Baby Names Beginning With "Y":  Meaning: Work`yenge
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Alive`zivan
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: A Sign`zion
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Beautiful`zene
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Beauty`zayn
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Brilliant, Ahead`zula
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Brilliant and Lovely`zuleika
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Consecrated to God`zizi
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Created`zinna
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Departure`zoan
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Earth`zola
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Elder`zaide
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Exalted/Honored`zebulon
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Female`zaila
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: First born of twins`zesiro
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Flower`zahur
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: FROM Teresa`zyta
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: From the Flower`zinnia
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: From the name John`zane
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: From the name SARA`zara
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: From the name SUSAN`zsa
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: From the name ZAZA`zazu
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: From Zaire`zaire
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: From ZEDEKIAH`zed
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Gazelle`zwi
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Generous`zenas
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: God is Fair`zedekiah
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: God of Fatherhood`zaci
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Golden`zarina
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Gold`zeheb
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Good Fortune`zada
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Growing`zaida
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Guardian`zareb
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Healthy and Vigorous`zulema
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Help of God`ziraili
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Hospitable`zena
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Hospitable`zenia
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: I Have no Child`zef
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Innocent`zaccheus
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Irish Saint`zephan
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Life`zoe
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Life`zoey
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Life`zoie
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Life`zoltan
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Life`zoltin
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Light, Brilliance`zohar
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Light`ziya
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Lily`zanna
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: May God Protect the King`zarek
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Movement`zaza
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: My Shadow`zili
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: My Shadow`zilli
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Peaceful & Quiet`zalman
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Present`zavad
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Protected, Sacred`zimri
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Protector`zareh
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Rainbow`ziazan
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Remembered by the Lord`zachariah
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Remembrance of the Lord`zach
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Remembrance of the Lord`zachary
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Respected, Wise`zeroun
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Rose Flower`zytka
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Sash`zona
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Sign, Symbol`zenobia
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Smart`zeki
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Spiritual Leader`zo
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Splendor`ziva
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Stranger`zenon
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Strength of God`zeke
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Successful`zarifa
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Thank You`zikomo
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: The Blessed One`zelig
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: The Lord is my Rock`zuriel
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: The Seeker`zita
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: To get rid of Anger`zbigniew
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: To Tremble`zia
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Trap`zared
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Very Bright`ziv
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Vigorous, Alive`ziven
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Well Fed`zan
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Wheat`zea
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: White Wave`zenevieva
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Wisdom`zofia
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Wolf`zev
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Woman Warrior`zelda
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Zeal`zelia
Baby Names Beginning With "Z":  Meaning: Zeus`zeno
Baby robins eat _____ feet of earthworms every day`fourteen
Baby robins eat _____ feet of earthworms every day`fourteen`14
'Baby's Breath' is the common name for which plant`gypsophila
Baby Was A Frightening Success For Ira Levin`Rosemary
Baccara sang yes sir i can`boogie
baccara sang yes sir i can.what`boogie
Bacillophobia is a fear of ______`microbes
Bacillophobia is the fear of`microbes
Backdrops, hangings, furnishings, and other accessories on a stage that represent the location of a scene`sceneries
Backing Group Was Called 'The Blockheads'`Ian Drury
Back in the day at Walt Disney studios, Walt's brother Ray (yes, Ray) reportedly peddled what to employees on the lot`insurance
'Back in the Habit' is the sub-title to which film sequel`sister act
Back kitchen, room where dishes are washed`scullery
Back of horse's leg where hair grows above hoof`fetlock
Back To The Future: Back to the Future 3 was set in one of Doc's favourite places, the __ __`wild west
Back To The Future: Doc Brown knew Biff stole the car because part of Biff's _ was found in it`cane
Back To The Future: In BTTF 1, Marty & Doc must wait for _ so that Marty can get back to 1985`lightning
Back To The Future: In BTTF 2, Biff is rich in 1985 because of a book given to him in 1955 by __ __`old biff
Back To The Future: Marty & Doc travel to 1955 again to prevent young Biff from receiving the`almanac
Back To The Future: Marty gives a _ to the Doc in 1955 to prevent Doc from being killed in 1985`letter
Back To The Future: The rich Biff has the Almanac hidden behind a`painting
Back To The Future: The song played when Marty's parents first kiss at the dance`earth angel
Back To The Future: The speed required in mph for time travel to occur (in WORDS,eg sixty one)`eighty eight
Back To The Future: When Marty travels to the year 2015, the Jaws film that's playing: ____ __`jaws 19
Bacteriophobia is a fear of ______`bacteria
Bacterium causing food poisoning`salmonella
Bactrachophobia is the fear of`reptiles
Bactrian camels have survived in a land with no water in an area used for nuclear testing. Their numbers, however, are falling dramatically as humans encroach farther and farther into China's ______ Desert`gobi
Badderlocks is a form of....`seaweed
Baden-Powell, founder of the Boy Scouts, wrote a book entitled___________?`Rovering to success
Badlands is a feature of which American state`south dakota
Bad luck`mischance
Badminton star Liem Swie King represented which country`indonesia
Bad news for men and mate swapping: while 25.9% of men fantasized about it, only __._% of women did.`11.3
Bad Religion: "See him on the interstate..."`american jesus
Bagels are a traditional bread baked by followers of which religion`jewish
Baghdad is the capital of ______`iraq
Bag used for carrying school books`satchel
Baked sweet foods made with pastry: 'Viennese pastry.'`pastries
Baked whipped egg whites`meringue
Baklava is a form of....`dessert
Baku is the capital of which country`azerbaijan
balistics: what does the acronym bar stand for`browning automatic rifle
Ball and ______`chain
Ball and `chain
ballet: leap in which dancer rapidly strikes heels together in air.`entrechat
Ballet sensation Rudolf Nureyev leaps over the ___ to defect to the West`iron curtain
ballet: what is a leap from one foot to another`jete
ballet: what is the main body of ballet dancers`corps de ballet
ballet: what is the short, stiff skirt worn in classical ballet`tutu
ballet: what is the term for a movement in which the dancer spins completely round on one foot`pirouette
ballet: what is the term for a turn in which the dancer whips free leg around`fouette
Ballistophobia is the fear of`missles`bullets
Ball of scented aromatic substances`pomander
Ballroom dance in triple time`waltz
Ballroom dance of Brazilian origin`samba
Ballroom dance of cuban origin`rumba
Balmoral castle is on the banks of which Scottish river`river dee
baltimore has one of the world's largest ________.`natural harbors
Bamako is the capital of ______`mali
bambi's friend flower was one of these animals?`skunk
Bamboo is which of the following grass, tree, fern`grass
Banaba (or Ocean Island) is found in which country`kiribati
Banality, vulgarity, or artificiality when deliberately affected or when appreciated for its humor: Camp is popularity plus vulgarity plus innocence`camp
Banality, vulgarity, or artificiality when deliberately affected or when appreciated for its humor: Camp is popularity plus vulgarity plus innocence`camping
Bananas are actually what`herbs
bananas do not grow on---------- , but on rhizomes`trees
bananas do not grow on trees, but on----------`rhizomes
Bananas grow pointing`upwards
Band: After I told a friend of mine their name he replied, "No, it's not Giants"`they might be giants
Band : Amy Ray, Emily Saliers`indigo girls
Band : Anita Lane, Nick Cave, Barry Adamson etc.`the birthday party
banda oriental was formerly the name of?`uruguay
Band: Barney Greenway, Shane Embury, Mitch Harris, etc...`napalm death
Band: Black Hole Sun - Spoonman - Superunknown`soundgarden
Band : Bob Weir, Jerry Garcia, etc...`grateful dead
Band : Claypool, Lalonde, Alexander`primus
Band : Curly MC, F. Gregorian, Angel`enigma
Band : David Gilmour, Rick Wright, Nick Mason`pink floyd
Band: Donald Fagen, Walter Becker, Michael McDonald, Rick Derringer...`steely dan
Band: Eddie Veddar and Jeff Ament.`pearl jam
Band : Elizabeth Fraser, Robin Guthrie, Simon Raymonde`cocteau twins
Band: Evan Dando's band.`lemonheads
Band: Hotel California - Your Lyin Eyes`eagles
Band: Johnny Rotten, Sid Vicious, etc...`sex pistols
Band : Jon Anderson, Rick Wakeman, Steve Howe, etc...`yes
Band : Kerry King, Tom Araya, Jeff Hanneman, Dave Lombardo`slayer
Band : King Diamond, Snowy Shaw, Michael Denner, etc...`mercyful fate
Band: Kurt Cobain, Dave Grohl, Krist Novoselic, and Pat Smear.`nirvana
Band led by Matt Johnson in whick Johnny Marr can be found.`the the
Band: Maire Brennan, Eithne ni Bhroanain`clannad
Band: Michael Anthony, Sammy Hagar, etc...`van halen
Band: Named not for a band member, but a 17th century agronomist`jethro tull
Band: Natalie Merchant's old band.`10000 maniacs
Band of decoration especially at the top of a wall`frieze
Band: Perry Ferrel's band before Porno For Pyros.`janes addiction
Band: Robert Smith, Boris Williams, Laurence Tolhurst, Simon Gallup, Porl Thompson`the cure
Band : Robert Trujillo, Mike Muir, "Sarsippius", etc...`infectious grooves
Band: Rowland S. Howard, Genevieve McGuckin, Epic Soundtracks etc.`these immortal souls
Bands: ..come together with your hands, save me, I'm together with your plan..`soundgarden
Bands: Even Flow - Jeremy - Alive`pearl jam
Bands: Feelin Groovy - Cecilia - Bridge Over Troubled Water`simon and garfunkel
Bands: Foxy Lady - Purple Haze`jimi hendrix
Bands: Hotel California - Your Lyin Eyes`eagles
Bands: Jimmy Iovine produced an album for __`u2
Bands: Mother - Goodbye Blue Sky - Comfortably Numb`pink floyd
Bands: One - Creeping Death - Unforgiven`metallica
Bands: Performs: Bad habit, Genocide, Killboy Powerhead`offspring
Bands: Performs classic song, La Grange`zztop
Bands: Performs: Flame trees, Cheap Wine, Breakfast at Sweethearts (Australian)`cold chisel
Bands: Performs: Mayonaise, Soma, Luna, Silverfck`smashing pumpkins
Bands: Performs: Poly, Come as you are, Lithium`nirvana
Bands: Permanent Vacation - Ragg Doll - Angel`aerosmith
Bands: Piggy - The Downward Spiral - The Becoming`nine inch nails
Bands: Rod Stewart, Ron Wood, Steve Marriot...`the faces
Bands: Sarah Mclachlan played piano and sang on several tracks on their new album`blue rodeo
Bands: Songs include "dixie Chicken," and Oh, Atlanta"`little feat
Bands: songs include "Maple Leaf Rag," and "Fanfare for the Common Man"`elp
Bands: Stairway to Heaven - Whole Lotta Love`led zeppelin
Bands: Suck my Kiss - Breaking the Girl`red hot chili peppers
Band: Stairway to Heaven - Whole Lotta Love`led zeppelin
Bands: The solution to a problem`the cure
Bands: Who has the edge over other bands`u2
Band: Their "Be my girl-Sally" is about an inflatable friend`the police
Band: Their Masterpiece has been turned into a watered down musical`the who
Band: Their one hit wonder was later butchered by Tesla`five man electrical band
Band: Them Bones - Rooster - Dirt`alice in chains
Band: The New Kids on the Block of the '70s`the bay city rollers
Band to keep up stockings`garter
Band: Trent Reznor`nine inch nails
Band with 3 confusing videos, the last one being "Estranged"`guns n roses
Band with albums _Constuction Time Again_ and _A Broken Frame_`depeche mode
Band with albums _Honey Lingers_ and _Let it Bee_`voice of the beehive
Band with albums _Lincoln_, _Apollo 18_, and _John Henry_.`they might be giants
Band with albums "Piper at the Gates of Dawn" "Obscured by Clouds" "More"`pink floyd
Band with the song "Girlfriend in a Coma"`the smiths
Band: Yamatsuka Eye, John Zorn, Bill Laswell, Fred Frith, etc...`naked city
Band: Yanovsky, Butler, Sebastian, Boone`the lovin spoonful
Banff, Alberta is famous Arnold the world for what`Hot Springs
Bangalore and Jaipur are in which country`india
Banging your head against a wall can burn up to --- calories per hour.`150
Bangkok is the capital of ______`thailand
Bangkok is which country's capital`thailand
Bangladesh became independent in 1971,what was it called before that date`east pakistan
Bangui is the capital of ______`central african republic
Banishment or exclusion from a group: disgrace`ostracism
Banjul is the capital of ______`gambia
Bank robber John Dillinger played professional`baseball
Bantu-speaking people of southern Africa?`zulu
Barbara bel geddes won a emmy in 1980 as outstanding lead actress in what drama series`dallas
Barbara 'I Dream Of Jeannie' Eden was married to an actor who once portrayed Cochise.  Name him.`michael ansara
Barbara Streisand was the female lead in 'Hello, Dolly'- Who was the male lead`Walter Matthau
Barbary Apes live on what Mediterranean feature`rock of gibraltar
Barbie: Barbie's black friend`christie
Barbie: Barbie's English friend`stacey
Barbie: Barbie's "MOD'ern" cousin`francie
Barbie: Barbie's tiny twinned brother`todd
Barbie: Barbie variety with suntanned skin`malibu
Barbie: Complete the Barbie outfit name : Here Comes The -----`bride
Barbie: Complete the Barbie outfit name : Senior`prom
Barbie: Doll copied from London's top teen model`twiggy
Barbie Dolls: Barbie is actually derived from this German doll, intended as a sexual gag`lilli
Barbie Dolls: Barbie model with changable hair color`color magic
Barbie Dolls: Barbie's English friend`stacey
Barbie Dolls: Barbie's "MOD'ern" cousin`francie
Barbie Dolls: Complete the Barbie outfit name : Gay ______`parisienne
Barbie Dolls: Complete the Barbie outfit name : Senior ______`prom
Barbie Dolls: Complete the Barbie outfit name : Sorority ______`tea
Barbie Dolls: Ken's black friend`brad
Barbie Dolls: What Ken wears when he visits Germany`lederhosen
Barbie Dolls: Where Barbie goes skiing`sun valley
Barbie doll used to drive a Chevrolet Corvette.  What was her vehicle of choice after she tired of the Corvette`Convertible Mustang
Barbie Doll was based upon a comic strip prostitute named who`Lilli
Barbie: Ken's black friend`brad
Barbie: Ken's buddy`allan
Barbie: Manufacturer of Barbie dolls`mattel
Barbie: Model of car Barbie drives`corvette
Barbie's measurements if she were life size:?`39-23-33
Barbie's nautical-sounding sister`skipper
Barbie: The first airline Barbie was a stewardess for`american
Barbie: Type of house Barbie lives in`dream
Barbie: What Barbie wears when she visits Japan`kimono
Barbie: What Ken wears when he visits Germany`lederhosen
Barbie: What year did Barbie make her debut`the jets
Barbra Streisand starred in the sequel to Funny Girl what was it called`funny lady
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Algeria`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Argentina`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Australia`10
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Austria`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Bahamas`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Belgium`2
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Brazil`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Bulgaria`6
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Canada`7
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: China`13
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Chinese Taipei`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Colombia`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Croatia`2
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Cuba`11
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Czechoslovakia`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Denmark`4
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Estonia`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Ethiopia`2
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Finland`2
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: France`16
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Germany`27
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Ghana`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Great Britain`12
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Greece`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Hungary`7
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Indonesia`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Iran`2
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Ireland`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Israel`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Italy`8
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Jamaica`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Japan`9
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Kenya`2
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Latvia`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Lithuania`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Malaysia`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Mexico`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Mongolia`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Morocco`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Namibia`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: New Zealand`5
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Nigeria`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: North Korea`5
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Norway`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Pakistan`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Peru`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Philippines`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Poland`8
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Puerto Rico`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Qatar`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Romania`8
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Slovenia`2
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: South Africa`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: South Korea`11
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Spain`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Suriname`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Sweden`4
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Switzerland`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Thailand`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: The Netherlands`7
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Turkey`2
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Unified Team 1992`29
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: United States of America`36
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many BRONZE medals were won by: Yugoslavia`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Algeria`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Argentina`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Australia`7
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Austria`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Bahamas`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Belgium`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Brazil`2
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Bulgaria`3
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Canada`5
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: China`16
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Chinese Taipei`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Colombia`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Croatia`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Cuba`14
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Czechoslovakia`4
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Denmark`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Estonia`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Ethiopia`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Finland`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: France`8
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Germany`30
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Ghana`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Great Britain`5
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Greece`2
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Hungary`11
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Indonesia`2
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Iran`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Ireland`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Israel`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Italy`6
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Jamaica`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Japan`3
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Kenya`2
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Latvia`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Lithuania`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Malaysia`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Mexico`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Mongolia`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Morocco`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Namibia`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: New Zealand`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Nigeria`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: North Korea`4
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Norway`2
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Pakistan`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Peru`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Philippines`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Poland`3
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Puerto Rico`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Qatar`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Romania`3
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Slovenia`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: South Africa`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: South Korea`11
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Spain`13
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Suriname`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Sweden`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Switzerland`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Thailand`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: The Netherlands`2
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Turkey`2
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Unified Team 1992`44
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: United States of America`33
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many GOLD medals were won by: Yugoslavia`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Algeria`2
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Argentina`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Australia`26
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Austria`2
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Bahamas`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Belgium`3
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Brazil`3
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Bulgaria`14
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Canada`15
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: China`50
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Chinese Taipei`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Colombia`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Croatia`3
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Cuba`31
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Czechoslovakia`6
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Denmark`6
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Estonia`2
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Ethiopia`3
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Finland`5
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: France`29
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Germany`76
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Ghana`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Great Britain`20
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Greece`2
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Hungary`29
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Indonesia`5
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Iran`3
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Ireland`2
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Israel`2
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Italy`19
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Jamaica`4
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Japan`20
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Kenya`8
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Latvia`3
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Lithuania`2
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Malaysia`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Mexico`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Mongolia`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Morocco`3
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Namibia`2
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: New Zealand`10
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Nigeria`4
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: North Korea`9
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Norway`7
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Pakistan`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Peru`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Philippines`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Poland`17
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Puerto Rico`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Qatar`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Romania`15
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Slovenia`2
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: South Africa`2
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: South Korea`27
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Spain`21
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Suriname`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Sweden`12
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Switzerland`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Thailand`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: The Netherlands`15
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Turkey`6
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Unified Team 1992`110
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: United States of America`103
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many Gold, Silver & Bronze medals (TOTAL) were won by: Yugoslavia`2
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Algeria`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Argentina`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Australia`9
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Austria`2
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Bahamas`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Belgium`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Brazil`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Bulgaria`5
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Canada`3
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: China`21
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Chinese Taipei`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Colombia`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Croatia`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Cuba`6
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Czechoslovakia`2
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Denmark`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Estonia`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Ethiopia`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Finland`2
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: France`5
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Germany`19
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Ghana`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Great Britain`3
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Greece`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Hungary`11
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Indonesia`2
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Iran`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Ireland`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Israel`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Italy`5
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Jamaica`3
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Japan`8
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Kenya`4
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Latvia`2
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Lithuania`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Malaysia`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Mexico`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Mongolia`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Morocco`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Namibia`2
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: New Zealand`4
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Nigeria`3
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: North Korea`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Norway`4
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Pakistan`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Peru`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Philippines`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Poland`6
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Puerto Rico`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Qatar`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Romania`4
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Slovenia`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: South Africa`2
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: South Korea`5
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Spain`7
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Suriname`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Sweden`7
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Switzerland`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Thailand`0
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: The Netherlands`6
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Turkey`2
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Unified Team 1992`37
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: United States of America`34
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: How many SILVER medals were won by: Yugoslavia`1
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0  Gold, 0  Silver, 1  Bronze, 1 in Total`argentina
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0  Gold, 0  Silver, 1  Bronze, 1 in Total`bahamas
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0  Gold, 0  Silver, 1  Bronze, 1 in Total`colombia
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0  Gold, 0  Silver, 1  Bronze, 1 in Total`ghana
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0  Gold, 0  Silver, 1  Bronze, 1 in Total`malaysia
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0  Gold, 0  Silver, 1  Bronze, 1 in Total`mongolia
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0  Gold, 0  Silver, 1  Bronze, 1 in Total`pakistan
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0  Gold, 0  Silver, 1  Bronze, 1 in Total`philippines
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0  Gold, 0  Silver, 1  Bronze, 1 in Total`puerto rico
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0  Gold, 0  Silver, 1  Bronze, 1 in Total`qatar
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0  Gold, 0  Silver, 1  Bronze, 1 in Total`suriname
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0  Gold, 0  Silver, 1  Bronze, 1 in Total`thailand
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0  Gold, 0  Silver, 2  Bronze, 2 in Total`slovenia
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0  Gold, 1  Silver, 0  Bronze, 1 in Total`chinese taipei
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0  Gold, 1  Silver, 0  Bronze, 1 in Total`mexico
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0  Gold, 1  Silver, 0  Bronze, 1 in Total`peru
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0  Gold, 1  Silver, 1  Bronze, 2 in Total`israel
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0  Gold, 1  Silver, 1  Bronze, 2 in Total`yugoslavia
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1  Gold, 0  Silver, 0  Bronze, 1 in Total`switzerland
Barcelona 1992 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 44  Gold, 37  Silver, 29  Bronze, 110 in Total`unified team 1992
Bardolatry is an excessive admiration for which writer`william shakespeare
Bare Feet Did 3,000-Meter Runner Mary Decker Trip Over At The 1984 Olympics`Zola Budd
Barefoot in the Park is the work of which playwright`neil simon
Barely satisfactory or sufficient: 'The skater's technique was only adequate.'`adequacy
Barkley name the only animal whose main source of food is the porcupine`fisher
Barnacle, Canada and Brent are all types of what`geese
Barney Clark was the first recipient of which artificial heart`jarvik 7
baron pierre de coubertin is the founding father of the modern`olympics
Barophobia is fear of`gravity
Barophobia is the fear of ____`gravity
Barrel, breech and stock are all parts of a what`gun
Barren: lifeless: 'the rocky, -------- surface of the moon.'`desolate
Barrier reef What famous writer was born May 25, 1803`ralph waldo emerson
Bartolomeo Diaz called it the Cape of Storms. What is it called now`the cape of good hope
Baseball: hank aaron received more of what than any other person`personal
Baseball: Hank Aaron received more of what than any other person`personal mail
Baseball:  records: as of 2003, he was the last american league pitcher to throw a 9 pitch inning (nine pitches, nine strikes to retire the side)`pedro martinez
Baseball:  records: as of 2004, he is ranked 5th on the all time home runs list with 586`frank robinson
Baseball:  records: as of 2004, this former san diego padres outfielder was the last player to hit over .390 in a single season`tony gwynn
Baseball:  records: between 1982 and 1998, this shortstop played in an astounding 2,632 consecutive Games`cal ripken jr.
Baseball:  records: despite his ban from mlb for gambling against his own team, this man holds the all time record for career hits with 4256`pete rose
Baseball:  records: he holds the all time mlb record for stolen bases in a career with 1406`rickey henderson
Baseball:  records: he holds the mlb record for consecutive Games with a hit, with 56 in 1941`joe dimaggio
Baseball:  records: he holds the mlb record for most career Games pitched with 749`cy young
Baseball:  records: he holds the record for most strikeouts in a career with 5,714`nolan ryan
Baseball:  records: he hold the mlb record for most no hitters in a career with 7`nolan ryan
Baseball:  records: he is the all time mlb leader in runs batted in with 2,297`hank aaron
Baseball:  records: in 1965, became the oldest man to ever play in an mlb game at the ripe young age of 59`satchel paige
Baseball:  records: in 1998, this shortstop became only the third player in mlb History to ever hit 40 home runs and steal 40 bases in a single season`alex rodriguez
Baseball:  records: in 2003, this blue jays first basemen became only the third player in mlb History to tally 90+ rbi's before the all star game`carlos delgado
Baseball:  records: in 2003, this switch-hitting third basemen became only the first player in mlb History to hit a grand slam home run from both sides of the plate in the same game`bill mueller
Baseball:  records: on may 6, 1998, this chicago cubs rookie became only the second pitcher in mlb History to strike out 20 batters in a single game`kerry wood
Baseball:  records: rickey henderson passed him to become the all time career leader in stolen bases`lou brock
Baseball:  records: this atlanta braves outfielder is the youngest player to ever hit a home run in the world series (watch the Spelling)`andruw jones
Baseball:  records: this former new york yankee holds the record for most game winning rbi's in a career with 129`keith hernandez
Baseball:  records: this former new york yankee struck out more times in his career than anyone else with 2,597`reggie jackson
Baseball:  records: this former red sox outfielder holds the american league record for most career at bats with 11,988`carl yastrzemski
Baseball:  records: this outfielder, who played from 1907-1928, holds the all time mlb record for doubles in a career with 792`tris speaker
Baseball:  records: this team has won more world series rings than any other mlb team with 26`new york yankees
Baseball star Joe Dimaggio married which actress`marilyn monroe
Baseball the atlanta ______`braves
Baseball: The Baltimore ________.`orioles
Baseball: The Baltimore `Orioles
Baseball - the Boston Red______`sox
BaseBall - The Chicago ____`cubs
Baseball the Cleveland ______`indians
Baseball the florida ______`marlins
Baseball the houston ______`astros
Baseball the kansas city ______`royals
Baseball: the Milwaukee _______`brewers
Baseball the new york ______`mets
Baseball the philadelphia ______`phillies
Baseball the San Diego _______`padres
Baseball the st louis ______`cardinals
BaseBall - The Texas _______`rangers
Baseball: The Toronto _________.`bluejays
Baseball: The Toronto `Bluejays
Baseball:  world series: he hit a dramatic walk-off home run off of mitch williams of the phillies to win the 1993 world series for the toronto blue jays`joe carter
Baseball:  world series: this team defeated the new york yankees on a dramatic game 7 base hit by louis gonzales in the 2001 world series`arizona diamondbacks
Based on a book by William Styron which film stars Meryl Streep and Kevin Kline`sophie's choice
Based on casual observations or indications rather than rigorous or scientific analysis: There are --------- reports of children poisoned by hot dogs roasted over a fire of the`anecdotal
Based on custom or tradition rather than written law or contract`customary
Based on error: wrong: 'a -------- view of the situation.'`mistaken
Based on or characterized by complete assent or agreement`unanimous
Based on or subject to individual judgment or preference: 'The diet imposes overall calorie limits, but daily menus are ---------.'`arbitrary
Based on population, Chinese Mandarin is the most commonly spoken language in the world. --------- follows in second place`spanish
Base of column`pedestal
Basic or small-scale: 'the economy's performance at the micro level.'`micros
Basie Ronnie Bond drummed with what group`troggs
Basketball: The Boston ___________.`celtics
Basketball: The Boston `Celtics
Basketball: the Chicago ______`bulls
Basketball: The Denver _________.`nuggets
Basketball: The Denver `Nuggets
Basketball: The Los Angeles _________.`lakers
Basketball: The Los Angeles `Lakers
Basketball: the Milwaukee _______`bucks
Basketball: The New York __________.`knick
Basketball: The New York `Knicks
Basketball: The Seattle ________.`supersonics
Basketball: The Seattle `Supersonics
Basketball: The Utah ________.`jazz
Basketball: The Utah `Jazz
Basket or bag carried by a beast of burden`pannier
Baskets and similar objects of interwoven material considered as a group. Also called basketwork`basketry
Basking, nurse and whale are all types of which animal`shark
Basophobia or Basiphobia is the fear of ____`falling
Bast fiber`bast
Bast fiber`basts
Bathophobia is the fear of`depth
Batman: Batman really doesn't like this superhero, and would love to punch him`superman
Batman: Bruce's loyal and witty, if often sardonic, butler and mentor`alfred
Batman: Selena Kyle's alter-identity, now with her own series`catwoman
Batman: The man who shot Thomas and Martha Wayne (Careful!, it wasn't the Joker!)`joe chill
Batman: There have been this many Robins`three
Bat Masterson was a sportswriter for what paper`cape town
Bat Masterson was a sportswriter for what paper`morning telegraph
Batonophobia is the fear of`plants
Batophobia is the fear of`heights
bats always turn ---------- when exiting a cave`left
Bats are second largest order of mammals, with about ______ species`nine hundred and fifty
Battle of the Somme With what acid do nettles cause irritation`Formic acid
Battlestar Galactica: what was the name of the human leader of the cylons`baltar
Battle where Robert Bruce defeated Edawrd II in 1314`Bannockburn
Bauxite is the principal ore of Aluminium, which other element is combined with the metal in this ore`oxygen
bay city is the setting of what tv soap opera`another world
Bbesides auld lang syne and for he's a jolly good fellow, what is the most frequently sung song in english`happy birthday
BCG is a vaccination for which disease`tuberculosis
BCG is a vaccine for which disease`tuberculosis
Beach Boys song from 1963, it was the B-side to "Surfer Girl."`little deuce coupe
Beans who was the only actor to become president of the u.s.a`ronald reagan
Bear bryant remark: a tie is like kissing your`sister
Beasley how much does park place cost in monopoly`four hundred fifty dollars
be a sport: how many stumps are there in a cricket wicket`three
'Beat It' by Michael Jackson was the single of the year What year was it`1983
Beatitude Any of the declarations of blessedness made by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount`beatitude
Beatles: Early Name: Johnny and the ________`moondogs
Beatles First Words: First word of "A Day in the Life"`i read the news today oh boy
Beatles First Words: First word of "All My Loving"`close
Beatles First Words: First word of "All My Loving"`close your eyes and ill kiss you
Beatles First Words: First word of "Back in the USSR"`flew in from miami beach
Beatles First Words: First word of "Come Together"`here
Beatles First Words: First word of "Come Together"`here comes old flat-top
Beatles First Words: First word of "Day Tripper"`got
Beatles First Words: First word of "Happiness is a Warm Gun"`shes
Beatles First Words: First word of "Helter Skelter"`when i get to the bottom i go back to the top
Beatles First Words: First word of "Hey Jude"`hey jude dont make it bad
Beatles First Words: First word of "Honey Pie"`she
Beatles First Words: First word of "Honey Pie"`she was a working girl
Beatles First Words: First word of "I Will"`who knows how much i love you
Beatles First Words: First word of "Lady Madonna"`lady
Beatles First Words: First word of "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds"`picture yourself in a boat on a river
Beatles First Words: First word of "Maxwell's Silver Hammer"`joan
Beatles First Words: First word of "Mother Nature's Son"`born
Beatles First Words: First word of "Mother Nature's Son"`born a poor young country boy
Beatles First Words: First word of "O-bla-di O-bla-da"`desmond has a barrow in the market place
Beatles First Words: First word of "Please Please Me"`last night i said these words to my girl
Beatles First Words: First word of "She's Leaving Home"`wednesday
Beatles First Words: First word of "She's Leaving Home"`wednesday morning at five oclock
Beatles First Words: First word of "Strawberry Fields Forever"`let
Beatles First Words: First word of "Taxman" (after the 1-2-3-4)`let me tell you how it will be
Beatles First Words: First word of "With a Little Help From My Friends"`what would you do if i sang out of tune
Beatles First Words: First word of "Yellow Submarine"`in
Beatles First Words: First word of "Yellow Submarine"`in the town where i was born
Beatles: First words of A Day in the Life`i read the news today oh boy
Beatles: First words of Mother Natures Son`born a poor young country boy
Beatles: First words of O-bla-di O-bla-da`desmond has a barrow in the market place
Beatles: For which song did the Beatles grab female passerbys to sing background`across the universe
Beatles: From "A Hard Day's Night": "What do you call that hair style"`arthur
Beatles: He was the Maharish Mahesh Yogi & had this song dubbed after him.`sexy sadie
Beatles: I'd rather see you dead little girl, than to be with`another man
Beatles: In what movie did John star with Michael Crawford`how i won the war
Beatles: John's middle name:`winston
Beatles: lady madonna`paul mccartney
Beatles: Liverpool Club frequented by the Beatles in the early days`cavern club
Beatles: Lying there and staring at the ceiling, waiting for a`sleepy feeling
Beatles Lyrics: "and curse Sir Walter Raleigh, he was such a..."`stupid git
Beatles Lyrics: "And he wants you all to sing along. So may I introduce to you..."`the one and only billy shears
Beatles Lyrics: "and he wants you all to sing along. So may I introduce to you..."`the one & only billy shears
Beatles lyrics: and he wants you all to sing along. so may i introduce to you to`the one and only billy shears
Beatles Lyrics: "And our friends are all aboard, many more of them..."`live next door
Beatles Lyrics: "And the bag across her shoulder made her look a little like..."`a military man
Beatles Lyrics: And the banker never wears a mac, in the pouring rain...`very strange
Beatles Lyrics: "And thought the holes were rather small, they had to count them all..."`and now they know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall
Beatles Lyrics: Born a poor young country boy...`mother natures son
Beatles Lyrics: Desmond says to Molly, girl...`i like your face
Beatles Lyrics: "Desmond takes a trolley to the jewellers store, buys a..."`twenty carat golden ring
Beatles Lyrics: Each day just goes so fast, I turn around...`its past
Beatles Lyrics: "He likes to keep his fire engine clean, it's..."`a clean machine
Beatles lyrics: her name was magill, and she called herself lill`but everyone knew her as nancy
Beatles Lyrics: "Her name was Magill, & she called herself Lill,..."`but everyone knew her as nancy
Beatles Lyrics: "He went out tiger hunting with his elephant and gun,..."`in case of accidents he always took his mom
Beatles Lyrics: I'd rather see you dead, little girl, than to be with...`another man
Beatles Lyrics: "If I fell in love with you, would you..."`promise to be true
Beatles Lyrics: "If the rain comes, they run and hide their heads, they..."`might as well be dead
Beatles Lyrics: "If the rain comes, they run & hide their heads, they..."`might as well be dead
Beatles Lyrics: "If the sun don't come you get a tan from..."`standing in the english rain
Beatles Lyrics: Lying there and staring at the ceiling, waiting for, a...`sleepy feeling
Beatles Lyrics: Newspaper taxis appear on the shore, waiting to...`take you away
Beatles Lyrics: No one I think is in my tree, I mean it...`must be high or low
Beatles Lyrics: Now it's past my bed I know, and I'd really like to...`go
Beatles Lyrics: Now my advice for those who die, declare the pennies...`on your eyes
