What is  'Broadbottom'?`A place in Greater Manchester
what is bruce wayne's heroic identity`batman
what is bruce willis' blues band called`bruno
What is BSE in humans called`cjd
What is Burma now known as`myanmar
what is c-60 nicknamed`buckminsterfullerene
what is calcium oxide`lime
what is calcium sulphate hemihydrate`plaster of paris
What is called the Sport of Kings`horse racing
What is Camilla Parker Bowles' nickname`bulldog
What is Canada nationa animal`beaver
What is Canada's highest city`kimberley
What is Canada's highest waterfall`della falls
what is canada's national animal`beaver
what is canada's national sport`lacrosse
what is canada's newest territory`nunavut
What is canis lupus`wolf
What is Cape Kennedy now called`cape canaveral
what is caused by the gravitational attraction of the moon`tides
What is caviar`fish roe
What is ccdos`chinese character disk operating system
What is celebrated in the USA on the first Monday in September`labor day
What is celebrated on 14 July in France`bastille day
What is cerumen`earwax
What is changed into a coach for Cinderella`pumpkin
What is Chartres Cathedral in France famous for having 160 of`stained glass windows
What is cher's maiden name`sarkassian
What is China's sorrow`yellow river
What is Chinese checkers played with`marbles
What is chorizo`spanish salami
What is 'chowder' a type of`thick soup
what is chowder`thick soup
what is christofer columbus known as in spanish`christobal colon
what is cipolin`marble
what is cliff richards real name`harry webb
What is close to Londons Isle of Dogs which leads it to have street names such as Cuba Street,Tobago Street etc`west india docks
What is cl the chemical symbol for`chlorine
what is collected into quires`paper
What is comedian Rodney Dangerfields real name`Jacob Cohen
What is comic strip photographer peter parker's secret identity`spiderman
What is commited if a person murders his father`patricide
What is commonly considered the fifth sense`touch
What is common spadefoot`european toad
What is compressed snow also called`neve
What is 'confederatio helvetica' in English`helvetic confederation
what is 'confederatio helvetica' in english`helvetic`underwater
What is connected to the throat by the eustachian tube`ear
What is considered history's greatest military evacuation`dunkirk
What is considered tennis's most illustrious championship`wimbledon
What is considered the luckiest number worldwide`nine
What is considered the most highly specialised mammal`whale
what is considered the sister language of english`german
What is constructed using the Isherwood system`ships
What is consumption otherwise known as`tuberculosis
What is consumption`tuberculosis
what is controlled by a rheostat`electric
What is converted into alchohol during the brewing process`sugar
What is converting raw hide into leather called`tanning
What is conway twitty's real name`harold lloyd jenkins
What is Cornelius Mcgillicuddy's stage name?`Connie Mack
What is country is furthest from the equator`transylvania
What is 'couscous' made from`semolina
what is created when the speed of sound is exceeded`Sonic boom
What is Cryptozoology the study of`extinct or legendary animals
What is Cuba's national sport, at which Castro himself was proficient`baseball
What is Cumberland sauce usually served with`game
What is cuneiform`writing system
what is currer bell's real name`charlotte`117a
what is currer bell's real name`charlotte bronte
What is cut in a vasectomy?`vas deferens
What is Dagwood's dog's name`daisy
what is 'daikon'`vegetable
what is damask`fabric
What is Damsulegna's first name`mick
what is dan quayle's first name`james
What is Dapnes butlers name in a pup named scooby doo`jenkins
What is Dave (QPR555's) favourite word`fartknocker
What is December's birthstone`zircon
What is deficient in one that suffers from beri beri`thallium
What is deficient in one that suffers from beri beri`thiamine
What is defined as 'a dramatic but unstaged musical composition for soloists, chorus and orchestra, based on a religious theme'`oratorio
What is defined as 'Dry winged fruits, as of ash or maple, often hanging with others in bunches'`keys
What is defined as "The fruit of the oak, beech, chestnut, and other forest trees, on which swine feed"`mast
What is de name of the Dutch ship that sunk at the Australian coast`hint: an authentic replica is built in hollandBatavia
What is dendrochronology`tree ring dating
What is Dennis the Menace's last name`Mitchell
What is dennis the menace's surname`mitchell
What is dermatophobia the fear of`skin
What is desserts backwards`stressed
what is 'deuterium oxide' more commonly known as`heavy water
What is Dick Turpin's horse's name`black bess
what is dirty harry's badge number`2211
What is dirty harry's surname`callahan
what is divination by means of lines and figures drawn in the earth?`geomancy
What is Dolly Parton's real first name`rebecca
What is dolomite`mineral found by limestone
what is donald duck's middle name`fauntleroy
What is Dorians surname in the TV comedy Birds of a Feather`green
what is Dorothy's job in the sitcom Men Behaving Badly`Nurse
What is dram`dynamic random access memory
What is drawing wild but politically favorable electoral districts`gerrymandering
what is dr bombay's real nationality`swedish
what is dr death's real name (he's a euthanasia facilitator)`dr jack kevorkian
What is dried marjoram called`oregano
what is dropped so a plane can land`flaps
What is dulse`an edible seaweed
What is duplex radiant ring on an electric cooker`two stage ring
What is "dutch" short for in the expression - my old dutch`duchess
What is earth's galaxy called`milky way
What is earwax`cerumen
What is e.g. an abbreviation of`Exempli gratia
What is Elton John's first band , before he started the solo career`bluesology
What is elton john's real name`reginald dwight
What is Elton John's real name`reginald kenneth dwight
what is elvis costellos real name`declan mcmanus
What is elvis presley's middle name`aaron
What is endive`lettuce
What is England's best known rifle range`bisley
What is enuresis`bed-wetting
what is epidaurus famous for?`greek theatre
What is Esperanto. A..`Language
What is e.t famous for saying`e.t phone home
What is Europe's largest island`britain
What is Europes longest river`the volga
What is Europe's longest river`volga
what is evonne cawley's maiden name?`evonne goolagong
What is exalting one's country above all others`nationalism
What is examined by an otoscope`the ear
what is excessive emphasis on financial gain`commercialism
What is excessive enthusiasm or zeal for a cause`fanaticism
What is ex-President Ronald Regan's middle name`Wilson
what is 'fax' an abbreviation of`facsimilie
what is fear of the number 13 known as`triskadekaphobia
What is 'Femidom'?`A condom for women
What is finely ground powdered sugar called`icing sugar
What is foil brand name Alcan an abbreviation of`Aluminium Of Canada
What is folk singer Peggy Seegers pop singing daughter called`kirsty mccoll
What is football called in Italy`calico
What is formed by 20 quires of paper`ream
What is formed when the Earth comes betwen the Sun and the Moon`lunar eclipse
What is formed when the moon comes between the sun and the earth`solar eclipse
What is formosa now known as`taiwan
What is Formosa otherwise known as`taiwan
What is Formula 1 team manager Prost's first name`alain
What is found alongside the radius`ulna
what is found in abundance in the north sea`oil
What is France's national flower`fleur de lys
what is france's oldest brandy`armagnac
what is francois marie arouet better known as`voltaire
What is Frasier's surname in the TV sitcom`crane
What is french national anthem`marseillaise
What is frozen carbon dioxide better known as`dry ice
what is further from the equator-------tasmania, tanzania or transylvania?`transylvania
What is ganja in jamaica`marijuana
What is General Wade famous for constructing in the scottish highlands between 1724 and 1730`roads
What is geophagy`practise of eating soil
What is Gluhwein`mulled wine
What is God called in the Muslim faith`allah
What is 'grandmother' in yiddish`bobba
What is graphically illustrated in a karnaugh diagram`logic
What is Greece's largest island`crete
What is greek pita`bread
What is green in a pure molten form`gold
What is Gregory Pecks first name`eldred
What is Grimace of the McDonald's characters`A tastebud
What is grimace of the Mcdonald's characters`tastebud
what is ground being 'rested' for a season`fallow
What is growing plants in liquids rather than soil`hydroponics
What is 'guacamole'`mexican avocado dip
what is 'guacamole'`mexican avocado`needles
What is guano`bird and bat droppings
what is gutzon borglum's most famous work`mount rushmore
what is 'gypsy rose lee' to a cockney`tea
What is haemophilia`hereditary defect that prevents blood clotting
What is haggis`sheep stomach
What is hagiology the study of`saints
what is halitosis`bad breath
What is halloween`all hallow's eve
What is Hansard`official record of debates in the house of commons
What is Harry Houdini famous for being`Escapologist
What is Harvard University's dramatic society, established in 1848, called`hasty pudding club
What is having a hole drilled through the cranium supposedly enabling people to reach a higher state of consciousness`trepanning
what is 'hawing'`speaking with hesitation
What is Hawkeye's full name in M.A.S.H.`Benjamin Franklin Pierce
What is Heaven according to Belinda Carlisle`a place on earth
What is heaven called in the Pilgrims Progress`celestial city
What is heavier, a baseball or a softball`baseball
What is hercule poirot's nationality`belgian
What is he the chemical symbol for`helium
What is histology`study of tissues
What is 'hockmagandy' in Glaswegian slang?`sex
what is 'hoi polloi' in english`the`lepers
What is 'hoi polloi' in english`the masses
what is holland also known as`netherlands
What is Holland's largest ever flood control project called`delta plan
What is Homer Simpson's favorite beer`duff
What is Homer's little brothers name?`Pepi
what is 'honcho' in english`squad`bird
What is 'honcho' in English`squad leader
what is horseshoes equivalent to a bulls-eye`ringer
what is 'hoummous'`crushed chick`oil
what is 'hoummous'`crushed chick peas
What is 'html'`hypertext markup language
What is Hugh Grant's job in the film Notting Hill`bookseller
What is hulk hogan's real name`terry bollea
what is hydroelectric project at the town of hsin-an-chiang, chekiang province, china`hsin-an river dam
What is hypertext markup language`html
what is ice cube's real name`o'shea jackson
What is ichthyology`study of fishes
What is improved if you sleep on your right side`digestion
What is in apple pips`cyanide
What is Indiana Jones main weapon?`His whip
What is indicated by the circular traffic sign showing a black car and a red car next to each other`no overtaking
What is indicated by the fine on a piece of sheet music`the end
What is installed in the world's deepest mine in carletonville`refrigeration
what is installed in the world's deepest mine in carletonville`refrigeration plant
What is interpol`international criminal police
What is Interpol short for`International Criminal Police Commision
What is iodine fuming for`latent fingerprints
What is Iola cat that died on the episode of Mamma's Family.`Midnight
What is 'Irish Moss'`seaweed
What is is group of kangaroos`troop
What is is the term for copying someone elses work`plagiarism
What is it called when a football team loses possession of the ball due to a misplay`turnover
what is it impossible to keep open while sneezing`eyes
what is it that's inside a barrel of a gun that allows a straighter flight of a bullet`rifling
What is it that turns blue litmus paper red`acid
What is it that walks on four feet in the morning, two feet at noon, and three feet in the evening`Man
What is it that walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs or uses a segway in the evening`man
what is it that you kiss to bring you the gift of the gab`blarney stone
what is it to steal property entrusted to one's care`embezzle
What is it when five or fewer water molecules bond tightly together in a ring`cluster
What is IX`9
What is jamaica's nickname`regaa boyz
What is james herriots other occupation`vet
what is 'january river' in portuguese`rio de janeiro
What is January's birthstone`garnet
What is Japanese 'sake' made from`rice
what is jiggs favorite food in the comic strip "bringing up father"`corned beef and cabbage
What is jimmy carter's middle name`earl
What is joanna lumley's role in the new avengers`purdy
What is John Powell's middle name`enoch
What is John Robertson Osbourne's stage name`ozzy osbourne
What is john wayne's real name`marion morrison
What is juliet's last name`capulet
What is June's birthstone`agate
What is Kanga's son's name in the Winnie-The-Pooh stories`baby roo
What is kaolin`pure china clay
What is katmandu the capital of`nepal
what is kept in the house to keep vampires away`garlic
What is keranothenatophobia`fear of artificial satellites falling on one's head
What is kermit d frog's girlfriend's name`miss piggy
What is Kimberley, South Africa renowned for`diamonds
What is Kimberley, South Africa well known for`diamonds
What is known as amundsen scott station`south pole
What is known as The Bishops Stone`amethyst
What is known as the 'Eternal City'`rome
What is known as 'the father of waters'`mississippi river
What is known as the graveyard of the Atlantic`Sable Island
What is known as the Lost Continent`atlantis
What is known as the " Palace of the Peak"`chatsworth house
What is known as The Royal Disease`haemophilia
what is known as the royal game`chess
what is known as the ship of the desert`Camel
What is known as the universal solvent`water
What is known to Pentagon procurement people as a "portable handheld communications inscriber"`a pen`pen
What is kohlrabi`vegetable
what is kojak's first name`theo
What is Kris Kristoffersons CB handle in Convoy`rubber duck
What island colony was founded by Sir Thomas Stanford Raffles`singapore
What island country do Cyprians call home`cyprus
What island did Aristotle and Jacqueline Onassis honeymoon on`Skorpios
What island did Balki from Perfect Strangers call home?`Mypos
What island did ernest hemingway spend much of his writing life on`cuba
What island do most of the North Atlantic icebergs come from`greenland
what island got its name from the portuguese words for bearded fig tree?`barbados
what island group contains jersey, guernsey, sark and herm`the channel islands
What island group is off the east coast of southern south america`falkland
what island group is off the east coast of southern south america`falkland`everest
What island group is off the east coast of southern South America`falkland islands
What island group provides the sheltered port of Scapa Flow`orkneys
What island has been called the jewel of the mediterranean`sicily
What island has Hamilton as its capital`Bermuda
What island in San Francisco Bay once was the site of a prison`alcatraz
What island is due south of Corsica`sardinia
What island is known as the Spice Island`Zanzibar
What island is the boot of Italy kicking`sicily
What island is the Canadian city of Victoria found on`vancouver
What island nation was the first country to lagalize abortion, in 1935`Iceland
what island's attractions include dunn's river falls and rose hall`jamaica
What island's entire population was awarded the George Cross`malta
What islands get their name from the Spanish word "cayo", meaning rock or islet`florida keys
What islands got their name from the Spanish 'baja mar', meaning 'shallow water'`bahamas
What islands population was awarded the George Cross`malta
What islands were named after Prince Philip of Spain`the philippines
What islands were once called the "fortunate islands" or "isles of the blest"`canary islands`canary
What island was first sighted from a dutch ship on easter day 1772`easter
What island was Napoleon first exiled to`elba
What island was Napoleon's first home in exhile`elba
what island was seized by indian activists in 1969`alcatraz
what is largest us city ever to default on its financial obligations?`cleveland
What is LCD an abbreviation of`Liquid Crystal Display
What is leslie west's nickname`mountain
What is likely to have a watermark`paper
what is l'il abner's son named`honest abe
what is Lily Savage's real name`Paul O'Grady
What is limnology the study of`lakes
What is linda mccartney's maiden name`eastman
What is liquid clay used in pottery`slip
What is liquor distilled from the fermented mash of cereal grains and containing about 40 to 50 percent ethyl alcohol by volume?`Whiskey
What is located at 350 Fifth Avenue in New York city`empire state building
What is london's most famous book shop`foyles
What is MacGyver's first name?`Stace
What is Madame Tussaud's`wax museum
What is made by heating carbon plasma to 20,000 degrees and condensing it under ultra high pressure`diamonds
What is made from a tree bark that turns a gin pink`angostura bitters
what is made from chicle`Chewing gum
What is made from the bark of the cinchona tree`quinine
What is made from wood pulp`cellophane
What is made of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene and covered with 100% pure blue wool`a policemans helmet
What is made of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene and covered with 100% pure blue wool`policemans hat
What is made of fermented grape juice`wine
What is made up of England, Scotland, Wales & Ireland`united kingdom
What is made up of the duodenum, jejenum and ileum`small intestine
What is made with a mix of charcoal, saltpetre and sulphur`gunpowder
what is madonnas surname`ciccone
what is mafia lingo for 'our thing'`la cosa nostra
What is "Magic" Johnson's first name`earvin
What is magma`hot molten rock
What is mainland europes most heavily populated city`paris
What is Manchester United's home stadium called`old trafford
what is manchester united's nickname`busby babes
what is man's most common ailment`headache
What is man's most common pain`headache
What is marchpane`marzipan
what is march's birthstone`aquamarine
What is Margaret Thatcher's middle name`hilda
what is mark russell's favorite topic for humor?`american politics
What is Martha's Vineyard`an island
What is Martin's Favourite video game?`My Diner With Andre
What is Martin's IQ?`216
What is maryland's state song`maryland my maryland
what is mary westmacott's real name`agatha christie
What is mauna kea`volcano
What is max in 'the grinch who stole christmas`dog
What is Max's barcode number`332960073452
What is Max's last line for Season One?`Turn it off
What is meant by the cookery term ' A La Crecy'`served with carrots
What is meant by the cooking term farci`stuffed
What is meant in computing terminology by the acronym WYSIWYG`what you see is what you get
What is measured by a chronometer`time
What is measured by a Geiger counter`Radioactivity
What is measured by an ammeter`electric current
what is measured by the beaufort scale`wind speed
what is measured by the kelvin scale`temperature
What is measured in curies`radioactivity
What is measured in fathoms`depth of water
What is measured in hertz`frequency
What is measured on the beaufort Scale`wind force
What is measured on the Beaufort scale`Wind velocity
What is measured on the Cephalic Index`human head
What is measured on the Mohs scale`hardness of minerals
What is measured using a pyrometer`high temperatures
What is measured with a Bourdon gauge`pressure
What is measured with a Dines Tilting Syphon`rainfall
What is measured with a hygrometer`humidity
What is measured with a sphygnomanometer`blood pressure
What is meat slaughtered according to Muslim law`halal
What is mercury also known as`quicksilver
what is michael bolton's real name`michael bolotin
What is Michael Jackson's middle name`joseph
what is Mickey Mouse's dogs name`Pluto
what is mick jagger's favourite sport`cricket
What is missing from a navel orange`pips
What is missing from a navel orange`seeds
What is missing from the 'Venus de Milo'`arms
What is mixed with Kahlua or Tia Maria to make a Black Russian`vodka
What is mixed with kahlua to make a 'black russian'`vodka
What is mixed with tin to produce bronze`copper
What is Mo Mowlam's first name`marjorie
What is Mongolia often called to distinguish it from an autonomous region in China`outer mongolia
What is Mongolia's famed desert`gobi
What is Montreal's subway known as`metro
What is more addictive than all illicit drugs except crack and heroin combined`cigarettes
What is more effective than caffeine for waking up in the morning`apples
What is morone mississippiensis`yellow bass
What is Moscow's famed opera house`the bolshoi`bolshoi
what is most furniture made with today`plywood or particle board`plywood`particle board
What is 'mother's ruin'`gin
What is 'mpd'`multiple personality disorder
What is Mr. Roger's first name`Fred
What is Mrs. Krabappel's first name?`Edna
What is MUD an abbreviation for`Multiple User Dungeon
What is musophobia the fear of`mice
what is my favorite dj`funkmaster flex
What is named after Amerigo Vespucci`america
What is name of the tubes that connect the ear & throat`eustachian
what is narcissism`self-love
What is necessary to play a game of pinochle`cards
What is New Brunswicks highest point at 820 m`mount carleton
What is new, last or gibbous`moon
What is New York City's 'street of forgotten men'`bowery
What is new york city's street of forgotten men`the bowery
what is next higher prime number after 23`29
what is nick leeson's (man who broke barings bank) favourite football club`manchester city
what is nike the goddess of`victory
what is nintendo mario's brother's name`luigi
what is nitrous oxide`laughing gas
What is normal body temperature for an adult human`98.6
What is normal body temperature for an adult human (in degrees fahrenheit)`98
What is normal body temperature in Celcius. ??.9C`36.9
What is Normal's favorite saying?`Bip! Bip! Bip!
