Food & Drink: Flamingo Tongues Were A Common Delicacy At _____`Roman Feasts
Food & Drink: Flavourful Product Mixed With Your Own Sugar And Water: A Kid's Favourite`Kool Aid
Food & Drink: Folgers, Nescafe, Sanka, Eight O'clock, Brothers, Taster's Choice`Coffee
Food & Drink: Food Experts Say Biscuits Should Rise To Two Times Their Original Height When`Baked
Food & Drink: Food Experts Say ________ Should Rise To Two Times Their Original Height When Baked`Biscuits
Food & Drink: Food Has Been 'Devilled' How Would You Expect It To Taste`Hot
Food & Drink: Food Preparation, What Term Is Used For The Removal Of Peas From The Pod, Or The Green Calyx From Strawberries`Hulling
Food & Drink: Food Prepared With Wild Plants Is Known As`Cuisine
Food & Drink: Food Surrounded With Dry, Hot, Circulated Air`Convection Oven
Food & Drink: For Tea From Willow Bark Good For Relieving`Pain
Food & Drink: 'Framboise' Is A Liqueur Flavoured With What`Raspberries
Food & Drink: Frampton With What Vegetable Song Did Dee Dee Sharp Score Big`Mashed Potato Time
Food & Drink: French Fries Come From This Country`Belgium
Food & Drink: French Origin: Cherry Brandy Flavor: Appetizer, Dessert`Gourmandise
Food & Drink: French Toast Isn't French. It Comes From A _____ ________, Dating Back To 1000 Or 2000 B.C`Roman Cookbook
Food & Drink: Fresh Coriander Leaves Are Used In Indian Cookery And The Rest Of The Plant Can Also Be Cooked And Eaten. Which Vegetable Family Does It Belong To`Carrot
Food & Drink: Fresh ______ Float Because 25 Percent Of Their Volume Is Air`Apples
Food & Drink: Fresh ______ Were First Shipped Around 150 Years Ago`Grapes
Food & Drink: Fried Yeast Product With A Hole In The Middle: Usually Glazed Or Frosted`Donut
Food & Drink: Fromage Is French For`Cheese
Food & Drink: From What Is Rum Distilled`Sugar Cane
Food & Drink: From What Is The Liqueur Kirsch Made`Cherries
Food & Drink: From Which Fish Is Caviar Obtained`Sturgeon
Food & Drink: From Which Fruit Is The Liqueur Kirsh Made`Cherries
Food & Drink: From Which Fruit Is The Liqueur Kirsh Made`Cherry
Food & Drink: From Which Part Of A Pig Do We Get Ham`Hind Leg
Food & Drink: Fruit Preserved In Sugar`Glace
Food & Drink: Fruit Puree Thin Enough To Pour`Coulis
Food & Drink: 'Fruit Smack Flavored Syrup' Was The Original Name Of`Kool Aid
Food & Drink: ____ _______ Generally Come With The Skin On: Fish Steaks Are Usually Skinless`Fish Fillets
Food & Drink: German Dish With Roast Beef Marinated In Vinegar, Sugar, And Seasonings`Sauerbraten
Food & Drink: German Variety Of Noble Hops That Jim Koch Whines About On The Radio`Hallertau Mittelfrueh
Food & Drink: 'Gherkins' Are A Type Of`Pickle
Food & Drink: Gin And Collins Mix Make A(N)`Tom Collins
Food & Drink: Gin, Blue Curacao And Lemonade Make A`Blue Lagoon
Food & Drink: Gluhwein`Mulled Wine
Food & Drink: ________ Got Its Name After The Gators, The University Of Florida Football Team, Tested It`Gatorade
Food & Drink: Grapes Are Used To Make Wine But What Is Used As The Basis Of Tequila`Cactus
Food & Drink: Grapes Explode When You Put Them In The`Microwave
Food & Drink: Greek Cookery What Are 'Sheftalia'`Minced Lamb Kebabs
Food & Drink: Green Tea Has 50 Percent More _______ _ Than Black Tea`Vitamin C
Food & Drink: Grenadine Is A Syrup From The Juice Of Which Fruit`Pomegranate
Food & Drink: 'Grunt' And '_____' Are Two Names That Refer To A Fruit Dessert With A Biscuit Topping`Slump
Food & Drink: 'Grunt' And 'Slump' Are Two Names That Refer To A Fruit Dessert With A _______`Biscuit Topping
Food & Drink: 'Grunt' And 'Slump' Are Two Names That Refer To A _____ _______ With A Biscuit Topping`Fruit Dessert
Food & Drink: 'Guacamole'`Mexican Avocado Dip
Food & Drink: Habanero, Chiltepin, Cayenne, Serrano`Types Of Chilli
Food & Drink: Haggis`Sheep Stomach
Food & Drink: _____ ___ Has 50 Percent More Vitamin C Than Black Tea`Green Tea
Food & Drink: _______ Has Been Cultivated For More Than 2,500 Years`Lettuce
Food & Drink: _________ Has More Than 500 Flavor Components, More Than Twice The Amount Found In Strawberry And Vanilla`Chocolate
Food & Drink: ____ Have The Highest Dietary Fiber Content Of Any Common Fruit, Nut, Or Vegetable`Figs
Food & Drink: Hawaii Is The Only U.S. State To Produce`Coffee
Food & Drink: Hazelnut Liqueur Named For The Mysterious Monk That Made It 300 Years Ago`Frangelico
Food & Drink: He Advocated The Planting Peanuts And Sweet Potatoes To Replace Cotton And Tobacco`George Washington Carver
Food & Drink: Heavily Cultivated, Though It May Have Been In England, The ____ Is The National Emblem Of Wales`Leek
Food & Drink: Highly Secretive, ____ _____ Rarely Share Their Recipes`Male Cooks
Food & Drink: Hippocrates Noted The Medicinal Properties Of _______ In 430 B.C`Lettuce
Food & Drink: Home Country Of Sam Miguel Beer`Philippines
Food & Drink: 'Honeydew' Is A Variety Of What`Melon
Food & Drink: How Big A Can Of Soda Pop Contains The Equivalent Of 9 Teaspoons Of Sugar`Twelve Ounce
Food & Drink: How Did The Bum Convince The Family Dog To Start Eating Again In Down And Out In Beverly Hills`He Ate The Dog's Food
Food & Drink: How Does A Wine Become A 'Fortified' Wine`Brandy Is Added
Food & Drink: How Many Different Animal Shapes Are There In The 'Animal Crackers' Cookie Zoo`18`Eighteen
Food & Drink: How Many Different Kinds Of Rice Are There In The World`About 7000
Food & Drink: How Many Pounds Of Milk Does It Take To Make A Pound Of Natural Cheese`Ten
Food & Drink: How Many Standard Bottles Of Wine Are There In A Jereboam`Four
Food & Drink: How Much Did A Mcdonald's Hamburger Cost In 1963`Fifteen Cents
Food & Drink: Iceberg, Boston, And Bibb Are Types Of`Lettuce
Food & Drink: Ice Cream Was Originally Made Without Sugar And`Eggs
Food & Drink: Idaho Grows About 27 Billion ________ Annually`Potatoes
Food & Drink: I'd Like To Buy The World This Drink, In Perfect Harmony`Coke
Food & Drink: If A Dish Is Served A La Bretonne, With What Would It Be Garnished`Haricot Beans
Food & Drink: If A Dish Is Served A La Chantilly, What Would Be Its Main Ingredient`Whipped Cream
Food & Drink: If A Dish Is Served 'Au Gratin', What Does It Have On It`Cheese
Food & Drink: If All These Ingredients Are Blended Together What Dish Would I Create - Stale White Bread, Smoked Cods Roe, Olive Oil, Lemon And A Slice Of Onion`Taramosalata
Food & Drink: If Eggs Have Been Fried On One Side Only How Are They Said To Be Served`Sunny Side Up
Food & Drink: If You Asked For A Mae West In A Diner, You'd Get A ______-_____`Figure-Eight Cruller
Food & Drink: If You Enter A Fromagerie In France And Order Some Smelly Burgundy Epoisses, What Are You Buying`Cheese
Food & Drink: If You Ordered 'Pamplemousse' In A French Restaurant, What Would You Be Served`Grapefruit
Food & Drink: If You Ordered Sushi In A Japanese Restaurant, What Would You Be Served`Raw Fish
Food & Drink: If You Put A Raisin In A Glass Of __________, It Will Keep Floating To The Top And Sinking To The Bottom`Champagne
Food & Drink: If You Saw The Word 'Sag' On An Indian Menu, Which Vegetable Would It Signify`Spinach
Food & Drink: If You Were In A Bar And Someone Gave You A 'Mickey Finn' What Would You Be Drinking`A Drugged Drink
Food & Drink: If You Would Like To Make A __________ Happy, Give Him A Horse-Meat Steak`Siberian
Food & Drink: In 1938, A Comic Strip Was Used To Advertise _____-____. It Was Titled 'Pepsi And Pete.'`Pepsi-Cola
Food & Drink: In 1938, A Comic Strip Was Used To Advertise Pepsi-Cola. It Was Titled '_____ ___ ____.'`Pepsi And Pete
Food & Drink: In 1965, A Collection Of Eight Bottles Of _______ ______ __________ Was Sold At Auction Of $2,200`Chateau Lafite Rothschild
Food & Drink: In 1996, Chicken Alfredo Was Introduced As One Of The New Flavours Of ______ ____`Gerber Baby Food
Food & Drink: In 1996, _______ _______ Was Introduced As One Of The New Flavours Of Gerber Baby Food`Chicken Alfredo
Food & Drink: In 2000, The ________ _______ _______ Reported That The Average American Consumes 81 Pounds Of Chicken A Year`National Chicken Council
Food & Drink: In 4000 B.C., _________ Discovered Yeast's Leavening Abilities And Turned Out More Than 40 Types Of Bread`Egyptians
Food & Drink: In 4000 B.C., Egyptians Discovered _____'S Leavening Abilities And Turned Out More Than 40 Types Of Bread`Yeast
Food & Drink: In 4000 B.C., Egyptians Discovered Yeast's Leavening Abilities And Turned Out More Than 40 Types Of`Bread
Food & Drink: In 'Alice In Wonderland', With What Were The Words 'Eat Me' Written On The Cake`Currants
Food & Drink: In Ancient China And Certain Parts Of India, Mouse Flesh Was Considered A Great`Delicacy
Food & Drink: In Ancient China And Certain Parts Of India, _____ _____ Was Considered A Great Delicacy`Mouse Flesh
Food & Drink: In Ancient Greece, Where The Mouse Was Sacred To Apollo, Mice Were Sometimes Devoured By ______`Temple Priests
Food & Drink: In Ancient Greece, Where The Mouse Was Sacred To ______, Mice Were Sometimes Devoured By Temple Priests`Apollo
Food & Drink: In Ancient Rome, _______ Were So Highly Prized That They Were Sold For Their Weight In Gold`Oysters
Food & Drink: In Ancient Times, Parsley Wreaths Were Used To Ward Off`Drunkenness
Food & Drink: In Ancient Times, _______ _______ Were Used To Ward Off Drunkenness`Parsley Wreaths
Food & Drink: In A Spanish Bar, What Are Tapas`Snacks
Food & Drink: In A Traditional French Restaurant Kitchen, A '_____-______' Is Responsible For Salads`Garde-Manger
Food & Drink: In A Traditional ______ Restaurant Kitchen, A 'Garde-Manger' Is Responsible For Salads`French
Food & Drink: In Australian Slang, A Container For Boiling ___ Is Called A Billy`Tea
Food & Drink: In Australian Slang, A Container For Boiling Tea Is Called A`Billy
Food & Drink: In British India, A 'Tiffin' Is A _____`Light Lunch
Food & Drink: In Cookery, What Does The Term 'Julienne' Mean`In Strips
Food & Drink: In Cookery, What Term Is Used For The Sprinkling Of Food Lightly And Evenly With Flour, Sugar, Etc`Dredging
Food & Drink: In Cooking, __________ Drops Make A Dash`Six
Food & Drink: In Cooking, How Many Drops To A Teaspoon`60`Sixty
Food & Drink: In Cooking Measurements, A Thimble Is Approximately Equal To How Many Drops`30
Food & Drink: In Cooking, Six Drops Make A`Dash
Food & Drink: In Cooking Where Does 'Angelica' Come From`Plant Root
Food & Drink: In Cooking, Which Meat Is Used In The Stew A Navarin`Lamb Or Mutton
Food & Drink: Indian Clarified Butter`Ghee
Food & Drink: Indian Dish Of Of Fried Vegetables`Bhaji
Food & Drink: Individual Bananas Are Called`Fingers
Food & Drink: In England, A 'Bap' Is A _________`Hamburger Bun
Food & Drink: In England, A '___' Is A Hamburger Bun`Bap
Food & Drink: In England, What Is Known As A Banger`Sausage
Food & Drink: _____ In Foods Such As Tomatoes And Vinegar Affect Bean Tenderness When Cooking`Acids
Food & Drink: In General, Italian Brands Of _____ Are Thicker Than Their American Counterparts`Pasta
Food & Drink: In German, ____________ Means 'Devil's Fart'`Pumpernickel
Food & Drink: In Iceland, Domino's Pizza Has A ________ _______ ___ On Its Menu`Reindeer Sausage Pie
Food & Drink: In Iceland, ______'_ _____ Has A Reindeer Sausage Pie On Its Menu`Domino's Pizza
Food & Drink: Initially A Salty Paste, Soy Sauce Is Believed To Have Originated During The ____`Zhou Dynasty
Food & Drink: Initially A _____ _____, Soy Sauce Is Believed To Have Originated During The Zhou Dynasty`Salty Paste
Food & Drink: In Japanese Cooking What Name Is Given To Small Pieces Of Raw Fish Served With Cold Rice`Sushi
Food & Drink: In Japan, The Best Selling Gerber Baby Food Flavor Is This`Sardines
Food & Drink: In ______ _______ Legend, The Banana Was Widely Considered To Be The Forbidden Fruit`Middle Eastern
Food & Drink: In Medieval England, Beer Was Often Served With`Breakfast
Food & Drink: In Medieval England, ____ Was Often Served With Breakfast`Beer
Food & Drink: In Middle Eastern Legend, The Banana Was Widely Considered To Be The _________`Forbidden Fruit
Food & Drink: In Middle Eastern Legend, The ______ Was Widely Considered To Be The Forbidden Fruit`Banana
Food & Drink: In Midieval England, Beer Often Was Served With`Breakfast
Food & Drink: In Midieval England, __________ Often Was Served With Breakfast`Beer
Food & Drink: In Morton G. Clark's 'The Wide Wide World Of Texas Cooking' A Recipe Called 'Vibora De Cascabel' Is A Recipe For Cooking What Meat`Rattlesnake
Food & Drink: In Paris, The Mcdonalds Big 'M' Is The Only One In The World That Is _____, Rather Than Yellow, It Was Thought That Yellow Was Too Tacky`White
Food & Drink: In Paris, The Mcdonalds Big 'M' Is The Only One In The World That Is White, Rather Than Yellow, It Was Thought That Yellow Was Too`Tacky
Food & Drink: In Russia, What Type Of Food Is A Blini Or Blintze`Pancake
Food & Drink: In Shakespear's Hamlet, Which Herb Is Said To Be 'For Rememberance'`Rosemary
Food & Drink: In Soda Fountain Slang, A '______ __ ___' Is A Bowl Of Chocolate Ice Cream`Bucket Of Mud
Food & Drink: In Some Parts Of The World, ___ ________ ____ Is Prized For Its Aphrodisiac Qualities`Sea Cucumber Soup
Food & Drink: In Some Parts Of The World, Sea Cucumber Soup Is Prized For Its ___________ Qualities`Aphrodisiac
Food & Drink: Instant Coffee, Sugar, Brandy, Vanilla Bean`South Seas Kahlua
Food & Drink: In Taiwan And China There Is A Special Dish That The Locals Love And The Tourists Notice...Immediately. This Dish Is Frequently Sold At Street Corners And Emits A Scent That Can Only Be Described As Urine-Like. What Is This Rancid-Smelling Stuff`Stinky Tofu
Food & Drink: ________ Intended For The Dining Table Will Stay Alive Outside Their Own Habitat About Two Weeks, Provided Their Gills Are Kept Moist With Ice, Seaweed, Or Water`Lobsters
Food & Drink: In _____ ______, Termites Are Roasted And Eaten By The Handful, Like Pretzels Or Popcorn`South Africa
Food & Drink: In The 1920s, Paul S. Crawley Opened An Ice Cream Parlor In Shanghai And Sold Over One Million ______ ____ In The First Year Of Operation`Eskimo Pies
Food & Drink: In The 1950s, The Premier Of France, Concerned That The French Were Drinking Wine To Excess, Suggested That They Drink What Other Beverage Instead`Milk
Food & Drink: In The Cheesemaking Industry, The Interior Of A Cheese Is Called The`Paste
Food & Drink: In The Colonial United States, Pumpkins Were Used As An Ingredient For The Crust Of Pies, Not The`Filling
Food & Drink: In The Culinary World, Passata`Sieved Tomatoes
Food & Drink: In The Early 1700s, Pears Were Dubbed '______ _____' Because Of Their Soft, Melting Texture`Butter Fruit
Food & Drink: In The Early 1700s, _____ Were Dubbed 'Butter Fruit' Because Of Their Soft, Melting Texture`Pears
Food & Drink: In The ____________ Industry, The Interior Of A Cheese Is Called The Paste`Cheesemaking
Food & Drink: In The Middle Ages, Chicken Soup Was Believed To Be An`Aphrodisiac
Food & Drink: In The Middle Ages, ______ Was Used For Bartering, And It Was Often More Valuable And Stable In Value Than Gold`Pepper
Food & Drink: In The Middle East, Cardamom Is Used In Coffee And In Europe It Flavours Cakes. In France And The United States, Its Oil Is Used For A Purpose Unconnected With Cookery. What Do They Use It For`Herbal Aromatherapy
Food & Drink: In The Midwestern States Of America, There Is A Limited Season Set For Hunting _________. The Legs Are Considered A Delicacy By Locals`Bullfrogs
Food & Drink: In This Country, Tea Leaves Are Pickled And Used As A Vegetable Relish`Burma
Food & Drink: ______ _____ ____ In Water Represents About 85 Percent Of All Tuna Sales`Canned White Tuna
Food & Drink: In What Country Does Provolone Cheese Originate`Italy
Food & Drink: In What Country Was The Dish Chop Suey Invented`Usa
Food & Drink: In What Kind Of Restaurant Might You Be Offered 'Kulfi' As A Dessert`Indian
Food & Drink: In What Substance Are Eggs Rich, Which Causes Silver To Tarnish`Sulphur
Food & Drink: In Which Alcoholic Spirit Might You Find A Worm In The Bottle`Tequila
Food & Drink: In Which Commonwealth Country Is Cobra Beer Brewed`India
Food & Drink: In Which Country Is Geneva Gin Made`Holland
Food & Drink: In Which Czech City Is The Famous Pilsner Urquell Beer Brewed`Plzen
Food & Drink: In Which Czech Town Was The Original Budweiser Beer Brewed`Ceske Budejovice
Food & Drink: In Which Drink Will A Raisin In A Glass Keep Floating To The Top And Sinking To The Bottom`Champagne
Food & Drink: In Which European Country Is Tokay Wine Produced`Hungary
Food & Drink: In Which Region Of France Is The Red Wine Chateauneuf Du Pape Produced`Rhone Valley
Food & Drink: In Which Two European Countries Is Caraway Often Used To To Flavour Breads And Pastries`Germany And Austria
Food & Drink: I Put Poached Eggs On Slices Of Ham Placed On English Muffins. Now I'm Pouring Hollandaise Sauce On Top`Eggs Benedict
Food & Drink: _______ Is 91 Percent Water`Cabbage
Food & Drink: _______ Is A British Dish Of Minced Meat Fried With Onions And Then Slowly Cooked In Stock`Collops
Food & Drink: '_____ ________' Is A Broth Made By Cooking Various Vegetables And Herbs, Traditionally Used For Poaching Fish, Seafood, Or Vegetables`Court Bouillon
Food & Drink: ________ ______ Is A Cask Beer From The Hanby Brewery In Shropshire`Drawwell Bitter
Food & Drink: ______ _____ Is A Classic, Strong, Amber Coloured Brown Ale With A Smooth, Fruity Taste Formerly From The ______ _____ Beer Company In Sunderland`Double Maxim
Food & Drink: ___________ Is A Coarse Spanish Brandy. In Spanish Speaking Areas Of The Americas The Term Is Used To Describe A Distilled Liquor Similar To Brandy Made From Cane Sugar`Aguardiente
Food & Drink: ________ Is A Cuban Coconut Cream Sauce Served With Desserts`Coquimol
Food & Drink: _____________ Is A Deep Cut Of Beef Fillet`Chateaubriand
Food & Drink: _____ ______ Is A Drink Consisting Of Equal Proportions Of Stout And Champagne`Black Velvet
Food & Drink: ____ Is A Drink Of Fermented Hops, Malt And Barley`Beer
Food & Drink: _______ ____ Is A Dry, Amber, Cask Bitter Brewed By The Poole Brewery, Dorset`Dolphin Best
Food & Drink: __________ Is A Extra-Strong Style Of Bock Beer, Usually Around 7.5% Alcohol`Doppelbock
Food & Drink: ______ Is A Fermented Liquor Made From Maize In South And Central America`Chicha
Food & Drink: _________ Is A Flavouring Prepared From Oil Distilled From The Bitter, Aromatic Bark Of Either Of Two South American Trees, Galipea Officinalis Or Cusparia Trifoliata, Of The Rue Family`Angostura
Food & Drink: ______ Is A Food Made From The Curds (Solids) Of Soured Milk From Cows, Sheep, Or Goats, Separated From The Whey (Liquid), Then Salted, Put Into Moulds, And Pressed Into Firm Blocks`Cheese
Food & Drink: _________ Is A French Stew Of White Beans, Meats, Onions And Garlic`Cassoulet
Food & Drink: ____-_____ Is A French, Traditional, Farmhouse Hard Cheese From The Pays Basque Region Made From Unpasturized Sheep's Milk In Three To Five Kilogram Rounds`Ardi-Gasna
Food & Drink: ____ ______ Is A French, Traditional, Farmhouse Semi-Soft Cheese From The Burgundy Region Made From Unpasturized Cow's Milk`Aisy Cendre
Food & Drink: _____ ____ Is A Fruity, All-Malt Australian Dark Ale From Coopers Of Adelaide. Unlike The Company's More Celebrated Brews, It Is Filtered Before Being Bottled`Black Crow
Food & Drink: _______ ____ ______ Is A Full And Fruity, Clean Tasting Bitter From The Mcmullen Brewery In Hertford`Country Best Bitter
Food & Drink: ______ Is A German Style Of Dark, Soft, Malty Brown Lager`Dunkel
Food & Drink: ___________ Is A Golden, British Barley Wine Originally Brewed To Mark The Queen's Coronation In 1953 By Harveys Brewery`Elizabethan
Food & Drink: ___________ Is A Green Liqueur`Benedictine
Food & Drink: _____ Is A Highly Seasoned Stew Of Hare, Venison Or Game`Civet
Food & Drink: _________ Is A Hoppy, Gold, Premium Ale From Thwaites Brewery In Blackburn, Lancashire`Craftsman
Food & Drink: _____ _________ Is A Layered Apple Cake`Apple Charlotte
Food & Drink: ________ ___ Is A Light Scottish Ale Brewed By The Caledonian Brewing Company Of Edinburgh`Deuchars Ipa
Food & Drink: _______ ___ Is A Masticatory Substance Made From Latex, The Resin Of The Spruce Tree Or Derived From Parafin Wax, And Flavoured With Originaly Spices But Now Popularly Mint`Chewing Gum
Food & Drink: _______ Is A Member Of The Sunflower Family`Lettuce
Food & Drink: _______ _____ Is A Mid-Brown Draught Beer, Produced By The Daleside Brewery In Harrogate, Yorkshire`Country Stile
Food & Drink: ____ Is An Acronym Formed From Two Words: Spiced Ham`Spam
Food & Drink: ______ ____ Is An Amber Bitter From The Exmoor Brewery`Exmoor Gold
Food & Drink: _______ Is An Anise-Flavored Liqueur Served As An After-Dinner Drink`Sambuca
Food & Drink: ________ Is An Apparently Safe Derivative Of Kelp, It Is Used As A Food Additive To Maintain The Desired Texture In Dairy Products, Canned Frosting, And Other Factory-Made Foods`Alginate
Food & Drink: _______ Is An Argentine Goat's Milk Cheese`Caprino
Food & Drink: _____ Is A Native Ethiopian Beer Which Is Brewed By Spontaneous Fermentation`Bousa
Food & Drink: ______ _______ _____ Is An Autralian Strong Stout Brewed By Cub. It Is A Rare Reminder Of Australia' S Early Brewing Links With England`Abbots Invalid Stout
Food & Drink: ______ Is An Eastern Condiment Made From Dried Unripe Berries Of A Plant Closely Related To The Pepper`Cubebs
Food & Drink: ______ ___ Is An English Ale Brewed By The Brain, Crown Buckley Brewery Of Cardiff To Celebrate The Poetry Of Dylan Thomas. It Is A Full-Bodied Mature Ale With A Mellow Flavour And A Subtle Hop Aroma`Dylans Ale
Food & Drink: ___ ____ Is An English Beer Brewing Company Of Somerset. They Were Established In 1987`Ash Vine
Food & Drink: ______ Is An English Beer Brewing Company Of Suffolk. They Were Established In 1890`Adnams
Food & Drink: _______ ____ Is An English Beer Brewing Company Of Wiltshire. They Were Established In 1979`Archers Ales
Food & Drink: ______ Is An English Style Of Draught Ale Served In Pubs`Bitter
Food & Drink: ______ _______ Is An English Summer Ale Brewed With English Pale Ale Malts And Goldings Hops`Adnams Regatta
Food & Drink: _____ Is An Indian Drink Prepared From The Leave And Shoots Of The Hemp (Cannabis) Plant`Bhang
Food & Drink: _____ Is An Inferior Kind Of Black Tea`Bohea
Food & Drink: _______ Is An Intoxicating Liquor Brewed In Guyana From Sweet Potatoes`Cassiri
Food & Drink: _______ Is An Irish Stout Brewed Only In Ireland, In Cork. It Has A Distinctive Flavour Achieved Through The Use Of Malted Wheat As Well As Barley In The Mash`Beamish
Food & Drink: _______ Is An Italian, Dry, Usually Red, Blended Wine Made In Tuscany`Chianti
Food & Drink: _______ Is An Italian Goat's Milk Cheese`Caprian
Food & Drink: ______ _____ Is An Old-Fashioned Stout, Revived In 1996 After 79 Years By The Hook Norton Brewery In Banbury`Double Stout
Food & Drink: ________ Is An Old Term For The Fruit Of The Pomegranate`Balausta
Food & Drink: _______ ___________ Is A Pale, Straw-Coloured Beer From The Arundel Brewery`Arundel Footslogger
Food & Drink: __________ __ ____ Is A Ragout Or Stew Of Veal In A White Sauce`Blanquette De Veau
Food & Drink: ___________ Is A Red Wine`Affenthaler
Food & Drink: _________ Is A Rich Beef Stew Made With Onions And Beer`Carbonade
Food & Drink: ____________ Is A Rich Flavouring Made Of Brown Sugar And Butter`Butterscotch
Food & Drink: __________ Is A Savoury Mixture Of Meat, Fowl, Fish, Cheese, Nut Egg Etc. Bound Together With A Sauce And Then Coated With Egg And Breadcrumbs And Fried`Croquettes
Food & Drink: Is A Schnitzel A Sweet Or A Savoury`Savoury
Food & Drink: _____ Is A Scottish Dish Made By Stirring Boiling Water Or Milk Into Oatmeal`Brose
Food & Drink: ____ ______ Is A Smooth, Sweet Bitter From The Castle ____ Brewery In County Durham`Eden Bitter
Food & Drink: ______ Is A Spice, Being Either The Pod Or Powder Of Capsicum`Chilli
Food & Drink: ________ Is A Spice Prepared From The Dried Berries Of The Evergreen Pimento Tree Or West Indian Pepper Tree Pimenta Dioica Of The Myrtle Family, Cultivated Chiefly In Jamaica`Allspice
Food & Drink: _____ ____ Is A Straw-Coloured, Fruity, Summer Beer From Blackawton In South Devon`Decon Gold
Food & Drink: _______ Is A Strong Alcoholic Drink Containing From 60 To 80 Percent Alcohol. It Contains Wormwood Oil Which Gives It Its Distinctive Taste, But Also Toxic Qualities`Absinth
Food & Drink: _________ Is A Strong English Ale Brewed By The Courage Brewery`Directors
Food & Drink: __________ Is A Strongly Flavoured Sicilian Hard Cheese`Canestrato
Food & Drink: _____ ____ Is A Strong-Tasting Bitter-Chocolate Lager Brewed In Germany`Black Beer
Food & Drink: _______ Is A Style Of Bitter German Beer Produced In The Ancient Style Of Brewing Using Top-Fermentation. It Produces Copper-Coloured Aromatic Ales`Altbier
Food & Drink: ___ Is A Sushi Dish Of Boiled Jumbo Prawn`Ebi
Food & Drink: ______ Is A Sushi Dish Of Japanese Red Clam`Aoyagi
Food & Drink: ______ Is A Sushi Dish Of Pepitona Clam`Akagai
Food & Drink: _____ Is A Sushi Dish Of Sea Eel`Anago
Food & Drink: ______ __ ________ Is A Tasty, Cask Conditioned Bitter From The Hampshire Brewery In Andover`Edmund Ii Ironside
Food & Drink: ________ Is A Traditional Farmhouse French Hard Cheese From The Savoie Region Made From Unpasteurized Cow's Milk In Large, Concave Cartwheels Weighing About 75 Kg`Beaufort
Food & Drink: _________ Is A Type Of Grape Used To Produce French White Burgundy Wines`Chardonay
Food & Drink: ___ Is A Vague Term Applied To Any Top-Fermented Beer`Ale
Food & Drink: _______ Is A White Burgundy Wine Produced Near The Town Of The Same Name In The Yonne Departement Of Central France`Chablis
Food & Drink: ____________ Is A Yellowish Real Ale With A Dry Malt And Hops Flavour, From B&T, Bedfordshire`Dragonslayer
Food & Drink: ______ Is Best When Served At Room Temperature`Salami
Food & Drink: ____ ____ Is China Tea Infused With Bergamot Oil`Earl Grey
Food & Drink: __________________ Is Fear Of Peanut Butter Sticking To The Roof Of Your Mouth`Arachibutyrophobia
Food & Drink: ____ _________ Is Fillet Steak Wrapped In Puff Pastry`Beef Welington
Food & Drink: Is French Or Russian Tarragon Normally Used In Cooking`French
Food & Drink: ____ Is Heavier Than Cream`Milk
Food & Drink: ______ _______ Is Ind Coope's Famous Dark Amber Bottled Pale Ale From Burton-On-Trent`Double Diamond
Food & Drink: _______ Is In The Buckwheat Family`Rhubarb
Food & Drink: ______ Is Made By Boiling Together Brown Sugar, Butter, And Vinegar`Toffee
Food & Drink: ___-___ _____ Is Made Of Ham Drippings And Coffee`Red-Eye Gravy
Food & Drink: ______ _____ Isn't French. It Comes From A Roman Cookbook, Dating Back To 1000 Or 2000 B.C`French Toast
Food & Drink: ______ Is One Of The Ingredients Of Bubble Gum. It Is The Substance That Allows The Chewer To Blow A Bubble`Rubber
Food & Drink: ____ Is The Chief Food For Half The People In The World`Rice
Food & Drink: _______ _____ Is The Cream Which Rises Inc Clots To The Surface Of Milk When It Is Allowed To Warm`Clotted Cream
Food & Drink: _____ Is The Dried Flesh Of The Coconut`Copra
Food & Drink: ________ Is The French Term For Stocks Or Broths`Bouillon
Food & Drink: _____ Is The Heart, Spleen, Liver, Windpipe, And Lungs Of A Meat Animal`Pluck
Food & Drink: ________ Is The Jamaican Name For The Young Leaves Of Two Distinct Plants: The Taro Plant And Chinese Spinach, Eaten As A Vegetable`Callaloo
Food & Drink: ________ Is The Lobster's Liver. It Turns Green When Cooked And Is Considered A Delicacy`Tomalley
Food & Drink: ____ Is The Meat Derived From The Carcass Of Bulls And Cows`Beef
Food & Drink: _____ ______ Is The Most Tender Of All Beef Cuts. However, It Lacks The Flavor Of Porterhouse`Filet Mignon
Food & Drink: _______ Is The Most Widely Used Herb In The World`Parsley
Food & Drink: '________ _____' Is The Name Australians Give To Stuffed Mutton`Colonial Goose
Food & Drink: _____ Is The Official State Dish Of Texas`Chili
Food & Drink: ________ Is The Only Tuna Species Allowed To Be Marketed As White Meat Tuna`Albacore
Food & Drink: _____ Is The Side Or Back Of Pork Which Has Been Preserved By Salting And Drying`Bacon
Food & Drink: _______ Is The World's Most Popular Green`Lettuce
Food & Drink: _______ Is Typically Served As A First Course In Italy. It Is Said That The Little Grains Tickle The Tongue And Bring The Palate To Life`Risotto
Food & Drink: ________ Is Very Fine Spaghetti. The Word Is Italian For 'Little Faithful Ones.'`Fedelini
Food & Drink: Italian Origin: Pungent Flavor: Crumbly: In Salads, For Dessert`Gorgonzola
Food & Drink: It Is Difficult To Manufacture Butter From _____ Because The Cream Is Dispersed In The Milk`Goats
Food & Drink: It Is Difficult To Manufacture Butter From Goats Because The Cream Is _________ __ ___`Dispersed In The Milk
Food & Drink: It Is Difficult To Manufacture Butter From Goats Because The _____ Is Dispersed In The Milk`Cream
Food & Drink: It Is Difficult To Manufacture ______ From Goats Because The Cream Is Dispersed In The Milk`Butter
Food & Drink: It Is Said That Gladiators Ate Which Vegetable To Make Them Capable Of Greater Feats Of Strength In The Stadium`Garlic
Food & Drink: It Requires About Ten Pounds Of Milk To Make One Pound Of Natural`Cheese
Food & Drink: It Takes About 550 Peanuts To Make A 12-Ounce Jar Of ______`Peanut Butter
Food & Drink: It Takes About Four Pounds Of Potatoes To Make One Pound Of ______`Potato Chips
Food & Drink: It Takes Approximately 190,400 Pounds Of Milk To Make 40,000 Pounds Of`Butter
Food & Drink: It Takes Approximately 42,000 Gallons Of _____ To Grow And Prepare A Typical Dinner For Eight`Water
Food & Drink: It Takes Approximately 42,000 Gallons Of Water To ____ ___ _______ A Typical Dinner For Eight`Grow And Prepare
Food & Drink: It Takes One Week To Make _____`Jelly Beans
Food & Drink: It Was Once Believed That Eating ______ Would Cure A Cold`Garlic
Food & Drink: Japanese Rice Wine`Sake
Food & Drink: Japanese 'Sake' Made From`Rice
Food & Drink: Japanese Soba Noodles Are Made From What`Buckwheat
Food & Drink: John Evans Of The Us Holds Six Giant Vegetable Records, Including A 42 Pound Red`Beet
Food & Drink: Juice Of 1 Lime: 1 Tsp. Sugar: And 1 1/2 Oz. Tequila`Viva Villa
Food & Drink: Kellogg's Used A Frog Named Dig'em To Promote Which Cereal`Sugar Smacks
Food & Drink: Ketchup Was Once Used As A Medicine In The United States. In The 1830s It Was Sold As __. _____'_ ________ _______ __`Dr. Miles's Compound Extract Of Tomato
Food & Drink: Laetrile Is Associated With The Pit Of Which Fruit`Apricot
Food & Drink: Large Brown Seed With Edible White Lining Enclosing Milky Juice`Coconut
Food & Drink: Layer Wide Flat Noodles With Cheese And Tomato Sauce, Top With More Cheese. Bake`Lasagna
Food & Drink: Leave A Cooked Stuffed Turkey Out At Room Tempeature For 5 Or 6 Hours, Then Serve. This Cooking Method Is Known As`Insanity
Food & Drink: Legend Says Bats Lived In The Rum Distillery And One Of Them Is On The Label`Bacardi
Food & Drink: Lemons Contain More __________ Than Strawberries Do`Sugar
Food & Drink: Lemons Contain More _____ Than Strawberries`Sugar
Food & Drink: Lemons Have More Sugar Than`Oranges
Food & Drink: Lettuce And ______ Will Keep Longer If Stored In The Refrigerator In Paper Bags Instead Of Cellophane Ones. Do Not Remove The Outside Leaves Of Either Until Ready To Use`Celery
Food & Drink: Lettuce Is A Member Of The _________ Family`Sunflower
Food & Drink: ______ _____ Lettuce Leaves Are More Nutritious Than Lighter Green Leaves`Darker Green
Food & Drink: Light Brown Cane Sugar`Demerara
Food & Drink: Like What Can A Fully Ripened Cranberry Be Dribbled`Basketball
Food & Drink: Lima Beans, Figs, And ________ Are All High In Calcium`Kumquats
Food & Drink: Lima Beans, Figs, And Kumquats Are All High In`Calcium
Food & Drink: Liquor Distilled From The Fermented Mash Of Cereal Grains And Containing About 40 To 50 Percent Ethyl Alcohol By Volume`Whiskey
Food & Drink: Little Round Chocolate Candies Are Known As _Andm's`M
Food & Drink: Lobster Was So Common In Eighteenth-Century Maine That It Was Used For Fertilizer. In Nineteenth-Century Europe, _______ Were The Luxury Food Of The Day, And Lobster Was Considered A Poor Man's Food`Oysters
Food & Drink: London Coffeehouses Became Fondly Known As '_____ ____________' Because A Person Could Buy A Cup Of Steaming Coffee For 1 Cent And Learn More At The Coffee House Than In Class`Penny Universities
Food & Drink: ________, Long Associated With Remembrance, Was Worn As Wreaths By Students In Ancient Greece During Exams`Rosemary
Food & Drink: Long, Slender _________ Tend To Be Less Moist And Are Good For Frying. Fat, Rounded _________ Tend To Be Juicier And Are Better Suited For Baking And Casseroles`Eggplants
Food & Drink: Lots Of People Like This Brown Liquid With Fries`Gravy
Food & Drink: Mace Is The Outer Covering Of Which Common Spice`Nutmeg
Food & Drink: Make A White Roux With Butter And Flour. Whisk In Hot Milk With Seasonings. What Sauce Am I Cooking`Bechamel
Food & Drink: M And M's Stands For The Last Names Of Forrest Mars, Sr. Then Candymaker And His Associate Bruce`Murrie
Food & Drink: M And M's Stands For The Last Names Of Forrest Mars, Sr. Then Candymaker And His Associate __________ Murrie`Bruce
Food & Drink: M And M's Stands For The Last Names Of Forrest__________, Sr. Then Candymaker And His Associate Bruce Murrie`Mars
Food & Drink: M And M's Stands For The Last Names Of __________ Mars, Sr. Then Candymaker And His Associate Bruce Murrie`Forrest
Food & Drink: Mangoes Are Rich In Which Vitamin`Vitamin A
Food & Drink: Many Hispanic-Style _______ Are Salty, So Cooks Need To Keep That In Mind When Seasoning A Recipe`Cheeses
Food & Drink: Many Hispanic-Style Cheeses Are _____, So Cooks Need To Keep That In Mind When Seasoning A Recipe`Salty
Food & Drink: 'Maraschino' Is A Liqueur Flavoured With What`Cherries
Food & Drink: Marinated Limbs Of Fowl`Chicken Wings
Food & Drink: Marmite, The Salty Stuff Brits Spread On Toast, Was First Made 100 Yrs Ago Using Spent ____ From The Nearby Bass Pale Ale Factory`Yeast
Food & Drink: Marsala Is A Type Of This`Sweet Wine
Food & Drink: Mead, A Wine Made From Honey, Is The National Drink Of`Poland
Food & Drink: Mead, A Wine Made From _____, Is The National Drink Of Poland`Honey
Food & Drink: Mead Is Made From This`Honey
Food & Drink: Medieval Monks Invented This Stopper, Necessary For Champagne`Cork
Food & Drink: Mexican Dish With Minced And Seasoned Meat Packed In Cornmeal And Corn Husks`Tamale
Food & Drink: Milk Is Heavier Than`Cream
Food & Drink: Milk Which Has Become Thick Due To Being Sour Is Referred To As`Bonnyclabber
Food & Drink: Mix 1 Cup Flour,1/2 Cup Salt, And 3 Tablespoons Creme Of Tartar. Add 1 Cup Water And 2 Tablespoons Oil. Cook Over Medium Heat. What Am I Making`Play Dough
Food & Drink: Mixed Diced Vegetables In Mayonnaise Is What Sort Of Salad`Russian
Food & Drink: Mixed With Kahlua To Make A 'Black Russian'`Vodka
Food & Drink: Mix Flour And Salt. Cut In Cold Shortening With Pastry Cutter. Add Ice-Cold Water And Mix Quickly`Pie Crust
Food & Drink: Mix Flour, Baking Powder, And Salt. Cut In Cold Shortening. Add Milk, Mix, And Knead 10 Times`Biscuits
Food & Drink: Mix Flour, Salt And Equal Amounts Sugar And Baking Powder. In A Separate Bowl Beat Eggs Slightly, Add Milk Roughly Equal In Amount To The Flour. Add To Dry Ingredients, A Few Small Lumps Are O.K`Pancakes
Food & Drink: Mix Flour, Sugar And Baking Powder, Make A Well In The Middle. Beat Eggs In A Separate Bowl, Add Milk And Other Ingredients. Pour All At Once Into The Well`Muffins
Food & Drink: Monastic Order That Established The California Wine Industry`Franciscan
Food & Drink: More Than 1,130,000 Packages Of ____-_ _______ Are Purchased Or Eaten Every Day`Jell-O Gelatin
Food & Drink: More Than 400 Different Types Of ______ Are Produced In The United Kingdom`Cheese
Food & Drink: More Than One-Fourth Of U.S. Households Consume ______ Deli Meat At Least Once Every Two Weeks`Turkey
Food & Drink: More Than One-Third Of The World's Commercial Supply Of __________ Comes From Hawaii`Pineapples
Food & Drink: More Than One-Third Of The World's Commercial Supply Of Pineapples Comes From`Hawaii
Food & Drink: Most American Millet Is Grown Exclusively For ________, But Millet Is A Staple For A Third Of The World's Human Population`Birdseed
Food & Drink: Most Popular Drink In Greece Is`Ouzo
Food & Drink: Most Salad Dressings Derive The Majority Of Their Calories From`Fat
Food & Drink: 'Mother's Ruin'`Gin
Food & Drink: 'Moussaka' Is A Traditional Dish From Which Country`Greece
Food & Drink: Mustard, Ketchup And Onions On A Hotdog Are All`Condiments
Food & Drink: My Ingredient List Includes Fish Sauce, Coriander, And Lemongrass`Southeast Asian Cuisine
Food & Drink: N. African Dish Of Cracked Wheat Steamed Over Broth`Couscous
Food & Drink: Name A Common Spicy Sauce`Tabasco Sauce
Food & Drink: Name For An Oblong Cream Puff Filled And Topped With Icing`Eclair
Food & Drink: Name One Of The Three Most Common Main Ingredients Of A Martini`Gin
Food & Drink: Name The Brit's Ww-Ii Pork Delicacy`Spam
Food & Drink: Name The Classic Dish Of Mussels Cooked In White Wine With Garlic And Onion`Moules Mariniere
Food & Drink: Name The Cocktail Which Consists Of Scotch And Drambuie`Rusty Nail
Food & Drink: Name The Greek Dish Using Aubergines And Minced Lamb`Moussaka
Food & Drink: Name The Hottest Chilli`Pure Capsaicin
Food & Drink: Name The Indian Triangular Pastries Stuffed With Meat Or Vegetables`Samoosas
Food & Drink: Name The Italian Dish Made From Pasta Squares Filled With Meat`Ravioli
Food & Drink: Name The Least Hot Chilli`Bell Pepper
Food & Drink: Name The North African Spicy Dish Of Steamed Semolina Served With Meat Stew`Cous Cous
Food & Drink: Name The Only Fruit Named For Its Colour`Orange
Food & Drink: Name The Richard Brautigan Work With A Fruit In Its Title`In Watermelon Sugar
Food & Drink: Name The Small Fried Cakes Made From Chick Peas, Eaten In The Middle East`Falafel
Food & Drink: _____ _____ Need A Freeze To Help Loosen The Nuts From Their Shucks`Pecan Crops
Food & Drink: Never Keep Plastic Wrapped Around A Fresh ________. It Deteriorates Faster`Eggplant
Food & Drink: Non Dairy Creamer Is`Flammable
Food & Drink: Norwegian Origin: Caramel Flavor: Sandwich, Snack`Gjetost
Food & Drink: ___________ Noted The Medicinal Properties Of Lettuce In 430 B.C`Hippocrates
Food & Drink: Number Of Different Kinds Of Cheeses Produced In France (Approximately)`400
Food & Drink: Often Drunk, This Liquid Is Normally Harvested From Female Cows`Milk
Food & Drink: Often Eaten For Breakfast, Bacon Is Actually The Flesh Of What Barnyard Animal`Pig
Food & Drink: Of What Is Pumpernickel A Variety Of`Bread
Food & Drink: Of Which Fruit Is 'Pearmain' A Variety`Apple
Food & Drink: Of Which Fruit Is 'Red Gauntlet' A Variety`Strawberry
Food & Drink: On A German White Wine What Does The Word 'Spatlese' (Pronounced 'Shpate-Laser') Signify`Late Picked
Food & Drink: One Pound Of _____ Will Make About Three Cups Of Flour`Wheat
Food & Drink: On Some Boards, These Things Are Listed As Free, At Mcdonald's`Smiles
Food & Drink: On The Average, There Are Eight ____ __ _`Peas In A Pod
Food & Drink: Orange, Elongated Puffy Things With A Cheese Flavouring`Cheetos
Food & Drink: Orange Juice, Vodka`Screwdriver
Food & Drink: ________, Oregano, Thyme, And Marjoram Belong To The Mint Plant Family`Rosemary
Food & Drink: Ore-Ida Is Introducing 'Cocoa Crispers' French Fries, Flavored With`Chocolate
Food & Drink: Originally A ______ ('Chaser') Was A Small Potion Of Spirituous Liquor Taken To Remove The Taste Of Coffee, Tobacco, Or The Like. Now The Term Applies To A Small Measure Of Liquor (Whisky, Gin, Rum Or Whatever) Taken Along Side A Long Drink, Usually Beer`Chasse
Food & Drink: Oscar Meyer, Armour, Sigmans, Ball Park`Hot Dogs
Food & Drink: Paper Can Be Made From`Asparagus
Food & Drink: Pate De Foie Gras Is Made From The Liver Of Which Bird`Goose
Food & Drink: Pears Are A Member Of The ____ Family`Rose
Food & Drink: Pecan Crops Need A Freeze To Help Loosen The Nuts From Their`Shucks
Food & Drink: Penicillium Roquefortii Effects These Foods By Ripening Them As It Rots Them`Blue Cheeses
Food & Drink: Pepsi-Cola's Advertising Slogan In 1903 Was '____________, ____________, ____ _________.'`Exhilarating, Invigorating, Aids Digestion
Food & Drink: Per Food Experts, Stirring ____ While It Simmers Mashes The Grains And Makes The ____ Gummy`Rice
Food & Drink: Perhaps The Stinkiest Of All The Stinky Cheeses Is This German Cheese That Is Cured With A Salt Brine In A Two Month Process And Contains A Healthy Dose Of The Bacteria 'Brevibacterium Linens'. What Is This Lovely Cheese Called`Limburger
Food & Drink: Peter Pan, Jif, Skippy`Peanut Butter
Food & Drink: Pieces Of Vegetable Coated In Seasoned Flour And Deep Fried`Pakora
Food & Drink: Pineapple Juice, Absolute Vodka, Hawaiian Punch`Ryan's Punch
Food & Drink: Pizza Hut Tells U.S. To Eat What Part First`Crust
Food & Drink: Plant With Edible Fruits In Red Green And Yellow`Capsicum Or Pepper
Food & Drink: Plant With Oval, Usually Purple Fruit Used As A Vegetable`Aubergine
Food & Drink: Plant With Pungent Bulb Used In Cookery`Garlic
Food & Drink: Pluck Is The Heart, Spleen, Liver, Windpipe, And Lungs Of A ____`Meat Animal
Food & Drink: 'Poached Egg' Means '___-__-_-___'`Egg-In-A-Bag
Food & Drink: Polish Plum Brandy`Slivovitz
Food & Drink: 'Pollo' On A Menu In Rome`Chicken
Food & Drink: Pop A 12 Ounce Can Of Soda Pop Contains The Equivalent Of How Many Teaspoons Of Sugar`Nine
