Category: Barbie: What year did Barbie make her debut`1959
Category:Baseball - Who wore a cabbage leaf under his cap`Babe Ruth
Category: Beer: Beers made with top fermenting yeasts, usually at warmer temperatures.`ale
Category: Beer: Belgian monks at places like Chimay and Orval brew beers given this moniker.`trappist
Category: Beer: Brand that makes a cameo appearance in Das Boot?`becks
Category: Beer: Breweries that produce less than 15,000 barrels per year are called ...`microbreweries
Category: Beer: Cheaper non-barley grains such as rice and corn are referred to by this term.`adjuncts
Category: Beer: Common ending for the names of German Doppelbocks?`ator
Category: Beer: German variety of noble hops that Jim Koch whines about on the radio.`hallertau mittelfrueh
Category: Beer: Home country of Sam Miguel beer?`philippines
Category: Beer: In many backward states, stronger beers must use this useless term instead.`malt liquor
Category: Beer: Most experts say you don`t have a pilsner if you don't use this kind of hops.`saaz
Category: Beer: Standard unit of bitterness. Defined as 1 part per million isohumolone.`international bittering unit
Category: Beer: Swiss beer bottled each year on December 6th and sold the following year.`samichlaus
Category: Beer: Term used for the strongest ales (not lagers).`barleywine
Category: Beer: The art or science of brewing beer. Also the name of a homebrew magazine.`zymurgy
Category: Beer: The brewery in derge's hometown, Frederick, Maryland, brews under this label.`blue ridge brewery
Category: Beer: The German term Weizen refers to beers made with this ingredient.`wheat
Category: Beer: The process of extracting sugar from malt by soaking in water.`mashing
Category: Beer: The Sierra Nevada Brewery makes this city "Mecca" to many beer enthusiasts.`chico california
Category: Beer: Thiz tazetless zwill is zomething different all right, but itz not beer.`zima
Category: Beer: What brand used to "Love to party"?`lone star
Category: Beer: What country is home to the real Budweiser? Not the USA.`czechen republic
Category: Beer: Which is higher, percent alcohol by weight or by volume?`by volume
Category: Be Prepared: A Cub Scout Pack is divided up into several ----, of about 8 boys each.`dens
Category: Be Prepared: derge's Boy Scout Troop number. Also the US President's house number.`1600
Category: Be Prepared: Founder of the Boy Scouts`lord robert baden-powell
Category: Be Prepared: Give the colors of the 3 ribbons on the Webelos thing (alphabetical, no commas)`green red yellow
Category: Be Prepared: Honorary service organization typically referred to simply as "OA"`order of the arrow
Category: Be Prepared: How many total merit badges are required for Eagle (as of 1995)`21
Category: Be Prepared: Large, regional division of the BSA. Analogous to the OA's lodge.`council
Category: Be Prepared: Points 4-6 of the ScoutLaw.`friendly courteous kind
Category: Be Prepared: Points 7-9 of the Scout Law.`obedient cheerful thrifty
Category: Be Prepared: Scout slogan`do a good turn daily
Category: Be Prepared: The top adult leader of a Boy Scout troop is given this title.`scoutmaster
Category: Be Prepared: What is Explorer Scouting's equivalent of the Troop?`post
Category: Be Prepared: What is the only Cub Scout/Webelos award that may be kept as a Boy Scout?`arrow of light
Category: Bestsellers: According to Erma Bombeck, this is the second oldest profession`motherhood
Category: Bestsellers: Alexander Ripley's sequal to Gone With the Wind`scarlett
Category: Bestsellers: All I Really Need To Know I Learned in ____________`kindergarten
Category: Bestsellers: Anne Rice writes about these bloodsuckers`vampires
Category: Bestsellers: Arthur Hailey's novel of the auto industry`wheels
Category: Bestsellers: Bury My Heart at _______ ____ by Brown`wounded knee
Category: Bestsellers: Donald Trump's books all start with this word`trump
Category: Bestsellers: His Way was a Kitty Kelly unauthorized biography of him`frank sinatra
Category: Bestsellers: In Cosmos this astronomer expounds upon billions and billions of years`carl sagan
Category: Bestsellers: John Naisbitt's 10 letter book of 10 year trends`megatrends
Category: Bestsellers: Lake Wobegon is located in this state`minnesota
Category: Bestsellers: Marin Cruz Smith's first mystery took place in this Moscow park`gorky park
Category: Bestsellers: Millie's book was barked to her`barbara bush
Category: Bestsellers: Noble House can be found in this British colony`hong kong
Category: Bestsellers: Reminiscences, the longest one word title, was written by this general`douglas macarthur
Category: Bestsellers: Roots begins when he comes to America as a slave`kunta kinte
Category: Bestsellers: The Ayatollah Khomeni put a $1 million bounty on his head`salman rushdie
Category: Bestsellers: The first horror novel to reach the top, it became a Linda Blair movie`the exorcist
Category: Bestsellers: The job in Men at Work`baseball
Category: Bestsellers: The Parsifal ______ by Ludlum`mosaic
Category: Bestsellers: The sequal to Love Story`olivers story
Category: Bestsellers: The shortest bestselling title, by either Hepburn or King`me
Category: Bestsellers: The Thorn Birds takes place in this country`australia
Category: Bestsellers: Trinity takes place in this country`ireland
Category: Bet you don't know ;-) : The two sexes of humans are male and ______`female
Category:Bet you don't know ;-) The two sexes of humans are male and `female
Category:Beverages - What drink is named after the queen of England who was famous for her 'sanguinary' persecution of the protestants`Bloody Mary
Category:Beverages - What is made of fermented grape juice`wine
Category: Biblical Character: Apostle who replaced Judas`matthias
Category: Biblical Character: Father-in-law of Moses`jethro
Category: Biblical Character: First martyr after the resurrection of Jesus`stephen
Category: Biblical Character: High priest of Israel when Samuel was born`eli
Category: Biblical Character: King of Judah who was wicked before he repented`manasseh
Category: Biblical Character: Married Ruth after she followed her mother-in-law into Israel`boaz
Category: Biblical Character: Mother of John the Baptist`elizabeth
Category: Biblical Character: Non-Jew known to have written part of the New Testament`luke
Category: Biblical Character: Paul asked him to forgive his runaway slave`philemon
Category: Biblical Character: Pleaded for Jesus to heal his dying daughter`jairus
Category: Biblical Character: The only explorer than Joshua who was allowed into the promised land`caleb
Category: Biblical Character: Told Peter about Jesus`andrew
Category: Biblical Character: When mentioned together with her husband, she is generally named first`priscilla
Category:Big Peepers - Which animal has the largest eyes`giant squid
Category: Biochemistry : This poisonous, oily liquid occurs in tobacco leaves.`nicotine
Category:Biochemistry This protein makes the blood red in color.`Haemoglobin
Category: Biochemistry : This protein makes the blood red in color.`hemoglobin
Category:Biology - As what is haemophilia also known`royal disease
Category: Biology : Every human has one of these on their tummies.`navel
Category: Biology : How many large holes are in your head`7
Category:Biology How many large holes are in your head`seven
Category:Biology - If body temperature was 86 degrees, how many years would a man man live`two hundred
Category:Biology - Of what is keratitis an inflammation`cornea
Category:Biology - On what side should you sleep to improve digestion`right
Category: Biology : This complex substance makes up all living things.`protoplasm
Category:Biology - To what disability can keratitis lead`blindness
Category:Biology - What appears when the sun activates melanocytes`freckles
Category:Biology - What body function is improved if you sleep on your right side`digestion
Category:Biology - What carries sensations from the tongue to the brain`lingual nerve
Category:Biology - What does the body release that dilates small blood vessels and so causes a person to blush`peptides
Category:Biology - What does the lack of iodine in the diet cause`goitre
Category:Biology - What does the pancreas produce`insulin
Category:Biology - What element is lacking in a diet when goitre occurs`iodine
Category:Biology - What falls out with phalacrosis`hair
Category:Biology - What fleshy muscular organ is joined to the hyoid bone`tongue
Category:Biology - What gland secretes fluid that washes the eyes`tear gland
Category:Biology - What is activated for freckles to appear`melanocytes
Category: Biology : What is normal body temperature for an adult human`98f
Category:Biology What is normal body temperature for an adult human (in degrees fahrenheit)`98.6
Category:Biology - What is the biological name for the shin bone`tibia
Category:Biology - What is the biological term for the voice box`larynx
Category:Biology - What is the common name for the larynx`voice box
Category:Biology - What is the hardest bone in the human body`jawbone
Category:Biology - What is the latin name for the top set of vertebrae`cervical
Category:Biology - What is the royal disease`haemophilia
Category:Biology - What is the tibia more commonly known as`shin bone
Category:Biology - What muscle is joined by the lingual nerve to the brain`tongue
Category:Biology - What muscles move the ears`auricularis
Category:Biology - What protein makes blood red`Haemoglobin
Category:Biology - What small region at end of medulla oblongata serves as 'bridge' to brain`pons
Category:Biology - When a tumour is cancerous, what is it said to be`malignant
Category:Biology - With age, what organ shrinks faster in males than in females`brain
Category:Birthstones - What is the birthstone for May`emerald
Category:Birthstones - What is the birthstone for September`sapphire
Category: Bloom County: Name of the groundhog`portnoy
Category: Bloom County: The author's name which is more putrid than Yaz Pistachio (first and last)`berkely breathed
Category: Bloom County: What is Oliver's full name (3 words)`oliver wendell jones
Category: Bloom County: Who's brain gets transplated into Bill's skull`donald trump
Category: Bloom County: Who was always being tormented by his anxiety closet`binkley
Category:  Books: Alice in Wonderland was created by him (pen name).`lewis carroll
Category: Books: Author of "Falconer"`cheever
Category:  Books: Author of _In Cold Blood_.`truman capote
Category: Books: Author of One Police Plaza, 1984 best-seller.`caunitz
Category: Books: Before he won over countess Lyndon, what was Barry Lyndon's name?`redmond barry
Category: Books: Brothers who founded the "Guinesss Book of World Records". (last name)`mcwhirter
Category:  Books: Camoes wrote in this language.`portuguese
Category: Books: Cervantes is from this country.`spain
Category: Books: Crusoe met his future servant & companion on this day of the week`friday
Category: Books: Dick Gregory called his autobiography this derogatory slang word`nigger
Category: Books: Empedocles, Socrates, Isocrates, Lucion are of this nationality.`greek
Category: Books for the Bored: Brother Cadfael belonged to which order of monks`benedictine
Category: Books for the Bored: In which series of books would you find the fortress of Salamandastron`redwall
Category: Books for the Bored: What sort of creature was Tarka`otter
Category: Books for the Bored: What was Dorothy's dog called in _the Wizard of Oz_`toto
Category: Books for the Bored: What was the name of the boy in _The Jungle Book_ (Spelling!)`mowgli
Category: Books for the Bored: Where did Mr Badger live in _The Wind in the Willows_`the wild wood
Category: Books for the Bored: Where does the action of _Lorna Doone_ take place`exmoor
Category: Books for the Bored: Which country was Stephen King born in`usa
Category: Books for the Bored: Which creatures lived in Arnold Bros (est. 1905)`nomes
Category: Books for the Bored: Which Dickens novel takes place during the French Revolution`a tale of two cities
Category: Books for the Bored: Which Douglas wrote _The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy_`adams
Category: Books for the Bored: Which novelist born in 1886 had the initials H.G.`wells
Category: Books for the Bored: Which Rosemary Sutcliffe novel concerned a Roman legion`the scarlet pimpernel
Category: Books for the Bored: Who maintained law and order in Noddy's Toyland`mr. plod
Category: Books for the Bored: Who wrote _The Call of the Wild_`jack london
Category: Books for the Hip Reader: A Prayer for Owen Meany`irving
Category: Books for the Hip Reader: Daisy Miller?`henry james
Category: Books for the Hip Reader: Daisy Miller`james
Category: Books for the Hip Reader: Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah?`richard bach
Category: Books for the Hip Reader: Last of the Mohicans?`james fenimore cooper
Category: Books for the Hip Reader: Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles`andrews
Category: Books for the Hip Reader: Men to Match My Mountains?`irving stone
Category: Books for the Hip Reader: Picture of Dorian Gray?`oscar wilde
Category: Books for the Hip Reader: Rabbit Redux`updike
Category: Books for the Hip Reader: The Diary of Adam and Eve (short story)?`mark twain
Category: Books for the Hip Reader: The Gunslinger?`stephen king
Category: Books for the Hip Reader: The Mouse That Roared`leonard wibberley
Category: Books for the Hip Reader: The Name of the Rose?`umberto eco
Category: Books for the Hip Reader: The Secret Sharer?`joseph conrad
Category: Books for the Hip Reader: Where the Sidewalk Ends?`shel silverstein
Category: Books: He created Tarzan of the Apes.`burroughs
Category:  Books: He is the author of the trilogy _Once &  Future King_.`t h white
Category:  Books: His work was published in 1755 as the Dictionary of the English Language.`johnson
Category: Books: In 'Pilgrim's Progress' this is Christian's ultimate destination`celestial city
Category:  Books: Jean Anouilh's play about Henry II's problem with the Archbishop of Canterbury.`becket
Category: Books: Last name of the Jacob and Wilhelm brothers.`grimm
Category: Books: Little boys are made of frogs, ------, and puppy-dogs tails.`snails
Category: Books: Little girls are made of sugar, spice, and ---------- ----.`everything nice
Category: Books: Men Against the Sea was part two of this trilogy.`bounty
Category: Books: Name of Edith Wharton's heroine in The House of Mirth.`bart
Category: Books: Pen name of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson.`lewis carroll
Category: Books: P.L. Travers's most famous literary creation (first and last name).`mary poppins
Category: Books: Sallust, Livy, Tacitus are of this nationality.`roman
Category: Books: Sequel to Steinbeck's Sweet Thursday.`cannery row
Category: Books: Shirley Jackson thriller about Eleanor Vance's adventures in a haunted house.`haunting of hill house
Category: Books: The author of "Heidi".`johanna spyri
Category: Books: The Devil promised 24 years of happiness to this doctor in Marlowe's play`faustus
Category: Books: The Little Prince was the work of this author.`antoine de saint-exupery
Category: Books: The wolf impersonated her in Little Red Riding Hood.`grandmother
Category: Books: This author wrote about the fictional 'march girls'`louisa alcott
Category: Books: This author wrote "If", one of the worlds most popular poems.`kipling
Category:  Books: This author wrote the book _A Very Long Engagement_.`sebastian japrisot
Category:  Books: This book by Richard Rhodes won the Pulitzer Prize`making of the atomic bomb
Category: Books: This event prompted Mailer to write The Naked and the Dead.`pearl harbor
Category: Books: This novel inspired the TV series "The Six Million Dollar Man"`cyborg
Category:  Books: What little Marcella found in her grandmothers attic (by Johnny Gruelle).`raggedy ann
Category: Books: Wieland, Herder, Lesoing, Schilling are from this country.`germany
Category:  Books: Wrote The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge.`castaneda
Category: Booze Grabbag: A.K.A juniper juice?`gin
Category: Booze Grabbag: Almond liqueur that comes from the Italian for "bitter", not "love"`amaretto
Category: Booze Grabbag: Australian city home of Castlemaine XXXX Export Lager`brisbane
Category: Booze Grabbag: Company that brews Michelob beer`anheuser-busch
Category: Booze Grabbag: Company that was purveyor of Vodka to the Imperial Russian Court (1886-1917)`smirnoff
Category: Booze Grabbag: Hazelnut liqueur named for the mysterious monk that made it 300 years ago`frangelico
Category: Booze Grabbag: Legend says bats lived in the rum distillery and one of them is on the label.`bacardi
Category: Booze Grabbag: Sapporo is brewed in this country.`japan
Category: Booze Grabbag: Spice that a bartender would dust your Brandy Flip with`nutmeg
Category: Booze Grabbag: The geometric shape found on the Bass Pale Ale bottle`triangle
Category: Booze Grabbag: The two ingredients of a Black Velvet are stout and `champagne
Category: Booze Grabbag: This liquor brand accents a Scarlet O' Hara or a Rhett Butler?`southern comfort
Category: Booze Grabbag: What bottles of Chianti are traditionally covered with`straw
Category: Booze Grabbag: What color is a Remy Martin bottle?`green
Category: Booze Grabbag: What "secco" means on a bottle of Italian wine`dry
Category: Booze Grabbag: What the V.O. in Seagrams V.O. stands for?`very old
Category: Booze Grabbag: Zima iz made in thiz United Statez city.`memphis
Category: Booze Names: 1 1/2 oz. light rum, 1 lime, powdered sugar, fruit juice, blend w/crushed ice`daiquiri
Category: Booze Names: 1/2 oz. light rum, 1/2 oz. dark rum, 1 oz. orange, lime, pineapple juice`pina colada
Category: Booze Names: 1 ounce of light rum and the juice of 1/2 lime, top with cola.`cuba libre
Category: Booze Names: 1 oz. gin, 1/2 oz. dry vermouth, 1/2 oz. sweet vermouth, 1/2 oz. orange juice`bronx cocktail
Category: Booze Names: 1 oz. gin and 1 oz. orange juice.`orange blossom
Category: Booze Names: 2 oz. gin, juice of 1/2 lemon, 1 tsp sugar, pour over ice cubes.`tom collins
Category: Booze Names: 2 oz. gin, juice of 1/2 lemon, 1 tsp sugar, top with soda water.`gin fizz
Category: Booze Names: A manhattan, but with scotch whiskey.`rob roy
Category: Booze Names: Vodka, consomme, lemon, tabasco sauce, salt, pepper, celery salt.`bullshot
Category: Booze Names: Vodka, tomato juice, lemon, tabasco sauce, salt, pepper, celery salt.`bloody mary
Category:Botany - Approximately how many years old are oak trees before they produce acorns`fifty
Category:Botany - One ragweed plant can release approximately how many grains of pollen`one billion
Category: Botany : The practice of joining the parts of two plants to make them grow as one is called ________.`grafting
Category:Botany The practice of joining the parts of two plants to make them grow as one is called .`grafting
Category: Botany : These flowerless plants grow on bare rocks and tree stumps.`lichen
Category: Botany : This fruit has its seeds on the outside.`strawberry
Category: Botany : This term means 'cone-bearing trees'.`conifers
Category:Botany - To which family does the coffee plant belong`madder
Category:Botany What fruit bear the latin name "citrus grandis"`grapefruit
Category: Botany : What fruit is "Citrus grandis"`grapefruit
Category:Botany - Which tree only produces acorns after it is fifty years old`oak
Category: Breathing Lessons_`anne tyler
Category:Britain - How many inches tall are the bearskins worn by the guards at Buckingham Palace`twenty
Category:Britain - In the House of Lords, where does the Lord Chancellor sit`woolsack
Category:Britain - In which park are Queen Mary's gardens`Regents Park
Category:Britain - What are the only two london boroughs that start with the letter 'e'`Ealing and Enfield
Category:Britain - What does 'The Monument' in London commemorate`Great Fire of London
Category:Britain - What was the second bridge built across the Thames`Westminster Bridge
Category:Britain - Where is Selfridges`Oxford Street, London
Category:Britain - Which building commemorates the Great Fire of London`Monument
Category:Britain - Who at Buckingham Palace wears bearskins`guards
Category:British History - What was Margaret Thatcher's nickname`Iron Lady
Category: British Monarchs: Queen Victoria was born in this year.`1819
Category:Buildings - What is the largest inhabited castle in the world`Windsor Castle
Category:Buildings - Where is the 'whispering gallery'`St. Paul's Cathedral
Category:Buildings - Where would you find a nave, apse, atrium and narthex`Basilica
Category: Bursery Rhymes : Jack and Jill went up a ____ to fetch a pail of water`hill
Category:Calendar How many days where there in 1976`three hundred and sixty six
Category: Callendar : How many days where there in 1976`366
Category: Canadianisms: Finish the quote: "The Mounties always   ."`get their man
Category: Canadianisms: Popular term for RCMP officers.`mounties
Category: Canadianisms: Popular term for the Liberal Party.`grits
Category: Canadianisms: Proper term for "Eskimo."`inuit
Category: Canadianisms: RCMP stands for...`royal canadian mounted police
Category: Candy: Candy bar named for a celestial object.`milky way
Category: Candy: Candy bar promoted by Bart Simpson.`butterfingers
Category: Candy: Candy named for Mars and Murrie, the company's founders.`mms
Category: Candy: Cinnamon flavored candies with a Mexican theme.`hot tamales
Category: Candy: Fruit flavored candy pieces made with ju-ju gum.`jujubes
Category: Candy: Largest single user of almonds in North America.`hershey
Category: Candy: Marble sized, vanilla flavored, chewy caramels covered with milk choclate.`milk duds
Category: Candy: Milk chocolate covered peanuts.`goobers
Category: Candy: Swiss manufacturer of the Crunch bar.`nestle
Category: Candy: This bar first appeared in oats'n honey, cinammon, and coconut flavors.`granola
Category: Cars: 1938 marked the introduction of this Volkswagen car.`beetle
Category: Cars: Combine a Van &  a Car &  you get this word.`caravan
Category:Cars - How is 75% of petrol in an engine wasted`combustion
Category: Cars: Name of Honda's variable valve timing system.`vtec
Category: Cars: Ransom Eli Olds started this company in 1897.`oldsmobile
Category: Cars: Sister car of the Nissan Quest.`mercury villager
Category: Cars: The Chrysler Concorde, Dodge Intrepid, and Eagle Vision are known as...`lh sedans
Category: Cars: "The Death Car of Sarajevo", killed 15 people over 12 years, including him.`archduke ferdinand
Category: Cars: The first auto accident on record occurred in this city.`new york
Category: Cars: The first car with a non-U.S. nameplate to be classified as U.S. domestic.`mazda mx-6
Category: Cars: The first double-decker bus was introduced in this city.`london
Category: Cars: The first power steering was in this car.`mercedes-benz
Category: Cars: The first president to ride in an auto; he didn't care for it much.`theodore roosevelt
Category: Cars: The most expensive car produced by the Chrysler Corporation.`dodge viper
Category: Cars: The original name for this Pontiac car was the Banshee, for its mythicality.`firebird
Category: Cars: The Stutz-Bearcat is this type of car.`sports
Category: Cars: Volvo's chairman resigned in 1993 in protest of a merger with this automaker.`renault
Category:Cars - What make of car is an 'Espace'`Renault
Category:Cars - What make of car is a 'Thunderbird'`Ford
Category:Cars - Which country has the most cars per mile of road`England
Category:Cartoon Decorum - Donald Duck comics were banned in Finland because he didn't wear `pants
Category: Cartoon Sidekicks: Buttons`mindy
Category: Cartoon Sidekicks: Hagar the Horrible`lucky eddie
Category: Cartoon Sidekicks: Slappy Squirrel`skippy squirrel
Category: Cartoon Sidekicks: Snoopy`woodstock
Category: Cartoon Sidekicks: Snow White (watch the spelling)`the seven dwarfs
Category:Cartoon Trivia Alvin & Simon had a brother called .`Theodore
Category: Cartoon Trivia : An adventurous penguin named Tennessee Tuxedo had a sidekick named _______`chumley
Category:Cartoon Trivia An adventurous penguin named Tennessee Tuxedo had a sidekick named `Chumley
Category: Cartoon Trivia : An alien creature in a funny hat has opposed both Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck.  Where is he from`mars
Category:Cartoon Trivia An Andy Panda cartoon gave birth to a famous, cantankerous bird. Name him.`Woody Woodpecker
Category:Cartoon Trivia Before Olive Oil met Popeye she was engaged to someone.  Who was he`Ham Gravy
Category: Cartoon Trivia : Before Olive Oil met Popeye she was engaged to someone.  Who was he`ham gravyzzcomment: olive oyl was wrong, jono82 said
Category: Cartoon Trivia : Benny and Cecil were at odds with whom`john
Category:Cartoon Trivia Bugs always finds himself at the wrong end of a gun, usually toted by either Elmer Fudd or who`Yosemite Sam
Category: Cartoon Trivia : Casper the Friendly Ghost frolicked with which witch`wendy
Category:Cartoon Trivia Charles Boyer inspired a cartoon skunk. Who`Pepe le Pew
Category: Cartoon Trivia : Famous Phrases: Who knows The ______.`shadow
Category:Cartoon Trivia Famous Phrases: Who knows The .`Shadow
Category:Cartoon Trivia - For which cartoon character was Beethoven a favourite composer`Shroeder
Category: Cartoon Trivia : Gadzookie has a large, green friend. Who is he`godzilla
Category:Cartoon Trivia Hanna-Barbera rose to fame by creating what duo for MGM`Tom and Jerry
Category: Cartoon Trivia : How does Wonder Woman control her invisible airplane` mental  powers
Category:Cartoon Trivia - How many freckles did Howdy Doody have`forty eight
Category: Cartoon Trivia : In the cartoons who was Hokie Wolf's sidekick`ding
Category: Cartoon Trivia : In what city does Fat Albert live`philadelphia
Category: Cartoon Trivia : In what year did both Peanuts and Beetle Bailey first appear`1950
Category: Cartoon Trivia : Mentor of Titan had two children in the Marvel comics, Thanos and ____`ero
Category:Cartoon Trivia Mentor of Titan had two children in the Marvel comics, Thanos and `Ero
Category:Cartoon Trivia Miss Buckley is secretary to what commanding officer`General Halftrack
Category:Cartoon Trivia Name Alley Oop's girl friend.`Oola
Category: Cartoon Trivia : Name Alvin & Simon's brother was ________`theo
Category: Cartoon Trivia : Name Cathy's on again/off again boy friend`irving
Category:Cartoon Trivia Name Dennis the Menace's next door neighbors.`Mr and Mrs Wilson
Category: Cartoon Trivia : Name Donald Duck's girlfriend`daisy
Category: Cartoon Trivia : Name Hagar the Horrible's dog.`snert
Category:Cartoon Trivia Name Li'l Abner's favorite Indian drink.`Kickapoo Joy Juice
Category:Cartoon Trivia Name the apartments the Jetson's live in.`The Skypad Apartments
Category: Cartoon Trivia : Name the dog in the Yankee Doodle cartoons.`chopper
Category:Cartoon Trivia Name the European hit, now an animated series about underwater people.`The Snorks
Category:Cartoon Trivia Name the fastest mouse in all of Mexico.`Speedy Gonzalez
Category: Cartoon Trivia : Name the ranger who was always after Yogi Bear.`rick
Category: Cartoon Trivia : Name the town that Fred, Wilma, Barney, and Betty lived in.`bedrock
Category:Cartoon Trivia On what T.V. show could Tom Terrific be found`Captain Kangaroo
Category: Cartoon Trivia : Popeye's chief adversary has two names, Bluto and ______`brutus
Category:Cartoon Trivia Popeye's chief adversary has two names, Bluto and `Brutus
Category: Cartoon Trivia : Porky Pig had a girlfriend named _______.`pet
Category:Cartoon Trivia Porky Pig had a girlfriend named .`Petunia
Category:Cartoon Trivia Tess Trueheart married which plainclothes detective`Dick Tracy
Category:Cartoon Trivia - The maiden names of which two cartoon characters are Slaghoople and Mcbricker`Wilma Flintstone and Betty Rubble
Category:Cartoon Trivia - What are the names of Donald Duck's nephews`Huey Dewey and Louey
Category: Cartoon Trivia : What came out of Milton's head`steam
Category:Cartoon Trivia What character did Tex Avery first create upon arriving at MGM`Screwball Squirrel
Category:Cartoon Trivia - What city do Batman and Robin patrol`Gotham City
Category:Cartoon Trivia What comic strip character is Beetle Bailey's sister`Lois (of Hi and Lois)
Category: Cartoon Trivia : What did Dagwood give up to marry Blondie`a family  inheritance
Category: Cartoon Trivia : What did Peppermint Patty always call Charlie Brown`chuck
Category:Cartoon Trivia - What expression did Clark Kent's newspaper boss like to use`Great Caesar's ghost
Category:Cartoon trivia - What film was the last featuring Mel Blanc's voice`Jetsons
Category: Cartoon Trivia : What is Batman's butler Alfred's last name.`pennyworth
Category: Cartoon Trivia : What is Blondie's maiden name`oop
Category: Cartoon Trivia : What is Dennis the Menace's last name`mitchell
Category:Cartoon Trivia - What is Dennis the Menace's surname`Mitchell
Category: Cartoon Trivia : What is Smokey Stover's job`fireman
Category: Cartoon Trivia : What is Super Chicken's partners name`fred
Category: Cartoon Trivia : What is the mother's name in Family Circus`thelma
Category: Cartoon Trivia : What is the name of Duddley Do-Right's horse`horse
Category: Cartoon Trivia : What is the name of the Family Circus's dog`barf
Category: Cartoon Trivia : What kind of dog is Scooby Doo`great dane
Category: Cartoon Trivia : What type of plant does Broom Hilda sell`venus flytrap
Category:Cartoon Trivia What was Daffy Duck's favorite insult`You're dispicable!
Category: Cartoon Trivia : What was Daffy Ducks usual closing line`you're  dispicable !
