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Name The Year: (USA) Joesph Smith, founder of the Mormon church, born.`1805
Name The Year: (USA) John Denver singer, born.`1943
Name The Year: (USA) John Steinbeck, author, died.`1968
Name The Year: (USA) Marconi Co establishes "CQD" as 1st int'l radio distress signal.`1904
Name The Year: US Ambassador tells Iraq, US won't take sides in Iraq-Kuwait dispute.`1990
Name The Year: U.S. and Britain invade Sicily in WWII.`1943
Name The Year: U.S. and Canada begin the use of standard time zones (standard time zones established by the railroads in both countries).`1883
Name The Year: US and Canada sign the Migratory bird treaty.`1916
Name The Year: US and Libya clash in the Gulf of Sidra.`1986
Name The Year: US and North Vietnam signed a cease-fire agreement.`1973
Name The Year: US and Panama agree to resume diplomatic relations.`1964
Name The Year: U.S. and Philippine forces recaptured Corregidor.`1945
Name The Year: US and Russia severed diplomatic ties. `1918
Name The Year: US and USSR sign $10 billion grain pact.`1983
Name The Year: US and USSR sign Lend-Lease agreement during World War II.`1942
Name The Year: (USA) Nicolas Cage, actor (The Rock, Face/Off), born.`1964
Name The Year: (USA) Patent for reducing zinc ore granted to Samuel Wetherill.`1857
Name The Year: (USA) Plane broke height altitude record at 11474 feet.`1910
Name The Year: US Apollo 15 lands on Mare Imbrium on the Moon.`1971
Name The Year: US appeals to International Court on hostages in Iran.`1980
Name The Year: (USA) President Truman officially proclaims end of WW-II.`1946
Name The Year: (USA) Pres Truman announces development of the hydrogen bomb.`1953
Name The Year: (USA) Ratification of UN Charter completed.`1945
Name The Year: (USA) Richard Clayderman, pianist, born.`1953
Name The Year: US Army accepts delivery of 1st military airplane.`1909
Name The Year: US Army turned over Long Bihn base to South Vietnamese army.`1972
Name The Year: (USA) Robert Englund, actor (V, Nightmare on Elm Street), born.`1949
Name The Year: (USA) Rube Goldberg, inventor and cartoonist, dies.`1971
Name The Year: (USA) Rutan and Yeager make first around-the-world flight without refueling.`1986
Name The Year: (USA) Samuel Morse made 1st public demonstration of telegraph.`1838
Name The Year: (USA) "Tarzan," one of the 1st adventure comic strips, 1st appears.`1929
Name The Year: (USA) Theodore Roosevelt dies at his home in Oyster Bay, NY, at 60.`1919
Name The Year: (USA) The opera "The Pirates of Penzance" is produced (NYC).`1879
Name The Year: U.S. Atomic Energy Commission confirmed.`1947
Name The Year: (USA) Tom Mix silent screen cowboy actor, born.`1880
Name The Year: (USA) Transistor invented by Bardeen, Brattain and Shockley in Bell Labs.`1947
Name The Year: US, Australia and New Zealand sign ANZUS treaty.`1951
Name The Year: (USA) Val Kilmer, actor, born.`1959
Name The Year: (USA) Walt Disney born.`1901
Name The Year: U.S. backed Bay of Pigs invasion in Cuba. Ended in failure.`1961
Name The Year: US began its heaviest bombing of North Vietnam.`1972
Name The Year: US begins air drops to Kurdish refugees in Northern Iraq`1991
Name The Year: US bombers staged 1st independent raid on Europe attack Rouen, France.`1942
Name The Year: U.S. breaks relations with Cuba.`1961
Name The Year: U.S. casts first veto in UN Security Council (Support England).`1970
Name The Year: U.S. Congress authorizes smallest U.S. silver coin, the 3-cent piece.`1851
Name The Year: U.S. Congress backs war in Gulf.`1991
Name The Year: U.S. Congress established Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona.`1919
Name The Year: U.S. declares martial law in Dominican Republic.`1916
Name The Year: US declares war on Germany (WWI).`1917
Name The Year: US denounces Soviet blockade of Berlin. `1948
Name The Year: US Dept of Justice offers $25,000 reward for Dillinger, dead or alive.`1934
Name The Year: US diplomats find at least 40 secret mics in the Moscow embassy.`1964
Name The Year: US drops atom bomb on Bikini atoll (4th atomic explosion).`1946
Name The Year: US drops second atomic bomb on Japan destroying part of Nagasaki. An estimated 74,000 people died. The original target was Kokura.`1945
Name The Year: U.S. ends participation in multinational peace force in Lebanon.`1984
Name The Year: US explodes world's first hydrogen bomb at Eniwetok Atoll.`1952
Name The Year: U.S. fighter jets force Egyptian plane carrying hijackers of Italian ship Achille Lauro to land in Italy, gunmen were placed in custody.`1985
Name The Year: US forces defeat Japanese at Iwo Jima.`1945
Name The Year: U.S. forces invade Korea by crossing the 38th parallel.`1950
Name The Year: US forces land in Iceland to forestall Nazi invasion.`1941
Name The Year: US forces land on Corregidor (complete conquest on March 3).`1945
Name The Year: US gives Britain 50 destroyers in exchange for Newfoundland base lease.`1940
Name The Year: (US) Gugliemo Marconi sends the first wireless message across the Atlantic.`1911
Name The Year: US House of Representatives begins TV broadcasts of its day-to-day business. C-SPAN is born.`1979
Name The Year: Using phone lines TV was sent from Washington DC to New York City.`1927
Name The Year: US invades Grenada, a country with 1/2000 its population.`1983
Name The Year: U.S. invades Nicaragua, later overthrows President Zelaya.`1909
Name The Year: US & Iran sign agreement to release 52 American hostages.`1981
Name The Year: US, Japan, UK & France sign a treaty aimed at controlling naval build-up in the Pacific Ocean.`1921
Name The Year: US Lab detects high-temperature microwave radiation from Venus.`1956
Name The Year: US launches 1st artificial satellite, Explorer 1.`1958
Name The Year: US launches Mariner 3 toward Mars; no data returned.`1964
Name The Year: U.S. launches Pioneer Venus probe.`1978
Name The Year: US liberates Nazi concentration camp in Dachau, Germany.`1945
Name The Year: US Marines attack shores of Tripoli.`1805
Name The Year: US Marines landed in Nicaragua to protect US citizens.`1896
Name The Year: US Marines raise flag on Iwo Jima, famous photo and statue.`1945
Name The Year: US missile shot down an incoming missile in space for 1st time. `1984
Name The Year: US Navy destroys 41 Japanese ships in the Battle of South China Sea.`1945
Name The Year: U.S. Navy frigate USS Constitution, Old Ironsides, launched in Boston.`1797
Name The Year: US Navy is created.`1775
Name The Year: US officially submits to jurisdiction of World Court.`1946
Name The Year: US Olympic Committee suspends Tommie Smith and John Carlos for giving "black power" salute as a protest during victory ceremony.`1968
Name The Year: U.S. Patent system established`1790
Name The Year: U.S. presented with oldest known copy of the Magna Carta.`1976
Name The Year: U.S. President Johnson orders a halt to all bombing of North Vietnam.`1968
Name The Year: US Ranger 7 transmits the 1st lunar close-up photos before impact. Takes 4,316 pictures before crashing on moon.`1964
Name The Year: US recalls William Bowdler, ambassador to South Africa.`1977
Name The Year: U.S. receives rights to Pearl Harbor, on Oahu, Hawaii.`1887
Name The Year: U.S. recognized Franco govt in Spain at end of the Spanish civil war.`1939
Name The Year: US, Russia and England sign nuclear test ban treaty.`1963
Name The Year: U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission imposes a record $100 million penalty against inside-trader Ivan Boesky.`1986
Name The Year: US sells Hawk anti-aircraft missiles to Israel.`1962
Name The Year: U.S. Senate rejects the Treaty of Versailles for second time.`1920
Name The Year: U.S. sent 20,000 troops to the Mexican border.`1911
Name The Year: U.S.'s First automobile seat belt legislation is enacted in Illinois.`1955
Name The Year: US's first commercial radio, 8MK (later WWJ), Detroit began daily broadcasting`1920
Name The Year: US Skylab enters atmosphere over Australia and disintegrates.`1979
Name The Year: US's Magellan spacecraft lands on Venus.`1990
Name The Year: US-Soviet effort free 2 grey whales from frozen Arctic.`1988
Name The Year: US space probe Voyager I approaches 77,000 miles of Saturn.`1980
Name The Year: U.S. sprinter, Jesse Owens sets 100 meter record at 10.2 seconds.`1936
Name The Year: USSR adopts experimental calendar.`1923
Name The Year: USSR announces it will not participate in LA Summer Olympics.`1984
Name The Year: USSR announces plan for 2-yr manned mission to Mars.`1989
Name The Year: USSR announces successful test of intercontinental ballistic missile.`1957
Name The Year: USSR calendar conversion.`1918
Name The Year: USSR detonates its 1st atomic bomb.`1949
Name The Year: USSR executes 8 army leaders as Stalin's purge continued. `1937
Name The Year: USSR fires defense minister, Marshal Georgi Zhukov (Zhukov lead USSR into Berlin during WW2).`1957
Name The Year: USSR frees dissident Andrei Sakharov from internal exile.`1986
Name The Year: USSR Kosmos 186 and 188 make first automatic docking. Also, Venera 13 is launched.`1967
Name The Year: USSR launches 1st intercontinental multistage ballistic missile.`1957
Name The Year: USSR launches Kosmos 166 for observation of Sun from Earth orbit `1967
Name The Year: USSR launches Luna 11 for orbit around Moon.`1966
Name The Year: USSR launches Luna 16; returns samples from lunar Sea of Fertility.`1970
Name The Year: USSR launches Mars 2, 1st spacecraft to crash land on Mars.`1971
Name The Year: USSR launches Mars 6.`1973
Name The Year: USSR launches Mars 7.`1973
Name The Year: USSR launches Sputnik 2 with a dog (Laika), 1st animal in orbit.`1957
Name The Year: USSR launches Sputnik I, the first artificial earth satellite.`1957
Name The Year: USSR launches Zond 2 towards Mars.`1964
Name The Year: USSR Luna 3 sent back first photos of Moon's far side.`1959
Name The Year: USSR Pres Mikhail S Gorbachev meets Pope John Paul II at the Vatican.`1989
Name The Year: USSR recognizes independence of the 3 Baltic republics (Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia).`1991
Name The Year: USSR recovered 2 dogs; 1st living organisms to return from space.`1960
Name The Year: USSR releases US journalist Nicholas Daniloff confined on spy charges.`1986
Name The Year: USSR's Kosmos 186 and 188 complete the 1st automatic docking.`1967
Name The Year: USSR's Phobos II enters Martian orbit.`1989
Name The Year: USSR's Sputnik 5 launched with 2 dogs.`1960
Name The Year: USSR Venera 10 made day Venus landing.`1975
Name The Year: U.S. sub locates missing hydrogen bomb in Mediterranean.`1966
Name The Year: U.S. Supreme Court struck down segregation of races on public buses.`1956
Name The Year: U.S. Supreme Court unanimously upheld the 19th Amendment (woman's right to vote).`1922
Name The Year: US Surveyor III lands on Moon`1967
Name The Year: US Syncom 2, 1st geosynchronous communications satellite, launched.`1963
Name The Year: US takes formal possession of Alaska from Russia ($7.2 million).`1867
Name The Year: US trial of former Panamanian leader Manuel Noriega begins.`1991
Name The Year: US troops captured Aachen, first large German city to fall (WW II).`1944
Name The Year: US troops occupy Lebanon, stay 3 months.`1958
Name The Year: US troops withdraw from Korea after WW II.`1949
Name The Year: US/UK launch of Ariel satellite; 1st international payload.`1962
Name The Year: US underground nuclear test, "Boxcar", 1 megaton device.`1968
Name The Year: US/USSR signed an agreement to discuss joint space efforts.`1970
Name The Year: U.S. Viking 2 goes into Martian orbit after an 11-month flight from Earth.`1976
Name The Year: U.S. Voyager I takes the first space photograph of the earth and moon together.`1977
Name The Year: US warships destroy 2 Iranian oil platforms in Persian Gulf.`1987
Name The Year: U.S. wins Battle of Bismark Sea over Japan.`1943
Name The Year: Uta Hagen, born. `1919
Name The Year: U. Thant, Burma, 3rd UN sec-genl (1962-72), born.`1909
Name The Year: Valentina Tereshkova, first woman in space, returns to earth.`1963
Name The Year: Valentina Tereshkova (in Russia), cosmonaut, first woman in space, born.`1937
Name The Year: Valentinian III Roman emperor (425-55), born.`419
Name The Year: Valentino, Milan Italy, fashion designer (Jacquline Kennedy Onasis), born.`1932
Name The Year: Valerie Harper (in Sufferin, NY), actor (Mary Tyler Moore Show, Rhoda), born.`1940
Name The Year: Valeri V. Ryumin, Soviet cosmonaut (Soyuz 25, 32), born.`1939
Name The Year: Vanessa Redgrave (in London, England), actor, born.`1937
Name The Year: Vanessa Williams (in Millwood, NY), first black Miss America, born.`1963
Name The Year: Van Gogh's "Irises" sells for record $53.6 million at auction.`1987
Name The Year: Vanity [Dee Dee Williams], singer/actress (Action Jackson), born.`1965
Name The Year: Van Morrison Belfast, singer (Here Comes the Night), born.`1945
Name The Year: Vanna White (in South Carolina), game show hostess (Wheel of Fortune), born.`1957
Name The Year: "Variety", covering all phases of show business, first published.`1905
Name The Year: Vasco da Gama Portuguese navigator dies in Cochin, India.`1524
Name The Year: Vasco Nuez de Balboa is the first European to see the Pacific Ocean.`1513
Name The Year: Vatican City becomes a soverign state.`1929
Name The Year: Vatican City (world's Smallest Country) is made an enclave of Rome.`1929
Name The Year: V-E Day; Germany signs unconditional surrender, WW II ends in Europe.`1945
Name The Year: Venera 2 launched by Soviet Union toward Venus.`1965
Name The Year: Venera 3 launched. (Later, the first man-made object to land on another planet when it crashed into Venus.)`1965
Name The Year: Venera 3, Venus landing.`1966
Name The Year: Venera 5 launched. First successful landing on another planet.`1969
Name The Year: Venera 5, Venus landing. First successful landing on another planet.`1969
Name The Year: Venera 7 launched by USSR for soft landing on Venus.`1970
Name The Year: Venera 9, first craft to orbit the planet Venus launched.`1975
Name The Year: Venetian senate examines Galileo Galilei's telescope.`1609
Name The Year: Venezuela, 1st South American country to gain independence from Spain.`1811
Name The Year: Vera Miles, actor, born.`1930
Name The Year: Verdi's opera "Il Trovatore" premiers, in Rome.`1853
Name The Year: Verney Cameron is first European to cross equatorial Africa from sea to sea.`1875
Name The Year: Veronica Hamel (in Philadelphia, PA), actor (Hill Street Blues)`1943
Name The Year: Veronica Lake, actress`1919
Name The Year: Veronica Lake actress, dies at 58.`1973
Name The Year: Very Large Array (VLA) radio telescope network dedicated.`1980
Name The Year: Victor Borge, pianist, comedian, born.`1909
Name The Year: Victor Emmanuel II, the King of Italy, born.`1820
Name The Year: Victor Hugo, French author, born.`1802
Name The Year: Victoria Cross established to acknowledge bravery.`1856
Name The Year: Victoria Principal, actress, born.`1951
Name The Year: Victoria Principal (in Japan), actor (Dallas), born.`1950
Name The Year: Victoria Woodhull becomes 1st woman nominated for US president.`1872
Name The Year: Videotapes released showing sunken remains of the Titanic.`1986
Name The Year: Vietnam declares independence from France (National Day).`1945
Name The Year: (Vietnam) Vietnamese forces capture Phnom Penh from Khmer Rouge.`1979
Name The Year: Vietnam War Memorial dedicated in Washington, DC.`1982
Name The Year: Viking 1 launched toward orbit around Mars, soft landing.`1975
Name The Year: Viking 2 goes into orbit around Mars.`1976
Name The Year: Viking 2 launched toward orbit around Mars, soft landing.`1975
Name The Year: Viking 2 soft lands on Mars (Utopia), returns photos.`1976
Name The Year: Vincent Price St Louis Mo, actor (The Fly, Laura), born.`1911
Name The Year: Vincent Van Gogh, artist who always lent an ear, born.`1853
Name The Year: Violent bread riots at Montreal.`1875
Name The Year: Virginia Madsen Chicago Ill, actress (Dune, Highlander, Class), born.`1961
Name The Year: Virginia Mayo (in St Louis, MO)`1920
Name The Year: Virginia McMath (a.k.a. Ginger Rogers), dancer, actor`1911
Name The Year: Virginia Woolf, author, born.`1882
Name The Year: Viscount Dunrossil, Scotland, Governor General of Australia (1959-61), born.`1893
Name The Year: Viscount Goderich (Tory), British PM (1827-28)`1782
Name The Year: Vitali I. Sevastyanov, Soviet cosmonaut (Soyuz 9, 18), born. `1935
Name The Year: Vitus Bering, Dutch navigator and explorer, died.`1741
Name The Year: Vivian Blaine, actor (Guys and Dolls)`1923
Name The Year: Vivian Leigh Scarlet in Gone with the Wind, dies at 53.`1967
Name The Year: Vivien Leigh, actress (Gone With Wind), born.`1913
Name The Year: V-J Day; formal surrender of Japan aboard USS Missouri.`1945
Name The Year: Vladimir Horowitz, pianist`1904
Name The Year: Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, Russian leader, dies of a stroke at 54.`1924
Name The Year: Vladimir Mayakovsky, Soviet Georgia, poet (Ode to Revolution), born.`1893
Name The Year: Vladimir Mayakovsky, Soviet poet, born.`1893
Name The Year: Vladimir Remek, first Czechoslovakian space traveler (Soyuz 28), born.`1948
Name The Year: Vladislav N. Volkov, Soviet cosmonaut (Soyuz 7, 11)`1935
Name The Year: Vol 1, No 1, of "The Wall Street Journal" published.`1889
Name The Year: Volcanic eruption in Cameroon releases poison gas, killing 2,000.`1986
Name The Year: Volcano eruptions on Tristan de Cunha (South Atlantic).`1961
Name The Year: Volstead Act passed by U.S. Congress, starting Prohibition.`1919
Name The Year: Voltaire, thinker`1694
Name The Year: Voluntary Euthanasia Society publishes how-to-do-it suicide guide.`1979
Name The Year: Voyager 2 begins a flyby of the planet Neptune.`1989
Name The Year: Voyager 2 discovers 2 partial rings of Neptune.`1989
Name The Year: Voyager 2 encounters Saturn.`1981
Name The Year: Voyager 2, first Uranus flyby.`1986
Name The Year: Voyager 2 launched for fly-by of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. It carries a record containing greetings.`1977
Name The Year: Voyager 2 makes its closest approach to Neptune (0400 GMT).`1989
Name The Year: Voyager 2's closest approach to Saturn (63,000 miles/100,000 km).`1981
Name The Year: Voyager II flies past Jupiter.`1979
Name The Year: Voyager I's closest approach to Jupiter`1979
Name The Year: Voyager's closest approach to Saturn enroute to Uranus and Neptune.`1981
Name The Year: Waffle iron invented.`1869
Name The Year: Wagner's opera Tannhauser performed for 1st time.`1845
Name The Year: (Wales) Anthony Hopkins, actor, born.`1937
Name The Year: Wally Schirra, astronaut, born.`1923
Name The Year: Walt Disney Art School created.`1932
Name the year. Walt Disney dies, Hastings Banda becomes Malawi's first President, and Nelson's pillar in O'Connell Street, Dublin is blown up`1966
Name The Year: Walt Disney's "Alice In Wonderland" released.`1951
Name The Year: Walt Disney's "Bambi" is released`1942
Name The Year: Walt Disney's "Dumbo" is released.`1941
Name The Year: Walt Disney's "Fantasia" is released.`1940
Name The Year: Walt Disney's "Jungle Book" is released.`1967
Name The Year: Walt Disney's "Mary Poppins" released.`1964
Name The Year: Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse debuts in New York in "Steamboat Willie".`1928
Name The Year: Walt Disney's "Robin Hood" is released.`1973
Name The Year: Walt Disney's "Sleeping Beauty" released.`1959
Name The Year: Walt Disney's "Song Of The South" released.`1946
Name The Year: Walt Disney's "Steamboat Willie" is released. (First appearance of Mickey Mouse)`1928
Name The Year: Walt Disney starts 1st job as an artist; $40 week with KC Slide Co..`1920
Name The Year: Walt Disney's "The Fox and The Hound" is released.`1980
Name The Year: Walt Disney's "The Rescuers" released.`1977
Name The Year: Walt Disney World's 100-millionth guest.`1979
Name The Year: Walt Disney World's 200-millonth guest.`1985
Name The Year: Walter Baade discovers asteroid Icarus inside orbit of Mercury. `1949
Name The Year: Walter Chrysler, founded a car company, born.`1875
Name The Year: Walter Koenig Chicago Ill, actor (Chekov-Star Trek), born.`1938
Name The Year: Walter Matthau, actor (Odd Couple, Bad News Bears, Hopscotch)`1920
Name The Year: Walter Percy Chrysler founded the Chrysler Corporation.`1925
Name The Year: Walter Reed, who proved mosquitoes transmit yellow fever, born.`1851
Name The Year: Walter Susskind, Praha (Prague) Czechoslovakia, conductor, born.`1913
Name The Year: Walther Bauersfeld, invented first modern projection planetarium`1919
Name The Year: Walt Whitman (in West Hills, NY), poet, born.`1819
Name The Year: Waltz introduced into English ballrooms. Most observers consider it disgusting & immoral. No wonder it caught on!`1812
Name The Year: War broke out in Indochina as Ho Chi Minh attacked the French.`1946
Name The Year: War of 1812 begins as US declares war against Britain.`1812
Name The Year: War of the Reform (Mexico); Liberals establish capital at Vera Cruz.`1858
Name The Year: Warren Beatty, actor, ladies man, born.`1937
Name The Year: Warren Commission finds that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.`1964
Name The Year: Warsaw Pact forces enter Czechoslovakia to end reform movement.`1968
Name The Year: Washing machine patented by Noah Cushing of Quebec. `1824
Name The Year: Washington and his troops cross the Delaware River.`1776
Name The Year: Washington Irving, writer (Rip Van Winkle, Legend of Sleepy Hollow), born.`1783
Name The Year: Washington lays cornerstone of the Executive Mansion (White House).`1792
Name The Year: Wayne Gretzky born, hockey player`1961
Name The Year: Wayne Newton, singer, born.`1942
Name The Year: W. C. Fields, actor, Philadelphian, born.`1879
Name The Year: W.C. Fields [Claude William Dukenfield], actor (Bank Dick), born.`1880
Name The Year: Weekly airmail route starts between Australia and the United Kingdom.`1934
Name The Year: Wembley Stadium opens-Bolton Wanderers vs West Ham United (FA Cup).`1923
Name The Year: Wenceslas II king of Bohemia and Poland (1278-1305), born.`1271
Name The Year: Wendell Stanley, biochemist, first to crystallize a virus (Nobel '46), born.`1904
Name The Year: Werner Klemperer, actor (Col. Klink of "Hogan's Heroes"), born.`1920
Name The Year: Werner von Braun, rocket scientist, born.`1912
Name The Year: Wernher von Braun named head of German liquid-fuel rocket program.`1932
Name The Year: West begins Berlin Airlift to get supplies around Soviet blockade.`1949
Name The Year: West Germany beats Hungary 3-2 for soccer's 5th World Cup in Bern.`1954
Name The Year: West Germany beats Neth 2-1 for soccer's 10th World Cup in Munich.`1974
Name The Year: West Germany joins North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).`1954
Name The Year: West Germany was proclaimed.`1949
Name the year: When was the great plague of London`1665
Name The Year: Whitney Houston, singer, born.`1963
Name The Year: Whitsunday Term Day.`1753
Name The Year: Wilbur Wright, of aeroplane fame, born.`1867
Name The Year: Wild Bill Hickok cowboy, born.`1837
Name The Year: Wild Bill Hickok shot dead (from behind) by Jack McCall while poker. He held a pair of Aces and a pair of 8's.`1876
Name The Year: Wilfred Burchett, Australian Communist, journalist, writer, born.`1911
Name The Year: Wilhelm Beer, first to map Mars`1797
Name The Year: Wilhelm Friedemann Bach, composer, son of J.S. Bach`1710
Name The Year: Wilhelm Karl Grimm, story teller, born.`1786
Name The Year: Wilhelm Olbers, discoverer of asteroids Pallas and Vesta, born.`1758
Name The Year: Wilhelm Ostwald, German physical chemist (Nobel 1909)`1853
Name The Year: Wilhelm Rintgen discovers x-rays.`1895
Name The Year: Willard Frank Libby, invented carbon-14 "atomic clock", born.`1908
Name The Year: Willard Scott, weatherman, original Ronald McDonald, born.`1934
Name The Year: Willem Dafoe, actor, born.`1955
Name The Year: Willem Drees PM of Netherland (1948-58), born.`1886
Name The Year: William A. Anders, astronaut (Apollo 8), born.`1933
Name The Year: William A. Fowler, US astrophysicist (Nobel 1983), born.`1911
Name The Year: William Beaumont, surgeon, studied digestion`1785
Name The Year: William Blake, poet (Songs of Innocence and Experience)`1757
Name The Year: William Bligh nasty ship's captain and New South Wales governor (HMS Bounty), born.`1754
Name The Year: William Bond obtains first photograph of moon through a telescope.`1849
Name The Year: William Booth founded Salvation Army in London.`1865
Name The Year: William Booth, founder of the Salvation Army, born.`1829
Name The Year: William "Buffalo Bill" Cody (near Davenport, Iowa), frontiersman, born.`1846
Name The Year: William Bundy invents the first timecard clock.`1888
Name The Year: William Butler Yeats Ireland, poet (Wild Swans at Coole-Nobel 1923), born. `1865
Name The Year: William Butler Yeats Irish poet, dies in France at 73.`1939
Name The Year: William "Count" Basie jazz pianist, born.`1904
Name The Year: William "Count" Basie jazz pianist, born.`1906
Name The Year: William Cowper, English poet`1731
Name The Year: William Crapo Durant incorporates General Motors.`1908
Name The Year: William Edward Boeing, founded aircraft company`1881
Name The Year: William Gilbert Grace, Victorian England's greatest cricketer`1848
Name The Year: William Golding, English novelist (Lord of the Flies) (Nobel 1983), born.`1911
Name The Year: William Handy, blues musician, established the popularity of the blues in band music`1873
Name The Year: William Hanna, animator (Hanna-Barbera), born.`1910
Name The Year: William Henry Harrison dies of pneumonia and becomes the first U.S. president to die in office.`1841
Name The Year: William Herschel discovered Uranus, dies at 85.`1822
Name The Year: William Herschel discovers 1st binary star, Xi Ursae Majoris.`1780
Name The Year: William Herschel discovers Mimas, satellite of Saturn.`1789
Name The Year: William H. Seward, who bought Alaska at $0.02/acre, born.`1801
Name The Year: William Huggins discoverer of stellar nature of Andromeda, dies.`1910
Name The Year: William I The Conqueror, King of England and Duke of Normandy, dies.`1087
Name The Year: William IV king of England (1830-37), born.`1765
Name The Year: William James, Philospher, born.`1842
Name The Year: William Lassell discovers Ariel and Umbriel, satellites of Unranus.`1851
Name The Year: William Makepeace Thackeray, Victorian novelist (Vanity Fair)`1811
Name The Year: William Morris first uses ether in the first tooth extraction under anesthesia at Charlestown, Mass.`1846
Name The Year: William Morris (in England), artist and poet`1834
Name The Year: William of Holland Holy Roman emperor, dies at about 28.`1256
Name The Year: William of Ockham forced to flee from Avignon by Pope John XXII.`1328
Name The Year: William Parson, third Earl of Rosse and maker of large telescopes dies.`1865
Name The Year: William "Pete" Knight, X-15 pilot, born.`1929
Name The Year: William Pitt the Elder (Whig), British PM (1756-61, 1766-68)`1708
Name The Year: William Schroeder, becomes second to receive Jarvik-7 artificial heart.`1984
Name The Year: William Seward Burroughs inventor (recording adding machine), born.`1855
Name The Year: William Shakespeare, bard, born.`1564
Name The Year: William Shatner, actor (Star Trek, T.J. Hooker), author (Tek War), born.`1931
Name The Year: William the Conqueror lands in England.`1066
Name The Year: William Thomson, Lord Kelvin, engineer/mathematician/physicist, born. `1824
Name The Year: William Walker filibuster, president of Nicaragua (1856-57), born.`1824
Name The Year: William Webster, FBI director, born.`1924
Name The Year: William Wordsworth (in England), poet`1770
Name The Year: Willie Nelson, singer, actor`1933
Name The Year: Willis Haviland Carrier, developed air-conditioning equipment`1876
Name The Year: Willis Reed, basketball player`1942
Name The Year: Willy Brandt (SD), chancellor of West Germany (1969-74) (Nobel '71)`1913
Name The Year: Wilt Chamberlain NBA great center (LA Laker, 5 time MVP), born.`1936
Name The Year: Wings release "Band on the Run" & "Zoo Gang" in UK.`1974
Name The Year: Winston Churchill knighted by Queen Elizabeth II.`1953
Name The Year: Winston Churchill resigns as British PM, Anthony Eden succeeds him`1955
Name The Year: Winston Churchill's "Iron Curtain" speech`1946
Name The Year: Winston Churchill succeeds Neville Chamberlain as British PM.`1940
Name The Year: Winston Churchill urged perseverance so that future generations would remember that "this was their finest hour."`1940
Name The Year: Winston Smith in Orwell's "1984" begins his secret diary`1984
Name The Year: W. K. Kellogg, founded a cereal company`1860
Name The Year: Wladziu Valentino Liberace, pianist, born`1919
Name The Year: Wolfe defeats Montcalm on Plains of Abraham; Canada becomes English.`1759
Name The Year: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, musical prodigy, composer, born.`1756
Name The Year: Women get the vote in Turkey`1934
Name The Year: Women in France allowed to vote for the first time.`1945
Name The Year: Women's Equality Day.`1973
Name The Year: Woodrow Wilson holds the first Presidential Press Conference.`1913
Name The Year: Woodrow Wilson "Woodie" Guthrie folk singer (This Land Is Your Land), born.`1912
Name The Year: Woodstock festival begins in New York.`1969
Name The Year: Woodstock Music and Art Fair opened in New York State.`1969
Name The Year: Woody Allen [Allen Stuart Konigsberg] (Zelig, Annie Hall, Manhattan Murder Mystery), born.`1935
Name The Year: Woody Harrelson, actor.`1961
Name The Year: Work on Golden Gate Bridge begins, on Marin County side.`1933
Name The Year: World Food Day.`1945
Name The Year: World Health Organization is established.`1948
Name The Year: World's first commercial cheese factory is established in Switzerland.`1815
Name The Year: World's first nuclear powered ship, USS Nautilus.`1955
Name The Year: World's largest gold nugget (215 kg) found in New South Wales.`1872
Name The Year: World's largest office building, Pentagon, completed`1943
Name The Year: World War II ends in Europe. Nazis surrender to General Eisenhower at Reims, France.`1945
Name The Year: Worldwide Red Cross organized in Geneva.`1863
Name The Year: Worst nuclear disaster, Chernobyl USSR, 31 die.`1986
Name The Year: Wrestler Antonino Rocca dies at 49.`1975
Name The Year: Wrestler Freddie Blassie coins the term "Pencil neck geek".`1953
Name The Year: Writer Oscar Wilde is arrested`1895
Name The Year: WW I Battle of Verdun begins.`1916
Name The Year: WW II Gestapo official Adolf Eichmann hung in Israel.`1962
Name The Year: WW II Pacific peace treaty takes effect.`1952
Name The Year: WW II starts, Germany invades Poland, takes Danzig.`1939
Name The Year: "WW II" titled so, as result of Gallup Poll.`1942
Name The Year: WW I Peace Congress opens in Versailles, France.`1919
Name The Year: Wynton Marsalis, New Orleans La, jazz trumpeter (Grammy 1983), born.`1961
Name The Year: Yakut ASSR formed in Russian SFSR.`1922
Name The Year: Yalta Conference agreed that Russia would enter WWII against Japan.`1945
Name The Year: Yamaoka Tesshu Japanese swordsman, master of kendo, born. `1836
Name The Year: Yannick Noah France, tennis player (French 1983), born.`1960
Name The Year: Yasuhiro Nakasone elected PM of Japan succeeding Zenko Suzuki.`1982
Name The Year: Yehudi Menuhin, violinist, born.`1916
Name The Year: Yellow fever vaccine for humans announced.`1932
Name The Year: Yemen Arab Republic proclaimed (National Day).`1962
Name The Year: Yen Jo-chu, Chinese scholar of Ch'ing dynasty`1636
Name The Year: Yevgeny V Khrunov USSR, cosmonaut (Soyuz 5), born.`1933
Name The Year: Yitzhak Rabin replaces resigning Prime Minister Golda Meir.`1974
Name The Year: Yoko Ono (in Tokyo, Japan), singer, wife of John Lennon, born.`1933
Name The Year: Yom Kippur War begins as Syria and Egypt attack Israel.`1973
Name The Year: Yom Kippur War ends - Israel 65 miles from Cairo, 26 from Damascus.`1973
Name The Year: Yosemite Valley is discovered in California.`1851
Name The Year: "You Bet Your Life", with Groucho Marx, premieres on American ABC radio.`1947
Name The Year: Yo-Yo Ma, cellist, born.`1955
Name The Year: Yuan Shik-K'ai elected the first President of the Republic of China.`1912
Name The Year: Yugoslavia adopts new constitution, becomes a federal republic.`1946
Name The Year: (Yugoslavia) Alexander I establishes a royal dictatorship in Yugoslavia.`1929
Name The Year: Yugoslavia elects it's 1st president (Marshal Tito).`1953
Name The Year: Yugoslav Republic Day.`1945
Name The Year: Yul Brynner actor (King and I, 10 Commandments), born.`1920
Name The Year: Yuri A. Gagarin becomes first man to orbit Earth aboard Vostok 1.`1961
Name The Year: Yuri A. Gagarin, first man in orbit.`1961
Name The Year: Yuri Gagarin, first man into space, born.`1934
Name The Year: Yuri N. Glazkov, Soviet cosmonaut (Soyuz 24)`1939
Name The Year: Yuri P. Artyukhin, Soviet cosmonaut (Soyuz 14), born.`1930
Name The Year: Yuri V. Andropov succeeds Leonid Brezhnev.`1982
Name The Year: Yuri V. Malyshev, Soviet cosmonaut (Soyuz T-2, T-11)`1941
Name The Year: Yves Montand actor, dies at 70 from a heart attack.`1991
Name The Year: Yves Montand actor (Lets Make Love, Z), dies at 70.`1991
Name The Year: Yves Montand, France, actor/singer (Z, Napoleon), born.`1921
Name The Year: Yves Saint-Laurent fashion designer (Opium, Obsession), born.`1936
Name The Year: Yvonne De Carlo, Vancouver BC, actress (Lily Munster in the Munsters), born.`1922
Name The Year: YWCA is founded in New York City.`1870
Name The Year: Zaire (then Belgian Congo) gains independence from Belgium.`1960
Name The Year: Zambia (N. Rhodesia) gains independence from Britain (National Day).`1964
Name The Year: Zanzibar gains independence from Britain.`1963
Name The Year: Zero Mostel, actor (Fiddler on the Roof), born.`1915
Name The Year: Zsa Zsa Gabor begins a 3 day jail sentence for slapping a cop.`1990
Name The Year: Zsa Zsa Gabor (in Budapest), actress, ex-con, born.`1919
Name The Year: Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto former Pakistani president, hanged in Pakistan`1979
name the yellow tellytubby`laa laa
Name the Zerg ground unit that does explosive damage`Hydralisk
Name the Zerg worker`Drone
Name this 1960's female American folk singer`joan baez
Name this dried seawood used in Japanese cookery`kombu
Name this great American jazz drummer`buddy rich
Name this independent sultanate of SE Arabia`oman
Name this Johnny Depp movie`what's eating gilbert grape
Name this song: 1, 2, 3 o'clock, 4 o'clock rock 5, 6, 7 o'clock, 8 o'clock rock... (Bill Haley)`rock around the clock
Name this song: A church house, gin house, a school house, out house... (Tina Turner)`nutbush city limits
Name this song: Ah well, bless my soul, what's wrong with me... (Elvis Presley)`all shook up
Name this song: Almost heaven, west virginia, blue ridge mountains... (John Denver)`take me home country roads
Name this song: It's 9 o'clock on a saturday... (Billy Joel)`piano man
Name this song: It's late September & i really should be back at school... (Rod Stewart)`maggie may
Name this song: On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair, warm smell of colitas... (Eagles)`hotel california
Name this song: The lights are on, but you're not home... (Robert Palmer)`addicted to love
Name this song: There goes my baby, with someone new... (The Everley Bros)`bye bye love
Name this song: There is a house in new orleans... (The Animals)`house of the rising sun
Name this song: when i find myself in times of trouble, mother mary comes to me... (the beatles)`let it be
Name this song: & when i go away, i know my heart can stay with.... (Paul McCartney)`my love
Name this song: wise men say, only fool rush in, but i ... (elvis presley)`can't help falling in love
Name this song: you always won, every time you placed a bet, you're still damn good, no one's gotten to you yet... (bob seger)`still the same
Name this song: you know that it would be untrue, you know that i would be a liar... (the doors)`light my fire
Name this song: you've got a cute way of talking, you've got the better of me... (leo sayer)`you make me feel like dancing
Name three of the seven Duffs.`Surly, Remorseful, Tipsy, or Queasy
Name three planets with rings`jupiter,saturn,uranus
Name used interchangeably for a disease of rye, for the fungus causing the disease, for the sclerotium (compact hardened mycelium, or fruiting surface) of the fungus, & for the dried sclerotium, what contains certain valuable drugs`ergot
Name used interchangeably for a disease of rye, for the fungus causing the disease, for the sclerotium (compact hardened mycelium, or fruiting surface) of the fungus, & for the dried sclerotium, which contains certain valuable drugs`ergot
Name U S politics four Kennedy brothers`john, robert, ted & joe
Name Violent Femmes Album: Songs: Hallowed Ground, Never Tell`hallowed ground
name was also the movie title. Name her`roxanne
Name Woody Allen's black and white romantic study of his home town`manhattan
name would be tied intimately with the prohibition era, namely`al capone
Namib is an example of which geographical feature`desert
Nancy Cartwright and Yeardley Smith provide the voices for which brother and sister on television`bart & lisa simpson
Nancy reagan`ronald and nancy reagan
Nanotechnology has produced a guitar no bigger than a ______ `blood cell
Nantucket Island is part of which American state`massachusetts
napolean had his boots worn by ---------- to break them in before he wore them`servants
Napolean's last battle`waterloo
napoleon bonaparte died in 1942, 1945 or 1949`1945
napoleon bonaparte died in 1945 of injuries sustained from tripping over his ______`dog's leash
Napoleon Bonaparte's sister, ________, suffered from periodic bouts of nymphomania, and was said to favor lovers with large member. She became physically exhausted and suffered from "vaginal distress" after engaging in a yearlong affair with the overly endowed Nicholas Philippe Auguste de Forbin, an Italian painter. With her health at risk, she was finally persuaded by her physician to end the relationship.`Pauline
Napoleon drew his battle plans in a`sand pit
Napoleon had connections with three islands, he was imprisoned on Elba and died on St. Helena, where was he born?`Corsica
Napoleon longed to cover Josephine with a thousand whats?`Kisses
Napoleon's Horse`Marengo
Napoleon's penis was sold to an American Urologist for?`$40,000
Napoleon's ____ was sold to an American Urologist for $40,000.`penis
Napoleon was a fearless soldier, but he had a manic phobia of`cats
Napthalene is commonly found in what household item`mothballs
Narcolepsy is the uncontrollable need to ______`sleep
Narcotics were prohibited in the u.s in 1905, 1909 or 1914`1909
narrative continues that of a preexisting work`sequel
Narrow channel seperating European & Asian Turkey`dardanelles
narrow saw on frame for cutting thin wood in patterns`fretsaw
Narrow strip of cloth attached to a string round waist for covering genitals`g-string
Narrow trench made by a plough`furrow
Nashville is the capital of ______`tennessee
nashville is the capital of what state`tennessee
nassau is the capital of ______`bahamas
Nassau is the capital of which country`Bahamas
Nasser and King Farouk were heads of state of which country`Egypt
Natalie Merchant used to sing with this band`10000 maniacs
natasha and miranda richardson are sisters true or false`false
Natasha Gurdin was the real name of which film actress`natalie wood
National Anthems: ...At your feet, two oceans roar for your noble mission.`panama
National Anthems: Fellow Slavs, the spirit of your ancient breed triumphs...`yugoslavia
National Anthems: ...The hope of 2000 years, To be a free people in our land, the land of ...`israel
National Anthems: ...The United Provinces of the South, their throne full of dignity opened...`argentina
National Anthems: Yes,we love this country,as it arises rugged, storm-scarred, above the water...`norway
National capitals: Costa Rica`san jose
National capitals: Honduras`tegucigalpa
National capitals:__________ is the capital of China (east asia)`bejing
National capitals:__________ is the capital of Luxembourg (europe)`luxembourg
National capitals:__________ is the capital of Mexico`mexico city
National capitals:__________ is the capital of Morocco (africa)`rabat
National capitals:__________ is the capital of Portugal (europe)`lisbon
National capitals:__________ is the capital of United States`washington dc
National capitals:__________ is the capital of Uruguay (south america)`montevideo
National Invitational Tournament`nit
nationality of boutros-boutros ghali`egyptian
Nationality of Composer Johann Strauss The Younger`Austrian
National park what telephone company calls itself "the right choice"`atandt
Nations What actor was married to Carole Lombard between 1939 to 1942`clark gable
native americans never actually ate---------- ; killing such a timid bird was thought to indicate laziness`turkey
native americans never actually ate turkey; killing such a timid bird was thought to indicate----------`laziness
Native of naples`neapolitan
Natives of New Zealand are called what`maoris
Native to, inhabiting, or formed by the sea: '------ animals.'`marine
Nativity The birth of Jesus`nativities
Nat King Cole died in which year`1965
nato is short for`north atlantic treaty organization
Natural Disasters: The world's worst epidemic, killing an estimated 75,000,000 people between 1347-1351 in Europe and Asia`Black Death
Natural endowment or ability of a superior quality`talent
natural formations that are reminiscent of something else, such as camel rock in new mexico, are known as`simulacra
Natural gas has no`smell
Natural History : Name the largest of the dinosaurs`brachiosaurus
Natural History : The remains of prehistoric organisms that have been preserved in rocks are called ________`fossil
Naturally occuring community of flora and fauna adapted to the conditions in which they occur`biome
Naturally occuring sand & gravel mix, used in making concrete`ballast
Naturally occurring oily, bituminous liquid composed of various organic chemicals`petroleum
Naturally unafraid: not timid: The sea otter is gentle and relatively ---- (Peter Matthiessen)`tame
Naturally unafraid: not timid: The sea otter is gentle and relatively tame (Peter Matthiessen)`tamable
Natural Name the largest of the dinosaurs.`brachiosaurus
Natural rubber usually comes from what source`trees
Natural The remains of prehistoric organisms that have been preserved in rocks are called ________.`fossil
Natural vanilla flavoring comes from this plant`orchid
Natural vanilla flavoring comes from this plant`The orchid
Nature : A calm ocean region near the equator`doldrum
Nature : A coral island consisting of a ring of rock enclosing a central lagoon is a(n) ________`atoll
Nature : A group of gorillas is known as a ___________`band
Nature : A group of kangaroos is known as a _______`troop
Nature : A hot spring which shoots steam into the air is a _______`geyser
Nature : An animal is a bird if it has _______`feathers
Nature : An animal is a fish if it has _________`gill
Nature : A one-humped camel is called a _________`dromedary
Nature : A relationship between two different types of organism which live together for their mutual benefit`symbiosis
Nature : A "sirocco" refers to a type of`wind
Nature : A terrapin is a type of _________`turtle
Nature : Corolla, filament and stigma are parts of a(n) _________`flower
Nature : Dense sea-water swamps along coasts of hot countries are called ________`mangrove
Nature : Dogs bark. What do donkeys do`bray
Nature : Excluding man, what is the longest-lived land mammal`elephant
Nature : Fandible, lateral line, and dorsal fin are parts of a(n) ________`fish
Nature : From what animal is "ambergis" obtained`sperm whale
Nature : How man legs does a crab have`ten
Nature : How many teats does a cow have`four
Nature : How many tentacles does a squid have`ten
Nature : Imperial, Buck, and Luna are types of _________`moth
Nature : Knife, Clown, and Pencil are types of __________`fish
NATURE:Larva of the cranefly`Leatherjacket
Nature : Linseed oil is obtained from the seed of which plant`flax
Nature : Maxillary palps, abdomen, and metathorax are parts of a(n) ________`insect
Nature : Name the fastest land animal over a prolonged distance (1,000 yd. plus)`antelope
