the old hindu practice of burning alive a widow is called`suttee
the old name for yangon`rangoon
the old name of ho chih minh city`saigon
The Olduvai Gorge, famous for its fossils, is in which country`tanzania
Theologicophobia is a fear of ______`theology
Theology. Deliberate disobedience to the known will of God`sinned
the olympic games: how many lanes does an olympic swimming pool have`eight
the olympic games: what is the only host country not to win gold at its own summer olympics`canada
The olympic motto 'citius, altius, fortius' means what`faster, higher,
The olympic motto 'citius, altius, fortius' means what`faster, higher, stronger
The once popular dog name "Fido" is from Latin and means`fidelity
The one coming, occurring, or ranking before or above all others`first
The one-foot measurement is based on one-third of the length of the arm of ------------ (1068-1135) of England.`king Henry I
The one or ones previously mentioned or implied, specifically: Used as a relative pronoun in a clause that provides additional information about the antecedent: 'myhouse,`which
The only #1 best selling novel in the us to be published anonymously`inner
the only #1 best selling novel in the us to be published anonymously`inner`paris
the only #1 best selling novel in the us to be published anonymously`inner shrine
The only acceptable sexual position in Washington D.C. is the _______ ______ position. Anything other than face-to-face is illegal.`missionary style
The only actor to receive France's Commander of Arts and Letters Award`jerry
the only actor to receive france's commander of arts and letters award`jerry`arizona
The only actor to receive France's Commander of Arts and Letters Award`jerry lewis
The only band in the world`art
The only Canadian band to win Yamaha's International MusicQuest.`haywire
The only capital letter in the Roman alphabet with exactly one endpoint is`p
The only country beside Azerbaijan that starts with a but doesn't end with a`afghanistan
the only diamond mine in north america is located in what state`arkansas
The only domestic animal not mentioned in the Bible is what`cat
The _______ only has one single orgasm in a year.`penguin
The only Italian masterpiece you can drive to work`maserati
the only major league pitcher to strike out 20 batters in a single game?`roger clemens
The only member of the band ZZ Top without a beard has what last name`beard
The only person ever to decline a Pulitzer Prize for Fiction was Sinclair Lewis for his book`arrowsmith
The only Phish video ever to appear on MTV (as of January 1995)`down with disease
the only president to serve two disjoint terms`grover cleveland
the only remake of an elvis presley song ever to hit the top ten was "don't be cruel", done by who`cheap trick
The only rock that floats in water is what`pumice
The only Smiths song with no vocals`oscillate wildly
the only spacecraft the us ever lost after a successful mission`liberty bell 7
the only us state that celebrates its own independence day?`texas
The only U S State that ends with 3 consonants`massachusetts
The only venomous British snake`viper
The only white Koala bear in captivity was born in the San Diego Zoo.  This Koala bear has white fur, a pink nose & pink eyes.  His name is Onya-Birra.  What does Onya-Birra mean in the language of the Australian Aboriginees`Ghost Boy
The only wild camels in the world are found in`australia
The open area in the center of an ancient Roman house`atria
The opening created by such a surgical procedure`colostomy
The opening formed by such a doubled line`loop
The opening formed by such a doubled line`looping
The opening into something felt to be insatiable: I saw the opening maw of hell (Herman Melville)`maws
The opening into something felt to be insatiable: I saw the opening --- of hell (Herman Melville)`maw
The opening part of a window`sash
The opening to the 23rd psalm is The Lord is my..'`shepherd
The opera Falstaff was written by whom`verdi
The opera Peter Grimes was written by whom`benjamin britten
Theophobia is a fear of ______`religions
The opossum offspring say in their mothers pouch for the first __________ days`sixty
The opossum offspring say in their mothers pouch for the first __________ days`sixty`60
The opportunity or right to accept or reject something before it is offered elsewhere`refusal
The opposite of 'cross-eyed' is`wall eyed
The opposite sides of a dice cube always add up to`seven
The opposite sides of a dice cube always add up to`seven`7
The orang-utan's warning signal to would be aggressors is a loud`belch
The ordinary house-fly beats its wings nearly ____ _______ times a second`two hundred
The ordinary house-fly beats its wings nearly ____ _______ times a second`two hundred`200
The ore bauxite is the chief commercial source of which element`aluminium
The ore pitchblende is the major source of which element`uranium
The ore pitchblende is the major source of which element`uranium`radium
the organization that maxwell smart challenged was _______`k.a.o.s.
The orgy scene on the ship in the film Caligula, involving more than 300 people, was real. How long did the orgy go on for?`Two days
The oriental foodstuff, 'tofu', is made from what`pureed soya beans
The original members of the Group "Genesis" all went to which English Public School`charterhouse
The original name for the butterfly was`flutterby
The original name of Liquid Paper`Mistake Out
The original name of this Trash Disco hit was Run Rabbit Run`fly robin fly
The original plan for Disneyland included a land called what`lilliputland
The original source of the dye 'sepia' was the`cuttlefish
The original title for the album "Let it Be"`get back
Theory holds that the universe began with what event`big bang
the "oscar" for best picture in 1933 was won by _____`calvacade
The Osprey is also known as the`v-22
The Oubangi, Lulonga and Lamami rivers are tributaries of which river`river congo
The outer layer of gray matter that covers the surface of the cerebral hemisphere`cortex
The outermost part of the rind of an orange, lemon, or other citrus fruit, used as flavoring`zest
The outline of a group of buildings or a mountain range seen against the sky`skyline
The outside or extreme edge or physical limit: a boundary: 'the end of town.'`ended
The outside or extreme edge or physical limit: a boundary: 'the end of town.'`ends
The outside or extreme edge or physical limit: a boundary: 'the --- of town.'`end
The oval, bluish-black, juicy plum of this tree`damson
The overall appearance of the face or its parts. Often used in the plural`feature
The overall force to which a structure is subjected in supporting a weight or mass or in resisting externally applied forces`load
The ovoid fruit of this tree, having a smooth rind, sweet juicy flesh, and a flat one-seeded stone. It is eaten ripe or pickled when green`mango
The "o" when used as a prefix in irish surnames means what`descendant of
The owner or keeper of an animal: 'The dog ran toward its ------.'`master
The owner or manager of a business or an industrial enterprise`operator
The "Oyster" watch is a famous model produced by what top Swiss watchmaker`rolex
The Pacific Ocean accounts for roughly what volume of the world's oceans`half
The paddle used in this game`battledore
The Palio, held in Siena, is what kind of race`horse
The Panama canal connects the pacific Ocean and which other body of water`caribbean sea
The Panmunjon talks ended which war`korean
The papal government: the papacy`vat
The paper nautilus`nautili
The parachute was invented in 1783 by`louis lenormand
the paris opera house was the setting for what well-known story?`phantom of the opera
The Paris stock exchange`bourse
The part closest to a reference point: 'was positioned at the ------ of the key for a rebound.'`bottom
The part farthest from a given reference point: 'took a jump shot from the --- of the key.'`top
The part farthest from a given reference point: 'took a jump shot from the top of the key.'`topped
The part farthest from a given reference point: 'took a jump shot from the top of the key.'`tops
The Parthenon in Athens is built in which architectural style`doric
The particles that descend in this fashion`fallout
The particulate matter so dispersed`colloid
The parties to such an agreement`entente
The part of a course that is neither at the beginning nor at the end: 'the --------- of life.'`midstream
The part of a garment around or near the neck`necks
The part of a glove designed to cover a`finger
The part of a glove designed to cover a finger`fingers
The part of a harness that fits about a horse's head`headgear
The part of an apron or pair of overalls worn over the chest`bibs
The part of a pictorial representation that appears to be in the distance and that provides relief for the principal objects in the foreground`background
The part of a road or embankment that passes over such a sewer or drain`culvert
The part of a shoe or stocking covering the`instep
The part of a television transmitting apparatus that receives the primary image on a light-sensitive cathode-ray tube and transforms it into electrical`camera
The part of a tower or steeple in which bells are hung`belfries
The part of one's life that follows a particular event`afterlife
The part of the human body between the neck and upper arm`shoulder
The part of this organ that is externally visible`ear
The part of this organ that is externally visible`ears
The parts essential to continued functioning, as of a system`vitals
The party song 'The Time Warp' comes from which hit show`rocky horror picture show
The pathological condition in which such painful masses occur. Also called piles`hemorrhoids
The patterned, recurring alternations of contrasting elements of sound or speech`rhythm
The pawl, wheel, or bar of this mechanism`ratchet
The peace of Aix-la-Chapelle was celebrated by which piece of music`music for the royal fireworks
The Pearlettes did an answer song to Gene Chandler's 'Duke Of Earl.' What was its title`Duchess Of Earl
The Pearl River flows south from which major Chinese city, entering the South China Sea between Hong Kong and Macao`canton
The pedal bicycle was invented in which year`1839
The pelt or fur of this animal`sable
The penguin is the only bird who can swim, but not`fly
The penis of a _________ is shaped like a shovel and has the ability to scoop out a male rivals semen.`dragonfly
The penny-farthing was an early form of what transportation`bicycle
The Pentagon, in Arlington, Virginia, has twice as many __________ as is necessary`bathrooms
The Pentagon uses, on average, about 666 rolls of ___________ every day`toilet paper
The people in such a community`commune
The people working in or associated with a business or industry: 'a textile-exporting publication for the -----.'`trade
The people working in or associated with a business or industry: 'a textile-exporting publication for the trade.'`trades
The performance of such music`karaoke
The perfume obtained from these plants`jessamine
The peridot is which month's birthstone`august
The period between sunset or the evening meal and bedtime: 'a quiet evening at home.'`evenings
The period during which a monarch rules`reign
The period during which a regent governs`regencies
The period during which the mammary glands secrete milk`lactation
The period immediately preceding a certain ---nt: 'the --- of war.'`eve
the period immediately preceding the invasion of poland is often called`the phoney war
The period of a tenant's occupancy or possession`tenancies
The period of such a condition: 'never received a penny during her ----------.'`disability
The period of such cessation.  pause`recess
The period of such conflict`warred
The period of the winter solstice, about December 22`midwinter
The period of time during which property, an object, a process, or a phenomenon exists or functions`lifetime
The person who carries the golfer's clubs is called a(n) `caddie
The person who carries the golfer's clubs is called a(n) ________.`caddy
The Peter Gabriel song 'in your eyes' was featured in what movie`Say Anything
The Phillaphines excists out a lot of islands. How many`7000
The phillips head screwdriver was invented where`oregon
The physical characteristics, especially the surface features, of an area`geographer
The physical part of a person`body
The physical structure within which one lives, such as a house or apartment`home
the pied piper played his music at this town`hamelin
The Pindus mountains run north to south through which country`greece
the pinnacle trophy of the sport of badminton is known as the`thomas cup
The Pinotage grape is a native of which country`south africa
The pipe of a bagpipe on which the melody is played`chanter
The pivot point of a lever is called the _________.`fulcrum
The pivot point of a lever is called the `fulcrum
The place in which something is situated: a location`situation
The placement of a donkey's eyes in its' heads enables it to see all it's ___ at all times`feet
The place or setting of something: 'a historic ----: a job ----.'`site
The place where an action or event occurs: 'the ----- of the crime.'`scene
The place where an action or event occurs: 'the scene of the crime.'`scenes
The place where a person or thing is most likely to be found`habitat
The place where this is done`tipple
The plane area bounded by such an arc and two perpendicular radii`quad
The plane crash that killed Buddy Holly & Ritchie Valens crashed in what city in Iowa`mason city
The planet closest to the sun is `Mercury
The planet pluto was discovered in what year`1930
The plant Gypsophila Paniculata is grown predominantly for making bouquets what is its more common name`babies breath
The plant life in the oceans make up about what percent of all the greenery on the earth`85
The plant Lunaria Annua is grown mainly for its seed cases and used in flower arranging by what name is it more commonly known`honesty
The plants of an area or a region: plant life: 'The ---------- is lush on the Hawaiian Islands.'`vegetation
The plastic or metal tip at the end of a shoelace`tag
The play 'Our Town' is set where`Grover's Corner
The play "Our Town" is set where`grover's corners
The pleistocene epoch of geologic time is more commonly known as`last ice
the pleistocene epoch of geologic time is more commonly known as`last ice age
The pod of this plant, containing a sweet edible pulp and seeds that yield a gum used as a stabilizer in food products. Also called algarroba`carob
The poet Philip Larkin said that sexual intercourse was invented in 1963 between the Lady Chatterley trial and.....?`The Beatles first LP
The point at which eruption into significant action, creation, or violence occurs: The shootdown did not increase international tensions to the flash point (Seymour`flashpoint
The point at which the energy put into a system is equalled by the energy produced by that system: 'reaching --------- in controlled fusion reactions.'`breakeven
The point from which all other measurements are taken`datum point
The point in an orbit most distant from the body being orbited`apogee
The point in any orbit nearest to the body being orbited`perigee
The point of culmination.  summit`apex
The point of culmination.  summit`apices
The point of juncture of such streams`confluence
The point or area farthest from the front: 'the ---- of the hall.'`rear
The point or area farthest from the front: 'the rear of the hall.'`rears
The point or place from which one takes off`takeoff
the point that is directly on the opposite side of the planet`antipodal point
The poison-arrow frog has enough poison to kill about _______ people`2,200
The poisoned condition resulting from the presence of pathogens or their toxins, as in septicemia`sepses
the poisonous copperhead smells like fresh cut----------`cucumbers
the poisonous ---------- smells like fresh cut cucumbers`copperhead
The polar bear is native to which part of the world`arctic
The polar explorer Sir Ranulph Fiennes has a triple barrelled surname. Give either of the other parts of his surname`twistleton`wykeham
The Police Academy film franchise ran to seven films, what was the title of the final 1994 film`police academy: mission to moscow
The Police: Andy's bizarre contribution to _Synchronicity_.`mother
The Police: Andy toured in the 70's with this chart topping act`eric burden and the animals
The Police: Man in a Suitcase Zenyatta Mondatta is in this genre of music`ska
The Police: Scenes of Northern Ireland feature in the video of this song.`invisible sun
The Police: Song on Synchronicity which duplicates lines from Ghost in the Machine`oh my god
The police station situated in and having jurisdiction over such a district`precinct
The Police: Stewart's brothers Ian & Miles founded this record label.`irs
The Police: Sting is from this northern English city.`newcastle
The Police: Sting wrote this song after touring the Brussels red light district`roxanne
The Police: The first member of The Police.`stewart copeland
The Police: The name of the drummer for The Police`stewart copeland
The Police: The name of the lead guitarist for The Police`andy summers
The Police: The Police did the soundtrack for this disturbing English mystery-drama.`brimstone and treacle
The Police: There is an allusion to Lolita in this Police song`don't stand so close to me
The Police: This song was on the cassette tape, but not the album, of _Synchronicity_.`murder by numbers
the political capital of israel`tel aviv
The political establishment of Washington, D.C., including federal officeholders, lobbyists, consultants, and media commentators`beltway
the political wing of the ira`sinn fein
The Polynesian country of _______ is a 170 square kilometre limestone rock emerging 60 metres from the Pacific`niue
The Ponte Vecchio, in Florence crosses which stretch of water`arno
The Pope's skullcap is whiteWhat colour is a Bishop's`violet
The pop group Air come from which country`france
The pop star 'Moby' is the great-grandson ofwhich famous author`herman mel ville
The popular character of __________ was not created by Carolyn Keene, but was actually created by a man named Edward Stratemeyer`nancy drew
The popular ski resort of Aspen is in which US state`colorado
The portion of a garment that covers the`lap
The portion of a garment that covers the lap`laps
The portion of the skull enclosing the brain: the braincase`crania
The port of Chittagong is in which country`bangladesh
The port of Oran is the second city of which North African country`algeria
The port of Ostia serves which European city`rome
The port of Piraeus serves which European capital`athens
The Portuguese capital, Lisbon, stands on which river`tagus
The position, function, or assignment of an ambassador`embassies
The position, function, or authority of a judge`judicature
The position held by this player`halfback
The position of most importance, prominence, or responsibility: the vanguard: 'in the --------- of the liberation movement.' Also called foreground`forefront
The position of one cornered by pursuers and forced to turn and fight at close quarters: 'The hunters brought their quarry to ---.'`bay
The position of this player`fullback
The position or authority of a lord`lordship
The positions filled by these players`backfield
The positive electrode of a battery is called what`anode
The positively charged terminal of a primary cell or a storage battery that is supplying current`cathode
The potato arrived in Spain in which year`1565
The potent spirit Akvavit is the national drink of which country`denmark
The pouchlike midsection of a fishing net in which the catch is concentrated`bunt
The pouchlike midsection of a fishing net in which the catch is concentrated`bunts
The pound cake got its name from the pound of ______ it contained`butter
The powdered rhizome of this plant, used as a condiment and a yellow dye`turmeric
The power exerted by a horse in pulling`horsepower
The powerful ancient composite bow was made from what`horn
The power or ability to run`running
The power or freedom to choose`option
The power, position, or empire of a monarch or of a state governed by constitutional monarchy`crown
The power, right, or liberty to choose: option`choice
The power to produce an outcome or achieve a result: influence: 'The drug had an immediate ------ on the pain. The government's action had no ------ on the`effect
The power to resist attack: impregnability`strength
The practice of hiring or appointing a token number of people from underrepresented groups in order to deflect criticism or comply with affirmative action rules: (Tokenism does not changestereotypes of social systems but works to preserve them, since it dulls`tokenism
The practice of joining the parts of two plants to make them grow as one is called ________.`grafting
The practice of joining the parts of two plants to make them grow as one is called `grafting
The practice of lying`falsehood
The practice of or involvement in such schemes`intrigue
The practice of owning slaves`slaveries
The practice of reproducing subjects as precisely as possible in the visual arts`naturalism
The practice of sorcery or witchcraft`voodooism
The practice of turning less-precious metals into silver or gold is known as`alchemy
The practice of using charms, spells, or rituals to attempt to produce supernatural effects or control events in nature`magic
The practice of using charms, spells, or rituals to attempt to produce supernatural effects or control events in nature`magics
The practice or habit of launching attacks`aggression
The prairie dog is a member of which order of animals`rodent
The praying mantis is the only insect that can do what`turn its head
The praying mantis is the only insect that can turn its`head
The prefix tetra, used in such words as tetrach, tetrapod, &  tetrameter, means what`four
The prefix tetra, used in such words as tetrach, tetrapod, &  tetrameter, means what`four`4
The prefix 'thio' in chemical compounds indicates the presence of which element`sulphur
The presence of greater than five digits on the hands or feet is called`polydactylia
The presentation itself: 'a ------- of piano pieces.'`program
The pressure or strength of such a grasp: 'a wrestler with an unmatched ----.'`grip
The pretzel was invented to comply with an order by whom`Charlemagne
the price of greatness is responsibility.' who said this`winston churchill
the prime meridian passes through which english city`greenwich
The Prince of Demons in the new testament was called ___________`beelzebub
The principal character in opposition to the protagonist or hero of a narrative or drama`antagonist
The principle of moral rightness: equity`justice
the principle of uncertainty is also known as ___`heisenberg principle
The principles or system of training and practice for such activities`athletics
The principles, theory, or system of a union, especially a trade union`unionism
The privilege or right of entering`entry
'the problem is all inside your head she said to me, the answers easy if you take it logically' is the beginning of which paul simon single`50 ways to leave your lover
The proceedings and practice of a court of chancery: equity`chanceries
The proceeds from which play still finance a childrens hospital in London`peter pan
The process especially associated with Hegel of arriving at the truth by stating a thesis, developing a contradictory antithesis, and combining and resolving`dialectic
The processing and packaging of manufactured products, especially food products`packings
The processing of a specific substance within the living body: 'water ----------: iodine ----------.'`metabolism
The process in which a solid changes directly to a gas is`sublimation
The process of coming into being: 'trouble in the making.'`makings
The process of conducting such a test: ----------ation`experiment
The process of developing`evolution
The process of elapsing: 'the ------- of time.'`passage
The process of forming such a coating`cladding
The process of forming such a mixture`solution
The process of going backward or receding from a position or condition gained`retreat
The process of growing new teeth: teething`dentition
the process of making cow's milk safe for consumption is`pasteurization
The process of making such a list, report, or record`inventory
The process of providing a factory with machinery in preparation for production`tooling
the process of removing salt from sea water is known as ________`desalination
The process of removing salt from sea water is known as `desalination
The process of splitting atoms is called`fission
The process of splitting or separating: division`fissure
The process of water changing to water vapor is known as _______.`evaporation
The process of water changing to water vapor is known as `evaporation
The process or art of making such pictures or designs`mosaic
The process or manner of putting on a play on the stage`stagings
The production of males only, is known as what?`Arrhenotoky
The product of a person's efforts and actions`handiwork
The profession of soldiering`soldieries
The profession or business of a milliner`millinery
The property of a material that enables it to resume its original shape or position after being bent, stretched, or compressed: elasticity`resilience
The property of matter that causes it to resist any change of its motion in either direction or speed`inertia
the prophet mohammed's flight in the quran is called`hijrah
The prostate is comparable in size to a:`chestnut
the protea is the national flower of ______`south africa
The protection &  improvement of the health of the public through community action, primarily by governmental agencies`public health
The protective barrier alongside a staircase or landing`balustrade
The protruding shelf over a fireplace. Also called mantelpiece, mantelshelf, fireboard`mantle
The province of Alberta in Canada has been completely free of rats since what year`1905
The Province of Quebec was not always known as Quebec.  What was the Provinces original name`Lower Canada
The provincial flower of Nova Scotia is the ______________.`mayflower
The psychic energy-centers of the body are referred to by which Sanskrit word for wheel`Chakra
The puma, cougar, lynx & other wildcats are all`catamounts
The pungent root of this plant, eaten raw as an appetizer and in salads`radish
The Puni, Jari and Xinga rivers are tributaries of which river`amazon
The Puritans forbade the singing of ______ ______, judging them to be out of keeping with the true spirit of Christmas`christmas Carols
The 'purple heart' medal was created in 1668, 1701 or 1782`1782
The purpose of the endometrium (uterine lining) that is shed during menstruation is to _____ ___ _____ as it grows?`nourish the baby
The purpose or object of such a trip: 'Your ------ was to mail the letter.'`errand
The pursuit of knowledge, as by reading, observation, or research`study
The pyramids are built of which rock`limestone
the pythagorean theorem applies to what kind of triangle`right
The qualities idealized by knighthood, such as bravery, courtesy, honor, and gallantry toward women`chivalries
The qualities of a father`fatherhood
The quality of attracting: charm`attraction
The quality of being radical`radicalism
The quality of deceitfulness: empty pretense`sham
The quality of deceitfulness: empty pretense`shammed
the quality of quartz that allows digital timing of clocks`piezoelectric
The quality or characteristic of being furtive or covert`stealth
The quality or condition of being considered sacred: inviolability`sanctities
The quality or condition of being correct in judgment`rectitude
The quality or condition of being fortuitous`fortuities
The quality or condition of being isolated.  solitude`isolation
The quality or fact of being congruent`congruity
The quality or state of being melodious: melodiousness`lyricism
The quality or state of being rare: infrequency of occurrence`rarities
The quality or state of being selfish or stingy`meanness
The quantity of fruit, such as raisins or figs, that such a basket can hold`frail
The quantity of liquid that such a vessel can hold`flagon
The quantity of water, expressed in inches, precipitated as rain, snow, hail, or sleet in a specified area and time interval`rainfall
The quantity that a ------ holds`bottle
The quantity that a ------ with a given or standard capacity will hold`barrel
The quantity that such a container can hold`cask
The Queen of Spades and Jack of Diamonds combine to form the key combination in which card game`bezique`pinochle
The quetzal is the currency of ______`guatemala
The quintessential "surfin" Beach Boys album from 1974.`endless summer
The rabbit's foot came to be considered a_____`good luck charm
The RAF Red.Arrows have used British Aerospace Hawks since 1980. Which aircraft did they use prior to this date`folland gnats
The railway executive, sir william cornelius (1843 - 1915), is associated with the construction of`the canadian-pacific
The railway executive, Sir William Cornelius (1843 - 1915), is associated with the construction of which railway`the canadian-pacific
the rainbow bridge spans what river?`niagara river
The raised reflective dots in the middle of highways are called what`botz dots
The range of what one can know or understand`cognizance
The rank or dignity of a baron`baronies
Therapeutic application of direct-current electricity, especially the electric stimulation of nerves and muscle`galvanism
The rare metal gallium melts at _________ degrees Fahrenheit. It is safe to touch; if you hold a piece of it in your hand and wait, it will melt`eighty six
The rare metal gallium melts at _________ degrees Fahrenheit. It is safe to touch: if you hold a piece of it in your hand and wait, it will melt`eighty six`86
The rate of change of velocity is known as _________.`acceleration
The rate of change of velocity is known as `acceleration
The rate of incidence of a disease`morbidity
The rate of Quadruplets are 1 (set) in every  __________ births`490,000
The Rausing brothers of Sweden became rich from manufacturing which packaging product`tetra pack containers`milk cartons
The readership for printed matter, as for a book`audience
the real name of the count of monte cristo`edmond dantes
The real name of the "Peanuts" theme song`linus and lucy
The real name of the song most people call _Feelin' Groovy_`the 59th street bridge song
The real or concrete substance of an entity`thing
There are 15 peaks in Europe higher than Mont Blanc. In which mountain range are they`caucasus
There are 16 ______ in a cup`tablespoons
There are 170,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 ways to play the ten opening moves in a game of------`chess
There are 1,929,770,126,028,800 different colour combinations of this object`rubik's cube
There are 2 annual publications devoted to the peerage. One is Burkes Peerage, what is the other`debretts
There are 2 way to give birth..Vaginally and ...`casaerean
There are 318,979,564,000 possible ways of playing just the first four moves on each side in a game of`chess
there are 325 days in a christian year;  the rest are called _____?`lent
There are 3 Great pyramids at`giza
There are 45 miles of what in the skin of a human being`nerves
There are 52 white keys on a piano - but how many black ones`thirty six
There are 625 sweat glands in one square inch of human ______`skin
There are 625 sweat glands in what area of human skin`one square inch
There are 6,272,640 square inches in an --------`acre
There are 63,360 inches in a ------`mile
There are about 500 different kinds of cone snails around the world. All have a sharp, modified tooth that stabs prey with venom like a harpoon. Most cone snails hunt worms and other snails, but some eat fish. These are the ones most dangerous to people. The nerve toxin that stops a fish is powerful enough to also kill a`human
There are about _______ species of coral known`5,000
There are about _____ species of owl`one hundred and thirty
There are close to ______ known species of frogs, including toads`4,000
There are ____ credit cards for every person in the United States`two
There are _______ distinctive types of combs on chickens`seven
There are _______ distinctive types of combs on chickens`seven`7
There are fewer than _____ Bactrian camels left in the wild`one thousand`1,000
There are five types of simple machines: the lever, the pulley, the inclined plane, the _____, and the wheel and axle`screw
There are five types of simple machines: the lever, the pulley, the inclined plane, the screw, and the__________`wheel and axle
There are five types of simple machines: the lever, the pulley, the _________, the screw, and the wheel and axle`inclined plane
There are five types of simple machines: the lever, the _____, the inclined plane, the screw, and the wheel and axle`pulley
There are five types of simple machines: the _____, the pulley, the inclined plane, the screw, and the wheel and axle`lever
There are four suits of cards in a Tarot pack. Wands and pentacles are two,  the others`swords & cups`swords and cups
There are hefty pricetags on some Internet domain names. The highest-selling domain name to date,, went for ________ in 1999`$7.5 million
There are how many miles of nerves in the skin of a human being`45
There are ______ known species of bats`six hundred and ninety
There are ______ known species of bats`six hundred and ninety`690
There are ________ known species of starfishes in the world`1,600
There are more bald eagles in what Canadian province then there are in the whole U S`british columbia
There are more ______ flamingos in the U.S, than real ones`plastic
There are more ____ in the world than all other animals together`insects
There are more statues of ________, Lewis & Clarks female indian guide, in the U S than any other person`sacajewa
There are more _____ than any other kind of creature in the world`beetles
There are more than _______ bricks in the Empire State Building`10 million
There are more than --------- different types of Barbie dolls.`two hundred
There are more than ________ earthquakes throughout the world every year`fifty thousand`50,000
There are more than ____ satellites orbiting earth solely for the purpose of private communications services, including pagers, telephones, and computers`two hundred
There are more than ____ satellites orbiting earth solely for the purpose of private communications services, including pagers, telephones, and computers`two hundred`200
There are more than ____ species of finches throughout the world`four hundred and fifty
There are more than ____ species of finches throughout the world`four hundred and fifty`450
There are ________ muscles and tendons in an elephant's trunk`40,000
There are no clocks in Las Vegas _____`casinos
There are no rivers in`saudi arabia
There are no wild deer of any kind in Australia, and the small red deer is the only one found in`africa
There are only 3,017 men mentioned in this book but only 181 women. What is the book?`The Bible
There are only how many letters in the Hawaiian alphabet`twelve
There are only how many letters in the Hawaiian alphabet`twelve`12
There are over 100 million light sensitive cells in the`retina
There are over 8,000 ______ ______ titles released every year. That's more than 21 a day!`adult video
There are over _______ dogs in the U.S`fifty eight million`58,000,000
There are over _____ religious denominations in the United States`two hundred
There are over _____ religious denominations in the United States`two hundred`200
There are over ______ verses in the Bible`30,000
There are ______  phalanges (finger bones) in a human hand`fourteen
There are ______  phalanges (finger bones) in a human hand`fourteen`14
There are __ seconds in a minute.`60
There are  seconds in a minute`sixty
There are ______ semihemidemisemiquavers in a breve`256
There are some _____ different species of sea snakes, and all of them are venomous`fifty
There are some _____ different species of sea snakes, and all of them are venomous`fifty`50