Food & Drink: Possibly The Stinkiest Fruit On Earth, It Is Very Commonly Consumed In The Various Countries Of Southeast Asia. What Is This Large, Spiky And Nidorous Fruit Called`Durian
Food & Drink: Potatoes Were Banned In Burgundy In 1910 Because It Was Believed 'Frequent Use Caused _______.'`Leprosy
Food & Drink: Potatoes Were Banned In ________ In 1910 Because It Was Believed 'Frequent Use Caused Leprosy.'`Burgundy
Food & Drink: Potent Green Alcoholic Drink`Absinthe
Food & Drink: Powdered Red Pepper`Cayenne
Food & Drink: Prepared _______ Can Be Stored For At Least 2 Years`Mustard
Food & Drink: President ______ ______ Made The Gourmet Jelly Bellys A Staple In The Oval Office And On`Ronald Reagan
Food & Drink: President Ronald Reagan Made The _______ _____ ______ A Staple In The Oval Office And On`Gourmet Jelly Bellys
Food & Drink: Probably French Origin: Tangy, Sharp: Appetizer, Salad, Dessert`Blue Cheese
Food & Drink: Product Of A Chicken, Come In Styles Poached, Broiled Or Fried To Name A Few`Egg
Food & Drink: Prune Dumplings And Noodles With _____ ____ Is A Favorite Dish In Poland, As Is Beet Soup`Poppy Seed
Food & Drink: Prune Dumplings And Noodles With Poppy Seed Is A Favorite Dish In ______, As Is Beet Soup`Poland
Food & Drink: Prune Dumplings And Noodles With Poppy Seed Is A Favorite Dish In Poland, As Is ____`Beet Soup
Food & Drink: Prune Dumplings And _______ With Poppy Seed Is A Favorite Dish In Poland, As Is Beet Soup`Noodles
Food & Drink: ______ ______ Published Her First Cookbook In 1896`Fannie Farmer
Food & Drink: Pumpkins And _________ Are Related To Each Other`Cucumbers
Food & Drink: Quinine Is Added To Water To Make _____`Tonic Water
Food & Drink: Rabbits Love This`Liquorice
Food & Drink: Radishes Were Considered A Remedy For ______ ________ In Historical Egypt`Sexual Problems
Food & Drink: Radishes Were Considered A Remedy For Sexual Problems In Historical`Egypt
Food & Drink: Raspberry, Dewberry And Blackberry Are All Members Of What Family`Rose
Food & Drink: Raw ________, Cup For Cup, Has Twice As Much Vitamin C As An Orange And Almost As Much Calcium As Milk`Broccoli
Food & Drink: Raw Vegetebles Served As An Hors D'oeuvre Are Called What`Crudites
Food & Drink: Real Roquefort Cheese Is Made From _____'S Milk Under Strict Regulations`Sheep
Food & Drink: Records Show That U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower's Favorite Soup Was Vegetable Soup With Beef, Lamb, And __________`Nasturtium Stems
Food & Drink: Redhaven, _________, Elberta, Desert Gold, And Sunhaven Are Varieties Of Peaches`Fairhaven
Food & Drink: Redhaven, Fairhaven, _______, Desert Gold, And Sunhaven Are Varieties Of Peaches`Elberta
Food & Drink: Redhaven, Fairhaven, Elberta, ______ ____, And Sunhaven Are Varieties Of Peaches`Desert Gold
Food & Drink: Redhaven, Fairhaven, Elberta, Desert Gold, And ________ Are Varieties Of Peaches`Sunhaven
Food & Drink: Red Or Pink Grapefruit Is Higher In _______ _ Than White Grapefruit`Vitamin C
Food & Drink: Red Wines Have About Five Times More ______ Than White Wines`Tannin
Food & Drink: Regardless Of The Species, The Meat Of The Female ______ Is Much More Tender Than That Of The Male, And Is More Desirable`Turtle
Food & Drink: Relating To Food A Charentais Is A Variety Of What`Melon
Food & Drink: Relating To Food Another Name For 'Tamarillo'`Tree Tomato
Food & Drink: Relating To Food 'Halloumi'`Cypriot Cheese
Food & Drink: Relating To Food Of 'Lollo Biondo' A Variety`Lettuce
Food & Drink: Relating To Food 'Pancetta' A Type Of`Bacon
Food & Drink: Relating To Food, 'Polenta' Made From`Cornmeal
Food & Drink: Relating To Food Porcini A Type Of`Mushroom
Food & Drink: Relating To Food, What Are 'Loquats'`Fruit
Food & Drink: Relating To Food What Are 'Quenelles' Type Of`Dumpling
Food & Drink: Relating To Food What Meat Is The Dish 'Saltimbocca' Made With`Veal
Food & Drink: Removing An _____ ___ Will Diminish The Flavor Of The Olive`Olive Pit
Food & Drink: Renet Is Used To Make`Cheese
Food & Drink: Rennet, A Common Substance Used To Curdle Milk And Make Cheese, Is Taken From The Inner Lining Of The Fourth Stomach Of A`Calf
Food & Drink: Rennet Is Used To Make`Cheese
Food & Drink: Researchers Have Determined That 1 Acre Of ________ Can Yield 1,200 Gallons Of Ethyl Alcohol In A Year`Potatoes
Food & Drink: Residents Of Denmark Eat More Candy Per Person Than Any Other Country, While The _____ Eat More Chocolate Than Any Other Country`Swiss
Food & Drink: Residents Of _______ Eat More Candy Per Person Than Any Other Country, While The Swiss Eat More Chocolate Than Any Other Country`Denmark
Food & Drink: Rhubarb Is In The _________ Family`Buckwheat
Food & Drink: Rich Blue-Veined Italian Cheese`Gorgonzola
Food & Drink: Rich Crescent Shaped Roll`Croissant
Food & Drink: Rich Custard Famous For Its Hard, Caramelized Sugar Glaze`Creme Brulee
Food & Drink: _____ Ripen Better Off The Tree, And They Ripen From The Inside Out`Pears
Food & Drink: Roasted Goose Is Difficult To Carve Because Of Its _______ ____`Complex Bone Structure
Food & Drink: Roasted _____ Is Difficult To Carve Because Of Its Complex Bone Structure`Goose
Food & Drink: Rosemary, Oregano, Thyme, And ________ Belong To The Mint Plant Family`Marjoram
Food & Drink: Rosemary, Oregano, Thyme, And Marjoram Belong To The ____ Plant Family`Mint
Food & Drink: Rosemary, _______, Thyme, And Marjoram Belong To The Mint Plant Family`Oregano
Food & Drink: Rum Is Made From This Plant`Sugar Cane
Food & Drink: Rum, Lime, And Cola Drink Make A(N)`Cuba Libre
Food & Drink: _____-____'S Advertising Slogan In 1903 Was 'Exhilarating, Invigorating, Aids Digestion.'`Pepsi-Cola
Food & Drink: Sage Is Now A Familiar Herb In The Kitchen. What Was Its Main Purpose In The Middle Ages`Medicinal
Food & Drink: Salad From The South Of France, Made With Black Olives And Anchovies`Salade Nicoise
Food & Drink: Salad Of Sliced Raw Cabbage, Carrot And Apple`Coleslaw
Food & Drink: Sales Of _____'_ ______, A Peanut Butter-Chocolate Candy, Spiraled By 85 Percent After A Plug In The Box Office Smash`Reese's Pieces
Food & Drink: Sales Of Reese's Pieces, A ______ ______-_________ Candy, Spiraled By 85 Percent After A Plug In The Box Office Smash`Peanut Butter-Chocolate
Food & Drink: Saltwater Was Often Added By The Ancient Romans To Their ____ To Satisfy Salt Cravings`Wine
Food & Drink: Samsoe Is The National Cheese Of Which Country`Denmark
Food & Drink: 'Sapodilla' A Type Of`Fruit
Food & Drink: Sapporo Is Brewed In This Country`Japan
Food & Drink: Saturday Night Is The Most Popular Night Of The Week For Eating _____ In America`Pizza
Food & Drink: Seasoned Smoked Sausage`Frankfurter
Food & Drink: Shelf Life Of A Hostess Twinkie`7 Years
Food & Drink: Shepherd's Pie Is Made Of Cooked Diced Or Ground Meat (Usually Lamb) Mixed With Gravy (And Sometimes Vegetables) And Topped With What`Mashed Potatoes
Food & Drink: Shepherd's Pie Is Meat Hash Covered With A Layer Of This (2 Wds)`Mashed Potatoes
Food & Drink: Short And Choux Are Types Of What`Pastry
Food & Drink: _____ Should Be Added Near The End Of The Cooking Process So You Don't Lose The Volatile Oils, Which Are Dissipated By Heat`Herbs
Food & Drink: ____ ________ Should Be Stored In Paper Bags Before Being Cooked For Eating. Fresh Stagnant Water Will Kill Them`Live Lobsters
Food & Drink: _______ Should Never Be Cooked In An Aluminum Pan. The Metal Will Darken The Greens And Give Them A Metallic Flavor`Turnips
Food & Drink: Shredded To Make Sauerkraut`Cabbage
Food & Drink: Slivovitz Is A Brandy Made From What`Plums
Food & Drink: Small Buns Made From Choux Pastry, Filled With Cream And Covered In Chocolate Are Called What`Profiteroles
Food & Drink: Smallish Lunchtime Pizzas From Pizza Hut Are Called`Personal Pan
Food & Drink: Small Pieces Of Bread Or Crackers With A Savoury Topping Are Called What`Canapes
Food & Drink: Small Pieces Of Fried Or Toasted Bread Usually Served With Soup`Croutons
Food & Drink: Small Sweet Banana's Are Often Nick'named`Ladies Fingers
Food & Drink: Small Vegetable Like A Marrow`Courgette
Food & Drink: Soft Drinks Are American's Favorite Beverage. Water Ranks #2, And Milk Is #3. The Average American Drinks About ___________ Gallons Of Soft Drinks Per Year`52
Food & Drink: Soft Drink With The Slogan: 'For A New Generation'`Pepsi
Food & Drink: Sometimes Added To Softdrinks To Make Them Sweeter`Coal
Food & Drink: Sometimes Called A Frankfurt, On A Bun With Cheese, Mustard, Ketchup Etc`Hot Dog
Food & Drink: Southern Comfort Is Made From A Base Of Bourbon Whiskey And Flavouring From Which Fruit`Peach
Food & Drink: South Korea's National Dish Called`Kimchee
Food & Drink: Spam Is An Acronym Formed From Two Words: ______`Spiced Ham
Food & Drink: Spam Is An Acronym Formed From What Two Words`Spiced Ham
Food & Drink: Spanish Or Italian Name For A Bar Or Wine Shop`Cantina
Food & Drink: Spice Made From The Berry Of The Pimento Plant`Allspice
Food & Drink: Spice That A Bartender Would Dust Your Brandy Flip With`Nutmeg
Food & Drink: Spider Monkies Like`Banana Daquiries
Food & Drink: Spun Sugar On A Stick: Often Found At Carnivals`Candy Floss
Food & Drink: Standard Unit Of Bitterness. Defined As 1 Part Per Million Isohumolone`International Bittering Unit
Food & Drink: Stew Of Meat And Vegetables Seasoned With Paprika`Goulash
Food & Drink: Stoppered Glass Container For Wine Or Spirits`Decanter
Food & Drink: Strawberries, Cold And Hot Water, Strawberry Jell-O, Ginger Ale, Cranberry Juice, Lemonade`Strawberry Sparkle Punch
Food & Drink: Strong Spirit Distilled From Wine Or Fermented Fruit Juice`Brandy
Food & Drink: Stuffed Vine Or Cabbage Leaves Are Called What`Dolmades
Food & Drink: Stuffed With A Sheep's Carcass Stuffed With Chickens Stuffed With Fish Stuffed With Eggs`Roast Camel
Food & Drink: Sugar And Egg Whites Are Used To Make`Meringue
Food & Drink: Sugar Was First Added To Chewing Gum In 1869 By Dentist _______`William Semple
Food & Drink: Sugar Was First Added To _______ ___ In 1869 By Dentist William Semple`Chewing Gum
Food & Drink: Surprisingly, The _________ Is An Endangered Species`Persimmon
Food & Drink: Sushi`Raw Fish
Food & Drink: Sweetbread Is Derived From This Organ`Pancreas
Food & Drink: Sweet Opaque Jelly Of Flavoured Cornflour And Milk`Blancmange
Food & Drink: Sweet Or Fermented Juice Of Apples, Used As A Beverage And For Making Vinegar`Cider
Food & Drink: Swiss Origin: Clover Flavor: Usually Grated`Sapsago
Food & Drink: Swiss Origin: Nutty, Sharper Than Swiss: Cooking, Dessert`Gruyere
Food & Drink: _______ ____ Takes Forty Years To Reach Maturity`Vintage Port
Food & Drink: Tequila, Green Creme De Menthe`Screaming Lizard
Food & Drink: Thanks To A Dead Cow. This Topping Is Called 'Minced Meat' By Some`Ground Beef
Food & Drink: The Addition Of What Turns A Welsh Rarebit Into A Buck Rarebit`Poached Egg
Food & Drink: The ________ Adore Beef, But Cannot Get Enough Because The Country Is Too Small For Large-Scale Cattle Raising`Japanese
Food & Drink: The Alternative Name Of The Foodstuff Called Scallions`Spring Onions
Food & Drink: The Alternative Name Of The Foodstuff Called Sea Asparagus`Samphire
Food & Drink: The Ancient Greeks And Romans Were Among The First ___________ __`Cultivators Of Mushrooms
Food & Drink: The Ancient Greeks And ______ Were Among The First Cultivators Of Mushrooms`Romans
Food & Drink: The Ancient Greeks Awarded ______ To Winners Of Sports Events, And It Often Was Carried By Marathon Runners`Celery
Food & Drink: The Ancient Persians Put _______ In Jars With Flower Petals To Perfume Them Before Using Them In Desserts`Almonds
Food & Drink: The Asiatic Cordial Kumiss Is Made From _________ ___'_`Fermented Cow's Milk
Food & Drink: The Average Loaf Of _____ Is More Than A Third Water`Bread
Food & Drink: The Average Person Ingests About A ___ Of Food And Drink Each Year`Ton
Food & Drink: The Average Person Ingests About A ___ Of Food & Drink Each Year`Ton
Food & Drink: The Average Person Will Consume 50 Tons Of Food And 12,000 Gallons Of _____ In A Lifetime`Water
Food & Drink: The Banana Is The World's Largest`Herb
Food & Drink: The Basic Ingredients Of A Ploughmans Lunch Is Bread And What`Cheese
Food & Drink: The Basis Of The Dish 'Hummus'`Chick Peas
Food & Drink: The Basis Of The Indian Dish 'Riata'`Yoghurt
Food & Drink: The Best ___ ______ Are The Ones Imported From China Or Hong Kong`Soy Sauces
Food & Drink: The Best Soy Sauces Are The Ones Imported From _____ __ ____`China Or Hong Kong
Food & Drink: The Bible Mentions ____ More Than Thirty Times`Salt
Food & Drink: The Brewery In Derge's Hometown, Frederick, Maryland, Brews Under This Label`Blue Ridge Brewery
Food & Drink: The British Term '______' Is A Slang Expression Meaning Weak Or Inferior Beer`Swipes
Food & Drink: The British Used To Call This 'Tiger's Milk'`Gin
Food & Drink: The Canada Dream Is Made With Apricot Brandy, Amaretto, Ice And What Other Ingredient`Orange Juice
Food & Drink: The Candies Least Harmful To The Teeth Are Pies, Plain _____, And Doughnuts`Cakes
Food & Drink: The Candies Least Harmful To The Teeth Are Pies, Plain Cakes, And`Doughnuts
Food & Drink: The Candies Most Likely To Cause _____ _____ Are Dark Chocolate And Fudge`Tooth Decay
Food & Drink: The Candies Most Likely To Cause Tooth Decay Are ____ _________ And Fudge`Dark Chocolate
Food & Drink: The Candies Most Likely To Cause Tooth Decay Are Dark Chocolate And`Fudge
Food & Drink: The Cashew Nut Is A Member Of The ______ ___ Family`Poison Ivy
Food & Drink: The Chief Food For More Than Half The People In The World Is`Rice
Food & Drink: The Clarified Butter Used In Indian Cuisine`Ghee
Food & Drink: The Coca-Cola Company Is The Largest Consumer Of ____ In The World`Sugar
Food & Drink: The Cocktail 'Daiquiri' Contains Limejuice And Which Spirit`Rum
Food & Drink: The ___ ___ Cocktail Was Created In 1945 By Victor Bergeron, The Genius Of Rum, Also Known As Trader Vic`Mai Tai
Food & Drink: The Connecticut Field Variety Is The Traditional American`Pumpkin
Food & Drink: The Cooking Term 'Parmentier' Indicates Which Vegetable`Potatoes
Food & Drink: The Coquilla Nut Is The Fruit Of The Brazilian Tree _______ ________, An Ally Of The Coconut Palm`Attalea Funifera
Food & Drink: The Craving For Strange Or ____________ _____ Is Called Parorexia`Indigestible Foods
Food & Drink: The Culinary Term Meaning To Coat Or Sprinkle With Flour Or Sugar`Dredging
Food & Drink: The Cultivation Of Grapes`Viticulture
Food & Drink: The Curry Plant Has A Very Spicy Aroma And Silver Leaves. What Colour Are The Flowers Of The Plant`Yellow
Food & Drink: The _____'_ ____ Dates Back To The Mid-Nineteenth Century. At That Time, The Traditional Wedding Cake Had Evolved From A Popular Single-Layer Fruitcake Into A Stacked Pound-Cake Shaped Like A Church Steeple`Groom's Cake
Food & Drink: The Delectable Dessert Parfait's Name Comes From The French Word For '_______.'`Perfect
Food & Drink: The Delectable Dessert _______'S Name Comes From The French Word For 'Perfect.'`Parfait
Food & Drink: The Dew-Cup Was The First Allowance Of ____ To Harvestmen In England`Beer
Food & Drink: The Dish Made From Peppers, Aubergines, Courgettes And Tomatoes Called`Ratatouille
Food & Drink: The Dish Of Chopped Avocado With Onions, Tomatoes, Chilli And Seasoning Called`Guacamole
Food & Drink: The Drink Absinthe Is Also Known As`Wormwood
Food & Drink: The Drink 'Southern Comfort' Flavoured With`Peaches
Food & Drink: The Dry Ingredient In A Roux`Flour
Food & Drink: The Edible Fruit Of A Passion Flower Is Called A`Maypop
Food & Drink: The Eggs Of This Sturgeon Are The Preferred Form Of Caviar`Beluga
Food & Drink: The Fifth Most Popular Meal Ordered In Sit Down Restaurants In The U S`Baked Ham
Food & Drink: The Fins Of Which Fish Are Made Into A Soup`Shark
Food & Drink: The First Sprouting Of Darjeeling Tea Leaves In The Spring Are Called This`First Flush
Food & Drink: The Flavour Of The Herb Fennel`Anise
Food & Drink: The Flop 1960's Diet Drink Minivitine Was A Spinoff Of This Drink Mix`Ovaltine
Food & Drink: The Food Of The Greek And Roman Gods`Ambrosia
Food & Drink: The Foodstuff 'Carambola' Is Known By What Alternative Name`Starfruit
Food & Drink: The Founder Of Weight Watchers`Jean Nidetch
Food & Drink: The French Name For A Tart Of Cheese And Bacon In A Cream And Egg Filling`Quiche Lorraine
Food & Drink: The Full Name Of The Flavour Enhancer Msg`Monosodium Glutamate
Food & Drink: The Greater The Skin To Volume Ratio Of Smaller Grapes Make For Intensely Flavorful Cabernets, _______, Chambourcins And Other Red Wines`Merlots
Food & Drink: The Greater The Skin To Volume Ratio Of Smaller Grapes Make For Intensely Flavorful Cabernets, Merlots, ____________ And Other Red Wines`Chambourcins
Food & Drink: The Greater The Skin To Volume Ratio Of Smaller Grapes Make For Intensely Flavorful _________, Merlots, Chambourcins And Other Red Wines`Cabernets
Food & Drink: The Greek Dish Moussaka Contains Layers Of Minced Lamb, What Is The Other Main Ingredient`Aubergines
Food & Drink: The ___________ Has Ten Small, Hard Seeds In Its Center`Huckleberry
Food & Drink: The Hershey Foods Corporation Can Produce 33 Million _______'_ ______ In One Day Of Production`Hershey's Kisses
Food & Drink: The Higher The ___ _______ In A Cheese, The Faster It Will Melt`Fat Content
Food & Drink: The Highly Seasoned Stew Of Meat Or Fish Called ______ Is Prepared Without Vegetables. The Name Is Derived From French And Means 'To Restore The Appetite Of.'`Ragout
Food & Drink: The Holes In Swiss Cheese Are Called`Eyes
Food & Drink: The Home Of The Golden Arches`Mcdonalds
Food & Drink: The Inca Indians Of Panama Tie A String Of ______ Behind Their Boats And Lower It Into The Water To Repel Sharks`Chiles
Food & Drink: The ________ _____ Industry Began In 1989 At Fresh Express In Salinas, California`Packaged Salad
Food & Drink: The ______ ___ Is A Member Of The Poison Ivy Family`Cashew Nut
Food & Drink: The _______ _______ ______ Is Made From Fermented Cow's Milk`Asiatic Cordial Kumiss
Food & Drink: The ________ ___ Is The Fruit Of The Brazilian Tree Attalea Funifera, An Ally Of The Coconut Palm`Coquilla Nut
Food & Drink: The _______ Is The Most Widely Eaten Fish In The World. Nutritionally, Its Fuel Value Is That Equal To That Of A Beefsteak`Herring
Food & Drink: The Japanese Word For Bean Curd Is`Tofu
Food & Drink: The Jerusalem Artichoke Is Neither From Jerusalem Nor Is An Artichoke. It's The Knobby Nut-Brown Tuber Of A`Sunflower
Food & Drink: The Kiwi Was Originally Called The _______`Chinese Gooseberry
Food & Drink: The Largest _______ Ever Grown And Recorded Weighed In At 1,061 Pounds. The Second Largest Fruit To Be Recorded Was A 50-Pound Watermelon`Pumpkin
Food & Drink: The Largest Item On Any Menu In The World`Roast Camel
Food & Drink: The Largest Pumpkin Ever Grown And Recorded Weighed In At 1,061 Pounds. The Second Largest Fruit To Be Recorded Was A 50-Pound`Watermelon
Food & Drink: The Largest Wine Cellars In The World Are Near ________, In The Center Of The Wine District Of South Africa. They Cover An Area Of 25 Acres And Have A Capacity Of 36 Million Gallons`Capetown
Food & Drink: The Leafy Vegetable ___ ____ Translates From A Chinese Dialect As 'White Vegetable.'`Bok Choy
Food & Drink: The Lima Bean Was Named For Lima, Peru, Where The ______________ Found It Around 1500`Conquistadores
Food & Drink: The Liquid Inside _____ ________ Can Be Used As A Substitute For Blood Plasma In An Emergency. This Was Discovered By Doctors In Fiji During World War Ii`Young Coconuts
Food & Drink: The Lobster People`Red Lobster
Food & Drink: The Main Food Of The Oyster Catcher`Mussels
Food & Drink: The Main Ingredient In An Omelet`Egg
Food & Drink: The Main Ingredient Of Mock Turtle Soup`Calf's Head
Food & Drink: The Main Ingredient Of Most Shampoos`Water
Food & Drink: The Main Ingredient Of Risotto`Rice
Food & Drink: The Main Ingredient Of The French Dish Cassoulet`Haricot Beans
Food & Drink: The Mango And The Pistachio Are In The ______ Family`Cashew
Food & Drink: The Mild Stimulant 'Theobromine' Is Found In This Common Lip-Smacker`Chocolate
Food & Drink: The Mints, Particularly __________, Have A History Of Use In Herbal Medicine Dating Back To The Ancient Egyptians`Peppermint
Food & Drink: The Modern Dinner Plate Is A Fairly Recent Development. Until The Fifteenth Century, It Was Customary To Eat On A Thick Slice Of Stale Bread, Called A '________,' That Soaked Up The Juice`Trencher
Food & Drink: The More Than 362 Billion ____ _______ Sold To Date Would Fill Up The World's Largest Freight Train, Consisting Of 660 Freight Cars, Over 62 Times`Oreo Cookies
Food & Drink: The Most Extensively Grown And Eaten Food`Wheat
Food & Drink: The Most Frequently Ingested Mood Altering Drug`Caffeine
Food & Drink: The Most Popular Beverage In North America`Milk
Food & Drink: The Most Popular Crop In U.S Home Vegetable Gardens`Tomatoes
Food & Drink: The Most Popular Ice Cream Topping In The United States Is ___`Hot Fudge
Food & Drink: The Most Valuable Nutrients Of The ______ Are In The Skin`Potato
Food & Drink: The Most Valuable Nutrients Of The Potato Are In The`Skin
Food & Drink: The Most Widely Used Seasoning`Salt
Food & Drink: The Mushroom Council Of California Recommends Cooking ________ _________ Before They're Eaten, Although It Is Fine To Eat All Other Cultivated Mushrooms Raw`Shiitake Mushrooms
Food & Drink: The Name For Russian Beet Soup`Borscht
Food & Drink: The Name For The Creamy Liver Of Lobster Eaten As A Delicacy`Tomalley
Food & Drink: The Name For The Outer Part Of A Citrus Fruit`Zest
Food & Drink: The Name Given To A Cocktail Of Rum And Lime Juice`Daiquiri
Food & Drink: The Name Given To A Loaf Of Bread Which Is Made From Two Round Lumps With The Smaller On The Top`Cottage Loaf
Food & Drink: The Name Given To A White Sauce Flavoured With Cheese`Mornay
Food & Drink: The Name Given To Indian Food Cooked Over Charcoal In A Clay Oven`Tandoori
Food & Drink: The Name Given To Sole Cooked In White Wine And Cream With Grapes`Sole Veronique
Food & Drink: The Name Given To The Dish Of Beef Coated In Pate And Wrapped In Pastry`Beef Wellington
Food & Drink: The Name Given To The Dish Of Prunes Wrapped In Bacon`Devils On Horseback
Food & Drink: The Name Given To The Salted Roe Of A Sturgeon`Caviar
Food & Drink: The Name Given To The Watery Part Of Milk Left After Making Cheese`Whey
Food & Drink: The Name Given To Thin Pieces Of Crisp Toast`Melba
Food & Drink: The Name Of An Italian Dessert Made From Egg Yolks And Marsala Wine`Zabaglione
Food & Drink: The Name Of The Bacterium That Causes Food Poisoning In Contaminated Food`Salmonella
Food & Drink: The Name Of The Crispbread Traditionally Eaten By Jews At Passover`Matzo
Food & Drink: The Name Of The Dish Of Eggs Baked With Spinach`Eggs Florentine
Food & Drink: The Name Of The Fruit That Looks Like A Hairy Lychee`Rambutan
Food & Drink: The Name Of The Kellogg's Cereal Prefixed With The Word 'Healthwise'`Bran Flakes
Food & Drink: The Name Of The Kellogg's Cereal Prefixed With The Word 'Optima'`Fruit And Fibre
Food & Drink: The Number 1 Food Choice Among U.S. Restaurant Patrons In 1995 Was __________, Despite Trends To Cut Back On Beef Consumption`Hamburgers
Food & Drink: The Number Of __________ The Mcdonald's Fast-Food Chain Has Sold Is 12 Times The World's Total Population`Hamburgers
Food & Drink: The Nutmeg Tree - An Evergreen - Produces Two Spices. The Aromatic Nutmeg Is From The Inner Seed, And ____ Comes From The Covering That Separates The Seed From Its Outer Husk`Mace
Food & Drink: The Official Beverage Of The State Of North Carolina Is`Milk
Food & Drink: The Official Soft Drink Of The State Of Nebraska Is ____`Kool-Aid
Food & Drink: The Official State Dessert Of Massachusetts Is ______ _____`Boston Cream Pie
Food & Drink: The Official State Mushroom Of Minnesota Is The`Morel
Food & Drink: The Oldest Known Vegetable`Pea
Food & Drink: The Oldest Registered Food Trademark Still In Use In The United States Is The Red Devil On Cans Of _________'_ _______`Underwood's Deviled Ham
Food & Drink: The Olive Is The Fruit Of One Of The World's Oldest Plants. Olive Oil Was Used To Light The __________ In The Ancient Temple Of Jerusalem In 164 B.C`Candelabra
Food & Drink: The Only Alcoholic Beverage On Sale Before Noon In Finland`Beer
Food & Drink: The Only Food That Doesn't Spoil`Honey
Food & Drink: The Only 'Real Food' Astronauts Can Take Into Space`Pecan Nuts
Food & Drink: The Original Name Of Pepsi-Cola Was ____'_`Brad's Drink
Food & Drink: The Original Name Of _____-____ Was Brad's Drink`Pepsi-Cola
Food & Drink: The Origin Of ______ Can Be Traced Back To East Africa`Coffee
Food & Drink: 'The Other White Meat'`Pork
Food & Drink: The Peanut Isn't A Nut. It Is A ______, A Member Of The Pea Family`Legume
Food & Drink: The Pharaohs Of Egypt Declared The ______ A Divine Food`Radish
Food & Drink: The Phrase 'Fortified With Iron' Means There Are Actually Pieces Of _____ In Your Cereal`Metal
Food & Drink: The Pinotage Grape Is A Native Of Which Country`South Africa
Food & Drink: The Place That Brings You Fried Chicken That Has Lovely But Very Fatty Skin`Kentucky Fried Chicken
Food & Drink: The Popular Beverage 7-Up Was Originally A Version Of A 'Lithiated' Patent Medicine, Containing Small Amounts Of`Lithium
Food & Drink: The Pound Cake Got Its Name From The Pound Of ______ It Contained`Butter
Food & Drink: The Practice Of Steeping Tea Was Developed During This Chinese Dynasty`Ming
Food & Drink: The Process Of Extracting Sugar From Malt By Soaking In Water`Mashing
Food & Drink: The Purple Ink Used To Stamp Meat Made From`Dark Grape Skins
Food & Drink: The Purpose Of The Indentation At The Bottom Of A Wine Bottle Is To Strengthen The Structure Of The Bottle And To Trap The _________ In The Wine`Sediments
Food & Drink: The Queensland Nut Or Bush Nut Is More Commonly Known As This`Macadamia
Food & Drink: There Are About 25 Varieties Of`Oats
Food & Drink: There Are More Than 15,000 Different Varieties Of`Rice
Food & Drink: There Are More Than 2,500 ________ Varieties Grown In The World Today`Mushroom
Food & Drink: There Are Professional ___ Tasters As Well As Wine Tasters`Tea
Food & Drink: There Are Two Perennial Vegetables, Asparagus And`Rhubarb
Food & Drink: The Reuben Sandwich Is Traditionally Made With Swiss Cheese, Sauerkraut And`Corned Beef
Food & Drink: The Round Fruit Of The Sycamore Tree Called`A Buttonball
Food & Drink: The Same Antioxidant Properties Found In Red Wine That Protect Against Heart Disease Are Found In What Kind Of Candy`Chocolate
Food & Drink: These Are Small Pieces Of Fried Or Toasted Bread Served With Soups Or Salads`Croutons
Food & Drink: These Bacteria Spores That I Love, Commonly Grown In Feaces`Mushroom
Food & Drink: These Beans Are The Most Often Used In The Production Of Bean Sprouts`Mung Beans
Food & Drink: These Come In Types Like Breakfast, Pork, Lamb, Spiced, Beef And Thick`Sausage
Food & Drink: The Shell Of A _______ ______ Can Vary From Dark Green To Bright Orange`Hubbard Squash
Food & Drink: The Shell Of A Hubbard Squash Can Vary From Dark Green To ______`Bright Orange
Food & Drink: The Sierra Nevada Brewery Makes This City 'Mecca' To Many Beer Enthusiasts`Chico California
Food & Drink: The Southern (U.S.) Word For These Are 'Goobers'`Peanuts
Food & Drink: The _______'S Rich Diet Of Clams And Scallops Gives It A Highly Flavorful Meat`Octopus
Food & Drink: The Swedes Drink More ______ Than Any Other People In The World`Coffee
Food & Drink: The Terms Curd And Whey Are Associated With Making Of What`Cheese
Food & Drink: The Third Most Popular Meal Ordered In Sit Down Restaurants In The U S`Spaghetti
Food & Drink: The Top Layer Of A Wedding Cake`Groom's Cake
Food & Drink: The Traditional Bourbon Whiskey Barrel Holds __ Gallons`53
Food & Drink: The Traditional Bourbon Whiskey Barrel Is Made From _____`White Oak
Food & Drink: The Traditional Bourbon Whiskey Barrel Weighs ___ Pounds When Empty`100
Food & Drink: The Traditional Bourbon Whiskey Barrel Weighs ___ Pounds When Full`500
Food & Drink: The Traditional French Blend Of 'Fines Herbes' Includes Chervil, Chives And Tarragon. What Is The Fourth Herb`Parsley
Food & Drink: The Traditional French Casserole Of Eggplant, Zucchini And Tomatoes Is Called What`Ratatouille
Food & Drink: The _________ Tree Was First Grown Only For Ornamental Purposes`Macadamia
Food & Drink: The Turtles Love These, They Often Come With Many Toppings`Pizza
Food & Drink: The Type Of Alcohol Found In Wine, Liquor And Beer Is Called`Ethyl Alcohol
Food & Drink: The ______ Was Damned As An Evil Food In Early Europe. The Scots Refused To Eat It Because It Wasn't Mentioned In The Bible`Potato
Food & Drink: The ______ Was Not Known In Europe Until The Seventeenth Century, When It Was Introduced By Returning Spanish Conquistadors`Potato
Food & Drink: The ____ Was Originally Called The Chinese Gooseberry`Kiwi
Food & Drink: The World's Most Popular Non-Alcoholic Organic Beverage`Coffee
Food & Drink: The World's Most Popular Spice`Pepper
Food & Drink: They Have A Short Guy In A Toga And A Wreath As Their Spokesman`Little Caesars
Food & Drink: The ______ Yields More Nutritious Food More Quickly On Less Land And In Harsher Climates Than Any Such Major Crops As Wheat, Rice, Or Corn`Potato
Food & Drink: They're Green And Called Capsicum By Some`Green Pepper
Food & Drink: Thick, Light Yellow Portion Of Milk From Which Butter Is Made`Cream
Food & Drink: Thin Pancakes With An Orange Liqueur Sauce`Crepes Suzette
Food & Drink: This Black Tea Is Flavoured With Oil Of Bergamot, An Aromatic Chinese Orange`Earl Grey
Food & Drink: This Cocktail Contains 2 Parts Vodka,6 Parts Orange Juice, Crushed Ice And 1 Part Galliano`Harvey Wallbanger
Food & Drink: This Cocktail Is Made From Tequila, Orange Juice And Galliano. What Is It's Name`Freddy Fudpucker
Food & Drink: This Cut Of Beef Lies Between Tenderloin And Rump`Sirloin
Food & Drink: This Delightfully Soft Topping, Care Of Your Local Bovine`Cheese
Food & Drink: This 'Fresh Is The Taste' Chain Is Everywhere`Subway
Food & Drink: This Is A Jamaican Rum Liqueur, Based On Coffee Extracts And Local Spices`Tia Maria
Food & Drink: This Is An Edible Decoration I.E. Parsley, Watercress Or Lemon Added To A Dish To Enhance Its Appearance`Garnish
Food & Drink: This Italian Dessert, Made From Sponge Cake, Mascarpone Cheese And Flavoured With Coffee And Brandy Called`Tiramisu
Food & Drink: This Liquor Brand Accents A Scarlet O' Hara Or A Rhett Butler`Southern Comfort
Food & Drink: This Place In Germany Is Also The Name Of A (Popular) Cake`Black Forest
Food & Drink: This Product Comes In A Little Box With A Sailor On It`Cracker Jacks
Food & Drink: This Pudding Consists Of A Meringue Base Topped With Fresh Cream And Soft Fruits Such As Raspberries Or Redcurrants`Pavlova
Food & Drink: This Red Vegetable Is Actually A Berry`Tomato
Food & Drink: This Spiny Fruit With A Pungent Odour And Rich Yellow Flesh Is Considered 'The King Of Fruits' By Many Southeast Asians`Durian
Food & Drink: This Winter Treat Was Regarded Variously As A Medicinal Potion And An Aphrodisiac. Can You Name It`Hot Chocolate
Food & Drink: Thiz Tazetless Zwill Is Zomething Different All Right, But Itz Not Beer`Zima
Food & Drink: Three Frogs 'Er Er Er', What's The Name Of The Beer`Budweiser
Food & Drink: Tiger Beer Is Brewed In Which Commonwealth Country`Singapore
Food & Drink: 'Tizwin'`Indian Corn Beer
Food & Drink: To Determine The Percentage Of Alcohol In A Bottle Of Liquor, By How Much Is Proof Divided`Two
Food & Drink: To Determine The Percentage Of Alcohol In A Bottle Of Liquor, Divided By Two`Proof
Food & Drink: Toffee Is Made By Boiling Together Brown Sugar, ______, And Vinegar`Butter
Food & Drink: Toffee Is Made By Boiling Together Brown Sugar, Butter, And`Vinegar
Food & Drink: To Grill Meat On A Rack Over Charcoal`Charbroil
Food & Drink: To Make Drambuie, You Add Some Honey To What Type Of Whiskey`Scotch
Food & Drink: Tomalley Is The _______'_ _____. It Turns Green When Cooked And Is Considered A Delicacy`Lobster's Liver
Food & Drink: Tomato Ketchup Was Once Sold As A`Medicine
Food & Drink: Traditionally In What Months Should You Not Eat Oysters`May To August
Food & Drink: _______ Trees Were First Cultivated In China, Then They Made Their Way To India, Armenia, And Persia`Apricot
Food & Drink: Triple Sec, Tequila, And Lemon Or Lime Juice Make A(N)`Margarita
Food & Drink: Truffles And Mushrooms Are Edible Forms Of These`Fungi
Food & Drink: Truffles And Mushrooms Are Edible`Fungi
Food & Drink: Tuscany Is A Major Wine Producing Region Of Which Country`Italy
Food & Drink: Two Medium Ears Of Corn Equals One Cup Of ____`Corn Kernels
Food & Drink: Two Pounds Of ___ _____ Contains Approximately The Same Amount Of Protein As Five Pounds Of Meat`Soy Flour
Food & Drink: Type Of Pakistani Curry Cooked And Served In A Shallow Dish`Balti
Food & Drink: Under Federal Regulations, 97 Percent Of Caffeine Must Be Removed From ______ For It To Be Labeled 'Decaffeinated.'`Coffee
Food & Drink: Unkindly Described As 'Australia's Only Contribution To International Cuisine'`Pavlova
Food & Drink: Used As The Basis Of Tequila`Cactus
Food & Drink: Used To Make Grenadine Syrup`Pomegranate
Food & Drink: U.S. Origin: Very Mild: Hill Slightly: Salad, Snack, Dessert`Cream
Food & Drink: U.S. Per Capita Consumption Of Margarine Overtook ______ Consumption For The First Time In 1957`Butter
Food & Drink: U.S. Per Capita Consumption Of _________ Overtook Butter Consumption For The First Time In 1957`Margarine
Food & Drink: ____ Usually Have A Fuller Flavor And Body Than Lagers Or Pilsner`Ales
Food & Drink: Usually Served At Bedouin Feasts`Roast Camel
Food & Drink: Usually Sprinkled On Top Of Cappuccino`Chocolate
Food & Drink: Valois Wine Is Produced By Which European Country`Switzerland
Food & Drink: Vanilla Flavouring Is Derived From Which Flower`Orchid
Food & Drink: Vanilla Is The Extract Of Fermented And Dried Pods Of Several Species Of What`Orchids
Food & Drink: _______ Varieties Account For 57 Percent Of Volume Of Cheese Sold In England`Cheddar
Food & Drink: Vegetable With Green Or Purple Leaves Forming A Round Head`Cabbage
Food & Drink: Vermicelli Literally Means`Little Worms
Food & Drink: Vermont Is The Largest Production Of _____ _____ In The United States`Maple Syrup
Food & Drink: Vodka And Kahlua Make A`Black Russian
Food & Drink: Vodka And Kahlua Make A(N)`Black Russian
Food & Drink: Vodka And Lime Juice Make A`Gimlet
Food & Drink: Vodka And Orange Juice Make A`Screwdriver
Food & Drink: Vodka, Consomme, Lemon, Tabasco Sauce, Salt, Pepper, Celery Salt`Bullshot
Food & Drink: Vodka, Gin, Rum, Triple Sec, Tequila, Sour Mix, Cola`Long Island Ice Tea
Food & Drink: Vodka Made From`Grain Or Potatoes
Food & Drink: Vodka, Orange Juice And Galliano Make A(N)`Harvey Wallbanger
Food & Drink: Vodka Or Gin, ____ Juice And Sugar Make A Gimlet`Lime
Food & Drink: Vodka, Tomato Juice, Lemon, Tabasco Sauce, Salt, Pepper, Celery Salt`Bloody Mary
Food & Drink: Wales' National Dish Called`Cawl
Food & Drink: _______ Was Added To The Wine Of The Ancient Romans To Give It Colour`Saffron
Food & Drink: ______ ____ Was A Dry White Wine Popular From The 16th Century To The Middle Of The 19th Century When It Was Replaced In Popularity By The Superior Madeira`Canary Wine
Food & Drink: ___ Was Not Introduced Into The U.S. Colonies Until 1714`Tea
Food & Drink: _________ Was Often Added By The Ancient Romans To Their Wine To Satisfy Salt Cravings`Saltwater
Food & Drink: ________ Was Once Called 'The Five Fingers Of Jupiter,' By Joking Romans, After The Highest Of Their Gods`Broccoli
Food & Drink: _______ Was Once Used As A Medicine In The United States. In The 1830s It Was Sold As Dr. Miles's Compound Extract Of Tomato`Ketchup
Food & Drink: _____ ___ _______ Was The First Coffee To Be Sold In Sealed Tin Cans In The United States In 1879`Chase And Sanborn
Food & Drink: _______ Was The Strongest Acid Known To The Ancients`Vinegar
Food & Drink: ______ Was Twice As Likely As Fruit To Be On The Breakfast Menu Of Adult Americans In 2000, Despite Concerted Public-Health Efforts To Increase Consumption Of Fruits And Vegetables`Coffee
Food & Drink: Water Containing Carbon Dioxide Under Pressure Is Called`Soda Water
Food & Drink: Welch's Introduced Its Famous Concord _____ _____ In 1923`Grape Jelly
Food & Drink: Welsh _______ Is A Posh Name For Cheese On Toast`Rarebit
Food & Drink: _______'_ ______ Went Out Of Production During World War Ii Because The Silver Used To Wrap Them In Was Necessary For The War Efforts`Hershey's Kisses
Food & Drink: ________ _______ Were A Common Delicacy At Roman Feasts`Flamingo Tongues
Food & Drink: ___ ______ Were A Popular Form Of 'Laundry Detergent' During The Sixteenth And Seventeenth Centuries In England`Egg Whites
Food & Drink: ________ Were Banned In Burgundy In 1910 Because It Was Believed 'Frequent Use Caused Leprosy.'`Potatoes
Food & Drink: ____ ________ Were Introduced By National Biscuit Company In 1933, And Became The World's Largest Selling Crackers Within Three Years`Ritz Crackers
Food & Drink: What Animal Is Specially Trained To Sniff Out Truffles`Pig
Food & Drink: What Are Blenheim, Lord Derby And Peasgood`Apples
Food & Drink: What Are Knackers To A Norwegian`Crisp Bread
Food & Drink: What Are Mustard And Ketchup`Condiments
Food & Drink: What Are Scallops`Shellfish
Food & Drink: What Are Swedish Buns`Danishes
Food & Drink: What Are Sweetbreads`Thymus Glands
Food & Drink: What Are Syrah, Merlot And Pinot Noir Favourites`Grapes
Food & Drink: What Are The Ingredients Of A Daiquiri`Rum And Lemon
Food & Drink: What Are The Main Ingredients Of Both Financiere And Perigueux Sauces`Madeira And Truffles
Food & Drink: What Are The Main Ingredients Of The Irish Dish 'Colcannon'`Green Cabbage And Potatoes
Food & Drink: What Are The Muscovado And Turbinado`Sugar
Food & Drink: What Are The Only Two Commonly Ingested Items Pure Enough To Be Absorbed Into The Bloodstream Directly Through The Stomach Walls`Honey And Alcohol
Food & Drink: What Are The Shiny, Silver, Smooth Sugar Balls Used By Confectioners And Bakers Called`Dragees
Food & Drink: What Are The Two Main Ingredients Of A Lyonnaise Sauce`White Wine And Onions
Food & Drink: What Australian Food Was Discovered By John Macadam`Macadamia Nuts
Food & Drink: What Baby Food Was Developed By Physicians At The Toronto Hospital For Sick Children`Pablum
Food & Drink: What Bean Is Used In The Production Of Chocolate`Cocoa
Food & Drink: What Beer Is 'Beechwood Aged'`Budweiser
Food & Drink: What Berries Give Gin Its Flavour`Juniper Berries
Food & Drink: What Beverage Is Quoted To Be 'Good To The Last Drop'`Maxwell House Coffee`Maxwell House
Food & Drink: What Bottles Of Chianti Are Traditionally Covered With`Straw
Food & Drink: What Brand Of Beer Did The Homesick Alien Get Drunk On In Steven Spielbergs 1982 Hit Film E.T - The Extra Terrestrial`Coors
Food & Drink: What Brand Of Beer Is Provided Free At The Dining Hall At Trinity College In Dublin`Guinness
Food & Drink: What Brand Of Cheese Celebrated Its 60th Birthday In 1988`Velveeta
Food & Drink: What Brand Used To 'Love To Party'`Lone Star
Food & Drink: What Breakfast Cereal Was Invented At Battle Creek Sanitarium`Cornflakes
Food & Drink: What Breakfast Dish Was Ordered By A Writer As A Hangover Cure`Eggs Benedict
Food & Drink: What Brewing Aid Is Obtained From The Sturgeon`Isinglass
Food & Drink: What Candy Bar Was Actually Named After Grover Cleveland's Baby Daughter, Ruth`Baby Ruth
Food & Drink: What Candy Bar Was First Introduced By Dropping Them From Airplanes Over 40 American Cities`Butterfingers
Food & Drink: What Candy/Beer Mixture Did Homer Dream Up`Skittlebrow
Food & Drink: What Candy Received It's Name Because The Machine That Makes Them Looks Like It Is Kissing The Conveyor Belt`Hershey Kisses
Food & Drink: What Candy Was Invented The Same Year That The Titanic Sank`Lifesavers
Food & Drink: What Can You Buy In A Bar That Japanese Farmers Massage Into Their Cows To Make The Meat Tender`Gin
Food & Drink: What Carbonated Beverage Started Out Life In The 1890's As 'Brad's Drink'`Pepsi
Food & Drink: What Cereal Brand Uses The Figurehead Of A Rabbit For Its Campaign Slogan '________ Are For Kids!'`Trix
Food & Drink: What Chicken Part Is The Snack Of Choice For Chinese Movie Goers`Feet
Food & Drink: What City Is April Wine From`Montreal
Food & Drink: What Coating Insulates The Ice Cream In A Baked Alaska From An Oven's Heat`Meringue
Food & Drink: What Cocktail Is Made Of Rum And Lemon`Daiquiri
Food & Drink: What Cocktail Is Made With Gin And Dry Vermouth`Martini
Food & Drink: What Cocktail Is Traditionally Garnished With A Pearl Onion`The Gibson
Food & Drink: What Cocktail Was First Mixed At The Occidental Hotel In San Francisco In 1860`The Martini
Food & Drink: What Coffee Concoction Is Named After The Capuchin Monks`Cappucino
Food & Drink: What Colour Bottles Do Good Rhine Wines Come In`Brown
Food & Drink: What Colour Is A Remy Martin Bottle`Green
Food & Drink: What Colour Is Creme De Menthe`Green
Food & Drink: What Comes From Brown Cows`Chocolate Milk
Food & Drink: What Commercial Soda Pop Contains The Ingredient 'Glycerol Ester Of Wood Rosin'`Sunkist
Food & Drink: What Company Makes Canadian, Export And Golden Brands Of Beer`Molson
Food & Drink: What Cooking Herb Comes In Lemon, Wooley And Silver Varieties`Thyme
Food & Drink: What Country Is Home To The Real Budweiser Not The Usa`Czechen Republic
Food & Drink: What Country Is The Largest Producer Of Space`Spain