Nature : Name the heaviest breed of domestic dog`bernard
Nature : Name the heaviest flying bird of prey`condor
Nature : Name the largest living bird`ostrich
Nature : Name the largest web-footed bird`albatross
Nature : Name the longest venomous snake`cobra
Nature : Name the mammal living at the highest altitude`yak
Nature : Name the most venomous spider`black widow
Nature : Name the only native North American marsupial`opossum
Nature : Name the slowest moving land mammal`sloth
Nature : Name the smallest breed of dog`chihuahua
Nature : Name the wild dogs of Australia`dingo
Nature : Paper is made from the pulp of`wood
Nature : Snakes are reptiles. What are frogs`amphibians
Nature : Some animals spend the winter in a sleep-like state known as _________`hibernation
Nature : The "canebrake", "timber" and "pygmy" are types of what`rattlesnake
Nature : The fins of which fish are made into a soup`shark
Nature : The four stages in the life-cycle of an insect are: egg, adult, pupa, and ________`larva
Nature : The koala bear eats the leaves from this tree`eucalyptus
Nature : These marine crustaceans often attach themselves to the hulls of ships`barnacle
Nature : This animal is armed with bony plates and rolls up into a ball if frightened`armadillo
Nature : This animal is kept as a house pet to kill cobras`mongoose
Nature : This animal is normally measured in "hands"`horse
Nature : This animal is the symbol of the U.S. Democratic Party`donkey
Nature : This animal is the symbol of the U.S. Republican Party`elephant
Nature : This animal's name is the same as that given to a high church official`cardinal
Nature : This animal's shell is used to make attractive jewelry`abalone
Nature : This bird lays its eggs in the nests of other birds`cuckoo
Nature : This is the largest of the deer family`moose
Nature : This is the main food of the blue whale`plankton
Nature : This is the only mammal with four knees`elephant
Nature : This order of insects contains the most species`beetle
Nature : This organic gem is a deep red secretion from a marine animal`coral
Nature : This small animal is trained to hunt rats and rabbits`ferret
Nature : This two ton animal can gallop at over 50 miles an hour`rhinoceros
Nature : This ugly creature has patches of red on his rear-end`mandrill
Nature : This ugly creature has patches of red on his rear-end`mandrill start
Nature : Walrus tusks are made of ________`ivory
Nature : What are the pouched animals called`marsupials
Nature : What bird is an excellent swimmer, but can't fly`penguin
Nature : What does a camel store in its hump`fat
Nature : What fish is the fastest`sailfish
Nature : What is a group of larks called`exaltation
Nature : What is a group of peacocks called`muster
Nature : What is a male goose called`gander
Nature : What is a male swan called`cob
Nature : What is a male swine called`boar
Nature : What is an emasculated stallion called`gelding
Nature : What is another term for a black leopard`panther
Nature : What is a young goose called`gosling
Nature : What is a young swan called`cygnet
Nature : What is the horn of a rhinoceros made of`hair
Nature : What is the only dog that doesn't have a pink tongue`chow
Nature : What is the world's longest snake`python
Nature : What large herbivore sleeps only one hour a night`antelope
Nature : What name is given to a female calf`heifer
Nature : What plant is opium derived from`poppy
Nature : What travels in gaggles`geese
Nature : What type of animal is a wallaby`kangaroo
Nature : What type of animal lives in a formicary`ant
Nature : What word is used for a female fox`vixen
Nature : What word is used for a female sheep`ewe
Nature : What word is used for a male ass (Other than that the word used for that `$^`&%@! ex-boyfriend`jack
Nature : What word is used for a male deer`buck
Nature : What word is used for a male duck`drake
Nautical. A barge or boat equipped with a dredge`dredger
Nautical. A bilge`bulge
Nautical. A cabin on the after part of the quarterdeck of a ship`roundhouse
Nautical. A cord or canvas strap used to secure a furled sail to a yard boom or gaff`gasket
Nautical. A heavy fitting of metal or wood with two jaws curving inward, through which a rope or cable may be run`chock
Nautical. A long light ship's boat, usually reserved for use by the ship's captain`gig
Nautical. A long light ship's boat, usually reserved for use by the ship's captain`gigged
Nautical. A long tapering spar slung to a mast to support and spread the head of a square sail, lugsail, or lateen`yard
Nautical. An exterior covering on the underwater part of a ship's hull that protects it against marine growths`sheathings
Nautical. A ring on a stay attached to the head of a jib or staysail`hank
Nautical. A room in a ship used as living quarters by an officer or passenger`cabin
Nautical. A rope for holding down the weather clew of a course`tack
Nautical. A ship employed in foreign trade`trader
Nautical. A spar attached to the mast and used to extend the upper edge of a fore-and-aft sail`gaffed
Nautical. A spar attached to the mast and used to extend the upper edge of a fore-and-aft sail`gaffing
Nautical. A strong rope that serves to steady and support the mainmast of a sailing vessel`mainstay
Nautical. A thwart in a boat`bench
Nautical. At or toward the upper rigging`aloft
Nautical. A vessel attendant on other vessels, especially one that ferries supplies between ship and shore`tender
Nautical. Below the water line of a vessel`underwater
Nautical. Either of two lights, red to port, green to starboard, shown by ships at night`sidelight
Nautical. The effect of the helm on a ship`steerage
Nautical. The part of a ship at which the prow joins the keel`forefoot
Nautical. To equip (a ship) with sails, shrouds, and yards`rig
Nautical. To equip (a ship) with sails, shrouds, and yards`rigged
Nautical. To equip (a ship) with sails, shrouds, and yards`rigging
Nautical. To make (a boat) watertight by packing seams with a waterproof material, such as oakum or pitch`calked
Nautical. To make (a boat) watertight by packing seams with a waterproof material, such as oakum or pitch`caulked
Nautical. To provide (a ship) with interior planking or lining`ceiling
Nautical. To take in (a sail) so that less canvas is exposed to the wind, thereby reducing speed`shorten
Naval escort vessel`frigate
Naval officer ranking next above cadet`midshipman
Navy ranks: Stars a 'commodore' has`1
Navy ranks: stars an admiral has`4
Navy ranks: stars a 'rear admiral' has`2
Nazi secret police`gestapo
n boy meets world,what is the crazy older brother's name?`Eric
ncaa: in what year was the first men's volleyball championship held?`1970
NCAA: In what year was the Heisman Memorial Trophy first awarded`1935
Ncaa: what team lost the men's basketball championship in 1985`georgetown
Ncaa: what team won the men's basketball championship game in 1976`indiana
Ncaa: which team lost the men's basketball championship in 1955`la salle
Ncaa: who was the mvp in the men's basketball championship game in 1976`kent benson
Ncaa: who were the finalists in the men's basketball championship in 1947`holy cross & oklahoma
Ncaa: who were the finalists in the men's basketball championship in 1948`kentucky & baylor
ncaa: who won 6 out of the first 7 men's voleyball national championships`ucla
ncaa: who won the first 5 national championships in swimming and diving?`michigan
ndjamena is the capital of ______`chad
N'Djamena is the capital of which African country`chad
Nearly a quarter of all human bones can be found in the`feet
Nearly a third of all bottled drinking water purchased in the US is contaminated with _________`bacteria
Nearly __% of workplace romances lead to marriage or a long-term relationship, according to a survey done by the American Management Association.`40
Near or nearer to the end: 'the ------ part of the book.'`latter
Near-sighted model, Grace Robin was the first to show off contact lenses in`1930
nearsighted mr. magoo was voiced by which actor, who went on to sitcom fame`jim backus
Near to which town were jaffa oranges first cultivated`jaffa
Near what falls did jimmy angel crash his plane in 1937`angel falls
Near what river is the temple of karnak`nile
Near which Chinese City is the famous Terracotta Army to be found`xian
Near which city is Copacabana Beach`rio de janeiro
Near which French town did St. Bernadette have her vision of the Virgin Mary`lourdes
Near which German town would you find Fredrick the Great's retreat, Shloss Sanssouci`potsdam
Near which town in New Mexico is a U.F.O. believed by some to have crashed in 1947`roswell
Neat: trim`feat
Nebraska what is the mascot of the u.s naval academy`goat
Nebuchadnezzer, rehoboam and jeroboam are all sizes of what`champagne bottles
Nebulaphobia is the fear of`fog
Necessary to the continuation of life: life-sustaining: 'a ----- organ: ----- nutrients.'`vital
Neck-ties were first worn in what country`croatia
necrophobia is a fear of`dead`flight
Necrophobia is a fear of ______`dead things
Necrophobia is the fear of`death
Neds atomic dustbin asks the question are you`normal
Needed to achieve a certain result or effect: requisite: 'the --------- tools.'`necessary
Needlessly wordy or repetitive in expression: 'a student paper filled with --------- phrases.'`redundant
Needless or superfluous: 'These are ------ words.'`wasted
Needless profusion of words: prolixity`diffusion
Needlework in which this stitch is used`hemstitch
Needlework of hooked yarn producing lacy patterned fabric`crochet
Negatives what is the term for the union of two dissimilar sexual cells or gametes to form a new individual`fertilisation
Neglect in preventing or reporting a felony or treason by one not an accessory`misprision
Negligee derives from the French word meaning`Neglected
Negligence derives from the French word meaning`Neglected
Neighboring: adjacent`contiguous
Neighbors Were Frank And Irene Lorenzo`Archie Bunker's
neighbors were frank & irene lorenzo`archie bunker's
neighbours & home & away come from what country`australia
Neil diamond wrote this song which was covered by tony tribe`red red wine
Neil Young album containing "Old Man" and "Needle and the Damage Done"`harvest
Neither active nor passive: intransitive. Used of verbs`neuter
Nelophobia is the fear of`glass
Neopharmaphobia is the fear of`new drugs
Neophobia is the fear of`anything new
nephew and companion of hercules on hercules' 12 labors`iolaus
nephew & companion of hercules on hercules' 12 labors`iolaus
Nephophobia is the fear of`clouds
Nephrite is a variety of which substance`jade
Neptune is _________ million kilometres from the Sun`4,500
Neptune was the roman god of the ______`sea
nerve gas that goldfinger intended to spray in the atmosphere above fort knox`delta nine`delta 9
nerve gas that goldfinger intended to spray in the atmosphere above fort knox`delta nine`johnson
Nervous and excited`aflutter
Nervous: apprehensive: Camps got shot up all the time, but if there wasn't a shoot-up, they'd get antsy (Harper's)`antsier
nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of`rocking`booth
Nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of ______`rocking chairs
Nervous: jittery`twitchier
Ness What are panatelas`cigars
NetHack: Never put this wand in your Bag of Holding!`cancellation
NetHack: The genre of games which NetHack belongs to is called that`roguelike games
NetHack: This beast can help you identify your gems`unicorn
NetHack: This tool will instantly get your pets around you.`magic whistle
NetHack: Wizards always start the game with this weapon.`athame
NetHack: You can always buy these items in Minetown.`candles
NetHack: You cannot enter shops while carrying this tool.`pick-axe
Neture : What do oak trees grow from`acorns
Nevada's Second Gambling City After Las Vegas`Lake Tahoe
Neve campbell and courtney cox are terrorized by a murderous horror movie fan in what movie`scream
---------- never gamble`eskimos
Never having been used`unused
"Never Say Never,"`Romeo Void
Never to be forgotten: everlasting: '-------- words.'`immortal
never to much was a hit for which soul singer`luther vandross
Never wearying: tireless. tireless`unwearied
---------- newborn babies will be dropped in the next month`2,500
newcastle residents are called`novocastrians
New Delhi is the capital of ______`india
New Jersey has a spoon featuring over _________spoons from every state & almost every country`five thousand four hundred
New jersey has a spoon featuring over _________spoons from every state and almost every country`five thousand four hundred
New Jersey?"`Wiseguys
Newkirk c3p0 is the first character to speak in which film`star wars
Newly successful arrogant person`upstart
'New Miserable Experience' was which group's first album in 1993`Gin
'new miserable experience' was which group's first album in 1993`gin blossoms
New Order song, perhaps about a colorful day of the week`blue monday
New Orleans first mardi gras celebration was held in what year`1826
New Orleans: "Laissez les bon temps rouler", one of N.O.'s mottos, means this`let the good times roll
New Orleans: These buildings bordering Jackson Square are the oldest apt bldgs. in the US`pontalba apartments
New Orleans: This is the largest housing project in the US-- located in New Orleans`desire housing project
New Orleans: This open air market in the Vieux Carre is more like a huge garage sale`the french market
NEWS 2002: Name of the defeated French Prime Minister who announced his retirement from politics following the success of the far-right in the presidential elections`Lionel Jospin
NEWS 2002: Name of the TV presenter caught "distracting" the England Football coach Sven-Goran Eriksson in the run up to the world cup`Ulrika jonsson
NEWS 2002: Name the first man to appear on the cover of Marie Claire`David Beckham
NEWS 2002: The arts, Name of the autobiographical musical by Boy George`Taboo
NEWS 2002: What is the Queen celebrating this year`Golden Jubilee
NEWS 2002: Which French politician caused shock waves across Europe by coming second in the first round of the French Presidential elections`Jean-Marie Le Pen
NEWS 2002: Which tv company went into receivership after its 178.5million deal with the Football League hit trouble`ITV Digital
NEWS 2002: Who succeeded William Hague as leader of the Conservative party`Iain Duncan Smith
Newtlike amphibian formerly supposed to live in fire`salamander
newton's tome on the explanation of physical laws is the`principia mathematica
New Year's Eve, or December 31st, is dedicated to which saint`st sylvester
New year's eve, or december 31st, is dedicated to which saint`st sylvester`saint sylvester
New York City contains ________ kilometres of shoreline`nine hundred & twenty
New York City contains ________ kilometres of shoreline`nine hundred & twenty`920
New york has the longest subway system in ______`north america
new york paris london munich everyones talking about`pop music
New York's Central Park opened in`1876
New york's first St. Patrick's day parade was held on what date`march 17, 1762
New York's Saratoga Springs is home to the ________ Hall of Fame`Horse Racing
New York was once`new amsterdam
New Zealand's first hospital was opened in`1843
New Zealand's National Day, the 6th February, is named after a Treaty of 1840. What is the day called`waitangi day
New Zealand's Rugby team is know as the __________________.`All Blacks
New Zealand was discovered by whom`abel tasman
Next in time, space, or order: immediately afterward: 'watched the late movie and ---- went to bed.'`then
Next Lyric: (4 words) We are the ones who make a brighter day`so lets start givin
Next Lyric: (4 words) When life is too much...`roll with it baby
Next Lyric: (5 words) I chew my nails, then I twiddle my thumbs. I'm real nervous...`but it sure is fun
Next Lyric: (5 words) Sex is natural. Sex is fun. Sex is best...`when its one on one
Next Lyric: (6 words) ABC, easy as 1,2,3...`or simple as do re mi
Next Lyric: (6 words) From a distance, you look like my friend...`even though we are at war
Next Lyric: (6 words) Moon river, wider than a mile...`im crossing you in style someday
Next Lyric: (7 words) Is this the little girl I carried...`is this the little boy at play
Next to: alongside of: 'stood ---- the rabbi: sat ---- the family.'`with
Next to or lower than in order or importance`after
ngrophobia is a fear of ____`becoming angry
nhl goalie who had the most penalty shots scored on him in 1990-91 (2)?.`jacques cloutier
Nicholson what u.s president's home is located in columbia, tennessee`james polk
Nick Cave's original band was called (2 possible answers):`the boys next door
Nicknamed "Bocephus", he was a hit with the rednecks in Dexter's high school`hank williams jr
Nickname Is 'The Canaries'`Norwich City
Nickname Is 'The Villains'`Aston Villa
nickname of the vancouver team who won the stanley cup in 1914-1915`millionaires
Nicknames: Adam Horovitz's nickname`king adrock
Nicknames: "Antonio Loco"`tone loc
Nicknames: "Captain Fingers`lee ritenour
Nicknames: "Clyde" (Commodores)`william orange
Nicknames: "Crash"`billy craddock
Nicknames: "Disco's Aphrodite"`donna summer
Nicknames: Jumpin' Gene"`gene simmons
Nicknames: "King of Jazz"`duke ellington
Nicknames: "King of Swing"`goodman
Nicknames: Musical Nicknames:"The Untouchable Sound"`bill blacks combo
Nicknames: "Pearl"`janis joplin
Nicknames: Richard Wayne Penniman's nickname`little richard
Nicknames: Stanley Kirk Bunrell's nickname.`hammer
Nicknames: "Th Boss"`bruce springsteen
Nicknames: "The King"`elvis presley
Nicknames: "The Man in Black"`johnny cash
Nicknames: "The Practitioners of Pap," according to many critics.`chicago
Nicknames: "The Reggae Rapper"`snow
Nicknames: "The Rhinestone Cowboy"`glen campbell
Nicknames: "The Tennessee Plowboy"`eddy arnold
Nicknames: "The Untouchable Sound"`bill blacks combo
Nickname Was 'Babe'`Mildred Ella Didrikson
Nick Nolte and Eddie Murphy star in this 1982 film`48 Hours
Nicole's number one won the Eurovision Song Contest for which country`germany
Nicosia is the capital of ______`cyprus
Nicosia is the capital of which island`cyprus
Nicotinic acid is listed on breakfast cereal boxes as`niacin
Nigella Lawson has a regular column in which newspaper`the observer
Night Court: harry had a statue of what animal in his office`armidillo
Night Court: what was bull's iq`181
Night Court: who was harry's idol`mel torme
Night live to where did jackie gleason move his 1960's variety series`miami
"Night of he Hunter' was the only film directed by which actor`charles laughton
Night of the Hunter was the only film directed by which actor`charles laughton
Night Ranger hit from a movie with the same title`the secret of my success
Niklaus Wirth developed which programming language in 1968`pascal
Nimble with the hands or body: dexterous`clever
nina post and louise gordon of which group released 'seether' off 'american thighs' in 1994`veruca`browne
Nina Post and Louise Gordon of which group released 'Seether' off 'American Thighs' in 1994`Veruca Salt
Ninety eight per cent of the weight of water is made up from`oxygen
Ninth month of Muslim year`ramadan
Ninth planet from the sun & outermost known member of the solar system`pluto
Ninth sign of the Zodiac`sagittarius
Nirvana: Chris Novoselic changed his first name to this.`krist
Nirvana: Dave Grohl formed this band after Nirvana.`foo fighters
Nirvana: Kurt Cobain was born in this small Washington town.`aberdeen
Nirvana's first album was called:`bleach
Nirvana: The band was formed in this city.`seattle
Nirvana: This song appears on both _Bleach_ and _Incesticide_`downer
Nitrogen, a poisonous gas, makes up 78% of the that we breathe`air
nitroglycerin is used to relieve _____ pain`angina
Nitroglycerin was developed by`ascanio sobrero
Nitrous oxide is better known as __________.`laughing gas
Nitrous oxide is better known as `laughing gas
Nitrous oxide is better known as`Laughing gas
Niveveh and Assur were cities of which empire`assyrian
Nixon what hans christian andersen fairy tale character is immortalized in a famous statue in copenhagen's harbor`the little mermaid
nobel laureate and leader of the opposition in her country. husband died in mid-1999`aung san suu-kyi`aung san suu kyi
Nobel Prizes: 1st Black American To Win Nobel P Prize`Ralph Bunche
Nobel Prizes: Austrian Physicist And Nobel Laureate, Best Known For His Mathematical Studies Of The Wave Mechanics Of Orbiting Electrons`Schrodinger
Nobel Prizes: Burmese Politician And Recipient Of The 1991 Nobel Peace Prize`Aung San Suu Kyi
Nobel Prizes: He Received The Nobel Peace Prize In 1964 For His Civil Rights Leadership`Martin Luther King Jr
Nobel Prizes: In 1833 Ernesto __________ Moneta, Italian Journalist (Nobel Peace Prize 1907) Born`Teodoro
Nobel Prizes: In 1833 Ernesto Teodoro__________, Italian Journalist (Nobel Peace Prize 1907) Born`Moneta
Nobel Prizes: In 1853 Wilhelm__________, German Physical Chemist (Nobel 1909)`Ostwald
Nobel Prizes: In 1861 __________ Nansen, Norwegian Arctic Explorer, Humanitarian (Nobel 1922), Born`Fridtjof
Nobel Prizes: In 1863 International Committee Of The __________ Is Founded (Nobel 1917,1944,1963)`Red Cross
Nobel Prizes: In 1870 __________ Perrin, French Physicist, Studied Brownian Motion (Nobel 1926)`Jean
Nobel Prizes: In 1888 Eugene __________, Playwright (Desire Under The Elms) (Nobel 1936)`O'neill
Nobel Prizes: In 1888 __________ O'neill, Playwright (Desire Under The Elms) (Nobel 1936)`Eugene
Nobel Prizes: In 1888 T.S.__________, Anglican, Playwright (Waste Land) (Nobel 1948), Born`Eliot
Nobel Prizes: In 1892 __________ Andric, Yugoslav Novelist (Bridge On The Drina) (Nobel '61), Born`Ivo
Nobel Prizes: In 1892 Ivo__________, Yugoslav Novelist (Bridge On The Drina) (Nobel '61), Born`Andric
Nobel Prizes: In 1896 Alfred __________ Dies: Swedish Nobel Prize Ceremony On This Date`Nobel
Nobel Prizes: In 1906 Pres. Theodore __________ (First American) Awarded Nobel Peace Prize`Roosevelt
Nobel Prizes: In 1911 William _______, English Novelist (Lord Of The Flies) (Nobel 1983), Born`Golding
Nobel Prizes: In 1913 Willy ______ (Sd), Chancellor Of West Germany (1969-74) (Nobel '71), Born`Brandt
Nobel Prizes: In 1960 The Nobel Prize In Chemistry Was Given To Willard Frank Libby For His Method To Use Carbon-14 For Age Determination In Archaeology, Geology, Geophysics, And Other Branches Of`Science
Nobel Prizes: In 1960 The Nobel Prize In Literature Was Given To Saint-John Perse (Pen-Name Of Alexis L ger), For The Soaring Flight And The Evocative Imagery Of His Poetry Which In A Visionary Fashion Reflects The`Conditions Of Our Time
Nobel Prizes: In 1960 The Nobel Prize In Physics Was Given To Donald A. Glaser For The Invention Of The Bubble`Chamber
Nobel Prizes: In 1960 The Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine Was Given To Sir Frank Macfarlane Burnet And Sir Peter Brian Medawar For Discovery Of Acquired Immunological`Tolerance
Nobel Prizes: In 1961 The Nobel Prize In Chemistry Was Given To Melvin Calvin For His Research On The Carbon Dioxide Assimilation In`Plants
Nobel Prizes: In 1961 The Nobel Prize In Literature Was Given To Ivo Andri'c For The Epic Force With Which He Has Traced Themes And Depicted Human Destinies Drawn From The History Of`His Country
Nobel Prizes: In 1961 The Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine Was Given To Georg Von B k sy For His Discoveries Of The Physical Mechanism Of Stimulation Within The`Cochlea
Nobel Prizes: In 1962 The Nobel Prize In Chemistry Was Divided Equally Between Max Ferdinand Perutz And Sir John Cowdery Kendrew For Their Studies Of The Structures Of Globular`Proteins
Nobel Prizes: In 1962 The Nobel Prize In Literature Was Given To John Steinbeck For His Realistic And Imaginative Writings, Combining As They Do Sympathetic Humour And Keen`Social Perception
Nobel Prizes: In 1963 The Nobel Prize In Chemistry Was Divided Equally Between Karl Ziegler And Giulio Natta For Their Discoveries In The Field Of The Chemistry And Technology Of High`Polymers
Nobel Prizes: In 1963 The Nobel Prize In Literature Was Given To Giorgos Seferis (Alias Seferiadis) For His Eminent Lyrical Writing, Inspired By A Deep Feeling For The Hellenic`World Of Culture
Nobel Prizes: In 1963 The Nobel Prize In Physics Was Divided, One Half Being Awarded To Eugene P. Wigner For His Contributions To The Theory Of The Atomic Nucleus And The Elementary Particles, Particularly Through The Discovery And Application Of Fundamental Symmetry Principles And The Other Half Jointly To Maria Goeppert-Mayer And J.Hans D. Jensen For Their Discoveries Concerning Nuclear`Shell Structure
Nobel Prizes: In 1964 The Nobel Prize In Chemistry Was Given To Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin For Her Determinations By X-Ray Techniques Of The Structures Of Important Biochemical`Substances
Nobel Prizes: In 1964 The Nobel Prize In Physics Was Divided, One Half Being Awarded To Charles H. Townes, The Other Half Jointly To Nicolay Gennadiyevich Basov And Aleksandr Mikhailovich Prokhorov For Fundamental Work In The Field Of Quantum Electronics, Which Has Led To The Construction Of Oscillators And Amplifiers Based On The Maser-Laser`Principle
Nobel Prizes: In 1964 The Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine Was Given To Konrad Bloch And Feodor Lynen For Their Discoveries Concerning The Mechanism And Regulation Of The Cholesterol And`Fatty Acid Metabolism
Nobel Prizes: In 1965 The Nobel Prize In Chemistry Was Given To Robert Burns Woodward For His Outstanding Achievements In The Art Of`Organic Synthesis
Nobel Prizes: In 1965 The Nobel Prize In Literature Was Given To Michail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov For The Artistic Power And Integrity With Which, In His Epic Of The Don, He Has Given Expression To A Historic Phase In The Life Of`The Russian People
Nobel Prizes: In 1965 The Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine Was Given To Francois Jacob, Andr Lwoff And Jacoues Monod For Their Discoveries Concerning Genetic Control Of Enzyme And`Virus Synthesis
Nobel Prizes: In 1966 The Nobel Prize In Chemistry Was Given To Robert S. Mulliken For His Fundamental Work Concerning Chemical Bonds And The Electronic Structure Of Molecules By The Molecular Orbital`Method
Nobel Prizes: In 1966 The Nobel Prize In Literature Was Divided Equally Between Shmuel Yosef Agnon For His Profoundly Characteristic Narrative Art With Motifs From The Life Of The Jewish People And Nelly Sachs For Her Outstanding Lyrical And Dramatic Writing, Which Interprets Israel's Destiny With`Touching Strength
Nobel Prizes: In 1966 The Nobel Prize In Physics Was Given To Alfred Kastler For The Discovery And Development Of Optical Methods For Studying Hertzian Resonances In`Atoms
Nobel Prizes: In 1966 The Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine Was Given To Peyton Rous For His Discovery Of Tumorinducing Viruses And The Other Half To Charles Brenton Huggins For His Discoveries Concerning Hormonal Treatment Of`Prostatic Cancer
Nobel Prizes: In 1967 The Nobel Prize In Chemistry Was Divided, One Half Being Awarded To Manfred Eigen And The Other Half Jointly To Ronald George Wreyford Norrish And Lord George Porter For Their Studies Of Extremely Fast Chemical Reactions, Effected By Disturbing The Equlibrium By Means Of Very Short`Pulses Of Energy
Nobel Prizes: In 1967 The Nobel Prize In Literature Was Given To Miguel Angel For His Vivid Literary Achievement, Deep-Rooted In The National Traits And Traditions Of`Indian Peoples Of Latin America
Nobel Prizes: In 1967 The Nobel Prize In Physics Was Given To Hans Albrecht Bethe For His Contributions To The Theory Of Nuclear Reactions, Especially His Discoveries Concerning The Energy Production In`Stars
Nobel Prizes: In 1967 The Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine Was Given To Ragnar Grant, Haldan Keffer Hartline And George Wald For Their Discoveries Concerning The Primary Physiological And Chemical Visual Processes In The`Eye
Nobel Prizes: In 1968 The Nobel Prize In Chemistry Was Given To Lars Onsager For The Discovery Of The Reciprocal Relations Bearing His Name, Which Are Fundamental For The Thermodynamics Of Irreversible`Processes
Nobel Prizes: In 1968 The Nobel Prize In Literature Was Given To Yasunari Kawabata For His Narrative Mastery, Which With Great Sensibility Expresses The Essence Of The`Japanese Mind
Nobel Prizes: In 1968 The Nobel Prize In Physics Was Given To Luis W. Alvarez For His Decisive Contributions To Elementary Particle Physics, In Particular The Discovery Of A Large Number Of Resonance States, Made Possible Through His Development Of The Technique Of Using Hydrogen Bubble Chamber And`Data Analysis
Nobel Prizes: In 1968 The Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine Was Given To Robert W. Holley, Har Gobind Khorana And Marshall W. Nirenberg For Their Interpretation Of The Genetic Code And Its Function In Protein`Synthesis
Nobel Prizes: In 1969 The Nobel Prize In Chemistry Was Divided Equally Between Sir Derek H.R. Baron And Odd Hassel For Their Contributions To The Development Of The Concept Of Conformation And Its Application In`Chemistry
Nobel Prizes: In 1969 The Nobel Prize In Literature Was Given To Samuel Beckett For His Writing, Which - In New Forms For The Novel And Drama - In The Destitution Of Modern Man Acquires Its`Elevation
Nobel Prizes: In 1969 The Nobel Prize In Physics Was Given To Murray Gell-Mann For His Contributions And Discoveries Concerning The Classification Of Elementary Particles And Their`Interactions
Nobel Prizes: In 1969 The Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine Was Given To Max Delbr ck, Alfred D. Hershey And Salvador E. Luria For Their Discoveries Concerning The Replication Mechanism And The Gentic Structure Of`Viruses
Nobel Prizes: In 1970 The Nobel Prize In Chemistry Was Given To Luis F. Leloir For His Discovery Of Sugar Nucleotides And Their Role In The Biosynthesis Of`Carbohydrates
Nobel Prizes: In 1970 The Nobel Prize In Literature Was Given To Aleksandr Isaevich Solzhenitsyn For The Ethical Force With Which He Has Pursued The Indispensable Traditions Of`Russian Literature
Nobel Prizes: In 1970 The Nobel Prize In Physics Was Divided Equally Between Hannes Alfven For Fundamental Work And Discoveries In Magneto-Hydrodynamics With Fruitful Applications In Different Parts Of Plasma Physics And Louis N el For Fundamental Work And Discoveries Concerning Antiferromagnetism And Ferrimagnetism Which Have Led To Important Applications In`Solid State Physics
Nobel Prizes: In 1970 The Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine Was Given To Sir Bernard Katz, Ulf Von Euler And Julius Axelrod For Their Discoveries Concerning The Humoral Transmittors In The Nerve Terminals And The Mechanism For Their Storage, Release And`Inactivation
Nobel Prizes: In 1971 The Nobel Prize In Chemistry Was Given To Gerhard Herzberg For His Contributions To The Knowledge Of Electronic Stucture And Geometry Of Molecules, Particularly`Free Radicals
Nobel Prizes: In 1971 The Nobel Prize In Literature Was Given To Pablo Neruda For A Poetry That With The Action Of An Elemental Force Brings Alive A Continent's Destiny And`Dreams
Nobel Prizes: In 1971 The Nobel Prize In Physics Was Given To Dennis Gabor For His Invention And Development Of The Holographic`Method
Nobel Prizes: In 1972 The Nobel Prize In Literature Was Given To Heinrich B ll For His Writing Which Through Its Combination Of A Broad Perspective On His Time And A Sensitive Skill In Characterization Has Contributed To A Renewal Of`German Literature
Nobel Prizes: In 1972 The Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine Was Given To Gerald M. Edelman And Rodney R. Porter For Their Discoveries Concerning The Chemical Structure Of`Antibodies
Nobel Prizes: In 1973 Henry __________ And Le Duc Tho Jointly Awarded Nobel Peace Prize`Kissinger
Nobel Prizes: In 1973 Henry Kissinger And Le Duc ___ Jointly Awarded Nobel Peace Prize`Tho
Nobel Prizes: In 1973 Henry Kissinger And Le ___ Tho Jointly Awarded Nobel Peace Prize`Duc
Nobel Prizes: In 1973 __________ Kissinger And Le Duc Tho Jointly Awarded Nobel Peace Prize`Henry
Nobel Prizes: In 1973 The Nobel Prize In Chemistry Was Divided Equally Between Ernst Ott Fischer And Sir Geoffrey Wilkinson For Their Pioneering Work, Performed Independently, On The Chemistry Of The Organometallic, So Called Sandwich`Compounds
Nobel Prizes: In 1973 The Nobel Prize In Literature Was Given To Patrick White For An Epic And Psychological Narrative Art Which Has Introduced A New Continent`Into Literature
Nobel Prizes: In 1973 The Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine Was Given To Karl Von Frisch, Konrad Lorenz And Nikolaas Tinbergen For Their Discoveries Concerning Organisation And Elicitation Of Individual And Social`Behaviour Patterns
Nobel Prizes: In 1974 The Nobel Prize In Literature Was Divided Equally Between Eyvind Johnson For A Narrative Art, Farseeing In Lands And Ages, In The Ice Of Freedom And Harry Martinson For Writings That Catch The Dewdrop And`Reflect The Cosmos
Nobel Prizes: In 1974 The Nobel Prize In Physics Was Awarded Jointly To Sir Martin Ryle And Antony Hewish For Their Pioneering Research In Radio Astrophysics Ryle For His Obations And Inventions, In Particular Of The Aperture Synthesis Technique, And Hewish For His Decisive Role In The Discovery Of`Pulsars
Nobel Prizes: In 1974 The Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine Was Given To Albert Claude, Christian De Duve And George E. Palada For Their Discoveries Concerning The Structural And Functional Organisation Of The`Cell
Nobel Prizes: In 1975 The Nobel Prize In Chemistry Was Divided Equally Between Sir John Warcup Cornforth For His Work On The Stereochemistry Of Enzyme-Catalyzed Reactions And Vladimir Prelog For His Research Into The Stereochemistry Of Organic Molecules And`Reactions
Nobel Prizes: In 1975 The Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine Was Given To David Baltimore, Renato Dulbecco And Howard Martin Temin For Their Discoveries Concerning The Interaction Between Tumour Viruses And The Genetic Material Of`The Cell
Nobel Prizes: In 1976 The Nobel Prize In Chemistry Was Given To William N. Lipscomb For His Studies On The Structure Of Boranes Illuminating Problems Of Chemical`Bonding
Nobel Prizes: In 1976 The Nobel Prize In Literature Was Given To Saul Bellow For The Human Understanding And Subtle Analysis Of Contemporary Culture That Are`Combined In His Work
Nobel Prizes: In 1976 The Nobel Prize In Physics Was Divided Equally Between Burton Richter And Samule C.C. Ting For Their Pioneering Work In The Discovery Of A Heavy Elementary Particle Of A New`Kind
Nobel Prizes: In 1977 The Nobel Prize In Chemistry Was Given To Ilya Prigogine For His Contributions To Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics, Particularly The Theory Of Dissipative`Structures
Nobel Prizes: In 1977 The Nobel Prize In Literature Was Given To Vicente Aleixandre For A Creative Poetic Writing Which Illuminates Man's Condition In The Cosmos And In Present-Day Society, At The Same Time Representing The Great Renewal Of The Traditions Of`Spanish Poetry
Nobel Prizes: In 1977 The Nobel Prize In Physics Was Divided Equally Between: Philip W. Anderson, Sir Nevill F. Mott And John H. Van Vleck For Their Fundamental Theoretical Investigations Of The Electronic Structure Of Magnetic And Disordered`Systems
Nobel Prizes: In 1977 The Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine Was Divided Equally, One Half Awarded Jointly To Roger Guillemin And Andrew V. Schally For Their Discoveries Concerning The Peptide Hormone Production Of The Brain And The Other Half Awarded To Rosalyn Yalow For The Development Of Radioimmunoassays Of`Peptide Hormones
Nobel Prizes: In 1978 The Nobel Prize In Chemistry Was Given To Peter D. Mitchell For His Contribution To The Understanding Of Biological Energy Transfer Through The Formulation Of The Chemiosmotic`Theory
Nobel Prizes: In 1978 The Nobel Prize In Literature Was Given To For His Impassioned Narrative Art Which, With Roots In A Polish-Jewish Cultural Tradition, Brings`Universal Human Conditions To Life
Nobel Prizes: In 1978 The Nobel Prize In Physics Was Divided, One Half Being Awarded To Pyotr Leonidovich Kapitsa For His Basic Inventions And Discoveries In The Area Of Low-Temperature Physics And The Other Half Divided Equally Between Arno A. Penzias And Robert W. Wilson For Their Discovery Of Cosmic Microwave Background`Radiation
Nobel Prizes: In 1978 The Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine Was Given To Werner Arber, Daniel Nathans And Hamilton O. Smith For The Discovery Of Restriction Enzymes And Their Application To Problems Of`Molecular Genetics
Nobel Prizes: In 1979 Mother __________ Of India Was Awarded The Nobel Peace Prize`Teresa
Nobel Prizes: In 1979 Mother Teresa Of __________ Was Awarded The Nobel Peace Prize`India
Nobel Prizes: In 1979 The Nobel Prize In Chemistry Was Divided Equally Between Herbert C. Brown And Georg Wittig For Their Development Of The Use Of Boron- And Phosphorus-Containing Compounds, Respectively, Into Important Reagents In Organic`Synthesis
Nobel Prizes: In 1979 The Nobel Prize In Literature Was Given To Odysseus Elitis (Alias Alepoudhelis) For His Poetry, Which, Against The Background Of Greek Tradition, Depicts With Sensuous Strength And Intellectual Clear-Sightedness Modern Man's Struggle For Freedom And`Creativeness
Nobel Prizes: In 1979 The Nobel Prize In Physics Was Divided Equally Between Sheldon L. Glashow, Abdus Salam And Steven Weinberg For Their Contributions To The Theory Of The Unified Weak And Electromagnetic Interaction Between Elementary Particles, Including Inter Alia The Prediction Of The Weak Neutral`Current
Nobel Prizes: In 1979 The Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine Was Given To Alan M. Cormack And Sir Godfrey N. Hounsfield For The Development Of Computer Assisted`Tomography
Nobel Prizes: In 1981 The Nobel Prize In Chemistry Was Given To Kenichi Fukui And Roald Hoffmann For Their Theories, Developed Independently, Concerning The Course Of Chemical`Reactions
Nobel Prizes: In 1981 The Nobel Prize In Literature Was Given To Elias Canetti For Writings Marked By A Broad Outlook, A Wealth Of Ideas And`Artistic Power
Nobel Prizes: In 1981 The Nobel Prize In Physics Was Awarded By One Half Jointly To Nicolaas Bloembergen And Arthur L. Schawlow For Their Contribution To The Development Of Laser Spectroscopy And The Other Half To Kai M. Siegbahn For His Contribution To The Development Of High- Resolution Electron`Spectroscopy
Nobel Prizes: In 1981 The Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine Was Divided Between Roger W. Sperry For His Discoveries Concerning The Functional Specialization Of The Cerebral Hemispheres. And The Other Half Awarded Jointly To David H. Hubel And Torstein N. Wiesel For Their Discoveries Concerning Information Processing In The`Visual System
Nobel Prizes: In 1982 The Nobel Prize In Chemistry Was Given To Sir Aaron Klug For His Development Of Crystallographic Electron Microscopy And His Structural Elucidation Of Biologically Important Nuclei Acid-Protein`Complexes
Nobel Prizes: In 1982 The Nobel Prize In Literature Was Given To Gabriel Garc a Marquez For His Novels And Short Stories, In Which The Fantastic And The Realistic Are Combined In A Richly Composed World Of Imagination, Reflecting A Continent's`Life And Conflicts
Nobel Prizes: In 1982 The Nobel Prize In Physics Was Given To Kenneth G. Wilson For His Theory For Critical Phenomena In Connection With Phase`Transitions
Nobel Prizes: In 1982 The Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine Was Given To Sune K. Bergstr m, Bengt I. Samuelsson And Sir John R. Vane For Their Discoveries Concerning Prostaglandins And Related Biologically`Active Substances
Nobel Prizes: In 1983 Lech __________ Wins The Nobel Peace Prize`Walesa
Nobel Prizes: In 1983 The Nobel Prize In Literature Was Given To Sir William Golding For His Novels Which, With The Perspicuity Of Realistic Narrative Art And The Diversity And Universality Of Myth, Illuminate The Human Condition In The`World Of Today
Nobel Prizes: In 1983 The Nobel Prize In Physics Was Divided Equally Between Subramanyan Chandrasekhar For His Theoretical Studies Of The Physical Processes Of Importance To The Structure And Evolution Of The Stars And William A. Fowler For His Theoretical And Experimental Studies Of The Nuclear Reactions Of Importance In The Formation Of The Chemical Elements In The`Universe
Nobel Prizes: In 1983 The Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine Was Given To Barbara Clintock For Her Discovery Of Mobile`Genetic Elements
Nobel Prizes: In 1984 Anglican Bishop __________ Tutu Named Nobel Peace Prize Winner`Desmond
Nobel Prizes: In 1984 The Nobel Prize In Chemistry Was Given To Robert Bruce Merrifield For His Development Of Methodology For Chemical Synthesis On A Solid`Matrix
Nobel Prizes: In 1984 The Nobel Prize In Literature Was Given To Jaroslav Seifert, For His Poetry Which Endowed With Freshness, Sensuality And Rich Inventiveness Provides A Liberating Image Of The Indomitable Spirit And _________ __`Versatility Of Man
Nobel Prizes: In 1984 The Nobel Prize In Physics Was Awarded Jointly To Carlo Rubbia And Simon Van Der Meer For Their Decisive Contributions To The Large Project, Which Led To The Discovery Of The Field Particles W And Z, Communicators Of Weak`Interaction
Nobel Prizes: In 1984 The Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine Was Given To Niels K. Jerne, Georges J.F.K hler And C sar Milstein For Theories Concerning The Specificity In Development And Control Of The Immune System And The Discovery Of The Principle For Production Of Monoclonal`Antibodies
Nobel Prizes: In 1985 The Nobel Prize In Chemistry Was Awarded Jointly To Herbert A. Hauptman And Jerome Karle For Their Outstanding Achievements In The Development Of Direct Methods For The Determination Of`Crystal Structures
Nobel Prizes: In 1985 The Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine Was Given To Michael S. Brown And Joseph L. Goldstein For Their Discoveries Concerning The Regulation Of Cholesterol`Metabolism
Nobel Prizes: In 1986 The Nobel Prize In Chemistry Was Awarded Jointly To Dudley R. Herschbach, Yuan T. Lee And John C. Polanyi For Their Contributions Concerning The Dynamics Of Chemical`Elementary Processes
Nobel Prizes: In 1986 The Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine Was Given To Stanley Cohen And Rita Levi-Montalcini For Their Discoveries Of`Growth Factors
Nobel Prizes: In 1987 The Nobel Prize In Chemistry Was Given To Donald J. Cram, Jean-Marie Lehn, And Charles J. Pedersen For Their Development And Use Of Molecules With Structure-Specific Interactions Of High`Selectivity
Nobel Prizes: In 1987 The Nobel Prize In Literature Was Given To Joseph Brodsky, For An All-Embracing Authorship, Imbued With Clarity Of Thought And`Poetic Intensity
Nobel Prizes: In 1987 The Nobel Prize In Physics Was Awarded Jointly To J. Georg Bednorz And K. Alexander M ller For Their Important Breakthrough In The Discovery Of Superconductivity In`Ceramic Materials
Nobel Prizes: In 1987 The Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine Was Given To Susumu Tonegawa For His Discovery Of The Genetic Principle For Generation Of`Antibody Diversity
Nobel Prizes: In 1988 The Nobel Prize In Physics Was Awarded Jointly To Leon M Lederman, Melvin Schwarts And Jack Steinberger For The Neutrino Beam Method And The Demonstration Of The Doublet Structure Of The Leptons Through The Discovery Of The`Muon Neutrino
Nobel Prizes: In 1988 The Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine Was Given To Sir James W. Black, Gertrude B. Elion And George H. Hitchings For Their Discoveries Of Important Principles For`Drug Treatment
Nobel Prizes: In 1989 The Nobel Prize In Chemistry Was Given To Sidney Altman And Thomas R. Cech For Their Discovery Of Catalytic Properties Of`Rna
Nobel Prizes: In 1989 The Nobel Prize In Literature Was Given To Camilio Jos Cela For A Rich And Intensive Prose, Which With Restrained Compassion Forms A Challenging Vision Of Man's`Vulnerability
Nobel Prizes: In 1989 The Nobel Prize In Physics Was Divided Between Norman F. Ramsey For The Invention Of The Separated Oscillatory Fields Method And Its Use In The Hydrogen Maser And Other Atomic Clocks. And The Other Half Jointly To Hans G. Dehmelt And Wolfgang Paul For The Development Of The Ion`Trap Technique