There are _____ species of parrotsthree hundred and twenty eight`328
There are this many smurfs`one hundred & one
There are this many smurfs`one hundred & one`101
there are three countries that have both an atlantic and a mediterranean coast, name them`france spain and morocco
There are three members of the pongidae , family of the true ape. Chimpanzees and gorillas are two, name the third`orangutan
There are three types of rock - metamorphic, sedimentary and ______`igneous
There are three types of rocks: metamorphic, sedimentary, and `igneous
There are two landlocked countries in the European Union. Luxembourg's one. Name the other`austria
There are two parts of the male body that have little or no subcutaneous fat. What are they?`eyelid and scrotum
There are two perennial vegetables, asparagus & ______`rhubarb
There are two years that will look the same when written right side up and upside down. The first is 1961. What is the other`6009
There are _______ white dots in a Pacman arcade game`two hundred & forty
There are _______ white dots in a Pacman arcade game`two hundred & forty`240
The rear sight of a firearm`hindsight
The rebuilding of the Globe Theatre in London was the 'brainchild' of which American actor, who died before the project was completed`sam wanamaker
There can be only one.`Highlander
The Red and Yellow Seas were named after colours: Name the other two`Black & White
The Red Cross was initiated in what year`1862
The rediscovery of whose piano rags made ragtime music popular again in the second half of the century`scott joplin
The Red Sea is part of which Ocean`Indian`Indian Ocean
The refraction of light by ice crystals causes a what to form round the Sun`halo
The refuse or dross of molten metals`scum
The refuse or dross of molten metals`scumming
The region enclosed by such a line.  circumference`circuit
The region of the leg that encloses and supports this joint`knee
The region of the leg that encloses and supports this joint`kneed
The region or zone between the limits of high and low tides`littoral
The registered nationality of a ship`registries
there is a city called ---------- in every continent`rome
There is actually a word for a 64th note -- a`hemidemisemiquaver
there is a statue of what us president in london's trafalgar square?`george washington
There is a village near the Somme in ______ which is simply called Y`france
There is a word in the English language with only one vowel, which occurs six times`indivisibility
There is a word in the english language with only one vowel, which occurs six times. What is it`indivisibility
there is enough iron in a human being to make`one`lucas
There is enough iron in a human being to make ______`one small nail
There is more pigment in ______ eyes than blue`brown
There is no point in England more than _____ miles from the ocean`seventy five
There is no point in England more than _____ miles from the ocean`seventy five`75
There is no single word given to describe the back of the`knee
"There is no spoon."`the matrix
There is only thought to be 0.5 grams of this naturally occuring element present in the earths crust`astatine
The relationship between organisms and their environment`ecologic
The relative resistance of a mineral to scratching, as measured by the Mohs scale`hardness
The relative speed of the TRS-80 to the ENIAC is __:1 ?`20
The relative value of silver and gold in a currency system that is bimetallic`ratio
The remains of a wrecked ship`shipwreck
The remains of prehistoric organisms that have been preserved in rocks are called ________`fossils
The remains of prehistoric organisms that have been preserved in rocks are called `fossils
The representation in art or literature of objects, actions, or social conditions as they actually are, without idealization or presentation in abstract`realism
The reproductive glands of male fishes when filled with this fluid`milt
the republic of austria excists since what year`1918
The republic of Israel was established when`april 23, 1948
The repurchase of stock by the company that issued it, as to reduce holdings of a single investor or increase the value of shares by reducing their number`buyback
The resistance of objects to any change in their speed results from`inertia
the resonant frequency at which caesium absorbs energy is equal to`one second
'There's Something About Mary' starring Cameron Diaz was released in what year`1998
The resulting reduction: decrease`diminution
The result obtained by multiplying a quantity by a percent`percentage
The result of building up: 'a pipe clogged by rust -------.'`buildup
The result of reducing: 'a --------- in absenteeism.'`reduction
The result of refining: an improvement or elaboration`refinement
The result of so arranging`spacings
The result of such a settlement`compromise
The result of such overindulgence: satiety or disgust`surfeit
The result of this process`digestion
The result or outcome of an act or process`conclusion
The return on an investment equal to the amount invested: 'expect a ------- within six years.'`payback
The revocation of what caused the Huguenots to flee France in 1685`edict of nantes
The _____ Revolution began in 1905 on 'Bloody Sunday' when troops fired at demonstrators?`Russian
The revolving door was invented in`1888
The revolving door was invented in 1888, 1908 or 1910`1888
There was a theory in medieval times that the body was made up of just four fluids phlegm, blood, choler and melancholy. What were these fluids known as, collectively`humours
There wasn't a single pony in the Pony Express, just`horses
there wasn't a single pony in the 'pony express', only ______`horses
There were no squirrels on Nantucket Island, Massachusetts until what year`1989
There were three Kings of England in 1066. Harold and William, of course, and who else`edward the confessor
There were two Old Testament prophets who did not die, who were they`elijah and enoch
The rhizome of this plant, cooked and eaten as a vegetable or used for starch extraction`arrowroot
The rhizome of this plant, often dried and powdered and used as a spice. Also called ------root`ginger
The Rialto Bridge is associated with which canal`grand
The ribs and meat taken from the chest of an animal`brisket
The richest 10 per cent of the French people are approximately _____ times better off than the poorest 10 per cent`fifty
The right and power to act, believe, or express oneself in a manner of one's own choosing`liberties
The right and power to act, believe, or express oneself in a manner of one's own choosing`liberty
The right or appropriate place: 'The bands are in -------- for the parade's start.'`position
The right or chance to so choose`preference
The right to go before: precedence`pas
The right to leave or go out: 'denied the refugees ------.'`egress
The right to receive this payment or the obligation to make this payment`annuities
The Riksdag is the parliament of which country`sweden
The river Danube enters the Black Sea in which country`romania
The river Jordan flows into which sea`dead sea
The river Liffey rises in which Irish mountain range`wicklow mountains
The river Po flows into which sea`adriatic
The river Volga flows into which sea`caspian
Thermophobia is a fear of ______`heat
The roadrunner, found in the deserts of North America, is a member of which bird family`cuckooo
The roads on the island of Guam are made with`coral
The roads on the island of Guam are made with what`coral
The rock formed by the cooling and solidifying of molten rock`lava
The role of an ing nue in a dramatic production`ingenue
The Roman emperor Nero used to dress up young boys in his dead wife's clothes and?`make love to them
The Roman Numeral CMXCIX is what in Arabic`999
The Roman Numeral MCD is what in Arabic`1400
The Roman Numeral MCMLXXX is what in Arabic`1980
The Roman Numeral MLXVI is what in Arabic`1066
The Roman philosopher Seneca was tutor to which emperor`nero
The Romans built these to convey water.`aqueduct
The Romans built these to convey water`aqueducts
The Romans called it Venta Belgarum. What is it called today`winchester
The Romans called the Goddess Diana. What did the Greeks call her`artemis
The Romans often built a Coliseum in cities and towns they occupied what was a Coliseum`an amphitheatre
The root of this plant, eaten as a staple food in the tropics only after leaching and drying to remove cyanide. Cassava starch is also the source of`manioc
The root of this plant, eaten as a vegetable`turnip
The root of this plant, formerly an important source of the dye alizarin`madders
The root of this plant, which contains the poisonous alkaloid hyoscyamine. Also called mandragora`mandrake
The root of which garden weed is sometimes used as a coffee substitute`dandelion
The roots of these plants`ginseng
The Rose Bowl, America's oldest college football contest, is held annually in which city`pasadena
The Rosetta stone was discovered in which country`egypt
The rough image cast by an object blocking rays of illumination.  shade`shadow
The rough image cast by an object blocking rays of illumination.  shade`shadowing
The rounded edible bulb of this plant, composed of fleshy, tight, concentric leaf bases having a pungent odor and taste`onion
The round, flattened seed of this plant`lentil
The round or oval female reproductive body of various animals, including birds, reptiles, amphibians, fishes, and insects, consisting usually of an embryo surrounded by nutrient materialand a`egg
The rover, "Sojourner", explored the surface of what place`mars
The royal collection of which animal is kept at London zoo`Goats
The Royal Family: Edward VIII's title after his abdication.`duke of windsor
The Royal Family: Fergie's father's title.`major
The Royal Family: Genetically, the royals are mostly this nationality`german
The Royal Family: Prince Andrew's title.`duke of york
The Royal Family: Prince Charles is 1st in line for the throne; this person is 6th.`eugenie
The Royal Family: Prince Charles's title.`prince of wales
The Royal Family: Prince Charles's younger son.`henry
The Royal Family: Prince William, if/when he becomes king, will have this Roman numeral`v
The Royal Family: Queen Elizabeth's descriptive phrase for the year 1992.`annus horribilis
The Royal Family: The British press's nickname for Prince Andrew before his marriage.`randy andy
The Royal Family: The British press's nickname for Princess Diana before her marriage.`shy di
The Royal Family: The relation Princess Margaret is to Princess Anne.`aunt
the royal house of the netherlands is`house of orange
the royal house of the netherlands is`house of`tesla
The Royal Liverpool Golf Course is not in Liverpool, where is it`hoylake
The royal yacht Britannia is now moored in the port area of which city`edinburgh
The rump of a horse: the croup`crupper
The Russian revolutionary, Leon Trotsky, was exiled three times and eventually assassinated in which country`mexico
The russian revolutionary, leon trotsky, was exiled three times in which country`mexico
The Russian river Neva flows into which sea`gulf of finland
'The Sabre Dance' is a well-known piece by which composer`khachaturian
the sachem is a chief of what confederation`algonquian`blue
The sachem is a chief of what confederation`algonquian confederation
The sacrament of the Eucharist`liturgy
The sacred book of which religion is divided into 114 chapters called Suras`islam
The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With the Sea_`yukio mishima
The sails of a ship or boat`sailed
The saints Clare and Francis are associated with which Italian town`assisi
The sale of lawn mowers got a great boost when lawn tennis came into vogue in England in`1870
the sale of this treat is outlawed in singapore because it is a means of 'tainting an environment free of dirt.'`chewing gum
The Salvation Army was founded in what year`1865
The same chemical responsible for the ecstatic highs of love and sexual attraction, phenylethylamine, is also found in ___________.`chocolate
The sand on the beaches of Guam is actually`ground coral
The sand or pebbles on a shore`beach
The Santa Maria was the ship of which explorer`christopher columbus
The Saragasso Sea is a part of which ocean`atlantic
The satellite of Saturn that is eighth in distance from the planet`calypso
The satellite of Uranus that is tenth in distance from the planet`puck
The satellite of Uranus that is tenth in distance from the planet`pucks
The scales or bracts borne on the receptacle among the small individual flowers of many plants in the composite family`chaff
The scale used to measure the magnitude of earthquakes`richter
The scene or setting, as of a novel`locale
the scent of sex in an animal is called`pheromones
The science and art of military command as applied to the overall planning and conduct of large-scale combat operations`strategies
the science fiction series "lost in apace" (set in the year 1997) premiered on cbs in what year`1965
The science, laws, or principles of classification: systematics`taxonomies
the science of creating super micro miniaturizations of objects is called`nanotechnology
The science of life`biology
The science of preparing and dispensing drugs is `pharmacy
The science of preparing & dispensing drugs is ________`pharmacy
The science of providing men, equipment and supplies for military operations is called `logistics
The science or study that deals with food and nourishment, especially in humans`nutrition
The science that deals with the study of disease is:`pathology
The scientific method and material used to achieve a commercial or industrial objective`technology
the scientific name for this fruit is ananas cosmosus.`pineapple
The scientific word 'quark' was first used in which novel`finnigans wake
the scoring in olympic ski jumping is determined by form and?`distance
The Scottish town of Dundee is famous fear Three 'J's. Jute and Jam are two, what is the third`journalism
The screwdriver was invented before the ______`screw
The 'screwdriver' was invented by _______, who used the tool to stir the drink`oilmen
The screw was invented after the _______`screwdriver
The scum that forms on the surface of molten metal as a result of oxidation`dross
The sea gods had a three-pronged spear called a(n) ________.`trident
The sea gods had a three-pronged spear called a(n) `trident
The ____ sea is not mentioned in the Bible`red
These animals were once used to bleed the sick`leeches
These are like fingerprints on cows (no two are identical)`spots
These are the two highest valued letters in scrabble`q and z
These are the two highest valued letters in 'Scrabble'.  'Q' and `Z
These are the two highest valued letters in scrabble`q & z
These are the two highest valued letters in scrabble`q & z`q and z
The season ______ comes right after Spring.`summer
The season  comes right after Spring`summer
The seats so provided or furnished: 'seating for 500.'`seatings
These attach muscles to bones or cartilage.`Tendons
These Aussies did "Hay ride From Hell" and "Hoodoo You Love"`the hoodoo gurus
These bacteria spores that I love, commonly grown in feaces`mushroom
these bodies of water have a combined area of 94,230 square miles.`the great lakes
These come in types like breakfast, pork, lamb, spiced, beef and thick`sausage
The second Beale code was encoded using what`The American Declaration of Independence
The Second Highest Mountain in the World`K2`Mount Godwin-Austen
The second in a set or sequence`two
The second item in a series or system of classification`beta
the second largest body in the solar system is _______`jupiter
The second largest of the earths four oceans & the most heavily traveled`atlantic ocean
The second longest suspension bridge in the world is the Ismit Bay, located where`turkey
The second of the nine orders of angels in medieval angelology`cherub
The second space shuttle is named __________`challenger
The second space shuttle was named __________.`challenger
The second space shuttle was named `Challenger
The second tallest mountain on earth`k2
The secret police of which country were known as the 'Ton Ton Macoute'`haiti
The section of a band or orchestra composed of -------- instruments`woodwinds
The seed of a fleshy fruit: a pip`pippin
These flowerless plants grow on bare rocks and tree stumps`lichen
These gourmet mushrooms can be identified by their conical shape and hollow inside`morels
The seige of the Alamo features in many westerns, where is it`san antonio, texas
These joke rockers played "Big Lizard In My Backyard" & "Eat Your Paisley"`the dead milkmen
These letters define what - AA`alcoholics anonymous
These letters define what - AI`artificial intelligence
These letters define what - AKA`also known as
These letters define what - AMOCO`american oil company
These letters define what - ASAP`as soon as possible
These letters define what - ASCII`american standard code for information exchange
These letters define what - ATM`automated teller machine
These letters define what - AT&T`american telephone and telegraph
These letters define what - AWOL`absent without leave
These letters define what - BB`ball bearing
These letters define what - BBC`british broadcasting corporation
These letters define what - BLT`bacon, lettuce, tomato
These letters define what - BYOB`bring your own beer
These letters define what - CAT`computerized axial tomography
These letters define what - CB`citizen's band
These letters define what - CBS`columbia broadcasting system
These letters define what - COBOL`common business oriented language
These letters define what - CONUS`continental united states
These letters define what - CPR`cardiopulmonary resuscitation
These letters define what - DEW`distant early warning
These letters define what - DOA`dead on arrival
These letters define what - ER`emergency room
These letters define what - ESPN`entertainment and sports programming network
These letters define what - ETA`estimated time of arrival
These letters define what - FAQ`frequently asked questions
These letters define what - FORTRAN`formula translation
These letters define what - GAF`general aniline and film
These letters define what - GATT`general agreement on tariffs and trade
These letters define what - GIGO`garbage in, garbage out
These letters define what - GPS`global positioning system
These letters define what - HDL`high density lipoprotein
These letters define what - HDPE`high density polyethylene
These letters define what - HIV`human immunodefficiency virus
These letters define what - HUMVEE`high mobility multi purpose wheeled vehicle
These letters define what - ICBM`inter continental ballistics missile
These letters define what - IRA`irish republican army
These letters define what - JPL`jet propulsion laboratory
These letters define what - JVC`japan victor company
These letters define what - KIA`killed in action
These letters define what - LASER`light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation
These letters define what - LCD`liquid crystal display
These letters define what - LDL`low density lipoprotein
These letters define what - LDPE`low density polyethylene
These letters define what - LED`light emitting diode
These letters define what - MASER`microwave amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation
These letters define what - MASH`mobile army surgical hospital
These letters define what - MCI`microwave communications of america
These letters define what - MG`morris & garash
These letters define what - MG`morris & garash`morris and garash
These letters define what - MIA`missing in action
These letters define what - MIDI`musical instrument digital interface
These letters define what - MIT`massachusetts institute of technology
These letters define what - M&M`mars & murray
These letters define what - M&M`mars & murray`mars and murray
These letters define what - MO`modus operandi
These letters define what - MP`military police
These letters define what - MRI`magnetic resonance imaging
These letters define what - NATO`north atlantic treaty organization
These letters define what - NBA`national basketball association
These letters define what - NBC`national broadcasting company
These letters define what - NEC`nippon electronics corporation
These letters define what - NFL`national football league
These letters define what - NHL`national hockey league
These letters define what - NORAD`north american air defense command
These letters define what - NOW`national organization of women
These letters define what - NSA`national security administration
These letters define what - OCR`optical character recognition
These letters define what - OSHA`occupational safety and health administration
These letters define what - Parsec`parallax second
These letters define what - PBS`public broadcasting system
These letters define what - PDQ`pretty damned quick
These letters define what - POTUS`president of the united states
These letters define what - POW`prisoner of war
These letters define what - PPP`point to point protocol
These letters define what - PSI`pounds per square inch
These letters define what - PT`patrol torpedo
These letters define what - PVC`polyvinyl chloride
These letters define what - RCA`radio corporation of america
These letters define what - RDA`recommended daily allowance
These letters define what - RNA`ribonucleic acid
These letters define what - ROM`read only memory
These letters define what - ROTC`reserve officers training corps
These letters define what - SAR`search and rescue
These letters define what - SCSI`small computer serial interface
These letters define what - SOP`standard operating procedure
These letters define what - SPF`sun protection factor
These letters define what - SRO`standing room only
These letters define what - STD`sexually transmitted disease
These letters define what - SWAK`sealed with a kiss
These letters define what - SWAT`special weapons and tactics
These letters define what - TDK`tokyo denki kogaku
These letters define what - TGIF`thank god it's friday
These letters define what - TIFF`tag image file format
These letters define what - TTY`teletypewriter
These letters define what - UHF`ultra high frequency
These letters define what - UNESCO`united nations educational, scientific and cultural organization
These letters define what - UNICEF`united nations international children's emergency fund
These letters define what - URL`uniform resource locator
These letters define what - VCR`video cassette recorder
These letters define what - VHF`very high frequency
These letters define what - VHS`video home system
These letters define what - WAC`women's army corps
These letters define what - WAVES`women accepted for volunteer emergency service
These letters define what - WC`water closet
These letters define what - WNL`within normal limits
These letters define what - WYSIWYG`what you see is what you get
These letters define what - Y2K`year 2000
These letters define what - ZIP`zone improvement plan
These license plates are manufactured by prisoners in the state prison in Concord. What is the slogan on them`live free or die
these limestone deposits drip from the roofs of caves`stalactites
These limestone deposits rise from the floor of caves`stalagmites
These marine crustaceans often attach themselves to the hulls of ships.`barnacle
These marine crustaceans often attach themselves to the hulls of ships`barnacles
The seminiferous tubules, tubes curled and packed in the testes, would be approximately ____ meters long if stretched out.`1050
These modern items can be seen, worn by some of the chariot racers in Ben Hur`wristwatches
The sensation of being pierced or -----ed`prick
The sensation of being pierced or pricked`pricks
The sense of smell: 'a dog with a good ----.'`nose
The sense or power of hearing`audition
The sensitive tissue in the pulp of a tooth`nerve
These "overcoats" designed by Gabriel Fallopius in the 1500's are now better known as`condoms
These patterns, traits, and products considered as the expression of a particular period, class, community, or population: 'Edwardian -------: Japanese`culture
The septum linguae is found on the`tongue
These rabbits are prized for their long, soft fur, used to make very expensive sweaters`angorra
The service, homage, and fealty required of a vassal`vassalage
These substances considered as a group`spice
The set of behavioral or personal characteristics by which an individual is recognizable as a member of a group`identities
The setting, as of a historical event: the background`backdrop
these types of beverages are commonly available at raves`smart drinks
The seven-branched candlestick called the Menorah is the official state emblem and appears on the president's flag of which country`israel
The seventeen-year`locust
The seventeen year locust is also know as a _____`cicada
The _______, Seventh-century native Mexicans, went into battle with wooden swords so as not to kill their enemies`toltecs
The sewing machine was patented in what year`1846
The shape of an object or figure`outline
The shape of plant collenchyma cells & the shape of the bubbles in beer foam are the same. What are they called`orthotetrachidecahedrons
The shaping of metal or wood on a lathe`turnings
The shawm was the forerunner of which woodwind instrument`oboe
The sheen on any surface, produced by age and use`patina
The shekel is the basic monetary unit of which middle eastern country`Israel
The shell of a`cockle
The shell of an oyster or clam`shuck
The shell of any of the ----------s`periwinkle
The shell of one of these gastropod mollusks, used as an ornament, in making cameos, or as a horn`conch
The shinbone`shinned
'The Shining' was the film playing at the drive-in in which film`Twister
The ship, crew, or cargo so rescued`salvage
The shortest war, between Britain &  Zanzibar, happened in what year`1896
The shortest war in history was between ___________ in 1896`zanzibar & england
The shortest war in history was between ___________ in 1896`zanzibar & england`zanzibar and england
The shortest war in history Zanzibar surrendered after _______ minutes`thirty eight
The shortest war on record, between Britain and ------------- in 1896, lasted just 38 minutes.`zanzibar
The Siberian ____ accounts for more than 20% of all the worlds trees`larch
The side that is less desirable, reputable, or noble than the obverse: hunger, isolation, filth, the --------- of [a] hellish regime (National Review)`underside
The siege of badajoz took place during which war`the peninsular war
The sign (&nbsp::&nbsp:) used between numbers or groups of numbers in expressions of time (2:30 A.M.) and ratios (1:2)`cola
The sign (&nbsp::&nbsp:) used between numbers or groups of numbers in expressions of time (2:30 A.M.) and ratios (1:2)`colon
The silk road ran between europe and which country`china
The silky wool of this mammal`alpaca
The Silurian and Devonian periods occurred in which geological era`palaeozoic
The Silver Phyllis, a Boeing 707, belonged to what financier`robert vesco
The similar claw of a predatory animal`talon
The similar part of the forefoot of a quadruped`palm
The similar part of the forefoot of a quadruped`palming
The Simplon Tunnel runs between which two countries`italy & switzerland
The Simplon Tunnel runs between which two countries`italy & switzerland`italy and switzerland
the simpsons: homer works at this type of energy plant.`nuclear
The Simpsons: Lisa plays this instrument.`saxaphone
The Simpsons: Mr. Burns runs for this office.`governor
The Simpsons: The barber shop quartet that Homer was in.`be sharp
the simpsons: the name of mr. burns assistant.`smithers
The Simpsons: The name of the Quicki-Mart owner.`apu
the simpsons: the name of the simpsons neighbors.`flanders
the simpsons : what is apu's surname`nahasapheemapetilon
The Simpsons: What is Homers job at the nuclear power plant`safety inspector
The Simpsons: What is Mo's surname`sizlac
The Simpsons: What is the chief of polices' name`clancy wiggum
The Simpsons: What is the name of Mr Burns' beloved bear`bobo
the simpsons: what is the name of the simson's cat`snowball ii
The Simpsons: What is the Springfield equivalent of Barbie`malibu stacy
the simpsons: what simpson had a crush on his/her substitute teacher`lisa
The Simpsons: What street do the Simpsons live on`evergreen terrace
The Simpsons: What was the name of the Flanders' store`the leftorium
The Simpsons: What were Bart's first words`aye carumba
The Simpsons: Which of marges' sisters has resorted to a life of celibacy`patty
The Simpsons: Who are the twins in Barts class`sherry and terry
The Simpsons: Who is Bart's teacher`mrs krabappel
The Simpsons: Who is patty and Selma's favourite t.v star`mcgyver
The Simpsons: Who is Radioactive Man's sidekick`fallout boy
The Simpsons: Who is the Channel 5 action news presenter`kent brockman
The Simpsons: Who is the founder of Springfield`jebediah springfield
The Simpsons: Who opened up Springfield Casino`mr burns
The Simpsons: Who replaced Side-show Bob`side-show mel
The Simpsons: Who shot Mr Burns`maggie
The sindy doll has been recently released as a stewardess for which airline`virgin
The singer Marie Lawrie is better known as what`lulu
the single pride was taken from which u2 album`the unforgetable fire
The sinking of the 'Herald of Free Enterprise' was one of Europe's worst shipping disasters, from which port did the ship sail`zeebrugge
the "sister" to the weather phenomenon known as el nino`la`exiguus
the "sister" to the weather phenomenon known as el nino`la nina
The site of such an excavation, with its surface buildings, elevator shafts, and equipment`mine
The site of such an excavation, with its surface buildings, elevator shafts, and equipment`mining
The site of Troy is in which modern country`turkey
The SI unit of radioactivity bears the name of which French scientist`bequerel
The SI unit of radioactivity bears the name of which French scientist`henri bequerel
The size of the male ____ is supposed to relate directly to the size of the penis.`nose
The skill or power of using such discourse`eloquence
the skin of what fish was once sold as sandpaper?`shark
The skin of which animal is used to make Morocco Leather`goat
The skin test used to determine immunity or susceptibility to scarlet fever is called the?`dick test
the skipper's first & last name on 'gilligan's island' is __________.`jonas grumby
The skirts of a formal or dress coat`coattails
The slang that some Lesbians use for children born to them from artificial insemination is..?`Turkey-baster babies
The slaughter of a large number of animals`massacre
'The Slave of Duty', is the alternate title for which Gilbert and Sullivan operetta`pirates of penzance
The slender, tubular feeding and sucking organ of certain invertebrates, such as insects, worms, and mollusks`proboscis
The small cup used to serve this drink`demitasse
the small endocrine glands situated just above the kidneys`adrenals
The smallest animal of a litter`runt
The smallest bone in the body is the ______`stirrup
The smallest building blocks of proteins are`Amino acids
The smallest cell in the human body is the`male sperm
The smallest erect penis on record was ___ __________ long.`one centimeter
The smallest guitar made by Nanotechnology is _________ long, has six strummable strings`10 micrometers
The smallest portion of a substance capable of existing independently and retaining its original properties is a(n) `molecule
The smallest portion of a substance capable of existing independently and retaining its original properties is a(n) __________`Molecule
The smallest tactical unit of military personnel`squad
The smallest trees in the world are Greenland`dwarf willows
The small intestine is made up of the duodenum, the ileum and the ______`jejenum
The small intestine is made up of the duodenum, the ileum and the ______`jejunum
The small intestine is made up of the duodenum, the jejenum and the ______`ileum
The small intestine is made up of the duodenum, the jejunum and the ______`ileum
The small intestine is made up of the jejenum, the ileum and the ______`duodenum
The small intestine is made up of the jejenum, the ileum &  the ______`duodenum
The smallpox vaccine was invented in 1763, 1784 or 1798`1798
The small tree Camellia Sinensis provides us with which digestible product`tea
The Smiths: All lyrics of The Smiths is written by him.`morrissey
The Smiths: Finish the album title: "Louder Than _____"`bombs
The Smiths: Finish the song title: "_______, It Was Really Nothing"`william
The Smithsonian Institute houses this 44 & 1/2 carat, cursed blue diamond`hope diamond
The Smiths: What album is "Unhappy Birthday","Girlfriend In A Coma","I Won't Share You" on`strangeways here we come
The Smiths: Who is the guitarist in The Smiths`johnny marr
The smoke or odor produced by the burning of such a substance`incense
The smoldering coal or ash of a dying fire`embers
The smooth soft larva of certain insects, such as the sawfly`slug
The smooth soft larva of certain insects, such as the sawfly`slugs
The smooth, thin-shelled oval nut of this tree`pecan
the snake river winds through which gorge`hell's canyon
the snake river winds through which gorge`hell's`pegasus
The 'sockeye' is a species of which fish`salmon
The ----s of a ship or boat`sail
the soft areas of the cartilage on a baby's head where the skull bones haven't joined is called what`fontanelle
The soft areas of the cartilage on a baby's head where the skull bones havn't joined is called what`fontanelle
The soft edible body of such a mollusk`clam
The soft edible body of such a mollusk`clams
The softer, friable part of land: soil, especially productive soil`earth
The softer, friable part of land: soil, especially productive soil`earthing
The softer, friable part of land: soil, especially productive soil`earths
The soft, light-colored wood of any species of linden. It is used in making crates and boxes, in carving, and in millwork`basswood
The soft moist part of fruit`pulps
The soft reddish wood of this tree. Also called sequoia`redwood
The soft reddish wood of this tree. Also called sequoia`reecho
The soft thick lustrous fur of this animal`mink
The solution to a problem`the cure
The song beginning 'Starry starry night commemorated which painter`vincent van gogh
The song Honolulu Baby appears in which Laurel and Hardy film`sons of the desert
The song Love is All Around, performed by Wet Wet Wet, is featured in which Richard Curtis film`four weddings and a funeral
The song 'Matchmaker, Matchmaker' came from which musical play`Fiddler On The Roof
the song "mrs robinson" is from what movie`graduate
The Song of Hiawatha is a work by which US poet`henry wadsworth longfellow
The song "One O'clock Jump" is particularly associated with whose big band`count basie
The song 'Raindrops keep falling on my head' was introduced in which film`butch cassidy and the sundance kid
the song "starry, starry night" is also known as`vincent
The song The Bug was covered by this popular female country singer`mary chapin carpenter
the song "to all the girls ive loved before" was written by a.sasha distel b.julio iglesias c.wille nelson`willie nelson
The song "Trail of the Lonesome Pine" appears in which Laurel and Hardy film`way out west
The song where John Lennon announes "I don't believe in Beatles"?`god
The song 'Why Do Fools Fall in Love was a hit in which year`1956
The songwriter Norbert Schultz wrote a song which became one of the best known songs of the 20th century. What is its title`lili marlene
The song  yes, we have no bananas was the subject of a law suit in 1923. What musical arrangement was it copyrighted from`Handels Messiah
The song You Can Keep Your Hat On featured in which popular 1997 film`the full monty
The song 'You'll Never Walk Alone' comes from which musical`carousel
the son of jerry lewis named his rock band what`the playboys
The sound of a foot stepping. Also called footfall`footstep
The sound of this instrument or a sound resembling it`clarion
The sound of which insect was once thought to be an omen of imminent death`death watch beetle
The sound system of a language: 'the --------- of English.'`phonology
