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In a medieval motte and bailey castle,what was the motte`a mound
In America during Prohibition, what name was given to an illegal drinking bar`speakeasy
In American money terms, how much is a 'sawbuck' equivalent to`ten dollars
in 'american pie', who does don mclean refer to as 'the king'`elvis presley
In American universities, what is a second-year student called`sophomore
In America they are called Mutual Funds how are they known here`unit trusts
In america what does a realtor do`an estate agent
In Ames, Iowa, a husband may not take more than three gulps of _____ while lying in bed with his wife.`beer
in a movie titled "miss annie rooney" what does the rko as in rko pictures stand for`radio keith orpheum
In an 1897 novel, a scientist called Griffin makes a discovery which radically changes his appearance. How is he better known`the invisible man
In an academic, context, what does the 'A' stand for in the abbreviation A.K.C`associate
In an alphabetical list of countries in the world, what middle eastern country comes between portugal and romania`qatar
In an alphabetical list of countries in the world, what middle eastern country comes between Portugal & Romania`qatar
In an atom, the electron weighs _________ th of the weight of the proton`1/2000
In anatomy, organ that stores urine after its formation by the kidneys`bladder
In an attempt to help giant pandas breed, Chinese officials are using what sexual ''aid''?`Porno movies
In an average lifetime, the average aAerican drives 55,372 miles on `shopping trips
In an average lifetime, the average American ___ 410078 times`laughs
in an average lifetime, the average american attends 16 ___?`major league baseball games
In an average lifetime, the average American attends 4 ___`professional hockey games
In an average lifetime, the average American buys 420 ___`paperback books
In an average lifetime, the average American charges $120,875 on _____`credit cards
In an average lifetime, the average american charges on _____`credit cards
In an average lifetime, the average American consumes 10,231 gallons of _____`beverages
in an average lifetime, the average american drives 55,372 miles on ___`shopping trips
in an average lifetime, the average american eats 1,279 pounds of ___?`snack food
In an average lifetime, the average American eats 135 pound of ___`american cheese
in an average lifetime, the average american eats 248 pounds of ___?`tortilla chips
in an average lifetime, the average american eats 8,389 ___`hamburgers
In an average lifetime, the average American eats 84,775 _____`crackers
In an average lifetime, the average American gives flowers 136 times on __`mother's day
in an average lifetime, the average american has 60 ___ filled?`cavities
In an average lifetime, the average american is counted in 7 ___`censuses
in an average lifetime, the average american is involved in 6 ___?`motor vehicle accidents
In an average lifetime, the average American sees 345 movies in ___`theaters
in an average lifetime, the average american spends 2 1/2 years ___?`speaking
In an average lifetime, the average American spends 30,787 dollars on ___`home improvements
In an average lifetime, the average American spends 35 dollars on ___`sleeping pills
in an average lifetime, the average american spends 3,893 hours playing __`sports
In an average lifetime, the average American visits a ___ 22 times`pediatrician
In an average lifetime, the average american visits a ___ 5 times`psychiatrist
In an average lifetime, the average american wears 7,500 ___`diapers
In an average man's semen, about 10 percent are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.`abnormal
in ancient egypt, killing a ---------- was a crime punishable by death`cat
In ancient Egypt, Priests _______ EVERY hair from their bodies, including their eyebrows and eyelashes`plucked
In ancient egypt, the brain was extracted through the nasal passages during what process`mummification
in ancient egypt, the ---------- was called the egg of the sun`apricot
in ancient egypt, they paid their taxes in----------`honey
In ancient Egypt which animal was considered sacred`Cat
In ancient Greece and Rome, _ _ _ _ _ were made out of animal horns, gold, silver, ivory and glass.`dildos
In ancient greece, what was a myriad`groups of numbers over 10,000
In Ancient Greece, what would women do to ward off storms at sea?`expose their vaginas
In Ancient Greece, women would expose their ________ to ward of storms at sea.`genitals
In ancient Greece, young aristocratic women were deflowered before marrying by having their hymen pierced by a?`stone penis
In ancient Greece, young aristocratic women were subjected to a ritual of piercing their hymen with a _____ _____ before marrying:`stone penis
In ancient ----, it was considered a sign of leadership to be born with a crooked nose.`rome
In ancient ----, it was considered a sin to eat the flesh of a woodpecker.`rome
in ancient---------- , killing a cat was a crime punishable by death`egypt
In ancient ------, people committed suicide by eating a pound of salt.`china
In Ancient Peru, when a woman found an 'ugly' _______, it was the custom for her to push it into the face of the nearest man`potato
In ancient Rome, auburn-haired puppies were sacrificed to ensure a plentiful ______ crop`corn
In ancient rome, it was a sin to eat the flesh of what kind of bird`woodpecker
in ancient rome, it was considered a sign of leadership to be born with a crooked----------`nose
In ancient Rome, what physical characteristic was considered to be a sign of leadership`A crooked nose
In ancient Rome what was a denarius`coin
In ancient ------, the crimes for abduction, armed robbery, treason, and adultery were punished by castration.`china
In ancient time Bolotia was a region of which country`greece
In ancient times, the traditional color of bridal gowns was -----. The wife of Napoleon III broke the tradition and wore a white gown. Then, brides began wearing white gowns (that were worn only once) as a symbol of their wealth.`red
In ancient ------, towns were often arranged in patterns so that if seen from the air, the whole community would resemble an animal or a symbolic design. Some were arranged to resemble snakes, stars, sunbursts, and dragons.`china
In a new and different way, form, or manner`anew
In Animal House, what was Bluto's grade point average?`0.0
In an impetuous manner: rashly`headlong
In an isosceles triangle, if the two equal angles are 35 degrees, what is the third angle`110 degrees
inanna is the sumerian goddess of`love, fertility and`fortune
Inanna is the sumerian goddess of ______`love, fertility and war
In answer to the question posed by culture club in this, their first hit, yes`do you really want to hurt me
In an unambiguous way: clearly: 'explained the concept ------.'`simply
In an unusual degree: exceptionally`rarely
In a nursery rhyme where would you go to see a fine lady on a fine horse`Banbury cross
In any case: at least: 'I don't know if it was lost or stolen: ------, it's gone.'`anyway
in any group of 23 people, there's a 50% chance that two of them share the same`birthday
In a period of 400 years how many times does the 1st of January fall on a Sunday`58fifty eight
In a place or condition that has been passed or left: 'I left my gloves ------.'`behind
In a play, what kind of speech reveals a character's innermost thoughts to the audience`soliloquy
In a political statement, James gave all rights to Sit Down to which political organisation`the labour party
In a position facing: 'had his back ------ me.'`toward
Inappropriately silly: 'a --------- purchase.'`frivolous
In approximately what year was steel first made`five hundred bc
in arab countries, coffee there is flavoured with this spice.`cardamom
In arabian mythology, what is the spirit of a murdered man seeking to avenge his death`afrit
In architecture what is a mansard`type of roof
In architecture , what name is given to the central pole of a spiral staircase`newel post
In area, which is the largest Australian state`western australia
In area, which is the largest country in Africa`sudan
In area, which is the second largest country of South America`argentina
In a recent survey, Americans revealed that this was their favorite smell`banana
In a recent US poll, what percentage of the electorate said they would not vote for a candidate who had had an extramarital affair?`twenty six percent
In Aregentinas currency how many australes are there in a peso`10,000
In a right triangle, the ratio of the length of the side opposite an acute angle to the length of the hypotenuse`sine
In Arizona you may not have more than 2 ______ in one house.`dildos
In around what year was Joan of Arc born`1412
In art, a form of watercolor that uses opaque pigments rather than the usual transparent watercolor pigments?`Gouache
In "Art Attack", How much did Logan win at basketball?`He wasn't playing for money
In "Art Attack", What is defenestration?`Tossing someone out of a window
In "Art Attack", Who caught the bouquet?`Original Cindy
in arthurian legend what did sir lancelot's adultery prevent him from doing`finding the holy grail
In Arthurian legend who is the son of Sir Lancelot`galahad
In Arthurian legend, who was the Lily Maid of Astolat`elaine
Inarticulate: silent: '-------- spectators.'`wordless
In art, what is impasto`laying paint on thickly
In art, what name is given to a quick sketch for a larger painting`cartoon
In a Rugby League team which player wears the number nine shirt`the hooker
In a scanty manner: sparsely: 'a ------ furnished room.'`barely
In a short time: soon`anon
In a similar manner: in kind: 'repaid the offense in ------.'`specie
in a standard digital telephone, which button also denotes the letters mno`six
in a standard digital telephone, which button also denotes the letters mno`six`6
In a standard game of cricket, what is the maximum number of people that can be on the field of play at any one time during play`seventeen
In astrology, what planet governs love`Venus
In astronomy, the angle in degrees of a heavenly body above the horizon`altitude
In astronomy, the apparent great-circle annual path of the sun in the celestial sphere, as seen from the earth?`ecliptic
In a survey conducted by a women's magazine, 70 percent of female respondents said they would rather have -------------- than sex, according to the Chocolate Manufacturers Association.`chocolate
In a survey conducted by a women's magazine, 70 percent of female respondents said they would rather have _________ than sex.`chocolate
In a threefold quantity or degree`thrice
In ______, at only 7 years old, Charles Sauson inherited the post of official executioner`1726
In a TV or film studio, what name is given to the technician responsible for props and carnera mountings`key grip
In a twofold manner`doubly
in atwt...who did holden marry`lily
In a typical ejaculation, semen has about as much vitamin C as _____.`an orange
Inaugural Jacket Was Woven From The Wool Of Sheep Raised At His Home In Virginia`James Madison
In August 1945 atomic bombs were dropped on which two cities`hiroshima and nagasaki
In a uniform gravitational field, the center of gravity is also a______`centre of mass
in a uniform gravitational field, the center of gravity is also a`centre of`modula
in australian slang what does a blue heeler refer to`a policeman
In Australian Slang what would be the occupation of a Garbo`binman
In Australia, Why Is It That The White Sheep Eat More Grass Than The Black Sheep..Clue: BTAMWS`Because There Are More White Sheep
In a woman's menstrual cycle, her libido peaks in the _____ phase?`luteal
In Backgammon, how many pieces does each player start with`fifteen
in backgammon, how many pieces does each player start with`fifteen`15
in 'back to the future', what kind of car did they go 'back to the future in`delorean
In 'Back To The Future', where did Doc Brown get the plutonium to power the time-travelling DeLorean?`Lybian terrorists
In badminton, how many points win a mens singles game`fifteen
In badminton, how many points win a singles game`fifteen points
In "Bag 'em", What message did the signal satellite display in the beginning of the episode?`Regroup
In "Bag 'em", What proof did she give Normal that she had a heart transplant?`Showed him a scar
In "Bag 'em", What was the last thing they had to do as soldiers before they split up according to Max?`Have a moment of silence for fallen comrades
In "Bag 'em", Who or what did the government blame for the fire at the 'VA hospital' that was Manticore's cover?`The S1W
In "Bag 'em", Who rescued five of the kids from the rendezvous point?`max
In "Bag 'em", Why is Max so special (why does White want to capture her more than the rest)?`She has no junk DNA
In Bahrain, male doctors may only exanine what, using a mirror`a womans genitals
In Bahrain, OB/GYN's must examine their patients with the help of a mirror. It is believed that looking directly at the ________ will result in blindness.`clitoris
in baltimore usa it is illegal to wash or scrub a ---------- regardless of how dirty it is`sink
In Bambi, what musical instrument represents the sound of thunder`cymbal
in "bambi", who is responsible for the forest fire`man
In Bart's dream about the U.S. founding fathers, who is writing his name in the snow?`John Hancock
In baseball, how far do you have to run if you hit a home run`three hundred
in baseball, how far do you have to run if you hit a home run`three hundred and sixy feet
in baseball, what base is called the key stone?`second base
In baseball, what does the 'Hot Corner' refer to`Third base
In baseball, who won their first world series in 1969`new york mets
in baseball, you have to run 360 feet if you hit a ______`home run
In Batman and Robin [the new movie] what is the name of the actor that plays Batman`George Clooney
In Battle Star Galactica,What was the name of the human leader of the Cylons?`Baltar
In Bavaria it was believed that if a woman placed a few drops of her _________ _______ into a cup of coffee, the first man who drank it would marry her.`menstrual blood
In Beast Wars what is the name of the Maximal Ship?`The Axalon
In Beatrix Potter's Tale of Tom Kitten, what was the name of his mother`tabitha twitchett
In Beverly Hills Cop, how does Axel Foley escape the police car that is sent to follow him?`a banana in the tailpipe
In beverly hills cop, when axel foley enters the hotel, he uses an alias. who does he say he works for`rolling stone magazine
In biology, fusion of the nuclear materials of two gametes resulting in the formation of a zygote, or embryo`fertilization
In biology, the complex of processes by which living organisms originated on earth & have been diversified & modified through sustained changes in form & function`evolution
In biology, what 'D' is the process by which food is broken down`digestion
in biology what is the abbreviation BMR short for`base metabolic rate
in birds of a feather where did sharron and tracey live`chigwell
In Blackjack, An Ace is Worth How Many Points... ? or ??`1 Or 11
In "Blah Blah Woof Woof," After losing to Max at chess what does Logan accuse her of abusing her superpower to take advantage`mere mortals
In "Blah Blah Woof Woof," For what reason does Matt say Normal has an outstanding warrant?`Unpaid speeding tickets
In "Blah Blah Woof Woof," How did Max call for help` Cell Phone
In "Blah Blah Woof Woof," How does Logan get the blood he needs?`Max is a universal donor
In "Blah Blah Woof Woof," How does Max get out of the market?`She swings out
In "Blah Blah Woof Woof," How many chess games has Max won against Logan so far?`Five
In "Blah Blah Woof Woof," How much is the reward Lydecker is offering for Max`$50,000
In "Blah Blah Woof Woof," Where do Max and Zack spend the night`Cale family cabin
In "Blah Blah Woof Woof," Who does Lydecker catch?`Zack
In "Blah Blah Woof Woof" Zack tell Max, "I remember the morning of the escape getting into Cheyenne around 7 am. The streets were just starting to fill with people. Not soldiers or doctors just regular people on their way to work. It scared the hell out of me. As far as I was concerned they were all the enemy and I was ____________ ___________"`completely outnumbered
In "Blah Blah Woof Woof," Zack turns himself in for who's murder`Vogelsang
In Blazing Saddles, what is the last name of everybody in the town of Rock Ridge?`Johnson
In Blue Grass music who is Flatt's partner`scruggs
In Bogota, Colombia, three hot young pedestrians were enticing men to lick their ________, which they'd coated with roofies. While the men were out cold, the girls took their wallets and cars.`breasts