Beatles Lyrics: Oh, I get high with a little...`help from my friends
Beatles Lyrics: "She says she loves you, and you know..."`that cant be bad
Beatles Lyrics: "She's well acquainted with the touch of a velvet hand, like..."`a lizard on a window pane
Beatles Lyrics: So how could I dance with another (ooh), when I saw her...`standing there
Beatles Lyrics: Tell me that you want those kinds of things, that money...`just cant buy
Beatles Lyrics: The celebrated Mr. K performs his feat on Saturday at...`bishopsgate
Beatles Lyrics: "There's people standing round, who'll screw you..."`in the ground
Beatles Lyrics: "to a bridge by a fountain, where rocking horse people..."`eat marshmallow pies
Beatles Lyrics: "Well here's another clue for you all..."`the walrus was paul
Beatles Lyrics: "Well on the way, head in a cloud, the man of a thousand voices..."`talking perfectly loud
Beatles Lyrics: "Well the Ukraine girls really knock me out..."`they leave the west behind
Beatles Lyrics: "When I'm in the middle of a dream, stay in bed..."`float upstream
Beatles Lyrics: You can knit a sweater by the fireside, Sunday morning...`go for a ride
Beatles Lyrics: "You keep all your money in a big brown bag inside a zoo..."`what a thing to do
Beatles Lyrics: "You may be a lover but you ain't no..."`dancer
Beatles Lyrics: You're such a lovely audience, we'd like to take you...`home with us
Beatles: maxwell edison`paul mccartney
Beatles: McCartney made up this song when he fancied some French words.`michelle
Beatles: michelle`paul mccartney
Beatles: Name the song: "Do what you want to do, and go where you're going to..."`think for yourself
Beatles: Name the song: "No don't wake me, please don't shake me..."`im only sleeping
Beatles: Name the song: "You are making me crazy, I'm in love but I'm lazy..."`honey pie
Beatles: Name the song: "You say you will love me, if I have to go..."`things we said today
Beatles: No one I think is in my tree I mean it`must be high or low
Beatles: Now its past my bed I know and Id really like to`go
Beatle Songs: "acquainted with the touch of the velvet hand, like a lizard on a window pane."`happiness is a warm gun
Beatle Songs: "As I write this letter, send my love to you."`p.s. i love you
Beatle Songs: "Corporation T-Shirt, Stupid Bloody Tuesday Man, You B Y Boy;"`i am the walrus
Beatle Songs: "I get by with a little help from my friends..."`with a little help from my friends
Beatle Songs: "na na na na na na na na na na na na na hey hey hey _ _ _ _ !!"`hey jude
Beatle Songs: "Nobody was really sure if he was from the House of Lords."`a day in the life
Beatle Songs: "She waits at the window hearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door."`eleanor rigby
Beatle Songs: "So we sailed up to the sun till we found the sea of green"`yellow submarine
Beatle Songs: "The girl who's drivin' me goin' away"`ticket to ride
Beatle Songs: "The sun is shining down, burns my feet as they touch the ground"`good day sunshine
Beatle Songs: "When the rain comes you run and hide your head"`rain
Beatle Songs: "Working for peanuts is all very fine, but I can show you a better time."`drive my car
Beatles: Paul & him were the two left-handed Beatles.`ringo
Beatles: Paul McCartney's mother is Mary in this 1969 #1 Beatles hit.`let it be
Beatles People: Bungalow Bill`lennon
Beatles People: Dead Person from Abbey Road`paul mccartney
Beatles People: He was the walrus.`paul mccartney
Beatles People: Lady Madonna`paul mccartney
Beatles People: Maxwell Edison`paul mccartney
Beatles People: Michelle`paul mccartney
Beatles People: Priest from Abbey Road`ringo starr
Beatles People: Rocky Raccoon`paul mccartney
Beatles People: She Said She Said (the inspiration..hard!)`peter fonda
Beatles People: The Fool on the Hill`paul mccartney
Beatles People: This Boy`ringo starr
Beatles People: Two of Us (besides Paul)`linda mccartney
Beatles People: Who was Martha (specifically!)`paul mccartneys dog
Beatles: Ringo's alter ego in "Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club BAND"`billy shears
Beatles: she said, she said the inspiration hard`peter fonda
Beatles: So how could I dance with another ooh when I saw her`standing there
Beatles Solo Careers: Harrison song: "I Was So Young When I Was Born"`crackerbox palace
Beatles Solo Careers: Music Video: John and Yoko try to get somewhere in a boat on land`nobody told me
Beatles Solo Careers: Music video: nuns get stuck on train tracks & are saved by Shaolin monks`hope of deliverance
Beatles Solo Careers: Starr's first solo album that was released after the break-up`sentimental journey
Beatles Solo Careers: The John Lennon album released by Yoko Ono 4 years after his death`milk and honey
Beatles solo: harrison song i was so young when i was born`crackerbox palace
Beatles solo: music video john and yoko try to get somewhere in a boat on land`nobody told me
Beatles Song: "acquainted with the touch of the velvet hand, like a lizard on a window pane."`happiness is a warm gun
Beatles Song: "And the way she looked was way beyond compare."`i saw her standing there
Beatles Song: "and with love like that you know you should be glad."`she loves you
Beatles Song: "As I write this letter, send my love to you."`p.s. i love you
Beatles Song: "Corporation T-Shirt, Stupid Bloody Tuesday Man, You B Y Boy;"`i am the walrus
Beatles Song: "I get by with a little help from my friends..."`with a little help from my friends
Beatles Song: "I've found a driver, and that's a start.."`drive my car
Beatles Song: "na na na na na na na na na na na na na hey hey hey _ _ _ _ !!"`hey jude
Beatles Song: "Nobody was really sure if he was from the House of Lords."`a day in the life
Beatles Song: "She waits at the window hearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door."`eleanor rigby
Beatles Song: "Sitting in an English garden waiting for the sun."`i am the walrus
Beatles Song: "So we sailed up to the sun till we found the sea of green"`yellow submarine
Beatles Song: "The sun is shining down, burns my feet as they touch the ground"`good day sunshine
Beatles Song: "When the rain comes you run & hide your head"`rain
Beatles Song which has Ringo say "I've got blisters on my fingers!".`helter skelter
Beatles Song: "You say you want revolution; well you know..."`revolution
Beatles: The name of Mean Mr. Mustard's sister.`pam
Beatles: The "Sgt. Peppers" movie featured not the Beatles but whom`the bee gees
Beatles: The year in which John Lennon was born:`1940
Beatles Tune: "And the way she looked was way beyond compare..."`i saw her standing there
Beatles Tune: "As I write this letter, send my love to you..."`p.s. i love you
Beatles Tune: "Baby's good to me, you know she's happy as can be, you know she said so"`i feel fine
Beatles Tune: "But when I get home to you, I find the things that you do..."`a hard days night
Beatles Tune: "I wanna be your lover, baby..."`i wanna be your man
Beatles Tune: "Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see."`strawberry fields forever
Beatles Tune: "Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey..."`hey jude
Beatles Tunes: "Close your eyes and I'll kiss you, tomorrow I'll miss you..."`all my loving
Beatles Tunes: "Corporation T-Shirt, Stupid Bloody Tuesday Man, You B Y Boy;"`i am the walrus
Beatles Tune: "Sitting in an English garden, waiting for the sun"`i am the walrus
Beatles Tunes: "Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see."`strawberry fields forever
Beatles Tune: "So we sailed up to the sun, till we found the sea of green"`yellow submarine
Beatles Tunes: "So we sailed up to the sun, till we found the sea of green"`yellow submarine
Beatles Tunes: "The sun is shining down, burns my feet as they touch the ground"`good day sunshine
Beatles Tune: "Sweet Loretta Martin thought she was a woman, but she was another man."`get back
Beatles Tune: "The girl who's drivin' me goin' away"`ticket to ride
Beatles Tune: "When I get to the bottom, I go back to the top of the slide"`helter skelter
Beatles Tune: "You know...If you break my heart I'll go..."`ill be back
Beatles Tune: "You say you want a revolution; well you know..."`revolution
Beatles: What label were the early Beatles albums released under in Britain`parlophone
Beatles: What song contains the line "Fixing a hole in the ocean"`glass onion
Beatles: Where did John & Yoko marry`gibraltar
Beatles: Which Beatle is the youngest`george harrison
Beatles: Which Capitol album contained "Don't Let Me Down"`hey jude
Beatles: Which duo recorded the Lennon/McCartney tune "A World Without Love"`peter and gordon
Beatles: Which duo recorded the Lennon/McCartney tune "A World Without Love"`peter & gordon
Beatles: Which song did George write after being inspired by "Oh Happy Day"`my sweet lord
Beatles: Who played the organ part in "In My Life"`george martin
Beatles: Who was Paul's original fiancee`jane asher
Beatles: "You Know My Name, Look Up The Number" was the b side to what single`let it be
beautiful lake lucern can be visited in what european country`switzerland
Beautiful Schonberg musical based on the Victor Hugo novel.`les miserables
Beaver What is Barbi's full name`Barbara Millicent Roberts
------------- became Queen of Scotland when she was only six days old.`mary stuart
------------------ became the first woman to receive a diamond engagement ring. It was given to her by Maximilian I of Germany in 1477.`anne of burgundy
Because metal was scarce during world war ii, of what were the oscars made`wood
because metal was scarce, the oscars given out during world war ii were made of----------`wood
Because metal was scarce, the oscars given out during WW II were made out of what`wood
Because Moses felt he was "slow of speech and slow of tongue", who often acted as his spokesperson`aaron
because of a large orbital eccentricity, ---------- was closer to the sun than neptune between january 1979 and march 1999`pluto
because of heavy---------- , julius caesar banned all wheeled vehicles from rome during daylight hours`traffic congestion
because of heavy traffic congestion, julius caesar banned all ---------- from rome during daylight hours`wheeled vehicles
because of heavy traffic congestion, julius caesar banned all wheeled vehicles from rome during----------`daylight hours
because of the ---------- content of the dead sea, it is difficult to dive below its surface`salt
because the back part of their feet are made up of fat and no bone, on what do elephants walk`tiptoe
Because the emu and the kangaroo cannot walk backwards, they are on the australian ______`coat of arms
because their boss was never around, whom did bosley help`charlie's angels
Because they had no proper rubbish disposal system, the streets of ancient ___________ became literally knee-deep in rubbish`mesopotamia
Bechemel, espagnole and bearnaise are types of which food`sauce
___ becomes the major automaker to offer rebates on new car purchases?`chrysler
Becoming swollen: swelling`tumescent
Beefsteak is a variety of which fruit`tomato
Bee Gees Movies: Neve Campbell and Courtney Cox are terrorized by a murderous horror movie fan in what movie`Scream
Beer: Beers made with top fermenting yeasts, usually at warmer temperatures`ale
Beer: Belgian monks at places like Chimay and Orval brew beers given this moniker`trappist
Beer: Biweekly IRC beer tastings, at 10pm Eastern Time, are on this channel.`#tasting
Beer: Brand that makes a cameo appearance in Das Boot`becks
Beer: Breweries that produce less than 15,000 barrels per year are called ...`microbreweries
Beer: Cheaper non-barley grains such as rice and corn are referred to by this term`adjuncts
Beer: Common ending for the names of German Doppelbocks`ator
Beer: German variety of noble hops that Jim Koch whines about on the radio`hallertau mittelfrueh
Beer: Home country of Sam Miguel beer`philippines
Beer: In many backward states, stronger beers must use this useless term instead`malt liquor
Beer mug with handles`tankard
Beer: Standard unit of bitterness. Defined as 1 part per million isohumolone`international bittering unit
Beer: Swiss beer bottled each year on December 6th and sold the following year`samichlaus
Beer: Term used for the strongest ales (not lagers)`barleywine
Beer: The art or science of brewing beer. Also the name of a homebrew magazine`zymurgy
Beer: The brewery in derge's hometown, Frederick, Maryland, brews under this label`blue ridge brewery
Beer: The German term Weizen refers to beers made with this ingredient.`wheat
Beer: The process of extracting sugar from malt by soaking in water`mashing
Beer: The Sierra Nevada Brewery makes this city "Mecca" to many beer enthusiasts`chico california
Beer: Thiz tazetless zwill is zomething different all right, but itz not beer.`zima
Beer: What brand used to "Love to party"`lone star
Beer: What country is home to the real Budweiser`czech republic
Beer: Which is higher, percent alcohol by weight or by volume`by volume
Bees have ___ eyes`five
Bees have ___ eyes`five`5
beethoven wrote his 3rd symphony for who`napoleon
Befitting a prince, as: Noble: 'a princely bearing.'`princelier
Before 1992 what 4 letters were on Soviet Olympic vests`cccp
Before (a specified time): 'She can't leave ----- Friday.'`until
before baking a 'baked alaska', with what is the ice cream covered`meringue
Before Canberra, which city was the capital of Australia`melbourne
Before coming a full time author, what was the profession of Frederick Forsyth`journalist
Before going solo, the singer Louise was a member of which pop group`eternal
Before joining Crosby and Stills, Graham Nash sang with which group`hollies
Before Martha Reeves began singing with the Vandellas, what job did she hold at Motown`secretary
Before moving onto greater fame, Bing Crosby sang with this group`rhythm boys
Before now: ago: 'a name long ----- forgotten.'`since
Before Olive Oil met Popeye she was engaged to someone  Who was he`Ham Gravy
Before Olive Oyl met Popeye she was engaged to someone. Who was he`Ham Gravy
Before playing Captain Kangaroo, what role did Bob Keeshan play on Howdy doody`Clarabelle the Clown
Before playing the trumpet what instrument did Louis Armstrong play`cornet
Before she became the head-turning letter turner on wheel of fortune in 1982, vanna white appeared as a contestant on what show`the price is right
Before she was a pop star, why was Samantha Fox in the British tabloids?`She was a page three girl
before the 1800's there were no separately designed ---------- for right and left feet`shoes
Before the age of steel, skateblades were made of`bones
Before the aids out break in 1974 how many men did a gay man have sexual encounters with in a lifetime ?`1,000
before the british burned it in 1814, what was the name of 'the white house'`grey house
Before the Chinese take-over of Tibet in 1952, 25 percent of the males in the country were --------------------`buddhist monks
Before there were condoms, ladies of the night would put a $5.00 _____ ______ in their vagina. This was supposed to prevent them from becoming pregnant.`gold piece
Before the Second World War, it was considered a sacrilege to even touch an`emperor of japan
Before wwii, the new york phone book had 22 listings for what surname, and none after wwii`hitler
Before WWII, the New York phone book had 22 listings for what surname, &  none after WWII`hitler
Beginning after or continuing past the usual or expected hour: 'a late breakfast: a late meeting.'`lateness
Beginning after or continuing past the usual or expected hour: 'a late breakfast: a late meeting.'`later
Beginning after or continuing past the usual or expected hour: 'a late breakfast: a late meeting.'`latest
Behavior based on such a feeling`homophobia
Behavior characterized by persistent refusal, without apparent or logical reasons, to act on or carry out suggestions, orders, or instructions of others`negativism
Behavior or qualities befitting a knight: chivalry`knighthood
Behind greenland what is the second largest island in the world`new guinea
Being able or likely to do harm`dangerous
Being a character or characters formed by the arrangement of small wedge-shaped elements and used in ancient Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian, Babylonian,`cuneiform
Being a child especially between the ages of 9 and 12: preadolescent`preteen
Being adjacent geographically: 'states -------- to Canada.'`marginal
Being all possible: 'had ----- chance of winning, but lost.'`every
Being a member of a particular ethnic group, especially belonging to a national group by heritage or culture but residing outside its national boundaries: 'ethnic Hungarians livingin`ethnics
Being a member of a particular ------ group, especially belonging to a national group by heritage or culture but residing outside its national boundaries: '------ Hungarians livingin`ethnic
Being at a high temperature`hot
Being at a high temperature`hotness
Being at a high temperature`hotter
Being at neither one extreme nor the other: intermediate`middle
Being at neither one extreme nor the other: intermediate`middles
Being at rest: quiet`restful
Being at variance: disagreeing`dissonant
Being behind time: slow.  tardy`behindhand
Being, existing, or acting at the present moment: current`actual
Being in a bent, bowed, or arched position: There he remained, dead to the world, limbs ------, until we left (Alex Shoumatoff)`akimbo
Being in accordance with established or accepted patterns and standards: '---------- advertising practices.'`legitimate
Being in accordance with the accepted principles of right and wrong that govern the conduct of a profession.  moral`ethical
Being in agreement with itself: coherent and uniform: 'a ---------- pattern of behavior.'`consistent
Being in a natural condition: not processed or refined: 'raw wool.'  crude`rawness
Being in a natural condition: not processed or refined: '--- wool.'  crude`raw
Being in a position that is away from the center line of the hull of a ship`outboard
Being in a position that is away from the center line of the hull of a ship`outbound
Being in a specified state or condition: 'flipp---.'`ant
Being in a state of ecstasy: joyful or enraptured`ecstatic
Being in a state of moral or intellectual darkness: unenlightened`benighted
Being in a stiff, rigid physiological condition`erect
Being in a stiff, rigid physiological condition`erectly
Being in a stiff, rigid physiological condition`erects
Being in diametrical opposition.  opposite`antithetic
Being in excess of the indicated or approximate number, extent, or degree. Often used in combination: 'invited 30-odd guests.'`odder
Being in excess of the indicated or approximate number, extent, or degree. Often used in combination: 'invited 30-odd guests.'`oddly
Being in good condition`trig
Being in or attaining the greatest or highest degree: very intense: '------- pleasure: ------- pain.'`extreme
Being in progress now: '------- negotiations.'`current
Being in the habit of: 'I am ---------- to sleeping late.'`accustomed
Being more than one but indefinitely small in number: 'bowled a --- strings.'`few
Being near in relationship: 'close relatives.'`closing
Being near in relationship: '----- relatives.'`close
Being of practical use: 'a ------ job: ------ members of society.'`useful
Being of such a character or nature as to engender a feeling of stultification, repression, or suffocation: The scholarly correctness of our age can be`stifling
Being of the most contemptible kind: '------ cowardice.'`abject
Being of vital or central importance: crucial: Its ------- location has also exposed it to periodic invasions (Henry A. Kissinger)`pivotal
Being one of four parts`quarterly
Being or feeling high or intoxicated, especially from a drug`stoked
Being or manifesting the nature of a villain: 'a ---------- band of thieves.'`villainous
Being or relating to essential form or constitution: 'a ------ principle.'`formal
Being or resembling a tuber: 'a tuberous root.'`tuberose
Being or standing first in a list, series, or sequence`primaries
Being such as to have long-lasting appeal without ever going out of style: 'a classic, ------- dress.'`undated
Being such by birth or origin: 'a ------ Scot.'`native
Being such by force of habit: 'a -------- liar.'  chronic`habitual
Being such that alteration is possible: '---------- behavior.'`changeable
Being such that occupation or habitation is impossible: '--------- quarters.'`untenable
Being such that plausible disavowal or disclaimer is possible: Covert action was --------: a Pentagon program would not be (Bob Woodward)`deniable
Being the greatest or highest possible`maximal
Being the only one left: 'his last nickel: as a last resort.'`lastly
Being the only one left: 'his ---- nickel: as a ---- resort.'`last
Being the only one of a kind: unique`singular
Being the part in the ---dle or center: 'in the --- Pacific.'`mid
Being the remaining ones of several: 'His ----- books are still in storage.'`other
Being under a curse: doomed`accursed
Being under legal or moral obligation: '----- by my promise.'`bound
Being very similar to another, as in nature: 'testimony that was ---------- with the actual facts.'`coincident
Being well beyond the bounds of good taste: '---------- epithets.'`outrageous
Being without anyone or anything else: only`alone
Being without defect or blemish: 'a perfect specimen.'`perfects
Being without defect or blemish: 'a ------- specimen.'`perfect
Being without hypocrisy or pretense: true: 'a ------- friend.'`sincere
Beirut is the capital of ______`lebanon
Belgian and Swiss unit of currency`franc
Belgian Joseph Merlin invented this form of "transportation" in 1760`roller skate
Belgian painter of 'Entry of Christ into Brussels'`ensor
Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg came together in 1948 to form an economic union, known as what`benelux
belgrade is the capital of ______`yugoslavia
Belgrade lies on The Danube and which other river`sava
Belief in or advocacy of monarchy`monarchism
Belief in or support of the tenets of the political left`leftism
Belief in or support of the tenets of the political right`rightism
Belief in or worship of demons`demonology
Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence.  belief.  trust`faith
Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence.  belief.  trust`faiths
believe it"`Easy lover
believe it, or not: where in the heck is 'nessie' purported to live`loch ness, scotland
Bell Bottom Blues (1971) was done by what great group`derek and the dominoes
Bell metal is an alloy of what`tin & copper
bell metal is an alloy of what`tin & copper`tin and copper
Bell metal is an alloy of what`tin & india`tin and india
Bell's Palsy results in numbness in which area`face
Belly sings a song that has the same name as what fictional toymaker`gepetto
Belonephobia is a fear of`Pins
belonephobia is the fear of.`pins
Belonephobia is the fear of`pins and needles
Belonging or proper to a person, such as the British sovereign, in a private rather than official capacity`privies
Belonging or proper to a person, such as the British sovereign, in a private rather than official capacity`privy
Belonging to, characteristic of, or constituting another and very different place, society, or person: strange.  foreign`alien
Belonging to, characteristic of, or constituting another and very different place, society, or person: strange.  foreign`aliens
Belonging to neither side in a controversy: 'on ------- ground.'`neutral
Belonging to no particular social or economic class`classless
Belonging to or befitting a man.  male`manlike
Belonging to or befitting a man: masculine.  male`manlier
Belonging to or befitting a monarch: '----- attire.'`regal
Belonging to or representative of a woman: feminine: 'womanly attire.'  female`womanlier
Below the required standard: unqualified: 'an ----- parent.'`unfit
Belushi What branch of science studies heat, electricity and magnetism`physics
Be Musical: Adrian Belew's pop quartet`the bears
Be Musical: Book Title: "Godel, Escher & ----"`bach
Be Musical: Men at Work's advice to "Johnny"`be good
Be Musical: Spinal Tap's "Big Bottom" "How can I leave this ------"`behind
Be Musical: This bombastic group had troubles singing "in the garden of eden".`iron butterfly
Be Musical: This left-leaning solo guitarist sings mostly about politics & his lovers.`billy bragg
Be Musical: This musical style is characterized by an excessive ornamentation.`baroque
Be Musical: Well known deaf & syphilitic Teutonic composer.`beethoven
Ben Affleck played CT on what 80's science education television show?`Voyage of the Mimi
Benazir Bhutto regained power in 1993 after being ousted how many years before`three
Benazir Bhutto regained power in 1993 after being ousted how many years before`three`3
Beneath which Paris monument is the tomb of France's unknown soldier`arc de triomphe
Ben Hurs rival in the great chariot race`messala
benito mussolini would ward off he evil eye by touching his----------`testicles
Benjamin Franklin suggested that __________ should be the U S national bird`turkey
Benny and Cecil were at odds with whom`John
Bentham of what was john bentham one of the founders`utilitarianism
Benthos are plants and animals living where`water
Be Prepared: A Cub Scout Pack is divided up into several ----, of about 8 boys each`dens
Be Prepared: Founder of the Boy Scouts`lord robert baden-powell
Be Prepared: Give the colors of the 3 ribbons on the Webelos thing (alphabetical, no commas)`green red yellow
Be Prepared: Honorary service organization typically referred to simply as "OA"`order of the arrow
Be Prepared: How many total merit badges are required for Eagle (as of 1995)`21
Be Prepared: Large, regional division of the BSA. Analogous to the OA's lodge.`council
Be Prepared: Points 4-6 of the ScoutLaw.`friendly courteous kind
Be Prepared: Points 7-9 of the Scout Law`obedient cheerful thrifty
Be Prepared: The top adult leader of a Boy Scout troop is given this title.`scoutmaster
Be Prepared: What is Explorer Scouting's equivalent of the Troop?`post
Be Prepared: What is the only Cub Scout/Webelos award that may be kept as a Boy Scout?`arrow of light
Berengaria was the Queen of which British Monarch`richard i
Beret A Green Beret`beret
Beriberi is caused by a deficiency of which vitamin`thiamine`b1
berlage is know for his...`architecture
berlin is the capital of ______`germany
bernard clemmens of london managed to sustain a ---------- for an officially recorded time of 2 mins 42 seconds`fart
bernard ---------- of london managed to sustain a fart for an officially recorded time of 2 mins 42 seconds`clemmens
berne is the capital of ______`switzerland
Bert and ernie of 'sesame street' were named after bert and ernie in which frank capra film`it's a wonderful life
bert and ernie of 'sesame street' were named after bert and ernie in which frank capra film`it's a wonderful`pens
bert berns produced what song for van morrison`brown eyed`clash
Bert Berns produced what song for Van Morrison`brown eyed girl
Bertha don't you come around here...`anymore
Beryl Bainbridge's novel, "The Birthday Boys", concerns which famous geographical adventure`scott's antarctic expedition
Besides 'Auld Lang Syne' and 'For He's a Jolly Good Fellow', what is the most frequently sung song in English`Happy Birthday
Besides being a singer, the Big Boppa was also working as a`disc jockey
Besides being candidates for president in the 1996 U S elections, what do Bill Clinton, Ross Perot & Bob Dole have in common`all left handed
Besides gin, what other alcoholic drink is used to make a White Lady cocktail`cointreau
Besides singing, Karen Carpenter also played what`The Drums
Besides Sonny Bono, what other famous male celebrity does Cher have a child with`gregg allman
Besides the genitals and the breasts, _____is the only other body part that routinely swells during intercourse?`the inner nose
Besides the genitals and the breasts, the _____ ____ is the only other body part that routinely swells during intercourse.`inner nose
Besides the stones which group had the longest touring career until the founder's death in 1995`grateful dead
Best known for 'dancin' in the streets', martha and the vandella's also hit the charts with the song about which man`jimmy mack
Best or nothing in the song 'skip to my lou', in what beverage are the flies`buttermilk
Bestsellers: According to Erma Bombeck, this is the second oldest profession`motherhood
Bestsellers: Alexander Ripley's sequal to Gone With the Wind`scarlett
Bestsellers: All I Really Need To Know I Learned in ____________`kindergarten
Bestsellers: Anne Rice writes about these bloodsuckers`vampires
Bestsellers: Arthur Hailey's novel of the auto industry`wheels
Bestsellers: Bury My Heart at _______ ____ by Brown`wounded knee
Bestsellers: Donald Trump's books all start with this word`trump
Bestsellers: In Cosmos this astronomer expounds upon billions and billions of years`carl sagan
Bestsellers: John Naisbitt's 10 letter book of 10 year trends`megatrends
Bestsellers: Lake Wobegon is located in this state`minnesota
Bestsellers: Marin Cruz Smith's first mystery took place in this Moscow park`gorky park
Bestsellers: Millie's book was barked to her`barbara bush
Bestsellers: Noble House can be found in this British colony`hong kong
Bestsellers: Reminiscences, the longest one word title, was written by this general`douglas macarthur
Bestsellers: Roots begins when he comes to America as a slave`kunta kinte
Bestsellers: The Ayatollah Khomeni put a $1 million bounty on his head`salman rushdie
Bestsellers: The first horror novel to reach the top, it became a Linda Blair movie`the exorcist
Bestsellers: The job in Men at Work`baseball
Bestsellers: The Parsifal ______ by Ludlum`mosaic
Bestsellers: The sequal to Love Story`olivers story
Bestsellers: The shortest bestselling title, by either Hepburn or King`me
Bestsellers: The Thorn Birds takes place in this country`australia
Bestsellers: Trinity takes place in this country`ireland
beta blockers stop the secretion of what chemical`adrenaline
Betsy ross is the only real person to ever have been the head of a ______`pez dispenser
Bette Midler covered this wartime tune which was a 1941 hit by the Andrews Sisters`boogie woogie bugle boy
Bette Midler won an Oscar nomination for playing a rock singer in the style of Janis Joplin in which 1979 film`the rose
Better known by her maiden name, who was the 1930s aviation pioneer Mrs. Mollison`amy johnson
Better than ordinary: superior: 'extra fineness.'`extras
Better than ordinary: superior: '----- fineness.'`extra
Betty Boo was doing 'the doo' in what year`1990
Betty Rubble's Maiden name was`betty jean mcbricker
Between 1857 & 1861, during James Buchanan's presidency, what role was performed by his neice, Harriet Lane`First Lady
between 1902 and 1907 the same ---------- killed 436 people in india`tiger
between 1902 and 1907 the same tiger killed 436 people in----------`india
between 1902 and 1907 the same tiger killed ---------- people in india`436
Between 1931 & 1969 Walt Disney collected how many oscars`35
Between 1963-75, FRELIMO, a nationalist group, fought for the independence of which African country`mozambique
between 25% to 33% of the population ---------- when they are exposed to light`sneeze
Between the two World War's, France was controlled by ___ different governments`forty
Between what ages is a brandy or port described as VSO`12 to 17 years
Between what ages is a brandy or port described as VSOP`20 to 25 years
Between where does the ureter carry urine`kidneys and bladder
Between which two cities did the first regular passenger flights start in 1919`paris and london
Between which two countries does Offa's Dyke run`England & Wales
Between who was the shortest war in history`zanzibar and england
Bet you don't know ;-) : The two sexes of humans are male and ______`female
Beverly Hills 90210: For what popular singer did David play keyboards at a campus function`babyface
Beverly Hills 90210: Jamie Walters (Ray Pruitt) also starred on what short-lived Fox series`the heights
Beverly Hills 90210: The numbers 90210 are what`zip code
Beverly Hills 90210: This girlfriend of Brandon slipped him drugs at a club.`emily valentine
Beverly Hills 90210: This SUPER-hunk played Brenda's love interest in France.`dean cain
Beverly Hills 90210: What 3 characters share an apartment (May 95) (first names, alpha, no and)`clare donna kelly
Beverly Hills 90210: What character sold her friends out to a tabloid TV show`brenda walsh
Beverly Hills 90210: what was the name of brandon's first car`mondale
Beverly Hills 90210: What was the name of the guidance counselor at West Beverly`mrs. teasley
Beverly Hills 90210: When the gang parodied The Real World, who was "Tuck"`brandon walsh
Beverly Hills 90210: where did the walshes live before they moved to beverly hills`minnesota
Beverly Hills 90210: Which character had an unrequited crush on Brandon through most of high school`andrea zuckerman
"Beverly Hills Cop", when Axel Foley enters the hotel, he uses an alias. Who does he say he works for, and who does he say he's going to interview?`Rolling Stone,Michael Jackson
Beverly hills has what fictional zipcode`90210
Beyond description or enumeration: '------ suffering.'`untold
Beyond ordinary or normal human ability, power, or experience: soldiers driven mad by ---------- misery (John Reed)`superhuman
Beyond the range, scope, or limit of: '-----sonic.'`ultra
Beyond the realm of human comprehension: inscrutable`occult
Beyond the realm of human comprehension: inscrutable`occults
Bezique is a`card game
Bezique, piquet  and pinochle are all types of what`card games
B-flat major sonat was the subject of a competition with Mozart`Clementi
BIBLE: From  which affliction did the patient Job suffer in the Bible`boils
Bible. One of the antediluvian progenitors of the human race, from Adam to Noah`patriarch
Bible: Tower erected by the descendants of Noah (Genesis ii).`Babel
BIBLE: What instrument did David play`harp
BIBLE: Which apostle replaced Judas Iscariot`St Matthias
BIBLE: Which idol did the Israelites make when they believed that Moses would not return from Mount Sinai`The golden calf
BIBLE: Who allegedly ordered  the slaughter of all the children in Bethlehem`King Herod
BIBLE:Who tried Jesus and sentenced him to be executed`Pontius Pilate
BIBLE: Who were Isaacs two sons`Jacob and Esau
Biblical Character: Apostle who replaced Judas`matthias
Biblical Character: Father-in-law of Moses`jethro
Biblical Character: First martyr after the resurrection of Jesus`stephen
Biblical Character: High priest of Israel when Samuel was born`eli
Biblical Character: Married Ruth after she followed her mother-in-law into Israel`boaz
Biblical Character: Mother of John the Baptist`elizabeth
Biblical Character: Non-Jew known to have written part of the New Testament`luke
Biblical Character: Paul asked him to forgive his runaway slave`philemon
Biblical Character: Pleaded for Jesus to heal his dying daughter`jairus
Biblical Character: The only explorer than Joshua who was allowed into the promised land`caleb
Biblical Character: Told Peter about Jesus`andrew
Biblical Character: When mentioned together with her husband, she is generally named first`priscilla
Bibliophobia is a fear of __________`books
Bibliophobia is a fear of `books
big band`count basie
Big band dance music`jazzing
big band's signature tune was One O'Clock Jump`count basie
Big Bird? : At a length of 150cm (59 inches), this bird is the Largest Bird of Prey`Himalayan Griffon Vulture
Biggest hit by u-krew`if you were mine
Biggest hit by warrant`heaven
Biggest Hits: Ace of Base`the sign
Biggest Hits: Amy Holland`how do i survive
Biggest Hits: Barry White`fame
Biggest Hits: BB King`the thrill is gone
Biggest Hits: Bruce Springsteen`dancing in the dark
Biggest Hits: Enya`orinoco flow
Biggest Hits: Etta James`tell mama
Biggest Hits: Jackson Browne`somebodys baby
Biggest Hits: Leif Garrett`i was made for dancin
Biggest Hits: Little River BAND`reminiscing
Biggest Hits: Mariah Carey`i'll be there
Biggest Hits: Miracles`tears of a clown
Biggest Hits: Monie Love`its a shame
Biggest Hits: Neil Sedaka`bad blood
Biggest Hits: Partners in Kryme`turtle power
Biggest Hits: Paula Abdul`rush rush
Biggest Hits: Salt-N-Pepa`whatta man
Biggest Hits: Sweet`little willy
Biggest Hits: The Pointer Sisters`slow hand
Biggest Hits: The Supremes`baby love
Biggest Hits: The U-Krew`if u were mine
Biggest Hits: Warrant`heaven
Biggest Hits: Whistling Jack Smith`i was kaiser bills batman
Big nosed mustachioed man with lots of albums "Apostrophe", "Sheik Yerbouti"`frank zappa
big things: what's the world's highest mountain that isn't part of a range`mount kilimanjaro
Bigwig, Fiver and Colonel Woundwort are all characters in which novel`watership down
Biko was involved in what protest movement?`Apartheid
Bilko`sgt bilko
Bill and hilary clinton switched on the christmas tree lights in belfast in 1990, 1995 or 1996`1995
Bill Clinton is known for playing what musical instrument`saxophone
Bill Clinton is the first Democrat to be elected to two terms in office since which American President`franklin d roosevelt
Bill Gates dropped out of which of educational institution`harvard
Bill Gates formed a company to sell a computerized traffic counting system to cities, which made $20,000 its first year. Business dropped sharply when customers learned Gates was only _______ years old`fourteen
Bill Gates formed a company to sell a computerized traffic counting system to cities, which made $20,000 its first year. Business dropped sharply when customers learned Gates was only _______ years old`fourteen`14
Bill gates invented which os`windows
Bill gates was the founder of which company`microsoft
Bill Haley sings 'See you later ______ '`alligator
Bill &  Hilary Clinton switched on the christmas tree lights in Belfast in 1990, 1995 or 1996`1995
Billie Jean King competed in which modern sport`tennis
Billion what can release approximately one billion grains of pollen`ragweed plant
Bill justis was a studio musician when he recorded this 'sloppy' instrumental in october 1957`raunchy
bill kenny was the lead singer of what group?`ink spots
bills,bills,bills us female trio`destiny's child
Bill Ted Bogosity: Dude, name the convenience store: "Strange things are afoot at the _____ _!"`circle k
Bill Ted Bogosity: Dude, what excellent California city do the boys hail from`san dimas
Bill Ted Bogosity: Dude, what is Bill's middle initial`s (bill s. preston esquire)
Bill Ted Bogosity: Dude, what is the name of the boys' most triumphant band (spelling counts)`wyld stallyns
Bill Ted Bogosity: Dude, what was the original title of the sequel (B&T's Bogus Journey)`bill and ted go to hell
Bill & ted's excellent adventure: strange things are amuck at the _____`circle k
Bill Watterson, cartoonist for Calvin & Hobbes, is the first cartoonist to use what word in his cartoon`booger
Billy Blanks is known for popularizing what martial art`tae bo
Billy Corgan is the lead singer of this band.`smashing pumpkins
Billy Crystal and Gregory Hines play Chicago police detectives`running scared
Billy Joel: Billy's daughter's name (First & Middle).`alexa ray
Billy Joel: Billy's recent 'dreamy' #1 hit.`river of dreams
Billy Joel: Fill in the blank: "Harry Truman, Doris Day, ___ _____, Johnnie Ray"`red china
Billy joel once dated this famous widow of kurt cobain`courtney love
Billy joel's daughter's name first and middle`alexa ray
Billy Joel: Which Billy video was a parody of Elvis on Ed Sullivan`tell her about it
Billy Joel: Who did Billy & Christie name their daughter after`ray charles
Billy once dated this famous widow of Kurt Cobain.`courtney love
billy ray cyrus sang '______ breaky heart'`achy
Billy the Kid was born in _____`1859
Biochemistry. A molecular structure or site on the surface or interior of a cell that binds with substances such as hormones, antigens, drugs, or`receptor
Biochemistry : This poisonous, oily liquid occurs in tobacco leaves.`nicotine
Biochemistry : This protein makes the blood red in color.`hemoglobin
Biographical Filmoriginally Announced For Marilyn Monroe And Then Lee Remick, Was Finally Made With Carroll Baker`Jean Harlow
Biographies considered as a group, especially when regarded as a genre`biography
Biography Is Entitled Hitch`Alfred Hitchcock
biography is entitled 'lady sings the blues'`billie holiday
Biography Is Entitled 'The Dark Side Of Genius'`Alfred Hitchcock
biography was titled The Other Side of the Rainbow`judy garland`judy garland's`judy garlands
Biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment`ecosystem
Biology. A form or stage in the life cycle of an organism: 'asexual ---------- of a fern.'`generation
Biology. A fully grown, mature organism`adult
Biology. An organ or structure that is similar in function to one in another kind of organism but is of dissimilar evolutionary origin`analog
Biology. An organ or structure that is similar in function to one in another kind of organism but is of dissimilar evolutionary origin`analogs
Biology. A part or organ, such as an arm, leg, tail, or fin, that is joined to the axis or trunk of a body`appendage
Biology. A sequence of RNA produced by ----------ion`transcript
Biology. A small opening or depression similar to a navel, as the hollow at the base of the shell of some gastropod mollusks, one of the openings in the shaft of a feather,`umbilici
Biology. A small protuberance or elevation, as from an organ, tissue, or structure`hillock
Biology. A surface on which an organism grows or is attached`substrate
Biology. A taxonomic name in -------- nomenclature`binomial
Biology. A tendril or similar part`cirri
Biology. A wartlike projection, as on the back of a toad or on some leaves`verruca
Biology. Consisting of a pair of homologous, synapsed chromosomes, as occurs during meiosis: double`bivalent
Biology : Every human has one of these on their tummies.`navel
Biology. Functioning or occurring in a natural way: lacking observable ab----alities or deficiencies`norm
Biology. Functioning or occurring in a natural way: lacking observable abnormalities or deficiencies`normally
Biology. Having no spiny processes`spineless
Biology : How many large holes are in your head`7
Biology: In which organ is Bile produced `Liver
Biology. Living in a permanently fixed state in the adult stage, as the barnacle`attached
Biology. Not capable of initiating, sustaining, or supporting reproduction`infertile
Biology. Occurring or persisting as a rudimentary or degenerate structure`vestigial
Biology. Of or relating to a genus`generic
Biology. Of, relating to, or capable of growth`vegetative
Biology. Of, relating to, or shaped like the mitotic aster: star-shaped`astral
Biology. Partially or imperfectly developed: 'an -------- organ.'`abortive
Biology. Producing or emitting light: phosphorescent: '---------- bacteria.'`photogenic
Biology. Similar in function but not in structure and evolutionary origin`analogous
Biology. Similar in structure and evolutionary origin, though not necessarily in function, as the flippers of a seal and the hands of a human`homologous
Biology. The most favorable condition for growth and reproduction`optima
Biology. The most favorable condition for growth and reproduction`optimum
Biology. The part of a plant or animal organ that is nearest to its point of attachment`base
Biology. The part of a plant or animal organ that is nearest to its point of attachment`baser
Biology. The part of a plant or animal organ that is nearest to its point of attachment`basing
Biology. The processes by which gametes are formed, including the reduction of chromosomes in a germ cell from the diploid number to the haploid number`maturation
Biology. The view that speciation proceeds by imperceptibly small, cumulative steps over long periods of time rather than by abrupt, major changes`gradualism
Biology : This complex substance makes up all living things.`protoplasm
Biology. To generate (offspring) by sexual or asexual means`reproduce
Biology: What breed of dog has an inability to bark `Basenji
biology: what does the term "carnivore" refer too`meat eating animals
biology: what does the term "carnivore" refer too`meat eating`hands
Biology: What is a Salamander `Amphibian
Biology : What is normal body temperature for an adult human`98f
Biology: What is the fastest breed of dog `Greyhound
Biology: What is the fastest growing species of grass `Bamboo
Biology: What is the most common animal `Sea worm
Biology: What is the name of the process used by green plants for obtaining food `Photosynthesis
Biology: What is the process of converting glucose to energy in cells called `Respiration
Biology: What is the study of insects called `Entomology
Biology: What name is given to a male bee `Drone
Biology: What name is given to animals which eat both plants and meat `Omnivore
Biology: What name is given to animals which have pouches `Marsupials
Biology: What name is given to animals which only eat meat `Carnivore
Biology: What name is given to animals which only eat plants `Herbivore
Biology: What name is given to a young frog `Tadpole
Biology: Which bird became extinct in 1861 `Dodo
Biology: Which breed of dog has a name derived from the old name for Greece `Greyhound
Biology: Which part of a cat's eye reflects light `Tapetum
Biology: Which science studies animal behaviour in natural habitats `Ethology
Biology: Which sight problem occurs in men far more then in women `Colour Blindness
Biology: Which species of Elephant has the largest ears `African
Bip is the alter-ego of which French mime artist known for his classic work Walking Against the Wind`Marcel Marceau
bird droppings are chief export of---------- , an island nation in the western pacific`nauru
bird droppings are chief ---------- of nauru, an island nation in the western pacific`export
Bird Music: What was the original name of the group 'Chicago'`Chicago Transit
'Birdseye' introduced fish fingers into the UK in what year`1955
Bird with brilliant plumage and erectile fan like tail`peacock
Bird with characteristic cry and the habit of laying eggs in other birds nests`cuckoo
birling is commonly known as`logrolling
Birmingham is flanked by the M6 on the north and M5 on the west, which motorway flanks south & east`m42
Birth-control campaigns in ----------- in the late 1970s failed because village women ended up wearing the pills in lockets, as talismans.`egypt
BIRTHSTONES: April`diamond
BIRTHSTONES: February`amythest
BIRTHSTONES: January`garnet
BIRTHSTONES: March`aquamarine
BIRTHSTONES: May`emerald
BIRTHSTONES: November`topaz
BIRTHSTONES: October`opal
BIRTHSTONES: September`sapphire
Biscuit made of ground almonds`macaroon
Bismarck is the capital of ______`north dakota
Bison is another name for which North American animal`buffalo
Bissau is the capital of ______`guinea-bissau
Bite Is Commonly Regarded As Nature's Most Efficacious Remedy For Insomnia`Tsetse Fly
Bitter drug used as a tonic and to reduce fever`quinine
Bitterly cold: freezing: 'an --- day.'  cold`icy
Bitterly cold: freezing: 'an icy day.'  cold`icier
Bitterly scathing: caustic: '--------- criticism.'`vitriolic
Bitterness of temper: ill humor: irascibility`bile
Bizarre fact: Back in 1919 the Russian transplant pioneer Serge Voronoff made headlines by grafting ________ testicles onto human males.`monkey
"bizarre love triangle" was a song by which french artist`frente
Black and white seabird with small wings`auk
Black and white stripped mammel emitting a powerful stench when attacked`skunk
Blackbird, who was the chief of _______ Indians, was buried sitting on his favourite horse`omaha
Black, cementlike material varying in consistency at room temperature from solid to semisolid?`Asphalt
Blackie Lawless was lead singer for which group?`Wasp
Blackish or dusky in color`sootier
Black Lady - the Queen of Spades is worth 13 - is based on this game..`hearts
Black magic: sorcery`necromancy
Black magic: sorcery`necropolis
black superman and in zaire were mid-seventies hits for whom`johnny wakelin
Blade Runner: The actor who played the leader of the androids.`rutger hauer
Blade Runner: The author of the book on which _Blade Runner_ was based.`philip k. dick
Blade Runner: The derogatory name applied to the androids.`skin job
Blade Runner: The kind of pet that Zhora, the exotic dancer, has.`snake
Blade Runner: The main character's name.`deckard
Blade Runner: The phrase "Blade Runner" comes from a book by this author.`william s burroughs
Blade Runner: This actor was promoted to top billing after _Miami Vice_ started.`edward james olmos
Blade Runner: This mythical animal appears in a dream sequence in "The Director's Cut".`unicorn
Blade Runner: Tyrell & J. F. Sebastian play this game together.`chess
Blanchard and Jeffries crossed the English Channel in 1785 using what means of transport`hydrogen balloon
Blazing Saddles: A particularly gross scene involved cowboys eating lots of what`beans
Blazing Saddles: How did they stall the villainous army at the last minute`toll booth
Blazing Saddles: On top of whose Grauman cement prints did Hedley Lamarr die`douglas fairbanks
Blazing Saddles: What did people keep calling Hedley Lamarr`hetty lamarr
Blazing Saddles: What did the chanteuse wemawk (remark) about the "singwe wed wose"`how womantic
Blazing Saddles: What did the sheriff disguise himself as to infiltrate the bad guys`a ku klux klansman
Blazing Saddles: What was everyone's surname in the town`johnson
Blazing Saddles: Who directed Blazing Saddles`mel brooks
Blazing Saddles: Who had a cameo giving the sheriff a high five`count basie
Blazing Saddles: Who played Hedley Lamarr`harvey korman
Blazing Saddles: Who played the German Chanteuse`madeline kahn
Blazing Saddles: Who played the indian chief`mel brooks
Bleeding Heart Movies: Brad Pitt knifes a man in a bathroom stall.`kalifornia
Bleeding Heart Movies: Debra Winger is turned prostitute and gets her finger cut off.`the piano
Bleeding Heart Movies: "Gimme some sugar, baby."`army of darkness
Bleeding Heart Movies: Jewish boy escapes death by impersonating a German and becoming a Nazi.`europa Europa
Bleeding Heart Movies: Will Smith knifes himself to get aquantied with high society folks.`six degrees of Seperation
Bleeding Heart Songs: Bad Religion: "See him on the interstate..."`american jesus
Bleeding Heart Songs: Belly: "On your third broken window. Hair full of glass."`super-connected
Bleeding Heart Songs: First song off Enigma's MCMXCD A.D.`principles of lust
Bleeding Heart Songs: NiN: "Dont you tell me how I feel. You dont know just how I feel."`i do not want this
Bleeding Heart Songs: Nine Inch Nails: "God money, I'll do anything for you."`head like a hole!!