Nobel Prizes: In 1989 The Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine Was Given To J. Michael Bishop And Harold E. Varmus For Their Discovery Of The Cellular Origin Of Retroviral`Oncogenes
Nobel Prizes: In 1990 The Nobel Prize In Chemistry Was Given To Elias James Corey For His Development Of The Theory And Methodology Of`Organic Synthesis
Nobel Prizes: In 1990 The Nobel Prize In Literature Was Given To Octavio Paz, For Impassioned Writing With Wide Horizons, Characterized By Sensuous Intelligence And Humanistic`Integrity
Nobel Prizes: In 1990 The Nobel Prize In Physics Was Awarded Jointly To: Jerome I. Friedman, Henry W. Kendall And Richard E. Taylor For Their Pioneering Investigations Concerning Deep Inelastic Scattering Of Electrons On Protons And Bound Neutrons, Which Have Been Of Essential Importance For The Development Of The Quark Model In`Particle Physics
Nobel Prizes: In 1990 The Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine Was Given To Joseph Murray And E. Donnall Thomas For Their Discoveries Concerning Organ And Cell Transplantation In The Treatment Of`Human Disease
Nobel Prizes: In 1991 The Nobel Prize In Physics Was Given To Pierre-Gilles De Gennes For Discovering That Methods Developed For Studying Order Phenomena In Simple Systems Can Be Generalized To More Complex Forms Of Matter, In Particular To Liquid Crystals And`Polymers
Nobel Prizes: In 1991 The Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine Was Given To Erwin Neher And Bert Sakmann For Their Discoveries Concerning The Function Of Single Ion Channels`In Cells
Nobel Prizes: In 1992 The Nobel Prize In Chemistry Was Given To Rudolph A. Marcus For His Contributions To The Theory Of Electron Transfer Reactions In`Chemical Systems
Nobel Prizes: In 1992 The Nobel Prize In Literature Was Given To Derek Walcott, For A Poetic Oeuvre Of Great Luminosity, Sustained By A Historical Vision, The Outcome Of A`Multicultural Commitment
Nobel Prizes: In 1992 The Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine Was Given To Edmond Fischer And Edwin G. Krebs For Their Discoveries Concerning Reversible Protein Phosphorylation As A Biological`Regulatory Mechanism
Nobel Prizes: In 1993 The Nobel Prize In Chemistry Was Awarded For Contributions To The Developments Of Methods Within Dna-Based Chemistry Equally Between Kary B. Mullis For His Invention Of The Polymerase Chain Reaction (Pcr) Method. And Michael Smith For His Fundamental Contributions To The Establishment Of Oligonucleiotide-Based, Site-Directed Mutagenesis And Its Development For`Protein Studies
Nobel Prizes: In 1993 The Nobel Prize In Physics Was Awarded Jointly To Russel A. Hulse And Joseph H. Taylor Jr. For The Discovery Of A New Type Of Pulsar, A Discovery That Has Opened Up New Possibilities For The Study Of`Gravitation
Nobel Prizes: In 1993 The Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine Was Given To Richard J. Roberts And Phillip A. Sharp For Their Independent Discoveries Of`Split Genes
Nobel Prizes: In 1994 The Nobel Prize In Chemistry Was Given To George A. Olah For His Contribution To`Carbocation Chemistry
Nobel Prizes: In 1994 The Nobel Prize In Physics Was Awarded For Pioneering Contributions To The Development Of Neutron Scattering Techniques For Studies Of Condensed Matter To Bertram N. Brockhouse For The Development Of Neutron Spectroscopy And Clifford G. Shull For The Development Of The Neutron Diffraction`Technique
Nobel Prizes: In 1994 The Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine Was Given To Alfred G. Gilman And Martin Rodbell For Their Discovery Of G-Proteins And The Role Of These Proteins In`Signal Transduction In Cells
Nobel Prizes: In 1995 The Nobel Prize In Chemistry Was Awarded Jointly To Paul Crutzen, Mario Molina And F. Sherwood Rowland For Their Work In Atmospheric Chemistry, Particularly Concerning The Formation And Decomposition Of`Ozone
Nobel Prizes: In 1995 The Nobel Prize In Literature Was Given To Seamus Heaney For Works Of Lyrical Beauty And Ethical Depth, Which Exalt Everyday Miracles And The`Living Past
Nobel Prizes: In 1995 The Nobel Prize In Physics Was Awarded For Pioneering Experimental Contributions To Lepton Physics, With One Half To Martin L. Perl For The Discovery Of The Tau Lepton. And The Other Half To Frederick Reines For The Detection Of The`Neutrino
Nobel Prizes: In 1995 The Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine Was Given To Edward B. Lewis, Christiane N sslein-Volhard And Eric F. Wieschaus For Their Discoveries Concerning The Genetic Control Of Early`Embryonic Development
Nobel Prizes: In 1996 The Nobel Prize In Physics Was Awarded Jointly To David M. Lee, Douglas D. Osheroff And Robert C. Richardson For Their Discovery Of Superfluidity In`Helium-3
Nobel Prizes: In 1996 The Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine Was Given To Peter C. Doherty And Rolf M. Zinkernagel For Their Discoveries Concerning The Specificity Of The Cell Mediated`Immune Defence
Nobel Prizes: In 1997 The Nobel Prize In Chemistry Was Divided, One Half Being Awarded Jointly To Paul D. Boyer And John E. Walker For Their Elucidation Of The Enzymatic Mechanism Underlying The Synthesis Of Adenosine Triphosphate (Atp) And With One Half To Jens C. Skou For The First Discovery Of An Ion-Transporting`Enzyme
Nobel Prizes: In 1997 The Nobel Prize In Physics Was Awarded Jointly To Steven Chu, Claude Cohen-Tannoudji And William D. Philips For Development Of Methods To Cool And Trap Atoms With`Laser Light
Nobel Prizes: In 1997 The Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine Was Given To Stanley B. Prusiner For His Discovery Of Prions - A New Biological Principle Of`Infections
Nobel Prizes: In 1998 The Nobel Prize In Chemistry Was Awarded For Pioneering Contributions In Developing Methods That Can Be Used For Theoretical Studies Of The Properties Of Molecules And The Chemical Processes In Which They Are Involved. The Prize Was Divided Equally Between Walter Kohn For His Development Of The Density-Functional Theory And John A. Pople For His Development Of Computational Methods In`Quantum Chemistry
Nobel Prizes: In 1998 The Nobel Prize In Physics Was Awarded Jointly To Robert B. Laughlin, Horst L. Stormer And Daniel C. Tsui For Their Discovery Of A New Form Of Quantum Fluid With Fractionally Charged`Excitations
Nobel Prizes: In 1998 The Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine Was Given To Robert Furchgott, Louis J. Ignarro And Ferid Murad For Their Discoveries Concerning Nitric Oxide As A Signalling Molecule In The __________`Cardiovascular System
Nobel Prizes: In 1999 The Nobel Prize In Chemistry Was Given To Ahmed Zewail For His Studies Of The Transition States Of Chemical Reactions Using Femtosecond`Spectroscopy
Nobel Prizes: In 1999 The Nobel Prize In Physics Was Awarded Jointly To Gerardus Thooft And Martinus J.G. Veltman For Elucidating The Quantum Structure Of`Electroweak Interactions In Physics
Nobel Prizes: In 2000 The Nobel Prize In Chemistry Was Given To Alan J. Heeger, Alan G. Macdiarmid And Hideki Shirikawa For The Discovery And Development Of Conductive`Polymers
Nobel Prizes: In 2000 The Nobel Prize In Literature Was Given To Gao Xingjian For An Oeuvre Of Universal Validity, Bitter Insights And Linguistic Ingenuity, Which Has Opened New Paths For The`Chinese Novel And Drama
Nobel Prizes: In 2000 The Nobel Prize In Physics Was Given To Zhores I. Alferov, And Herbert Kroemer For Developing Semiconductor Heterostructures Used In High-Speed- And Opto-Electronics And And One Half To Jack St. Clair Kilby For His Part In The Invention Of The`Integrated Circuit
Nobel Prizes: Marie Curie Won Nobel Prizes In Which Two Categories`Physics And Chemistry
Nobel Prizes: Martin Luther King Was The Youngest Recipient Of What`Nobel Peace Prize
Nobel Prizes: She Won The 1979 Nobel Peace Prize For Her Work Among The Poor`Mother Teresa
Nobel Prizes: The Caroline Institute Of Stockholm Won The Nobel Prize For What`Physiology And Medicine
Nobel Prizes: The Nobel Peace Prize Medal Depicts Three Naked Men With Their Hands On Each Other's`Shoulders
Nobel Prizes: This U.S. Secretary Of State Won The Nobel Peace Prize In 1973`Henry Kissinger
Nobel Prizes: What African-American Leader Was Awarded The Nobel Peace Prize On October 14 1964`Martin Luther King, Jr
Nobel Prizes: What Did Einstein Get The Nobel Prize For`The Photoelectric Effect
Nobel Prizes: What, In 1975, Did 18 Nobel Laureates Claim Has No Basis On Fact`Astrology
Nobel Prizes: What Is The Maths Equivalent Of The Nobel Prize`Fields Medal
Nobel Prizes: What Nobel Peace Prize Winner Shares His Last Name With Ballet Apparel`Desmond Tutu
Nobel Prizes: What Organisation Was Given The Only Nobel Peace Price Awarded During World War I`International Red Cross
Nobel Prizes: Which Exponent Of Solidarity Was Awarded The 1983 Nobel Peace Prize`Lech Walesa
Nobel Prizes: Which Organisation Was Awarded The Nobel Peace Prize During Wwii`The Red Cross
Nobel Prizes: Which U.S. President Was Awarded The 1919 Nobel Peace`Woodrow Wilson
Nobel Prizes: Which U.S. President Won The Nobel Peace Prize In 1906 For His Mediation In The Russo-Japanese War`Theodore Roosevelt
Nobel Prizes: Which U.S. President Won The Nobel Peace Prize In 1919 For Securing The League Of Nations Covenant At Versailles`Woodrow Wilson
Nobel Prizes: Why Was Boris Pasternak's Nobel Prize For Literature In 1958 Exceptional`He Refused
Nobility of thought or behavior: magnanimity`generosity
Nobility or greatness of character`grandeur
Noble rank or status: 'Congress may not grant titles of nobility.'`nobilities
Nobody puts baby in the corner.`Dirty Dancing
Nobody remembers this 80s band whose only hit was "Unbelievable."`emf
noctimania is an obsession or crazed desire for _______`night
Noctiphobia is a fear of ______`night
Noctiphobia is the fear of`the night
Nocturnal burrowing animal with black and white striped head`badger
Noel Cowards play, Private Lives was based on what taboo subject`Divorce & adultery
Noel Cowards play, The Vortex, was based on what taboo subject`Drugs
Noisy shouting or uproar`ballyhoo
No longer burning or active: 'an ------- volcano.'`extinct
No longer current or applicable: antiquated: '------- laws.' old`archaic
No longer usable or practical: obsolete: '-------- machinery.'`outmoded
Nomadic Arab of the desert`bedouin
nomatophobia is the fear of ____`names
No matter its size or thickness, no piece of paper can be folded in half more than ______ times`seven
No matter its size or thickness, no piece of paper can be folded in half more than ______ times`seven`7
"Nom de plume" means ____________`pen name
Nomination To The Supreme Court Was Rejected By The Senate On Oct. 23 1987`Robert H. Bork
no more heros made number 8 for this 80's punk band`the stranglers
Non-dairy creamer is _________`flammable
No nfl team which plays its home games in a domed stadium has ever won a ______`super bowl
Nonreligious in subject matter, form, or use: secular: 'sacred and ------- music.'`profane
Nonsense: humbug`fudge
Nonsense: rubbish`trumperies
Nonstop Soliloquy Goes On For 24,000 Words Without A Stitch Of Punctuation In The Final Chapter Of James Joyce's 'Ulysses'`Molly Bloom
No part: no portion: 'Nothing remains of the old house but the cellar hole.'`nothing
No piece of square dry paper can be folded more than _____ times in half`seven
No piece of square dry paper can be folded more than _____ times in half`seven`7
No rain has ever been recorded falling in the Atacama desert in`chile
norse mythology: father of thor`odin
norse mythology: god of mischief and brother of thor`loki
norse mythology: place where norse gods resided`asgard
norse mythology: queen of the norse gods and odin's wife`freya
norse mythology: what killed baldur`mistletoe
norse mythology: winged creatures that carried the dead to valhalla`valkyries
North American deer of the same species as the reindeer of Eurasia`caribou
North American Indians ate Watercress to dissolve gravel and stones in the _______`bladder
north american indians ate watercress to dissolve what in the bladder`gravel and`deuteronomy
north american indians ate watercress to dissolve what in the bladder`gravel and stones
North American Indian, Sitting Bull, died on 15 December`1890
North American Indians used the teepee as their nomadic dwelling, however, what was the name of the their permanent living accommodation called`Longhouses
North American poachers are paid $400-$600 for the __________ of the black bear, another sought-after aphrodisiac in the Far East.`gallbladder
North Americans spend much of their summer leisure time going to Garage Sales. What is a garage sale known as in Britain`A Boot Sale
North American tribe, of the Iroquoian linguistic family and the Southeast culture area?`Cherokee
North America's first underwater telegraph cables were laid by _____`frederick grisborne
Northernmost capital in the world`reykjavik
Northern most & western most state of the U S, & the largest state of the union`alaska
Northern species of duck with soft feathers`eider
Northern U.S., especially New England. Thin cornbread baked on a griddle`bannock
North Sea Jazzfestival is held in what country`Holland
Norweigan painter of 'The Scream'`munch
Nose Grows Longer Every Time He Tells A Lie`Pinocchio
Nosemaphobia is the fear of`illness
Nose prints are used to identify`dogs
nosocomephobia es the fear of ____`hospitals
Nosocomephobia is the fear of`hospitals
Nosophobia is the fear of`disease
No species of wild plant produces a flower or blossom that is absolutely what color`black
Nostophobia is the fear of`returning home
No stopwatch was used for the first two shows of this program that aired October 8 and October 15, 1968. Can you name the program`60 Minutes
Nostradamus was famous for making what`predictions
Not able to rest, relax, or be still: 'a -------- child.'`restless
Not accessible to view: hidden: 'mountain peaks --------- in the fog.'`invisible
Not accustomed: unused`unwonted
Not acquired by instruction: natural`untaught
Not acting officially: 'an ---------- adviser.'`unofficial
Not affected by a given influence: unresponsive: '------ to persuasion.'`immune
Not agreeable or pleasant: repellent: I will not perform the ---------- task of comparing cases of failure (Abraham Lincoln)`ungrateful
Not allowing contradiction or refusal: imperative: 'The officer issued ---------- commands.'`peremptory
Not allowing something else: incompatible: 'mutually --------- conditions.'`exclusive
Not any: 'None of my classmates survived the war.'`none
Not applied or practical: theoretical. theoretical`abs
Not at all: in no way: absolutely not: 'Never fear. That will ----- do.'`never
Not at all: not by any degree. Often used with the comparative: 'no better: no more.'`nos
Not being in accord with prescribed regulations or forms: unofficial: 'an -------- agreement.'`informal
Not being used: idle`unemployed
Not belonging to a particular place or society: '-------- refugees in a strange country.'`rootless
Not bright or pure: 'a ----- color.'`muddy
Not bright or pure: 'a muddy color.'`muddied
Not capable of being accomplished: 'an ---------- goal.'`impossible
Not capable of being moved: fixed`stat
Not carrying, using, or displaying arms: 'an ------- spotter plane: ------- robbery.'`unarmed
Not ceasing despite fatigue or frustration: indefatigable: '-------- efforts.' tireless`untiring
Not centered on anything specific: my --------- broodings about love and loyalty (John le Carr )`unfocused
Notch between the teeth of a saw blade`gullet
Not civilized: barbaric: 'a ------ people.'`savage
Not civilized: barbaric: 'a savage people.'`savages
Not committed to or dependent on another person or group`unattached
Not composed of organic matter`inorganic
Not concealed or disguised: obvious: '--------- disgust.'`unabashed
Not conforming to legality, moral law, or social convention: 'an --------- marriage.'`irregular
Not congenial: incompatible`unsociable
Not constant: fluctuating: '-------- vital signs.'`unstable
Not controlled by obligation or the will of another: 'felt free to go.'`freed
Not controlled by obligation or the will of another: 'felt free to go.'`freeing
Not controlled by obligation or the will of another: 'felt free to go.'`freely
Not controlled by obligation or the will of another: 'felt free to go.'`freer
Not deceptive or fraudulent: genuine: '------ weight.'`honest
Not derived from something else: fresh and unusual: 'an -------- play, not an adaptation.'`original
Not deserved: '-------- luck.'`unearned
Not dexterous: clumsy`awkward
Not distinguished or distinguishable on the basis of sex: androgynous in appearance: 'cultivated a ------ look.'`unisex
Noteable Quotes: Who stated, In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart`Anne Frank
Note equal to 4 crochets`semibreve
Note equal to half a quaver`semiquaver
Not elaborated, perfected, or completed: 'an ---------- performance.'`unpolished
Not equal, as in amount`unlike
Not equipped to meet a contingency`unprepared
Not excited or agitated: composed: 'The President was ---- throughout the global crisis.'`calm
Not existent: lacking: 'a country in which morality is ------.'`absent
Not expected to change in status, condition, or place: 'a ----anent address: ----anent secretary to the president.'`perm
Not experiencing the effects of gravity`weightless
Not exposed or subjected to stress`unstressed
Not famous: obscure: 'an ---------- young writer.'`inglorious
Not friendly or sociable: aloof`withdrawn
Not frugal: generous`unsparing
Not fully examined or explored: '--------- ideas.'`unplumbed
Not fully ready or prepared`unripe
Not functioning or operating: out of use: '-------- machinery.'`inactive
Not functioning properly: broken`haywire
Not furnished with funds: 'an -------- project.'`unfunded
Not gained by study or instruction: '--------- talent.'`unstudied
Not given a hearing: not listened to: '------- objections.'`unheard
Not giving or expending freely: sparing: 'was ----- of compliments.'`chary
Not giving way to pressure or persuasion: obdurate`unyielding
Not great in diameter or cross section: fine: 'thin wire.'`thinly
Not guilty of a specific crime or offense: legally blameless: 'was -------- of all charges.'`innocent
Not habitual: infrequent: 'took an ---------- glass of wine.'`occasional
Not hallowed or consecrated`unholier
Not harmful to the environment`eco-friendly
Not harsh or severe: mild and soft: 'a gentle scolding: a gentle tapping at the window.'`gentleness
Not harsh or severe: mild and soft: 'a ------ scolding: a ------ tapping at the window.'`gentle
Not having any recognized citizenship in a state or nation`stateless
Not having or showing good taste`tasteless
Not having reached a decision: uncommitted: '--------- voters.'`undecided
Not having received special processing, such as dyeing or varnishing: '---------- furniture.'`unfinished
Not having traveled`untraveled
Not hesitating or wavering: firm: '---- convictions.'`sure
Not hesitating or wavering: firm: 'sure convictions.'`sureness
Nothing's so loyal as love whose headstone reads 'looking into the portals of eternity teaches that the brotherhood of man is inspired by god's word; then all prejudice of race vanishes away'`george washington
Not holding a title, as of nobility`untitled
Noticeably contrived: artificial`hokey
Not identified or ascertained: 'received flowers from an ------- admirer.'`unknown
Not in accord with the standards implied by one's character or position: 'conduct ---------- an officer.' improper`unbecoming
Not in accord with the standards or mores of a specified group: trying to teach children simply to reject drugs as ------ (Larry Martz)`uncool
Not inclined to speak: not talkative`silent
Not inhabited or farmed: 'remote, ---- country.'`wild
Not inhabited or farmed: 'remote, wild country.'`wilder
Not inhabited or farmed: 'remote, wild country.'`wildly
Not in perfect shape: faulty`amiss
Not in residence: '-------- landlords.'`absentee
Not intended: unintentional: 'an --------- admission of guilt.'`unwitting
Not interrupted: steady: '--------- noise: a --------- diet of vegetables.'`continual
Not intoxicated or affected by the use of drugs`sober
Not invited: 'Unasked guests arrived at the party.'`unasked
Not involved or complicated: easy: 'a ------ task.' easy`simple
Notional environment in which electronic communication occurs`cyberspace
Not irritating or stimulating: soothing: 'a ----- diet.'`bland
Not just, proper, or legal: '----- use of force.'`undue
Not likely to be appreciated: 'a --------- job.'`thankless
Not likely to offend or provoke to strong emotion: insipid`innocuous
Not moving: fixed`rigidly
Not moving: motionless`immobile
Not moving or operating easily or freely: resistant: 'a ----- hinge.'`stiff
Not normal: unsound: 'an ill condition of body and mind.'`ills
Not normal: unsound: 'an ill condition of body and mind.'`worst
Not obscured or darkened: bright: '----- daylight: a ----- yellow.'`clear
Not observed or noticed`unmarked
Not occupied: unfilled`void
Not of or belonging to a particular profession: nonprofessional: 'a --- opinion as to the seriousness of the disease.'`lay
Not of the nobility: common`ignobly
Not original: derivative`imitative
Not physically or mentally healthy`unsound
Not pleasant: disagreeable: 'an unlovely personality.'`unlovelier
Not possessing nuclear weapons`nonnuclear
Not previously read or studied: 'an ------ translation.'`unseen
Not proceeding straight to the point or object`indirect
Not productive of a good or useful result`unfruitful
Not promising: likely to fail`unlikelier
Not promoting sexual stereotypes: '--------- terminology such as firefighter and flight attendant.'`nonsexist
Not purified by religious rite: unclean`impure
Not recognizing or dealing with a labor union or employing union members: 'a -------- shop.'`nonunion
Not reflecting light: having no luster: 'an ------ finish.'`opaque
Not regulated: disorderly`inordinate
Not rigorous or meticulous: 'an ------- mind: an ------- method.'`inexact
Not satisfied: displeased or discontented: 'unhappy with her raise.'`unhappier
Not savory: 'an -------- meal.'`unsavory
Not shiny or glossy`matt
Not so Classic TV: What does the title of the TV show C.S.I. stand for`Crime Scene Investigation
Not specifically relating to religion or to a religious body: '------- music.'`secular
Not spurious or counterfeit: authentic. authentic`genuine
Not straightforward: circuitous: devious: 'a -------- plot: -------- reasoning.'`tortuous
Not subdued: unyielding: My head is bloody but ------- (W.E. Henley)`unbowed
Not subject to racial prejudices`colorblind
Not subject to sudden or extreme change or fluctuation: 'a ------ economy: a ------ currency.'`stable
Not suited to the circumstances: inappropriate`unseemlier
Not sung: '------ hymns.'`unsung
Not taut, firm, or compact: slack. loose`laxer
Not taut, fixed, or rigid: 'a loose anchor line: a loose chair leg.'`looseness
Not taut, fixed, or rigid: 'a loose anchor line: a loose chair leg.'`looser
Not telling ;-P : What are these: chrysolite, beryl, jasper, and tourmaline`gem
Not Telling ;-P : What are white dwarfs and red giants`stars
Not Telling ;-) : What would be kept in an "aviary"`bird
Not Telling ;-) : Where is the Ocean of Storms located`on the moon
Not the result of training: natural: 'an artist of ---------- talents.'`unschooled
Not the same as another in rank or social position`unequal
Not thinking or expressing oneself clearly`vague
Not to be uttered: taboo: 'the --------- name of God.'`ineffable
Not traversed before: untrodden: 'an -------- path through jungle growth.'`unbeaten
Not true or constant to one's sexual partner`unfaithful
Not try this yourself who was the emcee for tvs let's make a deal`monty hall
Not using critical standards or methods, as in evaluation`uncritical
Not violated or breached: '-------- promises.'`unbroken
Not violent or subject to extremes: mild or calm: temperate: 'a -------- climate.'`moderate
Not welcome or acceptable: unattractive`ungracious
Not within one's knowledge: strange: '---------- faces.'`unfamiliar
Not workable or practicable: 'a --------- idea.'`nonviable
Not yet appeared: future: '------ inventions.'`unborn
Not yet developed to maturity: a headstrong, -------- young man (Rod Nordland)`unformed
Not yet dry or firm: '--- paint.'`wet
Not yet established`unfounded
nouakchott is the capital of ______`mauritania
Nova scotia is the new name for which canadian province`acadia
novel`joseph conrad
Novels Include 'Restoration' And 'The Way I Found Her'`Rose Tremain
Novels Include 'The Cement Garden' And 'Comfort Of Strangers'`Ian Mcewan
Novels Include 'The Ice-Cream Wars' And 'Brazzaville Beach'`William Boyd
Novelty Songs: 1987 spoof of Star Trek which hit #1 in the UK`star trekkin
Novelty songs: 1987 spoof of star trek which hit number one in the uk`star trekkin
Novelty Songs: Article of clothing worn by little girl in Brian Hyland's chart- topper`itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polkadot Bikini
Novelty Songs: Country Right Too Said was too sexy for.`japan
Novelty Songs: Gift Igor receives in "Monster's Holiday"`brace
Novelty Songs: Group killed just before cop's arrival in "The Homecoming Queen's Got A Gun"`glee club
Novelty Songs: Instrument used for "Popcorn"`moog synthesizer
Novelty Songs: Last word spoken by the Purple People Eater in that song`tequila
Novelty Songs: Name of camel in "Ahab the Arab"`clyde
[Novelty songs name the artist] "Charlie brown"`The coasters
[Novelty songs name the artist] "Does your chewing gum lose its flavour"`Lonnie donnegan
[Novelty songs name the artist] "Eat it"`Weird al yankovic
[Novelty songs name the artist] "Hello muddah hello faddah"`Allen sherman
[Novelty songs name the artist] "Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini"(original)`Brian hyland
[Novelty songs name the artist] "My boomerang wont come back"`Charlie drake
[Novelty songs name the artist] "Purple people eater"`Sheb wooley
[Novelty songs name the artist] "See you later alligator"`Bill haley and the comets
[Novelty songs name the artist] "Speedy gonzales"`Pat boone
[Novelty songs name the artist] "They're coming to take me away"(original)`Napoleon XIV
[Novelty songs name the artist] "Tie me kangaroo down sprot"`Rolf harris
[Novelty songs name the artist] "Tip toe through the tulips"`Tiny tim
[Novelty songs name the artist] "Witch doctor"(original)`David seville
Novelty Songs: "The Terror of Colorado Boulevard"`little old lady from pasadena
Novelty Songs: The two muppets who have hit the top 40`ernie and kermit
Novelty Songs: The two muppets who have hit the top 40`ernie & kermit
Novelty Songs: This dance asked you to move your body . . .front-to-back in a rock-like motion`the bartman
Novelty Songs: Tiny Tim's signature song`tip toe thru the tulips with me
Novelty Songs: Type of car outpacing the Cadillac in "Beep Beep"`nash rambler
Novelty Songs: Where Irving shoots himself in "The Ballad of Irving"`frontier deli
Novelty Songs: Written for a Donald Duck cartoon, this song was the most popular Nazi parody`der fuehrers face
november of 1963 saw the introduction of this new device, from at&t.`touch tone phone
Novercaphobia is the fear of`step mother
Now excuse me, for example, I'm the inspiration of a whole generation`slam
Now in modern Tanzania, which port is the historic meeting place of Stanley and Livingstone in 1871`ujiji
'now look at them yo-yo's, that's the way you do it ..' what is the dire straits song title`money for nothing
No woman may go in public without wearing a ______ in Norfolk, Virginia.`corset
No word in the English language rhymes with`month
Nuclear, biological, chemical, or explosive material, such as rockets or grenades, that are used as weapons`ammunition
nuclear membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus are parts of a ______`cell
Nuclear membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus are parts of a(n) __________.`cell
Nuclear membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus are parts of a(n) `cell
Nuclear membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus are parts of a(n) `Cell
Nuclear membrane, cytoplasm, & nucleus are parts of a ______`cell
Nucleomituphobia is the fear of`nuclear weapons
Nudophobia is a fear of ______`nudity
Nudophobia is the fear of`nudity
nuku'alofa is the capital of ______`tonga
Number 1 Songs: #1 song ``I Am Woman'' was by`reddy
Number 1 Songs: Blue Swede might have invented heavy metal with this #1 hit`hooked on a feeling
Number 1 Songs: Don McLean's symbolic #1 song`american pie
Number 1 Songs: Elvis said people had these kind of minds in 1969`suspicious
Number 1 Songs: George McRae #1 disco hit`rock your baby
Number 1 Songs: Gitarzan singer's #1 hit`everything is beautiful
Number 1 Songs: Jackson Five's #1 lyrics about the alphabet`abc
Number 1 Songs: Only number 1 hit of the Tornadoes`telstar
Number 1 Songs: Osmond's February 13, 1971 hit`one bad apple
Number 1 Songs: Sammy Davis, Jr.'s only #1 hit`candy man
Number 1 Songs: Sang ``Hello, I Love You''`doors
Number 1 Songs: Sang ``Venus'', #1 hit on 2/7/70`shocking blue
Number 1 Songs: S&G's solution to crossing troubled waters (#1 on 2/28/70)`bridge
Number 1 Songs: Zager & Evans song subtitled ``Exordium and Terminus'' titled with this year`2525
Numbering houses in London streets only began in`1764
Number Of Books in the Old Testiment`39
Number Of Letters Is Equal To Its Value`Four
Number of medals awarded Norway at the 1968 winter olympics`13
Number of medals awarded the USSR at the 1972 summer olympics`99
Number of times a Time Lord can "regenerate"`12
Number of times the average male will ejaculate from masturbation during his lifetime?`2,000 times
Number One Songs: #1 song from "Back To The Future"`the power of love
Number One Songs: Bobbie Gentry says that song is "a study in unconscious cruelty."`ode to billie joe
Number One Songs: Elton John sang with her on "Don't Go Breaking My Heart"`kiki dee
Number One Songs: Franki Valli sang the theme for this movie.`grease
Number One Songs: He sang "I Don't Have The Heart"`james ingram
Number One Songs: He sang "Monkey"`george michael
Number One Songs: Janet Jackson's second #1`miss you much
Number One Songs: Name of girl in Looking Glass hit, shares her name with a type of alcohol.`brandy
Number One Songs: Rod Stewart's first #1 was about this woman.`maggie may
Number One Songs: Sting says this song is "about surveillance and ownership and jealousy"`every breath you take
Number One Songs: The only single to make the top 20 during the 70s by Herb Alpert`rise
Number One Songs: The reason Stevie Wonder Called`to say i love you
Number One Songs: This is the most covered song of all time.`yesterday
Number One Songs: This Madonna song became an athem for Pro-life activists.`papa dont preach
Number One Songs: This novelty song about a "toy" is Chuck Berry's only #1`my ding a ling
Number One Songs: This Rolling Stones hit was released the day after Brian Jones' funeral.`honky tonk women
Number One Songs: Weird Al's parody of this song is "Rye Or The Kaiser"`eye of the tiger
Number One Songs: What Mariah Carey had a Vision Of`love
Numbers: how is the year 2000 written in roman numerals`mm
Numbers: how many times is a roman numeral's value increased if it has a line over it`1,000
Numbers: what does c minus lxxix equal`xxi
Numbers What's the capital of Wyoming`cheyenne
Numbers Where's the famed Arch of Hadrian`ahtens
numerology: how do you write the number 99 (ninety nine) in roman numerals`xcix
Numerophobia is a fear of ______`numbers
Numerophobia is the fear of`numbers
numismatics is a term for collecting and studing which objects`coins
Nunaat Island, southern Indonesia, one of the Lesser Sunda Islands, in the Indian Ocean`bali
Nungatta National Park is nearest what large Australian city`brisbane
Nursery Rhymes : Name the nursery rhyme mother whos last name is that of a bird`goose
Nusic: Irish Rovers recorded a song in 1968 about what animal of folklore`unicorn
Nutagak, perksertok and pokaktok are Eskimo words for what`Snow
Nutmeg is extremely _______ if injected intravenously`poisonous
Nut used to make marzipan`almond
Nyctophobia is the fear of ________.`Dark
Nyctophobia is the fear of`the dark`night
Nyctophobia is the fear of`the night
nylon was invented simultaneously at these two cities`new york london
nz fauna - this extinct new zealand bird had eleven species. the tallest stood at around 9 feet tall`moa
nz fauna - this playful new zealand native bird is one of the most intelligent birds in the world and will happily attack a car in order to steal a windscreen wiper or other bits of rubber`kea
nz flora - new zealands most famous tree is a kauri standing over 51 metres high called`tane mahutaAcronym Soup: AA `alcholics anonymous
nz marine life - this dolphin is the worlds rarest dolphin and only found in new zealand waters`hectors dolphin
nz : name the year : l & p - lemon and paeroa new zealands most famous soft drink was invented in`1904
nz : new zealand has over how many kilometres of beautiful coastline`15000 km
nz :new zealand's most famous glaciers on the south islands west coast are the`franz josef and fox
nz - new zealands oldest rocks are over _________ old`500 million years
nz : new zealands southern alps have a number of glaciers, the largest being`tasman glacier
nz - the ________ geyser at whakarewarewa is in rotorua`pohutu
nz weather - in summer, the average maximum temperature in new zealand ranges between`20-30 c
nz weather - the highest temperature ever recorded in new zealand was`42 c
nz weather - the lowest temperature ever recorded in new zealand was`-22 c
Oakley what are large snow bumps known as in skiing terms`moguls
Oaks of dodona what did the white house have before it had an indoor bathroom`telephone
Oasis sings about what type of supernova`champagne
oasis were great fans of which british group`beatles
Oberon is a moon of which planet`uranus
obesophobia is a fear of`gaining`bask
Obesophobia is a fear of ______`gaining weight
Obesophobia is the fear of`gaining weight
Oblation The act of offering the bread and wine of the Eucharist`oblation
Obligatory: '-------- reading.'`required
Obscene: indecent`lewd
Obscene: scatological`filthier
Obscured or clouded by or as if by mist: 'far-off, misty mountains.'`mistier
Obscured or clouded by or as if by mist: 'far-off, ----- mountains.'`misty
Obscure words: Someone who enjoys resting in womens laps is known by what name`A lapling
observed. however, by 1910, it was extinct. what was this bird`passenger`mans
Obsessive desire to lose weight by dieting`anorexia nervosa
Obsessive desire to start fires`pyromania
Obsidian, used by American Indians for tools, weapons and ornaments, is dark _______ glass`volcanic
Obsolete. Venal`vendible
Obstinately bent on having one's own way`wilful
Obstinately persisting in an error or fault: wrongly self-willed or stubborn`perverse
Obtained or made from glass`vitreous
Obtuse, acute and reflex are all types of what`angles
Obviously contrived to charm: precious: [He] mugs so ferociously he kills the humorit's an insufferably ---- performance (David Ansen)`cute
Obvious to the eye: 'a ------- change of expression.'`visible
Obvious to the mind: evident: 'make one's intention -----.' apparent`plain
Occasioning or being a reason for pride: On January 1, 1900, Americans and Europeans greeted the twentieth century in the ----- and certain belief that the next hundred years would make allthings possible (W`proud
occupation is the dressing, designing, cleaning, or repairing of furs`furrier
Occupation of Joe on Liz Phair's "Exile in Guyville" album`soap star
Occurring at irregular or infrequent intervals: occasional: '------ employment at a factory: a ------ correspondence with a former teacher.'`casual
Occurring before in time: earlier`anterior
Occurring by chance: fortuitous`lucky
Occurring every ten years`decennial
Occurring every two years: biennial`biannual
Occurring in pieces: fragmentary`snippier
Occurring involuntarily: automatic: 'an --------- reflex.'`autonomic
Occurring once every 100 years`centenary
Occurring or accepted widely: 'a ---------- misunderstanding.'`widespread
Occurring or performed at the proper time: timely`seasonable
Occurring or present at every moment: 'in --------- fear of being exposed.'`momentary
Occurring or present at the moment: current`existent
Occurring or proceeding in alternation or succession`rotatory
Occurring or tending to occur among members of a family, usually by heredity: '-------- traits: -------- disease.'`familial
Occurring without restraint and frequently, widely, or menacingly: rife: 'a rampant epidemic: rampant corruption in city government.'`rampancy
Ochlophobia is the fear of`crowds
Ochlophobia is the fear of`crowds`mobs
ochophobia is a fear of ____`vehicles
Ochophobia is the fear of`vehicles
octavia was which emperor's sister`august
October 2002, name of the TV presenter who caused a rumpus with her autobiography Honest`ulrika jonsson
Octophobia is the fear of ____`the figure 8
Oculolinctus is a fetish whereby people are sexually aroused by licking a partner's what?`eyeball
Oculolinctus is the fetish whereby people are sexually aroused by?`licking a partner's eyeball
Oddities: Beethoven reportedly poured this over his head to stimulate his brain`water
Oddities: Cleopatra's slaves often died because she tested this on them`poison
Oddities: This game (involving a net) was introduced in 1874 as sphairistike`tennis
Oddities: This man was Time magazine's 1938 "Man of the Year"`adolf hitler
Oddities: This pop-star owns most of the Beatles copyrights`michael jackson
"Odd Job" Appeared In Which James Bond Film`Goldfinger
Odd or unconventional, as in behavior: eccentric. strange`queer
Odds and ends`oddments
Odontophobia is fear of ______`teeth
Odontophobia is the fear of`dental surgery
Odontophobia is the fear of`teeth`dental surgery
Odourless plastic explosive`semtex
od`sweet scabious
Odynephobia is the fear of`pain
Oenophobia- Fear of ____`wines
Oenophobia is the fear of`wines
Of a bulging shape: protuberant`tumid
_% of adult Americans have never had sex.`3
Of a flaxen or golden color or of any light shade of auburn or pale yellowish brown: '----- hair.'`blond
Of a healthy reddish color: ruddy: 'a -------- complexion.'`sanguine
Of a higher nature or kind`superior
Of a kind specified or implied: 'a boy ---- as yourself.'`such
---------- of all boats sold are used in fishing`70%
Of all canadians, ________ percent rely on groundwater for domestic use`twenty six
Of all canadians, ________ percent rely on groundwater for domestic use`twenty six`26
---------- of all people who have ever smoked have now quit`half
---------- of all road accidents in canada involve a moose`0.3%
of all the crops grown in the us, which is the best source of protein?`soybean
Of all the planets - which is the largest`jupiter
Of a material nature: tangible`corporeal
---------- of americans have internet access`25%
__% of Americans have zero or only one sexual partner a year.`83
---------- of americans reported having been in the presence of a ghost`9%
__% of American women agree that a good night's sleep is better than sex. 68% of men disagree!`46
Of a mixed character: motley`speckled
Of an important or weighty nature: grave. serious`earnest
Of an inferior or deplorable condition: 'a rundown, --------- old shack.'`woebegone
Of a pleasant disposition: friendly and sociable: 'a --------- host.'`congenial
Of a similar nature: related: 'city planning and ------ studies.'`allied
Of a smaller size than other, similar forms: 'the ------ anteater.'`lesser
Of a strikingly attractive appearance`stunningly
---------- of bank robberies take place on fridays`50%
Of, based on, operated by, or otherwise involving the controlled conduction of electrons or other charge carriers, especially in a vacuum, gas, or`electronic
Of, based on, or using the principles of bimetallism`bimetallic
Of, being, or serving as a starting point or basis: 'a ----- course in Russian: a set of ----- woodworking tools.'`basic
Of, belonging to, or characteristic of commoners`plebeian
Of boundless or immeasurable size or extent. enormous`immense
Of brief duration: transitory: 'a passing fancy.'`passingly
---------- of canadians say they would not borrow a toothbrush if they forgot to pack their own`97%
Of, caused by, or associated with sickness: 'a sickly pallor.'`sicklier
Of, characteristic of, or containing blood`bloodied
Of, characteristic of, or containing blood`bloody
__% of college students are still virgins.`20
Of, coming from, or being in the sky or high above`supernal
Of, concerned with, or organized for the benefit of charity`benevolent
Of, concerned with, or teaching religion: 'a --------- text.'`religious
Of, consisting of, or involving two or more combined or associated entities: joint`conjoint
Of, containing, or resembling chalk`cretaceous
Of, derived from, or containing ------ acid`formic
Of distinguished importance: significant: 'a ---------- figure in literature.'`measurable
------ of eggs.'`carton
---------- of electrocutions occur while talking on the phone during a thunderstorm`60%
Of enormous magnitude: immense: 'an ----------al increase in the deficit.'`astronomic
Of enormous size: immense`galactic
Of exceedingly great scope or nature: 'the ---- influence of the Hellenic world.'`huge
"Offa's Dyke" divided which 2 countries`England And Wales`Wales And England
Offbeat: crazy: the ----- energy of Harpo Marx (Michael Wood)`loopy
Offbeat: crazy: the loopy energy of Harpo Marx (Michael Wood)`loopier
Offensive. A Black nursemaid, especially one formerly in the southern United States`mammies
Offensive. A Black nursemaid, especially one formerly in the southern United States`mammy
Offensive. A short person`runt
Offensive. A short person`runts
Offensive. A woman considered to be spiteful or overbearing`bitch
Offensively bold behavior`impudence
Offensive Slang. A woman or wife`squaw
Offensive Slang. Used as a disparaging term for a Black person`coon
Offensive Slang. Used as a disparaging term for a German`kraut
Offensive Slang. Used as a disparaging term for a homosexual man`fairies
Offensive Slang. Used as a disparaging term for a homosexual man`fairy
Offensive to moral sensibilities: despicable`hideous
Offensive to public moral values: immodest. improper`indecent
Offensive to the taste or sensibilities`fulsome
Offered a new pen to write with, 97% of all people will write what`their own name
Offering no hope: bleak`hopeless
Officers how many british officers were forced by indian troops into the black hole of calcutta`one hundred and forty six
Officers in which army were given copies of 'les miserables'`confederate
officers in which army were given copies of 'les miserables'`confederate army
Office what is the name of the film in which steven segal's character dies`executive decision
Official approval: sanction`imprimatur
Official consignment, as to a prison or mental health facility`commitment
Official examination or review, as of barracks or troops`inspection
official language is german`austria
official neutral name is 'the helvetic confederation'`switzerland
Official scrutiny of accounts`audit
Official taxis in London are usually what colour`black
Official taxis in New York are what colour`yellow
Of first importance: primary`primal
off of what countries coast do you find the great barrier reef`Australia
---------- of food poisoning cases are never reported`95%
Of, for, or typical of college students`collegiate
Offspring occurring in numbers: brood`spawn
Offspring or descendants considered as a group`progenies
Offspring's 11th track on Smash`what happened to you
Off the coast of which Australian state is the Great Barrier Reef`Queensland
Off the coast of which country is the island of Rhodes`turkey
Off what coast was 'prison island'`french guiana
off what coast was 'prison island'`french`ileum
Off what country lies the island of Zanzibar`tanzania
Off which island did Lord Howe gain a famous naval victory in 1794`ushant
Off which South American port was the Graf Spee scuttled in 1939`montevideo
Of gibraltar In this team sport each player gets a chance to play every position`volleyball
Of greater than average scope, breadth, or capacity: comprehensive`large
Of greater than average scope, breadth, or capacity: comprehensive`largest