in bonanza, what was the name of joe cartwright's horse?`cochise
In "Boo", How did Max get Sally to talk?`She gave him a swirly
In "Boo", How did Max spend the rest of her night?`Trick or Treating with Joshua
In "Boo", What favor did Logan ask of the religious leader?`To marry him and Asha
In "Boo", What messenger service did Sally need to pick up a package from?`Jam Pony
In "Boo", Which religious leader was his target?`Father McCallister
In "Boo", Who hired Sally to assassinate someone?`Peirpoint Lempkin
In "Boo", Who's face did Rafer's mother see in her crystal ball while she was reading Max's fortune?`Death's
In "Borrowed Time", How long will the cure work?`12 hours
In "Borrowed Time", How much did Max's lab tech friend want for the cure?`twenty thousand
In "Borrowed Time", What movie does Max plan to steal to get the money for the cure?`Star Wars Episode VII
In Bosom Buddies, where did Kip & Henry work`advertising agency
In Boston, Massachusetts, two people may not kiss in front of a ______.`church
In bowling, what is it if you knock down all the pins with one ball`strike
In bowling, what is it if you knock down all the pins with two balls`spare
In boxing, what is a blow to the back of the head`rabbit punch
In boxing, which weight is between fly and feather`bantamweight
In Bozeman, Montana, you can't perform any sexual acts in the front yard of any home, after _______, and if you are nude.`sundown
in braille, which letter do three vertical dots represent`l
In "Brainiac", finish the quote "Break __ ___"`An egg
Inbred: innate: '------- habits.'`ingrown
in brian de palma's 1984 movie, "scarface," how many times is the "f word" said`206 times
In Britain a suffragette threw herself under the kings horse in what year`1913
In Britain hamburger meat is called`mince
In Britain Stanstead airport was formally opened in which year`1991
In Britain, this popular pastime is referred to as a boot sale. What is it known as in North America`A Garage Sale
In Britain what is the background colour on road signs on Motorways`blue
In Britain what year was the Forth Railway Bridge opened`1890
In British history what was revealed by letter to Lord Monteagle`gunpowder plot
In British history which royal houses fought in the Wars of the Roses`lancaster and york
in Brookside there is a character nick named Sinbad,what is the character's real name`Thomas Sweeney
In bullfighting what is a Banderilla`dart
In _____ _________, by law if a man promises to marry an unmarried woman, the marriage must take place.`South Carolina
Incapable of being affected: '---------- to fear.'`impervious
Incapable of being changed: unalterable`inflexible
Incapable of being realized or defined`intangible
Incapable of functioning or assisting: ineffectual: 'He panics easily and is ------- in an emergency.' futile`useless
Incapable of producing offspring`barren
Incapable of sin or wrongdoing`impeccable
in caracas, the capital city of venezuela, it is customary for the streets to be blocked off on what holiday so that the people can roller-skate to church`christmas eve
In card games what name is given to the most important suit`trumps
In Carrizoz, New Mexico, it is forbidden for a female to appear ________ in public.`unshaven
In cartography, the ratio of the distance between two points on a map & the actual distance between the two points on the earth's surface`scale
in cb lingo, what does the number 10-20 mean`location
in certain parts of ---------- and ancient china, mouse meat was considered a delicacy`india
in certain parts of india and ancient china, ---------- meat was considered a delicacy`mouse
in certain parts of india and ancient---------- , mouse meat was considered a delicacy`china
In certain societies, such as imperial China, a woman contracted to a man as a secondary wife, often having few legal rights and low social status`concubine
Incestous marriages are legal in Alabama. Men are also not allowed to ____ in front of the opposite sex.`spit
in "charade," audrey hepburn says [this] is what's wrong with cary grant. what`nothing
In Charles Dickens' "The Old Curiosity Shop", Little Nell shares her surname with which British river`trent
in checkers, what piece can move in any direction`king
In chemistry, analytical technique used for the chemical separation of mixtures & substances`chromatography
In chemistry, law stating that many of the physical & chemical properties of the elements tend to recur in a systematic manner with increasing atomic number`periodic law
In chemistry what is a pipette used for`measuring liquids
in chemistry, which electrical charge do anions carry?`negative
In chess haow many moves does a king make in a castling manoevre`two
in chess, what name is given to the only move involving two pieces?`castling
Inches who at buckingham palace wears bearskins`guards
In Chicago, Illinois, it is legal to protest _____ in front of City Hall, as long as you are under 17 years of age and have the proper permits.`naked
In childrens books written by the Duchess of York who or what is Budgie`helicopter
In children's literature what was the name that appeared over the door of 'Winnie the Pooh's house`mr sanders
In china Lego is called`0937
In China why were kites flown on the ninth day of every month`To banish evil
in chinese mythology, who separated the sky from the earth`pangu
In chinese theory whats the opposite if yin`yang
In Christian churches, the universal rite of initiation, performed with water.`baptism
in---------- , christmas is celebrated with fireworks`brazil
in 'citizen kane', who played kane's assistant`joseph cotten
In classical mythology how many heads did the hydra have`nine
In classical prosody, a line in which the first four feet are either dactylic or spondaic, the fifth dactylic, and the sixth spondaic`hexameter
in clement clarke moore's poem, 'the night before christmas', which is the first (alhphabetically) of the reindeer`blitzen
in cleveland, ohio it is illegal to catch ---------- without a hunting license`mice
Inclined or disposed to peace: peaceable`peaceful
Inclined to atheism`atheistic
Inclined to behave in an actively hostile fashion: 'an ---------- regime.'`aggressive
Inclined to cling together as a group and exclude outsiders`clannish
Inclined to or capable of cogitation`cogitative
Inclined to rove`rangy
In Clinton, Arkansas, molesting an __________ is illegal.`automobile
In close consequence of which: 'The instructor entered the room, --------- we got to our feet.'`whereupon
In close to all sides from all directions: 'a field bordered ------ with tall trees.'`around
Including everything: comprehensive: 'the ------- costs of medical care.'`overall
Including or concerning all humankind: universal: what was of -------- rather than national interest (J.A. Froude)`catholic
Including, relating to, or affecting all members of the class or group under consideration: 'the --------- skepticism of philosophers.' general`universal
Including the specified extremes or limits as well as the area between them: 'the numbers one to ten, ---------.'`inclusive
Inclusion in an insurance policy or protective plan`coverage
In "Cold Confort", What happens to Brin?`Lydecker takes her back to Manticore
In "Cold Confort", What is wrong with Brin?`She has progeria
In "Cold Confort", Who is Normal's Hero?`George Bush, Sr.
In "Cold Confort", Why does Herbal want a personal day next Friday?`To go to a concert
In "Cold Confort", Why isn't Kendra home?`She's on a date
In comic literature, what was the name of Billy Bunter's sister`bessie
In comic strip, Batman, Robin is the alias of which inhabitant of Gotham city`dick grayson
In Common: Belly, fever, journalism, pages`yellow
In common: big bertha, bowie knife, colt revolver, derringer`weapons named after people
in common: board, cross, man, side.`walk
in common: boot, eye, bird, death.`black
In common: brain, watching, bath, house`bird
in common: chinook, kiowa, huey, labrador, sea king`helicopters
in common: cross, baby, blood, ribbon`blue
in common: detroit, phibes, demento, faustus?`doctors
in common: dust, movie, gaze, sapphire.`star
In Common: Elephant, bleed, lie, wash`white
in common: french, taking, alone, on.`leave
In common: George Washington, known as the "father of the country," James Madison, andrew Jackson, James Polk, James Buchanan, & Warren Harding`us presidents who never had children
in common: golden rings, alive, 9 to, and 10, easy pieces`five
in common: goodbye columbus, letting go, portnoy's complaint, the breast.`novels by philip roth
In common: henry ford, adolf hitler, frank sinatra, orville and wilbur wright`dropped out of school
in common: henry ford, adolf hitler, frank sinatra, orville & wilbur wright`secondary school dropouts`dropped out of school`school`neptune
In Common: Himalayan, Rex, Manx, Maine Coon`breeds of cats
In Common: Himalayan, Rex, Manx, Maine Coon`breeds of cats`kinds of
in common: himalayan, rex, manx, maine coon`breeds of cats`kinds of cats`cats
in common: himalayan, rex, manx, maine coon`breeds of cats`kinds of cats`killer
in common: honeysuckle, tiny world, chux.`disposable diapers
In Common: Humor, mannered, suited, take`ill
in common: in, dump, stop, farm`truck
In common: Jesus Christ, Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Karl Marx`jewish
in common: jimmy connors, gerald ford, sandy koufax, paul mccartney?`left-handedness
In common: John James Audubon, Alexander Graham Bell, Albert Einstein`foreign born americans
In common: King Tonkin, Duchess of Oldenburg, Simpson Starking and Rambo`apples
in common: labrador duck, passenger pigeon, dodo, carolina parakeet`extinct birds
in common: labrador duck, passenger pigeon, dodo, carolina parakeet`extinct`piano
in common: labrador duck, passenger pigeon, dodo, heath hen, carolina?`extinct birds
in common: macarthur, place, gorky, hyde, central.`parks
in common: macy's, hudson's, marshall field, gum, harrod's`world's largest department stores
in common: mark spitz, don schollander, john weissmuller, duke kahanamoku?`american swimmers
In common: nova, comet, galaxy, meteor`cars
In common: nova, comet, galaxy, meteor`cars named after stellar bodies`car
In Common: Nova, comet, galaxy, meteor`cars named after stellar bodies`car names
in common: nova, comet, galaxy, meteor`cars named after stellar bodies`car`species
In common: office, camera, cardboard, spring`box
in common: opera, into, verse, fingered, red, house.`light
in common: pascal, golden, equilateral, musical`triangles
in common: poor soul, fenwick babbitt, joe the bartender, ralph kramden.`jackie gleason
in common: poor soul, fenwick babbitt, joe the bartender, ralph kramden?`jackie gleason characters
In common: screen, sale, water, storm`fire
In common: see, carpet, hot, cent`red
In common: shar-pei, pug, shih tzu, pomeranian`breeds of dogs
In Common: Sigmund Freud, A Conan Doyle, Robert Louis Stevenson`cocaine users
In Common: Squeeze, passion, mate, doctor`play
in common: star, glory, after, sickness`morning
In common: tennis, geology, critics`faults
IN COMMON: under, broke, go, after`go
in common: ursa minor, ursa major, leo, orion, scorpius`names of constellations
IN COMMON: wagon, stand, aid, dance`band
in common: wh auden, yukio mishima, oscar wilde, petr tchaikovsky.`homosexuals who married women
In comparison with: 'a proposal that seems quite reasonable ------ the others.'`beside
In computer-ese, "wysiwyg" is an acronym for`what you see is what you get
In computer graphics, the effect produced when display resolution is too coarse to minimize the jagged, or appearance of certain design elements, such as diagonal lines, curves, & circles`aliasing
In computer science, a key on ibm pc & similar computer keyboards that when pressed in combination with another key, gives the other key an alternative meaning`alt key
In computer science, a peripheral or add-on to a computer, such as a mouse or a modem`accessory
In computer terms, what does ocr stand for`optical character recognition
In computing, for what does S stand in the acronym SIMM`single
In computing, for what does the first 'S' stand in the acronym SCSI (pronounced SCUZZY)`small
In computing terminology, what does D.P.I. stand for`dots per inch
In computing the term modem is a contraction of what two words`modulator demodulator
In computing, what abbreviation stands for "picture element"`pixel
in computing what does BIOS represent`basic input output system
In computing what does CAD stand for`computer aided design
In computing, what does DOS stand for`disk operating system
in computing what does the abbreviation PCB represent`printed circuit board
In computing, what is 'bit' an abbreviation for`binary digit
In computing which letter of the alphabet represents 1,024 bytes`k
Inconclusive: 'an ---------- contest: an ---------- battle.'`indecisive
In Connorsville, Wisconsin no man shall shoot of a gun while his female partner is having a _______ ________.`sexual orgasm
Inconsistent with an individual pattern or custom`unnatural
Inconstancy: changeableness`levities
Inconstant: fickle`variable
In Contract Bridge what's the only bid which will score 100 points for game if you take nine tricks. There's no doubling`three no trumps
In cookery, what does the term "Julienne" mean`in strips
In cookery, what does the term "Macedoine" mean`diced
In cookery, what term is used for the sprinkling of food lightly and evenly with flour, sugar, etc`dredging
In cookery, which dish was named after a ballerina`pavlova
In cooking, cripsy, spicy or aromatic duck is usually given the name of which city`Peking
in cooking, ---------- drops make a dash`six
in cooking, six drops make a----------`dash
In cooking, the term 'blanquette' means a dish is prepared in what manner`in a white sauce
In cooking, what are Brochettes`pieces of meat cooked on a skewer
In cooking what does MSG stand for`monosodium glutamate
In cooking, what does the term 'en brochette' mean`cooked on a skewer
In cooking where does 'angelica' come from`plant root
In cooking, which meat is used in the stew a Navarin`lamb
In cooking, which meat is used in the stew a Navarin`lamb or mutton
In cornish folklore, what is a bucca`sea spirit
In cornish folklore, what is a sea spirit that lives among fisherman`bucca
in coronation street how did ken barlows first wife val die`electricuted`electricution
In Coronation Street, what was the name of Ken Barlow's first wife, played by Anne Reid`valerie
In Coronation Street, which room in the Rover's Return was regularly used by Ena Sharples and friends`snug
In Coronation Street, who has been revealed as the father of Ashley Peacock`fred elliott
In 'coronation street', who is ken and denise's son`daniel
in Coronation Street,who was the first landlady of the Rovers Return`Annie Walker
Incorporeal consciousness`spirit
In country does nodding the head means "NO" and shaking the head means "YES"`Albania
In country does nodding the head means "no" & shaking the head means "yes"`albania
In country music, who is the "Coalminer's Daughter"`loretta lynn
In "C.R.E.A.M", How does Max distract the guard from the Municipal City Hall?`Floods the bathroom
In "C.R.E.A.M", How long does Sketchy have to recover the money he lost?`36 hours
In "C.R.E.A.M", How much did Max and Original Cindy win, other than a gold watch and St. Anthony Medal?`$15,234
In "C.R.E.A.M", How much money do Max and Original Cindy win at roulette?`$3,000
In "C.R.E.A.M", other than money and a watch what did Max and Original Cindy win`St. Anthony Medal
In "C.R.E.A.M", What color was the balloon Max remembers from a drill back at Manticore?`Red
In "C.R.E.A.M", What does C.R.E.A.M. stand for`Cash Rules Everything Around Me
In "C.R.E.A.M", What does Logan give Max for her birthday?`A gun
In "C.R.E.A.M", What does Max leave Alina with?`Her hate
In "C.R.E.A.M", What does Max tell Logan she excelled in as a child?`Telecommunications
In "C.R.E.A.M", What is Max's last hand in the poker game?`Strait flush
In "C.R.E.A.M", What is the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil?`A good man to do nothing
In "C.R.E.A.M", What newspaper did Logan and Nathan work together on?`Pacific Free Press
In "C.R.E.A.M", Which day did Max pick for her birthday?`yesterday
In "C.R.E.A.M", Who discovered Nathan Herrero was missing?`Rebecca, his housekeeper
In "C.R.E.A.M", Who killed Nathan Herrero?`Alina
In "C.R.E.A.M", Why doesn't Max accept Logan's gift?`Just a rule
Increasing or decreasing in a --------- progression`geometric
in cricket, an over bowled with no runs scored is called a ____ over`maiden