The sound, vibration, or shock caused by the striking together of two bodies`percussion
The sousaphone is a type of which brass instrument`the tuba
The Southern Alps are found in which country`new zealand
The southern most tip of Africa is not the 'Cape of Good Hope' but`cape agulhas
The sovereignty and power of God`majesties
the soviet ---------- is the first strike fighter with a toilet in it`sukhoi-34
the soviet sukhoi-34 is the first ---------- fighter with a toilet in it`strike
the soviet sukhoi-34 is the first strike fighter with a ---------- in it`toilet
The space between two adjacent neurones is called the`synapse
the space hit we gotta get out of this place was originally a hit for which group in 1965`the animals
The space occupied by a body is called its ______`volume
The space occupied by a body is called its `volume
The space occupied by an aircraft`airspace
The space set apart for the pilot and crew, as in a helicopter, large airliner, or transport aircraft`cockpit
The spaceship voyager found geysers on triton, a moon of which planet`neptune
The Spanish abbreviation for ufo is what`ovnis
The Spanish Inquisition once condemned the entire _______ to death for heresy`netherlands
The spawn of an oyster or a similar mollusk`spat
The specialized vocabulary of a particular field or discipline: 'spoke to me in the ----- of fundamentalism.'  dialect`lingo
The specific grammatical, syntactic, and structural character of a given language`idiom
The spectators or audience at an event`grandstand
The sperm of a ______ is actually longer than the sperm of an elephant.`mouse
The sperm of a _____ is longer than the sperm of an elephant`mouse
the spice called mace is the outer covering of which other spice`nutmeg
The spinal cord`marrow
The spindle of an ----tree`axle
The spinning wheel, introduced to Europe in the middle ages, was invented where`india
The spiny or smooth fruit of any of these plants`buckeye
The spiral galaxy nearest ours is the ________`andromeda
The spiral galaxy nearest ours is the  galaxy`Andromeda
The spiral track cut into a phonograph record for the stylus to follow`groove
The spirit Kirsch is made from which fruit`cherries
The spiritual nature of humans, regarded as immortal, separable from the body at death, and susceptible to happiness or misery in a future state`soul
The sport of operating or riding in a sailboat`sailings
The spot on the earth's surface directly above an earthquake's focus is called the ______`epicenter
The spot on the Earth's surface directly above an earthquake's focus is called the `epicenter
The square root of 1 is`1
The square root of 1 is`1one
The stage in Marxist-Leninist theory intermediate between capitalism and communism, in which collective ownership of the economy under the dictatorship of the proletariat`socialism
The stage of an ancient theater, located between the background and the orchestra`proscenia
The stage or condition of having ----: 'branches in full bud.'`buds
The stage or condition of having ---s: 'branches in full ---.'`bud
The stalk of any of these plants`reed
The stalk of any of these plants`reeds
The stamps, labels, or printing placed on an item to be mailed as evidence of payment of this charge`postage
the staple food of blue whales`krill or plankton
The starchy grain of this plant, used as a staple food throughout the world`rice
The starchy root of any of these plants, used in the tropics as food`yam
The Star of David is a symbol sacred to which religion`judaism
The star of "Police Woman" was married to Burt Bacharach. What was her name`angie dickenson
The State Duma is the lower house of assembly in the parliament of which country`russia
The state of a substance that exists below its critical temperature and that may be liquefied by application of sufficient pressure`vapor
The state of being accepted or acceptable`acceptance
The state of being adapted`adaptation
The state of being allowed to enter`admission
The state of being an infant`infancies
The state of being an occupant or tenant`occupancy
The state of being assembled`assemblage
The state of being assembled`assemblies
The state of being behind in fulfilling obligations: 'an account in -------.'`arrears
The state of being broken open`rupture
The state of being clarified or explained`ill
The state of being connected`connection
The state of being converted`conversion
The state of being corrupt`corruption
The state of being dead`deaths
The state of being degenerate`degeneracy
The state of being deluded`delusion
The state of being deserted`desertion
The state of being desolate`desolation
The state of being despised or dishonored: disgrace`contempt
The state of being divergent`divergence
The state of being ejected, forced out, or supplanted`ouster
The state of being employed`employment
The state of being enacted`enactment
The state of being encamped`encampment
The state of being enclosed`enclosure
The state of being enrolled`enrollment
The state of being equal`equation
The state of being erased: (The powerful images of his work... punishment, mutilation, ------- (Joyce Carol Oates)`erasure
The state of being executed`execution
The state of being exempt: immunity`exemption
The state of being exhausted: extreme fatigue: 'The runner collapsed from ----------.'`exhaustion
The state of being expanded`expansion
The state of being expected`expectancy
The state of being found or proved guilty: 'evidence that led to the suspect's ----------.'`conviction
The state of being found or proved not guilty`acquittal
The state of being free from unsanctioned intrusion: 'a person's right to -------.'`privacy
The state of being governed`governance
The state of being held in special favor`favoritism
The state of being hesitant`hesitation
The state of being incubated`incubation
The state of being insured`insurance
The state of being interned: confinement`internment
The state of being intricate or complicated: the ---------- of life in twentieth-century America (Daniel J. Boorstin)`perplexity
The state of being inverted`inversion
The state of being involved`involution
The state of being ionized`ionization
The state of being knocked out`knockout
The state of being laminated`lamination
The state of being married: wedlock`marriage
The state of being mediated`mediation
The state of being mingled or mixed`admixture
The state of being modulated`modulation
The state of being offended`offense
The state of being oppressed`oppression
The state of being perverted`perversion
The state of being possessed`possession
The state of being protruded`protrusion
The state of being pure, unsullied, or untouched`virginity
The state of being restricted or confined within prescribed bounds: 'soon tired of the ---------- of military life.'`constraint
The state of being retired`retirement
The state of being reunited`reunion
The state of being reversed`reversal
The state of being rich: affluence`wealth
The state of being separate or detached`detachment
The state of being so divided`partition
The state of being split or cleft: a fissure or division`cleavage
The state of being trained`trainings
The state of being unimpaired: soundness`integrity
The state of Florida is bigger than`england
The state of having been concreted: 'a ---------- of seminal ideas in her treatise.'`concretion
The state of having been divided`division
The state of having been made ready beforehand: readiness`prep
The state of having been omitted`omission
The state of having submitted.  surrender`submission
The State of Michigan derives from the Chippewa words, mici gama.  What does mici gama mean`Great Water
the state of minnesota borders how many other states`5
The state of rapture inspired in man by nymphs is called what?`Nympholepsy
The state or a period of being detained, especially: A period of temporary custody while awaiting trial`detention
The state or condition induced by a sedative`sedation
The state or condition of being a beggar`beggary
The state or condition of being a rival`rivalries
The state or condition of touching or of immediate proximity: 'Litmus paper turns red on ------- with an acid.'`contact
The state or fact of being derived: originating: 'a custom of recent ----------.'`derivation
The state or fact of persevering: 'Through hard work and ---------, we will complete this project.'`endurance
The state or quality of being damp`moisture
The state or quality of being eternal`eternities
The state or quality of being in accord: harmony`unities
The state or quality of being in accord: harmony`unity
The state or quality of being mature`maturities
The state or quality of being odd: strangeness`oddities
The state or quality of being reluctant: unwillingness`reticence
The state or quality of being variant or variable: a variation`variance
The state or situation of being held in high esteem`reputation
The state resulting from such a response`reaction
The static distortion in digital sound caused by a low sampling rate`aliasing
The station occupied by such troops`outpost
The statue of Eros in Piccadilly Circus commemorates which Victorian reformer`earl of shaftsbury`anthony ashley cooper
The Statue of Liberty arrived in New York City in 1885 aboard what French ship`isere
The Statue of Liberty stands on which island`liberty island
The statue of which famous Englishman stands in the"Piazza of the  British Library`sir isaac newton
The statues of Martin Luther King, Queen Elizabeth of Russia and eight other Christian martyrs were erected in which building, in 1988`westminster abbey
The status of master or ruler: control: 'mastery of the seas.'`masteries
The status of master or ruler: control: '------- of the seas.'`mastery
The stemmed glass in which a coupe is served`coupes
The stem of such a plant`vines
The stems and leaves of the tomato plant are`poisonous
The stems of any of these palms, used to make wickerwork, canes, and furniture`rattan
The 'stickman', 'boxer' and 'shooter' are three of the participants in which casino game`craps or dice
The stick used when playing this game`shinnies
The stiff stalk of various grasses`bents
The still of the nite what's the location of the "circus hall of fame"`sarasota florida
The stinking cedar and yellow-wood trees are also known as what`gopher wood
The St. Louis gateway arch had a projected death toll while it was being built. How many people died`0
The St. Moritz ski resort is in which European country`switzerland
The stomach of an animal`craw
The stomach of an animal`craws
The Stone of Scone is a relic sacred to which country`scotland
The stone or the ridged or corrugated seed of such a tree`walnut
The stone what dietary problem were 65 percent of brazilians suffering in 1985`malnutrition
The story about a king who prematurely divides his kingdom between his daughters is portrayed in which film`king lear
___, the story of prize fighter Jake Lamotta, packs a real punch?`Raging Bull
The straight line drawn from the center through one end of a circular arc and intersecting the tangent to the other end of the arc`secant
The Straits of Malacca separate Malaysia from which country`indonesia
the "stratocaster" guitar is made by this company`fender
The stratosphere is higher than the`troposphere
The stress in Hungarian words always falls on what syllable`first
The strident call of a crane or goose`clang
The striking of a bell or gong`stroke
The strip of hardened skin at the base and sides of a fingernail or toenail`cuticle
The strip of lead which holds the glass in a stained glass window`came
The strong part of a sword blade, between the middle and the hilt`forte
The structural part of cloth`web
The structural part of cloth`webs
The structure of a specific region of the earth's crust`geologic
The struggle that precedes death`agonies
The Studebaker auto company produced a car called the "_____" from 1927-1936`dictator
The study and exploration of caves is known as what`speleology
the study of angles and their properties is called`trigonometry
The study of angles &  their properties is called`trigonometry
The study of birds`ornithology
The study of building design is `architecture
the study of heredity is called`genetics
The study of how nerve cells, or neurons, receive & transmit information`neurophysiology
The study of human behaviour is `psychology
The study of human ethos and its formation`ethologist
The study of human pre history is ___________`archaeology
The study of human pre-history is `archaeology
The study of inland water is known as`hydrology
The study of insects is `entomology
The study of light and its relation to sight is called `optics
The study of magnets and their effects`magnetism
The study of man and culture is known as `anthropology
The study of man & culture is known as ________`anthropology
The study of metals and their properties in bulk and at the atomic level`metallurgy
The study of natural phenomena: motion, forces, light, sound, etc is called `physics
The study of natural phenomena: motion, forces, light, sound, etc. is called ______`Physics
The study of plants is `botany
The study of populations of animals & plants, a population being a group of interbreeding organisms in a specific region; for example, the members of a fish species in a lake`population biology
The study of religion is `theology
The study of shells`conchology
The study of soil is`paedology
The study of sound is ________`acoustics
The study of sound is `acoustics
The study of structural relationships in language or in a language, sometimes including pronunciation, meaning, and linguistic history`grammar
The study of stupidity is called`monology
The study of the composition of substances and the changes that they undergo is `chemistry
The study of the composition of substances & the changes that they undergo is __________`chemistry
The study of the earth's physical divisions into mountains, seas, etc`is *geography
The study of the flight characteristics of projectiles`ballistics
The study of the manner in which organisms carry on their life processes is ________`physiology
The study of the manner in which organisms carry on their life processes is `physiology
The study of the size and shape of the cranium supposedly to reveal one's character`phrenology
The study of word origins is called what`etymology
The St. Valentine's Day massacre took place in this city.`chicago
The subject of a photograph used as a ----------, often a nude model`centerfold
The subject of the first printed book in England was`chess
The Sublime Porte was the Court of Government of which Empire`turkish/ottoman
the submarine was invented in 1620 by cornelius drebbel. name his country of origin.`netherlands
The Suez Canal was nationalized in what year`1950
The suffering of death by a martyr`martyrdom
The summer solstice, about June 21`midsummer
The sum of a person's intellectual capabilities or endowment`mentality
The sum of characteristics and associated potentialities transmitted genetically to an individual organism`heredities
The sum of money sent`remittance
The sum of one pound and one shilling`guinea
The sum of the beliefs or principles of a person, group, or institution`coloration
The sum of three pennies`threepence
The Sum Total Of All The Numbers On A Roulette Wheel`666
The sun has a core temperature of ________ Kelvin`154,000,000
The sun is _______ times larger than the earth`330,330
The sun sets in the `west
the Super Bowl, and never re-used the commercial?`Apple
The supersonic Concorde jet made its first trial flight on what date`january 1, 1969
The _____ _______ supplies the liver with oxygen`hepatic`allen
The _____ _______ supplies the liver with oxygen`hepatic artery
The supporting material for construction work`riggings
the supreme court upholds the 14th amendment and outlaws racial segregation`public`exciters
the supreme court upholds the 14th amendment and outlaws racial segregation`public schools
The surface area of a human lung is equal to a`tennis court
The surface of a ----: a ----bed`road
The surface of a road: a roadbed`roads
The surface of a road: a roadbed`roadside
The surface of a solid`periphery
The surface of the Dead Sea is _______ metres below the surface of the Mediterranean Sea, which is only 75 km away`four hundred
The surface of the Dead Sea is _______ metres below the surface of the Mediterranean Sea, which is only 75 km away`four hundred`400
The surface or skin of the human body`fleshing
The surface space occupied by a structure or device: 'the --------- of a building: a microcomputer with a space-saving ---------.'`footprint
The sweet fruit of any of these trees`mulberry
The sweet sap of several tropical Asian palm trees, especially palmyra and Caryota urens, used as a beverage`toddies
The sweet sap of several tropical Asian palm trees, especially palmyra and Caryota urens, used as a beverage`toddy
the swiss family _______`robinson
The swollen root of this plant eaten as a vegetable, typically having reddish flesh`beet
The symbol (#)`crosshatch
The symbol on the "pound" key (#) is called a(n) _________`octothorpe
The symbols used on a map are explained by the `legend
The symbol () used to represent an unstressed neutral vowel and, in some systems of phonetic transcription, a stressed mid-central vowel, as inbut`schwa
The synchronization of the sparking of the plugs with the movement of the pistons in an internal-combustion engine`timings
The syncopated music for this dance in 4/4 time`mambo
The systematic procedure of a natural phenomenon or process`regimen
The system of beliefs and teachings of the Theosophical Society, founded in New York City in 1875, incorporating aspects of Buddhism and Brahmanism, especially the`theosophic
The system of racial segregation in south africa was called _____`apartheid
The system of sounds of a particular language`phonetics
The tablecloth in da Vinci's Last supper was`white
The tail end of the spinal cord`coccyx
the taj mahal is made out of what`marble
The Taj Mahal stands on which river`the jumna
The Taj Mahal was built on the southern bank of which river`jumna
The Taka is the principal currency of which Asian Country`bangladesh
The tallest tree in the uk is what type of tree`douglas fir
The tall feathery garden plant Cortaderia from South America is commonly known as what`pampas grass
The tangent of the complement of a directed angle or arc`cot
The tapir is related to the horse and the _____?`rhinoceros
The tapped collar or socket that receives this rod`screw
The tapped collar or socket that receives this rod`screwed
The tapped collar or socket that receives this rod`screwing
The Tarbela Dam in Pakistan stands on which river`indus
the tarzan novels were created by whom`burroughs
The tasks or care of a nurse`nursings
The ______ tea party`boston
The technique of carving in this way`cameo
The techniques and equipment used to achieve automatic operation or control`automation
The technology and manufacture of telephone equipment`telephony
The teeth used for biting or cutting are known as _______`incisors
The teeth used for biting or cutting are known as `incisors
The Tehran hostages were released in 1980 after how many days of captivity`four hundred and forty four
the telephone country code 56 would connect you with`chile
the telephone country code 62 would connect you with?`indonesia
The telephone country code 82 would connect you with`korea
The telephone country code 852 would connect you with _____`hong kong
the telephone country code 90 would connect you with?`turkey
The telephone county code 39 would connect you with _____`italy
The telephone was invented in which year`1876
The Teletubbies have two favourite foods. Name one.`tubby toast`tubby custard
The television detective Banacek was played by whom`george peppard
The television series Wycliff is set in which English County`cornwall
The temperature at what dew forms is called the`dew point
The temperature at which a liquid gives off a vapour which can be ignited is called it's ______`flashpoint
the temperature of "absolute zero" is measured in which scale`kelvin
The temperature of the sun has to be achieved to create which potentially useful nuclear reaction`nuclear fusion
The tendency of fluids to diffuse in such a manner`osmoses
The tenth in a set or sequence`tens
The tenth part of a Roman legion consisting of 600 men was known as what`a cohort
The tenth sign of the Zodiac`capricorn
The tenth wedding anniversary is commemorated with what`tin
The tenure by which such an estate is held`freehold
The term Bicentennial represents how many years`200
The term Centennial represents how many years`100
the term 'cold war' was coined by speechwriter herbert bayard swope and popularized by columnist __________`walter lippman
The term "Kibbutz" comes from which country`Israel`Palestine
The term 'lupine' refers to which animal`wolf
the term morphology is used rather loosely, often being confused with`anatomy
The term of office of a mayor`mayoralty
The term or duration of such a contract`lease
The term or duration of such a contract`leaser
The term or duration of such a contract`leasing
The term Quadricentennial represents how many years`400
The term Quartocentennial represents how many years`25
The term Quincentennial represents how many years`500
The term Semicentennial represents how many years`50
The term Septiquinquennial represents how many years`75
The term Sesquibicentennial represents how many years`250
The term Sesquibicentennial represents how many years`250two hundred and fifty
The term Sesquincentennial represents how many years`150
The term Sesquiquadricentennial represents how many years`450
The term Sesquitercentennial represents how many years`350
The terms 'lot' and 'gavel' are associated with which occupation`auctioneering
The term Tercentennial represents how many years`300
The term used to refer to a Woman's visible genitals as a whole is..?`The vulva
The term vulpine means related to which animal`fox
The territory included in such a unit`empire
The territory of a nation or state: land`countries
The texture or fineness of sand or stone used in grinding`grit
The texture or fineness of sand or stone used in grinding`gritting
The texture or quality of such cloth`fabric
The texture or quality of such cloth`fabrics
The Thatcher Ferry Bridge crosses what canal`Panama Canal
The theater as a profession`footlights
The theme from Top Gun was a hit for which European sounding group`berlin
the (then) 12 year old actress who starred in 'the professional'`natalie portman
The then-unknown Jeremy Irons played Judas in the original West End production of which musical in 1971`godspell
The then-unknown Richard Gere played Danny Zuko in the original West End production of which musical in 1973`grease
The theory of 'plate tectonics' is used to explain the movement of' what`the earth's crust
The theory or view that the self is the only reality`solipsism
The thickness of what is given an 'swg' rating`wire
The thick yellowish musky fluid secreted by one of these mammals, used in the manufacture of perfumes`civet
The ----th in a set or sequence`four
The -----th in a set or sequence`seven
The 'Thing', from the movie of the same name, had ___ blood`green
The third item in a series or system of classification`gamma
The third largest city of Argentina on the Rio Parana`rosario
The thistle is the national flower of ______`scotland
The three number systems commonly used in computers are binary, decimal and _________.`Hexadecimal
The three primary colours are red, yellow and blue. The three secondary colours are`green, orange & purple
the three scorers for manchester united in the 1968 european cup final, which ended 4-1 in their favour. (b c k)`best charlton`institution
the three scorers for manchester united in the 1968 european cup final, which ended 4-1 in their favour. (b c k)`best charlton kidd
the three ways, other than disqualification, that a boxer can win?`knockout tko decision
The throat`gullet
The throat`gullible
The thyroid cartilage is more commonly known as the _____`adam's apple
The Tibetan Mountain people use yak's milk as their form of`currency
The Tick: Color of the Ticks costume`blue
The Tick: "Not baked goods professor, baked ____!"`bads
The Tick: Who has the ability to change the color of his costume`caped chameleon
The Tick: Who, when problems arise, jumps into his cannon and says "Fire me, boy"`the human bullet
The Tick: "Yeast Devil! Back to the oven that _____ you!"`baked
The tides on the earth's oceans are actually created by gravitational pull from the `Moon
The timber lining of a door frame`casing
The time at which an event occurs`occasion
The time at which a radio or television program is broadcast`airtime
The time at which such a restriction begins or is in effect: 'a 10 P.M. ------ for all residents.'`curfew
The time during which one is away`absence
The time, effort, or trouble taken in doing something: 'The project wasn't worth my -----.'`while
The time immediately subsequent to a particular event`morrow
The time of day appointed for this service, traditionally midnight or 2 A.M. but often sunrise`matins
The time of life when a person becomes qualified to assume certain civil and personal rights and responsibilities, usually at 18 or 21 years: legal ---:`age
The time of life when a person becomes qualified to assume certain civil and personal rights and responsibilities, usually at 18 or 21 years: legal age:`ages
The time of life when a person becomes qualified to assume certain civil and personal rights and responsibilities, usually at 18 or 21 years: legal age:`aging
The time of such payment`payoff
The time of the day when the sun is just below the horizon, especially the period between sunset and dark`twilight
The time or point in the sun's path at which the sun is on the local meridian. Also called ----tide, ----time`noon
The Times Square "time ball" for the year 2000 contained _______ big lights`ninety six
The Times Square "time ball" for the year 2000 contained _______ big lights`ninety six`96
The Times Square "time ball" for the year 2000 contained _____ glass crystals cut into triangles`five hundred and four
The Times Square "time ball" for the year 2000 contained _____ glass crystals cut into triangles`five hundred and four`504
The Times Square "time ball" for the year 2000 contained _______ light bulbs`six hundred
The Times Square "time ball" for the year 2000 contained _______ light bulbs`six hundred`600
The Times Square "time ball" for the year 2000 contained _______ mirrors`ninety two
The Times Square "time ball" for the year 2000 contained _______ mirrors`ninety two`92
The Times Square "time ball" for the year 2000 was named the`star of hope
The Times Square "time ball" for the year 2000 was specially made by _________ in Ireland`waterford crystal
The time when something begins or is begun: 'the --------- of the war.'`beginning
The Timor sea and the Arafura sea are off the north coast of which country`australia
The tiniest bit: an iota`tittle
The tip of a rotary mower travels at over _____ km/hr`two hundred
The tip of a rotary mower travels at over _____ km/hr`two hundred`200
The tips of fingers & the soles of feet are covered by a thick, tough layer of skin called the what`stratum corneum
The title of which Moody Blues album is a mnemonic to remember the lines of the treble stave of a sheet of music`every good boy deserves favour
The tomb of such a hermit or saint`marabou
The tongue of a bell`clapper
The Tony awards are named for what person`antoinette perry
The top basketball player of the decade`michael jordan
The Topkapi Palace was home to which emperors`ottoman
The top layer of cement render`buttercoat
the top of which mountain is the most distant point from the center of the earth`chimborazo
the top ranking title in sumo wrestling is known as`yokozuna
The top selling debut album of all time was __________ by ______________.`boston boston
The toronto maple leafs used to be originally called what`the toronto
The Toronto Maple Leafs used to be originally called what`the toronto arenas
The total length of the average clitoris, including glans and body, is how long?`16 mm
The total merchandise kept on hand by a merchant, commercial establishment, warehouse, or manufacturer`stocks
The total number of such people`population
The total sum of money to be paid out to employees at a given time`payroll
The total weight of passengers and cargo that an aircraft carries or can carry`payload
The total yield of such produce in a particular season or place: 'an orchard that produced a huge ---- of apples last year.'`crop
The tough, coarse fiber of the cannabis plant, used to make cordage`hemp
The tower of London, during its lifetime has served many purposes, including a`zoo
The tower over a castle draw bridge is a(n)....`barbican
The town of Beersheba is in which country`israel
The town of Grasse in France is famous for producing what`perfume
The town of Montelimar in France is famous for producing what`nougat
The town of Pisa lies in which Italian region`tuscany
The town of Waterloo lies near which European capital city`brussels
The town of Woodstock hosted  a famous rock festival in 1969, in which US state would you find it`new york state
The Trade-Name for a heat-resistant glass containing Borosilicate`Pyrex
The trailing`arbutus
The train held up by the Great Train Robbers in 1963 was travelling to London from where`glasgow
The transcendental number 'e' was named after what mathematician`euler
The transfer of energy from one body to another as a result of a difference in temperature or a change in phase`heat
The transfer of energy from one body to another as a result of a difference in temperature or a change in phase`heating
The treatment of disease by chemical substances which are toxic to the causative micro organisms is called ________`chemotherapy
The treatment of disease by chemical substances which are toxic to the causative micro-organisms is called `chemotherapy
The treatment of which famous mythical ruling, by the artist Max Klinger in 1887, caused a storm of protest from art lovers`judgment of paris
The Treaty of Guadalupe: Hidalgo put an end to this conflict`Mexican War
The tree dictated on the Lebanese flag is a`cedar
The tree Salix Babylonica, which originally came from China but now found in Britain, is more commonly known by what name`weeping willow
The trees cultivated in such an area`orchard
The Triassic, Jurrasic, and Cretaceous periods make up which era`Mesozoic Era
The triple crown worn by the pope`tiara
The troops stationed at a military post`garrison
The true seals are a diverse & widely distributed group of mostly marine & ___________`aquatic mammals
the "truth" can also be known as?`veracity
The tuber of this plant`taro
"The tumult and the shouting dies" is a line from the poem "Recessional". Who wrote it`kipling
The tune Rhapsody in Blue was first performed in which year`1924
The Turk's consider it considered unlucky to step on a`piece of bread
The turns of luck in the course of one's life`fortune
The twelfth in a set or sequence`twelve
the two airports that serve london`heathrow and gatwick`heathrow gatwick`gatwick heathrow`gatwick and heathrow
The two divisions of the year, rainy and dry, in some tropical regions`season
The two divisions of the year, rainy and dry, in some tropical regions`seasoned
The two highest IQ's ever recorded (on a standard test) both belong to`women
The two lines that connect your top lip to the bottom of your nose are known as the`philtrum
The two obelisks known as Cleopatra's Needles are in London and which other city`new york
the two rival gangs in "west side story" were the sharks and the _________?`jets
The two rival gangs in 'West Side Story' were the Sharks and the `Jets
The Two Ronnies first appeared together in which TV series`the frost report
The two sexes of humans are male and `female
The typical American eats 263 _____ in a year`eggs
The typical housefly cruses at ___ km/hr`eight
The typical housefly cruses at ___ km/hr`eight`8
The typical penguin has just one orgasm a _ _ _ _.`year
The Uffizi is a museum and art gallery in which European city`florence
The uncastrated adult male of domestic cattle`bulled
The underground executioner is the favorite soap opera of which nation`japan
The underlying personality of a dramatic character as implied or indicated by a script or text and interpreted by an actor in performance`subtext
The underside of a horse's hoof is called a what`frog
The underside of a shoe or boot, often excluding the heel`soled
The underside of the body of certain vertebrates, such as snakes and fish`belly
The understanding of speech through observation of the lips, tongue and facial expressions is known as ______`lip reading
The underworld`diss
The Underworld in Greek mythology`hades
The unit cell of such a pattern`crystal
The United Nations building in New York was designed by whom`le corbusier
The United States is made up of  states`50
The universe what steve martin film had him go from rags to riches to rags`the jerk
The University of Houston once elected what rock star as homecoming queen`alice cooper
The unplowed land at the end of a plowed furrow`headland
The upper air`welkin
The upper exterior surface of a dwelling as a symbol of the home itself: 'three generations living under one ----.'`roof
The upper, faceted portion of a cut gem, above the girdle and below the table`bezel
The upper house in the bicameral legislature of many states in the United States`senate
the uppermost level of the solar atmosphere`corona
The uppermost part of an entablature`cornice
The upright post with a transverse piece upon which Jesus was crucified`cross
The upward force that a fluid exerts on an object less dense than itself`buoyancy
The upward stroke made by a conductor to indicate the beat that leads into a new measure`upbeat
The Ural mountains are mainly in which country`russia
The US Congress comprises the Senate and which other house or chamber`house of representatives
The US department of defense is located in which building`pentagon
The use of an excessive number of words: verbiage`wordage
The use of a position of trust for dishonest gain`venalities
The use of astronomical phenomena to predict earthly & human events is called`astrology
The use of gimmicks`gimmickry
The use of guns`gunneries
The use of harsh or discordant sounds in literary composition, as for poetic effect`cacophony
The use of ionizing radiation for medical diagnosis, especially the use of x-rays in medical radiography or fluoroscopy`radiology
The use of microscopes`microscopy
The use of objects in making a determination or choice at random: 'chosen by ---.'`lot
The use of science and technology to investigate and establish facts in criminal or civil courts of law`forensics
The use of words, forms, or expressions considered incorrect or unacceptable`barbarism
The ________ _________ use sex (and/or sexual favors) to placate members of their social group instead of grooming. They are one of the few species of animals that have sex for fun.`bonobo monkeys
The u.s got its first official currency in 1776, 1785 or 1882`1785
the us government bans the use of cyclamates as an?`artificial sweetener
The U S has never lost a war in which _____ were used`mules
The u.s has never lost a war where they used ______`mules
The U S is made up of __ states`fifty
The U S is made up of __ states`fifty`50
The u.s minted a 1787 copper coin with what tongue-in-cheek motto`mind your
the u.s minted a 1787 copper coin with what tongue-in-cheek motto`mind your business
The U S patent was issued to Samuel Hopkins for what`potash
THE US: Southern Slang: everybody`y'all
THE US: Southern Slang: "I guess so"`I reckon
THE US: Southern Traditions: What is commonly eaten on New Years Day`black-eyed-peas
The USSR & western Allies pull out of ___ ending their 10-year joint ventur`austria
The US state of Florida first saw the cultivation of oranges in`1539
The usually domed or vaulted apse of a basilica`tribune
The usually residential region around a major city: the environs`suburbs
