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After his vision, who was Saul known as`Paul
---------- always turn left when exiting a cave`bats
Urban Legends: Approximately how many Americans are injured by toilets each year?`40000
---------- americans had buttock lift surgery in 1995`314
'Admiral', 'soda', & 'zero' ultimately derive from which language`Arabic
"------------- - a group of men who keep minutes and waste hours."- M. Berle`committee
"A -------- is like a barbed-wire fence. It protects the property without obstructing the view."- Joey Adams`bikini
"A ---------- is a person who works hard all his life to become known, then wears dark glasses to avoid being recognized."- Fred Allen (1894 - 1956)`celebrity
"A ------------ is one of the only pieces of evidence we have that people are still thinking."- Jerry Seinfeld (1954 - )`bookstore
"AD" after a date signifies a number of years after the birth of whom`Jesus Christ
"Afternoon Delight" was recorded by which group`starland vocal band
"All human life is there" - a quotation from Henry James - was used to promote which British Sunday newspaper in the 1950s`news of the world
A _____ is an actual unit of time for 1/100th of a second`jiffy
A ______ is capable of devouring a pig whole`python
A _______ is a pact between a secular authority & the church.`concordat
A _______ is the only standard international unit of measure still defined by a physical object, a bar composed of two elements`kilogram
A _________ has a double-headed penis designed to match the double-horned vagina of the female.`kangaroo
A _____________ is someone who specializes in the study of virgins and virginity.`parthenologist
A __________________ measures blood pressure`sphygmomanometer
a ---------- has a lifespan of 24 hours`dragonfly
a ---------- has the largest penis of any other animal in relation to its size`barnacle
a ---------- has three eyelids`duck
a ---------- is a village without a church and a town is not a city until it has a cathedral`hamlet
a ---------- is an autopsy on animals`necropsy
a ---------- is the blue field behind the stars`canton
a ---------- is the object most often choked on by americans`toothpick
a ---------- male reindeer is called a bull`castrated
A 'dybbuk' is an evil spirit in which folklore`Jewish
A 'featherie' was an early form of' which piece of sports equipment`golf ball
A 'gam' is a collection of which creatures`whales
A 'geep' is the resulting offspring of a sheep and a`goat
A 'morel' is what type of vegetable`mushroom
A "crystal" wedding anniversary is celebrated after how many years`15
A "diamond" wedding anniversary is celebrated after how many years`60
A "double sheet bend" is a type of what?`Knot
A "emerald" wedding anniversary is celebrated after how many years`55
A "fruit/flowers" wedding anniversary is celebrated after how many years`4
A "golden" wedding anniversary is celebrated after how many years`50
A "ivory" wedding anniversary is celebrated after how many years`14
A "lace" wedding anniversary is celebrated after how many years`13
a "lanterne rouge" in cycling is?`booby prize
A "leather" wedding anniversary is celebrated after how many years`3
A "light year" measures`distance
A "lobby" is also known as a`vestibule
A cross between different breeds, groups, or varieties, especially a mixture that is or appears to be incongruous`mongrel
A cross viewed as a symbol of Jesus's --------ion`crucifix
A cross-head screwdriver is also known as`Phillips screwdriver
A cruciverbalist is an enthusiast of which pastime`crossword puzzles
A crude cart used to carry condemned prisoners to their place of execution, as during the French Revolution`tumbrel
A crudely indecent word or phrase: an obscenity`vulgarism
A cruel or savage act`barbarity
A crypt or minute cul-de-sac or lacuna, such as the depression in the skin from which the hair emerges`follicle
A cultural revival: a renaissance`renascence
A cultured sour milk made by adding certain microorganisms to sweet milk`buttermilk
A cumulative pool in competitions and various other games`jackpot
A cup for the consecrated wine of the Eucharist`chalice
A cupboard with drawers for storage and usually open shelves on top, often used for dishes`hutch
A cuplike structure or organ, such as one of the cuplike divisions of the pelvis or of the kidney`calyces
A curl or lock of hair worn during the 18th century as a topknot on a periwig`toupee
A curse`execration
A curtain or wall hanging, especially one of Flemish origin`arras
A curved iron rod with a hooked end used for lifting hot pots, irons, or stove lids`pothook
A curved oriental sword`scimitar
A cushion attached to the top of the back of an automotive vehicle's seat, especially to prevent whiplash. Also called head restraint`headrest
A cushioned seat without back or arms`ottoman
A custom or practice established by long usage`ordinance
A customer or patron: '------s of the hotel.'`client
A customer, especially a regular customer`patrons
A cut of beef or veal from the`rump
A cut of meat containing part of the backbone`chine
A cut of meat from the ----- of an animal`flank
A cut of meat from the thigh of a hog`ham
A cut or projection forming a shelf on a cliff or rock wall`ledge
A cutting edge: a blade`knife
A cyclonic (rotating) tropical storm with winds at the center in excess of 74 miles per hour is called`hurricane
A cyclonic or rotating tropical storm with winds at the center in excess of 74 miles per hour is called`hurricane
A cylinder with a toothed rim that engages in the perforations of photographic or movie film to pull it through a camera or projector`sprocket
A dam placed across a river or canal to raise or divert the water, as for a millrace, or to regulate or measure the flow`weir
A dance involving high kicks`cancan
A dark brown infesting insect`cockroach
A dark liquid ejected for protection by most cephalopods, including the octopus and squid`ink
A dark to very dark red`garnet
A daub, as of color`blob
a day on ---------- is about 9 hours, 50 minutes, 30 seconds at the equator`jupiter
A day on Jupiter is about ____ hours, 50 minutes, 30 seconds at the equator`nine
A day on Jupiter is about ____ hours, 50 minutes, 30 seconds at the equator`nine
A day-----: a reverie`dream
A daydream: I felt caught up in a ------- of years long past (William Styron)`reverie
A dealer in dress accessories and sewing goods`haberdasher
A dealer in precious or semiprecious stones`lapidaries
A decade or the numbers from 20 to 29: 'The children are now in their --------. The temperature dipped into the --------.'`twenties
A decade or the numbers from 30 to 39: 'They settled down in their --------. The temperature fell into the --------.'`thirties
A decade or the numbers from 50 to 59: 'They began playing golf in their -------. With the sunshine, the temperature reached the -------.'`fifties
A decade or the numbers from 60 to 69: 'They planned to retire in their -------. The breeze kept the temperature in the -------.'`sixties
A decade or the numbers from 80 to 89: 'They were still active in their --------. Before noon, the temperature shot into the --------.'`eighties
A decade or the numbers from 90 to 99: 'My grandparents are in their --------. During the heat wave, the temperature stayed in the --------.'`nineties
A deceitful person is refered to as a 'snake in the..'`grass
A deceptive action calculated to divert attention from one's real purpose. wile`feint
A declaration made to explain or justify action, decision, or conviction: 'inquired about her ------ for leaving.'`reason
A declaration or assertion`vow
A decline or final phase: 'the ------ of an empire.'`sunset
A decline, as of a business`downswing
A decoction of dandelion roots and leaves is an old remedy for dissolving urinary _______`stones
A decorative article made by this art`scrimshaw
A decorative casing for a light, often of paper`lantern
A decorative cloth for covering the top of a piece of furniture: a runner`scarf
A decorative cushion`pillow
A decorative horizontal band, as along the upper part of a wall in a room`frieze
A decorative ribbon or bow worn as a headdress`topknot
A decorative sticker`decal
A decorative strip around the edge of something, such as fabric`border
A deduction from gross weight made to allow for the weight of a container`taring
A deduction or an inference`corollary
A deep brownish purple`raisin
A deep flesh wound`gash
A deep narrow gorge`ravine
A deep-red garnet, unfaceted and convex`carbuncle
A deep, wide chasm: an abyss`gulf
a deer cannot eat----------`hay
A defect or shortcoming in something intangible: 'They share the character ---- of arrogance.'`flaw
A deficiency in what causes goitre`iodine
A deficiency or impairment in mental or physical functioning`deficit
A deficient amount: a shortfall`underage
A definition of longevity: Oscar winner 48 years apart, in 1933 and 1981.`katharine hepburn
A definitive or characteristic feature. Often used in the plural: the gross and subtle folds of corruption on the average senatorial face are hardly the ---------s of`lineament
A deformity of the back in humans caused by an abnormal convex curvature of the upper spine`hump
A degree from certain European and Canadian universities ranking just below that of a doctor`licentiate
A degree or stage in such a progression`gradation
A delegate sent to observe and report on the proceedings of an assembly or a meeting but not vote or otherwise participate`observer
A den or hideaway`lair
A denial, contradiction, or negative statement`negation
A dense clump of grass`hassock
A dense clump, especially of trees or bushes`tuft
A dense mass of material that obstructs a passage`plug
A dental or surgical device designed to perform a therapeutic or corrective function`appliance
A departure from the normal or typical: 'events that were ----------s from the norm.'`aberration
A depilatory is a substance used for removing `hair
A depilatory is a substance used for removing _______ `hair
A Dermatherm is an instrument which measures`Skin Temperature
A derogatory or damaging comment on a person's character or reputation: disparagement: 'The candidate responded sharply to the long list of ----------s`detraction
A designer of or consultant on styles in decorating, dress, or beauty`stylist
A desire or inclination to revive what belongs to an earlier time`revivalism
A desire to know about people or things that do not concern one: nosiness`curiosity
A desk with a top section for books`escritoire
A detached shoot or twig containingbuds from a woody plant, used in grafting`scion
A detachment of one or more troops, ships, or aircraft held in readiness or advanced to warn of an enemy's approach: (The outlying sonar ------... was to detect, localize, and engage anysubmarine trying to close the convoy`picket
A devastating ------------- epidemic in 1822 left New York City with 16,000 corpses and no readily available space for burial.`yellow fever
A deviation from a vertical or horizontal line, plane, position, or direction`obliquity
A device at the front end of a locomotive or streetcar designed to push aside obstructions`fender
A device consisting of a rubber suction cup attached to the end of a stick, used to unclog drains and pipes. Also called plumber's helper`plunger
A device designed to thaw frozen goods`defroster
A device for holding a razorblade, with guards to prevent cutting of the skin. Also called safety razor`razors
A device for holding or drawing back: 'a -------- for heavy draperies.'`pullback
A device for holding the thread in tatting and netting and in a sewing machine`shuttle
A device for making rayon, nylon, and other synthetic fibers, consisting of a plate pierced with holes through which plastic material is extruded in`spinneret
A device for sifting or scattering a powdered substance`duster
A device for tuning, especially an electronic circuit or device used to select signals at a specific radio frequency for amplification and conversion to`tuner
A device invented as a primitive steam engine by the Greek engineer Hero, about the time of the birth of Christ, is used today as a`rotating lawn sprinkler
A device on a stovetop, such as a gas jet or electric element, that produces heat`burner
A device or an apparatus with a ------ joint`toggle
A device or implement, such as a stamp, die, or seal, used to press markings onto or into a surface`print
A device or machine that cuts`cutter
A device or machine, such as a lumber trimmer, that is used for trimming`trimmers
A device or mechanism that grinds grain`mill
A device that absorbs noise, especially one used with an internal-combustion engine`muffler
A device that decodes a scrambled electronic signal to make it interpretable`decoders
A device that directs the course of an aircraft or missile`navigator
A device that insulates`insulator
A device that is used for welding`welders
A device that produces a vapor to ease breathing or is used to medicate by inhalation, especially a small nasal applicator containing a volatile medicament. Also`inhaler
A device that produces heat for specialized, especially industrial, purposes`stoves
A device that purifies or alters by a process comparable to distillation`alembic
A device that regulates the flow or circulation of air`draft
A device used for shredding documents, often as a security measure to prevent unapproved persons from reading them`shredders
A device used in a moving object, especially a missile, that locates a target by detecting light, heat, or other radiation`seeker
A device used to change the voltage of alternating currents is a `transformer
A device used to change the voltage of alternating currents is a ______.`transformer
A device used to raise sunken objects, consisting of a hollow structure that is submerged, attached tightly to the object, and pumped free of water`camel
A device with perforations through which water issues from a hose to sprinkle a lawn`sprinkler
A device, especially an electric razor, that is used in shaving`shaver
A device, such as a small wooden paddle, used to press down the tongue during an examination of the mouth or throat`spatula
A device, such as a supporting beam in a building or a connecting wire or rope, that steadies or holds something else erect`brace
A device, such as an attached tube or a portable unit, for firing rockets`launcher
A devoted follower or attendant`acolyte
A devotional exercise of or leading to contemplation`meditation
A devout adherent of a cult or religion: a committed worshiper: 'the -------- of Aphrodite.'`votaries
A diagram of the signs of the zodiac based on such an aspect`horoscope
A dicotyledonous tree`hardwood
A die plate for flattening metal into strips, as in the manufacture of watch springs`flatterer
A die plate for flattening metal into strips, as in the manufacture of watch springs`flatters
A difficult exertion of the strength or will: 'It was an ------ to get up.'`effort
A difficult or precarious situation: a predicament`quagmire
A difficult or tedious undertaking`task
A diffraction grating`gratings
A dilute or weakened condition`dilution
A dime has how many ridges around the edge`118
A dime has how many ridges around the edge`one hundred & eighteen
A dime is equal to how many cents`ten
A dining area, as at a school or office building, where meals may be purchased or brought from home and eaten`cafeteria
A diplomatic mission in a foreign country ranking below an embassy`legation
A diplomatic official heading his or her country's permanent mission to certain international organizations, such as the United Nations`ambassador
A direct channel by which information is privately transmitted`pipeline
A direct result: a consequence: Is history the ------- of impersonal social and economic forces (Anthony Lewis)`product
A disadvantageous aspect: 'an option with a -------- as well as benefits.'`downside
A disappointment: 'The cancellation of the game was a real -------.'`letdown
A disarming or seductive manner, device, or procedure: 'the ----s of a skilled negotiator.'`wile
A disastrous failure: a fiasco`cropper
A disastrous nuclear accident at Chernobyl in the Soviet Union spreads`radiation
A disc ----ey`jock
A disc jockey`jocks
A discharge of pus`pyorrhea
A discoloration on the skin: a blemish`blotch
A disconnected piece: a fragment`fraction
A disease`illness
A disease caused by a`virus
A disease characterized by this thickening or hardening`scleroses
A disease marked by this inflammation`bronchitic
A disease of the brain`encephalopathy
A disease that is or may be transmitted by direct or indirect contact: a contagious disease`contagion
A disease: a malady`sickness
A dish consisting of such tubes stuffed with meat, vegetables, or cheese and baked in a tomato or cream sauce`cannelloni
A dish described as "Lyonnaise" has which ingredient`onions
A dish made by baking such pasta with layers of sauce and fillings such as cheese or meat`lasagna
A dish made with`ravioli
A dish made with such strips of pasta`fettuccine
A dish or an order of thin slices of fried or broiled bacon`rasher
A dish served in formal dining immediately before the main course or between two principal courses`entree
A dishonest act or statement`dishonesty
A dishonest business or practice, especially one that obtains money through fraud or extortion`racketed
A disloyal act`disloyalty
A disorderly commotion or disturbance`tumult
A display of fireworks`pyrotechnics
A disposition to be kind and forgiving: 'a heart full of mercy.'`mercies
A dissenter from an established church, especially a Protestant nonconformist`sectaries
A dissertation advancing an original point of view as a result of research, especially as a requirement for an academic degree`theses
A distance to be traveled or the time required for a trip: 'a 2,000-mile ------- to the Pacific: the three-day ------- home.'`journey
A distinct mass or portion of matter, especially a large one: 'the dark ---- of buildings against the sky.'`bulk
A distinct period or sequence of events, as in history or a person's life: 'Steamboat travel opened a new ----ter in America's exploration of the West.'`chap
A distinctive but intangible quality that seems to surround a person or thing: atmosphere: 'An ---- of defeat pervaded the candidate's headquarters.'`aura
A distinctive characteristic by which a person or thing comes to be known: 'the shuffle and snicker that became the comedian's ---------.'`trademark
A distinctive collarlike projection around the neck, as of feathers on a bird or of fur on a mammal`ruff
A distinctive quality that adds piquancy`tang
A distinctive yet intangible quality felt to be characteristic of a given thing: What matters in literature... is surely the idiosyncratic, the individual, the ------ or color of aparticular human suffering`flavor
A distinctly bounded area enclosed within a larger unit: 'ethnic -------s in a large city.'`enclave
A distinguishing feature or attribute, as of an individual, group, or category. quality`character
A distinguishing sign`insigne
A distressing or difficult circumstance or situation: 'I've had -------s ever since I took this job.'`trouble
A district of some English and Scottish counties corresponding roughly to the hundred or the wapentake`ward
A ditch similar to one surrounding a fortification: 'A ---- separates the animals in the zoo from the spectators.'`moat
A diversion or spectacle that is incidental to a larger set of circumstances or a bigger issue of concern: Administrations with little room to maneuver at home have historically`sideshow
A division based on quality, rank, or grade, as: A grade of mail: 'a package sent third class.'`classing
A division of a tribe tracing descent from a common ancestor`clan
A division of territory under the jurisdiction of an archbishop`province
A docile or servile person`spaniel
A doctrine holding that all values are baseless and that nothing can be known or communicated`nihilism
A document in duplicate having indented edges`indenture
A document or receipt certifying such release`quittance
A document, plate, or tag that is issued as proof of official or legal permission: 'a driver's -------.'`license
A dog has`elbows
A dog of a breed believed to have originated in Dalmatia, having a short, smooth white coat covered with black or dark brown spots`dalmatian
A dolphin can remember a specific ______ better than a human`tone
A dome-shaped structure or building`igloo
A domestic animal, especially a cow, horse, or mule`critter
A domestic partner`companion
A domesticated pig, especially one weighing over 54 kilograms (120 pounds)`hog
A domesticated yak, used as a work animal or raised for meat and milk`yack
A dominant and recurring theme, as in a novel`leitmotif
A donjon`dungeon
a donkey will sink in ---------- but a mule won't`quicksand
a donkey will sink in quicksand but a ---------- won't`mule
A donor or contributor. Often used in combination: 'alms-----s.'`giver
A doorman`janitor
A dormant nonreproductive body formed by certain bacteria in response to adverse environmental conditions`spore
A double star in the constellation Gemini, the brightest star in the group, approximately 46 light-years from Earth`castors
A doubt in the mind: a mental reservation`queried
A downward trend: downturn: 'The business hit a ---------.'`downdraft
a dragonfly has a lifespan of ---------- hours`twenty four
A draped neckline on a woman's garment`cowl
A drastic shortage: a dearth`famine
A Draughts player starts with how many pieces`twelve
A Draughts player starts with how many pieces?`12
A drawing in perspective of a proposed structure`renderings
A drawing made with one of these sticks`crayon
A drawing or picture done in this pigment`sepia
A drawing pencil or crayon made from this material`charcoal
A drawing position in chess in which the king, although not in check, can move only into check and no other piece can move`stalemate
A drawing representing current public figures or issues symbolically and often satirically: 'a political -------.'`cartoon
A dreamy, lazy mood or quality: (It was hot, yet with a sweet ------- about it (Theodore Dreiser)`languor
A dressing made with oil, wine, vinegar and seasoning is called what`vinaigrette
A dried extract made from the stomach lining of a ruminant, used in cheesemaking to curdle milk`rennet
A drift or tendency that is counter to or separate from a main current, as of opinion, tradition, or history`eddied
A drill bit`auger
A drink of such liquor`whiskey
A drinking bout`spree
A drinking glass, originally with a rounded bottom`tumbler
A driving or propelling force`propulsion
A driving or pulling force: an impetus: The US could no longer serve as the ---------- for the world economy (George Soros)`locomotive
A drug prepared from the seeds and dried leaves of this plant, used in medicine as a cardiac stimulant`digitalis
A dry german white wine`moselle
A dry white table wine made from this grape`chardonnay
A dry, several-seeded, dehiscent fruit. Also called seedpod`pods
a duck has ---------- eyelids`three
A dull, often rough finish, as of paint, glass, metal, or paper`mat
A dunce: a fool`bozo
A duplicate: a copy`ditto
A Dutch study indicated that 50 percent of the adult Dutch population have never flown in an airplane, and ---------------- percent admitted a fear of flying.`twenty eight
A duty or duties so imposed`tariff
A dweller in a place: an occupant`tenant
A Eurasian climbing annual vine (Pisum sativum) cultivated in all temperate zones, having compound leaves with terminal leaflets modified into tendrils and globose, edible seeds enclosed ina green,`pea
A Eurasian deciduous maple tree (Acer pseudoplatanus) having palmately lobed leaves, winged fruits, and greenish flowers`sycamore
A fabled bird, identified with the kingfisher, that was supposed to have had the power to calm the wind and the waves while it nested on the sea during the`halcyon
A fabric so woven or knit`rayon
A fabric with a curly looped pile, made to resemble this fur`astrakhan
A fabric with very thin stripes, often used for suits`pinstripe
A factor, thing, element, or course involving uncertain danger: a hazard: the usual ----s of the desert: rattlesnakes, the heat, and lack of water`risk
A failure: a flop`clunker
A faint manifestation or indication: a trace: 'a ------- of understanding.'`glimmer
A faint or fleeting indication: a trace`glint
A fall of a group of objects, especially from the sky: 'a meteor ------: a ------ of leaves.'`shower
A fall, as of rain or snow, sufficient to cover a surface to the depth of one`inch
A falling of ----: a ----storm`snow
A false or spurious electronic signal caused by a brief, unwanted surge of electric power`glitch
A false or studied show: an affectation: 'a -------- of nonchalance.'`pretense
a family of ---------- died in oregon during wwii as a result of a japanese balloon bomb`six
a family of six died in ---------- during wwii as a result of a japanese balloon bomb`oregon
a family of six died in oregon during wwii as a result of a ---------- balloon bomb`japanese
a family of six died in oregon during wwii as a result of a japanese balloon----------`bomb
A family, community, or society based on this system or governed by men`patriarchy
A family, community, or society based on this system or governed by women`matriarchy
A famous film directed by david lean`lawrence of arabia
A famous film starring kate winslet`titanic
A famous RAH novel, as well as a number believed to be cursed`the number of the beast
A famous russian composer and pianist`rachmaninov
A farewell: 'gave our guests a hearty ------- at the airport.'`sendoff
A farm or garden implement for scattering fertilizer or seed`spreader
A fast car`speedster
A fast coach drawn by four horses`tallyho
A fast running motion of other quadrupeds`gallop
A fast, maneuverable combat aircraft used to engage enemy aircraft`fighter
A fastening made by tying together lengths of material, such as rope, in a prescribed way`knot
A fault, especially a moral weakness`frailties
A favorite or frequent choice`standby
A favorite spot for vampires to bite`neck
A favourite Indian soup consisting of ground kernels of corn, dried smoked meat, fish, squash, pumpkin, or berries was called what`Sagamite
A favourite spot for vampires to bite (that's one hell of a hickey!)`neck
A fearsome imaginary creature, especially one evoked to frighten children`bugbear
A fee charged for the privilege of anchoring`anchorage
A fee or commission paid to a broker`brokerage
A feeling of animosity: ill will. enmity`animus
A feeling of disappointment or depression`comedown
A feeling of great, often malicious, pleasure or self-satisfaction`gloat
A feeling of repugnance or loathing`abhorrence
A feeling or attitude of devoted attachment and affection. Often used in the plural: 'My --------- lie with my family.'`loyalties
A feeling that remains after an event or experience, especially one that was unpleasant`aftertaste
A fellow male gang member`homeboy
A fellow member of a group, especially a fellow member of the Communist Party`comrade
A felt resembling velvet, used in making hats`velour
A female BEE is called a ____`queen
A female being believed to be the source of life and being and worshiped as the principal deity in various religions. Used with the`goddess
a female chicken is called a __ __`hen
A female demon that raped men whilst they slept?`Ephialtes
A female descendant`daughter
A female DOG is called a ____`bitch
A female fox`vixen
A female FOX is called a ____`vixen
A female friend`girlfriend
a female hog is called a ____`sow
A female HORSE is called a ____`mare
A female LION is called a ____`lioness
A female orgasm is a powerful ___________ (due to the release of endorphins), so headaches are in fact a bad excuse not to have sex!`painkiller
A female pharaoh was unknown in -------- before Hatshepsut, who had herself portrayed in male costume, with a beard and without breasts.`egypt
A female SEAL is called a ____`cow
A female SHEEP is called a ____`ewe
a female swine, or a sow, will always have a even number of teats or nipples, usually----------`twelve
a female swine, or a sow, will always have a even number of---------- , usually twelve`nipples
a female---------- , will always have a even number of teats or nipples, usually twelve`swine
A fermented beverage brewed by traditional methods that is then dealcoholized so that the finished product contains no more than 0.5 percent alcohol`beer
A fertilizer containing phosphorus compounds`phosphate
A festivity: a revelry`merrymaker
a fetus acquires fingerprints at the age of ---------- months`three
A fetus acquires fingerprints at what age`three months
A fiefdom`fiefs
A field`marshal
A field or sphere of unrestricted pleasurable activity: Foreign affairs had been T.R.'s personal ---------- during his Presidency (John Dos Passos)`playground
A field where rice is grown`paddy
A fierce, brutal, or cruel person`barbarian
A fiercely vigilant or intractable person`dragon
A figure having jointed parts animated from above by strings or wires: a marionette`puppet
A figure made of wax, especially a life-size wax effigy of a famous person`waxwork
A figure of six lines or sides`hexagram
A figure or design formed by this kind of cutting`carvings
A figure or representation having a secret or occult significance`cryptogram
A film contract between mutual film corporation and a great mexican bandit meant that he could not commence battles unless a cameraman was on hand to film the happenings. who was this bandit`pancho villa
A film starring bob hoskins`who framed roger rabbit
A filthy or soiling substance, such as mud or dust`dirt
A filthy place`sty
A final, conclusive, or decisive act or utterance`finalities
A financial and publicity organizer, as of a boxing match or an artistic performance`promoter
A fine jet of liquid discharged from a pressurized container`spray
A fine plaster for interior wall ornamentation, such as moldings`stucco
A fine, twilled table linen`damask
A finger---- or toe`nail
A fingering technique used with fretted stringed instruments in which a finger is laid across the fretboard to stop all or several strings at once`barre
A fingernail or toenail takes about how many months to grow from base to tip`six
A fingernail or toenail takes about how many months to grow from base to tip`six
A fire for burning corpses`pyre
A firearm having this type of gunlock. Also called firelock`flintlock
A firework that forms a rotating wheel of colored flames. Also called catherine wheel`pinwheel
A firm grip`cinch
A firm in Britain sold fall-out shelters for`pets
A firm or secure position that provides a base for further advancement`foothold
A first achievement that opens the way for further developments: a foothold: It is not yet clear whether the ecologists will establish a --------- in the economists' carefully`beachhead
A first appearance: a beginning: 'the ---- of history.' beginning`dawn
A fishing lure that rotates rapidly`spinner
A fit of anger`rage
A fit of uncontrollable laughing or crying`hysterics
A fixed or movable shield against glare attached above the windshield of an automotive vehicle`visor
A flag flown upside-down is a signal of a(n) _________`emergency
A flag officer`admiral
A flag or an emblem similar in shape to a ship's`pennant
A flamingo can eat only when its head is`upside down
A flaplike structure, such as the wattle of a bird or the lobe of the ear`lappet
A flared opening for a gun in a wall or parapet`embrasure
A flat bottomed boat on canal or river`barge
A flat piece of wood or similarly rigid material adapted for a special use`board
A flat round Dutch cheese`gouda
A flat round soft creamy French cheese`brie
A flat rounded mass of dough or batter, such as a pan---- that is baked or fried`cake
A flat V shaped missile that returns`boomerang
A flat-bottomed conical laboratory flask with a narrow neck is called a(n) `erlenmeyer flask
A flat-bottomed conical laboratory flask with a narrow neck is called a(n) __________.`erlenmeyer
A flat, round hat sometimes worn by soldiers is a `beret
A flat, round hat sometimes worn by soldiers is a _________.`beret
A flatbottom boat used chiefly in the Baltic Sea as a barge`pram
A flatbottom inflatable c---- for floating or drifting on water: 'shooting the rapids in a rubber ----.'`raft
A flattened candlestick that has a handle`sconce
A flea can jump how many times its own length`100
A flea can jump how many times its own length`one hundred
A fleet of ships`argosies
A fleet of small ships`flotilla
A fleshy part similar to a ----, such as the dewlap of a cow or the wattle of a fowl`jowl
A flexible strip of leather or canvas used for sharpening a razor`strop
A flight formation or arrangement of craft in this manner`echelon
A flight transporting troops, civilian passengers, or supplies under such conditions`airlift
A floating structure serving as a dock`pontoon
A flood tide`flooding
A flower of this plant. Also called clove pink`carnation
A flower with brightly colored daisy like flowers`aster
A flower with brightly coloured daisy like flowers`aster
A flush toilet exists that dates back to`2000 bc
a flush toilet exists today that dates back to ---------- b.c`2000
A flute player is called a`flautist
A focus of attention, feeling, thought, or action: 'an ------ of contempt.'`object
A fold or pleat in cloth`wimple
A folded tortilla filled with meat, cheese, beans etc. is called what`taco
A font used for baptism`baptistery
A food made chiefly from beef, dried fruit, and suet, used as emergency rations`pemmican
A fool or buffoon at medieval courts`jester
A foolish or stupid person: a blockhead:`jackass
A foot-long ruler is inches long`twelve
A foot-long ruler is __ inches long.`12
A force assumed to cause events that cannot be foreseen or controlled: luck: 'Chance will determine the outcome.'`chance
A force that causes a fluid or solid to be drawn into an interior space or to adhere to a surface because of the difference between the external and`suction
A force that tends to oppose or retard motion`resistance
A forced labor camp or prison, especially for political dissidents`gulag
A forerunner or predecessor`ancestor
A forked leg rest on a sidesaddle`crutch
A form of air pollution produced by the photochemical reaction of sunlight with hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides that have been released into the`smog
A form of government in which all power is vested in a single ruler or other authority`absolutism
A form of wit that is marked by the use of sarcastic language and is intended to make its victim the butt of contempt or ridicule`sarcasm
A formal -----ition of facts`expos
A formal account of the proceedings or transactions of a group`report
A formal act of civility, courtesy, or respect`compliment
A formal agreement establishing such an association, especially an international treaty of friendship`alliance
A formal breach of union within a Christian church`schism
A formal discourse on a topic: an exposition`discussion
A formal expression of praise: a tribute`encomia
A formal justification or defense`apologies
A formal reception, as at a royal court`levee
A formal written document requesting a right or benefit from a person or group in authority`petition
A formation of infantry carrying overlapping shields and long spears, developed by Philip II of Macedon and used by Alexander the Great`phalanges
A formula used in exorcising`exorcism
A fortified or walled town in early or medieval Europe`burg
A fortified stronghold converted to residential use`castle
A forward position seized by advancing troops in enemy territory as a foothold for further advance`bridgehead
A foul quality: 'the ------ of corrupt government.'`stench
A foul, degraded condition or place`dunghill
A four-sided planar figure with a diamondlike shape: a rhombus that is not a square`lozenge
A fragment of a brittle substance, as of glass or metal`shard
A frame device used to support someone, such as an infant learning to walk or a convalescent learning to walk again`walker
A frame or model around or on which something is formed or shaped`mold
A framework consisting of two or more vertical bars, used to secure cattle in a stall or at a feed trough`stanchion
A framework consisting of vertical, slanted supports and horizontal crosspieces supporting a bridge`trestle
A frankfurter`wiener