Category:Cartoon Trivia What was George of the Jungle always running in to`A tree
Category: Cartoon Trivia : What was George of the Jungle always running in to`tree
Category:Cartoon Trivia - What was the first cartoon character called`Oswald the Rabbit
Category:Cartoon Trivia What was the first cartoon to feature sound`Steamboat Willi
Category: Cartoon Trivia : What was the first cartoon to feature sound`steamboat willy
Category: Cartoon Trivia : What was the name of George of the Jungle's pet elephant`shep
Category:Cartoon Trivia What was the name of Speed Racer's car`The Mach Five
Category:Cartoon Trivia What was the original name Charles Schultz had for Peanuts`Li'l Folks
Category: Cartoon Trivia : What was the relationship between Superman and Supergirl`cousin
Category:Cartoon Trivia - What were Wilma Flintstone and Betty Rubble's maiden names`Slaghoople and Mcbricker
Category:Cartoon Trivia When danger appeared, Quick Draw McGraw became which super hero`El KaBong
Category: Cartoon Trivia : When not a Birdman, what does Ray Randall do for a living` police  officer
Category: Cartoon Trivia : When not fighting crime, what did Underdog do for a living` shoeshine  boy
Category: Cartoon Trivia : When Tweety exclaimed, "I thought I saw a putty tat!", who did he see`sylvester
Category:Cartoon Trivia Where are Rocket J. Squirel and Bullwinkle Moose from`Frostbite Falls
Category:Cartoon Trivia Where did Clark Kent attend college`Metropolis University
Category:Cartoon Trivia Where did George of the Jungle live`Imgwee Gwee Valley
Category:Cartoon Trivia Where did Mighty Mouse get his superpowers`supermarket
Category: Cartoon Trivia : Where did Mighty Mouse get his superpowers`the  supermarket
Category:Cartoon Trivia Where does George Jetson work`Spacely Sprockets
Category:Cartoon Trivia Where does Yogi Bear Live`Jellystone Park
Category:Cartoon Trivia Where do Rocky and Bullwinkle play football`What'samatta University
Category:Cartoon Trivia - Which comic is drawn by Sam Keith`The Maxx
Category:Cartoon Trivia Which comic strip was banned from "Stars and Stripes"`Beetle Bailey
Category:Cartoon Trivia - Which magician did Lothar assist`Mandrake
Category: Cartoon Trivia : Which superhero loves peace enough to kill for it`peacemaker
Category:Cartoon Trivia Who always tried to kill Krazy Kat`Captain Marvel
Category:Cartoon Trivia - Who did the voices of Bugs Bunny, Sylvester and Tweety Pie`Mel Blanc
Category:Cartoon Trivia - Who drew the comic 'The Maxx'`Sam Keith
Category: Cartoon Trivia : Who is Donald Duck's uncle`scrooge
Category: Cartoon Trivia : Who is Sally Brown's sweet baboo`linus
Category:Cartoon Trivia Who is Scooby Doo's nephew`Scrappy Doo
Category: Cartoon Trivia : Who is Scooby Doo's son` scrappy  doo
Category: Cartoon Trivia : Who is Snoopy's arch enemy`baron
Category:Cartoon Trivia Who is Snoopy's arch enemy`The Red Baron
Category:Cartoon Trivia Who is stationed at Camp Swampy in the comic strips`Beetle Bailey
Category:Cartoon Trivia - Who patrols Gotham City`Batman and Robin
Category:Cartoon Trivia Who runs Andy Capp's favorite pub`Jack and Jill
Category:Cartoon Trivia Who says, "Th-th-th-that's all folks!"`Porky Pig
Category: Cartoon Trivia : Who shot Bruce Wayne's parents`chill
Category:Cartoon Trivia - Who took dictation from Perry Mason`Della Street
Category: Cartoon Trivia : Who was always trying to get rent from Andy Capp`percy
Category:Cartoon Trivia - Who was Barney Rubble's best friend`Fred Flintstone
Category:Cartoon Trivia - Who was born on Krypton`Superman
Category: Cartoon Trivia : Who was Daisy the dog's owners`blond
Category: Cartoon Trivia : Who was Dick Dastardley's pet`muttley
Category:Cartoon Trivia Who was Dick Dastardly's pet`Muttley
Category:Cartoon Trivia - Who was Fred Flinstone's best friend`Barney Rubble
Category:Cartoon Trivia - Who was the black assistant of Mandrake the Magician`Lothar
Category:Cartoon Trivia - Who was the first voice of Mickey Mouse`Walt Disney
Category:Cartoon Trivia Who was the Hulk's first friend`Rick Jones
Category:Cartoon Trivia Who was the original voice of Mickey Mouse`Walt Disney
Category: Celebrity Lovers: It took a while, but Donald Trump finally married her`marla maples
Category: Celebrity Lovers: What is the FIRST NAME of U.S. Vice President Al Gore's wife`tipper
Category: Celebrity: The director of Jaws, Raiders of the Lost Ark`stephen spielberg
Category: Cereal Appeal: "Don't worry, unless they're strange, your kids will eat them!"`life
Category: Cereal Appeal: "Gotta have 'em" is this cereal's slogan`corn pops
Category: Cereal Appeal: "They're gr-r-r-r-eat!" is this this cereal's slogan.`frosted flakes
Category: Cereal Appeal: This cereal features a honey bee as its mascot (very specific)`honey nut cheerios
Category: Cereal Appeal: This cereal is the only one that features a frog as its mascot`sugar smacks
Category: Cereal Appeal: This cereal's box features an empty bowl and the phrase "more, please."`cracklin oat bran
Category: Cereal Appeal: This cereal's commercials feature a "Cookie Crook" and a "Cookie Cop"`cookie crisp
Category: Cereal Appeal: This cereal's mascot is Tony the Tiger`frosted flakes
Category: Cereal Appeal: This chocolaty cereal features Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble`cocoa pebbles
Category: Cereal Appeal: This is the animal that never learns, "Trix are for kids!"`rabbit
Category: Character Creators: Anna Karenina`leo tolstoy
Category: Character Creators: Cass Timberlane`sinclair lewis
Category: Character Creators: Cheri`colette
Category: Character Creators: Dodsworth`sinclair lewis
Category: Character Creators: Dracula`bram stoker
Category: Character Creators: Elmer Gantry`sinclair lewis
Category: Character Creators: Frankenstein`mary shelley
Category: Character Creators: Henry Esmond`william thackery
Category: Character Creators: Humbert Humbert`vladimir nabokov
Category: Character Creators: Jane Eyre`charlotte bronte
Category: Character Creators: Natasha Rostova`leo tolstoy
Category: Character Creators: Nostromo`joseph conrad
Category: Character Creators: Rebecca`daphne dumaurier
Category:Chemistry - 20% of what is in the metal part at the end of a pencil`sulphur
Category:Chemistry - As what is sulphur also known`brimstone
Category:Chemistry - For what is the chemical formula H2O2`hydrogen peroxide
Category:Chemistry - For what metal is 'Au' the chemical symbol`gold
Category: Chemistry : Hydrogen Hydroxide is more commonly known as what`water
Category: Chemistry : Nitrogen, a poisonous gas, makes up 78% of the ___ that we breathe.`air
Category:Chemistry Nitrogen, a poisonous gas, makes up 78% of the  that we breathe.`air
Category:Chemistry - Of what is 98% of the weight of water made`oxygen
Category: Chemistry : Sodium barcarbonate is better known as ________.`baking soda
Category:Chemistry Sodium bicarbonate is better known as .`baking soda
Category: Chemistry : Sodium Hydroxide is more commonly known as _________.`lye
Category:Chemistry Sodium Hydroxide is more commonly known as .`lye
Category: Chemistry : The process of removing salt from sea water is known as ________.`desalination
Category:Chemistry The process of removing salt from sea water is known as .`desalination
Category: Chemistry : The smallest portion of a substance capable of existing independently and retaining its original properties is a(n) __________.`molecule
Category:Chemistry The smallest portion of a substance capable of existing independently and retaining its original properties is a(n) .`molecule
Category: Chemistry : This ancient attempt to transmute base metals into gold was called ________.`alchemy
Category:Chemistry This ancient attempt to transmute base metals into gold was called .`alchemy
Category: Chemistry : This is the heaviest naturally occurring element.`uranium
Category: Chemistry : This is the symbol for tin.`sn
Category: Chemistry : This poisonous gas is in the exhaust fumes from cars.`carbon monoxide
Category:Chemistry - To what group of elements do cerium, praesiodymium and promethium belong`rare earth metals
Category: Chemistry : Water containing carbon dioxide under pressure is called ________.`soda water
Category:Chemistry Water containing carbon dioxide under pressure is called  .`soda water
Category:Chemistry - What does the symbol 'Am' represent`americium
Category:Chemistry - What is a corrosive substance with a pH value less than 7 called`acid
Category:Chemistry - What is calcium oxide commonly called`lime
Category: Chemistry : What is it that turns blue litmus paper red`acid
Category:Chemistry What is the abbreviation for trinitrotoluene`TNT
Category:Chemistry - What is the atomic number for thalium`eighty one
Category:Chemistry - What is the atomic number of Bromine`thirty five
Category:Chemistry - What is the atomic number of Molybdenum`forty two
Category:Chemistry - What is the atomic number of sulphur`16
Category:Chemistry - What is the atomic number of uranium`ninety two
Category:Chemistry - What is the chemical name for quicksilver`mercury
Category: Chemistry : What is the chemical symbol for copper`cu
Category:Chemistry - What is the chemical symbol for gold`Au
Category:Chemistry - What is the chemical symbol for iron`Fe
Category:Chemistry - What is the heaviest naturally occuring element`uranium
Category: Chemistry : What is the main component of air`nitrogen
Category: Chemistry : What is the more scientific name for quicksilver`mercury
Category:Chemistry - What is the symbol for copper`Cu
Category: Chemistry : What is the symbol for iron in chemistry`fe
Category: Chemistry : What is the symbol for silver`ag
Category:Chemistry - What is the symbol for tin`Sn
Category:Chemistry - What term is applied to ethyl alcohol that has been treated with poison to make it unfit for human consumption`denatured
Category:Chemistry - What type of paper is used to test for acidity and alkalinity`litmus
Category: Childrens Literature: A big whang of a novel by Julie Edwards. (AKA Julie Andrews)?`last of the really great whangdoodles
Category: Childrens Literature: A classic childrens' novel filled with wordplay. (also a cartoon movie)`phantom tollbooth
Category: Childrens Literature: A novel about a small boy on other planets?`the little prince
Category: Childrens Literature: Author of "A Light in the Attic"`shel silverstein
Category: Childrens Literature: Author of "Ramona the Pest"`beverley cleary
Category: Childrens Literature: Author of "The BFG" (big friendly giant)?`roald dahl
Category: Childrens Literature: Award for Childrens' Literature?`newberry award
Category: Childrens Literature: Butterworth's "The Enormous ---"`egg
Category: Childrens Literature: Childrens' poet who also publishes in "Playboy"?`shel silverstein
Category: Childrens Literature: Childrens' series that is really a religious allegory. (C.S. Lewis)`chronicles of narnia
Category: Childrens Literature: Difficult detective stories for children, but excellent`the complete sherlock holmes
Category: Childrens Literature: "Escape to Witch Mountain" was written by`alexander key
Category: Childrens Literature: Judy Blume's first childrens' best seller`the tales of a fourth grade nothing
Category: Childrens Literature: Lawson's book about a mouse and a famous historic figure. (Franklin)?`ben and me
Category: Childrens Literature: Leonard Wibberly on the Duchy of Grand Fenwick?`the mouse that roared
Category: Childrens Literature: Lloyd Alexander's classic feline tale`time cat
Category: Childrens Literature: Rockwell's book of disgusting eating habits of small boys`how to eat fried worms
Category: Childrens Literature: Steinbeck's horse book`the red pony
Category: Childrens Literature: Stolz wrote "Belling the ....."`tiger
Category: Childrens Literature: The author of the "Wind in the Door" series`madelaine lengle
Category: Childrens Literature: Tool that Mike Mulligan used. (Seuss)?`steam shovel
Category: Childrens Literature: What Charlotte wrote in her web to save the swine?`some pig
Category: Chips: 1980's Apple II 6502 ran at 2MHz. Where is 1995's PowerPC 604 clocked at`150mhz
Category: Chips: A commonly used process for oxide and nitride deposition, CVD, stands for:`chemical vepor deposition
Category: Chips: AMD merged with this designer of the Nx686 Pentium competitor on 10/20/95`nexgen
Category: Chips: Because of this phenomenon, one shouldn't touch a chip's pin I/O:`electrostatic discharge
Category: Chips: Characteristic of thermal oxide caused by lateral 02 diffusion (it 'pecks')`birds beak
Category: Chips: Critical photolithographic dimensions in 1995 are measured in these units`micron
Category: Chips: Dielectric thickness can be calculated from this electrical measurement`capacitance
Category: Chips: Early MOSFET pioneer, Stanford grad & author of the EE's device bible:`sze
Category: Chips: EEPROM memory devices rely on this tunneling mechanism for cell erase:`fowler-nordheim
Category: Chips: Element existing abundantly in ordinary beach sand`silicon
Category: Chips: Element recently (1995) disclosed by IBM to catalyze certain metal contacts:`mo
Category: Chips: Manufacturer of the Pentium microprocessor and where Mach is working`intel
Category: Chips: Optical technique commonly used to measure thin film thickness, and RI:`ellipsometry
Category: Chips: Polarity of photoresist which permits an iverted image of a photomask:`negative
Category: Chips: The area in between chips on a wafer, where test and defect monitors lie:`kerf
Category: Chips: Two types of MOSFETs of which CMOS is composed (answers sep'd by a space):`nfet pfet
Category:Choking - On what do approximately 100 people choke to death every year`ballpoint pens
Category:Christianity - How long did it take God to create the Universe`six days
Category:Christianity - How many children did Noah have`three
Category:Christianity - How many sayings did Jesus say from the cross`seven
Category:Christianity - How many times did Peter deny Jesus`three
Category:Christianity - How old was Sarah when she had a child`ninety
Category:Christianity - On which day was the resurrection of Christ`Easter Sunday
Category:Christianity - What are the first three words of The Bible`In the beginning
Category:Christianity - What two biblical cities did God destroy with fire and brimstone`Sodom and Gomorrah
Category:Christianity - Which two books in the Old Testament list the ten commandments (in order of appearance)`Exodus and Deuteronomy
Category:Christianity - Who killed Goliath`David
Category:Christianity - Who replaced Moses as the prophet of the Israelites`Joshua
Category:Christianity - Whose name did God change to Israel`Jacob
Category: Christmas : Name the loner rebel reindeer with the red shiny nose.`rudolph
Category: Christmas : Santa Claus reportedly lives at the _____ Pole.`north
Category:Christmas Santa Claus reportedly lives at the  Pole.`north
Category:Christmas Trivia - In the 'Twelve days of christmas', how many items in total are sent by 'my true love'`seventy eight
Category: Cigarettes: Brand named for a motorcycle make.`harley davidson
Category: Cigarettes: Cigarette brand, or a governor ruling in a monarch's name.`viceroy
Category: Cigarettes: Cigarette brand, or an NC city.`raleigh
Category: Cigarettes: Cigarette brand, or Robert Guillaume and shrubs.`benson and hedges
Category: Cigarettes: Cigarette brand, or the "club" that Telly Savalas promoted.`players
Category: Cigarettes: Cigarette brand, or the last name of a superhero's alter-ego.`kent
Category: Cigarettes: Cigarette brand synonymous with honor, virtue, achievement.`merit
Category: Cigarettes: Marlboro and Merit are brands from this company (2 wds).`philip morris
Category: Cigarettes: Smoking this menthol brand is hip, fashionable, just plain....`kool
Category: Cigarettes: This Canadian cigarette brand sponsors the Canadian Open (tennis and golf).`du maurier
Category: Cigarettes: This is the US's No. 3 tobacco company as of 1995.`brown and williamson
Category: Cigarettes: Tobacco drying barns are typically painted this color.`black
Category: Cigarettes: WARNING: Smoking causes lung cancer, heart disease, emphysema, and may (2wds).`complicate pregnancy
Category: Cigarettes: Women's cigarette brand, or a Mercury model.`capri
Category: Civil War: CSA General nicknamed "Old Rosy"`william starke rosecrans
Category: Civil War: Democratic nominee for president in 1864`george mcclellan
Category: Civil War: Replaced Joseph Hooker as Army of the Potomac commander on June 26, 1863`george meade
Category: Civil War: Unit formed when 3 divisions were placed under a single command`corps
Category: Civil War: USA Colonel who led the famed bayonet charge down Little Round Top`joshua lawrence chamberlain
Category: Classic Board Games: Battleship: A battleship occupies how many squares`four
Category: Classic Board Games: Diplomacy: Which country starts with the most naval units`britain
Category: Classic Board Games: Hungry, Hungry Hippos: The four colors are Pink, Green, Orange, and`yellow
Category: Classic Board Games: ------- & Righter (former US owners of Scrabble rights)`selchow
Category: Classic Board Games: Risk: The three symbols are a foot soldier, a calvaryman, and a ------.`cannon
Category: Classic Board Games: There are this many Miners in a full Stratego set.`ten
Category: Classic Board Games: What large game company's logo contains a spiral`parker brothers
Category: Classic Board Games: Who invented Bazaar, Acquire, Can't Stop, and Domination`sidney sackson
Category: Cliches: A gentleman & a ......`scholar
Category: Cliches: A ------- of one's imagination.`figment
Category: Cliches: Born with a silver `spoon
Category: Cliches: Cross that ------ when you come to it.`bridge
Category: Cliches: Don't cry over spilled .`milk
Category: Cliches: Don't take any wooden -------.`nickels
Category: Cliches: Hook, line, & ........`sinker
Category: Cliches: Keep the  from the door.`wolves
Category: Cliches: Like bringing `coals
Category: Cliches: Make a mountain out of a .`molehill
Category: Cliches: Necessity is the mother of ---------.`invention
Category: Cliches: Not all it's ------- up to be.`cracked
Category: Cliches: On which side the bread is --------.`buttered
Category: Cliches: The cat that swallowed the .`canary
Category: Cliches: The greatest thing since ------ bread.`sliced
Category: Cliches: Too many ----- in the fire.`irons
Category: Cliches: Variety is the ----- of life.`spice
Category: Cliches: When the  come home.`cows
Category:Clichs - A bird in the hand is worth `two in the bush
Category:Clichs - As clear as a `bell
Category:Clichs - As close as two  in a pod`peas
Category:Clichs - As easy as `pie
Category:Clichs - As hard as `nails
Category:Clichs - As mad as a `wet hen or hatter
Category:Clichs - As nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of `rocking chairs
Category:Clichs - As pretty as a `picture
Category:Clichs - As sick as a `dog
Category:Clichs - As sly as a `fox
Category:Clichs - A stitch in time saves `nine
Category:Clichs - Hell hath no fury like a `woman scorned
Category:Clichs - Time  when you're having fun`flies
Category: Clive Barker: Calhoun Mooney discovers the Fugue while chasing what (Weaveworld)`a pigeon
Category: Clive Barker: Featured in both "The Last Illusion" and The Books of the Art.`harry damour
Category: Clive Barker: Gentle used to be The Maestro _______ (Imajica)`sartori
Category: Clive Barker: How many more Books of Blood were released in the UK than in the US`3
Category: Clive Barker: Name of the books released in the US that was a Book of Blood in the UK`cabal
Category: Clive Barker: To the Seerkind, normal people are known as _______ (Weaveworld)`cuckoos
Category: Clive Barker: What did the Nuncio transform Tommy-Ray into (Books of the Art)`the death boy
Category: Clive Barker: What is The Dream Sea (The books of the Art)`quiddity
Category: Clive Barker: What was Randolf Jaffe transformed into by the Nuncio (Books of the Art)`the jaff jaff
Category: Clive Barker: Who is Hapexamendios' son on Earth, eventually leads to his death (Imajica)`gentle
Category: Clive Barker: Who is the God of the Imajica`hapexamendios
Category: Clive Barker: Who possesses the coat of lights (Weaveworld)`shadwell
Category: Clive Barker: Whose body is Raul tranfered into (Books of the Art)`tesla bombeck
Category: Clothes: 1990s slang for very short cutoff jeans.`daisy dukes
Category: Clothes: Eddie Bauer, Erehwon, and North Face are these types of stores.`outfitters
Category: Clothes: Name of a clothing line, or sport whose periods are called 'chuckers'.`polo
Category: Clothes: This company's logo is a sailboat.`nautica
Category: Clothes: Three-letter clothing outlet, or a space or void.`gap
Category:Clothing - On what is an espadrille worn`foot
Category:Cocktails - What are the essential ingredients of a daiquiri`rum and lemon
Category:Cocktails - What cocktail is based on rum and lemon`daiquiri
Category:Codes - In alphabet radio code, what word is used for 'c'`charlie
Category:Codes - In alphabet radio code, what word is used for 'f'`foxtrot
Category:Codes - In alphabet radio code, what word is used for 'h'`hotel
Category:Codes - In alphabet radio code, what word is used for 't'`tango
Category:Codes - In alphabet radio code, what word is used for 'x'`X-ray
Category:Codes - Using morse code, what does trasmitting using 3 dots, 3 dashes and 3 dots`SOS
Category:Coins - What is a south african coin containing 1 troy ounce of gold called`Krugerrand
Category:Collective Names - What is a group of donkeys called`herd
Category:Collective Names - What is a group of geese called`gaggle
Category: Colorado: Former Denver mayor now Secretary of Transportation`federico pena
Category: Colorado: "Green-Eyed Lady" group from Denver`sugarloaf
Category: Colorado: Number of mountains over 14,000 feet in Colorado.`53
Category:Comic Strip Trivia What comic strip is set at Camp Swampy`Beetle Bailey
Category:Companies - The De Beers group of companies controls more than 80% of the world's supply of `rough diamonds
Category:Companies - What product built Hershey, Pennsylvania`chocolate
Category:Companies - Which company controls more than 80% of the world's rough diamond supply`De Beers
Category: Computer Games: Adventure game series by Sierra that's 'fit for a King'.`kings quest
Category: Computer Games: "---- Car Racing"`indy
Category: Computer Games: CEO of Origin's nickname, also a character in the Ultima series.`lord british
Category: Computer Games: "Duke -----"`nukem
Category: Computer Games: First person shooter with true 3D movement by Interplay.`descent
Category: Computer Games: How many levels are there in Doom II`32
Category: Computer Games: Lucas Arts' very popular space shooter.`rebel assault
Category: Computer Games: One of the first "interactive movies", published by Media Vision.`quantum gate
Category: Computer Games: One of the most popular in gaming history, featuring the BFG 9000.`doom
Category: Computer Games: Sid Meir's revolutionary strategy game of epic proportions.`civilization
Category: Computer Games: The enemy, 'cat-like' race in Wing Commander.`kilrathi
Category: Computer Games: This adventure game series stars Roger Wilco.`space quest
Category: Computer Games: This hugely popular game was created by two brothers, aka Cyan.`myst
Category: Computer Games: This revolutionary, first person game was set in a Nazi stronghold.`wolfenstein 3d
Category: "Computer Science" : That big square thing you're staring at right now is called a _______`monitor
Category:Computer Science That big square thing you're staring at right now is called a `monitor
Category: Computer Science : The Internet Relay Chat Program, which normally connects to port 6667, is more commonly known as ___.`irc
Category:Computer Science The Internet Relay Chat Program, which normally connects to port 6667, is more commonly known as .`IRC
Category:Computers - In what year was the Intel Pentium processor introduced`1993
Category:Computers - What country did the operating system 'Linux' come from`Finland
Category:Computers - What does 'IBM' stand for`International Business Machines
Category:Computers - What does the 'x' mean when referring to the speed of a CD-rom (eg. 32x)`times (faster than standard speed)
Category:Computers - What type of printer did Seiko develop for the 1964 Tokyo Olympics`dot matrix
Category:Computers - What was invented over 3000 years ago that is now considered the first 'computer'`abacus
Category:Computers - What was the first version of Microsoft Windows to have networking capabilities`Windows for Workgroups
Category:Computers - What was the first version of Microsoft Windows`Windows 286
Category:Computers - Who is the CEO of Apple computers`Steve Jobs
Category: Contemporary Authors: Another Country, Go Tell It on the Mountain`james baldwin
Category: Contemporary Authors: Atlas Shrugged, The Fountainhead, We`ayn rand
Category: Contemporary Authors: Being There, The Painted Bird`jerry kosinski
Category: Contemporary Authors: Clear and Present Danger, Red Storm Rising`tom clancy
Category: Contemporary Authors: Fear of Flying, How to Save Your Own Life`erica jong
Category: Contemporary Authors: Half Moon Street, The Mosquitoe Coast`paul theroux
Category: Contemporary Authors: Journey to Ixtlan, A Separate Reality, The Teachings of Don Juan`carlos castaneda
Category: Contemporary Authors: King used this penname to write Thinner and The Long Walk, et al`richard bachman
Category: Contemporary Authors: Maia, The Plague Dogs, and Watership Down`richard adams
Category: Contemporary Authors: The Bell Jar`sylvia plath
Category: Contemporary Authors: The Crying of Lot 49, and V`thomas pynchon
Category: Contemporary Authors: The French Lieutenant's Woman, The Collector`john fowles
Category: Contemporary Authors: The Great Train Robbery, The Terminal Man, The Andromeda Strain`michael crichton
Category: Contemporary Authors: The Great Train Robbery, The Terminal Man, The & romeda Strain`michael crichton
Category: Contemporary Authors: The Hotel New Hampshire, The World According to Garp`john irving
Category: Contemporary Authors: The Odessa File, The Fourth Protocol`frederick forsyth
Category: Contemporary Authors: Various short stories including The Mangler, Quitters, Inc., &  Trucks`stephen king
Category: Contemporary Authors: Washington D.C., Myra Breckinridge`gore vidal
Category: Contemporary Authors: Won the Pulitzer Prize for The Cancer Ward`alexander solzhenitsyn
Category:Contraception - After who is the 'Ramses' brand condom named`Pharaoh Ramses II
Category:Corporations - As what is America Online better known`AOL
Category:Cosmology - What is the most widely accepted theory for the creation of the universe`Big Bang
Category:Cosmology - What was created with the big bang`Universe
Category: Couples: Abe Lincoln and ____ ____`mary todd
Category: Couples: Archie Bunker and _____`edith
Category: Couples: Ashford and _______`simpson
Category: Couples: Chang and Eng were the original pair of these.`siamese twin
Category: Couples: Charles and __`di
Category:  Couples: Donnie &  _____`marie
Category:  Couples: Eleanor &  ________`franklin
Category:  Couples: Ferdinand and ________`isabella
Category: Couples: Harry Truman and ____`bess
Category: Couples: Heloise & _______.`abelard
Category: Couples: His desire to marry this American prompted Edward VIII to abdicate the throne.`wallis simpson
Category: Couples: Jean Paul Sartre and ______ __ ________`simone de beauvoir
Category: Couples: Jim Bakker and _____ _____`tammy faye
Category: Couples: Lyndon Johnson and ____ ____`lady bird
Category: Couples: Michael Jackson and ____ _____`lisa marie
Category:  Couples: Miss Piggy and ______`kermit
Category: Couples: Othello and _________`desdemona
Category: Couples: Paris and _____`laura
Category:  Couples: Prince Rainer and _____ _____`grace kelly
Category: Couples: Puss and ______, nursery rhyme.`boots
Category:  Couples: Ricky Ricardo and ____`lucy
Category:  Couples: Romeo and ______`juliet
Category:  Couples: Samson &  _______`delilah
Category: Couples: She is the gypsy girl Quasimodo loves.`esmeralda
Category:  Couples: Sid (Vicious) &  _____`nancy
Category: Couples: Sluggo and ______`nancy
Category: Couples: The archeologist Mallowan, was married to this popular English author`agatha christie
Category: Couples: The late great writing team Will and Ariel ______.`durant
Category: Couples: They ruled Britain jointly from 1689-1694.`william and mary
Category:  Couples: Victoria &  ______`albert
Category: Couples: Winston Smith and _____`julia
Category:Crafts - What is kaolin`pure china clay
Category:Crafts - What is liquid clay used in pottery called`slip
Category:Crafts - What is pure china clay called`kaolin
Category: Crime Stories: A is for this`alibi
Category: Crime Stories: Belgium's most famous detective`hercule poirot
Category: Crime Stories: Chesterton's sleuth`father brown
Category: Crime Stories: Don Vito's (the Godfather) last name`corleone
Category: Crime Stories: Edward G. Robinson gained notoriety by playing this hoodlum`little caesar
Category: Crime Stories: Frank Chambers is mad for her in the Postman Always Rings Twice`cora papadalis
Category: Crime Stories: George Smiley's nemesis`karla
Category: Crime Stories: Hammett's anonymous detective`continental op
Category: Crime Stories: He played Caspar Gutman in the 1941 John Huston film`sydney greenstreet
Category: Crime Stories: In "A Scandal in Bohemia" Holmes is outsmarted by this woman`irene adler
Category: Crime Stories: Lt. Joe Leaphorn and Sgt. Jim Chee work for this tribe`navajo
Category: Crime Stories: MacDonald bum who lives on a houseboat`travis mcgee
Category: Crime Stories: Raymond Chandler's gumshoe`phillip marlowe
Category: Crime Stories: Red October is this`submarine
Category: Crime Stories: Rumpole tipples here`pomeroys wine bar
Category: Crime Stories: The Cornwall mansion in Rebecca`manderley
Category: Crime Stories: The grandmaster of the locked-room puzzle`john dickson carr
Category: Crime Stories: The most famous lawyer/sleuth`perry mason
Category: Crime Stories: The name of Travis McGee's houseboat`the busted flush
Category: Crime Writers: A Study in Scarlet`arthur conan doyle
Category: Crime Writers: Dracula`stoker
Category: Crime Writers: >From Russia, With Love`fleming
Category: Crime Writers: In Cold Blood`truman capote
Category: Crime Writers: I, The Jury`mickey spillane
Category: Crime Writers: Prizzi's Honor`richard condon
Category: Crime Writers. Question Value: 300.XX: The Silence of the Lambs`thomas harris
Category: Crime Writers: The Godfather`mario puzo
Category: Crime Writers: The Hot Rock`donald e. westlake
Category: Crime Writers: The Third Man`graham greene
Category:Culture - Because the emu and the kangaroo cannot walk backwards, they are on the Australian `coat of arms
Category:Culture - For which country is the lotus flower the national symbol`India
Category:Culture - In which country is it polite to stick your tongue out at your guests`Tibet
Category:Culture - In which country is milk the most popular beverage`USA
Category:Culture - In which town does the famous 'running of the bulls' take place`Pamplona
Category:Culture - Israel has the highest per capital consumption of `turkey
Category:Culture - What animals are on the Australian coat of arms`emu and kangaroo
Category:Culture - What are the roads of Guam paved with`coral
Category:Culture - What are the sandals called that are worn in ceremonial japanese tradition`tabi
Category:Culture - What city do the Italians call the Monaco of bavaria`Munich
Category:Culture - What do the Italians call Munich`Monaco of Bavaria
Category:Culture - What famous building is located on the banks of the river Jumna`Taj Mahal
Category:Culture - What happened on screen for the first time in India in 1977`Screen kiss
Category:Culture - What is a water taxi known as in Venice`gondola
Category:Culture - What is the most common name in italy`Mario Rossi
Category:Culture - What is the name of a quarter of Jerusalem that can be translated as 'hundred gates'`Mea Shearim
Category:Culture - What is the name of the wrought iron tower in Paris`Eiffel Tower
Category:Culture - What is the national symbol for India`lotus flower
Category:Culture - What is the sacred river of Hinduism`Ganges
Category:Culture - What is the tribal african word for dowry`lobola
Category:Culture - What London landmark has an 11 foot long hand`Big Ben
Category:Culture - When is turkey traditionally eaten in America`thanksgiving
Category:Culture - Where are the Hausa and Ibo tribes`Nigeria
Category:Culture - Where do the English monarchs live`Buckingham Palace
Category:Culture - Where is the Blarney Stone`Blarney Castle, Ireland
Category:Culture - Where was it once against the law to have a pet dog`Iceland
Category:Culture - Where would one eat a taco`Mexico
Category:Culture - Which country eats the most turkey per capita`Israel
Category:Culture - Which famous museum is in Paris, France`Louvre
Category:Culture - Which nationality calls Munich the 'Monaco of Bavaria'`Italians
Category:Currencies - Germany's equivalent to the dollar is the `deutsche mark
Category:Currencies - Israel's equivalent to the dollar is the `shekel
Category:Currencies - Italy's equivalant to the dollar is the `lira
Category:Currencies - Japan's equivalent to the dollar is the `yen
Category:Currencies - Mexico's equivalent to the dollar is the `peso
Category:Currencies - Spain's equivalent to the dollar is the `peseta
Category:Currencies - The quetzal is the currency of `Guatemala
Category:Currencies - What is the currency of Guatemala`quetzal
Category:Currencies - What is the Japanese currency`yen
Category:Currencies - What is the monetary unit of India`rupee
Category:Currencies - Which country has the currency 'yen'`Japan
Category:Currency - What country's currency is the Bolivar`Venezuela
Category:Currency - What is the currency of Venezuela`Bolivar
Category: Cyberpunk: A program that runs in the background of a decker's OS:`daemon
Category: Cyberpunk: A program used for defeating passwords, or the name of your dictionary:`webster
Category: Cyberpunk: A program used for defeating passwords, or the name of your dictionary:`websters
Category: Cyberpunk: Bionic enhancement which allows user to manipulate any voice or sound:`silver tongue
Category: Cyberpunk: Book by William Gibson, thought by many to have started Cyberpunk:`neuromancer
Category: Cyberpunk: Cyberpunk term for "logging in" to a cyberspace system:`jacking in
Category: Cyberpunk: Dynamix' cyberpunk adventure game, starring "Blade" Hunter:`rise of the dragon
Category: Cyberpunk: He wrote "Schismatrix", a particularly influential cyberpunk novel:`bruce sterling
Category: Cyberpunk: In this predecessor of Cyberpunk novels, the hero was Guy Montag:`fahrenheit 451
Category: Cyberpunk: Light, reflective armor used to protect wearer from laser fire:`reflec
Category: Cyberpunk: Name of Max Headroom's alter ego:`edison carter
Category: Cyberpunk: Name of the actor who played Murphy/RoboCop in "RoboCop"`peter weller
Category: Cyberpunk: Russian word for underground press:`samizdat
Category: Cyberpunk: These computer simulated personalities are dominant in Cyberspace:`artificial intelligence
Category: Cyberpunk: This famous Cyberpunk writer has an award named after him`dick
Category: Dandy Candy: Any candy on a stick is known as this.`lollipop
Category: Dandy Candy: "There's no wrong way of eating" this.`reeses peanut butter cups
Category: Dandy Candy: These are Hershey's Kisses intertwined with white chocolate.`hugs
Category: Dandy Candy: The Simpsons advertise this candy.`butterfinger
Category: Dandy Candy: This candy bar "satisfies the hunger in you".`snickers
Category: Dandy Candy: This gum lasts an extra, extra, extra, long time.`extra
Category: Dandy Candy: This gum's commercials highlight twins.`doublemint
Category: Dandy Candy: This is the chocolate caramel coated cookie bar (and is Mach's favorite).`twix
Category:Dates - When was the date of the Christian festival Easter fixed by the Council of Nicaea`325 AD
Category: DC Comics: Also known as Demon`etrigan
Category: DC Comics: Broke Batman`bane
Category: DC Comics: Current leader of Justice League America`wonder woman
Category: DC Comics: Girlfriend of Lex Luther II`supergirl
Category: DC Comics: Green Lantern's alter ego`hal jordan
Category: DC Comics: Group of heroes led by Dick Grayson`new titans
Category: DC Comics: Hometown of Green Lantern`coast city
Category: DC Comics: Killed Superman`doomsday
Category: DC Comics: Number of new Supermen after his "death"`four
Category: DC Comics: Of the new Supermen, this one was a villain`cyborg
Category: DC Comics: Photographer for Daily Planet`jimmy olsen
Category: DC Comics: Replaced Bruce Wayne as Batman`jean paul valley
Category: DC Comics: Younger version of Aquaman`aqualad
Category: DC Secret Identities: Arthur Curry`aquaman
Category: DC Secret Identities: Boston Brand`deadman
Category: DC Secret Identities: Bruce Wayne`batman
Category: DC Secret Identities: Clark Kent`superman
Category: DC Secret Identities: Cliff Steele`robotman
Category: DC Secret Identities: Jay Garrick`the flash
Category: DC Secret Identities: Jim Corrigan`the spectre
Category: DC Secret Identities: Jimmy Olson`elastic lad
Category: DC Secret Identities: Jonn Jonzz`martian manhunter
Category: DC Secret Identities: Kay Challis`crazy jane
Category: DC Secret Identities: Kirk Morrison`king mob
Category: DC Secret Identities: Lyta Trevor`fury
Category: DC Secret Identities: Maggie Sawyer`maggie sawyer
Category: DC Secret Identities: Wally West`the flash
Category: Deaths 91 to 92: Chairman of MCI Communications`william mcgowan
Category: Deaths 91 to 92: Creator of Superman cartoon character`joseph shuster
Category: Deaths 91to92: Director of "It Happened One Night" and "You Can't Take It With You"`frank capra
Category: Deaths 91 to 92: Former chairman of Yale physics dept.; helped develop the atomic bomb`william watson
Category: Deaths 91 to 92: Founder of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.`sam walton
Category: Deaths 91 to 92: French violin virtuoso known for polish, refinement, and lyricism`zino francescatti
Category: Deaths 91 to 92: Hall of Famer and 2nd baseman for Pennant-winning 1941 Brooklyn Dodgers`billy herman
Category: Deaths 91 to 92: Indian film maker, given honorary Academy Award for lifetime achievement`satyajit ray
Category: Deaths 91to92: Israel PM who made peace with Egypt at Camp David`menachem begin
Category: Deaths 91 to 92: Last surviving Nazi war criminal of rank, chief enforcer of "reign of terror"`klaus barbie
Category: Deaths 91to92: Owner of global press empire which included the New York Daily News`robert maxwell
Category: Deaths 91 to 92: Senior Democratic Senator from North Dakota`quentin burdick
Category: Definitions : A clip, shaped like a bar to keep a woman's hair in place is a _______.`barrette
Category:Definitions A clip, shaped like a bar to keep a woman's hair in place is a .`barrette
Category: Definitions : Acrophobia is a fear of ___________.`heights
Category:Definitions Acrophobia is a fear of .`heights
Category: Definitions : A depilatory is a substance used for removing _______.`hair
Category:Definitions A depilatory is a substance used for removing .`hair
Category: Definitions : A device used to change the voltage of alternating currents is a ______.`transformer
Category:Definitions A device used to change the voltage of alternating currents is a .`transformer
Category: Definitions : A flat, round hat sometimes worn by soldiers is a _________.`beret
Category:Definitions A flat, round hat sometimes worn by soldiers is a .`beret
Category: Definitions : A government in which power is restricted to a few is a(n) __________.`oligarchy
Category:Definitions A government in which power is restricted to a few is a(n) .`oligarchy
Category: Definitions: A harmful deviation from the normal structural or functional state of an organism`disease
Category: Definitions : An anemometer measures _________.`wind velocity
Category:Definitions An anemometer measures  .`wind velocity
Category: Definitions : An animal stuffer is a(n) ________.`taxidermist
Category:Definitions An animal stuffer is a(n) .`taxidermist
Category: Definitions : An artist supports his canvas on a(n) _________.`easel
Category:Definitions An artist supports his canvas on a(n) .`easel
Category: Definitions : Androphobia is the fear of __________.`male
Category:Definitions Androphobia is the fear of .`males
Category: Definitions : Animals that once existed but don't exist now are said to be ______.`extinct
Category:Definitions Animals that once existed but don't exist now are said to be .`extinct
Category: Definitions : An instrument on a car to measure the distance travelled is called a(n) _________.`odometer
Category:Definitions An instrument on a car to measure the distance travelled is called a(n) .`odometer
Category: Definitions : An "omniscient" person has unlimited __________.`knowledge
Category:Definitions An "omniscient" person has unlimited .`knowledge
Category: Definitions : Any object worn as a charm may be called a(n) _______.`amulet
Category:Definitions Any object worn as a charm may be called a(n) .`amulet
Category: Definitions : A person in his eighties is called a(n) __________.`octogenarian
Category:Definitions A person in his eighties is called a(n) .`octogenarian
Category: Definitions : A person who starts fires maliciously is a(n) _________.`arsonist
Category:Definitions A person who starts fires maliciously is a(n) .`arsonist
Category: Definitions : A person with a strong desire to steal is a(n) ________.`kleptomaniac
Category:Definitions A person with a strong desire to steal is a(n) .`kleptomaniac
Category: Definitions : A pugilist is a _________.`boxer
Category:Definitions A pugilist is a .`boxer
Category: Definitions : A receptacle for holy water is a(n) ________.`font
Category:Definitions A receptacle for holy water is a(n) .`font
Category: Definitions : A sun-dried grape is known as a(n) ___________.`raisin
Category:Definitions A sun-dried grape is known as a(n) .`raisin
Category: Definitions : A word like 'NASA' formed from the initials of other words is a(n) _________.`acronym
Category:Definitions A word like 'NASA' formed from the initials of other words is a(n) .`acronym
Category: Definitions : Bibliophobia is a fear of __________.`books
Category:Definitions Bibliophobia is a fear of .`books
Category: Definitions : Brontophobia is the fear of _________.`thunder
Category:Definitions Brontophobia is the fear of .`thunder
Category: Definitions : Dendrochronology is better known as _________.`ring dating
Category:Definitions Dendrochronology is better known as .`ring dating
Category: Definitions: Discipline that is concerned, in this context, mainly with methods of teaching and learning`education
Category: Definitions : Doraphobia is the fear of _________.`fur
Category:Definitions Doraphobia is the fear of .`fur
Category: Definitions : Eleutherophobia is a fear of ___________.`freedom
Category:Definitions Eleutherophobia is a fear of .`freedom
Category: Definitions: Graphic representation, drawn to scale and usually on a flat surface, of features--for example, geographical, geological, or geopolitical--of an area of the Earth or of any other celestial body`map
Category: Definitions : Gymnophobia is the fear of __________.`naked bodies
Category:Definitions Gymnophobia is the fear of .`naked bodies
Category: Definitions : Hills and ridges composed of drifting sand are known as ________.`dune
Category:Definitions Hills and ridges composed of drifting sand are known as .`dunes
