
Name The Year: Davidson Black, Canada, doctor of anatomy (identified Peking Man), born.`1884
Name The Year: Davy Crockett US, frontiersman/adventurer/politician, born.`1786
Name The Year: Daylight meteor seen from Utah to Canada. Only known case of a meteor entering the Earth's atmosphere and leaving it again.`1966
Name The Year: D-Day. Invasion of Europe; Allies storm Normandy, France.`1944
Name The Year: D.D. Palmer of Davenport, Iowa, becomes the first Chiropractor.`1895
Name The Year: Dean Martin, singer, actor`1917
Name The Year: Dean of St Paul's Cathedral perfects a way to bottle beer.`1568
Name The Year: Death of Dante Alighieri, author of the Divine Comedy.`1321
Name The Year: Death of Tomas de Torquemada, inquisitor who burned 10,000 people.`1498
Name The Year: Debbie Reynolds (in El Paso, TX), actor, dancer, born.`1932
Name The Year: Deborah Harry, rocker (Blondie-Heart of Glass), born.`1945
Name The Year: Deborah Harry singer (Blondie) actress (Videodrome, Hairspray), born.`1945
Name The Year: Deborah Kerr (in Helensburg, Scotland), actor (King and I, Night of the Iguana)`1921
Name The Year: Debra Winger (in Columbus, Ohio), actor, born.`1955
Name The Year: Decca awards Bing Crosby a 2nd platinum disc for selling 300 million.`1970
Name The Year: Decca signs the Rolling Stones on advice of Beatle George Harrison.`1963
Name The Year: Declaration of Independence is read aloud to Gen. George Washington's troops in New York.`1776
Name The Year: Declaration of Independence-US gains independence from Britain (U.S. Independence Day).`1776
Name The Year: DeForest Kelley Atlanta Ga, actor (Dr Leonard McCoy-Star Trek), born.`1920
Name The Year: DeForest Kelly actor (Dr McCoy-Star Trek), born.`1920
Name The Year: Demi Moore, actor (Ghost)`1963
Name The Year: Demolition began in NYC for new permanent headquarters of the UN.`1947
Name The Year: Dem. Rep of Germany (East) formed (National Day).`1949
Name The Year: Deng Xiao Peng, Chinese leader, born.`1904
Name The Year: Denise Nichols (in Detroit, MI)`1944
Name The Year: Denmark becomes a constitutional monarchy.`1849
Name The Year: Dennis Gabor, inventor of holography (3D laser photography), born.`1900
Name The Year: Dennis Hopper actor (True Grit, Blue Velvet, Easy Rider), born.`1936
Name The Year: Dennis Quaid, actor, born.`1954
Name The Year: Dentist William T. Morton demonstrated the effectiveness of ether.`1846
Name The Year: Deposed Shah of Iran arrived in NY for medical treatment.`1979
Name The Year: Desi Arnaz actor (Ricky Ricardo-I Love Lucy), dies at 69.`1986
Name The Year: Desi Arnaz, famous Cuban, bandleader, born.`1917
Name The Year: Desmond Tutu, Anglican Archbishop of South Africa (Nobel Peace Prize 1982), born.`1931
Name The Year: Desmond Tutu installed to lead south African Anglican Church.`1986
Name The Year: Destructive eruption of Vesuvius.`1759
Name The Year: Deusdedit III begins his reign as Catholic Pope`672
Name The Year: Deutsches Museum, Munich, first Walther Bauersfeld's Zeiss Planetarium.`1923
Name The Year: Diana Ladd`1932
Name The Year: Diana Rigg Doncaster England, actress (Emma Peel-Avengers, Hospital), born.`1938
Name The Year: Diana Ross (in Detroit, Michigan), singer (The Supremes), born.`1944
Name The Year: Diane Keaton (in Los Angeles, CA), actor, born.`1946
Name The Year: Dick Clark, America's oldest teenager (American Bandstand)`1929
Name The Year: Dick Sargent Carmel Calif, actor (Darrin-Bewitched), born`1933
Name The Year: Digging begins to link England and France under the English Channel.`1987
Name The Year: Digital Equipment Corp. founded.`1957
Name The Year: Digital Equipment Corp introduces the PDP-11 minicomputer.`1970
Name The Year: Diligenti quintuplets born in Buenos Aires, Argentina.`1943
Name The Year: Dimout regulations implemented in San Francisco.`1942
Name The Year: Diner's Club issues its 1st credit cards.`1950
Name The Year: Dirk Bogarde, actor, born.`1922
Name The Year: Disaster on USSR launch pad killed missle expert Nedelin and team (unconfirmed); USSR claims he was killed in plane crash.`1960
Name The Year: Discovery of element 93, neptunium, announced. `1940
Name The Year: Disney Co. founded.`1923
Name The Year: Disneyland opens its doors in rural Orange County.`1955
Name The Year: Divine (Harris Glenn Milstead) film actor, born.`1945
Name The Year: Dizzy Gillespie, trumpeter, a creator of modern jazz, born.`1917
Name The Year: Djibouti National Day.`1977
Name The Year: Dmitri Shostakovich, Russian composer, born.`1906
Name The Year: Dodge Morgan sailed solo nonstop around the world in 150 days`1986
Name The Year: Dolly Parton, country singer (Dolly, 9 to 5), born.`1946
Name The Year: Dolph Lundgren actor, born.`1959
Name The Year: Dom DeLuise Bkln NY, comedian, actor (End, Cannonball Run, Fatso), born.`1933
Name The Year: Dominican Order of Friars confirmed by the Pope.`1216
Name The Year: Dominican Republic gains it's independence.`1844
Name The Year: Dominion of Canada formed (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario and Quebec).`1867
Name The Year: Dom Pedro crowned emperor of Brazil.`1822
Name The Year: Dom Pedro II, Emperor of Brazil, deposed; republic proclaimed.`1889
Name The Year: Dom Perignon invents champagne.`1693
Name The Year: Don Adams actor, secret agent 86 (Get Smart), born`1926
Name The Year: Donald Duck, famous fowl, born. `1934
Name The Year: Donald Sutherland, actor (M-A-S-H), born.`1934
Name The Year: Donald Trump master builder (Trump Towers/Plaza/Castle), born. `1946
Name The Year: Donald Wills Douglas, founded an aircraft company`1892
Name The Year: Donald Wolf, computer game creator`1971
Name The Year: Donald Woods, a banned white editor flees South Africa.`1977
Name The Year: Don Ameche, actor (Cocoon, Trading Places), born.`1908
Name The Year: Donati's comet becomes the 1st to be photographed.`1858
Name The Year: Don Henley, musician (Eagles), born.`1945
Name The Year: Don Knotts Morgantown WV, actor (Amdy Griffth Show, 3's Company), born.`1924
Name The Year: Don McLean, singer, songwriter (American Pie, Vincent)`1945
Name The Year: Donna McKechnie (in Pontiac, Michigan)`1942
Name The Year: Donna Reed (in Denison, Iowa), actor, born.`1921
Name The Year: Donny Osmond, singer born.`1957
Name The Year: Donovan (Leitch) Scotland, rock singer (Mellow Yellow), born.`1943
Name The Year: Donus ends his reign as Catholic Pope`678
Name The Year: Doris Day (in Cincinnatti, Ohio), actor, girl next door, born.`1924
Name The Year: Dorothy Lamour (in New Orleans, LA), actor (Road to Bali), born.`1914
Name The Year: Dorothy L Sayers England, novelist (9 Taylors), born. `1893
Name The Year: Douglas Fairbanks, first and greatest of Hollywood's swashbucklers, born`1883
Name The Year: Douglas Fairbanks, Jr, actor (Ghost Story) born.`1909
Name The Year: Douglas Hyde (a protestant) becomes 1st president of Eire.`1938
Name The Year: Douglas MacArthur US general (Pacific theater-WW II), dies at 84`1964
Name The Year: Dow Jones closes above 1,000 for first time (1003.16).`1972
Name The Year: "Dragnet" is first broadcast on radio (KFI in Los Angeles).`1949
Name The Year: "Dragnet" is suddenly plastered on TV across America`1952
Name The Year: Dr. Albert Sabin, polio vaccine discoverer`1906
Name The Year: Dr. Albert Schweitzer received Nobel Peace Prize for 1952.`1953
Name The Year: Dr Carl Gustav Jung, founded analytic psychology, born.`1875
Name The Year: Dr. Christiaan Barnard, performed first human heart transplantation`1922
Name The Year: Dr. Christian Barnard performs the second successful heart transplant.`1968
Name The Year: Dr C. Long first used ether as an anesthetic during a minor operation.`1842
Name The Year: Dr. Denton Cooley implants first temporary artificial heart.`1969
Name The Year: Drew Barrymore, actress, member of the Barrymore clan, born.`1975
Name The Year: Dr. Frederick Banting, co-discoverer of insulin, knighted.`1934
Name The Year: Dr Howard T Engstrom Boston, a designer of Univac computer, born.`1902
Name The Year: Dr John F Mahoney developed pencillin treatment of syphillis, born.`1889
Name The Year: Dr. Jonas Salk announced a new vaccine against polio.`1953
Name The Year: Dr. Jonas Salk, who made polio a fear of the past`1914
Name The Year: Dr. Joseph Guillotin, guess what he invented, born.`1738
Name The Year: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr shot to death in Memphis, Tennessee.`1968
Name The Year: Drogheda, Ireland falls to Puritan troops; inhabitants massacred.`1649
Name The Year: Dr Peter Goldmark of CBS demonstrates "long playing record", Columbia commits to 33 1/3 rpm records, plans to phase out 78's.`1948
Name The Year: Dr. Priestly discovers oxygen.`1774
Name The Year: Dr. Sam Sheppard freed after 9 years in jail, by a jury.`1966
Name The Year: Dr Spock indicted on draft law violations.`1968
Name The Year: Dr Verwoerd South African PM, assassinated in assembly.`1966
Name The Year: Dr. William Cosby, comedian, actor`1937
Name The Year: Duchess of Windsor, famous divorcee, born.`1886
Name The Year: Dudley Moore actor (10, Arthur, Bedazzled, 6 Weeks), born`1935
Name The Year: Duke Ellington bandleader (Take the A Train), born.`1899
Name The Year: Duke of Windsor [King Edward VIII of England] (briefly in 1936), born.`1894
Name The Year: Dumitru Prunariu, first Rumanian space traveler (on board Soyuz 40), born.`1952
Name The Year: Dumont's first TV Broadcast for home reception, NY city.`1930
Name The Year: DuPont announces its new synthetic fiber will be called "nylon".`1938
Name The Year: During a radio voice test Pres Reagan joked he "signed legislation that would outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in 5 minutes".`1984
Name The Year: During the Korean War, United Nations forces recaptured Seoul.`1951
Name The Year: During World War I Germany launched the Somme Offensive,.`1918
Name The Year: During World War II, US forces crossed the Rhine River.`1945
Name The Year: During WW I British and German fleets fought the Battle of Jutland.`1916
Name The Year: During WW II Allied bombers began 4 days of raids over Germany.`1945
Name The Year: During WW II, Britain launches major offensive at El Alamein, Egypt.`1942
Name The Year: During WW II, German planes destroyed most of Coventry, England.`1940
Name The Year: During WWII Germany completed their occupation of France.`1942
Name The Year: Dustin Hoffman, actor, born.`1937
Name The Year: Dutch and French agree to divide St. Maarten, Leeward Islands.`1648
Name The Year: Dutch govt refuses to turn over ex-kaiser of Germany to the allies.`1920
Name The Year: Dutch West India Company receives charter for "New Netherlands".`1621
Name The Year: Dwight D. Eisenhower, the 34th president, died in Washington at age 78.`1969
Name The Year: Dwight Lyman Moody, evangelist, born.`1837
Name The Year: Dylan Thomas author-poet, dies in NY at 39.`1953
Name The Year: Dylan Thomas, Swansea, Wales, poet (Child's Christmas in Wales), born.`1914
Name The Year: Eadweard Muybridge, pioneered study of motion in photography, born.`1830
Name The Year: Earl of Moray, regent of Scotland, assassinated; civil war breaks out.`1570
Name The Year: Earl S Tupper invented Tupperware, born.`1907
Name The Year: Eartha Kitt born (in South Carolina)`1928
Name The Year: Earthquake destroys central Managua, Nicaragua.`1972
Name The Year: Earthquake gives San Francisco the shakes.`1957
Name The Year: Earthquake in California.`1994
Name The Year: Earthquake in Kobe.`1995
Name The Year: Earthquake kills 250,000 in Antioch, Syria.`526
Name The Year: Earthquake strikes Alaska, 8.4 on the Richter scale, 100 killed.`1964
Name The Year: Earvin "Magic" Johnson, NBA star (LA Lakers)`1958
Name The Year: East Berlin opens its borders.`1989
Name The Year: East German border guards shot and kill Peter Fechter, 18, attempting to cross Berlin Wall into western sector.`1962
Name The Year: East Germans begin their flight to the west (via Hungary and Czech).`1989
Name The Year: East German workers began building the Berlin Wall.`1961
Name The Year: East Germany drops the communist monopoly from its constitution.`1989
Name The Year: East Pakistan proclaimed independence taking the name Bangladesh.`1971
Name The Year: Ebenezer Butterick inventor (tissue paper dress pattern), born.`1826
Name The Year: E.B. White writer (Charlotte's Web, Elements of Style), born.`1899
Name The Year: Echo I, first passive satellite launched.`1960
Name The Year: EC recognises Slovenian and Croatian independence.`1992
Name The Year: Ecuador and Iraq join the United Nations.`1945
Name The Year: Ecuador becomes independent.`1922
Name The Year: Ecuador declares independence from Spain (National Day).`1809
Name The Year: Ed Asner, actor (Lou Grant)`1929
Name The Year: Ed Begley, Jr., actor (St. Elsewhere, Real Genius, Spinal Tap), born.`1949
Name The Year: Eddie Fisher, actor, born.`1928
Name The Year: Eddie Murphy, comedian, actor, born.`1961
Name The Year: Eddie Rabbitt, singer`1941
Name The Year: Eddie Rickenbacker, aviator, born.`1890
Name The Year: Eden Phillpotts, English novelist, poet, playwright`1862
Name The Year: Edgar Allan Poe, Boston, author (Pit & the Pendulum), born.`1809
Name The Year: Edgar Allen Poe dies in Baltimore at 40.`1849
Name The Year: Edgar Allen Poe's "The Raven" 1st published.`1845
Name The Year: Edgar Degas, French impressionist painter, born.`1834
Name The Year: Edgar Rice Burroughs, novelist (Tarzan, John Carter Of Mars Saga), born.`1875
Name The Year: Edgar Rice Burroughs' publishes "Tarzan".`1912
Name The Year: Edison Pele, soccer player extraordinaire, born.`1940
Name The Year: Ed McMahon, #1 second banana, famed announcer, sweepstakes harbinger, born.`1923
Name The Year: Edmond Hoyle games expert, dies (birth date unknown).`1769
Name The Year: Edmund Halley genius eclipsed by Newton, dies at 86.`1742
Name The Year: Edmund Halley (in London), sky watcher, namesake of Halley's Comet, born.`1656
Name The Year: Edmund Halley receives MA from Queen's College, Oxford.`1678
Name The Year: Edna St. Vincent Millay, poet, born.`1892
Name The Year: Edouard Manet, France, Impressionist painter, born.`1832
Name The Year: Edouard Manet, French painter, born.`1832
Name The Year: Ed "Psycho" Gein, dies.`1984
Name The Year: Ed Sullivan TV host (Ed Sullivan Show), dies at 73.`1974
Name The Year: Eduardo Barrios, Chilean novelist (The Love-Crazed Boy)`1884
Name The Year: Edvard Grieg, Bergen Norway, composer, born.`1843
Name The Year: Edward Furlong Pasedina Calif, actor (John Connor-Terminator 2), born.`1977
Name The Year: Edward G. Gibson, astronaut (Skylab 4)`1936
Name The Year: Edward Gibbon England, historian (Decline & Fall of Roman Empire), born.`1737
Name The Year: Edward Gibson England, historian (Decline & Fall of the Roman Emp), born.`1737
Name The Year: Edward Heath (C), British prime minister (1970-74), born.`1916
Name The Year: Edward H. White II, astronaut (Gemini 4)`1930
Name The Year: Edward III, king of England (1327-77)`1312
Name The Year: Edward II king of England (1307-1327), dies at 43.`1327
Name The Year: Edward II, king of England (1307-27), born.`1284
Name The Year: Edward IV, king of England (1461-70, 1471-83), born.`1442
Name The Year: Edward Jenner England, physician, started vaccination, born.`1749
Name The Year: Edward Jenner's smallpox vaccination is introduced.`1799
Name The Year: Edward John Trelawney, English traveler, author`1792
Name The Year: Edward Kennedy "Duke" Ellington, bandleader (Take the "A" Train), born.`1899
Name The Year: Edward Lear England, landscape painter, writer of nonsense verse, born.`1812
Name The Year: Edward R. Murrow criticizes Sen. McCarthy on "See it Now".`1954
Name The Year: Edward Teller, Budapest, Hungary, fathered H-bomb (Manhattan Project), born.`1908
Name The Year: Edward the black prince, prince of Wales (1343-1376), born.`1330
Name The Year: Edward Thompson US archeologist who explored Mayan ruins, born.`1856
Name The Year: Edward VIII, Duke of Windsor married Wallis Warfield Simpson in France.`1937
Name The Year: Edward VII, king of England (1901-10), born.`1841
Name The Year: Edward VII of England crowned after death of his mother Victoria.`1902
Name The Year: Edward VI king of England (1547-53), born.`1537
Name The Year: Edward Woodward England, actor (Breaker Morant, Equalizer), born.`1930
Name The Year: Edwin Armstrong, radio pioneer (invented FM)`1890
Name The Year: Edwin Booth, American actor`1833
Name The Year: Edwin Budding of England signs an agreement for manufacture of his invention, the lawn mower.`1830
Name The Year: Edwin Drake, drilled first productive oil well in US, born.`1819
Name The Year: Edwin E "Buzz" Aldrin Jr, USAF/astro (Gem 12, Ap 11), born.`1930
Name The Year: Edwin Hubble, US astronomer, discoverer of galaxies, red shift`1889
Name The Year: Edwin Land, founded instant photography (Polaroid), born.`1909
Name The Year: EE Barnard at Lick discovers Amalthea, 5th Jupiter moon.`1892
Name The Year: EEC Anniversary.`1950
Name The Year: e e cummings, poet, born.`1894
Name The Year: e. e. cummings poet, dies at 67.`1962
Name The Year: Efrem Zimbalist, Jr., actor (77 Sunset Strip, The Untouchables)`1923
Name The Year: Egypt and Morocco troops land in Saudi Arabia to prevent Iraqi invasion.`1990
Name The Year: Egyptian Pres Anwar Sadat first meeting with President Jimmy Carter.`1977
Name The Year: Egyptian President Anwar Sadat arrives in Israel.`1977
Name The Year: Egyptian President Anwar Sadat became first Arab leader to address Israel's Knesset.`1977
Name The Year: Egyptian president Nassar closes Straits of Tiran to Israel.`1967
Name The Year: Egyptian President Sadat formally accepts invitation to visit Israel.`1977
Name The Year: Egypt proclaimed a republic.`1953
Name The Year: Egypt seizes Suez Canal.`1956
Name The Year: Eighteenth Space Shuttle Mission - Discovery 5 is launched.`1985
Name The Year: Einstein's Theory of General Relativity presented.`1916
Name The Year: Eisenhower and Italian Marshal Pietro Badoglio sign an armistice.`1943
Name The Year: Eisenhower orders US troops to desegregate Little Rock schools.`1957
Name The Year: Ejnar Hertzsprung, Danish astronomer (Hertzsprung-Russell diagram), born.`1873
Name The Year: Ejnar Hertzsprung, Danish astrophysicist dies at 94.`1967
Name The Year: E. Kidner opens the first cooking school, in Great Britain.`1784
Name The Year: Elbridge Gerry, 5th VP, gov. of Mass., invented gerrymandering, born.`1744
Name The Year: Electric neon sign patented.`1915
Name The Year: Element 103, lawrencium, first produced in Berkeley, California lab.`1961
Name The Year: Element 98 - californium announced.`1950
Name The Year: Element mendelevium announced - element 101.`1955
Name The Year: Eleventh Space Shuttle Mission - Challenger 5 is launched.`1984
Name The Year: Eleventh Space Shuttle Mission - Challenger 5 returns to Earth.`1984
Name The Year: Elias Howe (in Spencer, Mass), sewing machine inventor, born.`1819
Name The Year: Elias Howe patents the sewing machine.`1846
Name The Year: Elie Wiesel, author (Souls on Fire), Nazi hunter (Nobel 1986)`1928
Name The Year: Eliot Ness untouchable (FBI agent-Chicago), born`1903
Name The Year: Eli Whitney applies for patent for the cotton gin.`1793
Name The Year: Eli Whitney received patent for cotton gin.`1794
Name The Year: Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor II, queen of England (1952- ), born.`1926
Name The Year: Elizabeth Ann Seton of New York was beatified. She was sainted in 1975.`1963
Name The Year: Elizabeth Barrett Browning, poet, born.`1806
Name The Year: Elizabeth, empress of Russia (to Peter the Great and Catherine I)`1709
Name The Year: Elizabeth I ascends English throne upon death of Queen Mary.`1558
Name The Year: Elizabeth I crowned queen of England in Westminster Abbey.`1559
Name The Year: Elizabeth II becomes queen of Great Britain.`1952
Name The Year: Elizabeth Taylor (in London, England), actress, had many husbands, born.`1932
Name The Year: Elizabeth Taylor weds for the 8th time (Larry Fortensky).`1991
Name The Year: Ella Fitzgerald, singer, born.`1918
Name The Year: Ellis Island Historical Site opens on Eliis Island, NYC.`1990
Name The Year: Ellis Island (NYC) opens as a US immigration depot.`1890
Name The Year: Elmer A Sperry inventor (gyrocompass), born.`1860
Name The Year: El Salvador's 1st battle against Spain for independence.`1811
Name The Year: Elton John becomes 1st pop star to perform in Israel.`1979
Name The Year: Elton John, singer, born.`1947
Name The Year: Elvis and Priscilla Presley divorce after 6 years.`1973
Name The Year: Elvis Costello [Declan Patrick McManus], rocker (Allison), born.`1954
Name The Year: Elvis Presley appears on a Frank Sinatra TV special.`1960
Name The Year: Elvis Presley appears on national TV for 1st time (Ed Sullivan).`1956
Name The Year: Elvis Presley, dies of heart ailment at Graceland at age 42 . . . or goes into hiding. (Your Choice.)`1977
Name The Year: Elvis Presley records his debut single, "That's All Right"`1954
Name The Year: Elvis Presley records his first two singles at Sun Record Studios.`1954
Name The Year: Elvis Presley's 1st entry on UK charts with "Heartbreak Hotel".`1959
Name The Year: Elvis Presley's "Heartbreak Hotel" goes #1.`1956
Name The Year: Elvis Presley, singer, born.`1935
Name The Year: Elvis Presley was inducted into the Army in Memphis, Tenn.`1958
Name The Year: Emanuel Ungaro, fashion designer, born.`1933
Name The Year: Emiliano Zapata, Mexican revolutionary, peasant leader`1879
Name The Year: Emilio Estevez actor (Breakfast Club, Young Guns).`1962
Name The Year: Emilio Estevez actor (Young Guns), born.`1962
Name The Year: Emily Bronte, novelist (Wuthering Heights), born.`1818
Name The Year: Emily Dickinson (in Amherst, Mass), poet, born.`1830
Name The Year: Emily Dickinson, poet, born.`1830
Name The Year: Emily Post authority on social behavior, writer (Etiquette), born.`1872
Name The Year: Emma Lazarus, whose poem was inscribed on the Statue of Liberty, born.`1849
Name The Year: Emmett Kelly, circus clown (Weary Willie) born.`1898
Name The Year: Emmylou Harris (in Alabama), singer, born.`1948
Name The Year: Emperor Haile Selassie (Ethiopia) visits Kingston Jamaica.`1966
Name The Year: Emperor Hirohito of Japan (1926-89), born.`1901
Name The Year: Emperor Napoleon married by proxy to Archduchess Marie Louise.`1810
Name The Year: "Empire Strikes Back" premieres.`1980
Name The Year: Empress Maria Theresa, Austria (Wife of Napolean), born.`1717
Name The Year: Empress of China sets sail on first New York to China route.`1784
Name The Year: End of USSR experimental calendar.`1940
Name The Year: End of USSR experimental calendar; Gregorian readopted 6/27. `1940
Name The Year: England and colonies adopt Gregorian calendar, 11 days disappear, rioting ensues.`1752
Name The Year: England beats West Germany 4-2 for soccer's 8th World Cup in London.`1966
Name The Year: England becomes 6th nation to have a satellite (Prospero) in orbit.`1971
Name The Year: (England) Ben Kingsley, Scarborough, actor, born.`1943
Name The Year: (England) Britain recognizes Communist government of China.`1950
Name The Year: (England) Catherine of Aragon 1st wife of England's King Henry VIII, dies.`1536
Name The Year: (England) Charles Babbage, mathematician and developer of the speedometer, born.`1791
Name The Year: (England) EMI records drop punk rock group Sex Pistols.`1977
Name The Year: England & France declare war on Emperor Charles V of Spain.`1528
Name The Year: (England) F. Scott Fitzgerald, author, died.`1940
Name The Year: (England) John Flamsteed observes Uranus but doesn't realize it's undiscovered.`1690
Name The Year: (England) King Henry VIII of England married his 4th wife, Anne of Cleves.`1540
Name The Year: England passes Act of Grace, forgiving followers of James II.`1690
Name The Year: (England) Planet Uranus was discovered by Sir William Herschel.`1781
Name The Year: (England) Richard II, Bordeaux, France, king of England (1377-99), born.`1367
Name The Year: (England) Rowan Atkinson, comedian/actor (Never Say Never Again, Mr. Bean, Blackadder), born.`1956
Name The Year: England's House of Commons detroyed in a blitz.`1941
Name The Year: England's King Henry VIII 6-month marriage to Anne of Cleves annulled.`1540
Name The Year: England's King Henry VIII weds Catherine Parr (6th and last wife).`1543
Name The Year: England's King Richard III crowned.`1483
Name The Year: England's King Richard I (the Lion-Hearted) crowned in Westminster.`1189
Name The Year: (England) Syd Barrett, rocker (Pink Floyd-The Wall), born.`1946
Name The Year: English Admiral Robert Fitzroy issues storm warnings for ships putting out to sea, creating the first "weather forecast."`1861
Name The Year: English defeat French at Battle of Blenheim.`1704
Name The Year: English defeat French at Battle of Poitiers.`1356
Name The Year: English defeat Scots at Battle of Falkirk.`1298
Name The Year: English, Dutch and Austrians defeat French in Battle of Malplaquet.`1709
Name The Year: English explorer Henry Hudson enters the Hudson River`1609
Name The Year: English fleet attacks the Spanish armada.`1588
Name The Year: English fleet defeats Spanish armada.`1588
Name The Year: English king Ethelred II launches massacre of Danish settlers.`1002
Name The Year: English longbows defeat French in Battle of Crecy.`1346
Name The Year: English Parliament adopts Bill of Rights after Cromwell's Revolution.`1689
Name The Year: English standing army first founded.`1645
Name The Year: Enrico Caruso (in Italy), singer, born.`1873
Name The Year: Enrico Fermi, Italy, nuclear physicist, born.`1901
Name The Year: En route to Halley's Comet, USSR's Vega 2 drops lander on Venus.`1985
Name The Year: Enver Hoxha, post-war leader of Albania`1908
Name The Year: Enzo Ferrari, car designer and manufacturer, born.`1898
Name The Year: Episcopal Church approves ordination of women as priests and bishop.`1976
Name The Year: Equatorial Guinea gains independence from Spain (National Day).`1968
Name The Year: Eric Burdon, rocker (Animals-House of the Rising Sun).`1941
Name The Year: Eric Burdon rocker (Animals-House of the Rising Sun), born.`1941
Name The Year: Eric Clapton, guitarist, singer, born.`1945
Name The Year: Eric Drummond 1st Secretary-General of League of Nations (1919-33), born.`1876
Name The Year: Erich Warsitz makes first jet-propelled flight (in a Heinkel He-178).`1939
Name The Year: Erich Weiss (aka Harry Houdini), escapist`1874
Name The Year: Erich Weiss, better known as Magician Harry Houdini, dies.`1926
Name The Year: Eric Morecambe comedian (Morecambe & Wise), dies at 58.`1984
Name The Year: Erika Eleniak, actress (Under Siege, Beverly Hillbillies), born.`1969
Name The Year: Erik Estrada, actor, born.`1949
Name The Year: Erle Stanley Gardner, writer, created Perry Mason, born.`1889
Name The Year: Ernest Hausen of Wisconsin sets chicken-plucking record-4.4 sec..`1939
Name The Year: Ernest Hemingway shot himself to death in Ketchum, Idaho.`1961
Name The Year: Ernest Hemmingway, author, (Nobel 1954), born.`1899
Name The Year: Ernest Hemmingway's "Old Man and the Sea" published.`1952
Name The Year: Ernest Lord Rutherford England, physicist; discovered atomic nucleus, born.`1871
Name The Year: Ernesto Teodoro Moneta, Italian journalist (Nobel Peace Prize 1907)`1833
Name The Year: Erno Rubik Budapest, inventor (Rubik's cube), born.`1944
Name The Year: Ernst Heinkel demonstrates 800-kph rocket plane to Hitler.`1939
Name The Year: ero, Roman Emperor commits suicide. `68 N
Name The Year: Errol Flynn actor (Captain Blood, Robin Hood, Against All Flags), born.`1909
Name The Year: Errol Walton Barrow, PM of Barbados (DLP) (1966-76, 1986-?), born.`1920
Name The Year: ERTS 1 (Earth Resources Technology Satellite), later called LANDSAT, launched to start its multi-spectral scans of Earth.`1972
Name The Year: Erwin Rommel, German field marshall, brilliant tactician`1891
Name The Year: Erwin Schrodinger Austria, physicist (had a cat), born.`1887
Name The Year: Estee Lauder CEO (Estee Lauder's cosmetics), born.`1908
Name The Year: Estelle Getty NYC, actress (Sophia Petrillo-Golden Girls), born.`1924
Name The Year: Esther Williams (in Inglewood, CA), actor, swimmer`1923
Name The Year: Esther Williams, swimmer, actor, born.`1923
Name The Year: Ethel Merman stage & screen actress (Anything Goes, Call Me Madam), born.`1908
Name The Year: Eugene Ionesco, French dramatist (Rhinoceros)`1912
Name The Year: Eugene O'Neill, playwright (Desire Under the Elms) (Nobel 1936)`1888
Name The Year: European community proposes a boycott of Iraq.`1990
Name The Year: European Space Agency launches Giotto Sattelite to Halley's Comet.`1985
Name The Year: Eva "Evita" Peron Argentina's 1st lady, dies in Buenos Aires at 33, born.`1952
Name The Year: Eva Gabor (Budapest, Hungary), actress (Green Acres), born.`1921
Name The Year: Evander Hollyfield, 2-time Heavyweight boxing champ, born.`1962
Name The Year: Eva Peron, Argentine first lady, born`1919
Name The Year: Everlasting League forms, basis of Swiss Confederation (Nat'l Day)`1291
Name The Year: Excelsior diamond (blue-white 995 carats) discovered.`1893
Name The Year: Experimental reactor kills three in Idaho Falls, Idaho.`1961
Name The Year: Explorer VI reveals an intense radation belt around the Earth.`1959
Name The Year: Explosive eruption blows 1.2 km off the top of volcano Papandayan, Java, kills 3,000.`1772
Name The Year: Ezra Daggett & nephew Thomas Kensett patent food storage in tin cans.`1825
Name The Year: Ezra Pound (in Hailey, Idaho)`1885
Name The Year: Fabian Gottlieb von Bellinghausen 1st to circumnavigate Antarctica, born.`1778
Name The Year: Facsimile high-speed radio transmission demonstrated, Washington DC.`1948
Name The Year: Fahd becomes king of Saudi Arabia when King Khalid dies at 69. `1982
Name The Year: Faisal II, King of Iraq, born.`1935
Name The Year: Fanny Burney, England, author (Camille, Evelina), born. `1752
Name The Year: Farrah Fawcett-Major (in Texas), actress (Charlie's Angels), born.`1947
Name The Year: Fatal Apollo I fire kills Grissom, Chaffee, and White.`1967
Name The Year: Fats Domino, singer, born.`1928
Name The Year: Fats Waller jazz pianist, composer (Ain't Misbehavin'), born.`1904
Name The Year: "Faust" by Charles Gounod premiered in Paris.`1859
Name The Year: Faye Dunaway, actress (Chinatown, Bonnie & Clyde), born.`1941
Name The Year: Fay Wray, actress (King Kong), born.`1907
Name The Year: Fay Wray Alberta Canada, actress-King Kong's main squeeze, born.`1907
Name The Year: FBI arrests John A Walker Jr, convicted of spying for USSR.`1985
Name The Year: F.B.I. begins it's "10 most wanted list".`1950
Name The Year: FBI captures 8 Nazi saboteurs from a sub off NY's Long Island.`1942
Name The Year: FDR appoints Gen Eisenhower supreme commander of Allied forces.`1943
Name The Year: FDR conducts his first "Fireside Chat".`1936
Name The Year: FDR grants future independence to the Philippines.`1934
Name The Year: FDR orders any Axis ship found in American waters be shot on sight.`1941
Name The Year: FDR proposes enlarging Supreme Court, plan failed because critics feared it would allow "court packing" in his favor.`1937
Name The Year: Federal Bureau of Investigation established.`1908
Name The Year: Federal jury found Lynette Fromme guilty of attempted assassination.`1975
Name The Year: Federal Republic of [West] Germany created under 3-power occupation.`1949
Name The Year: Federal Voting Rights Act guarantees black voting rights.`1965
Name The Year: Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), Soccer's World governing body forms.`1904
Name The Year: Federation of Mali (& Senegal) becomes independent of France.`1960
Name The Year: Federico Fellini Italian director (Satyricon, La Dolce Vita), born.`1920
Name The Year: Felix Bloch, U.S. physicist (Nobel 1952), born.`1905
Name The Year: Felix the Cat, cartoon character, born.`1917
Name The Year: Felix Wankel, Germany, inventor (Wankel rotary-piston engine), born.`1902
Name The Year: Ferdinand de Lesseps, French diplomat, built Suez Canal`1805
Name The Year: Ferdinand Foch, believed to be the leader responsible for Allies winning World War I`1851
Name The Year: Ferdinand "Jelly Roll" Morton, jazz pianist, composer, singer`1885
Name The Year: Ferdinand Magellan world traveler, killed by Filipino natives.`1521
Name The Year: Ferdinand Marcos deposed president of Phillipines, dies.`1989
Name The Year: Ferdinand Marcos Philippines Pres (1965-86), born.`1917
Name The Year: Ferdinand VI, king of Spain (1746-59), born.`1713
Name The Year: Fess Parker, actor (Davy Crockett, Gunsmoke), born.`1925
Name The Year: Fidel Castro announces there will be no more elections in Cuba.`1961
Name The Year: Fidel Castro became Premier of Cuba.`1959
Name The Year: Fidel Castro, Cuban political leader (1959-?), born.`1927
Name The Year: Fidel Castro declares he's a Marxist, & will lead Cuba to Communism.`1961
Name The Year: Fidel Castro leads attack on Moncada Barracks, begins Cuban Revolution.`1953
Name The Year: Fidel Castro makes a speech on Cuban pirate radio Rebelde.`1958
Name The Year: Fidel Castro siezes power in Cuba.`1959
Name The Year: Field Marshal Viscount Montgomery of Alamein (in Moville, Ireland)`1887
Name The Year: Fifteenth Space Shuttle Mission - Discovery 3 returns to Earth.`1985
Name The Year: Fifth Space Shuttle Mission - Columbia 5 returns to Earth.`1982
Name The Year: Fiji gains independence from Britain (National Day).`1970
Name The Year: Final European scheduled run of the Orient Express (94 years).`1977
Name The Year: Finland awarded 1940 Olympic games after Japan withdraws.`1938
Name The Year: Finland declares war on the U.S.S.R. `1941
Name The Year: Finland enters WW II against Russia. `1941
Name The Year: Finland surrendered to the Soviet Union during World War II.`1940
Name The Year: "Firedamp" explodes in Mather Pa coal mine killing 195 of 273 miners.`1928
Name The Year: Fire of Moscow.`1812
Name The Year: First air conditioned automobile (Packard) exhibited, Chicago, IL.`1939
Name The Year: First aircraft carrier "Ranger" launched.`1933
Name The Year: First airplane flight from the deck of a ship.`1910
Name The Year: First airplane flight in Europe.`1906
Name The Year: First airplane flight to Los Angeles from San Francisco.`1914
Name The Year: First airplane to exceed 1800 mph - HA Hanes, Palmdale Ca.`1955
Name The Year: First all color talking picture "On With The Show" exhibited, NYC.`1929
Name The Year: First all-color television station to televise live local programs.`1986
Name The Year: First all solid propellant rocket put into orbit from Wallops Island, VA.`1961
Name The Year: First ambassador to Canada, Ray Atherton, nominated.`1943
Name The Year: First American expeditionary force to land in Africa (WW II).`1942
Name The Year: First American offensive in Pacific in WW2, Guadalcanal, Solomon Is.`1942
Name The Year: First American pilot to shoot down German fighter plane, SF Junkin.`1942
Name The Year: First American satellite to reach moon launched from Cape Canaveral.`1962
Name The Year: First American school for the deaf (Hartford, Connecticut)`1817
Name The Year: First and only live murder on TV - Jack Ruby shoots Lee Harvey Oswald.`1963
Name The Year: First animals fired into space and rescued, Cape Canaveral.`1959
Name The Year: First animated cartoon is copyrighted.`1906
Name The Year: First Artificial heart recipient Dr. Barney Clark died after 112 days.`1983
Name The Year: First astronauts - selection announced by NASA.`1959
Name The Year: First atomic aircraft carrier, the "USS Enterprise", is launched.`1960
Name The Year: First atomic blast, Trinity Site, Alamogordo, New Mexico.`1945
Name The Year: First atomic explosion witnessed by troops, NM.`1951
Name The Year: First atomic power clock exhibited -- New York City.`1956
Name The Year: First atomic reactor for research and development, Richland, Wa.`1960
Name The Year: First Automated return of lunar sample by Luna 16.`1970
Name The Year: First automobile/airplane combination tested, Santa Monica, Ca`1937
Name The Year: First automobile to exceed 400 mph, John Cobb, Bonneville Salt Flats.`1947
Name The Year: First aviator to bail out at supersonic speed - G. F. Smith.`1955
Name The Year: First B-29 bombing raid one plane lost; engine failure.`1944
Name The Year: First balloon crossing of Pacific completed (Double Eagle V).`1981
Name The Year: First black player in National Basketball Association, Fort Wayne, IN.`1950
Name The Year: First blood bank established, Chicago, IL.`1937
Name The Year: First Boeing 737 rolls out.`1967
Name The Year: First Boeing B-29 arrives in China "over the Hump".`1944
Name The Year: First book published, Johann Guttenberg's Bible.`1452
Name The Year: First broadcast by a 'ham' operator -- Einar Dessau of Denmark.`1909