In cricket how far is the popping crease from the stumps`four feet
in cricket, how many wickets in a row comprise a hat trick`three
In cricket, what is 3 wickets in a row`hat trick
in cricket, what is 'lbw'`leg before wicket
In Dallas, Texas, it is illegal to possess realistic ______.`dildos
In darts, what does a dart in the inner bull score`fifty
In darts, what does a dart in the inner bull score`fifty`50
In darts, what does a dart in the outer bull score`twenty five
In darts, what does a dart in the outer bull score`twenty five`25
In darts, what is a score of 26`bed and breakfast
In darts, what is the highest score possible with 3 darts`180
in darts, what must a player do before he can start scoring points`hit a double
in darts, what must a player do before he can start scoring points`hit a`yugoslavia
in data processing, what's edi`electronic data`insulin
in data processing, what's edi`electronic data interchange
In dating agency adverts what does the 'S' represent in the abbreviation 'NSP'`smoker
In _____, David Atchison became President of the United States for just one day, and he spent most of the day sleeping`1849
In 'David Copperfield', which of his so-called "Aunts" has the Christian name Clara`aunt peggotty
In Dawson City, Yukon, 500 motion pictures were dug out of a hole in the ground & were found to be in perfect condition. What preserved them`Permafrost
In 'dawson's creek', who does james van der beek play`dawson leary
In 'dawson's creek', who does joshua jackson play`pacey witter
In 'dawson's creek', who does katie holmes play`joey potter
In 'dawson's creek', who does michelle williams play`jennifer lindley
In December 1997, the state of Nevada (USA) became the first state to pass legislation categorizing --- data disasters as "acts of God" - protecting the state from lawsuits that may potentially be brought against it by residents in the year 2000.`y2k
In December 1999 which was the last foreign colony to revert to Chinese rule`macao
In December of 1957 -- Shippingport, Pennsylvania became the site of the first full-scale ______ power plant in the U.S`nuclear
Indecent: improper: 'a naughty wink.'`naughtier
Indeed: truly: 'They have spoken, ---, shouted their reply.'`yea
Indeed: truly: 'They have spoken, yea, shouted their reply.'`yeas
In demand by buyers or employers: salable: '---------- goods: ---------- skills.'`marketable
In Denmark, its called smutting. Whats it called in the United States`Stone-skipping
In denmark, who takes the place of santa claus`nisse
Indented: notched: 'a ---------- wall.'`crenelated
In dentistry, what are "angle irons" and 'rolex'`braces
Independence who played george costanza on 'seinfeld'`jason alexander
Independent Films: 1991 Richard Linklater film which helped define "Generation X"`slacker
Independent Films: 1992 Clinton campaign documentary which popularized "It's the Economy, Stupid"`the war Room
independent films: 1996 steve buscemi film about suburban losers & their neighborhood bar`trees lounge
Independent Films: David Lynch's 1976 film filled with bizarre ideas and nightmare imagery`eraserhead
independent films: director & star of the 1989 documentary "roger & me"`michael moore
Independent Films: Infamous $7,000 film the director financed as a medical guinea pig`el mariachi
independent films: kevin smith's new jersey trilogy consists of "clerks," "mallrats," & ...`chasing amy
independent films: nathan arizona jr. was a central character in which 1987 indie hit`raising arizona
Independent Films: Spike Lee's breakthrough 1986 low-budget sex comedy`shes gotta have it
Independent in mind or judgment: self-directed`autonomous
In describing animals what does the word 'pied' mean`black and white
In describing animals what does the word 'rufus'mean`reddish
In "Designate This", Approximately how long can an X5 last without food or water?`Six Days
In "Designate This", How long did Renfro leave Max without food or water?`A Week
In "Designate This", What favor did Asha ask of Logan?`To let her store a box in his apartment
In "Designate This", What happened to Max's X7 copy?`She developed progeria
In "Designate This", What interrupted Logan's broadcast of Manticore's location?`His internet connection failed
In "Designate This", When did Eyes Only say that Manticore began?`Early 1990s
In "Designate This", Who let the dogs (and all the other Manticore creations) out?`Max
In "Designate This", Who shot Logan?`Lydecker
In "Designate This", Why didn't Original Cindy want to deliver a package to sector four?`It was raining
In developing nations, ______ percent of diseases are water related`eighty
India and Pakistan were fighting about a county...what county`Kashmir
India became independent in what year`1947
India has a Bill of Rights for`cows
Indiana is known as ______`hoosier state
indiana jones: how many shankara stones did indy deliver`one
Indiana jones: how many shankara stones did indy deliver`only one
indiana jones: how many shankara stones did indy deliver`only one`one
indiana jones: how was the monkey killed`poisoned date
Indiana Jones: In Latin, what letter does Jehova start with`i
Indiana Jones: In the Temple of Doom, what bodily fluid is Indy forced to drink`blood
Indiana Jones: In what type of institution does Marcus Brody work`museum
Indiana Jones: In whose sleeve did Indy find the ace`shorty
Indiana Jones: Name the first challenge`breath of god
Indiana Jones: Name the first Indiana Jones movie`raiders of the lost ark
Indiana jones: name the second challenge`word of god
Indiana Jones: Name the third Indiana Jones movie (full name; six words)`indiana jones and the last crusade
indiana jones: what actor portrays the adult indiana jones`harrison ford
Indiana Jones: What animal is Indy's father terrified of`rat
Indiana Jones: What company handled the "special effects"`industrial light
indiana jones: what company handled the "special effects"`industrial light & magic`industrial light and magic
Indiana Jones: What country did the plane crash in, in Temple of Doom`india
Indiana Jones: What creature did Indy's father fear`rats
indiana jones: what did drinking from the grail "grant"`immortality
Indiana Jones: What did Indy and his father use to drive to Berlin in`motorcycle
indiana jones: what does indy fear/hate`snakes
Indiana Jones: What does the penitent man do in the presence of God`kneel
Indiana Jones: What hand-to-hand weapon does Indy commonly employ`whip
Indiana Jones: What kind of scientist is Indiana Jones`archaeologist
Indiana Jones: What kind of train does "young Indy" get on to escape`circus
Indiana Jones: What nationality was rival archaeologist Rene Belloq`french
Indiana Jones: What organ does Mola Ram remove from his victims`heart
Indiana Jones: What possession does Indy never quite lose`hat
indiana jones: what relic was indy's father obsessed with finding`the holy grail
indiana jones: what's indy's weapon of choice`bullwhip
Indiana jones: what state was indy raised in`utah
Indiana Jones: What was the name of Indy's dog from childhood`indiana
Indiana Jones: What was the name of the nightclub in the second film (Star Wars character)`club obi wan
indiana jones: what were indy and his father hired to find?`holy grail
Indiana Jones: What woman conspires with Nazis to steal the grail diary (first name only)`elsa
Indiana Jones: What year does the "Last Crusade" start in`1912
Indiana Jones: Where was the "Ark" to be flown from`cairo
indiana jones: who did indy find at the castle`his father
indiana jones: who do the people worship in temple of doom`kahlimar
indiana jones: who drank from the wrong grail?`donovan
Indiana Jones: Who helped Donovan pick out the Grail`elsa snyder
indiana jones: who owned the airplane that crashed in india?`loocke
Indiana Jones: Who produced the Indiana Jones series`george lucas
indiana jones: who shot down indy and his father`indy's father
indiana jones: who was indy's diminutive sidekick in the second film (two words)`short round
Indiana jones: who was known to get lost in his own museum`marcus brody
indiana jones: who was the museums' curator?`marcus brody
Indianapolis is the capital of ______`indiana
Indiana was the name given to the Indiana Territory by the United States Congress. It means`Land of Indians
Indian clarified butter`ghee
Indian dish of of fried vegetables`bhaji
Indian fig tree with self-rooting branches`banyan
indian mythology: creator of the universe`brahma
Indian song withimprovised usually topical words`calypso
Indian spiced food cooked in a clay oven`tandoori
Indians where is sand creek`colorado
Indicating a bad prospect: unfavorable: '---------- clouds.'`unfriendly
Indicating how the provisions of an insurance contract will be carried out after it has been signed`promissory
Indicating opposition or resistance: 'a -------- reaction to the new advertising campaign.'`negative
Indicating or constituting relation`relational
Indicating or proceeding from a desire for revenge`vengeful
Indicating weakness`feeble
Indicative of cordiality toward guests: 'a ---------- act.'`hospitable
Indicative of love or sexual desire: 'an ------- glance.'`amorous
Indicative of or expressing a cause`causal
Indicative of or resulting from anger: 'an angry silence.'`angrier
In Dickens 'A Christmas Carol', what is Tiny Tim's surname`cratchit
In Dickens' novel 'David Copperfield', what is the Christian name of his old nurse Peggotty`clara
In Digimon,what do T.K. and Kari have that the other children don't?`older brothers
Indigo Girls: Band member who does all the lead guitar work (first name only)`emily
Indigo Girls: BAND member who has dark hair (first name only)`amy
Indigo Girls: BAND member who has reddish-blond hair (first name only)`emily
Indigo Girls: Name the song "My place is of the sun and this place is of the dark..."`prince of darkness
Indigo Girls: The IGs appeared on TAME YOURSELF, a benefit for this animal rights group`peta
Indigo Girls: The IGs are curently signed to this major label, a subsidiary of Sony Music`epic
Indigo Girls: The IGs used to open up for this former band of Natalie Merchant`10000 maniacs
Indigo Girls: This 1989 video was also their first single`closer to fine
Indigo Girls: Title of their 1989 self-titled major label debut album`indigo girls
In 'Dirty Dancing' what was Baby's real name?`Frances
in "dirty dancing",what was baby's real name`frances houseman
in disney comics, who are daisy duck's three nieces`april, may and june
In Disney's "Fantasia", the Sorcerer's name is Disney spelt backwards`yensid
In Disney's "Hunchback of Notre Dame", which allegedly long-lasting pop group performed the title song "Someday"`eternal
In Disney's Jungle Book, what kind of animal was 'King Louis'`orang-utan
In Disney's The Lady and the Tramp what kind of dog is 'Lady'`cocker spaniel
Indisputable: certain: 'a -------- victory.'`definite
Indonesia is the world's largest producer of`liquefied natural gas
In 'Don Juan' the 1926 movie that holds the record for the greatest number of kisses, how many times does John Barrymore place his lips on Mary Astor's?`one hundred and twenty-seven times
In Don MCLean's American Pie he said the day this artist died was the "Day The Music Died"`Buddy Holly
in don mclean's 'american pie', who was he singing about in 'the day the music died'`buddy holly
In doubled degree or amount: '----- as many.'`twice
in downtown---------- , peru, there is a large brass statue dedicated to winnie-the-pooh`lima
In "Dragons of Autumn Twilight", what's Raistlin's profession`wizard
in drag racing, what does 't.s' mean`terminal speed
in dr. seuss' "daisy-head mayzie" what was mayzie's last name`mcgrew
In Dr Who, what was Tardis an abbreviation of`Time and relative dimensions in space
Induced by or associated with the action of digestive secretions: 'a ------ ulcer.'`peptic
Inducing or generating flatulence`flatulent
Inducing or tending to induce sleep: soporific`somnolent
Induction, compression, ignition and exhaust are the main elements of this`4 stroke engine cycle
'induction', 'compression', 'ignition' and' exhaust' are the main elements of what`4 stroke engine
'Induction', 'compression', 'ignition' and' exhaust' are the main elements of what`4 stroke engine cycle
Indulging in something, such as an activity, to excess: voracious. voracious`gluttonous
Industrial Claus Larsen is the only member of both LeatherStrip & this band`klute
Industrial Name of Die Krupps' album of Metallica remixes`a tribute to metallica
Industrial The real name of Skinny Puppy vocalist Nivek Ogre`kevin ogilvie
Industrious and thriving: prosperous`thriftily
Industrious and thriving: prosperous`thrifty
In earlier times, virginity on one's wedding night was of the greatest importance. To prove that the bride was a virgin, it was customary that the couple would display the _________ _________ for all to see once the wedding was consummated.`bloodstained bedsheet
in early 1939 what country was adolf hitler determined to invade and occupy`poland
In early 1939 what country was Adolf Hitler determined to invade & occupy`poland
In Eastenders, what was Tiffany Mitchell's occupation`Aromatherapy massage
In Eastern medicine, vital energy believed to circulate round the body`chi
In economics which term means the decline of a currency's value in relation to other currencies`depreciation
In Edward Lear's poem, upon which fruit did the Owl and the Pussycat dine`quince
In Edward Lear's poem who married the owl and the Pussy-cat`turkey
"i need a new drug" was a big hit for what group?`huey lewis & the news
Ineffectual: '--------- attempts to rescue the victims of the raging fire.'`pointless
In egyptian mythology, what is the life force called`ka
In Egyptian mythology, what sort of creature was Apis`bull
In Egyptian Mythology which goddess was the mother of Horus`isis
In egyptian mythology, who is known as the god of the desert`ash
In egyptian mythology, who is the god of the underworld`cherti
In egyptian mythology, who married two of her brothers`cleopatra
In egyptian mythology, who was horus' mother`isis
In egyptian mythology, who was isis the wife of`osiris
in egyptian mythology, who was the cow-headed goddess of love`hathor
In electric circuits, condition in a circuit in which the combined impedances of the capacity & induction to alternating currents cancel each other out or reinforce each other to produce a minimum or maximum impedance (electric circuit; electricity)`resonance
In electricity, property of any object or substance to resist or oppose the flow of an electrical current`resistance
In electricity, what is the opposite of an insulator`conductor
In electronics, device used to propagate radio or electromagnetic waves or to capture radio waves`antenna
In Elizabethan slang, what was a term for a penis?`Yard
In Empire Strikes Back, what was chewing on the power cables of the Millenium Falcon while Han Solo and company were hiding inside the asteroid cave?`Mynocks
in 'empire strikes back' when the ghost of obi wan kenobi said that luke was their last hope against the empire, who was yoda referring to when he said:`princess leia
In engineering, the measurement or control of equipment by fluid jet devices.`fluidics
In England and Wales, what is made up of twelve people`a jury
In England, any boy under the age of 10 is prohibited from seeing a naked _________.`mannequin
In England, in the 1880's, ______ was considered a dirty word`pants
In England, its known as ducks and drakes. Whats it called in North America`Stone-skipping
In England, the most commonly used guide dog for the blind is the__________`yellow labrador retriever
In england, the speaker of the house is not allowed to do what`speak
in england, the speaker of the house is not allowed to----------`speak
In england, what is the speaker of the house not allowed to do`speak
In England what ocean current allows gardeners on the west coast to grow exotic plants`gulf stream
In England what year was the Lynmouth flood disaster`1952
in england, where does the 'queen elizabeth ii' usually dock`southampton
In English folklore Robin Hood lived where`sherwood forest
In English folklore, ------------- was a fairy queen who governed people's dreams.`queen mab
In English, "four" is the only digit that has the same number of letters as its`value
in english, ---------- is the only digit that has the same number of letters as its value`four
In English Law, from which date does the legal term 'Time Immemorial' apply`6 july 1189
In english mythology, who caused the death of the lady of shallot`sir
in english mythology, who caused the death of the lady of shallot`sir lancelot
In english, the constellation Antlia is best known as`Air pump