Category: Definitions : Ichthyology is the study of ________.`fish
Category:Definitions Ichthyology is the study of .`fish
Category: Definitions: In human beings, the extent of an individual's continuing physical, emotional, mental, and social ability to cope with his environment`health
Category: Definitions : -isms: A diseased condition resulting from the use of beverages such as whiskey.`alcoholism
Category: Definitions : -isms: An economic system characterized by private ownership and competition.`capitalism
Category: Definitions : -isms: A one-party system of government in which control is maintained by force and regimentation.`facism
Category:Definitions -isms: A one-party system of government in which control is maintained by force and regimentation.`fascism
Category: Definitions : -isms: A painful stiffness of the muscles and joints`rheumatism
Category: Definitions : -isms: A severe or unfavorable judgment.`criticism
Category: Definitions : --isms:  Exalting one's country above all others.`nationalism
Category: Definitions : -isms: Excessive emphasis on financial gain.`commercialism
Category: Definitions : -isms: Excessive enthusiasm or zeal for a cause.`fanaticism
Category: Definitions : -isms: Poisoning caused by a toxin in improperly prepared food.`botulism
Category: Definitions : -isms: Public ownership of the basic means of production, distribution, and exchange.`socialism
Category: Definitions : -isms: The belief in living a very austere and self-denying life.`asceticism
Category: Definitions : --isms:  The belief that there is no God.`atheism
Category: Definitions : --isms:  The theory that man cannot prove the existence of a god.`agnosticism
Category: Definitions : -ism: The belief in the existence of a god or gods.`theism
Category: Definitions : Legal Terms: A crime more serious than a misdemeanor.`felony
Category: Definitions : Legal Terms: A formal agreement enforceable by law.`contract
Category: Definitions : Legal Terms: A supplement to a will.`codicil
Category: Definitions : Legal Terms: The people chosen to render a verdict in a court.`jury
Category: Definitions : Legal Terms: To steal property entrusted to one's care.`embezzle
Category: Definitions : Name the pain-inflicting person you go to to get your teeth fixed`dentist
Category: Definitions : Name the porceilan chair you sit on at least once a day.`toilet
Category: Definitions : One who tells fortunes by the stars is a(n)________.`astrologer
Category:Definitions One who tells fortunes by the stars is a(n) .`astrologer
Category: Definitions : Rats, mice, beavers, and squirrels are all ________.`rodent
Category:Definitions Rats, mice, beavers, and squirrels are all .`rodents
Category: Definitions : Rats, mice, beavers, and squirrels are types of ________.`rodent
Category: Definitions : The art of tracing designs and taking impressions of them is _______.`lithography
Category:Definitions The art of tracing designs and taking impressions of them is .`lithography
Category: Definitions : The covering on the tip of a shoelace is a(n)_________.`aglet
Category:Definitions The covering on the tip of a shoelace is a(n) .`aglet
Category: Definitions : The distance around the outside of a circle is its ________.`circumference
Category:Definitions The distance around the outside of a circle is its .`circumference
Category: Definitions : The earth's atmosphere and the space beyond is known as _______.`aerospace
Category:Definitions The earth's atmosphere and the space beyond is known as .`aerospace
Category: Definitions : The effect produced when sound is reflected back is known as a(n) _______.`echo
Category:Definitions The effect produced when sound is reflected back is known as a(n) .`echo
Category: Definitions : The feeling of having experienced something before is known as _______.`deja vu
Category:Definitions The feeling of having experienced something before is known as .`deja vu
Category: Definitions: The physical substance of the human organism, composed of living cells and extracellular materials and organized into tissues, organs, and systems`human body
Category: Definitions: The practice concerned with the maintenance of health and the prevention, alleviation, or cure of disease`medicine
Category: Definitions: The process by which an organism absorbs and utilizes food substances`nutrition
Category: Definitions: The process involved in knowing, or the act of knowing, which in its completeness includes perception and judgment`cognition
Category: Definitions : The science of preparing and dispensing drugs is ________.`pharmacy
Category:Definitions The science of preparing and dispensing drugs is .`pharmacy
Category: Definitions : The science of providing men, equipment and supplies for military operations is called ___________.`logistics
Category:Definitions The science of providing men, equipment and supplies for military operations is called .`logistics
Category: Definitions: The scientific study of the material remains of past human life and activities`archeology
Category: Definitions : The study of human behaviour is ________.`psychology
Category:Definitions The study of human behaviour is .`psychology
Category: Definitions : The study of human pre-history is ___________.`archaeology
Category:Definitions The study of human pre-history is .`archaeology
Category: Definitions : The study of insects is __________.`entomology
Category:Definitions The study of insects is .`entomology
Category: Definitions : The study of light and its relation to sight is called ________.`optics
Category:Definitions The study of light and its relation to sight is called .`optics
Category: Definitions : The study of man and culture is known as ________.`anthropology
Category:Definitions The study of man and culture is known as .`anthropology
Category: Definitions : The study of natural phenomena: motion, forces, light, sound, etc. is called ______.`physics
Category:Definitions The study of natural phenomena: motion, forces, light, sound, etc. is called .`physics
Category: Definitions : The study of plants is _________.`botany
Category:Definitions The study of plants is .`botany
Category: Definitions : The study of religion is _________.`theology
Category:Definitions The study of religion is .`theology
Category: Definitions : The study of sound is ________.`acoustics
Category:Definitions The study of sound is .`acoustics
Category: Definitions : The study of the composition of substances and the changes that they undergo is __________.`chemistry
Category:Definitions The study of the composition of substances and the changes that they undergo is .`chemistry
Category: Definitions : The study of the earth's physical divisions into mountains, seas, etc. is ________.`geography
Category:Definitions The study of the earth's physical divisions into mountains, seas, etc. is .`geography
Category: Definitions : The study of the manner in which organisms carry on their life processes is ________.`physiology
Category:Definitions The study of the manner in which organisms carry on their life processes is .`physiology
Category: Definitions: The study of the surface of the Earth`geography
Category: Definitions : The symbols used on a map are explained by the ________.`legend
Category:Definitions The symbols used on a map are explained by the .`legend
Category: Definitions: The training of the body to improve its function and enhance its fitness...`excercise
Category: Definitions : The treatment of disease by chemical substances which are toxic to the causative micro-organisms is called ________.`chemotherapy
Category:Definitions The treatment of disease by chemical substances which are toxic to the causative micro-organisms is called .`chemotherapy
Category: Definitions : The weight at the end of a pendulum is a(n) ________.`bob
Category:Definitions The weight at the end of a pendulum is a(n) .`bob
Category: Definitions : The wide wall built along the banks of rivers to stop flooding is a(n) ________.`levee
Category:Definitions The wide wall built along the banks of rivers to stop flooding is a(n) .`levee
Category: Definitions : The word "cumulus" refers to a type of ___________.`cloud
Category:Definitions The word "cumulus" refers to a type of .`cloud
Category: Definitions : This instrument is used for measuring the distance between two points, on a curved surface.`calliper
Category: Definitions : This instrument measures atmospheric pressure.`barometer
Category: Definitions : This instrument measures the velocity of the wind.`anemometer
Category: Definitions : This is the fear of enclosed spaces.`claustrophobia
Category: Definitions : This word is used as the international radio distress call.`mayday
Category: Definitions : This word means "split personality".`schizophrenia
Category: Definitions : Throat, foxing, and platform are parts of a(n) ________.`shoe
Category:Definitions Throat, foxing, and platform are parts of a(n) .`shoe
Category: Definitions : Toxiphobia is a fear of _________.`poison
Category:Definitions Toxiphobia is a fear of .`poison
Category: Definitions: Traditionally, a collection of books used for reading or study, or the building or room in which such a collection is kept`library
Category: Definitions : What does a brandophile collect`cigar bands
Category:Definitions - What does a chronometer measure`Time
Category: Definitions : What does a heliologist study`the  sun
Category: Definitions : What does an ornithologist study`birds
Category: Definitions : What is a castrated rooster called`a  capon
Category:Definitions - What is a catalogue of languages called`ethnologue
Category: Definitions : What is a device to stem the flow of blood called`a  tourniquet
Category:Definitions What is a device to stem the flow of blood called`tourniquet
Category: Definitions : What is a dried plum called`prune
Category: Definitions : What is a female swan called`pen
Category: Definitions : What is a figure with eight equal sides called`octagon
Category:Definitions - What is a gondola`water taxi
Category:Definitions - What is another name for a sleepwalker`somnambulist
Category:Definitions What is another name for a tombstone inscription`epitaph
Category:Definitions - What is a one-party system of government in which control is maintained by force and regimentation`fascism
Category: Definitions : What is a "somnambulist"`a  sleepwalk er
Category:Definitions - What is a word for a sorcerer who deals in black magic`necromancer
Category: Definitions : What is measured by a chronometer`time
Category:Definitions - What is ornamental work in silver or gold thread called`filigree
Category: Definitions : What is the common name for a Japanese dwarf tree`bonsai
Category: Definitions : What is the common name for the Aurora Borealis`northern lights
Category:Definitions What is the common term for a "somnambulist"`sleepwalker
Category: Definitions : What is the name for a branch of a river`tributary
Category:Definitions - What is the name given to a pregnant goldfish`twit
Category: Definitions : What is the study of heredity called`genetics
Category: Definitions : What is the study of prehistoric plants and animals called`paleontology
Category:Definitions What is the term for a castrated rooster`capon
Category: Definitions : What is the tombstone inscription called`epitaph
Category:Definitions - What word means 'to chew the cud'`ruminate
Category: Definitions : Which science studies weather`meteorology
Category:Definition - What is armagnac`brandy
Category:Dimples - What has 336 dimples`a golf ball
Category: Directors: Blood Simple, Raising Arizona, Barton Fink`joel coen
Category:Disease - Sleeping sickness is carried by which insect`tsetse fly
Category:Disease - What disease is carried by the tsetse fly`sleeping sickness
Category:Distress Signals - What is the international cry for help`mayday
Category: Doers Of Deeds: Director of "Do the Right Thing"`lee
Category: Doers Of Deeds: English queen who reigned during the persecution of protestants in the 16 cent`bloody mary
Category: Doers Of Deeds: Man in charge of the New Deal.`roosevelt
Category: Doers Of Deeds: Russian-born Israeli woman who served as prime minister of Israel, 1969-1974`golda meir
Category: Doers Of Deeds: The leader of the Norman Conquest.`william the conqueror
Category:Domestic Metallurgy Name the clothing wrinkle remover that sounds like a kind of metal.`iron
Category: Don't Strain Yourself Thinking ;-) : A 3 1/2" floppy disk measures ___ and 1/2 inches across.`3
Category:Don't Strain Yourself Thinking ;-) A 3 1/2" floppy disk measures  and 1/2 inches across.`3
Category: Don't Strain Yourself Thinking ;-) : A brown crayon is what color`brown
Category: Don't Strain Yourself Thinking ;-) : Although not all come from France, ______ fries are often served with hamburgers.`french
Category:Don't Strain Yourself Thinking ;-) Although not all come from France,  fries are often served with hamburgers.`french
Category: Don't Strain Yourself Thinking ;-) : An _____ clock usually wakes you in the morning.`alarm
Category:Don't Strain Yourself Thinking ;-) An  clock usually wakes you in the morning.`alarm
Category: Don't Strain Yourself Thinking ;-) : A smoke detector will alarm if it detects _____.`smoke
Category:Don't Strain Yourself Thinking ;-) A smoke detector will alarm if it detects .`smoke
Category: Don't Strain Yourself Thinking ;-) : A water heater keeps _____ warm for you.`water
Category:Don't Strain Yourself Thinking ;-) A water heater keeps  warm for you.`water
Category: Don't Strain Yourself Thinking ;-) : During the American Revolution, the Boston Tea Party took place in ______ Harbor.`boston
Category:Don't Strain Yourself Thinking ;-) During the American Revolution, the Boston Tea Party took place in  Harbor.`boston
Category: Don't Strain Yourself Thinking ;-) : How do you spell abbreviation`abbreviation
Category: Don't Strain Yourself Thinking ;-) : How many pencils are there in a dozen`12
Category:Don't Strain Yourself Thinking ;-) How many pencils are there in a dozen`twelve
Category:Drama "Our Town" is a play by whom`Thornton Wilder
Category:Drama The play "Our Town" is set where`Grover's Corners
Category: Dr Seuss: He owned a bottomless pool`mcelligot
Category: Dr Seuss: His most successful book, it launched the Beginner Books series`the cat in the hat
Category: Dr Seuss: The Big-hearted Moose`thidwick
Category: Dr Seuss: There's a  in My Pocket`wocket
Category: Dr Seuss: This elephant hatched and egg and heard a who`horton
Category: Easy : "It's Not Unusual" was the first #1 for which singer `tom jones
Category: Easy Ones: Thomas Dolby: She Blinded Me With -------.`science
Category: Easy People: Against which Iraqi dictator was the Gulf War fought`saddam hussein
Category: Easy People: For what was Dr. Crippen hanged?`murdering his wife
Category: Easy People: In which revolution was Emiliano Zapata an important figure`mexican revolution
Category: Easy People: Name an Egyptian queen who was the lover of Mark Antony.`cleopatra
Category: Easy People: Name the British King who supposedly lost his jewels in The Wash.`king john
Category: Easy People: Name the hero of _The Hobbit_.`bilbo baggins
Category: Easy People: Name the queen who tells the stories of _One Thousand and One Nights_.`scheherezade
Category: Easy People: What nationality was Goethe?`german
Category: Easy People: What sport is played by Steffi Graf`tennis
Category: Easy People: What was Richard III's nickname`crookback dick
Category: Easy People: Which American inventor produced the Kodak camera`george eastman
Category: Easy People: Which British saint is famous for slaying a dragon`st. george
Category: Easy People: Which king supposedly ordered the waves to turn back`canute
Category: Easy People: Who, according to the Bible, was the brother of Jacob?`esau
Category: Easy People: Who was shot at the playhouse by John Wilkes Booth?`president lincoln
Category:Education - What degree do the intials 'DDS' stand for`Doctor of Dental Surgery
Category:Egypt - What egyptian object is also known as 'the key to the Nile'`Ankh
Category:Electronics - As what was Sony's video recorder known`betamax
Category:Electronics - Circuits can be wired in parallel or `series
Category: Emoticons: :D`big smile
Category: Emoticons: (h_h)`happiness
Category: Emoticons: (^o^)`happiness
Category: Emoticons: :o`surprise
Category: Emoticons: [_]`robot
Category: Entertainment: 1959 thriller has Cary Grant as an ad man mistaken for a secret agent`north by northwest
Category: Entertainment: City that is 34 miles, or 54 km, from the 4077th.`seoul
Category: Entertainment: Cole Porter musical set in the Montmarte section of Paris`can-can
Category: Entertainment Grabbag 4: What inescapable purveyor of background celebrated its 60th B-Day in 1994`muzak
Category: Entertainment Grabbag: Royal personage about whom Joan Rivers said "that woman is a horse!!!"`princess anne
Category: Entertainment: He conceived, directed, and choreographed West Side Story`jerome robbins
Category: Entertainment Potpourri: Kazantzakis novel which became an Oscar-winning film in 1964`zorba the greek
Category: Entertainment: The novels Black Heart and Sirens were written by him.`eric van lustbader
Category:Entomology - What is the only insect that can turn its head`praying mantis
Category:Environmentalism - Recycling one glass jar saves enough energy to watch TV for how many hours`three
Category: Eschatology: Andaman Islanders believe this god will destroy them with an earthquake `puluga
Category: Eschatology: Buddhists believe this condition transcends the end of the world `nirvana
Category: Eschatology: Last word of Revelations `amen
Category: Eschatology: This prostitute caught it big time in Revelations `jezebel
Category: Eschatology: Wanderer doomed to live until the end of the world `cartaphilus
Category: Esoterica Abounds: Radio Shack's slogan: (6 words and one comma)`youve got questions weve got answers
Category: Esoterica Abounds: The book "Snow Crash" was written by whom`neal stephenson
Category: Esoterica Abounds: What is MUD an abbreviation for`multiple user domain
Category: Esoterica Abounds: "Zodiac" by Neal Stephenson is about an activist named what`sangamon taylor
Category: Famous Animals: Blondie's dog.`daisy
Category: Famous Animals: Chipmunk that says "naturally" in The Chipmunk Song`theodore
Category: Famous Animals: Dan dan is the only panda in captivity with these two fur colorings`brown and white
Category: Famous Animals: Dima this type of animal, was found perfectly preserved in Siberia in 1977`woolly mammoth
Category: Famous Animals: In reference to him "it was beauty killed the beast"`king kong
Category: Famous Animals: Manhar is the world's first gaur born to this type of animal.`cow
Category: Famous Animals: Name of the unicorn-like Angora goat at Marine World in Redwood City, CA.`lancelot
Category: Famous Animals: Names of the Ninja Turtles in alphabetical order.`donatello leonardo michelangelo raphael
Category: Famous Animals: The griffin in "Alice in Wonderland" took Alice to meet this animal.`mock turtle
Category: Famous Bobs: Coach of NCAA basketball champs, 1976, '81, & '87.`bobby knight
Category: Famous Bobs: First black member of U.S. Cabinet, 1966.`robert weaver
Category: Famous Canadians: Canadian Prime Minister who was on American Immigration's blacklist.`pierre elliot trudeau
Category: Famous Canadians: Halifax native who built one of the world's largest shipping line.`cunard
Category: Famous Canadians : Known as the father of the Social Credit Party `tommy douglas
Category: Famous Canadians: Known for her series of books about Anne Shirley.`lucy maud montgomery
Category: Famous Canadians: Popular Canadian novelist known for her feminist themes.`margaret atwood
Category: Famous Canadians: Portly comedian, Second City alum, and CFL franchise co-owner.`john candy
Category: Famous Canadians : She was Deputy Prime Minister under Jean Chretien `sheila copps
Category: Famous Canadians : This Canadian ambassador helped free the American prisoners from Iran `ken taylor
Category: Famous Canadians : This Nova Scotian premier became the Consul General in Boston `donald cameron
Category: Famous Canadians: Writer/director of "Videodrome", "Scanners", and "Naked Lunch"`david cronenberg
Category: Famous Celebrities: Of which country is Juan Carlos king?`spain
Category: Famous Celebrities: What was the first name of tycoon Donald Trump's first wife?`ivana
Category: Famous Celebrities: Which former Pakistan cricket captain married Jemima Goldsmith`imran khan
Category: Famous Celebrities: Which Pakistani cricketer married heiress Jemima Goldsmith?`imran khan
Category: Famous Celebrities: Which princess is known by her husband's first name`michael
Category:Famous Dead Bodies - Where is Sir Herbert Baker buried`Westminster Abbey
Category:Famous Genitals - For how much did an American urologist buy Napoleon's penis (US Dollars)`3800
Category: Famous Gills: 50's era baseball player. Same last name as Craig, formerly of NBA's Bulls.`gil hodges
Category: Famous Gills: Advertising: "The best a man can get."`gillette
Category: Famous Gills: A gill is this many fluid ounces in the US measuring system.`four
Category: Famous Gills: Killer whose story was told in "Executioner's Song."`gary gilmore
Category: Famous Gills: Montreal University that more ore less fits the category.`mcgill university
Category: Famous Gills: She called herself Lil, but everyone knew her as Nancy.`mcgill
Category:Famous Initials - For what are Allen and Wright most famous`root beer
Category: Famous People: Mandy Allwood's expectation of how many babies made the news in 1996`8
Category: Famous People: Nicky Clarke's name is famous in which fashion field`hairdressing
Category: Famous People: Sean Penn was once married to which singer/actress `madonna
Category: Famous People: Trudie Styler married which singer/rainforest conservationist in 1992`sting
Category: Famous People: What is the profession of Claudia Shiffer's ex, David Copperfield`magician
Category: Famous People: What was Mrs. Michael Jackson II's first name`debbie
Category: Famous People: Which actress married Richard Burton twice`elizabeth taylor
Category: Famous People: Which former Pakistan cricket captain married Jemima Goldsmith`imran khan
Category: Famous People: Which former son-in-law of the Queen remarried in 1997`mark phillips
Category: Famous People: Which model Elle is an ex-flame of the actor Kevin Costner`macpherson
Category: Famous People: Which Royal Prince's name was linked with photographer Koo Stark`andrew
Category: Famous People: Which woman got Bill Clinton caught with his pants down in 1999`monica lewinsky
Category:Famous Places - What Surrey town is famed for its salts`Epsom
Category: Famous Quotes: All work is as seed sown; it grows and spreads, and sows itself anew.`thomas caryle
Category: Famous Quotes: Anyone who hates children and dogs cant be all bad.`w.c. fields
Category: Famous Quotes: Boy, after seeing Rambo last night, I know what to do next time this happens.`ronald reagan
Category: Famous Quotes: Don't give up the ship.`john paul jones
Category: Famous Quotes: He does not preach what he practices till he has practiced what he preaches.`confucius
Category: Famous Quotes: Let them eat cake.`marie antoinette
Category: Famous Quotes: Never have so many owed so much...`winston churchill
Category: Famous Quotes: Old soldiers never die, they just fade away.`douglas macarthur
Category: Famous Quotes: Power corrupts, & absolute power corrupts absolutely.`john emerich edward acton
Category: Famous Quotes: Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.`john emerich edward acton
Category: Famous Quotes: Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.`albert einstein
Category: Famous Quotes: "This is a sharp medicine, but a sure cure for all diseases."`sir walter raleigh
Category: Famous Quotes: United we stand, divided we fall.`abraham lincoln
Category: Fantasy : What is a sorcerer who deals in black magic called`necromancer
Category:Farming - What is the most rural state in the USA`North Dakota
Category: Fashion: Artificial structure worn to extend shirts behind.`bustle
Category: Fashion: Band worn to keep stockings up.`garter
Category: Fashion: Bathing suit named for a Pacific atoll.`bikini
Category: Fashion: Dominant fashion magazine of the 20th century.`vogue
Category: Fashion: Egyptian motifs were popular after his tomb was discovered in 1922.`tutankhamen
Category: Fashion: Elsa Schiaperelli's trademark color.`shocking pink
Category: Fashion: He called couture the most blatant form of conspicuous consumption.`thorsein veblen
Category: Fashion: Milanese suitmaker showcased on Miami Vice.`armani
Category: Fashion: Model that married David Bowie.`iman
Category: Fashion: Movie star who popularized trenchcoats &  berets.`greta garbo
Category: Fashion: Petticoat artificially stiffened by horsehair.`crinoline
Category: Fashion: Skirt and trousers desiged by Amelia.`bloomer
Category: Fashion: The dominant decorative style of the 20s and 30s.`art deco
Category: Fashion: The first widely used synthetic fiber.`rayon
Category: Fast Food: According to Vincent Vega, what is a Big Mac called in France?`le big mac
Category: Fast Food: According to Vincent, whats a Quarter Pounder called in France`royale with cheese
Category: Fast Food: A girl with pig tails, and a white-haired man represent this chain.`wendys
Category: Fast Food: A really big french fry, stuffed with yummy stuff.`baked potato
Category: Fast Food: At North American pizza outlets, this is often referred to as "Canadian bacon"`ham
Category: Fast Food: Big Mexican food chain, ring ding a ling, making you run for the border!`taco bell
Category: Fast Food: Chain with a hat as a logo, makes roast beef burgers among other things.`arbys
Category: Fast Food: Expensive potato patties served for breakfast.`hash browns
Category: Fast Food: Garfield's favourite food, multi-layered, common at pizza stores.`lasagna
Category: Fast Food: KFC stands for?`kentucky fried chicken
Category: Fast Food: Lots of people like this brown liquid with fries.`gravy
Category: Fast Food: McDonald's also sells this Italian food in some markets.`pizza
Category: Fast Food: On some boards, these things are listed as FREE, at McDonald's.`smiles
Category: Fast Food: Sometimes called a Frankfurt, on a bun with cheese,mustard,ketchup etc.`hot dog
Category: Fast Food: The home of the Golden Arches`mcdonalds
Category: Fast Food: The Lobster people...`red lobster
Category: Fast Food: The place that brings you fried chicken that has lovely but very caloric skin.`kentucky fried chicken
Category: Fast Food: The turtles love these, they often come with many toppings.`pizza
Category: Fast Food: This "Fresh is the taste" chain is -everywhere-.`subway
Category: Fast Food: Who is the founder of KFC`colonel sanders
Category:Fear - If hell is a lake of fire, what would the temperature be (in degrees Fahrenheit)`833
Category: Fictional Detectives: Agatha Christie's elderly female crimesolver.`miss marple
Category: Fictional Detectives: Beleaguered female detective in the british 'Prime Suspect' series.`jane tennyson
Category: Fictional Detectives: Creator of Perry Mason.`erle stanley gardner
Category: Fictional Detectives: Creator of the Parisian detective Maigret.`georges simenon
Category: Fictional Detectives: TV private eye played by Tom Selleck.`thomas magnum
Category:Film and Television - Who is the main character in 'Touched By An Angel'`Monica
Category: First Names: ______ Agnew -- disgraced vice president under Nixon`spiro
Category: First Names: ______ Anthony -- prolific sci-fi and fantasy author`piers
Category: First Names: ______ Johnson -- Lincoln's successor; first impeached president`andrew
Category: First Names: ______ Tse Tung -- Chinese communist leader`mao
Category: First Names: ______ Zappa -- daughter of Frank; named after celestial object`moon
Category:Flags - How many stars are there on the New Zealand flag`four
Category:Flags - What colours are on the Belgian flag`yellow, black and red
Category:Flags - Which country has a plain green flag`Libya
Category:Flags - Whose flag has the national arms on one side and the treasury seal on the other`Paraguay
Category:Flea Abilities - How many times its own length can the average flea jump`150
Category:Folklore - Who was the tallest of Robin Hood's men`Little John
Category: Food: Adding this to a mere martini makes it a Gibson.`onion
Category: Food: Add this to milk, eggs, and sugar to make a Tom and Jerry.`rum
Category:  Food: A food labelled "Florentine" is prepared with this.`spinach
Category: Food and Drink: At which stage of a meal would you have an hors d'oeuvre?`beginning
Category: Food and Drink : Even though it tastes nothing like grapes, a __________ is often eaten for breakfast.`grapefruit
Category:Food and Drink Even though it tastes nothing like grapes, a  is often eaten for breakfast.`grapefruit
Category: Food and Drink : From what animal do we get venison`deer
Category: Food and Drink : From which fish is caviar obtained`sturgeon
Category: Food and Drink : From which fruit is the liqueur Kirsh made`cherry
Category: Food and Drink : Iceberg, Boston, and Bibb are types of _________.`lettuce
Category:Food and Drink Iceberg, Boston, and Bibb are types of .`lettuce
Category: Food and Drink: Is a schnitzel a sweet or a savoury?`savoury
Category: Food and Drink : Laetrile is associated with the pit of which fruit`apricot
Category: Food and Drink : Little round chocolate candies are known as _&m's.`m
Category: Food and Drink : Mustard, ketchup and onions on a hotdog are all ___________.`condiments
Category:Food and Drink Mustard, ketchup and onions on a hotdog are all .`condiments
Category: Food and Drink : Name the only fruit named for its color.`orange
Category: Food and Drink : Natural vanilla flavoring comes from this plant.`orchid
Category: Food and Drink : Often drank, this liquid is normally harvested from female cows.`milk
Category:Food and Drink Often drunk, this liquid is normally harvested from female cows.`milk
Category: Food and Drink : Often eaten for breakfast, bacon is actually the flesh of what barnyard animal`pig
Category: Food and Drink : Often eaten for breakfast, the egg comes from what barnyard animal`chicken
Category: Food and Drink : Rum is made from this plant.`sugar cane
Category: Food and Drink : Vermicelli literally means ___________.`little worms
Category:Food and Drink Vermicelli literally means .`little worms
Category:Food and Drink - What berries give gin its flavour`juniper berries
Category: Food and Drink: What colour is creme de menthe?`green
Category: Food and Drink: What colour is the flesh of an avocado?`green
Category: Food and Drink : What do you get when you add fresh fruit to red wine`sangria
Category: Food and Drink : What is Japanese "sake" made from`rice
Category: Food and Drink: What is the main ingredient of a traditional fondue?`cheese
Category: Food and Drink : What is the name of the syrup drained from raw sugar`molasses
Category: Food and Drink : What kind of nuts are used in marzipan`almonds
Category: Food and Drink: What type of drink is Perrier?`mineral water
Category: Food and Drink: What type of food is pitta (pita)?`bread
Category: Food and Drink : Where is the best brandy bottled`cognac
Category:Food and Drink Where was Budweiser first brewed`St. Louis
Category: Food and Drink: Which red jelly is a traditional accompaniment to lamb?`redcurrant
Category: Food : Boston butt, jowl, and picnic ham are parts of a _________.`pig
Category:Food Boston butt, jowl, and picnic ham are parts of a .`pig
Category:Food - Cornflakes were invented in 1863, 1890 or 1915`1890
Category: Food: Duke Richelieu brought it to France after visiting Mahon, city on Minorca.`mayonnaise
Category: Food: French fries come from this country.`belgium
Category: Food: German dish with roast beef marinated in vinegar, sugar, and seasonings.`sauerbraten
Category:Food - How many herbs and spices are used in Kentucky Fried Chicken`eleven
Category:Food - How many pieces of bun are in a Mcdonald's Big Mac`three
Category:Food - In which country did edam cheese originate`Holland
Category:Food - In which country did the word 'biscuit' originate`France
Category: Food: Italian dish consiting of olives, anchovies, salami, celery, and appetizers.`antipasto
Category: Food: Marsala is a type of this.`sweet wine
Category: Food: Mexican dish with minced and seasoned meat packed in cornmeal and corn husks.`tamale
Category: Food: Name for an oblong cream puff filled and topped with icing.`eclair
Category: Food: Of all the common fowl, this requires the longest cooking.`duck
Category: Food: On a menu, the term flambe indicates this.`flaming
Category: Food: Pilaf is this cooked in a broth of meat or poultry.`rice
Category: Food: Polish cake filled with candied fruits and nuts.`babka
Category:  Food: Sweetbread is derived from this organ.`pancreas
Category: Food: The beer introduced in 1961 to take the head off sales of imported beers.`michelob
Category: Food: The drink Sake (sah'ki) comes from this country.`japan
Category: Food: The eggs of this sturgeon are the preferred form of caviar.`beluga
Category:  Food: The flop 1960's diet drink Minivitine was a spinoff of this drink mix.`ovaltine
Category: Food: The founder of Weight Watchers.`jean nidetch
Category: Food: The mild stimulant "theobromine" is found in this common lip-smacker.`chocolate
Category: Food: The principal ingredient of sauerkraut.`cabbage
Category:  Food: The Queensland nut or bush nut is more commonly known as this.`macadamia
Category: Food: This breakfast cereal has a leprechaun mascot.`lucky charms
Category:  Food: This cut of beef lies between tenderloin &  rump.`sirloin
Category: Food: This dish dervies from the old French word "alemelle", meaning "thin plate".`omelet
Category: Food: This film inspired the snack food Screaming Yellow Zonkers.`yellow submarine
Category: Food: This is the "national spice" of Hungary.`paprika
Category: Food: This meat is used to make scaloppine.`veal
Category:Food - What breakfast cereal was invented at Battle Creek Sanitarium`Cornflakes
Category:Food - What did Charles Jung invent`fortune cookies
Category:Food - What is another name for the carambula`star fruit
Category:Food - What is the most widely used seasoning`salt
Category:Food - What is the oldest known vegetable`pea
Category:Food - Where were Cornflakes invented`Battle Creek Sanitarium
Category:Food - Where were fortune cookies invented`United States
Category:Food - Who invented fortune cookies`Charles Jung
Category:Food - Who invented the Egg Mcmuffin`Ed Peterson
Category: French Food AKA: Beef stew with Burgundy wine`boeuf bourguignonne
Category: French Food AKA: Clarified double-strength brown stock`consomme
Category: French Food AKA: Delicate egg whites baked at a high temperature, literally means "a breath"`souffle
Category: French Food AKA: Fisherman's stew, literally means "boil on low heat" (watch the spelling)`bouillabaisse
Category: French Food AKA: Flaky, buttery pastry shaped in a quarter-moon`croissant
Category: French Food AKA: Less stimulating than tea or coffee, an infusion`tisane
Category: French Food AKA: Rich custard famous for its hard, caramelized sugar glaze`creme brulee
Category: French Food AKA: Salad from the South of France, made with black olives and anchovies`salade nicoise
Category: French Food AKA: The basic white sauce`bechamel
Category: French Food AKA: Thin pancakes with an orange liqueur sauce`crepes suzette
Category:Fruit - A tayberry is a cross between which two fruits`blackberry and raspberry
Category:Fruit - Unlike other oranges, what does a navel orange not have`seeds
Category:Fruit - What fruits are usually served 'belle helene'`pears
Category:Fruit - What is a cross between a blackberry and a raspberry`tayberry
Category:Fruit - What is another name for the star fruit`carambula
Category:Fruit - Where is most of the vitamin C in fruits`skin
Category: Fun : Cocktails: Bourbon, sugar and mint make a(n) ___________.`mint julep
Category:Fun Cocktails: Bourbon, sugar and mint make a(n) .`mint julep
Category: Fun : Cocktails: Cognac (brandy) and white creme de menthe make a(n) _____________.`stinger
Category:Fun Cocktails: Cognac (brandy) and white creme de menthe make a(n) .`stinger
Category: Fun : Cocktails: Creme de Cacao, cream, and brandy make a(n) __________.`brandy alexander
Category:Fun Cocktails: Creme de Cacao, cream, and brandy make a(n) .`brandy alexander
Category: Fun : Cocktails: Gin and Collins mix make a(n) __________.`tom collins
Category:Fun Cocktails: Gin and Collins mix make a(n) .`Tom Collins
Category: Fun : Cocktails: Rum, lime, and cola drink make a(n) ____________.`cuba libre
Category:Fun Cocktails: Rum, lime, and cola drink make a(n) .`cuba libre
Category: Fun : Cocktails: Triple sec, tequila, and lemon or lime juice make a(n) _________.`margarita
Category:Fun Cocktails: Triple sec, tequila, and lemon or lime juice make a(n) .`margarita
Category: Fun : Cocktails: Vodka and Kahlua make a ___________.`black russian
Category:Fun Cocktails: Vodka and Kahlua make a .`black russian
Category: Fun : Cocktails: Vodka, orange juice and Galliano make a(n) ___________.`harvey wallbanger
Category:Fun Cocktails: Vodka, orange juice and Galliano make a(n) .`Harvey Wallbanger
Category: Fun : Cocktails: Whiskey, hot coffee, and whipped cream make a(n) _________.`irish coffee
Category:Fun Cocktails: Whiskey, hot coffee, and whipped cream make a(n) .`Irish coffee
Category:Fun Runs - What is San Francisco's equivalent to Sydney's 'City To Surf' race`Bay to Breakers footrace
Category:Furniture - What is the metal part of a lamp surrounding the bulb and supporting the shade called`harp
Category:Furniture - Where did venetian blinds originate`Japan
Category: Gals Named Mary: Famous surrogate mother who refused to give up the baby?`mary beth whitehead
Category: Gals Named Mary: Her 1818 novel of terror is more widely remembered than her husband's poetry`mary shelley
Category: Gals Named Mary: "Mary, Mary, ----- --------, --- ---- ---- ------ ----?" (omit comma)`quite contrary how does your garden grow
Category: Gals Named Mary: Miniskirt innovator opened her first shop on Kings Rd in Chelsea, in 1955`mary quant
Category: Gals Named Mary: Won 1977 French Open mixed doubles with John McEnroe, now works for CBS & ESPN`mary carillo
Category: Games : A bridge hand with no cards in one suit is said to have a _______.`void
Category:Games A bridge hand with no cards in one suit is said to have a .`void
Category: Games : A poker hand consisting of three of a kind and a pair is called a _______.`full house
Category:Games A poker hand consisting of three of a kind and a pair is called a .`full house
Category: Games : How many balls are used in a game of snooker in addition to the cue ball`twenty-one
Category:Games How many balls are used in a game of snooker including the cue ball`twenty two
Category:Games - How many dots are on a twister mat`thirty
Category: Games : How many dots are there on a pair of dice`42
Category:Games How many dots are there on a pair of dice`forty two
Category:Games - How many folds does a Monopoly board have`one
Category:Games - How many numbers are on the spinner in the game of 'Life'`ten
Category: Games : How many squares are there on a chessboard`64
Category:Games How many squares are there on a chessboard`sixty four
Category:Games - How much does Park Place cost in Monopoly (in US Dollars)`450
Category: Games : If you "peg out" what game are you playing`cribbage
Category:Games If you "peg out" what game are you playing`cribbage
Category:Games - In a game of horseshoes, how many feet apart must the stakes be`forty
Category: Games : In poker five cards of the same suit is called a(n) __________.`flush
Category:Games In poker five cards of the same suit is called a(n) .`flush
Category: Games : In pool, what color is the eight ball`black
Category:Games - In roulette, what number is green`zero
Category: Games : In which game might a person have a "full house"`poker
Category: Games : In which game or sport are "Staunton" pieces used`chess
Category: Games : In which game or sport can a person be "skunked"`cribbage
Category: Games : In which sport are terms "spare" and "gutter" used`bowling
Category:Games In which sport are terms "spare" and "gutter" used`tenpin bowling
Category: Games : In which sport or game are the terms: 'pin', 'fork', and 'skewer' used`chess
Category: Games : In which sport or game is the term "rook" used`chess
Category:Games - Moving anti-clockwise on a dartboard, what is the number next to '4'`eighteen
Category: Games : Name the only flexible murder weapon in the game of "Cluedo".`rope
Category:Games Name the only woman suspect in the game of "Cluedo" who isn't married.`Miss Scarlett
Category: Games : These are the two highest valued letters in "Scrabble".  "Q" and _____.`z
Category:Games These are the two highest valued letters in "Scrabble".  "Q" and .`Z
Category: Games : This ancient Chinese game is played with 156 small rectangular tiles.`mah jongg
Category: Games : This is the lowest ranking suit in Bridge.`clubs
Category: Games : This term denotes a chess move in which both the king and the rook are moved.`castling
Category:Games - To what do opposite faces of a dice always add up`seven
Category: Games : What bowling term means three straight strikes`turkey
Category: Games : What game or sport is Bobby Fischer identified with`chess
Category:Games - What is another name for the card game 'Blackjack'`Twenty-one
Category:Games - What is another name for the card game 'Twenty-one'`Blackjack
Category:Games - What is the best possible score in blackjack`twenty one
Category:Games - What is the most popular sport in england`darts
Category:Games - What is the tallest piece on a chessboard`king
Category: Games : What number is on the opposite side of the "five" on dice`two
Category: Games : What score is not possible for a cribbage hand`19
Category:Games What score is not possible for a cribbage hand`nineteen
Category:Games - What sport/game is Bobby Fischer associated with`chess
Category:Games - Where did the card game 'bridge' originate`Turkey
Category:Games - Where does the annual Poker World Series take place`Las Vegas
Category: Games : Which chess piece is usually valued as 5 points`rook
Category: Games : Which game usually begins with, "Is it animal, vegetable, or mineral"`20 questions
Category:Games Which game usually begins with, "Is it animal, vegetable, or mineral"`twenty questions
Category:Gastronomy - Approximately how many pounds of cereal will the average american/canadian eat every year`twelve
Category: Gay Issues: A lesbian kiss on what ABC sitcom caused an uproar?`roseanne
Category: Gay Issues: A passed anti-gay measure in what state caused calls for a boycott`colorado
Category: Gay Issues: How many colours are there in the rainbow-coloured, "Freedom Flag"?`6
Category: Gay Issues: What Biblical book says you shouldn't "lay with a man as with a woman"?`leviticus
Category: Gay Issues: What British musician/singer was bi, now openly gay?`elton john
Category: Gay Issues: What culture considers gay people "two-spirited"?`native
Category: Gay Issues: What group's motto is, "We're Here, We're Queer, We Have E-Mail"?`digital queers
Category: Gay Issues: What is America's weekly gay news magazine?`the advocate
Category: Gay Issues: What is announcing someone being gay against their will called?`outing
