What two mountain ranges does the Tour de France race through`alps & pyrenees`alps and pyrenees what two natural resources are used to make steel`coal limestone`coal and 16 what two natural resources are used to make steel`coal limestone`coal and limestone What two natural resources are used to make steel `coal & limestone`limestone & coal What two natural resources are used to make steel`coal & limestone`limestone & coal`limestone and coal What two Olympic events require competitors to travel backwards in order to win`Rowing and Backstroke What two olympic events require competitors to travel backwards in order to win`rowing & backstroke What two olympic events require competitors to travel backwards in order to win`rowing & backstroke`rowing and backstroke what two pacific islands did the us acquire in 1898`hawaii philippines`hawaii and philippines what two pacific islands did the us acquire in 1898`hawaii philippines`hawaii`wink What two-person group recorded the song 'love will keep us together'`captain what two-person group recorded the song 'love will keep us together'`captain and tenille what two pieces are moved in chess's castling maneuver`king & rook`king and rook what two pieces are moved in chess's castling maneuver`king & rook`king`studio`king and rook`king`studio what two reels are found in a magnetic tape unit`supply take up`supply and take lancaster what two reels are found in a magnetic tape unit`supply take up`supply and take up what two religious groups fought each other during the crusades?`christians & muslims what two religious groups fought each other during the crusades`christians & muslims`christians and muslims what two rivers join forces on the outskirts of st louis`missouri and what two rivers join forces on the outskirts of st louis`missouri &`germany what two rivers join forces on the outskirts of st louis`missouri & mississippi what two rivers join forces on the outskirts of st louis`missouri & mississippi`missouri and mississippi what two rivers join forces on the outskirts of st louis`missouri & mississippi`missouri and mississippi`mail what two rivers join forces on the outskirts of st louis`missouri & mississippi`missouri and mississippi`missouri mississippi what two rivers meet in winnipeg, manitoba?`red & assiniboine what two rivers meet in winnipeg, manitoba`red & assiniboine`red and assiniboine what two schools met in the first football game?`princeton, rutgers What two seasons do the equinoxes occur in`spring & autumn What two seasons do the equinoxes occur in`spring & autumn`spring and autumn what two south american countries don't border brazil`chile ecuador`chile and ecuador What two states are not connected to the main part of U S`hawaii & alaska What two states are not connected to the main part of U S`hawaii & alsaka`alaska & hawaii What two states are not connected to the main part of U S`hawaii & alsaka`alaska & hawaii`alaska and hawaii What two states contain the farthest separated points in the U S`florida & hawaii What two states contain the farthest separated points in the U S`florida & hawaii`florida and hawaii What two states does Death Valley span`california nevada what two states in the us do not observe daylight saving's time`hawaii & alaska`hawaii alaska`hawaii and alaska`alaska and hawaii What two states in the US do NOT observe daylight saving's time`hawaii and What two states (named alphabetically) have the magnolia as the state flower`Louisiana and Mississippi What two teams were the last co champions in ncaa division 1 a football`colorado & georgia tech What two time all big eight defensive back at Colorado won three U S Open golf titles`hale irwin What two types of animals would you likely find in the stock market`Bulls & Bears what two types of food do england and america have the names of reversed`biscuits and cookies what two us presidents have won the nobel prize`woodrow wilson theodore roosevelt`woodrow wilson and theodore roosevelt what two van dykes star on the van dyke show?`dick & barry What two word Latin phrase appears on bookplates before the name of the owner`ex libris What two-word pen-name is used by American etiquette expert Judith Martin`Miss Manners What two words are normally at the end of most movies`The End What two words complete the full name of the charity, 'The .......... for Places of Historic Interest and Natural Beauty', founded in 1895`national trust What two words make the word 'meld'`melt and weld What two words were merged to create the word 'meld'`melt and weld What two word term is considered the lowest possible temperature?`absolute zero What two word term was used to describe a cheap unsanitary restaurant`greasy spoon What type if people have an appetite for anthropophagy`cannibals What type of accident happened at Chernobyl in the USSR in 1986`a nuclear reactor caught fire What type of acid is contained in the human stomach`hydrochloric What type of aircraft did the red baron fly during World War I`Fokker what type of aircraft did the red baron fly during world war i`fokker triplane What type of aircraft is the p39 airacobra built by bell`fighter What type of airplane did Sky King use in Sky King`cessna What type of alcoholic drink is Manzanilla`sherry What type of animal is a caribou`deer what type of animal is a dunnock`a bird What type of animal is a Ewe`sheep What type of animal is a 'godwit'`bird What type of animal is an 'agama'`lizard What type of animal is an auklet`bird What type of animal is an Australian talking about when he refers to a jumbuck`sheep What type of animal is a Ratel`badger What type of animal is a wallaby`A kangaroo What type of animal is a wallaby?`kangaroo What type of animal is rikki tikki tavi`mongoose what type of animal is 'shardik', in richard adams' novel of the same name`a bear What type of animal is the cartoon character Garfield`cat What type of animal lives in a formicary`ant What type of animal lives in a formicary`ants what type of animals are porcine`pigs What type of animal was drooper on banana splits`lion What type of animal was Nana the nursemaid in 'Peter Pan'`dog what type of animal was observed by europeans on what is now groundhog's day in the usa`badger What type of animal was selected to test the first electric toothbrush`the dog`dog What type of a punishment did Jon Bon Jovi receive from his dad when he was a teenager`Haircuts What type of bacteria caused hysteria when it was found in soft cheeses in 1989`listeria What type of bears are the best swimmers`polar bears What type of beverage is Tio Pepe`sherry What type of bird is a 'Beltsville'`turkey What type of bird is a 'Khaki Campbell'`duck What type of bird is a lory`parrot What type of bird is a ruff`wader What type of bird is preserved at Lords since being bowled to death in 1936`sparrow What type of bird is South Africa's aasvogel`vulture What type of bomb is a Mills bomb`grenade What type of bomb was invented by Sir Barnes Wallis`bouncing bomb What type of book is a 'cahier'`note book What type of building has sails`windmill What type of bullet was named after an arsenal near Calcutta`dum dum What type of business is traditionally denoted by a sign of three golden balls`pawnbroker what type of candy were the beatles hit with during their first tour?`jelly babies What type of celestial body is andromeda`galaxy What type of charge do electrons carry`negative What type of charge does a proton carry`positive What type of chemical are adrenaline and oestrogen`hormones What type of clothing is a filibeg`kilt what type of cloud is a thundercloud?`cumulonimbus What type of clouds are also known as thunderheads`cumulonimbus what type of clouds exists at the highest elevations`cirrus What type of computer uses physical quantities to represent numbers`analog What type of craft is the u.s's airforce one`boeing 747 what type of craft is the u.s's airforce one`boeing`twain What type of creature is a basilisk`lizard What type of creature is a Brazilian Huntsman`spider What type of creature is a coelacanth,once thought to be extinct but which made a come back in 1938`a fish What type of creature is a Fritillary`butterfly What type of creature is a guillemot`bird What type of creature is a 'Kerry Blue'`breed of dog What type of creature is a 'Kerry Blue'`dog What type of creature is a Killdeer`bird What type of creature is a marlin`fish What type of creature is a mastiff`dog What type of creature is a mugger`crocodile What type of creature is an Essex Emerald`moth What type of creature is a painted lady`butterfly What type of creature is a pollack`fish What type of creature is a Whirligig`water beetle What type of creature lives in a sett`badger What type of creatures belong to the order Chelonia`turtle`terrapin`tortoise What type of creature was Dylan in TV's The Magic Roundabout`rabbit What type of creepy-crawly is Incey Wincey in the nursery rhyme`spider What type of dairy cow produces a distinctive yellowish milk`Holstein What type of dog can be Manchester, Skye or Greenland`terrier What type of dog has a black/dark purple-colored tongue`chow what type of dragons generally don't have wings`chinese What type of drink does Skinner offer Bart in 1F18`Diet, Caffeine Free Dr. Pepper or an individual fruit cocktail. What type of drink is arabica`coffee What type of drink is mocha`coffee What type of drug would be used to treat hay fever`antihistamine What type of duck is really a fish`bombay duck What type of ethnic food did Hitler ban in 1933`Kosher food What type of films did Marc Almond once make`pornographic What type of fish is most commonly caught on hempseed bait`roach What type of fish of the ocean which is 15ft long and has plumes`Rooster Fish What type of flag is shown to the winner of a Grand Prix motor race`chequered What type of flies flew on the space shuttle endeavour`fruit flies What type of flower is cransbill`geranium What type of food is Chorizo`spicy sausage What type of food is Cullen Skink`fish soup What type of food is Farfalle`pasta What type of food is grown in an orchard`fruit What type of food is 'Limburger'`cheese What type of food is prosciutto`ham What type of food is pumpernickel`bread What type of food is the Italian 'gnocchi'`dumplings What type of food is the Italian Prosciutto`smoked ham What type of food is tortellini`pasta What type of fruit are "Lancashire Lad" & "Langley Gage"`gooseberries What type of fruit are "Malling Jet" & "Wellington XXX"`blackcurrants What type of fruit is a grenadier`apple What type of fruit is a pineapple`berry What type of game bird is a capercailzie`grouse What type of hardware defines the fourth generation of computers`microchips What type of hits did Stan Musial lead the National League in eight times`doubles what type of humorous verse might begin 'there once was a man from nantucket'`limerick What type of insect is a glow-worm`beetle What type of insect performs a waggle dance`hive bee What type of instrument can measure rotational speed or angular velocity`tachometer What type of instrument is a celeste`keyboard what type of instrument is a moog`synthesiser what type of legal defense derives from latin word for "elsewhere"`alibi What type of lenses were used by Nero to view the Gladiator Games`Emerald coloured lenses What type of level is used for measuring the angle of a slope`abney What type of meat is needed to make a Fricandeau`veal What type of meat usually goes into frankfurters`pork what type of men did brian and michael sing about`matchstalk men & matchstalk cats & dogs What type of men's jacket featured it's name on the outer breast pocket,and epaulets on the shoulders?`Member's Only What type of metal is used in the filament of an electric light bulb`tungsten what type of movie does ucaufo enjoy`science fiction what type of movie does ucaufo enjoy`science`products What type of musical instrument is sometimes called an upright`piano What type of number describes the ratio of the speed of a plane to the speed of sound?`mach What type of number has no factors other than 1 and itself`prime What type of occupation did Boy George hold as a teenager`Fruit picker What type of 'Old Shop' is the title of a Dickens novel`curiosity What type of people are members of the NUS`students what type of personality trait would have if you withdraw from social situations`introvert What type of person is a fence`someone who recieves stolen goods What type of pet food can be mail-ordered from bow-wow distributers`vegetarian pet food What type of plane flew long range to bomb the Falklands`vulcan what type of plane is the f-117a`stealth fighter What type of plant does Broom Hilda sell`venus flytrap What type of plant does Broom Hilda sell`venus nose trap What type of plant is tequila made from`cactus What type of pottery is the Collingwood Ontario area noted for`blue mountain What type of programme are most programmes on the satellite TV channel Paramount`comedies What type of rock is marble`metamorphic What type of rock is sandstone`sedimentary What type of rocks result from the wastage of pre-existing rocks`sedimentary What type of sausage derives its name from the Italian word meaning onion`chipolata What type of scientific equipment was named after the german Bunsen`burner What type of shoes did Run-D.M.C. sing about, which were what most rappers in the early eighties were into?`Addidas What type of shoes were favored by skateboarders? (Hint, it's 4 letterslong).`Vans What type of shop first opened in Britain in 1948`supermarket What type of shorts almost reach your knees`bermuda shorts What type of show did Charles Cruft establish in the 19th century`dog show What type of singing does Pavarotti use?`Baritone What type of singing was associated with St Gregory the Great`gregorian chant What type of snake is the Egyptian asp`cobra What type of solution is made when a base dissolves in water`alkaline What type of song is an AUBADE`a morning What type of spirit is used in an Alexandra coctail`brandy what type of steel did englishman harry brearley invent in 1913`stainless What type of steel did Englishman Harry Brearly invent in 1913`stainless What type of steel did Harry Brearley invent`stainless What type of stories does j t edson specialise in`westerns What type of storm has a central calm area, called the eye, which has winds spiraling inwardly`hurricane What type of surgery is carried out through a small incision`keyhole what type of sword was excalibur`long`heracles What type of sword was Excalibur`long sword What type of tests were National League umpires ordered to undergo in 1911`eye tests What type of tests were National League umpires ordered to undergo in 1911`eye tests`eye test`an eye test What type of tree do conkers come from`horse chestnut What type of tree has a specimen known to be 4,764 years old`bristlecone pine What type of vehicle was Charles Rolls (Rolls_Royce) in when he died`aeroplane What type of vessel did the Royal Navy first launch in 1901`submarine what type of weather is expected during the 'dog days'`Hot What type of whisky is called "old no 7"`jack daniels What type of wool is obtained from angora goats`mohair What typewriter brand was invented by a man whose father made a well known flintlock rifle`remington what typist's aid did secretary bette claire graham set up what became a multi-million-dollar company to market in 1956`liquid paper What U K actress starred in the comedy series "Executive Decision"`penelope keith What U K actress starred in "To The Manor Born"`penelope keith What U K comedy series was a spin off from "Man About The House"`george & mildred What uncomely creature inspired sailors tales of mermaids`manatee what uncomely creature inspired sailors' tales of mermaids`the manatee What underground line is Heathrow Airport on`piccadilly What underwater explosive missiles are shot from a submarine`torpedoes What unexpected event stopped play in the FA Cup Final of 1947`the ball burst What unfashionable football team does robbie williams support`port vale What uniform number was worn by Larry Bird & Kareem Abdul Jabbar`thirty three`thirty three`33 what union did duran duran sing of in 1983`union of the`eden What union did duran duran sing of in 1983`union of the snake what united states president was in office during the civil war`forty`ten What united states president was in office during the civil war`forty three what unit is magnetic field strength measured in`tesla What unit is used to measure electrical resistance`ohm What unit of currency is used in Italy`lira What unit of currency will buy you dinner in Iraq, Jordan and Tunisia`dinar What unit of currency will buy you dinner in Iraq, Jordan, Tunisia, and Yugoslavia`Dinar what unit of currency will buy you dinner in iraq, jordan, tunisia and yugoslavia`the dinar`dinar what unit of currency will buy you dinner in iraq, jordan, tunisia and yugoslavia`the dinar`fender What unit of heat will raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius`calorie what unit of heat will raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree celsius`the calorie What unit of length is equal to ten raised to the negative ten meter`angstrom What unit of measurement is used to rate the loudness of sound`decibel what unit of measurement was the distance from the elbow to the tip of the index finger`cubit what unit of speed is equal to one nautical mile per hour`1 knot What unit of weight measurement derives from the carob seed`carat What units are used to measure the size of pearls`grains What university did Peyton Manning attend`university of tennessee what university dismissed timothy leary for involvement with drugs`harvard what university has the fightin 'blue hen' as there mascot`university of`death what university has the fightin 'blue hen' as there mascot`university of delaware What university would you find in the city of Palo Alto in western California`stanford What unrecognised phenomenon was discovered when Comet aircraft started to fall out of the sky`metal fatigue What unsightly feature did Abraham Lincoln have on his face`wart what unusual feature is shared by ostriches and emus`cant fly What unusual feature is shared by ostriches and kiwi birds`they can't fly What unusual items used to be temporarily stored in pub cellars`corpses What us academy is located in colorado springs, colorado`air force What US academy is located in Kings Point, New York`us merchant what us academy is located in kings point, new york`us merchant marines`merchant marines what us agency finally caught up with the reverend sun myung moon in '82`internal revenue service`irs What U S army general was captured by North Koreans during the Korean war`william dean What U S artillery piece fired the last shot of WWI`calamity jane What us city briefly dropped the last letter of its name`pittsburgh What US city contains a full-scale replica of the ancient Parthenon`nashville what us city has a newspaper called the plain dealer`cleveland what us city has the most chapels per capita`las vegas what u.s. city has the most famous skyline`dallas, texas What US city is called the Gateway to the West`st louis what us city is called the gateway to the west`st louis`saint louis what us city is called the gateway to the west`st`world What U S city is considered the unofficial capital of the south`atlanta What U S city is home to the Pentagon`washington What U.S. city is known as Insurance City`Hartford What US City is known as The River capital of the world?`Akron What U.S. city is named after Saint Francis of Assisi`San Francisco What U S city is named after St Francis of Assisi`san francisco What US city is nicknamed 'The Cradle of Texas Liberty'`san antonio what us city is often called 'the insurance capital of the world'`hartford what us city skyline boasts the gateway arch`st`left what us city skyline boasts the gateway arch`st louis what us city skyline boasts the gateway arch`st louis`saint louis what u.s. city's state capitol is located 5280 ft. above sea level`denver What US city's symphony was led for most of the 80's by Seiji Ozawa`boston What US city was called The Birthplace of the Skyscraper`chicago What us city was named after british prime minister william pitt`pittsburgh What us city was named after st francis of assisi`sanfrancisco What US city was the capital from 1789 to 1790?`New York City What used to be thrown away as a useless by-product of crude oil until the gas engine made it useful`Gasoline What useful device was invented and marketed by Charles Moncky`the monkey wrench What us general was known as old blood and guts`george s patton jr What U S general was known as old blood & guts`george s patton jr What US government agency is nicknamed the company`cia What U S highway is the longest, starting in Cape Cod, Massachusetts going through 14 states, & ending in Bishop, California`route 6 what us museum is the hope diamond displayed in?`smithsonian institution What us national park contains gumbo limbo trail`everglades What U S national park contains gumbo limbo trail`everglades national park What US navy rank is indicated by three stripes`commander What u.s. president did actor robert montgomery coach for tv`dwight eisenhower What u.s president did robert montgomery coach for tv`dwight eisenhower what us president founded the national foundation for infantile paralysis`franklin d roosevelt`fdr what u. s president is most noted for saying 'no new taxes'`george bush What US president once starred in the movie 'Bedtime for Bonzo'`reagan What us president served two seperate terms in office`cleveland what u.s president's home is located in columbia, tennessee`james polk what u.s president's home is located in columbia, tennessee`james`swimming what us president was born in new york city`teddy`15 what us president was born in new york city`teddy roosevelt What us president was born july 11, 1767`john quincy adams what us president was born july 11, 1767`john quincy`tree what us president was born september 15, 1857`william taft What u.s president was castigated for picking up his pet beagles by the ears`lyndon johnson what u.s president was castigated for picking up his pet beagles by the ears`lyndon`revolution What US president was known as "The Rail Splitter"`abraham lincoln What U S president was the target of two assassination attempts in 17 days`gerald ford What U S president wrote 37 books`theodore roosevelt what u.s secretary of state bought alaska from russia for 7.2 million dollars`seward What US senator gives out the Golden Fleece Awards`william proxmire What U S spacecraft landed on the planet mars in 1976`viking 2 What US state are the Aleutian Islands part of`alaska what us state boasts the most deer`texas What US state boasts the most gasoline stations`california what u.s. state boasts the world's largest mass of exposed granite?`georgia what us state borders british columbia, alberta, and saskatchewan`montana What US state borders Montana, S. Dakota, Nebraska, Utah, and Idaho`wyoming What U S state borders the most Canadian provinces`montana What US state capital comes first alphabetically`Albany what us state contains cape hatteras`north carolina What US State contains our six largest National Parks`alaska What US state doesn't have borders`hawaii What US state does the Continental Divide leave to enter Canada`montana What U.S. state gave the world Louis Armstrong, Fats Domino, Mahalia Jackson and Jelly Roll Morton (and, dare I say, Britney Spears)?`louisiana WhatU.S.stategavetheworldLouisArmstrong,FatsDomino,MahaliaJacksonandJellyRollMorton (and, dare I say, Britney Spears)`louisiana what us state gets the least amount of rainfall`nevada What US state grants the most fishing licenses`california What US state has lived under six flags`texas What u.s state has no telephones in 12% of its households`mississippi What US state has sagebrush as its state flower`nevada What US State has the largest cranberry crop`massachusetts What u.s. state has the longest border with canada`alaska What US state has the longest coastline`alaska what u.s state has the longest coastline`florida what u.s state has the most biggest cities`ohio what us state has the most rainfall`hawaii what us state has the second longest coastline`florida What U S state has the smallest population`alaska What US state has the state song 'Home on the Range'`kansas What US state has the Worlds Champion Chili Cookoff every year`Texas What US state includes the San Juan Islands`washington What U S state includes the telephone area code 317`indiana What U S state includes the telephone area code 419`ohio What US state includes the telephone area code 501`arkansas What US state includes the telephone area code 503`oregon what us state includes the telephone area code 504`louisiana What U S state includes the telephone area code 504`louisiana What US state includes the telephone area code 505`new mexico What US state includes the telephone area code 507`minnesota What US state includes the telephone area code 508`massachusetts What US state includes the telephone area code 509`washington What US state includes the telephone area code 510`california What US state includes the telephone area code 513`ohio What US state includes the telephone area code 515`iowa What US state includes the telephone area code 516`new york What US state includes the telephone area code 517`michigan What US state includes the telephone area code 601`mississippi What US state includes the telephone area code 602`arizona What US state includes the telephone area code 603`new hampshire What US state includes the telephone area code 605`south dakota What US state includes the telephone area code 607`new york What US state includes the telephone area code 608`wisconsin What US state includes the telephone area code 609`new jersey What US state includes the telephone area code 610`pennsylvania What US state includes the telephone area code 612`minnesota What US state includes the telephone area code 614`Ohio What US state includes the telephone area code 615`tennessee What US state includes the telephone area code 701`north dakota What US state includes the telephone area code 702`nevada What US state includes the telephone area code 703`virginia What US state includes the telephone area code 704`North Carolina What US state includes the telephone area code 706`georgia What US state includes the telephone area code 707`california What US state includes the telephone area code 708`illinois What US state includes the telephone area code 712`iowa What US state includes the telephone area code 713`texas What US state includes the telephone area code 714`california What US state includes the telephone area code 715`wisconsin What US state includes the telephone area code 716`new york What US state includes the telephone area code 717`pennsylvania What US state includes the telephone area code 718`new york What US state includes the telephone area code 719`colorado What US state includes the telephone area code 801`utah What US state includes the telephone area code 802`vermont What US state includes the telephone area code 804`virginia What US state includes the telephone area code 805`california What US state includes the telephone area code 806`texas What US state includes the telephone area code 808`hawaii What US state includes the telephone area code 810`michigan What US state includes the telephone area code 812`indiana What US state includes the telephone area code 813`florida What US state includes the telephone area code 814`pennsylvania What US state includes the telephone area code 815`illinois What U S state includes the telephone area code 816`missouri What US state includes the telephone area code 817`texas What US state includes the telephone area code 818`california What US state includes the telephone area code 901`tennessee What US state includes the telephone area code 903`texas What US state includes the telephone area code 904`florida What US state includes the telephone area code 906`michigan What US state includes the telephone area code 907`alaska What US state includes the telephone area code 908`new jersey What US state includes the telephone area code 909`california What US state includes the telephone area code 910`north carolina What US state includes the telephone area code 912`georgia What US state includes the telephone area code 913`kansas What US state includes the telephone area code 914`new york What US state includes the telephone area code 915`texas What US state includes the telephone area code 916`california What US state includes the telephone area code 917`new york What US state includes the telephone area code 918`oklahoma What US state includes the telephone area code 919`north carolina What US State is bordered by Colorado,Arizona,Nevada and Idaho`utah What us state is columbia university located in`new york What U.S. state is completely surrounded by the Pacific Ocean`Hawaii What US state is Disney world in`florida What US state is free of houseflies`alaska What US state is George Washington's Mount Vernon in`virginia What US state is immediately south of Montreal, Canada`New York what us state is johns hopkins university located in?