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Music : Song title: "Pretty women out walking with gorillas down my street."`is she really going out with him
Music : Song title: _______ queen (abba)`dancing
Music : Song title: ______ rock (daddy cool)`eagle
Music : Song Titles: Composer of: Capriccio Italien, andante Conscabile, Sleeping Beauty Waltz`tchaikovsky
Music : Song Titles: Composer of: God Bless America, Always, Cheek to Cheek`irving berlin
Music : Song Titles: Musical with songs:Anything You Can Do, They Say It's Wonderful`annie get your gun
Music : Song Titles: Operatta with songs: Barney O'Flynn, I Can't Do the Sum, March of the Toys`babes in toyland
Music : Song title: ______ sunrise (eagles)`tequila
Music : Song Titles: Wakko's America, Yakko's World, & Yakko's...`universe
Music : Song title: take it to ___ ____ (eagles)`the limit
Music : Song title: "The King called out his jet fighters."`rock the casbah
Music : Song title: the long & ______ road`winding
Music : Song title: "What's puzzling you is the nature of my game."`sympathy for the devil
Music : Song title: when you're in love with a _________ woman (dr hook)`beautiful
Music : Song title: you are so ______ (joe cocker)`beautiful
Music : Song title: you should be ________ (bee gees)`dancing
Music : Song: "Wanted to sail upon your waters since I was three feet tall"`pirate looks at forty
Music : Song written by Dylan, covered by Clapton & the Greatful Dead`knockin on heavens door
Music : Song written by Young on his 19th birthday`sugar mountain
Music : Song: "You ain't a beauty but hey you're all right."`thunder road
Music : sonny & cher's daughters name is`chastity
Music : "Son she said, have i got a little story for you"`alive
Music : Soundgarden asks that you keep off this:`my wave
Music : Soundgarden's latest (1997) album`down on the upside
Music : Soundgarden's utensil song`spoonman
Music : Soundtracks: Al Green hit from the 70s that appears in Pulp Fiction & Higher Learning`lets stay together
Music : Soundtracks: Finish the lyric: I'm hooked on a feeling & I'm high on believing...`that youre in love with me
Music : Soundtracks: The doctor suggests the silly woman put this in the coconut for her bellyache.`the lime
Music : Soundtracks to 3 Star Wars movies by this composer`john williams
Music : Soundtracks: What surf music icon performs "Misirlou" over Pulp's opening credits`dick dale
Music : Soundtracks: Where do "the broken hearts stay" according to this Pulp Fiction song.`lonesome town
Music : "So you never knew how low you'd stoop to make that call"`please
Music : Soy un perdedor, ..., so why don't you kill me`loser
Music : Spinal Tap: Derek saw himself as this, between the two geniuses in the band`lukewarm water
Music : Spinal Tap: Lt. Hookstratten was played by this "DC Follies" host`fred willard
Music : Spinal Tap: Nigel's special amp goes up to this number`eleven
Music : Spinal Tap's "Big Bottom" "How can I leave this ------"`behind
Music : Spinal Tap song about a very unpleasant place to be`hell hole
Music : Spinal Tap: Yes I Can by Sammy Davis Jr should really be called this`yes i can if frank sinatra says its ok
MUSIC: Spoof record by Ali G and Shaggy`Me Julia
Music : Sports In Music : Canadian artist who flubbed lyrics of Oh! Canada during the 1992 World Series.`tom cochrane
Music : Sports In Music : Country singer of "It's Only Make Believe" drafted by the Phillies in the 1950s`conway twitty
Music : Sports In Music : Daryl Hall recorded this song specifically for the USA 94 World Cup.`gloryland
Music : Sports In Music : Dire Straits video which contains sport bloopers footage.`walk of life
Music : Sports In Music : Her rendition of The Star Spangled Banner during the Super Bowl hit #20 in 1991`whitney houston
Music : Sports In Music : Joe Walsh song: "Bases are loaded and Casey's at bat, taking it play by play.."`rocky mountain way
Music : Sports In Music : Members of this football team regularly record on Huey Lewis and the News songs`san francisco 49ers
Music : Sports In Music : Ring Lardner sang "I'm Forever Blowing Ballgames" in front of this team in 1919`chicago white sox
Music : Sports In Music : Rock artist of _Bat Out Of Hell_ who is an avid Rotisserie Baseball player.`meatloaf
Music : Sports In Music : "Route 101" was the ABC PGA Golf theme for years: played by this trumpeter.`herb alpert
Music : Sports In Music : Unofficial "Theme Song" of the 1979 Pittsburgh Pirates World Championship.`we are family
Music : Sports In Music : Wayne Gretzky was among celebrities who sang this Persian Gulf War benefit song`voices that care
Music : "Sports" was this groups third album & featured cuts like "Heart & Soul"and "I Want A New Drug"`huey lewis & the news
Music : Squeeze sings about this type of timekeeper`hourglass
Music : Starr Song: "You're sixteen, you're beautiful, & you're mine"`you're sixteen
Music : Starting with letter J: Iggy Pop's birth name`james osterberg
Music : Starting with letter J: Rolling Stones song and Whoopie Goldberg Movie`jumping jack flash
Music : Starting with letter J: Singer of "lawyers in love" (careful with spelling!)`jackson browne
Music : Starting with letter J: The Vapors had a minor hit/cult favorite with this not very PC song`turning japanese
Music : Starting with letter J: This Yardbirds guitarist formed a band with crooner Plant`jimmy page
Music : Starting with letter L: She had a hit in the 50s with "Fever"`peggy lee
Music : Starting with letter L: She sang "I need a man" and "I love to listen to Beethoven"`annie lennox
Music : Starting with letter L: The man behind the hit-machine Electric Light Orchestra`jeff lynne
Music : Starting with letter L: This 50s vocal trio did "twisted" and "four brothers"`lambert hendricks and ross
Music : Starting with letter L: This man wrote George Benson' hit "This masquerade"`leon russell
Music : Steely Dan & Donald Fagen: Donald Fagen's first solo album title (1982):`the nightfly
Music : Steely Dan & Donald Fagen: Name the song: "This is your big's like a dream come true."`peg
Music : Steely Dan & Donald Fagen: Name the song: "You must be joking son, where did you get those shoes"`pretzel logic
Music : Steely Dan & Donald Fagen: What song is this line from: "Did you feel like Jesus"`kid charlemagne
Music : Stephen Stills & ____ ___ failed auditions for the Monkees`charles manson
Music : Sting quotes from this composer's music in "Russians"`prokofiev
Music : Sting's first live album`bring on the night
Music : Stings former bandmate, composed soundtrack for "Rumblefish"`stewart copeland
MUSIC: Strange combination! who has released new single - I cant take my eyes off you`denise van outen & andy williams
Music : Stranglers song: "I can drive my very own ____"`tank
Music : Stuart Goddard is also known by what other name`adam ant
MUSIC: Style of playing in which there are no gaps between notes`legato
Music : Styles: Allman Brothers & Lynyrd Skynyrd are examples of this type of American rock.`southern rock
Music : Styles: Bob Marley, Alpha Blondy, Steel Pulse, etc....`reggae
Music : Styles: Miles Davis started this jazz style, which de-emphasized structure.`modal jazz
Music : Styles: This type of jazz most closely resembles the music of the swing bands.`bebop jazz
Music : Styles: This type of metal sees the band members with lots of hairspray & lipstick.`glam metal
Music : "Subdivisions", "Limelight" & "Marathon" are by this trio.`rush
Music : Suck my Kiss Breaking the Girl`red hot chili peppers
Music : Suessmeyer finished his _Requiem_.`wolfgang amadeus mozart
Music : "Sunshine Of Your Love" was made famous by this group`cream
MUSIC: Swedish duo, Marie Fredriksson and Per Gessle, better known as ....`Roxette
Music : "...Swimming in the pool, swimming is cool, I go swimming"`peter gabriel
MUSIC: "Swords of a Thousand Men" - name the group`Ten Pole Tudor
Music: Syd Barrett is a former member of what band`Pink Floyd
Music : Symbolized by the jester in Don Mclean's "American Pie"`bob dylan
MUSIC: Tainted Love was a 1980s hot for which band`soft cell
Music : "Talk about mud flaps, my girl's got 'em!"`big bottom
Music : Talking Heads Songs: Dirty dog in the parking lot`animals
Music : Talking Heads Songs: I was complaining I was down in the dumps`pulled up
Music : Talking Heads Songs: Je me lans vers la gloire....OK`psycho killer
Music : Talking Heads Songs: That looks like a good place to get some thinking done`cities
Music : Talking Heads Songs: You cant tell me that im not creative`for artists only
Music : Tease: An brass instrument which normally uses a slide`trombone
Music : Tease: Ric Lee, Leo Lyons, Chick Churchill & Alvin Lee`ten years after
Music : Tease: The byrds had a hit with this Pete Seeger song`turn turn turn
Music : Tease: They had an album titled "white punks on dope"`the tubes
Music : Teddy Pendergrass originally sang lead for which group from 1959 to 1975`blue notes
Music : "Tell my wife I am trolling Atlantis, and I still have my hands on the wheel"`the downeaster alexa
Music Term: - (1) Adult male voice between bass and alto; (2) Part above the bass in a four part vocal composition in SATB (soprano, alto, tenor, bass); (3) In sacred polyphonic music before 1450, this was the lowest melodic part upon which the composition was based; (4) A prefix to an instrument (e.g. tenor saxophone indicating the size between alto and bass).`tenor
Music Term: - (1) A group of seven performers which may consist of instrumentalists or singers; (2) A composition for seven performers which, if for instrumentalists, will have the character of a sonata in several movements.`septet
Music Term: - (1) A large-scale work, generally in three movements involving solo instrument(s) contrasted with orchestra and standardised by Mozart. Also called solo concerto. (2) An orchestral work in several contrasting movements with or without solo instruments, often supported by figured bass in the 17th and 18th centuries.`concerto
Music Term: - (1) An orchestral piece preceding an opera, oratorio or play; (2) Since Mendelssohn's Hebrides of 1832, the overture also describes a one movement orchestral piece composed for the concert hall with a non-musical subject. This is also called the concert overture; (3) In the 17th and 18th centuries the French overture (preceding an opera, etc.) was in three movements, slow-quick-slow, and the Italian overture (a precursor of the symphony) also in three movements was quick-slow-quick.`overture
Music Term: - (1) A set of works, especially songs, intended to be performed as a group with thematic connection (e.g. Schubert's song cycle Die Winterreise. `cycle
Music Term: - (1) A small and light textured concerto. (2) The soloist group in the 17thand 18th century concerto grosso. (3) A less formally structured work than a concerto for one or more solo instruments with orchestra.`concertino
Music Term: - (1) A subordinate passage serving as a link to another more important one. (2) A sudden change of key not going through the normal procedures referred to as modulation.`transition
Music Term: - (1) A vocal or instrumental piece for three performers (e.g. a piano trio - piano, violin and 'cello); (2) The middle section of a minuet or scherzo. Originally this was written in three-part harmony and the title remained.`trio
Music Term: - (1) A work for orchestra or for two or more instruments with prominent solo parts. (2) The sinfonia-concertante is a work with a form nearer to a symphony than concerto but employing solo instruments and orchestra.`concertante
Music Term: - (1) Generally a free style keyboard piece; (2) An organ solo played before and after an Anglican service.`voluntary
Music Term: - (1) In Ancient Greek music this could be represented on the white keys of the piano from C to C; (2) From the middle ages, the Iydian mode can be represented on the white keys of the piano from F to F.`Iydian mode
Music Term: - (1) In modern use this is a religious choral composition in Latin of the Roman Catholic service corresponding to the anthem in the Anglican service. (2) In medieval times, this was a vocal composition based on a given set of words and melody, which sometimes came from a secular song.`motet
Music Term: - (1) In string playing, the term indicates where on the fingerboard the left hand should be in order to play a passage; (2) In trombone playing, the term indicates how far the slide should be pushed out; (3) In harmony, the term describes the layout of a chord. Here are the common positions of the chord with C major as an example, using the notes C E and G. In root position, the chord of C is played with C (the root of the chord) at the bottom. Infirst inversion, the chord is played with E at the bottom. In second inversion the chord is played with G at the bottom. Therefore, the note at the bottom of the chord determines these positions.`position
Music Term: - (1) In vocal music this is a slur mark indicating that a group of notes is to be sung to the same syllable; (2) In instrumental music this is a slur indicating notes which are to be phrased together.`ligature
Music Term: - (1) (Lat.) A canon in the 15th and 16th centuries. (2) (It.) A fugue.`fuga
Music Term: - (1) Note of the scale; (2) Abbreviation of forte.`F
Music Term: - (1) The art of writing for an orchestra, band, etc., involving great knowledge of tone colours, range of instruments, technical capacities and combinations of instruments, etc. (2) The scoring of a work, originally intended for another medium, for an orchestra.`orchestration
Music Term: - (1) The cancelling of a flat or sharp of a note or key indicated by a sign beside the note; (2) A trumpet or horn, etc. not having any valves or keys.`natural
Music Term: - (1) The division of compass of a singer's voice (e.g. chest register and head register). Also applied to the compass of an instrument (e.g. the chalumeau register of the clarinet); (2) A set of organ pipes controlled by one particular stop.`register
Music Term: - (1) The first player of an orchestral section (e.g. the 'principal horn'). (2) In opera, the principal is the singer who performs the main parts, but not the chief ones.`principal
Music Term: - (1) The Interval Consisting Of Two Semitones (E.G. C To D): (2) The Quality Of Sound Of An Instrument`Tone
Music Term: - (1) Traditionally a play in mime; (2) Nowadays it is a Christmas stage entertainment based on a fairy tale or other traditional source with dialogue, popular songs, costumes and actions (e.g. Snow White).`pantomime
Music Term: - (1) Treble Clef. G Clef On The Second Line: (2) Prefix To An Instrument Of High Pitch Within A Family (E.G. Treble Recorder)`Treble
Music Term: - (1) Words of a song. (2) A fairly short but expressive piece (e.g. Lyric Piece by Grieg; (3) Describes vocal performance with the lyre. (4) A Iyric drama is an occasional synonym for opera.`Iyric
Music Term: - A 20th century concept of playing a group of adjacent notes simultaneously on the piano (e.g. with the forearm or a piece of wood. The usual term is tone cluster or note cluster. Pioneered by Cowell in 1912 and used by Ives.`cluster
Music Term: - A 20th century concept of playing an adjacent group of notes on a piano simultaneously by applying the forearm, fist or piece of wood to the keyboard.`tone cluster
Music Term: A 20th century concept of using two keys simultaneously, evident in Stravinsky's music`bitonality
Music Term: - A 20th century term borrowed from painting and applied to other art forms implying a reaction against impressionism (e.g. the works of composers such as Debussy). Musically it is especially applied to the works of Schonberg, Berg and some compositions of Hindemith.`expressionism
Music Term: - A 20th century term, coined by John Cage, describing a piano which has been prepared by the insertion of objects between the piano strings for performance (e.g. a piece of cardboard).`prepared piano
Music Term: - Abbreviaion for piano (It.), soft. Varying degrees of increasing softness are abbreviated as pp, ppp, etc.`p
Music Term: - Abbreviation for cello.`vc
Music Term: - Abbreviation for pianissimo, very soft.`pp
Music Term: Abbreviation for piano (It.), soft. Varying degrees of increasing softness are abbreviated as pp, ppp, etc`p
Music Term: - Abbreviation for right hand.`rh
Music Term: - Abbreviation for viola.`vla
Music Term: . - Abbreviation of (1) tenor and (2) tenuto.`ten
Music Term: - Abbreviation of fortissimo meaning very loud`ff
Music Term: - Abbreviation of general pause.`GP
Music Term: - Abbreviation of German Kontrabass, double-bass.`KB
Music Term: - Abbreviation of Kochel in cataloguing Mozart's works.`K
Music Term: - Abbreviation of Latin opus, work. Used as a publishers' catalogue system to indicate the order in which a composer's works have been published. The higher the opus number, the later the music was published in a composer's lifetime.`op
Music Term: - Abbreviation of(l) Ray in the tonic sol-fa; (2) Respond.`r
Music Term: - Abbreviation of mezzo soprano.`M Sop
Music Term: - Abbreviation of pizzicato.`pizz
Music Term: - Abbreviation of rallentando.`rall
Music Term: - Abbreviation of recitative.`recit
Music Term: - Abbreviation of rinforzando.`rin
Music Term: - Abbreviation Of Ritardando`Rit
Music Term: - Abbreviation of the major scale.`maj
Music Term: - Abbreviation of the minor scale.`mi
Music Term: - Abbreviation of the minor scale.`min
Music Term: - Abbreviations of rinforzando`rf`rfz
Music Term: - A bow stroke on stringed instruments from point to heel. See bowing and down-bow.`up-bow
Music Term: - A cadence which ends on the dominant of the relative minor.`phrygian cadence
Music Term: - A cadence with the chord progression consisting of the dominant (chord V) to the tonic (chord I) which has a 'complete' sound.`perfect cadence
Music Term: - A canon in which the composer leaves the performer to decide where and at what pitch the following voices make their entries.`riddle canon
Music Term: - a chain of perfect fifths which will lead back to the original note (at a different octave) after working through the other eleven notes of the chromatic scale. It is useful for learning key signatures.`cycle of fifths
Music Term: A chord in which notes are sounded one after the other, rather than all together`broken chord
Music Term: - A chord of four notes played on a bowed string instrument.`quadruple stop
Music Term: - A chord on the fourth degree of the scale with a minor third and sixth (e.g. in C major it includes the notes F, A flat and D flat).`neapolitan sixth
Music Term: - A Christian song of praise sung by a congregation with words specially written.`hymn
Music Term: - A closing cadence consisting of a progression of the subdominant (chord IV) to the tonic (Chord I) sounding like 'Amen'.`plagal cadence
Music Term: - A combination of sonata form and rondo form. In a rondo the five sections are A B A C A. In sonata rondo these become A B A C A B plus coda in which A becomes the first subject, B becomes the second subject and C becomes the development section. This form was rnuch used by Beethoven.`sonata rondo
Music Term: - A composition for eight voices or instruments, or simply eight people.`octet
Music Term: - A composition for five performers.`quintet
Music Term: - A composition for four performers.`quartet
Music Term: - A composition for two performers sometimes with accompaniment. A piano duet is for two pianists on one piano.`duet
Music Term: - A Composition In Three Sections In The Form A B A With The First Section (A) Being Repeated (Not Necessarily Exactly). B Represents A Different Middle Section`Ternary Form
Music Term: - A composition usually for two violins and a 'cello, with a keyboard playing the bass line and supporting harmonies. Much favoured in the late 17th and early 18th centuries.`trio sonata
Music Term: - A concerto for three solo instruments with orchestra.`triple concerto
Music Term: - A contrapuntal composition for two or more voices or parts built around a theme, which is successively imitated by entries of each voice at the beginning and developed throughout the piece. The initial entry in the tonic key is called the subject. The second entry in the dominant is called the answer. If this answer is exact (e.g. it reproduces the subject note for note in the dominant) then it is a real answer. If the answer is slightly modified to preserve tonality, it is called a tonal answer. After having announced the subject or answer, each voice passes on to another thematic element known as the countersubject. After each voice has made its initial entry the cxposition or first section of the fugue is complete. Thereafter, further entries of the subject appear, separated by contrapuntal episodes and the subject may be treated by augmentation, diminution, inversion, etc. J.S. Bach was one of the great masters of the fugue.`fugue
Music Term: - A Curved Line Grouping Notes Together, Indicating That They Be Joined Smoothly In Performance (Eg. Sung In One Breath Or Played With One Stroke Of The Bow, Etc.)`Slur
Music Term: - A device in part-writing in which one voice repeats (or approximately repeats) a musical figure previously stated by another voice. Canon and fugue employ imitation with strict rules.`imitation
Music Term: - Adjective describing major and minor scales and also modes. The opposite of chromatic music which introduces notes not in the prevailing key. Diatonic harmonies, intervals, passages, etc. are made up of notes of the current key.`diatonic
Music Term: - Adjective from counterpoint.`contrapuntal
Music Term: - A drama in which all or most characters sing and in which music is an important element. Early composers of opera include Monteverdi and Purcell. Other composers are Mozart, Beethoven, Rossini, Donizetti, Verdi, Wagner (who preferred the term music drama), Puccini, and in the 20th century, Berg and Britten.`opera
Music Term: - A dramatic stage work for only one character.`monodrama
Music Term: - A fairly quick dance in 4 / 4 time.`gavotte
Music Term: - A fast dance for two or more couples in 2 / 4 or 4 / 4 time, found mainly in Scotland, Ireland, Scandinavia and North America.`reel
Music Term: - A fast, syncopated and suggestive Afro-Cuban dance in 2 / 4 time, divided into eight beats. Became popular in the ballroom and jazz in the 1930s.`rumba
Music Term: - A final piece of a composition.`postlude
Music Term: - A five note scale, the commonest being without minor seconds (e.g. CDEGA-C...).`pentatonic
Music Term: - A French square dance popular in the 19th century. It was in five sections alternating between 6 / 8 and 2 / 4 time and performed by two or four couples.`quadrille
Music Term: - A fugue with four different subjects.`quadruple fugue
Music Term: - A Greek Word Taken Into Latin And Sometimes Used In Modern Contexts To Describe A Work Equivalent To A Symphony`Symphonia
Music Term: - A group of five notes to be performed in the time of 4.`quintuplet
Music Term: - A group of four notes to be played in the time of 3.`quadruplet
Music Term: - A group of notes forming a unit of a melody. To phrase a melody is to observe and mark the divisions of a melody into units or phrases .`phrase
Music Term: - A group of notes or a theme forming a basic element or idea in a composition by repetition and development.`subject
Music Term: - A Group Of Seven Notes To Be Played In The Time Of 4 Or 6`Septuplet
Music Term: - A group of six notes to be peformed in the time of 4.`sextolet
Music Term: - A group of three notes played in the time of 2.`triplet
Music Term: - A harmonic device in which a note in a chord is kept sounding while another chord is played to form a discord. This discord is resolved by the prolonged note usually falling or rising to a note forming part of the new chord.`suspension
Music Term: - A harmonic device in which the effect of a discord is softened by first employing the note which actually causes that chord to be discordant, in the previous note with which it is consonant.`preparation
Music Term: A keyboard moving figuration for the left hand using simple arpeggio treatment of a series of chords. This was much used by 18th and early 19th century composers`alberti bass
Music Term: - A l9th century style expressed by writers, painters and by musicians like Chopin, Liszt, Berlioz, Rossini and Paganini. Characteristics are Iyricism, chromatic harmony, an interest in literature, nationalism, programme music, miniature or character pieces and generally emotional aspects governing the traditional, formal musical structures.`romantic music
Music Term: - A large body of instrumentalists which has developed historically. The first orchestras were variable, but by the baroque period they consisted of strings, oboes and bassoons with other solo instruments. Standardisation took place in the classical period when the orchestra was divided into four sections: strings, woodwind (two flutes, two oboes, two bassoons and clarinets), brass (two horns and two trumpets) and percussion consisting of two kettledrums. The orchestra was greatly expanded in the 19th century to include the harp and other percussion. Some 20th century composers began writing for smaller ensembles (perhaps mainly because of economics).`orchestra
Music Term: - A literary term for a work of pastoral or peaceful nature and transferred to music (e.g. Siegfried Idyll by Wagner).`idyll
Music Term: - A lively Cossack dance in 2 / 4 time.`trepak
Music Term: - A Lively Dance Usually In Triple Time Often Contrasted (Although Often Thematically Linked) With The Slower Pavan Which It Followed`Galliard
Music Term: - A lively English dance, in triple time in the early 16th century. From the mid 18th century onwards it was in 4 / 4 time, acquiring an association with sailors.`hornpipe
Music Term: - A lowering in pitch which may be a semitone, or a description of someone singing or playing below normal pitch unintentionally. A double flat indicates a lowering of the pitch by two semitones.`flat
Music Term: - Also called graccs or embellishments, these are notes considered to be an extra embellishment of a melody which are either added spontaneously by the performer or indicated by the composer on the score by signs or notation. In the 17th and 18th centuries, omaments were mostly indicated by signs and they included the trill, mordent, turn, arpeggio and appoggiatura. Composers wrote out ornaments in full in later periods.`ornaments
Music Term: - Also known as programme music or tone poem, this is a mid-19th century term introduced by Liszt to describe an orchestral piece influenced by a non-musical theme (e.g. Iiterature, art or emotions).`symphonic poem
Music Term: - Also known as twelve-tone music, twelve-note music and dodecaphonic music. This is a 20th century concept mostly developed by Schonberg. A twelve-note theme is fixed upon, with each note being used once. This is known as the tone row or series. Thereafter it can appear in four main ways: forwards, backwards (retrograde), upside down (inversion), and upside down and backwards (retrograde inversion). The series can appear and begin on any one of the twelve pitches and more than one note of the series can be used simultaneously to form a chord. Serialism mostly forms the basis of a work, however, and other composers include Berg and Webern. Serialism is a feature of expressionism.`serial music
Music Term: Alternate notes played an octave apart, frequently used in piano music`broken octaves
Music Term: - Alternative name for perfect cadence.`full close
Music Term: - Alternative name for trill.`shake
Music Term: A Lutheran metrical hymn tune often used by J.S. Bach`chorale
Music Term: - A marching piece either slow (4 / 4 time) or quick (2 / 4 or 6 / 8 time).`march
Music Term: - A medieval type of part-writing based on plainsong and harmonised by either one, two or three parallel parts.`organum
Music Term: - A medley of popular tunes.`musical switch
Music Term: - A melodic group of notes forming the basis or chief idea in a composition by repetition or development. In musical analysis it is equated with subject. The term theme and variations describes a long musical statement which is developed.`theme
Music Term: - American term for serial music`twelve tone
Music Term: - A moderately fast dance in 2 / 4 time for couples, originating in Bohemia in the 19th century and becoming popular in Europe and the U.S.A.`polka
Music Term: - A moderately fast Spanish dance in 3 / 4 time accompanied by castanets .`jodel
Music Term: - A mode represented on the white keys of the piano from B to B.`locrian mode
Music Term: - A mode represented on the white notes of the piano from G to G.`mixolydian mode
Music Term: - A modern ballroom dance with quick steps.`quickstep
Music Term: - A modernistic principal since 1945 of leaving elements of performance to pure chance (see aleatoric music) or letting performers decide when to play certain passages. Berio, Cage and Stockhausen used this concept in their compositions.`indeterminacy
Music Term: - A musical composition (originating around 1600) consisting of an extended setting of a religious or epic text for chorus, soloists and orchestra for performance in a church or concert hall, although originally oratorios involved scenery, costumes and action. An example is Handel's Messiah of 1742.`oratorio
Music Term: - A musical ornament consisting of rapid alternation starting with the written note and then the note above. In the 17th and 18th centuries the trill started with the note above and then the note below. Also known as shake.`trill
Music Term: - A musical ornament turning around a note starting with the note bove.`turn
Music Term: - An alternative name for sonata form.`first movement form
Music Term: - A name for the third degree of the scale (e.g. E is in the mediant in C major). The mediant is so-called because it stands between the tonic and dominant.`mediant
Music Term: - An Argentinian dance in moderately slow time with syncopated rhythms, appearing in European and American ballrooms around World War I.`tango
Music Term: - An English system of notation and sight reading mainly devised by J.S. Curwen in the 1840s. The notes of the major scale are named in ascending order: doh, ray, me, fah, soh, lah, te, doh. Doh is the tonic, or keynote, but is not at any fixed pitch.`sol-fa
Music Term: - A neverending canon popularly known as a round (e.g. Three Blind Mice).`infinite canon
Music Term: - A nickname for the sustaining (right) pedal on the piano.`loud pedal
Music Term: - A night piece with two main meanings: (1) In the 18th century this was a composition close to a serenade for several instruments and movements. (2) In the romantic period it was a short Iyrical piece in one movement for piano (e.g. by Chopin). noel (Fr., 'Christmas') - A Christmas carol. non (Fr. and It.) - Not.`nocturne
Music Term: - An imperfect cadence.`half close
Music Term: An instrumental piece based on a chorale, usually composed for organ`chorale prelude
Music Term: - An interval smaller than a semitone, evident in some modern compositions.`microtone
Music Term: - An introductory piece or movement before a fugue, an act of an opera etc. Chopin and other later composers wrote preludes as short, independent piano pieces in one movement.`prelude
Music Term: - An opera in which the principal character undergoes a test or a difficult journey, or experiences hardships before reaching his goal (e.g . Mozart's Magic Flute).`quest opera
Music Term: - An orchestral work revealing a literary or pictorial element in three movements, quick-slow-quick, from which the symphony evolved. The French overture has slow-quick-slow movements.`Italian overture
Music Term: - An ordered melodic theme in serial or 12-tone music.`tone row
Music Term: - An ornament which has two forms: (1) upper mordent (or inverted mordent); (2) lower mordent or simply, mordent.`mordent
Music Term: - A note, usually in the bass, which is held below changing harmonies above, with which it may be discordant.`pedal point
Music Term: - A note which is not part of the chord with which it sounds. This could mean a passing note or an appoggiatura.`non-harmonic note
Music Term: - A note, which may be accented or unaccented, forming a discord with the chord with which it is heard, but is melodically placed between two consonant notes.`passing note
Music Term: - Another name for bass clef.`f clef
Music Term: - Any notes of the harmonic series are given this name except for the first fundamental.`overtone
Music Term: - A pair of notes occupying time usually taken by three (e.g. 6 / 8 or 3 / 8).`duplet
Music Term: - A performance by one or two performers.`recital
Music Term: - A performer with brilliant technique and exceptional skill.`virtuoso
Music Term: - A plainsong chant sung by a chorus alternating with solo verse(s)`respond`responsory
Music Term: - A Polish folk dance in moderate to fast 3 / 4 or 3 / 8 time. Adapted and stylised by Chopin.`mazurka
Music Term: - A prefix to a note indicating the pitch is to be lowered by two semitones. `double flat
Music Term: - A Progression Of Single Notes In Ascending Or Descending Order. A Scale May Be Described As Major, Minor, Chromatic, Diatonic, Pentatonic, Twelve-Note Or A Mode`Scale
Music Term: - A quick 19th century ballroom dance in 2 / 4 time.`galop
Music Term: - A quick, highly syncopated Brazilian carnival song danced usually in 2 / 4 time in a circle with a standard call and response between lead singer and chorus. The ballroom version is danced in couples and is more sedate.`samba
Music Term: - A Rapid But Minute Fluctuation In Pitch To Give An Expressive Quality To A Note (E.G. By A Violinist's Oscillations Of The Left Hand). The Degree And Style Is Related To The Intensity Of Feeling In The Music`Vibrato
Music Term: - A rapid succession of notes on a drum approximating to a continuous sound.`roll
Music Term: - A recurring section of a song (both words and music) at the end of each stanza.`refrain
Music Term: - A responding musical phrase (e.g. in a fugue) which exactly reproduces the subject or entry of a theme at the fifth.`real answer
Music Term: - A restatement of a section of a composition usually indicated by repeat marks which consist of a pair of dots and a double bar. When the performer reaches these repeat marks, he then plays from the previous pair of dots, or if there are none, from the beginning.`repeat
Music Term: A re-write of an existing piece of music into a different style or combination of instruments - voices`arrangement
Music Term: - A rhythmic figure consisting of a short note on the beat followed by a longer one held until the next beat. Found in Scottish music but also in other folk music.`Scotch snap
Music Term: - A Rise In Pitch Which May Be A Semitone, Or A Description Of Someone Singing Or Playing Sharp Unintentionally. A Double Sharp Indicates A Rising Of The Pitch By Two Semitones`Sharp
Music Term: - Aristocratic, elaborate English stage entertainment chiefly cultivated in the 17th century and involving poetry, dancing, scenery, costumes, instrumental and vocal music. The masque was related to opera and ballet.`masque
Music Term: - A sailors' work song with solo verses (often of an extemporised nature) and chorus matching certain rhythmical movements (e.g. pulling a rope together).`shanty
Music Term: - A Scottish Dance Related To The Reel With A Slower Tempo And Characteristic Rhythms With Four Beats To The Bar`Strathspey
Music Term: - A section of a composition, usually with no structural importance.`passage
Music Term: - A secular, polyphonic, unaccompanied vocal composition set to poems for several parts, mainly cultivated in the 16th and 17th centuries. Italian writers of this time included Gabrieli and Palestrina (16th century). Monteverdi and Marenzio wrote in the later highly stylised manner of the 17th century. English writers included Morley and YVeelkes.`madrigal
Music Term: - A self-contained section of a large composition having its own time signature and title. In some works, movements are directly linked (without a break inbetween) and sound incomplete without performing them in sequence. In all works, movements form a cohesive whole, much like in a set of related literary short stories. movimento (It.) - Motion. Doppio mouvmento, at double the preceding speed.`movement
Music Term: - A sense of pitch which enables a person to identify a note simply by hearing it.`perfect pitch
Music Term: - A set of notes produced by a vibrating string or air column, determining the difference of tone colours of instruments.`harmonic series
Music Term: - A set of songs performed in its entirety and set to words by a single poet. Beethoven wrote the first example in 1816. In the romantic era, however, Schumann and Schubert used traditional German popular song combined with more imaginative accompaniment to illuminate and interpret words in a romantic way. An example is Die Winterreisce ('Winter Journey') composed in 1828 by Schubert.`song cycle
Music Term: - A short composition of improvisatory nature usually for piano. Schubert and Chopin wrote in this style.`impromptu
Music Term: - A short musical phrase (not as long as a theme) which is recognisable through repetition in a composition.`figure
Music Term: - A short vocal perpetual canon in which voices enter in turn to sing a melody at the octave or at the same pitch (e.g. Row, row, row your boat).`round
Music Term: - A silence in a performer's part indicated by symbols corresponding to certain beats.`rest
Music Term: - A simple and short part-song in several sections for male voices, flourishing in Britain between 1650 and 1830.`glee
Music Term: A simple tune for voice or instrument`air
Music Term: - A slow and stately dance in 3 / 2 or 3 / 4 time, usually in binary form and one of the standard elements of the suite.`sarabande
Music Term: - A slow or fast dance in triple time with the characteristic one beat and one chord in the bar. The waltz became universally popular in the 19th century with Viennese composers.`waltz
Music Term: A song for one or several voices in 17th century England`ayre
Music Term: - A Spanish dance in fast, syncopated 3 / 4 time with song.`polo
Music Term: - A stage work giving more or less equal importance to opera and ballet (e.g. the works of Lully and Rameau in France in the 17th and 18th centuries).`opera- ballet
Music Term: - A stage work involving elements of both opera and oratorio (e.g. Stravinsky's Oedipus Rex).`opera oratorio
Music Term: - A stately Polish dance in moderately fast 3 / 4 time dating from at least the 16th century. Composers include Bach, but the most famous examples are the 13 written by Chopin.`polonaise
Music Term: - A string group consisting of two violins, viola and 'cello.`string quartet
Music Term: - A style of music in two or more parts in which (as opposed to homophony) each part is independent and of equal importance. Therefore, polyphonic music implies the use of counterpoint, and some of the most important forms are the motet, canon and fugue. Composers include Palestrina, Byrd and Bach.`polyphony
Music Term: - At double the speed of the preceding sectlon .`Doppio movimento
Music Term: - A term describing (from the 1960's) dramatic works simpler than opera and suitable for the concert platform.`music theatre
Music Term: - A term describing the course of a melody or melodies. Conjunct motion is movement by step. Disjunct motion is movement by leap. Similar motion describes two melodies moving in the same direction and contrary motion describes two melodies moving in opposite directions. Paralicl motion describes parts moving the same way and also keeping the same interval between them.`motion
Music Term: - A term for music which recurs and develops in the form of a quotation.`motto theme
Music Term: - A theme which is played backwards. This device was prominent in the Middle Ages in fugues and in 20th century serial music. Retrograde inversion describes a theme played backwards and upside-down.`retrograde motion
Music Term: - A three-note chord (e.g. C E G with E and G being a third and fifth above the lowest note C). `triad
Music Term: - A title given by l9th and 20th century composers to describe works generally in one continuous movement suggestive of neroic, national or other romantic inspiration.`rhapsody
Music Term: - A title given to the basic A B A form or ternary form as used in an instrumental slow movement. However, this is rather vague and is best avoided since not every song is in this form.`song form
Music Term: - A title used byJ.S. Bach for contrapuntal two-part compositions for clavier. Bach called three-part compositions sinfonie but they are now also referred to as inventions.`invention
Music Term: - A triad in which the perfect fifth is reduced chromatically by a semitone (e.g. A C and E flat.`diminished triad
Music Term: - A type of American-influenced light stage entertainment which succeeded the musical comedy in the mid-20th century. Now known simply as a musical. An example is Phantom of the Opera with music by Andrew Lloyd Webber.`musical play
Music Term: - A type of augmented sixth chord (e.g. A flat, C and F sharp) distinguished by having a major triad and no other note between the notes forming the sixth.`Italian sixth
Music Term: - A type of 'augmented sixth' chord (e.g. A flat, C, E flat and F sharp whlch also may be treated as a dominant seventh chord.`German sixth
Music Term: - A type of metre where the beat units are divisible into three (e.g. 6 / 8, 9 / 8, 12 / 8. Opposite of simple time.`compound time
Music Term: - A type of plainsong associated with Pope Gregory I (590- 604) existing as a large collection of ancient monophonic melodies which were until quite recently used in the Roman Catholic Church.`gregorian chant
Music Term: - A type of rcligious Arnerican Negro folksong with a call and response pattern.`spiritual
Music Term: - A vague term describing: (1) the serious, entirely sung operas as opposed to the lighter op ra-comique which had dialogue, (2) operas on a grand and lavish scale.`grand opera
Music Term: - A vague term with two main meanings: (1) A romantic love song, properly performed in the night air accompanied by mandolin or guitar in order to woo a girl; (2) Evening entertainment (especially 18th century) comprising a set of instrumental movements for chamber orchestra or wind group similar to the divertimento. The German equivalent is nachtmusik.`serenade
Music Term: - A Wagnerian term for opera, which he felt to be inadequate. This term describes Wagner's new concept of the leitmotif and the fusing of scenery, costume, libretti, music and drama into a new art.`music drama
Music Term: - A wait of indefinite length on a note or rest.`pause
Music Term: - A work in which a theme connects more than one movement. Beethoven introduced it into symphonic music (e.g. in his Fifth symphony) and romantic composers developed it further.`cyclic form
Music Term: - Complete silence. A rest of at least one bar for the whole orchestra. Abbreviation is GP.`general pause
Music Term: - Composing music for particular instruments. This term is used with reference to the composer's skill and knowledge of selecting instruments which sound well or are unusual, etc.`instrumentation
Music Term: - Consecutive fifths implied, but not actually present in harmony and nevertheless frowned upon by academics.`hidden fifths
Music Term: - Counterpoint in which four melodies can exchange position.`quadruple counterpoint
Music Term: - Describes a section of a composition in fugal style which is not actually a fugue.`fugato
Music Term: - Describes a trend, especially in the 1920's, characterised by its use of the concerto grosso technique, contrapuntal writing and avoidance of emotion. Neo-classical composers included Stravinsky and Hindemith.`neo-classical
Music Term: - Describes a wide range of 17th century English dances.`rant
Music Term: - Describes the harmonic relationships of keys (e.g. G major is closely related to D major (its dominant) since there is only the difference of one sharp. See also relative.`related
Music Term: - Describes the movement of parts or melodies when one remains on the same note and the other moves in some direction.`oblique motion
Music Term: - Descriptive music evoking a poem, novel, play, painting emotion or other non-musical source. More common term is programme music.`illustrative music
Music Term: - Device on some brass instruments, used principally on the trombone, for altering the length of the tube, and therefore the notes produced.`slide
Music Term: - Dominant triad with the addition of the seventh note from its root. `dominant seventh
Music Term: - Easily or fluently.`Facilmente
Music Term: (e) (Ger.) - Half. Halbsopran, mezzo-soprano. Halbtenor, baritone.`halb
Music Term: - Emphasis on the off-beat and a characteristic of jazz styles.`syncopation
Music Term: Emphasizing a musical sound or note by playing it slightly louder`accent
Music Term: (Eng. and Fr.), romanze (Ger.), romanza (It.) - The term has been used widely, but it often implies an intimate and Iyrical piece for voice or instrument.`romance
Music Term: (Eng.), minuetto (It.) - A moderately fast French dance of rustic origin in 3 / 4 time but rising to court and becoming fashionable in the 18th century. The minuet is the standard third movement in the classical sonata, symphony, string quartet, etc., developing later into the scherzo with Beethoven. Form is A A B A.`minuet
Music Term: (Eng.) or pavane (Fr.) - A slow, stately dance usually in duple time dating from the 16th century. It was normally followed by the quicker galliard after about 1550, often employing the same theme.`pavan
Music Term: (Eng.), rigaudon (Fr.) - A lively old French dance in 2 / 4 or 4 / 4 time.`rigadoon
Music Term: - Equivalent of four quarter notes (in 4 / 4 time, 4 beats).`whole note
Music Term: - Evident in the mid-16th and early 17th century, this was a harmonic bass line used for variations.`romanesca