A French manor house`chateau
A French nobleman of the lowest rank`chevalier
A freshwater sunfish (Lepomis auritus) of the eastern United States, having a reddish belly`redbreast
A friendly relationship: 'formed many new ----------s over the summer.'`friendship
A frightening story, especially one involving violence, evil, or the supernatural: a thriller`chiller
A frivolous act or thing`frivolity
A frolicsome or frivolous mood: 'spoken in ----.'`jest
a full ---------- percent of the entire irish barley crop goes to the production of guinness beer`seven
a full loaded supertanker traveling at normal speed takes at least ---------- minutes to stop`twenty
A full loaded supertanker travelling at normal speed takes a least ______ minutes to stop`twenty
A full loaded supertanker travelling at normal speed takes a least ______ minutes to stop`twenty
a full seven percent of the entire ---------- barley crop goes to the production of guinness`irish beer
a full seven percent of the entire irish ---------- crop goes to the production of guinness beer`barley
a full seven percent of the entire irish barley crop goes to the production of ---------- beer`guinness
A fun, new winter sport`snowboarding
A functionally similar bone in the leg or hind limb or a vertebrate animal. Also called thighbone`femora
A functionally similar fluid in animals other than vertebrates`blood
A functionally similar portion of the invertebrate nervous system`brain
A furlike coating, as on the tongue`furrings
A furnished vehicle drawn by a truck or automobile and used when parked as a dwelling or office`trailer
A further reaction following the shock of a deeply disturbing occurrence or revelation: The industry continued to reel from ----------s of a disastrous`aftershock
A gaiter covering the lower leg. Often used in the plural`puttee
A game in which players form words from a group of randomly picked letters`anagrams
A game in which small balls are struck into holes on inclined board`bagatelle
A game of hocky starts with a...`bully-off
A game of pool is referred to as a _____`frame
A game played by fitting pegs into holes in a board`pegboard
A game played with a set of these small blocks, generally 28 in number`dominos
A game played with rackets and shuttlecock`badminton
A game, especially a golf match, played by four persons, usually competing in pairs`foursome
A gap between a main and auxiliary airfoil to provide space for airflow and facilitate the smooth passage of air over the wing`slot
A gap or rift, especially in or as if in a solid structure such as a dike or fortification`breach
A garment extending to just below the waist and usually forming the top part of a suit`coat
A garment hanging from the waist and worn by women and girls`skirt
A gas produced by the incomplete combustion of coal in a mine fire is very poisonous, what is its chemical name`carbon monoxide
A gay, carefree time`frolic
A gem its color is bright blue`lapis lazuli
A gem its colour is bright blue`lapis lazuli
A gemstone made of this mineral, noted for its rich iridescence`opal
A gene that suppresses the phenotypic expression of another gene, especially of a mutant gene`suppressor
A general class of ideas, terms, or things that mark divisions or coordinations within a conceptual scheme, especially: Aristotle's modes of objective being, such asquality, quantity, or relation, that`categories
A general feeling of discomfort, dissatisfaction, or depression: Monday morning Oscar woke up with the ----s (New Yorker)`blah
A general or descriptive heading, as of a book chapter`title
A general physical examination`checkup
A general state of alarm: a panic: 'a bomb ----- that necessitated evacuating the building.'`scare
A general tendency or inclination. tendency`trend
A generous portion of food`plateful
A gentle, innocent person`doves
A geodesic`dome
A German chemist, working with Kirchhoff around 1860, popularised the use of which piece of laboratory equipment that now bears his name`bunsen burner
A gherkin is a type of what`pickle
A gift or grant`donation
A gigantic mass of snow and ice, mixed with stones and earth, which falls from the mountains into the valleys is called a ______`avalanche
a gigantic mass of snow and ice, mixed with stones and earth, which falls from the mountains into the valleys is called an ______`avalanche
A Gila monster is a type of what`lizard
A gimlet is gin mixed with what`lime juice
A giraffe can clean its ears with its _____-inch tongue`twenty one
A giraffe can clean its ears with its _____-inch tongue`twenty one
A giraffe's neck contains the same number of ________ as a human`vertebrae
A girl, especially a beautiful one`nymph
A glass container filled with a chemical such as tear gas that is dispersed when the container is thrown and broken`grenade
A glass pot with a pouring spout, used in making coffee`carafe
A glass-covered bed of soil heated with fermenting manure or by electricity, used for the germination of seeds or for protecting tender plants`hotbed
A globe is the symbol for which muse`urania
A globular body of air or gas formed within a liquid: 'air ------s rising to the surface.'`bubble
A glossy, resinous material, such as the exudation of the ------- tree, used as a surface coating`lacquer
A glow worm isn't a worm, its a`beetle
A goad, as for prodding cattle`gad
A goad, as for prodding cattle`gads
A goal to which adherents of a religious faith or practice fervently aspire`mecca
A gold coin of some South American countries bearing the figure of one of these vultures`condor
A gold coin of the Venetian Republic. Also called zecchino`sequin
A gold or silver coin equal in weight to one of these units, especially the chief silver coin of the ancient Hebrews`shekel
a golden ---------- removed from king tut's tomb was still sharp enough to be used`razor
a good typist can strike ---------- keys in a second`twenty
A governing body of a local congregation in certain Reformed churches`consistory
A government branch or department and its employees: 'the diplomatic -------.'`service
A government in power: administration: 'suffered under the new regime.'`regimes
A government in which power is restricted to a few is a`oligarchy
A government in which power is restricted to a few is a(n) `oligarchy
A government in which power is restricted to a few is a(n) __________.`oligarchy
A grabatologist collects ____.`Ties
A gradation of a color made by adding white to it to lessen its saturation`tint
A gradual diminution in number or strength because of constant stress`attrition
A granular substance produced by grinding`meal
A graphic or other representation of such a line`ray
A graphic record made by a recording instrument, such as a cardiograph or seismograph`tracings
A grave misfortune`disaster
A grave robber`ghoul
A grayish yellow-brown to moderate reddish brown`fawn
A great downpour: a deluge`cataract
A great quantity: an abundance`affluence
A great swell, surge, or undulating mass, as of smoke or sound`billow
A great wave resulting from an earthquakes is called a (an) `tsunami
A great whirlpool`maelstrom
A greedy or avaricious person`miser
A greedy, rapacious person`cormorant
A greek dip made from cod's roe olive oil etc`taramasalata
A Greek or Roman two handled jar`amphora
A Greek restaurant`taverna
A Greek type mandolin`bouzouki
A green or yellow liqueur brandy`chartreuse
A green patina or crust of copper sulfate or copper chloride formed on copper, brass, and bronze exposed to air or seawater for long periods of time`verdigris
A greeting`card
A greeting card`carding
A grey brown finch`linnet
A griffin has the body of a lion and the head of a what`eagle
A gritty psychedelic version of Dale Hawkin's 'Suzy Q' was on which group's first album in 1968`Creedence Clearwater Revival
A groove made by such a hammer`fullers
A grotesque or comical representation of a face, worn especially to frighten or amuse, as at Halloween`mask
A grotesque ornamental figure or projection`gargoyle
A group migrating together`migration
A group of ---- strands bundled or twisted together as a functional unit: cable`wire
a group of ---------- are called a crash`rhinos
a group of ---------- is called a charm`finches
a group of ---------- is called a husk`hares
a group of ---------- is called a knot`toads
a group of ---------- is called a parliament`owls
a group of ---------- is called a trip`goats
a group of ---------- is called an army`frogs
A group of animals lodged in such a building`stabled
A Group of Bears is called a :`sleuth
A group of bees with a queen bee in migration to establish a new colony. flock1`swarm
A Group of Cats is called a :`clutter
A Group of Cattle is called a?`herd
A group of chicken is called a`brood
A group of conspirators`conspiracy
A group of cultivated trees or plants`plantation
a group of deer is called a _____`herd
A Group of Dogs is called a :`pack
A Group of Donkeys is called a :`herd
A group of ducks is called`brace
A Group of Ducks is called a :`brace
A group of eight singers or eight instrumentalists`octet
A Group of Elephants is called a :`herd
A group of fawning admirers`claque
a group of finches is called a----------`charm
A group of five performers`quintet
A group of four`quartet
A group of four singers or four instrumentalists`quartet
A Group of Fox is called a :`shulk
a group of frogs is called an----------`army
A Group of Geese is called a :`gaggle
A group of geese on the ground is a gaggle, a group of geese in the air is a`skein
A Group of Goat is called a :`tribe
a group of goats is called a----------`trip
A group of Gorillas is called a :`band
A group of gorillas is known as a `band
A group of gorillas is known as a ___________.`band
a group of hares is called a----------`husk
A Group of Horses is called a :`herd
A group of humans broadly distinguished from other groups by mutual interests, participation in characteristic relationships, shared institutions, and a`societies
A group of Kangaroos is called a :`troop
A group of kangaroos is known as a _______.`troop
A group of law enforcers`posse
A group of like items or individuals gathered or placed together: 'a ----- of keys on a ring: people standing around in -----es.'`bunch
A Group of Lion is called a :`pride
A Group of Monkeys is called a :`troop
A group of objects or works to be seen, studied, or kept together`collection
a group of owls is called a----------`parliament
A group of oysters is know as a(n) _____`bed
A group of partridges is called a`covey
A group of people joined by similar backgrounds, occupations, interests, or tastes: 'the ---------- of bird watchers.'`fraternity
A group of people or things arranged or following in order: a sequence: A ---------- of one-man stalls offered soft drinks (Alec Waugh). series`succession
A group of people under the leadership of one person, especially the members of a church`flock
A group of people united or classified together on the basis of common history, nationality, or geographic distribution: 'the German race.'`races
A group of people working, traveling, or assembled together: 'a ------- of firefighters: buses carrying -------s of tourists.'`platoon
A group of pigs is called a`litter
A group of related courses, often in a special field of study: 'the engineering curriculum.'`curricula
A group of related things intended to be used together: a set`suite
a group of rhinos are called a----------`crash
A group of rhinos are called a(n) __________.`crash
A group of seven singers or seven instrumentalists`septet
A Group of Sheep is called a :`flock
A group of six singers or six instrumentalists`sextet
A group of soldiers`troop
A Group of Swans is called a :`bevy
A group of three singers or three instrumentalists`trio
a group of toads is called a----------`knot
A group of trees planted and cultivated for the production of fruit or nuts: 'an orange -----.'`grove
A group of two singers or two instrumentalists`duet
A group of vessels or vehicles, such as taxicabs or fishing boats, owned or operated as a unit`fleetly
A Group of Whale is called a?`pod
A Group of Whales is called a`pod
A Group of Wolves is called a :`pack
A group or combination of five associated by common properties or behavior`quintuplet
A group or combination of four associated by common properties or behavior`quadruplet
A group or combination of six associated by common properties or behavior`sextuplet
A group or series of ten`decade
A group organized for such a trip or for a shorter sightseeing excursion`tour
A group regarded as a distinct entity within a larger group`unit
A group, as of commuters or parents, participating in a`carpool
A growth of such filaments, as that forming the coat of an animal or covering the scalp of a human`hair
A growth or tract of stunted vegetation`scrub
A gruff surly utterance: 'The desk officer answered my greeting with a -----.'`growl
A grumbling or sulky mood: 'in a ------ about the long line for tickets.'`grouch
A guiding spirit`muse
A Habanero is a native of which city`havana
A habitual criminal`outlaw
A habitual practice of a person: 'my ------ of reading a little before sleep.' habit`custom
A haircut in which the hair is cropped close to the head`butch
A hairdo: a coiffure`headdress
A hairy or hairlike growth such as that on or near the face of certain mammals`beard
A halberd or similar weapon with a hooked blade and a long handle`bill
A half of a symmetrical, approximately spherical object as divided by a plane of symmetry`hemisphere
a hamlet is a village without a ---------- and a town is not a city until it has a cathedral`church
a hamlet is a village without a church and a town is not a ---------- until it has a cathedral`city
a hamlet is a village without a church and a town is not a city until it has a----------`cathedral
A hanging at each side of a stage directly behind the proscenium that serves to block the wing area and sidelights from the audience`tormenter
A hanging flap along the edge of a garment`jags
A happening: an occurrence`haps
A harbour for pleasure boats`marina
A hard material made of compacted binary compounds of carbon and heavy metals, used to make tools that cut metal`carbide
A hard protuberance, such as an antler or projection on the head of a giraffe or rhinoceros, that is similar to or suggestive of a horn`horns
A hard working adult sweats up to ______ gallons per day`four
A hard working adult sweats up to ______ gallons per day`four
a hard-boiled egg will---------- . an uncooked or soft-boiled egg will not`spin
A hardening or nonhardening material having a consistency similar to ---- and used for modeling`clay
A harmonized hymn, especially one for organ`choral
A harsh or trying circumstance: hardship. difficulty`rigor
A Harvard study of college drinking showed that more than ---------- percent of students indulge in binge drinking, which is defined as consuming five drinks at one sitting by men or four drinks by women. Of college students who drink, one-third drink to get drunk.`fourty
A head covering of distinctive color and shape worn as a symbol of office`hat
A headband or fillet`snood
A headdress, worn by women of the Middle Ages, consisting of interlaced wire`fret
A headsman`headman
A health profession concerned with the prevention, diagnosis, & treatment of disorders of the teeth & adjacent tissues of the head, neck, & mouth`dentistry
A health profession concerned with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disorders of the teeth and adjacent tissues of the head, neck, and mouth`dentistry
A heated controversy`uproar
A heated enclosure in which fowls are raised`brooder
A heavenly body moving under the attraction of the Sun and consisting of a nucleus and a tail is a(n) `comet
A heavenly body moving under the attraction of the Sun and consisting of a nucleus and a tail is a(n) _______`Comet
A heavily reinforced building used for launch operations of missiles and space launch vehicles`blockhouse
A heavily spiced sauce or relish made with curry powder and eaten with rice, meat, fish, or other food`curried
A heavy aerial bombardment`blitz
A heavy downpour`deluge
A heavy hammer having a wedge-shaped head and used for splitting logs`mauled
A heavy harrow for breaking clods of earth`braked
A heavy weight: a burden: 'This job is a --------- around my neck.'`millstone
A heavy winter fog containing ice crystals is a _____`pogonip
A heavy-napped cotton twill fabric`moleskin
A hedgehog's heart beats ______ times a minute on average`300
A hedgehog's heart beats ______ times a minute on average`three hundred
A Helena, Montana law states that a woman cannot dance on a saloon table unless her clothing weighs more than ______ ______, two ounces.`three pounds
A hen kept for laying eggs`layer
A herb or drug described as 'diaphoretic', causes what condition`perspiration
A herb or drug described as 'haemostatic' performs which effect`stops bleeding
A herring or salmon that has been split, salted, and smoked`kipper
A heterodox opinion or doctrine`heterodoxy
A heterotrophic organism that ingests other organisms or organic matter in a food chain`consumer
A hidden or secluded spot`nook
A high administrator in one of the modern colonial empires`proconsul
A high government official or bureaucrat`mandarin
A high location or area`altitude
A high place or structure commanding a wide view, used for observation`lookout
A high-intensity lamp with parabolic mirrors, used in photography`sunlamp
A high-pitched electronic sound: a bleep`blip
A highest point or culmination`solstice
A highly accurate clock used as a standard for timing other clocks`regulator
A highly luminous, intensely hot spherical cloud of dust, gas, and vapor generated by a nuclear explosion`fireball
A highway`route
A highway without tolls`freeway
A hippo can open its mouth wide enough to fit a 4 foot tall ______`child
A hired mourner`weeper
A hired ruffian: a thug`bully
A hitchcock film based on a novel by daphne du maurier`the birds
A hobble for an animal`shackle
A hole formed by excavating`excavation
A hole or pipe from which water is discharged`waterspout
A hollow area within the body: 'a sinus cavity.'`cavities
A hollow block of wood struck with a drumstick to produce percussive effects in an orchestra`woodblock
A hollow chamber or cavity with dimensions chosen to permit internal resonant oscillation of electromagnetic or acoustical waves of specific frequencies`resonator
A hollow metal rod with a heavy rubber tip or tips that is wielded and twirled by a drum major or drum majorette`baton
A homologous bone of the skull in other vertebrates`maxilla
A homologous or similar part in other animals, as the terminal part of the forelimb in certain vertebrates`hand
A homologous organ or tissue in other vertebrates`spleen
A homologous posterior part in quadrupeds`hip
A hoop worn under skirts is called a what`farthingale
A horse for riding on a road`roadster
A horse named Nita beat the first locomotive ever built in America in a famous race in 1830, what was the name of the train?`Tom Thumb
A horse that is used for labor rather than for racing or riding`workhorse
A horse trained for battle: a cavalry horse`charger
A horse's hoof is also known by what grim term`coffin
A horserace with only one horse entered, won by the mere formality of walking the length of the track`walkover
A hospital for foundlings`creche
A hostile act`hostility
A hostile course or mood: 'The chef is on the ------- today.'`warpath
A hostile feeling or act. enmity`animosity
A hostile power or force, such as a nation`enemies
A hot or warm southerly wind, especially one moving toward a low barometric pressure center`sirocco
A hot spicy root used in cooking`ginger
A hot spring`geyser
A hot spring which shoots steam into the air is a `geyser
A hot spring which shoots steam into the air is a _______ ?`Geyser
A hot spring which shoots steam into the air is a _______.`geyser
A house built or faced with brownish-red sandstone`brownstone
A house joined to another on one side only`semi-detached
A house or stronghold perched on a height`eyrie
A house so small that it is likened to a toy house`dollhouse
A household or family`housed
A hu--- regardless of sex or age: a person`man
A huge animal, possibly the hippopotamus, described in the Bible`behemoth
a human has a bone just after the spine ends, which proves that humans once had----------`tails
A humiliating error, failure, or defeat: His characters not only survive their snarled problems and --------s but learn from their experiences (Joyce`pratfall
A hummingbird weighs less than a`penny
A humorous 5 line verse`limerick
A humped upper back`humpback
A huntsman`courser
A hybrid language or dialect: a pidgin`jargon
A hydrodaktulopsychicharmonica is a variety of`musical glasses
a hydrodaktulpsychicharmonica is a variety of musical----------`glasses
A hydroelectric power plant`hydros
A hymn or song of praise`laud
A Hypothetical Partical that has a Speed in Excess of the Speed of Light`Tachyon
a is the international vehicle registration letter for which country`Austria
A jail for the detention of military personnel guilty of minor offenses or awaiting court-martial`guardhouse
A jail or prison on board a U.S. Navy or Coast Guard vessel`brig
A janitor: 'worked nights as --------- of a high school.'`custodian
A jellyfish is 95 percent`water
a jiffy is an actual unit of time for ______`1/100th second
A jinni`genie
A job: employment: 'looking for ----.'`work
a jogger's heel strikes the ground ---------- times per mile`1500
A joint formed by interlocking one or more such tenons and mortises`dovetail
A joint in quadrupeds corresponding to the wrist`carpus
A joint in the leg of a domestic fowl similar to the ---- of a quadruped`hock
A jointed model of the human body used by artists, especially to demonstrate the arrangement of drapery. Also called lay figure`mannequin
A journey or trip: 'a sightseeing ------.'`safari
A jumble: a hodgepodge`hash
A jury making such an inquiry`inquest
A kangaroo is a member of the phylum vertebrata. What class does it belong to`mammalia
A kangaroo's young is called`joey
A keeper of a public house`publican
A kill: a quarry`killings
A kilometer`kilos
A kind of expanded polystyrene`styrofoam
A kind of hard unglazed pottery`basalt
A kind of low-fat curd cheese`quark
A kind of parrot`macaw
A kind of small domestic fowl`bantam
A kind of tortoise in the galapagos islands has an upturned shell at its neck so it can reach its head up to eat what`Cactus Branches
A kind of walking frame`zimmer
A kingfisher is also known to the ancient greeks as a`halcyon
A kipper is what type of smoked fish`herring
A kiss`osculation
A knight's page`varlet
A knot forming a loop that does not slip`bowline
A knot made so that it can readily be untied by pulling one free end`slipknot
A kookaburra is a native bird of which country`Australia
A lack of tact: awkwardness`gaucherie
A lack of variety or change: monotony`sameness
a laforte fracture is a fracture of all ---------- bones`facial
A lamp that produces such a light`spotlight
A large area with a high ceiling, as in a hotel lobby`rotunda
A large assembly, often international, especially of Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts`jamboree
A large bar moved vertically to stamp or pound, as in a press or mill`pestle
A large barrel or cask with this capacity`hogshead
A large beer glass, generally holding a pint or more`schooner
A large blob or clot: and makes it bleed great ----- of blood (Oscar Wilde)`gouts
A large body of organized troops`battalion
A large box for valuables`coffer
A large building for public meetings or performances`auditoria
A large but unspecified amount of money`megabucks
A large cage or building for keeping birds`aviary
A large compound leaf of a palm`frond
A large drinking cup with a wide mouth`beaker
A large farm on which a particular crop or kind of animal is raised: 'a mink ranch.'`ranches
A large feather or cluster of feathers worn as an ornament or symbol of rank, as on a helmet`plume
A large fortified residential building`castle
A large French country house`chateau
A large furniture van`pantechnicon
A large glass especially for sherry`schooner
A large group of people`regiment
A large group of things: a host`throng
A large helium or hot-air balloon constructed so as to resemble a figure or object when inflated`inflatable
A large instrument having a fixed and a movable arm on a graduated stock, used for measuring the diameters of logs and similar objects`caliper
A large low structure often open on all sides`shed
A large marine food and game fish (Coryphaena hippurus) found worldwide in tropical waters, having an iridescent blue back, yellow sides, a steep blunt forehead,and a long continuous dorsal fin`dolphin
A large mass of people moving or acting as a body`droves
A large military unit trained for combat: an army`legion
A large number or amount: a multitude`plurality
A large oven in which pottery is fired is a ____`kiln
A large patterned handkerchief`bandanna
A large quantity or amount: an abundance`plenty
A large reusable receptacle that can accommodate smaller cartons or cases in a single shipment, designed for efficient handling of cargo`container
A large room or hall for receptions, public entertainment, or exhibitions`saloon
A large rounded outgrowth on the trunk or branch of a tree`burl
A large S.American vulture`condor
A large sandwich consisting of a long roll split lengthwise and filled with layers of meat, cheese, tomatoes, lettuce, and condiments. Also called sub1,also called regionally Cuban sandwich, grinder, hero, hoagie, Italian`submarine
A large sea birdor greedy person`gannet
A large section or block of the earth's crust that is more rigid than the surrounding rock and has been moved or displaced as a unit`massif
A large shed for the housing of vehicles, such as railroad cars`barn
A large stately residence`manse
a large swarm of ---------- can eat 80,000 tons of corn in a day`locusts
a large swarm of locusts can eat ---------- tons of corn in a day`80000
a large swarm of locusts can eat 80,000 tons of ---------- in a day`corn
A large tent`marquee
A large thick skinned mammal`pachyderm
A large type of jug`pitcher
A large underground chamber, as in a cave`cavern
A large whale needs more than _____ tonnes of food a day`two
A large whale needs more than _____ tonnes of food a day`two
A large wolf spider (Lycosa tarentula) of southern Europe, once thought to cause tarantism`tarantula
A large-scale tactical exercise carried out under simulated conditions of war. Often used in the plural`maneuver
A large, indefinite portion of the earth's surface`region
A large, open pleasure boat used for parties, pageants, or formal ceremonies`barge
A large, strong, courageous woman`virago
A large, unadorned building used for temporary occupancy. Often used in the plural`barrack
A large, usually wooden crucifix surmounting the ---- screen or ---- beam of a medieval church`rood
A lateral division or subdivision of certain other plant parts, such as a root or flower cluster`branch
A latin American dance usually performed in single file`conga
A law in Alexandria, Minnesota makes it illegal for a husband to make love to his wife if his breath smells like garlic, onions, or ________.`sardines
A law in Oblong, Illinois makes it a crime to make love while fishing or hunting on your ________ ___.`wedding day
A lawn or meadow`sward
A layer of ballast directly under the ties`roadbed
A layer of earth beneath the surface soil: subsoil`substrata
A layer of mudlike sediment on the floor of oceans and lakes, composed chiefly of remains of microscopic sea animals`ooze
A layout of printed matter`mockup
A layperson having spiritual charge over a person or group`pastors
A leader in a field: 'the fashion house that is the ---------.' Also called pacesetter`pacemaker
A leader of a choir`chorister
A leader of an Arab family or village`sheik
A leader of the common people in ancient times`demagog
A league or association formed by federating, especially a government or political body established through federal union`federation
A leather or wire restraining appliance that, when fitted over an animal's snout, prevents biting and eating`muzzle
A lecturer or tour guide in a museum or cathedral`docent
A legal exemption from liability for damages`indemnity
A legal word, expression, or rule`legalism
a legend, his biggest hit was "bluberry hill" which failed to reach #1`fats domino
A legendary or moral tale`fable
A Legendary Ship and a Wagner Opera. The`Flying Dutchman
A leisurely walk or stroll`saunter
A length of netting attached to a woman's hat or habit, worn for decoration or to protect the head and face`veil
A lenient act`leniencies
A Lesbian is basically defined as a Woman who is..?`Soley attracted to other Women
A lesion causedby anthrax`anthraces
A letter might end with SWAK, which is an acronym for`sealed with a kiss
A letter, such as a, e, i, o, u, and sometimes y in the English alphabet, that represents a`vowel
A lever or pedal controlling such a valve`throttle
A licentious man: a lecher`satyr
A lie: a falsehood`mendacity
A life`buoy
a lifetime supply of all the vitamins you need weighs only about ---------- ounces`eight
A light aircraft`runabout
A light aircraft without an engine`glider
A light automotive transport or delivery vehicle`wagon
A light canvas shoe with a plaited sole`espadrille
A light chairlike carriage with three of four wheels for transporting small children`stroller
A light clear red color`cerise
A light clear red colour`cerise
A light dueling or fencing sword having an arched guard covering the hand and a tapered flexible blade with a cutting edge on one side and on the tip`saber
A light four-wheeled carriage used for occasions of ceremony or for pleasure`chariot
A light iron-tipped S.African spear`assegal
A light iron-tipped south african spear`assegal
A light meal eaten before going to bed`supper
A light meal or repast`refection
A light meal permitted on fast days`collation
A light slender sword for thrusting`rapier
A light to brilliant bluish green`turquoise
A light wooden frame on runners, used by children for coasting over snow or ice`sled
A light, good-humored satire`lampoon
A light, happy tune or song`lilt
A light, portable computer that is generally thinner than a laptop`notebook
A light, sometimes ornamental roofed structure, used for amusement or shelter, as at parks or fairs: 'a picnic --------.'`pavilion
A lightproof cartridge containing photographic film or plates, used in specially designed cameras`cassette
A lightweight canoe that is similar in design`kayak
A lightweight cotton canvas used especially for clothing and upholstery`sailcloth
A lightweight, waterproof fabric that was originally of rubberized cotton`macintosh
A likeness or image, especially of a person`effigies
A line drawn from an angle of a triangle to the mid-point of the opposite side is a`median
A line drawn from an angle of a triangle to the mid-point of the opposite side is a(n) `median
A line drawn from an angle of a triangle to the mid-point of the opposite side is a(n) _______`median
A line indicating the heights of high and low tide`watermark
A line of people or objects forming a barrier: 'a ----- of spectators along the sidewalk.'`hedge
A line of verse consisting of four measures of two feet each, especially one in iambic, trochaic, or anapestic meter in classical prosody`tetrameter
A line of verse using this meter: for example, (Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house (Clement Clarke Moore)`anapaest
A line that represents such an outline.`contour
A lining`liner
A lintel`summer
A liquid rich in organic compounds and providing favorable conditions for the emergence and growth of life forms: 'primordial ----.'`soup
A list of ancestors: a family tree`pedigree
A list of the names of military officers and enlisted personnel enrolled in a particular unit`roster
A list: 'a listing of physicians.'`listings
A literary composition in the form of a letter`epistle
A literary movement especially of late 19th-century France and England characterized by refined aestheticism, artifice, and the quest`decadence
A literary or dramatic composition that resembles an extended narrative poem celebrating heroic feats`epic
A literary work or film that is a mix of fact and fiction`faction
A literary work written in an impassioned or exalted style`rhapsodies
A litter box, especially for a cat`sandbox
A little over one hundred years ago, -------- arrived in the United States for the first time. It was transmitted by an infection carried aboard the Hamburg-American Line's Moravia on August 30, 1892.`cholera
A little sonata`sonatina
A lively dance, originating in France in the 18th century, having varied, intricate patterns and steps`cotillion
A lively, mischievous child`elf
A lively, mischievous child`elves
A living creature slain and offered as a sacrifice during a religious rite`victim
A localized pathological change in a bodily organ or tissue`lesion
A logo`logotype
A lonely or secluded place`solitude
A long braid of hair worn hanging down the back of the neck: a pigtail`queue
A long broad tree lined street`boulevard
A long cylindrical pillow`bolster
A long enclosed passage, such as a hallway or corridor`galleries
A long fluffy scarf made of soft material, such as fur or feathers`boa
A long fluffy scarf made of soft material, such as fur or feathers`boas
A long journey or search, especially one of exalted purpose or moral significance`pilgrimage
A long loose outer garment, as that worn by artists and craftspeople: a smock`frock
A long narrow chain of hills or mountains. Also called -----line`ridge
A long narrow chain of hills or mountains. Also called ridgeline`ridges
A long narrow straight valley on the moon's surface`rill
A long narrow strip of material used for ornament or decoration`streamer
A long or indefinite period`aeon
A long pole extending upward at an angle from the mast of a derrick to support or guide objects being lifted or suspended`boom
A long projecting tooth or toothlike part`tusk
A long row of cut hay or grain left to dry in a field before being bundled`windrow
A long sled made of two shorter sleds joined in tandem`bobsled
A long stole worn by members of the Anglican clergy`tippet
A long thick growth of hair on a person's head`mane
A long thick section of trimmed, unhewn timber`log
A long thin float attached parallel to a seagoing canoe by projecting spars as a means of preventing it from capsizing`outrigger
A long thin French type of bread`baguette
A long tunic worn by men in the Near East`caftan
A long wave that has reached its peak or broken into foam: a breaker`comber
A long wax-coated wick used to light candles or gas lamps`taper
A long wined sea bird related to the petrel`albatross
A long-distance race other than a footrace: 'a swimming --------.'`marathon
A long-stemmed dish used for holding fruit, nuts, or candy`compote
A long, animated conversation or discussion`gabfest
A long, tapering flag bearing heraldic devices distinctive of a person or corporation`standard
A long, tapering, braided rawhide or leather whip with a snapper on the end`blacksnake
A long, usually formal dress for a woman`gown
A loofah is a type of what`plant
A loofah is generally found in which room of the house`bathroom
A loose fold of skin covering the glans clitoridis`prepuce
A loose robe worn by the Japanese`kimono
A loose scaly crust coating a surface, especially of a plant`scurf
A loosely fitted, one-piece garment having short bloomers that is worn especially by small children for play`romper
A loosely fitting dress that hangs straight: a shift`chemise
A loosely fitting garment resembling a long shirt, worn especially by European workmen`blouse
A loosely tangled bunch or mass: 'a --- of unruly hair.'`mop
A loosely tangled bunch or mass: 'a mop of unruly hair.'`mopped
A losing first throw in the game of ----s`crap
A loss for the sake of something gained: a sacrifice: 'achieved speed at the ------- of accuracy.'`expense
A loss of memory is known as`Amnesia
A loss of memory is known as `amnesia
A lot of lovemaking can unblock a stuffy nose. Sex is a natural ____________. It can help combat asthma and hay fever.`antihistamine
a lotta bull: what was bullfighter manuel benitez perez's professional name`el cordobes