Of great force: strong: 'a --- wind: in a --- rage.'`big
Of great importance, use, or service: '-------- information: -------- advice.'`valuable
Of high rank, station, or quality: noteworthy: '------- members of the community.'`eminent
Of high spiritual, moral, or intellectual worth`sublime
Of illegitimate birth`spurious
Of indian affairs Branch of mathematics concerned with the study of such concepts as the rate of change of one variable quantity with respect to another, the slope of a curve at a prescribed point, and the computation of the maximum and minimum values of functions`calculus
Of large size for its weight: 'a bulky knit.'`bulkier
Of, like, or befitting a king: majestic and regal`kinglier
' _____ of Love' by Frankie Lymon`ABC's
Of love Heavier-than-air craft that derives its lift not from fixed wings like those of conventional airplanes, but from a power-driven rotor or rotors, revolving on a vertical axis above the fuselage`helicopter
Of marlboro what latin word is used for information of little use`trivia
---------- of mcdonald's profits come from the sale of happy meals`40%
__% of men feel that being single is easier than being married.`70
__% of men reported that they usually sleep naked, while only 7% of women do.`20
__% of men think about money more than sex. 60% of women do.`34
__% of men wish their partner had larger breasts.`45
---------- of native africans have aids`25%
Of no consequence, effect, or value: insignificant`null
Of no exceptional ability, degree, or quality: average`ordinaries
Of no particular type: anomalous`amorphous
Of no use`otiose
Of no value: worthless`rubbishy
of one's possessions, especially all the property and debts left by one at death`estate
Of, on, or near the western coast of the United States`pacific
Of or appearing in the biblical canon`canonical
Of or being a crystal system of three equal axes lying at right angles to each other`isometric
Of or being a trustee or trusteeship`fiduciary
Of or belonging to a previous or remote period of time: 'the early inhabitants of the British Isles.'`earlier
Of or belonging to the family Equidae, which includes the horses, asses, and zebras`equine
Of or belonging to the group of great apes of the family Pongidae, which includes the gorilla, chimpanzee, and orangutan`anthropoid
Of or belonging to the Ruminantia`ruminant
Of or characteristic of shepherds or flocks: pastoral`bucolic
Of or characteristic of ----------s or a`vertebrate
Of or characteristic of this world: worldly`earthy
Of or characterized by frank, uninhibited sexuality`randier
Of or characterized by frank, uninhibited sexuality`randy
Of or characterized by messianism: '--------- nationalism.'`messianic
Of or composed in ------- couplets`elegiac
Of or concerning the appreciation of beauty or good taste: 'the a-------- faculties.'`esthetic
Of or concerning the appreciation of beauty or good taste: 'the --------- faculties.'`aesthetic
Of or constituting a form of government in which sovereign power is divided between a central authority and a number of constituent political units`federal
Of or constituting a form of government in which sovereign power is divided between a central authority and a number of constituent political units`federally
Of or constituting an educational method in which learning takes place through discoveries that result from investigations made by the student`heuristic
Of or constituting the end result of a succession or process: ultimate: 'an act with both an immediate and a ----- purpose.'`final
Of or containing chemicals that produce intensely hot fire when exploded: 'an ---------- bomb.'`incendiary
Of or containing facts`factual
Of or displaying a morose disposition`dyspeptic
Of or employing nuclear energy: 'an ------ submarine: ------ weapons.'`atomic
Of or for the insane`lunatic
Of or for the people in general: popular: 'a ---------- movement: ---------- art forms.'`democratic
Of or like a cloud or clouds`cloudier
Of or related to sound created or altered by an --------al or electronic device`electric
Of or relating to aborigines`aboriginal
Of or relating to a city, town, or district rather than a larger area: 'state and ----- government.'`local
Of or relating to a community`communal
Of or relating to a corporation: '--------- assets: --------- culture.'`corporate
Of or relating to a genre of usually satiric prose fiction originating in Spain and depicting in realistic, often humorous detail the adventures of a roguish hero of low social degree living byhis or her wits in a`picaresque
Of or relating to a -------- gland`salivary
Of or relating to a guardian or guardianship`tutelary
Of or relating to a husband`marital
Of or relating to a marsupium`marsupial
Of or relating to a migration`migratory
Of or relating to an anatomical atrium`atrial
Of or relating to a nation's currency or coinage`monetarily
Of or relating to a nation's currency or coinage`monetary
Of or relating to a navy`naval
Of or relating to an economy: 'a period of sustained -------- growth.'`economic
Of or relating to an imitation: imitative`mimetic
Of or relating to an instrument that electrically transmits photographs`telephoto
Of or relating to antibiosis`antibiotic
Of or relating to a particular region or district`regional
Of or relating to a representative specimen: characteristic or distinctive`typical
Of or relating to -------a`sciatic
Of or relating to a sexually transmitted disease`venereal
Of or relating to a spouse`spousal
Of or relating to a star performer`stellar
Of or relating to a system of numeration having 2 as its base`binaries
Of or relating to a taxonomic order`ordinal
Of or relating to biography as a literary form`biographic
Of or relating to chemical salts`saline
Of or relating to chivalry`chivalrous
Of or relating to citizens and their interrelations with one another or with the state: 'civil society: the civil branches of government.'`civilly
Of or relating to citizens and their interrelations with one another or with the state: '----- society: the ----- branches of government.'`civil
Of or relating to ---------- coal`bituminous
Of or relating to comedy`comical
Of or relating to communal living`social
Of or relating to communal living`socially
Of or relating to economic, political, or social resistance: 'mounting a rear-guard effort to prevent tax increases.'`rearguard
Of or relating to election`electoral
Of or relating to energy`energetic
Of or relating to ethnology`ethnically
Of or relating to finance or finances`fiscal
Of or relating to`geodesy
Of or relating to geodesy`geodesic
Of or relating to --------- glands or the hormones secreted by them`endocrine
Of or relating to hell: '-------- punishments: -------- powers.'`infernal
Of or relating to humankind: human: 'the ------ limits of understanding.'`mortal
Of or relating to hypnotism`hypnotic
Of or relating to ----------ism`conceptual
Of or relating to ------ism or ------s`mystic
Of or relating to ----------ism`sacerdotal
Of or relating to --------ity: 'their -------- origin.'`national
Of or relating to lands held in fee or to the holding of such lands`feudal
Of or relating to law or legality`juristic
Of or relating to marine shipping or navigation. nautical`maritime
Of or relating to marriage: '------ bliss.'`wedded
Of or relating to measurement`metrical
Of or relating to measurement`metricize
Of or relating to mercantilism`mercantile
Of or relating to metals other than iron`nonferrous
Of or relating to nutrition`nutritive
Of or relating to one's mental or spiritual being: She thinks she has no soul, no -------- life, but the truth is that she has no access to it (David`interior
Of or relating to one that fails to win: 'a losing season: a losing battle.'`losings
Of or relating to only one individual or group: exclusive: 'The court has the ---- right to decide.'`sole
Of or relating to pictorial representation`graphic
Of or relating to prediction: predictive`prognostic
Of or relating to putrefaction`putrescent
Of or relating to --------- schools`parochial
Of or relating to self-propelled vehicles`automotive
Of or relating to simple or basic structure or form`molecular
Of or relating to --------s`logistic
Of or relating to ----------s`numismatic
Of or relating to something supplied, installed, or purchased in this manner: 'a ------- agreement.'`turnkey
Of or relating to sound waves beyond human audibility`supersonic
Of or relating to --------s`phonemic
Of or relating to ---------s`pneumatic
Of or relating to ----------s`prosthetic
Of or relating to ------s`rodent
Of or relating to ----- strips`comic
Of or relating to that which is known by a restricted number of people`esoteric
Of or relating to the 13 British colonies that became the original United States of America`colonial
Of or relating to the aged or to characteristics of the aging process`geriatric
Of or relating to the branch of the Indo-European language family that includes Latin, Faliscan, Oscan, Umbrian, and the Romance languages`italic
Of or relating to the branch of the Indo-European language family that includes Latin, Faliscan, Oscan, Umbrian, and the Romance languages`italics
Of or relating to the broadcasting or reception of sound`audio
Of or relating to the Byzantine Empire`byzantine
Of or relating to the cardia`cardiac
Of or relating to the`choroid
Of or relating to the cultivation of vast areas of land with a minimum of labor or expense`extensive
Of or relating to the cult of the phallus as an embodiment of generative power: '------- worship.'`phallic
Of or relating to the cure of disease`curative
Of or relating to the Dutch language`dutch
Of or relating to the earth's atmosphere`meteoric
Of or relating to the firmament: celestial: 'the sun, the moon, and other -------- bodies.'`heavenly
Of or relating to the ------- glands or their secretions`adrenal
Of or relating to the great depths of the oceans`abyssal
Of or relating to the heart`coronaries
Of or relating to the material world: worldly: 'the -------- possessions of the Church.'`temporal
Of or relating to the mouth: '---- surgery.'`oral
Of or relating to the operating expenses of a business`overhead
Of or relating to the organs involved in the formation and excretion of urine`urinary
Of or relating to the production of offspring`generative
Of or relating to the production or marketing of ------ goods`woolen
Of or relating to the properties or actions of --------s`chemical
Of or relating to the representation of objects, actions, or social conditions as they actually are: 'a --------- novel about ghetto life.' graphic`realistic
Of or relating to the science of botany`botanic
Of or relating to the science of ------ or optical equipment`optics
Of or relating to the science of -----s or -----al equipment`optic
Of or relating to the science or technology of flight`aerospace
Of or relating to the -------s`genital
Of or relating to the soul or spirit: spiritual`ghostlier
Of or relating to the study of the internal action of firearms`ballistic
Of or relating to the tarsus of the eyelid: 'the ------ ligaments.'`tarsal
Of or relating to the wall of the body cavity, especially as distinguished from the head, limbs, or viscera`somatic
Of or relating to the worldwide Christian church`ecumenical
Of or relating to volume`cubical
Of or relating to war: martial`warlike
Of or relating to writers or the profession of literature: '-------- circles.'`literary
Of or worthy of the gods: divine`ambrosial
---------- of people wash from top to bottom in the shower`75%
Of pleasing appearance: handsome`seemlier
Of poor quality or craft`shoddier
Of poor quality: shabby`dinkier
Of, relating to, based on, or contained in the Scriptures`scriptural
Of, relating to, characteristic of, intended for, or appropriate for children or young people: '-------- fashions.'`juvenile
Of, relating to, directed toward, or located on the left side`lefts
Of, relating to, directed toward, or located on the ---- side`left
Of, relating to, emanating from, or being the expression of a deity: 'sought ------ guidance through meditation.'`divine
Of, relating to, or accompanying birth`natal
Of, relating to, or according to the science of --------s`semantic
Of, relating to, or affected with nephritis`nephritic
Of, relating to, or affecting a bodily organ: 'an ------- disease.'`organic
Of, relating to, or appropriate for a servant`menial
Of, relating to, or associated with epilepsy`epileptic
Of, relating to, or being a lighter-than-air aircraft that holds its shape by gas pressure`nonrigid
Of, relating to, or being financial ---------, or a --------- in a financial transaction`principal
Of, relating to, or being military or intelligence operations sanctioned or mandated by Congress: '----- aid to the rebels.'`overt
Of, relating to, or being military or intelligence operations sanctioned or mandated by Congress: 'overt aid to the rebels.'`overtly
Of, relating to, or being one of the pointed conical teeth located between the incisors and the first bicuspids`canine
Of, relating to, or being the blood in the arteries that has absorbed oxygen in the lungs and is bright red`arterial
Of, relating to, or being the blood in the veins or pulmonary arteries that is usually dark red as a result of low oxygen content`venous
Of, relating to, or causing death. fatal`lethal
Of, relating to, or characteristic of a style of composition that flourished in Europe from about 1600 to 1750, marked by expressive`baroque
Of, relating to, or characteristic of older persons or life in later years`elderly
Of, relating to, or characteristic of Scholasticism`scholastic
Of, relating to, or characteristic of the clergy`clerical
Of, relating to, or constituting the glands that produce tears`lachrymal
Of, relating to, or constituting the glands that produce tears`lacrimal
Of, relating to, or containing gelatin`gelatinous
Of, relating to, or contemporary with the 12 Apostles`apostolic
Of, relating to, or designating the short flight feathers nearest the body on the rear edge of a bird's wing`tertiary
Of, relating to, or determined by a year: 'an ------ income.'`annual
Of, relating to, or expressed by an alphabet`alphabetic
Of, relating to, or expressed in a sign language: 'a ------ translation.'`signed
Of, relating to, or having the nature of a vowel`vocalic
Of, relating to, or having the power to originate: creative`seminal
Of, relating to, or indicating a mathematical function or functions`functional
Of, relating to, or intended for dentistry: '------ work: ------ bills.'`dental
Of, relating to, or intended for use by only one eye: 'a --------- microscope.'`monocular
Of, relating to, or involving church government by bishops`episcopal
Of, relating to, or involving the entire earth: worldwide: '------ war: ------ monetary policies.'`global
Of, relating to, or involving ultrasound`ultrasonic
Of, relating to, or located on the same side of the body as the spinal cord: dorsal`neuritis
Of, relating to, or manifesting the view that there is no order or value in human life or in the universe`absurd
Of, relating to, or marked by multistoried buildings: 'a high-rise fire: a high-rise district.'`highrise
Of, relating to, or occurring during the mating season: 'the ------- plumage of male birds.'`nuptial
Of, relating to, or occurring in the earliest stage of development: 'was active in the -------- stages of the space program.'`germinal
Of, relating to, or practicing sexual perversion`perverted
Of, relating to, or resembling floss`flossier
Of, relating to, or resembling leprosy`leprous
Of, relating to, or resembling skin`skinnier
Of, relating to, or suggestive of schizophrenia. No longer in scientific use`schizoid
Of, relating to, or taking place in private life: 'an -------- persona.'`offstage
Of, relating to, or used for animal husbandry`pastoral
Of, relating to, or used in debate or argument: rhetorical`forensic
Of, relating to, or written in`miniscule
Of, relating to, or written in miniscule`minuscule
Of, relating to, or written in the simplified form of ancient Egyptian hieratic writing`demotic
Of, relating to, used in, or involving military or naval operations that are smaller, closer to base, and of less long-term significance than strategic`tactical
Of, resembling, or befitting a queen: majestic and regal`queenlier
Of, resembling, or suggestive of a devil: fiendish: '-------- energy: a --------al fit.'`demoniac
Of, similar to, or characteristic of a thief: furtive`thievish
Of sin, cos or tan, which graph is not differentiable at all points`tan
Of special quality or value: choice: 'select peaches.'`selectness
Of such beauty or delicacy as to arouse intense delight: 'an --------- sunset.' delicate`exquisite
---------- of taiwanese funeral processions include a stripper`1/3
Often drank, this liquid is normally harvested from female cows`milk
Often drunk, this liquid is normally harvested from female cows`milk
Often eaten for breakfast, bacon is actually the flesh of what barnyard animal`Pig
Often eaten for breakfast, the egg comes from what barnyard animal`chicken
Often eaten in soup what are croutons made of`bread
often made around a campfire, what has graham crackers, marshmallow and chocolate`smores
Often Offensive. Of or belonging to a racial group not categorized as white`coloreds
Often Offensive. Of or relating to naturalized citizens or their descendants or culture`hyphenated
Often Offensive. Unable to speak`mute
Often Offensive. Unable to speak`muting
Often seen on warning signs, what two words are combined for form the term Hazmat`Hazardous material
---------- often sleep for up to fourteen hours a day`gorillas
Of the 25 reported cases of penis fracture last year, 16 agree that the cause of their condition was due to over-enthusiastic __________.`masturbation
Of the 262 men who have held the title of pope, how many have died by violence`thirty three
Of the 266 men who have been pope, how many have died violently`thirty three
Of the 266 popes, how many died violently`thirty three
---------- of the cells in your body will die and be replaced with new cells all while you have been reading this sentence`50,000
Of the color jet: black: '----- tresses.'`jetty
---------- of the population can curl their tongue into a tube`85%
Of the rank of a monarch`royal
Of the rank of a monarch`royally
Of the seven colours of the rainbow which is the middle one`green
---------- of the solar system mass is concentrated in the sun`99%
Of the Somme With what acid do nettles cause irritation`Formic acid
Of the twenty brightest stars in the sky, what one is the furthest north`capella
Of the two chipmunks, Chip and Dale, ____ has the black nose`chip
---------- of the video game market is adults`56%
---------- of turns are right turns`51%
Of uncertain significance`equivocal
---------- of u.s. male college students believe life is a meaningless existential hell`27%
---------- of vitamin c in brussels sprouts will be lost in cooking`90%
Of waterloo Common name for the family comprising a peculiar group of spiny, fleshy plants native to America`cactus
Of what are an arc, radius and sector a part`circle
Of what are Chestnut, Oyster, Shitake varieties`mushroom
Of what are corolla, filament and stigma a part of`flower
of what are dartboards made`horsehairs
Of what are epidermal cells, palisade cells and veins a part`leaf
Of what are quemoy and matsu part`taiwan
of what are 'smores' made`graham crackers, marshmallow and chocolate
of what are 'smores' made`graham crackers, marshmallow and`sashimi
Of what are Syrah, Merlot and Pinot Noir favourites`grapes
Of what are the central processing units of modern computers mostly composed`silicone
Of what are throat, foxing and platform parts`shoe
Of what are walrus tusks made`ivory
Of what battle was a horse named Comanche the only losing survivor`battle of little big horn
Of what building did Galile drop his balls`The leaning tower of Pisa
Of what continent is Cyprus a part`asia
Of what country did Napoleon make his brother, Jerome, king`westphalia
Of what country did Napoleon make his brother, Louis, king`holland
Of what country is Holger Danske the national hero`Denmark
Of what country is Lagos the capital`Nigeria
of what country is samsoe is the national cheese`denmark
Of what country is the monetary unit the rupee`india
Of what country is Tripoli capital`libya
of what country was nebuchadnezzar king`assyria
of what did aristotle say all things were made up`air, earth, fire, water
Of what did israel acquire 4 out of 7 in 1955`dead sea scrolls
Of what did robert the bruce, king of scotland, die in 1329`leprosy
Of what did sigmund freud have a morbid fear`ferns
Of what did Sir Francis Drake die`dysentry
of what do baby robins eat 14 feet of every day`earthworms
Of what do earthworms have five`hearts
Of what does a bicaudal cow have two`tails
Of what does a human being lose an average of 40 to 100 per day`hairs
Of what does a Poker Full House consist`three of a kind and a pair
Of what does the typical man have 13,000`whiskers
of what do you use one tenth if you lick a stamp`calorie
Of what element is the sun mostly composed`hydrogen
of what fabric are harris, lewis & donegal the leading examples?`tweed
Of what form of artistic expression is Caedmon the first named British exponent`poetry
Of what group is Mark Miller the lead singer`sawyer brown
Of what has alberta, canada been completely free since 1905`rats
Of what has Ry Cooder only one,that most men have two`eye
of what is 16% of human body weight made up`skin
Of what is 98% of the weight of water made`oxygen
Of what is '9' the billionth digit`pi
Of what, is a Dutch Beefsteak a variety`tomato
Of what is agrostology the study`grasses
Of what is androphobia a fear`men
Of what is apiphobia the fear`bees
Of what is a Queen Alexandra Birdwing the worlds largest variety`butterfly
of what is a rhinocerous horn made`hair
Of what is cetology a study`whales
Of what is dendrology the study`trees
Of what is dromophobia the fear`crossing roads
Of what is genetics the study`heredity
Of what is graphology the study`handwriting
Of what is hippophobia a fear`horses
Of what is keratitis an inflammation`cornea
of what is lake victoria the source`white nile
of what is lake victoria the source`white`tucker
Of what is mycology the study`fungi
Of what is pedology the scientific study`soil
Of what is pedology the study`soil
Of what is pekoe a variety`tea
Of what is petrology the study`rocks
Of what is 'psephology' the study`election results
of what is 'soweto' in south africa an abbreviation`south west`reeve
Of what is 'soweto' in south africa an abbreviation`south west township
Of what is St Clare patron saint of`television
Of what is the word 'fortnight' a contraction`fourteen nights
Of what is tocophobia the fear`childbirth
Of what metal are meteorites composed`iron
of what mineral is limestone composed of?`calcite
Of what modern mammal is the Mastodon an early relative`elephant
Of what nutrient is egg white composed`protein
of what origin is 'spanakopita'`greek
of what planet is 'io' a moon`jupiter
of what planet is titan a moon`saturn
Of what species is the firefly a member`beetle
Of what substance are teeth made`enamel
Of what was Charlie Chaplain's cane made?`bamboo
Of what was charlie chaplin's cane made`bamboo
of what was john bentham one of the founders`utilitarianism
Of what was Napoleon terrified`cats
Of what was Snow White's coffin made`glass
Of what was the first lightbulb filament made`cotton
Of what was vadim viktorovich bakatin the last chairman`k.g.b
of what was vadim viktorovich bakatin the last chairman`k.g`capone
Of what were 500 million printed with Elvis Presley on the face`stamps
Of what were ancient Egyptian pillows made`stone
Of which academy is a goat the mascot`u.s naval academy
Of which African country is Lilongwe the capital`malawi
Of which ancient country was Akhenaten a ruler`egypt
Of which: 'ancient pottery ------- many examples are lost.'`whereof
Of which australian band, still rocking after 20 years, is angus young the brains`ac/dc
Of which bird did Wordsworth write "Is it a bird, or but a wandering voice`"cuckoo
Of which bird did Wordsworth write "Shall I call thee bird, or but a wandering voice"`cuckoo
Of which bird did Wordsworth write "Shall I call thee bird, or but a wandering voice`"the cuckoo
Of which book did Charles Dickens write 'Of all my books I like this the best'`david copperfield
of which boy band was Robbie Williams a member`Take That
Of which British politician was it said 'He delivers all his statements as though auditioning for the speaking clock'`john major
Of which cambodian party was pol pot the leader`khmer rouge
Of which co star did tony curtis say its like kissing hitler`marilyn monroe
Of which country does the group of about 100 islands, known variously as the Spice Islands, the Moluccas, Maluku and Pulau Seribu, form part`indonesia
Of which country does the kalahari desert cover 84%`botswana
Of which country is Amharic an official language`ethiopia
Of which country is Constanta a major port city?`romania
Of which country is Khartoum the capital`the sudan
Of which country is Maseru the capital`lesotho
Of which country is the flame flower a native`south africa
of which country is the flame flower a native`south`fertilisation
Of which country is the flower the French Marigold a native`mexico
Of which country is voodoo the national religious folk cult`haiti
Of which country was Achmed Sukarno president from 1945 - 1962`indonesia
Of which country was achmed sukarno president from 1945 to 1962`indonesia
Of which country was Admiral Miklos Horthy the political leader during World War 2`hungary
Of which country was Anastasio Somoza president during the 1960s and '70s`nicaragua
Of which country was Andreas Papandreou prime minister`greece
Of which country was Antonio Salazar once dictator`portugal
Of which country was Anwar Sadat the president`egypt
Of which country was Faisal, assassinated in 1975, king`saudi arabia
Of which country was Henry the Navigator a prince in the 1400s`portugal
Of which country was louis philippe the last king`france
Of which country was Salvador Allende president`chile
of which country were nasser and king farouk heads of state`egypt
Of which empire was Nineveh the capital`assyria
Of which event in 1929 did a Chicago reporter say 'There was more brains on my shoes than in my head'`saint valentines day massacre
Of which event in 1929 did a Chicago reporter say 'There was more brains on my shoes than in my head'`st valentine's day massacre`saint valentine's day massacre
of which family are watermelons a member`cucumbers
Of which family is the tamaraw, one of the world's rarest animals?`buffalo
Of which famous American tycoon did Clifford Irving forge an autobiography in 1972`howard hughes
Of which fruit are Pink Lady, Sundowner and Discovery varieties`apples
Of which fruit is "pearmain" a variety`apple
Of which fruit is 'Red Gauntlet' a variety`strawberry
Of which island do ireland, britain, iceland and norway dispute ownership`rockall
Of which island group is Viti Levu, the largest`fiji
Of which metal is azurite the ore`copper
Of which metal is malachite an ore`copper
Of which metal is sperrylite the ore`platinum
Of which mountain is Maclear's Beacon the highest point`table mountain
Of which people was Genghis Kahn a war leader`The Mongols
Of which people was William Tell a national hero`the swiss
Of which piece of music is "The Great Gate at Kiev" a part`pictures at an exhibition
Of which planet is luna the moon`earth
Of which republic was Idi Amin the leader`uganda
Of which ship was miles standish captain`mayflower
Of which Spanish province is Santander the capital city`cantabria`
Of which Spanish province is Seville the capital city`andalucia
Of which State was Jimmy Carter Governor before he became president`georgia
Of who did the u.s postal service print 500 million stamps in 1993`elvis
of who did the u.s postal service print 500 million stamps in 1993`elvis presley
Of whom was Diana Prince the alter ego`wonderwoman
Of whom was it said by Gerald Ford, 'He doesn't dye his hair - he's just prematurely orange'`ronald reagan
Of who was atahualpa king`incas
Of who was eva braun the mistress`adolf hitler
Of who was Oedipus king`thebes
Of who were castor and pollux the twin sons`zeus and leda
__% of women over the age of 80 still have sexual intercourse either with their spouse or boyfriends.`30
__% of women say they did not enjoy sex their first time.`60
---------- of workers on the panama canal suffered from malaria`82%
Ogdensburg, New York is the only city in the United States situated what river`st lawrence
Ogdensburg, New York is the only city in the United States situated what river`st lawrence`saint lawrence
Ogdensburg, New York is the only city in the U S situated on what river`st lawrence river
ogs ______ through the pads of their feet`sweat
Oh, life, it's bigger, it's bigger than you and you are not me.`losing my religion
"Oh no, Beta." Who said it?`Snake
Oikophobia is the fear of`home surroundings
Oikophobia is the fear of`home surroundings`house
Oingo Boingo tune that tells you "leave your body and soul at the door".`dead mans party
oklahoma city is the capital of ______`oklahoma
older movies: al pacino & a young michelle pfeiffer in a drug-dealing violence-fest:`scarface
older movies: anne francis & robby the robot starred in this scifi classic:`forbidden planet
older movies: early spielberg film with roy scheider & richard dreyfus:`jaws
older movies: katherine hepburn was a socialite flirting with reporter jimmy stewart:`the philadelphia story
older movies: silly comedy with dudley moore & liza minelli (freebie):`arthur
Old-fashioned: antique`fustier
Old fashioned word for a prostitute`harlot
Old lady from pasadena`the little old lady from pasadena`a little old lady
Old Man of the Sea: The ______, the unique member of the family dungongidae, is a large and long-lived marine mammal that may have contributed to the myth of mermaid sightings`Dugong
Old maps show Terra Australis Incognita, what was it`unknown southern continent
'Old Moore's Almanac' was founded in what year`1699
old name for ethiopia`abyssinia
old name of zimbabwe`rhodesia
Old name used for an Indian Prince or King`rajah
Old soldier or long serving member of any group`veteran
Old testament wife of King Ahab`jezebel
Old Trek: At age seven Spock was betrothed to who`t'pring
Old Trek: In what episode does Kirk get married`paradise syndrome
Old Trek: The Providers live on what planet`triskelion
Old Trek: What God appeared in "Who Mourns For Adonais"`apollo
old trek: who created nomad?`jackson roykirk
Old Trek: Who is above and below Scotty in the Enterprise's chain of command`spock and sulu
Olfactophobia is a fear of ______`smells
Olfactophobia is the fear of`smells
Oliver is sold`sowerberry
Oliver Reed had an eagle tattooed on this part of his anatomy`his penis
"Oliver's Story" was the sequel to which best-seller by Erich Segal`love story
Olympia is the state capital of which American state`washington
Olympian runner Paavo Nurmi hails from what country`finland
olympic games: what city hosted the first winter olympics in asia`sapporo, japan
Ombrophobia is a fear of ______`rain
Ombrophobia is the fear of`rain
Ommetaphobia is the fear of`eyes
Omphalomancy is:Predicting the future by studying what?`belly-buttons
On 9 February ____, soap rationing began in Britain`1942
On a boat or ship away from the shore: at sea`afloat
On a Canadian two dollar bill, what flag is flying over the Parliament Building`The American flag
On a chemical what does a skull and cross-bone mean`Toxic
On a compass what do the initials NEbE stand for`north-east by east
On a dartboard, what number is on top`twenty
On a darts board what number is directly opposite 10`fourteen
On a darts board what number is directly opposite 10`fourteen`14
on a dice, what is on the opposite side of the '5'`two
On a french menu what would 'huitres' be`oysters
On a German white wine what does the word 'Spatlese' (pronounced 'shpate-laser') signify`late picked
On a human body, hair grows out of pits in the skin. What are these pits called`follicles
On Airwolf, what instrument does Hawke play`cello
On a large scale: amply`largely
On a line or course parallel and close to: continuously beside: 'rowed ----- the shore: the trees ----- the avenue.'`along
on a london underground map, what colour is the district line`green
On a map, how is a parallel also known`latitude
On a map, how is a parallel also known`(line of) latitude
On a menu in an Indian restaurant, if a dish is described as being 'dupiaza', what would it include`fried onions
On a menu in an Indian restaurant, which vegetable is known as 'aloo'`potato
On a Monopoly Board, what colour is Regent Street`green
On a monopoly board, what lies between st charles place and states ave`electric company
on a monopoly board, what lies between st charles place & states ave`electric company
on a monopoly board, what lies between st charles place & states ave`electric`fields
on a monopoly board, what lies between ventnor ave & marvin gardens?`water works
On a musical score for piano what is indicated by the letters M. G. (They're in French)`left hand
On a music score what name is given to the key and meter (or time) signs at the beginning of a composition`signature
On an analogue clock, what number faces 4`10
on a pack of cards which way does the king of clubs face`right
On a 'qwerty' keyboard, what is the extreme left-hand letter on the bottom row`z
On a 'qwerty' keyboard, what is the extreme left-hand letter on the middle row of letters`a
On a 'qwerty' keyboard, what is the letter in between the B and the C key`v
On a 'qwerty' keyboard, what is the letter in between the D and the G key`f
On a 'qwerty' keyboard, what is the letter in between the J and the L key`k
On a 'qwerty' keyboard, what is the letter in between the W and the R key`e
on a ship, what is the plimsoll line`loading`gogh
On a ship, what is the plimsoll line`loading line
Onassis driving: what country is identified by the letters ma`morocco
On a standard computer keyboard, this is the letter just to the right of Z.`x
On August 26,1990 after finishing an encore jam featuring Eric Clapton, Buddy Guy and Robert Cray, his helicopter crashed on his way from Wisconsin to Chicago`Stevie Ray Vaughan
on august 26 1990, after finishing an encore jam featuring eric clapton, buddy guy and robert cray, whose helicopter crashed on his way from wisconsin to chicago`stevie ray vaughan
On average, an iceberg weighs __________ tons`twenty million`20,000,000
On average, elephants sleep for about ________ per day`two hours`2 hours
On average, people fear spiders more than they do`death
on average, there are 333 squares of ---------- on a roll`toilet paper
On average, there are ___-___ _____ sperm per human male ejaculation.`300-500 million
on average, which game takes the longest to play`football
On average which is the deepest ocean`pacific
On a very small scale`minutely
On Beverly Hills 90210 What was the name of Brandon's first car?`Mondale
ON Beverly Hills 90210,where did the Walshes live before they moved to Beverly Hills?`Minnesota
On boy meets world, what is the crazy older brother's name`eric
On British television, which Indian actress is also a cookery expert`madhur jaffrey
On, by, with, or toward the edge`edgeways
on captain midnight, what was ichabod mudd's nickname`icky
on cars gb stands for what country`great britain
Once a year on this island, millions of red crabs make a journey to the ocean, then return inland. Which island`Christmas Island
Once in a while: on occasion`betimes
Once known as the Hawks, this band backed Dylan for 10 years`the band
Once married to Ted Hughes, which American poet committed suicide in 1963`sylvia plath
Once used to make women appear slender, these undergarments were actually known to cause skeletal damage`corsets
on "charlie's angels", who was the voice of charlie`john forsythe
On Children's TV who has friends called Wendy, Muck and Scoop`bob the builder
On clothing, what does the symbol of a circle crossed-out indicate`do not dry clean
On clothing, what does the symbol of a circle inside a square indicate`can be tumble dried
On December 1, 1917, who opened Boys Town, a farm village for wayward boys, near Omaha, Nebraska?`Father Edward Flanagan
On december 1, 1990, workers from france and england met in what structure in the middle of the english channel`chunnel
on december 16, 1773, american townsmen dumped 90,000 pounds of tea into boston harbor in what became known as the ________`boston tea party
On different strokes, what pet did arnold keep in his room`goldfish
on Different Strokes,who got kidnapped?`Sam
On Diff'rent Strokes,what pet did Arnold keep in his room?`Goldfish
on 'dragnet', who did harry morgan play`officer bill gannon
On 'dragnet', who played officer bill gannon`harry morgan
One acting as a ruler or governor`regent
One and the other: each: 'rings on ------ hand.'`either
One billion bytes`gigabyte
One category of such a set`gender
One closely resembling another: a counterpart`similitude
One complete revolution of such a body`orbit
One culture of microorganisms derived from another`subculture
One day on Mercury lasts _____ Earth days`fifty eight
One "day" on Mercury lasts more than ___ Earth days`fifty eight
One "day" on Mercury lasts more than ___ Earth days`fifty eight`58
On edge: nervous`jumpier
On edge: nervous`jumpy
One drive 64 km/hr ...How many Mph am I driving`40
One employed by a company to obtain confidential information about its competitors`spied
One employed by a company to obtain confidential information about its competitors`spy
One empowered to act for or represent another: 'an author's -----: an insurance -----.'`agent
One engaged in the logging business`logger
One, especially a tenant, that occupies or controls something: 'The current ------ of the apartment.'`holder
One fifth of the female population, in London in 1860 were_________?`Prostitutes
One-fourth of the people who lose their ______ __ _____ also lose their desire for sexual relations.`sense of smell
One gram of 2,4 d, a common household herbicide can contaminate __________ litres of drinking water`ten million
One gram of pcbs can make up to ____________ litres of water unsuitable for freshwater aquatic life`one billion
One guilty of a fault or crime`culprit
One having an indicated rank or rating. Often used in combination: 'a third------: a first------.'`rater
One having a specified quality: 'under----.'`ling
One held in the grip of a strong emotion or passion`captive
One Hit Wonders 3: Brandy, You're a Fine Girl`looking glass
One Hit Wonders 3: Come On Eileen`dexys midnight runners
One Hit Wonders 3: Mexican Radio`wall of voodoo
One Hit Wonders 3: Puttin' On The Ritz (1983)`taco
One Hit Wonders 3: The Book of Love`monotones
One Hit Wonders : 99 Luftballoons`nina
one hit wonders aneka got to no 1 in 1981 name the song`japanese boy
One Hit Wonders: Australian Duo who went top 5 in 1991 with "I Touch Myself"`divinyls
One Hit Wonders : Brandy, You're a Fine Girl`looking glass
One Hit Wonders: British band who took rock anthem "All Right Now" to #4 in 1970`free
One Hit Wonders: British quintet who hit the top 20 with "I Wanna Be A Cowboy"`boys don't cry
One Hit Wonders: Brit techno-rock band who went to #9 in 1982 with "I Ran (So Far Away)"`flock of seagulls
One Hit Wonders: Brit who hit #5 in 1983 with "She Blinded Me with Science"`thomas dolby
One Hit Wonders: Bronx based dance singer who went to #6 in 1991 with "Temptation"`corina
One Hit Wonders: Chantilly Lace`big bopper
One Hit Wonders: Cleveland band who went top 5 in 1982 with "Let It Whip"`dazz band
One Hit Wonders: Come On Eileen`dexys midnight runners
One Hit Wonders: English Band who took Falco's Der Komissar to #5 in the US`after the fire
One Hit Wonders: Female who sang the #1 song of the 70's "You Light Up My Life"`boone
One Hit Wonders: Female who sang the #1 song of the 70's "You Light Up My Life"`debbie boone
One Hit Wonders: Founding member of Sweeney Todd who went to #1 with "Hot Child In The City"`nick gilder
One Hit Wonders: Hispanic rapper Mellow Man Ace hit with this "spanglish" song in 1990`mentirosa
One Hit Wonders: Inspired by a classic movie of the same name, it was Bertie Higgins #8 hit`key largo
One Hit Wonders: Inspired by a classic movie of the same name, it was Bertie Higgins 8th hit`key largo
One Hit Wonders: Kentucky group who went to #1 in 1978 with "Kiss You All Over"`exile
One Hit Wonders: LA Based Rock Band which hit in 1985 with "Turn Up The Radio"`autograph
One Hit Wonders: Lead by Squeeze member Paul Carrack this group asked "How Long"`ace
One Hit Wonders : Little Star`the elegants
One Hit Wonders : Love Grows Where My Rosemary Goes`edison lighthouse
One Hit Wonders : Mexican Radio`wall of voodoo
One Hit Wonders: Mickey`toni basil
[One hit wonders name the artist] "Dont worry be happy"`Bobby Mcferrin
[One hit wonders name the artist] "In the summertime"`Mungo jerry
[One hit wonders name the artist] "In the year 2525"`Zager and evans
[One hit wonders name the artist] "Miami vice theme"`Jan hammer
[One hit wonders name the artist] "pop muzic"`M
One Hit Wonders: Nazareth's rock anthem "Love Hurts" came from this classic album`hair of the dog
One Hit Wonders: Neal Hefti's one hit wonder from 1966; a TV theme which had only two words`the batman theme
One Hit Wonders: Nick Heyward's old band who hit in 1982 with "Love Plus One"`haircut one hundred
One Hit Wonders: One Hit Wonders 3: Don't Shed A Tear`carrack
One Hit Wonders: Originally formed as a SKA band, these guys hit in 1983 with "Our House"`madness
One Hit Wonders: Pittsburgh rocker who hit in 1981 with "Ah! Leah!"`donnie iris
One Hit Wonders: Pump Up the Volume`marrs
One hit wonders: puttin on the ritz 1983`taco
One hit wonders: r and b group that went to the charts twice with do you love me`contours
One Hit Wonders: R&B Group that went to the charts twice with "Do You Love Me"`contours
One Hit Wonders: Rico Suave`gerardo
One Hit Wonders : Shattered Dreams`johnny hates jazz
One Hit Wonders: She Blinded Me With Science`dolby
One Hit Wonders: She's Like The Wind`patrick swayze
One Hit Wonders: She's Like The Wind`swayze
One Hit Wonders: Singers of English anthem to feed children "Do They Know It's Christmas"`band aid
One Hit Wonders : Somkin' in the Boy's Room (1974)`brownsville station
One hit wonders: somkin in the boys room`brownsville station
One Hit Wonders: Steve Martin hit with "King Tut" in '78, but this was the name on the label`steve martin and the toot uncommons
One Hit Wonders : Take a Letter Maria`rb greaves
One Hit Wonders: The Book of Love`monotones
One Hit Wonders: The First BIG winner of Star Search he hit in 1984 with "Sugar Don't Bite"`sam harris
One Hit Wonders : Theme from "Greatest American Hero"`joey scarbury
One Hit Wonders: The soul ballad of love gone wrong which Oran "Juice" Jones hit with in 1986`the rain
One Hit Wonders: This annoying rap song that got played to death in 1988 was by LA duo`supersonic
One Hit Wonders: Toronto based blues-rock group who hit in 1989 with "Angel Eyes"`jeff healey band
One Hit Wonders: Waiting For a Star To Fall`boy meets girl
One Hit Wonders: West German who took the instrumental hit "Axel F" to #3 in 1985`harold faltermeyer
One Hit Wonders: Wild Weekend`the rebels
One in a position of supremacy or domination over others`overlord
One inclined to -------ism in religious matters`skeptic
One inclined to skepticism in religious matters`sceptic
One inclined to skepticism in religious matters`sceptics
One inclined to skepticism in religious matters`skeptics
One in every _____ Americans has appeared on television`four
One in every _____ Americans has appeared on television`four`4
One injured or killed in an accident: 'a train wreck with many ----------.'`casualties
Oneirogmophobia is the fear of?`wet dreams
Oneirology is a study and interpretation of what`dreams
Oneirophobia is a fear of ______`dreams
Oneirophobia is the fear of`dreams
one is disposed to make a pair: the emotion of sex and romance`love
one is disposed to make a pair: the emotion of sex and romance`loved
one is disposed to make a pair: the emotion of sex and romance`loves
one knows: an acquaintance`friend
one knows: an acquaintance`friends
One light year is equivalent to how many million kilometres`9,460,000
One light year is equivalent to how many million miles`5,912,500
One Liners: Did you hear the one about the two feminists`thats not funny!