In english, the constellation Camelo Pardalis is best known as`Giraffe
In english, the constellation Carina is best known as`Keel
In English, the constellation Cetus is best known as`whale
In english, the constellation Corvus is best known as`Crow
in english, the constellation draco is best known as`dragon
in english, the constellation eridanus is best known as`river
In english, the constellation Grus is best known as`Crane
in english, the constellation leo is best known as`lion
In English, the constellation Microscopium is best known as`microscope
in english, the constellation pavo is best known as`peacock
In english, the constellation Phoenix is best known as`Phoenix
in english, the constellation pisces is best known as`fish
In english, the constellation Sigitta is best know as`Arrow
In english, the constellation Triangleum is best known as`Triangle
in english, the constellation vulpecula is best known as`fox
In english what does arrivederci mean`goodbye
Inept: '----- handling of the project.'`inapt
Inept or unwise rule: misgovernment`misrule
Inertia Maintains A Nearly Uniform Speed Of Rotation Under Variable Load Or Driving Force`Fly-Wheel
Inessential or unrelated to the topic or matter at hand: irrelevant. irrelevant`extraneous
In ____, Etta Harvey of Pennsylvania invented a bra with zippered pockets designed to hold money. At the same time, a man invented a bra that had holes around the nipples so that they could be prominently noticed.`1947
In every deck of cards the king of hearts is sticking what through his head`sword
In every episode of Seinfeld there is a _______ somewhere`superman
In every show that tom jones and harvey schmidt there is at least one song about ______`rain
in exchange for what did spain cede florida to britain`cuba
in exchange for what was cuba ceded by britain to spain`florida
In existence or operation: active: 'keep your hopes -----.'`alive
in ---------- exists a tribe of tall white people whose parrots are a warning sign against intruders`irian jaya
in exodus, the waters of this river were turned into blood`the nile
Inexperienced, immature, or untried`unfledged
In fact: in reality: 'felt sure I'd win, and ------ I did.'`indeed
In Fairbanks, Alaska, it is illegal for a _____ to have sex on the city sidewalks.`moose
In "Family Ties" who was Alex P. Keaton's idol?`Richard Nixon
Infantile paralysis is commonly known as ________.`polio
Infantile Paralysis is commonly known as `polio
In fashion, what do the letters 'LBD' mean`little black dress
Infectious bacterial fever attacking intestines`typhoid
Infectious disease of horses, cattle, swine, & humans, also called lumpy jaw or big jaw`actinomycosis
Infectious disease with swelling of neck and face`mumps
Infectious sexually transmitted disease of humans, spread by sexual contact, what primarily involves the mucous membranes of the urogenital tract`gonorrhea
Infectious viral disease with red rash`measles
Infectious virus disease of the central nervous system, sometimes resulting in paralysis?`Poliomyelitis
Infectious virus disease of the central nervous system, sometimes resulting in paralysis`poliomyelitis`polio
In __________ Females are forbidden from doing their own hair without being licensed by the state.`oklahoma
In "Ferris Beuller's Day Off," who plays the burnout at the police station that Jeanie kisses?`Charlie Sheen
In Ferris Bueller's Day Off, what is the Principal's name?`Mr. Ed Rooney
In Ferris Bueller's Day Off, what is the Principals name`Mr. Rooney
In Ferris Buellers Day Off, who is Cameron going to marry?`The first girl he lays
Infested with grubs`grubbier
Infested with rats`rattier
Infested with rats`ratty
In fiction Michael Henchard was Mayor of which town`casterbridge
In fiction, who was the arch enemy of Dan Dare`the mekon
in field of dreams kevin costnerd character hears a voice saying "if you build it he will come" what is he to build`a baseball field`baseball field
In film, collectively, how were Gabriel Byme, Stephen Baldwin, Benico Del Toro, Kevin Pollock and Kevin Spacey known in 1995`usual suspects
Infinitely or inconceivably extended: vast: a coming together of heads of government to take up the ------ business of nations (Meg Greenfield)`cosmic
Inflammable or oily substance got by distillation from petroleum`paraffin
Inflammation of the gums`gingivitis
Inflammatory disorder of the mucous membrane of the nose; nasal catarrh`rhinitis
Infliction of violent injury on a person or thing: wanton destruction: 'children committing ------ in the flower beds.'`mayhem
In Florida, having sexual relations with a _________ is illegal.`porcupine
In Florida, it is considered an offense to ______ naked & you may not kiss your wife's breasts.`shower
In Florida, it is considered an offense to shower ______ & you may not kiss your wife's breasts.`naked
In Florida it is illegal for single, divorced, or widowed women to _________ on Sunday afternoons.`parachute
Influential 3 on 2 South American rhythm`clave
In "Flushed", How did Break distract the guards?`Sings Opera
In "Flushed", What did Original Cindy and Kendra do to Max's pills?`Flushed them down the toilet
In "Flushed", What does Break promise his guard friend to get Original Cindy assigned to a work detail in the warden's house?`stiletto heels
In "Flushed", What was Max doing when the pulse hit`Hiding
In "Flushed", what was max hiding under when the Pulse hit`The Stairs
In "Flushed", What was the name of Max's foster sister`Lucy
In "Flushed", Where did Original Cindy smuggle Max's pills inside the prison?`In her hair
In "Flushed", Who does Maria remind Max of?`Lucy
In "Flushed", who was serving time for putting up a poster`Break
In folklore, supernatural, sea-dwelling creature with the head and upper body of a beautiful woman and the lower body of a fish?`mermaid
In food preparation, what term is used for the removal of peas from the pod, or the green calyx from strawberries`hulling
In food, what is the filling in a BLT sandwich`bacon, lettuce & tomato
in football, how many yards of penalty are given for a personal foul`fifteen
In football, what are the white marks intersecting each five-yard line`hashmarks
in football, what wide receiver has recorded the most catches, yards and touchdowns in a career`jerry rice
In football, where are the hashmarks`five-yard lines
In football where was the World Cup played in 1970`mexico
In football which is th eonly english or scottish league team with a J in the name`st johnstone
Informal. A cause or party that attracts increasing numbers of adherents: 'young voters climbing aboard the party's ---------.'`bandwagon
Informal. A child`munchkin
Informal. A cold, aloof person`iceberg
Informal. A collision involving two or more aircraft while fully airborne`midair
Informal. A construction worker`hardhat
Informal. A critical remark`swipe
Informal. Acting, occurring, or done too soon: premature`previous
Informal. Actions or remarks intended to conceal the facts of a situation`eyewash
Informal. A diamond`sparkler
Informal. A dilapidated or unsanitary dwelling`rattrap
Informal. A diploma`sheepskin
Informal. A disastrous or rapidly developing situation likened to the melting of a nuclear reactor core: After several corporate --------s, only two reporters remain in [the]bureau`meltdown
Informal. A foot, especially the foot of a pig or sheep prepared as food`trotter
Informal. A fussy person`grannie
Informal. A grasp: a clutch: 'had a fortune in their ----s and let it go.'`fist
Informal. A great deal: a lot. Often used in the plural: 'We have ----s of homework tonight.'`heap
Informal. A human hand, especially a large clumsy one: Lennie dabbled his big paw in the water (John Steinbeck)`paws
Informal. A large amount: 'made a ------ of money on the horses.'`potful
Informal. A large or ungainly automobile`bus
Informal. A large quantity. Often used in the plural: 'a gob of money: ---- of time.'`gobs
Informal. A large quantity. Often used in the plural: 'a --- of money: ---s of time.'`gob
Informal. A lively and popular place, such as a nightclub`hotspot
Informal. A lively, high-spirited girl or young woman`fillies
Informal. A lively, high-spirited girl or young woman`filly
Informal. A long, often elaborate narrative of real or fictitious adventures: an entertaining tale`yarn
Informal. A look or glance: Everyone turns and takes a ------ at the yokels (Garrison Keillor)`gander
Informal. A man of any age: a fellow`lad
Informal. A man of any age: a fellow`lads
Informal. A morally upright young man: They're... --------sclean, scrubbed nothingssothere's no dramatic or psychological preparation for the explosion`choirboy
Informal. An adverse sentiment: antipathy: 'an allergy to cocktail parties.'`allergies
Informal. An aloof or emotionally unresponsive person`icicle
Informal. An extremely hot day`scorcher
Informal. An eye`winker
Informal. An impressive example: 'a ----- of a story.'`whale
Informal. A noisy laugh: a guffaw`heehaw
Informal. An unidentified or unidentifiable gadget`hootenanny
Informal. A --------- oven`microwave
Informal. A party or gathering, especially a noisy and lively one`clambake
Informal. A period of weather of a particular kind: 'a dry -----.'`spell
Informal. A person given to joining groups, organizations, or causes`joiner
Informal. A person regarded as silly, foolish, or stupid`nimrod
Informal. A place that is lacking in privacy`fishbowl
Informal. A racehorse`ponies
Informal. A racehorse`pony
Informal. A relentless pursuer`bloodhound
Informal. A resounding defeat: a beating`plastering
Informal. Articles that are worn-out or fit to be discarded: 'broken furniture and other junk in the attic.'`junking
Informal. A short rest period: 'took a -------- after skiing for two hours.'`breather
Informal. A shot of liquor`slugged
Informal. A significant, usually diminishing effect or impression: 'The loss put a ---- in the team's confidence.'`dent
Informal. A sizable sum of money`packet
Informal. A small signboard, as one indicating a professional office: 'After passing the bar exam, she hung out her -------.'`shingle
Informal. A state of heightened activity or concentration: 'shifted into --------- toward the end of the semester.'`overdrive
Informal. A stimulating drink, especially of an alcoholic beverage`bracer
Informal. A substantial amount: 'won quite a ----- of money.'`chunk
Informal. A sudden, surprising turn of events or ending: a twist`kicker
Informal. A superintendent in an apartment or office building`supers
Informal. A very tall, thin person`beanpole
Informal. Cloud seeding`rainmaking
Informal. Departing from proportion or moderation, especially: Possessed by enthusiasm or excitement: 'The crowd at the game went crazy.'`crazier
Informal. Deserving condemnation: detestable: 'this damned weather.'`damnedest
Informal. Dishonest or unscrupulous: fraudulent`crookedly
Informal. Emotionally upset`unstrung
Informal. Excessively sentimental. sentimental`mushier
Informal. Excessively sentimental. sentimental`mushy
Informal. Extraordinarily impressive or fine: wonderful: 'a -------- success.'`smashing
Informal. Foggy: 'soupy weather.'`soupier
Informal. Foolish talk or thought: nonsense`moonshine
Informal. Foolish talk or thought: nonsense`moonstone
Informal. Graceful, sinuous, and sleek: 'wore a slinky outfit to the party.'`slinkier
Informal. Having attractively long, slender legs: 'a ----- dancer.'`leggy
Informal. Having attractively long, slender legs: 'a leggy dancer.'`leggier
Informal. In confused distress: upset`unglued
Informal. Marked by commotion or disturbance`squallier
Informal. Money`wampum
Informal. Of poor quality: shoddy`cheesier
Informal. Old-fashioned: unenlightened: 'parents with a medieval attitude toward dating.'`mediaeval
Informal. One's ready cash`bankroll
Informal. One that is disappointingly ineffective or unsuccessful`dud
Informal. One that is disappointingly ineffective or unsuccessful`duds
Informal or incomplete attire`neglige
Informal or incomplete attire`negliges
Informal. Ostentatiously luxurious: 'a ------ office.'`plushy
Informal. Ostentatiously luxurious: 'a plushy office.'`plushier
Informal. Overanxious: '-------- about punctuality.'`neurotic
Informal. Pains caused by rheumatism`rheumatics
Informal. Preparation: 'Daily practices are the best prep for the upcoming track meet.'`prepped
Informal. Preparation: 'Daily practices are the best prep for the upcoming track meet.'`prepping
Informal. Smart or chic`snappier
Informal. Smart or chic`snappy
Informal. Something added as a further inducement or incentive`sweetener
Informal. Something extremely unsightly, alarming, or strange: 'Brush your hair: you look a ------.'`fright
Informal. Something extremely unsightly, alarming, or strange: 'Brush your hair: you look a fright.'`frighting
Informal. Something of no value: rubbish`tripe
Informal. Something, such as an election, that is won, passed, or achieved by the narrowest of margins or at the very last moment`squeaker
Informal. Something, such as a problem, that causes annoyance or trouble`headache
Informal. Splendid: fine`peachier
Informal. The activity of casually looking at something that offers numerous options, such as the Internet or television`surfings
Informal. The act or practice of amorously kissing and caressing`neckings
Informal. The final, often routine tasks that complete a project`cleanup
Informal. The head, regarded as the seat of thought or intelligence: 'Use your ----- and solve the problem.'`skull
Informal. The rounded head of a dandelion that has gone to seed`puffball
Informal. The use of any means, however ruthless, to attain an objective`hardball
Informal. The usual methods of dealing with a given situation: 'gave the opposing team the ---------.'`treatment
Informal. To be full of desire or eagerness for something: '--------d at the idea of winning the lottery.'`salivate
Informal. To be hungry`starve
Informal. To cheat or swindle`chisel
Informal. To complain`holler
Informal. To consume rapidly or eagerly: devour: '------d lunch and then rushed off to the meeting.'`inhale
Informal. To consume rapidly or eagerly: devour: 'inhaled lunch and then rushed off to the meeting.'`inhales
Informal. To fail or end weakly, especially after a hopeful beginning`fizzle
Informal. To impede or disrupt in movement or action. hamper1`hogtie
Informal. To look at a variety of things casually, especially while browsing the Internet or television channels`surf
Informal. To look at a variety of things casually, especially while browsing the Internet or television channels`surfing
Informal. To move quickly or busily: 'The shipping department is hopping this week.'`hopped
Informal. To move quickly or busily: 'The shipping department is ---ping this week.'`hop
Informal. To move quickly or busily: 'The shipping department is ------- this week.'`hopping
Informal. To publicize aggressively: '----ging a new book.'`flog
Informal. To relax`unbuckle
Informal. To suffer with oppressive heat or stuffy confinement: swelter`stew
Informal. To urinate`piddle
Informal. To urinate`tinkle
Informal. To walk or drive in a leisurely manner: amble: 'spent the morning tootling around town.'`tootle
Informal: unofficial`officious
Informal. Without: 'I went to work minus my ID.'`minuses
Information communicated: news. Often used in the plural: '------s from an ambassador.'`advice
Information from a reliable source is said to come from where`horse's mouth
In former USSR reform of economic and political system`perestroika
In France in the 1700's, convicted prostitutes could avoid punishment by becoming:`Opera Singers
In France in what kind of meat does a Charcuterie specialise`pork
In France it is called 'potiron' and is a large round fruit with thick orange rind and pulpy flesh. What is it's English name`pumpkin
in france, there's a place called----------`y
In France what animal is specially trained to sniff out truffles`pig
In France what is a 'baguette'`bread
In France, what kind of a building is a 'moulin'`mill
In France what would you buy in a Boulangerie`bread
In "Freak Nation", what were the group of elite warrors called`Phalanx
In French what country is Ecosse`scotland
In Fresh Prince of Bel-Air what was the butlers name?`Gefforey
in fresh prince of bel-air what was the butlers name`geoffrey
In front: ahead`before
In front wheel drive cars, what do the letters CVJ stand for`constant velocity joint
In "Fuhgeddaboutit", By what mob name does Dougie Colantonio go by`Books
In "Fuhgeddaboutit", What color is the wig Max wore on her undercover operation?`Blonde
In "Fuhgeddaboutit", What did Normal make for Alec?`A pair of shorts
In "Fuhgeddaboutit", What did Sketchy confess to Mia?`His goal to become a tabliod reporter