Name The Year: First Cable Car is patented by Andrew S. Hallidie.`1871
Name The Year: First child born in aircraft, Miami, Fl.`1929
Name The Year: First civilian to exceed speed of sound -- H. H. Houver at Edwards Air Force Base, CA`1948
Name The Year: First color network telecast in compatible color Boston, MA.`1953
Name The Year: First color TV broadcast - CBS' Arthur Godfrey from NYC. Four cities see the show in color. `1951
Name The Year: First color TV demonstration NY city.`1929
Name The Year: First commercial coal pipeline placed in operation.`1957
Name The Year: First commercially designed helicopter tested at Bridgeport, CT.`1946
Name The Year: First computer chess tournament.`1970
Name The Year: First Davis Cup tennis matches, held in Boston. The U.S. defeats Britain.`1900
Name The Year: First drinking straw is patented by M.C. Stone in Washington, D.C.`1888
Name The Year: First drive-in theatre opens, in Camden, New Jersey.`1933
Name The Year: First electric burglar alarm is installed in Boston, Mass.`1858
Name The Year: First electric power generated from atomic energy sold commercially.`1955
Name The Year: First electric railway opens at Berlin Trades Exposition.`1879
Name The Year: First electric razor marketed by Schick, Inc.`1931
Name The Year: First electric watch introduced at Lancaster, PA.`1957
Name The Year: First electronic wrist watch placed on sale, NY city.`1960
Name The Year: First Emmy Awards are given out.`1949
Name The Year: First flight Junkers F13 advanced monoplane airliner. `1919
Name The Year: First FM radio transmission.`1940
Name The Year: First FORTRAN computer program run.`1954
Name The Year: First German ship in WW2 captured by US ship (Busko).`1941
Name The Year: First guided missile destroyer launched, the Dewey, Bath, Me.`1958
Name The Year: First helicopter licensed for commercial use - New York city.`1946
Name The Year: First helicopter transatlantic flight began.`1952
Name The Year: First house with built-in bomb shelter exhibited, Pleasant Hills, Pa.`1959
Name The Year: First Human Rights Day.`1949
Name The Year: First hydrogen device exploded at Eniwetok Atoll in the Pacific.`1952
Name The Year: First hydrogen-filled balloon ascent (unmanned).`1783
Name The Year: First Income Tax imposed.`1799
Name The Year: First indoor swimming pool opens at Goodman's Fields, London.`1742
Name The Year: First In-flight movie is shown (on TWA).`1961
Name The Year: First infra-red photograph, Rochester, NY.`1931
Name The Year: First instant develop camera demonstrated in NY City by E. H. Land.`1947
Name The Year: First interment in US National Cemetary at Presidio.`1852
Name The Year: First Israeli election.`1949
Name The Year: First Italian Parliament met at Turin.`1860
Name The Year: First Japanese ambassador to the U.S.`1860
Name The Year: First jazz record in United States is cut.`1917
Name The Year: First jet plane combat victor in Korea - RJ Brown.`1950
Name The Year: First jet propelled airplane tested.`1942
Name The Year: First known ascent in a hot-air balloon, by Father Bartolomeu de Gusmao of Portugal (indoors!).`1709
Name The Year: First known auto race.`1895
Name The Year: First known photo of Loch Ness monster (or whatever) is taken.`1933
Name The Year: First landing by an airplane at geographic North Pole.`1952
Name The Year: First launch of the space shuttle "Columbia" with John Young and Bob Crippen at the controls.`1981
Name The Year: First lion to be seen in America was exhibited in Boston.`1716
Name The Year: First live, nationally televised, Presidential news conference (JFK)`1961
Name The Year: First Lt. William L. Calley, Jr. found guilty in the MyLai massacre.`1971
Name The Year: First Mack Sennett "Keystone Comedy" movie is released.`1912
Name The Year: First major tidal power plant opened at Rance estuary, France.`1966
Name The Year: First manned balloon flight across Pacific Ocean ended.`1981
Name The Year: First manned rocket flight (by auto maker Fritz von Opel).`1939
Name The Year: First man-powered flight (Bryan Allen in Gossamer Condor).`1977
Name The Year: First meteorite known to have struck a woman - Sylacauga, Alabama.`1954
Name The Year: First Meteor photograph.`1885
Name The Year: First mobile electric power plant delivered, Philadelphia PA.`1944
Name The Year: First Mormon temple was dedicated in Kirtland, Ohio.`1836
Name The Year: First motion picture shown in NY City`1894
Name The Year: First motorcycle race, Manhattan Beach, N.Y.`1899
Name The Year: First movie opening simultaneously in major cities "On The Beach".`1959
Name The Year: First movie to become a TV series -- "How to Marry a Millionaire".`1961
Name The Year: First museum devoted exclusively to atomic energy, Oak Ridge, TN.`1949
Name The Year: First New York City subway line was opened to the public.`1870
Name The Year: First New York to Paris auto race (via Alaska and Siberia) begins. George Schuster wins after 88 days behind the wheel.`1908
Name The Year: First Nobel Peace Prizes (to Jean Henri Dunant, Frederic Passy).`1901
Name The Year: First non-stop, round-the-world airplane flight completed.`1949
Name The Year: First North Pole jet crossing`1951
Name The Year: First nylon parachute jump Hartford Ct Adeline Gray.`1942
Name The Year: First official St. Patrick's Day.`1753
Name The Year: First oil drill seagoing rig placed in service.`1955
Name The Year: First partition of Poland, between Austria, Prussia and Russia.`1772
Name The Year: First passenger to fly commercially around the world in less than 100 hours. `1953
Name The Year: First "Peanuts" Comic Strip featuring Charlie Brown and Snoopy appears, in 9 newspapers`1950
Name The Year: First pineapples planted in Hawaii.`1813
Name The Year: First plastic lens for cataract patients fitted, Philadelphia, PA.`1952
Name The Year: First "Pop Art" exhibition in New York City.`1963
Name The Year: First postcards are issued in Vienna.`1869
Name The Year: First practical rectangular TV tube announced -- Toledo, Oh.`1949
Name The Year: First printing press in America.`1639
Name The Year: First professional golf tournament held.`1916
Name The Year: First protestant ministry society in New England.`1644
Name The Year: First public announcement about Walt Disney World.`1965
Name The Year: First public demonstration of television.`1926
Name The Year: First public display of the telephone at the Philedelphia Exhibition. `1876
Name The Year: First public game of basketball.`1892
Name The Year: First published reference to the game of Poker describes it as a Mississippi riverboat game.`1834
Name The Year: First radar signal to moon, Belmar, NJ.`1946
Name The Year: First radioactive substance produced synthetically (radium E).`1936
Name The Year: First radio-assisted rescue at sea.`1909
Name The Year: First radio-telescope news messages transmitted from U.S. to England.`1923
Name The Year: First recorded bicycle race, 2 kilometers in Paris.`1868
Name The Year: First regular steam train passenger service starts.`1830
Name The Year: First reported sighting of Flying Saucers, near Mt. Rainier, Washington by Kenneth Arnold of Boise, Idaho.`1947
Name The Year: First rocket air mail flight, Greenwood Lake, NY.`1935
Name The Year: First rocket to exceed 150 mile altitude - White Sands, NM.`1954
Name The Year: First rocket to intercept an airplane, White Sands, NM.`1951
Name The Year: First rocket to reach outer space launched at White Sands, NM.`1949
Name The Year: First rocket with nuclear warhead fired, Yucca Flat, Nevada.`1957
Name The Year: First round-the-world trip by a woman on a bicycle (took 15 months).`1895
Name The Year: First round-the-world trip by yacht (Cornelius Vanderbilt).`1853
Name The Year: First self-propelled locomotive on rails demonstrated, in Wales.`1804
Name The Year: First self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction demonstrated in one of the squash court under Stagg Field, University of Chicago.`1942
Name The Year: First settlement established by the English in Australia. AUSTRALIA DAY !`1788
Name The Year: First shipload of Chinese immigrants arrives in San Francisco, CA.`1848
Name The Year: First shipment of canned pineapple from Hawaii.`1895
Name The Year: First Soviet liquid rocket attains altitude of 261 ft.`1933
Name The Year: First Space Shuttle - Columbia 1 returns to Earth.`1981
Name The Year: First speed-boat to exceed 200 miles per hour (D.M. Campbell, pilot).`1955
Name The Year: First submarine built on Great Lakes launched, "Peto", Manitowoc, Wi.`1942
Name The Year: First submarine captured and boarded on high seas - U 505.`1944
Name The Year: First successful helicopter flight, Stratford, Ct.`1940
Name The Year: First successful oil well drilled near Titusville, Penn.`1859
Name The Year: First Sunday football game in Philadelphia (previously illegal).`1933
Name The Year: First synthetic detergent for home use marketed.`1933
Name The Year: First synthetic rubber tire exhibited Akron, OH.`1940
Name The Year: First Tape Recorder is sold.`1948
Name The Year: First Teddy Bear introduced in America. Made by Morris and Rose Michtom, Russian immigrants.`1903
Name The Year: First telecast of atomic explosion.`1951
Name The Year: First telegraph company in Hawaii opens.`1901
Name The Year: First Telephone book is issued, in New Haven, Conn.`1878
Name The Year: First telephone exchange in San Francisco opens with 18 phones.`1878
Name The Year: First telephone installed in the White House.`1929
Name The Year: First televised tennis match.`1928
Name The Year: First thermonuclear bomb detonated - Marshall Islands.`1952
Name The Year: First transatlantic jet passenger trip.`1950
Name The Year: First transatlantic radio broadcast.`1925
Name The Year: First transatlantic round-trip air flight.`1936
Name The Year: First transatlantic telephone cable goes into operation.`1956
Name The Year: First transcontinental telegram sent.`1861
Name The Year: First treaty signed by female ambassador - Eugenie Anderson.`1951
Name The Year: First TV movie from a TV series - "Rescue from Gilligan's Island".`1978
Name The Year: First TV viewer discretion warning - "Soap".`1977
Name The Year: First typesetting machine (photo engraving) used at Quincy, Mass.`1954
Name The Year: First ultra high frequency (UHF) television station, Portland, OR.`1952
Name The Year: First underground atomic explosion, Frenchman Flat, Nevada.`1951
Name The Year: First underground railway opens in London.`1863
Name The Year: First US ambassador to the USSR (W.C. Bullitt).`1933
Name The Year: First US lunar orbiter.`1966
Name The Year: First US Presidential airplane christened.`1954
Name The Year: First vaudeville theater opens.`1883
Name The Year: First video recording on magnetic tape televised coast-to-coast.`1956
Name The Year: First wartime conscription law in US went into effect.`1863
Name The Year: First "Washateria" (laundromat) is opened, in Fort Worth, Texas.`1934
Name The Year: First Wimbledon tennis championships held.`1877
Name The Year: First Winter Olympics held at Lake Placid, NY.`1932
Name The Year: First Women's Rights Convention. Seneca Falls, NY ... featuring the introduction of the first Bloomers.`1848
Name The Year: First X-ray moving picture process demonstrated.`1951
Name The Year: Fish, rock vocalist (Marillon), born.`1958
Name The Year: Five Canterbury monks report something exploding on the Moon (only known observation). These monks have NO winery of their own. `1178
Name The Year: Five year truce between England and Scotland began.`1491
Name The Year: Flamsteed sees solar eclipse, first known astronomical observation.`1662
Name The Year: Flavius Ricimer general of the Western Roman Empire, kingmaker, born.`472
Name The Year: Flemish woman introduces practice of starching linen into England.`1553
Name The Year: Flight 255 out of Metro Airport in Detroit crashes just miniutes after take off, killing all but one small child.`1987
Name The Year: Florence Bascom US, 1st American woman PhD, born.`1862
Name The Year: Florence Henderson (in Indiana), actress (Alice in The Brady Bunch), born.`1934
Name The Year: Florence Nightingale Florence, Italy, nurse (Crimean War), born.`1820
Name The Year: Florenz Ziegfeld, of Follies fame, born.`1869
Name The Year: Florenz Ziegfeld staged first `Follies' on the roof of the NY Theater.`1907
Name The Year: "Flowers and Trees" awarded first Academy Award for a cartoon.`1932
Name The Year: Flush toilet is patented by Mr. Thomas Crapper (honest!!).`1861
Name The Year: F. Murray Abraham, actor (Amadeus, Name of the Rose), born.`1940
Name The Year: Folk-rock begins, Dylan uses electricity at Newport Folk Festival.`1965
Name The Year: Football Association forms in England, standardizing soccer.`1863
Name The Year: Ford Motor Co. introduced the Edsel! (Oh boy !)`1957
Name The Year: Ford Motor Company cancels the Edsel.`1959
Name The Year: Ford Motor Company manufactures its 10 millionth automobile.`1924
Name The Year: Formal reunification of North & South Vietnam.`1976
Name The Year: Formosus ends his reign as Catholic Pope`896
Name The Year: For one second this afternoon, the time is 12:34:56, 7-8-90.`1990
Name The Year: For one second this morning, the time is 01:23:45, 6-7-89. `1989
Name The Year: Forrester issued a patent for computer core memory.`1956
Name The Year: Fort Sumter, SC, shelled by Confederate troops under General Beauregard. The American Civil War begins.`1861
Name The Year: Four planes take off on first successful around-the-world flight.`1926
Name The Year: Fourteenth Space Shuttle Mission - Discovery 2 is launched.`1984
Name The Year: Fourteenth Space Shuttle Mission - Discovery 2 returns to Earth.`1984
Name The Year: Fourth Space Shuttle Mission (Columbia 4) launched.`1982
Name The Year: Four-wheeled roller skates patented by James Plimpton of New York.`1863
Name The Year: Fox TV network premiers showing Married With Children & Tracey Ullman`1987
Name The Year: France and Algerian rebels agreed to a truce.`1962
Name The Year: France announce it will send 4,000 troops to the Persian Gulf.`1990
Name The Year: France asks Germany for terms of surrender in WW II.`1940
Name The Year: France became world's 5th thermonuclear power.`1968
Name The Year: (France) Calais, last English possession in France, retaken by French.`1558
Name The Year: France cedes Roussillon & Cerdogne to Spain by treaty of Barcelona.`1493
Name The Year: (FRANCE) Claude Monet, imperssionist painter, dies.`1926
Name The Year: France declares war on Austria, Prussia & Sardinia`1792
Name The Year: (France) Ether first used as an anasthetic in childbirth`1845
Name The Year: (France) Gerard Depardieu, actor, born.`1948
Name The Year: France grants Mauritania independence.`1960
Name The Year: France grants Togo independence (Natl Day).`1960
Name The Year: (France) Henri Matisse, impressionist painter, born.`1869
Name The Year: France issues first driving licenses, including a required test.`1893
Name The Year: (France) Jacques Montgolfier, aeronaut (1st pioneer balloonist), born.`1745
Name The Year: (France) Joan of Arc, Domremy, martyr, born.`1412
Name The Year: France launches first satellite, a 92-pound A1 capsule.`1965
Name The Year: France proclaims a protectorate over Chad.`1900
Name The Year: France recognizes the independance of the 13 US colonies.`1777
Name The Year: France recognizes Tunisia's independence.`1956
Name The Year: Frances Drake completres circumnavigation of the world`1581
Name The Year: France & Spain agree to donate arms to American rebels.`1776
Name The Year: France's Protestant King Henri IV converts to Roman Catholic.`1593
Name The Year: France, the U.S.S.R., Great Britain, and the U.S. signed away their control over a partitioned Germany.`1990
Name The Year: Francie Larrieu, track runner`1952
Name The Year: Francis Bacon, England, statesman/essayist (Novum Organum), born.`1561
Name The Year: Francisco de Zurbarin, Spanish Baroque painter`1598
Name The Year: Francisco Jose de Goya, artist, born.`1746
Name The Year: Francisco Madero, Mexican revolutionary, president (1911-13)`1873
Name The Year: Francis Ford Coppola, director`1939
Name The Year: Francis Gary Powers convicted of spying by USSR (U-2 incident).`1960
Name The Year: Francis I forced to give up claims in Burgundy, Italy & Flanders.`1526
Name The Year: Francis II, king of France (1559-60), born.`1544
Name The Year: Francois-Andre Philidor, France, chess champion/musician, born.`1726
Name The Year: Francois Coty, perfumemaker, born`1874
Name The Year: Francoise duc de la Rochefoucald Paris France, writer (Memoires), born.`1613
Name The Year: Francois Ren, de Chateaubriand, French poet, novelist, statesman`1768
Name The Year: Frank Capra director (It's a Wonderful Life), dies at 94.`1991
Name The Year: Frank Capra movie director (Its a Wonderful Life, Arsenic & Old Lace), born.`1897
Name The Year: Frank Herbert, sci-fi writer (Dune), born.`1920
Name The Year: Frankie Avalon, singer (Four Seasons), born.`1940
Name The Year: Frankie Laine, singer, born.`1913
Name The Year: Frankie Valli, seasonal singer, born`1947
Name The Year: Franklin D. Roooseveldt declares "limited national emergency" due to war in Europe.`1939
Name The Year: Franklin D. Rooseveldt dies of a cerebral hemorrhage in Warm Springs, Ga.`1945
Name The Year: Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd President (1933-1945) in New Hyde Park NY, born.`1882
Name The Year: Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston S. Churchill signed the Atlantic Charter.`1941
Name The Year: Frank Nelson Doubleday, publisher and founder of Doubleday and Co., born.`1862
Name The Year: Frank Oz Heresford England, puppeteer (Sesame St, Muppet Show), born.`1944
Name The Year: Frank Thring, Australian actor (El Cid, Ben-Hur), dies at 68`1994
Name The Year: Franz Josef I becomes emperor of Austria and King of Hungary.`1848
Name The Year: Franz Josef II, prince of Liechtenstein (1938- ), born.`1906
Name The Year: Franz Kafka, Czechoslavakia, author (Metamorphosis, Trial, Amerika), born.`1883
Name The Year: Franz Liszt (in Hungary), Romantic composer, virtuoso pianist, born.`1811
Name The Year: Franz Peter Schubert, Lichtenthal Austria, composer (Unfinished Symphony), born.`1797
Name The Year: Fred Astaire actor/dancer, dies at Century City Hospital in LA at 88.`1987
Name The Year: Fred Astaire Omaha Neb, tap dancer/actor (Easter Parade, Swingtime), born.`1899
Name The Year: Freddie Mercury, singer, born.`1946
Name The Year: Frederic A. Bartholdi, sculptor who created the Statue of Liberty, born.`1834
Name The Year: Frederic Chopin, composer, born.`1810
Name The Year: Frederic Chopin, pianist, composer, born.`1810
Name The Year: Frederick III Innsbruck Austria, German Emperor (1440-1493), born.`1415
Name The Year: Frederick II king of Denmark, dies`1588
Name The Year: Frederick I the Warlike, elector of Saxony, born.`1370
Name The Year: Frederick Krupp, Arms manufacturer, born`1854
Name The Year: Frederick R Spofforth Australia, cricketer (Demon), born.`1853
Name The Year: Frederick VI Danish king (1808-39); lost Norway to Sweden (1814), born.`1768
Name The Year: Frederick William I, king of Prussia, born.`1688
Name The Year: Fred Gwynne, actor (The Munsters), writer, born.`1926
Name The Year: Fred Haise, astronaut (Apollo 13)`1933
Name The Year: Free black commission of Philadelphia petitioned Congress to abolish slavery.`1800
Name The Year: French agents sink Greenpeace's Rainbow Warrior in New Zealand.`1985
Name The Year: French army revolts in Algeria.`1961
Name The Year: French-Egyptian forces under Napolean I beat Turks at Battle of Abukir.`1799
Name The Year: French fortress of Verdun captured by Germans.`1940
Name The Year: French manufacturer debuts 1st folding umbrella (Paris).`1715
Name The Year: French navy at Toulon scuttled its ships and submarines to prevent them from falling into hands of Nazis.`1942
Name The Year: French president Georges Pompidou died in Paris.`1974
Name The Year: French republic proclaimed.`1870
Name The Year: French revolutionary writer Jean Paul Marat murdered by Charlotte Corday.`1793
Name The Year: "Friday the 13th" virus strikes hundreds of IBM computers in Britain.`1989
Name The Year: Fridtjof Nansen, Norwegian Arctic explorer, humanitarian (Nobel 1922), born.`1861
Name The Year: Friedrich Engels, Marx's collaborator`1820
Name The Year: Friedrich Nietzsche philosopher, dies in Weimar, Germany.`1900
Name The Year: Friedrich Nietzsche, philosopher, Ubermensch, born.`1844
Name The Year: Frits Zernike, inventor of phase-contrast microscope (Nobel 1953)`1888
Name The Year: Fritz Leiber, writer, born.`1910
Name The Year: Friz Freleng animator (Bugs Bunny-Emmy 1982), born.`1906
Name The Year: Frontenac becomes governor of New France (Canada).`1672
Name The Year: Frontiersman Daniel Boone died in Missouri at the age of 85.`1820
Name The Year: F. Scott Fitzgerald (in St. Paul, MN), writer (Great Gatsby), born.`1896
Name The Year: Funeral for Japan's Emperor Hirohito costs his government $80-billion dollars, attracts all major world leaders.`1989
Name The Year: Funeral of Pope Paul VI.`1978
Name The Year: Funeral services held in Moscow for leader Konstantin Chernenko.`1985
Name The Year: Funeral services held in Moscow's Red Square for Leonid I. Brezhnev.`1982
Name The Year: Fyodor Dostoevsky, author`1918
Name The Year: Fyodor Dostoyevsky (in Russia), author (Crime and Punishment)`1821
Name The Year: Gabon gains independence from France (National Day).`1960
Name The Year: Gabriela Sabatini, tennis professional, raqueteer, born.`1970
Name The Year: Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit, invented the thermometer`1686
Name The Year: Galba, Roman emperor, killed by Praetorian guard in the Forum, Rome.`69
Name The Year: Galileo demonstrates his 1st telescope to Venetian lawmakers.`1609
Name The Year: Galileo Galilei, astronomer, born.`1564
Name The Year: Galileo Galilei discovers Callisto, 4th satellite of Jupiter.`1610
Name The Year: Galileo may have unknowingly viewed undiscovered planet Neptune.`1613
Name The Year: Galileo passes within 600 miles of asteroid Ida.`1993
Name The Year: Galileo perfects the telescope.`1621
Name The Year: Gamal Abdel Nasser, President of Egypt (1954-1971?), born.`1918
Name The Year: Gambian National Day`1965
Name The Year: Garfield, famous cat (big fat hairy deal), born.`1978
Name The Year: Garros sets world altitude record of 4,250 m (13,944 ft).`1911
Name The Year: Garth Brooks, C&W singer, born.`1962
Name The Year: Gary Coleman, actor, born.`1968
Name The Year: Gary Cooper, 2 time Academy award winning actor, dies at 60.`1961
Name The Year: Gary Cooper, actor (High Noon, The Plainsman), born.`1901
Name The Year: Gary Glitter [Paul Gadd] England, rocker (Rock & Roll Part II), born.`1944
Name The Year: Gary Kasparov (USSR) becomes World Chess Champion at age of 22.`1985
Name The Year: Gary Player (in South Africa), golfer`1935
Name The Year: Gary Snyder beat poet (Rip Rap & Cold Mountain Poems), born.`1930
Name The Year: "Gasoline Alley" cartoon strip premiers in Chicago Tribune. It was the first cartoon in which the characters aged.`1919
Name The Year: Gavin MacLeod, actor (Love Boat, Mary Tyler Moore Show), born.`1930
Name The Year: Geena Davis, actress (Beetlejuice, Fly), born.`1957
Name The Year: Gemini 10 launched.`1966
Name The Year: Gemini 3 launched, first US 2-man space flight.`1965
Name The Year: Gemini 5 returned after 12 days, 7 hours, 11 minutes, 53 seconds`1965
Name The Year: Gemini IV is launched. Ed White first American to walk in space.`1965
Name The Year: Gemini IV returns to Earth.`1965
Name The Year: Gemini IX is launched.`1966
Name The Year: Gemini IX returns to Earth.`1966
Name The Year: Gemini VIII is launched.`1966
Name The Year: Gemini VI returns to Earth.`1965
Name The Year: Gemini XII launched on four-day flight (the final Gemini flight).`1966
Name The Year: Gemini XII returns to Earth.`1966
Name The Year: Gemini XI is launched.`1966
Name The Year: Gemini XI returns to Earth.`1966
Name The Year: Gemini X returns to Earth.`1966
Name The Year: Gen. Douglas MacArthur born, he did return!`1880
Name The Year: Gen. Douglas MacArthur left Bataan for Australia.`1942
Name The Year: Gen. Douglas MacArthur named commander-in-chief, UN forces in Korea.`1950
Name The Year: Gen Douglas MacArthur vowed, "I shall return."`1942
Name The Year: Gene Autry, singer/actor/Calif Angels owner, born.`1907
Name The Year: Gene Hackman, actor (Target, Uncommon Valor), born.`1930
Name The Year: Gen. Eisenhower declared German defenses on Western Front broken.`1945
Name The Year: Gene Kelly, dancer, actor, singer in the rain, born.`1912
Name The Year: General Augustin de Iturbide crowned Augustin I, 1st emperor of Mexico.`1822
Name The Year: Gene Roddenberry suggests 16 names including Kirk for Star Trek Captain.`1965
Name The Year: Gene Simmons Queens, NY, rocker (KISS), born.`1949
Name The Year: Gene Tunney defeats Jack Dempsey for world heavyweight boxing title.`1926
Name The Year: Geneva Convention signed, by 12 nations.`1864
Name The Year: (Geneva, Switzerland) China and Austria added to Leauge of Nations`1920
Name The Year: Gene Wilder, comedic actor, born.`1935
Name The Year: Gen George C. Marshall named special U.S. envoy to China.`1945
Name The Year: Genghis Khan Mongol conqueror, died.`1227
Name The Year: Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor, former US Army chief of staff`1901
Name The Year: Gennadi M. Strekalov, Soviet cosmonaut (Soyuz T-3, T-8, T-11)`1940
Name The Year: Gen Omar Bradley last 5-star general, dies in NY at 88.`1981
Name The Year: Gen Stonewall Jackson dies from wounds received at Chancellorsville.`1863
Name The Year: Geoffrey Plantagenet France, conquered Normandy, born.`1113
Name The Year: Geo Ligowsky patents device to throw clay pigeons for trapshooters.`1880
Name The Year: George Bernard Shaw, Dublin Ireland, dramatist (Pygmalion-Nobel 1925), born.`1856
Name The Year: George Bernard Shaw's "Pygmalion," premieres`1914
Name The Year: George Burns [Nathan Birnbaum], NYC, actor/comedian (Oh God), born.`1896
Name The Year: George Bush becomes the first sitting vice-president of the U.S. in 150 years to win a presidential election.`1988
Name The Year: George Canning (C) British PM (1827), born.`1770
Name The Year: George Cormack, the inventor of "Wheaties" cereal`1870
Name The Year: George Eastman (at Waterville, NY), inventor of the Kodak camera`1854
Name The Year: George Eastman patents first rollfilm camera and registers Kodak.`1888
Name The Year: George Eastman patents paper-strip photographic film.`1884
Name The Year: George Eliot (in England), novelist (Silas Marner)`1819
Name The Year: George Foreman, boxer, born.`1949
Name The Year: George Frideric Handel, Baroque composer in Germany, born.`1685
Name The Year: George Frideric Handel's oratorio "Messiah" has its London premiere.`1743
Name The Year: George Gershwin composer (American in Paris), dies at 38.`1937
Name The Year: George Gershwin, (in Brooklyn, NY), composer (Rhapsody in Blue), born.`1898
Name The Year: George Gershwin's "Porgy and Bess" opened in New York City.`1935
Name The Year: George Grant wins patent for his golf tee.`1899
Name The Year: George Grenville, British prime minister (1763-65), born.`1712
Name The Year: George Harrison releases 3 album set "All Things Must Pass."`1970
Name The Year: George Harrison releases "My Sweet Lord" single.`1970
Name The Year: George Harrison, singer (Beatles), born.`1943
Name The Year: George Harrison sings the lumberjack song with Monty Python`1976
Name The Year: George Herbert Walker Bush, former President of the United States, born. `1924
Name The Year: George Herman 'Babe' Ruth, born.`1895
Name The Year: George H. Gallop, pollster (what's your opinion?)`1901
Name The Year: George III ascends the British throne.`1760
Name The Year: George III of England, king, born.`1738
Name The Year: George II king of England (1727-60), born.`1683
Name The Year: George II returns to Greece and regains monarchy.`1935
Name The Year: George IV king of England (1820-30), born.`1762
Name The Year: George Lucas director (Star Wars), born.`1944
Name The Year: George Macdonald, Scottish novelist (Lilith), born.`1824
Name The Year: George Michael (in England), singer, born. `1963
Name The Year: George Mifflin Dallas (D), 11th Vice President (1845-49), born.`1792
Name The Year: George Orwell, author (Animal Farm, 1984), dies in London at 46.`1950
Name The Year: George Orwell, British novelist, dies in London at 46.`1950
Name The Year: George Peppard, actor (Breakfast at Tiffany's, Blue Max, A-Team)`1928
Name The Year: George Sanders, actor (Mr Freeze-Batman TV series), dies at 65.`1972
Name The Year: George Santayana, philosopher, poet, humanist, born.`1863
Name The Year: George Sax inventor (the saxophone), born.`1846
Name The Year: Georges Bizet, composer`1838
Name The Year: Georges Claude, inventor of the neon light, born.`1870
Name The Year: George Segal, actor, banjo player, born.`1934
Name The Year: George S. Patton, U.S. military leader`1885
Name The Year: Georges Seurat France, painter/pointillist (Grande Jatte), born.`1859
Name The Year: George Steinbrenner, NY Yankees owner/ship builder/horse owner, born.`1930
Name The Year: George Stephenson, inventor (principal RR locomotive), born. `1781
Name The Year: George VI's coronation in Great Britain.`1936
Name The Year: George Washington creates the Order of the Purple Heart.`1782
Name The Year: George Washington, father figure for U.S., President (1789-1796), born.`1732
Name The Year: George Washington resigned as US Army's commander-in-chief.`1783
Name The Year: George Wendt, actor (Cheers), born.`1949
Name The Year: Georg F.B. Reiman proposes that space is curved. `1854
Name The Year: Georgia becomes a protectorate of tsarist Russia.`1783
Name The Year: Georgian Social Democratic Republic declared independence from Russia.`1918
Name The Year: Georgia Tech defeats Cumberland College 222-0 in gridiron (record).`1915
Name The Year: Georg Philipp Telemann, leading German late-baroque composer, born.`1681
Name The Year: Georg Simon Ohm, scientist, born.`1787
Name The Year: Geraldine Page (in Kirksville, MO), actor (Trip to Bountiful)`1924
Name The Year: Geraldo Rivera opens Al Capone's vault on TV & finds nothing.`1986
Name The Year: Gerald P. Carr, US astronaut (Skylab 4), born.`1932
Name The Year: Gerhardus Mercator, geographer & map maker`1512
Name The Year: Gerhart Hauptmann, German writer (Before Dawn) (Nobel 1912)`1862
Name The Year: Germaine Greer, Melbourne, Australia, feminist/author (Female Eunich), born.`1939
Name The Year: German airship Graf Zeppelin ends a round-the-world flight.`1929
Name The Year: German battleship Tirpitz was sunk off Norway.`1944
Name The Year: German Chancellor Willy Brandt visits Israel.`1972
Name The Year: German Democratic Republic accepts the Deutsche Mark as its currency.`1990
Name The Year: German Empire proclaimed by Kaiser Wilhelm I.`1871
Name The Year: German Field Marshal Erwin Rommel commits suicide rather than face trial for his part in an attempt to overthrow Hitler.`1944
Name The Year: German forces occupied Brussels, Belgium, during World War I.`1914
Name The Year: German Kingdom of Westphalia abolished.`1813
Name The Year: German Reichstag granted Adolf Hitler dictatorial powers.`1933
Name The Year: German rocket engineers begin work in U.S.`1945
Name The Year: German rocket engineers begin work in USSR.`1946
Name The Year: Germans begin punching holes in the Berlin Wall.`1989
Name The Year: German scientist Robert Koch discovered bacillus cause of TB.`1882
Name The Year: Germans defeat Russians in Battle of Tannenberg.`1914
Name The Year: Germans scuttle their own fleet.`1919
Name The Year: German SS kills 25,000 Jews in Minsk, Belorussia.`1942
Name The Year: German U-boats begin harassing shipping on US east coast.`1942
Name The Year: Germany annexes Sudetenland (1/3 of Czechoslovakia).`1938
Name The Year: Germany begins dropping incendiary bombs on London (WW II)`1940
Name The Year: Germany blitzes Conventry, England`1941
Name The Year: Germany completed annexation of Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland.`1938
Name The Year: Germany declares war on Belgium; Britain declares war on Germany.`1914
Name The Year: Germany declares war on Russia in WW I.`1914
Name The Year: Germany declares war on Soviet Union during WW II.`1941
Name The Year: (Germany) Hugo Junkers completes the first all metal airplane.`1915
Name The Year: Germany invades Austria.`1938
Name The Year: Germany invades Belgium and declares war on France in WW I.`1914
Name The Year: Germany invades Norway and Denmark in WW II.`1940
Name The Year: (Germany) Louis III, last king of Bavaria (1913-18), born.`1845
Name The Year: (Germany) Marlene Dietrich, actress, born.`1901
Name The Year: Germany occupies Brussels, Belgium & begins invasion of France.`1940
Name The Year: Geronimo, Apache Indian Chief, died`1909
Name The Year: Geronimo, Apache indian, finally surrenders ending last major US-Indian war.`1886
Name The Year: Gershwin's "Rhapsody In Blue" premieres in Carnegie Hall.`1924
Name The Year: Gertrude Stein, writer, born.`1874
Name The Year: "Get Smart" premiers.`1965
Name The Year: G. Gordon Liddy, tough guy, Watergate celebrity`1930
Name The Year: Ghana becomes a republic.`1960
Name The Year: Gherman S. Titov, second Russian in space aboard Vostok 2.`1961
Name The Year: Gherman Titov USSR, 1st man to spend a day in space (Vostok 2), born.`1935
Name The Year: Giacomo Matteotti Italian socialist deputy, assassinated by fascists. `1924
Name The Year: Giacomo Puccini Italy, operatic composer (Madama Butterfly), born.`1858
Name The Year: Giant fireball impacts in Central Siberia (Tunguska Event).`1908
Name The Year: Gibraltar votes 12,138 to 44 to remain British.`1967
Name The Year: Gideon Society established to place bibles in hotels.`1899
Name The Year: Gilbert claims Newfoundland (first English colony in North America).`1583
Name The Year: Gilbert & Sullivan's "HMS Pinafore" debuts at Bowery Theatre NYC. `1879
Name The Year: Gilda Radner comedienne (Sat Night Live), dies at 42 of cancer.`1989
Name The Year: Gilda Radner Detroit, comedienne (Saturday Night Live), born.`1946
Name The Year: Gillette patents 1st disposable razor.`1901
Name The Year: Gina Lollobrigida, Subiaco Italy, actress (Trapeze, Falcon Crest), born.`1927
Name The Year: Giovanni Cassini discovers Iapetus, satellite of Saturn.`1671
Name The Year: Giovanni Domenico Cassini discovered 4 satellites of Saturn. `1625
Name The Year: Girl Guides (Girl Scouts) founded in Savanah, Ga.`1912
Name The Year: Giuseppe Arcimboldo 1st surrealist painter, dies (birth date unkn).`1593
Name The Year: Giuseppe Garibaldi, unified Italy, born.`1807
Name The Year: Giuseppe Piazzi, discovered first asteroid, Ceres`1746
Name The Year: Giuseppe Piazzi, discoverer of first asteroid, dies.`1826
Name The Year: Giuseppe Sarto elected Pope Pius X.`1903
Name The Year: Giuseppe Verdi, composer of operas (Rigoletto, Aida, Otello), born.`1813
Name The Year: Giuseppe Verdi's opera "Otello" premiers.`1887
Name The Year: Giusseppi Verdi's "Aida" premieres in Cairo, at Suez canal opening.`1871
Name The Year: "Give Peace a Chance" by John Lennon and the Plastic Ono Band is released in the UK.`1969
Name The Year: Gladys Knight, singer, born.`1944
Name The Year: Glenda Jackson, actor (Hopscotch), born.`1936
Name The Year: Glenn Close (in Greenwich, Connecticut), actor, born.`1947
Name The Year: Glenn Miller records "Pennsylvania 6-5000".`1940
Name The Year: Glenn Miller's "Chattanooga Choo Choo" goes gold.`1942
Name The Year: Glenn Shorrock vocalist (Little River Band-Help Is On Its, Way), born.`1944
Name The Year: Gloria Estefan, Cuba, singer, born.`1957
Name The Year: Gloria Estefan released from the hospital after her accident`1990
Name The Year: Gloria Gaynor Newark NJ, disco singer (I Will Survive), born.`1949
Name The Year: Gloria Steinem (in Toledo, OH), feminist, former Playboy bunny, born.`1934
Name The Year: Gloria Vanderbilt, fashion designer (Don't my jeans look great!), born.`1924
Name The Year: Goddard demonstrates tube-launched solid propellant rockets.`1918
Name The Year: Golda Meir became prime minister of Israel.`1969
Name The Year: Golda Meir, Israeli leader, born`1898
Name The Year: Golden Gate Bridge ground-breaking ceremony held at Crissy Field.`1933
Name The Year: Golden Gate International Exposition closes (first closure).`1939
Name The Year: Golden Gate International Exposition opens on Treasure Island (built for the occasion) in San Francisco Bay.`1939
Name The Year: Gold fields discovered in Australia.`1851
Name The Year: Goldie Hawn (in Washington, DC), actor (Butterflies Are Free, Foul Play, Private Benjamin)`1945