One Liners: How many Californians to screw in a light bulbOne to do it and four to...`share the experience
One Liners: Knock Knock/who's there/OJ/OJ who`you can be on the jury
One Liners: This bum told me he hadnt had a bite in days, so __ __ __`i bit him
One Liners: Waiter! What's this fly doing in my soup`the backstroke
One Liners: What do ghosts have for dessert`i scream
One Liners: When she sits around the house`she really sits around the house
One Liners: Why did the chicken cross the road`to get to the other side
One living on or eligible for public charity`pauper
One man may not be on another man's back in _______, Georgia.`Atlanta
One member of the Oak Ridge Boys is a former radio disc jockey. Name him`Duane Allen
One million bits`megabit
One million bytes`megabyte
One named responsible for paying a bill or note`payer
One need only be 16 to do what (without parental consent) in Georgia`marry
One of 1,000 equal parts`thousandth
One of 100 equal parts`hundredth
One of 12 equal parts`twelfth
One of 13 equal parts`thirteenth
One of 14 equal parts`fourteenth
One of 15 equal parts`fifteenth
One of 16 equal parts`sixteenth
One of 18 equal parts`eighteenth
One of 19 equal parts`nineteenth
One of 20 equal parts`twentieth
One of 30 equal parts`thirtieth
One of 50 equal parts`fiftieth
One of 60 equal parts`sixtieth
One of 70 equal parts`seventieth
One of 80 equal parts`eightieth
One of 90 equal parts`ninetieth
One of a billion equal parts`billionth
One of a breed of pigeons capable of distending the crop until the breast becomes puffed out`pouter
One of AC/DCs better known songs. (it has two B words! :)`back in black
One of a flight of steps`stair
One of a native american people now living chiefly in Oklahoma and North Carolina`cherokee
One of a number of parallel lines or scratches on the surface of a rock that were inscribed by rock fragments embedded in the base of a glacier as it`striation
One of a pair of short-handled oars used by a single rower`scull
One of a series of small ridges or grooves on the surface or edge of a metal object, such as a thumbscrew, to aid in gripping`knurl
One of a series of such sharp turns`zigzag
One of a set of cogged wheels within a mechanism`cogwheel
One of a set of detachable certificates that may be torn off and redeemed as needed: 'a food ------.'`coupon
One of a set of posts supporting a stair handrail`baluster
One of a trillion equal parts`trillionth
One of eight equal parts`eighth
One of Eve's favorite genres, SKA, originated in this country.`jamaica
One of Ferdinand Magellen vessels completed the first circumnavigation of the world in which year`1522
One of five equal parts`fifth
One of nine equal parts`ninth
One of prodigious size, strength, or achievement: (the twin -----s of the beverage industry (David Barboza)`titan
One of Queen Victoria's wedding gifts was a 3 metre diameter, half tonne`cheese
One of seven equal parts`seventh
One of several component pieces that are fitted into a diestock to cut threads on screws or bolts`dices
One of several cuts of meat, such as tender----, taken from this part of an animal's body, typically including the vertebrae of the segment from which it`loin
One of several similar games, sometimes using a table with pockets, as in pool`billiards
One of six equal parts`sixth
One of the beautiful virgins of the Koranic paradise`houri
One of the bones of the pectoral girdle in many vertebrates`clavicle
One of the branch lodges of this association`grange
one of the broad group of elementary particles, the boson, is also known by its more common name of`photon
One of the Canary Islands; the story "Planet of Fire" was filmed here`lanzarote
One of the earliest centers of urban civilization, in the area of modern Iraq and eastern Syria between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers?`mesopotamia
One of the eldest living Protoss. Martriarch of the Dark Templar tribes of Shakuras`Raszagal
one of the episodes in which mulder has fired his gun is _____`oubliette
One of the few safer sex products specifically developed for Women's use is commonly referred to as..?`A dental dam
One of the fingerlike projections of the chorion that contribute to the formation of the placenta in mammals`villi
One of the five administrative units of New York City`borough
One of the five main senses, by which sound waves are perceived by the ear in vertebrate animals`hearing
One of the five special senses (sense organs) by what odors are perceived`smell
One of the four humors of ancient and medieval physiology, thought to cause anger and bad temper when present in excess: yellow bile`choler
One of the four humors of ancient and medieval physiology, thought to cause sluggishness, apathy, and evenness of temper`phlegm
One of the hard protuberances that grows from the foreheads or snouts of various hoofed mammals, such as rhinoceroses, deer, giraffes, goats, & cattle`horn
One of the jointed appendages of an animal, such as an arm, leg, wing, or flipper, used for locomotion or grasping`limb
One of the jointed appendages of an animal, such as an arm, leg, wing, or flipper, used for locomotion or grasping`limbs
One of the lovely warm, wet entrances into a Woman's interior is referred to as..?`vagina
One of the lower or hind limbs in humans and primates`leg
One of the lower or hind limbs in humans and primates`legged
One of the lower or hind limbs in humans and primates`legs
One of the many Tarzans, Karmuela Searlel, was mauled to death on the set by a`elephant
One of the pair of gates downstream in a canal lock`tailgate
One of the planets in the solar system, the second in distance from the sun`venus
One of the points on a timepiece marking off 12 or 24 successive intervals of 60 minutes, from midnight to noon and noon to midnight or from midnight to`hour
One of the points on a timepiece marking off 12 or 24 successive intervals of 60 minutes, from midnight to noon and noon to midnight or from midnight to`hours
One of the reasons male deer rub their antlers on a tree or the ground is to?`masturbate
One of the reasons marijuana is illegal today is because cottongrowers in the 30s lobbied against _____ farmers - they saw it as competition`hemp
One of these sets of decades`rosaries
One of these threads`thrum
One of the seven celestial bodies, Mercury, Venus, the moon, the sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, visible to the naked eye and thought by ancient astronomers to revolve in the heavens about a fixedEarth and among`planet
One of the seven celestial bodies, Mercury, Venus, the moon, the sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, visible to the naked eye and thought by ancient astronomers to revolve in the heavens about a fixedEarth and among`planets
One of the "Seven Natural Wonders of the World"`THE GRAND CANYON
One of the slats used in such an opening`louver
One of the smallest living mammals in the world is known as a _________`shrew
One of the so called simple machines in ancient times is the wheel and the`Axel
One of the straws or sticks used in this game`jackstraw
One of the two competitions of the next to the last round in an elimination tournament`semifinal
One of the world's great estuaries, divides Maryland into two parts`Chesapeake Bay
One of the worst fires in American history gutted the 26-storey MGM Grand Hotel in the 1980's In which town was the hotel situated`Las Vegas
One of the worst fires in American history gutted the twenty-six storey MGM Grand Hotel in 1988. In which city was the hotel situated`las vegas
One of the worst hotel fires in history erupts at the ___ in san juan`dupont
one of the worst hotel fires in history erupts at the ___ in san juan`dupont plaza hotel
One of this groups greatest albums was 'slippery when wet' released in 1986`bon jovi
One of three children born at one birth`triplet
One of three equal parts`third
One of three people sharing public administration or civil authority`triumvir
One of three terms into which an academic year is divided in some universities and colleges`trimester
One of two hits by The Fireflies, this one made it to number 22 in 1959`You Were Mine
One of two identical or similar people, animals, or things: a counterpart`twin
One of Willa Cather's most famous works is 'Death Comes For The ____________'`archbishop
One or more letters or phonetic symbols written or printed to approximate a spoken`syllable
One out of every three British males between the ages of 17 and 35 was killed in -------------.`world war i
One part approximately equal to the remaining part`half
One pound of tea can make how many cups of the beverage`300
One quarter of the bones in your body are in your`feet
One ragweed plant can release approximately how many grains of pollen`one
one ragweed plant can release approximately how many grains of pollen`one billion
One resulting from friction`spark
One's companions or associates: 'moved in fast company: is known by the company she keeps.'`companies
One's environment or surroundings`entourage
One serving as a pattern of a specific kind: 'set a good ------- by arriving on time.'`example
"One shaft of light that shows the way, no mortal man can win this day" what is the Queen song title`A Kind of Magic
One showing promise of attaining success: 'a political -----.'`comer
One skirt of a layered gown over which outer skirts are formed and draped`underskirt
One's legal residence`domicile
One specimen or example of a printed text or picture: 'an autographed ---- of a novel.'`copy
One's pledged fidelity`troth
One square inch of human skin contains ___ sweat glands`625
One's regular work or profession`avocation
One, such as a person, an entity, or an event, that is actual: the weight of history and political --------- (Benno C. Schmidt, Jr.)`realities
One, such as a person, business, or organization, that deals in the transport of passengers or goods`carrier
One, such as a rigid theory, that is outdated or antiquated`fossils
One that acts as a provocative stimulus: a goad`gadflies
One that affords assistance or relief`succor
One that attracts strongly`lodestone
One that bakes, especially a portable oven`baker
One that behaves or responds in a mechanical way`automaton
One that brings bad luck`hex
One that can be readily peeled, especially a crab that is about to molt`peeler
One that causes something to stop: 'a conversation -------.'`stopper
One that clings persistently`limpet
One that contests or disputes something, such as an election or a will`contestant
One that contrives, devises, or constructs something: The labyrinth... was built by Daedalus, a most skillful --------- (Thomas Bulfinch)`artificer
One that cracks, especially: A fire`cracker
One that embodies: The flag is the ----------, not of sentiment, but of history (Woodrow Wilson)`embodiment
One that engages in sexual intercourse`fucker
One that equals or almost equals another in a particular respect`rival
One that excites admiring awe. wonder`miracle
One that fails: 'a ------- at one's career.'`failure
One that gives additional, special, or remedial instruction`tutor
One that gives a sign or indication of something to come: a harbinger: 'The crocus is a ------ of spring.'`herald
One that goes in advance: a forerunner`outrider
One that has a relationship to another person or to something that is the equivalent of being a baptismal sponsor: 'the --------- of a new generation of`godfather
One that has a relationship to another person or to something that is the equivalent of being a baptismal sponsor: 'the --------- to a new generation of`godmother
One that has the charge or care of something: 'a lion ------: the ------ of the budget.'`keeper
One that helps reduce difficulty or conflict`lubricant
One that hunts with falcons`falconer
One that impels, encourages, or supervises action`shaker
One that inhabits a forest`forester
One that initiates and carries out a legal action, especially criminal proceedings`prosecutor
One that initiates or dispenses: a source: 'Damascusthe fount of modern Arab nationalism.'`founts
One that initiates or dispenses: a source: 'Damascusthe ----- of modern Arab nationalism.'`fount
One that instills intense fear: 'a rabid dog that became the ------ of the neighborhood.'`terror
One that intrudes in a place, situation, or activity: When these ---------rs choke out native species, ecologists see a danger signal (William K`interlope
One that is at a disadvantage`underdog
One that is burdensome or superfluous`deadwood
One that is closely associated or allied with another: (Stupidity here makes an easy ---------, as always, with racialism (Christopher Hitchens)`bedfellow
One that is defenseless, especially in the face of attack: a victim`prey
One that is -----ed`stunt
One that is engaged in trucking goods`trucker
One that is extremely popular or prominent or that is a major attraction`superstar
One that is greatly liked or preferred: a favorite: the pride and vanity of the rich, the -------s of fate (Mario Puzo)`darling
One that is invested with this power, especially a government or body of government officials: 'land titles issued by the civil ---------.'`authority
One that is killed as a result of such an occurrence: 'The driver was one of the ----------.'`fatalities
One that is lost: 'wrote their flooded house off as a loss.'`losses
One that is peculiar, irregular, abnormal, or difficult to classify: Both men are ---------: they have... likable personalities but each has made his reputation`anomalies
One that is regarded as a standard or model of perfection or excellence`ideal
One that is regarded as embodying or conforming to a set image or type`stereotype
One that is selected`selection
One that is sensationally shocking, surprising, or amazing`bombshell
One that is supreme or preeminent in a particular group, category, or sphere`king
One that is supreme or preeminent in a particular group, category, or sphere`kings
One that is the first, oldest, or most respected of its kind: 'the ---------- of modern computers.'`granddaddy
One that is thin, frail, or slight`wisp
One that is trusted, indulged, or preferred above all others, especially by a superior: 'a -------- of the monarch.'`favorite
One that is turned or applied to for aid or security: 'His only -------- was the police.'`recourse
One that is typical or representative: an example`exemplar
One that is unknown or unacknowledged`anonymity
One that lays waste: a destroyer: 'a ------ of enemy cities.'`waster
One that looks for, locates, and reports something, as: A military or civil defense lookout`spotter
One that maintains communication: 'served as the President's ------- with Congress.'`liaison
One that makes, repairs, and fits horseshoes`blacksmith
One that makes something, such as a service, available: 'primary health care --------s.'`provider
One that pays rent for the use of another's property: a tenant`renter
One that plans or devises: 'a country considered to be the chief --------- of war in the Middle East.'`architect
One that pleads in another's behalf: an intercessor: '--------s for abused children and spouses.'`advocate
One that possesses abundant, often frenzied energy: [She] is a ------- of unfocused energy, an accident about to happen (Jane Gross)`dervish
One that possesses great force or energy: 'She is an editorial ----------.'`powerhouse
One that precedes another: a forerunner or predecessor: 'The new principal's precursor was an eminent educator.'`predate
One that precedes another: a forerunner or predecessor: 'The new principal's --------- was an eminent educator.'`precursor
One that precipitates a process or event, especially without being involved in or changed by the consequences: A free press... has remained... a vital -------- to an informed`catalyst
One that preys on or clings to another: a parasite`leech
One that promulgates something: 'a -------- of lies.'`purveyor
One that protects by intercepting or moderating adverse pressures or influences: A sense of humor... may have served as a buffer against the... shocks`buffered
One that refuses to abide by the dictates of or resists adherence to a group: a dissenter`maverick
One that regulates certain behaviors or actions: Faced with the world recession of the early 1980s,... the World Bank... became a stern economic taskmaster and`cop
One that regulates certain behaviors or actions: Faced with the world recession of the early 1980s,... the World Bank... became a stern economic taskmaster and`cops
One that removes a head from an object, especially a machine that reaps the heads of grain and passes them into a wagon or receptacle`header
One that resembles a ------, as in appearance, character, or movement`spider
One that revolves, as a part of a mechanism`revolver
One that serves as a means of support or assistance`props
One that serves as security against an implied threat: 'superpowers held ------- to each other by their nuclear arsenals.'`hostage
One that serves to protect, conceal, or divide: 'Security guards formed a ------ around the President. A ------ of evergreens afforded privacy from our`screen
One that serves to protect, conceal, or divide: 'Security guards formed a screen around the President. A screen of evergreens afforded privacy from our`screens
One that stretches, such as the wooden framework on which canvas is stretched for an oil painting`stretcher
One that strikes, as the clapper in a bell or the firing pin in a gun`striker
One that sweats, especially profusely`sweater
One that takes in everything available, as with the mind`omnivore
One that temporarily performs the duties of an office: 'The government resigned, but the premier served as --------- until new leaders could be elected.'`caretaker
One that transcribes or copies: 'a ------ of ancient manuscripts.'`copier
One that treats meat, fish, or other foods with salt`salter
One that uses tricks, deception, or fraud`juggler
One that works by the piece or at odd jobs`jobber
One that works under water, especially one equipped with breathing apparatus and weighted clothing`diver
One that works under water, especially one equipped with breathing apparatus and weighted clothing`divers
One that wriggles or squirms`wriggler
One thing conceived as representing another: a symbol: Hollywood has always been an irresistible, prefabricated -------- for the crass, the materialistic, the shallow, and the`metaphor
one thousandth of a second is a_________?`millisecond
One tide is called spring tide what is the other known as`neap
One time barber who scored a hit with "Prisoner of Love"`perry como
'One Tin Soldier' recorded by Coven, was the theme song for what movie?`Billy Jack
One treated as a toy: 'a --------- of fate.'`plaything
One trillion bytes`terabyte
one trillionth of a second is also known as a ?`picosecond
One used by another to accomplish a purpose: a dupe`instrument
On every episode of The A-Team, Mr T is deathly afraid of`flying
one who fought professionally in roman arenas was a ______`gladiator
One who fought professionally in Roman arenas was a(n) ____________.`gladiator
One who fought professionally in Roman arenas was a(n) `Gladiator
One who tells fortunes by the stars is a(n) `astrologer
one word in this question is mispelled. what is it's correct spelling peptidoglycan, euphrates, cytokinesis, atrioventricular.`misspelled
on first'`abbott and costello
on first'`abbott june
on friends,what did phoebe promise to give chandler if he never smoked again`$7,000
On Friends,what did Phoebe promise to give Chandler if her never smoked again?`$7,000
On FRIENDS what was the name of Ross's monkey?`Marcel
On Full House Uncle Jesse had a last name before it became Katsopolis what was it?`Cochran
On Full House,what was Jesse's REAL first name?`Hermes
on full house, what was jesse's real first name`nick
On George Martin's farewell album In My Life, which actor sings the title song`sean connery
On German pottery, which factory's mark was from 1724 a pair of crossed swords`meissen
On get smart, who was seldom called by his name thaddeus`chief
On Gilligan's Island, what was Ginger's last name`grant
on gilligan's island, what was the professor's given name?`roy hinkley
On Happy Days,what animal did Fonzie jump his motorcycle over?`A shark
On Hee Haw, what was Edgar Owen's nickname`buck
on how many continents must a sport be played regularly before it is accepted into the olympics`five
On international automobile license plates, what country is represented by the letter E?`Spain
Onion like plant with cluster of small bulbs`shallot
onions get their distinctive smell by soaking up ---------- from the soil`sulfur
On irc, how do you ask age, sex, location`a/s/l
on irc, what is a/s/l`age, sex`brewers
On irc, what is a/s/l`age, sex, location
On "It's Your Move," what is the name of the rock band that Mark and his friend Eliot pretended to be?`The Dregs Of Humanity
on january 1, 1993, this european nation split into two separate sides`czechoslovakia
On January 16, 1987, KRON of San Francisco became the first television station to air _______ commercials.`condom
On january 17th 1920, the volstead act, the legislation implementing prohibition, took effect. that just so happened to be the 21st birthday of a man whose name would be tied intimately with the prohibition era, namely`al capone
On July 16 1969, when Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin, and Michael Collins took off on our first expedition to the surface of the moon, they were carried by a`Saturn V Launch Vehicle
On June 16, 1456, King Charles VII of France annulled a judgment of heresy against -------------, 25 years after she had been burnt at the stake.`joan of arc
ON june 21 2001 a total eclipse will be seen in...`South Africa
On land: 'spent the day ------.'`ashore
On Laverne & Shirley,what was Laverne's favorite drink?`Milk and Pepsi
only 14% of americans say they've done this with the opposite sex. what is it?`skinny dipping
Only Loss In 1983 Was To Kathy Horvath`Martina Navratilova
Only male canaries can`sing
Only ___ mosquitoes bite`female
Only one Canadian Province has declared itself officially bilingual. Which province is it`New Brunswick
Only one modern olympic games was not named after the host city - The "Interim Olympic games" of 1906, but what city hosted it`athens
Only one person in two billion will live to be ___ or older`116
Only one person in _________ will live to be 116 or older`two billion
Only one satellite has been ever been destroyed by a meteor -- the European Space Agency's _______ in 1993`olympus
Only one satellite has been ever been destroyed by a meteor -- the European Space Agency's ______`olympus
Only the _____ nightingale sings`male
Only three countries have both atlantic and mediterranean coasts france spain and what other`morocco
Only three grape varieties can be used to make champagne. Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier are two. Name the third`chardonnay
on mad about you, paul and jamie's baby was named mabel. what does it stand for`mothers always bring extra love
on 'mad about you', paul & jamie's baby was named mabel. what does it stand for`mothers always bring extra love
on magnum pi, what do the initials stand for?`private investigator
On maps, what is the 'you are here' arrow`ideo locator
On March 13, 1894, the first what was performed in Paris, France?`striptease dance
On March 29, 1848, Niagara Falls stopped flowing for 30 hours because of what`ice jam
On March 29, 1848, Niagara Falls stopped flowing for 30 hours. What caused this`ice jam blocking the niagara river
On march 5, 1770, five years before the american revolution, between british troops and a group of citizens of boston`boston massacre
On M*A*S*H,what was the name of BJ's wife?`Peg.
On M*A*S*H,what was Walter 'Radar' O'Reilley's home town?`Ottumwa,Iowa
On May 16, 1991, Queen -------------- became the first British monarch in history to address Congress during her U.S. tour.`elizabeth ii
on may 28, 1934, the ______ quintuplets were born.`dionne
on mork & mindy, what was mindy's last name`mcconnell
on mork & mindy, who was the leader of the friends of venus`exidor
On Mr Ed, what was Wilbur's last name`post
On MTV's Blame Game what is the name of the Judge?`Judge Reed
on my three sons, which character did william demarest play`uncle charley
On Night Court,Harry had a "statue" of what animal in his office?`Armidillo
On night Court what was Bull's IQ?`181
On Night Court,who was Harry's idol?`Mel Torme
On november 26, 1941, what did president roosevelt declare will always be celebrated on the fourth thursday in november`thanksgiving
Onomatophobia is a fear of _____`names
Onomatophobia is the fear of`hearing a certain word
On or to a lower floor: downstairs`below
On "Out of This World" what planet was Troy from?`Anterrius
On Petticoat Junction, what was the name of the train`cannonball
on policewoman, what rank was pepper anderson?`sergeant
on porter waggoner's show, who was his first singing partner`norma jean
on porter waggoner's tv show, who was his first singing partner`norma jean
On Punky Brewster,how was she abandoned by her mother?`Her mother went in to the grocery store and never came out.
on saturday night live, what planet did the coneheads come from?`remulac
On Saved By The Bell,what was the name of the beach club that the gang worked at?`Malibu Sands Beach Club
On saved by the bell, what were zack and kelly dressed up as the night they broke up`romeo and juliet
On 'southpark' what usually happens to kenny`he gets killed
On "Speaking In Tongues" this group was "Burning Down The House" in 1983`Talking Heads
on 'speaking in tongues' which group was 'burning down the house' in 1983`talking heads
on the 11th day of christmas, my true love gave to me`eleven pipers`city
On the 11th day of christmas, my true love gave to me`eleven pipers piping
On the 1976 release, who 'wanted to fly like an eagle'`steve miller band
on the andy williams show, what did the bear like to eat`cookies
On the banks of which mighty river did a Spanish explorer spot a group of native female warriors in the 1540s`the amazon
On the banks of which river is the taj mahal`river jumna
on the beaufort scale what is the minimum speed of a hurricane (mph)`78
On the body what is a calcaneium`heel bone
On the border between Brazil and which other South American country would you find the Itaipu Dam`paraguay
on the border of which two states are the smoky mountains`tennessee and north carolina
On the Bullwinkle Show, what was Boris's last name`badenov
on the cartoon show 'the jetsons', how old is judy`15
on the cartoon show 'the jetsons', how old is judy?`fifteen
on the chinese calendar, 1998 is the year of the _____`tiger
On the chinese calendar, the year 2000 will be the year of the what`dragon
On the coast of which modern country did the Phoenicians live`lebanon
On The Drew Carey Show what foreign country did Mimi send Drew to?`China
On the Edge: Bush: "It's better than the rest, green to red".`machinehead
On the Edge: Nine Inch Nails: "I'd rather die than give you control".`head like a hole
On the Edge: Nirvana: "What else could I be"`all apologies
On the Edge: Sponge: "It's something that is automatic"`wax ecstatic
On the Edge: Tool: "I feel this coming over like a storm again"`h
On the fahrenheit scale, how many degrees are there between freezing point and boiling point`one hundred and eighty
On the fahrenheit scale, there are 180 degrees between boiling point and ______`freezing point
On the fahrenheit scale, there are 180 degrees between freezing point and ______`boiling point
on 'the flintstones' what was the name of the futuristic rock band`wayouts
on 'the flintstones' who are bambam's parents`barney and betty rubble
on 'the flintstones' who is barney and betty rubble's son`bambam
On the ground: 'combat aircraft aloft and -------.'`aground
On the human body hair grows out of pits in the skin. what are these pits called`follicles
on their first studio release in 7 years they released the album "in the dark" with the top ten record "touch of grey"`grateful dead
On their first studio release in seven years, who released the album 'In The Dark'`grateful dead
On the London Underground, one station has adifferent name on two of its platforms. They are`bank & monument
On the London Underground, one station has adifferent name on two of its platforms. They are`bank & monument`bank and monument
On the london underground, which station has a different name on two of its platforms`bank and monument
On the lower face or underside`underneath
On 'the lucy show', who played vivian bagley`vivian vance
on the mary tyler moore show, what was the name of phyllis's husband?`lars
on the muppet show, who is the commanding officer of the starship swinetrek`captain link hogthrob
On the old kids' show Winky Dink & You, what was Woofer`dog
On the piano is the note five semitones up from middle c black or white`white
On 'the roseanne show', as what was david jacob known`d.j
on 'the roseanne show', as what was david jacob known`d.j.`dj
On 'the roseanne show', who was d.j`david jacob
on the set of jaws what was the nickname given to the shark`bruce
On the shore of which lake are Chicago & Milwaukee`lake michigan
On the shores of which lake are Chicago and Milwaukee`lake michigan
On the show Cheers,What was the name of the restaurant above the bar.`Melvilles
on the show friends what is phoebes twin sisters name`ursulla
On the show FRIENDS what was Phoebes twin sisters name?`Eursela
On the show Kight Rider,what was the name of K.I.T.T.s evil double?`K.A.R.R.