Food & Drink: What Country Is The World's Biggest Coffee Exporter`Brazil
Food & Drink: What Country Is The World's Largest Exporter Of Frog's Legs`Japan
Food & Drink: What Country's People Introduced Europeans To The Delights Of Chocolate`Mexico
Food & Drink: What Did Cowboys Refer To As Tonsil Plant`Whisky
Food & Drink: What Did Lorraine Chase Famously Advertise On Tv`Campari
Food & Drink: What Did Margraff Discover In Beet`Sugar
Food & Drink: What Did Welch's Grape Juice Become A Favorite Substitute For When The 18th Amendment Passed`Wine
Food & Drink: What Do Butchers Call The Edible Internal Part Of An Animal`Offal
Food & Drink: What Do Coffee, Tea, Tobacco, Red Wine, Soda, Berries, And Soy Sauce Have In Common`Stain Teeth
Food & Drink: What Does Blt Stand For In Mcdonalds`Bacon Lettuce Tomato
Food & Drink: What Does Bovine Mean`Cowlike
Food & Drink: What Does 'Cassata' Ice Cream Contain`Fruit And Nuts
Food & Drink: What 'Does The Body Good' And Gives You A Great Mustache`Milk
Food & Drink: What Does V.S.O.P. Stand For On A Bottle Of Brandy`Very Special Old Pale
Food & Drink: What Does 'Zucchero' Mean In Italian`Sugar
Food & Drink: What Do Gin, Sweet And Sour Mix And Spash Of Seven-Up(Or Sprite) Make`Tom Collins
Food & Drink: What Do Grenadine And Seven-Up(Or Sprite) Make`Shirley Temple
Food & Drink: What Do Mcdonalds And Burger King Do To Their Fries So They Will Turn Golden Brown`They Sugar Coat Them
Food & Drink: What Do Navel Oranges Lack`Seeds
Food & Drink: What Do Peach Schnapps And Orange Juice Make`Fuzzy Navel
Food & Drink: What Do Peach Schnapps, Vodka And Orange Juice Make`Hairy Navel
Food & Drink: What Do Tequila, Orange Juice And Grenadine Make`Tequila Sunrise
Food & Drink: What Do The Cheeses Gruyere And Emmenthal Have In Common`Holes
Food & Drink: What Do The Letters Vsop On A Brandy Bottle Stand For`Very Special Old Pale
Food & Drink: What Do Vodka, Kaluha And Milk(Or Cream)Make`White Russian
Food & Drink: What Do Vodka (Or Gin) And Grapefruit Juice Make`Greyhound
Food & Drink: What Do Vodka, Triple Sec And Lime Juice Make`Kamikaze
Food & Drink: What Do You Add To A Screwdriver To Get A Harvey Wallbanger`Galliano
Food & Drink: What Do You Call A French Canadian Pork Pie`Tortierre
Food & Drink: What Do You Chase Whisky With In A 'Boilermaker'`Beer
Food & Drink: What Do You Get By Mixing Gin And Vermouth`Martini
Food & Drink: What Do You Have To Break To Make Omelettes`Eggs
Food & Drink: What Do You Mix With Equal Amounts Of Coffee To Make 'Cafe Au Lait'`Milk
Food & Drink: What Do You Put On Bread And Butter To Make Fairy Bread`Hundreds And Thousands
Food & Drink: What Do You Suppose Blood Pudding Is`Sausage
Food & Drink: What Drink Has A Totally Tropical Taste`Lilt
Food & Drink: What Drink Is Also Known As Adam's Ale`Water
Food & Drink: What Drink Is A Mixture Of White Wine And Blackcurrant Syrup Or Liqueur`Kir
Food & Drink: What Drink Is Made Of Rum, Coconut Milk And Pineapple`Pina Colada
Food & Drink: What Drink Is The Best Thirst Quencher`Water
Food & Drink: What Drink Is Used For Indy 500 Winners`Milk
Food & Drink: What Drink Was Named After Queen Mary L Of England`Bloody Mary
Food & Drink: What Drink Was Originally Known As Fruit Smack Flavored Syrup`Kool-Aid
Food & Drink: What Family Do These Fruits Belong To - Kumquat, Pommelo, Ugli Fruit`Citrus
Food & Drink: What Fish Species Was Threatened Due To The Cajun Style Of Cooking It`Redfish
Food & Drink: What Flavor Ice Cream Did Dolly Madison Serve At The Inaugural Festivities In 1812`Strawberry
Food & Drink: What Flavour Is Added To Lambic Beers To Make Them Into Kriek`Cherry
Food & Drink: What Flavour Is Grand Marnier`Orange
Food & Drink: What Food Is The Leading Source Of Salmonella Poisoning`Chicken
Food & Drink: What Food Links Dundee, Chorley And Eccles`Cake
Food & Drink: What Food Product Overtook Ketchup As The Top-Selling Condiment In The United States In 1991`Salsa
Food & Drink: What Food Was Almost Non-Existent In Ireland In The 1840's`Potatoes
Food & Drink: What Fruit Did Elvis Most Often Layer On His Peanut Butter Sandwiches`Bananas
Food & Drink: What Fruit Does The 'Stackspur Golden Delicious' Tree Produce`Apples
Food & Drink: What Fruit Do Viticulturists Grow`Grapes
Food & Drink: What Fruit Has The Most Calories`Avocado
Food & Drink: What Fruit Is 'Citrus Grandis'`Grapefruit
Food & Drink: What Fruit Is Missing Seeds`Navel Orange
Food & Drink: What Fruit Is Packed With The Most Calories`Avocado
Food & Drink: What Fruit Is The Basis For Guacamole`Avocado
Food & Drink: What Fruit Is Usually Used To Make Marmalade`Orange
Food & Drink: What Fruits Are Sorted For Ripeness By Bouncing Them`Cranberries
Food & Drink: What Fruits Are Usually Served 'Belle Helene'`Pears
Food & Drink: What Fruit Sauce Is Usually Served With Turkey`Cranberry
Food & Drink: What Fruit Will Keep Floating To The Top And Sinking To The Bottom Of A Glass Of Champagne`Raisin
Food & Drink: What Gives Beer Its Distinctive Bitter Flavour`Hops
Food & Drink: What Greenish Cylindrical Fruit Is The Cucumis Sativus`Cucumber
Food & Drink: What Herb Do The French Call L'herbe Royale`Basil
Food & Drink: What Ice Cream Flavor Name Means 'All Fruits' In Italian`Tutti Frutti
Food & Drink: What Ingredient Is Contained In Beer But Not Ale`Hops
Food & Drink: What Inside Corn Makes It Pop`Water
Food & Drink: What Is A Chorizo`Spanish Smoked Sausage
Food & Drink: What Is A Cross Between A Blackberry And A Raspberry`Tayberry
Food & Drink: What Is Added To Gin, Lemon Juice And Sugar To Create The 'Fizz' In A Gin Fizz`Soda Water
Food & Drink: What Is A Eclair`A Filled Pastry
Food & Drink: What Is A Gooseneck`A Barnacle
Food & Drink: What Is A Mixture Of Dried Thyme, Bay And Parsley Enclosed In A Muslin Bag Called`Bouquet Garni
Food & Drink: What Is Another Name For The Carambola`Star Fruit
Food & Drink: What Is A Peanut If It Is Not A Pea Or A Nut`Legume
Food & Drink: What Is Armagnac`Brandy
Food & Drink: What Is A Well-Known Name For Rolled, Toasted, Flavoured Flakes Of Maize`Cornflakes
Food & Drink: What Is Basmati`Rice
Food & Drink: What Is Converted Into Alchohol During The Brewing Process`Sugar
Food & Drink: What Is Ghee`Type Of Butter Used In Indian Cookery
Food & Drink: What Is Japanese 'Sake' Made From`Rice
Food & Drink: What Is Liquor Distilled From The Fermented Mash Of Cereal Grains And Containing About 40 To 50 Percent Ethyl Alcohol By Volume`Whiskey
Food & Drink: What Is Made Of Fermented Grape Juice`Wine
Food & Drink: What Is Mead`Honey Wine
Food & Drink: What Is Missing From A Navel Orange`Seeds
Food & Drink: What Is Mixed With Gin To Make A Pink Gin`Bitters
Food & Drink: What Is Mixed With Orange Juice To Create A Bucks Fizz Or A Mimosa`Champagne
Food & Drink: What Is 'Mother's Ruin'`Gin
Food & Drink: What Isnt Present In A Fillet`Bones
Food & Drink: What Is Old-Fashioned Rock Candy Made Of`Sugar Crystals
Food & Drink: What Is 'Pollo' On A Menu In Rome`Chicken
Food & Drink: What Is Shredded To Make Sauerkraut`Cabbage
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing 'Abalone' Known As`Awabi
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing 'Adult Yellowtail' Known As`Buri
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing 'Another Variety Of Aji' Known As`Shima-Aji
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing 'Ark Shell' Known As`Akagai
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing 'Black Shrimp - Prawn' Known As`Kuruma-Ebi
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing 'Blue Marlin' Known As`Makajiki
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing 'Boiled Shrimp' Known As`Ebi
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing 'Bonito' Known As`Katsuo
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing 'Choice Tuna Belly' Known As`Toro
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing 'Clam' Known As`Hamaguri
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing 'Cockle' Known As`Torigai
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing 'Conger Eel' Known As`Anago
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing 'Crab. Also Refers To Imitation Crab' Known As`Kani
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing 'Fatty Portion Of Tuna Belly' Known As`Otoro
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing 'Flatfish' Known As`Karei
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing 'Flounder' Known As`Hirame
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing 'Japanese Tsubugai Shellfish' Known As`Tsubugai
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing 'Mackerel' Known As`Saba
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing 'Mackerel (Marinated)' Known As`Shime-Saba
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing 'Mantis Shrimp' Known As`Shako
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing 'Marbled Tuna Belly' Known As`Chuutoro
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing 'Octopus' Known As`Tako
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing 'Pike Conger: Sea Eel' Known As`Hamo
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing 'Razor-Shell Clam' Known As`Tairagai
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing 'Salmon' Known As`Sake
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing 'Salmon Roe' Known As`Ikura
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing 'Sandfish' Known As`Hatahata
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing 'Scallop' Known As`Hotategai
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing 'Sea Bass' Known As`Suzuki
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing 'Sea Bream' Known As`Tai
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing 'Seasonal White Meat Fish' Known As`Shiromi
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing 'Sea Urchin Roe' Known As`Uni
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing 'Spanish Mackerel' Known As`Sawara
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing '(Springtime) Halfbeak' Known As`Sayori
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing 'Squid' Known As`Ika
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing 'Squid Simmered In A Soy-Flavored Stock' Known As`Ni-Ika
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing 'Surf Clam' Known As`Hokkigai
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing 'Sweetened Egg Wrapped In Dried Seaweed' Known As`Nori-Tama
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing 'Swordfish' Known As`Kajiki
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing 'Swordfish' Known As`Mekajiki
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing 'Trout' Known As`Masu
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing 'Tuna Belly And Chopped Green Onion' Known As`Negi-Toro
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing 'Various Kinds Of Shiny Fish, Such As Mackerel' Known As`Hikari-Mono
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing 'Very Young Yellowtail' Known As`Inada
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing 'Very Young Yellowtail' Known As`Kanpachi
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing 'Young Sea Bass' Known As`Seigo
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing 'Young Tuna' Known As`Meji
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi Containing 'Young Yellowtail' Known As`Hamachi
Food & Drink: What Is Sushi`Raw Fish
Food & Drink: What Is The Basic Flavouring Of Kahlua`Coffee
Food & Drink: What Is The Brownish Vegetable Extract With A Toxic Odour, Saline Taste And Axle Grease Consistency That Brits Love`Marmite
Food & Drink: What Is The Common Name For Rice Wine`Sake
Food & Drink: What Is The Dry Ingredient In A Roux`Flour
Food & Drink: What Is The Fruit Of A Rosebush Called`Hip
Food & Drink: What Is The Fruit Of A Rosebush Called`The Hip
Food & Drink: What Is The Fungus That Appears In The Ears Of Rye, And Causes Theoutbreaks Of Food Poisoning`Ergot
Food & Drink: What Is The Irish Spicy Fruit-Breadbaked With A Gold Ring Called`Barm Brack
Food & Drink: What Is The Main Ingredient In Coca-Cola After Water`Sugar
Food & Drink: What Is The Main Ingredient Of All Carbonated Sodas (Hint: Look At At The Ingredients Of The Soda Can Next To You!)`Carbonated Water
Food & Drink: What Is The Main Problem With Growing Mint In The Garden`It Spreads Rapidly
Food & Drink: What Is The Most Essential Spice In Hungarian Cooking`Paprika
Food & Drink: What Is The Most Popular Dish In The United States`Fried Chicken
Food & Drink: What Is The Most Popular Import Beer In The Usa`Heineken
Food & Drink: What Is The Most Popular Pizza Topping In South Korea`Tuna
Food & Drink: What Is The Most Widely Eaten Fish In The World`Herring
Food & Drink: What Is The Most Widely Used Seasoning In The World`Salt
Food & Drink: What Is The Name Of The Cocktail Made From 3 Parts Creme De Menthe,3 Parts Amaretto And 2 Parts Lemon Juice`Irish Pride
Food & Drink: What Is The Name Of The Greek Wine God`Dionysus
Food & Drink: What Is The Name Of The Protein Found In Wheat Flour`Gluten
Food & Drink: What Is The Name Of The Syrup Drained From Raw Sugar`Molasses
Food & Drink: What Is The National Dish Of Brazil`Feijoada
Food & Drink: What Is The Only Alcoholic Ingredient In A 'Screwdriver'`Vodka
Food & Drink: What Is The Only Food That Does Not Spoil`Honey
Food & Drink: What Is The Ph Of Cow's Milk`Six
Food & Drink: What Is The Primary Ingredient In The Famous German Dish Sauerbraten`Beef Roast
Food & Drink: What Is The Red Liquid That Gives Some Cocktails (Such As The Non-Alcoholic 'Shirley Temple') Their Red Colour`Grenadine
Food & Drink: What Is The Russian National Drink`Vodka
Food & Drink: What Is The South African Term For Beef Jerky`Biltong
Food & Drink: What Is The Suet Pudding Made With Currants Called`Spotted Dick
Food & Drink: What Is The Traditional Food Served At The Wimbledon Tennis Tournament Each Year`Strawberries And Cream`Strawberries And Cream
Food & Drink: What Is Used As The Basis Of Tequila`Cactus
Food & Drink: What Is Used To Clarify Wine`Blood
Food & Drink: What Is White Beet Most Commonly Used As`Sugar
Food & Drink: What Kind Of Acid Does Tea Contain`Tannic Acid
Food & Drink: What Kind Of Cake Is A Wedding Cake Normally`Fruit Cake
Food & Drink: What Kind Of Food Derives Its Name From The Latin 'Lasanum' Or 'Cooking Pot'`Lasagna
Food & Drink: What Kind Of Food Includes The Varieties Freestone And Clingstone`Peaches
Food & Drink: What Kind Of Fruit Were Prunes Before They Shrivelled`Plums
Food & Drink: What Kind Of Milk Has No Cholesteral Content And Is Not Processed To Achieve This State`Coconut Milk
Food & Drink: What Kind Of Nuts Are Ground Up To Make Marzipan`Almonds
Food & Drink: What Kind Of Peach Has A Smooth Skin`Nectarine
Food & Drink: What Kind Of Steak Is Named After A French Writer And Statesman`Chateaubriand
Food & Drink: What Kind Of Wine Was Poisoned In The Film 'Arsenic And Old Lace'`Elderberry
Food & Drink: What 'K' Is The Home Of Bourbon Whiskey`Kentucky
Food & Drink: What Leafy Green Vegetable Did Ancient Greeks Believe Could Help You Sleep`Lettuce
Food & Drink: What Meat Is Most Often Cut Into 'Noisettes'`Lamb
Food & Drink: What Meat Is Traditionally Eaten In America To Celebrate Thanksgiving Day`Turkey
Food & Drink: What Milk Is Pecorino Cheese Made From`Ewes
Food & Drink: What Mistake Did Coca-Cola Make In 1985`New Coke
Food & Drink: What Name Is Given To Fish Cooked In Browned Butter`Meuniere
Food & Drink: What Name Is Given To The Central Part Of A Fleshy Fruit, Containing The Seeds`The Core
Food & Drink: What Non-Alcoholic Syrup Is Made From Pomegranate Juice`Grenadine
Food & Drink: What, On An Italian Menu, Is 'Zuppa Inglese'`Trifle
Food & Drink: What Orange Confection Did James Keiller First Start Packaging At Dundee, Scotland In 1797`Marmalade
Food & Drink: What Part Of An Eatery Do Some Restaurant Owners Call 'The Cancer Ward'`The Smoking Section`Smoking Section
Food & Drink: What Part Of A Plant Are Green Peas`Seeds
Food & Drink: What Pasta Gets Its Name From The Italian Word For Tongue`Linguini
Food & Drink: What Pastry Is Used To Make Eclairs`Choux
Food & Drink: What Percentage Of Alcohol Is Contained In A 100 Proof Mixture`Fifty
Food & Drink: What Plant Does A Natural Vanilla Flavouring Come From`Orchid
Food & Drink: What Popular Candy Bar Was Named After A Canadian`Sweet Marie
Food & Drink: What Product Built Hershey, Pennsylvania`Chocolate
Food & Drink: What Product First Produced In Germany Had A Formula That Combined Alcohol, Lemon Spirits, Orange Bitters And Mint Oil`Cologne
Food & Drink: What Product Orginally Sold As 'The Esteemed Brain Tonic And Intellectual Beverage'`Coca Cola
Food & Drink: What Rare Fungi Are Found By Snuffling Dogs And Pigs`Truffles
Food & Drink: What Red Fruit Is Most Often Eaten In Green Salads`Tomato
Food & Drink: What Restaurant Is The Gordita From`Taco Bell
Food & Drink: What Rum, Lime And Sugar Cocktail Is Named For A Town Near Santiago, Cuba`Daiquiri
Food & Drink: What Salad Vegetable Would You Be Eating If You Were Having A 'French Breakfast'`Radish
Food & Drink: What Sandwich Is Named After A British Duke`Earl
Food & Drink: What's Bottled In Jeroboams`Champagne
Food & Drink: What's Considered The 'Uncola'`7 Up
Food & Drink: What 'Secco' Means On A Bottle Of Italian Wine`Dry
Food & Drink: What Seed Takes Five Years To Yield Consumable Fruit`Coffee Beans
Food & Drink: What's Left After Sugar Is Refined`Blackstrap Molasses
Food & Drink: What Snack Food Did A University Of South Florida Engineering Professor Spend Six Years Studying The Crunch Of`Potato Chips
Food & Drink: What Snack Food Was Portrayed In Claymation Dancing To 'Heard It Through The Grapevine'`Raisins
Food & Drink: What Soft Drinks Commercial Set Michael Jacksons Hair On Fire In 1984`Pepsi-Cola
Food & Drink: What Sort Of Food Is A 'Rollmop'`Fish
Food & Drink: What Sort Of Sweets Did Ronald Reagan Keep On His Desk`Jelly Beans
Food & Drink: What Soup Would Be On The Menu In Poland Or Russia`Borscht
Food & Drink: What Spirit Is Added To Brandy To Make A Sidecar`Cointreau
Food & Drink: What's The Common Name Of The Vegetable Beta Vulgaris`Beetroot
Food & Drink: What's The Top Selling Campus Snack According To The American Association Of College Stores`Oreo Cookies
Food & Drink: What Substance Does The Enzyme Sucrase Act Upon`Sucrose
Food & Drink: What Sweet Fruit Grows On Certain Kinds Of Palm Tress`Dates
Food & Drink: What Symbol On The Bacardi Symbol Is There Because The Soil Where The Sugar Cane Grows Is Fertile From The Excessive Guano`The Bat
Food & Drink: What The V.O. In Seagrams V.O. Stands For`Very Old
Food & Drink: What Thirst Quencher Was Promoted With The Line 'Probably The Best Lager In The World'`Carlsberg
Food & Drink: What Type Of Alcoholic Drink Is Manzanilla`Sherry
Food & Drink: What Type Of Drink Is Perrier`Mineral Water
Food & Drink: What Type Of Flavour Does The Vegetable Fennel Have`Aniseed
Food & Drink: What Type Of Food Is Pitta (Pita)`Bread
Food & Drink: What Type Of Food Is Tortellini`Pasta
Food & Drink: What Type Of Fruit Is A Pineapple`Berry
Food & Drink: What Type Of Seed Is Tahini Made Out Of`Sesame Seeds
Food & Drink: What Type Of Soil Does Thyme Prefer`Well-Drained Lime Or Chalk
Food & Drink: What Type Of Whisky Is Called 'Old No 7'`Jack Daniels
Food & Drink: What Unaged Spirit Is Derived From Grain And Potatoes`Vodka
Food & Drink: What Vegetable Comes Last In The Dictionary`Zucchini
Food & Drink: What Vegetable Did Captain Cook Refuse To Sail Without`Onions
Food & Drink: What Vegetable Did Gregor Mendel Use In His Studies`Peas
Food & Drink: What Vegetable Has A Name That Sounds Like A Letter Of The Alphabet`Pea
Food & Drink: What Vegetable Is The Welsh National Emblem`The Leek
Food & Drink: What Vegetable Produces Natural Valium`Potato
Food & Drink: What Vegetables Are Sometimes Called 'Spuds'`Potatoes
Food & Drink: What Vegetable Varieties Include Snowball, White Horse, And Igloo`Cauliflower
Food & Drink: What Vegetable Was Originally Used To Make A 'Jack-O'lantern'`Turnip
Food & Drink: What Vegetable Yields The Most Pounds Of Produce Per Acre`Cabbage
Food & Drink: What Vitamin Complex Includes Thiamine, Niacin And Riboflavin`Vitamin B
Food & Drink: What Vitamin Found In Carrots Is Good For The Eyes`Vitamin A
Food & Drink: What Was The First Ready-To-Eat Breakfast Cereal`Shredded Cereal
Food & Drink: What Won't A Camel's Milk Do That A Cow's Milk Will`Curdle
Food & Drink: What Would You Buy In A Boulangerie`Bread
Food & Drink: What Yummy Snack Is Used In The Construction Of Dynamite`Peanuts
Food & Drink: When Stored Properly, ______ Can Hold Their Freshness For Up To Two Years`Pecans
Food & Drink: When They Were First Brought To Europe, People Thought What About Potatoes`They Were Poisonous
Food & Drink: When You Add Lactobacillus Bulgaricus To Milk, What Do You Get`Yogurt
Food & Drink: Where Did Edam Cheese Originate`Holland
Food & Drink: Where Does Copra Come From`Coconuts
Food & Drink: Where Does Natural Vanilla Flavouring Come From`Orchids
Food & Drink: Where Does The Wine Mateus Come From`Portugal
Food & Drink: Where In Italy Is The Wine Marsala Made`Sicily
Food & Drink: Where Is Milk The Most Popular Beverage`North America
Food & Drink: Where Is Most Of The Vitamin C In Fruits`Skin
Food & Drink: Where Is The Best Brandy Bottled`Cognac, France
Food & Drink: Where Is The Cheese Bolbo Produced`France
Food & Drink: Where Is The Cheese Tome Produced`Denmark
Food & Drink: Whether It's Beef Or Chicken, If The Terms Stroganoff, Wellington, Cordon Bleu, Salisbury, Or Parmesan Are Used, You Know It's: A: Expensive, B: Mouth-Watering, Or C: High In Fat`High In Fat
Food & Drink: Which Acid Is Found In Unripe Apples And Other Fruit`Malic Acid
Food & Drink: Which Acid Is Found In Yoghurt`Lactic
Food & Drink: Which Aromatic Rice Is Traditionally Used In Indian Cookery`Basmati
Food & Drink: Which Berries Are Used To Make Gin`Juniper
Food & Drink: Which Candy Bar Is Named After A Planet`Mars Bar
Food & Drink: Which Cheese Is Traditionally Put On Pizza`Mozzarella
Food & Drink: Which Classic Dish Contains Strips Of Steak Cooked In A Wine Sauce With Sour Cream`Stroganoff
Food & Drink: Which Cocktail Is Made From 1 Part Kahlua,1 Part Bailey's Irish Cream And 1 Part Creme De Menthe`After Eight
Food & Drink: Which Cocktail Is Made From 2 Parts Melon Liqueur,1 Part Banana Liqueur,1 Part Blue Curacao, Pineapple Juice And A Banana`Banana Boat
Food & Drink: Which Cocktail Is Made From Creme De Cacao, Cream And Brandy`Brandy Alexander
Food & Drink: Which Cocktail Is Made From Milk Stout (Guinness) And Champagne`Black Velvet
Food & Drink: Which Company Developed 'Instant' Coffee In The 1930s`Nestle
Food & Drink: Which Company Is The Largest Buyer Of Sugar In The World`Coca-Cola
Food & Drink: Which Company Promises 'The Best To You Each Morning'`Kellogg's
Food & Drink: Which Cookery Dish Is Named After A Napoleonic Battle`Chicken Marengo
Food & Drink: Which Country Is The Worlds Largest Wine Producer`Italy
Food & Drink: Which Dessert Is Named After A Ballerina`Pavlova
Food & Drink: Which Drink Does Melanie Sykes Advertise On Tv`Boddingtons
Food & Drink: Which Drink Is Known As 'The Uncola'`7 Up
Food & Drink: Which Drink Is Named After The Ethiopian City Of 'Kaffa'`Coffee
Food & Drink: Which Drink Should Be Served In A Glass Called A Copita`Sherry
Food & Drink: Which Drink Was Advertised As 'The Wodka From Varrington'`Vodka
Food & Drink: Which Drink Was Advertised On Tv By David Bowie's Wife Iman`Tia Maria
Food & Drink: Which Fatty-Acid Known To Be Beneficial For A Healthy Heart, Is Present In Fish Especially Mackeral And Tuna`Omega-3
Food & Drink: Which Food Product Did Henry Cooper Advertise In 1984`Shredded Wheat
Food & Drink: Which Foodstuff Has Types Called 'Blanket' And 'Honeycomb'`Tripe
Food & Drink: Which Fruit Has The Most Calories Per Gram`Avocado
Food & Drink: Which Fruit Is The Produce Of A Herb`Banana
Food & Drink: ____ Which Has Become Thick Due To Being Sour Is Referred To As Bonnyclabber`Milk
Food & Drink: Which Herb Is Frequently Added To The Traditional English Alcoholic Drink Pimms`Borage
Food & Drink: Which Herb Is Used To Flavour The Tomato Based Sauce On A Pizza`Oregano
Food & Drink: Which Herb Is Used To Make 'Pesto Sauce'`Basil
Food & Drink: Which Herb Is Used To Make The Garnish 'Gremolata'`Parsley
Food & Drink: Which Herb Was Regarded As A Symbol Of Immortality By The Greeks And Romans`Tansy
Food & Drink: Which Indonesian Fruit Is Known For Its Unpleasant Smell`Durian
Food & Drink: Which Ingredient Changes A 'Black Russian' To A 'White Russian'`Cream
Food & Drink: Which Is Higher, Percent Alcohol By Weight Or By Volume`By Volume
Food & Drink: Which Is Larger, The British Or Us Pint`British
Food & Drink: Which Is Milder: American Mustard Or Dijon Mustard`American
Food & Drink: Which Is More Tender, The Left Or Right Leg Of A Chicken`Left
Food & Drink: Which Italian Dish Consists Of Filled Tubes Of Pasta Baked In A Sauce`Cannelloni
Food & Drink: Which Liqueur Gives The Cocktail 'Tequila Sunrise' Its Red Glow`Grenadine
Food & Drink: Which Liqueur Has Blackcurrant As Its Main Source`Cassis
Food & Drink: Which Major Food Company Grew Out Of The Sanitas Food Company Of Battle Creek, Michigan`Kelloggs
Food & Drink: Which Mineral Is Found In Milk, Butter, Cheese, And Sardines`Calcium
Food & Drink: Which Mineral Is Found In Seafood And Tea`Fluorine
Food & Drink: Which Mineral Is Found In Seafood, Salt-Water Fish, Seaweed, And Table Salt`Iodine
Food & Drink: Which Of Its Products Did Heinz Try To Squeeze Out In November 1999`Salad Cream
Food & Drink: Which Of The Following Is Not A Herb Or Spice, Savoury, Soapwort, Soy, Sassafras`Soy
Food & Drink: Which Of The Following Plants Are Hardy Annuals: Sage, Borage, Chives, Sorrell, Dill`Borage And Dill
Food & Drink: Which Part Of A Ginger Plant Does The Spice Come From`The Root
Food & Drink: Which Part Of The Alligator Is The Best`The White Tail Meat
Food & Drink: Which Red Jelly Is A Traditional Accompaniment To Lamb`Redcurrant
Food & Drink: Which Sauce Has The Same Name As A State In Mexico`Tabasco
Food & Drink: Which Scandinavian Alcoholic Spirit Is Made From Potatoes`Aquavit
Food & Drink: Which Spicy Soup Literally Means 'Pepper Water'`Mulligatawny
Food & Drink: Which Spirit Is Added To Sugar And Egg Yolks To Make Advocaat`Brandy
Food & Drink: Which Spirit Is The Base Of A White Lady Cocktail`Gin
Food & Drink: Which Spirit Is The Characteristic Ingredient Of 'Planter's Punch'`Rum
Food & Drink: Which Stone Fruit Has A Kernel That Can Be Used As A Flavouring`Apricot
Food & Drink: Which Substance, Occurring Naturally In Fruit, Causes Jams And Preserves To Set`Pectin
Food & Drink: Which Thick Custard-Like Food Is Made When Fresh Milk Is Artificially Curdled By Bacteria`Yoghurt
Food & Drink: Which Three Ingredients Make A 'Road Kill'`Irish Whiskey, Bourbon, Rum
Food & Drink: Which Two Fruits Are An Anagram Of Each Other`Lemon And Melon
Food & Drink: Which Two Spices Come From The Same Tree`Nutmeg And Mase
Food & Drink: Which Variety Of Fruit Is Known As The 'Winter Banana'`The Apple
Food & Drink: Which Vegetable Is Used If A Dish Is Described As 'A La Bretonne'`Haricot Beans
Food & Drink: Which Vegetable Is Used If A Dish Is Described As 'A La Crecy'`Carrots
Food & Drink: Which Vegetable Was Awared To The Winner Of An Athletic Event In Ancient Greece In A Bunch, Much Like How Flowers Are Given Today`Celery
Food & Drink: Whiskey, Angostura Bitters, And Sugar Make An`Old Fashion
Food & Drink: Whiskey, Hot Coffee, And Whipped Cream Make A(N)`Irish Coffee
Food & Drink: Whiskey Made From Maize And Rye`Bourbon
Food & Drink: White Chocolate Does Not Contain`Caffeine
Food & Drink: White Sugar Mixed With To Make Brown Sugar`Molasses
Food & Drink: ____ Will Spoil If Exposed To Light: Hence, Tinted Bottles`Wine
Food & Drink: With What Type Of Food Are Juniper Berries Most Often Used`Game
Food & Drink: With What Type Of Meat Would You Make The Dish Marengo`Chicken
Food & Drink: With Which Type Of Dish Would You Use Lemon Balm As A Flavouring`Fish And Poultry
Food & Drink: ____-____ Would Be Green If Colouring Weren't Added To It`Coca-Cola
Food & Drink: You Can Get These Also With Your Pizza On The Side, Caesar Style`Salad
Food & Drink: You Can Lengthen The Life Of _____ ___ By Adding A Cube Of Sugar To The Bottle`Olive Oil
Food & Drink: You Need Approximately 2,000 _______ To Make One Pound Of Coffee`Berries
FOOD: Dry white wine made from european varitey of grape`riesling
Food: Duke Richelieu brought it to France after visiting Mahon, city on Minorca.`mayonnaise
FOOD: Dutch liqeur made with raw eggs`advocaat
FOOD: Edible organs of an animal`offal
Food: Eric Clapton, Ginger Baker, and Jack Bruce make up this band.`cream
FOOD: Fine strong dark coffee`mocha
Food: French fries come from this country.`belgium
FOOD: From what is mock turtle soup made`calfs head
FOOD: Fruit that is a cross between a grapefruit and a tangerine`ugli
Food: German dish with roast beef marinated in vinegar, sugar, and seasonings.`sauerbraten
FOOD: German wholemeal rye bread`pumpernickel
FOOD: Glass bottle for serving wine`carafe
FOOD: Greek dish of mince with aubergine and eggs`mousaka
FOOD: If you ordered Caneton what would you get`duck
FOOD: In addition to potatoes what is in colcannon`cabbage
FOOD: In cooking how many teaspoons in a tablespoon`three
FOOD: In pickles, what are gherkins`cucumbers
Food: In the group, there's been one Herb, but three of these`peaches
Food issued or available to members of a group`rationed
Food issued or available to members of a group`rations
Food: Italian dish consiting of olives, anchovies, salami, celery, and appetizers.`antipasto
FOOD: Japanese drink made from rice`sake
FOOD: Large brown fruit of tropical palm tree`coconut
Food: Marsala is a type of this.`sweet wine
Food: Mexican dish with minced and seasoned meat packed in cornmeal and corn husks.`tamale
Food: Name for an oblong cream puff filled and topped with icing.`eclair
FOOD: Name for vitamin B2`riboflavin
FOOD: Name of a cylindrical clay oven traditionally used in India`tandoor
Food: Name this Bonnie Raitt tune: "he's making fried eggs an art."`longing in their hearts
Food: Name this tune: "Sloppy joe, slop-sloppy joe...."`sloppy joe
Food Network: How do you spell Emril's Last name`Lagasse
Food Network: What's the best way to stop chile burn`Sugar
Food Network: Where is Mario Batali from`Italy
Food Network: Which host on the Food Network got arested for insider tradeing and had to serve 5 months in jail`Martha Stewart
Food Network: Who is Bobby Flay's Co-Host on Food 911`Jacqui Malouf
Food Network: Who is the head editor of Gourmey Magizine`Sara Moulton
Food Network: Who is the host of 30 Minute Meals`Rachael Ray
Food Network: Who is the host of Boy Meet's Grill`Bobby Flay
Food Network: Who is the host of Malto Mario`Mario Batali
Food Network: Who is the host of Sara's Secretes`Sara Moulton
Food Network: Who is the host of the show Emeril Live`Emeril Lagasse
Food Network: Who is the host of the show Food 911`Tyler Florence
Food Network: Who is the host of the show Good Eats`Alton BrownWhat is located at 350 fifth avenue in New York City`empire state building
Food Network: Who is the Only Famous Brittish Cheff on the current line up for the Food Network`Jamie Oliver
Food: "No matter what shape your stomach's in" was sang by which band`t-bones
FOOD:Of which fruit is Pearmain a variety`apple
Food: On a menu, the term flambe indicates this`flaming
FOOD: One who specialises in the scientific study and regulation of food intakeand preparation`dietician
Food: Only Rolling Stones' release to mention food in the title.`brown Sugar
Food or provisions`provender
FOOD: Pale very dry Spanish sherry`manzanilla
Food: Pilaf is this cooked in a broth of meat or poultry.`rice
Food: Polish cake filled with candied fruits and nuts.`babka
Food prepared and served in such a dish`casserole
Food prepared with wild plants is known as 'cuisine`sauvage
Food put into the cavity of a piece of meat or a vegetable that has been hollowed out`stuffings
FOOD: Red wine from Bordeaux`claret
Food remaining from a previous meal`leftovers
FOOD:Rounded green ish citrus fruit with an acid fleshy pulp`Lime
FOOD: Soft french cheese`brie
FOOD: Spirit distilled from malted barley`whisky
Food supplies: provisions`victuals
Food: Sweetbread is derived from this organ.`pancreas
Food: The band James has 4 songs with this food in the title.`popcorn
Food: The beer introduced in 1961 to take the head off sales of imported beers`michelob
Food: The drink Sake (sah'ki) comes from this country.`japan
Food: The eggs of this sturgeon are the preferred form of caviar.`beluga
Food: The flop 1960's diet drink Minivitine was a spinoff of this drink mix.`ovaltine
Food: The founder of Weight Watchers.`jean nidetch
Food: The mild stimulant "theobromine" is found in this common lip-smacker.`chocolate
Food: The most common food mentioned in the titles of Top 40 songs is this.`sugar
Food: The principal ingredient of sauerkraut`cabbage
Food: The Queensland nut or bush nut is more commonly known as this.`macadamia
FOOD: The tradition of making what was born out of the need to use up milk and eggs before lent`pancakes
Food: This breakfast cereal has a leprechaun mascot`lucky charms
Food: This cut of beef lies between tenderloin & rump.`sirloin
Food: This dish dervies from the old French word "alemelle", meaning "thin plate"`omelet
Food: This film inspired the snack food Screaming Yellow Zonkers`yellow submarine
Food: This is the "national spice" of Hungary`paprika
Food: This meat is used to make scaloppine.`veal
FOOD: Unleavened bread for Passover`matzo
FOOD: Vegetable used in sauerkraut`cabbage
FOOD:What are gazpacho and vichyssoise`chilled soups
FOOD: What are the 3 main ingredients of Yorkshire pudding`milk, flour & eggs
FOOD: what are the corns in corned beef`salt
FOOD: What are the principal ingredients of kedgeree`fish and rice
FOOD: What bird is used in squab pie`pigeon
FOOD: What cereal is used in Scotch Broth`barley
Food: what color is an egg white once its cooked`white
FOOD: What does chop suey literally mean`bits and pieces
Food: what drink contains as many types of rum as possible`a zombie
FOOD: What is added to mineral water to make tonic`quinine
Food: what is added to the ice & water mixture in domestic ice cream makers in order to lower the temperature`salt
FOOD: what is a zabouska`russian hors-d'oeuvre
FOOD: What is Blue Vinney`cheese
FOOD:What is cinsidered to be the oldest of the English cheeses`Cheshire
FOOD: What is produced by roasting dried corn kernels in oil`popcorn
FOOD:what is the main ingredient in the welsh dish lava bread`seaweed
FOOD:What is the most expensive pate you can buy`pate de fois gras
FOOD: What is the name given to a joint of beef cut from the breast next to the ribs`brisket
FOOD: What is the name given to meat from the flesh of young calves`veal
FOOD: What is the name given to stunted and withered apples used to make rough cider`scrumps
FOOD: What is the name of the cocktail, a mixture of tequila,lime juice and an orange flavoured liqueur served in glass rimed with salt`margarita
Food: what is the only real Food astronauts can take into space`pecan nuts
FOOD: What is the popular name for an apple dipped in boiled sugar-syrup and left to set`toffee apple
FOOD: What meat is used in Woolton pie`none
Food: what's shredded to make sauerkraut`cabbage
Food: What's the alligator pear better known as`The Avocado
Food: what's the order of consumption of lemon, salt and tequila`salt, tequila, lemon
FOOD: What wine is flavoured with pine resin`retsina
FOOD: Which banned alcoholic drink distilled from wormwood, was known as Green Faerie`absinthe
FOOD: Which cake shares a name with an English Queen`victoria sandwich cake
FOOD: Which carbohydrate makes jam a gel`pectin
FOOD: Which essential herbs are used to flavour bearnaise sauce`chervil and tarragon
FOOD: Which flavouring is added to brandy and egg to make advocaat`vanilla
FOOD: Which fortified wine is particularly associated with the River Douro`port
FOOD: Which french term for a light frothy dish literally translates as puffed up`souffle
FOOD: Which fruits other name is the Chinese Gooseberry`kiwi fruit
Food: which insect is the most eaten as a delicacy`grasshopper
FOOD: Which town in Yorkshire has given its name to a type of liquorice lozenge made there since the 16th century and bearing the impression of a castle`pontefract
FOOD:Wine sediment`lees
Foopy Bad Company: "When I think about you/I think about love".`feel like making love
Foopy Composer of the music for the movie, "Crimson Tide".`hanz Zimmer
Foopy Composer of the music for the movie, "Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story".`randy edelman
Foopy Rupert Holmes: "I am not into health food/I am into champagne".`escape
Foopy Tori Amos: "You've got your nine iron in your suitcase/Just in case".`god
Football: At which club did Rio Ferdinand begin his career`west ham
Football: At which football ground did 52 people die in a fire in May 1985`bradford city
Football: For which japanese club did Gary Lineker end his playing career`grampus eight
Football: How many times was Gary Lineker sent off during his career`none
Football: In which year was Ryan Giggs the PFA Young Footballer of The Year`1992
Football is the favorite sport of which family`kennedy
Football is the favourite sport of which family`kennedy
Football: Name scotlands oldest football club`queens park
Football: Of which club was Kenny Dalglish the manager, when they won the "Double"`liverpool
Football: Ron Harris made 665 league appearances for which football club between 1962-1980`chelsea
Football: The Baltimore ________.`colts
Football: The Baltimore `Colts
Football: The Buffalo _______.`bills
Football: The Buffalo `Bills
Football: the Chicago ______`bears
Football: The Cincinnati _________.`bengals
Football: The Cincinnati `Bengals
Football: The Cleveland ________.`browns
Football: The Cleveland `Browns
Football: The Dallas _________.`cowboys
Football: The Dallas `Cowboys
Football: The Denver _________.`broncos
Football: The Denver `Broncos
Football: The Miami __________.`dolphins
Football: The Miami `Dolphins
Football: The Minnesota _______.`vikings
Football: The Minnesota `Vikings
Football: The New Orleans __________.`saints
Football: The New Orleans `Saints
Football" the oakland ______`raiders
Football - the Philadelphia ______`eagles
Football the pittsburgh ______`steelers
Football the San Diego ______`chargers
Football: The Seattle _______.`seahawks
Football: The Seattle `Seahawks
Football the wolverhampton ______`wanderers
Football: What relation, if any, is there between Rio and Les Ferdinand`they are cousins
Football: Which Arsenal forward was given his own chat show on national television in 1998`ian wright
Football: Which beer sponsored the 1998/99 League Cup`worthington
Football: Which British star was named European Footballer of The Year in 1968`george best
Football: Which club can be known as either "Filbert" or "Foxes"`leicester
Football: Which club has the anthem "You'll never walk alone"`liverpool
Football: Which club was Eric Cantona playing for before he joined Manchester United`leeds united
Football: Which colourful character was European & English footballer of the year in 1968`george best
Football: Which computer tycoon became chairman of Tottenham Hotspur in 1991`alan sugar
Football: Which country had 2 players sent off in the 1990 World Cup Final`argentina
Football: Which former England manager would you associate with turnips`graham taylor
Football: Which former Liverpool player became the player/manager at Swansea in the 1990's`jan molby
Football: Which former Tottenham keeper went on to become manager of Barnet`ray clemence
Football: Which goalkeeper became the first player to reach 200 Premiership appearances`neville southall
football : which is the first country to win three world cups`brazil
Football: Which Liverpool goalkeeper was nicknamed "Jungle Man" by his team-mates`bruce grobbelaar
Football: Which liverpool player was often referred to as "The Great Dane"`jan molby
Football: Which manager is known as "Big Ron"`ron atkinson
Football: Which manager was sacked at Chelsea before taking over at Newcastle`ruud gullit
Football: Which player finished as top-scorer in the Euro '96 Finals`alan shearer
Football: Which player top-scored for Arsenal with 16 premiership goals during the 1997/98 season`dennis bergkamp
Football: Which player top-scored for Leeds with 16 premiership goals during the 1997/98 season`jimmy floyd hasselbaink
Football: Which player was booked for showing the ref a yellow card, when it fell from his pocket during the game, in 1995`paul gascoigne
Football: Which Premiership club shared Crystal Palace's ground in 1996`wimbledon
Football: Which "store boss" took over as the owner of Fulham in 1997`mohamed al fayed
Football: Which team are known as "The Cobblers"`northampton
Football: Which team from the North East is supported by Tony Blair`newcastle
Football: Which team lost both Cup Finals in addition to being relegated from the Premiership in 1997`middlesborough
Football: Which team plays at "Anfield"`Liverpool
Football: Which team plays at "Craven Cottage"`Fulham
Football: Which team plays at "Elland Road"`Leeds United
Football: Which team plays at "Ewood Park"`Blackburn Rovers