Name The Year: Gold is discovered on Klondike River.`1896
Name The Year: Gold ownership legalized in Australia.`1976
Name The Year: "Gone With the Wind" by Margaret Mitchell, published.`1936
Name The Year: "Gone With the Wind" is shown on TV.`1976
Name The Year: Goodyear patents vulcanization of rubber.`1844
Name The Year: Gorbachev resigns as head of USSR Communist Party.`1991
Name The Year: Gordon Cooper Jr., astronaut, born.`1927
Name The Year: Gordon Lightfoot, folksinger`1938
Name The Year: Gottlieb Daimler, automobile pioneer, born.`1834
Name The Year: Gottlieb Daimler receives German patent for a motorcycle.`1885
Name The Year: Gottlob Frege, German mathematician, logician, philosopher`1848
Name The Year: Gough Whitlam (ALP) Australia, PM (1972-75), born.`1916
Name The Year: Grace Kelly (in Philadelphia, PA), actor, Princess of Monaco`1929
Name The Year: Grace Kelly marries Prince Rainier of Monaco (civil ceremony).`1956
Name The Year: Grace Kelly princess of Monaco, dies at 52 in a car crash.`1982
Name The Year: Grace Lee Whitney, actor (Star Trek), born.`1930
Name The Year: Grace Slick (in Chicago, IL), singer (Jefferson Airplane/Starship)`1939
Name The Year: Gracie Allen, Mrs George Burns/comedian (Burns and Allen), born.`1902
Name The Year: Graf Zeppelin II, world's largest airship, makes maiden flight.`1938
Name The Year: Graham Chapman, member of the Monty Python team, dies from cancer.`1989
Name The Year: Graham Greene, prolific English novelist (Brighton Rock)`1904
Name The Year: Graham "Suggs" McPherson rocker (Madness-Our House), born.`1961
Name The Year: Grateful Dead members busted on LSD charges.`1970
Name The Year: Grateful Dead's Bob Weir & Mickey Hart are arrested for incitement.`1980
Name The Year: Great Arab Revolt begin. `1916
Name The Year: Great Brink's robbery in Boston, $28 million.`1950
Name The Year: Great Britain imposed direct rule over Northern Ireland.`1972
Name The Year: Great Britain takes Gibraltar from Spain.`1704
Name The Year: Great Britain via treaty grants Saudi Arabia's kingdom independence.`1927
Name The Year: Great Fire of London starts; destroys St. Paul's Church.`1666
Name The Year: Great London Fire begins in Pudding Lane. 80% of London is destroyed.`1666
Name The Year: Great Mauna Loa eruption (volcano in Hawaii).`1867
Name The Year: Great panic occurs in Europe over the close approach of a comet.`1679
Name The Year: Great Train Robbery; 7 men make off with $98,000 in cash.`1868
Name The Year: Great Train Robbery in England.`1963
Name The Year: Greece gains it's independence.`1821
Name The Year: Greek Pres George Papadopoulos ousted in a bloodless military coup.`1973
Name The Year: Greenwich Observatory is damaged by World War II flying bomb.`1944
Name The Year: Greg Norman, golfer, born.`1955
Name The Year: Gregorian calendar introduced in Italy, other Catholic countries.`1582
Name The Year: Gregor Mendel, geneticist who discovered laws of heredity, born.`1822
Name The Year: Gregory Hines, actor, dancer, born.`1946
Name The Year: Gregory Peck La Jolla Calif, actor (To Kill a Mockingbird, MacArthur), born.`1916
Name The Year: Gregory XIII, pope, born.`1583
Name The Year: Greta Garbo (in Stockholm, Sweden), actor (Ninotchka, Grand Hotel), born.`1905
Name The Year: Grigori Rasputin, Russian monk`1871
Name The Year: Griswold Lorillard wears the first dinner jacket to the Autumn Ball in Tuxedo Park. Thus the name 'tuxedo.'`1886
Name The Year: Groucho, Chico and Harpo's final TV appearance together.`1959
Name The Year: Groucho Marx, comedian`1895
Name The Year: Groucho Marx, died in Los Angeles at the age of 86.`1977
Name The Year: Ground breaking for Disneyland, the Magic Kingdom, in Anaheim, CA.`1954
Name The Year: Groundbreaking in Washington, D.C., for Vietnam Veterans Memorial.`1982
Name The Year: Ground broken for Suez Canal.`1859
Name The Year: Guerrillas battle with government forces in El Salvador.`1989
Name The Year: Guggenheim Museum, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, opens in New York.`1959
Name The Year: Guglielmo Marconi Bologna Italy, inventor (radio) (Nobel 1909), born.`1874
Name The Year: Guglielmo Marconi patents the radio.`1898
Name The Year: Guided tours of Alcatraz (by Park Service) begin.`1972
Name The Year: Guillaume Apollinaire, French poet`1880
Name The Year: Guillermo Valencia, Colombian poet, translator, statesman, born.`1873
Name The Year: Guillotine 1st used, executes highwayman Nicolas J Pelletier.`1792
Name The Year: Guinea-Bissau gains independence from Portugal.`1974
Name The Year: Guinea votes for independence from France.`1958
Name The Year: Guitarist Eric Clapton marries Patti Boyd.`1979
Name The Year: Guitarist Stevie Ray Vaughn dies in a helicopter accident.`1990
Name The Year: Gunpowder Plot; Catholics try to blow up English Parliament. Plot uncovered & leader Guy Fawkes hanged.`1605
Name The Year: Gunter Grass, German novelist, poet (The Tin Drum)`1927
Name The Year: Gustav Hertz, German quantum physicist (Nobel 1925), born.`1887
Name The Year: Gustav Kirchoff, discoverer of the laws of spectroscopy, dies.`1887
Name The Year: Gustav Klimt, Austria, Art Nouveau painter, born.`1862
Name The Year: Gustavus II Adolphus, king who made Sweden a major power (1611-32)`1594
Name The Year: Gutenberg Bible (1 of 21) sells for $2.4 million, London. `1978
Name The Year: Gutenberg Day`1584
Name The Year: Guy de Maupassant (in France), writer, born.`1850
Name The Year: Gypsy Rose Lee, burlesque entertainer born.`1914
Name The Year: Gypsy Rose Lee (in Seattle, WA), stripper, born.`1914
Name The Year: Gypsy Rose Lee stripper/actress, dies at 56.`1970
Name The Year: Haakon VII Charlottenlund Denmark, King of Norway, born.`1872
Name The Year: Haakon VII king of Norway, dies, Olaf succeeds him.`1957
Name The Year: Habib Bourguiba, 1st president of Tunisia, born.`1902
Name The Year: Haile Selassie, emperor of Ethiopia (1930-74), founder of the Rastafarian religion.`1892
Name The Year: Hal Holbrook, actor, born.`1925
Name The Year: Halley's Comet makes closest approach to Earth this trip, 63 M km`1986
Name The Year: Halley's Comet passes 29th recorded perihelion at 87.9 million km`1910
Name The Year: Hal Wallis movie producer (Maltese Falcon, Barefoot in the Park), born.`1899
Name The Year: Hamburger created by Louis Lassing in Connecticut.`1900
Name The Year: Hamburger invented.`1889
Name The Year: Hana Mandlikova, tennis player, born.`1962
Name The Year: Hank Aaron tied Babe Ruth's home-run record by hitting his 714th.`1974
Name The Year: Hank Ketcham, cartoonist (Dennis the Menace), born.`1920
Name The Year: Hans Christian Andersen, danish storyteller, born.`1805
Name The Year: Hans Christian Oersted, physicist, chemist`1777
Name The Year: Hans Lippershey offers the Dutch government a new invention -- the telescope.`1608
Name The Year: "Happy Days" premiers on ABC-TV in the US.`1974
Name The Year: Hardhat diving suit patented by Leonard Norcross, Dixfield, Maine`1834
Name The Year: Hard Rock Cafe opens in Las Vegas Nevada.`1990
Name The Year: Harland Sanders, Kentucky Fried Chicken founder/colonel, born.`1890
Name The Year: Harlow Shapley discoverer of the Sun's position in the galaxy, dies.`1972
Name The Year: Harold Foster, cartoonist, created "Prince Valiant", known for it's fine drawing and historical detail, born.`1892
Name The Year: Harold MacMillan becomes British PM. `1957
Name The Year: Harold Pinter, playwright, born.`1930
Name The Year: Harold Wilson, former British Prime Minister, born.`1916
Name The Year: Harold Wilson resigns as British PM.`1976
Name The Year: Harper Lee author (To Kill a Mockingbird), born.`1926
Name The Year: Harpo Marx comedian (Marx Bros), dies at 75.`1964
Name The Year: Harriet Quimby flies the English Channel, first woman to do so.`1912
Name The Year: Harrison Ford actor (Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Frantic), born.`1942
Name The Year: Harry A. Blackmun, U.S. Supreme Court justice`1908
Name The Year: Harry Belafonte, entertainer, born.`1927
Name The Year: Harry Belefonte calypso singer (The Banana Boat Song), born.`1927
Name The Year: Harry Froboess dives 110 m from airship into Bodensee & survives.`1936
Name The Year: Harry Houdini frees himself from a straitjacket while suspended upside down, 40 feet above the ground. `1923
Name The Year: Harry Morgan (in Detroit, MI), actor (Dragnet, M*A*S*H), born.`1915
Name The Year: Harry S Truman Missouri, 33rd US President (D) (1945-1949), born.`1884
Name The Year: Harry Truman, 33rd US Pres (1945-53), dies in KC Mo at 88`1972
Name The Year: Harvard College, first US college founded.`1636
Name The Year: Harvard Observatory takes first photograph of a star (Vega).`1850
Name The Year: Harvard University was named for clergyman John Harvard.`1639
Name The Year: Harvey Korman, actor, born.`1927
Name The Year: Hassan II, king of Morocco (1961- ), born.`1929
Name The Year: Hawaii becomes a U.S. territory.`1900
Name The Year: Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty, gives US exclusive canal rights through Panama.`1903
Name The Year: Hayley Mills (in London, England), actor, born.`1946
Name The Year: Haymarket riot in Chicago; bomb kills 7 policemen.`1886
Name The Year: Head of El Salvadoran Human Rights Comm assassinated by death squads.`1987
Name The Year: Heathen religions banned in Poland.`1387
Name The Year: Heather Locklear, actor, born..`1961
Name The Year: Heavyweight champ, Rocky Marciano, retires undefeated from boxing.`1956
Name The Year: Hedy Lamarr, actress (Ecstacy, Samson and Delilah), born.`1913
Name The Year: Heinrich Himmler, Nazi SS leader`1900
Name The Year: Heinrich Schwabe discoverer of 11-year sunspot cycle, dies`1875
Name The Year: Helen Gurly Brown in Portland Maine, publisher (Cosmopolitan), born.`1922
Name The Year: Helen Hunt LA Calif, actress (Mad About You), born.`1963
Name The Year: Helen Keller, blind-deaf author-lecturer`1880
Name The Year: Helen Keller blind & deaf, dies at 87.`1968
Name The Year: Helen Mirren [Eleni Mironova], England, actress (Prime Suspect), born.`1946
Name The Year: Helen Reddy (in Melbourne, Australia), singer (I am Woman)`1941
Name The Year: Hendrik Antoon Lorentz, Dutch physicist (Nobel 1902)`1853
Name The Year: Henre de Toulouse-Lautrec (in France), painter`1864
Name The Year: Henri Dutrochet, discovered & named process of osmosis`1776
Name The Year: Henrik Ibsen (in Norway), author, born.`1828
Name The Year: Henry Berliner demonstrates his helicopter to US Bureau of Aeronautics. `1922
Name The Year: Henry Bliss becomes 1st automobile fatality.`1899
Name The Year: Henry Cavendish, English physicist, chemist`1731
Name The Year: Henry David Thoreau jailed for tax resistance.`1846
Name The Year: Henry David Thoreau published `Walden'.`1854
Name The Year: Henry Engelhard Steinway, piano maker, born.`1797
Name The Year: Henry Fonda (in Grand Island, Nebraska), actor, born.`1905
Name The Year: Henry Ford announces the five day work week.`1926
Name The Year: Henry Ford II, businessman`1917
Name The Year: Henry Ford introduces assembly line for cars.`1914
Name The Year: Henry Ford, Michigan, USA, auto maker (Ford), born.`1863
Name The Year: Henry Ford patents a method of constructing plastic auto bodies.`1942
Name The Year: Henry Ford stops producing Model T car (begins Model A).`1927
Name The Year: Henry Hudson discovers Manhattan island.`1609
Name The Year: Henry III, Holy Roman emperor (1046-56)`1017
Name The Year: Henry III, king of England (1216-72)`1207
Name The Year: Henry II King of England (1154-89), dies at 56.`1189
Name The Year: Henry IV, Holy Roman emperor (1036-1106)`1050
Name The Year: Henry John Heinz, founded a prepared-foods company, born.`1844
Name The Year: Henry Kendall Australian poet, dies of tuberculosis at 43.`1882
Name The Year: Henry L. Mencken, newspaperman, critic, Baltimore's son, born.`1880
Name The Year: Henry Mancini, composer, flutist, born.`1924
Name The Year: Henry Morgan is first to take off shirt on TV.`1946
Name The Year: Henry Norris Russell, astronomer (Hertzsprung-Russell diagram)`1877
Name The Year: Henry Stanley journalist/explorer (found Livingston in Africa), born.`1841
Name The Year: Henry VIII ascended to the throne of England.`1509
Name The Year: Henry VIII becomes King of England.`1509
Name The Year: Henry VIII declares himself head of English Church.`1535
Name The Year: Henry VIII, King of England (1509-47), born.`1491
Name The Year: Henry VIII King of England (1509-47), dies at 55.`1547
Name The Year: Henry VIII of England (1509-47), born.`1491
Name The Year: Henry VII king of England (1485-1509), born.`1457
Name The Year: Henry V, king of England (1413-22), born.`1387
Name The Year: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (in Portland, Maine), poet, born.`1807
Name The Year: Henry W. "Hank" Hartsfield, U.S. astronaut (STS-4, 41D, 61A)`1933
Name The Year: Henry Winkler, actor (Happy Days as the Fonz)`1945
Name The Year: H(erbert) G(eorge) Wells Bromley, England (War of the Worlds), born.`1866
Name The Year: Herbert Hoover 31st president of US, dies in NY at 90.`1964
Name The Year: Herbie Hancock, musician, born.`1940
Name The Year: Hermann Broch, Austrian novelist (Sleepwalkers, Bewitchment)`1886
Name The Year: Hermann Oberth, founder of modern astronautics `1894
Name The Year: Herman Wouk's war novel "The Caine Mutiny" is published.`1951
Name The Year: Hernando De Soto claims the US state of Florida for Spain.`1539
Name The Year: Hernando de Soto discovers Mississippi River.`1541
Name The Year: H.H. Asquith (Liberal), British prime minister (1908-16), born.`1852
Name The Year: High-denomination banknotes withdrawn in USSR.`1991
Name The Year: Highest velocity wind ever recorded on Mt Washington, 231 mph.`1934
Name The Year: Hillary & Tenzing become 1st humans to reach top of Mt Everest.`1953
Name The Year: Hindenburg takes office as president of Germany.`1925
Name The Year: Hirohito enthroned as Emperor of Japan.`1928
Name The Year: Hiroshima Peace Day -- atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima by the 'Enola Gay' (at 8:15 EDT).`1945
Name The Year: Hitler and Stalin sign the Soviet-German non-agression treaty. Hitler got peace in the east; Stalin got a piece of Europe.`1939
Name The Year: Hitler announces he has no intention of war with Britain and France.`1939
Name The Year: Hitler breaks Treaty of Versailles by sending troops to Rhineland.`1936
Name The Year: Hitler & Mussolini sign "Pact of Steel".`1939
Name The Year: Hitler's "Beer Hall Putsch" failed; writes "Mein Kampf" while in jail.`1923
Name The Year: H.L. Mencken, satirist, critic, dies in Baltimore at 75.`1956
Name The Year: Ho Chi Minh North Vietnamese president, dies.`1969
Name The Year: Ho Chi Minh trail blazer/leader of Vietnam (1946, 1969), born.`1890
Name The Year: Holly Hunter, actor, born.`1958
Name The Year: Holy Roman Empire ends. "it was neither holy, nor Roman, nor an empire." -- Voltaire`1806
Name The Year: Home rule introduced to Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland).`1979
Name The Year: Homing pigeon completes 11,000 km trip (Namibia-London) in 55 days.`1845
Name The Year: Honduras declares independence of Central American Federation.`1838
Name The Year: Hong Kong was proclaimed a sovereign territory of Britain.`1841
Name The Year: Honor Blackman (in London, England), actor (The Avengers), born.`1929
Name The Year: Honore de Balzac France, novelist (Pere Goriot), born.`1799
Name The Year: Hopalong Cassidy becomes first network western.`1949
Name The Year: Hope Emerson, actress (I Married Joan, Peter Gunn), dies at 62.`1960
Name The Year: Horace Greeley, editor (told young men to go west), born.`1811
Name The Year: Horatio Nelson Burnham Thorpe, Britain, naval hero at Trafalgar, born.`1758
Name The Year: Houdini escapes chains underwater at Aquatic Park in 57 seconds.`1907
Name The Year: House Judiciary Committee begin formal hearings on Nixon impeachment.`1974
Name The Year: House of Wax, first feature-length 3-D movie, released in New York.`1953
Name The Year: Howard Carter discovers the tomb of Tutankhamen.`1922
Name The Year: Howard Carter, Egyptologist who found King Tutankhamen`1873
Name The Year: Howard Carter finds the Pharoah Tutankhamun.`1923
Name The Year: Howard Hughes reclusive billionaire, dies at 72`1976
Name The Year: Howard Hughes, reclusive billionaire/inventor, born.`1905
Name The Year: Howard Hughes' "Spruce Goose" flies for 1st (and last) time.`1947
Name The Year: Howard Jones, musician, born.`1955
Name The Year: Howard Nemerov, poet, born.`1916
Name The Year: Howard Staunton world chess champion, designer of chess pieces, dies.`1874
Name The Year: Howie Mandel, actor (St Elsewhere, Walk Like a Man), comedian`1955
Name The Year: H. Ross Perot, billionaire, founder of EDS, owner of one of three original copies of the Magna Carta, attempted to run for US Presidency.`1930
Name The Year: Hua Guo-feng succeeds Mao Tse-tung as chairman of Communist Party.`1976
Name The Year: Hubble space telescope is placed into orbit by shuttle Discovery.`1990
Name The Year: Hubert Gautier engineer, wrote 1st book on bridge building, born.`1660
Name The Year: Hugh Hefner, publisher of Playboy, made bunnies famous, born.`1926
Name The Year: Hugo Gernsback, responsible for science fiction becoming an independent literary form, born.`1884
Name The Year: Hulk Hogan [Terry Bollea], Ga, WWF heavyweight champion (1984-89), born.`1953
Name The Year: Humphrey Bogart, actor, born.`1899
Name The Year: Humphrey Bogart, actor (Casablanca, Caine Mutiny, African Queen), born.`1899
Name The Year: Humphrey Bogart actor, dies at 57.`1957
Name The Year: Hundreds killed in anti-French rioting in Morocco and Algeria.`1955
Name The Year: Hungarian National Day.`1945
Name The Year: Hungarian Republic crushed by Austria and Russia.`1849
Name The Year: Hungary appeals for UN assistance against Soviet invasion.`1956
Name The Year: Hungary liberated from Nazi occupation (National Day)`1945
Name The Year: Hunter S. Thompson, gonzo journalist`1949
Name The Year: Husain ibn 'Ali, Shi'i religious leader, enters martyrdom.`680
Name The Year: Hussein I, king of Jordan (1953- )`1935
Name The Year: Hussein proclaimed king of Jordan.`1952
Name The Year: Hyman L. Lipman of Philadelphia patented a pencil with an attached eraser.`1858
Name The Year: Ian Curtis musician (Joy Division), dies.`1980
Name The Year: Ian Fleming writer (James Bond), dies at 80`1969
Name The Year: Ian Fleming, writer (James Bond series)`1908
Name The Year: IBM announces System 370 computer.`1970
Name The Year: Iceberg twice the size of Rhode Island sighted in Antarctic.`1987
Name The Year: Iceland becomes independent state under the Danish crown.`1918
Name The Year: Iggy Pop [James Osterberg], Mich, rocker (Lust For Life, Search and Destroy), born.`1947
Name The Year: Ignace Jan Paderewski, Polish composer, pianist, patriot`1860
Name The Year: Igor Sikorsky developed a working helicopter, born.`1889
Name The Year: Igor Stravinsky, composer (Firebird Suite, The Rite of Spring)`1882
Name The Year: Il Bronzino, Florentine painter`1503
Name The Year: "I Love Lucy" premiers.`1951
Name The Year: Iman model/David Bowie's wife/actress (Star Trek VI), born.`1955
Name The Year: Imelda Marcos former 1st lady (Philipines)/shoe collector, born.`1930
Name The Year: In accordance with Camp David, Israel completes Sinai withdrawl.`1982
Name The Year: In a NY bar decorated with bird tail, customer orders "cock tail".`1776
Name The Year: Inaugural AIDS awareness day.`1991
Name The Year: Independence of Poland proclaimed by Jozef Pilsudski.`1918
Name The Year: India adopts a constitution as a British Commonwealth Republic.`1949
Name The Year: India and Pakistan granted independence within British Commonwealth after some 200 years of British rule.`1947
Name The Year: India annexes Portuguese colonies of Goa, Damao and Diu.`1961
Name The Year: India becomes a republic ceaseing to be a British dominion. Indian Republic Day Celebrated.`1950
Name The Year: India files suit against Union Carbide over Bhopal disaster.`1985
Name The Year: Indianapolis 500 car race run for first time. Winning driver Ray Harroun takes it with a blazing 75 mph.`1911
Name The Year: Indian princess Pocahontas marries English colonist John Rolfe`1614
Name The Year: Indians sell Manhattan Island for $24 in cloth & buttons.`1626
Name The Year: Indira Gandhi, Indian prime minister (1966-77, 1980-84)`1917
Name The Year: Indira Gandhi resigned as prime minister of India.`1977
Name The Year: Indonesia declares independence from Netherlands (National Day).`1945
Name The Year: Indonesia takes control of Irian Jaya (west New Guinea) from Netherlands.`1963
Name The Year: Industrialist John D. Rockfeller died in Ormond Beach, FL.`1937
Name The Year: In Fatima Portugal, a Spanish priest with a bayonet is stopped prior to his attempt to attack Pope John Paul II.`1982
Name The Year: Ingmar Bergman, Uppsala Sweden, director (Cries and Whispers), born.`1918
Name The Year: Ingrid Bergman Sweden, actress (Casablanca, Cactus Flower), born.`1915
Name The Year: In Hawaii, the Great Mahele (division of lands) is signed.`1848
Name The Year: Inigo Lopez, Marques de Santillana, Spanish poet, born`1398
Name The Year: Innocent III pope, dies at 54. `1216
Name The Year: Innocent IX, 230th Roman Catholic pope (1591), born.`1519
Name The Year: Innocent XI 240th Roman Catholic pope (1676-89), born.`1611
Name The Year: Innocent XIII, 244th Roman Catholic pope (1721-24), born.`1655
Name The Year: In occupied Rome the Nazis executed more than 300 civilians.`1944
Name The Year: In Poland, Germans Nazi troops massacred the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto.`1943
Name The Year: Intel Corporation is incorporated.`1968
Name The Year: Intel introduces 32-bit 80386 microcomputer chip.`1985
Name The Year: Intelsat 1 ("Early Bird") first commercial geosynchronous communication satellite.`1965
Name The Year: Intelsat communications satellite launched`1973
Name The Year: International Atomic Energy Agency established by UN`1957
Name The Year: International Committee of the Red Cross is founded (Nobel 1917, 1944, 1963).`1863
Name The Year: International Monetary Fund began operations.`1947
Name The Year: International Radio Telegraphic Convention adopts "SOS" as new call for help.`1906
Name The Year: International War Crimes Tribunal opens trial of Nazi leaders in Nuremberg.`1945
Name The Year: International Women's Day`1945
Name The Year: Intl Olympic Committee votes admission to West Germany & Japan in '52.`1950
Name The Year: "Introducing the Beatles" album released in U.S.`1964
Name The Year: In Victoria, helmetless bike riding becomes illegal.`1990
Name the year: In which year did britain abolish the death penalty for murder`1965
Name The Year: I.O.C. votes Mexico City to host 1968 Olympics.`1963
Name The Year: IRA bombs hotel where Margaret Thatcher is staying.`1984
Name The Year: Ira Gershwin, lyricist, dies in Beverly Hills, Cal, at 86.`1983
Name The Year: Ira Levin, author (Rosemary's Baby, Sleuth, This Perfect Day)`1929
Name The Year: Iran agrees to resume dimplomatic ties with Iraq.`1990
Name The Year: Iranian PM Jaafar Sharif-Emami resigns to Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi.`1978
Name The Year: Iran proclaimed an Islamic Republic following the fall of the Shah.`1979
Name The Year: Iraq accepts Bush's offer for talks.`1990
Name The Year: Iraq declares Kuwait it's 19th province.`1990
Name The Year: Iraqi army overthrows monarchy; republic replaces Hashemite dynasty.`1958
Name The Year: Iraq invades and occupies Kuwait.`1990
Name The Year: Iraqi Pres Saddam Hussein urges Arabs to rise against the West.`1990
Name The Year: Iraqi troops seized Iranian territory in a border dispute.`1980
Name The Year: Iraqi troops seize part of Iran in a border dispute; war begins.`1980
Name The Year: Iraqi troops surround US and other embassies in Kuwait City.`1990
Name The Year: Iraq President Saddam Hussein says he is ready to resolve the Gulf crisis if Israel withdraws from occupied territories.`1990
Name The Year: Iraq pulls out of talks with Kuwait.`1990
Name The Year: Ireland divided into two parts, each with its own parliament.`1920
Name The Year: (Ireland) Martial Law Declared.`1920
Name The Year: Irene Cara (in New York), actor, dancer, singer, born.`1959
Name The Year: Irish Free State forms`1922
Name The Year: Irish Republic comes into existence.`1949
Name The Year: Iris Murdoch, Irish novelist`1919
Name The Year: "Iron" Mike Tyson heavyweight boxing champ (1986-90), born.`1966
Name The Year: IRS reveals Jimmy Carter paid no taxes in 1976.`1977
Name The Year: Irving Berlin [Isadore Balin], Temun, Russia, composer (White Xmas), born.`1888
Name The Year: Isaac Asimov, scientist-writer, born.`1920
Name The Year: Isaac Hayes, composer, musician, born.`1942
Name The Year: Isaac Kauffman Funk US, publisher (Funk and Wagnalls), born.`1839
Name The Year: Isaac Newton receives MA from Trinity College, Cambridge.`1668
Name The Year: Isaac Newton's PRINCIPIA published by Royal Society in England.`1687
Name The Year: Isaac Watts (in England), writer and preacher, born.`1674
Name The Year: Isabella Rossellini, actor (Blue Velvet)`1952
Name The Year: Isamu Noguchi, sculptor`1904
Name The Year: Isolation of pituitary hormone announced.`1937
Name The Year: Israel acquires 4 of the 7 dead sea scrolls`1955
Name The Year: Israel and Syria sign an agreement concerning the Golan Heights.`1974
Name The Year: Israel and Syria stop fighting in Lebanon.`1982
Name The Year: Israel announced capture of Nazi Adolf Eichmann in Argentina.`1960
Name The Year: Israel attacks targets in southern Lebanon.`1982
Name The Year: Israel Bak created 1st hebrew printing press, dies.`1874
Name The Year: Israel captures Wailing Wall.`1967
Name The Year: Israel destroys alleged Iraqi plutonium production facility.`1981
Name The Year: Israel formally signs Sinai accord with Egypt.`1975
Name The Year: Israeli forces began pouring into west Beirut.`1982
Name The Year: Israeli forces withdraw from the Sinai Penisula.`1957
Name The Year: Israeli hmuel Yosef Agnon wins Nobel Prize for literature.`1966
Name The Year: Israel invades Lebanon to drive out the PLO.`1982
Name The Year: Israeli paratroopers drop into the Sinai to open Straits of Tiran.`1956
Name The Year: Israeli soldiers capture Adolf Eichmann in Buenos Aires.`1960
Name The Year: Israeli troops reach outskirts of Beirut. `1982
Name The Year: Israeli troops reach the Suez Canal for the first time.`1956
Name The Year: Israel launches rescue of 103 Air France crew and passengers being held at Entebbe Airport in Uganda by pro-Palestinian hijackers.`1976
Name The Year: Israel & Lebanon sign a peace treaty.`1983
Name The Year: Israel opens the "Good Fence" to Lebanon.`1976
Name The Year: Israel's cabinet approved diplomatic relations with West Germany.`1965
Name The Year: Israel's General Moshe Dayan dies at 66.`1981
Name The Year: Israel shoots down 13 Syrian MIG-21s.`1973
Name The Year: Israel signs an agreement with European Economic Market.`1975
Name The Year: Israel's parliament approved a peace treaty with Egypt.`1979
Name The Year: Israel, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, and Egypt begin Six-Day War.`1967
Name The Year: Israel, Syria, Jordan, Iraq & Egypt end "6-Day War" with UN help. `1967
Name The Year: Israel & West Germany exchange letters beginning diplomatic relations.`1965
Name The Year: Italian composer Giacomo Puccini died in Brussels.`1924
Name The Year: Italian Jesuit Niccolo Zucchi, 1st to see 2 belts on Jupiter surface.`1630
Name The Year: Italian King Umberto I assassinated.`1900
Name The Year: Italian people chooses republic over monarchy (National Day).`1946
Name The Year: Italian Somalia gains independence, unites with Somali Republic.`1960
Name The Year: Italo Marchiony granted patent for the ice cream cone.`1903
Name The Year: (Italy) Alessandro de' Medici of Florence, assassinated.`1537
Name The Year: Italy annexed Ethiopia.`1936
Name The Year: Italy annexes Rome and the Papal States; Rome made Italian capital.`1870
Name The Year: Italy attacks Turkey, takes Tipoli & Cyrenaica.`1911
Name The Year: Italy beats Czechoslovakia 2-1 (OT) in soccer's 2nd World Cup at Rome. `1934
Name The Year: Italy beats West Germany 3-1 for soccer's 12th World Cup in Madrid.`1982
Name The Year: Italy declared war on Austria-Hungary in World War I.`1915
Name The Year: Italy declares war against Germany during WW I.`1916
Name The Year: Italy declares war on former ally Germany.`1943
Name The Year: Italy declares war on France & Britain during WW II. `1940
Name The Year: (Italy) Galileo discovers 1st 3 Jupiter satellites, Io, Europa & Ganymede.`1610
Name The Year: (Italy) Giovanni Cassini discovers Rhea, a satellite of Saturn.`1672
Name The Year: Italy invaded by Attila the Hun. `452
Name The Year: (Italy) Jose Greco, dancer, born.`1918
Name The Year: Italy surrenders to the allies in WW II.`1943
Name The Year: It was made legal in Scotland for women to propose to men.`1288
Name The Year: Ivan III (the Great) grand prince of Russia, born.`1440
Name The Year: Ivan IV (the Terrible) 1st tsar of Russia (1533-84), born.`1530
Name The Year: Ivan IV the Terrible crowned 1st tsar of Russia.`1547
Name The Year: Ivan Lendl, retired tennis player, born.`1960
Name The Year: Ivan Lendl, retired tennis player, born. In 1975 Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin met with President Carter.`1960
Name The Year: Ivan Lendl, tennis player, born`1960
Name The Year: Ivan Pavlov, Russia, physiologist/pioneer in psychology, born.`1849
Name The Year: Ivan Turgenev, Russia, novelist/poet/playwright (Fathers and Sons), born.`1818
Name The Year: Ivo Andric, Yugoslav novelist (Bridge on the Drina) (Nobel '61), born.`1892
Name The Year: Ivory Coast, Dahomey, Upper Volta and Niger declare independence.`1960
Name The Year: Izaac Walton, fisherman, writer (Compleat Angler), born.`1593
Name The Year: Jack Benny (Violin) and Richard Nixon (Piano) play their famed duet.`1959
Name The Year: Jack Cade's Rebellion-Kentishmen revolt against King Henry VI.`1450
Name The Year: Jack Dempsey, boxer (The Manassa Mauler)`1895
Name The Year: Jackie Gleason, Comedian, born.`1916
Name The Year: Jackie Joyner-Kersee, runner, born.`1962
Name The Year: Jackie Milburn, English soccer star (Newcastle United).`1924
Name The Year: Jackie Stewart, race-car driver, Ford spokesperson, born.`1939
Name The Year: Jack Klugman Phila (Oscar-Odd Couple, Quincy, Goodbye Columbus), born.`1922
Name The Year: Jack Lemmon, actor, born.`1925
Name The Year: Jack London, writer (Call of the Wild), born.`1876
Name The Year: Jack Nicholson, actor (One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, The Shining), born.`1937
Name The Year: Jack Nicklaus, golfer (Player of Yr 1967,72,73,75,76), born.`1940
Name The Year: Jack Palance, actor (Believe It......Or Not), born.`1920
Name The Year: Jack Ruby, assassin of Lee Harvey Oswald, died`1964
Name The Year: Jackson Pollack abstract artist (Lavender Mist), born.`1912
Name The Year: Jackson Pollock abstract artist, dies in auto accident (East Hampton).`1956
Name The Year: Jack the Ripper kills last victim.`1888
Name The Year: Jack Thompson Australia, actor (Breaker Morant), born.`1940
Name The Year: Jack Warden, actor (Verdict, Brian's Song), born.`1920
Name The Year: Jack Webb, actor (Dragnet, The D.I.), born.`1920
Name The Year: Jaclyn Smith, actress (Charlie's Angel, Nightkill), born.`1947
Name The Year: Jacob Fussell, Baltimore dairyman, sets up 1st ice-cream factory.`1851
Name The Year: Jacob Grimm (in Germany), storyteller`1785
Name The Year: Jacobite Scottish Highlanders defeat royal force at Killiecrankie.`1689
Name The Year: Jacqueline Kennedy marries Aristotle Onassis.`1968
Name The Year: Jacqueline Kennedy's 1st public appearance (TV) since assassination.`1964
Name The Year: Jacqueline Lee Bouvier Kennedy Onassis 1st lady (1961-63), born.`1929
Name The Year: Jacqueline Susann, writer (Valley of the Dolls), born.`1921
Name The Year: Jacques Cartier French explorer, dies (birth date unknown).`1557
Name The Year: Jacques Tati actor/director, dies of pulmonary embolism.`1982
Name The Year: Jacques Tati, director (Traffic, Playtime, My Uncle), born.`1908
Name The Year: Jacques Yves Cousteau (in France), marine explorer, born.`1910
Name The Year: Jakob Bohme, German philosophical mystic, dies (birth date unknown).`1624
Name The Year: Jamaica gains independence from Britain.`1962
Name The Year: James A Bailey circus showman (Barnum & Bailey), dies at 58`1906
Name The Year: James A. Naismith, inventor of basketball`1861
Name The Year: James Anthony Bailey, Detroit, U.S.A., circus impresario (Barnum and Bailey), born.`1847
Name The Year: James Boswell (in Scotland), Samuel Johnson's biographer, born.`1740
Name The Year: James Bridger, scout, fur trader, mountain man par excellance, born.`1804
Name The Year: James Brown, singer (I Feel Good . . . HEH!), born.`1933
Name The Year: James Cagney, actor, born.`1900
Name The Year: James Cagney died at his farm in Stanfordville, NY, at age 86.`1986
Name The Year: James Callaghan, former British Prime Minister, born.`1912
Name The Year: James Christy's discovery of Pluto's moon Charon announced.`1978
Name The Year: James Clavell, author (Shogun, Tai Pan, King Rat, Noble House, Whirlwind), born.`1924
Name The Year: James Coburn Laurel Nebr, actor (Our Man Flint, Magnificent Seven), born.`1928
Name The Year: James Cook, captain/explorer, discovered Sandwich Islands and led First Fleet to Australia, born.`1728
Name The Year: James Dean, actor, born.`1928
Name The Year: James Dean, actor, died in a car crash (born Feb 08, 1931)`1955
Name The Year: James Dean, actor (Rebel Without a Cause), born.`1931
Name The Year: James Earl Jones, actor, narrator, voice of Darth Vader, born.`1931
Name The Year: James Garner, actor (Maverick movies and series, etc.)`1928
Name The Year: James Hetfield heavy metal rocker (Metallica), born.`1963
Name The Year: James Hilton, hotel magnate (Hilton Hotels), born.`1900
Name The Year: James II, king of England (1685-88), born.`1633
Name The Year: James II king of England (1685-88), dies at 68.`1701
Name The Year: James I king of England (1603-25), dies at 92.`1658
Name The Year: James Ingram. actor, born.`1956
Name The Year: James Jesse Strang, America's only crowned king (king of the Mormons), born.`1813
Name The Year: James J. Jeans, astrophysicist, dies on his 69th birthday.`1946
Name The Year: James J. Jeans, cosmologist and astrophysicist, born.`1877
Name The Year: James Joyce novelist, dies in Zurich, Switzerland, at 58.`1941
Name The Year: James Joyce, writer, born.`1882
Name The Year: James Mason actor, dies at 75 of a heart attack.`1984
Name The Year: James M. Barrie (in Scotland), Author (Peter Pan)`1860
Name The Year: James Michener, writer, born.`1907
Name The Year: James Montgomery Flagg, illustrator, best known for his "I want you" Uncle Sam recruiting poster`1877
Name The Year: James Pike, clergyman, born.`1913
Name The Year: James Prescott Joule, physicist, born.`1818
Name The Year: James Ritty patents the first cash register, to combat stealing by bartenders in his Dayton, Ohio saloon.`1879
Name The Year: James Taylor, singer, songwriter, born.`1948
Name The Year: James Van Allen, discovered Van Allen radiation belts, born.`1914
Name The Year: James van Allen discovers radiation belt around Earth.`1958
Name The Year: James VI signs the 2nd Confession of Faith in Scotland.`1581
Name The Year: James Watt, Scotland, inventor (steam engine), born.`1736
Name The Year: Jamie Lee Curtis (in Los Angeles, CA), actor, (Halloween, Trading Places, True Lies), Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh's daughter`1958
Name The Year: Jane Austen (in England), novelist (Pride and Prejudice), born.`1775
Name The Year: Jane Pauley (in Indianapolis, IN), newcaster for CNN`1950
Name The Year: Jane Russell, actress full-figured gal (The Outlaw), born.`1921
Name The Year: Jane Seymour [Joyce Frankenberg], Middlesex England, actress (Dr Quinn, East of Eden, Lassiter), born.`1951
Name The Year: Jane Seymour, third wife of Henry VIII, dies.`1537
Name The Year: Janet Jackson, singer, Michael's sister, born.`1966
Name The Year: Janet Leigh, actress, She's in the shower (Psycho), born.`1927
Name The Year: Janis Joplin, bluesy rock singer (Down on Me), born.`1943
Name The Year: Janis Joplin dies at age 27.`1970
Name The Year: Jan Luyts, Dutch scholar, physicist, mathematician, astronomer, born.`1655
Name The Year: Jan Vermeer (in Holland), painter (Procuress, The Astronomer)`1632
Name The Year: Japan admitted to the United Nations.`1956