On The Simpsons, baby Maggie's first words we gurgled by who`Elizabeth Taylor
on the simpsons, who is mr. burns' assistant`waylon smithers
On the stone temples of -------- in southern India, there are more than 30 million carved images of gods and goddesses.`madura
on the tony randall show, who played randall's father, wyatt franklin?`hans conried
on the tv show m-a-s-h, what object was stolen out of henry blake's office using a helicopter`desk
on the tv show 'seinfeld', what is kramer's first name`cosmo
On the T.V. show 'The Beverley Hillbillies', what was the street address of the Clampett Mansion`518 Crestview Drive
On the TV show 'The Simpsons', What color is Marge Simpson's hair`Blue
on the tv show 'the simpsons', what is the name of the school janitor`willie
on the u.s flag, how many stripes are there`thirteen
On the verge of becoming obsolete: '-------- customs: a -------- way of life.'`moribund
On this album, "mellow gold" released by this one man band features the song "loser"`beck
On This Day: 01 April 1970 ---------- release hoax they are having dual sex change operations `john & yoko
On This Day: 01 April 1970 ---------- release hoax they are having dual sex change operations`john & yoko`john and yoko
On This Day: 01 August 1960 Benin (Dahomey) gains independence from ---------- `france
On This Day: 01 August 1960 Chubby ---------- releases "The Twist" `checker
On This Day: 01 August 1971 George Harrison's concert for ---------- takes place in NYC`bangladesh
On This Day: 01 December 1970 Independent People's Republic of ---------- becomes the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen `south yemen
On This Day: 01 December 1972 ---------- release "Hi, Hi, Hi" in UK`wings
On This Day: 01 December 1973 Australia grants self-government to ---------- `papua new guinea
On This Day: 01 December 1973 Jack ---------- becomes 1st golfer to earn $2M in a year`nicklaus
On This Day: 01 February 1960 Extreme right-wing rebels in ---------- surrender`algiers
On This Day: 01 February 1970 Stalled commuter train rammed by express in---------- , 139 die`argentina
On This Day: 01 February 1970 West-Germany & ---------- sign gas contract `ussr
On This Day: 01 January 1960 Bank of ---------- issues new franc, worth 20`france
On This Day: 01 January 1960 Cameroon (French Cameroon) gains independence from ---------- `france
On This Day: 01 January 1960 Montserrat adopts ---------- `constitution
On This Day: 01 January 1960 ---------- plays 1st of many free concerts behind bars`johnny cash
On This Day: 01 January 1970 Revised ---------- for Western (RC) Church goes into effect`calendar
On This Day: 01 January 1971 ---------- advertisements banned on TV`cigarette
On This Day: 01 January 1972 People's Republic of China performs ---------- at Lop Nor People's Rebulic of China`nuclear test
On This Day: 01 January 1973 47th Australian Women's Tennis Margaret Court beats ---------- (64 75)`goolagong
On This Day: 01 January 1973 Britain, Ireland & Denmark become 7th-9th members of ---------- Market`common
On This Day: 01 January 1973 West ---------- Economic Community formed (Benin, Ivory Coast, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, Upper Volta)`african
On This Day: 01 January 1975 Haldeman, Ehrlichman, Mitchell & Mardian convicted of ---------- crime`watergate
On This Day: 01 January 1975 Sweden adopts ---------- `constitution
On This Day: 01 July 1960 ---------- becomes a republic`ghana
On This Day: 01 June 1973 Paul McCartney & ---------- release "Live & Let Die"`wings
On This Day: 01 June 1975 ---------- replaces Mick Taylor as Rolling Stone guitarist`ron woods
On This Day: 01 March 1970 Charles ---------- 's album "Lie" is released `manson
On This Day: 01 March 1970 End of US commercial ---------- hunting`whale
On This Day: 01 March 1970 Kreisky's social-democrats win ---------- parliamentary election`austrian
On This Day: 01 March 1970 White government of Rhodesia declares independence from ---------- `britain
On This Day: 01 March 1974 George ---------- announces his concert tour of US in November`harrison
On This Day: 01 March 1974 Ian & Greg ---------- make 264 partnership vs New Zealand cricket at Wellington`chappell
On This Day: 01 March 1975 17th Grammy Awards: I Honestly Love You, Marvin ---------- wins`hamlisch
On This Day: 01 March 1975 ---------- ' "Best of My Love" reaches #1`eagles
On This Day: 01 May 1960 ---------- shoots down Francis Gary Powers' U-2 spy plane over Sverdlovsk`russia
On This Day: 01 May 1971 Rolling ---------- release "Brown Sugar" `stones
On This Day: 01 October 1960 Nigeria gains independence from ---------- (National Day)`britain
On This Day: 01 October 1971 Walt Disney World in---------- , Florida opens`orlando
On This Day: 01 October 1975 ---------- grants internal self-government to Seychelles`britain
On This Day: 01 September 1971 Qatar declares independence from ---------- `britain
On This Day: 01 September 1972 ---------- (US) defeats Boris Spassky (USSR) for world chess title`bobby fischer
On This Day: 02 April 1972 ---------- Academy Awards presented`44th
On This Day: 02 April 1972 Prime Minister Begin visits ---------- `cairo
On This Day: 02 February 1960 Michale Eufemia sinks 625 balls in ---------- without a miss`pool match
On This Day: 02 February 1971 ---------- ousts Milton Obote to become dictator of Uganda`idi amin
On This Day: 02 February 1974 Barbra ---------- 's 1st #1 hit, "The Way We Were"`streisand
On This Day: 02 January 1960 John Reynolds sets age of solar system at ---------- years`4,950,000,000
On This Day: 02 January 1960 Roger Sessions' 4th ---------- premieres`symphony
On This Day: 02 January 1960 Senator---------- , announces his candidacy for President `john f kennedy
On This Day: 02 January 1971 A barrier collapses at Ibrox Park football ground at end of a soccer match in Glasgow---------- , killing 66`scotland
On This Day: 02 January 1972 Mariner 9 begins mapping ---------- `mars
On This Day: 02 January 1974 55 MPH speed limit imposed by Richard ---------- `nixon
On This Day: 02 January 1974 Worst fire in ---------- history destroys 1.2 million acres `argentine
On This Day: 02 January 1975 US Department of Interior designates ---------- a threatened species`grizzly bear
On This Day: 02 March 1970 American Airlines' 1st flight of a Boeing`747
On This Day: 02 March 1970 ---------- becomes independent republic`rhodesia
On This Day: 02 March 1970 Supreme Court ruled ---------- can not be penalized after 5 years`draft evaders
On This Day: 02 March 1972 Pioneer 10 launched for ---------- flyby`jupiter
On This Day: 02 March 1973 "Black September" terrorists occupy Saudi Embassy in ---------- `khartoum
On This Day: 02 March 1974 Greg ---------- makes 247 vs New Zealand, 410 minutes, 29 fours 1 six`chappell
On This Day: 02 May 1960 Harry ---------- 's 2nd Carnegie Hall performance`belafonte
On This Day: 02 May 1974 Former Vice President ---------- is disbarred`spiro agnew
On This Day: 02 May 1975 ---------- records closes down`apple
On This Day: 02 October 1972 Aeroflot Il-18 crashes near ---------- resort of Sochi, kills 105`black sea
On This Day: 03 April 1974 148 ---------- are reported over an area covering a dozen states`tornadoes
On This Day: 03 April 1975 ---------- stripped of world chess title for refusing to defend`bobby fischer
On This Day: 03 August 1960 Niger gains independence from ---------- `france
On This Day: 03 August 1971 Paul McCartney announces the formation of his group ---------- `wings
On This Day: 03 August 1974 Guitarist Jeff Baxter quits ---------- & joins Doobie Brothers`steely dan
On This Day: 03 December 1972 Convair 990A charter crashes in ---------- Canary Island, 155 die`tenerife
On This Day: 03 December 1973 Pioneer 10 passes ---------- 1st fly-by of an outer planet)`jupiter
On This Day: 03 February 1973 Dr ---------- 's "Cover of "Rolling Stone"" enters Top 40 & peaks at #6`hook
On This Day: 03 January 1974 Arias Navarro succeeds Carrero Blanco as premier of ---------- `spain
On This Day: 03 January 1974 Burma accepts its ---------- `constitution
On This Day: 03 July 1970 200,000 attend ---------- Pop Festival`atlanta
On This Day: 03 March 1960 9th largest ---------- in NYC history 14.5") `snowfall
On This Day: 03 March 1971 South African Broadcasting Corp lifts its ban on the ---------- `beatles
On This Day: 03 March 1971 Winnie ---------- sentenced to 1 year in jail in South Africa`mandela
On This Day: 03 March 1974 George Foreman KOs ---------- `ken norton
On This Day: 03 March 1974 World's worst air disaster, Turkish DC-10 crashes in ---------- 246 die)`paris france
On This Day: 03 March 1975 Linda McCartney is charged in US with possession of ---------- `marijuana
On This Day: 03 May 1971 Nixon administration arrests ---------- anti-war protesters in 3 days`13,000
On This Day: 03 November 1970 Salvador Allende inaugurated as President of ---------- `chile
On This Day: 03 October 1975 ---------- releases "Extra Texture" album in UK `george harrison
On This Day: 04 April 1975 ---------- is arrested for burning his girlfriend's clothes`steve miller
On This Day: 04 August 1970 Jim ---------- arrested for drunkenness`morrison
On This Day: 04 August 1971 US launches 1st ---------- into lunar orbit from manned spacecraft `satellite
On This Day: 04 December 1974 Dutch DC-8 charter crashes in ---------- killing 191 Moslem pilgrims`sri lanka
On This Day: 04 February 1970 US performs ---------- test at Nevada Test Site`nuclear
On This Day: 04 February 1971 British car maker ---------- declared itself bankrupt`rolls royce
On This Day: 04 February 1974 Gas rationing ends in ---------- `netherlands
On This Day: 04 February 1974 ---------- Nim Chimsky signs his 1st word, at 21/2 months`chimpanzee
On This Day: 04 February 1974 Patricia ---------- 19), daughter of publisher Randolph Hearst kidnapped by Symbionese Liberation Army `hearst
On This Day: 04 January 1960 European Free Trade Association forms in ---------- `stockholm
On This Day: 04 January 1970 ---------- ends hosting weekly documentary`walter cronkite
On This Day: 04 January 1970 ---------- last recording session at EMI studios`beatles
On This Day: 04 January 1971 Dr Melvin H Evans inaugurated as 1st elected Governor of ---------- Islands `virgin
On This Day: 04 July 1960 America's new 50-star flag honoring ---------- statehood unfurled`hawaiian
On This Day: 04 June 1970 Tonga gains independence from ---------- (National Day)`britain
On This Day: 04 March 1960 French freighter "La Coubre" explodes in Havana---------- , killing 100`cuba
On This Day: 04 March 1960 Lucille Ball files divorce from ---------- `desi arnaz
On This Day: 04 March 1970 ---------- submarine "Eurydice" explodes `french
On This Day: 04 March 1972 ---------- & USSR signs cooperation treaty`libya
On This Day: 04 March 1974 Harold ---------- replaces resigning Ed Heath as British premier`wilson
On This Day: 04 May 1973 ---------- release "Red Rose Speedway" in UK`wings
On This Day: 04 October 1974 ---------- releases "Walls & Bridges" album `john lennon
On This Day: 04 September 1970 ---------- releases "My Sweet Lord" single`george harrison
On This Day: 04 September 1972 US swimmer ---------- becomes 1st athlete to win 7 olympic gold medals `mark spitz
On This Day: 05 April 1971 Mount ---------- erupts in Sicily Italy `etna
On This Day: 05 April 1974 Then tallest building, ---------- opens in NYC 110 stories)`world trade center
On This Day: 05 August 1972 ---------- release "Nights in White Satin" `moody blues
On This Day: 05 August 1973 ---------- launches Mars 6 `ussr
On This Day: 05 December 1973 ---------- releases "Band on the Run" album `paul mccartney
On This Day: 05 February 1974 Maximum speed on ---------- reduced to 100 kph`autobahn
On This Day: 05 January 1960 Continental League, a proposed third---------- , gets an assurance of congressional support from New York Senator Kenneth Keating`major league
On This Day: 05 January 1971 1st one-day international, Australia vs ---------- at the MCG`england
On This Day: 05 January 1971 Harlem ---------- lose 100-99 to New Jersey Reds, ending 2,495-game win streak`globetrotters
On This Day: 05 January 1972 NASA announces development of ---------- `space shuttle
On This Day: 05 January 1973 Mali & Niger break diplomatic relations with ---------- `israel
On This Day: 05 January 1973 Netherlands recognizes ---------- Democratic Republic `german
On This Day: 05 July 1970 Air Canada DC-8 crashes 7 miles from ---------- 's airport killing 109`toronto
On This Day: 05 July 1973 ---------- begins issuing their own postage stamps `isle of man
On This Day: 05 July 1973 "Live & Let Die," ---------- film premiers`james bond
On This Day: 05 June 1975 ---------- reopens (after 6 Day War caused it to close)`suez canal
On This Day: 05 March 1960 ---------- ends 2-year hitch in US Army`elvis presley
On This Day: 05 May 1970 US performs nuclear test at ---------- test Site`nevada
On This Day: 05 September 1960 Cassius ---------- captures the olympic light heavyweight gold medal`clay
On This Day: 05 September 1972 11 Israeli athletes are slain at ---------- `munich olympics
On This Day: 05 September 1975 ---------- release "Letting Go"`wings
On This Day: 06 April 1973 Pioneer 11 launched toward Jupiter & ---------- `saturn
On This Day: 06 December 1974 ---------- releases "Ding Dong, Ding Dong"`george harrison
On This Day: 06 February 1971 1st time a golf ball is hit on the ---------- (by Alan Shepard)`moon
On This Day: 06 February 1974 Dutch speed limit set at 100 km due to ---------- `oil crisis
On This Day: 06 June 1960 ---------- releases "Only the Lonely"`roy orbison
On This Day: 06 June 1971 Soyuz 11 takes 3 ---------- to Salyut 1 space station`cosmonauts
On This Day: 06 June 1972 ---------- releases "Rise & Fall of Ziggy Stardust"`david bowie
On This Day: 06 June 1975 British voters decide to remain in ---------- Market`common
On This Day: 06 March 1970 ---------- release "Let it Be" in UK`beatles
On This Day: 06 March 1972 Jack Nicklaus passes ---------- as golf's all-time money winner`arnold palmer
On This Day: 06 March 1974 An Italian loses a record $1,920,000 at roulette in ---------- `monte carlo
On This Day: 06 May 1960 England's Princess ---------- marries Antony Armstrong-Jones (Lord Snowdon)`margaret
On This Day: 06 May 1960 President ---------- signs Civil Rights Act of 1960`eisenhower
On This Day: 06 May 1960 Students attack Dutch embassy in ---------- `djakarta
On This Day: 06 May 1970 Yuchiro Miura of Japan skis down Mount ---------- `everest
On This Day: 06 November 1975 1st appearance of the ---------- `sex pistols
On This Day: 06 October 1973 Yom Kippur War begins as Syria & Egypt attack ---------- `israel
On This Day: 06 September 1972 ---------- appear on Jerry Lewis Muscular Dystrophy Telethon `john & yoko
On This Day: 06 September 1972 ---------- appear on Jerry Lewis Muscular Dystrophy Telethon`john & yoko`john and yoko
On This Day: 07 August 1960 Ivory Coast (C"te d'Ivoire) gains independence from ---------- `france
On This Day: 07 August 1970 1st computer ---------- tournament`chess
On This Day: 07 August 1971 Apollo ---------- returns to Earth`15
On This Day: 07 December 1971 ---------- release their 1st album "Wild Life" `wings
On This Day: 07 December 1972 Apollo---------- , last of Apollo Moon series, launched`17
On This Day: 07 December 1972 Phillippine 1st lady Imelda ---------- stabbed & wounded by an assailant`marcos
On This Day: 07 December 1973 ---------- release "Band on the Run" `wings
On This Day: 07 February 1960 Old handwriting found in at---------- , near the Dead Sea `qumran
On This Day: 07 February 1970 US female ---------- championship won by Janet Lynn `figure skating
On This Day: 07 February 1970 US male ---------- championship won by Tim Wood`figure skating
On This Day: 07 February 1971 Women win the right to vote in ---------- `switzerland
On This Day: 07 February 1974 Grenada gains independence from ---------- (National Day)`britain
On This Day: 07 January 1972 Iberian Airlines crashes into 800' peak on island of---------- , 104 die `ibiza
On This Day: 07 January 1973 US poet James Merrill wins ---------- Prize `bollingen
On This Day: 07 January 1974 Dutch rations ---------- `gasoline
On This Day: 07 January 1975 ---------- fans riot before Boston concert, causing $30,000 damage `led zeppelin
On This Day: 07 July 1960 USSR shoots down a US aircraft over ---------- sea`barents
On This Day: 07 July 1972 Billie Jean King beats Evonne ---------- to win Wimbeldon`goolagong
On This Day: 07 June 1970 The Who's Tommy is performed at NY's ---------- `lincoln center
On This Day: 07 June 1971 Soviet Soyuz 11 crew completes 1st transfer to orbiting ---------- `salyut
On This Day: 07 June 1972 German Chancellor Willy Brandt visits ---------- `israel
On This Day: 07 March 1971 Egypt refuses to renew the ---------- ceasefire`suez
On This Day: 07 March 1973 Sheik Mujib ur-Rahman's Awami League wins election in ---------- `bangladesh
On This Day: 07 March 1974 1st general striking in ---------- `ethiopia
On This Day: 07 May 1960 Leonid ---------- replaces Kliment Voroshilov as President of USSR`brezhnev
On This Day: 07 May 1970 "Long & Winding Road" becomes Beatles' last ---------- release `american
On This Day: 07 November 1970 Race riots in Daytona Beach ---------- `florida
On This Day: 08 August 1960 Ivory Coast declares ---------- `independence
On This Day: 08 February 1971 South Vietnamese troops invade ---------- `laos
On This Day: 08 February 1973 Senate names 7 members to investigate ---------- scandal`watergate
On This Day: 08 February 1974 ---------- releases "You're 16"`ringo starr
On This Day: 08 February 1975 1800 Unification church couples' wed in ---------- `korea
On This Day: 08 January 1971 29 pilot ---------- beach themselves & die at San Clemente Island CA`whales
On This Day: 08 January 1973 Greg ---------- 's best Test bowling, 5-61 vs Pakistan at SCG`chappell
On This Day: 08 January 1973 Secret peace talks between US & ---------- resumed near Paris `north vietnam
On This Day: 08 January 1973 USSR launches ---------- 21 for Moon landing`luna
On This Day: 08 January 1974 ---------- photographed`loch ness monster
On This Day: 08 June 1974 Keyboardist Rick ---------- quits the rock group "Yes"`wakeman
On This Day: 08 June 1975 2 passenger trains collided near ---------- Germany killing 35`munich
On This Day: 08 June 1975 USSR launches Venera 9 for ---------- landing`venus
On This Day: 08 March 1971 Joe Frazier beats ---------- at Madison Square Garden (New York NY)in 15, retains heavyweight boxing title`muhammad ali
On This Day: 08 March 1971 Radio Hanoi broadcasts Jimi ---------- 's "Star Spangled Banner"`hendrix
On This Day: 08 March 1972 1st flight of the ---------- blimp`goodyear
On This Day: 08 March 1972 1st ---------- flown over Britain in 20 years (Europa) `airship
On This Day: 08 March 1973 Paul & Linda McCartney are fined 100 for growing ---------- `cannabis
On This Day: 08 March 1974 Charles ---------- Airport opens in Paris France`de gaulle
On This Day: 08 May 1960 USSR & ---------- resume diplomatic relations`cuba
On This Day: 08 May 1970 ---------- release "Let it Be" album `beatles
On This Day: 08 May 1971 ---------- beats Muhammad Ali at Madison Square Garden`joe frazier
On This Day: 08 May 1972 Sabena aircraft at Lod International, Tel Aviv, captured by ---------- `palestinians
On This Day: 08 May 1974 Canadian Government of ---------- falls`trudeau
On This Day: 08 October 1971 John ---------- releases his megahit "Imagine" `lennon
On This Day: 08 September 1974 Pres ---------- pardons former Pres R Nixon of all federal crimes`gerald ford
On This Day: 09 April 1970 ---------- announces official split of the Beatles`paul mccartney
On This Day: 09 April 1971 ---------- releases "It Don't Come Easy" in UK`ringo
On This Day: 09 April 1972 Jack ---------- wins Masters golf tournament`nicklaus
On This Day: 09 August 1960 Race riot in Jacksonville ---------- `florida
On This Day: 09 August 1972 Rockwell receives NASA contract to construct the ---------- `space shuttle
On This Day: 09 August 1973 Henry McCullough & Denny Seiwell quit ---------- `wings
On This Day: 09 August 1973 ---------- launches Mars 7`ussr
On This Day: 09 February 1971 Apollo ---------- returns to Earth`14
On This Day: 09 February 1971 Quake in ---------- Valley kills 65 & causes over $1/2 billion damage `san fernando
On This Day: 09 January 1960 Building of Aswan dam in---------- , begins`egypt
On This Day: 09 January 1970 Constitution of ---------- enacted`singapore
On This Day: 09 January 1972 Billionaire Howard ---------- said Clifford Irving's biography is a fake`hughes
On This Day: 09 January 1972 Passenger ship ---------- destroyed by fire`queen elizabeth
On This Day: 09 January 1975 Australia beat ---------- by 171 runs in 4th Test to regain Ashes`england
On This Day: 09 July 1972 1st tour of Paul McCartney & ---------- (France)`wings
On This Day: 09 June 1971 Paul ---------- 's album "Ram" goes gold `mccartney
On This Day: 09 June 1972 ---------- signs a record deal with Columbia`bruce springsteen
On This Day: 09 June 1974 Supergroup Blind ---------- 's (Clapton, Windwood, Baker) 1st concert`faith
On This Day: 09 May 1960 ---------- becomes a member of the British Commonwealth `nigeria
On This Day: 09 May 1960 US is 1st country to use the ---------- pill legally `birth control
On This Day: 09 May 1970 100,000s demonstrate against ---------- War`vietnam
On This Day: 09 May 1971 Friends of Earth return 1500 non-returnable bottles to ---------- `schweppes
On This Day: 09 November 1973 ---------- releases "Ringo" album `ringo
On This Day: 09 October 1970 Khmer Republic (Cambodia) declares ---------- `independence
On This Day: 09 October 1973 Elvis & ---------- Presley divorce after 6 years`priscilla
On This Day: 09 October 1975 Emperor ---------- of Japan visits SF`hirohito
On This Day: 09 October 1975 Soviet dissident Andrei Sakharov wins ---------- Prize`nobel peace
On This Day: 09 September 1971 John Lennon & ---------- appear on the Dick Cavett Show (ABC-TV)`yoko ono
On This Day: 09 September 1971 John ---------- releases the "Imagine" album `lennon
On This Day: 09 September 1975 ---------- 2 launched toward orbit around Mars, soft landing`viking
On This Day: 10 April 1960 Arnold ---------- wins his 2nd Masters golf tournament`palmer
On This Day: 10 August 1960 ---------- 13 launched into orbit; returned 1st object from space `discoverer
On This Day: 10 February 1971 Royal Albert Hall bans scheduled concert featuring Frank ---------- `zappa
On This Day: 10 February 1974 Iran/---------- border fight breaks out`iraqi
On This Day: 10 January 1960 Bollingen Prize for ---------- awarded to Delmore Schwartz `poetry
On This Day: 10 January 1971 Bollingen Prize for ---------- awarded to Richard Wilbur `poetry
On This Day: 10 July 1973 Bahamas gain independence after 300 yrs of ---------- rule (Nat'l Day)`british
On This Day: 10 June 1973 ---------- launches Radio Astronomy Explorer 49 into lunar orbit`nasa
On This Day: 10 March 1960 USSR agrees to stop ---------- `nuclear testing
On This Day: 10 March 1970 ---------- records "The Singer" & "I Can Do It"`barbra streisand
On This Day: 10 March 1973 Morocco adopts ---------- `constitution
On This Day: 10 March 1974 Christian Democrats win ---------- parliamentary election`belgium
On This Day: 10 March 1975 "---------- Picture Show" opens at Belasco Theater NYC for 45 performances`rocky horror
On This Day: 10 May 1972 Overloaded South ---------- bus plunges into reservoir, killing 77`korean
On This Day: 10 November 1971 US table tennis team arrived in ---------- `china
On This Day: 10 November 1975 PLO leader Yasser ---------- addresses UN in NYC`arafat
On This Day: 10 October 1970 Fiji gains independence from ---------- (National Day)`britain
On This Day: 10 October 1975 Liz Taylor's ---------- marriage (re-marries Richard Burton)`6th
On This Day: 10 September 1960 Running barefoot, Ethiopian Abebe Bikila wins ---------- Olympic marathon`rome
On This Day: 10 September 1973 Muhammad Ali defeats ---------- `ken norton
On This Day: 10 September 1974 Guinea-Bissau gains independence from ---------- `portugal
On This Day: 11 April 1960 1st ---------- satellite launched (Tiros 1)`weather
On This Day: 11 April 1970 ---------- ' "Let It Be," single goes #1 & stays #1 for 2 weeks`beatles
On This Day: 11 August 1960 Chad declares ---------- `independence
On This Day: 11 August 1974 Lee ---------- wins PGA championship`trevino
On This Day: 11 February 1970 ---------- becomes 4th nation to put a satellite (Osumi) in orbit `japan
On This Day: 11 February 1970 ---------- pays 1,344 fines for 96 protesting the South African rugby team playing in Scotland`john Lennon
On This Day: 11 February 1970 ---------- pays 1,344 fines for 96 protesting the South African rugby team playing in Scotland `john Lennon
On This Day: 11 February 1973 1st one-day international for Pakistan & ---------- `new zealand
On This Day: 11 February 1975 Margaret Thatcher defeats Edward ---------- for Conservative leadership`heath
On This Day: 11 January 1960 Chad declares independence from ---------- `france
On This Day: 11 January 1960 Lamar Clark sets pro boxing record of 44 consecutive ---------- `knockouts
On This Day: 11 January 1972 East-Pakistan becomes independent state of ---------- `bangladesh
On This Day: 11 January 1973 Trial of the ---------- burglars begins in Washington DC`watergate
On This Day: 11 July 1960 Ivory Coast, Dahomey, Upper Volta & Niger declare ---------- `independence
On This Day: 11 March 1960 ---------- launched into solar orbit between Earth & Venus`pioneer 5
On This Day: 11 March 1974 Mount Etna in ---------- erupts`sicily
On This Day: 11 March 1975 ---------- military coup under General Spinola fails`portugal
On This Day: 11 May 1960 Israeli soldiers capture Adolf ---------- in Buenos Aires`eichmann
On This Day: 11 May 1972 ---------- says his phone is tapped by FBI on Dick Cavett Show`john lennon
On This Day: 11 May 1974 ---------- releases "Rikki Don't Lose that Number" `steely dan
On This Day: 11 May 1974 "Tubular Bells" by Mike ---------- hits #7`oldfield
On This Day: 11 May 1975 ---------- signs an agreement with European Economic Market`israel
On This Day: 11 November 1975 Angola gains independence from ---------- (National Day) `portugal
On This Day: 11 September 1960 The 17th Olympic games close in ---------- `rome
On This Day: 11 September 1973 Chile's President, Salvador---------- , deposed in a military coup`allende
On This Day: 12 April 1970 Yankees dedicate plaques to Mickey Mantle & Joe ---------- `dimaggio
On This Day: 12 April 1975 Linda ---------- releases "When Will I Be Loved"`ronstadt
On This Day: 12 August 1960 Echo 1, 1st ---------- satellite, is launched`communications
On This Day: 12 December 1970 Small Astronomy Satellite Explorer 42 launched to study ---------- `x-rays
On This Day: 12 December 1975 Sara Jane Moore pled guilty to trying to kill President ---------- `gerald ford
On This Day: 12 February 1960 Chinese army kills 12 ---------- soldiers`indian
On This Day: 12 January 1970 Boeing ---------- makes its maiden voyage`747
On This Day: 12 January 1971 "All in the Family" premieres on CBS featuring 1st ---------- on TV`toilet flush
On This Day: 12 January 1974 "Joker" by Steve ---------- Band peaks at #1`miller
On This Day: 12 January 1974 Libya & ---------- announces they are merging as "Islamic Arab Republic"`tunisia
On This Day: 12 July 1960 Congo, Chad & Central African Republic declare ---------- `independence
On This Day: 12 July 1960 Echo I, 1st passive ---------- launched`satellite
On This Day: 12 July 1960 USSR's Sputnik 5 launched with 2 ---------- `dogs
On This Day: 12 July 1970 Janis ---------- debuts in Kentucky `joplin
On This Day: 12 March 1970 US lowers voting age from ---------- to 18`21
On This Day: 12 March 1971 Rolling Stone ---------- marries Bianca P rez Morena de Macias`mick jagger
On This Day: 12 March 1971 Rolling Stone ---------- marries Bianca Prez Morena de Macias `mick jagger
On This Day: 12 May 1960 ---------- appears on a Frank Sinatra special`elvis presley
On This Day: 12 May 1971 Rolling Stone ---------- weds Bianca Macias at St Tropez Town Hall`mick jagger
On This Day: 12 May 1972 Paul McCartney & ---------- release "Mary Had a Little Lamb"`wings
On This Day: 12 October 1972 Mariner 9 takes pictures of ---------- north pole`martian
On This Day: 12 October 1973 Nixon nominates ---------- to replace Spiro Agnew as VP`gerald ford
On This Day: 12 September 1970 ---------- launches Luna 16; returns samples from lunar Sea of Fertility `ussr
On This Day: 13 April 1960 ---------- 1B, 1st navigational satellite, placed in Earth orbit`transit
On This Day: 13 April 1960 ---------- becomes the 4th nuclear nation exploding an A-Bomb in Sahara `france
On This Day: 13 April 1970 ---------- launched to Moon; unable to land, returns in 6 days `apollo 13
On This Day: 13 April 1975 Jack ---------- wins his 5th Masters golf tournament`nicklaus
On This Day: 13 August 1971 Paul & ---------- release "The Back Seat of My Car"`linda mccartney
On This Day: 13 December 1974 Malta becomes a ---------- `republic
On This Day: 13 February 1960 ---------- performs 1st nuclear test at Reggane Proving Grounds Algeria`france
On This Day: 13 February 1971 12,000 South Vietnamese troops cross into ---------- `laos
On This Day: 13 February 1974 Dissident Nobel writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn expelled from ---------- `ussr
On This Day: 13 February 1975 ---------- premier Denktash proclaims Turkish-Cypriot Federation`cyprus
On This Day: 13 June 1970 Beatles' "Long & Winding Road," single goes #1 & stays #1 for`2 weeks
On This Day: 13 March 1973 Syria adopts ---------- `constitution
On This Day: 13 May 1960 1st launch of Delta ---------- launching vehicle; it failed `satellite
On This Day: 13 May 1970 ---------- movie "Let it Be" premieres`beatles
On This Day: 13 November 1960 ---------- marries Swedish actress May Britt `sammy davis jr
On This Day: 13 November 1970 Cyclone kills estimated 300,000 in Chittagong ---------- `bangladesh
On This Day: 13 November 1971 Mariner 9, 1st to orbit another ---------- (Mars)`planet
On This Day: 13 October 1972 Aeroflot Il-62 crashes in large pond outside---------- , 176 die`moscow
On This Day: 13 October 1972 Uruguay to Chile plane crashes in ---------- Mountain, 12/23 rescue)`andes
On This Day: 13 September 1970 ---------- announces System 370 computer`ibm
On This Day: 14 August 1971 Bahrain proclaims independence after 110 years of ---------- rule `british
On This Day: 14 August 1971 British begin internment without trial in ---------- Ireland`northern
On This Day: 14 August 1973 US bombs ---------- `cambodia
On This Day: 14 February 1960 Marshal Ayub Khan elected President of ---------- `pakistan
On This Day: 14 February 1971 Richard ---------- installs secret taping system in White House`nixon
On This Day: 14 January 1960 Tuindorp-Oostzaan in Northern---------- , flooded`amsterdam
On This Day: 14 January 1960 US Army promoted ---------- to Sergeant`elvis presley
On This Day: 14 January 1973 Grateful Dead bass player, Phil Lesh, busted for ---------- in California`drugs
On This Day: 14 January 1975 ---------- breaks trade agreement with US`ussr
On This Day: 14 July 1973 Phil Everly storms off stage declaring an end to the ---------- `everly brothers
On This Day: 14 June 1975 ---------- releases "At 17" `janis ian
On This Day: 14 March 1971 ---------- appears on "The Burt Bacharach Special" on CBS TV `barbra streisand
On This Day: 14 March 1971 South Vietnamese troops flee ---------- `laos
On This Day: 14 March 1971 The Rolling Stones leave England for ---------- to escape taxes`france
On This Day: 14 March 1973 Liam Cosgrave appointed president of ---------- `ireland
On This Day: 14 May 1960 USSR launch 1st (unmanned) space ---------- `capsule
On This Day: 14 May 1973 ---------- launched, the 1st Space Station `skylab
On This Day: 14 May 1973 US Supreme court approves equal rights to ---------- in military`females
On This Day: 14 May 1975 French press reports massive deportation from ---------- `cambodia
On This Day: 14 November 1973 Britain's Princess ---------- marries commoner, Capt Mark Phillips`anne
On This Day: 14 September 1973 ---------- shoots down 13 Syrian MIG-21s `israel
On This Day: 15 April 1971 ---------- Academy Awards presented `43rd
On This Day: 15 April 1974 Military coup in ---------- `niger
On This Day: 15 August 1960 ---------- is sighted by 3 California patrolmen`ufo
On This Day: 15 August 1971 Bahrain gains independence from ---------- `britain
On This Day: 15 August 1973 Black ---------- kills 3 wounds 55 Athens`september
On This Day: 15 August 1974 South ---------- President Park Chung-Hee escapes assassination`korean
On This Day: 15 February 1970 Nationalists disrupt UN session on ---------- `congo
On This Day: 15 February 1971 After 1200 years Britain abandons 12-shilling system for ---------- `decimal
On This Day: 15 January 1971 ---------- releases "My Sweet Lord"`george harrison
On This Day: 15 January 1972 Heavyweight ---------- KOs Terry Daniels`joe frazier
On This Day: 15 January 1973 Pope Paul VI has an audience with Golda ---------- at Vatican `meir
On This Day: 15 January 1973 President ---------- suspends all US offensive action in North Vietnam`nixon
On This Day: 15 January 1975 ---------- signs accord for Angola's independence `portugal
On This Day: 15 March 1970 Expo '70 opens in Osaka, ---------- `japan
On This Day: 15 March 1971 ---------- make their debut on the Internet`chatrooms
On This Day: 15 March 1972 ---------- airliner hit mountain in Sheikdom of Oman killing 112`danish
On This Day: 15 March 1972 Assassination attempt on Governor ---------- of Alabama`george wallace
On This Day: 15 March 1972 NASA selects 3 part configuration for ---------- `space shuttle
On This Day: 15 May 1960 ---------- 4 launched into Earth orbit; later recovery failed `sputnik
On This Day: 15 May 1970 Beatles' last LP, "Let It Be" is released in ---------- `us
On This Day: 15 May 1970 ---------- performs nuclear test at Muruora Island `france
On This Day: 15 May 1970 South-Africa excluded from ---------- play`olympic
On This Day: 15 May 1972 Bus plunges into ---------- River killing 50 pilgrims (Minia Egypt)`nile
On This Day: 15 November 1972 Small Astronomy Satellite Explorer 48 launched to study ---------- `gamma rays
On This Day: 15 November 1974 ---------- releases "Goodnight Vienna" & "Only You" in UK`ringo
On This Day: 15 September 1970 Decca awards ---------- a 2nd platinum disc for selling 300 million `bing crosby
On This Day: 16 April 1972 2 giants ---------- arrive in the US, from China`pandas
On This Day: 16 April 1972 Apollo ---------- launched: 5th manned lunar landing (Decartes Highlands)`16
On This Day: 16 August 1960 Britain grants independence to crown colony of ---------- `cyprus
On This Day: 16 August 1960 Republic of the ---------- (Zaire) forms`congo
On This Day: 16 December 1970 1st successful landing on ---------- (USSR)`venus
On This Day: 16 December 1971 Pakistan army surrenders to Indian army in ---------- `bangladesh
On This Day: 16 December 1973 ---------- becomes 1st NFLer to rush 2,000 yard in a season`o.j. simpson
On This Day: 16 February 1960 US ---------- submarine USS Triton set off on underwater round-world trip`nuclear
On This Day: 16 February 1973 West Indies vs Australia at---------- , 1st time since 1955 without Sobers `kingston
On This Day: 16 January 1970 Colonel Kadhaffi becomes premier of ---------- `libya
On This Day: 16 January 1974 "Jaws" by Peter ---------- is published `benchley
On This Day: 16 June 1970 Race riots in ---------- Florida`miami
On This Day: 16 March 1970 New English ---------- published`bible
On This Day: 16 March 1972 ---------- are served with deportation papers `john & yoko
On This Day: 16 May 1974 Helmut ---------- becomes West German chancellor`schmidt
On This Day: 16 May 1975 ---------- release "Listen to What the Man Said" in UK`wings
On This Day: 16 May 1975 ---------- TKOs Ron Lyle in 11 for heavyweight boxing title`muhammad ali
On This Day: 16 November 1973 ---------- 4 launched into Earth orbit `skylab
On This Day: 16 November 1973 John ---------- releases "Mind Games" album `lennon
On This Day: 16 November 1974 John ---------- 's #1 solo "Whatever Gets You Through the Night"`lennon
On This Day: 16 October 1970 Anwar ---------- elected president of Egypt, succeeding Gamal Abdel Nasser`sadat
On This Day: 16 September 1973 Buff Bill OJ ---------- rushes 250 yards 2 TDs), beating NE Pats 31-13`simpson
On This Day: 16 September 1975 Papua New Guinea gains independence from ---------- (National Day)`australia
On This Day: 17 April 1960 American Samoa sets up a ---------- government `constitutional
On This Day: 17 April 1970 Paul ---------- 's 1st solo album "McCartney" `mccartney
On This Day: 17 April 1975 Khmer Rouge captures---------- , Cambodia (Kampuchea Natl Day) `phnom penh
On This Day: 17 August 1970 Venera 7 launched by USSR for soft landing on ---------- `venus
On This Day: 17 August 1973 Lee Trevino's 1st ---------- `hole-in-one
On This Day: 17 December 1971 Cease-fire between India & Pakistan in ---------- `kashmir
On This Day: 17 December 1971 Radio ---------- begins transmitting`bangladesh
On This Day: 17 December 1972 New line of control agreed to in Kashmir between India & ---------- `pakistan
On This Day: 17 February 1970 Jeffrey McDonald slices up his ---------- `wife & daughter
On This Day: 17 February 1970 Jeffrey McDonald slices up his`wife & daughter`wife and daughter
On This Day: 17 February 1970 Joni Mitchell's final ---------- (Royal Albert Hall)`concert
On This Day: 17 February 1971 ---------- regains cricket Ashes with a 2-0 series win`england
On This Day: 17 February 1974 49 die in stampede for seats at soccer match, Cairo, ---------- `egypt
On This Day: 17 January 1960 Mickey Wright wins LPGA Sea Island Women's ---------- Invitational`golf
On This Day: 17 January 1972 Section of Memphis' Highway 51 South renamed ---------- Blvd`elvis presley
On This Day: 17 January 1973 City of Amsterdam decides to support ---------- `hanoi
On This Day: 17 January 1973 New Philippine constitution names ---------- president for life`marcos
On This Day: 17 July 1974 1st ---------- studio in UK is open by the Moody Blues`quadrophonic
On This Day: 17 July 1974 ---------- is ordered to leave the US in 60 days`john lennon
On This Day: 17 July 1975 ---------- & Maureen Cox divorce `ringo starr
On This Day: 17 June 1972 5 arrested for burglarizing Democratic Party HQ at ---------- `watergate
On This Day: 17 March 1972 ---------- releases "Back off Bugaloo" in UK`ringo
On This Day: 17 March 1973 Queen Elizabeth II opens new London ---------- `bridge
On This Day: 17 March 1973 St Patrick's Day marchers carry 14 coffins commemorating ---------- `bloody sunday
On This Day: 17 May 1971 Washington State bans ---------- `sex discrimination
On This Day: 17 May 1973 Stevie ---------- releases "You are the Sunshine of my Life"`wonder
On This Day: 17 May 1975 ---------- punches a restaurant window, gets 20 stitches`mick jagger
On This Day: 17 May 1975 ---------- releases "I'm Not in Love"`10cc
On This Day: 17 November 1970 Russia lands Lunokhod 1 unmanned remote-controlled vehicle on ---------- `moon
On This Day: 18 April 1975 ---------- releases "Stand by Me"`john lennon
On This Day: 18 December 1972 US began its heaviest bombing of North ---------- `vietnam
On This Day: 18 February 1960 8th Winter ---------- games open in Squaw Valley CA`olympics
On This Day: 18 February 1970 US President ---------- launches "Nixon-doctrine" `nixon
On This Day: 18 February 1974 NASA launches Italian satellite ---------- C-2 235/843 km)`san marcos
On This Day: 18 February 1975 2nd American ---------- Award`music
On This Day: 18 February 1975 Italy broadens ---------- law`abortion
On This Day: 18 January 1960 US & Japan sign joint ---------- treaty`defense
On This Day: 18 January 1973 John ---------- 's final episode on "Monty Python's Flying Circus," on BBC`cleese
On This Day: 18 January 1974 Israel & ---------- sign weapons accord`egypt
On This Day: 18 January 1974 "The $6 Million Man" starring ---------- premieres on ABC TV`lee majors
On This Day: 18 June 1972 BEA Trident crashes after takeoff from ---------- killing 118 `heathrow
On This Day: 18 March 1970 Mail service paralyzed by 1st major postal ---------- `strike
On This Day: 18 March 1975 Kurds end fight against ---------- army`iraqi
On This Day: 18 May 1971 President ---------- rejects 60 demands of Congressional Black Caucus`nixon
On This Day: 18 May 1973 Russian party leader ---------- visits West Germany`brezhnev
On This Day: 18 May 1974 India becomes 6th nation to explode an ---------- `atomic bomb
On This Day: 18 November 1960 Copyright office issues its 10 millionth ---------- `registration
On This Day: 18 September 1974 Hurricane Fifi strikes ---------- with 110 mph winds, 5,000 die`honduras
On This Day: 18 September 1975 Heiress/bank robber Patricia Campbell ---------- captured by FBI in SF`hearst
On This Day: 19 April 1971 Russia launches its 1st ---------- space station`salyut
On This Day: 19 April 1971 ---------- Salyut 1 launched; 1st manned lab in orbit `ussr
On This Day: 19 April 1971 Sierra ---------- becomes a republic (Natl Day)`leone
On This Day: 19 April 1975 India launches 1st ---------- with help of USSR`satellite
On This Day: 19 August 1960 Sputnik 5 carries 2 dogs, 3 ---------- into orbit (later recovered alive)`mice
On This Day: 19 December 1971 NASA launches ---------- 4 F-3 for COMSAT Corp`intelsat
On This Day: 19 December 1972 Apollo ---------- (last of Apollo Moon landing series) returns to Earth`17
On This Day: 19 February 1960 Protest strike in Poznan ---------- `poland
On This Day: 19 February 1970 USSR launches ---------- 52 & Molniya 1-13 communications satellite`sputnik
On This Day: 19 February 1971 Paul ---------- releases "Another Day" in UK`mccartney
On This Day: 19 February 1974 1st American ---------- Award`music
On This Day: 19 January 1960 Eisenhower & Premier Kishi sign US-Japanese ---------- pact `security
On This Day: 19 January 1970 Dutch ---------- says he is in favor of married priest`bishop
On This Day: 19 January 1970 UCLA fires Angela Davis for being a ---------- `communist
On This Day: 19 January 1971 Beatles' ---------- is played at the Charles Manson trial`helter skelter
On This Day: 19 January 1974 ---------- government of Leburton falls`belgium
On This Day: 19 July 1974 David ---------- 's Diamond Dog tour ends in NYC `bowie
On This Day: 19 March 1970 West German chancellor & East German premier Willy ---------- meet`brandt
On This Day: 19 March 1972 India & ---------- sign friendship treaty`bangladesh
On This Day: 19 March 1974 Jefferson ---------- begins their 1st tour`starship
On This Day: 19 May 1975 Junko Tabei is 1st woman to climb to the top of Mount ---------- `everest
On This Day: 19 October 1960 ---------- arrested in Atlanta sit-in`martin luther king jr
On This Day: 19 October 1960 ---------- grants Mauritania independence `france
On This Day: 19 October 1960 The US imposes an embargo on exports to ---------- `cuba
On This Day: 19 October 1973 ---------- releases "Photograph"`ringo