what is north america's deepest gorge`hell's canyon
what is north americas most popular snack food`potato chips
what is northern rhodesia now known as`zambia
what is not being able to remember the word you want`lethologica
what is november's birthstone`topaz
What is now known as the Belgium Congo`zaire
What isnt outstanding about a Manx cat`tail
What isnt present in a fillet`bones
What is nucleomitiphobia the fear of`nuclear bombs
What is 'nutty slack'`coal
What is nyoil`nylon impregnated with oil
What is odeon an acronym for`oscar deutsch entertains our nation
What is 'old faithful'`geyser
What is on a 5000 acre landfill at the head of jamaica bay near new york city`john f kennedy airport
what is one dice called`die
What is Oneirogmophobia?`wet dreams
What is one of the flavors that make up neopolitan ice cream`strawberry
What is one of the items that the wood of the sycamore tree is used for`boxes
What is one of the more expensive automobiles in the world`mercedes
What is one of the softest minerals`aluminite`talc
what is on lonely street`heartbreak hotel
what is onomatophobia a fear of`names
What is on the banks of the river jumna`taj mahal
What is opposition to the jewish race called`anti-semitism
What is ornamental work in silver or gold thread`filigree
what is ovicide`sheep killing
What is paedology`study of soil
What is Pak Choy`Chinese vegetable
What is Palermo the capital of`sicily
What is par on a 245 yard golf hole`three
what is pate de fois gras made from`goose livers
What is paul mccartney's first name`james
What is penicillin made of`cheese mould
what is peppermint patty's last name`reichardt
What is pepsin`enzyme
What is 'perestroika' in english`restructuring
What is permanently frozen sub soil called`permafrost
What is piloted by a pilot fish`shark
What is P.J.Harvey's first album`dry
What is plastic and coated with a film of magnetic iron oxide one ten thousandth of an inch thick`magnetic tape
What is PLO an abbreviation for`Palestine Liberation Organization
What is podobromhidrosis`smelly feet
What is Pogonophobia the fear of?`Beards
what is poisoning caused by a toxin in improperly prepared food`botulism
what is polio`infantile paralysis
What is 'pollo' on a menu in rome`chicken
What is 'polyandry'?`Multiple husbands
what is polytetrafluoroethylene`teflon
What is pontoon called when it is played in a casino`blackjack
What is Pope John Paul II's nationality`polish
What is pop star Bruce Springsteen's nick name`the boss
What is precipitation?`Rain
what is present day sentosa formally known as`pulau blankang mati
What is preserved in sugar as 'marron glace'`chestnut
What is Princess leia last name`organa
What is produced by putting a whole "maris piper" in an oven until it goes soft inside`baked potato
what is produced in the bessemer process`steel
What is produced when a magnetic chip is put under a magnetic field`magnetic bubble
what is pro football quarterback sonny jurgenson's christian name`christian
What is prosciutto`italian smoked ham
What is proverbially burnt at midnight`oil
what is public ownership of the basic means of production, distribution, and exchange`socialism
What is pure china clay`kaolin
What is quicksilver better known as`mercury
What is quicksilver`mercury
what is radar an acronym for`radio detection and ranging
What is Radio Shack's main brand name`realistic
what israeli prime minister spent two years in a russian concentration camp`menachem begin
What Israelite slave interpreted dreams for Pharoah and eventually became his second in command`joseph
what is raku?`japanese pottery
What is rambutan a type of`fruit
What is Rapec`type of snuff
What is ray bradbury's illustrated man illustrated with`tattoos
What is R D Blackmore's most famous book`lorna doone
What is receding from Earth by half an inch a year`moon
What is recorded with two beams of light`holograph
What is removed in a splenectomy`spleen
What is removed with an orchidectomy`testicle
What is replaced in the medical procedure H.R.T`hormones
what is resident of moscow called`muscovite
what is 'rijsttafel'`hot`puttanesca
what is 'rijsttafel'`hot rice
What is rn`radon
What is roachford's christian name`andrew
What is rolled down Cooper's hill in Gloucestershire`Cheese
What is Ronald Reagan's middle name`wilson
What is Rosemary Clooney's relationship to actor George Clooney`aunt
What is Rosh Hashanah`jewish new year
What is Rumpoles first name`horace
what is russia's primary spaceport`baikonour
What is rust on copper called`verdigris
What is sade's real name`helen adu
What is SAD`seasonal affective disorder
What is said to be Einstein's 4th dimension`time
What is salicyclic acid better known as`aspirin
what is salinity a measure of`salt
What is Sally Ride's scientific calling`physics
What is SALT an acronym for`strategic arms limitation talks
What is saltimbocca`an italian dish of ham and veal
What is saltimbocca`an italian dish of ham & veal
what is samian ware?`fine pottery
what is 'samsoe'`cheese
What is san francisco's equivalent to sydney's 'city to surf' race`bay to
what is san francisco's equivalent to sydney's 'city to surf' race`bay to breakers footrace
What is sangria`spanish wine punch
What is 'sapodilla' a type of`fruit
what is 'sashimi'`sliced raw fish
what is 'sashimi'`sliced raw`rice
what is Scary spice's real name`Melanie Brown
What is schizophrenia`hallucinations and delusions
What is schizophrenia`hallucinations & delusions
What is sclerotinite`fungal remains
What is Scotlands Oil City`aberdeen
What is SCUBA an acronym for`self contained underwater breathing apparatus
What is Sebastian Coe's middle name`newbold
What is secreted by The Islets of Langerhans`insulin
What is semiotics`study of signs and symbols
What is sex on the internet called`cybersex
What is Shakespeare's play 'Twelfth Night' also known as`what you will
What is Shakespeares shortest play`macbeth
What is shed when you desquamate`skin
What is shed when you desuamate`skin
What is 'shogun' in english`military governer
What is shredded to make sauerkraut`cabbage
What is Siberia's Baikal the worlds deepest example of`lake
what is siderodromophobia (which freud suffered from)`fear of train travel
what is singapore's main airport`changi international airport
what is singapore's main airport`changi`papen
what is singer Billie's surname`Piper
what is singer louises surname`nurding
What is Sir John De Mentieth famous for`capturing sir william wallace
What is sir robert helpman's field of fame`ballet
What is SLAA?`Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous
What is sliced into very thin sheets to make a marquetry picture`wood
what is sliced raw fish`sashimi
What is sloping handwriting called`italic
What is Smokey Stover's job`fireman
What is soccers equivalent of the American football positon called safety`fullback
What is soccer star pele's real name`edson arantes do nascimento
what is so distinctive about a palmiped's feet`they're webbed
What is something that allows electricity to pass through it`a conductor`conductor
What is sometimes added to softdrinks to make them sweeter`coal
What is 'somnophilia' a compulsion to do?`Fondle sleeping strangers
what is south africa's national flower`protea
What is south america's largest country`brazil
What is South America's version of the Ostrich`rhea
what is southern rhodesia now known as`zimbabwe
What is Spain's biggest source of income`tourism
What is Spain's highest mountain`mount teide
what is speaking with hesitation`hawing
What is statistically the safest age of life`ten
What is st clare patron saint of`television
What is St.Clare the patron saint of`television
What is Sting's real name`gordon sumner
What is stolen by tom, tom the piper's son`pig
what is stored in a camel's hump`fat
What is striped on a tiger, besides it's fur`it's skin
What is stuffed with a sheep's carcass stuffed with chickens stuffed with fish stuffed with eggs`roast camel
what is stuka an acronym for`sturzkampffluzeug
What is Super Chicken's partners name`Fred
What is supposed to bring bad luck if you break it`mirror
What is Surrey Cricket Club's home ground`oval
What is surrounded by amniotic fluid`unborn baby
What is susan hampshire's surprising disability`dyslexia
What is sushi`raw fish
What is switching letters (e.g saying jag of flapan instead of flag of japan)`spoonerism
What is Switzerland's most spoken language`german
What is switzerland's official neutral name`helvetic confederation
what is sydney's equivalent to the san francisco 'bay to breakers' footrace`city to surf race
What is taedium vitae`weariness of life
what is 'tahina'`sesame`bruschetta
what is 'tahina'`sesame seed paste
What is tattooed on glen campbell's arm`dagger
what is tattooed on popeye's arm`anchor
what is ted nugent's favorite sport?`hunting
What is Tennessee Williams' real name`thomas lanier williams
What Is "Thalarctos Maritimus" Better Known As`Polar Bear`White Bear
what is thanatology the scientific study of`death
What is the 100 year old safe in washington dc`centennial safe
What is the 13.5 ton chime on london's tower clock`big ben
What is the 15' by 18' cell that 146 captured british officers were forced into by indian troops in the 19th century`black hole of calcutta
What is the 18th letter of the English alphabet`r
what is the 1924 agreement governing the payment of german world war one reparations`dawes plan
What is the 1983 bryan adams album which features the hit 'cuts like a knife'`cuts like a knife
What is the 25,000 year old treasure of Altamira`cave painting
what is the 2nd fastest fish in the world`marlin
What is the 2nd fastest mammel in the world`pronghorn
what is the 2nd largest continent`africa
What is the 2nd largest country in South America`argentina
what is the 2nd largest ocean`atlantic
what is the 2nd largest planet in the solar system`saturn
What is the 2nd largest provience in Canada`ontario
What is the 30th longest river in the world`The Thames
What is the 3rd book of the Bible`leviticus
What is the 3rd largest island by area in the Republic of Indonesia`java
What is the 4th in the Harry Potter series of books`harry potter and the goblet of fire
What is the 7th letter of the Greek alphabet`eta
What is the 9th letter of the Greek alphabet`iota
What is the a baby herring known as`Brit
What is the abalone shell mainly used for`jewelery
what is the abbreviation for lake minnetonka`lake tonka
What is the abbreviation for the organisation founded in 1824 to enforce laws to protect animals`rspca
What is the abbreviation for trinitrotoluene`TNT
What is the abbreviation of trinitrotoluene`tnt
What is the ability to move objects with mind power called`telekinesis
What is the abnormal fear of feathers known as`pteronophobia
What is the abode of souls between heaven and hell`limbo
What is the acronym for an image produced by aligning molecular crystals`lcd
What is the acronym for 'yet another hierarchical officious oracle'`yahoo
what is the active ingredient in head and shoulders anti-dandruff shampoo`zinc pyrithione
what is the active ingredient in oxy anti-pimple cream`benzoyl peroxide
what is the active ingredient in smelling salts`ammonia
What is the act of founding settlements abroad`colonisation
What is the actor's union known as`equity
What is the actual vat in Romania`19%
What is the address Donald Duck lives at`1313 webfoot walk, duckburg, calisota
What is the administrative centre of Hampshire`winchester
what is the alias of hannibal heyes?`joshua smith
What is the all-time best selling paperback book`baby and child care
What is the all-time best selling paperback book`baby and child care`baby
What is the alternative name for a line of latiitude on a map`parallel
What is the alternative name for a line of longitude on a map`meridian
What is the alternative name for a line of meridian on a map`longitude
What is the alternative name for Indian Corn`maize
What is the alternative name for rabies`hydrophobia
What is the alternative name for the coastal plant the sea pink, which featured on the reverse of the old threepenny bit`thrift
What is the alternative name for the element hydrargyrum`mercury
What is the alternative name for the element kalium`potassium
What is the alternative name for the Galaxy`milky way
What is the alternative name for the Red Backed Shrike`butcher bird
What is the alternative name for Xrays`rontgen rays
What is the alternative name of Beethoven's sonata number 14 in C sharp minor`moonlight
What is the alternative name of the foodstuff called scallions`spring onions
What is the alternative name of the foodstuff called sea asparagus`samphire
What is the alternative title for Gilbert and Sullivans Opera Princess Ida`castle adamant
What is the American equivalent of Britain's Sandhurst`west point
what is the american equivalent of the nikkei`dow jones index
What is the American network A.B.C's full name`american broadcasting corporation
what is the 'american pastime'`baseball
What is the anatomical juxtaposition of two orbicularis oris muscles in a state of contradiction?`A kiss
What is the anatomical name for the bones of a human's fingers and toes`phalanges
What is the anatomical term for the voice box`larynx
What is the ancient Chinese art of placement called`feng shui
What is the ancient religious language of india`sanskrit
What is the ancient term for the countries of the eastern Mediterranean`levant
What is the animated videogame by Don Bluth, where the hero had to work his way through a trap infested castle`dragons lair
What is the Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything`forty two
What is the aphrodisiac Spanish Fly made from?`The wings of beetles
What is the applied science to the study of society`sociology
What is the approximate speed of light?`186,000 miles per second
What is the approximate temperature on the dwarf planet Pluto`minus 230 degrees celsius
What is the approximate temperature on the planet Pluto`minus 230 degrees celsius
What is the aquatic nickname of Schubert's Piano Quintet in A`the trout quintet
what is the arabic answer to the roman subtraction ' m minus ix '`991
What is the area code for cruise ships in the Atlantic Ocean`871
What is the area of interest of a 'gricer'`trains
What is the area of water between alaska and russia`bering strait
What is the Armenian religion`christianity
What is the Army equivalent to the Naval Rank of Lieutenant Commander`major
What is the army rank between captain and lieutenant colonel`major
What is the arrow of a crossbow called`a bolt
what is the artificial international language invented in 1887 called`esperanto
what is the artiste formerly known as Prince's real name`Prince Rogers Nelson
What is the artistic link between former jockey Philip Blacker and Red Rum`sculpture
What is the art of bell-ringing called`campanology
What is the art of composing dances`choreography
What is the art of fighting with gloves on the hand`boxing
What is the art of paper folding called`origami
What is the art of tracing designs and making impressions of them`lithography
What is the art of writing decoratively called`calligraphy
what is the asiatic cordial kumiss made from`cows milk
what is the assumption that natural things have feelings like human beings called`pathetic fallacy
what is the assumption that natural things have feelings like human beings called`pathetic`porcelain
What is the astringent lotion obtained from North American trees`witch hazel
What is the astrological sign for death`pluto
What is the astronomical name for a group of stars`constellati
What is the atomic mass of bromine`79.9
what is the atomic mass of lithium`6.94
What is the atomic mass of molybdenum`95.94
What is the atomic mass of platinum`195.09
What is the atomic mass of sulphur`32.06
What is the atomic number for californium`ninety eight
what is the atomic number for californium`ninety eight`98
What is the atomic number for hydrogen (h)`1
What is the atomic number for oxygen`eight
What is the atomic number for oxygen`eight`8
What is the atomic number for palladium`forty six
What is the atomic number for palladium`forty six`46
What is the atomic number for thalium`eighty one
what is the atomic number for thalium`eighty one`81
what is the atomic number of arsenic`seventy five`75
What is the atomic number of cesium`55
What is the atomic number of tungsten`74
what is the atomic number of uranium`ninety two`92
What is the atomic weight of arsenic`seventy five
What is the atomic weight of uranium`ninety two
What is the attribution of human attributes to a deity`anthropomorphism
What is the Australian sea wasp`jellyfish
What is the average duration of sexual intercourse for humans`two minutes
what is the average iq level of all living people`one hundred
What is the average lifespan of a major league baseball`five to seven
what is the average lifespan of a major league baseball`five to seven pitches
What is the average lifespan of a tastebud`ten days
What is the average lifespan of a tastebud`ten days`10 days
What is the average longevity of a chipmunk`6 years
What is the average number of high tides a day anywhere in the world`two
What is the average pH range of a man's semen?`7.0-8.0
What is the average pH range of the average woman's vagina?`4.0-5.0
What is the average speed of a running pig`7.5 mph
What is the average temperature (f) at the South Pole`minus fifty six
What is the average temperature (f) at the South Pole`minus fifty six`56
What is the average weight of a Playboy Playmate (in pounds)?`115
what is the b-17 bomber's nickname`flying fortress
what is the back boundary line in tennis`baseline
what is the back boundary line in tennis called`Baseline
What is the back boundry line in tennis called`baseline
What is the back of a ship called`stern
What is the back seat of a motorbike called`pillion
What is the ball on top of a flagpole called`finial
What is the ball on top of a flagpole called`truck
What Is The Banking Capital Of Switzerland`Geneva
What is the banking system in the u.s known as`federal reserve system
what is the base number in the duodecimal system`twelve
What is the base twenty numbering system`vigesimal
What is the basic flavoring of kahlua`coffee
What is the basic flavouring of kahlua`coffee
What is the basic ingredient of 'tahini'`sesame seeds
What is the basic monetary unit of Russia`rouble
what is the basic unit of currency for albania`lek
what is the basic unit of currency for algeria`dinar
what is the basic unit of currency for andorra`peseta
What is the basic unit of currency for angola`kwanza
what is the basic unit of currency for antigua and barbuda`dollar
what is the basic unit of currency for argentina`peso
what is the basic unit of currency for armenia`dram
what is the basic unit of currency for australia`dollar
what is the basic unit of currency for austria`schilling
what is the basic unit of currency for azerbaijan`manat
what is the basic unit of currency for bahamas`dollar
what is the basic unit of currency for bahrain`dinar
what is the basic unit of currency for bangladesh`taka
what is the basic unit of currency for barbados`dollar
what is the basic unit of currency for belarus`rubel
what is the basic unit of currency for belgium`franc
what is the basic unit of currency for belize`dollar
what is the basic unit of currency for benin`franc
what is the basic unit of currency for bhutan`ngultrum
what is the basic unit of currency for bolivia`boliviano
what is the basic unit of currency for bosnia and herzegovina`marka
what is the basic unit of currency for botswana`pula
what is the basic unit of currency for brazil`real
what is the basic unit of currency for brunei`dollar
what is the basic unit of currency for bulgaria`lev
what is the basic unit of currency for burkina faso`franc
what is the basic unit of currency for burundi`franc
what is the basic unit of currency for cambodia`riel
what is the basic unit of currency for cameroon`franc
what is the basic unit of currency for canada`dollar
what is the basic unit of currency for cape verde`escudo
what is the basic unit of currency for central african republic`franc
what is the basic unit of currency for chad`franc
what is the basic unit of currency for chile`peso
what is the basic unit of currency for china`yuan
what is the basic unit of currency for colombia`peso
what is the basic unit of currency for comoros`franc
what is the basic unit of currency for costa rica`colon
what is the basic unit of currency for croatia`kuna
what is the basic unit of currency for cuba`peso
what is the basic unit of currency for cyprus`pound
what is the basic unit of currency for czech republic`koruna
what is the basic unit of currency for denmark`krone
what is the basic unit of currency for djibouti`franc
what is the basic unit of currency for dominica`dollar
what is the basic unit of currency for dominican republic`peso
what is the basic unit of currency for ecuador`sucre
what is the basic unit of currency for egypt`pound
what is the basic unit of currency for el salvador`colon
what is the basic unit of currency for equatorial guinea`franc
What is the basic unit of currency for eritrea`nakfa
what is the basic unit of currency for estonia`kroon
what is the basic unit of currency for ethiopia`birr
what is the basic unit of currency for fiji`dollar
what is the basic unit of currency for finland`markka
what is the basic unit of currency for france`franc
what is the basic unit of currency for gabon`franc
what is the basic unit of currency for gambia`dalasi
what is the basic unit of currency for georgia`lari
what is the basic unit of currency for germany`deutsche mark
what is the basic unit of currency for ghana`cedi
what is the basic unit of currency for greece`drachma
what is the basic unit of currency for grenada`dollar
what is the basic unit of currency for guatemala`quetzal
what is the basic unit of currency for guinea-bissau`franc
what is the basic unit of currency for guinea`franc
what is the basic unit of currency for guyana`dollar
what is the basic unit of currency for haiti`gourde
what is the basic unit of currency for honduras`lempira
what is the basic unit of currency for hong kong`dollar
what is the basic unit of currency for hungary`forint
what is the basic unit of currency for iceland`krona
what is the basic unit of currency for india`rupee
what is the basic unit of currency for indonesia`rupiah
what is the basic unit of currency for iran`rial
what is the basic unit of currency for iraq`dinar
what is the basic unit of currency for ireland`pound
what is the basic unit of currency for israel`sheqel
what is the basic unit of currency for italy`lira
what is the basic unit of currency for ivory coast`franc
what is the basic unit of currency for jamaica`dollar
what is the basic unit of currency for japan`yen
what is the basic unit of currency for jordan`dinar
what is the basic unit of currency for kazakhstan`tenge
what is the basic unit of currency for kenya`shilling
what is the basic unit of currency for kiribati`dollar
what is the basic unit of currency for kuwait`dinar
what is the basic unit of currency for kyrgyzstan`som
what is the basic unit of currency for laos`kip
what is the basic unit of currency for latvia`lats
what is the basic unit of currency for lebanon`livre
what is the basic unit of currency for lesotho`loti
what is the basic unit of currency for liberia`dollar
what is the basic unit of currency for libya`dinar
what is the basic unit of currency for liechtenstein`franc
what is the basic unit of currency for lithuania`litas
what is the basic unit of currency for luxembourg`franc
what is the basic unit of currency for macao`pataca
what is the basic unit of currency for macedonia`denar
what is the basic unit of currency for madagascar`franc
what is the basic unit of currency for malawi`kwacha
what is the basic unit of currency for malaysia`ringgit
what is the basic unit of currency for maldives`rufiyaa
what is the basic unit of currency for mali`franc
what is the basic unit of currency for malta`lira
what is the basic unit of currency for marshall islands`dollar
what is the basic unit of currency for mauritania`ouguiya
what is the basic unit of currency for mauritius`rupee
what is the basic unit of currency for mexico`peso
what is the basic unit of currency for micronesia`dollar
what is the basic unit of currency for moldova`leu
what is the basic unit of currency for monaco`franc
what is the basic unit of currency for mongolia`tugrik
what is the basic unit of currency for morocco`dirham
what is the basic unit of currency for mozambique`metical
what is the basic unit of currency for myanmar`kyat