In "Fuhgeddaboutit", What division at Manticore was Mia from?`Psyops
In "Fuhgeddaboutit", What information did Max refuse to betray to Mia?`The identity of Eyes Only
In "Fuhgeddaboutit", What job did Normal give Mia?`Dispatcher
In "Fuhgeddaboutit", What name did Alec fight under?`The Marvelous Monty Cora
In "Fuhgeddaboutit", What name did Max fight under?`The Curvaceous Killer
In "Fuhgeddaboutit", What was her specialty?`Telecoercion
In "Fuhgeddaboutit", When Max went undercover what name did she use`Dorothy
In "Fuhgeddaboutit", Who interupted Logan and Alec's hug?`Sketchy
In "Fuhgeddaboutit", Who is the name of the would-be informant Eyes Only is trying to turn?`Dougie Colantonio
In "Fuhgeddaboutit", Who won the Elimination night?`Max
In full commonwealth of Virginia, state in the eastern U S & one of the original 13 colonies`virginia
In Gaelic legend, who had a dog called Bran`fingal
In gardening what would you use a 'trug' for`carrying things
In general, a breast-feeding mother will not _____.`menstruate
In general, the process of caring for, or nurturing, another individual`nursing
In geography, any of the five divisions of the surface of the earth, characterized by similar temperature & sunshine distribution`zone
In geography what name is given to vents that shoot out steam and gas`fumaroles
In geological terms which period completes the Mesozoic era: Triassic, Jurassic and`cretaceous
In geology, a major structural feature of the earths crust`geosyncline
In geology what is Blue John`fluorite
In George Orwell's "1984", which creatures were used to torture Winston Smith in Room 101`rats
In george orwells animal farm what kind of creature was napoleon`pig
In German towns, what is the S-bahn`railway
In Germany, where would you be if you were in a "Krankenhaus"`hospital
In "Gill Girl", what did the hatched eggs look like`Tadpoles
In "Gill Girl", what did the 'merman' keep his eggs in`Tire
in 'gilligan's island', what is the professor's name`roy hinkley
In golf the Americans call it a double eagle. What do we call it`albatross
In golf, we call '3 under par' an 'albatross'. What do Americans call it`double eagle
in golf, what does the term eagle refer to`2 under par`2 under
in golf, what does the term eagle refer to`2 under par`california
In golf what is the maximum number of clubs allowed in your bag`fourteen
In golf, what is the woman's equivalent of the Ryder Cup`the solheim cup
In golf, what would you call a putt short enough to be conceded`gimmie
in "gone with the wind" rhett butler was from what southern town`charleston
In "Gone With the Wind", Scarlett regains her wealth by investing in what type of business`A sawmill
In 'Gone With the Wind', Scarlett regains her wealth by investing in what type of business`sawmill
in 'gone with the wind', what does scarlett invest in to regain her former wealth`a sawmill
in "gone with the wind", what is the last name of scarlett's 1st husband`hamilton
in "gone with the wind", what is the last name of scarlett's 3rd husband`butler
In Grease Two what does stephanie want in a boyfriend?`A cool rider
In Great Britain, 1/20 of a scruple (0.0592 milliliters)`minim
In Great Britain, 1/20 of a scruple (0.0592 milliliters)`minims
In Great Expectations, what was the occupation of Joe Gargery`blacksmith
in greek alphabet "a" is called "alpha". what is the letter "e" called`epsilon
in greek and roman mythology, what food of the gods was said to make immortal anyone who ate it`ambrosia
In Greek cookery what are 'sheftalia'`minced lamb kebabs
In Greek legend, what was eaten on the island of Jerba`lotuses
in greek legend, who killed the hydra`heracles
In Greek legend, Zeus wooed Europa, daughter of King Agenor, in the form of which animal`bull
In Greek myth how were the children of Uranus & Gaea collectively known`the titans
In greek mythology, actaeon was torn apart by artemis' ______`dogs
In greek mythology, alcemene was the child of ______`heracles
In Greek mythology any of 3 snake haired sisters able to turn people to stone`gorgon
In greek mythology, as what were apricots known`golden apples
In greek mythology, as which constellation did zeus place callisto`ursa
in greek mythology, as which constellation did zeus place callisto`ursa major
In greek mythology, atlanta wanted to remain unmarried until ______`she was
in greek mythology, atlanta wanted to remain unmarried until ______`she was defeated in a footrace
In greek mythology, danae was the mother of ______`perseus
In greek mythology, dione was the mother of ______`aphrodite
In greek mythology, europa was the mother of ______`minos
In greek mythology, for who did the cyclops forge thunderbolts`zeus
in greek mythology, from what mountain was haphaestus thrown`mount olympus
In greek mythology, from where was a beam hewn on atlanta's ship`speaking
in greek mythology, from where was a beam hewn on atlanta's ship`speaking oaks of dodona
In greek mythology, gave fire to mankind`prometheus
in greek mythology, how long did penelope wait for odysseus to return from the trojan war`twenty years
In greek mythology, how many heads did hydra have`nine
In greek mythology, into what did athena turn arachne`spider
In greek mythology, leda was visited by zeus in the the form of a swan, and become the mother of ______`helen and pollux
In greek mythology, mnemosyne is the mother of the ______`muses
in greek mythology, over which island did polycrates rule`samos
In Greek mythology, Pasiphae gave birth to which creature`minotaur
In greek mythology,penelope was the faithful wife of which hero`odysseus
In greek mythology, phoebe was the goddess of the ______`moon
In Greek Mythology, she is the first mortal woman, and also the woman who opened the box containing all of man's troubles and plagues`Pandora
In greek mythology, themes was the mother of ______`moirae
In Greek mythology, the nymph Callisto was turned into which creature`bear
In Greek mythology the place of ideal happiness`elysium
In greek mythology, the riddle of what did oedipus solve`sphinx
in greek mythology, to where did bellerophon try to ride pegasus`mount olympus
in greek mythology, to where did bellerophon try to ride pegasus`mount`vladivostok
In greek mythology, to where did zeus abduct europa`crete
In Greek mythology to which creature did Hera give the eyes of Argus`peacock
In greek mythology, what city did cadmus found`troy
In greek mythology, what did ariadne help theseus to escape`labyrinth
in greek mythology what did atlanta want to do until she was defeated in a footrace`remain unmarried
in greek mythology, what did bellerophon and pegasus kill`chimera
In greek mythology, what did daedalus construct for minos`labyrinth
In greek mythology, what did the cyclops forge for zeus`thunderbolts
In Greek mythology what event did Paris trigger when he took his lover Helen home with him`trojan war
In greek mythology, what god was thrown down from Mount Olympus because of his ugliness`hephaestus
In greek mythology, what is the alternate name for pollux`polydeuces
In greek mythology, what is the alternate name for polydeuces`pollux
in greek mythology, what strait did leander cross every night to be with hero`dardanelles
in greek mythology, what war did helen's abduction spark`trojan`dardanelles
in greek mythology, what war did helen's abduction spark`trojan war
in greek mythology, what was a lion-goat-serpent monster`chimera
In greek mythology, what was attributed to athena`owl
in greek mythology, what was eaten on the island of jerba`lotuses
in greek mythology, what was pegasus`winged horse
in greek mythology, what was pegasus`winged`olympus
in greek mythology what was the main river of hades`the styx`styx
In Greek mythology, what were Medusa, Stheno and Euryale collectively known as`the gorgons
In greek mythology, what were the fifty daughters of nerius and doris called`nereids
In greek mythology, what were the golden apples`apricots
In greek mythology, where did perseus kill his grandfather`larrisan games
In greek mythology, where were lotuses eaten`island of jerba
In Greek mythology, which goddess was Apollo's sister`arte'mis
In Greek mythology which heroine was hatched from an egg`helen of troy
In Greek mythology, which king had the golden touch`midas
in greek mythology, which king imprisoned daedalus and icarus`minos
In Greek mythology, which king imprisoned Daedalus & Icarus`minos
In Greek mythology, which king made a statue of a woman which Aphrodite brought to life`pygmalion
In Greek mythology, which monster had the head and breasts of a woman, the body of a lion and the wings of a bird`sphinx
In greek mythology, which titans forged thunderbolts for zeus`cyclops
In greek mythology, who abducted europa to crete`zeus
in greek mythology, who briefly, was euridice's husband`orpheus
in greek mythology, who briefly, was orpheus' wife`euridice
In Greek mythology, who defeated Athene in a weaving contest`arachne
In greek mythology, who defeated atlanta in a footrace`melanion
In greek mythology, who did ariadne help to escape the labyrinth`theseus
In greek mythology who did athena turn into a spider`arachne
in greek mythology, who did bellerophon tame`pegasus
In greek mythology, who did diemos personify`dread
In Greek mythology, who did Ganymede replace as Cup-Bearer to the Gods`hebe
In greek mythology, who did jocasta marry`oedipus
In greek mythology, who did melanion defeat in a footrace`atlanta
In greek mythology, who did minos hire to construct the labyrinth`daedalus
In Greek mythology, who did Oedipus marry`jocasta
In greek mythology, who did zeus place in the heavens as the constellation ursa major`callisto
In Greek mythology who ferries the dead across the River Styx`charon
In greek mythology, who had a ship with a beam hewn from the 'speaking oaks of dodona'`atlanta
In greek mythology, who had nine heads`hydra
In greek mythology, who helped theseus escape the labyrinth`ariadne
In greek mythology, who hired daedalus to construct the labyrinth`minos
in greek mythology, who is 'the dioscuri'`castor and pollux
in greek mythology, who is the inventor of the reed-pipe`marsyas
in greek mythology, who is the mother of paris`hecuba
In greek mythology, who is the mother of the muses`mnemosyne
In Greek mythology, who judged a beauty contest on Mount Ida, between Hera, Athene and Aphrodite`paris
in greek mythology, who killed his grandfather with a quoit at the larrisan games`perseus
in greek mythology, who killed the chimera`bellerophon and pegasus
In greek mythology, who personified dread`diemos
In greek mythology who placed callisto in the heavens as the constellation of ursa major`zeus
In greek mythology, who ruled over the island of samos`polycrates
in greek mythology, whose abduction sparked the trojan war`helen
In greek mythology, whose companions were the argonauts`jason
In greek mythology whose dogs tore actaeon apart`artemis
In greek mythology, who solved the riddle of the sphinx`oedipus
In Greek Mythology, who stole fire from the Gods and brought it back to Earth hidden in a fennel stalk`prometheus
in greek mythology, who swam the dardanelles every night to be with his lover`leander
in greek mythology, who tamed pegasus`bellerophon
In greek mythology, who turned arachne into a spider`athena
In Greek mythology, who turned Odysseus's men into pigs`circe
In greek mythology, who visited leda in the form of a swan`zeus
In Greek mythology, who wanted to remain unmarried until she was defeated in a footrace`atlanta
In greek mythology, who was abducted by zeus to crete`europa
In greek mythology, who was aphrodite's mother`dione
In greek mythology, who was condemned to bearing the world on his shoulders for trying to storm the heavens`atlas
In Greek mythology, who was Daedalus' son`icarus
In greek mythology, who was heracles' mother`alcemene
in greek mythology, who was hero`priestess of aphrodite
in greek mythology, who was hero's lover`leander
In Greek mythology, who was Icarus' father`daedalus
In greek mythology, who was jason's wife`medea
in greek mythology who was jocasta's son`oedipus
in greek mythology, who was leander's lover`hero
in greek mythology, who was leda's husband`tyndareus
in greek mythology, who was married to helen of troy`menelaus
in greek mythology, who was married to menelaus`helen
in greek mythology, who was married to odysseus`penelope
in greek mythology, who was married to penelope`odysseus
In greek mythology, who was medea's husband`jason
In greek mythology, who was minos`king of crete
In greek mythology, who was minos' mother`europa
In greek mythology who was moirae's mother`themes
In greek mythology, who was oedipus' mother`jocasta
In greek mythology, who was oenone's husband`paris
In greek mythology, who was paris' wife before he was smitten by helen`oenone
In Greek Mythology, who was responsible for giving fire to mankind`Prometheus
In Greek mythology, who was the father of Electra?`Oceanus
In Greek mythology who was the father of Iphigenia & Electra`agamemnon
In Greek mythology, who was the first woman on Earth, created by Hephaestus at the request of Zeus`pandora
In greek mythology, who was the first woman on earth`pandora
In greek mythology, who was the goddess of the moon`phoebe
in greek mythology, who was the guardian of the home`hestia
In greek mythology, who was the hunter who was torn apart by artemis' dogs`actaeon
In greek mythology who was the husband of Helen of Troy`menelaus
In greek mythology, who was the mother of perseus`danae
In Greek mythology who was the mother of Uranus`gaia
In Greek mythology, who was the mother of Zeus`rhea
In Greek mythology, who was the Muse of Tragedy`melpomene
In Greek mythology, who was the only mortal Gorgon`medusa
In Greek mythology, who was the sister of Apollo`artemis
In greek mythology, who was the son of peleus and thetis`achilles
in greek mythology, who was the supreme god`jupiter
In greek mythology, who was the twin brother of Castor`Pollux
In Greek mythology who was the wife of Orpheus, the subject of the earliest surviving opera by Peri`eurydice
In Greek mythology, who was the wife of Zeus`Hera
in greek mythology, who was tyndareus' wife`leda
in greek mythology, who was visited by zeus in the form of a swan, and became the mother of helen and pollux`leda
in greek mythology, who wept tears of amber`electra
In greek mythology, who were achilles' parents`peleus and thetis
In greek mythology, who were jason's companions`argonauts
in greek mythology, who were the god zeus' parents`cronos and rhea
In greek mythology, who were the personification of the forces of nature`titans
in greek mythology, why was hephaestus thrown from mount olympus`ugliness
In greek myth the name given to a statue that came to life in answer to the prayers of Pygmalion`galatea
In Greek myth, what fate befell Actaeon, turned into a stag by Artemis`eaten by his own hounds
in greek myth, which mother of twelve was turned into a weeping rock due to grief`niobe
In Greek myth, who gave birth to the winged horse, Pegasus, from her blood after she had been slain`medusa
In Greek Myth who promised to marry the first man to beat her in a race`atalanta
In Greek Myth who solved the riddle of the Sphinx`oedipus
In Greek myth who swam the Hellespont`leander
In Greek myth who was Jason's wife`medea
In grekky mythology, who was jocasta's son`oedipus
in greyhound racing, what colour does the first dog wear`red
Ingrid Bergman first won co-starring with Charles Boyer in what`gaslight
ingrown toe nails are----------`hereditary
In grrek mythology who was sorceress daughter of the King of Colchis`medea
In Guatemala, christmas day is celebrated when`december 25`25th december
In Gulliver's Travels, from what did the scientists seek to get sunshine`cucumbers
In Gulliver's Travels, what is the name of the flying island inhabited by scientific theorists`laputa
In Gulliver's Travels,what is the name of the flying island`laputa
Inguri and Nurek are among the world's highest what`dams
Inhabiting or occurring in seawater or salt water: '--------- fish: the --------- crocodile.'`saltwater
In Halloween Special V, who is the unquestioned ruler and master of the world?`Ned Flanders
In Halloween, what is Michael Myers' middle name?`Audrey
In "Hamlet", how does Ophelia die`she drowns
in 'happy day's' what is ralph's last name`malph
in happy days what was the Fonz's full name`Arthur Fonzarelli
In "Harbor Lights", What did the hospital lab tech find in Max's blood work?`The retrovirus targeted to Logan's DNA
In "Harbor Lights", What transportation did Logan use to ride to the rescue?`A helicopter
In "Harbor Lights", Where was the Hanta Virus outbreak?`L.A.