Bleeding Heart Songs: NiN: "Maybe didnt mean that much, but it meant everything to me."`thats what i get
Bleeding Heart Songs: Primus: "Captain pierce was a fireman. Strong as any man alive."`jerry was a racecar driver
Bleeding Heart Songs: STP:"Driving faster in my car. Falling farther from just where we are."`big empty
Bleeding Heart Songs: Suicidal Tendencies: "All I wanted was a Pepsi..."`institutionalized
Bleeding Heart Songs: The Cure: "Whatever words I say, I will always love you."`lovesong
Blender Music Artists: Who did "Ticket to Ride" in 1965`beatles
Blennophobia is the fear of`slime
Blind or excessive devotion to something`idolatries
Blink 182 run through their music video naked during what one of their hit songs?`What's My Age Again?
Blonde beards grow ______ than darker beards`faster
Blondie's final #1`the tide is high
blondie's first no 1 was`heart of glass
Blondie's hit "call me" was the theme song of what motion picture`american gigolo
Blood can be artificially cleansed via what process`dialysis
---------- blood cells are destroyed in the human body every second`15 million
Blood ----- from the tissues of immunized animals, containing antibodies and used to transfer immunity to another individual`serum
blood is such a good stain that native americans used it for a----------`paint
Blood serum from the tissues of immunized animals, containing antibodies and used to transfer immunity to another individual`sera
Bloodsucking worm formerly used for medicinal bleeding`leech
'blood sugar sex and magik was a hit for this spicy la band in 1991`red hot
Blood, sugar, sex and magik was a hit for this spicy l a band in 1991`red hot chili peppers
'Blood, Sugar, Sex & Magik was a hit for this spicy L A band in 1991`red hot chili peppers
blood, tissue, or an organ is taken for transfusion, implantation, or transplant`donor
Bloom County: Name of the groundhog`portnoy
Bloom County: The author's name which is more putrid than Yaz Pistachio (first and last)`berkely breathed
Bloom County: What is Oliver's full name (3 words)`oliver wendell jones
Bloom County: Who's brain gets transplated into Bill's skull`donald trump
Bloom County: Who was always being tormented by his anxiety closet`binkley
Blossoms 'now look at them yo-yo's, that's the way you do it ..' what is the dire straits song title`money for nothing
blue angel`marlene dietrich
Blue Collar Man (1978) was a hit by what group`styx
blue(da ba dee ) was a no 1 hit name the band`eiffel 65
Blue eyed crooner who does it 'My Way'`frank sinatra
blue eyes are the most sensitive to light, ---------- the least sensitive`dark brown
Blue Meanies appeared in which 1968 film`yellow submarine
'Blue Mountain' coffee is produced in which country`jamaica
Blue Nile's album that includes "Let's Go Out Tonight" and "Downtown Lights"`hats
Blues Brothers: Elwood: "___ suspension, ___ tires"`cop cop
Blues brothers: preacher do you`see the light
Blues Brothers: Preacher: "Do you --- the -----"`see the light
Blues Brothers: What did Jake tell his brother to fix in the car`the lighter
Blues Brothers: Who cooked at the diner`matt guitar murphy
Blues Brothers: Who played the energetic preacher`james brown
Blues Brothers: Who played the jilted fiancee`carrie fisher
Blues Brothers: Who ran the pawn shop`ray charles
Blues Brothers: Who said "one prophylactic, used"`frank oz
Blues Brothers: Who told Guitar Murphy to "Think"`aretha franklin
Blues Brothers: Who was at lunch at the assessor's office`steven spielberg
B Movies: 1934 Laurel and Hardy movie also titled The March of the Wooden Soldiers`babes in toyland
B Movies: 1989-Japanese feature about 5 years in a Hiroshima-surviving family`black rain
B Movies: Animated feature in which the Peanuts gang goes to France (4 wd title)`bon voyage charlie brown
B Movies: BAD medical school comedy with Steve Gutenberg and Julie Hagerty`bad medicine
B Movies: Bomb that featured Eddie Murphy and Dudley Moore as arms dealers`best defense
B Movies: Clint Eastwood stars as a cowboy who runs a fly-by-night wild west show`bronco billy
B Movies: Conan-clone whose hero can talk to animals, namely ferrets`the beastmaster
B Movies: Demi Moore's accent is horrid as a North Carolina clairvoyant in NYC`the butchers wife
B Movies: Disney's 1979 attempt at a sci-fi flick, with Ernest Borgnine`the black hole
B Movies: HBO Original starring James Garner about the RJR/Nabisco buyout scandal`barbarians at the gate
B Movies: Hume Cronyn and Jessica Tandy befriend a family of tiny UFOs`batteries not included
B Movies: "I NONE OF THE ABOVE"`brewsters millions
B Movies: John Singleton hit it big in 1991 with this ghetto tale (spelling...)`boyz n the hood
B Movies: John Travolta is a sound FX man who discovers a murder`blow out
B Movies: JOhn Wayne leads Filipino guerillas to victory in the South Pacific (1945)`back to bataan
B Movies: Kathleen Turner's first film was this Kasdan steamer`body heat
B Movies: Paul Newman plays Louisiana governor Earl Long`blaze
B Movies: Steve McQueen's first starring role was in this 1958 B-Movie`the blob
B Movies: Sting and Jennifer Beals in this remake of The Bride of Frankenstein`the bride
B Movies: Tim Robbins satire about a right-wing, folk singing, Senatorial candidate`bob roberts
B Movies: William Hurt and Holly Hunter team up in this comedy about the network news`broadcast news
boanthropy is a disease in which a man thinks he is an----------`ox
Board game played with dice and counters`ludo
Board game with pieces moved according to throw of dice`backgammon
Boarding or wooden panelling on the wall of a room`wainscot
Board in what country would you find the world's largest pyramid`mexico
Bobby Brown is married to which American singer and actress`whitney houston
Bobby darin's recording of a tim hardin composition hit the top ten in 1966. the song was if i were a`carpenter
bobby hatfield and bill medley formed which dynamite singing duo`righteous brothers
Bobby locke was the first south african golfer to win which open`british
bobby locke was the first south african golfer to win which open`british open
Bob Carlisle 'Thanks god for all the joy in his life, but most of all for ______`butterfly kisses
bob dole is ---------- years older than the empire state building`10
Bob Dylan: 1992 Album of traditional folk songs`good as i been to you
Bob Dylan: Dylans name on the first Travelling Wilbury's album`lucky wilbury
Bob Dylan: Dylan song covered by U2, Jimi Hendrix, Neil Young`all along the watchtower
Bob Dylan: Finish song title: "Don't Think Twice It's`all right
Bob Dylan foils bootleggers by releasing his own 58 song`bootleg series
Bob Dylan: Fraternity Dylan pledged in college but never finished pledgeship`sigma alpha mu
Bob Dylan, Jeff Lynne, Roy Orbison, Tom Petty & George Harrison formed this group briefly`traveling wilburys
Bob Dylan: Producer of _Oh Mercy_, also has produced U2`daniel lanois
Bob Dylan: Song: "She was torn between Jupiter & Apollo".`changing of the guards
Bob dylan's producer of oh mercy also has produced u2`daniel lanois
Bob Dylan: Who played keyboards on "Like a Rolling Stone"`al kooper
Bodrum in Turkey is on the site of which famous city`halicarnassus
Body Count's controvesial song about revenge for police brutality`cop killer
Bogota is the capital of ______`colombia
Bogyphobia is the fear of`the bogeyman
Boiling or seeming to boil: bubbling`ebullient
Boise is the capital of ______`idaho
Boisterous drunken merrymaking or revelry`carousal
Bold or insolent heedlessness of restraints, as of those imposed by prudence, propriety, or convention`audacities
bolshephobia is a fear of ______`bolsheviks
bolshephobia is the fear of ____`bolsheviks
BONANZA: What clothing did Little Joe usually wear`green jacket and grey
BONANZA: What was the name of Eric's horse`chub
BONANZA: Who portrayed Adam Cartwright`purnell roberts
bonanza: who portrayed hop sing?`victor sen young
Bond: What is Goldfinger's first name?`Auric
Bond: What was the first James Bond film?`Dr. No
Boned steak cut off sirloin`entrecote
Bone of the forearm`radius
Bone Thugs 'n`harmony
Bon Jovi song: "Didn't mean to miss your birthday"`ill be there for you
bonnie raitt sang 'something to talk ______'`about
boob tube: what watch company sponsored the first tv commercial on july 1, 1941`bulova
Book in which accounts are kept`ledger
Book 'Natural Magic' Is The First Western Book To Mention Kites And Kite Flying`Giam Battista Della Porta
Book of information on many subjects`encyclopedia
Book of the Old Testament, third of the five biblical books called the Pentateuch?`leviticus
Book or table containing a calendar, together with astronomical and navigational data and, often, religious holidays, historical notes, proverbs, and astrological and agricultural forecasts?`almanac
Books: Alice in Wonderland was created by him (pen name).`lewis carroll
Books: Author of "Falconer"`cheever
Books: Author of _In Cold Blood_.`truman capote
Books: Author of One Police Plaza, 1984 best-seller.`caunitz
Books: Before he won over countess Lyndon, what was Barry Lyndon's name?`redmond barry
Books: Brothers who founded the "Guinesss Book of World Records". (last name)`mcwhirter
Books: Camoes wrote in this language.`portuguese
Books: Cervantes is from this country`spain
Books: Crusoe met his future servant & companion on this day of the week`friday
Books Describe The Career Of 'Horatio Hornblower'`C S Forester
Books: Dick Gregory called his autobiography this derogatory slang word`nigger
books did Belladonna Took feature`j.r.r. tolkien
Books: Empedocles, Socrates, Isocrates, Lucion are of this nationality.`greek
Books for the Bored: Brother Cadfael belonged to which order of monks`benedictine
Books for the Bored: In which series of books would you find the fortress of Salamandastron`redwall
Books for the Bored: What sort of creature was Tarka`otter
Books for the Bored: What was Dorothy's dog called in _the Wizard of Oz_`toto
Books for the Bored: What was the name of the boy in _The Jungle Book_ (Spelling!)`mowgli
Books for the Bored: Where did Mr Badger live in _The Wind in the Willows_`the wild wood
Books for the Bored: Where does the action of _Lorna Doone_ take place`exmoor
Books for the Bored: Which country was Stephen King born in`usa
Books for the Bored: Which creatures lived in Arnold Bros (est. 1905)`gnomes
Books for the Bored: Which Dickens novel takes place during the French Revolution`a tale of two cities
Books for the Bored: Which Douglas wrote _The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy`adams
Books for the Bored: Which novelist born in 1886 had the initials H.G`wells
Books for the Bored: Which Rosemary Sutcliffe novel concerned a Roman legion`the scarlet pimpernel
Books for the Bored: Who maintained law and order in Noddy's Toyland`mr. plod
Books for the Bored: Who wrote _The Call of the Wild_`jack london
Books for the Hip Reader: A Prayer for Owen Meany`irving
Books for the Hip Reader: Daisy Miller`henry james
Books for the Hip Reader: Daisy Miller`james
Books for the Hip Reader: Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah`richard bach
Books for the Hip Reader: Last of the Mohicans?`james fenimore cooper
Books for the Hip Reader: Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles`andrews
Books for the Hip Reader: Men to Match My Mountains?`irving stone
Books for the Hip Reader: Picture of Dorian Gray`oscar wilde
Books for the Hip Reader: Rabbit Redux`updike
Books for the Hip Reader: The Diary of Adam and Eve (short story)?`mark twain
Books for the Hip Reader: The Gunslinger?`stephen king
Books for the Hip Reader: The Mouse That Roared`leonard wibberley
Books for the Hip Reader: The Name of the Rose`umberto eco
Books for the Hip Reader: The Secret Sharer`joseph conrad
Books for the Hip Reader: Where the Sidewalk Ends?`shel silverstein
Books: He created Tarzan of the Apes.`burroughs
Books: He is the author of the trilogy _Once & Future King_.`t h white
Books: His work was published in 1755 as the Dictionary of the English Language.`johnson
books include Surfacing & Alias Grace`margaret atwood
Books: In 'Pilgrim's Progress' this is Christian's ultimate destination`celestial city
Books: Jean Anouilh's play about Henry II's problem with the Archbishop of Canterbury.`becket
Books: Last name of the Jacob and Wilhelm brothers.`grimm
Books: Little boys are made of frogs, ------, and puppy-dogs tails.`snails
Books: Little girls are made of sugar, spice, and ---------- ----.`everything nice
Books: Men Against the Sea was part two of this trilogy.`bounty
Books: Name of Edith Wharton's heroine in The House of Mirth.`bart
Books: Pen name of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson`lewis carroll
Books: P.L. Travers's most famous literary creation (first and last name).`mary poppins
Books: Sallust, Livy, Tacitus are of this nationality`roman
Books: Sequel to Steinbeck's Sweet Thursday.`cannery row
Books: Shirley Jackson thriller about Eleanor Vance's adventures in a haunted house`haunting of hill house
Books: The author of "Heidi".`johanna spyri
Books: The Devil promised 24 years of happiness to this doctor in Marlowe's play`faustus
Books: The wolf impersonated her in Little Red Riding Hood.`grandmother
Books: This author wrote about the fictional 'march girls'`louisa alcott
Books: This author wrote "If", one of the worlds most popular poems`kipling
Books: This author wrote the book _A Very Long Engagement_.`sebastian japrisot
Books: This book by Richard Rhodes won the Pulitzer Prize`making of the atomic bomb
Books: This event prompted Mailer to write The Naked and the Dead.`pearl harbor
Books: This novel inspired the TV series "The Six Million Dollar Man"`cyborg
Books: What little Marcella found in her grandmothers attic (by Johnny Gruelle).`raggedy ann
Books: who wrote the book "Couples"`john updike
Books: who wrote the book "Darker Than Amber"`john macdonald
Books: who wrote the book "Outwitting The Gestapo"`lucie aubrac
Books: who wrote the book "Prisoner of Desire"`jennifer blake
Books who wrote the book "The Wives of Henry VII"`antonia fraser
Books: who wrote the book "wouldn't take nothing for my journey now"`maya
Books: Who wrote the book 'wouldn't take nothing for my journey now'`maya angelou
Books: Wieland, Herder, Lesoing, Schilling are from this country.`germany
Books: Wrote The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge.`castaneda
boom boom boom boom name the group`vengaboys
Booze Grabbag: A.K.A juniper juice?`gin
Booze Grabbag: Almond liqueur that comes from the Italian for "bitter", not "love"`amaretto
Booze Grabbag: Australian city home of Castlemaine XXXX Export Lager`brisbane
Booze Grabbag: Company that brews Michelob beer`anheuser-busch
Booze Grabbag: Company that was purveyor of Vodka to the Imperial Russian Court (1886-1917)`smirnoff
Booze Grabbag: Hazelnut liqueur named for the mysterious monk that made it 300 years ago`frangelico
Booze Grabbag: Legend says bats lived in the rum distillery and one of them is on the label.`bacardi
Booze Grabbag: Sapporo is brewed in this country.`japan
Booze Grabbag: Spice that a bartender would dust your Brandy Flip with`nutmeg
Booze Grabbag: The geometric shape found on the Bass Pale Ale bottle`triangle
Booze Grabbag: The two ingredients of a Black Velvet are stout and`champagne
Booze Grabbag: This liquor brand accents a Scarlet O' Hara or a Rhett Butler?`southern comfort
Booze Grabbag: What bottles of Chianti are traditionally covered with`straw
Booze Grabbag: What color is a Remy Martin bottle?`green
Booze Grabbag: What "secco" means on a bottle of Italian wine`dry
Booze Grabbag: What the V.O. in Seagrams V.O. stands for?`very old
Booze Grabbag: Zima iz made in thiz United Statez city.`memphis
Booze Names: 1 1/2 oz. light rum, 1 lime, powdered sugar, fruit juice, blend w/crushed ice`daiquiri
Booze Names: 1/2 oz. light rum, 1/2 oz. dark rum, 1 oz. orange, lime, pineapple juice`pina colada
Booze Names: 1 ounce of light rum and the juice of 1/2 lime, top with cola.`cuba libre
Booze Names: 1 oz. gin, 1/2 oz. dry vermouth, 1/2 oz. sweet vermouth, 1/2 oz. orange juice`bronx cocktail
Booze Names: 1 oz. gin and 1 oz. orange juice.`orange blossom
Booze Names: 2 oz. gin, juice of 1/2 lemon, 1 tsp sugar, pour over ice cubes.`tom collins
Booze Names: 2 oz. gin, juice of 1/2 lemon, 1 tsp sugar, top with soda water.`gin fizz
Booze Names: A manhattan, but with scotch whiskey`rob roy
Booze Names: A manhattan, but with scotch whisky.`rob roy
Booze Names: Vodka, consomme, lemon, tabasco sauce, salt, pepper, celery salt.`bullshot
Booze Names: Vodka, tomato juice, lemon, tabasco sauce, salt, pepper, celery salt.`bloody mary
Boring: dull: 'dreary tasks.'`drearier
Born after a gestation period of less than the normal time: 'a --------- infant.'`premature
Born Georgios Panayiotou in 1963. By what name is this singer better known`george michael
Born Georgios Panayiotou in England in 1963, by what name is this singer better known`george michael
Born in 1778 falous friend of the prince of Wales`beau brummell
Born in Canada in 1943 as Roberta Joan Anderson, how is this singer better known in the music world`joni mitchell
Born in New York in 1943 as Veronica Bennett, how is she better known in the music world`ronnie spector
Born in the thirteenth century, which statesman and soldier summoned what is often called the first Parliament`simon de montfort
Born in Urbino in 1483, which Italian artist, with Leonardo and Michelangelo, is considered one of the three Masters of the High Renaissance`raphael
Born Leonard Slighe (Slye sp.), he was the trigger-man in many films and tv.`roy rogers
Born May 7, 1901, He Starred In This Movie: Dallas - 1950`gary cooper
Born Yaron Cohen, to the dismay of a number of her fellow countrymen, she won which international competition in May 1998`eurovision song contest
Borsch is based on what vegetable`beetroot
Bortsch is a traditional dish from which country`russia
Boss Songs: "Ain't no angel gonna greet me, it's just you & I, my friend"`streets of philadelphia
Boss Songs: Bruce-penned song that another artist took to #1 in 1977`blinded by the light
Boss Songs: "Lay down your money & you play your part"`hungry heart
Boss Songs: That mentions a barefoot girl sitting on the hood of a Dodge`jungleland
Boston Bruins hockey great _____ was inducted into the hall of fame in 1947`aubrey "dit" clapper
boston butt, jowl and picnic ham are all parts of which animal`pig
Boston butt, jowl, and picnic ham are parts of a `pig
Boston upbeat group with album _Don't Know How to Party_`mighty mighty boss tones
botanophobia is a fear of ____`plants
Botanophobia is the fear of`plants
Botany. A division containing a single seed that splits apart from a many-lobed fruit`cocci
Botany. A fuzzy catkin, especially of the pussy willow`pussier
Botany and Zoology combined make up the science of _______.`biology
Botany and Zoology combined make up the science of `biology
Botany. A usually elongated, unbranched inflorescence with stalkless flowers arranged along an axis`spike
Botany. A usually terminal tuft or cluster, especially a tuft of hairs on a seed, as on a willow or milkseed`coma
Botany. Bearing bulbs or growing from a bulb`bulbous
Botany. Blossoming before the appearance of leaves`precocious
Botany. Broad and rounded at the base and tapering toward the end: 'an ----- leaf.'`ovate
Botany. Characterized by the addition of layers of woody tissue`exogenous
Botany. Covered with stiff or coarse hairs`hirsute
Botany. Crowded or massed into a dense cluster`aggregate
Botany. Extended swelling in plant organs caused primarily by an excessive accumulation of water`edema
Botany. Germinating or producing seeds that germinate before becoming detached from the parent plant, as in the mangrove`viviparous
Botany. Growing or appearing at the end of a stem, branch, stalk, or similar part`terminal
Botany. Having all principal parts, namely, the sepals, petals, stamens, and pistil or pistils. Used of a flower`complete
Botany. Having flowers that open during the night`nocturnal
Botany. Having indentations that extend about halfway to the center, as in certain leaves`clefts
Botany. Having thick, fleshy, water-storing leaves or stems`succulence
Botany. Having three or more veins, leaflets, or lobes radiating from one point: digitate: 'a ------- leaf.'`palmate
Botany. Joined but not united. Used of dissimilar parts or organs`adherent
Botany. Located at or near the base of a plant stem, or at the base of any other plant part: '----- placentation.'`basal
Botany. Of or on the outer surface, underside, or back of an organ`dorsal
Botany. One of the sensitive hairs on the leaves of insectivorous plants, such as the sundew`tentacle
Botany. The envelope of an ovule`integument
Botany. The expanded area of a leaf or petal: a blade`lamina
Botany. The expanded tip of a flower stalk or axis that bears the floral organs or the group of flowers in a head`receptacle
Botany. The ovule-bearing lower part of a pistil that ripens into a fruit`ovarian
Botany. The point on a stem where a leaf is attached or has been attached: a joint`node
Botany : The practice of joining the parts of two plants to make them grow as one is called ________.`grafting
Botany. The receptacle of a flower`thalami
Botany : These flowerless plants grow on bare rocks and tree stumps.`lichen
Botany. The shedding of leaves, flowers, or fruits following the formation of the ---------- zone`abscission
Botany. The stalk that bears the anther in a stamen`filament
Botany : This fruit has its seeds on the outside.`strawberry
Botany : This term means 'cone-bearing trees'.`conifers
Botany. Twisted, bent, or partially rolled upon itself: convolute`contorted
Botany : What fruit is "Citrus grandis"`grapefruit
Botany & zoology combined make up the science of _______.`biology
Both Hitler and Napoleon were missing one _________, proving once and for all that lacking such measures of masculinity is necessarily an indicator of a man's mettle.`testicle
Both humans and porpoises have one social sex practice in common:`group sex
Both humans and porpoises have one social sex practice in common. What is it?`group sex
Both humans and ____ share a common sexual practice - Fellatio.`fish
Both Joe South and the Spinners recorded different Top- 20 tunes with the exact same title.  What is that title`Games People Play
both marge simpson and jackie kennedy have the same maiden name. what is it`bouvier
Both men and women can remain sexually active into their __s?`80
Bottle nosed, river and common are all types of which animal`dolphin
Bottom of the bag is the English translation of what French term`Cul-de-sac
Botvinnik, Petrosian and Tal have all been World Champions of what`chess
Bougainville is part of which island group`solomon
Bovine refers to what kind of animal`cattle
Bowie song "I was stone and he was wax so he could scream and still relax"`the bewlay brothers
Bowie what is pro football quarterback sonny jurgenson's christian name`christian
'Bowser' and 'Jocko' have been two prominent members of what very successful rock and roll nostalgia act`Sha Na Na
'Bowser' and 'Jocko' have been two prominent members of what very successful rock & roll nostalgia act?`Sha Na Na
bow wow wow asked one of their early members to leave the group because he was too outspoken. who was he`boy george
Boxer shorts`boxers
"Boy", as in Tallboy and Lowboy, is derived from the French word for what`wood
Boy George was the lead singer for what group`culture club
Boy versus girl in the world series of love`u got the look
brachiosaurus had a ---------- the size of a pickup truck`heart
Bracket holding candlestick or light fitting`sconce
Brad pitt's first name isn't really's _______`william
Brady Mania: Allan Melvin played...`sam
Brady Mania: Bobby's small size enabled him and Greg to escape from the inside of one.`freezer
Brady Mania: Buddy Hinton bullied Cindy at school because she had this problem.`lisp
Brady Mania: Eve Plumb played...`jan
Brady Mania: Greg learned the meaning of "let the buyer beware" after purchasing this.`car
Brady Mania: Greg's hair turned this color on his graduation day.`orange
Brady Mania: He guest starred as an eccentric cave dweller in Hawaii.`vincent price
Brady Mania: She crashed her bicycle in the garage when she wasn't wearing glasses.`jan
Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva are gods in which religion`hindu
Braids considered as a group`braidings
brain damage occurs at an internal temperature of ---------- degrees fahrenheit`105
Branches of these plants, traditionally used for Christmas decoration`hollies
Branches of these plants, traditionally used for Christmas decoration`holly
Branch of biology concerned with the study of plants (kingdom plantae; plant)`botany
Branch of biology dealing with the development of the animal embryo`embryology
Branch of linguistics concerned with the production, physical nature, and perception of speech sounds?`phonetics
Branch of mathematics concerned with the study of such concepts as the rate of change of one variable quantity with respect to another, the slope of a curve at a prescribed point, and the computation of the maximum and minimum values of functions?`calculus
Branch of mathematics that deals with the properties & relationships of numbers (number)`number theory
Branch of mathematics that deals with the relationships between the sides & angles of triangles & with the properties & applications of the trigonometric functions of angles`trigonometry
Branch of mathematics using letters to represent numbers`algebra
Branch of medicine dealing with the care of old people`geriatrics
Branch of science that applies physical principles to the study of the earth`geophysics
Brassica napus" has an edible root which may be purple, white or yellow. what is its common name`swede
'Brassica oleracea' is better know as what type of food`cabbage
Brass instrument resembling a trumpet`cornet
brazilia is the capital of ______`brazil
Brazil's capital`brazilia
Brazzaville is the capital of ______`congo
Bread, cereals, fruit and vegetables are needed by the body as good sources of what`fibre
Breadth or opportunity to function.  room`scope
Breakdown of substance by yeasts`fermentation
Breakers footrace what does the irish 'dubh linn' mean`blackpool
Breathing Lessons_`anne tyler
brecia is in which country`italy
Breeders song which talks about "spitting in wishing well".`cannonball
Breed of dog with thick curly coat`poodle
Breed of rock pigeon that is specially trained to return swiftly to its home`homing pigeon
Bressaola and carpaccio are both types of what`italian-prepared beef
bret hart trademarked the nickname 'hitman' in----------`1990
bret hart trademarked the nickname '---------- ' in 1990`hitman
Brett Anderson & Bernard Butler formed which band in 1990`suede
bret ---------- trademarked the nickname 'hitman' in 1990`hart
Brewed by John Pemberton, an Atlanta pharmacist in 1886 in his own backyard, it has become a symbol of U.S. culture. What Is It`coca-cola
Brewers at what time did the hiroshima bomb detonate`8:15 am
Brian connolly was lead singer with which glam rock band`sweet
Brian connolly was singer with which 70's band`sweet
brian eno released a us 1978 lp titled "before & after _____"`science
Brian eno released a us 1978 lp titled "before and after _____"`science
Brian Lara broke the record for the highest first class cricket innings by scoring 501 not out against which county in 1994`durham
Brian robertson and jimmy bain formed what group`wild horses
Brian Robertson & Jimmy Bain formed what group`wild horses
Brian wanted to help contribute to a charity fund. A sponser told him for every mile he runs, they will donate $20.00 to the charity. If Brian runs 5 miles, how much will his sponser donate to the charity`$100
brick throwing friend`krazy kat
brick throwing friend`krazy turn
Brides collection of clothes`trousseau
Bridgeport is the largest city in which state`Connecticut
bridgeport is the largest city in which u.s state`connecticut
Bridgetown is the capital of `Barbados
Bridgetown the capital of ______`barbados
Bridles Were Decorated With Several Dozen Bells. When A Wagon Would Break Down, Possibly For A Broken Axel, It Would Be Up To A Passerby To Help The Driver. As A Reward For Their Help, The Driver Would Give Them A Bell. Many Times The Wagons Would Arrive At Their Destinations With Little Or No Bells Left, Giving Rise To The Saying 'I'll Be There With Bells On, ' Meaning The Speaker Planned To Arrive Safely With After An Uneventful Journey`Conestoga Wagons
Bridles Were Decorated With Several Dozen Bells. When A Wagon Would Break Down, Possibly For A Broken Axel, It Would Be Up To A Passerby To Help The Driver. As A Reward For Their Help, The Driver Would Give Them A Bell. Many Times The Wagons Would Arrive At Their Destinations With Little Or No Bells Left, Giving Rise To The Saying '_'__ __ _____ ____ _____ __, ' Meaning The Speaker Planned To Arrive Safely With After An Uneventful Journey`I'll Be There With Bells On
Brief commemorative inscription on a tomb; also, a short piece of poetry or prose lauding a deceased person?`epitaph
Brief Stint As A Talk Show Host Earned Him An 'Esquire' 'Corpse Of The Year' Award`Chevy Chase
Brigham Young was a pioneer of which institution`the mormon church
Bright from reflected light: glistening`shinier
Brilliance or radiance of light: brightness`luster
Brilliant, lustrous, or colorful in effect or appearance: The prelude was as ---------- as a prism in a morning room (Carson McCullers)`iridescent
Brilliant or showy, often superficial attractiveness`glitter
Brilliant or showy, often superficial attractiveness`glitzy
Brilliant red or black mineral, with diamondlike luster, composed of titanium oxide, tio2`rutile
Brilliant scarlet pigment`vermilion
Brimstone, referred to in the Bible and some Alchemy text, is`sulphur
Bringing distinction or recognition: '--------- service to one's nation.'`honorable
Brisbane is the capital of which Australian state`queensland
Britain and Argentina fought over these islands in 1982.`falkland
Britain and Argentina fought over these islands in 1982`Falklands Islands
Britain has fewer public holidays than any other country in Europe. Which countries, with up to 14 days off each, have the most`Spain and Portugal
britain's first escalator was installed in 1864, 1878 or 1902`1878
Britain's first space rocket was launched in 1964. What was it called`blue streak
Britain's first _______ was installed in Harrods in 1878`escalator
britain's ---------- river is the brun which runs through burnley in lancashire`shortest
Britains say 'tarmac'; Americans say `runway
britain's shortest river is the brun which runs through burnley in----------`lancashire
britain's shortest river is the brun which runs through ---------- in lancashire`burnley
britain's shortest river is the ---------- which runs through burnley in lancashire`brun
Britain what's the adhesion of molecules to the surfaces of solids called`adsorption
British actress achieved fame in 1971 TV series as Elizabeth I`Glenda Jackson
British authour Helen Fielding wrote a best-selling novel about the diary of what fictional character`Bridget Jones
British Central Bank nationalised in 1946 renamed to..The`Bank Of England
british chemist, who isolated and described several gases, including oxygen, and who is considered one of the founders of modern chemistry because of his contributions to experimentation?`joseph priestley
British coinage of silver or gold, having as a standard of fineness 0.500 for silver and 0.91666 for gold`sterling
british department of state in charge of revenue`exchequer
British Invasion Band Had Several U.S. Hits During The '60s And '70s. What Is His Stage Name`Manfred Mann
British Monarchs: Queen Victoria was born in this year.`1819
British rock-music group that rivaled the popularity of the group's early contemporaries, The Beatles?`the rolling stones
Britishrock-musicgroupthatrivaledthepopularityofthegroup'searlycontemporaries,TheBeatles`the rolling stones
Brit Isle Bands: According to Elastica, who may lurk in every little Honda`peter fonda
Brit Isle Bands: According to Neds Atomic Dustbin, what does 2 and 2 make`five
Brit Isle Bands: Bush song that is also a hormone`testosterone
Brit Isle Bands: Formerly of the Eurythmics, now this woman is a successful solo artist`annie lennox
Brit Isle Bands: Half of Enya's songs are in English. What language are the others sung in?`gaelic
Brit Isle Bands: Lineup: Dolores Oriordan, Noel Hogan, Mike Hogan, Feargal Lawler`the cranberries
Brit Isle Bands: Lineup: Justine Frischmann, Donna Matthews, Annie Holland, Justin Welch`elastica
Brit Isle Bands: Name of the Diner on the Oasis album "Definitely Maybe"`digsys diner
Brit Isle Bands: Neds Atomic Dustbin asks the question: Are You ------`normal
Brit Isle Bands: Oasis sings about what type of supernova`champagne
Brit Isle Bands: |On No Need To Argue" by The Cranberries, whose grave is sung about`yeats
Brit Isle Bands: Radiohead's baby has got this, a diver's problem`the bends
Brit Isle Bands: Sinead O'Connor covered this Nirvana song on Universal Mother`all apologies
Brit Isle Bands: Subtitle for the song SOMETIMES on the James CD, "Laid."`lester piggott
Brit Isle Bands: Tanya Donelly (Belly) has a stepsister. What band does she sing in`throwing muses
Brit Isle Bands: Tanya Donelly sang backup on a song on this band's "Happy Days" release.`catherine wheel
Brit Isle Bands: This band, clown's fave, features Flea and isn't British, but who cares`red hot chili peppers
Brit Isle Bands: This band's releases include "Ferment", "Chrome" and recently "Happy Days"`catherine wheel
Brit Isle Bands: This singer got in trouble for ripping the Pope's picture on SNL`sinead oconnor
Brit Isle Bands: What colour is Catherine Wheels skin, according to the song`black metallic
Britney Spear's is from which state?`Louisianna
Briton's say 'tarmac', Americans say ________`runway
Broad heavy knife`machete
Broad in size or extent: comprehensive: '--------- police powers.'`expansive
Broadway Musical- tribute to the music of Louis Jordan`5 guys named moe
Broadway singer Bebe Neuworth is better known for her role as Lilith on what TV sitcom`cheers
Bromidrosiphobia or Bromidrophobia is the fear of ____`body odor
brontology is the study of ______`thunder