Name The Year: Japan announces willingness to surrender to Allies provided the status of Emperor Hirohito remained unchanged.`1945
Name The Year: Japan defeats China in Battle of Ping Yang.`1894
Name The Year: (Japan) Emperor Hirohito of Japan, dies at 87 after 62-year reign.`1989
Name The Year: Japanese and Chinese troops clash, which will become the asian theatre of WW II.`1937
Name The Year: Japanese bomb Pearl Harbour. The USA join Allies in fighting the Axis forces soon after.`1941
Name The Year: Japanese Embassy arrives aboard the "Candinmarruh" .`1860
Name The Year: Japanese forces in the Philippines surrender to Allies.`1945
Name The Year: Japanese forces on Okinawa surrender to US during WW II.`1945
Name The Year: Japanese forces retreated in the World War II Battle of Midway.`1942
Name The Year: Japanese forces surrender to U.S. forces ending World War II.`1945
Name The Year: Japanese in S Korea, Taiwan, China, Indochina surrender to Allies.`1945
Name The Year: Japanese Junko Tabei became first woman to reach Mt Everest's summit.`1975
Name The Year: Japanese occupied Manila.`1942
Name The Year: Japanese premier Tojo sentenced to death by war crimes tribunal.`1948
Name The Year: Japan launches its first satellite in to space.`1966
Name The Year: Japan receives League of Nations mandate over Pacific islands.`1920
Name The Year: Japan surrenders ending WW II (US date, 9/2 in Japan).`1945
Name The Year: Jaqueline Bisset (in England), actor (Deep), born.`1941
Name The Year: J. Arthur Rank, USA filmmaker, born.`1888
Name The Year: Jason Alexander (George in Seinfeld), born.`1959
Name The Year: Jason Priestley Vancouver BC, actor (Brandon-Beverly Hills 90210), born.`1969
Name The Year: Javier Perez de Cuellar, Lima, Peru, 5th secretary-general of UN (1982-1996), born.`1920
Name The Year: Jawaharlal Nehru, first Indian PM (1947-64), made fashion statement`1889
Name The Year: Jay Forrester patents computer core memory.`1951
Name The Year: Jay Leno New Rochelle, comedian (Tonight Show host), born.`1950
Name The Year: Jayne Mansfield actress, dies in a car crash at 34.`1967
Name The Year: Jayne Mansfield Bryn Mawr Pa, actress (Guide for the Married Man), born`1932
Name The Year: Jay Wright Forrester invented random-access magnetic core memory.`1918
Name The Year: Jazz drummer Art Blakey dies.`1990
Name The Year: Jean Baptiste Lully, French composer, musician`1632
Name The Year: Jean-Claude "Papa Doc" Duvalier is forced to leave Haiti.`1986
Name The Year: Jean-Claude Van Damme, Belgium, actor (Kickboxer, No Retreat)`1958
Name The Year: Jean Cocteau France, writer/artist/film maker (Le Potamak), born.`1889
Name The Year: Jean d'Alembert, French mathematician, scientist, philosopher`1717
Name The Year: Jean-Francois Champollion, deciphered Egyptian hieroglyphics.`1790
Name The Year: Jean Genet, French novelist and playwright (The Blacks)`1910
Name The Year: Jean Harlow, sex goddess of the 30s, born.`1911
Name The Year: Jean Henri Dunant Switzerland, founded Red Cross, YMCA (Nobel 1901), born.`1828
Name The Year: Jean-Loup Chritien, first French traveler in space (on Soyuz T-6), born.`1938
Name The Year: Jean Moulin hero of the French Resistance during WW II, born.`1899
Name The Year: Jean-Paul Marat, philosopher`1743
Name The Year: Jean-Paul Sartre, France, philosopher/writer (Nobel 1964; declined), born.`1905
Name The Year: Jean Perrin, French physicist, studied Brownian motion (Nobel 1926)`1870
Name The Year: Jean Phillippe Rameau, French composer (baptized), born.`1683
Name The Year: Jean Piaget, pioneer developmental psychologist, born.`1896
Name The Year: Jean Pilftre de Rozier makes captive-balloon ascent.`1783
Name The Year: Jean-Rene Lacoste France, tennis champ/alligator shirt designer, born.`1905
Name The Year: Jean Rey, of Belgium, president of European Commission (1967-70)`1902
Name The Year: Jean Simmons, London England, actress (Thorn Birds, Guys & Dolls), born.`1926
Name The Year: J Edgar Hoover Mr FBI, born.`1895
Name The Year: Jeff Beck, musician`1944
Name The Year: Jeff Buckley (singer, son of Tim Buckley)`1966
Name The Year: Jeff Goldblum, actor (The Fly, Silverado, Buckaroo Bonzai, ID4), born.`1952
Name The Year: Jennifer Beals (in Chicago), actor (Flashdance)`1963
Name The Year: Jeremy Irons, English actor (French Lieutenant's Woman), born.`1948
Name The Year: Jermaine Jackson releases "Word to the Badd!!" anti Michael song.`1991
Name The Year: Jerome Kern, Broadway composer, born.`1885
Name The Year: Jerry Falwell televangelist, Moral Majority head, born.`1933
Name The Year: Jerry Garcia SF, rocker (Grateful Dead), born.`1942
Name The Year: Jerry Hall Mesquite Tx, model, born.`1956
Name The Year: Jerry Lee Lewis, singer (Great Balls of Fire, Breathless), born.`1935
Name The Year: Jerry Lewis, French god, American humanitarian, comedian, actor, born.`1926
Name The Year: Jerry Mathers, Sioux City Iowa, actor (Beaver-Leave It To Beaver), born.`1948
Name The Year: Jerry Seinfeld comedian (Seinfeld), born.`1954
Name The Year: Jesse James commits the 1st train robbery.`1873
Name The Year: Jesse James Missouri, outlaw, born.`1847
Name The Year: Jesse James shot dead in St. Joseph Mo. by Robert Ford.`1882
Name The Year: Jesse Owens, athlete, spoiled Hitler's Olympic plans in 1936, born.`1913
Name The Year: Jesse Owens equals or breaks 6 world records in one hour.`1935
Name The Year: Jesse Owens won his fourth gold medal of the Berlin Olympics.`1936
Name The Year: Jessica Lange Cloquet Minnesota, actress (King Kong, Tootsie) , born.`1949
Name The Year: Jessica Tandy (in London, England), actor (Driving Miss Daisy, Cocoon), born.`1909
Name The Year: Jews attack Nazi occupation forces at Warsaw Ghetto`1943
Name The Year: Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto begin resistance of Nazis.`1943
Name The Year: JFK accepts "sole responsibility" following the Bay of Pigs.`1961
Name The Year: JFK and Nixon clashed in 4th and final pres debate.`1960
Name The Year: JFK imposes naval blockade on Cuba, beginning missile crisis.`1962
Name The Year: J. Frank Duryea, with his brother, invented first auto built and operated in the US.`1869
Name The Year: Jigme Dori Wangchuck, king of Bhutan, dies.`1972
Name The Year: Jigme Singye Wangchuk, king of Bhutan (1972- )`1955
Name The Year: Jill Ireland (in London, England), actor, born`1936
Name The Year: Jim Backus actor (Magoo, Gilligan's Island), dies at 76 of pneumonia.`1989
Name The Year: Jim Bakker, televangelist, con-man, born.`1939
Name The Year: Jim Belushi, Chicago Ill, comedian (Sat Night Live, Trading Places), born.`1954
Name The Year: Jim Davis cartoonist (Garfield), born.`1945
Name The Year: Jim Henson, creater of the Muppets, "our era's Charlie Chaplin, Mae West, W. C. Fields, and Marx Brothers", born.`1936
Name The Year: Jimi Hendrix, guitarist`1942
Name The Year: Jimi Hendrix & Peter Townshend wage a battle of guitars.`1969
Name The Year: Jim Jones, reverend, poisoned over 100 in Guyana, born.`1931
Name The Year: Jimmie Walker, comedian `1949
Name The Year: Jim Morrison rocker (Doors), dies of heart failure in Paris.`1971
Name The Year: Jimmy Connors, tennis player`1952
Name The Year: Jimmy Connors, tennis player, born`1952
Name The Year: Jimmy Dorsey, bandleader, born.`1904
Name The Year: Jimmy Durante, comedian, born.`1893
Name The Year: Jimmy Durante NYC, comedian (Jimmy Durante Show), dies at 86.`1980
Name The Year: Jimmy Hoffa, missing labor leader, born.`1913
Name The Year: Jimmy Smits, actor (L.A. Law), born.`1956
Name The Year: Jimmy Stewart, actor (Mr Smith Goes to Wash, Wonderful Life), born.`1908
Name The Year: Jim Nabors, actor (Gomer Pyle, USMC; Mayberry RFD), singer, born. `1932
Name The Year: Jim Thorpe, Olympic athlete, born.`1886
Name The Year: Jim Weaver, Oregon Representative (D)`1927
Name The Year: Joan Baez (in Staten Island, NY), folk singer, born.`1941
Name The Year: Joan Collins (in London), actor, born`1933
Name The Year: Joan Crawford, actor, dearest mommy (No wire hangers, ever!), born.`1904
Name The Year: Joanna Kerns, actress, born.`1953
Name The Year: Joanna Lumley, Kashmir India, actress (Absolutely Fabulous, The Avengers), born.`1946
Name The Year: Joanne Woodward (in Thomasville, GA), actress, wife of Paul Newman, born.`1930
Name The Year: Joan of Arc burned at the stake in Rouen, France at age 19.`1431
Name The Year: Joan of Arc captured by Burgundians who sold her to the English.`1430
Name The Year: Joan of Arc leads Orleans, France, to victory over English.`1429
Name The Year: Joan of Arc was canonized in Rome.`1920
Name The Year: Joan Rivers Brooklyn, comedian (The Late Show, Hollywood Squares), born. `1933
Name The Year: Joan Rivers (in Brooklyn, NY), comedian`1936
Name The Year: Joan Sutherland, opera star`1926
Name The Year: Jodie Foster (in Los Angeles, CA), actor (Silence of the Lambs, Nell, The Accused)`1962
Name The Year: Joe Cocker England, rock musician (You can leave your hat on), born.`1944
Name The Year: Joe Engle in X-15 reaches 80 km.`1965
Name The Year: Joe Frazier, boxer, born.`1944
Name The Year: Joe Kittinger completes first solo balloon crossing of Atlantic.`1984
Name The Year: Joe Walker in X-15 reaches 105 km.`1963
Name The Year: Joe Walker in X-15 test plane reaches 106 km (67 miles), straight up.`1963
Name The Year: Johannes Brahms, composer, born.`1833
Name The Year: Johannes Kepler discovers inscribed perfect geometric solid "construction of universe".`1595
Name The Year: Johannes Kepler, planetary law-maker, dies.`1630
Name The Year: Johann Galle and Heinrich d'Arrest find the planet Neptune.`1846
Name The Year: Johann Lambert, Swiss mathematician, proved pi is irrational`1728
Name The Year: Johann Lukas Schonlein, helped establish scientific medicine`1793
Name The Year: Johann Nikolaus Forkel, musicologist and first biographer of Bach, born.`1749
Name The Year: Johann Sebastian Bach German composer (Art of the Fugue), dies at 65.`1750
Name The Year: Johann Sebastian Bach (in Eisenach, Germany), composer, born.`1685
Name The Year: Johann Strauss, composer, born.`1804
Name The Year: Johann Strauss the Younger, composer, Waltz King`1825
Name The Year: John and Yoko guest-host The Mike Douglas Show for the entire week.`1972
Name The Year: John Arbuthnot Scottish writer (Alexander Pope), born.`1667
Name The Year: John Astin, actor (Gomez in TV Addams Family), born.`1930
Name The Year: John Backus, inventor (FORTRAN computer language), born.`1924
Name The Year: John Barrymore, actor, born.`1882
Name The Year: John B. Meyenberg of St Louis patented evaporated milk.`1884
Name The Year: John Boyd Dunlop, developed the pneumatic rubber tire, born.`1840
Name The Year: John Brunner, British sci-fi author (Sheep Look Up), born.`1934
Name The Year: John Bunyan, English cleric, author (Pilgrim's Progress)`1628
Name The Year: John Burroughs, founded what later became the Burroughs Corporation, born.`1837
Name The Year: John Candy, actor (Second City TV, Splash, Blues Brothers)`1950
Name The Year: John Carpenter, director/composer (Halloween, The Thing), born.`1948
Name The Year: John Chapman, alias Johnny Appleseed, born.`1774
Name The Year: John Chapman 'Johnny Appleseed' died in Allen County, Ind.`1847
Name The Year: John Cleese comedian/actor (Monty Python, Fawlty Towers), born.`1939
Name The Year: John Coltrane, saxophonist, born.`1926
Name The Year: John Constable (in England), painter, born.`1776
Name The Year: John Cougar Mellencamp, singer, born.`1951
Name The Year: John Dean begins testifying before the Senate Watergate Committee. `1973
Name The Year: John Deere, pioneer manufacturer of agricultural implements, born.`1804
Name The Year: John Dillinger one of America's Most Wanted, born.`1903
Name The Year: John Dillinger shot and killed in Chicago movie theatre.`1934
Name The Year: John D. Rockefeller, financier, born.`1839
Name The Year: John D Rockefeller Jr philanthropist, dies at 86.`1960
Name The Year: John Dryden, first poet laureate of England (Absalom and Achitophel), born`1631
Name The Year: John Ehrlichman, Former Nixon White House aide, born.`1925
Name The Year: John Entwistle, rocker (The Who), born.`1944
Name The Year: John Fitch granted a US patent for his working steamboat`1791
Name The Year: John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 35th U.S. President (1961-1963), born.`1917
Name The Year: John F. Kennedy, Jr.`1960
Name The Year: John Flamsteed, first astronomer royal of England, born`1646
Name The Year: John Flamsteed observes Uranus for 6th time.`1715
Name The Year: John Glenn aboard Friendship 7, is first American to orbit the Earth.`1962
Name The Year: John Goodman actor (Roseanne, Everyone's All American), born.`1952
Name The Year: John Hampson patents venetian blind.`1841
Name The Year: John Harvard, English clergyman, scholar, founder of Harvard U.`1607
Name The Year: John Harvey Kellogg, English Corn Flake inventor.`1852
Name The Year: John Hathaway completes a bicycle tour of every continent in the world and cycling 50,600 miles.`1976
Name The Year: John Heard, actor, born.`1945
Name The Year: John Heathcoat, invented lace-making machinery, born.`1783
Name The Year: John Hurt, England, actor (Elephant Man, Alien, Midnight Express), born.`1940
Name The Year: John Huston, film director, writer, actor, born.`1906
Name The Year: John II Byzantine emperor, dies in an accident.`1143
Name The Year: John II ends his reign as Catholic Pope.`535
Name The Year: John III ends his reign as Catholic Pope.`574
Name The Year: John Jacob Astor, merchant, born.`1763
Name The Year: John Keats, Romantic poet`1795
Name The Year: John Kenneth Galbraith, economist, born.`1908
Name The Year: John Landis actor (American Werewolf in London), born.`1950
Name The Year: John Landis director (Twilight Zone), born.`1950
Name The Year: John Larroquette, actor (Night Court, Star Trek III)`1937
Name The Year: John Lennon (15) & Paul McCartney (13) meet for the 1st time as Lennon's rock group The Quarrymen perform at a church dinner.`1956
Name The Year: John Lennon and Yoko Ono appear nude on cover of "Two Virgins" album.`1968
Name The Year: John Lennon releases the "Imagine" album.`1971
Name The Year: John Lennon, rocker/Beatle, born.`1940
Name The Year: John Lennon's "Imagine" documentary premieres.`1988
Name The Year: John Lennon's "In His Own Write" is published in the US.`1964
Name The Year: John Lennon takes delivery of his psychedelic painted Rolls Royce.`1967
Name The Year: John Lithgow, actor (Harry and the Hendersons, 3rd Rock From The Sun), born.`1945
Name The Year: John Logie Baird, Scotland, inventor (father of TV), born.`1888
Name The Year: John Loudon McAdam created macadam road surface (asphalt), born.`1756
Name The Year: John L. Sullivan wins by KO in 75 rounds in last bareknuckle bout.`1889
Name The Year: John Mayall, blues singer`1933
Name The Year: John Maynard Keynes (in Cambridge, England), another economist, born.`1883
Name The Year: John McEnroe, tennis player, brat, born.`1959
Name The Year: John Milton, poet and puritan (Paradise Lost) born.`1608
Name The Year: John Montague 4th Earl of Sandwich, inventor of sandwich, born.`1718
Name The Year: Johnny Carson, pundit (Tonight Show), born.`1925
Name The Year: Johnny Cash, singer, The Man in Black, born.`1932
Name The Year: Johnny Depp, actor, born. `1963
Name The Year: Johnny Mathis, singer`1935
Name The Year: Johnny Ramone, rock guitarist, born.`1951
Name The Year: Johnny Rotten & Joan Collins appear together on BBC's Juke Box Jury.`1979
Name The Year: Johnny Rotten [John Lydon], rocker (Sex Pistols-God Save the Queen), born.`1956
Name The Year: Johnny Weismuller actor (Tarzan, Jungle Jim), dies in Acapulco at 79.`1984
Name The Year: John Paul II becomes 1st pope to visit a communist country (Poland).`1979
Name The Year: John Phillip Souza, march king (Stars and Stripes Forever, etc)`1854
Name The Year: John Presper Eckert, co-inventor of first electronic computer (ENIAC), born.`1919
Name The Year: John Reed, journalist who reported on Mexican, Russian revolutions, born.`1887
Name The Year: John Ringling North, circus director`1903
Name The Year: John Steinbeck, writer, born.`1902
Name The Year: John Stuart Mill philosopher/political economist/Utilitarian, born.`1806
Name The Year: John Travolta, actor, born.`1954
Name The Year: John T Scopes arrested for teaching evolution in Tennessee.`1925
Name The Year: John Updike, poet and novelist, born.`1932
Name The Year: John Wayne "Duke", [Marion Michael Morrison] actor (True Grit), born.`1907
Name The Year: John W. Dean tells Watergate Committee about Nixon's `enemies list'.`1973
Name The Year: John Weissmuller, actor (Tarzan)/100m swimmer (Olympic-gold-1924, 28), born.`1904
Name The Year: John Wilkes Booth, Abraham Lincoln's assassin, is shot dead.`1865
Name The Year: John Wilkes Booth assassin of Abraham Lincoln, born.`1838
Name The Year: John Wycliffe English religious reformer, bible translator, dies.`1384
Name The Year: John W. Young, astronaut (Gemini 3, 10, Apollo 10, 16, STS-1, 9), born.`1930
Name The Year: John XXIII (born Angelo Roncalli near Bergamo, Italy), 261st pope (1958-63)`1881
Name The Year: John XXIII encyclical On peace in truth, justice, charity & liberty`1963
Name The Year: John & Yoko begin their 2nd bed-in (Queen Elizabeth Hotel, Montreal).`1969
Name The Year: John Young & Charles Duke explores Moon (Apollo 16).`1972
Name The Year: Jonathan Pollard spy for Israel pleads guilty.`1986
Name The Year: Jonathan Swift, satirist (Gulliver's Travels, A Modest Proposal)`1667
Name The Year: Joni Mitchell, singer`1943
Name The Year: Jon Voight, Yonkers, NY, actor (Deliverance, Midnight Cowboy), born`1938
Name The Year: Joost van den Vondel, Dutch poet, dramatist`1587
Name The Year: Jordan gains independence from Britain (Natl Day).`1946
Name The Year: Jordan's King Hussein marries Elizabeth Halaby, 26-yr-old American.`1978
Name The Year: Jose Feliciano, singer/songwriter (Light my Fire), born.`1945
Name The Year: Josef Stalin Declared Time Magazine's "Man Of The Year"`1943
Name The Year: Josef Stalin died`1953
Name The Year: Josef Stalin, Russian dictator, born.`1879
Name The Year: Jose Miguel Carrera, president of Chile (1811-14), born.`1785
Name The Year: Joseph Caspar Mezzofanti, Cardinal/linguist (understood 70 languages), born.`1774
Name The Year: Joseph Doherty & 3 other IRA men arrested for murder.`1980
Name The Year: Joseph Farwell Glidden, inventor (1st coml useable barbed wire), born.`1813
Name The Year: Joseph Grimaldi, English pantomimist, "greatest clown in history"`1779
Name The Year: Joseph Hansom of London receives patent for Hansom cabs.`1834
Name The Year: Joseph Jaques Montgolfier becomes the first to fly (10 minute) in a hot-air balloon.`1783
Name The Year: Joseph Kittinger parachutes from a balloon at 31,330 m (record).`1960
Name The Year: Joseph McCarthy commie hunting senator, dies at 47.`1957
Name The Year: Joseph Norman Lockyer discovered Helium/founded Nature magazine, born.`1836
Name The Year: Joseph Priestly (father of soda pop) invents carbonated water.`1733
Name The Year: Joseph Pulitzer, awarded newspaper prizes, born.`1847
Name The Year: Jose Raul Capablanca of Cuba, world chess champion (1921-27)`1888
Name The Year: Jose' Santos Zelaya (L), ruler of Nicaragua (1893-1910)`1853
Name The Year: Josiah Wedgewood, English pottery designer, manufacturer`1730
Name The Year: Journalist Terry Anderson is abducted in Lebanon by pro-Iranian terrorists.`1985
Name The Year: J. Robert Oppenheimer, Manhattan Project physicist, born.`1904
Name The Year: J.R.R. Tolkein, publishes "The Hobbit".`1937
Name The Year: J.R.R. Tolkien, linguist, author (The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings), born.`1892
Name The Year: Juan Carlos I, King of Spain, born.`1938
Name The Year: Juan-Manuel Fangio, wins his last auto World Championship at 46.`1957
Name The Year: Juan Peron becomes dictator of Argentina.`1945
Name The Year: Juan Peron, president of Argentina (1946-55, 1973-74), born.`1895
Name The Year: Judd Hirsch, actor (Taxi), born.`1935
Name The Year: Judge overturned Rubin "Hurricane" Carter's conviction. (The case that inspired Bob Dylan's song "The Story Of The Hurricane")`1985
Name The Year: Judith Martin, etiquet authority, "Miss Manners", born.`1938
Name The Year: Judy Collins, singer (Send in the Clowns, Clouds), born.`1939
Name The Year: Judy Garland [Frances Gumm], Michigan, U.S.A., actress/singer (Wizard of Oz), born. `1922
Name The Year: Judy Garland, singer/actress, dies at 48 of an alcohol overdose.`1969
Name The Year: Judy Garland singer/actress, dies in London at 47.`1969
Name The Year: Jules Leotard performs the first Flying Trapeze circus act in Paris. He also designed the garment that bears his name.`1859
Name The Year: Jules Romains, French novelist, dramatist, poet (Men of Good Will)`1885
Name The Year: Jules Verne dies in Amiens at 76 years old.`1905
Name The Year: Jules Verne (in France), author who pioneered what later became science fiction, born.`1828
Name The Year: Julia Louis-Dreyfus NYC, comedienne (SNL, Steinfeld, Day by Day), born.`1961
Name The Year: Juliana becomes queen of the Netherlands.`1948
Name The Year: Julian Lennon, musician, son of John Lennon, born.`1963
Name The Year: Julie Andrews, actor, singer (Sound of Music, Mary Poppins, S.O.B.)`1935
Name The Year: Juliet Mills (in London, England)`1941
Name The Year: Julio Iglesias, singer, born.`1941
Name The Year: Julius & Ethel Rosenberg, atomic spies, sentenced to death`1951
Name The Year: Julius III Counter-Reformation pope (1550-55), born.`1487
Name The Year: Julius "Magic" Erving, basketball player, born.`1950
Name The Year: Junko Tabei Japan, 1st woman to climb Mount Everest, born.`1939
Name The Year: Jury finds John Wayne Gacy guilty of murders of 33 men and boys.`1980
Name The Year: Jury in Dallas found Jack Ruby guilty of murdering Lee Harvey Oswald.`1964
Name The Year: Justine Bateman (in Rye, NY), actress (Family Ties), born.`1966
Name The Year: Just past midnight, a sharp jolt causes Lake Merced to drop 30 feet.`1852
Name The Year: J.W. Goodrich introduces rubber galoshes to the public.`1824
Name The Year: Kahlil Gibran, philosopher, born.`1883
Name The Year: Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicates after German defeat in WW I.`1918
Name The Year: Kakuei Tanaka Japanese PM convicted of bribe-taking, born.`1918
Name The Year: Kapiolani defies Pele (Hawaiian volcano goddess) and lives.`1824
Name The Year: Karen Carpenter (in Connecticut), drummer for the Carpenters, singer, born.`1950
Name The Year: Karen Foster Lufkin Tx, playmate (Oct, 1989), born.`1965
Name The Year: Karen Silkwood killed in a car crash.`1974
Name The Year: Karl Branting, Swedish statesman, diplomat (Nobel Peace Prize 1921)`1860
Name The Year: Karl "Don't leave home without it" Malden, actor, born.`1913
Name The Year: Karl Ferdinand von Grafe, helped create modern plastic surgery, born.`1787
Name The Year: Karl Freidrich Benz automobile engineer (Mercedes), dies`1929
Name The Year: Karl Jansky, discoverer of cosmic radio emissions in 1932, born.`1905
Name The Year: Karl Marx, author of the Communist Manifesto, born`1818
Name The Year: Karl Marx, founder of Communism, died.`1883
Name The Year: Karl Marx philospher (Communist Manifesto, Das Kapital), born.`1818
Name The Year: Karl Nessler demonstrates the first 'permanent wave' for hair, in London.`1906
Name The Year: Karl Wilhelm Siemens inventor (laid undersea cables), born.`1823
Name The Year: Katanga becomes part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.`1962
Name The Year: Kate Bush, England, singer/songwriter (Babushka, Running Up That Hill), born.`1958
Name The Year: Kate Jackson (in Alabama), actor (Charley's Angels, Making Love), born.`1948
Name The Year: Katharine Hepburn makes her New York stage debut in "Night Hostess."`1928
Name The Year: Katherine Hepburn (in Connecticut), actor (African Queen, On Golden Pond)`1909
Name The Year: Kathleen Quinlan (in Mill Valley, CA), actor (Twilight Zone)`1954
Name The Year: Kathleen Turner, actress, born.`1954
Name The Year: Katie Pierson vocals/guitarist (B-52's-Rock Lobster, Love Shack), born.`1948
Name The Year: Keenen Ivory Wayans comedian (In Living Color), born. `1958
Name The Year: Keith Haring Kutztown Pa, graffiti artist (Vanity Fair, Paris Review), born.`1958
Name The Year: Keith Richard, guitarist (Rolling Stones)`1943
Name The Year: Kellogg-Briand Pact, where 60 nations agreed to outlaw war. `1928
Name The Year: Kelly McGillis, actress, born.`1957
Name The Year: Kemal Atarok 1st pres of Turkey, dies.`1938
Name The Year: Ken Howard, actor, director, born.`1944
Name The Year: Kenneth Grahame, author (The Wind in the Willows), born.`1859
Name The Year: Kenneth Warby sets world speed record on water (514 kph).`1978
Name The Year: Kenny Rogers singer (Lady) actor (Coward of the County), born.`1938
Name The Year: Ken Rosewall, Sydney, Australia, tennis star (US Open 1956), born.`1934
Name The Year: Kenyan Independance Day.`1964
Name The Year: Kevin Bacon, actor, born.`1958
Name The Year: Kevin Costner actor (Fandango, Silverado, Bull Durham), born.`1955
Name The Year: Kevin Kline, actor, born.`1947
Name The Year: Key Largo Coral Reef Preserve established (first underwater park).`1960
Name The Year: Khmer Republic (Cambodia) declares independence.`1970
Name The Year: Khrushchev becomes First Secretary of the Communist Party.`1953
Name The Year: Khrushchev claims to have a 100-megaton nuclear bomb.`1963
Name The Year: Kiki Dee (in Yorkshire, England), singer, born.`1947
Name The Year: Kilauea Volcano's most spectacular eruption (in Hawaii).`1959
Name The Year: Kim Alexis (in Lockport, NY), Sports Illustrated swimsuit covergirl`1960
Name The Year: Kim Cattrall, Liverpool England, actress (Mannequin, Star Trek VI), born.`1956
Name The Year: Kim Novak (in Chicago, Illinois), actress, born.`1933
Name The Year: King Alexander I & Queen Dragia of Serbia are assassinated. `1903
Name The Year: King Alfred the Great, dies.`901
Name The Year: King Camp Gillette, inventor of the safety razor, born.`1855
Name The Year: King Charles IX orders massacre of thousands of French Protestants.`1572
Name The Year: Kingdom of Italy annexes Venetia.`1866
Name The Year: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia formed (National Day).`1932
Name The Year: King Faisal II PM of Iraq, assassinated at Baghdad.`1958
Name The Year: King George V of Britain dies, succeeded by Edward VIII.`1936
Name The Year: King George V of England crowned.`1911
Name The Year: King Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon marriage declared null and void by the newly formed Church of England.`1533
Name The Year: King Henry VIII of England orders bowling lanes to be built at Whitehall, in London.`1520
Name The Year: King John signs Magna Carta at Runnymede, England.`1215
Name The Year: King Khalid of Saudi Arabia, dies at 69. `1982
Name The Year: King Kong 1st televised`1956
Name The Year: King Leopold of Belgium abdicates, Baudouin becomes king. `1950
Name The Year: King Louis XVI caught trying to escape French Revolution.`1791
Name The Year: King Ludwig II of Bavaria drowns. `1886
Name The Year: King of Denmark cedes Norway to King of Sweden by treaty of Kiel.`1814
Name The Year: King of Naples flees before the advancing French armies.`1799
Name The Year: King Tut's Tomb is discovered in Egypt.`1922
Name The Year: King Victor Emmanual III of Italy, becomes Emperor of Ethiopia.`1963
Name The Year: King William III of Orange`1650
Name The Year: King William IV of England, dies.`1837
Name The Year: King Zog of Albania marries Countess Geraldine of Hungary.`1938
Name The Year: Kiribati (Gilbert and Ellice Is.) gains independence from Britain.`1979
Name The Year: Kirk Douglas, actor (Gunfight at the OK Corral, 7 Days in May)`1918
Name The Year: Kirstie Alley, actress (Cheers, Star Trek II), born.`1955
Name The Year: Kissinger and Le Duc Tho jointly awarded Nobel peace prize.`1973
Name The Year: Kiss performs their 1st concert.`1976
Name The Year: K. L. Harding discovers Juno, third known asteroid.`1804
Name The Year: Konrad Lorenz, zoologist, ethologist, writer (Nobel 1973)`1903
Name The Year: Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, pioneer in rocket and space research, born.`1857
Name The Year: Korea declares independence from China, asks for Japanese aid.`1894
Name The Year: Korean Boeing 747 strays into Siberia and is shot down by a Soviet jet.`1983
Name The Year: Korean boxer Duk Koo Kim fatally injured when KOed by Ray Mancini.`1982
Name The Year: Korean Conflict begins; North Korea invades South Korea. `1950
Name The Year: Korean Hangual alphabet devised.`1446
Name The Year: Kosygin and Brezhnev replace Soviet premier Nikita Krushchev.`1964
Name The Year: Krakatoa began erupting with increasingly large explosions.`1883
Name The Year: Krakatoa, west of Java, blew apart; top that, St. Helens!`1883
Name The Year: Kris Kristofferson singer/actor (Amerika, Millenium), born.`1936
Name The Year: "Kristallnacht" (Crystal Night)-Nazi stormtroopers attacked Jews.`1938
Name The Year: Krzysztof Penderecki, Polish composer (Hiroshima Threnody)`1933
Name The Year: Kurt Russell, actor, born.`1951
Name The Year: Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., author (Slaughterhouse Five, Sirens of Titan)`1922
Name The Year: Kwame Nkrumah president of Ghana, dies at 62.`1972
Name The Year: Ladies Home Journal begins publication.`1883
Name The Year: Lady Astor sworn-in as 1st female member of British Parliament.`1919
Name The Year: Lady Diane Spencer (Princess Di), born.`1961
Name The Year: Lady Godiva takes a ride through Coventry.`1678
Name The Year: LaGuardia Airport opened in New York City.`1939
Name The Year: Laki Volcano in southern Iceland begins 8-month eruption. `1783
Name The Year: "La Marseillaise", the French national anthem, is composed by Claude-Joseph Rouget de Lisle.`1792
Name The Year: Lana Turner (in Wallace, Idaho), actress, born.`1920
Name The Year: Lana Wood (in Santa Monica, CA), actress, born.`1946
Name The Year: Landslide in Huancavelica Province Peru creates a natural dam.`1974
Name The Year: Laos accepts constitution for parliamentary democracy.`1947
Name The Year: Laos becomes associated state within French Union.`1949
Name The Year: Laos gains full independence from France.`1953
Name The Year: Laos gains its independence.`1954
Name The Year: Laos People's Democratic Republic founded (National Day).`1975
Name The Year: La Paz, Bolivia is founded.`1548
Name The Year: Larry Bird beats out Magic Johnson for NBA rookie of year.`1980
Name The Year: Larry Flint, publisher (Hustler)`1942
Name The Year: Larry Flynt paid hitman $1M to kill Hefner, Guccione and Sinatra.`1988
Name The Year: Larry Hagman, actor, born.`1931
Name The Year: Larry Hagman Fort Worth Tx, actor (I Dream of Jeannie, JR-Dallas), born.`1931
Name The Year: Lars Ulrich, Danish/US heavy metal drummer (Metallica-Kill 'em All), born`1963
Name The Year: Last Americans evacuated from Saigon.`1974
Name The Year: Last bare knuckle champion John L. Sullivan KOs Paddy Ryan in Miss.`1882
Name The Year: Last Czar of Russia, Nicholas II, crowned.`1896
Name The Year: Last day of Julian calendar in Alaska.`1867
Name The Year: Last day of Julian calendar in Britain, British colonies.`1752
Name The Year: Last day of Julian civil calendar (in parts of Bulgaria).`1920
Name The Year: Last "Far Side" by cartoonist Gary Larson (started 1980)`1995
Name The Year: Last Judy Garland-Mickey Rooney movie released (Girl Crazy).`1943
Name The Year: Last US troops leave Vietnam, 9 yrs after the Tonkin Resolution.`1973
Name The Year: "Late Night with David Letterman" premiers.`1981
Name The Year: Later that day, Jim Henson, creator of the Muppets, dies from pneumonia and complications.`1990
Name The Year: Latvia declares independence from Russia.`1918
Name The Year: Latvia's parliment votes 138-0 (1 abstention) for Independence.`1990
Name The Year: Launch of Mariner 2 which makes first Venus flyby.`1962
Name The Year: Launch of Mariner V for Venus fly-by`1967
Name The Year: Launch of Voskhod 1, 1st 3 man crew (Komarov, Feokistov, Yegorov).`1964
Name The Year: Laura Branigan singer (Gloria), born.`1957
Name The Year: Lauren Bacall (in Staten Island, NY), actor, whistler (Dark Passage, Key Largo, Always), born.`1924
Name The Year: Lauren Hutton (in South Carolina), model, actor (American Gigolo, Lassiter)`1943
Name The Year: Laverne Andrews (in Minneapolis, MN), singer (Andrew Sisters)`1915
Name The Year: Lawrence Welk, bandleader, bubble maker, born.`1903
Name The Year: LBJ sets up Warren comm to investigate assassination of JFK.`1963
Name The Year: LBJ signs an anti-poverty measure totaling nearly $1 billion. `1964
Name The Year: Leadbelly, blues 12 string guitarist (Rock Island Line), born.`1888
Name The Year: League of Nations assembles for last time.`1946
Name The Year: League of Nations established.`1920
Name The Year: League of Nations holds first meeting, in Geneva.`1920
Name The Year: League of Nations went out of business, replaced by the U.N.`1946
Name The Year: "Leave It to Beaver" debuts on CBS.`1957
Name The Year: Lebanese magazine Ash Shirra reveals secret US arms sales to Iran.`1986
Name The Year: Lebanese Shiite Moslem gunmen hijack TWA 847 after Athens' takeoff`1985
Name The Year: Lebanon and Syria are made independent.`1945
Name The Year: Lebanon gains independence from France (National Day).`1943
Name The Year: (Lebanon) Khalil Gibran, mystic poet (The Prophet, Broken Wings), born.`1883
Name The Year: Lech Walesa, Popowo Poland, leads Polish Solidarity (Nobel 1983), born.`1943
Name The Year: Lech Walesa wins the Nobel Peace Prize.`1983
Name The Year: Led Zepplin's Debut Album released.`1969
Name The Year: Lee De Forest (in Council Bluffs, Iowa), invented the Audion vacuum tube (radio tube)`1873
Name The Year: Lee Harvey Oswald announces in Moscow he will never return to U.S.`1959
Name The Year: Lee Harvey Oswald, JFK's assassin, born.`1939
Name The Year: Lee Horsley, actor, born`1955
Name The Year: Lee Marvin, actor, born.`1924
Name The Year: Lee Marvin dies in Tucson, Ariz at 63.`1987
Name The Year: Lee Trevino, golfer (US Open 1968,71), born.`1939
Name The Year: Leif Ericson discovers "Vinland" (possibly America).`1000
Name The Year: Leipzig Observatory discovers short-period (6.2 yrs) Comet d'Arrest.`1861
Name The Year: Lenin returns to Russia to start Bolshevik Revolution.`1917
Name The Year: Lenny Bruce comedian, arrested on obsenity charges, born.`1925
Name The Year: Lenny Bruce comedian, dies of a morphine overdose.`1966
Name The Year: Lens to provide zoom effects patented (F.G. Back).`1948
Name The Year: Leonard Bernstein conductor/composer/pianist/egotist, born.`1918
Name The Year: Leonard Cohen, Montreal, singer/songwriter (Death of Ladies Man), born.`1934
Name The Year: Leonard Nimoy, actor, director, born.`1931
Name The Year: Leonardo Da Vinci artist/scientist, dies at 67.`1519
Name The Year: Leonid Brezhnev (in Ukraine), Soviet statesman, in the Ukraine`1906
Name The Year: Leonid Brezhnev named president of USSR. `1977
Name The Year: Leonid Brezhnev, Soviet 1st sectretary, dies of a heart attack at 75.`1982
Name The Year: Leonid D. Kizim, Soviet cosmonaut (Soyuz T-3, T-10, T-15), born.`1941
Name The Year: Leon Trotsky assassinated in Mexico City by agents of Stalin.`1940
Name The Year: Leon Trotsky dies of wounds inflicted by an assailant the day before.`1940
Name The Year: Leon Trotsky expelled from Russia.`1929
Name The Year: Leon Trotsky, Russian Communist theorist, Bolshevik`1879
Name The Year: Leon Trotsky, Russian revolutionary (pres of 1st Soviet), born.`1879
Name The Year: Leopold I, Emperor of Holy Roman Empire, born. `1640
Name The Year: Leopold I Emperor of Holy Roman Empire, dies at 64.`1705
Name The Year: Leo Sayer [Gerard], England, singer (When I Need Love), born.`1948
Name The Year: Leo Tolstoy Russia, novelist (War and Peace, Anna Karenina), born.`1828
Name The Year: Leo XIII, 257th Roman Catholic pope (1878-1903), born.`1810
Name The Year: Leroy Deans awarded first Order of Purple Heart in Korea.`1950
Name The Year: Leslie-Anne Down (in London, England), actor, born.`1954
Name The Year: Leslie Ann Warren (in New York City), actor, born.`1946
Name The Year: Lesotho (Basutoland) gains independence from Britain (National Day).`1966
Name The Year: Les Paul, Waukesha Wisconsin, U.S.A., guitarist/inventor (Les Paul guitar), born. `1915
Name The Year: Levi Eshkol dies, Golda Meir becomes premier of Israel.`1969
Name The Year: Levi Strauss markets blue jeans with copper rivets, price $13.50 doz.`1874
Name The Year: Lewis Carroll creates Alice in Wonderland for Alice P Liddell.`1862
Name The Year: Lewis Carroll writer (Alice in Wonderland), dies at 65.`1898