Music Term: - Extremely fast articulation of sound on a wind instrument by the tongue, like trilling. `flutter-tongue
Music Term: - Fifth degree of the major or minor scale, or a triad built on it.`dominant
Music Term: - First or lowest note of the harmonic series.`fundamental
Music Term: - Four quarter notes to the bar, written 4 / 4 or C.`common time
Music Term: (Fr.) - (1) A term sometimes used in English for leitmotif. (2) Sarne as motiv or motive.`motif
Music Term: (Fr.) - (1) Brilliant, bright; (2) Blaring. cossaise (Fr.) - Short for danse ecossaise. Although meaning Scottish dance, the term is apparently not of Scottish origin. A quick dance in 2 / 4 time, it was popular in Britain and on the Continent in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Cultivated by Beethoven.`clatant
Music Term: (Fr.) - (1) Repeat; (2) The recapitulation in sonata form; (3) The return to the first section after contrasting music in the second section in binary form.`reprise
Music Term: (Fr.) - A dance of Provence in 6 / 8 time accompanied by pipe and tabor.`farandole
Music Term: (Fr., 'a following') - Commonly describes an instrumental piece in several movements consisting of a sequence of dances. In the 17th and 18th centuries, the suite included the characteristic dance forms allemande, courante, sarabande and gigue. In the mid-18th century, the binary form feature of the dances was developed into sonata form. The sonata and also the symphony then became the chief instrumental forms. In the l9th and 20th centuries the term describes a lighter work than a sonata. A suite may also describe a set of movements assembled from a ballet or opera score.`suite
Music Term: (Fr.) - Again. Refers to an extra selection performed by musicians after a program in response to audience applause. French term is bis.`encore
Music Term: (Fr.) - A light, often satirical opera or operetta (e.g. by Offenbach).`opera bouffe
Music Term: (Fr.) - A lively dance in triple time popular in the baroque period and found in the suite.`courante
Music Term: (Fr., 'amusement') - (I) Entertainment in ballet form, sometimes with songs, found in operas or plays for contrast (e.g. the operas of Lully. (2) Same as divertimento. (3) Instrumental piece or fantasia employing popular tunes.`divertissement
Music Term: (Fr. and Ger.) - Same as mass.`messe
Music Term: (Fr. and Ger.) - Style galant. Courtly. This term, adopted by German writers, refers to a mid-18th century style characterised by a homophonic, formal elegance as opposed to the German contrapuntal traditional style. This was practised by C.P.E. Bach and influenced Mozart.`galant
Music Term: (Fr. and It.) - Fasy, fluent.`facile
Music Term: (Fr.) - A piece composed deliberately in the style of another well- known composer. See also pasticcio above.`pastiche
Music Term: (Fr.) - A popular dance form in the 13th and 14th centuries consisting of several sections (puncta) each of which has a first ending (ouvert) and a second ending (clos).`estampie
Music Term: (Fr.) - A type of French medieval song of the 13th to15th centuries with a choral refrain. This French spelling was used in instrumental works of the baroque period to describe rondo.`rondeau
Music Term: (Fr.) - A type of trouvere song similar to the sequence with sections of irregular length and melodic repetition.`lai
Music Term: (Fr.) - A wordless composition for performance (e.g. in an opera or as an exercise for solo voice).`vocalise
Music Term: (Fr.) - Beat.`temps
Music Term: (Fr.) - Chiefly a 17th century French music term for (I) an introductory piece for the entry of characters in ballet or opera; (2) an independent instrumental piece of similar nature; (3) the equivalent of a scene or act in ballet or opera.`entree
Music Term: (Fr., 'concrete music') - Music in which natural sounds (instrumental, vocal or other) were recorded on tape and then distorted, combined, etc. This term was coined by Peter Schaeffer in 1948 but it has largely been superseded by electronic music.`musique concrete
Music Term: (Fr., 'cunning') - In opera or operetta, this often describes a soprano singing the role of a shrewd, rather pert servant girl.`soubrette
Music Term: (Fr.) - Damped sound. Mostly found in harp music indicating that the performer should dampen vibrations immediately after plucking, to produce a 'dry' sound.`sons etouffes
Music Term: (Fr., 'damp') - Indication to harp or cymbal players, etc. that sound must be immediately cut short.`etouffez
Music Term: (Fr., 'dry') - An indication that a note or chord is to be played sharply.`sec
Music Term: (Fr.) - Empty. Cordc a vide, open string.`vide
Music Term: (Fr., 'enjoyment') - This title is sometimes found in spirited movements in suites of the baroque period.`rejouissance
Music Term: (Fr.) - Falsetto.`fausset
Music Term: (Fr.) - Fast.`vite
Music Term: (Fr., 'fixed idea') - Berlioz' term for motto theme which means a recurring theme in a composition used (e.g. in his Symphonie Fantastique).`idee fixe
Music Term: (Fr., 'follow') - (1) Go staight on to the next section or movement without a break; (2) An indication to an accompanist to follow any changes in tempo made by the soloist.`suivez
Music Term: (Fr.), galanter stil (Ger.) - The musical equivalent of the rococo style in painting. The term described the homophonic but ornamented French and Italian music between 1730 and 1770 written by Couperin and D. Scarlatti. It contrasted with the German contrapuntal style.`style galant
Music Term: (Fr.) - Held back.`retenu
Music Term: (Fr.), humoreske (Ger.) - An instrumental composition of a capricious nature. Schumann wrote in this style.`humoresque
Music Term: (Fr.) - (I) Interval during a play or opera. (2) Music to be played between the acts of a play or opera.`entr'acte
Music Term: (Fr.) - I) Melody. (2) Song.`melodie
Music Term: (Fr.) - Increase speed.`pressez
Music Term: (Fr.) - In various contexts this term may mean either note, tone or key.`ton
Music Term: (Fr.) - Light.`leger
Music Term: (Fr.) - Link together (e.g. go straight on to the next section or movement without a break).`encha nez
Music Term: (Fr.) - Little .`petit
Music Term: (Fr.) - Lively.`vif
Music Term: (Fr.) - March.`marche
Music Term: (Fr. ) - Meditative, collected.`recueilli
Music Term: (Fr.), menuett (Ger.) - Same as minuet.`menuet
Music Term: (from Italian toccare, 'to touch') - Generally a solo instrumental piece involving rapid changes of notes to demonstrate the player's touch. Often the toccata is followed by a fugue (e.g. Toccata and Fugue in D minor).`toccata
Music Term: (Fr.) - Operetta.`operette
Music Term: (Fr.) or conservatory - A school for musical training.`conservatoire
Music Term: (Fr.) - Point of the bow.`pointe d'archet
Music Term: (Fr.) Rehearsal. Repetition General is the dress rehearsal, often given before a full, but invited audience, in continental opera houses.`repetition
Music Term: (Fr.) - Same as intermezzo.`intermede
Music Term: (Fr.) - Same as sul tasto.`sur la touche
Music Term: (Fr.), sonoro (It.) - With full tone.`sonore
Music Term: (Fr ) - Step. A pas d 'action is a ballet scene of dramatic nature and a pas de deux is a dance for two.`pas
Music Term: (Fr.) - Stopped notes on the horn.`sons bouches
Music Term: (Fr., 'study') - An instrumental piece to improve or demonstrate certain technical points. However, many etudes (such as those by Chopin) have great artistic merit.`etude
Music Term: (Fr.) - Sustained and flowing.`soutenu
Music Term: (Fr.) - The coach, usually in an opera house, who teaches singers their parts. The repetiteur may also give them cues during the performance.`repetiteur
Music Term: (Fr.) - The correct position of lips to the mouthpiece of an instrument to produce accurate intonation and good tone.`embouchure
Music Term: (Fr.) - The end of the bow (held by the player).`talcon
Music Term: (Fr.) - This term describes comic opera but has two special meanings: (1) A type of French comic opera with spoken dialogue, lighter than current serious operas in the 18th century; (2) An opera, comic or otherwise, with spoken dialogue (e.g. Bizet's Carmen in the l9th century).`opera comique
Music Term: (Fr., 'together') - (l) A small group of performers (e.g. a vocal or instrumental ensemble; (2) In opera, an ensemble is an selection for several soloists with or without chorus.`ensemble
Music Term: (Fr.) - Trill.`tremblement
Music Term: (Fr.) - Up bow as opposed to tire, down bow.`pousse
Music Term: (Fr.) - Waltz.`valse
Music Term: (Gael.) - Same as mouth music.`port a beul
Music Term: - Generally a four movement, serious and large scale sonata-like orchestral work involving a first movement, second movement, minuet and trio and finale. The first movement is often in sonata form, and this structure may also be evident in the slow movement and finale. This four-movement form became standard around 1760 with Mozart and Haydn but the number of movements may vary.`symphony
Music Term: - Generally a strophic song for several male, female or mixed voices in which there are many singers to a part, with the top part usually having the principal part. Composers include Elgar, Parry and Stanford.`part-song
Music Term: - Generally, This Is A Phrase Repeated At A Higher Or Lower Interval. A Real Sequence Is One In Which The Repeated Phrase Intervals Are Unaltered. A Tonal Sequcnce Is One In Which The Repeated Phrase Is Modified To Prevent A Key Change`Sequence
Music Term: - Generally, this is a style of singing used in opera and oratorio for dialogue and some narrative which is more closely related to dramatic speech in pitch and rhythm than to song. Two main types exist: (1) recitative accompagnato or stromentato which is expressive and accompanied by the orchestra and (2) recitative secco which has only an occasional broken chord from the harpsichord or 'cellos (sometimes with the bass line reinforced by the double bass) and this was the accepted style in 18th and l9th century operas.`recitative
Music Term: - Generally this means to improvise a song accompaniment.`vamp
Music Term: (Ger.) - A bow stroke.`strich
Music Term: (Ger.) - A composition, piece.`stuck
Music Term: (Ger., 'after dance') - A quick dance used to follow a slow one.`nachtanz
Music Term: (Ger.) - A light tenor voice in opera.`spieltenor
Music Term: (Ger.) - Alliteration. This term describes the alliterative verse used by Wagner in his music dramas.`stabreim
Music Term: (Ger.) - An appoggiatura.`vorschlag
Music Term: (Ger.) - An interlude or episode (e.g. in a fugue or rondo). `zwischenspiel
Music Term: (Ger.) - An opera term for a 'sitting rehearsal' when all performers sing through the roles while sitting down, with the accompaniments played by the orchestra.`sitz-probe
Music Term: (Ger.) - A prelude.`vorspiel
Music Term: (Ger.) - A setting. (1) A musical setting; (2) A movement in a composition; (3) Style (e.g. freier satz, free style; (4) A theme or subject.`satz
Music Term: (Ger.) - A short piece similar to capriccio or intermezzo.`fantasiestuck
Music Term: (Ger.) - At a moderate speed.`gehend
Music Term: (Ger.) - Beat.`schlag
Music Term: (Ger., 'blaring' ) - An indication to horn players to use a harsh brassy tone.`schmetternd
Music Term: (Ger.) - Chamber. Kammerrnusik, chamber music.`kammer
Music Term: (Ger.) - Cheerful.`heiter
Music Term: (Ger. ) - Cheerful, jolly.`lustig
Music Term: (Ger.) - Clef.`schlussel
Music Term: (Ger.) - Cradle song.`wiegenlied
Music Term: (Ger.) - Dance.`tanz
Music Term: (Ger.) - Detached. Same as staccato.`gestossen
Music Term: (Ger.) - Drinking song.`trinklied
Music Term: (Ger.) - Dying away, fading.`schwindend
Music Term: (Ger.) - Easy going, cosy, comfortable.`gemutlich
Music Term: (Ger.) - End.`schluss
Music Term: (Ger.) - Exercise.`ubung
Music Term: (Ger.) - Fantasy.`phantasie
Music Term: (Ger.) - Fast. Schneller, quicker.`schnell
Music Term: (Ger.) - Flowing.`fliessend
Music Term: (Ger.) - Fugue.`fuge
Music Term: (Ger.) - Heavy, weighty.`wuchtig
Music Term: (Ger.) - Held back, tempo sustained.`gemessen
Music Term: (Ger.) - Holding back, slowing down.`zuruckhaltend
Music Term: (Ger.) - Indication to pianists to use the soft (left) pedal.`verschiebung
Music Term: (Ger.) - Intimate, heartfelt.`innig
Music Term: (Ger.) - Inversion, reversal.`umkehrung
Music Term: (Ger.) - Leading motif. This is a recurring theme symbolising a character, emotion or object and was first used by H. Von Wolzogen in a discussion of Wagner's The Ring. `leitmotif
Music Term: (Ger.) - Lightly.`leicht
Music Term: (Ger.) - Little.`klein
Music Term: (Ger.) - Lively.`lebhaft
Music Term: (Ger.) - Loud, strong.`stark
Music Term: (Ger.) - Markedly .`gut
Music Term: (Ger.), motive (Eng.) - (1) A short but recognisable melodic or rhythmic figure. (2) In analysis, this term describes the smallest subdivision of (e.g. a theme). moto (It.) - Movement. Con Moto means 'with movement'.`motiv
Music Term: (Ger.) - Muted.`gedampft
Music Term: (Ger.) - Note or sound (not the interval of a tone, i.e. two semitones).`ton
Music Term: (Ger.) - Optional dances (e.g. polonaise or minuet) in the 18th century suite, normally placed between the sarabande and gigue.`galantieren
Music Term: (Ger.) - Ornament in German music in the 17th and 18th centuries.`nachschlag
Music Term: (Ger.) - Over, above.`uber
Music Term: (Ger., 'play with singing') - Generally the singspiel is a comic opera with spoken dialogue in the local dialect instead of recitative. An example is Mozart's The Magic Flute (1791). In the early l9th century the style combined with German romantic opera and later came to be known simply as 'German musical comedy'.`singspiel
Music Term: (Ger., plural lieder) - Song. This term is particularly applied to the German romantic songs of Schubert, Schumann and Brahms. A characteristic is the importance paid to the piano part and the mood of the words.`lied
Music Term: (Ger. plural, 'Scottish') - A popular l9th century ballroom dance similar to the polka.`schottische
Music Term: (Ger.) - Quick.`geschwind
Music Term: (Ger.) - Quick.`rasch
Music Term: (Ger.) - Rather slow.`ziemlich langsam
Music Term: (Ger.) - Rather.`ziemlich
Music Term: (Ger.) - Rattle.`ratsche
Music Term: (Ger.) - Recitative.`rezitativ
Music Term: (Ger.) - Restless.`unruhig
Music Term: (Ger.) - Sacred.`geistlich
Music Term: (Ger.) - Sad.`traurig
Music Term: (Ger.) - Same as utility music.`gebrauchmusik
Music Term: (Ger.) - Serenade or 'night music'. A title used in Mozart's Eine Klcine Nachtmusik.`nachtmusik
Music Term: (Ger.) - Simply.`einfach
Music Term: (Ger.) - Slow and sustained. Same as sostenuto.`getragen
Music Term: (Ger.) - Smooth. Same as legato.`geschleift
Music Term: (Ger.) - Soft, gentle. Leiser, softer.`leise
Music Term: (Ger.) - Songful.`gesangvoll
Music Term: (Ger. ) - Speechsong. Voice delivery midway between song and speech, used mostly by Schonberg although he preferred the terms sprechstimme (speaking voice), sprechmelodic (speech melody) or rezitation. `sprechgesang
Music Term: (Ger., 'storm and stress') - The powerful romantic expressiveness sweeping Austrian and German music in the 1760s and 1770s was so called. Especially evident in Haydn's symphonies of that time.`sturm und drang
Music Term: (Ger.) - Sustained. Cutgehalten, well sustained.`gehalten
Music Term: (Ger.) - Swing. Schwungvol, spirited.`schwung
Music Term: (Ger., 'table music') - Music suitable for social gatherings (e.g. for performance after or during a dinner).`tafelmusik
Music Term: (Ger.) - Tempo. `zeitmass
Music Term: (Ger.) - tenderly.`Zartlich
Music Term: (Ger.) - tenderness.`Zarthcit
Music Term: (Ger.) - Tender.`zart
Music Term: (Ger.) - Time.`mal
Music Term: (Ger.) - To, after.`nach
Music Term: (Ger.) - To drag. Schleppend, dragging.`schleppen
Music Term: (Ger.) - To hurry. Nicht cilen, do not hurry.`eilen
Music Term: (Ger.) - Under, lower.`unter
Music Term: (Ger.) - Very.`sehr
Music Term: (Ger.) - Waltz.`waltzer
Music Term: (Ger.) - Weak, soft.`schwach
Music Term: (Ger.) - With.`mit
Music Term: (Ger.) - Without.`ohne
Music Term: (Gk ., ' breath ' ) - A type of florid passage in plainsong sung to a single vowel.`pneuma
Music Term: (Gk ., 'equal-rhythmed') - A device used in motets around 1300- 1450 in which the rhythmic pattern is repeated according to a strict scheme. This usually occurs in the tenor line in which the rhythm is repeated several times in diminishing note values.`isorhythmic
Music Term: (Gk., 'new') - A prefix indicating a new interest in older styles (e.g. neo- romantic refers to composers in the 20th century writing in the romantic style).`neo
Music Term: (Gk., 'same-sounding') - Music in which parts move together presenting a top melody with accompanying chords. The opposite of polyphony.`homophony
Music Term: (Gk., 'single song') - A term used to describe a solo song with accompaniment (or continuo) in contrast to the polyphonic style in which all parts are of equal importance.`monody
Music Term: (Gk., 'single sound') - This term describes music with a single melody line without support of accompaniment.`monophony
Music Term: (Gk., ' song'; plural melismata) - Describes a group of notes sung to the same syllable. However, the term is also applied to any florid vocal passage of improvisatory or cadenza-like nature.`melisma
Music Term: - Harmonic intervals of the same kind (e.g. thirds succeeding one another in the same parts.`consecutive intervals
Music Term: - Harmony in which notes of chords are written closely together (e.g. in barbershop quartets).`close harmony
Music Term: - Highest female voice with range approximately extending from middle C to two octaves above that. Boy trebles can also achieve this range. The term is also applied to some instruments (e.g. soprano saxophone).`soprano
Music Term: - High Mass.`Missa solemnis
Music Term: (Hung.) - Hungarian dance in contrasting sections (slow and fast).`csardas
Music Term: - (I) A flourish for trumpets (or other imitating instruments) usually for an introduction or proclamation; (2) French for brass band.`fanfare
Music Term: - (I) Alternative name for the madrigal; (2) Any piece representing country life.`pastoral
Music Term: - (I) An instrumental or vocal piece intended to improve aspects of technique and of no artistic value. (2) The term for a keyboard suite in the 18th century. `exercise
Music Term: - (I) Fanfare; (2) Decorative musical figuration notated or improvlsed .`flourish
Music Term: - (I) In a rondo, this is a contrasting section between episodical form recurrences of the main theme. (2) In a fugue, it is a section linking (by means of contrast, modulation or possibly using subject material) one entry and another. In both contexts, an episode has a subordinate role.`episode
Music Term: - (I) In the early 17th century this described the new expressive music; (2) Between 1850 and 1900 it described the new music of Wagner and Liszt as opposed to the more traditional music of Brahms; (3) Today it refers to music by contemporary composers.`new music
Music Term: - (I) Music inserted between other pieces of music (e.g. organ passages between hymn verses); (2) Music inserted between acts of plays or other non-musical events.`interlude
Music Term: - In 4 / 4 time, the equivalent of one beat.`quarter note
Music Term: - In a fugue, for example, after the first entry has been stated there is an answer (or second statement at a different pitch). If this answer is slightly modified to keep the music within a certain key, then this is a tonal answer and the fugue a tonal fugue. This is the opposite of real answer.`tonal answer
Music Term: - In a fugue, this term describes an extra voice in the initial entries or exposition.`redundant entry
Music Term: - Indications on the score provided by the composer to aid accurate performance of a work and consisting of dynamics (e.g. degrees of loudness and softness), tempo and mood.`expression marks
Music Term: - In harmony this is a suspension which resolves upwards not downwards.`retardation
Music Term: - In harmony this is the progression from a discord to a concord.`resolution
Music Term: - In medieval church music, the insertion of rests into vocal parts for expressive purposes.`hocket
Music Term: - In medieval music, this was triple time.`perfect time
Music Term: - In musical contexts, this term refers to the dramatic use of the spoken word against a musical background. This style may be used throughout an entire work or just as part of a work.`melodrama
Music Term: - In musical notation this is a line joining two adjacent notes of the same pitch together, indicating that the first note only should be played but should be prolonged until the second note's time value is up.`tie
Music Term: - Instruction to a singer or instrumentalist to perform in the normal way (e.g. singing tenor instead of falsetto or playing without mutes).`naturale
Music Term: - Instruction to play with the left hand in piano playing. Abbreviation of main gauche (Fr.).`MG
Music Term: - Instruction to play with the right hand in piano playing. Abbreviations of main droite (Fr.) and mano destra (It.).`md
Music Term: - Instruments That Produce Different Notes Than Those Written In Concert Pitch`Transposing Instruments
Music Term: - Invertible counterpoint in two parts occurring frequently in fugues.`double counterpoint
Music Term: - Invertible counterpoint in which three parts can be interchanged, each making a suitable bass for the other.`triple counterpoint
Music Term: - (I) On Stringed Instruments, This Is The Placing Of The Left Hand Fingers On The Strings To Shorten The Vibrating Length And To Raise The Pitch. The Terms Double Stopping, Triple Stopping, Etc. Refer To Two Or Three Notes Simultaneously Being Played This Way: (2) In Horn Playing, This Is The Insertion Of The Hand Into The Bell Of The Instrument To Alter The Pitch And Tone Quality Of A Note`Stopping
Music Term: (Ir. caoine) - An Irish funeral song accompanied by wailing.`keen
Music Term: (It.) - (1) But; (2) Abbreviation of the major scale.`ma
Music Term: (It.) - (1) In strict time. (2) At a reasonable speed.`giusto
Music Term: (It.) - (1) Soft, abbreviation p; (2) Standard abbreviation in French and English for pianoforte.`piano
Music Term: (It.) - A bass line or pattern repeated over and over while upper parts proceed. The ground bass is a foundation for varied melodic, contrapuntal or harmonic treatment. Forms which use this device include the chaconne and passacaglia`ground bass`basso ostinato
Music Term: (It. ) - Abbreviation for viola da gamba.`gamba
Music Term: (It.) Abbreviation of basso continuo. Same as figured bass.`continuo
Music Term: (It., 'Above') - Usually Found In Piano Music Indicating That One Hand Has To Pass Over The Other`Sopra
Music Term: (It.) - A bowing indication for string players to play near the bridge to achieve a brittle tone.`sul ponticello
Music Term: (It.) - A bowing indication to string players to play near or above the fingerboard, producing a 'colourless' tone.`sul tasto
Music Term: (It.) - A chord performed with the notes separated`arpeggio
Music Term: (It.) - A comic opera especially in the 18th century (e.g. by Pergolesi).`opera buffa
Music Term: (It.) - A crushed dissonant note of the shortest possible duration played before or after the main note or chord and immediately released`acciaccatura
Music Term: (It.) - A display of a musical passage requiring great virtuosity by the performer`bravura
Music Term: (It., 'a flowering') - Decoration of a melody with ornaments which may be notated or improvised. Evident in 17th and 18th century Italian opera.`fioritura
Music Term: (It.) - Agile and florid style of vocal performance.`coloratura
Music Term: (It.) - A held or sustained note (of a single note or chord) where one might expect to play staccato. Abbreviation is ten.`tenuto
Music Term: (It.) - Air or song for one or more voices found in opera and oratorio. A da capo aria is one in which the first section is finally repeated after a contrasting section`aria
Music Term: (It.) - A little duet.`duettino
Music Term: (It., 'a little largo') - Not quite as slow as a largo.`larghetto
Music Term: (It.) - A little or light aria`arietta
Music Term: (It. 'a little return') - Many meanings, but the following are the most common. (I) In a concerto, it is a passage for the full orchestra without the soloist; (2) In the 14th century Italian madrigal, the ritornello is the closing section; (3) In early opera, it was an instrumental piece.`ritornello
Music Term: (It.) - Alluringly`lusingando`lusinghiero
Music Term: (It., 'alone') - A piece or passage for one performer. A solo concerto is a concerto for one main performer with the others merely accompanving.`solo
Music Term: (It.) - Always. Sempre piu mosso, always getting faster.`sempre
Music Term: (It.) - A measure. Senza misura, not in strict time.`misura
Music Term: (It.) - A musical ornament (chiefly 18th century) of an auxiliary note falling or rising to a harmonised note. It can be written or unwritten`appoggiatura
Music Term: (It.) - Animated, moving.`mosso
Music Term: (It.) - Animated .`risvegliato
Music Term: (It.) - A popular and light Italian strophic song for several voices, with the melody on top, flourishing around 1500. Particularly heard in aristocratic circles.`frottola
Music Term: (It.) - A quick Italian dance in 6 / 8 time similar to the tarantella with a characteristic jumping feel to the rhythm. Examples date from the 14th century`saltarello`salterello
Music Term: (It.) - A rest (not a pause).`pausa
Music Term: (It.) - As far as the sign.`fino al segno
Music Term: (It.) - A Shorter, Lighter Symphony. Also Sometimes Used As A Performing Name For Small Orchestras`Sinfonietta
Music Term: (It.) - A Short Scherzo`Scherzetto`Scherzino
Music Term: (It.) - As if, almost.`quasi
Music Term: (It.) - A smooth Iyrical melody line`cantilena
Music Term: (It.) - A suite. This term was much used in the 18th century. In the 17th century, however, a partita was a variation.`partita
Music Term: (It.) - At a moderate pace. This term is used in other tempos (e.g. allegro moderato, implying a moderately fast pace).`moderato
Music Term: (It.) - At pleasure (e.g. not at any strict speed).`piacere a
Music Term: (It.) - At the same tempo.`istesso tempo
Music Term: (It.) - A type of suite prevalent in the 17th and 18th centuries mainly in the form of dance movements for two or more stringed instruments with keyboard accompaniment`chamber sonata
Music Term: (It.) - A very fast Italian dance with alternating major and minor key sections in 6 / 8 time.`tarantella
Music Term: (It.) - Becoming gradually softer.`decrescendo
Music Term: (It.) - Becoming Slower. Abbreviation Is Rit`Ritardando
Music Term: (It.) - Becoming Slower`Slentando
Music Term: (It., 'booklet') - The text of an opera or oratorio.`libretto
Music Term: (It.) - Broad and deliberate in style.`largamente
Music Term: (It., 'broad') - Slow and broad.`largo
Music Term: (It.) - By, through, for (e.g. per archi, for strings).`per
Music Term: (It.) - Calm.`tranquillo
Music Term: (It.) - Carrying sound. On bowed string instruments or in singing, the effect is obtained by gliding from one note to another higher or lower one, without a break in the sound.`portamento
Music Term: (It.) - Change. Direction to the timpani player to change tuning or to the wind player to change instrument.`muta
Music Term: (It., 'changed note') - A contrapuntal device whereby a dissonant note is used when one expects a consonant one.`nota cambiata
Music Term: (It., 'chest') - In musical contexts used as in voci di petto, chest voice.`petto
Music Term: (It.) - Clearly articulated. This term is used in string playing for a light, staccato touch created by playing with the middle of the bow and a loose wrist.`splccato
Music Term: (It., 'detached') - The note is performed shorter than normal. A dash beneath or above the note indicates that the note is to be played as short as possible. A dot means the note is to be short. The superlative is staccatissimo.`staccato
Music Term: (It.) - Distant.`lontano
Music Term: (It.) - Doubling. Usually indicates doubling of the bass at an octave below.`raddoppiamento
Music Term: (It.) - Dragging.`strascinando
Music Term: (It.) - Drawn Together, Close: (1) Indication To Quicken Pace. (2) In A Fugue, The Term Describes The Overlapping Of The Entries When The Subject Begins In One Voice Before The Preceding Entry Has Finished`Stretto
Music Term: (It.) - Dying away (of force and sometimes, speed).`morendo
Music Term: (It.) - Dying away.`smorzando
Music Term: (It ) - End. This term sometimes occurs in the middle of music, often where there is an instruction to repeat an opening section. The directionfine indicates the end of a piece.`fine
Music Term: (It.) - English.`inglese
Music Term: (It., 'evaporated') - Light and airy playing. The term was used by Chopin.`sfogato
Music Term: (It., 'Extinct') - Music To Be Played So That It Is Barely Audible`Estinto
Music Term: (It.), fantaisie (Fr.), fantasie (Ger.), fantasy (Eng.) - This style is generally associated with the abandoning of set rules for free flights of the composer's imagination. Specific definitions include: (I) a romantic mood piece of the 19th century(e.g. by Schumann); (2) a contrapuntal piece, in several sections for one or many players, current in the 16th and 17th centuries, of improvisatory nature, with 'fancy' as an alternative name. The title phantasy was used for the 20th century revival of the form. `fantasia
Music Term: (It.) - Fast And Light`Volante
Music Term: (It.) - Fast and lively`allegro
Music Term: (It.) - Fast. In Mozart's music this means as fast as possible.`presto
Music Term: (It.) - Final. In English there are two main meanings: (1) the last movement of a work in several movements; (2) the lengthy concluding section of an opera, often subdivided into smaller sections with contrasting tempos or keys. Involves several singers and often a chorus.`finale
Music Term: (It.) - Fire.`fuoco
Music Term: (It.) - First. (1) Upper part of a piano duet, the lower part being termed sccondo; (2) The first of two or more performers (e.g. violino primo means first violin). (3) Tempo primo indicates that the original speed is to be resumed.`primo
Music Term: (It., 'first lady') - A female singer with the most important part in an opera.`prima donna
Music Term: (It.) - First`prima`primo
Music Term: (It.) - First time.`prima volta
Music Term: (It.) - Force.`forza
Music Term: (It.) - Freedom, Licence. Con Akune Licenze, With Some Freedom In Style`Licenza
Music Term: (It.) - Funeral. March funebre, funeral march.`funebre
Music Term: (It.) - Gay`gaio`gaia
Music Term: (It.) - Generally, An Instrumental Composition In Which One Section Recurs At Certain Times. By The 18th Century, A Standard Pattern Had Developed As A B A C A D A, Etc. Appearing As The Last Movement Of A Sonata Or Concerto. The Recurring Theme A Is Called The Rondo Theme And B C D, Etc. Represent The Contrasting Sections Known As Episodes. However, A Can Be Varied. The Combination Of Sonata Form And Rondo Resulted In Sonata Rondo Which Was Much Used By Mozart And Beethoven`Rondo
Music Term: (It.) - Generally this term means 'all the players' (e.g. in a concerto). The expression is used when the orchestra is playing without the soloist. In choral works tutti means chorus as opposed to soloists, or full chorus as opposed to semi-chorus.`tutti
Music Term: (It.) - Gentle, delicate.`morbido
Music Term: (It., 'German') - Alla tedesca, in the German fashion, usually implying music to be played in the style of a German dance.`tedesco
Music Term: (It.) - Getting broader`allargando
Music Term: (It.) - Getting gradually louder.`crescendo
Music Term: (It.) - Getting gradually quicker`accelerando
Music Term: (It.) - Getting slower.`rallentando
Music Term: (It.) - Go on to the next section without a repeat`attacca
Music Term: (It.) - Graceful .`garbato
Music Term: (It.) - Gradually becoming softer. See decrescendo.`diminuendo
Music Term: (It.) - Grandeur.`grandezza
Music Term: (It.) - Half.`meta
Music Term: (It., 'half') - Mezzo-soprano, female voice midway between a soprano and contralto range. `mezzo
Music Term: (It.) - Haydn and Mozart's preferred title to concerto for an orchestral work with more than one solo parts.`sinfonia concertante
Music Term: (It.) - Heavy, ponderous.`pesante
Music Term: - (I) The entrance of a theme in a fugue occurring not only at the beginning but also at later stages in the composition. (2) A 17th century term for a prelude.`entry
Music Term: - (I) The interval consisting of two semitones (e.g. C to D).`whole tone
Music Term: (It.) - Held back (tempo). Sometimes used as an equivalent of ritardando.`ritenuto
Music Term: (It.) - Humour. Con umore, with humour.`umore
Music Term: (It.) - (I) An instrumental movement with long bass notes giving a drone-like effect in 6 / 8 or 12 / 8 time; (2) Obsolete term for a stage entertainment based on a legendary or rustic subject.`pastorale
Music Term: (It.) - Impetuously`precipitato`precipitoso
Music Term: (It.) - In an imposing manner.`grandioso
Music Term: (It.) - In a pompous manner.`pomposo
Music Term: (It.) - In a resolute manner.`risoluto
Music Term: (It.) - Incisive.`inciso
Music Term: (It.) - Indication to pianists that the left (soft) pedal is to be released.`tre corde
Music Term: (It.) - Indication to pianists to use the left (soft) pedal to reduce the volume.`una corda
Music Term: (It.) - Indication to pianist to release the left-hand pedal.`tutte le corde
Music Term: (It.) - Indication to pluck notes on a bowed string instrument. Abbreviation pizz.`pizzicato
Music Term: (It.) - In the old concerto grosso, the ripieno indicates the full body of performers as opposed to the solo group (concertino). Scnza ripieni indicates that the first desks only of the accompanying orchestra are to play.`ripieno
Music Term: (It.) - In the style of gypsy music`alla zingarese
Music Term: (It.) - In the style of gypsy music`zingarese`alla
Music Term: (It.) - In the style or manner of.`in modo di
Music Term: (It.) - In the Turkish style (e.g. Mozart's Rondo alla turca)`alla turca
Music Term: (It.) - In the Turkish style`turca`alla
Music Term: (It., 'It Follows') - An Indication That The Performer Should Go Straight On To The Next Section Without A Break`Segue
Music Term: (It.) - (I) The rapid reiteration of a single note. (2) The rapid alteration between two or more notes.`tremolo
Music Term: (It.), jig - A lively dance in binary form, usually in 6 / 8 or 12 / 8 time. Often occurs as the last movement in the 18th century suite`gigue`giga
Music Term: (It., 'joke') - Generally this is a lively movement, but chiefly developed by Haydn, Mozart and particularly Beethoven from the symphonic minuet. Usually it is in 3 / 4 time in the form A A B A with the B section being called trio.`scherzo
Music Term: (It.) - Labouring, holding back on each note.`stentando
Music Term: (It.) - Left hand.`sinistra
Music Term: (It.) - Less.`meno
Music Term: (It.) - Light, lightly`leggiero`leggieramente
Music Term: (It., 'limp') - Term describes music with a prominent Scotch snap or syncopation.`zoppa
Music Term: (It., 'little opera') - A term applied in the l9th century to lighter styles of opera involving dialogue. Composers included Offenbach, Johann Strauss and Sullivan. This style is sometimes referred to as light opera.`operetta
Music Term: (It., 'little tail') - Similar to coda but on a smaller scale, eg. rounding off a section of a movement as opposed to a whole movement.`codetta
Music Term: (It.) - Lively .`vivace
Music Term: (It.) - Lively.`vivo
Music Term: (It.) - Long`lungo`lunga
Music Term: (It., 'losing itself') - Gradually dying away.`perdendosi
Music Term: (It.) - Loud. Abbreviated f.`forte
Music Term: (It.) - Majestic, dignified.`maestoso
Music Term: (It.) - Major.`maggiore
Music Term: (It.) - Manner. In modo di, in the manner of. `modo
Music Term: (It. 'mano sinistra') - Left hand. Instruction to play with left hand in piano playing.`MS
Music Term: (It.) - March. Alla marcia, in a march-like style.`marcia
Music Term: (It.) - Marked, emphatic.`marcato
Music Term: (It.) - Martial.`marziale
Music Term: (It., 'master') - This title was given to well-known conductors and composers in Italy. It is now used (sometimes rather amusingly) elsewhere.`maestro
Music Term: (It.) - Melancholy.`malinconia
Music Term: (It.) - Merry, playful.`giocoso
Music Term: - (It.) - More. Piu lento, slower.`pi
Music Term: (It. ) - Morning song.`mattinata
Music Term: (It.) - Mournful .`flebile
Music Term: (It.) - Mournful, sad.`lacrimoso
Music Term: (It.) - Much, very.`molto
Music Term: (It.) - Mute. (1) Of a string or wind instrument, con sordino or con sordini means with mute(s). Senza sordino or senza sordini means without mutes; (2) In piano playing scnza sordini indicates that dampers are to be raised and the performer is to use the sustaining, or right pedal. Alternative and more common term is ped.`sordino
Music Term: (It.) - Noisy.`strepitoso
Music Term: (It.) - Nothing. A niente, to nothing. Used after a diminuendo symbol to indicate the sound dying away entirely. nobile, nobilmente (It.) - Noble, nobly.`niente
Music Term: (It., 'obligatory') - An obbligato part is one which has an important and unusual special role and cannot be dispensed with, as opposed to an optional part. However, in some l9th century music, the term obbligato was applied to an additional optional part.`obbligato
Music Term: (It., 'obstinate') - A persistently repeated musical figure or rhythm. A basso ostinato or ground bass has this feature in the bass part. otez (Fr.) - Take off. Otez Ies sourdines, take off the mutes.`ostinato
Music Term: (It.) - Octave. Often written 8ve. All'ottava, at the octave and ottava bassa, an octave lower.`ottava
Music Term: (It.) - Or. Indicates an alternative passage (usually a simpler version) in a composition.`ossia
Music Term: (It.) - Pause.`fermata
Music Term: (It., 'pie') - An operatic work with the material drawn from the works of various composers, especially popular in the 18th century.`pasticcio
Music Term: (It., 'place') - An indication to a performer that music is to be played at the pitch written. This direction may (a) cancel previous indications to play at a different pitch or (b) indicate a passage to be played in the normal position as opposed to any other in string music.`loco
Music Term: (It.) - Plaintively.`piangendo
Music Term: (It.) - Played by instruments.`stromentato
Music Term: (It.) - Playfully, light-hearted.`scherzando
Music Term: (It.) - Pleasantly.`piacevole
Music Term: (It.) - Pleasing .`gradevole
Music Term: (It.) - Point of the bow.`punta d'arco
Music Term: (It.) - Precise.`preciso
Music Term: (It.) - Quick, Rapid`Tosto
Music Term: (It.) - Rage.`rabbia
Music Term: (It.) - Realism. Particularly applied to Italian opera around 1900 with its violent and contemporary leanings.`verismo
Music Term: (It.) - Reinforcing. A Sudden Strong Accent On Notes Or Chords. Similar To Sforzando`Rinforzando
Music Term: (It.) - Repeat.`replica
Music Term: (It.) - Restless and wild`agitato
Music Term: (It.) - Rhythm.`ritmo
Music Term: (It., 'robbed') - An indication to play notes with a controlled flexibility of time by getting slightly quicker or slower. Much used in l9th century music.`rubato
Music Term: (It.) - Sad.`mesto
Music Term: (It.) - Scurrying, Rapid`Scorrevole
Music Term: (It.) - See polonaise.`polacca
Music Term: (It.) - Serious opera and opposite of opera buffa. This term is especially applied to the flourishing 18th century style as used by Rossini. Characterised by the use of castrato singers, heroic or mythological plots, Italian libretti and formality in the music and action.`opera seria
Music Term: (It.) - Short fugue.`fughetta
Music Term: (It.) - Sign. Dal segno, from the sign. This means the performer must repeat the passage from the appropriate sign.`segno
Music Term: (It., 'similar') - Indicates that a phrase, etc. is to be performed in the same manner as the previous one.`simile
Music Term: (It.) - Similar to an aria`arioso
Music Term: (It.) - Simple, simply.`semplice
Music Term: (It.) - Singing or speech by an adult male voice in a higher register than normal. It is sometimes used for a comic effect and is used by tenors for notes above their normal range.`falsetto
Music Term: (It.) - Slightly, little, rather. Poco crescendo, getting slightly louder. poco a poco, little by little.`poco
Music Term: (It.) - Slow and solemn.`grave
Music Term: (It.) - Slower than allegro`allegretto
Music Term: (It.) - Slow.`lento
Music Term: (It.) - Slow speed. Often used as the title of a slow movement in Sonatas and similar pieces of music`adagio
Music Term: (It.) - Slow.`tardo
Music Term: (It.) - Smoothly.`legato
Music Term: (It.) - Smooth.`spianato
Music Term: - (It)soft and loud, abrrev. is piano.`pianoforte
Music Term: (It.) - Solely .`soltanto
Music Term: (It.), solfege (Fr.) - Ear-training by singing exercises to sol-fa syllables. More advanced forms are sung to vowels known as vocalizzi (lt.) or vocalises (Fr.).`solfeggio
Music Term: (It., 'something in the middle') - (I) An instrumental piece in opera, i.e. performed while the stage is empty; (2) A short concert piece. Brahms wrote in this style.`intermezzo
Music Term: (It.) - Somewhat, rather.`piuttosto
Music Term: (It.) - So Much. Allegro Non Tanto, Not Too Fast`Tanto
Music Term: (It.), sonatine (Fr.) - A little sonata. Shorter, lighter and generally easier to play than a sonata.`sonatina
Music Term: (It.) - Spirit, spirited`spirito`spiritoso
Music Term: (It., 'stage' or 'scene') - (1) A scene in an opera consisting of an extended aria of dramatic nature; (2) A dramatic concert piece for solo voice with accompaniment.`scena
Music Term: (It.) - Strongly accented. Abbreviated fz.`forzando
Music Term: (It.) - Style.`stile
Music Term: (It.) - Suddenly.`subito
Music Term: (It.) - Sustained, in a smooth manner. The sostenuto pedal on the piano is the middle pedal, only fitted on more expensive instruments. This enables the performer to select notes he wishes to be sustained.`sostenuto
Music Term: (It.) - Sustaining.`tenendo
Music Term: (It.) - Sweet and gentle.`dolce
Music Term: (It.) - Sweetly, Tenderly`Soave
Music Term: (It.,'tail') - The concluding section at the end of a movement, not usually of structural necessity. However, Beethoven's codas have great significance in his musical design.`coda
Music Term: (It.) - Tenderly.`teneramente
Music Term: (It., 'texture') - The natural compass of a singer's voice, or simply the compass of a vocal or instrumental part in a composition.`tessitura
Music Term: (It.) - The chief castrato or tenor role, used in the 18th century.`primo vomo
Music Term: (It.) - Theme.`tema
Music Term: (It.) - Then. In the phrase scherzo da capo, e poi la coda it means repeat the scherzo and then go on to the coda.`poi
Music Term: (It.) - The steady increasing and decreasing of volume on one long held note in singing.`messa di voce
Music Term: (It.) - Threatening.`minacciando
Music Term: (It., 'tightening') - A heightening of tension in the music which in effect means an increase in speed.`stringendo
Music Term: (It.) - Time. (1) The terms prima volta (first time) and seconda volta (second time) are used when a section of a composition, or the composition, is to be repeated with some change in the final bar(s) indicated by these words and horizontal brackets; (2) A lively dance in 6 / 8 time popular in the late 16th and early 17th centuries in which men swing women high in the air.`volta
Music Term: (It.) - Time, Pace`Tempo
Music Term: (It.) - Too much.`troppo
Music Term: (It.) - To the, at the, in the manner of`alla
Music Term: (It.) - To the end`al fine
Music Term: (It., 'trembling') - Employing tremolo.`tremolando
Music Term: (It., 'Truncated') - A Note Broken Off Abruptly Especially In Vocal Music`Tronco
Music Term: (It.) - Turn over (the page) quickly. Volti subito, turn quickly.`volti
Music Term: (It.) - Two strings. In piano music this occasionally indicates the release of the soft pedal (same as Tre Corde).`due corde
Music Term: (It.) - Urged on, pushed.`spinto
Music Term: (It.) - Usually an 18th century term for an entertaining suite of movements for chamber ensemble or orchestra. Mozart wrote in this style.`divertimento
Music Term: (It.) - Very fast. Superlative of presto.`prestissimo
Music Term: (It.) - Very loud. Abbreviated ff.`fortissimo
Music Term: (It. ) - Very slightly. Superlative of poco.`pochissimo
Music Term: (It.) - Very slightly, very little. Diminutive of poco`pochettino`pochetto
Music Term: (It.) - Very soft, with abbreviation pp.`pianissimo
Music Term: (It.) - Voice-part.`parte
Music Term: (It.) - Voice.`voce
Music Term: (It.) - Whispered, barely audible. This term is applicable to both instrumental and vocal music.`sotto voce
Music Term: (It.) - With a forced manner (of a note or chord). Abbreviation is sf`sforzando`sforzato
Music Term: (It.) - With expression.`espressivo
Music Term: (It.) - With fire.`con fuoco
Music Term: (It.) - With force, vigorously.`con forza
Music Term: (It.) - Without.`senza
Music Term: (It . 'wood ') - (1) Direction in some scores to use the woodblock; (2) Direction to string players to hit the string with the back of the bow.`leyno
Music Term: (Lat. gemellus, 'twin') - A type of two-part late medieval English vocal music, with great use of thirds and sixths.`gymel
Music Term: (Lat.) - (I) A short concise musical setting of the mass. (2) A setting of the Kyrie and Gloria only.`missa brevis
Music Term: (Lat.) - Mass.`missa
Music Term: (Lat. missa parodia) - A polyphonic mass (e.g. by Palestrina) flourishing in the 16th century based on existing material of a motet or chanson. This term has only been used since the 19th century, however.`parody mass
Music Term: (Lat., 'perpetually in motion') - A fast piece of music in which a rapid repetitive note-pattern is played throughout.`perpetuum mobile