A lottery, typically with an accumulating jackpot, in which participants play numbers of their choice in a random drawing`lotto
A loud party`brawl
A loud racket: a din`clangor
A lover of the fine arts: a connoisseur`dilettante
A low bench or support for the feet or knees in sitting or kneeling, as a footrest`stool
A low mobile platform that rolls on casters, used for transporting heavy loads`dollies
A low mobile platform that rolls on casters, used for transporting heavy loads`dolly
A low wet area generally with a depth of organic matter is called`muskeg
A low-cut shoe fastened to the foot by an ankle strap`sandal
A low-growing European plant (Bellis perennis) having flower heads with pink or white rays. Also called English daisy`daisies
A lowland region saturated with water`swamp
A ludicrous or mocking imitation: a travesty: 'The antics of the defense attorneys turned the trial into a --------- of justice.'`burlesque
A lug nut`lugs
A lumberjack or logger`lumberman
A lump of pure gold the size of a matchbox can be flattened into a sheet the size of a`tennis court
A lump of pure gold the size of a matchbox can be flattened into a sheet the size of what`a tennis court
a lump of pure_______ the size of a matchbox can be flattened into a sheet the size of a tennis court`gold
A luxurious, well-designed automobile or other vehicle`dreamboat
A lyric poet`minstrel
A machine for harvesting crops: a reaper`harvester
A machine for projecting an image onto a screen`projector
A machine for shaping metal or wood`lathe
A machine for the automatic extraction of -----als, especially of coal`miner
A machine for the automatic extraction of minerals, especially of coal`miners
A machine for washing dishes`dishwasher
A machine in which materials are ground and blended or crushed`mortar
A machine or implement used to remove the seeds from fruit`seeder
A machine or structural part that supports another part`bearings
A machine or substance used in cleaning`cleaners
A machine or tool for planting seeds`planter
A machine that bores through hard surfaces, used especially for tunneling through rock`mole
A machine that bores through hard surfaces, used especially for tunneling through rock`moles
A machine that reads, sorts, and prints out information from punched cards`tabulator
A machine used to apply such a blast`sandblast
A machine, such as a lathe, used to cut and shape machine parts or other objects`tool
A maggot is the larva of which insect`fly
A magic potion or charm`philter
A magnesia-rich sedimentary rock resembling limestone`dolomite
A magnificent tomb`mausoleum
A magnum holds the equivalent of how many bottles of wine`two
A magnum holds the equivalent of how many bottles of wine`two2
A magnum of champagne is how many litres`1.5
A major in the series, what rank did ferretti hold during the movie`lieutenant
A major item of trade in steady demand`staple
A major route of transportation into which local routes flow. way`arteries
A maker of mischief`gremlin
a male ---------- is 5 times hornier than the average human male`chimpanzee
A male animal, such as a stallion, that is kept for breeding`stud
A male animal, such as a stallion, that is kept for breeding`studs
A male bondservant`bondsman
A male cat is called a what`tom
a male cat is referred to as a "tom". what is a female cat`a queen
a male chimpanzee is ---------- times hornier than the average human male`five
a male chimpanzee is 5 times ---------- than the average human male`hornier
a male deer is called a __ __`stag
A male descendant`son
A male descendant`sons
A male DONKEY is called a ____`jackass
A male friend`boyfriend
A male goose`gander
A male horse is called a...`Stallion
A male OX is called a ____`steer
A male political leader regarded as a disinterested promoter of the public good`statesman
a male rabbit is called a...`buck
A male singer whose sexual organs have been modified is known as a what`castrato
A male swan`cob
A male swan`cobs
A male witch`warlock
a male zebra is called a ____`stallion
A malicious story, piece of gossip, or petty complaint`tale
A man is walking through the woods heading north... he takes 4 90 degree turns to the left, then 3 90 degree turns to the right, and then turns 360 degre`west
a man named ---------- osborne had the hiccups for 69 years`charles
a man named ---------- peterson is the inventor of the egg mcmuffin`ed
a man named charles ---------- had the hiccups for 69 years`osborne
A man named Charles Osborne had the hiccups for _________ years`sixty nine
A man named Charles Osborne had the hiccups for _________ years`sixty nine
a man named charles osborne had the hiccups for ---------- years`69
a man named ed ---------- is the inventor of the egg mcmuffin`peterson
A man sharing the same racial, cultural, or national background as another`kinsman
A man skilled in equitation`horseman
A man skilled in the use of a gun`gunman
A man who has lost his wife by death`widower
A man' penis can stay constantly erect , by applying camel's ____ and honey, according to the "Kama Sutra"`milk
a man's ---------- contains between 7000 and 15,000 hairs`beard
A man's "G-Spot" is his _____?`prostate
a man's beard grows fastest when he`anticipates sex
A man's beard grows fastest when he ______`anticipates sex
A man's detachable shirt front`dickey
A man's hairstyle with the hair brushed up from the forehead`pompadour
A man's tall silk hat`stovepipe
A man's testicles increase in size by __% when he is aroused.`50
A man's testicles increase in size by how much when he is aroused?`50%
A manager: a producer`impresario
A Mancunian is a native of which city`manchester
A maneuver in snow skiing in which the tips of the skis are brought together in order to slow or stop progress`snowplow
A maneuver in which an enemy force is attacked from two flanks and the front`pincer
A maneuver, stratagem, or ploy, especially one used at an initial stage`gambit
A mannequin`manikin
A mannequin used in displaying clothes`dummies
A manner of walking: a particular gait`step
A manor house`mansion
A manual containing operating instructions, as for an appliance or machine`workbook
A manual giving basic instruction in a subject, usually by rote or repetition`catechism
A manuscript in the author's handwriting`autograph
A manuscript written in ------- characters`cursive
A map showing actual or planned features, such as streets and building lots`plat
A march in a line`defile
A margin of freedom or variation, as of activity, time, or expenditure: latitude. room`leeway
A marigraph is an instrument which records what`tide level
A mark cut or painted on a tree to indicate a trail`blaze
A mark on a surface differing sharply in color from its surroundings`spot
A mark or a perforation indicating ---celing`can
A mark or marks made`markings
A mark or scar left in the skin by such a pustule: a pockmark`pocks
A mark or words printed over a postage stamp to note a change in use or a special occasion`overprint
A mark used in England to stamp gold and silver articles that meet established standards of purity`hallmark
A marmot (Marmota caligata) of the mountains of northwest North America, having a grayish coat and a shrill, whistling cry`whistler
A married woman: a matron`dame
A marsh plant (Calla palustris) of the North Temperate Zone, having small, densely clustered, greenish flowers partly enclosed in a spreading white`calla
A marvelous real place or scene`wonderland
a maryland t-shirt slogan that parodied 'virginia is for lovers' read what`Maryland is for crabs
A Maryland t-shirt slogan that parodied 'virginia is for lovers' read what`maryland is for crabs
A mashie, niblick and wedge are types of what`golf clubs
A masked ball`masquerade
A mass arrival or incoming: 'an ------ of visitors to the city: large ------es of refugees.'`influx
A mass of flowers on a tree`blossom
A mass of wrought iron ready for further working`bloom
A mass of wrought iron ready for further working`blooms
A mass, as of dust, smoke, or steam, suspended in the atmosphere or in outer space`cloud
A massive ensemble of hundreds of millions of stars, all gravitationally interacting, and orbiting about a common center?`galaxy
A material of a particular kind or constitution`substance
A material or garment made of this hair`wool
A material or garment made of this hair`wools
A material or substance used in insulating: 'soundproof cork ----------: a layer of trapped air that serves as ----------.'`insulation
A material resembling this fabric`felted
A matter of doubt`dubieties
A matter of regret: 'It's a pity she can't attend the reception.'`pitied
A matter to be dealt with: a task: 'Finding affordable housing can be a difficult ----osition.'`prop
A maul used by masons in fitting stones`gavel
A McDonald's straw will hold ------------------- ml, or just over one-and-a-half teaspoons of whatever you are drinking. This means that it would take 17,000 strawfuls of water to fill up a 34 gallon bathtub.`7.7
A meadow: 'a ----- of buttercups.'`field
A meal at which each guest brings food that is then shared by all. Also called ------- supper`potluck
A meal or course served on a`platter
A meal that is well prepared and abundantly enjoyed`feast
A mean or despicable person`cocksucker
A means by which such a preference is made known, such as a raised hand or a marked ballot`vote
A means of adjusting`adjustment
A means of expiating`expiation
A means of livelihood: maintenance`alimonies
A means of protection or defense: a bulwark. bulwark`rampart
A means of release or gratification, as for energies, drives, or desires: 'exercised as an ------ for frustration.'`outlet
A means of restraint, check, or guidance`rein
A means of restraint, check, or guidance`reining
A means of saving time or effort`shortcut
A measure of capacity equal to one cup`cupful
A measure of liquid capacity, especially one equivalent to approximately 252 gallons (954 liters)`tuns
A measure of the disorder or randomness in a closed system`entropies
A measured area of land: a lot`plot
A measured area of land: a lot`plotting
A measurement, calculation, or location used as a basis for comparison`baseline
A measuring instrument consisting of two graduated arms hinged together at one end`sector
A meat or poultry stew with dumplings`potpie
A mechanical device for feeding coal to a furnace`stoker
A mechanical device for lighting a cigarette, cigar, or pipe`lighters
A mechanical device of a camera that controls the duration of a photographic exposure, as by opening and closing to allow light coming through the lens to`shutter
A mechanical device that grinds: 'a meat -------.'`grinder
A mechanical device that is used to obtain and analyze samples`sampler
A mechanical drawing produced by any of various similar photographic processes, such as one that creates blue or black lines on a white background`blueprint
A mechanical or electrical mechanism used to detonate an explosive charge or device such as a bomb or grenade: A mechanical... switch is used to initiate the ----s(International`fuze
A mechanism, as in a typewriter, that controls the lateral movement of the carriage`escapement
A medical establishment run by several specialists working in cooperation and sharing the same facilities`clinic
A medical establishment run by several specialists working in cooperation and sharing the same facilities`clinics
A medical student`medico
A medication that aids in expelling gas from the intestines is called a ________`Carminative
A medication, anesthetic, or other compound in vapor or aerosol form, taken by inhalation`inhalant
A medicine that hastens the emptying of the bowels is called a `laxative
A medieval martial sport in which two groups of mounted and armored combatants fought against each other with blunted lances or swords`tournament
A medieval officer of high rank, usually serving as military commander in the absence of a monarch`constable
A medieval outer garment, especially a laced jacket or bodice`corset
A medieval surcoat`tunic
A medium to light gray`platinum
A meeting at which such information is presented`briefings
A meeting held around such a fire`campfire
A meeting of lovers`tryst
A meeting or meeting place that has been agreed on. engagement`tryst
A meeting, session, or sitting, as of a learned or legislative body`seance
A member of a board elected or appointed to direct the funds and policy of an institution`trustee
A member of a gang of delinquents`gangster
A member of a Germanic people that overran Gaul, Spain, and northern Africa in the fourth and fifth centuries A.D. and sacked Rome in 455`vandal
A member of a government-sponsored group designated as a corps: 'Peace Corpsmen.'`corpsman
A member of a labor or trade union`unionist
A member of a military tank crew`tanker
A member of a political party or group that advocates socialism`socialist
A member of a regiment originally armed with lances`lancer
A member of a school form: 'a fifth ------.'`former
A member of a tribal people`tribesman
A member of a vigilance committee`vigilante
A member of an aristocracy: an aristocrat`patrician
A member of an armed troop employed in patrolling a specific region`ranger
A member of any of similar, ornately uniformed European units of light cavalry`hussar
A member of any of the further sets of mathematical objects, such as negative integers and real numbers`numbered
A member of any of the Tai-speaking peoples of Thailand, Myanmar (Burma), Laos, China, and Vietnam`dais
A member of any of these peoples`pueblo
A member of any of various peoples, especially of equatorial Africa and parts of southeast Asia, having an average height less than 5 feet (127 centimeters).Not in`pigmies
A member of any of various peoples, especially of equatorial Africa and parts of southeast Asia, having an average height less than 5 feet (127 centimeters).Not in`pygmies
A member of certain religious communities living under a common rule and bound by vows`canon
A member of certain religious communities living under a common rule and bound by vows`canons
A member of such a force`commando
A member of the Commonwealth, which is the most southerly African country through which the Greenwich meridian passes`ghana
A member of the Commonwealth, which is the most southerly African country through which the reenwich meridian passes`ghana
A member of the Electoral College of the United States`electors
A member of the faculty of a college or university usually having qualified status without rank or tenure`lecturer
A member of the higher branch of the municipal or borough council in England and Ireland before 1974`alderman
A member of the largest group of algae in the golden algae phylum`diatom
A member of the Muslim dynasty founded by Baber that ruled India until 1857`mogul
A member of the National Guard`guardsman
A member of the ruling council of the Iroquois confederacy`sachem
A member of the Russian Social Democratic Workers' Party that seized power in that country in November 1917`bolshevik
A member of The Society of Friends`quaker
A member of the violin family`fiddle
A member of this people`creek
A member of this people`neutrals
A member of this people`sac
A member of this people`sacs
A member of which perfumery family was the court jeweller to tsar nicholas and is famed for his easter eggs`faberge
A member, such as a beam, that projects beyond a fulcrum and is supported by a balancing member or a downward force behind the fulcrum`cantilever
A membranous part that divides or separates`diaphragm
A memorandum, book, or file to aid the memory`tickler
A menstrual cup, designed to collect (not absorb) menstrual blood, has been around since the:`1930s
A mental disorder characterized by emotional excitability and sometimes by amnesia or a physical deficit, such as paralysis, or a sensory deficit, without an`hysteria
A mental or emotional pain: 'a ------ of guilt.'`twinge
A mental or physical breakdown`crackup
A merciful, kind, or lenient act`clemencies
A message communicated by such means`signal
A message sent or received by such a system`telex
A metal bar or rod in the mechanism of a lock that is thrown or withdrawn by turning the key`bolt
A metal ring designed to reinforce such a hole: a grommet`eyelet
A metal ring designed to reinforce such a hole: a grommet`eyepiece
A metal rod or bar around which material, such as metal or glass, may be shaped`mandrel
A metallic salt of a fatty acid, as of aluminum or iron`soap
A method of joining hemmed edges by crisscrossing thread over an open seam`fagoting
A method of or an apparatus for reproducing sound recordings: switches on the -------- of a telephone-answering machine (Vanity Fair)`playback
A method of resolving questions of conscience by applying moral principles or laws to concrete cases?`Casuistry
A method of trial in which the accused was subjected to physically painful or dangerous tests, the result being regarded as a divine judgment of guilt`ordeal
A migrant worker`hobo
A military attack on what country did the bamler plan of the second world war involve`sweden
A military attack, such as one launched against a fortified area or place`assault
A military uniform coat made of such leather`buff
A military uniform coat made of such leather`buffing
A milky white semi-precious stone`opal
A millionth of a metre`micron
A millipede has ____ legs on each segment of its body`four
A millipede has ____ legs on each segment of its body`four
A millstone`grindstone
A Minchery is a what?`Convent or Nunnery
A mind-boggingly stupid, but very very ravenous, animal`ravenous bugblatter beast of traal
A mineret is which of the following a slow dance, a tall tower or a minor french dignitary`a tall tower
A minister plenipotentiary assigned to a foreign embassy, ranking next below the ambassador`envoy
A minor fault`failings
A minor official, such as a justice of the peace, having administrative and limited judicial authority`magistrate
A minor or inferior poet`rhymester
A minor or preliminary conflict or dispute: 'a -------- over the rules before the debate began.'`skirmish
A minute or insignificant spot`flyspeck
A minute to learn.a lifetime to master is the advertising slogan for which boardgame`Othello
A mischievous action: a prank`trick
A mischievous trick: a prank`joke
A mischievous trick: a prank`jokes
A mischievous youngster`scamp
A misconception or misunderstanding`mistake
A misconception or misunderstanding`mistakes
A misconception or misunderstanding`mistook
A missionary of the early Christian Church`apostle
A mist of cooling water vapor`steaming
A mistake`miscue
A mistress among polygamous people`concubine
A mixture of ground grain and nutrients fed to livestock and fowl`mashes
A mixture of many different elements: a hodgepodge`goulash
A mixture of moist clay and sand, and often straw, used especially in making bricks and foundry molds`loam
A mixture of moist clay and sand, and often straw, used especially in making bricks and foundry molds`loams
A mixture of rain and snow or hail`sleet
A mixture of wine and soda water is known as a what`spritzer
A mixture with a soft, -------like consistency`pudding
A mixture: an amalgam: Television news has... always been an ----- of journalism and show business (Bill Moyers)`alloy
A mode of thought or behavior followed by a people continuously from generation to generation: a custom or usage`tradition
A model of excellence and virtue`paragon
A moderate or dark bluish green to greenish blue`teal
A moderate orange yellow, from moderate or deep orange to moderate or strong yellow`ocher
A moderate reddish orange`flamingo
A moderate to dark purple`petunia
A moderate to strong greenish blue`faience
A moderate, light, or strong yellowish pink to a moderate reddish orange or light orange`salmon
A modern ballroom adaptation of this dance`rumba
A modern day version of roman festival of hilaria still occurs in britain today what is it`April fool's day
A modern prose narrative that resembles a`saga
A modern version of such a collection`bestiaries
a modern version of the ancient roman festival of hilaria still occurs in britain today, what is it`April fools day
a moist fertile spot in a desert is called a(n)?`oasis
A mole can dig a tunnel ________ feet long in just one night`300
A mole can dig a tunnel ________ feet long in just one night`three hundred
a mole can dig over ---------- feet of tunnel in a single night`250
A monadnock is a type of what`hill
A monetary inflation at a very high rate`hyperinflation
A mongrel or cur`tyke
A monkey`ape
A monkey`aping
A monstrous offense or evil: an outrage`enormities
A more common name for an anthropophagist is`cannibal
A more common name for hydrophobia`rabies
a mosque is a place of worship for people who follow which religion?`islam
A mosquito has _____ teeth`forty seven
A mosquito has _____ teeth`forty seven
A moth has no`stomach
A motley collection: a hodgepodge`ragbag
A motor`scooter
A motor vehicle with space and equipment, either in a rear compartment or in an attached trailer, for sleeping and simple housekeeping, used for camping`camper
A motorboat designed so that the prow and much of the hull lift out of the water and skim the surface at high speeds`hydroplane
A motorcycle`bike
A motorcycle with thick ridged tires and strong suspension, designed for riding and racing across rough terrain`scrambler
A motorcyclist, especially a member of a motorcycle gang`biker
A motorist who enjoys driving fast`speed merchant
A mottled green and yellow citrus fruit`ugli
A motto or quotation, as at the beginning of a literary composition, setting forth a theme`epigraph
A mountainous or hilly section of a country`highlands
A mounted soldier: a knight`cavalier
A movable auxiliary airfoil running along the leading edge of the wing of an airplane`slats
A movable stand or cupboard containing a washbowl`commode
A movement promoting worldwide unity among religions through greater cooperation and improved understanding`ecumenism
A movie featuring Robin Wright, Carey Elwes, and Andre the Giant`The Princess Bride
A movie theater`cinema
A mule is sired on a mare by an ass. What is the offspring of a stallion and a female ass`hinny
A multiple birth of 4 children`quadruplets
A Mumblecrust is a?`Toothless old man or woman
A muscle that causes or maintains the erection of a body part`erector
A musical setting for this part of the liturgy`offertory
A musket having such a gunlock`matchlock
A muslim place of worship`mosque
A mustelidae family member is a`weasel
A mustelidae family member is a(n)....`weasel
A mutual promise to marry: an engagement: 'announced their --------- the next day.'`betrothal
A myrmecologist studies`ants
A mystic: a yogi`swami
A nail driven obliquely, as to join vertical and horizontal beams`toenail
A naive or inexperienced young person`gosling
A name for energy fuelled in ways that do not harm the enviroment`alternative
A narrated film or video about travel`travelog
A narrow channel or course, as for water`runnel
A narrow concrete foundation for a wall`footing
A narrow crack or split`fissure
A narrow entrance into the outwork of a fortification`gorges
A narrow or snug place`burrow
A narrow point of land extending into a body of water`spit
A narrow point of land extending into a body of water`spits
A narrow strip of wood`batten
A narrow way or passage between walls, hedges, or fences`lane
A nation that has such a political order`republic
A nation's entire military organization for sea warfare and defense, including vessels, personnel, and shore establishments`navies
A nation's entire military organization for sea warfare and defense, including vessels, personnel, and shore establishments`navy
A national governing council or committee`sovereign
A Native American shaman`powwow
A native of the east end of London`cockney
A native or citizen of Moscow`muscovite
A native or inhabitant of a particular country`countryman
A native or inhabitant of Nova Scotia`bluenose
A native or inhabitant of Sybaris`sybarite
A.L. Webber musical with "The Music Of The Night" and "All I Ask Of You"`the phantom of the opera
Acronym Soup VHS`video home system
Acronym Soup: <wg>`wide grin
Acronym Soup: O`over [to you]
Acronym Soup: OB`obligatory; oh baby
Acronym Soup: OBTW`oh by the way
Acronym Soup: OD`overdose; oh dear
Acronym Soup: OFS`one finger salute
Acronym Soup: OIC`oh i see
Acronym Soup: OMA`on my ass
Acronym Soup: OMB`on my butt
Acronym Soup: OMG`oh my god
Acronym Soup: ONNA`oh no not again
Acronym Soup: ONNTA`oh no not that/this again
Acronym Soup: OO`over and out
Acronym Soup: OOC`out of character
Acronym Soup: OOI`out of interest
Acronym Soup: OOSOOM`out of sight out of mind
Acronym Soup: OS`operating system
Acronym Soup: OT`off topic
Acronym Soup: OT1H`on the one hand
Acronym Soup: OTC`over the counter
Acronym Soup: OTD`out the door
Acronym Soup: OTF`on the floor
Acronym Soup: OTGH`on the gripping hand
Acronym Soup: OTL`out to lunch
Acronym Soup: OTOH`on the other hand
Acronym Soup: OTOOH`on the other other hand
Acronym Soup: OTT`over the top
Acronym Soup: OTTH`on the third hand
Acronym Soup: OTTOMH`off the top of my head
Acronym Soup: OTW `on the whole
Acronym Soup: OW`oh well
Acronym Soup: OWTTE`or words to that effect
Acronym Soup: PABG`pack a big gun
Acronym Soup: PAW`parents are watching
Acronym Soup: PBM`play by mail (games)
Acronym Soup: PC`personal computer
Acronym Soup: PCB`please call back
Acronym Soup: PCMCIA`people can't master computer industry acronyms
Acronym Soup: PD`public domain
Acronym Soup: PDA`public display of affection
Acronym Soup: PDN`public data network
Acronym Soup: PDPMEMA`please don't post my email address
Acronym Soup: PDQ`pretty damn quick
Acronym Soup: PDS`please don't shout
Acronym Soup: PDT`pacific daylight savings time
Acronym Soup: PEBCAK`problem exists between chair and keyboard
Acronym Soup: PEM`privacy enhanced mail
Acronym Soup: PEST`please excuse slow typing
Acronym Soup: PGP`pretty good privacy
Acronym Soup: PhD`piled higher and deeper
Acronym Soup: PIMP`pee in my pants
Acronym Soup: PKB`pot, kettle, black
Acronym Soup: PKOC`passionate kiss on the cheek
Acronym Soup: PKOL`passionate kiss on the lips
Acronym Soup: PLMK`please let me know
Acronym Soup: PLMKO`please let me know ok
Acronym Soup: PLOKTA`press lots of keys to abort
Acronym Soup: PLS`please
Acronym Soup: PLZ`please
Acronym Soup: PMBI`pardon my butting in
Acronym Soup: PMETC`pardon me etc
Acronym Soup: PMFBI `pardon me for butting in
Acronym Soup: PMFI`problem magically fixed itself
Acronym Soup: PMFJI`pardon me for jumping in
Acronym Soup: PMFJIH`pardon me for jumping in here
Acronym Soup: PMJI`pardon my jumping in
Acronym Soup: PMP`peed my pants
Acronym Soup: PO`piss off
Acronym Soup: POAHF`put on a happy face
Acronym Soup: POM`phase of the moon
Acronym Soup: POP`point of presence
Acronym Soup: POQ`piss off quickly
Acronym Soup: POQADCB`piss off quickly and don't come back
Acronym Soup: POS`parents over shoulder
Acronym Soup: POTS`plain old telephone service/system
Acronym Soup: POTUS`president of the united states
Acronym Soup: POV`point of view
Acronym Soup: PPL`people
Acronym Soup: PPP`point-to-point protocol
Acronym Soup: PPPP`previous paragraph was polemical position
Acronym Soup: PS`post script
Acronym Soup: PST`pacific standard time
Acronym Soup: PTB`powers that be
Acronym Soup: PTL`praise the lord
Acronym Soup: PTLAPTA`praise the lord and pass the ammunition
Acronym Soup: PTMM`please tell me more
Acronym Soup: PTMY`pleased to meet you
Acronym Soup: PTMYA `pleased to make your acquaintance
Acronym Soup: PTO`please turn over
Acronym Soup: PW`pathetic wanker
Acronym Soup: Q`queue
Acronym Soup: QPQ`quid pro quo
Acronym Soup: QT`cutie; quiet
Acronym Soup: RA`red alert
Acronym Soup: RAS`running and screaming
Acronym Soup: RE`regarding
Acronym Soup: RFC`request for comment
Acronym Soup: RFD`request for discussion
Acronym Soup: RFM`reply to flagged message
Acronym Soup: RFT`request for thinking
Acronym Soup: RHIP`rank hath its privileges
Acronym Soup: RL`real life
Acronym Soup: RLCO`real life conference
Acronym Soup: RMH`real manly hug
Acronym Soup: RNA`ring no answer
Acronym Soup: ROFFNAR`rolling on the floor for no apparent reason
Acronym Soup: ROFL`rolling on floor laughing
Acronym Soup: ROFLMHO`rolling on floor laughing my head off
Acronym Soup: ROFLOL`rolling on floor laughing out loud
Acronym Soup: ROFLUTS`rolling on floor laughing unable to speak
Acronym Soup: ROFLWPIMP`rolling on floor laughing whilst peeing in my pants
Acronym Soup: ROTBA`reality on the blink again
Acronym Soup: ROTF`rolling on the floor
Acronym Soup: ROTFL`rolling on the floor laughing
Acronym Soup: ROTFLAS`rolling on the floor laughing and snorting
Acronym Soup: ROTFLBTC`rolling on the floor laughing biting the carpet
Acronym Soup: ROTM`right on the money
Acronym Soup: RPG`role playing game
Acronym Soup: RSN`real soon now
Acronym Soup: RT`real time
Acronym Soup: RTM`read the manual
Acronym Soup: RTS`read the screen: real time strategy
Acronym Soup: RUMF`are you male or female
Acronym Soup: RUMORF`are you male or female
Acronym Soup: SAH `screw a hamster
Acronym Soup: SAHM`stay at home mum
Acronym Soup: SASS`short attention span society/syndrome
Acronym Soup: SAT`sorry about that
Acronym Soup: SCNR`sorry, could not resist
Acronym Soup: SEC`second, e.g. wait a sec
Acronym Soup: SEP`somebody else's problem
Acronym Soup: SETE`smiling ear to ear
Acronym Soup: SFAIAA`so far as i am aware
Acronym Soup: SFLA`stupid four letter acronym
Acronym Soup: SGML`standardised generalised markup language
Acronym Soup: SHTSI`somebody had to say it
Acronym Soup: SIG`special interest group
Acronym Soup: SIIK`stuffed if i know
Acronym Soup: SIL`sister in law
Acronym Soup: SIT`stay in touch
Acronym Soup: SITD`still in the dark
Acronym Soup: SLIP`serial line interface protocol
Acronym Soup: SMG`suck my goat
Acronym Soup: SMO`serious mode on
Acronym Soup: SMOFF`serious mode off
Acronym Soup: SMOP`small matter of programming
Acronym Soup: SMTP`simple mail transfer protocol
Acronym Soup: SNERT`snot-nosed egostical rude teenager
Acronym Soup: SNR`signal to noise ratio
Acronym Soup: SO`significant other
Acronym Soup: SOHB`sense of humour bypass
Acronym Soup: SOI`stink on ice; state of insanity
Acronym Soup: SOP`standard operating procedure
Acronym Soup: SOT`short of time
Acronym Soup: SOTMG`short of time must go
Acronym Soup: SOVS`someone very special
Acronym Soup: SRY`sorry
Acronym Soup: ST`such that
Acronym Soup: ST-DS9`star trek deep space 9
Acronym Soup: ST-TNG`star trek the next generation
Acronym Soup: ST-TOS`star trek the original series
Acronym Soup: ST-VOY`star trek voyager
Acronym Soup: STS`so to speak
Acronym Soup: SUCDIC`situation under control dickheads in charge
Acronym Soup: SUFID`screwing up face in disgust
Acronym Soup: SUL`see you later
Acronym Soup: SUNOILTY`shut up no one is listening to you
Acronym Soup: SUP`what's up
Acronym Soup: SUYP`shut up you pervert
Acronym Soup: SWAK`sealed with a kiss
Acronym Soup: SWALK`sealed with a loving kiss
Acronym Soup: SWDYRTW`since when do you rule the web
Acronym Soup: SWL`screaming with laughter
Acronym Soup: SWMBO `she who must be obeyed
Acronym Soup: SWYP`so what's your problem
Acronym Soup: SYL`see you later
Acronym Soup: SYSOP`system operator
Acronym Soup: SYT`sweet young thing
Acronym Soup: SYWWBY`see ya
Acronym Soup: TABA`throws a beer at
Acronym Soup: TAF`that's all folks
Acronym Soup: TAFN`that's all for now
Acronym Soup: TANJ`there ain't no justice
Acronym Soup: TANSTAAFL`there ain't no such thing as a free lunch
Acronym Soup: TASW`that's all she wrote
Acronym Soup: TAWIS`that ain't what i said
Acronym Soup: TBC`to be continued
Acronym Soup: TBE`to be expected
Acronym Soup: TBYB`try before you buy
Acronym Soup: TC`telephone call; take care
Acronym Soup: TCB`taking care of business
Acronym Soup: TCD`the cat's dead
Acronym Soup: TDD`the dog's dead
Acronym Soup: TDM`too damn many
Acronym Soup: TEOTWAWKI`the end of the world as we know it
Acronym Soup: TFTT`thanks for the thought
Acronym Soup: TGAL`think globally act locally
Acronym Soup: TGIF`thank god it's friday
Acronym Soup: TGTF`thank god tomorrow's friday
Acronym Soup: TIA`thanks in advance
Acronym Soup: TIATLG`truly i am the living god
Acronym Soup: TIC`tongue in cheek
Acronym Soup: TIIC`those idiots in control
Acronym Soup: TIME`tears in my eyes
Acronym Soup: TIMTOWTDI`there is more than one way to do it
Acronym Soup: TINALO`this is not a legal opinion
Acronym Soup: TINAR`this is not a recommendation
Acronym Soup: TINC`there is no cabal
Acronym Soup: TINWIS`that is not what i said
Acronym Soup: TIP`to insure promptness
Acronym Soup: TJATAW`truth justice and the american way
Acronym Soup: TLA`three letter acronym
Acronym Soup: TLC`tender loving care
Acronym Soup: TLG`the living god
Acronym Soup: TM`thread mangler
Acronym Soup: TMI`too much information
Acronym Soup: TMIKTLIU`the more i know the less i understand
Acronym Soup: TN`telnet
Acronym Soup: TNOTVS`there's nothing on television so
Acronym Soup: TNX`thanks
Acronym Soup: TOTBAL`there ought to be a law
Acronym Soup: TPAE`the possibilities are endless
Acronym Soup: TPS(S)`this program sucks (severely)
Acronym Soup: TPTB`the powers that be
Acronym Soup: TRDMC`tears running down my cheeks
Acronym Soup: TSOHF`total sense of humour failure
Acronym Soup: TSR`terminate and stay resident
Acronym Soup: TTBE`that's to be expected
Acronym Soup: TTBOMK`to the best of my knowledge
Acronym Soup: TTFN`ta ta for now
Acronym Soup: TTL4N`that's the lot for now
Acronym Soup: TTM`to the moderator
Acronym Soup: TTSP`this too shall pass
Acronym Soup: TTTT`these things take time
Acronym Soup: TTUL`talk/type to you later
Acronym Soup: TTYL`talk to you later
Acronym Soup: TTYRS`talk to you real soon
Acronym Soup: TVB`top versus bottom
Acronym Soup: TWAIN`technology without an important name
Acronym Soup: TWIMC `to whom it may concern
Acronym Soup: TWIS`that's what i said
Acronym Soup: TWTST`that will take some thought
Acronym Soup: TWYAS`that's what you all say
Acronym Soup: TWYT`that's what you think
Acronym Soup: TY`thank you
Acronym Soup: TYT`take your time
Acronym Soup: TYVM`thank you very much
Acronym Soup: U/L`upload
Acronym Soup: UAE`unrecoverable application error
Acronym Soup: UBE`unsolicited bulk email
Acronym Soup: UFLA`unidentified four letter acronym
Acronym Soup: UGTBK`you've got to be kidding
Acronym Soup: UOK`you ok?
Acronym Soup: URL`uniform resource locator
Acronym Soup: URLCM`you are welcome
Acronym Soup: USU`usually
Acronym Soup: UT4S`you type for shit
Acronym Soup: UTT`under the table
Acronym Soup: UUCP`unix-tounix copy
Acronym Soup: VBG`very big grin
Acronym Soup: VDPKOL`very deep passionate kiss on the lips
Acronym Soup: VDWPKOL`very deep wet passionate kiss on the lips
Acronym Soup: VH`virtual hug
Acronym Soup: VR`virtual reality
Acronym Soup: VRML`virtual reality modelling language
Acronym Soup: VT`virtual time
Acronym Soup: W/`with
Acronym Soup: W/O`with out
Acronym Soup: W8`wait
Acronym Soup: W8ING`waiting
Acronym Soup: WAB`what another bill
Acronym Soup: WAEF`when all else fails
Acronym Soup: WAG`wild assed guess
Acronym Soup: WAIS`wide area information server
Acronym Soup: WALOC`what a load of crap
Acronym Soup: WAN`wide area network
Acronym Soup: WB`welcome back
Acronym Soup: WBS`write back soon
Acronym Soup: WBSP`write back soon please
Acronym Soup: WC`way cool
Acronym Soup: WCAGA`what comes around goes around
Acronym Soup: WDYMBT`what do you mean by that
Acronym Soup: WFHC`why for how come?
Acronym Soup: WFM`works for me
Acronym Soup: WIBNIF`wouldn't it be nice if
Acronym Soup: WITY`what's it to you
Acronym Soup: WMMOWS`wash my mouth out with soap
Acronym Soup: WOA`work of art
Acronym Soup: WOM`word of mouth
Acronym Soup: WOMBAT`waste of money brains and time
Acronym Soup: WOS`wife over shoulder
Acronym Soup: WPKOL`wet passionate kiss on the lips
Acronym Soup: WRT`with regard/respect to
Acronym Soup: WSDMU`we sure did miss you
Acronym Soup: WTG`way to go
Acronym Soup: WTH`what the hell
Acronym Soup: WUC`why you cry?
Acronym Soup: WWW`world wide web; world wide wait
Acronym Soup: WWYC`write when you can
Acronym Soup: WYGIWYG`what you got is what you get
Acronym Soup: WYGIWYPF`what you get is what you pay for
Acronym Soup: WYM`what you mean?
Acronym Soup: WYP`what's your point?
Acronym Soup: WYSIWYG`what you see is what you get
Acronym Soup: WYSOH`where's your sense of humour?