The usually tapering, elongate, fleshy orange root of this plant, eaten as a vegetable`carrot
The usually vertical structure containing a`chimney
The US war against native Americans ended in 1886 with the capture of which Apache leader`geronimo
The utterance of maliciously false statements: slander`calumnies
The vaccine for ________ was developed in 1798`smallpox
The vaccine MMR offers protection against which diseases`measles mumps and rubella
the vagus nerve, one of the major nerves of our body, gets its name from the latin meaning`the wanderer
The variety of living organisms in a particular habitat or geographic area`biodiversity
The Vatican City State is surrounded by which city`rome
The vegetable okra is also known by what name`lady's fingers
The vehicle licence plates of which US State depict a National Memorial within the state and the caption 'Great Faces, Great Places'`south dakota
The vehicle licence plates of which US State depict a peach and the caption 'On My Mind'`georgia
The veins of such a system considered as a group`venation
The Venetian island of Murano is particularly associated with the manufacture of which product`glass
The venom of the king cobra is so deadly that one gram of it can kill ______ people`one hundred and fifty
The venom of the king cobra is so deadly that one gram of it can kill ______ people`one hundred and fifty`150
the vereves only no 1 was`the drugs dont work
The vernal equinox is the beginning of ________.`spring
The vernal equinox is the beginning of `spring
The vernal euinox is the beginning of ________`spring
The Verrazano Narrows bridge links Brooklyn to which island`staten island
The vertical part of a step`riser
The very basis: the foundation: 'Ownership of land is the ------- of democracy.'`bedrock
the very first bomb dropped by the allies on berlin during world war ii killed the only ---------- in the berlin zoo`elephant
The very first bomb dropped by the allies on berlin during world wwii killed the only ________ in the berlin zoo`elephant
The very first Minimum Wage law set the minimum hourly pay scale at`25 cents per hour
The very young do not always do as they are`told
The via appia went from brindisi to ______`rome
The via appia went from rome to ______`brindisi
The victoria falls seperate zimbabwe from which other country`zambia
The video for which eighties song features nothing but 5 cheerleaders?(Name the artist too)`Mickey Toni Basil
The video game character Mario made his debut appearance in.`donkey kong
The view that religious considerations should be excluded from civil affairs or public education`secularism
The violet belongs to which genus of flowers`viola
The violet variety of quartz is called `amethyst
The Virginia opossum have a litter size of up to ____`twenty two
The Virginia opossum have a litter size of up to`twenty two`22
The Virginia opossum is the only marsupial (pouched mammal) indigenous to __________`north america
The virtuoso musician Ann Sophie Mutter is a performer on which instrument`violin
The visible spectrum of light ranges from red to ________.`violet
The visible spectrum of light ranges from red to `violet
The Vistula flows into which sea`baltic
The visual  instrument in a submarine`periscope
The vocabulary of ___________ societies has no words for "obscene," "indecent," or "impure." Sex is never considered a source of shame or embarrassment.`Polynesian
The vocal apparatus of the larynx`glottides
the voice that says "hello," "you've got mail," and "goodbye" on aol belongs to ______ _______`elwood eldrige
The volcano Mount Pelee is on which island`martinique
The volcano Pichincha is situated on the edge of which capital city`quito
the volga river flows into what sea`caspian`chantays
The Volga River flows into what sea`caspian sea
The Volkswagen was originally called`The Joy Wagon
The Volta is the largest river in which country`Ghana
The volume of the earth's moon is the same as the volume of what ocean`pacific ocean
"The Voyage of The Beagle" told of which scientist's discoveries`charles
"The Voyage of The Beagle" told of which scientist's discoveries`Charles Darwin
The Waikato is the longest river in which country`new zealand
The Wailing Wall is in what city`jerusalem
The walking  _______ can live on land`catfish
the wallendas were noted as`high wire`bashful
the wallendas were noted as`high wire`egypt
The Wallendas were noted as`high wire performers
The warriors tribes of ________ used to hang the testicles of those they killed in battle on the ends of their spears`ethiopia
The ------------------ was acquired by King Louis XIV in 1668. It was worn 120 years later by Marie Antoinette and it now resides in the Smithsonian Institution. This beautiful natural blue diamond weighs 44.5 carats today.`hope diamond
The ______ __ _____ was a known lover of chastity belts. He forced all of his lovers to wear them.`Marquis de Sade
The Washington Post received the 1973 Pulitzer prize for reporting what`watergate scandal
The ____ was wrongly named after what was thought to be its country of origin`turkey
The water used for cleansing the body`bath
The water used for cleansing the body`baths
The way in which something is wound`windings
Theway in which the fundamentals, as of an artistic work, are handled`technique
The weaker section of a sword blade, from the middle to the tip`foible
the weatherman on the today show (prior to 1993)`willard scott
The weave used to produce such a fabric`twill
"The --------------- we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer."- Henry Kissinger`illegal
The weight at the end of a pendulum is a(n) `bob
The welfare of the community: the general good: 'the public ----.'`weal
The Welland Canal links Lake Erie to which other of the Great Lakes`lake ontario
The well-known aria "La Donna e Mobile" features in which Verdi opera about a court jester`rigoletto
The ------------------ were the first Asian colony to become independent following World War II. Today the country's population is approximately 60,000,000, and is comprised of many ethnicity. Many citizens are of Malay, Chinese, or Spanish descent.`philippines
The westernmost point in the contiguous U S is where`cape alava, washington
The west what song did elton john and george michael sing as a duet`don't let the sun
The wheel is said to have been invented in which ancient region`mesopotamia
The wheel was invented in about what year BC`3500
The whistling swan has more than __________ feathers on its body`25,000
The white elephant is the sacred animal of _______`thailand
The white grains of this plant`millet
The white house had a telephone before it had an indoor ______`bathroom
The white marks intersecting each five yard line are called ________.`hash
The white marks intersecting each five yard line are called ________`hashmarks
The white marks intersecting each five yard line are called `hash marks
the white of our eyes is also called`sclera
The Who: As "The High Numbers", the band was a hit at what London club`the scene
The Who: "can't you hear me say can't you hear me say can't you hear me say"`free me
The Who: His 1st song, Townshend felt it "sounded too much like a Beatles song"`it was you
The Who: In 1963, The Who was discovered by what Mod`pete meaden
The Who's rock concert stars Elton John. Its called ________`tommy
The Who's rock musical stars Elton John. It's called ________.`tommy
The Who's rock musical stars Elton John.  It's called `Tommy
The Who: What is Entwistle's famous lyrical creation, starring an arachnid`boris the spider
The Who: Which member of the band played the part of "Tommy" in the movie version`roger daltrey
The wide wall built along the banks of rivers to stop flooding is a(n) `levee
The width edge to edge of Saturn's rings are about the same distance as`earth to the moon
The wife of a mayor`mayoress
The wife of a Russian emperor`tsarina
The 'Wife of Bath' is a character from what tale`canterbury tales
The wife of one's uncle`aunt
The wife or widow of a count in various European countries`countess
The "wild" horses of western North America are actually _____, not wild`feral
The willow ptarmigan is the state bird of ______`alaska
The 'windflower' is the common name for which flowering bulb`anemone
The wind what is the best score in blackjack`twenty one
The wingspan of a ______ ___ jet is longer than the Wright Brothers' first flight`boeing 747
the winner of seven academy awards in 1992`dances with wolves
the winners of the first five european cups.`real madrid
the winners of the first five european cups`real`pigeon
The winning trophy in which sport is the Vince Lombardi Trophy`american football
The winter olympics were first held in which country`france
The Winter Olympics were held in Scandinavia for the first time in 1952. In which city`oslo
The Wise Ridicule And Obey`Fashion
The withdrawal of 11 Southern states from the Union in 1860-1861, precipitating the U.S. Civil War`secession
The wives, concubines, female relatives, and servants occupying such a place`harking
The woman of the Brazilin Apinaly Tribe bite their mates eyebrows during`intercourse
The womb`matrices
The womb`matrix
The women of an African tribe make themselves more attractive by permanently ______ their faces`scaring
The wood`ibis
The wood of any of these trees, especially that of S. mahogani, used in making furniture`mahoganies
The wood of any of these trees, especially the durable, fine-grained wood of the Old World species Taxus baccata, used in cabinetmaking and for archery`yew
The wood of any of these trees, especially the hard, close-grained wood of the sugar -----, often used for furniture and flooring`maple
The wood of any of these trees`ironwood
The wood of any of these trees, used for flooring, containers, plywood, and tool handles`beech
The wood of any of these trees, used in cabinetwork`rosewood
The wood of any of these trees`willow
The wood of one of these trees`elm
The wood of such a tree, especially the hard black heartwood of E. ebenum or certain other species, used in cabinetwork and inlaying and for piano keys`ebonies
The wood of such trees, used as a source of lumber, wood pulp, and tannic acid`hemlock
The wood of the box plant`boxwood
The wood of these plants, used in carvings and for making furniture and cabinets`alder
The wood of these trees`larch
The wood of this tree or a wood similar to it`jacaranda
The wood of this tree, used especially for furniture and in shipbuilding`teak
The woolly mammoth, extinct since the Ice Age, had tusks almost _____ feet high`sixteen
The woolly mammoth, extinct since the Ice Age, had tusks almost _____ feet high`sixteen`16
The wool of this sheep`merino
The word "angel" is derived from the Greek term angelos, from the Hebrew experssion mal'akh, usually translated as what?`Messenger
the word 'balloon' has two consecutive sets of repeating letters.  name a word that has three consecutive sets of repeating letters in it.`bookkeeper
The word 'bandit' comes from which language`italian
The word 'batrachian' describes which animals`frogs & toads
The word 'batrachian' describes which animals`frogs & toads`frogs and toads
The word 'boondocks' comes from the tagalog (filipino) word 'bundok,' which means`mountain
The word 'bus' is shortened from which other word`omnibus
The word cataract refers to what kind of geographical feature`waterfall
The word caudal refers to which part of an animal`tail
the word chemistry was derived from which arabic word`al-kimia
The word clue originally meant what`ball of thread
The word "___________" comes from the Greek meaning "the writings of prostitutes".`"Pornography"
The word 'cop' is an abbreviation for what`constable on patrol
The word 'cumulus' refers to a type of `cloud
The word "cumulus" refers to a type of ___________`cloud
the word "dekko meaning to take a look comes originally from which language`hindi
The word Dynamo is an anagram for which day of the week`Monday
The word ghetto is derived from the area in Venice where the Jews were confined. What does ghetto mean in Venetian dialect`foundry
The word 'hacienda' comes from which language`spanish
The word "Hellas" appears on the stamps of which country`greece
The word hepatic pertains to which bodily organ`liver
The word hysterical may be offensive to feminists, as its root is the latin 'hystera', which means _______`uterus
The word "lethologica" describes the state of not being able to _______ the word you want`remember
The word 'marmalade' comes from the Portuguese word for what`quince jam
The word 'Norse' refers to which region of Europe`scandinavia
The word, phrase, or subject with which the vehicle of a metaphor is identified, as life in Life's but a walking shadow (Shakespeare)`tenor
The word 'poltergeist' comes from what language`german
The word pornography' comes from the Greek meaning?`the writings of prostitutes
The word "puppy" comes from the French poupee, meaning`doll
The word Puttees, adopted by British soldiers, means what in its native Hindu`bandage
The word rodent comes from the italian 'rodere', which means`gnaw
The word rodent comes from the latin word 'rodere' meaning what`to gnaw
The words _____ &  _____ are the same whether they are read left to right or right to left`racecar & kayak
The words 'coffee' and 'yoghurt' originate from which language`turkish
The words concert, opera and carnival have their roots in which language`italian
The words 'dungarees' and 'jungle' originate from which language`hindi
The word "sex" was coined in??`1382
The word silly comes from the German word`Selig
The words of a speech appearing in print`text
The words or formula of such a declaration or promise`oath
The word "struthious" refers to something that resembles or is related to ______`ostriches
The word 'struthious' refers to something that resembles or is related to which animal`ostrich
'______the words will never show the you i've come to know ______' what is the title of this popular song by bread`if
The word 'traitor' comes from which wwii norwegian who collaberated with the germans`quisling
The word 'whisky' comes from Gaelic, what does it mean`water of life
The working title of the TV series Dallas was what`Houston
The work or trade of a plumber`plumbings
The World Health Organization claims that over ___,___ acts of sexual intercourse happen daily.`100,000
The world kissing record was set in 1990 by _______ _______. He kissed 8,001 women in 8 hours. That equates to kissing a different woman every six seconds.`Alfred Wolfram
The world record speed for _________ is 143.08 mph`water skiing
The world's costliest coffee, at $130 a pound , is called what`kopi luwak
The world's fastest reptile (21.7 mph) is a type of what`iguana
The world's fastest reptile (measured on land) is the spiny-tailed iguana of Costa Rica. It has been clocked at nearly _____ miles per hour`twenty two
The worlds first chocolate candy was produced in what year`1828
The world's largest delta was created by the river`ganges
The world's largest exporter of sugar is`cuba
The world's largest mammal, the blue whale, weighs _____ tons at birth`fifty
The world's largest mammal, the blue whale, weighs _____ tons at birth`fifty`50
The worlds longest escalator is in Leningrad Metro, ______ metres long`one hundred & twenty
The worlds longest escalator is in Leningrad Metro, ______ metres long`one hundred & twenty`120
The world's longest natural gas pipeline is in what country?`Canada
The world's oldest man-made alloy is`bronze
The worlds oldest piece of chewing gum is over _____ years old`nine thousand
The worlds oldest ______ was found in Pakistan and is of pre-Hindu origin dating back to 4000BC.`dildo
The world's rarest coffee, Kopi Luwak, comes from which country?`Indonesia
The world's smallest mammal is the _______ ___ of Thailand, weighing less than a penny`bumblebee bat
The world's termites outweigh the world's humans 10 to 1`humans
The world's worst air disaster involved two Boeing 747s colliding on the runway at Tenerife in 1977. Name the two airlines whose planes were involved.`pan-am & klm
The world's youngest parents were ___ & 9 years old.`eight
The worship of a material image that is held to be the abode of a superhuman personality?`idolatry
The worst circus fire was in the USA in what year`1944
The worst sporting disaster was in Hong Kong when the stands collapsed at a race course killing 604 people in what year`1918
The wreck of which ship is commemorated by a famous painting by Gericault`the medusa
The wreck of which ship is commemorated by a famous painting by G ricault`the medusa
The Wright brothers first powered airplane flight was in what year`1903
The wrist, or the wrist bones`carpus
The wristwatch invented in 1896, 1898 or 1904`1904
The wristwatch was invented by Louis Cartier in`1904
The writer, Rudyard Kipling, only ever used _____ ink`black
The WW II air attack on the Ploesti oil field in Romania was known as`operation soapsuds
the ww ii projected german invasion of great britain was known as`operation sea`hammarskjold
The WW II projected German invasion of Great Britain was known as`operation sea lion
The WW II projected German invasion of Great Britain was known as`operation sea`stone
They are considered to be the first heavy metal band`black sabbath
They call it puppy love: An American Animal Hospital Association poll showed that ----------- percent of dog owners admit that they talk to their dogs on the phone or leave messages on an answering machine while away.`thirty three
The yellow dye obtained from dyer's rocket`weld
The yellow dye obtained from dyer's rocket`wold
The yellow, red, or blackish fruit of any of these plants`cherries
They hail from Winnipeg, MAN, and their latest album is "In The Trees"`the watchmen
They have such hits as "Tom Sawyer" & "Nobody's Hero".`rush
The yield of wool shorn from a sheep at one time`fleece
they invited you to "dance to the music" back in 1968`sly and the family stone
They opened for Men at work on their Business as Usual Tour in America`mental as anything
the (you are here arrow) on a map is called the ---------- locator`ideo
The young, dried leaves of this plant, prepared by various processes and used to make a hot beverage`tea
The young, dried leaves of this plant, prepared by various processes and used to make a hot beverage`teas
The youngest grandmother on record was a Nigerian called Mum Zi, she gave birth to her daughter at the age of _ and her daughter gave birth to Mum Zi's granddaughter at the age of 8, when Mum Zi was just 17.`8
The young of any bird`chick
The young of any bird`chicks
The young of a similar animal, such as an antelope`kid
The young of a similar animal, such as an antelope`kids
The young of certain other animals`fries
The young of certain other animals`fry
The young of certain other mammals, such as the elephant or whale`calf
The young of various other canine animals, such as the wolf or fox`pup
The young of various other canine animals, such as the wolf or fox`pupped
The young of various other canine animals, such as the wolf or fox`pupping
The young of which animals are called 'brockets'`deer
The young Raphael sketched which famous work by Leonardo da Vinci while it was being painted`the mona lisa
The yo yo    both the toy & its name    originated where`philippines
They provide insurance and financial services to people in 69 countries`Cigna
"...... they're all doing the monster mash and most of the taxis and the whores are only taking calls for cash" What's the Dire Straits song title?`your latest trick
"......they'realldoingthemonstermashandmostofthetaxisandthewhoresareonlytakingcallsforcash"What'stheDireStraitssongtitle`your latest trick
"...... they're all doing the monster mash and most of the taxis and the whores are only taking calls for cash" What's the Dire Straits song title`Your Latest Trick
they released the parody 'oh you ate one too' in 1988 which included the song 'cabo wabo'`van halen
They sang about a blue monday`new order
They sang "Run to the Hills," and "Powerslave."`iron maiden
The Yucatan peninsula is mainly in which country`mexico
They were best known for "I Know What Boys Like" and "Square Pegs".`the Waitresses
They were called "Tom and Jerry" before their success under this name`simon and garfunkel
They were the house band on comedy centrals premium blend when it was hosted by jim breuer`us bombs
The zeedonk is a cross between which two animals`zebra & donkey`
The zeedonk is a cross between which two animals`zebra & donkey``zebra and donkey`
The zeppelin 'The Hindenburg' which exploded in a huge fireball, was filled with`hydrogen
thickened stem, resembling a turnip, is eaten as a vegetable`kohlrabi
Thick light bark of S.European oak`cork
Thick, light yellow portion of milk from which butter is made`cream
Thickset or cumbersome`lumpier
Thickset or cumbersome`lumpy
Thick with bristles`bristlier
Thief what hospital established the first us school of nursing`bellevue
Thigh bone`femur
Thin and delicate in build: gracefully slim: She was ------- as a willow shoot is -------and equally graceful, equally erect (FrankNorris)`slender
Thin covering of fine wood`veneer
Thin flat cake of fried batter usually rolled and filled`pancake
Thin flat piece of plastic used for plucking strings of a musical instrument`plectrum
Thing believed to bring good luck or protect from harm`talisman
"things can only get better " name the artist`d-ream
Thinker who sang the 1963 hit 'it's my party'`lesley gore
Thinking that its parents were a camel and a leopard, the Europeans once called the animal a cameleopard  Today its called`The Giraffe
Think Quick!: Name the circular plastic media you put in a CD-ROM drive`cd
Think Quick!: On a standard computer keyboard, this is the letter just to the right of Z`x
Think Quick!: The longest key on your keyboard is the _____ bar`space
Think Quick!: There are __ seconds in a minute`60
Think Quick!: The season ______ comes right after Spring`summer
Think Quick!: This is required to make all electric things work`electricity
Think Quick!: What color is a red crayon`red
Think Quick!: Whats radar spelled backwards`radar
Think Quick!: Whats the abbreviation for United States of America`usa
Think Quick!: When spelled backwards, the word retupmoc becomes what`computer
Thin Lizzy's first top ten hit in 1973 was a song with an alcoholic drink in the titleWhich drink`whisky (in the jar)
Third largest of the Balearic islands`ibiza
Third letter of the Greek alphabet`gamma
thirty-five nations meet in finland to declare the helsinki accords on?`human rights
Thirty three degrees fahrenheit who sang 'islands in the stream' with dolly parton`kenny rogers
Thirty-two percent of computer data loss cases are due to ______ error`human
this 1969 erotic musical opens in manhattan. critics hate it?`oh calcutta
This 1974 film started a run of nostalgia culminating in the TV series 'Happy Days'`American Graffiti
This 1992 thriller starred Michael Douglas`basic instinct
This 7' 2" rapper should spend more time practicing his jumper - last name only`oneal
This 80's d.c. straightedge hardcore band featured ian mackaye, more recently known for his work in fugazi`minor threat
this ac/dc album is the official soundtrack to the movie "maximum overdrive"`who made who
this actor directed himself in the horse whisperer, and matt damon and will smith in the legend of bagger vance`robert redford
This actor had a huge hit in 1976 with i'm easy`carradine
This actor starred in the 1952 film High Noon`gary cooper
This actor was the only person to win an academy award for Best Actor in a movie in which he also directed.  Who was he`Laurence Olivier
This actress appeared in 'St. Elmo's Fire', 'The Scarlett Letter', and 'Striptease'`Demi Moore
This actress go her acting start in the T.V. series, Peyton Place as Alison MacKenzie & then went on to become a famous movie star (who was once married to Woody Allen) Name her`Mia Farrow
this actress was a child when she starred in national velvet`elizabeth taylor
This actress was Miss Hungary of 1936`Zsa-Zsa Gabor
This African animal kills the most people`crocodile
this african city was built on gold`johannesburg
"This ain't no party this ain't no disco this ain't no fooling around" were lyrics from this groups 1979 releas "Life During Wartime."`Talking Heads
'This ain't no party, this ain't no disco ..' were lyrics from which group's 1979 release 'Life During Wartime'`Talking Heads
This Alcatraz inmate was provided with identity 325`alvin karpis
This ancient attempt to transmute base metals into gold was called `alchemy
This ancient Chinese game is played with 156 small rectangular tiles`mah jongg
This animal can be found in sub Saharan Africa & Gir National Forest in India.`lion
This animal is armed with bony plates and rolls up into a ball if frightened.`armadillo
This animal is armed with bony plates & rolls up into a ball if frightened`armadillo
This animal is found at the beginning of an encyclopedia`aardvark
This animal is found at the beginning of an (English) encyclopedia`aardvark
This animal is kept as a house pet to kill cobras.`mongoose
This animal is normally measured in "hands".`horse
This animal is the symbol of the U.S. Democratic Party.`donkey
This animal is the symbol of the U.S. Republican Party.`elephant
This animal's name is the same as that given to a high church official.`cardinal
This animal's shell is used to make attractive jewelry.`abalone
this annie hall actress went behind the cameras for the 1995 family drama unstrung heroes`diane keaton
this artificial sweeteners go the ax in 1969`cyclamates
This artist cut off his ear & sent it to his lover, before shooting himself dead in a cornfield`vincent van gogh
This artist did the album "Songs For Drella" with Lou Reed:`john cale
this artist performed "lido shuffle", "lowdown" & "we're all alone"`boz scaggs
This artist pondered "If she would have been faithful..."`chicago
This artist wails his guitar on his 1990 hit "Cliffs of Dover."`eric johnson
This artist was credited with the 90s biggest comeback`meat loaf
This assassin of Julius Caesar was his friend.`brutus
This assassin of Julius Caesar was his friend`marcus brutus
This award is the mystery writers equivalent of an Oscar`edgar
This band did a remake of "Blue Moon" and dedicated it to Elvis`cowboy junkies
this band performed "why don't you get a job"`offspring
This band recently covered Springsteen's "Atlantic City"`the band
This band's album _Poolside_ featured "I Can't Wait" and "Point of No Return".`nu shooz
This band sang "Estimated Prophet"`the grateful dead
This band's B-sides included 'Winterlong' 'Manta Ray' 'Into the White'`the pixies
This bands "Freebird" was played constantly at keg parties in Mims, Florida`lynyrd skynyrd
This band's "Ride the Lightning,"`metallica
This band was formed in Germany in 1976 by writer and producer Frank Farian`boney m
This baseball player was the highest paid at 6.3 million dollars in 1994`bobby bonilla
This bass-heavy Nirvana song is named after an element.`lithium
This bat-biting singer also blew up goats.`ozzy osbourne
This Beatles song was the first song Aerosmith ever recorded.`im down
This bird can also be found on a chess board`rook
This bird lays its eggs in the nests of other birds.`cuckoo
This bombastic group had troubles singing "in the garden of eden".`iron butterfly
This branch of medicine deals with old age and its diseases`geriatrics
This branch of physics deals with the general laws governing the motion of material objects`mechanics
this british composer born 1659 wrote the operatta dido and aeneas.`henry purcell
This Bruce Hornsby song off of _Harbor Lights_ features Bonnie Raitt on vocals.`rainbows cadillac
This bugle call or its equivalent`reveille
This california band played more than 365 shows in one year`goldfinger
This Canadian art-metal trio sings sci-fi themes a lot.`Rush
This Canadian cigarette brand sponsors the Canadian Open (tennis and golf).`du maurier
This Canadian island is the world's fifth largest`Baffin
This channel is called`triv_uk
This city in southwest Spain was founded by the Phonecians around 1100 BC`Cadiz
This city is known as the 'Venice of the orient'`osaka
This city on the Nile is where you will find the 'valley of the kings' & the temple of karnak, also the site of a tourist massacre in 1997`luxor, egypt
This city was the headquarters of the British East India Company until 1708`bombay
this clark gable/claudette colbert film kicked butt in 1934`it happened one night
This Clark Gable/Claudette Colbert film kicked butt in 1934`it happened on night
This cluster of stars is also known as the Seven Sisters`Pleiades
This cluster of stars is also known as the seven sisters`the pleiades
this comedy was the first color movie for bob hope.`the paleface
This comet appears every 763 years`Comet Halley
This company uses the slogan AOL`america online
This company uses the slogan AOL`america on line`america online
This complex substance makes up all living things`protoplasm
This composer, singer, actor, writer, & athlete was also a rhodes scholar`kris kristofferson
This composer, singer, actor, writer, pilot, athlete was also a Rhodes scholar`kris kristofferson
This country consumes more coca cola per capita than any other.`iceland
this country contains the greater lengths of the tigris and euphrates rivers`iraq
this country has the lowest point in south america`argentina
This country is divided at the 38th parallel`Korea
This country occupies the 'horn of Africa'`Somalia
This country's flag has a large 'R' on it`Rwanda
This county has the lowest point in South America.`argentina
This Day In January 1975 - The Allman ______ Band were named "Outstanding Community Organization" by the Georgia Department of Corrections.`Brothers
This delightfully soft topping, care of your local bovine.`cheese
this detroit radio station was the first commercial station in the usa?`wwj, detroit
this director's films include platoon, the doors & natural born killers`oliver stone
This disease consists of a purposeless, continual growth of white blood cells`leukemia
This Disney movie relies heavily on computer animation`TRON
This Disney song became the theme of the "Close Encounters...Special Edition"`when you wish upon a star
This dry, warm wind flows eastward down the slopes of the Rocky Mountains`Chinook
This duo had problems when we discovered that they didn't sing on their 3 number one hits`milli vanilli
This duo sang "Somethin' Stupid," and it was`frank and nancy sinatra
This Elton John song was subtitled "Hey Hey Johnny."`empty garden
This elvis hit was inspired by a suicide note printed in the miami herald`heartbreak hotel
this excellent film received the most nominations ever`all about eve
This ex Van Halen member did the song "The Girl Gets Around".`sammy hagar
This famous comedy actor was once voted by his classmates, Least Likely To Succeed`Robin Williams
this famous costume designer won 8 individual oscars`edith head
This famous female singer was once sacked from Dunk' Donuts for squirting jam at a customer`Madonna
This famous heart-throb actor was once voted by his classmates, Least Likely To Succeed`Tom Cruise
This F.B.I agent headed the investigation of Al Capone`Elliot Ness
This female artist enjoyed sucess on both popular and country & western stations with such tunes as 'Let Me Be There' and 'Have You Never Been Mellow`'Olivia Newton-John
This female musician wants you to "sing her a happy song"`melissa ferrick
This film's soundtrack features "Misirlou" by Dick Dale and his Del-Tones`pulp fiction
This film starring Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer wont he best picture Oscar for 1965`Sound of Music
This film starring Richard Beymer and Natalie Wood won the best picture Oscar for 1961`West Side Story
This film was an ambitious concert sequence of cartoons by Walt Disney`Fantasia
This fingerlike projection is attached to the large intestine`appendix
This former ac/dc member died on february 19, 1980`bon scott
this four season's lead singer recorded 'can't take my eyes off you`frankie valli
This french actor appeared in 'The Big Blue' and 'The Professional'.`Jean
This french actor appeared in 'The Big Blue' and 'The Professional'.`Jean Reno
This French peasant girl led the army to victories`Joan of Arc
This frontiersman and politician was killed at the Alamo.`davey crockett
This frontiersman and politician was killed at the Alamo`Davy Crockett
This frontiersman & politician was killed at the Alamo`davey crockett
This fruit has its seeds on the outside`strawberry
This game show required contestants to match prizes to the numbered squares`concentration
this german admiral (of which a battleship was later named) is famous for organizing and planning the ww1 submarine blockade of the british isles`tirpitz
this german composed the famous opera, die walkure`wagner
This girl hid from the Nazis in Amsterdam`Anne Frank
This Greek mountain was known as the home of the gods.`mount olympus`mt olympus
This Greek mountain was known as the home of the gods.`olympus
This group has recorded covers of The Beatles classics "come together", "i am the walrus", "helter skelter", "help" & "day tripper"`oasis
This group mocked the time of arrival of the police system in _911_`public enemy
This group name suggests an unpleasant February 14th.`my bloody valentine
This group, not Joni Mitchell, recorded the song "One Tin Soldier"`coven
This group's 2nd biggest hit, "Gold", hit the charts in 1984.`spandau ballet
This group sang i wanna hold your hand`beatles
This group sang stop in the name of love`the supremes
this handicapped man formed the x-men`charles`hartman
this handicapped man formed the x-men.`charles xavier
This imaginary line approximately follows the 180 degree meridian through the Pacific Ocean`international date line
This important Jazz pianist wrote "Maiden Voyage" and "Watermelon Man"`herbie hancock
This Indian group ruled in early Peru.`inca
This Indian group ruled in early Peru`incas
This insect can carry 10 times their own weight.`ants
This instrument is used for measuring the distance between two points, on a curved surface`calliper
This instrument measures atmospheric pressure`barometer
This instrument measures the velocity of the wind`anemometer
This is a classic film about a huge gorilla`King Kong
This is an aboriginal weapon`boomerang
This is a tall Parisian landmark`eiffel tower
This is a type of carpet or a breed of cat`persian
This is a type of dry-cured marinated salmon`gravlax
This is a type of small, fried, Indian bread`poori
This is called the 'Honeymoon Capital' of the world`Niagara Falls
"This is Eyes-Only, Streaming _______ _______"`Freedom Bulletin
This is known as 'The Royal Disease'`hemophilia
This island country is south of Malaysia.`singapore
This island group is off the east coast of southern South America`Falkland Islands
This island was Ulysses' home`ithaca
This Isley brother died of a heart attack in 1986`okelly
This is like an airplane but has its propeller on top instead.`helicopter
This is Michael Jackson's signature dance.`moonwalk
This Is PopRB: A short version of her name rhymes with dress`thessaly
This Is PopRB: Before she can change her nick, she sometimes appears as Jujubee?`joanne
This Is PopRB: The player Kamikaze was actually this player in disguise?`biscuit
This Is PopRB: This player likes to spread goo around the room?`mcgoo
This Is PopRB: This player often lets friends use original nicks to play on his account?`rich
This Is PopRB: Three of the top PopRB players go to Yale, in alphabetical order they are?`ethan samadams sergei
This is required to make all electric things work`electricity
This is said to be history's greatest military evacuation.`dunkirk
This is the baseball position that John Fogarty thinks he can play.`centerfield
this is the black counterpart to american bandstand.`soul train
This is the brains of a personal computer`CPU
This is the bridge with the longest span in the USA`Verrazano
This is the bridge with the longest span in the U.S.A`Verrazano-Narrows, N.Y.