Football: Which team plays at "Filbert Street"`Leicester City
Football: Which team plays at "Goodison Park"`Everton
Football: Which team plays at "Old Trafford"`Manchester United
Football: Which team plays at "Portman Road"`Ipswich Town
Football: Which team plays at "Pride Park"`Derby County
Football: Which team plays at "Stamford Bridge"`Chelsea
Football: Which team plays at "St. James Park"`Newcastle United
Football: Which team plays at "St. Marys Stadium"`Southampton
Football: Which team plays at "The Reebok Stadium"`Bolton Wanderers
Football: Which team plays at "The Riverside Stadium"`Middlesborough
Football: Which team plays at "The Stadium of Light"`Sunderland
Football: Which team plays at "The Valley"`Charlton Athletic
Football: Which team plays at "Upton Park"`West Ham
Football: Which team plays at "Villa Park"`Aston Villa
Football: Which team plays at "White Hart Lane"`Tottenham Hotspur
Football: Which team were Manchester United playing when Eric Canona aimed his infamous flying kick at a spectator`crystal palace
football : which was the first country to host the world cup`uruguay
football : which was the first country to win the world cup`uruguay
Football: Who became the most expensive defender in the world when he signed for Manchester United, for 10.75m, in April 1998`jaap stam
Football: Who did Manchester United beat to go through to the 1999 European Cup Final`juventus
Football: Who did Manchester United buy for 12.6 million on August 20th 1998`dwight yorke
Football: Who scored a hat-trick on his league debut in 1988, for Southampton against Arsenal`alan shearer
Football: Who scored his 250th club goal during the 1999 FA Cup Final`teddy sheringham
Football: Whose nickname is "The Canaries"`norwich city
Football: Whose nickname is "The Villains"`aston villa
Football: Who was England's goalkeeper when maradona scored the infamous "Hand of God" goal`peter shilton
Football: Who was the first player to ever score 5 goals in a Premiership game`andy cole
For a Non-Muslimans , the tour to Mecca is`prohibited
for approximately how long is an ass pregnant`a year
For bangla desh What's Bill Cosby's full name on The Cosby Show`heathcliff huxtable
For Better or Worse: Which is the country having the highest divorce rate, with a rate of 10.97 per 1,000`Maldives
For Better or Worse: Which is the country having the lowest divorce rate, with a rate of .11 per 1,000`Colombia
For Better or Worse: With an average age of 16.6 yrs, this is the country where WOMEN marry the youngest`Democratic Republic of Congo
For Better or Worse: With an average age of 22.0, this is the country where MEN marry the youngest`Nepal
Forcible seizure of an enemy's goods or subjects in retaliation for injuries inflicted`reprisal
ford had a problem in brazil when the pinto wouldn't sell. ford later found out pinto was brazilian slang for what`small male genitals
Ford What US state includes the telephone area code 507`minnesota
Foreman at 45, what did george foreman win`heavyweight championship
Forest fires in the western U S are usually caused by what`lightning
For every 35 pounds of weight a man carries over his ideal weight, his penis will appear to be ____ inch smaller.`one
For every extra kilogram carried on a space flight, _____ kg of excess fuel are needed at lift-off`530
For every seven white keys on a piano how many black ones are there`five
For every tree that is cut for lumber, how much is sold as timber`one eighth
for every tree that is cut, how much is sold for lumber`one eighth
fore!!!!: which country has the world's highest golf course`peru
for Fhat crime was Merle Haggard imprisoned in 1956`armed robbery
For her performance in which film did Jane Wyman win the 1948 Best Actress Oscar`johnny belinda
For her role in which 1971 film was Jane Fonda awarded the best Actress Oscar`klute
for how long did charles osborne have hiccups`sixty nine years
for how long is an elephant pregnant`two years
For how long is the note sustained at the end of the beatles' song 'a day in the life'`forty seconds
For how long was the Eiffel Tower the tallest building in the world`forty years
For how long was Troy besieged by the Greeks`ten years
For how many radio stations was john cage's 'imaginary landscaper no 4' scored`twelve
For how many years was Queen Elizabeth the First on the throne of England`45 years
For how much did an american urologist buy napoleon's penis`three thousand
for how much did an american urologist buy napoleon's penis`three thousand eight hundred dollars
For how much did peter minuit buy manhattan island`24 dollars
Forked, Sheet, and Ball are types of __________.`lightning
Forked, Sheet, and Ball are types of `lightning
Forked, sheet, & ball are types of __________.`lightning
fork in the road: what's the best chariot route from rome to brindisi`the appian way
For making what is the abalone shell used`jewellery
Formal invocation of the divine blessing upon people or things?`benediction
Formal or informal agreement among business firms designed to reduce or suppress competition in a particular market.`Cartel
For many reasons, this queen of france has received a great deal of blame for inciting the revolution. what was her name`marie antoinette
Formed by refraction of light through a prism. Used of a spectrum of light`prismatic
Formed with the ends joined: continuous: 'an ------- chain.'`endless
Former baseball star chuck connors hits a bull's-eye with adult-western`rifleman
Former grand wizard of the kkk David Duke loses a close senate race in _____`louisiana
Formerly of the eurythmics, now this woman is a successful solo artist`annie lennox
Formerly Siam`thailand
Formerly St Petersburg & Petrograd`leningrad
Formerly with Spencer Davis, he went on the form Traffic with Dave Mason`steve winwood
Formerly with Spencer Davis, he went on to form Traffic with Dave Mason`Steve Winwood
Former name of Liberty Island, where the Statue of Liberty Stands`Beldloe's island
former name of oasis`the rain
Former name of the Hawaiian islands`sandwich islands
Former Royal coat of arms of France`fleur-de-lis
Former state between India & Pakinstan in constant dispute to ownership`Kashmir
Former vocalist from the gorilla biscuits later went on to form this band`civ
Former wife and singing partner of George Jones`tammy wynette
Former wife & singing partner of George Jones.`tammy wynette
Former YES drummer Bill Bruford played with what group in 1972`king crimson
Forming or tending to form flakes or thin, crisp fragments: 'flaky pastry.'`flakier
Forming sticky glutinous strings or threads, as some liquids`ropier
Forming the center`centrally
form is reminiscent of a ring-shaped cake`donut
form is reminiscent of a ring-shaped cake`doughnut
Form of Buddhism emphasizing meditation and intuition`zen
form of hydrotherapy has become a popular facility in home or hotel`candido jacuzzi
Form of oxygen with pungent odour`ozone
Form of visible electric discharge between rain clouds or between a rain cloud and the earth (Electricity)?`lightning
formula one grand prix: name of the british f-1 circuit`silverstone
formula one grand prix: name of the french f-1 circuit`magny cours
formula one grand prix: name of the italian f-1 circuit`monza
formula one grand prix: name of the japanese f-1 circuit`suzuka
formula one grand prix: name of the malaysian f-1 circuit`sepang
formula one grand prix: name of the portugal f-1 circuit`estoril
formula one grand prix: name of the san marino f-1 circuit`imola
For Red October What African republic's name was inspired by its thriving elephant tusk trade`The Ivory Coast
Forrest  liked shrimp`Gump
Forsaken or deprived: '------- of all hope.'`forlorn
Fort Baxter, Kansas was the fictional setting for  which TV series`seargant bilko`phil silvers show
"...For that's the way it is with life, as some of the most beautiful days come completely by chance. But even the most beautiful days eventually have their ----------." - Author Unknown`sunsets
For the city A method of resolving questions of conscience by applying moral principles or laws to concrete cases`Casuistry
For the city 'summer of 69' was a hit for which canuck in 1984`bryan adams
For the development of a vaccine against which disease is Jonas Edward Salk best remembered`poliomyelitis
For the development of a vaccine against which disease is Jonas Edward Salk best remembered`poliomyelitis (polio)
For the holy grail in the monty python parody 'search for the holy grail', what did arthur's servant use to make the sound of horses hooves`empty coconuts
Forthright: candid`downright
Fortnum and Masons in London was opened in which year`1707
Fortress, Citadel and Rampart are all varieties of which common vegetable`brussels sprouts
Fortunately for my parents, I never liked this Back in Black group`ac dc
Fortune cookies were actually invented in America, in ______, by Charles Jung`1918
Fortune cookies were invented in what year`1916
For two years, during the 1970s, Mattel marketed a doll called "Growing Up Skipper." Her _______ grew when her arm was turned`breasts
Forty-five percent of all the coniferous forests on earth exist where`russia
Fortymile Creek was the location of what Alaskan discovery in 1886`gold
forty percent of the american population has never visited a----------`dentist
For use over a single night or for a short journey: '--------- supplies.'`overnight
For what are allen and wright famous`root beer
for what baseball team does frank thomas play`chicago white sox
for what college did dan marino play football?`university of pittsburgh
for what computer owners is cider magazine geared`apple users`apple
For what condition is the drug Mogadon prescribed`sleeplessness
For what constituency is tony blair mp`sedgefield
For what country did Columbus make his historic voyage`Spain
For what crime was Merle Haggard imprisoned in 1956`armed robbery
For what did robert montgomery coach president eisenhower`television
For what did the knights of the round table search`the holy grail
For what did the marquis de sade serve 27 years in prison`sexual offenses
For what does i.f.p stand`inkatha freedom party
For what does O.P.E.C. stand`Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
For what does O.P.E.C. stand`The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
For what does the K stand in the name of the author J.K. Rowling`kathleen
For what does the letters stand for in the initials ISBN`international standard book number
For what does the letter 'S' stand in the initials ISBN`international standard book number
For what does the letter 'S' stand in the initials ISBN`standard
For what does the second letter 'A' stand in the initials BAFTA`arts
For what does the second letter 'A' stand in the initials BAFTA`british academy of film and television arts
For what does the second letter 'F' stand in the initials BAFTA`film
for what does the tv cable company's "espn" acronym stand?`nothing
For what do the initials of cricketer P B H May stand`peter baker howard
For what do the letters www stand`world wide web
For what do you use the Sieve of Eratosthenes`finding prime numbers
For what feat is Alexei Leonov famous`first space walk
for what film did jack nicholson win his first oscar`one flew over the cuckoo's nest
for what film did john wayne win his only oscar`true grit
for what football team did bo jackson play before his injury`los`17
for what football team did bo jackson play before his injury`los angeles raiders
For what genre of book is Isaac Asimov famous`science fiction
For what is ethylene glycol used in automobiles`anti-freeze
For what is 'gravidity' the medical condition`pregnancy
For what is tea from willow bark good for relieving`pain
For what is the chemical symbol h2o2`hydrogen peroxide
For what is the Italian town of Carrara world famous`marble
for what is the sargasso sea best known`seaweed
For what is the turner prize awarded`art
for what long-lost item did jimmy buffet keep searching`salt shaker
For what Major League baseball team did Mickey Mantle play for`yankees
For what metal is 'au' the chemical symbol`gold
For what monumental creation are we indebted to the sculptor Gutzon Borglum`mount rushmore
For what musical instrument is a pibroch composed`bagpipes
For what new england woman's college was the first brand of wrigley's gum named`vassar
For what novel did J. K. Rowling win the 1999 Whitbread "Children's book of the year" award`Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
For what occupation was Jesus trained`carpenter
For what olympic team did andre agassi's father box`iranian olympic team
for what organization did april dancer work`uncle
For what principal purpose are UHF radio waves used`transmission of television signals
for what product is the town of sevres famous`porcelain
For what reason were the 1987 Badminton Horse Trials cancelled`bad weather
For what song did country and western singer marty robbins win a grammy`el
For what song did country & western singer Marty Robbins win a grammy`el paso
For what sport did sports minister Colin Moynihan win an Olympic silver medal`rowing
For what sport does Clive Everton most famously provide the TV commentary`snooker
for what team did larry bird play`boston celtics
for what team did ty cobb play in the nbc telemovie "babe ruth"`none
for what tv series was walter d. dishell medical adviser`mash
For what tv sitcom did isabel sanford get her 1981 best actress emmy`jeffersons
For what university did Reggie Jackson play college baseball`arizona state
For what was black the most common color in the depression`automobiles
For what was black the most common colour in the depression`automobiles
For what was composer Ludwig van Beethoven once arrested`vagrancy
For what was the acanthus plant used as a model`corinthian columns
For what was the last person hanged in the American colonies September 22, 1692`witchcraft
For which 1949 film did Anton Karas write and perform the music`the third man
For which ad campaign was the line 'i can't believe i ate the whole thing' used`alka seltzer
For which bank did rogue trader nick leeson work`barrings
For which baseball team does Mark McGuire play`st louis cardinals`saint louis cardinals
For which baseball team does Sammy Sosa play`chicago cubs
For which british monarch was the Golden coach made`george III
For which cartoon character was beethoven a favorite composer`shroeder
For which cartoon character was beethoven a favourite composer`shroeder
For which condition is Mogadon prescribed`insomnia
For which constituency is Tony Blair the MP`sedgefield
For which country did Kenny Dalglish play international soccer`Scotland
For which country do Daniel Vettori and Chris Cairns play test cricket`new zealand
For which country do Grant Flower and Paul Strang play cricket`zimbabwe
For which country is CH the international car reg mark`switzerland
For which country is the lotus flower the national symbol`india
For which decoration do the letters C.G.M. stand`conspicuous gallantry medal
For which English king did Handel compose his Water Music`george the first
For which famous ballet company did Stravinsky write The Firebird,Petroushka and the Rite of Spring`the diaghilev
for which film did al pacino win best actor oscar in 1992`scent of a woman
For which film did Anthony Quinn win an Oscar for Best Suporting Actor, in 1956`lust for life
for which film did art carney win best actor oscar in 1974`harry and`company
For which film did art carney win best actor oscar in 1974`harry and tonto
for which film did dennis quaid lose 47 pounds`wyatt earp
For which film did Elizabeth Taylor win her first Best Actress Oscar`butterfield 8
For which film did Humphrey Bogart win an Oscar in 1951`the african queen
For which film did James Cagney win an oscar`yankee doodle dandy
For which film did Michael Caine win an Oscar in 2000`the cider house rules
For which film did Sophia Loren become the first to win a Best Actor/Best Actress Oscar in a foreign language film`two women
For which gem is Burma particlarly known`ruby
For which industry did Lavenham in Suffolk become famous`wool
for which movie did peter o'toole win an oscar`none (hes never won)
For which novel did Alice Walker win the Pulitzer Prize and provide the source for an Oscar-winning film`the color purple
For which novel did A S Byatt win the Booker Prize in 1990`possession
For which precious stone is Cobber Pedy, South Australia famous`opal
For which product was Millais' painting Bubbles used to advertise`pear's soap
For which record did the Beatles get their first gold disc in 1963`she loves you
For which role did Derek Jacobi win the BAFTA Best Actor award in 1976`claudius
For which series of films did Talbot Rothwell write most of the scripts`the carry on films
For which state was Al Gore a senator`tennessee
For which team will Jensen Button be driving in the forthcoming Formula 1 World Championship motor racing season`benneton
For which team will Neil Hodgson be riding in the forthcoming World Superbike Motorcycling season`ducatti
For which theory of creation is Georges Lemaitre famous`the big bang theory
For who did eric clapton write 'layla'`linda mccartney
for who did mick jagger write 'as tears go by'`marianne faithfull
for who did richard clayderman play a ballad`adeline
For who did the song '867-5309/jenny' spawn a lawsuit`tommy tutone
For whom did colonel tom parker act as manager`elvis presley
for whom did Paul McCartney write 'Hey Jude`Julian Lennon
for whom is the atomic energy commission, of which oppenheimer was a recipient, named after`enrico fermi
For whom was buckingham palace built`john sheffield
For whom were blue jeans originally designed`gold panners
For whom were xtc making plans for`nigel
for whose death was delilah responsible`samson
For whose death was Judas Iscariot responsible for`jesus christ
For who was deana carter named`dean martin
For who was the play 'peter pan' exclusively written`children
For women, what is the least favourite part of the male body`feet
Fossilized dinosaur droppings are called`coprolites
Fossilized dinosaur droppings are called what`coprolites
Foul or stale from standing: 'stagnant ponds.'`stagnancy
Founded in 1896, what was IBM formerly called`tabulating machine company
Founded in the 6th Century B.C., which religion has two schools - the Hinayana, or Lesser Vehicle, and the ahayana, or Greater Vehicle`buddhism
Founded in the 6th Century B.C., which religion has two schools - the Hinayana, or Lesser Vehicle, and the Mahayana, or Greater Vehicle`buddhism
Found in central Africa, what genus of animals is a Bongo`antelope
Found in most health stores, this plant extract will improve your trivia game if taken on a regular basis (It jogs the memory)`Lecithin
Four Bacarach & David songs were released by this Scottish band`deacon blue
Four European countries keep Greenwich Mean Time. The UK and Ireland are two, name either of the others`iceland`Portugal
Four flags were raised on Mount Everest by Hillary: those of Britain, India, Nepal and which other`united nations
Four Japanese carriers were destroyed in this battle.`midway
'Four legs good, two legs bad' is a quotation from which novel`animal farm
Four thirds multiplied by pi multiplied by the radius cubed, gives you the volume of what geometric object`sphere
Fourth letter of the Greek alphabet`delta
Fourth U S president to be assassinated in office`john f kennedy
Four times as much in size, strength, number, or amount`quadruple
Four Tops tune that sings to "sugarpie honeybunch"`cant help myself
four u.s presidents have served entire terms without having a ______`vice president
fox's show about five kids struggling through life without their parents`party of five
fox tv: on 90210: who are the twins (name1 and name2)`brandon and brenda
fox tv: on in living color: name the body-building beauty played by jim carrey.`vera de milo
fox tv: on melrose place: what is the name of matt's wife (first name)`katya
fox tv: the simpsons began as cartoon shorts on what show`tracey ullman show
fox tv: this failed fox comedy starred richard lewis and don rickles.`daddy dearest
fox tv: what famous actress provided the voice for maggie simpson's first words`elizabeth taylor
fox tv: what fox show did comedienne kim coles perform in before _living single_`in living color
fox tv: what gossipy talk show host once had a late night program on fox`joan rivers
fox tv: what is living single star dana owens better known as`queen latifah
fox tv: what sanitation engineer calls baltimore his home`roc
Fox what is the capital of idaho`boise
Fragments of an exploded bomb`shrapnel
Fragrant flowering African bulb`freesia
Fragrant plant with edible leaf-stalks and seeds`fennel
Frailty: feebleness`infirmity
Framboise is a liqueur flavored with what`raspberries
'Framboise' is a liqueur flavoured with what`raspberries
Frampton with what vegetable song did dee dee sharp score big`mashed potato time
France has the highest per capita consumption of ______`cheese
France the bliss of mrs blossom starred what actress in the title role`shirley
 Francis Castellucio is the real name of which singer who got his start in the 60 '`frankie valli
Francis What prime-time soap opera debuted as a five-part miniseries in 1978`dallas
Francophobia is a fear of ______`anything french
francophobia is a fear of ____`france
Francophobia is the fear of`france`french culture
frank and nancy sinatra duetted on which hit song`something stupid
Frank and unreserved in speech.  frank1`outspoken
frank bruno reached no 28 in dec 1995 name the song`the eye of the tiger
Frankfort is the capital of ______`kentucky
Frankfort is the capital of which state`Kentucky
Frankfort is the capital of which US state`kentucky
Frankie lymon and the`teenagers
frankie valli was the lead singer with which group`four seasons
Frankish ruler Charles the Great is better known as _________.`charlemagne
Frankish ruler Charles the Great is better known as `Charlemagne
Franki valli and the _______`four seasons
Franki valli and the`four seasons`4 seasons
Franki Valli & the _______`four seasons
Frank Sinatra: For what role in From Here to Eternity did Sinatra win an Academy Award`maggio
Frank Sinatra had 2 solo Britsh number ones, Two coins in a fountain was one, what was the other`strangers in the night
frank sinatra: in what year was frank sinatra born`1915
frank sinatra: sinatra starred in this musical version of "the philadelphia story."`high society
frank sinatra: sinatra was once married to this actress, star of "the barefoot contessa."`ava gardner
frank sinatra: this comedian once said, "make yourself like frank. hit somebody."`don rickles
frank sinatra was once quoted as saying rock 'n' roll was only played by 'cretinous----------`goons
frank sinatra: what film did sinatra pull from release after kennedy's assassination`manchurian candidate
Frank Zappa was lead singer with which band`mothers of invention
Fraternity bob dylan pledged in college but never finished pledgeship`sigma alpha mu
Fraught with danger or harm: 'a grave wound.'`gravely
Fraught with danger or harm: 'a ----- wound.'`grave
Fraught with meaning: significant: 'A ---------- glance.'  expressive`meaningful
Fredcrick the First, 1657 to 1713, was the first king of which country`prussia
Freddie Marsden was the drummer in which group that had three number one hits in the UK in 1963`gerry and the pacemakers
Frederick Gowland Hopkins won a Nobel prize in 1929 for which medical discovery`vitamins
Fredericton is the capital of ______ `new brunswick
Fredericton is the capital of which Canadian province`new brunswick
Fred Truman played cricket for which county throughout the major part of his career`yorkshire
Free and unrestrained in expression: '---------- humor.'`unbuttoned
Freedom from pain, worry, or agitation: 'Her mind was at ---- knowing that the children were safe.'`ease
Freedom from prejudice: impartiality`candor
Freedom from worry: peace of mind`repose
Free from adulterants or impurities: '---- chocolate.'`pure
Free from anxiety, tension, or restlessness: composed`tranquil
Free from hesitation or vacillation: resolute`decidedly
Free from indelicacy: modest`decent
Free from ostentation or pretension: modest`discreet
Free from risk of loss: safe: 'Her papers were ------ in the vault.'`secure
Free from stain or blemish: pure`immaculate
Free from the use of smoking tobacco or from the smoke generated by such use: 'a --------- society: a --------- office setting.'`smokeless
Free from vulgarity or rudeness`genteel
Free of artificiality: natural: '------- charm.'`artless
Free of impurities: purified`refined
Free of loud noise: hushed: 'a ----- street.'`quiet
Freetown is the capital of ______`sierra leone
French bread filled with meat, cheese and salad is called a what`hero sandwich
French composer of the ballet 'Coppelia'`delibes
French Cuisine:  what is the name of the favourite French Canadian snack consisting of French Fries and Melted Cheese`Poutine
French: done and past arguing about`fait accompli
French Food AKA: Beef stew with Burgundy wine`boeuf bourguignonne
French Food AKA: Clarified double-strength brown stock`consomme
French Food AKA: Delicate egg whites baked at a high temperature, literally means "a breath"`souffle
French Food AKA: Fisherman's stew, literally means "boil on low heat" (watch the spelling)`bouillabaisse
French Food AKA: Flaky, buttery pastry shaped in a quarter-moon`croissant
French Food AKA: Less stimulating than tea or coffee, an infusion`tisane
French Food AKA: Rich custard famous for its hard, caramelized sugar glaze`creme brulee
French Food AKA: Salad from the South of France, made with black olives and anchovies`salade nicoise
French Food AKA: The basic white sauce`bechamel
French Food AKA: Thin pancakes with an orange liqueur sauce`crepes suzette
French for until we meet again`au revoir
French medieval singer/poet`troubador
French philosopher early exponent of the Enlightenment`diderot
French philosopher, scientist, and mathematician, sometimes called the father of modern philosophy?`descartes
French resort famous for its Film Festivals`Cannes
french speaking residents of belgium are called----------`walloons
French Sudan is the previous name of which country`mali
French white-faced pantomime character with clowns costume`pierrot
French word for jewel or trinket`bijou
Frequent: continual: '------ changes in the plans.'`hourly
Frequented by travelers: 'a heavily -------- road.'`traveled
Frequented by travelers: 'a heavily traveled road.'`travelled
Fresh and animated: lively: 'a breezy prose style.'`breezier
Fresh as a(n) ______________.`daisy
Fresh as a(n) `daisy
Freya was the norse goddess of ______`love and fertility
friday im in love name the band`the cure
Fried cake of minced meat coated in breadcrumbs`rissole
Fried Indian pastry containing meat or vegetables`samosa
Friendly or -----able regard: approval or support: 'won the ----- of the monarch: looked with ----- on the plan.'`favor
Friendly or favorable regard: approval or support: 'won the favor of the monarch: looked with favor on the plan.'`favored
Friendly or favorable regard: approval or support: 'won the favor of the monarch: looked with favor on the plan.'`favours
Friend: pal. Used as a form of familiar address for a man or boy: 'So long, bro.'`bros
Friends: what did phoebe promise to give chandler if he never smoked again`$7,000`seven thousand dollars
Friends: what is phoebes twin sisters name`ursulla
Frigophobia is a fear of ______`cold
Frodo, Gandalf and Bilbo are all characters from what`The Lord of the Rings
'Frodo. Gandalf and Bilbo Baggins are all characters from what`the lord of the rings
Frogs live on every continent except which one`antarctica
Frogs never drink. They absorb water from their surroundings by what method`osmosis
Frolicsome Black Fables Portray The Forgotten Face`Of History
from 1956 to 1972 how many commercially released films did elvis appear in`33
From 1979 to 2000, which will be the most distant planet earth`neptune
From 1979 until 2000 the most distant planet from the earth was `Neptune
From 1979 until 2000 the most distant planet from the earth will be ________`neptune
from 1980 to 1990, what state had the highest percentage increase in population`alaska
From 1980 to 1995, which country produced the largest amount of crude oil`saudi arabia
From 9,000 pounds of roses, which totals about 55,000 blossoms, ___ pounds of costly rose essence can be extracted to be used as a component in fragrances`two
From 9,000 pounds of roses, which totals about 55,000 blossoms, ___ pounds of costly rose essence can be extracted to be used as a component in fragrances`two`2
from a distance: how many nautical miles are there in one degree of longitude`sixty
Fromage is French for`cheese
From fertilisation to birth, a baby's weigh increase ________ times`five billion
from freya, the queen of the nordic gods, came this term describing a noble lady`fraulein
From new york to where was the first commercial Boeing 747 flight`London
From pasadena Whose soldiers were the first ever to win the Nobel Peace Prize`united
From that circumstance or source: therefrom`thence
From the age of thirty, humans gradually begin to ______ in size`shrink
[from the album title name the artist] 1999`Prince
[from the album title name the artist] A different beat`Boyzone
[from the album title name the artist] All change`Cast
[from the album title name the artist] Alone with everybody`Richard ashcroft
[from the album title name the artist] A love like ours`barbra striesand
[from the album title name the artist] Americana`Offspring
[from the album title name the artist] Antichrist`Marilyn manson
[from the album title name the artist] Aquarium`aqua
[from the album title name the artist] Aquarius`aqua
[from the album title name the artist] Atomic`Blondie
[from the album title name the artist] Automatic for the people`REM
[from the album title name the artist] Bailamos`enrique inglesias
[from the album title name the artist] Bedtime stories`madonna
[from the album title name the artist] Believe`Cher
[from the album title name the artist] Big calm`Morcheeba
[from the album title name the artist] Blood on the dance floor`Micheal jackson
[from the album title name the artist] Born into the 90's`R kelly
[from the album title name the artist] Born to do it`Craig david
[from the album title name the artist] Brand new day`Sting
[from the album title name the artist] Buena vista social club`Ry cooder
[from the album title name the artist] Cant take me home`Pink
[from the album title name the artist] Chronic 2001`Dr dre
[from the album title name the artist] Come on over`Shania twain
[from the album title name the artist] Cosmic thing`b52s
[from the album title name the artist] Crazy sexy cool`TLC
[from the album title name the artist] Debut`Bjork
[from the album title name the artist] Definately maybe`oasis
 [from the album title name the artist] Different class`Pulp
[from the album title name the artist] Diva`annie lennox
[from the album title name the artist] Dizzy`goo goo dolls
[from the album title name the artist] Dressed for the occasion`Cliff richard
[from the album title name the artist] Elbow beach`Louise
[from the album title name the artist] Eponymous`REM
[from the album title name the artist] Equally cursed and blessed`catatonia
[from the album title name the artist] Escape 2 planet love`Dj quicksilver
[from the album title name the artist] Europop`Eiffel 65
[from the album title name the artist] fanmail`TLC
[from the album title name the artist] Feeling strangely fine`Semisonic
[from the album title name the artist] Getting high on your own supply`apollo 440
[from the album title name the artist] Hear my cry`Sonique
[from the album title name the artist] Heavy petting zoo`nofx
[from the album title name the artist] Hello i must be going`phil collins
[from the album title name the artist] here we come`A1
[from the album title name the artist] Hormonally yours`Shakespears sister
[from the album title name the artist] Hot space`Queen
 [from the album title name the artist] Human clay`creed
[from the album title name the artist] Illmatic`Nas
[from the album title name the artist] Invincible`five
[from the album title name the artist] Ive been expecting you`Robbie williams
[from the album title name the artist] Kiss from a rose`Seal
[from the album title name the artist] Laluna`Sarah brightman
[from the album title name the artist] Leftism`leftfield
[from the album title name the artist] Live on two legs`Pearl jam
[from the album title name the artist] Love and the russian winter`simply red
[from the album title name the artist] Master of puppets`Metallica
[from the album title name the artist] millenium`backstreet boys
 [from the album title name the artist] Moving melodies`atb
[from the album title name the artist] Ne adventures in hifi`REM
[from the album title name the artist] Never say never`Brandy
[from the album title name the artist] No strings attached`nsync
[from the album title name the artist] Nothing safe`alice in chains
[from the album title name the artist] On how life is`Macy gray
[from the album title name the artist] On the 6`Jennifer lopeZ
[from the album title name the artist] Paint the sky with stars`enya
[from the album title name the artist] Paranoid and sunburnt`Skunk anansie
[from the album title name the artist] Paranoid`Black sabbath
[from the album title name the artist] Parklife`Blur
[from the album title name the artist] Performance and cocktails`Stereophonics
[from the album title name the artist] Pin ups`david bowie
[from the album title name the artist] Play`moby
[from the album title name the artist] Rainbow`Mariah carey
[from the album title name the artist] Reload`tom jones
[from the album title name the artist] Remedy`basement jaxx
[from the album title name the artist] Schizophonic`geri halliwell
[from the album title name the artist] Seventh son`ron maiden
[from the album title name the artist] Share my world`Mary j blige
[from the album title name the artist] Slippery when wet`Bon jovi
[from the album title name the artist] So far so good`Bryan adams
[from the album title name the artist] Sogno`andreas bocelli
[from the album title name the artist] something to remember`madonna
[from the album title name the artist] So much for the afterglow`everclear
[from the album title name the artist] Standing on the shoulders of giants`Oasis
[from the album title name the artist] Stanley road`Paul weller
[from the album title name the artist] Steptacular`Steps
[from the album title name the artist] Stunt`bare naked ladies
[from the album title name the artist] Supernatural`Santana
[from the album title name the artist] Supposed Former Infatuation Junkee`Alanis Morissette
[from the album title name the artist] Surrender`Chemical brothers
[from the album title name the artist] Symphony or damn`Terence trent darby
[from the album title name the artist] Synkronized`Jamiroquai
[from the album title name the artist] Tears roll down`Tears for fears
[from the album title name the artist] Telling stories`The charlatans
[from the album title name the artist] Temperamental`everything but the girl
[from the album title name the artist] The battle of los angeles`rage against the machine
[from the album title name the artist] The boy is mine`Monica
[from the album title name the artist] The Hush`Texas
[from the album title name the artist] The return of the space cowboy`Jamiroquai
[from the album title name the artist] The writings on the wall`destinys child
[from the album title name the artist] This is my truth tell me yours`Manic street preachers
[from the album title name the artist] Three dollar bill`Limp bizkit
[from the album title name the artist] Trillenium`Sash
[from the album title name the artist] Twelve deadly cyns`cyndi lauper
[from the album title name the artist] Twenty four seven`Tina turner
[from the album title name the artist] Under a blood red sky`U2
[from the album title name the artist] Welcome to the neighbourhood`Meatloaf
[from the album title name the artist] who needs guitars anyway`alice deejay
[from the album title name the artist] Wild and wicked`Shania twain
[from the album title name the artist] Wonder No8`HoneyZ
[from the album title name the artist] youve come a long way baby`fatboy slim
[from the album title name the artist] Zoolook`Jean michel jarre
'From The Big Pink' (1968) was done by what group`band
From The Big Pink 1968 was done by what group`the band
From the coast of which county does the padstow lifeboat get launched`cornwall
from the film Serious Charge which song was at number one in the charts in 1959 for 5 weeks`Living Doll
From the milk of which animal is real Mozzarella cheese made`buffalo
From the milk of which animal is ricotta made`sheep
from the mind of comedian robin harris comes this animated bunch of brats`bebes kids
"From the moment i wake up i put on my makeup" name the song and the artist`say a little prayer dionne warwick
From this source: 'They grew up in the Sudan: ----- their interest in Nubian art.'`hence
From what animal do we get venison`Deer
From what animal is 'ambergis' obtained`sperm whale
From what animal is mutton`sheep
From what animal is venison`deer
From what animals tail hair are violin bows traditionally made`Horse
From what BBC TV series comes the phrase 'And now for something completely different`monty python's flying circus
From what "black metal" did blacksmith's take their name?`iron
from what bridge does the oxford/cambridge boat race start`putney
From what coast do Dalmatian originate`dalmatian coast
From what country did the U.S. buy the Virgin Islands`Denmark
From what country do we get Avia wines`yugoslavia
from what country is pamela lee anderson from`canada
From what country was the athlete Peter Snell`new zealand
From what did alexander the great suffer`epilepsy
From what did julius caesar and napoleon suffer`epilepsy
From what did the Ghan railway get its name`camel drivers
from what do camels protect themselves with three eyelids`blowing sand
From what does Moscow take its name`river moscowa
From what do over 1000 birds die from every year`smashing into windows
From what film was the song "White Christmas' taken`holiday inn
From what fruit is the liqueur kirsch made`cherries
From what group of wild plants are cereals derived`grasses
From what is banana oil made`petroleum
From what is rum distilled?`Sugar cane
from what is the drink 'perry' made`pears
From what is the liqueur kirsch made`cherries
From what is velvet made`Silk
from what is welsh rarebit made`cheddar cheese and beer
From what language is the term 'finito'`italian
From what language is the word 'mummy' derived`persian
From what language is the word mummy derived`Persian
From what material are millefiori ornaments made`glass
From what material are snooker balls made`chrystallite
From what material is the ring made in Sumo Wrestling`clay
From what mountain did Jesus ascend into heaven`mt ebal
from what mountain in chattanooga, tennessee can you reportedly see five states`lookout mountain
From what musical is "I've Gotta Crow"`peter pan
from what nursery rhyme did my fair lady take its name?`london bridge is falling down
From what plant is opium derived`poppy
From what platform does the 'chattanooga choo choo leave pennsylvania station`twenty nine
from what port did the titanic set sail on its fateful voyage`southampton
From what Shakespeare play is this line taken: to be or not to be: that is the question`hamlet
from what town did wagon train's pilgrimage begin`st connors`saint connors
From what town did Wagon Train's pilgrimage begin`st joseph
from what town did wagon train's pilgrimage begin`st joseph`saint joseph
From what tropical disease did oliver cromwell die`malaria
From what were balloons originally made`animal bladders
From what words is dublin derived`dubh linn
From whcih album by Sade do the following tracks come - Why cant we live together,Cherry Pie and Your love is King`diamond life
From where are walloons`belgium
From where did a crusade to Downing Street set out in 1936`jarrow
From where do alsatians originate`alsace-lorraine
From where does Motown get its name`detroit
From where does the expression "thin as a rail" originate`bird
From where does the uvula dangle`palate
From where exactly do you remove an offending object if you have a glob of something stuck in your philtrum`groove under your nose
From where is the music for the 'star spangled banner'`anacreon in heaven
From where to london was the first commercial boeing 747 flight`new york
From where to where did the first railway on the Witwatersrand run`johannesburg to springs
from where was adolf eichmann kidnapped`argentina
From where was ricky in 'i love lucy'`cuba
From which album did the original version of Elton John's Candle in the Wind come`goodbye yellow brick road
From which American state do the Bighorn Mountains arch northwest into southern Montana`wyoming
From which animal is 'ambergris'`sperm whale
From which Bertolt Brecht play does the song Mac the Knife originally come`the threepenny opera
from which boomtown rats album did rat trap come`tonic for the troops
From which bridge was Wordsworth enjoying the view when he wrote Earth has not anything to show more fair`westminster bridge
from which broadway show do we get the songs 'the girl that i marry' and 'anything you can do'`annie get your gun
From which building were the Elgin Marbles chiefly taken`the parthenon