what is the basic unit of currency for namibia`dollar
what is the basic unit of currency for nauru`dollar
what is the basic unit of currency for nepal`rupee
what is the basic unit of currency for netherlands`guilder
what is the basic unit of currency for new zealand`dollar
what is the basic unit of currency for nicaragua`cordoba
what is the basic unit of currency for niger`franc
what is the basic unit of currency for nigeria`naira
what is the basic unit of currency for north korea`won
what is the basic unit of currency for norway`krone
what is the basic unit of currency for oman`rial
what is the basic unit of currency for pakistan`rupee
what is the basic unit of currency for palau`dollar
what is the basic unit of currency for panama`balboa
what is the basic unit of currency for papua new guinea`kina
what is the basic unit of currency for paraguay`guarani
what is the basic unit of currency for peru`sol
what is the basic unit of currency for philippines`peso
what is the basic unit of currency for poland`zloty
what is the basic unit of currency for portugal`escudo
What is the basic unit of currency for qatar`riyal
what is the basic unit of currency for romania`leu
what is the basic unit of currency for russia`ruble
what is the basic unit of currency for rwanda`franc
what is the basic unit of currency for saint kitts and nevis`dollar
what is the basic unit of currency for saint lucia`dollar
what is the basic unit of currency for saint vincent and the grenadines`dollar
what is the basic unit of currency for samoa`tala
what is the basic unit of currency for san marino`lira
what is the basic unit of currency for saudi arabia`riyal
what is the basic unit of currency for senegal`franc
what is the basic unit of currency for seychelles`rupee
what is the basic unit of currency for sierra leone`leone
what is the basic unit of currency for singapore`dollar
what is the basic unit of currency for slovakia`koruna
what is the basic unit of currency for slovenia`tolar
what is the basic unit of currency for solomon islands`dollar
what is the basic unit of currency for somalia`shilling
what is the basic unit of currency for south africa`rand
what is the basic unit of currency for south korea`won
what is the basic unit of currency for spain`peseta
what is the basic unit of currency for sri lanka`rupee
what is the basic unit of currency for sudan`dinar
what is the basic unit of currency for suriname`guilder
what is the basic unit of currency for swaziland`lilangeni
what is the basic unit of currency for sweden`krona
what is the basic unit of currency for switzerland`franc
what is the basic unit of currency for syria`pound
what is the basic unit of currency for taiwan`dollar
what is the basic unit of currency for tajikistan`ruble
what is the basic unit of currency for tanzania`shilling
what is the basic unit of currency for thailand`baht
what is the basic unit of currency for togo`franc
what is the basic unit of currency for tonga`paanga
what is the basic unit of currency for trinidad and tobago`dollar
what is the basic unit of currency for tunisia`dinar
what is the basic unit of currency for turkey`lira
what is the basic unit of currency for turkmenistan`manat
what is the basic unit of currency for tuvalu`dollar
what is the basic unit of currency for uganda`shilling
what is the basic unit of currency for ukraine`hryvnia
what is the basic unit of currency for united arab emirates`dirham
What is the basic unit of currency for United Kingdom`pound
What is the basic unit of currency for United States`dollar
What is the basic unit of currency for uruguay`peso
what is the basic unit of currency for uzbekistan`sum
what is the basic unit of currency for vanuatu`vatu
what is the basic unit of currency for vatican city`lira
what is the basic unit of currency for venezuela`bolivar
what is the basic unit of currency for vietnam`dong
what is the basic unit of currency for yemen`rial
what is the basic unit of currency for yugoslavia`dinar
what is the basic unit of currency for zambia`kwacha
what is the basic unit of currency for zimbabwe`dollar
What is the basic unit or building block for all living organisms`cell
What is the basis of the dish 'Hummus'`chick peas
What is the basis of the Indian dish 'Riata'`yoghurt
What is the Basques national game`pelota
What is the Bayeux tapestry if it isnt a tapestry`an embroidery
What is the bbc's longest running tv program`panorama
what is the beaufort scale used to measure`wind speed
what is the belief in living a very austere and self-denying life`asceticism
what is the belief in the existence of a god or gods`theism
what is the belief that there is no god`atheism
What is the belt of light variable winds near the Equator called`doldrums
What is the belt of low pressure around the equator called`doldrums
what is the best IRC Network`www.nothingbutstyle.net
What is the best irc TriviaBot`TriviaBot
What is the best known of Aesop's fables`the hare and the tortoise
What is the best remembered crash to have occurred on October 29th, 1929`The Wall Street Crash
what is the best remembered crash to have occurred on october 29th, 1929`the wall street`father
what is the best score in blackjack`twenty`hot
What is the best score in blackjack`twenty one
What is the best score in blackjack`twenty one`21
what is the best selling car of all time`toyota corolla
What is the best selling personal computer game of all time`myst
What is the best selling single artist ever`garth brooks
what is the better known identity of minus 273.15 degrees celsius`absolute zero
What is the better-known identity of the earl of huntingdon`robin hood
What is the better known name for Romes Flavian Amphitheatre`the colosseum
What is the better known name for the Church of the Latter Day Saints`mormons
What is the better known name of Edson Arantes do Nascimento`pele
What is the better known name of Harry Webb`cliff richard
What is the better-known name of the card game Twenty-One`blackjack
What is the better known name of the elegant dancing star Tula Finklea`cyd charisse
What is the better-known name of the World War Two aeroplane, the P51`mustang
What is the better known name of writer Madame Dudevant`george sand
what is the big apple`new york city
what is the 'big bang' said to have created`universe
what is the biggest advertizer in the world`procter and gamble
What is the biggest bay on the north American continent`hudson bay
What is the biggest criterion for prospective astronauts`eyesight
What is the biggest disqualifying factor for prospective astronauts`eyesight
what is the biggest structure on earth made by living creatures`great barrier reef
What is the billionth digit of 'pi'`nine
What is the billionth digit of 'pi'`nine`9
What is the binary equivalent of decimal 10`1010
what is the binot-simon scale used to measure?`intelligence
What is the birthplace (city) of the late John Candy?`Toronto
what is the birthstone for april`diamond
What is the birthstone for august`peridot
What is the birthstone for January`garnet
What is the birthstone for may`emerald
What is the birthstone for November`topaz
What is the birthstone for september`sapphire
What is the birthstone for the month of January`Garnet
What is the birthstone of someone born on Christmas Day`turquoise
What is the 'bishop's stone'`amethyst
What is the blossom of the hawthorn called`may
What is the blue in blue cheese`mould
What is the board game where it pays to know your trivia`trivial pursuit
What is the boiling point of water on the fahrenheit scale`212
What is the 'bole' of a tree`trunk
What is the bone at the end of the spine`coccyx
What is the bone in the upper arm called`humerus
What is the bookmakers term for betting chances`odds
What is the botanical name of the flower known as 'Autumn Crocus'`colchicum
What is the bottom colour of a rainbow`violet
What is the boundary of the southern frigid zone`Antartic Circle
what is the bowling term for three straight strikes`turkey
What is the boy scout motto`be prepared
What is the branch of medicine dealing with curing by operative procedures`surgery
What is the branch of theology which concerns itself with the grounds and defense of the christian faith`apologetics
what is the breastbone also known as`sternum
What is the brightest asteroid`vesta
What is the brightest common object in the sky after the sun and the moon`venus
What is the brightest planet seen from earth`venus
What is the brightest star in the constellation Orion`rigel
What is the brightest star in the night sky`sirius
What is the brightest star visible from Earth (excluding the Sun)`sirius
what is the british dish made from cheddar cheese and beer`welsh rarebit
What is the British equivalent of the game known in America as 'Tick-Tack-Toe'`noughts and crosses
What is the British equivalent of the US Navy rank Rear Admiral (lower half)`Commodore
What is the "bubonic plaque" is know as the_________`black death
what is the buchmans' child's name`mabel
what is the buchmans' dog's name`murray
What is the bullseye worth in archery`nine
What is the bundestag`german parliament
What is the by-product of lightening`ozone
what is the cajun country of louisiana also known as`acadiana
What is the cakewalk`a dance`dance
What is the call name for Soviet mission control`zarya
What is the call name for Soviet mission control`zaryaWho is the roman counterpart of heracles`hercules
What is the Canadian equivalent of the krugerrand`maple leaf
what is the capiatal of haiti`port au prince
What Is The Capital City Of Austria`Vienna
What is the capital city of Azerbaijan`baku
What is the capital city of Botswana`gaberone
What is the capital city of Papua New Guinea`port moresby
What is the capital city of Surinam`paramaribo
What is the capital city of Tennessee`nashville
what is the capital city of the cote d'ivoire`yamoussoukou
What is the capital city of the Kingdom of Tonga`nuku'alofa
What is the capital city of the Middle East state of Qatar`doha
What is the Capital of: Afghanistan`kabul
what is the capital of alabama`montgomery
What is the capital of Alaska`Juneau
What is the Capital of: Albania`tirana
What is the capital of Alberta`edmonton
What is the Capital of: Algeria`algiers
What is the Capital of: American Samoa`pago pago
What is the Capital of: Andorra`andorra la vella
What is the Capital of: Angola`luanda
What is the Capital of: Anguilla`the valley
What is the Capital of: Antigua and Barbuda`saint john's
what is the capital of antigua & barbuda`st john's
What is the Capital of: Argentina`buenos aires
What is the capital of arizona`phoenix
What is the Capital of: Armenia`yerevan
What is the Capital of: Aruba`oranjestad
What is the Capital of: Australia`canberra
What is the Capital of: Austria`vienna
What is the capital of Azerbaijan`baku
What is the Capital of: Azerbaijan`baku`baki
What is the Capital of: Bahamas, The`nassau
What is the Capital of: Bahrain`manama
What is the capital of Bangladesh`Dacca
What is the Capital of: Bangladesh`dhaka
What is the Capital of: Barbados`bridgetown
What is the capital of Bavaria`munich
What is the Capital of: Belarus`minsk
What is the Capital of: Belgium`brussels
What is the Capital of: Belize`belmopan
What is the Capital of: Benin`porto-novo
What is the Capital of: Bermuda`hamilton
What is the Capital of: Bhutan`thimphu
What is the Capital of: Bolivia`la paz
What is the capital of Bosnia and Hercegovina`sarajevo
What is the Capital of: Bosnia and Herzegovina`sarajevo
What is the Capital of: Botswana`gaborone
What is the Capital of: Brazil`brasilia
What is the capital of brazil`brazilia
What is the capital of Brazil`brazilia`brasilia
What is the Capital of: British Virgin Islands`road town
What is the capital of Brunei`bandar seri
What is the Capital of: Brunei`bandar seri begawan
What is the Capital of: Bulgaria`sofia
What is the Capital of: Burkina Faso`ouagadougou
What is the capital of burkino faso`ouagadougou
What is the capital of Burma`Rangoon
What is the Capital of: Burma`rangoon`yangon
What is the Capital of: Burundi`bujumbura
What is the capital of california`sacramento
What is the Capital of: Cambodia`phnom penh
What is the Capital of: Cameroon`yaounde
What is the Capital of: Canada`ottawa
what is the capital of canada's neighboring city in quebec`hull
What is the Capital of: Cape Verde`praia
What is the Capital of: Cayman Islands`george town
What is the Capital of: Central African Republic`bangui
What is the Capital of: Chad`n'djamena
What is the capital of Chechnya`grozny
What is the Capital of: Chile`santiago
What is the Capital of: China`beijing
What is the Capital of: Christmas Island`the settlement
What is the Capital of: Cocos Islands`west island
What is the Capital of: Colombia`bogota
What is the capital of Colorado`Denver
What is the capital of columbia`bogota
What is the Capital of: Comoros`moroni
What is the capital of Congo`brazzaville
What is the Capital of: Congo, Dem. Rep. of the`kinshasa
What is the Capital of: Congo ,Republic of the`brazzaville
What is the capital of connecticut`hartford
What is the Capital of: Cook Islands`avarua
What is the Capital of: Costa Rica`san jose
What is the Capital of: Cote d'Ivoire`yamoussoukro
What is the Capital of: Croatia`zagreb
What is the capital of Croati`Zagreb
What is the Capital of: Cuba`havana
What is the Capital of: Cyprus`nicosia
what is the capital of czechoslovakia`prague
What is the Capital of: Czech Republic`prague
What is the capital of delaware`dover
What is the Capital of: Denmark`copenhagen
What is the Capital of: Djibouti`djibouti
What is the Capital of: Dominican Republic`santo domingo
What is the Capital of: Dominica`roseau
What is the Capital of: Ecuador`quito
What is the Capital of: Egypt`cairo
What is the Capital of: El Salvador`san salvador
what is the capital of england`london
What is the Capital of: Equatorial Guinea`malabo
What is the Capital of: Eritrea`asmara
What is the capital of Estonia`tallin
What is the Capital of: Estonia`tallinn
What is the Capital of: Ethiopia`addis ababa
What is the Capital of: Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)`stanley
What is the Capital of: Faroe Islands`torshavn
What is the Capital of: Fiji`suva
What is the Capital of: Finland`helsinki
what is the capital of florida`orlando
What is the capital of Florida`Tallahassee
What is the Capital of: France`paris
What is the Capital of: French Guiana`cayenne
What is the Capital of: French Polynesia`papeete
What is the Capital of: Gabon`libreville
What is the capital of Gambia`banjul
What is the Capital of: Gambia ,The`banjul
what is the capital of georgia`atlanta
What is the Capital of: Georgia`t'bilisi
What is the Capital of: Germany`berlin
What is the Capital of: Ghana`accra
What is the Capital of: Gibraltar`gibraltar
What is the Capital of: Greece`athens
What is the Capital of: Greenland`nuuk
What is the Capital of: Grenada`saint george's
What is the Capital of: Guadeloupe`basse-terre
What is the Capital of: Guam`hagatna`agana`
What is the capital of Guatemala`ciudad de guatemala
What is the Capital of: Guatemala`guatemala
what is the capital of guatemala`guatemala city
What is the Capital of: Guernsey`saint peter port
What is the Capital of: Guinea-Bissau`bissau
what is the capital of guinea`conakray
What is the Capital of: Guinea`conakry
What is the Capital of: Guyana`georgetown
What is the Capital of: Haiti`port-au-prince
What is the capital of Hawaii`honolulu
what is the capital of holland`amsterdam
What is the Capital of: Holy See (Vatican City)`vatican city
What is the Capital of: Honduras`tegucigalpa
What is the capital of honduras`tegucigalpla
What is the Capital of: Hong Kong SAR`victoria
What is the capital of hong kong`victoria
What is the Capital of: Hungary`budapest
What is the Capital of: Iceland`reykjavik
what is the capital of idaho`boise
What is the capital of Illinois`springfield
What is the capital of indiana`indianapolis
What is the capital of India`New Delhi
What is the Capital of: Indonesia`jakarta
what is the capital of iowa`des moines
what is the capital of iran`teheran
What is the Capital of: Iran`tehran
What is the Capital of: Iraq`baghdad
What is the Capital of: Ireland`dublin
What is the Capital of: Israel`jerusalem
What is the Capital of: Italy`rome
What is the Capital of: Jamaica`kingston
What is the Capital of: Japan`tokyo
What is the Capital of: Jersey`saint helier
What is the Capital of: Jordan`amman
What is the capital of Kansas`Topeka
What is the capital of Kazakhstan`alma-ata
What is the Capital of: Kazakhstan`astana
what is the capital of kazakstan`almaty
what is the capital of kentucky`frankfort
What is the Capital of: Kenya`nairobi
What is the capital of Kiribati`bairiki
What is the Capital of: Kiribati`tarawa
What is the Capital of: Korea North`p'yongyang
What is the Capital of: Korea South`seoul
What is the capital of Kosovo`pristina
What is the Capital of: Kuwait`kuwait
What is the capital of Kuwait`kuwait city
What is the Capital of: Kyrgyzstan`bishkek
What is the Capital of: Laos`vientiane
What is the Capital of: Latvia`riga
What is the Capital of: Lebanon`beirut
What is the Capital of: Lesotho`maseru
What is the Capital of: Liberia`monrovia
What is the Capital of: Libya`tripoli
What is the capital of Lichtenstein`vaduz
What is the Capital of: Liechtenstein`vaduz
What is the Capital of: Lithuania`vilnius
what is the capital of louisiana`baton rouge
What is the Capital of: Luxembourg`luxembourg
What is the Capital of: Macau SAR`macau
What is the Capital of: Macedonia`skopje
What is the Capital of: Madagascar`antananarivo
What is the capital of Maine`Augusta
What is the capital of Majorca`palma
What is the Capital of: Malawi`lilongwe
What is the capital of Malaysia`kuala lumpur
What is the Capital of: Maldives`male
What is the Capital of: Mali`bamako
What is the Capital of: Malta`valletta
What is the Capital of: Man, Isle of`douglas
What is the capital of Marshall Islands`dalap-uliga-darrit
What is the Capital of: Marshall Islands`majuro
What is the Capital of: Martinique`fort-de-france
what is the capital of massachusetts`boston
What is the Capital of: Mauritania`nouakchott
What is the capital of Mauritius`port louis
What is the Capital of: Mayotte`mamoutzou
What is the Capital of: Mexico`mexico
What is the capital of Mexico`mexico city
What is the capital of michigan`lansing
What is the Capital of: Micronesia, Federated States of`palikir
What is the capital of Micronesia`palikir
what is the capital of minnesota`saint paul
what is the capital of mississippi`jackson
What is the capital of missouri`jefferson city
What is the Capital of: Moldova`chisinau
What is the capital of Moldova`kishinev
What is the Capital of: Monaco`monaco
What is the capital of Mongolia`Ulaanbataar
What is the capital of Montana`helena
What is the Capital of: Montserrat`plymouth
What is the Capital of: Morocco`rabat
What is the Capital of: Mozambique`maputo
What is the Capital of: Namibia `windhoek
What is the Capital of: Nauru`no official capital
What is the capital of Nauru`yaren
What is the Capital of: Nepal`kathmandu
What is the capital of Nepal`katmandu
What is the Capital of: Netherlands`amsterdam
What is the Capital of: Netherlands Antilles`willemstad
What is the capital of Nevada`carson city
What is the capital of New Brunswick`fredericton
What is the Capital of: New Caledonia`noumea
What is the capital of New Jersey`trenton
What is the capital of New Mexico`santa fe
What is the capital of new york`albany
what is the capital of new york state`albany
What is the Capital of: New Zealand`wellington
What is the Capital of: Nicaragua`managua
What is the Capital of: Nigeria`abuja
What is the capital of nigeria`lagos
What is the Capital of: Niger`niamey
What is the Capital of: Niue`alofi
What is the Capital of: Norfolk Island`kingston
What is the capital of north carolina`raleigh
What is the capital of north dakota`bismarck
What Is the Capital Of North Dakota (USA)`Bismarck
What is the Capital of: Northern Mariana Islands`saipan
What is the capital of North Korea`pyongyang
What is the capital of north vietnam`hanoi
What is the Capital of: Norway`oslo
What is the capital of nova scotia`halifax
what is the capital of of norway`oslo
what is the capital of ohio`columbus
what is the capital of oklahoma`oklahoma city
What is the Capital of: Oman`muscat
What is the Capital of: Pakistan`islamabad
what is the capital of pakistan?`karachi
What is the Capital of: Palau`koror
What is the Capital of: Panama`panama
What is the capital of Panama`panama city
What is the Capital of: Papua New Guinea`port moresby
What is the Capital of: Paraguay`asuncion
What is the capital of pennsylvania`harrisberg
What is the capital of Pennsylvania`harrisburg
What is the Capital of: Peru`lima
What is the Capital of: Philippines`manila
What is the Capital of: Pitcairn Islands`adamstown
What is the Capital of: Poland`warsaw
What is the Capital of: Portugal`lisbon
What is the Capital of: Puerto Rico`san juan
What is the Capital of: Qatar`doha
What is the capital of Queensland`Brisbane
What is the Capital of: Reunion`saint-denis
what is the capital of rhode island`providence
What is the Capital of: Romania`bucharest
What is the Capital of: Russia`moscow
What is the Capital of: Rwanda`kigali
What is the Capital of: Saint Helena`jamestown
What is the Capital of: Saint Kitts and Nevis`basseterre
What is the Capital of: Saint Lucia`castries
What is the Capital of: Saint Pierre and Miquelon`saint-pierre
What is the Capital of: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines`kingstown
What is the capital of Saint Vincent`kingstown
What is the Capital of: Samoa`apia
What is the Capital of: San Marino`san marino
What is the capital of San Salvador`el salvador
What is the Capital of: Sao Tome and Principe`sao tome
What is the Capital of: Saudi Arabia`riyadh
What is the Capital of: Senegal`dakar
What is the Capital of: Serbia and Montenegro`belgrade
What is the Capital of: Seychelles`victoria
What is the Capital of: Sierra Leone`freetown
What is the Capital of: Singapore`singapore
What is the Capital of: Slovakia`bratislava
What is the Capital of: Slovenia`ljubljana
What is the Capital of: Solomon Islands`honiara
What is the Capital of: Somalia`mogadishu
What is the Capital of: South Africa`pretoria
What is the capital of South Australia`adelaide
What is the capital of South Dakota`pierre
What is the capital of Southern australia`adelaide
What is the capital of South Korea`seoul
What is the capital of south vietnam`saigon
What is the Capital of: Spain`madrid
What is the Capital of: Sri Lanka`colombo
What is the capital of St Lucia`castries
what is the capital of st vincent and the grenadines`kingstown
What is the Capital of: Sudan`khartoum
What is the Capital of: Suriname`paramaribo
What is the Capital of: Svalbard`longyearbyen
What is the Capital of: Swaziland`mbabane
What is the Capital of: Sweden`stockholm
What is the capital of Switzerland?`Bern
what is the capital of switzerland`berne
What is the Capital of: Syria`damascus
What is the capital of Tahiti`papeete
What is the Capital of: Taiwan`taipei
What is the Capital of: Tajikistan`dushanbe
What is the Capital of: Tanzania`dar es salaam
what is the capital of tanzania`dodoma
What is the capital of Tasmania`hobart
What is the capital of tennessee`nashville
What is the capital of Texas`austin
What is the Capital of: Thailand`bangkok
What is the capital of the African country of the Ivory Coast`abidjan
What is the capital of the Alsace region of France`strasbourg
What is the capital of the Australia's Northern Territory`darwin
What is the capital of The Bahamas`nassau
What is the capital of the Canadian province of British Columbia`victor1a
What is the capital of the Canadian province of British Columbia`victoria
What is the capital of the Canadian province of Ontario`toronto
what is the capital of the central african republic`bangui
what is the capital of the district of kosovo`pristina
What is the capital of the Dominican Republic`santo domingo
what is the capital of the former zaire`kinshasa
What is the capital of The Netherlands`amsterdam
What is the capital of the Philippines`manila
What is the capital of the republic of Latvia`riga
What is the capital of the seychelles`victoria
What is the capital of the Spanish province Cantabria`santander
What is the capital of the Spanish region of Aragon`zaragoza
What is the capital of the Spanish region of Navarre`pamplona
What is the capital of the state of California`sacramento
What is the capital of the state of Connecticut`hartford
What is the capital of the state of Minnesota`st. paul