This is the fear of enclosed spaces`Claustrophobia
This is the first song on the Ultra album.`barrel of a gun
This is the hardest naturally occurring substance.`diamond
This is the heaviest naturally occurring element`uranium
This is the largest of the deer family.`moose
This is the longest word that can be made using the letters on only one row of the keyboard`Typewriter
This is the lowest ranking suit in Bridge`clubs
This is the main food of the blue whale.`plankton
This is the most coveted trophy in Candian football`Grey Cup
This is the name of a dish for growing cultures in`petri
This is the name of a fairy in A Midsummer Nights Dream`moth
This is the name of a famous ballet company`rambert
This is the name of the ship powered by the Infinite Improbability Drive`heart of gold
This is the only animal that can't jump.`elephant
This is the only borough of New York City that is not on an island`The Bronx
This is the only mammal with four knees.`elephant
This is the only mammal with four knees`The elephant
This is the only word in the song that the smurfs sing`la
This is the port city serving Tokyo`Yokohama
This is the reading system used by the blind`Braille
This is the reading system used by the blind.`the braille system
This is the residence of English monarchs`Buckingham Palace
This is the sandy area nearest the ocean.`beach
This is the symbol for tin`Sn
This is Wonko the Sane's real name`john watson
This Italian word means 'lumps' and is used to describe a small dumpling`gnocchi
This jelly`napalm
This jelly`napalms
This keyboardist collaborated with Neil Schon & wrote the miami vice theme`jan hammer
This large bean-shaped lymph gland can expand and contract as needed`spleen
This large bean shaped lymph gland can expand & contract as needed`the spleen
This large mammal that is called a " loxodonta africana ",and is also known as the (_____)`african elephant
this latin word for 'king' sounds like a man's name`rex
this "like a virgin" performer was born in rochester, michigan on august 16th, 1958`madonna
This london band recorded hong kong garden in 1978`siouxsie and the banshees
This Madonna video was #1 on the Art Of Video countdown`express yourself
This magic word was in the movie, 'Mary Poppins'`Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
This man became president of Austria after WWll until his death in 1950`renner
This man brought us "Delilah" and "It's Not Unusual."`tom jones
This man created the Motown Empire & wrote many songs.`berry gordy
this man died tragically in 1998. you may remember him from such shows as saturday night live, the simpsons, and newsradio.`phil hartman
this man died tragically in 1998. you may remember him from such shows as saturday night live, the simpsons, and newsradio`phil`shepherd
this man of comic book fame is nicknamed "the man".`stan lee
This marsupial native to Australia feeds on eucalyptus leaves.`koala
This means "the art of twisting together strands of material to form objects". (_________)`basketry
This means touch me not in Latin`noli me tangere
This mellow music group of the 70s hosted make your own kind of music`carpenters
This membrane controls the amount of light entering the eye.`Iris
This metallic element as a commodity or medium of exchange`silver
This Michigan hitmaker sang "Turn the Page" "2+2" & "Hollywood Nights".`bob seger
This military attack took place on Dec. 7, 1941`Pearl Harbour
This minimalist composer's most well known opera was "Einstein on the Beach."`philip glass
This Missouri city is known as "Nashville West."`branson
This mixture with varying amounts of moisture and particulate matter, enveloping the earth: the atmosphere`air
This mixture with varying amounts of moisture and particulate matter, enveloping the earth: the atmosphere`airing
This movie directed by Woody Allen won the best picture Oscar in 1978`Annie Hall
this movie had mira sorvino playing the role of a callgirl, in which she won an oscar.`mighty aphrodite
this movie hero was a defender of the weak, champion of justice`lone ranger
This movie is about the migration of poor workers from the dust bowl to the Californian fruit valleys`The Grapes of Wrath
This movie starring Marlon Brando won the best picture award in 1972`The Godfather
This movie was the sequel to purple rain`graffiti bridge
this movie was the sequel to the pink panther`a shot in the dark
This musical style was played for twenty years before it became known as rap`dancehall
This Nazi leader had his six children poisoned prior to his own death.`goebbels
This Nazi leader had his six children poisoned prior to his own death`Joseph Goebbels
This new-wave band released "The Sky's Gone Out" and "Rest In Peace"`bauhaus
This New York female singer went top ten with "Self Control"`laura branigan
This New-York group consisted of Ann Magnusson and Kramer:`bongwater
This normally has 4 legs and your butt is parked in it right now.`chair
This normally has 4 legs & your butt is parked in it right now`chair
This now-famous woman, was voted by her classmates, to become The Girl Most Likely To Get Her Name In Lights`Monica Lewinsky
This only US state that contains only one syllable`Maine
This order of insects contains the most species.`beetle
this order of insects contains the most species?`beetles
This organic gem is a deep red secretion from a marine animal.`coral
This organ is a small pouch that stores bile`gall bladder
This organization was founded by William Booth`Salvation Army
This Overlord hero borrowed its name from Norse Mythology`Yggdrasill
This Pachelbel song was used as the closing credits rolled in "Ordinary People"`canon in d
This Pacific island's puzzling monoliths attract ethnologists`Easter Island
This parasite lives in the intestines of man and animals`tapeworm
This Paul Simon song was the first release from _Rhythm of the Saints_.`the obvious child
This Pavement disk contains the songs "Cut Your Hair" & "Range Life"`crooked rain crooked rain
This period considered as a unit of time: 'for two ------ running.'`nights
This person likes walking with panthers and around the way girls`ll cool j
this person used to announce cubs baseball in des moines, iowa`ronald reagan
this person used to announce cubs baseball in des moines, iowa`ronald`vancouver
This place in Germany is also the name of a (popular) cake`black forest
This planet has an atmosphere that is 98 percent Helium?`Mercury
This planet's diameter is most equal to that of the earth's.`venus
This poisonous gas is in the exhaust fumes from cars`carbon monoxide
This poisonous, oily liquid occurs in tobacco leaves`Nicotine
This pope died in 1471 while being sodomized by a page boy`Pope Paul II
This Pope was murdered by an irate hubby who found him on top of his wife`Pope John XIII
This pouty french beauty became world cinema's reigning sex symbol after marilyn monroe's death`brigitte bardot
This president wanted the u.s.A. to join the league of nations:`Woodrow Wilso
this producer of dynasty was inducted into the 1983 guinness book of world records as the most prolific tv producer`aaron spelling
This progressive metal band has released "Images & Words" & "Awake"`dream theater
This protein makes the blood red in color`hemoglobin
This punctuation mark is called what:`semicolon
This punk band did an infamous cover of "My Way":`sex pistols
This Quebec singer's hits include "The Power Of Love" & "Color My Love"`celine dion
This Queen of France was beheaded in 1793`Marie Antoinette
This quiz show, emceed by allen ludden, featured a 60 second "lightning`password
this quiz show was emceed by art linkletter and had contestants perform`people are funny
This racist organisation was formed in Tennessee in 1865`ku klux klan
This racist organization was formed in Tennessee in 1865`Klu Klux Klan
This racist organization was formed in Tennessee in 1865.`ku klux klan
this racist organization was formed in tennessee in 1865?`the ku klux klan
This radical Agrarian communist organization controlled Cambodia in the 1970s until the Vietnamese removed them from power.`khmer rouge
This rapper reportedly attended a preparatory school in Texas`vanilla ice
This RB won the Heisman at USC in 1968`oj simpson
This record label is owned by offspring's dexter holland`nitro
This record label, owned by tim armstrong of rancid, is home to such as hepcat, the pietasters, and the dropkick murphys`hellcat records
This reggae star had his first hit with "Tomorrow People"`ziggy marley
This REM album has "Radio Free Europe," "Rockville," and "Fall On Me."`eponymous
This re-opened in 1975 after being closed for 8 years`Suez Canal
This rocker used to be known as folk singer David Jones`david bowie
This Roman emperor had his own mother executed, murdered his wife, killed a girl who wouldn't marry him, and then put many Christian's to death after accu`Nero
This Roman killed himself after his defeat at Actium.`marc anthony
This Roman killed himself after his defeat at Actium`Marc Antony
This Russian scientist used dogs to study conditioned reflexes`Ivan Pavlov
This Russian scientist used dogs to study conditioned reflexes.`pavlov
This sauce is made from basil and olive oil`pesto
this school has won the last four combined national championships in rifle`west virginia
This school won the first 5 National Championships in Women's Gymnastics`utah
This science deals with the motion of projectiles.`ballistics
This section of Manhattan is noted for its Negro and Latin American residents`Harlem
This Shakespearean king was the actual king of Scotland for 17 years.`macbeth
This singer appeared in the following movies: The Fisher King, Rumble Fish`tom waits
This singer got in trouble for ripping the popes picture on snl`sinead oconnor
This singer has looked at clouds from both sides now.`joni mitchell
This singer once broke into Elvis' home Graceland, in the hope of meeting his idol`Bruce Springsteen
This singer was a cast member in 1985s charlie and co`gladys knight
This Sioux Indian toured with Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show`Sitting Bull
This small animal is trained to hunt rats and rabbits.`ferret
This small gland attached to the brain exerts a control over growth`pituitary
This small gland attached to the brain exerts a control over growth`Pituitary gland
This smurf has a "hiakhiak" laugh an dgives "trapped" presents to his smurfs`jokey
This smurf is the only smurf with blonde hair`smurfette
This software company produced hits such as 'Pagemaker' & 'Illustrator'`adobe
This song by Boney M`brown girl in the ring
This song by Des'ree was on the "Romeo + Juliet" (1996) soundtrack`kissing you
this song by the bee gees stayed at #1 for four weeks?`stayin' alive
This song by the Shirelles, fought its way to the top of the pop chart`soldier boy
this song is by which band do you really want to earn me`the culture club
This song made everything groovy for The Troggs when it became #1`wild thing
this song reached no 1 in the uk and the us for the animals name the song`house of the rising sun
This song singed by Boney M`brown girl in the ring
This song's parenthetical title is "(in the working class)." It's a gas!`wild sex
This song was #2 for four weeks behind the Jacksons' "Ill Be There"`weve only just begun
This song was a hit for Paul Young 'Wherever`i lay my head
This song was a hit for the Fugees`ready or not
This sorceress daughter of Helios turned Odysseus' men into swine`Circe
This South African surgeon led the team that performed the first human heart transplant in 1968`dr. christiaan n. barnard
This southern band continued even after one "brother" died on a motorcycle`allman brothers band
This space station killed a cow on re entry into earth's atmosphere`skylab
This Spaniard conquered Mexico.`cortes
This sport allows substitutions without a stoppage in play.`hockey
This sport is called the "American pastime".`baseball
This statue was found on the greek island of melos in 1820`the venus de
this statue was found on the greek island of melos in 1820?`the venus de milo
This statue was found on the Greek island of Melos in 1820`Venus de Milo
This stone enabled scholars to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphs`rosetta stone
This style of hat, popular among skasters, is also a German ska record label`pork pie
This Swede was 1988 tennis player of the year, 3 time French Open Champ`mats wilander
This Swedish group "saw the sign".`ace of base
This team won their first World Series in 1969.`new york mets
This team won their first World Series in 1969`New York MetsMets
This techno group wrote "Out Of Space"`the prodigy
this teen was sentenced to a caning in singapore in 1994`michael fay
this teen was sentenced to a caning in singapore in 1994`michael`kelly
this teen was sentenced to a public caning in singapore in 1994?`michael fay
This term denotes a chess move in which both the king and the rook are moved`castling
This term is applied to a useless possession`white elephant
This term means compulsory enrollment of civilians into the military`Conscription
This term means 'cone-bearing trees'`conifers
This tissue, often cut and dried especially for use as building material and fuel`wood
This tissue, often cut and dried especially for use as building material and fuel`wooded
This Tony Award-winning musical is actually a thinly veiled biography of Diana Ross and the Supremes.`Dreamgirls
This town was close to Ponderosa Ranch.`virginia city
This traditional Japanese wrestling sport takes place in a circular ring.`sumo
This traditional Japanese wrestling sport takes place in a circular ring.`Sumo Wrestling
This tree thrives best in low, moist and rather fertile ground`dogwood
This trumpeter/singer was a sex symbol before he became a junkie.`chet baker
This tune from "Deliverance" was written by Eric Weissberg & Steve Mandel.`dueling banjos
this tv show performer was known as 'the shnozz' & ended every show with 'goodnight mrs. calabash, wherever you are'`jimmy durante
This two ton animal can gallop at over 50 miles an hour.`rhinoceros
This type of insect is named after a month`june bug
This type of music sucks`disco
This type of pig is a popular pet`guinea
This type of wood is used to weave baskets`osier
This ugly creature has patches of red on his rear-end.`mandrill
This underground cartoonist created Fritz the cat & Mr. Natural.`robert crumb
This U.S. president was fatally shot in 1881.`garfield
This U.S. president was fatally shot in 1881`James Garfield
This U.S. Secretary of State won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973`Henry Kissinger
This U.S. Secretary of State won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973`kissinger
This U S state touches 4 of 5 great lakes`michigan
This U.S. volcano last erupted in 1914`Lassen
This vegetable is a variety of broccoli`calabrese
This Viatamin protects against night blindness`A
This war began on June 25, 1950.`korean
This was a famous battle of the Crimean war`balaclava
This was originally published in the U.S. as _Murder in the Calais Coach`murder on the orient express
This was the Beatle's first film`A Hard Day's Night
This was the first 3-D film`Bwana Devil
This was the first cartoon talking picture`Steamboat Willie
This was the first elvis film`love me tender
This was the largest real estate deal in U.S. history.`louisiana purchase
This was the last Beatles album recorded`abbey road
This was the sequel to 'Star Wars'`The Empire Strikes Back
This was the sequel to 'The Empire Strikes Back'`Return of the Jedi
This was the site of worse nuclear accident in history`chernobyl
This was (until the Alaska purchase) the largest real estate deal in US history`the Louisiana Purchase
This woman had the unfortunate luck to sing with Paul Anka on "Having My Baby"`odia coates
This woman thought John Lennon to be cute upon first meeting him.  Who was she`Linda McCartney
This word applies to someone very thin and under nourished`emaciated
This word comes from a knight whose lance was free for hire, (i.e. Not pledged to one master).`freelance
This word describes the Nazi annihilation of Jews.`holocaust
This word is used as the international radio distress call`mayday
This word is used to describe butter that has gone bad`rancid
This word means 'split personality'`schizophrenia
This word refers to a freshman at a military academy`Plebe
This world capital once went by the unique name of By-town`Ottawa
This world class model recently crashed in a helicopter`christie brinkley
This Zerg hero can do 250% of the damage of a regular Ultralisk`Torrasque
Thomas Cook the travel agent was born in what year`1808
Thomas Edison demonstrated the electric light for the first time in what year`1879
Thomas Edison, lightbulb inventor, was afraid of the`dark
Thomas Gradgrind and Sissy Jupe appear in which of Charles Dickens' novels`hard times
Thomas Keneally's Booker Prize-winning novel was made into a film, what was the novel called`shindlers' ark
Thomas Magnum's dad was played by what actor?`Robert Pine
Thomas Savery & Thomas Newcomen invented the....`steam engine
Thomas Wedders, the English circus freak, had a _____ which was seven and a half inches long`nose
Thomas Young the Physicist and Egyptologist spoke how many language when he was 14`Twelve
Thorburn what canal connects lake ontario and lake erie`welland canal
Thoreau Quotations: "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."`George Bernard Shaw
Thor is the god of thunder in which mythology`norse
Thor is the god of thunder, Loki is the god of _____`mischief
Thorough and painstaking in action or execution: conscientious: 'a ------- search: ------- art restorers.'`careful
Thoroughly: completely: 'wished -------- that they would leave.'`heartily
Thoroughly unpleasant or disagreeable: '---------- weather.'`abominable
Those big black cd's that you see at garage sales that people call "albums" are made of _____`vinyl
Those big black CD's that you see at garage sales that people call 'albums' are made of `vinyl
Those big black CD's that you see at garage sales that people call "albums" are made of _____`Vinyl
Those making up such a government`oligarchic
though formed in the 60's this band became one of the most populas r&b groups of the 80's after 'celebration' hit the charts in late '79`kool and the gang
though he was dead at the time?`Bill the Cat
Though it shares the name of a highly poisonous plant, tea made from the needles of the_______tree is perfectly safe for consumption`hemlock
Though they had 9 #1s in the UK, Abba's only #1 was this`dancing queen
Though they recorded more that should have been us hits, tell her no, time of the season and she's not there, were the only ones to make it to the us top ten for which band`zombies
thoughts be bloody, or be nothing worth`hamlet
Thousand after what are the b52 bombers named`fifties hairdo
Thousand four hundred marconi transmitted radio signals across the atlantic in 1901, 1902 or 1903`1901
Thousand on what river is liverpool`mersey
Thread made from intestines of sheep used for strings of musical instruments`catgut
Threads woven across warp to make fabric`weft
Threatening, as of weather conditions: ominous: 'surly clouds filled the sky.'`surlier
Three chemical elements are magnetic, iron, nickel &  what`cobalt
Three fourths of household _____ is used to flush the toilet & take baths & showers`water
Three hundred million ofwhat die in the human body every minute`celles
Three hundred million of what die in the human body every minute`cells
Three main types of Greek columns are Doric, Ionic, and __________`Corinthian
Three main types of Greek columns are Doric, Ionic, and `Corinthian
Three of Shakespeare's plays contain a ghost - Hamlet is one, name either of the others`macbeth`julius caesar
Three of the following U S Presidents appeared at one time or another on what's my line which one did not  Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George Bush`george bush
Threes Company: Chrissy won this fabulous prize in a grocery store contest`turkey baster
Threes Company: He always called Jack "Mi Jefe"`felipe
Threes Company: Jack eventually left the apartment to move in with this girl`vicky
Threes Company: Jack faked this condition after wrecking Janet's car`amnesia
Threes Company: Janet became a real floozy when she got this fashion accessory`blonde wig
Threes Company: Larry's last name was Dallas, but he wasn't a Texan. What nationality was he`greek
Threes Company: The girls convinced Mr Roper to let Jack live with them by telling him Jack was`gay
Threes Company: Three's Company spun off this show focusing on Jack`threes a crowd
Three's Company: what city did the trio live in`santa monica
Three's Company: what is the name chrissy short for`christmas
Three's Company: what's the first name of mr. furley's tight wad brother who owned the building`bart
Three's Company: what was chrissy's father's ocupation`a reverend
Three's Company: what was jack's retaurant that he opened and was head chef`jack's bistro
Three's Company: what was larry's (the upstairs neighbour) last name`dallas
Threes Company: Which one of the roommates was a medical professional`terri
Three times as much in size, strength, number, or amount`tripling
Three under par on a hole of golf is called a(n) __________`albatross
Throat, foxing, and platform are parts of a(n) `shoe
Throat, foxing, & platform are parts of a(n) ________`shoe
Throbbing headache often with nausea`migraine
Through 1963 this duo's total record sales exceeded 18 million with successes including 'Cathy's Clown' and 'Wake Up Little Suzie'`The Everly Brothers
Through the streets of what town did lady godiva ride naked`coventry
Through what canadian city does the red river run`winnipeg
Through what do insects breathe`spiracles
Through what were dead Egyptian pharaohs' brains extracted`nasal passages
Through which arteries does blood leave the human heart`aorta & pulmomary`aorta and pulmomary
through which english city does the prime meridian pass`greenwich
Through which music magazine did Elton John meet his song writer Bernie Taupin`new musical express
Through which ocean does the international date line approximately follow the 180 degree meridian`pacific ocean
Through which volcano did Jules Verne's explorers leave the centre of the Earth`stromboli
through ________ you spend half an hour of your waking day with your eyes closed.`blinking
"Throw your ---------- over the fence and the rest will follow!" - Norman Vincent Peale`heart
Thumper was a rabbit from which film`bambi
Tic-Tac-Toe is based on which game`Nine men morris
Tiger bay was her first movie name the actress`hayley mills
Tiger beer is brewed in which Commonwealth country`singapore
Tigers have striped ____, not just striped fur`skin
Tiger, Turks-cap and Star-gazer are all types of which plant`lily
Tight-fitting knit trousers, usually worn by women and children`leggings
Tight pants and prolonged cigarette smoking are the two main causes of what?`impotence
tights."`Breakfast Club
Tilting or as if tilting with a lance`atilt
Tim Allerton & Linnet Doyle are characters from which Agatha Christie novel`death on the nile
Timber cut form coniferous trees`softwood
Tim booth is the lead singer with which band`james
Time during which a machine esp. computer is out of  action or unavailable for use`down time
Timely or opportune`pat
Timely or opportune`pats
Time magazine lists the second most powerful person in Washington in 1993`hillary rodham clinton
Time magazine named the computer its "Man of the Year" in`1982
Time of the Season (1969) was done by what group`zombies
Time past: yore`yesteryear
"Times fun when you're having ------."- Kermit the Frog`flies
Times: What month of the year sees the most babies born in the U.S.`August
Time ____ when you're having fun`flies
Time ____ when your having fun`flies
Time without end: eternity`perpetuity
Timid or fearful: timorous`tremulous
tim robbins satire about a right-wing, folk singing, senatorial candidate`bob roberts
Tinca tinca is the Latin name for which fish`tench
Tin plate`tin
Tin plate`tinned
tiny streams or channels are referred to as`rills or runnels
Tippi hedren is best known for her lead role in which film`birds
Tirana is the capital city of which country`albania
Tirana is the capital of ______`albania
Tired out: exhausted`fried
Tissue or organ of the animal body characterized by the ability to contract, usually in response to a stimulus from the nervous system`muscle
Titan is a moon of which planet`saturn
Title Character Was Born In Baghdad In 64b.C`I Dream Of Jeannie
Title & Last Name of Lyricist: "I never had the least notion that I could fall with so much devotion..."`renee ive got a crush on
Title & Last Name of Lyricist: "Shake your thang, like a boomerang..."`papas got a brand new bag/brown
Title & Last Name of Lyricist: "Without your love, it's a honky tonk parade..."`paper moon/arlen
Title & Last Name of Lyricist: "You might not know it, but buddy I'm a kind of poet..."`one for my baby/mercer
Title & Last Name of Lyricist: "Your good-byes left me with eyes that cry"`all of me/simons
Title of Madonna's album inspired by the movie _Dick Tracy_`im breathless
Title of the former king of Persia`shah
Titles: Composer of: Camptown Races, Beuatiful au Dreamer, Oh! Susanna`foster
Titles: Composer of: Capriccio Italien, Andante Conscabile, Sleeping Beauty Waltz`tchaikovsky
Titles: Musical with: June is Busting O All Over, You'll Never Walk Alone, Soliloquy`carousel
Titles: Musical with songs:Anything You Can Do, They Say It's Wonderful`annie get your gun
Titles: Musical with songs: Bali' Hai, There is Nothin' Liek a Dame, Honey Bun`south pacific
Titles: Musical with songs: I Want to Be Happy, Tea for Two, Take a Little Step`no no nanette
Titles: Musical with songs: My Funny Valentine, The Lady is a Tramp, Where or When`babes in arms
Titles: Operatta with songs: Golden Days, Drinking Song, Deep in My Heart Dear`student prince
Titles: Operatta with songs: You're Devastating, Yesterdays, Smoke Gets in Your Eyes`roberta
Titles: Operetta with: Tramp, Tramp, Ah Sweet Mystery of Life, Neath the Sothern Moon`naughty marietta
title sounds like a note on a postcard`wish you were amsterdam
title sounds like a note on a postcard`wish you were here
Titus Oates was the instigator of which historical plot`popish
to 3 decimal places, what is the value of pi`3
To abandon or isolate with little hope of ready rescue or escape: 'The travelers were ------ed by the blizzard.'`maroon
To abolish abuse or malpractice in: '------ the government.'`reform
To abrade or smooth by rubbing with a sharp or rough instrument`scrape
To absorb or assimilate mentally`digest
To accelerate or increase: 'orders to rev up factory output.'`revs
To accommodate or accept again, as into a group or category: 'The economy cannot -------- all of the refugees into the workforce.'`reabsorb
To accompany as a circumstance or follow as a result: 'The speech was -------- by wild applause.'`attended
To accompany as a circumstance or follow as a result: 'The speech was ------ed by wild applause.'`attend
To accost or intercept unexpectedly`waylaid
To accumulate as a hobby or for study`collect
To accumulate or assemble a large quantity of: The astronomers had -----ed compelling evidence that the galaxies indeed were speeding away from the earth and`amass
To accumulate (something) gradually: amass: 'The top of the bookshelf ------ed dust.'`gather
To accumulate (something) gradually: amass: 'The top of the bookshelf gathered dust.'`gathers
To accuse formally`denounce
To ache sharply from time to time: twinge`twitch
To achieve success in an effort or venture: 'struggled to overcome the handicap and finally ---.'`won
To achieve understanding of: apprehend.  see`perceive
To acknowledge belief or faith in: profess`confess
To acknowledge or declare with enthusiastic approval: 'She was -------ed person of the year.'`acclaim
To acquaint (oneself) with knowledge of a subject`inform
To acquiesce willingly: be compliant: 'asked the child to --------- and go to bed.'`cooperate
To acquire a surface or coat of ice from cold: 'The lake froze over in January. Bridges freeze before the adjacent roads.'`freezable
To acquire a surface or coat of ice from cold: 'The lake ----- over in January. Bridges freeze before the adjacent roads.'`froze
To acquire by effort: earn`purchase
To acquire by trickery or deception`mulct
To acquire most or all of (a commodity): monopolize (a market)`engross
To acquire or deserve as a result of effort or action: 'She ----ed a reputation as a hard worker.'`earn
To acquire or have insurance for: 'insured herself against losses: insured his car for theft.'`insuring
To act as an ---------- to`understudy
To act as a nucleus for`nucleate
To act as a symbol of: signify or represent: 'In this poem, the budding flower means youth.'`meaner
To act as a symbol of: signify or represent: 'In this poem, the budding flower means youth.'`meanly
To act as a symbol of: signify or represent: 'In this poem, the budding flower ----s youth.'`mean
To act in violation of (the law, for example)`transgress
To activate or apply (a brake) suddenly. Often used with on: '---med the brakes on.'`jam
To activate or apply (a brake) suddenly. Often used with on: '------ the brakes on.'`jammed
To act or be in accord or agreement: comply: 'a computer that -------s to the manufacturer's advertising claims.'  agree`conform
To act or proceed by turns: 'The students ---------d at the computer.'`alternate
To act or serve as a liaison officer`liaise
To act over and above what is required: overdo in acting`overact
To act (something) out, as on a stage: '-----ed the part of the parent.'`enact
To act (something) out, as on a stage: 'enacted the part of the parent.'`enacts
To act together: cooperate`concur
To add ornamental or fictitious details to: 'a fanciful account that ---------es the true story.'`embellish
To add to, as by illustrations: make complete`amplified
To add to: supplement: 'a dish best accompanied with a robust wine.'`accompany
To adjust (a garment) for a better fit`alter
To adjust (a garment) for a better fit`alters
To adjust: fine-tune`tweak
To adjust (parts of a mechanism, for example) to produce a proper relationship or orientation: '-----ing the wheels of a truck.'`align
To adjust to a particular specification or requirement: 'regulate temperature.'`regulatory
To adjust to a particular specification or requirement: '-------- temperature.'`regulate
To administer a large oral dose of liquid medicine to (an animal)`drench
To admit to a group, organization, or place: '------ed me as a new member of the club.'`accept
To admonish as to action or manners`warn
To adopt or use as one's own: 'I ------ed your good idea.'`borrow
To adopt (something foreign) into general use`naturalize
To advance (a student) to the next higher grade`promote
To advance (a student) to the next higher grade`promotes
To advance beyond proper or former limits: 'desert --------ing upon grassland.'`encroach
To advance in a specified manner: 'The children came reluctantly when I insisted.'`come
To advance in a specified manner: 'The children came reluctantly when I insisted.'`comes
To advance in a specified manner: 'The children came reluctantly when I insisted.'`coming
To advance in a specified manner: 'The children came reluctantly when I insisted.'`cum
To advance in a specified manner: 'The children ---- reluctantly when I insisted.'`came
To advance slowly, feebly, laboriously, or with frequent stops: 'We crawled along until we reached the open road.'`crawling
To advance slowly, feebly, laboriously, or with frequent stops: 'We -----ed along until we reached the open road.'`crawl
To advance (two military units) by engaging one with the enemy while moving the other to a position forward of the first unit`leapfrog
To advance with an abrupt increase of speed: '-----d into first place with seconds to go.'`forge
To advance with an abrupt increase of speed: 'forged into first place with seconds to go.'`forges
To advance with an abrupt increase of speed: 'forged into first place with seconds to go.'`forging
To advertise or circulate`purvey
To advertise or circulate`purveys
To advocate, especially to urge acceptance of or compliance with: '------ed tolerance and peaceful coexistence.'`preach
To advocate, especially to urge acceptance of or compliance with: 'preached tolerance and peaceful coexistence.'`preaches
To affect a particular mental attitude`pose
To affect a particular mental attitude`poses
To affect in a specified way by striking hard: '-----ed the mugger senseless.'`knock
To affect in a specified way by striking hard: 'knocked the mugger senseless.'`knocking
To affect in a specified way by striking hard: 'knocked the mugger senseless.'`knocks
To affect slightly, as with a contrasting quality: The air was blowy and -----d with rain (Joyce Carol Oates)`tinge
To affect so strongly as to make helpless or ineffective: overwhelm`overpower
To affect with decay or putrefaction: spoil.  contaminate`taint
To affect with irregular and involuntary muscular contractions: throw into convulsions`convulse
To afflict`inflict
To affront or demean: 'an absurd speech that ------ed the intelligence of the audience.'`insult
To a fine point: discriminatingly`finely
To agitate in a liquid: '----- clothes in a solution of bleach and detergent.'`slosh
To aim or direct: point: '---- a hose on the fire.'`held
To aim or direct: point: 'held a hose on the fire.'`hold
To aim or direct: point: 'held a hose on the fire.'`holds
To aim or thrust (a lance) in a joust`tilt
To alarm, frighten, or surprise suddenly.  frighten`startle
To alter a position or attitude: 'had made the decision and wouldn't -----.'`budge
To alter by viewing through a medium: In the Quartet reality is -------ed through a variety of eyes (Elizabeth Kastor)`refract
To alter by viewing through a medium: In the Quartet reality is refracted through a variety of eyes (Elizabeth Kastor)`refracts
To alternate, as between opposing attitudes or positions: vacillate`teeter
To amass: acquire.  reap`garner
To amaze: astonish`stupefied
To an extreme degree: 'December has turned cold with a ---------.'`vengeance
To announce or summon by ----ing`toll
To announce: proclaim`intimated
To announce: proclaim`intimating
To announce: 'We ------ed our plans for the new year.'`broach
To annoy persistently: bother`persecute
To annoy: vex`chafe
To annul or invalidate`cancel
To anticipate with alarm, distaste, or reluctance: '-----ed the long drive home.'`dread
To antique`antiquate