Music Term: (Lat ., 'silent ') - An indication that a performer or instrument has no part in a particular movement or section.`tacet
Music Term: (Lat., 'what you will') - A piece containing several popular tunes. The composition may be improvised or notated and was especially practised by German composers (e.g. Bach) in the 17th and 18th centuries.`quodlibet
Music Term: (Lat., 'wheel') - Occasionally this term is used for the round (e.g. of Sumer is Icumen In).`rota
Music Term: - lightly.`Legerement
Music Term: - Liszt's term for leitmotif, the recurring and development of themes symbolising a character, emotion, object, idea, etc.`metamorphosis of themes
Music Term: (Lt.) - Sorrowful`Dolente
Music Term: (ment) (Fr.) - Sweet (sweetly), gentle (gently).`douce
Music Term: - Midway between loud and soft and abbreviated mf.`Mezzo forte
Music Term: - Musical term to indicate the tonality of a piece based on the major or minor scales and their relationship between the notes of the scale and chords built around them. There are two traditional types of keys (major or minor) depending upon whether they are based on the notes of the major or minor scale.`Key
Music Term: Music composed simply as music, with no references to emotions, stories, paintings or any other non-musical subject`absolute music
Music Term: - Music signifying grief but especially describing bagpipe music played at Scottish clan funerals.`lament
Music Term: - Music which interprets or describes a story, painting, poem, landscape or emotional experience. Opposite of absolute music.`programme music
Music Term: - Music with national characteristics (e.g. use of folk music. The term is particularly applied to 19th century composers (e.g. Smetena and Grieg. Bartok and Kodaly were also famous as nationalist composers)`nationalism`nationalist
Music Term: - Music with only one theme.`monothematic
Music Term: - Notated music of all performers' parts combined in an ordered form in which each part appears vertically above another. A piano score is one in which all orchestral or even vocal parts are reduced to a piano part. A miniaturce or pocket score reproduces all parts and details of the full score but is of a size more suitable for study.`score
Music Term: Note of the scale. A440 (440 cycles per second) is commonly used for tuning the orchestra. Also, an analytical term for the first section of a piece`A
Music Term: - Note of the scale; Abbreviation for Deutsch in the cataloguing of works by Schubert.`D
Music Term: Note of the scale`B
Music Term: Note of the scale`C
Music Term: - Note of the scale.`G
Music Term: - Observance of a single key. Atonality, lack of key. Polytonality, the simultaneous use of several keys.`tonality
Music Term: (Old It., 'equal') - Piece or pieces (equali) for instruments of the same kind.`equale
Music Term: - One of the three types of minor scale.`melodic minor
Music Term: - Opposite of major. Applied to scales, keys, chords and intervals.`minor
Music Term: - Organ device of producing a vibrato effect by alternately increasing and decreasing the wind pressure.`tremulant
Music Term: - Originally an American dance in duple time of which there are two main types-fast and slow. It first became popular in 1912`foxtrot
Music Term: - Originally an American dance in duple time of which there are two main typesfast and slow. It first became popular in 1912.`foxtrot
Music Term: - Originally An American Dance In Duple Time Of Which There Are Two Main Types fast And Slow. It First Became Popular In 1912`Foxtrot
Music Term: - Originally a slow and stately dance appearing in keyboard music of the 17th century. Later the passacaglia was a piece with a theme continually repeated, but not necessarily in the bass, like the chaconne.`passacaglia
Music Term: - Particularly used in sonata form, this term describes a section of a composition which repeats or approximates themes originally presented in a previous section, which have since been developed.`recapitulation
Music Term: Perfect pitch. The ability to recognize or recall any note`absolute pitch
Music Term: - Piano soft (left) pedal.`damping pedal
Music Term: - Pleasing to the ear and sounding harmonically resolved. However, interpretations of this term vary considerably. The opposite is discord.`concord
Music Term: - Popular in opera, this is a comic song in which words, sung as fast as possible, are often tongue-twisters. Often found in the works of Gilbert and Sullivan.`patter song
Music Term: - Popularly known as a round, this is a never-ending canon which is also known as an infinite canon.`perpetual canon
Music Term: - Position of note in scale (e.g. D is the second degree of C major scale).`degree
Music Term: - Prefix attached to note indicating pitch to be raised by two semitones.`double sharp
Music Term: - Properly, music to be performed during the action of a play. However, the term also includes overtures and interludes. `incidental music
Music Term: - Refers to alternate naming or spelling of the same musical note (e.g. A flat is the same as G sharp)`enharmonic
Music Term: - Repeat from the beginning.`Da capo
Music Term: - Repeat from the sign.`Dal segno
Music Term: - Repeat to the sign.`Da capo al segno
Music Term: - Repeat up to the word Fine (the end).`Da capo al fine
Music : Terms: A composition of eight parts or voices, or the group of its performers`octet
Music : Terms: A composition of five voices or instruments.`quintet
Music Terms: A direction to play loudly`forte
Music : Terms: A direction to play slightly faster than adagio.`adagietto
Music Terms: A direction to play slower, louder`allargando
Music Terms: A direction to play very slowly`adagissimo
Music : Terms: A direction to play "with fire" or great animation`con fuoco
Music : Terms: A direction to repeat from the beginning`da capo
Music Terms: A French Baroque dance in double time with strong beat on beat three`gavotte
Music Terms: A little sonata`sonatina
Music Terms: A mass or musical setting for the dead`requiem
Music Term: Same as absolute music`abstract music
Music Term: - Same as common time consisting of four quarter notes to the bar, written 4 / 4 or C.`quadruple time
Music Term: - Same as concord.`consonance
Music Term: - Same as continuo.`thorough bass
Music Term: - Same as discord (see concord).`dissonance
Music Term: - Same as duet but mainly an instrumental composition for two performers. A piano duo is for two pianists on separate pianos.`duo
Music Term: - Same as improvisation.`extemporisation
Music Term: - Same as ornaments.`embellishments
Music Term: - Same as ornament, used to embellish a melody line and normally printed in smaller type.`grace note
Music Term: - Same as rondo form.`episodical form
Music Term: - Same as serial music.`dodecaphonic music
Music Term: - Same as symphonic poem.`tone poem
Music : Terms: An opera made up of selections from other operas`pasticcio
Music Terms: A short opera`operetta
Music : Terms: A vertical line used to join two or more staves`brace
Music Term: - Schonberg preferred this term to atonality (e.g. music not written in any definite key).`pantonality
Music Term: - See cadence.`imperfect cadence
Music Term: - See cadence.`interrupted cadence
Music Term: - See concord.`discord
Music Term: - See serial music.`twelve note
Music Term: - Sets of eight-note scales inherited from ancient Greece via the Middle Ages in which they were most prevalent, although they still survive today in plainsong and folk music. At the end of the 17th century the modes had been reduced to two scales, major and minor, which we know today. Here are the modes which may be represented by scales of white notes on the piano with the names derived from the Greek system. The 'final' of a mode is the note of a cadence, or resting point, in a melody, and the 'dominant' is a reciting note.`modes
Music Term: - set the temperament of an instrument.`tuning
Music Term: sixteenth note - one fourth of a quarter note.`six-four chord
Music Term: - Slow Austrian dance in waltz time popular in the late 18th and early l9th centuries.`landler
Music Term: - slower`Meno`mosso
Music Term: - Small orchestras currently perform under this name. Originally the title described an instrumental piece in the baroque era such as the prelude, overture to an opera, cantata or suite.`sinfonia
Music Terms: Name the scale d, e, f, g, a, b flat, c sharp, d`d minor
Music Term: - Solely a string band as opposed to a wind or brass brand, normally consisting of first and second violins, violas, 'cellos and double basses.`string orchestra
Music Term: - Song or instrumental composition for the dead.`elegy
Music Term: (Sp.) - A Catalonian national dance performed to pipes and drums, often in sections. Similar to the farandole.`sardana
Music Term: (Sp.) - A lively Spanish dance in 3 / 4 or 6 / 8 time accompanied by guitar, castanets and performers' singing. The fandango includes sudden stops and speed increases`fandango
Music Term: (Sp.) - An Andalusian dance, originating in Malaga, marked by singing. This term also describes an instrumental piece of similar nature.`malaguena
Music Term: - Spanish stage entertainment involving a few singers.`Tonadilla
Music Term: (Sp.) - A quick Spanish dance with singing in 3 / 4 time often with castanets and similar to the bolero.`seguidilla
Music Term: (Sp.) - A syncopated Cuban dance introduced into Spain in the l9th century with singing, usually in 2 / 4 time.`habanera
Music Term: (Sp., 'double step') or paso doble - A modern and quick Spanish dance in 2 / 4 time.`pasodoble
Music Term: (Sp.) - Spanish traditional stage entertainment with satirical spoken dialogue.`zaruela
Music Term: (Sp.) - Tune, air.`tonada
Music Terms: Term meaning continue playing an octave higher or lower`8va segue
Music : Terms: The highest adult male voice or lowest female voice`alto
Music : Terms: The opposite of legato.`staccato
Music : Terms: The stress given to one tone over another.`accent
Music Term: - String(s) - In piano playing, una corda (one string) indicates the use of the soft (left) pedal. The term tre corde (three strings) cancels this, indicating the release of the soft pedal.`corda
Music Terms: Two or more melodies sounding against one another is called this`counterpoint
Music Term: - Term borrowed from painting, describing the works of Monet, Degas, etc. and transferred to music referring to the atmospheric music of Debussy and Ravel. A famous example is Prelude a l'apres-midi d'un faune by Debussy evoking the imagery of Mallarme's symbolist poem.`impresslonlsm
Music Term: - Term describes a song which uses the same music for each verse.`strophic
Music Term: - Term describes the use of several choirs performing both separately and jointly in a composition.`polychoral
Music Term: - Term describing music before Haydn and Mozart and also (more vaguely) describing music before Bach.`preclassical
Music Term: - Term taken from painting (referring to pictures using separate dots of colour) and applied to the music of some 20th century composers (e.g. Webern). This described music of a spare and pointed style emplying use of pizzicato.`pointillism
Music Term: - Term used by German composers who believed it to be Italian for minuet. The Italian for minuet is minuetto.`menuetto
Music Term: - The art of spontaneous composition of music in performance. This may take the form of ornamentaion, variation of a song or theme, or completely new material. Improvisation is great]y used in jazz`improvisation`extemporization
Music Term: - The C clef on the fourth line.`tenor clef
Music Term: - The chord containing the sixth and third intervals from the bass note. Same as first inversion of a triad.`six-three chord
Music Term: - The combining of different metres simultaneously (e.g. 2 / 4 against 3 / 4 or 6 / 8)`polymetry`polymetrical
Music Term: - The completion of 17th and 18th century harmony by adding a keyboard accompaniment indicated by figured bass.`realisation
Music Term: - The composing of polyphonic music and the writing of equally good melodic parts.`part-writing
Music Term: - The degrees of softness or loudness in music indicated by signs or words on the score.`dynamics
Music Term: - The downward movement of the conductor' s baton or hand indicating the first beat of the bar. The term can also mean the first beat of the bar.`downbeat
Music Term: - The equivalent of two quarter notes or half of a whole note (two beats in 4 / 4 time).`half note
Music Term: - The first degree of the scale or a triad built on that degree.`tonic
Music Term: - The fudamental or lowest note of the harmonic series especially applied to the playing of brass instruments.`pedal
Music Term: - The initial statement of a musical theme or idea upon which a rnovement or piece is based. In a fugue, the exposition is the initial statement of the subject by each voice in turn. The exposition is completed when each voice has been heard for the first time. In sonata form, it is a repeated section in which the main themes are first stated before moving on to the development section.`exposition
Music Term: - The interval of eight steps (e.g. C to C on the white notes of the piano).`octave
Music Term: - The interval of three tones (e.g. F to B).`tritone
Music Term: - The left foot pedal on a piano lessening the volume.`soft pedal
Music Term: The line with bracket joining two staves in piano music`brace
Music Term: - The lower type of female voice having a range from F below middle C to G above the treble clef.`contralto
Music Term: - The lowest or fundamental note of a chord. In the chord C E G, C is the root and the chord is said to be in root position. If the notes are arranged E G C, C is still the root, but the chord would be described as being in first inversion .`root
Music Term: - The mode which, on the white keys of the piano, is represented by E to E.`phrygian mode
Music Term: - The mode which, on the white keys of the piano, is represented from C to C (same as C major scale).`ionian mode
Music Term: - The modification or development of a theme, passage or figure with the theme always remaining recognizable.`variation
Music Term: - The movement from one note or chord to another in music.`progression
Music Term: - The movement of two or more parts in the same direction while also keeping the same interval between them.`parallel motion
Music Term: - The music is to be performed in three bar groupings, implying that the music is so fast there is only one beat to the bar.`Ritmo di tre battute
Music Term: - The music of a particular voice or instrument in an ensemble.`part
Music Term: - The name for the fourth degree of the scale (e.g. F in the scale of C major) or the triad built on that degree.`sub-dominant
Music Term: - The notation in diagrams of guitar chords in pop music. Previously, it represented a method of notation involving symbols denoting the positions of the performer's fingers (e.g. for the lute.`tablature
Music Term: - The note on which the melody ends in church modes. In authentic modes, the final is on the tonic. In plagal modes, it falls on the fourth degree of the scale.`final
Music Term: - The performance of a group of adjacent notes simultaneously on the piano, e. g. with the forearm or a piece of wood. Pioneered by Cowell in 1912 and used by Ives. Also known as tone cluster.`note cluster
Music Term: - The playing of three notes simultaneously on a stringed instrument by the placing of the left hand fingers on the strings and shortening the vibrating length.`triple stop
Music Term: - The rapid articulation of T-K-T on a wind instrument. This is difficult to do on reed instruments.`triple tonguing
Music Term: - The right pedal on the piano which raises the felt dampers allowing the strings to vibrate freely.`sustaining pedal
Music Term: - The scale of seven notes (e.g. the modern major or minor scale).`heptachord
Music Term: - These are the intervals of the octave, fourth and fifth.`perfect intervals
Music Term: - These are the two main scales of the western tonal system. The major key is based on the major scale and the minor key is based on the minor scale. The minor scale breaks into three variations: harmonic, melodic and natural. These terms also refer to chords and intervals being built out of the major or minor scale. `major minor
Music Term: - The second degree of the scale (e.g. D in the scale of C major) or the triad built on that degree.`supertonic
Music Term: - The Section Of A Movement When Initial Statements Of Themes Are Expanded, Developed, Modified And Broken Up`Development
Music Term: - The set of five horizontal lines and spaces on which music is written. Leger lines are used for notes above and below the staff`stave
Music Term: - The setting of a poem entitled 'ode' to music.`ode
Music Term: - The seventh degree of the major scale. This is so called because it seems naturally to rise to the tonic a semitone above. In the minor scale this note is used only when ascending, not descending.`leading note
Music Term: - The shift from one key to another in composition.`modulate
Music Term: - The sign of figures at the beginning of a composition or section or movement indicating the number and kind of beats to the bar (e.g. 3 / 4 indicates 3 beats to the bar, with the number 4 signifying that the basic beat is a quarter note).`time signature
Music Term: - The sixth degree of the scale (e.g. A in the scale of C major) or a triad built on that degree.`sub-mediant
Music Term: - The sliding up or down a scale, often abbreviated by gliss. or a wavy or straight stroke between the highest and lowest note.`glissando
Music Term: - The smallest interval commonly used in European music. On the piano this is represented by the interval between any note and the next note which may be higher or lower.`semitone
Music Term: - The sounding together of notes in a musically significant manner. The main unit of harmony is the chord. The chords are built around the degrees of the scale. The primary chords in most popular compositions are based on the first, fourth and fifth degree of a scale. Many different theories have evolved over the past few centuries about the construction and interpolation of chords to create various senses of musical movement or intellectual or emotional responses. `harmony
Music Term: The sounding together of two or more notes, usually with harmonic implication. Chord progressions are a series of chords that logically flow from one to the other`chord
Music Term: - The sounding together of two or more separate parts of rhythmic and melodic independence, in harmony. Invertible counterpoint occurs when any one melody strand can exchange its position for another (e.g. the bass becomes treble). Between two parts, this is called double counterpoint.`counterpoint
Music Term: - The sound of two or more voices singing simultaneously at the same pitch. Unison song, a song for several people all singing the same tune.`unlson
Music Term: - The symbol to determine the relative position of notes on the musical staff, placed normally at the beginning of each line, or whenever a different clef temporarily replaces the starting clef (to make notes fit more easily on the staff). There are many possible clefs (e.g. treble, bass, alto and tenor) chosen to accomodate the range of various instruments or voices. In piano music, the double staff (a staff for each hand) uses treble or bass clefs.`clef
Music Term: - The systematic plan of beginning in one key and ending in another in a movement.`progressive tonality
Music Term: - The systematic use of quite different rhythms sounding simultaneously. Polyrhythmic devices are especially used in the 20th century.`polyrhythm
Music Term: - The system of tuning intervals in order to fit them for practicable performance. The piano, organ and other fixed instruments are tuned to equal temperament which means that each semitone is made an equal interval so that (e.g. G sharp and A flat are the same).`temperament
Music Term: - The tones of the harmonic series, the lowest being thefirst partial and the others the upper partials or overtones.`partials
Music Term: - The treatment of a melody by shortening the time values of notes, usually by half (e.g. in fugues and canons).`diminution
Music Term: - The turning upside-down of a chord or single melody (by applying intervals in opposite directions) or two melodies in counterpoint by the upper melody becoming the lower and vice-versa. This last method is called invertible counterpoint.`inversion
Music Term: - The Upward Movement Of A Conductor's Hand Or Baton, Especially Indicating The Beat Before The Main Accent In A Bar Of Music`Upbeat
Music Term: - The use of two or more keys performed simultaneously and employed by Stravinsky, Holst and Milhaud. When only two keys are used, this is referred to as bitonality.`polytonality
Music Term: - The writing down or performing of music in a different key from the original. `transposition
Music Term: - This describes the dominant of the dominant .`secondary dominant
Music Term: - This indicates the precise key of the piece. Sharps or flats are placed at the beginning of a composition after the clef. Any other alteration (e.g. a brief modulation to another key, is indicated by accidentals. If there is an extended passage in a new key, however, then a new key signature may appear. The key signature must be represented at the beginning of every new stave in a composition (although not always in popular music). `key signature
Music Term: - This is indicated by a time signature dividing up the music into regularly occurring accents (e.g. 3 / 4 time means that the basic note values are quarter notes and that every third one is accented).`metre
Music Term: - This is the main service of the Roman Catholic Church which has been set to music by composers including Bach, Mozart and Haydn.`mass
Music Term: - This is the Passion of Christ, as accounted by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, set to music and properly performed during Holy Week.`passion music
Music Term: - This occurs in 20th century serial music, also called dodecaphonic music or twelve-note music. It is the order in which the composer chooses to arrange the twelve notes, which serves as the foundation of the composition. novelette (Eng.) or novellette (Ger.) - A short, instrumental, romantic piece. The term was first used by Schumann for a piano work in 1848.`note row
Music Term: - This term described a short, keyboard piece or a set of short pieces in the 17th and 18th centuries.`lesson
Music Term: - This term is sometimes attached to a fugue or canon to describe two or more parts appearing simultaneously, with one the correct way up and the other upside down, as if a mirror had been placed between them.`mirror
Music Term: - This term refers to each key signature being shared by two keys (e.g. A minor is the 'relative' minor of C major since they both have no sharps or flats in the key signature. D major is the relative major of B minor since both keys have two sharps in the key signature.`relative
Music Term: - This Term Was Taken From French Culture In The Early 18th Century, But Musically The Title For Rococo Is The Style Galant Used By Composers Throughout Europe Until The Late 18th Century`Rococo
Music Term: - Time consisting of three beats to the bar (e.g. 3 / 4, 3 / 2, 3 / 8).`triple time
Music Term: - Time in which each beat is divisible by two (e.g. 2 / 4, 4 / 4, 3 / 4 and in which each beat is a quarter note).`simple time
Music Term: - Time in which the number of beats in the bar is divisible by two or four (e.g. 2 / 4, 4 / 4, 2 / 2).`duple time
Music Term: - Time with five beats, usually quarter notes, to the bar (e.g. 5 / 4 time). Not common before the 20th century.`quintuple time
Music Term: - To direct a performance of either singers, players or both with a baton or hands in order to give precise indications of dynamics, phrasing and speed.`conduct
Music Term: - To slide up to a note in singing instead of hitting it accurately.`scoop
Music Term: - Two bar lines placed closely together to signify the end of a composition or section.`double bar
Music Term: - Two melodies moving together in the same direction.`similar motion
Music Term: - Upper register of voice.`head voice
Music Term: Used of deviations from the strict tempo and rhythm necessary for the subtle performance of a musical phrase`agogic
Music Term: - Very sweetly.`dolcissimo
Music Term: (Welsh, 'assembly') - Music or competitive festival.`eisteddfod
Music Term: - With a moderate tone.`Mezza voce
Music Term: - with grandeur.`con grandezza
Music Term: - Written music, by ordinary staff notation symbols or graphic representation or simply by letter-names (e.g. the tonic sol-fa.`notation
Music - Terri Nunn is from what 80's group`Berlin
Music : The 1st annual grammy awards were awarded in what year`1959
Music : "The Air That I Breathe" was written & performed by the _______`hollies
Music : The Alan Parsons Project hit the charts in 1982 with this song.`eye in the sky
Music : The album 'Thriller' won a record __ grammy awards`eight
Music : "The Animal Song" was written & performed by this Australian band`savage garden
Music : The bagpipe was originally made from the whole skin of a ______`dead sheep
Music : The Bangles, Sinnead O'Connor, & Tom Jones have recorded his songs:`prince
Music : The Beach Boys made their debut with what single`surfin
Music: The Beach Boys recorded surfing music like 'Surfin Safari', 'Surfer Girl' and 'Surfin USA'. Name the only Beach Boy who actually surfed`Dennis Wilson
Music : The Beatles: A Beatles song says there are this many days in a week.`eight
Music : The Beatles: Cuando llega la lluvia`when the rain comes
Music : The Beatles first number 1 hit was ...`love me do
Music : The Beatles: McCartney made up this song when he fancied some French words.`michelle
Music : The Beatles performed at this stadium in Minneapolis in 1964.`met stadium
Music : The Beatles song "martha my dear" was written by paul mccartney about what`sheepdog
Music : The Beatles: This album has the same title as the Beatles' first feature film.`a hard days night
Music : The Beatles: This song was inspired by a cornflakes advertisement on TV.`good morning good morning
MUSIC: The Beatles, who "picks up the rice at the church where a wedding has been`eleanor rigby
Music: The Bee Gees made their American TV debut on what show`American Bandstand
Music : The Billy Joel song "Uptown Girl" is about what woman`christie brinkley
Music : the brothers liam & noel gallagher are members of this group`oasis
Music : The Caboliers was the name of whose jazzy band`cab calloway
Music : The Canadian dairy producers parodied this song with "M M M Moo Cows..."`k k k katy
Music : The "Carol of the Bells" is what nationality`ukrainian
Music : "the city's looking like a ghost town on a moonlit summer night"`the thunder rolls
Music : The Clash: Ch_rl__ d_nt s_rf`charlie dont surf
Music : The common name for a low frequency speaker`woofer
Music : the concerti on the two voyager probes information discs are performed by what famed canadian pianist`glenn gould
Music : The concert which Morrison allegedly "revealed" himself was in what city`miami
Music : The country gentleman is the nickname of what guitarist`chet atkins
Music : the "deliverance" soundtrack featured "dueling ______"`banjos
Music : The Doors: Album cover: a bunch of circus freaks playing in the street`strange days
Music : The Doors: Composer of "Light My fire"`robby krieger
Music : The Doors: First album released after Jim's death, Manzarek sings most songs.`other voices
Music : The Doors: Jim Morrison's poetry work which included "Not to touch the earth"`celebration of the lizard
Music : The Doors: Jim would be turning this age in December of 1995.`fifty two
Music : The Doors: lyric: "Champion sax & a girl named Sandy.."`the soft parade
Music : The Doors: lyric: "Dance on fire as it intends..."`when the musics over
Music : The Doors:Music : The Doors: Jim Morrison's poetry work which included "Not to touch the earth"`celebration of the lizard
Music : The Doors: Robby Krieger played what instrument`guitar
Music : The Doors: This Doors hit was a US #1 in 1968.`hello i love you
Music : The fab four are ....`the beatles
Music : The first Beatle to tour the United States`george harrison
Music : The first instrument on which the carol "silent night" was played was:`a guitar
Music : The first reference to a term "heavy metal" is found in a song by this band`steppenwolf
Music : The first seven words from "girl from ipanema"`tall & tan & young & lovely
Music : The Flying Pickets took a cover version of this Yaz song to #1 in the U.K.`only you
Music : "The girl who's drivin' me goin' away"`ticket to ride
Music : The Gong Show once dedicated an entire show to versions of this song.`feelings
Music : The Grateful Dead were once called what`the warlocks
Music : The greatest hits of this group known for long red beards`zz top
Music : The Hollywood walk of fame star was awarded to "Nelson Riddle" for _____`music
Music : Their albums included "Angst In My Pants" Kimono My House" and "Propaganda"`sparks
Music : Their "Be my girl-Sally" is about an inflatable friend`the police
Music : Their hugely successful hit off Shabooh Shoobah was called what`the one thing
Music : Their lead singer scores most Tim Burton movies`oingo boingo
Music : The Jacksons: According to one Jackson, P.Y.T. stands for this.`pretty young thing
Music : The Jacksons: Living Colour musician who played guitar on "Black Cat"`vernon reid
Music : The Jacksons: Name of Michael Jackson's biography`moonwalker
Music: "the jester" refers to what singer/writer in "american pie"`bob dylan
Music : The John Lennon album released by Yoko Ono 4 years after his death`milk & honey
Music : "The Joshua Tree" and "Achtung Baby" by this Irish group`u2
Music : The last waltz chronicled the farewell performance of what rock group`the band
Music : The lead vocalist/guitarist for Haze`marc albert
Music : The lyrics for "rudolph the red nosed reindeer" were written as a poem by who`robert may
Music : The main promoter of country music, the CMA, stands for this.`country music association
Music : The members of this band always hide behind gigantic eyeball masks:`the residents
MUSIC: The members of which string quartet were Norbert Brainin, Sigmund Nissel, Martin Lovett and Peter Schidlof`the amadeus quartet
Music : The Monkees: Soy un creedor`im a believer
Music : The most widely mimicked Al Jolson song`mammy
Music. The mouthpiece of a woodwind or brass instrument`embouchure
Music : The name of Rush's guitarist`alex lifeson
MUSIC: The name of the National Anthem of Portugal`The Portuguese
MUSIC: The name of which wind instrument comes from the latin word for a young bull`bugle
Music : The Non-Beatles Music : CCR song, perhaps about a woman who is gloating`proud mary
Music : The Non-Beatles Music : Van Halen song, perhaps egging on a potential suicide victim`jump
Music : the official state song of georgia since 1922 has been what`georgia on my mind
Music : The only Canadian band to win Yamaha's International MusicQuest.`haywire
Music : The only member of the band ZZ Top without a beard has what last name`beard
Music : The only Phish video ever to appear on MTV (as of January 1995)`down with disease
Music : the only remake of an elvis presley song ever to hit the top ten was "don't be cruel", done by who`cheap trick
Music : The original name of this Trash Disco hit was Run Rabbit Run`fly robin fly
Music : The original title for the album "Let it Be"`get back
Music : The plane crash that killed Buddy Holly & Ritchie Valens crashed in what city in Iowa`mason city
Music : The Police: Andy's bizarre contribution to _Synchronicity_.`mother
Music : The Police: Scenes of Northern Ireland feature in the video of this song.`invisible sun
Music : The Police: Stewart's brothers Ian & Miles founded this record label.`irs
Music : The Police: Sting is from this northern English city.`newcastle
Music : The Police: The first member of The Police.`stewart copeland
Music : The Police: The Police did the soundtrack for this disturbing English mystery-drama.`brimstone and treacleMusic : Def Leppard song: "Out of me, into you yeah. You can try to get a piece of me."`hysteria
Music : The quintessential "surfin" Beach Boys album from 1974.`endless summer
Music : The real name of the "Peanuts" theme song`linus and lucy
Music : The real name of the song most people call _Feelin' Groovy_`the 59th street bridge song
Music : These Aussies did "Hay ride From Hell" and "Hoodoo You Love"`the hoodoo gurus
Music : These joke rockers played "Big Lizard In My Backyard" & "Eat Your Paisley"`the dead milkmen
MUSIC: the single pride was taken from which u2 album`the unforgetable fire
Music : The Smiths: All lyrics of The Smiths is written by him.`morrissey
Music : The Smiths: Finish the album title: "Louder Than _____"`bombs
Music : The Smiths: Finish the song title: "_______, It Was Really Nothing"`william
Music : The Smiths: What album is "Unhappy Birthday","Girlfriend In A Coma","I Won't Share You" on`strangeways here we come
Music : The Smiths: Who is the guitarist in The Smiths`johnny marr
Music : The solution to a problem`the cure
Music : The song where John Lennon announes "I don't believe in Beatles"?`god
Music : the "stratocaster" guitar is made by this company`fender
Music : "The sun was setting in the west" is the opening to this traditional song.`farewell to nova scotia
Music : "The Twist," "The Locomotion," & "The Monster Mash" all hit #1 this year`1962
Music : The university of houston once elected what rock star as homecoming queen`alice cooper
Music : The Who: As "The High Numbers", the band was a hit at what London club`the scene
Music : The Who: "can't you hear me say can't you hear me say can't you hear me say"`free me
Music : The Who: His 1st song, Townshend felt it "sounded too much like a Beatles song"`it was you
Music : The Who: In 1963, The Who was discovered by what Mod`pete meaden
Music : The Who's rock concert stars Elton John. Its called ________`tommy
Music : The Who's rock musical stars Elton John. It's called ________`tommy
Music : The Who: What is Entwistle's famous lyrical creation, starring an arachnid`boris the spider
Music : The Who: Which member of the band played the part of "Tommy" in the movie version`roger daltrey
Music : They hail from Winnipeg, MAN, and their latest album is "In The Trees"`the watchmen
Music : They have such hits as "Tom Sawyer" & "Nobody's Hero".`rush
Music : They opened for Men at work on their Business as Usual Tour in America`mental as anything
Music : they released the parody 'oh you ate one too' in 1988 which included the song 'cabo wabo'`van halen
Music : They sang "Run to the Hills," and "Powerslave."`iron maiden
Music : They were best known for "I Know What Boys Like" and "Square Pegs".`the Waitresses
Music : They were called "Tom and Jerry" before their success under this name`simon and garfunkel
Music : This 7' 2" rapper should spend more time practicing his jumper - last name only`oneal
Music : This artist did the album "Songs For Drella" with Lou Reed:`john cale
Music : this artist performed "lido shuffle", "lowdown" & "we're all alone"`boz scaggs
Music : This artist pondered "If she would have been faithful..."`chicago
Music : This artist wails his guitar on his 1990 hit "Cliffs of Dover."`eric johnson
Music : This artist was credited with the 90s biggest comeback`meat loaf
Music : This band did a remake of "Blue Moon" and dedicated it to Elvis`cowboy junkies
Music : this band performed "why don't you get a job"`offspring
Music : This band recently covered Springsteen's "Atlantic City"`the band
Music : This band's album _Poolside_ featured "I Can't Wait" and "Point of No Return".`nu shooz
Music : This band sang "Estimated Prophet"`the grateful dead
Music : This band's B-sides included 'Winterlong' 'Manta Ray' 'Into the White'`the pixies
Music : This bands "Freebird" was played constantly at keg parties in Mims, Florida`lynyrd skynyrd
Music : This band's "Ride the Lightning,"`metallica
Music : This bass-heavy Nirvana song is named after an element.`lithium
Music : This bat-biting singer also blew up goats.`ozzy osbourne
Music : This Beatles song was the first song Aerosmith ever recorded.`im down
Music: this blind guitarist performed the theme song for chico and the man`jose feliciano
Music : This bombastic group had troubles singing "in the garden of eden".`iron butterfly
Music : This Bruce Hornsby song off of _Harbor Lights_ features Bonnie Raitt on vocals.`rainbows cadillac
Music : This composer, singer, actor, writer, & athlete was also a rhodes scholar`kris kristofferson
Music : This Disney song became the theme of the "Close Encounters...Special Edition"`when you wish upon a star
Music : This duo sang "Somethin' Stupid," and it was`frank and nancy sinatra
Music : This Elton John song was subtitled "Hey Hey Johnny."`empty garden
Music : This ex Van Halen member did the song "The Girl Gets Around".`sammy hagar
Music : This female artist enjoyed sucess on both popular and country & western stations with such tunes as "Let Me Be There" and "Have You Never Been Mellow."`olivia newton-john
Music : This female musician wants you to "sing her a happy song"`melissa ferrick
Music : This film's soundtrack features "Misirlou" by Dick Dale and his Del-Tones`pulp fiction
Music : This former ac/dc member died on february 19, 1980`bon scott
Music : This group has recorded covers of The Beatles classics "come together", "i am the walrus", "helter skelter", "help" & "day tripper"`oasis
Music : This group mocked the time of arrival of the police system in _911_`public enemy
Music : This group name suggests an unpleasant February 14th.`my bloody valentine
Music : This group, not Joni Mitchell, recorded the song "One Tin Soldier"`coven
Music : This group's 2nd biggest hit, "Gold", hit the charts in 1984.`spandau ballet
Music : This important Jazz pianist wrote "Maiden Voyage" and "Watermelon Man"`herbie hancoc
Music : This Isley brother died of a heart attack in 1986`okelly
Music : This is Michael Jackson's signature dance.`moonwalk
Music : This Is PopRB: A short version of her name rhymes with dress`thessaly
Music : This is the baseball position that John Fogarty thinks he can play.`centerfield
Music : This is the first song on the Ultra album.`barrel of a gun
Music : This keyboardist collaborated with Neil Schon & wrote the miami vice theme`jan hammer
Music : This Madonna video was #1 on the Art Of Video countdown`express yourself
Music : This man brought us "Delilah" and "It's Not Unusual."`tom jones
Music : This man created the Motown Empire & wrote many songs.`berry gordy
Music : This Michigan hitmaker sang "Turn the Page" "2+2" & "Hollywood Nights".`bob seger
Music : This minimalist composer's most well known opera was "Einstein on the Beach."`philip glass
Music : This Missouri city is known as "Nashville West."`branson
Music : This new-wave band released "The Sky's Gone Out" and "Rest In Peace"`bauhaus
Music : This New York female singer went top ten with "Self Control"`laura branigan
Music : This New-York group consisted of Ann Magnusson and Kramer:`bongwater
Music : This Pachelbel song was used as the closing credits rolled in "Ordinary People"`canon in d
Music : This Paul Simon song was the first release from _Rhythm of the Saints_.`the obvious child
Music : This Pavement disk contains the songs "Cut Your Hair" & "Range Life"`crooked rain crooked rain
Music : This person likes walking with panthers and around the way girls`ll cool j
Music : This progressive metal band has released "Images & Words" & "Awake"`dream theater
Music : This punk band did an infamous cover of "My Way":`sex pistols
Music : This Quebec singer's hits include "The Power Of Love" & "Color My Love"`celine dion
Music : This rapper reportedly attended a preparatory school in Texas`vanilla ice
Music : This reggae star had his first hit with "Tomorrow People"`ziggy marley
Music : This REM album has "Radio Free Europe," "Rockville," and "Fall On Me."`eponymous
Music : This rocker used to be known as folk singer David Jones`david bowie
Music : This singer appeared in the following movies: The Fisher King, Rumble Fish`tom waits
Music : This singer has looked at clouds from both sides now.`joni mitchell
Music : This song by Des'ree was on the "Romeo + Juliet" (1996) soundtrack`kissing you
Music : This song's parenthetical title is "(in the working class)." It's a gas!`wild sex
Music : This song was #2 for four weeks behind the Jacksons' "Ill Be There"`weve only just begun
Music : This southern band continued even after one "brother" died on a motorcycle`allman brothers band
Music : This style of hat, popular among skasters, is also a German ska record label`pork pie
Music : This Swedish group "saw the sign".`ace of base
Music : This techno group wrote "Out Of Space"`the prodigy
Music : This trumpeter/singer was a sex symbol before he became a junkie.`chet baker
Music : This tune from "Deliverance" was written by Eric Weissberg & Steve Mandel.`dueling banjos
Music : This was the Beatle's first film`a hard day's night
Music : This was the last Beatles album recorded`abbey road
Music : This woman had the unfortunate luck to sing with Paul Anka on "Having My Baby"`odia coates
Music : Those big black cd's that you see at garage sales that people call "albums" are made of _____`vinyl
Music : Though they had 9 #1s in the UK, Abba's only #1 was this`dancing queen
Music : "Ticket To Ride," "Help|," & "Yesterday" all hit #1 this year`1965
Music : Title & Last Name of Lyricist: "I never had the least notion that I could fall with so much devotion..."`renee ive got a crush on
Music : Title & Last Name of Lyricist: "Shake your thang, like a boomerang..."`papas got a brand new bag/brown
Music : Title & Last Name of Lyricist: "Without your love, it's a honky tonk parade..."`paper moon/arlen
Music : Title & Last Name of Lyricist: "You might not know it, but buddy I'm a kind of poet..."`one for my baby/mercer
Music : Title & Last Name of Lyricist: "Your good-byes left me with eyes that cry"`all of me/simons
Music : Title of Madonna's album inspired by the movie _Dick Tracy_`im breathless
Music : Titles: Composer of: Camptown Races, Beuatiful au Dreamer, Oh! Susanna`foster
Music : Titles: Composer of: Capriccio Italien, Andante Conscabile, Sleeping Beauty Waltz`tchaikovsky
Music : Titles: Musical with: June is Busting O All Over, You'll Never Walk Alone, Soliloquy`carousel
Music : Titles: Musical with songs:Anything You Can Do, They Say It's Wonderful`annie get your gun
Music : Titles: Musical with songs: Bali' Hai, There is Nothin' Liek a Dame, Honey Bun`south pacific
Music : Titles: Musical with songs: I Want to Be Happy, Tea for Two, Take a Little Step`no no nanette
Music : Titles: Musical with songs: My Funny Valentine, The Lady is a Tramp, Where or When`babes in arms
Music : Titles: Operatta with songs: Golden Days, Drinking Song, Deep in My Heart Dear`student prince
Music : Titles: Operatta with songs: You're Devastating, Yesterdays, Smoke Gets in Your Eyes`roberta
Music : Titles: Operetta with: Tramp, Tramp, Ah Sweet Mystery of Life, Neath the Sothern Moon`naughty marietta
Music : "Today is the Greatest Day I've Ever Known"`smashing pumpkins
Music : Todd Rundgren's double album with AM radio hit "Hello its me"`something anything
music: "________ to love" by robert palmer`addicted
Music : Tom Allom produced what groups "point of entry" lp`judas priest
Music. To modify (rhythm) by syncopation`syncopate
Music : Tom Petty insisted "Don't ____ ______ ____ __ ____"`come around here no more
Music : Tom Petty: Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers released their first album in what year`1976
Music : Tom Petty: What song did Tom sing with various other artists at the Bob Dylan Tribute`my back pages
Music : Tom Petty: What song from "Full Moon Fever" has a completely animated video`runnin down a dream
Music : Tom Petty: What song is the one remake that appears on the album "Greatest Hits"`something in the air
Music : Tom Petty: What video won the 1985 MTV Music Video Award for best special effects`dont come around here no more
Music : Tom Petty: What was the name of Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers' 1991-92 tour`touring the great wide open
Music : Tom Petty: What year were 2 Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers albums released`1985
Music : Tom Petty: Which ex-Byrd provides backing vocals on "All The Wrong Reasons"`roger mcguinn
Music : Tom Petty: Who is Tom refering to in the line "Me & Del were singing 'Little Runaway'"`del shannon
Music : Top Forty Songs: Dolly Parton's biggest top 40 hit, it spent two weeks at #1`9 to 5
Music : Top Forty Songs: Fast paced hit from Grease was a hit for John Travolta & Olivia Newton-John`youre the one that i want
Music : Top Forty Songs: J. Geils BAND's Centerfold video started career of this former VJ`martha quinn
Music : Top Forty Songs: Kokomo was immortalized by the Beach Boys in a 1988 #1 featured in this movie`cocktail
Music : Top Forty Songs: Number of weeks My Sharona spent at #1 in 1979`6
Music : Top Forty Songs: Real last name of Madonna`ciccone
Music : Top Forty Songs: Real Name of Vanilla Ice`robert vanwinkle
Music : Top Forty Songs: Suzannah Hoffs lead this group which started everybody Walkin Like an Egyptian`bangles
Music : Top Forty Songs: The REAL female voice behind C&C Music Factory, Black Box never shoen in videos`martha wash
Music : Top Forty Songs: The year was 1976, & Wings sang "Some People Want to fill the world with..."`silly love songs
Music : Top Forty Songs: This 1980 KC & the Sunshine BAND hit was remade last year by KWS`please dont go
Music : Top Forty Songs: This dutch band had their one and only hit with the Theme from Star Wars`meco
Music : Top Forty Songs: This group originally had a "UK" on the end of their name for legal reasons`wham!