What is the capital of the state of Ohio`columbus
What is the capital of the state of Oklahoma`oklahoma city
What is the capital of the state of Virginia`richmond
What is the capital of the state of West Virginia`charleston
What is the capital of the state of Wisconsin`madison
What is the capital of the Tuscany region of Italy`florence
What is the capital of the United Arab Emirates`Abu Dhabi
what is the capital of the united states`washington dc
What is the capital of the US state of Delaware`dover
What is the capital of the US state of Oregon`salem
What is the capital of the Yemen`sana'a
What is the Capital of: Togo`lome
What is the Capital of: Tokelau`no official capital
What is the Capital of: Tonga`nuku'alofa
What is the Capital of: Trinidad and Tobago`port-of-spain
what is the capital of trinidad & tobago`port of spain
What is the Capital of: Tunisia`tunis
What is the Capital of: Turkey`ankara
What is the Capital of: Turkmenistan`ashgabat
What is the capital of Turkmenistan`ashkhabad
What is the Capital of: Turks and Caicos Islands`grand turk
What is the capital of Tuvalu`fanafuti
What is the Capital of: Tuvalu`funafuti
What is the Capital of: Uganda`kampala
What is the Capital of: Ukraine`kiev
What is the Capital of: United Arab Emirates`abu dhabi
What is the Capital of: United Kingdom`london
What is the capital of United States`washington
What is the Capital of: United States`washington dc
What is the Capital of: Uruguay`montevideo
What is the capital of utah`salt lake city
What is the capital of Uzbekistan`tashkent
What is the Capital of: Uzbekistan`tashkent`toshkent
What is the Capital of: Vanuatu`port-vila
What is the capital of Vanuatu`vila
What is the capital of Vatican City`vatican city
What is the Capital of: Venezuela`caracas
what is the capital of vermont`montpelier
What is the Capital of: Vietnam`hanoi
What is the capital of virginia`richmond
What is the Capital of: Virgin Islands`charlotte amalie
What is the Capital of: Wallis and Futuna`mata-utu
What is the capital of Washington state`Olympia
What is the capital of Western Samoa`apia
What is the capital of West Germany`bonn
What is the capital of West Virginia`Charleston
What is the capital of Wisconsin`Madison
What is the capital of wyoming`cheyenne
What is the Capital of: Yemen`sanaa
What is the capital of Yugoslavia`belgrade
What is the capital of Zaire`kinshasa
What is the Capital of: Zambia`lusaka
What is the Capital of: Zimbabwe`harare
What is the capital of Zimbabwe`Salisbury
what is the capitol of australia?`canberra
What is the capitol of the marshall islands`dalap-uliga-darrit
What is the cap on the fire hydrant called`bonnet
What is the captain of a curling foursome called`skip
What is the captain of a yacht usually called`skipper
What is the captial of Libya`tripoli
What is the Captital of Venezuela`Caracas
What is the cardinal number for a set of 10 elephants`ten
What is the Cat Burglar's real name?`Malloy
What is the cathedral city of northern France on the Somme`amiens
What is the central post of a winding staircase`newel
What is the centre division of a backgammon board called`bar
What is the centre of an amphitheatre called`arena
What is the centre of an archery target called`bullseye
What is the chance of having a baby boy at each conception`fifty percent
What is the character napoleon in one of george orwell's novels`pig
What is the character of French wine described as 'mousseaux'`sparkling
What is the chemical flouride said to prevent`tooth decay
What is the chemical formula for Ozone`03
What is the chemical formula for Ozone`o3
what is the chemical formula for rubidium bromide, the only one known to be a palindrome`rbbr
What is the chemical formula for Water`H2O
What is the chemical name for baking soda`sodium bicarbonate
What is the chemical name for caustic soda`sodium hydroxide
What is the chemical name for laughing gas`nitrous oxide
What is the chemical name for the mineral known as 'fool's gold'`iron sulphide
What is the chemical name for vitamin c`ascorbic acid
What is the chemical name for water`hydrogen oxide
What is the chemical symbol for Aluminum`al
What is the chemical symbol for antimony`sb
What is the chemical symbol for Arsenic`as
What is the chemical symbol for Boron`b
What is the chemical symbol for Bromine`br
What is the chemical symbol for Calcium`ca
what is the chemical symbol for carbon`c
What is the chemical symbol for Carbon Dioxide`CO2
What is the chemical symbol for chlorine`cl
What is the chemical symbol for chromium`cr
What is the chemical symbol for copper`Cu
what is the chemical symbol for fluorine`f
what is the chemical symbol for gallium`ga
What is the chemical symbol for Gold`AU
What is the chemical symbol for iron`fe
what is the chemical symbol for mercury`hg
What is the chemical symbol for Nickel`ni
What is the chemical symbol for Oxygen`o
what is the chemical symbol for platinum`pt
What is the chemical symbol for plutonium`pu
What is the chemical symbol for Rubidium`rb
what is the chemical symbol for scandium`sc
What is the chemical symbol for silicon`si
what is the chemical symbol for sodium`na
What is the chemical symbol for Sulfur`s
What is the chemical symbol for tin`sn
what is the chemical symbol for vandium`v
What is the chemical symbol for Xenon`xe
What is the Chess ranking system called`Elo
What is the chief characteristic of hydroponic cultivation of plants`no soil
What is the chief constituent of Mornay sauce`cheese
What is the chief food of most termites`wood
What is the chief monetary unit of Albania`lek
What is the chief monetary unit of Croatia`kuna
What is the chief monetary unit of states of the former Yugoslavia`dinar
What is the chief ore of mercury`cinnabar
What is the chief port of South Yemen`aden
What is the chief port of Spain`barcelona
What is the chief river of Germany`rhine
What is the Chilean Pine commonly known as`monkey puzzle
What is the chilean pine tree better known as`monkey puzzle
What is the Chinese practice of treating illness by inserting needles into the body called`acupuncture
What is the Christian (Latin) name for the place which the Hebrews called Golgotha, (In Aramaic, 'The Place of the Skulls)`calvary
What is the Christian name of H.G. Wells' Mr Polly`alfred
What is the Christian name of the Spanish conquistador Pizarro`francisco
What is the Christian name of TV's Inspector Morse`endeavour
What is the chronicle of the nazi siege of leningrad`the 900 days
what is the cincinnati baseball team called`reds
What is the circle of the earth at 0 degrees latitude`equator
What is 'The City of Lights'`paris
What is the claim to fame of Agra, India`Taj Mahal
What is the clarified butter used in Indian cuisine`ghee
What is the classic fillies race run over the Derby course`oaks
What is the clavicle`collarbone
what is the cleveland baseball team called`indians
What is the closely cut grass that surrounds a golf green`apron
What is the closest county to the Isle of Wight`hampshire
what is the closest distance that cuba is from the usa`90 miles
What is the closest planet to the sun`mercury
What is the closest relationship your father's sister-in-law could be to you`your mother
What is the closest relative of the manatee`elephant
What is the clotting protein in blood called`fibrin
What is the cluster of islands in Lake Superior known as`The Apostle Islands
What is the cocktail made from orange juice and champagne called`buck's fizz
what is the 'codename' for netscape's navigator web browser`mozilla
What is the codename for the F-14 jet?`tomcat
What is the code name of Adil, the foreign exchange student from Albania?`Sparrow
What is the collarbone`clavicle
What is the collective name for a group of foxes`skulk
What is the collective name for a group of frogs`army
What is the collective name for a group of hummingbirds`charm
What is the collective name for a group of larks called`exaltation
what is the collective name of bingo, drooper, fleagle and snorky`banana splits
What is the collective name of Caspar, Melchior & Balthazar`magi
What is the collective noun for a group of bears`sloth
What is the collective noun for a group of crows`murder
What is the collective noun for a group of ferrets`business
What is the collective noun for a group of leopards`leap
What is the collective noun for a group of rhinoceros`crash
What is the collective noun for a group of tigers`an ambush
What is the collective noun for toads`knot
What is the collective term for a body of goods and monies from which future income can be derived?`capital
What is the collective term for a group of mules`a barren
What is the collective term for a group of nightingales`a watch
What is the collective term for a group of ravens`unkindness
What is the collective term for crows`murder
What is the collective term for flying geese`skein
What is the colloquial name for the Financial Times index`footsie
what is the color of the #1 ball in pool`yellow
What is the colour associated with cowardice`yellow
What is the colour of lobster's blood`blue
What is the colour of mourning in Moslem countries`white
What is the colour of mr spocks blood`green
What is the colour of the italian liqeuer galliano`yellow
What is the colour of the leather in the House of Lords`red
What is the colour of the maple leaf on the Canadian flag`red
What is the combination of fine clay and sand for making pottery`terracotta
What is the commonest name used in London streets`victoria
What is the common household name for sodium hydroxide`caustic soda
What is the common name for a "canis lupus"`timber wolf
What is the common name for acetylsalicylic acid`aspirin
What is the common name for a coin operated record player`juke box
What is the common name for a hammer with a wooden head`mallet
What is the common name for a Japanese dwarf tree`Bonsai
What is the common name for an animal's marsupium`pouch
What is the common name for ascorbic acid`Vitamin C
What is the common name for Carbolic Acid`phenol
what is the common name for citrus grandis`grapefruit
What is the common name for corporations formed to act as trustees according to the terms of contracts known as trust agreements?`Trust companies
What is the common name for Hydrogen Hydroxide`water
What is the common name for hydrogen oxide`water
what is the common name for "land of the white elephant"`siam
What is the common name for Larus argentatus`the herring gull
What is the common name for lysergic acid diethylamide`lsd
What is the common name for many species of burrowing mollusks?`clam
What is the common name for myocardial infarction`heart attack
What is the common name for Seborrheic Dermatitis`dandruff
What is the common name for Sodium Chloride`Salt
What is the common name for solid carbon dioxide`dry ice
What is the common name for Sturnus vulgaris`starling
What is the common name for the Aurora Borealis`northern lights
what is the common name for the disease rubella`german measles
What is the common name for the fever psittacosis, which is passed on to humans via birds`Parrot Fever
what is the common name for the fruit 'citrus grandis'`grapefruit
What is the common name for the garden flower Cheiranthus`wallflower
What is the common name for the houseplant ChlorophytuM`spiderplant
what is the common name for the international criminal police organisation`interpol
What is the common name for the larynx`voice box
What is the common name for the marine animals asteroidea`starfish
What is the common name for the 'pharynx'`throat
What is the common name for the plant Rosa Canina`dog rose
What is the common name for the sternum`breast bone
what is the common name for the tympanic membrane`eardrum
What is the common name for tinea, a fungal skin condition, when it attacks the feet`athlete's foot
What is the common name for "tinea pedis"`athletes foot
What is the common name for white soft limestone`chalk
What is the common name given to the Australian Kookaburra bird for its distinctive cry`Laughing jackass
What is the common name given to the larvae of a crane fly`leatherjackets
What is the common name of Salix Fragilis, the tallest of the Willow family, from the sharp sound its brittle twigs make when broken`crack willow
What is the common name of scrivener's palsy`writer's cramp
What is the common name of Squatina angelus, a fish that has become popular in britain since the 70s`monkfish
what is the common name of the compound c5_n3`pentacarbon trinitride
what is the common name of the compound nacl`salt
what is the common name of the compound naoh`sodium hydroxide
What is the common name of the disease Varicella`chicken pox
What is the common name of the Echidna`spiny anteater
what is the common name of the element ar`argon
what is the common name of the element ge`germanium
what is the common name of the element h`hydrogen
What is the common name of the family of plants which includes potatoes, peppers and tomatoes`nightshades
What is the common name of the flower, Helianthus`sunflower
What is the common name of the herb Melissa Officanalis`lemon balm
what is the common name of the plant calluna`heather
What is the common name of the plant Calluna`heather`erica`ling
What is the common name of the plant Impatiens`busy lizzie
What is the common name of the plant Myosotis`forget me not
What is the common name of the plant Nigella`love in a mist
What is the common name of the plant Pelargonium`geranium
What is the common name of the tree, Aesculus Hippocastanum`horsechestnut
What is the common name of the tree Fagus Sylvatica`beech
What is the common name of the tree Quercus Robur`oak
What is the common name of the trees of the genus Fraxinus, which are widespread throughout the Northern Hemisphere`ash
What is the common name of the vegetable Beta Vularis`beetroot
What is the common term for a 'somnambulist'`sleepwalker
What is the common term for the condition monochromatism`colour blindness
What is the common term for the tympanic membrane`eardrum
What is the compound NaCl commonly known as?`Salt
What is the compulsive desire to give gifts`doromania
What is the computer acronym for "picture element?"`pixel
What is the concave dish shape of a liquid inside a glass or tube`meniscus
What is the condensed water vapour in the sky left behind jets`contrail
What is the condition resulting from prolongued muscular or mental activity`fatigue
What is the connection between Good Times and Different Strokes?`Janet Jackson
What is the connection between Sandwich,Dover,Hythe,Hastings and Romney`cinque ports
what is the constellation leo in english`lion
What is the container in which official messages from embassies are carried`diplomatic bag
What is the correct chemical name for iron pyrites, sometimes known as 'Fool's gold'`iron sulphide
What is the correct form of address for a foreign ambassador`His/Her
What is the correct form of address for a foreign ambassador?`His/Her Excellency
What is the correct form of address for a foreign ambassador`his or her
What is the correct form of address for a foreign ambassador`your Excellency
What is the correct name for a gazebo on the roof of a house`belvedere
What is the correct name for an animal's pouch`marsupium
What is the correct name for brown coal`lignite
What is the correct name for the skullcap worn by Popes`zucchetto
What is the correct name for the upper shell of a tortoise`carapace
What is the correct name for Yugoslavian plum brandy`slivovitz
What is the correct name for Yugoslav plum brandy`slivovitz
What is the correct name of bangkok`krung thep
What is the correct spelling of Check-Es-Slow-Vakia`Czechoslovakia
What is the correct term for a blow-job?`Fellatio
What is the correct term for a screwdriver with a 'star shaped' head`phillips
What is the correct term for eating pussy?`cunilingus
what is the country code to dial for belgium`0032
What is the country code to dial for Germany`0049
What is the country code to dial for Holland`0031
What is the country with the biggest percentage of female heads of household`botswana
What is the county town of Devon`exeter
What Is The County Town Of Devon (UK)`Exeter
What is the covering on the tip of a shoelace`iglet
what is the crease called that is underneath your nose`philtrum
What is the creature that is half eagle, half lion`griffin
What is the 'cresta run'`toboggan course
What is the cricketing term for an off break bowled with a leg break action`googly
What is the criminal number of jean valjean in 'les miserables'`24601
What is the criminal number of sideshow bob in 'the simpsons'`24601
What is the crucifix which is on a raised screen at the entrance to a chancel`rood
What is the crystal anniversary`fifteenth
What is the cube of 20`eight thousand
What is the cube root of 27`three
What is the cube root of 64`four
What is the cube root of 64`four`4
What is the culinary term meaning to coat or sprinkle with flour or sugar`dredging
What is the culinary term meaning to cover with bacon before cooking`barding
What is the cure of disease by faith in divine power`faith healing
What is the currancy unit of El Salvador`colon
what is the currency of costa rica`colon
What is the currency of denmark`krone
What is the currency of Ecuador`sucre
What is the currency of finland called`markka
What is the Currency of guatemala`quetzal
What is the currency of Holland`guilder
What is the currency of India`rupee
What is the currency of Iran`rial
What is the currency of Israel`shekel
What Is The Currency Of Liechtenstein`Swiss Franc
What is the currency of Poland`zloty
what is the currency of turkey`lira
what is the currency of venezuela?`bolivar
What is the currency unit of Albania`lek
What is the current capital of laos`vientiane
What is the current name for South-West Africa`Namibia
What is the current vat rate in south africa`14%
What is the current vat rate in the uk`17.5%
What is the darkest part of a shadow called`Umbra
what is the darkest, strongest beer`stout
What is the date of Candlemas`2nd february
What is the date of sherlock holmes, fictional birthday`january 6
What is the date of the day known in the past as Lady Day`march 25th
What is the date of the day known in the past as Michaelmas`sept 29th
What is the date on Smirnoff Vodka bottles`1818
what is the day after shrove tuesday`ash wednesday
What is the day before Ash Wednesday`shrove tuesday
what is the day called when the earth is closest to the sun?`perigee
What is the deciding qualification of a true cockney`born within the sound of bow bells
What is the decimal equivalent of binary 1111`fifteen
What is the decimal equivalent of binary 1111`fifteen`15
What is the decimal equivalent of the binary number 10011`17
What is the decimal equivalent of the binary number 10011`seventeen
What is the decimal equivalent of the binary number 10011`seventeen`17
What is the decimal equivalent of the binary number 11011`27
What is the decimal equivalent of the binary number 11011`twenty seven
What is the decimal equivalent of the binary number 11011`twenty seven`27
What is the decorative foot on a printed letter`serif
What is the decrease in size of a tissue or organ due to degeneration`atrophy
What is the deepest cleft in the earths surface on land`the grand canyon
What is the deepest lake in the world`lake baikal
What is the deepest land gorge`grand canyon
What is the deleterious gas in the air, which is exhaled by humans called`carbon dioxide
What is the densest planet in the solar system`earth
What is the derivative of sin x`cos x
what is the designation of a us navy nuclear carrier`cvn
What is the destination of the Arlberg Express leaving Vienna every night at 8.10`paris
What is the destination of the plane at the end of the film 'Casablanca'`Lisbon
what is the detailed mapping of an area`topography
what is the detroit baseball team called`tigers
What is the Diamond Anniversary`sixtieth
What is the difference between the manchurian tiger and the Siberian tiger`no difference
What is the 'd' in dwight d eisenhower's name`david
What is the dire straits song title for 'here comes johnny singing oldies, goldies ...'`walk of life
What is the discharge of a liquid from a surface, usually pores or incisions`exudation
What is the disease Acromegaly?`Where the penis can grow very large
What is the disease frequent in asia, africa and america, which is believed to result from eating polished rice`beri beri
What is the dish made from peppers, aubergines, courgettes and tomatoes called`ratatouille
What is the dish of chopped avocado with onions, tomatoes, chilli and seasoning called`guacamole
What is the distance between the center and the edge of a circle called`radius
What is the distance between two rails on a track called`gauge
What is the distance from earth to the sun`93 million miles
what is the distance of straight-line sprints in drag racing`a quarter-mile
What is the distance of the Olympic Biathlon`20 kilometres
What is the dogs name in peter pan`nana
What is the dot over the letter 'i' called`tittle
What is the drink ouzo flavoured with`aniseed
What is the drink 'Southern Comfort' flavoured with`peaches
What is the drug that is used to treat Parkinson's disease`dopamine
What is the drummer's name in 'the muppet show'`animal
what is the dry ingredient in a roux`flour
What is the dry ingredient in a roux`Flour
What is the eardrum`tympanic membrane
what is the earth's atmosphere and the space beyond`aerospace
What is the earth's layer just below the crust`mantle
What is the earth's outer layer of surface soil or crust`lithosphere
What is the easternmost city in Germany`berlin
what is the easternmost county in England`Norfolk
what is the ecclesiastical title and office next in rank to that of the pope`cardinal
What is the Echidna's favorite food`ants
What is the effect of a beta blocker`lower the blood pressure
What is the effect of the earth's rotation on the wind called`coriolis
What is the eighth letter of the Greek alphabet`theta
What is the eighth month of the year`august
what is the eighth sign of the zodiac`scorpio
what is the element for the symbol Ac`actinium
what is the element for the symbol Ag`silver
what is the element for the symbol Al`aluminium
what is the element for the symbol Am`americium
what is the element for the symbol Ar`argon
what is the element for the symbol As`arsenic
what is the element for the symbol At`astatine
what is the element for the symbol Au`gold
what is the element for the symbol Ba`barium
what is the element for the symbol B`boron
what is the element for the symbol Be`beryllium
what is the element for the symbol Bi`bismuth
what is the element for the symbol Bk`berkelium
what is the element for the symbol Br`bromine
what is the element for the symbol Ca` calcium
what is the element for the symbol C`carbon
what is the element for the symbol Cd`cadium
what is the element for the symbol Ce`cerium
what is the element for the symbol Cf`californium
what is the element for the symbol Cl`chlorine
what is the element for the symbol Cm`curium
what is the element for the symbol Co`cobalt
what is the element for the symbol Cr`chromium
what is the element for the symbol Cs`cesium
what is the element for the symbol Cu`copper
what is the element for the symbol Dy`dysprosium
what is the element for the symbol Er`erbium
what is the element for the symbol Es`einsteinium
what is the element for the symbol Eu`europium
what is the element for the symbol Fe`iron
what is the element for the symbol F`flourine
what is the element for the symbol Fm`fermium
what is the element for the symbol Fr`francium
what is the element for the symbol Ga`gallium
what is the element for the symbol Gd`gadolinium
what is the element for the symbol Ge`germanium
what is the element for the symbol Ha`hahnium
what is the element for the symbol He`helium
what is the element for the symbol Hf`hafnium
what is the element for the symbol Hg`mercury
what is the element for the symbol H`hydrogen
what is the element for the symbol Ho`holmium
what is the element for the symbol Hs`hassium
what is the element for the symbol I`iodine
what is the element for the symbol In`indium
what is the element for the symbol Ir`iridium
what is the element for the symbol K`potassium
what is the element for the symbol Kr`krypton
what is the element for the symbol La`lanthanum
what is the element for the symbol Li`lithium
what is the element for the symbol Lr`lawtencium
what is the element for the symbol Lu`lutenium
what is the element for the symbol Md`mendelevium
what is the element for the symbol Mg`magnesium
what is the element for the symbol Mo`molybdenum
what is the element for the symbol Mt`manganese
