'use strict'; const config = require('config'); const style = require('../utils/style'); const getWordKey = require('../utils/get-word-key'); const words = require('../../assets/mash-words.json'); const mashes = new Map(); const defineCommands = ['define', 'dict', 'dictionary']; const resolveCommands = ['solve', 'resolve', 'lookup']; function start(length, context, attempt = 0) { const mash = mashes.get(context.room.id); const lengthWords = words[length]; if (!lengthWords) { context.sendMessage(`No words with ${length} letters available`, context.room.id); return; } if (mash) { context.sendMessage(`The mash ${style.bold(mash.anagram)} was not guessed, possible answers: ${mash.answers.map((answer) => style.bold(answer.word)).join(', ')}`, context.room.id); context.logger.info(`Mash '${mash.anagram}' discarded`); mashes.delete(context.room.id); } const wordEntries = Object.entries(lengthWords); const [key, answers] = wordEntries[Math.floor(Math.random() * wordEntries.length)]; const anagram = key.split('').sort(() => (Math.random() > 0.5 ? 1 : -1)).join(''); if (answers.some((answer) => answer.word === anagram)) { if (attempt >= 10) { context.sendMessage(`Sorry, I did not find a mashable ${length}-letter word`, context.room.id); return; } start(length, context, attempt + 1); return; } mashes.set(context.room.id, { key, anagram, answers }); const newMash = mashes.get(context.room.id); if (context.command === 'conundrum') { context.sendMessage(`Here is your conundrum: ${style.bold(style.pink(newMash.anagram))}`, context.room.id); } else { context.sendMessage(`Stomp stomp, here's your mash: ${style.bold(style.pink(newMash.anagram))}`, context.room.id); } context.logger.info(`Mash started, '${anagram}' with answers ${answers.map((answer) => `'${answer.word}'`).join(', ')}`); } function play(rawWord, context, shouted) { const mash = mashes.get(context.room.id); const word = rawWord.trim().toLowerCase(); const key = getWordKey(word); const answer = mash.answers.find((answerX) => answerX.word === word); if (!shouted) { if (word.length !== mash.key.length) { context.sendMessage(`Your answer needs to be ${mash.key.length} letters, ${config.usernamePrefix}${context.user.username}`, context.room.id); return; } if (key !== mash.key) { context.sendMessage(`You are not using the letters in ${style.bold(mash.anagram)}, ${config.usernamePrefix}${context.user.username}`, context.room.id); return; } if (word === mash.anagram) { context.sendMessage(`${config.usernamePrefix}${context.user.username}... ${config.platform === 'schat' ? ':expressionless:' : '😑'}`, context.room.id); return; } } if (answer) { const definition = answer.definitions[0] ? `: ${style.italic(`${answer.definitions[0].slice(0, 100)}${answer.definitions[0].length > 100 ? '...' : ''}`)}` : ''; context.sendMessage(mash.answers.length === 1 ? `${style.bold(style.yellow(word))} is the right answer${definition}, ${style.bold(style.cyan(`${config.usernamePrefix}${context.user.username}`))} now has ${style.bold(`${context.user.points + 1} ${context.user.points === 0 ? 'point' : 'points'}`)}! There were no other options for ${style.bold(mash.anagram)}.` : `${style.bold(style.yellow(word))} is the right answer${definition}, ${style.bold(style.cyan(context.user.username))} now has ${style.bold(`${context.user.points + 1} ${context.user.points === 0 ? 'point' : 'points'}`)}! Other options for ${style.bold(mash.anagram)}: ${mash.answers.filter((answerX) => answerX.word !== word).map((answerX) => style.italic(answerX.word)).join(', ')}`, context.room.id); // eslint-disable-line max-len context.logger.info(`Mash '${mash.anagram}' guessed by '${context.user.username}' with '${word}'`); context.setPoints(context.user, 1); mashes.delete(context.room.id); setTimeout(() => start(word.length, context), 2000); } } function resolve(word, context) { if (!word) { context.sendMessage(`Please specify an anagram you would like to resolve, ${config.usernamePrefix}${context.user.username}`, context.room.id); return; } const anagramKey = getWordKey(word); const answers = words[word.length]?.[anagramKey]; if (mashes.get(context.room.id)?.key === anagramKey) { context.sendMessage(`Nice try, ${config.usernamePrefix}${context.user.username}. Starting a new mash will cancel the current one, and reveal the answer.`, context.room.id); return; } if (answers?.length > 1 && answers.some((answer) => answer.word === word)) { context.sendMessage(`${style.bold(word)} is a valid word in itself, and has the following anagrams, ${config.usernamePrefix}${context.user.username}: ${answers.filter((answer) => answer.word !