Music : Top Forty Songs: This Rupert Holmes' hit in 1979 was subtitled The Pina Colada Song`escape
Music : Top Forty Songs: Video for this 1991 Madonna hit was banned from MTV for sexual content`justify my love
Music. To place (a violin) under the ---- in preparation to play it`chin
Music. To provide harmony for (a melody)`harmonize
Music : Tori Amos: Age at which Tori changed her name.`seventeen
Music : Tori Amos did a cover of this Nirvana song.`smells like teen spirit
Music : Tori Amos: Finish the verse: "I've been here, Silent ___ _____ _____."`all these years
Music : Tori Amos: Name the song: "Greg he writes letters, & burns his CDs..."`pretty good year
Music : Tori Amos: This industrial music artist sang backup vocals on "Past the Mission."`trent reznor
Music : Tori Amos: Tori currently has this many singles off of _Under the Pink_ in the US.`2
Music : Tori Amos: Tori plays this instrument.`piano
Music : Tori Amos: Tori's father's "profession."`preacher
Music : Tori Amos: Year Tori's first album was released.`1988
Music : Toriano Jackson, of the jackson 5, is better known by this nickname.`tito
MUSIC: "Torn" was a first top 10 for which vocalist`Natalie Imbruglia
Music : Toronto band Barenaked Ladies sings a song about being in this grade.`nine
Music. To tune (an instrument)`attune
Music : to what band do the gallagher brothers belong`oasis
MUSIC: To which British boy band did Mark Owen belong`Take That
Music : to who was cher married`sonny bono
Music : Track from this English band is "Time".`pink floyd
Music : Traffic instrumental that precedes "Freedom Rider"`glad
Music: Trent Reznor is the lead singer of what group`nine inch nails
Music : Trios: Alternative power pop trio plus moping, vegetarian, asexual singer`the smiths
Music : Trios: A poppy trio which used to be art rock, two successful solo singers`genesis
Music : Trios: A power trio plus an Irish Preacher decked out in leather`u2
Music : Trios: A trio plus a barechested singer rubbing glass over his body`iggy & the stooges
Music : Trios: A trio plus John Lydon, if Sid's instrument was plugged in that night`sex pistols
Music : Trios: German trio who sang "da da da, i dont love you, you dont love me"`trio
Music : Trios: G_____ T________ and his amazing four-man power trio`george thorogood
Music : Trios: This Canadian art-metal trio sings sci-fi themes a lot (hint: archives)`rush
Music : Trios: This group got a lot of criticism for singing "killing an arab"`the cure
Music : Trios: This trio opened for the original Monkees on tour`the jimi hendrix experience
Music : Trivia: Name the band : Anita Lane, Nick Cave, Barry Adamson etc.`the birthday party
Music : Trivia: Name the band in which Nick Cave's lead guitarist, Blixa Bargeld sings`einstuerzende neubauten
Music : Trivia: What is P.J.Harvey's first album`dry
Music : Trivia: Who produced and edited the soundtrack of Natural Born Killers`trent reznor
Music : Trivia: Who teamed up with Niel Tennant to form the Pet Shop Boys`chris lowe
Music : T.S. Eliot's Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats is the basis for this musical`cats
Music : Tune : "All you back-room boys salute when her flag unfurls!"`yankee rose
Music : Tune: "and if they can't dance, well, they ain't no friends of mine!"`safety dance
Music : Tune: Back & forth I sway with the wind`falling to pieces
Music : Tune : "Have you seen Junior's grades"`and the cradle will rock
Music : Tune: "i can't understand what makes a man hate another man"`people are people
Music : Tune: "I may be mad, I may be blind, I may be viciously unkind"`why
Music : Tune: "i'm space cowboy, i'm a twenty-first century working boy"`love missile f1 11
Music : Tune: "i'm very tired, & i'm not feeling right"`who could it be now
Music : Tune : "... in his West German home... in his West German home..."`terror couple kill colonel
Music : Tune: "into this world we're thrown like a dog without a bone"`riders on the storm
Music : Tune: "I set down my angel shoes, on a lost highway, for a better view"`round of blues
Music : Tune: "It really comes as no surprise to find that you planned it all along."`only time will tell
Music : Tune: "it's just a spring clean from the may queen"`stairway to heaven
Music : Tune: "it wasn't a rock, it was a ____ _____!"`rock lobster
Music : Tune: Just for a minute let's all do the bump`u cant touch this
Music : Tune: on a dark desert highway. Cool wind in my hair.`hotel california
Music : Tune: "outside there's a boxcar waiting"`here comes your man
Music : Tune : "Phony Beatlemania has bitten the dust!"`london calling
Music : Tune: RobBot thinks this song says "There's a bathroom on the right."`bad moon rising
Music : Tune: Said my get-up-and-go must've got up & went`sweet emotion
Music : Tune: Satin sheets are very romantic, but happen when you're not home`express yourself
Music : Tune: (song here) Versprung durch technik (song here) be all that you can be`zooropa
Music : Tune: Song title: "If you want to kiss the sky, better learn how to kneel."`mysterious ways
Music : Tune: Song title: "Never more will he crawl 'round: he's embedded in the ground."`boris the spider
Music : Tune: Song title: "Pretty women out walking with gorillas down my street."`is she really going out with him
Music : Tune: Song title: "We were liberated from the four minute song."`wont get fooled again
Music : Tune : "Soul of a woman was created below..."`dazed and confused
Music : Tune: "so wonderfully, wonderfully, wonderfully, wonderfully pretty"`lovecats
Music : Tune : "Stays out of line... Movin' through time..."`legs
Music : Tune: "swingin', swayin', reckless playin'"`dancing in the streets
Music : Tune: Take your hat off boy when you're talking to me`feed the tree
Music : Tune : "There's one smoking a joint - & another with spots!"`in the flesh
Music : Tune: "the wars you bring, the babes you drown, those lost at see & never found"`dear god
Music : Tune : "Ticking away the moments that make a good dull day..."`time
Music : Tune: "We don't need no education, we don't need no thought control..."`another brick in the wall
Music : Tune: Well I guess it would be nice if I could touch your body`faith
Music : Tune: When I get to the bottom I go back to the top of the slide`helter skelter
Music : Tune: Why do I crucify myself.`crucify
Music : Tune : "... with long phony nails, and a hairdo that rinses"`jewish princess
Music : Turkish lute instrument with a bent neck`ud
Music : TV Themes: Believe it or not, it's just me`greatest american hero
Music : TV Themes: Everywhere you look, everywhere you go.`full house
Music : TV Themes: Hangin' out down the street, the same old thing we did last week...`that 70s show
Music : TV Themes: If you have a problem...`the a-team
Music : TV Themes: I'm gonna live forever. Baby remember my name...`fame
Music : TV Themes: It's like some kind of torture to have to watch the show!`the muppet show
Music : TV Themes: Set your course for adventure, your mind on a new romance...`love boat
Music : TV Themes: She's the lady in red when everybody else is wearing tan.`the nanny
Music : TV Themes: When the world never seems to be living up to your dreams...`facts of life
Music : TV Themes: You're half the fun now, with me & all the gang, learning from each other...`fat albert & the cosby kids
MUSIC: "Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps" - name the group`Splodgenessabounds
Music : Type of Music played by S. E. Rogie of Sierra Leone`palm wine
Music : U2 song: "And so she woke up, woke up from where she was"`running to stand still
Music : U2 song: "Johnny take a walk with your sister the moon".`mysterious ways
Music : U2: What 1988 album, contains Live & B-Side tracks, along with new ones`rattle & hum
Music : U2: What Elvis Presely Song did U2 play on their latest tour(1994)`i cant help falling in love with you
Music : U2: What is Bono's real name`paul hewson
Music : U2: What is the name of the lead singer`bono
Music : U2: What was the last stop on U2's latest tour(1994)`sydney
MUSIC: UK chart 2002, who sang Fly by ii`Blue
MUSIC: UK chart 2002, who sang I'm not a girl not yet a woman`Britney Spears
Music : "Under My Wheels" & "Be My Lover" were hot cuts off "Killer", his 1971 release`alice cooper
Music : under which name is eric patrick clapp known`eric clapton
MUSIC: U S composer of musicals including Paint your wagon, My fair lady`Frederick Loewe
Music : Van Halen: Eddie is married to what actress`valerie bertinelli
Music : Van Halen: On what soundtrack did Sammy appear with "The Girl Gets Around"`footloose
Music : Van Halen: Song on 1984, video included "Miss Chemistry"`hot for teacher
Music : Van Halen: What city in the Netherlands were Alex and Edward Van Halen born`nijmegen
Music : Van Halen: What Pete Townshend song was featured on VH Live: Right Here, Right Now`wont get fooled again
Music : Van Halen: Who is the only member of the band born in California`sammy hagar
Music : Van Halen: Who played clarinet on "Big Bad Bill" on "Diver Down"`jan van halen
Music : Vanilla Ice's _Ice Ice Baby_ sounds a lot like this David Bowie/Queen song:`under pressure
Music : Velvet Underground song about a self-mailing young man?`the gift
Music : Verdi wrote 'aida' to commemorate the opening of the ____ ____`suez canal
Music : VH1: Janet Jackson video partially inspired by Paula Abdul's "Cold Hearted"`if
Music : VH1: Sheryl Crow kicks off her shoes at the beginning of this video`strong enough
Music : VH1: This Phil Collins video is a sort of documentary about making music videos`dont lose my number
Music : VH1: Video: shots of band interspliced with scenes from "Robin Hood"`everything i do
Music : Video: Madonna and a lion roam the "streets" of Venice`like a virgin
Music : Video: Nuns get stuck on train tracks & are saved by Shaolin monks`hope of deliverance
Music : Video: Paula Abdul dances barefoot in a grass field`promise of a new day
Music : Video: Prince slowly rises naked out of a tub`when doves cry
Music : Videos: A girl dressed in yellow flirts with a man in a movie theater.`bust a move
Music Videos: A man loosens his shirt, button pops and falls to the floor.`roll with it
Music Videos: A woman's face is superimposed over that of a jaguar.`maneater
Music : Videos: Cher consorts frivolously with sailors while wearing a skimpy outfit.`if i could turn back time
Music : Videos: Chevy Chase lip-synchs.`you can call me al
Music : Videos: Colored stills of the group in concert are seemlessly run together as animation`shadrach
Music : Videos: Elton John appears as a cartoon.`club at the end of the street
Music : Videos: Features DaveTV`just a gigolo
Music : Videos: Fish flopping around out of water; exploding piano.`epic
Music : Videos: Girl gets drawn into a comic strip featuring a motorcycle racer.`take on me
Music : Video: shots of band interspliced with scenes from "Robin Hood"`everything i do
Music : Videos: Man and woman dance in a laundromat and throw clothes at each other`every heartbeat
Music : Videos: Man finds dog, gets large enough reward to save his bar.`all i need is a miracle
Music : Videos: Mark Gastineau and the Statue of Liberty do an odd dance.`walk like an egyptian
Music : Videos: MTV used subtitles for this reggae-rap video`informer
Music : Videos: Orange haired lady pounds fist on desk and spins globe.`sweet dreams
Music : Videos: Shows only the words to this George Michael song.`praying for time
Music : Videos: Singer leads a group of prostitues against a ruthless pimp.`love is a battlefield
Music Videos: Woman lounges in tub as bubbles fill the screen`miss chatelaine
Music : Vince clarke & alison moyet formed what band in 1981`yazoo
Music : Vince Guaraldi song which is played in every Charlie Brown animated special.`linus and lucy
Music : Violent & Funky - Die Lika Pig`infectious grooves
Music : Vocals of SoftCell`marc almond
Music : "Vogue," "Hold On," "Blaze of Glory," & "Ice Ice Baby" all hit #1 this year`1990
Music : "Wake Up Maggie, I think I got something to say to you."`maggie may
Music : "Weekend In New England" was a top ten hit for what artist`barry manilow
Music : Weird Al: Parody of Addicted To Love`addicted to spuds
Music : Weird Al: Parody of Beat It`eat it
Music : Weird Al: Parody of I Love Rock n' Roll`i love rocky road
Music : Weird Al: Parody of La Bamba`lasagna
Music : Weird Al: Parody of Livin' On The Edge`livin in the fridge
Music : "Weird Al" Yankovich parody of Billy Ray Cyrus song.`achy breaky song
Music : "Weird Al" Yankovich parody of I Love Rock And Roll.`i love rocky road
Music : "Weird Al" Yankovich parody of Lola`yoda
Music : "Weird Al" Yankovich parody of MacArthur Park.`jurassic park
Music : Weird, yet pathetic, song that has Paula Abdul crying "Horny horns!"`vibeology
Music : Well known deaf and syphilitic Teutonic composer.`beethoven
Music : "We're all sensitive people with so much to give."`lets get it on
Music : "We're rednecks...don't know our ass from a hole in the ground"`randy newman
MUSIC: Wet wet wet had a no 1 hit in the 90s with Love is all Around, how long did it spend at the top`fifteen weeks
Music : What 1953 broadway musical introduced the song "stranger in paradise"`kismet
Music: What 1958 Eddie Cochran song became his biggest US hit and a rock classic?`Summertime Blues
Music: What 1958 song was The Coaster's only #1 hit?`Yakkety Yak
music: what 1960s composer was famous for "alfie" and "promises, promises?`burt bacharach
Music: What 1965 hit by The Beatles was originally titled 'Scrambled Eggs'`Yesterday
Music : What 1970's film came from a pink floyd tune`the wall
Music: What 1970's film came from a Pink Floyd tune?`The Wall
Music : What 1973 Rolling Stones song does Tori Amos do a cover version of`angie
Music : What 1980 lp was the chipmunk's attempt at offering punk music`chipmunk punk
Music : What 1985 chart topper opined: "We are the ones/To make a better world"`we are the world
Music : What 1996 single became the first international hit for the Spice Girls`wannabe
Music : What 4-Non Blondes song has the same name as a 70's singer`superfly
Music : What 50's song begins with a phone ringing & hello baby`chantilly lace
Music : what 70s jazz/rock group took their name from the writings of william burroughs`steely dan
Music: What 80's band included members from Bad Company and Led Zeppelin`The
Music: What 80's band included members from Bad Company and Led Zeppelin?`The Firm
Music : What, according to the rock group genesis, do pigeons make their beds of`paper clips & bus tickets
Music : what, according to the who, is another name for a pinball game`mind table
Music : What actress sang on broadway in the musical "into the woods"`bernadette peters
Music : What aging rock group has featured Bill Wyman & Charlie Watts on a long series of albums`rolling stones
Music : What album did Buffett release in 1996`banana wind
Music : What album holds the world record for copies sold`thriller
Music: What album holds the world record for copies sold?`Thriller
Music : what album went platinum for the 20th time in 1984`thriller
Music : What all girl band's first album was named "beauty & the beat"`the go gos
Music : what american composer is best known for his marches`john philip sousa
Music : what animated film was scored by the band america`the last unicorn
music: what are peter, paul and mary's last names?`yarrow stookey travers
music: what are the first names of crosby, stills and nash`david stephen graham
Music : what are the first names of the everly brothers`phil & don
Music: What are the separators on a guitar neck called?`Frets
Music What artist /band sang the song Sweet Nicole`Point Blank
Music : What australian band's first number one song, "spicks & specks", was released in 1967`bee gees
Music : What Australian band was originally known as The Farriss Brothers`inxs
Music: what backup group accompanied singer little anthony`the imperials
Music : What band claimed that "Youre an orgasm addict"`buzzcocks
Music : What band debuted with the album "cooleyhigh harmony"`boyz ii men
Music: What band did Dion form in 1958?`The Belmonts
Music: What band did James Brown tour and record with in the 1950's`The
Music: What band did James Brown tour and record with in the 1950's?`The Famous Flames
Music: What band did the music for the 1970s film saturday night fever`The
Music: What band did the music for the 1970s film saturday night fever?`The Bee Gees
Music : What band had a hit with itchycoo park`the small faces
Music : What band in the late 80's were exposed for not recording their own hits`milli vanilli
Music : What band performed "roll over lay down"`status quo
Music : What band performed the classic single "all right now"`free
Music : What band played to 2.5 million people in 37 countries on its 1993 keep the faith tour`bon jovi
Music : what band's albums borrowed the marx brothers' titles "a night at the opera" & "a day at the races"`queen
Music : What band sang the 80s song "walkin' on sunshine"`katrina & the waves
Music: What band sang 'White Rabbit'`Jefferson Airplane
Music : What band's lead singer regularly entered the stage on a motorcycle`judas priest
Music : what band started out traveling with andy warhol's mulitmedia show "the exploding plastic inevitable"`the velvet underground
Music : what band's video, "girls on film", was banned by mtv & the bbc`duran duran
Music : what band was frankie valli the lead man for`the four seasons
music: what baroque composer developed polyphonic music to its peak?`js bach
Music : What Beastie Boys song is named after an old patriot`paul revere
Music : What Beatle is left handed`paul mccartney
Music : what beatle's real name is richard starkey`ringo starr
Music : what beatles single lasted longest on the charts, at 19 weeks`hey jude
Music : what beatles song added one day to the week`eight days a week
Music: What Beatles song did Dr. John remake?`Yesterday
Music : What beatles song mimics the beach boy's "california girls"`back in the ussr
MUSIC: What Bee Gee song did Steps do a cover version of`Tragedy
Music - What big 90's female movie star starred in Bon Jovi's Always video`Keri Russell
Music : What bit of Bobby Goldsboro sirup focused on a dying young wife`honey
Music : What blind musician wrote the aretha franklin hit until you come back to me`stevie wonder
Music : What blondie hit says: "roll me in designer sheets i'll never get enough"`call me
Music : What Bobby Darin oldie was used to plug liquid Drano`splish splash
Music : what brewery sponsored the who's farewell tour in the u.s.`schlitz
Music : What british band is named after the inventor of the seed drill`jethro tull
Music : What British duo's works are referred to as the savoy operas`gilbert & sullivan
Music : what british glitter rocker plays on iggy pop's raw power album`david bowie
Music : what british theatrical rocker's alter ego was the thin white duke`david bowie
Music : what broadway production of gilbert & sullivan's did linda ronstadt star in the 80's`pirates of penzance
Music: What brother and sister duo produced a show in their family studio`donny and marie osmond
Music: What brother and sister duo produced a show in their family studio`donny & marie osmond
Music : what brother & sister duo produced a show in their family studio`donny & marie osmond
Music: What Byrds tune has lyrics taken from the Bible`turn turn turn
Music : What calypso singer founded USA for Africa, the charity that waxed "We Are the World"`harry belafonte
Music : What character did rock star rick springfield play on tv's general hospital`dr. noah drake
Music : What chart topper did Paul McCartney sing with Stevie Wonder`ebony & ivory
Music : what city did boogie woogie music first appear in during the 1920's`chicago
Music : what city in tennessee is the country music centre of america`nashville
Music : What city is also known as Music City, U.S.A`nashville
Music : what city & state was marilyn manson raised in`canton, ohio
Music : what city was madonna threatened to be arrested in for grabbing her crotch`toronto
Music : what classic rock band sang the song 'paint it black'`rolling stones
Music: What classic rock band sang the song 'Paint It Black'?`Rolling Stones
Music: what color of outfits does country western singer johnny cash wear`black
MUSIC: What colour car did Natalie Cole sing about in March 88`pink cadillac
MUSIC: What colour Heather was the title of a 1996 hit for Rod Stewart`Purple
Music : what colour shoes was pat boone known for`white
Music:What completes the title of this Oasis album "Definitely...`maybe
Music: what composer and organist was married twice and had 20 children`johann sebastian bach
Music: what composer and organist was married twice and had 20 children`johann sebastian bach`bach
Music : What composer is credited with introducing ballet into opera`lully
music: what composer is known for his "unfinished symphony"?`franz schubert
Music : What composer's film biography won best picture at the oscars in 1984`mozart
Music : What composer was working on his 10th symphony at the time of his death`beethoven
Music : What country did Bing Crosby die in`spain
Music : What country is ac/dc from`australia
Music : What country is "Bryan Adams" from`canada
Music : what country musicians autobiography was titled sing me back home`merle haggard
Music : what country music star spent his early life living in a boxcar`merle haggard
Music : what country music tv show was hosted by roy clark & buck owen`hee haw
Music : What country singer/songwriter (and sometimes actor) is known as "the country outlaw"`willie nelson
Music : What country was olivia newton john born in`england
Music : What country was the late Freddie Mercury born in`south africa
Music : what country was yoko ono born in`japan
Music : What Cream member was in Atomic Rooster & Hawkwind`ginger baker
music: what crooner made the ballad "and i love her so" popular`perry como
Music : What cross dressing band's first video was filmed on a mississippi riverboat`culture club
Music : What Detroit based record company was founded by Barry Gordy Jr.`motown
Music: What did Adam and the Ants become after Stuart Goddard left`bow wow wow
Music : what did emerson, lake & palmer burn on stage during their concerts`american flag
Music: What did Janis Joplin drink on stage during concerts`Southern Comfort
Music : What did michael hutchence of inx die of`suicide
Music: What did Pat Benatar sing before she went into Rock music?`Opera
Music : what dire straits video was the first to be almost entirely computer generated`money for nothing
Music : what dj coined the term "rock & roll"`alan freed
Music : What DJ's/Group mixed UB40's "One In Ten"`808 state
Music : What does e.l.o stand for`electric light orchestra
Music : What does 'fortissimo' mean`very loud
Music : what does michael jackson call his home`wonderland
Music : what does 'r & b' stand for in the music world`rhythm & blues
Music : What does the "g" in kenny g stand for`goreli
Music : what does the handy man fix`broken hearts
Music : what does the lead singer of the knack, famous for "my sharona," & jack kevorkians lead defense attorney have in common`they're brothers
Music : What does the musical term 'adagio' mead`slow
MUSIC: What does the term con fuoco mean`with fire
Music : what does the term 'dj' mean`disc jockey
Music: What does the term 'DJ' mean?`Disc Jockey
MUSIC: What does the term pizzicato mean`plucked
Music : what do lonely rivers sigh, in unchained melody`wait for me
Music : what do most classical guitars have 19 of`frets
Music : What Dorsey brother played the clarinet and alto sax`jimmy
Music : what do singers sometimes want to be tied around the old oak tree`yellow ribbon
MUSIC: What do the composer JS Bachs initials stand for`johann sebastian
Music : What do the who cling to on the cover of magic bus`a bus
MUSIC: What do we call Rossinis opera La Gazza Ladra`the thieving magpie
Music : What do West Indian steel bands use as instruments`oil drums
Music : what do you call a voice between a tenor & a bass`baritone
Music : what drug did j.j. cale & eric clapton sing about`cocaine
Music : what drummer got his nickname because he wore so many rings`ringo starr
Music : what duos original hats & sunglasses are on disply at new yorks hard rock cafe`the blues brothers
Music : what electric instrument is a flying v`guitar
Music : What elo hit features a ringing telephone`telephone line
Music : What entertainer is allowing one of his songs to be used in a government campaign to beat drunk driving`michael jackson
Music : what epic horror movie's theme does mike oldfield play tubular bells for`the exorcist
Music : What Eric Clapton song is about his crush on George Harrison's wife`layla
Music : What family of instruments do flutes, clarinets & oboes belong to`woodwind
Music : What family of instruments includes the piano & xylophone`percussion
Music : What famous classical composer continued to compose great music after becoming deaf`beethoven
Music: What famous drummer gave Led Zeppelin its name`Keith Moon
Music : What famous duo was first recorded as caesar & cleo`sonny & cher
Music : what famous group included bryan ferry`roxy music
Music : What famous record label has recording studios in Abbey Road`emi
Music : what famous rock n roller is known for his duck walk`chuck berry
Music : what famous singer is the daughter of judy garland`liza minelli
Music : what famous singer is the granddaughter of country singer red foley`debby boone
Music : What famous singer was known to give automobiles to complete strangers`elvis presley
music: what famous song uses the tune "to anacreon in heav'n"?`star spangled banner
Music : what female group sang "barracuda" & "magic man"`heart
Music : What female powerhouse singer died in hollywood on october 3 1970`janis joplin
Music: What female rock star did Mike Wallace of '60 Minutes' interview in 1969?`Janis Joplin
Music : what film company did michael jackson create in 1993`nation
Music : What film showed Sinatra & his friends robbing Las Vegas casinos`oceans eleven
Music : What "flew away," in whiter shade of pale`the ceiling
Music: What folk group provided the music for the t.v. series "robin hood"`clannad
Music : What foursome was billed by some as the first hippie band`mamas & the papas
Music : what french speaking country is celine dion from`canada
Music : what fruit graces the cover of jeff beck's beck ola`an apple
Music : What future rock star was reportedly the inspiration for Bob Dylan's Forever Young`jakob dylan
Music : What geometric shape contributes to the Def Leppard logo`triangle
Music : What George Michael/Elton John record entered the charts at no1 on international AIDS day`don't let the sun go down on me
Music : What glitter rocker debuted on Broadway in 1980 in The Elephant Man`david bowie
Music : what go click click click in a song`shears
Music : What great BTO song has (unfortunatley) become the Office Depot theme song`takin care of business
Music : What group asked the musical question "Are We not Men"`devo
Music: What group consisted of Jack, Bruce, Eric Clapton and Ginger Baker`cream
Music : what group did kenny rogers lead in the 1960s`kenny rogers & the first edition
Music: What group did Steve Howe join in 1982?`Asia
Music : What group had a comic designed about them in 1977`kiss
Music : What group had a hit with Breakfast in America`supertramp
Music : What group has more gold, platinum & multi platinum albums than any other`rolling stones
Music : What group is made up of the Gibb brothers`bee gees
Music: What group is Phil Lesh with?`The Grateful Dead
music: what group made the 1982 smash hit "i love rock 'n roll"?`joan jett & the blackhearts
Music : what group or artist recorded the album all eyez on me`2 pac
Music : What group originally formed in 1952 as the four aims`the four tops
Music : what group originally formed in 1984 under the name "the greasy little toes"`the black crowes
Music : what group performed "sultans of swing" & "romeo & juliet"`dire straits
Music : what group performed "you sexy thing"`hot chocolate
Music : What group refused to have their pictures taken while they were not in their makeup`kiss
Music : what group released the song "free your mind & your ass will follow"`funkadelic
Music : What group remade "Anarchy In The UK" to be about the Flintstones`green jelly
Music : what group sang the 1967 smash hit "i'm a believer"`monkees
Music : What group sang "What You Need"`inxs
Music : What group's biggest ever hit was 'Be My Baby'`ronettes
Music : What group's biggest-ever hit was Be My Baby`the ronettes
Music: What group sings the songs 'Mysterons', 'Western Eyes', and 'Sour Times'`Portishead
Music : what groups irish music did stanley kubrick use for the barry lyndon soundtrack`the chieftains
Music : What groups third album was 'Sports' & featured 'Heart & Soul' & 'I Want A New Drug'`huey lewis & the news
Music: What group taped the first 3-D rock video in 1983?`Aerosmith
MUSIC: What group was Agnetha Faltskog a member of`ABBA
Music : what group was denny laine in before he joined "wings"`moody blues
music: what group was led by burton cummings`guess who
Music : What group with a reptilian name was released on the white label`the turtles
Music: What guitar company created the 'Flying V' guitar in the late 1950's?`Gibson
Music : What guitarist collaborated with Matt Johnson on Mind Bomb`johnny marr
Music : what guitarist died in 1971, a year after his electric star spangled banner rocked woodstock`jimi hendrix
Music : what hank williams hit mourns "lawd, i'm nobody's sugar daddy now"`lovesick blues
Music: What hardcore rock group sings, 'Blind' and 'Clown'?`Korn
Music : what hardcore rock group sings, 'blind' & 'clown'`korn
Music : What heavy metalers hit the top of the charts in 1988 with "Love Bites"`def leppard
Music : what heavy metal group apart from slade sings mama weer all crazee now`quiet riot
Music: What hit did Essex record to their #1 hit`easier said than done
Music : what holiday tune did irving berlin write in 1942`white christmas
Music: What household appliance did bandleader Fred Warring invent`waring
Music: What household appliance did bandleader Fred Warring invent`waring blender
Music : What I got, you gotta give it to your momma`give it away
music: what instrumental number was from the soundtrack "deliverance"`dueling banjos
Music : what instrument are you playing when you perform a rim shot`drums
Music: What instrument are you playing when you perform a Rim Shot?`The Drums
Music : what instrument can you pull out all the stops on`organ
Music: what instrument did bob dylan play in his recording debut`harmonica
MUSIC: What instrument did Jools Holland of Squeeze play`Keyboard
music: what instrument did jose iturbi play`piano
Music: What instrument did JS Bach play`organ
Music : what instrument did sherlock holmes play`violin
Music: What instrument did Thelonius S. Monk play`Piano
Music : what instrument does eric clapton play`guitar
Music : what instrument does ian anderson play`flute
Music : what instrument does johnny winter play`guitar
Music : what instrument does papa john creach play`fiddle
Music : What instrument does phil collins play`drums
Music : What instrument does Phil Lynott of Thin Lizzy play`guitar
Music: What instrument does Ravi Shankar play?`The Sitar
Music : what instrument does tommy shaw of styx play`guitar
Music : what instrument in an orchestra plays the lowest note the bass, the double bass or bassoon`double bass
Music : what instrument is not played with a bow the double bass, harp or violin`harp
Music : what irish singer recorded astral weeks`van morrison
music: what is a combination of notes played together called?`a chord
Music : What is 'Anacreon In Heaven'`old english drinking song
music: what is an etude?`a piece written specifically for study
Music : what is an example of a linda ronstadt hit record`youre no good
Music : what is a piano with vertical strings called`upright piano
music: what is aretha franklin's home town?`detroit
Music : What is Arlo Guthrie's famous song about littering and the draft`alices restaurant
MUSIC: what is a tail piece rounding off a musical composition called`coda
Music : what is a type of west indian popular music`reggae
Music : What is cat stevens birth name`steven georgiou
Music : what is cher's maiden name`sarkassian
Music: What is cher's maiden name?`Sarkassian
Music: What is Cliff Richards real name`harry webb
Music : what is dolly parton's middle name`rebecca
music: what is duke ellington's full name?`edward kennedy ellington
Music : what is elton john's real name`reginald dwight
Music: What is Elton John's real name?`Reginald Dwight
Music: What is Eric Clapton's nickname`Slow hand
Music : What is Frank Sinatra's middle name`albert
Music : What is Ice Cube's real name`o'shea jackson
Music : What is indicated by the fine on a piece of sheet music`the end
Music : what is janis joplin's 1970 album`pearl
Music : what is jimmy buffet looking for while he wastes away in margaritaville`shaker of salt
Music : What is johnny cash's nickname`the man in black
Music: What is Leslie West's nickname?`Mountain
Music : what is linda mccartney's maiden name`eastman
Music : What is love, according to pat benatar`a battlefield
Music : what is madonna's daughter's name`lourdes
Music : what is madonna's last name`ciccone
Music : what is michael jackson's real name`michael jackson
Music : What is Mick Jagger's favourite sport`cricket
Music: What is Ozzy Osbourne's real first name?`John
MUSIC: What is Paul McCartneys middle name`paul
Music: What is Paul McCartney's real first name?`James
Music : What is P.J.Harvey's first album`dry
Music: What is Ray Charles' real last name?`Robinson
Music: What is Reginald Dwight's artist name?`Elton John
Music: What is Ringo Starr's real name?`Richard Starkey
Music : what is singer vincent furnier's stage name`alice cooper
Music: What is Stevie Wonder's original name`steveland morris judkins
Music: What is Stevie Wonder's real name`Steveland Morris
music: what is the award for selling 1 million copies of an lp album`platinum record
Music : what is the best selling single artist ever`garth brooks
Music : What is the better known name of Harry Webb`cliff richard
MUSIC: What is the first line of the hymn that continues.. Thou didst tread this earth before us,thou didst feel its keenest woe`lead us, heavenly father, lead us
Music : What is the first name of the oldest bee gees' member`maurice
Music : what is the first song on the first side of The Beatles' white album`back in the ussr
Music : What is the first word of Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville`nibbling
MUSIC: What is the highway travelled by aspiring country musicians in the 1930's and 40's`route 66
Music : what is the last name of the beardless band member`beard
Music : what is the most famous song to be re recorded by the same artist`candle in the wind
Music : What is the musical term for a fast tempo`allegro
Music : What is the name for the handle of a violin bow`frog
Music: What is the name of Bob Seager's backing band`silver bullet band
Music : What is the name of CCR's riverboat that is "rolling on the river"`proud mary
Music : what is the name of donny osmond's singing sister`marie
Music : what is the name of eric clapton's favourite guitar`blackie
Music : what is the name of george harrisons hair (as told in the movie "a hard days night")`arthur
Music: What is the name of Igor Stravinsky's first ballet score`firebird
Music : What is the name of Liz Phair's 1st solo album`exile in guyville
Music : What is the name of MTV's VJ Marijne Van Der Vlugt's band?`salad
Music : What is the name of REM's first EP `chronic town
Music : what is the name of the doors' second album`strange days
Music - What is the name of the drummer from Def Leppard that only has one arm`Rick Allen
Music : What is the name of their bootleg CD`shine
Music : what is the name of the movie that madonna make her first role`a certain sacrifice
Music : What is the name of the piano player/singer on ally mcbeal`vonda shepherd
Music : what is the name of the right hand pedal of a piano`sostenuto
Music What is the narrow, inland sea, separating the Arabian peninsula, western Asia, from northeastern Africa`Red sea
Music : what is the real name of bob dylan`robert zimmerman
Music : what is the real name of david bowie`david jones
Music : what is the real name of dusty springfield`mary o'brien
Music : what is the real name of elton john`reginald dwight
Music : what is the real name of elvis costello`declan mcmanus
Music : what is the real name of "little richard"`richard penniman
Music : what is the real name of lou reed`louis firbank
Music : what is the real name of red hot chili peppers bassist, "flea"`michael balzary
music: what is the second most popular instrument played in the usa`guitar
MUSIC: What is the significance of the date 6 july 1957`john lennon met paul mccartney
Music : what is the stage name of cherilyn lapierre`cher
Music : what is the stage name of gene klein`gene simmons
Music : what is the stage name of harry webb`cliff richard
Music : what is the stage name of john deutschendorf`john denver
Music : what is the stage name of yvette stevens`chaka kahn
Music : what is the surname of pat & debby, us chart toppers in the 50s & 70s respectively`boone
Music : what is the term for a company of three musicans`trio
Music: What is the term for a composition of five voices or instruments?`Quintet
Music : what is the term for a special emphasis placed on an individual note or chord`accent
music: what is the theme song of duke ellington's orchestra?`satin doll
Music : What is the violin technique in which the strings are plucked rather than bowed`pizzicato
Music : what is the word for a narrative song`ballad
Music: What is title of the first Jimi Hendrix LP`are you experienced
Music : What Italian term on sheet music tells the pianist to "play very softly"`pianissimo
Music : What jamaican singer has been on the covers of elle & vogue`grace jones
Music : What jazz musician got his nickname by shortening "Satchel Mouth"`louis armstrong
Music : what jock juice was elvis's favourite on stage thirst quencher`gatorade
Music : What John Denver sing was a hit for Peter, Paul and Mary`leaving on a jet plane
Music: What John Lennon/David Bowie single went to #1 in 1975?`Fame
Music: What keys do composers use to express cheerful or optimistic feeling`major keys
Music : what kind of dance was chubby checker the king of`the twist
Music : "What Kind Of Man Would I Be"`chicago
Music : what kind of music did the 1973 movie the harder they come introduce to north america`reggae
Music : What kind of music does c & w stand for`country & western
Music: What kind of music does Tanya Tucker sing`country & western
MUSIC :What kind of music is usually associated with Bob Marley`reggae
Music : What kind of music is written for an ensemble with only one person per instrument`chamber music
Music : What kind of song imitates the fanfares, drum rolls, & commotion of a battle`battaglia
Music : What kind of whispers did George Michael croon about`careless whispers
Music : What kiss hit was inspired by peter criss's wife lydia`beth