To any extent or degree: at all: 'The project isn't -------- near completion.'`anywhere
To a place or state of further development or progress: 'finally getting ---------.'`somewhere
To appeal to or cite in support or justification`invoke
To appeal to or entreat earnestly`adjure
To appear about to collapse: 'an empire that had begun to ------.'`totter
To appear as a wavering or flickering image, as in a reflection on water or through heat waves in air`shimmer
To appear at county fairs and carnivals in exhibitions of stunt flying and parachute jumping`barnstorm
To appear to one's own opinion or mind: 'I can't ---- to get the story straight.'`seem
To apply by spreading or daubing: '-----ed suntan lotion on my face and arms.'`smear
To apply heavy foot pressure on something: '-----ed on the accelerator and sped off.'`tromp
To apply or make prevail by or as if by authority: '------ a peace settlement.'  dictate`impose
To apply (paint, for example) in dots or short strokes`stipple
To apply paint to (a surface) with hasty or crude strokes`daub
To apply ---------- to`chloroform
To apprehend as if with the eye`see
To apprehend as if with the eye`seen
To appropriate for use as one's own passages or ideas from (another)`plagiarize
To a previous place, position, or state: 'left home but went back -----.'`again
To argue in an attempt to come to terms`haggle
To arouse bitter feelings in: 'was --------ed by years of unrewarded labor.'`embitter
To arouse or compel the interest, admiration, or attention of: 'We were attracted by the display of lights.'`attracts
To arouse or compel the interest, admiration, or attention of: 'We were -------ed by the display of lights.'`attract
To arouse to awareness or action: spur: Issues that once ---------d the electorate fade into irrelevance (Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.)`galvanize
To arrange in a coherent form: systematize: '--------d her thoughts before speaking.'`organize
To arrange intricately: interlock`jigsaw
To arrange or let fall in loose folds: 'draping the banner from the balcony.'`drape
To arrange or organize anew: 'The president ---------d the advisory committee.'`reshuffle
To arrange or systematize`codified
To arrive at, as by virtue of persistence or the passage of time.  reach`attain
To arrive at by reasoning: deduce or infer: '------ a conclusion from facts.'`derive
To arrive at or come into an office or dignity: '------ to the throne.'`accede
To articulate (words): pronounce or speak.  vent1`utter
To ascend to the top of: climb`surmount
To ascertain the origin, nature, or definitive characteristics of`identified
To ask (a person) to do something: 'The police -------ed her to accompany them.'`request
To ask earnestly for or of: entreat: '---ged me for help.'`beg
To ask for earnestly: petition for`entreat
To assail persistently, as with requests.  attack.  barrage2`bombard
To assail verbally`belabor
To assault (a person) sexually`violate
To assemble in proper numerical or logical sequence`collate
To assemble, prepare, or put into operation for or as if for war: '-------- troops: -------- the snowplows.'`mobilize
To assert without or before proof: 'The indictment ------s that the commissioner took bribes.'`allege
To assign as a characteristic: credit: 'the gracefulness so often ------d to cats.'  attribute`impute
To assign as a quality or characteristic: 'was quick to ascribe jealousy to her critics.'`ascribable
To assign (authority or duties) to another: delegate`depute
To assign for a specific end, use, or purpose: 'money -------d to pay for their child's education.'`destine
To assign or attribute to: regard as originated by`refer
To assign the highest possible importance to`maximize
To assign to a date earlier than that of the actual occurrence`antedate
To assign to a particular class or category: classify.  commit`relegate
To associate (oneself) as a subordinate, subsidiary, employee, or member: '---------d herself with a new law firm.'`affiliate
To associate on friendly terms with an enemy or opposing group, often in violation of discipline or orders`fraternize
To associate or consider as related: 'no reason to ------- the two events.'  join`connect
To assume a threatening stance`ramps
To assume or assert the truth, reality, or necessity of, especially as a basis of an argument`postulate
To assume or maintain an upright position as specified: '----- straight: ----- to one side.'`stand
To assume or take on: '------ the air of the injured party.'`donned
To assume or work out from given facts: d`educe
To assume, presume, or assert (a fact) without sufficient information`guess
To assume, take, or occupy again: 'The dog ------- its post by the door.'`resumed
To assure again`reattain
To a stated degree or extent: so`thus
To attach: I do ------ a copy of the letter that I have received (John Fowles)`adjoin
To attack (an enemy's flank)`envelop
To attack (an enemy's flank)`enveloping
To attack or capture suddenly and without warning`surprise
To attack verbally, as with ridicule or censure.  attack`assail
To attain in competition or struggle: win: '----ed a decisive victory: ----ed control of the company.'`gain
To attain with effort or despite difficulty.  reach`achievable
To attempt to prove by reasoning: maintain or contend: 'The speaker -----d that more immigrants should be admitted to the country.'`argue
To attend: wait on`tent
To attend: wait on`tented
To attenuate to or almost to the point of disappearing: 'The wind finally ---------d the smoke.'  scatter`dissipate
To attract and delight: entrance.  charm`enchant
To attract because of an inviting or enticing appearance: a lovely, sunny country that seemed to ------ them on to the Emerald City (L. Frank Baum)`beckon
To attract, charm, or influence: 'a campaign speech that ---------d the crowd.'`magnetize
To authorize as a rabbi`ordain
To avenge`requite
To avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing: '----- responsibility.'  escape`evade
To avoid violation of or interference with: '------- the speed limit.'`respect
To awaken and get up: '----- at dawn.'`arose
To award compensation for: make a return for: '----------d their injuries.'`recompense
To a yachtsman, a fresh breeze is about _____ knots`twenty
To a yachtsman, a fresh breeze is about _____ knots`twenty`20
Tobacco drying barns are typically painted this color.`black
To banish by ostracism, as in ancient Greece`ostracize
To baptize by submerging in water`immerse
To be a hanger-on`dangle
To be alive: live: 'A nicer person has never -------d.'`breathe
To bear with tolerance: We seek the truth, and will ------ the consequences (Charles Seymour). bear1`endure
To be a servant to`serve
To be a servant to`serves
To be a servant to`serving
To be a source of danger to: menace`threaten
To beat to a powder or pulp: pulverize or crush`pound
To beat with excessive rapidity: throb`palpitate
To be a typical example of: 'behavior that ---------s selfishness.'`epitomize
To be bright or sparkling, as with merriment or delight: 'eyes that -------d with joy.'`twinkle
To be busy about trifles`twiddle
To be capable of holding`contain
To be capable of purchasing: Certainly there are lots of things in life that money won't buy (Ogden Nash)`bought
To be capable of purchasing: Certainly there are lots of things in life that money won't --- (Ogden Nash)`buy
To become brisk: increase in strength. Used of the wind`freshen
To become congealed as if by having changed into curd: 'The blood in my veins ------d at the horrific sight.'`curdle
To become damaged, weakened, or useless because of decay: 'The beams had ---ted away.'`rot
To become exhausted. Used with out`peter
To become liable or subject to as a result of one's actions: bring upon oneself: 'incur the anger of a friend.'`incurred
To become lost`stray
To become reduced in amount or value: dwindle: 'His savings quickly ------.'`shrank
To become rotten, as an egg`addle
To become set in a rigidly conventional pattern: The central ideas of liberalism have -------- (Jeffrey Hart)`ossified
To become violently active: 'The volcano -----ed after years of dormancy.'`erupt
To be compelled, as by a physical necessity or requirement: 'Plants ---- have oxygen in order to live.'`must
To be compelled, as by a physical necessity or requirement: 'Plants must have oxygen in order to live.'`musts
To be conspicuous: stand out`stare
To be defective or proceed poorly, as in the development of an argument in logic or in the rhythmic structure of verse`halt
To be defective or proceed poorly, as in the development of an argument in logic or in the rhythmic structure of verse`halting
To be deprived of (something one has had): 'lost her art collection in the fire: lost her job.'`loses
To be discharged forcefully and abundantly: spew or gush: 'The dike burst, and the floodwaters -----ed forth.'`vomit
To be displeasing or disagreeable to: 'Onions ------ my sense of smell.'`offend
To be disposed or inclined: '----s toward exaggeration.'`tend
To be disposed or inclined: 'tends toward exaggeration.'`tending
To be disposed to a certain preference, opinion, or course of action`incline
To be disturbing or irritating: grate: 'The incessant talking ------ on my nerves.'`jarred
To be disturbing or irritating: grate: 'The incessant talking ---red on my nerves.'`jar
To be dizzy or disoriented`swirl
To be evidence of: prove`manifest
To be filled with pent-up emotion: seethe`simmer
To be found to exist or appear: 'Copper deposits ----- in the region.'`occur
To be fully aware of or sensitive to: realize: 'I ---------- your problems.'`appreciate
To be fully supplied or filled: teem.  teem1`abound
To beg for urgently: entreat`implore
To begin to carry on an action or a process: 'looked surprised, then -------ed to roar with laughter.'`proceed
To begin to lose confidence or strength of purpose: waver`stagger
To be greater than, as in intensity or power: surpass: 'love that ---------s infatuation.'  excel`transcend
To behave in a blustering manner: swagger`roister
To behave in a servile way: fawn`cringe
To behave or conduct (oneself) in a given manner: comport`deport
To be highly offensive or abhorrent`stank
To be highly offensive or abhorrent`stink
To be highly offensive or abhorrent`stunk
To be in an inactive or dormant state or period`hibernate
To be inherently present: exist: 'the potential energy that ------s in flowing water.'`reside
To be inviting or attractive to: 'A second helping -----ed me. We refused the offer even though it -----ed us.'  lure`tempt
To believe, especially on uncertain or tentative grounds: 'Scientists -------d that large dinosaurs lived in swamps.'`suppose
To belittle: depreciate`deprecate
To be located or implanted inside something`indwell
To belong as an adjunct, part, holding, or quality`pertain
To be more beautiful, splendid, or flamboyant than`outshine
To be more or greater than: exceed: 'Demand has --------ed supply.'`outreach
To be more significant than: exceed in value or importance: 'The benefits -------- the risks.'`outweigh
To bend (a joint)`flexing
To bend or mold (leather) into shape`crimp
To bend or sag gradually: 'flowers -----ing in the midday heat.'`droop
To be of a different opinion: disagree: 'The critic differed with the author on several facts.'`differing
To be of a ------ent opinion: disagree: 'The critic ------ed with the author on several facts.'`differ
To be on both sides of: extend over or across: 'a car straddling the centerline.'`straddle
To be or become effective: win out: 'hoped justice would -------.'`prevail
To be or go beyond, as in degree or quality: exceed.  excel`surpass
To be overcome by a sense of futility or defeat`despair
To be overwhelmed by ecstatic joy`swoon
To be partially visible: show: 'The moon peered from behind dark clouds.'`peering
To be particularly attentive or solicitous: minister: 'The nurses -----ed to my every need. The legislation -----ed to various special interest groups.'`cater
To be pervaded by something unpleasant: This document... ----s of self-pity and self-deception (Christopher Hitchens)`reek
To be present, as at a conference`assist
To be present, as at a conference`assisted
To be present at the arrival of: 'met the train.'`meet
To be present at the arrival of: '--- the train.'`met
To be present in: fill: 'Old childhood memories ------- the attic.'`inhabit
To be servilely respectful or deferential: grovel`genuflect
To be showy or ostentatious`splurge
To be similar or equivalent in character, quantity, origin, structure, or function: 'English navel ----------s to Greek omphalos.'  agree`correspond
To be sounded in a trilling or quavering manner`warble
To be strenuously engaged with a problem, task, or undertaking: '--------d with his math homework.'`struggle
To be successful in resisting.  oppose`withstand
To be suspended in or move through space as if supported by a liquid`floating
To be the subject for ----------s: 'She ----------s well.'`photograph
To be the support or basis of: account for: 'Many factors underlie my decision.'`underlain
To be the will or desire of: 'May it ------ the court to admit this firearm as evidence.'`please
To be too eager or insistent in attempting to sell something to`oversell
To be too eager or insistent in attempting to sell something to`oversold
To be unaware of imminent danger or trouble: be off guard: 'The civil unrest caught the police -------.'`napping
To be unaware of imminent danger or trouble: be off guard: 'The civil unrest caught the police napping.'`napped
To be unaware of imminent danger or trouble: be off guard: 'The civil unrest caught the police napping.'`narcissi
To be unaware of imminent danger or trouble: be off guard: 'The civil unrest caught the police ---ping.'`nap
To be unsuccessful: 'an experiment that failed.'`fails
To be wounded, especially in battle`bled
to be young again, where did ralph take the gang`roller skating
To break, burst, or rip apart with force: rend.  break`split
To break down suddenly in strength or health and thereby cease to function: 'a monarchy that --------d.'`collapse
To break into pieces, as by a blow: cleave or split asunder`rive
To break into pieces, as by a blow: cleave or split asunder`rives
To break into pieces, as by a blow: cleave or split asunder`riving
To break, pound, or grind (stone or ore, for example) into small fragments or powder`crush
To break suddenly with a brisk, sharp, cracking sound`snap
To break suddenly with a brisk, sharp, cracking sound`snapping
To break suddenly with a brisk, sharp, cracking sound`snaps
To break, tear, or cut into bits: shred`fritter
To break up the surface of (soil)`hack
To break up the surface of (soil)`hacking
To break up the surface of (soil)`hacks
To breed or develop within: engender`inbreed
To breed within a narrow range or with closely related types or individuals: inbreed`interbred
To bring about (a final agreement or settlement): '-------- a peace treaty.'`conclude
To bring about: effect: 'procure a solution to a knotty problem.'`procurable
To bring about: effect: 'procure a solution to a knotty problem.'`procures
To bring about: engender: Admission of guilt tends to breed public sympathy (Jonathan Alter)`bred
To bring about: generate: '--------- goodwill in the neighborhood.'`establish
To bring about: initiate: The technology bred of science has --------d stupendous economic growth (Nature)`catalyze
To bring about or stimulate the occurrence of: cause: 'a drug used to ------ labor.'`induce
To bring about the downfall or destruction of, especially by force or concerted action: 'a plot to overthrow the government.'`overthrew
To bring about the failure of: ruin`damn
To bring (a person exposed to conditions of increased pressure) gradually back to normal atmospheric pressure`decompress
To bring back into existence or use: '--------ed the concept of neighborliness.'`reinvent
To bring back into practice, notice, or use`resurrect
To bring back to an original condition: '------- a building.'  revive`restore
To bring face to face with: 'The defendant was --------ed with incontrovertible evidence of guilt.'`confront
To bring (forces or material) into action`deploy
To bring in or take out illicitly or by stealth`smuggle
To bring into close association or union`welded
To bring into disrepute: taint or tarnish`stain
To bring into existence by shaping, modifying, or putting together material: construct: '---- a dress: made a stone wall.'`make
To bring into existence by shaping, modifying, or putting together material: construct: 'make a dress: made a stone wall.'`makes
To bring or call to mind by logic or association: evoke: 'a cloud that -------- a mushroom: a ringlike symbol suggesting unity.'`suggests
To bring or call to mind by logic or association: evoke: 'a cloud that -------s a mushroom: a ringlike symbol -------ing unity.'`suggest
To bring relief to`reprieve
To bring shame upon: disgrace`reproach
To bring something into light contact with: '-----ed the sore spot with a probe.'`touch
To bring the foot down onto (an object or surface) forcibly`stamp
To bring to a bad or worse condition: debase`pervert
To bring to a desired consistency, texture, hardness, or other physical condition by or as if by blending, admixing, or kneading: 'temper clay: paints that`tempered
To bring to a humbler, weaker, difficult, or forced state or condition: especially: To gain control of: conquer: a design to ------ them under absolutedespotism (Declaration`reduce
To bring to bear: exercise: '----- influence.'`exert
To bring to life: evoke powerfully or effectively: 'a book that ---------s the Mayan civilization.'`reanimate
To bring to light, especially after a period of obscurity`exhumation
To bring to public notice: disclose`disinter
To bring to public notice: uncover`unearth
To bring to the public attention: announce.  announce`publish
To bring to view: show`reveal
To brood or sulk.  brood`mope
To build into a wall: '------ a shrine.'`immure
To buoy up or hearten: 'Visitors -------ed the patient's morale.'`bolster
To burn off the feathers or bristles of (a carcass of a bird or animal) by subjecting briefly to flame.  burn1`singe
To burn to carbon: carbonize`carbonate
To burst into intense, sudden flame`flare
To burst into intense, sudden flame`flaring
To burst open with a short, sharp, explosive sound`pop
To burst open with a short, sharp, explosive sound`popped
To burst open with a short, sharp, explosive sound`popping
To burst open with a short, sharp, explosive sound`pops
To burst violently as a result of internal pressure`explode
To buy (stock) on margin in excess of one's ability to provide further security if prices drop`overbought
To buy (stock) on margin in excess of one's ability to provide further security if prices drop`overbuy
To call attention: refer. Used with to: 'He ------ed to the problem in the opening paragraph.'  refer`advert
To call for as obligatory or appropriate: demand.  demand`require
To call forth (a reaction or emotion, for example): elicit: 'odd noises that ------d our curiosity.'`excite
To call forth (a reaction or emotion, for example): elicit: 'odd noises that excited our curiosity.'`excites
To call loudly: shout`cried
To call loudly: shout`cry
To call to mind by naming, citing, or suggesting: 'songs that ----- old memories.'`evoke
To calm: soothe`hush
To camber something is to ______ it:`curve
To captivate completely: entrance.  charm`bewitch
To capture or restrain: arrest`grab
To capture or restrain: arrest`grabbing
To carry as an attribute or contribution: 'You bring many years of experience to your new post.'`brought
To carry as an attribute or contribution: 'You ----- many years of experience to your new post.'`bring
To carry from one place to another: transport`bear
To carry from one place to another: transport`bears
To carry from one place to another: transport`borne
To carry on despite hardships or trauma: persevere: 'families that were surviving in tents after the flood.'`survive
To carry oneself in a lively and jaunty manner`perk
To carry oneself in a lively and jaunty manner`perking
To carry or have habitually on the person, especially as an aid: '----s glasses.'`wear
To carry out (an order, for example)`fulfil
To carry out or comply with (a command, for example)`obey
To carve, cut, or etch a design or letters into: '-------d the silver watch with my monogram.'`engrave
To cast (a role, play, or film) inappropriately`miscast
To cast aspersions upon: speak badly of`befoul
To cast suddenly, violently, or deeply into a given state or situation: The street was ------d in cool shadow (Richard Wright)`plunge
To cast suddenly, violently, or deeply into a given state or situation: The street was plunged in cool shadow (Richard Wright)`plunges
To catch or take unawares, especially with harmful or detrimental results: The recent recession, with its wave of corporate cost-cutting, blind-sided`blindside
To cause (an egg or eggs) to produce young`hatched
To cause (an egg or eggs) to produce young`hatching
To cause (a person) to reach a decision.  decide`resolvable
To cause a prickling, stinging sensation or feeling: 'The straw ------d.'`tingle
To cause confusion in: muddle`befog
To cause damage to: impair`injure
To cause feelings of discouragement or bafflement in`frustrate
To cause liquid to go out from: empty: '-----ed the bathtub: ----- the pond.'`drain
To cause perplexity in: puzzle`vex
To cause perplexity in: puzzle`vexed
To cause the leaves of (a plant, tree, or forest) to fall off, especially by the use of chemicals`defoliate
An act of turning over or upsetting something; a revolution, subversion, or reversal.  overthrow`overturn
To cause the spread of (an idea, for example) in another part of the world: transmit`export
To cause to appear greater or seem more important than is in fact the case: exaggerate: 'You have grossly --------- a trivial situation.'  exaggerate`magnified
To cause to appear greater or seem more important than is in fact the case: exaggerate: 'You have grossly magnified a trivial situation.'  exaggerate`magnifies
To cause to appear stupid, inconsistent, or ridiculous`stultified
To cause to assume a curved or angular shape: '---- a piece of iron into a horseshoe.'`bend
To cause to become excited, agitated, or overstimulated`overheat
To cause to become stiff or stonelike: deaden`petrified
To cause to become withdrawn or unresponsive: isolate or dissociate emotionally: 'The numbing labor tended to -------- workers.'`alienate
To cause to be doubted or distrusted`discredit
To cause to be engrossed in thought`bemuse
To cause to begin, especially officially or formally: '---------- a new immigration policy.'  begin`inaugurate
To cause to be in a specified condition: 'His gracious manners --- me at ease.'`put
To cause to be in a specified condition: 'His gracious manners put me at ease.'`puts
To cause to be instilled or imparted: '---------d a love of learning to her children.'`transfuse
To cause to be later or slower than expected or desired: 'Heavy traffic -----ed us.'`delay
To cause to be or feel ill: sicken`indisposed
To cause to be or seem more glorious or excellent than is actually the case: 'Your descriptions have --------- an average house into a mansion.'`glorified
To cause to be set aside, especially to displace as inferior or antiquated.  replace`supersede
To cause to be the proper size and shape: 'The tailor fitted the trousers by shortening them.'`fits
To cause to collapse`crumple
To cause to come`fetch
To cause to concentrate about two conflicting or contrasting positions`polarize
To cause to drop or sink: lower: 'The drought -------ed the water level in the reservoirs.'`depress
To cause to dry up and wither`sear
To cause to dry up and wither`seared
To cause to exist or occur: produce: 'Violence begets more violence.'`begot
To cause to exist or occur: produce: 'Violence -----s more violence.'`beget
To cause to feel a sharp, smarting pain by or as if by pricking with a sharp point: 'smoke -------- our eyes.'`stinging
To cause to feel a sharp, smarting pain by or as if by pricking with a sharp point: 'smoke stinging our eyes.'`stung
To cause to feel embarrassment`confuse
To cause to feel sure: '------d her of his devotion.'`assure
To cause to knock against an obstacle`bump
To cause to knock against an obstacle`bumping
To cause to laugh or smile by giving pleasure: 'I was not -----d by his jokes.'`amuse
To cause to limp`hobble
To cause to lose energy, strength, or vigor: exhaust, tire, or enfeeble: 'Disease -----d his body.'`waste
To cause to lose energy, strength, or vigor: exhaust, tire, or enfeeble: 'Disease wasted his body.'`wastes
To cause to lose enthusiasm: disillusion: 'was ------ed to learn that her favorite dancer used drugs.'`dismay
To cause to make a harsh grinding or rasping sound through friction: 'grated her teeth in anger.'`grates
To cause to make a harsh grinding or rasping sound through friction: 'grated her teeth in anger.'`grating
To cause to: make: 'Let the news be known.'`lets
To cause to: make: 'Let the news be known.'`letting
To cause to move around in order to achieve a result, such as opening, closing, tightening, or loosening: '---- the key: ---- a screw.'`turn
To cause to move around in order to achieve a result, such as opening, closing, tightening, or loosening: 'turn the key: turn a screw.'`turned
To cause to move in a given direction or to a given position, as by leading: 'The teacher drew the children into the room to see the decorations.'`draw
To cause to move in a given direction or to a given position, as by leading: 'The teacher drew the children into the room to see the decorations.'`drawing
To cause to move in a given direction or to a given position, as by leading: 'The teacher ---- the children into the room to see the decorations.'`drew
To cause to move jerkily: 'stops and starts that ----ed the passengers.'`jolt
To cause to move or act with undue haste: rush: 'was ------- into marriage.'`hurried
To cause to move up and down: '---bed my head in response to the question.'`bob
To cause to occur sooner than expected`accelerate
To cause to quiver, tremble, vibrate, or rock`shake
To cause to quiver, tremble, vibrate, or rock`shaken
To cause to quiver, tremble, vibrate, or rock`shakes
To cause to quiver, tremble, vibrate, or rock`shaking
To cause to quiver, tremble, vibrate, or rock`shook
To cause to rot`decompose
To cause to seem less than another or little: 'The size of the office tower --------s the surrounding buildings.'  decry`belittle
To cause to shrivel and dry up`mummified
To cause to sink into mud`bemire
To cause to soften in attitude or temper`relent
To cause to spread: pass on: '-------- an infection.'`transmit
To cause to starve to death`famish
To cause to stop for a period: interrupt: '-------ed the trial.'`suspend
To cause to thaw`defrost
To cause to trail along a surface, especially the ground`drags
To cause unpleasant surprise to: shock`horrified
To cave in: sink: 'The platform swayed and then -------ed.'`founder
To cease existing, especially by degrees: fade: 'The sunlight died in the west.'`dice
To cease existing, especially by degrees: fade: 'The sunlight died in the west.'`dying
To cease existing, especially by degrees: fade: 'The sunlight ---d in the west.'`die
To cease growth before full development or maturation`abort
To censure strongly: denounce: 'an editorial that ---------d the administration for its inaction.'`excoriate
To certify by signature or oath: '------ a will.'`attest
To chafe or inflame`irritate
To challenge (someone) to do something requiring boldness: 'They ----d me to dive off the high board.'`dare
To change gradually or by degrees`graduate
To change or vary the pitch, intensity, or tone of (one's voice or a musical instrument, for example)`modulate
To change (something) from one use, function, or purpose to another: adapt to a new or different purpose: '------- a forest into farmland.'`convert
To change something into another shape`transform
To change the reading of: '----- a clock.'`reset
To change the reading of: 'reset a clock.'`resew
To change the reading of: 'reset a clock.'`reshape
To change the reading of: 'reset a clock.'`reship
To charge (a public official) with improper conduct in office before a proper tribunal`impeach
To charge formally with a wrongdoing`accuse
To chat: converse`kibitz
To chatter aimlessly: prate`tattle
To chatter thoughtlessly or at length`clack
To chatter thoughtlessly or indiscreetly.  gossip`blab
To check or repress`rebuke
To check or repress`rebury
To check or slow down the movement, growth, or action of: 'a garden that was -----d by weeds.'`choke
To chew cud`ruminate
To chew slowly or ineffectively without or as if without teeth`mumble
To choke back by or as if by swallowing`gulp
To churn about continuously`moil
To circulate through and freshen: 'A sea breeze ---------d the rooms.'`ventilate
To cite or refer to for illustration or proof`quoting
To claim as just or due: '------ repayment of a loan.'`demand
To claim or allege insincerely or falsely: profess: 'doesn't pretend to be an expert.'`pretending
To claim or allege insincerely or falsely: profess: 'doesn't ------- to be an expert.'`pretend
To clarify by serving as an example or comparison: 'The example sentence ----------d the meaning of the word.'`illustrate
To clarify or solve (something confusing) by reasoning or study: 'He ------d out the significance of the statement.'`puzzle
To clasp firmly with or as if with the hand`grasp
To clean or dry by rubbing: '----d my feet before I went inside.'`wipe
To clean, polish, or manipulate by the application of pressure and friction`rub
To clean, polish, or manipulate by the application of pressure and friction`rubbing
To clean, polish, or manipulate by the application of pressure and friction`rubs
To cleanse or purify`baptize
To clear away with or as if with a broom or brush: '----- snow from the steps.'`swept
To clear away with or as if with a broom or brush: 'swept snow from the steps.'`sweeps
To clear of roots and stumps by digging: '----bed a small plot.'`grub
To climb swiftly or powerfully`soar
To clog or make sluggish: obstruct`constipate
To close and open the eyelids of both eyes: blink.  blink`wink
To cluck or chuck, as a hen`chuckle
To coagulate: jell`congeal
To coast on a slippery surface, such as ice or snow`slid
To coat metal with a protective layer by electrolysis`anodize
To coat or combine with carbon`carbonize
To coat with sugar: '--------- a pill.'`sugarcoat
To coerce by intimidation or fear.  frighten`terrorize
To coexist, as animals of different species`cohabit
To collapse by releasing contained air or gas`deflate
To collect and remove refuse from: 'The streets are periodically --------d.'`scavenge
To collect and remove refuse from: 'The streets are periodically scavenged.'`scavenges
To collect bit by bit: records from which historians ----- their knowledge (Kemp Malone). reap`glean
To color or dye by immersing: 'dip Easter eggs.'`dipped
To comb (flax or hemp) with a hatchel`heckle
To combine or unite: 'merging two sets of data.'`merges
To combine (people) in interest, attitude, or action: (the love that -----s humanity (Germaine Greer)`unite
To come at length: take place: 'The day of reckoning has ------d.'`arrive
To come into being`happens
To come into being: 'when life -----.'`began
To come into being: 'when life began.'`begin
To come into being: 'when life began.'`begins
To come into being: 'when life began.'`begun
To come into existence: 'An idea ---------d in his mind.'`germinate
To come into existence: 'New strains of viruses ------ periodically.'`appear
To come into or be in accord, as of opinion: 'I ----- with you on that. Our views on the election -----.'`agree
To come or bring to a sudden halt: 'a campaign ------ed by lack of funds: a policy that ------ed under the new administration.'`derail
To come or occur between two periods or points of time: 'A year ---------d between the two dynasties.'`intervene
To come to completion: end: 'Years of waiting ---------d in a tearful reunion.'`culminate
To come together suddenly with a sharp sound`clap
To come upon or discover by searching or making an effort: '----- the leak in the pipe.'`found
To command against the doing or use of (something): prohibit: 'forbid smoking on trains.'`forbad
To command against the doing or use of (something): prohibit: '------ smoking on trains.'`forbid
To commend highly: praise: '-------ed her decision to complete her degree.'`applaud
To commit burglary against: 'The second-floor tenants have been ----------d twice.'`burglarize
To communicate a disease to (a living organism) by transferring its causative agent into the organism`inoculate
To communicate a pathogen or disease to`infects
To communicate by speech or writing: express with words: 'tell the truth: tell one's love.'`told
To communicate by speech or writing: express with words: '---- the truth: ---- one's love.'`tell
To compensate for: make payment for: '----------d his efforts.'`remunerate
To compete, as in a race: vie`contend
To compete with Alto and Lisa, a rival company started a line of products that became very popular with the development of Chicago. What do we know the product Chicago as today`Windows 95
To compete with successfully: approach or attain equality with`emulative
To complain or protest in a childish fashion`whine
To complete (something): work (something) out`outwork
To complete, transact, or dispose of promptly`dispatch
To complicate: confuse`entangle
To conceive or design: '-----d an alternate proposal.'`frame
To conceive the significance of: construe: '---------ed his smile to be an agreement: ---------ed the open door as an invitation.'`interpret
To condense (a gas) by cooling`liquefied
To condense (a gas) by cooling`liquify
To confer a medal or other honor on: 'was --------d for bravery.'`decorate
To confine or restrict to a particular locality: '--------d the infection.'`localize
To connect as an adjunct or associated condition or part: 'Many major issues are attached to this legislation.'`attachable
To connect or attach, as to a vehicle: '-----ed the horses to the sleigh.'`hitch
To consent to officially or formally: confirm or sanction: 'The Senate -------d the treaty.'`approve
To consider as being: regard as.  consider`reckon
To consider or regard in a certain way`envisage
To consider or reject as beneath oneself`disdain
To consider retrospectively: look back on`rev
To consider retrospectively: look back on`review
To consider: suppose`repute
To constrict (an opening or orifice): 'My nose is ----ped up.'`stop