Name The Year: Liberia declares independence.`1847
Name The Year: Liberia was proclaimed an independent republic.`1847
Name The Year: Liberius begins his reign as Catholic Pope.`352
Name The Year: Libyan revolution, Col Moammar Gadhafi deposes King Idris.`1969
Name The Year: Lie detector first used in court at Portage, WI.`1935
Name The Year: "Life with Father", longest running Broadway drama, opens (closes in 1947).`1939
Name The Year: Lighthouse established on Alcatraz Island.`1854
Name The Year: Li Hung Chang, chinese statesman, born.`1823
Name The Year: Lillehammer, Norway upsets Anchorage to host 1994 Winter olympics.`1988
Name The Year: Lillian Gish, silent film and stage actor (Birth of a Nation), born.`1896
Name The Year: Lincoln Deachey performs first airplane loop-the-loop.`1913
Name The Year: Linda Blair, St Louis Mo, actress (Exorcist, Chained Heat, Savage St), born.`1959
Name The Year: Linda Eastman McCartney, singer, born.`1942
Name The Year: Linda Evans, actor (Dynasty), born.`1942
Name The Year: Linda Ronstadt (in Tucson, Arizona), singer`1946
Name The Year: Lindbergh turned over $50,000 as ransom for kidnapped son.`1932
Name The Year: Lindburgh lands in Paris, after 1st solo air crossing of Atlantic.`1927
Name The Year: Lindsay Wagner LA Ca, actress (Bionic Woman, Paper Chase, Nighthawks), born.`1949
Name The Year: Lin Yi-t'ang, Chinese writer (My Country and My People), born.`1895
Name The Year: Lionel Barrymore actor (A Free Soul, David Cooperfield, Dr Kildaire), born.`1878
Name The Year: Lisa Bonet (in San Francisco, CA), actor (Cosby Show)`1967
Name The Year: Lisa Marie Presley, actress`1968
Name The Year: Li Ta-chao cofounder with Mao Tse-tung of Chinese Communist Party, born.`1888
Name The Year: Lithauania, Estonia and Latvia hold their 1st joint session.`1990
Name The Year: Lithuanian SSR is accepted into the USSR.`1940
Name The Year: Lithuania seize & annex the country of Memel`1923
Name The Year: Little Richard gets a star on Hollywood's walk of fame.`1990
Name The Year: Live Aid, a rock concert in London, Phila, Moscow and Sydney.`1985
Name The Year: Liverpool's Cavern Club, the home of the Beatles, reopens.`1984
Name The Year: Liv Ullman (in Tokyo, Japan), actor (Cries and Whispers), born.`1939
Name The Year: Liza Minnelli (in Los Angeles, CA), singer, actor, born.`1946
Name The Year: Lloyd Bridges, actor (Sea Hunt, Roots, Flying High), born.`1913
Name The Year: Lloyd Cole, guitar/vocals (& the Commotions-Rattlesnakes), born.`1961
Name The Year: Lolita, by Vladimir Nabokov, published.`1958
Name The Year: Lon Chaney, actor, man of a thousand faces, born.`1883
Name The Year: Lon Chaney Jr actor (Hawkeye, Pistols 'n' Petticoats), dies at 67.`1973
Name The Year: London Gazette, oldest surviving journal, is founded.`1865
Name The Year: Lord Cecil of Chelwood, UK, helped form League of Nations (early version of the UN), born.`1864
Name The Year: Lord Chesterfield letter writer; introduced Gregorian calendar (1752), born.`1694
Name The Year: Lord George Gordon Noel Byron, England, romantic poet (Don Juan), born.`1788
Name The Year: Lord Kitchener retakes Sudan for Britain.`1898
Name The Year: Lord Oliver Cromwell British king (1653-58), dies at 59.`1658
Name The Year: Lord Robert Baden-Powell, founder of the Boy Scouts, born.`1857
Name The Year: Lord Snowdon, photographer, born.`1930
Name The Year: Loretta Lynn (in Kentucky), Ms. Country Music, coal miner's daughter, born.`1935
Name The Year: Lorne Greene, actor (Bonanza, Battlestar Galactica), born.`1915
Name The Year: Lorne Greene actor (Bonanza, Battlestar Galactica), dies at 72.`1987
Name The Year: Los Angeles founded in the Valley of Smokes (Indian Name).`1781
Name The Year: Los Angeles Railway (with 5 streetcar lines) forced to close.`1945
Name The Year: "Lost in Space" premiers.`1965
Name The Year: Lou Diamond Philips, actor, born.`1962
Name The Year: Louisa May Alcott, author (Little Women)`1832
Name The Year: Louis B Mayer, Minsk Russia, motion-picture executive (MGM), born.`1885
Name The Year: Louis Braille, developed reading system for the blind`1809
Name The Year: Louis Comfort Tiffany, glassmaker, born.`1848
Name The Year: Louise Brooks, silent screen star (American Venus, Pandora's Box)`1906
Name The Year: Louis I (the Great), king of Hungary (1342-82), Poland (1370-82)`1326
Name The Year: Louis IX, king of France (1226-70), born.`1214
Name The Year: Louis-Jacques-Mande Daguerre, developed a method of photography`1789
Name The Year: Louis Lumiere with brother Auguste made 1st motion picture in 1895, born.`1864
Name The Year: Louis Pasteur dies.`1895
Name The Year: Louis Pasteur, French bacteriologist, born.`1822
Name The Year: Louis Reard's bikini swimsuit design debuts at Paris fashion show.`1946
Name The Year: Louis "Satchmo" Armstrong jazz musician (Hello Dolly), dies at 71.`1971
Name The Year: Louis "Satchmo" Armstrong New Orleans LA, jazz musician (Hello Dolly), born.`1900
Name The Year: Louis VIII [Coeur-de-Lion] king of France (1223-26), born.`1187
Name The Year: Louis Waterman begins experiments that invent the fountain pen.`1883
Name The Year: Louis XIII, king of France (1610-43), born.`1601
Name The Year: Louis XI king of France (1461-83), born.`1423
Name The Year: Louis XI king of France (1461-83), dies at 60.`1483
Name The Year: Louis XIV crowned King of France.`1654
Name The Year: Louis XIV revokes Edict of Nantes, outlaws Protestantism, hastens onset of French Revolution.`1685
Name The Year: Louis XIV the great, king of France (1643-1715), born.`1638
Name The Year: Louis XIV the great, king of France (1643-1715), dies at 76.`1715
Name The Year: Louis X (the Stubborn), king of France (1314-16)`1289
Name The Year: Louis XVI French king, beheaded by French revolutionaries.`1793
Name The Year: Louis XVIII, first post-revolutionary king of France (1814-24)`1755
Name The Year: Louis XVI, king of France (1774-92); guillotined, born.`1754
Name The Year: Lt Col Oliver North began public testimony at Iran-Contra hearing.`1987
Name The Year: Luciano Pavarotti Moderna Italy, operatic tenor (Oh Giorgio), born.`1935
Name The Year: Lucille Ball comedienne/actress dies at 78 of a massive heart attack.`1989
Name The Year: Lucille Ball (in New York, NY), comedian, actor, born.`1911
Name The Year: Ludvig Baron Holberg, a founder of Danish & Norwegian literature, born.`1684
Name The Year: Ludwig III crowned king of Bavaria.`1913
Name The Year: Ludwig II mad king of Bavaria (1864-86), born.`1845
Name The Year: Ludwig von Beethoven (in Bonn, Germany), composer, born.`1770
Name The Year: Luigi Pulci, Italian poet (Morgante), born.`1432
Name The Year: Lulu, Glasgow, Scotland, singer/actress (To Sir With Love), born.`1948
Name The Year: Luna 10, first lunar orbiter.`1966
Name The Year: Luna 16 lands on Moon's Mare Fecunditatis, drills core sample.`1970
Name The Year: Luna 16 leaves the Moon.`1970
Name The Year: Luna 1 launched by USSR; first spacecraft to impact on the moon.`1959
Name The Year: Luna 1(USSR) launched.`1959
Name The Year: Luna 9, first lunar landing.`1966
Name The Year: Lunar Orbiter 1 takes first photograph of earth from the moon.`1966
Name The Year: Luxembourg gains independence.`1867
Name The Year: Lynda Carter Phoenix Az, Miss USA/actress (Wonder Woman, Billie Jo).`1951
Name The Year: Lyndon B. Johnson, 36th President (1963-1969)`1908
Name The Year: Lynne Cox swims 4.3 km from US to USSR in 4 C (39 F) Bering Sea.`1987
Name The Year: Lynn Redgrave (in London, England), actor, political activist, born.`1943
Name The Year: Macbeth, King of Scotland, slain by the son of King Duncan.`1057
Name The Year: Mack Sennett, created Keystone Kops, born.`1880
Name The Year: Madagascar gains independence from France (National Day). `1960
Name The Year: Madame Marie Sklodowska Curie, discovered radium (Nobel 1903, 1911)`1867
Name The Year: Madonna (Ciccone) (in Bay City, MI), singer, actor?, born.`1958
Name The Year: Mae West, actress, born.`1892
Name The Year: Mae West dies at age 88.`1980
Name The Year: Mae West makes her New York City debut in a daring new play, "Diamond Lil".`1928
Name The Year: Magellan begins crossing the Pacific Ocean.`1520
Name The Year: Magellan's ship set sail to circumnavigate the Earth.`1519
Name The Year: Magellan starts first successful circumnavigation of the world.`1519
Name The Year: Mahatma Gandhi India's pacifist, assassinated.`1948
Name The Year: Mahatma Gandhi's 1st arrest, campaigning for Indian rights in S Africa.`1914
Name The Year: Mahatma K. Ghandi (at Porbandar, Kathiawad, India), pacifist`1869
Name The Year: Mahlon Loomis receives patent for wireless ... the radio is born.`1872
Name The Year: Mahmud I Ottoman sultan, fought Austrians and Russians, born.`1696
Name The Year: Main span of San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge joined.`1936
Name The Year: Maj. Dale R. Buis and Master Sgt. Chester M. Ovnand first American soldiers to be killed during the Vietnam War.`1959
Name The Year: Major streets lit by coal gas for first time.`1854
Name The Year: Malawi becomes a republic.`1966
Name The Year: Malawi (then Nyasaland) gains independence from Britain (Natl Day).`1964
Name The Year: Malaya (Malaysia) gains independence from Britain (National Day).`1957
Name The Year: Malcolm McDowell, actor, born.`1943
Name The Year: Malcolm McLaren founded rock group (Sex Pistols-God Save the Queen), born.`1947
Name The Year: Malcolm X assassinated.`1965
Name The Year: Malcolm X Omaha NB, assassinated leader of black muslims, born.`1925
Name The Year: Mali (without Senegal) gains independence from France (National Day).`1960
Name The Year: Malta gains independence from Britain.`1964
Name The Year: Mance Lipscomb, blues musician, born.`1895
Name The Year: Manchester Massacre; English police charge unemployed demonstrators.`1819
Name The Year: Manfred Freiherr von Richthofen [the Red Baron], German WW I ace, born.`1892
Name The Year: Manfred Mann, musician, born.`1940
Name The Year: Manuel Quezon, first president of Philippine Commonwealth (1935-42), born`1878
Name The Year: Mao Tse-Tung, Chinese communist party chairman (1949-76), dies at 82.`1976
Name The Year: Marcel Duchamp painter (Nude Descending a Staircase), born.`1887
Name The Year: Marcello Mastroianni actor (La Dolce Vita), born.`1924
Name The Year: Marcel Marceau, mime, born.`1923
Name The Year: Marcel Proust, French novelist (Remembrance of Things Past), born.`1871
Name The Year: March by civil rights demonstrators was broken up in Selma, Alabama.`1965
Name The Year: Marcus Aurelius 16th Roman emperor (161-80), philosopher, born.`121
Name The Year: Marcus Garvey, began back-to-Africa movement among US blacks, born.`1887
Name The Year: Marcus Garvey dies at 52 in London England. `1941
Name The Year: Marcus Whitman, missionary`1802
Name The Year: Margaret Dumont, actress-Marx Brothers' foil, born.`1889
Name The Year: Margaret Dupont tennis champion, born.`1918
Name The Year: Margaret Hamilton, actor (Wizard of Oz), played Wicked Witch of the West, born.`1902
Name The Year: Margaret Hamilton, actor (Wizard of Oz -- Wicked Witch of the West) born.`1902
Name The Year: Margaret Jones of Charlestown became the first person tried and executed for witchcraft in colonial Massachusetts.`1649
Name The Year: Margaret Lockwood actress (Lady Vanishes), born.`1916
Name The Year: Margaret Mitchell, author (Gone With the Wind)`1900
Name The Year: Margaret Owen sets world typing speed record of 170 wpm for 1 min.`1918
Name The Year: Margaret Sanger opens the first public birth control clinic (Brooklyn, NY).`1916
Name The Year: Margaret Smith Court, Australian tennis pro`1942
Name The Year: Margaret Thatcher becomes prime minister of England.`1979
Name The Year: Margaret Thatcher, (Tory) British PM (1979-90), Iron Lady, born.`1925
Name The Year: Margarine is patented in Paris, for use in the French Navy.`1869
Name The Year: Margaux Hemingway (in Portland, Oregon), actress, daughter of Ernest, born.`1955
Name The Year: Margot Kidder (in Yellowknife), actor (Superman), born.`1948
Name The Year: Maria Callas American-born prima donna dies in Paris at 53.`1977
Name The Year: Maria Mitchell discovers a non-naked-eye comet.`1847
Name The Year: Maria Shriver & Arnold Schwarzenegger marry.`1986
Name The Year: Maria Shriver, Newscaster, married to Arnold Schartznegger`1955
Name The Year: Maria Theresa became ruler of Austria, Hungary and Bohemia.`1740
Name The Year: Marie and Pierre Curie isolated the radioactive element radium.`1902
Name The Year: Marie Antoinette beheaded in France.`1793
Name The Year: Marie Antoinette executed.`1793
Name The Year: Marie Antoinette married the future King Louis XVI of France.`1770
Name The Year: Marie-Antoinette Queen of France, born.`1755
Name The Year: Marie Curie, discoverer of radium`1867
Name The Year: Mariel Hemingway (in Ketchum, Idaho), actor (Star 80, Manhattan, Personal Best)`1961
Name The Year: Marie, queen consort of Ferdinand I of Rumania, born.`1875
Name The Year: Marilyn Monroe dies at age 36.`1962
Name The Year: Marilyn Monroe marries baseball star Joe DiMaggio.`1954
Name The Year: Marilyn Monroe [Norma Jean Baker], actress (Some Like It Hot), born.`1926
Name The Year: Marilyn Vos Savant St Louis Mo, writer/world's highest IQ (Guinness), born.`1946
Name The Year: Mariner 10, Mercury flyby.`1974
Name The Year: Mariner 2 launched for first planet flyby (Venus).`1962
Name The Year: Mariner 2 launched to Venus; flyby mission.`1962
Name The Year: Mariner 4 launched. First spacecraft to fly by Mars.`1964
Name The Year: Mariner 5 makes fly-by of Venus.`1967
Name The Year: Mariner 7 flies past Mars.`1969
Name The Year: Mariner 9, first orbit of another planet, first orbit of Mars.`1971
Name The Year: Mariner 9 launched.`1971
Name The Year: Mariner I launched to Mars falls into Atlantic Ocean.`1962
Name The Year: Marines land on Iwo Jima.`1945
Name The Year: Mario A Gianini creator of the maraschino cherry, dies.`1957
Name The Year: Marion Ross (in Minnesota), actor (Played Mrs. Cunningham in Happy Days)`1928
Name The Year: Mario Puzo, author (Godfather), born.`1921
Name The Year: Maris hits his 50th of 61 homers.`1961
Name The Year: Mark David Chapman assassin of John Lennon, born.`1955
Name The Year: Mark Hamill, actor (Star Wars), born.`1952
Name The Year: Mark Knopfler guitar/vocals (Dire Straits), born.`1949
Name The Year: Mark Rothko, painter, born.`1903
Name The Year: Mark Russell, raconteur, born.`1932
Name The Year: Mark Spitz, swimmer, born.`1950
Name The Year: Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens], author, dies in Redding Conn.`1910
Name The Year: Marlon Brando, actor (The Godfather, Last Tango in Paris), born.`1924
Name The Year: Marlo Thomas (in Detroit, Michigan), actor (That Girl)`1938
Name The Year: Marquis de Sade, 1st known sadist, writer (Justine), born.`1740
Name The Year: Mars 2, Mars landing. First crash landing on Mars.`1971
Name The Year: Mars 3 launched. First spacecraft to soft land on Mars.`1971
Name The Year: Marshall Islands (in the Pacific) become self-governing.`1979
Name The Year: Martha Place of Brooklyn, became first woman to die by electrocution.`1899
Name The Year: Martina Navratilova, Prague, Czech Republic, tennis champion (Wimbeldon 1989,79,82-87), born.`1956
Name The Year: Martin Gardner, Scientific American math and puzzles columnist, born.`1914
Name The Year: Martin Landau, actor (Mission Impossible, Space 1999, Tucker), born.`1934
Name The Year: Martin Luther, Eisleben, Germany, founded Protestantism, born.`1483
Name The Year: Martin Luther King Jr arrested in Atlanta sit-in.`1960
Name The Year: Martin Luther King, Jr. begins march from Selma to Montgomery, Ala.`1965
Name The Year: Martin Luther King Jr's "I have a dream speech" at Lincoln Memorial.`1963
Name The Year: Martin Luther posts his 95 Theses, begins Protestant Reformation.`1517
Name The Year: Martin Luther, protestant reformer`1699
Name The Year: Martin Luther publicly burned papal edict demanding that he recant.`1520
Name The Year: Martin Scorsese, director (Mean Streets, NY, NY)`1942
Name The Year: Martin Sheen actor (Men At Work, Wall St), born.`1940
Name The Year: 'Marvelous' Marvin Hagler (in New Jersey), boxer, born`1952
Name The Year: Marvin Gaye gets a star on Hollywood's walk of fame.`1990
Name The Year: Marvin Gaye shot to death by his father Marvin Gaye Sr in LA.`1984
Name The Year: Marvin Hamlisch, US composer/pianist (The Sting, Chorus Line), born.`1944
Name The Year: Marvin Minsky, artificial intelligence guru, born.`1932
Name The Year: Marx Brothers' "A Day At The Races" opens in LA. `1937
Name The Year: Marx Brothers' "A Day At The Races" opens in NY.`1937
Name The Year: Marx Brothers' "A Day At The Races" released.`1937
Name The Year: Mary Ann Nicholls a 42-year-old prostitute, was found stabbed to death in London, 1st of at least five murders by Jack the Ripper.`1888
Name The Year: Mary Ashton Livermore, American reformer, women's suffrage leader`1821
Name The Year: Mary Celeste sails from NY to Genoa; found abandoned 4 weeks later.`1872
Name The Year: Mary Queen of Scots executed.`1587
Name The Year: Mary Queen of Scots thrown into Lochleven Castle prison. `1567
Name The Year: Mary Tyler Moore, Brooklyn, actress (Mary Tyler Moore, Ordinary People), born`1937
Name The Year: "Mary Tyler Moore Show" premiers.`1970
Name The Year: Mary Wilson, singer (Supremes), born.`1944
Name The Year: Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley London England, author (Frankenstein), born.`1797
Name The Year: Massacre at Lidice (Czechoslovakia) Gestapo kills 173. `1942
Name The Year: Mata Hari, dancer, courtesan, spy, born.`1876
Name The Year: Mata Hari executed by firing squad outside of Paris.`1917
Name The Year: Matsuo Basho greatest Japanese haiku poet, dies.`1694
Name The Year: Matt Dillon, actor, born.`1964
Name The Year: Matt Frewer, actor (Doctor Doctor, Max Headroom), born.`1959
Name The Year: Matthew Broderick, actor (Project X, Ladyhawk), born.`1959
Name The Year: Matthew Modine, actor, born.`1959
Name The Year: Maud Adams (in Sweden), born.`1946
Name The Year: Maureen O'Hara, actress (Miracle on 34th St), born.`1921
Name The Year: Maurice Chevalier, actor, singer (Gigi), ultimate Frenchman, born.`1888
Name The Year: Maurice Ravel, composer (Bolero), born`1875
Name The Year: Maurice Ravel (in Cibourne, France), composer (Bollero), born.`1875
Name The Year: Maurice Sendak, NYC, author/illustrator (Where The Wild Things Are), born. `1928
Name The Year: Mauritania gains independence from France (National Day).`1960
Name The Year: Max Factor Jr CEO (Max Factor Cosmetics), born.`1904
Name The Year: Max Roach, jazz drummer, born.`1925
Name The Year: Max von Sydow, actor, born.`1929
Name The Year: Maya Plisetkaya, prima ballerina`1925
Name The Year: Mayflower Compact signed by Pilgrims in Providencetown, MA harbor.`1620
Name The Year: Mayflower departs from Plymouth, England with 102 pilgrims.`1620
Name The Year: Mayflower sets sail from Southampton with 102 Pilgrims.`1620
Name The Year: Maytag invented the washing machine.`1857
Name The Year: M. C. Garlow becomes the first aviator to fly a million miles in a jet airplane.`1959
Name The Year: Medal of Freedom awarded posthumously to Rev Martin Luther King Jr.`1977
Name The Year: "Meet the Beatles" goes gold.`1964
Name The Year: Mehmed VI, last sultan of Ottoman Empire (1918-22), born.`1861
Name The Year: Melanie Griffith, actor, born.`1957
Name The Year: Melanie Griffith & Don Johnson remarry.`1989
Name The Year: Mel Brooks comedian/actor/director (Blazing Saddles, Spaceballs), born.`1926
Name The Year: Mel Gibson, actor, born.`1956
Name The Year: Mel Smith author/comedian, born.`1952
Name The Year: Melvil Dewey, created the Dewey Decimal System for libraries`1851
Name The Year: Menachem Begin, Israeli PM (1977-83) (Nobel 1978), born.`1913
Name The Year: Menelik II, Emperor of Ethiopia, died.`1913
Name The Year: Menelik II King of Ethiopia (1896-1913), born.`1844
Name The Year: Mercury 5 launches a chimp (Ham/Enos).`1961
Name The Year: Merle Haggard, musician`1937
Name The Year: Merle Haggard, singer, born.`1937
Name The Year: Merle Oberon dies at age 68.`1979
Name The Year: Merle Oberon (in Tasmania), born.`1911
Name The Year: Meryl Streep NJ, actress (French Lieutenant's Woman, Sophie's Choice), born.`1949
Name The Year: (Messina, Italy) Earthquake (nearly 80,000 died).`1908
Name The Year: Meteor falls near Estherville, Iowa.`1879
Name The Year: Meteorites fall in L'Aigle, France.`1803
Name The Year: Meuse-Argonne offensive against the Germans began during WWI.`1918
Name The Year: Mexican radio station erronously reports Mike Tyson dies in car crash.`1988
Name The Year: Mexico becomes a republic.`1824
Name The Year: Mexico first declares independence from Spain (National Day).`1810
Name The Year: Mexico's deposed emperor Maximilian is executed.`1867
Name The Year: Mexico sells U.S. Texas, California, New Mexico and Arizona.`1848
Name The Year: Mexico took control of foreign-owned oil properties on its soil.`1938
Name The Year: Mia Farrow (in Los Angeles, CA), actress, born.`1945
Name The Year: "Miami Vice" premieres.`1984
Name The Year: Michael Adams in X-15 reaches altitude of 80 km.`1967
Name The Year: Michael Andretti Indy-car racer/Auto Hall of Fame (elected 1986), born.`1962
Name The Year: Michael Caine, actor, born.`1933
Name The Year: Michael Collins, astronaut (Gemini 10, Apollo 11)`1930
Name The Year: Michael Crawford England, Broadway star (Phantom of the Opera), born.`1942
Name The Year: Michael Crichton, author (Andromeda Strain, Jurrasic Park, Rising Sun), born.`1942
Name The Year: Michael Douglas, actor, producer, born.`1944
Name The Year: Michael Faraday discovered principle of electric motor, born.`1791
Name The Year: Michael Fish British TV weatherman, born.`1944
Name The Year: Michael Hutchence, Australia, rocker (Inxs-I Need You Tonight), born.`1960
Name The Year: Michael Jackson attempts to buy Elephant Man's remains.`1987
Name The Year: Michael Jackson buys ATV Music (including the rights to every Beatle song) for $47 million.`1985
Name The Year: Michael Jackson, singer, born.`1958
Name The Year: Michael J Fox, Edmonton, Canada, actor (Family Ties, Back to the Future, Spin City), born. `1961
Name The Year: Michael Jordan, gravity-defying hoopster, born.`1963
Name The Year: Michael Keaton, actor (Pacific Heights, Batman, Multiplicity), born.`1951
Name The Year: Michael Landon, actor`1936
Name The Year: Michael Landon actor (Bonanza, Highway to Heaven), dies at 54 from cancer.`1991
Name The Year: Michael Palin comedian (Monty Python, Fish Called Wanda), born.`1943
Name The Year: Michael Stipe (REM Lead Singer), born.`1960
Name The Year: Michael Winslow, actor/comedian (Police Academy), born.`1960
Name The Year: Michael York, actor (Three Musketeers), born.`1942
Name The Year: Michelangelo, Renaissance artist, born.`1475
Name The Year: Michelle Pfeiffer Calif, actress (Batman Returns, Married to the Mob), born`1958
Name The Year: Michelle Pfeiffer, U.S. actress (Batman Returns), born.`1958
Name The Year: Mickey Mantle announces his retirement.`1969
Name The Year: Mickey Mantle, NY Yankee home run slugger, born.`1931
Name The Year: Mickey Mouse, cartoon character, sired by Walt Disney's pen`1928
Name The Year: "Mickey Mouse" comic strip 1st appears.`1930
Name The Year: Mickey Mouse makes his screen debut in "Steamboat Willie."`1928
Name The Year: Mickey Rooney, actor (too many credits to mention), born.`1920
Name The Year: Mickey Spillane, mystery writer, born.`1918
Name The Year: Mick Fleetwood, musician`1942
Name The Year: Mick Jagger, Rolling Stone singer, born.`1943
Name The Year: Mick Jones rocker (The Clash, Big Audio Dynamite), born. `1955
Name The Year: Miguel de Cervantes, novelist (Don Quixote), born.`1547
Name The Year: Miguel DeCervantes Saavedra, author (The Man Of LaMancha), born`1547
Name The Year: Miguel Hidalgo father of Mexican independence, born.`1753
Name The Year: Miguel Indurain of Spain wins the Tour de France bicycle race.`1991
Name The Year: Miguel Vasquez makes first public quadruple somersault on trapeze.`1982
Name The Year: Mike Hucknall, singer (Simply Red-Every Time We Say Goodbye), born. `1960
Name The Year: Mike Tyson hires Donald Trump as an advisor.`1988
Name The Year: Mike Tyson is accused of raping a Miss Black America contestant.`1991
Name The Year: Mikhail Baryshnikov, ballet dancer, actor, born.`1948
Name The Year: Mikhail Gorbachev resigns as head of the Soviet Union.`1991
Name The Year: Miles Davis jazz musician, dies at 65 from pneumonia.`1991
Name The Year: Miles Davis trumpeter; pioneered cool jazz (Porgy & Bess), born.`1926
Name The Year: Millionaire Howard Hughes sets transcontinental air record (7h28m25s).`1937
Name The Year: Milton Friedman, economist, born.`1912
Name The Year: Milton Hinkes (AKA Soupy Sales), comedian, born.`1926
Name The Year: Milton S. Hershey, US chocolate manufacturer, philanthropist, born.`1857
Name The Year: "Mission Impossible" premieres on TV in the USA.`1967
Name The Year: M. L. Byrn of New York patented a corkscrew.`1860
Name The Year: Mobs in Paris attack the palace of Louis XVI.`1792
Name The Year: "Moby Dick", by Herman Melville, is published.`1851
Name The Year: Modern Olympics Anniversary. (First modern Olympiad)`1896
Name The Year: Modest Moussorgsky, composer, born.`1839
Name The Year: Mohammad Reza Pahlavi Aryamehr, Shah of Iran (1941-79), born.`1919
Name The Year: Mohammed Ali, boxer`1942
Name The Year: Mohammed prophet of Islam (Koran), dies (according to tradition). `632
Name The Year: Mohammed V King of Morocco (1953, 1955-61), born.`1909
Name The Year: Mohammed Zia Ul-Haq, Pakistani president and US ambassador killed in plane crash.`1988
Name The Year: Mohandas Gandhi began 200-mile march protesting British salt tax.`1930
Name The Year: Mohandas K. Gandhi sentenced in India to six years' imprisonment.`1922
Name The Year: Moise Tshombe, president of Katanga, then premier of the Congo (Zaire), born.`1919
Name The Year: Moliere, French Dramatist, died`1673
Name The Year: Molire, France, dramatist (Tartuffe, Les Misanthrope), baptized.`1622
Name The Year: Molly Ringwald (in Los Angeles, CA), actress (Pretty in Pink), born.`1968
Name The Year: Monarchy in Tunisa abolished in favor of a republic.`1957
Name The Year: Monarchy overthrown in Egypt (National Day).`1952
Name The Year: Mongolia gains independence from China (National Day).`1921
Name The Year: Monica Seles tennis star (French Open-1990), born.`1973
Name The Year: Monica Seles wins the US Open.`1991
Name The Year: Montgomery (Br) defeats Rommel (Ger) in battle of Alamein (WW II).`1942
Name The Year: Montgomery Clift actor, dies at 45.`1966
Name The Year: Montgomery Edward Scott Aberdeen, Scotland (Star Trek's Scotty), born. `2160
Name The Year: Morgan Fairchild (in Dallas, TX), actress, born.`1950
Name The Year: Morgan Freeman actor (Driving Mrs Daisy), born.`1937
Name The Year: Morocco gains its independence.`1956
Name The Year: Morrissey, (Steven Patrick) British rocker (The Smiths & solo artist), born.`1959
Name The Year: Mort Sahl comedian/political satirist/beatnik (Big Party).`1927
Name The Year: Moses Mendelssohn, philosopher, critic, Bible translator, born.`1729
Name The Year: Moshe Dayan Israeli general/politician, born.`1915
Name The Year: Moss Hart, playwright, born.`1904
Name The Year: Most Arab oil producing nations end US embargo.`1974
Name The Year: Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini canonized as 1st American saint.`1946
Name The Year: Mother Teresa of Calcutta (Nobel 1979)`1910
Name The Year: Mother Teresa of India was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.`1979
Name The Year: Motion Picture Association of America adopts film rating system.`1968
Name The Year: Mount Etna erupts in Sicily Italy`1971
Name The Year: Mount St Helens blows its top in Washington State.`1980
Name The Year: Movie "E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial" released in America.`1982
Name The Year: Movie "Last Temptation of Christ" is released.`1988
Name The Year: Mozart's opera "Marriage of Figaro" premiers in Wien (Vienna).`1786
Name The Year: Mrs. Elizabeth Blackwell becomes first woman physician in U.S..`1849
Name The Year: Mrs. Kennedy gives the TV audience a tour of the White House.`1962
Name The Year: Mr T [Lawrence Tero], Chicago, actor, (A-Team, Rocky III, T & T), born.`1952
Name The Year: M. Scott Carpenter aboard Aurora 7 is launched.`1962
Name The Year: Mt Palomar Observatory first to detect Halley's comet on 13th return.`1982
Name The Year: Mt Vesuvius erupts.`1834
Name The Year: Mt Vesuvius erupts, buries Pompeii and Herculaneum.`79
Name The Year: MTV goes on the air broadcasting "Video Killed The Radio Star" by the Buggles.`1981
Name The Year: MTV premiers at 12:01 AM.`1981
Name The Year: Muddy Waters [McKinley Morganfield], guitarist (Hoochie Coochie Man), born.`1915
Name The Year: Muhammad Ali beats WBA heavyweight champion Leon Spinks.`1978
Name The Year: Muhammad Ali convicted of refusing induction into armed services.`1967
Name The Year: Muhammad Ali KOs George Foreman in 8th round in Kinshasa, Zaire.`1974
Name The Year: Muhammad Ali talks a despondent 21 year old out of committing suicide.`1981
Name The Year: Muhammad ibn Hazm, historian, jurist, writer of Islamic Spain`994
Name The Year: Muhammed Ali, boxer who floats like a butterfly, stings like a bee, born.`1942
Name The Year: Munich Agreement-forces Czechoslovakia to give territory to Germany.`1938
Name The Year: Musical "West Side Story", opened on Broadway.`1957
Name The Year: Mussolini forms cabinet in Italy.`1922
Name The Year: Mutiny on HMS Bounty.`1789
Name The Year: Nadia Comaneci (in Romania), Olympic gymnist`1961
Name The Year: "Naked Gun" premieres, a movie based on TV's "Police Squad".`1988
Name The Year: Nancy Sinatra Jersey City, singer, (These boots were made for walking), born. `1940
Name The Year: Nancy Wilson (in San Francisco, CA), singer (Heart), born.`1954
Name The Year: Napolean I defeats Austria at Battle of Abensberg, Bavaria`1809
Name The Year: Napoleon became Emperor of France.`1804
Name The Year: Napoleon becomes 1st French emperor, placing crown on his own head.`1804
Name The Year: Napoleon becomes dictator (1st consul) of France`1799
Name The Year: Napoleon begins his retreat from Moscow.`1812
Name The Year: Napoleon Bonaparte captured.`1815
Name The Year: Napoleon Bonaparte (Corsica), resident of Elba (Emperor of France 1804-13, 1814-15), born.`1769
Name The Year: Napoleon Bonaparte married Josephine de Beauharnais.`1796
Name The Year: Napoleon captures Alexandria, Egypt.`1798
Name The Year: Napoleon defeats Russians & Austrians at Austerlitz.`1805
Name The Year: Napoleon enters Paris, beginning his Hundred Days rule.`1815
Name The Year: Napoleon III captured at Sedan.`1870
Name The Year: Napoleon occupies Moscow.`1812
Name The Year: Napoleon's retreat from Russia begins.`1812
Name The Year: NASA announced the start of the space shuttle program.`1972
Name The Year: NASA announces first seven astronauts with The Right Stuff.`1959
Name The Year: NASA civilian pilot Neil A Armstrong takes X-15 to 54,600 m`1962
Name The Year: NASA civilian pilot Neil A Armstrong takes X-15 to 63,250 m`1962
Name The Year: NASA confirmed Voyager 2's discovery of 3 more moons of Neptune designated temporarily 1989 N2, 1989 N3 and 1989 N24.`1989
Name The Year: N.A.S.A. launch Apollo 8 to fly around the moon.`1968
Name The Year: NASA launches Intelsat V.`1983
Name The Year: NASA launches its first Orbital Geophysical Observatory (OGO-1)`1964
Name The Year: NASA launch Pioneer III.`1958
Name The Year: NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., dedicated by President Dwight D. Eisenhower.`1960
Name The Year: Natalia Maskarova (in Lenningrad), ballerina`1940
Name The Year: Natalie Cole (in Los Angeles, CA), singer, born.`1950
Name The Year: Natalie Wood [Natasha Gurdin], SF, (Gypsy, Rebel Without a Cause), born.`1938
Name The Year: Natal (in South Africa) is made a British colony.`1843
Name The Year: Nathan Birnbaum (aka George Burns), entertainer, actor, dies at 100 years old.`1996
Name The Year: Nathan Briggs, New Hampshire, gets patent for the washing machine.`1794
Name The Year: National Baseball League formed with 8 teams.`1876
Name The Year: National Geographic Society founded in Washington, DC.`1888
Name The Year: National Geographic Society founded (Washington, DC).`1888
Name The Year: Nationalist Chinese leader Chiang Kai-Shek died at the age of 87.`1975
Name The Year: National Security Act establishes the CIA.`1947
Name The Year: National Socialist (Nazi) Party formed in Germany.`1919
Name The Year: Nation of Zimbabwe founded (formerly Rhodesia).`1980
Name The Year: Nat King Cole, entertainer, father of Natalie, born.`1919
Name The Year: Nauru gains independence from Australia (1982 pop 8,421).`1968
Name The Year: Nautilus, 1st atomic powered submarine launched.`1954
Name The Year: Navigator Henry Hudson discovered the island of Manhattan.`1609
Name The Year: Nazi blitz conquest of France began by crossing Muese River.`1940
Name The Year: Nazi concentration camp at Buchenwald liberated by US 80th Division.`1945
Name The Year: Nazi General Von Keitel surrenders to Russian Marshal Zhukov near Berlin.`1945
Name The Year: Nazi Germany began persecution of Jews boycotting Jewish businesses.`1933
Name The Year: Nazi Germany begins V-1 (Fieseler Fi-103) buzz-bomb attacks. `1944
Name The Year: Nazi Hermann Goering poisons himself in prison.`1946
Name The Year: Nazi Himmler committed suicide while in prison at Luneburg, Germany.`1945
Name The Year: Nazi Klaus Barbie, "Butcher of Lyon" convicted by a French court.`1987
Name The Year: Nazim Pasha, Turkey's PM assassinated.`1913
Name The Year: Nazis force 4.5 mil Warsaw Jews to live in walled ghetto.`1940
Name The Year: NBC forms first full sized symphony orchestra exclusively for radio.`1937
Name The Year: N.E. Guerin of New York receives a patent for his cork filled life preserver.`1841
Name The Year: Neil Armstrong steps on the Moon at 2:56:15 AM (GMT).`1969
Name The Year: Neil Armstrong, X-15 pilot, first moonwalker (Gemini 8, Apollo 11), born.`1930
Name The Year: Neil Finn rocker (Split Enz-I Got You, Crowded House), born.`1958
Name The Year: Neil Simon, playwright (Odd Couple, Plaza Suite, Biloxi Blues), born.`1927
Name The Year: Neil Young, singer/songwriter`1945
Name The Year: Nelson Mandela begins a long jail term in South Africa. `1964
Name The Year: Nelson Mandela meets Chief Buthelezi in Durban.`1991
Name The Year: Nelson Mandela recieves a BA from University of South Africa.`1989
Name The Year: Nelson Mandela, South African civil rights leader & politician, born.`1918
Name The Year: Nelson Mandella, human rights activist, former political prisoner`1918
Name The Year: Neptune becomes outermost planet (Pluto moves closer).`1979
Name The Year: Neptune's moon Triton discovered by William Lassell.`1846
Name The Year: Netherlands & Denmark liberated from Nazi control.`1945
Name The Year: Netherlands grants Surinam independence (Natl Day).`1975
Name The Year: Netherlands recognizes US`1782
Name The Year: Nevada legalized gambling.`1931
Name The Year: Nevado del Ruiz volcano erupts in Colombia, kills 25,000.`1985
Name The Year: Neville Chamberlain, English PM and statesman, born.`1869
Name The Year: New Nicaraguan constituion takes effect.`1987
Name The Year: New Orleans elects first black mayor, Ernest `Dutch' Morial.`1977
Name The Year: New socialist constitution of East Germany takes effect.`1968
Name The Year: New York City becomes the capitol of the United States.`1788
Name The Year: New York City traffic regulation creates the first one-way street.`1791
Name The Year: New Zealand claims Ross Dependency in Antarctica.`1923
Name The Year: New Zealand Day`1840
Name The Year: Ngo Dinh Diem proclaims Vietnam a republic with himself as president.`1955
Name The Year: Nguyen Van Thieu president of South Vietnam, born.`1923
Name The Year: Niagara Falls stops flowing -- for 1 day -- because of an ice jam.`1848
Name The Year: Nia Peeples born.`1961
Name The Year: Nicaragua becomes 1st nation to formally accept UN Charter.`1945
Name The Year: Nicaragua holds first free elections in 56 years; Sandinistas win 63%.`1984
Name The Year: Nicaragua Liberation Day; Sandinistas take over from Somoza.`1979
Name The Year: Niccolo Paganini, Genoa, Italy, composer/violin virtuoso (Princess Lucca), born.`1782
Name The Year: Nicholas II last Russian tsar (1894-1917), born.`1868
Name The Year: Nicholas I Russia, Tsar (1825-55), born.`1796
Name The Year: Nicholas Rimsky-Korsakov, composer, born.`1844
Name The Year: Nick Nolte, actor, born.`1940