what is the element for the symbol Na`sodium
what is the element for the symbol Nb`niobium
what is the element for the symbol Nd`neodymium
what is the element for the symbol Ne`neon
what is the element for the symbol Ni`nickel
what is the element for the symbol N`nitrogen
what is the element for the symbol No`nobelium
what is the element for the symbol Np`neptunium
what is the element for the symbol Ns`neilsborium
what is the element for the symbol O`oxygen
what is the element for the symbol Os`osamian
what is the element for the symbol Pa`protactinium
what is the element for the symbol Pb`lead
what is the element for the symbol Pd`palladium
what is the element for the symbol Pm`promethium
what is the element for the symbol Po`polonium
what is the element for the symbol P`phosphorus
what is the element for the symbol Pr`praseodymium
what is the element for the symbol Pt`platinum
what is the element for the symbol Pu`plutonium
what is the element for the symbol Ra`radium
what is the element for the symbol Rb`rubidium
what is the element for the symbol Re`rhenium
what is the element for the symbol Rf`rutherfordium
what is the element for the symbol Rh`rhodium
what is the element for the symbol Rn`radon
what is the element for the symbol Ru`ruthenium
what is the element for the symbol Sb`antimony
what is the element for the symbol Sc`scandium
what is the element for the symbol Se`selenium
what is the element for the symbol Sg`seaborgium
what is the element for the symbol Si`silicon
what is the element for the symbol Sm`samarium
what is the element for the symbol Sn`tin
what is the element for the symbol Sr`strontium
what is the element for the symbol S`sulfur
what is the element for the symbol Ta`tantalum
what is the element for the symbol Tb`terbium
what is the element for the symbol Tc`technetium
what is the element for the symbol Te`tellurium
what is the element for the symbol th`thorium
what is the element for the symbol Ti`titanium
what is the element for the symbol Tl`thalium
what is the element for the symbol Tm`thulium
what is the element for the symbol U`uranium
what is the element for the symbol V`vanadium
what is the element for the symbol W`tungsten
what is the element for the symbol Xe`xenon
what is the element for the symbol Yb`ytterbium
what is the element for the symbol Yt`yttrium
what is the element for the symbol Zn`zinc
What is the element symbol for Actinium`ac
What is the element symbol for Aluminum`al
What is the element symbol for Americum`am
What is the element symbol for Antimony`sb
What is the element symbol for Argon`ar
What is the element symbol for Arsenic (gray)`as
What is the element symbol for Astatine`at
What is the element symbol for Barium`ba
What is the element symbol for Berkelium`bk
What is the element symbol for Berylium`be
What is the element symbol for Bismuth`bi
What is the element symbol for Bohrium`bh
What is the element symbol for Boron`b
What is the element symbol for Bromine`br
What is the element symbol for Cadmium`cd
What is the element symbol for Calcium`ca
What is the element symbol for Californium`cf
What is the element symbol for Carbon`c
What is the element symbol for Cerium`ce
What is the element symbol for Cesium`cs
What is the element symbol for Chlorine`cl
What is the element symbol for Chromium`cr
What is the element symbol for Cobalt`co
What is the element symbol for Copper`cu
What is the element symbol for Curium`cm
What is the element symbol for Dubnium`db
What is the element symbol for Dysprosium`dy
What is the element symbol for Einsteinium`es
What is the element symbol for Erbium`er
What is the element symbol for Europium`eu
What is the element symbol for Fermium`fm
What is the element symbol for Fluorine`f
What is the element symbol for Francium`fr
What is the element symbol for Gadolinium`gd
What is the element symbol for Gallium`ga
What is the element symbol for Germanium`ge
What is the element symbol for Gold`au
What is the element symbol for Hafnium`hf
What is the element symbol for Hassium`hs
What is the element symbol for Helium`he
What is the element symbol for Holmium`ho
What is the element symbol for Hydrogen`h
What is the element symbol for Indium`in
What is the element symbol for Iodine`i
What is the element symbol for Iridium`ir
What is the element symbol for Iron`fe
What is the element symbol for Krypton`kr
What is the element symbol for Lanthanum`la
What is the element symbol for Lawrencium`lr
What is the element symbol for Lead`pb
What is the element symbol for Lithium`li
What is the element symbol for Lutetium`lu
What is the element symbol for Magnesium`mg
What is the element symbol for Manganese`mn
What is the element symbol for Meitnerium`mt
What is the element symbol for Mendelevium`md
What is the element symbol for Mercury`hg
What is the element symbol for Molybdenum`mo
What is the element symbol for Neodymium`nd
What is the element symbol for Neon`ne
What is the element symbol for Neptunium`np
What is the element symbol for Nickel`ni
What is the element symbol for Niobium (Columbium)`nb
What is the element symbol for Nitrogen`n
What is the element symbol for Osmium`os
What is the element symbol for Palladium`pd
What is the element symbol for Phosphorous  (white)`p
What is the element symbol for Platinum`pt
What is the element symbol for Plutonium`pu
What is the element symbol for Polonium`po
What is the element symbol for Potassium`k
What is the element symbol for Praseodymium`pr
What is the element symbol for Promethium`pm
What is the element symbol for Protactinium`pa
What is the element symbol for Radium`ra
What is the element symbol for Radon`rn
What is the element symbol for Rhenium`re
What is the element symbol for Rhodium`rh
What is the element symbol for Rubidium`rb
What is the element symbol for Ruthenium`ru
What is the element symbol for Rutherfordium`rf
What is the element symbol for Samarium`sm
What is the element symbol for Scandium`sc
What is the element symbol for Seaborgium`sg
What is the element symbol for Selenium (gray)`se
What is the element symbol for Silicon`si
What is the element symbol for Silver`ag
What is the element symbol for Sodium`na
What is the element symbol for Strontium`sr
What is the element symbol for Sulfur`s
What is the element symbol for Tantalum`ta
What is the element symbol for Technetium`tc
What is the element symbol for Tellurium`te
What is the element symbol for Terbium`tb
What is the element symbol for Thallium`tl
What is the element symbol for Thorium`th
What is the element symbol for Thulium`tm
What is the element symbol for Tin (white)`sn
What is the element symbol for Titanium`ti
What is the element symbol for Tungsten`w
What is the element symbol for Uranium`u
What is the element symbol for Vanadium`v
What is the element symbol for Xenon`xe
What is the element symbol for Ytterbium`yb
What is the element symbol for Yttrium`y
What is the element symbol for Zinc`zn
What is the element symbol for Zirconium`zr
What is the eleventh month of the year`november
What is the end of the song 'it's beginning to look a lot like ______`christmas
What is the english equivalent of the name ian`john
What is the english equivalent of the name ivan`john
What is the English equivalent of the Spanish boob day`april fool's day
What is the english for umbrella`little shaded area
What is the English meaning of the constellation's name Canis Major`big dog
What is the English name for the constellation with Latin name Camelopardis`giraffe
What is the English name for the constellation with the Latin name Monoceros  It's a mythical creature`unicorn
What is the English name for the tree castanea sativa`sweet chestnut
What is the English name for what Americans call confectioners sugar`icing sugar
What is the English nickname of Beethoven's opus 91, written to commemorate Wellington's victory at Vitoria`battle symphony
What is the English statute of 1689 guaranteeing the rights & liberty of the individual subject`bill of rights
What is the English title of Mozart's opera "Die Zauberflote"`the magic flute
What is the English title of the German opera, 'Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor'`the merry wives of windsor
What is the English translation of the French fending term touche`I was touched
What is the English translation of the title of Giuseppe Verdi opera, LaTraviata`Falcons Lair
What is the english version of the american broiling`grilling
What is the english word for 'fiesta'`festival
what is the english word for marijuana`mary jane
What is the english word for 'zorro'`fox
what is the equivalent of minus 40 degrees celsius`minus forty degrees fahrenheit
What is the equivalent RAF rank to Sub-lieutenant RN and Lieutenant in the army`flying officer
What is the equivalent Spanish acronym for ufo`ovni
What is the escape velocity from the earth's gravity`25,000 mph
What is the escape velocity from the earth's gravity (mph)`25,000 mph
What is the Eskimo name for a polar bear`nanook
What is the essential characteristic of aerobic exercise`oxygen is consumed
What is the estimated number of couples into 'wife-swapping'?`1 in 50
What is the estimated weight of the great pyramid of Egypt`6,648,000 tons
What is The Eternal City`rome
What is the ethereal juice in the vein of the gods`ichor
What is the European city of Culture for 1998`stockholm
What is the European equivalnet of a Nonillion`Quintillion
What is the eve of All Saints Day`halloween
what is the explosion produced when fuel is exposed to a spark`combustion
What is the expression 'matrimonial peacemaker' a synonym for?`A penis
What is the expulsion of evil spirits from persons or places through ritual methods`exorcism
What is the exterior of the Taj Mahal made from`marble
what is the f-117a better known as`stealth`amman
what is the f-117a better known as`stealth fighter
what is the fahrenheit equivalent of 20 degrees centigrade`sixty eight
What is the fairytale world of c s lewis's the lion, the witch and the wardrobe`narnia
What is the familiar name of the fair city also known as Baile Atha Cliath`dublin
What is the family link between Dallas and the King of Rock and Roll`priscilla presley
What is the family name in the h e bates story a little of what you fancy`larkin
What is the family name of the Dukes of Bedford`russell
What is the family name of the Dukes of Somerset`seymour
What is the famous cave on the island of staffa`fingals
What is the fastest bird`spine-tailed swift
What is the fastest breed of dog`Greyhound
What is the fastest fish in the world`sailfish
What is the fastest flowing river in the world`Amazon
What is the fastest growing species of grass`Bamboo
What is the fastest land animal`cheetah
what is the fastest land animal over a prolongued distance`antelope
What is the fastest stroke in swimming`freestyle
what is the favorite plant of the monarch butterfly`milkweed
What is the favorite sport of the kennedy clan`football
What is the favourite food of Dragonflies`mosquitoes
What is the favourite food of the aardvark`ants`termites
What is the favourite sport of the kennedy clan`football
What is the fear of accidents known as`dystychiphobia
What is the fear of air drafts or wind known as`anemophobia
What is the fear of alcohol known as`methyphobia
What is the fear of alcohol known as`potophobia
What is the fear of amnesia known as`amnesiphobia
What is the fear of amphibians known as`batrachophobia
What is the fear of anger known as`cholerophobia
What is the fear of angina, choking or narrowness known as`anginophobia
What is the fear of animals known as`zoophobia
What is the fear of animatronic creatures known as`automatonophobia
What is the fear of ants known as`myrmecophobia
What is the fear of anything new known as`neophobia
What is the fear of asymmetrical things known as`asymmetriphobia
What is the fear of ataxia (muscular incoordination) known as`ataxiophobia
What is the fear of atomic explosions known as`atomosophobia
What is the fear of automobiles known as`motorphobia
What is the fear of bacteria known as`bacteriophobia
What is the fear of bad men or burglars known as`scelerophibia
What is the fear of bald people known as`peladophobia
What is the fear of beards known as`pogonophobia
What is the fear of bearing a deformed child known as`teratophobia
What is the fear of beautiful women known as`caligynephobia
What is the fear of beautiful women known as`venustraphobia
What is the fear of becoming angry known as`angrophobia
What is the fear of becoming bald known as`phalacrophobia
What is the fear of bees known as`apiphobia
What is the fear of bees known as`melissophobia
What is the fear of being alone known as`autophobia
What is the fear of being alone known as`eremophobia
What is the fear of being bound or tied up known as`merinthophobia
What is the fear of being buried alive known as`taphephobia
What is the fear of being contagious known as`tapinophobia
What is the fear of being contaminated with germs known as`misophobia
What is the fear of being dirty known as`autonysophobia
What is the fear of being enclosed known as`clithrophobia
What is the fear of being forgotten known as`athazagoraphobia
What is the fear of being in crowded public places or open spaces known as`agoraphobia
What is the fear of being last known as`telosphobia
What is the fear of being locked in an enclosed place known as`cleithrophobia
What is the fear of being oneself known as`eremophobia
What is the fear of being ridiculed known as`catagelophobia
What is the fear of being robbed known as`harpaxophobia
What is the fear of being severely punished or beaten by a rod known as`rhabdophobia
What is the fear of being stared at known as`ophthalmophobia
What is the fear of being stared at known as`scopophobia
What is the fear of being tickled by feathers known as`pteronophobia
What is the fear of being touched known as`aphenphosmphobia
What is the fear of being touched known as`chiraptophobia
What is the fear of being touched known as`haphephobia
What is the fear of bicycles known as`cyclophobia
What is the fear of birds known as`ornithophobia
What is the fear of blindness in visual field known as`scotomaphobia
What is the fear of blood known as`hemophobia
What is the fear of blushing known as`ereuthrophobia
What is the fear of body smells known as`bromidrosiphobia
What is the fear of bolsheviks known as`bolshephobia
What is the fear of books known as`bibiophobia
What is the fear of brain disease known as`meningitophobia
What is the fear of bulls known as`taurophobia
What is the fear of bums or beggars known as`hobophobia
What is the fear of cancer known as`carcinophobia
What is the fear of cats known as`ailurophobia
What is the fear of cats known as`elurophobia
What is the fear of cats known as`felinophobia
What is the fear of cats known as`galeophobia
What is the fear of cats known as`gatophobia
What is the fear of cemeteries known as`coimetrophobia
What is the fear of certain fabrics known as`textophobia
What is the fear of changes known as`metathesiophobia
What is the fear of chemicals known as`chemophobia
What is the fear of chickens known as`alektorophobia
What is the fear of childbirth known as`lockiophobia
What is the fear of childbirth known as`maieusiophobia
What is the fear of childbirth known as`parturiphobia
What is the fear of children known as`pedophobia
What is the fear of chinese, chinese culture known as`sinophobia
What is the fear of chins known as`geniophobia
What is the fear of choking or being smothered known as`pnigophobia
What is the fear of churches known as`ecclesiaphobia
What is the fear of church known as`ecclesiophobia
What is the fear of clocks known as`chronomentrophobia
What is the fear of clothing known as`vestiophobia
What is the fear of clouds known as`nephophobia
What is the fear of clowns known as`coulrophobia
What is the fear of cold known as`cheimaphobia
What is the fear of cold known as`frigophobia
What is the fear of cold known as`psychrophobia
What is the fear of colors known as`chromophobia
What is the fear of color yellow known as`xanthophobia
What is the fear of comets known as`cometophobia
What is the fear of computers known as`logizomechanophobia
What is the fear of computers or working on a computer known as`cyberphobia
What is the fear of constipation known as`coprastasophobia
What is the fear of contracting poliomyelitis known as`poliosophobia
What is the fear of cooking known as`mageirocophobia
What is the fear of cosmic phenomenon known as`kosmikophobia
What is the fear of criticism known as`enosiophobia
What is the fear of crosses or the crucifix known as`staurophobia
What is the fear of crossing bridges known as`gephyrophobia
What is the fear of crossing streets known as`agyrophobia
What is the fear of crossing streets known as`dromophobia
What is the fear of crowds known as`demophobia
What is the fear of crowds known as`enochlophobia
What is the fear of crowds or mobs known as`ochlophobia
What is the fear of crystals or glass known as`crystallophobia
What is the fear of dancing known as`chorophobia
What is the fear of darkness known as`achluophobia
What is the fear of darkness known as`lygophobia
What is the fear of darkness known as`myctophobia
What is the fear of darkness known as`scotophobia
What is the fear of dawn or daylight known as`eosophobia
What is the fear of daylight or sunshine known as`phengophobia
What is the fear of death known as`necrophobia
What is the fear of death or dying known as`thanatophobia
What is the fear of decaying matter known as`seplophobia
What is the fear of definite disease known as`monopathophobia
What is the fear of definite plans known as`teleophobia
What is the fear of deformity known as`dysmorphophobia
What is the fear of demons known as`demonophobia
What is the fear of dentists known as`dentophobia
What is the fear of dependence on others known as`soteriophobia
What is the fear of depth known as`bathophobia
What is the fear of diabetes known as`diabetophobia
What is the fear of dining or dinner conversations known as`deipnophobia
What is the fear of dirt known as`rhypophobia
What is the fear of dirt or contamination known as`molysmophobia
What is the fear of disease known as`nosophobia
What is the fear of disease known as`pathophobia
What is the fear of disorder or untidiness known as`ataxophobia
What is the fear of dizziness known as`dinophobia
What is the fear of dogs known as`cynophobia
What is the fear of dolls known as`pediophobia
What is the fear of double vision known as`diplophobia
What is the fear of drafts known as`aerophobia
What is the fear of dreams known as`oneirophobia
What is the fear of drinking known as`dipsophobia
What is the fear of drugs known as`pharmacophobia
What is the fear of dryness known as`xerophobia
What is the fear of dust known as`amathophobia
What is the fear of dust known as`koniophobia
What is the fear of electricity known as`electrophobia
What is the fear of enclosed spaces known as`claustrophobia
What is the fear of england, english culture known as`anglophobia
What is the fear of everything known as`panophobia
What is the fear of extreme cold or ice or frost known as`cryophobia
What is the fear of eyes known as`ommetaphobia
What is the fear of failure known as`atychiphobia
What is the fear of failure known as`kakorraphiaphobia
What is the fear of fainting or weakness known as`asthenophobia
What is the fear of falling in love known as`philophobia
What is the fear of fatigue known as`kopophobia
What is the fear of fears known as`pantophobia
What is the fear of feeling pleasure known as`hedonophobia
What is the fear of fever known as`febriphobia
What is the fear of firearms known as`hoplophobia
What is the fear of fire known as`arsonphobia
What is the fear of fire known as`pyrophobia
What is the fear of fish known as`ichthyophobia
What is the fear of floods known as`antlophobia
What is the fear of flowers known as`anthophobia
What is the fear of flutes known as`aulophobia
What is the fear of flying known as`aeruophobia
What is the fear of flying known as`aviophobia
What is the fear of flying known as`pteromerhanophobia
What is the fear of fog known as`homichlophobia
What is the fear of fog known as`nebulaphobia
What is the fear of food known as`cibophobia
What is the fear of food or eating known as`sitophobia
What is the fear of forests known as`hylophobia
What is the fear of france or french culture known as`francophobia
What is the fear of france or french culture known as`gallophobia
What is the fear of freedom known as`eleutherophobia
What is the fear of friday the 13th known as`paraskavedekatriaphobia
What is the fear of frogs known as`ranidaphobia
What is the fear of fur or skins of animals known as`doraphobia
What is the fear of gaiety known as`cherophobia
What is the fear of gaining weight known as`obesophobia
What is the fear of gaining weight known as`pocrescophobia
What is the fear of garlic known as`alliumphobia
What is the fear of german or german things known as`teutophobia
What is the fear of germany or german culture known as`germanophobia
What is the fear of germs known as`spermophobia
What is the fear of germs or contamination or dirt known as`mysophobia
What is the fear of getting wrinkles known as`rhytiphobia
What is the fear of ghosts known as`phasmophobia
What is the fear of glaring lights known as`photoaugliaphobia
What is the fear of glass known as`hyelophobia
What is the fear of glass known as`nelophobia
What is the fear of gods or religion known as`theophobia
What is the fear of going to bed known as`clinophobia
What is the fear of going to school known as`didaskaleinophobia
What is the fear of going to the doctor known as`iatrophobia
What is the fear of gold known as`aurophobia
What is the fear of gravity`barophobia
What is the fear of gravity known as`barophobia
What is the fear of greek terms known as`hellenologophobia
What is the fear of growing old known as`gerascophobia
What is the fear of hair known as`chaetophobia
What is the fear of halloween known as`samhainophobia
What is the fear of hearing a certain word known as`onomatophobia
What is the fear of hearing good news known as`euphobia
What is the fear of heat known as`thermophobia
What is the fear of heaven known as`ouranophobia
What is the fear of heaven known as`uranophobia
What is the fear of height known as`hypsiphobia
What is the fear of heights known as`acrophobia
What is the fear of heights known as`altophobia
What is the fear of heights known as`batophobia
What is the fear of hell known as`hadephobia
What is the fear of hell known as`stygiophobia
What is the fear of heredity known as`patroiophobia
What is the fear of home surroundings known as`eicophobia
What is the fear of home surroundings or house known as`oikophobia
What is the fear of horses known as`equinophobia
What is the fear of horses known as`hippophobia
What is the fear of hospitals known as`nosocomephobia
What is the fear of houses or being in a house known as`domatophobia
What is the fear of ice or frost known as`pagophobia
What is the fear of ideas known as`ideophobia
What is the fear of illness known as`nosemaphobia
What is the fear of immobility of a joint known as`ankylophobia
What is the fear of imperfection known as`atelophobia
What is the fear of infinity known as`apeirophobia
What is the fear of injections known as`trypanophobia
What is the fear of injury known as`trumatophobia
What is the fear of inoculation or injections known as`trypannophobia
What is the fear of insanity known as`dementophobia
What is the fear of insanity known as`maniaphobia
What is the fear of insects known as`entomophobia
What is the fear of insects known as`insectophobia
What is the fear of itching known as`acarophobia
What is the fear of japanese known as`japanophobia
What is the fear of jealousy known as`zelophobia
What is the fear of jews known as`judeophobia
What is the fear of jumping from high and low places known as`catapedaphobia
What is the fear of justice known as`dikephobia
What is the fear of kidney disease known as`albuminurophobia
What is the fear of kissing known as`philemaphobia
What is the fear of knees known as`genuphobia
What is the fear of knowledge known as`epistemophobia
What is the fear of knowledge known as`gnosiophobia
What is the fear of lakes known as`limnophobia
What is the fear of large things known as`megalophobia
What is the fear of laughter known as`geliophobia
What is the fear of lawsuits known as`liticaphobia
What is the fear of learning known as`sophophobia
What is the fear of leprosy known as`leprophobia
What is the fear of lice known as`pediculophobia