`maryland What U.S. state is known as The Land of 10,000 Lakes`Minnesota what us state is known as the 'show me' state`missouri what us state is known as the "silver state"`nevada what u.s. state is mount rushmore in`south dakota What u.s. state is mount st helen's in`washington what us state is named after the chippewa word meaning "great river"`mississippi what us state is named after the iroquois word for "fine or good river"`ohio What US state is nicknamed, is the 'Blue Hen' state`Delaware What US state is Northwestern University located in`illinois What us state is sixth alphabetically`colorado What U S state is the golden state`california what us state is yale university located in?`connecticut What U S state name is sioux for "south wind people"`kansas What US state name may derive from the Aztec word for "silver bearing"`arizona what us state name means "land of the indians"?`indiana What US state pays librarians best`new york What US state receives the least sunshine`alaska what us state records the least rainfall`nevada what us state's fish is the bluegill`illinois What US state's flag is the only one that features the Union Jack in its design`hawaii What US state's marijuana fields were busted most often in 1987`hawaii What US state's name begins but doesn't end with the letter A`arkansas What u.s. state's ocean shores have yielded the most sunken treasure`florida What U S state song is named for a river within the state`swanee river What U S states were named for the Sioux word "friend" or "ally"`dakota What US state was John F Kennedy assassinated in`texas what us state was named after french words for "green" and "mountain"`vermont what us state was named after the omaha or otos word meaning "flat river"`nebraska what us state was named for "flowery easter" on easter sunday in 1513`florida What U S state was named for Lord de la Warr, early governor of Virginia`delaware what us state was named for the caddo indian word "friends" or "allies"`texas What us state was named for the choctaw indian word meaning "red man"```oklahoma what us state was named in the late 1500's in honor of queen elizabeth`virginia What U S state was named with the Sioux word for "south wind people"`kansas What U S state was once an independent republic`texas what us state was previously known as franklin, named for benjamin franklin?`tennessee What us state was the first ever to elect two women to its senate`california What US town was the site of the last battle between Britain and the US`new orleans What ustralian band sings "truly madly deeply"`savage garden What US university is located in Ann Arbor`michigan What u.s. vice-president said 'some newspapers dispose of their garbage by printing it'`spiro agnew what u.s. vice-president said 'some newspapers dispose of their garbage by printing it'`spiro`dillinger what us war killed brent and stuart, the tarleton twins?`civil war What Utah city became the 37th in the U S to reach one million in population`salt lake city what utah site are land speed records set at`bonneville salt flats What Utah town plays host to the Sundance Film Festival`park city What utopian community in Florida experienced its first armed robbery in 1998`celebration What valley boasts the Devil's Golf Course`death valley What valuable edible fungus grows undergound`truffle What Van Gogh painting did the Getty Museum pick up after Alan Bond was unable to pay the 53.9 million he agreed to pay Sotheby's`irises What variety of quartz is amethyst`violet What vegetable comes last in the dictionary`zucchini What vegetable did Gregor Mendel use in his studies`peas What vegetable has a name that sounds like a letter of the alphabet`pea What vegetable is the essential ingredient in borsch`beetroot What vegetable is the Welsh national emblem`leek What vegetable is typical of a tap root plant`carrots What vegetable offers the highest source of calcium`spinach What vegetables are sometimes called 'spuds'`potatoes What vegetable song did dee dee sharp score big`mashed potato time What vegetable varieties include snowball, white horse, & igloo`cauliflower What vegetable was the original Jack-O-Lantern`A turnip what vegetable was used to make bermuda beaujolais wine?`onions What vegetable will a chasseur add to your food`mushrooms What vegetable yields the most pounds of produce per acre`cabbage What vehicle name came from the abbreviation used in the army for the "General Purpose" vehicle, G.P`Jeep What vehicles are involved in the 'Tour de France'?`Bicycles What vehicles compete in the Tour de France`bicycles what vehicles take part in the 'tour de france'`bicycles what vehicle was featured in chopper one?`police helicopter what velvet underground song contains the line "...it's my wife, it's my life"`heroin what velvet underground song contains the line "it's my wife, it's my life"`heroin What Venetian traveler's printed journal did Columbus have a copy of`marco polo's What Venetian traveler's printed journal did Columbus have a copy of`marco polo's`marco polos`marco polo what venetian travelled to peking in 1275?`marco polo What verse is the exact center of the Bible`psalm 118:8 What very lightweight wood is often used for rafts & model aeroplanes`balsa What very rude nickname was given to suede shoes with rubber soles in the 1950s`brothel creepers what veteran actor plays dominic santini on the adventure series airwolf`ernest borgnine What veteran of tv commercials died at the advanced age of 17`morris the cat What victim of the French revolution was known as the "baker's wife"`marie antoinette What Victorian sprinter was disqualified in the 200-metre event at the Montreal Olympics`Raelene Boyle what video of n.w.a is/was banned on mtv`straight outta compton What Viking god is Thursday named after`thor What village is featured in the archers`ambridge what viral disease killed 14 million people from 1981 to 1988`measles What viral skin condition does folklore say is caused by handling toads`warts what visitors to his home did elvis presley tell: 'look, if you're just going to sit there and stare at me all night, i'm going to bed'`the beatles what vitamin are yellow and green vegetables highest in`vitamin a What vitamin deficiency causes rickets`vitamin d What vitamin found in carrots is good for the eyes`vitamin a What vitamin is also called absorbic acid`c What vitamin is also called ascorbic acid`vitamin c What vitamin is ascorbic acid`c what vitamin is essential for the production of several factors involved in the blood clotting process`k What vitamin is most commonly added to milk, becasue it is not found in milk naturally`vitamin d What vitamin is most commonly added to milk, because it is not found in milk naturally`vitamin d What vitamin is required in blood clotting`K What vitamin is sometimes called the 'sunshine vitamin'>`vitamin d What vitamin promotes blood clotting`K What vladimir nabokov novel features professor humbert in love with a 12 year old girl`lolita what vodka brand brags that it is "what friends are worth"`smirnoff What volcanic peak can you see from naples`vesuvius What volcanic peak is visible from naples`mount vesuvius What volcano destroyed Pompeii`mount vesuvius What volcano destroyed Pompeii`Vesuvius What volcano showers ash on Sicily`Etna What volcano showers ash on Sicily`mount etna What volcano showers ash on Sicily`mt etna What voltage are most car batteries`twelve What voltage are most car batteries`twelve`12 what voltage are most car batteries`twelve volts what vowel do all esperanto nouns end in`o What war began in 1899 with the invasion of natal, and ended in 1902 with the peace of vereeniging`boer war What war did Florence Nightingale tend the troops in`crimean war What war did Joan of Arc's inspirational leadership help end`the hundred What war did Joan of Arc's inspirational leadership help end?`the hundred years war WhatwardidJoanofArc'sinspirationalleadershiphelpend`the hundred years war What war did Joan of Arc's inspirational leadership help end`the hundred years war`hundred years war what war ended when the us and great britain signed the treaty of ghent`war of 1812 what war followed 'the shot heard round the world'`american revolution What war involving england began in 1899 and ended in 1902`boer war what war lasted from 1756-1763`seven year war what war lasted from june 5 to june 11, 1967`six day war What warning often appeared over dangerous stunts on that's incredible`do What warning often appeared over dangerous stunts on That's Incredible`do not try this yourself What war was fought by the houses of York and Lancaster`War of the Roses What war was fought by the houses of York & Lancaster`war of the roses What war was rudely interrupted by the bubonic plague`the hundred years war`hundred years war`hundred years What was 1990s most populous U S state`california What was 1990's second largest country, measured by land mass`china What was 19 oct 1987 otherwise known as in financial circles`black monday What was A.A. Milne's first name`alan What was Abba's second UK no1`mamma mia What was Abelard's punishment for his romance with Heloise`he was castrated What was a big hit for the pipes, drums, and military band of the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards in 1972`amazing grace What was abolished by the english parliament in 1647`christmas What was abolished in britain in december 1969`hanging What was abolished in the british empire in 1807`slave trading What was a bombard invented in about 1340`a cannon What was a bo peep to a 19th century cockney street vendor`sheep What was accomplished for the first time by the Gossamer Albatross in 1979`man powered flight across the channel What was adam faith's major tv role`budgie What was Adam Sandler's occupation in Big Daddy?`A tollbooth worker what was adamski's 1990 hit`killer What was Adolf Hitler's religion`roman catholic What was adopted by the US on 3rd March 1931`star spangled banner What was a ducat`coin what was advertised as "99 and 44/100 percent pure"?`ivory snow What was advertised with the slogan 'Gives a meal man appeal'`oxo what was air force one's nickname under john f kennedy?`caroline What was a junk, invented by the chinese`sailing ship What was alanis morissette's first album`jagged little pill What was Alan Sheppard's ship`freedom seven What was a large cask with a lidded opening, used to hold day's supply of drinking water for a ship's crewmen`scuttlebutt What was alaska before 1867`russian america What was a Lazy day for the Small Faces`sunday what was albert einstein's favorite musical instrument`piano What was al bundy's nickname during the dream sequence with all of the women in his bedroom`al night long What was al capone finally arrested for`tax evasion What was Al Capone's favorite bullet proof car`cadillac What was Al Capone's nickname`scarface What was Alfred Hitchcocks nickname in his childhood`Cocky What was ALF's girlfriend from Melmac's name?`Rhonda What was ALF's real name?`Gordon Shumway What was a licensed vendor of Papal indulgences called`a pardoner What was All Saints' record label`london What was a lucifer known as to soldiers during the war period`A Wooden Match What was a Mae West on a battleship`life jacket What was America's favorite television program in 1988`bill cosby show What was America's military equivalent of Germany's Kubelwagen`The Jeep What was America's presidential residence Camp David called before its name was changed`shangri la What was andrew jergens' profession`lumberjack What was an Egyptian king called`pharaoh What was Angela's son's name in Who's the Boss?`Jonathon What was Anita Bryant known as because of the product she advertised`coke girl What was Anna Pavlovas most famous balletic role`the dying swan What was Anne Bronte's pseudonym`acton bell What was Anne's surname in Anne of Green Gables`shirley What was another city that the usfl Boston Breakers eventually played in`new orleans what was another name for germany, italy, and japan during wwii?`axis powers What was another name for the Atlantic Penguin which became extinct in 1844`great auk What was Archie Bunkers wife's name`edith What was a reeve in a shire`law What was Aristotle Onassis learned middle name`socrates What was a sheriff during feudal rule in england`reeve What was astronaut edwin aldrin's nickname`buzz What was a symbol of welcome in the 1700's to 1800's and can often be seen on doorknockers today`pineapple What was a symbol of welcome in the 1700's to 1800's & can often be seen on doorknockers today`pineapple What was atomic kittens first uk chart single`right now what was attacked on december 7, 1941`pearl harbour What was Attila the Hun doing when he died`having sex What was attomic kittens first uk chart single`right now what was austin powers' middle name`danger What was Australia's Grant Torrens on when he set a world record of 219 kilometres an hour in 1977`Water Skis what was australia's original name`terra australis incognita What was awarded to a football player who scored 3 goals in one match`hat What was Babe Ruth, before he was a baseball player`bartender What was Babe Ruth's uniform number`three What was Babe Ruth's uniform number`three`3 what was balki bartokamus' occupation when he lived in mypos`sheep herder What was banned in bermuda until 1946`cars What was banned in England in 1665 in an attempt to stop the spread of the plague`Kissing What was Barbara Streisand's first film`funny girl What was barbra streisand's first film`funny girl What was Beaver Cleaver's first name`theodore What was Beck's first UK hit`loser what was benito mussolini also called`il duce What was Ben Stiller's character called in 'Mystery Men'`mr furious What was betty grable's nickname`the legs What was Betty Rubble's Maiden name?`Betty Jean Mcbricker What was bill fraser's army game role`snudge what was billy squier's first band called`sidewinders what was bjorn borg's nickname`iceborg What was Blair Peach's profession`teacher what was bob dylan's real name`robert zimmerman What was Bob Hopes book Confession of a hooker about`golf What was bob marleys first single, released by leslie kong in 1962`judge not what was bo diddley's real name`ellas mcdaniels What was boo, maryjane and Mary Warner`Marijuana what was born on july 16, 1945, at 5:30 am?`atomic age What was Boyzone's second album`a different beat What was Britains first motorway`m6 What was Britains first pirate radio station`radio caroline What was Britains last French mainland possession`calais What was britains last territory in latin america`belize What was British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's maiden name`Roberts What was Britney Spears first song?`Baby one more time What was broadcast causing US radio listeners, to flee for their lives fearing an attack by aliens`the war of the worlds what was bronco's last name?`layne What was Bruce Springsteen's first video`dancing in the dark What was bruce wayne's heroic identity`batman What was Bruce Willis occupation prior to his stardom`Bartender what was buffalo bill cody's real name`william frederick cody What was Bugs Bunny originally known as`oswald the rabbit what was built on the site of an unsolved London murder`Scotland yard What was built on the site of the old waldorf astoria hotel in new york`empire state building What was built on the site of the old waldorf astoria hotel in new york`the empire state building What was Buzz Aldrin's mother's maiden name`moon What was C-3P0's orginal intent that he was programed for`servant What was California's largest cash crop by the mid-1980's`marijuana what was called the powder keg of europe`balkans What was called the war to end all wars`world war one what was cambodia known as from 1976 to 1989`kampuchea What was Canada's first chartered bank`bank of montreal what was canada's first national park`banff national park What was 'Capability' Brown's Christian name`lancelot What was Capability Browns first given name`lancelot What was Capability Brown's real first name`launcelot What was captain ahab's peg leg made of`ivory What was captain marvel's magic word`shazam What was Casanova's first name?`Giovanni What was Casanova's occupation at the time of his death`librarian what was casanova's occupation`librarian What was Casanova's record number of bonks - with the same woman - on one day?`Twelve what was casey jones's real name?`john luther jones What was Cecil B. De Mille's Middle name`blount What was Charlemagne also known as`charles the great What was Charles Blondins claim to fame` he crossed niagara falls on a tightrope What was Cheyenne's last name`bodie What was Chim on Sheena, Queen of the Jungle`chimpanzee What was Christ's zodiacal sign`capricorn what was "chubby checker's" real name`ernest evans What was Chuck Berry's first #1 hit on BOTH sides of the Atlantic Ocean`my ding a ling What was Cilla Black's real surname before she was married`white What was Cinderellas first name`ella What was cinderella's real name`ella What was Citizen Kane's dying word`Rosebud What was Citizen Kane's first name`charles What was Cliff Richard's first Number 1 in 1959`living doll What was Coca-Cola's original company color`Green What was cologne magnate, Coco Chanels lucky number`Five What was comedienne Grace Allens nickname for her husband (George Burns)`Natty What was computer pioneer niklaus wirth's nickname at stanford`bucky What was concealed in Napoleon Solos pen`a two way radio what was considered an aphrodisiac by the ancient greeks`onions What was Constantinople's name changed to`istanbul What was constructed to seperate England from Scotland`hadrians wall What was created by James I in 1606 as a symbolic means of uniting England and Scotland but was disliked by both nations`the union jack What was created by the Manhattan Project`atomic bomb What was created when James Wright blended boric acid and silicon oil`silly putty What was crocketts first name on Miami Vice?`Sonny what was custer's first name`george what was cyndi laupers dog named`sparkle What was Daffy Duck's favorite insult`You're dispicable! What was Daffy Ducks usual closing line`You're dispicable! What was "Dark Angel" co-creator James Cameron's first feature film`Paranha II what was dave winfield's first mlb team`padres What was David Bowies first hit`space oddity What was David Livingstones job`missionary What was David Miller the first person to be arrested for burning, in 1966`draft card What was David Shepherd's position before he became Bishop of Liverpool`bishop of woolwich What was debussy's christian name`claude What was defined by law as precisely 4840 square yards in 1305`the acre what was def leopard's latest album after what happened to the drummer`hysteria What was Dennis the Menace's last name`mitchell What was detective harry o's surname`orwell What was Dirt Harry's last name`callahan What was discovered at Sutter's Mill, California in 1848`gold What was discovered by the chance contamination of a dish at St Marys Hospital in 1928`penicillin What was discovered first codeine or aspirin`codeine What was discovered in the northern tip of Vancover Island in 1835`coal What was discovered in Wadi Qumran in 1947`dead sea scrolls What was Disney's first full-length animated motion picture`Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs what was doc holiday's trade`dentist What was Donald Fagen's first solo album title (1982)?`The Nightfly What was Doris Lessing's first novel`the grass is singing What was Dorothy's aunt's name in The Wizard of Oz`aunt em What was Dorothy's last name in 'The Wizard of Oz'`Gale what was dr kildare's first name`james what was dr. livingstone's first name`david What was Dr. Zhivago's first name`yuri What was duke ellington's real name`edward kennedy What was Dustin Hoffman's character's name in "Rain Man?"`Raymond Babbitt What was Dusty Springfield's first No. 1 hit`you don't have to say you love me What was Early Bird`first commercial satellite What was Eddie Murphy's character name in 'Beverley Hills Cop'`axel foley What was el cid's nationality`spanish what was elton john referring to when he asked: 'what happened here?'`john lennon's death What was Elton John's father's job`royal air force pilot What was Elton John's first label record`dick james music What was Elvis' first big hit song`heartbreak hotel what was elvis' first movie?`love me tender What was Elvis' last top ten single`burning love What was elvis' mother's name`grace What was Elvis Presley's first film after his military service`g.i.blues what was elvis presleys first film`love me tender What was Elvis Presley's first Number 1 in 1957`all shook up What was Elvis Presley's home town`tupelo What was Elvis Presley's middle name`aaron What was Elvis Presleys real name`elvis presley What was Elvis Presleys sport in Kid Galahad`boxing What was elvis presley's twin brother's first name`garon what was elvis presley's twin brother's name`garon What was Elvis Presley's wife's name`Priscilla What was ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month`WW I What was England's last possession in France`calais What was Enrico Carusos claim to fame`singing what was erich segal's sequel to love story`oliver's story What was Ethiopia formerly known as`abyssinia What was E.T.'s favorite candy?`Recee's Pieces What was exchanged in Fair Exchange`teenage daughters What was extracted through the nasal passages of dead pharaohs`brain what was fats waller's theme song?`ain't misbehavin What was Field Marshal Montgomery's first Christian name`bernard What was first advertised on the back of a match cover`Beer What was first conncocted by chemist John Styth Pemberton as a headache cure`coca-cola What was first introduced into Europe by the French ambassador to Lisbon, Jean Nicot, in 1556`tobacco what was first marketed as gayetty's medicated paper`toilet paper What was first opened in 1922 by national department stores in saint louis`shopping mall What was first played at Ballarrat gold fields, Australia in 1853`australian rules football what was first recorded in 240 bc, and returns every 76 years`halley's comet What was first seen on British television in 1982`channel 4 What was first sold at the 1904 St Louis worlds fair`ice cream cones What was first used as a medical treatment in 2700 bc by Chinese emperor Shen Nung`acupuncture What was first used as an anaesthetic at St Bartholomews Hospital in 1847`chloroform What was first worn on the 10th October 1886`Tuxedo what was flip wilson's california license plate`killer What was football player Dick Lane's nickname`Night Train What was formerly called the Christian Revival Association and the East London Christian Mission`salvation army What was Fortran designed for`Formula Translation what was frances gumm's screen name`judy garland what was francine lawrence's nickname`gidget What was frankensteins first name`viktor What was Frank Spencer's wife name in "Some Mothers Do Have Them"`betty What was Fred Astaire's real name`frederick austerlitz What was gainsborough's first name`thomas What was gangster Charles Floyd's nickname`pretty boy What was Garth's last name in 'Wayne's World'`algar What was Gary Gnu's catch phrase?`No Gnus is Good Gnus What was gary puckett's backup band`union gap What was General Electric engineer James Wright really trying to create when he made silly putty`synthetic rubber What was General MacArthur's first name`douglas What was george custer's horses' name`commanche What was George Eliot's real name`Mary Ann Evans What was George Formby's theme tune, which he sang in the 1938 film 'Feather Your Nest'`leaning on the lamp post What was George Hepplewhite's profession`furniture maker what was george lazenby's only bond film`on her majesty's secret service What was George of the Jungle always running in to`A tree What was George orwell's real name`eric blair What was George Washington's favorite horse's name`lexington What was Ginger Spice's real name`geri halliwell What was given to children to rid them of threadworm`salt enema What was Glen Campbell's theme song`gentle on my mind What was Goebbels' role when he served under Hitler during WWll`minister for propaganda What was Goldfinger's first name`auric What was Gomez & Morticia's daughter's name in "The Addams Family"`wednesday What was Gomez & Morticia's son's name in "The Addams Family"`pugsley What was Gomez's wifes name in "The Addams Family"`morticia what was goofy's original name`dippy dawg what was great archaeological find was found near xi-an in march 1974`terracotta army What was 'Gulliver's' first name`lemuel what was hank aaron's jersey number`forty four What was Harare known as before independence`salisbury What was Harry Nilsson's biggest hit`without you What was held in the Crystal Palace in 1851`the great exhibition what was hemingway's tough romantic anti-war novel`a farewell to arms what was herbert khaury's nickname`tiny tim What was H.G. Wells' first novel`the time machine What was HG Well's first novel`time machine What was Higgins first name in "Magnum PI"`jonathan What was Hilary Clinton's maiden name`rodham what was hitler's plan for the invasion of england`operation sea lion What was Horatio Nelson's most famous ship`victory what was howard cosell's name before he changed it?`howard cohen What was howdy doody's sister's name`heidi doody What was Hoyt Wilhelm's best pitch`knuckleball What was Huddie Ledbetter's professional name`leadbelly What was Hungarian inventor Rubiks first name`Erno What was in Catherine's crucifix in the movie Cruel Intentions?`Cocaine What was installed in the London Zoo in 1925 to cheer up the animals`Electric Lights What was in the sandwich in the 1983 hit 'down under'`vegemite What was introduced to our roads in 1967 to make motoring safer`breath test What was introduced to supermarkets in 1974`bar codes What was introduced to the British cinema screen in 1951?`The X certificate What was invented after a researcher walked by a radar tube & a chocolate bar melted in his pocket`microwave what was invented after a researcher walked by a radar tube and a chocolate bar melted in his pocket`microwave oven What was invented by a Swiss guy who was inspired by the way burrs attached to clothing`velcro What was invented by Joseph Bramah`lock What was invented by Ludovic Zamenhof`Esperanto what was invented in roughly 3,500 bc in mesopotamia`the wheel what was invented in Sumeria in 3200BC`the wheel what was invented over 3,000 years ago that is now considered the first 'computer'`abacus What was Irene Caras character name in the movie, Fame`Coco Hernandez What was Israel known as before its independence`palestine What was it that Captain Cook fed his crew and was made of cabbage pickled in vinegar`sour krout what was jack nicholson's first film`cry baby killer What was jack nicklaus' nickname`golden bear What was Jacquline Kennedy Onassis maiden name`bouvier what was james dean's last movie`giant What was Jane Austens first published novel`sense and sensibility What was Jane Russells real first name`ernestine What was jane wyman reagan's birth name`sarah jane fulks What was Japan's most famous WWll aeroplane`zero What was jayne russels real first name`ernestine What was jean-claude van damme's original stage name`cujo what was jean harris found guilty of`second degree murder What was jean harris found guilty of`second degree murder`2nd degree murder what was jean valjean's prison number in les miserables`24601 What was JFK's nickname for his daughter Caroline?`Buttons What was Jimmy Carter operated on for while serving as president`haemorrhoids what was jimmy carter operated on for while serving as president`hemorrhoids What was jimmy cliffs characters name in the movie, the harder they come`ivan what was jimmy rodger's first hit in 1957 which included the lyrics 'god made the bees and the bees made the honey...'`honeycomb What was johanna spyri's story about a little alpine lass`heidi what was john f kennedy's 1960 campaign song?`high hopes What was john lennon's first girlfriend's name`thelma pickles What was John Lennon's middle name before he changed it to Ono?`Winston what was John Lennon's middle name`Winston What was john lennon's original middle name`winston What was John Major's occupation before he was first elected to parliament in 1979`banker what was johnny appelseed's real name`john chapman What was john wayne's last movie`shootist What was Jon Bon Jovis mothers occupation`A Playboy Bunny What was Journey's first very successful LP`infinity what was juliet's surname in romeo & juliet?`capulet what was jungle jim's pet crow's name in the series jungle jim?