Music : what label did elvis presley first record with`sun
Music : What label owns the rights to every elvis recording ever made`rca
Music : What language do the majority of musical terms stem from`italian
Music : What languages except english did Einstuerzende Neubauten record 'blume' `french & japanese
Music: What license plate number is on the volkswagon on the cover of the Beatles' 'Abbey Road' album?`281F
Music : what line in a johnny cash song follows "because you're mine"`i walk the line
Music : what little river band tune opens with a melody identical to the i love lucy theme song`reminiscing
Music : what looks like a saxaphone but sounds like a harmonica`goofus
Music : What lynched crook does Carol King sing about on her Tapestry album`smackwater jack
Music : what major does david bowie's 'space oddity' refer to`major tom
Music: What Motown group still has its original members after three decades`four tops
Music : what motown song was played on a tv ad for st pauli girl imported beer in 1993`my girl
Music : What movie can you see Michael Hutchence in`dogs in space
Music : What movie did rappers ice cube & ice t star in`trespass
Music : What movie soundtrack is Eric Clapton's "Tears In Heaven" from`rush
Music : what musical abbreviation indicates that the notes be played one octave higher`8va
Music : what musical featured "i could have danced all night"`my fair lady
Music : What musical instrument has chanters & drones`the bagpipe
Music : what musical instrument is played to wake soldiers`bugle
Music : what musical was named after a u.s city`oklahoma
Music : what name did nick rhodes, john taylor, simon le bon, roger taylor & andy taylor take`duran duran
Music : what name is given to the style of western music from about 1600 1750`baroque
Music : What name is the French pianist Phillipe Pages better known`richard claydermen
Music : what name is the musician, charles hardin, better known as`buddy holly
Music : What nationality are Simple Minds who topped the charts with Belfast Child`scottish
Music : what nationality are the members of the 80's pop band a ha`norwegian
MUSIC: what nationality is alanis morissette`canadian
Music : what nationality is celine dion`canadian
Music : What nationality is rock star rick springfield`australian
MUSIC: What nationality was the composer Sibelius`finnish
Music: What new artist recently came out with 'Babylon', 'Sail Away', and 'My oh my'`David Gray
Music: What New Wave band was first known as Cap'n Swing`cars
Music : what night of the week did john travolta get disco fever`saturday night
Music : What Nirvana song from "Nevermind" is about rape`polly
Music : What norway pop band included morten, pal & mags`a ha
Music : what opera star sang with john denver on the album "perhaps love"`placido domingo
music: what opera was written by verdi for the opening of the suez canal`aida
Music : what part of a piano's action permits the keys to be struck in quick repetition`escapement
music: what peace-loving couple hosted the mike douglas show in 1972?`john lennon & yoko ono
Music : what performer was billed as 'ten fiery fingers on the piano' when he led the bill at a 1958 show in st. Louis`jerry lee lewis
Music : What Pete Seeger composition became the peace campaigners anthem`we shall overcome
Music : What pink floyd hit says: "i don't need no arms around me, i don't need no drugs to calm me"`another brick in the wall
Music : What Poison ballad is about a Vietnam veteran and the homeless`something to believe in
Music : what pop group sang 'stayinalive'`bee gees
Music : what pop star's book had time quipping "put it all on, please"`madonna
Music : what pop star's first & middle names are katherine dawn`kd lang
Music : What pop trio is made up of a bassist, drummer, & pianist`ben folds five
Music: What popular folk singer recorded the 1968 hit "Both Sides Now"`judy collins
Music: What popular rock 'n roll DJ was the subject of "American Hot Wax"`alan freed
music: what popular trumpet player is famous for his dixiland music`al hirt
Music : what portable, electric, & grand instrumentis a yamahacp70b`piano
Music : what posthumous release was janis joplin's only no. 1 single`me & bobby mcgee
Music : What post twist dance was named after an african tribe`watusi
Music : What Prince lp did Wal Mart refuse to stock in may, 1988`love sexy
Music : What Procol Harem tune was based on the Bach cantata Sleepers Awake`a whiter shade of pale
Music : What procol harem tune was based on the Bach cantata sleepers awake`whiter shade of pale
MUSIC:What question did the Small Faces ask in 1965`Whatcha gonna do about it
Music : What question ends the Ira Gershwin lines: "I got rhythm / I got music / I got my man ..."`who could ask for anything more
Music : What rappers were born o'shea jackson & tracey marrow`ice cube & ice t
Music : What Ray Charles song pines "i'll just live my life in dreams of yesterday"`i can't stop loving you
Music: what recording artist made "all shook up" a top hit`elvis presley
Music: What recording artist made "Call Me" into one of the top hits of 1980`blondie
Music : what reggae artist is also known as "the cool ruler"`gregory isaacs
Music: What reggae star was scheduled to receive Jamaica's Order of Merit`bob marley
Music - What Robert Palmer song was originally recorded as a duet with Chaka Kahn`Addicted to Love
music: what rock group was the first to appear at montreux switzerland?`pink floyd
Music : What rock `n` roller was rapped in the press as a "hillbilly"`elvis presley
Music : What rock 'n' roll singer is memorialized by an eight foot bronze statue in Lubboc, Texas`buddy holly
Music : What rock performer is nicknamed the boss`bruce springsteen
Music : what rock star named one of his kids dweezil`frank zappa
Music : What rock star took his name from a meat dish`meat loaf
Music : What rock star was shot in 1980`john lennon
Music : What rocksteady act had an early MTV hit with the song "Our House"`madness
Music : What Rogers and Hart musical is based on a Shakespeare play`the boys from syracuse
Music : What rolling stones album contains the songs, start me up & waiting for a friend`tattoo you
Music: What Rolling Stones album originally had a 3-D cover in 1967`Their
Music: What Rolling Stones album originally had a 3-D cover in 1967?`Their Satanic Majesties Request
Music: What Rush album cover features rabbits and a magician's hat?`Presto
Music : Whats a common decription of bands from seattle`grunge
Music : what's another name for a gramophone`record player
Music : What Scottish singer once said "My passions are soccer, drinking and women, in that order`rod stewart
Music : what's david bowie son's name`zowie
Music : what section of a symphony orchestra is obsessed with f holes`the string section
Music : what's found on lonely street`heartbreak hotel
Music : what shania twain song was kept from the radio because of content`whose bed have your boots been under
Music : what shortlived 1978 braodway show was based on elvis presley's life`the legend lives
Music : what's il barbiere di siviglia better known as`the barber of seville
Music : What simple minds song featured in the movie "the breakfast club:"`don't you forget about me
Music : what simple musical instrument is named after its shape`triangle
Music : What singer changed his name to avoid being confused with davey jones of the monkees`david bowie
Music : What singer choreographed videos for duran duran, debbie gibson, & zz top`paula abdul
Music: What singer did NBC introduce as the 1st black TV host in the 1950`nat king cole
Music : what singer/guitar player opened for the monkees during his first u.s.tour`jimi hendrix
Music : what singer had big sellers with both the single & the album i love rock 'n' roll in 1983`joan jett
Music: What singer has albums such as 'Out of Range' and 'To the Teeth'`Ani DiFranco
Music : What singer is affectionately known as "the old groaner"`bing crosby
Music : what singer is known as the man in black`johnny cash
music: what singer made 'a boy named sue' popular`johnny cash
Music: What singer made "A Boy Named Sue" popular`Jonny Cash
Music : what singer performed on the santana hit single, smooth`rob thomas
music: what singer quit barbering to sing with ted weems?`perry como
Music: What singer sang with burnt cork on his face and wore black gloves`al jolson
music: what singer sang "you light up my life"`debby boone
Music: What singer songwriter had five albums in the Billboard Top 200 in 1977`barry manilow
Music : What singer/songwriter was the inspiration for neil sedaka's oh carol`carole king
Music : what singer starred on radios "your hit parade"`frank sinatra
Music : what singer was in a car crash with sam cooke & mistakenly pronounced dead`lou rawls
MUSIC: what singer with joy division hung himself`Ian curtis
Music: What singing duo was famed for performing "Indian Love Call" together`jeanette macdonald and nelson eddy
Music : What singing group were once known as The Quarrymen`the beatles
Music : what's iron butterfly's in a gadda da vida supposed to mean`in a garden of eden
Music : What's known in jazz lingo as a "cutting contest"`music competition
Music : What song by Don McLean talks about the day Buddy Holly died`american pie
Music: What song by Frankie Avalon went to #1 in 1959?`Venus
Music : What song by jim croce reached number one on the charts after his death`time in a bottle
Music : what song by tom petty was sung in the movie "silence of the lambs"`american girl
Music : What song contains these lyrics: "paranoia, paranoia, everybody's coming to get me. Just say you never met me."`flagpole sitta
Music : What song did Aretha Franklin sing in Blues Brothers`think
Music : what song did aretha franklin sing in the blues brothers movie`think
Music : What song did bbc television use as accompaniment to its broadcast of the apollo moon landing`space oddity
Music : What song did both Frank Sinatra & Kermit the Frog sing`bein green
Music : what song did carly simon sing for a james bond film`nobody does it better
Music : What song did Dolly Parton write as a farewell to her mentor, Porter Waggoner`i will always love you
Music: What song did Elton John and George Michael sing as a duet?`Don't let the sun go down on me
Music : what song did elton john & bernie taupin rewrite for the funeral of princess diana`candle in the wind
Music : what song did elton john & george michael sing as a duet`don't let the sun go down on me
Music : what song did lenny kravitz produce for madonna`justify my love
Music : what song did lionel richie & diana ross sing together`endless love
Music : what song did sugar ray sing at the olympics`someday
Music : What song did the Kinks rewrite "louie louie" into`you really got me
Music : what song does gloria estefan & nsync sing together`song of my heart
Music : what song has boy george confessing my love was an addiction`karma chameleon
Music: What song have Steve Lawrence and Donny Osmond taken to #1`go away little girl
Music : what song have Steve Lawrence & Donny Osmond taken to #1`go away little girl
Music : what song includes the words 'australians let us all rejoice'`advance australia fair
Music : What song is covered by Shane McGowen & Nick Cave`what a wonderful world
Music : What song is played before the tip-off of every New York Knicks home game`jump
Music : What song mentions one of 16 vestal virgins`whiter shade of pale
Music : What song mentions one of 16 vestal virgins`whiter shade of ppale
Music : What song mentions one of the 16 vestal virgins `whiter shade of pale
Music: what song of shania twain's was on the notting hill soundtrack`you've
music: what song of shania twain's was on the notting hill soundtrack?`you've got a way
Music : what song propelled herb alpert & the tijuana brass come to fame`the lonely bull
Music : What song spawned a lawsuit for Tommy Tutone`jenny
Music : What song's second line is 'and i'll cry if i want to'`it's my party
Music : what song uses the lyrics "girl i need you... But i know its gonna hurt... Cause your love is gonna tear me apart"`hole in my heart
Music : what song was also performed by guns n roses & written by paul mccartney for a james bond film`live & let die
Music: What song was originally 'Good morning to You' before the words were changed and it was published in 1935?`Happy Birthday to You
Music : what song won the grammy for best instrumental in 1968`classical gas
Music : what song won the grammy for "record of the year" in 1968`mrs robinson
Music : what song won the grammy for "song of the year" in 1977`you light up my life
Music : What songwriting queen married gerry goffin in her teens`carole king
Music : what sort of musical instruments are high hats & sizzles`cymbals
Music : What specially "trained" singers first appeared in the sistine chapel choir in 1550`castrati
Music : What sport did terence trent d'arby compete in before he was a pop star`boxing
Music : What stage name is used by Gordon Sumner`sting
Music : what steam powered keyboard instrument is named after the muse of eloquence`calliope
Music: What Stevie Wonder song was recorded by 'Beck Bogart and Appice'?`Superstition
Music : "What's that you say to me, does love light up your Christmas tree"`if god will send his angels
Music : what's the fieriest of def leppard's album titles`pyromania
Music : What's the first instrument heard in rhapsody in blue`clarinet
Music : what's the lowest female voice in an opera`contralto
Music : what's the more common name of pop music artist gordon sumner`sting
Music : What's the name of B.B. King's guitar`lucille
Music : what's the name of the original misfits lead singer`glenn danzig
Music : What's the next Clapton line: "Before you accuse me"`take a look at yourself
Music : What's the note c in the middle of a piano keyboard called`middle c
Music : What's the origin of most of Minimal Compact members`israel
Music : what's the term for promptness & decision in starting a musical phrase`attack
Music : what style of music was exemplified by benny goodman & artie shaw`swing
Music - What supermodel appeared in Culture Club's 1983 video "I'll Tumble 4 Ya"`Naomi Campbell
Music : what superstar is nicknamed jacko`michael jackson
Music : What swedish rock band recorded the song "the final countdown"`europe
Music : What Swiss resident won a Grammie Award for singing Downtown`petula clark
Music: What term is used for the speed at which a piece of music is played `Tempo
Music: what time did the everly broters' little susie wake up`four a.m.
Music : What tragic accident ended jim croce's career`plane crash
Music : What train tune took Gladys Knight & the Pips to number one`midnight train to georgia
Music : what trio sang "if i had a hammer"`peter, paul & mary
Music: What TV show did Mickey Dolenz of The Monkees appear in when he was a child`Circus Boy
Music - What two bands formed to make Guns N Roses`L.A. Guns and Hollywood Roses
Music : what type of french dance became world famous for its vulgarity & lewdness`cancan
MUSIC: What type of music did Ira D Sankey compose`hymns
Music : What type of music from trinidad is often accompanied by steel drums`calypso
MUSIC: What type of music is associated with the Dixie Hummingbirds,Swan Silvertones and Five Blind Boys of Alabama`gospel music
MUSIC: What type of music is produced by French speaking settlers of Louisiana`Cajun
MUSIC: What type of music, popular in the 1950s features washboard, tea chest bass and other improvised instruments`skiffle
Music : What type of plane did buddy holly, the big bopper, & richie valens die`beech bonanza
Music : What U.S. classical conductor won posthumous Grammy Awards in 1991, 1992, & 1993`leonard bernstein
Music : What U S state song is named for a river within the state`swanee river
Music : what u.s. state was used for the location shots for the 1955 hit musical oklahoma`arizona
Music : What ustralian band sings "truly madly deeply"`savage garden
Music: what vivaldi concerto had movements "spring, summer, fall, and winter`four seasons
Music: What Vivaldi concerto had movements "Spring, Summer, Fall, & Winter`four seasons
MUSIC: What was a kit`small violin
MUSIC: what was aqua's second number 1`doctor jones
Music : what was beethoven's first name`ludwig
Music : What was Beethoven's only opera called`fidelio
Music : what was billie holliday addicted to`heroin
MUSIC: What was Bing Crosbys first name`harry
Music : what was blondie's first number one song in america`heart of glass
MUSIC: What was Britains first winning Eurovision song entry`puppet on a string
MUSIC: What was Bruce Channels no 2 hit in 1962`Hey! Baby
Music: What was CB McCall`s record that helped popularize the CB radio`convoy
Music: What was Chicago's original name`chicago transit authority
music: what was chubby checker's original name`ernest evans
Music: What was Ed Ames' biggest solo hit`my cup runneth over
Music - What was Eddie Money's profession before he was an entertainer`New York City Cop
Music : What was elton john's first uk number 1`don't go breaking my heart
Music : what was elvis' mother's name`grace
Music : What was Elvis Presley's twin brother's name`garon
Music : What was Elvis Presley's wife's name`priscilla
MUSIC:What was Fats Wallers theme tune`Ain't misbehavin'
Music: What was Glenn Campbell's TV theme song`gentle on my mind
Music : what was john lennon's first girlfriend's name`thelma pickles
Music : what was john lennon's middle name before he changed it to ono`winston
Music: What was John Lennon's real middle name?`Winston
Music : What was Johnny Cash's first million seller, in 1956`i walk the line
Music: What was Kate Smith's nickname`songbird of the south
Music: What was Kevin Bacon's first big hit?`Footloose
music: what was lawrence welk's only #1 hit record`calcutta
Music : What was Magellan hit with in "The Ballad of Magellan"`a spear
Music : what was mozart's first name`wolfgang
Music : what was mozart's middle name`amadeus
Music: What was REO Speedwagon's 1983 chartbusting LP?`High Infidelity
Music: What was Robert Palmer addicted to?`Love
Music : what was roy orbison's backup group called`candymen
Music: What was Sam Cooke's only #1 song?`You Send Me
MUSIC: what was significant about the pretenders brass in pocket`the first number one of the eighties
Music: What was Sly and the Family Stone's first No. 1 song`Everyday People
Music : What was solomon burke dubbed the king of`rock & soul
Music : What was stephen foster addicted to when he died`alcohol
Music: what was Steve Miller's magical incantation in 1982?`abracadabra
Music :What Was The American Tribal Love Rock Musical`Hair
Music : What was The Beatles' biggest hit single`hey jude
Music: What was the biggest hit of Procul Harum`a whiter shade of pale
music: what was the descriptive name of larry funk's orchestra?`band of a thousand melodies
Music: What was the first album Roger Waters released after leaving Pink Floyd?`The Pros and Cons of Hitch Hiking
Music : what was the first american hit for the guess who`these eyes
MUSIC:What was the first Dylan album to be recorded in Nashville`Blonde on blonde
Music : what was the first metal band`black sabbath
Music : what was the first opera commisioned especially for television`amahl & the night visitors
Music: What was The Grassroots' highest charting single`Midnight Confessions
Music : what was the last album made by The Beatles, as a group`abbey road
Music : what was the last work written by j. S. Bach`the art of the fugu
Music : What was the name of Cliff's backing group, which included Bruce Welch`the shadows
MUSIC: What was the name of Culture Clubs first no 1 hit`do you really want to hurt me
Music : What was the name of elo's first platinum single`don't bring me down
music: what was the name of james taylor's first group?`flying machine
Music : what was the name of jimi hendrix' first album`are you experienced
Music : what was the name of john lennon & cynthia lennon's son`julian
Music: What was the name of Les Brown's orchestra`band of reknown
Music: What was the name of Little Richard's backup band`The Upsetters
MUSIC: What was the name of Manfred Manns no 1 hit of April 1966`pretty flamingo
MUSIC: what was the name of patsy kensits band`eighth wonder
Music : what was the name of ritchie valens' girlfriend`donna
Music: What was the name of the airplain Buddy Holly died in?`American Pie
Music : what was the name of the astronaut in david bowie's song "space oddity"`major tom
MUSIC: What was the name of the Austrian composer who became known as The Waltz King`Johann Strauss the younger
Music : What was the name of the female vocal trio that sang with ray charles`the raelettes
MUSIC: What was the nickname for the folk and blues singer Huddie Leadbetter`leadbelly
music: what was the nickname given to country singer louis jones`grandpa jones
Music : What was the nickname of blues pianist Ferdinand Morton`jelly roll
music: what was the nickname of country western singer charlie rich`silver fox
Music : what was the one word title of chers solo show`cher
Music: What was the only hit song for the band 'It's a Beautiful Day'`White
Music: What was the only hit song for the band 'It's a Beautiful Day'?`White Bird
Music: What was the only song by Jimi Hendrix to make the Top 40 charts in America`All Along the Watchtower
Music : What was the original label of the Smiths`rough trade
Music : What was the original name of paul mccartney's fictional church cleaner 'eleanor rigby' `miss daisy hawkins
Music: What was the original name of The Byrds`Beefeaters
Music: What was the original name of the group 'Chicago'?`Chicago Transit Authority
Music : what was the protagonist's name in pink floyd's epic album/film the wall`pink
Music : What was Therapy's first full length album called`nurse
Music : what was the river that gerry & the pacemakers sent a ferry across`mersey
Music : what was the stones' own record label called`rolling stones
MUSIC:What was the Supremes first UK hit in 1964`where did our love go
Music: What was the Supremes' original name`The Primettes
Music :what was the theme song of paul whiteman`rhapsody in blue
Music : what was the title behind the alan parson's project's 'tales of mystery & imagination' l.p.`stories of edgar allen poe
MUSIC: what was the title of althia & donnas only hit`uptown top ranking
Music : what was the title of bonnie tylers biggest hit`total eclipse of the heart
MUSIC: What was the title of the first no1 by The Police`message in a bottle
Music : what was the 'unfinished symphony' meant to be played for`a requiem
Music : What was the very first video played on MTV`video killed the radio star
Music : what was thicker than water for andy gibb`love
Music - What was U2 originally going to be named`The Hype
MUSIC: What was U2's first number one single`Desire
MUSIC: What was Yaz only no 1 hit in Oct 1988`The Only Way Is Up
Music : What weapon is tatooed on Glen Campbell's arm`dagger
Music : what weapon is tattooed on glen campell's arm`dagger
Music : What weird ideas prompt him to call his friend Leroy on his last studio album`things to do in denver when youre dead
Music: what were frankie and johnny to each other in the old song`lovers
Music : What were frankie & johnny to each other in the old song `lovers
Music: What were Simon and Garfunkel known as in high school`tom and
Music : what were sonny & cher originally called`caesar & cleo
Music : what were the doobie brothers on while shooting the cover photo for stampede`horses
Music : what won the country music association "single of the year" award in 1971`help me make it through the night
Music : what won the country music association "song of the year" award in 1981`he stopped loving her today
Music : what won the grammy for "best country vocal performance by a duo or group" in 1972`class of 57
Music : what won the oscar for original song in 1985`say you, say me
Music: What year did Chet Atkins release his first solo album?`1953
Music : What year did Elvis Presley die`1977
Music : What year did the Beatles first go to no1`1963
Music : What year did The Beatles split up`1970
Music : What year did the first recognized rap song come out`1979
Music : what year was madonna born`1958
Music : when did members of the byrds come together as a group`1965
Music : when did sgt pepper teach the band to play`twenty years ago today
Music : when did sheryl crowe desire fun until on all i wanna do`til the sun comes up
Music : when did the 'live aid' concerts take place`1985
Music : "When I get to the bottom I go back to the top of the slide"`helter skelter
Music : "When i was down, I was your clown"`dont go breaking my heart
Music : "...When the dogs begin to smell her"`plush
Music : when was mariah carey born`march 27, 1970
Music : when was the cd invented`1988
MUSIC:When was the first LP released commercially in the Uk`1950
MUSIC: Where did Dawn singer Tony Orlando tell his loved one to knock three times in the song of the same name`on the ceiling
Music : where did john lennon meet paul mccartney`woolton
Music : where did simon & garfunkel perform together for the first time in eleven years in 1981`central park
Music : Where does garth brooks have friends, according to his hit song`low places
Music : where does The Beatles' "long & winding road" lead`to your door
Music : Where do the characters in porgy & bess live`catfish row
Music : Where do the Guess Who hail from (country)`canada
Music : where in harlem was the first home of duke ellington's orchestra`the cotton club
Music : where in new york state did the band record music from big pink`woodstock
Music: Where is Motown`detroit
Music : Where the group Rose Royce worked, according to their Trash Disco hit.`car wash
Music: Where was Bob Dylan born`duluth, minnesota
Music : where was jennifer lopez born`bronx, ny
MUSIC: Where were the 3 coins in Frank Sinatras 1954 no1 hit`in the fountain
Music : Where would you most likely perform a dirge`a funeral
Music : Whether they sand "All Or Nothing" or not, this duo still bites big time..`milli vanilli
MUSIC: which 1978 hit paid tribute to painter l.s. lowry`matchstalk men and matchstalk cats and dogs
MUSIC; Which 2 songwriters wrote the lyrics for the stage musical based on the Disney film The Lion King`elton john & tim rice
Music : Which 60s song from the film Buster was the first hit for Phil Collins both sides of the Atlantc`a groovy kind of love
MUSIC: Which 60s TV comedy show is mentioned on Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band`meet the wife
MUSIC: Which 70's rock band took their name from a US gangster city`Chicago
MUSIC: Which 80s group sang "Reward"`Teardrop Explodes
Music : which 80's pop band did fatboy slim used to sing for`the housemartins
Music : Which 90s Madonna hit shares its name with a glossy magazine`vogue
MUSIC: Which american composer wrote rhapsody in blue`george gershwin
MUSIC: Which american jazz musician composed and recorded Black Bottom Stomp in the late 1920`jelly roll morton
Music: which artist /band sang We Are Strong`Pat Benetar
MUSIC:Which artist did Don Mclean sing about in Starry starry night`Vincent van gogh
Music: Which australian duo took 13 nominations and 10 wins at the aria awards?`savage garden
Music : Which australian lead singer recently had a breast cancer scare`olivia newton john
MUSIC: which band asked "is vic there?"`department s
MUSIC: which band backed jimmy james`the vagabonds
MUSIC: Which band did Jet Black belong to`The Stranglers
MUSIC: Which band do Bjorn again impersonate`ABBA
Music : Which band does the son of bob dylan sing for`the wallflowers
Music : Which band had 2 nuber one hits in Denmark before their home country of Sweden`ace of base
Music : Which band is the house band for 'Where in the World is Carmen Sandiago'`rockappella
MUSIC: which band reached no 8 in 1985 with " johnny come home"`fine young cannibals
MUSIC: which bands 1986 album was called london 0 hull 4`the housemartins
Music : which band's drummer stayed with them even after he lost one of his arms`def leppard
MUSIC: which band started out supporting the sex pistols anarchy tour`the clash
MUSIC: which band topped the singles charts in 1999 -19yrs after their previous no1`blondie
MUSIC: which band used to be called seymour`blur
Music: Which band wrote "Loose Fit" and "Step On"?`The Happy Mondays
Music : which beatle formed the group "wings"`paul mccartney
MUSIC: Which Beatle got to number 2 with "Backoff Boogaloo"`Ringo Starr
MUSIC:Which Beatle was the first to have a number one hit after the break up`George Harrison
Music : Which blues artist toured with u2 in 1989 throughout australia`bb king
Music : Which book of the Bible was a hit for Bob Marley`exodus
MUSIC: Which British female singer had a no 1 hit with "Dreams"`Gabrielle
Music : Which Bruce Springsteen song won the 1993 original song Oscar`philadelphia
Music : which canadian songstress won the eurovision song contest in 1987 singing for france`celine dion
Music : which cher video was restricted to night play on mtv because of her rather revealing outfit worn in the video`if i could turn back time
MUSIC: Which comedy team had a hit with Funky Gibbon`the goodies
Music : which commemoration to elvis was issued by the us post office in 1993`stamp
MUSIC: Which composers third symphony is known as Eroica`beethoven
MUSIC: Which composer wrote The Messiah`handel
MUSIC: Which country and western star sings with Dylan on the album Nashville Skyline`Johnny Cash
MUSIC: Which country do Bare Naked Ladies come from`Canada
Music : Which country is lene from aqua from`norway
Music : which country is the group a ha from`norway
MUSIC: Which country singer and yodeller had a 1955 no 1 with Rose Marie`slim whitman
Music : Which country singer 'walked the line'`johnny cash
Music : Which country star pleaded for Jolene not to take her man in 1976`dolly parton
Music : Which daughter of Cissy Houston duetted with her on 'I Know Him So Well' on the daughter's album`whitney
MUSIC: which destiny child single was the theme to charlie's angel's movie`independent woman
Music : Which duo sang 'Mrs Robinson' from The Graduate in 1968`simon and garfunkel
Music : Which Elvis Presley hit quoted Shakespeare`are you lonesome tonight
Music : Which elvis was supported by the attractions `costello
MUSIC: Which English city did The Animals come from`Newcastle
MUSIC: Which English composer wrote the orchestral tone poem Egdon Heath in 1927`gustav holst
MUSIC: Which Englissh composer wrote a Sea Symphony and a London Symphony`Ralph Vaughan Williams
Music : which famous drummer narrated the thomas tank engine children series`ringo starr
Music : which female singer redid the classic don mclean song "american pie"`madonna
Music : Which female trio had a hit with 'I Heard A Rumour' in 1987`bananarama
Music : Which film star's eyes were a hit for Kim Carnes`bette davis
Music : which former beatle was killed in 1980`john lennon
Music : Which former members of Bob Dylans backing band had their first number one hit with Deeply Dippy`right said fred
MUSIC: Which french musician is famous for his laser concerts`jean michel jarre
MUSIC: Which girl did Pink Floyd "See play" on an early 60's single`Emily
Music: Which great composer poured ice water over his head everytime he sat down to write music?`Beethoven
MUSIC;Which great composer was once a butchers boy`Dvorak
MUSIC: Which grooup had a hit with tiger feet`mud
MUSIC: Which group comprised Cass,Michelle,John and Denny`The Mamas and the Papas
MUSIC: Which group had a 70s no 1 with "Another brick in the wall"`Pink Floyd
MUSIC: Which group had a hit with "All right now" first in thw 70s and then again in the 90s`Free
MUSIC: Which group had a hit with "all right now" in both the 70s and 90s`Free
MUSIC: Which group had a hit with My Generation`The Who
MUSIC: Which group had albums called Fireball and Machine Head`Deep Purple
MUSIC: Which group had hits with Mr Tambourine Man and Eight Miles High`The Byrds
MUSIC: Which group had no 1 albums with Discovery and Time`Electric Light Orchestra
Music : Which group had the hit "invisible touch"`genesis
MUSIC: Which group had top ten hits with Dancing Party, I wonder why and A little bit of soap`Showaddywaddy
Music : which group is made up of the gibb brothers`bee gees
Music : which group performed classics like "it don't matter to me" & "i want to make it with you" & "if"`bread
Music : which group redid the classic lionel richie song "easy"`faith no more
MUSIC: which group released ghetto romance`damage
Music : Which group's first single didn't even scrape the bottom of the top 40, but their second, '867 5309/Jenny' peaked & went gold in 1982`tommy tutone
MUSIC: Which groups road manager was shot dead in 1986 in Northern Ireland`bananarama
Music : which groups third album was 'sports' & featured 'heart & soul' & 'i want a new drug'`huey lewis & the news
MUSIC: Which group took "The anniversary waltz " into the charts in the 90s`Status Quo
MUSIC: Which group was at no 1 at christmas 1974 with Lonely this christmas`mud
MUSIC: Which group was formed by Roy Wood in 1971`Electric Light Orchestra
MUSIC: Which group would you associate with the songs Light my fire, Hello I love you and Riders on the storm`The doors
Music : Which insect was a number 1 hit for U2`the fly
MUSIC: Which instrument is associated with Jacqueline Du Pre`Cello
MUSIC; Which instrument is played by the leader of the orchestra`violin
MUSIC:Which Irish pop star organised Live Aid`bob geldof
MUSIC: Which Israeli group won the Eurovision song contest in 1979`milk and honey
MUSIC: Which jazz clarinetist recorded Mozarts Clarinet concerto with the Boston Symphony Orchestra`Benny Goodman
Music : Which KC and the Sunshine Band song was a hit for KWS in the 90's`please don't go
MUSIC: which kraftwerk no1 was officially the b side of computer love`the model
Music : Which kylie minogue song sings "i'll forgive & forget if you say you'll never know"`better the devil you know
MUSIC: Which Labour party leader starred in Tracey Ullmans video "My Guy"`Neil Kinnock
Music : which mccartney song is about john lennons' son & his trauma after lennon's divorce`hey jude
Music - Which Megadeath frontman was also a member of Metallica`Dave Mustaine
Music : which member of a band plays the 'skins'`drummer
Music : Which member of the Rolling Stones drowned in a swimming pool`brian jones
MUSIC: Which member of The Who switched to literature`Pete Townshend
MUSIC: Which "mode" were regular chart members in the 80s`depeche
Music : which musical instrument is the inventor leo fender associated with`electric guitar
MUSIC: Which musical note is half the value of a crotchet`quaver
Music : Which name did greg brady perform under`johnny bravo
Music : which new romantic hair band sang "i ran (so far away)"`a flock of seagulls
Music : Which note does an orchestra tune to`a
Music : which of paul simon's musical characters was told to hop on the bus`gus
Music : Which of the Beatles wrote "In his own write"`john lennon
MUSIC: which one is not one of the corrs andrea, colleen,sharon`colleen
Music : which one of the monkees played a circus boy in circus boy`mickey dolenz
Music : which one of the three tenors is not spanish `pavarotti
Music : which park gave hit records for donna summer & richard harris`macarthur
MUSIC: Which part of the body was mentioned in the title of Reefs first top 10 hit`Hands
MUSIC: Which Philadelphia vocal group were favorites of Prince Charles`the three degrees
Music : which pianist lived with his mother, frances, until his death in 1980`liberace
MUSIC: Which pop group had albums called Nevermind and Bleach`nirvana
MUSIC: Which pop group named itself after a 1956 John wayne film`The Searchers
MUSIC: Which pop group released albums White Light,White Heat and Loaded`velvet underground
Music:Which pop group were known as the Fab Four`the beatles
Music : which pop/rock composer has used the pseudonym "lord choc ice"`elton john
MUSIC: Which pop singer has compiled a book of equine anecdotes`Alvin Stardust
MUSIC: Which pop star played the title role in the film Tommy`Roger Daltrey
Music : which rockabilly group features singer pearl e. Gates`pearl harbor
Music : which rock singer is known as "the boss"`bruce springsteen
MUSIC: Which rock stars daughter born aug 2000 is named Alexandria Zahra Jones`david bowie
MUSIC: Which rock trio were filmed at their final concert at the Royal Albert hall in 1968`cream
MUSIC: Which Rolling Stone said "Je suis un rock star" in 1981`Bill Wyman
MUSIC: Which Scottish singer was part of the 70's band Slik`Midge Ure
Music : Which showbiz veteran recorded the singalonga series of albums`max bygraves
MUSIC: which simple minds album spent 83weeks in the uk charts`Once upon a time
MUSIC: Which singer fronted the bands The Specials, Fun Boy Three and The Colour Filed`terry hall
MUSIC: Which singer had top ten hits in the 1980s with Games without frontiers and Sledgehammer`Peter Gabriel
MUSIC: Which singer married model Christie Brinkley in March 1985`billy joel
MUSIC: Which singer rose to fame in the revue Mr Tower of London in 1923 and became known for Wish me luck as you wave me goodbye`gracie fields
MUSIC: Which singers albums include the best selling Graceland`paul simon
MUSIC: Which singer was given the name The Killer`Jerry Lee Lewis
MUSIC: Which single, when it peaked at number two in the UK charts in 1967, ended a run of 11 consecutive number ones for the Beatles`penny lane
MUSIC: Which song begins "Alas my love, you do me wrong to cast me off discourteously"`Greensleeves
MUSIC: Which song by Adge Cutler and The Wurzels was adopted by Bristol City Football Club as their theme song`drink up thy zider
Music : Which song did robin luke write about his 5 year old sister`susie darlin'
MUSIC: Which song from Sweet Charity has since become associated with Shirley bassey`big spender
MUSIC: Which song - The rising of the sun, and the running of the deer, the playing of the merry organ`the holly and the ivy
Music : which song was released by billy joe royal & written by joe south`down in the boondocks
MUSIC: Which Spice Girl had a hit with "I want you back"`Melanie B
Music : which stage musical contains the following song: tomorrow`annie
Music : Which standard begins, "They asked me how I knew, my true love was true" `smoke gets in your eyes
Music : which sydney suburb was the venue for duran duran's video for union of the snake`kurnell
MUSIC: which teenybop favorites were formerly called the saxons`the bay city rollers
Music: Which Tori Amos album contains the songs 'Icicle', 'Cornflake Girl', and 'Space Dog'`Under the Pink
Music : Which toy company took aqua to court`mattel
Music : Which U2 offering was the first ever million-selling CD`the joshua tree
Music : Which u2 song is about an ira bombing`sunday bloody sunday
Music : Which us singer perry was enjoying chart success when he was over 60`como
MUSIC: Which voice is between tenor and soprano`alto
Music : Which Wagner opera includes the Swan Chorus`lohengrin
MUSIC: Which was Tchaikovskys first ballet`Swan Lake
MUSIC: Which was the first Beatles album to consist entirely of original material`a hard days night
MUSIC: Which was the first British pop group to tour China`Wham!