Category: Gay Issues: What Middle Eastern country allows gays in its military`israel
Category: Gay Issues: What popular Canadian country singer is an open lesbian`k.d. lang
Category: Gay Issues: Who wrote the play, "The Normal Heart"?`larry kramer
Category:Gems - Peridot is the birthstone for `August
Category:Gems - What is the birthstone for August`peridot
Category: General : 12 letter word: fancy name for fireworks`pyrotechnics
Category: General : Animal's body that the mythical griffin has`lion
Category: General : At one time, 6 white beads of this Indian currency were worth one penny`wampum
Category: General : Baseballer Joe Schlabotnik's greatest fan`charlie brown
Category: General : Comedian that is the disc jockey on the soundtrack to Resevoir Dogs`steven wright
Category: General : Founded in 1608 by Champlain, it was the capital of New France`quebec
Category: General Knowledge : Although it doesn't sound like a dog, ____dust is ornamental wood chips often placed in flowerbeds.`bark
Category:General Knowledge Although it doesn't sound like a dog, dust is ornamental wood chips often placed in flowerbeds.`bark
Category: General Knowledge : Chicago Transit Authority is now known as which group`chicago
Category:General Knowledge - During which month is the longest day in the Northern hemisphere`June
Category:General Knowledge - During which month is the longest day in the Southern hemisphere`December
Category:General Knowledge - During which month is the shortest day in the Northern hemisphere`December
Category:General Knowledge - During which month is the shortest day in the Southern hemisphere`June
Category: General Knowledge : If you drive on a parkway, you park on a _______`drive
Category:General Knowledge If you drive on a parkway, you park on a `driveway
Category: General Knowledge : To refuel your car you go to a ___ station.`petrol
Category:General Knowledge To refuel your car you go to a  station.`petrol
Category: General Knowledge : Wedding rings are normally worn on what finger of your hand`ring
Category:General Knowledge Wedding rings are normally worn on what finger of your hand`ring finger
Category:General Knowledge What are catalogued under the Dewey decimal system`books
Category:General Knowledge What are the 3 big colleges of the Ivy League (name them alphabetically)`Harvard, Princeton, Yale
Category:General Knowledge What company makes Pampers disposable diapers`Proctor & Gamble
Category: General Knowledge : What does a compass needle point to`north
Category:General Knowledge - What does a month beginning with a Sunday always have`Friday the 13th
Category:General Knowledge What does IRS stand for`Internal Revenue Service
Category:General Knowledge What does the abbreviation a.m. stand for`Ante Meridian
Category:General Knowledge What does the acronym CIA stand for`Central Intelligence Agency
Category:General Knowledge What do the initials U.F.O stand for`Unidentified Flying Object
Category:General Knowledge What do the letters in SAM missiles refer to`Surface-to-Air Missile
Category:General Knowledge - What game usually starts with 'is it animal, vegetable or mineral'`twenty questions
Category: General Knowledge : What is the minimum IQ score for the genius category`140
Category:General Knowledge What is the minimum IQ score for the genius category`one hundred and forty
Category:General Knowledge - What is the name of the office used by the president in the Whitehouse`Oval office
Category: General Knowledge : What is this sign called "&"`ampersand
Category:General Knowledge - What is viewed during a a pyrotechnic display`fireworks
Category:General Knowledge - What system do the blind use for reading`braille
Category: General Knowledge : When using a telephone, you must wait for a ____ tone before starting your call.`dial
Category:General Knowledge When using a telephone, you must wait for a  tone before starting your call.`dial
Category:General Knowledge - Where will children as young as 15 be jailed for cheating on their finals`Bangladesh
Category:General Knowledge Which U.S. president is on the five-dollar bill`Abraham Lincoln
Category: General Knowledge : Which U.S. president is on the five-dollar bill`lincoln
Category:General Knowledge - With what day does a month start if it has a Friday the 13th`Sunday
Category: General : Originally made in Nimes, France, this fabric was called serge denimes`denim
Category: General : Shepherd's pie is meat hash covered with a layer of this (2 wds)`mashed potatoes
Category: General : The 2 months added when the Roman calendar was expanded from 10 to 12 months`january & february
Category: General : The Russian sled drawn by 3 horses abreast`troika
Category: General : This word can refer to either an Irish accent or an Irish shoe`brogue
Category: Generation X Toys: Atari competitor that featured better graphics.`intellevision
Category: Generation X Toys: Company that made Atari games like Kaboom and Megamania.`activision
Category: Generation X Toys: Large plastic animals gobbled marbles in this game.`hungry hungry hippos
Category: Generation X Toys: Leading manufacturer of toy cars.`hot wheels
Category: Generation X Toys: Manufacturer of the 2600 and 5200 video game systems.`atari
Category: Generation X Toys: Name of Barbie's hot pink sports-car.`vette
Category: Generation X Toys: Personal merry-go-round guaranteed to make you dizzy.`sit n spin
Category: Generation X Toys: Plastic vehicle equipped with spin-out brake.`big wheel
Category: Generation X Toys: Talking toy that helped you do well on Spelling tests.`speak n spell
Category: Generation X Toys: These popular block sets included a castle and a fire boat.`lego
Category: Generation X Toys: This popular card game's name is spanish for "one."`uno
Category: Generation X Toys: This wacky and "cheap" magazine had its own crazy board game.`mad
Category: Generation X Toys: You inserted sticks into round blocks to build abstractions with these.`tinker toys
Category: Generation X Toys: You rotated blocks and matched up the colors to solve this puzzle.`rubiks cube
Category:Genetics - How many chromosomes do each body cell contain`forty six
Category:Geograhy - What is the capital of Democratic Republic of the Congo`Kinshasa
Category: Geographic : The first country along the great circle route due south from San Francisco`canada
Category: Geographic : The highest temperature ever recorded on Earth was in which country`libya
Category: Geographic : The largest island on the west coast of North America is`vancouver
Category: Geographic : The northernmost point in mainland Australia is on this geographic feature`cape york
Category: Geographic: The strongest recorded earthquake (8.9) occurred in which country in 1933`japan
Category: Geographic : The tallest building in the Southern Hemisphere is in which city`melbourne
Category: Geographic: This country lost the largest percentage of its men in a single war (~70%).`paraguay
Category: Geographic Trivia : The aurora borealis is most commonly observed in which country`canada
Category: Geographic Trivia : What Asian country has the highest population density`singapore
Category: Geographic Trivia : What is the largest country in Africa, by area`sudan
Category: Geographic Trivia : What is the most populous city in North America`mexico
Category: Geographic Trivia : Where did the most powerful explosion ever witnessed on Earth occur`krakatoa
Category: Geographic Tyrrivia: Excluding Alaska, the American state with the lowest population density is?`wyoming
Category: Geographic Tyrrivia: Going due south from New York City, which S. American country do you hit first`colombia
Category: Geographic Tyrrivia: Mainland Great Britain is the _ largest island in the world (number only)`eight
Category: Geographic Tyrrivia: Name the expanse of water between New Zealand's North and South Islands.`cook strait
Category: Geographic Tyrrivia: Native American Indians are of which human subrace? (e.g. Caucasian)`mongoloid
Category: Geographic Tyrrivia: The highest temperature ever recorded on Earth was in which country?`libya
Category: Geographic Tyrrivia: The only national airline that has never had a crash nor a forced landing.`qantas
Category: Geographic Tyrrivia: The southernmost point in the 48 American states (excluding Alaska, Hawaii)?`key west
Category: Geographic Tyrrivia: The tallest building in the Southern Hemisphere is in which city?`melbourne
Category: Geographic Tyrrivia: This Caribbean island rebelled AGAINST independence, for British colonialism.`anguilla
Category: Geographic Tyrrivia: This country is home to the world's oldest continuous local democracy.`iceland
Category: Geographic Tyrrivia: What is the local name for the capital of Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland)`nuuk
Category: Geographic Tyrrivia: Where did the most powerful explosion ever witnessed on Earth occur?`krakatoa
Category: Geographic Tyrrivia: Which American state's name is Spanish for "colored" or "colored land"?`colorado
Category: Geographic Tyrrivia: Which American state's name is Spanish for "flowered" or "flowery land"?`florida
Category: Geographic Tyrrivia: Which country administers New Caledonia`france
Category: Geographic Tyrrivia: Which country administers South Georgia, a last stop before Antarctica?`great britain
Category: Geographic: What is the largest country in Africa, by area`sudan
Category: Geographic: Where did the most powerful explosion ever witnessed on Earth occur`krakatoa
Category: Geographic: Which American state's name is Spanish for "warm" or "warm land"`california
Category:Geography - Abuja is the capital of `Nigeria
Category:Geography Acadia was the original name of which Canadian province`Nova Scotia
Category:Geography - Accra is the capital of `Ghana
Category:Geography - Albany is the capital of `New York
Category:Geography - Ankara is the capital of `Turkey
Category:Geography - As what is Constantinople now known`Istanbul
Category:Geography - As what is Formosa now known`Taiwan
Category:Geography - As what is Krung Thep is more commonly known`Bangkok
Category:Geography - As what is the South Pole also known`Amundsen Scott Station
Category:Geography - As what was the Taj Mahal originally built`tomb
Category:Geography - Austin is the capital of `Texas
Category:Geography - Bamako is the capital of `Mali
Category:Geography - Bangkok is the capital of `Thailand
Category:Geography - Banjul is the capital of `Gambia
Category:Geography - Bismarck is the capital of `North Dakota
Category:Geography - Bissau is the capital of `Guinea-Bissau
Category:Geography - Bogota is the capital of `Colombia
Category:Geography - Boise is the capital of `Idaho
Category: Geography : Bridgeport is the largest city in which state`connecticut
Category: Geography : Bridgetown is the capital of ________.`barbados
Category:Geography - Bridgetown is the capital of `Barbados
Category:Geography Bridgetown is the capital of .`Barbados
Category: Geography : Brussels is the capital of which country`belgium
Category:Geography - Budapest is the capital of `Hungary
Category:Geography - Cheyenne is the capital of `Wyoming
Category:Geography - Columbus is the capital of `Ohio
Category:Geography - Dakar is the capital of `Senegal
Category:Geography - Des Moines is the capital of `Iowa
Category:Geography - Dhaka is the capital of `Bangladesh
Category:Geography - Djibouti is the capital of `Djibouti
Category:Geography - Five US states border which ocean`Pacific Ocean
Category: Geography : Frankfort is the capital of which state`kentucky
Category:Geography - Guatemala is the capital of `Guatemala
Category: Geography : Guayaquil is the largest city in what country`ecuador
Category:Geography Halifax is the capital of which Canadian province`Nova Scotia
Category: Geography : Havana is the capital of which country`cuba
Category:Geography He invented the most common projection for world maps.`Gerardus Mercator
Category: Geography : He invented the most common projection for world maps.`mercator
Category:Geography - Helena is the capital of `Montana
Category: Geography : He visited Australia and New Zealand, then surveyed the Pacific Coast of North America.`vancouver
Category:Geography - How many countries border the black sea`six
Category:Geography - How many Great Lakes are there`five
Category: Geography : How many stars are on the flag of New Zealand`four
Category: Geography : If its 4:00pm in Seattle Washington, what time is it in Portland Oregon`4
Category:Geography If its 4:00pm in Seattle, Washington what time is it in Portland, Oregon`4:00pm
Category:Geography - If you flew due West from Portugal, what is the first continent you would reach`North America
Category:Geography Into what bay does the Ganges River flow`Bay Of Bengal
Category: Geography : Into what bay does the Ganges River flow`bengal
Category:Geography Into what body of water does the Danube River flow`Black Sea
Category:Geography Into what body of water does the Yukon River flow`Bering Sea
Category:Geography - Into what ocean does the Zambezi River empty`Indian Ocean
Category: Geography : Into what sea does the Elbe River flow`north
Category:Geography Into what sea does the Elbe River flow`North Sea
Category: Geography : Into what sea does the Mackenzie River flow`beaufort
Category:Geography Into what sea does the Mackenzie River flow`Beaufort Sea
Category:Geography - Into which bay does the Golden Gate Strait lead`San Francisco Bay
Category:Geography - Into which estuary do the Trent and Ouse flow`Humber
Category: Geography : In what city are the famous Tivoli Gardens`copenhagen
Category: Geography : In what city is the Leaning Tower`pisa
Category: Geography : In what city is the Smithsonian Institute`washington
Category: Geography : In what country is Banff National Park`canada
Category: Geography : In what country is Lahore`pakistan
Category: Geography : In what country is Mandalay`burma
Category:Geography In what country is Mandalay`Myanmar (formerly known as Burma)
Category: Geography : In what country is Taipei`taiwan
Category: Geography : In what country is the highest point in South America`argentina
Category: Geography : In what country is the Jutland peninsula`denmark
Category: Geography : In what country is the lowest point in South America`argentina
Category: Geography : In what country is the Mekong River Delta`vietnam
Category: Geography : In what country is the source of the Blue Nile`ethiopia
Category: Geography : In what country is the Waterloo battlefield`belgium
Category: Geography : In what country is Thunder Bay`canada
Category: Geography : In what island group is Corregidor`philippine
Category:Geography In what island group is Corregidor`Philippines
Category: Geography : In what mountain range is Kicking Horse Pass`rockies
Category:Geography In what mountain range is Kicking Horse Pass`Rocky
Category:Geography In what state is Concord`New Hampshire
Category:Geography - In what state is Silicon Valley`California
Category: Geography : In which city is Red Square`moscow
Category: Geography : In which city is Saint Paul's Cathedral`london
Category:Geography - In which city is the Arch of Hadrian`Athens
Category: Geography : In which city is the Bridge of Sighs`venice
Category: Geography : In which city is the Canale Grande`venice
Category: Geography : In which city is the C.N. Tower`toronto
Category: Geography : In which city is the Coliseum located`rome
Category:Geography In which city is the Colliseum located`Rome
Category:Geography - In which city is the famous Bond Street`London
Category: Geography : In which city is the Wailing Wall`jerusalem
Category: Geography : In which city is Wembley Stadium`london
Category:Geography - In which city is Westminster Abbey`London
Category: Geography : In which country is Angel Falls`venezuela
Category: Geography : In which country is Brest (NOT Breast;-)`france
Category:Geography In which country is Chennai (formerly Madras)`India
Category: Geography : In which country is Cusco`peru
Category: Geography : In which country is Loch Ness`scotland
Category: Geography : In which country is Madras`india
Category: Geography : In which country is Normandy`france
Category: Geography : In which country is Sapporo`japan
Category: Geography : In which country is the Calabria region`italy
Category: Geography : In which country is the Dalai Lama's palace`tibet
Category: Geography : In which country is the Great Victoria Desert`australia
Category:Geography - In which country is the largest active volcano in the world`Ecuador
Category: Geography : In which country is the Machu Picchu`peru
Category:Geography - In which country is Tobruk`Libya
Category: Geography : In which country would you find the Yucatan Peninsula`mexico
Category:Geography - In which county are all ten of England's highest peaks`Cumbria
Category:Geography - In which modern day country is ancient Troy`Turkey
Category: Geography : In which ocean or sea are the Seychelles`indian
Category:Geography In which ocean or sea are the Seychelles`Indian Ocean
Category: Geography : In which state are Gettysburg and the Liberty Bell`pennsylvania
Category:Geography In which state are the Finger Lakes`New York
Category: Geography : In which state is Appomattax`virginia
Category:Geography In which state is Cape Hatteras`North Carolina
Category: Geography : In which state is Hoover Dam`arizona
Category: Geography : In which state is Mount McKinley`alaska
Category: Geography : In which state is Mount St. Helens`washington
Category: Geography : In which state is Mount Vernon`virginia
Category: Geography : In which state is Stone Mountain`georgia
Category: Geography : In which state is the Kennedy Space Center`florida
Category: Geography : In which state is the Mayo Clinic`minnesota
Category:Geography - In which state is the Natchez Trail`Mississippi
Category: Geography : In which state is the Painted Desert`arizona
Category:Geography - In which state is Tupelo`Mississippi
Category: Geography : In which state is Walla Walla`washington
Category:Geography - In which year did Macau revert to China`1999
Category:Geography - Is Belfast in Northern or Southern Ireland`Northern
Category:Geography - Is Dublin in Northern or Southern ireland`Southern
Category:Geography - Jefferson City is the capital of `Missouri
Category:Geography - Kathmandu is the capital of `Nepal
Category: Geography : Khartoum is the capital of which country`sudan
Category:Geography - Kigali is the capital of `Rwanda
Category:Geography - Kingston is the capital of `Jamaica
Category: Geography : Kingston is the capital of which country`jamaica
Category:Geography - Kinshasa is the capital of `Democratic Republic of the Congo
Category:Geography - Kuwait City is the capital of `Kuwait
Category:Geography - Lansing is the capital of `Michigan
Category:Geography - Libreville is the capital of `Gabon
Category:Geography - Lilongwe is the capital of `Malawi
Category: Geography : Linz, Austria is a leading port on which river`danube
Category:Geography - Lome is the capital of `Togo
Category:Geography - Luxembourg is the capital of `Luxembourg
Category: Geography : Madrid and Lisbon are both located near this river.`tagus
Category:Geography - Malabo is the capital of `Equatorial Guinea
Category:Geography - Mayfair, London is a district of little streets near `Hyde Park
Category: Geography : Meridians converge at the ________.` pole s
Category:Geography Meridians converge at the .`poles
Category:Geography - Mexico City is the capital of `Mexico
Category:Geography - Montevideo is the capital of `Uruguay
Category: Geography : Mount Victoria is the highest peak of this island country.`fiji
Category: Geography : Name a country which has the same name as a bird.`turkey
Category: Geography : Name the capital city of Massachusetts.`boston
Category: Geography : Name the capital city of Rhode Island.`providence
Category:Geography Name the capital of Argentina.`Buenos Aires
Category:Geography Name the capital of Brazil.`Brasilia
Category: Geography : Name the capital of Brazil.`brazilia
Category: Geography : Name the capital of Italy.`rome
Category:Geography Name the capital of Spain`Madrid
Category: Geography : Name the city at the west end of Lake Superior.`duluth
Category: Geography : Name the continent that consists of a single country.`australia
Category:Geography Name the desert located in south-east California.`Mojave
Category: Geography : Name the desrt located in south-east California.`mojave
Category:Geography Name the large mountain chain in the eastern U.S.A.`The Appalachians
Category:Geography Name the largest cathedral in the world.`St. Peter's
Category:Geography Name the largest city in Canada.`Toronto
Category: Geography : Name the largest island in the world.`greenland
Category:Geography Name the largest lake in Australia.`Eyre
Category:Geography Name the largest river forming part of the U.S. - Mexican border.`Rio Grande
Category: Geography : Name the last province to become part of Canada.`newfoundland
Category: Geography : Name the longest river in Asia.`yangtze
Category:Geography Name the longest river in Nigeria.`Niger
Category: Geography : Name the most north-easterly of the 48 contiguous states.`maine
Category:Geography Name the only Central American country without an Atlantic coastline.`El Salvador
Category: Geography : Name the sea between Asia Minor and Greece.`aegean
Category: Geography : Name the sea between Korea and China.`the  yellow  sea
Category:Geography Name the sea between Korea and China.`Yellow Sea
Category: Geography : Name the sea north of Alaska.`beaufort
Category: Geography : Name the sea north of Murmansk, Russia.`barents
Category: Geography : Name the sea west of Alaska.`bering
Category: Geography : Name the second largest country in Africa.`algeria
Category: Geography : Name the second largest country in South America.`argentina
Category: Geography : Name the second largest lake in North America.`huron
Category: Geography : Name the smallest of the Great Lakes.`ontario
Category: Geography : Name the strait joining the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.`gibraltar
Category: Geography : Name the U.S. state with the smallest population.`alaska
Category: Geography : Name the world's most photographed and most climbed mountain.`fuji
Category:Geography - Nashville is the capital of `Tennessee
Category: Geography : Nassau is the capital of which country`bahamas
Category:Geography - Near what river is the Temple of Karnak`Nile
Category:Geography - New Delhi is the capital of `India
Category:Geography - Nicosia is the capital of `Cyprus
Category:Geography - Of what are Quemoy and Matsu part`Taiwan
Category:Geography - Of which country does the Kalahari Desert cover 84%`Botswana
Category:Geography - On the banks of which river is the Taj Mahal`River Jumna
Category:Geography - On the London Underground, which station has a different name on two of its platforms`Bank and Monument
Category: Geography : On what island is Honolulu`oahu
Category:Geography - On what island is Pearl Harbor`Oahu
Category: Geography : On what island is Pearl Harbour`oahu
Category: Geography : On what island is the Blue Grotto`capri
Category: Geography : On what island is the U.S. naval base, Guantanamo`cuba
Category: Geography : On what mountain are four presidents' faces carved`rushmore
Category:Geography On what peninsula are Spain and Portugal located`The Iberian peninsula
Category:Geography - On what river is Blackpool`River Fylde
Category:Geography - On what river is Liverpool`Mersey
Category: Geography : On what river is the capital city of Canada`ottawa
Category:Geography - On what sea is the Crimea`Black Sea
Category:Geography - On which coast of Australia is Sydney`East
Category: Geography : On which river is London, England`thames
Category: Geography : On which river is Rome located`tiber
Category: Geography : On which river is the Aswan High Dam`nile
Category:Geography - Ouagadougou is the capital of `Burkina Faso
Category: Geography : Over 75% of the Earth's surface is covered by some form of _____.`water
Category:Geography Over 75% of the Earth's surface is covered by some form of .`Water
Category:Geography - Port Louis is the capital of `Mauritius
Category:Geography - Port Moresby is the capital of `Papua New Guinea
Category: Geography : Rabat is the capital of which country`morocco
Category:Geography - Raleigh is the capital of `North Carolina
Category:Geography - Richmond is the capital of `Virginia
Category:Geography - Riyadh is the capital of `Saudi Arabia
Category:Geography - Rome is the capital of `Italy
Category:Geography San Francisco Bay is located near what city`San Francisco
Category:Geography - Santiago is the capital of `Chile
Category:Geography - Santo Domingo is the capital of `Dominican Republic
Category:Geography Seoul is the capital of which country`South Korea
Category:Geography - Singapore is the capital of `Singapore
Category:Geography - Springfield is the capital of `Illinois
Category: Geography : St. George's is the capital city of what island country`grenada
Category: Geography : Surfing is believed to have originated here.`hawaii
Category:Geography - Sydney is on the east coast of `Australia
Category:Geography - Tegucigalpa is the capital of `Honduras
Category:Geography The Auckland Islands belong to which country`New Zealand
Category: Geography : The countries of Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg are together called ________.`benelux
Category:Geography The countries of Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg are together called .`Benelux
Category: Geography : The Hebrides are part of this country.`scotland
Category: Geography : The Ionian and Cyclades are island groups of which country`greece
Category: Geography : The Little Mermaid is found in the harbour of which city`copenhagen
Category: Geography : The longest river in Western Europe is _________`rhine
Category:Geography The longest river in Western Europe is `Rhine
Category: Geography : The Nationalist Chinese occupy this island.`taiwan
Category: Geography : The sun sets in the ____`west
Category:Geography The sun sets in the `west
Category:Geography The Thatcher Ferry Bridge crosses what canal`Panama Canal
Category: Geography : The Thatcher Ferry Bridge crosses what canal`the  panama  canal
Category: Geography : The United States is made up of __ states.`50
Category:Geography The United States is made up of  states.`50
Category: Geography : The Volta is the largest river in which country`ghana
Category: Geography : This Canadian island is the world's fifth largest.`baffin
Category: Geography : This country is divided at the 38th parallel.`korea
Category: Geography : This country occupies the "horn of Africa".`somalia
Category: Geography : This country's flag has a large "R" on it.`rwanda
Category: Geography : This imaginary line approximately follows the 180 degree meridian through the Pacific Ocean.`international date line
Category:Geography This is called the "Honeymoon Capital" of the world.`Niagara Falls
Category:Geography This island group is off the east coast of southern South America.`Falkland Islands
Category: Geography : This is the bridge with the longest span in the U.S.A.`verrazano
Category:Geography This is the bridge with the longest span in the U.S.A.`Verrazano Narrows
Category: Geography : This is the only borough of New York City that is not on an island.`bronx
Category:Geography This is the only borough of New York City that is not on an island.`The Bronx
Category: Geography : This is the port city serving Tokyo.`yokohama
Category:Geography This is the residence of English monarchs.`Buckingham Palace
Category:Geography This Pacific island's puzzling monoliths attract ethnologists.`Easter Island
Category:Geography This re-opened in 1975 after being closed for 8 years.`Suez Canal
Category: Geography : This section of Manhattan is noted for its Negro and Latin American residents.`harlem
Category:Geography - Through which ocean does the International Date Line approximately follow the 180 degree meridian`Pacific Ocean
Category:Geography - Tirana is the capital of `Albania
Category: Geography : To what country does the Gaza Strip belong`egypt
Category: Geography : To what country do the Faeroe Islands belong`denmark
Category: "Geography" : True Or False:  The Easter Bunny is from Easter Island.`false
Category: "Geography" : True Or False:  There are only virgins on the Virgin Islands.`false
Category:Geography - Ulan Bator is the capital of `Mongolia
Category: Geography : Under what river does the Holland Tunnel run`hudson
Category:Geography - Vaduz is the capital of `Liechtenstein
Category: Geography : Warsaw is the capital of what country`poland
Category: Geography : What American city is known as Little Havana`miami
Category: Geography : What are drumlins and eskers formed by`glacier
Category:Geography What are drumlins and eskers formed by`glaciers
Category:Geography What are the worlds four oceans - alphabetically`Arctic, Atlantic, Indian and Pacific
Category: Geography : What Asian city was once called Edo`tokyo
Category:Geography What body of water borders Saudi Arabia to the east`Persian Gulf
Category: Geography : What Canadian city is at the west end of Lake Ontario`hamilton
Category: Geography : What canal connects Lake Ontario and Lake Erie`welland
Category:Geography - What Central American country extends furthest north`Belize
Category: Geography : What city boasts the Copacabana Beach and Impanema`rio
Category:Geography What city boasts the Copacabana Beach and Ipanema`Rio de Janeiro
Category:Geography - What city has the world's largest black population`New York City
Category:Geography What city is associated with Alcatraz`San Francisco
Category: Geography : What city is on Lake Erie at the mouth of the Cuyahoga River`cleveland
Category: Geography : What city is the Christian Science Monitor based in`boston
Category:Geography What city is the Kremlin located in`Moscow
Category: Geography : What city is the Kremlin located`moscow
Category: Geography : What city was the setting for "Gone With the Wind"`atlanta
Category: Geography : What color does the bride wear in China`red
Category: Geography : What continent is Cyprus considered to be part of`asia
Category:Geography - What continent is part of both the East and Aest hemispheres`Antarctica
Category: Geography : What continent is the home to the greatest number of countries`africa
Category: Geography : What country are the Islands of Quemoy and Matsu part of`taiwan
Category:Geography - What country borders Egypt on the West`Libya
Category:Geography - What country borders Egypt to the South`Sudan
Category:Geography - What country borders Libya on the East`Egypt
Category:Geography - What country borders Sudan to the North`Egypt
Category: Geography : What country does the island of Mykonos belong to`greece
Category: Geography : What country formed the union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar`tanzania
Category:Geography - What country has the biggest population`China
Category: Geography : What country has the world's most southerly city`chile
Category: Geography : What country is directly north of Israel`lebanon
Category: Geography : What country is directly north of the continental United States`canada
Category: Geography : What country is directly west of Spain`portugal
Category: Geography : What country is known as the Hellenic Republic`greece
Category:Geography What country is located between Panama and Nicaragua`Costa Rica
Category: Geography : What country is Phnom Penh the capital of`cambodia
Category:Geography What country is Santo Domingo the capital of`Dominican Republic
Category:Geography - What country is situated between Panama and Nicaragua`Costa Rica
Category:Geography - What country is surrounded by Brazil, Argentina and Bolivia`Paraguay
Category: Geography : What country owns the island of Corfu`greece
Category:Geography - What country's capital is Caracas`Venezuela
Category: Geography : What country was once known as Gaul`france
Category:Geography - What country was once known as 'The Breadbasket of Russia'`Ukraine
Category: Geography : What country was the setting for "Casablanca"`morocco
Category: Geography : What country was the setting for "Doctor Zhivago"`russia
Category:Geography - What divides the American North from the South`The Mason-Dixon Line
Category:Geography - What do Americans traditionally eat on thanksgiving day`turkey
Category:Geography - What does the George Washington Bridge span`Hudson River
Category: Geography : What English city does the Prime Meridian pass through`greenwich
Category: Geography : What European country administers the island of Martinique`france
Category: Geography : What European country has "Vaduz" as its capital city`liechtenstein
Category:Geography What famous geyser erupts regularly at the Yellowstone National Park`Old Faithful
Category:Geography - What is also known as Amundsen Scott Station`South Pole
Category:Geography - What is a peanut if it is not a pea or a nut`legume
Category: Geography : What island has Hamilton as its capital`bermuda
Category: Geography : What island is known as the Spice Island`zanzibar
Category: Geography : What is the basic unit of currency for United Kingdom`pound
Category: Geography : What is the basic unit of currency for United States`dollar
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Afghanistan`kabul
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Alaska`juneau
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Albania`Tirana
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Algeria`algiers
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Andorra`andorra la vella
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Angola`luanda
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Antigua and Barbuda`saint john's
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Armenia`yerevan
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Australia`Canberra
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Austria`vienna
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Azerbaijan`baku
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Bahrain`manama
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Bangladesh`dacca
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Bangladesh`Dhaka
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Barbados`Bridgetown
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Belarus`minsk
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Belgium`brussels
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Belize`belmopan
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Bhutan`thimphu
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Bolivia`la paz
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Bosnia and Hercegovina`sarajevo
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Botswana`gaborone
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Brazil`Brasilia
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Brunei`bandar seri
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Bulgaria`sofia
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Burkina Faso`Ouagadougou
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Burma`rangoon
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Burundi`bujumbura
Category:Geography - What is the capital of California`Sacramento
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Cambodia`phnom penh
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Canada`ottawa
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Cape Verde`praia
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Central African Republic`bangui
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Chad`n'djamena
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Chile`Santiago
Category: Geography : What is the capital of China`beijing
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Colombia`Bogota
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Colorado`denver
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Comoros`moroni
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Congo`brazzaville
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Croatia`zagreb
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Cuba`havana
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Cyprus`Nicosia
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Czech Republic`prague
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Denmark`copenhagen
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Djibouti`Djibouti
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Dominican Republic`santo domingo
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Dominica`roseau
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Ecuador`quito
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Egypt`cairo
Category: Geography : What is the capital of El Salvador`san salvador
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Equatorial Guinea`Malabo
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Eritrea`asmara
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Estonia`tallinn
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Ethiopia`addis ababa
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Fiji`suva
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Finland`helsinki
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Florida`tallahassee
Category: Geography : What is the capital of France`paris
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Gabon`Libreville
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Gambia`Banjul
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Georgia`tbilisi
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Germany`berlin
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Ghana`Accra
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Greece`athens
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Grenada`saint george's
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Guatemala`Guatemala
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Guinea-Bissau`Bissau
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Guinea`conakry
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Guyana`georgetown
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Haiti`port-au-prince
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Honduras`Tegucigalpa
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Hungary`Budapest
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Idaho`Boise
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Illinois`Springfield
Category:Geography - What is the capital of India`New Delhi
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Indonesia`jakarta
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Iowa`Des Moines
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Iran`tehran
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Iraq`baghdad
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Ireland`dublin
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Israel`jerusalem
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Italy`Rome
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Jamaica`Kingston
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Japan`tokyo
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Jordan`amman
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Kansas`topeka
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Kazakhstan`alma-ata
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Kenya`nairobi
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Kiribati`bairiki
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Kuwait`Kuwait
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Kuwait`kuwait city
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Kyrgyzstan`bishkek
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Laos`vientiane
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Latvia`riga
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Lebanon`beirut
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Lesotho`maseru
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Liberia`monrovia
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Libya`tripoli
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Liechtenstein`Vaduz
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Lithuania`vilnius
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Luxembourg`Luxembourg
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Macedonia`skopje
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Madagascar`antananarivo
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Maine`augusta
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Malawi`Lilongwe
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Malaysia`kuala lumpur
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Maldives`male
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Mali`Bamako
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Malta`valletta
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Marshall Islands`dalap-uliga-darrit
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Mauritania`nouakchott
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Mauritius`Port Louis
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Mexico`Mexico City
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Michigan`Lansing
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Micronesia`palikir
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Missouri`Jefferson City
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Moldova`kishinev
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Monaco`monaco
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Mongolia`ulaanbaatar
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Mongolia`Ulan Bator
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Montana`Helena
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Morocco`rabat
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Mozambique`maputo
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Namibia`windhoek
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Nauru`yaren
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Nebraska`licoln
Category:Geography What is the capital of Nebraska`Lincoln
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Nepal`Kathmandu
Category:Geography - What is the capital of New York state`Albany
Category: Geography : What is the capital of New Zealand`wellington
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Nicaragua`managua
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Nigeria`Abuja
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Niger`niamey
Category:Geography - What is the capital of North Carolina`Raleigh
Category:Geography - What is the capital of North Dakota`Bismarck
Category: Geography : What is the capital of North Korea`pyongyang
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Norway`oslo
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Ohio`Columbus
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Oman`muscat
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Pakistan`islamabad
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Panama`panama city
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Papua New Guinea`Port Moresby
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Pennsylvania`Harrisburg
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Peru`lima
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Philippines`manila
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Poland`warsaw