`caw caw What was Junko Tabei the first woman to reach`summit of mount everest what was kansas's first hit single`carry on What was karl marx's term for owners of capitalist production`bourgeoise What was karl marx's term for wage laborers in modern capitalist systems`proletariat What was Keanu Reeves' computer world alias in 'The Matrix'`neo What was Keanu Reeves' first big film`point break What was kept in a medieval 'stew pond'`fish What was Kevin Bacon's first big hit`Footloose What was killed by the first bomb dropped by the allies on berlin during wwii`elephant What was kind old Benjamin Franklin the first to do to a lamb,a chicken and a turkey`electrocute them What was King Alfred supposed to have burnt`cakes What was king arthur's mother's name`igraine what was king arthur's sister's name`igraine What was King Arthur's sword called`excalibur What was King Ethelred IIs nickname`the unready What was king george vi's first name`albert What was King John of England forced to sign in 1215`Magna Carta what was king tut's original name`tutankhaten What was Kleenix known as when invented during World War I`Cellucotton What was known as Formosa`Taiwan What was known as the Englishmens drink`port What was known as the Spice Island`zanzibar what was kohoutek, the dud of 1973`a comet What was kojak's first name`theo What was Krakatoa`A volcanic island What was Lady Chatterley's first name`constance What was landscape gardener Lancelot Brown's nickname`capability What was launched on the 4th December 1996`Mars Pathfinder what was lech walesa's job before he founded solidarity?`electrician What was led by major Adams`wagon train What was legal in the Australian Capital Territory from 1988 till 2011`bestiality what was lenin's real name`vladimir ilyich what was lenin's real name`vladimir ilyich yulyanov What was Lestat's last name`de lioncourt What was Lestat's mother's name?`gabrielle What was Linus Yale's occupation`locksmith What was liquorice used for in ancient Egypt`medicine what was lisa stansfields first no 1`all around the world what was little miss muffet eating when she sat on her tuffet`curds and whey What was little miss muffet eating when she sat on her tuffet`curds & whey What was Long John Silvers parrot called`captain flint what was long john silvers rank on the good ship hispaniola?`ship's cook What was Lord John Oaksey's highest ever placing in the Grand National`second What was Lord Louis Mountbattens relationship to Queen Victoria`her great grandson What was lost and regained by poet john milton`paradise What was lost & regained by poet John Milton`paradise what was lou christies' real name`lugee sacco What was Louise Joy Brown the first of`test tube baby What was Lucy's maiden name on 'I Love Lucy'`mcgillicuddy What was ludwig von beethoven once arrested for`vagrancy What was lulu's top ten single`shout what was "lumpy's" full name in the sitcom leave it to beaver?`clarence rutherford What was made by the Bessemer process`steel What was Madonna's first single to enter the UK singles chart`holiday What was mae west's last film`sextet What was Maggie Seaver's maiden name on Growing Pains?`Maggie Malone What was Major "hotlips" Houlihans first name`margaret What was Marco Polo's home town`venice What was Marco Polo's nationality`italian What was Margaret Thatcher's maiden name`roberts What was margaret thatcher's nickname`iron lady what was marian's profession in the music man`librarian What was Marilyn Monroe's real full name`norma jeane baker What was Mark Twain's real name`samuel clemens What was Mark Twains real name`samuel langhorne clemens What was Mark Wahlberg's porno-name in 1997's "Boogie Nights"?`Dirk Diggler What was Martin Frobisher looking for`north west passage what was mary mallen's nickname`typhoid mary What was Mary Queen of Scots first to employ on a golf course`caddie What was Massachusetts' logical choice for an official state dessert, in 1996`boston cream pie What was master po's name for young cain in the tv series "kung fu"`grasshopper what was maurice micklewhite's screen name`michael caine What was Max Headroom's network number`23 What was Maxwell Smart's CONTROL agent number`eighty six What was Mcdonald's "big mac" slogan, introduced in 1975`two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions, on a sesame seed bun what was miami vice stuntman thomas bahr convicted of in 1988?`drug smuggling What was Michael Jackson advertising when he was nearly killed?`Pepsi what was michael jackson advertising when he was set on fire`pepsi What was Michelangelo's last name`buonarroti What was Michelangelo's surname`Buonarroti what was mickey mouse's first film`steamboat willie What was Mickey Mouse's first known as`mortimer mouse What was Mike Scosia diagnosed with?`Accute Radiation poisoning What was mildred ella didrikson's nickname`babe What was Mir`russian space station what was miss kitty's last name on "gunsmoke"?`russell What was Miss Marple's first name`jane What was mixed with vodka in 1946 to make a Moscow Mule`ginger ale What was Moe selling at the flea market?`Lucille Ball Oysters What was mohammed ali's original name`cassius clay What was Mona Lisa's surname`gioconda what was montrose's second lp called`paper money What was Moonie leader-Reverend Moon jailed for in 1976`tax fraud What was Mother Theresa's Christian name - before she became a nun`agnes What was Motown's first film in 1976`lady sings the blues What was Mowglis pet mongooses name`rikki tikki tavi What was Mozarts favourite instrument`viola What was Mozart's first name`wolfgang What was mozart's middle name`amadeus what was mr. magoos first name`quincy What was mr munster's first name`herman What was mrs fawlty's christian name`sibyl what was mr spock's blood type`t-negative What was Much Binding in the Marsh before it became a country club and then a radio show`an raf station What was mussogorsky's first name`modest What was mussogorsky's profession`composer What was Mussolini forced to do when the allies landed in Sicily`resign What was named after amerigo vespucci`america what was namibia formerly known as`south west africa what was nancy davis reagan's birth name`anne frances What was nancy davis reagan's birth name`anne frances robbins What was Napoleon's last name`bonaparte What was napoleon's surname`bonaparte What was Ned's brush with the law?`Mistaken for Ed Flanders what was neil armstrong's vocation prior to his giant step for mankind`accountant What was neil young's first film`journey through the past What was New Order previously known as`joy division What was New Yorks name before it was seized by the British and re-named`new amsterdam What was Nikita Khrushchev's wife's name`nina What was Noah's ark made of`gopher wood What was notable about Henry VIII's marriage to Anne of Cleaves?`It was never consummated what was obtained from sperm whales and used to make perfume?`ambergris What was odd about Crayola senior crayon maker Emerson Moser`He was colourblind what was odysseus called by the romans`ulysses What was Odyssues called by the Romans`ulysses What was Oliver Cromwells title as ruler`lord protector of the commonwealth What was oliver hardy's real name`norvell What was Oliver Mellors' daytime job`gamekeeper What was one of Homers lifelong/boyhood dreams`Living in the woods and keeping a journal of his thoughts What was one of the main finds at Sutton Hoo burial ground`ancient battle helmet what was on the flip side of chuck berry's "wee, wee hours"?`maybellene what was originally called the Pluto platter`Frisbee what was originally known as fruit smack flavoured syrup`kool-aid what was originally known as terra australis incognita`australia What was painted on peter fonda's helmet motorcycle helmet in 'easy rider'`stars and stripes what was pat nixon's real first name`thelma What was patrick mcgoohan's number in the prisoner`six What was paul cezanne's nationality`french what was paul revere's only #1 hit`indian reservation What was Paul Scotts sequel to the Raj Quartet`staying on What was Paul Tibbett's claim to fame, established on August 6th 1945`pilot of the plane which dropped atom bomb on hiroshima what was pc gamer's 1995 game of the year`warcraft 2 What was Pegasus in Greek mythology `winged horse What was peter dimmock's long running sports programme`sportsview what was phileas fogg's valet's name`passepartout what was pinocchio's father's name`geppetto what was Piper Alpha`Oil rig What was poet Joyce Kilmer's first name`alfred What was Pope John Paul II's original name`karol wojtyla what was porky's`bordello What was Potsie's last name on Happy Days`weber what was potsie webber's real first name on 'happy day's'`warren What was Princess Diana's maiden name`spencer What was Princess Dianas middle name`francis What was privatised with the slogan - Tell Sid`british gas What was produced by a 'spinning jenny'`cotton thread What was produced by the Manhattan project`atomic bomb What was punky brewster's best friends name?`Cherry what was purchased in the russo-american treaty of 1867`alaska What was Queen Victoria's mother tongue`german what was radar o'reilly's highest rank?`corporal captain what was radar's real name?`walter o'reilly what was radical german student leader rudi dutschke known as`red rudi What was re erected at Lake Havasa City, Arizona`london bridge What was Rembrandt's surname`van rijn What was removed from Mussolini's body before it was buried`brain What was renamed Ho Chi Minh City in 1975`saigon What was replaced on the tail planes of British Airways planes, by a design meant to represent its international status`union jack What was Reverend Jims real last name on TAXI?`Caldwell What was Rex Hunt that brought him worldwide headlines in 1982`governor of the falkland islands What was rhoda's maiden name`morgenstern What was Richard Bach's best selling adult fairy tale`jonathan livingston seagull What was Richard Bach's best selling book`jonathan livingston seagull what was rick wakeman's first solo lp called?`six wives of henry viii what was ringo starr's solo effort called`goodnight vienna What was Rizzo's real name in Grease?`Betty What was robert montgomery's profession`actor What was rob roy's surname`mcgregor what was Rocky Balboa's nickname in the ring?`the italian stallion What was 'Rocky's' last name`Balboa What was Rocky's nickname in the ring`The Italian Stallion what was rockys surname in the rocky films`balboa What was Rodney's middle name in Only Fools and Horses`charlton what was rod serling's last television series?`night gallery What was Rod Stewarts first hit`reason to believe What was Rod Stewarts occupation before he became a singer`A Grave Digger what was roger moore's first 'james bond' film`live and let die What was romeo's family name`montague What was ronnie barker's porridge role`fletcher What was Rosanna Arquette's character's name in "Desperately Seeking Susan"?`Roberta Glass What was Roscoe's dogs name on the Dukes of Hazzard?`Flash What was ruben's first name`peter What was russian america after 1867`alaska What was said to be hitlers favorite film`king kong what was salar in the book by henry williamson`salmon What was Samantha & Darren Stevens' girl called in Bewitched`tabitha What was Samantha's mother's name in Bewitched`endora What was Sarah, Duchess of York's maiden name`ferguson What was school boy William Hague given at a Conservative conference which caused him to hit the headlines`standing ovation What was Scotland Yards emergency phone number`999 What was scotsman john laurie's profession in his dad's army role`undertaker What was seen in 1681 for the last time`dodo bird What was set as the maximum age when the original 7 US astronauts were selected`forty What was set up in 1792 due to the treat of a French Invasion, and published its first official series in 1805`ordnance survey What was Shakespeares last play`the tempest What was Shakespear's Sister's number one hit from 1992`stay what was sherlock holmes biggest vice?`opium What was Shirley MacLains first film`trouble with harry What was Sid Vicious' real name`john simon ritchie What was signed on 15 june 1215`magna carta What was signed on the 15th june 1215`magna carta What was simple minds firsy uk number one`belfast child What was Simple Simon fishing for in his mother's pail`a whale What was Simple Simon fishing for in his mother's pail`whale What was singer Michael Holliday's major hit of 1958`the story of my life What was Sir Alec Guinness's role in 'Star Wars'`Obi-Wan Kenobi What was sir alexander flemming's life saving discovery`penicillin What was Sir Christopher Cockerell's uplifting invention`hovercraft What was Sir Donald Bradmans test batting average`9994 What was Sir Edmund Hillary's profession before climbing Mt Everest`apiarist What was Smokey the Bears middle name`The What was sold to cure sore throat, neuralgia, nervousness, headache, colds & sleeplessness in the 1880s`cocaine What was Sonny Liston's best punch`left hook what was sorcerer?`truck loaded with nitroglycerine What was South Crofty in Cornwall, closed in 1998`tin mine What was special about the Heinkel He-178 plane, first flown in 1939`first jet plane What was Spode the first to make in 1797, by adding bone ash to hard paste porcelain`bone china What was spun into gold in the story of rumpelstiltskin`straw what was sri lanka's former name`ceylon what was stalin's real name`iosif vissarionovich dzhugashvili What was Steely Dan's biggest UK hit, reaching No. 17 in 1876`haitian divorce What was Stephensons first locomotive called`locomotion What was steven spielberg's first film`the duel what was stevie wonder's first successful single?`fingertips What was stormed in Paris in 1789`bastille What was St. Paul's trade before he converted`tent maker What was St. Petersburg called immediately before its name was changed to Leningrad`petrograd What was substituted for snow for the making of the Canadian film Toby McTeague`Instant Mashed Potatoes What was supermans alias`clark kent what was superman's name on his home planet, krypton`kal-el what was superman's name on the planet of his birth, krypton?`kal el what was superman's true name when he was on krypton`khal-el What was Superman vulnerable to`kryptonite What was surgeon Dr. W.S. Halstead first to use in 1890`rubber gloves what was suzy parker doing to earn $100,000 in the early 1950s`modeling What was taiwan formerly known as`formosa what was tarzan's true identity?`lord greystoke What was "TCB" short for on Elvis Presley's diamond ring`taking care of business What was T E Lawrence better known as`lawrence of arabia What was Terry's surname in the television series Minder.`mccann What was thailand formerly known as`siam What was the #10 girl's name in Canada in 1990`kayla What was the 10th Elton John album`caribou What was the 1950s slang term for 3-D movies`Deepies what was the 1995 bestselling non-fiction hardcover book`men are from mars women are from venus What was the 1998 Boyzone number one taken from a Lloyd-Webber musical`no matter what What was the 24 disc John Gabel Entertainer the first example of`jukebox What was the #4 goods exported from Canada in 1993`agricultural products What was the 57 mile long Marcia built by the romans`aquaduct What was the 5th country to get The Bomb`china What was the 5th largest city in the Roman Empire in 50 AD`londinium What was the #7 movie (1981) to the end of 1988 with 115 million gross`raiders of the lost ark What was the #8 movie (1988) to the end of 1988 with 109 million dollars gross`indiana jones and the temple of doom what was the abode of gods in norse mythology`asgard what was the acronym for the car in knight rider`k.i.t.t. What was the active ingredient in the Victorian sedative called Laudanum`opium What was the actual running time of the film wild in the country`114 minutes What was the age limit when the original seven astronauts were chosen`fourty What was the age of Lola in the musical Damn Yankees`172 What was the alias of kidnapped newspaper heiress, Patty Hearst`Tania What was the allied code name for Winston Churchill during World War II`Colonel Warden What was the alternative name for the Second World Warplane known as the B17`flying fortress What was the alternative name for the Second World War plane, the P5`mustang What was the annihilation of the Jews in WWII called`holocaust what was the anti-trust law which broke up the standard oil trust`sherman act What was the apsotle Matthews job`tax collector What was the average age of united states soldiers in the vietnam war`nineteen What was the average age of US soldiers in the Vietnam war`nineteen What was the bartender's name in the series Duffy's Tavern`archie What was the basis of the giant u.s prune industry`agen plum What was The Beatles' biggest hit single`Hey Jude What was 'The Beatles' first film`a hard days night What was the Beatles first record on the Apple label`hey jude What was The Beatles first (USA) No.1 Hit`i want to hold your hand What was the beatles' second film`Help what was the beer that made milwaukee famous?`schlitZ what was the best chariot route from rome to brindisi?`appian way What was the best chariot route from rome to brindisi`via appia What was the beverly hillbillies' family name`clampett What was the Big Boppers real name`Jiles Perry Richardson What was the big carnivorous beast in the empire strikes back`wampa What was the biggest hit to emerge from the film "Holiday Inn"`White Christmas What was the biggest known theft of computer chips`3 what was the biggest selling american novel before gone with the wind?`uncle tom's cabin What was the birth name of the late Dr. Seuss`theodore geisel What was the blue dye, used by ancient Britons to colour their skin, called`woad What was the board game introduced in the eighties which featured six categories of questions and little pie shaped pieces you had to collect`Trivial Pursuit What was the board game introduced in the eighties which featured six categories of questions and little pie shaped pieces you had to collect?`Trivia Pursuit What was the booby prize in the "Double or Drop" game on TV's Crackerjack`a cabbage What was the Bountys cargo at the time of its most famous mutiny`breadfruit plants what was the bridge of san luis rey made of`rope What was the Bristol Brabazon`worlds largest airliner What was the British equivalent of "We Are The World?"`Do They Know It's Christmas What was the British nickname for William Joyce the broadcaster of wwii`lord haw haw what was the bullseye on achilles?`his right heel What was the butler's name in "Family Affair"`mr french What was the butler's name in "The Addams Family"`lurch What was the Canadian literacy rate in 1987`ninety nine percent What was the canadian literacy rate in 1987`ninety nine percent`99 percent what was the canadian male life expectancy in 1987?`sixty nine What was the capital of east germany`east berlin What was the capital of Japan prior to Tokyo`kyoto What was the capital of Kenya prior to Nairobi`mombassa what was the capital of vietnam`hanoi what was the car in "grease" called`greased lightening What was the cartoon mouse that was Gene Kelly's dancing partner in the film Anchors aweigh`Jerry What was the cause of death of the poet Rupert Brooke`blood poisoning What was the cavalry's first regiment called`rough riders What was the CB radio handle used by former First Lady Betty Ford when she was residing in the White House`First Mama What was the ceaseless medieval search for a method of turning base metals to gold called`alchemy what was the ceremony called where the hopi indians carry live rattlesnakes even in their mouths`snake dance What was the challanging method of catching a fly in Karate Kid?`Using chopsticks What was the character name of michael crawford's wife in some mother's do 'ave em`betty What was the character name of Patti Dukes father on the Patti Duke Show`Martin Lane what was the character name of starsky & hutch's captain`captain dobey what was the character name of starsky & hutch's captain`captain gillette What was the character name of the female star of the film Breakfast At Tiffanys`Holly Golightly What was the chief Roman silver coin`denarius What was the Christian name of Bud Flanagan's partner in his recordings of such songs as "Underneath the Arches"`chesney What was the christian name of Jesse james brother`frank What was the Christian name of the composer Sibelius`jean What was the Christian name of the French painter Pisarro`camille What was the christian name of the furniture designer Chippendale`Thomas What was the christian name of the newspaper cartoonist Lancaster`osbert What was the Christian name of the title character in Our Miss Brooks`constance What was the chuckwagon used for on cattle drives`cooking What was the city of Istanbul called before 330 AD`byzantium What was the city symbol of Pompeii, the ancient Roman resort town destroyed by Mt. Vesuvius' eruption`winged penis What was the Clarence Thomas/Anita Hill trial about?`Sexual Harrassment what was the classical standard language of ancient india`sanskrit What was the claymation Domino's Pizza thing to avoid?`The Noid What was the club house of the Get Along Gang?`A red Caboose what was the codename for the development of the atom bomb`manhattan project what was the code name for the us rescue mission in iran`eagle claw what was the codename given for the normandy landings`neptune What was the codename of the aborted German invasion of England in 1940`operation sealion What was the codename of the Allied invasion of North Africa in 1942`operation torch What was the code name of the D-Day invasion`Operation OVERLORDName The Artist: If You Can Want`smokey robinson & the miracles What was the codename of William Stephenson, chief of British Intelligence in New York during WWII`intrepid What was the colonial name of Ghana`gold coast what was the colonial name of mali`french sudan What was the colour of christ's hair in st john's vision`white What was the colour of the 1985 film that gave Whoopi Goldberg her first Oscar`purple What was the composer Dvorak's christian name`antonin What was the connection between Family Matters & Full House?`Steve Urkel What was the connection between The Facts of Life and ER`George Clooney What was the country of Botswana called before 1966`bechuanaland what was the crime committed for those dwelling in dante's lowest level of hell in his work, 'the inferno'`betrayal What was the date and time when all of the digits on a ten digit watch were displayed in numerical order`12.34 and 56 seconds 7th august 1990 What was the date in 1955 did Marty from Back to the Future arrive on.`November 5th,1955 what was the date of the live aid concert`13th july 1985 What was the d-day invasion password`mickey mouse what was the deadly bug that afflicted the world in 1918 to 1919`influenza what was the department of defense formerly known as`department of war What was the destination of the first commercial flight by the British Concord`bahrain What was the destination of the Mary Celeste on it's final voyage`Genoa What was the Dire Straits album featuring a guitar on a blue background`brothers in arms What was the discovey made by Frederick Banting & Charles Best`insulin what was the district in new york where mario puzo, the author of 'the godfather' was raised nicknamed`hell's kitchen What was the dog's name in the Brady Bunch`tiger what was the duck's name on the burns & allen show`herman What was the earliest form of shoe`sandal What was the earliest known symbol of Christianity`fish What was the Earth's first artificial satellite`Sputnik 1 what was the elementary penguin singing`hare krishna What was the Elephant Man's real name`john merrick What was the european city of culture for 1998`stockholm What was the eventual title of a book which was originally called Incident at West Egg`the great gatsby What was The Everly Brothers first hit`bye bye love what was the exact date of the start of the russian revolution`november 7, 1917 what was the failed us sponsored invasion by cuban exiles to overthrow the castro regime in 1961 called`bay of pigs invasion What was the fairytale world created by C.S. Lewis`narnia what was the "fall guy's" occupation?`stunt man what was the family name of katherine, the first woman to fly?`wright What was the family name of the British royal family at the time of the coronation`windsor what was the family name of the green hornet & the lone ranger`reid What was the famous line uttered by an old woman in Wendy's ads?`Where's The Beef? What was the famous prison of 18th century London`newgate What was the fat boy's nickname in Lord of the Flies`piggy what was the fats domino song '______ that a shame'`aint What was the favorite expression of captain marvel`holy moley What was the favorite weapon of George Kelly and Kate Barker`machine gun What was the favorite weapon of the Mongols`bow and arrow What was the favourite colour of the novelist Barbra Cartland`pink What was the favourite dish at Mels Diner in Alice`chili What was the fight between Argentina and Great Britan over?`Faulkland Islands what was the final destination of the first u.s. paddle wheel steamboat, what departed from pittsburgh?`new orleans what was the final destruction of the world in norse mythology`ragnarok what was the final line in the film Gone With The Wind`Tomorrow is another day What was the final score in the 1999 football match between England and Luxemburg (to England)`6-0 what was the first album roger waters released after leaving pink floyd`pros and cons of hitch hiking what was the first album roger waters released after leaving pink floyd`the pros and cons of hitch hiking What was the first album to be released on the Virgin Record label`tubular bells what was the first all professional baseball team?`cincinnati red stockings what was the first american warship lost in world war ii`reuben james what was the first animal in the animal hall of fame?`lassie What was the first animal named to the usa's animal hall of fame in 1969`lassie What was the first animal on the endangered species list`peregrine falcon What was the first artificial earth satellite called`sputnik 1 what was the first asian city to host an olympics competition?`tokyo What was the first auto part completely designed by a computer`cadillac what was the first auto part completely designed by a computer`cadillac trunk lid what was the first beer can made of?`steel What was the first big game craze on computers and game systems`Pong What was the. first bird that Noah sent from the Ark`raven what was the first black labor union in us?`pullman porters what was the first boy's name listed in the 1963 book name your baby`aaron What was the first brand of instant coffee, introduced in Switzerland in 1938`nescafe What was the first brand of Wrigley's chewing gum called`vassar What was the first candy`orange peel What was the first capital of British Columbia`new westminster What was the first car produced by the Ford motor company called`model a What was the first cartoon character called`oswald the rabbit What was the first cartoon to feature sound`Steamboat Willie What was the first cd pressed in the u.s`born in the u.s.a what was the first chinese dynasty`shang What was the first city to be leveled by a plutonium based atomic bomb`nagasaki What was the first colony to legalise witchcraft`pennsylvania What was the first colony to legalize witchcraft`pennsylvania What was the first commercial airliner`comet what was the first commercial bank to open in the us?`bank of pennsylvania What was the first commercial readymix food`pancake mix What was the first computer software company to go public on the New York Stock Exchange?`Cullinet What was the first country to approve AID drug AZT`britain what was the first country to legalize abortion, in 1935?`iceland what was the first czechoslovakian to win the wimbledon women's singles tennis title`martina navratilova What was the first day of the Roman month called`the calends What was the first desert rodent to spin its wheels into popular petdom`hamster what was the first disney film to feature stereophonic sound?`fantasia What was the first domesticated bird`goose What was the first english play written exclusively for children`peter pan What was the first European book printed`the Bible What was the first event decided at the 1896 olympics`triple jump What was the first ever feature length cartoon with sound and colour`snow white and the seven dwarfs what was the first ever product to be sold using a bar-code reader`wrigley's juicy fruit what was the first ever product to be sold using a bar-code reader`wrigley's juicy fruit chewing gum What was the first ever talking film`the jazz singer What was the first ever telegraphed message`what hath god wrought What was the first fairy tale Walt Disney adapted for a cartoon`little red riding hood what was the first feature length cartoon`Snow white and the seven dwarfs What was the first fighting vehicle`war chariot What was the first film directed by Robert Redford`Ordinary People What was the first film to team jack lemmon and walter matthau`fortune what was the first film to team jack lemmon and walter matthau`fortune cookie What was the first film to team Jack Lemmon & Walter Matthau`fortune cookie what was the first full length colour cartoon talking picture`snow white and the seven dwarfs What was the first full length movie with sound, made in 1927`The Jazz Singer What was the first game graze on the computer`Pong What was the first game show on Mtv?