MUSIC: Which was the first single released by the Beatles on the Apple label`hey jude
Music : Which well known jamaican reggae artist died of cancer in may 1981`bob marley
MUSIC: which year did shakespere's sister get to no1 with "stay"`1992
Music : Whiny Lisa Loeb song from the equally whiny movie "Reality Bites"`stay
MUSIC: "Whiskey in the Jar" - name the group`Thin Lizzy
Music : White Faced rockers had a platinum album named Shout at the Devil in 1984` motley crue
Music : white out was invented by whos mother`mike nesmith
Music: Who admited stealing a copy of his girlfriend's autobiography from an airport stand?`Rod Stewart
Music: Who admited stealing a copy of his girlfriend's autobiography from an airport stand`Rod StewartWhat actress's legs were insured for one million dollars`greta garbo
Music : who advised us to 'break on through to the other side'`doors
Music: Who advised us to 'Break on through to the other side'?`Doors
MUSIC: Who "Aint Gonna Bump No Big Fat Woman"`Joe Tex
Music : who appeared on american bandstand in november of 1957 singing 'hey schoolgirl'`tom & jerry
Music : Who are the two brothers in the band ac/dc`angus & malcolm young
Music : Who asked the musical question "didn't i blow your mind this time"`delfonics
Music : who asked the musical question "dont it make your brown eyes blue"`crystal gayle
Music: who asked the Musical question, where have you gone joe dimaggio`simon & garfunkel
Music: Who assassinated John Lennon?`Mark David Chapman
Music: Who backed up Paul McCartney in "Lady Madonna"`session musicians
Music : Who backs george thorogood`the destroyers
music: who began writing songs while staying at a psychiatric hospital`james taylor
Music : who, besides glenn frey & don henley, has sang lead vocals for the eagles`joe walsh
MUSIC: who called billy idol the perry como of punk`johnny rotten
Music : who called polka music "the happiest sound this side of heaven"`frankie yankovic
MUSIC: Who charted with "As long as you love me" in 1997`Backstreet boys
Music : Who collaborated with queen on under pressure`david bowie
music: who composed all the songs for joan baez's "any day now" gold album?`bob dylan
MUSIC: Who composed Clair de Lune`Debussy
MUSIC:Who composed"I've got you under my skin"`Cole Porter
MUSIC: Who composed Putting on the Ritz and Easter Parade`Irving Berlin
Music : who composed "rhapsody in blue" `george gershwin
Music: Who composed the 1812 Overture`tchaikovsky
MUSIC: Who composed the Academy award winning song Moon River`henry mancini
Music : who composed the brandenburg concertos`bach
Music : who composed "the entertainer"`scott joplin
MUSIC:Who composed the Goldberg Variations`J S bach
Music : who composed the jazzy theme for the police series "m squad"`count basie
MUSIC: Who composed the music for A fistful of Dollars, For a few dollars more and The good the bad and the ugly`ennio morricone
Music : who composed the music for air force one (1996)`jerry goldsmith
Music : who composed the music for apollo 13`james horner
Music : who composed the music for "evita"`andrew lloyd webber
Music : who composed the music for the 1984 olympics opening ceremony`philip glass
Music : who composed the music for the ballet 'l'apres midi d'un faune'`claude debussy
Music : who composed the opera "aida"`verdi
MUSIC: Who composed the opera Billy Budd`Benjamin Brittan
MUSIC: Who composed the Opera Boris Godunov`mussorgski
MUSIC: Who composed the opera Mitridate`mozart
MUSIC: Who composed the opera The bartered bride`smetana
Music : who copped hit parader's honor as `84's loudest group`iron maiden
Music : Who described the life of a space traveler in "Rocket Man"`elton john
Music : Who did a cover version of Europe's "The final countdown" `laibach
Music : who did a double album after leaving The Beatles as an effort to raise money for the famine in bangladesh`george harrison
Music: Who did "Back in the USA" in 1978`linda ronstadt
Music : Who did blue oyster cult tell us not to fear`the reaper
MUSIC: Who did Celime Dion record Immortality with`Bee Gees
Music : Who did Cher spend a week of wedded bliss with, three days after divorcing Sonny`greg allman
Music : who did dolly parton team up with to record 'islands in the stream'`kenny rogers
Music : Who did "Don't Let Him Go" in 1980`reo speedwagon
Music: Who did "Don't Let Him Go" in 1980?`Reo Speedwagon
Music : Who did "Love Potion No 9" in 1971`coasters
Music : who did mozart marry`constance weyburn
Music : Who did "No Time" in 1971`guess who
Music : Who did "Oh My My" in 1974`ringo starr
Music : Who did otis blackwell write the songs "all shook up" & "don't be cruel" for`elvis presley
Music: Who did "State of Confusion" in 1983`kinks
Music: Who did "State of Confusion" in 1983?`The Kinks
Music : Who did the every popular "Nights In White Satin"`moody blues
Music : who did the music for the 1970s film saturday night fever`bee gees
Music : Who did the soundtrack to the movie "Koyaanisqatsi"`philip glass
Music : Who did "Walking on the Moon" in 1979`police
Music: Who did "Walking on the Moon" in 1979?`Police
Music : who did yoko ono marry`john lennon
Music - Who directed Belinda Carlisle video "Heaven is a place on Earth"`Diane Keaton
Music - Who does Bruce Spingsteen pull up on stage on his "Dancing in the Dark" video`Courtney Cox
Music : Who does bruce springsteen say has a hungry heart`everybody
Music : Who does Vanessa Paradis sing about: "From New-York straight to paris..." `lenny kravitz
Music : who do the pips sing with`gladys knight
Music : Who do we know richard starkey better as`ringo starr
Music : "Who Do You Want To Be" was featured in this Tom Hanks/Tawny Kitaen flick. `bachelor party
Music: Who established "Alice's Restaurant"`alice may brock
Music : Who first asserted that 'you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows'`bob dylan
MUSIC; Who first recorded Rudolph the Red nosed Reindeer in 1949`gene autry
Music : Who formed & managed the sex pistols `malcolm mclaren
Music: Who founded 'Live Aid' and 'Band Aid'?`Bob Geldof
Music : Who gave a mindblowing rendition of the star spangled banner at woodstock`jimi hendrix
Music : Who gave waylon jennings hid first guitar`buddy holly
Music: Who got his mojo working`muddy waters
MUSIC: Who got to number 2 in Jan 1967 with "Matthew and Son"`Cat Stevens
MUSIC: Who had 1980s top ten hits with System Addict, Find the Time, and Rain or Shine`five star
MUSIC: Who had a 1966 hit with Good Vibrations`beach Boys
Music : Who had a 1969 hit with Two Little Boys`rolf harris
MUSIC: Who had a 1977 hit with Three Times a Lady`the commodores
MUSIC: Who had a 70s album called Liza with a Z`Liza Minnelli
MUSIC: Who had a 70s hit with Rebel Rebel`Billy Idol
MUSIC: Who had a 70s no 1 with "Walking on the Moon"`Police
MUSIC; Who had a 90s no 1 with "Sadness Part !"`Enigma
Music : who had a hand in "lady" & "three times a lady"`lionel richie
MUSIC: Who had a hit in 1996 with "Not a dry eye in the house"`Meat Loaf
Music : Who had a hit in England with "Egyptian Reggae"`jonathan richman
Music : Who had a hit with 'Rat Trap'`boomtown rats
Music : who had a hit with sad songs`elton john
Music : Who had a hit with shake it`david bowie
Music : Who had a hit with the song,tammy`debbie reynolds
Music: who had a licence plate number a1-an-a2`lawrence welk
MUSIC: Who had an 80s hit with "The land of Make believe"`Bucks Fizz
MUSIC: Who had an 80s no 1 with "All around the world"`Lisa Stansfield
MUSIC: Who had an 80s No1 with "A town called Malice"`Jam
MUSIC: Who had an 80s no 1 with "Oh Julie"`Shakin' stevens
MUSIC: Who had an 80s no 1 with "The Lion sleeps tonight"`Tight Fit
MUSIC: Who had an 80s no 1 with "You got it(the right stuff)`New Kids on the block
Music: Who had a No.1 album entitled "Love over gold"(1982)`dire straits
MUSIC; Who had a no 1 hit in 1968 with Ob-la-di ob-la-da`marmalade
MUSIC: Who had a no 1 hit with Dont you want me in 1981`human league
Music : Who had a no1 hit with Rubber Bullets in 1973`10cc
MUSIC: who had a number 1 album with crossroads`tracy chapman
Music : who had a smash hit with "take on me"`a ha
MUSIC:Who had a UK no 1 in 1997 with Torn`Natalie Imbruglia
music: who had a us top 40 hit single called "stairway to heaven" in 1960`neil sedaka
MUSIC: Who had his only Uk no1 hit with Three Steps to Heaven`eddie cochran
Music : who had hits with candy o drive & just what i needed`the cars
MUSIC: Who had hits with Can the Can and Devil Gate Drive`Suzi Quatro
MUSIC: Who had hits with Homeward Bound, I am a Rock and The Boxer`Simon and Garfunkel
Music : Who had nine best selling French albums before waxing her first in English in 1990`celine dion
MUSIC: Who had no. 1 hits with Tired of waiting for you and Sunny afternoon`Kinks
Music : who had the hit with the strange title "god's great banana skin"`chris rea
Music : Who had the minor radio hit "people who died"`jim carroll
MUSIC: Who had top 10 hit in the 1970s with Come on over to my Place`The Drifters
MUSIC: Who had top 10 hit in the 1970s with Kissin in the back row of the movies`the drifters
MUSIC Who had top 10 hit in the 1970s with There goes my first love`The drifters
MUSIC: Who had top 10 hits in 1980s with Blue Eyes and Passengers`Elton John
MUSIC: Who had top ten hits in the 1960s with Calendar Girl and I go ape`Neil Sadaka
MUSIC: Who had top ten hits in the 1960s with Detroit City and Love me tonight`Tom Jones
MUSIC: Who had top ten hits in the 1970s with All right now, My brother Jake and Wishing Well`free
MUSIC: Who had top ten hits in the 1980s with Something about you,Lessons in Love and Runninf in the family`Level 42
MUSIC: Who had top ten hits in the 1980s with The Riddle, Wide Boy and Wouldnt it be good`Nik Kershaw
MUSIC: Who had top ten hits with Goodbye to love,Top of the World and Only Yesterday`the carpenters
MUSIC: Who had top ten hits with Got to give it up and Abraham Martin and John`Marvin Gaye
MUSIC: Who had top ten hits with Red Light spells danger,Suddenly and Caribbean queen`Billy Ocean
MUSIC: Who has a new album out June 2002, titled Heathen`David Bowie
Music : Who has at least two albums named after major world cities`lou reed
Music : Who has been a member of yazoo, depeche mode & erasure`vince clarke
Music : Who has been known as the "mother of country music" `maybelle carter
Music : Who has the edge over other bands`u2
Music : who has used the pseudonym apollo c. Vermouth`paul mccartney
Music : who has used the pseudonym winston o'boogie`john lennon
Music : ...who headlined the very first Lollapalooza Festival in 1991.`janes addiction
Music : who hit the charts in 1982 with "come on eileen"`dexys midnight runners
Music : who 'imagined' a better world`john lennon
Music: Who 'imagined' a better world?`John Lennon
MUSIC: Who in 1997 sang Love shine a light`Katrina and the waves
Music: Who introduced "I Got Rythym" in the hit show "Girl Crazy" in 1930`ethel merman
Music : who introduced june carter to johnny cash in 1955`elvis presley
Music : who invented the saxophone`adolphe sax
Music : Who is artie garr`art garfunkel
Music : who is attacked in lennon's "how do you sleep at night`paul mccartney
Music : who is called the 'texas tornado' by her fans`tanya tucker
Music : Who is credited with composing the traditional ballad called Greensleeves`king henry viii
Music : Who is credited with the term rock n roll`allan freed
Music: Who is David Robert Jones better known as?`David Bowie
Music : Who is donovan's song "jennifer juniper" about`jennifer boyd
Music: Who is Don Van Vliet better known as?`Captain Beefheart
Music : who is enrique martn morales`ricky martin
Music : who is eric claptons song "layla" about`patti boyd
Music : Who is eric clapton's song "wonderful tonight" about`patti boyd
Music: who is famed for performing the song "on the good ship lollipop"`shirley temple
Music: who is finland's most famous composer`jean sibelius
Music : who is ground control trying to contact in david bowie's space oddity`major tom
music: who is herbert khaury?`tiny tim
music: who is known as "queen of the gospel singers"`mahalia jackson
Music : Who is known as the first black rock star`jimi hendrix
Music : who is lourdes maria ciccone leon`madonna's daughter
Music : Who is "martin" in "abraham, martin & john" by marvin gaye`martin luther king jr
Music : who is morrissey's song "margaret on the guillotine" about`margaret thatcher
Music : who is morrissey's song "suedehead" about`james dean
Music: Who is Pat Andrejewski better known as?`Pat Benatar
Music : Who is prefab sprout's song "cars & girls" about`bruce springsteen
Music : who is richard starkey`ringo starr
Music : who is stevie wonders song "master blaster" about`bob marley
Music : who is stevie wonder's song "sir duke" about`duke ellington
Music: Who is the artist/band who sang the song Wild Thang`Sam Kinison
Music : Who is the best selling saxophonist`kenny g
Music : who is the godfather of soul`james brown
Music : Who is the gravelly voiced lead man for The Mighty Mighty BossTones`dicky barrett
music: who is the late kurt coabain's widow?`courtney love
Music: Who is the late Kurt Cobain's widow`courtney love
MUSIC: Who is the lead singer in the band Texas`Sharleen Spiteri
Music : Who is the lead singer of 'The Doors'`jim morrison
Music : Who is the lead singer with Offspring`dexter holland
Music : who is the musician husband of supermodel iman`david bowie
Music : who is the rolling stones song "angie" about`angie bowie
Music : who is the singer of alice in chains`layne staley
Music : Who is the song "Cindy C" by Prince about`cindy crawford
Music : Who is the song "jughead" by prince about`steve fargnoli
Music : Who is the song "the right profile" by the clash about`montgomery clift
Music : Who is the vocalist in Erasure`andy bell
Music : who is yousef islam`cat stevens
MUSIC: Who is Zak Starkeys famous dad`Ringo Starr
Music : Who jumped off the Tallahatchee Bridge`billy joe mcallister
Music : who led the mothers of invention`frank zappa
Music : Who made a hit of "Working At The Car Wash"`rose royce
Music: Who made "Call Me" into one of the top hits of 1980?`Blondie
Music : Who made dance hits of Bizarre Love Triangle & True Faith`new order
music: who made "heart of gold" into a hit in 1972`neil young
MUSIC: Who made the album "Aladdin Sane"`David Bowie
Music : who managed The Beatles to stardom`brian epstein
Music : who mixes it with love & makes the world go around`candyman
Music : Who named himself for Long John Baldry & Elton Dean`elton john
Music : Who named his son zowie`david bowie
music: who often sang the song "inka dinka doo"`jimmy durante
Music : Who only sleeps on planes`suzie lightning
Music : Who originally recorded goodbye yellowbrick road`elton john
Music : Who originally recorded the hit song "rudolph the red nosed reindeer"`gene autry
Music : Who originally recorded the Shoop Shoop Song which was a hit for Cher`betty everett
Music : Who originally sang "r e s p e c t"`aretha franklin
Music : who originally sang whitney houston's worldwide hit "i will always love you`dolly parton
Music : Who originated virgin records`richard branson
Music: Who owns the Philles label`phil spector
Music: Who owns the ten terrible fingers of doom`ted nugent
Music : who performed "don't go breaking my heart" with elton john`kiki dee
Music : who performed "i'm not in love"`10cc
Music : who performed "living next door to alice"`smokie
Music : who performed "message in a bottle"`police
Music : who performed "missionary man" & "when tomorrow comes"`eurythmics
Music : who performed "the green green grass of home"`tom jones
Music : who performed these hits; "yesterday once more", "rainy days & mondays" & "close to you"`the carpenters
Music : who performed the song "you make me feel like dancing"`leo sayer
Music: Who performed the 'Star Spangled Banner' at Woodstock 1969`Jimi Hendrix
Music : who performed "well allright" & "she's not there" & "black magic woman"`santana
Music: who performs the theme song for the movie, "ghostbusters"`ray parker
music: who performs the theme song for the movie, 'ghostbusters'`ray parker jnr
music: who performs the theme song for the movie, "ghostbusters"`ray parker jr
Music: Who played guitar for 'The James Gang'?`Joe Walsh
MUSIC: Who played guitar on Georges While my guitar gently weeps`eric clapton
Music : Who played keyboards on "Like a Rolling Stone"`al kooper
Music - Who played lead guitar on David Bowie's Glass Spider Tour`Stevie Ray Vaughn
Music: Who played stand-up bass on Elvis' songs for Sun Records?`Bill Black
MUSIC: Who played the theme tune to Charriots of Fire`Vangelis
Music: Who plays drums on George Harrison's When We Was Fab`ringo starr
music: who portrayed judas in the original broadway "jesus christ superstar`ben vereen
MUSIC: Who produced an album called An Innocent Man`Billy Joel
Music : Who produced and edited the soundtrack of Natural Born Killers?`trent reznor
Music : who produced elvis' hit heartbreak hotel`chet atkins
Music : Who put "Nobody Does It Better" on the charts in 1977`carly simon
MUSIC: who reached no 1 with ebeneezer goode in 1992`the shamen
MUSIC: who reached number 1 in may 1999 with "sweet like chocolate"`shanks and bigfoot
MUSIC: Who reached number 3 in the charts with "If Only I Could"`Sydney Youngblood
Music : Who reached number one with Living On My Own two years after his death`freddie mercury
Music : who recorded "after the gold rush" in 1970`neil young
MUSIC: Who recorded albums called Hounds of Love, Never for ever and The Whole Story`kate Bush
Music : Who recorded a live album with the australian symphony orchestra in 1987`elton john
Music : who recorded "beautiful sunday"`daniel boone
Music : who recorded "beep beep" in 1961 `playmates
Music: Who recorded 'Be True to your School' in 1963?`The Beach Boys
Music : who recorded "black magic woman"`santana
Music: Who recorded 'Blue Morning Blue Day' in 1978?`Foreigner
Music : Who recorded "bo diddley" in 1955 `bo diddly
Music : who recorded "bread & butter" in 1964`newbeats
music: who recorded "bridge over troubled waters" in 1970?`simon & garfunkel
Music : who recorded "carrie"`europe
Music : who recorded "corina corina" in 1961`ray peterson
Music : who recorded "cowboy in the continental suit"`marty robbins
Music: Who recorded 'Cuts Like a Knife' in 1983?`Bryan Adams
Music: Who recorded 'disraeli gears' in 1967`cream
Music :who recorded "don't fear the reaper" in 1976`blue oyster cult
Music : Who recorded "Don't Stand So Close To Me"`police
Music : who recorded "electric avenue" in 1983`eddie grant
Music: Who recorded Everybody's Somebody's Fool in 1960`connie francis
Music : Who recorded "Ferry Cross the Mersey" in 1965`gerry & the pacemakers
music: who recorded "girl watcher"?`okaysions
Music : who recorded "great balls of fire" in 1957`jerry lee lewis
music: who recorded "green eyed lady"`sugarloaf
Music : who recorded "gypsy's, tramps & thieves"`cher
Music: Who recorded Heartbreak Hotel in 1956`elvis presley
Music : who recorded 'hejira' in 1976`joni mitchell
Music : who recorded 'hey jealousy'`gin blossoms
Music: Who recorded 'I Can't Explain' in 1965?`The Who
Music : who recorded "i just want to be your everything"`andy gibb
Music : who recorded "i like it like that" in 1961`chris kenner
Music : Who recorded 'I Love Rock And Roll'`joan jett and the blackhearts
Music : who recorded "i'm so proud" in 1964`impressions
Music : who recorded "im walkin" in 1957`fats domino
Music: Who recorded 'In the Air Tonight' in 1981?`Phil Collins
Music : who recorded "i started a joke"`bee gees
Music: who recorded it's now or never in 1960`elvis presley
Music :who recorded "it's too late"`carole king
Music: Who recorded I Want You, I Need You, I Love You in 1956`elvis
music: who recorded i want you, i need you, i love you in 1956`elvis presley
Music: Who recorded I Want You, I Need You, I Love You in 1956?`Elvis Presley
Music: who recorded "i want you to want me" on epic records in 1979`cheap
Music: Who recorded "I Want You to Want Me" on Epic Records in 1979`cheap trick
Music : who recorded "i will follow him"`little peggy march
Music: Who recorded "Jukebox Hero"`foreigner
music: who recorded "just one look"?`linda ronstadt
Music : Who recorded "Keep a Knocking" in 1957`little richard
Music : who recorded "kind of a drag" in 1967`buckinghams
Music : who recorded "laugh, laugh" & "just a little"`beau brummels
Music : who recorded "lets go, lets go, lets go" in 1960`hank ballard & the midnighters
Music : Who recorded "Long As I can See The Light"`creedence clearwater revival
Music: Who recorded 'Long Tall Sally' in 1956?`Little Richard
Music : who recorded "lovin' only me"`ricky skaggs
Music : Who recorded "Moonlight Gamblers"`frankie laine
Music : who recorded "mr sandman" in 1954`chordettes
music: who recorded "my true story" in 1961?`jive five
Music : who recorded "night flight to venus"`boney m
Music : who recorded "no time" in 1969`guess who
Music : who recorded "oh boy!"`buddy holly
Music : who recorded "old cape cod"`patti page
Music : who recorded "peppermint twist" in 1961`joey dee & the starliters
Music : who recorded "personality" in 1959`lloyd price
Music : who recorded "rebel rouser" in 1958`duane eddy
Music : who recorded "roll me away" in 1983`sorbonne
music: who recorded "rubber soul" in 1965?`beatles
music: who recorded 'rubber soul' in 1965`the beatles
music: who recorded running bear in 1960`johnny preston
Music: Who recorded "Save the Last Dance for Me" in 1960`drifters
music: who recorded 'save the last dance for me' in 1960`the drifters
Music : who recorded "say you, say me"`lionel richie
Music: Who recorded 'Shadows of the Night' in 1982?`Pat Benatar
Music: Who recorded 'sos'`abba
music: who recorded such hits as "hooray for hazel" and "dizzy"?`tommy roe
Music: Who recorded Teen Angel in 1960`mark dinning
Music : who recorded "tell it like it is" in 1966`aaron neville
music: who recorded "that's my desire"?`frankie laine
music: who recorded the 1945 hit song "ac-cent-tchu-ate the positive"?`johnny mercer
music: who recorded the 1945 hit song "if i loved you"?`perry como
music: who recorded the 1945 hit song "there, i've said it again"?`vaughn monroe
Music: Who recorded the 1945 hit song "Till The End of Time"`perry como
music: who recorded the 1950 hit song "bonaparte's retreat"?`kay starr
music: who recorded the 1950 hit song "i can dream, can't i"?`andrews sisters
music: who recorded the 1950 hit song "i wanna be loved"?`andrews sisters
Music: Who recorded the 1950 hit song "Rag Mop"`ames brothers
Music: Who recorded the 1950 hit song "There's No Tomorrow"`tony martin
music: who recorded the 1951 hit song "down yonder"?`del wood
Music: who recorded the 1951 hit song "jezebel"`frankie lane
Music: who recorded the 1951 hit song "shanghai"`doris day
Music: who recorded the 1951 hit song "too young"`nat king cole
Music: who recorded the 1952 hit song "half as much"`rosemary clooney
Music: Who recorded the 1952 hit song "Jambalaya"`jo stafford
music: who recorded the 1952 hit song "lover"?`peggy lee
music: who recorded the 1953 hit song "rags to riches"?`tony bennett
music: who recorded the 1955 hit song "a blossom fell"?`nat king cole
Music: Who recorded the 1955 hit song "I'll Never Stop Loving You"`doris day
music: who recorded the 1955 hit song "love and marriage"?`dinah shore
Music: Who recorded the 1955 hit song "Moments to Remember"`four lads
Music: Who recorded the 1955 hit song "Whatever Lola Wants"`sarah vaughn
music: who recorded the 1956 hit song "the fool"`sanford clark
Music: Who recorded the 1956 hit song "Treasure of Love"`clyde mcphatter
Music: Who recorded the 1956 hit song "Young Love"`sonny james
Music: Who recorded the 1957 hit song "Could This Be Magic"`dubs
Music: Who recorded the 1957 hit song "Jim Dandy"`lavern baker
Music: Who recorded the 1957 hit song "Susie-Q"`dale hawkins
Music: Who recorded the 1957 hit song "Wake Up Little Susie"`everly brothers
Music: Who recorded the 1958 hit song "Rebel-Rouser"`duane eddy
Music: Who recorded the 1958 hit song "Tequila"`champs
music: who recorded the 1958 hit song "yakety yak"?`coasters
music: who recorded the 1959 hit song "donna"`richie valens
Music: Who recorded the 1959 hit song "Sea Cruise"`frankie ford
music: who recorded the 1959 hit song "sea of love"?`phil phillips
music: who recorded the 1959 hit song "the all american boy"`bill parsons
Music: Who recorded the 1959 hit song "What'd I Say"`ray charles
Music: Who recorded the 1960 hit song "Alley-Oop"`hollywood argyles
Music: Who recorded the 1960 hit song "Chain Gang"`sam cooke
music: who recorded the 1960 hit song "image of a girl"`safaris
music: who recorded the 1960 hit song "walk, don't run"`ventures
Music : who recorded the 1961 hit song "Blue Moon"`marcels
Music: who recorded the 1961 hit song "peppermint twist"`joey dee and the
music: who recorded the 1961 hit song "peppermint twist"`joey dee and the starliters
Music: Who recorded the 1961 hit song "Quarter to Three"`gary us bonds
Music : who recorded the 1961 hit song "Raindrops"`dee clark
music: who recorded the 1961 hit song "runaway"`del shannon
Music: who recorded the 1962 hit song "baby it's you"`shirelles
Music: who recorded the 1962 hit song "duke of earl"`gene chandler
Music: Who recorded the 1962 hit song "Lover Please"`clyde mcphatter
Music: who recorded the 1962 hit song "only love can break a heart"`gene
Music: Who recorded the 1962 hit song "Only Love Can Break a Heart"`gene pitney
Music: Who recorded the 1962 hit song "Party Lights"`claudine clark
music: who recorded the 1963 hit song "memphis"?`lonnie mack
music: who recorded the 1963 hit song "our day will come"`ruby and the romantics
Music : Who recorded the 1963 hit song "Pipeline"`chantays
music: who recorded the 1963 hit song "tell him"`exciters
Music: Who recorded the 1963 hit song "Walking the Dog"`rufus thomas
music: who recorded the 1964 hit song "how do you do it"?`gerry and the pacemakers
Music: Who recorded the 1964 hit song "I'm So Proud"`impressions
music: who recorded the 1964 hit song "you never can tell"?`chuck berry
music: who recorded the 1965 hit song "help me, rhonda"?`beach boys
Music : who recorded the 1965 hit song "I Got You Babe"`sonny & cher
Music: Who recorded the 1965 hit song "Mr Tambourine Man"`byrds
Music: who recorded the 1966 hit song "barbara ann"`beach boys
music: who recorded the 1966 hit song "i'm losing you"?`temptations
Music: who recorded the 1966 hit song "psychotic reaction"`count five
music: who recorded the 1966 hit song "standing in the shadows of love"?`four tops
Music: Who recorded the 1966 hit song "Summer in the City"`lovin spoonful
Music : Who recorded the 1967 hit song "Groovin"`young rascals
music: who recorded the 1967 hit song "higher and higher"`jackie wilson
Music: Who recorded the 1967 hit song "I Had Too Much To Dream Last Night"`electric prunes
Music: Who recorded the 1967 hit song "I Heard It through the Grapevine"`gladys knight & the pips
Music: Who recorded the 1967 hit song "Incense and Peppermints"`strawberry alarm clock
music: who recorded the 1967 hit song "somebody to love"?`jefferson airplane
Music: Who recorded the 1968 hit song "On The Road Again"`canned heat
Music: who recorded the 1968 hit song "the dock of the bay"`otis redding
Music: Who recorded the 1968 hit song "Tighten Up"`archie bell & the drells
Music: Who recorded the 1968 hit song "Valleri"`monkees
music: who recorded the 1968 hit song 'valleri'`the monkees
Music: Who recorded the 1969 hit song "Build Me Up Buttercup"`foundations
Music: Who recorded the 1969 hit song "Let's Work Together"`wilbert harrison
Music: Who recorded the 1969 hit song "Oh, What A Night"`dells
music: who recorded the 1969 hit song 'oh, what a night'`the dells
music: who recorded the 1974 hit "cat's in the cradle"`harry chapin
Music: Who recorded the 1983 hit "China Girl"`david bowie
Music: who recorded the 1983 hit song "china girl"`david bowie
Music : Who recorded the album "business as usual" in 1983 `men at work
Music : who recorded the album "desolation angels" in 1980`bad company
music: who recorded the album "don't say no" in 1982?`billy squier
Music : Who recorded the album "Escape" in 1982`journey
Music : who recorded the album "london calling" in 1975`clash
Music : Who recorded the album "Never A dull Moment" in 1972`rod stewart
Music : who recorded the album "night in the ruts" in 1979`aerosmith
Music : who recorded the album "on to victory" in 1980`humble pie
Music : Who recorded the album "Truth" in 1971`jeff beck
Music : Who recorded the album "turn it loud" in 1983`headpins
Music : Who recorded the album "wings over america" in 1976`paul mccartney
Music: Who recorded 'the cat's in the cradle' in 1974`harry chapin
Music : who recorded "the city of new orleans"`eric clapton
Music : who recorded the grammy record of the year "a taste of honey" in 1965`herb alpert & the tijuana brass
Music : who recorded the grammy record of the year "what a fool believes" in 1979`doobie brothers
Music: Who recorded "The Last Kiss"`j frank wilson and the cavaliers
Music: Who recorded "The Last Kiss"`j frank wilson & the cavaliers
Music : who recorded the lengthy song: "in a gadda da vida" in 1969`iron butterfly
Music : Who recorded the mccartney song "come & get it"`badfinger
Music: Who recorded Theme From A Summer Place in 1960`percy faith
Music : Who recorded "These Eyes" in 1969`guess who
Music: Who recorded The Twist in 1960`chubby checker
Music: Who recorded To Know Him Is To Love Him in 1958`teddy bears
Music: Who recorded Tom Dooley in 1958`kingston trio
Music: Who recorded 'too much'`elvis presley
music: who recorded volare in 1958?`domenico modugno
Music : who recorded "walking the dog" in 1963`rufus thomas
Music : who recorded "your cheating heart"`hank williams
music: who recorded "you're so vain"?`carly simon
Music : who recorded "your mama dont dance" in 1973`loggins & messina
MUSIC: who released a 1987 album called "document"`rem
MUSIC: Who released an album called Miss Bette Davis in 1976`Bette Davis
MUSIC: who released "things ive seen "`spooks
Music: Who replaced 'Bernie Leadon' of 'The Eagles' in 1975?`Joe Walsh
music: who replaced pink floyd's syd barret`david gilmore
Music: Who replaced Ronnie James Dio in Black Sabbath?`Ian Gillan
Music: Who replaced Syd Barrett of Pink Floyd?`David Gilmour
Music: Who re-recorded 'Secret Agent Man' in 1979?`Devo
Music : who returned to the rock scene with 461 ocean boulevard`eric clapton
Music : who said "women used to throw me panties, now they throw depends"`davy jones
MUSIC: Who sand Puppet on a string`sandy shaw
Music : who sang '25 or 6 to 4'`chicago
Music : who sang about 'commitment'`leann rhimes
Music: Who sang about Desmond and Molly Jones?`The Beatles
Music : who sang about desmond & molly jones`the beatles
MUSIC: Who sang about Midnight in Chelsea in 1997`Jon Bon Jovi
Music: Who sang about parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme`simon and
Music : who sang about 'the boogie boogie bugle boy of company b'`andrews sisters
Music : who sang about the "land of yellow submarines"`beatles
Music : Who sang about the 'Werewolves of London'`warren zevon
Music : Who sang Absolute Beginners`david bowie
MUSIC: Who sang "All I Want To Do" in Nov 94`sheryl crowe
Music : who sang 'another one bites the dust'`queen
Music : Who sang april love`pat boone
Music : who sang a song inspired by 'alice in wonderland'`jefferson airplane
Music: Who sang a song inspired by 'Alice in Wonderland'?`Jefferson Airplane
Music : Who sang 'Bad Case Of Loving You'`robert palmer
Music : who sang "believe" & "the shoop shoop song"`cher
Music : who sang big bad john`jimmy dean
Music : who sang "'cause the vandals took the handles"`missile attacks
Music : who sang "change the world" & "tears in heaven"`eric clapton
Music: Who sang "Dead Skunk in the Middle of the Road"`lowden wainwright iii
Music : who sang "don't let the sun go down on me" with elton john`george michael
Music : who sang "easy" & "hello"`lionel richie
Music : who sang "evergreen" & "the way we were"`barbra streisand
Music: Who sang "Everybody wants to Rule the World?"`Tears for fears
MUSIC: Who sang everything changes`Take That
Music : Who sang 'Fire & Rain'`james taylor
Music : Who sang 'Forever Young' and 'Big in Japan'`alphaville
Music : who sang "funeral for a friend"`elton john
MUSIC: Who sang "Germ Free Adolescence" in 1978`x-ray specs
MUSIC: Who sang "Give Me The Reason"`Luther Vandross
Music : ...who sang "God Gave Rock'n'Roll Too You II" on the Bill & Ted's sndtrk.`kiss
music: who sang "hello it's me"?`todd rundgren
Music : who sang hot love`t rex
Music : who sang "how you gonna see me now" & "you & me" & "only women bleed"`alice cooper
Music : Who sang "i just cant get enough"`depeche mode
Music : Who sang "i knew you were waiting" with aretha franklin in 1987`george michael
MUSIC: Who sang "I Put a Spell on You" in june 1998`Sonique
Music : Who Sang It 6: Boot Scoot Boogie`brooks and dunn
Music : Who Sang It 6: Do Me`bell biv devoe
Music : Who Sang It 6: I Can't Watch This`weird al
Music : Who Sang It 6: T.L.C.A.S.A.P`alabama
Music : Who Sang It 6: To The Extreme`vanilla ice
Music : Who Sang It: "And the rumors are raging..."`marshall tucker
Music : Who Sang It : ANOTHER SATURDAY NIGHT`cat stevens
Music : Who Sang It : Bop 'Til You Drop`rick springfield
Music : Who Sang It : Chatahoocie`alan jackson
Music : Who Sang It : Cornflake Girl`tori amos
Music : Who Sang It : Don't Talk Just Kiss`right said fred
Music : Who Sang It: "Everybody loves somebody sometime..."`dean martin
Music : Who Sang It : HANG ON IN THERE BABY`johnny bristol
Music : Who Sang It : HAVING MY BABY`paul anka
Music : Who Sang It : HOLLYWOOD SWINGING `kool & the gang
Music : Who Sang It: "I don't wanna be the last to know..."`shalamar
Music : Who Sang It : I FINALLY GOT MYSELF TOGETHER I'm a Changed Man `the impressions
Music : Who Sang It: "I love you baby can I have some more..."`neil young
Music : Who Sang It : I'M LEAVING IT (All) UP TO YOU`donny & marie osmond
Music : Who Sang It : IT'S ONLY ROCK 'N ROLL But I Like It`the rolling stones
Music : Who Sang It: "I've got brass in pocket..."`pretenders
Music : Who Sang It : "I wanna be your man..." `roger
Music : Who Sang It : Jam on It`newcleus
Music : Who Sang It: "Jesus is just alright with me..."`doobie brothers
Music : Who Sang It : JIVE TURKEY `the ohio players
Music : Who Sang It: "Make this world a better place if you can..."`diana ross
Music : Who Sang It : "Mary dropped her pants by the sand..." `cat stevens
Music : Who Sang It: "Move me on to any black square..."`yes
Music : Who Sang It: "My analyst told me that I was right outta my head..."`joni mitchell
Music : Who Sang It : "My mother reads her magazine..."`carly simon
Music : Who Sang It : NEVER MY LOVE `blue swede
Music : Who Sang It : ONE HELL OF A WOMAN`mac davis
Music : Who Sang It : Panama`van halen
Music : Who Sang It : PLEASE COME TO BOSTON`dave loggins
Music : Who Sang It : RADAR LOVE`golden earring
Music : Who Sang It : Sad Songs (Say So Much)`elton john
Music : Who Sang It : SIDESHOW`blue magic
Music : Who Sang It: "Sometimes I wish I'd never been born at all..."`queen
Music : Who Sang It : THE AIR THAT I BREATHE`the hollies
Music : Who Sang It : This is the Way We Roll`hammer
Music : Who Sang It : Thunder Rolls`garth brooks
Music : Who Sang It: "Walking down this rocky road..."`bad company
Music : Who Sang It: "Wasted...I'm so wasted..."`donna summer
Music : Who Sang It : "Well my time went so quickly, I went lickity-splitly..."`eagles
Music : Who Sang It : "Well, that's bungle in the jungle..."`jethro tull
Music : Who Sang It : We're Not Gonna Take It`twisted sister
Music : Who Sang It : "When I come home to you, San Francisco..."`tony bennett
Music : Who Sang It : YOU CAN'T BE A BEACON If Your Light Don't Shine `donna fargo
Music : Who Sang It : "You say that it's over, baby..." `janis joplin
Music : Who Sang It : "You've got the magic touch..."`platters
Music: Who sang lead vocals for Lynyrd Skynyrd?`Ronnie Van Zandt
Music : who sang living on the ceiling`blamange
Music : who sang lonely boy`paul anka
Music : who sang "losing my religion" & "everybody hurts"`rem
Music : Who sang love letters in the sand`pat boone
Music : Who sang macho man`the village people
Music : who sang money for nothing`dire straits
Music : who sang "moondance" & "brown eyed girl"`van morrison
Music : who sang "more than a feeling"`boston
Music : who sang "mull of kintyre"`paul mccartney
Music : who sang "one fine day" & "it's too late"`carole king
Music : who sang "one pill makes you larger"`jefferson airplane
Music : who sang "patience" & "live & let die"`guns n roses
Music : Who sang 'Popsicle', 'Hangin' Tough', 'Please Don't Go Girl' & 'Step By Step'`new kids on the block
MUSIC:Who sang Save your kisses for me in 1976`Brotherhood of Man
Music : who sang "show me the way" & "i'm in you" & "baby i love your way"`peter frampton
Music : who sang "solitary man" & "crunchy granola suite"`neil diamond
MUSIC: Who sang "Speak Like a Child" in 1983`Style Council
music: who sang "teen angel"`mark dinning
Music : Who sang that "the leprechauns have come back to rock & roll"`jonathan richman
music: who sang the 1981 hit entitled "endless love"?`diana ross & lionel richie
Music: who sang the country hit "harper valley pta"`jeannie c riley
Music : who sang the emotional song the little white dove that cried`johnny ray
Music : Who sang the grease theme`john travolta & olivia newton john
Music : who sang the hit the banana song`harry belafonte
MUSIC: Who sang the music hall classic My old man said follow the van`matilda wood
Music : Who sang the oscar winning song The Windmills of Your Mind`noel harrison
Music : who sang the theme song for baretta`sammy davis jr
Music : who sang the theme song for chico & the man`jose feliciano
Music: Who sang the theme song for her movie "On a Clear Day"`barbra streisand
Music - Who sang the theme song for Pee Wee's playhouse`Cyndi Lauper
Music : who sang the theme song for the movie "arthur"`christopher cross
Music : Who sang the title song to Goldfinger`shirley bassey
Music : Who sang this: "I don't change channels, so they must change me."`billy joel
Music : who sang "this used to be my playground" & "cherish"`madonna
Music : who sang 'tiptoe through the tulips' in 1969`tiny tim
Music: Who sang vocals for 'Big Brother and the Holding Company'`Janis
Music: Who sang vocals for 'Big Brother and the Holding Company'?`Janis Joplin
Music : Who sang Wake up Little Susie`everly brothers
Music : Who sang "what you want, baby, i got it"`aretha franklin
Music : who sang "where the streets have no name" & "with or without you"`u2
Music : Who sang ymca`the village people
music: who saw "fire and rain"`james taylor
Music : who scored a 1 smash in 1978 with his recording of the title song of the movie grease`frankie valli
MUSIC:Whose 10th hit was "I feel like Buddy Holly"`Alvin Stardust
MUSIC: Whose 1974 album was called Sneakin' Sally through the Alley`Robert Palmer
MUSIC: Whose 1975 album was called Pressure Drop`Robert Palmer
Music : Whose 1982 memorial service was the ventures "2000 pound bee" played at`john belushi
Music: Whose approach to jazz piano is called reductionism`thelonious monk
Music : whose biography is entitled 'lady sings the blues'`billie holliday
MUSIC: Whose catchphrase was "You aint heard nothing yet"`Al Jolson
Music : Whose dietary proclivities were chronicled in "the burger & the king"`elvis presley's
MUSIC: Whose first full length album was called All over the Place`The Bangles
Music : Whose first major album was "Ziggy Stardust & the Spiders from Mars"`david bowie
MUSIC: Whose first top ten hit in 1967 was See Emily Play`pink floyd
Music - Whose main hobby is collecting gold watches`Alice Cooper
MUSIC: Whose only no 1 hit was Barbados in 1975`Typically Tropical