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Portugal`lisbon
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Qatar`doha
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Romania`bucharest
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Russia`moscow
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Rwanda`Kigali
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Saint Kitts and Nevis`basseterre
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Saint Lucia`castries
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Saint Vincent`kingstown
Category: Geography : What is the capital of San Marino`san marino
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Saudi Arabia`Riyadh
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Senegal`Dakar
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Seychelles`victoria
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Sierra Leone`freetown
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Singapore`Singapore
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Slovakia`bratislava
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Slovenia`ljubljana
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Solomon Islands`honiara
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Somalia`mogadishu
Category: Geography : What is the capital of South Korea`seoul
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Spain`madrid
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Sudan`khartoum
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Suriname`paramaribo
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Swaziland`mbabane
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Sweden`stockholm
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Switzerland`bern
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Syria`damascus
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Taiwan`taipei
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Tajikistan`dushanbe
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Tanzania`dar es salaam
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Tennessee`Nashville
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Texas`Austin
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Thailand`Bangkok
Category: Geography : What is the capital of The Bahamas`nassau
Category:Geography - What is the capital of the Dominican Republic`Santo Domingo
Category: Geography : What is the capital of The Netherlands`amsterdam
Category:Geography What is the capital of the United Arab Emirates`Abu Dhabi
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Togo`Lome
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Tonga`nuku'alofa
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Trinidad and Tobago`port-of-spain
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Tunisia`tunis
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Turkey`Ankara
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Turkmenistan`ashkhabad
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Tuvalu`fanafuti
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Uganda`kampala
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Ukraine`kiev
Category: Geography : What is the capital of United Kingdom`london
Category: Geography : What is the capital of United States`washington
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Uruguay`Montevideo
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Uzbekistan`tashkent
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Vanuatu`vila
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Vatican City`vatican city
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Venezuela`caracas
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Vietnam`hanoi
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Virginia`Richmond
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Washington state`olympia
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Western Samoa`apia
Category: Geography : What is the capital of West Virginia`charleston
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Wisconsin`madison
Category:Geography - What is the capital of Wyoming`Cheyenne
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Yugoslavia`belgrade
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Zaire`kinshasa
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Zambia`lusaka
Category:Geography What is the capital of Zimbabwe`Harare
Category: Geography : What is the capital of Zimbabwe`salisbury
Category:Geography - What is the circle of the earth at 0 degrees latitude called`equator
Category:Geography - What is the correct name of Bangkok`Krung Thep
Category: Geography : What is the current name for south-west Africa`namibia
Category:Geography - What is the deepest land gorge in the world`Grand Canyon
Category:Geography - What is the fifth largest country in the world`Brazil
Category:Geography What is the highest mountain in Canada`Mt. Logan
Category:Geography - What is the highest peak in Fiji`Mount Victoria
Category: Geography : What is the largest city in Australia, in terms of population`sydney
Category:Geography - What is the largest city in China`Shanghai
Category:Geography - What is the largest city in Ecuador`Guayaquil
Category:Geography - What is the largest city in Switzerland`Zurich
Category:Geography - What is the largest country in Central America`Nicaragua
Category:Geography - What is the largest exclusively Indonesian island`Sumatra
Category:Geography - What is the largest ocean`Pacific Ocean
Category: Geography : What is the largest of the countries in Central America`nicaragua
Category: Geography : What is the monetary unit of India`rupee
Category:Geography - What is the most mountainous country in Europe`Switzerland
Category: Geography : What is the most sacred river in India`ganges
Category: Geography : What is the official language of Egypt`arabic
Category:Geography - What is the oldest town in Belgium`Tongeren
Category:Geography - What is the only borough of New York City that is not on an island`Bronx
Category: Geography : What is the principal river of Ireland`shannon
Category:Geography - What is the river capital of the world`Akron
Category:Geography - What is the saltiest sea in the world`The Dead Sea
Category:Geography - What is the second largest continent in the world`Africa
Category:Geography - What is the second largest ocean`Atlantic Ocean
Category: Geography : What is the second largest of the United States`texas
Category:Geography - What is the second largest state in the USA`Texas
Category:Geography - What is the smallest Canadian province`Prince Edward Island
Category: Geography : What is the smallest independent state in the world`vatican
Category:Geography What is the smallest independent state in the world`Vatican City
Category:Geography What is the smallest of the Central American countries`El Salvador
Category:Geography - What is the smallest state in the USA`Rhode Island
Category:Geography - What is the Southernmost country in continental Europe`Spain
Category:Geography - What is the windiest place on earth`Mount Washington, New Hampshire
Category: Geography : What is the world's highest city`lhasa
Category:Geography - What is the world's highest waterfall`Angel Falls
Category:Geography - What is the world's largest desert`Sahara Desert
Category:Geography - What is the world's largest lake`Caspian Sea
Category:Geography - What is the world's widest river`Amazon
Category:Geography - What lake is approximately 394,000 sq. km in area`Caspian Sea
Category:Geography What London borough does the Prime Meridian pass through`Greenwich
Category:Geography What mountain range separates Europe from Asia`Ural
Category: Geography : What mountain range separates Europe from Asia`urals
Category:Geography - What ocean is found along the East border of Asia`Pacific Ocean
Category:Geography - What place is known as 'the land nowhere near'`Cape Three Points
Category: Geography : What prison island was off the coast of French Guiana`devil
Category:Geography What prison island was off the coast of French Guiana`Devil's Island
Category: Geography : What river has the largest drainage basin`amazon
Category: Geography : What river is called "Old Man River"`mississippi
Category: Geography : What river is known as China's Sorrow`yellow
Category: Geography : What river is Liverpool on`mersey
Category: Geography : What river is the Temple of Karnak near`nile
Category:Geography - What Scandinavian capital begins and ends with the same letter`Oslo
Category: Geography : What sea is between Italy and Yugoslavia`adriatic
Category:Geography - What seaport's name is spanish for 'white house'`Casablanca
Category:Geography - What small island is in the bay of Naples`Isle of Capri
Category: Geography : What south American country has both a Pacific and Atlantic coastline`colombia
Category: Geography : What state borders Alabama to the north`tennessee
Category: Geography : What state is the Golden State`california
Category:Geography What state was the home to Mayberry`North Carolina
Category: Geography : What's the former name of Istanbul`constantinople
Category: Geography : What's the highest mountain in the 48 contiguous U.S. states`whitney
Category: Geography : What symbol is on the flag of Vietnam`star
Category:Geography What unit of currency will buy you dinner in Iraq, Jordan, Tunisia, and Yugoslavia`Dinar
Category: Geography : What U.S. city is known as Insurance City`hartford
Category:Geography What U.S. city is named after Saint Francis of Assisi`San Francisco
Category: Geography : What US state is completely surrounded by the Pacific Ocean`hawaii
Category: Geography : What U.S. state is known as The Land of 10,000 Lakes`minnesota
Category: Geography : What volcano showers ash on Sicily`etna
Category:Geography - Where are the Nazca lines`Peru
Category: Geography : Where are the pyramids located`egypt
Category:Geography - Where are the two steepest streets in the USA`San Francisco
Category:Geography - Where are the 'wallops'`Hampshire
Category:Geography - Where is Angel Falls`Venezuela
Category:Geography - Where is area 51 generally said to be`Groom Lake
Category: Geography : Where is Beacon Street`boston
Category:Geography - Where is Calcutta`India
Category:Geography - Where is Cape Hatteras`North Carolina
Category:Geography - Where is Eurodisney`Paris, France
Category: Geography : Where is Euston Station`london
Category:Geography Where is George Washington buried`Mt. Vernon, Virginia
Category:Geography - Where is Gorky Park`Moscow
Category:Geography - Where is Lake Maracaibo`Venezuela
Category:Geography - Where is Mount Washington`New Hampshire
Category: Geography : Where is Queen Maud Land located`antarctica
Category:Geography - Where is Tabasco`Mexico
Category: Geography : Where is the Admirality Arch`london
Category:Geography - Where is the Blue Grotto - la Grotta Azzurra `Capri, Italy
Category:Geography - Where is the bridge of San Luis Rey`Peru
Category: Geography : Where is the city of Brotherly Love`philadelphia
Category: Geography : Where is the Holy Kaaba`mecca
Category:Geography - Where is the land of 10,000 lakes`Minnesota
Category:Geography - Where is the Machu Picchu`Peru
Category: Geography : Where is the Parthenon located`athens
Category:Geography - Where is the statue 'Le Petit Pissoir'`Brussels
Category:Geography - Where is the Taj Mahal`India
Category:Geography - Where is the wailing wall`Jerusalem
Category:Geography - Where is the world's biggest prison camp`Siberia
Category:Geography - Where is the world's largest desert`North Africa
Category:Geography - Where is Tongeren`Belgium
Category: Geography : Where is Westminster Abbey located`london
Category: Geography : Where were the Pillars of Hercules located`gibraltar
Category:Geography - Which bridge spans the Hudson River`George Washington Bridge
Category:Geography - Which Californian desert drops below sea level`Death Valley
Category: Geography : Which Canadian province extends farthest north`quebec
Category: Geography : Which capital is known as the Glass Capital of the World`toledo
Category: Geography : Which Central American country extends furthest north`belize
Category: Geography : Which city has the largest rodeo in the world`calgary
Category: Geography : Which city is known as Motown`detroit
Category: Geography : Which city is known as the Windy City`chicago
Category: Geography : Which city is on the east side of San Francisco Bay`oakland
Category: Geography : Which country administers Christmas Island`australia
Category:Geography - Which country administers Martinique`France
Category: Geography : Which country are the Galapagos Islands part of`ecuador
Category: Geography : Which country borders Italy, Switzerland, West Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, and Liechtenstein`austria
Category: Geography : Which country developed "Tae-Kwan-Do"`korea
Category: Geography : Which country has Ankara as its capital`turkey
Category: Geography : Which country has Budapest as its capital`hungary
Category: Geography : Which country has the longest land border`china
Category:Geography - Which country has the most emigrants`Mexico
Category: Geography : Which country hosted the 1982 World Cup of soccer`spain
Category:Geography - Which country is known as the roof of the world`Tibet
Category:Geography - Which country occupies the 'horn' of Africa`Somalia
Category:Geography - Which country owns Corfu`Greece
Category: Geography : Which country uses the "yen" for currency`japan
Category: Geography : Which country would come first in an alphabetical list of countries`afghanistan
Category: Geography : Which element makes up 2.5% of the Earth's crust`potassium
Category: Geography : Which element makes up 2.6% of the Earth's crust`magnesium
Category: Geography : Which element makes up 27.72% of the Earth's crust`silicon
Category: Geography : Which element makes up 2.83% of the Earth's crust`sodium
Category: Geography : Which element makes up 3.63% of the Earth's crust`calcium
Category: Geography : Which element makes up 46.6% of the Earth's crust`oxygen
Category: Geography : Which element makes up 5% of the Earth's crust`iron
Category: Geography : Which element makes up 8.13% of the Earth's crust`aluminium
Category:Geography - Which English county has the smallest perimeter`Isle of Wight
Category: Geography : Which European country has the highest population density`monaco
Category: Geography : Which European country has the lowest population density`iceland
Category:Geography - Which imaginery line approximately follows the 180 degree meridian through the Pacific Ocean`International Date Line
Category: Geography : Which Irish city is famous for its crystal`waterford
Category:Geography - Which island country lies immediately to the East of Runion`Mauritius
Category:Geography - Which island country lies immediately to the West of Mauritius`Reunion
Category:Geography - Which island country lies to the East of Mauritius`Australia
Category:Geography - Which island country lies to the West of Australia`Mauritius
Category:Geography Which islands were named after Prince Philip of Spain`The Philippines
Category: Geography : Which is the Earth's fifth largest continent`antarctica
Category: Geography : Which is the Earth's fourth largest continent`south america
Category: Geography : Which is the Earth's largest continent`asia
Category: Geography : Which is the Earth's second largest continent`africa
Category: Geography : Which is the Earth's second smallest continent`europe
Category: Geography : Which is the Earth's smallest continent`oceania
Category: Geography : Which is the Earth's third largest continent`north america
Category:Geography - Which is the largest lake in South America`Lake Maracaibo
Category:Geography - Which is the most populated state/territory in Australia`New South Wales
Category:Geography - Which is the most remote island in the southern atlantic ocean`Bouvet Island
Category:Geography - Which is the only musical bird that can fly backwards`hummingbird
Category:Geography - Which is the only sea below sea level`Dead Sea
Category:Geography - Which is the smallest independent country`Vatican City
Category:Geography - Which large city is on the Southeastern coast of Australia`Sydney
Category: Geography : Which mainland Latin American country is in neither South America nor Central America`mexico
Category:Geography - Which ocean has an area of approximately 166 sq. km`Pacific Ocean
Category: Geography : Which of the 48 contiguous states extends farthest north`minnesota
Category: Geography : Which of the U.S. states borders only one other state`maine
Category:Geography - Which Portuguese colony reverted to China in December 1999`Macau
Category: Geography : Which river contains the most fresh water`amazon
Category:Geography - Which South American country has both a Pacific and Atlantic coastline`Colombia
Category: Geography : Which state has Cape Hatteras`north carolina
Category: Geography : Which state has the most hospitals`california
Category: Geography : Which state is divided into two parts by a large lake`michigan
Category: Geography : Which state is the Evergreen State`washington
Category:Geography Which state is the Garden State`New Jersey
Category: Geography : Which state is the Wolverine State`michigan
Category:Geography - Which tropic passes through Australia`Tropic of Capricorn
Category: Geography : Which U.S. city is known as Beantown`boston
Category: Geography : Which U.S. city is known as the Biggest Little City in the World`reno
Category: Geography : Which U.S. state borders a Canadian territory`alaska
Category:Geography - Which US state gets the most rainfall`Hawaii
Category: Geography : Which U.S. state has the least rainfall`nevada
Category: Geography : Which U.S. state receives the most rainfall`hawaii
Category:Geography - Who owns the island of Bermuda`Britain
Category: Geography : With what country is Fidel Castro associated`cuba
Category: Geography : With which country is Prince Rainier III identified`monaco
Category:Geography - Yaounde is the capital of `Cameroon
Category:Geogrophy - Approximately what percentage of the earth do the oceans cover`seventy one
Category:Geogrpahy Name the capital city of Utah.`Salt Lake City
Category: Geology : Earth's outer layer of surface soil or crust is called the _______.`lithosphere
Category:Geology Earth's outer layer of surface soil or crust is called the .`Lithosphere
Category: Geology : Peat, lignite and bituminous are types of _________.`coal
Category:Geology Peat, lignite and bituminous are types of .`coal
Category: Geology : Slate is formed by the metamorphosis of _________.`shale
Category:Geology Slate is formed by the metamorphosis of .`shale
Category: Geology : The green variety of beryl is called ________.`emerald
Category:Geology The green variety of beryl is called .`emerald
Category: Geology : The molten material from a volcano is ________`lava
Category:Geology The molten material from a volcano is `lava
Category: Geology : There are three types of rocks: metamorphic, sedimentary, and _________.`igneous
Category:Geology There are three types of rocks: metamorphic, sedimentary, and .`igneous
Category: Geology : These limestone deposits rise from the floor of caves.`stalagmites
Category: Geology : The spot on the Earth's surface directly above an earthquake's focus is called the ______.`epicenter
Category:Geology The spot on the Earth's surface directly above an earthquake's focus is called the .`epicenter
Category: Geology : The violet variety of quartz is called ________.`amethyst
Category:Geology The violet variety of quartz is called .`amethyst
Category: Geology : This is the hardest naturally occurring substance.`diamond
Category:Geology - What is the highest active volcano in the world`Cotopaxi
Category:Geology - What is the most reliable geyser in the world`Old Faithful
Category: Geology : What name is used to describe permanently-frozen subsoil`permafrost
Category:Geology - What type of rock is marble`metamorphic
Category:Geometry - What is the sum of all the angles in a square (in degrees)`three hundred and sixty
Category: Gettysburg: From what direction did the Confederate Army attack Gettysburg `north
Category: Gettysburg: The Confederacy invaded the North to draw Union troops away from here.`vicksburg
Category: Gettysburg: The Gettysburg National Cemetery stopped burials this year.`1972
Category: Gettysburg: This Confederate general led Rebel troops into the Union line at The Angle.`lewis armistead
Category: Gettysburg: This general commanded the Union troops at Gettysburg.`george meade
Category: Gilligans Island: What is the Professor's only concern about his most brilliant idea`if it will work
Category:Glass Making - What is the glass capital of the world`Toledo
Category: Grabbag: Dinosaurs lived during this era, the age of reptiles`mesozoic era
Category: Grabbag: If triangle ABC is equal to triangle XYZ, they are said to be....`congruent
Category: Grabbag: New England state mentioned in a Mark Twain title, he also lived there`connecticut
Category: Grabbag:  Pronounced one way, it means majestic, another way, it means a month`august
Category: Grabbag: The study of 3-dimensional objects, it sounds like a substantial math course`solid geometry
Category: Grabbag: This 1st Lady was valedictorian of her Plains, GA high school class`rosalynn carter
Category: Grabbag: This word can refer to either an Irish accent or an Irish shoe`brogue
Category: Grab Bag: Weekly Radio show taped in West Virginia`mountain stage
Category: Hahaha : This normally has 4 legs and your butt is parked in it right now.`chair
Category:Handy Hints - By raising your legs slowly and laying on your back, in what can you not sink`quicksand
Category: Happy Days takes place in this city.`milwaukee
Category: Hirtory : Name the first black nation to gain freedom from European colonial rule.`haiti
Category:Hisory - Who invented the predecessor to today's computers`Charles Babbage
Category:History - After who was America named`Amerigo Vespucci
Category:History - After who was Mickey Mouse named`Mickey Rooney
Category:History - Approximately how many children did pharaoh Ramses II father`one hundred and sixty
Category:History - As what was Istanbul previously known`Constantinople
Category:History - As what was Taiwan formerly known`Formosa
Category:History - As what was winchester known by the Romans`Venta Bulgarum
Category:History - Between which countries was the shortest war in history`Zanzibar and England
Category:History - Bill and Hilary Clinton switched on the Christmas tree lights in Belfast, Northern Ireland, in 1990, 1995 or 1996`1995
Category: History : Britain and Argentina fought over these islands in 1982.`falkland
Category:History Britain and Argentina fought over these islands in 1982.`Falklands Islands
Category:History - By who was Gerald Ford almost assassinated`Squeaky Fromme
Category: History : Canadian Prime Minister: Pierre Elliott __________.`trudeau
Category:History Canadian Prime Minister: Pierre Elliott .`Trudeau
Category: History : Churchill, F.D. Roosvelt and Stalin met here in 1945.`yalta
Category:History - Did Rotheim invent the aerosol in 1919, 1926 or 1931`1926
Category:History - East Berlin was the capital of `East Germany
Category: History : Eras are divided into units called ________.`periods
Category:History Eras are divided into units called .`periods
Category: History : For what country did Columbus make his historic voyage`spain
Category: History : Four Japanese carriers were destroyed in this battle.`midway
Category: History : Frankish ruler Charles the Great is better known as _________.`charlemagne
Category:History Frankish ruler Charles the Great is better known as .`Charlemagne
Category: History : From what country did the U.S. buy the Virgin Islands`denmark
Category:History - From what did Alexander the Great suffer`epilepsy
Category: History : General Sherman burned this city in 1864.`atlanta
Category:History - George Washington Carver advocated planting peanuts and sweet potatoes to replace what`cotton and tobacco
Category:History - George Washington Carver advocated planting what to replace cotton and tobacco`peanuts and sweet potatoes
Category: History : Germany's allies in WW II were Japan, Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria, Finland, Libya, and _________.`romania
Category:History Germany's allies in WW II were Japan, Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria, Finland, Libya, and .`Romania
Category: History : Germany's WW I allies were Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and ________.`turkey
Category:History Germany's WW I allies were Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and .`Turkey
Category:History - Germany was split into two zones by which agreement`Yalta agreement
Category: History : He advocated the planting peanuts and sweet potatoes to replace cotton and tobacco.`carver
Category:History He allowed the bugging of the Democratic Committee headquarters.`Richard Nixon
Category: History : He discovered the Grand Canyon.`coronado
Category:History He discovered the Grand Canyon.`Francisco Coronado
Category: History : He is identified with the expression, "Eureka".`archimedes
Category: History : He is said to have fiddled while Rome burned.`nero
Category: History : He killed Jesse James.`ford
Category:History He led 900 followers in a mass suicide in 1979.`Jim Jones
Category: History : He ordered the persecution of Christians in which Peter and Paul died.`nero
Category:History He received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 for his civil rights leadership.`Martin Luther King Jr.
Category: History : He ruled Rome when Christ was born.`caesar augustus
Category:History He said, "I have nothing to offer but blood, tears, toil and sweat."`Sir Winston Churchill
Category:History He shot Lee Harvey Oswald.`Jack Ruby
Category: History : He shot Lee Harvy Oswald.`ruby
Category: History : He taught Alexander the Great.`aristotle
Category:History He was assassinated on Dec. 8, 1980 in New York City.`John Lennon
Category:History He was assassinated on Nov. 22, 1963.`John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Category:History He was defeated at the Battle of Little Bighorn.`General Custer
Category: History : He was stabbed by Cassius.`julius caesar
Category:History He was stabbed by Gaius Cassius Longinus.`Julius Caesar
Category:History He was the American inventor of the Cotton Gin.`Eli Whitney
Category: History : He was the American inventor of the Cotton Gin.`whitney
Category: History : He was the captain of the "Mayflower".`standish
Category:History He was the U.S. president during the Civil War.`Abraham Lincoln
Category:History His ship was the H.M.S. Beagle.`Charles Darwin
Category: History : His wife was Roxana. His horse was Bacephalus. He was ________.`alexander the great
Category:History His wife was Roxana. His horse was Bacephalus. He was .`Alexander the Great
Category:History How do you write 69 in Roman numerals`LXIX
Category: History : How many astronauts manned each Apollo flight`3
Category:History How many astronauts manned each Apollo flight`three
Category:History - How many British officers were forced by Indian troops into the Black Hole of Calcutta`146
Category:History - How many people were killed in the battle of Lexington`eight
Category:History - How many years was Nelson Mandela in prison`twenty seven
Category: History : How old was John F. Kennedy when he became president`43
Category:History How old was John F. Kennedy when he became president`forty three
Category:History In 1902 this volcano erupted, killing 30,000.`Pelee
Category:History - In 1962, for what did Britain and France sign an agreement to build together`Concorde
Category:History - In 1975, what re-opened after an 8 year closure`Suez Canal
Category:History - In the 15th century, what was the war between the houses of Lancaster and York`War of the Roses
Category: History : In what country did "Sepoy Mutiny" occur`india
Category: History : In what year did England's lease on Hong Kong expire`1997
Category: History : In what year did man first set foot on the moon`1969
Category:History - In what year did the Berlin Wall come down`1989
Category: History : In what year of WW II did Russia declare war on Japan`1945
Category:History - In which battle was George A. Custer defeated`Battle of Little Bighorn
Category: History : In which city was President Kennedy killed`dallas
Category: History : In which city were the Hanging Gardens`babylon
Category: History : In which country did the Boxer Rebellion take place`china
Category: History : In which country was Adolf Hitler born`austria
Category:History - In which country was paper money first used`China
Category: History : In which country was the Rosetta Stone found`egypt
Category:History - In which year did Disneyland open`1955
Category:History - In which year did Richard Burton die`1984
Category:History - In which year did Skylab crashland in Western Australia`1979
Category:History - In which year did the first man walk on the moon`1969
Category:History - In which year was Nelson Mandela released from prison`1990
Category:History - In which year was Nelson Mandela released from Robben Island`1990
Category:History - In which year was the shortest war in history`1896
Category:History - In which year was the smoke detector invented`1969
Category: History : Israel occupied the Golan Heights.  Whose territory was it`syria
Category: History : Israel occupied the West Bank.  It belonged to _______.`jordan
Category:History Israel occupied the West Bank.  It belonged to .`Jordan
Category:History John F. Kennedy Airport in New York used to be called .`Idlewind
Category: History : John F. Kennedy Airport used to be called __________.`idlewild
Category:History - Kate Barton became the first bus conductress in 1909, 1920 or 1933`1909
Category:History - King Richard the `Lionheart
Category:History - Louis XVI was guillotined in 1732, 1793 or 1842`1793
Category:History - Marconi transmitted radio signals across the atlantic in 1901, 1902 or 1903`1901
Category: History : Mussolini invaded this country in 1935.`ethiopia
Category: History : Name Jacques Cousteau's research ship.`calypso
Category:History Name the incident in which tea was dumped into the harbour.`Boston Tea Party
Category:History - Near what falls did Jimmy Angel crash his plane in 1937`Angel Falls
Category:History - Of which Cambodian party was Pol Pot the leader`Khmer Rouge
Category:History - Of which ship was Miles Standish captain`The Mayflower
Category: History : One who fought professionally in Roman arenas was a(n) ____________.`gladiator
Category:History One who fought professionally in Roman arenas was a(n) .`Gladiator
Category:History - On what date did America become an independant nation`July 4th, 1776
Category:History - On what day of the week did Solomon Grundy die`Saturday
Category:History - On what was Pennsylvania incorrectly spelled`Liberty Bell
Category:History - 'Operation Desert Storm' took place in 1989, 1991 or 1995`1991
Category:History She overcame her handicaps to become a lecturer and a scholar.`Helen Keller
Category: History : She overcame her handicaps to become a lecturer and a scholar.`keller
Category:History She was called "The Maid of Orleans".`Joan of Arc
Category: History : She was Queen of Egypt and mistress of Julius Caesar.`cleopatra
Category:History She was the first First Lady to be received privately by the Pope.`Jackie Kennedy
Category:History She was the first woman premier of Israel.`Golda Meir
Category: History : She was the first woman premier of Israel.`meir
Category:History She was the first woman to fly the Atlantic solo.`Amelia Earhart
Category: History : She was the first woman to fly the Atlantic solo.`e.  earhart
Category: History : She was the first woman to swim the English channel.`ederle
Category:History She was the first woman to swim the English channel.`Gertrude Caroline Ederle
Category:History She was the greatest trick shot artist of all time.`Annie Oakley
Category:History She won the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize for her work among the poor.`Mother Teresa
Category: History : Spain ceded Florida to Britain in exchange for this territory.`cuba
Category: History : The "Bay of Pigs" fiasco took place in this country.`cuba
Category:History - The date of which Christian festival was fixed in 325AD by the Council of Nicaea`Easter
Category: History : The Devonian Period is also known as the Age of __________.`fish
Category:History The Devonian Period is also known as the Age of .`fish
Category:History - The Empire State Building was completed in 1930, 1931 or 1932`1931
Category:History - The first charity flag day was held in 1914, 1917 or 1919`1914
Category: History : The first dog in space was named _________.`laika
Category:History The first dog in space was named .`Laika
Category:History - The first metered taxi become operational in 1899, 1903 or 1907`1907
Category: History : The Inquisition forced him to recant his belief in the Copernican Theory.`galileo
Category:History The last line of this document is "Working men of all countries, unite."`Communist Manifesto
Category: History : The Romans built these to convey water.`aqueduct
Category:History The Romans built these to convey water.`aqueducts
Category: History : The St. Valentine's Day massacre took place in this city.`chicago
Category:History - The  Tea Party`Boston
Category:History - The wristwatch invented in 1896, 1898 or 1904`1904
Category: History : This assassin of Julius Caesar was his friend.`brutus
Category:History This F.B.I agent headed the investigation of Al Capone.`Elliot Ness
Category:History This French peasant girl led the army to victories.`Joan of Arc
Category: History : This frontiersman and politician was killed at the Alamo.`davey crockett
Category:History This frontiersman and politician was killed at the Alamo.`Davy Crockett
Category: History : This Indian group ruled in early Peru.`inca
Category: History : This is said to be history's greatest military evacuation.`dunkirk
Category:History This military attack took place on Dec. 7, 1941.`Pearl Harbour
Category: History : This Nazi leader had his six children poisoned prior to his own death.`goebbels
Category:History This Nazi leader had his six children poisoned prior to his own death.`Joseph Goebbels
Category:History This organization was founded by William Booth.`Salvation Army
Category:History This Queen of France was beheaded in 1793.`Marie Antoinette
Category:History This racist organization was formed in Tennessee in 1865.`Ku Klux Klan
Category: History : This Roman killed himself after his defeat at Actium.`marc anthony
Category:History This Roman killed himself after his defeat at Actium.`Marc Antony
Category:History This Sioux Indian toured with Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show.`Sitting Bull
Category: History : This Spaniard conquered Mexico.`cortes
Category:History This Spaniard conquered Mexico.`Hernando Cortez
Category: History : This U.S. president was fatally shot in 1881.`garfield
Category:History This U.S. president was fatally shot in 1881.`James Garfield
Category:History This U.S. Secretary of State won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973.`Henry Kissinger
Category: History : This U.S. Secretary of State won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973`kissinger
Category: History : This war began on June 25, 1950.`korean
Category:History This was the largest real estate deal in U.S. history.`Louisiana Purchase
Category: History : This word describes the Nazi annihilation of Jews.`holocaust
Category: "History" : Those big black CD's that you see at garage sales that people call "albums" are made of _____.`vinyl
Category:History Those big black CD's that you see at garage sales that people call "albums" are made of .`vinyl
Category:History - Through the streets of what town did Lady Godiva ride naked`Coventry
Category:History Two 747's collided here in 1977.`Canary Islands
Category: History : U.S. President: Calvin _________.`coolidge
Category:History U.S. President: Calvin .`Coolidge
Category: History : U.S. President, Chester Alan ________.`arthur
Category:History U.S. President, Chester Alan .`Arthur
Category: History : U.S. President, Herbert C. _________.`hoover
Category:History U.S. President, Herbert C. .`Hoover
Category: History : U.S. President, John Quincy ________.`adams
Category:History U.S. President, John Quincy .`Adams
Category:History - What 19th century war between Russia and England, Turkey, Britain and France, was named after a peninsula in the Black Sea`Crimean War
Category:History What age preceded the Iron Age`The Bronze Age
Category: History : What American feminist went bust as a silver dollar`anthony
Category:History What American feminist went bust as a silver dollar`Susan B. Anthony
Category: History : What Chinese dynasty was overthrown in 1911`manchu
Category:History - What colour was Diana Spencer's engagement photograph suit`blue
Category:History - What country was formerly known as Siam`Thailand
Category:History - What country was ruled by Pol Pot, leader of the Khmer Rouge party`Cambodia (Kampuchea)
Category:History - What did David Stirling found`SAS
Category:History - What did 'DMZ' stand for in the vietnam war`Demilitarized Zone
Category:History - What did Ed Peterson invent`Egg Mcmuffin
Category:History - What did Eli Whitney invent`cotton gin
Category:History - What did Erik Rotheim invent in 1926`aerosol
Category:History - What did Henry Shrapnel invent`The exploding shell
Category:History - What did Louis Cartier invent`wristwatch
Category:History - What did Marie Curie die of on 4th July, 1934`radiation poisoning
Category:History - What did Pennsylvania legalise before any other colony`witchcraft
Category:History What did President J. Buchanan not have`A wife
Category:History What did presidents Madison, Monroe, Polk, and Garfield have in common`The first name "James"
Category:History - What did Victorian women bathe in to try to enlarge their breasts`strawberries
Category:History - What English city was known to the Romans as Venta Bulgarum`Winchester
Category:History - What famous artist could write with both his left and right hand at the same time`Leonardo da Vinci
Category:History - What food was almost non-existent in Ireland in the 1840's`potatoes
Category:History What group landed in America in 1620`The Pilgrims
Category:History - What is the 15' by 18' cell that 146 captured british officers were forced into by indian troops in the 19th century called`Black Hole of Calcutta
Category: History : What is the name of the Russian Czar's daughter who might-or might not-have survived the Russian revolution`anastasia
Category: History : What is the Roman numeral for fifty`l
Category:History - What kind of teeth did George Washington have`wooden
Category:History - What missionary station was built by Albert Schweitzer`Lambarene
Category:History - What period is also known as the age of fish`Devonian period
Category:History - What pre-tv radio show turned film caused people to commit suicide when it was first aired`War Of The Worlds
Category:History - What Shakespearean king was actually king of Scotland for 17 years`Macbeth
Category:History What's the resting place of those buried at sea`Davey Jones's Locker
Category:History - What United States president was in office during the civil war`Abraham Lincoln
Category: History : What volcano destroyed Pompeii`vesuvius
Category:History - What war lasted from June 5 to June 11, 1967`Six day war
Category:History - What was Alaska called before 1867`Russian America
Category:History - What was Alexander The Great's wife's name`Roxana
Category:History - What was George A Custer's horses' name`Comanche
Category:History - What was King Arthur's mother's name`Igraine
Category:History - What was named after Amerigo Vespucci`America
Category:History - What was Russian America called after 1867`Alaska
Category:History - What was Thailand formerly known as`Siam
Category:History - What was the capital of East Germany`East Berlin
Category:History - What was the D-Day invasion password`Mickey Mouse
Category:History - What was the first American colony to legalise witchcraft`Pennsylvania
Category:History - What was the first fighting vehicle`war chariot
Category:History - What was the first product to have a barcode`Wrigley's gum
Category:History - What was the first ship to reach the Titanic after it sank`Carpathia
Category: History : What was the instrument of execution during the "Reign of Terror"`guillotine
Category:History - What was the last chinese dynasty`Manchu
Category:History - What was the leading cause of death in the late 19th century`tuberculosis
Category: History : What was the name of Plato's school`academy
Category:History What was the name of the B-29 used at Hiroshima to drop the bomb`Enola Gay
Category:History - What was the name of the first ironclad warship ever launched`HMS Warrior
Category:History - What was the name of the scandal that resulted in the resignation of president Nixon`Watergate
Category: History : What was the nationality of the prisoners in the "Black hole of Calcutta"`british
Category: History : What was the third country to get the "bomb"`britain
Category:History - What wonder stood 32m high in rhodes harbour`Colossus of Rhodes
Category:History - When was D-day`June 6th, 1944
Category:History - When was Julius Caesar murdered`Ides of March
Category:History - When was the Greek alphabet first used`800 BC
Category:History - Where did Bill and Hilary Clinton switch on Christmas lights in 1995`Belfast, Northern Ireland
Category:History - Where did Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin meet in 1945`Yalta
Category:History - Where did Guinevere retire to die`Amesbury
Category:History - Where did the Bay Of Pigs take place`Cuba
Category:History - Where did the bayonet originate (a nation of backstabbing bastards)`Bayonne, France
Category:History - Where did the Birkenhead sink`Danger Point
Category:History - Where did 'The Mayflower' take the pilgrims`New World
Category:History - Where was Napoleon defeated`Waterloo
Category:History - Where was Nelson mandela in prison`Robben Island
Category:History - Where were numerous French nuclear tests conducted`Muraroa Atoll
Category:History - Where were the first books printed`China
Category:History - Where were the Hanging Gardens`Babylon
Category:History - Which Apollo space mission put the first men on the moon `Apollo 11
Category:History - Which Baltic seaport was the German rocket centre during WWII`Peenemunde
Category:History - Which british comedian was the first man to appear on the cover of 'playboy'`Peter Sellers
Category:History - Which country blew up a Greenpeace ship in New Zealand`France
Category:History - Which country was split into two zones by the Yalta agreement`Germany
Category:History - Which emperor made his horse a senator`Caligula
Category:History - Which famous actor is honored in a statue in Leicester Square`Charlie Chaplin
Category:History - Which famous explorer visited Australia and New Zealand, then surveyed the Pacific coast of North America`Captain George Vancouver
Category:History - Which frontiersman died at the Alamo`Davy Crockett
Category:History - Which houses fought the War of the Roses`Lancaster and York
Category:History - Which is the most ancient walled city`Jericho
Category: History : Which military battle took place in 1815`waterloo