Acronym Soup: XYZ`examine your zipper
Acronym Soup: Y2K`the year 2000
Acronym Soup: YAABH`you are a big help
Acronym Soup: YABA`yet another bloody acronym
Acronym Soup: YAOTM`yet another off-topic message
Acronym Soup: YASAWYAB`you are so angry when you are beautiful
Acronym Soup: YASBWYAA`you are so beautiful when you are angry
Acronym Soup: YBS`you'll be sorry
Acronym Soup: YCIITM`your check/cheque is in the mail
Acronym Soup: YCLIU`you can look it up
Acronym Soup: YCTFS`you can't type for shit
Acronym Soup: YGGM`your guess is as good as mine
Acronym Soup: YGTBK`you've got to be kidding
Acronym Soup: YHBW`you have been warned
Acronym Soup: YHL`you have lost
Acronym Soup: YHTBT`you had to be there
Acronym Soup: YIAH`yes i am here
Acronym Soup: YKINOK`your kink is not ok
Acronym Soup: YKWIM`you know what i mean
Acronym Soup: YKYATP`you know you're a tired parent
Acronym Soup: YM`you mean
Acronym Soup: YOYO`you're on your own
Acronym Soup: YOYOW`you own your own words
Acronym Soup: YR`yeah right
Acronym Soup: YSS`you suck severely
Acronym Soup: YT`yours truly
Acronym Soup: YTMOB`you turn me on baby
Acronym Soup: YW`you're welcome
Acronym Soup: YWSYLS`you win some you lose some
Acronym Soup: YYBBHH`yeh yeh beep beep honk honk
Acronym Soup: YYSSW`ya ya sure sure whatever
Acronym used for direct data transfers between disk & ram`dma
Acronym used for direct data transfers between disk and ram`dma
Acronym: <wg>`wide grin
Acronym: sovs`someone very special
Acronym: sry`sorry
Acronym: st`such that
Acronym: st-ds9`star trek deep space 9
Acronym: st-tng`star trek the next generation
Acronym: st-tos`star trek the original series
Acronym: st-voy`star trek voyager
Acronym: sts`so to speak
Acronym: sucdic`situation under control dickheads in charge
Acronym: sufid`screwing up face in disgust
Acronym: sul`see you later
Acronym: sunoilty`shut up no one is listening to you
Acronym: sup`what's up
Acronym: suyp`shut up you pervert
Acronym: swak`sealed with a kiss
Acronym: swalk`sealed with a loving kiss
Acronym: swdyrtw`since when do you rule the web
Acronym: swl`screaming with laughter
Acronym: swmbo`she who must be obeyed
Acronym: swyp`so what's your problem
Acronym: syl`see you later
Acronym: sysop`system operator
Acronym: syt`sweet young thing
Acronym: taba`throws a beer at
Acronym: taf`that's all folks
Acronym: tafn`that's all for now
Acronym: tanj`there ain't no justice
Acronym: tanstaafl`there ain't no such thing as a free lunch
Acronym: tasw`that's all she wrote
Acronym: tawis`that ain't what i said
Acronym: tbc`to be continued
Acronym: tbe`to be expected
Acronym: tbyb`try before you buy
Acronym: tc`telephone call; take care
Acronym: tcb`taking care of business
Acronym: tcd`the cat's dead
Acronym: tdd`the dog's dead
Acronym: tdm`too damn many
Acronym: teotwawki`the end of the world as we know it
Acronym: tftt`thanks for the thought
Acronym: tgal`think globally act locally
Acronym: tgif`thank god it's friday
Acronym: tgtf`thank god tomorrow's friday
Acronym: tia`thanks in advance
Acronym: tiatlg`truly i am the living god
Acronym: tic`tongue in cheek
Acronym: tiic`those idiots in control
Acronym: time`tears in my eyes
Acronym: timtowtdi`there is more than one way to do it
Acronym: tinalo`this is not a legal opinion
Acronym: tinar`this is not a recommendation
Acronym: tinc`there is no cabal
Acronym: tinwis`that is not what i said
Acronym: tip`to insure promptness
Acronym: tjataw`truth justice and the american way
Acronym: tla`three letter acronym
Acronym: tlc`tender loving care
Acronym: tlg`the living god
Acronym: tm`thread mangler
Acronym: tmi`too much information
Acronym: tmiktliu`the more i know the less i understand
Acronym: tn`telnet
Acronym: tnotvs`there's nothing on television so
Acronym: tnx`thanks
Acronym: totbal`there ought to be a law
Acronym: tpae`the possibilities are endless
Acronym: tps(s)`this program sucks (severely)
Acronym: tptb`the powers that be
Acronym: trdmc`tears running down my cheeks
Acronym: tsohf`total sense of humour failure
Acronym: tsr`terminate and stay resident
Acronym: ttbe`that's to be expected
Acronym: ttbomk`to the best of my knowledge
Acronym: ttfn`ta ta for now
Acronym: ttl4n`that's the lot for now
Acronym: ttm`to the moderator
Acronym: ttsp`this too shall pass
Acronym: tttt`these things take time
Acronym: ttyl`talk to you later
Acronym: ttyrs`talk to you real soon
Acronym: tvb`top versus bottom
Acronym: twain`technology without an important name
Acronym: twimc`to whom it may concern
Acronym: twis`that's what i said
Acronym: twtst`that will take some thought
Acronym: twyas`that's what you all say
Acronym: twyt`that's what you think
Acronym: ty`thank you
Acronym: tyt`take your time
Acronym: tyvm`thank you very much
Acronym: u/l`upload
Acronym: uae`unrecoverable application error
Acronym: ube`unsolicited bulk email
Acronym: ufla`unidentified four letter acronym
Acronym: ugtbk`you've got to be kidding
Acronym: uok`you ok
Acronym: url`uniform resource locator
Acronym: urlcm`you are welcome
Acronym: usu`usually
Acronym: ut4s`you type for sh#t
Acronym: utt`under the table
Acronym: uucp`unix-tounix copy
Acronym: vbg`very big grin
Acronym: vdpkol`very deep passionate kiss on the lips
Acronym: vdwpkol`very deep wet passionate kiss on the lips
Acronym: vh`virtual hug
Acronym: vhs`video home system
Acronym: vr`virtual reality
Acronym: vrml`virtual reality modelling language
Acronym: vt`virtual time
Acronym: w/`with
Acronym: w/o`with out
Acronym: w8`wait
Acronym: w8ing`waiting
Acronym: wab`what another bill
Acronym: waef`when all else fails
Acronym: wag`wild assed guess
Acronym: wais`wide area information server
Acronym: waloc`what a load of crap
Acronym: wan`wide area network
Acronym: wb`welcome back
Acronym: wbs`write back soon
Acronym: wbsp`write back soon please
Acronym: wc`way cool
Acronym: wcaga`what comes around goes around
Acronym: wdymbt`what do you mean by that
Acronym: wfhc`why for how come
Acronym: wfm`works for me
Acronym: wibnif`wouldn't it be nice if
Acronym: wity`what's it to you
Acronym: wmmows`wash my mouth out with soap
Acronym: woa`work of art
Acronym: wom`word of mouth
Acronym: wombat`waste of money brains and time
Acronym: wos`wife over shoulder
Acronym: wpkol`wet passionate kiss on the lips
Acronym: wrt`with regard/respect to
Acronym: wsdmu`we sure did miss you
Acronym: wtg`way to go
Acronym: wth`what the hell
Acronym: wuc`why you cry
Acronym: wwyc`write when you can
Acronym: wygiwyg`what you got is what you get
Acronym: wygiwypf`what you get is what you pay for
Acronym: wym`what you mean
Acronym: wyp`what's your point
Acronym: wysiwyg`what you see is what you get
Acronym: wysoh`where's your sense of humour
Acronym: xyz`examine your zipper
Acronym: y2k`the year 2000
Acronym: yaabh`you are a big help
Acronym: yaba`yet another bloody acronym
Acronym: yaotm`yet another off-topic message
Acronym: yasawyab`you are so angry when you are beautiful
Acronym: yasbwyaa`you are so beautiful when you are angry
Acronym: ybs`you'll be sorry
Acronym: yciitm`your check/cheque is in the mail
Acronym: ycliu`you can look it up
Acronym: yctfs`you can't type for sh#t
Acronym: yggm`your guess is as good as mine
Acronym: ygtbk`you've got to be kidding
Acronym: yhbw`you have been warned
Acronym: yhl`you have lost
Acronym: yhtbt`you had to be there
Acronym: yiah`yes i am here
Acronym: ykinok`your kink is not ok
Acronym: ykwim`you know what i mean
Acronym: ykyatp`you know you're a tired parent
Acronym: ym`you mean
Acronym: yoyo`you're on your own
Acronym: yoyow`you own your own words
Acronym: yr`yeah right
Acronym: yss`you suck severely
Acronym: yt`yours truly
Acronym: ytmob`you turn me on baby
Acronym: yw`you're welcome
Acronym: ywsyls`you win some you lose some
Acronym: yybbhh`yeh yeh beep beep honk honk
Acronym: yyssw`ya ya sure sure whatever
ACRONYM:What does S H A P E stand for`Supreme headquarters,allied powers,europe
ACRONYMS: QUANTAS, what does it stand for`queensland and northern territory aerial services
acronyms: waves`women accepted for volunteer emergency service
Acronyms: What is the AALS?`association of American law schools
ACRONYMS:ROM`Read only memory
Acrophobia is a fear of `heights
Acrophobia is a fear of ___________`heights
Acrophobia is the fear of`heights
Across or over both sides`astraddle
across what river is the 325m high russian dam`vakhsh
Across what river is the russion dam build that is 325 meters high`vakhsh
Acting as a subsidiary: supplementary: 'the main library and its --------- branches.'`auxiliary
Acting on or occurring in the liver`hepatic
Acting or done willingly and without constraint or expectation of reward: 'a --------- hostage: --------- community work.'`voluntary
Acting or ready to act gladly: eagerly compliant: The spirit indeed is -------, but the flesh is weak (Matthew 26:41)`willing
acting was once considered---------- , and actors in the first english play to be performed in america were arrested`evil
Action or behavior in correspondence with socially accepted standards, conventions, rules, or laws: '---------- to university regulations.'`conformity
Active participation in events or activities, leading to the accumulation of knowledge or skill: 'a lesson taught by ----------: a carpenter with`experience
Active resistance and terrorism against the state, as used by some anarchists`anarchism
Active volcano in the Philippines, in the central part of Luzon`mount
Active volcano in the Philippines, in the central part of Luzon?`mount pinatubo
Active: lively`stirringly
ActivevolcanointhePhilippines,inthecentralpartofLuzon`mount pinatubo
Activities that go on every day: A motley crew they are, their ------ as dark as they are ludicrous (John Simon)`doings
Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger bought the first Hummer manufactured for civilian use when`1992
Actor In The Role: Cody Jarett in ' White Heat'`James Cagney
Actor In The Role: Josef Mengele in 'The Boys from Brazil'`Gregory peck
Actor In The Role: Longfellow Deeds in 'Mr Deeds Goes to Town'`Gary cooper
Actor In The Role: Michelangelo in 'The Agony and the Ecstasy'`Charlton Heston
Actor In The Role: Nero in 'The Sign of the Cross'`Charles Laughton
Actor In The Role: Rembrandt in 'Rembrandt'`Charles Laughton
Actor In The Role: Terry Malloy in 'On the Water Front'`Marlon Brando
Actor In The Role: Vincent van Gogh in 'Lust for Life'`kirk Douglas
Actor levar burton (jordi on 'star trek the next generation') was born in _______`Germany
Actor originally intended to be Wizard in "Wizard of Oz"`w c fields
Actor paid $2.5M for 12 days work & 10 mins. of screen appearance (in Superman)`Marlon Brando
Actor peter fonda was once arrested for slashing a sign that said`feed Jane Fonda to the whales
Actor Robert Hardy is proficient at which Olympic sport`archery
Actor who committed suicide because he was bored`George sanders
Actor whose real name is Ramon Estevez (full name)`martin sheen
Actor whose real name was Marion Morrison`john Wayne
actor-director clint eastwood takes on a new role as mayor of ___, california?`carmel
Actor: Borgnine`Ernest
Actor: Hackman`Gene
Actor: Nimoy`Leonard
Actor: Savalas`Telly
Actor: _______ Borgnine`Ernest
Actor: ________ bacon`Kevin
Actor: ________ Hackman`Gene
Actor: ________ york`Michael
Actor: __________ nimoy`Leonard
Actor: __________ savalas`telly
Actor: ...who played Dick Tracy (in the 90's)`warren beatty
Actor: ...who played Dirty Harry`Eastwood
Actor: ...who played Edward Scissorhands`johnny depp
Actor: ...who played Jake LaMotta`Robert deniro
Actor: ...who played Mozart in "Amadeus"`tom hulce
Actor: ...who played Obi Wan Kenobi`guiness
Actor: ...who played The Nutty Professor`jerry lewis
Actor: ...who played Travis Bickle`Robert De Niro
Actor: ...who played TS Garp`robin Williams
Actor: In what city was Will Smith born`Philadelphia
Actor: richard widmark is the father in law of what famous baseball pitcher`sandy koufax
Actor: Where was Jackie Chan born`Hong Kong
Actor: Will Smith's 1st name (will) short for`Willard
Actors Common Ground 1: Lifeboat, Cocoon.`hume cronyn
Actors Common Ground 1: My Mother the Car, Coach`jerry van dyke
Actors Common Ground 1: Superman, Unforgiven`jon voight
Actors Common Ground 1: The Donna Reed Show, Pete and Gladys, M-A-S-H`harry morgan
Actors Common Ground 1: The Untouchables, The Man Who Would Be King.`sean connery
Actors Common Ground 1: Victor/Victoria, The Music Man.`robert preston
Actors Common Ground 1: Zorro, Lost in Space.`guy williams
Actors In Film : Chattahoochie; Romeo Is Bleeding; Rosencrantz And Guildenstern Are Dead`gary oldman
Actors In Film : Pierce Brosnan, Patrick Stewart`detonator
Actors In Film : Reds; Annie Hall; Baby Boom`diane keaton
Actors In Film : Silkwood; Heartburn; She Devil`meryl streep
Actors In Film : The Tall Guy; Peter's Friends; Dead Again`emma thompson
Actors In Film : Unlawful Entry; Blink; Revenge`madeleine stowe
Actors In Film: David Caruso, Stacy Keach`mission of the shark
Actors In Film: Dennis Quaid, Ellen Barkin`the big easy
Actors In Film: Gary Oldman, Sissy Spacek, Tommy Lee Jones`jfk
Actors In Film: Hot Spot; Candy Man; Shadow Dancing`virginia madsen
Actors In Film: Jamie Lee Curtis, Kevin Kline, John Cleese`a fish called Wanda
Actors In Film: Jurassic Park; The Hunt For Red October; The Piano`sam neill
Actors In Film: Lee Marvin, John Cassavettes, Telly Savalas`the dirty dozen
Actors In Film: Pierce Brosnan, Leslie Anne Down, Adam Ant`nomads
Actors In Film: Sean Penn, Al Pacino, John Leguzamo`carlitos way
Actors In Film: The Hunger; The Rocky Horror Picture Show; Bull Durham`susan sarandon
Actors In Film: Tom Berenger, Mimi Rogers`someone to watch over me
Actors In Film: Willem Dafoe, Tom Berringer, Charlie Sheen`platoon
Actors In TV: Alan Alda,Loretta Swit`mash
Actors In TV: Helen Hunt, Paul Reiser`mad about you
Actors In TV: Jerry Van Dyke, J.T.Nelson`coach
Actors In TV: Julia Louise Dreyfuss, Jason Alexander`seinfeld
Actors In TV: Ted Danson, Kirsty Alley, George Wendt`cheers
Actors: French film star of Danton and The Return of Martin Guerre`gerard depardieu
Actors: He starred in Lassie Come Home and Planet of the Apes`roddy mcdowall
Actors: He was in Brideshead Revisited and Reversal of Fortune`jeremy irons
Actors: He won Oscars for Spartacus and Topkapi`peter ustinov
Actors: Radio star who won a 1986 Oscar for Cocoon`don ameche
ActPersons: He was born Krishna Banji.`ben kingsley
ActPersons: She was born Susan Tomaling.`susan sarandon
ActPersons: The birthplace (city) of Raul Julia.`san juan
ActPersons: The birthplace (city) of the late John Candy.`toronto
ActPersons: This actress was married to a king.`priscilla presley
Actress Amy Irving divorced her producer husband in 1989, who was he`steven spielberg
Actress born in st louis in 1914`betty grable
Actress Fenella Fielding's late brother was a famous comedian, what was his name`marty feldman
Actress In The Role: Barfly ---> Wanda Wilcox`faye dunaway
Actress In The Role: Batman ---> Vicki Vale`kim basinger
Actress In The Role: Malcolm X ---> Betty Shabazz`Angela Bassett
Actress In The Role: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest ---> The Big Nurse`louise fletcher
Actress In The Role: Runaway Train ---> Sara`rebecca demornay
Actress In The Role: Some Kind of Wonderful ---> Amanda Jones`lea thompson
Actress In The Role: Terminator 2: Judgment Day ---> Sarah Connor`linda hamilton
Actress In The Role: The Color of Money ---> Carla`mary elizabeth mastrantonio
Actress In The Role: The Grifters ---> Lily Dillon`Anjelica Huston
Actress In The Role: The Natural ---> Iris Gaines`glenn close
Actress In The Role: Threesome ---> Alex`lara flynn boyle
Actress In The Role: Unnecessary Roughness ---> the placekicker`kathy ireland
Actress Jody Foster was a student at what college`Yale
Actress Patricia Neale was once married to which author`roald dahl
Actress whose real name was Ruby Stevens (full name)`Barbara stanwyck
Actual conditions or facts. Often used in the plural`actuality
Actually caused by layers of hot air refracting sunlight`mirage
Actually: really: 'I'm ----- positive about it.'`quite
Acute hasopharyngitis is more commonly known as a ______`cold
Acute infectious disease of the upper respiratory tract, caused by more than 100 kinds of viruses`common cold
Acute, highly contagious viral disease, often fatal, that appears to have been completely eradicated`smallpox
Acute, infectious, contagious disease of the respiratory tract, especially the trachea?`influenza
Ad Jingles: Ask any mermaid you happen to see, what's the best tuna`chicken of the sea
Ad Jingles: If you were this type of weiner, everyone would be in love with you`oscar mayer
Ad Jingles: Look for this label when you're buying a coat, dress, or blouse`union
Ad Jingles: They make the very best chocolate`nestle
Ad Slogans: "Just for the taste of it"`diet coke
Ad Slogans: "The Beef People"`winn dixie
Ad Slogans: "The best part of wakin' up, is _______ in your cup"`folgers
Ad Slogans: "The coppertop"`duracell
Ad Slogans: "The stain lifter`all
Ad Slogans: "You will"`att
Ad Slogans: "You'll love the way we fly"`delta airlines
Ad Slogans: "Your way, right away"`burger king
Ad Slogans: always`coca cola
Ad Slogans: america's favorite cookie`oreo
Ad Slogans: bring out the best`hellmann's mayonnaise
Ad Slogans: dial down the center`at&t
Ad Slogans: go get it`lycos
Ad Slogans: going and going`energizer
Ad Slogans: have it your way`burger king
Ad Slogans: like a rock`chevrolet
Ad Slogans: live in yours play in ours`sony playstation
Ad Slogans: low prices everyday`walmart
Ad Slogans: no wonder we're number 1`AOL
Ad Slogans: nobody doesn't like`sara lee
Ad Slogans: the brisk tea`lipton
Ad Slogans: the snack that smiles back`goldfish
Ad Slogans: we do chicken right`kfc
Ad Slogans: you just cant let them go`eggo waffles
Ad Slogans: zoom zoom zoom`mazda
Ada Unsworth,Frank and Peggy Spencer and Ted Burroughs have all led winning tams in which televised competition`formation dancing
Adam Ant advocates we do this in the title cut of his 1983 album`strip
Adam Ants first solo single`goody two shoes
Adam on "seven brides for seven brothers" was played by whom`richard dean
Adam on "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" was played by whom`richard dean anderson
Addictive drug prepared from morphine`heroin
Adding orange and lemon to whisky makes it what`whisky sour
addis ababa is the capital of ______`ethiopia
Addis Ababa is the capital of which country`ethiopia
Additional information appended to the manuscript, as of a book or article`postscript
Address of the White House`1600 Pennsylvania avenue
Adept or skillful at inventing: creative`inventive
Adequate for the purpose: 'a --------- performance.'`competent
Adequate to satisfy a need, requirement, or standard: satisfactory`acceptable
Adherence to or observance of the law`legalities
Adherence to self-serving means: 'an ambitious politician, guided by ---------- rather than principle.'`expediency
Adherence to such dissenting opinion or doctrine`heresies
Adherence to the aesthetic values embodied in ancient Greek and Roman art and literature`classicism
Adherence: compliance: '-------- by parliamentary procedure.'`abidance
Adhering or confined to the dogmatic limits of a sect or denomination: partisan`sectarian
Adhering to the Christian faith as expressed in the early Christian ecumenical creeds`orthodox
Adi Dassler founded what major corporation`adidas
Adjustable fabric roof of a car`drophead
Administration`Abraham Lincoln
Administrative division of the kingdom of great britain, occupying the northern third of the island of great britain`Scotland
Admiral Donitz succeeded Hitler in which year`1945
Admiral Nelson was the commander of the submarine in what TV series`voyage to the bottom of the sea
Admiral, soda, and zero ultimately derive from which language`Arabic
Admitting the passage of gas or liquid through pores or interstices`porous
Adobe announces Acrobat to ship in June what year`1993
Adolf Hitler became chancellor of germany in 1928, 1930 or 1933`1933
Adolf Hitler become chancellor of Germany in 1928, 1930 or 1933`1933
Adolf Hitler was fascinated by _____`hands
Adopting or setting current fashions and styles: sophisticated: '----, well-dressed young executives.' fashionable`chic
Adopting or setting current fashions and styles: sophisticated: 'chic, well-dressed young executives.' fashionable`chicer
Adrian Belew: L_n_ R__n_c_r_s`lone rhinoceros
Ads: "Your baby's comfort" begins with this.`luvs
Ads: 99.44% pure.`ivory
Ads: A peach looks cute / with all its fuzz. / A man's no peach / and never was`burma shave
Ads: Get a piece of the Rock.`prudential
Ads: My bologna has a first name.`oscar mayer
Ads: Patricia Neal recommends this to people who want to fight pain and win.`anacin
Ads: Thank you for your support`bartles and James
Ads: This is Dr. Scholl's first name.`william
Ads: This product is named for its chief component, muriate of berberine`murine
Ads: This toilet tissue claims to be as soft as cotton.`cottonelle
Ads: We earn our wings every day`eastern airlines
Ads: We love to fly, and it shows`delta
Ads: What company's mascot is Elsie the Cow`borden
Ads: What was the Cream Oil Hair Tonic`wildroot
Ads: Whatever it is I think I see / Becomes a ------- ---- to me.`tootsie roll
Ads: Why ask why`bud dry
Ads: You deserve a break today`mcdonalds
Ads: You're not fully clean until you're ----fully clean`zest
Advantage: good: 'for the ---- of his health.'`sake
Advantage: service: purpose: (His personal relationship with the electorate stands in good ----- (John Sears)`stead
Advantage: service: purpose: His personal relationship with the electorate stands in good stead (John Sears)`steads
Advent The liturgical period preceding Christmas, beginning in Western churches on the fourth Sunday before Christmas and in Eastern churches in mid-November, andobserved by many Christians as a season of`advent
Adversary The Devil: Satan. Often used with the`adversary
Adverse or destructive atmospheric conditions, such as high winds or heavy rain: 'encountered ------- five miles out to sea.'`weather
Advertising film which is informative and purportedly objective`infomercial
Advertising Slogans: don't leave home without it`American express
Advertising slogans: don't leave home without it (name the company)`American express
Advertising slogans: nobody does it like _____ _____`sara lee
Advertising-supported cable television network founded in 1980 by American businessman Ted Turner and wholly owned by Turner Broadcasting System, Incorporated, which is based in Atlanta, Georgia?`cnn
Advertising: According to Nintendo, the capital of Ohio is this`mario
Advertising: Bing Crosby advertised this product.`minute maid
Advertising: Distinctive quality about Mr. Clean's head.`bald
Advertising: Does she or doesn't she Only her hairdresser knows for sure`clairol
Advertising: He hit the big time after commercials for McDonalds and State Farm`Barry manilow
advertising: how do you spell relief?`rolaids
Advertising: IBM stands for this`international business machines
Advertising: In the 1930's he promised to make you a new man using 'Dynamic Tension.'`atlas
Advertising: It is not 100% pure soap, but 99 44/100% pure.`ivory
Advertising: Jhirmack hair products were advertised by this beauty.`victoria principal
Advertising: promotion: 'The product needed better billing to outsell its competition.'`billings
Advertising: They advertised their cola as "Taste that beats the others cold"`pepsi
Advertising: This company paid millions to the Jacksons for representation`pepsi
Advertising: This company thinks the capital of Ohio is "Mario"`nintendo
advertising: whose slogan is "you got the right one, baby"?`diet pepsi
Advertising: You are advised never to leave home without this`American express
Advice given by early heavy metal hitmeisters Quiet Riot on "Metal Health"`bang your head
Advice to beware`warning
Advice: An exasperated Breathe yelled "Don't ____ __ ____"`tell me lies
Advice: Crowded House said "Don't _____ ___ ____"`dream its over
Advice: First alone, then with George, Elton sang "Don't ___ ___ ___ __ ____ __ __"`let the sun go down on me
Advice: Journey's uplifting message was that "Don't ____ ________"`stop believing
Advice: Perhaps the Marvellettes meant Mr Clinton when they said "Don't ____ ____ ____"`mess with bill
Advocacy of such a system of government`federalism
Advocating or practising total abstinence from alcohol`teetotal
Aeroacrophobia is the fear of`open high places
Aeronausiphobia is the fear of`vomiting
Aerophobia is the fear of`drafts
Aerosmith & Bon Jovi were guest performers on his 1989 "Trash" release`Alice cooper
Aerosmith and Bon Jovi were guest performers on his 1989 "Trash" release`Alice Cooper
Aerosmith song: "Skin and bones, it ain't such a pity"`get a grip
Aerosmith: Maybe tomorrow the good lord will take you away`dream on
Aerosmith: What is the name of Aerosmith's first box set`pandoras box
Aerosmith: What is the name of the Aerosmith fan club`aero force one
Aerosmith: What song did Aerosmith perform live at MTV-10`dream on
Aerosmith: When Joe Perry briefly left the group. who was his replacement`jimmy crespo
Aerosmith: Who sings background vocals on Aerosmith's song "Amazing"`don henley
Aerosmith's song about lust in a place you find in a department store`love in an elevator
Aerospace. An object launched to orbit Earth or another celestial body`satellite
Aerospace. The termination of rocket or jet-engine operation because of fuel exhaustion or shutoff`burnout
Aeruophobia is the fear of`flying
Aeryn looks human but she's really what`sebacean
Aeryn says that the beer on earth tastes like`fellip nectar
Affable: genial`debonair
Affected by ------- paralysis`spastic
Affected by insanity: crazed`moonstruck
Affected or caused by the consumption of wine`vinous
Affected or marked by ill humor or irritability`splenetic
Affected or produced by beer: 'beery humor.'`beerier
Affected with scab or scabies`scabbier
Affectedly and usually flirtatiously shy or modest. shy1`coy
Affectedly shy, modest, or reserved. shy1`demure
Affecting or characteristic of the majority of those involved: prevalent: '------- discontent.'`general
Affecting or determined by genes: '------- diseases.'`genetic
Affecting or undertaken by two sides equally: binding on both parties: 'a --------- agreement: --------- negotiations.'`bilateral
Affecting structure: '---------- damage.'`structural
Affectionate: tender: 'a ---- embrace.'`fond
Affectionate: tender: 'a fond embrace.'`fonder
Affectionate: tender: 'a fond embrace.'`fondly
Affording a fine view: scenic`sightlier
Affording no ease or reassurance: 'an uneasy calm.'`unease
Affording unobstructed passage or view: '---- waters: the ---- countryside.'`open
Affording unobstructed passage or view: 'open waters: the open countryside.'`opening
AFL: West Coast ________`Eagles
AFL: Western ________`Bulldogs
African or asian grasshopper that consume great vegetation`locust
African tree with massive trunk and edible fruit`baobab
Afrikaans developed from which language`dutch
after 27 years, ---------- made her debut as a flinstone vitamin in 1996`betty rubble
After Athens which is the largest Greek speaking city in the world`melbourne
After being forced to state in public that the earth does not rotate, --------- is said to have muttered under his breath, "But it does move."`galileo
After being shot in 1912, which former president said "It takes more than that to kill a bull moose"`Andrew Jackson
After Caesar, who did Cleopatra woo`marc antony
After Caesar, who did Cleopatra woo`mark antony
after crayola products' senior crayon maker, emerson moser, retired after thirty seven years what secret did he reveal`he was colorblind
After eating, a _______ regurgitates its food and then eats it again`housefly
after eating, the ---------- regurgitates its food and eats it again`housefly
after five years as "suzanne sugarbaker", delta burke leaves the hit show?`designing women
After five years as "Suzanne Sugarbaker", Delta Burke left what hit show`Designing Women
after freeing it from france, toussaint l'ouverture became the first ruler of this island nation`haiti
After Greenland, which is the second largest island`new guinea
After his death in 1937, Guglielmo Marconi, inventor of the ___________ was honored by broadcasters worldwide as they let the airwaves fall silent for two minutes in his memory`wireless telegraph
After how many points do players change service in table tennis`Five
After how many years marriage do you celebrate your Emerald wedding anniversary`fifty five
After how many years marriage do you celebrate your Emerald wedding anniversary`fifty five
After leaving '10000 maniacs', who released her first solo album 'Tiger Lily' in 1995`Natalie Merchant
After leaving 'The Belmonts', which was Dion's first hit on the Laurie label in October 1960`Lonely Teenager
After moya became pregnant what became harder and harder to perform`starburst
After moya became pregnant what did she try to do to the crew`kill them
After nitrogen and oxygen, which is the most plentiful gas in the atmosphere`argon
After oxygen what is the second most plentiful element in our planet`silicon
After Paris which is the largest French speaking city in the world`montreal
After putting his solo career on hold, who joined 'damn yankees' in 1990`ted nugent
After recording 'The Nitty Gritty', who released the rhyming 'Name Game'`Shirley Ellis
After Russia and Kazakhstan, what is the third largest of the former Soviet republics`ukraine
after she recorded "the nitty gritty" this lady released the rhyming "name game"?`shirley ellis
After Solomon's death, the Kingdom of Israel split into two; Israel with its capital at Shechem, and Judah. Which city was the capital of Judah`jerusalem
After spending hours working at a computer display, what colour will a blank piece of white paper probably appear to be`pink
After the death of principle kwan, a new principal was hired. what is his name`reynolds
After the end of the Vietnam War, to what was Saigon's name changed`h0 chi min city
after the end of the vietnam war, to what was saigon's name changed`ho chi min city
After The Fire made "Der Kommissar" popular, but which eighties musician performed it originally?`Falco
After the meteor shower, three-year old lana lang appeared on the cover of which magazine`time
After the Second World War, in what year did clothes rationing end`1949
After the U.S. Civil War, Iowa was the first state to give the vote to -----------------.`African Americans
After the war with eritrea, what did ethiopia lose`it's coastline
After vienna, what is the next most populous town or city in austria`graz
after what are the b52 bombers named`fifties hairdo
After what are the The B'52's named`A Fifties Hairdo
after what explorer was washington dc named, in 1791?`columbus
After what swimmer broke 50 records and then became a famous actor`johnny
after what war did the "wanna go home riots" occur`world war one
After which battle did brutus commit suicide`philippi
After which battle did mark antony commit suicide`actium
After which Battle of the English Civil War did Charles II hide in an oak tree at Boscobel to avoid capture`worcester
After which battle of the English Civil War did Charles II hide in an oak tree at Boscobel, to avoid capture by the Roundheads`worcester
After which battle was the phrase 'A shot heard around the World' first spoken`lexington
After which battle, in which he emerged triumphant, did lord nelson die`trafalgar
After which creature is the Californian island of Alcatraz named`pelican
After which film star did RAF airman name a life jacket`mae west
After which George was Georgia named`george ii
After which god is wednesday named`odin
after which historic battle did winston churchill enthuse, "never in human conflict has so much been owed by so many to so few"`Battle of Britain
After which Italian is America named`Amerigo Vespucci
after which saint was san francisco named`francis of assisi
After which war did cigarette smoking become fashionable`crimean war
After who is the 'Ramses' brand condom named`Pharaoh Ramses II
After who was 'Decibel' named`Alexander Graham Bell
After who was america named`Amerigo Vespucci
After who was august named`Caesar Augustus
After who was july named`julius caesar
After who was Mickey Mouse named`Mickey Rooney
After who was the month of August named`Augustus Caesar
After who was the month of July named`Julius Caesar
after who were the teenage mutant ninja turtles named`artists and/or sculptors
After whom is the month of January named`janus
After whom is the month of July named`julius caesar
After whom is the orbital space telescope named`edwin hubble
After whom is the U S state of Virginia named`elizabeth i
After whom was Halley's Comet named`edmund halley
After whom was the american state of maryland named`henrietta maria
After whose rebellion were the 'Bloody Assizes' presided over by the infamous Judge Jeffreys`duke of monmouth
After winning a battle against cancer, which sporting event did lance armstrong win in 1999 and again in 2000`tour de france
After WW I what was Hitler promoted to in rank`corporal
After WW1 what was Adolf Hitler promoted to in rank`corporal
Afternoon nap or rest`siesta
Against which background is dickens novel a tale of two cities set`the french revolution