On This Day: 19 September 1970 "Mary ---------- Moore" show premiers `tyler
On This Day: 20 April 1970 US troops invade ---------- `cambodia
On This Day: 20 April 1971 ---------- records "We've Only Just Begun"`barbra striesand
On This Day: 20 April 1973 Paul ---------- releases "Red Rose Speedway" including "My Love"`mccartney
On This Day: 20 April 1974 Paul ---------- releases "Band on the Run"`mccartney
On This Day: 20 August 1975 ---------- 1 launched toward orbit around Mars, soft landing`viking
On This Day: 20 December 1972 President ---------- halts bombing of North Vietnam & announces peace talks `nixon
On This Day: 20 December 1974 ---------- releases his "Dark Horse" album in UK `george harrison
On This Day: 20 December 1975 Constitution of Democratic Republic of ---------- comes into force`madagascar
On This Day: 20 February 1971 Major General Idi Amin Dada appoints himself President of ---------- `uganda
On This Day: 20 February 1974 Cher files for separation from husband ---------- `sonny bono
On This Day: 20 January 1960 CIA oks ---------- to produce a new U-2 aircraft (Oxcart)`lockheed
On This Day: 20 January 1960 Patrice Lumumba sentenced to 6 months in ---------- `belgian congo
On This Day: 20 January 1960 Riot curtails third day's play at Port-Of-Spain West Indies vs ---------- `england
On This Day: 20 January 1960 US female ---------- championship won by Carol Heiss`figure skating
On This Day: 20 January 1960 US male ---------- championship won by David Jenkins`figure skating
On This Day: 20 January 1971 Dennis ---------- takes 5-84 in his 1st Test bowl, vs England`lillee
On This Day: 20 January 1971 ---------- meets Yoko Ono's parents in Japan `john lennon
On This Day: 20 January 1972 Pakistan withdraws from the ---------- `commonwealth
On This Day: 20 January 1973 ---------- plays their 1st show (Coventry Club in Queens NY)`kiss
On This Day: 20 January 1974 USSR performs ---------- at Eastern Kazakstan/Semipalatinsk USSR`nuclear test
On This Day: 20 July 1960 1st submerged submarine to fire ---------- missile (George Washington)`polaris
On This Day: 20 July 1960 USSR recovered 2 dogs; 1st living ---------- to return from space `organisms
On This Day: 20 July 1970 1st baby born on ---------- Island`alcatraz
On This Day: 20 July 1971 George ---------- releases "Bangladesh"`harrison
On This Day: 20 July 1971 Japanese Boeing ---------- collides with an F-86 fighter killing 162`727
On This Day: 20 July 1971 US Apollo ---------- lands on Mare Imbrium on the Moon`15
On This Day: 20 July 1974 Turkey invades ---------- `cyprus
On This Day: 20 June 1975 Cher, just 4 days after divorcing Sonny Bono marries ---------- `gregg allman
On This Day: 20 March 1970 ---------- wins its 8th straight world hockey championship`ussr
On This Day: 20 March 1972 19 mountain climbers killed on Japan's ---------- during an avalanche`mount fuji
On This Day: 20 March 1972 North Vietnamese troops enter ---------- `south vietnam
On This Day: 20 May 1970 100,000 march in ---------- supporting US policies in Vietnam`new york
On This Day: 20 May 1970 2 die in a NYC ---------- accident`subway
On This Day: 20 May 1970 The Beatles' "Let it Be" movie premieres in ---------- `uk
On This Day: 20 May 1971 36 hospitalized during ---------- concert; after drinking LSD apple juice `grateful dead
On This Day: 20 May 1971 US ---------- 9 1st satellite to orbit Mars launched`mariner
On This Day: 20 May 1975 ---------- release "Venus & Mars" album `wings
On This Day: 20 November 1972 ---------- bans Wings "Hi, Hi, Hi"`bbc
On This Day: 20 November 1975 Dahomey becomes ---------- `benin
On This Day: 20 October 1973 ---------- oil embargo begins`opec
On This Day: 20 October 1974 Muhammad Ali KOs ---------- in 8th round in Kinshasa, Zare`george foreman
On This Day: 20 September 1960 ---------- premiers 1st prime time animation show)`flintstones
On This Day: 20 September 1970 ---------- 16 lands on Moon's Mare Fecunditatis, drills core sample`luna
On This Day: 20 September 1972 Police find ---------- growing on Paul & Linda McCartney's farm`cannabis
On This Day: 20 September 1973 Billie ---------- beats Bobby Riggs in battle-of-sexes tennis match`jean king
On This Day: 20 September 1975 David ---------- 's "Fame," single goes #1 for 2 weeks`bowie
On This Day: 21 April 1960 ---------- becomes the capital of Brazil`brasilia
On This Day: 21 August 1971 Dave Scott becomes 1st person to drive a ---------- on the Moon`car
On This Day: 21 August 1972 1st hot air balloon flight over the ---------- `alps
On This Day: 21 December 1970 Congress authorizes the ---------- dollar coin`eisenhower
On This Day: 21 December 1970 Paul McCartney files a ---------- to dissolve the Beatles`lawsuit
On This Day: 21 December 1971 UN Security Council chooses Kurt ---------- as 4th secretary general`waldheim
On This Day: 21 December 1972 Soviet Union signs a separate peace with ---------- `east germany
On This Day: 21 December 1973 Israel, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, US & USSR meet in ---------- `geneva
On This Day: 21 February 1970 ---------- make TV debut on "American Bandstand"`jackson 5
On This Day: 21 February 1973 Israeli fighters shoot ---------- aircraft down, killing 108`libyan
On This Day: 21 February 1974 ---------- forces leave western Suez`israeli
On This Day: 21 February 1974 Yugoslavia adopts ---------- `constitution
On This Day: 21 February 1975 ---------- releases "Rock 'n' Roll" album `john lennon
On This Day: 21 January 1960 Little Joe 4 suborbital ---------- test reaches 16 km `mercury
On This Day: 21 January 1970 Grateful Dead members busted on ---------- charges`lsd
On This Day: 21 January 1971 Apollo ---------- launched, 1st landing in lunar highlands`14
On This Day: 21 January 1971 "My Sweet Lord" by George Harrison hit #1 on UK ---------- `pop chart
On This Day: 21 January 1972 Aretha ---------- sings at Mahalia Jackson's funeral `franklin
On This Day: 21 January 1972 Birenda, becomes leader of ---------- `nepal
On This Day: 21 January 1972 Military coup ousts civilian government of ---------- `ghana
On This Day: 21 January 1974 McDonald's founder ---------- buys San Diego Padres `ray kroc
On This Day: 21 January 1975 Barry ---------- 's "Mandy" goes gold`manilow
On This Day: 21 January 1975 ---------- releases "#9 Dream"`john lennon
On This Day: 21 July 1960 The country of Katanga forms in ---------- `africa
On This Day: 21 July 1973 USSR launches ---------- for fly-by 2600 km) of the red planet`mars 4
On This Day: 21 March 1972 Official ---------- Fan Club closes down `beatles
On This Day: 21 March 1974 Attempt made to kidnap Princess ---------- in London's Pall Mall`anne
On This Day: 21 March 1975 ---------- ends monarchy after 3000 years`ethiopia
On This Day: 21 May 1970 ---------- performs nuclear test at Novaya Zemlya USSR`ussr
On This Day: 21 May 1974 Israel & ---------- sign an agreement concerning Golan Heights `syria
On This Day: 21 November 1975 Linda McCartney ---------- in US are dropped`drug charges
On This Day: 21 October 1970 Caledonian Airways takes over British ---------- Airways`united
On This Day: 21 September 1972 ---------- declares martial law in the Philippines `marcos
On This Day: 22 April 1971 ---------- 10 launched`soyuz
On This Day: 22 April 1974 Barbara Walters becomes news co-anchor of the ---------- `today show
On This Day: 22 February 1971 Lieutenant General Hafiz al-Assad becomes President of ---------- `syria
On This Day: 22 February 1974 ---------- police shoot at demonstrators`ethiopian
On This Day: 22 January 1960 French President ---------- escapes attempt by General Massu `de gaulle
On This Day: 22 January 1960 Paul Pender beats Sugar Ray Robinson for ---------- boxing title`middleweight
On This Day: 22 January 1970 1st commercial Boeing 747 flight (Pan Am), New York to ---------- in 61/2 hours`london
On This Day: 22 January 1971 ---------- record "Power to the People" `john & yoko
On This Day: 22 January 1973 George ---------- TKOs Joe Frazier in 2 for heavyweight boxing title`foreman
On This Day: 22 January 1975 Landsat 2, an Earth Resources ---------- Satellite, launched`technology
On This Day: 22 July 1972 Venera 8 makes soft landing on ---------- `venus
On This Day: 22 June 1973 George ---------- releases "Living in the Material World"`harrison
On This Day: 22 March 1960 1st patent for---------- , granted to Arthur Schawlow & Charles Townes`lasers
On This Day: 22 March 1971 ---------- performs nuclear test at Eastern Kazakhstan/Semipalitinsk`ussr
On This Day: 22 May 1970 France performs nuclear test at ---------- Island `muruora
On This Day: 22 May 1970 ---------- terrorists kill 9 children & 3 adults on a school bus`arab
On This Day: 22 May 1972 ---------- becomes Republic of Sri Lanka as its constitution is ratified`ceylon
On This Day: 22 May 1972 US President ---------- begins visit Moscow`nixon
On This Day: 22 May 1973 President Nixon confesses his role in ---------- cover-up`watergate
On This Day: 22 September 1973 ---------- , sworn in as America's 1st Jewish Secretary of State`henry kissinger
On This Day: 23 April 1972 Apollo ---------- astronauts explores Moon surface`16
On This Day: 23 December 1972 16 plane crash survivors rescued after 70days, survived by ---------- `cannibalism
On This Day: 23 December 1972 Earthquake destroys central Managua, ---------- `nicaragua
On This Day: 23 December 1973 6 Persian Gulf nations double their ---------- `oil prices
On This Day: 23 February 1970 ---------- becomes a republic (National Day)`guyana
On This Day: 23 February 1971 George ---------- is fined & his driving license is suspended for 1 year as a result of several speeding tickets and a dispute with the police`harrison
On This Day: 23 January 1970 Dolle Mina burns her ---------- in Amsterdam`bra
On This Day: 23 January 1970 ---------- 's 1st amateur radio satellite (Oscar 5) launched (California)`australia
On This Day: 23 January 1970 US launches 2nd generation ---------- satellite, ITOS 1`weather
On This Day: 23 January 1970 US performs ---------- test at Nevada Test Site`nuclear
On This Day: 23 January 1972 Entire population of ---------- under 24 hour house arrest`istanbul
On This Day: 23 June 1970 Rocker Chubby ---------- arrest for marijuana pocession`checker
On This Day: 23 June 1972 Nixon & Haldeman agree to use CIA to cover up ---------- `watergate
On This Day: 23 June 1975 Rocker ---------- falls off stage in Vancouver, breaks 6 ribs`alice cooper
On This Day: 23 March 1960 ---------- (8) fails to reach Earth orbit `explorer
On This Day: 23 March 1970 US performs ---------- test at Nevada Test Site`nuclear
On This Day: 23 March 1971 USSR performs ---------- nuclear test`underground
On This Day: 23 March 1972 ---------- breaks 93 bones after successfully clearing 35 cars `evil knievel
On This Day: 23 May 1971 Rock group Iron ---------- disbands `butterfly
On This Day: 23 May 1974 ---------- performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site`great britain
On This Day: 23 November 1960 Tiros 2, a ---------- satellite is launched `weather
On This Day: 23 September 1973 Former Argentine President Juan ---------- returns to power `peron
On This Day: 24 April 1970 ---------- becomes a republic within the Commonwealth`gambia
On This Day: 24 December 1970 9 Jews are convicted in ---------- of hijacking a plane`lenningrad
On This Day: 24 February 1960 US beats ---------- in Olympics hockey finals round, 9-1 `germany
On This Day: 24 February 1974 Pakistan officially recognizes ---------- `bangladesh
On This Day: 24 January 1960 Algeria uprises against French President ---------- `de gaulle
On This Day: 24 March 1960 US appeals court rules novel, "Lady Chatterly's Lover", not ---------- `obscene
On This Day: 24 March 1972 Great Britain imposes direct rule over ---------- `northern ireland
On This Day: 24 March 1975 ---------- TKOs Chuck Wepner in 15 to retain the heavyweight boxing title`muhammad ali
On This Day: 24 May 1960 1 millionth ---------- telephone installed`dutch
On This Day: 24 May 1970 Peter Green quits ---------- to join a religious cult`fleetwood mac
On This Day: 24 May 1974 ---------- Show, last airs on NBC-TV `dean martin
On This Day: 24 October 1973 ---------- sues US govt to admit the FBI is tapping his phone`john lennon
On This Day: 24 October 1973 ---------- War ends, Israel 65 miles from Cairo, 26 from Damascus`yom kippur
On This Day: 24 September 1960 1st nuclear-powered---------- , launches (USS Enterprise)`aircraft carrier
On This Day: 25 April 1960 1st submerged ---------- of Earth completed (Triton) `circumnavigation
On This Day: 25 April 1974 Dictator Antnio Salazar overthrown in ---------- `portugal
On This Day: 25 April 1974 Dictator Antonio Salazar overthrown in`portugal
On This Day: 25 August 1960 17th summer olympics opens in ---------- `rome
On This Day: 25 December 1974 ---------- virtually destroys Darwin Australia `cyclone tracy
On This Day: 25 January 1970 Robert ---------- 's "M`as`h," premieres`altman
On This Day: 25 January 1971 Charles ---------- & 3 women followers convicted of Tate-LaBianca murders`manson
On This Day: 25 January 1971 Military coup in ---------- under General Idi Amin Dada`uganda
On This Day: 25 January 1974 B lent Ecevit forms government in`turkey
On This Day: 25 January 1974 Blent Ecevit forms government in ---------- `turkey
On This Day: 25 January 1974 Christian ---------- transplants 1st human heart without removal of old`barnard
On This Day: 25 July 1973 George Harrison pays 1,000,000 tax on his ---------- concert & album `bangladesh
On This Day: 25 July 1973 ---------- launches Mars 5`ussr
On This Day: 25 June 1975 Mozambique gains independence from ---------- (National Day)`portugal
On This Day: 25 March 1960 1st guided missile launched from ---------- powered sub (Halibut)`nuclear
On This Day: 25 March 1970 ---------- makes its 1st supersonic flight (700 MPH/1,127 KPH)`concorde
On This Day: 25 March 1971 ---------- , "She's a Lady", goes gold `tom jones
On This Day: 25 March 1972 ---------- 's LP "America" goes #1`america
On This Day: 25 March 1974 ---------- records the album "Butterfly" `barbra streisand
On This Day: 25 March 1975 Faisal ibn Abd al-Aziz, king of ---------- 1964-75), shot by nephew`saudi-arabia
On This Day: 25 May 1972 Heavyweight ---------- KOs Ron Stander`joe frazier
On This Day: 25 May 1973 George ---------- releases "Give Me Love" in UK`harrison
On This Day: 25 November 1960 1st atomic ---------- for research & development, Richland Wa`reactor
On This Day: 25 November 1973 Bloodless military coup ousts Greek President George ---------- `papadopoulos
On This Day: 25 November 1975 ---------- grants Surinam independence (National Day)`netherlands
On This Day: 25 October 1960 1st electronic ---------- placed on sale, NYC`wrist watch
On This Day: 25 October 1974 ---------- release "Junior's Farm"`wings
On This Day: 25 September 1970 ---------- releases his "Beaucoups of Blues" album `ringo
On This Day: 25 September 1973 3-man crew of Skylab II make safe splashdown in ---------- after 59 days`pacific
On This Day: 26 April 1974 Landslide in Huancavelica Province ---------- creates a natural dam`peru
On This Day: 26 August 1972 Summer Olympics open in---------- , West Germany `munich
On This Day: 26 December 1973 2 Skylab 3 astronauts ---------- for a record 7 hours`walk in space
On This Day: 26 February 1960 Soviet premier Khrushchev voices support for ---------- `indonesia
On This Day: 26 February 1960 USA's David Jenkins wins the ---------- for men's figure skating `olympics gold
On This Day: 26 February 1970 ---------- release "Beatles Again" aka "Hey Jude" album `beatles
On This Day: 26 February 1975 1st televised ---------- transplant (Today Show)`kidney
On This Day: 26 January 1971 Charles ---------- convicted of murder`manson
On This Day: 26 January 1972 Stewardess Vesna Vulovic survives 10,160m fall without ---------- `parachute
On This Day: 26 July 1971 Apollo ---------- launched to the Moon`15
On This Day: 26 June 1960 ---------- gains independence from France (National Day)`madagascar
On This Day: 26 June 1974 Liz Taylor's ---------- divorce (Richard Burton)`5th
On This Day: 26 June 1975 Indian PM Indira ---------- declares a state of emergency `gandhi
On This Day: 26 March 1960 ---------- executes 30 after attack on President Kassem`iraq
On This Day: 26 March 1970 500th ---------- announced by the US since 1945`nuclear explosion
On This Day: 26 March 1970 Peter Yarrow (Peter, Paul & Mary) pleads guilty to "taking immoral liberties" with a`14 year old girl
On This Day: 26 March 1971 Bangladesh (East Pakistan) declares its ---------- `independence
On This Day: 26 March 1971 "Benny ---------- Show" tops TV ratings`hill
On This Day: 26 March 1971 "Cannon" with William ---------- premieres on CBS-TV`conrad
On This Day: 26 March 1975 "---------- " premieres in London `tommy
On This Day: 26 May 1971 Soviet Union's---------- , TU-144, makes its 1st appearance `concorde
On This Day: 26 May 1972 Nixon & ---------- signs SALT accord`brezhnev
On This Day: 26 May 1973 Bahrain adopts it's ---------- `constitution
On This Day: 26 May 1973 Beatles' "The Beatles 1967-1970" album goes ---------- `#1
On This Day: 26 May 1974 During a ---------- concert in London a 14 year old is trampled`david cassidy
On This Day: 26 October 1972 Henry ---------- declares "Peace is at hand" in Vietnam`kissinger
On This Day: 26 October 1973 ---------- release "Helen Wheels"`wings
On This Day: 26 October 1975 Anwar ---------- became 1st Egyptian president to officially visit the US`sadat
On This Day: 26 September 1960 1st of 4 TV debates ---------- & Kennedy took place (Chicago)`nixon
On This Day: 26 September 1960 Longest speech in UN history (4 hrs, 29 mins, by---------- )`fidel castro
On This Day: 26 September 1973 ---------- flies from Washington DC to Paris in 3h33m `concorde
On This Day: 27 April 1960 1st atomic powered electric-drive ---------- launched (Tullibee)`submarine
On This Day: 27 April 1960 ---------- grants Togo independence (Natl Day)`france
On This Day: 27 April 1972 NYC Mayor John Lindsey appeals that ---------- not be deported`john lennon
On This Day: 27 April 1974 Pan Am 707 crashes into mountains of---------- , killing 107`bali
On This Day: 27 December 1970 "Hello, Dolly!" closes on ---------- after a record 2,844 performances`broadway
On This Day: 27 February 1960 Oil pipe line from ---------- to Ruhrgebied opens`rotterdam
On This Day: 27 February 1973 American Indian Movement occupy Wounded Knee in South ---------- `dakota
On This Day: 27 February 1973 Pope ---------- publishes constitution motu proprio Quo aptius`paul vi
On This Day: 27 January 1973 US & Vietnam sign---------- , ending longest US war & military draft `cease-fire
On This Day: 27 June 1960 British Somaliland becomes part of ---------- `somalia
On This Day: 27 March 1970 ---------- performs nuclear test at Eastern Kazakhstan/Semipalitinsk`ussr
On This Day: 27 March 1970 ---------- releases his 1st solo album "Sentimental Journey" `ringo
On This Day: 27 March 1972 Venera 8 launched to ---------- `venus
On This Day: 27 March 1973 Jerry Garcia (Grateful Dead) stopped for speeding & ---------- possession`lsd
On This Day: 27 May 1960 Military coup overthrows democratic government of ---------- `turkey
On This Day: 27 May 1975 Paul ---------- releases "Venus & Mars"`mccartney
On This Day: 27 November 1970 Pope ---------- wounded in chest during a visit to Philippines by a dagger-wielding Bolivian painter disguised as a priest`paul vi
On This Day: 27 November 1970 ---------- releases 3 album set "All Things Must Pass" `george harrison
On This Day: 27 November 1971 Soviet ---------- becomes 1st spacecraft to crash land on Mars`mars 2
On This Day: 28 April 1974 Last Americans evacuated from ---------- `saigon
On This Day: 28 December 1974 More than 5,200 people killed in ---------- earthquake`pakistan
On This Day: 28 February 1960 8th winter ---------- games close at Squaw Valley CA`olympics
On This Day: 28 February 1960 US wins Olympics hockey gold medal by defeating ---------- 9-4`czechoslovakia
On This Day: 28 February 1960 Winter ---------- at Squaw Valley CA closes `olympics
On This Day: 28 February 1970 ---------- permitted to cross Golden Gate Bridge`bicycles
On This Day: 28 February 1974 ---------- Party wins British parliamentary election`labour
On This Day: 28 January 1960 1st ---------- bounced off Moon, Washington DC`photograph
On This Day: 28 January 1960 Goon Show's ---------- on BBC`final episode
On This Day: 28 January 1970 Lubom r Strougal succeeds Cernik as premier of`czechoslovakia
On This Day: 28 January 1970 Lubomr Strougal succeeds Cernik as premier of ----------`czechoslovakia
On This Day: 28 June 1971 Supreme Court overturns draft evasion conviction of ---------- `muhammad ali
On This Day: 28 June 1974 ---------- release "Band on the Run" & "Zoo Gang" in UK`wings
On This Day: 28 June 1975 Golfer ---------- is struck by lightning at Western Open (Ill)`lee trevino
On This Day: 28 June 1975 ---------- releases "Fame"`david bowie
On This Day: 28 March 1960 ---------- factory explodes burying 20 firefighters (Glasgow Scotland)`scotch
On This Day: 28 March 1970 1,086 die when 7.3 ---------- destroys 254 villages (Gediz Turkey)`earthquake
On This Day: 28 March 1972 ---------- performs nuclear test at Eastern Kazakhstan/Semipalitinsk USSR`ussr
On This Day: 28 May 1971 Paul ---------- releases his 2nd solo album "Ram" `mccartney
On This Day: 28 May 1971 USSR ---------- launched, 1st spacecraft to soft land on Mars`mars 3
On This Day: 28 November 1960 Mauritania gains independence from ---------- (National Day)`france
On This Day: 28 November 1975 ---------- release "Venus & Mars/Rock Show" medley `wings
On This Day: 28 October 1970 US/USSR sign an agreement to discuss joint ---------- efforts`space
On This Day: 28 October 1971 England becomes 6th nation to have a ---------- (Prospero) in orbit`satellite
On This Day: 28 October 1971 ---------- record "Happy Xmas (War is Over)" in NYC `john & yoko
On This Day: 28 October 1971 ---------- record "Happy Xmas (War is Over)" in NYC`john & yoko`john and yoko
On This Day: 28 September 1974 1st lady Betty Ford undergoes a radical ---------- `mastectomy
On This Day: 29 April 1975 US Forces pull out of ---------- `vietnam
On This Day: 29 December 1972 Eastern Tristar Jumbo Jet crashes near ---------- killing 101`everglades
On This Day: 29 February 1960 1st---------- , featuring bunnies, opens in Chicago`playboy club
On This Day: 29 February 1960 Earthquake kills 1/3 of Agadir ---------- population 12,000) in 15 seconds`morocco
On This Day: 29 February 1960 JFK makes "missile gap" the Presidential ---------- issue `campaign
On This Day: 29 January 1970 USSR performs ---------- test at Eastern Kazakstan/Semipalatinsk USSR`nuclear
On This Day: 29 June 1970 US ends 2 month military offensive into ---------- `cambodia
On This Day: 29 June 1972 USSR launches ---------- 2 into earth orbit (549/200,000 km)`prognoz
On This Day: 29 March 1971 Conrad Van Emde Boas becomes West Europe's 1st ---------- professor`sexology
On This Day: 29 March 1971 Development of a serum hepatitis ---------- for children announced`vaccine
On This Day: 29 March 1973 Last US troops leave---------- , 9 years after Tonkin Gulf Resolution `vietnam
On This Day: 29 May 1960 ---------- Brothers "Cathy's Clown" hits #1`everly
On This Day: 29 May 1974 ---------- is brought under direct rule from Westminster`northern ireland
On This Day: 29 November 1975 Kilauea Volcano erupts in ---------- `hawaii
On This Day: 29 October 1960 Muhammad Ali's (Cassius Clay's) 1st professional fight, beats Tunney ---------- in 6`hunsaker
On This Day In January 0404 - The last ______ competition was held in Rome.`gladiator
On This Day In January 0871 - England's King Alfred defeated the ______ at the Battle of Ashdown.`Danes
On This Day In January 1205 - Philip of ______ was crowned as King of the Romans.`Swabia
On This Day In January 1453 - Frederick III erected ______ into an Archduchy.`Austria
On This Day In January 1492 - The leader of the last ______ stronghold in Spain surrendered to Spanish forces loyal to King Ferdinand II and Queen Isabella I.`Arab
On This Day In January 1496 - References in ______ da Vinci notebooks suggested that he tested his flying machine. The test didn't succeed and he didn't try to fly again for several years.`Leonardo
On This Day In January 1521 - Pope Leo X ______ Martin Luther.`excommunicated
On This Day In January 1540 - King Henry VIII of ______ was married to Anne of Cleves, his fourth wife.`England
On This Day In January 1558 - Calais, the last English possession on mainland______ , was recaptured by the French.`France
On This Day In January 1610 - ______ Galilei sighted four of Jupiter's moons. He named them Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.`Galileo
On This Day In January 1622 - The ______ Chancery adopted January 1st as the beginning of the New Year instead of March 25th.`Papal
On This Day In January 1642 - ______ Galileo Galilei died in Arcetri, Italy.`Astronomer
On This Day In January 1675 - The first corporation was charted in the United States. The company was the New York ______ Company.`Fishing
On This Day In January 1695 - Composer ______ Sammartini was born.`Giuseppe
On This Day In January 1705 - Georg ______ Handel's opera "Almira" was produced in Hamburg.`Friedrich
On This Day In January 1710 - ______ Giovanni Battista Pergolesi was born.`Composer
On This Day In January 1720 - Composer Johann ______ Agricola was born.`Friedrich
On This Day In January 1720 - The Committee of Inquiry on the South Sea ______ published its findings.`Bubble
On This Day In January 1732 - Composer Franz Xaver ______ was born.`Brixi
On This Day In January 1759 - George Washington and ______ Dandridge Custis were married.`Martha
On This Day In January 1764 - Wolfgang ______ Mozart played for the Royal Family at Versailles in France.`Amadeus
On This Day In January 1772 - The first traveler's checks were ______ in London.`issued
On This Day In January 1776 - Thomas Paine ______ his pamphlet "Common Sense.`published
On This Day In January 1777 - The Battle of Princeton took place in the War of______ , in which George Washington defeated the British forces, led by Cornwallis.`Independence
On This Day In January 1781 - Richmond, VA, was burned by a ______ naval expedition led by Benedict Arnold.`British
On This Day In January 1782 - The Bank of North America opened in______ . It was the first commercial bank in the United States.`Philadelphia
On This Day In January 1785 - ______ aeronaut/balloonist Jean-Pierre Blanchard successfully made the first air-crossing of the English Channel from the English coast to France.`French
On This Day In January 1785 - London's ______ daily paper "The Daily Universal Register" (later renamed "The Times" in 1788) was first published.`oldest
On This Day In January 1788 - ______ became the 4th state to ratify the U.S. Constitution.`Georgia
On This Day In January 1789 - Americans voted for the ______ that would choose George Washington to be the first U.S. president.`electors
On This Day In January 1793 - Jean-Pierre ______ made the first successful balloon flight in the U.S.`Blanchard
On This Day In January 1797 - Albany became the capital of New York______ , replacing New York City.`state
On This Day In January 1799 - British prime minister William Pitt the Younger introduced ______ tax, at two shillings (10p) in the pound, to raise funds for the Napoleonic Wars.`income
On This Day In January 1801 - Italian ______ Giuseppe Piazzi became the first person to discover an asteroid. He named it Ceres.`astronomer
On This Day In January 1801 - The Act of Union of ______ and Ireland came into force.`England
On This Day In January 1804 - Haiti gained its______ .`independence
On This Day In January 1808 - The U.S. ______ import of slaves from Africa.`prohibited
On This Day In January 1812 - Composer ______ Thalberg was born.`Sigismond
On This Day In January 1815 - By secret treaty, Austria, Britain, and ______ formed a defensive alliance against Prusso-Russian plans to solve the Saxon and Polish problems.`France
On This Day In January 1815 - U.S. General Andrew ______ achieved victory at the Battle of New Orleans. The War of 1812 had officially ended on December 24, 1814, with the signing of the Treaty of Ghent. The news of the signing had not reached British troops in time to prevent their attack on New Orleans.`Jackson
On This Day In January 1821 - The first native-born American______ , Elizabeth Ann Seton, died in Emmitsburg, MD.`saint
On This Day In January 1823 - Stephen F. Austin received a grant from the ______ government and began colonization in the region of the Brazos River in Texas.`Mexican
On This Day In January 1825 - The first engineering college in the U.S. , Rensselaer School, opened in Troy, NY. It is now known as ______ Polytechnic Institute.`Rensselaer
On This Day In January 1833 - Britain seized control of the ______ Islands in the South Atlantic. About 150 years later, Argentina seized the islands from the British, but Britain took them back after a 74-day war.`Falkland
On This Day In January 1837 - Composer Mili Alexeyevich ______ was born.`Balakirev
On This Day In January 1838 - Alfred ______ demonstrated a telegraph code he had devised using dots and dashes as letters. The code was the predecessor to Samuel Morse's code.`Vail
On This Day In January 1838 - Composer Max ______ was born.`Bruch
On This Day In January 1839 - Composer John Knowles ______ was born.`Paine
On This Day In January 1840 - The first recorded bowling match was ______ in the U.S.`recorded
On This Day In January 1840 - The penny post, whereby mail was delivered at a standard charge rather than paid for by the recipient, began in______ .`Britain
On This Day In January 1842 - In Fairmount, PA, the first wire ______ bridge was opened to traffic.`suspension
On This Day In January 1848 - The first ______ bank was established in San Francisco, CA.`commercial
On This Day In January 1850 - Composer ______ Xaver Scharwenka was born.`Franz
On This Day In January 1850 - The first American ice-______ club was organized in Philadelphia, PA.`skating
On This Day In January 1853 - A ______ statue of Andrew Jackson on a horse was unveiled in Lafayette Park in Washington, DC. The statue was the work of Clark Mills.`bronze
On This Day In January 1856 - Composer Giuseppe ______ was born.`Martucci
On This Day In January 1856 - ______ (hydrated sodium borate) was discovered by Dr. John Veatch.`Borax
On This Day In January 1859 - Erastus Beadle published "The Dime Book of ______ Etiquette.`Practical
On This Day In January 1861 - ______ seceded from the United States.`Florida
On This Day In January 1861 - The state of ______ seceded from the United States.`Mississippi
On This Day In January 1863 - Prime Minister ______ opened the first section of the London Underground Railway system, from Paddington to Farringdon Street.`Gladstone
On This Day In January 1863 - U.S. President ______ signed the Emancipation Proclamation, which declared that all slaves in the rebel states were free.`Lincoln
On This Day In January 1868 - The Shogunate was ______ in Japan and Meiji dynasty was restored.`abolished
On This Day In January 1870 - John D. ______ incorporated Standard Oil.`Rockerfeller
On This Day In January 1871 - Henry W. Bradley patented______ .`oleomargarine
On This Day In January 1872 - Brigham Young, the 71-year-old leader of the ______ Church, was arrested on a charge of bigamy. He had 25 wives.`Mormon
On This Day In January 1872 - Composer ______ Nikolaevich Scriabin was born.`Alexander
On This Day In January 1874 - Composer ______ Suk was born.`Josef
On This Day In January 1876 - Composer William Yeates ______ was born.`Hurlstone
On This Day In January 1877 - ______ Horse (Tashunca-uitco) and his warriors fought their final battle against the U.S. Cavalry in Montana.`Crazy
On This Day In January 1879 - Thomas Edison began ______ on his first generator.`construction
On This Day In January 1880 - ______ Nicolai Karlovich Medtner was born.`Composer
On This Day In January 1883 - Samuel ______ demonstrated the telegraph for the first time.`Morse
On This Day In January 1884 - The socialist Fabian Society was ______ in London.`founded
On This Day In January 1885 - Dr. William Grant performed the first successful______ . The patient was Mary Gartside.`appendectomy
On This Day In January 1885 - The Long Island ______ Company became the first to offer piggy-back rail service which was the transportation of farm wagons on trains.`Railroad
On This Day In January 1886 - The Severn ______ Tunnel, Britain's longest, was opened.`Railway
On This Day In January 1887 - Queen Victoria was proclaimed ______ of India in Delhi.`empress
On This Day In January 1887 - Thomas ______ completed the first worldwide bicycle trip. He started his trip in April 1884. Stevens and his bike traveled 13,500 miles in almost three years time.`Stevens
On This Day In January 1888 - The drinking ______ was patented by Marvin C. Stone.`straw
On This Day In January 1889 - The tabulating ______ was patented by Dr. Herman Hollerith. His firm, Tabulating Machine Company, later became International Business Machines Corporation (IBM.`machine
On This Day In January 1890 - Alice ______ became the first female White House staffer.`Sanger
On This Day In January 1892 - ______ and New York merged to form the single city of New York.`Brooklyn
On This Day In January 1892 - Ellis Island Immigrant Station formally ______ in New York.`opened
On This Day In January 1893 - The first commemorative ______ stamps were issued.`postage
On This Day In January 1894 - ______ caused serious damage at the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago, IL.`Fire
On This Day In January 1894 - The Manchester Ship ______ was officially opened to traffic.`Canal
On This Day In January 1894 - The New England Telephone and ______ Company put the first battery-operated switchboard into operation in Lexington, MA.`Telegraph
On This Day In January 1894 - W.K. ______ received a patent for motion picture film.`Dickson
On This Day In January 1896 - ______ became the 45th U.S. state.`Utah
On This Day In January 1896 - "Fannie Farmer Cookbook" ______ was published.`cookbook
On This Day In January 1896 - It was reported by The ______ newspaper that Wilhelm Roentgen had discovered the type of radiation that became known as X-rays.`Austrian
On This Day In January 1896 - The first American womens six-day bicycle ______ was held at Madison Square Garden in New York City.`race
On This Day In January 1898 - Manhattan, the Bronx, Brooklyn, ______ and Staten Island were consolidated into New York City.`Queens
On This Day In January 1899 - Composer ______ Poulenc was born.`Francis
On This Day In January 1900 - Hawaii asked for a delegate to the ______ national convention.`Republican
On This Day In January 1900 - In India, it was reported that ______ of people were dying from starvation.`millions
On This Day In January 1900 - In Ireland, ______ leader John Edward Redmond called for a revolt against British rule.`Nationalist
On This Day In January 1900 - In South______ , General White turned back the Boers attack of Ladysmith.`Africa
On This Day In January 1900 - Nigeria became a ______ protectorate with Frederick Lagard as the high commissioner.`British
On This Day In January 1900 - Off of South______ , the British seized the German steamer Herzog. The boat was released on January 22, 1900.`Africa
On This Day In January 1900 - The Chicago ______ opened.`Canal
On This Day In January 1900 - U.S. President McKinley placed ______ under military rule.`Alaska
On This Day In January 1900 - U.S. Secretary of State John Hay announced the Open ______ Policy to prompt trade with China.`Door
On This Day In January 1900 - ______ Verdi's "Aida" was performed in New York.`Giuseppe
On This Day In January 1901 - The Commonwealth of ______ was founded.`Australia
On This Day In January 1901 - The first ______ sanctioned by the American Bowling Congress was held in Chicago, IL.`tournament
On This Day In January 1901 - ______ was discovered at the Spindletop oil field near Beaumont, TX.`Oil
On This Day In January 1902 - New York State introduced a bill to outlaw ______ in public.`flirting
On This Day In January 1902 - The first ______ of Roses collegiate football game was played in Pasadena, CA.`Tournament
On This Day In January 1903 - The general public could use the ______ cable for the very first time.`Pacific
On This Day In January 1904 - The ______ signal "CQD" was established. Two years later "SOS" became the radio distress signal because it was quicker to send by wireless radio.`distress
On This Day In January 1905 - Composer Sir ______ Kemp Tippett was born.`Michael
On This Day In January 1905 - In______ , the civil disturbances known as the Revolution of 1905 forced Czar Nicholas II to grant some civil rights.`Russia
On This Day In January 1906 - ______ Rubinstein made his debut at Carnegie Hall in New York City.`Arthur
On This Day In January 1908 - A ______ train collision occurred in the smoke-filled Park Avenue Tunnel in New York City. Seventeen were killed and thirty-eight were injured. The accident caused a public outcry and increased demand for electric trains.`catastrophic
On This Day In January 1909 - The first payments of old-age ______ were made in Britain. People over 70 received five shillings a week.`pensions
On This Day In January 1910 - The first junior high school in the United States opened. ______ School in Berkeley, CA, housed seventh and eighth grade students. In a separate building students were housed who attended grades 9-12.`McKinley
On This Day In January 1911 - Major Jimmie Erickson took the first ______ from an airplane while flying over San Diego, CA.`photograph
On This Day In January 1912 - New ______ became the 47th U.S. state.`Mexico
On This Day In January 1913 - The post office began ______ post deliveries.`parcel
On This Day In January 1914 - ______ Motor Company announced that there would be a new daily minimum wage of $5 and an eight-hour workday.`Ford
On This Day In January 1916 - During World War I, the final withdrawal of ______ troops from Gallipoli took place.`Allied
On This Day In January 1917 - Royal Bank of ______ took over the Quebec Bank.`Canada
On This Day In January 1918 - U.S. President ______ Wilson announced his Fourteen Points as the basis for peace upon the end of World War I.`Woodrow
On This Day In January 1920 - The League of ______ held its first meeting in Geneva.`Nations
On This Day In January 1920 - The League of Nations ratified the Treaty of______ , officially ending World War I with Germany.`Versailles
On This Day In January 1921 - David Lloyd George became the first prime minister tenant at Chequers Court,______ .`Buckinghamshire
On This Day In January 1921 - DeYoung ______ in Golden Gate Park opened.`Museum
On This Day In January 1921 - The first religious ______ on radio was heard on KDKA Radio in Pittsburgh, PA, as Dr. E.J. Van Etten of Calvary Episcopal Church preached.`broadcast
On This Day In January 1924 - English ______ Howard Carter discovered the sarcophagus of Tutankhamen in the Valley of the Kings, near Luxor, Egypt.`explorer
On This Day In January 1924 - Frank B. ______ received a patent for ink paste.`Cooney
On This Day In January 1924 - George ______ completed "Rhapsody in Blue" at the age of 26.`Gershwin
On This Day In January 1925 - In Italy, ______ announced that he would take dictatorial powers.`Mussolini
On This Day In January 1925 - Lucrezia Bori and John McCormack of the famous ______ Opera in New York City made their singing debuts on radio.`Metropolitan
On This Day In January 1925 - Mrs. Nellie Taylor Ross was ______ in as the governor of Wyoming She was the first female governor in the U.S.`sworn
On This Day In January 1925 - Russian composer Igor ______ appeared in his first American concert. He conducted the New York Philharmonic Orchestra in a program of his own compositions.`Stravinsky
On This Day In January 1926 - Fritz Lang's film "______ " was first shown, in Berlin.`Metropolis
On This Day In January 1926 - George ______ and Gracie Allen were married.`Burns
On This Day In January 1926 - The Rose ______ was carried coast to coast on network radio for the first time.`Bowl
On This Day In January 1927 - Transatlantic ______ service Service began between New York and London. 31 calls were made on this first day.`telephone
On This Day In January 1928 - NBC Radio debuted "The ______ Victory Hour" which starred Will Rogers, Paul Whiteman and his Orchestra and singer Al Jolson.`Dodge
On This Day In January 1928 - The Soviet Union ordered the exile of Leon______ .`Trotsky
On This Day In January 1929 - The debut of "Buck ______ 2429 A.D." occurred in newspapers around the U.S. The title of the comic strip was later changed to "Buck Rogers in the 25th Century.`Rogers
On This Day In January 1929 - The Seeing Eye was incorporated in Nashville, TN. The company's purpose was to train ______ to guide the blind.`dogs
On This Day In January 1929 - The United States and Cananda reached an ______ on joint action to preserve Niagara Falls.`agreement
On This Day In January 1930 - The first diesel-engine ______ trip was completed after a run of 792 miles from Indianapolis, IN, to New York City, NY.`automobile
On This Day In January 1930 - "The ______ Hour" was heard for the first time on the NBC-Blue Network, which later became ABC Radio.`Cuckoo
On This Day In January 1931 - ______ Edison executed his last patent application.`Thomas
On This Day In January 1932 - Chancellor ______ Brning declared that Germany cannot, and will not, resume reparations payments.`Heinrich
On This Day In January 1932 - Freddy Martin formed a new band and was hired to play the ______ Grill in New York City. Merv Griffin later became Martins lead vocalist.`Roosevelt
On This Day In January 1932 - NBC Red debuted "The Carnation ______ Hour". The show was as a showcase for top singers and musicians.`Contented
On This Day In January 1933 - ______ of the Golden Gate Bridge began.`Construction
On This Day In January 1934 - Both the National and American ______ leagues decided to use a uniform-size baseball. It was the first time in 33 years that both leagues used the same size ball. (MLB.`baseball
On This Day In January 1934 - ______ Island officially became a Federal Prison.`Alcatraz
On This Day In January 1934 - The ______ Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) began operation.`Federal
On This Day In January 1935 - Bert ______ and his Orchestra recorded "Hors doeuvres.`Ambrose
On This Day In January 1935 - Bob ______ was heard for the first time on network radio as part of "The Intimate Revue.`Hope
On This Day In January 1935 - Bruno Richard ______ went on trial for the kidnap-murder of Charles Lindberghs baby. Hauptmann was found guilt and executed.`Hauptmann
On This Day In January 1935 - French Foreign ______ Pierre Laval and Italian Prime Minister Benito Mussolini signed the Italo-French agreements.`Minister
On This Day In January 1935 - Phil Spitalnys All-Girl ______ was featured on CBS radio on the program, "The Hour of Charm.`Orchestra
On This Day In January 1935 - The ______ was patented by A.C. Hardy.`spectrophotometer
On This Day In January 1936 - The first ______ music chart based on national sales was published by "Billboard" magazine.`pop