`Remote Control what was the first grand slam tennis title won by steffi graf?`french open what was the first hit song the platters served up`only you what was the first instant coffee?`nescafe what was the first ironclad warship launched`hms warrior What was the first known lighthouse`pharon what was the first lifesaver flavor?`peppermint What was the first lighthouse`Pharos of Alexandria What was the first line of frozen foods`bird's eye What was the first London street to be lit by gas lamps in 1807`pall mall what was the first london street to be lit by gas lamps`pall mall what was the first major film with synchronized sound`the jazz singer what was the first major us city to present jai-alai`miami what was the first male hurricane to strike the us mainland in 1979?`david What was the first man-made insecticide`DDT What was the first metal used by man`copper What was the first metal used by man for tools bronze, copper or iron`copper What was the first Mickey Mouse cartoon`plane crazy what was the first mickey mouse cartoon`steamboat willie What was the first microprocessor`intel 4004 What was the first motion picture to have a synchronized musical score`Don What was the first motion picture to have a synchronized musical score?`Don Juan What was the first movie Disney released through a subsidary company that carried an R rating?`Down and Out In Beverly Hills What was the first movie filmed in sensurround`earthquake What was the first movie Tom Cruise & Nicole Kidman star together in`days of thunder What was the first name of Baden-Powell the founder of the Scout movement`Robert What was the first name of Captain Bligh, of 'Mutiny on the Bounty' fame`william What was the first name of Captain Dobey on Starsky & Hutch?`Harold What was the first name of 'Count ' Basie`william what was the first name of Doctor Zhivago`Yuri What was the first name of dom perignon, the monk who gave us champagne`pierre what was the first name of dr kildare?`james What was the first name of 'Duke' Ellington`edward What was the first name of.......Gibson the commander of the Dambusters`guy What was the first name of Marshal Torrance in The Rifleman`micah what was the first name of mister roberts?`douglas what was the first name of mrs peel?`emma What was the first name of Mr Tibbs`virgil What was the first name of Sherlock Holmes' Dr. Watson`John What was the first name of the actors Fairbanks junior and senior`douglas What was the first name of the baby girl who fell down the well?`Jessica What was the first name of the bartender on The Love Boat`Isaac What was the first name of the British prime minister Gladstone`william What was the first name of the explorere Shackleton`ernest What was the first name of the Israeli man who invented a rapid fire weapon in 1953`uzi What was the first name of the Reverebd Varah, the founder of the Samaritans`chad What was the first name of the russian dramatist Chekov`anton What was the first name of Titanic survivor known as The Unsinkable Molly Brown`Margaret What was the first name of Viscount Montgomery of Alamein`bernard What was the first nation to resign from the united nations?`Indonesia What was the first network series devoted entirely to rock and roll`American Bandstand What was the first newspaper owned by William Randolph Hearst, Senior`The San Francisco Examiner What was the first newspaper produced in the United States`Publick Occurences What was the first no 1 for the shadows`apache What was the first object made from aluminum`A Rattle What was the first offical international boat race`hundred guineas cup What was the first official currency of the u.s`dollar What was the first organ successfully transplanted from a cadaver to a live person`Kidney What was the first parachute jump made from`balloon what was the first peanuts comic strip called`good ol' charlie brown What was the first personal computer: Kenbak, Scelbi, or Apple1?`Kenbak What was the first piece of Tupperware to be sold`A bathroom tumbler What was the first plastic to be manufactured`celluloid What was the first postage stamp called`penny black What was the first postage stamp`Penny Black What was the first product to have a barcode`wrigley's gum What was the first product to have a UPC bar code on its packaging`wrigley's gum What was the first rap group to appear on 'american bandstand'`run d.m.c What was the first ready mix food to be sold commercially`aunt jemima pancake flour What was the first ready-to-eat breakfast cereal`shredded cereal what was the first really accurate timekeeper called?`chronometer What was the first recorded message`mary had a little lamb what was the first recorded message`mary had a little lambWho shot Lee Harvey Oswald`jack ruby what was the first recruiting station for the Marine Corps`tun tavern what was the first reusable space shuttle`columbia What was the first safety feature patented for an automobile and attached to a front fender`safety net What was the first safety feature patented for an automobile & attached to a front fender`safety net what was the first samuel beckett play to hit broadway`waiting for godot what was the first sherlock holmes book`a study in scarlet what was the first ship to reach the titanic after it sank`carpathia what was the first soap to expand to a one-hour episode?`another world What was the first soap to feature crib death in its story line`all my what was the first soap to feature crib death in its story line`all my children what was the first song played on armed forces radio during operation desert shield?`rock the casbah What was the first spacecraft ever to go into space a second time`columbia what was the first space shuttle to orbit the earth`columbia What was the first sport to be covered by a british radio broadcast`rugby What was the first staple that the U.S. government rationed during World War II`sugar what was the first state of the union`delaware What was the first stop of the mayflower when it reached the new world`cape what was the first stop of the mayflower when it reached the new world`cape cod what was the first stop of the mayflower when it reached the new world`cape martin What was the first submarine named`nautilus what was the first substance ever used to anaesthetise a patient for a medical operation`ether What was the first subway nicknamed because of its odour`sewer What was the first successful Jupiter probe`pioneer 10 What was the first talking motion picture with the sound on the film`jazz singer What was the first team to play in what is now Wrigley Field`chicago whales What was the first team to win the Super Bowl`green bay packers what was the first technology known to man`fire What was the first thing off the ark when it stopped raining`raven What was the first tony winning play`mister roberts What was the first top 30 hit by the Rolling Stones`come on What was the first transatlantic radio message sent`s what was the first tune ever played by a computer (at bell labs, 1932)`daisy What was the first u.s consumer product sold in the soviet union`pepsi cola What was the first US National Monument`devil's tower What was the first US National Park`yellowstone what was the first us sitcom to be exported to britain`i love lucy What was the first u.s state to seccede from the union on december 20, 1860`south carolina what was the first us state to secede from the union on december 20, 1860`south carolina What was the first version of microsoft windows to have networking capabilities`windows for workgroups What was the first version of microsoft windows`windows 286 What was the first version of MS Windows to have networking capabilities`windows for workgroups What was the first version of MS Windows`windows 286 what was the first video ever shown on mtv`video killed the radio star what was the first video game based on a cartoon character from the 1930's`popeye what was the first video game`pong What was the first video Mtv played?`Video Killed the Radio Star What was the first world war also called`great war What was the first x-rated animated cartoon film`fritz the cat What was the first year that women could vote in Norway`1913 What was the first zeppelin made of`aluminium what was the first zeppelin made of?`aluminum what was the flag for the confederacy called`union jack What was the food of the greek gods called`ambrosia What was the forerunner of croquet`pall mall what was the former capital of australia`melbourne What was the former German name of the Czech town of Ceske Budejovice`budweis What was the former name for the African country of Malawi`nyasaland What was the former name of Belize`british honduras What was the former name of Burkina Faso in Africa`upper volta What was the former name of Ho Chi Minh City`saigon What was the former name of Kampuchea`cambodia what was the former name of the cape of good hope`cape of storms What was the former name of the Czech town of Kalovy Vary`carlsbad What was the former name of the Indian Holy city Varanasi`benares What was the former name of the island nation Sri Lanka`Ceylon What was the former name of the North Sea`German Ocean What was the former name of the Southern African country of Zambia`northern rhodesia What was the former name of the US presidential retreat "Camp David"`shangrila What was the former name of Zambia`northern rhodesia What was the former name of Zimbabwe`southern rhodesia What was the former S.African system of segregation called`apartheid what was the four seasons' first hit, cut only 15 minutes after being written`sherry What was the Frenchman Marat cleanly murdered in`bath What was the french resistance movement called in WWII`the maquis what was the fued between the hatfield's and mccoy's over`a pig What was the full name of Mangum P.I.?`Thomas Magnum What was the full name of THE Cat`thomas hewitt edward cat what was the full name of the cat`thomas hewitt edward`oklahoma what was the full name of the cat`thomas hewitt`oklahoma What was the full name of the eminent physicist who dipped a piece of o-ring into a glass of water in a demonstration, and proved that low temperatures at the launchpad were responsible for the challenger disaster`richard phillips feynman what was the full name of the eminent physicist who dipped a piece of o-ring into a glass of water in a demonstration, and proved that low temperatures at the launhpad were responsible for the challenger disaster`richard phillips feynman What was the full name of the eminent physicist who dipped a piece of o ring into a glass of water in a demonstration, & proved that low temperatures at the launhpad were responsible for the challenger disaster`richard phillips feynman what was the full title of the long running series about wyatt earp`life and legend of wyatt earp what was the full title of the long running series about wyatt earp`life and legend of wyatt`sledge what was the gas used by the nazi gas chambers to kill jews`zyklon b What was the german Hans Joachim von Ohain the first to put into practice narrowly beating englishman Frank Whittle`jet engine What was the gift from the gods in the movie The Gods Must Be Crazy?`A coke bottle What was the Graf Zeppelin`german airship What was the great discovery of william Harvey`circulation of blood What was the great gatsby's first name`jay What was "The gun that tamed the West"`winchester rifle what was the hand called in "the addams family"`thing What was the hang out of the 90210 gang?`The peach pit What was the happiest day of Ralph's life?`When the Doctor said he didn't have worms anymore What was the heaviest known dinosaur`brachiosaurus What was the highest grossing american silent movie`birth of a nation What was the highest man-made structure at the start of the 20th Century`eiffel tower What was the home of Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pickford called`pickfair What was the hometown of Casey's baseball team in the poem "Casey At The Bat"`mudville what was the hospital for lunatics set up by henry viii called`bedlam What was the hospital where Dr Kildare worked called`blair general WHAT WAS "THE HOUSE THAT RUTH BUILT"`YANKEE STADIUM What was the huge glass building erected in London for the Great Exhibition in 1851`the crystal palace What was the important material in the time-piece called a 'clepsydra'`water What was the inexpensive designer watch of choice amongst teenagers during the eighties?`Swatch what was the infamous pseudonym of broadcaster iva toguri d'aquino`tokyo rose What was the instrument of execution during the 'Reign of Terror'`guillotine What was the invasion password for WW II's D day invasion of Normandy, France on June 6, 1944`mickey mouse what was the invisible man's name?`dr griffin What was the job of Mellors in "Lady Chatterley's Lover"`gamekeeper What was the language if ancient Rome`latin What was the language invented by LL Zamenhof`esperanto What was the language of ancient india`sanskrit What was the language of ancient Rome`latin What was the language of nineteen eighty four`newspeak What was the language of the Ancient Romans`latin what was the largest city in the communist world`shanghai what was the largest confederate military prison during the civil war`andersonville what was the largest flesh eating dinosaur?`tyrannosaurus rex What was the largest real estate deal in colonial US history`louisiana purchase What was the largest town in Britain before it became a city in 1992`sunderland what was the last album the beatles recorded together`abbey road what was the last animal to be tamed as a food source`cow What was the last battle to be fought between Britain and the USA`new orleans What was the last chinese dynasty`manchu What was the last country to join the European Economic Community`Greece what was the last james bond movie to be released in the 80s`license to kill what was the last major german counteroffensive of world war ii`battle of the bulge What was the last name of Adolf Hitler's mother`Schicklgruber What was the last name of Isadora, the famous dancer`duncan What was the last name of the american that invented root beer soft drink`hires What was the last planet discovered, in 1930`pluto what was the last port into which the titanic docked`southampton what was the last s.i unit to be added to the systeme international d'unites family in 1970`the mole what was the last state according to date of entry into the union`hawaii what was the last tv show to star stacey keach?`mike hammer What was the late Linda McCartney's maiden name`eastman What was the leading cause of death in the late 19th century`tuberculosis What was the Leaning Tower of Pisa actually built as`a bell tower What was the Leaning Tower Of Pisa originally used for`bell tower What was the license number on the Ghostbusters' car?`ECTO-1 what was the living room war`Vietnam What was the location for the first Winter Olympics in 1924`chamonix What was the location of the first official ufo sighting`mt rainier What was the loneliest part of the Cross Canada run for Terry Fox`nova What was the loneliest part of the Cross Canada run for Terry Fox`nova scotia what was the loneliest part of the cross canada run for terry fox`nova`walter What was the lone ranger's real name`john reid what was the longest dinosaur?`diplodocus what was the longest orbit of a manned shuttle before 1976?`two what was the longest war in history`the hundred years' war What was the love that dared not speak its name in Victorian England`homosexuality what was the lovin' spoonful's biggest hit in 1965?`do you believe in magic What was the magical land created in a series of book by CS Lewis`Narnia what was the magic word in mary poppins`supercalifragilisticexpialidocious What was the maiden name of astronaut Buzz Aldrins Mother`Marion Moon What was the maiden name of Lady Haden-Guest`jamie lee curtis What was the maiden name of Peg Bundy (Katey Sagal) in the T.V. Sitcom Married with Children`Wanker What was the maiden name of Shakespeare's mother`mary arden What was the maiden name of the late, Diana, Princess of Wales`spencer What was the maid's name in fawlty towers`polly What was the maid's name in the tv series 'the brady bunch'`alice What was the major royal ceremony that Queen Victoria attended in 1838`her coronation What was the Manhattan Project set up to develop in the 1950's`atomic bombs what was the manic street preachers' first post-richey single`design for life What was the martial song of the confederacy in US Civil war`land of dixie what was the master's nickname for caine in "kung fu"?`grasshopper What was the maximum weight permitted for the first flight attendants in 1930`115 pounds What was theme song of the 1960 Rome olympics`arrivederci roma What was the middle name of Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery`law What was the middle name of illustrator Norman Rockwell`Percevel What was the middle name of Our Town playwright Thornton Wilder`Niven What was the middle name of US General William T. Sherman`tecumseh what was the model number of the only american plane downed in the kosovo bombings`f-117a what was the model number of the only american plane downed in the kosovo bombings`f`moresby What was the mode of transportation for the butcher, baker & candlestick maker`tub What was the mode of transportation for wynken, blynken & nod`wooden shoe What was the most common automobile colour in the depression`black What was the most expensive movie ever made by a black director`malcolm x What was the most famous ship ever built in Canada and launched 1921`bluenose What was the most important weapon used by the English & Welsh at Agincourt in 1415`the longbow What was the most popular female doll of the 1960's`barbie What was the most popular semi automatic hand gun in Nazi Germany`the luger`luger What was the most prescribed drug in the U K in 1985`valium What was the most recent year that could be written both upside down & rightside up & appear the same`1961 What was the most significant battle fought on Belgian soil in 1815`the battle of waterloo`battle of waterloo What was the most significant world event of august 6 1945`atomic bomb at hiroshima what was the most successful single of the 80's`two tribes/frankie goes to hollywood what was the movie did kate winslet next appear in after titanic`hideous kinky What was the movie that starred the little furry creatures from "Return of the Jedi"?`Escape from Endor What was the name (4 letters) of the New York night club that helped launch the career of several early new wave groups?`CBGB's what was the name and number of the pow camp in which hogan's heroes were held`stalag 13 what was the name and number of the pow camp in which hogan's heroes were held`stalag`children What was the name for british military aviation during world war i`royal What was the name for British military aviation during World War I`royal flying corps what was the name for the anicent territory now known as spain and portugal that shares its name with an ocean-liner sunk by a german u-boat in 1917`lusitania what was the name for the japanese protectorate proclaimed in manchuria in 1933`manchukuo What was the name given to an open-air venue for chariot racing in ancient Rome`hippodrome What was the name given to German V-1 rockets, during WWII`doodlebugs What was the name given to the 3rd Indian Division that operated under the command of Brigadier Wingate during World War II`chindits What was the name given to the a bomb dropped on Nagasaki`fat man What was the name given to the anti-communist hysteria in America from 1947 - 1954`McCarthyism What was the name given to the beautiful girls in The Jackie Gleason Show`glea girls What was th ename given to the first Spanish invaders of Central and South america`conquistadors What was the name given to the record breaking flood of the North Sea into the eastern countries in 1953`the great tide What was the name given to the short bobbed hairstyle`eton crop What was the name given to the short bobbed hairstyle, popular amongst upper class women of the 1920s`eton crop what was the name of ac/dc's lead singer who died from alchol poisioning in 1980`bon scott what was the name of actor humphrey bogart's favorite yacht?`santana What was the name of Admiral Richard E Byrds fox terrier`Igloo What was the name of Adolf Hitler's mistress`eva braun What was the name of a federal soldier in the US Civil War`yankee what was the name of alexander the great's black stallion`bucephalus What was the name of Alexander the Greats favourite horse`Bucehalus What was the name of Alexander the Great's favourite horse`bucephalus What was th ename of Alison Moyet and VinceClarkes group`yazoo what was the name of alley oop's girlfriend`wootie what was the name of archie bunker's grandson`joey stivic What was the name of Aristotle Onassis's yacht`Christina What was the name of Aristotle's school`Lyceum What was the name of Armstrong and Aldrin's lunar module`eagle What was the name of Arnold's fish on Different Strokes?`Abraham What was the name of arnold's fish on diff'rent strokes`abraham What was the name of Ashley Wilkes' plantation in 'Gone With the Wind'`Twelve Oaks what was the name of austin power's car`shaguar what was the name of australias most famous cricketer, born in 1908`donald bradman what was the name of big john's son in the high chaparral`billy blue`blue boy what was the name of big john's son in the high chaparral`billy blue`blue`pryor What was the name of Bill Sykes' dog in Oliver Twist`bullseye What was the name of Billy Bunters school`greyfriars What was the name of blue peter's first dog`petra what was the name of bobby benson's palamino horse?`amigo What was the name of Bob Crosby's band in the 1940's`the bobcat5 What was the name of bob's wife in the likely lads`thelma What was the name of Brotherhood Of Man's shepherd boy`angelo What was the name of buffy's doll in the 1970's show 'family affair'`mrs what was the name of buffy's doll in the 1970's show 'family affair'`mrs beasley What was the name of Bullwinkle's squirrel friend`rocky what was the name of caligula's horse, who became a roman tribune`incitatus What was the name of Captain Ahab's ship in "Moby Dick"`the pequod What was the name of Captain Blighs famous ship`the bounty What was the name of Captain Cook's ship, which was the first to cross the Antarctic Circle in January 1774`resolution What was the name of Captain Geoffrey Thorpe's pirate ship in "The Sea Hawk`albatross What was the name of Captain Hook's pirate ship`the jolly roger What was the name of Captain Kid's ship`adventure galley what was the name of captain kid's ship`adventure`mccormack What was the name of Charles Darwin's survey ship`beagle What was the name of Charlie Chaplins film satire of Nazi Germany`the great dictator What was the name of Cliff Richards backing group`the shadows What was the name of Columbus's flagship in 1492`Santa Maria what was the name of darren's boss`larry tait What was the name of David Hasselhoff's talking car in Knight Ridder?`Kitt What was the name of Diana's young daughter in I'm a Big Girl Now`becky What was the name of Dion's Group`belmonts what was the name of doctor who's dog`k9 What was the name of Don Quixotes horse`rosinante What was the name of Dorothy's dog in 'The Wizard of Oz'`toto What was the name of douglas fairbanks and mary pickford's hollywood mansion`pickfair What was the name of Dr Doolittle's pet duck`dab-dab What was the name of Dr Frankenstein's crippled assistant`fritz what was the name of dr jekyll's butler`poole What was the name of Earths single continent before it spit up into the continents as they are today`pangea What was the name of Eddie Murphy's character in Beverly Hills Cop?`Axel Foley What was the name of Elizabeth's family in Pride and Predjudice`bennet what was the name of eliza's father in my fair lady (first and last name)`alfred doolittle What was the name of Elvis Presleys original backup group`The Blue Moon Boys What was the name of Ernest Shackleton's ship which was trapped and crushed by polar ice in 1915`endurance What was the name of Ernest Shakletons ship that was crushed by ice in 1915`endurance What was the name of FDR's faithful Scottish Terrier`fala What was the name of Flash Gordon's girlfriend`dale arden what was the name of flo's best friend in the sitcom flo`miriam what was the name of frankie goes to hollywoods follow-up single to relax`two tribes what was the name of Fred and Wilma's daughter in the Flinstones`Pebbles What was the name of Fred Astaires dancing sister`Adele What was the name of French mime Marcel Marceaus alter-ego`Bip What was the name of Garfield's teddy bear?`Pookie What was the name of Garfield's vet?`Liz what was the name of gene autry's horse`champion what was the name of genghis khan`temuchin what was the name of george of the jungle's ape friend?`ape What was the name of Gepetto's cat in Pinocchio`figaro What was the name of geppetto's son`pinocchio what was the name of Germany's largest world war II battleship`The Bismarck What was the name of Hannibal's father`hamilcar barca What was the name of Han Solo's spaceship in 'Star Wars'`Millenium Falcon What was the name of He-man's legless,wizard friend?`Orco what was the name of henry hudson's ship?`half moon what was the name of hitlers dog`blondie What was the name of Hitlers mountain retreat`berchtesgaden what was the name of hopalong cassidy's horse`topper What was the name of Hopalong Cassidy's ranch`bar-20 ranch what was the name of horatio nelson's mistress?`emma hamilton What was the name of Humble Pie's first LP`town & country What was the name of Humble Pie's first LP`town & country`town and country What was the name of Ian Fleming's Caribbean retreat`goldeneye What was the name of Indira Gandhis father`pandit jawaharlal nehru What was the name of inspector clouseau's man servant`cato what was the name of jacques cousteau's research ship?`calypso What was the name of Jason's legendary ship`argo What was the name of Jason's ship`argo What was the name of Jed's tomboy daughter played by Donna Douglas, in the TV comedy series, 'The Beverly Hillbillies'`elly may What was the name of Jill Chances Crossroads brother`sandy richardson What was the name of Jim Henson's muppet hound on The Jimmy Dean Show`rowlf What was the name of Joan Fontaine's actress sister with whom she had a notoriously bad relationship`olivia de havilland What was the name of Jodie Foster's 1991 film that she directed`little man tate What was the name of john lennon and cynthia lennon's son`sean What was the name of Johnny O'Keefe's band`the dee jays What was the name of Joshua's tongueless brother`Isaac What was the name of Karen Carpenters brother`richard what was the name of kellogg's cartoon toaster`milton What was the name of king arthur's castle`camelot What was the name of King Arthur's sword?`excalibur WhatwasthenameofKingArthur'ssword`excalibur What was the name of King Edward the First's queen`eleanor of castile What was the name of King Henry the Second's queen`eleanor of aquitaine What was the name of Lady Chatterley's lover`mellors What was the name of L'il Abner's pig`salomey What was the name of long john silver's parrot`captain flint What was the name of Long John Silver's parrot in 'Treasure Island'`captain flint what was the name of luke mccoy's wife in the real mccoys`kate What was the name of Luke's strange little advisor in 'The Empire Strikes Back'`Yoda what was the name of macbeth's castle`inverness What was the name of Magnum PI's suave superspy alterego?`Sebastian Sabre What was the name of Manticore's new leader after Logan?`Elizabeth Renfroe What was the name of Mary Pickford's and Douglas Fairbanks mansion`pickfair What was the name of Matt Dillon's band in Singles?`Citizen Dick what was the name of maude's first maid in the sitcom maude?`florida What was the name of Max's clone (X5-453)`Sam What was the name of Michael Jackson's 1995 album`history What was the name of Mighty Mouse's comic book girlfriend`mitzi What was the name of Milla Jovovich's character in the Fifth Element?