In "Harbor Lights", Who did the hospital call in?`The CDC
In "Harbor Lights", Who paged Max while she was being treated?`Logan
In "Harbor Lights", With what did Logan warn Max?`heart monitor
In harper valley pta, what actress portrayed stella johnson`barbara eden
In Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, it's against the law to have sex with a ______ ______ in a toll booth.`truck driver
In Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, it's against the law to have sex?`with a truck driver in a toll booth
In harry potter novels what species of owl is hedwig`snowy
in hartford, connecticut, it is illegal for a husband to kiss his wife on----------`sundays
In Hartford, Connecticut, it is illegal for a man to kiss his wife on ______'_.`Sundays
In "Haven", At what time did the Pulse hit`12:05
In "Haven", At what time is the town clock stopped at`12:05
In "Haven", In what year did the Pulse hit`2009
In "Haven", On what day did the Pulse hit`June 1st
In "Haven", What did Logan need to get out of the city?`Sector Pass
In "Haven", Who did Max say was ready to pitch in when the super hero was busy?`Logan
---------- (in hawaii) is generally regarded as the world's most active volcano`kilauea
In "Heat", How did Lydecker know Max was visiting Hannah?`Hannah called
In "Heat", How many months into her pregnancy did Max's mother try to escape?`seven
In "Heat", What did Eric give Max?`Case of motor oil
In "Heat", What did one of the children from Kendra's Japanese lesson pay with instead of money?`Coffee
In "Heat", What favor did Logan ask Eric to do for him?`Pick up Max in a motorboat
In "Heat", What was the last line (the English translation) of the haiku Kendra taught her students?`A brief night
In "Heat", Where did Logan discover Manticore was?`Gillette, WY
In "Heat", Who impersonated a Tac team so that Lydecker didn't catch Max and Hannah?`Logan
In "Heat", Why didn't Hannah return that night after she rescued Max?`detained by Lydecker's men
In "Heat", Why does Max go into heat?`She has feline DNA
In "Heat", Why hasn't Logan ever been to the Space Needle?`He's afraid of heights
In heaven: heavenward`above
In Hebrew what does the word Satan mean`adversary
In Heraldry, a two-legged dragon with wings & a barbed tail`wyvern
In heraldry, 'or' is one of the 2 metals. What is the other heraldic metal called`argent
In heraldry, 'vair' is one of the 2 furs. What is the other heraldic fur`ermine
In heraldry, what are the colours on the shield called`tinctures
In heraldry, what is a martlet`bird
In heraldry what is a 'mullet'`star
In heraldry what is a 'Talbot'`hound (dog)
In heraldry, what is a two legged dragon called`wyvern
In heraldry what is denote by a bar sinister`illegitimacy
Inherent capacity for growth and development: potentiality`potencies
Inherent nobility and worth: 'the dignity of honest labor.'`dignities
Inherent quality of character and temperament`mettle
Inherited or hereditary`inborn
In Hinduism, which God is known as the Preserver`vishnu
In hindu mythology, who is kali`mother goddess
In hindu mythology who is the mother goddess`kali
In his play The Birds, what name did Aristophanes give to the birds' kingdom in the sky`cloud cuckoo land
In his will who left his second best bed to his wife`william shakespeare
In "Hit a Sista Back," How did Max fool everyone into thinking there was a fire?` She used a smoke grenade
In "Hit a Sista Back," How does Max know the bum on the street is a spy?`good shoes
In "Hit a Sista Back," How many digits are in the barcode on the back of Case's neck`Fourteen
In "Hit a Sista Back," How much will it cost Logan to fix the exo-sketeton?`8-10 thousand dollars
In "Hit a Sista Back," What didn't the princess have a chance to do after she escaped the evil king`Live happily ever after
In "Hit a Sista Back," What was the code name for the mission to capture Case and Tinga?`offspring
In "Hit a Sista Back," Which of the following isn't one of the traits Case inherited from his mother?`Enhanced strength
In "Hit a Sista Back," Which X5 was in charge of capturing Case and Tinga?`Brin
In "Hit a Sista Back," Who came to the rescue when Case was kidnapped?`Zack
In "Hit a Sista Back," Who has Tinga?`Renfro
In "Hit a Sista Back," Who killed Tinga's guards`Brin
In "Hit a Sista Back," Who was discovered unconscious at the scene of the crash?`Brin
In hockey, what is the equivalent of a rugby scrum`face-off
In Holloween, Michael Meyers wore a Halloween mask of what famous character?`Captain Kirk mask
in hollywood, who was known as 'the legs'`betty grable
In Holst's Planet Suite, which planet is the bringer of Jollity`jupiter
In Holst's Planet Suite, which planet is the bringer of Peace`venus
In Homer's Iliad, who was the King of Troy`priam
in honour if johan---------- , inventor of the paper clip, a 221/2 paper clip was erected in oslo, norway`vaaler
in honour if johan vaaler, inventor of the paper clip, a 221/2 paper clip was erected in---------- , norway`oslo
in honour if ---------- vaaler, inventor of the paper clip, a 221/2 paper clip was erected in oslo, norway`johan
In horse racing, what is the maximum age of a filly`four years
In horse racing, what is the straight opposite the one with the finish line`backstretch
in hot countries what name is given to an afternoon rest or nap`siesta
In how many films did Grace Kelly appear`eleven
in how many films did grace kelly appear`eleven`11
In how many Shakespearean plays did ghosts appear`four
In how many Shakespearean plays did ghosts appear`four`4
In Hugo's Les Miserables, what was Jean Valjean's first crime`he stole a loaf of bread
In Hugo's Les Miserables, what was Jean Valjean's first crime`stole bread
in human biology, what is the process of (normal) cell division`mitosis
In humans, the unborn young from the end of the eighth week after conception to the moment of birth, as distinguished from the earlier embryo`fetus
in humans, where does digestion of carbohydrates take place?`mouth
in ian fleming's james bond series, what does the 00 in 007 stand for`license to kill
In ice hockey, what name is given to a period of play in which one team has a player temporarily suspended from the game`power play
In Idaho, it is illegal for a man to give his sweetheart a box of candy weighing less than _____.`50 lbs
in i dream of jeannie, where was jeannie's favorite hiding place`lamp
In Imperial measurement, how many pounds are there in one hundredweight`one hundred and twelve
In Imperial measurement, how many pounds are there in one hundredweight`one hundred and twelve`112
In Imperial measurement, how many square yards are in a square chain`484
In Independence Day, What does Will Smith yell as he blasts off in the space ship?`I gotta get me one of these
In India, and also the British forces, what job does a Dhobi Wallah do`laundry
In India and the East Indies, what is an elephant driver or keeper called`mahout
In India what is 'pachisi'`board game
In India who or what is a 'dacoit'`robber
In Indonesian cookery what name is given to meat kebabs served with a peanut sauce`satay
In industry, this chemical is known as Soda Ash, but how would it be termed in the chemistry laboratory`sodium carbonate
In "Innerspace", what did the license plate on Igoe's BMW say?`SNAPON
In international car registrations, which country has the letters RA`argentina
In international car registrations, which country has the letters ZA`south africa
In Iowa, kisses may not last longer than ____ minutes.`five
in irian jaya exists a tribe of tall white people whose ---------- are a warning sign against intruders`parrots
In Irish folklore what is the mischievous elf, often believed to have treasure hoard`leprechaun
In Italy, a man may be arrested for wearing a _____.`skirt
In italy, as what is mickey mouse known`topolino
in italy, it is illegal to make ---------- out of anything except nutshells or wood`coffins
In Italy what kind of food are 'amaretti'`biscuits
In ________, it is illegal for married women to go fishing alone on Sundays, and illegal for unmarried women to fish alone at all. It is a felony for a wife to open her husband's mail.`Montana
In __________ It is illegal to have sex before you are married.`Oklahoma
In _______ it is illegal to have sex with a fish, in Florida it is illegal to get a fish drunk, and in North Carolina it is illegal to have sex with a drunk fish.`Texas
In _________, it is illegal to sleep naked.`Minnesota
In`James Earl Jones
In January 1997, who survived for five days in an upturned boat, in the south Pacific Ocean`tony bullimore
In january of 1997, who survived for five days in an upturned boat, in the south pacific ocean`tony bullimore
in japan, 20% of all publications sold are ---------- books`comic
In Japanese cookery what is 'nori'`seaweed
In Japanese cooking what name is given to small pieces of raw fish served with cold rice`sushi
in japan, ---------- of all publications sold are comic books`20%
in jasmine, saskatchewan, it is illegal for a cow to moo within ---------- km of a private home`300
In Jasper, Alabama, it is illegal for a husband to beat his wife with a stick larger in diameter than his _____.`thumb
in "jerry mcguire", what school was rod tidwell and alumni of`arizona state
In jewellery, what is the only gem of animal origin`pearl
In John's Gospel, which was the first named disciple to join Jesus`andrew
In Joseph Conrad's Lord Jim what ship was abandoned by its crew before it sank`patna
In Judaism, what is the 'Talmud'`two books of law & legend
In Judo, which Dan is the highest in the grading of black belts`tenth
In Judo, which Dan is the highest in the grading of black belts`tenth`10
In July 1992, Tim Taylor married which member of the royal family`lady helen windsor
In July of 1955 - Arco, Idaho, with a population of 1,000, became the first U.S. town powered by nuclear energy. The town's energy was supplied by an experimental boiling-water reactor called the`borax iii
In Jumanji, a stampede is released. What is the slowest animal?`Rhinoceros
In June 19&3, SvetLana Savatskaya was the first wornan to do what`walk in space
in june 1990, thousands died in a massive earthquake. in which country`iran
In June of what year was the treaty ending WWl signed`1919
in kentucky, it is illegal to carry ice-cream in your back----------`pocket
in---------- , kids as young as 15 can be jailed for cheating on their finals`bangladesh
In Kingsville, Texas, there is a law against two ____ having sex on the city's airport property.`pigs
In Knight Rider,what's the real last name of Michael Knight?`Long
In Korean, what does Seoul mean?`Capital
In korean, what does seoul mean`the capital
In Korea, the _____ is a symbol of long life, and is often portrayed in the company of immortals`deer
In Krakow, Poland, it's not only a crime to have sex with _______, but three-time offenders are shot in the head.`animals
Inky & Dinky were the nephews of what comic book cat`felix the cat
inky & dinky were the nephews of what comic book cat`felix the`tail
Inlaid work in wood`marquetry
Inland sea, lying between southeastern Europe & Asia minor`black sea
In 'la traviata', what does violetta sing`sempre libera
In 'la traviata', who sings 'sempre libera'`violetta
In law, a formal document stating that a person (defendant) is notified to appear in court and answer a complaint or charge brought against him or her by another party (plaintiff).`Summons
In law, special court exercising jurisdiction over all maritime issues?`Admiralty
In law, the criminal offense of marrying while one is still a partner in a valid earlier marriage.`bigamy
In legend, who was the Roman goddess of war`bellona
In 'les miserables', jean valjean's criminal number is the same as what character in 'the simpsons'`sideshow bob
Inlet of the Atlantic Ocean, southeastern New York, at the mouth of the Hudson River`new york bay
In Lewis Carroll's story how does Alice get into Wonderland`down a rabbit hole
in li'l abner, what was daisey mae's maiden name`scraggs
In literature, what was Long John Silver's status when on board ship`the cook
In literature, which French Physician wrote the book of rhyming prophesies titled Centuries`Nostradamus
In literature who has a servant called Sanch Panza`don quixote
In literature who was the wife of Othello`desdemona
In literature, who were the 'star-crossed lovers'`romeo & juliet
In Little Rock, Arkansas, _________ between men and women on the streets may result in a 30 day jail term.`flirtation
In liturature, which writer created Sid Halley, the jockey turned private investigator`Dick Francis
In Liverpool, saleswomen are only allowed to be _______ in tropical fish stores.`topless
In living organisms, what do lysins destroy`cells
In logic, what is the form of reasoning by which a specific conclusion is inferred from one or more premises?`Deduction
In London, it's illegal to have sex on a parked _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. `motorcycle
In London, what are King's Cross, St Pancras and Waterloo`railway stations
In London what would you find at 87-135 Brompton Road`harrods
In London when did the Globe Theatre catch fire`1613
In London when was the first cricket match held at Lords`1814
In London, which river is crossed by Tower Bridge`thames
In London who designed Marble Arch`john nash
In Louisa May Alcott's 'Little Women', which march sister dies`beth
in lugeing, on what body portion does the driver lie?`back
In Magnum PI,what kind of car did Higgins drive?`An audi
In Magnum PI,what was the name of the charter service that TC ran?`Island Hoppers
In Magnum PI,what was the name of the club?`The King Kamehameha
in make room for daddy, what was danny williams' job?`nightclub comic
in "mandingo ii", garrett morris kissed this football player`o.j. simpson
In many parts of the world, especially Asia, people still use a counting device that goes back before recorded history. It is a board with beads on it.`abacus
In March 1785, what future president succeeded Ben Franklin as minister to France?`Thomas Jefferson
In March 1979, where did a major nuclear accident occur`Three Mile Island
In maritime history, a type of large, seagoing warship propelled by oars and, more frequently, by sail`galley
In ____, married men can legally have homosexual sex with their wife's father, brother, or son.`Iran
in martin luther king jr.'s famous speech, these three words come between 'free at last! free at last!' and 'we are free at last!'`thank god almighty
In ____, Mary Phelps Jacobs patented the first bra. She sold the patent nine years later to the Warner Brothers Corset Company for $1,500.`1912
In mathematics, famous theorem which has led to important discoveries in algebra & analysis`fermats last theorem
In mathematics, how many faces has a icosahedron`twenty
In Mathematics, the Greek capital letter "sigma" is used to denote what process`the sum of (summation)
In mathematics what name is given to a line joining any two points on the circumference of a circle`chord
In Mathematics what name is given to a pair of angles whose sum is 90 degrees`complementary
In mathematics which prefix refers to 10 to the power of minus 18`atto
In mathematics which prefix refers to 10 to the power of minus 9`atto
In Mathematics, who devised a triangle to show the probability of various results occurring when any number of coins are tossed`blaise pascal
In Matilda what was the name of Matilda's teacher?`Jennifer Honey
in may 1948, mt ---------- and mt ngauruhoe, both in new zealand, erupted simultaneously`ruapehu
in may 1948, mt ruapehu and mt---------- , both in new zealand, erupted simultaneously`ngauruhoe
in may 1948, mt ruapehu and mt ngauruhoe, both in---------- , erupted simultaneously`new zealand
In mediaval history, who was the lover of Heloise`abelard
In medical descriptions, what is the meaning of the term "chronic"`lingering, lasting
In medical matters, what does the letter B stand for in B.C.G.`bacillus
In medical matters, what does the letter C stand for in C.A.T. scanner`computerised
In medical terms, what is dysphagia`difficulty in swallowing
In medical terms, what is the common name for prepatella bursitis`housemaid's knee
In medical terms, what is the common name for the hallux`big toe
In medicine, of what is oncology the study'`tumours
In medicine, the determination of the nature of a disease`diagnosis
In medicine what do the letters HRT stand for`hormone replacement therapy
In medicine what is boric acid used for`antiseptic
In medicine what is procaine used for`anaesthetic
In Medieval France unfaithful wives were made to ____________through town while naked?`chase a chicken
In medieval -----, it was not unusual for a mother to breast-feed a child until the child was seven years old.`china
in medieval legend, what was the name of the wandering jew`ahasuerus
In medieval Spain which city was noted for its quality leather`cordova
In medieval Spain which city was noted for its quality steel`toledo
In Mesopotamia, ________ was sometimes the deciding factor in cases of adultery. Suspected couples were often tied up and thrown in a river. If they floated, they were innocent, if they drowned, they were guilty.`buoyancy
in miami, florida, roosting ---------- have taken to snatching poodles from rooftop patios`vultures
in miami, florida, roosting vultures have taken to snatching ---------- from rooftop patios`poodles
in michagan, usa, a man legally owns his wife's----------`hair
In ___________, Michigan, it is illegal to serenade your girlfriend.`Kalamazoo
In Middle Eastern countries, what is a 'souk'`a market
in midieval england, beer often was served with----------`breakfast
in midieval england, ---------- often was served with breakfast`beer
In military slang which word means to carry heavy equipment on foot over difficult terrain`yomp
In military terms what is a projecting watch tower called`barbican
In military terms, what is the opposite of "advance"`retreat
In Milwaukee during the 1900s, 12,500 horses in the city left an estimated ____ tons of manure and urine on the streets per year`133
In Milwaukee during the 1900s, ______ horses in the city left an estimated 133 tons of manure and urine on the streets per year`12,500
In minerology what does the Mohs scale measure`hardness
In Minnesota, it is illegal for any man to have sexual intercourse with a live ____.(Apparently it's OK for woman.)`fish
In mirc, what colour does control-4 give`red
In modern technology, what do the letters 'DVD' stand for`digital versatile disc