MUSIC: Whose only top 10 hit was Come softly to me`fleetwood mac
Music : Whose personal plane was equipped with a blue suede bathroom`elvis presley
Music : Whose wailers was reggae kingpin peter tosh an original member of `bob marley
MUSIC: Whos first solo no 1 was I'm still waiting`diana ross
Music: Who's gold discs include "the next time & lucky lips"`sir cliff richard
Music : ...who sings backing vocals on Tori Amos' "Past the Mission".`trent reznor
Music : who sings beautiful stranger`madonna
Music : ...who sings lead vocals alongside Chris Cornell in Temple of the Dog.`eddie vedder
Music : Who sings "plush"`stone temple pilots
Music: Who sings the song 'Cornflake Girl'`Tori Amos
Music : who sings the song 'honey'`mariah carey
MUSIC: Whos only no 1 was I'm into something good`Herman's hermits
MUSIC: whos only number one hit was band of gold`freda payne
Music : Who starred in the movie head`the monkees
Music : Who started on the san francisco scene with oh well, but are probably best known for their album rumors`fleetwood mac
Music : Who's the rapper who appeared with Janet Jackson in the film _Poetic Justice_`tupac shakur
Music : Who supported the Sex Pistols on their Anarchy tour before becoming one of Britains New Wave bands`the clash
Music : Who teamed up with Niel Tennant to form the Pet Shop Boys `chris lowe
Music : Who threw the party at the county jail in jailhouse rock`the warden
MUSIC:Who tied a yellow ribbon round an old oak tree`Tony Orlando and dawn
music: who told us to wear flowers in our hair in 1967?`scott mckenzie
Music : Who took a magic carpet ride in 1968`steppenwolf
Music: Who took a "Magic Carpet Ride"`Steppenwolf
Music : who wanted 'a lover with a slow hand'`pointer sisters
Music: Who wanted 'a lover with a slow hand'?`Pointer Sisters
Music : who wanted 'a new drug'`huey lewis
Music: Who wanted 'A New Drug'?`Huey Lewis
Music : Who wanted you to "shake your groove thing"`peaches & herb
Music : who warned "dont knock the twist"`chubby checker
Music : Who was 13 when she became the youngest singer to crack the country top 50 chart`leann rimes
Music : who was a bullfrog & a great friend of mine`jeremiah
music: who was arlo guthrie's famous singing father?`woody guthrie
Music : who was asked to hang down your head by the kingston trio`tom dooley
Music : who was bernie taupin's long time songwriting partner`elton john
Music : who was billy joel singing about in the song "uptown girl"`christie brinkley
Music: Who was 'Bombastic' a hit for`shaggy
Music : Who was born herbert khaury`tiny tim
Music : who was carly simon singing about in "you're so vain"`warren beatty
Music : who was elton john singing about in the original "candle in the wind"`marilyn monroe
Music : Who was elton john's long time lyricist`bernie taupin
Music : Who was honorably named "M.C. Jell-Jell Kool-O B. AFRO" by Michael Franti`jello biafra
Music : Who was 'hooked on a feeling'`blue suede
Music: Who was 'Hooked On A Feeling'?`Blue Suede
Music: Who was Jesus on the LP version of 'Jesus Christ Superstar'`Ian
Music: Who was Jesus on the LP version of 'Jesus Christ Superstar'?`Ian Gillan
Music : who was john lennon married to`yoko ono
Music: Who was known as 'The Killer' in the 1950's?`Jerry Lee Lewis
Music : Who was known as "the king of calypso"`harry belafonte
Music: Who was Les Paul's wife`mary ford
Music : Who was michael hutchence's last girl friend`paula yates
Music : who was michael jackson married to`lisa marie presley
Music : Who was "Off the Wall" in 1979`michael jackson
Music: Who was "Off the Wall" in 1979?`Michael Jackson
Music : who was on the cover of the first issue of "rolling stone", dated november 9, 1967`john lennon
MUSIC: Who was responsible for Hamster Dance in 1999`cuban boys
Music : who was signed by motown when he was 5`michael jackson
Music : Who was the best man at the 1968 wedding of johnny cash & june carter`merle kilgore
Music: Who was the composer and arranger of the 1937 "One O'Clock Jump`count
Music: Who was the composer and arranger of the 1937 "One O'Clock Jump`count basie
Music : Who was the composer of the opera "rigoletto"`verdi
music: who was the first artist to record for capital records?`tex ritter
Music : who was the first black singer to headline a network variety show`nat king cole
Music : who was the first canadian to top us album charts in the 1980's`diamonds
Music: who was the first drummer to perform in elvis presley's band`dj
music: who was the first drummer to perform in elvis presley's band?`dj fontana
Music : Who was the first recorded country music artist`eck robertson
Music: Who was the first US country artist to perform in Moscow`roy clark
Music : Who was the former leader of Ten Thousand Maniacs`natalie merchant
Music: Who was the leader of the Mindbenders`wayne fontana
Music : Who was the lead man for "creedence clearwater revival"`john fogerty
music: who was the lead singer for blood, sweat and tears?`david clayton-thomas
Music: Who was the lead singer for Paul Revere and The Raiders`Mark Lindsay
Music : who was the lead singer for queen`freddie mercury
Music : who was the lead singer of the rolling stones when the band was formed in 1962`mick jagger
MUSIC: Who was the most commercially successful and longest lasting group to emerge from the punk scene`Stranglers
Music : who was the music composer that went deaf`beethoven
Music : Who was the oldest member of The Beatles`ringo starr
Music : who was the original singer for the group genesis`peter gabriel
Music : who was the original singer of acdc`bon scott
Music : Who was the original singer of "when a man loves a woman"`percy sledge
MUSIC: Who was the original singer with the 60s group The Tremeloes`brian poole
Music: Who was the youngest chart topper in 1972`jimmy osmond
Music : Who was Tony Orlando reunited with after 11 years in july, 1988`dawn
MUSIC: Who were Huey Lewis' backing group`the news
MUSIC: Who were Huey Lewis's backing group`The News
MUSIC: who were once called composition of sound`depeche mode
MUSIC: who were once known as "ona friday"`radiohead
Music: Who won the Eurovision Song Contest twice?`Johnny Logan
Music: Who worked in a factory making toilets for airplanes before he recorded 'aint no sunshine when shes gone'?`Bill Withers
Music : Who wrote and performed the theme song from Chico & The Man`jose feliciano
Music : Who wrote "Carmina Burana"`carl orff
Music : who wrote cats in the cradle`harry chapin
Music : who wrote "if i had a hammer" & co founded the weavers`lee hayes
Music : who wrote i'm a believer for the monkees`neil diamond
Music : Who wrote johnny's theme for the tonight show`paul anka
Music : who wrote "lay down" in 1970`melanie
Music : who wrote & performed "a horse with no name"`america
Music : who wrote & performed "baker street"`gerry rafferty
Music : who wrote & performed "band on the run"`paul mccartney
Music : who wrote & performed "candle in the wind"`elton john
Music : who wrote & performed "dream lover"`bobby darin
Music : who wrote & performed "fire & rain"`james taylor
Music : who wrote & performed "imagine"`john lennon
Music : who wrote & performed "i still call australia home"`peter allen
Music : who wrote & performed "maybe i'm amazed"`paul mccartney
Music : who wrote & performed "pretty woman"`roy orbison
Music : who wrote & performed "sorry seems to be the hardest word"`elton john
Music : who wrote & performed the title track for the movie "goodbye girl"`david gates
Music:Who wrote Rhapsody in Blue`george gershwin
Music : who wrote & sang splish splash`bobby darin
Music: who wrote "stardust" and "georgia on my mind"`hoagy carmichael
music: who wrote "take the a train"`billy strayhorn
Music : who wrote the big hit "hazard"`richard marx
Music : Who wrote the book "the basketball diaries"`jim carroll
Music : who wrote `the entertainer, music made famous by the film,`the sting`scott joplin
music: who wrote the hit song "the world without love"?`john lennon & paul mccartney
MUSIC: Who wrote the Hungarian Rhapsody`Liszt
Music : Who wrote the lyrics to Porgy and Bess`ira gershwin
MUSIC: Who wrote the music for Les Sylphides`Chopin
music: who wrote the music for "oklahoma"`richard rodgers
MUSIC: Who wrote the music to Rule Britannia`Thomas Arne
MUSIC: Who wrote the music Tubular Bells`Mike Oldfield
Music: Who wrote the Nutcracker Suite `Tchaikovsky
Music: Who wrote the opera, "Don Giovanni" in one sitting`mozart
Music : Who wrote the opera 'The Masked Ball'`guiseppe verdi
MUSIC:Who wrote the Sonata give the name Les Adieux`Beethoven
Music : Who wrote the song "City Of New Orleans"`steve goodman
Music : Who wrote the song "Hooked On A Feeling"`mark james
Music : Who wrote the songs "Anything Goes" & "Night & Day"`cole porter
music: who wrote the song "you're a grand old flag"`george m cohan
music: who wrote "the washington post march"`john philip sousa
Music : Who wrote the "William Tell Overture"`rossini
MUSIC: Who wrote the words to Rule Britannia`james thomson
Music : why didn't beethoven ever listen to his ninth symphony`he was deaf
MUSIC:Wildman of Black Sabbath`Ozzy Osbourne
Music : Wings song from 1974, "I thought the major was a lady suffragette.."`jet
MUSIC: With what song did Spandau Ballet first enter the charts in Nov 1980`To Cut a Long Story Short
Music: With which group was Keith Moon the drummer`the who
MUSIC: With whom did David Bowie work on his album Scarey Monsters and Super creeps`Pete Townshend
MUSIC: With whom did Whitney Houston record "when you believe"`Mariah Carey
MUSIC: Woodwind instrument with a double reed mouthpiece`oboe
MUSIC: Written by Lennon and McCartney, also released by the Rolling Stones`i wanna be your man
Music : Wrote "The Sorcerers Apprentice" & "Villanelle"`paul dukas
Music : XTC: "Did you make mankind after we made you"`dear god
Music : Year: "Joy To The World," "Brown Sugar," & " Its Too Late" all hit #1 this year`1970
Music : "Yes, I think its going to be a long, long time."`rocket man
Music : You can't go where the others go`the way it is
Music : "You get a shiver in the dark, it's raining in the park but meantime south of the river you stop & you hold everything......" What's the Dire Straits song title`sultans of swing
Music : Young boy runs through the street rolling a tire.`hungry like the wolf
Music : Young Creatures (Australian)`baby animals
MUSIC: "Young Hearts Run Free" was a hit in 1976 for whom`Candi Staton
Music : You said you had to get your laundry cleaned`break my stride
Music : Zappa song : "Billy was a mountain/Ethel was a tree sitting on his shoulder"`billy the mountain
Muskets considered as a group`musketry
Muslim people of NW Africa`moors
Musophobia is the fear of`mice
Musophobia is the fear of what`mice
Mussolini invaded this country in 1935.`ethiopia
Mustard, ketchup and onions on a hotdog are all `condiments
Mustard, ketchup & onions on a hotdog are all ___________`condiments
Mustardseed is a character from which Shakespeare play`a midsummer nights dream
Musty or stale, as from age or decay`moldy
Mutual understanding or affection arising from this relationship or affinity`sympathies
"my answer" is the name of the syndicated daily column of what minister`billy graham
My boyfriends back, by this group, was inspired by overhearing a teen argument`angels
Mycophobia is the fear of ____`mushrooms
Mycrophobia is the fear of`small things
Myctophobia is the fear of`darkness
My dad was a big kid,a big RICH KID. What show was I on?`Silver Spoons
my favorite ______`martian
Myhtical Greek woman with a box`pandora
My name is Jack, it means`what's in the box`what is in the box
'My Name is Mud' was on pork soda released in 1993 by which group`Primus
Myositis affects the _________`muscles
Myositis affects the `muscles
Myositis affects the _________`Muscles
My Pledge Of Love was released by this group in 1969`The Joe Jeffrey Group
Myrmecophobia is the fear of...`Ants
Mysophobia is the fear of`germs
Mysophobia is the fear of`germs`contamination`dirt
MYTH: Greek - what was the name of the place of punishment and perpetual torment in the underworld`tartarus
Mythical creature with the headand arms of a man, and the body and legs of a horse`centaur
Mythical race of female warriors`amazons
Mythology: Assyrian: The god that created all the other gods.`Asshur
Mythology: Babylonian: the god of heaven.`Anu
Mythology: Celtic: The place the heroes went to in death.`Avalon
Mythology: Egyptian: He was the sun god.`Amen Ra
Mythology: Egyptian: The god of the Dead.`Anubis
Mythology: Greek: Aesculapius was the greek god of.`Medicine
Mythology: Greek: Amphityron was said to be a prince of which city.`Thebes
Mythology: Greek: Andromache was the wife of which Greek hero.`Hector
Mythology: Greek: Female warriors who had their own country.`Amazons
Mythology: Greek: First he was known as a sender of plagues, then as the god of healing.`Apollo
Mythology: Greek: Giant that supported the universe on his shoulders.`Atlas
Mythology: Greek: God killed by a boar at the request of Aphrodite.`Adonis
Mythology: Greek: He led the Greeks to Troy.`Agamemnon
Mythology: Greek: She showed Theseus how to escape from the labyrinth.`Ariadne
Mythology: Greek: Son of Zeus and the nymph Aegina.`Aeacus
Mythology: Greek: The giant Antaeus was killed by strangulation by which Greek hero.`Heracles
Mythology: Greek: The goddess of love.`Aphrodite
Mythology: Greek: The goddess of mischief.`Ate
Mythology: Greek: The goddess of nature.`Artemis
Mythology: Greek: The men who sailed to Colchis to fetch the golden fleece.`Argonauts
Mythology: Greek: The river god.`Alpheus
Mythology: Greek: What was Ulysses' dog called.`Argus
Mythology: Greek: who was turned into a stag and hunted by his own dogs for watching Artemis bathe.`Actaeon
Mythology: Hindu: The god of fire.`Agni
Mythology: Norse: Collective name for the Gods and Goddesses of Scandinavia.`Aesir
Mythology: Norse: The giant of the seashore.`Aegir
Mythology: Norse: The home of the Norse gods.`Asgard
Mythology: Roman: The roman god of love.`Amor
Mythology : The sea gods had a three-pronged spear called a(n) ________`trident
Mythology : This Greek mountain was known as the home of the gods`olympus
Mythology: What does the "touch of Midas" turn everything into `Gold
Mythology : What's heaven to fallen Norse warriors`valhalla
MYTHOLOGY: What was supposed to flow in the veins of the Greek Gods`Ichor
Mythology : Where did Robin Hood supposedly live`sherwood forest
Mythology : Which ancient continent is said to be submerged`atlantis
Mythology: Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Cupid `Eros
Mythology: Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Diana `Artemis
Mythology: Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Discordia `Eris
Mythology: Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Juno `Hera
Mythology: Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Jupiter `Zeus
Mythology: Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Mars `Ares
Mythology: Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Mercury `Hermes
Mythology: Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Minerva `Athena
Mythology: Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Neptune `Poseidon
Mythology: Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Pluto `Hades
Mythology: Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Venus `Aphrodite
Mythology: Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Vesta `Hestia
Mythology: Who is the greek equivalent of the roman god Vulcan `Hephaistos
Mythology: Who is the Norse god of justice `Forseti
Mythology: Who is the Norse god of poetry `Bragi
Mythology: Who is the Norse god of the sky and thunder `Thor
Mythology: Who is the Norse Watchman of the Gods `Heimdall
Mythology: Who was Ancient Egyptian goddess of fertility, love and beauty `Bastet
Mythology: Who was Ancient Egyptian moon god `Khonsu
mythology: who was telemachus' father`odysseus
Mythology: Who was the ancient Egyptian goddess of the sky and queen of heaven `Hathor
Mythophobia is a fear of ______`stories
Mythophobia is the fear of`myths
MYTH: Roman - what is the name for the god of fire and metal working`vulcan
Myxophobia is the fear of`slime
nadia sawalha played saffy in absolutely fabulous true or false`false
Nadine Gordimer was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in which year`1991
N. African dish of cracked wheat steamed over broth`couscous
Naiad The satellite of Neptune that is closest to the planet`naiad
Nairobi is the capital of ______`kenya
Nairobi is the capital of what country`kenya
Na is the chemical symbol for which element`sodium
Naked Form Was Considered To Be The Embodiment Of Sexual Love`Greeks
naked means to be unprotected-nude means----------`unclothed
Name 10 CC's first UK No 1`rubber bullets
Name 1 of the 3 well-known female sex symbols in Myra Breckinridge`farrah fawcett
Name 70s Tune: ``... and if I can't find my way back home, it just wouldn't be fair...''`precious and few
Name 70s Tune: ``I don't feel much like dancin'; some man's gone, he's tried to run my life''`sunshine
Name 70s Tune: ``It's not the way you kiss that tears me apart...''`baby its you
Name 70s Tune: `` `Long haired freaky people need not apply' ''`signs
Name 70s Tune: ``____ ____ ____, lovely lady, strolling slowly towards the sun''`green eyed lady
Name 70s Tune: ``That's right, that's right, I'm sad and blue cuz I can't do that boogaloo.''`gimme dat ding
Name 70s Tune: ``Who can make the sun rise ... cover it with chocolate''`candy man
Name 70s Tune: ``You were absolutely right, you've been right all along, ... and I was wrong''`absolutely right
Name 80s tune: "You know your kiss, your kiss, I can't resist"`kiss on my list
name a canadian university offering forestry studies`laval
Name a country which has the same name as a bird`Turkey
Name a flattened, wingless insect that lives on warm-blooded animals`louse
Name Alley Oop's girl friend`Oola
Name all five New Kids On The Block.`Danny Donny Jordan Joe Jon
Name a mainland South American country where cars are normally driven on the left hand side of the road.`guyana`surinam
name angelica huston's father`john
Name applied originally to naturally occurring esters of fatty acids & monohydric alcohols, but now applied to both natural & manufactured products resembling these esters`wax
Name applied to any craft having twin hulls`catamaran
Name applied to any plant that retains its foliage through two or more consecutive seasons`evergreen
Name applied to a ship to indicate that it is a very fast sailer`clipper
Name applied to several types of skin eruptions characterized by formation of blisters`herpes
name a security is registered though true ownership is held by another party`nominee
name beaver cleaver's brother`Wally
Name Became Given As The Month Of August`Augustus Caesar
Name beginning with "A" meaning "Little Father"`attila
Name beginning with "A" meaning " moon shine`aysel
Name Begins With The Letter 'Z'`Africa
Name Biblical Character: Became the adopted son of Mary the mother of Jesus`john
Name Biblical Character: Father of Methuselah`enoch
Name Biblical Character: Initial co-worker of Paul in his second mission`silas
Name Biblical Character: Jew who became queen of another country`esther
Name Biblical Character: Pleaded for Jesus to heal his dying daughter`jairus
Name Biblical Character: When mentioned together with her husband, she is generally named first`priscilla
Name Bill Clinton's only child`chelsea
name blondies final number one hit`the tide is high
Name both of Oedipus' parents`laius or jocasta
Name both of the cities to represent a letter in the phonetic alphabet`lima & quebec
Name both of the cities to represent a letter in the phonetic alphabet`lima & quebec`lima and quebec
Name both of the planets that can be seen, from the Earth, 'in transit' - i.e. passing in front of the sun`mercury & venus
Name both of the planets that can be seen, from the Earth, 'in transit' - i.e. passing in front of the sun`mercury & venus`mercury and venus
Name Buck Rodgers' pal`TWIKI
Name Can Be Roughly Translated As Struggling Upstream`Zheng Shangyou
name captain smollett's ship in treasure island?`hispaniola
Name Cathy's on again/off again boy friend`Irving
Name Changes: Eddie mahoney is better known as this pop singer.`eddie money
Name Changes: Her maiden name was Gloria Fajardo.`gloria estefan
Name Changes: Her real name is Sheila Escovedo`sheila e
Name Changes: They were originally know as the Bangs.`the bangles
Name Changes: This pop star at one time recorded as David Jones & the King Bees.`david bowie
name cheech's cousin in the movie 'cheech & chong's up in smoke'. (hint: portrayed by tom skerritt)`strawberry
Name collectively applied to numerous species of a family of waterfowl`duck
Named after a European country, which strait lies between Iceland and Greenland`denmark strait
Named album of the year in 1981, which pop group's debut album was called "Dare"`human league
name dennis the menace's next door neighbors.`george & martha wilson
Name Dennis the Menace's next door neighbors`Mr and Mrs Wilson
Named for an Al Capp comic strip character, on which holiday do women ask men to dances`Sadie Hawkins Day
named for its abundance of plant life, this inlet was the site of captain cook's first landing in australia`botany bay
Name Dolly Parton's Smokey Mountain theme park`dollywood
Name Donald Duck's girlfriend`Daisy
Name Do We Derive The Term 'Sandwich'`John Montague
Name Eddie Murphy's skit about vocabulary on Saturday Night Live.`Mr. Robinson's Neighborhood
Name either of Napolean Bonaparte's step-children`hortense and Eugene
Name either of the churches that merged in 1972 to form the United Reformed Church`presbyterian`congregational
Name either of the cities to represent a letter in the phonetic alphabet`lima or quebec
Name either of the German heavy cruisers sunk in the Battle of the Falklands in 191`scharnhorst`gneisenau
Name either of the last men on the Moon (last name only)`cernan`schmitt
Name either of the only sisters to both win acting oscars`joan fontaine`olivia de haviland
Name either of the planets that can be seen, from the Earth, 'in transit' - i.e. passing in front of the sun`mercury or venus
Name either of the songs which were big hits for Shirley Ross and Bob Hope in two musical films in 1937/8. Thanks for the memory`two sleepy people
Name either of the two giant stars in the constellation of Orion`rigel`betelgeuse
Name either of the two hecklers in the Muppet Show`statler`waldorf
Name either of Tony Blair's middle names`charles`lynton
Name either sport that made its debut as a full medal sport at the 1998 Winter Olympics`curling`snowboarding
Name every actress who played an 'angel' on Charlie's Angels`Farrah Fawcett,Kate Jackson,Jaclyn Smith,Cheryl Ladd,Shelley hack,Tanya Roberts
Name for a large seawater aquarium for keeping sea animals`oceanarium
Name for an idler in fashionable society`lounge lizard
Name former Indian Premier Indira Gandhi's father`jawahrlal nehru
Name given to a fine woollen cloth`barethea
Name given to that part of North America first seen in or about 986 by Bjarni Herjlfsson, who was driven there by a storm during a voyage from Iceland to Greenland?`vinland
Name given to the religious of Iran`ayatollah
Name Hagar the Horrible's dog`Snert
Name Has Become Synonymous With Unscrupulous Pragmatism Was Born On May 3,1469`Niccolo Machiavelli
Name Has Only One Syllable`Maine
name heny fonda's last feature film, for which he won the best actor academy award in 1981.`on golden pond
Name Is Also Punctuation`Comma
Name Is A Palindrome`India
name is derived from uisge beath, Gaelic for aqua vitae`whisky
name is just one syllable`maine
Name Jacques Cousteau's research ship.`calypso
Name Jacues Cousteau's research ship`calypso
name janis joplin's last album?`pearl
Name Jerry Garcia's long lived group`The Grateful Dead
Name Ladysmith Black Mambazo's chart-topping album of 1986`graceland
Name Lennon and McCartney's meter maid`rita
Name Li'l Abner's favorite Indian drink`Kickapoo Joy Juice
name marc bolan's first single`teenage`books
Name Marc Bolan's first single`teenage dream
name means 'knowing the oak tree'`druids
name means little barrel`botticelli
Name Means 'Terrible Claw', Was An Obscure And Largely Ignored Raptor Until Yale Paleontologist John Ostrom Discovered A Better Specimen In Montana In 1969. Which Dinosaur Is This`Deinonychus
name meant plenty of----------`excrement
name meant plenty of excrement`aztec
name meant plenty of excrement`cuitlahac
name meant plenty of excrement`montezuma
Name Mick Jaggers favourite sport`cricket
Name Next Lyric: (2 words) Some women are drippin with pearls. Look at what Im drippin with...`little girls
Name Next Lyric: (3 words) But dont forget, folks, that's what you get, folks...`for makin whoopee
Name Next Lyric: (4 words) Brace yourself as the beats hits ya'..`dip trip flip fantasia
Name Next Lyric: (4 words) Mona Lisa, men have named you. You're so like the lady...`with the mystic smile
Name Next Lyric: (5 words) If you want to kiss the sky...`better learn how to kneel
Name Next Lyric: (5 words) Lauren, Katherine, Lana too`bette davis we love you
Name Next Lyric: (5 words) So Im a sista'. I pay with cash. That doesn't mean...`that all my credits bad
Name Next Lyric: (5 words) What's your name Who's your daddy`is he rich like me
Name Next Lyric: (5 words) Where troubles melt like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops...`that's where you'll find me
Name Next Lyric: (7 words) Oh what a night, late December back in 1963...`what a very special time for me
name norway's biggest selling band`a-ha
Name of a long nosed Malayan animal`tapir
Name of a mechanical model that reproduces the movements of the planets`an orrery
name of cosette's mother in les miserables`fantine
name of dr evil's pet cat.`mr bigglesworth
Name of Elvis Costello's back-up group?`the attractions
Name of George Clinton's corporation which put out "One NAtion Under A Groove"`parliafunkadelicament thang
Name of Hole's first LP`pretty on the inside
name of monaco's ruling house`grimaldi
Name of one of the seven dwarfs`bashful
Name of Pearl Jam's second album:`versus
name of scale used to judge the brightness of stars`hertzprung-russel diagram
name of scale used to judge the brightness of stars`hertzprung-russel`loki
Name of the 2 athletes celebrated in Chariots of Fire`harold abrahams and eric liddell
Name of the band of Vince de la Cruz,Kimberley Rew,Alex Cooper and Katrina Leskaniel`katrina and the waves
Name of the brewery which supplies the rovers return`newton and ridley
Name of the capital of the Newfoundland province (Canada)`st john's
Name of the capital of the Nova Scotia province (Canada)`halifax
name of the character who sings 'castle on a cloud' in les miserables`cosette
Name of the dinosaur with jagged plates on its back`stegosaurus
Name of the Doctor's race`the time lords
Name of the Doctor's "time machine"`tardis
name of the donkey in winnie the pooh's adventures`eeyore
name of the first cloned sheep`dolly
Name of the gas formerly called nitron`radon
name of the german ww2 military code`enigma
Name of the German WWII military code`enigma
name of the highest volcano in the world`cerro aconcagua
name of the island in the atlantic believed to have sunk into the ocean?`atlantis
name of the mathematician in jurassic park`ian malcolm
name of the promising new substance which may replace silicon as the basis for super micro computers of the future`rotaxane
Name of the river over which the romans believed they had to travel to get to the afterlife`river styxx
name of the saturn probe launched in 1998, amid controversy over its nuclear fuel`cassini-huygens
Name of the space program designed to place a man on the moon & return him safely to earth`apollo
name of the violin soloist who travel's with yanni's orchestra`karen briggs
Name of this Sicilian volcano`etna
Name one Federalist US President`john adams washington
Name one of James Clavell best sellers which have Hong Kong as their backdrop`taipan
name one of jock and ellie's three sons in dallas?`bobby
Name one of the 3 movies that Ingrid Bergman won an Oscar for`auschwitz`gaslight`murder on the orient express
Name one of the 3 movies that Ingrid Bergman won an Oscar for`gaslight
Name one of the 3 movies that Ingrid Bergman won an Oscar for`murder on the orient express
Name one of the birds which Noah released from the Ark`raven`dove
Name one of the birds which Noah released from the Ark`raven or dove
Name one of the countries to join the Commonwealth in 1995.cameroon`mozambique
name one of the eight members of the ivy leangue`dartmouth`havard`yale`princeton
name one of the first 3 acrtesses to portray charley's angels`jaclyn smith`kate jackson`farrah fawcett
name one of the four c's that denotes the value of a diamond`carat`cut`clearity`knowledge
Name one of the major actors in the movie made in america`ted danson
Name one of the major actors in the movie rookie of the year`gary busey
name one of the major stars in "chinatown"`john huston
name one of the major stars in "fool for love"`randy quaid
name one of the major stars in "ghostbusters"`bill murray
name one of the major stars in "harlem nights"`richard pryor
name one of the major stars in "nashville"`scott glenn
name one of the major stars in "ruthless people"`judge reinhold
name one of the major stars in "scarecrow"`al pacino
name one of the major stars in "sharkeys machine"`brian keith
name one of the major stars in "soapdish"`kevin kline
name one of the major stars in "the 'burbs"`bruce dern
Name one of the major stars in the film cliffhanger`john lithgow`salvester stallone
Name one of the major stars in the movie indian summer`alan arkin
Name one of the major stars in the movie the neighbor`linda koslowski
name one of the major stars in "top gun"`kelly mcgillis
Name one of the major stars of indecent proposal`woody harrelson`demi moore
Name one of "the most important substance consumed in modern society"`petroleum
name one of the road movies with bob, bing & dorothy`road to hong kong
Name one of the Seven Dwarfs (B)`bashful
Name one of the Seven Dwarfs (D)`dopey
Name one of the Seven Dwarfs (H)`happy
name one of the seven wonders of the world which was a bronze statue of apollo.`colossus of rhodes
Name one of the three branches of the Methodist Church that merged in 1932 to form the current Church.`wesleyan`primitive`united
Name one of the three Bronte sisters`anne
Name one of the three men who sat in the tub`candlestick maker
Name one of the three most common names in china`chang
Name one of the two capitals of the republic of South Africa`cape town
Name one of the two featured songs by U2 in the movie "Blown Away"`i still havent found what im looking for
name one of the two types of techniques used in the high jump`fosbury flop
Name one person to be awarded the Victoria Cross twice`noel chev asse`arthur martin leake`charles hazitt upham
Name one type of insect belonging to the order Hymenoptera`ant`bee`sawfly`wasp`hornet`ichneumon
Name Origins: This group got its name when it had to extend its original name, The Bangs.`bangles
Name Origins: This groups name is Italian for political writing`scritti politti
Name Origins: This group's name was inspired by Sherman from the "Rocky and Bullwinkle Show"`hermans hermits
Name Origins: This group was named for its lead singer's red hair.`simply red
Name Origins: This singer got his name because he wore a black and yellow jersey so often.`sting
Name Radagast's brother in "Lord of the Rings"`gandalf
N.American animal of the weasel family`wolverine
N.American Indians hut or tent`wigwam
N. American wild dog`coyote
Name roger moores first james bond movie`live and let die
Name Ronald Reagan's first wife`Jane Wyman
Name Ronald Reagan's first wife.`wyman
names begin with "Z" are Zambia, Ziare and ----------, all in Africa`zimbabwe
Name Senegals chief port`dakar
names for numbers: 1 followed by 42 zeroes =?`tredecillion
Names for numbers: 1 followed by 48 zeroes =`quindecillion
names for numbers: one followed by 18 zeros.`quintillion
Names in Song: billy joel sings the ballad of what cowboy`billy the kid
Names in Song: blues traveler and big head todd and the monsters each sing about brother`john
Names in Song: in what pearl jam video does a student shoot his classmates`jeremy
Names In Songs: According to Nirvana, who will have her revenge on Seattle`frances farmer
Names In Songs: Billy Joel sings the ballad of what cowboy`billy the kid
Names In Songs: Blues Traveler and Big Head Todd & The Monsters each sing about Brother ____.`john
Names In Songs: In what Pearl Jam video does a student shoot his classmates`jeremy
Names In Songs: Name the song "Hey ______ you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind."`mickey
Names In Songs: What 4-Non Blondes song has the same name as a 70's singer`superfly
Names In Songs: What Beastie Boys song is named after an old patriot`paul revere
Names In Songs: What Nirvana song from "Nevermind" is about rape`polly
Names In Songs: What Ronnie Wood song from "Slide On This" is an ode to his wife`josephine
Names In Songs: What song did the Lemonheads do for the 25th anniversary of "The Graduate"`mrs. robinson
Names in Song: what 4-non blondes song has the same name as a 70's singer`superfly
Names in Song: what beastie boys song is named after an old patriot`paul revere
Names in Song: what nirvana song from nevermind is about rape`polly
Names in Song: what ronnie wood song from slide on this is an ode to his wife`josephine
Names in Song: what song did the lemonheads do for the 25th anniversary of the graduate`mrs. robinson
Names in Song: you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind`mickey
Names Start With The Letter 'J'`Joey, Jc Or Justin
Names what portable object is the teleram t-3000`computer
name that actor: ...who played apollo creed`carl weathers
name that actor: ...who played ashley wilkes`leslie howard
name that actor: ...who played bob woodward`robert redford
Name That Actor: ...who played Charles Foster Kane`orson welles
Name That Actor: ...who played Dirty Harry`clint eastwood
name that actor: ...who played ferris bueller`matthew broderick
Name That Actor: ...who played Mozart in "Amadeus"`tom hulce
Name That Actor: ...who played Obi Wan Kenobi`alec guiness
Name That Actor: ...who played Willy Wonka`gene wilder
Name That Artist: Holiday`madonna
Name That Artist: I'm Gonna be (500 miles)`proclaimers
Name That Artist: It Must Have Been Love`roxette
Name That Artist: Rock Around the Clock`bill haley and his comets
Name That Artist: Whoomp! There it is`tag team
Name That Artist: Yesterday`beatles
Name That Celebrity: A singer, she lost her Miss America crown because she posed in Penthouse`vanessa williams
Name That Celebrity: Author of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings`J.R.R. Tolkien
Name That Celebrity: Circus clown famous for Weary Willie`emmett kelly
Name That Celebrity: Director and dixieland clarinetist`woody allen
Name That Celebrity: Edgar Bergen's dummy`charlie mccarthy
name that celebrity: english character actor & owner of a fish-and-chips fast food chain`arthur treacher
Name That Celebrity: He composed Night and Day, I Get a Kick Out of You`cole porter
Name That Celebrity: He has entertained American troops in every war since WWII`bob hope
Name That Celebrity: Host of Twenty One, Tic Tac Dough, and The Joker's Wild`jack barry
Name That Celebrity: Star of one-man shows thar portrayed Harry Truman and Will Rogers`james whitmore
Name That Celebrity: The director of Citizen Kane and The Third Man`orson wells
Name That Celebrity: The male anchor of 20/20`hugh downs
Name That Celebrity: World's most famous mime`marcel marceau
name that disney movie: alice, white rabbit, cheshire cat`alice in wonderland
name that disney movie: baloo, bagheera, shere khan`the jungle book
name that disney movie: bernard, miss bianca, penny`the rescuers
name that disney movie: chernabog, the sorcerer's apprentice`fantasia
name that disney movie: cody, percival macleash, miss bianca`the rescuers down under
name that disney movie: dodger, georgette, tito`oliver and company
name that disney movie: geppetto, monstro, jiminy cricket (watch the spelling!)`pinocchio
name that disney movie: gurgi, eilonwy, fflewddur fflam`the black cauldron
name that disney movie: madam mim, wart, archimedes`the sword in the stone
name that disney movie: maleficent, aurora, merryweather`sleeping beauty
name that disney movie: nora, pete, elliot`petes dragon
name that disney movie: robin, marian, sir hiss`robin hood
Name That Disney Tune: "But technicolor pachyderms can really give you an awful fright! What a sight!"`pink elephants on parade
Name That Disney Tune: "Life is like a hurricane, here in Duckberg. Race cars, lasers, airplanes..."`duck tales
Name That Disney Tune: "There's so much that we share, that it's time we're aware..."`its a small world
Name That Disney Tune: "What do they got A lot of sand! We got a hot crustacean band!"`the grand illusion
Name that film: 1939 Family/Fantasy/Adventure/Musical, Judy Garland, Frank Morgan, Ray Bolger, Jack Haley, Bert Lahr, Billie Burke, Margaret Hamilton`The Wizard of Oz
Name that film: 1946 Drama/Fantasy, James Stewart, Donna Reed, Lionel Barrymore, Thomas Mitchell`It's A Wonderful Life
Name that film: 1958 Comedy/Romance, Clark Gable, Doris Day, Gig Young, Mamie Van Doren, Marion Ross`Teacher's Pet
Name that film: 1960 Crime/Adventure, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr. Peter Lawford, Angie Dickinson, Joey Bishop`Ocean's Eleven
Name that film: 1965 Music/Family, Julie Andrews, Christopher Plummer, Eleanor Parker, Heather Menzies, Angela Cartwright`The Sound of Music
Name that film: 1967 Comedy/Romance, Anne Bancroft, Dustin Hoffman, Katharine Ross, William Daniels`The Graduate
Name that film: 1968 Action/Sci-fi, Charlton Heston, Roddy McDowall, Kim Hunter, Maurice Evans`Planet of the Apes
Name that film: 1968 Comedy, Lucille Ball, Henry Fonda, Van Johnson, Tim Matheson, Tom Bosley`Yours, Mine and Ours
Name that film: 1969 Western, Paul Newman, Robert Redford, Katharine Ross, Strother Martin`Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Name that film: 1971 Action/Thriller, Clint Eastwood, Harry Guardino, Reni Santoni, John Vernon`Dirty Harry
Name that film: 1972 Crime/Drama, Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, Diane Keaton, Robert Duvall`The Godfather
Name that film: 1973 Crime/Comedy, Paul Newman, Robert Redford, Robert Shaw, Charles Durning, Ray Walston`The Sting
Name that film: 1973 Drama/Horror, Ellyn Burstyn, Max von Sydow, Lee J. Cobb, Linda Blair, Jason Miller`The Exorcist
Name that film: 1974 Action/Thriller/Drama, Steve McQueen, Paul Newman, William Holden, Faye Dunaway, O.J. Simpson, Robert Wagner`The Towering Inferno
Name that film: 1974 Comedy/Horror, Gene Wilder, Peter Boyle, Marty Feldman, Madeline Kahn, Cloris Leachman, Teri Garr`Young Frankenstein
Name that film: 1974 Comedy/Western, Cleavon Little, Gene Wilder, Slim Pickens, Alex Karras, Mel Brooks, Harvey Korman, Madeline Kahn`Blazing Saddles
Name that film: 1975 Comedy/Horror/Musical/Sci-Fi, Tim Curry, Susan Sarandon, Barry Bostwick, Richard O'Brien, Meat Loaf`The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Name that film: 1975 Thriller, Roy Scheider, Robert Shaw, Richard Dreyfuss, Lorraine Gary`Jaws
Name that film: 1976 Action/Drama, Sylvester Stallone, Talia Shire, Burt Young, Carl Weathers, Burgess Meredith`Rocky
Name that film: 1977 Action, Robert Shaw, Bruce Dern, Marthe Keller`Black Sunday
Name that film: 1977 Comedy/Action, Burt Reynolds, Sally Field, Jerry Reed, Mike Henry, Paul Williams, Pat McCormick`Smokey and the Bandit
Name that film: 1977 Comedy/Romance, Woody Allen, Diane Keaton, Tony Roberts, Carol Kane, Paul Simon, Shelley Duvall`Annie Hall