brontology is the study of what`thunder
Brontophobia is a fear of ______`thunder or thunderstorms
Brontophobia is a fear of ______`thunder or thunderstorms`thunder
Brontophobia is a fear of`thunder`thunderstorms
Brontophobia is the fear of `thunder
Brontophobia is the fear of`thunder and lightning
Brooks what is the new name of the mound metalcraft company`tonka metalcraft
Brothers A terrapin is a type of _________.`Turtle
Brothers Jacob and Wilhelm were librarians and professors of language in 19th Century Germany. What was their surname`grimm
Brother, wanna thank your mother for a butt like that`shoop
Brother Wrote Seven Songs For The Movie Staying Alive`Sylvester Stallone
Brought about or caused by sociopolitical or other human-generated forces or influences: 'set up ---------- barriers against women and minorities: an`artificial
Brought into existence: created: 'A new nation was ---- with the revolution.'`born
Brought us such hits as "I put a Spell on You" & "Africa Gone Funky"`screamin jay hawkins
Browning of the skin by exposure to sun and weather`tannings
Brown tint used in photography`sepia
Bruce Hornsby: Bruce now records at a self-built studio in his home state of`virginia
Bruce Hornsby: Bruce was the backing piano player for this female pop singer in 1983.`sheena easton
Bruce Hornsby: "Every Little Kiss" mentions this northeastern coastal city.`watertown
Bruce Hornsby & the _____`range
Bruce Hornsby: The second album song that takes its title from a Robert Frost poem.`the road not taken
Bruce Hornsby: The song "Set Me In Motion" was from this Kurt Russell film.`backdraft
bruce lee died when making which move`the game of death
Bruce Willis, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone own which London restaurant`planet hollywood
Brunei is on which island`borneo
Brussels is the capital of _______`belgium
Brussels is the capital of which country`Belgium
Bryan Adams and Warrant found it.`heaven
bryan adams wants to know how does it feel behind ______`those eyes of blue
bryan adams wants to know how does it feel behind`those eyes of`tarmac
Bryan Adams & Warrant found it.`heaven
Bryan Ferry sang vocals for what band on the "For Your Pleasure" lp`roxy music
BSE was identified in Britain in which year`1986
bubble gum contains----------`rubber
Buchanon & Goodman ran into legal problems using excerpts from hits to make`flying saucer
bucharest concert had 22,000 policemen and security guards`feliciano
bucharest concert had 22,000 policemen and security guards`michael jackson's
buckingham palace has over ---------- rooms`six hundred
buck owens sang '______ naturally'`act
Budapest is the capital of ______`hungary
Buddy holly released a solo 'peggy sue' that, by the end of 1957 was challenging which song recorded with the crickets`oh boy
Buddy Rich's real first name was what`bernard
budgerigar is another name for what kind of bird`parakeet
Buenos Aires is the capital of ______`argentina
Buffalo Bill's real name was....`william f cody
Buffalo River National Park is in which state`arkansas
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: What was the name of the Hell God out to kill Dawn`glory
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: When buffy died what was her epitaph`she saved the world a lot
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Where is Buffy the vampire Slayer set`sunnydale
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Which actor played Oz`seth green
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Which actor plays Rupert Giles`anthony stewart head
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Which actor plays Spike`james marsters
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Which actor plays Xander Harris`nicholas brendon
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Which actress played Buffy in the original film`kirsty swanson
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Which actress plays Anya (former demon)`emma caulfield
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Which actress plays Buffy the Vampire Slayer`sarah michelle gellar
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Which actress plays Dawn Summers`michelle trachtenberg
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Which actress plays Tara Maclay`amber benson
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Which actress plays Willow Rosenberg`alyson hannigan
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Which character left Buffy and now has his own show of the same name`angel
Bufo bufo is the scientific name for which creature`common toad
bufonophobia is a fear of _____`toads
Bufonophobia is the fear of ____`toads
Bugs always finds himself at the wrong end of a gun, usually toted by either Elmer Fudd or who`Yosemite Sam
Bugs bunny made his debut in 1935, 1936 or 1937`1935
builder of the great wall and first emperor of china`shih huang ti
Building for housing aircraft`hanger
Building for Jewish religious worship`synagogue
Building in which goods are stored`warehouse
Building occupied by monks`abbey
Building on sports ground for players or spectators`pavilion
Building started on Westminster Abbey in which year`1050
Built in 1866__________is one of only two American-owned square-rigged sailing ships still afloat on the Pacific Ocean`Balclutha
Built in 1884, The Eiffel Tower was referred to as what`The Tragic Lamppost
Bull - cow as fox - `vixen
Bulls are _______ `colorblind
Bumble and the Stingers had a pop hit with their version of which Tchaikovsky masterpiece`the nutcracker suite
Bumped Mariah Carey's "Love Takes Time" out of #1`houston
Bumped mariah carey's love takes time out of one`houston
Burchell and Grevy are two types of which animal`zebra
Burdensome: oppressive: '------- problems.'`weighty
Burdensome: oppressive: 'weighty problems.'`weightier
Burke and Wills are most associated with the exploration of which continent`australia
Burma was the former name of which country`Myanmar
Burning fuel or other material: 'a cooking ----: a forest ----.'`fire
Burning fuel or other material: 'a cooking fire: a forest fire.'`fired
Burning fuel or other material: 'a cooking fire: a forest fire.'`firer
Burning fuel or other material: 'a cooking fire: a forest fire.'`firing
Burning or glowing`fierier
Burn to stop the flow of blood`cauterize
Burnt sugar, used for coloring and sweetening foods`caramel
Burrowing rodent with short bushy tail`marmot
Bursery Rhymes : Jack and Jill went up a ____ to fetch a pail of water`hill
Burt Bacharach has performed with the this band in an unlikely match up`barenaked ladies
Burt reynolds races from georgia to texas with a load of illegal beer in`smokey & the bandit
Burt reynolds was a gunsmoke co-star for many years, playing the role of`blacksmith
burt reynolds was a gunsmoke co-star for many years, playing the role of`blacksmith quint asper`quint`blacksmith
Busey what disney movie stars merlin the magician and wart the boy king`sword in
Busey what disney movie stars merlin the magician and wart the boy king`sword in the stone
Bush song that is also a hormone`testosterone
Bushy evergreen shrub used for hedges`privet
Bushy or matted: 'shaggy hair.'`shaggier
Business Cards Identified The Holder As A Furniture Dealer`Al Capone
Business. Closer to the point of production or manufacture than to the point of sale`upstream
Business. Closer to the point of sale than to the point of production or manufacture`downstream
Business & Money: Absentee Tax Was A Tax Of ____ _________ In The Pound Levied In Ireland In 1715 On The Incomes And Pensions Of Absentees`Four Shillings
Business & Money: Accounts Are A Statement Of ______ And Expenditure`Income
Business & Money: Accounts Are A Statement Of Income And`Expenditure
Business & Money: A Dividend Is A Distribution Of Part Of The Earnings Of A Company To Its`Shareholders
Business & Money: A Free Port Is A Port, Such As Bremerhaven, Gdansk, _________, Or Singapore, That Is Free Of Customs Duties`Rotterdam
Business & Money: A Free Port Is A Port, Such As Bremerhaven, Gdansk, Rotterdam, Or _________, That Is Free Of Customs Duties`Singapore
Business & Money: A Free Port Is A Port, Such As Bremerhaven, ______, Rotterdam, Or Singapore, That Is Free Of Customs Duties`Gdansk
Business & Money: A Free Port Is A Port, Such As ___________, Gdansk, Rotterdam, Or Singapore, That Is Free Of Customs Duties`Bremerhaven
Business & Money: A ____ _____ ____ Is A Bill Of Exchange That Is Acceptable To The Bank Of England As Security, When Acting As Lender Of Last Resort`Fine Trade Bill
Business & Money: A ________ ______ Is A Charge Over The Assets Of A Company: It Is Not A Legal Charge Over Its Fixed Assets But Floats Over The Charged Assets Until Crystallized By Some Predetermined Event`Floating Charge
Business & Money: A ____ ______ Is A Clause In A Loan Agreement Between Governments Stipulating That Repayments Must Be Made In The Gold Equivalent Of The Currency Involved At The Time Either The Agreement Or The Loan Was Made`Gold Clause
Business & Money: A _________ Is A Common Form Of Long-Term Loan Taken By A Company`Debenture
Business & Money: A ____ ____ Is A Credit Card That Entitles Its Holder To Various Benefits (E. G. An Unsecured Overdraft, Some Insurance Cover, A Higher Limit) In Addition To Those Offered To Standard Card Holders`Gold Card
Business & Money: A _____ ____ Is A Delivery Order Issued By An Exporter And Countersigned By Hm Customs And Excise, Authorizing A Bonded Warehouse To Release Goods For Export`Dandy Note
Business & Money: A ________ Is A Distribution Of Part Of The Earnings Of A Company To Its Shareholders`Dividend
Business & Money: A _______ _______ Is A Dividend Or Other Distribution From A British Company Together With The Amount Of Advance Corporation Tax Attributable To The Dividend`Franked Payment
Business & Money: A ____ ___________ Is A Document That Takes The Place Of A Title Deed For Registered Land`Land Certificate
Business & Money: A ____-_____ ________ Is A Fixed-Interest Security Or Stock Issued By The British Government In The Form Of Exchequer Stocks Or Treasury Stocks`Gilt-Edged Security
Business & Money: A _______ ____ Is A Fund, Made Up Of Investments In A Wide Range Of Securities, That Is Managed By A Life- Assurance Company To Provide Low Risk Investments For The Smaller Investor, Usually In The Form Of Investment Bonds, Unit Trusts, Or Unit-Linked Saving Plans`Managed Fund
Business & Money: A ______ ____ Is A Good For Which Demand Falls At The Same Time As Its Price Falls`Giffen Good
Business & Money: A ____________ Is A Group Of Companies Merged Into One Entity, Although They Are Active In Totally Different Fields`Conglomerate
Business & Money: A ________ ________ Is A Guarantee Given By One Person To Another That Induces This Other Person To Enter Into A Contract With A Third Party`Floating Warranty
Business & Money: A ____ __ ________ Is A Legal Document, Which Must Be In A Specified Form, Used To Transfer Income From One Person To Another With A View To Making A Saving In Tax`Deed Of Covenant
Business & Money: A ______ Is A List Of Articles Upon Which Duties Are Charged When Exported Or Imported`Tariff
Business & Money: A _______ ____ Is A List Of Names And Addresses Used In Direct-Mail Selling, Advertising, Fund Raising, Etc`Mailing List
Business & Money: A _______ ________ Is A Monopoly In Which The Minimum Efficient Scale Of Production Is Greater Than Or Equal To The Total Demand`Natural Monopoly
Business & Money: A _______ ________ Is An Agreement To Buy Or Sell A Fixed Quantity Of A Particular Commodity, Currency, Or Security For Delivery At A Fixed Date In The Future At A Fixed Price`Futures Contract
Business & Money: A _________ Is An Apparatus By Means Of Which The Legal Fare Is Shown To Passengers In A Taxi`Taximeter
Business & Money: A _____ _______ Is An Auction Sale In Which The Auctioneer Starts By Calling A Very High Price And Reduces It Until He Receives A Bid`Dutch Auction
Business & Money: A _______-_____ _______ Is An Economy In Which Government Intervention Is Kept To A Minimum And Market Forces Are Allowed To Rule`Laissez-Faire Economy
Business & Money: A _____ _______ Is An Event Outside The Control Of Either Party To A Contract That May Excuse Either Party From Fulfilling His Contractual Obligations In Certain Circumstances, Provided That The Contract Contains A Force Majeure Clause`Force Majeure
Business & Money: A ___________ _______ Is An Industrial Dispute Between Trade Unions Or Between Members Of The Same Union Regarding The Allocation Of Work Between Different Types Of Tradesmen Or Workers`Demarcation Dispute
Business & Money: A ________ ______ Is An Insurance Policy That Has Only One Sum Insured Although It May Cover Many Items`Floating Policy
Business & Money: A _________ _____ Is An Order Made By A Judge On Behalf Of A Judgment Creditor Restraining A Third Party, From Paying Money To The Judgment Debtor Until Sanctioned To Do So By The Court`Garnishee Order
Business & Money: A __________ _____ Is An Organization That Purchases Goods From Local Exporters On Behalf Of Overseas Buyers`Confirming House
Business & Money: A __________ Is A Person Appointed By A Court, Or By The Members Of A Company Or Its Creditors, To Regularise The Company's Affairs On A Liquidation`Liquidator
Business & Money: A ______ _______ Is A Product That Is Marketed Throughout The World With The Same Brand Name, Such As Coca Cola, Guinness, Levi, And Mcdonalds`Global Product
Business & Money: A _____-____ ______ Is A Property Insurance Policy In Which The Policyholder Arranges Cover For An Amount Below The Full Value Of The Items Insured And The Insurer Agrees Not To Penalize Him For Under-Insurance`First-Loss Policy
Business & Money: A _____ ______ Is A Single Special Premium Rate Quoted By An Insurer For Covering The Insurance On A Number Of Ships Or Vehicles Owned By One Person Or Company, Rather Than Considering Each One Individually`Fleet Rating
Business & Money: A _________ ____ Is A Situation That Could Arise In An Economy In Which Interest Rates Have Fallen So Low That Investors Allow Their Preference For Liquidity To Prevent Them From Investing In Bonds`Liquidity Trap
Business & Money: A ______ Is A Sum Of Money Or Article Bequeathed By Will And Handed Down From A Predecessor`Legacy
Business & Money: A ____ ___ Is A Tax Of So Much Per Head. It Was First Levied In Ancient Athens. In Britain, A Poll Tax Levied By Richard Ii In 1381 Gave Rise To The Insurrection Of Wat Tyler`Poll Tax
Business & Money: A _____ Is A Written Agreement Under Which A Property Owner Allows A Tenant To Use The Property For A Specified Period Of Time And Rent`Lease
Business & Money: A ____ ______ Is Market Research Conducted By Mail`Mail Survey
Business & Money: A ______ Is One Of Several Gold And Silver Coins Minted In Ancient Greece And Macedonia`Stater
Business & Money: A ____ ____ Is Selling, Advertising, Or Fund-Raising Material Sent To All The Names On A Mailing List`Mail Shot
Business & Money: A ____ Is Small Silver Coin Valued At 10 Cents And Used In The Usa`Dime
Business & Money: A __________ ______ Is The Buying By Its Managers Of A Company That Is In Trouble, The Target Of An Unwelcome Take-Over Bid, Or About To Be Floated`Management Buyout
Business & Money: A _________ ___ Is The Difference Between A Country's Foreign Exchange Requirements, For Imports And The Servicing Of Its Debts, And What It Has Available From Export Receipts And Overseas Earnings`Financing Gap
Business & Money: A Macroeconomic Model Is A Model Of A Country's Economy That Is Based On Macroeconomic Theory And ___________`Econometric Analysis
Business & Money: A Managed Currency Is A Currency In Which The Government Controls, Or At Least Influences, The ________ ____. This Control Is Usually Exerted By The Central Bank Buying And Selling In The Foreign-Exchange Market`Exchange Rate
Business & Money: A __________ ___________ ______ (Mis) Is A Database Held Within A Company, To Which Only Management Has Access`Management Information System
Business & Money: An Agent De Change Is A ___________ On The Paris Bourse`Stockbroker
Business & Money: An Agent De Change Is A Stockbroker On The _____`Paris Bourse
Business & Money: An ___-___-_____ Company Is A Company That Is Registered With The Registrar Of Companies Although It Does Not Trade And Has No Directors`Off-The-Shelf
Business & Money: An _________ _____ Is A British Institution Specializing In Accepting Or Guaranteeing Bills Of Exchange`Accepting House
Business & Money: An ________ _____ Is A Fixed Unit Of The Share Capital Of A Company`Ordinary Share
Business & Money: An _________ Is A Market In Which Relatively Few Sellers Supply Many Buyers, Each Seller Recognising That He Can Control His Prices To A Certain Extent And That His Competitors' Actions Will Influence His Profits`Oligopoly
Business & Money: An _______ _______ Is A Means Of Controlling Petty-Cash Expenditure In Which A Person Is Given A Certain Sum Of Money`Imprest Account
Business & Money: An _______ Is A Method Of Sale In Which Goods Are Sold In Public To The Highest Bidder`Auction
Business & Money: An ____ _______ Is An Economy In Which A Significant Percentage Of The Goods And Services Are Traded Internationally`Open Economy
Business & Money: An ______ Is A Portion Of Land In The Possession Of A Single Person Or Corporation`Estate
Business & Money: An _______ Is A Small Sum Of Money Or Token Given To Bind A Bargain Between Two Parties`Earnest
Business & Money: ________ Are A Statement Of Income And Expenditure`Accounts
Business & Money: _____ ______ Are Taxes Levied On A Person's Estate At The Time Of His Death`Death Duties
Business & Money: ___ ______ Are The Assets Of An Organisation Less Its Current Liabilities`Net Assets
Business & Money: A _____ Was An English 4 Pence Coin. The Last Was Struck In 1888`Groat
Business & Money: A ________ Was A Spanish And Spanish American Gold Coin In Use Until The Late 19th Century`Doubloon
Business & Money: Chrematistics Is The Science Of`Wealth
Business & Money: In Advertising, _______ Is The Amount Of Time Allocated To An Advertisement On Radio Or Television`Airtime
Business & Money: In Business, An _______ ____ Is An Estimate Of The Opportunity Cost Of Making Use Of A Resource That Is Already Owned And So Has No Formal Price`Imputed Cost
Business & Money: In Business, _______ _____ Are The Words Used In Crossing A Cheque To Ensure That The Cheque Is Paid Into The Bank Account Of The Payee Only. However, It Does Not Affect The Negotiability Of The Cheque`Account Payee
Business & Money: In Business, _____-___-____ Denotes Entries Above The Horizontal Line On A Company's Profit And Loss Account That Separates The Entries That Establish The Profit (Or Loss) From The Entries That Show How The Profit Is Distributed`Above-The-Line
Business & Money: In Business, _______ _______ Refers To The Method By Which An Organisation Can Contract Without Making People Redundant, Relying On Resignations, Retirements, Or Deaths`Natural Wastage
Business & Money: In Business, The __________ ____ __ ______ Is The Net Profit To Be Expected From An Investment, Calculated As A Percentage Of The Book Value Of The Assets Invested`Accounting Rate Of Return
Business & Money: In Economics, A _______ ___________ Is A Market Structure In Which All Agents Take The Market Price As Given: They Cannot Alter It Because They Lack The Market Power To Do So`Perfect Competition
Business & Money: In Economics, The ___________ _________ Is The Relative Efficiency In A Particular Economic Activity Of An Individual Or Group Of Individuals Over Another Economic Activity, Compared To Another Individual Or Group`Comparative Advantage
Business & Money: In Economics, The ________ ______ Is The Total Of All Incomes Accruing Over A Specified Period To Residents Of A Country And Consisting Of Wages, Salaries, Profits, Rent, And Interest`National Income
Business & Money: In Finance, ____ _____ Are Liquid Assets That Can Be Converted To Cash Very Quickly, Such As A Bank Deposit Or Bill Of Exchange`Near Money
Business & Money: In Merchandising, ____ Is An Allowance Of Weight Made For Dust Etc In Merchantable Goods`Tret
Business & Money: In Numismatics, The _______ Is The Side Of A Coin Bearing The Head Or Principal Figure`Obverse
Business & Money: In ___________, The Obverse Is The Side Of A Coin Bearing The Head Or Principal Figure`Numismatics
Business & Money: In ___________, The Reverse Is The Side Of A Coin Opposite To That On Which The Head Or Principle Figure Is Impressed`Numismatics
Business & Money: ____ Is A Banking Arrangement For Settling Debts That Has Been Used In Europe For Many Years`Giro
Business & Money: _________ Is A Business Arrangement In Which One Party Sells A Property To A Buyer And The Buyer Immediately Leases The Property Back To The Seller, Sometimes Providing Tax Benefits`Leaseback
Business & Money: __________ _____ _______ Is A Business Term For The Acceptance Or Payment Of A Bill Of Exchange, After It Has Been Dishonoured, By A Person Wishing To Save The Honour Of The Drawer Or An Endorser Of The Bill`Acceptance Supra Protest
Business & Money: _______ __ _______ Is A Legal Remedy Available As An Alternative To Damages In Certain Circumstances, Especially In Breach Of Copyright Cases`Account Of Profits
Business & Money: ________ _________ Is A Levy In Britain For Social Security Purposes, Notionally Intended To Fund Sickness And Unemployment Benefits And National Retirement Pensions`National Insurance
Business & Money: ________ ______ ___ Is A Means Of Targeting Social Security Benefits To Those Most In Need`Negative Income Tax
Business & Money: ______ ______ Is An Economic Theory That Concerns The Relationship Between The Demand For Goods And Their Prices: It Forms The Core Of Microeconomics`Demand Theory
Business & Money: ____ ___________ Is An Equilibrium In An Economy, In Which Every Individual Is Maximizing His Or Her Utility, Taking Into Account The Actions Of All Other Individuals`Nash Equilibrium
Business & Money: _____________ ______ ___ Is An Income Tax For Which The Tax Base Consists Not Only Of Income But Also Of Capital Gains As Well As Other Accretions Of Wealth, Such As Legacies`Comprehensive Income Tax
Business & Money: _________ Is An Insurance Against An Eventuality (Especially Death) That Must Occur`Assurance
Business & Money: ________ _________ Is An Insurance Policy That Pays A Specified Amount Of Money To The Policyholder In The Event Of The Loss Of One Or More Eyes Or Limbs In Any Type Of Accident`Accident Insurance
Business & Money: ________ ______________ Is A Pension Paid To Some Elderly People By The Department Of Social Welfare In New Zealand`National Superannuation
Business & Money: ____ _____ Is A Primitive Form Of Currency, Believed To Have Been Introduced Into Europe From Egypt, Where It Was Largely Employed As The Medium Of Exchange, Circulating By Weight, Not By Tale`Ring Money
Business & Money: ________ Is A Term Describing All Property Of Whatever Kind, Excluding Freehold Land And Anything Permanently Affixed To Freehold Land`Chattels
Business & Money: _________ Is Liquidated Damages Payable Under A Charterparty, At A Specified Daily Rate For Any Days Required For Completing The Loading Or Discharging Of Cargo After The Lay Days Have Expired`Demurrage
Business & Money: __________ _____ _______ Is The Buying And Selling Of Shares In Companies That Belong To The Same Group, In Order To Obtain An Advantage Of Some Kind, Usually A Tax Advantage`Incestuous Share Dealing
Business & Money: ________ Is The Currency Of Britain. The Name Is Derived From Easterlings, The Hanse Merchants`Sterling
Business & Money: _______ ___ Is The Day On Which All Transactions Made During The Previous Account On The London Stock Exchange Must Be Settled`Account Day
Business & Money: _______ Is The Legal And Economic Status Of Being Property`Slavery
Business & Money: ___________ Is The Misappropriation Of Money Pr Funds Held By An Official, Trustee Or Other Fiduciary`Defalcation
Business & Money: ________ Is The Practice By A Broker Of Encouraging An Investor To Change His Investments Frequently In Order To Make Him Pay Excessive Commissions`Churning
Business & Money: _________ __ __________ Is The Process By Which The Sale Of New Products And Services Spreads Among Customers`Diffusion Of Innovation
Business & Money: __________ _____ Is The Processing Of Money Acquired Illegally (As By Theft, Drug Dealing, Etc.) So That It Appears To Have Come From A Legitimate Source`Laundering Money
Business & Money: __________ _______ Is The Process Of Costing Products Or Activities By Taking Into Account The Total Costs Incurred In Producing The Product Or Service, However Remote`Absorption Costing
Business & Money: _____________ Is The Science Of Wealth`Chrematistics
Business & Money: ___ _______ Is The Tracing Against The Sky Of An Advertisement-Word In Smoke By An Aeroplane`Sky Writing
Business & Money: ________ _____ Is The Trade In One Centre In The Goods Of Other Countries`Entrepot Trade
Business & Money: ___ ____ _____ Is The Value At Which An Asset Appears In The Books Of An Organisation Less Any Depreciation That Has Been Applied Since Its Purchase Or Its Last Revaluation`Net Book Value
Business & Money: Merchandising Is The Promotion By A ________ In His Shop Of Selected Products`Retailer
Business & Money: National Banks Are American Commercial Banks Established By Federal Charter, Which Requires Them To Be Members Of The _______ _______`Federal Reserve System
Business & Money: Net Assets Are The Assets Of An Organisation Less Its Current`Liabilities
Business & Money: Slavery Is The Legal And Economic Status Of Being`Property
Business & Money: The Anna Was An Indian Coin, One Sixteenth Of A`Rupee
Business & Money: The Chetrum Is The Currency Of`Bhutan
Business & Money: The _______ (Cockerel) Is A Unit Of Currency In Malawi`Tambala
Business & Money: The Dandiprat Was An English 16th Century ______`Silver Coin
Business & Money: The Denarius Was The Chief Roman ______`Silver Coin
Business & Money: The Gerah Was An Ancient Jewish Monetary Unit. It Was One Twentieth Of A`Shekel
Business & Money: The Grosem Was A _____ ______ ____ In Circulation During The 19th Century`Swiss Silver Coin
Business & Money: The Guarani Is The Currency Of`Paraguay
Business & Money: The Guilder Is The Currency Of The`Netherlands
Business & Money: The Guinea Was The First English Gold Coin, And Was Worth 20`Shillings
Business & Money: The _________ ______ _________ Is A Committee Representing The 16 Accepting Houses In The City Of London`Accepting Houses Committee
Business & Money: The ________ Is A Unit Of Cuurency Used In Bulgaria`Stotinki
Business & Money: The ___ Is The Currency Of Albania`Lek
Business & Money: The _________ Is The Currency Of Austria`Schilling
Business & Money: The _____ Is The Currency Of Azerbaijan. One Is Equal To 100 Gapik`Manat
Business & Money: The ______ Is The Currency Of Bangladesh. There Are 100 ______ To 1 Taka`Paisas
Business & Money: The _______ Is The Currency Of Bhutan`Chetrum
Business & Money: The ____ Is The Currency Of Botswana. One ____ Is Equal To 100 Thebes`Pula
Business & Money: The ___ Is The Currency Of Bulgaria`Lev
Business & Money: The ____ Is The Currency Of Burma`Kyat
Business & Money: The ________ Is The Currency Of China`Renminbi
Business & Money: The _____ Is The Currency Of Denmark And Norway`Krone
Business & Money: The _____ Is The Currency Of Ecuador`Sucre
Business & Money: The ______ Is The Currency Of Finland`Markka
Business & Money: The _______ Is The Currency Of Greece`Drachma
Business & Money: The _______ Is The Currency Of Guatemala (It Is Divided Into 100 Centavos)`Quetzal
Business & Money: The _____ Is The Currency Of Iceland And Sweden`Krona
Business & Money: The ______ Is The Currency Of Indonesia`Rupiah
Business & Money: The _____ Is The Currency Of Kazakhstan`Tenge
Business & Money: The ______ Is The Currency Of Morocco And United Arab Emirates`Dirham
Business & Money: The _____ Is The Currency Of Nigeria`Naira
Business & Money: The _______ Is The Currency Of Paraguay`Guarani
Business & Money: The ______ Is The Currency Of Portugal And Angola. Until 1975 The ______ Was The Currency In Chile`Escudo
Business & Money: The _____ Is The Currency Of Qatar. One _____ Equals 100 Dirhams`Riyal
Business & Money: The ______ Is The Currency Of Russia`Rouble
Business & Money: The _______ Is The Currency Of The Netherlands`Guilder
Business & Money: The ____ Is The Currency Of Vietnam`Dong
Business & Money: The ______ Is The Currency Of Zambia And Malawi`Kwacha
Business & Money: The ___ __ ___ _____ Is The Economic Rule That, In The Absence Of Trade Barriers Or Transport Costs, Competition Will Ensure That A Particular Good Will Sell At The Same Price In All Countries`Law Of One Price
Business & Money: The _______ _________ Is The Person In An Advertising, Marketing, Or Public- Relations Agency Responsible For Implementing A Client's Business`Account Executive
Business & Money: The _____ _________ Is The Person With Responsibility For Ensuring That An Organization Functions Efficiently If It Is Non-Profitmaking And Makes A Profit Acceptable To The Shareholders If It Is Profitmaking`Chief Executive
Business & Money: The ________ ____ __ ______ Is The Process By Which Money And Goods Pass Between Different Groups In The Economy`Circular Flow Of Income
Business & Money: The ____ _______ _____ Is The Proportion Of Annual Export Earnings Needed To Service A Country' S External Debts, Including Both Interest Payments And Repayment Of Principal`Debt Service Ratio
Business & Money: The Koruna Is The Currency Of`Czechoslovakia
Business & Money: The Krona Is The Currency Of _______ And Sweden`Iceland
Business & Money: The Krona Is The Currency Of Iceland And`Sweden
Business & Money: The Krone Is The Currency Of _______ And Norway`Denmark
Business & Money: The Krone Is The Currency Of Denmark And`Norway
Business & Money: The Kwacha Is The Currency Of ______ And Malawi`Zambia
Business & Money: The Kwacha Is The Currency Of Zambia And`Malawi
Business & Money: The Kyat Is The Currency Of`Burma
Business & Money: The National Savings _____ ________ Is An Organisation Run By The Department For National Savings To Enable Members Of The Public To Purchase Certain Treasury Stock And Other Gilts As An Alternative To The Main Bank Of England Register`Stock Register
Business & Money: The ____'_ ___ Of 1793 Brought Benefit Societies Under The Control Of The Government`Rose's Act
Business & Money: The ___ _____ _____ Of An Organisation Is The Total Assets Less All Liabilities And All Capital Charges`Net Asset Value
Business & Money: The ___ _____ Of An Organisation Is The Value Of The Organisation When Its Liabilities Have Been Deducted From The Value Of Its Assets`Net Worth
Business & Money: The Office Of Telecommunications Is A _______ Government Body Set Up In 1984 To Supervise The Telecommunications Industry`British
Business & Money: The Paisas Is The Currency Of Bangladesh. There Are 100 Paisas To 1`Taka
Business & Money: The Peseta Is The Currency Of _____ And Equatorial Guinea`Spain
Business & Money: The Peseta Is The Currency Of Spain And __________`Equatorial Guinea
Business & Money: The Peso Is The Currency Of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, _________ ________, Mexico, Philippines And Uruguay`Dominican Republic
Business & Money: The Peso Is The Currency Of Argentina, _______, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Philippines And Uruguay`Bolivia
Business & Money: The Rap Was A Counterfeit Irish Coin Passing As A Halfpenny In The Reign Of ______`George I
Business & Money: The Rap Was A Counterfeit Irish Coin Passing As A _________ In The Reign Of George I`Halfpenny
Business & Money: The Rose's Act Of 1793 Brought _______ _________ Under The Control Of The Government`Benefit Societies
Business & Money: The Rupee Is The Currency Of India And Pakistan. The Name Derives From The ________ Word For Silver, Rupya`Sanskrit
Business & Money: The Stotinki Is A Unit Of Cuurency Used In`Bulgaria
Business & Money: The Sucre Is The Currency Of`Ecuador
Business & Money: The Tambala (Cockerel) Is A Unit Of Currency In`Malawi
Business & Money: The Tambala (________) Is A Unit Of Currency In Malawi`Cockerel
Business & Money: The Tenge Is The Currency Of`Kazakhstan
Business & Money: The Tetradrachmon Was An Ancient _____ Coin Equal To 4 Drachma`Greek
Business & Money: The Tetradrachmon Was An Ancient Greek Coin Equal To 4`Drachma
Business & Money: The Uk Department For National Savings Was Established In 1969, Having Previously Been Known As The ____ ______ _______`Post Office Savings Department
Business & Money: The ______ Was A Chinese Silver Dollar`Dragon
Business & Money: The ____ Was A Former Currency Of Spain`Real
Business & Money: The ________ Was A Former French Gold Coin Of Twenty Francs Weighing 6.45 Grams`Napoleon
Business & Money: The ______ Was A Former Silver Coin Of Persia`Abassi
Business & Money: The ______ Was A Gold Coin First Struck At Venice At The End Of The 13th Century`Sequin
Business & Money: The ______ Was A Gold Coin Struck During The Reign Of James I In 1619`Laurel
Business & Money: The ______ Was A Gold Or Silver Coin Current In Hindustan Around The End Of The 19th Century, Varying In Value Between Localities`Pagoda
Business & Money: The ___ ____ _________ Was An Agreement Between Publishers And Booksellers According To Which Booksellers Will Not Offer Books To The Public Below The Price Marked On The Cover Of The Book`Net Book Agreement
Business & Money: The _______-_____ Was An American Gold Coin Worth 2.5 Dollars, Issued From 1792`Quarter-Eagle
Business & Money: The _____________ Was An Ancient Greek Coin Equal To 4 Drachma`Tetradrachmon
Business & Money: The ______ Was An Ancient Greek Coin Made Of An Alloy Of Silver And Copper, And Equal In Value To One Sixth Of A Drachma`Obolus
Business & Money: The ____ Was An Ancient Scottish Silver Penny, Twelve Equal To The English Penny`Doit
Business & Money: The _________ Was An English 16th Century Silver Coin`Dandiprat
Business & Money: The ____ Was An Indian Coin, One Sixteenth Of A Rupee`Anna