Category:History - Which nation did Moshoeshoe found`Basotho
Category:History - Which nation was led by Genghis Khan`Mongolia
Category:History Which nation was led by Genghis Khan`The Mongols
Category:History - Which nursery rhyme was the first gramophone recording`Mary Had A Little Lamb
Category:History - Which period was first, jurassic or carboniferous`carboniferous
Category: History : Which president was responsible for the Louisiana Purchase`jefferson
Category:History - Which president was responsible for the 'Louisiana Purchase'`Thomas Jefferson
Category:History - Which racist organisation was formed in Tennessee in 1865`Ku Klux Klan
Category:History - Which ship did Charles Darwin captain`HMS Beagle
Category:History - Which Spanish explorer first travelled to Jamaica`Christopher Columbus
Category:History - Which US president said 'the buck stops here'`Harry Truman
Category: History : Which U.S. president said, "The buck stops here"`truman
Category:History - Which was the first Chinese dynasty`Shang
Category:History - Which was the first magazine to publish a hologram on its cover`National Geographic
Category:History - Who advocated planting peanuts and sweet potatoes to replace cotton and tobacco`George Washington Carver
Category:History - Who appeared on the back of a US banknote in 1875`Pocahontas
Category:History - Who assassinated John Lennon`Mark David Chapman
Category:History - Who assassinated president Kennedy`Lee Harvey Oswald
Category:History - Who became president of South Africa in 1989`F.W. de Klerk
Category:History - Who built Camelot`King Arthur
Category:History - Who built the Lambarene missionary station`Albert Schweitzer
Category:History - Who built the Taj Mahal`Shah Jahan
Category:History - Who burned Atlanta in 1864`General Sherman
Category:History - Who captained the HMS Beagle`Charles Darwin
Category:History - Who committed the first daytime robbery`Frank and Jesse James
Category:History - Who developed the first nuclear submarine`Soviet Union
Category:History - Who did Squeaky Fromme try to assassinate`Gerald Ford
Category:History - Who died three days after Elvis Presley`Groucho Marx
Category:History - Who died three days before Groucho Marx`Elvis Presley
Category:History - Who discovered the Grand Canyon`Francisco Coronado
Category:History - Who drafted most of the American Declaration of Independence`Thomas Jefferson
Category:History - Who fiddled while Rome burned`Nero
Category:History - Who fixed the date of the Christian festival 'Easter'`Council of Nicaea
Category:History - Who forced 146 captured British officers into the Black Hole of Calcutta`Indian troops
Category:History - Who introduced bagpipes to the British Isles`Romans
Category:History - Who invented crop insurance`Benjamin Franklin
Category:History - Who invented the aerosol`Erik Rotheim
Category:History - Who invented the ballpoint pen`Georgo and Laszlo Biro
Category:History - Who invented the cotton gin`Eli Whitney
Category:History - Who invented the exploding shell`Henry Shrapnel
Category:History - Who invented the gatling gun`Richard Gatling
Category:History - Who invented the wristwatch`Louis Cartier
Category:History - Who is considered the father of medicine`Hippocrates
Category:History - Who is identified with the word 'eureka'`Archimedes
Category:History - Who is known as the high priest of revenge`Philip Seldon
Category:History - Who is known for his 'theory of evolution'`Charles Darwin
Category:History - Who is recognised as the father of geometry`Euclid
Category:History Who is "The Iron Lady"`Margaret Thatcher
Category:History - Who killed Jesse James`Robert Ford
Category:History - Who led 900 followers in a mass suicide in 1979`Jim Jones
Category:History Who led the attack on the Alamo`Santa Ana
Category: History : Who led the attack on the Alamo`santa anna
Category: History - Who led the children of Israel out of Egypt`Moses
Category:History - Who led the mongols`Genghis Khan
Category:History - Who married actress Nancy Davis`Ronald Reagan
Category:History - Who met in Yalta in 1945 (in alphabetical order)`Churchill Roosevelt Stalin
Category:History - Who ordered the persecution of the Christians in which Peter and Paul died`Nero
Category:History - Who presided over the trial of Jesus`Pontius Pilate
Category:History - Who received the nobel peace prize in 1964 for civil rights leadership`Martin Luther King Jr
Category:History Who rode naked through the streets of Coventry`Lady Godiva
Category:History - Who ruled rome when Christ was born`Augustus Caesar
Category:History - Who said 'eureka'`Archimedes
Category: History : Who said: "Let them eat cake."`marie antoinette
Category:History - Who said 'public service is my motto'`Al Capone
Category: History : Who said "Veni, vidi, vici" (I came, I saw, I conquered)`caesar
Category:History Who said "Veni, vidi, vici" (I came, I saw, I conquered)`Julius Caesar
Category:History - Who sailed to the new world in 'The mayflower'`pilgrims
Category:History Who sang Happy Birthday to John F. Kennedy for his 45th`Marilyn Monroe
Category:History - Who shot Abraham Lincoln`John Wilkes Booth
Category:History - Who signed the 'thanksgiving proclamation'`Abraham Lincoln
Category:History - Who started the second Punic war`Carthage
Category:History Who succeeded Churchill when he resigned in 1955`Sir Anthony Eden
Category:History - Who succeeded Winston Churchill as Prime Minister of England`Anthony Eden
Category:History - Who tried to create the 'Great Society'`Lyndon B Johnson
Category:History - Who was assassinated on December 8, 1980 in New York City`John Lennon
Category:History - Who was assassinated on November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas`President John F. Kennedy
Category:History - Who was captain of 'The Mayflower'`Miles Standish
Category:History - Who was defeated at the Battle of Little Bighorn`George A. Custer
Category:History Who was, "First in war, first in peace and first in the hearts of his countrymen"`George Washington
Category:History - Who was forced by Indian troops into the Black Hole of Calcutta`British officers
Category: History : Who was George Washington's vice-president`adams
Category:History - Who was George Washington's vice-president`John Adams
Category:History - Who was given the only Nobel Peace Prize award during WWI`International Red Cross
Category:History - Who was Joseph Merrick`The Elephant Man
Category:History - Who was kidnapped on the night of March 1, 1932`Charles Lindbergh Jr
Category:History - Who was King Arthur's foster-father`Ector
Category:History - Who was known as 'the peanut president'`Jimmy Carter
Category:History - Who was 'The Elephant Man'`Joseph Merrick
Category:History - Who was the first (and last) catholic president`John Fitzerald Kennedy
Category: History : Who was the first chancellor of West Germany after WW II`adenauer
Category:History Who was the first chancellor of West Germany after WW II`Konrad Adenauer
Category:History - Who was the first person to break the sound barrier`Chuck Yeager
Category:History - Who was the first person to swim the English Channel`Captain Matthew Webb
Category:History - Who was the first woman in space`Valentina Tereshkova
Category:History - Who was the leader of the Khmer Rouge`Pol Pot
Category:History - Who was the lead singer for Creedence Clearwater Revival, and recently released 'Blue Moon Swamp'`John Fogerty
Category: History : Who was "The Mad Monk"`rasputin
Category:History - Who was the only survivor of Custer's last stand`his horse
Category:History Who was the second man to set foot on the moon`Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin
Category: History : Who was the second to set foot on the moon`buz aldrin
Category:History - Who was Ulysses' son, who grew to manhood in his absence`Telemachus
Category:History - Who were the first people to be elected into the Aviation Hall Of Fame`The Wright Brothers
Category:History - Who wrote 'The Starry Messenger'`Galileo
Category:History - Winston Churchill resigned from office in 1954, 1955 or 1956`1955
Category: Histroy : What did President J. Buchanan not have`a  wife
Category: Histroy : What did presidents Madison, Monroe, Polk, and Garfield have in common`the first name " james "
Category: Hitchhiker Guide: About the most massively useful thing a hitchhiker can have.`towel
Category: Hitchhiker Guide: Author of the _Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy_ series.`douglas adams
Category: Hitchhiker Guide: British sci-fi TV show that the author of _Hitchhiker's Guide_ wrote for.`dr who
Category: Hitchhiker Guide: Every time he was reincarnated, he ended up being killed by Arthur Dent.`agrajag
Category: Hitchhiker Guide: Ford Prefect's home was a small planet somewhere in the vicinity of _______.`betelgeuse
Category: Hitchhiker Guide: He especially liked designing the crinkly bits in fjords.`slartibartfast
Category: Hitchhiker Guide: If you stick it in your ear,it acts as a translator by feeding on brain energy.`babel fish
Category: Hitchhiker Guide: Name of the Paranoid Android.`marvin
Category: Hitchhiker Guide: Name of the Restaurant at the End of the Universe.`milliways
Category: Hitchhiker Guide: The company motto of the hugely successful Sirius Cybernetics Corporation.`share and enjoy
Category: Hitchhiker Guide: The latest revision of the Hitchhiker's Guide has this to say about the Earth:`mostly harmless
Category: Hitchhiker Guide: The most savage psychic torture a sentient being can undergo.`total perspective vortex
Category: Hitchhiker Guide: The planet vacated by over fifteen million hairdressers, TV producers, etc.`golgafrincham
Category: Hitchhiker Guide: They write the third worst poetry in the Universe.`vogons
Category: Hitchhiker Guide: Vastly hyperintelligent pandimensional beings appear in our dimension as this.`mice
Category: Hitchhiker Guide: Words inscribed in large, letters on the cover of the Hitchhiker's Guide.`dont panic
Category: Hitchhiker Guide: Wowbagger the Infinitely Prolonged goal is to do this to everybody.`insult
Category: Hitchhikers Guide: A mind-boggingly stupid, but very very ravenous, animal.`ravenous bugblatter beast of traal
Category: Hitchhikers Guide: Most worlds in the Galaxy have invented a drink which sounds like this.`gin &  tonic
Category: Hitchhikers Guide: The names of the two white mice.`benjy &  frankie
Category: Hitchhikers Guide: The Total Perspective Vortex was powered by a piece of this (specific):`fairy cake
Category: Hitchhikers Guide: Unbeknownst to many, the President's job is not to wield power, but to...`draw attention away from it
Category: Hobbies and Leisure: A Royal Flush is the best hand you can get in which game`poker
Category: Hobbies and Leisure: If you combined k and p to make cables what would your hobby be`knitting
Category: Hobbies and Leisure: If you're involved in firing, throwing, and glazing, what do you do`pottery
Category: Hobbies and Leisure: In Scrabble, what is the value of the blank tile`nil
Category: Hobbies and Leisure: Jokers apart, how many red cards are there in a standard pack`26
Category: Hobbies and Leisure: What does a twitcher look for`birds
Category: Hobbies and Leisure: What would you buy from a Gibbons' catalogue`stamps
Category: Hobbies and Leisure: Where on your body would you wear flippers`feet
Category: Hobbies and Leisure: Which exercises are designed to increase O2 consumption & speed circulation`aerobics
Category: Hobbies &  Leisure: How many discs does each player have to start with in draughts (checkers) `12
Category: Hobbies &  Leisure: If you combined k &  p to make cables what would your hobby be `knitting
Category: Hobbies &  Leisure: Which British game is known as checkers in the USA `draughts
Category: Hobbies &  Leisure: Which exercises are designed to increase O2 consumption &  speed circulation `aerobics
Category: Hobbies &  Leisure: Whose 3-dimensional cube became a 70s &  80s craze `rubiks cube
Category:Hobbies - What hobby was developed by the Palmer Paint Company`Painting by numbers
Category:Hobbies - Who invented painting by numbers`palmer paint company
Category: Holidays: April 14 is this western-world day.`pan american
Category: Holidays: Catholics throughout Europe observer this on January 6`epiphany
Category: Holidays: Dentists get a lot of business due to this day.`halloween
Category: Holidays: Derived from Eostre, the dawn goddess of Anglo-Saxon myth.`easter
Category: Holidays: Father's Day falls in this month.`june
Category: Holidays: Flag Day is this day in June.`14
Category: Holidays: Good King Wenceslaus was celebrating this feast on.`st stephen
Category: Holidays: Groundhog day is this day in february.`2nd
Category: Holidays: Grownups in Japan enjoy this day on January 15.`adult day
Category: Holidays: His birthday is celebrated February 12.`lincoln
Category: Holidays: His controversial day falls on October 12.`columbus
Category: Holidays: Inauguraton Day is this January day.`20th
Category: Holidays: June 22 is this day in Finland; it's June 24 in Great Britain`midsummer
Category: Holidays: June 5 is this day in Denmark`constitution
Category: Holidays: March 26 in Spain is known as this.`fiesta del arbol
Category: Holidays: Mithraism's (Sun God worship) big day falls on the same day as this holiday.`christmas
Category: Holidays: Popcorn was first served to colonists at this dinner.`thanksgiving
Category: Holidays: Purim (Lots) is celebrated by Jewish in this Month (Jewish name)`adar
Category: Holidays: Setsubun (bean throwing festival) in Japan falls on this February day`3
Category: Holidays: St. Agnes Eve in Great Britian falls on this January day`20
Category: Holidays: This day is the fourth thursday in November.`thanksgiving
Category: Holidays: This lovely day is February 14th.`valentines day
Category: Hollywodd : She played the lead role in "Coal Miner's Daughter".`sissy  spacek
Category: Hollywood : Actor: _______ Borgnine.`ernest
Category: Hollywood : Actor: ________ Hackman.`gene
Category: Hollywood : Actor: __________ Nimoy.`leonard
Category: Hollywood : Actor: __________ Savalas.`telly
Category: Hollywood : At the end of "Planet of the Apes" what protruded from the rocks`statue of liberty
Category: Hollywood : Barbara Streisand was the female lead in "Hello, Dolly".  Who was the male lead`matthau
Category: Hollywood : Charles Laughton played Quasimodo in this epic film.`hunchback of notre dame
Category: Hollywood : Darth Vader was the villan in the movie, "____ Wars".`star
Category: Hollywood : Film Title: An Officer and a(n) _________.`gentleman
Category: Hollywood : Film Title: ________(a number) Leagues Under the Sea.`20,000
Category: Hollywood : Film Title: ______: A Space Oddessey.`2001
Category: Hollywood : Film Title: Fahrenheit ________ (a number).`451
Category: Hollywood : Film Title: The Last Days of _________. (a city)`pompeii
Category: Hollywood : Forrest ____ liked shrimp.`gump
Category: Hollywood : He directed "The Godfather".`francis ford  coppola
Category: Hollywood : He directed the movie E.T.`stephen  spielberg
Category: Hollywood : He played Superman in the 1978 movie version.`christopher  reeve
Category: Hollywood : He starred in, "City Lights".`charlie  chaplin
Category: Hollywood : He starred in "Conan the Barbarian".`arnold  schwarzenegger
Category: Hollywood : He was known as the "Elephant Man".`john merrick
Category: Hollywood : He was the villain in "Star Wars".`darth vader
Category: Hollywood : His films include: Giant, Written on the Wind, and A Farewell to Arms.`rock  hudson
Category: Hollywood : His films include: Spartacus, The Vikings, and Ulysses.`kirk douglas
Category: Hollywood : In 1975 Jack Nicholson won the best actor Oscar for his role in this film.`one flew over the cuckoo's nest
Category: Hollywood : In "Gone With the Wind", Scarlett regains her wealth by investing in what type of business`sawmill
Category: Hollywood : In the 1996 version of "Romeo and Juliet", who played Juliet`danes
Category: Hollywood : In the film "Bright Eyes", Shirley Temple sang about this boat.`"lollipop"
Category: Hollywood : In this 1968 film the husband of an unsuspecting young wife becomes involved with a witch's coven.`rosemary's baby
Category: Hollywood : In which Disney movie is the song "So This Is Love"`cinderella
Category: Hollywood : Name the actor who played the leading role in "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly".`clint  eastwood
Category: Hollywood : Name the Disney cartoon in which the character "Belle" appears.`beauty and the beast
Category: Hollywood : Name the first full length color cartoon talking picture.`snow white
Category: Hollywood : Name the musical film named after a state.`oklahoma
Category: Hollywood : Nick Nolte and Eddie Murphy star in this 1982 film.`48 hours
Category: Hollywood : Peter Sellers is best known for his role as Inspector _________.`clouseau
Category: Hollywood : She played a Polish refugee in "Sophie's Choice".`meryl  streep
Category: Hollywood : She played Lois Lane in the 1978 film version of "Superman".`kidder
Category: Hollywood : She starred in the 1952 film, "Niagara".`marilyn monroe
Category: Hollywood : The first 18 minutes of this movie is black and white.`wizard of oz
Category: Hollywood : The song "Matchmaker, Matchmaker" came from which musical play`fiddler on the roof
Category: Hollywood : The two rival gangs in "West Side Story" were the Sharks and the _________.`jets
Category: Hollywood : This 1974 film started a run of nostalgia culminating in the TV series "Happy Days".`american graffiti
Category: Hollywood : This actress appeared in "St. Elmo's Fire", "The Scarlett Letter", and "Striptease".`demi moore
Category: Hollywood : This actress was Miss Hungary of 1936.`zsa-zsa  gabor
Category: Hollywood : This Disney movie relies heavily on computer animation.`tron
Category: Hollywood : This film starring Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer wont he best picture Oscar for 1965.`sound of music
Category: Hollywood : This film starring Richard Beymer and Natalie Wood won the best picture Oscar for 1961.`west side story
Category: Hollywood : This film was an ambitious concert sequence of cartoons by Walt Disney.`fantasia
Category: Hollywood : This is a classic film about a huge gorilla.`king kong
Category: Hollywood : This magic word was in the movie, "Mary Poppins".`supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
Category: Hollywood : This movie directed by Woody Allen won the best picture Oscar in 1978.`annie hall
Category: Hollywood : This movie is about the migration of poor workers from the dust bowl to the Californian fruit valleys.`the  grapes of wrath
Category: Hollywood : This movie starring Marlon Brando won the best picture award in 1972.`the  godfather
Category: Hollywood : This was the first 3-D film.`bwana devil
Category: Hollywood : This was the first cartoon talking picture.`steamboat willie
Category: Hollywood : This was the sequel to "Star Wars".`empire strikes back
Category: Hollywood : This was the sequel to "The Empire Strikes Back".`return of the jedi
Category: Hollywood : What actor appeared in all three of these films, Straw Dogs, Midnight Cowboy, and The Graduate`dustin hoffman
Category: Hollywood : What actress has received the most Oscar nominations`katherine  hepburn
Category: Hollywood : What actress's real name was Frances Gumm`judy garland
Category: Hollywood : What city's police force did Charlie Chan work with`honolulu
Category: Hollywood : What color was Bullitt's car`green
Category: Hollywood : What country was the setting for "The King and I"` siam  (thailand)
Category: Hollywood : What detective duo was featured in Mystery at Devil's Paw`hardy
Category: Hollywood : What does the statue of Oscar stand on`a  reel of film
Category: Hollywood : What famous animal character called "Skull Island" home`king kong
Category: Hollywood : What film did John Wayne win his only Oscar for`true grit
Category: Hollywood : What is Hawkeye's full name in M.A.S.H.`benjamin franklin pierce
Category: Hollywood : What is the destination of the plane at the end of the film "Casablanca"`lisbon
Category: Hollywood : What is the name of Pearce Brosnan's first James Bond film`goldeneye
Category: Hollywood : What is the name of the rabbit in the film, "Bambi"`thumper
Category: Hollywood : What is the name of the skunk in the film, "Bambi"`flower
Category: Hollywood : What is the name of the Volkswagen in the film, "The Love Bug"`herbie
Category: Hollywood : What is the name of the whale that swallowed Pinocchio.`monstro
Category: Hollywood : What is the stage name of Greta Gustafson`garbo
Category: Hollywood : What is the title of the 1996 sequel to "Terms of Endearment"`morning star
Category: Hollywood : What kind of creature was Chewbacca in "Star Wars"`wookiee
Category: Hollywood : What two words are normally at the end of most movies`the end
Category: Hollywood : What was Citizen Kane's dying word`rosebud
Category: Hollywood : What was Dorothy's last name in "The Wizard of Oz"`gale
Category: Hollywood : What was "Rocky's" last name`balboa
Category: Hollywood : What was Rocky's nickname in the ring`italian stallion
Category: Hollywood : What was Sir Alec Guinness's role in "Star Wars"`obi-wan kenobi
Category: Hollywood : What was the first film directed by Robert Redford`ordinary people
Category: Hollywood : What was the name of Ashley Wilkes' plantation in "Gone With the Wind"`twelve oaks
Category: Hollywood : What was the name of Han Solo's spaceship in "Star Wars"`millenium falcon
Category: Hollywood : What was the name of Luke's strange little advisor in "The Empire Strikes Back"`yoda
Category: Hollywood : What was the name of the motel in the film "Psycho"`bates
Category: Hollywood : What was the setting for "The Sound of Music"`austria
Category: Hollywood : Which actor said, "Love means never having to say you're sorry"`ryan o'neil
Category: Hollywood : Which character in "Forrest Gump" loved shrimp`bubba
Category: Hollywood : Which character sang "Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are" in "The Wizard of Oz"`glinda
Category: Hollywood : Which character sang, "When you wish upon a star.." in Disney's "Pinocchio"`jiminy cricket
Category: Hollywood : Which comedy duo did the famous, "Who's on first" routine`abbott and costello
Category: Hollywood : Which planet was the "Planet of the Apes"`earth
Category: Hollywood : Who co-starred with Julie Andrews in "Mary Poppins"`dick van dyke
Category: Hollywood : Who hosted the 1997 Grammy Awards`helen degeneres
Category: Hollywood : Who is the fastest mouse in All of Mexico`speedy gonzales
Category: Hollywood : Who is the male lead in the "Naked Gun" movies`leslie nielsen
Category: Hollywood : Who is the voice of Darth Vadar`james earl jones
Category: Hollywood : Who is Warren Beatty's sister`shirley maclaine
Category: Hollywood : Who played Brad Pitt's cop partner in the movie "Seven"`morgan freeman
Category: Hollywood : Who played Dorothy in "The Wizard of Oz"`judy garland
Category: Hollywood : Who played Garth in Wayne's World`dana carvey
Category: Hollywood : Who played Matt Helm in the movies`dean martin
Category: Hollywood : Who played "Robin" to Val Kilmer's "Batman"`o'donnell
Category: Hollywood : Who played Scarlette O'Hara in "Gone With the Wind"`vivien leigh
Category: Hollywood : Who played the role of Richard Blaine in Casablanca`humphrey bogart
Category: Hollywood : Who played the 'Wicked Witch of the West' in "The Wizard of Oz"`hamilton
Category: Hollywood : Who plays the character of the only escapee from Alcatraz in the movie "The Rock"`sean connery
Category: Hollywood : Who portrayed Han Solo in "Star Wars"`harrison ford
Category: Hollywood : Who portrayed Moses in "The Ten Commandments"`charlton heston
Category: Hollywood : Who produced, directed and starred in "Citizen Kane"`orson welles
Category: Hollywood : Who starred with John Travolta in the movie "Broken Arrow"`christian slater
Category: Hollywood : Who was C3PO's sidekick in "Star Wars"`r2d2
Category: Host of the annual labor day telethon.`jerry lewis
Category:How many - How many years in a vicennial`twenty
Category:Human Achievment - Who hit the first golf shot on the moon`Alan Sheppard
Category:Humanitarianism - What does the abbreviation 'UNICEF' stand for`United Nations Childrens' Emergency Fund
Category: Human Oddities: Frank Stoeber collected a 10,000 lb ball of this`string
Category: Human Oddities: Mark Mishon ate 61 of these in 7 minutes at The Obelix Creperie`pancakes
Category: Human Oddities: Mrs. Nicky Bove ate 125 of these at the Great Escargot Eating Contest`snails
Category: Human Oddities: Shridnar Chillal grew his thumb one 41 inches`fingernail
Category: Human Oddities: Susan William blew a 22" diameter one of these`bubble
Category:Impressive Fauna - What animal can live several weeks without its head`cockroach
Category:Industry - South africa is the biggest producer and exporter of `mohair
Category:Industry - Which country is the biggest producer and exporter of mohair`South Africa
Category:Intelligence - Who founded the SAS`David Stirling
Category:Interesting Fact - More people are killed by donkeys every year than are killed in `plane crashes
Category: Intl Beers: Admeeral Tyeyskoye:`russia
Category: Intl Beers: Aguila Imperial Ale:`spain
Category: Intl Beers: Churchill:`england
Category: Intl Beers: Escudo:`chile
Category: Intl Beers: Heineken:`holland
Category: Intl Beers: Ngok' Malt Liquor:`zaire
Category: Intl Beers: Pilsner Urquell:`czechoslavakia
Category: Intl Beers: Prestige Stout:`haiti
Category: Intl Beers: Sapporo:`japan
Category: Intl Beers: Xingu:`brazil
Category: Intl Foods AKA: Beef roast cooked in vinegar (German)`sauerbraten
Category: Intl Foods AKA: Drink made of eggs, cream & sugar - rum optional (English)`eggnog
Category: Intl Foods AKA: North African dish with this semolina product (North African)`couscous
Category: Intl Foods AKA: Plate of meat, tomatoes & cheese, literally means "before pasta" (Italian)`antipasto
Category: Intl Foods AKA: Pureed chick-pea dip (Mid East)`hummus
Category:Inventors - Who invented 'bifocal' lenses for eyeglasses`Benjamin Franklin
Category:Inventors - Who invented the most common projection for world maps`Gerardus Mercator
Category: In what languages except english did Einstuerzende Neubauten record 'blume' `french and japanese
Category:IRC - In mIRC, what colour does control-K + 4 give`red
Category:IRC - On IRC, how do you ask age, sex, location`asl
Category:IRC - On irc, what does a/s/l mean`age/sex/location
Category: IRC : What three letters are overly used to indicate "Laugh Out Loud"`lol
Category: Its Not Kansas: Imagined location of the 1956 novel by Grace Metalious.`peyton place
Category: Its Not Kansas: Sarawak is a real Malaysian state in ______.`borneo
Category: Its Not Kansas: The island of Greek legend which supposedly sank into the ocean.`atlantis
Category: Its Not Kansas: Timbuktu is a real town in central ____.`mali
Category: Its Not Kansas: Title of Samuel Butler's book & an anagram for "nowhere".`erewhon
Category: Johnny Got His Gun_`dalton trumbo
Category:Jokes - In the old gag, where is Prince Albert`In a can
Category: Junk Food: British: fish and _____`chips
Category: Junk Food: Contorted bread sticks with salt crystals on the outside`pretzel
Category: Junk Food: Coors, Budweiser, Miller, Samuel Adams, Old Milwaukee`beer
Category: Junk Food: Donut-shaped roll made with no yeast; flavors include onion, raisin, garlic, ses`bagel
Category: Junk Food: Flavourful product mixed with your own sugar and water; a kid's favourite`kool aid
Category: Junk Food: Folgers, Nescafe, Sanka, Eight O'Clock, Brothers, Taster's Choice`coffee
Category: Junk Food: Former U.S. President George Bush's favorite junk food`pork rinds
Category: Junk Food: Fried yeast product with a hole in the middle; usually glazed or frosted`donut
Category: Junk Food: Frozen dairy product in various flavors like chocolate, vanilla, strawberry`ice cream
Category: Junk Food: Orange, elongated puffy things with a cheese flavoring`cheetos
Category: Junk Food: Orville Reddenbacher, Jiffy Pop, Movietime`popcorn
Category: Junk Food: Oscar Meyer, Armour, Sigmans, Ball Park`hot dogs
Category: Junk Food: Peter Pan, Jif, Skippy`peanut butter
Category: Junk Food: Puffy white soft pillows of sugar; good raw or roasted over a campfire`marshmallows
Category: Junk Food: Soft drink with the slogan: "For a new generation"`pepsi
Category: Junk Food: Spun sugar on a stick; often found at carnivals`cotton candy
Category: Junk Food: The manufacturer of Twinkies`hostess
Category: Junk Food: The southern (U.S.) word for these are "goobers"`peanuts
Category: Junk Food: This product comes in a little box with a sailor on it`cracker jacks
Category: Kids in the Hall: A Mark McKinney character says "I'm _ your head!"`crushing
Category: Kids in the Hall: Bruce instructed Kevin how to be a fan of this band`the doors
Category: Kids in the Hall: Bruce wished that this dead celebrity could be his landlord`elvis
Category: Kids in the Hall: Dave Foley has a positive attitude toward this female body process`menstruation
Category: Kids in the Hall: The Kids discovered this to be the cause of cancer`bruce mcculloch
Category: Kids in the Hall: This character visits people standing in long lines`flying pig
Category: Kids in the Hall: This Kid argued that nudity was the key to popularity`mark mckinney
Category: Kids in the Hall: Underling to MC Simon Milligan`hecubus
Category: Kids in the Hall: Usually spotted wearing a towel`paul bellini
Category: Kulture: She wrote "Valley of the Dolls".`jaqueline susann
Category: Langauge : Many Meanings:  Fuel, vapor, flattulence, helium.  What is it`gas
Category: Language Francophone Quebeckers speak.`quebecois
Category:Language - From what Irish words is 'Dublin' derived`dubh linn
Category:Language - From what language is the term 'finito'`Italian
Category:Language - Merging the words 'melt' and 'weld' created which word`meld
Category: Language : Multiple Meanings:  Drinking utensils or sight-enhancers.`glasses
Category: Language : Multiple Meanings:  Slamming your hands together quickly, or a venereal disease.`clap
Category: Language : Name the soda that is often confused with a drug.`coke
Category:Language - Other than Germany, whose official language is German`Austria
Category: Languages : "Entre nous" means __________.`between ourselves
Category: Languages : "faux pas" means ___________.`mistake
Category:Languages "faux pas" means .`mistake
Category: Languages : Mardi Gras is French for ___________.`fat tuesday
Category:Languages Mardi Gras is French for .`fat tuesday
Category: Languages : The name Australia is derived from the Latin word "australis" which means _______.`southern
Category:Languages The name Australia is derived from the Latin word "australis" which means .`southern
Category: Languages : The name for this semi-precious stone comes from the Latin for "sea water"`aquamarine
Category: Language : Subject, verb and object are parts of a _________.`sentence
Category:Language Subject, verb and object are parts of a .`sentence
Category: Languages : What does "c'est la vie" mean`that's life
Category: Languages : What ONE word fits ____hood; ____hole; ____date.`man
Category:Languages What ONE word fits hood; hole; date.`man
Category: Languages : What ONE word fits ____stream; ____hill; _____pour.`down
Category:Languages What ONE word fits stream; hill; pour.`down
Category:Languages What word contains the combination of letters: "xop"`saXOPhone
Category:Language - The word rodent comes from the italian 'rodere', which means`gnaw
Category: Language : This animal is found at the beginning of an (English) encyclopedia`aardvark
Category:Language - What city's name is derived from the words 'dubh linn'`Dublin
Category:Language - What does 'alma mater' mean in English`bountiful mother
Category:Language - What does 'majuba' mean`place of rock pigeons
Category:Language - What does 'shogun' mean in English`military governor
Category:Language - What does the Irish 'dubh linn' mean`black pool
Category:Language - What does the word 'karate' translate to in English`open hand
Category:Language - What is 'blackpool' in Irish`dubh linn
Category:Language - What is 'bountiful mother' in Latin`alma mater
Category:Language - What is 'military governor' in Japanese`shogun
Category:Language - What is the English word for 'fiesta'`festival
Category:Language - What is the Israeli 'knesset'`parliament
Category:Language - What is the language of Hungary`Magyar
Category:Language - What is the literal meaning of 'pince-nez'`pinch nose
Category:Language - What is the meaning of the Mercedes Benz motto 'Das beste oder nichts'`The best or nothing
Category:Language - What is the official language of Austria`german
Category:Language - What is the Old English word for 'sneeze'`fneasan
Category: Language : What is the only English word formed by the first three letters of the alphabet`cab
Category:Language - What is the Spanish word for 'festival'`fiesta
Category: Language : What three letter word means the same as "to ingest"`eat
Category:Language - What two words make the word 'meld'`melt and weld
Category:Language - What was the language of ancient India`Sanskrit
Category: Latin Phrases: And you, Brutus`et tu brute
Category: Latin Phrases: Great charter`magna carta
Category: Latin Phrases: Nourishing mother.`alma mater
Category: Latin Phrases: Something for something.`quid pro quo
Category: Latin Phrases:  That is.`id est
Category:Law - In which country was it once against the law to slam your car door`Switzerland
Category:Lawn Mowers - How fast does the tip of a standard rotary mower travel (in km/h)`two hundred
Category: Legend: Say's the goblin? "This shot shall be just as sweet as ____"`pie
Category:Legends - What was the Lone Ranger's real name`John Reid
Category:Legends - Where does Nessie live`Loch Ness
Category:Legends - Who are santa's reindeer, in alphabetical order`blitzen, comet, dancer, dasher, prancer and vixen
Category:Legends - Who created the round table`Merlin
Category:Legends - Who was Bonnie Parker's partner`Clyde Barrow
Category:Legends - Who was Clyde Barrow's partner`Bonnie Parker
Category:Legends - Who was John Reid`Lone Ranger
Category:Legends - Who was the Lone Ranger's Indian companion`Tonto
Category: Legend: What, according to himself, does Gump know`everything
Category: Legend: What does Jack cut off of Darkness?`his hands
Category: Legend: What does the goblin take from the stallion unicorn?`horn
Category: Legend: When the stallion unicorn dies, what falls over the land`winter
Category: Legend: Who, besides Lily, has a crush on Jack`oona
Category: Legend: Who is keeping her true size a secret?`oona
Category: Legend: Who plays Darkness?`tim curry
Category: Legend: Who wakes up thinking he's dead`brown tom
Category: Literary Characters: Also know as Mistress Betty this English adventuress is a creation of Defoe`moll flanders
Category: Literary Characters: American expatriate who joins the loyalists in 'For whom the bell tolls'`robert jordan
Category: Literary Characters: He is an orphan and the unwanted ward of his sister in 'Great Expectations'`philip pirrip
Category: Literary Characters: In Melville's 'Moby Dick' he hails from the south sea island of Kovovoko`queequeg
Category: Literary Characters: The boy who will not grow up`peter pan
Category: Literary Characters: The ever sobbing animal in 'Alice in Wonderland'`mock turtle
Category: Literary Characters: The invisible man in H.G. Wells's novel`griffin
Category: Literary Characters: This impecunious man is always 'waiting for something to turn up'`wilkins micawber
Category:Literature - As what did H.G. Wells refer to Adolf Hitler`A certifiable lunatic
Category: Literature Authors: Look Homeward Angel`thomas wolfe
Category: Literature Authors: Moll Flanders`daniel defoe
Category: Literature Authors: The Doom that Came to Sarnath and other short stories`hp lovecraft
Category: Literature Authors: Tom Jones`henry fielding
Category: Literature Authors: White Fang`jack london
Category:Literature Captain Hook, Tiger Lily, and Tinker Bell are characters in what story`Peter Pan
Category: Literature : Dr. Seuss wrote this book: The Cat in the______.`hat
Category:Literature Dr. Seuss wrote this book: The Cat in the .`Hat
Category: Literature : Edgar Allen Poe wrote a famous poem about his animal.`raven
Category:Literature Edgar Allen Poe wrote a famous poem about this animal.`raven
Category:Literature From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: "Double, double ... "`Macbeth
Category:Literature From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: "Goodnight, goodnight! Parting is such sweet sorrow, That I should say goodnight till it be morrow."`Romeo and Juliet
Category:Literature From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: "To be or not to be"`Hamlet
Category: Literature : From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: To be or not to`hamlet
Category:Literature From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: "What in a name That which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet."`Romeo and Juliet
Category:Literature - How many books are there in Anne Rice's vampire series`five
Category: Literature : How many lines are in a sonnet`14
Category:Literature How many lines are in a sonnet`fourteen
Category: Literature : How many plays is Shakespeare generally credited with today`37
Category:Literature How many plays is Shakespeare generally credited with today`thirty seven
Category:Literature - How many stories did enid blyton publish in 1959`fifty nine
Category:Literature - In 'A Christmas Carol', how many ghosts visited Scrooge`four
Category:Literature - In 'A Christmas Carol', what was the name of the miser`Ebenezer Scrooge
Category:Literature - In 'Alice In Wonderland', who never stopped sobbing`Mock Turtle
Category:Literature - In one of Donald Horne's novels, as what was Australia dubbed`The lucky country
Category:Literature - In one of Donald Horne's novels, which was 'the lucky country'`Australia
Category:Literature - In 'Romeo and Juliet', about what was Mercutio's long monologue`Queen Mab
Category:Literature - In 'Romeo and Juliet', who gave a long monologue about Queen Mab`Mercutio
Category:Literature - In 'Romeo and Juliet', who said 'I have a faint cold, fear thrills through my veins'`Juliet
Category:Literature - In 'Romeo and Juliet', who says 'make the bridal bed in that dim monument where Tybalt lies`Juliet
Category:Literature - In 'Romeo and Juliet', who says 'what must be must be'`Juliet
Category:Literature - In the Dr Seuss books, which elephant hatched an egg`Horton
Category:Literature - In which book did four ghosts visit Scrooge`A Christmas Carol
Category: Literature : Name the Shakespeare play from this ultra short plot summary: Urged on by his wife, a man murders his king in order to take his place.`macbeth
Category:Literature - On what book was 'Three Days Of The Condor' based`Six Days Of The Condor
Category: Literature : Stephen King's: " Pet ________".`cemetary
Category:Literature Stephen King's: "Pet ".`Semetary
Category: Literature : Stephen King's: "Salem's _________".`lot
Category:Literature Stephen King's: "Salem's ".`Lot
Category: Literature : Stephen King's: " The Dead ________".`zone
Category:Literature Stephen King's: "The Dead ".`Zone
Category:Literature "The Diary of Anne Frank" was first published in English under what title`The Diary of a Young Girl
Category:Literature - The Hardy Boys and `Nancy Drew
Category:Literature This girl hid from the Nazis in Amsterdam.`Anne Frank
Category: Literature : This Shakespearean king was the actual king of Scotland for 17 years.`macbeth
Category:Literature - What controversial book did Germaine Greer write`The Female Eunuch
Category:Literature What did Jeannie C. Riley describe as "a little Peyton Place"`Harper Valley
Category:Literature - What Dr Seuss character steals Christmas`Grinch
Category:Literature What other name does Stephen King write under`Richard Bachman
Category:Literature What publication was subtitled The What's New Magazine`Popular Science
Category:Literature What Shakespearean play features the line: A plague on both your houses`Romeo and Juliet
Category:Literature - What shakespearean play refers to the date of epiphany`Twelfth Night
Category: "Literature" : What's Penthouse's sister publication for women`viva
Category:Literature - What story features flopsy, mopsy and cottontail`Peter Rabbit
Category:Literature - What subject did 'Mr. Chips' teach`Latin
Category:Literature - What was H.G Wells' first novel`The Time Machine
Category:Literature - What was Lestat's last name`de Lioncourt
Category: Literature : What was the name of Mother Goose's son`jack
Category:Literature - What were the dolls in the novel 'Valley Of The Dolls'`pills
Category:Literature - What were the two cities in 'A Tale Of Two Cities'`London and Paris
Category:Literature - Which book featured the miser Scrooge`A Christmas Carol
Category:Literature - Which is the only book written by Margaret Mitchell`Gone With The Wind
Category:Literature - Which Tennesee Williams play is about a Sicilian-American woman`The Rose Tattoo
Category:Literature - Who created 'Horton' the elephant`Dr. Seuss
Category:Literature - Who created 'Maudie Frickett'`Jonathan Winters
Category:Literature - Who created 'The Saint'`Leslie Charteris
Category:Literature - Who did author Leslie Charteris create`The Saint
Category:Literature - Who did Macduff kill`Macbeth
Category:Literature - Who dubbed Australia 'the lucky country'`Donald Horne
Category:Literature - Who killed Macbeth`Macduff
Category:Literature - Who said 'But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks'`Romeo
Category:Literature - Who's last words were 'Thus with a kiss I die'`Romeo
Category:Literature - Who was the author of 'Dracula'`Bram Stoker
Category:Literature - Who was the human companion of Willow`Mad Mardigan
Category:Literature - Who was Winnie the Pooh's neighbour`Piglet
Category:Literature - Who wrote '1984'`George Orwell
Category:Literature - Who wrote 'A Christmas Carol'`Charles Dickens
Category:Literature - Who wrote 'Alice In Wonderland'`Lewis Carroll
Category:Literature - Who wrote 'A Tale Of Two Cities'`Charles Dickens
Category:Literature - Who wrote 'Gone With The Wind'`Margaret Mitchell
Category:Literature - Who wrote 'little lamb, who made thee'`William Blake
Category:Literature - Who wrote 'Psycho'`Robert Bloch
Category:Literature - Who wrote 'The Birds'`Daphne du Maurier
Category:Literature - Who wrote the 'Dragonriders Of Pern' series`Anne McCaffrey
Category:Literature - Who wrote the 'Father Brown' crime stories`G.K. Chesterton
Category:Literature - Who wrote 'The Female Eunuch'`Germaine Greer
Category:Literature - Who wrote 'The Hobbit'`J.R.R. Tolkien
Category:Literature - Who wrote the 'Myth' series`Robert Asprin
Category:Literature - Who wrote the 'Noddy' books`Enid Blyton
Category:Literature - Who wrote 'The Rose Tattoo'`Tennessee Williams
Category:Literature - Who wrote 'The Time Machine'`H.G. Wells
Category:Literature - Who wrote the vampire series that featured Lestat as the main character`Anne Rice
Category:Literature - Who wrote 'Valley Of The Dolls'`Jacqueline Susann
Category:Literature - Who wrote 'Weird Harold and Fat Albert'`Bill Cosby
Category: Litterature : Homer wrote this account of the Trojan War.`iliad
Category: Logic : You are in a room where all walls face south.  A bear walks by.  What color is it`white