What is the fear of lice known as`phthiriophobia
What is the fear of light flashes known as`selaphobia
What is the fear of light known as`photophobia
What is the fear of liquids, dampness or moisture known as`hygrophobia
What is the fear of lockjaw, tetanus known as`tetanophobia
What is the fear of long waits known as`macrophobia
What is the fear of long words known as`hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia
What is the fear of long words known as`sesquipedalophobia
What is the fear of looking up known as`anablephobia
What is the fear of loud noises known as`ligyrophobia
What is the fear of lues, syphillis known as`luiphobia
What is the fear of machines known as`mechanophobia
What is the fear of making decisions known as`decidophobia
What is the fear of many things known as`polyphobia
What is the fear of marriage known as`gamophobia
What is the fear of materialism known as`hylephobia
What is the fear of meat known as`carnophobia
What is the fear of memories known as`mnemophobia
What is the fear of men known as`androphobia
What is the fear of men known as`arrhenphobia
What is the fear of men known as`hominophobia
What is the fear of menstruation known as`menophobia
What is the fear of mercurial medicines known as`hydrargyophobia
What is the fear of metal known as`metallophobia
What is the fear of meteors known as`meteorophobia
What is the fear of mice known as`musophobia
What is the fear of mice known as`suriphobia
What is the fear of microbes known as`bacillophobia
What is the fear of microbes known as`microbiophobia
What is the fear of mind known as`psychophobia
What is the fear of mirrors known as`catoptrophobia
What is the fear of mirrors known as`eistrophobia
What is the fear of missles or bullets known as`ballistophobia
What is the fear of money known as`chrometophobia
What is the fear of mother-in-law known as`pentheraphobia
What is the fear of moths known as`mottephobia
What is the fear of movement or motion known as`kinetophobia
What is the fear of moving or making changes known as`tropophobia
What is the fear of mushrooms known as`mycophobia
What is the fear of music known as`melophobia
What is the fear of myths or stories or false statements known as`mythophobia
What is the fear of naked bodies`gymnophobia
What is the fear of names known as`nomatophobia
What is the fear of narrow things or narrow places known as`stenophobia
What is the fear of neglecting duty known as`paralipophobia
What is the fear of new drugs known as`neopharmaphobia
What is the fear of newness or novelty known as`cainophobia
What is the fear of new things or ideas known as`cenophobia
What is the fear of noise known as`acousticophobia
What is the fear of noises or voices known as`phonophobia
What is the fear of northern lights known as`auroraphobia
What is the fear of nosebleeds known as`epistaxiophobia
What is the fear of novelty known as`kainolophobia
What is the fear of nuclear weapons known as`nucleomituphobia
What is the fear of nudity known as`gymnophobia
What is the fear of nudity known as`nudophobia
What is the fear of numbers known as`arithmophobia
What is the fear of numbers known as`numerophobia
What is the fear of objects at the right side of the body known as`dextrophobia
What is the fear of old people or of growing old known as`gerontophobia
What is the fear of one's own fears known as`phobophobia
What is the fear of one that has a vile odor known as`autodysomophobia
What is the fear of one thing known as`monophobia
What is the fear of open high places known as`aeroacrophobia
What is the fear of opening one's eyes known as`optophobia
What is the fear of opinions known as`allodoxaphobia
What is the fear of otters known as`lutraphobia
What is the fear of outer space known as`spacephobia
What is the fear of overworking or of pain known as`ponophobia
What is the fear of pain known as`agliophobia
What is the fear of pain known as`algophobia
What is the fear of pain known as`odynephobia
What is the fear of paper known as`papyrophobia
What is the fear of parasites known as`parasitophobia
What is the fear of parents-in-law known as`soceraphobia
What is the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth known as`arachibutyrophobia
What is the fear of pellagra known as`pellagrophobia
What is the fear of penis known as`phallophobia
What is the fear of people known as`anthrophobia
What is the fear of people or society known as`anthropophobia
What is the fear of performing known as`topophobia
What is the fear of persons with amputations known as`apotemnophobia
What is the fear of philosophy known as`philosophobia
What is the fear of pins and needles known as`belonephobia
What is the fear of pins known as`enetophobia
What is the fear of plants known as`batonophobia
What is the fear of plants known as`botanophobia
What is the fear of poetry known as`metrophobia
What is the fear of pointed objects or needles known as`aichmophobia
What is the fear of poison known as`iophobia
What is the fear of poison known as`toxiphobia
What is the fear of politicians known as`politicophobia
What is the fear of poverty known as`peniaphobia
What is the fear of precipices known as`cremnophobia
What is the fear of pregnancy or childbirth known as`tocophobia
What is the fear of priests known as`hierophobia
What is the fear of progress known as`prosophobia
What is the fear of property known as`orthophobia
What is the fear of punishment known as`mastigophobia
What is the fear of punishment known as`poinephobia
What is the fear of puppets pyrexiophobia known as`pupaphobia
What is the fear of rabies known as`hydrophobophobia
What is the fear of rabies known as`kynophobia
What is the fear of rabies or of becoming mad known as`lyssophobia
What is the fear of radiation, x-rays known as`radiophobia
What is the fear of rain known as`ombrophobia
What is the fear of rain known as`pluviophobia
What is the fear of rape known as`virginitiphobia
What is the fear of rectum known as`proctophobia
What is the fear of relatives known as`syngenesophobia
What is the fear of reptiles known as`bactrachophobia
What is the fear of reptiles known as`herpetophobia
What is the fear of responsibility known as`hypengyophobia
What is the fear of returning home known as`nostophobia
What is the fear of ridicule known as`katagelophobia
What is the fear of riding in a car known as`amaxophobia
What is the fear of rivers or running water known as`potamophobia
What is the fear of road travel known as`hodophobia
What is the fear of rooms known as`koinoniphobia
What is the fear of ruin or ruins known as`atephobia
What is the fear of russians known as`russophobia
What is the fear of saints or holy things known as`hagiophobia
What is the fear of sameness known as`homophobia
What is the fear of satan known as`satanophobia
What is the fear of school known as`schlionophobia
What is the fear of school known as`scolionophobia
What is the fear of scratches or being scratched known as`amychophobia
What is the fear of sermons known as`homilophobia
What is the fear of sex known as`genophobia
What is the fear of sexual abuse known as`agraphobia
What is the fear of sexual abuse known as`contreltophobia
What is the fear of sexual perversion known as`paraphobia
What is the fear of shadows known as`sciophobia
What is the fear of shellfish known as`ostraconophobia
What is the fear of shock known as`hormephobia
What is the fear of sinning known as`hamartophobia
What is the fear of sinning known as`peccatophobia
What is the fear of sitting down known as`kathisophobia
What is the fear of sitting known as`cathisophobia
What is the fear of sitting known as`thaasophobia
What is the fear of skin disease known as`dermatosiophobia
What is the fear of skin lesions known as`dermatophobia
What is the fear of sleep known as`hypnophobia
What is the fear of sleep known as`somniphobia
What is the fear of slime known as`blennophobia
What is the fear of slime known as`myxophobia
What is the fear of small things known as`microphobia
What is the fear of small things known as`mycrophobia
What is the fear of smells known as`olfactophobia
What is the fear of smells or odors known as`osmophobia
What is the fear of smothering known as`pinigerophobia
What is the fear of snakes known as`ophidiophobia
What is the fear of snakes known as`snakephobia
What is the fear of snow known as`chionophobia
What is the fear of society known as`sociophobia
What is the fear of solitude, being alone known as`isolophobia
What is the fear of solitude or being alone known as`monophobia
What is the fear of sourness known as`acerophobia
What is the fear of speaking in public known as`glossophobia
What is the fear of speaking known as`laliophobia
What is the fear of specters or ghosts known as`spectrophobia
What is the fear of speed known as`tachophobia
What is the fear of spiders known as`arachnophobia
What is the fear of spirits known as`pneumatiphobia
What is the fear of stairs known as`climacophobia
What is the fear of standing or walking known as`stasibasiphobia
What is the fear of stars and celestial space known as`astrophobia
What is the fear of stars known as`siderophobia
What is the fear of staying single known as`anuptaphobia
What is the fear of stealing known as`cleptophobia
What is the fear of stealing known as`kleptophobia
What is the fear of step-father known as`vitricophobia
What is the fear of step mother known as`novercaphobia
What is the fear of stings known as`cnidophobia
What is the fear of stooping known as`kyphophobia
What is the fear of strangers known as`xenophobia
What is the fear of strangers or foreigners called`xenophobia
What is the fear of string known as`linonophobia
What is the fear of stuttering known as`psellismophobia
What is the fear of suffering and disease known as`panthophobia
What is the fear of surgical instruments known as`ergasiophobia
What is the fear of surgical operations known as`tomophobia
What is the fear of surgical operations`tomophobia
What is the fear of swallowing known as`phagophobia
What is the fear of symbolism known as`symbolophobia
What is the fear of symmetry known as`symmetrophobia
What is the fear of syphilis known as`syphilophobia
What is the fear of taking medicine known as`pharmacophobia
What is the fear of taking tests known as`testophobia
What is the fear of tapeworms known as`taeniophobia
What is the fear of taste known as`geumaphobia
What is the fear of technology known as`technophobia
What is the fear of teeth or dental surgery known as`odontophobia
What is the fear of telephones known as`telephonophobia
What is the fear of termites known as`isopterophobia
What is the fear of theatres known as`theatrophobia
What is the fear of the bogeyman known as`bogyphobia
What is the fear of the color black known as`melanophobia
What is the fear of the color purple known as`porphyrophobia
What is the fear of the color red known as`erythrophobia
What is the fear of the color white known as`leukophobia
What is the fear of the dark or night known as`nyctophobia
What is the fear of the dutch known as`dutchphobia
What is the fear of the figure 8 known as`octophobia
What is the fear of the great mole rat known as`zemmiphobia
What is the fear of the heart known as`cardiophobia
What is the fear of the moon known as`selenophobia
What is the fear of the night known as`noctiphobia
What is the fear of the number 13 known as`triskaidekaphobia
What is the fear of the ocean known as`thalassophobia
What is the fear of theology known as`theologicophobia
What is the fear of the opposite sex known as`heterophobia
What is the fear of the opposite sex known as`sexophobia
What is the fear of the pope known as`papaphobia
What is the fear of the sea known as`thalassophobia
What is the fear of the sun known as`heliophobia
What is the fear of things to the left or left-handed known as`sinistrophobia
What is the fear of things to the left side of the body known as`levophobia
What is the fear of thinking known as`phronemophobia
What is the fear of thunder and lightning known as`astraphobia
What is the fear of thunder and lightning known as`brontophobia
What is the fear of thunder known as`ceraunophobia
What is the fear of thunder known as`keraunophobia
What is the fear of thunder known as`tonitrophobia
What is the fear of time known as`chronophobia
What is the fear of toads known as`bufonophobia
What is the fear of tombstones known as`placophobia
What is the fear of tornadoes and hurricanes known as`lilapsophobia
What is the fear of trains known as`siderodromophobia
What is the fear of trees known as`dendrophobia
What is the fear of trichinosis known as`trichinophobia
What is the fear of tuberculosis known as`phthisiophobia
What is the fear of tyrants known as`tyrannophobia
What is the fear of ugliness known as`cacophobia
What is the fear of undressing in front of someone known as`dishabiliophobia
What is the fear of urine or urinating known as`urophobia
What is the fear of vegetables known as`lachanophobia
What is the fear of vehicles known as`amaxophobia
What is the fear of vehicles known as`ochophobia
What is the fear of veritgo known as`illyngophobia
What is the fear of virgins or young girls known as`parthenophobia
What is the fear of voids known as`kenophobia
What is the fear of vomiting known as`aeronausiphobia
What is the fear of vomiting known as`emetophobia
What is the fear of walking known as`ambulophobia
What is the fear of walloons known as`walloonphobia
What is the fear of washing or bathing known as`ablutophobia
What is the fear of wasps known as`spheksophobia
What is the fear of water known as`hydrophobia
What is the fear of waves known as`kymophobia
What is the fear of waves or wave like motions known as`cymophobia
What is the fear of wealth known as`plutophobia
What is the fear of wet dreams known as`oneirogmophobia
What is the fear of wild animals known as`agrizoophobia
What is the fear of wind known as`ancraophobia
What is the fear of wines known as`oenophobia
What is the fear of witches or witchcraft known as`wiccaphobia
What is the fear of women known as`gynophobia
What is the fear of wooden objects known as`xylophobia
What is the fear of words known as`logophobia
What is the fear of work known as`ergophobia
What is the fear of worms known as`helminthophobia
What is the fear of worms known as`scoleciphobia
What is the fear of writing in public known as`scriptophobia
What is the fear of writing known as`graphophobia
What is the federal district in southeastern Australia, bordered by the state of New South Wales?`australian capital territory
what is the feeling of having previously experienced something`deja vu
What is the female equivalent of the Oedipus complex`electra complex
What is the fibre from the husk of the coconut, now used in soil-less composts, called`coir
What is the fictitious name of a defendent`richard roe
What is the fictitious name of a plaintiff`john doe
What is the fifth book of the New Testament`acts
What is the fifth book of the Old Testament`deuteronomy
What is the fifth day of the week`thursday
what is the fifth element in the periodic table`boron
What is the fifth largest country in the world`brazil
What is the fifth month of the year`may
What is the fifth most popular meal ordered in sit down restaurants in the U S`baked ham
What is the fifth planet in our solar system`jupiter
What is the final event of a triathlon`the marathon
what is the 'f' in john f kennedy`fitzgerald
What is the first book in the vampire chronicles`interview with a vampire
What is the first book of the Bible`genesis
What is the first book of the old testament`genesis
What is the first capital of laos`luang prabang
What is the first Christian name of comedian Spike Milligan`terence
What is the first commandment`thou shalt have no other god but me
What is the first day of lent called`ash wednesday
What is the first day of the week`sunday
What is the first event in the Decathlon`100 metres
What is the first ingredient in most soda pops`carbonated water
What is the first letter of the Greek alphabet`alpha
What is the first letter of the Russian alphabet`a
what is the first level of a computer memory hierarchy`cache
What is the first month of the year`january
What is the first name of cricket captain Colin Cowderys test cricketing son`christopher
What is the first name of former US president Carter`jimmy
What is the first name of Natalie Wood's sister`lana
What is the first name of Sean Connery's actor son`jason
What is the first name of the fashion designer Lagerfeld`karl
What is the first name of the French painter Matisse`henri
What is the first name of the French painter Monet`claude
What is the first name of the inventor of braille`louis
What is the first name of the son of David and Victoria Beckham`brooklyn
What is the first name of the son of Patsy Kensit and Liam Gallagher`lennon
What is the first name of the title character in the Boris Pasternak novel Dr. Zhivago`Yuri
What is the first name of U2's lead singer`Paul
What is the first name of Webster, the man who published a dictionary still used today`noah
What is the first number with the letter "r" in it`three
what is the first number with the letter "r" in it`three`3
What is the first number with the letter "r" in it`three`nine
What is the first post if it comes at 9.30pm`british army bugle call
What is the first prime number after 1,000,000`1,000,003
what is the first sign of the Zodiac`aries
What is the first sign of the zodiac, symbolized by the ram?`aries
What is the first Sunday after the first full moon after March 21`easter
What is the first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox`easter sunday
What is the first thing that 97% of people will write when offered a new pen`their name
What is the first wedding anniversary called`cotton
What is the first word played in the Scrabble rules demostration game`horn
what is the flap which closes the windpipe so you can eat and not choke`epiglottis
What is the flattest continent`australia
What is the flavouring in ouzo`aniseed
What is the flavour of the herb Fennel`anise
What is the flavour of the liqueur Calvados`apple
What is the floral symbol of Australia`wattle
What is the floral symbol of Japan`chrysanthemum
What is the flower for the month of May`Lily of the valley
What is the flowering shrub Syringa usually called`lilac
What is the flower of January`carnation
What is the flower/plant that stands for: a beauty`orchis
What is the flower/plant that stands for: a belle`orchis
What is the flower/plant that stands for: absence`wormwood
What is the flower/plant that stands for: acknowledgement`canterbury bell
What is the flower/plant that stands for: activity`thyme
What is the flower/plant that stands for: addresses rejected`ice plant
What is the flower/plant that stands for: admiration`amethyst
What is the flower/plant that stands for: adoration`dwarf sunflower
What is the flower/plant that stands for: advice`rhubarb
What is the flower/plant that stands for: affectation`morning glory
What is the flower/plant that stands for: affection`mossy pear
What is the flower/plant that stands for: affection`mossy saxifrage
What is the flower/plant that stands for: affection`mossy  sorrel
What is the flower/plant that stands for: afterthought`michaelmas daisy
What is the flower/plant that stands for: age`guelder rose
What is the flower/plant that stands for: agreement`straw
What is the flower/plant that stands for: a heart ignorant of love`white rosebud
What is the flower/plant that stands for: alas! for my poro heart`deep red carnation
What is the flower/plant that stands for: always lovely`indian double pink
What is the flower/plant that stands for: ambition`mountain laurel
What is the flower/plant that stands for: amiability`jasmine
What is the flower/plant that stands for: am i forgotten?`holly
What is the flower/plant that stands for: anticipation`gooseberry
What is the flower/plant that stands for: anxious and trembling`red columbine
What is the flower/plant that stands for: appointed meeting`everlasting pea
What is the flower/plant that stands for: ardent love`balsam
What is the flower/plant that stands for: ardor`arum lily
What is the flower/plant that stands for: ardor`cuckoo plant
What is the flower/plant that stands for: argument`fig
What is the flower/plant that stands for: artifice`acanthus
What is the flower/plant that stands for: a smile`sweet william
What is the flower/plant that stands for: assiduous to please`sprig of ivy with tendrills
What is the flower/plant that stands for: assignation`pimpernel
What is the flower/plant that stands for: a token`laurestina
What is the flower/plant that stands for: a token`ox-eye daisy
What is the flower/plant that stands for: attachment`indian jasmine
What is the flower/plant that stands for: audacity`larch
What is the flower/plant that stands for: austerity`common thistle
What is the flower/plant that stands for: avarice`scarlet auricula
What is the flower/plant that stands for: aversion`indian single pink
What is the flower/plant that stands for: bantering`southernwood
What is the flower/plant that stands for: bashfulness`peony
What is the flower/plant that stands for: bashful shame`deep red rose
What is the flower/plant that stands for: beautiful eyes`variegated tulip
What is the flower/plant that stands for: beauty always new`china rose
What is the flower/plant that stands for: beauty and prosperity`red-leaved rose
What is the flower/plant that stands for: beauty`orchis
What is the flower/plant that stands for: beauty`parti-coloured daisy
What is the flower/plant that stands for: beauty`rull red rose
What is the flower/plant that stands for: belief`passion-flower
What is the flower/plant that stands for: belle`orchis
What is the flower/plant that stands for: be mine`four-leaved clover
What is the flower/plant that stands for: benevolence`potato flower
What is the flower/plant that stands for: betrayal`judas tere
What is the flower/plant that stands for: beware of excess`saffron
What is the flower/plant that stands for: beware`oleander
What is the flower/plant that stands for: beware`rosebay
What is the flower/plant that stands for: blackness`ebony
What is the flower/plant that stands for: bluntness`borage
What is the flower/plant that stands for: blushes`marjoram
What is the flower/plant that stands for: boaster`hydrangea
What is the flower/plant that stands for: boldness`pink
What is the flower/plant that stands for: bonds`convolvulus
What is the flower/plant that stands for: bonds of affection`gillyflower
What is the flower/plant that stands for: bulk`gourd
What is the flower/plant that stands for: bulk`water melon
What is the flower/plant that stands for: bury me amid nature's beauties`persimmon
What is the flower/plant that stands for: call me not beautiful`unique rose
What is the flower/plant that stands for: capricious beauty`lady's slipper
What is the flower/plant that stands for: capricious beauty`musk rose
What is the flower/plant that stands for: changeable disposition`rye grass
What is the flower/plant that stands for: change`pimpernel
What is the flower/plant that stands for: charity`turnip
What is the flower/plant that stands for: charming`cluster of musk roses
What is the flower/plant that stands for: chaste love`acacia
What is the flower/plant that stands for: cheerfullness in old age`american starwort
What is the flower/plant that stands for: cheerfulness under adversity`chrysanthemum
What is the flower/plant that stands for: childishness`buttercup
What is the flower/plant that stands for: chivalry`great yellow daffodil
What is the flower/plant that stands for: cleanliness`hyssop
What is the flower/plant that stands for: coldheartedness`lettuce
What is the flower/plant that stands for: color of my life`coral honeysuckle
What is the flower/plant that stands for: come down`jacob's ladder
What is the flower/plant that stands for: comforting`scarlet geranium
What is the flower/plant that stands for: compassion`allspice
What is the flower/plant that stands for: concealed love`motherwort
What is the flower/plant that stands for: concealed merit`coriander
What is the flower/plant that stands for: confession of love`moss rosebud
What is the flower/plant that stands for: confidence`lilac polyanthus
What is the flower/plant that stands for: conjugal love`lime
What is the flower/plant that stands for: consolation`red poppy
What is the flower/plant that stands for: cordiality`peppermint
What is the flower/plant that stands for: counterfeit`mock orange
What is the flower/plant that stands for: crime`tamarisk