From which city can you see Table Mountain`cape town
From which city did Shakespeares Two Gentlemen come`verona
From which Congreve play comes the line, 'Music has charms to soothe a savage breast'`the mourning bride
From which country are the European Space Agency Ariane rockets launched`french guiana
From which country did Admiral Cheng Ho lead voyages of discovery`china
From which country did Iceland become independent in 1944`denmark
From which country did the astromomer Tycho Brahe come`denmark
From Which Country Did The Labrador Dog Originate`Canada
from which country did the usa purchase alaska from in 1867`russia
From which country did tulips originally come`turkey
From which country does bjork come`iceland
from which country does goulash originate`hungaray
From which country does opera singer Kiri Te Kanawa come`new zealand
From which country does the cheese jarlsberg come`norway
From which country does the plastic explosive semtex originate from`czech republic
From which creature is catgut obtained`horses or sheep
From which creatures do we obtain bacon`pigs
From which date does the legal term ' Time Immemorial' apply`1189`the death of henry ii
From which earlier novel did Thackeray take the title of his novel Vanity Falr`pilgrim's progress
From which East European country does the wine 'Suhindol' come`bulgaria
From which element is pitchblende derived`uranium
From which family of plants does tea come`camellia
From which family relative did Queen Victoria inherit the throne`her uncle
from which feature film was Celine Dion's hit ' my heart will go on' the theme song`Titanic
From which fish is caviar obtained`sturgeon
From which fish is caviar obtained`The sturgeon
From which French word does the 'mayday' distress signal come`m'aidez
From which fruit is the drink 'calvados' made`apple
From which fruit is the liqueur Kirsh made?`cherries
From which fruit is the liqueur Kirsh made`cherry
From which fruit is the liqueur obtained`cherry
From which house is the Queen`windsor
From which kind of organism is the indicator litmus extracted`lichens
From which language does the word 'alcohol' come, originally`arabic
From which language does the word 'alibi' come`latin
From which large South American country do the beers 'Brahma Chopp' and 'Antarctica' come`brazil
From which London jail did Ronnie Biggs escape in 1965`wandsworth
From which London palace did the BBC transmit the first Tv service`alexandra palace
From which Marx Brothers film comes the line 'Either he's dead, or my watch has stopped`a day at the races
from which mineral is emerald obtained`beryl
From which musical did the gongs "Spring, spring, spring" and "The Lonesome Polecat Lament" come`seven brides for seven brothers
From which musical did the songs 'If my friends could see me now' and 'There's got to be something better than this' come`sweet charity
From which musical does the song Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend come`gentlemen prefer blondes
From which musical does the song "Doin' what comes natur'ily come`annie get your gun
From which musical does the song Getting to Know You come`the king and i
From which musical does the song On The Street Where You Live come`my fair lady
From which musical does the song "Second Hand Rose" come`funny girl
From which musical does the song Surrey With the Fringe on Top come`oklahoma
From which musical does the song Tea For Two come`no, no, nanette
From which musical does the song 'Where is the Life that Late I Led' come`kiss me kate
From which musical does the song Younger Than Springtime come`south pacific
From which musical do the songs 'Oh What a Beautiful Morning' and 'Surrey with a Fringe on Top' come`oklahoma
From which mythology goes Cyclops original`Greek
From which part of a tree does turmeric come`root
From which period of American history did the term Sideburns originate`the civil war
From which piece of music does the tune Nimrod come`enigma variations
From which plant does natural vanilla come`orchid
From which plant does the drug atrophine come`deadly nightshade
From which plant does the drug belladonna come from`deadly nightshade
From which plant do we obtain the drug digitalis`foxglove
From which plant family does natural vanilla flavouring come`orchid
From which plant family do vanilla pods come`orchid`orchidaceae
from which plant is natural vanilla flavouring`orchid
From which plant is the pain killing drug morphine derived`poppy
From which prison in South Africa was Nelson Mandela released`victor verster
From which race of people does the word 'chocolate' originate`the aztecs
From which Shakespeare play did Tom Stoppard borrow his Rosencrantz and Guildenstern`hamlet
From which Shakespeare play does the line 'All the world's a stage' come`as you like it
From which Shakespeare play does the line 'The course of true love never did run smooth.' come`a midsummer night's dream
From which Shakespeare play does the quotation 'If music be the food of love, play on' come`twelfth night
From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: 'Double, double ... '`Macbeth
From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: 'Goodnight, goodnight! Parting is such sweet sorrow, That I should say goodnight till it be morrow`Romeo and Juliet
From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: goodnight, goodnight! Parting is such sweet sorrow, that i should say goodnight till it be morrow`romeo & juliet
From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: goodnight, goodnight! Parting is such sweet sorrow, that i should say goodnight till it be morrow`romeo & juliet`romeo and juliet
From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: 'To be or not to be`Hamlet
From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: 'What in a name. That which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet`Romeo and Juliet
From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: what in a name that which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet`romeo & juliet
From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: what in a name that which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet`romeo & juliet`romeo and juliet
From which Shakespeare tragedy does this quotation come. "The evil that men do lives after them, the good is oft interred with their bones"`julius caesar
from which shakespearian play is the line, "beware the ides of march"`julius caesar
from which song does the following line come: 'she was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene'`billie jean
From which sport does the phrase' to win hands down' come`horse racing
From which station does the 'chattanooga choo choo leave`pennsylvania
from which station does the 'chattanooga choo choo leave`pennsylvania station
From which team did marlboro switch its backing to mclaren in the 1974 season`brm
From which TV quiz show does the catchphrase Bernie the bolt come from`the golden shot
from which tv show was "beverly hills buntz" a spinoff`hill street blues
from which tv show was "mork & mindy" a spinoff`happy days
From which type of rock is marble formed`limestone
From which type of wood are most baseball bats made`ash
From which US state does model Jerry Hall originate`texas
From which village did the pop group 'The Village People' hail`greenwich village
From which woman did the Fatimid Caliphs of Egypt claim descent`fatima
From which yarn is the best velvet made`silk
From who did malta gain independence in 1964`britain
From whom did Chrysler buy the Jeep/Eagle Division in 1988`american motors
From whom did J.F. Kennedy accept his dog Pushinska`nikita kruschev
From whom did Peter Mandelson borrow the money for his house`geoffrey robinson
From whom did rocky first win the boxing championship`apollo creed
From whom did the u.s buy the virgin islands`denmark
From who's inaugural speech do these words come, "There is nothing wrong with America, that cannot be cured by what is right with America"`Woodrow Wilson
from who was kuwait liberated in the gulf war`iraq
Frontenac what university dismissed timothy leary for involvement with drugs`harvard
front girl in destiny's child`beyonce knowles
frontman for fine young cannibals was`roland gift
frontman for starsailor`james walsh
Front of body just above waist`midriff
Front which part of a pig do we get ham`hind leg
Froth formed by profuse sweating, as on a horse`lather
Frozen dew or vapour`frost
Frozen food was first developed by`clarence birdseye
Fruit preserved in sugar`glace
Fruit puree thin enough to pour`coulis
"fruit smack flavored syrup" was the original name of`kool aid
Frumpish: shabby: 'found poky old clothes at the thrift store.'`pokey
Fuad became king of which country from 1922`egypt
Fuad ibecame king of which country from 1922`egypt
Fuck like a beaver was what groups hit that was banned in the usa?`Metallica
Fuel especially methane poduced by fermentation of organic matter`biogas
Fuel, such as coal or fuel oil, used especially in ships. Often used in the plural`bunker
Fuji is an example of which type of geographical feature`volcano
Fulgurite is formed when lightning strikes`sand
Full development: maturity`growth
full house: full house is set in this city`san francisco
full house: name jesse and rebecca's children (use "and")`nicky and alex
full house: name the three daughters, in order of oldest to youngest (no commas)`dj stephanie michelle
full house: rebecca's maiden name`donaldson
full house: this character popularized the phrase "whoa baby!"`kimmie
Full House: uncle jesse had a last name before it became katsopolis what was it`cochran
Full House: what was jesse's real first name`hermes
Fullness: copiousness`amplitude
Fullness to overflowing: My thoughts... are from the --------- of my heart (Thomas De Quincey)`abundance
Full of, characterized by, or accompanied by noise: 'a ----- cafeteria.'`noisy
Full of, characterized by, or accompanied by noise: 'a noisy cafeteria.'`noisier
Full of empty or pretentious language: bombastic: '--------- oratory.'`overblown
Full of fighting spirit.  argumentative`scrappier
Full of or characterized by bloodshed and violence`gorily
Full of or containing venom`venomous
Full of or dark with shadow.  dark`shadowier
Full of or in the style of light informal talk: 'a chatty letter.'`chattier
Full of rigors: harsh: 'a -------- climate.'`rigorous
Full of sinews: tough`fibrous
Full of spirit: gay and animated: 'a lively tune.'`livelier
Full of unspecifiable significance: exciting wonder and awe: Such a ---------- and mysterious monster roused all my curiosity (Herman Melville)`portentous
Fully and clearly defined or formulated: generalizations that are powerful, precise, and -------- (Frederick Turner)`explicit
Fully attended by all qualified members: 'a ------- session of the council.'`plenary
 Fully grown, a blue whale can weigh as much as ______ tons`one hundred and fifty
Fully grown, a blue whale can weigh as much as ______ tons`one hundred and fifty`150
Fu Manchu was the adversary of which Scotland Yard detective`nayland smith
Funchal is the capital of which holiday island`madeira
Funchal is the principal city of which Portuguese province`madeira
Fun : Cocktails: Bourbon, sugar and mint make a(n) ___________.`mint julep
Fun : Cocktails: Cognac (brandy) and white creme de menthe make a(n) _____________.`stinger
Fun : Cocktails: Creme de Cacao, cream, and brandy make a(n) __________.`brandy alexander
Fun : Cocktails: Gin and Collins mix make a(n) __________.`tom collins
Fun : Cocktails: Rum, lime, and cola drink make a(n) ____________.`cuba libre
Fun : Cocktails: Triple sec, tequila, and lemon or lime juice make a(n) _________.`margarita
Fun : Cocktails: Vodka and Kahlua make a ___________.`black russian
Fun : Cocktails: Vodka, orange juice and Galliano make a(n) ___________.`harvey wallbanger
Fun : Cocktails: Whiskey, hot coffee, and whipped cream make a(n) _________.`irish coffee
Functioning as a gland`glandular
Functioning or capable of functioning`active
Functioning poorly or incompetently: 'a driver so tired as to be --------. '`impaired
Functioning to digest food`digestive
Function Is To Establish And Maintain Standards For Units Of Measurements`National Bureau Of Standards
Fundamental or essential: basic`elemental
Funeral Train Traveled From Washington, D.C. To Springfield, Illinois`Abraham Lincoln's
funeral was attended by more than 100,000 in new york city in 1926`rudolph valentino
Fun Fun: How many trivia players does it take to change a light bulb`depends on how many points there are
Fun Fun: What Acronym will you type after this question is answered correctly`wd
Fun Fun: whose the patron saint of incorrect answers`st loser
Fun Fun: Whose the patron saint of trivia`st damsulegna
Fungus used to raise bread`yeast
"Funky Cold Medina,"`Tone Loc
fun 'n games: how many properties are there on a monopoly board`twenty eight
Fun n Games: How many sets are there in a full-length men's championship tennis match`Five
fun 'n games: in which sport would you find a hooker in a scrum`rugby
Fun n Games: What are marbles made from alabaster called`Alleys
fun 'n games: what board game features a three-legged planchette that points to letters and numbers`ouija
fun 'n games: what board game's tokens include a thimble, shoe, top hat, and dog`monopoly
Fun n Games: What card game derived its name from biritch, or Russian Whist`Bridge
fun 'n games: what chinese parlor game swept america in the 1920s`mah-jongg
fun 'n games: what does a deltiologist collect`postcards
fun 'n games: what does a piscatologist excel at`fishing
fun 'n games: what does the bell rung during the 1,500-metre race signify`one lap to go
Fun n Games: What do opposite faces of a dice always add up to`seven
fun 'n games: what female suspect in the game of clue is single`miss scarlet
fun 'n games: what game's board shows the territories of irkutsk, yakutsk, and kamchatka`risk
fun 'n games: what in the heck is a meerschaum`a pipe
Fun n Games: What is known as The Sport of Kings`Horse racing
fun 'n games: what is spaceball played on`a trampoline
fun 'n games: what is the game of mumbletypeg played with`a pocketknife
fun 'n games: what is the horseshoe pitching equivalent of a bullseye`a ringer
fun 'n games: what nationality was tennis star vitas gerulaitis`american
fun 'n games: what playing card symbolizes death`ace of spades
fun 'n games: what provides the power in a soap box derby`gravity
fun 'n games: what's another term for a badminton bird`shuttlecock
fun 'n games: what sport do you rack your balls in`billiards
fun 'n games: what sport features a 'railroad split'`bowling
fun 'n games: what's the only major sport that allows substitutions while play is in progress`hockey
fun 'n games: what's the point value of the outer bullseye on a dartboard`twenty five
fun 'n games: what's the term for pleasure-seeking as a way of life`hedonism
fun 'n games: what's the traditional dish served at wimbledon`strawberries and cream
fun 'n games: what's the value of face cards in cribbage`ten
fun 'n games: what's the world's largest legal bookmaking firm`ladbrokes of london
Fun n Games: What stringed weapon fires a bolt`A crossbow
fun 'n games: what suspect in the game of clue teaches college`professor plum
fun 'n games: what toy can you make sleep`a yo-yo
Fun n Games: What were raced in Greek and Roman hippodromes`Horses
fun 'n games: what world championship is called the bermuda bowl`bridge
fun 'n games: where did the sport of caber-tossing originate`scotland
fun 'n games: where was golf's first first hole`st. andrews, scotland
fun 'n games: which asian city boasts the world's largest bowling alley`tokyo, japan
fun 'n games: which risk player wins tied dice rolls, the attacker or the defender`the defender
fun 'n games: who devised the point count bidding system for bridge`charles goren
fun 'n games: who scored 100 points in a basketball game on march 3, 1962`wilt chamberlain
fun 'n games: who would be interested in definitives, overprints and tete-beches`a stamp collector
Fun with words:  What does expost facto mean`Retroactively
fur ---------- get miserably sick when they're carried aboard ships`seals
Furious agitation, commotion, or tumult: an uproar: The ------- in my mind/Doth from my senses take all feeling (Shakespeare)`tempest
Fur made from the pelt of a karakul lamb`caracul
Fur made from the pelt of a ------- lamb`karakul
Furnished with or made of cords`corded
Furry skin on growing antler`velvet
furry things: what animal's tail is referred to as a brush`a fox
---------- gable used to shower more than 4 times a day`clark
gaborone is the capital of ______`botswana
Gabriel and Michael are the only 2 angels to be named in the`bible
Gaddafi came to power in which year`1969
Gadfly Texan who claimed computer and potato chips were economically equivalent`ross perot
Gadzookie has a large, green friend. Who is he`Godzilla
Gaelic is a type of what`celtic language
Galactic travel tale based loosely on Heinlein work`destination moon
Galahad what woman poet only left her home state of massachusetts once`emily
Galena is a major ore of which metal`lead
Galena is an ore of which metal`lead
Galena is the principal Lead ore which other element is combined with the metal to form Galena`sulphur
Galeophobia is the fear of`cats
gallery?`captain william kidd
Gallery what is further from the equator-------tasmania, tanzania or transylvania`transylvania
---------- gallons of water are flushed down toilets in the u.s. every day`7 billion
Gals Named Mary: Famous surrogate mother who refused to give up the baby?`mary beth whitehead
Gals Named Mary: Her 1818 novel of terror is more widely remembered than her husband's poetry`mary shelley
Gals Named Mary: Her name, repeated twice, was the title of a 1970's TV show`mary hartman
Gals Named Mary: "Mary, Mary, ----- --------, --- ---- ---- ------ ----?" (omit comma)`quite contrary how does your garden grow
Gals Named Mary: Miniskirt innovator opened her first shop on Kings Rd in Chelsea, in 1955`mary quant
Gals Named Mary: Won 1977 French Open mixed doubles with John McEnroe, now works for CBS & ESPN`mary carillo
Gamblers in ancient Greece made dice from the ankle-bones and shoulder blades of .`sheep
Gambling game with ball dropped on revolving wheel`roulette
Game bird with feathered feet`grouse
Game in which participants simulate military combat using airguns to shoot paint capsules at each other`paintball
Game or fly fishing is for salmon and which other fish`trout
Games. A book in which off-track bets are recorded`handbook
Games : A bridge hand with no cards in one suit is said to have a _______.`void
Games. A bridge or whist hand without trumps`chicane
Games. A long stick with a concave attachment at one end for shoving disks in shuffleboard`cue
Games : Also known as a pair of aces and a pair of eights`dead mans hand
Games. Any of a number of card games played by one person`solitaire
Games. A pair of sixes on the first throw in craps`boxcars
Games : A poker hand consisting of three of a kind and a pair is called a _______.`full house
Games. A triangular frame for arranging billiard or pool balls at the start of a game`rack
Games. A triangular frame for arranging billiard or pool balls at the start of a game`racking
Games. A triangular frame for arranging billiard or pool balls at the start of a game`wrack
Game show: before she became the head-turning letter turner on wheel of fortune in 1982, vanna white appeared as a contestant on what show`the
Game show: before she became the head-turning letter turner on wheel of fortune in 1982, vanna white appeared as a contestant on what show`the price
Game show: Before she became the head-turning letter turner on wheel of fortune in 1982, vanna white appeared as a contestant on what show`the price is right
game show: dick clarks popular word association game began in 1973 as the $10,000 pyramid. but inflation raised the stakes. how high up did the pyramid eventually go`$100,000
game show: dr. joyce brothers began her career as a media personality by being a winning contestant on`$64,000 question
Games : How many balls are used in a game of snooker in addition to the cue ball`twenty-one
Games : How many dots are there on a pair of dice`42
Games : How many squares are there on a chessboard`64
Games : How many tiles does a player play to score a bingo in Scrabble`7
game shows: chuck woolery & rolf benerschke hosted this show, but are not famous for it.`wheel of fortune
Game Shows: Fishy character who hosted NBC's Scrabble and Scattegories game shows.`charlie tuna
Game Shows: Game where "if you hear this sound twice (bz bz) you've given a duplicate answer`family feud
game shows: he hosted high rollers, the $128,000 question, concentration, wizard of odds`alex trebek
Game Shows: Host of Caesar's Challenge`ahmad rashad
game shows: host of the $100,000 pyramid and the $25,000 pyramid.`dick clark
Game Shows: Host of the Family Feud after Richard Dawson`ray coombs
game shows: host of win lose or draw`bert convy
Game Shows: Jackie Gleason hosted "You're in the Picture," which lasted this many shows`one
game shows: name of the buzzer on "truth or consequences".`beulah
game shows: new mexico city renamed in 1950 for 10th anniversary of this show (city/show)`truth or consequences
Game Shows: Original "Jeopardy!" announcer; later became voice of "Saturday Night Live".`don pardo
Game Shows: Shadoe Stevens and this man hosted Hollywood Squares.`john davidson
Game Shows: The Family Channel advertises this as "-------- -------:The Interactive Game"`trivial pursuit
Game Shows: This show's giant, 50-foot pinball game had 4 miles of wiring.`magnificent marble machine
game shows: with a run of over 17 years, prime-time television's longest running game show.`whats my line
game show: three of the following u s presidents appeared at one time or another on what's my line. which one did not   jimmy carter, gerald ford, ronald reagan, george bush`george bush
game show: which of the 60 minutes men hosted several game shows in the early part of his career?`mike wallace
game show: who has hosted more game shows than anybody`bill cullen
Games : If you "peg out" what game are you playing`cribbage
Games : In poker five cards of the same suit is called a(n) __________.`flush
Games : In pool, what color is the eight ball`black
Games : In which game might a person have a "full house"`poker
Games : In which game or sport are "Staunton" pieces used`chess
Games : In which game or sport can a person be "skunked"`cribbage
Games : In which sport are terms "spare" and "gutter" used`bowling
Games : In which sport or game are the terms: 'pin', 'fork', and 'skewer' used`chess
Games : In which sport or game is the term "rook" used`chess
Games: klondike is the most popular form of this game`solitaire
Games : Magic the Gathering : 10/10, Trample, Blue`Leviathan
Games : Magic the Gathering : 2/4, Banding, White`Icatian Phalanx
Games : Magic the Gathering : 7/7 Flying, Green/White/Blue`Arcades Sabboth
Games : Magic the Gathering : The First Magic book`arena
Games : Magic the Gathering : The five colors of magic are`white, green, red, black & blue
Games : Magic the Gathering : This card allows you to take one extra turn`Time Walk
Games : Monopoly : Cost to buy Electric Company`150
Games : Monopoly : Cost to buy New York Avenue`200
Games : Monopoly : Cost to buy Oriental Avenue`100
Games : Monopoly : Get Out of Jail`50
Games : Monopoly : How much is the luxury tax`75
Games : Monopoly : Penalty space between Baltic Ave. and Reading RR`income tax
Games: mr boddy is the murder victim in what board game`clue
Games : Name the only flexible murder weapon in the game of "Cluedo".`rope
Games : Name the only woman suspect in the game of "Cluedo" who isn't married.`miss scarlett
Games : Number of points lost for scratching off the blue ball in snooker`5
Games: originally an exercise ring, indonesia banned it as might stimulate passion`hula hoop
Games. Something placed in escrow and then redeemed after payment of a fine`forfeit
Games : Term for any number between 19 and 36 in Roulette`passe
Games : Term for any number between one and 18 in Roulette`manque
Games. The bidding in bridge`auction
Games. The laying down of the players' cards face up to determine the winner of the pot in poker`showdown
Games : These are the two highest valued letters in "Scrabble". "Q" and _____.`z
Games : This ancient Chinese game is played with 156 small rectangular tiles.`mah jongg
Games: this cube puzzle was invented by a hungarian Mathematician in 1974`rubik
Games: this game of chance was originally called beano`bingo
Games : This is the length, in feet, of a regulation Snooker table`12
Games : This is the lowest ranking suit in Bridge.`clubs
Games: this is the oldest board game still played (5000 yr old boards were found)`backgammon
Games : This term denotes a chess move in which both the king and the rook are moved.`castling
Games. To bid less than the full value of (one's hand) in bridge`underbid
Games. To bid more than the value of (one's hand in bridge, for example)`overbid
Games. To fail to follow suit in cards when able and required by the rules to do so`renege
Games. To win two bets from (a person) at one time, as in faro`whipsaw
Games : What bowling term means three straight strikes`turkey
Games: what dice roll in craps is known as big dick`ten
Games: what do las vegas dealers stand on`17
Games : What game or sport is Bobby Fischer identified with`chess
Games: what game's board shows the territories of irkutsk, yakutsk and kamchatka`risk's
Games : What number is on the opposite side of the "five" on dice`two
Games : What score is not possible for a cribbage hand`19
Games: what's the point value of the letter j in the scrabble crossword game`eight
Games: whats the term for a bet before cards are dealt`ante
Games : Which chess piece is usually valued as 5 points`rook
Games : Which game usually begins with, "Is it animal, vegetable, or mineral"`20 questions
Games : Word derived from "shah mat", from the arabic for "the king is dead"`checkmate
Gaming: A playstation game where fighters turned into fury animal fighters... ______`Bloody Roar
Gaming: What Series of games are famously made by 'Westwood' and was then bought by 'EA'`Command & Conquer`Command and Conquer
Gaming: Whats the game where all the Nintendo characters battle it out in arenas on the Gamecube`Super Smash Brothers Melee
Gaming: What 'war' game is made by microsoft`Age of Empires
Gamophobia is fear of ______`marriage
Gamophobia is the fear of`marriage
Gandhi mahatma gandhi was cremated in 1948, 1952 or 1959`1948
Gandhi slept naked with women in order to test his?`mastery of celibacy
Ganesha is the hindu god of ______`good fortune
Gangsters female companion`moll
Garbage fed to hogs: swill`hogwash
'Garbanzo' is another name for which pulse`chickpea
Gardner Cowles founded what picture magazine in 1937 to compete with Life Magazine`Look
Garfield Is Forever Trying To Impress`Arlene
Garfield was created by which cartoonist (first & last names)`jim davis
Garfunkel`simon and garfunkel
Garfunkel What is the smallest dinosaur so far discovered`Compsognathus
Garland who was the unnamed executive producer of the 1980 film 'elephant man'`mel
Garlic is a primary defense against`high cholesteral
Garnet, amethyst and zircon are all types of what`minerals
Garnet is the birthstone for what month`january
garnet is the birthstone for which month`january
Garter snakes give off a smelly substance called`musk
Garth Brooks: (1995) Garth has how many kids`two
Garth Brooks: AHBA stands for this.`american honkytonk bar association
Garth Brooks has made 4 specials for which TV network`nbc
Garth Brooks: What does GB collect for charity at every concert`canned Goods
Garth Brooks: What is the name of Garth's record label`liberty records
Garth Brooks: what is the name of GB's record producer`alan reynolds
G Art Rock band led by Anton Fier ("visions of excess")`golden palominos
Garuda is the national airline of which far-eastern country`indonesia
gary brooker sang vocals for what group on their "salty dog" lp?`procol harum
gary powers u-2 mission over russia in 1960 was known as`operation overflight
Gary Puckett sang "Lady Willpower", among others. Name his backup band`the union gap
Gary Wright's contibution to Wayne's World.`dream weaver
Gas from a Supernova can travel up to _________ kilometres per second`10,000
Gas from a Supernova can travel up to _________ miles per second`6,000
Gastritis affects the `stomach
"Gastritis" is a condition that affects what part of the body`stomach
Gathering in of a seasons crops`harvest
Gatophobia is the fear of`cats
gatorade was named for the university of ---------- gators where it was first developed`florida
Gaudy: trashy: 'chintzy merchandise.'`chintzier
Gaye on which show were we introduced to ernestine the operator`laugh in
Gay Issues: A lesbian kiss on what ABC sitcom caused an uproar`roseanne
Gay Issues: A passed anti-gay measure in what state caused calls for a boycott`colorado
Gay Issues: How many colours are there in the rainbow-coloured, "Freedom Flag"?`6
Gay Issues: What Biblical book says you shouldn't "lay with a man as with a woman"`leviticus
Gay Issues: What British musician/singer was bi, now openly gay`elton john
Gay Issues: What culture considers gay people "two-spirited"?`native
Gay Issues: What group's motto is, "We're Here, We're Queer, We Have E-Mail"`digital queers
Gay Issues: What is America's weekly gay news magazine?`the advocate
Gay Issues: What is announcing someone being gay against their will called`outing
Gay Issues: What Middle Eastern country allows gays in its military`israel
Gay Issues: What popular Canadian country singer is an open lesbian`k.d. lang
Gay Issues: Who wrote the play, "The Normal Heart"?`larry kramer
G Brazilian tune which did well in the US: "Garota de -------"?`ipanema
'g' class refers to what bodies?`stars or suns
Gee Architecht of Bebop who outlived his contemporary C Parker by many decades`dizzy gillespie
Gee Elevator music maker who had a hit with "songbird"`kenny g
Gee Music Singer of the Boomtown Rats, he played Pink in the Wall`bob geldof
Gee Music They've got the beat, they've got the beat, yeah, they've got it`the go-gos
Gee Ramones motto "_____ _____ hey!"`gabba gabba
Geese fly in what letter formation`v
Gee Singer of the Boomtown Rats, he played "Pink" in "the Wall"`bob geldof
Gee Theyve got the beat, theyve got the beat, yeah, theyve got it!!!`the go-gos
G Elevator music maker who had a hit with "songbird".`kenny g
geliophobia is the fear of ____`laughter
Gemorrah who killed goliath`david
Gemstones are formed from slowly cooling __________ rocks`igneous
Gender-bending singer on "The Crying Game" and with the Culture Club.`boy george
GENE4RAL KNOWLEDGE: What colour is puce`purple brown
GENEAL KNOWLEDGE: From which palbet does Dr Who come`Gallifrey
GENEA=RAL KNOWLEDGE: Which employee of the Arthur Wilkinson pottery became well known for her Bizarre Ware`clarice cliff
Gene Hackman starred in the French Connection what was the name of the character he played`popeye doyle
General: 0.3% Of All Road Accidents In Canada Involve A`Moose
General: 12 Letter Word: Fancy Name For Fireworks`Pyrotechnics
General: 1,314 Phone Calls Will Be Misplaced By Telecoms Service Every`Minute
General: 1/3 Of _________ Funeral Processions Include A Stripper`Taiwanese
General: 1/3 Of Taiwanese Funeral Processions Include A`Stripper
General: 14 People Died Building The ______ ____ Bridge`Golden Gate
General: 160 Cars Can Drive Side By Side On The Monumental Axis In__________, The World's Widest Road`Brazil
General: ______ 1909 Attempt Fell 97 Miles Short Of The South Pole, The Closest To Date`Shackletons
General: 1927 - gary cooper - starred in this movie`it
General: 1930 - gary cooper - starred in this movie`a man from wyoming
General: 1930 - gary cooper - starred in this movie`only the brave
General: 1935 - katharine hepburn - starred in this movie`break of hearts
General: 1936 - katharine hepburn - starred in this movie`a woman rebels
General: 1936 - katharine hepburn - starred in this movie`mary of scotland
General: 1936 - lucille ball - starred in this movie`chatterbox
General: 1938 - katharine hepburn - starred in this movie`holiday
General: 1939 - judy garland - starred in this movie`babes in arms
General: 1940 - gary cooper - starred in this movie`northwest mounted police
General: 1946 - gary cooper - starred in this movie`cloak and dagger
General: 1946 - lucille ball - starred in this movie`easy to wed
General: 1948 21st academy awards: best actress in a leading role was won by jane wyman for the movie`johnny belinda
General: 1948 - elizabeth taylor - starred in this movie`a date with judy
General: 1948 - lauren bacall - starred in this movie`key largo
General: 1954 - elizabeth taylor - starred in this movie`elephant walk
General: 1955 - gary cooper - starred in this movie`court martial of billy mitchell
General: 1955 Saw The 1,000,000th ______ Roll Off The Assembly Line`Vw Beetle
General: 1960 - judy garland - starred in this movie`pepe
General: 1962 - elvis presley - starred in this movie`kid galahad
General: 1965 - raquel welch - starred in this movie`a swingin' summer
General: 1966 - julie andrews - starred in this movie`hawaii
General: 1969 - raquel welch - starred in this movie`flareup
General: 1974 - lucille ball - starred in this movie`mame
General: 1974 Saw Portugal Involved In A Revolution Which Became Known By Which Floral Name`Carnation Revolution
General: 1975 48th academy awards: best actress in a leading role was won by louise fletcher for the movie`one flew over the cuckoo's nest
General: 1977 - meryl streep - starred in this movie`julia
General: 1977 - sigourney weaver - starred in this movie`annie hall
General: 1978 - jamie lee curtis - starred in this movie`halloween
General: 1979 - sally field - starred in this movie`beyond the poseidon adventure
General: 1980 - jane fonda - starred in this movie`no nukes
General: 1980 - jodie foster - starred in this movie`foxes
General: 1980 - michelle pfeiffer - starred in this movie`falling in love again
General: 1980 - robin williams - starred in this movie`children of babylon
General: 1980s GrabBag: First shortstop since Carew to lead all-star voting 2 years in a row`ozzie smith
General: 1982 - harrison ford - starred in this movie`blade runner
General: 1982 - jodie foster - starred in this movie`o'hara's wife
General: 1982 - sharon stone - starred in this movie`bolero
General: 1984 - sigourney weaver - starred in this movie`ghostbusters
General: 1985 - elizabeth taylor - starred in this movie`malice in wonderland
General: 1985 - meryl streep - starred in this movie`plenty
General: 1986 59th academy awards: best actress in a leading role was won by marlee matlin for the movie`children of a lesser god
General: 1987 - hugh grant - starred in this movie`maurice
General: 1988 - anthony hopkins - starred in this movie`a chorus of disapproval
General: 1988 - sharon stone - starred in this movie`action jackson
General: 1989 - julia roberts - starred in this movie`blood red
General: 1989's 'Pretty Hate Machine' Didn't Become A Hit For This One Man Band Until 1990`Nine Inch Nails
General: 1990 - harrison ford - starred in this movie`presumed innocent
General: 1991 - brad pitt - starred in this movie`across the tracks
General: 1991 - dustin hoffman - starred in this movie`hook
General: 1992 - A Former East German Leader Found Refuge At Moscow's Chilean Embassy`Erich Honecker
General: 1992 - dustin hoffman - starred in this movie`hero
General: 1992 - hugh grant - starred in this movie`bitter moon
General: 1992 - julie andrews - starred in this movie`a fine romance
General: 1992 - lauren holly - starred in this movie`fugitive among us
General: 1992 - meryl streep - starred in this movie`death becomes her
General: 1992 - sandra bullock - starred in this movie`love potion no. 9
General: 1993 - arnold schwarzenegger - starred in this movie`last action hero
General: 1993 - drew barrymore - starred in this movie`no place to hide
General: 1993: name one of the major stars in the movie indian summer`alan arkin
General: 1993 The Year: This college campus in DC was the first one President Clinton visited`american university
General: 1993 the year: this world leader visited denver, colorado for world youth day`john paul ii
General: 1994 67th academy a - ts: best actress in a leading role was won by jessica lange for the movie`blue sky
General: 1994 - anthony hopkins - starred in this movie`a century of cinema
General: 1994 - jamie lee curtis - starred in this movie`mother's boys
General: 1994 - sally field - starred in this movie`a century of cinema
General: 1994 - shirley maclaine - starred in this movie`guarding tess
General: 1995 - anthony hopkins - starred in this movie`nixon
General: 1996 - meryl streep - starred in this movie`marvin's room
General: 1996 - robin williams - starred in this movie`hamlet
General: 1996 - sally field - starred in this movie`eye for an eye
General: 1996 - shirley maclaine - starred in this movie`mrs. winterbourne
General: 1996 - winona ryder - starred in this movie`looking for richard
General: 1997 - cameron diaz - starred in this movie`a life less ordinary
General: 1997 - kurt russell - starred in this movie`breakdown
General: 1997 - robin williams - starred in this movie`flubber
General: 1997, this movie was released on april 4 anna`karenina
General: 1997, this movie was released on january 10`evita
General: 1997, this movie was released on january 24`kolya
General: 1997, this movie was released on march 28`b.a.p.s
General: 1997 - winona ryder - starred in this movie`alien resurrection
General: 1998 - anthony hopkins - starred in this movie`meet joe black
General: 1998 - sandra bullock - starred in this movie`hope floats
General: 1998, this movie was released on august 14 how stella got`her groove back
General: 1998, this movie was released on august 21`blade
General: 1998, this movie was released on december 30 1998 hi-lo`country
General: 1998, this movie was released on february 6 zero`effect
General: 1998, this movie was released on july 15 there's something`about mary
General: 1998, this movie was released on july 1`armageddon
General: 1998, this movie was released on july 24 disturbing`behavior
General: 1998, this movie was released on march 27 meet the`deedles
General: 1998, this movie was released on november 25 a bug's`life
General: 1998, this movie was released on october 16 practical`magic
General: 1998, this movie was released on september 11 without`limits
General: 1999 - sharon stone - starred in this movie`gloria
General: 1999, this movie was released on april 30 idle`hands
General: 1999, this movie was released on april 9`foolish
General: 1999, this movie was released on april 9 never been`kissed
General: 1999, this movie was released on august 27 life is`beautiful
General: 1999, this movie was released on february 26 8mm:`eight millimeter
General: 1999, this movie was released on february 5 simply`irresistible
General: 1999, this movie was released on july 14 muppets`from space
General: 1999, this movie was released on march 19 forces of`nature
General: 1999, this movie was released on may 14 tea with`mussolini
General: 1999, this movie was released on may 7 the`mummy
General: 1999, this movie was released on october 1 american`beauty
General: 1999, this movie was released on october 1 drive me`crazy
General: 1999, this movie was released on october 22 the best`man
General: 19th cent art: he was symbolized by rodin in the thinker`dante
General: 19th cent art: the two prominent subjects in sir edwin landseer's man proposes, god disposes`polar bear
General: 1. A Slang Word For Prostitute 2. A Worn Out Old Ship`Hooker
General: 1 Days And 2 Hours In Hours`26
General: 1st American Planetarium Was Built By`David Rittenhouse
General: 1st Amer. Warship Lost In Wwii Was`Reuben James
General: 1st Celebration Of Colombus Day In U.S`October 12,1792
General: 1st English Child Born In America Was`Virginia Dare
General: 1st Man To Appear On Cover Of Playboy`Peter Sellers
General: 2000 - alicia silverstone - starred in this movie`love's labour's lost
General: 2000, this movie was released on april 28 the big`kahuna
General: 2000, this movie was released on april 7 rules of`engagement
General: 2000, this movie was released on february 11 the`beach
General: 2000, this movie was released on january 1,`fantasia 2000
General: 2000, this movie was released on january 21 play it to the`bone
General: 2000, this movie was released on march 24 romeo`must die
General: 2000, this movie was released on may 26 shanghai`noon
General: 2000, this movie was released on october 20 two family`house
General: 2000, this movie was released on september 22 the`fantasticks
General: 200 Million Years Ago Earth Contained 1 Land Mass Called`Pangaea
General: 20 20 20 24 Hours Ago, I Wanna Be`Sedated
General: 20% Of What Is In The Metal Part At The End Of A Pencil`Sulphur
General: 220 Yards Equals One`Furlong
General: 2/3rds Of The World Eggplant Is Grown Where`New Jersey
General: 24-Karat Gold Has To Have A Small Amount Of _____ In It To Keep It From Being Too Soft`Copper
General: 2,500 Newborn Babies Will Be __________ In The Next Month`Dropped
General: 25% of Americans have ---------- access`internet
General: 264,000 Bottles Of What Were Recalled After 7 People Died`Tylenol