`Lelu What was the name of Minnie Caldwell's cat in Coronation Street`bobby What was the name of Moses' brother`aaron What was the name of Moses' wife`zipporah What was the name of Mother Goose's son`Jack What was the name of Mr Magoo's dog`bowser what was the name of mr spock's human mother played by jane wyatt?`amanda What was the name of Murphy Brown's news program?`FYI What was the name of Nelson's flagship`victory What was the name of Nero's murdered mother`agrippina What was the name of Norman Beaton's barber's shop which was also the title of the TV series`desmond's What was the name of Norm's wife on Cheers?`Vera What was the name of Odin's horse`sleipnir What was the name of Old Testament Moses' sister`miriam What was the name of Ophelia's brother`laertes what was the name of oz's "good witch of the north"?`glinda What was the name of Pat Brady's jeep on the series "Roy Rogers"`nellybelle What was the name of Plato's school`Academy What was the name of President Eisenhower's wife`mamie What was the name of prince Hamlet's father in the play Hamlet`Hamlet What was the name of Princess Annes horse of which she had a bad fall and knocked her unconscious at the 1976 British Olympic Three-Day event`Goddwill What was the name of p t barnum's giant elephant`jumbo What was the name of Punky Brewster's dog?`Brandon What was the name of Queen Elizabeth IIs childhood pet corgi`Dookie What was the name of richard dawson's character on 'hogan's heroes'`peter what was the name of richard dawson's character on 'hogan's heroes'`peter newkirk What was the name of Robert Fulton's steamship built in 1807`clermont What was the name of Rochesters house in Jane Eyre`thornfield hall What was the name of Roger Rabbit's wife`jessica what was the name of romeo's personal servant`balthasar what was the name of rosco p. coltrain's dog in the series dukes of hazzards`flash What was the name of Ross' pet monkey on 'Friends'`Marcell what was the name of roy roger's dog?`bullet What was the name of Samantha's mother in the TV comedy series 'Bewitched'`endora what was the name of samsons father`manoah What was the name of sapper's bulldog`drummond What was the name of Sherlock Holmes' brother`mycroft What was the name of Sherlock Holmes landlady`mrs hudson What was the name of sherlock holmes's smarter brother`mycroft What was the name of Simon Peter's brother chosen by Jesus as a disciple`andrew what was the name of sir isaac newton's dog?`diamond What was the name of Sir Isaac Newtons pet Pomeranian dog`Diamond what was the name of sky king's 1953 twin cessna airplane?`songbird what was the name of sky king's airplane`song bird`songbird What was the name of Speed Racer's car`The Mach Five what was the name of stalin's daughter who defected to the u.s in 1967`svetlana What was the name of Steptoe and Son's horse`Hercules What was the name of steptoes horse`hercules What was the name of St Petersburg between the Russian Revolution and the collapse of Communism`leningrad What was the name of Superman's "Supermonkey"`beppo what was the name of tarzan's son in the books by edgar rice burroughs`korak What was the name of the 1950s bird mascot of 7-up`Fresh-up Freddie What was the name of the 1955 mutual defence treaty signed by the communist countries`the warsaw pact What was the name of the 1979 theme album by Barbra Streisand whose song titles all contained a reference to water`Wet What was the name of the actress who played "Melonie" on the show "Webster and Melonie"?`Heather O' Rourke What was the name of the act which introduced Prohibition to the USA in 1919`volstead act What was the name of the Addams family's giant man-eating plant?`Cleopatra What was the name of the african lioness in born free`elsa What was the name of the aircraft produced in 1939 at Fisherman's Bend in Victoria`Wirraway What was the name of the airplane Buddy Holly died in`American Pie What was the name of the Akla-Seltzer boy`Speedy What was the name of the Albanian-born Roman Catholic nun, founder of the Missionaries of Charity`Mother Teresa What was the name of the alligator on Miami Vice`elvis what was the name of the american lunar module`eagle What was the name of the ancient trade route between China and the Mediterranean area`the silk road What was the name of the animated film released in December 1998 telling the story of Moses`prince of egypt What was the name of the ant people created by zeus`myrmidons What was the name of the army camp in Kansas in the TV series starring Sergeant Bilko`fort baxter What was the name of the attempted invasion of Cuba in 1961`the bay of pigs What was the name of the aunt in the western How the West Was Won`molly what was the name of the b-29 that dropped the bomb on hiroshima`the enola gay What was the name of the B-29 used at Hiroshima to drop the bomb`Enola Gay What was the name of the banqueting hall gutted by a fire at Windsor Castle in 1992`st george's hall What was the name of the bar on Dukes of Hazzard?`Boars Nest What was the name of the bar/restaurant on THREE'S COMPANY?`Regal Beagle what was the name of the bartender in the tv series 'cheers'`sam`kings What was the name of the bartender in the tv series 'cheers'`sam malone What was the name of the bartender on The Love Boat?`Isaac Washington What was the name of the bartender on "The Love Boat"?`Issac What was the name of the bar that the characters from "Three's Company" frequented?`Regal Beagle What was the name of the bear in The Life & Times of Grizzly Adams`ben What was the name of the beatles' corporation after it was known as 'the beatles and company'`apple What was the name of the beatles' corporation before it was renamed 'apple'`beatles and company what was the name of the beatles longest lasting single`hey jude What was the name of the Beatles own film label which released Magical Mystery Tour`apple films What was the name of the bed-hopping hairdresser played by Warren Beatty in the film 'Shampoo'?`George What was the name of the Bjork-fronted 80's band?`The Sugarcubes What was the name of the boat in which Gulliver was shipwrecked`the antelope what was the name of the book and film about a boy who kept and trained rats`willard what was the name of the boy who befriended 'E.T' in the film of the same name`Elliot What was the name of the British observer on the first atom bomb flight`leonard cheshire What was the name of the british policewoman killed in the 1984 libyan embassy protest`yvonne fletcher What was the name of the British Yachtsman rescued by the Australian Navy in 1997`tony bullimore What was the name of the brother of Anne, Charlotte and Emily Bronte`branwell what was the name of the bullfrog in joy to the world`jeremiah What was the name of the bus company that Ralph Kramdem worked for in the T.V. sitcom, The Honeymooners`The Gotham Bus Company What was the name of the capsule in which John Glenn orbited earth`friendship What was the name of the car in which Donald Campbell broke the land speed record`bluebird What was the name of the cartoon bird mascot of the U.S. Forest Service whos slogans included Give a hoot, dont pollute and lend a hand, care for the land`Woodsy Owl what was the name of the cartwrights ranch on bonanza`ponderosa What was the name of the castle that gave He-Man his powers?`Greyskull. what was the name of the central character in the tv series "roots"`kunta kinte What was the name of the character on the 1st Garbage Pail Kids Pack?`Blasted Billy or Adam Bomb What was the name of the character, played by Bruce Willis, in the Die Hard films`john mclaine What was the name of the character, played by Bruce Willis, in the Die Hard films`john mclane what was the name of the character played by daniel day lewis in the film my left foot`christy brown What was the name of the character played by David Jason in the T. V comedy series 'Open all hours'`granville What was the name of the character played by Joseph Cotton in the film The Third Man`holly martins What was the name of the character played by Marilyn Monroe in the film Some Like It Hot`sugar kane What was the name of the character played by Marlene Dietrich in 'The Blue Angel'`lola lola What was the name of the character played by Martine McCutcheon in TV's 'East Enders'`tiffany mitchell what was the name of the character played by Tony Robinson in the Blackadder comedy series`Baldrick What was the name of the charter granted by King John`magna carta What was the name of the childhood pet horse owned by President Franklin D. Roosevelt`Debby what was the name of the circus freak elephant man`john merrick What was the name of the city in the Bible which was built by Cain and named after his son`enoch what was the name of the comic book character who couldn't talk, but replied to all by making sounds`gerald mcboing boing What was the name of the comic strip that "Henry Rush" (Too Close for Comfort)wrote?`Cosmic Cow What was the name of the command module of Apollo 11, the first to orbit the moon`(X-Jester's interjection: Apollo 8's command module (CSM-103) was the columbia What was the name of the company founded by Prince Rupert in 1670 to trade furs with the North American Indians`hudson bay company What was the name of the company that the characters on Taxi worked for?`Sunshine Cab Company What was the name of the computer game Ken Thompson wanted to develop but had to write a faster operating system called Unix before he could make it`space wars what was the name of the cook on rawhide?`wishbone What was the name of the craftsmen who built Pinocchio `gepetto What was the name of the craftsmen who built Pinocchios`Gepetto What was the name of the cross-eyed lion in Daktari`clarence What was the name of the deadly virus that agent Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) must destroy or recover in the film Mission Impossible 2? `Chimera What was the name of the detective agency in Moonlighting?`Blue Moon Detective Agency What was the name of the dog in Fraggle Rock?`Sprocket What was the name of the dog in RCA Victor's trademark`Nippe What was the name of the dog in RCA Victor's trademark`Nipper What was the name of the dog owned by nick and nora charles in the thin man`asta What was the name of the dog owned by Nick & Nora Charles in The Thin Man`asta what was the name of the dolphin who, for more than two decades, guided steamships through perilous waters into safe harbour off new zealand`pelorus jack What was the name of the drug used as an anti-cancer agent and extracted from the blue periwinkle`vincristine What was the name of the Duke of Wellington, who defeated Napoleon at the battle of Waterloo?`Arthur Wellesley What was the name of the dynasty of the french kings that ended under the French Revolution`plantagenet What was the name of the eagle that escaped from Regent's Park Zoo in 1965`goldie What was the name of the eagle that famously escaped from London Zoo in 1965`Goldie what was the name of the evil dummy that appeared in the 1978 movie magic?`fats what was the name of the evil organization on tv's get smart?`kaos What was the name of the exclusive dress store that the clampetts bought`the what was the name of the exclusive dress store that the clampetts bought?`the house of renee What was the name of the failed Pop Star who made the semi-finals of Pop Idol`darius What was the name of the 'fake' evolutionary missing link found in Sussex, England`Piltdown Man What was the name of the family featured in `Father Knows Best'?`andrews Whatwasthenameofthefamilyfeaturedin`FatherKnowsBest'`andrews What was the name of the fashionable coats worn by Mods on their scooters in the 1960's`parka What was the name of the film John Candy was in the process of making when he suddenly passed away`Wagons East What was the name of the film star Gene Autry's horse`champion What was the name of the film, starlette Natalie Wood was working on at the time of her untimely death in 1981`Brainstorm what was the name of the final adversary in the video game super mario bros. 2`wart What was th ename of the first artificail plastic`bakelite What was the name of the first artificial satellite`sputnick 1 What was the name of the first atomic aircraft carrier`uss enterprise What was the name of the first cartoon Scratchy was in`"That Happy Cat" What was the name of the first chimpanzee to travel in space`Ham What was the name of the first Dark Angel episode`Pilot What was the name of the first drive-in restaurant to open in the U.S.A. in Dallas, Texas`The Pig Stand What was the name of the first film where george burns played god`oh, god What was the name of the first lighter than air airship to fly around the world`graf zeppelin What was the name of the first man made object to orbit the Earth`sputnik i What was the name of the first motel which opened in California in 1925`Milestone Mo-Tel What was the name of the first nuclear powered merchant ship`Savannah What was the name of the first plane ever to fly`Flyer What was the name of the first "portable" computer?`Osbourne What was the name of the first scheduled 747 Jumbo passenger flight, Jan 22 1970`clipper young america What was the name of the first sequel to King Kong`son of kong what was the name of the first shuttle aircraft?`enterprise what was the name of the first solo album by james iha`let it come down What was the name of the first space shuttle ever built`enterprise What was the name of the first steam-powered warship`Demologos What was the name of the first synthetic plastic made in 1908`bakelite What was the name of the first 'talking movie'`the jazz singer What was the name of the first US atomic submarine`nautilus What was the name of the first US communications satellite to amplify radio & tv signals`telstar What was the name of the fisherman in Hemingway's 'The Old Man & The Sea'`santiago What was the name of the Flintstone's pet dinosaur`dino what was the name of the flying nun?`sister bertrille what was the name of the forbidden planet in the forbidden planet`altair iv What was the name of the French Line that faced Germanys Siegfried Line`the maginot line What was the name of the funky van Scooby Doo and friends rode in?`The Mystery Machine What was the name of the gang that were responsible for the St. Valentines Day Massacre`Bugsy Moran Gang what was the name of the german military intelligence and counter-intelligence organization in the second world war`abwehr What was the name of the German Republic of 1918-1933 overthrown by Hitler`weimar republic What was the name of the German Republic of 1918-1933 overthrown by Hitler`weimar republicWhat liquid is metered in most households`water What was the name of the ghostly st bernard in topper`neil What was the name of the giant original land mass from which all the continents split`pangaea What was the name of the giant panda in the Moscow Zoo in 1977`an-an What was the name of the giant panda in the Moscow Zoo in 1977`an`haven What was the name of the girlfriend of Bazooka Joe in the comics included with Bazooka Bubble Gum`Zena What was the name of the girl who went to see The Wizard of Oz`dorothy gale What was the name of the goldfish listed in the Guinness Book of Records who was the worlds oldest goldfish`Tish What was the name of the good witch in The Wizard of Oz`glinda What was the name of the government newspaper in ancient Rome`Acat Diurna Daily Happenings What was the name of the group that nazi supporters formed in America`bund what was the name of the guardian angel in the film its a wonderful life`clarence what was the name of the guardian angel in the film its a wonderful ____ _____`Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith What was the name of the guy who couldn't enunciate on "The Fat Albert Show?"`Mushmouth What was the name of the helicopter on Riptide?`The Mimi What was the name of the helicopter service that was the cover for Airwolf?`Santini Air What was the name of the heroic boy in "The Never Ending Story?`Atreyu What was the name of the highly trained killers of feudal Japan`ninjas What was the name of the hill near Jerusalem where where Jesus was crucified`calvary What was the name of the hit by The Archies`sugar sugar What was the name of the hollow hole-covered plastic ball kids used to hit instead of a baseball?`Wiffle ball What was the name of the home of the Care Bear Cousins?`Forest of Feelings What was the name of the home that Sofia Patrillo lived in before moving in with her daughter on the Golden Girls.`Shady Pines What was the name of the horse ridden by Napoleon Bonapart at Waterloo`marengo what was the name of the horse ridden by spanish leader "el cid"?`babieca what was the name of the horse who reputedly could do arithmetic`clever hans What was the name of the host of Double Dare?`Mark Summers what was the name of the hotel which the unlikely duo checked into in the academy-acclaimed flim scent of a woman`waldorf astoria What was the name of the hound-dog puppet in the 1950s-60s tv commercials for Nestles chocolate`Farfel What was the name of the housekeeper in doctor finlays casebook`janet What was the name of the Hunchback of Notre dame`quasimodo what was the name of the husband of the pretty witch in bewitched`darrin What was the name of the I.B.M. computer which played Chess against Gary Kasparov`deep blue What was the name of the inventor of root beer`Charles Hires What was the name of the inventor of the "zip" file format`phil katz what was the name of the island from which wonder woman was discovered`paradise`frank what was the name of the island from which wonder woman was discovered`paradise island what was the name of the japanese emperor in power until the end of the second world war`hirohito What was the name of the killer plant that ate humans in the movie, The Little Shop of Horrors`Audrey II What was the name of the King of Siam? (the King of whos life is portrayed in The King and I)`Mongkut What was the name of the land of the title character in in the Peter, Paul and Mary song, Puff the Magic Dragon`Honalee What was the name of the largest British battleship in WW II`hms vanguard What was the name of the largest German WWII battleship`bismarck What was the name of the largest pearl ever found, with a circum. of four and a half inches`the hope pearl What was the name of the last film where george burns played god`oh god, you what was the name of the last film where george burns played god`oh god, you devil What was the name of the last King of Egypt`farouk What was the name of the last Shah of Iran's secret police force`savak What was the name of the lion in the 'Narnia' books`aslan What was the name of the little girl who owned Bagpuss in the children's TV series`emily what was the name of the local bank in carter country?`burnside savings & loan What was the name of the local wateringhole (bar) in the TV Sitcom, Mad About You`Riffs Bar What was the name of the London society founded by Whig politicians at the time of James II`kit kat club What was the name of the lunar lander used on apollo 11`eagle What was the name of the magazine on Suddenly Susan?`The Gate What was the name of the main FBI agent in The Untouchables`eliot ness What was the name of the male stunt dog who was the first collie to portray Lassie on screen, in the film Lassie, Come Home`Pal What was the name of the manservant to the fictional detective Lord Peter Wimsey`bunter what was the name of the man's garage in the sitcome chico & the man?`ed's garage What was the name of the mayor's son in the series Lobo`birdie What was the name of the medical journal established by Dr Thomas Wakely`the lancet What was the name of the memory game of the 80s which was a random-sequincing unit that your were made to recall an ever growing series of colours and notes`Simon What was the name of the metal helmet which was put over a nagging woman's head when she was strapped to a ducking stool?`A scold's bridle What was the name of the most hunted group of German terrorists during the 1970's`baader-meinhof What was the name of the motel in the film 'Psycho'`Bates Motel What was the name of the movement founded by the Pole Lech Walesa`solidarity What was the name of the multi-colored cube you had to re-organize?`Rubik Cube What was the name of the Navajo Indian sidekick of Red Ryder`little beaver what was the name of the nazi party deputy who was held in captivity for 46 years until his alleged suicide in 1987`rudolf hess What was the name of the neighbors that lived next door to ALF??`Raquel and Trevor Achmanic What was the name of the newspaper published by Charles Foster Kane`enquirer What was the name of the "New York Jets" before 1966`new york titans What was the name of the nightclub owner in 'Casablanca'`rick stein What was the name of the nine year old girl who wrote "The Young Visitors"`daisy ashford What was the name of the North Sea oil rig that overturned in 1980`alexander keilland what was the name of the nose-twitching witch in the sitcom bewitched`samantha`samantha stevens What was the name of the novel by Elmore Leonard on which the film, "Jackie Brown" was based`rum punch What was the name of the nuclear missle defense system Reagan proposed?`Star Wars What was the name of the number one single by Tamperer featuring Maya`feel it What was the name of the older brother on Happy Days?`Chuck Cunningham what was the name of the old fireman on 'leave it to beaver'`gus What was the name of the once Morrissey-fronted band in the 80's?`The Smiths What was the name of the operatic diva who gave her name to a peach dessert`dame nellie melba What was the name of the organization that was training the X5s?`Manticore What was the name of the original MGM lion mascot`Volney What was the name of the owner of the talking horse, Mr. Ed on TV`wilbur post What was the name of the party dog that that was Budwiser's mascot in the late eighties?`Spuds McKenzie What was the name of the pet german shepherd owned by Eddie Haskell in the TV sitcom, Leave it to Beaver`Wolf What was the name of the pet mongrel dog of President Lyndon Johnson found by Johnsons daughter Luci at a Texan gas station`Tuki What was the name of the pet monkey aboard the ship Venture`ignatz what was the name of the phantom in phantom of the opera?`erik what was the name of "the phantom's" horse?`hero what was the name of the piano player in the film Casablanca`Sam What was the name of the pinball machine in the film 'tommy'`wizard What was the name of the plane that Charles Kingsford Smith flew across the Pacific in 1928 (the)`southern cross what was the name of the plane that charles lindbergh used to cross the atlantic solo`spirit of`honor what was the name of the plane that charles lindbergh used to cross the atlantic solo`spirit of st louis What was the name of the plane to drop the SECOND atomic bomb on Japan in WW II`bock's car What was the name of the police character played by Roy Scheider in the film Jaws`martin brody what was the name of the police officer in the cartoon series Top Cat`dibble What was the name of the previous 1 coin`the sovereign What was the name of the Prime Minister in Yes Prime Minister`jim hacker What was the name of the principal on Saved By the Bell?`Mr. Richard Belding what was the name of the professor in doctor in the house?`loftus What was the name of the Protestant revolt against the supremacy of the Pope`reformation What was the name of the ranch in the tv series 'bonanza'`ponderosa What was the name of the ranch on The Roy Rogers Show`double r bar ranch What was the name of the restaurant above Cheers`melville's What was the name of the rich boy that Andie was asked to go to the senior prom with in the movie "Pretty in Pink"?`Blaine What was the name of the robot girl on "Small Wonder"?`Vicki What was the name of the robot on Buck Rogers?`Twiggy What was the name of the Royal Navy's first nuclear submarine`h m s dreadnought what was the name of the ruling dynasty of scottland from 1371 to 1714`stuart What was the name of the ruling house of France at the time of the French Revolution`bourbon What was the name of the Russian submarine that perished with all her crew on board last year`kursk What was the name of the sad faced clown portrayed by Emmett Kelly`Weary What was the name of the sad faced clown portrayed by Emmett Kelly?`Weary Willie What was the name of the scandal that resulted in the resignation of President Nixon`watergate What was the name of the school mistress in The facts of Life?`Mrs. Edna Garrett What was the name of the scientific paper published by Charles Darwin in 1859`the origin of species What was the name of the seasick sea serpent`cecil What was the name of the SECOND moon landing mission`apollo 12 What was the name of the second Pope`st linus What was the name of the second Pope`st linus`saint linus What was the name of The Secret Empire`chimera what was the name of the sect that invaded the 1972 olympics, killing eleven israeli athletes`black september What was the name of the sharp witted butler in soap`benson What was the name of the ship commanded by Captain James Cook on his first circumnavigation of the globe from 1768 to 1771`Endeavour what was the name of the ship that came to the rescue of 700 of the titanic's survivors`the carpathia What was the name of the ship that took King Edward III (known as the Duke of Windsor) to France after his abdication`HMS Fury What was the name of the ship, the survivors of which were rescued by Grace Darling, her father and others`forfarshire What was the name of the short lived spin-off of Three's Company?`The Ropers What was the name of the short man on fantasy island that always rang the bell in the begging`tattoo What was the name of the short stabbing sword used by Roman soldiers`gladius What was the name of the show that featured Larry Appleton and his zany foreign cousin?`Perfect Strangers What was the name of the show that featured Sniglets?`Not Necessarily The News What was the name of the silent clown on the Howdy Doody Show`clarabelle What was the name of the site where the Boston Tea party occurred in December of 1773`Griffins Wharf what was the name of the six million dollar man`steve austin What was the name of the smooth-talking alter ego of Latka Gravas (Andy Kaufman) who speaks perfect, unaccented English in the TV sitcom Taxi`Vic Ferrari What was the name of the South African Prime Minister murdered in 1966`hendrik verwoerd What was the name of the Soviet Security Service immediately after the October Revolution`cheka what was the name of the spaceship in 2001: a space odyssey?`discovery What was the name of the space shuttle that exploded?`Challenger What was the name of the space shuttle that exploded in mid air shortly after takeoff`challenger what was the name of the space station restaurant in 2001:a space odyssey`howard johnson's What was the name of the spanish waiter in the sitcom "Faulty Towers"`manuel What was the name of the submarine that sank in the Barents Sea in August this year`kursk What was the name of the submarine which sank the General Belgrano during the Falklands conflict`hms conqueror What was the name of the supercomputer in the TV Series Quantum Leap`Ziggy What was the name of the Swedish Prime Minister, assassinated in Stockholm in 1986 as he was walking home from the cinema with his wife`olaf palme What was the name of the Swedish Prime Minister who was assassinated in 1986`olof palme what was the name of the sword that young arthur pulled from a stone`excalibur What was the name of the synagogue ruler whose daughter Jesus raised`jairus what was the name of the tavern where all the folks of hazzard county used to hang out`boar's nest what was the name of the teenage witch on the archie show`sabrina What was the name of the Texas grocery store robbed by Clyde Barrow to impress Bonnie Parker in the film, Bonnie & Clyde`Ritts Groceries What was the name of the tiny crackers that were shaped like the suits of playing cards`Sociables What was the name of the Titanic's sister ship?`Olympic what was the name of the town the beverly hillbillies came from`bugtustle What was the name of the toy spaceman in Toy Story`buzz lightyear What was the name of the train on the tv series petticoat junction`cannonball What was the name of the t.v. show with the theme song that began: "Believe it or not,I'm walking on air..."?