Against which background is ernest hemingway's novel for whom the bell tolls set`spanish civil war
Against which club was Kenny Dalglish's last game as manager of Liverpool`everton
Against which country was Kevin Keegan's last game as manager of England`germany
Against whom did Richard the Lionheart fight in the Crusades`Saladin
Against whom was Robert the Bruce fighting when he was inspired to try again by a spider`king edward II
againt which country did england fight the 'hundred years war'`france
Agalmatophilia is the sexual attraction to what?`nude statues
agana is the capital of which country`guam
Agatha Christie disappeared for 10 days in which year`1926
Agatha Christie's elderly female crimesolver`miss marple
Age Is Mentioned In The Bible`Sarah
Age the letter c on a water tap in france refers to what`hot water
Agency of the Executive Office of the President of the United States, created in 1947, together with the National Security Council.`central
Agency of the Executive Office of the President of the United States, created in 1947, together with the National Security Council.`central intelligence agency
Agency of the United States government, generally responsible for administering federal policy for Native Americans and Inuits (Eskimos)?`Bureau of Indian Affairs
Agent Blue is a herbicide that was used agaainst the Vietnamese, what type of poisonous compound does it contain`arsenic
Aggressively masculine`macho
agliophobia is a fear of ____`pain
Agliophobia is the fear of ____`pain
Agoraphobia is the fear of`being in crowded public places
agraphobia is a fear of ____`sexual abuse
Agraphobia is the fear of ____`sexual abuse
Agreeable: pleasant: 'a ------ breeze.'`kindly
Agreeable: pleasant: 'a kindly breeze.'`kindlier
Agreement in purpose, feeling, or action`concert
Agricultural and industrial region in the state of New South Wales, Australia, about 160 km (about 100 mi) north of Sydney.`hunter valley
Agricultural and industrial region in the state of new south wales, australia, about 160 km north of sydney`hunter valley
Agricultural science concerning methods of soil management & crop production`agronomy
Agricultural science concerning methods of soil management and crop production`agronomy
Agriculture incorporating the cultivation and conservation of trees`agroforestry
agrizoophobia is a fear of ____`wild animals
Agrizoophobia is the fear of`wild animals
Agyrophobia is the fear of`crossing streets
ah`When The Going Gets Tough Billy Ocean
AHBA stands for this`American honkytonk bar association
Ahead of all others, especially in position or rank: paramount. chief`foremost
aichmophobia is a fear of ____`needles
Aichmophobia is the fear of`pointed objects
aichmophobia is the fear of ____ ____ .`knives
Aid: help: 'financial ----------.'`assistance
ailuromania is an obsession or crazed desire for ____ ____.`cats
Ailurophobia (SPELL IT) is the irrational fear of which type of creature`cats
ailurophobia is a fear of ____`cats
Ailurophobia is the fear of`cats
Ailurophobia is the fear of what`cats
Ailurophobia is the irrational fear of which type of creature`cats
aim was to express the energetic, dynamic, and violent quality of contemporary life, especially as embodied in the motion and force`futurism
Aimee Mann's hit single off "Whatever"`i shouldve known
Air is 21% oxygen, 78% ______, and 1% other gases`nitrogen
Air Supply song: "I'm lying alone with my head on the phone"`all out of love
Air under pressure greater than that of the atmosphere`compressed air
Airport security personnel find about ------ weapons a day searching passengers.`six
AKA Rainer Wolfcastle.`McBain
AKA: comedian John Marwood Cheese`John Cleese
AKA: singer Henry John Deutchendorf`John Denver
AKA: singer James Jewel Osterburg`Iggy Pop
AKA: singer Janis Fink`Janis Joplin
AKA: spooky actor William Pratt`Boris Karloff
Al Capone's business card identified him as a what`furniture dealer
Alain Boublil and Claude-Michel Schonberg wrote which hit musical`les miserables
ALAISES: Mrs Heelis, by which name is she better known`Beatrix Potter
ALAISES:Mary O'Brien, is better known as.....`dusty Springfield
Alamein how many Ringling brothers were there`five
Alan Parsons Project: "If I was high class/I wouldn't need a buck to pass"`i wouldnt want to be like you
Alan Parsons Project: "With no warning. no last goodbye/In the dawn of the morning sky/..."`the eagle will rise again
Alan Parsons Project: David Paton plays this instrument for the Alan Parsons Project`bass
Alan Parsons Project: This video features a smiling moon.`dont answer me
Alan Parsons Project: Which album is based on the works of an artist`gaudi
Alanis Morrisette appeared on what 80's cable children's show?`You Can't Do that On Television
Alaska. A fallen tree or log submerged in a river and creating a hazard for boats`preacher
Alaska. Of or in the 48 contiguous states of the United States`stateside
Albany is the capital of _____`New York
Albert Einstein couldn't talk properly until he was nine, and was thought to be suffering from ______`Dyslexia
albert einstein was offered the presidency of ---------- in 1952`israel
Albert Einstein was once offered the Presidency of _____. He declined saying he had no head for problems`israel
Albert Einstein was thought to be suffering from dyslexia, as he couldn't speak properly until he was _____ years old`nine
Albert Einstein was thought to be suffering from dyslexia, as he couldn't speak properly until he was _____ years old`nine
Albert Einstein worked at which American university`princeton
Alberta's shield on the coat of arms, bears the cross of`saint george
alberto vo5 hair spray was the worlds first crystal ---------- hair spray`clear
Alberto Vo5 is made with five organic emollients. What does the V.O. stand for in the name Alberto Vo5`Vital Organic
Album : Iris, Lime House, Doe`pod
Album : Lose My Breath, Feed Me With Your Kiss`isnt anything
Album : Mars, Call Mr. Lee`television
Album : Nick The Stripper, Cry, King Ink`prayers on fire
Album : Pale Blue Eyes, The Murder Mystery`the velvet underground
Album : Secrets, Forest, M`seventeen seconds
Album : Sugar Hiccup, Glass Candle Grenades`head over heels
Album : The Anchor Song, Violently Happy`debut
Album : Too Young To Die, Blow Your Mind`emergency on planet earth
Album title: Captain Fantastic & The ____ ___ _____`brown dirt cowboy
Album title: Dark Side Of The _____ (pink floyd)`moon
Album To Artist: 11-17-70 (17-11-70 in Europe)`elton john
Album To Artist: Aja`steely dan
Album To Artist: All the Young Dudes`mott the hoople
Album To Artist: All Things Must Pass`george harrison
Album To Artist: Blue`joni mitchell
Album To Artist: Brain Salad Surgery (U.S. title)`emerson lake and palmer
Album To Artist: Canciones de mi padre`linda ronstadt
Album To Artist: Carney`leon russell
Album To Artist: Don't Shoot Me I'm Only the Piano Player`elton john
Album To Artist: Eat a Peach`Allman brothers band
Album To Artist: Every Picture Tells a Story`rod stewart
Album To Artist: Heart Like a Wheel`linda ronstadt
Album To Artist: John Barleycorn Must Die`traffic
Album To Artist: Magazine`heart
Album To Artist: Stand Up`jethro tull
Album To Artist: Tarkus`emerson lake & palmer
Album To Artist: Tarkus`emerson lake and palmer
Album To Artist: Teaser & the Firecat`cat stevens
Album To Artist: Teaser and the Firecat`cat stevens
Album To Artist: To Our Childrens Childrens Children`the moody blues
Album To Artist: Twelve Dreams of Dr. Sardonicus`spirit
Album To Artist: Wheels of Fire`cream
Album To Artist: Yesterday & Today`the beatles
Album To Artist: Yesterday and Today`the beatles
Album: Balls to the Wall, London Leatherboys, Head Over Heels`balls to the wall
Album: Every Heartbeat, Baby Baby`heart in motion
Album: Funky Jam, Struttin, (Im Gonna) Cry Myself Blind`give out but dont give up
Album: Guns In The Sky, Never Tear Us Apart, Devil Inside`kick
Album: I Think That I Would Die, Violet, Gutless`live through this
Album: I Wish, Sir Duke`songs in the key of life
Album: Livin on A Prayer, You Give Love a Bad Name`slippery when wet
Album: New Kid In Town, Life in The Fast Lane, The Sad Cafe`hotel california
Album: New York new York, What Now My Love, Ive Got the World On A String`duets
Album: Paradise City, Sweet Child O Mine`appetite for destruction
Album: Pigs, Sheep, Dogs`animals
Album: Posession, Mary, Circle, Ice Cream`fumbling toward ecstasy
Album: Sledgehammer, Big Time, Dont Give Up`so
Album: Stayin Alive, How Deep Is Your Love, If I Cant Have You`saturday night fever
Album: Two Out of Three Aint Bad, Paradise By The Dashboard Light`bat out of hell
Album: When Doves Cry, I Would Die 4 U`purple rain
Album: You, I Sho Do, Circle Dance, Love Sneaking Up On You`longing in their hearts
Albums 2002, Red Hot Chilli Peppers album which reached top 10 charts in August`by the way
Albums 2002, Shakiras album reached the top 10 uk chart`laundry service
Albums 2002, Vanessa Carltons UK top 10 album`be not nobody
Albums: "Leaving On A Jet Plane" was recorded by Peter Paul & Mary, but written by him`john denver
Albums: A.L. Webber musical with "The Music Of The Night" and "All I Ask Of You"`the phantom of the opera
Albums: Basia's first album release that includes "Miles Away" and "Prime Time TV."`time and tide
Albums: Bjork's aptly titled album that includes "Human Behavior" & "Violently Happy."`debut
Albums: Classic Sinatra with Count Basie in Las Vegas, 1966.`sinatra at the sands
Albums: Collection of Chanticleer's music, including "Salve Regina" & "Stormy Weather"`the anniversary album
Albums: Divorce Song, 6'1", Never Said`exile in guyville
Albums: Down Under, Who Can It Be Now, Helpless Automaton`business as usual
Albums: Dr Dre's debut, the funkiest thing since Parliament`the chronic
Albums: Keith Richards' solo debut`talk is cheap
Albums: Kim The Waitress, Goin' Through Your Purse, She's Going Through My Head`freak city soundtrack
Albums: Kinda I Want To, Sin, The Only Time`pretty hate machine
Albums: Miami 2017, Angry Young Man, I've Loved These Days`turnstiles
Albums: Mick Jagger's solo album which has covers of James Brown and Bill Withers`wandering spirit
Albums: Old R.E.M., released in 1986; has "Fall On Me" and "Superman"`lifes rich pageant
Albums: One of the top selling albums of all time, Peter Frampton's live album.`frampton comes alive
Albums: Romance, Heavenly Bodies, Bop 'Til You Drop`one size Fits All
Albums: Styx song, "I thought that they were angels, but much to my suprise.."`come sail away
Albums: Sub-culture, Sooner Than You Think, Face Up`low life
Albums: Tori Amos' first solo album, with "Silent All These Years" and "Crucify."`little earthquakes
Albums: Trip Shakespeare's 1991 release; includes "Jill Can Drive" and "Today You Move"`lulu
Albums: Union Of The Snake, The Seventh Stranger, New Moon On Monday`seven and the ragged tiger
Albums: While there are only a few actual songs, Denis Leary makes it all funny.`no cure for cancer
Albums: Would, Sickman, Rooster`dirt
alcatraz: how many wardens did the prison have in its 29 years?`four
Alcatraz: this inmates nickname was "machine gun"`george kelly
Alcohol is added to soap to make it`Clear
Alcohol: According to the Old Testament, he planted the first vineyard`noah
Alcohol: An illegal 1920s saloon`speakeasy
Alcohol: Anise flavored Greek liqueur`ouzo
Alcohol: Egyptian god credited with first making beer`osiris
Alcohol: French cup of coffee flavored with apple brandy`cafe calvados
Alcohol: Japanese rice wine`sake
Alcohol: Liquor whose name is derived from uisge beath, Gaelic for aqua vitae`whisky
Alcohol: Liver disease caused by alcoholism`cirrhosis
Alcohol: Mead is made from this`honey
Alcohol: Medieval monks invented this stopper, necessary for champagne`cork
Alcohol: Monastic order that established the California wine industry`franciscan
Alcohol: National drink of Peru`pisco
Alcohol: Polish plum brandy`slivovitz
Alcohol: Puritan preacher who said "Wine is from God, the drunkard is from the Devil"`increase mather
Alcohol: sapporo is brewed in this country.`japan
Alcohol: The cultivation of grapes`viticulture
Alcohol: The German New Year's carnival`fasching
Alcohol: The Greek god of wine, dance, and ecstacy`dionysus
Alcohol: The most popular alcoholic beverage in America before beer`cider
Alcohol: The traditional Sweedish drink`aquavit
Alcohol: the two ingredients of a black velvet are stout and`champagne
Alcohol: this liquor brand accents a scarlet o hara or a rhett butler`southern comfort
Alcohol: what bottles of chianti are traditionally covered with`straw
Alcohol: what color is a remy martin bottle`green
Alcoholic beverage especially illicit`hooch
Alcoholic beverage made from rice`arrack
alcoholic beverage produced by fermenting the juice of grapes?`wine
Alcoholic drink fermented from honey and water`mead
Alec is X5-###`492
Alektorophobia is the fear of ____`chickens
alex and his 'droogs' are thugs in what anthony burgess novel`A Clockwork Orange
Alex and his 'droogs' are thugs in what Anthony Burgess novel`a Clockwork Orange
alexander ---------- was shot by aaron burr in the groin`hamilton
alexander graham bell, never telephoned his wife or mother. they both were----------`deaf
Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, never phones his wife or his mother, they were both`deaf
alexander hamilton was shot by ---------- burr in the groin`aaron
alexander hamilton was shot by aaron ---------- in the groin`burr
alexander hamilton was shot by aaron burr in the----------`groin
Alexander Hamilton was shot by Aaron Burr where`in the groin
Alexander Kent, author of the "Richard Bolitho" series of books, writes WW I and WW2 naval novels in his own nameWhat is it`douglas reeman
Alexander the Great suffered from what malady`epilepsy
Alexander the Great was king of which country`Macedonia
Alfred gerald caplin is better known as this`al capp
Alfred Gerald Caplin is better known as this (first+last name)`al capp
Alfred hitchcock didn't have what`belly button
alfred hitchcock never won an academy award for----------`directing
Alfred hitchcock was born in _____`1899
Alfred Parker was the only man in the USA to be convicted of this crime`cannibalism
Alfred Wegener claimed all the continents were once part of a single land mass,what did he call it`pangaea
Algebra: Define the value of X: -10x - 19 = 19 - 8x`-19
Algebra: Define the value of X: -11+10x+11-33=x+2x+100`19
Algebra: Define the value of X: -3 + 2x = 11`7
Algebra: Define the value of X: -32 = x + 3`-35
Algebra: Define the value of X: -6 + 2x + 3x = 29`7
Algebra: Define the value of X: -x - 1 = 221 + 2x`-74
Algebra: Define the value of X: 0x + 7 + 5x = 2x + 30 + 40`21
Algebra: Define the value of X: 10 - 20x-10=15x-5x+90`9
Algebra: Define the value of X: 100x + -89x = 121`11
Algebra: Define the value of X: 10x + 3x = 100 + 69`13
Algebra: Define the value of X: 10x = 130`13
Algebra: Define the value of X: 10x+5+0= 2x - 3x + 60`5
Algebra: Define the value of X: 12 = -x + 1`-11
Algebra: Define the value of X: 12x + 0 = 144`12
Algebra: Define the value of X: 14 = -2x`-7
Algebra: Define the value of X: 15 + 5x = 0`-3
Algebra: Define the value of X: 17x - 12 = 114 + 3x`9
Algebra: Define the value of X: 29 - x = 13`16
Algebra: Define the value of X: 2x - 10 = 10 - 3x`4
Algebra: Define the value of X: 2x + 6 = 4x - 2`4
Algebra: Define the value of X: 2x = 10`5
Algebra: Define the value of X: 46 = 47 - x`1
Algebra: Define the value of X: 4x + 6 = -10`-4
Algebra: Define the value of X: 4x = 16`4
Algebra: Define the value of X: 5x+9+5x=30+7x- -15+ + 15`17
Algebra: Define the value of X: 6x - 2 + 2x = -2 + 4x + 8`2
Algebra: Define the value of X: 99 + 5x = 2000 - 5x - 911`99
Algebra: Define the value of X: x - 6 = 9`15
Algebra: Define the value of X: x + 3 = 5`2
Algebra: Define the value of X: x + 9 = 18 - 2x`3
Algebra: Solve it: 14a x 3a - 8a 2`17
Algebra: solve it: 14a x 3a - 8a 2`17
Algebra: Solve it: 14a x 3a - 8a ~ 2`17
Algebra: Solve it: 3x + 2x`5x
Algebra: Solve it: 7y - 2y + 3y`8y
algiers is the capital of ______`Algeria
Algophobia is the fear of`pain
Ali campbell sings lead with which group`ub40
ALIAS: By which name is Vera Welch better known`Vera Lynn
ALIASAS: By what name is Rose Louise Hovick better known`Gypsy Rose Lee
ALIASES: Born Ferdinand Joseph La Menthe, claimed he invented jazz`jelly roll morton
ALIASES: By what name do we know actor Herbert charles angelo kuchacevich de schluderpacheru`herbert lom
ALIASES: By what name do we know Marion Michael Morrison`john wayne
ALIASES: By what name is the 16th century painter Domenikos Theotokopoulos better known`el greco
ALIASES: By which name was the boxer Walker Smith better known`Sugar Ray Robinson
ALIASES: Edson Arantes do Nascimento`pele
ALIASES: hich american writer was born Samuel Langhorne Clemens`mark twain
ALIASES: How was Gertrud margarete Zelle better known in wwii`mata hari
ALIASES: Punk musician, Simon Ritchie, by what name is he better known`Sid Vicious
ALIASES: Under which name did Nigel John Davies shape the early career of Twiggy`justin de villeneuve
ALIASES: Walker Smith`Sugar Ray Robinson
ALIASES: What is Alice Coopers real name`vincent furnier
ALIASES: What is the stage name of entertainer Robert Davies`jasper carrot
ALIASES: Which British actor of Dutch descent was born derek Van den Bogaerd`dirk bogarde
ALIASES: Which comedian was born Nathan Birnbaum`george burns
ALIASES: Which novelist was born Mary Ann Evans`george eliot
ALIASES: Which Oscar winning actress was born Susan Tomaling in 1946 and is known by her former married name`Susan sarandon
ALIASES: Which punk star was born John Richie`sid vicious
ALIASES: Which singer/actor was born Dino Crocetti in 1917`dean martin
ALIASES: Who has written books under the name Barbara Vine`p d james
ALIASES: Who is Terry Nelhams better known as`Adam Faith
ALIASES: Who was born Joe Yule`mickey Rooney
ALIASES:Who is Allen Stewart Konigsberg`Woody Allen
ALIASES:Who was Vladimir I Ulyanov`Lenin
Alice B Toklas often called Gertrude Stein___________?`Baby Woojums
Alice becomes a cake & gets eaten.`dont come around here no more
Alice In Chain's song that includes the line "Did she call my name".`rain when i die
Alice In Chains: "Sitting in this _____ _____."`angry chair
Alice Springs is a place in which country`Australia
Alister Allan and Malcolm Cooper won Olympic medals in which sport`shooting
Alkaloid derived from morphine and used as a pain killer`codeine
all ---------- children of queen anne died before she did`17
all ---------- float in water`porcupines
all ---------- in venice, italy must be painted black, unless they belong to a high official`gondolas
all ---------- originating names that end with the letters el have something to do with god`hebrew
all 50 ---------- are listed across the top of the lincoln memorial on the back of the $5 bill`states
all creatures great and small: what creatures live in a formicary`ants
all gondolas in venice, italy must be painted black, unless they belong to a----------`high official
All gondolas in venice, italy must be painted what color, unless they belong to a high official`Black
all gondolas in venice, italy must be painted---------- , unless they belong to a high official`black
all gondolas in---------- , italy must be painted black, unless they belong to a high official`venice
all hebrew originating names that end with the letters el have something to do with----------`god
All Hebrew orignating names that end with the letters "el" have something to do with what`god
all hospitals in singapore use ---------- diapers`pampers
All human life is there, was a quotation from Henry James and was used to promote which British Sunday newspaper in the 1950's`news of the world
All Indians must return to their shore of the Chattohoochee River by nightfall in _________, Georgia.`Columbus
all Jews trace their descent`abraham
All members of'which religion bear the surname Singh`sikhism
All methods used to prevent or reduce detrimental effects of floods`flood control
All of a person's descendants`posterity
All of the officers in the confederate army were given copies of what book`Les Miserables
All of the US could be placed inside what land mass`sahara desert
All relevant matters: 'told each other ----------.'`everything
All sex toys are banned in _______.`Georgia
All such declarations, spoken or written, offered in a legal case or deliberative hearing`testimony
all summer long teens dance slow to dreamy vocals like the five satins'`In the Still of the Night
All summer long teens dance slow to dreamy vocals like The Five Satins'`in the still of the nite
All that she wants is another baby.`all that she wants
all the ---------- in england are property of the queen`swans
all the dirt from the foundation to build the ---------- in nyc was dumped into the hudson river to form the community now known as battery city park`world trade center
all the dirt from the foundation to build the world trade center in nyc was dumped into the ---------- river to form the community now known as battery city park`hudson
all the dirt from the foundation to build the world trade center in nyc was dumped into the hudson river to form the community now known as ---------- park`battery city
All the functions of a living organism or any of its parts`physiology
All the guns on one side of a warship`broadside
All the original Football League Division One teams are still in existence except one, which one`accrington stanley
All the swans in England are property of the`Queen
All times hamlet was the prince of ______`denmark
All-Time Career Record Of 4,191 Hits Did Pete Rose Break On September 11,1985`Ty Cobb's
allan clarke was lead vocalist with which great manchester group during the 1960s and 1970s`the hollies
Allied bombers were issued with Biro pens as pens leaked at high altitude`fountain
Allium cepa is the latin name for which vegetable`onion
Alliumphobia is the fear of`garlic
Allodoxaphobia is the fear of`opinions
Alma Mater means what`bountiful mother
alma mater means----------`bountiful mother
Almonds are members of what family`peach
almost ---------- million pounds of medical trash is generated each day in the u.s`18
almost 425,000 hotdogs and buns, 160,000 hamburgers and cheeseburgers were served at ---------- '99`woodstock
Almost half the bones in your body are in what two body parts`hands & feet
Almost half the bones in your body are in what two body parts`hands & feet
Almost half the bones in your body are in what two body parts`hands and feet
Almost not: hardly: 'We -------- ever used the reserve generator.'`scarcely
Almost: 'The job is ----- done.'`about
Aloof and often antisocial: extremely reserved: 'an --------- manner.'`unbending
Alphabetically speaking, which is the last of the 26 Irish counties. Most people say Wexford, but they're wrong`wicklow
Alphabetically, what were the two cities in 'A Tale of Two Cities'`London & Paris
Alphabetically, what were the two cities in 'A Tale of Two Cities'`london & paris
Alphabetically, what were the two cities in a tale of two cities`london and paris
Alphabetically, who is the first British football team listed?`A.F.C. Bournemouth
Alpine plant with white bracts`edelweiss
Already commenced or initiated: in progress`underway
already known in great britain, her tune, "smooth operator", becomes a us hit`sade
Also buried in kensal green cemetery is the author of the small house at allington and other novels. who was he`Anthony Trollope
Also called Bettas, the males of what fish species are bred in Thailand for the purpose of competitive combat, with people gambling on the matches.`Siamese Fighting Fish
Also known as the Chile Pine, what is the common name of the tree Araucaria araucana`monkey puzzle
Alt Tune: A heart, a heart that hurts is a heart, a heart that worked-Juliana Hatfield`universal heart-beat
Alt Tune: Buying toys & gifts for friends youve been wasting gold on love..-Spookey`ruben
Alt Tune: He walks in the cold sun & the wind All these years will not begin-Soundgarden`room a thousand years Wide
Alt Tune: I love all of you Hurt by the cold So hard an lonely too-Red Hot Chili Peppers`my friends
Alt Tune: If you should die before me ask if you can bring a friend-Stone Temple Pilots`still remains
Alt Tune: If youre lonely you get lazy If youre lazy you get lonely-Neds Atomic Dustbin`who goes first
Alt Tune: Is there something you lack when Im flat on my back...-Elastica`stutter
Alt Tune: LA Lakers Fast break makers Kings of the court Shake and bake...-R.H.C.P.`magic johnson
Alt Tune: She knows & she knows, she knows, she knows. And she knows..-Smashing Pumpkins`rhinoceros
Alt Tune: Stand up Youve got to manage I wont sympathize Anymore..-Bjork`army of me
Alt Tune: The will outweighs the pain, hes already jumped in...-hHead`moron
Alt Tune: Thinning ice..14 hairdryers...-Bush [my favourite line :)]`swim
Alt Tune: When your chained to the mirror and the razor blade...-oasis`morning glory
Alteration in pitch or tone of the voice`inflection
Alternative "Sister Havana"`urge overkill
Alternative "Today is the Greatest Day I've Ever Known"`smashing pumpkins
Alternative After Jane's Addiction broke up the lead singer formed this band.`porno for pyros
Alternative Alice In Chains: "You my friend... I will defend."`no excuses
Alternative Angry young man who leads Nine Inch Nails:`trent reznor
Alternative Art: _Calvin and Hobbes_ artist.`bill watterson
Alternative Art: A dark style of futuristic art, gun- and death-laden.`heavy metal
Alternative Art: Age at which Patrick Nagel died`38
Alternative Art: Dinotopia's illustrator.`james gurney
Alternative Art: He used bold line and silhouette techniques to depict the women of the '80s`patrick nagel
Alternative Art: Playing cards in which the pips are part of an art design are called this.`transformation cards
Alternative Art: Ranma 1/2 is a animation series from this country`japan
Alternative Art: She is famous for her airbrushed woman-animal art.`olivia
Alternative Art: Szukalski was this country's greatest artist (until Hitler destroyed his work)`poland
Alternative Art: This comic by Mark Schultz briefly appeared as a network TV show`cadillacs and dinosaurs
Alternative Chili Peppers' Bassist who left the band shortly before Lollapalooza II:`john frusciante
Alternative Finish this song title: 'Heaven or ___ _____'`las vegas
Alternative How many albums does Pantera really have(very tricky)`eight
Alternative In what city did Kurt Cobain lapse into a coma`rome
Alternative Lead singer (screamer) of Nirvana:`kurt cobain
Alternative Mike D., MCA, and AdRock are better known as:`beastie boys
Alternative MTV VJ shares this name with a past US president.`kennedy
Alternative Music: After Janes Addiction broke up the lead singer formed this band`porno for pyros
Alternative Music: Finish this song title: 'Heaven or ___ _____'`las vegas
Alternative Music: mtv vj shares this name with a past us president`kennedy
Alternative Music: Name the band whose debut album is titled 'Suck on This'.`primus
Alternative Music: She was the former lead singer of The Eurythmics`Annie Lennox
Alternative Music: Sister Havana`urge overkill
Alternative Music: temple of the dog was formed to pay tribute to the leader of this ex-band`mother love bone
Alternative Music: the b-52's are from this in georgia`Athens
Alternative Music: this band sings eat for two`10000 maniacs
Alternative Music: tori amos did a cover of this nirvana song`smells like teen spirit
Alternative Music: we sing the nightingales song`toad the wet sprocket
Alternative Music: What video can Angelo of Fishbone be seen in with the Mighty Mighty Bosstones?`simmer down
Alternative Music: what was primus called before they were called primus`primate
Alternative Name the band that Juliana Hatfield was in before The Juliana Hatfield Three.`blake babies
Alternative New Order: "I used to think that the day would never come..."`a Christmas story
Alternative Nirvana's first album:`bleach
Alternative On the album "A Shame About Ray" this band has their version of Mrs. Robinson.`lemonheads
Alternative Pearl Jam: "He who forgets, will be destined to remember."`nothingman
Alternative Radiohead: "Fake plastic wattering can..."`fake plastic trees
Alternative Rapper who hosted and performed at the 1st Lollapalooza:`ice t
Alternative She was the former lead singer of The Eurythmics.`Annie Lennox
Alternative Sponge: "Sixteen candles down the drain."`molly
Alternative Temple of the Dog was formed to pay tribute to the leader of this ex-band:`mother love bone
Alternative The B-52's are from this in Georgia.`Athens
Alternative This bald-headed singer has an album called "I Don't Want What I Haven't Got".`sinead o connor
Alternative This band sings "Eat For Two"`10000 maniacs
Alternative Tori Amos did a cover of this Nirvana song.`smells like teen spirit
Alternative Tune: Breeders: "I'm the last splash."`cannonball
Alternative Tune: hey, man you disrespecting me`come out and play
Alternative Tune: i want to do something that matters`i do not want this
Alternative Tune: Matthew Sweet: "`sick of myself
Alternative Tune: NiN: "I want to do something that matters."`i do not want this
Alternative Tune: Nirvana: "Warm milk & laxatives. Cherry flavored antacid."`pennyroyal tea
Alternative Tune: warm milk and laxatives cherry flavored antacid`pennyroyal tea
Alternative Tune:"____ ____, thoughts arrive like butterflies"`even flow
Alternative Tune:"and I'll cry for ___, yes I'll die for ___"`you
Alternative Tune:"Hey, man you disrespecting me Take him out"`come out & play
Alternative Tune:"I know I'm being used, that's okay man cause I like the abuse"`self esteem
Alternative Tune:"I, ohhhhhhh, I'm still _____"`alive
Alternative Tunes: "A mulatto, an albino, a mosquito..."`smells like teen spirit
Alternative Verse Chorus Verse was going to be the name of this bands newest album.`nirvana
Alternative Wax: "Smog makes ya blue, someone shoulda warned you..."`southern california
Alternative We sing the Nightingale's Song..`toad the wet sprocket
Alternative What is the name of Dead Can Dance's 'greatest hits' album`passage in time
Alternative What was Primus called before they were called 'Primus'`primate
Alternative Who had the hit single 'Plush'`stone temple pilots
Alternative Who is the ex-lead singer of the Dead Kennedys`biafra
Alternative Who recorded the album 'Spike'`elvis costello
Although "The Fabulous Thunderbirds" covered "I Thank You" it was originally released by this soul duo in 1968`Sam And Dave
Although best known for their hit "Dancin' in the Streets", Martha & the Vandella's also hit the charts with the song about this man`Jimmy Mack
Although Cleopatra was meant to have died after a bite from an ____, the species does not exist in Egypt`asp
Although hard to believe, whose favorite expression was "Silly Little Ass"`tinker bell
Although he had an acting career in the UK he got his first break in music when he was chosen to be a replacement drummer in Genesis in 1970`Phil Collins
Although he never spoke a word, David Prowse played which villain in three films`darth vader
Although he starred in many gangster films, who started his career as a chorus girl`james cagney
Although his career was snuffed out in the same plane crash that killed Buddy Holly, which east L.A kid had a memorable top ten hit about his girlfriend Donna`Richie Valens
Although his early career was snuffed out in the same plane crash that killed Buddy Holly, this East LA kid had a memorable top ten hit about his girlfriend Donna`Richie Valens
Although it doesn't sound like a dog, dust is ornamental wood chips often placed in flowerbeds`bark
Although it doesnt sound like a dog, ____dust is ornamental wood chips often placed in flowerbeds`bark
Although many thought this song stood for LSD, John Lennon insisted it was about a girl at his son's school`Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
Although Nilsson wrote "One", this band covered it and brought it to top ten in 1969`Three Dog Night
Although not all come from France, fries are often served with hamburgers`french
Although not all come from France, ______ fries.`french
Although not born there, which country does tennis star Mary Pierce represent`france
Although not named in the new testament, tradition names the two thieves crucified at the same time as jesus as`dismas and gestas
Although not named in the new testament, tradition names the two thieves crucified at the same time as Jesus as (alphabetically)`dismas & gestas
Although not named in the new testament, tradition names the two thieves crucified at the same time as Jesus as (alphabetically)`Dismas and Gestas
Although the 'Fabulous Thunderbirds' sang 'I Thank You' it was originally released by what soul duo in 1968.`Sam and Dave
although the fabulous thunderbirds sang 'i thank you' it was originally released by this soul duo in 1968`Sam and Dave
Although the fabulous Thunderbirds sang 'I Thank You' it was originally released by this soul duo in 1968.`sam & dave
Although the fabulous thunderbirds sang 'i thank you' it was originally released by this soul duo in 1968.`sam and dave
Although the Fireballs had some success with the record "Torquay" when they teamed up with Jimmy Gilmer, this record stayed at number one for an entire year`Sugar Shack
Although the island of _______ is synonymous with lesbianism, the ancient Greeks associated it with the practice of fellatio. The Greek verbs lesbiazo and lesbizo refer to the act of fellatio.`Lesbos