== word).map((answer) => style.italic(answer.word)).join(', ')}`, context.room.id); return; } if (answers?.length === 1 && answers[0].word === word) { context.sendMessage(`${style.bold(word)} is a valid word in itself, but has no anagrams, ${config.usernamePrefix}${context.user.username}`, context.room.id); return; } if (answers?.length > 0) { context.sendMessage(`Anagrams of ${style.bold(word)}, ${config.usernamePrefix}${context.user.username}: ${answers.map((answer) => style.italic(answer.word)).join(', ')}`, context.room.id); return; } context.sendMessage(`No anagrams found for ${style.bold(word)}, ${config.usernamePrefix}${context.user.username}`, context.room.id); } function define(word, context) { if (!word) { context.sendMessage(`Please specify word you would like to define, ${config.usernamePrefix}${context.user.username}`, context.room.id); return; } const anagram = getWordKey(word); const answers = words[word.length]?.[anagram]; const answer = answers?.find((answerX) => answerX.word === word); if (answer && answer.definitions?.length > 0) { context.sendMessage(`${style.bold(word)} can be defined as follows, ${config.usernamePrefix}${context.user.username}: ${style.italic(answer.definitions[0])}`, context.room.id); return; } if (answer) { context.sendMessage(`${style.bold(word)} is in my dictionary, but I cannot provide a definition, ${config.usernamePrefix}${context.user.username}`, context.room.id); return; } context.sendMessage(`${style.bold(word)} is not in my dictionary, ${config.usernamePrefix}${context.user.username}`, context.room.id); } function sanitizeDefinition(definition, answers) { if (!definition) { return 'No definition'; } return definition.replaceAll(/\w+/g, (word) => { if (answers.some((answer) => answer.word.includes(word))) { return '*'.repeat(word.length); } return word; }); } function hint(context) { const mash = mashes.get(context.room.id); if (!mash) { context.sendMessage(`There is no mash going on right now, ${config.usernamePrefix}${context.user.username}. Start one with ${config.prefix}mash {length}`, context.room.id); return; } if (mash.anagram.length <= 3) { context.sendMessage(`The mash ${style.bold(mash.anagram)} is too short for a hint, ${config.usernamePrefix}${context.user.username}.`, context.room.id); return; } if (mash.anagram.length === 4) { context.sendMessage(`Hints for ${style.bold(style.pink(mash.anagram))}, ${config.usernamePrefix}${context.user.username}: ${mash.answers.map((answer) => `${style.bold(`${answer.word.slice(0, 1)} ${'_ '.repeat(answer.word.length - 1).trim()}`)} (${sanitizeDefinition(answer.definitions[0], mash.answers)})`).join(', ')}`, context.room.id); return; } context.sendMessage(`Hints for ${style.bold(mash.anagram)}, ${config.usernamePrefix}${context.user.username}: ${mash.answers.map((answer) => `${style.bold(`${answer.word.slice(0, 1)} ${'_ '.repeat(answer.word.length - 2)}${answer.word.slice(-1)}`)} (${sanitizeDefinition(answer.definitions[0], mash.answers)})`).join(', ')}`, context.room.id); } function onCommand(args, context) { const mash = mashes.get(context.room.id); const word = args[0]; const length = Number(word); if (resolveCommands.includes(context.command) || resolveCommands.includes(context.subcommand)) { resolve(word, context); return; } if (defineCommands.includes(context.command) || defineCommands.includes(context.subcommand)) { define(word, context); return; } if (['hint'].includes(context.subcommand)) { hint(context); return; } if (context.command === 'conundrum') { start(9, context); return; } if (!Number.isNaN(length)) { start(length, context); return; } if (!word && mash) { context.sendMessage(`The current mash is: ${style.bold(style.pink(mash.anagram))}`, context.room.id); return; } if (!word || !mash) { context.sendMessage(`Start a mash with ${config.prefix}mash [length]`, context.room.id, { styleCommands: true }); return; } play(args[0], context); } function onMessage(message, context) { const mash = mashes.get(context.room?.id); if (mash && message.type === 'message' && context.user?.id !== config.user.id) { play(message.body, context, true); } } module.exports = { name: 'Mash', commands: ['mash', 'wordmash', 'conundrum', ...defineCommands, ...resolveCommands], onCommand, onMessage, help: `Resolve the anagram. Get a new mash with ${config.prefix}mash [length], look up definitions with ${config.prefix}define [word], resolve an anagram (that's not currently in play) with ${config.prefix}solve [anagram].`, };