What is the flower/plant that stands for: criticism`cucumber
What is the flower/plant that stands for: cure`balm of gilead
What is the flower/plant that stands for: cure for heartache`cranberry
What is the flower/plant that stands for: cure for heartache`swallow-wort
What is the flower/plant that stands for: curiosity`sycamore
What is the flower/plant that stands for: danger`monkshood
What is the flower/plant that stands for: dangerous pleasures`tuberose
What is the flower/plant that stands for: danger`rhododendron
What is the flower/plant that stands for: dauntlessness`sea lavendar
What is the flower/plant that stands for: death`cypress
What is the flower/plant that stands for: death preferrable to loss of innocence`white rose
What is the flower/plant that stands for: deceit`dogsbane
What is the flower/plant that stands for: deceit`flytrap
What is the flower/plant that stands for: deceitful chams`thorn-apple
What is the flower/plant that stands for: deception`white cherry
What is the flower/plant that stands for: declaration of love`red tulip
What is the flower/plant that stands for: decrease of love`yellow rose
What is the flower/plant that stands for: decrease of love`yellow sweet-brieryellow rose
What is the flower/plant that stands for: dejection`lichen
What is the flower/plant that stands for: delay`eupatorium
What is the flower/plant that stands for: delicacy`cornflower
What is the flower/plant that stands for: delicate beauty`hibiscus
What is the flower/plant that stands for: departure`sweet pea
What is the flower/plant that stands for: despair`cypress and marigold
What is the flower/plant that stands for: devotion`heliotrope
What is the flower/plant that stands for: difficulties that i surmount`mistletoe
What is the flower/plant that stands for: dignity`cloves
What is the flower/plant that stands for: dignity`laurel-leaved magnolia
What is the flower/plant that stands for: disappointment`carolina syringa
What is the flower/plant that stands for: discretion`lemon blossoms
What is the flower/plant that stands for: discretion`maidenhair
What is the flower/plant that stands for: disdain`rue
What is the flower/plant that stands for: disdain`yellow carnation
What is the flower/plant that stands for: distinction`cardinal flower
What is the flower/plant that stands for: distrust`lavender
What is the flower/plant that stands for: divine beauty`american cowslip
What is the flower/plant that stands for: do me justice`sweet chestnut tree
What is the flower/plant that stands for: domestic industry`flax
What is the flower/plant that stands for: do not abuse`saffron
What is the flower/plant that stands for: early attachment`thornless rose
What is the flower/plant that stands for: early friendship`blue periwinkle
What is the flower/plant that stands for: early youth`primrose
What is the flower/plant that stands for: education`cherry tree
What is the flower/plant that stands for: elegance and grace`yellow jasmine
What is the flower/plant that stands for: elevation`scotch fir
What is the flower/plant that stands for: enchantment`holly herb
What is the flower/plant that stands for: enduring affection`gorse
What is the flower/plant that stands for: energy in adversity`camomile
What is the flower/plant that stands for: envy`bramble
What is the flower/plant that stands for: envy`crane's bill
What is the flower/plant that stands for: esteem and love`strawberry tree
What is the flower/plant that stands for: esteem but not love`spiderwort
What is the flower/plant that stands for: esteem`garden sage
What is the flower/plant that stands for: estranged love`lotus flower
What is the flower/plant that stands for: evanescent pleasure`poppy
What is the flower/plant that stands for: lasting beauty`stock
What is the flower/plant that stands for: mature elegance`pomegranate flower
What is the flower/plant that stands for: menatl beauty`clematis
What is the flower/plant that stands for: pensive beauty`laburnum
What is the flower/plant that stands for: rustic beauty`french honeysuckle
What is the flower/plant that stands for: unconscious beauty`burgundy rose
What is the flower/plant that stands for: unfading beauty`gillyflower
What is the flower that stands for: a beauty`orchis
What is the flower that stands for: a belle`orchis
What is the flower that stands for: absence`wormwood
What is the flower that stands for: acknowledgement`canterbury bell
What is the flower that stands for: activity`thyme
What is the flower that stands for: addresses rejected`ice plant
What is the flower that stands for: admiration`amethyst
What is the flower that stands for: adoration`dwarf sunflower
What is the flower that stands for: advice`rhubarb
What is the flower that stands for: affectation`morning glory
What is the flower that stands for: affection`mossy pear
What is the flower that stands for: affection`mossy saxifrage
What is the flower that stands for: affection`mossy  sorrel
What is the flower that stands for: afterthought`michaelmas daisy
What is the flower that stands for: age`guelder rose
What is the flower that stands for: agreement`straw
What is the flower that stands for: a heart ignorant of love`white rosebud
What is the flower that stands for: alas! for my poro heart`deep red carnation
What is the flower that stands for: always lovely`indian double pink
What is the flower that stands for: ambassador of love`cabbage rose
What is the flower that stands for: ambition`mountain laurel
What is the flower that stands for: amiability`jasmine
What is the flower that stands for: am i forgotten?`holly
What is the flower that stands for: an appointed meeting`everlasting pea
What is the flower that stands for: an expected meeting`geranium
What is the flower that stands for: an expected meeting`nutmeg
What is the flower that stands for: anticipation`gooseberry
What is the flower that stands for: anxious and trembling`red columbine
What is the flower that stands for: appointed meeting`everlasting pea
What is the flower that stands for: ardent love`balsam
What is the flower that stands for: ardor`arum lily
What is the flower that stands for: ardor`cuckoo plant
What is the flower that stands for: argument`fig
What is the flower that stands for: artifice`acanthus
What is the flower that stands for: a smile`sweet william
What is the flower that stands for: assiduous to please`sprig of ivy with tendrills
What is the flower that stands for: assignation`pimpernel
What is the flower that stands for: a token`laurestina
What is the flower that stands for: a token`ox-eye daisy
What is the flower that stands for: attachment`indian jasmine
What is the flower that stands for: audacity`larch
What is the flower that stands for: austerity`common thistle
What is the flower that stands for: avarice`scarlet auricula
What is the flower that stands for: aversion`indian single pink
What is the flower that stands for: bantering`southernwood
What is the flower that stands for: bashfulness`peony
What is the flower that stands for: bashful shame`deep red rose
What is the flower that stands for: beautiful eyes`variegated tulip
What is the flower that stands for: beauty always new`china rose
What is the flower that stands for: beauty and prosperity`red-leaved rose
What is the flower that stands for: beauty`orchis
What is the flower that stands for: beauty`parti-coloured daisy
What is the flower that stands for: beauty`rull red rose
What is the flower that stands for: belief`passion-flower
What is the flower that stands for: belle`orchis
What is the flower that stands for: be mine`four-leaved clover
What is the flower that stands for: benevolence`potato flower
What is the flower that stands for: betrayal`judas tere
What is the flower that stands for: beware of excess`saffron
What is the flower that stands for: beware`oleander
What is the flower that stands for: beware`rosebay
What is the flower that stands for: blackness`ebony
What is the flower that stands for: bluntness`borage
What is the flower that stands for: blushes`marjoram
What is the flower that stands for: boaster`hydrangea
What is the flower that stands for: boldness`pink
What is the flower that stands for: bonds`convolvulus
What is the flower that stands for: bonds of affection`gillyflower
What is the flower that stands for: bulk`gourd
What is the flower that stands for: bulk`water melon
What is the flower that stands for: bury me amid nature's beauties`persimmon
What is the flower that stands for: call me not beautiful`unique rose
What is the flower that stands for: capricious beauty`lady's slipper
What is the flower that stands for: capricious beauty`musk rose
What is the flower that stands for: changeable disposition`rye grass
What is the flower that stands for: change`pimpernel
What is the flower that stands for: charity`turnip
What is the flower that stands for: charming`cluster of musk roses
What is the flower that stands for: chaste love`acacia
What is the flower that stands for: cheerfullness in old age`american starwort
What is the flower that stands for: cheerfulness under adversity`chrysanthemum
What is the flower that stands for: childishness`buttercup
What is the flower that stands for: chivalry`great yellow daffodil
What is the flower that stands for: cleanliness`hyssop
What is the flower that stands for: coldheartedness`lettuce
What is the flower that stands for: color of my life`coral honeysuckle
What is the flower that stands for: come down`jacob's ladder
What is the flower that stands for: comforting`scarlet geranium
What is the flower that stands for: compassion`allspice
What is the flower that stands for: concealed love`motherwort
What is the flower that stands for: concealed merit`coriander
What is the flower that stands for: confession of love`moss rosebud
What is the flower that stands for: confidence`lilac polyanthus
What is the flower that stands for: conjugal love`lime
What is the flower that stands for: consolation`red poppy
What is the flower that stands for: cordiality`peppermint
What is the flower that stands for: counterfeit`mock orange
What is the flower that stands for: crime`tamarisk
What is the flower that stands for: criticism`cucumber
What is the flower that stands for: cure`balm of gilead
What is the flower that stands for: cure for heartache`cranberry
What is the flower that stands for: cure for heartache`swallow-wort
What is the flower that stands for: curiosity`sycamore
What is the flower that stands for: danger`monkshood
What is the flower that stands for: dangerous pleasures`tuberose
What is the flower that stands for: danger`rhododendron
What is the flower that stands for: dauntlessness`sea lavendar
What is the flower that stands for: death`cypress
What is the flower that stands for: death preferrable to loss of innocence`white rose
What is the flower that stands for: deceit`dogsbane
What is the flower that stands for: deceit`flytrap
What is the flower that stands for: deceitful chams`thorn-apple
What is the flower that stands for: deception`white cherry
What is the flower that stands for: declaration of love`red tulip
What is the flower that stands for: decrease of love`yellow rose
What is the flower that stands for: decrease of love`yellow sweet-brieryellow rose
What is the flower that stands for: dejection`lichen
What is the flower that stands for: delay`eupatorium
What is the flower that stands for: delicacy`cornflower
What is the flower that stands for: delicate beauty`hibiscus
What is the flower that stands for: departure`sweet pea
What is the flower that stands for: despair`cypress and marigold
What is the flower that stands for: devotion`heliotrope
What is the flower that stands for: difficulties that i surmount`mistletoe
What is the flower that stands for: dignity`cloves
What is the flower that stands for: dignity`laurel-leaved magnolia
What is the flower that stands for: disappointment`carolina syringa
What is the flower that stands for: discretion`lemon blossoms
What is the flower that stands for: discretion`maidenhair
What is the flower that stands for: disdain`rue
What is the flower that stands for: disdain`yellow carnation
What is the flower that stands for: distinction`cardinal flower
What is the flower that stands for: distrust`lavender
What is the flower that stands for: divine beauty`american cowslip
What is the flower that stands for: do me justice`sweet chestnut tree
What is the flower that stands for: domestic industry`flax
What is the flower that stands for: do not abuse`saffron
What is the flower that stands for: early attachment`thornless rose
What is the flower that stands for: early friendship`blue periwinkle
What is the flower that stands for: early youth`primrose
What is the flower that stands for: education`cherry tree
What is the flower that stands for: elegance and grace`yellow jasmine
What is the flower that stands for: elevation`scotch fir
What is the flower that stands for: enchantment`holly herb
What is the flower that stands for: enduring affection`gorse
What is the flower that stands for: energy in adversity`camomile
What is the flower that stands for: envy`bramble
What is the flower that stands for: envy`crane's bill
What is the flower that stands for: esteem and love`strawberry tree
What is the flower that stands for: esteem but not love`spiderwort
What is the flower that stands for: esteem`garden sage
What is the flower that stands for: estranged love`lotus flower
What is the flower that stands for: evanescent pleasure`poppy
What is the flower that stands for: expectation`anemone
What is the flower that stands for: expected meeting`geraniums
What is the flower that stands for: expected meeting`nutmeg
What is the flower that stands for: extinguished hopes`major convolvulus
What is the flower that stands for: faithfulness`blue violetheliotrope
What is the flower that stands for: faithfulness`heliotrope
What is the flower that stands for: falsehood`yellow lily
What is the flower that stands for: fame`tulip
What is the flower that stands for: fantastic extravagance`scarlet poppy
What is the flower that stands for: farewell`michaelmas daisy
What is the flower that stands for: fascination`carnation
What is the flower that stands for: fascination`honesty
What is the flower that stands for: fashion`lady's mantle
What is the flower that stands for: fate`hemp
What is the flower that stands for: feasting`parsley
What is the flower that stands for: fecundity`hollyhock
What is the flower that stands for: female ambition`white hollyhock
What is the flower that stands for: female fidelity`speedwell
What is the flower that stands for: festivity`parsley
What is the flower that stands for: fickleness`pink larkspur
What is the flower that stands for: fidelity in love`lemon blossoms
What is the flower that stands for: fidelity `ivy
What is the flower that stands for: fidelity `plum tree
What is the flower that stands for: fidelity `veronicaivy
What is the flower that stands for: filial love`virgin's bower
What is the flower that stands for: fine arts`acanthus
What is the flower that stands for: finesse`sweet william
What is the flower that stands for: fire, flame`fleur-de-luce
What is the flower that stands for: first emotions of love`purple lilac
What is the flower that stands for: fitness`sweet flag
What is the flower that stands for: flattery`venus' looking-glass
What is the flower that stands for: flee away`pennyroyal
What is the flower that stands for: folly`columbine
What is the flower that stands for: foolishness`pomegranate
What is the flower that stands for: foresight`holly
What is the flower that stands for: forgetfulness`moonwort
What is the flower that stands for: forget me not`forget-me-not
What is the flower that stands for: forsaken`garden anemone
What is the flower that stands for: forsaken`laburnum
What is the flower that stands for: forsaken love`creeping willow
What is the flower that stands for: fraternal love`woodbine
What is the flower that stands for: freedom`water willow
What is the flower that stands for: freshness`damask rose
What is the flower that stands for: friendship`rose acacia
What is the flower that stands for: gaeity`butterfly orchis
What is the flower that stands for: gaeity`yellow lily
What is the flower that stands for: gain`cabbage
What is the flower that stands for: gallantry`nosegay
What is the flower that stands for: gallantry`sweet william
What is the flower that stands for: generosity`orange tree
What is the flower that stands for: generous and devoted affection`french honeysuckle
What is the flower that stands for: genius`plane tree
What is the flower that stands for: gentility`geranium
What is the flower that stands for: gentility`pompon rose
What is the flower that stands for: girlhood`white rosebud
What is the flower that stands for: gladness`myrrh
What is the flower that stands for: glory`bay tree
What is the flower that stands for: glory`laurel
What is the flower that stands for: goodness`mercury
What is the flower that stands for: good wishes`sweet basil
What is the flower that stands for: gossip`coboea
What is the flower that stands for: grace and elegance`yellow jasmine
What is the flower that stands for: gracefulness`birch tree
What is the flower that stands for: grace`multiflora rose
What is the flower that stands for: grandeur`ash tree
What is the flower that stands for: grief`harebell
What is the flower that stands for: grief`marigold
What is the flower that stands for: happy love`bridal rose
What is the flower that stands for: hatred`basil
What is the flower that stands for: haughtiness`purple larkspur
What is the flower that stands for: haughtiness`tall sunflower
What is the flower that stands for: health`iceland moss
What is the flower that stands for: heartlessness`hydrangea
What is the flower that stands for: heart's mystery`crimson polyanthus
What is the flower that stands for: hidden worth`coriander
What is the flower that stands for: honesty`honesty
What is the flower that stands for: hope extinguished`major convolvulus
What is the flower that stands for: hope`flowering almond
What is the flower that stands for: hope`hawthorn
What is the flower that stands for: hope in adversity`spruce pine
What is the flower that stands for: hopeless love`yellow tulip
What is the flower that stands for: hopeless, not heartless`love-lies bleeding
What is the flower that stands for: hope`snowdrop
What is the flower that stands for: hospitality`oak tree
What is the flower that stands for: humility`broomfield lilac
What is the flower that stands for: humility`small bindweed
What is the flower that stands for: i am too happy`cape jasmine
What is the flower that stands for: i am worthy of you`white rose
What is the flower that stands for: i am your captive`peach blossom
What is the flower that stands for: i aspire to thy smile`daily rose
What is the flower that stands for: i attach myself to you`indian jamsine
What is the flower that stands for: i change but in death`bay leaf
What is the flower that stands for: i declare against you`liquorice
What is the flower that stands for: i desire a return of affection`jonquil
What is the flower that stands for: i die if neglected`laurestina
What is the flower that stands for: i engage you for the next dance`ivy geranium
What is the flower that stands for: i feel your kindness`flax
What is the flower that stands for: i have a message for you`iris
What is the flower that stands for: i live for thee`cedar leaf
What is the flower that stands for: i love`red chrysanthemum
What is the flower that stands for: imagination`lupin
What is the flower that stands for: immortality`amaranth
What is the flower that stands for: impatience`yellow balsam
What is the flower that stands for: impatient resolves`red balsam
What is the flower that stands for: inconstancy`evening primrose
What is the flower that stands for: inconstancy in love`wild honeysuckle
What is the flower that stands for: incorruptible`cedar of lebanon
What is the flower that stands for: independence`white oak
What is the flower that stands for: independence`wild plum tree
What is the flower that stands for: indifference`candytufts
What is the flower that stands for: indifference`envy
What is the flower that stands for: indifference`mustard seed
What is the flower that stands for: indiscretion`almond tree
What is the flower that stands for: ingenuity`pencil-leaved geranium
What is the flower that stands for: ingenuous simplicity`mouse-eared chickweed
What is the flower that stands for: ingratitude`buttercup
What is the flower that stands for: ingratitude`wild ranunculus
What is the flower that stands for: injustice`hop
What is the flower that stands for: innocence`white daisy
What is the flower that stands for: innocence`white violet
What is the flower that stands for: insincerity`foxglove
What is the flower that stands for: insinuation`great bindweed
What is the flower that stands for: inspiration`angelica
What is the flower that stands for: instability`dahlia
What is the flower that stands for: ireland`shamrock
What is the flower that stands for: i surmount difficulties`mistletoe
What is the flower that stands for: i will not answer hastily`monthly honeysuckele
What is the flower that stands for: i will not survive you`black mulberry
What is the flower that stands for: jealousy`french marigold
What is the flower that stands for: jealousy`yellow rose
What is the flower that stands for: jest`southernwood
What is the flower that stands for: joys to come`celandine
What is the flower that stands for: joy`wood sorrel
What is the flower that stands for: justice shall be done to you`coltsfoot
What is the flower that stands for: keep your promises`plum tree
What is the flower that stands for: lamentation`aspen tree
What is the flower that stands for: lasting beauty`stock
What is the flower that stands for: lasting pleasure`everlasting pea
What is the flower that stands for: levity, lightness`larkspur
What is the flower that stands for: life`lucerne
What is the flower that stands for: lightheartedness`shamrock
What is the flower that stands for: longevity`fig
What is the flower that stands for: love`blue violet
What is the flower that stands for: love in idleness`wild violet
What is the flower that stands for: love is dangerous`carolina rose
What is the flower that stands for: love`myrtle
What is the flower that stands for: love of nature`magnolia
What is the flower that stands for: love returned`ambrosia
What is the flower that stands for: love`rose
What is the flower that stands for: love's oracle`dandelion
What is the flower that stands for: lowliness`bramble
What is the flower that stands for: luxury`chesnut tree
What is the flower that stands for: majesty`crown imperial
What is the flower that stands for: majesty`imperial lily
What is the flower that stands for: malevolence`lobelia
What is the flower that stands for: marriage`ivy geranium
What is the flower that stands for: maternal affection`cinquefoil
What is the flower that stands for: maternal love`moss rosebud
What is the flower that stands for: maternal tenderness`wood sorrel
What is the flower that stands for: matrimony`american linden
What is the flower that stands for: mature elegance`pomegranate flower
What is the flower that stands for: meekness`birch tree
What is the flower that stands for: melancholy`cypress
What is the flower that stands for: melancholy`dark geranium
What is the flower that stands for: melancholy`marigold
What is the flower that stands for: menatl beauty`clematis
What is the flower that stands for: mental beauty`clematis
What is the flower that stands for: modesty and purity`white lily
What is the flower that stands for: modesty`white lilac
What is the flower that stands for: modesty`white violet
What is the flower that stands for: momentary happiness`virginian spiderwort
What is the flower that stands for: mourning`cypress
What is the flower that stands for: mourning`weeping willow
What is the flower that stands for: music`oats
What is the flower that stands for: music`reeds
What is the flower that stands for: my best days are past`meadow saffron
What is the flower that stands for: my compliments`iris
What is the flower that stands for: my heart is in flames`provence rose
What is the flower that stands for: nature love`magnolia
What is the flower that stands for: neatness`broom
What is the flower that stands for: neatness`field lilac
What is the flower that stands for: neatness`small bindweed
What is the flower that stands for: neglected beauty`throatwort
What is the flower that stands for: never ceasing remembrance`everlasting
What is the flower that stands for: night`minor convolvulus