Business & Money: The _____ Was An Indian Gold Coin Valued At 15 Rupees`Mohur
Business & Money: The ____-_____ Was An Old English Gold Coin, Stamped With The Impression Of A Rose`Rose-Noble
Business & Money: The _____ Was An Old Italian Silver Coin Varying Locally In Value From 5 To 8 Francs And Subdivided Into 10 Paoli And 100 Bajocchi`Scudo
Business & Money: The _______ Was A Portugese Gold Coin Equal To 4800 Reis, Used From 1690 Until 1722`Moidore
Business & Money: The ________ __________ _____ Was A Public Corporation Established In 1975 To Help The Economy Of The Uk`National Enterprise Board
Business & Money: The ______ Was A Silver Coin Of Austria, Hungary And Holland`Gulden
Business & Money: The ________ Was A Small American Coin Of Six And A Quarter Cents Value, Current In The Usa Until 1857. The Name Was Also Applied To The Spanish Half- Real In Florida And Louisiana`Picayune
Business & Money: The _____ ___________ Was A Society Of Merchants And Others Founded In Britain In 1889 With The Object Of The Representation Of The Interests Of British Merchants In Their Relations With China And Japan, And The Extent Of Trade With These Countries`China Association
Business & Money: The ______ Was A Swiss Silver Coin In Circulation During The 19th Century`Grosem
Business & Money: The ____ Was From 1871 To The Start Of 2002 The Currency Of Germany`Mark
Business & Money: The ________ Was The Chief Roman Silver Coin`Denarius
Business & Money: The _____ ________ Was The Currency Used In France Before The Franc, Which Replaced It In 1795`Livre Tournois
Business & Money: The ______ Was The First English Gold Coin, And Was Worth 20 Shillings`Guinea
Business & Money: The __________ ____ Were Legislation Passed By Great Britain In The 17th And 18th Centuries To Promote And Protect British Industry And Commerce Against Foreign Competition`Navigation Acts
Business & Money: ________ Was A Duty On All Imports And Exports Imposed In 1302 And Abolished In 1787`Poundage
Business & Money: _____'_ _____ Was A Papal Tax Originating In England In The Eigth Century`Peter's Pence
Business & Money: _________ ____ ___ Was A Special Rate Of Tax Introduced In The Uk In 1951 That Building Societies And Banks Must Deduct From Interest Paid To Investors`Composite Rate Tax
Business & Money: ______ _____ Was A Sum Of 1200 Pounds Per Annum Granted By William Iii To The Presbyterian Clergy Of Ireland As A Reward For The Active Measures They Took Against James Ii`Regium Donum
Business & Money: ____-____ Was A Tribute Paid To The Danes To Stop Their Ravages In England`Dane-Geld
Business & Money: ____-____ _____ Was Coinage Minted In Massachusetts, Usa During The 17th Century`Pine-Tree Money
Business & Money: ____ Was The Old English Tax Levied On Land`Geld
Business on what was the world's first adhesive used`postage stamp
Business profits`earnings
Butterflies taste with their`feet
butterflies taste with their ---------- feet`hind
"But touch my tears with your lips, touch my world with your fingertips" what is the queen song title`Who Wants to Live Forever
buzz aldrin was the first man to ---------- his pants on the moon`pee
Bwana means Sir in which language`swahili
By 1919, there were _________ cars in the U.S`six million`6,000,000
By 1983, 13 million of what "labor-saving" device operated worldwide`computers
by 65 years old, americans have watched more than ---------- years of television`nine
By 70 years of age, an average person will have shed how many pounds of skin`one hundred & five
By 70 years of age, an average person will have shed how many pounds of skin`one hundred & five`105
by age---------- , most people have lost half of their taste buds`sixty
By all means: of course: 'You may --------- join us.'`certainly
by consuming to much alcohol during pregnancy, what disorder can a mother give her unborn child`foetal alcohol syndrome
By feeding hens certain ____ they can be made to lay eggs with varicolored yolks`dyes
By finding what, can the slope of a curve at any given point be determined`derivative
By how much do the world's termites outweigh human beings`ten to one
by how much do the world's termites outweigh human beings`ten to`point
By means of: 'sent the letter --- airmail.'`via
By nature, the rhinoceros is?`Monogamous
By or relating to a method of transportation in which truck trailers are carried on trains, or cars on specially designed trucks`piggyback
By or with consent of the public`publicly
By raising your legs slowly and laying on your back, in what can you not sink`quicksand
By raising your legs slowly and laying on your back, you can't sink in ________`quicksand
By the age of 100, there are only __ men per 100 women.`18
By the end of 1983, how many computers were in use in the world `thirteen million`13,000,000
by the end of 1983, how many computers were in use in the world`thirteen million`13 million
By the time a child finishes elementary school they will have witnessed how many acts of violence on television`100,000
By the time a child finishes elementary school they will have witnessed how many murders on television`eight thousand`8,000
by the turn of the century, acrobatics were important into the what`circus
By the way: incidentally: 'Apropos, where were you yesterday?'`apropos
By this means: hereby`herewith
By what Alias does Ferris Bueller get into Chez Luis?`Abe Frohman
by what benchmark is microprocessor performance most commonly measured`spec
By what chemical process do plants manufacture food`photosynthesis
By what country was the first concentration camp setup during the Boer wars`england
By whatever means`howsoever
By what first name is a plane's automatic pilot commonly known`george
By what is the hudson river spanned`george washington bridge
By what means was the sword of Damocles suspended`a single hair
By what more familiar name did we know the popular musician and band leader, Gerald Bright`geraldo
By what more familiar title is the First Lord of the Treasury better known`prime minister
By what name are cinema's Academy Awards better known`oscars
By what name are curtains known in the USA`drapes
By what name are Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Brown and Cornell Universities collectively known`ivy league
By what name do we know entertainer Reginald Dwight`elton john
By what name do we know the domesticated albino variety of the polecat`ferret
By what name do we know the slender glass tube used for transferring or measuring out known volumes of liquids`pipette
By what name do we usually refer to radio detection and ranging`radar
By what name, historically, was the burning to death of people condemned as heretics by the Spanish Inquisition known`auto-da-fe
By what name is a female bear called`sow
By what name is 'albumen' more commonly known`egg white
By what name is an aircraft's flight recorder also known`black box
By what name is an Elk known in North America`moose
by what name is anthony benedetto better known`tony bennett
By what name is Beethoven's symphony number nine better known`the choral
By what name is Beethoven's symphony number three better known`eroica
By what name is blues singer McKinley Morganfield better known`muddy waters
By what name is gainsboroughs portrait buttal better known`blue boy
By what name is Harry Angstrom known in the titles of John Updike's trilogy`rabbit
By what name is Jacopo Robusti better known`tintoretto
By what name is john deutzendorf, who died in 1997, better known`john denver
By what name is Lauren Bacall know to her close friends`betty
By what name is Lesley Hornby better known`twiggy
By what name is Lysergic acid diethylamide better known`LSD
By what name is Maurice Micklewhite better known`michael caine
By what name is pop musician Sean Coombs better known`puff daddy or puffy
By what name is president Lyndon B Johnson's wife Claudia better known`Lady Bird
By what name is Robert Alln Zimmerman better known`bob dylan
By what name is Robert Zimmermann, better known`bob dylan
By what name is Siddhartha Gautama better known`buddha
By what name is the 2nd day of February called in the U.S.A.`ground hog day
By what name is the 3rd battle of Ypres known`passchendaele
By what name is the bird Pica Pica better known`magpie
By what name is the bird the Yaffle more commonly known`green woodpecker
By what name is the bird Troglodytes Troglodytes better known`wren
By what name is the country of Bechuanaland now known`botswana
By what name, is the entertainment business, is Victoria Adams better known`posh spice
By what name is the former Basutoland now known`lesotho
By what name is the former Bechuanaland now known`botswana
By what name is the Mongol leader Temujin better known`Genghis Khan
By what name is the order of animals called chiroptera better known`bats
By what name is the plant Ilex better known`holly
By what name is the reed pipe of the bagpipes known`chanter
By what name is the singer Annie Mae Bullock known`tina turner
By what name is the skeleton dug up in Sussex in 1912, and later found to be a hoax,known`piltdown man
By what name is the skin complaint of 'comedo' better known`blackheads
By what name is the skin condition called 'naevus' better known`strawberry mark
By what name is the trachea commonly known`windpipe
By what name is Virginia Wynette Pugh better known`tammy wynette
By what name was Albert de Salvo better known`boston strangler
By what name was Arthur Lucan better known`old mother riley
By what name was Butch Cassidy's outlaw gang popularly known`wild bunch
By what name was Cambodian leader Saloth Sar better known`pol pot
By what name was Elizabeth Foster better known`mother goose
By what name was Indian political leader Mohandas Gandhi better known`Mahatma
By what name was Jan Lodvig Hoch better known`robert maxwell
By what name was Jean Baptiste Poquelin better known`moliere
By what name was Kampuchea forerly known`cambodia
By what name was Kampuchea formally known`cambodia
By what name was King George the II also known as`Mad King George
By what name was Lord Greystoke better known`tarzan
by what name was manfred von richtofen better known as`red baron
By what name was mercenary Costas Georgio better known`colonel callen
By what name was outlaw Harry Longbaugh better known`sundance kid
By what name was Queen Victoria's husband known`prince albert
By what name was Robert Stroud better known`birdman of alcatraz
by what name was tennessee was formerly known`franklin
By what name was the 19th century sporting eccentric John Sholto Douglas better known He won a famous libel case in 1895`the marquess of queensberry
By what name was the American William Cody better known`buffalo bill
By what name was the artist Buonarotti better known`michaelangelo
By what name was the children's writer Theodor Geisel better known`dr seuss
By what name was the "ordinary" bicycle of 1871 more popularly known`penny farthing
By what name was the pop star Mark Feld better known`marc bolan
By what name was the Roman god Bacchus known to the ancient Greeks`dionysus
By what name was the Scottish outlaw Robert McGregor better known`rob roy
By what name was the silent film actress Gladys Smith better known`mary pickford
By what name was William Cody better known as`buffalo bill
By what name was Zimbabwe previously known`rhodesia
By what nickname is the well-known American singer Bruce Springsteen often referred`the boss
By what nickname was George Brummell usually known`beau brummell
By what other name are the Southern Lights known`aurora australis
By what other name do we know table tennis`ping pong
By what other name do we ususally refer to Norway lobsters or Dublin Bay prawns`scampi
By what other name is a fox's tail known`brush
By what other name is an alligator pear known`avocado
By what other name is Lac Leman known`lake geneva
By what other name is La Cosa Nostra also known`the mafia
by what other name is lock jaw known`tetanus
By what other name is the 180 degree meridian known as`international date line
By what other name is the abominable snowman known`yeti
By what other name is the German mastiff known`great dane
By what other name is the island of Lindisfarne known`holy island
By what other name is the mountain K2 called`mount godwin austen
By what process is chromium applied to car parts`electroplating
By what process is rock worn down by the weather`erosion
By what process is rum created`fermenting molasses
by what title is jack wilton best known?`unfortunate traveler
By what title was Mohandas K Gandhi known`mahatma
By what Treaty did Britain acquire Hong Kong in 1842`nanking
By what Treaty did Britain acquire New Zealand in 1840`waitangi
By which English sea port did Dracula enter the country`Whitby
By which name do we  know Martha Jane Canary`calamity jane
By which name is Eric Claudin better known`phantom of the opera
By which name is Mendelssohn's Third Symphony known`scottish
By whom was julius caesar stabbed`cassius
By who was gerald ford almost assassinated`squeaky fromme
by ---------- years old, americans have watched more than nine years of television`sixty five
c3p0 is the first character to speak in which film`star wars
c6 h12 o6 is the chemical formula of what group?`carbohydrates
Cabinet Members Were The Subject Of David Halberstam's 'The Best And The Brightest'`John Kennedy And Lyndon Johnson
Cable To Italy's 1938 World Cup Soccer Team Read: 'Win Or Die!'`Benito Mussolini
Caciocavallo, herkimer, mysost, & trappist are all varieties of what`cheese
caesar, pompey, and crassus formed the what`first triumverate
Cagliari is the capital of which mediterranean island`sardinia
Cain & Abel were two of the sons of Adam & Eve. Name the third`seth
Cainophobia is the fear of`newness`novelty
cairo is the capital of ______`egypt
Calabrese is a form of which vegetable`broccoli
Calabrese is a type of which vegetable`broccoli
Calamine, used as an ointment , contains a carbonate of which element`zinc
Calendula is the botanical name for which garden flower, usually yellow or orange`marigold
Calf-length pants with flared legs`gauchos
Calfs flesh eaten as food`veal
Caliari is the capital of which island`sardinia
California is to Eureka as New York is to`excelsior
california's ---------- epperson invented the popsicle in 1905 when he was 11-years-old`frank
california's frank epperson invented the ---------- in 1905 when he was 11-years-old`popsicle
california's frank epperson invented the popsicle in 1905 when he was ---------- -years-old`eleven
california's frank ---------- invented the popsicle in 1905 when he was 11-years-old`epperson
California's long association with gold make this a natural nickname for the state`The Golden State
Caligynephobia is the fear of`beautiful women
Calimari is a Greek dish made from what sea creature`squid
Called for by rules or conventions: correct: 'the ------ form for a business letter.'`proper
Callendar : How many days where there in 1976`366
calling occupants of interplanetary craft was a best-selling single for which american duo`carpenters
Callisto, lo and Europa are moons of which planet`jupiter
'Call me Ishmael' is the first line from which classic novel`moby dick
'Calvados' is a brandy made from what`apples
Calypso, catteleya and pogonia are types of which flowering plant`orchid
Camels are born without`humps
Camels have three ______ to protect themselves from blowing sand`eyelids
camel's milk does not----------`curdle
Campaign Warned, 'A Vote For Anderson Is A Vote For Reagan'`Jimmy Carter
Can a bat stand up`no
Canada is an Indian word meaning what`big village
Canada is an Indian word meaning what`village`settlement
Canada is seperated on an imaginary line along the ______`49th parallel
Canada is the world leader in the production of`newsprint
Canadian: a person loyal to the british crown in the 1780's`loyalist
canadian: a species of pacific salmon?`sockeye
Canadian: Early inn`mile house
Canadianisms: Finish the quote: "The Mounties always  ."`get their man
Canadianisms: Popular term for RCMP officers`mounties
Canadianisms: Popular term for the Liberal Party`grits
Canadianisms: Proper term for "Eskimo."`inuit
Canadianisms: RCMP stands for`royal canadian mounted police
canadian prime minister pierre elliot ______`trudeau
Canadian Prime Minister: Pierre Elliott __________.`trudeau
Canadian Prime Minister: Pierre Elliott `Trudeau
Canadian: Prince Edward Island`spud island
Canadians are sometimes thought of as`canucks
Canadian Slang. A small bottle of liquor, shaped to fit in a pocket`mickey
Canadian: sled dog first bred by Eskimos`malemute
canadian: wild hairy monster of indian lore`sasquatch
Canaletto is famous for his landscapes of Venice. And which other city`london
Can a platypus see under water`no
Can a short-sighted person see objects more clearly when they are close up or far away`close up
Canberra is the capital of ______`australia
Cancer claims ____ victims an hour in America`forty
Cancer claims ____ victims an hour in America`forty`40
Candlestick maker`butcher baker candlestick maker
Candlestick maker what is the capital of iran`teheran
Candy: Candy bar named for a celestial object.`milky way
Candy: Candy bar promoted by Bart Simpson.`butterfingers
Candy: Candy named for Mars and Murrie, the company's founders.`mms
Candy: Cinnamon flavored candies with a Mexican theme.`hot tamales
Candy: Fruit flavored candy pieces made with ju-ju gum.`jujubes
Candy: Largest single user of almonds in North America.`hershey
Candy: Marble sized, vanilla flavored, chewy caramels covered with milk choclate.`milk duds
Candy: Milk chocolate covered peanuts.`goobers
Candy: Swiss manufacturer of the Crunch bar.`nestle
Candy: This bar first appeared in oats'n honey, cinammon, and coconut flavors.`granola
Can gorillas swim`no
Can lasers cut diamonds`yes
---------- can live in captivity for up to 46 years`eagles
Cannibals are famous for eating what`human flesh
---------- cannot move backwards`alligators
Can't face the traffic? How about a spot of home improvement instead? Roughly how much was spent on DIY in Britain in 2001`45bn sterling
Can there be lightning without rain`yes
canthopterygian is a(n)....?`fish
Canvey Island is part of which county`essex
can you figure out what 42itus means?`fortuitous
Can you have an ejaculation without an erection?`Yes
Can you name all of the Bradford's on Eight is Enough?`Tom,Abbey,David,Mary,Joni,Susan,Nancy,Tommy,Elizabeth,Nicholas
Can you name the 5 original MTV VJ's?`Martha Quinn,J.J. Jackson,Mark Goodman,Alan Hunter and Nina Blackwood
Can you swim in the sea of showers`no
Capable of being bent repeatedly without injury or damage`flexible
Capable of being decomposed by the action of light`photodegradable
Capable of being gotten: obtainable: 'a bedspread --------- in three colors.'`available
Capable of being put into effective operation: practicable or feasible.  possible`workable
Capable of being transferred from one employer to another. Used of an employee benefit`portable
Capable of causing injury or death, especially by chemical means: poisonous: 'food preservatives that are ----- in concentrated amounts: a dump for`toxic
Capable of forming or tending to form threads: viscid`threadier
Capable of grinding`molars
Capable of gripping and affecting or wounding: cutting: 'a biting aphorism.'  incisive`bitingly
Capable of growing and developing: able to mature: 'a ------- egg.'`fertile
Capable of inheriting or taking by inheritance`heritable
Capable of living outside the uterus. Used of a fetus or newborn`viability
Capable of moving, bending, or contorting easily: supple`limber
Capable of moving or changing quickly from one state or condition to another: 'a ------, expressive face.'`mobile
Capable of occurring or being done without offense to character, nature, or custom`possible
Capable of or engaged in flight: 'The bat is a flying mammal.'`flyings
Capable of or producing reflection: 'a ---------- surface.'`reflective
Capable of preventing infection by inhibiting the growth of microorganisms`antiseptic
Capable of producing something that can be erased: 'an -------- pen.'`erasable
Capable of receiving or transmitting at wavelengths of approximately 10 to 200 meters: 'a --------- radio.'`shortwave
Capable of seeing to a great distance`farsighted
Capacity for such a feeling: 'Have you no -----?'`shame
Capacity or ability to lead: 'showed strong ---------- during her first term in office.'`leadership
Cape Verde is a former colony of which country`portugal
Capital cities: Australia`canberra
Capital cities: Cameroon`yaounde
Capital cities: Denmark`copenhagen
Capital cities: Ethiopia`addis ababa
Capital cities: Finland`helsinki
Capital cities: Ghana`accra
Capital cities: Iceland`reykjavik
Capital cities: Jamaica`kingston
Capital cities: Mongolia`ulaanbaatar
capital cities: name the capital of syria`damascus
Capital cities: Oman`muscat
Capital cities: Papua New Guinea`port moresby
Capital cities: Romania`bucharest
Capital cities: Taiwan`taipei
Capital cities: Tonga`nuku'alofa
Capital cities: Vanuatu`port vila
Capital cities: Western Samoa`apia
capital cities: what country's capital was formed when pesth and buda merged`hungary
Capital cities: Zambia`lusaka
Capital City of Alaska (USA)`Juneau
Capital city of Arizona & seat of Maricopa County, located on the salt river in the south central part of the state`phoenix
Capital City of Liberia`Monrovia
Capital city of Quebec, Canada`quebec
Capital City of Somalia`Mogadishu
Capital City of the Balearic Islands`Palma
Capital City Of Washington (USA)`Olympia
capital is Perugia`umbria
Capital L is the Roman numeral for which number`fifty
Capital L is the Roman numeral for which number`fifty`50
capital of afghanistan`kabul
Capital of Argentina`buenos aires
Capital of Azerbaijan`baku
capital of boliva`la paz
capital of brunei`bandar seri begawan
capital of burkina faso`ougadougou
capital of chile`santiago
Capital of Colorado, USA`denver
capital of ecuador`quito
Capital of Egypt and the largest city in africa`Cairo
capital of el salvador`san salvador
capital of ethiopia`addis ababa
capital of georgia (the country)`tbilisi
Capital of Ghana`accra
capital of iceland`reykjavik
Capital Of Japan 794-1182AD`Kyoto
capital of jordan`amman
capital of montserrat`plymouth
capital of papua new guinea`port moresby
Capital of Scotland`edinburgh
capital of switzerland`berne
capital of tajikistan`dushanbe
capital of the state of arkansas`little rock
capital of the state of michigan`lansing
capital of the state of new york`albany
capital of the state of north dakota`bismarck
capital of the state of oregon`salem
Capital of Tuscony and centre of Renaissance art`florence
Capitals: Iran`Tehran
Capitals: Iraq`Baghdad
Capone Music Artists: Who did "Cheap Sunglasses" in 1979`zz top
Capricious: impulsive: At worst his scruples must have been --------, not malicious (Louis Auchincloss)`quixotic
Captain Cook left Britain and Count Dracula arrived via which town`whitby
Captain Cook left Britain & Count Dracula arrived via which town`whitby
Captain cook lost almost half his crew in 1768 on his first voyage to ______`south pacific
Captain cook lost almost half his crew in 1768 on his first voyage to the`south pacific
Captain Cook was the first man to set foot on all continents except`antarctica
Captain Hook, Tiger Lily, and Tinker Bell are characters in what story`Peter Pan
Captain John Mason received a grant for land in 1629. He named this land  after the English county of Hampshire where he had enjoyed a number of years as a child`New Hampshire
Captain What two word term is considered the lowest possible temperature`absolute
capt binghamton of mchale's navy referred to mchale's men as a crew of what?`pirates
Capture By The Russians Brings The Bulging Warrior Back To Rambo Iii`Colonel Trautman
Capuchin monks belong to which order`franciscans
caracas is the capital of ______`venezuela
Carbonated soda water was invented in 1767, 1768 or 1769`1767
carbonated water, with nothing else in it, can dissolve limestone, ---------- , and many other low-moh's hardness minerals`talc
carbonated water, with nothing else in it, can dissolve limestone, talc, and many other low-moh's hardness----------`mineral
carbonated water, with nothing else in it, can dissolve---------- , talc, and many other low-moh's hardness minerals`limestone
Carcinophobia is the fear of ____`cancer
card games: what's the crucial card in the game of hearts`queen of spades
Cardiophobia is the fear of`the heart
Carditis, affects the `heart
Cards Have The Power To Beat Cards Of Other Suits (Trumps)`Karnoffel
Careful in regard to one's own interests: provident`prudent
Careful management: economy`prudence
Care in providing for the future: prudence.  prudence`foresight
Careless and irresponsible`feckless
Carelessly discarded refuse: litter`debris
Carelessly discarded refuse, such as wastepaper: 'the ------ in the streets after a parade.'`litter
Care or treatment of feet`pedicure
Care, supervision, and control exerted by one in charge.  care`custodies
Cargo: freight`ladings
Cargo pants and mini-skirts were part of the 2001 uniform of what 90 year old organization`Girl Scouts of America
Caribbean. A machete`cutlas
Caribbean plant yeilding a substance used in cosmetics`aloe vera
Caries refers to decay in what`teeth
Carlos This planet has an atmosphere that is 98 percent Helium`Mercury
Carl Switzer was the real name of which of the Our Gang characters`alfalfa
Carl Weathers played Jericho "action" Jackson in this movie`Action Jackson
Carly Simon sang the theme song to which James Bond film`the spy who loved me
Carmenta is the roman goddess of ______`childbirth
Car mentioned in Fun, Fun, Fun by the Beach Boys`thunderbird
carnivorous animals will not eat another animal that has been hit by a ---------- strike`lightning
Carnivorous mammal, native to the northern regions of North America, Europe, & Asia, whose habits are much like those of the badger`wolverine
Carnophobia is the fear of`meat
carol decker sang in which 80's group`t-pau
Carole king sings 'you just call out my name, and you know wherever i am i'll come running ..'. what is the song title`you've got a friend
Carole king sings you just call out my name, and you know wherever i am i'll come running`you've got a friend
Carolina what alice cooper album simulated an execution during a song`killer
Carolyn Shoemaker has discovered 32 comets and approximately  ______ asteroids`eight hundred
Carolyn Shoemaker has discovered 32 comets and approximately  ______ asteroids`eight hundred`800
Carolyn Weston's novel "Poor, Poor Ophelia" was the basis for what show`streets of san francisco
carolyn weston's novel poor, poor ophelia was the basis for what show`streets of san`rumania
Carpet, coral and pilot are all types of which animal`snakes
Carrie all what is the capital of ohio`columbus
Carried on or over the sea`seaborne
Carried on within doors: 'an ------ party: ------ gardening.'`indoor
Carried out or performed without delay: 'a ------ reply.'`prompt
Carried out to deter expected aggression by hostile forces`preventive
Carried out without careful deliberation: imprudent`unadvised
Carroll charles carroll died in 1832, 1836 or 1837`1832
carrots are rich in which form of vitamin`beta carotene
Carrying impulses from the central nervous system to an effector`efferent
Cars: 1938 marked the introduction of this Volkswagen car.`beetle
Cars: Combine a Van & a Car & you get this word.`caravan
Cars: Name of Honda's variable valve timing system.`vtec
Cars: Name the "TVR" model`280i
Cars: Name the "TVR" model`3000m
Cars: Name the "TVR" model`350i
Cars: Name the "TVR" model`450
Cars: Name the "TVR" model`cerbera
Cars: Name the "TVR" model`chimaera
Cars: Name the "TVR" model`griffith
Cars: Name the "TVR" model`s2
Cars: Name the "TVR" model`s3
Cars: Name the "TVR" model`s convertible
Cars: Name the "TVR" model`taimar
Cars: Name the "TVR" model`tamora
Cars: Name the "TVR" model`tasmin
Cars: Name the "TVR" model`tuscan
Cars: Name the "Ultima" model`spyder
Cars: Name the "Vauxhall" model`agila
Cars: Name the "Vauxhall" model`astra
Cars: Name the "Vauxhall" model`belmont
Cars: Name the "Vauxhall" model`calibra
Cars: Name the "Vauxhall" model`carlton
Cars: Name the "Vauxhall" model`cavalier
Cars: Name the "Vauxhall" model`chevette
Cars: Name the "Vauxhall" model`corsa
Cars: Name the "Vauxhall" model`frontera
Cars: Name the "Vauxhall" model`monterey
Cars: Name the "Vauxhall" model`nova
Cars: Name the "Vauxhall" model`omega
Cars: Name the "Vauxhall" model`royale
Cars: Name the "Vauxhall" model`senator
Cars: Name the "Vauxhall" model`sintra
Cars: Name the "Vauxhall" model`tigra
Cars: Name the "Vauxhall" model`vectra
Cars: Name the "Vauxhall" model`viva
Cars: Name the "Vauxhall" model`vx220
Cars: Name the "Vauxhall" model`zafira
Cars: Name the "Volkswagen" model`beetle
Cars: Name the "Volkswagen" model`bora
Cars: Name the "Volkswagen" model`caravelle
Cars: Name the "Volkswagen" model`corrado
Cars: Name the "Volkswagen" model`derby
Cars: Name the "Volkswagen" model`fastback
Cars: Name the "Volkswagen" model`golf
Cars: Name the "Volkswagen" model`jetta
Cars: Name the "Volkswagen" model`k70
Cars: Name the "Volkswagen" model`karmann
Cars: Name the "Volkswagen" model`lupo
Cars: Name the "Volkswagen" model`passat
Cars: Name the "Volkswagen" model`polo
Cars: Name the "Volkswagen" model`santana
Cars: Name the "Volkswagen" model`scirocco
Cars: Name the "Volkswagen" model`sharan
Cars: Name the "Volkswagen" model`vento
carson city is the capital of what state?`nevada
Carson who succeeded joseph stalin as russian premier`georgy malenkov
Cars: Ransom Eli Olds started this company in 1897.`oldsmobile
Cars: Sister car of the Nissan Quest.`mercury villager
Cars: The Chrysler Concorde, Dodge Intrepid, and Eagle Vision are known as...`lh sedans
Cars: "The Death Car of Sarajevo", killed 15 people over 12 years, including him.`archduke ferdinand
Cars: The first auto accident on record occurred in this city.`new york
Cars: The first car with a non-U.S. nameplate to be classified as U.S. domestic.`mazda mx-6
Cars: The first double-decker bus was introduced in this city.`london
Cars: The first power steering was in this car.`mercedes-benz
Cars: The first president to ride in an auto; he didn't care for it much.`theodore roosevelt
Cars: The most expensive car produced by the Chrysler Corporation.`dodge viper
Cars: The original name for this Pontiac car was the Banshee, for its mythicality.`firebird
Cars: The Stutz-Bearcat is this type of car.`sports
Cars: Volvo's chairman resigned in 1993 in protest of a merger with this automaker.`renault
Cars were first started with ignition keys in`1949
Carter what do goldfish lose if kept in dimly lit or running water`colour
Carthusians are old boys of which school`charterhouse
Cartoons: Duck Dodger's century is this and 1/2.`24
Cartoons: First name of any of the Warner brothers or sister on "Animaniacs".`yakko
Cartoons : For some strange reason, on "Scooby Doo" nobody ever changed their what`clothes
Cartoons: Fred Flintstone's boss.`mr. slate
Cartoons: He was the voice of Mr. Magoo.`jim backus
Cartoon Sidekicks: Buster Bunny`babs bunny
Cartoon Sidekicks: Buttons`mindy
Cartoon Sidekicks: Disney: Dale`chip
Cartoon Sidekicks: Hagar the Horrible`lucky eddie
Cartoon Sidekicks: Opus`bill the cat
Cartoon Sidekicks: Slappy Squirrel`skippy squirrel
Cartoon Sidekicks: Snoopy`woodstock
Cartoon Sidekicks: Snow White (watch the spelling)`the seven dwarfs
Cartoon Sidekicks: The Brain`pinky
Cartoons: Mexican rodent adversary to Daffy Duck.`speedy gonzales
Cartoons : Name of the blonde guy who always seemed in charge on "Scooby Doo".`freddy
Cartoons: Name of the creator of Ren and Stimpy.`john kricfalusi
Cartoons : Name of the rabbit who is supposedly Bugs' nephew.`buster bunny
Cartoons: Number of completed seasons of the X-Men cartoon series as of 4/94.`2
Cartoons: On "Rocco's Modern Life", Rocco works here.`comic book store
Cartoons : Popular DJ who has provided Shaggy's voice for all 30 years.`casey kasem
Cartoons: Ren's last name.`hoek
Cartoons: Shaggy's best friend.`scooby-doo
Cartoons: Stimpy's favorite brand of kitty litter.`gritty kitty
Cartoons: The all-purpose toy advertised on "Ren and Stimpy" is this.`log
Cartoons : This superintelligent X-Men member is somewhat...umm... furry.`beast
Cartoons: Whoopi Goldberg is the voice of Gaia in this "green" cartoon.`captain planet & the planeteers
Cartoons: Wile E. Coyote's favorite mail-order outlet.`acme
Cartoon Trivia: After 27 Years, __________ Made Her Debut As A Flintstone Vitamin In 1996`Betty Rubble
Cartoon Trivia: An Adventurous Penguin Named Tennessee Tuxedo Had A Sidekick Named`Chumley
Cartoon Trivia: An Alien Creature In A Funny Hat Has Opposed Both Bugs Bunny And Daffy Duck. Where Is He From`Mars
Cartoon Trivia: An Andy Panda Cartoon Gave Birth To A Famous, Cantankerous Bird. Name Him`Woody Woodpecker
Cartoon Trivia: Animaniacs Theme: We're Zany To The Max, There's _______ __ ___ ______, We're`Bologna In Our Slacks
Cartoon Trivia: Around 1919, Max And Dave Fleischer Produced Their First Cartoon And Created Their First Popular Character, A Clown. What Was The Name Of This Clown`Koko The Clown
Cartoon Trivia: A Smurf Is This Tall`Three Apples
Cartoon Trivia: Asterix: During The Course Of Their Adventures Asterix And Getafix Were Captured By The Romans. Getafix Gave The Romans A Potion Which They Thought Would Give Them The Superhuman Strength. Sadly, They Were Wrong. What Did The Potion Do`It Grew Hair On Their Bodies
Cartoon Trivia: Asterix: In The Story, Gaul Has Been Taken Over By The Romans, Apart From A Small Village (The Home Of Asterix). In What Year Was This`50 Bc
Cartoon Trivia: Asterix: What Is Obelix's Favourite Food`Wild Boar
Cartoon Trivia: Asterix: When Julius Caesar Found Out There Was A Takeover Plot By The Romans In The Area, Where Did He Send Them`Outer Mongolia
Cartoon Trivia: Babar The Elephant's Wife Is Named`Celeste
Cartoon Trivia: Batgirl's True Identity Was`Babs Gordon
Cartoon Trivia : Benny and Cecil were at odds with whom`john
Cartoon Trivia: Bill Watterson, Cartoonist For Calvin And Hobbes, Is The First Cartoonist To Use What Word In His Cartoon`Booger
Cartoon Trivia: Blondie's Maiden Name`Oop
Cartoon Trivia: Boris Badanov's Nationality`Pottsylvanian