Although they recorded more that should have been u.s hits, 'tell her no', 'time of the season' and 'she's not there were the only ones to make it to the u.s top ten for which band`zombies
Although this group's first single didn't even scrape the bottom of the top 40, their second, "867-5309/Jenny" peaked and went gold in 1982`Tommy Tutone
Although this handsome young man received barely passing grades for some of his movie performances, he had a number one hit with "Young Love" in January of 1957`Tab Hunter
Although written by Joni Mitchell this artist scored a major hit with "Both Sides Now" in 1968`Judy Collins
Although you can't tell from the title, bobby hebb actually was singing this one to his brother in 1966`sunny
Although, it is referred to as a meteor shower several times in smallville what was it really`meteorite shower
altophobia is the fear of ____`heights
aluminum is strong enough to support ---------- pounds per square inch`90000
Alvin & Simon had a brother called `Theo
Alvin & the ...`chipmunks
Alvin and the`chipmunks
Always _______`coca cola
Amanda tapping guest starred on x-files, what did she play`a prostitute
Amathophobia is the fear of`dust
Amaxophobia is the fear of`riding in a car
Amaxophobia is the fear of`vehicles
Amazing actress who won for _The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie_`maggie smith
Amazingly large or great: huge. enormous`stupendous
Ambient pop english french group founded by laetitia sadier and tim gane`stereolab
Amboise in the loire valley, where leonardo da vinci is buried, is now famous for the manufacture of what`viagra
ambrosia was the food of the gods what was it`nectar
Ambrosia, darkling and death watch are all kinds of what`beetles
Ambulophobia is the fear of`walking
America built the first nuclear submarine. What was it called`Nautilus
america media mogul ted turner owns ---------- of new mexico`5%
america media mogul ted turner owns 5% of----------`new mexico
America's country's first commercial oil well was located in what state`pennsylvania
America's first Catholic church was established in 1732 in this city`philadelphia
America's first minimum wage was ----- cents an hour back in 1938.`twenty five
American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by eliminating one _______ from each salad served in first-class`olive
American airlines saved 40,000 dollars in 1987 by eliminating what from each salad served in first-class`one olive
American applied mathematician & electrical engineer, noted for his development of the theory of communication now known as information theory`shannon
American applied mathematician and electrical engineer, noted for his development of the theory of communication now known as information theory`shannon
American artist, Grant Wood, depicts his dentist, B.H. McKeeby, and his sister Nan as a farmer-preacher and daughter in which 1930 painting`American gothic
american astronauts must be under ---------- feet`6
American Authors: Among his short stories are "The Open Boat" and "The Blue Hotel"`Stephen Crane
American Authors: Once wrote that every modern American novel is derived from "Huckleberry Finn"`Ernest Hemingway
American Authors: This Canadian-born author wrote "The Handmaid's Tale" and "Rape Fantasies"`margaret atwood
American Authors: This New Jersey-born author/journalist wrote "The Armies of the Night"`norman mailer
American Beers - State: Abita:`louisiana
American Beers - State: Blue Hen:`delaware
American Beers - State: Crazy Horse`Wisconsin
American Beers - State: Icehouse:`wisconsin
American Beers - State: Oldenberg:`kentucky
American Beers - State: Pete's Wicked Ale`Minnesota
American Beers - State: Portsmouth Black Cat Stout`New Hampshire
American Beers - State: Yuengling:`pennsylvania
American Beers: Crazy Horse:`wisconsin
American Beers: Icehouse:`wisconsin
American Beers: Oldenberg:`kentucky
American Beers: Pete's Wicked Ale:`minnesota
American Beers: Portsmouth Black Cat Stout:`new hampshire
American burrowing animal with plated body`armadillo
American Cartoonists: Cartoon created by Dale Messick`brenda starr
American Cartoonists: Cartoon created by Ernie Bushmiller`nancy
American Cartoonists: Cartoon created by Hank Ketcham`dennis the menace
American Cartoonists: Cartoon created by Lynn Johnston`for better or for worse
American Cartoonists: Cartoon created by Russell Myers`broom hilda
American composer who wrote the songs for the film 'Holiday Inn'`irving berlin
American cooking expert, author, & television personality`julia child
American cooking expert, author, and television personality`julia child
American History : This american aviator flew solo to become an international hero`Charles Lindbergh
American History: Where might you find the Independence Rock`Casper, Wyoming
American Histroy :Drafted by Thomas Jefferson between June 11 and June 28, 1776`Declaration of Independence
American Hospital Association`aha
american indians : he was chiricahua apache chief (1829-1909)`geronimo
american indians : lakota medicine man and chief was considered the last sioux to surrender to the u.s. government`chief sitting bull
american indians : the 2nd largest indian tribe in the united states with more than 200,000 tribal members is the`cherokee nation
american indians : trail used in the cruel relocation of american indians around 1838`trail of tears
American indians north american indians ate watercress to dissolve what in the bladder`gravel
American indians used beads as currency. What was it called`wampum
American inventor and teacher of the deaf, most famous for his invention of the Telephone`Alexander Graham Bell
American inventor and teacher of the deaf, most famous for his invention of the telephone.`Alexander
American inventor and teacher of the deaf, most famous for his invention of the telephone.`Alexander graham bell
American inventor, engineer, & steamboat builder`john stevens
American inventor, engineer, and steamboat builder`john stevens
American inventor, whose development of a practical electric light bulb, electric generating system, sound-recording device, & motion picture projector had profound effects on the shaping of modern society`thomas edison
American inventor, whose development of a practical electric light bulb, electric generating system, sound-recording device, and motion picture projector had profound effects on the shaping of modern society`thomas edison
American leopard like cat`ocelot
American mathematician & founder of cybernetics, the study of control & communication in machines, animals, & organizations`wiener
American mathematician and founder of cybernetics, the study of control and communication in machines, animals, and organizations`wiener
American mathematics professor theodore kacyzinski was arrested for murder in 1997. what was his nickname`the unibomber
American money with serial #'s beginning in "b" are printed where`new york
American money with serial #'s beginning with "B" are printed where`New York
American money with serial's beginning in "b" are printed in _____`new york
American motion-picture actor, writer, director, and producer, a performer of great versatility and range, known for his enigmatic, faintly menacing grin and his skill in portraying nonconformist loners`Jack Nicholson
American name for a tap`faucet
American oceanographers found the wreckage of the Titanic in what year`1985
American physicist & government adviser, who directed the development of the first atomic bombs`j robert oppenheimer
American physicist and government adviser, who directed the development of the first atomic bombs`j robert oppenheimer
American pioneer, who was killed while defending the Alamo?`James Bowie
American politician who was vice-president to jimmy carter`mondale
American Red Indians used to name their children after the first thing they saw as they left their _____ subsequent to the birth. Hence such strange names as Sitting Bull and Running Water`tepees
American rocket engineer, born in Worcester, Massachusetts, & educated at Worcester Polytechnic Institute & Clark University`goddard
American rocket engineer, born in worcester, massachusetts, and educated at worcester polytechnic institute and clark university`goddard
AMERICAN STATES: Birmingham is a big city in what state`Alabama
AMERICAN STATES: Can we find South Carolina at the Eastcoast (yes or no)`yes
AMERICAN STATES: Dallas is in what state`Texas
AMERICAN STATES: District of Columbia is in what city`washington
AMERICAN STATES: Duluth is in what state`Minnesota
AMERICAN STATES: How many colonies founded the U.S.A`13
AMERICAN STATES: How many states form the U.S. (answer in numbers)`50
AMERICAN STATES: In what state can we find Atlanta`georgia
AMERICAN STATES: In what state can we find Chicago`illinois
AMERICAN STATES: In what state can we find Memphis`tennessee
AMERICAN STATES: In what state can we find New York`new york
AMERICAN STATES: In what state can we find Phoenix`Arizona
AMERICAN STATES: In what state can we find San Francisco`california
AMERICAN STATES: In what state can we find the largest mountain`Alaska
AMERICAN STATES: In what state can we find the Mount Rushmore`south dakota
AMERICAN STATES: In what state is Las Vegas`Nevada
AMERICAN STATES: Montpelier is the capital of what state`vermont
AMERICAN STATES: Near what city do the Mississippi and the Missouri meet`st.louis
AMERICAN STATES: Omaha is in what state`Nebraska
AMERICAN STATES: Orlando is in what state`Florida
AMERICAN STATES: Route 66 connects Los Angeles to...`chicago
AMERICAN STATES: What city has the largest number of inhabitants`new york
AMERICAN STATES: What city is famous for it's car factories`Detroit
AMERICAN STATES: What is the capital of Minnesota`st.paul
AMERICAN STATES: What river is the south border of Texas`Rio Grande
AMERICAN STATES: What state has no borders on land`hawaii
AMERICAN STATES: What state has the largest land mass`Alaska
AMERICAN STATES: What state has the largest number of inhabitants`california
AMERICAN STATES: What state has the smallest number of inhabitants`Alaska
AMERICAN STATES: What state is named after the first president of the USA`Washington
AMERICAN STATES: What state is the smallest`rhode island
AMERICAN STATES: What's Louisiana's largest city`new orleans
AMERICAN STATES: What's Pennsylvania's largest city`philadelphia
AMERICAN STATES: What's the capital of Kansas`topeka
AMERICAN STATES: What's the capital of Mississippi`Jackson
AMERICAN STATES: What's the capital of New york state`Albany
AMERICAN STATES: What's the capital of Virginia`richmond
AMERICAN STATES: What's the capital of Wisconsin`Madison
AMERICAN STATES: What's the largest city in Colorado`denver
AMERICAN STATES: What's the largest city to be found at the Westcoast`los angeles
AMERICAN STATES: What's the U.S. northern neighbour country called`canada
AMERICAN STATES: What's the U.S. southern neighbour country called`mexico
AMERICAN STATES: What's Utah's largest city`Salt Lake City
AMERICAN STATES: Which state is also known as the "lone star state"`texas
AMERICAN STATES: Yellowstone National Park is in what state`Wyoming
American Thanksgiving celebrations are held in which month`november
American word for spring onion`scallion
Americanisms : Britains say 'tarmac'; Americans say ________.`runway
Americans call it a faucet What do the British call it`A tap
Americans consume about 138 billion ---------------- a year.`cups of coffee
Americans consume how many tons of aspirin per day`forty two
Americans consume how many tons of aspirin per day`forty two
americans eat ---------- bananas a year`12 billion
americans eat 12 billion ---------- a year`bananas
Americans make up the biggest number of foreign visitors to London - which group make up the second largest`French
Americans on the average eat 18 acres of ______ every day`pizza
americans say "gasoline", but the british say`petrol
Americans say "oatmeal or mush", but Canadians say`porridge
Americans say "radio", but the British say`wireless
americans say "resume", but the british say`curriculum vitae
Americans say "shades", but canadians say`Blinds
Americans say "show", but the British say`cinema
Americans say "subway tunnel", but the British say`tube
americans say runway, britons say ______`tarmac
Americans spend approximately how much each year on beer`$25 billion
Americans spend more money on ------------ every year than they spend on baby food.`dog food
Americans spend more than how much a year on cosmetics, toiletries, beauty parlors & barber shops`52 million
Americans spend more than how much a year on cosmetics, toiletries, beauty parlors and barber shops`52 million
Americans spend twice as much money on pornography than they do on _______.`cookies
Americans spent over how much in 1982 to avoid having bad breath`$360 million
Americans spent roughly how much dining out in 1993`$267 billion
americans use over ---------- tons of aspirin a year`16000
Amino acids are essential for the formation of what in the body`proteins
amman is the capital of ______`jordan
Ammonia is the active ingredient in`smelling salts
Amnesiphobia is the fear of`amnesia
Among animation aficionados, what is generally considered to be Chuck Jones best animated short film`one froggy evening
Among sexually active adults, ________ have the lowest incidence of sexually transmitted diseases.`lesbians
Among the Afican Benin and Nama tribes, the only acceptable form of homosexuality is??`mutual masturbation
Among the Serni of Brazil, a woman who has been found guilty of adultery is whipped, and then her wounds are exposed to ____ ____.`fire ants
Among the Sophists, the topics of rational argument or the arguments themselves`logos
among whose works are the paintings "mother and child" and "portrait of a lady"`mary cassatt
amount of time the average man spends ---------- 3350 hours`shaving
amount of time the average man spends shaving ---------- hours`3350
Amounting to or consisting of a large indefinite number: '---- friends.'`many
Ample scope: '--------- to experiment.' room`elbowroom
Amritsar is the Holy City of which religious followers`sikh
amsterdam is the capital of ______`holland
Amtigome Costanda achieved fame in 1951 with her 40-26-38 inch figure, what did she do`first miss world
Amundsen reached the South Pole in which year`1911
Amusingly clever: witty: 'a ----- quip: a lively, ----- conversation.'`smart
Amusingly eccentric or unconventional`dottier
Amy's home is located just outside this tennessee city`nashville
Amychophobia is the fear of`scratches
An -------- article or object`oversize
An 18th century elegant style of furniture`chippendale
An abandoned young animal`waif
An abnormal distention of body tissues caused by retention of air`emphysema
An abnormality: a departure: (Vice was a --------- from our nature (Henry Fielding)`deviation
An abnormally abundant flow of saliva`salivation
An abnormally curved or hunched back`hunchback
An abnormally formed organism, especially a person or animal regarded as a curiosity or monstrosity`freaks
An abrasive or filler used in a soap or detergent`builder
an abscess filled with pus is not "pussy" but ____`purulent
An abstaining vote or voter: '12 ayes, 10 nays, and 8 ----------s.'`abstention
An academic gown`robe
An academic seminar on a broad field of study, usually led by a different lecturer at each meeting`colloquia
An accepted marital custom of the seventeenth-century Italian society was for a husband to provide his wife with a ________, a male escort, confident, and lover.`cicisbeo
An accident in which a motor vehicle overturns`rollover
An account or record of a journey`itinerary
An accumulation of standing liquid: a puddle: 'a ---- of blood.'`pool
An accumulation, especially of unfinished work or unfilled orders`backlog
An accumulation: (the pile-up of unsold autos (New York Times)`pileup
An act grossly offensive to decency, morality, or good taste`outrage
An act of parting or leave-taking: 'many sad ------es.'`goodby
An act of sexual unfaithfulness`infidelity
An act of skill, endurance, imagination, or strength: an achievement`feats
An act of urination`pee
An act of urination`pees
An act of violent cruelty`savageries
An act or a feeling of great malice`malignity
An act or a show of defiance toward an authority or established convention`rebellion
An act or event so extraordinary or rare as to inspire wonder. wonder`prodigies
An act or example of cozening`cozenage
An act or gesture used to convey an idea, a desire, information, or a command: 'gave the go-ahead ----.'`sign
An act or gesture used to convey an idea, a desire, information, or a command: 'gave the go-ahead sign.'`signer
An act or gesture used to convey an idea, a desire, information, or a command: 'gave the go-ahead sign.'`signing
An act or gesture used to convey an idea, a desire, information, or a command: 'gave the go-ahead sign.'`signs
An act or instance of foolishness: 'regretted the ------- of his youth.'`follies
An act or instance of foolishness: 'regretted the follies of his youth.'`folly
An act or instance of such falseness`hypocrisy
An act or instance of such rubbing or kneading`massage
An act or statement of defiance: a call to confrontation: 'a --------- to the government's authority.'`challenge
An act or statement of defiance: a call to confrontation: 'a challenge to the government's authority.'`challenges
An active adherent, as of a movement or philosophy`disciple
An activity engaged in especially as a means of passing time: an avocation`occupation
An actor in comedy`comedian
An actor or actress`thespian
An actors' strike delays the start of the TV season from ___ to November`september
An addition to a will is called a`codicil
An additional performance in response to the demand of an audience`encore
An additional, protective coating, as of paint`overcoat
An adherent of classicism`classicist
An adjustable pattern used by tailors`protractor
An adjustable plate, as in the flue of a furnace or stove, for controlling the draft`dampers
An adjustable three-legged stand, as for supporting a transit or camera`tripod
An adjustment or correction of accounts`audit
An adjustment or correction of accounts`audits
An Admiral is a high ranking officer in which force`navy
An adult _______,_ penis is only two inches long.`gorilla's
an adult eats about 60,0000 pounds of food in a lifetime, which equals ______`six elephants
An adult male -----: a stallion`horse
An adult male horse: a stallion`horsed
An adult male horse: a stallion`horses
An adult male of other birds`rooster
An adult male of various other birds`cocks
An adulterous Greek male was sometimes punished by the removal of his pubic hair and the insertion of a large ______ in his rectum.`radish
An advance viewing or exhibition, especially the presentation of several scenes advertising a forthcoming movie: a trailer`preview
An advance viewing or exhibition, especially the presentation of several scenes advertising a forthcoming movie: a trailer`prevue
An advance, especially at another's expense: an encroachment. Often used in the plural: 'Foreign products have made ------s into the American economy.'`inroad
An advantageous aspect: 'the ------s and downsides of home ownership.'`upside
An adventurous hero`cowboy
An adventurous penguin named Tennessee Tuxedo had a sidekick named `Chumley
An adventurous penguin named Tennessee Tuxedo had a sidekick named _______`chumley
An adverb can modify a verb, an adjective, or ______`adverb
An adverb can modify a verb, an adjective, or ______`another adverb
An adverse remark or criticism: censure`stricture
An advocate or member of the political left`lefties
An advocate or member of the political left`lefty
An affirmative vote or voter`yes
An african gazelle`springbok
An afternoon party at which a light meal is served`luncheon
An agalmatophiliac has an uncontrollable desire to masturbate whenever they see?`a nude mannequin
An agent or means of prodding or urging: a stimulus`goad
An agent that promotes growth or development`nutriment
An agent that relieves or counteracts: 'jogging as an -------- to nervous tension.'`antidote
An agent, action, or condition that elicits or accelerates a physiological or psychological activity or response`stimuli
An aggregate amount: a sum`totalities
An aggregation of apes. flock1`shrewdness
An agitated disturbance: a hubbub: 'heard a --------- in the hall.'`commotion
An agreement establishing the terms of a sale or exchange of goods or services: 'finally reached a ------- with the antique dealer over the lamp.'`bargain
An agreement or a treaty to end hostilities`peace
An agreement or a treaty to end hostilities`peaces
An agricultural laborer under various similar systems, especially in 18th- and 19th-century Russia and eastern Europe`serf
An ahuehuete is a`tree
An air: a melody`aria
An aircraft in which a -------- is used`turbofan
An aircraft in which a -------- is used`turbojet
An aircraft in which a --------- is used. Also called propjet`turboprop
An airplane loaded with explosives to be piloted in a suicide attack`kamikaze
An airplane or airline that carries passengers relatively short distances and often serves remote communities and small airports`commuter
An airtight container, usually made of tin-coated iron, in which foods or beverages are preserved`canned
An airtight container, usually made of tin-coated iron, in which foods or beverages are preserved`canning
An alcoholic beverage`booze
An alcoholic beverage, such as beer or ale, brewed from`malt
An alcoholic beverage, such as beer or ale, brewed from malt`malting
An alcoholic drink made from hard cider that has been frozen`applejack
An alert, quick-witted person`sharpie
An alien creature in a funny hat has opposed both Bugs Bunny & Daffy Duck.where is he from`mars
An alien creature in a funny hat has opposed both Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck Where is he from`Mars
An alkaloidal extract or tincture derived from this plant and used in medicine`belladonna
An alloy of mercury and tin used in silvering mirrors`amalgam
An alloy of two or more -----lic elements`metal
An alloy of two or more metallic elements`metals
An alteration intended to improve: 'textual ----------s made by the editor.'`emendation
An alteration or change, as in nature, form, or quality`mutation
An altimeter measures what`altitude
An America reindeer`caribou
An American aircraft in Vietnam shot ______ down with one of its missiles`itself
An American Animal Hospital Association survey revealed that -------------- percent of dog owners sign letters or cards from themselves and their dogs.`sixty two
An amount added to a cost price in calculating a selling price, especially an amount that takes into account overhead and profit`markup
An amount assessed, as for taxation`assessment
An amount invested`investment
An amount or length of film or videotape`footage
An amount or object risked in a wager: a stake`bets
An amount or object risked in a wager: a stake`betting
An amount or quantity beyond what is normal or sufficient: a surplus`excess
An amount or quantity spilled over`spillover
An amount paid: 'received a large -------.'`payment
An amount produced or manufactured during a certain time`output
An amount repaid`refundable
An amount spent: an expenditure: (huge new outlays for the military (New York Times)`outlaid
An amount spent: an expenditure: huge new ------s for the military (New York Times)`outlay
An amount that is allowed or granted: 'consumed my weekly --------- of two eggs.'`allowance
An amount that is or may be deducted: 'tax ---------s.'`deduction
An amplifier, especially one used to amplify music`amps
An amulet`phylactery
An anaesthetic injected close to the spinal cord`epidural
An analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug`ibuprofen
An analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug`iburofen
An analogous device, especially one used to regulate the speed of clockwork`flywheel
An analogous gland in an invertebrate animal, such as a hydra or a mollusk`testes
An analogous gland in an invertebrate animal, such as a hydra or a mollusk`testis
An analogous measure of resistance to an alternating effect, as the resistance to vibration of the medium in sound transmission`impedance
An analogous organ or part in invertebrate animals, as in certain insects or mollusks`tongue
An analogous part of the leg of a dog or other quadruped`pastern
An ancestor: a forebear`forerunner
An ancient attempt to transmute base metals into gold was called ________.`alchemy
An ancient book or volume written on such a roll`scroll
An ancient English meeting, especially a representative meeting of the freemen of a shire`moot
An ancient Greek silver coin`drachma
An ancient law in Indonesia prohibited men from masturbating. The punishment was __________.`decapitation
An ancient Mediterranean seagoing vessel propelled by oars`galley
An ancient war machine for launching missiles`ballista
An ancient writing tablet having two leaves hinged together`diptych
An Andy Panda cartoon gave birth to a famous, cantankerous bird`Woody Woodpecker
An Andy Panda cartoon gave birth to a famous, cantankerous bird Name him`Woody Woodpecker
An anecdote: 'came back from the trip with a good -----.'`story
An anemometer measures `wind velocity
An anemometer measures _________`wind velocity
An anemometer measures _________`Wind velocity
An anencephalous creature has no`brain
An aneroid is a kind of....`barometer
An angle greater than 180 degrees & less than 360 degrees is a(n) ________ angle.`reflex
An angle greater than 180 degrees and less than 360 degrees is a(n) angle`reflex
An angle greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees is said to be `obtuse
An Anglican rector's dwelling`rectories
An anhydrous sodium borate used in the manufacture of glass and various ceramics`borax
an animal ---------- is called an epizootic`epidemic
An animal (B. bonasus) of Europe, similar to but somewhat smaller than the -----: a wisent`bison
An animal capable of living both on land and in water`amphibian
An animal described as ecaudate lacks which physical feature`tail
An animal described as ecostate lacks which physical feature`ribs
an animal epidemic is called an----------`epizootic
An animal is a bird if it has`Feathers
An animal is a bird if it has `feathers
An animal is a bird if it has _______.`feathers
An animal is a fish if it has `gills
An animal is a fish if it has _________`gills
An animal is a fish if it has _________`Gills
An animal is a fish if it has _________.`gill
An animal kept to produce offspring`breeder
An animal or human serum containing ---------s. It is used in medicine to prevent or treat diseases caused by the action of biological toxins, such as`antitoxin
An animal pelt, especially the comparatively pliable pelt of a small or young animal: 'a tent made of goat ----s.'`skin
An animal serum containing ---------s. It is used in medicine to treat poisoning caused by animal or insect venom`antivenin
An animal skin used as a floor covering`rug
An animal skin used as a floor covering`rugs
An animal stuffer is a(n) `taxidermist
An animal stuffer is a(n) `Taxidermist
An animal that eats both plants and animals is known as an`omnivore
An animal that feeds on others of its own kind`cannibal
An animal with webbed feet`webfeet
An animal, especially a pig, castrated after reaching sexual maturity`stag
An animal, especially a pig, castrated after reaching sexual maturity`stags
An animal, such as a bird or insect, that feeds on dead or decaying matter`scavenger
An animal, such as a horse, having a short or shortened tail`bobtail
An animal, such as the pronghorn, that resembles a true`antelope
An ankle-length disposable foot covering, used by medical personnel and others in sterile environments`bootee
An annual event at schools, colleges, and universities for visiting graduates`homecoming
An antagonistic reaction to a trend, development, or event: As the -------- against divorce progressed, state legislatures... called for a rollback of no-fault divorce laws and even forpremarital`backlash
An anticlimax`bathos
An apartment house: 'a row of high-rise apartments.'`apt
An appalling or atrocious act, situation, or object, especially an act of unusual or illegal cruelty inflicted by an armed force on civilians or prisoners`atrocities
An apparatus for tightening, stretching, or strengthening`strainer
An apparatus in which humans or animals are enclosed and which is revolved to simulate the effects of acceleration in a spacecraft`centrifuge
An apparatus that generates vapor or gas`generator
An apparatus that shakes or stirs, as in a washing machine`agitator
An apparatus, as one in a submarine, using`sonar
An appearance or aspect`mien
An appliance or an engineered system designed to remove water from substances such as absorbents or food`dehydrator
An appliance used for washing, especially: A washing machine`washer
An appreciation for or interest in fine objects of art`virtuosity
An aqueous solution`aquas
An arab or muslim at the time of the crusades`saracen
An Arabic numeral or figure: a number`cipher
An Arabic numeral or figure: a number`cypher
An arbor or arch made of latticework`trellis
An arch over an entrance or passageway`archway
An archaic style, quality, or usage`archaism
An arched overhead covering, such as the sky, that resembles the architectural structure in form`vault
An ardent or fanatical adherent of a religion`devotee
An area of low pressure is called a what`cyclone
An area or a space of partial darkness`shade
An area or a space of partial darkness`shading
An area or region lying in the`northwest
An area or region lying in the`southeast
An area or region lying in the`southwest
An area overgrown with this fern`bracken
An area separated by walls or partitions from other similar parts of the structure or building in which it is located: 'the first ---- on the left: an`room
An area seperating potential belligerents`buffer zone
An area sheltered from the wind: 'in the --- of the boulder.'`lee
An area that is far from population centers or that is held to be culturally backward`backwoods
An area where a person is assigned to work`station
An area where a person is assigned to work`stationing
An arithmetic problem: 'a child good at ----.'`sums
An arithmetic problem: 'a child good at ---s.'`sum
An arithmetic problem: 'a child good at sums.'`summed
An arithmetic problem: 'a child good at sums.'`summing
An arm of the sea that extends inland to meet the mouth of a river`estuaries
An armed robbery`holdup
An armored cavalry unit subordinate to a regiment and consisting of two or more troops`squadron
An aromatic herb often used with tomatoes`basil
An arrangement or a plan, especially the schematic arrangement of parts or areas: 'the ------ of a factory: the ------ of a printed circuit.'`layout
An art, trade, or technique, particularly one requiring use of the hands or body`skill
An art, trade, or technique, particularly one requiring use of the hands or body`skills
An article of clothing, especially a necktie or scarf, made of this fabric`foulard
An article of personal property included in an inherited estate`heirloom
An article of trade or commerce, especially an agricultural or mining product that can be processed and resold`commodity
An article reserved under such a plan`layaway
An article used to outfit or equip`implement
An article, such as a hat, made of the pelts of raccoons`coonskin
An artificial fly used in angling`coachman
An artificial lake used for water storage`reservoir
An artificial or deceptive front: 'ideological slogans that were a fatade for geopolitical power struggles.'`facade
An artificial process for imparting the characteristics and properties of age`agings
An artificial structure or excavation made to resemble a cave or cavern`grotto
An artificial substitute for such a grassy layer, as on a playing field`turves
An artist supports his canvas on a(n) `easel
An artist supports his canvas on a(n) `Easel
An artist supports his canvas on a(n) _________`easel
An artistic work, often a reproduction of an original painting or photograph, printed on a large sheet of paper`poster
An artistic work, often a reproduction of an original painting or photograph, printed on a large sheet of paper`posters
An artless, credulous, or uncritical statement or act`naivety
An ascending or descending part: an incline`gradient
An assembly of rotating horizontal airfoils, as that of a helicopter`rotor
An assembly or gathering of people, as for a business, social, or religious purpose`meetings
An assembly used as a switch, consisting of a coil and a metal core free to slide along the coil axis under the influence of the magnetic field`solenoid
An assistant`adjutant
An assistant exercising full authority in the absence of his or her superior and equal authority in emergencies: 'a deputy to the sheriff.'`deputies
An assistant or helper`aid
An assistant to a bishop, especially one designated to succeed the bishop`coadjutor
An assistant to a judge or magistrate, usually selected for special knowledge in a particular area`assessor
An assistant: a helper: 'a nurse's ----.' assistant`aide
an assisted reproductive technology (art) in what one or more eggs are fertilized outside a female's body?`invitro fertilization