`Greatest American Hero What was the name of the two space shuttles in 'armegeddon'`freedom and what was the name of the two space shuttles in 'armegeddon'`freedom and independence what was the name of the two space shuttles in 'armegeddon'`freedom & independence what was the name of the two space shuttles in 'armegeddon'`freedom`mcgillicuddy What was the name of the union jack that was used to capture Blackbeard off Ocracoke Island in 1718`ranger What was the name of the U.S. Navy's first nuclear powered aircraft carrier`u s s enterprise What was the name of the villain in Shakespeare's Othello`iago What was the name of the volkswagen in walt disney's the love bug`herbie What was the name of the warner bros. animated cartoon in which bugs bunny made his 27th july 1940 debut`a wild hare What was the name of the Webwoman's sidekick`spinner What was the name of the white gang in "West Side Story"`jets What was the name of the woman who helped run the school for the blind on "Little House on the Prarie?" (Besides Mary Ingalls)`Hester Sue What was the name of the worldwide computer virus released in May 2000`love bug what was the name of the wright brothers plane`flyer What was the name of the young orphaned clerk in The Iron Horse`barnabas what was the name of this song released by 'the romantics' in february 1980`what i like about you What was the name of Thor Heyerdahl's bamboo and balsa wood boat`kon-tiki what was the name of tim holt's horse?`duke What was the name of Tina Turners ex husband`ike What was the name of Tonto's horse`scout What was the name of tv's channel islands detective`bergerac what was the name of ulysses s grant's saddle horse?`egypt What was the name of Vanessa's last boyfriend on The Cosby Show?`Dabnes What was the name of ventriloquist Paul Winchell's most popular dummy`jerry mahoney What was the name of Wagner's last Opera, first performed in 1882`parsifal What was the name of Wilbur Posts talking horse`mr ed what was the name of willard's pet rat in the movie willard?`ben What was the name of Woodrow Wilsons pet ram`Old Ike What was the name of Yuri Gagarin's spacecraft`vostok i What was the name of Zorro's chief foe in Zorro`monastario What was the name pf the British Policewoman killed in the 1984 Libyan embassy protest`yvonne fletcher What was the national emblem of France prior to the tricolour flag`fleur-de-lis What was the nationality of Franz Liszt`hungarian What was the nationality of hans christian andersen`danish What was the nationality of Marco Polo`Italian What was the nationality of Paul Cezanne`french What was the nationality of Sir Winston Churchill's mother`american What was the nationality of the abstract artist, Mondrian`dutch What was the nationality of the composer Arnold Schoenberg`austrian What was the nationality of the composer Cesar Franck`belgian What was the nationality of the first woman in space`russian What was the nationality of the prisoners in the 'Black hole of Calcutta'`British What was the nationality of the very first man to stand on the sumit of Mount Everest`new zealander What was the nationallity of Rasputin`Russian What was the native language of Bach, Goethe & Freud`german what was the native language of jesus christ`aramaic What was the natural disaster that killed 4 people and damaged 1200 buildings in the Colchester area in 1884`earthquake What was the New Kids On The Block number one from January 1990`hangin tough What was the nickname for Henry Coopers left hook`Henrys hammer What was the nickname for the model T Ford`tin lizzie What was the nickname given to marshall rommel of the german panzers`desert What was the nickname given to marshall rommel of the german panzers`desert fox what was the nickname given to the minnesota vikings' defensive unit`purple what was the nickname given to the minnesota vikings' defensive unit`purple people eaters what was the nickname given to the minnesota vikings' defensive unit`purple people`zanzibar What was the nickname of bank robber Charles Floyd, killed in a shoot-out in 1934`pretty boy What was the nickname of blues pianist Ferdinand Morton`jelly roll What was the nickname of Charles Heidsick, the 19th Century French wine producer`champagne charlie What was the nickname of Dr McCoy in Star Trek`bones What was the nickname of English statesman Oliver Cromwell`Old Noll What was the nickname of film comedian Joseph Francis Keaton`Buster What was the nickname of former Oasis guitarist Paul Arthurs`bonehead What was the nickname of George,Prince of Wales,son of GeorgeIII`prinny what was the nickname of mr jackson of the 1919 chicago "black" sox`shoeless joe`shoeless joe darwin what was the nickname of mr jackson of the 1919 chicago "black" sox`shoeless joe`shoeless joe jackson what was the nickname of new york financier james buchanan brady`diamond`alphabet What was the nickname of New York financier James Buchanan Brady`diamond jim What was the nickname of Peter I of Russia`the great What was the nickname of Peter Jenkins in "Grange Hill"`tucker What was the nickname of poet Robert Service`The Canadian Kipling What was the nickname of singer Mel Torme`The Velvet Frog What was the nickname of Steffi Graf`Fraulein Forehand What was the nickname of the Apollo 16 command module`casper What was the nickname of the basketball player Earvin Johnson`magic what was the nickname of the british pirate edward teach`blackbeard What was the nickname of the first typerwriter , invented by Christopher Sholesand and patented in 1866`Literary Piano What was the nick name of the German Army division that was fighting in North Africa in WWII`afrika korps What was the nickname of the German fighter pilot Baron von Richthofen`the red baron What was the nickname of the one time cartoon mascot of Esso (Standard Oil of New Jersey`Little Oil Drop What was the nickname of the pirate Edward Teach`Blackbeard what was the nickname of the world war 1 german flying ace`the red baron`red baron What was the nickname of the world war one german flying ace`the red baron`red baron What was the nickname of TLC's Lisa Lopez`left eye What was the nickname of US Civil War general Thomas Jackson`stonewall What was the nickname of Vera Lynn in WWII`forces sweetheart What was the nickname of William I of England`the conqueror What was the nilometer used for in Ancient Egypt`measure the depth of the nile What was then name of the eagle that famously escaped from London zoo in 1965`goldie What was the novel "Jaws" by Peter Benchley originally titled`the summer of the shark What was the novel written by Stella Gibbons called`cold comfort farm what was the number of the b-29 bomber enola gay`eighty three what was the number of the b-29 bomber enola gay`eighty three`mailbox What was the number of the M.A.S.H. unit in the film and television series of the same name`4077 What was the number of the squadron which flew the Dambusters mission in 1943`617 What was the obsessive philosophy of the small-endians in Gullivers Travels`boiled eggs should be opened at the small end What was the occupation of Charlie Brown's father`barber what was the occupation of jack the ripper's five victims`prostitution what was the occupation of jay gatsby`bootlegger What was the occupation of most American presidents prior to politics`lawyer What was the occupation of the legendary Doc Holliday when not involved in gunfights`dentist What was the occupation of the person that invented the fortune cookie`noodle maker What was the officail residence of the british monarch before Buckingham Palace`st james palace What was the official soft drink of the 1988 Summer Olympics`coca-cola What was the official Soviet news agency`tass What was the old name of Jakarta`batavia what was the old tarts name in "the golden girls"`blanche what was the old term for hydrogen`phlogiston what was the only #1 hit of van halen's career`jump What was the only book that Margaret Mitchell wrote`gone with the wind What was the only dummy awarded an Academy Award`charlie mccarthy what was the only dummy awarded an academy award`charlie`miller What was the only easel picture Michelangelo painted`holy family What was the only episode of Star Trek to run in two parts`menagerie What was the only film starring Mae West and WC Fields`my little chickadee What was the only film starring Mae West and WC Fields`my little`spout what was the only film starring mae west and wc fields`my`spout What was the only nation to register zero births in 1983?`Vatican City What was the only novel to be written by Emily Bronte`wuthering heights What was the only religion in Japan before 6th-century AD`shintoism What was the only state McGovern carried in the 1972 election`massachusetts What was the only team to win two world series in the 1980s`los angeles what was the only team to win two world series in the 1980s?`los angeles dodgers What was the operative name of WWI spy Geertruida Zelle`mata hari What was the orangutan's name in the movie "Every Which Way But Loose"`clyde What was the Oregon Pine renamed to honour its discoverer, a Scottish botanist`douglas fir What was the original color of post boxes`green what was the original color of the white house`grey What was the original colour of post boxes`green What was the original ESRB rating for StarCraft`Mature What was the original function of Dr George Merryweathers Tempest Prognosticator, a machine activated by the movement of leeches`forecast storms What was the original meaning of the word 'gay' in the 19th century?`A prostitute What was the original name Charles Schultz had for Peanuts`Li'l Folks What was the original name given by Lord Stanley for Hockeys Stanley Cup` The Dominion Hockey Challenge Cup What was the original name of Astroturf`Chem-grass what was the original name of brown university`rhode island college what was the original name of brown university`rhode island`corpus What was the original name of Los Angeles`el pueblo de nuestra senora la reina de los angeles del rio porciuncula What was the original name of paul mccartney's fictional church cleaner 'eleanor rigby'`miss daisy hawkins what was the original name of taiwan`formosa What was the original name of the communications satellite Intelsat`early bird What was the original name of the country music group, The Oak Ridge Boys`The Country Cut-ups What was the original name of the famous Avon Cosmetic Company`California Perfume Company What was the original name of the first Tupperware product sold by Earl Tupper in 1947`Wonder Bowl What was the original name of the Frisbee`Pluto Platter What was the original name of the group chicago`chicago transit What was the original name of the Internet`ARPANET what was the original name of the italian republic`cisalpine`aslan what was the original name of the italian republic`cisalpine republic What was the original name of the singer Tina Turner`annie mae bullock what was the original surname of the british royal family before it was changed to windsor`saxe-coburg-gotha what was the original title of the game show 'to tell the truth'`nothing but the truth What was the original title of the "let it be" documentary movie`get back what was the original title of the "let it be" documentary movie`get`hello What was the original title of the movie "A Hard Days Night"`beatlemania What was the original trade of William Morris the car manufacturer`bicycle repairman What was the original working title of the Broadway musical West Side Story` East Side Story What was the Oscar-winning theme song for "Breakfast at Tiffany's"`moon What was the Oscar-winning theme song for "Breakfast at Tiffany's"`moon`4077th What was the Oscar-winning theme song for "Breakfast at Tiffany's"`moon river what was the 'oxbow incident'`a movie about a lynching What was the painter Picassos first name`Pablo what was the penalty (in britain) in 1810 for stealing a pocket handkerchief?`hanging What was the pen name adopted by Armandine Dupin`george sand What was the pen name adopted by Mary Ann (or Marian) Evans`george eliot What was the pen-name of Eric Arthur Blair`george orwell What was the pen name of Eric Blair`george orwell What was the pen name of Samuel Clemens`mark twain What was the pen name of Samuel Clements`mark twain what was the pen name of samuel langhorne clemens`mark`garnet what was the pen name of samuel langhorne clemens`mark twain what was the period of conflict between singapore and indonesia in the mid-1960s called`konfrontasi What was the pharon`lighthouse What was the philosophy of Jean Paul Sartre called`existentialism what was the piano first referred to as?`pianoforte What was the pink panther in the film the pink panther`diamond What was "the pink panther" in "the pink panther"`diamond What was the poet Percy Shelleys middle name`bysshe What was the popular name for the paper currency issued by the Federal government during the American Civil War`greenbacks What was the popular term for the dividing line between the West and the Eastern Bloc`the iron curtain What was the pre-Christian definition of a gentile`non-jewish What was the predecessor of the United Nations`League of Nations What was the pre-war German name for the Baltic city which is now Russian and called Kaliningrad`konigsberg What was the price ascribed to the tag on the country comedienne Minnie Pearls hat`1,98 What was the primary occupation of characters in "Falcon Crest"?`vineyard owners. What was the Princess of Wales's maiden name`spencer What was the principal wood used by Thomas Chippendale during the 18th century`mahogany What was the principial unit of the Roman army (3000 to 6000 soldiers)`legion What was the print left on the car in the boat in the movie Titanic?`A handprint What was the profession of Andrea Palladio`architecture What was the profession of Dick Derrick after whom the Derrick crane was named`hangman What was the profession of J.B.Dunlop, inventor of the pneumatic tyre`vet What was the profession of Lancelot 'Capability' Brown`landscape gardener What was the profession of Our Man Higgins`butler What was the profession of Paul Gauguin before he became an artist`stockbroker What was the profession of Ted Bundy?`attorney What was the profession of the 2 ladies in the childrens nursery rhyme Lucy Locket`prostitutes What was the profession of the character who heard the Blow Out`horror film What was the profession of the father of the Hardy boys`detective What was the profession of the singer of the 1963 hit dominique`nun What was the profession of William Semple who in 1869 became the first man to add sugar to chewing gum`dentist What was the pseudonym of Vladimir Illych Ulyanov`Nikolai Lenin What was the purchase price of the Eastman Kodak Brownie camera when introduced in 1900`one dollar What was the queen mothers maiden name`bowes-lyon What was the RAF's main fighter plane during the Battle of Britain`hurricane What was the raft in the Kon-Tiki Expedition made from`nine balsa wood logs What was the real first name of Holly Golightly (Audrey Hepburn) in the film, Breakfast At Tiffanys`Lulamae What was the real first name of singer Perry Como`pierino What was the real first name of Tennessee Williams`thomas What was the real name of Boris Karloff`william henry pratt what was the real name of fred astaire`frederick austerlitz what was the real name of fred astaire`frederick`prisoners What was the real name of jem from jem and the holograms`jerrica benton What was the real name of Lewis Carroll`charles lutwidge dodgson What was the real name of malcolm X`malcolm little what was the real name of oscar wilde`fingal o'flahertie wills What was the real name of the actress, Gloria Swanson`gloria may josephine svensson What was the real name of the boxer Sugar Ray Robinson`walker smith what was the real name of the gangster known as mad dog?`vincent coll what was the real name of the gangster known as pretty boy`charles`da What was the real name of the gangster known as Pretty Boy`charles floyd What was the real name of the hospital on St. Elsewhere?`St. Eligius What was the real name of the hospital on St. Elsewhere`St Eligius`saint Eligius What was the real name of the monk known as Rasputin`grigori efimovich What was the real name of the novelist George Eliot`Mary Ann Evans what was the reform movement in malaysia and indonesia during the asian economic crisis called`reformasi what was the registration number of the original 'enterprise' on startrek`ncc-1701 What was the relationship between Shakespeare's Othello and Desdemona`husband & wife`husband and wife What was the relationship between Shakespeare's Tybalt and Juliet`cousins What was the relationship between Superman and Supergirl`cousin what was the relationship between the queen and snow white?`stepmother & stepdaughter what was the relationship between the queen and snow white`stepmother & stepdaughter`stepmother and stepdaughter What was the religion of Indias Mogul emperors`muslim What was the Rocket built by Robert Stephenson in 1829`a steam engine What was the Rolling Stones' first No. 1 hit`it's all over now What was the Roman name for Odysseus`ulysse What was the royal name 'mountbatten' originally`battenberg What was the royal residence after st james court`buckingham palace what was the royal residence before buckingham palace`st james`confederation`saint james`confederation What was the royal residence before buckingham palace`st james court What was the royal residence before buckingham palace`st james court`saint james court What was the royal surname 'windsor' originally`saxe-coburg what was the royal surname 'windsor' originally`saxe`thousand What was the Russian city of St. Petersburg called from 1924 to 1991`leningrad What was the Russian equivalent of Skylab`salyut What was the Russian space station which almost met with disaster in 1998`mir what was the russian village in the musical "fiddler on the roof"`anatevka What was the sacred bird of ancient Egypt`ibis What was the Saved by the bell series with Hayley Mills originally called?`Good Morning,Mis Bliss What was the saved by the bell series with hayley mills originally called`good morning, miss bliss What was the scarecrow in the wonderful wizard of oz lacking`brain What was the Scorpions first LP called`lonesome crow What was the screen name of the lead character in The Untouchables`elliot What was the screen name of the lead character in The Untouchables`elliot ness what was the second biggest movie hit of 1987 after beverly hills cop ii`fatal attraction What was the secret identity of Captain America`steve rogers What was the secret identity of don diego de la vega`zorro What was the secret identity of Private Jack Weston in comic books`minute man What was the secret service codename for Caroline Kennedy`Lyric What was the secret service code name for Lyndon Johnson`Volunteer What was the secret service code name for singer Frank Sinatra`Napoleon what was the sequel to "claudia"`claudia & david`claudia and david what was the sequel to 'going my way'`the bells of st mary's what was the serial number of the uss enterprise`ncc1701 What was the series of campaigns to take the Holy Land from the Muslim Turks called`crusades What was the series of campaigns to wrest the Holy Land from Muslim Turks`crusades what was the series of campaigns to wrest the holy land from muslim turks`the crusades What was the setting for 'The Sound of Music'`Austria what was the setting for walk, don't run`tokyo`midway What was the setting for walk, don't run`tokyo olympics What was the setting of the john wayne film the quiet man`ireland What was the shape of lolita's sunglasses in the 1962 film`hearts What was the shape of the first dirigible`football What was the significance of the Russian spaceship Vostok 6`first woman in space What was the significance of the Russian spaceship Vostok 6`first woman in space`valentina tereshkova What was the silver wedding year for the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh`1972 What was the sir name of the composer of the Bolero`ravel What was the sister ship of the Olympic`titanic what was the site of the 1991 baseball all-star game?`toronto What was the site of the baby m trial`new jersey What was the site of the first modern day Olympic Games`athens what was the "six million dollar man's" character's name`steve austin What was the slogan of Martin Luther King's famous speech made in 1963 in which he looked forward to understanding between races`"I have a dream" What was the slogan of the Bolsheviks at the time of the Russian Revoluation`Peace! Bread! Land! what was the song by engelbert humperdinck ' ______ the lovin''`after what was the song name of diana ross' 'every time you touch me i become a hero'`when you tell me that you love me what was the specified fuel for f1 use at the start of the 1958 season`aviation spirit What was the speed range of the first intel pentium processors`sixty and what was the speed range of the first intel pentium processors`sixty and sixty six mhz What was the speed range of the first intel pentium processors`sixty six megahertz`66 mhz What was the Spice Girls' first single after the departure of Geri Halliwell`viva forever What was the sport of bowling called in the 19th century`Nine-pins What was the sport of brothers Max and Buddy Baer`boxing What was the SR-NI which made its first English Channel crossing on 25th July 1959`hovercraft What was the stage name of asa yoelson`al jolson what was the stage name of "ehrich weiss"`harry houdini what was the stage name of singer annie may bullock?`tina turner What was the stage name of Steve McGarrets sidekick, Danno, in the Hawaii 5-O tv series`James MacArthur What was the stage name of the actor William Rowbotham`bill owen What was the statue of liberty originally named`liberty enlightening the what was the statue of liberty originally named`liberty enlightening the world What was the subject matter of the 1952 talk show Mr Arsenic`crime What was the supreme policy making bureau of the Soviet Communist Party`politburo What was the surname of author ford maddox`ford What was the surname of both the second and sixth US presidents`adams What was the surname of Isaac........the sci-fi author`asimov What was the surname of Nicholas II, lamented czar of Russia`romanov What was the surname of Rob Roy`mcgregor What was the surname of Terry, played by Dennis Waterman in 'Minder'`mccann What was the surname of the author of 'The Prince'`machiavelli what was the surname of the brothers who invented the ballpoint pen in 1938`biro What was the surname of the Civil Rights activist Malcolm X`little What was the surname of the English King Henry VIII`Tudor What was the surname of the family in the American sitcom The Cosby Show`huxtable What was the surname of the sisters in Little Women`march What was the surname of the story writers Jakob and Wilhelm`grimm What was the surname on the song writer Ivor`novello what was the symbol for the house of lancaster`red`mix What was the symbol for the house of Lancaster`red rose What was the tate gallery criticised for buying 128 of in 1976`bricks What was the 'telephone sex' business worth in the UK in 1990?`50 million What was the ten percent levy of farm produce given to the church known as`tithe What was the theme name of Expo 67, The Montreal Worlds Fair of 1967`Man and his World what was the theme song for 'the wizard of oz'`over the`haise what was the theme song for 'the wizard of oz'`over the rainbow What was the theme song from the film "Breakfast at Tiffany's`moon river what was the theme song in the series the greatest american hero`believe it`crofts what was the theme song in the series the greatest american hero`believe it or not what was the theme song of the film "the grapes of wrath"?`red river valley What was the theme song of the Glenn Miller Orchestra`Moonlight Serenade what was the theme song og the rome olympics`arrivederci roma What was the then title of the man who married Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon in 1923`duke of york What was the third country to get "The Bomb"`britain What was the ticket price to Frank Sinatras first solo performance at the Paramount Theatre in New York City in 1942`35 cents What was the time for j l herlihy's cowboy`midnight What was the title bestowed to Roman emperors from Augustus to Hadrian`caesar What was the title of A.A.Milne's play version of Kenneth Grahame's 'Wind in the Willows'`toad of toad hall What was the title of Agatha Christie's first Hercule Poirot novel`the mysterious affair at styles what was the title of bon jovi's first album`bon jovi What was the title of Charles Dicken's unfinished novel`the mystery of edwin drood What was the title of Charlie Chaplin's last film`limelight What was the title of Elvis Presley's first film`love me tender What was the title of Joe Loss's signature tune`in the mood what was the title of john lennon's first book?`in his own write What was the title of Jung Chang's account of growing up in China`wild swans What was the title of Kevin's byline story in St. Elmos Fire?`The Meaning Of Life what was the title of leslie uggams' short lived 1969 variety series?`leslie uggams show What was the title of Loisa M Alcott's sequal to Little Women`good wives What was the title of Lulu's first top ten single`shout What was the title of Mantovani's signature tune`charmaine What was the title of oasis's first uk no 1`some might say What was the title of Oliver Cromwell when he was head of the Commonwealth`lord protector What was the title of polanski's horror spoof`dance of the vampires What was the title of Shakespeare's first tragedy`titus andronicus What was the title of Sonny Bono's solo show`sonny comedy revue What was the title of the 1998 Booker prize winning novel`amsterdam what was the title of the commodores' hit 'she's mighty mighty just lettin' it all hang out'`brick house What was the title of the follow-up to the television series Please Sir`the fenn street gang What was the title of the novel character Paul Sheldon working on in the Stephen King film Misery`Fast Cars What was the title of the novel which won the 1998 Booker prize`amsterdam What was the title of the Shakin' Stevens hit which topped the charts in 1981`green door what was the title of the soap opera segment on the carol burnett show`as the stomach turns What was the title of the winning song in the 1997 Eurovision Song Contest`love shine a light What was the title of William Golding's book about boys marooned on an island in the Pacific`lord of the flies what was the title of zz tops first single released in1969`salt lick what was the top-rated series for the 1980-81 season`dallas What was the top rental movie of 1988`who framed roger rabbit What was the top single in 1973 by Dawn`tie a yellow ribbon around the old oak tree What was the top single record in 1950 by the Weavers`goodnight irene what was the top single record in 1956 by elvis presley`don't be cruel What was the top single record in 1957 by debbie reynolds`tammy what was the top single record in 1964 by the beatles?`i want to hold your hand What was the top technology manual of 1996, at over one million sales`windows 95 for dummies What was the tortoise called in the childrens programme the flower pot men`slowcoach What was the trademark of mobile gasoline`flying red horse What was the tv name of the one-armed man who pursued "the fugitive"`fred what was the tv name of the one-armed man who pursued "the fugitive"`fred johnson What was the Tyburn Tree famous for`hanging What was the 'unfinished symphony' meant to be played for`a requiem What was the unit of work in the c.g.s. system, which was replaced by the Joule in the S.I. system`erg What was the unit of work in the c.g.s. system, which was replaced by the Joule in the S.I. system`the erg What was the venue for the 1990 World Snooker championship`the crucible theatre What was the very first James Bond movie that was shown in the 80's?What was the last?`For Your Eyes Only and Licence To Kill what was the very first lifesaver flavour`peppermint what was the very first race run in the modern olympics`one hundred meters`100 meters What was the waist measurement of Queen Victoria's drawers in later life?`Forty six and a half inches What was the war during Regan's first term that took place on an island in the carribean?`Grenada What was the (West) German capital before the 'Wiedervereinigung'?`Bonn What was the winged horse of greek mythology`pegasus what was the wolfs reply when red riding hood say "what big teeth you have`all the better to eat you with my dear What was the world land speed record in 1906`128 mph What was the worlds first breakfast cereal sold commercially`sgredded wheat What was the worlds first city with more than one tv station`new york what was the world's first nuclear merchant ship?`ss savannah what was the world's longest fence built to keep out`dingos What was the world's principal Christian city before it fell to the Ottoman Turks in 1453`constantinople what was the worst team in major league baseball in 1991`cleveland indians what was the wright bothers first plane called`flyer What was the wwii verbal code meaning message received or will comply`roger what was the wwii verbal code meaning message received or will comply`roger wilco What was the year 2000 be called under the Chinese calendar`year of the dragon What was the year of the Suez crisis`1956 What was the year of the three day week`1974 What was the youngest age at which someone was allowed to work in Britain after 1819`Nine years old What was the zaire river formerly known as`congo What was Thomas Edison, light bulb inventor, afraid of`The dark What was Thomas Edison's middle name`alva What was Thomas Hardys original profession`architecture What was thr first non english club to win the FA Cup`cardiff city What was Timothy Evans given in 1966 after being hanged in 1950`a pardon What was Tokyo originally known as`edo What was Tom Clancy's blockbuster first novel, published in 1984`The Hunt What was Tom Clancy's blockbuster first novel, published in 1984?