General: 27% Of U.S. __________ College Students Believe Life Is A Meaningless Existential Hell`Male
General: 2nd fiddles: archie bell and the`drells
General: 30th may 1998, an earthquake measuring 6.9 on the richter scale triggered landslides that swallowed entire villages killing as many as 5,000 people. in which country did this take place`afghanistan
General: 314 Americans Had __________ Lift Surgery In 1995`Buttock
General: 3.26 Light Years Equals One`Parsec
General: 32 Decimal Expressed In Hex`20
General: 34-40 Knots Wind Speed Signifies What Weather Condition`Gale
General: 35% Of The Corn And 55% Of The Soybeans Grown In The Us In 2000 Were ___________ Altered Varieties`Genetically
General: 3 Days And 6 Hours In Minutes`4,680
General: 3rd Letter In Greek Alphabet Is`Gamma
General: 3rd Letter In The Greek Alphabet Is`Gamma
General: 40% Of All Fatal Accidents In The Us Are ______ Related`Dui
General: 40 People Are Sent To The Hospital For __________ Bites Every Minute`Dog
General: 4,400 million years ago, condensing water did what`formed oceans
General: 50,000 Volts Mother-Fu_Ker. Have A Nice Day`Timecop
General: 50% Of Bank Robberies Take Place On`Fridays
General: 50% Of __________ Take Place On Fridays`Bank Robberies
General: 50s flicks: which film catapulted james dean to stardom`rebel without a cause
General: 51% Of Turns Are __________ Turns`Right
General: 60 north to __ by johnny horton`alaska
General: 60% Of Electrocutions Occur While Talking On The _____ During A Thunderstorm`Phone
General: 60% Of Electrocutions Occur While Talking On The Phone During A`Thunderstorm
General: 60% Of __________ Occur While Talking On The Phone During A Thunderstorm`Electrocutions
General: 60s: 1964 release was the most successful Disney film to date`mary poppins
General: 60s: Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated in this city`memphis
General: 60s: this remote area was crossed on foot for the first time in 1968-1969`north pole
General: 65% Of Sixty`Thirty Nine
General: 66 __ comes mary by association`along
General: '67 i'm a believer  by:`monkees
General: 69 In Roman Numerals`Lxix
General: 70% Of All Boats Sold Are Used In`Fishing
General: 70% Of All __________ Sold Are Used In Fishing`Boats
General: 70s authors: ragtime`e. l. doctorow
General: 70s authors: the summer before the dark`doris lessing
General: 70s: oregans trojan was the most powerful one of these in this decade`nuclear plant
General: 70s tunes: name 70s tune: her name was lola. she was a showgirl`copacabana
General: 70s tunes: name 70s tune: i'm looking at my girlfriend -- she's passed out on the floor`mama told me not to come
General: 73% Of Test Tube Babies Have An Irrational Fear Of`Aquariums
General: 7 Days And 10 Hours In Minutes`10,680
General: 7X was used to refer to the secret ingredient of which drink`coca cola
General: 80% Of The Vanilla Beans Used To Make Ice Cream Come From`Madagascar
General: 80's songs: ain't even _____with the night - john cougar`done
General: 80's songs: almost _____- mike reno & ann wilson`paradise
General: 80's songs: _____and day - al b. sure`nite
General: 80's songs: an _____dream - dirt band`american
General: 80's songs: baby, I love your way/freebird medley - will to`power
General: 80's songs: blue _____- elton john`eyes
General: 80's songs: born to be my _____- bon jovi`baby
General: 80's songs: buffalo stance - neneh`cherry
General: 80's songs: california girls - _____lee roth`david
General: 80's songs: call me -`blondie
General: 80's songs: church of the poison mind - _____club`culture
General: 80's songs: cool _____- little river band`change
General: 80's songs: _____dance - pointer sisters`neutron
General: 80's songs: de do do do, de da da da - the`police
General: 80's songs: do I _____- stevie wonder`do
General: 80's songs: don't you _____what the night can do? - steve winwood`know
General: 80's songs: do what you do - _____jackson`jermaine
General: 80's songs: dreamtime - _____hall`daryl
General: 80's songs: fire lake - _____seger`bob
General: 80's songs: forever your girl - paula`abdul
General: 80's songs: funky cold _____- tone loc`medina
General: 80's songs: girl i'm gonna _____you - milli vanilli`miss
General: 80's songs: hard habit to break -`chicago
General: 80's songs: heart and soul - huey _____& the news`lewis
General: 80's songs: hey _____- steely dan`nineteen
General: 80's songs: hold on tight - electric _____orchestra`light
General: 80's songs: how _____I fall? - breathe`can
General: 80's songs: _____I am (just when I thought I was over you) - air supply`here
General: 80's songs: if this is it - _____lewis & the news`huey
General: 80's songs: I miss you -`klymaxx
General: 80's songs: is it love - mr.`mister
General: 80's songs: jack and diane - john`cougar
General: 80's songs: jump (for my love) - _____sisters`pointer
General: 80's songs: lady - _____rogers`kenny
General: 80's songs: let it whip - dazz`band
General: 80's songs: _____love - diana ross & lionel richie`endless
General: 80's songs: love song - the`cure
General: 80's songs: nothing's gonna _____my love for you - glenn medeiros`change
General: 80's songs: _____on feel the noize - quiet riot`cum
General: 80's songs: _____on the ceiling - lionel richie`dancing
General: 80's songs: out of the blue - _____gibson`debbie
General: 80's songs: _____- pointer sisters`automatic
General: 80's songs: pour some sugar on me - _____leppard`def
General: 80's songs: read 'em and weep - barry`manilow
General: 80's songs: real love - _____watley`jody
General: 80's songs: sailing - _____cross`christopher
General: 80's songs: satisfied - richard`marx
General: 80's songs: sexy eyes - dr.`hook
General: 80's songs: simply _____- robert palmer`irresistible
General: 80's songs: steppin' out - joe`jackson
General: 80's songs: sweetheart - franke & the`knockouts
General: 80's songs: tell it to my _____- taylor dayne`heart
General: 80's songs: the _____life - sheila e`glamorous
General: 80's songs: theme from greatest american hero - _____scarbury`joey
General: 80's songs: the _____move medley - the beatles`beatles
General: 80's songs: these _____- heart`dreams
General: 80's songs: too late for _____- julian lennon`goodbyes
General: 80's songs: too shy -`kajagoogoo
General: 80's songs: _____up in you - .38 special`caught
General: 80's songs: we belong - _____benatar`pat
General: 80's songs: what I am - edie _____& the new bohemians`brickell
General: 80's songs: words get in the way - _____sound machine`miami
General: 80's songs: you're the inspiration -`chicago
General: 80s tune: a dancer for money, do what you want me to do`private dancer
General: 80's tune: performed by: b-52s`love shack
General: 80's tune: performed by: basia`cruising for bruising
General: 80's tune: performed by: beach boys`kokomo
General: 80's tune: performed by: billy joel`it's still rock and roll to me
General: 80's tune: performed by: bourgeois tagg`I don't mind at all
General: 80's tune: performed by: bryan adams`heaven
General: 80's tune: performed by: cure`love cats
General: 80's tune: performed by: dan fogelberg`longer
General: 80's tune: performed by: duran duran`hungry like the wolf
General: 80's tune: performed by: eagles`hotel california
General: 80's tune: performed by: eddy grant`electric avenue
General: 80's tune: performed by: electric light orchestra`all over the world
General: 80's tune: performed by: elvis costello`everyday I write the book
General: 80's tune: performed by: eric carmen`make me lose control
General: 80's tune: performed by: frida`I know there's something going on
General: 80's tune: performed by: jackson browne`boulevard
General: 80's tune: performed by: jets`make it real
General: 80's tune: performed by: j. geils band`centerfold
General: 80's tune: performed by: kansas`play the game tonight
General: 80's tune: performed by: kenny loggins`footloose
General: 80's tune: performed by: kenny rogers`coward of the county
General: 80's tune: performed by: knack`my sharona
General: 80's tune: performed by: kool & the gang`cherish
General: 80's tune: performed by: kool & the gang`joanna
General: 80's tune: performed by: little river band`lonesome loser
General: 80's tune: performed by: nick lowe`cruel to be kind
General: 80's tune: performed by: phil collins`in the air tonight
General: 80's tune: performed by: police`don't stand so close to me
General: 80's tune: performed by: quarterflash`harden my heart
General: 80's tune: performed by: steve winwood`back in the high life again
General: 80's tune: performed by: styx`babe
General: 80's tune: performed by: supertramp`it's raining again
General: 80's tune: performed by: survivor`eye of the tiger
General: 80's tune: performed by: taylor dayne`i'll always love you
General: 80's tune: performed by: van halen`hot for teacher
General: 80's tune: performed by: wall of voodoo`mexican radio
General: 80's tune: performed by: whitesnake`here I go again
General: 82% Of The Workers On The Panama Canal Suffered From`Malaria
General: 85% Of The Population Can Curl Their __________ Into A Tube`Tongue
General: 90210: what two characters became related by the marriage of their parents (- and -)`kelly and david
General: 90% Of Vitamin __________ In Brussels Sprouts Will Be Lost In Cooking`C
General: 93 94 name the song: I see the questions in your eyes`I swear
General: 93% Of All Greeting Cards Are Purchased By`Women
General: 95% Of __________ Cases Are Never Reported`Food Poisoning
General: 97% Of Canadians Say They Would Not Borrow A __________ If They Forgot To Pack Their Own`Toothbrush
General: 97% Of __________ Say They Would Not Borrow A Toothbrush If They Forgot To Pack Their Own`Canadians
General: 98% Of Houses In The United States Have At Least One ________`Television Set
General: 99% Of The Solar System Mass Is Concentrated In The`Sun
General: 99% Of The Solar Systems ______ Is Concentrated In The Sun`Mass
General: 99% Of What We See Of Each Other.. Skin, Hair, Fingernails.. Is`Dead
General: A 10-20 To A Police Officer`Location
General: A 16th Century English Law Allowed Men To Beat Their ____ But Only Before 10 P.M`Wives
General: A 1957 Title Recorded By The Crickets, Was A Line Taken From The Classic John Ford Western's 'The Searchers'. What Was The Title`That'll Be The Day
General: A 1991 Gallup Survey Indicated That 49 Percent Of Americans Didn't Know That White Bread Is Made From`Wheat
General: A 1994 Study Found That Only 20 Percent Of __________ Hospitals Require Nursing Aides To Have High School Diplomas`California
General: A 1997 Gallup Poll Found That About One In Four American Workers - 24 Percent - Said That If They Could Do So, They Would`Fire Their Boss
General: A-1 Steak Sauce contains both orange peels and`raisins
General: A 21-State Study Of Career Women In 1997 Showed The Top 5 Preferred Tattoo Placement Sites Were Shoulder Blades, Shoulders, Ankles, Wrists, And`Left Breast
General: A 3 1/2' Floppy Disk Measures ___ And 1/2 Inches Across`Three
General: A 31 Foot Statue Of What Lumber Camp Hero Stands On Main Street In Bangor`Paul Bunyan
General: A $40m Rembrandt Is Available, From 1635 (Hurry, It Won't Last Long). It's '____ In Her Study'`Minerva
General: A 41-Gun Salute Is The Traditional Salute To Announce A Royal Birth In`Great Britain
General: A 7 Sided Polygon Is Called A`Heptagon
General: A ---------- acquires fingerprints at the age of three months`fetus
General: A ______ ___ Airliner Holds 57,285 Gallons Of Fuel`Boeing 747
General: Aarchie Moore, was world champion in what sport from 1952 1962`boxing
General: a baby doctor is a`pediatrician
General: A Baby Grey Whale Drinks Enough Milk To Fill More Than ____ Bottles A Day`2,000
General: A Bachelor's Life Is A Fine Breakfast, A Flat Lunch, And A Miserable ____. - Jean De La Bruy?Re (1645 - 1696)`Dinner
General: A Backgammon Board Is Marked Out In Sawtooth 'Points' In Two Colours. How Many Of These Points Are There`24
General: A Barnacle Has The Largest __________ Of Any Other Animal In Relation To Its Size`Penis
General: A Barrel Of Water Weighs 20 Pounds. What Must You Add To It To Make It Weigh 12 Pounds`Holes
General: A Bath Of Hot Aerated Water Used For Recreational Or Physical Therapy`Hot Tub
General: Abba Is Calling For Help`S.O.S.
General: abbreviations-short forms: fbi stands for`federal bureau of investigation
General: Abdulaziz Ibn Saud, The Founder Of Modern Day Saudi Arabia, Captured Riyadh In 1902 By Defeating Which Rival Tribe`Al Rashid
General: A Behavioral Pattern Based On A 24 Hour Day`Circadian Rhythm
General: A Belief That Government And Law Should Be Abolished`Anarchism
General: A Bergschrund Is A Crevasse At The Head Of A(N)`Glacier
General: A Biographical Film`Biopic
General: A Biography Written By The Subject Is Called A`Autobiography
General: A Biome Located Throughout Midlatitude Regions Where There Is Sufficient Moisture To Support The Growth Of Large, Broad-Leaf Deciduous Trees`Deciduous Forest
General: A Bird In The Hand Is Worth`Two In The Bush
General: A Bistro Is A Small`Tavern
General: Able To Be Decomposed By Bacteria Or Other Living Organisms`Biodegradable
General: A Block And Tackle Used For`Lifting Weights
General: A Blunt Thick Needle For Sewing With Thick Thread Or Tape`Bodkin
General: A boat or raft with two parallel hulls`catamaran
General: A Boats Speed Measured In`Knots
General: A Boeing 707 Uses Four Thousand Gallons Of Petrol In Its`Take-Off Climb
General: A Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet Weighs 55 Times The Weight Of An Average _______`African Elephant
General: A Bolt Of Lighting Can Strike The Earth With A Force As Great As __________ Volts`One Hundred Million
General: a bone specialist is a(n)`osteopath
General: a bone specialist is a`osteopath
General: A Booklet Containing Descriptive Information`Brochure
General: About 10% of the worlds population is what`left handed
General: About 24 Percent Of Alcoholics Die In Accidents, Falls, Fires, And`Suicides
General: About 24 Percent Of American Adults Say They Have Participated, At Some Time Or Another, In Illegal`Gambling
General: About 25 Percent Of __________ Are Women`Alcoholics
General: About 300 Years Ago, Most __________ Died By The Time They Were 30`Egyptians
General: About 300 Years Ago, Most Egyptians Died By The Time They Were`30
General: About 500 Species Of Archaea (An Aquatic Life Form) Produces About 30% Of The Biomass On Earth, Much Of It In Which Rather Frigid Ocean`Antarctic
General: About 6000 Survive In The Wilds Of Siberia And Asia, Although There Are 10,000 In Private Hands In The Us. Which Animal`Tiger
General: About 60 Percent Of All American Babies Are Named After _____`Close Relatives
General: About A Third Of Americans __________ While They Are Still Sitting On The Toilet`Flush
General: About __________ Babies Are Born Worldwide Every Minute`Two Hundred
General: About __________ Cars Are Junked Each Year In The U.S`Seven Million
General: About Half The Piano's In England Are Thought To Be`Out Of Tune
General: About One-Tenth Of The Earth's Surface Is Permanently Covered With`Ice
General: About One Third Of American Adults Are At Least __________ Percent Above Their Recommended Weight`20
General: About _________ Percent Of All Male Americans Between The Ages Of 10 And 15 Were 'Gainfully Employed' At The Turn Of The Century. By 1970, So Few In That Age Bracket Were Employed That The U.S. Census Bureau Did Not Bother To Make Inquiries About Them`Twenty Five
General: About Two-Thirds Of The World's ___________ Have No Regular Contact With Newspapers, Television, Radio Or Telephones`Population
General: About Which Family Are The 'Godfather' Films`Corleone
General: About _____ ________ Years Ago, Most Egyptians Died By The Time They Were 30`Three Hundred
General: A Bowl Of __________ Contains Twice As Much Sodium As A Bowl Of Potato Chips`Wheaties
General: A Bowl Of Wheaties Contains Twice As Much __________ As A Bowl Of Potato Chips`Sodium
General: a bowl of wheaties contains twice as much sodium (salt) as a bowl of what`potato chips
General: Abraham Lincoln Delivered The Emancipation Proclamation On _______ _`January 1 1863
General: Abraham Lincoln Delivered The ____________ ____________ Proclamation On January 1 1863`Emancipation Proclamation
General: Abraham Lincoln Was Shot With A`Derringer
General: A Branched Hanging Support For Lights`Chandelier
General: A Bridge Hand With No Cards In One Suit Is Said To Have A`Void
General: __________, A Brink's Car Guard, Was Killed When $50,000 Worth Of Quarters Crushed On Him`Hrand Araklein
General: a british term for a barn owl is`padge
General: A Broken Clock Is Right At Least`Twice A Day
General: A Broken _____ Is Right At Least Twice A Day`Clock
General: A Broom Made Of Twigs`Besom
General: a brown crayon is what colour`brown
General: A ___-______ ____ Burns 26 Calories`One-Minute Kiss
General: A Butcher In A Market Is 5' 10' Tall. What Does He Weigh`Meat
General: academy award directors: fred zinnemann was awarded in 1966 for this movie`a man for all seasons
General: academy awards: what film beat out reds and raiders of the lost ark for best film`chariots of fire
General: Acadia Was The Original Name Of Which Canadian Province`Nova Scotia
General: A Calm Ocean Region Near The Equator`Doldrums
General: A Camel Can Lose Up To ___% Of Its Body Weight In Perspiration: A Human Would Die Of Heat Shock After Sweating Away Only 12% Of Body Weight`30
General: A Camel's Hair Brush Made Of`Squirrel Fur
General: a @@@@@@@ can go without water longer than a camel can`giraffe
General: A can of Pepsi holds __ fluid ounces`12
General: A Can Of Pepsi Holds __ Fluid Ounces`Twelve
General: a can of spam is opened every ---------- seconds`four
General: A ___ Can Open Its Mouth Wide Enough To Fit A 4 Foot Tall Child Inside`Hippo
General: A Canton Is The Blue Field Behind The`Stars
General: A Canton Is The ____ Field Behind The Stars`Blue
General: A Capon`Castrated Rooster
General: A Capsule In Fungi And Plants In Which Meiosis Occurs And Haploid Spores Develop`Sporangium
General: A Car Operates At _______ _______, Gas-Wise, At Speeds Between 25 And 35 Mph`Maximum Economy
General: A castrated male reindeer is called a`bull
General: A Catholic Minister Is Known As A`Priest
General: According To A 1984 Study, The Average Consumer Is Exposed To _, ___ Ads A Day`1,600
General: According To A 1995 Poll, 1 Out Of 10 People Admitted That They Will Buy An Outfit Intending To ____ __ ____ ___ ______`Wear It Once And Return It
General: According To Advertising Data, Nearly 80 Percent Of Japanese Ads Use Celebrities, The Majority Being Local Stars. Of Foreign Celebrities, The Most Popular In 1996 Were Noodle Pitchman Arnold Schwarzenegger And Whiskey Endorser ______`Steven Spielberg
General: According To An Old English Rhyme, The Thickness Of An Onion Skin Can Help Predict What`The Severity Of The Winter
General: according to an old english system of time units, a moment is`one and a half minutes
General: According to an old proverb, what is 'the soul of wit'`brevity
General: According To A Poll, Only 29 Percent Of Married Couples Agree On Most _________`Political Issues
General: According To A Recent Poll,39 Percent Of The People Interviewed Admitted That They Snoop In Their Host's`Medicine Cabinets
General: According To A Recent Study, There Are More Than _______________ Art Galleries In Scottsdale, Arizona, Which, Surprisingly, Exceeds The Number In Either Los Angeles Or San Francisco`One Hundred
General: According To A Recent Survey Among Women, What Is The Least Favorite Part Of The Male Body`Feet
General: according to a recent survey among women, what is the least favourite part of the male body`feet
General: According To Arthurian Legend, What Did King Arthur Receive As A Dowry, On His Marriage To Guinevire`The Round Table
General: According To A Spoof News Release In 1994, What Famous Institution Was Microsoft Rumored To Be Purchasing`The Catholic Church
General: According To Bayer Aspirin(R), Over _________ Aspirin Tablets Are Taken Worldwide Each Year`50 Billion`50,000,000,000
General: According To Benjamin Disraeli, The Third, And Worst Kind Of Lie`Statistics
General: according to bonnie tyler, what hits you when it's too late`heartache
General: According To Company Officials, 'Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle' Is Where The Company Name Originated`Yahoo
General: According To Creators, What Is The Official 'Relationship' Between Sesame Street's Bert And Ernie`Roommates
General: According To Domino's Pizza, Their Most Requested Topping In Japan Is This`Squid
General: According To Encyclopedia Americana, What Russian Empress Had Ten Lovers`Catherine The Great (Catherine Ii
General: According To English Folklore What Are Portunes`Tiny Farming Spirits
General: According To Espen Lind When __________________ Cries, She Cries A Rain Storm, She Cries A River She Cries A Hole In The Ground`Susannah
General: According To Experts, 30 Percent Of All Marriages Occur Because Of`Friendship
General: According To Gambler's Digest, More ________ Takes Place In Private, Friendly Gambling Game Than In All Other Gambling Games Combined`Cheating
General: According To Hallmark, The Average Person Receives Eight ________ _____ Annually`Birthday Cards
General: According To His Nazi Dossier, What Colour Are Rick's Eyes In Casablanca`Brown
General: According To Hospital Figures, ____ ____ An Average Of 1 Million Americans A Year`Dogs Bite
General: According To Hospital Figures, Dogs Bite An Average Of ____________ Americans A Year`One Million`1,000,000
General: According To Jefferson Airplane Singer Marty Balin, With What Admitted Alcoholic Did You Have To Sleep With, To Control That Band`Grace Slick
General: According To Jethro (Half Of The Funnyman Duo With Homer), He Was The 'Unsung Hero As A Serviceman In Wwii - They Wouldn't Let Me ____.'`Sing
General: According To Legend, Lady Godiva Rode Naked Through What English Town`Coventry
General: According To Legend, What Did Cleopatra Have Her Mattresses Stuffed With Every Night`Fresh Rose Petals
General: According To Mattel, Her Manufacturer, Barbie's Last Name`Roberts
General: according to mens health magazine, the average man does what 12 to 20 times a day`breaks wind
General: According To Most Experts, A 'Moderate' Daily Consumption Of Caffeine Is`350 Milligrams
General: According To Most World Governments (Including The U.S), The Government Of Israel Is Based Where`Tel Aviv
General: According To My Spam Research, It Is Apparently A Status Food In`Korea
General: According To One Poll,60 Percent Of The Men Surveyed Admitted That They _____ In Public`Spit
General: According To One Poll, 60 Percent Of The Men Surveyed Admitted That They ____ __`Spit In Public
General: According To One Poll, Three-Fourths Of All American Women Wear A Bra That Is ___ _____`The Wrong Size
General: According To One Source, About 66 Percent Of Magazines Found Tossed Along U.S. Roadsides Are`Pornographic
General: According To One Study,24 Percent Of Lawns Have Some Sort Of`Ornament
General: According To _____ _______, Over 50 Billion Aspirin Tablets Are Taken Worldwide Each Year`Bayer Aspirin
General: According To Popular Belief Brides Walk To The What In The Church (Not The Aisle)`The Nave Of The Church
General: According To Research Which Gender Has The More Romantic View Of Male-Female Relations`Men`Males
General: According To Roy Orbison He's Saving Nickels And Dimes And Looking Forward To Happier Times On`Blue Bayou
General: According To Roy Orbison No One Could Look As Good As`Pretty Woman
General: According To Roy Orbison You Have To Pick Up Your Feet, You've Got A Deadline To Meet, Because You're`Working For The Man
General: According To Singer Randy Newmanwhich Human Beings 'Don't Deserve To Live'`Short People
General: According To _______ Statistics, Monday Is The Favoured Day For Self-Destruction`Suicide
General: According To Suicide Statistics, __________ Is The Favored Day For Self-Destruction`Monday
General: According To Suicide Statistics, Monday Is The Favoured Day For ____`Self-Destruction
General: According To Superstition, What Are You Supposed To Do When You See A Lone Magpie`Salute It
General: According To Suppliers, _________ Is By Far The Favorite Ink Colour In Dabbers Used By Bingo Players`Purple
General: According To The 1997 World Almanac, What Is The Average Number Of Words On A Web Page`500
General: According To The Acts Of The Apostles, From Where Did Christ's Ascension Into Heaven Take Place`Mount Of Olives
General: according to the bible, where was jesus born`bethlehem
General: According To The Classification System By Carolus Linnaeus, There Are 5 Kingdoms Of Living Things. Animals, Plants, Funji, Protists, And What`Monerans
General: According To The Federal Government What Is The Number One Cash Crop In Every State Of The United States`Marijuana
General: According To The Greek Philosopher Aristotle, What Part Of The Body Served As The Seat Of Emotions`Liver
General: According To The Greek Philosopher Aristotle, What Part Of The Body Served As The Seat Of The Emotions`Liver
General: According To The Guiness Book Of World Records, What Was The Record Number Of People Crammed Into A 1998 Volkswagen Beetle With All Doors Closed`18
General: According To The Guinness Book Of World Records, How Much Did The Largest Onion Ever Grown Weigh`10 Pounds 14 Ounces. It Was Grown By V. Throup Of Silsden, England
General: According To 'The Hite Report, ' What Do Women Enjoy The Most About Making Love`Intimacy
General: According to the Holy Bible, where did Cain go after killing Abel`land of nod
General: According To The Journal Of American Medical Association, As Of 1998, More Than 100,000 Americans Die Annually From Adverse Reactions To`Prescription Drugs
General: According To The King James Version Of The Twenty-Third Psalm, 'Yea, Though I Walk Through The Valley Of The Shadow Of Death, I Shall Fear No ___'`Evil
General: According To _______ ______, The Marlboro Man Has Appeared In More Advertisements Than Any Ad Figure In History`Madison Avenue
General: According To The Singer What Did She Wear When She Went Into The Water`An Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka-Dot Bikini
General: According To The Song 'Danke Schoen' Where Would They Meet Specifically, ' Dutch Treat'`Picture Shows Second Balcony
General: According To The Song '(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction'when I'm Watchin My T.V. And That Man Comes On To Tell Me...'What`How White My Shirts Can Be
General: according to the song, where is the land where old times there are not forgotten`dixieland
General: According To The U.S. Food And Drug Administration, Two Out Of Five Women In America ____ _____`Dye Their Hair
General: According To The U.S. Government, People Have Tried More Than 28,000 Different Ways To Lose`Weight
General: According To The World Health Organisation, There Are Approximately 100 Million Acts Of _____ _______ Each Day`Sexual Intercourse
General: According To The World Health Organisation, There Are Approximately __________ Million Acts Of Sexual Intercourse Each Day`One Hundred
General: According To Tibetan Astrology, There Are A Certain Number Of Days In Each Month, Known As 'Inauspicious Days', When Prayer Flags Should Not Be First Hung. How Many Days Of Each Month Is This`2
General: _________ Accounts For Nearly Half The World's Energy Supply`Petroleum
General: accra is the capital of`ghana
General: 'A Census Taker Once Tried To Test Me. I Ate His Liver With Some Fava Beans And A Nice Chianti'`Silence Of The Lambs
General: acetylsalicylic acid is more commonly known as`aspirin
General: A Character Named 'Spearchucker Jones' Was Deleted From This Famous American Television Show's Cast After Only Five Episodes`Mash
General: a charge of dwai is for what`driving while ability impaired
General: A __________ Checkerboard Has 121 Holes`Chinese
General: A Chicken Once Had Its Head Cut Off And Survived For Over`Eighteen Months
General: A Chihuahua Named After`Mexican State
General: A Chinese Checkerboard Has __________ Holes`121
General: achluophilia is the love of what`darkness
General: achluophobia fear of`darkness
General: A Choice Without An Alternative`Hobson's Choice
General: A Chordate Without A Backbone, Commonly Called A Tunicate, A Sessile Marine Animal`Urochordate
General: A City Of South-West Switzerland`Geneva
General: A Clip, Shaped Like A Bar To Keep A Woman's Hair In Place Is A`Barrette
General: A Cluster Or Bunch Of Bananas Is Called A`Hand
General: A Code One On Our Mainframe? That's Impossible! Yes Yes, I Agree. I Consider That Comprimised`Task Force 2001
General: A Coffee Pot With A Plunger That Pushes The Grounds To The Bottom`Cafetiere
General: A Collection Of Ancient Greek Sculptures From The Parthenon At Athens Called The Elgin Marbles Can Be Seen Where`British Museum
General: A Collection Of Genes With Similar Or Identical Sequences, Presumably Of Common Origin`Multigene Family
General: A Collision Between A Bird And An Aircraft`Bird-Strike
General: A 'Columbaria' Hold The Remains Of The Dead After Undergoing What Process, The Practice Of Burning Human Corpses`Cremation
General: A company in Taiwan makes dinnerware out of wheat, so you can eat your`plate
General: A Complex Alcohol Constituent Of All Animal Fats And Oils`Cholesterol
General: A connoisseur of good food`gourmet
General: A Container For Carrying A Corpse From The Scene Of An Accident Etc`Body Bag
General: A ______ Contains About 70 Separate Pieces Of Wood`Violin
General: A Conundrum`Riddle
General: A Conventional Sign Of _________ In Tudor England Was A High Exposed Bosom And A Sleeve Full To The Wrists`Virginity
General: A Conventional Sign Of Virginity In Tudor England Was A High Exposed _____ And A Sleeve Full To The Wrists`Bosom
General: A Conventional Sign Of Virginity In Tudor England Was A High Exposed Bosom And A Sleeve Full To The`Wrists
General: A Coral Island Consisting Of A Ring Of Rock Enclosing A Central Lagoon Is A(N)`Atoll
General: A Cosmic Year Lasts 225 Million Earth Years. That's The Amount Of Time It Takes The Sun To Make One Revolution Around The Center Of The _____ ___`Milky Way Galaxy
General: A 'Courgette' Is Otherwise Known As A`Zucchini
General: acousticophilia is what`arousal from sounds
General: acousticophobia fear of`noise
General: A Creature Known As 'Mothman' Is Said To Have Been Responsible For A Disaster In West Virginia. What Type Of Disaster Was It`Collapse Of A Bridge
General: A Creature Known As 'Ogopogo' Is Said To Reside Within A Lake That Is Found In What Area`Canada
General: A 'Cricket Pitch Question' Is A British Or ____ Question That Mystifies Americans`Indian
General: A Crime More Serious Than A Misdemeanor`Felony
General: acronym for microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, a device that amplifies or generates microwaves or radio waves`maser
General: acronym for quasi-stellar radio source, any of the blue, starlike objects that are strong radio emitters and the spectra of what exhibit a strong red shift`quasar
General: Acronym Soup: ATB`all the best
General: Acronym Soup: AWGTHTGTTA`are we going to have to go through this/that again
General: Acronym Soup: BMA`bite my ass
General: Acronym Soup: BOS`big orange switch: boyfriend over shoulder
General: Acronym Soup: BYKTA`but you know/knew that already
General: Acronym Soup: CADET`can't add doesn't even try
General: Acronym Soup: CCWC`can't cook won't cook
General: Acronym Soup: <CG>`cute grin
General: Acronym Soup: DEG`deliciously evil grin
General: Acronym Soup: DTP`desktop publishing
General: Acronym Soup: EST`eastern standard time
General: Acronym Soup: FISH`first in still here
General: Acronym Soup: FITB`fill in the blank
General: Acronym Soup: FLOTUS`first lady of the united states
General: Acronym Soup: FOAF`friend of a friend
General: Acronym Soup: FOTCL`falling off the chair laughing
General: Acronym Soup: FTASB`faster than a speeding bullet
General: Acronym Soup: FTL`faster than light
General: Acronym Soup: GGN`gotta go now
General: Acronym Soup: GGP`gotta go pee
General: Acronym Soup: G`grin
General: Acronym Soup: GH`getting hard (male)
General: Acronym Soup: GOOML`get out of my life
General: Acronym Soup: GOS`girlfriend over shoulder
General: Acronym Soup: GOTFIA`groaning on the floor in agony
General: Acronym Soup: GTGN`got to go now
General: Acronym Soup: HABO`have a better one
General: Acronym Soup: HOS`husband over shoulder
General: Acronym Soup: HOYER`hanging on your every word
General: acronym soup: ianaa`I am not an accountant
General: acronym soup: ic`I see
General: acronym soup: icur`I see you are
General: acronym soup: idgi`I don't get it
General: Acronym Soup: ID`identification
General: acronym soup: ikwum`I know what you mean
General: Acronym Soup: IROOC`i've run out of cigarettes
General: Acronym Soup: ITMA`its that man again
General: acronym soup: iutkats`I used to know all that stuff
General: Acronym Soup: IYF`in your face
General: acronym soup: iykwim`if you know what I mean
General: Acronym Soup: KISS`keep it simple stupid
General: Acronym Soup: KOS`kids over shoulder
General: Acronym Soup: KOTM`kook of the month
General: Acronym Soup: KYHU`keep your head up
General: Acronym Soup: LALL`live and let live
General: Acronym Soup: LMK`let me know
General: Acronym Soup: LOFLOL`lying on floor laughing out loud
General: acronym soup: lshipmp`laughing so hard I peed my pants
General: Acronym Soup: LSHMBIB`laughing so hard my belly is bouncing
General: Acronym Soup: LTM`laughing to myself
General: Acronym Soup: MHM`members helping members
General: Acronym Soup: MOTSS`member of the same sex
General: Acronym Soup: MPH`miles per hour
General: Acronym Soup: MSS`member of the same sex
General: Acronym Soup: NDB`none of your damned business
General: Acronym Soup: NLT`no later than
General: Acronym Soup: NT`no text
General: Acronym Soup: ONNA`oh no not again
General: Acronym Soup: OTOOH`on the other other hand
General: Acronym Soup: OTTH`on the third hand
General: Acronym Soup: PDQ`pretty damn quick
General: Acronym Soup: PDS`please don't shout
General: Acronym Soup: PMFI`problem magically fixed itself
General: Acronym Soup: PMFJI`pardon me for jumping in
General: Acronym Soup: PTLAPTA`praise the lord and pass the ammunition
General: Acronym Soup: PW`pathetic wanker
General: Acronym Soup: RMH`real manly hug
General: Acronym Soup: RUMORF`are you male or female
General: Acrophobia is a fear of`heights
General: Across The United States, July Is The Deadliest Month For _________. April Is The Deadliest For Tornadoes`Lightning
General: Across What River Is The Russion Dam Build That Is 325 Meters High`Vakhsh
General: Acting Was Once Considered ____, And Actors In The First English Play To Be Performed In America Were Arrested`Evil
General: Active Volcano In The Philippines, In The Central Part Of Luzon`Mount Pinatubo
General: actor: _______ hackman`gene
General: actor in the role: charles lindbergh in 'the spirit of st. louis'`james stewart
General: actor peter fonda was once arrested for slashing a sign that said`feed jane fonda to the whales
General: actors in film : the tall guy: peter's friends: dead again`emma thompson
General: actpersons: birthplace of sonny bono`detroit
General: actresses: the wicked witch in the wizard of oz and maxwell house spokesperson`margaret hamilton
General: actress in the role: malcolm x ---> betty shabazz`angela bassett
General: actress in the role: terminator 2: judgment day ---> sarah connor`linda hamilton
General: actress in the role: unnecessary roughness ---> the placekicker`kathy ireland
General: A Cubic Foot Of Water Weighs __ Pounds`62
General: A Cubic Mile Of ________ ___ Contains Less Than A Gallon Of Water`Ordinary Fog
General: A Cubic Mile Of Ordinary Fog Contains Less Than A ______ __`Gallon Of Water
General: A Cult 1930's Gospel Singer (Gods Little Birds), Sister Ola Mae ____, Was Recently Found Living In A Nursing Home In What Southern U.S. State`Georgia
General: A Cyanogen Consists Of Carbon And What`Nitrogen
General: A Cyclone`Area Of Low Pressure
General: A Cyclonic (Rotating) Tropical Storm With Winds At The Center In Excess Of 74 Miles Per Hour Is Called`Hurricane
General: A Cyclonic Tropical Storm With Winds At The Centre In Excess Of 74 Miles Per Hour`Hurricane
General: A Dactylogram`Fingerprint
General: A dance involving high kicks`cancan
General: A day on ---------- is about 9 hours, 50 minutes, 30 seconds at the equator`jupiter
General: Added To The Ice And Water Mixture In Domestic Ice Cream Makers In Order To Lower The Temperature`Salt
General: Addis Ababa is the capital of which country`ethiopia
General: Add Mcmxliv And D. What Is Your Answer In Roman Numerals`Mmcdxliv
General: Address Of The White House`1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
General: A dealer in dress accessories and sewing goods`haberdasher
General: A Deficiency Of Which Mineral Causes Impaired Sexual Development`Zinc
General: A Deficiency Of Which Mineral Causes Osteoporosis In Adults`Calcium
General: a definition of longevity: oscar winner 48 years apart, in 1933 and 1981`katharine hepburn
General: 'Adele?' 'Yeah?' 'You Tell Buddy If I See Glen Micheals Wearing His Sunglasses I'm Gonna Step On'em, Might Not Even Take Them Off First.'`Out Of Sight
General: A Depilatory Is A Substance Used For Removing`Hair
General: A Desert Area Where Availability Of Water From Wells Or Streams Makes Possible Settlement`Oasis
General: A Dialogue`A Conversation
General: A Dictionary Translation Of The Name Of This 1990's Group Is 'Freedom From Pain, Suffering And The External World'. Which Group`Nirvana
General: A Digamy`A Second Legal Marriage
General: A Dime or Bob Is Equal To How Many Cents`Ten
General: A Dinosaur ('Masiakasaurus Knopflerihas') Been Named After Glasgow-Born Guitar Player Mark`Knopfler
General: Administrative Division Of The Kingdom Of Great Britain, Occupying The Northern Third Of The Island Of Great Britain`Scotland
General: 'Admiral', 'soda', & 'zero' ultimately derive from which language`arabic
General: A ____'_ _____ Doesn't Echo, And No One Knows Why`Duck's Quack
General: adolescentilism is what`playing the role of an adolescent
General: Adolf Hitler was fascinated by`hands
General: A 'Double Sheet Bend' Is A Type Of What`Knot
General: A Draped Female Figure Supporting An Entablature`Caryatid
General: A Dressing Made With Oil, Wine, Vinegar And Seasoning Is Called What`Vinaigrette
General: Adrienne Barbeau And Barry Bostwickthen Unknownswere The Stars Of What Long-Running Broadway Musical When It Opened In February 1972`Grease
General: A Drug Or Other Substance Used To Produce Unconsciousness And Insensibility To Pain`Anaesthetic
General: Ads: 99.44% pure`ivory
General: ad slogans: your way, right away`burger king
General: A Duck's Quack Doesn't ____, And No One Knows Why`Echo
General: A Dutch Study Indicated That 50 Percent Of The Adult Dutch Population Have Never Flown In An Airplane, And ________________ Percent Admitted A Fear Of Flying`28
General: Advertising film which is informative and purportedly objective`infomercial
General: advertising: in the 1930's he promised to make you a new man using 'dynamic tension.'`atlas
General: Advertising Slogans: Don't Leave Home Without It (Name The Company)`American Express
General: Advocating Or Practising Total Abstinence From Alcohol`Teetotal
General: A Electric _____, From Japan, Offers Heating, A Water Spray, Fan And Antibacterial Glazing (Hint: Found In The Bathroom)`Toilet
General: ae: what 1970 movie has ali macgraw emote: I want you to be a mery widower`love story
General: ae: what clint eastwood screen role was originally offered to hohn wayne, frank sinatra and paul newman`dirty harry
General: ae: what jackson actually had a million-selling lp called let's get serious`jermaine jackson
General: ae: what painting movement, started in 1916 to protest all civilized standards, has a name taken from the french word for hobby-horse`dadaism
General: A Fabricated Sensational Report Or Statement`Canard
General: A Family Of Six Died In ______ During Wwii As A Result Of A Japanese Balloon Bomb`Oregon
General: A Family Of Six Died In Oregon During Wwii As A Result Of A ________ Balloon Bomb`Japanese
General: A Farmer Had 18 Sheep, All But 9 Died. How May Sheep Did He Have After That`9
General: A Farm That Has Both Cattle And Crops Called`Mixed Farm
General: A Fatty Acid In Which All Carbons In The Hydrocarbon Tail Are Connected By Single Bonds, Thus Maximizing The Number Of Hydrogen Atoms That Can Attach To The Carbon Skeleton`Saturated Fatty Acid
General: A Favorite Soft Drink In Today's China Is 'Ke Ou Ke Le', Or 'Really Tasty Really Fun': In The West It's Known As`Coca-Cola
General: A Figure With Eight Equal Sides Called`Octagon
General: A Fill-Up For An M1 Abrahms Tank Is ___ Gallons`500
General: A Fingernail Or Toenail Takes About How Many Months To Grow From Base To Tip`Six
General: A Fish Was Once Caught In Delaware Bay With A _____ _______ ______`Watch Ticking Inside It
General: A 'Fixed-Position' Satellite's Orbit Is`Geosynchronous
General: A Flag Flown Upside-Down Is A Signal Of A(N)`Emergency
General: A flat bottomed boat on canal or river`barge
General: a flat-bottomed conical laboratory flask with a narrow neck is called a`erlenmeyer flask
General: A flat round soft creamy French cheese`brie
General: A Flat V Shaped Missile That Returns`Boomerang
General: A Fleet Of Small Ships`Flotilla