What is the flower that stands for: old age`tree of life
What is the flower that stands for: only deserve my love`campion rose
What is the flower that stands for: ornament`hornbeam tree
What is the flower that stands for: painting`auricula
What is the flower that stands for: parental affection`sorrell
What is the flower that stands for: passion`white dittany
What is the flower that stands for: passion`yellow iris
What is the flower that stands for: patience`dock
What is the flower that stands for: patience`ox eye
What is the flower that stands for: patriotism`nasturtium
What is the flower that stands for: peace`olive branch
What is the flower that stands for: pensive beauty`laburnum
What is the flower that stands for: pensiveness`cowslip
What is the flower that stands for: perfected loveliness`white camelia japonica
What is the flower that stands for: perfect excellence`strawberry
What is the flower that stands for: perform your promise`plum tree
What is the flower that stands for: perplexity`love-in-a-mist
What is the flower that stands for: persecution`chequered fritillary
What is the flower that stands for: perseverance`canary grass
What is the flower that stands for: perseverance`swamp magnolia
What is the flower that stands for: pity`pine
What is the flower that stands for: platonic love`rose acacia
What is the flower that stands for: play`hyacinth
What is the flower that stands for: pleasant recollections`white periwinkle
What is the flower that stands for: pleasure and pain`dog rose
What is the flower that stands for: pleasure`poppy
What is the flower that stands for: pleasures of memory`white periwinkle
What is the flower that stands for: poetry`eglantine
What is the flower that stands for: poverty`evergreen clematis
What is the flower that stands for: power`cress
What is the flower that stands for: precaution`golden rod
What is the flower that stands for: precocity`may rose
What is the flower that stands for: presumption`snapdragon
What is the flower that stands for: pretension`spiked willow herb
What is the flower that stands for: prettiness`pompon rose
What is the flower that stands for: pride`amaryllis
What is the flower that stands for: pride`hundred-leaved rose
What is the flower that stands for: promptness`ten-week stock
What is the flower that stands for: prosperity`beech tree
What is the flower that stands for: prosperity`wheat
What is the flower that stands for: prudence`mountain iash
What is the flower that stands for: pure and ardent love`double red pink
What is the flower that stands for: pure and lovely`red rosebud
What is the flower that stands for: pure love`single red pink
What is the flower that stands for: purity and sweetness`white lily
What is the flower that stands for: purity`star of bethlehem
What is the flower that stands for: purity`white lilac
What is the flower that stands for: recall`silver-leaved geranium
What is the flower that stands for: reconciliation`filbert
What is the flower that stands for: reconciliation`hazel
What is the flower that stands for: refusal`striped carnation
What is the flower that stands for: regard`daffodil
What is the flower that stands for: relieve my anxiety`christmas rose
What is the flower that stands for: religious superstition`aloe
What is the flower that stands for: religious superstition`passion-flower
What is the flower that stands for: remembrance`forget-me-not
What is the flower that stands for: remembrance`rosemary
What is the flower that stands for: remorse`bramble
What is the flower that stands for: remorse`raspberry
What is the flower that stands for: rendezvous`chickweed
What is the flower that stands for: reserve`maple
What is the flower that stands for: resolution`purple columbine
What is the flower that stands for: restoration`persicaria
What is the flower that stands for: retaliation`scotch thistle
What is the flower that stands for: return of  happiness`lily of the valley
What is the flower that stands for: revenge`birdsfoot trefoil
What is the flower that stands for: reverie`flowering gern
What is the flower that stands for: reward of merit`bay wreath
What is the flower that stands for: reward of virtue`garland of roses
What is the flower that stands for: riches`corn
What is the flower that stands for: rivalry`rocket
What is the flower that stands for: rupture of a contract`broken straw
What is the flower that stands for: rural happiness`yellow violet
What is the flower that stands for: rustic beauty`french honeysuckle
What is the flower that stands for: rustic oracle`dandelion
What is the flower that stands for: sadness`dead leaves
What is the flower that stands for: safety`traveller's joy
What is the flower that stands for: satire`prickly pear
What is the flower that stands for: secret love`toothwort
What is the flower that stands for: secret love`yellow acacia
What is the flower that stands for: self-esteem`poet's narcissus
What is the flower that stands for: sensitiveness`mimosa
What is the flower that stands for: sensuality`spanish jasmine
What is the flower that stands for: separation`carolina jasmine
What is the flower that stands for: severity`branch of thorns
What is the flower that stands for: shame`peony
What is the flower that stands for: sharpness`barberry
What is the flower that stands for: shyness`vetch
What is the flower that stands for: sickness`anemone
What is the flower that stands for: sickness`zephyr flower
What is the flower that stands for: silence`belladonna
What is the flower that stands for: silence`deadly nightshade
What is the flower that stands for: silliness`fool's parsley
What is the flower that stands for: simplicity`american sweet-brier
What is the flower that stands for: sincerity`fern
What is the flower that stands for: slander`stinging nettle
What is the flower that stands for: sleep`white poppy
What is the flower that stands for: slighted love`yellow chrysanthemum
What is the flower that stands for: splendid beauty`amarylis
What is the flower that stands for: steadfast piety`wild geranium
What is the flower that stands for: stoicism`box tree
What is the flower that stands for: strength`cedar
What is the flower that stands for: strength`fennel
What is the flower that stands for: surprise`truffle
What is the flower that stands for: suspceptibility`passion-flower
What is the flower that stands for: suspicion`mushroom
What is the flower that stands for: sweet and secret love`honey flower
What is the flower that stands for: sympathy`balm
What is the flower that stands for: sympathy`thrift
What is the flower that stands for: the first emotions of love`purple lilac
What is the flower that stands for: thou art all that is lovely`austrian rose
What is the flower that stands for: thoughts of absent  friends`zinnia
What is the flower that stands for: true love`forget-me-not
What is the flower that stands for: unconscious beauty`burgundy rose
What is the flower that stands for: unfading beauty`gillyflower
What is the flower that stands for: unpretending excellence`camellia japonica
What is the flower that stands for: useful knowledge`parsley
What is the flower that stands for: warmth of sentiment`spearmint
What is the flower that stands for: youthful gladness`spring crocus
What is the flower that stands for: youthful innocence`white lilac
What is the focul point of an earthquake known as`epicentre
What is the "forbidden song"?`Pop Goes The Weasel
What is the force that brings moving bodies to a halt`friction
What is the force that slows down or stops a moving thing`friction
What is the forename of French couturier Chanel`coco
What is the formal name for when a substance breaks down on heating`termal decomposition
What is the formal name for when a substance breaks down on heating`Thermal Decomposition
What is the former name of Acadia National Park, established in 1916`sieur de monts
What is the former name of Botswana`bechuanaland
What is the former name of Guinea-Bissau`portuguese guinea
What is the former name of Istanbul`constantinople
What is the former name of John F Kennedy Airport`idlewild
What is the former name of the Russian city Volgograd`stalingrad
What is the former name of the tonka metalcraft company`mound metalcraft
what is the former name of the tonka metalcraft company`mound metalcraft company
what is the former name of the tonka metalcraft company`mound metalcraft`cotton
What is the former name of Zaire`belgian congo
What is the former residence of the Moorish kings in Seville called`alcazar
what is the former zaire now known as`the democratic republic of congo
What is the fourth day of the week`wednesday
What is the fourth dimension (apart from length, depth & width`time
What is the fourth estate`the press
what is the fourth largest country in europe`sweden
What is the fourth month of the year`april
What is the fourth sign of the zodiac`cancer
What is the four-word title of Hilary Clintons 1996 best-selling book`It Takes a Village
What is the four word US national motto`in god we trust
what is the 'freemantle doctor', that occurs most afternoons in perth`wind
What is the french for hospital`hotel-dieu
what is the french for hospital`hotel`kennedy
What is the French name for a tart of cheese and bacon in a cream and egg filling`quiche lorraine
what is the french phrase meaning 'on the contrary'`au`candy
What is the french phrase meaning 'on the contrary'`au contraire
What is the French Riviera's leading resort`nice
What is the French term for "d day"`j
what is the french term meaning 'to fry in a small amount of oil'`saute
What is the french word for 'mistake'`faux pas
What is the frequency of Halley's Commets return to earth orbit`76 years
what is the frequency of sound waves measured in`hertz
What is the frog's name in the muppet show`kermit
What is the frog's name in 'the muppet show'`kermit d frog
What is the fruit of a rosebush called`hip
What is the fruit of a rosebush called`the hip
what is the fruit of eucalyptus trees`gum nuts
What is the fruit of the Anna Comosus`pineapple
What is the fruit of the blackthorn called`sloe
What is the fruit of the hawthorn called`haw
What is the fruit of the Prunus Armeniaca`apricot
What is the fruit of the 'Rubus fructicosus'`blackberry
what is the full moon nearest the autumnal equinox`harvest`g
What is the full moon nearest the autumnal equinox`harvest moon
What is the full name for the drug LSD`lysergic acid diethylamide
What is the full name of E. Coli`escherichia coli
what is the full name of lake tonka`lake`celts
What is the full name of lake tonka`lake minnetonka
What is the full name of the creator of "Jeeves &  Wooster"`pelham grenville wodehouse
What is the full name of the poet Shelley`percy blsshe shelley
What is the full term for the abbreviation 'zoo'`Zoological garden
What is the full title of the novel left unfinished by Charles Dickens`the mystery of edwin drood
What is the function of a sheepshank knot`to shorten a length of rope
what is the function of red corpuscles in the blood`transport oxygen
what is the function of red corpuscles in the blood`transport`war
what is the furry, tasseled purse carried on a scotman's belt`sporran
What is the furthest you can see on a clear day`93 million miles
What is the Gaelic name for Ireland`eire
What is the game if your balls are black and blue and your opponents are red and yellow`croquet
What is the game we call Noughts and Crosses called in America`tic tac toe
What is the gardening term for a weed`ruderal
What is the general designation for the period in English history from 1640 to 1660?`English Revolution
What is the general name for a protein molecule which acts as a natural catalyst in the bodies of all bacteria, plants and animals`enzyme
What is the general term for all chemical substances produced by the endocrine glands`hormones
What is the general term used for various forms of insanity and mental derangement`mental illness
what is the general term used for various forms of insanity and mental derangement`mental`war
What is the general term used for various forms of insanity &  mental derangement`mental illness
What is the generic term for the following: king,emperor,jackass`penguin
What is the geographical term for a ring shaped coral island`atoll
What is the geographic centre of the u.s`south dakota
what is the geographic centre of the u.s`south`restructuring
What is the geometric shape of the cells in a honeycomb`hexagonal
What is the German name for the Easter Bunny`Oschter Haws
What is the german parliament`bundestag
What is the German word for monday`Montag
What is the German word for Wednesday`Mittwoch
What is the German word for yes`ja
What is the gestation period of a rabbit?`One month
What is the gift given at 50th wedding`Gold
what is the gift given at a 40th wedding`ruby
What is the gift on the eighth day of christmas in the "twelve days of christmas"`eight maids a milking
What is the gift on the seventh day of christmas in the "twelve days of christmas"`seven swans a swimming
what is the gift that is supposed to be given for a 55th wedding anniversary`emerald
What is the given title of the Kuwaiti head of state`emir
What is the glass capital of the world`toledo
What is the gluteus maximus the largest example of in the human body`muscle
What is the greatest desert in Africa`gobi
What is the great mass of stone trees in the Painted Desert in Arizona called`the petrified forest
What is the Great Smoo`scotland's largest cave
What is the Greek Name for Cyprus`Kyprus
What is the Greek version of the old testament called`the septuagent
What is the greek word for the biblical book of revelation`apocalypse
What is the Greek word meaning "end"`telos
What is the hardest bone in the human body`Jawbone
What is the hardest mineral`diamond
What is the hardest naturally occuring substance`diamond
what is the hardest substance in the human body`enamel
What is the Hawaiian word for "sheltered bay"`honolulu
What is the headquarter of the British Metropolitan Police Force`Scotland Yard
What is the heart rate of the blue whale`nine beats per minute
what is the heaviest bird of prey`condor
What is the heaviest breed of domestic dog`st. bernard
What is the heaviest breed of domestic dog`st bernard`saint bernard
What is the heaviest class of weight-lifting`Super heavyweight
what is the heaviest domestic dog`st bernard
what is the heaviest domestic dog`st bernard`saint bernard
What is the heaviest element`uranium
What is the heaviest organ in the body`liver
What is the heaviest snake`anaconda
What is the hebrew word for peace used as both a greeting and a farewell`shalom
What is the height travelled by the world's longest escalator`sixty metres
What is the Hellenic republic`greece
What is 'the helvetic confederation' in latin`confederatio helvetica
what is 'the helvetic confederation' in latin`confederatio`hydrangea
What is the heraldic term for a diamond shape`lozenge
What is the heraldic term for a small square division on a shield`canton
What is the heraldic term for silver`argent
what is the heroine's name in Walt Disney's Beauty and the beast`Belle
What is the highest adult male singing voice`alto
What is the highest award for bravery in the British army`the victoria cross
What is the highest bid in Solo Whist`abundance declared
What is the highest bid in the card game Bridge`seven no trumps
What is the highest commissioned rank in the Royal Air Force`marshal of the raf
What is the highest commissioned rank in the Royal Navy`admiral of the fleet
What is the highest hand in poker`a run
What is the highest lake in the world`lake titicaca
what is the highest military honour that can be conferred in the usa`congressional medal of honor
what is the highest military medal given in the united kingdom`victoria cross
What is the highest mountain in Africa`kilimanjaro
What is the highest mountain in Canada called`mount logan
What is the highest mountain in canada`logan
What is the highest mountain in Canada`Mt. LoganMt LoganMount Logan
what is the highest mountain in japan`fuji
What is the highest mountain in New Zealand`mount cook
What is the highest mountain in North America`mount mckinley
What is the highest mountain in Romania`mt moldoveanu
What is the highest mountain in South America`aconcagua
what is the highest mountain in the alps`mont blanc
What is the highest mountain in the Western Hemisphere`aconcagua
What is the highest mountain in the world`mt everest
What is the highest navigable lake in the world`titicaca
What is the highest number does a bingo ball go to`75
What is the highest number on the pH scale`fourteen
What is the highest peak in Australia`mount kosciusko
What is the highest peak in fiji`mount victoria
what is the highest peak of the ural mountains`naradnaya
What is the highest-pitched woodwind musical instrument`piccolo
What is the highest point in China`mount everest`mt everest`mt. everest
what is the highest point in north america`mckinley
What is the highest ranking suit in Bridge`spades
What is the highest rank in the British Army`field marshal
What is the highest scoring english word in 'scrabble'`quartzy
What is the highest Soviet decoration`the order of lenin
What is the highest U S mountain`mt. mckinley
What is the high flying swing in a circus called`trapeze
What is the hindu kush`national costume
What is the Hindu social class system called`caste
What is the Hobbit's favourite food`mushrooms
What is the hobby of a 'twitcher'`bird watching
What is the hogs largest living relative`hippopotamus
What is the holiest day in the Jewish calendar?`Yom Kippur
What is the hollow necktie-knot substitute that snugs a neckerchief at the throat on a Boy Scouts uniform called`A woggle
What is the holy book of Islam`Koran
What is the holy book of the Sikhs called`adi granth
What is the holy city of Islam`mecca
What is the home country of chris de burgh`ireland
what is the home ground of manchester united`old trafford
What is the home of a badger called`sett
What is the homepage for TriviaBot`http://www.irctriviabot.com
What is the honeymoon capital of the world`niagara falls
What is the hormone responsible for the sex drive of men and women?`Testosterone
What is the horn of a crescent moon or the initial point of an astrological house`cusp
What is the horn of a rhinoceros made of`hair
What is the "hot corner" in baseball`third base
What is the hottest chile in the world`habanero
what is the humorous term for an accountant`bean counter
What is the Hungarian word for pepper`paprika
What is the hybrid of the grapefruit and the tangerine`ugli
What is the imaginary line on the surface of the earth approximately parallel to the geographical equator?`Aclinic Line
what is the increase in velocity per unit of time called`acceleration
What is the indentation at the bottom of a wine bottle called`punt
what is the indian meaning for the name 'canada'`big village
What is the infinity sign called`lemniscate
what is the inflammation of the stomach and intestines called`gastroenteritis
What is the inflammation of the stomach & intestines called`gastroenteritis
What is the informal term used for Australia`down under
what is the inland empire a nickname of`illinois
What is the inscription on the squadron badge of 617 Squadron`apres moi le deluge
What is the instrument that measures blood pressure called`sphygmomanometer
What is the instrument used in geometry to measure angles`protractor
What is the integral of the magnetic field with respect to the area`magnetic
what is the integral of the magnetic field with respect to the area`magnetic flux
what is the integral of the magnetic field with respect to the area`magnetic`rlc
what is the "international criminal police organisation" better know as`interpol
What is the International Criminal Police Organisation better known as`interpol
What is the international cry for help`mayday
What is the international radio code for the letter Z`zulu
What is the international radio code word for the letter B`bravo
What is the international radio code word for the letter F`foxtrot
What is the international radio code word for the letter O`oscar
What is the international radio code word for the letter Q`quebec
What is the international radio code word for the letter T`tango
What is the international radio code word for the letter Y`yankee
What is the international radio code word for the letter Z`zulu
what is the international telephone code for the uk?`44
What is the international telphone dialing code for Antarctica`672
What is the Irish parliament called`dail
What is the Ishihara test designed to detect`colour blindness
What is the island of taransay famous for`castaway
What is the Israeli knesset`parliament
What is the Italian almond-flavoured liqueur`amaretto
what is the jack of any suit called in bridge`a bower
What is the Jack of Hearts holding up in a deck of cards`leaf
What is the Japanese art of miniature tree cultivation called`bonsai
What is the japanese currency`yen
what is the japanese equivalent of the dow jones index`nikkei
What is the japanese word for 'divine wind'`kamikaze
what is the japanese word for 'empty orchestra'`karaoke
What is the japanese word for "squad leader"`honcho
What is the junction between two nerve cells called`synapse
what is the kansas city baseball team called`royals
What is the key signature of E flat major`3 flats
What is the kitchen on a ship called`galley
What is the knee bone called`patella
what is the 'lambeth walk'`a dance
what is the 'lambeth walk'`dance
What is the language of hungary`magyar
What is the large central inner tower of a castle called`keep
What is the largest american city in the great lakes`chicago
What is the largest animal that ever lived`blue whale
What is the largest animal that has ever inhabited the planet Earth`blue whale
What is the largest antique ever sold`London Bridge
What is the largest aquatic bird`Albatross
What is the largest artery in the human body`Aorta
what is the largest asteroid that has been observed`ceres
What is the largest bay in the world, (larger than England) bordering only one country Canada, & only two provinces & a territory`hudson bay
What is the largest bird after the ostrich`australian emu
What is the largest body of fresh water in the world`lake superior
What is the largest breed of domesticated cat in the world`ragdoll
What is the largest building on the Acropolis in Athens`the parthenon
What is the largest carnivore on land`polar bear
What is the largest cat in the Americas`jaguar
What is the largest cell in a human body`ovum
What is the largest city between ireland and canada`reykjavik
What is the largest city in Africa`cairo
what is the largest city in alabama`birmingham
What is the largest city in Alaska`anchorage
What is the largest city in Australia, in terms of population`Sydney
What is the largest city in Canada`toronto
What is the largest city in China`Shanghai
What is the largest city in ecuador`guayaquil
What is the largest city in Europe`paris
what is the largest city in india`calcutta
what is the largest city in ireland`dublin
what is the largest city in pakistan`karachi
What is the largest city in Switzerland`zurich
What is the largest city in Texas`houston
What is the largest city in the communist world`shanghai
what is the largest city in the southern hemisphere`jakarta
What Is The Largest City of Switzerland`Zurich
What is the largest city on the South island of New Zealand`christchurch
What is the largest city south of the Equator`buenos aires
What is the largest constellation in the sky`hydra
What is the largest country in africa`sudan
What is the largest country in central america`nicaragua
What is the largest country in Europe after the Soviet Union`france
What is the largest country in Oceania`australia
What is the largest country in the Western Hemisphere`canada
what is the largest country`russia
What is the largest country that is entirely within the southern hemisphere`australia
What is the largest country wholly within Europe`france
What is the largest county in Ireland`cork
what is the largest county in the united states`san bernardino
what is the largest cranial bone`parietal
What is the largest desert in the world`sahara
What is the largest dinosaur`brachiosaurus
What is the largest exclusively indonesian island`sumatra
What is the largest feline`tiger
What is the largest gem-quality diamond discovered`cullinan diamond
What is the largest gland in the human body`liver
What is the largest gold refinery`rand refinery
what is the largest harbor in holland`rotterdam
What is the largest inhabited castle`Windsor Castle