`The Hunt for Red October What was Tom Cruise's call sign in the movie "Top Gun"?`Maverick What was Tony Nelson's job in the 1960s sitcom 'I Dream of Jeannie'`Astronaut What was transformed into a carriage for cinderella`pumpkin What was Trotsky's first name`leon What was true love's gift on the second day of christmas`two turtle doves what was tv's top-rated series from 1957 to 1961`gunsmoke What was TW3`that was the week that was What was u2's first album released in the u.s`boy What was unsuccessfully laid as a trail by hansel`breadcrumbs What was unusual about the 1985 production of The Taming of the Shrew at the Theatre Royal Stratford East`an all woman cast What was unusual about the Roman Consul Incitatus`it was a horse What was used for blood in the film 'psycho'`chocolate syrup What was used in ancient egypt to measure the depth of the Nile`nilometer What was used to advertise male brothels in ancient Rome?`A large phallus What was used to kindle life in Dr. Frankenstein's monster`lightning what was used to race in breaking away?`bicycles What was Venus (Goddess of Love) most favoured flower`Rose What was Verdi's last Opera, first performed in 1893`falstaff what was victor's wife called in one foot in the grave`margaret What was waiting at the Pennsylvania Station at about a quarter to nine`chatanooga choo choo what was "wampum" for north american indians`money What was webster's adopted mom and dad's name`poppadoupalus What was Webster's adopted mom and dad's name`Poppadouupalus What was Wells Fargos main form of transport`the stagecoach What was Wembley's Olympic year`1948 What was W H Carriers real cool invention`air conditioning What was Wild Bill Hockoks nickname when he was a kid`Duck Bill What was William Golding's first novel, published in 1953`Lord of the Flies What was William H. Bonney's nickname?`Billy the kid What was WilliamH. Bonney's nickname`Billythekid What was william tell's nationality`swiss what was william the conqueror's survey of england prepared from 1085-85 called`domesday book What was Willie Mosconi famed for shooting`pocket billiards what was willie mosconi famed for shooting`pocket`nicks What was Willie Mosconi famed for shooting`pool What was Will Smiths character called in the 1999 Blockbuster 'Enemy of the state'`robert dean What was Wilma Flintstone's maiden name?`Wilma Slaghoopal What was Winston Churchill's middle name`spencer What was Winston Churchill's only novel`savrola What was Winston Churchill's wife's name`clementine What was won by John Steinbeck in 1962 and Sir Winston Churchill in 1953`nobel prize for literature What was Wonderwoman's everyday name`diana prince what was wonder woman's other identity?`diana prince What was world war 1 known as before world war 2`the great war What was writer Charles Dodgson's pseudonym`Lewis Carroll what was wrong with lord byron's foot`club What was wrong with Max that lead to the Guard trying to take her, Zack attacking him and the X5's escaping?`convulsions What was Wyatt Earp's long barreled pistol called`buntline special What was 'Xanth' `fantasy world What was yankee doodle riding on when he came to town`pony What was Yosser's catchword`gizzajob what was zambia formerly known as`northern rhodesia what was zimbabwe formerly known as`southern rhodesia what was zorro's real name`don diego de la`lake what was zorro's real name`don diego de la vega What was Zorro's trademark`mask What watch was the official timekeeper of the 1988 Olympics`omega What water sport, other than fishing, might you catch crabs in`rowing What waterway did Britain buy a share of in 1875`suez canal What waveform is at the longest end of the electromagnetic spectrum`radio waves What weapon did Samson employ to slay a thousand Philistines`jawbone of an ass What weapon did The ancient Mariner use to shoot down the albatross`a crossbow What weapon did the crossed slits in English castles accommodate`crossbow What weapon is tatooed on Glen Campbell's arm`dagger What weapon is tattooed on glen campbell's arm`dagger What weapon is tattooed on Glen Campell's arm?`dagger What weapon is tattooed on Glen Campell's arm`daggerWhich primates were the focus of Jane Goodall's research`Chimpanzees What weapon was fixed to the bow of an ancient Egyptian warship`a ram for sinking ships what weapon was invented by richard gatling?`machine gun What weapon was used by the Germans against Russia in 1915`tear gas What weed derives its name from the French for "Lion's Tooth"`dandelion What weighed 46,328 tons/882.5 feet high/3.5 city blocks long`titanic What weighs 5,500 billion billion tons`earth What weighs less than a penny`hummingbird What well known Chinese dish was actually invented in new york`chop suey What well known drug comes from the yellow cinchona plant`quinine What well known liquor is made from the agave plant`tequila What well known singing duo started out as Tom & Jerry`Simon and Garfunkel What went from 405 to 625 lines`television what went into space for the first time on 3rd november 1957`a dog`dog What were Allen and Evans the last to go to in Britain`gallows What were Andy Pandys two friends called`looby lou & teddy What were Babe Ruth's christian names`george herman What were Barbary corsairs`pirates What were Bart's first words?`Ay Carumba What were Bill Haley & The Comets known as before becoming Bill Haley & The Comets`The Saddlemen What were Bradburys issued in 1914 by the british government`pound note What were broccoli and cauliflower developed from`cabbage What were broccoli & cauliflower developed from`cabbage what were charles de gaulle's final words`it hurts What were Christmas tree icicles originally made from`lead What were Club Nouveu originally known as?`Timex Social Club What were comfrey baths were believed to restore`virginity What were dachshunds bred to hunt`badgers What were first presented at hollywood's roosevelt hotel on may 16th 1929`oscars what were first presented at hollywood's roosevelt on may 16, 1929`the academy awards What were fuchs and hillary the first to cross`antarctic What were George Washington's false teeth made of`wood what were george washington's teeth made of`ivory What were hairnets worn by women in the Victorian Era known as`Snoods What were 'ivories' to an Old West gambler`dice What were J.B. Priestley's christian names`john boynton what were king arthur's knights called`knights of the round`merlin What were king arthur's knights called`knights of the round table What were last delivered to Australia in 1849`convicts What were made compulsory on cars in britain in 1954`flashing indicator lights what were moe howard, larry fine and curly howard better known as`three`geppetto what were moe howard, larry fine and curly howard better known as`three stooges What were more than 99.9% of all the animal species that have ever lived on earth before the coming of man`extinct What were Mouth and Chunk's real names in "The Goonies"?`Clark and Lawrence what were named "wanderers" because of their motion in the sky?`planets What were New Order called before Ian Curtis died`joy division What were once know as 'peelers'`policemen What were originally known in britain as love apples`tomatoes What were Paula Wilcox and Richard Beckinsale according to a tv programme title`lovers What were permanently magnetised samples of Magnetite (a form of iron ore) known as`lodestone What were raced in Greek & Roman hippodromes`horses what were rowan & martin's first names`dan & dick`dan dick`dick dan what were rowan & martin's first names`dan & dick`dan dick`dick ii What were sonny and cher originally called`caesar and cleo what were sonny and cher originally called`caesar and`fox What were the 1948 Olympic games known as`the austerity games What were the 3 Chipettes names on Alvin and the Chipmunks?`Brittney,Jeanette,and Eleanor What were the alleged last words of Julius Caesar`Et tu, Brute? What were the ancient Egyptian pyramids once covered in`marble What were the Argonauts searching for`the golden fleece What were the B-52's named after? (Hint, it's not a plane)`beehive what were the cities of dickens's "a tale of two cities"`london and paris what were the cities of dickens's "a tale of two cities"`london and`tonto what were the cities of dickens's "a tale of two cities"`london`tonto What were the dolls in jaqueline susann's valley of the dolls`pills What were the dolls in the novel 'valley of the dolls'`pills what were the Emperors new clothes made of`nothing What were the favourite subjects of Victorian artist Edwin Landseer`animals What were the first dominant land animals on earth`dinosaurs What were the first names of Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde`henry & edward What were the first names of Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde`henry & edward`henry and edward What were the first names of T E Lawrence, known as Lawrence of Arabia`thomas edward What were the first names of the Blues Brothers`Elwood Jake What were the first names of the comedy duo Laurel and Hardy`stan and oliver What were the first passengers in a hot air balloon`chicken duck rooster What were the first set of eye glasses made of`Quartz What were the first surfboards made of fibreglass, redwood or styrofoam`redwood What were the first two british coins to be minted with decimal values`5p and 10p What were the first two words of Woody Woodpecker in his 1950 cartoon debut`guess who What were the ghostbusters names`peter venkman, egon spengler, ray stantz, and winston zedmore What were the Ghostbusters' names?`Peter Venkman,Egon Spengler,Ray Stantz ,Winston Zedmore what were the last word uttered on the final episode of 'cheers'`sorry we are closed What were the lone three fighter planes which defended Malta in World War II nicknamed`faith, hope & charity What were the main divisions of the Roman army called`legions What were the Myrmidons who were created by Zeus`ant people What were the names of Amanda's boys on Scarecrow and Mrs. King?`Phillip and Jamie What were the names of Kevin's best friend and girl friend on "The Wonder Years?"`Paul and Winnie What were the names of noah's children`shem ham and japheth What were the names of Noah's children`shem ham & japheth What were the names of Odin's two brothers`vile & ve What were the names of Odins two ravens`hugin & munin What were the names of Odins two ravens`hugin & munin`hugin and munin What were the names of Odin's two wolves`freke & gere What were the names of Odin's two wolves`freke & gere`freke and gere what were the names of ozzie and harriet's two children`david ricky`david and ricky`ricky and david what were the names of the brady pets`tiger & fluffy`tiger fluffy`fluffy tiger What were the names of the first so-called 'Siamese Twins'`chang and eng What were the names of the four main characters of the Facts of Life?`Jo Blair Natalie Tootie what were the names of the ghosts in the series topper?`marion & george what were the names of the ghosts in the series topper`marion & george`marion and george what were the names of the goldberg's two children in the goldbergs?`sammie & rosalie what were the names of the goldberg's two children in the goldbergs`sammie & rosalie`sammie and rosalie What were the names of the host and his sidekick on "Fantasy Island"?`Mr.Rourke and Tattoo What were the names of the mice who befriended Cinderella`Gus and Jaq What were the names of the Saturday morning cartoon critters who lived in air-vents and befriended a boy who kept their secret hidden?`The Littles What were the names of the two children in the series Flipper`sandy & bud`sandy bud`sandy and bud What were the names of the two daughter's on the sitcom one day at a time`barbara and julie What were the nicknames of the dean brothers who pitched for the st louis cardinals`daffy and dizzy What were the occupations of the three men in the tub`butcher, baker and What were the occupations of the three men in the tub`butcher, baker, & candlestick maker What were the occupations of the three men in the tub`butcher, baker & candlestick maker`butcher baker candlestick maker What were the only two words spoken by Clarabelle the Clown on the final episode of the Howdy Doody Show`Goodbye, Kids what were the original rules of conduct in boxing called`queensberry rules what were the pobots called in the film blade runner`replicants What were the poor knights of the Temple of Solomon otherwise known as`knights templar What were there 368,000 of in 1961 and 2,295,000 of in 1981`unemployed What were the Russian atrocities against the Jews called`pogroms what were the short-barrelled rifles used by cavalrymen`carbines What were the sides of the US fighting ship nicknamed Old Ironside made of`wood What were the Spice Islands formerly known as`zanzibar What were the tramps Estragon and Vladimir waiting for`godot What were the two birds that noah sent out from the ark`raven and dove what were the two birds that noah sent out from the ark?`raven & dove what were the two birds that noah sent out from the ark`raven & dove`raven and dove What were the two cities in 'a tale of two cities'`london and paris what were the two cities in genesis destroyed by fire and brimstone`sodom and gomorrah What were the two dogs names on Magnum PI?`Apollo and Zeus What were the two forenames of dramatist and novelist J.M. Barrie`james matthew what were the two rival gangs called in west side story`sharks and jets what were the two rival gangs called in west side story`sharks, jets`sharks jets`sharks and jets What were the words that changed the world from Martin Luther King Jr`I have a dream what were tugs named for during world war ii?`indian tribes What were unsuccessfully launched as APTs in 1981`advanced passenger trains What were used to paint snuff bottles from the Qing Dynasty`Bamboo pens What were V1s and V2s supposed to do upon landing`explode What were visible in the pictures John F Kennedy pored over on October 16, 1962`Russian missiles in Cuba What were wilma flintstone and betty rubble's maiden names`slaghoople and what were wilma flintstone and betty rubble's maiden names`slaghoople and mcbricker What were Zack's last words, before he shot himself`Fight them Max promise me you'll fight them What West Australian town has been called the port of pearls`broome what west coast carrier did delta airlines buy in 1986`western airlines What west coast nfl team has the motto 'commitment to excellence'`oakland what west coast nfl team has the motto 'commitment to excellence'`oakland raiders What west coast U.S. state would you be in if you were honeymooning in Humptulips`washington`washington state What western Canadian province boasts Yoho National Park`british columbia What western explorer discovered the Hawaiian Islands in 1778`captain james cook what western outlaw died on his 27th birthday`sam bass what western was on tv from 1952 to 1972?`death valley days What West German company builds both cars & motorcycles`bmw What West Indies state has Bridgetown as its capital`barbados what whale boasts the biggest brain on earth?`sperm whale What what Dr. Zorba's first name`david What What French Wax Modeller Madam Tussaud's First Name`Marie What wheel did Blaise Pascal invent in a search for perpetual motion`roulette wheel What wheeler dealer wrote "The Art Of The Deal'`donald trump What wheel in a car does the driver use to control direction`steering wheel what white suburban rappers made a hit by fighting 'for their right to party'`beastie boys What who caught the grinch in the act of stealing the christmas tree`cindy-lou who`cindy lou who what wife of a us president was accused of being a spy`mary`mccartney What wife of a US President was accused of being a spy`mary todd lincoln what wild cat boasts the longest legs?`cheetah What wild cat is native only to North America`bobcat What wild cat was often kept as a pet by the forest Indians of South America?`ocelot what will happen if you lock your knee while standing long enough`pass out What will peat eventually turn into if left in the ground`coal what winged hindu god of love carries a bow and arrow?`kama What winged Hindu god of love carries a bow & arrow`kama What witch has a cat called 'mog'`meg What, with arabic, is the official language of mauritania`french what woman has the most monuments erected to her`the virgin mary what woman has the most monuments erected to her`virgin`galley what woman has the most monuments erected to her`virgin mary What woman is the fictitious symbol of general mills products`betty crocker What woman is the wife of prince phillip, the mother of anne, andrew, charles and edward, and the daughter of george vi`elizabeth ii what woman is the wife of prince phillip, the mother of anne, andrew, charles and edward, and the daughter of george vi`elizabeth`oz What woman is the wife of Prince Phillip, the mother of Anne, & rew, Charles & Edward, & the daughter of George VI`elizabeth ii What woman is thought of as the greatest trick shot artist of all time`annie What woman is thought of as the greatest trick shot artist of all time?`annie oakley what woman poet only left her home state of massachusetts once`emily what woman poet only left her home state of massachusetts once`emily dickinson What woman was the first to paint her face`candace What woman won 6 gold medals in the Olympic Summer games?`Kristin Otto what women's tennis star was affectionately called little mo`maureen connolly What women wear yashmaks`moslem women What wonder stood 32m high in rhodes harbour`colossus of rhodes What wonder was Louis Hennepin the first white man to see`niagara falls What won the Tony Award for the best musical of 1987`les miserables what wood did noah use to make the ark`gopher wood What wood is a cricket bat made from`willow What wood is chippendale furniture made from`mahogany what wood is obtained from the tectona tree`teak What woody allen film featured an orgasmatron`sleeper What word appears 1,855 times in the bible`lord What word appears above George Washington's head on a quarter`liberty What word appears on STOP signs in Quebec`arret what word beginning with f means wreckage found floating on the sea`flotsam What word beginning with M is the unit measurement for the brightness of stars`magnitude what word beginning with 'o: is both a unit of weight and a snow loepard`ounce What word best describes "to reduce by one tenth"`decimate What word comes from Latin "monachus", meaning "one who lives alone"`monk What word connects a blacksmith and the human ear`anvil What word contains the combination of letters: 'xop'`saxophone What word defines the state of not being able to remember the word you want to use`Lethologica What word describes a company's reputation, over and above stock and capital`goodwill What word describes a dish cooked with a golden crust`gratin What word describes a fully-grown male zebra`stallion What word describes a person with no belief in God`atheist What word describes a vicious wild animal particularly an elephant that lives apart from its herd`rogue What word describes food preserved in vinegar`pickled What word describes part of a tree & the sound a dog makes`bark What word describes someone who can do things equally well with both hands`ambidextrous What word describes the phase of the moon between half and full`gibbous What word describes the practice of growing and tending of a forest`silviculture What word describes the scattering of the Jewish people around the world`diaspora What word did Dan Quayle devote an entire chapter to, in his book of memoirs`potato What word did Harry Truman coin for his daily walk`constitutional What word did nuclear physics borrow from James Joyces Finnegans Wake`quark What word do British people use to describe that which an American would call a 'teeter-totter'`seesaw What word does the following spell: dash-dash, dash-dash-dot, dot-dash-dash, dot-dot-dot, dot`morse what word does the Official scrabble players dictionary define as 'insignificant matters'`Trivia What word do we get from shah mat`checkmate What word ended Stokely Carmichael's 1966 slogan "black is _____"`beautiful What word ends the book titled Rubbish, The archeology of`garbage What word for taking tissue for microscopic examination was coined by French dermatologists in 1879`biopsy`a biopsy what word is a blend of "automobile" and "snow"?`snowmobile What word is a contraction of either 'picture cell' or 'picture element'`pixel What word is always spelt incorrectly`incorrectly What word is derived from the Arabic word al kimia`alchemy What word is derived from the arabic word al-kimia`chemistry What word is derived from the French words meaning "sour wine"`vinegar What word is from the anglo-saxon 'dyppan'`dip What word is given to the distance within which a sound can be heard`earshot What word is given to the line which forms the boundary between the day and night hemispheres of the moon`terminator What word is Isaac Asimov famous for coining`Robotics what word is related to nap, walk and call`cat What word is short for national socialism`nazi What word is slang for money`dosh what word is sleepy or drowsy`somnolent what word is used for a female fox?`vixen What word is used for a female sheep`ewe What word is used for a male ass (other than that the word used for that #$@$#$ Ex boyfriend)`jack What word is used for a male ass(Other than that the word used for that $^&%@! ex-boyfriend)`jackass What word is used for a male deer`Buck What word is used for a male duck`Drake what word is used for playing all the notes in a chord one at a time`arpeggio What word is used for the branches of willow used to make baskets`osier What word is used in a balance sheet to mean "Everything a company owns"`assets What word is used in a balance sheet to mean "What a company owes to its suppliers and lenders"`liabilities what word is used in hawaii as both a greeting and a farewell?`aloha What word is used in international radio communications to denote the letter L`lima What word is used to describe a Muslim who has completed a pilgrimage to Mecca`hadji what word is used to describe extremely severe or oppressive measures`draconian What word is used to describe trees who periodically shed their leaves`deciduous What word is used to refer to a young female horse`filly what word is used to refer to a young partridge`cheeper What word is used to refer to a young rhinoceros`calf what word is used to refer to the young of cattle?`calf What word links abatement, levels, white`noise What word links above, crew, glass`cut What word links acid, pilot, screen`test What word links added, judgement, market`value What word links age, black and bucket`ice What word links angel, duke, rival`arch What word links animal, line, popper`party What word links baby's, disposable, rash`nappy What word links back, out, proof`splash What word links bad, job, parking`lot What word links bag, fire, natural`gas What word links ball, buggy, hut`beach What word links balm, bitter, grass`lemon What word links bar, biscuit, drinking`chocolate What word links bar, milking, pigeon`stool What word links basement, iron and tyre`flat What word links bath, bowl, jacket`dust What word links bath, seed, table`bird What word links battle, ice, pick`axe What word links bean, mould, royal`jelly What word links bearer, blow, light`torch What word links bed, light, roof`sun What word links bee, comb and moon`honey What word links belt, insurance, line`life What word links benefit, brain, bride`child What word links bet, near, saddle`side What word links big, hold and nail`toe What word links blade, board, off`switch What word links blanket, chain, cross`stitch What word links block, foreign, junior`office What word links blonde, wednesday and tray`ash What word links blood, insurance and story`life What word links board, dip, straw`cheese What word links board, pad, skeleton`key What word links bolt, cloud, storm`thunder What word links bone, gossip, speed`idle What word links book, cabin and fire`log What word links book, ground, rebate`rent What word links book, home, postal`address What word links bottle, chocolate, pan`milk What word links box, capital, love`letter What word links box, chairs, instrument`musical What word links break, keel, number`even What word links broken, rose, setter`english What word links bronze, gap, old`age What word links brow, opinion and tide`low What word links bucket, dry, pick`ice What word links buff, centre, pop`music What word links bunny, egg, island`easter What word links cab, driver, rank`taxi What word links cake, fish, guardian`angel What word links campaigner, car, war`veteran What word links cap, deep, pad`knee What word links cattle, iron, national`grid What word links centre, gas, optic`nerve What word links chamber, location, sounder`echo What word links chance, nature, split`second What word links change, cut, story`short What word links chemical, heating, rogue`element What word links chicken, plate, stroke`breast What word links chocolate, crow and saloon`bar What word links circle, precious and skimmed`semi What word links clerical, printing, typing`error What word links close, mountain, rifle`range What word links cocktail, project, transfer`manhatten What word links code, conservation and office`area What word links code, sinister, tender`bar What word links cold, land, market`common What word links contract, hand, warning`written What word links corner, gem, mill`stone What word links cow, hop and tent`bell What word links cracker, ice, soda`cream What word links crop, fall, house`out What word links current, world, writer`under What word links days, dressing, side`salad What word links decay, milk, paste`tooth What word links detail, offence and road`minor What word links diamond, guide, justice`rough What word links diary, garden, society`secret What word links difference, golden, post`goal What word links discount, room, skeleton`staff What word links dog, flea, wing`collar What word links door, phrase and word`catch What word links door, step, week`next What word links drinks, minister, shadow`cabinet What word links drop, test, tongue`acid What word links electric, stitch and television`cable What word links empire, nose, numerals`roman What word links exchange, grant, law`student What word links false, milk, wisdom`teeth What word links father, head and skater`figure What word links fault, muff, patrol`foot What word links free, model, political`demonstration What word links free, officer, stamp`duty What word links freezer, medicine, tea`chest What word links game, nasty, recorder`video What word links gate, gnome, rock`garden What word links george, patron, plaster`saint What word links glass, happy, zero`hour What word links grand, old, school`masters What word links hand, home, well`made What word links hate, name, shop`pet What word links holy, lamp, level`spirit What word links horse, leg and spoon`wooden What word links horse, salt, weed`sea What word links industrial, trust, vanity`unit What word links ingredient, service, volcano`active What word links invisible, spot, well`ink What word links language, road, star`sign What word links luck, rock and shoulder`hard What word links lunch, table and warp`time What word links mask, natural and poisonous`gas What word links measures, prejudice, unction`extreme What word links minstrels, national, tate`gallery What word links modern, near, world`miss What word links motor, path, spin`cycle What word links mouse, offside and parent`trap What word links neck, pony and water`polo What word links off, number and way`one What word links pattern, performance and prescription`repeat What word links police, railway, wagon`station What word links pop, practice, therapy`group What word links post, school, touch`finishing What word links price, short, throat`cut What word links reader, relief, street`map What word links rig, skin and slick`oil What word links shoulder, snap, storage`cold What word links these: air, book, prison`open What word links these: ale, beer, root`ginger What word links these: alter, maniac, trip`ego What word links these: ambulance, field, pocket`air What word links these: america, cross, quarter`latin What word links these: angle, shy, trick`camera What word links these: angle, speed, trick`camera What word links these: apple, home, sherry`cooking What word links these: arch, auckland, kings`bishop What word links these: arithmetic, block, note`mental