General: A Flemish Artist Is Responsible For One Of The Smallest Paintings In History. It Is A Picture Of A Miller And His Mill, And It Was Painted On To A`Grain Of Corn
General: A foot-long ruler is __ inches long`12
General: A Foot-Long Ruler Is ______ Inches Long`Twelve
General: A Free-Living, Sexually Immature Form In Some Animal Life Cycles That May Differ From The Adult In Morphology, Nutrition, And Habitat`Larva
General: A French Term Meaning Something Or Someone Especially Hated Or Dreaded`Bete Noire
General: After 1806, The Cape Colony Became An Active Part Of The International Trading Empire Created By`British Empire
General: After 27 years, ---------- made her debut as a Flinstone Vitamin in 1996`betty rubble
General: After 9/11, Airlines Responded To A Declining Market By Storing, Or '___', Many Of Their Planes In California's Mojave Desert`Mothballing
General: After Athens which is the largest Greek speaking city in the world`melbourne
General: After Being Forced To State In Public That The Earth Does Not Rotate, _________ Is Said To Have Muttered Under His Breath, 'But It Does Move.'`Galileo
General: After Denmark Was Overrun By The Nazis In Ww Ii, Which Danish Territory Declared Their Independence And Became A Separate Country`Iceland
General: After Eating, The __________ Regurgitates Its Food And Eats It Again`Housefly
General: After Five Years As 'Suzanne Sugarbaker', Delta Burke Leaves The Hit Show`Designing Women
General: After Graduating From The Military Academy At ___, When David Niven Wasn't Acting, He Had A Distinguished Military Career`Sandhurst
General: after how many years marriage do you celebrate your emerald wedding anniversary`fifty five
General: After how many years marriage do you celebrate your Emerald wedding anniversary`fifty five`55
General: after leaving the belmonts, dion had his first hit on the laurie label in october 1960 with this song`lonely teenager
General: After Mt Mckinley, The Second-Highest Mountain In The United States`Mt St Elias
General: After Russia And Kazakhstan, The Third Largest Of The Former Soviet Republics`Ukraine
General: After She Recorded 'The Nitty Gritty' This Lady Released The Rhyming 'Name Game'`Shirley Ellis
General: After Solomon's Death, The Kingdom Of Israel Split Into Two: Israel With Its Capital At Shechem, And Judah. Which City Was The Capital Of Judah`Jerusalem
General: After the end of the Vietnam War, to what was Saigon's name changed`h0 chi min city
General: After What Are The B52 Bombers Named`Fifties Hairdo
General: after ww1 what was hitler promoted to in rank`corporal
General: After WW I what was Hitler promoted to in rank`corporal
General: A Full Loaded Supertanker Traveling At Normal Speed Takes At Least __________ Minutes To Stop`20
General: A Full Moon Is __________ Times Brighter Than A Half Moon`Nine
General: A Full Seven Percent Of The Entire _____ Barley Crop Goes To The Production Of Guinness Beer`Irish
General: A Full Seven Percent Of The Entire Irish Barley Crop Goes To The Production Of ________ Beer`Guinness
General: A 'Funambulist' Is A _____-____`Tight-Rope Walker
General: A Funambulist`Tightrope Walker
General: A game played with rackets and shuttlecock`badminton
General: Agatha Christie's Elderly Female Crimesolver`Miss Marple
General: Agency Of The Executive Office Of The President Of The United States, Created In 1947, Together With The National Security Council`Central Intelligence Agency
General: Agency Of The United States Government, Generally Responsible For Administering Federal Policy For Native Americans And Inuits (Eskimos)`Bureau Of Indian Affairs
General: Age Of The Mother Of A Healthy,6-Pound,4-Ounce Baby Daughter Born In California In 2000, Making Her The Oldest Woman On Record To Give Birth`63
General: A Giant Humanoid Is Said To Live In The Australian Bush. Known To The Aborigines For Thousands Of Years First Reports By Europeans Date Back To The Early 1800's. This Creature Commonly Known As`Yowie
General: A Gipsified Form Of The Traditional Andalusian Folksongs`Flamenco
General: A Girl's Carbon-Based 'Best Friend'`Diamond
General: A Golden _____ Removed From King Tut's Tomb Was Still Sharp Enough To Be Used`Razor
General: A Good Typist Can Strike __________ Keys In A Second`20
General: A Good Way To Tell If Aspirin Has Deteriorated Is If It Smells Like`Vinegar
General: A Good Way To Tell If Aspirin Has ____________ Is If It Smells Like Vinegar`Deteriorated
General: A Good Way To Tell If _______ Has Deteriorated Is If It Smells Like Vinegar`Aspirin
General: A Gopak`A Russian Dance
General: A government in which power is restricted to a few is a(n)`oligarchy
General: A Grabatologist Collects`Ties
General: A Great Wave Resulting From An Earthquakes Is Called A (An)`Tsunami
General: A Greek Or Roman Two Handled Jar`Amphora
General: A Greek Type Mandolin`Bouzouki
General agreement or accord: 'government by ---------.'`consensus
General: Agricultural And Industrial Region In The State Of New South Wales, Australia, About 160 Km (About 100 Mi) North Of Sydney`Hunter Valley
General: A Grizzly Bear's Milk Has What Per Cent Of Fat (A Human Has Four Percent)`20
General: a group of lion is called a`pride
General: a group of whale is called a :`pod
General: a group of wolves is called a :`pack
General: A Guitar Is Usually Played With Just One Pick: A ___ Can Be Played With Five Picks, One On Each Finger`Banjo
General: A Hamlet Is A Village Without A ______ And A Town Is Not A City Until It Has A Cathedral`Church
General: A Hamlet Is A Village Without A Church And A Town Is Not A ____ Until It Has A Cathedral`City
General: A Hamlet Is A _______ Without A Church And A Town Is Not A City Until It Has A Cathedral`Village
General: A Hammam, To The People Of Islamic Countries`Public Baths
General: A Hand-Turned Grain Mill Consisting Of Two Stone Wheels, One Resting On The Other`Quern
General: A Hard-Boiled Egg Will__________. An Uncooked Or Soft-Boiled Egg Will Not`Spin
General: A Harness Racer's Vehicle Called`Sulky
General: A _______ Has 119 Grooves On Its Circumference. A Dime Has One Less`Quarter
General: A _____ Has 119 Grooves On Its Edge, A Dime Has One Less Groove`Quarter
General: A ---------- has a lifespan of 24 hours`dragonfly
General: A Heavy Winter Fog Containing Ice Crystals Is A`Pogonip
General: A Helena, Montana Law States That A Woman Cannot ______ On A Saloon Table Unless Her Clothing Weights More Than Three Pounds, Two Ounces`Dance
General: A Heliocentric Solar System Revolves Around What Centerpiece`Sun
General: A ___-______ ___ Holds Less Than A Gallon Of Liquid`Ten-Gallon Hat
General: A hoop worn under skirts is called a what`farthingale
General: a horse ridden by tommy stack won it's third grand national in 1977, what was the name of the horse`red rum
General: A Hot Spring Which Shoots Steam Into The Air Is A`Geyser
General: A Human's Form Of Locomotion`Plantigrade
General: a hummingbird weighs less than a`penny
General: Ain't Hard To Tell, I Excel Then _____, The Mic Comes In Contact With The Third Rail: From Song Nas Will Prevail`Prevail
General: Airborne Sand From The ______ ______ Has Been Picked Up 2,000 Miles Over The Ocean`Sahara Desert
General: Airlines Try To Maximize The Money They Make From Each Ticket Sold: This Is Known As Y ____ Management`Yield
General: Airport Security Personnel Find About ______ Weapons A Day Searching Passengers`Six
General: Air Pressure At Sea Level Is Roughly Equal To The Weight Of An ________ Spread Over A Small Coffee Table`Elephant
General: A ____ __ ____ Is 128 Cubic Feet And Usually Measures 4 Feet High,4 Feet Wide, And 8 Feet Long`Cord Of Wood
General: A '___________ ____' Is 1/48 Of An Inch`Hairbreadth Away
General: A _____ Is A Japanese Verse Form Of 31 Syllables In Five Unrhymed Lines, The First And Third Having Five Syllables Each, And The Others Seven`Tanka
General: A '____' Is An Actual Unit Of Time For 1/100th Of A Second`Jiffy
General: A __________ Is An Autopsy On Animals`Necropsy
General: A _______ Is A Pact Between A Secular Authority And The Church`Concordat
General: A '___________' Is A Tight-Rope Walker`Funambulist
General: A __________ Is A Village Without A Church And A Town Is Not A City Until It Has A Cathedral`Hamlet
General: A ____ ____ Is A Wide Chair`Love Seat
General: A __________ Is One Billionth Of A Second`Nanosecond
General: A ________ _________ Is One That Spreads Throughout The Entire Body: Such As Measles, Colds And The Flu`Systemic Infection
General: A _______ ________ Is One With Unequal Sides And Angles`Scalene Triangle
General: A __________ Is The Blue Field Behind The Stars`Canton
General: A __________ Is The Object Most Often Choked On By Americans`Toothpick
General: A _______ Is The Only Standard International Unit Of Measure Still Defined By A Physical Object, A Bar Composed Of Two Elements`Kilogram
General: A ____ Is The Upper Front Top Of A Shoe`Vamp
General: A Jellyfish Is 95% What`Water
General: A Jet Or Turbo-Jet Powered Aircraft Uses More ____ Flying At 25,000 Feet Than 30,000 Feet. The Higher It Flies, The Thinner The Atmosphere And The Less Atmospheric Resistance It Must Buck`Fuel
General: A Jiffy Is An Actual Unit Of Time For __________ Of A Second. Thus The Saying, I Will Be There In A Jiffy`1/100th
General: A 'Jiffy' Is An Actual Unit Of Time For What Portion Of A Second`1/100th
General: A Jogger's Heel Strikes The Ground _, ___ Times Per Mile`1,500
General: A Katana And An Epee Are Both What`Swords
General: A Large Box For Valuables`Coffer
General: A Large Cage Or Building For Keeping Birds`Aviary
General: A Large Flawless __________ Is Worth More Than A Similarly Large Flawless Diamond`Emerald
General: A Large Fortified Residential Building`Castle
General: A Large French Country House`Chateau
General: A Large Meteorite Fell In Leicestershire On 24 December 1965. Weighing Over 100 Pounds It Is Probably The Largest To Have Fallen In Britain In`Modern Times
General: A large oven in which pottery is fired is a`kiln
General: A Large Patterned Handkerchief`Bandanna
General: Alaska Has A Sand Desert With Dunes Over 100 Feet High. It Is Located Along The Flatland Of The _____ _____ In The Northwestern Part Of The State`Kobuk River
General: _______, Alaska, Hawaii, And Maine Are The Four States In The United States That Do Not Allow Billboards`Vermont
General: Alaska Law Says That You Can't Look At A _____ From An Airplane`Moose
General: Alaska State Gem`Jade
General: A Latin American Dance Usually Performed In Single File`Conga
General: A Law In Illinois Prohibits Barbers From Using Their Fingers To Apply _______ _____ To A Patron's Face`Shaving Cream
General: A Law In Oblong, Illinois Makes It A Crime To ____ ____ While Fishing Or Hunting On Your Wedding Day`Have Sex
General: A Law In ________ Prohibits Barbers From Using Their Fingers To Apply Shaving Cream To A Patron's Face`Illinois
General: A Layered Rock Resulting From The Consolidation Of Sediment`Sedimentary
General: Alba Is The Celtic Name For What Country`Scotland
General: albert einstein never`learnt how to drive a car
General: Alberto Vo5 Hair Spray Was The World?S First Crystal __________ Hair Spray`Clear
General: Alcatraz: This Inmates Nickname Was 'Machine Gun'`George Kelly
General: Alcohol: According to the Old Testament, he planted the first vineyard`noah
General: Alcohol Beverages Have All 13 Minerals Necessary For _____`Human Life
General: Alcohol Beverages Have All __ ________ Necessary For Human Life`13 Minerals
General: Alcohol _________ Have All 13 Minerals Necessary For Human Life`Beverages
General: Alcoholic Beverage Produced By Fermenting The Juice Of Grapes`Wine
General: Alcoholics Are Twice As Likely To Confess A Drinking Problem To A _____ Than To A Doctor, Say Researchers In Wisconsin`Computer
General: Alcohol Is Added To Soap To Make It`Clear
General: alcohol: mead is made from this`honey
General: A Legendary Or Moral Tale`Fable
General: A Letter Might End With Swak, Which Is An Acronym For`Sealed With A Kiss
General: Alexander Graham Bell, Never Telephoned His Wife Or Mother. They Both Were`Deaf
General: Alexander Hamilton Was Shot By Aaron Burr In The`Groin
General: Alexander Hamilton was shot by Aaron Burr where`in the groin
General: Alexander Hamilton Was Shot By Aaron __________ In The Groin`Burr
General: alexander the great was an`epileptic
General: alexander the great was king of which country`macedonia
General: Alexander __________ Was Shot By Aaron Burr In The Groin`Hamilton
General: Alfred Hitchcock Didn't Have A`Bellybutton
General: Alfred Hitchcock Never Won An Academy Award For`Directing
General: Alfred Hitchcock Was Lacking This Body Part`Belly Button
General: algolagnia is sexual satisfaction resulting from what`giving or receiving pain
General: Algonquin Manitou`Man-Of-The-Woods
General: alice becomes a cake & gets eaten`dont come around here no more
General: Alice Went Through The`Looking Glass
General: A Lifetime Supply Of All The Vitamins You Need Weighs Only About __________ Ounces`Eight
General: A light canvas shoe with a plaited sole`espadrille
General: A Light Metal Approximately As Strong As Steel`Titanium
General: A Lightning Bolt Generates Temperatures ____ Times Hotter Than Those Found On The Sun's Surface`Five
General: A line drawn from an angle of a triangle to the mid-point of the opposite side is a(n)`median
General: A Little Over One Hundred Years Ago, ________ Arrived In The United States For The First Time. It Was Transmitted By An Infection Carried Aboard The Hamburg-American Line's Moravia On August 30,1892`Cholera
General: All 50 __________ Are Listed Across The Top Of The Lincoln Memorial On The Back Of The $5 Bill`States
General: All __________ Children Of Queen Anne Died Before She Did`17
General: All Education Through The University Level Is Free In Eastern Europe's Nation Of`Azerbaijan
General: All English Monarchs Since William The Conqueror Have Been Crowned In The Same Church Located In London. What Church Is It`Westminster Abbey
General: All __________ Float In Water`Porcupines
General: All Gondolas In__________, Italy Must Be Painted Black, Unless They Belong To A High Official`Venice
General: All Gondolas In Venice, Italy Must Be Painted Black, Unless They Belong To A`High Official
General: All Gondolas In Venice, Italy Must Be Painted __________, Unless They Belong To A High Official`Black
General: All Hallow's Eve`Halloween
General: All Hebrew Originating Names That End With The Letters El Have Something To Do With`God
General: All Hebrew Orignating Names That End With The Letters 'El' Have Something To Do With What`God
General: All Hospitals In Singapore Use __________ Diapers`Pampers
General: 'All Human Life Is There' - A Quotation From Henry James - Was Used To Promote Which British Sunday Newspaper In The 1950s`News Of The World
General: Allied Bombers Were Issued With Biro Pens As Fountain Pens Leaked At`High Altitude
General: All __________ In Venice, Italy Must Be Painted Black, Unless They Belong To A High Official`Gondolas
General: All I Want To Do Was A Hit In 1993 For This Former School Teacher`Sheryl Crow
General: all male snakes have a pair of penises. called`hemipenes
General: All Methods Used To Prevent Or Reduce Detrimental Effects Of Floods`Flood Control
General: All Of The Following Have Been Sold In _____ _____: Emu Jerky, Poached Eggs, Holy Water, Beetles And Live Shrimp`Vending Machines
General: All Of The Officers In The Confederate Army Were Given Copies Of What Book`Les Miserables
General: All Of The Phone Books Distributed In The City Of _________, Alaska, Weigh About 81 Tons`Fairbanks
General: All __________ Originating Names That End With The Letters El Have Something To Do With God`Hebrew
General: All Pilots On International Flights Identify Themselves In _______, Regardless Of Their Country Of Origin`English
General: All Prime Numbers Are Either One Less Or One More Than A Multiple Of What Number`6
General: All Snow Crystals Are`Hexagonal
General: All The Dirt From The Foundation To Build The __________ In Nyc Was Dumped Into The Hudson River To Form The Community Now Known As Battery City Park`World Trade Center
General: All The Dirt From The Foundation To Build The World Trade Center In Nyc Was Dumped Into The __________ River To Form The Community Now Known As Battery City Park`Hudson
General: All The Gold Produced In The Past Five Hundred Years, If Melted, Could Be Compressed Into A _____-Foot Cube`Fifty
General: All The Gold Produced In The Past __________ Years, If Melted, Could Be Compressed Into A 50-Foot Cube`500
General: All The Hoops In Croquet Are Painted White, Except The Last One, Called The Rover, Which Has A Different Colour On The Crown. Which Colour Is It`Red
General: All The __________ In England Are Property Of The Queen`Swans
General: All The Landmass Of The Earth, Plus Some, Could Fit Into The _______`Pacific Ocean
General: All The Moons Of The Solar System Are Named After Greek And Roman Mythology, Except The Moons Of Uranus, Which Are Named After What`Shakespearean Characters
General: All The ________ __ ___ _____, Plus Some, Could Fit Into The Pacific Ocean`Landmass Of The Earth
General: All These Years, You Just Looked Right Through Me`Girlfight
General: All The Swans In England Are Property Of The`Queen
General: All Totalled, The Sunlight That Strikes Earth At Any Given Moment Weighs As Much As An Ocean`Liner
General: Alma Mater Means`Bountiful Mother
General: Almonds Are A Member Of The ______ Family`Peach
General: Almost 425,000 Hotdogs And Buns,160,000 Hamburgers And Cheeseburgers Were Served At __________'99`Woodstock
General: Almost 425,000 Hotdogs And Buns, ___, ___ Hamburgers And Cheeseburgers Were Served At Woodstock '99`160,000
General: Almost A Quarter Of The Land Area Of ___ _______ Is Taken Up By Automobiles`Los Angeles
General: Almost Everyone Knows The Date When The First Astronauts Landed On The Moon, July 20th,1969. But Anyone Knows What's The Date Of The Launching`July 16th,1969
General: almost everyone knows the date when the first astronauts landed on the moon, july 20th, 1969. what was the date of the launching`july 16th, 1969
General: Almost Half The Newspapers In The World Are Published In The ______ ______ ___`United States And Canada
General: Almost __________ Hotdogs And Buns,160,000 Hamburgers And Cheeseburgers Were Served At Woodstock '99`425,000
General: Almost __________ Million Pounds Of Medical Trash Is Generated Each Day In The U.S`18
General: a loss of electrons, corresponding to an increase in oxidation state, is known as`oxidation
General: A Lower Than Average Tide Normally Occuring At The First And Third Quarters Of The Moon Called`Neap Tide
General: Alphabetically Last African Country Is`Zimbabwe
General: Alphabetically Speaking, Which Is The Last Of The 26 Irish Counties. Most People Say Wexford, But They're Wrong`Wicklow
General: Alphabetically, What Were The Two Cities In 'A Tale Of Two Cities'`London And Paris
General: Alternate Identity Of The Elusive Snark`A Boojum
General: Alternative Art: Dinotopia's illustrator`james gurney
General: Although Bern Is The Capital Of Switzerland, What City Would You Go To If You Wanted To Visit Switzerland's Largest City`Zurich
General: Although Colt Is Often Given Credit For The Concept Of Interchangable Parts This Person Was Actually The First One To Put The Concept Into Practice`Eli Whitney
General: although he had an acting career in the uk he got his first break in music when he was chosen to be a replacement drummer in genesis in 1970`phil collins
General: although it doesn't sound like a dog, ____dust is ornamental wood chips often placed in flowerbeds`bark
General: Although It Has Never Actually Existed, ____ _____ ______ Is One Of London's Most Famous Addresses. It Was, Of Course, The Home Of Sherlock Holmes And His Companion, Dr Watson`221b Baker Street
General: Although It Has Not Been Photographed In 70 Years, Ornithologists Still Search Louisiana Swamps For The Ivory-Billed`Woodpecker
General: Although It Is Not True, Stigmata Is Based Upon A Lost Gospel, Name The Lost Gospel`St Thomas`saint Thomas
General: Although Key Wrote The Lyrics To The Us Anthem, The Tune Was The Drinking Song 'To Anacreon In Heaven' Written In 1777 By Which Englishman`John Stafford Smith
General: Although Modern Images Of India Often Show Poverty And Lack Of Development, India Was The Richest Country On Earth Until The Time Of British Invasion In The Early __________ Century`17th
General: Although Nilsson Wrote 'One', This Band Covered It And Brought It To Top Ten In 1969`Three Dog Night
General: although not all come from france, ______ fries are often served with hamburgers`french
General: Although Sir Francis Drake's Ship 'Revenge' Is The Best Remembered Of Those Which Fought Against The Spanish Armada, It Was Not The Flagship Of The English Fleet: What Ship Was It`The Ark Royal
General: Although The Ocean Is Full Of Salt, From What Source Do We Get Most Of Our Salt`From Mines
General: Although This Man Was Apart Of The 1st Triumvirate, He Later Became Caesar's Rival And Was Later Slain In Syria`Pompey The Great
General: Although Written By Joni Mitchell This Artist Scored A Major Hit With 'Both Sides Now' In 1968`Judy Collins
General: alt tune: when your chained to the mirror and the razor blade...-oasis`morning glory
General: Aluminium Can Be Spun Into A _____ So Fine That 1.5 Pounds Of It Could Encircle The Earth`Filament
General: A Lump Of Pure Gold The Size Of A Matchbox Can Be Flattened Into A Sheet The Size Of A ___`Tennis Court
General: A Lux A Measure Of`Illumination
General: __________ Always Turn Left When Exiting A Cave`Bats
General: a male cat is referred to as a tom. what is a female cat`a queen
General: A Man Builds A House With All 4 Sides Facing South. A Bear Walks By A Window. What Colour Is The Bear`White (The House Is At The North Pole
General: Amanda Tapping Guest Starred On X-Files, What Did She Play`Prostitute
General: A Man Named _______ Osborne Had The Hiccups For 69 Years`Charles
General: A man named ---------- Peterson is the inventor of the Egg McMuffin`ed
General: A Manned Rocket Reaches The Moon In Less Time Than It Took A __________ To Travel The Length Of England`Stagecoach
General: A Man Rode Into Town On His Horse. He Arrived On Friday, Stayed For Three Days And Then Left On Friday. How Is This Possible`Horse Is Named Friday
General: A Man's __________ Contains Between 7000 And 15,000 Hairs`Beard
General: A Maryland T-Shirt Slogan That Parodied 'Virginia Is For Lovers' Read What`Maryland Is For Crabs
General: A Massive Ensemble Of Hundreds Of Millions Of Stars, All Gravitationally Interacting, And Orbiting About A Common Center`Galaxy
General: A Mass Of Flowers On A Tree`Blossom
General: Amazingly, Only One State In The Us Does Not Have A Straight Line Anywhere Along Its Border. Name This State`Hawaii
General: A Mcdonald's Straw Will Hold ___________________ Ml, Or Just Over One-And-A-Half Teaspoons Of Whatever You Are Drinking. This Means That It Would Take 17,000 Strawfuls Of Water To Fill Up A 34 Gallon Bathtub`7.7
General: A __________ Measures Blood Pressure`Sphygmomanometer
General: A Member Of The Commonwealth, Which Is The Most Southerly African Country Through Which The Greenwich Meridian Passes`Ghana
General: A Member Of The Largest Group Of Algae In The Golden Algae Phylum`Diatom
General: A Membrane-Enclosed Sac Taking Up Most Of The Interior Of A Mature Plant Cell And Containing A Variety Of Substances Important In Plant Reproduction, Growth, And Development`Vacuole
General: american authors: once wrote that every modern american novel is derived from huckleberry finn`ernest hemingway
General: American Authors: This Canadian-born author wrote The Handmaid's Tale and Rape Fantasies`margaret atwood
General: American Beers: Oldenberg`kentucky
General: american beers - state: abita`louisiana
General: american car horns beep in the tone of`f
General: American cooking expert, author, & television personality`julia child
General: __________ Americans Are Injured By Toilets Every Year`40,000
General: americans consume how many tons of aspirin per day`forty two
General: __________ Americans Had Buttock Lift Surgery In 1995`314
General: Americans Pay Over $30,000 In Federal, _____ ___ _____ _____ Every Second`State And Local Taxes
General: Americans Produce An Average Of Four Pounds Of _______ Per Person Each Day`Garbage
General: Americans Spend About Four Times As Much Each Year On ___ Food Than On Baby Food`Pet
General: Americans Spend About Four Times As Much Each Year On Pet Food Than On ____ Food`Baby
General: Americans Today, Per Capita, Use Four Times As Much ______ As Their Grandparents' Generation Did`Energy
General: American Teenagers Bet As Much As $1 Billion A Year, And About 7 Percent Of Adolescents Under 18 May Be Addicted To ________, Studies Show`Gambling
General: America's First _______ ____ Was 25 Cents An Hour Back In 1938`Minimum Wage
General: A Message Given To A Web Browser By A Web Server`Cookie
General: A Method Of Resolving Questions Of Conscience By Applying Moral Principles Or Laws To Concrete Cases`Casuistry
General: A Mexican Afternoon Nap`Siesta
General: A Microchip Made Of`Silicon
General: A Mild Form Of Epilepsy`Petit Mal
General: A Military Governer In Japanese`Shogun
General: Amino acids are essential for the formation of what in the body`proteins
General: A Mistress Among Polygamous People`Concubine
General: A Mixture Of Wine And Soda Water Is Known As A What`Spritzer
General: A Mode Of Speciation Occurring As A Result Of A Radical Change In The Genome That Produces A Reproductively Isolated Subpopulation In The Midst Of Its Parent Population`Sympatric Speciation
General: A Moist Fertile Spot In A Desert Is Called A(N)`Oasis
General: A Monetary Inflation At A Very High Rate`Hyperinflation
General: Among The 50 Foreign Countries Where Spam Is Sold, Which Two Countries Are The Biggest Markets`Uk South Korea`Uk And South Korea`South Korea Uk`South Korea And Uk
General: Among The _______ _________ Of Ethiopia, When A Male Dies, His Grave Is Marked With A Stone For Every Man He Had Killed`Danakil Tribesmen
General: Among The Shortest People In The World Are The _____ _______ Of The Congo River Basin, Where The Men Reach An Average Of 4 Feet 6 Inches Tall`Mbuti Pygmies
General: Among The Tallest People In The World Are The _____ From Rwanda And Burundi In Central Africa, With The Men Averaging 6 Feet Tall`Tutsi
General: A Moon In Its First Quarter`Two-Bit Moon
General: A More Common Name For An Anthrophagist Is`Cannibal
General: A Mosquito Cell Has 6 Chromosomes And An Onion Cell Has 15. How Many Chromosomes Does The Human Cell Have`46
General: A _____ ______ Most Often Occurs In The Morning When Mental And Physical Stress Are At Their Peak`Heart Attack
General: Amoungst The Tallest Building's In The World Is The Petronas Tower. Where Is This Building Located`Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
General: Amount Of Time Needed For A Man To Regain Erection: From 2 Min To 2`Weeks
General: Amount Of Time The Average Man Spends __________ 3350 Hours`Shaving
General: A Mycelium Of Certain Septate Fungi That Possesses Two Separate Haploid Nuclei Per Cell`Dikaryon
General: A Myocardial Infarction`A Heart Attack
General: An 18th Century Elegant Style Of Furniture`Chippendale
General: An 80's British Band Was Called Spandau`Ballet
General: An Active Transport Mechanism In Cell Membranes That Consumesatp To Force Hydrogen Ions Out Of A Cell And, In The Process, Generates A Membrane Potential`Proton Pump
General: An Adult Human Head Weighs About __ Pounds, Or The Same As A Light Bowling Ball`Twelve
General: An Advanced Medieval Catapult Was Called A What`Trebuchet
General: An Airplane Uses More Fuel Flying At 25,000 Feet Than 30,000 Feet. The Higher It Flies, The Thinner The __________ And The Less Atmospheric Resistance It Must Buck`Atmosphere
General: an alien creature in a funny hat has opposed both bugs bunny and daffy duck. where is he from`mars
General: Analogies: 'Ancient' is to 'old' as 'recent' is to`current
General: Analogy: bull - cow as fox -`vixen
General: analogy: goose - geese as passerby -`passersby
General: A Name For Energy Fuelled In Ways That Do Not Harm The Enviroment`Alternative
General: An American Animal Hospital Association Survey Revealed That ______________ Percent Of Dog Owners Sign Letters Or Cards From Themselves And Their Dogs`Sixty Two
General: An animal epidemic is called an`epizootic
General: an animal is a fish if it has`gill
General: An animal ---------- is called an epizootic`epidemic
General: A Nanosecond Is One _________ Of A Second`Billionth
General: an area in the upper wall of the vagina supposed to be especially pleasurable when stimulated`g spot
General: A Narrow Crack Or Split`Fissure
General: an assisted reproductive technology (art) in what one or more eggs are fertilized outside a female's body`invitro fertilization
General: an association in which one organism benefits and the other is not affected is termed`commensalism
General: An Astronomical Unit Is The Standard Measurement Taken From The Earth To Where`The Sun
General: A Natatorium`Swimming Pool
General: A Native Of Tangiers Called`Tangerine
General: A Native Of The East End Of London`Cockney
General: An Atom Is Comprized Of These 3 Subatomic Particles: Electron, Neutron, And`Proton
General: An Attraction Between Two Atoms Resulting From A Sharing Of Outer-Shell Elctrons Or The Presence Of Opposite Charges On The Atoms: The Bonded Atoms Gain Complete Outer Electron Shells`Chemical Bond
General: An Augmented 2nd Interval Inverts To A`Diminished 2nd Interval
General: An Australian Town In Queenslands After Which A Rum Is Named`Bundaberg
General: An Average Of 51 Cars A Year Overshoot And Drive Into The Canals Of`Amsterdam
General: An Average Person Uses The Bathroom How Many Times Per Day`Six
General: An _______ Can Stay Under Water For Twenty-Eight Minutes`Iguana
General: Ancient Art Practiced Especially In The Middle Ages, Devoted Chiefly To Discovering A Substance That Would Transmute The More Common Metals Into Gold Or Silver And To Finding A Means Of Indefinitely Prolonging Human Life`Alchemy
General: Ancient Capital Of The Vietnamese Empire`Hue
General: Ancient Egyptians Believed That '____' Was The Mother Of All Cats On Earth. They Also Believed That Cats Were Sacred Animals`Bast
General: Ancient Egyptians Shaved Off Their Eyebrows To Mourn The Deaths Of Their`Cats
General: Ancient Egyptians Slept On _______ Made Of Stone`Pillows
General: Ancient Egyptians Slept On Pillows Made Of`Stone
General: Ancient Greeks Originally Determined The ______, A Measurement Of 6 Feet, By The Length Of A Sailor's Outstretched Arms`Fathom
General: ancient indian term for penis`lingam
General: Ancient Wonder: Colossus Of`Rhodes
General: Ancient Wonder: Hanging Gardens Of`Babylon
General: an _____ clock usually wakes you in the morning`alarm
General: And, I Want To Look Him Straight In The Eye And I Want To Tell Him What A Cheap, Lying, No Good, Rotten, Floor-Flushing, Low-Life, Snake-Licking, Dirt-Eating, Inbred, Overstuffed, Ignorant, Blood-Sucking, Dog-Kissing, Brainless, Dickless, Hopeless, Heartless, Fat-Ass, Bug-Eyed, Stiff-Legged, Spotty-Lipped, Worm-Headed, Sack Of Monkey Sh__ He Is! Hallelujah! Holly Sh__! Where's The Tylenol`National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
General: ___________ And Rhode Island Never Ratified The Eighteenth Amendment: Prohibition`Connecticut
General: An Eastbound Expedition From Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Eventually Enters Which Country`Somalia
General: A Necklace Of Flowers Called In Hawaii`Lei
General: An Effective Way To Sharpen A Sewing Machine Needle Is To Stitch Through A Piece Of`Sandpaper
General: an eskimo would be ingesting toxic doses of vitamin a if he ate a polar bears`liver
General: A New Convert: A Novice: A Beginner`Neophyte
General: A New Law Passed In The Fall Of 2000 Gives _-__________ The Same Legal Standing As Handwritten Signatures`E-Signatures
General: A Newly Formed Nerve Cell Is Called A`Neuroblast
General: An Experienced ______ ______ In New York Earns More Than $100,000 A Year`Tunnel Worker
General: Anger Towards Other Road Users Experienced By A Person When Driving`Road Rage
General: Angie Dickinson's Char. In Police Woman`Pepper Anderson
General: Angus Drummie Zeb Gaye Is A Member Of Which Group`Aswad
General: A Nibong A Type Of`Palm Tree
General: anililagnia is sexual desire for what`older women
General: Animal Or Plant Without The Normal Pigmentation Of Its Species`Albino
General: Animal's Body That The Mythical Griffin Has`Lion
General: Animal Tissue That Functions Mainly To Bind And Support Other Tissues, Having A Sparse Population Of Cells Scattered Through An Extracellular Matrix`Connective Tissue
General: Animal Trivia: A baby ---------- is about six feet tall at birth`giraffe
General: Animal Trivia: A ---------- can advance 7 to 8 meters in a single stride, and the animal completes four strides per second. A stride is measured as the distance between successive imprints of the same paw`cheetah
General: Animal Trivia: A ---------- can fall from a 5-story building without injury`rat
General: Animal Trivia: Ad&#233:lie ---------- employ yawning as part of their courtship ritual`penguins
General: Animal Trivia: An extinct species of ---------- had a head the size of a Shetland pony's and reached a height of more than ten feet`kangaroo
General: animal trivia: a shrimp has ---------- pairs of legs`five
General: Animal Trivia: A snake has no ----------. However, its tongue is extremely sensitive to sound vibrations. By constantly flicking its tongue, the snake picks up these sound waves. In this sense, a snake hears with its tongue`ears
General: Animal Trivia: A tiger's paw prints are called ----------. A tiger's forefeet have five toes and the hind feet have four toes. All toes have claws. The claws are 80 to 100 mm in length`pug marks
General: Animal Trivia: Because of the giant panda's large size and the small size of their offspring, it is difficult to tell when a panda is`pregnant
General: Animal Trivia: Between the mid-1860's and 1883, the ---------- population in North America was reduced from an estimated 13 million to a few hundred`bison
General: Animal Trivia: ---------- can clock an amazing 31 mph at full speed and cover about 3 times their body length per leap`kittens
General: animal trivia: cougars can kill animals ---------- times their size`eight
General: Animal Trivia: Elephants are covered with ----------. Although it is not apparent from a distance, at close range, one can discern a thin coat of light ----------s covering practically every part of an elephant's body`hair
General: Animal Trivia: Goldfish have four color recepectors in their ---------- compared to our three - the mantis shrimp has ten color receptors`eyes
General: Animal Trivia: In Milwaukee during the 1900s, 12,500 horses in the city left an estimated 133 tons of ---------- and urine on the streets per year`manure
General: Animal Trivia: It would require an average of 18 ---------- to weigh in at 1 ounce`hummingbirds
General: Animal Trivia: Many sharks lay soft-shelled eggs but hammerheads give birth to live young that look like miniature versions of their parents. Young hammerheads are often born ----------, with the tip of their hammerhead folded backward to make them more streamlined for birth`headfirst
General: Animal Trivia: Milk snakes lay about 13 eggs - in piles of animal`manure
General: Animal Trivia: Most ---------- lived to be more than a hundred years old`dinosaurs
General: Animal Trivia: Ninety percent of all species that have become extinct have been`birds
General: Animal Trivia: ---------- of South and Central America and the Caribbean lay their eggs in February and March`iguanas
General: Animal Trivia: One Laysan ----------, tracked by biologists at Wake Forest University, flew more than 24,843 miles in flights across the North Pacific to find food for its chick in just 90 days - a flight distance equivalent to circling the globe`albatross
General: Animal Trivia: Pink elephants? In regions of India where the soil is red, elephants take on a permanent pink tinge because they regularly spray dust over their bodies to protect themselves against`insects
General: Animal Trivia: Sharks and rays are the only animals known to man that cannot succumb to cancer. Scientists believe this is related to the fact that they have no bone - only`cartilage
General: Animal Trivia: Sir Walter Raleigh's black greyhound was named`hamlet
General: Animal Trivia: Some species of freshwater eels migrate to the Sargasso Sea in the Atlantic Ocean to mate. After laying up to 20 million eggs, the female eel dies. The baby eels hatched from the eggs then make their way back to`fresh water
General: Animal Trivia: ---------- swim in circles while they sleep with the eye on the outside of the circle open to keep watch for predators. After a certain amount of time, they reverse and swim in the opposite direction with the opposite eye open`dolphins
General: Animal Trivia: The average capacity of a pelican's ---------- is 12 quarts`pouch
General: animal trivia: the average life expectancy of a rhinoceros in captivity is`fifteen years 15 years
General: Animal Trivia: The blubber of a male ---------- is considered superior to that of the sperm whale for lubricating machinery`elephant seal
General: Animal Trivia: The blue whale is maintained by its blubber and can go up to half a year without`eating
General: Animal Trivia: The calories burned daily by the sled dogs running in Alaska's annual Iditarod race average 10,000. The 1,149-mile race commemorates the 1925 Race for Life when 20 volunteer mushers relayed medicine from Anchorage to Nome to battle a children's`diphtheria epidemic
General: Animal Trivia: The ---------- can travel up to 45 miles per hour, whereas the rabbit can achieve an average speed of just 35 miles per hour`hare
General: Animal Trivia: The flamingoes of East Africa have few natural enemies. In general, the only predators an adult flamingo need fear are the fish eagle and the`marabou stork
General: Animal Trivia: The grizzly bear is capable of running as fast as the average`horse
General: Animal Trivia: The ---------- has only two toes, unlike most birds, which have three or four`ostrich
General: Animal Trivia: The hippopotamus has skin an inch-and-a-half thick, so solid that most ---------- cannot penetrate it`bullets
General: Animal Trivia: The horned lizard of the American southwest may squirt a thin stream of ---------- from the corners of its eyes when frightened`blood
General: Animal Trivia: The ---------- is the only bird that can swim, but not fly. It is also the only bird that walks upright`penguin
General: Animal Trivia: The only country in the world that has a Bill of Rights for Cows is`india
General: Animal Trivia: The smallest bird in the world is the Cuban bee ----------. It is less than 2 inches long from tip of beak to tip of tail. It weighs 6/100ths of an ounce`hummingbird
General: Animal Trivia: The spines on a newborn ---------- start to appear within 24 hours`hedgehog
General: Animal Trivia: Tuna swim at a steady rate of 9 miles per hour for an indefinite period of time - and they never stop moving. Estimates indicate that a 15-year-old tuna travels one million miles in its`lifetime
General: Animal Trivia: When under extreme stress, such as when held in captivity, some octopuses will eat their own arms, which`grow back
General: Animal Trivia: When young abalones feed on red seaweed, their shells turn`red
General: animaniacs tunes: magellan, in his ballad, is looking for`east indies
General: animaniacs tunes: what do you get when you pay your money on the panama canal`a decal
General: An __________ Is Solid With Nine Faces`Enneahedron
General: Annoying, Litigious (And Possibly Duplicitous) Owner Of Boston Beer Company`Jim Koch
General: An 'Obsequious' Person Is`Meek
General: A Noggin`A Small Cup
General: An 'Omniscient' Person Has Unlimited`Knowledge
General: a non-cancerous tumor is said to be`benign
General: A Normal Cellular Gene Corresponding To An Oncogene: A Gene With A Potential To Cause Cancer, But That Requires Some Alteration To Become An Oncogene`Proto-Oncogene
General: A Normal Raindrop Falls At About __________ Miles Per Hour`Seven
General: another name for a frozen water rapper`ice cube
General: 'A Not-So-Still Life' Is The Autobiograpghy Of The Artist Son Of An Artist Father Named Max. What Is The Son's Name`Jimmy Ernst
General: Antarctica Has No Native`Population
General: Antarctic Means`Opposite The Arctic
General: Anthocyanins Are Compounds Which Produce What`Colours
General: Anthropoid (Ape) Of Equatorial Africa That, Physically And Genetically, Is The Animal Most Closely Related To Humans`Chimpanzee
General: Antidifferentiating 1 In Terms Of X =`X+C
General: Antoine Domino Is Better Known The World By What Name`Fats Domino
General: An underground layer of water filled rock is called an`aquifer
General: A Nutrient-Poor, Clear, Deep Lake With Minimum Phytoplankton`Oligotrophic Lake
General: Any comparatively small body of land completely surrounded by water`island
General: Any Man Living In Providence, Ri, Cannot Be Buried West Of The Mississippi. Why Not`He Is Still Alive!