Cartoon Trivia : Bugs always finds himself at the wrong end of a gun, usually toted by either Elmer Fudd or who`yosemite sam
Cartoon Trivia: Bugs Bunny's Catch Phrase`What's Up Doc
Cartoon Trivia: Casper The Friendly Ghost Frolicked With Which Witch`Wendy
Cartoon Trivia : Charles Boyer inspired a cartoon skunk. Who`pepe le pew
Cartoon Trivia: Comic Strip Set At Camp Swampy Is`Beetle Bailey
Cartoon Trivia: Created By Berke Breathed`Bloom County
Cartoon Trivia: Created By Bill Keane`Family Circus
Cartoon Trivia: Created By Bill Watterson`Calvin And Hobbes
Cartoon Trivia: Created By Charles Schulz`Peanuts
Cartoon Trivia: Created By Chester Gould`Dick Tracy
Cartoon Trivia: Created By Ernie Bushmiller`Nancy
Cartoon Trivia: Created By Matt Groening`Simpsons
Cartoon Trivia: Created By Steve Ditko And Stan Lee`Spiderman
Cartoon Trivia: Created By Tom Wilson`Ziggy
Cartoon Trivia: Dagwood's Dog's Name`Daisy
Cartoon Trivia: Dc Comics: Arthur Curry`Aquaman
Cartoon Trivia: Dc Comics: Batman's Butler Alfred's Last Name`Pennyworth
Cartoon Trivia: Dc Comics: Boston Brand`Deadman
Cartoon Trivia: Dc Comics: Broke Batman`Bane
Cartoon Trivia: Dc Comics: Bruce Wayne`Batman
Cartoon Trivia: Dc Comics: Clark Kent`Superman
Cartoon Trivia: Dc Comics: Cliff Steele`Robotman
Cartoon Trivia: Dc Comics: Current Leader Of Justice League America`Wonder Woman
Cartoon Trivia: Dc Comics: Green Lantern's Alter Ego`Hal Jordan
Cartoon Trivia: Dc Comics: Group Of Heroes Led By Dick Greyson`New Titans
Cartoon Trivia: Dc Comics: Jay Garrick`The Flash
Cartoon Trivia: Dc Comics: Jim Corrigan`The Spectre
Cartoon Trivia: Dc Comics: Jimmy Olson`Elastic Lad
Cartoon Trivia: Dc Comics: Kay Challis`Crazy Jane
Cartoon Trivia: Dc Comics: Killed Superman`Doomsday
Cartoon Trivia: Dc Comics: Kirk Morrison`King Mob
Cartoon Trivia: Dc Comics: Lyta Trevor`Fury
Cartoon Trivia: Dc Comics: Maggie Sawyer`Maggie Sawyer
Cartoon Trivia: Dc Comics: Number Of New Supermen After His 'Death'`Four
Cartoon Trivia: Dc Comics: Of The New Supermen, This One Was A Villain`Cyborg
Cartoon Trivia: Dc Comics: Photographer For Daily Planet`Jimmy Olsen
Cartoon Trivia: Dc Comics: 'The Amazing Spider Man' Was One Of The First Comic Books To Have A Story In Which One Of The Supporting Characters`Dies
Cartoon Trivia: Dc Comics: Wally West`The Flash
Cartoon Trivia: Dc Comics: What Is Batman's Butler Alfred's Last Name`Pennyworth
Cartoon Trivia: Dc Comics: Younger Version Of Aquaman`Aqualad
Cartoon Trivia: Dennis The Menace's Last Name`Mitchell
Cartoon Trivia: Dilbert: Which Test Does The Gruntmaster 6000 Fail`Armageddon
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: 1964 Release Was The Most Successful Disney Film To Date`Mary Poppins
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: 2 Alligators Tip Over A Boat Shortly After This Song In 'The Little Mermaid.'`Kiss Da Girl
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Alice, White Rabbit, Cheshire Cat`Alice In Wonderland
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Back In The Day At Walt Disney Studios, Walt's Brother Ray (Yes, Ray) Reportedly Peddled What To Employees On The Lot`Insurance
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Baloo, Bagheera, Shere Khan`The Jungle Book
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Bernard, Miss Bianca, Penny`The Rescuers
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Between 1931 And 1969 Walt Disney Collected __ Oscars`35
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Bo Bonkers' Full Name`Bonkers T. Bobcat
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Changed Into A Coach For Cinderella`Pumpkin
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Chernabog, The Sorcerer's Apprentice`Fantasia
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Cody, Percival Macleash, Miss Bianca`The Rescuers Down Under
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: __________ Comics Were Nearly Banned In Finland Because He Doesn't Wear Pants`Donald Duck
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Dd Darkwing's Often-Humorous Battle Cry In The Face Of Danger`Let Us Get Dangerous
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Dd The Name Of Darkwingus Pilot And Sidekick`Launchpad Mcquack
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Disney's ______ _____ Was Featured On Cereal Boxes For The Post Cereal Toasties Corn Flakes Back In 1935`Mickey Mouse
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Disney's __________ Was The First Roller Coaster To Run On Steel Tubes, Which Made The Ride Smoother While Allowing Disney To Build Longer-Lasting Coasters Faster And Cheaper`Matterhorn
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Disney World In _______, _______, Covers 30,500 Acres (46 Square Miles), Making It Twice The Size Of The Island Of Manhattan, New York`Orlando, Florida
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Disney World In Orlando, Florida Covers __________ Acres (46 Square Miles), Making It Twice The Size Of The Island Of Manhattan, New York`Thirty Thousand Five Hundred`30,500
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Disney World In _______ Was Opened To The Public In 1971. The Amusement Park Was The Largest In The World, Set Within 28,000 Acres. It Required A $400-Million Investment, And Did Not Do Well During The First Year It Was Opened. Only 10,000 People Visited Disney World During That Initial Year. With Time, However, The Attendance Numbers Rose To More Than 10,000 People An Hour`Florida
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Dodger, Georgette, Tito`Oliver And Company
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Donald Duck Comics Were Nearly Banned Years Ago In _______ Because He Didn't Wear Pants`Finland
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Donald Duck Comics Were Nearly Banned Years Ago In Finland Because __ ____'_ ____`He Didn't Wear Pants
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: ____________ Dubbed The Voice Of The Beast In The 1991 Disney Version Of Beauty And The Beast`Robby Benson
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Every Plant In ____________ At Disneyland In Anaheim, California, Is Edible. Plants In This Section Of The Amusement Park Include Bananas, Strawberries, Tomatoes, And More. Guest Are More Than Welcome To Pick Their Fill`Tomorrowland
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Every Plant In Tomorrowland At Disneyland In Anaheim, California, Is Edible. Plants In This Section Of The Amusement Park Include __________, Strawberries, Tomatoes, And More. Guest Are More Than Welcome To Pick Their Fill`Bananas
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Foulfellow Was The Fox In What Disney Cartoon`Pinocchio
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: (From Cartoontriviabank Set) Disney: The Original Name Of Goofy Was`Dippy Dawg
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Geppetto, Monstro, Jiminy Cricket (Watch The Spelling!)`Pinocchio
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Gt Name Goofy's Son`Max
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Gurgi, Eilonwy, Fflewddur Fflam`The Black Cauldron
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: 'Hair Facts' From The Broadway Version Of 'Beauty And The Beast': It Took 20 Pounds Of Human Hair And _____________ Man Hours To Create The First Beast`400
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: 'Hair Facts' From The Broadway Version Of 'Beauty And The Beast': Over ____________ Wigs Are Worn On Stage Each Night: Only Three Performers Use Their Own Hair On Stage`One Hundred And Forty
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: 'Hair Facts' From The Broadway Version Of 'Beauty And The Beast': ____________ Pieces Of Hair Are Used On Stage Each Night __ Including Wigs, Moustaches, And Bangs`248
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: 'Hair Facts' From The Broadway Version Of 'Beauty And The Beast': The Average Number Of Wig Changes For Each Ensemble Member Is ____________ Per Show`Eight
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: 'Hair Facts' From The Broadway Version Of 'Beauty And The Beast': There Are ___________ Pounds Of Hairpins Backstage Ready To Go At All Times`50
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: How Many Oscars Did Walt Disney Collect Between 1931 And 1969`35
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Huey, Dewey And`Louie
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: In 1918, Walt Disney Was 16 And Too Young For The Military. When He Heard That The ___ _____ _________ _____ Would Accept 17-Year-Olds, He Lied About His Age, Joined, And Began Training`Red Cross Ambulance Corps
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: In 1938, Walt Disney Received A Special Honour For His Film, ____ _____ ___ ___ _____ _______. Disney Was Given An Oscar And Seven Miniature Statuettes To Commend His Film`Snow White And The Seven Dwarves
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: In 1940, Walt Disney's _________ Was The First Film In History To Use Stereophonic Sound`Fantasia
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: In 1979 Walt Disney World's __________ -Millionth Guest`One Hundred
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: In 1985 Walt Disney World's ___ -Millonth Guest`200
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: In 1994, The Tokens Charged Back Into The Spotlight With Their Song '___ ____ ______ _______,' More Than 30 Years After It Initially Became A Hit. Based On A Zulu Folk Song, The Bouncy Tune Was Number 1 On The Pop Charts For Three Weeks In October 1961`The Lion Sleeps Tonight
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: In 'Beauty And The Beast', What Is Beauty's Name`Belle
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: In Disney's Jungle Book, What Kind Of Animal Was 'King Louis'`Orangutan
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: In Disney's The Lady And The Tramp What Kind Of Dog Is 'Lady'`Cocker Spaniel
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: ______ _____ In Florida Was Opened To The Public In 1971. The Amusement Park Was The Largest In The World, Set Within 28,000 Acres. It Required A $400-Million Investment, And Did Not Do Well During The First Year It Was Opened. Only 10,000 People Visited Disney World During That Initial Year. With Time, However, The Attendance Numbers Rose To More Than 10,000 People An Hour`Disney World
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: In March 2000, The Disney Company Reversed Its 43-Year Ban On _________ For Its Theme-Park Employees`Mustaches
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: In 'Pinocchio', The Name Of Geppetto's Pet Cat`Figaro
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: In The Scrolling Final Credits Of Disney's ________, The Sorcerer's Name Is Listed As 'Yensid' (Disney Spelt Backwards)`Fantasia
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: In 'The Tortoise And The Hare, ' The Hare's First Name`Max
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: In 'Toy Story', What Is The Name Of The Spaceman`Buzz Lightyear
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: In What State Was 'Old Yeller' Set`Texas
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: In Which Disney Movie Would You Find Sir Hiss`Robin Hood
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Maleficent, Aurora, Merryweather`Sleeping Beauty
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Mickey Mouse Has Some Nephews What Were There Names`Mortie And Ferdie
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Movie Featured 'Best Of Friends'`The Fox And The Hound
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Name Both Of The Eels In 'The Little Mermaid'`Flotsam And Jetsam
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Name One Of The Seven Dwarfs (B)`Bashful
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Name One Of The Seven Dwarfs (D)`Doc
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Name One Of The Seven Dwarfs (D)`Dopey
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Name One Of The Seven Dwarfs (G)`Grumpy
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Name One Of The Seven Dwarfs (H)`Happy
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Name One Of The Seven Dwarfs (S)`Sneezy
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Name Pete's Dragon`Elliot
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Name The Baby Marsupial In 'Winnie The Pooh'`Roo
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Name The Bear In 'The Jungle Book'`Baloo
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Name The Elephant-Bee In 'Winnie The Pooh'`Hefalumps
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Name The Elephant In 'Tarzan'`Rajah
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Name The Goldfish In 'Pinocchio'`Cleo
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Name The Horse In 'Aristocats'`Frou Frou
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Name The Monkey In 'Aladdin'`Abu
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Name The Mother Marsupial In 'Winnie The Pooh'`Kanga
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Name The Multiheaded Monster In 'Hercules'`Hydra
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Name The Panther In 'The Jungle Book'`Bagheera
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Name The Rabbit In 'Bambi'`Thumper
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Name The Song Snow White Sings At The Wishing Well`'I'm Wishing'
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Name The Two Chipmunk Friends Of Donald Duck`Chip 'N Dale
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Name The Whale In 'Pinocchio'`Monstro
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Nora, Pete, Elliot`Petes Dragon
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: On What New Orleans Square (Disneyland) Ride Do You Travel Up A Waterfall`Pirates Of The Caribbean
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Paul Frees, The Talented Man Behind The Voices Of Cap'n Crunch, ______ ___ _____ And Boris Badenov`Ludwig Von Drake
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Point Maley Is The Coast Guard Cutter In What Disney Movie`Boatniks
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Purely Coincidental, Disneyland And Walt Disney World Amusement Parks Are In Counties With The Same Name. The Former Is In Orange County, California: The Latter Is In Orange County,`Florida
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Rr According To One Episode, Where Did Dinosaurs Come From`Space
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Rr Name The Rescue Rangers' Feline Enemy`Fat Cat
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Rr The Name Of The Fly`Zipper
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Scheduled To Open June 23,1995 What Was Disney's 33rd Animated Feature`Pocahontas
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: She Had Hits With 'Tall Paul, ' 'O Dio Mio, ' And 'Pineapple Princess'`Annette
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Song That Serenades Lady And The Tramp As They Chow Down Spaghetti`Bella Notte
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: The Brodway Version Of Disney 'The Lion King' Uses More Than ___________ Puppets`Two Hundred And Thirty Two`232
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: The Female Name ______ Is A Scottish Variation Of The Name Mary`Minnie
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: The First Merchandise Item To Feature ______ _____ Was A Child's School Tablet In 1929`Mickey Mouse
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: The First 'Technology' Corporation To Move Into California's Silicon Valley Was Hewlett-Packard, In 1938. Stanford University Engineers Bill Hewlett And Dave Packard Started Their Company In A Palo Alto Garage With $1,538. Their First Product Was An Audio Oscillator Bought By Walt Disney Studios For Use In The Making Of`Fantasia
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: The Land That Comprises The Site Of Disneyland, '___ ________ _____ __ _____,' Was Originally 180 Acres Of Orange Groves And Walnut Trees In Anaheim, California`The Happiest Place On Earth
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: The Last Program On The 1994-95 Tda`Aladdin
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: The Letters That Comprise 'Epcot' At Walt Disney World Stand For '____________ _________ _________ __ ________:' Epcot Combines Technology With International Cultures`Experimental Prototype Community Of Tomorrow
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: The Mad Hatter Wishes This To Alice In 'Alice In Wonderland'`Merry Unbirthday
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: The Matterhorn At Disneyland In Southern California Is Actually A Perfect 1/100 Model Of The Real Matterhorn In`Switzerland
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: The Music In Walt Disney's 'Sleeping Beauty' Is Based Upon Which Composers Version Of The Classic Story`Tchaikovsky
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: The Name Of Scrooge's Money Repository`Money Bin
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: The Name Of The Town In Which Ducktales Is Set`Duckburg
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: The Only Disney Animated Feature That Has Received A Pg Rating`Black Cauldron
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: The Original Name Of Goofy Was _____`Dippy Dawg
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: The Original Name Of _____ Was Dippy Dawg`Goofy
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: The Original Plan For Disneyland Included A Land Called What`Lilliputland
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: The Person In Charge Of Polishing The _____ _____ In The Disneyland Theme Park Spends Six Hours At The Task Every Night`Brass Poles
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: The Song 'Some Day My Prince Will Come' Was Introduced In The 1937 Disney Movie`Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: ____ _____, The Talented Man Behind The Voices Of Cap'n Crunch, Ludwig Von Drake And Boris Badenov`Paul Frees
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: The __________ To The Picturesque, 77-Foot-Tall Sleeping Beauty's Castle In Disneyland In Southern California, Actually Works. It Was Lowered On The Opening Day Of The Park, July 17, 1955, And Remained In A Lowered Position Until The 1980s`Drawbridge
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: The ___________ To The Picturesque,77-Foot-Tall Sleeping Beauty's Castle In Disneyland In Southern California, Actually Works. It Was Lowered On The Opening Day Of The Park, July 17,1955`Drawbridge
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: The _____ ______ ________ Tree House In Disneyland Has 300,000 Fake Leaves On It Which Are Changed Twice A Year To Reflect The Seasons`Swiss Family Robinson
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: The Two-Minute Storm In The Opening Of Disney's ___________________(1989) Took Ten Special Effects Artists Over A Year To Complete`The Little Mermaid
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: The Usual Length Of The Disney Afternoon`Two Hours
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: This Disney Movie Relies Heavily On Computer Animation`Tron
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: This Film Was An Ambitious Concert Sequence Of Cartoons By Walt Disney`Fantasia
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: ______________________________ Tree House In Disneyland Has 300,000 Fake Leaves On It Which Are Changed Twice A Year To Reflect The Seasons`The Swiss Family Robinson
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Ts Baloo's Term Of Endearment For His Employer`Beckers
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Ts The Name Of Baloo's Plane`The Sea Duck
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Ts The Name Of Baloous Favorite Hangout`Louieus
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Ts Where Is Higher For Hire Based`Cape Suzette
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Until The 1960's Men With ____ Hair Were Not Allowed To Enter Disneyland`Long
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Until The 1960's Men With Long Hair Were Not Allowed To Enter`Disneyland
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Walt Disney Had First Drawn His Infamous Character Mickey Mouse On The Outside Of A`Envelope
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Walt Disney Originally Supplied The Voice For His Character`Mickey Mouse
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Walt Disney's Family Dog Was Named Lady. She Was A`Poodle
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Walt Disney's Family Dog Was Named _________. She Was A Poodle`Lady
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Walt Disney Was Afraid Of`Mice
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Walt Disney World Is Home To The Largest Working Wardrobe In The World With Over ________________ Costumes In Its Inventory`2.5 Million
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: __________ Was The First Feature Length Production Which Was Created By Walt Disney Feature Animation, Florida, Which Is Located At Disney/Mgm Studios At Walt Disney World`Mulan
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: What Animal Does Cinderella's Fairy Godmother Use To Create The Footman`Dog
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: What Are The Jack-In-The-Boxes Called In 'Winnie The Pooh'`Woozles
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: What Are The Names Of The Two Famous Disney Chipmunks`Chip And Dale
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: What Colour Is The Fairy That Grants Geppetto's Wish To Bring Pinocchio To Life`Blue
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: What Disney Film Do Parisians Know As Blanche Neige Aet Les Sept Nains`Snow White
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: What Disney Film Stars Bette Davis`Watcher In The Woods
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: What Disney Movie Stars Merlin The Magician And Wart The Boy King`The Sword In The Stone
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: What Friend Of Winnie The Pooh Bounces`Tigger
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: What Is Found At 1313 Harbour Boulevard, Anaheim, California`Disneyland
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: What Is The Name Of Goofy's Son`Max
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: What Is The Name Of The Baby Princess In 'A Bug's Life'`Princess Dot
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: What Is The Name Of The Girl In 'Peter Pan'`Wendy Darling
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: What Is The Name Of The Goat In 'The Hunchback Of Notre Dame'`Djali
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: What Is The Name Of The 'Hunchback Of Notre Dame'`Quasimodo
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: What Is The Name Of 'The Little Mermaid's Fish Friend`Flounder
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: What Is The Name Of The Main Character In 'A Bug's Life'`Flik
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: What Is The Name Of The Meerkat In 'The Lion King'`Timon
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: What Is The Name Of The Mermaid In 'The Little Mermaid'`Ariel
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: What Is The Name Of The Prince In 'Cinderella'`Prince Charming
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: What Is The Name Of The Prince In 'Sleeping Beauty'`Prince Phillip
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: What Is The Name Of The Princess In 'Aladdin'`Jasmine
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: What Is The Name Of The Teacup In 'Beauty And The Beast'`Chip
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: What Is The Name Of The Wart Hog In 'The Lion King'`Pumbaa
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: What Is The Name Of Winnie The Pooh's Porky Friend`Piglet
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: What Mother Gorilla Adopted Tarzan`Kala
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: What Poem Is Recited As The Finale To Disney's Christmas Festivities`A Visit From St Nicholas
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: What Was The First Disney Film To Feature Stereophonic Sound`Fantasia
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: What Was The First Live-Action Disney Film To Receive A Pg Rating`Black Hole
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: What Was The First Movie Disney Released Through A Subsidiary Company That Carried An R Rating`Down And Out In Beverly Hills
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: What Was The Name Of The Monkey Sidekick Of Aladdin In The Walt Disney Cartoon 'Aladdin'`Abu
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Which Animal Drank Tea At The Tea Party In 'Alice In Wonderland'`March Hare
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Which Bad Guy In 'The Great Mouse Detective' Had A Wooden Leg`Fidget
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Which Cat From 'Alice In Wonderland' Fades To Just A Smile`Cheshire Cat
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Which Character Sang, 'When You Wish Upon A Star..' In Disney's 'Pinocchio'`Jiminy Cricket
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Which Disney Film Features The Ballad 'Can You Feel The Love Tonight`The Lion King
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Which Dwarf Blushes A Lot`Bashful
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Which Dwarf Is In A Bad Mood`Grumpy
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Which Dwarf Laughs A Lot`Happy
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Which Dwarf Never Talked`Dopey
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Which Dwarf Took Too Much Nyquil`Sleepy
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Which Feature Length Disney Cartoon Had A Scottish Terrier Called Jock In It`Lady And The Tramp
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Which French Actor And Crooner Sings The Theme Tune To Disney's The Aristocats`Maurice Chevalier
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Which Mark Twain Classic Was Remade By Disney In 1993`Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Which Of The Three Little Pigs Built A Brick House`Practical Pig
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Which Of The Three Little Pigs Built A Straw House`Fifer Pig
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Which Russian Boy Went Hunting For Wolves`Peter
Cartoon Trivia: Disney: Which Tea Partier In 'Alice In Wonderland' Wears A Tophat`The Mad Hatter
Cartoon Trivia: Donald Duck Comics Were Banned In Finland Because He Didn't Wear`Pants
Cartoon Trivia: Donald Duck's Middle Name Is`Fauntleroy
Cartoon Trivia: Dr Seuss: He Owned A Bottomless Pool`Mcelligot
Cartoon Trivia: Dr Seuss: His Most Successful Book, It Launched The Beginner Books Series`The Cat In The Hat
Cartoon Trivia: Dr Seuss: The Big-Hearted Moose`Thidwick
Cartoon Trivia: Dr Seuss: There's A In My Pocket`Wocket
Cartoon Trivia: Duck Dodger's Century Is This And 1/2`24
Cartoon Trivia: Elzie Crisler Segar Created The Comic Strip Character _____ In 1919`Popeye
Cartoon Trivia : Famous Phrases: Who knows The ______.`shadow
Cartoon Trivia: Fat Albert And Friends Was Created By`Bill Cosby
Cartoon Trivia: Felix The Cat's Girlfriend Was Named`Phyllis
Cartoon Trivia: First Name Of Any Of The Warner Brothers Or Sister On 'Animaniacs'`Wakko
Cartoon Trivia: First Name Of Any Of The Warner Brothers Or Sister On 'Animaniacs'`Yakko
Cartoon Trivia: First Name The Warner Sister On 'Animaniacs'`Dot
Cartoon Trivia: Flintstone (From Generalbank Set) What Is Freds Favorite Dessert`Pteradactyl Pie
Cartoon Trivia: For Some Strange Reason, On 'Scooby Doo' Nobody Ever Changed Their What`Clothes
Cartoon Trivia: For Which Cartoon Character Was Beethoven A Favourite Composer`Schroeder
Cartoon Trivia: Fred Flintstone's Boss`Mr. Slate
Cartoon Trivia : Gadzookie has a large, green friend. Who is he`godzilla
Cartoon Trivia: Garfield Was Created By What Cartoonist`Jim Davis
Cartoon Trivia: George Jetson's Son's Name Was`Elroy
Cartoon Trivia: Hanna-Barbera Rose To Fame By Creating What Duo For Mgm`Tom And Jerry
Cartoon Trivia: Have You Ever Danced With The Devil In The Pale Moonlight`Batman
Cartoon Trivia: He Was The Voice Of Mr. Magoo`Jim Backus
Cartoon Trivia: How Does Wonder Woman Control Her Invisible Airplane`Mental Powers
Cartoon Trivia: How Many Doggie Spots Did Walt Disney Animation Artists Draw For The 1961 Cartoon Feature One Hundred And One Dalmatians`6,469,952
Cartoon Trivia: How Many Spots Are On Scooby Doo's Back`Three
Cartoon Trivia: In 1930 1st Appearance Of The Comic Strip '__________'`Blondie
Cartoon Trivia: In 1931 The Comic Strip '__________' Debuts`Dick Tracy
Cartoon Trivia: In 1933, Mickey Mouse, An Animated Cartoon Character, Received 800,000 Of These`Fan Letters
Cartoon Trivia: In 1950 First '__________' Comic Strip Featuring Charlie Brown And Snoopy Appears, In 9 Newspapers`Peanuts
Cartoon Trivia: In 1950 First 'Peanuts' Comic Strip Featuring __________ And Snoopy Appears, In 9 Newspapers`Charlie Brown
Cartoon Trivia: In 1950 First 'Peanuts' Comic Strip Featuring Charlie Brown And __________ Appears, In 9 Newspapers`Snoopy
Cartoon Trivia: In 1971 (Usa) Rube __________, Inventor And Cartoonist, Dies`Goldberg
Cartoon Trivia: In 1985 Clarence __________, The Voice Of Donald Duck, Died`Nash
Cartoon Trivia: In 1988 __________ Addams Cartoonist (Addams Family), Dies At 76 Of Heart Attack`Charles
Cartoon Trivia: In 1988 Charles Addams Cartoonist (Addams Family), Dies At 76 Of`Heart Attack
Cartoon Trivia: In 1988 Charles __________ Cartoonist (Addams Family), Dies At 76 Of Heart Attack`Addams
Cartoon Trivia: In__________,20% Of All Publications Sold Are Comic Books`Japan
Cartoon Trivia: In Digimon, What Do T.K. And Kari Have That The Other Children Don't`Older Brothers
Cartoon Trivia: In Disney's Fantasia, The ________'_ Name Is Yensid`Sorcerer's
Cartoon Trivia: In Disney's ________, The Sorcerer's Name Is Yensid`Fantasia
Cartoon Trivia: In ______'_ Fantasia, The Sorcerer's Name Is Yensid`Disney's
Cartoon Trivia: In Japan,20% Of All Publications Sold Are __________ Books`Comic
Cartoon Trivia: In Japan, __________ Of All Publications Sold Are Comic Books`20%
Cartoon Trivia: In Later Cartoons, They Would Become Tom And Jerry, But In ____ ____ ___ ____, The Feline Co-Star Was Named Jasper`Puss Gets The Boot
Cartoon Trivia: In 'Peanuts', The Surname Of Lucy And Linus`Van Pelt
Cartoon Trivia: In The Cartoon Jem And The Holograms, What Was The Name Of Jems Computer`Cinergy
Cartoon Trivia: In The Cartoon Show My Pet Monster, What Were The Only Things That Could Send Beastor, Monster's Enemy, Back To The Monster World`A Pair Of Orange Handcuffs
Cartoon Trivia : In the cartoons who was Hokie Wolf's sidekick`ding
Cartoon Trivia: In The Comic Strip 'Pogo, ' What Kind Of Animals Were Pogo, Albert And Churchy La Femme, Respectively`Opossum, Alligator And Turtle
Cartoon Trivia: In The Comic Strips Peanuts, What Does Spike Do To Celebrate Christmas`Decorates His Cactus
Cartoon Trivia: In 'The Flintstones', In Which County Is Bedrock Located`Cobblestone County
Cartoon Trivia: In 'The Flintstones'what Was The Name Of Barney Rubbles' Son`Bam Bam
Cartoon Trivia: In The Old Cartoon Jiggs, What Did Jiggs Invariably Wear Over His Shoes`Spats
Cartoon Trivia: In The Walt Disney Cartoons, What Was The Name Of Goofy's Brilliant Nephew`Gilbert
Cartoon Trivia: In What City Does Fat Albert Live`Philadelphia
Cartoon Trivia: In What Comic Strip Would You Find A Mailman Named Mr. Beasley`Blondie
Cartoon Trivia: In What Magazine Did The 'Hazel' Cartoons Appear On Which The Tv Show 'Hazel' Was Based`Saturday Evening Post
Cartoon Trivia : In what year did both Peanuts and Beetle Bailey first appear`1950
Cartoon Trivia: In Which Cartoon Series Did The Chartacter 'Snagglepuss' First Appear`Yogi Bear
Cartoon Trivia: In Which Comic Strip Would You Find Mean Machine Angel`Judge Dredd
Cartoon Trivia: 'I Tot I Taw A Puddytat' Was Said By What Cartoon Character`Tweetybird
Cartoon Trivia: 'Ive Seen A Horse Fly, I've Seen A House Fly But I Aint Ever Seen A _________ Fly' (Dumbo)`Elephant
Cartoon Trivia: Jim Davis Created Which Feline Cartoon`Garfield
Cartoon Trivia: Little Blue Cartoon Figurines`Smurfs
Cartoon Trivia: Mel Blanc, The Voice Of Bugs Bunny, Was Allergic To What`Carrots
Cartoon Trivia: Mentor Of Titan Had Two Children In The Marvel Comics, Thanos And`Ero
Cartoon Trivia: Mexican Rodent Adversary To Daffy Duck`Speedy Gonzales
Cartoon Trivia: Mickey Mouse Has Some Nephews What Were There Names`Mortie And Ferdie
Cartoon Trivia: Mickey Mouse Is Known As What In Italy`Topolino
Cartoon Trivia: Miss Buckley Is Secretary To What Commanding Officer`General Halftrack
Cartoon Trivia: Name Alley Oop's Girl Friend`Oola
Cartoon Trivia : Name Alvin & Simon's brother was ________`theo
Cartoon Trivia: Name A Tellytubbie`La La
Cartoon Trivia: Name A Tellytubbie`Po
Cartoon Trivia: Name A Tellytubbie`Tinky Winky
Cartoon Trivia: Name Cathy's On Again/Off Again Boy Friend`Irving
Cartoon Trivia: Name Crusader Rabbit's Companion`Ragland T. Tigeraka Rags
Cartoon Trivia: Name Dennis The Menace's Next Door Neighbors`Mr And Mrs Wilson
Cartoon Trivia: Name Disney's 1st Sound Cartoon Film`Steamboat Willie
Cartoon Trivia: Name Donald Duck's Girlfriend`Daisy
Cartoon Trivia : Name Hagar the Horrible's dog.`snert
Cartoon Trivia: Name Kittens From Aristocats:Alphabetic`Berlioz, Marie, And Toulouse
Cartoon Trivia: Name Li'l Abner's Favorite Indian Drink`Kickapoo Joy Juice
Cartoon Trivia: Name Mickey Mouse's Dog`Pluto