Name The Year: Nicolas Appert, inventor of food canning, bouillon tablet, born.`1752
Name The Year: Nicolas-Jacque Conte inventor (modern pencil), born.`1755
Name The Year: Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot, designed and built first automobile, born.`1725
Name The Year: Nicolaus Copernicus (in Poland), astronomer, born.`1473
Name The Year: Nicolo Amati, Italy, violin maker (Stradivari and Guarneri), born.`1596
Name The Year: Niels Bohr, physicist, expanded quantum physics (Nobel 1922), born.`1885
Name The Year: Nigel Hawthorne actor (Tartuffe, Pope John Paul II (Sir Humphrey Appleby in Yes Minister), Richard III), born.`1929
Name The Year: Niger gains autonomy within French Community (National Day).`1958
Name The Year: Niger gains independence from France.`1960
Name The Year: Nigeria gains independence from Britain (National Day).`1960
Name The Year: "Night of the Long Knives," Hitler stages bloody purge of Nazi party.`1934
Name The Year: Nikita Khrushchev became Soviet premier and first secretary of Communist Party.`1958
Name The Year: Nikita Khrushchev dies of a heart attack at 77.`1971
Name The Year: Nikolai Andrianov, USSR, gymnist (Olympic-gold-1972, 76, 80), born`1952
Name The Year: Nikolai N. Rukavishnikov, Soviet cosmonaut (Soyuz 10, 16, 33), born.`1932
Name The Year: Nikola Tesla, physicist who developed alternating current and radio, born.`1856
Name The Year: Nina Simone (in Tyron, NC), born.`1933
Name The Year: Nineteenth Space Shuttle Mission - Challenger 8 is launched.`1985
Name The Year: Nineteenth Space Shuttle Mission - Challenger 8 returns to Earth.`1985
Name The Year: Ninth Space Shuttle Mission - Columbia 6 is launched.`1983
Name The Year: Nixon announces resignation of Haldeman, Ehrlichman, et al.`1973
Name The Year: Nixon & Haldeman agree to use CIA to cover up Watergate`1972
Name The Year: N. Korea reports 100% election turnout, 100% vote for Workers' Party.`1962
Name The Year: Noah Webster, lexicographer`1758
Name The Year: Nora Dunn & Sinead O'Connor boycott Saturday Night Live to protest Andrew "Dice" Clay's hosting.`1990
Name The Year: Norbert Wiener, inventor of cybernetics, absentminded-professor`1894
Name The Year: Norman Lockyer, editor of NATURE, discoverer of helium in sun, dies.`1920
Name The Year: Norman Parkinson, England, fashion photographer (Harper's Bazaar), born.`1913
Name The Year: Norman Rockwell, artist, born.`1894
Name The Year: North and South Korea joins the UN.`1991
Name The Year: North Atlantic Treaty Organization founded (NATO -- "OTAN" in French).`1949
Name The Year: North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) established.`1949
Name The Year: Northern Rhodesia becomes part of Federation of Rhodesia & Nyasaland.`1953
Name The Year: Northern Territory of Australia becomes self-governing.`1978
Name The Year: Northern Territory passes from New South Wales to South Australia.`1863
Name The Year: Norway surrenders to Germany during WW II. `1940
Name The Year: Nostradamus French astrologer/physician/prophet, dies in Salon.`1566
Name The Year: Novelist and critic Virginia Woolf died.`1941
Name The Year: Nuclear accident at Three Mile Island near Middletown, PA.`1979
Name The Year: Nuclear submarine "Nautilus" is commissioned.`1954
Name The Year: Nuclear Test Ban Treaty signed.`1963
Name The Year: Nuremberg Laws deprives German Jews of citizenship and makes the swastika the official symbol of Nazi Germany.`1935
Name The Year: N. Vietnam agreed to meet US reps to set up preliminary peace talks.`1968
Name The Year: NYC experiences 25 hr black-out.`1977
Name The Year: NYC welcomes home Gen John J Pershing and 25,000 WW I soldiers.`1919
Name The Year: N.Y. Highlander (Yankees) tickets first go on sale.`1903
Name The Year: Nylon patented by W. H. Carothers.`1937
Name The Year: Nylon stockings go on sale in the U.S. for the first time.`1939
Name The Year: Nylon stockings on sale for the first time in the United States.`1940
Name The Year: NY's Penn Station opens as world's largest railway terminal.`1910
Name The Year: NY Sun runs famous "Yes, Virginia there is a Santa Claus," editorial.`1897
Name The Year: N.Y. Yankees purchase 20 acres in the Bronx for Yankee Stadium.`1921
Name The Year: NY Yankees purchase Babe Ruth from the Red Sox.`1920
Name The Year: Oahu Railway begins public service in Hawaii.`1889
Name The Year: OAO 1, the 1st orbiting astronomical observatory, launched.`1966
Name The Year: October Revolution overthrows Russian Provisional Government.`1917
Name The Year: Ogden Nash, American humorous poet (I'm a Stranger Here Myself), born`1902
Name The Year: Ogden Nash poet/TV panelist (Masquerade Party), dies at 68.`1971
Name The Year: Oil tanker Exxon Valdez runs aground in Alaska's Prince William Sound -- causes world's worst oil spill.`1989
Name The Year: OJ Simpson acquitted for double murder of his Ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman.`1995
Name The Year: O.J. Simpson gains 273 yards for Buffalo vs. Detroit.`1976
Name The Year: Olaus Roemer, first to accurately measured speed of light, born.`1644
Name The Year: Olav V, King of Norway (1957), born.`1903
Name The Year: Oldest exactly dated printed book (c. 3 years after Gutenberg).`1457
Name The Year: Ole Evinrude inventor (outboard marine engine), born`1877
Name The Year: Oleg Cassini Paris France, fashion designer for Jackie Kennedy, born.`1913
Name The Year: Olga Korbut (in Russia), gymnast, born.`1955
Name The Year: "Oliver," Cliff Robertson & Katharine Hepburn win 51st Acadamy Awards`1969
Name The Year: Oliver Cromwell, Puritan lord protector of England (1653-58), born.`1599
Name The Year: Oliver Evans, pioneered the high-pressure steam engine, born.`1755
Name The Year: Oliver Fisher Winchester, rifle maker`1810
Name The Year: Oliver Hardy Harlem Ga, comedy team member (Laurel & Hardy), born.`1892
Name The Year: Oliver North, arms dealer, born.`1943
Name The Year: Oliver Pollock, a New Orleans Businessman, creates the "$" symbol.`1778
Name The Year: Oliver Stone NYC, director (Wall St, Good Morning Vietnam, Platoon), born.`1946
Name The Year: Oliver Wendell Holmes, famous Supreme Court Justice, born.`1841
Name The Year: Olivia d'Abo, London England, actress, born.`1967
Name The Year: Olivia Newton-John (in Cambridge, England), singer, born.`1948
Name The Year: Omar Sharif, actor (Tamarind Seed, Dr. Zhivago), born.`1932
Name The Year: Only one day after the U.N. decrees Israel's right to exist, Jewish settlements are attacked.`1947
Name The Year: OPEC cut oil prices for the first time in 23 years.`1983
Name The Year: Operation Desert Storm begins. US & 27 allies attack Iraq for occupying Kuwait (US times).`1991
Name The Year: Opium exempted from federal tariff duty.`1832
Name The Year: Oprah Winfrey, actress/TV host (Color Purple), born.`1953
Name The Year: Orangeman's Day -- Battle of the Boyne, Protestant victory in Ireland.`1689
Name The Year: Orbiter 1 Launched to moon.`1966
Name The Year: Orenthal James (O.J.) Simpson, NFL running back (Buffalo Bills), born.`1947
Name The Year: Orson Welles, actor (Citizen Kane), director, genius, born`1915
Name The Year: Orson Welles panics a nation with his broadcast of H. G. Wells' "War of the Worlds".`1938
Name The Year: Orville Redenbacher, popcorn king`1907
Name The Year: Orville Wright, an aviator, born`1871
Name The Year: Oscar Arias Sanchez, president of Costa Rica (1986- ) (Nobel 1987), born.`1941
Name The Year: Oscar "Big O" Robertson, basketball player`1938
Name The Year: Oscar de la Renta, designer, born.`1932
Name The Year: Oscar (Fingal O'Flahertie Wills) Wilde (Dublin, Ireland), author (Picure of Dorian Gray), wit, dandy.`1854
Name The Year: Oscar Hammerstein II, lyricist who worked with Richard Rodgers`1895
Name The Year: Oscar Hammerstein patents first practical cigar-rolling machine.`1883
Name The Year: Oscar Torp, Norwegian premier, dies.`1959
Name The Year: Otis Redding, Georgia, rocker (Sitting on the Dock of the Bay), born.`1941
Name The Year: Otto Hahn, co-discoverer of nuclear fission, born.`1879
Name The Year: Otto I (the Great), German king, Holy Roman emperor (962-73)`912
Name The Year: Otto von Bismarck, statesman, born.`1815
Name The Year: Otto von Guericke, invented the air pump.`1602
Name The Year: Outer Mongolia and Mauritania become the 102nd and 103rd members of UN.`1961
Name The Year: Owen K. Garriott, astronaut (Skylab 3, STS-9)`1930
Name The Year: Ozzie and Harriet Nelson married.`1935
Name The Year: Ozzy Osbourne heavy metal musician, born.`1948
Name The Year: Pablo Picasso artist, dies near Mougins, France, at 91.`1973
Name The Year: Pablo Picasso, doodler (Guernica) (or 10-05)`1881
Name The Year: Pacific and Atlantic mix as engineers blow Gamboa Dam, opening the Panama Canal.`1913
Name The Year: Pacific Stock Exchange formally opens.`1875
Name The Year: Pacific Stock Exchange opens (as the Local Security Board).`1882
Name The Year: Pacific SW Airlines Boeing 727 and a Cessna private plane collide.`1978
Name The Year: Pakistan became independent within the British Commonwealth.`1956
Name The Year: Pakistan gains independence from Britain rule.`1947
Name The Year: Pakistan's army, led by Gen Mohammad Zia ul-Haq, seizes power. `1977
Name The Year: Palestinian Liberation Organization leaves Lebanon.`1982
Name The Year: Pam Dawber Detroit, actress (Mindy-Mork and Mindy), born.`1951
Name The Year: Pamela Anderson, Ladysmith BC, Canada, (Home Improvement, Baywatch), born.`1967
Name The Year: Pamela Sue Martin (in Connecticut), actor (Dallas), born.`1954
Name The Year: Pan Am places $525,000,000 order for 25 Boeing 747's.`1966
Name The Year: Papal States annexed by France.`1809
Name The Year: Papua New Guinea gains independence from Australia (National Day).`1975
Name The Year: Paris evacuated before the German advance. `1940
Name The Year: Paris liberated from Nazi occupation.`1944
Name The Year: Park Chung-hee South Korean President is assassinated.`1979
Name The Year: Parker Brothers launches game of Monopoly.`1935
Name The Year: Parliament Act reduces power of House of Lords.`1911
Name The Year: Parthenon destroyed in war between Turks and Venetians.`1687
Name The Year: Passage of Earth through tail of Halley's Comet causes near-panic.`1910
Name The Year: Pat Benatar, singer, born.`1953
Name The Year: Pat Cash tennis player (Wimbeldon 1987), born.`1965
Name The Year: Patent filed in US for H-Bomb.`1946
Name The Year: Patent granted for a process of making color photographs.`1863
Name The Year: Patent granted for the thimble.`1684
Name The Year: Patent granted on the electric range.`1859
Name The Year: Patent granted to Dr. John Farrie for a "refrigeration machine".`1851
Name The Year: Pat Morrow (in Los Angeles), actor (Peyton Place), born.`1945
Name The Year: Patricia Hearst convicted of armed robbery.`1976
Name The Year: Patricia Morison, actor (Peyton Place), born.`1914
Name The Year: Patrick Duffy, actor, born.`1949
Name The Year: Patrick Henry reputed to have said "Give me liberty or give me death!"`1775
Name The Year: Patrick McGoohan, actor, director (The Prisoner, Silver Streak), born.`1928
Name The Year: Patrick Stewart actor (Capt Picard-Star Trek Next Generation), born.`1940
Name The Year: Patrick Swayze Houston Tx, actor/dancer (Dirty Dancing, Ghost), born.`1952
Name The Year: Patsy Cline, Cowboy Copus, and Hawkshaw Hawkins die in a plane crash.`1963
Name The Year: Patsy Cline Va, country singer (Walkin' After Midnight), born.`1932
Name The Year: Patti Labelle, singer`1944
Name The Year: Patty LaBelle, singer`1944
Name The Year: Paula Abdul, singer, born.`1962
Name The Year: Paul Carrack rocker (Squeeze/Ace-How Long), born.`1951
Name The Year: Paul Cezanne, France, impressionist painter (Bathers), born.`1839
Name The Year: Paul Doumer Pres of France, assassinated by Russia's Paul Gargalov.`1932
Name The Year: Paulette Goddard, born.`1911
Name The Year: Paul Gauguin, French post-impressionist painter, born.`1848
Name The Year: Paul Hindemith (in Germany), composer`1895
Name The Year: Paul Hogan & Linda Koslowski wed in Byron Bay, Eastern Australia.`1990
Name The Year: Paulina Porizkova, Sports Illustrated swimsuit covergirl, actress, born.`1965
Name The Year: Pauline Collins, London England, actress (Shirley Valentine), born.`1940
Name The Year: Paul Joseph Goebbels, Nazi propagandist, born.`1897
Name The Year: Paul Julius, Baron von Reuter, founded Reuters news service, born.`1816
Name The Year: Paul Klee, Swiss abstract painter`1879
Name The Year: Paul McCartney announces the formation of his group Wings.`1971
Name The Year: Paul McCartney, musician (Wings, Beatles)`1942
Name The Year: Paul McCartney releases "Band on the Run"`1974
Name The Year: Paul McCartney releases "Coming Up"`1980
Name The Year: Paul McCartney releases "Give Ireland back to the Irish" single.`1972
Name The Year: Paul McCartney's first solo album "McCartney".`1970
Name The Year: Paul McCartney & Wings release "Mary Had a Little Lamb".`1972
Name The Year: Paul Newman born, actor, racer, popcorn and salad dressing mogul`1925
Name The Year: Paul Osborn, playwright`1901
Name The Year: Paul Schaeffer, musician (Saturday Night Live, David Letterman), actor (This Is Spinal Tap), Thunder Bay, Ont.`1949
Name The Year: Paul Simon, singer (Kodachrome, Graceland), born.`1942
Name The Year: Paul Stanley, rock guitarist (KISS), born.`1952
Name The Year: Paul VI, 262nd Roman Catholic pope (1963-78), born.`1897
Name The Year: Paul Von Hindenburg becomes chief-of-General-Staff in Germany.`1916
Name The Year: Paul von Hindenburg elected first German president (Hitler was the second).`1932
Name The Year: Paul Weller guitar (Jam-This is the Modern World, Style Council), born.`1958
Name The Year: Paul Williams, singer, composer, actor, born.`1940
Name The Year: Paul Zindel, playwright, born`1936
Name The Year: P.D. James mystery writer (Cover Her Face), born.`1920
Name The Year: Peabo Bryson, singer, born.`1951
Name The Year: Peace of Utrecht; France cedes Maritime provinces to Britain`1713
Name The Year: Peace protocol ends Spanish-American War, signed.`1898
Name The Year: Pedro I 1st emperor of Brazil (1822-31), king of Portugal, born.`1798
Name The Year: Pennsylvania granted to William Penn by King Charles II.`1682
Name The Year: Penny Marshall (in New York City), actor (Laverne and Shirley), born.`1943
Name The Year: People's Democratic Republic of Korea proclaimed.`1948
Name The Year: Peoples Rebulic of China proclaimed.`1949
Name The Year: People's Rep of China proclaimed (National Day).`1949
Name The Year: 'Pepe Le Pew' debuts in his first cartoon.`1945
Name The Year: Percy Bysshe Shelley England, romantic poet (Adonais), born.`1792
Name The Year: Perry Como singer/TV (Perry Como Show, What did Delaware?), born.`1912
Name The Year: Peru declares independence from Spain (National Day).`1821
Name The Year: Pete Knight in X-15 reaches 85 km about Earth.`1967
Name The Year: Peter Carl Goldmark, developed color TV & LP records, born.`1906
Name The Year: Peter Cook, British actor, comedian`1937
Name The Year: Peter Cushing England, actor (Hound of the Baskervilles), born.`1913
Name The Year: Peter Falk, actor (Colombo, Princess Bride, In-Laws), born.`1927
Name The Year: Peter Fonda, actor, son of Henry, born.`1940
Name The Year: Peter Gabriel, rocker (Genesis-Against All Odds), born.`1950
Name The Year: Peter Graves, actor (Mission Impossible, Airplane), born.`1926
Name The Year: Peter Henry Emerson, 1st to promote photography as an independent art, born.`1856
Name The Year: Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky, composer, born.`1840
Name The Year: Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Russian composer (1812 Overture), born.`1840
Name The Year: Peter Lorre, actor (M, Casablanca, Beast with 5 Fingers, voice over for Twilight Zone), born. `1904
Name The Year: Peter O'Toole Ireland, actor (Lord Jim, Beckett, Lawrence of Arabia), born.`1932
Name The Year: "Peter Pan", with Mary Martin in the title role, is first televised.`1955
Name The Year: Peter Roget, thesaurus fame, inventor (slide rule, pocket chessboard), born.`1779
Name The Year: Peter Sellers, comedian and actor, dies at 54.`1980
Name The Year: Peter Sellers England, actor (Pink Panther, Being There, Goon Show), born.`1925
Name The Year: Peter Tosh, Jamaica, reggae musician, born.`1944
Name The Year: Peter Tosh reggae singer shot dead at 43 in Jamacia.`1988
Name The Year: Peter Townsend singer (Who-Tommy), born.`1945
Name The Year: Peter Ustinov, actor (Fiddler on the Roof, Death on the Nile), born.`1921
Name The Year: Peter Weiss, German dramatist, novelist (Marat/Sade)`1916
Name The Year: Petula Clark (in England), singer`1932
Name The Year: Phil Collins, England, singer/drummer (Genesis-Against All Odds), born.`1951
Name The Year: Phil Collins, musician (Genesis), actor (Buster), born.`1941
Name The Year: Phil Hartman comedian (SNL, Newsradio, Simpsons (Voice of Troy McLure)), born.`1948
Name The Year: Philip Glass, composer (Einstein on the Beach), born.`1937
Name The Year: Philip II Augustus 1st great Capetian king of France (1179-1223), born.`1165
Name The Year: Philip II king of Spain (1556-98) & Portugal (1580-98), born.`1527
Name The Year: Philip I (the Handsome), first Habsburg king of Spain (1506), born.`1478
Name The Year: Philip IV king of Spain & Portugal (1621-65), born.`1605
Name The Year: Philip John Noel-Baker, statesman, disarmament advocate (Nobel '59)`1889
Name The Year: Philippe Petit walks tightrope strung between the twin towers of the World Trade Center, New York.`1974
Name The Year: Philippine legislature accepts US proposal for independence.`1934
Name The Year: Philippine nationalists declared their independence from Spain. Phillipine Independance day`1898
Name The Year: Philippines gains independence from US.`1946
Name The Year: Philippines President Ferdinand E. Marcos flees in defeat, takes up residence in Hawaii with wife Imelda.`1986
Name The Year: Philip the Good Duke of Burgundy, born.`1396
Name The Year: Philip V, first Bourbon king of Spain (1700-46)`1683
Name The Year: Phil Lynott, Thin Lizzy Lead Singer, died.`1986
Name The Year: Phil Ochs rock producer, dies.`1976
Name The Year: Phineas Taylor Barnum Bethel Conn, circus promoter (Barnum and Bailey), born.`1810
Name The Year: Phyllis Diller, comedian, born.`1917
Name The Year: Phyllis George (in Denton, Texas), commentator, former Miss America`1949
Name The Year: Physical Review publishes 1st paper to deal with black holes.`1939
Name The Year: Pianist & statesman Ignace Paderewski becomes 1st premier of Poland`1919
Name The Year: Pierce Brosnan (in Israel), actor (current James Bond), born.`1952
Name The Year: Pierre Cardin, Paris, France, fashion designer (Unisex), born.`1922
Name The Year: Pilftre de Rozier and Marquis d'Arlandes make first free balloon flight.`1783
Name The Year: Pilgrims reach Cape Cod on the Mayflower.`1620
Name The Year: Pilgrims set sail from Plymouth England to the New World.`1620
Name The Year: Pineapple introduced to Hawaii.`1813
Name The Year: Pink Floyd's "The Wall" hits #1.`1980
Name The Year: Pink Floyds' "The Wall" is performed where the Berlin Wall once stood.`1990
Name The Year: Pioneer 10 becomes 1st man-made object to leave Solar System. `1983
Name The Year: Pioneer 10 launched. First to traverse asteroid belt, leave system`1972
Name The Year: Pioneer 10 passes Jupiter (1st fly-by of an outer planet).`1973
Name The Year: Pioneer 11 launched. First spacecraft to flyby Saturn.`1973
Name The Year: Pioneer 11 makes 1st fly-by of Saturn, discovers new moon, rings.`1979
Name The Year: Pioneer 11 transmitted images of Saturn and its rings.`1978
Name The Year: Pioneer 1 launched; first spacecraft launched by NASA.`1958
Name The Year: Pioneer Venus 2 drops 5 probes into atmosphere of Venus.`1978
Name The Year: Pioneer-Venus 2 Multi-probe launched to Venus.`1978
Name The Year: Pizarro seizes Incan emperor Atahualpa.`1532
Name The Year: Placido Domingo, Madrid Spain, opera tenor, born.`1941
Name The Year: "Plan 9 From Outer Space," one of the worst films ever, premieres.`1950
Name The Year: Planet Pluto discovered by Clyde W. Tombaugh.`1930
Name The Year: Playwright Eugene O'Neill dies in Boston at 65.`1953
Name The Year: PLO's first hijacking of an El Al plane.`1968
Name The Year: Pluto again becomes the outermost planet.`1999
Name The Year: PM Tojo, 6 other Japanese hung for war crimes by US.`1948
Name The Year: PM Winston Churchill announced that Britain had its own atomic bomb.`1952
Name The Year: Poet Walt Whitman died in Camden, New Jersey.`1892
Name The Year: Poland proclaims independence from Russia after WW I.`1918
Name The Year: Poland's Solidarity labor union founded.`1980
Name The Year: Police find 219 grains of cannabis resin in John and Yoko's apartment.`1968
Name The Year: Polish airliner crash kills all 87 aboard (22 are US amateur boxers).`1980
Name The Year: Polish Army captures Vilno, Lithuania from Soviet Army`1919
Name The Year: Polish Cardinal Karol Wojtyla elected supreme pontiff-Pope John Paul II.`1978
Name The Year: Polish constitution adopted (National Day).`1952
Name The Year: Ponce de Leon arrives in Puerto Rico.`1508
Name The Year: Pony Express begins service, from St. Joseph, Missouri.`1860
Name The Year: Poon Lim found after being adrift 133 days`1943
Name The Year: Popcorn is introduced by an Indian named Quadequina to the English colonists at their first Thanksgiving dinner.`1630
Name The Year: Pope Clement VII excommunicated England's King Henry VIII.`1533
Name The Year: Pope Hilarius, born.`1584
Name The Year: Pope John Paul I dies after 33 days as pope.`1978
Name The Year: Pope John Paul II 264th Roman Catholic pope (1978- ), born.`1918
Name The Year: Pope John Paul II becomes 1st pope to visit Ireland.`1979
Name The Year: Pope John Paul II began 5 day visit to West Germany.`1980
Name The Year: Pope John Paul II gets out of hospital after attempt on life.`1981
Name The Year: Pope John Paul II is 1st Pope to visit the White House.`1979
Name The Year: Pope John Paul II met Rome's Chief Rabbi Elio Toaff at Rome synagogue.`1986
Name The Year: Pope John Paul II proclaimed Rev. M Kolbe, who volunteered to die in place of another inmate at Auschwitz concentration camp, a saint.`1982
Name The Year: Pope John Paul II shot, wounded by assailant in St Peter's Square.`1981
Name The Year: Pope John XXIII convenes 21st Roman Catholic ecumenical council, Vatican II, in Rome.`1962
Name The Year: Pope Julius II excommunicates Italian state of Venice.`1509
Name The Year: Pope Paul II deposed and excommunicated King Henry VIII.`1535
Name The Year: Pope Paul III, born.`1468
Name The Year: Pope Paul III excommunicated England's King Henry VIII.`1538
Name The Year: Pope Paul VI encyclical On the regulation of birth.`1968
Name The Year: Pope Paul VI (Giovanni Battista Montini) succeeds John XXIII.`1963
Name The Year: Pope Paul VI makes 19th-cent bishop John Neumann first US male saint.`1977
Name The Year: Pope Paul VI proclaims Jews not collectively guilty for crucifixion.`1965
Name The Year: Pope Paul VI visits Jordan and Israel.`1964
Name The Year: Pope Paul VI wounded in chest during a visit to Philippines by a dagger-wielding Bolivian painter disguised as a priest.`1970
Name The Year: Pope Pius X canonized a saint.`1954
Name The Year: Pope Pius XII ex-communicated Argentine President Juan Peron. `1955
Name The Year: Pope Pius XII was crowned in ceremonies at the Vatican.`1939
Name The Year: Pope's authority declared void in England.`1536
Name The Year: Pope Stephen II elected to succeed Zacharias, died 2 days later.`1752
Name The Year: Pope Urban II preaches first Crusade.`1095
Name The Year: Popeye makes first appearance, in comic strip "Thimble Theatre."`1929
Name The Year: Portugal grants Angola independence (Natl Day).`1975
Name The Year: Portugal overthrows monarchy, proclaims republic.`1910
Name The Year: Portugal regains independence after 60 years of Spanish rule.`1640
Name The Year: Portugese President Sidonio Paes is assassinated.`1918
Name The Year: Portuguese defeat Castilians at Aljubarrota, retain independence.`1385
Name The Year: Portuguese rebels seize cruise ship Santa Maria.`1961
Name The Year: Postal employee David Berkowitz arrested in Yonkers, NY, accused of being "Son of Sam" the 44 caliber killer.`1977
Name The Year: Post Hospital at Presidio renamed Letterman General Hospital.`1911
Name The Year: Potsdam Conference (Roostevelt, Stalin, Churchill) holds first meeting.`1945
Name The Year: Power plant at Niagara Falls begins operation.`1896
Name The Year: Pravda announces high-level Chernobyl staff fired for stupidity.`1986
Name The Year: Premier of first 3-D feature film, "Bwana Devil", at NY city.`1953
Name The Year: Premier of first animated 3-D cartoon in Technicolor - "Melody".`1953
Name The Year: Pres Bush is hospitalized for erratic heartbeat.`1991
Name The Year: Pres. Eisenhower signs into law National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and Space Act of 1958.`1958
Name The Year: Pres Eisenhower suffered a heart attack on vacation in Denver.`1955
Name The Year: Present constitution of Liechtenstein comes into effect.`1921
Name The Year: Pres Ford says there is "no Soviet domination in Eastern Europe".`1976
Name The Year: Pres Harry S Truman formally ends state of war with Germany.`1951
Name The Year: Pres. Hoover authorizes the building of Boulder Dam (Hoover Dam). `1929
Name The Year: President Abraham Lincoln shot in Ford's Theatre by J.W. Booth.`1865
Name The Year: President Andrew Johnson formally declared the Civil War over.`1866
Name The Year: President Bush and President Yeltsin sign historic nuclear arms reduction1993 treaty.`
Name The Year: President Bush announces DOUBLING of US forces in Gulf.`1990
Name The Year: President-elect Eisenhower visits Korea to assess the war.`1952
Name The Year: President FDR signed into law the Lend-Lease Bill.`1941
Name The Year: President Ford pardons Iva Toguri D'Aquino ("Tokyo Rose").`1977
Name The Year: President Galtieri resigns in Argentina.`1982
Name The Year: President Harry Truman seizes steel industry to avoid a strike.`1952
Name The Year: President Jimmy Carter welcomes Shah of Iran.`1977
Name The Year: President John Kennedy assasinated in Dallas; Lee Harvey Oswald is assumed to have been the assasin.`1963
Name The Year: President Jose Antonio Remon of Panama assassinated.`1955
Name The Year: President Lincoln delivers his famous address at Gettysburg, PA.`1863
Name The Year: President McKinley asks for Spanish-American War declaration`1898
Name The Year: President Nixon agrees to turn over White House tape recordings.`1973
Name The Year: President Nixon and Chinese Premier Chou En-lai issued the Shanghai Communique.`1972
Name The Year: President Nixon visits China.`1972
Name The Year: President Reagan signs a bill establishing Martin Luther King day.`1983
Name The Year: President Richard Nixon resigns in the wake of the Watergate scandal.`1974
Name The Year: President Theodore Roosevelt used the term "muckrake".`1906
Name The Year: President Truman announced atomic bomb secret shared with Britain and Canada.`1945
Name The Year: President Truman asked Congress to formally end the state of war with Germany.`1951
Name The Year: Pres Jackson orders 1st use of US troops to suppress a labor dispute.`1834
Name The Year: Pres Jimmy Carter pardons almost all Vietnam War draft evaders.`1977
Name The Year: Pres Nixon told AP "...people have got to know whether or not their pres is a crook. Well, I'm not a crook."`1973
Name The Year: Pres Reagan criticizes South African state of emergency. `1986
Name The Year: Pres. Reagan greeted predecessors Jimmy Carter, Gerald R. Ford and Richard Nixon before their trip to Egypt for Anwar Sadat's funeral.`1981
Name The Year: Pres Reagan meets with Pope John Paul II and Queen Elizabeth.`1982
Name The Year: Pres. Reagan shot and wounded by John W. Hinckley Jr.`1981
Name The Year: Pres Reagan was elected to a second term, winning 49 states.`1984
Name The Year: Pres. Theodore Roosevelt (first American) awarded Nobel Peace Prize.`1906
Name The Year: Pres. Truman ordered the Air Force and Navy into the Korean conflict.`1950
Name The Year: Pres Truman orders US troops into Korea.`1950
Name The Year: Pres William McKinley assassinated by Leon Czologosz in Buffalo, New York.`1901
Name The Year: Pres. Wilson asked Congress to declare war against Germany.`1917
Name The Year: Prince Albert of Monaco, born.`1958
Name The Year: Prince Andrew, Second eldest son of HRH Queen Elizabeth II, born.`1960
Name The Year: Prince Edward of England, royalty, born.`1964
Name The Year: Prince Henry Charles Albert David of Wales, 3rd in British sucession, born.`1984
Name The Year: Prince Ito of Japan is assassinated by a Korean.`1909
Name The Year: Prince, musician, born.`1958
Name The Year: Prince Philip Mountbatten, Greece, current Duke of Edinburgh, born. `1921
Name The Year: Prince Rainier of Monaco, born.`1923
Name The Year: Prince's "Purple Rain", album goes to #1 and stays #1 for 24 weeks.`1984
Name The Year: Princess Anne of England, born.`1950
Name The Year: Princess Caroline Louise Marguerite of Monaco, born.`1957
Name The Year: Princess Caroline of Monaco, born.`1958
Name The Year: Princess Grace of Monaco dies at 52 in a car crash.`1982
Name The Year: Princess Ingeborg of Sweden, born.`1878
Name The Year: Princess Margaret England (Sister of Queen Elizabeth II), born.`1930
Name The Year: Princess Sarah 'Fergie' Ferguson, the Duchess of York, born.`1959
Name The Year: Princess Stephanie of Monaco`1965
Name The Year: Princess Victoria Ingrid Alicia Desirie, heir apparent of Sweden.`1977
Name The Year: "Prince Valiant" comic strip appears; known for historical detail and fine detail drawing. Thanks Hal.`1937
Name The Year: Prince Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands, heir apparent, born.`1967
Name The Year: Prince William of Wales, second in line to English throne (Son of Prince Charles), born.`1982
Name The Year: Principality of Liechtenstein created within Holy Roman Empire.`1719
Name The Year: Priscilla & Elvis Presley wed.`1967
Name The Year: Priscilla Presley, actor, wife of Elvis`1945
Name The Year: Prisoners revolt at Alcatraz, 5 die.`1946
Name The Year: Production announced-first pilot plant to produce man-made diamonds.`1955
Name The Year: Provisional government of Russia established, Republic proclaimed.`1917
Name The Year: P.T. Barnum & his circus begin 1st tour of US.`1835
Name The Year: PTL leader Jim Bakker resigns.`1987
Name The Year: Publius Helvius Pertinax Roman emperor (193 AD), born.`126
Name The Year: Pueblo founded with construction of first building (start of Yerba Buena, later to be called San Francisco). `1835
Name The Year: Puerto Rico Discovery Day.`1582
Name The Year: Pumping begins to build Treasure Island, San Francisco.`1936
Name The Year: P. W. Botha declares South African national emergency. `1986
Name The Year: Pyotr I. Klimuk, Soviet cosmonaut (Soyuz 13, 18, 30), born.`1942
Name The Year: Qatar declares independence from Britain.`1971
Name The Year: Qatar regains complete independence from Britain.`1971
Name The Year: "Quadrophenia" premieres in London.`1979
Name The Year: Queen Elizabeth I England, (1558-1603) daughter of Henry VIII, born.`1533
Name The Year: Queen Isabella I, funded Christopher Columbus, born.`1451
Name The Year: Queen Liliuokalani, last queen of Hawaii (1891-93)`1838
Name The Year: Queen Mary I, first reigning queen of Great Britain, born.`1516
Name The Year: Queen Mother Wilhelmina Netherlands (1890-1948), born.`1880
Name The Year: Queen Victoria at 18 ascends British throne following death of uncle King William IV. She ruled for 63 years until 1901.`1837
Name The Year: Queen Victoria, Britain's Queen, dies at 82.`1901
Name The Year: Queen Victoria, British ruler`1819
Name The Year: Quincy Jones, composer, conductor, born.`1933
Name The Year: Radar first bounced off sun, Stanford California.`1959
Name The Year: Radio arrives in the White House.`1922
Name The Year: Radio Prague (Czech) at 12:50 AM announces a soviet led invasion.`1968
Name The Year: Radio Shack announces their color computer 2 (the Coco2).`1983
Name The Year: Railroad transportation is born with first track in England.`1825
Name The Year: rajan, 13th Roman emperor (98-117), conqueror of Ctesiphon, born.`53 T
Name The Year: Rajan Mahadevan recites 31,811 digits of pi from memory.`1981
Name The Year: Rajiv Gandhi Indian Prime Minster, assassinated.`1991
Name The Year: Rajiv Gandhi, PM of India (1984-1991), born.`1944
Name The Year: Ralph J. Bunche, a founder and diplomat of UN (Nobel 1950), born.`1904
Name The Year: Ralph Waldo Emerson US, essayist/philosopher, born.`1803
Name The Year: Randolph Hearst newspaper publisher, born.`1915
Name The Year: Randolph Scott, actor, born.`1903
Name The Year: Randy Newman, singer (Raindrops), songwriter`1943
Name The Year: Randy Travis country singer (Always & Forever), born.`1959
Name The Year: Ranger 7 launched toward the Moon; sent back 4308 TV pictures.`1964
Name The Year: Ranjitsinhji Vibhaji India, cricketer/politician, born.`1872
Name The Year: Ransom Eli Olds, auto (Oldsmobile) and truck (REO) manufacturer, born.`1864
Name The Year: Raquel Welch Chic (Myra Breckenridge, 1,000,000 BC, 100 Rifles), born.`1940
Name The Year: Raul Alfonsin, President of Argentina, born.`1927
Name The Year: Raul Julia, actor (Gomez in the Addams Family), born.`1940
Name The Year: Ray Bolger actor/dancer (Scarecrow in Wizard of Oz), dies at 82.`1987
Name The Year: Ray Bradbury, science fiction author (Fahrenheit 451), born.`1920
Name The Year: Ray Charles, entertainer extraordinaire, born.`1930
Name The Year: Ray Kroc founder of MacDonalds/owner San Diego Padres, dies at 82.`1984
Name The Year: Ray Kroc Illinois, founder of MacDonalds/baseball team owner (San Diego Padres), born.`1902
Name The Year: Raymond Poincar, French prime minister (1912), president, born.`1860
Name The Year: Ray Parker Jr rocker (Ghostbusters theme), born.`1954
Name The Year: R. Buckminster Fuller, architect, inventor, philosopher, inventor of the geodesic dome`1895
Name The Year: R Buckminster Fuller inventor/philosopher, dies in LA at 87.`1983
Name The Year: RCA manufactures the first COLOR television set.`1954
Name The Year: RC Carrington and R Hodgson make 1st observation of solar flare.`1859
Name The Year: Reagan administration exceeds SALT II arms limitations for first time.`1986
Name The Year: Reba McEntire, singer, born.`1955
Name The Year: Rebecca De Mornay actress (The Hand That Rocker The Cradle), born.`1962
Name The Year: Record 23,000 start in a marathon (Mexico City).`1986
Name The Year: Record for a throw-and-return boomerang toss is set (121m)`1986
Name The Year: "Red" Baron Manfred von Richtofen, killed in WW I.`1918
Name The Year: Red Buttons, comedian, actor, born.`1919
Name The Year: Red Cross Anniversary.`1864
Name The Year: Redd Foxx, actor (Sanford and Son), comedian, born.`1922
Name The Year: Reichstag building in Berlin was set afire, Nazis blame Communists.`1933
Name The Year: Religion of Islam (submission) founded in Mecca. `570
Name The Year: Rembrandt van Rijn, Dutch painter`1606
Name The Year: Rene Magritte, painter (This is Not a Pipe)`1898
Name The Year: Renoir, painter, born.`1841
Name The Year: Representatives of Israel and Egypt open talks in Washington.`1978
Name The Year: Republican calendar replaces Gregorian calendar in France.`1793
Name The Year: Republican Convention in New Orleans select Bush-Quayle ticket.`1988
Name The Year: Republicans start convention at the Cow Palace, San Francisco.`1956
Name The Year: Republic Day in Sierra Leone`1989
Name The Year: Republic of Cameroon declared as constitution is ratified.`1972
Name The Year: Republic of Iceland proclaimed at Thingvallir, Iceland.`1944
Name The Year: Republic of Ireland gains consultative role in Northern Ireland.`1985
Name The Year: Republic of Korea founded.`1948
Name The Year: Republic of Korea (South Korea) proclaimed (National Day).`1948
Name The Year: Republic of Maldives gains independence from Britain (Nat'l Day).`1965
Name The Year: Republic of Rwanda proclaimed.`1961
Name The Year: Republic of the Congo becomes Republic of Zaire.`1971
Name The Year: Republic of Upper Volta becomes Burkina Fasso (National Day).`1984
Name The Year: "Return of the Jedi" (Star Wars 3) released.`1983
Name The Year: Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr Atlanta, dreamer (Nobel 1964), born.`1929
Name The Year: Rev Jim Jones leads 911 people in suicide in Jonestown, Guyana.`1978
Name The Year: Rev Martin Luther King Sr, dies in Atlanta at 84.`1984
Name The Year: Revolution broke out in Mexico, led by Francisco I. Madero.`1910