In money circles what does ERM mean`exchange rate mechanism
in monopoly how much does whitechapel road cost`sixty dollars
in monopoly, how much is the "income tax"?`10% or 200 dollars
In Monopoly what completes the set with Fleet Street and The Strand`trafalgar square
in 'monopoly', what phrase is printed above the name of the property on each deed`title deed
in mormon theology, which is the star closest to gods residence`kolob
in morse code, what number is represented by five dashes`zero
in most ---------- countries and in china the colour of mourning is white`muslim
in most---------- , including newspapers, the time displayed on a watch is 10:10`advertisements
in most muslim countries and in china the colour of mourning is ----------`white
in most muslim countries and in ---------- the colour of mourning is white`china
In most other Western Christian churches, the two rites, Baptism and the Eucharist, that were instituted by Jesus to confer sanctifying grace`sacrament
In motor racing, what is yellow`danger flag
In Movies: A young Richard Dreyfuss sang Little Goldfish in this film`hello down there
In Movies: Berlin's breath-taking hit from the movie _Top Gun_.`take my Breath Away
In Movies: Composer for Bond movie _For Your Eyes Only_.`bill conti
In Movies: Each Mad Max movie has a version of this song`happy Birthday
In Movies: Goose and Maverick used this song as a pickup scheme at a bar in _Top Gun_.`youve lost that loving feeling
In Movies: He performed as Jack Skellington in _A Nightmare Before Christmas_.`danny elfman
In Movies: Julie Andrews and Robert Preston sing this duet as a gay couple`you and me
In Movies: She sang the beautifully haunting love theme from Bram Stokers Dracula`annie lennox
In Movies: This movie musical features Ann Margaret rolling in baked beans`tommy
In Movies: "Time Warp" was revealed in this 1975 not so horrifying picture with Tim Curry.`rocky horror picture show
In Movie Trivia: A young Richard Dreyfuss sang "Little Goldfish" in this film.`hello down there
In Movie Trivia: Each Mad Max movie has a version of this song.`happy Birthday
In Movie Trivia: Julie Andrews and Robert Preston sing this duet as a gay couple.`you and me
In Movie Trivia: She sang the beautifully haunting love theme from _Bram Stoker's Dracula_.`annie lennox
In Movie Trivia: This movie musical features Ann Margaret rolling in baked beans.`tommy
in 'mta' the kingston trio sang of poor charlie being stuck in the subway system of what city`boston
In musical notation, what is the effect of placing a dot immediately after a note`increases its length by half
In musical notation, what is the term for the symbol at the beginning of a staff`clef
In musical notation which note is half a minim`crotchet
In music, instrumental introduction to an opera or other musical or nonmusical dramatic work?`overture
In music m-m means`maelzel metronome
in music, name the set of horizontal lines around which notes are written.`staff
In music, the art of extemporization or creating all or part of a composition at the moment of performance?`Improvisation
In music, what does prestissimo mean`extremely fast
In music what does the term 'ff' mean`very loud
In music, what does the term legato mean`one note leading smoothly to the next
In music, what 'H' is an open framed instrument played by plucking the strings with the fingers`harp
In music what is a chromatic scale`a scale made up of semi-tones
In music, what is an improvised flourish inserted by the soloist in a concerto called`cadenza
In music what is a pentatonic scale`a scale of five notes only
In music, what word describes a technically showy, sometimes improvised, solo passage in a concerto`cadenza
In music, what word describes the art of combining two or more melodic strands simultaneously`counterpoint
In music, which major scale contains just one flat`f major
In 'my favourite martian', who did ray walston play`uncle tim
In mythology, of where was Oedipus the King`thebes
In mythology Romulus and Remus were brought up by which animal`wolf
In mythology the fountain Aganippe was famous to whom`muses
In mythology, the God Apollo gave this woman the gift of being able to foretell the future, only to curse the gift when this woman rejected him`Cassandra
In mythology the labyrinth was built for which monster`minotaur
In mythology what did Prometheus steal from the gods`fire
In mythology what was the alternative name of Dionysus`bacchus
In mythology, which creature could kill with a look`basilisk
In mythology which creature sprang from the blood of Medusa`pegasus
In mythology, which King of Cyprus fell in love with a statue`pygmalion
In mythology, which maiden was saved from a sea by Perseus`andromeda
In mythology, which soil of Juno was considered to be the most Roman of gods`mars
In mythology who continued to weep after she had been turned to stone`niobe
In mythology, who tamed the winged horse Pegasus`bellerophon
In mythology, who was the mother of Eros and Aeneas`aphrodite
In mythology, who was the wife of Jupiter`juno
In mythology, who was the wife of Odysseus`penelope
In mythology, who was turned into a laurel bush`daphne
In ___, Namco released Pac-Man, the most popular arcade game of all time`1979
In National Lampoon's Vacation, what did the Griswalds call their ugly green station wagon?`The Family Truckster
In nautical terms, what name is given to the upper edge of a ship's side`gunwhale
In navigation what measures 1.8 metres`fathom
Inner of two bones extending from knee to ankle`tibia
In New Orleans, it is illegal for a woman to drive a car unless her husband is waving a ____ in front of it.`flag
In New York, women are allowed to go ______ as long as it is not being used for business.`topless
In New Zealand, on which island is Lake Taupo`north
in norse mythology, balder is the god of _____`light and joy
in norse mythology, hel is the goddess of the ______`underworld
in norse mythology, odin is the king of the ______`gods
In Norse mythology, what is the name of Odin's six-legged horse`sleipn1r
In Norse mythology, what is the name of Odin's six-legged horse`sleipnir
In norse mythology, who is brunhilda chief of`valkyries
in norse mythology, who is king of the gods`odin
In norse mythology, who is the chief of the valkyries`brunhilda
In Norse mythology, who is the father of Odin`bor
in norse mythology, who is the goddess of the underworld`hel
in norse mythology, who is the god of light and joy`balder
in norse mythology, who is the husband of frigg`odin
in norse mythology, who is the wife of odin`frigg
In Norse mythology, who were the messengers of Odin who selected heroes to die in battle`valkyries
In North America, Final Fantasy 4 is known as...`final fantasy 2
In North Carolina, _________ and cohabitation are punishable by six months in jail and/or a $500 fine.`fornication
In november 1975, which record became queen's first british chart-topping single`bohemian rhapsody
In November 1981, Diana Ross had a number one hit with the duet 'Endless Love'. Who was her co-singer`lionel ritchie
In October 1999, who replaced Frank Dobson as Secretary of State for Health`alan milburn
In October of 1962, Johnny Carson succeeds him on the Tonight Show`jack parr
in ---------- of american households, women manage the money and pay the bills`75%
In, of, describing, described by, or related to a straight line`linear
in official competition, what colour shirts do table tennis players wear`black
In ___, Oklahoma If you wear New York Jets clothing, you may be put in jail.`Ada
In ________, Oklahoma, it's against the law to masturbate while you watch two people have sex in a car.`Clinton
In __________ ____, Oklahoma No one may walk backwards downtown while eating a hamburger.`Oklahoma,city
In ______, Oklahoma While passing another vehicle, you must honk your horn.`Yukon
In olden days, barbers also performed as ---------. Blood-letting, a remedy of the time believed to cure diseases, was one of their main tasks. The red-and-white striped barber pole originally symbolized a bleeding arm swathed in bandages.`surgeons
In "Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats", which is the mystery cat and Napoleon of Crime`macavity
In one of donald horne's novels, as what was australia dubbed`lucky country
In one of donald horne's novels, who was 'the lucky country`australia
In one year, hens in America lay enough eggs to encircle the globe _____ times`one hundred
In one year, hens in America lay enough eggs to encircle the globe _____ times`one hundred`100
In Only Fool's and Horses,what does Trigger call Rodney`Dave
in ontario, canada, these five young ladies were born on may 28, 1934`the dionne quintuplets
In optics, property of a lens system of bending a beam of white light in such a way that all its component colors are brought to a focus at the same point, thus obtaining a sharp image`achromatism
In _________ Oral sex is a misdemeanor and is punisable by one year in jail and a $2,500 fine.`Oklahoma
In _________ Oral sex is considered to be sodomy.`Arkansas
In order for a deck of cards to be mixed up enough to play with properly, at least how many times should it be shuffled`seven
In order for a deck of cards to be mixed up enough to play with properly, at least how many times should it be shuffled`seven`7
In order for a deck of cards to be mixed up enough to play with properly, at least how many times should it be shuffled`seven times
in order for a deck of cards to be mixed up enough to play with properly, it should be shuffled at least`seven times
in order not to digest itself, how often does the stomach need a new layer of mucous`every two weeks
In order to satisfy an adults daily nutritional requirements it would be possible to drink 1 glass of orange juice, 2 glasses of milk and how many pints of Guinness`forty seven
In order to satisfy an adults daily nutritional requirements it would be possible to drink 1 glass of orange juice, 2 glasses of milk and how many pints of Guinness`forty seven`47
In or into a jumbled or confused state: 'The plans went -----.'`amuck
In or into a jumbled or confused state: 'The plans went amuck.'`amok
In or into contact: 'The cars crashed --------. She mixed the chemicals --------.'`together
In other languages, a verbal noun analogous to the Latin ------, such as the English form ending in -ing when used as a noun, as in singing in We admired`gerund
In Ottuma, Iowa, a man may not ____ at any woman he doesn't know.`wink
In "Out", How did Max accidently reveal her position to the guard?`Popped a bubble
In "Out", How did Max get the olive oil?`She stole it
In "Out", How did Original Cindy find out who Normal was dating?`She went through her purse
In "Out", To whom did Bronck trace the phone call to?`Tacoma Bleed
In "Out", What did Logan think Bronck was smuggling out of the country?`Blood
In "Out", What is Normal's date's real name?`Louis Klein
In "Out", What is Normal's real name?`Reagan Ronald
In "Out", What was Max's new quid pro quo?`Don't call me, I won't call you!
In "Out", When Logan invited Max to dinner, she offered to help him by doing what?`Boiling the water
In "Out", When Max told Logan not to hold up the war on her account, what does he reply back?`The world will still be broken in the morning
In "Out", Where were Eyes Only's operatives being held?`Warton airfield
In "Out", Why did Normal's date break up with him?`She's a lesbian
In Oxford, Ohio, it is illegal for a woman to strip off her clothing while standing in front of a ___'_ ________.` man's picture
In painting, what is a Maulstick`a stick to steady the hand
In painting, what is a Maulstick`stick to steady the hand
In Pakistan, goats are often sacrificed to improve the performance of the________`stock market
In Paramaribo, Suriname, a man who rapes a single woman won't be punished if the rape victim agrees to _____ her attacker.`marry
in paris on january 12, 1998, nineteen european nations signed the first binding international ban on what`human cloning
in paris, the mcdonalds big 'm' is the only one in the world that is---------- , rather than yellow, it was thought that yellow was too tacky`white
in paris, the mcdonalds big 'm' is the only one in the world that is white, rather than yellow, it was thought that yellow was too----------`tacky
In parts of _____, the women keep harems of men`malaya
in paula abdul's first hit, how does she want it`straight up
In "peanuts", what is the surname of lucy and linus`van pelt
In "Peanuts", what is the surname of Lucy & Linus`van pelt
in 'peanuts', who is woodstock's beagle friend`snoopy
in 'peter pan', what was wendy's surname`darling
In philatelic circles, for what do the initials, C.D.S. stand`circular date stamp
In physics and engineering, the property of a body that causes it to return to its original position or motion as a result of the action of the so-called restoring forces, or torques, once the body has been disturbed from a condition of equilibrium.`Stability
In physics, devices used to accelerate charged elementary particles or ions to high energies`particle accelerators
In physics, mechanism by what energy is conveyed from one place to another in mechanically propagated waves without the transference of matter`wave motion
In physics, process of reduction of matter into a denser form, as in the liquefaction of vapor or steam.`Condensation
In physics, product of a force applied to a body & the displacement of the body in the direction of the applied force`work
In physics terminology, what is the tendency of a body in motion to remain in motion`inertia
In Physics, what type of length is represented by the small Greek letter "lambda"`wavelength
In "Pilgrims Progress", who imprisoned Christian and Hopeful in Doubting Castle`giant despair
In "Pilot", After Vogelsang's place was ransacked who did he tell Max he had bad news about?`Her fiance
In "Pilot", Bruno Anselmo was born in what year`1990
In "Pilot", Out of what does Max hang to Lydia?`window
In "Pilot", What did Logan give Max?`Bast statue
In "Pilot", What does Max offer Officer Walter every week?`Coffee
In "Pilot", What is the only thing better than four queens, according to Sonrisa?`Five queens
In "Pilot", What is the technical term for Max?`Chimera
In "Pilot", Where does Max work?`Jam Pony
In "Pilot", Which of the following is a man that can move through the world with impunity (according to Eyes Only)?`Edgar Sonrisa
In "Pilot", While trapped by Lydecker's troops how did Max leave the building?`Walked right past Lydecker
In "Pilot", Who did Darren cheat on Max with`Justine
In "Pilot", Why did Max break up with Darren?`He cheated on her
In "Pilot", Why did Max pick the cat statue?`It's the goddess Bast
In Poker, a 10, Jack, Queen, King, Ace of the same suit is called a ______`Royal Flush
In Poker, A hand of 2 of the same cards is ____`two pair
In Poker, A hand of 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 of the same suit would be called a`Straight
In Poker, A hand of 3 of the same cards is called _____ __ _`Three of a kind
In Poker, A hand of 4, 4, 8, 8, 8 of any suit would be called a ___`Full House
In poker five cards of the same suit is called a(n) `flush
In Poker five cards of the same suit is called a(n) `Flush
In poker, what are five cards of the same suit`flush
In poker what name is given to a hand of cards which includes a pair of aces and a pair of eights`dead man's hand
in "pollyanna", who played aunt polly`jane wyman
In pool, what color is the eight ball`black
in pool, what colour is the #1 ball`yellow
in pool, what colour is the eight ball`black
In popular culture, what is a 'Tamagotchi'`virtual pet
In popular usage, name denoting the acute disease known medically as aeroembolism & caused by rapid decrease of the atmospheric pressure`bends
In post war fashion who was responsible for the New Look`christian dior
In pottery, what is biscuit ware`pottery fired but not glazed
in pottery, what is crackle`tiny cracks in the`bucca
In pottery, what is crackle`tiny cracks in the glaze
In pre decimalisation currency, how much was a florin worth`two shillings
In preference: as an alternative: 'yearned ------- for a home and family.'`instead
In printing what shape is an obelus`dagger
In "Prodigy", According to Herbal when is it all good?`all the time
In "Prodigy", During the hostage terrorist raid who was the police negotiator`Matt Sung
In "Prodigy", How many hostages are there?`thirty-five
In "Prodigy", How much did Jude weigh at birth?`three and a half pounds
In "Prodigy", Max claimed to be Rachel Glasser from what magazine`Bio-Tech Frontiers
In "Prodigy", May 22nd is the birthday of whom, and gives the name for the May 22nd movement`Theodore Kaczynski
In "Prodigy", What are polymerase?`Enzymes
In "Prodigy", What name does Max use for the conference?`Rachel Glasser
In "Prodigy", What was the name of the terrorist group that took over Tanaka's conference?`May 22nd Movement
In "Prodigy", Whom did Original Cindy's find out was celibate ruining her weekend?`Chrisette
In "Prodigy", Who was the group's Leader?`John Darius
In "Prodigy" who was the leader of the May 22nd Movement`John Darius
In "Prodigy", Why didn't Logan answer Max right away, when she visited him to see if he could help her get into the conference?`He fell out of his chair
In pro football a "sudden death" period lasts how many minutes long`15
In pro football a 'sudden death' period lasts how many minutes long`fifteen
In pro-football how long does a 'sudden death' period last`fifteen minutes
In pro-football how long does a 'sudden death' period last`fifteen minutes`15 minutes
in pro football, how long is half time?`fifteen minutes
In progress or evolving`ongoing
In "Proof of Purchase", Finding whom is the new plan for getting rid of the virus?`Sandman
In "Proof of Purchase", How did White ensure that Alec would not be able to renege on their agreement?`Inserted a bomb in the back of his neck
In "Proof of Purchase", How many trangenics did White tell Alec to kill?`three
In "Proof of Purchase", How much did the Lab Tech from Manticore want to cure Logan and Max's problem?`ten grand
In "Proof of Purchase", How much did the lab tech want to save Alec's life?`ten grand
In "Proof of Purchase", What did Alec need from each victim to prove his kill?`Barcode
In "Proof of Purchase", Whose familiar face was in the audience at the fight club?`Normal
In "Proof of Purchase", Who was Joshua looking for?`Sandman
In psalm 46, what is the 46th word from the first word`shake