What word links these: armada, guitar, onion`spanish What word links these: arum, tiger, water`lilies What word links these: aunt, britain, expectations`great What word links these: back, share, snow`plough What word links these: badge, book, technical`merit What word links these: bag, flying, slipper`carpet What word links these: baking. broad, lightning`sheet What word links these: band, committee, few`select What word links these: bank, boat, yellow`river What word links these: bank, floor, stage`manager What word links these: bar, cereal, continental`breakfast What word links these: barrier, bite, track`sound What word links these: basket, lunch, site`picnic What word links these: battery, rain, test`acid What word links these: beach, hand, rail`towel What word links these: bean, cast, side`broad What word links these: beard, collar, danube`blue What word links these: beauty, talent, world`natural What word links these: bell, one-horse, ride`sleigh What word links these: belly, fan, tap`dancer What word links these: best, boy, cross`george What word links these: best, old, pen`friend What word links these: bird's, egg, love`nest What word links these: birthday, follow, track`suit What word links these: bishop, rival, wheel`arch What word links these: bite, garter, rattle`snake What word links these: bitter, tooth, william`sweet What word links these: black, parlour, queen`beauty What word links these: board, bulldog, paper`clip What word links these: board, poster, spoon`bill What word links these: boots, island, rat`desert What word links these: bowl, little, ring`finger What word links these: box, capital, head`letter What word links these: boxing, cabinet, eye`shadow What word links these: branch, deliver, effects`special What word links these: branch, green, oil`olive What word links these: bronte, princess, queen`anne What word links these: brother, gloves, skin`kid What word links these: brush, jack, coal`tar What word links these: bubble, shield, tree`gum What word links these: bumper, cable, racing`car What word links these: burglar, clock, false`alarm What word links these: busy, honey, keeper`bee What word links these: cab, frequency, station`radio What word links these: cake, fish, guardian`angel What word links these: cake, marble, paving`slab What word links these: cake, tea, egg`cup What word links these: cameo, pain, road`relief What word links these: canary, channel, falkland`islands What word links these: car, column, vehicle`armoured What word links these: card, house, school`boarding What word links these: cardianl, deadly, original`sin What word links these: cart, cooking, crab`apple What word links these: castor, cooking, olive`oil What word links these: catcher, poison, race`rat What word links these: cavalry, chore, name`household What word links these: centre, certificate, record`medical What word links these: chemical, heating, rogue`element What word links these: cheque, double, out`crossed What word links these: cherry, napoleon, snap`brandy What word links these: chest, china, high`tea What word links these: chestnut, chicken, pot`roast What word links these: chick, shooter, soup`pea What word links these: childhood, coming, sight`second What word links these: christian, pen, proper`name What word links these: christmas, cream, fire`cracker What word links these: christmas, families, hour`happy What word links these: cigarette, fuel, gas`lighter What word links these: closing, night, warning`early What word links these: club, good, hazard`health What word links these: coat, power, walk`over What word links these: code, danger, industrial`area What word links these: coffee, sea, stew`irish What word links these: comfort, master, railway`station What word links these: comic, singer, soap`opera What word links these: company, general, musical`director What word links these: conscience, party, secret`guilty What word links these: conscience, party, verdict`guilty What word links these: consultation, entrance, licence`fee What word links these: contract, dodger, proposal`draft What word links these: cousin, nature, thoughts`second What word links these: cover, film, special`extra What word links these: cream, currency, file`single What word links these: cuckoo, dandelion, grandfather`clocks What word links these: cut, first, personal`choice What word links these: damp, easyer, trot`rising What word links these: dark, rocking, trojan`horse What word links these: dateline, rescue, rugby`international What word links these: decision, nappy, nettle`rash What word links these: deck, path, recorder`flight What word links these: dennis, men, street`wise What word links these: detector, fatigue, work`metal What word links these: detector, polish, scrap`metal What word links these: difference, ice, old`age What word links these: diner, porter, sink`kitchen What word links these: doctor, hazel, hunt`witch What word links these: dog, salad, school`days What word links these: doing, king's, minded`evil What word links these: dress, garden, offer`formal What word links these: dress, lock, night`shift What word links these: drop, rain, sulphuric`acid What word links these: ear, kettle, side`drum What word links these: elbow, gun, monkey`grease What word links these: elbow, lawn, shoe`tennis What word links these: empire, isles, museum`british What word links these: equity, feedback, sign`negative What word links these: escape, nut, serving`hatch What word links these: evadne, joint, strap`hinge What word links these: evening, first, limited`edition What word links these: face, round, time`about What word links these: field, meat,task`force What word links these: finger, happy, off`trigger What word links these: fire, steam, traction`engine What word links these: flag, food, public`convenience What word links these: folk, man, touch`gentle What word links these: force, licence, seat`driving What word links these: forth, plate, side`river What word links these: fraction, solution, truth`simple What word links these: free, model, political`demonstration What word links these: french, shore, sick`leave What word links these: fried, paper, pudding`rice What word links these: front, lion, scout`sea What word links these: full, furnace, off`blast What word links these: gains, offence, punishment`capital What word links these: games, group, scarlet`captain What word links these: gamma, gun, sting`ray What word links these: garden, house, starting`gate What word links these: gas, glove, timer`oven What word links these: gnome, kitchen, party`garden What word links these: grease, room, tennis`elbow What word links these: green, president, shire`lincoln What word links these: growth, policy, recovery`economic What word links these: hen, reverend, tongue`mother What word links these: high, mark, turning`tide What word links these: hog, map, sweeper`road What word links these: hole, low, skeleton`key What word links these: horn, leather, polish`shoe What word links these: horse, shoes, spoon`wooden What word links these: hundred, light, watching`weight What word links these: inch, metal, set`square What word links these: inclusive, know, rounder`all What word links these: indian, invisible, pad`ink What word links these: jacket, neck, patent`leather What word links these: jack, soviet, trade`union What word links these: job, pudding, victoria`plum What word links these: kate, stirling, stitch`moss What word links these: killer, number, rights`serial What word links these: ladder, seat, shop`bucket What word links these: land, salvation, territorial`army What word links these: legal, lower, speed`limit What word links these: licence, seat, wheel`driving What word links these: lighthouse, wicket, zoo`keeper What word links these: list, money, signals`danger What word links these: living, smoking, sitting`room What word links these: loyal, master, rack`toast What word links these: machine, powder, soda`washing What word links these: major, model, small`scale What word links these: manager, record, team`player What word links these: meal, set, work`piece What word links these: modern, scan, violet`ultra What word links these: mother, quake, worm`earth What word links these: motor, rag, secret`trade What word links these: mountain, nursery, ski`slopes What word links these: national, syndicate, ticket`lottery What word links these: operating, puppet, sister`theatre What word links these: overnight, rate, story`success What word links these: patient, school, secretary`private What word links these: picture, shop, turkey`talking What word links these: pillow, remedy, tea`herbal What word links these: piping, seat, tip`hot What word links these: record, side, suit`track What word links these: squad, watch, wave`crime What word links these: storm, surgeon, wash`brain What word links these three, base, room and basket`ball What word links What word links blanca, brava, rica`costa what word, made up of the latin for 'water' and the greek for 'sailor', made its first appearance in the 60s`aquanaut what word may be used to refer to a group of elks?`gang What word may be used to refer to a group of gnats`horde what word may be used to refer to a group of greyhounds or foxes`leash what word may be used to refer to a group of hares?`husk what word may be used to refer to a group of hawks?`cast what word may be used to refer to a group of hounds`mute what word may be used to refer to a group of larks?`exaltation What word may be used to refer to a group of peacocks`muster what word may be used to refer to a group of pheasants?`nide What word means a barrel and an attack from a goat`butt What word means an attack of nerves suffered by sportsman especially golfers`yips what word means both a holder for arrows and to tremble`quiver What word means both an elephant'snose & part of a tree`trunk what word means "center of gravity"?`centrobaric What word means 'relating to the kidneys'`renal what word means split personality`schizophrenia what word means the "center of mass"`centroid What word means to go to a party uninvited`gatecrash What word occurs 46,227 times in the Bible`and What word of greek origin means 'a general pardon'`amnesty What word refers to very harsh laws such as those devised by a 7th century BC Athenian legislator`draconian What word refers to very harsh laws such as those devised by a 7th century BC Athenian legislator`draconian`draconic what words did jackie gleason end his variety show monologue with?`and away we go What word's first two letters mean a man, first three letters mean a woman, & first four letters mean a great man`heroine What words from Tennyson's Charge of the Light Brigade follow "Theirs is not to reason why`theirs is but to do or die What words opened Ali Baba's cave`open sesame what word used to address a woman in a formal letter reads the same forwards as backwards`madam what word used to describe army uniform, means dust coloured in hindi`khaki What word was coined by Oscar Wilde combining the words 'duds' and 'attitude'`Dude What word was coined to describe a male "bimbo"`himbo What word was created by merging the words 'melt and weld'`meld What word was intentionally omitted from the screenplay of the godfather`mafia What work begins go placidly amid the noise and haste and remember what peace there may be in silence`desiderata what work begins 'go placidly amid the noise & haste & remember what peace there may be in silence'`desiderata what work by the who did the royal canadian ballet dance to on tour`tommy What world championship is the 'bermuda bowl'`bridge what world famous artist founded the cubist movement`pablo`7 what world famous artist founded the cubist movement`pablo picasso what world-famous song initially went "scrambled eggs / oh, how i loved your legs..." in the composer's mind`yesterday What world famous structure was completed in 1889`eiffel tower in paris`eiffel rhinoceros what world famous structure was completed in 1889`eiffel tower in paris`eiffel tower what world leader was shot by her bodyguards in 1986`indira gandhi What world war i hero received 50 medals`alvin york What World War II commander had the forename Erwin`rommel What worm prefers mulberry`silkworm What worm prefers the mulberry`silkworm What worms will eat themselves if they can't find any food`ribbon worms what would a book collector understand by the initials t.e.g`top edge gilt what would a book collector understand by the initials t.e.g`top edge`pushtu What would a bushwalker most likely use to boil his water in`billy can What would a car have if its specification included A.B.S.`anti-lock braking system What would a car have if its specification included P.A.S.`power assisted steering What would a gardener do with secateurs`prune plants What would Americans call a spring onion`scallion What would an american call a car bonnet`hood What would an artist put on a wooden stretcher`canvas What would a "Philumenist" collect`match boxes What would a sperm bank pay a man for his sperm?`$50 What would a tongan do with his pa' angas`spend them What would barbie's measurements be if she was life size?`39-23-33 What would barbies measurements be if she were life size`39 23 33 What would be kept in a humidor`cigars What would be kept in an "aviary"`bird What would be kept in an 'aviary'`birds What would be the defining characteristic of a narcissistic person`vanity What would be your astrological sign if your birthday was 1st April`aries What would be your astrological sign if your birthday was 1st September`virgo what would fall faster, a ton of bricks or a ton of feathers`they would fall at the same time What would five times a nighter Sir Ralph Halpern allegedly make Fiona Wright do after sex?`Stroke his nose What would happen if you were defenestrated`thrown out of a window What would happen to you if you were tonsured`top of your head would be shaved what would have to be 50 000 times bigger then its actual size to break a spiders web`spider what would one call a group of leopards called`leap what would steve's detailing of new york city do to your car for 155 dollars?`clean it What would you be called if the soles of your feet rested completely on the ground`flat footed What would you be doing if you were pollarding`pruning a tree What would you be doing if you were 'stripping the willow'`dancing What would you be doing to the instructions k1, p1, k2tog`knitting What would you be examining if you used a tastevin`wine What would you be if you had an iq of 100`average What would you be if you were dextral`right handed What would you be in if you did an "eskimo roll"`kayak what would you call a pilchard less than a year old`a sardine What would you call the act of making a mark on a body by burning`branding What would you do on a piste`ski What would you do with "ackee" in Jamaica`eat it what would you do with a finnan haddie?`eat it What would you do with a Hispano Suiza`drive it What would you do with a John Collins`drink it What would you do with a julep`drink it What would you do with a liquorice paper`roll a cigarette what would you do with a Sopwith Camel`Fly it What would you do with a swizzle stick`stir a drink What would you do with a Wandering Sailor`plant it What would you expect to find in a vespiary`wasps What would you find a sally on the end of`bell rope What Would You Get From A Vintner`Wine What would you go to an optometrist to have tested`eye What would you have if you had rutilism`red hair What would you immediately notice if you stepped inside the TARDIS`bigger on the inside What would you keep in a bandolier`ammunition What would you measure with a sphygmomanometer`blood pressure What would you probably be doing if you were using a splade`eating What would you remove from a substance to produce an anhydride`water What would you use a gettoni token for in Italy`call from a phone box What would you use oysters, snails, ginseng and powdered rhino horn for?`Aphrodisiacs What would you use to play a game of rummy`cards What would you use your zygomaticus muscle for`to smile What would you usually find hanging down above a stalgmite`stalactite what writer is copenhagen's little mermaid a memorial to?`hans christian andersen What writer said "Youth is wasted on the young"`george bernard shaw What writer was nicknamed Papa`ernest hemingway What writing implement was invented by John T. Loud in 1888 (it wasn't until 1938 that a hungarian made a successful cheap working version)`ball point pen What written order must a policeman have before searching a house`warrant What ws Balki Bartokamus' occupation when he lived in Mypos?`Sheep Herder what ws the original title for the show you asked for it?`art baker show What WWI carrier pigeon helped save the Lost Battalion`cher ami What WWII hero's autobiography was titled "To Hell & Back"`audie murphy What WWII leader dallied with Clara Petacci`benito mussolini What "W" word describes the money people earn for their work`wages what yankee yanked his 500th homer over the wall on may 14, 1967?`mickey mantle What year did an Indian factory release 30 tons of pesticide, killing over 3500 people`1984 What year did Brasilia become capital of Brazil`1960 What year did Britain take over direct rule of Northern Ireland`1972 What year did Captain James Cook discover Australia`1770 What year did Carnegie Hall open`1891 What year did Charles Lindbergh cross the Atlantic Ocean`1927 What year did Chernobyl explode`1986 what year did chet atkins release his first solo album`1953 What year did coca-cola first go on sale`1886 What year did Columbus sail to America`1492 What year did Concorde first take to the skies`1969 What year did "conflict" cause the largest oil spill in history`1991 gulf war What year did Elvis Presley die`1977 What year did Emily Pankhurst chain herself to 10 Downing Street`1907 What year did Ernest Rutherford discover the proton`1919 What year did Fidel Castro seize power in Cuba`1959 what year did finland become independant`1917 What year did football's Munich air disaster happen`1958 What year did George Washington become US president`1789 What year did Hitler become chancellor of Germany`1933 what year did jason williams get drafted`1998 What year did Laurel and Hardy first perform together`1926 What year did London factorys emit acid pollution, leading to mass fatalities`1900 What year did Napoleon retreat from Moscow`1812 What year did Neil Armstrong land on the moon`1969 what year did newsday call 'carole king year'`1971 What year did 'Papa Doc' president of Haiti die`1967 What year did Pascal invent the adding machine`1642 What year did Playboy magazine first appear`1953 What year did President Lincoln deliver his Gettysburg Address`1863 what year did princess grace die`1982 What year did Queen Elizabeth II commence her reign`1952 What year did Roger Maris hit 61 homeruns`1961 what year did rolf harris have an australian top 10 hit with 'two little boys, with two little toys..'`1970 What year did sir richard whittington die`1423 What year did Sir Winston Churchill die`1965 what year did space oddity first reach no 1`1969 What year did the Beatles first go to no1`1963 What year did the Bolsheviks overthrow the Russian government`1917 What year did the first baby boomers turn 50`1996 what year did the first female pilot make her first flight`1908 What year did the first motel open`1925 What year did the first nudist colony open`1903 What year did the lights go out`1965 What year did Theodore Roosevelt die`1919 What year did the Pilgrims first land in America`1620 What year did the 'The Bay of Pigs' take place`1961 What year did the UK join the E.E.C`1973 what year did the u.s. mint issue the susan b. anthony dollar coin`1979 what year did the viking i land on mars?`1976 What year did was the great stock market crash that lead to the great depression`1929 What year did Yuri Gagarin become the first human in space`1961 WHAT YEAR:Double helix structure of DNA discovered by F Crick & J watson`1953 WHAT YEAR:Existence of blood groups discovered by K Landsteiner of Austria`1901 WHAT YEAR:First domestic videotape system introduced by japanese company Sony`1975 WHAT YEAR:First heart transplant carried out by C Barnard of South Africa`1967 WHAT YEAR:First underwater cable laid under the English Channel`1851 what year followed 1 b.c`a.d. 1 WHAT YEAR:Genetic fingerprinting developed by A Jeffreys(UK)`1984 What year in the 20th century saw three kings on the throne in England`1936 What year saw sugar jump from nine cents to fifty-eight cents a pound`1973 What year saw the 50th anniversary of the Bttle of Britain`1990 What year saw the first colour broadcast of the F A Cup Final`1968 What year saw the first golf shot on the moon`1971 What year saw the first League Cup final played at Wembley`1967 What year saw the launch of Sputnik I?`1957 what year seen the death of BOTH Janice Joplin and Jimmy Hendrix`1970 What year seen the death of BOTH Janis Joplin and Jimmy Hendrix`1970 What year's Winter Olympics introduced the super giant slalom`1988 What year was Aaron Copeland born`1900 what year was allen iverson born`1975 What year was Archduke Ferdinand assassinated`1914 What year was a U2 pilot shot down for spying`1960 What year was Aunt Jemima pancake flour invented`1889 what year was billy the kid born`1859 What year was DNA first determined`1953 What year was film introduced to replace glass in making photographic negatives`1891 what year was germany united`1871 What year was Geronimo captured in`1886 What year was Mr. Burns introduced to atom smashing?`1909 What year was Neptune discovered`1846 What year was operation Desert Fox`1998 What year was Paris liberated`1944 What year was Picasso born`1881 What year was Robert the bruce crowned King of Scotland`1306 What year was Sex education first introduced in English schools?`1889. What year was Shaquille O'neal born`1972 What year was "Surfin' USA" released`1963 What year was the Americans first atomic submarine launched`1954 What year was the Bacall-Bogart movie "The Guys From Milwaukee" released`1946 What year was the Battle of Bannockburn`1314 what year was the battle of hastings`1066 what year was the battle of trafalgar`1805 What year was the Battle of Trafalgar fought`1805 What year was the Berlin Wall erected`1961 What year was The Bible printed using moveable type`1455 What year was the car seat belt first patented`1903 What year was the constitution fully ratified`1787 What year was the dental drill invented`1790 what year was the first a&w rootbeer made`1919 What year was the first commercial opera house opened`1637 What year was the first motorcycle race run`1907 What year was the first oreo sold in`1912 What year was the first tooth extraction under anaesthetic performed`1846 What year was the first world series game played`1903 What year was the great train robbery`1963 What year was the Habitat company founded`1971 What year was the intel pentium processor introduced`1993 What year was the last woman hung in England`1955 What year was the Live Aid concert`1985 What year was the movie "Herbie Rides Again" released`1973 what year was the movie the apostle released`1998 What year was the movie "The Love Bug" released`1969 what year was the nba formed`1949 What year was Theodore Roosevelt born`1858 What year was the sony walkman introduced`1979 what year was the transistor invented?`1947 What year was Walt Disney born`1901 what year was yasser arafat born`1929 What year were jellybeans introduced to the United States`1861 what year were jelly belly jelly beans first sold`1976 What year were most of the American hostages released by Iran`1981 What year were the two atomic bombs dropped on Japan`1945 What year were x-rays discovered`1895 What year will the Ferrari F-60 be released`2003 WHAT YEAR:World health Organisation declares the world free of smallpox`1980 What yellow, fossilized resin did the Greeks and Romans use in jewelry?`Amber What yellow fossilized resin was used in jewellery by the greeks and romans`amber What yippie hid from law enforcers under the pseudonym "Barry Freed"`abbie hoffmann what yorkshireman wrote all creatures great and small`james herriot What Yorkshire port witnessed the departure of Captain Cook on his epic voyages`whitby What Yorkshire town is famous for being a conference centre`harrogate What young animal is an offspring of a nanny & a billy`kid what yugoslav republic's name translates to 'black mountain'`montenegro What Yukon region was the scene of a famous gold rush`klondike What yummy snack is used in the construction of dynamite?`Peanuts What zodiacal sign is represented by a bull`taurus What zodiacal sign is represented by fish`pisces What zodiacal sign is represented by the balance, or scales`libra What zodiac sign is represented by fish`pisces what zone lies between the tropics of Capricorn and cancer`The tropical zone What zone lies between the tropics of Capricorn & Cancer`tropical zone WHAT ZONE VARIES FROM BATTER TO BATTER IN BASEBALL`THE STRIKE ZONE Whcih is the biggest selling car of all time`volkswagen beetle Wheel according to bonnie tyler, what hits you when it's too late`heartache Wheeled vehicle, specifically, a vehicle for carrying persons, designed to be drawn by one or more draft animals`carriage When a a positive & negative plate are placed together in an electrical circuit which stores a charge in the form of an electric field it is called a _________`capacitor When a coffee seed is planted, it takes how many years to yield consumable fruit`five When a coffee seed is planted, it takes how many years to yield consumable fruit`five`5 When a female horse & male donkey mate, the offspring is called a what`mule When a Hawaiian woman wears a ______ over her left ear, it means that she is not available.`flower When Albert Einstein died, his final words died with him. The nurse at his side didn't understand`german When a man died in ancient -------, the females in his family would smear their heads and faces with mud and wander through the city beating themselves and tearing off their clothes.`egypt When angered, the ears of Tazmanian devils turn what color`pinkish red When angered, the ears of what animal turn a pinkish red`tazmanian devil when a piece of glass cracks, how fast does the crack travel`3,000 miles per hour When a piece of glass cracks, the crack travels faster than --------- miles per hour`three thousand when a player hits a double in darts, what can he do`start`histology when a player hits a double in darts, what can he do`start scoring When a rabbit scratches its dowsets, it has itchy`testicles When are finger prints formed`3rd week in the womb When are finger prints formed`3rd week in the wombWho composed the opera buffo The Golden Cockerel in 1909`rimsky-korsakov When are new states admitted to the u.s`noon, july 4th when are new states admitted to the u.s`noon, july`river When are shadows shorter, in summer or winter`summer when are the most collect calls made`father's day When are the only 2 occasions that Catch 22 characters are allowed to go in to see Major Major`when hes out When asked what she did for a living, "I'm a housekeeper-I get married-I get divorced-I keep the house."`zsa zsa gabor when asked what she wore to bed, marilyn monroe responded that she wore what`chanel #5 When a U S army bomber crashed into the New York's Empire State Building, how many people did it kill`fourteen When a U S army bomber crashed into the New York's Empire State Building, how many people did it kill`fourteen`14 When Axel Foley enters the hotel, he uses an alias. Who does he say he works for`rolling stone magazine When Bart spray painted a picture of Skinner,what was his principal saying`"I am a Weiner" when basketball first started how many players were on a team`9 when basketball first started, how many players were on the field`9 When Coca-Cola was first introduced in 1886, what was it advertised as`Brain Tonic When completed in 1931, it was the tallest building in the world, at one-fifth of a mile high`Empire State Building When cutting a diamond with a laser, _______ dust is formed`graphite When danger appeared, Quick Draw McGraw became which super hero`El KaBong When did Alaska become a State`january 3, 1959 When did Alaska become the 49th US state`1959 When did Andy Warhol die`1987 When did Baden Powell found the Boy Scout movement`1907 When did Brazil move its capital from Rio de Janeiro to Brasilia`1960 when did cape verde become independed`1975 When did Castro take power in Cuba`1959 When did chuck berry's first rock and roll classic hit the charts`1957 when did colgate and crest first offer toothpaste in a pump dispenser`1984 When did Disneyland open`1955 when did elizabeth ii turn 21`1947 When did England's lease on Hong Kong expire`1997 When did France end state regulated prostitution?`1946 When did Henry Ford build his first car`1896 when did india become independant`1947