Name The Year: Revolution by workers and students in Guatemala.`1944
Name The Year: Revolution in France replaces Charles X with Louis Philippe.`1830
Name The Year: Revolution in Mexico overthrows President Diaz.`1911
Name The Year: Revolution in the Seychelles Islands.`1977
Name The Year: Rev. William Archibald Spooner, invented 'spoonerisms' (ie When you get you bords wackwards and you can't palk troperly.), born.`1844
Name The Year: Rex Harrison, actor`1908
Name The Year: Rex Harrison, actor famous for "Doctor Dolittle" and "My Fair Lady", dies at 82 from cancer.`1990
Name The Year: Rex Harrison England, actor (My Fair Lady, Cleopatra), born.`1908
Name The Year: Rhodesia proclaimed independence from Britain by PM Ian D. Smith.`1965
Name The Year: Ricardo Montalban, actor (Fantasy Island, Star Trek II)`1920
Name The Year: Richard Bonynge, Sydney Australia, conductor (Australian Orchestra Sydney-1976), born.`1930
Name The Year: Richard Brinsley Sheridan, playwright (Rivals, School for Scandal)`1632
Name The Year: Richard Burton, Wales, actor (Cleopatra, Virginia Woolf), born.`1925
Name The Year: Richard Byrd and crew flies over the South Pole.`1929
Name The Year: Richard Carpenter, musician (Carpenters), born.`1946
Name The Year: Richard Crenna, actor`1927
Name The Year: Richard Cromwell, lord protector of England (1658-59)`1626
Name The Year: Richard Dreyfuss, actor (Jaws, Close Encounters of the Third Kind), born.`1947
Name The Year: Richard E. Byrd, polar explorer`1888
Name The Year: Richard F Attenborough environmentalist/zoologist/filmmaker (BBC), born.`1926
Name The Year: Richard Gere Phila Pa, actor (Breathless, Cotton Club), born.`1949
Name The Year: Richard Greene Plymouth England, actor (Adv of Robin Hood), born.`1918
Name The Year: Richard H. Truly, U.S. astronaut (STS-2, 8)`1937
Name The Year: Richard III slain at Bosworth Field - Last of the Plantagenets.`1485
Name The Year: Richard III usurps English throne. `1483
Name The Year: Richard I [Richard the Lion Hearted], King of England (1189-99), born.`1157
Name The Year: Richard Jordan Gatling, US inventor of hand-cranked machine gun, born.`1818
Name The Year: Richard Martin of London takes out the first life insurance policy, on William Gibbons. The premium is 383 pounds.`1583
Name The Year: Richard M. Nixon, 37th President (1968-1974), born.`1913
Name The Year: Richard Nixon appears on "Laugh-in".`1968
Name The Year: Richard Nixon first American president to visit China.`1972
Name The Year: Richard Nixon's first time quiting politics - "You won't have Nixon to kick around", he tells the press.`1962
Name The Year: Richard Pryor, comedian/actor (Lady Sings the Blues, Stir Crazy), born.`1940
Name The Year: Richard Roose boiled to death for trying to poison an archbishop`1531
Name The Year: Richard Strauss (in Germany), composer, born.`1864
Name The Year: Richard Wagner Leipsig Germany, composer (Ring, Flying Dutchman, Ride of the Valkries), born.`1813
Name The Year: Richard Wright, American author (Native Son, Uncle Tom's Children)`1908
Name The Year: Richard Wright rocker (Pink Floyd-The Wall), born.`1945
Name The Year: Richie Sambora guitarist (Bon Jovi-You Give Love a Bad Name), born.`1959
Name The Year: Rich Little (in Canada), impressionist`1938
Name The Year: Rickie Lee Jones (in Chicago), singer`1954
Name The Year: Ricki Lake actress (Hairspray, Ricki Lake Show), born.`1968
Name The Year: Rick James, musician`1952
Name The Year: Ringo Starr, Beatles' drummer, born.`1940
Name The Year: Riot in San Francisco celebrating end of World War II.`1945
Name The Year: Riots in Argentina after Falklands/Malvinas defeat.`1982
Name The Year: Rita Hayworth actress, dies at 68 of Alzheimer's disease.`1987
Name The Year: Rita Hayworth (in New York), actor, alzheimer victim, born.`1919
Name The Year: Rita Rudner comedienne, born.`1955
Name The Year: Ritchie Valens, singer (Donna, La Bamba), born.`1941
Name The Year: River Phoenix, born.`1970
Name The Year: River Rhine (Germany) polluted by chemical spill.`1986
Name The Year: RMS Titanic sets sail for its first and last voyage.`1912
Name The Year: Roald Amundsen, Norwegian explorer, discoverer of South Pole`1872
Name The Year: Roberta Flack (in North Carolina), singer, born.`1940
Name The Year: Robert A Heinlein, sci-fi author (Stranger in a Strange Land), born.`1907
Name The Year: Robert A Heinlein sci-fi writer, dies of heart failure at 80.`1988
Name The Year: Robert Blake, actor (Little Rascals, Baretta), born.`1933
Name The Year: Robert Bridges, poet laureate of England (The Testament of Beauty), born.`1844
Name The Year: Robert Browning, poet, born.`1812
Name The Year: Robert Burns, Scottish poet, born.`1759
Name The Year: Robert Burns Scottish poet, dies.`1796
Name The Year: Robert Crumb cartoonist (Father Time), born.`1943
Name The Year: Robert Culp, actor (I Spy), born.`1930
Name The Year: Robert De Niro, actor (Bang the Drum Slowly, Taxi Driver), born.`1943
Name The Year: Robert Duvall, actor, born.`1931
Name The Year: Robert E Lee General of the Confederate Army, dies at 63.`1870
Name The Year: Robert Emmett's insurrection in Dublin.`1803
Name The Year: Robert 'Evel' Knievel, motorcycle daredevil, born.`1938
Name The Year: Robert Flaherty, father of the documentary film, born.`1884
Name The Year: Robert Frost (in San Francisco, CA), poet, born.`1875
Name The Year: Robert Fulton, built first commercial steamboat`1765
Name The Year: Robert Fulton, inventor, born`1765
Name The Year: Robert Goddard, rocketry pioneer, died.`1945
Name The Year: Robert Goulet (in Canada), singer, actor`1933
Name The Year: Robert Greene Elizabethan dramatist (Friar Bacon), born.`1558
Name The Year: Robert J.L. Hawke (Labor), prime minister of Australia (1983-1991) born.`1929
Name The Year: Robert Kennedy (in Brookline, Mass), Democratic Senator from New York, U.S. Attorney General; later assassinated`1925
Name The Year: Robert Lord Clive, founded British empire in India, born.`1755
Name The Year: Robert Louis Stevenson (in Scotland), writer (Treasure Island)`1850
Name The Year: Robert Ludlum spy novelist (Bourne Identity), born.`1927
Name The Year: Robert Mitchum, actor, born.`1917
Name The Year: Robert Redford Calif, actor (Sting, Candidate, Natural, Great Gatsby), born.`1937
Name The Year: Robert Runcie, archbishop of Canterbury`1921
Name The Year: Robert Smith rock guitarist/vocalist (Cure), born.`1959
Name The Year: Robert Stack LA Calif, actor (Eliot Ness-Untouchables, Airplane), born.`1919
Name The Year: Robert the Bruce Scotland, King (1328-1329), born.`1274
Name The Year: Robert Vaughn, actor (Man from U.N.C.L.E)`1932
Name The Year: Robert Wagner, actor, born.`1930
Name The Year: Robert Zimmerman (a.k.a. Bob Dylan) (in Minnesota), folk singer`1941
Name The Year: Robespierre and 22 other terrorists executed to thunderous cheers.`1794
Name The Year: Robinson Crusoe, according to Daniel Defoe`1627
Name The Year: Robinson Crusoe is shipwrecked (according to Defoe).`1659
Name The Year: Robinson Crusoe leaves his island after 28 years (as per Defoe).`1686
Name The Year: Robin Williams Chicago Ill, comedian (Mork and Mindy, Awakenings), born.`1952
Name The Year: Rob Lowe, actor, famous for home-made movies, born.`1964
Name The Year: Rob Reiner, actor, director (All in the Family, Spinal Tap), born.`1945
Name The Year: Rocker Alice Cooper falls of stage in Vancouver, breaks 6 ribs`1975
Name The Year: Rocker Chubby Checker arrest for marijuana pocession`1970
Name The Year: Rock Hudson (in Winnetka, Ill), actor (Pillow Talk, A Farewell to Arms, McMillan and Wife)`1925
Name The Year: Rocky Graziano boxer, dies at 71, of heart failure.`1990
Name The Year: Rocky Graziano, pugilist, born.`1922
Name The Year: Rocky Marciano former heavyweight champ, dies in a plane crash.`1964
Name The Year: Rocky Marciano, heavyweight champion boxer (1952-56), born.`1923
Name The Year: Rod Laver, tennis player, born.`1938
Name The Year: Rodolphe Kreutzer, French composer, virtuoso violinist`1766
Name The Year: Rod Serling's "Twilight Zone" premieres on CBS.`1959
Name The Year: Rod Serling writer/host (Twilight Zone, Night Gallery), dies at 60.`1975
Name The Year: Rod Steiger, actor, born.`1925
Name The Year: Rod Stewart, singer, born.`1945
Name The Year: Roger Bannister breaks the 4 min mile in 3:59:4`1954
Name The Year: Roger Moore, actor, (The Saint, numerous James Bond movies), born.`1926
Name The Year: Roger Taylor rock drummer (Duran Duran), born.`1960
Name The Year: Roger Waters, (Pink Floyd-The Wall), born.`1943
Name The Year: Roger Waters, singer (Pink Floyd), born.`1947
Name The Year: Rohini 1, first Indian satellite, is launched.`1980
Name The Year: Rolling Stones 1st tour (opening act for Bo Diddley and Everly Bros).`1963
Name The Year: Rolling Stones record "Satisfaction".`1965
Name The Year: Rolling Stones release "Paint it Black".`1966
Name The Year: (Romania) Dr Petru Groza premier of Romania, dies at 74.`1958
Name The Year: Roman Polanski director (Knife in the Water, Repulsion, Macbeth), born.`1933
Name The Year: Rome liberated from the Fascist armies of Mussolini.`1944
Name The Year: Rome overrun by Visigoths, symbolized fall of Western Roman Empire.`410
Name The Year: Rommel takes Tobruk in North Africa.`1942
Name The Year: Romulus Augustulus, last Roman emperor in west, is deposed.`476
Name The Year: Ronald Reagan, 40th President (1981-1989), born.`1911
Name The Year: Ronald Reagan is knighted by Queen Elizabeth.`1989
Name The Year: Ronald Reagan's "evil empire" speech.`1982
Name The Year: Ron Howard, actor (Mayberry RFD, Happy Days, American Graffiti), director (Splash, Cocoon, Backdraft), born.`1954
Name The Year: Ron Kovic disabled vietnam vet (Born on 4th of July was based on his life), born.`1946
Name The Year: Ron Perlman, actor, born.`1950
Name The Year: Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin began a conference at Yalta.`1945
Name The Year: Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin met at Tehran.`1943
Name The Year: Roosevelt establishes diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union.`1933
Name The Year: Ropert L Ripley cartoonist (Believe It or Not), dies at 55 in NY.`1949
Name The Year: Roseanne Barr Arnold Salt Lake City, comedienne/TV star (Roseanne), born.`1952
Name The Year: Rose Kennedy, Mother of a President, an Attorney General, and a Senator, born.`1890
Name The Year: Rosemary DeCamp (in Arizona)`1910
Name The Year: Rotary Club is founded by four men in Chicago.`1905
Name The Year: Rouben Mamoulian, movie director, born.`1897
Name The Year: "Route 66" premiers.`1960
Name The Year: Rowan Atikinson (Comedian), born.`1956
Name The Year: Royal Air Force established in Britain.`1918
Name The Year: Royal Bank of Canada took over the Quebec Bank.`1917
Name The Year: Royal Flying Corps established in England.`1912
Name The Year: Royal Greenwich Observatory established in England by Charles II.`1675
Name The Year: Roy Emerson Australia, tennis player (Wimbeldon '64, '65), born.`1936
Name The Year: Roy Lichtenstein, Pop art painter; painted comic book panels, born.`1923
Name The Year: Roy Orbison, musician, born.`1936
Name The Year: Roy Scheider Orange NJ, actor (All That Jazz, Jaws), born.`1935
Name The Year: Rubber is patented.`1813
Name The Year: Rube Goldberg who made the easy outrageously difficult, born.`1883
Name The Year: Rudolf Diesel, invented an engine, born.`1858
Name The Year: Rudolf Hess, Hitler's Deputy Fuhrer, only prisoner at Spandau, born.`1895
Name The Year: Rudolf Nureyev, ballet star, born.`1938
Name The Year: Rudolph Hess, Nazi, dies at 93, after 46 years in Spandau Prison.`1987
Name The Year: Rudolph Valentino, silent film star, sheik`1895
Name The Year: Rudyard Kipling author, dies in Burwash, England.`1936
Name The Year: Ruins of Mashkan-shapir (occupied 2050-1720 BC) found in Iraq.`1989
Name The Year: Rumania liberated from Nazi occupation (Romanian National Day).`1944
Name The Year: Rupert Murdoch, "newspaper" publisher, born.`1931
Name The Year: Russell L. (Rusty) Schweickart, astronaut (Apollo 9)`1935
Name The Year: (Russia) Boris Godunov seizes the Russian throne on death of Feodore I.`1598
Name The Year: Russia cedes Livonia & Estonia to Poland, loses access to the Baltic.`1582
Name The Year: Russia lands unmanned remote-controlled vehicle on Moon.`1970
Name The Year: Russia launches first Soyuz mission.`1967
Name The Year: Russia launches second and final Voshkoid. The first spacewalk is made by Aleksei Leonov.`1965
Name The Year: Russian calendar adjusted so Russian New Year occurs on January 1st, instead of September 1st.`1699
Name The Year: Russian cruisers Variag and Korietz sunk off Korean coast by Japanese.`1904
Name The Year: Russia proclaimed a republic by Alexander Kerensky.`1917
Name The Year: Russia publicly acknowledges a test detonation of a hydrogen bomb.`1953
Name The Year: Russia shoots down Francis Gary Powers' U-2 spy plane over Sverdlovsk.`1960
Name The Year: Russia takes Berlin.`1945
Name The Year: Rutger Hauer, actor (Blade Runner, Ladyhawke, Osterman Weekend), born.`1944
Name The Year: Ruth Gordon (in Mass.), actor (Rosemary's Baby, Harold and Maude)`1896
Name The Year: Rwanda & Burundi become independent.`1962
Name The Year: Ryan O'Neal, actor, born.`1941
Name The Year: Sabra Starr finishes longest recorded belly dance (100 hrs).`1977
Name The Year: Sack of Rome - End of the Renaissance.`1527
Name The Year: Sadat pledges to regain arab terrority from Israel.`1977
Name The Year: Saddam Hussein declares America can't beat Iraq.`1990
Name The Year: Saddam Hussein president of Iraq (1979- ), born.`1937
Name The Year: Saddam says Israel will be Iraq's 1st target.`1990
Name The Year: Saddam threatens to hit Israel with a new missile.`1990
Name The Year: Safety pin patented by Walter Hunt of New York City. He immediately sells the patent rights for $100.`1849
Name The Year: Saidi, great Persian poet (Orchard, Rose Garden) dies.`1292
Name The Year: Salk polio vaccine safe and effective; four billion dimes marched.`1955
Name The Year: Sally Field (in Pasadena, CA), actor (Flying Nun, Norma Rae)`1946
Name The Year: Sally Jesse Raphael TV talk show host (Sally), born.`1943
Name The Year: Sally Kellerman, Long Beach Cal, actress (M*A*S*H, Back to School), born.`1936
Name The Year: Salvador Allende Gossens elected president of Chile.`1970
Name The Year: Salvador Dali, Spain, surrealist artist (Crucifixion), born.`1904
Name The Year: Salvador Dali, Spanish surrealist painter, dies in Spain at 84.`1989
Name The Year: Salvatore Quasimodo, Italian poet, critic, translator (Nobel 1959), born.`1901
Name The Year: Sam Elliott, actor, born.`1944
Name The Year: Sam Houston elected president of the Republic of Texas.`1836
Name The Year: Sam Melville, actor, born.`1940
Name The Year: Sammy Davis, Jr., "The Complete Entertainer", dies of throat cancer.`1990
Name The Year: Samuel Beckett, playwright, born.`1906
Name The Year: Samuel Butler publishes 1st part of "Erewhon", Christchurch, N.Z.. `1863
Name The Year: Samuel Clemens (a.k.a. Mark Twain) (at Hannibal, MO), author (Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn)`1835
Name The Year: Samuel Colt, invented the Colt Revolver (made men equal), born.`1814
Name The Year: Samuel F.B. Morse completes 1st telegraph line.`1844
Name The Year: Samuel F.B. Morse taps out "What Hath God Wrought".`1844
Name The Year: Samuel F.B. Morse, the developer of the electric telegraph, died.`1872
Name The Year: Samuel Goldwyn, pioneer filmmaker`1882
NAME THE YEAR: Samuel Johnsons Dictionary standardises English spelling`1755
Name The Year: Samuel Kanyon Doe president of Liberia, assassinated.`1990
Name The Year: Samuel Pepys reports on first blood transfusion (between dogs).`1666
Name The Year: Samuel S. McClure, organizer of the first news syndicate, born`1857
Name The Year: Samuel Taylor Coleridge (in England), poet, born.`1772
Name The Year: Sandpaper patented by Isaac Fischer Jr, Springfield, Vermont `1834
Name The Year: Sandra Bernhard, actress, born.`1955
Name The Year: Sandro Botticelli, Italian painter (Birth of Venus), born.`1444
Name The Year: San Francisco Bay's Golden Gate Bridge opens.`1937
Name The Year: San Francisco Mayor George Moscone and City Supervisor Harvey Milk shot by Dan White.`1978
Name The Year: Santiago, Chile founded.`1541
Name The Year: Santo Domingo (Dominican Rep) proclaims independence from Spain.`1821
Name The Year: Sao Tome Principe gains independence from Portugal (Nat'l Day).`1975
Name The Year: Sara Gilbert, actress (Melissa-Roseanne), born.`1974
Name The Year: Sarah Moore Grimke, American antislavery, women's rights advocate`1792
Name The Year: Sara Teasdale, poet`1884
Name The Year: Sardines were first canned, in Eastport, Maine.`1876
Name The Year: "Saturday Night Live" premiers.`1975
Name The Year: Saudi Prince Faisal Ibn Mussed Abdul Aziz beheaded in Riyadh shopping center parking lot for killing his uncle the king.`1975
Name The Year: Scotch tape 1st marketed by 3-M Company.`1928
Name The Year: (Scotland) Richard Arkwright, invented spinning frame.`1732
Name The Year: Scotland, under King Robert I, defeats England.`1314
Name The Year: Scotland Yard formed in London.`1829
Name The Year: Scott Bakula, actor (Quantum Leap, The Invaders), born.`1954
Name The Year: Scott Hamilton Toledo, figure skating champion (Olympic-gold-1984), born.`1958
Name The Year: Scottish settlers arrive at Pictou, Nova Scotia (Canada).`1773
Name The Year: Sculptor August Rodin died in Meudon, France.`1917
Name The Year: Sean Connery actor (James Bond, Man Who Would Be King), born.`1930
Name The Year: Sean MacBride Ireland, commander of Irish Republican Army, dies at 83.`1988
Name The Year: Sean Penn, actor, born.`1960
Name The Year: Second French Republic was proclaimed.`1848
Name The Year: Second Space Shuttle Mission - Columbia 2 is launched. First time a spacecraft is launched twice.`1981
Name The Year: Second Space Shuttle Mission, Columbia 2, returns to Earth.`1981
Name The Year: Second test of the Space Shuttle Enterprise.`1977
Name The Year: Security Council Resol 338 - a cease fire to the Yom Kippur War.`1973
Name The Year: Seismic sea waves created by the Krakatoa eruption create a rise in the English Channel 32 hrs after the explosion.`1883
Name The Year: Semi-automatic rifles adopted by US army.`1936
Name The Year: Senegalese National Day begins`1960
Name The Year: Senegal gains independence from France.`1960
Name The Year: Sen. Robert F. Kennedy assassinated at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles (by Sirhan Sirhan) after winning the Democratic Primary.`1968
Name The Year: Sergei Kirov Josef Stalin's collaborator, assassinated in Leningrad.`1934
Name The Year: Sergei Rachmaninoff (in Novgorod Province, Russia), composer, born.`1873
Name The Year: Sergio Mendes, artist, born.`1941
Name The Year: "Sesame Street" premieres on PBS TV.`1969
Name The Year: Seve Ballesteros, golfer, born.`1957
Name The Year: Seventeenth Space Shuttle Mission - Challenger 7 returns to Earth.`1985
Name The Year: Severe earthquake at 7:53 a.m., centered in Hayward, Calif.`1868
Name The Year: Severe earthquake in New England.`1727
Name The Year: Sex Pistols' final concert (Winterland, SF).`1978
Name The Year: Seychelles gains independence from Britain.`1976
Name The Year: Seymour Cray inventor (Cray I computer), born.`1925
Name The Year: Sgt. Alvin York single-handedly kills 25, captures 132 Germans.`1918
Name The Year: Shah Mohammed Reza Pahavala of Iran, dies in Cairo at 60.`1980
Name The Year: Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlevi of Iran flees Iran for Egypt.`1979
Name The Year: Shah of Iran crowns himself after 26 years on Peacock Throne.`1967
Name The Year: Shane Warne takes a hat-trick v England at cricket MCG`1994
Name The Year: Shari Lewis (in Bronx, NY), puppeteer (Lambchop), born.`1934
Name The Year: Shaun Cassidy, singer, born.`1958
Name The Year: Sheena Easton Glasgow Scotland, singer/Jack LaLane spokesperson, born.`1959
Name The Year: Shelley Long (in Fort Wayne, IN), actor, born.`1949
Name The Year: Sherlock Holmes "dies" at Reichenbach Falls.`1891
Name The Year: Shigeki Tanaka, survivor of Hiroshima A-bomb, wins Boston Marathon`1951
Name The Year: Shigeru Yoshida Japanese PM (most of 1946-54), born.`1878
Name The Year: Shirley Bassey (in Wales), born.`1937
Name The Year: Shirley Bassey (Singer), born.`1937
Name The Year: Shirley MacLaine (in Richmond, Virginia), actor (in this life), born`1934
Name The Year: Shirley Temple appears in her 1st movie, "Stand Up & Cheer"`1934
Name The Year: Shirley Temple (in Santa Monica, CA), child actor, born.`1928
Name The Year: Shmuel Agnon, Israeli novelist (Day Before Yesterday) (Nobel 1966), born.`1888
Name The Year: Sholem Asch, Yiddish novelist, playwright (Three Cities)`1880
Name The Year: Shooting begins on "The Cage" the pilot for Star Trek.`1964
Name The Year: Shozo Fujii judo champion, born.`1950
Name The Year: Shultz warns US will withdraw from UN if they vote to exclude Israel.`1982
Name The Year: Siamese twins Chang and Eng Bunker, arrived in Boston to be exhibited.`1829
Name The Year: Siam renames itself Thailand.`1949
Name The Year: Sidney Poitier became first black man to win Oscar for best actor.`1964
Name The Year: Sid Vicious [John Beverly], bassist (Sex Pistols), born.`1957
Name The Year: Siege of Leningrad by Nazi troops began during WW II.`1941
Name The Year: Sierra Leone becomes a republic (Natl Day)`1971
Name The Year: Sigmund Freud, cigar smoker, psychiatrist, born`1856
Name The Year: Sigourney Weaver (in Los Angeles), actor (Aliens, GhostBusters), born.`1949
Name The Year: "Silent Night" composed by Franz Joseph Gruber; 1st sung next day.`1818
Name The Year: Silver jubilee of Queen Elizabeth celebrated with fireworks. `1977
Name The Year: Simon Bolivar, freed 6 Latin American republics from Spanish rule, born.`1783
Name The Year: Simon Bolivar named president of Peru.`1823
Name The Year: Simon de Montfort, English baron, dies in battle.`1265
Name The Year: Simone De Beauvoir, writer, born.`1908
Name The Year: Simon Le Bon, rocker (Duran Duran), born.`1958
Name The Year: Singapore gains independence from Malaysia (National Day).`1965
Name The Year: Singer Nat Cole attacked on stage of Birmingham theater by whites`1956
Name The Year: Singer Otis Redding dies in plane crash at 26.`1967
Name The Year: Sino-Portuguese treaty recognizes Portugal's control of Macao.`1887
Name The Year: Siobhan Fahey rocker (Bananarama), born.`1957
Name The Year: Sioux Indian leader Sitting Bull, surrenders to federal troops.`1881
Name The Year: Siouxsie [Susan Ballion], (Siouxsie & the Bandshee-Wild Thing), born.`1957
Name The Year: Sir Alec Guiness, thespian (credits-too-numerous-to-mention), born.`1914
Name The Year: Sir Alexander Fleming, cashed in on penicillin (Nobel 1954), born.`1881
Name The Year: Sir Ambrose Fleming, inventor of the diode`1849
Name The Year: Sir Apirana Turupa Ngata Kawaka NZ, Maori political/cultural leader, born.`1874
Name The Year: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle UK, brought Sherlock Holmes to life twice, born.`1859
Name The Year: Sir Arthur Sullivan, London, England, of Gilbert & Sullivan fame, born.`1842
Name The Year: Sir Austen Chamberlain, British foreign secretary (Nobel 1925)`1863
Name The Year: Sir Benjamin Lee, Baronet Guinness, Irish brewer, Dublin mayor`1798
Name The Year: Sir Bob Geldof pop musician (Boomtown Rats, Band Aid), born.`1951
Name The Year: Sir Charles Lyell, geologist`1797
Name The Year: Sir Christopher Wren, England, astronomer/great architect, born.`1632
Name The Year: Sir Edmond Halley, astronomer, first to calculate a comet's orbit`1656
Name The Year: Sir Edmund Barton 1st PM of Australia (1900-03), born.`1849
Name The Year: Sir Edmund Hillary one of 1st 2 men to scale Mt Everest, born.`1919
Name The Year: Sir Edmund Hillary reached South Pole overland.`1958
Name The Year: Sir Ernest Shackleton, Antarctic explorer, died aboard his ship.`1922
Name The Year: Sir Francis Drake English navigator, dies at about 50.`1595
Name The Year: Sir Francis Drake lands on the coast of California.`1579
Name The Year: Sir Frank Dyson, proved Einstein right about light bent by gravity, born.`1868
Name The Year: Sir Georg Solti, conductor, born.`1912
Name The Year: Sir Henry Havelock British soldier (War in Afghanistan 1838-39), born.`1795
Name The Year: Sir Henry Royce, one of the founders of Rolls-Royce, born.`1863
Name The Year: Sir Humphrey Davy of London patents the miner's safety lamp.`1815
Name The Year: Sir Humphry Davy, discovered several chemical elements`1778
Name The Year: Sir Isaac Newton died in London.`1727
Name The Year: Sir Issac Newton, scientist, discovered laws of gravity.`1643
Name The Year: Sir John Gielgud, actor, singer, born.`1904
Name The Year: Sir John Hawkins, wrote first history of music in English, born.`1719
Name The Year: Sir Julian Huxley London, biologist/philosopher, Darwin's Bulldog, born.`1887
Name The Year: Sir Julius Benedict, composer`1804
Name The Year: Sir Laurence Olivier acting great, dies at 82.`1989
Name The Year: Sir Martin Ryle, British radio astronomer, astronomer royal 1972-82, born.`1918
Name The Year: Sir Max Beerbohm England, caricaturist/writer/wit (Saturday Review), born.`1872
Name The Year: Sir Noel Coward, playwright, born.`1899
Name The Year: Sir Richard Attenborough actor/director (Gandhi, Young Winston), born.`1923
Name The Year: Sir Richard Burton, explorer, born.`1821
Name The Year: Sir Richard Hadlee Christchurch, NZ, New Zealand Cricket Legend, born.`1951
Name The Year: Sir Robert Walpole (Whig), British prime minister, 1721-42`1676
Name The Year: Sir Rowland Hill introduced 1st adhesive postage stamp (1840).`1795
Name The Year: Sir Samuel Cunard, founded first regular Atlantic steamship line`1787
Name The Year: Sir Stamford Raffles 1st lands in Singapore.`1819
Name The Year: Sir Stamford Raffles founded Singapore, born.`1781
Name The Year: Sir Thomas Beecham, English composer, founded London Philharmonic, born.`1879
Name The Year: Sir Thomas Herriot introduces potatoes to England, from Colombia.`1586
Name The Year: Sir Thomas Lipton tea magnate (Lipton Tea), born.`1850
Name The Year: Sir Thomas More executed in England for treason.`1535
Name The Year: Sir Thomas More went on trial in England charged with treason.`1535
Name The Year: Sir Thomas Pope, English politician, benefactor, dies at about 52.`1559
Name The Year: Sir Walter Raleigh brings 1st tobacco to England from Virginia.`1586
Name The Year: Sir Walter Raleigh is executed in London.`1618
Name The Year: Sir Walter Scott, Scottish novelist, poet (Lady of Lake, Ivanhoe), born.`1771
Name The Year: Sir Watson-Watt granted a patent for RADAR.`1935
Name The Year: Sir William Blackstone, English jurist (Blackstone's Commentaries), born.`1723
Name The Year: Sir William Herschel, astronomer discovered Uranus`1738
Name The Year: Sir William Herschel discovers Saturn's moon Enceladus.`1789
Name The Year: Sir William Parry, British Arctic explorer`1790
Name The Year: Sir Winston Churchill (C), Brit. PM (1940-45, 1951-55) (Nobel 1953)`1874
Name The Year: Sir W.S. Gilbert, playwright (of Gilbert and Sullivan fame)`1836
Name The Year: Six Persian Gulf nations double their oil prices.`1973
Name The Year: Sixth Space Shuttle Mission - Challenger 1 returns to Earth.`1983
Name The Year: Skylab 4 and its crew are launched into earth orbit (The final Skylab mission).`1973
Name The Year: Skylab 4's astronauts land.`1974
Name The Year: Skylab launched, the 1st Space Station.`1973
Name The Year: Slavery is abolished in the US territories.`1862
Name The Year: Slavery outlawed in England.`1772
Name The Year: Slaves revolt in Haiti (later suppressed).`1790
Name The Year: Slave trade abolished in DC, but slavery allowed to continue.`1850
Name The Year: Smokey Robinson, singer, born.`1940
Name The Year: Society of Jesus (Jesuits) founded by Ignatius Loyola.`1540
Name The Year: Solidarity grants legal status in Poland`1989
Name The Year: Solomon Is gains independence from Britain (National Day).`1978
Name The Year: Somerset Maugham, poet, born.`1874
Name The Year: Sonny and Cher resumes on TV despite real life divorce.`1976
Name The Year: Son of Sam shot to death 20-year-old Stacy Moskowitz.`1977
Name The Year: Sophia Loren (in Rome, Italy), actor (Desire Under the Elms, Black Orchid)`1934
Name The Year: Sophia, regent of Russia (1682-89), born.`1657
Name The Year: South Africa became an independent republic.`1961
Name The Year: South Africa begins implementing apartheid; no mixed marriages.`1949
Name The Year: South Africa begins trial of Nelson Mandela and 8 others on conspiracy.`1963
Name The Year: South Africa elects a nationalist govt with apartheid policy.`1948
Name The Year: South African Bishop Desmond Tutu received his Nobel Peace Prize.`1984
Name the year. South African police kill 56 people in Shatpeville, Israeli intelligence agents capture Adolf Eichmann, and Nigeria gains its independence.`1960
Name The Year: South African prisoner Nelson Mandela sees his wife for 1st time in 22 years.`1984
Name The Year: South African women demonstrate against pass laws.`1956
Name The Year: South Africa passes Group Areas Act segregating races.`1950
Name The Year: South Carolina passes Ordinance of Nullification.`1832
Name The Year: South Korea liberated from Japanese rule. (Liberation Day in South Korea), born.`1945
Name The Year: South Korean boxer Duk Koo Kim was legally declared dead.`1982
Name The Year: South Korean President Park Chung-Hee escaped an assassination.`1974
Name The Year: South Korean voters overwhelmingly approved a new constitution.`1987
Name The Year: South Pole first reached, by Norwegian Roald Amundsen.`1911
Name The Year: Soviet author Alexander I. Solzhenitsyn awarded Nobel Prize for Lit.`1970
Name The Year: Soviet ballet dancer Rudolf Nureyev defects to West in Paris. `1961
Name The Year: Soviet-German treaty agree on 4th partition of Poland (WW II) and gives Lithuania to the USSR.`1939
Name The Year: Soviet Luna 3, 1st successful photographic spacecraft, impacts Moon.`1959
Name The Year: Soviet Lunik 2 becomes first human-made object to crash on moon.`1959
Name The Year: Soviet Mars 3 is 1st to soft land on Mars.`1971
Name The Year: Soviet novelist Boris Pasternak, wins Nobel Prize for Literature.`1958
Name The Year: Soviet Party Congress unanimously approves a resolution removing Josef Stalin's body from Lenin's tomb in Red Square.`1961
Name The Year: Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin resigns, due to illness.`1980
Name The Year: Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin suffered a fatal heart attack at 76.`1980
Name The Year: Soviet Premier Khrushchev arrives in US to begin a 13-day visit.`1959
Name The Year: Soviets announce they broke the long Nazi siege of Leningrad.`1943
Name The Year: Soviets blockades Berlin from the west.`1948
Name The Year: Soviets launch first unmanned Space Shuttle in two-day test.`1988
Name The Year: Soviet spacecraft Venera 9 lands on Venus.`1975
Name The Year: Soviet space station Salyut 6 launched into Earth orbit.`1977
Name The Year: Soviet troops enter Berlin`1945
Name The Year: Soviet troops invade Czechoslovakia during WW II.`1944
Name The Year: Soviet troops invade Yugoslavia.`1944
Name The Year: Soviet Union agrees to allow teaching of Hebrew.`1988
Name The Year: Soviet Union and Saudi Arabia restore diplomatic ties.`1990
Name The Year: Soviet Union annexes Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania.`1940
Name The Year: Soviet Union conducts secret test of its 1st hydrogen bomb.`1953
Name The Year: Soviet Union invades Poland during WW II.`1939
Name The Year: Soviet Union launches Phobos 1 to probe Martian moon (unsuccessful).`1988
Name The Year: Soviet unmanned Space Shuttle completes 2 day test, lands just 8 miles from launch site in central Asia.`1988
Name The Year: Soviet Venera 4 becomes the 1st probe to send data back from Venus.`1967
Name The Year: Soyuz 12 is launched.`1973
Name The Year: Soyuz 13 launched into earth orbit for 8 days.`1973
Name The Year: Soyuz 14 is launched.`1974
Name The Year: Soyuz 15 carries 2 cosmonauts to space station Salyut 3.`1974
Name The Year: Soyuz 17 is launched.`1975
Name The Year: Soyuz 18B is launched.`1975
Name The Year: Soyuz 19 and Apollo 18 launched; rendezvous 2 days later.`1975
Name The Year: Soyuz 22 returns to Earth.`1976
Name The Year: Soyuz 23 launched to Salyut 6, but return without docking.`1976
Name The Year: Soyuz 23 returns to Earth.`1976
Name The Year: Soyuz 24 is launched.`1977
Name The Year: Soyuz 24 returns to Earth.`1977
Name The Year: Soyuz 25 returns to Earth.`1977
Name The Year: Soyuz 26 carries 2 cosmonauts to Salyut 6 space station.`1977
Name The Year: Soyuz 26 returns to Earth.`1978
Name The Year: Soyuz 28 is launched.`1978
Name The Year: Soyuz 28 returns to Earth.`1978
Name The Year: Soyuz 30 is launched.`1978
Name The Year: Soyuz 30 spacecraft touches down in Soviet Kazakhstan.`1978
Name The Year: Soyuz 31 is launched.`1978
Name The Year: Soyuz 32 is launched.`1979
Name The Year: Soyuz 33 is launched.`1979
Name The Year: Soyuz 33 returns to Earth.`1979
Name The Year: Soyuz 35 is launched.`1980
Name The Year: Soyuz 37 crew returns to Earth aboard Soyuz 36.`1980
Name The Year: Soyuz 37 ferries 2 cosmonauts (1 Vietnamese) to Salyut 6.`1980
Name The Year: Soyuz 38 carries 2 cosmonauts (1 Cuban) to Salyut 6 space station.`1980
Name The Year: Soyuz 38 returns to Earth.`1980
Name The Year: Soyuz 39 is launched - First Monoglian in space.`1981
Name The Year: Soyuz 39 returns to Earth.`1981
Name The Year: Soyuz 7 returns to Earth.`1969
Name The Year: Soyuz 8 is launched.`1969
Name The Year: Soyuz 9 returns to Earth.`1970
Name The Year: Soyuz T-10 is launched.`1984
Name The Year: Soyuz T-11 is launched.`1984
Name The Year: Soyuz T-12 carries 3 cosmonauts to space station Salyut 7.`1984
Name The Year: Soyuz T-2 is launched.`1980
Name The Year: Soyuz T-3 is launched.`1980
Name The Year: Soyuz T-4 is launched.`1981
Name The Year: Soyuz T-5 returns to Earth, 211 days after take-off.`1982
Name The Year: Soyuz T-6 is launched.`1982
Name The Year: Soyuz T-7 is launched.`1982
Name The Year: Soyuz T-7 returns to Earth.`1982
Name The Year: Soyuz T-9 is launched.`1983
Name The Year: Soyuz T-9 returns to Earth, 149 days after take-off.`1983
Name The Year: Space Mountain opens (Disneyland).`1975
Name The Year: Space shuttle astronauts snared a satellite first space salvage.`1984
Name The Year: Space shuttle Atlantis makes second flight, carries 7 (1 Mexican).`1985
Name The Year: Space shuttle Enterprise makes 1st atmospheric flight.`1977
Name The Year: Space Shuttle STS 37 (Atlantis 8) launched`1991
Name The Year: Space Shuttle test model the "Enterprise" carries a crew aloft for the first time. It was fixed to a modified Boeing 747.`1977
Name The Year: Spain abolishes slavery in Cuba.`1886
Name The Year: Spain became the 16th member of North Atlantic Treaty Organization .`1982
Name The Year: Spain ceded Florida to the United States.`1821
Name The Year: Spain cedes Guam to US.`1898
Name The Year: Spain cedes the Falkland Islands to Britain.`1771
Name The Year: Spain declares war on U.S., rejecting ultimatum to withdraw from Cuba.`1898
Name The Year: Spain grants Dominican Rep independence.`1844
Name The Year: Spain's Gen. Francisco Franco dies in Madrid at 82.`1975
Name The Year: Spanish-American War begins.`1898
Name The Year: Spanish-American War ends.`1900
Name The Year: Spanish-American War ends -- U.S. acquires Guam, Puerto Rico, the Phillipines, and Cuba from Spain.`1898
Name The Year: Spanish Armada sails to overthrow England's Queen Elizabeth I.`1588
Name The Year: Spanish Armada sets sail for Lisbon, bound to England.`1588
Name The Year: Spanish Civil War began as Gen. Francisco Franco led uprising.`1936
Name The Year: Spanish Civil War end as Madrid fell to Francisco Franco.`1939
Name The Year: Spanish conquerors captured Mexico City from Aztecs.`1521
Name The Year: Spanish navigator Juan de Elcano returns to Spain, completes 1st circumnavigation of globe, expedition begins under Ferdinand Magellan.`1522
Name The Year: Spanky McFarland, actor, little rascal`1928
Name The Year: Speech by Khrushchev blasting Stalin made public.`1956
Name The Year: Spencer Perceval (Tory), British PM (1809-12)`1762
Name The Year: Spencer Tracy actor (Father's Little Dividend, Adam's Rib), born.`1900
Name The Year: Spencer Tracy actor (Guess Who's Coming to Dinner), born.`1900
Name The Year: Spike Lee, director, actor (She's Gotta Have It, Jungle Fever), born.`1957
Name The Year: Spinach growers of Crystal City, TX, erect a statue of Popeye.`1937
Name The Year: Spokeswoman for Rock Hudson confirmed he had AIDS.`1985