An assisted reproductive technology in what one or more eggs are fertilized outside a female's body`invitro fertilization
An association or a secret society of Chinese in the United States, believed to be involved in organized crime`tong
An association or a society of women`sororities
An assumed name`sobriquet
An astrologer`stargazer
An astronomer named Percival Lowell founded this observatory in 1894`Lowell Observatory
An astronomical unit is the standard measurement taken from the earth to where`the sun
An atelier: a studio`shop
An atom is comprized of these 3 subatomic particles electron, neutron, and`proton
An atom is comprized of these 3 subatomic particles: electron, neutron, & _____`proton
An atomic or nuclear ----. Used with the`bomb
An atomic or nuclear bomb. Used with the`bombed
anablephobia is the fear of ____`looking up
Anahita is the persian goddess of ______?`water, fertility and war
Analogies ancient-old, recent- ______`current
Analogies: 'Ancient' is to 'old' as 'recent' is to ________.`current
Analogies: Anson MacDonald : Stranger in a Strange Land :: Edith Van Dyne : <blank>`the wizard of oz
Analogies: enter : immigrate :: leave : <blank>`emigrate
Analogies: Gaul : France :: Aragon : <blank>`spain
Analogies: Park Place : Park Lane :: Boardwalk : <blank>`mayfair
Analogies: penniless : Baroque :: supplemental teacher : <blank>`tudor
Analogies: Wrist is to arm as nose is to __________`face
Analogy whitney houston is to greatest love of all as mariah carey is to this`hero
Analogy: 'Ancient' is to 'old' as 'recent' is to `current
Analogy: bull - cow as fox - __________.`vixen
Analogy: goose - geese as passerby - ___________.`passersby
Analysis and manipulation of an image`processing
Anatomically speaking, what is the axilla better known as`armpit
Anatomically speaking, what is your hallux'`big toe
Anatomy & Medical: __ _______ Blood Cells Are Produced And Destroyed In The Human Body Every Second`15 Million
Anatomy & Medical: ___ ____ Is Slang For 'Syphilis.'`Old Joe
Anatomy & Medical: ___ _____ _____ Are Produced In The Bone Marrow`Red Blood Cells
Anatomy & Medical: ___ ______ ____ Of Human Skin Contains 625 Sweat Glands`One Square Inch
Anatomy & Medical: ___ Have On Average 10% More Red Blood Cells Than Women`Men
Anatomy & Medical: ____ ________ ______ Ate Watercress To Dissolve Gravel And Stones In The Bladder`North American Indians
Anatomy & Medical: _____ Is The Smallest Single Cell In A Mans Body`Sperm
Anatomy & Medical: ______ ______ Grow Faster Than Darker Beards`Blonde Beards
Anatomy & Medical: ______ Claims Forty Victims An Hour In America`Cancer
Anatomy & Medical: ______ Is The Brand Name Of Morphine Once Marketed By Bayer`Heroin
Anatomy & Medical: ______ Per Cent Of All Body Heat Escapes Through The Head`Eighty
Anatomy & Medical: _______ _____ Bought His First Sample Of Cocaine For $1.27 Per Gram`Sigmund Freud
Anatomy & Medical: _______ (Herb) Baths Were Popular Before The Wedding Night To Attempt To Repair The Hymen And Thereby Apparently Restore Virginity`Comfrey
Anatomy & Medical: _______ Is An Alkaloid Extract Of The Bark Of The Cinchona Tree`Quinine
Anatomy & Medical: _______ Is Produced In The Pancreas`Insulin
Anatomy & Medical: ________ ___ ____ __ ___ ____ Is Used By Doctor's To Produce The Babinski Effect`Stroking The Sole Of The Foot
Anatomy & Medical: ________ ___________ ________ Are The Major Cause Of Preventable Sterility In American Men And Women`Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Anatomy & Medical: ________ Is Also Known As Variola`Smallpox
Anatomy & Medical: _________ Is An Inflammation Of The Cornea Which May Lead To Blindness`Keratitis
Anatomy & Medical: __________ Americans Had Buttock Lift Surgery In 1995`314
Anatomy & Medical: __________ Is A Disease In Which A Man Thinks He Is An Ox`Boanthropy
Anatomy & Medical: __________ Is The Uncontrollable Need To Sleep`Narcolepsy
Anatomy & Medical: ____________ Is The Surgical Removal Of The Ovaries`Oophorectomy
Anatomy & Medical: _____________ Is The Sexual Arousal By Cold`Physcrophilia
Anatomy & Medical: ________________ Is More Commonly Known As 'Smelly Feet'`Podobromhidrosis
Anatomy & Medical: ________, A Tincture Of Opium, Was A Common Sedative In Victorian Times`Laudanum
Anatomy & Medical: ______, If Injected Intravenously, Is Fatal`Nutmeg
Anatomy & Medical: __, ___ Of The Cells In Your Body Will Die And Be Replaced With New Cells All While You Have Been Reading This Sentence`50000
Anatomy & Medical: 15 Million _____ _____ Are Produced And Destroyed In The Human Body Every Second`Blood Cells
Anatomy & Medical: 15 Million Blood Cells Are ________ ___ _________ In The Human Body Every Second`Produced And Destroyed
Anatomy & Medical: 15 Million Blood Cells Are Produced And Destroyed In The _____ ____ Every Second`Human Body
Anatomy & Medical: 85% Of The Population Can ____ Their Tongue Into A Tube`Curl
Anatomy & Medical: A ___ Develops Fingerprints At Eighteen Weeks`Foetus
Anatomy & Medical: A __________ Acquires Fingerprints At The Age Of Three Months`Foetus
Anatomy & Medical: A ___________ Specialises In The Human Nose`Rhinologist
Anatomy & Medical: A __________________ Measures Blood Pressure`Sphygmomanometer
Anatomy & Medical: A Bag-Like Cavity Or Pouch`Sac
Anatomy & Medical: A Band Of Connective Tissue, Usually Connected At Both Ends To Bone, Which Keeps Tendons Or Other Structures In Place`Retinaculum
Anatomy & Medical: A Band Of Fibers Which Join Corresponding Right And Left Parts Of A Structure Across The Median Plane`Commissure
Anatomy & Medical: A Band Of Fibrous Connective Tissue By Which Bones Are Connected To Each Other. Sometimes Bands Of Connective Tissue Which Support The Viscera Or The Thorax Or Abdomen Are Also Known As Ligaments`Ligament
Anatomy & Medical: A Blood Vessel Which Conducts Blood From The Heart`Artery
Anatomy & Medical: A Bone Specialist Is A(N)`Osteopath
Anatomy & Medical: A Branch, Which, When Translated, Is Used To Describe Smaller Arteries, Veins And Nerves Arising From Their Parent Vessels Or Nerves`Ramus
Anatomy & Medical: A Bundle Of Fibers, Often Nerve Fibers, Having Similar Origins And Terminations`Tract
Anatomy & Medical: A Cancer Causing Substance`Carcinogen
Anatomy & Medical: A Cavity`Antrum
Anatomy & Medical: A Chromosome Is ______ Than A Gene`Larger
Anatomy & Medical: A Chromosome Is Larger Than A`Gene
Anatomy & Medical: A Clearly Demarcated Segment Of Tissue Or Potential Cavity`Space
Anatomy & Medical: A Cleft Or Fissure That Refers To A Narrow Oval Or Oblong Opening`Rima
Anatomy & Medical: A Condition Causing Breathing Difficulties`Asthma
Anatomy & Medical: A Cord Of Connective Tissue Into Which Muscles Fibers End By Which A Muscle Is Attached To Bone Or Other Structures`Tendon
Anatomy & Medical: A Cough Releases An Explosive Charge Of Air That Moves At Speeds Up To How Many Miles An Hour`Sixty
Anatomy & Medical: A Covering Or Coat Around Muscle Or Hollow Viscera`Tunica
Anatomy & Medical: A Crossing Of Fibers In The Form Of An X. Used Primarily To Describe Nerve Fibers`Chiasma
Anatomy & Medical: A Decoction Of _________ _____ ___ ______ Is An Old Remedy For Dissolving Urinary Stones And Gravel`Dandelion Roots And Leaves
Anatomy & Medical: A Decoction Of Dandelion Roots And Leaves Is An Old Remedy For Dissolving _______ ______ ___`Urinary Stones And Gravel
Anatomy & Medical: A Deep Narrow Pit, Such As A Tooth-Socket`Alveolus
Anatomy & Medical: A Depression Or Notch Where Blood Vessels Enter Or Leave An Organ`Hilum
Anatomy & Medical: A Devastating _____________ Epidemic In 1822 Left New York City With 16,000 Corpses And No Readily Available Space For Burial`Yellow Fever
Anatomy & Medical: A Discontinuously Synthesized Dna Strand That Elongates In A Direction Away From The Replication Fork`Lagging Strand
Anatomy & Medical: A Disease Of The Brain`Encephalopathy
Anatomy & Medical: A Dividing Wall Or Partition`Septum
Anatomy & Medical: A Drug Or Other Substance Used To Produce Unconsciousness And Insensibility To Pain`Anaesthetic
Anatomy & Medical: A Fibrous Or Membranous Envelope Surrounding An Organ. An Articular Capsule Surrounds Each Synovial Joint, Being Attached To The Bones Just Beyond The Limits Of The Joint Cavity`Capsule
Anatomy & Medical: A Finger Like Process Of A Muscle`Digitation
Anatomy & Medical: A Fingernail Or Toenail Takes About How Many Months To Grow From Base To Tip`Six
Anatomy & Medical: A Firm White Tissue, From Which Most Parts Of The Bony Skeleton Are Formed And Which Persists To Protect The Surfaces Of Bones And Joints`Cartilage
Anatomy & Medical: A Flat Round Structure Usually Applied To Plates Of Cartilage In Joints`Disc
Anatomy & Medical: A Foetus Acquires Fingerprints At The Age Of __________ Months`Three
Anatomy & Medical: A Fold In An Artery, Vein Or Duct Which Prevents Reflux Of Its Contents`Valve
Anatomy & Medical: A Fold Or Convolution Of The Cerebral Cortex`Gyrus
Anatomy & Medical: A Funnel-Shaped Passage`Infundibulum
Anatomy & Medical: A Groove`Sulcus
Anatomy & Medical: A Growth Of Tissue Cells In A Laboratory Medium Is Called A(N)`Tissue Culture
Anatomy & Medical: A Health Profession Concerned With The Prevention, Diagnosis, And Treatment Of Disorders Of The Teeth And Adjacent Tissues Of The Head, Neck, And Mouth`Dentistry
Anatomy & Medical: A Heart Attack`Myocardial Infarct
Anatomy & Medical: A Heart Attack Most Often Occurs In The Morning When Mental And ________ ______ Are At Their Peak`Physical Stress
Anatomy & Medical: A Herb Or Drug Described As 'Diaphoretic', Causes What Condition`Perspiration
Anatomy & Medical: A Herb Or Drug Described As 'Haemostatic' Performs Which Effect`Stops Bleeding
Anatomy & Medical: A Highly Stereotypical Behavior That Is Innate And Must Be Carried To Completion Once Initiated`Fixed Action Pattern
Anatomy & Medical: A Hole, Often In A Bone Or Between Adjacent Bones`Foramen
Anatomy & Medical: A Holistic Healing Doctor Is A`Osteopath
Anatomy & Medical: A Human Has A Bone Just After The Spine Ends, Which Proves That Humans Once Had`Tails
Anatomy & Medical: A Layer Of Cells Which Forms The External Surface Of The Skin, Or Which Lines The Cavities Of The Digestive, Respiratory And Urogenital Organs, Serous Cavities, Inner Coats Of Blood And Lymphatic Vessels, Gland And Cavities Within The Brain. The Epithelium Of The Skin Is The Epidermis. The Epithelium Of The Digestive, Respiratory And Urogenital Organs Is Moistened By A Film Of Mucus And Is Known As The Mucous Coat. The Epithelium Lining Bloods Vessels Is Known As The Endothelium. Serous Cavities Are Lined By Epithelium Called Mesothelium`Epithelium
Anatomy & Medical: A Linking Enzyme Essential For Dna Replication: Catalyzes The Covalent Bonding Of The 3' End Of A New Dna Fragment To The 5' End Of A Growing Chain`Dna Ligase
Anatomy & Medical: A Loop, Usually Referring To A Nerve`Ansa
Anatomy & Medical: A Loss Of Memory Is Known As`Amnesia
Anatomy & Medical: A Minute Opening`Punctum
Anatomy & Medical: A Mouth-Like Opening Into The Body: Also The Porous Openings On The Surface Of Leaves`Stomata
Anatomy & Medical: A Mutation Is Described As What`A Deviation In The DNA
Anatomy & Medical: A Myocardial Infarct`Heart Attack
Anatomy & Medical: A Naevus (Nevus)`Birthmark
Anatomy & Medical: A Nephron`Filtering Unit In The Kidney
Anatomy & Medical: A New Born Baby Breathes __________ Times Faster Than An Adult Man`Five
Anatomy & Medical: A Non-Cancerous Tumor Is Said To Be`Benign
Anatomy & Medical: A Part Of An Organ, Often Separated From The Rest By A Fissure`Lobe
Anatomy & Medical: A Passage Or Opening`Meatus
Anatomy & Medical: A Person Breathes __________ Quarts Of Air Every Minute`Seven
Anatomy & Medical: A Person In His Eighties Is Called A`Octogenarian
Anatomy & Medical: A Person Suffering From __________ Has 3 Nipples`Polythelia
Anatomy & Medical: A Person Suffering From Polythelia Has _`3 Nipples
Anatomy & Medical: A Psychological Disorder In Which The Patient Refuses To Eat`Anorexia Nervosa
Anatomy & Medical: A Recess, A Cavity Or Hollow Space, A Dilated Channel For Venous Blood Or A Small Tunnel`Sinus
Anatomy & Medical: A Red Blood Cell`Erythrocyte
Anatomy & Medical: A Rhinologist Specialises In The _____`Human Nose
Anatomy & Medical: A Ridge Formed Where A Membrane Doubles Back On Itself`Fold
Anatomy & Medical: A Salt Enema Used To Be Given To ________ To Rid Them Of Threadworms`Children
Anatomy & Medical: A Salt Enema Used To Be Given To Children To Rid Them Of`Threadworms
Anatomy & Medical: A Seam Where Two Similar Sheets Of Tissue Unite`Raphe
Anatomy & Medical: A Skin Specialist Called`Dermatologist
Anatomy & Medical: A Small Fleshy Eminence`Caruncle
Anatomy & Medical: A Small Nipple-Shaped Elevation`Papilla
Anatomy & Medical: A Small Ring Of Dna That Carries Accessory Genes Separate From Those Of A Bacterial Chromosome`Plasmid
Anatomy & Medical: A Special Form Of Connective Tissue In Which Calcium Salts Are Deposited And Which Provides A Framework, Or Skeleton, For The Other Tissues Of The Body`Bone
Anatomy & Medical: A Sternocleidomastoid`A Muscle
Anatomy & Medical: A Streak Or Stripe, Sometimes Slightly Elevated`Stria
Anatomy & Medical: A Swelling On The Course Of A Nerve. Usually Corresponds To A Collection Of Nerve Cells`Ganglion
Anatomy & Medical: A Swelling Or Protuberance`Node
Anatomy & Medical: A Thin Plate Of Bone Or Cartilage Or A Thin Layer Of Softer Tissues. A Stratum Is Also Used To Denote A Layer`Lamina
Anatomy & Medical: A Triangular Space Or Area`Trigonum
Anatomy & Medical: A Tubular And Relatively Narrow Channel, Or Tunnel, Often Through A Bone. A Canaliculus Is A Smaller Canal`Canal
Anatomy & Medical: A Tubular Structure`Vas
Anatomy & Medical: A Type Of Rna Synthesized From Dna In The Genetic Material That Attaches To Ribosomes In The Cytoplasm And Specifies The Primary Structure Of A Protein`Messenger Rna
Anatomy & Medical: A Wide Depression, Furrow Or Valley`Vallecula
Anatomy & Medical: A Woman's Heart Beats __________ Than A Man's`Faster
Anatomy & Medical: A Word That Means The Capsule Of The Eye That Prevents The Passage Of Rays Of Light Or A Large Waterfall`Cataract
Anatomy & Medical: About __________ Babies Are Born Worldwide Every Minute`Two Hundred
Anatomy & Medical: According To Medical Experts, Babies Dream In The`Womb
Anatomy & Medical: According To The Ancient Chinese, Swinging Your Arms Cures __________ Pain`Headache
Anatomy & Medical: According To The Journal Of American Medical Association, As Of 1998, More Than 100,000 Americans Die Annually From Adverse Reactions To`Prescription Drugs
Anatomy & Medical: Acetylsalicylic Acid Is More Commonly Known As`Aspirin
Anatomy & Medical: Activated For Freckles To Appear`Melanocytes
Anatomy & Medical: Acute _______________ Is More Commonly Known As A Cold`Hasopharyngitis
Anatomy & Medical: Acute Infectious Disease Of The Upper Respiratory Tract, Caused By More Than 100 Kinds Of Viruses`Common Cold
Anatomy & Medical: Acute, Highly Contagious Viral Disease, Often Fatal, That Appears To Have Been Completely Eradicated`Smallpox
Anatomy & Medical: Addictive Drug Prepared From Morphine`Heroin
Anatomy & Medical: After A Bolus Has Been Digested In The Stomach, It Is Called ______ As It Moves Into The Small Intestine`Chyme
Anatomy & Medical: Almost Half The Bones In Your Body Are In What Two Body Parts`Hands And Feet
Anatomy & Medical: Amino Acids Are Essential For The Formation Of What In The Body`Proteins
Anatomy & Medical: An ______ Would Be Ingesting Toxic Doses Of Vitamin A If He Ate A Polar Bears Liver`Eskimo
Anatomy & Medical: An Allele Is One Of Two Alternative Forms Of These`Genes
Anatomy & Medical: An Anaesthetic Injected Close To The Spinal Cord`Epidural
Anatomy & Medical: An Analgesic And Anti-Inflammatory Drug`Ibuprofen
Anatomy & Medical: An Appendage Or Projection From The Main Part Of A Bone Or Organ`Process
Anatomy & Medical: An Assisted Reproductive Technology (Art) In What One Or More Eggs Are Fertilized Outside A Female's Body`Invitro Fertilization
Anatomy & Medical: An Eighteenth Century Woman Used Only Lard To 'Wash' Her ____ ___ _____ And Lived To The Age Of 116`Face And Hands
Anatomy & Medical: An Eighteenth Century Woman Used Only Lard To 'Wash' Her Face And Hands And Lived To The Age Of`116
Anatomy & Medical: An Electrical Change In The Membrane Of A Postsynaptic Neuron Caused By The Binding Of An Excitatory Neurotransmitter From A Presynaptic Cell To A Postsynaptic Receptor: Makes It More Likely For A Postsynaptic Neuron To Generate An Action Potential`Excitatory Postsynaptic Potential
Anatomy & Medical: An Eminence On A Bone, Usually Smoother Than A Tuberosity`Tubercle
Anatomy & Medical: An Enlargement Of The Thyroid`Goitre
Anatomy & Medical: An Enlargement Or Swelling`Tuber
Anatomy & Medical: An Entrance Or Opening`Aditus
Anatomy & Medical: An Erythrocyte`Red Blood Cell
Anatomy & Medical: An Eskimo Would Be Ingesting _____ _____ Of Vitamin A If He Ate A Polar Bears Liver`Toxic Doses
Anatomy & Medical: An Eskimo Would Be Ingesting Toxic Doses Of _______ _ If He Ate A Polar Bears Liver`Vitamin A
Anatomy & Medical: An Eskimo Would Be Ingesting Toxic Doses Of Vitamin A If He Ate A _____ _____ Liver`Polar Bears
Anatomy & Medical: An Example Of A Totally Untraceable Poison`Acetylcholine
Anatomy & Medical: An External Agent That Alters Foetal Development Is Called A`Teratogen
Anatomy & Medical: An Indentation Or Depression, Usually On The Border Of A Bone`Notch
Anatomy & Medical: An Interlocking Of Structures By Finger-Like Processes, As When The Fingers Of The Two Hands Are Interposed`Interdigitate
Anatomy & Medical: An Organism Called That Lives On Or In A Host Animal`Parasite
Anatomy & Medical: An Osteopath`Bone Specialist
Anatomy & Medical: Anatomically Speaking, The Axilla Better Known As`Armpit
Anatomy & Medical: Animal Or Plant Without The Normal Pigmentation Of Its Species`Albino
Anatomy & Medical: Another Term For Large Intestine`Colon
Anatomy & Medical: Anvil, Hammer And Stirrup Are All Bones Where`Ear
Anatomy & Medical: Any Of The Drugs Used To Reduce Nervous Tension Or Induce Sleep`Sedative
Anatomy & Medical: Applied To Fluids Of The Eye`Humor
Anatomy & Medical: Approximately ________ Canadians Have Their Appendixes Removed When Not Required, Everyday`Sixteen
Anatomy & Medical: Approximately How Many Genes Are There On One Human Dna Molecule`80
Anatomy & Medical: Approximately How Many Times A Day Does The Human Heart Beat`One Hundred Thousand
Anatomy & Medical: Approximately,1 Out Of 25 People Suffer From`Asthma
Anatomy & Medical: Are You Standing Or Sitting When You Put Your Coccyx On The Floor`Sitting
Anatomy & Medical: Arnold Chiari Is A Malformation Of What`Brain
Anatomy & Medical: Arnold Chiari Is An Adult Form Of`Spinabifida
Anatomy & Medical: Arteries To The Posterior Shoulder Region: __________ ________, Suprascapular, Circumflex Scapular, Dorsal Scapular And Posterior Humeral Circumflex`Transverse Cervical
Anatomy & Medical: Arteries To The Posterior Shoulder Region: Transverse Cervical, _____________, Circumflex Scapular, Dorsal Scapular And Posterior Humeral Circumflex`Suprascapular
Anatomy & Medical: Arteries To The Posterior Shoulder Region: Transverse Cervical, Suprascapular, __________ ________, Dorsal Scapular And Posterior Humeral Circumflex`Circumflex Scapular
Anatomy & Medical: Arteries To The Posterior Shoulder Region: Transverse Cervical, Suprascapular, Circumflex Scapular, ______ ________ And Posterior Humeral Circumflex`Dorsal Scapular
Anatomy & Medical: Arteries To The Posterior Shoulder Region: Transverse Cervical, Suprascapular, Circumflex Scapular, Dorsal Scapular And _________ _______`Posterior Humeral Circumflex
Anatomy & Medical: As What Is Haemophilia Also Known`Royal Disease
Anatomy & Medical: Ascorbic Acid And Sodium Ascorbate Are The Most Common Forms Of Which Vitamin`Vitamin C
Anatomy & Medical: Aspirin Is Consumed In A Variety Of Ways Throughout The World. What Form Do The British Prefer`Powder
Anatomy & Medical: Axilla Is The Little-Used Name For What Part Of The Body`Armpit
Anatomy & Medical: Bcg Is A Vaccination For Which Disease`Tuberculosis
Anatomy & Medical: Bed-Wetting`Enuresis
Anatomy & Medical: Before Swallowing A Mouth Full Of Food It Is Necessary To First`Masticate
Anatomy & Medical: Bell's Palsy Results In Numbness In Which Area`Face
Anatomy & Medical: Bending The Head Backward Beyond The Upright Position Is Called What`Hyperextionsion
Anatomy & Medical: Between Where Does The Ureter Carry Urine`Kidneys And Bladder
Anatomy & Medical: Blonde Beards Grow ______ Than Darker Beards`Faster
Anatomy & Medical: Blood Can Be Artificially Cleansed Via What Process`Dialysis
Anatomy & Medical: Boanthropy Is A Disease In Which A Man Thinks He Is An`Ox
Anatomy & Medical: Boxers Often Suffer From A Condition In Which Their Ears Are Misshapen. What Is This Called`Cauliflower Ear
Anatomy & Medical: Bradycardia Is Considered The Number Of Heartbeats Of Less Than -- Per Minute`60
Anatomy & Medical: Brain Damage Occurs At An Internal Temperature Of __________ Degrees Fahrenheit`105
Anatomy & Medical: Branch Of Medicine Dealing With The Care Of Old People`Geriatrics
Anatomy & Medical: Bse In Humans Called`Cjd
Anatomy & Medical: Burn To Stop The Flow Of Blood`Cauterize
Anatomy & Medical: By Raising Your Legs Slowly And _____ __ ____ ____, You Can't Sink In Quicksand`Lying On Your Back
Anatomy & Medical: By Raising Your Legs Slowly And Lying On Your Back, You Can't Sink In`Quicksand
Anatomy & Medical: By What Name Is The Skin Condition Called 'Naevus' Better Known`Strawberry Mark
Anatomy & Medical: By What Other Name Is The Skull Known`Cranium
Anatomy & Medical: Canavan Disease Is Most Prevalent Among What Population`Ashkenazi Jews
Anatomy & Medical: Cancer Claims _____ Victims An Hour In America`Forty
Anatomy & Medical: Cancer Claims Forty Victims __ ____ In America`An Hour
Anatomy & Medical: Cancer Claims Forty Victims An Hour In`America
Anatomy & Medical: Carditis, Affects The`Heart
Anatomy & Medical: Carnophobia: Fear Of`Meat
Anatomy & Medical: Cephalacaudal __________ Is The Reason Our Extremities Develop Faster Than The Rest Of Us`Recapitulation
Anatomy & Medical: Cephalalgia Refers To A(N)`Headache
Anatomy & Medical: Cerumen`Earwax
Anatomy & Medical: Chinese Medicine: ____ Is Rather Difficult To Explain (And Even More Difficult To Do!) But Basically It Is A Method Of Moving Qi Around The Body With Physical Exercises And Mental Discipline`Qigong
Anatomy & Medical: Chinese Medicine: _____ Is Boiled And The Fumes Inhaled To Protect Against Infection Or To Cure Cold Symptoms`Vinegar
Anatomy & Medical: Chinese Medicine: _____ Is The Application Of Heat From Burning Herbs At Acupuncture Points, And Is Often Used In Conjunction With Acupuncture`Moxibustion
Anatomy & Medical: Chinese Medicine: _____ Is Used For Its Disinfectant Properties And Is A Folk Remedy For Colds And Influenza`Vinegar
Anatomy & Medical: Chinese Medicine: A Folk Remedy For The Common Cold`Hot Coca-Cola And Ginger
Anatomy & Medical: Chinese Medicine: Acupuncture Uses Needles To Regulate The Flow Of`Qi
Anatomy & Medical: Chinese Medicine: Black Chicken Soup Is A General Tonic For`Women
Anatomy & Medical: Chinese Medicine: Chinese Folk Wisdom Says You Should Avoid Cold Drinks When You Have A`Cold
Anatomy & Medical: Chinese Medicine: Cupping Can Be Used As An Alternative To`Acupuncture
Anatomy & Medical: Chinese Medicine: Eating ____ Is Supposed To Be Good For Skin Problems, As Well As Cleansing The Blood. If Your Skin Is Itchy, You Shouldn't Eat A Lot Of Shrimps, Mango, Or Pineapple`Turtle
Anatomy & Medical: Chinese Medicine: If You Have Any Health Problems, Chinese Doctors Generally Advise Avoiding Sour Foods, Spicy Foods, And`Alcohol
Anatomy & Medical: Chinese Medicine: Pig's Brain Soup Is Not Particularly`Medicinal
Anatomy & Medical: Chinese Medicine: Snake Bile, Usually Drunk In Rice Wine, Is Good For The`Liver And Eyes
Anatomy & Medical: Chinese Medicine: Snake Meat Is Supposed To Be Good For`Arthritis
Anatomy & Medical: Chinese Medicine: There Are Several Types Of Ginseng. Which Is The Most Expensive`Wild Manchurian Ginseng
Anatomy & Medical: Chinese Medicine: Traditional Chinese Medicine Is Based On The Principles Of Which Religion`Taoism
Anatomy & Medical: Chinese Medicine: Used In Cupping`Glass Bulbs And Heat
Anatomy & Medical: Chinese Medicine: While A Broken Bone Is Healing, You Should Avoid ____ Foods`Sour
Anatomy & Medical: Chinese Medicine: Wild Manchurian Ginseng Is Now Very Rare And Incredibly Expensive, Selling For Thousands Of U.S. Dollars A Pound. It Was Once Believed That It Could Prolong Life For ____ ___, However Close To Death The Patient Was`Three Days
Anatomy & Medical: Chronic Transmissible Disease, Due To Bacillus Leprae, Is Better Known As`Leprosy
Anatomy & Medical: Classify The Carpometacarpal Joint Of Digit 1, The Thumb.(List General Structure/Specific Structure/Functional Type)`Synovial/Saddle/Diarthrosis
Anatomy & Medical: Classify The Joint Between Adjacent Tarsals.(List General Structure/Specific Structure/Functional Type)`Synovial/Plane/Diarthrosis
Anatomy & Medical: Classify The Joint Between Articular Processes.(List General Structure/Specific Structure/Functional Type)`Synovial/Plane/Diarthrosis
Anatomy & Medical: Classify The Joint Between Pubic Bones.(List General Structure/Specific Structure/Functional Type)`Cartilaginous/Symphysis/Ampiarthrotic
Anatomy & Medical: Classify The Joint Between The Acromion Of The Scapula And The Clavicle.(List General Structure/Specific Structure/Functional Type)`Synovial/Plane/Diarthrosis
Anatomy & Medical: Classify The Joint Between The Atlas And The Axis.(List General Structure/Specific Structure/Functional Type)`Synovial/Pivot/Diarthrosis
Anatomy & Medical: Classify The Joint Between The Femur And Patella.(List General Structure/Specific Structure/Functional Type)`Synovial/Plane/Diarthrosis
Anatomy & Medical: Classify The Joint Between The Ulna And The Humerus.(List General Structure/Specific Structure/Functional Type)`Synovial/Hinge/Diarthrosis
Anatomy & Medical: Colitis Is The Inflammation Of What Internal Organ`Colon
Anatomy & Medical: Collectively What Are Blood Pressure, Pulse, And Temperature Called`Vital Signs
Anatomy & Medical: Comfrey (Herb) Baths Were Popular Before The _______ _____ To Attempt To Repair The Hymen And Thereby Apparently Restore Virginity`Wedding Night
Anatomy & Medical: Comfrey (Herb) Baths Were Popular Before The Wedding Night To Attempt To Repair The _____ And Thereby Apparently Restore Virginity`Hymen
Anatomy & Medical: Congenital Absence Of The Mouth`Lipostomy
Anatomy & Medical: Connected To The Throat By The Eustachian Tube`Ear
Anatomy & Medical: Ddt Is Still Widely Used In The Developing World, Primarily For Control Of Which Mosquito-Transmitted Disease`Malaria
Anatomy & Medical: Death Of Body Tissue Usually Caused By Bad Circulation`Gangrene
Anatomy & Medical: Deficient In One That Suffers From Beri Beri`Thiamine
Anatomy & Medical: Dermatitis Affects The`Skin
Anatomy & Medical: Despite Accounting For Just One-Fiftieth Of Body Weight, The __________ Burns As Much As One-Fifth Of Our Daily Caloric Intake`Brain
Anatomy & Medical: Devoid Of Its _____ And Proteins, Human Blood Has The Same General Makeup As Seawater`Cells
Anatomy & Medical: Devoid Of Its Cells And ________, Human Blood Has The Same General Makeup As Seawater`Proteins
Anatomy & Medical: Disease Caused By Deficiency Of Vitamin D`Rickets
Anatomy & Medical: Dna Stands For What`Deoxyribonucleic Acid
Anatomy & Medical: Do Arteries Carry Blood Towards Or Away From The Heart`Away
Anatomy & Medical: Do The Pupils In A Person's Eyes Get Larger Or Smaller In Bright Light`Smaller
Anatomy & Medical: Do You Put Ice On A Snakebite`No
Anatomy & Medical: Do Your Pores Open Or Close When Your Body Is Hot`Open
Anatomy & Medical: Doctors '____' Louis Xiii Of France Forty-Seven Times In One Month In An Attempt To Cure His Illness`Bled
Anatomy & Medical: Doctors 'Bled' _____ ____ Of France Forty-Seven Times In One Month In An Attempt To Cure His Illness`Louis Xiii
Anatomy & Medical: Doctors 'Bled' Louis Xiii Of France _____-_____ Times In One Month In An Attempt To Cure His Illness`Forty-Seven
Anatomy & Medical: Doctors 'Bled' Louis Xiii Of France Forty-Seven Times In One Month In An Attempt To Cure His`Illness
Anatomy & Medical: Doctors Often Have This Instrument Around Their Neck`Stethoscope
Anatomy & Medical: Does A Person's Heart Rate Increase Or Decrease During Exercise`Increase
Anatomy & Medical: Dr. W S ________ Was The First To Use Rubber Gloves During Surgery In 1890`Halstead
Anatomy & Medical: Dr. W S Halstead Was The First To Use ______ ______ During Surgery In 1890`Rubber Gloves
Anatomy & Medical: Dr. W S Halstead Was The First To Use Rubber Gloves During _______ In 1890`Surgery
Anatomy & Medical: Due To A Lack Of Vitamin C, Sailors Used To Contract A Disease Called`Scurvy
Anatomy & Medical: During A 24-Hour Period, The Average Human Will Breathe __________ Times`23040
Anatomy & Medical: During A Lifetime, One Person Generates More Than __________ Pounds Of Red Blood Cells`1000
Anatomy & Medical: During A Lifetime, One Person Generates More Than 1,000 Pounds Of __________ Blood Cells`Red
Anatomy & Medical: During A Orchidectomy, A Man Has A ________ Removed`Testicle
Anatomy & Medical: During Menstruation, The Sensitivity Of A Woman's Middle Finger Is`Reduced
Anatomy & Medical: During The _________ _______, Sick People Were Often Dressed In Red And Surrounded By Red Objects Because It Was Thought To Help Them Get Better`Fifteenth Century
Anatomy & Medical: During The Fifteenth Century, Sick People Were Often _______ __ ___ And Surrounded By Red Objects Because It Was Thought To Help Them Get Better`Dressed In Red
Anatomy & Medical: During The Fifteenth Century, Sick People Were Often Dressed In Red And __________ __ ___ _______ Because It Was Thought To Help Them Get Better`Surrounded By Red Objects
Anatomy & Medical: Each Body Cell Contains How Many Chromosomes`Forty Six
Anatomy & Medical: Each Square Inch Of Human Skin Contains Seventy-Two Feet Of`Nerves
Anatomy & Medical: Each Year, More Than 300,000 American Teenagers Become Afflicted With Some Form Of`Venereal Disease
Anatomy & Medical: Ebola Is Believed To Be Zoonotic. What Does This Mean`Transmitted From Animals To Humans
Anatomy & Medical: Eczema Affects Which Part Of The Body`Skin
Anatomy & Medical: Eeg Stands For`Electroencephalogram
Anatomy & Medical: Effect A Complex Alcohol Constituent Of All Animal Fats And Oils`Cholesterol
Anatomy & Medical: Eighty Per Cent Of All ____ ____ Escapes Through The Head`Body Heat
Anatomy & Medical: Eighty Per Cent Of All Body Heat Escapes Through The`Head
Anatomy & Medical: Encephalitis Affects The`Brain
Anatomy & Medical: Endorphins Are Produced In The Brain And In The Pituitary Gland. Their Function`Pain Killers
Anatomy & Medical: Even If Up To 80% Of This Is Removed From A Human, It That Will Continue To Function And Grow Back To Its Original Size`Liver
Anatomy & Medical: Every _____ First Spent About Half An Hour As A Single Cell`Human
Anatomy & Medical: Every Human First Spent About Half An Hour As A Single What`Cell
Anatomy & Medical: Every Human Has One Of These On Their Tummies`Navel
Anatomy & Medical: Every Square Inch Of The Human Body Has An Average Of 32 Million`Bacteria
Anatomy & Medical: Every Time You ____ _______, You Use Fifty Four Muscles`Step Forward
Anatomy & Medical: Every Time You Step Forward, You Use _____ ____ Muscles`Fifty Four
Anatomy & Medical: Every Two Thousand Frowns Create One`Wrinkle
Anatomy & Medical: Everyone's ______ _____ Is Different`Tongue Print
Anatomy & Medical: Examined By An Otoscope`The Ear
Anatomy & Medical: Excessive Discharge Of Blood From Blood Vessels, Caused By Pathological Condition Of The Vessels Or By Traumatic Rupture Of One Or More Vessels`Haemmorage
Anatomy & Medical: Excision Of The Breast Called`Mastectomy
Anatomy & Medical: Fingernails Grow Nearly _ Times Faster Than Toenails`Four
Anatomy & Medical: Flattened, Oblong Organ That Removes Disease-Producing Organisms And Worn-Out Red Blood Cells From The Bloodstream`Spleen
Anatomy & Medical: Flattened, Pear-Shaped, Hollow Organ In The Pelvis Of The Human Female And Most Other Mammals`Uterus
Anatomy & Medical: For 'Gravidity' The Medical Condition`Pregnancy
Anatomy & Medical: For The Development Of A Vaccine Against Which Disease Is Jonas Edward Salk Best Remembered`Poliomyelitis
Anatomy & Medical: For What Condition Is The Drug Mogadon Prescribed`Sleeplessness
Anatomy & Medical: Frederick Gowland Hopkins Won A Nobel Prize In 1929 For Which Medical Discovery`Vitamins
Anatomy & Medical: From _____________ To Birth, A Baby's Weight Increase 5000 Million Times`Fertilisation
Anatomy & Medical: From Fertilisation To _____, A Baby's Weight Increase 5000 Million Times`Birth
Anatomy & Medical: From Fertilisation To Birth, A ____'S Weight Increase 5000 Million Times`Baby
Anatomy & Medical: From The Age Of ______, Humans Gradually Begin To Shrink In Size`Thirty
Anatomy & Medical: From The Age Of Thirty, Humans Gradually Begin To ______ __`Shrink In Size
Anatomy & Medical: From What Would You Most Likely Get Tularemia`Ticks
Anatomy & Medical: From Where Does The Uvula Dangle`Palate
Anatomy & Medical: Gliding Joints Are Only Found In What Two Parts Of The Body`Hands And Feet