General: Any Month Containing A 'Friday The 13th' Will Start On This Day`Sunday
General: Any Month That Starts On A Sunday Will Have A _____ __ ___ In It`Friday The 13th
General: Any Object Worn As A Charm May Be Called A(N)`Amulet
General: Any Of A Group Of Composite Organisms Made Up Of A Fungus And An Alga Living In Symbiotic Association (Symbiosis)`Lichen
General: Any Of As Many As 50,000 Marine, Freshwater, And Terrestrial Species Of Mollusk`Snail
General: Any Of Several Soft Metal Alloys Used To Line Bearings And Bushings In Order To Reduce Friction`Babbitt Metal
General: Any Of The Drugs Used To Reduce Nervous Tension Or Induce Sleep`Sedative
General: Any Of Various Scientific Recording Devices Designed To Register A Person's Bodily Responses To Being Questioned`Polygraph
General: Anything Described As 'Saurian' Is Much Like A`Saurax
General: Any Town In England That Ends In 'Wich', Originally Produced What Mineral`Salt
General: anyway you want me by:`elvis
General: Anzac troops come from which 2 countries`australia and new zealand
General: A _____ ____ Of Ordinary Fog Contains Less Than A Gallon Of Water`Cubic Mile
General: A __________ Of Russia Is Covered By Forest`Quarter
General: A One-Day _______ ________ Requires About 10 Billion Mathematical Calculations`Weather Forecast
General: A One-Day Weather Forecast Requires About 10 Billion ____________`Mathematical Calculations
General: A One-Humped Camel Is Called A`Dromedary
General: A One-Party System Of Government In Which Control Is Maintained By Force And Regimentation`Fascism
General: Apache Indian Corn Beer`Tizwin
General: A Pack-A-Day Smoker Will Lose Approximately _ Teeth Every 10 Yrs`2
General: A Pack-Day Smoker Will Approx. Lose 2 __________ Every Ten Years`Teeth
General: A Painful Stiffness Of The Muscles And Joints`Rheumatism
General: A Painting Of Which Famous Old Testament Ruling, Completed In 1495, Is One Of The Earliest Works By The Artist Giorgione`Judgment Of Solomon
General: A Pair Of Small Drums Played With The Fingers`Bongo
General: A Pan Am Flight, Which Left London Heathrow Bound For New York In December 1988, Was Blown Up By A Bomb Over A Small Scottish Town. Name The Town`Lockerbie
General: A Parfleche, To A Plains Indian`Rawhide Sack
General: A Parthenophobic Has A Fear Of`Virgins
General: 'A Particularly Haunting Story Was Told In The 12th Century By William Of Newburgh, A Reliable Chronicler Of The Period. Two _____ ________ Were Found. They Spoke An Unknown Language And Refused All Known Food Except Broad Beans.'`Green Children
General: a particularly rare and extreme form of fisting`punch fucking
General: A Penny Whistle Has __________ Finger Holes`Six
General: A Penny Whistle Has Six`Finger Holes
General: A person 100 or more years old`centenarian
General: A Person At His Wit's End Is Said To Be Losing His What`Marbles
General: A Person At Rest Generates As Much Heat As A __________ -Watt Light Bulb`Ten
General: A Person Breathes Up To 7 ____ Of Air Every Minute`Quarts
General: A Person Employed To Drive A Car`Chauffeur
General: A Person In His Eighties Is Called A(N)`Octogenarian
General: a person in his eighties is called a`octogenarian
General: A Person Learning A Trade By Working For An Agreed Period`Apprentice
General: A Person Living In Solitude`Hermit
General: A Person Making A Show Of Piety Is`Sanctimonious
General: A Persons ___ And ___ Continue To Grow Throughout His Or Her Life`Nose Ears`Ears Nose
General: A Person That Is Displeased By Anything That Does Not Meet Very High Standards. (Mingtea)`Perfectionist
General: a person with a strong desire to steal is a(n)`kleptomaniac
General: A Persuasive Or Flattering Person Is Said To Have The Gift Of What`The Gab
General: A ____ Pig Rarely Curls It's Tail`Sick
General: A pigskin is another name for a(n)`football
General: A Pioneer Workstation Company Was A Spinoff Of Carnegie-Mellon University, And It Offered A Product Called Perq. The Company Was`Three Rivers Computing
General: A Pithy Saying`Adage
General: A Place Where Bees Are Kept Called`Apiary
General: A plant allied to the thistle with a partly edible flower`artichoke
General: A plant produced by crossing different species is know as what`a hybrid
General: A Point To Which Rays Of Light Converge Is Called A(N)`Focus
General: A Poll Taken Shows That Between 74 And 94 Percent Of Workers In The United States And Canada Take 5 To 15 Minutes Daily For A`Morning Coffee Break
General: A Poltroon Is A(N)`Coward
General: A Pommel Is Part Of A What`Saddle
General: A Pony Is A Horse That Measures 14.2 Hands Or Less In Height. How Big Is A Hand?(In Inches)`Four Inches`Four Inches
General: A Pound Of Armadillo Meat Contains How Many Calories`780 Calories
General: Apparatus Mixing Air With Petrol Vapour In An Internal Combustion Engine`Carburettor
General: Apparatus Or Specially Constructed Chamber For Maintaining Living Organisms In An Environment That Encourages Growth`Incubator
General: Apparatus That Converts Molecules Into Ions And Then Separates The Ions According To Their Mass-To-Charge Ratio`Mass Spectrometer
General: Apparently, Rain Is Good For ______ ____ _________. It Lasts Longer If It Gets Wet Once In A While`Wicker Lawn Furniture
General: Apparition Or Double Of Living Person`Doppelganger
General: __________ Appear In 4 Shakespearian Plays: Julius Caesar, Richard Iii, Hamlet And Macbeth`Ghosts
General: appearing in many of the gidget movies, this pop star hit number three with the calliope sound of goodbye cruel world in the early sixties`james darren
General: Appearing Toward The End Of The 16th Century The 'Snaphaunce' And The 'Miquelet' Were Two Early Types Of What Kind Of Rifle`Flintlock
General: Apples, Not ________, Are More Efficient At Waking Up In The Morning`Caffeine
General: Approximately 16 Canadians Have Their __________ Removed When Not Required, Everyday`Appendixes
General: Approximately,1 Out Of 25 People Suffer From`Asthma
General: Approximately,1 Out Of __________ People Suffer From Asthma`25
General: Approximately 2 Dozen Countries Currently Still Use Still Use What Dangerous Pesticide That Is Banned In The Us To Control Malaria`Ddt
General: Approximately __________ Canadians Have Their Appendixes Removed When Not Required, Everyday`Sixteen
General: Approximately How Many Children Did Pharaoh Ramses Ii Father`One Hundred And Sixty
General: Approximately How Many Grains Of Sand Does A Quart Size Sand Pail Hold`8 Million
General: Approximately How Many Hairs Does The Average Human Have On Their Body`5 Million
General: Approximately How Many Inches Are There In One Meter`39
General: Approximately How Many New Words Does A 2-Year-Old Learn Per Day`Ten
General: Approximately How Many People Die From Lightening Strikes Every Year In The Us`100
General: Approximately How Many People (In Millions) Were Killed In Stalin's Gulags`Twenty Million
General: Approximately, How Many Periods Will The Average Woman Have In Her Life`480
General: Approximately How Many Pounds Of Dung Does The Average Elephant Produce Daily`Fifty
General: Approximately How Many Quarter-Pounders Can Be Made From One Cow`400
General: Approximately How Many Times A Minute Does Lightning Strike The Earth`Six Thousand
General: Approximately how many times sweeter is saccharin than sucrose`five hundred
General: Approximately How Much Salt Is In Every Gallon Of Seawater`Quarter Pound
General: Approximately How Old Is The First Known Written Advertisement`Three Thousand Years Old
General: Approximately One Half Of The World's Workers Are Employed In This The World's Oldest Industry. Name It`Agriculture
General: Approximately One Out Of ______ Attack Charges By Lions Result In A Kill`Four
General: Approximately One-Third Of _________, The World's Largest Island, Is National Park`Greenland
General: April 22,1915 ______ ___ Used For The First Time In Wwi`Poison Gas
General: April Fool's Day Came From ________ When The Gregorian Calendar Was Adopted`France
General: A Primitive Creature Known As A Coelecanth - Thought To Be Extinct For Millions Of Years - Was Captured Alive In The Twentieth Century. What Type Of Creature Was It`Sea Dweller
General: A Prostitute With Wealthy Or Upper Class Connections`Courtesan
General: A Protein That Must Be Present In The Extracellular Environment For The Growth And Normal Development Of Certain Types Of Cells`Growth Factor
General: A Protein Which Speeds Up A Chemical Reaction Is Called An`Enzyme
General: A Protist That Lives Primarily By Ingesting Food, An Animal-Like Mode Of Nutrition`Protozoan
General: A Punishment By Caning On The Soles Of The Feet`Bastinado
General: A Pyrimidine Base Found In Nucleic Acids: It Hydrogen Bonds With Guanine`Cytosine
General: A Quad Spin Cd-Rom Drive Can Deliver Data At How Many Kb/Second`600
General: A Quality, Fully-Faceted Round Brilliant _______ Has At Least 58 Facets. These Are Important For The Maximum Sparkle And Brilliance Of The Stone`Diamond
General: A Quarter Has 119 Grooves On Its Edge, A ____ Has One Less Groove`Dime
General: A Quarter Has ___ _______ On Its Circumference. A Dime Has One Less`119 Grooves
General: A quarter of Russia is covered by`forest
General: Aquatic mollusc with hinged double shell`bivalve
General: Arab Terrorists Hijack Italian Ocean Liner _____ And Kill An American Passenger`Achille Lauro
General: a rainbow can only occur when the sun is ---------- degrees or less above the horizon`forty
General: A rare or unusual object`curio
General: Araucaria or Chile Pine has a more common name, what is it`monkey puzzle tree
General: A __________ Razor Removed From King Tut's Tomb Was Still Sharp Enough To Be Used`Golden
General: archaic medical terms : disease from breathing coal dust`black lung
General: archaic medical terms : relating to chronic skin problem`lupoid
General: archaic medical terms : yellow fever`black vomit
General: Area Of Commerce That Encompasses Farming Or Trapping Certain Furbearing Animals, Processing Their Skins For Sale To Manufacturers Of Fur Garments, And Marketing Finished Garments To Retail Outlets`Fur Industry
General: A Recent Gallup Poll Shows That ________ Percent Of Americans Believe They Will Go Somewhere After Death`Sixty Nine
General: A Recent Gallup Poll Social Audit On Gambling Showed That ___________ Percent Of Americans Have Bought A Lottery Ticket In The Last 12 Months, Making Lotteries By Far The Favorite Choice Of Gamblers`57
General: A Recent Study Conducted By The Shyness Clinic In Menlo Park, California, Revealed That Almost 90 Percent Of Americans Label Themselves As`Shy
General: A Recent Study Revealed That One-Third Of ___ Enjoy Watching Television`Cats
General: A Receptacle For Holy Water Is A(N)`Font
General: __________ Are Chief Export Of Nauru, An Island Nation In The Western Pacific`Bird Droppings
General: ______ _____ Are Considered Anti-Islamic And Importing Them To Iran Is Prohibited. However, Dozens Of Shops In Tehran In The Late 1990s Displayed Originals, Some Wearing Only A Swimsuit`Barbie Dolls
General: A Red-Haired Man Is More Likely To Go _____ Than Anyone Else`Bald
General: __________ Are In The Same Family As Horses, And Are Thought To Have Inspired The Myth Of The Unicorn`Rhinos
General: A Relationship Between Two Different Types Of Organism Which Live Together For Their Mutual Benefit`Symbiosis
General: ____ Are More Efficient Than Caffeine In Keeping People Awake In The Mornings`Apples
General: A research scientist is sometimes called this`boffin
General: __________ Are The Oldest, Most Widely Cultivated And Extensively Used Nuts In The World`Almonds
General: Are yabbies found in fresh or salt water`fresh
General: A Rigid, Supportive Plant Cell Type Usually Lacking Protoplasts And Possessing Thick Secondary Walls Strengthened By Lignin At Maturity`Sclerenchyma Cell
General: Arnold Schwarzenegger Played Doug Quaid In Which 1990 Film`Total Recall
General: A Robin's Egg Is Blue, But If You Put It In Vinegar For Thirty Days, What Colour Does It Turn`Yellow
General: A Roman Catholic Devotion Consisting Of Prayers Or Services On Nine Consecutive Days Called`Novena
General: Aromatic Gum Resin Burnt As Incense`Frankincense
General: Around 1875, Which Bugandan Kabaka Encouraged Henry Morton Stanley To Send Missionaries To The Area`Mutesa I
General: around 1919, max and dave fleischer produced their first cartoon and created their first popular character, a clown. what was the name of this clown`koko the clown
General: Around 3000 Bc, What Writing System Originated In Sumer`Cuneiform
General: Around The World, Nine ____ Tablets Are Dispensed Every Second`Viagra
General: arousal from the sight, touch, licking, or sucking of a partner's nose`nasophilia
General: A Router Works On What Layer Of The Osi Model`Network
General: A Royal Observatory, Designed By Sir Christopher Wren, Is Located At Zero Degrees Longitude In What English Town`Greenwich
General: Artillery Nco Below The Rank Of Sergeant`Bombadier
General: artist: and you run and you run/to catch up with the sun/but it's sinking`pink floyd
General: artist: an innocent man`joel
General: artist : ...come to my window`melissa etheridge
General: artist: hip to be square`huey lewis and the news
General: artist: nights in white satin/never reaching the end/letters i've written`moody blues
General: Artists Hometowns: Steve Miller`madison
General: artist: so ya/thought ya/might like to/go to the show`pink floyd
General: artists: their red and blue compilation cds were remastered and released in 1993`beatles
General: artist: wise man says/only fools rush in/but I can't help/falling in love with you`elvis
General: Art Of Growing Dwarfed Trees Or Shrubs`Bonsai
General: art of noise remade this popular theme song by mancini`peter gunn theme
General: Art, Science, And Industry Of Managing The Growth Of Plants And Animals For Human Use`Agriculture
General: arts : three main types of greek columns are doric, ionic, and`corinthian
General: A Rubber Disk And A Mischevious Pixie`Puck
General: A Russian Person Famous As A Horseman`Cossack
General: A Salt Enema Was Given To Children To Rid Them Of`Threadworm
General: A Sand Mason Is A`Worm
General: as apple juice makes cider, what does pear juice make`perry
General: A Saudi Arabian Women Can Get A Divorce If Her _______ Doesn't Give Her Coffee`Husband
General: A Saudi Arabian Women Can Get A Divorce If Her Husband Doesn't Give Her`Coffee
General: ______, As A World Commodity, Is Second Only To Oil`Coffee
General: As Befits Its Central Position In Europe, Switzerland Is Multi-Lingual. For Some Little Time, The Official National Languages Have Been German, French, And Italian. In 1938, A Fourth National Language Was Added To The List: What`Romansch
General: A Scalene Triangle Is One With _______ _____ ___`Unequal Sides And Angles
General: A Science Fiction Vip: John W`Campbell
General: A Scimitar`A Sword
General: Ascorbic Acid And Sodium Ascorbate Are The Most Common Forms Of Which Vitamin`Vitamin C
General: A Scut`A Short Tail
General: As Early As 3500 B.C., A Gnomen (A Stick In The Ground) Was Used To Measure`Time
General: A Severe Skin Abscess Or A Bright Red Jewel`Carbuncle
General: A Shadow Of A Four-Dimensional Object Would Have`Three Dimensions
General: a shallow dish with a cover, used for science specimens is a(n)`petri dish
General: A ---------- s heart beats 300 times a minute on average`hedgehog
General: ashes ashes all`fall
General: A Shift In The Equilibrium Of A Solution Due To The Addition Of Ions Of A Species Already Present In The Reaction Mixture`Common Ion Effect
General: A Shiny Liquid Or A Very Big Hot Ball`Mercury
General: A Ship Due To Leave Port Flies A 'Blue Peter'. The Flag Is A Blue Rectangle With`A White Rectangular Centre
General: A Ships Officer In Charge Of Equipment And Crew`Boatswain
General: A Short Thick Post Used For Securing Ropes On A Quay`Bollard
General: A Siesta`Mexican Afternoon Nap
General: A Silicate Mineral, Heat Resistant And Insulating`Asbestos
General: A Similar Earlier Event Is Known As A`Precedent
General: asimov anthony: which of humfrey's wives was a demoness`dana
General: A Single Ounce Of ____ Can Be Beaten Into A Thin Film Covering A Hundred Square Feet`Gold
General: A Single Ounce Of Gold Can Be Beaten Into A Thin Film Covering A`Hundred Square Feet
General: A Single Sheeps Fleece Might Well Contain As Many As ______ ___ Million Fibres`Twenty Six
General: A __________ ____'S Inner Diameter Is 18 Inches`Basketball Ring
General: A Six Sided Polygon Called`Hexagon
General: A Sixth Official Language (In Addition To English, Chinese, French, Spanish And Russian) Was Recognized By The United Nations General Assembly In 1973. What Was It`Arabic
General: A Sizable ___ ____, During The Typical Growing Season, Gives Off 28,000 Gallons Of Moisture`Oak Tree
General: A Sizable Oak Tree, During The Typical Growing Season, Gives Off __________ Gallons Of Moisture`28,000
General: A Sizable __________ Tree, During The Typical Growing Season, Gives Off 28,000 Gallons Of Moisture`Oak
General: A Skin Have I, More Eyes Than One. I Can Be Very Nice When I Am Done. What Am I`Potato
General: A Skin Specialist Called`Dermatologist
General: A Sleepwalker`Somnambulist
General: As Long As You Hold Someone In Your Heart Charlie, You Can Never Loose Them`Jack Frost
General: A small atmospheric vortex that comes from surface heating is known as what`dust devil
General: A Small Crown`Coronet
General: A Small Informal Restaurant`Bistro
General: A small narrow headband`bandeau
General: A Small Naval Escort Vessel`Corvette
General: A Small Nick In The Rim Of A Glass Can Easily Be Smoothed Out By Using An _____`Emery Board
General: A Small Village Without A Church`Hamlet
General: A Smoke Detector Will Alarm If It Detects`Smoke
General: as much as 40% of the entire world's varieties of freshwater fish are to be found where`in the amazon river basin
General: A Snail Can Sleep For How Many Years`Three
General: A Snail Prepared For Use As Food Is Called`Escargot
General: A Snail Takes 33 Hours To Crawl _`1 Mile
General: A Snail Takes __ _____ To Crawl 1 Mile`33 Hours
General: A Sneeze Can Travel As Fast As ___ _______ Miles Per Hour`One Hundred
General: A Sneeze Travels Out Of Your Mouth At Over How Many Miles Per Hour`600
General: A Soft Toffee Like Sweet`Fudge
General: A Software Publishers Association Excellence In Software Award Is Also Known As`Codie
General: A Solid-Bodied Animal Lacking A Cavity Between The Gut And Outer Body Wall`Acoelomate
General: A Solution In Which Water Is The Solvent`Aqueous Solution
General: A Somnambulist`Sleepwalker
General: A Spanish Country Estate Is Known As A`Hacienda
General: asparagus is a member of which family`lily
General: A Specialized Base Triplet On One End Of A Trna Molecule That Recognizes A Particular Complementary Codon On An Mrna Molecule`Anticodon
General: A Sphygmomanometer Used To Measure`Blood Pressure
General: A Spice From Which Root Is Used To Give Food A Yellow Colour`Turmeric
General: A Spool Or Reel For Thread`Bobbin
General: A Square Mile Of Fertile Earth Has __________ Earthworms In It`32,000,000
General: A Square Mile Of Fertile _____ Has 32,000,000 Earthworms In It`Earth
General: A Squid Has How Many Tentacles`Ten
General: A Squirrel Cannot Contract Or Carry The ______ Virus`Rabies
General: A ____'S Roar Can Be Heard From Five Miles Away`Lion
General: Assam, Darjeeling And Oolong Are All Types Of What`Tea
General: as sick as a`dog
General: as sly as a`fox
General: Ass Sphincter Says, 'What.'`Wayne's World
General: Assuming Rudolph Was In Front, There Are 40320 Ways To Rearrange The Other _____ Reindeer`Eight
General: Assuming Rudolph Was In Front, There Are _____ Ways To Rearrange The Other Eight Reindeer`40320
General: Assuming That Each Fold Neatly Overlaps Its Opposite Side, A Dollar Bill Can Be Folded Only Six Times - Seven, If Put Into A`Vise
General: Assuming __________ Was In Front, There Are 40320 Ways To Rearrange The Other Eight Reindeer`Rudolph
General: A Stack Of $1 Dollar Bills One-Mile High Would Be Worth More Than ______________ Dollars`Fourteen Million`14,000,000
General: A Stack Of $1 Dollar Bills ___-____ ____ Would Be Worth More Than $14 Million Dollars`One-Mile High
General: A Standard 7'8' X 3'2' X 6'`Grave
General: A Standard __________ Is 7'8 X 3'2 X 6`Grave
General: A Steroid Hormone Secreted By The Corpus Luteum Of The Ovary: Maintains The Uterine Lining During Pregnancy`Progesterone
General: As The Bowery Known`Street Of Forgotten Men
General: As The Glue On Israeli Postage Stamps Certified`Kosher
General: As The _________ Moves Under Its Coast, The North Island Of New Zealand Is Getting Larger`Pacific Plate
General: A Stitch In Time Saves`Nine
General: A Story Of Ones Own Life`Autobiography
General: A Stream May Disappear Down A Sink-Hole, By What Other Name Is This Known`Swallow Hole
General: 'A Streetcar Named Desire' Stops At ____ Fields (Which Symbolizes 'Paradise Beyond Death' From Ancient Lore)`Elysian
General: astrology:what is your zodiacal sign if you are born on august 9th`leo
General: Astronaut Neil Armstrong Stepped On The Moon With His __________ Foot First`Left
General: A Strong Twilled Cloth Often Used For Raincoats`Gaberdine
General: Astronomical Name For The Big Dipper`Ursa Major
General: astronomy : the tides on the earth's oceans are actually created by gravitational pull from the`moon
General: Astronomy: What Does 'Ursa Major' Mean In Everyday English`Big Bear
General: astronomy : what is the name for the theoretical end-product of the gravitational collapse of a massive star`black hole
General: astronomy : what is the proper name for falling stars`meteors
General: A Study Of Physics And Chemistry Of Celestial Bodies`Astrophysics
General: A Substance That Is Dissolved In A Solution`Solute
General: A Sultan's Wife Called`Sultana
General: A Summer House Giving A View`Gazebo
General: A Survey Revealed That __________ Percent Of Snowmobilers In Maine Are Males. Snowmobiling Added $226 Million To The State's Economy In 1996`87
General: A Suspended Bed Of Canvas Or Netting`Hammock
General: as what did actor-director morgan freeman start his show business career as`dancer
General: As What Did Al Capone's Business Cards Identify Him`Furniture Dealer
General: As What Did H.G Wells Refer To Adolf Hitler`Certifiable Lunatic
General: As What Did Kotex First Manufactured In Wwi`Bandages
General: as what is a camelopard also known`giraffe
General: as what is krung thep is more commonly known`bangkok
General: As What Is Merle Haggard Also Known As`Okie From Muskogee
General: As What Is Minnesota Also Known`Gopher State
General: As What Is Polaris Also Known`North Star
General: As What Is Sulphur Also Known`Brimstone
General: As What Is The North Star Also Known`Polaris
General: As What Is The South Pole Also Known`Amundsen Scott Station
General: As What Was Anne Bonney Notorious In The 18th Century`Pirate
General: As What Was Istanbul Previously Known`Constantinople
General: As What Was John F. Kennedy Airport Formerly Known`Idlewild
General: As What Was Lincoln Park In Chicago Originally Used`Cemetary
General: As What Was Sony's Video Recorder Known`Betamax
General: As What Was Surinam Formerly Known`Dutch Guiana
General: As What Was Taiwan Formerly Known`Formosa
General: as what was tomato ketchup once sold`medicine
General: As What Was Winchester Known By The Romans`Venta Bulgarum
General: As What Were 'The Supremes' Originally Known`Primettes
General: A Synonym For Lying Or Untruthful`Mendacious
General: A System Of Government In Which States Are United For Certain Purposes, But For Others Are Independent`Federalism
General: At 12 Years Old, An African Named Ernest Loftus Made His First Entry In His Diary And Continued Everyday For __________ Years`91
General: At 12 Years Old, An African Named __________ Made His First Entry In His Diary And Continued Everyday For 91 Years`Ernest Loftus
General: At 12 Years Old, An __________ Named Ernest Loftus Made His First Entry In His Diary And Continued Everyday For 91 Years`African
General: At 803.8 Feet In Length And 135.1 Feet In Diameter, This Is The Largest Aircraft Ever To Fly`Hindenburg
General: At A 1986 Auction, What Was The Winning Bid For Two Arrows From The Battle Of Little Bighorn`$17 000
General: At Age 16, Confucius Was A __________ Inspector`Corn
General: At Age 16, __________ Was A Corn Inspector`Confucius
General: At Age __________, Confucius Was A Corn Inspector`16
General: A _____ Takes 33 Hours To Crawl 1 Mile`Snail
General: At Andrew Jackson's Funeral In 1845, His Pet Parrot Had To Be Removed. Why`Because It Was Swearing
General: At Any Given Time, There Are 1,800 ______ Going On Around The World`Rainstorms
General: At Any Given Time, There Are __________ Thunderstorms In Progress Over The Earth's Atmosphere`1,800
General: At Approximately What Speed Do Raindrops Fall`7 Mph
General: a tayberry is a cross between which two fruits`blackberry and raspberry
General: A Taylor Series Centered At Zero Is`A Maclaurin Series
General: At Birth A _____ Is Smaller Than A Mouse And Weighs About Four Ounces`Panda
General: At Birth A Panda Is Smaller Than A Mouse And Weighs About ____`Four Ounces
General: At Darts, A Score Of 26 Called`Bed And Breakfast
General: At Darts, What Is A Score Of 26 Called`Bed And Breakfast
General: At Full Throttle Top Fuel Dragsters Burn Fuel At The Rate Of ___ Gallons Per Minute`150
General: At Funerals In Ancient China, When The Lid Of The Coffin Was Closed, Mourners Took A Few Steps Backward Incase Their What Got Caught In The Box`Shadow
General: At Funerals In Ancient _____, When The Lid Of The Coffin Was Closed, Mourners Took A Few Steps Backward Lest Their Shadows Get Caught In The Box`China
General: A Thick Revolving Cylinder For Winding Cables`Capstan
General: A Thoroughgoing And Complete Republican Might Be Called A Dyed-In-The ___What Kind Of Republican`Wool
General: A Thread Used In Surgery To Tie A Bleeding Blood Vessel Is Called A(N)`Ligature
General: Athyra Rules Minds' Interplay`Phoenix Rise From Ashes, Gray
General: A Tightrope Walker`Funambulist
General: Atilla The Hun Is Thought To Have Been A`Dwarf
General: A Time Scale Established By Geologists That Reflects A Consistent Sequence Of Historical Periods, Grouped Into Four Eras: Precambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, And Cenozoic`Geological Time Scale
General: Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total`israel
General: Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 2 Bronze, 2 in Total`morocco
General: Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 13 Gold, 10 Silver, 12 Bronze, 35 in Total`italy
General: Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total`ecuador
General: at mcdonalds in new zealand, what type of pies do they serve instead of cherry`apricot
General: A Tombstone Inscription Called`Epitaph
General: Atomic Clocks, Synchronized To The Resonance Of Cesium 133 Atoms, Will Not Lose One Second In ___ Million Years`Twenty
General: Atoms Are Made Of`Electrons, Neutrons And Protons
General: At One Time,6 White Beads Of This Indian Currency Were Worth One Penny`Wampum
General: A ___________ Tongue Is Long Enough To Wrap It Around His Head 2 Times`Woodpeckers
General: A Tornado At Sea Is Called A`Waterspout
General: A Trawler Crew Once Recovered And Drank With Gusto A Bottle Of Wine From A _____'_`Shark's Stomach
General: ___ ________ At Sea Level Is Roughly Equal To The Weight Of An Elephant Spread Over A Small Coffee Table`Air Pressure
General: Attempts To Register What Political Party In China Have Caused Harassment Of It's Supporters By Chinese Authorities`China Democratic Party
General: Attend A Party Uninvited`Gatecrash
General: At The 2000 Gatecon Chris Judge Was Wearing A Shirt With An Arrow That Said What`Junior
General: At The Age Of 12, Martin Luther King Became So Depressed He Tried Committing Suicide Twice, By Jumping Out Of His`Bedroom Window
General: At The Climax Of North By Northwest, The Hero And Heroine Climb Across The Faces Of American Presidents On A Famous Monument. Name It`Mount Rushmore
General: At The Deepest Point, An ____ ____ Would Take More Than An Hour To Sink To The Ocean Floor.( 11.034 Km )`Iron Ball
General: At The End Of 'Planet Of The Apes' What Protruded From The Rocks`Statue Of Liberty
General: At The End Of This Classic Frank R. Stockton Story We Are Asked What Comes Out Of The Open Door, The Lady Or The`Tiger
General: At The Height Of Inflation In Germany In The Early 1920s, One U.S. Dollar Was Equal To __________ German Marks`4 Quintillion
General: At The Height Of Its Power, In 400 B.C., The Greek City Of ______ Had 25,000 Citizens And 500,000 Slaves`Sparta
General: At The Nearest Point , Russia And _______ Are Less Than 4 Km Apart`America
General: At The Outbreak Of World War I, The American ___________ Consisted Of Only Fifty Men`Air Force
General: at the start of the 1958 season, what was the specified fuel for f1 use`aviation spirit
General: At The Turn Of The Last __________, Dublin Ireland Had The Largest Slave Market In The World, Run By The Vikings`Millennium
General: At The Turn Of The Last Millennium, Dublin Ireland Had The Largest _____ Market In The World, Run By The Vikings`Slave
General: At The Turn Of The Last Millennium, ______ Ireland Had The Largest Slave Market In The World, Run By The Vikings`Dublin
General: attribution of human form or qualities to that which is not human`anthropomorphism
General: At What Age Are Japanese Citizens Eligible To Vote`Twenty
General: At What Age Did Jack Join The Military`Eighteen
General: At What Age Did The Famous Cleopatra Take Her First Lover`Twelve
General: At What Age Does A Filly Become A Mare`Five Years
General: At What Age Do You Humans Gradually Begin To Shrink`Thirty
General: At What Age Should A Female Start Having Regular Pap Tests`Eighteen
General: At What Angle Above The Horizon Must The Sun Be To Create A Rainbow`40 Degrees
General: At What Atoll In The South Pacific Did The United States Do Bomb Nuclear Bomb Test In 1946`Bikini Atoll
General: At What Atoll In The South Pacific Did The U.S. Do Bomb Nuclear Bomb Test In 1946`Bikini Atoll
General: At What Church Did Billy Sunday Hold An Intensive 2 Week Revival Campaign That Began On Jan. 7,1934`Calvary Baptist Church
General: At What Does Singapore Use The Colours Blue And Yellow To Ward Off Evil Spirits`Funerals
General: At what does Singapore use the colours blue & yellow to ward off evil spirits`funerals
General: At What Fort In Montana Did Sitting Bull And His Followers Surrender In 1881`Fort Buford
General: At What Seaside Resort Did Britain's First Legal Casino Open On The 2nd June 1962`Brighton
General: At What Theme Park Are The Looney Toons Associated With`Six Flags
General: At What Time Did The Hiroshima Bomb Detonate`8: 15 Am
General: At What Wind Speed Does A Snowstorm Become A Blizzard?(In Mph)`35`35 Mph`35mph
General: At Which Address Will You Find The White House`1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
General: At Which American University Were Four Students Shot Dead In 1970 Whilst Protesting Against The Vietnam War`Kent State, Ohio
General: At Which Battle Was General Custer Famously Defeated In 1876`Little Bighorn