Category:Longevity - How old was the world's oldest man`one hundred and forty one
Category:Longevity - Who was the world's oldest man`Bir Narayan Chaudhari
Category: Lord of the Rings: According to the LOR poem, where do shadows lie`in the land of mordor
Category: Lord of the Rings: Frodo is chosen to deliver The Ring into the heart of what`mount doom
Category: Lord of the Rings: From whom did Bilbo obtain The Ring`gollum
Category: Lord of the Rings: Gandalf's elven name.`mithrandir
Category: Lord of the Rings: What did Frodo title Bilbo's diary`the downfall of the lord of the rings and the return of the king
Category: Lord of the Rings: What is the name of Gandalf's horse`shadowfax
Category: Lord of the Rings: What is the name of Gandalf's ring`narya the great
Category: Lord of the Rings: What were the last words spoken in LOR`well im back
Category: Lord of the Rings: Who had decieved the Lord of Rohan for a number of years`wormtongue
Category: Lord of the Rings: Who is Elrond's daughter`arwen
Category: Love Languages: "Ik Hou Van Jou" in Utrecht.`dutch
Category: Love Languages: "Je T'aime' in Nancy.`french
Category: Love Languages: "Szeretlek Te'ged" in Budapest.`hungarian
Category: Love Languages: "Te Amo" in Vatican City.`latin
Category: Love Languages: "Ya tebe kokhayu" in Kiev.`ukrainian
Category: Made In Canada: City where Motley Crue recorded Dr. Feelgood.`vancouver
Category: Made In Canada: City where the big Faith No More/Metallica/Guns'N'Roses riot occured in '91`montreal
Category: Made In Canada: James Labrie's band previous to Dream Theater:`winter rose
Category: Made In Canada: The name of the major copyright corporation in Canada`socan
Category: Made In Canada: The only Canadian band to win Yamaha's International MusicQuest.`haywire
Category: Magazines: John Leonard was one in a long line of editors-in-chief for this magazine.`vanity fair
Category: Magazines: Magazine famous for its Norman Rockwell cover paintings.`saturday evening post
Category: Magazines: This magazine chronicled the Man of Bronze and the Fabulous Five.`doc savage
Category: Magazines: This magazine features an obituary on its last page.`rolling stone
Category: Magazines: This magazine features departments "Picks & Pans" and "Chatter"`people
Category: Magazines: This magazine has departments "Around the Mall" and "The View from the Castle"`smithsonian
Category: Magazines: This magazine selects the man of the year.`time
Category: Magazines: This magazine used to boast a circulation of 7,777,777.`better homes and gardens
Category: Magazines: This subject is covered in the magazine "Bondage" (two words)`james bond
Category: Magazines: Womens magazine launched by New York in the 70's.`ms
Category: Magic Gathering: 2/4, Banding, White`icatian phalanx
Category: Magic Gathering: 7/7 Flying, Green/White/Blue`arcades sabboth
Category: Magic Gathering: Contract from Below requires you to play for ____`ante
Category: Magic Gathering: The First Magic book`arena
Category: Magic Gathering: This card allows you to take one extra turn`time walk
Category:Maritime Trivia - On a ship, what is the line that indicates the maximum load that may be transported`Plimsoll Line
Category: Mathematics : A line drawn from an angle of a triangle to the mid-point of the opposite side is a(n) _______.`median
Category:Mathematics A line drawn from an angle of a triangle to the mid-point of the opposite side is a(n) .`median
Category: Mathematics : An angle greater than 180 degrees and less than 360 degrees is a(n) ________ angle.`reflex
Category:Mathematics An angle greater than 180 degrees and less than 360 degrees is a(n)  angle.`reflex
Category:Mathematics An angle greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees is said to be .`obtuse
Category: Mathematics : An angle greater than 90 degrees is said to be _________.`obtuse
Category: Mathematics : An integer that is greater than 1 and is divisible only by itself and 1 is known as a(n) _______.`prime
Category:Mathematics An integer that is greater than 1 and is divisible only by itself and 1 is known as a(n) .`prime
Category: Mathematics : Approximately how many inches are there in one meter`39
Category:Mathematics Approximately how many inches are there in one meter`thirty nine
Category: Mathematics : Arc, radius, and sector are parts of a(n) _________.`circle
Category:Mathematics Arc, radius, and sector are parts of a(n) .`circle
Category: Mathematics : A triangle with three equal sides is called _______.`equilateral
Category:Mathematics A triangle with three equal sides is called .`equilateral
Category: Mathematics : A triangle with two equal sides is called __________.`isosceles
Category:Mathematics A triangle with two equal sides is called .`isosceles
Category: "Mathematics" : A U.S. dime is worth ___ cents.`10
Category:Mathematics A U.S. dime is worth  cents.`ten
Category: Mathematics : He is known as "The Father of Geometry".`euclid
Category: Mathematics : How many corners are there in a cube`eight
Category:Mathematics - How many different letters are used in the roman numeral system`seven
Category: Mathematics : How many nickles are there in $2.25`45
Category:Mathematics How many nickles are there in 2.25`forty five
Category: Mathematics : If you cut through a solid sphere what shape will the flat area be`circle
Category: Mathematics : Name the number system which uses only the symbols 1 and 0.`the  binary  system
Category: Mathematics : The angles inside a square total _______ degrees.`360
Category:Mathematics The angles inside a square total  degrees.`three hundred and sixty
Category: Mathematics : The mathematical study of properties of lines, angels, etc., is ________.`geometry
Category:Mathematics The mathematical study of properties of lines, angels, etc., is .`geometry
Category: Mathematics : The space occupied by a body is called its ______.`volume
Category:Mathematics The space occupied by a body is called its .`volume
Category: "Mathematics" : The square root of 1 is`1
Category: Mathematics : Two angles that total 180 degrees are called _______.`supplementary
Category:Mathematics Two angles that total 180 degrees are called .`supplementary
Category: Mathematics : What geometric shape has 4 equal sides`square
Category:Mathematics - What is 65% of 60`39
Category:Mathematics - What is the maximum number of integer degrees in an acute angle`eighty nine
Category:Mathematics - What is the maximum number of integer degrees in an obtuse angle`one hundred and seventy nine
Category:Mathematics - What is the maximum number of integer degrees in a reflex angle`three hundred and fifty nine
Category:Mathematics - What is the minimum number of integer degrees in an acute angle`one
Category:Mathematics - What is the minimum number of integer degrees in an obtuse angle`ninety one
Category:Mathematics - What is the minimum number of integer degrees in a reflex angle`one hundred and eighty one
Category:Mathematics - What is the only digit that has the same number of letters as its value`fourCategory:Measurement - What instrument measures walking distance`pedometer
Category: McDonalds: After the first cup of this beverage, refills are usually free.`coffee
Category: McDonalds: All of their products seem to be prefaced with which 2 letters`mc
Category: McDonalds: McDonald's 'Iced Tea' is actually this brand`nestea
Category: McDonalds: On St Patricks day you can get shakes that are this color?`green
Category: McDonalds: Out of the two big cola brands, which one do they sell`coca cola
Category: McDonalds: Sesame Bun, thick pattie, extra cheese, pickles, sauce.`quarter pounder
Category: McDonalds: Soft Bun, Pickles, Sauce, Pattie.`hamburger
Category: McDonalds: The burger stealer in a convicts outfit?`hamburgular
Category: McDonalds: These things may sound like Scottish lumps of gold, but are food.`mcnuggets
Category: McDonalds: This is a common nickname for McDonalds(singular)`micky d
Category: McDonalds: What is their large morning meal with Eggs,Sausage,Hash Browns etc, called?`big breakfast
Category: McDonalds: Who is McDonald's mascot?(full name)`ronald mcdonald
Category: McDonalds: You can get these with Chocolate or Strawberry Toppings to name a few.`sundae
Category: Mecidine : Doctors often have this instrument around their neck.`stethoscope
category: media what is liverpool's own regional daily paper called`liverpool echo
category: media which newspaper did the sun replace in 1964`daily herald
Category:Medicien - In what body part does an osteopath specialise`bones
Category: Medicine : A baby doctor is a _________.`pediatrician
Category:Medicine A baby doctor is a .`pediatrician
Category: Medicine : A bone specialist is a(n) ________.`osteopath
Category:Medicine A bone specialist is a(n) .`osteopath
Category: Medicine : A loss of memory is known as __________.`amnesia
Category:Medicine A loss of memory is known as .`amnesia
Category: Medicine : A medicine that hastens the emptying of the bowels is called a ________.`laxative
Category:Medicine A medicine that hastens the emptying of the bowels is called a .`laxative
Category: Medicine : A non-cancerous tumor is said to be _______.`benign
Category:Medicine A non-cancerous tumor is said to be .`benign
Category:Medicine - A salt enema was given to children to rid them of `Threadworm
Category: Medicine : A thread used in surgery to tie a bleeding blood vessel is called a(n) _________.`ligature
Category:Medicine A thread used in surgery to tie a bleeding blood vessel is called a(n) .`ligature
Category: Medicine : Carditis, affects the ________.`heart
Category:Medicine Carditis, affects the .`heart
Category:Medicine Doctors often have this instrument around their neck.`stethoscope
Category: Medicine : Due to a lack of vitamin C, sailors used to contract this disease.`scurvy
Category: Medicine : Encephalitis affects the ________.`brain
Category:Medicine Encephalitis affects the .`brain
Category: Medicine : Gastritis affects the __________.`stomach
Category:Medicine Gastritis affects the .`stomach
Category: Medicine : Hammer, anvil, and stirrup are parts of ________.`ear
Category:Medicine Hammer, anvil, and stirrup are parts of the .`ear
Category:Medicine He discovered the process of vaccination for prevention of smallpox.`Edward Jenner
Category: Medicine : Hepatitis affects the __________.`liver
Category:Medicine Hepatitis affects the .`Liver
Category:Medicine - Heroin is the brand name of morphine once marketed by which pharmaceutical company`Bayer
Category: Medicine : How many bones are there in the human body`206
Category:Medicine How many bones are there in the human body`two hundred and six
Category: Medicine : How many chambers does the human heart have`four
Category: Medicine : How many pints of blood does the average human have in his/her body`twelve
Category: Medicine : Infantile Paralysis is commonly known as ________.`polio
Category:Medicine Infantile Paralysis is commonly known as .`polio
Category:Medicine - In the early 20th century, rattlesnake venom was used to treat which illness`epilepsy
Category: Medicine : In the field of psychiatry this term means self-love.`narcissism
Category: Medicine : In what organ of the body is insulin produced`pancreas
Category: Medicine : In which organ is a clear watery solution known as the "aqueous humor" found`eye
Category: Medicine : In which organ is a pulmonary disease located`lung
Category: Medicine : In which organ is your "hypothalmus" located`brain
Category: Medicine : Meningitis affects the _________.`brain
Category:Medicine Meningitis affects the .`brain
Category: Medicine : Myositis affects the _________.`muscle
Category:Medicine Myositis affects the .`muscles
Category: Medicine : Name the hardest substance in the human body.`enamel
Category: Medicine : Name the largest artery in the human body.`aorta
Category: Medicine : Name the largest gland in the human body.`liver
Category:Medicine - North American Indians ate watercress to dissolve gravel and stones in the `bladder
Category:Medicine - North American Indians ate watercress to dissolve what in the bladder`gravel and stones
Category:Medicine - On what part of the body is an 'LTK procedure' performed`eyes
Category: Medicine : Osteomyelitis affects the _________.`bones
Category:Medicine Osteomyelitis affects the .`bones
Category: Medicine : Peritonitis, affects the ________.`abdomen
Category:Medicine Peritonitis, affects the .`abdomen
Category: Medicine : Prosthetics deals with the making of __________.`artificial limb
Category:Medicine Prosthetics deals with the making of .`artificial limbs
Category: Medicine : Tarsus, metatarsus, and phalanges are parts of a(n) _________.`foot
Category:Medicine Tarsus, metatarsus, and phalanges are parts of a(n) .`foot
Category: Medicine : The branch of medicine dealing with curing by operative procedures is ________.`surgery
Category:Medicine The branch of medicine dealing with curing by operative procedures is .`surgery
Category: Medicine : The correct name for the voice box is the _________.`larynx
Category:Medicine - The first rubber gloves were used during surgery in 1890, 1910 or 1920`1890
Category: Medicine : The lack of this element in the diet is a cause of goitre.`iodine
Category: Medicine : The largest single organ of the human body is the ________.`skin
Category:Medicine The largest single organ of the human body is the .`skin
Category:Medicine The medical name for the voice box is the .`larynx
Category: Medicine : These animals were once used to bleed the sick.`leech
Category:Medicine These animals were once used to bleed the sick.`leeches
Category: Medicine : These attach muscles to bones or cartilage.`tendon
Category:Medicine These attach muscles to bones or cartilage.`tendons
Category:Medicine - The smallpox vaccine was invented in 1763, 1784 or 1798`1798
Category: Medicine : The teeth used for biting or cutting are known as _______.`incisors
Category:Medicine The teeth used for biting or cutting are known as .`incisors
Category: Medicine : This branch of medicine deals with old age and its diseases.`geriatrics
Category: Medicine : This disease consists of a purposeless, continual growth of white blood cells.`leukemia
Category: Medicine : This fingerlike projection is attached to the large intestine.`appendix
Category:Medicine This is known as "The Royal Disease".`haemophilia
Category: Medicine : This is known as "The Royal Disease".`hemophilia
Category: Medicine : This large bean-shaped lymph gland can expand and contract as needed.`spleen
Category: Medicine : This membrane controls the amount of light entering the eye.`iris
Category: Medicine : This organ is a small pouch that stores bile.`gall bladder
Category: Medicine : This parasite lives in the intestines of man and animals.`tapeworm
Category: Medicine : This small gland attached to the brain exerts a control over growth.`pituitary
Category: Medicine : Ulna, radius, and clavicle are types of __________.`bone
Category:Medicine Ulna, radius, and clavicle are types of .`bone
Category:Medicine - What did North American Indians eat to dissolve gravel and stones in the bladder`watercress
Category: Medicine : What disease is also known as "rubella"`german measles
Category:Medicine - What does a sphygmomanometer measure`blood pressure
Category:Medicine - What does hepatitis affect`liver
Category: Medicine : What hormone is produced by the adrenal glands`adrenaline
Category:Medicine - What instrument measures blood pressure`sphygmomanometer
Category:Medicine - What is acute nasopharyngitis`A cold
Category: Medicine : What is an organism called that lives on or in a host animal`parasite
Category:Medicine - What is another name for consumption`tuberculosis
Category:Medicine - What is another name for tuberculosis`consumption
Category: Medicine : What is a skin specialist called`dermatologist
Category:Medicine - What is a the technical name for a heart attack`myocardial infarct
Category: Medicine : What is the biggest disqualifying factor for prospective astronauts`eyesight
Category: Medicine : What is the medical term for cancer of the blood`leukemia
Category: Medicine : What is the name of the bone in the lower leg`tibia
Category: Medicine : What kind of poisoning is known as plumbism`lead
Category:Medicine What kind of poisoning is known as plumbism`lead poisoning
Category: Medicine : What toe is the foot reflexology pressure point for the head`big toe
Category:Medicine - What was given to children to rid them of threadworm`salt enema
Category: Medicine : Where do you find the medulla oblongata`brain
Category: Medicine : Where in the body is the tiniest human muscle`ear
Category: Medicine : Which disease is also known as "Hansen's Disease"`leprosy
Category:Medicine - Who ate watercress to dissolve gravel and stones in the bladder`North American Indians
Category:Medicine - Who invented the smallpox vaccine`Edward Jenner
Category:Medicine - Who was the first to use rubber gloves during surgery`Dr. W. S. Halstead
Category: Medicine : With what body part is otology involved`ear
Category: "Meteorology" : If the groundhog sees his shadow on Feb. 2, there will be how many more weeks of bad weather`six
Category: Meteorology : This dry, warm wind flows eastward down the slopes of the Rocky Mountains.`chinook
Category:Military - As a result of their wearing high leather collars to protect their necks from sabres, as what were the first US marines known`leathernecks
Category:Military - What do the letters 'SAM' mean in SAM missiles`Surface To Air
Category:Military - What is the mascot of the US naval academy`goat
Category:Military - What is the naval equivalent of an army Major`Lieutenant Commander
Category:Military - With which hand do soldiers salute`right
Category:Minerals - What forms when a diamond is cut with a laser`graphite dust
Category:Minerals - What is also known as the 'bishop's stone'`amethyst
Category:Minerals - What is the violet variety of quartz otherwise known as`amethyst
Category:Mining - Approximately how deep are the deepest mines (in km)`four
Category:Mining - In which country is the largest gold refinery`South Africa
Category:Mining - What is the deepest mine in the world`Western Deep Levels Mine
Category:Mining - What is the name of the largest gold refinery`Rand Refinery
Category:Mining - Where are the deepest mines`South Africa
Category:Minreals - Graphite dust is formed when what is cut with a laser`diamond
Category: Misc Games: a.k.a a pair of aces &  a pair of eights`dead mans hand
Category: Misc Games: How many tiles does a player play to score a bingo in Scrabble`7
Category: Misc Games: How much is the luxury tax (in dollars) in Monopoly`75
Category: Misc Games: Monopoly penalty space between Baltic Ave. and Reading RR (2 wds)`income tax
Category: Misc Games: Number of points lost for scratching off the blue ball in snooker`5
Category: Misc Games: Term for any number between 19 &  36 in Roulette`passe
Category: Misc Games: Term for any number between one &  18 in Roulette`manque
Category: Misc Games: The easiest to defend continent in Risk`australia
Category: Misc Games: This is the length, in feet, of a regulation Snooker table`12
Category: Misc Games: Word derived from "shah mat", from the arabic for "the king is dead"`checkmate
Category: Misc Music Magic: Wrote the songs for "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat"`andrew lloyd webber
Category:Misnomers - What are Swedish buns called`Danishes
Category:Modern Myths - What has no reflection, no shadow, and can't stand the smell of garlic`vampire
Category: Monopoly: Cost to buy Electric Company`150
Category: Monopoly: Cost to buy New York Avenue`200
Category: Monopoly: Cost to buy Oriental Avenue`100
Category: Monopoly: Cost to buy Vermont Avenue`100
Category: Monopoly: Get Out of Jail`50
Category:Monuments - Which man has the most monuments erected in his honour`Buddha
Category:Monuments - Which woman has the most monuments erected in her honour`Virgin Mary
Category: More Sci Fi: Harry Harrison character who is the greatest criminal mind in the universe.`stainless steel rat
Category: More Sci Fi: Heinlein novel in which characters zip through alternate dimensions.`the number of the beast
Category: More Sci Fi: The conquerers of Earth in Battlefield Earth.`psychlo
Category: More Sci Fi: The favorite sport of Jettero Heller in Mission Earth.`bullet ball
Category: More Sci Fi: The second book of Feist's Magician series.`silverthorn
Category:Motor Racing - From which team did Marlboro switch its backing to Mclaren in the 1974 season`BRM
Category:Motor Racing - How many pole positions did Ayrton Senna score`sixty five
Category:Motor Racing - In 1976, James Hunt was disqualified after winning which Grand Prix`British
Category:Motor Racing - Name the first automobile racetrack in America.`Indianapolis Motor Speedway
Category:Motor Racing - Over what time period is the Le Mans endurance motor race`Twenty four hours
Category:Motor Racing - To which team did Marlboro switch its backing from BRM in the 1974 season`Mclaren
Category:Motor Racing - What colours was the Ferrari Formula 1 car in the 1964 US Grand prix`blue and white
Category:Motor Racing - What event marked the 1954 french grand prix`The return of Mercedes
Category:Motor Racing - Where do the Italians host the Grand Prix`Monza
Category:Motor Racing - Which car won the 1953 Italian Grand Prix`Maserati
Category:Motor Racing - Which new engine regulation replaced the 2.5 litre rule at the start of the 1961 season`1.5 liter rule
Category:Motor Racing - Who hosts the Monza Grand Prix`Italy
Category:Motor Racing - Who qualified for pole position in the 1984 Brazilian Grand Prix`Elio de Angelis
Category:Motor Racing - Who was disqualified after winning the 1976 British Grand Prix`James Hunt
Category:Motor Racing - Who was the driver for the Jordan team in the 1998 Grand Prix`Damon Hill
Category:Motor Racing - Who won the 1966 F1 championship`Jack Brabham
Category:Mottos - Whose motto is 'Be prepared'`Boy Scouts
Category:Mountain Climbing - Who conquered the Matterhorn in 1865`Edward Whymper
Category: Movie Lines: Go ahead, take a good look. When you're through, we'll continue.`man without a face
Category:Movie Stars - Who was Lauren Bacall's first husband`Humphrey Bogart
category: movies what was tom hank's profession in philadelphia`lawyer
Category:Movies - Which film starring Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer won the Oscar for best picture in 1965`The Sound Of MusicWhat nation has had a monarchy the longest`Japan
Category:Movie Trivia - About which family are the Godfather films`Corleone
Category:Movie Trivia Actor:  Borgnine.`Ernest
Category:Movie Trivia Actor:  Hackman.`Gene
Category:Movie Trivia Actor:  Nimoy.`Leonard
Category:Movie Trivia Actor:  Savalas.`Telly
Category:Movie Trivia At the end of "Planet of the Apes" what protruded from the rocks`Statue of Liberty
Category:Movie Trivia Barbara Streisand was the female lead in "Hello, Dolly".  Who was the male lead`Walter Matthau
Category:Movie Trivia Charles Laughton played Quasimodo in this epic film.`Hunchback of Notre Dame
Category:Movie Trivia Darth Vader was the villan in the movie, " Wars".`Star
Category:Movie Trivia Film Title: An Officer and a(n) .`Gentleman
Category:Movie Trivia Film Title:  (a number) Leagues Under the Sea.`20,000
Category:Movie Trivia Film Title:  : A Space Oddessey.`2001
Category:Movie Trivia Film Title: Fahrenheit . (a number)`451
Category:Movie Trivia Film Title: The Last Days of . (a city)`Pompeii
Category:Movie Trivia Forrest  liked shrimp.`Gump
Category:Movie Trivia - For which film did Art Carney win best actor Oscar in 1974`Harry and Tonto
Category:Movie Trivia He directed "The Godfather".`Francis Ford Coppola
Category:Movie Trivia He directed the movie E.T.`Stephen Spielberg
Category:Movie Trivia He played Superman in the 1978 movie version.`Christopher Reeve
Category:Movie Trivia He starred in, "City Lights".`Charlie Chaplin
Category:Movie Trivia He starred in "Conan the Barbarian".`Arnold Schwarzenegger
Category:Movie Trivia He was known as the "Elephant Man".`Joseph Merrick
Category:Movie Trivia He was the villain in "Star Wars".`Darth Vader
Category:Movie Trivia His films include: Giant, Written on the Wind, and A Farewell to Arms.`Rock Hudson
Category:Movie Trivia His films include: Spartacus, The Vikings, and Ulysses.`Kirk Douglas
Category:Movie Trivia In 1975 Jack Nicholson won the best actor Oscar for his role in this film.`One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Category:Movie Trivia In "Gone With the Wind", Scarlett regains her wealth by investing in what type of business`sawmill
Category:Movie Trivia - In 'Star Wars', who was C3P0's sidekick`R2D2
Category:Movie Trivia In the 1996 version of "Romeo and Juliet", who played Juliet`Claire Danes
Category:Movie Trivia - In the film 'American Hot Wax', who did Jay Leno play`Mookie
Category:Movie Trivia - In the film 'American Hot Wax', who played the 'Mookie'`Jay Leno
Category:Movie Trivia In the film "Bright Eyes", Shirley Temple sang about this boat.`The Good Ship Lollipop
Category:Movie Trivia - In the film 'Hackers', how old was 'zero_kool' when he was first arrested`eleven
Category:Movie Trivia - In the film 'Home Alone', who played the baddies`Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern
Category:Movie Trivia - In the film 'Pretty Woman', for who was Goldie Hawn the body double`Julia Roberts
Category:Movie Trivia - In the film 'The Day Of The Jackal', who played the Jackal`Edward Fox
Category:Movie Trivia - In the 'Nightmare On Elm Street' films, who played Freddy Krueger`Robert Englund
Category:Movie Trivia - In 'The Shining' what was the child's imaginary friend's name (the one who told him things that were going to happen)`Tony
Category:Movie Trivia In this 1968 film the husband of an unsuspecting young wife becomes involved with a witch's coven.`Rosemary's Baby
Category:Movie Trivia - In what did someone squish her hands to make the sound of e.t walking`jelly
Category:Movie Trivia - In what film did Whoopi Goldberg make her screen debut`The Color Purple
Category:Movie Trivia In which Disney movie is the song "So This Is Love"`Cinderella
Category:Movie Trivia - In which film did Henry Fonda play a fallen priest`The Fugitive
Category:Movie trivia - In which film did Jay Leno play 'Mookie'`American Hot Wax
Category:Movie Trivia - In which film did Paul Newman and Robert Redford hold hands and jump into a river`Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Category:Movie Trivia - In which film was Goldie Hawn the body double for Julia Roberts`Pretty Woman
Category:Movie Trivia - In which James Bond film does the villain cheat at golf`Goldfinger
Category:Movie Trivia - Juliette Binoche won an academy award for best supporting role in which film`English Patient
Category:Movie Trivia Name the actor who played the leading role in "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly".`Clint Eastwood
Category:Movie Trivia Name the Disney cartoon in which the character "Belle" appears.`Beauty and the Beast
Category:Movie Trivia Name the first full length color cartoon talking picture.`Snow White
Category:Movie Trivia Name the musical film named after a state.`Oklahoma
Category:Movie Trivia Nick Nolte and Eddie Murphy star in this 1982 film.`48 Hours
Category:Movie Trivia - Pancho was whose faithful sidekick`Cisco Kid's
Category:Movie Trivia Peter Sellers is best known for his role as Inspector .`Clouseau
Category:Movie Trivia She played a Polish refugee in "Sophie's Choice".`Meryl Streep
Category:Movie Trivia She played Lois Lane in the 1978 film version of "Superman".`Margot Kidder
Category:Movie Trivia She played the lead role in "Coal Miner's Daughter".`Sissy Spacek
Category:Movie Trivia She starred in the 1952 film, "Niagara".`Marilyn Monroe
Category:Movie Trivia - The film 'The Wizard Of '`Oz
Category:Movie Trivia The first 18 minutes of this movie is black and white.`Wizard of Oz
Category:Movie Trivia The song "Matchmaker, Matchmaker" came from which musical play`Fiddler On The Roof
Category:Movie Trivia The two rival gangs in "West Side Story" were the Sharks and the .`Jets
Category:Movie Trivia This 1974 film started a run of nostalgia culminating in the TV series "Happy Days".`American Graffiti
Category:Movie Trivia This actress appeared in "St. Elmo's Fire", "The Scarlett Letter", and "Striptease".`Demi Moore
Category:Movie Trivia This actress was Miss Hungary of 1936.`Zsa-Zsa Gabor
Category:Movie Trivia This Disney movie relies heavily on computer animation.`TRON
Category:Movie Trivia This film starring Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer wont he best picture Oscar for 1965.`Sound of Music
Category:Movie Trivia This film starring Richard Beymer and Natalie Wood won the best picture Oscar for 1961.`West Side Story
Category:Movie Trivia This film was an ambitious concert sequence of cartoons by Walt Disney.`Fantasia
Category:Movie Trivia This is a classic film about a huge gorilla.`King Kong
Category:Movie Trivia This magic word was in the movie, "Mary Poppins".`Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
Category:Movie Trivia This movie directed by Woody Allen won the best picture Oscar in 1978.`Annie Hall
Category:Movie Trivia This movie is about the migration of poor workers from the dust bowl to the Californian fruit valleys.`The Grapes of Wrath
Category:Movie Trivia This movie starring Marlon Brando won the best picture award in 1972.`The Godfather
Category:Movie Trivia This was the first 3-D film.`Bwana Devil
Category:Movie Trivia This was the first cartoon talking picture.`Steamboat Willie
Category:Movie Trivia This was the sequel to "Star Wars".`The Empire Strikes Back
Category:Movie Trivia This was the sequel to "The Empire Strikes Back".`Return of the Jedi
Category:Movie Trivia - Tippi Hedren is best known for her lead role in which film`The Birds
Category:Movie Trivia - Was Shirley Temple 21, 25 or 29 when she made her last film`21
Category:Movie Trivia What actor appeared in all three of these films, Straw Dogs, Midnight Cowboy, and The Graduate`Dustin Hoffman
Category:Movie Trivia What actress has received the most Oscar nominations`Katherine Hepburn
Category:Movie Trivia What actress's real name was Frances Gumm`Judy Garland
Category:Movie Trivia What city's police force did Charlie Chan work with`Honolulu
Category:Movie Trivia What color was Bullitt's car`Green
Category:Movie Trivia What country was the setting for "The King and I"`Siam (Thailand)
Category:Movie Trivia What detective duo was featured in Mystery at Devil's Paw`Hardy
Category:Movie Trivia - What did Dorothy's house land on in 'The Wizard Of Oz'`The Wicked Witch of the West
Category:Movie Trivia What does the statue of Oscar stand on`A Reel of Film
Category:Movie Trivia What famous animal character called "Skull Island" home`King Kong
Category:Movie Trivia What film did John Wayne win his only Oscar for`True Grit
Category:Movie Trivia - What film featured a cat named Mr. Bigglesworth`Austin Powers
Category:Movie Trivia - What film is generally considered the worst film ever made`Attack of the Killer Tomatoes
Category:Movie Trivia - What film marked James Cagney's return to the screen after 20 years`Ragtime
Category:Movie Trivia - What film starred Helen Hunt, Cary Elwes and Bill Paxton`Twister
Category:Movie Trivia - What film starred Rosie O'Donnell, Rita Wilson and Meg Ryan`Sleepless in Seattle
Category:Movie Trivia What is Hawkeye's full name in M.A.S.H.`Benjamin Franklin Pierce
Category:Movie Trivia What is the destination of the plane at the end of the film "Casablanca"`Lisbon
Category:Movie Trivia What is the name of Pearce Brosnan's first James Bond film`Goldeneye
Category:Movie Trivia - What is the name of the film in which Steven Segal's character dies`Executive Decision
Category:Movie Trivia What is the name of the rabbit in the film, "Bambi"`Thumper
Category:Movie Trivia What is the name of the skunk in the film, "Bambi"`Flower
Category:Movie Trivia What is the name of the Volkswagen in the film, "The Love Bug"`Herbie
Category:Movie Trivia What is the name of the whale that swallowed Pinocchio.`Monstro
Category:Movie Trivia - What is the sequel to the film 'Every Which Way But Loose'`Every Which Way You Can
Category:Movie Trivia What is the stage name of Greta Gustafson`Greta Garbo
Category:Movie Trivia What is the title of the 1996 sequel to "Terms of Endearment"`Morning Star
Category:Movie Trivia What kind of creature was Chewbacca in "Star Wars"`Wookiee
Category:Movie Trivia - What Marlon Brando film was widely banned`Last Tango In Paris
Category:Movie Trivia What two words are normally at the end of most movies`The End
Category:Movie Trivia - What was Ben Stiller's character called in 'Mystery Men'`Mr. Furious
Category:Movie Trivia What was Citizen Kane's dying word`Rosebud
Category:Movie Trivia What was Dorothy's last name in "The Wizard of Oz"`Gale
Category:Movie Trivia - What was Eddie Murphy's character name in 'Beverley Hills Cop'`Axel Foley
Category:Movie Trivia - What was Garth's last name in 'Wayne's World'`Algar
Category:Movie Trivia - What was John Wayne's real name`Marion Morrison
Category:Movie Trivia - What was Keanu Reeves' computer world alias in 'The Matrix'`Neo
Category:Movie Trivia - What was Keanu Reeves' first big film`Point Break
Category:Movie Trivia - What was Kevin Bacon's first big hit`Footloose
Category:Movie Trivia - What was painted on Peter Fonda's helmet motorcycle helmet in 'Easy Rider'`stars and stripes
Category:Movie Trivia What was "Rocky's" last name`Balboa
Category:Movie Trivia What was Rocky's nickname in the ring`The Italian Stallion
Category:Movie Trivia What was Sir Alec Guinness's role in "Star Wars"`Obi-Wan Kenobi
Category:Movie Trivia - What was the first film directed by Robert Redford`Ordinary People
Category:Movie Trivia What was the name of Ashley Wilkes' plantation in "Gone With the Wind"`Twelve Oaks
Category:Movie Trivia What was the name of Han Solo's spaceship in "Star Wars"`Millennium Falcon
Category:Movie Trivia What was the name of Luke's strange little advisor in "The Empire Strikes Back"`Yoda
Category:Movie Trivia What was the name of the motel in the film "Psycho"`Bates Motel
Category:Movie Trivia - What was the name of the pinball machine in the film 'Tommy'`Wizard
Category:Movie Trivia - What was the name of the two space shuttles in 'Armegeddon'`Freedom and Independence
Category:Movie Trivia What was the setting for "The Sound of Music"`Austria
Category:Movie Trivia - What was used for blood in the film 'psycho'`chocolate syrup
Category:Movie Trivia Which actor said, "Love means never having to say you're sorry"`Ryan O'Neil
Category:Movie Trivia - Which basketball star played a genie in 'Kazaam'`Shaquille O'Neal
Category:Movie Trivia Which character in "Forrest Gump" loved shrimp`Bubba
Category:Movie Trivia Which character sang "Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are" in "The Wizard of Oz"`Glinda
Category:Movie Trivia Which character sang, "When you wish upon a star.." in Disney's "Pinocchio"`Jiminy Cricket
Category:Movie Trivia Which comedy duo did the famous, "Who's on first" routine`Abbott and Costello
Category:Movie Trivia - Which film preceded 'Magnum Force' and 'The Enforcer'`Dirty Harry
Category:Movie Trivia - Which films are about the Corleone family`The Godfather films
Category:Movie Trivia Which planet was the "Planet of the Apes"`Earth
Category:Movie Trivia - Which was the first 'Indiana Jones' film`Raiders Of The Lost Ark
Category:Movie Trivia - Who appeared in 'St. Elmo's Fire', 'The Scarlett Letter' and 'Striptease'`Demi Moore
Category:Movie Trivia Who co-starred with Julie Andrews in "Mary Poppins"`Dick Van Dyke
Category:Movie Trivia - Who did Charlie Becker play in 'The Wizard of Oz'`The mayor of the munchkins
Category:Movie Trivia - Who directed the classic thriller 'The Birds'`Alfred Hitchcock
Category:Movie Trivia - Who directed the film 'Ordinary People'`Robert Redford
Category:Movie Trivia - Who directed the film 'The Birds' from Daphne du Maurier`Alfred Hitchcock
Category:Movie Trivia - Who directed the Movie 'Psycho' from Robert Bloch`Alfred Hitchcock
Category:Movie Trivia - Who directed 'The Shining'`Stanley Kubrick
Category:Movie Trivia - Who does the voice for Yoda in the Star Wars films`Frank Oz
Category:Movie Trivia Who hosted the 1997 Grammy Awards`Ellen Degeneres
Category:Movie Trivia Who is the fastest mouse in all of Mexico`Speedy Gonzalez
Category:Movie Trivia Who is the male lead in the "Naked Gun" movies`Leslie Nielsen
Category:Movie Trivia Who is the voice of Darth Vadar`James Earl Jones
Category:Movie Trivia Who is Warren Beatty's sister`Shirley MacLaine
Category:Movie Trivia Who played Brad Pitt's cop partner in the movie "Seven"`Morgan Freeman
Category:Movie Trivia - Who played Clyde to Faye Dunaway's Bonnie`Warren Beatty
Category:Movie Trivia Who played Dorothy in "The Wizard of Oz"`Judy Garland
Category:Movie Trivia - Who played Dr. Frankenfurter in the pop-culture film 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show`Tim Curry
Category:Movie Trivia - Who played Dr. Kildare`Richard Chamberlain
Category:Movie Trivia - Who played Eddie in the pop-culture film 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show`Meat Loaf
Category:Movie Trivia Who played Garth in "Wayne's World"`Dana Carvey
Category:Movie Trivia - Who played Hopalong Cassidy`William Boyd
Category:Movie Trivia - Who played in the film 'Ragtime' after 20 years offscreen`James Cagney
Category:Movie Trivia - Who played 'Johnny Mnemonic'`Keanu Reeves
Category:Movie Trivia - Who played Louis in 'Interview With The Vampire'`Brad Pitt
Category:Movie Trivia Who played Matt Helm in the movies`Dean Martin
Category:Movie Trivia - Who played Queen Amidala in the latest 'Star Wars' film`Natalie Portman
Category:Movie Trivia Who played "Robin" to Val Kilmer's "Batman"`Christopher O'Donnell
Category:Movie Trivia Who played Scarlette O'Hara in "Gone With the Wind"`Vivien Leigh
Category:Movie Trivia - Who played the mayor of the munchkins in 'The Wizard of Oz'`Charlie Becker
Category:Movie Trivia - Who played the murder victim in the original version of 'Psycho'`Janet Leigh
Category:Movie Trivia - Who played the president of the U.S in 'Air Force One'`Harrison Ford
Category:Movie Trivia Who played the role of Richard Blaine in Casablanca`Humphrey Bogart
Category:Movie Trivia - Who played the title role in the 1978 version of 'Superman'`Christopher Reeve
Category:Movie Trivia - Who played the title role in the 'Mad Max' series of films`Mel Gibson
Category:Movie Trivia - Who played the 'Universal Soldier'`Jean-Claude Van Damme
Category:Movie Trivia Who played the 'Wicked Witch of the West' in "The Wizard of Oz"`Margaret Hamilton
Category:Movie Trivia Who plays the character of the only escapee from Alcatraz in the movie "The Rock"`Sean Connery
Category:Movie Trivia Who portrayed Han Solo in "Star Wars"`Harrison Ford
Category:Movie Trivia Who portrayed Moses in "The Ten Commandments"`Charlton Heston
Category:Movie Trivia Who produced, directed and starred in "Citizen Kane"`Orson Welles
Category:Movie Trivia - Whose films include 'Giant', 'Written On The Wind' and 'A Farewell To Arms'`Rock Hudson
Category:Movie Trivia - Who starred in 'Conan The Barbarian'`Arnold Schwarzenegger
Category:Movie Trivia - Who starred in the 1952 film 'Niagara'`Marilyn Monroe
Category:Movie Trivia - Who starred in the film 'The Man With Two Brains'`Steve Martin
Category:Movie Trivia - Who starred in the film version of 'To Kill A Mockingbird'`Gregory Peck
Category:Movie Trivia Who starred with John Travolta in the movie "Broken Arrow"`Christian Slater
Category:Movie Trivia Who was C3PO's sidekick in "Star Wars"`R2D2
Category:Movie Trivia - Who was Dr. Zhivago's great love`Lara
Category:Movie Trivia - Who was John Wayne's musical co-star in true grit`Glen Campbell
Category:Movie Trivia - Who was Miss Hungary in 1936`Zsa-Zsa Gabor
Category:Movie Trivia - Who was the Cisco Kid's faithful sidekick`Pancho
Category:Movie Trivia - Who was the director of 'Terminator' and 'Titanic'`James Cameron
Category:Movie Trivia - Who was the villain in 'Star Wars'`Darth Vader
Category: "Mucal invader, is there no end to you ______"`oozing
Category:Multiple Meanings - What animal has the same name as a high church official`cardinal
Category:Music 1980`s Who sang True`Spandau Ballet
Category: music 2002 who sang kiss kiss`holly valance
Category:Music - As what is Merle Haggard also known as`Okie from Muskogee
Category:Music Besides "Auld Lang Syne" and "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow", what is the most frequently sung song in English`Happy Birthday
Category:Music - Besides the Stones, which group had the longest touring career until the founder's death in 1995`The Grateful Dead
Category:Music - Bill Justis was a studio musician when he recorded this 'sloppy' instrumental in october 1957`Raunchy
Category:Music - Country singer Vince `Gill
Category:Music - Crosby, Stills and Nash's debut album included a song about a girl and the colour of her eyes. Name that song.`Sweet Judy Blue Eyes
Category: Music : Fifties rock "n" roll was revived by what greased hair, T-shirted, TV frequenting group`sha
Category:Music Fifties rock "n" roll was revived by what greased hair, T-shirted, TV frequenting group`Sha Na Na
Category:Music - Formerly with Spencer Davis, he went on to form Traffic with Dave Mason. He is`Steve Winwood
Category:Music - For whom did Colonel Tom Parker act as manager`Elvis Presley
Category:Music - From what platform does the 'Chattanooga Choo Choo' leave Pennsylvania station`twenty nine
Category:Music - From which station does the 'Chattanooga Choo Choo' leave`Pennsylvania station
Category:Music - 'Hang On Sloopy' was the official rock song of which band`Ohio
Category:Music "He's So Fine", "One Fine Day" and "A Love So Fine" where hits for what fine group`The Chiffons
Category:Music - Hey! What was the name of the hit song released by 'The Romantics' in February 1980`That's What I Like About You
Category:Music - How many members are in the 'fairfield four'`five
Category:Music - How old was Leann Rhimes when she became a country music star`fourteen
Category:Music - How old was Leann Rhimes when she recorded her first album`eleven
Category:Music - In 1958, who had a pop music hit with 'Willie and the Hand Jive'`Johnny Otis
Category:Music - In 1968, who released 'Carnival of life' and 'Recital'`Lee Michaels
Category:Music - In 1981, who won song of the year with 'Sailing'`Christopher Cross
Category:Music - In 1987, who released her second album 'Solitude Standing'`Suzanne Vega
Category:Music - In a 1976 release, who wanted to 'fly like an eagle'`Steve Miller Band
Category:Music - In late 1957, Buddy Holly's solo release 'Peggy Sue' challenged which song recorded with The Crickets`Oh Boy
Category:Music - In 'La Traviata', what does Violetta sing`Sempre Libera
Category:Music - In 'La Traviata', who sings 'Sempre Libera'`Violetta
Category:Music -  in the name of love`Stop
Category:Music - In the opera 'Don Giovanni', what was Leporello`servant
Category:Music - In which opera does Leporello entertain a vengeful jilted lover`Don Giovanni
Category:Music - In which Verdi opera does Violetta sing 'Sempre Libera'`La Traviata
Category:Music - In which year was George Jones inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame`1992
Category: Music : Jerry Lee Lewis had Great _____ Of Fire.`balls
Category:Music Jerry Lee Lewis had Great  Of Fire.`balls!