Anatomy & Medical: Hair Is Made From The Same Substance As`Fingernails
Anatomy & Medical: Hair, Prompted By ____________, Grows Faster In Men In Anticipation Of Sex`Testosterone
Anatomy & Medical: Hair, Prompted By Testosterone, _____ ______ In Men In Anticipation Of Sex`Grows Faster
Anatomy & Medical: Hair, Prompted By Testosterone, Grows Faster In Men In ____________ Of Sex`Anticipation
Anatomy & Medical: Hair, Prompted By Testosterone, Grows Faster In Men In Anticipation Of`Sex
Anatomy & Medical: Hammer, Anvil, And Stirrup Are Parts Of The`Ear
Anatomy & Medical: Hansen's Disease Has Another Name It`Leprosy
Anatomy & Medical: He Developed The Theory Of The 'Collective Unconscious' And Was Also Interested In Dream Interpretation`Carl Gustav Jung
Anatomy & Medical: He Discovered The Process Of Vaccination For Prevention Of Smallpox`Edward Jenner
Anatomy & Medical: Hepatitis Affects The`Liver
Anatomy & Medical: Heroin Breaks Down Into Another Well-Known Drug When It Enters The Body. What Drug Is It`Morphine
Anatomy & Medical: Heroin Is The Brand Name Of ________ Once Marketed By Bayer`Morphine
Anatomy & Medical: House On What Part Of The Body Is An 'Ltk Procedure' Performed`Eyes
Anatomy & Medical: How Is German Measles Also Known`Rubella
Anatomy & Medical: How Many 'Tarsal' Bones Do We Have In Each Foot`Seven
Anatomy & Medical: How Many Bones Are There In The Human Body`Two Hundred And Six
Anatomy & Medical: How Many Bones Are There In The Human Wrist`Eight
Anatomy & Medical: How Many Bones Are You Born With`300
Anatomy & Medical: How Many Cells Die In The Human Body Every Minute`300000000
Anatomy & Medical: How Many Chambers Does The Human Heart Have`Four
Anatomy & Medical: How Many Chromosomes Do Each Body Cell Contain`Forty Six
Anatomy & Medical: How Many Different Basic Tastes Can A Human Tongue Distinguish`Four
Anatomy & Medical: How Many Large Holes Are In Your Head`Seven
Anatomy & Medical: How Many Litres Of Air Does An Adult Lung Hold`Five
Anatomy & Medical: How Many Muscles Are In A Human`Six Hundred And Thirty Nine
Anatomy & Medical: How Many Muscles Are Required To Frown`Thirty Four
Anatomy & Medical: How Many Muscles Are Required To Smile`Thirteen
Anatomy & Medical: How Many Muscles Are There In An Elephants Trunk`100000
Anatomy & Medical: How Many Muscles Does A Cat Have In Each Ear`32
Anatomy & Medical: How Many Muscles Does It Take To Laugh Out Loud`93
Anatomy & Medical: How Many Muscles Does It Take To Smile`17
Anatomy & Medical: How Many Ntg Tablets Are You Allowed To Give`Up To 3
Anatomy & Medical: How Many Organisational Levels Are There In The Human Body`Four
Anatomy & Medical: How Many Pairs Of Chromosomes Do Humans Have`Twenty Three
Anatomy & Medical: How Many Phalanges (Finger Bones) Are In A Human Hand`Fourteen
Anatomy & Medical: How Many Ribs Does A Human Have`Twenty Four
Anatomy & Medical: How Many Sides Do You Tape Down An Occlusive Dressing`Three
Anatomy & Medical: How Many Times Do Your Ribs Move Every Year During Breathing`Five Million
Anatomy & Medical: How Many Times Should You Check The Medication Bottle Before Administering The Medicine To A Patient`Three
Anatomy & Medical: How Much Water Would A Human Drink In A Lifetime`500 Million Liters
Anatomy & Medical: How Often Does The Stomach Need To Produce A New Layer Of Mucous So As To Not Digest Itself`Every Two Weeks
Anatomy & Medical: Human ____ ___ ___________ Do Not Continue To Grow After Death`Hair And Fingernails
Anatomy & Medical: Human ____ ______ Are As Strong As Concrete`Thigh Bones
Anatomy & Medical: Human _____ Is Estimated To Grow At 0.00000001 Miles Per Hour`Hair
Anatomy & Medical: Human Adults _______ About 23000 Times A Day`Breathe
Anatomy & Medical: Human Adults Breathe About _____ Times A Day`23000
Anatomy & Medical: Human Bones Can Withstand Stresses Of __________ Thousand Pounds Per Square Inch`24
Anatomy & Medical: Human Pheremones Result In What Menstrual Phenomenon Amongst Cohabiting Women (In Dormitories, For Example)`Menstrual Synchrony
Anatomy & Medical: Human Thigh Bones Are Stronger Than`Concrete
Anatomy & Medical: Humans Are The Only Primates That Do Not Have __________ In The Palms Of Their Hands`Pigment
Anatomy & Medical: Humans Can Contract How Many Different Diseases From Dogs`Sixty Five
Anatomy & Medical: Hyperglycemia Commonly Known As`Diabetes
Anatomy & Medical: If __% Of The Human Liver Was Removed, It Could Still Function And Would Eventually Restore Itself To Its Original Size`80
Anatomy & Medical: If 80% Of The _____ _____ Was Removed, It Could Still Function And Would Eventually Restore Itself To Its Original Size`Human Liver
Anatomy & Medical: If 80% Of The Human Liver Was _______, It Could Still Function And Would Eventually Restore Itself To Its Original Size`Removed
Anatomy & Medical: If 80% Of The Human Liver Was Removed, It Could _____ ________ And Would Eventually Restore Itself To Its Original Size`Still Function
Anatomy & Medical: If A Patient Is 15 And Pregnant, Is She Considered An Emancipated Female`Yes
Anatomy & Medical: If A Patient Is Unresponsive, Could You Use Implied Consent To Transport`Yes
Anatomy & Medical: If A Surgeon In _______ _____ Lost A Patient While Performing An Operation, His Hands Were Cut Off`Ancient Egypt
Anatomy & Medical: If A Surgeon In Ancient Egypt ____ _ _______ While Performing An Operation, His Hands Were Cut Off`Lost A Patient
Anatomy & Medical: If A Surgeon In Ancient Egypt Lost A Patient While Performing An Operation, His __________ Were Cut Off`Hands
Anatomy & Medical: If A Surgeon In Ancient Egypt Lost A Patient While Performing An Operation, His Hands Were ___`Cut Off
Anatomy & Medical: If Body Temperature Was 30 Degrees Celcius, How Long Would Man Live`Two Hundred Years
Anatomy & Medical: If The Skin Under Someone's Finger Nails Turned Blue This Would Be The First Symptom Of What`Cyanide Poisoning
Anatomy & Medical: If You Are A _________ _____ Your Blood Group Is Type O`Universal Donor
Anatomy & Medical: If You Are A Universal Donor Your _____ _____ Is Type O`Blood Group
Anatomy & Medical: If You Are A Universal Donor Your Blood Group Is ____`Type O
Anatomy & Medical: If You Could Remove All The Space From The _____ That Make Up Your Body, You Could Walk Through The Eye Of A Needle`Atoms
Anatomy & Medical: If You Could Remove All The Space From The Atoms That Make Up Your ____, You Could Walk Through The Eye Of A Needle`Body
Anatomy & Medical: If You Could Remove All The Space From The Atoms That Make Up Your Body, You Could ____ _______ The Eye Of A Needle`Walk Through
Anatomy & Medical: If You Could Remove All The Space From The Atoms That Make Up Your Body, You Could Walk Through The ___ __ _`Eye Of A Needle
Anatomy & Medical: If You Go Blind In One Eye You Only Lose About One __________ Of Your Vision, But All Your Sense Of Depth`Fifth
Anatomy & Medical: If You Had Chronic Regional Ileitis, What Eponymous Disease Would You Have`Crohn's
Anatomy & Medical: If You Suffer From Photic Sneezing, What Makes You Sneeze`Bright Light
Anatomy & Medical: If You Suffered From Hidradenitis Suppurativa, What Kind Of Specialist Would You Visit`Dermatologist
Anatomy & Medical: If You Were A Chiropodist Which Part Of The Body Would You Treat`Feet
Anatomy & Medical: If You Were Anosmic, What Would You Lack`Sense Of Smell
Anatomy & Medical: If Your _____ Was Completely Dry, You Would Not Be Able To Distinguish The Taste Of Anything`Mouth
Anatomy & Medical: If Your Mouth Was Completely Dry, You Would Not Be Able To ___________ The Taste Of Anything`Distinguish
Anatomy & Medical: If Your Mouth Was Completely Dry, You Would Not Be Able To Distinguish The _____ Of Anything`Taste
Anatomy & Medical: If Your Mouth Was Completely Dry, You Would Not Be Able To Distinguish The Taste Of`Anything
Anatomy & Medical: If Your Mouth Were Completely Dry, You Wouldn't Be Able To ______ Anything`Taste
Anatomy & Medical: Illnesses In Which The Immune System Reacts To Normal Components Of The Body As If They Were Foreign Substances And Produces Antibodies Against Them`Autoimmune Diseases
Anatomy & Medical: Illusion Of Hearing Or Seeing Something Not Actually Present`Hallucination
Anatomy & Medical: Improved If You Sleep On Your Right Side`Digestion
Anatomy & Medical: In ______, Suppositories Cut From Fresh Potatoes Were Used For Quick Relief Of Haemorrhoids`Russia
Anatomy & Medical: In 1562 A Man Was Dug Up ___ _____ After His Burial, After He Had Been Seen Breathing By Someone At The Funeral - He Lived For Another 75 Years`Six Hours
Anatomy & Medical: In 1562 A Man Was Dug Up Six Hours After His ______, After He Had Been Seen Breathing By Someone At The Funeral - He Lived For Another 75 Years`Burial
Anatomy & Medical: In 1562 A Man Was Dug Up Six Hours After His Burial, After He Had Been Seen _________ By Someone At The Funeral - He Lived For Another 75 Years`Breathing
Anatomy & Medical: In 1562 A Man Was Dug Up Six Hours After His Burial, After He Had Been Seen Breathing By Someone At The Funeral - He Lived For Another __`75 Years
Anatomy & Medical: In 1855, _______ Robert Arthur Was The First To Use Gold To Fill Cavities`Dentist
Anatomy & Medical: In 1855, Dentist ______ ______ Was The First To Use Gold To Fill Cavities`Robert Arthur
Anatomy & Medical: In 1855, Dentist Robert Arthur Was The First To Use ____ To Fill Cavities`Gold
Anatomy & Medical: In 1855, Dentist Robert Arthur Was The First To Use Gold To Fill`Cavities
Anatomy & Medical: In 1933 In __ _____, The First Operation To Remove A Lung Was Performed At Barnes Hospital`St Louis
Anatomy & Medical: In 1933 In St Louis, The First Operation To ______ A Lung Was Performed At Barnes Hospital`Remove
Anatomy & Medical: In 1933 In St Louis, The First Operation To Remove A Lung Was Performed At ______`Barnes Hospital
Anatomy & Medical: In 1977, ________'_ Penis Was Sold In Paris For About Us $3 800 To An American Urologist`Napoleon's
Anatomy & Medical: In 1977, Napoleon's _____ Was Sold In Paris For About Us $3 800 To An American Urologist`Penis
Anatomy & Medical: In 1977, Napoleon's Penis Was Sold In _____ For About Us $3 800 To An American Urologist`Paris
Anatomy & Medical: In 1977, Napoleon's Penis Was Sold In Paris For About Us $_ ___ To An American Urologist`3 800
Anatomy & Medical: In 1977, Napoleon's Penis Was Sold In Paris For About Us $3 800 To An ________`American Urologist
Anatomy & Medical: In 1979 __ _________ _______ Was Offered $250 000 By The American National Enquirer To Perform A Human Head Transplant`Dr Christian Barnard
Anatomy & Medical: In 1979 Dr Christian Barnard Was Offered $250 000 By The ________ ________ ________ To Perform A Human Head Transplant`American National Enquirer
Anatomy & Medical: In 1979 Dr Christian Barnard Was Offered $250 000 By The American National Enquirer To Perform A _____ ____`Human Head Transplant
Anatomy & Medical: In 1982, __________ William Hall Committed Suicide By Drilling Holes Into His Head With A Power Drill... It Took 8 Holes`Englishman
Anatomy & Medical: In 1982, Englishman William Hall Committed Suicide By ________ _____ Into His Head With A Power Drill... It Took 8 Holes`Drilling Holes
Anatomy & Medical: In 1982, Englishman William Hall Committed Suicide By Drilling Holes Into His Head With A _____ _____... It Took 8 Holes`Power Drill
Anatomy & Medical: In 1982, Englishman William Hall Committed Suicide By Drilling Holes Into His Head With A Power Drill... It Took _ Holes`8
Anatomy & Medical: In Ancient Egypt, The Brain Was Extracted Through The Nasal Passages During What Process`Mummification
Anatomy & Medical: In Medical Descriptions, The Meaning Of The Term 'Chronic'`Lingering, Lasting
Anatomy & Medical: In Medical Matters, What Does The Letter B Stand For In B.C.G`Bacillus
Anatomy & Medical: In Medical Matters, What Does The Letter C Stand For In C.A.T. Scanner`Computerised
Anatomy & Medical: In Medicine Boric Acid Used For`Antiseptic
Anatomy & Medical: In Medicine Procaine Used For`Anaesthetic
Anatomy & Medical: In Medicine What Do The Letters Hrt Stand For`Hormone Replacement Therapy
Anatomy & Medical: In Medicine, Of Oncology The Study'`Tumours
Anatomy & Medical: In Medieval Times, A _____ Was Rolled In Butter And Swallowed As A Cure For Plague And Leprosy`Spider
Anatomy & Medical: In Relation To The Human Body, What Does Atp, A Molecule That Stores Energy In Our Cells, Stand For`Adenosine Triphosphate
Anatomy & Medical: In Russia, _____________ Cut From Fresh Potatoes Were Used For Quick Relief Of Haemorrhoids`Suppositories
Anatomy & Medical: In Russia, Suppositories Cut From _____ ________ Were Used For Quick Relief Of Haemorrhoids`Fresh Potatoes
Anatomy & Medical: In Russia, Suppositories Cut From Fresh Potatoes Were Used For Quick Relief Of`Haemorrhoids
Anatomy & Medical: In Surgery, What Do You Call The Removal Of A Kidney`Nephrectomy
Anatomy & Medical: In The ______ ______,1982, The Painkiller 'Tylenol' Was Spiked With Cyanide`United States
Anatomy & Medical: In The _______ Hospitals Of The Seventeenth Century, Children Were Entitled To Two Gallons Of Beer As Part Of Their Weekly Diet`English
Anatomy & Medical: In The Body What May Be Endocrine Or Exocrine`Glands
Anatomy & Medical: In The Body, The Cns`Central Nervous System
Anatomy & Medical: In The Early Twentieth Century, ___________ Venom Was Used To Treat Epilepsy`Rattlesnake
Anatomy & Medical: In The Early Twentieth Century, Rattlesnake _____ Was Used To Treat Epilepsy`Venom
Anatomy & Medical: In The English _________ Of The Seventeenth Century, Children Were Entitled To Two Gallons Of Beer As Part Of Their Weekly Diet`Hospitals
Anatomy & Medical: In The English Hospitals Of The ___________ _______, Children Were Entitled To Two Gallons Of Beer As Part Of Their Weekly Diet`Seventeenth Century
Anatomy & Medical: In The English Hospitals Of The Seventeenth Century, ________ Were Entitled To Two Gallons Of Beer As Part Of Their Weekly Diet`Children
Anatomy & Medical: In The English Hospitals Of The Seventeenth Century, Children Were Entitled To ___ _______ Of Beer As Part Of Their Weekly Diet`Two Gallons
Anatomy & Medical: In The English Hospitals Of The Seventeenth Century, Children Were Entitled To Two Gallons Of ____ As Part Of Their Weekly Diet`Beer
Anatomy & Medical: In The Field Of Psychiatry This Term Means Self-Love`Narcissism
Anatomy & Medical: In The Industrialized Nations, What Is The Number One Killer Of Adults`Heart Disease
Anatomy & Medical: In The United States,1982, The __________'Tylenol' Was Spiked With Cyanide`Painkiller
Anatomy & Medical: In The United States,1982, The Painkiller '_______' Was Spiked With Cyanide`Tylenol
Anatomy & Medical: In The United States,1982, The Painkiller 'Tylenol' Was Spiked With`Cyanide
Anatomy & Medical: In What Common Substance Would You Find Lymphocytes`Blood
Anatomy & Medical: In What Does A Rhinologist Specialise`Human Nose
Anatomy & Medical: In What Organ Is The Islands Of Langerhans Found`Pancreas
Anatomy & Medical: In What Organ Of The Body Is Insulin Produced`Pancreas
Anatomy & Medical: In What Part Of The Body Are Rabies Injections Given`Abdomen
Anatomy & Medical: In Which Organ Is A Clear Watery Solution Known As The 'Aqueous Humor' Found`Eye
Anatomy & Medical: In Which Organ Is A Pulmonary Disease Located`Lungs
Anatomy & Medical: In Which Organ Is Bile Produced`Liver
Anatomy & Medical: In Which Organ Is The Islands Of Langerhans Found`Pancreas
Anatomy & Medical: In Which Organ Is Your 'Hypothalamus' Located`Brain
Anatomy & Medical: Infantile Paralysis Is Commonly Known As`Polio
Anatomy & Medical: Infectious Virus Disease Of The Central Nervous System, Sometimes Resulting In Paralysis`Poliomyelitis
Anatomy & Medical: Inflammation Of The Gums`Gingivitis
Anatomy & Medical: Ingrown Toe Nails Are`Hereditary
Anatomy & Medical: Insulin Is Commonly Used To Treat Which Condition`Diabetes
Anatomy & Medical: Insulin Is Produced In The`Pancreas
Anatomy & Medical: Iron Deficiency Causes The Most Common Form Of`Anaemia
Anatomy & Medical: Island Infectious Virus Disease Of The Central Nervous System, Sometimes Resulting In Paralysis`Poliomyelitis
Anatomy & Medical: It Requires __ Muscles To Raise Your Eyebrows`30
Anatomy & Medical: It Requires 30 Muscles To Raise Your`Eyebrows
Anatomy & Medical: It Requires The Use Of __ Muscles To Speak One Single Word`72
Anatomy & Medical: It Takes A ____ One Hour To Swim Seven Inches`Sperm
Anatomy & Medical: It's Impossible To Have ____ Eyes`Grey
Anatomy & Medical: It's Impossible To Sneeze With Your Eyes`Open
Anatomy & Medical: Karl Landsteiner Was Awarded The Nobel Prize For His Findings In The Field Of Haematology, What Was His Discovery`Human Blood Groups
Anatomy & Medical: Karl Landsteiner Won A Nobel Prize In 1930 For Which Medical Discovery`Blood Groups
Anatomy & Medical: Keeping Medicine In Which Room, Due To Heat And Moisture, Makes Them Weaker And Possibly Ineffective`Bathroom
Anatomy & Medical: Keratitis Is An ____________ Of The Cornea Which May Lead To Blindness`Inflammation
Anatomy & Medical: Keratitis Is An Inflammation Of The ______ Which May Lead To Blindness`Cornea
Anatomy & Medical: Keratitis Is An Inflammation Of The Cornea Which May Lead To`Blindness
Anatomy & Medical: Killing A Person Painlessly Especially One Suffering From An Incurable Disease`Euthanasia
Anatomy & Medical: Kind Of Skin Inflammation`Eczema
Anatomy & Medical: Lack Of Iron Makes A Person What`Anaemic
Anatomy & Medical: Lack Of The Cause Of The Deficiency Disease 'Kwashiorkor'`Protein
Anatomy & Medical: Lack Of Vitamin D Causes Which Disease`Rickets
Anatomy & Medical: Lack Of What Makes Albinos`Pigment
Anatomy & Medical: Lack Of What Vitamin Causes Pellagra`B3
Anatomy & Medical: Lack Of Which Chemical Compound In The Body Is Linked With Parkinsons Disease`Dopamine
Anatomy & Medical: Laudanum, A ________ Of Opium, Was A Common Sedative In Victorian Times`Tincture
Anatomy & Medical: Laudanum, A Tincture Of Opium, Was A Common ________ In Victorian Times`Sedative
Anatomy & Medical: Lentigines Is The Medical Term For What`Freckles
Anatomy & Medical: Like Fingerprints, Everyone's ______ Print Is Different`Tongue
Anatomy & Medical: Like Fingerprints, What Other Print Is Individual`Tongue
Anatomy & Medical: Lip`Labium
Anatomy & Medical: Literally Mean A Thread. This Name Is Given To Several Thread-Like Structures Such As The Filum Terminale, The Lower Extension Of The Pia Mater Of The Spinal Cord`Filum
Anatomy & Medical: Literally Means A Kernel Or Nut. In Anatomy, Nucleus Is Most Often Used To Describe An Aggregation Or Cluster Of Nerve Cells`Nucleus
Anatomy & Medical: Liver Disease Caused By Alcoholism`Cirrhosis
Anatomy & Medical: Made Up Of The Duodenum, Jejunum And Ileum`Small Intestine
Anatomy & Medical: Maggots Were Once Used To Treat A Bone Infection Called`Osteomyelitis
Anatomy & Medical: Mean Knee. Geniculum Is Sometimes Applied To A Bent Part Of A Structure`Genu
Anatomy & Medical: Means A Leg And Is Applied To A Structure That Resembles A Leg Or Stalk`Crus
Anatomy & Medical: Means A Web And Describes A Thin Web-Like Membrane. Loosely Translated, It Can Mean Tissue`Tela
Anatomy & Medical: Means Body`Corpus
Anatomy & Medical: Means Leaf. The Plural Folia Is Applied To The Folds Of The Cortex Of The Cerebellum`Folium
Anatomy & Medical: Means Little Grape, Usually Referring To The Small Fleshy Appendage That Hangs From The Soft Palate`Uvula
Anatomy & Medical: Means Substance Or Matter`Substantia
Anatomy & Medical: Measured On The Cephalic Index`Human Head
Anatomy & Medical: Med. Term For Inability To Swallow`Aglutition
Anatomy & Medical: Medical Abbreviations And Acronyms: What Is Md`Doctor Of Medicine
Anatomy & Medical: Medical Experts Say You Should Sleep On Your _____ ____ To Improve Digestion`Right Side
Anatomy & Medical: Medical Experts Say You Should Sleep On Your Right Side To _______`Improve Digestion
Anatomy & Medical: Medical Name For Bed-Wetting`Enuresis
Anatomy & Medical: Medical Researchers Contend That No Disease Ever Identified Has Been Completely`Eradicated
Anatomy & Medical: Medical Treatment Involving Needles`Acupuncture
Anatomy & Medical: Medically, What Are Lentigines`Freckles
Anatomy & Medical: Medieval Recipe For The Cure Of Acne 'The Rout Of ______'S Made Clean And Cut Into Thin Roundels And Steeped For Nine Days In White Wine And Applied'`Dragon
Anatomy & Medical: Medieval Recipe For The Cure Of Acne 'The Rout Of Dragon's Made Clean And Cut Into Thin Roundels And Steeped For Nine Days In _____ ____ And Applied'`White Wine
Anatomy & Medical: Member Of The Acacia Tree Family Is Commonly Known As The Fever Tree And Acquired This Name By Being Ignorantly Blamed For Which Disease`Malaria
Anatomy & Medical: Men Are Ten Times More Likely To Be ______-_____ Than Women`Colour-Blind
Anatomy & Medical: Men Have On Average __% More Red Blood Cells Than Women`10
Anatomy & Medical: Milk, Cheese And Meat Are Good Sources Of Which Nutrient Needed For A Healthy Diet`Protein
Anatomy & Medical: Mosquito Repellents Don't Actually Repel... They '____' You By Overwhelming The Mosquito's Senses`Mask
Anatomy & Medical: Mosquito Repellents Don't Actually Repel... They 'Mask' You By ____________ The Mosquito's Senses`Overwhelming
Anatomy & Medical: Most People _____ About 25 000 Times A Day`Blink
Anatomy & Medical: Most People Blink About __ ___ Times A Day`25 000
Anatomy & Medical: Most People Have Lost _____ Per Cent Of Their Taste Buds By The Time They Reach The Age Of Sixty`Fifty
Anatomy & Medical: Most People Have Lost Fifty Per Cent Of Their Taste Buds By The Time They Reach The Age Of`Sixty
Anatomy & Medical: Most Sensitive Cluster Of Nerves`Base Of The Spine
Anatomy & Medical: Moving Any Limb Away From The Midline Of The Body Along The Frontal Plane Is Called What`Abduction
Anatomy & Medical: Myologists Have Specialist Knowledge About What Parts Of The Human Body`Muscles
Anatomy & Medical: Myositis Affects The`Muscles
Anatomy & Medical: Name Of The Tubes That Connect The Ear And Throat`Eustachian
Anatomy & Medical: Name Of Your Big Toe`Hallux
Anatomy & Medical: Name The Condition Of The Mind That Leads To A Need To Steal Things`Kleptomania
Anatomy & Medical: Name The Eating Disorder That Suppresses The Urge To Eat Causing The Sufferer To Lose Huge Ammounts Of Weight`Anorexia
Anatomy & Medical: Name The Functional Classification Of A Slightly Movable Joint`Ampiarthrosis
Anatomy & Medical: Name The Hardest Substance In The Human Body`Enamel
Anatomy & Medical: Name The Largest Artery In The Human Body`Aorta
Anatomy & Medical: Name The Largest Gland In The Human Body`The Liver
Anatomy & Medical: Name The Organs That Are Involved In A Triple Transplant`Heart Lungs And Liver
Anatomy & Medical: Name The Theory Which Proposed That A Person's Mental Development Could Be Measured By A Skull Examination`Phrenology
Anatomy & Medical: Name Used Interchangeably For A Disease Of Rye, For The Fungus Causing The Disease, For The Sclerotium (Compact Hardened Mycelium, Or Fruiting Surface) Of The Fungus, And For The Dried Sclerotium, What Contains Certain Valuable Drugs`Ergot
Anatomy & Medical: Narcolepsy Is The ______________ Need To Sleep`Uncontrollable
Anatomy & Medical: Narcolepsy Is The Uncontrollable Need To`Sleep
Anatomy & Medical: Nearly A Quarter Of All _____ _____ Can Be Found In The Feet`Human Bones
Anatomy & Medical: Nerves To The _________ ________ Region: Spinal Accessory, Suprascapular, Dorsal Scapular And Axillary`Posterior Shoulder
Anatomy & Medical: Nerves To The Posterior Shoulder Region: Spinal Accessory, _____________, Dorsal Scapular And Axillary`Suprascapular
Anatomy & Medical: Nerves To The Posterior Shoulder Region: Spinal Accessory, Suprascapular, ______ ________ And Axillary`Dorsal Scapular
Anatomy & Medical: Nerves To The Posterior Shoulder Region: Spinal Accessory, Suprascapular, Dorsal Scapular And`Axillary
Anatomy & Medical: New Zealand's First ________ Was Opened In 1843`Hospital
Anatomy & Medical: Normal Body Temperature For An Adult Human`98f
Anatomy & Medical: North American Indians Ate Watercress To ________ Gravel And Stones In The Bladder`Dissolve
Anatomy & Medical: North American Indians Ate Watercress To Dissolve ______ ___ ______ In The Bladder`Gravel And Stones
Anatomy & Medical: North American Indians Ate Watercress To Dissolve Gravel And Stones In The`Bladder
Anatomy & Medical: Nutmeg, If Injected Intravenously, Is`Fatal
Anatomy & Medical: Obsessive Desire To Lose Weight By Dieting`Anorexia Nervosa
Anatomy & Medical: Oestrogen Protects Against _____`Heart Disease
Anatomy & Medical: Of What Does A Human Being Lose An Average Of 40 To 100 Per Day`Hairs
Anatomy & Medical: Of What Substance Are Teeth Made`Enamel
Anatomy & Medical: On A Human Body, Hair Grows Out Of Pits In The Skin. What Are These Pits Called`Follicles
Anatomy & Medical: On Average The Heart Beats How Many Times A Minute When At Rest`Seventy Two
Anatomy & Medical: On Average, It Takes Two Tablespoons Of Blood To Get A Man's ___ Erect`Penis
Anatomy & Medical: On The Body A Calcaneus`Heel Bone
Anatomy & Medical: On What Part Of The Body Are Campers Prone To Being Bitten By Vampire Bats`Big Toe
Anatomy & Medical: On What Part Of The Body Is An 'Ltk Procedure' Performed`Eyes
Anatomy & Medical: On What Part Of Your Body Would You Wear An Espadrille`Feet
Anatomy & Medical: One Of The Key Sources For Malodorous Emanations Is The Human Body, And Especially The Eccrine Sweat Glands To Be Found In The Armpits And Other Key Spots. When These Glands Aren't Working Properly, That Is When We Suffer From A Sweat Deficiency, We Are Suffering From Which Of These Conditions`Hypohidrosis
Anatomy & Medical: One Square Inch Of Human Skin Contains ___ Sweat Glands`625
Anatomy & Medical: One Square Inch Of Human Skin Contains 625 _____`Sweat Glands
Anatomy & Medical: Oophorectomy Is The ________ _______ Of The Ovaries`Surgical Removal
Anatomy & Medical: Oophorectomy Is The Surgical Removal Of The`Ovaries
Anatomy & Medical: Opium Was Used Widely As A Painkiller During The ________ _____ ___. As A Result, Over One Hundred Thousand Soldiers Had Become Drug Addicts By The End Of The War`American Civil War
Anatomy & Medical: Opium Was Used Widely As A Painkiller During The American Civil War. As A Result, Over One Hundred Thousand Soldiers Had Become ____ _______ By The End Of The War`Drug Addicts
Anatomy & Medical: Organ Of The Digestive System`Stomach
Anatomy & Medical: Osteomyelitis Affects The`Bones
Anatomy & Medical: Our ___ Are Always The Same Size From Birth, But Our Nose And Ears Never Stop Growing`Eyes
Anatomy & Medical: Our Eyes Never Grow Our _______ ___ ____ Never Stop Growing`Nose And Ears
Anatomy & Medical: Over Where Does The Uvula Dangle`Tongue
Anatomy & Medical: Part Of The Nose Between The Nostrils`Columella
Anatomy & Medical: Peritonitis, Affects The`Abdomen
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: A Penis, Esp. Erect`Phallophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Ablutophobia Is The Fear Of`Washing
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Acarophobia Is The Fear Of`Itching
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Acerophobia Is The Fear Of`Sourness
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Achluophobia Is The Fear Of`Darkness
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Acousticophobia Is The Fear Of`Noise
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Acrophobia Is The Fear Of`Heights
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Aeroacrophobia Is The Fear Of`High Places
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Aeronausiphobia Is The Fear Of`Airsickness
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Aerophobia Is The Fear Of`Drafts
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Agateophobia Is The Fear Of`Insanity
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Air Drafts Or Wind`Anemophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Amnesia`Amnesiphobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Amphibians, Such As Frogs, Newts, Salamanders, Etc`Batrachophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Animals`Zoophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Arachnophobia Is The Fear Of What`Spiders
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Beautiful Women`Caligynephobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Bees`Melissophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Being Buried Alive`Taphephobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Being Last`Telosphobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Being Oneself`Eremophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Bibliophobia Is A Fear Of`Books
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Books`Bibliophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Cats`Ailurophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Children`Pedophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Chinese, Chinese Culture`Sinophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Church`Ecclesiophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Computers`Logizomechanophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Confined Spaces`Claustrophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Crosses Or The Crucifix`Staurophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Crowds`Agoraphobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Darkness`Lygophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Dawn Or Daylight`Eosophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Death Or Dead Things`Necrophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Death Or Dying`Thanatophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Dolls`Pediophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Doraphobia Is The Fear Of`Fur
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Drugs`Pharmacophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Electricity`Electrophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Eleutherophobia Is A Fear Of`Freedom
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Elurophobia Is The Fear Of`Cats
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: England, English Culture, Etc`Anglophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Everything`Panophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Extreme Cold, Ice, Or Frost`Cryophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Eyes`Ommetaphobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Falling In Love Or Being In Love`Philophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Feeling Pleasure`Hedonophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Fire`Pyrophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Fog`Nebulaphobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Food Or Eating`Sitophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Freedom`Eleutherophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Gamophobia Is A Fear Of What`Marriage
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Geliophobia Is The Fear Of`Laughter
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Gephydrophobia Is A Fear Of`Bridges
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: German Or German Things`Teutophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Germs Or Contamination Or Dirt`Mysophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Gods Or Religion`Theophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Gymnophobia Is The Fear Of`Naked Bodies
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Hearing A Certain Word Or Names`Onomatophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Heat`Thermophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Heaven`Uranophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Heights`Acrophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia The Fear Of`Long Words
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Home Surroundings, Ones House`Oikophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Horses`Equinophobia
Anatomy. A -------a`cistern
Anatomy. A cavity, space, or depression, especially in a bone, containing cartilage or bone cells`lacuna
Anatomy. A dilated channel or receptacle containing chiefly venous blood`sinus
Anatomy. A fibrous, membranous, or fatty sheath that encloses an organ or part, such as the sac surrounding the kidney or the fibrous tissues that`capsule
Anatomy. A flat, winglike anatomic process or part, especially of bone`alas
Anatomy. A muscle that draws a body part, such as a finger, arm, or toe, away from the midline of the body or of an extremity`abductor
Anatomy. A sac or vesicle in the body`cyst
Anatomy. A small mass of tissue or aggregation of cells`nodular
Anatomy. A small pit, recess, or glandular cavity in the body`crypt
Anatomy. A small pit, recess, or glandular cavity in the body`crypts
Anatomy. A small sac or cyst, especially one containing fluid`vesicle
Anatomy. A tube, duct, or passageway`canal
Anatomy. A tubular bodily canal or passage, especially one for carrying a glandular secretion: 'a tear ----.'`duct
Anatomy. Any threadlike fiber or filament, such as a myo------ or neuro------, that is a constituent of a cell or larger structure`fibril
SAM sites fire a guided --------`missile
TV Shows: After Clark got out of a truck that blew up while he was in it, what did he do`he ripped his shirt like Superman