Name The Year: Sputnik 1 destroyed on reentry`1958
Name The Year: Sputnik 5 carries 3 dogs into orbit (later recovered alive).`1960
Name The Year: Sren Kierkegaard Denmark, philosopher, founded Existentialism, born.`1813
Name The Year: S.S. Ceylon begins first round-the-world cruise from Liverpool.`1881
Name The Year: S.S. Strathleven arrives in London with first successful shipment of frozen mutton from Australia.`1880
Name The Year: St Adrian III begins his reign as Catholic Pope.`884
Name The Year: St Agapitus I begins his reign as Catholic Pope.`535
Name The Year: Stan Freberg, writer, producer, comedian, cartoon-voice, born.`1926
Name The Year: Stanislaw Lem, Polish science-fiction writer, born.`1921
Name The Year: Stan Laurel comedian (Laurel & Hardy), born. `1895
Name The Year: Stanley Kubrick, director (2001, Dr Strangelove, Lolita), born.`1928
Name The Year: Star in Cygnus goes nova becoming 4th brightest in sky.`1975
Name The Year: Star of India and other jewels are stolen in NY.`1964
Name The Year: "Star Spangled Banner" officially became US national anthem.`1931
Name The Year: Start of Islamic calendar.`638
Name The Year: Start of USSR experimental calender.`1929
Name The Year: "Star Trek" premiers on NBC-TV.`1966
Name The Year: Star Trek's "Trouble With Tribbles" 1st airs`1967
Name The Year: "Star Trek V" premiers. `1989
Name The Year: "Star Wars" released.`1978
Name The Year: State of Vietnam formed `1949
Name The Year: Statue of Liberty arrived in NYC aboard the French ship `Isere'.`1885
Name The Year: Statue of Liberty presented to US in Paris.`1884
Name The Year: St. Augustine of Hippo (in Numidia, Algeria)`354
Name The Year: St Benedict II begins his reign as Catholic Pope. `684
Name The Year: St Benedict II ends his reign as Catholic Pope.`685
Name The Year: St Boniface IV ends his reign as Catholic Pope.`615
Name The Year: St Celestine I ends his reign as Catholic Pope.`432
Name The Year: St Christopher-Nevis gains independence from Britain (Nat'l Day).`1983
Name The Year: St. Clare of Assissi declared patron saint of television.`1958
Name The Year: St Colette abbess/reformer (Poor Clares), born.`1381
Name The Year: St. David's Day`1753
Name The Year: St. Edward the Confessor, died.`1066
Name The Year: Stefan Edberg, Sweden, tennis player (Wimbeldon 1988), born.`1966
Name The Year: Stefanie Powers (in Hollywood, CA), actor (Hart to Hart)`1942
Name The Year: Steffi Graf, West Germany, tennis player (Grand Slam 1988), born. `1969
Name The Year: Stephane Beacham, actrss, born.`1947
Name The Year: Stephanie Zimbalist NYC, actress (Remington Steele, Centennial), born.`1956
Name The Year: Stephen Crane, poet (Red Badge of Courage)`1871
Name The Year: Stephen II ends his reign as Catholic Pope.`757
Name The Year: Stephen IV begins his reign as Catholic Pope.`816
Name The Year: Stephen King suspense writer (Shining, Kujo), born.`1947
Name The Year: Stephen Sondheim, composer, lyricist (West Side Story, A Little Night Music), born.`1930
Name The Year: St Eugene I begins his reign as Catholic Pope.`654
Name The Year: Steve Jones runs Chicago Marathon in world record 2 h 8 m 5 s.`1984
Name The Year: Steve McQueen, actor`1930
Name The Year: Steven Jobs, co-founder of Apple Computer, born.`1955
Name The Year: Steven Spielberg, director (Jaws, Raiders of the Lost Ark, etc.)`1947
Name The Year: Steve Ptacek in Solar Challenger makes first solar-powered flight.`1980
Name The Year: Steve Tyler, Aerosmith's lead singer, born.`1948
Name The Year: Steve Winwood England, rocker (A Higher Love), born.`1948
Name The Year: Steve Wozniak cofounded Apple Computer, born.`1950
Name The Year: Stevie Nicks Phoenix Az, rocker (Fleetwood Mac-Bella Donna), born.`1946
Name The Year: Stevie Nicks, rocker (Fleetwood Mac), born.`1948
Name The Year: Stevie Wonder, singer/songwriter (You are The Sunshine of My Love), born.`1950
Name The Year: Stewart Copeland, drummer (Police), composer`1952
Name The Year: St. Frances Xavier Cabrini (Mother Cabrini), first US saint`1850
Name The Year: St. Francis Xavier, missionary`1506
Name The Year: St. George's Day`1753
Name The Year: St Gregory I begins his reign as Catholic Pope.`590
Name The Year: St Gregory II begins his reign as Catholic Pope.`715
Name The Year: St Gregory VII, pope (1073-85), dies (birth date unknown).`1085
Name The Year: St Hormisdas begins his reign as Catholic Pope.`514
Name The Year: St. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus died in Rome.`1556
Name The Year: Sting, musician (Police), actor (Dune)`1951
Name The Year: St John I begins his reign as Catholic Pope.`523
Name The Year: St John I ends his reign as Catholic Pope.`526
Name The Year: St Leo II begins his reign as Catholic Pope.`682
Name The Year: St Leo II ends his reign as Catholic Pope.`683
Name The Year: St. Louis Police try a new investigation method - fingerprints.`1904
Name The Year: St Nicholas I (the Great), pope (858-67) dies.`867
Name The Year: Stockard Channing (in New York), born.`1944
Name The Year: Stones at Stonehenge, England, sold at auction for 6,600.`1915
Name The Year: St. Patrick's Day first celebrated in New York City, at the Crown and Thistle Tavern.`1756
Name The Year: St Patrick - the patron saint of Ireland - died in Saul.`461
Name The Year: St Paul I begins his reign as Catholic Pope.`757
Name The Year: St Paul I ends his reign as Catholic Pope.`767
Name The Year: St Petersburg, Russia changes name to Petrograd.`1914
Name The Year: St. Philip of Moscow martyred by Ivan the Terrible.`1569
Name The Year: St Pius X, 257th Roman Catholic pope (1903-14), born.`1835
Name The Year: St Pontianus begins his reign as Catholic Pope.`230
Name The Year: St Sava, son of Serbia's king, dies.`1237
Name The Year: St Sergius I ends his reign as Catholic Pope.`701
Name The Year: St Silverius begins his reign as Catholic Pope. `536
Name The Year: St Stephen I begins his reign as Catholic Pope.`254
Name The Year: St. Thorfinn, Norwegian Bishop, Died.`1285
Name The Year: St. Valentine's Day Massacre in Chicago, 7 gangsters killed by rivals disguised as cops (The Night Chicago Died).`1929
Name The Year: St Vincent and the Grenadines becomes independent of UK (Nat'l Day).`1979
Name The Year: St Vincent and the Grenadines gains associated status with Britain.`1969
Name The Year: St. Vladimir's Day.`1918
Name The Year: Sue Press is 1st woman golfer to hit consecutive holes-in one.`1977
Name The Year: Suez Canal reopens (after 6 Day War caused it to close).`1975
Name The Year: Sugar Ray Leonard regains WBC welterweight championship.`1980
Name The Year: "Sugar" Ray Leonard welter/middle/light-heavyweight boxing champion, born.`1956
Name The Year: Sultan of Brunei promulgates a constitution.`1959
Name The Year: Sultan of Turkey Abdul Hamid II is overthrown.`1909
Name The Year: Summer Olympics opened in Munich, West Germany.`1972
Name The Year: Summer Olympics opens in London.`1948
Name The Year: Sun Yat-sen, father of modern China (ROC and PRC)`1866
Name The Year: Superman Comics launched.`1938
Name The Year: Supernova observed by Chinese and Japanese astronomers.`1181
Name The Year: Supernova seen in Cassiopia.`1181
Name The Year: Supersonic Concorde, 1st commercial flights, by Britain & France.`1976
Name The Year: Supreme Court backs the one-man-one-vote apportionment of seats in state legislatures.`1962
Name The Year: Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart retires. (replaced by Sandra Day O'Connor first woman on the high court).`1981
Name The Year: Supreme Court overturns draft evasion conviction of Muhammad Ali.`1971
Name The Year: Supreme Court unanimously rules Nixon must turn over Watergate tapes.`1974
Name The Year: Supremes release "Baby Love".`1964
Name The Year: Surrogate Baby M case begins in Hackensack, NJ.`1987
Name The Year: Susan B. Anthony fined $100 for attempting to vote for President.`1873
Name The Year: Susan B. Anthony, Woman's suffaregette, born.`1820
Name The Year: Susan Dey, actor (First Love, LA Law), born.`1952
Name The Year: Susan Hayward dies at age 56.`1975
Name The Year: Susannah York (in London, England), actress, born`1941
Name The Year: Susan Sarandon (in New York City), actor (Great Waldo Pepper)`1946
Name The Year: Susan Sontag NYC, author/film director (1966 Pol Award), born.`1933
Name The Year: Susan 'Tuesday' Weld (in New York City), actor`1943
Name The Year: Suzannah York, actress, born.`1941
Name The Year: Suzanne Vega rocker (My Name is Luka), born.`1959
Name The Year: Suzi Quatro (in Detroit, Michigan), musician, born.`1950
Name The Year: Svetlana Alliluyeva (Josef Stalin's daughter) defects in NYC.`1967
Name The Year: Svetlana Savitskaya accompanies Vladimir Dzhanibekov on EVA outside Salyut 7, becoming first woman to walk in space.`1984
Name The Year: Svetlana Stalina, daughter of Josef Stalin, born.`1926
Name The Year: Swaziland gains independence from Britain (National Day).`1968
Name The Year: Sweden's constitution adopted.`1809
Name The Year: Sydney General Post Office opens.`1874
Name The Year: Sydney Greenstreet actor (Maltese Falcon), dies at 74.`1954
Name The Year: Sydney Poitier, actor, born.`1924
Name The Year: Sylvester Stallone NYC, actor/director (Rocky, Rambo, Cobra), born.`1946
Name The Year: Synthetic rubber first produced.`1930
Name The Year: Syzygy: 8 of 9 planets aligned on same side of sun.`2161
Name The Year: Taj Mahal NYC, singer/songwriter (The Real Thing), born.`1942
Name The Year: Takamiyama [Jesse Kuhaulua] Hawaii, 1st non-Japanese sumo champion, born. `1944
Name The Year: Talia Shire, actor (Rocky (as Adrian))`1943
Name The Year: Talleyrand, French statesman and diplomat, born.`1754
Name The Year: Tallulah Bankhead, Huntsville Ala, actress (Lifeboat, Die Die Darling), born.`1903
Name The Year: Tancredo Neves becomes 1st elected president of Brazil in 21 years.`1985
Name The Year: Tanganyika becomes independent within the British Commonwealth.`1961
Name The Year: Tanganyika gains independence from Britain.`1961
Name The Year: Tanganyika granted full internal self-government by Britain.`1961
Name The Year: Tanganyika & Zanzibar unite to form Tanzania (Tanzanian Union Day).`1964
Name The Year: Tape measure enclosed in a circular case patented.`1868
Name The Year: Tarzan of the Apes, according to Edgar Rice Burroughs' novel.`1888
Name The Year: Taufa'ahau Tupou IV, king of Tonga (1965-?), born.`1918
Name The Year: Tchaikovsky's ballet "Swan Lake" premiers, St Petersburg.`1895
Name The Year: Ted Cassidy Pittsburgh, actor (Lurch-Addams Family), dies at 46.`1979
Name The Year: Ted Danson, SD Calif, actor (Sam Malone-Cheers, 3 Men & a Baby), born`1947
Name The Year: Ted Hughes, English poet laureate (1984- ), born.`1930
Name The Year: Ted Turner manages an Atlanta Braves game.`1977
Name The Year: Ted Turner's Cable News Network (CNN) begins broadcasting.`1980
Name The Year: Teenager fires 6 blanks at Queen Elizabeth II. `1981
Name The Year: Teiichi Igarashi Japan, climed Mt Fuji at age 99, born.`1886
Name The Year: T.E. Lawrence (of Arabia) dies in a motorcycle crash.`1935
Name The Year: T. E. Lawrence, writer (aka Lawrence of Arabia), born.`1888
Name The Year: Telescope maker Alvin Clark discovers dwarf companion of Sirius.`1862
Name The Year: Television is first demonstrated by John Logie Baird in London.`1926
Name The Year: Telly Savalas Garden City NJ, actor (Acapulco, Kojak), born.`1924
Name The Year: Telstar, first geosynchronous communications satellite, launched.`1962
Name The Year: Ten Nazi leaders hanged as war criminals after Nuremberg trials.`1946
Name The Year: Tennessee law prohibits teaching of evolution.`1925
Name The Year: Tennessee Williams (in Columbus, Miss.), playwright, born.`1911
Name The Year: Tennessee Williams play "A Streetcar Named Desire", opens.`1947
Name The Year: Tennessee Williams play "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" opened on Broadway.`1955
Name The Year: Tennis is 1st mentioned in an English sporting magazine.`1793
Name The Year: Tens of thousands of people in Peru died in an earthquake .`1970
Name The Year: Tenth Space Shuttle Mission - Challenger 4 is launched.`1984
Name The Year: Tenth Space Shuttle Mission - Challenger 4 returns to Earth.`1984
Name The Year: Terrence Trent D'Arby, musician, born.`1962
Name The Year: Territory of Guam created.`1950
Name The Year: Terry Thomas England, actor (It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World), born.`1911
Name The Year: Texas declares its independence from Mexico`1836
Name The Year: The 16th James Bond movie "License to Kill" premiers.`1989
Name The Year: The 17th Olympic games close in Rome.`1960
Name The Year: The Alamo falls. (Remember it!)`1836
Name The Year: The Allies, along with Free France declare war on Japan.`1941
Name The Year: The Arab oil embargo begins. It will last until March, 1974.`1973
Name The Year: The assault on Anzio begins.`1944
Name The Year: "The A-Team" (with Mr. T and George Peppard) premiers.`1983
Name The Year: The Battle of Britain began as Nazi forces attacked by air.`1940
Name The Year: The Beatles have their last recording session at EMI studios.`1970
Name The Year: The Beatles' "Let it Be" movie premiers in UK.`1970
Name The Year: The Berlin Blockade and Berlin Airlift begin.`1948
Name The Year: "The British are Coming!" declares Paul Revere from horseback.`1775
Name The Year: The British parliament voted for the abolition of death penalty.`1969
Name The Year: The Bulgarian Government adopts a Communist Constitution.`1947
Name The Year: The city of Sydney inaugurates steam motor tram route.`1879
Name The Year: The comic strip "Dick Tracy" debuts.`1931
Name The Year: The crew of Soyuz 32 returns to Earth aboard Soyuz 34.`1979
Name The Year: The crew of Soyuz 35 returns to Earth aboard Soyuz 37.`1980
Name The Year: The crew of Soyuz 36 returns to Earth aboard Soyuz 35.`1980
Name The Year: The Cullinan diamond, the world's largest, is found.`1905
Name The Year: The dirigible Hindenburg explodes in flames at Lakehurst, NJ.`1937
Name The Year: The Eastman Film Company manufactured the first commercial motion picture film.`1885
Name The Year: The Equal Rights Amendment goes down to defeat.`1982
Name The Year: The fab fours' first recording session under the name Beatles (they were formerly the Silver Beatles).`1962
Name The Year: The final episode of TV show "M_A_S_H."`1983
Name The Year: The first armored car is introduced.`1920
Name The Year: The first "autobank" (banking by car) was established, in Chicago.`1946
Name The Year: The first auto repair shop opens in Boston, MA.`1899
Name The Year: The first baseball game played in enclosed field in San Francisco, at 25th and Folsom.`1868
Name The Year: The first beauty contest is held, in Spa, Belgium. The winner is an 18 year old girl from the West Indies.`1888
Name The Year: The first commercial jet transport airplane built in US is tested (Boeing 707).`1954
Name The Year: The first dishwashing machine is marketed in Chicago.`1889
Name The Year: The first guided missile launched from nuclear powered submarine is launched from the USS Halibut.`1960
Name The Year: The first Jewish film and TV festival.`1976
Name The Year: The first jukebox is installed, at a saloon in San Francisco.`1889
Name The Year: The first "mobile home" (horse drawn) is used for a journey between London and Cyprus.`1879
Name The Year: The first "motel" opens in California's San Luis Obispo.`1925
Name The Year: The first newsboy in the US hired (Barney Flaherty), by the NY Sun.`1833
Name The Year: The first one-way streets are established -- in London.`1617
Name The Year: The first patent is granted for a fire escape ... a wicker basket on a pully and a chain, designed by a London watchmaker.`1766
Name The Year: The first practical typewriter is finished by Italian Pellegrini Turri. He built it for a blind friend.`1808
Name The Year: The first Spanish ship, 'San Carlos', enters San Francisco bay.`1775
Name The Year: The first telephone call made by Alexander Graham Bell.`1876
Name The Year: The first woman's magazine, "The Ladies' Mercury" is published in London. It has the first advice column.`1693
Name The Year: The flag of Israel is adopted.`1948
Name The Year: "The Flintstones" premieres. Yabba Dabba Doo!`1960
Name The Year: The Fork is introduced to American dining by Gov. Winthrop. `1630
Name The Year: The French philosopher Voltaire died.`1778
Name The Year: "The Fugitive" premiers on TV in the USA.`1963
Name The Year: The game "Monopoly" is invented.`1933
Name The Year: The game of "snooker" -- a variation of pool -- is invented by Sir Neville Chamberlain, while on duty in India.`1875
Name The Year: The Gold Coast gains independence and takes the name Ghana.`1957
Name The Year: The Holland Tunnel, first underwater vehicular tunnel, opened between New York and New Jersey.`1927
Name The Year: The Hubble space telescope is brought on-line. Unfortunately, its mirror is slightly warped`1990
Name The Year: The Ice Cream Cone is invented.`1904
Name The Year: The ill-fated revolt in Communist Hungary starts -- The Prague Spring. It was later crushed by Soviet tanks.`1956
Name The Year: The Juliana, the first steam-powered ferryboat, begins operation.`1811
Name The Year: The Louvre, in Paris, was opened to the public.`1793
Name The Year: The Manson "family" murders actor Sharon Tate and several others in Benedict Canyon.`1969
Name The Year: The match is patented.`1836
Name The Year: The Mayflower departs from Plymouth, England with 102 pilgrims headed for the 'New World'.`1620
Name The Year: The Mayflower sets sail from Plymouth with 102 Pilgrims.`1620
Name The Year: "The Monkees" premieres.`1966
Name The Year: The movie "Batman" premiers`1989
Name The Year: The movie "The Perils of Pauline" is shown for the first time, in Los Angeles.`1914
Name The Year: "The Munsters" premier.`1964
Name The Year: "The New York Times" goes on sale at 2 cents a copy.`1851
Name The Year: The ocean liner Queen Elizabeth was launched at Glasgow.`1938
Name The Year: Theodore Giesl (Dr. Seuss), author, born.`1904
Name The Year: Theodore Roosevelt 26th President of US (1901-09) (Nobel 1906), born.`1858
Name The Year: Theodore Roosevelt is shot in the chest in Milwaukee while campaigning for President with the Bull Moose Party.`1912
Name The Year: Theodor Herzl, founded Zionist movement, born.`1840
Name The Year: The official news agency of the Soviet Union TASS was established.`1925
Name The Year: The opera "Die Fledermaus" is produced (Vienna)`1847
Name The Year: The opera "Samson et Dalila" is produced (Rouen).`1877
Name The Year: Theophilus Van Kannel of Philadelphia receives a patent for his revolving door -- described as a storm door structure.`1888
Name The Year: The 'Orient Express' begins its first run, linking Turkey to Europe by rail.`1883
Name The Year: "The Outer Limits" premieres.`1963
Name The Year: The Panama Canal opened to traffic.`1914
Name The Year: The Panama Canal opens for use.`1913
Name The Year: The passing of Norton I, Emperor of the US, Protector of Mexico.`1880
Name The Year: The pencil is invented.`1895
Name The Year: The Prince of Wales, later to become King Edward VII, becomes the first British royalty to visit the United States.`1860
Name The Year: The Queen of the Sandwich Islands (Hawaii) arrives in New York City, the first queen to visit the United States.`1860
Name The Year: The Reshef - Israel's missile boat - is unveiled.`1973
Name The Year: The RMS Titanic strikes an iceberg at 11:40 p.m.`1912
Name The Year: The Roman politician, Cicero, is slain.`43BC
Name The Year: The Salvation Army of England sends group to U.S. to begin welfare and religious activity here.`1888
Name The Year: "The Sheik", starring Rudolph Valentino, is released.`1921
Name The Year: The soapie General Hospital tapes its 7,000th episode.`1990
Name The Year: The Soviet Union invaded Austria during World War II.`1945
Name The Year: The Soviet Union invades Finland over a border dispute.`1939
Name The Year: The Soviet Union launched Sputnik III.`1958
Name The Year: The Suez Canal opens.`1869
Name The Year: The supernova called "Kepler's nova" is first sighted.`1604
Name The Year: The typewriter is patented.`1829
Name The Year: The United Nations gets approval from the U.S. government for issuing postage stamps.`1950
Name The Year: The UN Security Council voted 14-0, with the US abstaining, to condemn Israel's declaration that all of Jersualem was its capital.`1980
Name The Year: "The Untouchables" premiers.`1959
Name The Year: The US-Canada border defined by the Webster-Ashburton Treaty.`1842
Name The Year: The US imposes an embargo on exports to Cuba.`1960
Name The Year: The U.S. Navy launched the Vanguard 1 satellite.`1958
Name The Year: The U.S. State Department starts requiring photographs for passports.`1914
Name The Year: The Uzbek SSR forms.`1924
Name The Year: The Verrazanno Narrows Bridge (Brooklyn to Staten Island) opens, becoming the world's longest suspension bridge.`1964
Name The Year: The wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer.`1981
Name The Year: The "Who Shot JR" episode of "Dallas" begins the tradition of season-ending cliff-hangers.`1980
Name The Year: "The Wizard of Oz" premiers at Grauman's Chinese Theater, Hollywood.`1939
Name The Year: The yacht 'America' wins the first Royal Yacht Squadron Cup, now known as the America's Cup, at a regatta in England.`1851
Name The Year: The Young Men's Christian Association founded in London.`1844
Name The Year: Third partition of Poland, between Austria, Prussia and Russia.`1795
Name The Year: Third Space Shuttle Mission - Columbia 3 is launched.`1982
Name The Year: Third Space Shuttle Mission - Columbia 3 returns to Earth.`1982
Name The Year: Third test of the Space Shuttle Enterprise.`1977
Name The Year: Thomas A Edison patents Kinetoscope, (produces moving pictures).`1887
Name The Year: Thomas Alva Edison (in New Jersey), inventor who lit up your life, born.`1847
Name The Year: Thomas Alva Edison inventor, dies in West Orange, NJ, at 84.`1931
Name The Year: Thomas Alva Edison patents the phonograph.`1878
Name The Year: Thomas Aquinas Day.`1583
Name The Year: Thomas Beckett, archbishop, assassinated by 4 knights of King Henry II`1170
Name The Year: Thomas Cromwell King Henry VIII's chief minister, executed.`1540
Name The Year: Thomas Davenport, invented the first commercially successful electric motor, born.`1802
Name The Year: Thomas Edison commercially perfects the light bulb.`1879
Name The Year: Thomas Edison granted patent for an electric incandescent lamp.`1880
Name The Year: Thomas Edison invents the Edisonphone, a sound recording device.`1877
Name The Year: Thomas Edison patents motion picture camera.`1891
Name The Year: Thomas Edison says Americans prefer silent movies over talkies.`1926
Name The Year: Thomas Edison shows his 1st motion picture.`1889
Name The Year: Thomas Hardy, England, poet/novelist (Mayor of Casterbridge), born.`1840
Name The Year: Thomas Henry Huxley scientist/humanist/Darwinist, born.`1825
Name The Year: Thomas H. Gallaudet, pioneer of educating the deaf, born.`1787
Name The Year: Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson, Lt Gen 2nd Corps (ANV, Confed), born.`1824
Name The Year: Thomas Paine, political essayist (Common Sense, Age of Reason), born.`1737
Name The Year: Thomas Paine publishes his first 'American Crisis' essay.`1776
Name The Year: Thomas Paine writer (Age of Reason, Common Sense), dies at 72. `1809
Name The Year: Thomas Selfridge becomes 1st fatality of powered flight.`1908
Name The Year: Thomas Stearns (T.S.) Eliot, poet, died.`1965
Name The Year: Thomas Young proponent of the wave theory of light, born. `1773
Name The Year: Thor Heyerdahl crosses the Atlantic on reed raft 'Ra'.`1970
Name The Year: Thor Heyerdahl & "Kon-Tiki" sail from Peru to Polynesia.`1947
Name The Year: Thor Heyerdahl Norway, anthropologist/explorer (Kon Tiki, Aku-Aku), born.`1914
Name The Year: Thousands opposing Vietnam War tried to storm the Pentagon.`1967
Name The Year: Three Japanese PFL terrorists kill 24, wound 72 at Tel Aviv's Lydda airport.`1972
Name The Year: Three-man crew of Skylab II make safe splashdown in Pacific after 59 days.`1973
Name The Year: T. H. White, writer, born`1915
Name The Year: Tibet abolishes serfdom.`1959
Name The Year: Tibet is made an autonomous region of China.`1965
Name The Year: Tide turns in Battle of Britain in WW II, RAF beats Luftwaffe.`1940
Name The Year: Time magazine first published.`1923
Name The Year: Timothy Dalton, actor, James Bond #4, born.`1956
Name The Year: Timothy Hutton, actor, born.`1960
Name The Year: Timothy Leary, psychologist, drug testing advocate, born.`1920
Name The Year: Tina Louise, actor (Gilligan's Island), born.`1934
Name The Year: Tina Turner (in Brownsville, Texas), singer, actor`1941
Name The Year: Tiny Tim, singer, born.`1930
Name The Year: Tippi Hedren Minnesota, actress (The Birds), born.`1935
Name The Year: TIROS I (Television and Infra-Red Observation Satellite) launched to improve weather prediction.`1960
Name The Year: Titania & Oberon, moons of Uranus, discovered by William Herschel.`1787
Name The Year: Tokyo incendiary raids, using B-29's, damage Imperial Palace.`1945
Name The Year: Tokyo is opened for foreign trade.`1867
Name The Year: Tomato is proven nonpoisonous.`1820
Name The Year: Tom Berenger, actor, born.`1950
Name The Year: Tom Bosley, actor (Happy Days, Murder She Wrote)`1927
Name The Year: Tom Brokaw, journalist, born.`1940
Name The Year: Tom Cruise, Syracuse, New York, actor (Risky Business, Color of Money, Rainman), born.`1962
Name The Year: Tom Hanks, actor, born.`1956
Name The Year: Tom Jones, singer, born.`1940
Name The Year: Tommy Dorsey, band leader`1905
Name The Year: Tommy Lee drummer of Motley Crue marries Heather Locklear.`1986
Name The Year: Tommy Lee Jones actor (Volcano, Batman Forever, Under Siege), born.`1946
Name The Year: Tom Petty, Florida, USA, singer, born.`1953
Name The Year: Tom Poston, comedian, actor (Newhart), born.`1921
Name The Year: Tom Selleck, actor (Lance-Rockford Files, Magnum PI), born.`1945
Name The Year: Tom Skerritt Detroit Mich, actor (Ryan's Four, Alien, Big Bad Mama), born.`1933
Name The Year: Tom Snyder interviews Charles Manson on "Tomorrow". `1981
Name The Year: Tom Watson, Golfer`1949
Name The Year: Tony Curtis, actor, born.`1925
Name The Year: Tony Curtis [Real Name : Bernard Schwartz], Bronx New York, actor (Some Like it Hot), born.`1925
Name The Year: Tony Randall, actor (The Odd Couple), born.`1920
Name The Year: Tony Sheridan and Beatles produce My Bonnie and The Saints.`1962
Name The Year: Tortoise reportedly given to Tonga's king by Capt. Cook (1773), dies.`1966
Name The Year: Total solar eclipse captured on a daguerreotype photograph.`1851
Name The Year: Total solar eclipse is seen in Hawaii.`1991
Name The Year: Townsend Speakman 1st sells fruit-flavored carbonated drinks (Phila).`1807
Name The Year: Traci Lords, actress, born.`1968
Name The Year: Trademark "Escalator" registered by Otis Elevator Co..`1900
Name The Year: Transatlantic cable laid-Pres Buchanan spoke to Queen Victoria.`1866
Name The Year: Transatlantic phone service begins between New York and London.`1926
Name The Year: Transistor as a substitute for Radio tubes announced (Bell Labs).`1948
Name The Year: Transit of Earth as seen from Mars.`2084
Name The Year: Transit of Venus (between Earth and Sun) will occur.`2012
Name The Year: Transit of Venus (between Earth & Sun) occurs. `2004
Name The Year: Transkei gains independence, not recognized outside of South Africa.`1976
Name The Year: Travelers cheque patented.`1891
Name The Year: Treaty banning atmospheric nuclear tests signed by US, UK, USSR.`1963
Name The Year: Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, ends War of Austrian Succession.`1748
Name The Year: Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, ends War of Devolution.`1668
Name The Year: Treaty of Baden-French retain Alsace, Austria gets right bank of Rhine.`1714
Name The Year: Treaty of Bardo, Tunisia becomes a French protectorate.`1881
Name The Year: Treaty of Dardanelles was concluded between Britain and France.`1809
Name The Year: Treaty of London constitutes Belgium an independent kingdom`1839
Name The Year: Treaty of Paris ends the French and Indian War.`1763
Name The Year: Treaty of Paris ratifies; Spain cedes Puerto Rico to US`1899
Name The Year: Treaty of Shimonoseki signed, ends first Sino-Japanese War (1894-95).`1895
Name The Year: Treaty of Versailles and League of Nations rejected by U.S. Senate.`1919
Name The Year: Treaty of Versailles ending WW I signed.`1919
Name The Year: Trial of Mary, Queen of Scots, for conspiracy against Queen Elizabeth I, begins.`1586
Name The Year: Trinidad and Tobago becomes a republic.`1976
Name The Year: Trinidad and Tobago gain independence from Britain (National Day).`1962
Name The Year: Tripoli declares war on US for refusing tribute. `1801
Name The Year: Tripoli (Libya) passes from Turkish to Italian control.`1912
Name The Year: Trotsky expelled from Soviet CP; Stalin becomes undisputed dictator.`1927
Name The Year: Truman Capote, a short short story writer (In Cold Blood)`1924
Name The Year: Truman Capote author (In Cold Blood), dies.`1984
Name The Year: Truman, Stalin and Churchill final Allied summit meeting of WWII.`1945
Name The Year: Trygve Lie, first Secretary-General of UN (1946-52)`1896
Name The Year: Tsar Ivan IV defeats the False Dmitri, who claims to be the true tsar.`1604
Name The Year: Tsar Nicholas II grants Russia a constitution.`1905
Name The Year: T.S. Eliot, Anglican, playwright (Waste Land) (Nobel 1948), born.`1888
Name The Year: Turkestan ASSR established in Russian SFSR`1921
Name The Year: Turkey cedes the island of Crete to the Egyptians.`1832
Name The Year: Turkey declared in remnants of the Ottoman Empire.`1921
Name The Year: Turkey invades Cyprus.`1974
Name The Year: Turkey is proclaimed to have a republican government.`1923
Name The Year: Turkey makes peace with Armenia.`1921
Name The Year: Turkey switches from Arabic to Roman alphabet.`1928
Name The Year: Turkish fleet defeated by Spanish and Italians in Battle of Lepanto.`1571
Name The Year: Turkish siege of Malta broken by Maltese and Knights of St John.`1565
Name The Year: Turks conquer Cairo.`1517
Name The Year: TV comedy "The Beverly Hillbillies" premiered on CBS.`1962
Name The Year: TV game show scandal investigation starts.`1958
Name The Year: TV show "Dallas" premiers.`1982
Name The Year: TV Show "Moonlighting" premieres.`1985
Name The Year: Twiggy (Leslie Hornby) (in England), model, actor (Blues Brothers), born.`1949
Name The Year: "Twin Peaks" with Peggy Lipton premiers on ABC-TV.`1990
Name The Year: Two workers killed in accident testing space shuttle Columbia.`1981
Name The Year: Tyne Daly (in Madison, WI), actress (Cagney and Lacey), born.`1946
Name The Year: Tyrone Power actor (Mark of Zorro, Alexander's Ragtime Band), born.`1913
Name The Year: Uganda abolishes traditional tribal kingdoms, becomes a republic.`1967
Name The Year: Uganda asks UN to condemn Israeli hostage rescue raid on Entebbe.`1976
Name The Year: Uganda becomes a republic within the British Commonwealth.`1963
Name The Year: Ugandan dictator Idi Amin overthrown; Tanzania takes Kampala`1979
Name The Year: UK grants Sierra Leone independence.`1961
Name The Year: (UK) King George V crowned Emperor of India and founds New Dehli to replace Calcutta as the capital.`1911
Name The Year: Ukraine declares independence from the USSR.`1991
Name The Year: Ukraine proclaimed a free republic (German puppet).`1918
Name The Year: Ukranian people vote for independence.`1991
Name The Year: Umberto II king of Italy (1946), born.`1904
Name The Year: UN announces Earth population has hit 3 billion.`1962
Name The Year: UN Charter signed by 50 nations in SF. `1945
Name The Year: UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization formed. (UNESCO)`1946
Name The Year: UN forces entered Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea.`1950
Name The Year: UN Gen Assembly unanimously approves Convention on Genocide.`1948
Name The Year: UN General Assembly admits Mainland China and expels Taiwan.`1971
Name The Year: UN General Assembly adopts Universal Declaration on Human Rights.`1948
Name The Year: UN General Assembly condemns South Africa for apartheid.`1961
Name The Year: UN General Assembly meets for first time.`1946
Name The Year: U.N. General Assmebly allows for a Jewish state in Palestine.`1947
Name The Year: Union of South Africa becomes a dominion.`1910
Name The Year: Union of South Africa was founded.`1910
Name The Year: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics formed.`1923
Name The Year: Union of Utrecht signed, forming protestant Dutch Republic.`1579
Name The Year: United Airlines 747 jet rips open in flight from Honolulu to New Zealand, 9 passengers sucked out of plane, many injuries.`1989
Name The Year: United Kingdom of Libya gains independence from Italy via the UN.`1951
Name The Year: United Nations Charter goes into effect.`1945
Name The Year: United Nations Charter hearing.`1955
Name The Year: United Nations founded at San Francisco.`1945
Name The Year: United Nations General Assembly convenes in New York for first time in Flushing Meadow.`1946
Name The Year: University of Texas at Arlington becomes the first accredited school to offer a course in belly dancing.`1973
Name The Year: Unmanned Gemini 1 launched.`1964
Name The Year: Unmanned Mercury test explodes on launch pad.`1961
Name The Year: UN's deadline for Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait passes - (they don't).`1991
Name The Year: UN Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar meets with Saddam Hussein in Baghdad.`1991
Name The Year: UN Secretary-General U Thant dies in NY of cancer at 65.`1974
Name The Year: UN Security Council calls for South Africa to free Nelson Mandela. `1980
Name The Year: UN Security Council demanded Argentina withdraw from Falkland Islands.`1982
Name The Year: UN Security Council issues formal cease fire with Iraq declaration`1991
Name The Year: UN Security council passes resolution 242, declaring that Israel must give back land won in the 6 day war.`1967
Name The Year: UN Security Council unanimously condemns 'acts of hostage-taking'.`1985
Name The Year: UN set up temporary HQ at Hunter College in the Bronx.`1946
Name The Year: Unsuccessful uprising of Macedonians against Turkey.`1903
Name The Year: UN's WHO announces first global effort to combat AIDS.`1986
Name The Year: UN's World Health Organization forms.`1948
Name The Year: UN troops in Korean War recaptured South Korean capital of Seoul.`1950
Name The Year: UN turns over Eritrea to Ethiopia.`1952
Name The Year: Uprising against French occupation begins in Madrid.`1808
Name The Year: Uranium atom 1st split, Columbia University.`1939
Name The Year: Urbain J.J. Leverrier, codiscoverer of Neptune, dies.`1877
Name The Year: Ursula Andress (in Switzerland), actor, born.`1936
Name The Year: Uruguay beats Argentina 4-2 for soccer's 1st World Cup in Montevideo.`1930
Name The Year: Uruguay declares independence from Brazil (National Day).`1825
Name The Year: Uruguay joined the United Nations.`1945
Name The Year: U.S. 15th Amendment passes, guarantees right to vote regardless of race.`1870
Name The Year: US 1st army begins battle of Aachen.`1944
Name The Year: US 7th army captured German city of Nuremberg`1945
Name The Year: (USA) 1st battery to convert radioactive energy to electrical announced.`1951
Name The Year: (USA) 1st performance of the Beach Boys.`1961
Name The Year: USA beats Finland and wins the Olympic Gold Medal (4-2).`1980
Name The Year: USA beats the Russians in Olympic Hockey (4-3).`1980
Name The Year: (USA) "Buck Rogers," 1st sci-fi comic strip, premiers.`1929
Name The Year: (USA) Charles Addams, cartoonist (New Yorker, Addams Family), born.`1912
Name The Year: (USA) Coffee Percolator invented.`1865
Name The Year: US actress Grace Kelly marries Monaco's Prince Rainier III`1956
Name The Year: USA declares war on the Prussian-Hungarian forces, joining World War One on the side of the Allies.`1917
Name The Year: (USA) Denzel Washington, actor, born.`1954
Name The Year: (USA) Edison gives 1st public demonstration of his incandescent lamp.`1879
Name The Year: (USA) FDR's "4 Freedoms" speech (speech, worship, from want & from fear).`1941
Name The Year: (USA) "Flash Gordon" comic strip (by Alex Raymond) debuts.`1934
Name The Year: (USA) For the 1st time a ball drops at Times Square to signal the new year.`1907
Name The Year: (USA) Gypsy Rose Lee, stripper, born.`1914
Name The Year: (USA) Ira Gershwin, composer, born.`1896
Name The Year: US Airmail begins between Wash DC, Philadelphia and New York.`1918