To constrict (an opening or orifice): 'My nose is ------- up.'`stopped
To construct by combining or assembling diverse, typically standardized parts: '--------- small boats.'`fabricate
To construct more buildings in (an area) than necessary`overbuild
To consume to excess: 'a car that ------s gas.'`guzzle
To contain as a secondary or subordinate element`include
To contend or struggle: 'wrestling with budget cuts.'`wrestle
To contend with difficulties and act to overcome them: Facing unprecedented problems, the Federal Reserve of the early 1930s couldn't cope (Robert J`coping
To contend with difficulties and act to overcome them: Facing unprecedented problems, the Federal Reserve of the early 1930s couldn't ---- (Robert J`cope
To continue in use or existence long enough to survive (something else): 'a regulation that has -------d its usefulness.'`outlive
To continue: survive: 'The patient is not expected to last much longer.'`lasted
To continue to be a----: '----d through a bad accident.'`live
To continue to be in the same place: stay or stay behind: 'We are ------ing at home.'`remain
To contribute to the furtherance of: promote`help
To contribute to the furtherance of: promote`helps
To control the speed or magnitude of: regulate: 'a valve that ------- fuel intake.'`governs
To control the speed or magnitude of: regulate: 'a valve that ------s fuel intake.'`govern
To convert from a code or cipher to plain text: decode`decipher
To convert from a scrambled electronic signal into an interpretable one`decode
To convert to Christianity`evangelize
To convey an idea or impression of: characterize: 'She --------d her childhood as a time of wonder and discovery.'`describe
To convey in a hurried or rough manner: '------d the prisoner into a van.'`hustle
To convey or send floating through the air or over water`waft
To convey thoughts, opinions, or emotions orally`spoke
To cook (unshelled eggs) by baking until set`shirr
To cooperate or curry favor with in a sly or devious way`footsie
Tocophobia is the fear of`pregnancy`childbirth
To copy or imitate so as to ridicule: mock: 'always -----king the boss.'  imitate`mimic
To copy the actions, appearance, mannerisms, or speech of: mimic: 'amused friends by imitating the teachers.'`imitate
To correct by calculation or adjustment.  correct`rectify
To corroborate or confirm: vouch for: 'Has this report been ------ed?'`avouch
To counsel (another) against something to be avoided: caution`admonish
To counterbalance or counteract the effect of: render ineffective`neutralize
To cover (an area or a surface) with things scattered or sprinkled: Italy... was -----n thick with the remains of Roman buildings (Bernard Berenson)`strew
To cover, envelop, or encase, as by folding or coiling something about: '----ped my head in a scarf.'`wrap
To cover lightly with or as if with a moist substance`dab
To cover the surface of with a decorative layer or design: '------- wood with silver.'`overlay
To cover uniformly, as if with pavement`paves
To cover with a protective or insulating layer of other material`clad
To cover with --------s, doodles, or meaningless marks`scribble
To cover with water: inundate`submerge
To create a design on (the skin) by means of shallow cuts that are sometimes rubbed with a colorant or irritant to enhance the resulting scar tissue`scarified
To create (an argument or a sentence, for example) by systematically arranging ideas or terms`construct
To create a vacuum in`evacuate
To create by physical or mental effort: '------- a tapestry: ------- a poem.'`produce
To create or form by combining ingredients: '--- a drink: --- cement.'`mix
To create (something) by such interweaving: '----- a rug.'`braid
To credit with veracity: 'I ------- you.'`believe
To criticize or denounce severely: excoriate`scathing
To criticize severely: rebuke`chastise
To criticize strongly or in a hostile manner`attack
To crowd around: hem in`besiege
To crumple or squeeze: hunch: '-------ed up their shoulders: ------- one's nose against a window.'`scrunch
To crush, grind, or tread noisily`crunch
To cry or wail loudly, as in pain, sorrow, or anger`howl
To cry or wail loudly, as in pain, sorrow, or anger`howling
To cry out loudly and vehemently: shout`bawl
To cure (fish) by soaking in brine and half-drying in smoke`bloat
To curl up closely or comfortably: nestle: '-------d happily under the covers.'`snuggle
To curtail or prohibit the activities of`suppress
To cut down with an ax: fell: '--- an oak.'`hew
To cut lengthwise into strips: split`slit
To cut off a part or parts from: trim: '---ped the vines back: ---ped her curls shorter.'`lop
To cut off the oxygen supply of: smother`strangle
To cut or form with a plane surface`tabulate
To cut or tear (a document with two or more copies) along an irregular line so that the parts can later be matched for establishing authenticity`indent
To cut or tear (a document with two or more copies) along an irregular line so that the parts can later be matched for establishing authenticity`indents
To cut short: curtail.  shorten`abridge
To cut using a -------- saw`crosscut
To damage irreparably: ruin`spoil
To damage (plant tissue), as by abrasion or pressure: '------d the fruit by careless packing.'`bruise
To daydream`stargaze
To dazzle, as with strong light`daze
tod & buz travelled cross-country on what tv show?`route 66
Todd Rundgren's double album with AM radio hit "Hello its me"`something anything
To deaden, as to feelings or moral scruples: callous`cauterize
To deaden, restrain, or depress: trade moves... aimed at ------ing protectionist pressures in Congress (Christian Science Monitor)`dampen
To deal with or think of beforehand: anticipate`forestall
To deal with people in a patronizingly superior manner`condescend
To deceive into trustfulness: that honeyed charm that he used so effectively to ---- his victims (S.J. Perelman)`lull
To decide not to participate, especially at the last moment`poop
To decide or rule against: '-------- a policy decision.'`overrule
To declare free of blame: absolve`justified
To declare or prove (someone) to be a bastard`bastardize
To declare unqualified or ineligible`disqualify
To decline in vigor or strength: 'The conversation -------.'`flagged
To decline in vigor or strength: 'The conversation flagged.'`flags
To decorate by inlaying or overlaying with a contrasting material: 'encrust wood paneling with ivory.'`incrust
To decorate by setting in such designs`inlay
To decorate or hang with lights`illuminate
To decorate (prepared food or drink) with small colorful or savory items: '-------ed the potatoes with parsley.'`garnish
To decorate (prepared food or drink) with small colorful or savory items: 'garnished the potatoes with parsley.'`garnishes
To decorate (prepared food or drink) with small colorful or savory items: 'garnished the potatoes with parsley.'`garotte
To decorate (prepared food or drink) with small colorful or savory items: 'garnished the potatoes with parsley.'`garret
To decorate with a perforated pattern`pink
To defeat (an opponent or proposal, for example) in voting`outvote
To defeat completely and decisively: 'Our team ---------ed the visitors by 40 points.'`overwhelm
To defeat completely`checkmate
To defeat decisively`trounce
To defeat in a contest, conflict, or competition`vanquish
To defeat soundly`paste
To defeat soundly`pasting
To defend or maintain (one's rights, for example)`assert
To defile: taint`sullied
To define: expound: 'We -------ed our plan to the committee.'`explain
To defy or resist`outface
To delay or block the progress of deliberately: a bill that would --------- food irradiation in this country (Alexis Beck)`sidetrack
To deliver in return: give back`redeliver
To deliver into the hands of an enemy in violation of a trust or allegiance: '------ed Christ to the Romans.'`betray
To demagnetize`depolarize
To demand or ask for the presence of: 'called the children to dinner: call the police.'`calls
To demand or ask for the presence of: '----ed the children to dinner: ---- the police.'`call
To demand or ask for the presence of: '------ the children to dinner: call the police.'`called
To demolish (a building) by causing to collapse inward`implode
To deny (something) to oneself: 'The minister --------d the luxuries of life.'`abnegate
To deny the accuracy or truth of: 'refuted the results of the poll.'`refutable
To deny the statement of.  deny`contradict
To deny the validity of: repudiate`disclaim
To depart, as from a norm, purpose, or subject: stray.  swerve`deviate
To depart from a camp or camping ground`decamp
To depict or describe in words`portray
To depict or describe in words`portrayed
To depreciate (currency, for example) by official proclamation or by rumor`decried
To deprive (a fire) of the oxygen necessary for combustion`smother
To deprive (a person) of energy or vitality`lobotomize
To deprive (a person or an animal) of the ability to produce offspring, as by removing the reproductive organs`sterilize
To deprive, as of rights or property: dispossess`divest
To deprive by trickery: defraud: '-----ed them of their land.'`cheat
To deprive of a natural or established right or privilege`disinherit
To deprive of (clothing or covering)`strip
To deprive of life: 'The Black Death was a disease that ----ed millions.'`kill
To deprive of life: 'The Black Death was a disease that killed millions.'`killing
To deprive of life: 'The Black Death was a disease that killed millions.'`kills
To deprive of meaning or substance`disembowel
To deprive of natural richness or strength: '---------- the soil by overuse.'  deplete`impoverish
To deprive of something valuable by force: rob: 'a region -------ed of its scenic beauty by unchecked development.'`despoil
To deprive of strength or vigor: weaken`emasculate
To deprive of strength or vigor: weaken`geld
To deprive of the means of attack or defense: render harmless: Have the courage to appear poor, and you ------ poverty of its sharpest sting`disarm
To derive by deduction: deduce`deducts
To derive by ------ion: deduce`deduct
To describe or portray realistically`actualize
To describe the nature or basic qualities of: explain: 'define the properties of a new drug: a study that defines people according to their median`definable
To designate (a document, for example) as confidential, secret, or top secret`classified
To designate or appoint to an office, responsibility, or honor.  appoint`nominate
To designate or appoint to an office, responsibility, or honor.  appoint`nominator
To desire (someone to do something): 'I ---- you to clean your room.'`want
To desist from: cease`forbear
To desist from: cease`forbore
To destroy, consume, or waste: 'Flames ------ed the structure in minutes.'`devour
To destroy or remove completely: eradicate`uproot
To destroy the innocence, integrity, or beauty of: ravage`deflower
To destroy totally: exterminate.  abolish`extirpate
To destroy with fire: 'burned the trash: burn a house down.'`burns
To destroy with fire: '----ed the trash: ---- a house down.'`burn
To detach (a gun or caisson) from its limber`unlimber
To detach from that to which one is strongly habituated or devoted: 'She ----ed herself from cigarettes.'`wean
To determine by the use of a -------r`compute
To determine or test the truth or accuracy of, as by comparison, investigation, or reference: 'experiments that -------- the hypothesis.'  confirm`verified
To determine the caliber of (a tube)`calibrate
To determine the depth of: sound`fathom
To determine the percentage of alcohol in a bottle of liquor, by how much is proof divided`two
To determine the percentage of alcohol in a bottle of liquor, what is divided by two`proof
To determine the shape or form of beforehand`preform
To detest`hate
To detract from or spoil: taint: 'a tragedy that -------ed our hopes.'`tarnish
To detract from the authority, reputation, or prestige of`diminish
To deviate from a standard or expectation: go astray`derogate
To devise, using skill and intelligence: contrive: '------- a mystery story.'`concoct
To die`depart
To differ, as in opinion or manner`diverge
To differ, as in opinion or manner`diverges
To diffuse or radiate: send forth or impart: 'shed light.'`shedding
To dig the ground, as with a spade`delve
To dip (food) into a liquid food, such as a beverage or sauce, prior to eating`dunk
To direct in rehearsal: 'rehearsed the orchestra.'`rehouse
To direct or allow to leave: '-------ed troops after the inspection: -------ed the student after reprimanding him.'`dismiss
To direct the course of.  conduct`steer
To direct through a channel`channelize
To direct toward or intend for a particular goal or group: 'The publicity campaign was ---ed at improving the eating habits of children.'`aim
To disappear as if by melting`deliquesce
To disarrange the hair or clothing of`dishevel
To discern (something hidden or subtle): '------ed a note of sarcasm in the remark.'`detect
To discharge (blood, for example) in the urine`piss
To discharge (cargo or a load)`unload
To discharge from or as if from a receptacle: '-----led a sigh of relief.'`expel
To discharge into the air by any means: 'a machine that -----s tennis balls: ash that was -----n by an erupting volcano.'`throw
To discharge into the air by any means: 'a machine that throws tennis balls: ash that was thrown by an erupting volcano.'`threw
To discharge into the air by any means: 'a machine that throws tennis balls: ash that was thrown by an erupting volcano.'`thrower
To discharge violently: spew`disgorge
To discipline (one's body and physical appetites) by self-denial or self-inflicted privation`mortified
To disclose: reveal`unveil
To disclose the true character of: expose`unmask
To discover by careful observation or scrutiny: detect: '-------- a message of hope in her words.'`descried
To discover by searching thoroughly`rummage
To disfigure by damaging irreparably: '-------- a statue.'  batter1`mutilate
To dishonor: defame`smirch
To dislodge from a location or position, especially to remove from office`unseat
To dismantle in order to make repairs`overhaul
To dismiss, turn down, or frustrate the expectations of`snub
To disparage: belittle: 'The critics have ---------d our efforts.'`denigrate
To dispatch, as by a communications medium: '---- a message by radio.'`send
To displace (a body part), especially to displace a bone from its normal position`dislocate
To display`disport
To display for sale, in exhibition, or in competition: '----ed her most recent paintings.'`show
To display good-natured friendliness: '----med around with the other teammates.'`chum
To displease or disturb: vex: 'My roommate's off-putting habits began to ---- me.'`roil
To disseminate widely: popularize`vulgarize
To dissolve: 'Sugar melts in water.'`melted
To dissolve: 'Sugar ----s in water.'`melt
To distinguish as if separating with a sieve: '----ed the candidates for the job.'`sift
To distract: 'My attention was ------ed by an argument between motorists.'`divert
To distribute loosely by or as if by sprinkling: strew: '-------ing confetti from the upper windows.'`scatter
To divest of material existence or substance`disembody
To divide by parceling out: '----- up an estate.'`carve
To divide into pieces, as by bending or cutting: '----- crackers for a baby.'`break
To divide into thin layers`laminate
To dodge an issue or a responsibility`sidestep
To dominate by excluding others: '----------d the conversation.'`monopolize
To dominate by position: tower over: Hitler's ghost, the specter that... bestrides mid-twentieth-century history (Economist)`bestridden
To dominate, restrain, or control forcibly: '------d the strikers into compliance.'  force`coerce
To do or fare well: prosper: No village on the railroad failed to -------- (John Kenneth Galbraith)`flourish
To draft into military service`levy
To drag (the body, for example) wearily or heavily`trail
To drain of resources or properties: deplete: 'tobacco crops that -------ed the soil.'  deplete`exhaust
To draw back or in: 'a plane -------ing its landing gear.'  recede1`retract
To draw off in the form of vapor`evaporate
To drench thoroughly or cover with or as if with a liquid`drown
To dress in finery: adorn`array
To drink excessively`carouse
To drive away: expel: 'We ------ed all our doubts and fears.'`banish
To drive away or off by or as if by scattering.  scatter`dispel
To drive forward: propel`impel
To drive forward: propel`impelling
To drive insane`madden
To drive or force by arousing fear: 'The suspect was --------ed into confessing.'`frighten
To drive or incite (a person) by -----ing`taunt
To drive or strike (a weapon, for example) forcefully onto or into something else`smite
To drive or strike (a weapon, for example) forcefully onto or into something else`smote
To drive out an evil spirit`exorcize
To droop, as in sitting or standing: slouch`slump
To droop or hang carelessly, as a hat`slouch
To drop oneself to a lower or less erect position: 'I ---- back in my chair. The pilgrims ---- to their knees.'`fell
To drop oneself to a lower or less erect position: 'I fell back in my chair. The pilgrims fell to their knees.'`fall
To drop oneself to a lower or less erect position: 'I fell back in my chair. The pilgrims fell to their knees.'`fallen
To drop oneself to a lower or less erect position: 'I fell back in my chair. The pilgrims fell to their knees.'`falling
To drop oneself to a lower or less erect position: 'I fell back in my chair. The pilgrims fell to their knees.'`falls
To dry, brown, or parch by exposing to heat`roast
To dry, brown, or parch by exposing to heat`roasting
To dwell or reside in`occupied
To ease or relieve (pain, for example)`soothe
To ease physically: relieve`comfort
To eat or drink a small quantity of`tastes
To eat very little or abstain from certain foods, especially as a religious discipline`fasted
To eat with pleasure`munch
To educate in matters of culture and refinement: make more polished or sophisticated`civilize
To eject liquid in a jet`squirt
To eliminate completely: annihilate.  erase`expunge
To embitter`envenom
To emerge and develop rapidly`sprout
To emit air or vapor`exhale
To emit a similar sound: 'willows ----ing in the wind.'`sigh
To emit a sudden and abundant flow, as of tears`gush
To emit the continuous droning sound of a bee on the wing: buzz`hum
To emit the continuous droning sound of a bee on the wing: buzz`hummed
To emit the continuous droning sound of a bee on the wing: buzz`humming
To emit the continuous droning sound of a bee on the wing: buzz`hums
To empty (material) out of a container or vehicle: '----ed the load of stones.'`dump
To empty of occupants or incumbents`vacate
To enable to withstand physical or mental hardship`harden
To enclose or confine on all sides so as to bar escape or outside communication`surround
To enclose snugly or firmly`embed
To encroach: trespass: 'Do not ------- on my privacy.'`impinge
To endeavor to obtain or reach: '---- a college education.'`seek
To endeavor to obtain or reach: 'seek a college education.'`seeking
To endeavor to obtain or reach: 'seek a college education.'`sought
To end in a particular way: 'Their profligate lifestyle ------ed in bankruptcy.'`result
To end or decide, as by judicial action`determine
To endorse (another's signature), as for a loan`cosign
To endure: suffer: '------- great hardship.'`undergo
To endure: suffer: 'undergo great hardship.'`underwent
To end war, fighting, or violence in: establish peace in`pacified
To end war, fighting, or violence in: establish peace in`pacify
To enfold or constrict`swathed
To engage, hire, or order in advance.  book`bespeak
To engage in a course of reasoning often based on inconclusive evidence.  think`speculate
To engage in argument by discussing opposing points`debate
To engage in diligently: practice: 'plied the carpenter's trade.'  handle`ply
To engage in diligently: practice: '----- the carpenter's trade.'  handle`plied
To engage in many love affairs, especially with a frivolous or casual attitude. Used of a man`philander
To engage in uproarious festivities: make merry`revel
To engage the temporary use of for a fee: rent: '---- a car for the day.'`hire
To engrave (designs or writing, for example) into a surface: carve`incise
To enhance or decorate with or as if with ornaments:  [He] requires the presence of titles to legitimate and -----... his imperfect status (Cynthia`adorn
To enlarge or amplify unduly or improperly: aggrandize`inflate
To enlarge or increase to an abnormal degree: 'thick lenses that ----------d the size of her eyes.'`exaggerate
To enlist (a person or persons) or invest (capital) in an enterprise`embark
To enslave`enthrall
To enter, depart, or become diffused gradually`seep
To enter, depart, or become diffused gradually`seeped
To enter into and permeate: 'The insistent rhythm of piano practice ---------d each room of the house.'`penetrate
To entertain sumptuously with food and drink: provide a feast for`regale
To entreat earnestly and often repeatedly: exhort`urge
To entreat earnestly and often repeatedly: exhort`urges
To equip (a military unit) with motor vehicles, such as tanks and trucks`mechanize
To equip or supply with an ability: enable: Computers... ------- students to become intellectual explorers (Edward B. Fiske)`empower
To equip or supply with a talent or quality: 'Nature -----ed you with a beautiful singing voice.'`endow
To equip with better weapons`rearm
To err is human, to forgive....`divine
To erupt or explode`belch
To escape from a liquid as bubbles: bubble up`effervesce
To escape from: '------ one's creditors.'`outrun
To escape from: 'outrun one's creditors.'`outran
To escape or pass through a breach or flaw: 'helium ----ing slowly from the balloon.'`leak
To escape the understanding or grasp of: 'a name that has always -----d me: a metaphor that -----d them.'  escape`elude
To establish securely, as in the mind or consciousness: instill: 'habits that had been -------ed early in childhood.'`implant
To establish the foundation or basis of: base: 'found a theory on firm evidence.'`founded
To establish the foundation or basis of: base: 'found a theory on firm evidence.'`founding
To establish the foundation or basis of: base: 'found a theory on firm evidence.'`founds
To estimate the quality, amount, size, and other features of: judge.  estimate`appraise
To evade (an obligation, for example) by cunning, trickery, or deceit: 'kept dodging the reporter's questions.'`dodge
To evade: dodge: 'duck responsibility: ------ the reporter's question.'`ducked
To evade payment of: '---- one's debts.'`bilk
To evaluate anew: reappraise`revalue
To evaporate or cause to evaporate`volatilize
"to everything there is a season" is the subtitle of what 1960 hit`turn turn turn
To evoke a feeling of shared emotion or belief: (It is a demonology [that] seems to -------- among secular and religious voters alike (Tamar Jacoby)`resonate
To examine, analyze, or criticize in minute detail: '-------ed the plan afterward to learn why it had failed.'  analyze`dissect
To examine and judge carefully: appraise.  estimate`evaluate
To examine in order to note the similarities or differences of`compare
To examine or consider (a subject) in speech or writing`discuss
To exceed or surpass: Material development --------ped human development (Edith Hamilton). excel`outstrip
To excite (another) pleasurably, superficially or erotically`titillate
To excite emotionally: 'The children were psyched to see the circus.'`psyching
To excite emotionally: 'The children were psyched to see the circus.'`psychs
To exclude or prevent (someone) from a given condition or activity: 'Modesty --------s me from accepting the honor.'`preclude
To execute a dive in athletic competition`dived
To execute a dive in athletic competition`diving
To execute a dive in athletic competition`dove
To exercise (authority or influence, for example) effectively.  handle`wield
To exert a supreme, guiding influence on or over: 'Ambition --------d their lives.'`dominate
To exert control over: Managing the news... is the oldest game in town (James Reston).A major crisis to be ------d loomed on the horizon (Time)`manage
To exert control over: Managing the news... is the oldest game in town (James Reston).A major crisis to be managed loomed on the horizon (Time)`manages
To exhaust physically or emotionally`frazzle
To exhibit a decreasing illuminated area from full moon to new moon`wane
To exhibit in abundance: 'a face that -----d self-satisfaction.'`exude
To exhibit irresolution or indecision: vacillate: '------- over buying a house.'  hesitate`wavered
To exhilarate or stupefy as if with alcohol`inebriate
To exist in a given place or state: '----- in joy.'`dwell
To exist in a suppressed state: 'Revolution smoldered in the masses.'`smoulder
To exist or continue in miserable or disheartening conditions: '--------ed away in prison.'`languish
To exist over a prolonged period: last`continue
To expand: gain: 'The business grew under new owners.'`grow
To expand: gain: 'The business grew under new owners.'`grown
To expand: gain: 'The business ---- under new owners.'`grew
To expand or enlarge: '-------ed a national corporation into a worldwide business.'`develop
To explain in detail: elucidate: 'The speaker -------ed the approach of positive thinking.'  explain`expound
To explode`burst
To explode or detonate`fulminate
To expose (a photographic film or plate) too long or with too much light`overexpose
To expose: reveal`uncloak
To expose to great heat`broil
To expose to oxygen, as in the oxygenation of the blood by respiration`aerate
To express at length or in detail: enlarge on: '------ed his remarks afterward.'`expand
To express a wish for: request`desire
To express disapproval of or regret for: deplore: Tom Brokaw of NBC News recently ------ed the cancer of the sound bite afflicting Presidential`bemoan
To express in systematic terms or concepts`formulate
To express in words: 'Say what's on your mind.'`said
To express in words: 'Say what's on your mind.'`say
To express or declare a strong belief, especially to make a declaration of faith`testified
To express sentiment or enthusiasm effusively or incoherently: gush`slobber
To express sorrow or grief over`deplore
To express sorrow or unhappiness over: ------ing the possible effects of double-digit unemployment (Washington Post)`bewail
To extend`distend
To extend hospitality toward: '--------- friends at dinner.'`entertain
To extend: run: 'The river passes through our land.'`passed
To extend: run: 'The river passes through our land.'`passer
To extract a tenth from - is a definition of which verb`decimate
To extract (liquid) by twisting or compressing. Often used with out`wring
To extract (liquid) by twisting or compressing. Often used with out`wrung
To exude in droplets, as moisture from certain cheeses or sap from a tree`sweating
To exult loudly, as over another's defeat: boast.  boast1`crowed
To fail to care for or attend to properly: '-------s her appearance.'`neglect
To fail to discharge. Used of a firearm`misfire
To fail to distinguish: mix up: '-------- fiction and fact.'`confound
To fail to fulfill an obligation`welch
To fail to perceive, understand, or experience: 'completely missed the point of the film.'`missing
To fail to perceive, understand, or experience: 'completely ------ the point of the film.'`missed
To fail to take advantage of: lose a chance for: '--------ed an opportunity to go to college.'`squander
To 'fall off the wagon' does not refer to drunkenness. It actually references __________. 'Up on the wagon' refers to drunkenness from the days of beer wagons.`sobriety
To fall or drop to a lower level, especially to go down slowly or in stages: 'The water in the lake sank several feet during the long, dry summer.'`sink
To fall or drop to a lower level, especially to go down slowly or in stages: 'The water in the lake sank several feet during the long, dry summer.'`sunk
To fall or drop to a lower level, especially to go down slowly or in stages: 'The water in the lake ---- several feet during the long, dry summer.'`sank
To fall or roll end over end: 'The kittens ------d over each other.'`tumble
To fascinate by or as if by hypnosis`hypnotize
To fashion or shape in this way: '------- a toy boat.'`whittle
To fasten by drawing together the parts or sides and knotting with strings or laces: '---d her shoes.'`tie
To fasten by drawing together the parts or sides and knotting with strings or laces: 'tied her shoes.'`tying
To fasten by passing through or around`reeved
To fasten or secure (clothing, for example) with a belt or band`gird
To fasten or secure (clothing, for example) with a belt or band`girds
To fasten or secure (clothing, for example) with a belt or band`girt
To fasten or wrap by encircling, as with a belt or ribbon`bind
To fasten together in this way`clinch
To feed fuel to and tend the fire of (a furnace)`stoke
To feed fuel to and tend the fire of (a furnace)`stokes
To feel a quiver of emotion`vibrate
To feel a quiver of emotion`vibratory
To feel deep pity, sympathy, or tenderness: '-----ed over the child's fate.'`yearn
To feel fear or anxiety: 'I ------- at the very thought of it.'`tremble
To feel loathing for: abhor`execrate
To feel or exhibit signs of humiliation or embarrassment`squirm
To feel or exhibit the effects of fatigue or exhaustion: weaken markedly: His brain ----ed from hitherto unprecedented weariness (Vladimir Nabokov)`wilt
To feel such regret for past conduct as to change one's mind regarding it: '------ed of intemperate behavior.'`repent
To feel such regret for past conduct as to change one's mind regarding it: '-------- of intemperate behavior.'`repented
To feel sympathy or compassion`ache
To fence in so as to prevent common use: '-------d the pasture.'`enclose
To fence in so as to prevent common use: 'enclosed the pasture.'`inclose
To fertilize (an ovum, for example)`impregnate
To fertilize (land)`fatten
To fill (a place or container) by packing tightly`stow
To fill narrow openings in`chink
To fill or cause to be filled with something: '------d them with a love of the land.'`infuse
To fill too full: overload`overcharge
To fill too tightly`cram
To fill too tightly`crams
To find a 'Glomerulus', you would need to look in what organ of your body`Kidney
To find a 'Loop of Henle', you would need to look in what organ of your body`kidney
to find an 'atrium', you would need to look in what organ of your body`heart
To find by searching, examining, or experimenting: '------ the source of error.'`locate
To find fault or criticize for petty reasons: cavil`quibble
To find fault with`reprove
To finely sharpen a cutting edge`hone
To fish in by trailing a baited line: '----- the lake for bass.'`troll
To fit or join the parts of (something) together again: '----------d the toaster after fixing it.'`reassemble
To fit or join the parts of (something) together again: 'reassembled the toaster after fixing it.'`reassign
To fit or provide (a person) with clothes made to that person's measurements`tailor
To fit together the parts or pieces of: '-------- a machine: -------- data.'`assemble
To fix fast: impale`transfix
To fix firmly or securely: Today managed care plans are --------ed in the economy, enrolling 61 percent of the population (Peter T. Kilborn)`entrench
To fix firmly or securely: (Today managed care plans are entrenched in the economy, enrolling 61 percent of the population (Peter T. Kilborn)`intrench
To fix in place: secure.  fasten`moor
To fix in the mind or memory: memorize: '-----ed the speech in a few hours.'`learn
To fix in the mind or memory: memorize: 'learned the speech in a few hours.'`learner
To fix in the mind or memory: memorize: 'learned the speech in a few hours.'`learns
To fix or set by authority or by mutual agreement: 'will ------- a date for the examination.'`appoint
To fix the position of (a joint or fractured limb), as with a splint or cast`immobilize
To fix to: attach: '------ a charm to the bracelet.'`append
To flicker: quiver: and ------ like a flame (Robert Browning)`bicker
To flood (a market) with an excess of goods so that supply exceeds demand`glut
To flood with water, as for washing`swill
To flow like spittle or saliva`drivel
To flow or swirl copiously`swoosh
To flow with such undulations or waves on the surface`ripple
To flurry or swirl about`scurried
To fly by a quick light flapping of the wings`flutter
To focus one's eyes or attention on: '------ a faint object.'`fixate
To follow a planned course on, across, or through: '-------- a stream.'`navigate
To follow immediately after: ensue`supervene
To fool around: fritter time away`fart
To fool around: fritter time away`farting
To fool: dupe: Snookered by a lot of malarkey about drilling costs, a Texas jury... added $3 billion of punitive damages (New Republic)`snooker
To forbid, hinder, or prevent`debar
To forbid or debar, especially authoritatively.  forbid`interdict
To form an ---------ion with: cross: 'The road ---------s the highway a mile from here.'`intersect
To form an opinion about: evaluate: (While an author is yet living we -------- his powers by his worst performance (Samuel Johnson)`estimate
To form an ulcer`fester
To form by hollowing out`excavate
To form, construct, or create anew, especially in an improved state`regenerate
To form in this manner: '----- a length of rope from strands of hemp.'`twist
To form into a coiled or spiral shape: '----ed the ends of the ribbon.'`curl
To form or produce by chemical synthesis`synthesize
To form (thread or yarn) in this manner`spins
To form (thread or yarn) in this manner`spun
To formulate a plan for: devise: '------ed a marketing strategy for the new product.'`design
To form (yarn or thread) into fabric by intertwining`knit
To foster the development of: promote: Athens was an imperial city, -------ed by the tribute of subjects (V. Gordon Childe)`nourish
To free from a bridle`unbridled
To free from an obstruction`unplug
To free from a responsibility, obligation, or task`exonerate
To free from a sealed or constrained state`uncork
To free from evil spirits or malign influences`exorcise
To free from pain, anxiety, or distress`relieve
To free from pain, anxiety, or distress`relieves
To free from restraint, pressure, or strictness`loosen
To free from something that binds, fastens, or holds back: let go: '-------d the balloons: -------d a flood of questions.'`release
To free from something that binds or restrains: '----- a horse from a tree.'`untie
To free from something that binds or restrains: 'untie a horse from a tree.'`untying
To frustrate or thwart: I will not ---------- the confidence you have put in me (Wayne A. Budd)`disappoint