Name that film: 1977 Drama/Musical/Comedy/Romance, John Travolta, Karen Lynn Gorney, Barry Miller, Joseph Cali, Paul Pape, Donna Pescow`Saturday Night Fever
Name that film: 1977 Sci-fi, Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Peter Cushing, Alec Guinness`Star Wars
Name that film: 1977 Sci-fi, Richard Dreyfuss, Melinda Dillon, Francois Truffaut, Teri Garr`Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Name that film: 1978 Action/Fantasy/Family/Adventure/Sci-Fi, Marlon Brando, Gene Hackman, Christopher Reeve, Ned Beatty , Jackie Cooper, Margot Kidder`Superman
Name that film: 1978 Comedy, John Belushi, Tim Matheson, John Vernon, Verna Bloom, Tom Hulce, Mary Louise Weller`Animal House
Name that film: 1978 Comedy/Musical/Romance, John Travolta, Olivia Newton-John, Stockard Channing, Jeff Conaway, Didi Conn`Grease
Name that film: 1979 Action/War, Marlon Brando, Robert Duvall, Martin Sheen, Frederic Forrest`Apocalypse Now
Name that film: 1979 Sci-fi/Horror, Tom Skerritt, Sigourney Weaver, Veronica Cartwright, Harry Dean Stanton, Yaphet Kotto`Alien
Name that film: 1980 Action/Comedy/Musical, John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd, James Brown, Cab Calloway, Ray Charles, Aretha Franklin`The Blues Brothers
Name that film: 1980 Comedy, Chevy Chase, Rodney Dangerfield, Ted Knight, Michael O'Keefe, Bill Murray, Sarah Holcombe`Caddyshack
Name that film: 1980 Comedy, Jane Fonda, Lily Tomlin, Dolly Parton, Dabney Coleman, Elizabeth Wilson`Nine to Five
Name that film: 1980 Comedy, Robery Hays, Julie Hagerty, Lloyd Bridges, Leslie Nielsen, Robert Stack, Peter Graves, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar`Airplane
Name that film: 1980 Drama, Donald Sutherland, Mary Tyler Moore, Judd Hirsch, Timothy Hutton, M. Emmett Walsh`Ordinary People
Name that film: 1981 Comedy, Bill Murray, Harold Ramis, Warren Oates, Sean Young, John Candy, John Laroquette`Stripes
Name that film: 1981 Comedy/Romance, Dudley Moore, Liza Minnelli, John Gielgud, Geraldine Fitzgerald, Jill Eikenberry`Arthur
Name that film: 1981 Drama, George C Scott, Timothy Hutton, Ronny Cox, Sean Penn, Tom Cruise`Taps
Name that film: 1982 Action/Adventure, Harrison Ford, Karen Allen, Paul Freeman, John Rhys-Davies, Denholm Elliott`Raiders of the Lost Ark
Name that film: 1982 Action/Sci-fi, William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, DeForest Kelley, James Doohan, Walter Koenig, George Takei, Paul Winfield, Ricardo Montalban`Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan
Name that film: 1982 Comedy/Drama/Romance, Richard Gere, Debra Winger, David Keith, Robert Loggia, Lisa Blount, Lisa Eilbacher, Lou Gossett Jr.`An Officer and a Gentleman
Name that film: 1982 Drama, Henry Fonda, Katharine Hepburn, Jane Fonda, Doug McKeon, Dabney Coleman`On Golden Pond
Name that film: 1982 Family/Sci-Fi/Adventure/Fantasy, Henry Thomas, Drew Barrymore, Robert MacNaughton, Dee Wallace-Stone`E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
Name that film: 1982 Horror/Thriller, JoBeth Williams, Craig T. Nelson, Beatrice Straight, Dominique Dunne, Heather O'Rourke`Poltergeist
Name that film: 1983 Comedy/Drama, Shirley Maclaine, Jack Nicholson, Debra Winger, Danny DeVito, Jeff Daniels, John Lithgow`Terms of Endearment
Name that film: 1983 Comedy, Tom Cruise, Rebecca De Mornay, Joe Pantoliano, Richard Masur, Bronson Pinchot`Risky Business
Name that film: 1983 Drama/Comedy, Tom Berenger, Glenn Close, Jeff Goldblum, Kevin Kline, Meg Tilly, Mary Kay Place`The Big Chill
Name that film: 1983 Drama/Romance/Musical, Jennifer Beals, Michael Nouri, Lilia Skala, Sunny Johnson, Kyle T. Heffner`Flashdance
Name that film: 1984 Action/Adventure/Romance, Michael Douglas, Kathleen Turner, Danny DeVito, Zack Norman`Romancing the Stone
Name that film: 1984 Adventure/Sci-fi, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, Michael Biehn, Paul Winfield`The Terminator
Name that film: 1984 Comedy/Sci-fi/Fantasy, Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Sigourney Weaver, Harold Ramis, Rick Moranis, Annie Potts`Ghostbusters
Name that film: 1984 Drama, Kevin Bacon, Lori Singer, John Lithgow, Dianne Wiest, Chris Penn, Sarah Jessica Parker`Footloose
Name that film: 1985 Adventure/Family, Sean Astin, Josh Brolin, Jeff Cohen, Corey Feldman, Kerri Green, Martha Plimpton, Jonathan Ke Quan`The Goonies
Name that film: 1985 Comedy/Sci-Fi/Drama/Fantasy, Don Ameche, Wilford Brimley, Hume Cronyn, Brian Dennehy, Tahnee Welch, Steve Guttenberg`Cocoon
Name that film: 1985 Drama, Danny Glover, Whoopi Goldberg, Margaret Avery, Oprah Winfrey, Rae Dawn Chong`The Color Purple
Name that film: 1985 Family/Adventure/Comedy/Sci-Fi, Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Lea Thompson, Crispin Glover, Thomas F. Wilson`Back to the Future
Name that film: 1986 Action/Drama/Romance, Tom Cruise, Kelly McGillis, Val Kilmer, Anthony Edwards, Tom Skerritt`Top Gun
Name that film: 1986 Action/Drama/War, Tom Berenger, Willem Dafoe, Charlie Sheen, Forest Whitaker, Francesco Quinn`Platoon
Name that film: 1986 Adventure/Comedy/Romance, Paul Hogan, Linda Kozlowski, John Mellon, David Gulpilil`Crocodile Dundee
Name that film: 1986 Adventure/Drama, Wil Wheaton, River Phoenix, Corey Feldman, Jerry O'Connell`Stand by Me
Name that film: 1986 Comedy, Danny DeVito, Bette Midler, Judge Reinhold, Helen Slater, Bill Pullman`Ruthless People
Name that film: 1987 Action/Crime/Drama, Kevin Costner, Sean Connery, Charles Martin Smith, Andy Garcia, Robert De Niro`The Untouchables
Name that film: 1987 Comedy/Family, Tom Selleck, Steve Guttenberg, Ted Danson, Nancy Travis, Margaret Colin`Three Men and a Baby
Name that film: 1987 Comedy/Horror, Jack Nicholson, Cher, Susan Sarandon, Michelle Pfeiffer, Veronica Cartwright`The Witches of Eastwick
Name that film: 1987 Comedy/Romance, Cher, Nicolas Cage, Vincent Gardenia, Olympia Dukakis, Danny Aiello`Moonstruck
Name that film: 1987 Crime/Comedy, Mel Gibson, Danny Glover, Gary Busey, Mitch Ryan`Lethal Weapon
Name that film: 1987 Drama/Horror/Thriller, Michael Douglas, Glenn Close, Anne Archer, Ellen Hamilton Latzen, Fred Gwynne`Fatal Attraction
Name that film: 1987 Fantasy / Family / Adventure / Comedy / Romance, Cary Elwes, Mandy Patinkin, Chris Sarandon, Christopher Guest, Andre the Giant, Robin Wright`The Princess Bride
Name that film: 1988 Action/Thriller, Bruce Willis, Bonnie Bedelia, Reginald VelJohnson, Alan Rickman, James Shigeta`Die Hard
Name that film: 1988 Comedy/Drama, Dustin Hoffman, Tom Cruise, Valeria Golino, Bonnie Hunt`Rain Man
Name that film: 1988 Comedy, Eddie Murphy, Arsenio Hall, James Earl Jones, John Amos, Madge Sinclair`Coming to America
Name that film: 1988 Comedy/Romance, Harrison Ford, Melanie Griffith, Sigourney Weaver, Alec Baldwin, Joan Cusack`Working Girl
Name that film: 1989 Action/Thriller/Crime/Fantasy, Michael Keaton, Jack Nicholson, Kim Basinger, Robert Wuhl, Pat Hingle`Batman
Name that film: 1989 Comedy/Drama, Dianne Wiest, Steve Martin, Mary Steenburgen, Jason Robards, Rick Moranis, Tom Hulce`Parenthood
Name that film: 1989 Comedy/Romance, Billy Crystal, Meg Ryan, Carrie Fisher, Bruno Kirby`When Harry Met Sally
Name that film: 1989 Drama, Morgan Freeman, Jessica Tandy, Dan Aykroyd, Patti LuPone, Esther Rolle`Driving Miss Daisy
Name that film: 1989 Drama, Sally Field, Dolly Parton, Shirley Maclaine, Daryl Hannah, Olympia Dukakis, Julia Roberts, Tom Skerritt`Steel Magnolias
Name that film: 1989 Horror/Thriller, Nicole Kidman, Billy Zane, Sam Neill, Rod Mullinar`Dead Calm
Name that film: 1990 Action/Adventure/Sci-Fi/Thriller, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Rachel Ticotin, Sharon Stone, Ronny Cox, Michael Ironside`Total Recall
Name that film: 1990 Action/Crime, Warren Beatty, Glenne Headly, Al Pacino, Madonna, Dustin Hoffman`Dick Tracy
Name that film: 1990 Action/Thriller, Sean Connery, Alec Baldwin, Scott Glenn, Sam Neill, James Earl Jones`The Hunt for Red October
Name that film: 1990 Comedy/Romance, Julia Roberts, Richard Gere, Ralph Bellamy, Jason Alexander, Laura San Giacomo`Pretty Woman
Name that film: 1990 Comedy/Romance/Thriller, Patrick Swayze, Demi Moore, Whoopi Goldberg, Tony Goldwyn`Ghost
Name that film: 1990 Crime/Drama, Robert De Niro, Ray Liotta, Joe Pesci, Lorraine Bracco, Paul Sorvino`Goodfellas
Name that film: 1990 Crime/Thriller, Harrison Ford, Brian Dennehy, Raul Julia, Bonnie Bedelia, Greta Sccchi`Presumed Innocent
Name that film: 1991 Adventure/Comedy, Billy Crystal, Daniel Stern, Bruno Kirby, Helen Slater, Jack Palance`City Slickers
Name that film: 1991 Comedy/Sports, Russell Crowe, Hank Azaria, Mary McCormack, Burt Reynolds, Colm Meaney`Mystery, Alaska
Name that film: 1991 Drama, Kathy Bates, Mary Stuart Masterson, Mary-Louise Parker, Jessica Tandy, Cicely Tyson`Fried Green Tomatoes
Name that film: 1991 Drama/Romance, Nick Nolte, Barbra Streisand, Blythe Danner, Kate Nelligan, Melinda Dillon`The Prince of Tides
Name that film: 1991 Family/Comedy, Steve Martin, Diane Keaton, Kimberly Williams, Kieran Culkin, Martin Short`Father of the Bride
Name that film: 1991 Thriller/Crime/Horror, Jodie Foster, Anthony Hopkins, Scott Glenn, Anthony Heald, Don Brockett`The Silence of the Lambs
Name that film: 1992 Comedy/Crime, Whoopi Goldberg, Maggie Smith, Kathy Najimy, Harvey Keitel, Wendy Makkena`Sister Act
Name that film: 1992 Comedy/Drama, Tom Hanks, Geena Davis, Madonna, Lori Petty, Rosie O'Donnell`A League of Their Own
Name that film: 1992 Comedy, Joe Pesci, Ralph Macchio, Marisa Tomei, Mitchell Whitfield`My Cousin Vinny
Name that film: 1992 Comedy, Mike Myers, Dana Carvey, Rob Lowe, Tia Carrere, Brian Doyle-Murray, Lara Flynn Boyle`Wayne's World
Name that film: 1992 Drama, Craig Sheffer, Brad Pitt, Tom Skerritt, Brenda Blethyn`A River Runs Through It
Name that film: 1992 Drama, Tom Cruise, Jack Nicholson, Demi Moore, Kevin Bacon, Kiefer Sutherland`A Few Good Men
Name that film: 1992 Mystery/Crime/Thriller, Michael Douglas, Sharon Stone, George Dzundza, Jeanne Tripplehorn, Wayne Knight`Basic Instinct
Name that film: 1992 Sci-fi, Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Sean Young, Edward James Olmos, M. Emmet Walsh`Blade Runner
Name that film: 1993 Action/War, Liam Neeson, Ben Kingsley, Ralph Fiennes, Caroline Goodall, Jonathan Sagall`Schindler's List
Name that film: 1993 Action/Western, Kurt Russell, Val Kilmer, Sam Elliott, Bill Paxton, Powers Boothe`Tombstone
Name that film: 1993 Adventure/Action/Thriller, Sylvester Stallone, John Lithgow, Janine Turner, Michael Rooker`Cliffhanger
Name that film: 1993 Comedy/Drama, Johnny Depp, Leonardo DiCaprio, Juliette Lewis, Mary Steenburgen`What's Eating Gilbert Grape
Name that film: 1993 Comedy/Family/Drama, Robin Williams, Sally Field, Pierce Brosnan, Harvey Fierstein, Polly Holliday`Mrs. Doubtfire
Name that film: 1993 Comedy, Jack Lemmon, Walter Matthau, Ann-Margret, Burgess Meredith, Kevin Pollak`Grumpy Old Men
Name that film: 1993 Comedy/Romance, Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan, Bill Pullman, Ross Malinger, Rosie O'Donnell, Rita Wilson`Sleepless in Seattle
Name that film: 1993 Drama/Mystery, Julia Roberts, Denzel Washington, Sam Shepard, John Heard, John Lithgow`The Pelican Brief
Name that film: 1993 Drama/Romance, Robert Redford, Demi Moore, Woody Harrelson, Oliver Platt, Billy Bob Thornton`Indecent Proposal
Name that film: 1993 Fantasy/Comedy/Romance, Bill Murray, Andie MacDowell, Chris Elliott, Brian Doyle Murray`Groundhog Day
Name that film: 1993 Horror/Sci-Fi/Adventure/Thriller/Action, Sam Neill, Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum, Richard Attenborough, Wayne Knight`Jurassic Park
Name that film: 1993 Thriller/Drama, Tom Cruise, Jeanne Tripplehorn, Gene Hackman, Hal Holbrook, Wilford Brimley, Ed Harris`The Firm
Name that film: 1994 Action/Adventure/Comedy, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jamie Lee Curtis, Tom Arnold, Bill Paxton, Tia Carrere`True Lies
Name that film: 1994 Action/Thriller, Harrison Ford, Willem Dafoe, Anne Archer, Joaquim de Almeida, Henry Czerny`Clear and Present Danger
Name that film: 1994 Action/Thriller, Keanu Reeves, Sandra Bullock, Joe Morton, Jeff Daniels, Dennis Hopper`Speed
Name that film: 1994 Comedy/Adventure, Jim Carrey, Jeff Daniels, Lauren Holly, Mike Starr, Charles Rocket`Dumb & Dumber
Name that film: 1994 Crime/Thriller/Action/Drama, Tim Roth, John Travolta, Samuel L. Jackson, Uma Thurman, Ving Rhames`Pulp Fiction
Name that film: 1994 Drama/Comedy, Tom Hanks, Robin Wright, Gary Sinise, Sally Field, Mykelti Williamson`Forrest Gump
Name that film: 1996 Action/Sci-fi, Will Smith, Bill Pullman, Jeff Goldblum, Mary McDonnell, Judd Hirsch`Independence Day
Name that film: 1996 Comedy/Drama/Romance, Tom Cruise, Cuba Gooding Jr., Renee Zellweger, Kelly Preston, Jerry O'Connell`Jerry Maguire
Name that film: 1996 Drama/Thriller, Matthew McConaughey, Sandra Bullock, Samuel L. Jackson, Kevin Spacey, Oliver Platt`A Time To Kill
Name that film: 1996 Drama, Tom Hanks, Bill Paxton, Kevin Bacon, Gary Sinise, Ed Harris, Kathleen Quinlan`Apollo 13
Name that film: 1997 Action/Adventure/Thriller, Pierce Brosnan, Jonathan Pryce, Judi Dench, Teri Hatcher, Desmond Llewelyn`Tomorrow Never Dies
Name that film: 1997 Action/Thriller/Adventure, Harrison Ford, Gary Oldman, Glenn Close, Wendy Crewson, Liesel Matthews`Air Force One
Name that film: 1997 Action/Thriller, John Travolta, Nicolas Cage, Joan Allen, Harve Presnell`Face/Off
Name that film: 1997 Action/Thriller, Nicolas Cage, Monica Potter, John Cusack, Steve Buscemi, John Malkovich`Con Air
Name that film: 1997 Comedy, Jim Carrey, Maura Tierney, Justin Cooper, Cary Elwes, Jennifer Tilly`Liar Liar
Name that film: 1997 Comedy, Mike Myers, Elizabeth Hurley, Michael York, Robert Wagner, Seth Green`Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
Name that film: 1997 Comedy/Romance, Julia Roberts, Dermot Mulroney, Cameron Diaz, Rupert Everett, M. Emmet Walsh`My Best Friend's Wedding
Name that film: 1997 Drama, Robin Williams, Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Minnie Driver`Good Will Hunting
Name that film: 1997 Drama/Romance, Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet, Billy Zane, Kathy Bates, Bill Paxton`Titanic
Name that film: 1997 Romance/Drama, Jack Nicholson, Helen Hunt, Greg Kinnear, Cuba Gooding Jr.`As Good As It Gets
Name that film: 1997 Sci-fi/Comedy, Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith, Linda Fiorentino, Vincent D'Onofrio, Rip Torn`Men in Black
Name that film: 1998 Action/Drama, Tom Hanks, Edward Burns, Tom Sizemore, Matt Damon`Saving Private Ryan
Name that film: 1998 Action/Romance/Sci-fi, Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton, Ben Affleck, Liv Tyler, Steve Buscemi`Armageddon
Name that film: 1998 Comedy/Drama, Eddie Murphy, Jeff Goldblum, Kelly Preston, Robert Loggia, Jon Cryer`Holy Man
Name that film: 1998 Comedy/Romance, Cameron Diaz, Matt Dillon, Ben Stiller, Chris Elliott`There's Something About Mary
Name that film: 1998 Drama/Fantasy, Nicolas Cage, Meg Ryan, Andre Braugher, Dennis Franz, Colm Feore`City of Angels
Name that film: 1998 Drama/Romance, Robert Redford, Kristin Scott Thomas, Sam Neill, Dianne Wiest, Scarlett Johnson`The Horse Whisperer
Name that film: 1998 Fantasy/Romance, Brad Pitt, Anthony Hopkins, Claire Forlani, Jake Weber`Meet Joe Black
Name that film: 1998 Romance/Comedy, Gwyneth Paltrow, Geoffrey Rush, Tom Wilkinson, Joseph Fiennes`Shakespeare in Love
Name that film: 1999 Action/Thriller/Sci-fi, Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne, Carrie-Anne Moss, Hugo Weaving, Gloria Foster`The Matrix
Name that film: 1999 Action/Thriller, Tommy Lee Jones, Ashley Judd, Benjamin Weir, Jay Brazeau, Bruce Greenwood`Double Jeopardy
Name that film: 1999 Adventure/Action/Horror, Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz, John Hannah, Arnold Vosloo`The Mummy
Name that film: 1999 Comedy/Romance, Julia Roberts, Hugh Grant, Richard McCabe, Rhys Ifans, James Dreyfus`Notting Hill
Name that film: 1999 Comedy/Romance, Julia Roberts, Richard Gere, Joan Cusack, Hector Elizondo, Rita Wilson`Runaway Bride
Name that film: 1999 Drama/Fantasy/Sports, Kevin Costner, Amy Madigan, James Earl Jones, Ray Liotta, Burt Lancaster`Field of Dreams
Name that film: 1999 Drama/Sports, Al Pacino, Cameron Diaz, Dennis Quaid, James Woods, Jamie Foxx, LL Cool J`Any Given Sunday
Name that film: 1999 Drama/Thriller/Horror, Bruce Willis, Toni Collette, Haley Joel Osment, Olivia Williams, Donnie Wahlberg`The Sixth Sense
Name that film: 1999 Drama/Thriller, Matt Damon, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jude Law, Cate Blanchett`The Talented Mr. Ripley
Name that film: 1999 Drama/Thriller, Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman, Madison Eginton, Jackie Sawiris`Eyes Wide Shut
Name that film: 1999 Drama, Tobey Maguire, Charlize Theron, Delroy Lindo, Paul Rudd, Michael Caine`The Cider House Rules
Name that film: 1999 Drama, Tom Hanks, David Morse, Bonnie Hunt, Michael Clarke Duncan`The Green Mile
Name that film: 1999 Family/Comedy/Fantasy, Michael J. Fox (voice), Geena Davis, Hugh Laurie, Jonathan Lipnicki, Nathan Lane (voice)`Stuart Little
Name that film: 2000 Action/Sci-fi, Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Ian Mckellen, Famke Janssen, Halle Berry, Rebecca Romijn-Stamos`X-Men
Name that film: 2000 Adventure/Drama/Action, George Clooney, Mark Wahlberg, Diane Lane, Karen Allen, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio`The Perfect Storm
Name that film: 2000 Adventure/Drama, Tom Hanks, Helen Hunt, Nick Searcy, Chris Noth`Cast Away
Name that film: 2000 Adventure/Sci-fi, Clint Eastwood, Tommy Lee Jones, Donald Sutherland, James Garner`Space Cowboys
Name that film: 2000 Comedy, Mel Gibson, Helen Hunt, Marisa Tomei, Alan Alda`What Women Want
Name that film: 2000 Comedy, Robert De Niro, Ben Stiller, Teri Polo, Blythe Danner, Owen Wilson`Meet the Parents
Name that film: 2000 Drama/Action, Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix, Oliver Reed, Richard Harris, Connie Neilsen`Gladiator
Name that film: 2001 Action/Adventure, Angelina Jolie, Jon Voight, Iain Glen, Noah Taylor, Daniel Craig`Lara Croft: Tomb Raider
Name that film: 2001 Adventure/Horror/Fantasy, Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz, John Hannah, Arnold Vosloo, Dwayne (The Rock) Johnson`The Mummy Returns
Name that film: 2001 Animated/Romance/Comedy, VOICES of Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, Cameron Diaz, John Lithgow`Shrek
Name that film: 2001 Crime/Adventure, George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts, Matt Damon, Andy Garcia, Carl Reiner, Elliott Gould`Ocean's Eleven
Name that Film: 2001 Crime/Thriller, John Travolta, Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry, Don Cheadle, Sam Shepard`Swordfish
Name that film: 2001 Drama/Romance, Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Ed Harris, Christopher Plummer, Judd Hirsch`A Beautiful Mind
Name that film: 2001 Drama/Sci-fi, Haley Joel Osment, Jude Law, Frances O'Connor, Brenda Gleeson, William Hurt`Artificial Intelligence
Name that film: 2001 Drama/War, Ben Affleck, Josh Hartnett, Kate Beckinsale, William Lee Scott`Pearl Harbour
Name that film: 2001 Fantasy/Adventure, Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen, Viggo Mortensen, Sean Astin, Cate Blanchett`Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Name that film: 2001 Fantasy/Adventure, Richard Harris, Maggie Smith, Daniel Radcliffe, Robbie Coltrane, Alan Rickman`Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone
Name that film: 2002 Action/Fantasy/Sci-Fi/Thriller/Crime/Drama/Mystery, Tom Cruise, Colin Farrell, Samantha Morton, Max von Sydow, Lois Smith`Minority Report
Name that film: 2002 Action/Sci-fi, Tobey Maguire, Willem Dafoe, Kirsten Dunst, James Franco, Cliff Robertson`Spider-Man
Name that film: 2002 Comedy, Mike Myers, Beyonce Knowles, Michael Caine, Seth Green, Verne Troyer, Michael York`Austin Powers in Goldmember
Name that film: 2002 Comedy/Romance, Adam Sandler, Winona Ryder, John Turturro, Steve Buscemi, Conchata Ferrell`Mr. Deeds
Name that film: 2002 Drama/Sci-fi/Fantasy, Mel Gibson, Joaquin Phoenix, Cherry Jones, Rory Culkin, M. Night Shyamalan`Signs
name that horse breed`northeastern
name that horse breed`palomino
name that horse breed`pantaneiro
name that horse breed`peruvian paso
name that horse breed`pindos pony
name that horse breed`quarter horseTV/ Movies: First Class Flicks: Chance the gardener finds himself as presidential advisor thru accident.`being there
name that horse breed`quarter pony
name that horse breed`rocky mountain horsewhat is a wallaby`kangaroo
name that horse breed`russian heavy draft
name that horse breed`schleswiger heavy draft
name that horse breed`shetland pony
name that horse breed`somali pony
name that horse breed`soviet heavy draft
name that horse breed`swedish warmblood
name that horse breed`tennessee walking horse
name that horse breed`thoroughbred
name that horse breed`tiger horse
name that horse breed`welsh pony and cob
name that horse breed`western sudan pony
name that horse breed`wielkopolski
Name that movie: What 1976 film popularized the line Im mad as hell and Im not going to take it anymore!`Network
Name That Tune: "Ain't gonna take none of your... foolin' 'round..."`i put a spell on you
Name That Tune: all day starring at the ceiling making friends with shadows on the walls`unwell
Name That Tune: "And she promises the Earth to me, and I believe her..."`girl
Name that Tune - busted flat in baton rouge....waitin for a train..`bobby mcgee
Name That Tune: "But the secret is still my own, and my love for you is still unknown..."`alone
Name That Tune : Dream Child In My Arms was a nightmare born in a borrowed bed.`eat for two
Name that Tune: Finished with my woman cause she couldn't help me with my mind`paranoid
Name That Tune : Freak out and give in, it doesn't matter what you believe in.`cherub rock
Name That Tune: "glass on the bottom of my feet, I bruised my heels on the swollen street"`joking
Name that Tune: Gonna be on sixth street in a second hand store, didn't know how to play it, but he knew for sure`jukebox hero
Name that Tune: he went down to dinner in his sunday best`excitable boy
Name That Tune: how can you see into my eyes like open doors`bring me to life
Name that Tune: i got a crazy teacher, he wears dark glasses`the future's so bright i gotta wear shades
Name That Tune: "into this world we're thrown like a dog without a bone"`riders on the storm
Name That Tune: in which bee gees song which they continously plead hold on, hold on`i've got to get a message to you
Name that Tune: is there something i should know`duran duran
Name That Tune: "It really comes as no surprise to find that you planned it all along."`only time will tell
Name That Tune: Just for a minute let's all do the bump`u cant touch this
Name That Tune: Like a moth by the flame burned by the fire`thats the way love goes
Name That Tune : Mom and Dad went to a show, they dropped me off at Grandpa Joe's.`sliver
Name That Tune: "people on their way to work say 'baby, what do you expect?'"`burning down the house
Name That Tune: Pleasant-sounding group that Keith Emerson was in before ELP.`nice
Name that Tune: Queen sang, one shaft of light that shows the way, no mortal man can win this day`a kind of magic
Name That Tune: "Show me how you do that trick, the one that makes me scream, she said..."`just like heaven
Name That Tune: Song title: "Catch the spirit; catch the spit."`tom sawyer
Name That Tune: Song title: "Half the world hates the other half."`sympathy
Name That Tune: Song title: "Is it any wonder I'm not the president?"`too much time on my hands
Name That Tune: Song title: "Pretty women out walking with gorillas down my street."`is she really going out with him
Name That Tune: Song title: "Teenage wasteland, only teenage wasteland..."`baba oriley
Name That Tune: Song title: "Welcome back my friends, to the show that never ends..."`karn evil 9
Name That Tune: Song title: "What's puzzling you is the nature of my game."`sympathy for the devil
Name That Tune: "so wonderfully, wonderfully, wonderfully, wonderfully pretty"`lovecats
Name That Tune: "Talk about mud flaps, my girl's got 'em!"`big bottom
Name That Tune : That's the jingle bell, that's the jingle bell, that's the jingle bell.`jingle bell rock
Name That Tune: "the girl who's driving me mad is going away"`ticket to ride
Name that Tune: the words will never show the you i've come to know`if
Name That Tune: Well I guess it would be nice if I could touch your body`faith
Name That Tune: When a leader speaks, that leader dies.`cult of personality
Name That Tune: "When they kick out your front door - how're you gonna come"`guns of brixton
Name That Tune: "where plasticine people wear looking-glass ties"`lucy in the sky with diamonds
Name That Tune: "You wanna graduate, but not 'n his bed"`dirty deeds done dirt cheap
Name That TV Show: Goober, Floyd, Opie, Barney`andy griffith
Name That TV Show: Hayden, Christine, Dauber`coach
Name That TV Show: Max Weinberg, Andy Richter, Conan`late night with conan obrien
Name That TV Show: Urkel, Laura, Carl`family matters
Name That TV Show: Wapner, Rusty, Doug`peoples court
Name the 1977 hit single for Elvis Costello`watching the detectives
name the 1983 bryan adams album that included the hit "cuts like a knife"`cuts like a knife
Name the 1985 album: "Love Of Another Kind," "Find A Way," "Wise Up"`unguarded
Name the 1991 album: "Every Heartbeat," "That's What Love Is For"`heart in motion
Name the 19th century French author of the novel Madame Bovary`gustave flaubert
Name the 19th full length disney cartoon which featured three liverpudlian vultures and an hypnotic snake among its cast`jungle book
Name the 2 democratic republics which existed in 1800`france and the usa
Name the 3-headed dog that guards Hades`cerberus
Name the 3 largest countries in the world in order`Russia Canada China
Name The 5th New York City Borough...Richmond, Brooklyn, The Bronx, Manhatten`Queens
Name the actor who made the following line famous We could have made beautiful music together"`Gary Cooper
Name the Actor: who played ashley wilkes`leslie howard
Name the Actor: who played bob woodward`robert redford
Name the Actor: who played charles foster kane`orson welles
Name the Actor: who played edward scissorhands`johnny depp
Name the actor who played the leading role in 'The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly'`Clint Eastwood
name the actor who played the leading role in "the good, the bad, & the ugly"`clint eastwood
Name the Actor: who played the nutty professor`jerry lewis
Name the actor who plays the police pathologist Quincy`jack klugman
Name the actor who portrayed Adam Cartwright in the TV series, Bonanza`Pernell Roberts
Name the actor who portrayed the character LeRoy Johnson in both the movie & TV Series, Fame`Gene Anthony Ray
Name the actor who turned down the male lead role in Gone with the Wind`Gary Cooper
Name the actress who played the leading role in the original "Gidget"`Sandra Dee
Name the actress who played the pretty blond girl Elliot danced with in E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial?`Erika Eleniak
Name the aircraft which won the prize for completing a figure-of-eight course, powered only by human effort`gossamer albatross
Name the airline which was the first to provide air sickness bags`Pitcairn Airlines
Name the album : Biscuit, Sour Times, Glory Box (Portishead)`dummy
Name The Album: Hyperactive, I Didnt Mean To Turn You On, Addicted to Love`riptide
Name the album : Iris, Lime House, Doe`pod
Name The Album: need You Tonight, Devil Inside`kick
Name the album : Nick The Stripper, Cry, King Ink`prayers on fire
name the album on which natalie cole sang 'duets' with her deceased father.`unforgettable
Name The Album: Paper Moon, Unforgettable, Route 66`unforgettable
Name the album: Pissant, Spaced, Blue`pisces iscariot
Name the album : Popscene, Sunday Sunday, For Tomorrow`modern life is rubbish
Name the album : Queen Jane, Armchair Anarchist, Ten Years Asleep`sleepwalking
Name the album : Ruined in a Day, Young Offender, Special`republic
Name the album : Sarah, Reggaejunkiejew, Big Jilm`pure guava
Name the album : Secrets, Forest, M`seventeen seconds
Name The Album: Shoop, Whatta Man`very necessary
Name the Album - 'Sliver' 'Son of a Gun' 'Downer'`incesticide
Name the album : Star Power, Marilyn Moore, Tom Violence`evol
Name the album : Suburbia, I Want A Lover, Later Tonight (Pet Shop Boys)`please
Name the album : Suffer Little Children, Pretty Girls Make Graves`the smiths
Name the album : Sugar Hiccup, Glass Candle Grenades`head over heels
Name the album : The Anchor Song, Violently Happy`debut
Name the album : Too Young To Die, Blow Your Mind`emergency on planet earth
Name the album : Used To Be, Out The Window`why do birds sing
Name The Album: You, I Sho Do, Circle Dance, Love Sneaking Up On You`longing in their hearts
Name the alkaloid which occurs naturally in coffee and tea`caffeine
Name the American President assassinated in 1901 in Buffalo, New York State.`william mckinley
Name the American space shuttle, its crew including a teacher, which exploded killing all on board after lift-off`Challenger
Name the ancient capital city state of the kingdom of Sumer`ur
Name the ancient city of the kingdom of Assyria, made co-capital with Nimrud by Sennacherib, circa 700 BC`nineveh
Name the ancient region that corresponds roughly to modern day Tuscany`etruria
Name the apartments the Jetson's live in`The Skypad Apartments
Name the Apostle who replaced Judas Iscariot`matthias
Name The Artist: 1000 Miles Away - The`Heartbeats
Name The Artist: 16 Candles - The`Crests
Name the artist: 1999`prince
Name The Artist: 3 A.M. Eternal`the klf
Name The Artist: 96 Tears ? And - The`Mysterians
Name The Artist: Abc`jackson 5
Name The Artist: A Better Love`londonbeat
Name The Artist: Abra Ca Dabra`defranco family
Name The Artist: Absolutely Right`five man electrical band
Name The Artist: A Cowboys Work Is Never Done`sonny & cher
Name The Artist: Across The River`bruce hornsby and the range
Name The Artist: Action`sweet
Name The Artist: A Day In The Life - The`Beatles
Name The Artist: A Dose Of Rock 'N' Roll`ringo starr
Name The Artist: A Fifth Of Beethoven`walter murphy
Name The Artist: After Midnight`eric clapton
Name The Artist: Afternoon Delight`starland vocal band
Name The Artist: After The Goldrush`prelude
Name The Artist: After The Love Has Gone`earth wind & fire
Name The Artist: After The Lovin'`engelbert humperdinck
Name The Artist: After The Rain`nelson
Name The Artist: A Girl Like You`the smithereens
Name The Artist: A Hard Day's Night - The`Beatles
Name The Artist: A Horse With No Name`america
Name The Artist: Ain't Gonna Bump No More`joe tex
Name The Artist: Ain't No Mountain High Enough`Diana Ross
Name The Artist: Ain't No Stopin' Us Now`mcfadden & whitehead
Name The Artist: Ain't No Sunshine`bill withers
Name The Artist: Ain't Nothing Like The Real Thing`donny & marie osmond
Name The Artist: Ain't No Way To Treat A Lady`helen reddy
Name The Artist: Ain't No Woman`four tops
Name The Artist: Ain't That A Shame`cheap trick
Name The Artist: Ain't Too Proud To Beg`rolling stones
Name The Artist: Ain't Too Proud To Beg - The`Temptations
Name The Artist: Ain't Understanding Mellow`jerry butler & brenda lee eager
Name The Artist: Airport Love Theme`vincent bell
Name The Artist: Albert Flash`guess who
Name The Artist: A Letter To Myself`chi-lites
Name The Artist: A Little Bit More`dr. hook
Name The Artist: A Little Love`corey hart
Name The Artist: A Little More Love`olivia newton-john
Name The Artist: Alive Again`chicago
Name The Artist: Alive`bee gees
Name The Artist: All Around The World`lisa stansfield
Name The Artist: All By Myself`eric carmen
Name The Artist: All Day Music`war
Name The Artist: All I Ever Need Is You`sonny & cher
Name The Artist: All I Have To Do Is Dream`glen campbell & bobbie gentry
Name The Artist: All I Have To Do Is Dream - The`Everly Brothers
Name The Artist: All I Know`art garfunkel
Name The Artist: All I Wanna Do Is Make Love To You`heart
Name The Artist: All My Life`linda ronstadt & aaron neville
Name The Artist: All My Loving - The`Beatles
Name The Artist: All Or Nothing`milli vanilli
Name The Artist: All Right Now`free
Name The Artist: All Shook Up`Elvis Presley
Name The Artist: All Strung Out On You`john travolta
Name The Artist: All The King's Horses`aretha franklin
Name The Artist: All The Man That I Need`whitney houston
Name The Artist: All The Young Dudes`mott the hoople
Name The Artist: All This Time`sting
Name The Artist: All You Get From Love Is A Love Song`carpenters
Name The Artist: Almost Like Being In Love`michael johnson
Name The Artist: Almost Summer`celebration
Name The Artist: Alone Again`Gilbert O'sullivan
Name The Artist: Already Gone`eagles
Name The Artist: Alright`janet jackson
Name The Artist: Also Sprach Zarathustra (2001)`deodato
Name The Artist: Always And Forever`heatwave
Name The Artist: Always Something There To Remind Me`r.b. greaves
Name The Artist: A Man I'll Never Be`boston
Name The Artist: Amazing Grace`judy collinsWho succeeded winston churchill as prime minister of england`anthony eden
Name The Artist: Amazing Grace`royal scots dragoon Guards
Name The Artist: American City Suite`cashman & west
Name The Artist: American Pie`Don Mclean
Name The Artist: Americans`byron macgregor
Name The Artist: American Tune`paul simon
Name The Artist: American Woman`guess who
Name The Artist: Amie`pure prairie league
Name The Artist: A Million To One`donny osmond
Name The Artist: Amos Moses`jerry reed
Name The Artist: An American Trilogy`mickey newbury
Name The Artist: A Natural Man`lou rawls
Name The Artist: And I Love You So`perry como
Name The Artist: And So It Goes`billy joel
Name The Artist: An Everlasting Love`andy gibb
Name The Artist: Angel`aretha franklin
Name The Artist: Angel In Your Arms`hot
Name The Artist: Angel`rod stewart
Name The Artist: Angie Baby`helen reddy
Name The Artist: Angie`rolling stones
Name The Artist: Annie's Song`john denver
Name The Artist: An Old Fashioned Love Song`three Dog Night
Name The Artist: Another Day`paul mccartney
Name The Artist: Another Park, Another Sunday`doobie Brothers
Name The Artist: Another Rainy Day In New York City`chicago
Name The Artist: Another Saturday Night`cat stevens
Name The Artist: Another Somebody Done Somebody Wrong Song`b.j. thomas
Name The Artist: Another Star`stevie wonder
Name The Artist: Anticipation`carly simon
Name The Artist: Anything Is Possible`debbie gibson
Name The Artist: Anything I Want`kevin paige
Name The Artist: Anything You Want`john valenti
Name The Artist: Anytime (I'll Be There)`paul anka
Name The Artist: Aquarius - The`Fifth Dimension
Name The Artist: Are You Lonesome Tonight`donny Osmond
Name The Artist: Are You Lonesome Tonight`Elvis Presley
Name The Artist: Are You Man Enough`four tops
Name The Artist: Are You Ready?`pacific gas & Electric
Name The Artist: Ariel`dean friedman
Name The Artist: Arizona`mark lindsay
Name The Artist: Armed And Extremely Dangerous`first Choice
Name The Artist: A Rock 'N' Roll Fantasy`kinks
Name The Artist: Around The Way Girl`l.l. cool j
Name The Artist: Arrow Through Me`wings
Name The Artist: Ask Me No Questions`b.b. king
Name The Artist: Ask Me What You Want`millie jackson
Name The Artist: A Song Of Joy`miguel rios
Name The Artist: As`stevie wonder
Name The Artist: As Tears Go By`mashmakhan
Name The Artist: A Teenager In Love`Dion & The Belmonts
Name The Artist: At Midnight`rufus
Name The Artist: At Seventeen`janis ian
Name The Artist: At The Hop`Danny & The Juniors
Name The Artist: Attitude Dancing`carly simon
Name The Artist: Aubrey`bread
[Name the artist] avalon`bryan ferry
Name The Artist: A Very Special Love Song`charlie rich
Name The Artist: A Whiter Shade Of Pale`Procol Harum
Name The Artist: Baby Baby`amy grant
Name The Artist: Baby Blue - The`Echoes
Name The Artist: Baby, It's Tonight`jude cole
Name The Artist: Baby Love - The`Supremes
Name The Artist: Baby Oh Baby - The`Shells
Name the artist: '... Baby One More Time' & 'Sometimes'`britney spears
Name The Artist: Baby Talk`Jan & Dean
[Name the artist] back in my life`alice deejay
Name The Artist: Bad Bad`Leroy Brown Jim Croce
Name The Artist: Bad Of The Heart`george lamond
Name the artist/band: After The Love Has Gone`earth, wind & fire
Name the artist/band: A Groovy Kind Of Love`the mindbenders
Name the artist/band: All Around The World`lisa stansfield
Name the artist/band: All By Myself`eric carmen
Name the artist/band: All I Have To Do Is Dream`bobby gentry & glen campbell
Name the artist/band: Alone`heart
Name the artist/band: Always`atlantic starr
Name the artist/band: Always Have Always Will`ace of base
Name the artist/band: Baby, Now That I Found You`the foundations
Name the artist/band: Baby One More Time`britney spears
Name the artist/band: Bailamos`enrique iglesias
Name the artist/band: Believe`cher
Name the artist/band: Bette Davis Eyes`kim carnes
Name the artist/band: Big In Japan`alphaville
Name the artist/band: Black Velvet`alannah myles
Name the artist/band: Blue Velvet`bobby vinton
Name the artist/band: Broken Wings`mr. mister
Name the artist/band: Brother Louie`modern talking
Name the artist/band: Canned Heat`jamiroquai
Name the artist/band: Can't Fight This Feeling`reo speedwagon
Name that car maker: DB1`aston martin
Name that car maker: GranTurismo, 458 Italia`fiat
Name that car maker: NHR (Elf)`isuzu
Name that car maker: 8C Competizione `alfa romeo
Name that car maker: 300`chrysler
Name that car maker: Xantia`citroen
Name that car maker: Matiz`daewoo
Name that car maker: Midget Model DKA`diahatsu
Name that car maker: Civic`honda
Name that car maker: Genesis`hyundai
Name that car maker: F-Type, XK`jaguar
Name that car maker: Sportage`kia
Name that car maker: Range Rover`land rover
Name that car maker: LFA Supercar`lexus
Name that car maker: ____ 205`peugeot
Name that car maker: Phantom`rolls royce
Name that car maker: Hayabusa GSX1300R`suzuki
Name that car maker: MC12 Corsa`masarati
Name that car maker: SLS AMG Roadster`mercedes benz
Name that car maker: Roadster`mgb
Name that car maker: Skyline GT-R`nissan
Name that car maker: Sonett III`saab
Name that car maker: Sky`saturn
Name that car maker: Prius`toyota
Name that car maker: Passat`volkswagen
Name that car maker: XC60, V70, S80, S60, V40`Volvo
Name that car maker: miata`mazda
Name that car maker: Exige`lotus
Name that car maker: lancer`mitsubishi
Name that car maker: Impreza`subaru
Name that car maker: Wrangler`jeep
Name that car maker: Enzo`ferrari
Name that car maker: R8`audi
Name that car maker: Charger`dodge
Name that car maker: 911`porsche
Name that car maker: saga sv`proton
Name that car maker: ____ GT`ford
Name that car maker: 1 Series M Coupe`bmw
Name that car maker: Corvette`chevrolet
Name that car maker: Fiero`Pontiac
Name that car maker: Yukon`GMC
Name that car maker: H2`Hummer
Name that car maker: CTS-V`Cadillac
Name that aircraft maker: A6M Zero`mitsubishi
Name that aircraft maker: P51-D Mustang`North American
Name that aircraft maker: JA 37 Viggen`Saab
Name that aircraft maker: ___ Trimotor (Tin Goose)`Ford
Name that aircraft maker: SR-71 Blackbird`Lockheed Martin
Name that aircraft maker: RAH-66 Comanche`Sikorsky`Boeing
Name that aircraft maker: F-15 Eagle`McDonnell Douglas
Name that aircraft maker: G.55 Fighter`Fiat
Name that aircraft maker: P-39 Airacobra`Bell Aircraft
Name that aircraft maker: B-29 Superfortress`Boeing
Name that aircraft maker: XB-70 Valkyrie`North American
Name that aircraft maker: MI-24`Mil
Name that aircraft maker: MiG-35`Mikoyan Gurevich