Cartoon Trivia: Name Of Elemetary School In 'Peanuts'`Birchwood
Cartoon Trivia: Name Of Freddy's Van On The Original 'Scooby Doo'`Mystery Machine
Cartoon Trivia: Name Of The Green Hornet's Theme Song`Flight Of The Bumblebee
Cartoon Trivia: Name Popeye's Ship`The Olive
Cartoon Trivia: Name Porky Pig's Nephew`Cicero Pig
Cartoon Trivia: Name Quickdraw Mcgraw's Sidekick`Baba Looey
Cartoon Trivia: Name The Apartments The Jetson's Live In`The Skypad Apartments
Cartoon Trivia: Name The Disney Cartoon In Which The Character 'Belle' Appears`Beauty And The Beast
Cartoon Trivia: Name The Dog In The Yankee Doodle Cartoons`Chopper
Cartoon Trivia: Name The European Hit, Now An Animated Series About Underwater People`The Snorks
Cartoon Trivia: Name The Fastest Mouse In All Of Mexico`Speedy Gonzalez
Cartoon Trivia: Name The Feline Villain In Earthworm Jim`Evil The Cat
Cartoon Trivia: Name The First Full Length Colour Cartoon Talking Picture`Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs
Cartoon Trivia: Name The Four Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles In Alphabetical Order`Donatello, Leonardo, Michelangelo And Raphael
Cartoon Trivia: Name The Green Hornet's Car`Black Beauty
Cartoon Trivia: Name The Green Hornet's Side Kick In This 60's Tv Series`Kato
Cartoon Trivia : Name the ranger who was always after Yogi Bear.`rick
Cartoon Trivia: Name The Seven Dwarfs (Alphabetical Order)`Bashful Doc Dopey Grumpy Happy Sleepy And Sneezy
Cartoon Trivia: Name The Three Main Bands Featured On The Cartoon Series 'Jem' During It's Entire 3 Year Run`Jem And The Holograms, The Misfits, The Stingers
Cartoon Trivia : Name the town that Fred, Wilma, Barney, and Betty lived in.`bedrock
Cartoon Trivia: Name Wonder Woman's Boyfriend`Steve Trevor
Cartoon Trivia: Number Of Completed Seasons Of The X-Men Cartoon Series As Of 4/94`2
Cartoon Trivia: On 'Rocco's Modern Life', Rocco Works Here`Comic Book Store
Cartoon Trivia: On The Cartoon Show 'The Jetsons', How Old Is Judy`15
Cartoon Trivia: On The Cartoon Show 'The Jetsons', How Old Is Judy`Fifteen
Cartoon Trivia: On Tom And Jerry What Is The Name Of The Dog That Tom Always Seems To Upset`Killer
Cartoon Trivia: On What T.V. Show Could Tom Terrific Be Found`Captain Kangaroo
Cartoon Trivia: Peter Parker's Secret Identity`Spiderman
Cartoon Trivia: Popeye's Chief Adversary Has Two Names, Bluto And`Brutus
Cartoon Trivia: Popeye's Official Age`Thirty Four
Cartoon Trivia: Popeye's Son`Lil Sweepea
Cartoon Trivia : Porky Pig had a girlfriend named _______.`pet
Cartoon Trivia: Porky Pig Had A Girlfriend Named`Petunia
Cartoon Trivia: Ren's Last Name`Hoek
Cartoon Trivia: Schroeder's Favorite Composer`Beethoven
Cartoon Trivia: Scrooge Mcduck's Three Nephews Are Huey, Dewey, And Him`Louie
Cartoon Trivia: _____ ___ ___'S Girlfriend Was Named Phyllis`Felix The Cat
Cartoon Trivia: Shaggy's Best Friend`Scooby-Doo
Cartoon Trivia: Show In Which One Rhyme In The Theme Song Changes Every Episode`Animaniacs
Cartoon Trivia: Sidekicks: Buster Bunny`Babs Bunny
Cartoon Trivia: Sidekicks: Buttons`Mindy
Cartoon Trivia: Sidekicks: Calvin And`Hobbes
Cartoon Trivia: Sidekicks: Disney: Dale`Chip
Cartoon Trivia: Sidekicks: Hagar The Horrible`Lucky Eddie
Cartoon Trivia: Sidekicks: Opus`Bill The Cat
Cartoon Trivia: Sidekicks: Quick Draw Mcgraw`Babalouie
Cartoon Trivia: Sidekicks: Slappy Squirrel`Skippy Squirrel
Cartoon Trivia: Sidekicks: Snoopy`Woodstock
Cartoon Trivia: Sidekicks: Snow White (Watch The Spelling)`The Seven Dwarfs
Cartoon Trivia: Sidekicks: The Brain`Pinky
Cartoon Trivia: Smokey Stover's Job`Fireman
Cartoon Trivia: Spaceman Spiff Was A Charcter On Which Eighties Cartoon Strip`Calvin And Hobbes
Cartoon Trivia: Stimpy's Favorite Brand Of Kitty Litter`Gritty Kitty
Cartoon Trivia: Super Chicken's Partners Name`Fred
Cartoon Trivia: Tess Trueheart Married Which Plainclothes Detective`Dick Tracy
Cartoon Trivia: The All-Purpose Toy Advertised On 'Ren And Stimpy' Is This`Log
Cartoon Trivia: 'The Amazing Spider Man' Was One Of The First Comic Books To Have A Story In Which One Of The Supporting Characters`Dies
Cartoon Trivia: The Amount Lucy Charges At Her Psychiatry Booth`5 Cents
Cartoon Trivia: The Catcher On The Gang's Baseball Team`Schroeder
Cartoon Trivia: The First Primetime Cartoon In The Us, Inspired By 'The Honeymooners'`The Flintstones
Cartoon Trivia: The Longest Running Prime Time Cartoon Show`The Simpsons
Cartoon Trivia: The Maiden Names Of Which Two Cartoon Characters Are Slaghoople And Mcbricker`Wilma Flintstone And Betty Rubble
Cartoon Trivia: The Mother's Name In Family Circus`Thelma
Cartoon Trivia: The Name Of Dilbert's Company's Competitor`Nirvana Co
Cartoon Trivia: The Name Of Donald Duck's Girlfriend`Daisy Duck
Cartoon Trivia: The Name Of Dr. Seuss's Egg Hatching Elephant`Horton
Cartoon Trivia: The Name Of Duddley Do-Right's Horse`Horse
Cartoon Trivia: The Name Of Garfield's Teddy Bear`Pooky
Cartoon Trivia: The Name Of Gepetto's Cat In 'Pinocchio'`Figaro
Cartoon Trivia: The Name Of Johnny Quest's Dog`Bandit
Cartoon Trivia: The Name Of Jughead's Dog`Hotdog
Cartoon Trivia: The Name Of Oscar The Grouchs Pet Worm On Tvs Sesame Street`Slimey
Cartoon Trivia: The Name Of Porky Pig's Father`Phineas
Cartoon Trivia: The Name Of Postman Pats Cat`Jess
Cartoon Trivia: The Name Of Smokey The Bears Mate`Goldie
Cartoon Trivia: The Name Of Snoopy's Secretary`Woodstock
Cartoon Trivia: The Name Of The Cartoon Also Created By Matt Groening Of Simpsons Fame, Set In The Future`Futurama
Cartoon Trivia: The Name Of The Cartoon That Had Ponies Of All Colours Of The Rainbow, And Had A Design On Their Butt, There Were Pegasus, Unicorns, And Earth Ponies And They Talked`My Little Pony
Cartoon Trivia: The Name Of The Cat In The Smurfs`Azriel
Cartoon Trivia: The Name Of The Family Circus's Dog`Barf
Cartoon Trivia: The Name Of The Grinch's Dog`Max
Cartoon Trivia: The Name Of The Heroine In The Cartoon 'Beauty And The Beast'`Belle
Cartoon Trivia: The Name Of The Moth-Costumed Sidekick Of The Tick`Arthur
Cartoon Trivia: The Name Of The Pig That Jim Davis Draws`Orson
Cartoon Trivia: The Name Of The Saber-Tooth Tiger In 'The Flintstones'`Baby-Puss
Cartoon Trivia: The Name Of The 'Ticks' Dog`Speak
Cartoon Trivia: The Name Of This Dragon From Mulan`Mushu
Cartoon Trivia: The Name Of Yogi Bear's Best Freind`Boo Boo
Cartoon Trivia: The Names Of Popeye's Four Nephews Are Pipeye, Peepeye, ______, And Poopeye`Pupeye
Cartoon Trivia: The Names Of Popeye's Four Nephews Are Pipeye, Peepeye, Pupeye, And`Poopeye
Cartoon Trivia: The Names Of Popeye's Four Nephews Are Pipeye, _______, Pupeye, And Poopeye`Peepeye
Cartoon Trivia: The Names Of The Six Gummi Bears Are ______, Cubbi, Tummi, Zummi, Sunni, And Grammi`Gruffi
Cartoon Trivia: The Names Of The Six Gummi Bears Are Gruffi, Cubbi, Tummi, _____, Sunni, And Grammi`Zummi
Cartoon Trivia: The Names Of The Six Gummi Bears Are Gruffi, Cubbi, Tummi, Zummi, _____, And Grammi`Sunni
Cartoon Trivia: The Names Of The Six Gummi Bears Are Gruffi, Cubbi, Tummi, Zummi, Sunni, And`Grammi
Cartoon Trivia: The Names Of The Six Gummi Bears Are Gruffi, Cubbi, _____, Zummi, Sunni, And Grammi`Tummi
Cartoon Trivia: The Names Of The Six Gummi Bears Are Gruffi, _____, Tummi, Zummi, Sunni, And Grammi`Cubbi
Cartoon Trivia: The Popular American Comic Strip '_______' Is Known As 'Radishes' In Denmark`Peanuts
Cartoon Trivia: The Popular American Comic Strip 'Peanuts' Is Known As '________' In Denmark`Radishes
Cartoon Trivia: The Popular American Comic Strip 'Peanuts' Is Known As 'Radishes' In`Denmark
Cartoon Trivia: The Seaport Hometown Of Comic Strip Hero ______ ___ ______ Is Sweetwater`Popeye The Sailor
Cartoon Trivia: The Seaport Hometown Of Comic Strip Hero Popeye The Sailor Is`Sweetwater
Cartoon Trivia: The Tick: Colour Of The Ticks Costume`Blue
Cartoon Trivia: The Tick: 'Not Baked Goods Professor, Baked ____!'`Bads
Cartoon Trivia: The Tick: 'Yeast Devil! Back To The Oven That _____ You!'`Baked
Cartoon Trivia: This Cartoon Character Appeared In The Original And Imax Versions Of Fantasia`Mickey Mouse
Cartoon Trivia: This Girl Has 'Naturally Curly Hair'`Freida
Cartoon Trivia: This Is What Peppermint Patti Calls Charlie Brown`Chuck
Cartoon Trivia: This Smurf Composes Odes To Himself And Is, In Essence, Quite 'Vain.'`Vanity Smurf
Cartoon Trivia: This Smurf Has A 'Hiakhiak' Laugh And Gives 'Trapped' Presents To His Smurfs`Jokey
Cartoon Trivia: This Smurf Spends His Day Dreaming 'What Could Be'`Dreamy Smurf
Cartoon Trivia: This Superintelligent X-Men Member Is Somewhat___Umm___ Furry`Beast
Cartoon Trivia: This Underground Cartoonist Created Fritz The Cat And Mr. Natural`Robert Crumb
Cartoon Trivia: This Was The First Cartoon Talking Picture`Steamboat Willie
Cartoon Trivia: Thumper Was A Rabbit From Which Film`Bambi
Cartoon Trivia: ________ __________ Was America's First Newspaper Cartoonist`Benjamin Franklin
Cartoon Trivia: What 19th-Century Cartoonist Assigned The Elephant And The Donkey To U.S. Political Parties`Thomas Nast
Cartoon Trivia: What 19th Century Political Cartoonist Created The Elephant For The Republican Party And The Donkey For The Democratic Party`Thomas Nast
Cartoon Trivia: What 80's Cartoon Was A Showcase For 'New Wave' Music Videos`Kidd Video
Cartoon Trivia: What Animated Cartoon Character Received 800,000 Fan Letters In The 30s`Mickey Mouse
Cartoon Trivia: What Animated Television Couple Was The First To Sleep In A Double Bed`Fred And Wilma Flintstone
Cartoon Trivia: What Are Alvin, Simon, And Theodore`Chipmunks
Cartoon Trivia: What Are Ren And Stimpy's Last Names`Ren Hoek Stimpy Cadoogan
Cartoon Trivia: What Are The Names Of Angelica's Parents In The Rugrats`Drew And Charlotte
Cartoon Trivia: What Are The Names Of Donald Duck's Nephews`Huey Dewey And Louey
Cartoon Trivia: What Award Winning Cartoonist Was Nicknamed 'Sparky'`Charles Schulz
Cartoon Trivia: What Breed Of Dog Is Snoopy`Beagle
Cartoon Trivia : What came out of Milton's head`steam
Cartoon Trivia: What Cartoon Character Had No Feathers Until The Censors Decided He 'Looked Naked'`Tweety
Cartoon Trivia: What Cartoon Characters Are At 6 Flags Theme Park`Looney Tunes
Cartoon Trivia: What Cartoon Characters Are Described As Being 'Three Apples High'`Smurfs
Cartoon Trivia: What Cartoon Character Was Represented On A Patch Worn By The Late Racer Alan Kulwicki On His Driving Suit`Mighty Mouse
Cartoon Trivia: What Cartoon Group Of The 50's That Had A Number 1 Song In 1958`The Chipmunks With 'The Chipmunk Song'
Cartoon Trivia: What Cartoon Movie Featured The Songs And Members Of The Beatles`The Yellow Submarine
Cartoon Trivia: What Cartoon Show's Record Prime Time Run Of 6 Years Was Beaten In 1996 By The Simpsons`The Flintstones
Cartoon Trivia: What Cartoon Was Bill The Cat A Prime Character In`Bloom County
Cartoon Trivia: What Cartoon Was Catbert A Main Player In`Dilbert
Cartoon Trivia: What Cat Sniffed: 'Cute Rots The Intellect'`Garfield
Cartoon Trivia: What Character Did Tex Avery First Create Upon Arriving At Mgm`Screwball Squirrel
Cartoon Trivia: What Colour Suit Does Clark Kent Always Wear`Blue
Cartoon Trivia: What Comic-Book Heroine Was Known As Queen Of The Jungle`Sheena
Cartoon Trivia: What Comic Book Hero Is Deprived Of His Power By The Colour Yellow`Green Lantern
Cartoon Trivia: What Comic Strip Canine's Bride-To-Be Ran Off With His Best Friend Spike`Snoopy's
Cartoon Trivia: What Comic Strip Character Has Been Declared To Have The Lowest Iq In America`Li'l Abner
Cartoon Trivia: What Comic Strip Character Is Beetle Bailey's Sister`Lois
Cartoon Trivia : What comic strip character is Beetle Bailey's sister`lois (of hi and  lois )
Cartoon Trivia: What Comic Strip Duck Is A Billionare`Scrooge Mcduck
Cartoon Trivia: What Comic Strip Inspired The Observance Of Sadie Hawkins Day`L'il Abner
Cartoon Trivia: What Did Bugs Bunny Drink To Become Invisible`Hair Remover
Cartoon Trivia: What Did Dagwood Give Up To Marry Blondie`A Family Inheritance
Cartoon Trivia: What Did Dr David Banner Become When He Got Angry`Incredible Hulk
Cartoon Trivia: What Did Dr Seuss' Grinch Steal`Christmas
Cartoon Trivia : What did Peppermint Patty always call Charlie Brown`chuck
Cartoon Trivia: What Disney Animated Feature Required The Drawing Of 6,469,952 Black Spots`101 Dalmatians
Cartoon Trivia: What Disney Character Shares His Name With A Dwarf Planet`Pluto
Cartoon Trivia: What Does Thumper Call Ice In 'Bambi'`Stiff Water
Cartoon Trivia: What Dog Appears In The Wacky Races`Muttley
Cartoon Trivia: What Dog Shares His Owner With Garfiled The Cat`Odie
Cartoon Trivia: What Do You Call Japanese Erotic Anime (Cartoons) That Focus On Male-On-Male Sexuality`Yaoi
Cartoon Trivia: What Frank Willard Comic Strip Featured Lord Plushbottom, Uncle Willie And Kayo`Moon Mullins
Cartoon Trivia: What High School Does Archie Attend`Riverdale
Cartoon Trivia: What Is Barney Gumble's Birthday`April 20
Cartoon Trivia : What is Batman's butler Alfred's last name.`pennyworth
Cartoon Trivia: What Is Blondie's Maiden Name`Oop
Cartoon Trivia : What is Dennis the Menace's last name`mitchell
Cartoon Trivia: What Is Dennis The Menace's Surname`Mitchell
Cartoon Trivia: What Is Dr Seuss' Real Name`Theodore Geisel
Cartoon Trivia: What Is Fred Flintstone's Favorite Thing To Say`Yabba Dabba Doo
Cartoon Trivia: What Is Fred's Bowling Nickname`Twinkle Toes
Cartoon Trivia : What is Smokey Stover's job`fireman
Cartoon Trivia : What is Super Chicken's partners name`fred
Cartoon Trivia: What Is The Cartoon Family The Simpsons, Cat's Name`Snowball
Cartoon Trivia: What Is The Longest Running Prime Time Cartoon Show`The Simpsons
Cartoon Trivia : What is the mother's name in Family Circus`thelma
Cartoon Trivia: What Is The Name Of Dilbert's Company's Competitor`Nirvana Co
Cartoon Trivia : What is the name of Duddley Do-Right's horse`horse
Cartoon Trivia: What Is The Name Of Jonny Quest's Dog`Bandit
Cartoon Trivia: What Is The Name Of Jughead's Dog`Hot Dog
Cartoon Trivia: What Is The Name Of Mickey Mouses Girlfriend`Minnie Mouse
Cartoon Trivia: What Is The Name Of Mighty Mouse's Girl Friend`Pearl Pureheart
Cartoon Trivia : What is the name of the Family Circus's dog`barf
Cartoon Trivia: What Is The Name Of The Large, Elephant-Like, Brown Animal On Sesame Street`Snuffleupagus
Cartoon Trivia: What Is The Name Of The Little Boy In Toy Story (First Name Only)`Andy
Cartoon Trivia: What Is The Name Of The Little Space Man On The Flintstones Cartoon`Kazoo
Cartoon Trivia: What Is The Name Of The Parrot In Disney's Aladdin`Iago
Cartoon Trivia: What Is The Name Of The Rabbit In The Film, 'Bambi'`Thumper
Cartoon Trivia: What Is The Name Of The Skunk In The Film, 'Bambi'`Flower
Cartoon Trivia: What Is The Name Of The Stuffed Animal That Comes Alive For Calvin`Hobbes
Cartoon Trivia: What Is The Name Of The Whale That Swallowed Pinocchio`Monstro
Cartoon Trivia: What Is The Name Of Wilma Flintstone's Husband`Fred
Cartoon Trivia: What Is The Only Animated Feature To Be Nominated For Best Picture`Beauty And The Beast
Cartoon Trivia: What Is The Secret Identity Of Peter Parker`Spiderman
Cartoon Trivia: What Kind Of Animal Is Winnie-The-Pooh's Friend Eeyore`Donkey
Cartoon Trivia: What Kind Of Animal Was Nana The Nursemaid In 'Peter Pan'`Dog
Cartoon Trivia: What Kind Of Dog Is Scooby Doo`Great Dane
Cartoon Trivia: What Kind Of Pie Does 'Snow White' Start To Bake For The Dwarfs`Gooseberry
Cartoon Trivia: What Marvel Comics Superhero Carries A Star Spangled Shield`Captain America
Cartoon Trivia: What Marvel Woman Began Starring In Her Own Comic Books In The 1970s Billed As 'She-Devil With A Sword'`Red Sonja
Cartoon Trivia: What Menacing Character Was Best Friends With Tommy Anderson`Dennis The Menace
Cartoon Trivia: What Name Is Shared By One Of The Creators Of The Lone Ranger, The Cartoon Dog That Was The Mascot Of The 1994 World Cup Usa, And The Hero Of 'Airplane'`Striker
Cartoon Trivia: What Newspaper Do The Flintstones Read`The Daily Slate
Cartoon Trivia: What Office Supply Item Does Dilbert Count`Staples
Cartoon Trivia: What Planet Did The Thundercats Live On`Third Earth
Cartoon Trivia: What Planet Gave Birth To Superman`Krypton
Cartoon Trivia: What Popular American Comic Strip Is Known As Radishes In Denmark`Peanuts
Cartoon Trivia: What's The Name Of Oscar The Grouch's Pet Worm`Slimey
Cartoon Trivia: What Two Girls Do Archie And Reggie Run Around With`Betty Veronica
Cartoon Trivia: What Type Of Plant Does Broom Hilda Sell`Venus Flytrap
Cartoon Trivia: What Was Betty Rubble's Maiden Name`Betty Jean Mcbricker
Cartoon Trivia: What Was Bugs Bunny Originally Known As`Oswald The Rabbit
Cartoon Trivia: What Was Daffy Duck's Favorite Insult`You're Dispicable
Cartoon Trivia: What Was Daffy Ducks Usual Closing Line`You're Dispicable
Cartoon Trivia: What Was George Of The Jungle Always Running In To`A Tree
Cartoon Trivia : What was George of the Jungle always running in to`tree
Cartoon Trivia: What Was Superman's True Name When He Was On Krypton`Khal-El
Cartoon Trivia: What Was The First Cartoon Character Called`Oswald The Rabbit
Cartoon Trivia: What Was The First Cartoon To Feature Sound`Steamboat Willie
Cartoon Trivia : What was the first cartoon to feature sound`steamboat willy
Cartoon Trivia: What Was The First Mickey Mouse Cartoon`Plane Crazy
Cartoon Trivia: What Was The Name Of Barney And Betty Rubble's Son`Bam Bam
Cartoon Trivia: What Was The Name Of Fred Flintstone's Paperboy`Arnold
Cartoon Trivia: What Was The Name Of George Of The Jungle's Pet Elephant`Shep
Cartoon Trivia: What Was The Name Of He-Man's Feline Mount In Masters Of The Universe`Battle Cat
Cartoon Trivia: What Was The Name Of Speed Racer's Car`The Mach Five
Cartoon Trivia: What Was The Name Of The Comic Strip That 'Henry Rush' (Too Close For Comfort)Wrote`Cosmic Cow
Cartoon Trivia: What Was The Name Of The First Bugs Bunny Cartoon`Wild Hare
Cartoon Trivia: What Was The Name Of The First Multi-Person Space Craft`Voskod 1
Cartoon Trivia: What Was The Name Of The Funky Van Scooby Doo And Friends Rode In`The Mystery Machine
Cartoon Trivia: What Was The Name Of The Principal In Archie Comics`Weatherbee
Cartoon Trivia: What Was The Name Of The Seasick Sea Serpent`Cecil
Cartoon Trivia: What Was The Name Of The Skunk In Bambi`Flower
Cartoon Trivia: What Was The Name Of The Toy Spaceman In Toy Story`Buzz Lightyear
Cartoon Trivia: What Was The Name Of The Warner Bros. Animated Cartoon In Which Bugs Bunny Made His 27th July 1940 Debut`A Wild Hare
Cartoon Trivia: What Was The Name Of The White Gang In 'West Side Story'`Jets
Cartoon Trivia: What Was The Name Of The Witch In 'Archie'`Sabrina
Cartoon Trivia: What Was The Original Name Charles Schultz Had For Peanuts`Li'l Folks
Cartoon Trivia: What Was The Relationship Between Superman And Supergirl`Cousin
Cartoon Trivia: What Was Walt Disney's First Full-Length Feature Cartoon`Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs
Cartoon Trivia: What Were The 3 Chipettes Names On Alvin And The Chipmunks`Brittney, Jeanette, And Eleanor
Cartoon Trivia: What Were Wilma Flintstone And Betty Rubble's Maiden Names`Slaghoople And Mcbricker
Cartoon Trivia: When Danger Appeared, Quick Draw Mcgraw Became Which Super Hero`El Kabong
Cartoon Trivia : When not a Birdman, what does Ray Randall do for a living` police  officer
Cartoon Trivia : When not fighting crime, what did Underdog do for a living` shoeshine  boy
Cartoon Trivia : When Tweety exclaimed, "I thought I saw a putty tat!", who did he see`sylvester
Cartoon Trivia : Where are Rocket J. Squirel and Bullwinkle Moose from`frostbite  falls
Cartoon Trivia: Where Did Clark Kent Attend College`Metropolis University
Cartoon Trivia: Where Did George Of The Jungle Live`Imgwee Gwee Valley
Cartoon Trivia: Where Did Mighty Mouse Get His Superpowers`The Supermarket
Cartoon Trivia: Where Do Archie And His Friends Live`Riverdale
Cartoon Trivia: Where Does Dilbert Think Of Inventions`In The Bathtub
Cartoon Trivia: Where Does George Jetson Work`Spacely Sprockets
Cartoon Trivia: Where Does Yogi Bear Live`Jellystone National Park
Cartoon Trivia: Where Does Yogi Bear Live`Jellystone Park
Cartoon Trivia: Where Do Rocky And Bullwinkle Play Football`Amatta University
Cartoon Trivia : Where do Rocky and Bullwinkle play football`what'samatta u niversity
Cartoon Trivia: Which 80's Cartoon Character Possessed The Sword Of Omens`Lion-O
Cartoon Trivia: Which Cartoon Characters Lost Father Abraham From The 70s And Re-Found Chart Success In 1996`Smurfs
Cartoon Trivia: Which Cartoon Character's Vital Statistics Were 19-19-19 -In Inches`Olive Oyl
Cartoon Trivia: Which Character Sang, 'When You Wish Upon A Star..' In Disney's 'Pinocchio'`Jiminy Cricket
Cartoon Trivia: Which Comic Strip Did Sam Keith Draw`The Maxx
Cartoon Trivia: Which Comic Strip Drake Is A Multi-Billionaire`Scrooge Mcduck
Cartoon Trivia: Which Comic Strip Was Banned From 'Stars And Stripes'`Beetle Bailey
Cartoon Trivia: Which Dog Lives With Garfield`Odie
Cartoon Trivia: Which Eighties Cartoon Ended With The Phrase: 'And Knowing Is Half The Battle'`G.I.Joe
Cartoon Trivia: Which Eponymous, Or Title Female, Cartoon Character Was Created By Max Fleischer`Betty Boop
Cartoon Trivia: Which Famous Canine Cartoon Character Was Created By Hanna-Barbera In 1958 For The First All-Animated Television Series`Huckleberry Hound
Cartoon Trivia: Which Fictional Character Has A Weekly Allowance Of $100,000`Richie Rich
Cartoon Trivia: Which Fictional Park Is The Home Of Yogi Bear`Jellystone
Cartoon Trivia: Which Flying Mouse, A Cross Between Superman And Mickey Mouse, Appears In Over Seventy Short Cartoons In The Terrytoons Series`Mighty Mouse
Cartoon Trivia: Which Member Of The Cure Defeated Mecha-Streisand In Southpark`Robert Smith
Cartoon Trivia: Which Of The 7 Dwarfs Wore Glasses`Doc
Cartoon Trivia: Which Of The Singing Chipmunks Is The Baker`Theodore
Cartoon Trivia: Which Sesame Street Character Makes His Home In A Garbage Can`Oscar
Cartoon Trivia: Which Smurf Served As The Guide And Protector Of His Fellow Smurfs`Papa Smurf
Cartoon Trivia: Which Superhero Loves Peace Enough To Kill For It`Peacemaker
Cartoon Trivia: While Experimenting With Speeding Up A Tape, David Seville Created Three Voice Characters And Released A Christmas Song In 1958. Which Nutty Group Was This`Chipmunks
Cartoon Trivia : Who always tried to kill Krazy Kat`captain marvel
Cartoon Trivia : Who is Donald Duck's uncle`scrooge
Cartoon Trivia : Who is Sally Brown's sweet baboo`linus
Cartoon Trivia : Who is Snoopy's arch enemy`baron
Cartoon Trivia : Who is stationed at Camp Swampy in the comic strips`beetle bailey
Cartoon Trivia : Who runs Andy Capp's favorite pub`jack and jill
Cartoon Trivia : Who says, "Th-th-th-that's all folks!"`porky pig
Cartoon Trivia : Who shot Bruce Wayne's parents`chill
Cartoon Trivia : Who was always trying to get rent from Andy Capp`percy
Cartoon Trivia : Who was Daisy the dog's owners`blond
Cartoon Trivia : Who was Dick Dastardley's pet`muttley
Cartoon Trivia : Who was the Hulk's first friend`rick jones
Cartoon Trivia : Who was the original voice of Mickey Mouse`walt disney
Cartoon Trivia: Wile E. Coyote Ought To Be Careful In New Mexico. What's The State Bird There`Roadrunner
Cartoon Trivia: Wile E. Coyote's Favorite Mail-Order Outlet`Acme
Cartoon Trivia: Wile E. Coyote, Supra Genius, Gets All His Traps To Try To Catch The Road Runner From What Company`Acme
Cartoon Trivia: William Moulton Marston Created What Comic Book Heroine`Wonder Woman
Cartoon Trivia: Wonder Woman: In November 1975, The Pilot Movie For The Television Series First Aired. What Is The Name Of Pilot Movie`The New Original Wonder Woman
Cartoon Trivia: Wonder Woman: In The Episode 'The Pluto File', An Enemy Agent Has A Dreaded Disease, And Has A Secret Formula That Can Destroy America. What Disease Does The Enemy Agent Have`Bubonic Plague
Cartoon Trivia: Wonder Woman: Theme Song: 'In Your _____ ______' Fighting For Your Rights'`Satin Tights
Cartoon Trivia: Wonder Woman: Theme Song: 'Make A Hawk A ____'`Dove
Cartoon Trivia: Wonder Woman: Theme Song: 'Now The World Is _____ ___ ___, And The Wonders You Can Do'`Ready For You
Cartoon Trivia: Wonder Woman: Theme Song: 'Stop A War With ____, Make A Liar Tell The Truth!'`Love
Cartoon Trivia: Wonder Woman: Theme Song: 'Wonder Woman! Wonder Woman! All The World Is _______ ___ ___, And The Power You Possess'`Waiting For You
Cartoon Trivia: Wonder Woman: What Is The Name Of Diana's Mother`Queen Hyppolyte
Cartoon Trivia: Wonder Woman: What Is The Name Of The Island That Wonder Woman Is From`Paradise Island
Cartoon Trivia: Wonder Woman: What Is Wonder Woman's Mode Of Transportation`Invisible Plane
Cartoon Trivia: Wonder Woman: What Was Wonder Woman's Bracelets Used For`Deflecting Bullets
Cartoon Trivia: Wonder Woman: Which Actress Plays Diana's Sister`Debra Winger
Cartoon Trivia: Wonder Woman: Which Episode Was The Series Last Episode`Phantom Of The Roller Coaster
Cartoon Trivia: X-Men: Apart From The United States, Where Else Have The X-Men Been Based`Australia
Cartoon Trivia: X-Men: As Of July 23,2000 About How Much Money Has X-Men: The Movie Earned`100 Million
Cartoon Trivia: X-Men: Finish The Catch Phrase 'Sworn To Protect A World That......'`Fears And Hates Them
Cartoon Trivia: X-Men: How Did Beast Become A Mutant`Father's Genes Were Altered
Cartoon Trivia: X-Men: In The Movie, Where Did Magneto Find Out His Mutant Powers`Concentration Camp
Cartoon Trivia: X-Men: Many Former Villians Of The X-Men Have At One Point Or Another Become Members, Why Did Rogue Join`Gain Control Over Her Powers
Cartoon Trivia: X-Men: Movie: Why Can't Storm Shoot Magneto With A Bolt Of Lightning When He Has Captured All Of The X-Men`In A Metal Room
Cartoon Trivia: X-Men: What 2 Weapons Does Gambit Always Use`Cards And Stick
Cartoon Trivia: X-Men: What 2 X-Men Have Heavy Accents`Gambit And Rogue
Cartoon Trivia: X-Men: What Is Beast's Real First Name`Henry
Cartoon Trivia: X-Men: What Is Magneto's Name After He Forgets His Past`Joseph
Cartoon Trivia: X-Men: What Is Scott Summers' Codename`Cyclops
Cartoon Trivia: X-Men: What Is The Name Of Beast's On Again, Off Again Girlfriend`Trish Trilby
Cartoon Trivia: X-Men: What Is Wolverine's Bones Laced With`Adamantium
Cartoon Trivia: X-Men: What Mutant Tries To Perform The Assasination Of Senator Kelly In 'Days Of The Future Past Part 2'`Mystique
Cartoon Trivia: X-Men: What Name Does Cyclops Father, Christopher Summers, Go By`Corsair
Cartoon Trivia: X-Men: What Was Sean Cassidy's Job Before He Joined The X-Men`Interpol Agent
Cartoon Trivia: X-Men: What X-Man Does Morph Impersonate In The First Episode`Gambit
Cartoon Trivia: X-Men: Which 2 X-Men Were Adopted`Rogue And Jubilee
Cartoon Trivia: X-Men: Which Of The X-Men, In Later Episodes, Becomes Phoenix`Jean Grey
Carvel and Clinker are methods of making what`boats
Car, When Found In Dallas In 1963, Contained Brass Knuckles, A Pistol Holder, And A Newspaper Detailing Jfk's Motorcade Route`Jack Ruby
Cary Grant plays a con man with a heart of gold in`Mr. Lucky
Casanova boasted that he made love to the same woman ______  times in one day.`twelve
Case for clothes opening into 2 equal parts`portmanteau
Case #: x 1.10 111993 had the code name _____`fallen angel
Cashmere comes from a(n) .....`goat
Casing holding oil in an internal combustion engine`sump
Casper and laramieare towns in which us state`wyoming
Casper the Friendly Ghost frolicked with which witch`Wendy
Cass elliot was part of which 'monday monday' group`mamas and papas
Casting shade: 'a ----- grove.'`shady
Castle Howard is in which county`north yorkshire
Castrated men live an average of __ ______ longer than those not castrated.`13 years
catagelophobia is the fear of ____`being ridiculed
Catagelophobia is the fear of ____ ____ .`ridicule
Catapedaphobia is the fear of`jumping from high and low places
Catchphrases Were 'To You, To Me' And 'Cup Of Teeeeea'`The Chuckle Brothers
Catchy phrase used in advertising`slogan
Categorization of a group of people according to ability or status`hierarchy
Category: 1980s GrabBag: "Britain's only luxury car that can be had for $26,000" (make name)`sterling
Category: 1980s GrabBag: C. American strongman who appeared on a Time cover entitled "The Drug Thugs"`general manuel noriega
Category: 1980s GrabBag : Country that saw 32 of its citizens convicted of spying from 1981-88`united states
Category: 1980s GrabBag: Crime family that lost its head when "Big Paul" Castellano got "whacked"`gambino
Category: 1980s GrabBag: First shortstop since Carew to lead all-star voting 2 years in a row`ozzie smith
Category: 1980s GrabBag : He lost the 1977 NYC mayoral bid before taking successful aim at Albany`mario cuomo
Category: 1980s GrabBag: He was the first tennis player exceed $10 million in career earnings`ivan lendl
Category: 1980s GrabBag : How many career gold medals did Carl Lewis sport after the Seoul Olympics `6
Category: 1980s GrabBag: How many dollars was Bernhard Goetz asked for on his fateful subway ride`5
Category: 1980s GrabBag: Infamous subway rider only convicted of illegal weapons possession`bernhard goetz
Category: 1980s GrabBag: Seaboard state home to a nation-leading 96 hazardous waste sites in 1987.`new jersey
Category: 1980s GrabBag : The biggest selling single from Paul Simon's Graceland`you can call me al
Category: 1980s GrabBag: The last team Tom Seaver tried to pitch for`new york mets
Category: 1980s GrabBag: The name of the first space shuttle`columbia
Category: 1980s GrabBag : The youngest leader of the Soviet Union before Gorbachev`joseph stalin
Category: 1980s GrabBag : This country's President Zia ul-Haq was killed in a 1988 plane crash`pakistan
Category: 1980s GrabBag: Tom Brokaw and this network anchor made their debuts in 1983`peter jennings
Category: 1980s GrabBag: What puckmaster played as an Aero, Redwing, and a Whaler`gordie howe
Category: 1980s GrabBag : What state gave birth to more than half of the 1980 US Olympic hockey team `minnesota
Category: 1980s GrabBag : Who NYC Mayor Ed Kock said Jews would be "crazy" to back for President in 88`jesse jackson
Category: 1980s GrabBag: Who's 1000th day as a hostage was Dec. 10, 1987`terry anderson
Category: 1993 The Year: $20 billion of financial aid went to this nation.`russia
Category: 1993 The Year: A liver of this animal was transplanted into a human at the Univ of Pittsburgh`baboon
Category: 1993 The Year: billion of financial aid went to this nation.`russia
Category: 1993 The Year: China released this dissident, famous for Tiannaem Square massacre activity.`wang dan
Category: 1993 The Year: Crown Prince Naruhito married her.`masako owada
Category: 1993 The Year: May Day riots occurred in this nation.`russia
Category: 1993 The Year: She became the second woman Supreme Court Justice`ruth bader ginsburg
Category: 1993 The Year: The compound of this sect was under siege in Waco, Texas.`branch davidians
Category: 1993 The Year: This Algerian broke the 8-year old world record for the mile.`yabes ondieki
Category: 1993 The Year: This city won the bid for the 2000 Summer Olympics.`sydney
Category: 1993 The Year: This college campus in DC was the first one President Clinton visited`american university
Category: 1993 The Year: This man became South Korea's first civilian leader.`kim young sam
Category: 1993 The Year: This territory held a referendum where residents chose not to pursue statehood.`puerto rico
Category: 1993 The Year: This world leader visited Denver, Colorado for World Youth Day.`john paul ii
Category: 1997 Great Events: Stock markets on this continent plunged in October.`asia
Category: 1997 Great Events: The Cassini space probe carried this dangerous substance.`plutonium
Category: 19th Cent Art: American painter who painted "Death of General Wolfe"`benjamin west
Category: 19th Cent Art: Color of ceiling in Van Gogh's "Night Cafe"`green
Category: 19th Cent Art: "Death of Marat" and "Oath of the Horatii", two of his better known works`jacques-louis david
Category: 19th Cent Art: French Impressionist who did "The Luncheon of the Boating Party", 1881`pierre-auguste renoir
Category: 19th Cent Art: French lithographer chronicled repressive French government in mid 1800s`honore daumier
Category: 19th Cent Art: French painter who did "Napoleon in the Pesthouse at Jaffa"`antoine-jean gros
Category: 19th Cent Art: German artist who did "The Hulsenbeck Children"`philipp otto runge
Category: 19th Cent Art: He was symbolized by Rodin in "The Thinker"`dante
Category: 19th Cent Art: His notorious painting, "The Picnic", was rejected by the Salon of 1863`edouard manet
Category: 19th Cent Art: In 1885 he did "The Potato Eaters"`vincent van gogh
Category: 19th Cent Art: Known for his rendering of ballet dancers`edgar degas
Category: 19th Cent Art: Sculptor did "George Washington", "Admiral of Tourville", "Voltaire Seated"`jean-antoine houdon
Category: 19th Cent Art: Sculptor's "George Washington", 1841, was too "god-like" for Americans`horatio greenough
Category: 19th Cent Art: "The Burning of the House of Lords and Commons" was done by this Englishman`william turner
Category: 19th Cent Art: The two prominent subjects in Sir Edwin Landseer's "Man Proposes, God Disposes"`polar bear
Category: 50s Authors: Across the River and into the Trees`hemingway
Category: 50s Authors: A Death in the FamilyXX: A Death in the Family`james agee
Category: 50s Authors: Andersonville`mackinlay kantor
Category: 50s Authors: Atlas Shrugged`ayn rand
Category: 50s Authors: By Love Possessed`james gould couzzens
Category: 50s Authors: From Here to Eternity`james jones
Category: 50s Authors: On the Road`jack kerouac
Category: 50s Authors: Sieze the Day`saul bellow
Category: 50s Authors: The Caine Mutiny`herman wouk
Category: 50s Authors: The Last Hurrah`edwin oconner
Category: 50s Authors: The Mandarians`simone debeauvoir
Category: 50s: Born in 1959, she was the actress possessed by the Devil in The Exorcist.`blair
Category: 50s: King Talal of this country was ousted, due to insanity, by his son Hussein.`jordan
Category: 50s: Russian author who won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1958`boris pasternak
Category:  50s: This European principality gained a princess in 1956.`monaco
Category:  50s: This flop car was introduced in the 50's.`edsel
Category: 50s: This many presidents were elected during the fifties.`one