Category:Music "Joy to the World" was a hit in 1971 for what band with three lead vocalists`Three Dog Night
Category:Music - Michael di Lorenzo was one of the lead dancers on which Michael Jackson video`Beat It
Category:Music Name Jerry Garcia's long lived group.`The Grateful Dead
Category:Music - Randy Travis said his love was 'deeper than the '`holler
Category:Music - R. Kelly sings: 'If I can see it then I can do it, if I just believe it, there's nothing to it'. What's the song title`I Believe I Can Fly
Category:Music - Savage Garden took 13 nominations and 10 wins at which awards`ARIA awards
Category:Music - Singer Paula `Abdul
Category:Music - Sung by Robert Palmer, ' to love'`Addicted
Category:Music - The first Eurovision Song Contest was in 1951, 1956 or 1958`1956
Category: Music : The Who's rock musical stars Elton John.  It's called ________.`tommy
Category:Music The Who's rock musical stars Elton John.  It's called .`Tommy
Category: Music : This female artist enjoyed sucess on both popular and country & western stations with such tunes as "Let Me Be There" and "Have You Never Been Mellow."`olivia newton-john
Category:Music This was the Beatle's first film.`A Hard Day's Night
Category:Music Through 1963 this duo's total record sales exceeded 18 million with successes including "Cathy's Clown" and "Wake Up Little Suzie".`The Everly Brothers
Category:Music - What album holds the world record for copies sold`Thriller
Category:Music - What are the separators on a guitar neck called`frets
Category:Music What band recorded the 1978 hit album: "Briefcase Full of Blues"`The Blues Brothers
Category: Music : What city is also known as Music City, U.S.A.`nashville
Category:Music - What classic rock band sang the song 'Paint It, Black'`Rolling Stones
Category:Music What country singer/songwriter (and sometimes actor) is known as "the country outlaw"`Willie Nelson
Category:Music - What did George Harrison discover on the Witwatersrand`gold
Category:Music - What did Sheryl Crow do before she became a singer`teach
Category:Music - What does the term 'DJ' mean`Disc Jockey
Category:Music - What Don Mclean song laments the day Buddy Holly died`American Pie
Category:Music What entertainer is allowing one of his songs to be used in a government campaign to beat drunk driving`Michael Jackson
Category: Music : What famous classical composer continued to compose great music after becoming deaf`beethoven
Category:Music What famous classical composer continued to compose great music after becoming deaf`Ludwig van Beethoven
Category:Music What famous singer was known to give automobiles to complete strangers`Elvis Presley
Category: Music : What group refused to have their pictures taken while they were not in their makeup`kiss
Category:Music What group's biggest-ever hit was Be My Baby`The Ronettes
Category:Music - What hardcore rock group sings, 'Blind' and 'Clown'`Korn
Category:Music - What instrument are you playing when you perform a rim shot`drums
Category:Music - What instrument does an organ grinder play`hurdy gurdy
Category:Music - What is a cello's full name`violoncello
Category:Music - What is a violoncello usually called`cello
Category:Music - What is Cape Town's major choir called`Philharmonic choir
Category:Music - What is Elton John's real name`Reginald Dwight
Category:Music - What is the name given to the type of West Indian music made famous by artists such as Bob Marley and Peter Tosh`reggae
Category:Music - What is the official birthplace of country music`Bristol
Category:Music - What is Vanilla Ice's real name`Robert van Winkle
Category:Music - What license plate number is on the Volkswagon on the cover of The Beatles' 'Abbey Road' Album`281F
Category:Music What Procol Harem tune was based on the Bach cantata "Sleepers Awake"`A Whiter Shade of Pale
Category:Music What song by Don McLean talks about the day Buddy Holly died`American Pie
Category: Music : What song did Aretha Franklin sing in Blues Brothers`think
Category:Music What song did Aretha Franklin sing in "The Blues Brothers"`Think
Category:Music - What song did Elton John and George Michael sing as a duet`Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me
Category:Music - What song's words were changed and then published in 1935 as 'Happy Birthday To You'`Good Morning To You
Category:Music - What song was originally 'Good Morning To You' before the words were changed and it was published in 1935`Happy Birthday To You
Category: Music : What's the name of B.B. King's guitar`lucille
Category:Music - What was Elvis Presley's twin brother's name`Garon
Category: Music : What was Elvis Presley's wife's name`priscilla
Category:Music - What was Jethro Tull before donating his name to a British epic rock group`agriculturist
Category:Music - What was the average age of United States soldiers in the Vietnam war`nineteen
Category:Music What was The Beatles' biggest hit single`Hey Jude
Category:Music - What was the first CD pressed in the USA`Born In The USA
Category:Music - What was the original name of Paul McCartney's fictional church cleaner 'Eleanor Rigby'`Miss Daisy Hawkins
Category:Music - Where did George Harrison discover gold`Witwatersrand
Category:Music - Where is the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame`Cleveland, Ohio
Category:Music - Which 1960's group sang a song inspired by 'Alice In Wonderland'`The Jefferson Airplane
Category:Music - Which 1980's Pink Floyd album was made into a film that starred Bob Geldof, and featured the artwork of cartoonist Gerald Scarfe`The Wall
Category:Music - Which Australian duo took 13 nominations and 10 wins at the ARIA awards`Savage Garden
Category:Music - Which british group recorded the 1983 hit 'Owner Of A Lonely Heart'`Yes
Category:Music - Which country and western singer is known as the 'okie from muskogee'`Merle Haggard
Category:Music - Which Elton John song was re-recorded as a requiem for Lady Diana Spencer`Candle In The Wind
Category:Music Which of Paul Simon's musical characters was told to hop on the bus`Gus
Category:Music - Which singer is a former school teacher`Sheryl Crow
Category:Music - Which singer/songwriter worked in a factory making toilets for airplanes before he recorded 'Aint No Sunshine'`Bill Withers
Category:Music - 'White Room' was a hit off which Eric Clapton album`Cream
Category:Music - Who advised us to 'break on through to the other side'`Jim Morrison
Category:Music - Who appeared solo at the Woodstock festival after leaving 'The Lovin' Spoonful'`John Sebastian
Category:Music - Who began his career with 'The Yardbirds' and established himself as one of the best rock guitarists of his generation`Eric Clapton
Category:Music - Who began his professional career with Black Sabbath`Ozzy Osbourne
Category:Music - Who collaborated with John Lennon on 'Whatever Gets You Through The Night'`Elton John
Category:Music - Who did a version of 'One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer' on his 1977 debut album`George Thorogood
Category:Music - Who did the music for the 1970's film 'Saturday Night Fever'`Bee Gees
Category:Music - Who discovered gold on the Witwatersrand`George Harrison
Category:Music - Who founded 'Live Aid' and 'Band Aid'`Bob Geldof & Midge Ure
Category:Music - Who 'imagined' a better world`John Lennon
Category: Music : Who invented the electrical bass`fender
Category:Music Who invented the electrical bass`Leo Fender
Category:Music - Who is Reginald Dwight known as`Elton John
Category:Music - Who is Robert van Winkle`Vanilla Ice
Category:Music - Who is the elder statesman of 'british blues', and fronted 'The Bluesbreakers'`John Mayall
Category:Music - Who is the lead singer of 'The Doors'`Jim Morrison
Category:Music - Who is the only singer to have no.1 hits in the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's`Cliff Richard
Category:Music - Who produced 'Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band'`George Martin
Category:Music - Who recorded 'A Boy Named Sue'`Johnny Cash
Category:Music Who recorded the 1957 hit "Tammy"`Debby Reynolds
Category:Music Who recorded the lengthy song: "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" in 1969`Iron Butterfly
Category:Music - Who released a chart-busting album in 1976 which featured 'The Lido Shuffle'`Boz Scaggs
Category:Music - Who released the double album 'Goodbye Yellow Brick Road' in 1973`Elton John
Category:Music - Who released 'Time, Love and Tenderness' in 1981`Michael Bolton
Category:Music - Who released 'Tuesday Night Music Club' in 1993`Sheryl Crow
Category:Music - Who sang about 'Commitment'`Leann Rhimes
Category:Music - Who sang about Desmond and Molly Jones`The Beatles
Category:Music - Who sang about 'The Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy Of Company B'`The Andrews Sisters
category: music who sang Affirmation`savage garden
Category:Music - Who sang 'All Right Now'`Free
Category:Music - Who sang 'Any Way You Want Me'`Elvis Presley
Category:Music - Who sang 'Bad Case Of Loving You'`Robert Palmer
Category:Music - Who sang 'Beat It'`Michael Jackson
Category:Music - Who sang 'Beauty and the Beast'`Celine Dion
Category:Music - Who sang 'Born In The USA'`Bruce Springsteen
Category:Music - Who sang for 'Bad company' and 'Free', then went out on his own`Paul Rodgers
Category:Music - Who sang 'Forever and Ever, Amen'`Randy Travis
Category:Music - Who sang 'Good Morning To You`Mildred and Patty Hill
Category:Music - Who sang 'I'm A Believer'`Monkees
Category:Music - Who sang 'In The Air Tonight'`Phil Collins
Category:Music - Who sang 'Islands In The Stream' with Dolly Parton`Kenny Rogers
Category:Music - Who sang 'Islands In The Stream' with Kenny Rogers`Dolly Parton
Category:Music - Who sang 'Jet Airliner'`Steve Miller Band
category: music who sang Mr writer`stereophonics
Category:Music - Who sang 'Rescue Me'`Fontella Bass
Category: music who sang teenage dirtbag`wheatus
Category:Music - Who sang 'That's Alright Mama'`Elvis Presley
Category:Music - Who sang 'We've only just begun'`Carpenters
Category:Music - Who sang with 'The Dakotas'`Billy J. Kramer
Category:Music - Who sang 'You Can Call Me Al'`Paul Simon
category: music who sang you make me sick`pink
Category:Music Whose theme song was Back In The Saddle Again`Gene Autry's
Category:Music - Who's first release was 'Talking Heads 77'`Psycho Killer
Category:Music - Who sings 'Sweet Home Alabama'`Lynyrd Skynyrd
Category:Music - Who wanted 'a lover with a slow hand'`The Pointer Sisters
Category:Music - Who wanted 'a new drug'`Huey Lewis and The News
Category:Music - Who was a member of 'Crosby, Stills and Nash' and 'The Hollies'`Graham Nash
Category:Music - Who was 'hooked on a feeling'`Blue Suede
Category:Music - Who was the first female to enter the Billboard charts in 1985`Whitney Houston
Category:Music Who was the first singer in Genesis`Peter Gabriel
Category:Music - Who was the Indian maiden in Johnny Preston's 'Running Bear'`Little White Dove
Category:Music - Who was the oldest member of The Beatles`Ringo Starr
Category:Music - Who was the only songwriter to win the Eurovision Song Contest twice`Johnny Logan
Category:Music - Who wrote 'Roll Over Beethoven'`Chuck Berry
Category:Music - Who wrote the opera 'norma'`Vincenzo Bellini
Category:Music - Who wrote the opera 'The Giant'`Sergei Prokofiev
Category:Music - Who wrote the opera 'The Masked Ball'`Giuseppe Verdi
Category:Music - Who wrote the opera 'Tosca'`Giacomo Puccini
Category:Music - Who wrote the oprea 'La Traviata'`Guiseppe Verdi
Category:Music - Who wrote the song 'Do They Know It's Christmas' with Bob Geldof`Midge Ure
Category:Music - Who wrote the song 'Do They Know It's Christmas' with Midge Ure`Bob Geldof
Category:Muthology - In Greek mythology, the riddle of what did Oedipus solve`sphinx
Category:Mytholgy - Apollo was the Greek god of `prophecy and archery
Category:Mythology - Dionysus was the greek god of `Wine
Category:Mythology - In Egyptian mythology, what is the life force called`Ka
Category:Mythology - In Egyptian mythology, who is known as the god of the desert`Ash
Category:Mythology - In Egyptian mythology, who is the god of the underworld`Osiris
Category:Mythology - In Egyptian mythology, who was Horus' mother`Isis
Category:Mythology - In Egyptian mythology, who was Isis the wife of`Osiris
Category:Mythology - In English mythology, who caused the death of the Lady of Shallot`Sir Lancelot
Category:Mythology - In Greek mythology, how many heads did Hydra have`nine
Category:Mythology - In Greek mythology, into what did Athena turn Arachne`spider
Category:Mythology - In Greek mythology, what animal is associated with Athena`owl
Category:Mythology - In Greek mythology, what did Daedalus construct for Minos`labyrinth
Category:Mythology - In Greek mythology, what was Minos the king of`Crete
Category:Mythology - In Greek mythology, where did Perseus kill his grandfather`Larrisan games
Category:Mythology - In Greek mythology who did Athena turn into a spider`Arachne
Category:Mythology - In Greek mythology, who did Jocasta marry`Oedipus
Category:Mythology - In Greek mythology, who did Minos hire to construct the labyrinth`Daedalus
Category:Mythology - In Greek mythology, who had nine heads`Hydra
Category:Mythology - In Greek mythology, who hired Daedalus to construct the labyrinth`Minos
Category:Mythology - In Greek mythology, who ruled over the island of Samos`Polycrates
Category:Mythology - In Greek mythology, who solved the riddle of the Sphinx`Oedipus
Category:Mythology - In Greek mythology, who turned Arachne into a spider`Athena
Category:Mythology - In Greek mythology, who was Jason's wife`Medea
Category:Mythology - In Greek mythology, who was Medea's husband`Jason
Category:Mythology - In Greek mythology, who was the only mortal gorgon`Medusa
Category:Mythology - In Greek mythology, who was the son of Peleus and Thetis`Achilles
Category:Mythology - In Greek mythology, who were Achilles' parents`Peleus and Thetis
Category:Mythology - Neptune was the Roman god of the `sea
Category:Mythology - Persephone was the Greek goddess of `spring
Category:Mythology - Poseidon was the Greek god of the `sea
Category: Mythology : The sea gods had a three-pronged spear called a(n) ________.`trident
Category:Mythology The sea gods had a three-pronged spear called a(n) .`trident
Category: Mythology : This Greek mountain was known as the home of the gods.`olympus
Category: Mythology : What has no reflection, no shadow, and can't stand the smell of garlic`vampire
Category:Mythology - What mythical Scottish town appears for one day every 100 years`Brigadoon
Category: Mythology : What's heaven to fallen Norse warriors`valhalla
Category:Mythology Where did Robin Hood supposedly live`Sherwood Forest
Category: Mythology : Which ancient continent is said to be submerged`atlantis
Category:Mythology - Which Norse god had the Valkyries as handmaidens`Odin
Category:Mythology - Which Titan had snakes for hair`Medusa
Category:Mythology - Who did the Norse god Odin have as handmaidens`Valkyries
Category:Mythology - Who, in Egyptian mythology, is the god of the dead`Anubis
Category:Mythology - Who is the Greek messenger god`Hermes
Category:Mythology - Who is the mother of Apollo and Artemis`Leto
Category:Mythology - Who is the Norse god of lightning`Odin
Category:Mythology - Who is the Norse god of mischief`Loki
Category:Mythology - Who is the Norse god of thunder and war`Thor
Category:Mythology - Who was Hercules' father`Zeus
Category:Mythology - Who was Hercules' stepmother`Hera
Category:Mythology - Who was the Greek goddess of spring`Persephone
Category:Mythology - Who was the Greek god of fire`Hephaestus
Category:Mythology - Who was the Greek god of prophecy and archery`Apollo
Category:Mythology - Who was the Greek god of wine`Dionysus
Category: Name Biblical Character: Apostle who replaced Judas`matthias
Category: Name Biblical Character: Became the adopted son of Mary the mother of Jesus`john
Category: Name Biblical Character: Father-in-law of Moses`jethro
Category: Name Biblical Character: Father of Methuselah`enoch
Category: Name Biblical Character: Initial co-worker of Paul in his second mission`silas
Category: Name Biblical Character: Jew who became queen of another country`esther
Category: Name Biblical Character: Pleaded for Jesus to heal his dying daughter`jairus
Category: Name Biblical Character: When mentioned together with her husband, she is generally named first`priscilla
Category: Name That Celebrity: Author of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings`j.r.r. tolkein
Category: Name That Celebrity: Circus clown famous for Weary Willie`emmett kelly
Category: Name That Celebrity: Edgar Bergen's dummy`charlie mccarthy
Category: Name That Celebrity: He has entertained American troops in every war since WWII`bob hope
Category: Name That Celebrity: Host of Twenty One, Tic Tac Dough, and The Joker's Wild`jack barry
Category: Name That Celebrity: World's most famous mime`marcel marceau
Category: Name The Author: Fear Of Flying, How To Save Your Own Life`jong
Category: Name The Author: Steppe, Juxtaposition, Fractal Mode`piers anthony
Category: Name The Author: The Drifters, Tales Of The South Pacific, Toko-ri`james michener
Category: Name The Author: The Great And Secret Show, Weaveworld, Imajica`clive barker
Category: Name The Author: The Sword Of Shannara, Magic Kingdom For Sale -- Sold`terry brooks
Category: Name Their Job1: Swifty Lazar`hollywood agent
Category: Name Their Job 2: Billie Jean King`tennis
Category: Name Their Job 2: Harold Stassen`mayor
Category: Name Their Job 2: June Allyson`actress
Category: Name Their Job 2: Kate Smith`singer
Category: Name Their Job 2: Willie Shoemaker`jockey
Category: Name Their Job: Alan Paton`author
Category: Name Their Job: Barbara Jordan`congresswoman
Category: Name Their Job: Barry Commoner`scientist
Category: Name Their Job: Billy Sunday`evangelist
Category: Name Their Job: Chuck Yeager`pilot
Category: Name Their Job: Claude Pepper`senator
Category: Name Their Job: David Dinkins`nyc mayor
Category: Name Their Job: Don King`fight promoter
Category: Name Their Job: Ellen Goodman`columnist
Category: Name Their Job: Garry Trudeau`cartoonist
Category: Name Their Job: Gorgeous George`wrestler
Category: Name Their Job: Harold Stassen`mayor
Category: Name Their Job: Helen Gurley Brown`publisher
Category: Name Their Job: H.L. Mencken`journalist
Category: Name Their Job: Jane Addams`social worker
Category: Name Their Job: Jane Goodall`naturalist
Category: Name Their Job: Jane Pauley`news
Category: Name Their Job: Jean-Pierre Rampal`flautist
Category: Name Their Job: Manuel Noriega`dictator
Category: Name Their Job: Mark Rothko`painter
Category: Name Their Job: Martha Graham`dancer
Category: Name Their Job: Marvin Mitchelson`divorce lawyer
Category: Name Their Job: Masters and Johnson researched this`sex
Category: Name Their Job: Pat Buchanan`politician
Category: Name Their Job: Rupert Murdoch`publisher
Category: Name Their Job: Sandra Day O'Conner`supreme court
Category: Name Their Job: Wernher von Braun`rocket scientist
Category: Name The Poet: A Red, Red Rose`robert burns
Category: Name The Poet: A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning`john donne
Category: Name The Poet: On His Blindness`john milton
Category: Name The Poet: Ozymandias`percy bysshe shelley
Category: Name The Poet: Song: To Cynthia`ben jonson
Category: Name The Poet: The Book of Nightmares`galway kinnell
Category: Name The Poet: The Branch Will Not Break`james wright
Category: Name The Poet: The Rape of a Lock`alexander pope
Category: Name The Poet: Ulysses`lord tennyson
Category: Name The Poet: Variation of a Theme by William Carlos Williams`kenneth koch
Category: National Anthems: ...At your feet, two oceans roar for your noble mission.`panama
Category: National Anthems: Fellow Slavs, the spirit of your ancient breed triumphs...`yugoslavia
Category: National Anthems: ...The hope of 2000 years, To be a free people in our land, the land of ...`israel
Category: National Anthems: ...The United Provinces of the South, their throne full of dignity opened...`argentina
Category: National Anthems: Yes,we love this country,as it arises rugged, storm-scarred, above the water...`norway
Category:Nationalities - Which people invented the compass`Chinese
Category: Natural History : Name the largest of the dinosaurs.`brachiosaurus
Category: Natural History : The remains of prehistoric organisms that have been preserved in rocks are called ________.`fossil
Category:Natural History The remains of prehistoric organisms that have been preserved in rocks are called .`fossils
Category: Nature : A calm ocean region near the equator.`doldrum
Category:Nature A calm ocean region near the equator.`doldrums
Category: Nature : A coral island consisting of a ring of rock enclosing a central lagoon is a(n) ________.`atoll
Category:Nature A coral island consisting of a ring of rock enclosing a central lagoon is a(n) .`atoll
Category:Nature A great wave resulting from an earthquakes is called a (an) .`tsunami
Category: Nature : A group of gorillas is known as a ___________.`band
Category:Nature A group of gorillas is known as a .`band
Category: Nature : A group of kangaroos is known as a _______.`troop
Category:Nature A group of kangaroos is known as a .`troop
Category: Nature : A hot spring which shoots steam into the air is a _______.`geyser
Category:Nature A hot spring which shoots steam into the air is a .`geyser
Category: Nature : An animal is a bird if it has _______.`feathers
Category:Nature An animal is a bird if it has .`feathers
Category: Nature : An animal is a fish if it has _________.`gill
Category:Nature An animal is a fish if it has .`gills
Category: Nature : A one-humped camel is called a _________.`dromedary
Category:Nature A one-humped camel is called a .`dromedary
Category: Nature : A relationship between two different types of organism which live together for their mutual benefit.`symbiosis
Category: Nature : A "sirocco" refers to a type of __________.`wind
Category:Nature A "sirocco" refers to a type of .`wind
Category: Nature : A terrapin is a type of _________.`turtle
Category:Nature A terrapin is a type of .`turtle
Category:Nature - At which time of year do children grow fastest`springtime
Category:Nature - By what process is rock worn down by the weather`erosion
Category: Nature : Corolla, filament and stigma are parts of a(n) _________.`flower
Category:Nature Corolla, filament and stigma are parts of a(n) .`flower
Category: Nature : Dense sea-water swamps along coasts of hot countries are called ________.`mangrove
Category:Nature Dense sea-water swamps along coasts of hot countries are called .`mangroves
Category: Nature : Dogs bark.  What do donkeys do`bray
Category:Nature - During pregnancy, how many times its normal size does the human uterus expand`five hundred
Category: Nature : Excluding man, what is the longest-lived land mammal`elephant
Category: Nature : Fandible, lateral line, and dorsal fin are parts of a(n) ________.`fish
Category:Nature Fandible, lateral line, and dorsal fin are parts of a(n) .`fish
Category: Nature : From what animal is "ambergis" obtained`sperm whale
Category: Nature : How man legs does a crab have`ten
Category:Nature - How many hearts do earthworms have`five
Category: Nature : How many teats does a cow have`four
Category:Nature How many teats does a cow have`four
Category: Nature : How many tentacles does a squid have`ten
Category: Nature : Imperial, Buck, and Luna are types of _________.`moth
Category:Nature Imperial, Buck, and Luna are types of .`moth
Category: Nature : Knife, Clown, and Pencil are types of __________.`fish
Category:Nature Knife, Clown, and Pencil are types of .`fish
Category: Nature : Linseed oil is obtained from the seed of which plant`flax
Category: Nature : Maxillary palps, abdomen, and metathorax are parts of a(n) ________.`insect
Category:Nature Maxillary palps, abdomen, and metathorax are parts of a(n) .`insect
Category: Nature : Name the fastest land animal over a prolonged distance (1,000 yd. plus)`antelope
Category: Nature : Name the heaviest breed of domestic dog.`bernard
Category:Nature Name the heaviest breed of domestic dog.`St. Bernard
Category: Nature : Name the heaviest flying bird of prey.`condor
Category: Nature : Name the largest living bird.`ostrich
Category: Nature : Name the largest web-footed bird.`albatross
Category: Nature : Name the longest venomous snake.`cobra
Category: Nature : Name the mammal living at the highest altitude.`yak
Category: Nature : Name the most venomous spider.`black widow
Category: Nature : Name the only native North American marsupial.`opossum
Category: Nature : Name the slowest moving land mammal.`sloth
Category: Nature : Name the smallest breed of dog.`chihuahua
Category: Nature : Name the wild dogs of Australia.`dingo
Category:Nature - Of what do earthworms have five`hearts
Category: Nature : Paper is made from the pulp of _____.`wood
Category:Nature Paper is made from the pulp of .`wood
Category: Nature : Snakes are reptiles.  What are frogs`amphibians
Category: Nature : Some animals spend the winter in a sleep-like state known as _________.`hibernation
Category:Nature Some animals spend the winter in a sleep-like state known as .`hibernation
Category: Nature : The "canebrake", "timber" and "pygmy" are types of what`rattlesnake
Category: Nature : The fins of which fish are made into a soup`shark
Category: Nature : The four stages in the life-cycle of an insect are: egg, adult, pupa, and ________.`larva
Category:Nature The four stages in the life-cycle of an insect are: egg, adult, pupa, and .`larva
Category: Nature : The koala bear eats the leaves from this tree.`eucalyptus
Category: Nature : These marine crustaceans often attach themselves to the hulls of ships.`barnacle
Category:Nature These marine crustaceans often attach themselves to the hulls of ships.`barnacles
Category:Nature This African animal kills the most people.`crocodile
Category: Nature : This animal is armed with bony plates and rolls up into a ball if frightened.`armadillo
Category: Nature : This animal is kept as a house pet to kill cobras.`mongoose
Category: Nature : This animal is normally measured in "hands".`horse
Category: Nature : This animal is the symbol of the U.S. Democratic Party.`donkey
Category: Nature : This animal is the symbol of the U.S. Republican Party.`elephant
Category: Nature : This animal's name is the same as that given to a high church official.`cardinal
Category: Nature : This animal's shell is used to make attractive jewelry.`abalone
Category: Nature : This bird lays its eggs in the nests of other birds.`cuckoo
Category: Nature : This is the largest of the deer family.`moose
Category: Nature : This is the main food of the blue whale.`plankton
Category: Nature : This is the only mammal with four knees.`elephant
Category: Nature : This order of insects contains the most species.`beetle
Category: Nature : This organic gem is a deep red secretion from a marine animal.`coral
Category: Nature : This small animal is trained to hunt rats and rabbits.`ferret
Category: Nature : This two ton animal can gallop at over 50 miles an hour.`rhinoceros
Category: Nature : This ugly creature has patches of red on his rear-end.`mandrill
Category: Nature : Walrus tusks are made of ________.`ivory
Category:Nature Walrus tusks are made of .`ivory
Category:Nature - What animal has bony plates and rolls up into a ball if it is frightened`armadillo
Category: Nature : What are the pouched animals called`marsupials
Category: Nature : What bird is an excellent swimmer, but can't fly`penguin
Category: Nature : What does a camel store in its hump`fat
Category: Nature : What fish is the fastest`sailfish
Category:Nature - What has approximately 1/4 pound of salt in every gallon`seawater
Category: Nature : What is a group of larks called`exaltation
Category: Nature : What is a group of peacocks called`muster
Category: Nature : What is a group of whales called`a  pod
Category:Nature What is a group of whales called`pod
Category: Nature : What is a male goose called`gander
Category: Nature : What is a male swan called`cob
Category: Nature : What is a male swine called`boar
Category: Nature : What is an emasculated stallion called`gelding
Category: Nature : What is another term for a black leopard`panther
Category: Nature : What is a young goose called`gosling
Category: Nature : What is a young swan called`cygnet
Category:Nature - What is the heart rate of the blue whale (in beats per minute)`nine
Category: Nature : What is the horn of a rhinoceros made of`hair
Category: Nature : What is the only dog that doesn't have a pink tongue`chow
Category: Nature : What is the world's longest snake`python
Category: Nature : What large herbivore sleeps only one hour a night`antelope
Category: Nature : What name is given to a female calf`heifer
Category: Nature : What plant is opium derived from`poppy
Category: Nature : What travels in gaggles`geese
Category: Nature : What type of animal is a wallaby`kangaroo
Category:Nature What type of animal is a wallaby`marsupial
Category: Nature : What type of animal lives in a formicary`ant
Category: Nature : What word is used for a female fox`vixen
Category: Nature : What word is used for a female sheep`ewe
Category: Nature : What word is used for a male ass (Other than that the word used for that  $^&%@! ex-boyfriend..`jack
Category:Nature What word is used for a male ass (Other than that the word used for that `^*&%@! ex-boyfriend.)*jack
Category: Nature : What word is used for a male deer`buck
Category: Nature : What word is used for a male duck`drake
Category:Nature - When does the human uterus expand 500 times its normal size`during pregnancy
Category: NetHack: Carrying this corpse protects you from being petrified by a cockatrice.`lizard
Category: NetHack: Never put this wand in your Bag of Holding!`cancellation
Category: NetHack: The genre of games which NetHack belongs to is called that.`roguelike games
Category: NetHack: This beast can help you identify your gems.`unicorn
Category: NetHack: This tool will instantly get your pets around you.`magic whistle
Category: NetHack: Wizards always start the game with this weapon.`athame
Category: NetHack: You can always buy these items in Minetown.`candles
Category: NetHack: You cannot enter shops while carrying this tool.`pick-axe
Category: Neture : What do oak trees grow from`acorns
Category: New Orleans: "Laissez les bon temps rouler", one of N.O.'s mottos, means this.`let the good times roll
Category: New Orleans: These buildings bordering Jackson Square are the oldest apt bldgs. in the US.`pontalba apartments
Category: New Orleans: This is the largest housing project in the US-- located in New Orleans.`desire housing project
Category: New Orleans: This open air market in the Vieux Carre is more like a huge garage sale.`the french market
Category:Nomenclature - Eras are divided into units called `periods
Category: Not telling ;-P : What are these: chrysolite, beryl, jasper, and tourmaline`gem
Category:Not telling ;-P What are these: chrysolite, beryl, jasper, and tourmaline`gems
Category: Not Telling ;-P : What are white dwarfs and red giants`stars
Category:Not Telling! - What can be either new, last or gibbous`The moon
Category: Not Telling ;-) : What would be kept in an "aviary"`bird
Category:Not Telling ;-) What would be kept in an "aviary"`birds
Category: Not Telling ;-) : Where is the Ocean of Storms located`on the  moon