To frustrate (plans, for example) by throwing into disorder: disarrange`disconcert
To fulfill the requirements of: 'did my duty at all times.'`does
To fulfill the requirements of: 'did my duty at all times.'`doing
To fulfill the requirements of: 'did my duty at all times.'`done
To fulfill the requirements of: '--- my duty at all times.'`did
Tofu or Bean Curd is a staple food in much of Asia. From what beans is it made`soya beans
To furnish as return for effort or investment: be productive of: 'an investment that -----s high percentages.'`yield
To furnish or equip with: '-------- sheets for every bed.'`supplied
To furnish with a`disguise
To furnish with an`inset
To furnish with a right or claim to something: 'The coupon -------s the bearer to a 25 percent savings. Every citizen is -------d to equal protection under`entitle
To furnish with battlements for defense`embattled
To furnish with clothing`dress
To furnish with stitches for the purpose of closing, fastening, or attaching: '--- an incision closed.'`sew
To furnish with stitches for the purpose of closing, fastening, or attaching: 'sew an incision closed.'`sewing
To furnish with the qualities necessary for performance: 'an education that will equip you to handle such problems.'  furnish`equipped
To furnish with the qualities necessary for performance: 'an education that will ----- you to handle such problems.'  furnish`equip
To gain a tactical advantage over (a competitor, for example)`outflank
To gain possession or control of, as in a game or contest: '------- the queen in chess: -------d the liberal vote.'`capture
To gain the advantage over (another) by cleverness or forethought: outwit`outguess
To gather: collect`cull
To gaze intently: stare`pore
To get by one's own efforts: 'acquire proficiency in math.'`acquirable
To get going: move along`mosey
To get hold of: gain or win: 'a show that copped four awards: copped a ticket to the game.'`copping
To get or effect surreptitiously or artfully: '----- a kiss: stole the ball from an opponent.'`steal
To get or effect surreptitiously or artfully: 'steal a kiss: ----- the ball from an opponent.'`stole
To get out of a vehicle`dismount
To get out of bed: '---- at dawn.'`rose
To get out of bed: 'rose at dawn.'`rise
To get out of bed: 'rose at dawn.'`rises
To get out of bed: 'rose at dawn.'`rising
To get over (something) by the passage of time: outgrow: He... may outwear those unattractive qualities of character (Westminster Gazette)`outwore
To get over (something) by the passage of time: outgrow: He... may outwear those unattractive qualities of character (Westminster Gazette)`outworn
To get rid of as if by tearing up by the roots: 'Their goal was to eradicate poverty.'  abolish.  eliminate`eradicable
To get the better of: defeat`pip
To get with great effort or strain. Used with out: '--- a bare existence from farming in an arid area.'`eke
To give a completely different form or appearance to: transform: 'changed the yard into a garden.'`changes
To give a darker hue to`darken
To give a failing grade to`flunk
To give a failing grade to`flunking
To give a false or misleading account of: misrepresent`distort
To give a light rap with: '--- a pencil.'`tap
To give a light rap with: 'tap a pencil.'`tapped
To give an account of (events, for example). describe`narrate
To give an account of (events, for example). describe`narrator
To give a name or title to: characterize`designate
To give a name to at baptism`christen
To give a name to: designate`denominate
To give and receive reciprocally: interchange: '-------- gifts: -------- ideas.'`exchange
To give an often deceptively attractive or improved appearance to`gild
To give an often deceptively attractive or improved appearance to`gilds
To give an often deceptively attractive or improved appearance to`guild
To give an often deceptively attractive or improved appearance to`guilds
To give a push or shake to: nudge: '---ged her dozing companion with her elbow.'`jog
To give a push or shake to: nudge: 'jogged her dozing companion with her elbow.'`jogs
To give as a responsibility or put into another's care: entrust: 'confided the task of drafting the report to her assistant.'`confider
To give as a responsibility or put into another's care: entrust: '-------d the task of drafting the report to her assistant.'`confide
To give as a trust to (someone): '-------ed his aides with the task.'  commit`entrust
To give as a trust to (someone): 'entrusted his aides with the task.'  commit`intrust
To give as legally due: '-----ed damages to the plaintiff.'`award
To give a wavelike appearance or form to`undulate
To give (a woman) in marriage`espouse
To give back, either in return or in compensation: '----- kindness with kindness.'`repay
To give back or show an image of (an object): mirror`reflect
To give back or show an image of (an object): mirror`reflects
To give expression to in words: '---- treason.'`talk
To give forth a mournful or ominous sound`knell
To give full discretionary power`carte blanche
To give greater scope to: expand.  increase`enlarge
To give information to: inform or instruct`enlighten
To give (money) in exchange for goods or services: 'paid four dollars for a hamburger: paid an hourly wage.'`pay
To give (money) in exchange for goods or services: 'paid four dollars for a hamburger: paid an hourly wage.'`payed
To give (money) in exchange for goods or services: 'paid four dollars for a hamburger: paid an hourly wage.'`paying
To give (money) in exchange for goods or services: 'paid four dollars for a hamburger: paid an hourly wage.'`pays
To give new freshness or brightness to: restore`refresh
To give new freshness or brightness to: restore`refreshes
To give new freshness or brightness to: restore`refs
To give off light or be lighted in sudden or intermittent bursts`flash
To give off light or be lighted in sudden or intermittent bursts`flashed
To give off light or be lighted in sudden or intermittent bursts`flashes
To give off light or be lighted in sudden or intermittent bursts`flashing
To give or apply in a formal way: '---------- the last rites.'`administer
To give orders to: direct`instruct
To give or expend with reluctance: '--------d every penny spent.'`begrudge
To give or make available: provide: '------ assistance.'`render
To give or pledge (one's word or oath, for example)`plight
To give out as sound: utter: (She ----ted her small strange laugh (Edith Wharton)`emit
To give permission for: sanction: 'the city agency that ---------s construction projects.'`authorize
To give rise to: produce: 'That remark ------d a stir.'`create
To give support or substance to: the public awareness that must -------- a sustained and concerted development effort for Africa and its youth (Barber`underpin
To give support to: foster: 'policies designed to --------- private investment.'`encourage
To give up all resistance: acquiesce.  yield`capitulate
To give up (a position, for example), especially by formal notification`resign
To give variety to: make diverse: '---- one's diet.'`vary
To give variety to: make diverse: 'vary one's diet.'`varied
To give variety to: make varied`variegate
To give voice to: articulate: '-------- popular sentiment.'`vocalize
To give way: collapse: 'an ego that -------s under pressure.'`crumble
To give what is desired to: indulge: '--------- her curiosity.'`gratified
To give wrong instructions or directions to`misdirect
To glorify, praise, or honor`exalt
To glow, especially with a reddish color: 'The sky -----ed pink at dawn.'`flush
To goad to action: incite`prod
To go after in or as if in pursuit: The wrong she had done ------ed her and haunted her dream (Katherine Anne Porter)`follow
To go after in or as if in pursuit: The wrong she had done followed her and haunted her dream (Katherine Anne Porter)`following
To go around: bypass: '----------ed the city.'`circumvent
To go astray or be lost in transit, as mail or cargo`miscarried
To go beyond: surpass`overpass
To go by an indirect route or at no set pace: amble: '------ toward town.'`wander
To go customarily or frequently: repair`resort
To go from place to place as a salesperson or agent`travel
To go into the water for swimming or other recreation`bathe
To go or happen: 'How does it ---- with you?'`fare
To go or move at a`canter
To go or travel on foot: '----ed to the store.'`walk
To go to as a customer, especially on a regular basis`patronize
To go to bed`retires
To go to see or spend time at (a place) with a certain intent: 'visit a museum: ------- London.'`visited
To go without taking or removing: 'left my book on the bus.'`leave
To grab: snatch`nab
To grab: snatch`nabs
To grant consent or leave to (someone): authorize: '------ted him to explain.'`permit
To grant, especially as being due or appropriate: '------ed the President the proper deference.'`accord
To grasp or grip tightly: '------ed the steering wheel.'`clench
To grasp with the mind: apprehend: '----- an idea and develop it to the fullest extent.'`seize
To grill meat on a rack over charcoal`charbroil
To grind and knead (rubber, for example) into a pulp`masticate
To grope awkwardly to find or to accomplish something: '------ for a key.'`fumble
To grow beyond or too large for`overgrew
To grow bored or impatient`tire
To grow vigorously: flourish: the wild deer that ------ here (Tom Clancy)`throve
To grow vigorously: flourish: the wild deer that throve here (Tom Clancy)`thrive
To guarantee as meeting a standard: 'butter that was --------- Grade A.'  approve`certified
To guide or direct in a course: '---- a horse by the halter.'  guide`lead
To guide or direct in a course: 'lead a horse by the halter.'  guide`leading
To hammer the headless end of so as to form a head and fasten something`rivet
To hamper by discouraging: deter`discourage
To hang or droop laxly: 'a pennant ----ing from the mast.'`loll
To hanker: yearn`hone
To hanker: yearn`hones
To hanker: yearn`honing
To happen at the same time or during the same period`coincide
To harass or disturb by repeated attacks`annoy
To harden or dry (something) by subjecting to heat in or as if in an oven: '---- bricks.'`bake
To harvest (a crop)`reap
To harvest (a crop)`reapply
To have a basis: reside or lie: 'The beauty of the artist's style -------s in its simplicity.'`consist
To have a beginning: commence.  begin`start
To have a bright, warm, usually reddish color: 'The children's cheeks ----ed from the cold.'`glow
To have a differing opinion: 'She --------s with him on everything. They say it will rain, but I --------.'`disagree
To have a high opinion of: esteem or respect`admire
To have a moral obligation to render or offer: 'I --- them an apology.'`owe
To have an area or range in common with`overlap
To have an irritating effect on: 'The racket from the street ------d my nerves.'`jangle
To have as a consequence or necessary circumstance: imply or entail: 'His evasiveness ---------d complicity.'`implicate
To have as a necessary feature or consequence: entail: 'was told that the job would ------- travel.'  include`involve
To have as a quality, characteristic, or other attribute: '-------ed great tact.'`possess
To have as a quality, characteristic, or other attribute: 'possessed great tact.'`possessor
To have as a supply: '---- an ax in the shed.'`keep
To have as a supply: 'keep an ax in the shed.'`keeping
To have as a supply: 'keep an ax in the shed.'`kept
To have control over: 'For a time, enemy planes ---ed the skies.'`own
To have control over: 'For a time, enemy planes owned the skies.'`owning
To have difficulty holding: balance insecurely: '------d the ball but finally caught it: shook hands while juggling a cookie and a teacup.'`juggle
To have difficulty holding: balance insecurely: 'juggled the ball but finally caught it: shook hands while juggling a cookie and a teacup.'`juggles
To have doubts about: distrust: 'I ------- his motives.'`suspect
To have life: live: 'one of the worst actors that ever -----ed.'`exist
To have lively or boisterous fun: romp: 'The children ------ed in the water, splashing and ducking each other.'`cavort
To have on one's person: pack: 'toting guns.'`tote
To have or contain alliteration`alliterate
To have or take charge of: control.  conduct`direct
To have or take charge of: control.  conduct`directs
To have the catchy sound of a simple, repetitious rhyme or doggerel`jingle
To have the catchy sound of a simple, repetitious rhyme or doggerel`jingling
To have the use or benefit of: '------ good health.'`enjoys
To have the use or benefit of: '-----s good health.'`enjoy
To have too little regard or esteem for`undervalue
To hear or see (information, for example): '------- bad news: -------d a good report of the group's activities.'`receive
To hear or see (information, for example): 'receive bad news: received a good report of the group's activities.'`receives
To help create her signature sexy walk, actress _______ ________ sawed off part of the heel of one shoe.`Marilyn Monroe
To help (domestic industry) with tariffs or quotas on imported goods`protect
To help (domestic industry) with tariffs or quotas on imported goods`protects
'Toheroa Soup' is a traditional dish from which country`new zealand
To hit (a ball, for example) back and forth`bandied
To hit (a ball, for example) back and forth`bandy
To hit at something with a sweeping motion of the arm: '----- at the ball.'`swung
To hit at something with a sweeping motion of the arm: 'swung at the ball.'`swing
To hit or strike: 'was dinged on the head by a ball.'`dinging
To hit or strike: 'was ----ed on the head by a ball.'`ding
Toho film studios produced most of which series of films`godzilla
To hoist (something): heave`heft
To hoist (something): heave`hefting
To hold (a person) back: prevent: '--------ed them from going.'`restrain
To hold firmly and steadfastly to a purpose, state, or undertaking despite obstacles, warnings, or setbacks`persist
To hold motionless: spellbind`fascinate
To hold responsible: credit: 'We can ----- the parade for this traffic jam.'`thank
To hold steadfastly to: cherish: 'He still hugs his outmoded beliefs.'`hugged
To hold up: rob`heist
To hold within limits: enclose`enfold
To honor with a new title or description`dub
To honor with a new title or description`dubs
To humble (oneself). degrade`demean
To hurl, knock, or thrust with sudden violence`dash
To hurt or injure by maltreatment: ill-use`abuse
To hypnotize`mesmerize
To identify (a person) as having a particular disease or condition by means of a diagnosis`diagnose
toilets in australia flush ---------- clockwise`counter
To imagine or picture to oneself in advance`prefigure
To imbue with militarism`militarize
To immerse in liquid for a period of time`soak
To impair steadily: deteriorate: Doubt and mistrust could creep into our lives, corroding personal and professional relationships (Philip Taubman)`corrode
To impair the respiration of: asphyxiate`suffocate
To impair the soundness, perfection, or integrity of: spoil`mar
To impair the soundness, perfection, or integrity of: spoil`mars
To impart (information or news, for example) by telephone`phoned
To impart interest or zest to: enliven: The party was -------d by all kinds of men and women (Ren  Dubos)`animate
To impart new health, vigor, or spirit to`revive
To impart new vigor to: revive`renovate
To impart the styles and manners of a city to: Will the immigration of high-powered executives somehow citify the country? (Wharton Magazine)`citified
To impede the force or movement of`baffle
To impose a handicap on: place at a disadvantage`penalize
To impose the separation of (a race or class) from the rest of society`segregate
To impregnate: fertilize`fecundate
To impress, deter, or intimidate by a false display of confidence`bluff
To improve or change (a photographic negative or print), as by adding details or removing flaws`retouch
To improve the morals of: reform`moralize
To improve the quality of (livestock) by selective breeding for desired characteristics`upgrade
To impute: attribute: '----- blame to him.'`affix
To include: contain: The word politics... --------s, in itself, a difficult study of no inconsiderable magnitude (Charles Dickens). include`comprise
To include in a specification`specified
To include in the biblical canon`canonize
To inconvenience`disoblige
To incorporate into a prevailing group`mainstream
To incorporate (territory) into an existing political unit such as a country, state, county, or city`annex
To increase in force, size, number, or degree: 'Membership in the club -----ed.'`swell
To increase in force, size, number, or degree: 'Membership in the club swelled.'`swollen
To increase: raise: '----- prices: efforts to ----- participation in the program.'`boost
To increase temporarily the activity of (a body organ or part)`stimulate
To increase the amplitude, intensity, or volume of`elevate
To increase the contrast of (a photographic image)`intensify
To increase the gravity or intensity of: a scene... that ----------s his rose fever and makes him sneeze (Samuel Beckett)`exasperate
To increase the positive charge or valence of (an element) by removing electrons`oxidize
To increase the size of their penis, the men of some African Tribes, just prior to intercourse, would have ____ ______ their penis.`bees sting
To indicate by prediction: forecast: 'leading economic indicators that ------- a recession.'`portend
To indicate conspicuously: make plain: 'wearing a button that --------ed my choice for president.'`proclaim
To indicate or communicate by signs or symbols: 'Letters of the alphabet --------- sounds.'`represent
To induce or compel (someone) to do something, especially by fraud or force: 'We were --------ed into buying worthless securities.'`shanghai
To induce to engage in sex`seduce
To induct into an office, rank, or position: 'a ceremony to ------l the new governor.'`instal
To infer from a general principle: reason deductively: '------d from the laws of physics that the new airplane would fly.'`deduce
To inflict (a blow)`strike
To inflict a penalty for (an offense)`punish
To influence beforehand against or in favor of someone or something: prejudice`prepossess
To influence or effect by or as if by magic: 'tried to ------- away the doubts that beset her.'`conjure
To influence or manage shrewdly or deviously: 'He ----------d public opinion in his favor.'`manipulate
To infuse or subject thoroughly to`steeped
To inhibit, block, or disrupt the action of (an enzyme or other biological agent)`deactivate
To initiate: begin.  found1`institute
To initiate or make a --------- connection with: place a call to`telephone
To injure so as to render harmless`scotch
To insert strips of fat or bacon in (meat) before cooking`lard
To inspect carefully: scrutinize: Two women were ------ing the other people on the platform (Thomas Wolfe). see1`survey
To install or fit (a device or system, for example) for use in or on an existing structure, especially an older dwelling`retrofit
To instill by wearying repetition: 'dinned the Latin conjugations into the students' heads.'`dinning
To instill by wearying repetition: '------ the Latin conjugations into the students' heads.'`dinned
To instill forcefully: '----bed the lesson into my head.'`drub
To institute proceedings against (a person) for redress of grievances`sue
To institute proceedings against (a person) for redress of grievances`suing
To instruct (a government agent, for example) not to reveal classified or secret information after employment has ceased`debrief
To interlace (threads, for example) into cloth`weave
To interlace (threads, for example) into cloth`wove
To interrupt periodically: (lectures ---------d by questions and discussions (Gilbert Highet).( [There is] a great emptiness in America's West ---------d by Air Force bases`punctuate
To intersperse: intermix: '---------d the testimony with half-truths.'`interlace
To, into, or toward that place: 'wouldn't go ----- again.'`there
To introduce (an ingredient, for example) into a liquid or mixture: '----red a cup of sugar into the cake batter.'`stir
To introduce (an ingredient, for example) into a liquid or mixture: 'stirred a cup of sugar into the cake batter.'`stirs
To introduce (a young woman) to society with conventional ceremony`presented
To introduce (a young woman) to society with conventional ceremony`presenting
To introduce or insert (oneself) by subtle and artful means`insinuate
To introduce to a new field, interest, skill, or activity`initiate
To introduce to a new field, interest, skill, or activity`initiator
To invalidate, destroy, or change completely: overthrow: '-----ed a popular legend.'`upend
To invent or fabricate, especially by improvisation: '--------d a swing from hanging vines.'`contrive
To invest with (a characteristic, for example): 'a carefully worded statement that conferred an aura of credibility. '`conferment
To invest with (a characteristic, for example): 'a carefully worded statement that ------red an aura of credibility. '`confer
To invest with sovereign power or with the authority of high office`enthrone
To involve in hampering or awkward complications: en`tangle
To issue from confinement or an enclosure: leak or seep out: 'Gas was escaping from the vent.'`escape
To issue from confinement or an enclosure: leak or seep out: 'Gas was escaping from the vent.'`escapes
To issue in a stream: pour forth: 'Sap flowed from the gash in the tree.'`flowing
To issue or emerge in rays or waves: 'Heat -------d from the stove.'`radiate
To issue or extend: 'poplars ------ing their branches upward: ------ out his finger.'`thrust
To join (a plant or plants) by such union`graft
To join or act together: combine: Semisweet chocolate, cocoa powder, espresso, Cognac, and vanilla all -------- to intensify [the cake's] flavor`conspire
To join or unite so as to increase in size, quantity, quality, or scope: 'added 12 inches to the deck: flowers that added beauty to the dinner table.'`adding
To join or unite so as to increase in size, quantity, quality, or scope: 'added 12 inches to the deck: flowers that added beauty to the dinner table.'`adds
To join or unite so as to increase in size, quantity, quality, or scope: '---ed 12 inches to the deck: flowers that ---ed beauty to the dinner table.'`add
To join (ropes, for example) by interweaving strands`splice
To join together again: reunite`rejoin
To join with a`tenon
To judge the merits and faults of: analyze and evaluate`criticize
To keep from possessing or enjoying: deny: 'They were -------d of a normal childhood by the war.'`deprive
To keep hidden or private`hoard
To keep in an existing state: preserve or retain: '-------- one's composure.'`maintain
To keep in custody or temporary confinement: 'The police ------ed several suspects for questioning. The disruptive students were ------ed after school until`detain
To keep in or hold back: repress: '------d my indignation.'`stifle
To keep in perfect or unaltered condition: maintain unchanged`preserve
To keep in perfect or unaltered condition: maintain unchanged`preshrunk
To keep or hold in a particular place, condition, or position`retain
To keep or hold in a particular place, condition, or position`retaining
To keep (someone) from doing something: impede: '-------ed us from winning.'`prevent
To keep (someone) from doing something: impede: 'prevented us from winning.'`prevents
To kill (oneself) by fire`immolate
To kill time`doodle
To kill: 'was ------ by an assassin's bullet.'`felled
To kill: 'was felled by an assassin's bullet.'`felling
To knock down: lay low: 'The boxer was -------ed with one punch.'`flatten
To know or identify from past experience or knowledge: '--------- hostility.'`recognize
Tokyo is the capital of ______`japan
To lam`baste
To lap or wash against`lave
To lap or wash against`laves
To lap up`lick
To lash with sweeping strokes`slash
To laugh loudly or excitedly`roar
To laugh loudly or excitedly`roars
To laugh or talk in a shrill manner`cackle
To lay down or leave behind by a natural process: 'layers of sediment that were -------ed on the ocean floor: glaciers that -------ed their debris as`deposit
To lead away from excellence or virtue`debauch
To lead into error of thought or action, especially by intentionally deceiving.  deceive`mislead
To lead or guide.  accompany`conduct
To lean over as if about to fall`topple
To leap lightly about`skip
To leap or skip about excitedly`dance
To learn by hearing: be told by others: 'I heard she got married.'`hears
To learn by ----ing: be told by others: 'I ----d she got married.'`hear
To learn or commit to memory`conned
To leave altogether: abandon: 'forsook Hollywood and returned to the legitimate stage.'`forsake
To leave out or omit from consideration: reject`eliminate
To leave the company of: 'had to quit the gathering in order to be home by midnight.'`quitted
To leave the company of: 'had to ---- the gathering in order to be home by midnight.'`quit
To lengthen in extent`prolong
To -----le`sniff
To lessen or reduce by half: '-----d the recipe to serve two.'`halve
To lessen the force or activity of: moderate: 'slaking his anger.'`slake
To lessen the force, strength, purity, or brilliance of, especially by admixture`dilute
To let saliva drip from the mouth: drool`dribble
To let the body drop heavily: 'Exhausted, I ----ped into the armchair.'`plop
To let the head fall forward when sleepy`nod
To let the head fall forward when sleepy`nods
To lie or creep in a prostrate position, as in subservience or humility`grovel
To lie partly over or on: 'each shingle lapping the next: shadows that ------ the wall.'`lapped
To lie partly over or on: 'each shingle ------- the next: shadows that lapped the wall.'`lapping
To lie scattered over or about: 'Books and papers -------ed the desk.'`bestrew
To lift upright: raise`reared
To lift upright: raise`rearing
To limit the inheritance of (property) to a specified succession of heirs`entail
To linger: tarry: '-----d for a while under the huge oak tree.'`pause
To list the items of: '-------d the expense account.'`itemize
To live as a parasite in or on: 'livestock that were ------ed with tapeworms.'`infest
To live in: inhabit: 'creatures that -------- the ocean depths.'`populate
To live in peace with another or others despite differences, especially as a matter of policy: (recognize and accept, as every President in the nuclear age has, that this means -------ingwith the`coexist
To live, room, or stay at a place: 'I'm -----ing up with my cousin till I find a place of my own.'`shack
To live, room, or stay at a place: 'I'm shacking up with my cousin till I find a place of my own.'`shacks
To look forward to, especially with pleasure: expect: '----------d a pleasant hike in the country.'`anticipate
To look or glance sideways`squint
To look or peer furtively, as from a place of concealment`peek
To look or peer furtively, as from a place of concealment`peeked
To look over quickly and systematically: '----ning the horizon for signs of land.'`scan
To loom over: 'The threat of nuclear war overhangs modern society.'`overhung
To loom over: 'The threat of nuclear war --------s modern society.'`overhang
To loosen, adjust, or remove by rotating`unscrew
To loosen or dig soil around (growing plants)`cultivate
To loosen or remove the clothing of`unlace
To lose freshness: droop`wither
To lose freshness: wither: 'summer flowers that had ----d.'`fade
To lose or cause to lose vitality or intensity: 'My enthusiasm -------ed as the project wore on. Inflation -------ed the buying power of the dollar.'`shrivel
To lose or discard in the course of maturation: 'She ------- her youthful idealism.'`outgrew
To lose stiffness, numbness, or impermeability by being warmed: 'left the frozen turkey out until it ----ed: ----ed out by sitting next to the stove.'`thaw
To lose vigor, firmness, or resilience: 'My spirits ------ after I had been rejected for the job.'`sagged
To lose vigor, firmness, or resilience: 'My spirits ---ged after I had been rejected for the job.'`sag
To lose vigor, firmness, or resilience: 'My spirits sagged after I had been rejected for the job.'`sagging
To lower the exchange value of (a currency) by lowering its gold equivalency`devalue
To lure (a person) into a swindle`shill
To lure into danger, difficulty, or a compromising situation.  catch`entrap
To luxuriate: revel: '------ in self-righteousness.'`wallow
To maintain (eggs, organisms, or living tissue) at optimal environmental conditions for growth and development`incubate
To maintain the stability of (an airplane or ship, for example) by means of a ---------r`stabilize
To make (a beverage) by boiling, steeping, or mixing various ingredients: '---- tea.'`brew
To make a careful examination or investigation of: probe: '------ one's conscience for the right solution to the problem.'`search
To make a car go backwards you have to put it in what gear`reverse
To make (a color) lighter`lighten
To make (a color) lighter`lightening
To make a daguerreotype, an early photograph, required a 15-minute average _______ time`exposure
To make a false show of: feign`dissemble
To make (a film or plate) sensitive to light, especially to light of a specific wavelength`sensitize
To make a first appearance in a public performance`premiere
To make a formal accusation or bring a formal charge`complain
To make a formal defense or justification in speech or writing`apologize
To make a formal speech to`address
To make agitated or nervous: fluster`bother
To make a great effort: struggle`agonize
To make (a hidden microphone, for example) ineffective`debug
To make (a hole) by piercing`puncture
To make (a hole, for example) by striking repeatedly with the beak or a pointed instrument`peck
To make a hole or opening in: perforate`pierce
To make (a hole or pathway, for example) by or as if by prodding, elbowing, or jabbing: 'I ----d my way to the front of the crowd.'`poke
To make (a hole or pathway, for example) by or as if by prodding, elbowing, or jabbing: 'I poked my way to the front of the crowd.'`poking
To make a humble entreaty to: beseech`supplicate
To make alive: vitalize`quicken
To make all the text align against the left or right margins is called`justification
To make a loud piercing sound: 'Jet planes ------ed through the air.'`scream
To make a loud piercing sound: 'Jet planes screamed through the air.'`screaming
To make a loud raucous cry, especially of derision or contempt`hooted
To make amends to`redress
To make an estimate of: evaluate: 'calculating the team's chances of winning.'`calculate
To make an inquiry or investigation: 'inquire into the extent of the corruption.'`enquire
To make a noise similar to noisy expulsion of air from the lungs: 'The engine -----ed and died.'`cough
To make (an opening) by ripping: '---- a hole in my stocking.'`tore
To make (an opening) by ripping: 'tore a hole in my stocking.'`tear
To make (an opening) by ripping: 'tore a hole in my stocking.'`tearing
To make (an opening) by ripping: 'tore a hole in my stocking.'`torn
To make a prolonged, high-pitched sound suggestive of a cry: 'The wind ----ed through the trees.'`wail
To make a repeated tapping sound`pitapat
To make a rush or an attack with or as if with a sudden sweeping movement. Often used with down: 'The children -----ed down on the pile of presents.'`swoop
To make a sharp snapping sound`crack
To make a sharp snapping sound`cracks
To make a shrill, discordant sound`caterwaul
To make a signal with an up-and-down or back-and-forth movement of the hand or an object held in the hand: '----d as she drove by.'`wave
To make a soft crackling sound: rustle`crinkle
To make a solemn promise: vow`swear
To make a solemn promise: vow`swore
To make a sound expressive of stress or strain: 'floorboards -----ing.'`groan
To make a sound resembling laborious breathing`wheeze
To make a sound resembling that of loud weeping`sob
To make a sound resembling that of loud weeping`sobs
To make a sound similar to this: 'The baby ------d with pleasure.'`gurgle
To make a sudden or swift attack or charge`rushing
To make (a text or language) regular and consistent, especially with respect to spelling or style`normalize
To make a usually serious mistake`blunder
To make available: afford: 'a room that -------- ample sunlight through French windows.'`provides
To make available: afford: 'a room that -------s ample sunlight through French windows.'`provide
To make a victim of`victimize
To make blurred or indistinct: '------- the difference between the two candidates: worked quickly to fuzz up the details of the scandal.'`fuzzing
To make boxing or fighting motions without hitting one's opponent`spar
To make boxing or fighting motions without hitting one's opponent`sparred
To make brown by exposure to the sun`tan
To make brown by exposure to the sun`tanned
To make brown by exposure to the sun`tans
To make by means of needlework: '--------- a design on a bedspread.'`embroider
To make by the agitation of milk or cream: '----- butter.'`churn
To make calm or still: soothe`becalm
To make compact by doubling or bending over parts: 'folded the laundry: folded the chairs for stacking.'`folding
To make compact by doubling or bending over parts: 'folded the laundry: folded the chairs for stacking.'`folds
To make confusedly intricate: complicate`perplex
To make dark and gloomy`overcloud
To make dirty: soil`besmirch
To make economical use of something: The best that can be said for this method is that it ---------s on thought (Christopher Hitchens)`economize
To make extensive structural repairs on`rebuild
To make feasible or possible: 'funds that will ------ construction of new schools.'`enable
To make firmer: strengthen: 'Working on the campaign -------ed her intention to go into politics. '`confirm
To make fit for companionship with others: make sociable`socialize
To make formal`formalize
To make fuller, more meaningful, or more rewarding: 'An appreciation of art will ------ your life.'`enrich
To make fun of: mock playfully`tease
To make fun of: mock playfully`teases
To make greater in power, influence, stature, or reputation`aggrandize
To make half a kilo of honey, bees must collect nectar from over ___ _______ individual flowers`two million`2,000,000
To make hard like brass`braze
To make high or higher: raise`heighten
To make imperfect or defective: impair`maim
To make indistinct as if by rubbing: Five years' absence had done nothing to ------ the people's memory of his firmness (Alan Moorehead). erase`efface
To make in imitation of or as a substitute for.  imitate`simulate
To make insignificant by comparison: dominate`overshadow