Category: 50s: This nation was divided at the 17th parallel in 1954`vietnam
Category:  50s: This was created by the treaty of Rome in 1957`european economic community
Category: 50s: William Goldings 1955 novel about boys stranded on an island`lord of the flies
Category:  60s: 1964 release was the most successful Disney film to date.`mary poppins
Category: 60s Authors: Goodbye, Columbus`phillip roth
Category: 60s Authors: Night`elie wiesel
Category: 60s Authors: Rabbit, Run`john updike
Category: 60s Authors: Slaughterhouse-Five`kurt vonnegut
Category: 60s Authors: The Painted Bird`jerzy kosinski
Category:  60s: Discovered in 1967, pulsating radio sources in space are better known as this`pulsar
Category:  60s: First nation ever to resign from the united nations.`indonesia
Category: 60s: He was the first president born in the 20th century.`kennedy
Category: 60s: John Young and him were the first astronauts to fly the two-occupant Gemini.`gus grissom
Category: 60s: Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated in this city.`memphis
Category:  60s: Theodore Maiman demonstrated this enlightening device for the first time in '60`laser
Category:  60s: This bridge, the largest suspension bridge in the US, was finished in 1964.`verrazano narrows
Category: 60s: This remote area was crossed on foot for the first time in 1968-1969.`north pole
Category:  70s: Angola won its independence fromthem in 1975.`portugal
Category: 70s Authors: A Book of Common Prayer`joan didion
Category: 70s Authors: Born on the Fourth of July`ron kovic
Category: 70s Authors: Deliverance`james dickey
Category: 70s Authors: Falconer`john cheever
Category: 70s Authors: Far Tortuga`peter matthiessen
Category: 70s Authors: India: A Wounded Civilization`v. s. naipaul
Category: 70s Authors: JR`william gaddis
Category: 70s Authors: Losing Battles`eudora welty
Category: 70s Authors: One Hundred Years of Solitude`gabriel garcia marquez
Category: 70s Authors: Orsinian Tales`ursula leguin
Category: 70s Authors: Rabbit Redux`john updike
Category: 70s Authors: Ragtime`e. l. doctorow
Category: 70s Authors: Roots`alex haley jr
Category: 70s Authors: Something Happened`joseph heller
Category: 70s Authors: The Friends of Eddie Coyle`george v. higgins
Category: 70s Authors: The Hot Rock`donald e. westlake
Category: 70s Authors: The Summer before the Dark`doris lessing
Category: 70s Authors: The Uses of Enchantment`bruno bettleheim
Category: 70s: Became the capital of the reunited North and South Vietnam.`hanoi
Category:  70s: Born "No Name Maddox", he committed the most sensational crime of the 70's.`charles manson
Category:  70s: Famous mother who won the nobel prize in 1979.`teresa
Category:  70s: He was court-martialed in 1971 for atrocities in Southeast Asia.`william calley
Category:  70s: In 1973 he became Los Angeles' first black mayor.`tom bradley
Category:  70s: In 1974, this became the world's tallest building.`sears tower
Category: 70s: Oregans Trojan was the most powerful one of these in this decade.`nuclear plant
Category: 70s: Russian dancer who defected in 1974.`mikhail baryshnikov
Category:  70s: The first american to walk on the moon in the 70's.`alan shepard
Category: 70s: This famous Idaho dam went to pieces in 1976.`teton river dam
Category: 70s: This nation tried the "Gang of Four"`china
Category:  70s: This singer starred in Clams on the Half Shell Review.`bette midler
Category:  70s: This war hero quit the Israeli cabinet in 1979.`moshe dayan
Category:  70s: This world leader died in Cairo in 1970.`gamal abdel nasser
Category:  80s: G.D. Searle & Co put this brand sweetener on the market in 1983.`nutrasweet
Category:  80s: In 1983, Anne Burford left her position as administrator of this agency.`epa
Category:  80s: Shot dead at the airport in Manila, in 1983.`benigno aquino
Category:  80s: This leader dozed off in a 1984 speech, leading to speculation of his health`chernenko
Category:Abbreviations - What does 'AOL' stand for`America Online
Category:Abbreviations - What does 'A&W' (of root beer fame) stand for `Allen & Wright
Category:Abbreviations - What does S.O.S. stand for`Save Our Souls
Category:Abbreviations - What do the initials 'VCP' stand for`Video Cassette Player
Category:Abbreviations - What do the initials 'VCR' stand for`Video Cassette Recorder
Category:Acronyms - What does N.A.S.A stand for`National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Category:Acronyms - What does the acronym 'scuba' mean`Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus
Category: Ad Jingles: Ask any mermaid you happen to see, what's the best tuna`chicken of the sea
Category: Ad Jingles: If you were this type of weiner, everyone would be in love with you.`oscar mayer
Category: Ad Jingles: Look for this label when you're buying a coat, dress, or blouse.`union
Category: Ad Jingles: There's something about a man who wears this after shave.`aqua velva
Category: Ad Jingles: They make the very best chocolate.`nestle
Category: Ads: 99.44% pure.`ivory
Category: Ads: A peach looks cute / with all its fuzz. / A man's no peach / and never was.`burma shave
Category: Ads: Get a piece of the Rock.`prudential
Category: Ad Slogans: "Just for the taste of it"`diet coke
Category: Ad Slogans: "The Beef People"`winn dixie
Category: Ad Slogans: "The best part of wakin' up, is _______ in your cup"`folgers
Category: Ad Slogans: "The coppertop"`duracell
Category: Ad Slogans: "The stain lifter`all
Category: Ad Slogans: "You'll love the way we fly"`delta airlines
Category: Ad Slogans: "Your way, right away"`burger king
Category: Ad Slogans: "You will"`att
Category: Ads: My bologna has a first name.`oscar mayer
Category: Ads: Patricia Neal recommends this to people who want to fight pain and win.`anacin
Category: Ads: Thank you for your support.`bartles and james
Category: Ads: This is Dr. Scholl's first name.`william
Category: Ads: This product is named for its chief component, muriate of berberine.`murine
Category: Ads: This toilet tissue claims to be as soft as cotton.`cottonelle
Category: Ads: We earn our wings every day.`eastern airlines
Category: Ads: We love to fly, and it shows.`delta
Category: Ads: What company's mascot is Elsie the Cow`borden
Category: Ads: What does L.S./M.F.T. stand for`lucky strike means fine tobacco
Category: Ads: Whatever it is I think I see / Becomes a ------- ---- to me.`tootsie roll
Category: Ads: What was the Cream Oil Hair Tonic`wildroot
Category: Ads: Why ask why`bud dry
Category: Ads: You deserve a break today.`mcdonalds
Category: Ads: "Your baby's comfort" begins with this.`luvs
Category: Ads: You're not fully clean until you're ----fully clean.`zest
Category: Advertising: According to Nintendo, the capital of Ohio is this.`mario
Category: Advertising: Bing Crosby advertised this product.`minute maid
Category: Advertising: Distinctive quality about Mr. Clean's head.`bald
Category: Advertising: Does she or doesn't she Only her hairdresser knows for sure.`clairol
Category: Advertising: He hit the big time after commercials for McDonalds and State Farm`barry manilow
Category: Advertising: IBM stands for this.`international business machines
Category: Advertising: In the 1930's he promised to make you a new man using 'Dynamic Tension.'`atlas
Category: Advertising: It is not 100% pure soap, but 99 44/100% pure.`ivory
Category: Advertising: Jhirmack hair products were advertised by this beauty.`victoria principal
Category: Advertising: "Progress is our most important product."`general electric
Category: Advertising: They advertised their cola as "Taste that beats the others cold"`pepsi
Category: Advertising: This company paid millions to the Jacksons for representation.`pepsi
Category: Advertising: This company thinks the capital of Ohio is "Mario".`nintendo
Category:Advertising - Who is the dog on the crackerjack box`Bingo
Category: Advertising: You are advised never to leave home without this.`american express
Category:Agriculture - What is ground being 'rested' for a season called`fallow
Category:Aircraft - After what were the B52 bombers named`a fifties hairdo
Category:Aircraft - How many engines are on a B52 bomber`eight
Category:Aircraft - How many gallons of fuel does a jumbo jet use during take off`four thousand
Category:Aircraft - What does a pilot drop to slow an airplane`flaps
Category:Aircraft - What is the world's fastest passenger aircraft`Concorde
Category:Aircraft - What type of craft is the US's Airforce One`Boeing 747
Category:Aircraft - Whic country developed the first jet fighter`Germany
Category:Aircraft - Which two nations built the concorde`Britain and France
Category:Aircraft - Who built the 'Cherokee' and 'Comanche' aircraft`Piper
Category:Aircraft - Who built the hurricane aircraft`Hawker
Category: Alcohol: According to the Old Testament, he planted the first vineyard`noah
Category: Alcohol: An illegal 1920s saloon`speakeasy
Category: Alcohol: Anise flavored Greek liqueur`ouzo
Category: Alcohol: Egyptian god credited with first making beer`osiris
Category: Alcohol: French cup of coffee flavored with apple brandy`cafe calvados
Category:Alcohol - From what is the liqueur kirsch made`cherries
Category:Alcohol - From which plant is tequila derived`cactus
Category: Alcohol: Japanese rice wine`sake
Category: Alcohol: Liquor whose name is derived from uisge beath, Gaelic for aqua vitae`whisky
Category: Alcohol: Liver disease caused by alcoholism`cirrhosis
Category: Alcohol: London engraver famous for his etchings of drunkards`william hogarth
Category: Alcohol: Mead is made from this`honey
Category: Alcohol: Medieval monks invented this stopper, necessary for champagne`cork
Category: Alcohol: Monastic order that established the California wine industry`franciscan
Category: Alcohol: National drink of Peru`pisco
Category: Alcohol: Polish plum brandy`slivovitz
Category: Alcohol: Puritan preacher who said "Wine is from God, the drunkard is from the Devil"`increase mather
Category: Alcohol: The cultivation of grapes`viticulture
Category: Alcohol: The German New Year's carnival`fasching
Category: Alcohol: The Greek god of wine, dance, and ecstacy`dionysus
Category: Alcohol: The most popular alcoholic beverage in America before beer`cider
Category: Alcohol: The traditional Sweedish drink`aquavit
Category: Alternative Art: A dark style of futuristic art, gun- and death-laden.`heavy metal
Category: Alternative Art: Age at which Patrick Nagel died.`38
Category: Alternative Art: _Calvin and Hobbes_ artist.`bill watterson
Category: Alternative Art: Dinotopia's illustrator.`james gurney
Category: Alternative Art: He used bold line and silhouette techniques to depict the women of the '80s.`patrick nagel
Category: Alternative Art: Playing cards in which the pips are part of an art design are called this.`transformation cards
Category: Alternative Art: Ranma 1/2 is a animation series from this country.`japan
Category: Alternative Art: She is famous for her airbrushed woman-animal art.`olivia
Category: Alternative Art: Szukalski was this country's greatest artist (until Hitler destroyed his work).`poland
Category: Alternative Art: This comic by Mark Schultz briefly appeared as a network TV show.`cadillacs and dinosaurs
Category: Alternative Music: Finish this song title: 'Heaven or ___ _____'`las vegas
Category: Alternative Music: Name the band whose debut album is titled 'Suck on This'.`primus
Category: Alternative Music: What video can Angelo of Fishbone be seen in with the Mighty Mighty Bosstones?`simmer down
Category:America - As what is California also known`Golden State
Category:America - As what is Minnesota also known`Gopher State
Category: American Authors: Among his short stories are "The Open Boat" and "The Blue Hotel":`stephen crane
Category: American Authors: He wrote "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" and "The Devil's Dictionary"`Ambrose Bierce
Category: American Authors: Once wrote that every modern American novel is derived from "Huckleberry Finn"`ernest hemingway
Category: American Authors: This Canadian-born author wrote "The Handmaid's Tale" and "Rape Fantasies"`margaret atwood
Category: American Authors: This New Jersey-born author/journalist wrote "The Armies of the Night"`norman mailer
Category: American Beers: Crazy Horse:`wisconsin
Category: American Beers: Icehouse:`wisconsin
Category: American Beers: Oldenberg:`kentucky
Category: American Beers: Pete's Wicked Ale:`minnesota
Category: American Beers: Portsmouth Black Cat Stout:`new hampshire
Category: American Beers - State: Abita:`louisiana
Category: American Beers - State: Blue Hen:`delaware
Category: American Beers - State: Icehouse:`wisconsin
Category: American Beers - State: Oldenberg:`kentucky
Category: American Beers - State: Yuengling:`pennsylvania
Category: American Cartoonists: Cartoon created by Dale Messick`brenda starr
Category: American Cartoonists: Cartoon created by Ernie Bushmiller`nancy
Category: American Cartoonists: Cartoon created by Hank Ketcham`dennis the menace
Category: American Cartoonists: Cartoon created by Lynn Johnston`for better or for worse
Category: American Cartoonists: Cartoon created by Russell Myers`broom hilda
Category:American Cities - What is the most air polluted city in the United States`Los Angeles
Category:American General Knowledge - Where is the Kitty Hawk`The Smithsonian Institute
Category:American History - What mountain has the figures of three mounted confederate heroes of the Civil War`Stone Mountain
Category:American History - What state is only part of the United States by treaty`Texas
Category: Americanisms : Britains say 'tarmac'; Americans say ________.`runway
Category:America - What city is also known as Beantown`Boston
Category:America - What state is also called the 'Garden State'`New Jersey
Category:America - What state is 'The Golden State'`California
Category:America - What state is the 'Hoosier State'`Indiana
Category:America - Where are the headquarters of the CIA`Langley, Virginia
Category:America - Which date is inscribed on the book held by the Statue Of Liberty`July 4 1776
Category:Anagrams - Which two fruits are an anagram of each other`lemon and melon
Category:Analogies Analogy: 'Ancient' is to 'old' as 'recent' is to .`current
Category: Analogies: Anson MacDonald : Stranger in a Strange Land :: Edith Van Dyne : <blank>`the wizard of oz
Category:Analogies Bull - cow as fox - .`vixen
Category: Analogies: enter : immigrate :: leave : <blank>`emigrate
Category: Analogies: Gaul : France :: Aragon : <blank>`spain
Category:Analogies Goose - geese as passerby - .`passersby
Category: Analogies: Park Place : Park Lane :: Boardwalk : <blank>`mayfair
Category: Analogies: penniless : Baroque :: supplemental teacher : <blank>`tudor
Category:Anatomy - How many litres of air is in an adult lung`five
Category:Anatomy - How many times do your ribs move every year during breathing`five million
Category:Anatomy - Like fingerprints, what other print is individual`tongueprints
Category:Anatomy - Of what does the typical man have 13,000`whiskers
Category:Anatomy - What do the auricularis muscles move`ears
Category:Anatomy - What is the common name for the scapula`shoulder blade
Category:Anatomy - What is the common name for the sternum`breastbone
Category:Anatomy - What is the common name for the tympanic membrane`eardrum
Category:Anatomy - What is the Scientific name for the eardrum`tympanic membrane
Category:Anatomy - What is the second largest bone in the foot`talus
Category:Anatomy - What is the smallest bone in the human body`stirrup bone
Category:Anatomy - Where are one quarter of the bones in the human body`feet
Category:Anatomy - Which is the most sensitive finger`forefinger
Category: Anatomy : Your ____ holds your head to your shoulders.`neck
Category:Anatomy Your  holds your head to your shoulders.`neck
Category:Animal Kingdom - As what is a camelopard also known`giraffe
Category:Animal Kingdom - As what is a giraffe also known`camelopard
Category:Animal Kingdom - As what is a moose also known`algonquin
Category:Animal Kingdom - As what is an algonquin more commonaly known`moose
Category:Animal Kingdom - At what age does a filly become a mare`five
Category:Animal Kingdom - Does a wild rabbit live 10, 15 or 20 years`10
Category:Animal Kingdom - How fast (mph) can a kangaroo hop`forty
Category:Animal Kingdom - How many hours a day does a ferret sleep`twenty
Category:Animal Kingdom - How many hours does an antelope sleep at night`one
Category:Animal Kingdom - How many teeth does a walrus have`eighteen
Category:Animal Kingdom - If a robin's egg is put in vinegar for thirty days, what colour does it become`yellow
Category:Animal Kingdom - Name one male fish that gives birth`sea horse or pipe fish
Category:Animal Kingdom - Of what are walrus tusks made`ivory
Category:Animal Kingdom - On what do honeybees have a type of hair`eyes
Category:Animal Kingdom - Some animals always grow new teeth to replace the old. Name one of them!`crocodile
Category:Animal Kingdom - Some animals always grow new teeth to replace the old. Name one of them!`shark
Category:Animal Kingdom - What animal can get the disease 'heaves'`horse
Category:Animal Kingdom - What animal can hop as fast as 40 mph`kangaroo
Category:Animal Kingdom - What animal has red patches on its rear`mandrill
Category:Animal Kingdom - What animal lives in a form`hare
Category:Animal Kingdom - What animal lives in a warren`rabbit
Category:Animal Kingdom - What animal's milk is more than 54% fat`humpback whale
Category:Animal Kingdom - What are the only other animals on which the pill works`gorillas
Category:Animal Kingdom - What bird is associated with Lundy Island`puffin
Category:Animal Kingdom - What colour is a robin's egg`blue
Category:Animal Kingdom - What comprises than 54% of humpback whale's milk`fat
Category:Animal Kingdom - What dog is named after a Mexican state`chihuahua
Category:Animal Kingdom - What herbivore sleeps one hour a night`antelope
Category:Animal Kingdom - What insect has a type of hair on it's eyes`honeybees
Category:Animal Kingdom - What is a female deer called`doe
Category:Animal Kingdom - What is a male deer called`buck
Category:Animal Kingdom - What is a marsupium`pouch
Category:Animal Kingdom - What is another name for the coyote`prairie wolf
Category:Animal Kingdom - What is another name for the prairie wolf`coyote
Category:Animal Kingdom - What is a word for a castrated ram`wether
Category:Animal Kingdom - What is a young whale called`calf
Category:Animal Kingdom - What is the chihuahua named after`A Mexican state
Category:Animal Kingdom - What is the heaviest snake`anaconda
Category:Animal Kingdom - What is the largest lizard`Komodo Dragon
Category:Animal Kingdom - What is the longest venomous snake`king cobra
Category:Animal Kingdom - What is the scientific name for a turkey's wishbone`furcula
Category:Animal Kingdom - What is the technical name for an animal's pouch`marsupium
Category:Animal Kingdom - What lives in a formicary`ants
Category:Animal Kingdom - What type of frog is the smallest frog`gold frog
Category:Animal Kingdom - What was the first animal on the endangered species list`peregrine falcon
Category:Animal Kingdom - What well known marsupial is the wallaby related to`kangaroo
Category:Animal kingdom - Where are there over 58 million dogs`USA
Category:Animal Kingdom - Where do ants live`formicary
Category:Animal Kingdom - Which is the largest African bird of prey`lammergeyer
Category:Animal Kingdom - Which is the largest aquatic bird`albatross
Category:Animal Kingdom - Which is the largest known butterfly`Queen Alexandra's Birdwing
Category:Animal Kingdom - Which is the only animal other than humans that can get leprosy`armadillos
Category:Animal Kingdom - Which mammals fly`bats
Category:Animal Kingdom - Which snake kills the most humans`king cobra
Category:Animal Kingdom - With which island is the puffin associated`Lundy Island
Category:Animals - What is the most venomous snake (no, it's not the king cobra!)`Inland Taipan
Category: Anime: What city does _Evangelion_ take place in`tokyo 3
Category: Anime: What is the name of the male lead in _Vision of Escaflowne_`van fanel
Category: Anime: What is the name of the most recent Tenchi Muyo series`shin tenchi muyo
Category: Anime: What is the thing that Miaka from _Fushigi Yuugi_ always enjoys doing`eating
Category: Anime: Who composed the majority of the music featured in _Vision of Escaflowne_`yoko kanno
Category:Archaeology - Approximately how many years old is the first known written advertisement`three thousand
Category:Archaeology - In which ruins was the first known written advertisement found`Thebes
Category:Archaic Terms - What date is the 'Ides' of March`Fifteenth
Category:Architecture - Which famous million dollar building cost more than a million dollars`Sydney Opera House
Category: Artists: "A beautiful bunch of ripe bananas"`harry belafonte
Category: Artists: "Gris-gris gumbo Ya-ya"`dr. john
Category: Artists Hometowns: Firehose`san pedro
Category: Artists Hometowns: Mudhoney`seattle
Category: Artists Hometowns: Parliament`detroit
Category: Artists Hometowns: Steve Miller`madison
Category: Artists Hometowns: The Spinanes`portland
Category: Artists: "I've been putting out fire with gasoline"`david bowie
Category: Artists: "Rainbows are visions, but only illusions"`kermit
Category: Artists: There ought to be a law, with no bail, smash a guitar and you go to jail"`john hiatt
Category: Arts : In what field of study would you find "flying buttresses"`architecture
Category: Arts : The study of building design is ________.`architecture
Category:Arts The study of building design is .`architecture
Category:Arts This statue was found on the Greek island of Melos in 1820.`Venus de Milo
Category: Arts : Three main types of Greek columns are Doric, Ionic, and __________.`corinthian
Category:Arts Three main types of Greek columns are Doric, Ionic, and .`Corinthian
Category: Arts : What Dutch master painted 64 self-portraits`rembrandt
Category:Arts - What is the art of tracing designs and making impressions of them called`lithography
Category: Arts : Where is the Louvre located`paris
Category:Arts - Which is the largest museum in the world`Louvre
Category:Arts - Who is a successful recording artist, talented landscape artist, and author of children's books`Ricky Van Shelton
Category:Arts Who painted the Mona Lisa`Leonardo da Vinci
Category:Art - Who painted 'Irises'`Vincent Van Gogh
Category: Asimov Anthony: In the Xanth series, what is our world called`mundania
Category: Asimov Anthony: Name the third Apprentice Adept book.`juxtaposition
Category: Asimov Anthony: "The Game" involved a matrix of what size`4x4
Category: Asimov Anthony: To date there are __ Xanth novels.`18
Category: Asimov Anthony: What did the Cosmic AC say after reversing entropy`let there be light
Category: Asimov Anthony: Which drunk driver victim did Anthony incorporate into Xanth`jenny
Category: Asimov Anthony: Which of Humfrey's wives was a demoness`dana
Category: Asimov Anthony: Who (FULL name) did Anthony model Humfrey after`lester del rey
Category: Asimov Anthony: Who is Grundy's daughter`surprise
Category: Asimov Anthony: Who is Ivy's twin sister`ida
Category:Astology - Who was born when Pluto, the astrological sign for death, was directly above Dallas, Texas`John F. Kennedy
Category: Astrology : Our galaxy is commonly known called _________.`milky way
Category:Astrology - What is the astrological sign for death`Pluto
Category: Astrology : What is the only sign in the zodiac which doesn't represent a living thing`libra
Category:Astrology - What is the zodiacal symbol for Capricorn`goat
Category:Astrology - Which constellation is represented by a goat`Capricorn
Category: Astrology : Which month has a diamond as a birthstone`april
Category: Astronomy : A heavenly body moving under the attraction of the Sun and consisting of a nucleus and a tail is a(n) _______.`comet
Category:Astronomy A heavenly body moving under the attraction of the Sun and consisting of a nucleus and a tail is a(n) .`comet
Category:Astronomy - As what is Polaris also known`North Star
Category:Astronomy - As what is the North Star also known`Polaris
Category: Astronomy : Does Uranus have an aurora`yes
Category: Astronomy : From 1979 until 2000 the most distant planet from the earth was ________.`neptune
Category:Astronomy From 1979 until 2000 the most distant planet from the earth was .`Neptune
Category:Astronomy How many planets are there in our solar system`nine
Category: Astronomy : If you're in the northern hemisphere, Polaris, the North Star, can be found by looking which direction`north
Category: Astronomy : Name the largest planet in the solar system.`jupiter
Category: Astronomy : Name the second-largest planet in the solar system.`saturn
Category:Astronomy Our galaxy is commonly known as the .`Milky Way
Category:Astronomy - Saturday is named after which planet`Saturn
Category:Astronomy The Big Dipper is part of what constellation`Ursa Major
Category: Astronomy : The fourth planet from the sun is _______.`mars
Category:Astronomy The fourth planet from the sun is .`Mars
Category: Astronomy : The name for the group of stars which form a hunter with a club and shield is ________.`orion
Category:Astronomy The name for the group of stars which form a hunter with a club and shield is .`Orion
Category: Astronomy : The North Star is also known as ________.`polaris
Category:Astronomy The North Star is also known as .`Polaris
Category: Astronomy : The planet closest to the sun is _________.`mercury
Category:Astronomy The planet closest to the sun is .`Mercury
Category: Astronomy : There are _ planets in this solar system.`9
Category: Astronomy : The spiral galaxy nearest ours is the ________.`andromeda
Category:Astronomy The spiral galaxy nearest ours is the  galaxy.`Andromeda
Category: Astronomy : The tides on the earth's oceans are actually created by gravitational pull from the ____`moon
Category:Astronomy The tides on the earth's oceans are actually created by gravitational pull from the .`Moon
Category: Astronomy : This cluster of stars is also known as the Seven Sisters.`pleiades
Category:Astronomy This comet appears every 76.3 years.`Comet Halley
Category: Astronomy : This comet appears every 76.3 years.`halley
Category: Astronomy : This planet's diameter is most equal to that of the earth's.`venus
Category:Astronomy - What constellation is represented by scales`Libra
Category: Astronomy : What does "Ursa Major" mean in everyday English`big bear
Category:Astronomy What does "Ursa Major" mean in everyday English`great bear
Category:Astronomy What is the astronomical name for a group of stars`constellation
Category:Astronomy - What is the most essential tool in astronomy`telescope
Category: Astronomy : What is the name for a group of stars`constellation
Category: Astronomy : What is the name for the theoretical end-product of the gravitational collapse of a massive star`black hole
Category:Astronomy - What is the name given to a group of stars`constellation
Category:Astronomy - What is the name of brightest asteroid visible from earth`Vesta
Category: Astronomy : What is the name used to describe the "minor planets"`asteroid
Category:Astronomy What is the name used to describe the "minor planets"`asteroids
Category: Astronomy : What is the ocean of air around the earth called`atmosphere
Category:Astronomy - What is the only day named after a planet`Saturday
Category: Astronomy : What is the proper name for falling stars`meteors
Category:Astronomy - What is the small irregular white cloud that zips around Neptune approximately every 16 hours called`Scooter
Category:Astronomy - What is the technical name for 'falling stars'`meteors
Category:Astronomy What is the term for the path followed a by a small body around a massive body in space`orbit
Category: Astronomy : What is the term for the path followed by a body in space`orbit
Category: Astronomy : What phenomenon is caused by the gravitational attraction of the moon`tide
Category:Astronomy What phenomenon is caused by the gravitational attraction of the moon`tides
Category: Astronomy : What planet boasts the Great Red Spot`jupiter
Category:Astronomy - What planet is nearest the sun`Mercury
Category:Astronomy - When does a full moon rise`sunset
Category:Astronomy - Which is the only planet that rotates clockwise`Venus
Category:Astronomy - Who coined the theory that the earth revolves around the sun`Nicolaus Copernicus
Category:Astronomy - Who discovered the four largest moons of Jupiter`Galileo
Category:Astronomy - Who invented the telescope`Hans Lippershey
Category:Atmosphere - What is the stratosphere immediately above`troposphere
Category:Atmosphere - What is the troposphere immediately lower than`stratosphere
Category: Author: Anatomy of a Murder`robert traver
Category: Author : "A Raisin in the Sun"`hansberry
Category: Author: Arrowsmith`sinclair lewis
Category: Author: A Study in Scarlet`sir arthur conan doyle
Category: Author: A Swiftly Tilting Planet, A Wind In The Door`lengle
Category: Author awarded in Dec. 1993 the Premio Cervantes`miguel delibes
Category: Author: Broca's Brain`carl sagan
Category: Author: Buffalo Girls`larry mcmurtry
Category: Author : "Catch 22"`joseph heller
Category: Author: Catch-22, No Laughing Matter, God Knows`joseph heller
Category: Author: Congo, The Terminal Man`michael crichton
Category: Author: Darkness at Noon`arthur koestler
Category: Author: Deadly Rich, Ballerina, The Privileged Lives`stewart
Category: Author: Diplomacy`henry kissinger
Category: Author: Dragonsdawn`anne mccaffrey
Category: Author: Fear Of Flying, How To Save Your Own Life. What First Name`jong
Category: Author: Gift of the Magi`o. henry
Category: Author: How To Win Friends and Influence People`dale carnegie
Category: Author: In Cold Blood`truman capote
Category: Author: Intruder In The Dust, A Rose For Emily`faulkner
Category: Author: I Robot`isaac asimov
Category: Author: Maine, The Beans Of Egypt`chute
Category: Author : "Mein Kampf"`adolf hitler
Category: Author: Me`katharine hepburn
Category: Author : "Of Human Bondage"`summerset maugham
Category: Author of "Letters from the House of the Dead"`dostoevsky
Category: Author of "Papillion"`charriere
Category: Author of "The Kiss of a Spider Woman"`puig
Category: Author of "The Man in the High Castle"`phillip k. dick
Category: Author: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest`kesey
Category: Author: Presumed Innocent`scott turow
Category: Authors: Exit Earth`caidin
Category: Authors: Exodus`uris
Category: Authors: Last of the Mohicans`cooper
Category: Authors of 1992: A Return to Love`marianne williamson
Category: Authors of 1992: Attack of the Deranged Mutant Killer Monster Snow Goons`bill watterson
Category: Authors of 1992: Dolores Claiborne`stephen king
Category: Authors of 1992: I Can't Believe I Said That`kathie lee gifford
Category: Authors of 1992: More Wealth Without Risk`charles givens
Category: Authors of 1992: Sam Walton`sam walton
Category: Authors of 1992: The Firm`john grisham
Category: Authors of 1992: The Pelican Brief`john grisham
Category: Authors of 1992: You Just Don't Understand`deborah tannen
Category: Authors: Red Storm Rising`clancy
Category: Author: Steppe, Juxtaposition, Fractal Mode`piers anthony
Category: Authors: The Prince of Tides`conroy
Category: Author: Tekwar`william shatner
Category: Author : Thanatopsis"`bryant
Category: Author: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People`stephen covey
Category: Author: The Drifters, Tales Of The South Pacific, Toko-ri`james michener
Category: Author: The Great And Secret Show, Weaveworld, Imajica`barker
Category: Author: The Lords of Discipline`pat conroy
Category: Author: The Ninja, The Miko, The Jian, Angel Eyes`lustbader
Category: Author: The Onion Field, The New Centurions. What First Name`wambaugh
Category: Author: The Puppet Masters`robert heinlein
Category: Author: The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich`william shirer
Category: Author: The Satanic Verses`rushdie
Category: Author: The Sword Of Shannara, Magic Kingdom For Sale -- Sold`terry brooks
Category: Author: The Turn Of The Screw`james
Category: Author: The Twits`roald dahl
Category: Author: The Wizard Of Earthsea`ursula leguin
Category: Author: This Perfect Day`ira levin
Category: Author: Time Enough For Love`robert a. heinlein
Category: Author: Two Years Before the Mast`richard henry dana
Category: Author: War and Remembrance`herman wouk
Category: Author: Working`studs terkel
Category:Aviation - How many 'Air Force One'(s) are there`two
Category: Barbie: Barbie's black friend`christie
Category: Barbie: Barbie's English friend`stacey
Category: Barbie: Barbie's "MOD'ern" cousin`francie
Category: Barbie: Barbie's tiny twinned brother`todd
Category: Barbie: Barbie variety with suntanned skin`malibu
Category: Barbie: Complete the Barbie outfit name : Here Comes The -----`bride
Category: Barbie: Complete the Barbie outfit name : Senior ----`prom
Category: Barbie: Doll copied from London's top teen model`twiggy
Category: Barbie Dolls: Barbie is actually derived from this German doll, intended as a sexual gag`lilli
Category: Barbie Dolls: Barbie model with changable hair color`color magic
Category: Barbie Dolls: Barbie's English friend`stacey
Category: Barbie Dolls: Barbie's "MOD'ern" cousin`francie
Category: Barbie Dolls: Complete the Barbie outfit name : Gay ______`parisienne
Category: Barbie Dolls: Complete the Barbie outfit name : Senior ______`prom
Category: Barbie Dolls: Complete the Barbie outfit name : Sorority ______`tea
Category: Barbie Dolls: Ken's black friend`brad
Category: Barbie Dolls: What Ken wears when he visits Germany`lederhosen
Category: Barbie Dolls: Where Barbie goes skiing`sun valley
Category: Barbie: Ken's black friend`brad
Category: Barbie: Ken's buddy`allan
Category: Barbie: Manufacturer of Barbie dolls`mattel
Category: Barbie: Model of car Barbie drives`corvette
Category: Barbie: The first airline Barbie was a stewardess for`american
Category: Barbie: Type of house Barbie lives in`dream
Category: Barbie: What Barbie wears when she visits Japan`kimono
Category: Barbie: What Ken wears when he visits Germany`lederhosen
Category: Barbie: What year did Barbie make her debut`1959