On This Day In January 1936 - The first pop music ______ based on national sales was published by "Billboard" magazine.`chart
On This Day In January 1936 - The "New York Herald ______ " began microfilming its current issues.`Tribune
On This Day In January 1936 - The United States Army adopted the semi-automatic______ .`rifle
On This Day In January 1937 - The First ______ Bowl football game was played in Dallas, TX. Texas Christian University (T.C.U.) beat Marquette, 16-6.`Cotton
On This Day In January 1937 - The first issue of "Look" went on sale. Within a month, "Look" became a biweekly______ .`magazine
On This Day In January 1938 - The first broadcast of "Woman in White" was presented on the NBC Red network. The program remained on ______ for 10 years.`radio
On This Day In January 1938 - The March of ______ was established by U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The organization fights poliomyelitis. The original name of the organization was the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis.`Dimes
On This Day In January 1938 - Trummy ______ played trombone and sang with the Jimmy Lunceford Orchestra in New York City while recording "Margie.`Young
On This Day In January 1940 - "Gene Autrys Melody Ranch" debuted on ______ Radio. The show aired for 16 years.`CBS
On This Day In January 1940 - Television was used for the first time to present a sales meeting to convention ______ in New York City.`delegates
On This Day In January 1940 - The ______ Communications Commission (FCC) got its very first demonstration of FM radio.`Federal
On This Day In January 1940 - The "Southland Shuffle" was recorded on Bluebird Records by Charlie Barnet and his______ . Billy May was featured as a trumpet player.`Orchestra
On This Day In January 1940 - Vincent Lopez and his ______ recorded the third version of Lopez theme song titled "Nola.`orchestra
On This Day In January 1941 - Alice Marble made her professional tennis ______ when she defeated Ruth Hardwick of Great Britain at Madison Square Garden in New York City.`debut
On This Day In January 1941 - "Good-for-Nothin-Joe" was ______ by the sultry Lena Horne with Charlie Barnet and his Orchestra on Bluebird Records.`recorded
On This Day In January 1941 - Richard ______ made his debut on radio in "The Home of the Brave.`Widmark
On This Day In January 1941 - Sammy ______ and his orchestra recorded "Until Tomorrow.`Kaye
On This Day In January 1941 - The Andrews ______ recorded "Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy.`Sisters
On This Day In January 1941 - The NBC Blue radio ______ presented "The Squeaky Door" for the first time. The show was later known as "Inner Sanctum.`network
On This Day In January 1942 - The first ______ around-the-world airline flight took place. Pan American Airlines was the company that made history with the feat.`commercial
On This Day In January 1942 - The National Collegiate ______ Rules Committee abolished the Y formation.`Football
On This Day In January 1942 - The Philippine capital of ______ was captured by Japanese forces during World War II.`Manila
On This Day In January 1942 - The ______ War II siege of Bataan began.`World
On This Day In January 1942 - U.S. President Franklin D. ______ and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill issued a declaration called the "United Nations." It was signed by 26 countries that vowed to create an international postwar World War II peacekeeping orgnazation. .`Roosevelt
On This Day In January 1943 - The quiz show, "The ______ Half," was heard for the first time on Mutual Radio.`Better
On This Day In January 1943 - U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt sailed from Miami, FL, to Trinidad thus becoming the first ______ President to visit a foreign country during wartime.`American
On This Day In January 1944 - The attack on ______ Cassino was launched by the British Fifth Army in Italy.`Monte
On This Day In January 1944 - The London "Daily Mail" was the first ______ newspaper to be published.`transoceanic
On This Day In January 1945 - Erskine Hawkins recorded "Tippin In" for ______ Records with the Erskine Hawkins Orchestra.`Victor
On This Day In January 1945 - France was admitted to the ______ Nations.`United
On This Day In January 1945 - The Battle of the ______ ended with 130,000 German and 77,000 Allied casualties.`Bulge
On This Day In January 1946 - The first meeting of the United Nations General Assembly took place with ______ nations represented.`51
On This Day In January 1947 - In Trenton, NJ, Al Herrin, passed away at age______ . He had claimed that he had not slept at all during his life.`92
On This Day In January 1947 - The musical "Finians Rainbow" opened in New York City and ran for ______ performances. The music was written by Burton Lane and the lyrics were written by E.Y. Harburg.`725
On This Day In January 1947 - U.S. Congressional proceedings were televised for the first time. Viewers in Washington, Philadelphia and New York City saw some of the opening ceremonies of the 80th______ .`Congress
On This Day In January 1948 - ______ Brothers-Pathe showed the very first color newsreel. The footage was of the Tournament of Roses Parade and the Rose Bowl football classic.`Warner
On This Day In January 1948 - ______ granted independence to Burma.`Britain
On This Day In January 1949 - ______ records were introduced by RCA (45 rpm) and Columbia (33.3 rpm.`Vinyl
On This Day In January 1949 - The announcement of the first ______ of genes was shown at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles.`photograph
On This Day In January 1949 - Vinyl records were introduced by RCA (______ rpm) and Columbia (33.3 rpm.`45
On This Day In January 1950 - RCA ______ announced that it would manufacture long-playing (LP) records.`Victor
On This Day In January 1950 - ______ recognized the Communist government of China.`Britain
On This Day In January 1950 - ______ Tubb made his debut appearance at "The Grand Ole Opry" in Nashville, TN.`Ernest
On This Day In January 1951 - During the ______ conflict, North Korean and Communist Chinese forces captured the city of Seoul.`Korean
On This Day In January 1951 - NBC-TV debuted______ .`Dragnet
On This Day In January 1951 - The United Nations headquarters officially opened in ______ York City.`New
On This Day In January 1952 - "Peanuts" debuted in ______ papers across the United States.`Sunday
On This Day In January 1952 - ______ Wilson came to TV as "My Friend Irma.`Marie
On This Day In January 1953 - Frances ______ and her son, Oliver from Ohio, became the first mother-son combination to serve at the same time in the U.S. Congress.`Bolton
On This Day In January 1953 - Hank ______ died of drug and alcohol overdose at the age of 29.`Williams
On This Day In January 1953 - "The Life of ______ " debuted on NBC-TV.`Riley
On This Day In January 1953 - Tufted plastic ______ was introduced by Barwick Mills.`carpeting
On This Day In January 1953 - U.S. ______ Harry Truman announced the development of the hydrogen bomb.`President
On This Day In January 1954 - Elvis ______ recorded "Casual Love" and "Ill Never Stand in Your Way.`Presley
On This Day In January 1954 - The Duoscopic TV receiver was unveiled this day. The ______ set allowed the watching of two different shows at the same time.`TV
On This Day In January 1955 - After ______ home basketball wins, Georgia Tech defeated Kentucky 59-58. It was the first Kentucky loss at home since January 2, 1943.`130
On This Day In January 1955 - ______ President Jose Antonio Remon was assassinated.`Panamanian
On This Day In January 1955 - RCA ______ announced that they were dropping the prices of their records in an attempt to spur record sales.`Victor
On This Day In January 1956 - Elvis Presley recorded his first songs as an RCA Victor artist in______ . Elvis recorded "Heartbreak Hotel," "I Was the One," "Im Counting On You," "I Got a Woman" and "Money Honey.`Nashville
On This Day In January 1956 - ______ gained its independence.`Sudan
On This Day In January 1957 - Boxer Joe ______ appeared on "The Steve Allen Show" to introduce singer Solomon Burke.`Louis
On This Day In January 1957 - "Colliers" ______ was published for the last time. The periodical was published for 69 years.`magazine
On This Day In January 1957 - Elvis Presley made his last appearance on the "Ed ______ Show" in New York City.`Sullivan
On This Day In January 1957 - Fats ______ recorded "I'm Walkin'.`Domino
On This Day In January 1957 - Pat Boone began filming the movie______ .`Bernadine
On This Day In January 1957 - ______ Robinson announced his retirement from major league baseball in an article that appeared in "LOOK" magazine. (MLB.`Jackie
On This Day In January 1957 - The San Francisco and Los Angeles ______ exchanges merged.`stock
On This Day In January 1957 - The ______ Watch Company introduced the first electric watch.`Hamilton
On This Day In January 1957 - ______ took the U.S. Army pre-induction exam on his 22nd birthday.`Elvis
On This Day In January 1958 - Bobby Fisher, at the age of______ , won the United States Chess Championship for the first time.`14
On This Day In January 1958 - Bobby Helms filmed a role in the movie "The Case Against______ .`Brooklyn
On This Day In January 1958 - The European ______ Community (EEC) started operations.`Economic
On This Day In January 1958 - The Flying V guitar was patented by the ______ Guitar Company.`Gibson
On This Day In January 1958 - The Soviet satellite ______ I fell to the earth from its orbit. The craft had been launched on October 4, 1957.`Sputknik
On This Day In January 1959 - Charles De Gaulle was ______ as president of France's Fifth Republic.`inaugurated
On This Day In January 1959 - Elvis Presley destroyed his ______ on Germany's Autobahn.`BMW
On This Day In January 1959 - Fidel ______ overthrew the government of Fulgencio Batista, and seized power in Cuba.`Castro
On This Day In January 1959 - In the U.S., Alaska became the 49th______ .`state
On This Day In January 1959 - "It Doesn't Matter Anymore" backed by "Raining in My Heart" was released by Coral Records. It was the last release of ______ Holly before his death.`Buddy
On This Day In January 1959 - ______ Radio ended four soap operas. "Our Gal Sunday", "This is Nora Drake", "Backstage Wife" and "Road of Life" all aired for the last time.`CBS
On This Day In January 1959 - The United States recognized ______ Castro's new government in Cuba.`Fidel
On This Day In January 1960 - ______ author Albert Camus died in an automobile accident at age 46.`French
On This Day In January 1960 - Bobby Darin and Connie Francis ______ together on the "Ed Sullivan Show.`performed
On This Day In January 1960 - Eddie Cochran's last ______ session was held in Hollywood.`recording
On This Day In January 1960 - The NCAA met in New York and voted against reviving the unlimited substitution rule for college______ .`football
On This Day In January 1960 - U.S. Sen. John F. Kennedy of ______ announced his candidacy for the Democratic presidential nomination.`Massachusetts
On This Day In January 1961 - ______ Goulet made his national TV debut this night on "The Ed Sullivan Show" on CBS.`Robert
On This Day In January 1961 - "Mr. Ed" debuted. The show would run for six______ .`years
On This Day In January 1961 - The play, "______ " opened on Broadway.`Rhinoceros
On This Day In January 1961 - The U.S. severed diplomatic ______ with Cuba.`relations
On This Day In January 1962 - Gene ______ recorded "Point of No Return.`McDaniels
On This Day In January 1962 - ______ John XXIII excommunicated Cuban prime minister Fidel Castro.`Pope
On This Day In January 1962 - Leonardo da Vinci's ______ Lisa was exhibited in America for the first time at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC. The next day the exhibit opened to the public.`Mona
On This Day In January 1962 - New York City introduced a ______ that operated without conductors and motormen.`train
On This Day In January 1962 - The Beatles auditioned for ______ Records in London. The company opted for Brian Polle & the Tremeloes because the group was based in the south of England.`Decca
On This Day In January 1963 - Gary "U.S." Bonds filed a $100,000 suit against ______ Checker. The charge was that Checker "stole" "Quarter to Three" and turned it into the song "Dancin' Party." The case was settled out of court.`Chubby
On This Day In January 1963 - "Wild ______ " premiered on NBC.`Kingdom
On This Day In January 1964 - Long John ______ formed Hoochie Coochie Men.`Baldry
On This Day In January 1964 - The BBC ______ the first "Top of the Pops" TV rock show.`broadcasts
On This Day In January 1964 - The Beach Boys ______ "Fun Fun Fun.".`recorded
On This Day In January 1964 - The Beatles made their first ______ on U.S. television in a film clip shown on the "Jack Paar Show." It was a performance of the song "She Loves You.`appearance
On This Day In January 1964 - U.S. President Lyndon Johnson declared a "War on______ .`Poverty
On This Day In January 1965 - "Broadway" Joe ______ signed the richest rookie contract ($400,000) in the history of pro football.`Namath
On This Day In January 1965 - In his State of the Union address, U.S. President ______ proclaimed the building of the "Great Society.`Johnson
On This Day In January 1965 - Leo Fender sold the Fender ______ Company to CBS for $13 million.`Guitar
On This Day In January 1965 - Poet T.S. Eliot ______ at age 76.`died
On This Day In January 1965 - The Fender ______ Company was sold to CBS for $13 million.`Guitar
On This Day In January 1965 - The ______ recorded "Stop! In the Name of Love.`Supremes
On This Day In January 1965 - The TV ______ show "Hullabaloo" debuted on NBC.`dance
On This Day In January 1966 - Duke Ellingtons concert recorded at 5th ______ Presbyterian Church in New York City, was broadcast on CBS-TV.`Avenue
On This Day In January 1966 - The ______ appeared on "Hullabaloo.`Beatles
On This Day In January 1966 - The final episode of "Shindig!" was broadcast on ABC-TV. The show featured the ______ and the Who.`Kinks
On This Day In January 1966 - The final episode of "The Adventures of Ozzie & ______ " (with Rick Nelson) was filmed.`Harriet
On This Day In January 1967 - Carl Wilson (Beach Boys) refused to be ______ in after receiving a U.S. Army draft notice. He said he was a conscientious objector.`sworn
On This Day In January 1967 - Gary Lewis (______ ) was drafted into the U.S. Army.`Playboys
On This Day In January 1967 - Jack ______ died in a Dallas, TX, hospital.`Ruby
On This Day In January 1967 - Sonny and Cher were barred from the Tournament of Roses in______ , CA, for their support of the Sunset Strip rioters.`Pasadena
On This Day In January 1967 - U.S. and South ______ forces launched a major offensive, known as Operation "Deckhouse V", in the Mekong River delta.`Vietnamese
On This Day In January 1968 - ______ Castro announced petroleum and sugar rationing in Cuba.`Fidel
On This Day In January 1968 - Dick Clark premiered his TV series "Happening '68." The show ran through ______ of 1969.`September
On This Day In January 1968 - Dr. Christian ______ performed the first successful heart transplant.`Barnard
On This Day In January 1968 - Evel Knievel, stunt performing______ , lost control of his motorcycle midway through a jump of 141 feet over the ornamental fountains in front of Caesars Palace in Las Vegas.`daredevil
On This Day In January 1968 - Gibson ______ its "Flying V" electric guitar.`patented
On This Day In January 1968 - Newark, NJ, police confiscated a shipment of John ______ and Yoko Ono's album "Two Virgins". The album featured a nude cover.`Lennon
On This Day In January 1968 - The Blue ______ changed the name of their band to Creedence Clearwater Revival.`Velvets
On This Day In January 1968 - The cost of a U.S. first class ______ was raised to 6 cents.`stamp
On This Day In January 1969 - The supersonic ______ Concorde made its first trial flight, at Bristol.`aeroplane
On This Day In January 1970 - "All My Children" premiered on______ .`ABC
On This Day In January 1970 - Davy Jones announced he was leaving the______ .`Monkees
On This Day In January 1970 - "I Me Mine" was recorded by the______ . It was the last song that the band would record together.`Beatles
On This Day In January 1970 - ______ Yasgur was sued for $35,000 in property damages by neighboring farmers. It was Yasgur's on which the August 1969 Woodstock Festival was held.`Max
On This Day In January 1971 - ______ ads representing $20 million dollars in advertising were banned from TV and radio broadcast.`Tobacco
On This Day In January 1971 - In the U.S., a federally imposed ban on ______ cigarette advertisements went into effect.`television
On This Day In January 1971 - The film "Performance" starring Mick ______ debuted in London.`Jagger
On This Day In January 1972 - British ______ went on strike for the first time since 1926.`miners
On This Day In January 1972 - ______ Heilbron became the first woman judge in Britain at the Old Bailey, London.`Rose
On This Day In January 1972 - The ocean liner Queen ______ was destroyed by fire in Hong Kong harbor.`Elizabeth
On This Day In January 1972 - U.S. ______ Richard M. Nixon orderd the developement of the space shuttle.`President
On This Day In January 1973 - Britain, Ireland, ______ and Norway joined the EEC.`Denmark
On This Day In January 1973 - Elvis Presley sued ______ Presley for a divorce.`Priscilla
On This Day In January 1973 - Mick ______ was refused a Japanese visa because of a 1969 drug bust. The event halted the Rolling Stones' plan to tour the Orient.`Jagger
On This Day In January 1973 - Secret peace talks between the United States and North ______ resumed near Paris, France.`Vietnam
On This Day In January 1973 - The Allman ______ name Lamar Williams as the replacement for the late Berry Oakley. The announcment was in Rolling Stone magazine.`Brothers
On This Day In January 1973 - The Columbia ______ System (CBS) sold the New York Yankees to a 12-man syndicate headed by George Steinbrenner for $10 million.`Broadcasting
On This Day In January 1973 - The trial opened in______ , of seven men accused of bugging Democratic Party headquarters in the Watergate apartment complex in Washington, DC.`Washington
On This Day In January 1973 - Yoko Ono released "Approximately ______ University" as a two record set.`Infinite
On This Day In January 1974 - KISS gave a special dress ______ after being signed to Casablanca Records. It was their first recording contract.`rehearsal
On This Day In January 1974 - NBC-TV presented hockey in prime time. The ______ Bruins and the New York Rangers were the teams in the National Hockey League (NHL) game.`Boston
On This Day In January 1974 - ______ radio debuted "Radio Mystery Theatre.`CBS
On This Day In January 1974 - U.S. President ______ refused to hand over tape recordings and documents subpoenaed by the Senate Watergate Committee.`Nixon
On This Day In January 1974 - U.S. President Richard M. Nixon signed a bill requiring all states to lower the maximum speed limit to ______ MPH. The law was intended to conserve gasoline supplies during an embargo imposed by Arab oil-producing countries. Federal speed limits were abolished in 1995.`55
On This Day In January 1975 - ABC-TV debuted "A.M.______ .`America
On This Day In January 1975 - About a thousand Led ______ fans riot while waiting for tickets to go on sale at Boston Garden. About $30,000 was done in damage and the show was cancelled by Boston Mayor Kevin White.`Zeppelin
On This Day In January 1975 - ______ agreed to raise crude oil prices by 10%, which began a time of world economic inflation.`OPEC
On This Day In January 1975 - Ella Grasso became the governor of______ . She was the first woman to become a governor of a state without a husband preceding her in the governors chair.`Connecticut
On This Day In January 1975 - The ______ premiere of "The Wiz" opened.`Broadway
On This Day In January 1975 - "The Wiz" opened on______ .`Broadway
On This Day In January 1975 - Three Led Zeppelin ______ and Madison Square Garden sold out in a record four hours.`concerts
On This Day In January 1975 - U.S. District Court Judge Richard ______ ruled in New York, that John Lennon and his lawyers will have access to Department of Immigration files pertaining to his deportation case.`Owen
On This Day In January 1976 - Graham ______ of Graham Parker & the Rumour signed his first recording contract.`Parker
On This Day In January 1976 - Mal Evans, a Beatle's ______ and road manager, was killed in a confrontation with Los Angeles police.`bodyguard
On This Day In January 1976 - Mal Evans was shot to death by ______ at his Los Angeles apartment. Evans alledgedly pointed a loaded rifle at officers causing them to fire upon him. Evans was a former roadie and bodyguard of the Beatles.`police
On This Day In January 1976 - ______ premier Chou Enlai died at the age of 78.`Chinese
On This Day In January 1977 - ______ terminated its contract with the Sex Pistols only 3 months after signing it. No reason was given.`EMI
On This Day In January 1978 - Howlin' Wolf died following ______ surgery in Chicago.`brain
On This Day In January 1978 - ______ made his solo performance debut in Minneapolis, MN.`Prince
On This Day In January 1978 - The Sex Pistols' U.S. ______ debut took place.`concert
On This Day In January 1979 - A benefit concert called A Gift of Song was held at the United Nations General Assembly in New York. The performers were Olivia Newton-John, Rita______ , the Bee Gees, Rod Stewart, Donna Summer, John Denver, Kris Kristofferson, Abba and Earth, Wind & Fire.`Coolidge
On This Day In January 1979 - Bruce Springsteen's ______ was ripped open by a fire-cracker that was thrown onstage from the audience.`cheek
On This Day In January 1979 - ______ forces captured the Cambodian capital of Phnom Penh, overthrowing the Khmer Rouge government.`Vietnamese
On This Day In January 1979 - Richard ______ entered a chemical dependency treatment center in Topeka, KS.`Carpenter
On This Day In January 1979 - Rush was ______ the Canada's official "Ambassadors of Music" by the Canadian government.`named
On This Day In January 1979 - The trial of ex-Sex______ , Sid Vicious for the October 1978 murder of his girlfriend Nancy Spungen, opened in New York City. Vicious died of a heroin overdose, thereby not living to hear the verdict.`Pistol
On This Day In January 1979 - The United States and ______ held celebrations in Washington, DC, and Beijing to mark the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.`China
On This Day In January 1980 - Conservationist Joy Adamson, ______ of "Born Free," was killed in northern Kenya by a servant.`author
On This Day In January 1980 - Larry ______ committed suicide.`Williams
On This Day In January 1980 - Larry Williams was found dead in his home in Los Angeles, CA. The gunshot wound to the head was never confirmed as the result of a murder or______ .`suicide
On This Day In January 1981 - "Elvis ______ Day" was declared in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, North & South Carolina, Pennsylvania and Virginia.`Presley
On This Day In January 1981 - Greece joined the ______ Community.`European
On This Day In January 1981 - Hockey Hall of Famer, Phil Esposito, announced that he would retire as a ______ player after the New York Rangers-Buffalo Sabres hockey game. The game ended in a tie. (NHL.`hockey
On This Day In January 1981 - Jerry ______ and Terry Hall of the Specials were fined in London for inciting violence at a concert the previous fall.`Dammers
On This Day In January 1981 - Prince and the ______ released their first home video "Live." The recording is from the "Purple Rain" tour.`Revolution
On This Day In January 1981 - The Broadway show "______ " lost an estimated $2 million, when it opened and closed on the same night.`Frankenstein
On This Day In January 1981 - The Gilbert and Sullivan musical "The Pirates of ______ " opened at Broadway's Uris Theatre, starring Linda Ronstadt and Rex Smith.`Penzance
On This Day In January 1982 - American Telephone & Telegraph (AT&T) settled the Justice Department's antitrust lawsuit against it by agreeing to divest itself of the 22 ______ System companies.`Bell
On This Day In January 1982 - Bryant Gumbel moved from ______ Sports to the anchor desk where he joined Jane Pauley as co-host of the "Today" show on NBC.`NBC
On This Day In January 1982 - The last ABBA concert was held in______ .`Stockholm
On This Day In January 1982 - The ______ single "Let's Work" was released.`Prince
On This Day In January 1982 - William G. ______ was convicted in Los Angeles, CA, of being the "freeway killer" who had murdered 14 young men and boys.`Bonin
On This Day In January 1983 - The ______ "Annie" closed on Broadway at the Uris Theatre after 2,377 performances.`musical
On This Day In January 1983 - The final edition of Garry Trudeaus comic strip, ______ , appeared in 726 newspapers. "Doonesbury" began runnning again in September 1984.`Doonesbury
On This Day In January 1984 - AT&T was broken up into ______ Bell System companies under terms of an antitrust agreement.`22
On This Day In January 1984 - Clara ______ was first seen by TV viewers in the "Where's the Beef?" commercial campaign for Wendy's.`Peller
On This Day In January 1984 - The Police, announced a farewell concert for March 2 in______ . The group had been together for 9 years.`Australia
On This Day In January 1984 - Wayne The Great One ______ scored eight points (four goals and four assists) for the second time in his National Hockey League (NHL) career. Edmontons Oilers defeated the Minnesota North Stars, 12-8. The game was the highest-scoring NHL game to date.`Gretzky
On This Day In January 1985 - Ted Nugent appeared on TV's "______ Vice.`Miami
On This Day In January 1985 - The Rebels of UNLV beat Utah State in three overtime periods. The final score of 142-140 set a new new NCAA record for total points in a ______ game (282). The game took over three hours to play.`basketball
On This Day In January 1985 - VH-1 premiered as an adult ______ music video channel with Marvin Gaye's "Star Spangled Banner" video.`contemporary
On This Day In January 1986 - ______ got out of the instant camera business after 10 years after losing a court battle that claimed that Kodak copied Polaroid patents.`Kodak
On This Day In January 1986 - Spain and ______ joined the European Community (EC.`Portugal
On This Day In January 1987 - After a 29-year lapse, the Ford ______ was presented with the Motor Trend Car of the Year Award. It was the first occurrance of a repeat winner of the award.`Thunderbird
On This Day In January 1987 - An ______ train bound from Washington to Boston collided with Conrail engines approaching from a side track, 16 people were killed.`Amtrak
On This Day In January 1987 - A pro-democracy rally took place in Beijing's ______ Square (China.`Tiananmen
On This Day In January 1987 - Elton John cancelled all live ______ for a year after having throat surgery.`performances
On This Day In January 1987 - ______ Franklin inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame along with Bill Haley and 14 others.`Aretha
On This Day In January 1987 - Madhouse's first ______ entitled "8" was released.`album
On This Day In January 1987 - The ______ Jones industrial average closed over the 2000 mark for the first time at 2,002.25.`Dow
On This Day In January 1987 - U.S. President Ronald ______ underwend prostate surgery.`Reagan
On This Day In January 1988 - Margaret Thatcher became the longest-serving ______ Prime Minister in the 20th century.`British
On This Day In January 1989 - Crown Prince Akihito became the ______ of Japan following the death of his father, Emperor Hirohito.`emperor
On This Day In January 1989 - Richard Marx ______ Cynthia Rhodes.`married
On This Day In January 1989 - The Recording Industry Association of ______ (RIAA) changed the requirements for a musical work to achieve gold and platinum status.`America
On This Day In January 1990 - Charles Stuart jumped to his death from a Boston ______ bridge. He had become a suspect in the murder of his wife. He had claimed that a gunman had shot him and his wife.`Harbor
On This Day In January 1990 - David ______ was sworn in as New York City's first black mayor.`Dinkins
On This Day In January 1990 - Deposed ______ leader Manuel Noriega was arraigned in U.S. federal district court in Miami on drug-trafficking charges.`Panamanian
On This Day In January 1990 - Ousted ______ leader Manuel Noriega surrendered to U.S. forces, 10 days after taking refuge in the Vatican's diplomatic mission.`Panamanian
On This Day In January 1990 - The Leaning ______ of Pisa was closed to the public. The accelerated rate of "leaning" raised fears for the safety of its visitors.`Tower
On This Day In January 1991 - Sharon Pratt Dixon was sworn in as mayor of______ , DC. She was the first black woman to head a city of that size and prominence.`Washington
On This Day In January 1991 - Steve Clark (Def Leppard) was found dead. The ______ ruled that the 30-year-old died of a lethal combination of alcohol and drugs.`coroner
On This Day In January 1991 - The U.N. Security Council voted ______ to condemn Israel's treatment of the Palestinians in the occupied territories.`unanimously
On This Day In January 1991 - U.S. secretary of state Baker and Iraqi foreign minister Aziz met for 61/2 hours in______ , but failed to reach any agreement that would forestall war in the Persian Gulf.`Geneva
On This Day In January 1992 - Sting made a guest appearance on the series "The______ ," in the episode "Radio Bart.`Simpsons
On This Day In January 1992 - The ESPN Radio Network was officially______ .`launched
On This Day In January 1992 - U.S. President ______ Bush collapsed during a state dinner in Tokyo. White House officials said Bush was suffering from stomach flu.`George
On This Day In January 1993 - Bill ______ announced that he has officially left the Rolling Stones.`Wyman
On This Day In January 1993 - Elvis Presley commemorative ______ was debuted by the U.S. Postal Service. The 29-cent stamp showed the likeness of the 1950's era Elvis.`stamp
On This Day In January 1993 - ______ President Izetbegovic visited the U.S. to plead his government's case for Western military aid and intervention to halt Serbian aggression.`Bosnian
On This Day In January 1993 - ______ split into two separate states, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The peaceful division had been engineered in 1992.`Czechoslovakia
On This Day In January 1993 - The musical "Gypsy Passion" closed after 55______ .`performances
On This Day In January 1993 - The state of ______ executed Westley Allan Dodd. It was America's first legal hanging since 1965. Dodd was an admitted child sex killer.`Washington
On This Day In January 1993 - U.S. ______ George Bush and Russian President Boris Yeltsin signed the second Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) in Moscow.`President
On This Day In January 1994 - Bill Gates, Chief Executive Officer of ______ married Marilyn French.`Microsoft
On This Day In January 1994 - Figure skater Nancy Kerrigan was clubbed on the right leg by an assailant at Cobo Arena in Detroit, MI. Four men were later sentenced to ______ for the attack, including Tonya Harding's ex-husband.`prison
On This Day In January 1994 - The North American Free Trade ______ went into effect.`Agreement
On This Day In January 1994 - Tonya ______ won the ladies' U.S. Figure Skating Championship in Detroit, MI, a day after Nancy Kerrigan dropped out because of a clubbing attack that injured her right knee. The U.S. Figure Skating Association later took the title from Harding because of her involvement in the attack.`Harding
On This Day In January 1995 - Eddie ______ (Pearl Jam) hosted a national late-night radio show broadcast titled "Self Pollution Radio" from Seattle, WA.`Vedder
On This Day In January 1995 - Russian cosmonaut Valeri Poliakov, 51, completed his 366th day in outer space aboard the ______ space station, breaking the record for the longest continuous time spent in outer space.`Mir
On This Day In January 1995 - The musical revival of "Guys and Dolls" closed after ______ performances.`1143
On This Day In January 1995 - The U.S. ______ Service raised the price of the first-class stamp to 32 cents.`Postal
On This Day In January 1995 - The World Trade Organization came into existance. The group of ______ nations monitors global trade.`125
On This Day In January 1995 - ______ West, an alleged killer of 12 women and girls, was found hanged in his jail cell in Winston Green prison, in Birmingham. West had been under almost continuous watch since his arrest in 1994, but security had reportedly been relaxed in the months preceding the apparent suicide.`Frederick
On This Day In January 1995 - WHO reported that the cumulative total of officially reported cases of ______ had risen to 1,025,073 in 192 countries as at the end of 1994.`AIDS
On This Day In January 1996 - ______ Arzu was elected president of Guatemala.`Alvaro
On This Day In January 1996 - AT&T announced that it would eliminate 40,000 ______ over three years.`jobs
On This Day In January 1996 - ______ Ayyash, a member of the Hamas in Israel, is killed by a booby-trapped cellular phone.`Yahya
On This Day In January 1996 - Former French president ______ Mitterrand died at age 79.`Francois
On This Day In January 1996 - One of the biggest ______ in U.S. history hit the eastern states. More than 100 deaths were later blamed on the severe weather.`blizzards
On This Day In January 1996 - ______ testified in an L.A. Court against Robert Dewey Hoskins. He had been accused of stalking and threatening to kill her.`Madonna
On This Day In January 1997 - ______ Gumbel signed off for the last time as host of NBC's "Today" show.`Bryant
On This Day In January 1997 - James Brown got a star on the Hollywood ______ of Fame.`Walk
On This Day In January 1997 - Mister Rogers received a star on the ______ Walk of Fame.`Hollywood
On This Day In January 1997 - Prince appeared on the ______ O'Donnell show.`Rosie
On This Day In January 1997 - Tamil rebels attact a military base in Sri Lanka. ______ soldiers and 140 rebels were killed.`200
On This Day In January 1997 - The Greek Cypriot government signed an agreement to buy S-300 surface-to-air ______ from Russia.`missiles
On This Day In January 1998 - A new anti-______ law went into effect in California. The law prohibiting people from lighting up in bars.`smoking
On This Day In January 1998 - ______ announced that they had discovered that galaxies were accelerating and moving apart and at faster speeds.`Scientists
On This Day In January 1998 - China announced that it would spend $27.7 billion to fight ______ and pollution in the Yangtze and Yellow river valleys.`erosion
On This Day In January 1998 - Former White House intern Monica Lewinsky signed an affidavit denying that she had an affair with U.S. President______ .`Clinton
On This Day In January 1998 - Lynn Odrick sued Anthony "______ " Banks for allegedly punching her, damaging her vision and breaking her nose with a pool cue on November 25, 1998.`Ant
On This Day In January 1998 - Ramzi Yousef was sentenced to life in prison for his role of mastermind behind the World Trade Center ______ in New York.`bombing
On This Day In January 1998 - Russia began circulating new ______ in effort to keep inflation in check and promote confidence.`rubles
On This Day In January 1998 - Sony ______ died in a skiing accident.`Bono
On This Day In January 1998 - Swedish police arrested a total of ______ people following a neo-Nazi concert near Stolkholm. Crowd members allegedly gave Hitler salutes, classified as a "hate crime" under Swedish law, during a performance by U.S. group Max Resist.`314
On This Day In January 1998 - The spacecraft ______ Prospect was launched into orbit around the moon. The craft was crashed into the moon, in an effort to find water under the lunar surface, on July 31, 1999.`Lunar
On This Day In January 1998 - U.S. Representative ______ Bono died in skiing accident.`Sonny
On This Day In January 1999 - A drifting ______ fishing boat was found by the Norwegian oil tanker Joelm. The fisherman had been lost at sea for 35 days after the engine of their vessel quit working.`Nicaraguan
On This Day In January 1999 - ______ authorities detained, and later expelled, 14 members of Concerned Christians. Israili officials claimed that the Denver, CO-based cult was plotting violence in Jerusalem to bring about the Second Coming of Christ.`Israeli
On This Day In January 1999 - Bob ______ received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.`Newhart
On This Day In January 1999 - Cinjun August Tate and ______ Milano were married.`Alyssa
On This Day In January 1999 - Former professional ______ Jesse Ventura was sworn in as Minnesota's 37th governor.`wrestler
On This Day In January 1999 - Guru (Gang Star) was ______ outside a small recording studio in Woohaven, Queens. The three masked men stole $10,000 in jewelry.`robbed
On This Day In January 1999 - In California, a law went into effect that defined "invasion of ______ as trespassing with the intent to capture audio or video images of a celebrity or crime victim engaging in a personal of family activity.`privacy
On This Day In January 1999 - It was announced that ______ people had been killed in Sri Lanka, Columbia, during two days of fighting between rebels and government troops.`66
On This Day In January 1999 - ______ people were killed and 25 injured when gunmen opened fire on Shiite Muslim worshippers at a mosque in Islamabad, Pakistan.`16
On This Day In January 1999 - The 106th U.S. ______ opened. The first item on the agenda was the impeachment proceedings of U.S. President Bill Clinton. The trial was set to begin January 7, 1999.`Congress
On This Day In January 1999 - The ______ became currency for 11 Member States of the European Union. Coins and notes were not available until January 1, 2002.`euro
On This Day In January 1999 - The top two executives of Salt Lake City's ______ Organizing Committee resigned amid disclosures that civic boosters had given cash to members of the International Olympic Committee.`Olympic
On This Day In January 1999 - U.S. President Clinton went on trial before the______ . It was only the second time in U.S. history that an impeached president had gone to trial. Clinton was later acquitted of perjury and obstruction of justice charges.`Senate
On This Day In January 2000 - ABC-TV began airing "The______ .`Mole
On This Day In January 2001 - ______ agents in the Dallas area charged the "Texas 7" of unlawful flight to avoid federal prosecution for capital murder, broadening the manhunt nationwide.`FBI
On This Day In January 2001 - The "______ 7," rented space in an RV park in Woodland Park, CO.`Texas
On This Day In January 2001 - The ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms) charged the "Texas 7" with weapons violations. An ______ showed that Office Aubrey Hawkins, killed by the convicts, had been shot 11 times and run over with a vehicle.`autopsy
On This Day In January 2002 - Eric Clapton and ______ McEnery were married.`Melia
On This Day In January 2002 - In Tampa, FL, Nick Carter (Backstreet Boys) was ______ and charged with a misdemeanor count of resisting arrest/opposing a law enforcement officer without violence.`arrested
On Three's Company,what city did the trio live in?`Santa Monica
On Three's Company,what is the name "Chrissy" is short for?`Christmas
on three's company,what is the name "chrissy" short for`christmas
On Three's Company, what is the name`Christmas
On Three's Company,what's the first name of Mr. Furley's (landlord) tight wad brother who owned the building?`Bart
On three's company,what was Chrissy's father's ocupation?`A Reverend
On Three's Company,what was Jack's retaurant that he opened and was head chef ?`Jack's Bistro
On "Three's Company" what was Larry's (the upstairs neighbor) last name?`Dallas
on "three's company" what was larry's (the upstairs neighbour) last name`dallas
On "trout mask replica" by Captain Beefheart, this economist is mentioned`thorstein veblen
On TV, Ned Flanders lives next door to which family`the simpsons
on tvs gilligans island, what characters real name was roy hinkley`the professor
on tv's the love boat, what was adam bricker's job on the ship`doctor
On TV the character Geraldine Grainger is better known by what title`the vicar of dibley
On TV what was the name of the Beverly Hillbillies bank manager`mr drysdale
On TV which character runs the Woolpack pub in 'Emmerdale'`bernice blackstock
On TV which pub is Del Boy's local`nag's head
on what album cover did john & yoko appear naked?`two virgins
On what Alice Cooper LP did Vincent Price discuss "The Black Widow"`welcome to my nightmare
On what book was 'three days of the condor' based`six days of the condor
on what british sitcom was 'all in the family' based`steptoe and`gilmore
On what british sitcom was 'all in the family' based`steptoe and son
on what british sitcom was 'all in the family' based`steptoe & son
on what cartoon show did the characters watch tv on station bdrx`flintstones
on what circuit was the 1965 south african grand prix`east london
On what continent did the Incas live`south america
on what continent did the incas live`south`snoopy
on what continent is kilimanjaro on`africa
On what continent is Mt. Everest`asia
On what continent would you find an echidna`Australia
On what continent would you find ash trees`north america
On what date did America become an independant nation`july 4th 1776
on what date did america become an independant nation`july 4th`wooden
On what date did it snow in the Sahara desert (day month year)`18 February 1979
on what date did the united states declare war on germany and italy`december 11, 1941
On what date did "The Wall" fall?`1989
On what date does St Andrew's Day fall`30th november
On what date does St George's day fall`23rd april
On what date is Boxing day In Canada`Dec 26
On what date is Michaelmas`29th september
on what date is national sovereignty day/children's day celebrated in turkey`apr 23
On what date is Thanksgiving Day celebrated in Canada`october 12
On what date is Veteran's Day celebrated in the US`Nov 11
On what date is Victoria Day in Canada`May 18
On what date was D-Day`june 6, 1944
on what date was singapore admitted to the un general assembly`september 21 1965
on what date was singapore admitted to the un general assembly`september 21`mati
on what date was singapore declared independent from malaysia (e.g. december 31st 9999)`august 9th 1965
on what date was singapore declared independent from malaysia (e.g. december 31st 9999)`august 9th`percival
on what date was the 50th star added to the us flag?`july 4, 1960
On what day did Cyclone Tracy hit and destroy Darwin, Australia`christmas day
on what day do americans drink the most wine?`thanksgiving
On what day does Lent begin`ash wednesday
On what day of the week did the Second World War begin`sunday
On what day of the year does grouse shooting end`december 10th
on what day was mother teresa awarded the nobel peace prize`october 17, 1979
On what Dire Straits album was the track Money for Nothing`brothers in arms
On what do approximately 100 people choke to death every year`ballpoint pens
On what does an artist support his canvas`easel