In psalm 46, what is the 46th word from the last word`spear
In psychadelic 67, which old-time dance gave englebert humperdink a huge hit`waltz
In psychoanalysis, the division of the psyche that is conscious, most immediately controls thought and behavior, and is most in touch with external`ego
In psychoanalysis, the division of the psyche that is conscious, most immediately controls thought and behavior, and is most in touch with external`egos
in Puritan New England who were branded with a scarlet letter A`Adulterous women
In quantum physics, what name is given to a particle of light`photon
in racing, the 'chalk' horse is the what`favorite
In regard to Lesbians, mush is..?`Sweet talk
In relation to animals what does the word 'edentate' mean`no teeth
In relation to computers, in printing, to line up in relation to a given point of reference, such as the margins of a page or the edges of a piece of paper`align
In relation to its size, the ordinary house spider is ______ times faster than an Olympic sprinter`eight
In relation to its size, the ordinary house spider is ______ times faster than an Olympic sprinter`eight`8
In relation to its size, which bird has, understandably, the thickest skull`woodpecker
In religion, the assumption of an earthly form by a god?`Incarnation
In rhyming slang what are april showers`flowers
In rhyming slang what is a china plate`mate
In "Rising", How long could Max use the implant before dying`A few hours
In "Rising", How many Reds implants are there in Seattle?`three
In "Rising", What did Max tell Original Cindy about her past?`The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth
In "Rising", What did the dying Red say to Max before he died?`Help us live
In "Rising", What does Logan believe caused the pluripotents to be in his blood`Blood transfusion
In "Rising", What surprise did Logan have for Max?`He stood up
In "Rising", What was unusual about Logan's blood work?`He had pluripotents circulating in his blood stream
In "Rising", Where did Original Cindy get hired?`Washington Meridian Insurance
In "Rising", Who is Mr. Multiples?`Officer Walter
In "Rising", Whose number did the Reds pull off Max's pager?`Original Cindy's
In "Rising", Why did Herbal decide to change the way he speaks?`His woman couldn't understand him
In Roman mythology, who was the father of Romulus and Remus`mars
in roman mythology, who was the god of forests, fields and herding`silvanus
in roman mythology, who was the supreme god`jupiter
In Roman mythology, who was the wife of Jupiter`juno
In Rome in which building is the Italian Stock Exchange`the temple of neptune
In 'romeo and juliet', about what was mercutio's long monologue`queen mab
in 'romeo and juliet', who first finds out that juliet is 'dead'`nurse
In romeo and juliet', who gave a long monologue about queen mab`mercutio
In 'romeo and juliet', who said 'i have a faint cold fear thrills through my veins'`juliet
in 'romeo and juliet', who says 'i do but keep the peace put up thy sword, or manage it to part these men with me'`benvolio
In 'romeo and juliet', who says 'make the bridal bed in that dim monument where tybalt lies`juliet
In 'romeo and juliet', who says 'what must be must be'`juliet
In 'romeo and juliet', who says 'what must be shall be'`juliet
In 'romeo and juliet', why couldn't the nurse tell juliet the news of her meeting with romeo immediately`she was out of breath
In 'Romeo & Juliet', about what was Mercutio's long monologue`queen mab
In 'Romeo & Juliet', who says 'what must be shall be'`juliet
In Rome, the world's first paved streets were laid out in _____ B.C`one hundred and seventy
In Rome, the world's first paved streets were laid out in _____ B.C`one hundred and seventy`170
In Rome, what was the Cloaca Maxima`main sewer
In roseanne what was roseanne's boss's name`leon
In Roseanne what was Roseanne's gay boss/employee?`Leon
In roulette, what number is green`zero
In rugby union, what colour jerseys are worn by the Welsh team`red
In Rugby Union, which position is normally occupied by the player wearing number nine`scrum half
In rugby, what is the equivalent of a hockey face-off`scrum
In Rummy how many points is an ace worth`one
In "Running Scared," how much money does Billy Crystal's character inherit from his dead aunt Rose?`50,000
In Russia, dogs have been trained to sniff out ore deposits that contain _________`iron sulfides
In Russia, suppositories cut from fresh potatoes were used for quick relief of ______`haemorrhoids
In Russia, what type of food is a blini or blintze`pancake
In sailing, what is a warp`a mooring rope
In sailing, what is a warp`rope
In Sambia, New Guinea males must perform ritualized homosexual acts until they reach ________ .`adulthood
In San Antonio, Texas it is illegal for both sexes to flirt or to respond to flirtation using the eyes or the _____.`hands
In Santa Cruz, ________, it is illegal to have sex with both a mother and daughter.`Bolivia
In Save by the Bell,what were Zack and Kelly dressed up as the night they broke up?`Romeo and Juliet
in saving private ryan, what was tom hanks' rank`captain
In Scandinavian mythology, which was the 'Tree of Life'`ash
In science, which term refers to the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom`atomic number
in scrabble, what is the point value for the standard vowels`one
in scrabble, which letter is worth 6 points`none
in second world war allied soldiers slang, what does pbi stand for`poor bloody infantry
In secret: privately`backstage
Insectivorous plant`venus fly-trap
Insectophobia is a fear of ______`insects
Insectophobia is the fear of`insects
Insects take in oxygen through their _____?`spiracles
In September of 1994, 852 people died when the ferry Estonia sank in what sea?`Baltic Sea
In Shakespeare's 'Antony & Cleopatra,' & perhaps in history as well, with what did Cleopatra kill herself`poisonous snake
In Shakespeare's Hamlet, who is the father of Ophelia`polonius
In Shakespeare's Macbeth, which wood appears to move`birnham wood
In Shakespeare's 'Merchant of Venice', with whom does Portia fall in love`bassanio
In Shakespeare's play, who tamed the shrew`petruchio
In Shakespeare's play who was the wife of Othello`desdemona
In Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice, what is the name of the merchant`antonio
In Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew , what is the name of the shrew`katharina
In Shakespeare which character dies saying, 'The rest is silence'`hamlet
In Shakespeare, who killed Tybalt`romeo
in shipping, what does 'p&o' mean`peninsula and orient
In showjumping, how many points are incurred for knocking down a fence`four
In siberia in 1994, a container full of what was discovered in the 2,000 year old grave of a scythian princess and priestess`marijuana
Inside the mind, heart, or soul: inwardly`within
In Simon & Simon,what unusual thing did Rick live in?`in a boat
Insipid intellectual nourishment: TV... gobbled up comedy material and spat it out as ------- (Richard Corliss)`pabulum
Insistence on or adherence to ritual`ritualism
Insistently demanding attention: importunate. vociferous`clamorous
Insistently repetitive or continuous: 'a ---------- ringing of the telephone.'`persistent
Insistent or importunate: 'the ------ words Hurry! Hurry!'`urgent
in---------- , six drops make a dash`cooking
In sixteenth- and seventeenth-century ------, one took revenge against one's enemies by placing finely chopped tiger whiskers in their food. The whisker barbs would get caught in the victim's digestive tract and cause sores and infections.`peking
In 'snow white and the seven dwarfs', what was the occupation of the seven dwarfs`miners
in soccer, who is the only player allowed to handle the ball`goalkeeper
Insolent talk: back talk`guff
In solo whist, how many tricks must a player take in order to win a call of "Abundance`nine
In solo whist, how many tricks must a player take in order to win a call of "abundance`nine`9
In some legends, death (the grim reaper) plays a fiddle with how many strings`one
In some places, you can get porno for -----`pyros
In song, where did all the lights go down according to the Bee Gees`Massachusetts
In South Africa, what is 'biltong'`dried meat
In South America it is rude not to ask a man about his _____`family
In 'southpark', what is chef obsessed with`sex
in 'southpark', what is chef obsessed with`sex`scientology
In SouthPark, who wants to fuck Satan all the time`Saddam Hussein
In Soylent Green, what was the last resort used for riot control?`scoups
In space, astronauts cannot cry, because there is no ________, so the tears can't flow`gravity
In "Spaceballs" what does the bumper sticker say on the back of Lonestar's ship?`I love Uranus
in space you cannot cry because there is no ---------- to make the tears flow`gravity
Inspiring awe, admiration, or wonder: Though a true hero, he was also a thoroughgoing bureaucrat and politician, a ---------- combination (Mario Puzo)`formidable
Inspiring love or affection`lovelier
In sport if you bumped into a mogul what would you be doing`skiing
In sport what would a person do with a quoit`throw it
in sri lanka, a civil war has raged for years between which 2 groups of people`tamil tigers, singhalese
In 'star trek' jean ______ picard`luc
In "Star Trek", what colour was Mr Spock's blood`green
In 'star trek', what is data's rank`lieutenant commander
In 'startrek', who did leonard nimoy play`dr spock
In 'startrek', who did william shatner play`captain james t kirk
In 'startrek', who played captain james t kirk`william shatner
In 'startrek', who played dr spock`leonard nimoy
In 'star trek', who was the captain of the 'enterprise c'`rachel garret
In 'star wars' david prowse was darth vader's ______`body
In 'star wars, four people played darth vader david prowse was his body, james earl jones did the voice, sebastian shaw was his face and a fourth person did the ______`breathing
In 'star wars, james earl jones was darth vader's ______`voice
In 'star wars', sebastian shaw was darth vader's ______`face
In 'star wars', who was c3p0's sidekick`r2d2
In 'star wars', who was darth vader's body`david prowse
In 'star wars', who was darth vader's face`sebastian shaw
In 'star wars', who was darth vader's voice`james earl jones
in star wars, who was the leader of the rebel alliance`mon mothma
In State schools, pupils take SATS at age 14 at the end of which Key Stage`three
Instead of what does the royal family use rose petals`confetti
In "St. Elmo's Fire," What city does Billy go to at the end???`New York
Instinctive discernment: keenness: 'a ----- for the exotica.'`flair
Institution for young offenders having a tough quasi-military regime`boot camp
Institution founded in 1705 by Peter the Great`moscow university
Instruction: teaching`tuition
Instruction that serves to reacquaint one with material previously studied or to bring one's knowledge or skills up to date`refresher
instrumental: how many pedals does a grand piano have`three
Instrument for converting sound waves into electrical energy for reconversion into sound`microphone
Instrument for estimating distance travelled on foot`pedometer
Instrument for measuring radio activity`geiger counter
Instrument for measuring temperature`thermometer
Instrument for measuring wind force`anemometer
Instrument for recording eathquake details`seismograph
Instrument measuring atmospheric pressure`barometer
Instrument measuring velocity or rate of shaft's rotation`tachometer
Instrument panel of vehicle`fascia
Instruments made from tea chests and washboards were a feature of which specific type of music`skiffle
Instrument that records, on paper or film, wave patterns that are equivalent to the oscillations of an electric voltage, or that converts mechanical oscillations into an equivalent electric current before recording them on paper or film in the form of wave patterns`oscillograph
Instrument that utilizes the phenomenon of interference of light waves for the ultraprecise measurement of wavelengths of light itself, of small distances, & of certain optical phenomena`interferometer
Instrument used to measure electric current`ammeter
Instrument with lenses for magnifying objects`microscope
Instrument with windbag for pumping air through reeded pipes`bagpipes
In such a way or at such a speed as to keep up the requisite momentum: abreast`apace
Insufficient, as in extent or degree`scantier
Insufficient, as in extent or degree`scanty
Insufficient to meet all debts, as an estate or fund`insolvent
Insulin is commonly used to treat which condition`diabetes
Insulin is produced in the _________`pancreas
in superbowl xv, played in 1981, who played against the philadelphia eagle`oakland raiders
Insurrection: rebellion`sedition
In Swedish what does smorgas mean`bread and butter
In Swift's novel "Gulliver's Travels", what was the name of Gulliver's ship for a voyage to Lilliput`the antelope
In telephony, what do the initials ADSL stand for`asymmetric digital subscriber line
In telephony, what do the initials ISDN stand for`integrated services digital network
Intellectual exchange or social interaction`commerce
Intelligence agency Political system in which total power is vested in a single individual or a group of rulers.`absolutism
intelligent people have more ---------- and copper in their hair`zinc
Intelligent people have more _____ & copper in their hair.`zinc
intelligent people have more zinc and ---------- in their hair`copper
Intended for or including youthful persons: 'a ------ sports league.'`junior
Intended for use by a person with diabetes: '-------- candy.'`diabetic
Intended: 'medication that is -------- to relieve pain.'`supposed
Intended or designed in such a way as to help retain body heat: '------- underwear.'`thermal
Intended or designed to amuse`funnier
Intended to correct or improve deficient skills in a specific subject: '-------- reading.'`remedial
Intended to entrap or confuse, as in an argument: 'a -------- question.'`captious
Intended to entrap: treacherous: '--------- misinformation.'`insidious
Intended to save money, as by efficient operation or elimination of unnecessary features: economic: 'an ---------- heating system: an ---------- approach to control`economical
Intended to withstand or deter aggression or attack: 'a --------- weapons system: --------- behavior.'`defensive
In Tennessee, the age of consent is 16 unless the girl is a ______, the age of consent is lowered to 12.`virgin
In tennis, what name is given to a serve which cannot be returned`ace
In tennis what name is given to a service that is so good that the opponant fails to touch it`ace
In ten-pin bowling, how many points does a perfect game consist of`300
In ten-pin bowling, how many points does a perfect game consist of`three hundred
In ten-pin bowling what is the hardest split to convert`7 10
Intense aerial bombing is called what`saturation
Intense darkness or gloom`midnight
Intense dislike: abhorrence`horror
Intense heat`fervor
Intensely interested`afire
Intent concentration on or exaggerated enthusiasm for a single subject or idea`monomania
Intentionally contemptuous behavior or attitude: readiness to contend or resist`defiance
Intentionally vague or ambiguous: equivocal: 'an ------- statement.'`evasive
Interchanged, given, or owed to each other: '---------- agreements to abolish customs duties: a ---------- invitation to lunch.'`reciprocal
Intermediate to, as in quantity, amount, or degree: 'It costs ------- 15 and 20 dollars.'`between
Intermediate to, as in quantity, amount, or degree: 'It costs ---ween 15 and 20 dollars.'`bet
In terms of area, which is the largest city in Africa`cairo
In terms of tons of cargo handled, which is Europe's busiest port`rotterdam
Internal parts: sidewalk repair shops, where the -------- of bicycles and cars and motorcycles are spread, mechanics poring over them (Alan Cowell)`entrails
international airport of malaysia`klia
international airport of the netherlands`schiphol
International capitals: Australia`canberra
International capitals: Belarus`minsk
International capitals: Burma`rangoon
International capitals: Costa Rica`san jose
International capitals: India`new delhi
International capitals: Venezuela`caracas
International geophysical program, initiated in 1984, for surveying the deep ocean floor & its resources`ocean drilling program 4
International Radio Code: Word For The Letter 'A'`Alpha
International Radio Code: Word For The Letter 'B'`Bravo
International Radio Code: Word For The Letter 'C'`Charlie
International Radio Code: Word For The Letter 'D'`Delta
International Radio Code: Word For The Letter 'E'`Echo
International Radio Code: Word For The Letter 'F'`Foxtrot
International Radio Code: Word For The Letter 'G'`Golf
International Radio Code: Word For The Letter 'H'`Hotel
International Radio Code: Word For The Letter 'I'`India
International Radio Code: Word For The Letter 'J'`Juliet
International Radio Code: Word For The Letter 'K'`Kilo
International Radio Code: Word For The Letter 'L'`Lima
International Radio Code: Word For The Letter 'M'`Mike
International Radio Code: Word For The Letter 'N'`November
International Radio Code: Word For The Letter 'O'`Oscar
International Radio Code: Word For The Letter 'P'`Papa
International Radio Code: Word For The Letter 'Q'`Quebec
International Radio Code: Word For The Letter 'R'`Romeo
International Radio Code: Word For The Letter 'S'`Sierra
International Radio Code: Word For The Letter 'T'`Tango
International Radio Code: Word For The Letter 'U'`Uniform
International Radio Code: Word For The Letter 'V'`Victor
International Radio Code: Word For The Letter 'W'`Whiskey
International Radio Code: Word For The Letter 'X'`Xray
International Radio Code: Word For The Letter 'Y'`Yankee
International Radio Code: Word For The Letter 'Z'`Zulu
International radio distress signal`mayday
International toy fair 'g.i joe was introduced at the annual american international toy fair in 1963, 1964 or 1967`1964
Internet domains: identify the country: es`spain
Internet domains: identify the country: il`israel
Interracial couples may not marry in ________.`Alabama
In Terry Pratchett's Discworld series, Death rides a pale horse. What is its name`binkie
In Terry Pratchett's Discworld series, what was the name of Death's apprentice`mort
in test cricket, who is the only cricketer to have scored two triple centuries`sir donald bradman
in texas, it is illegal to put graffiti on someone else's----------`cow
In that circumstance or respect`therein
In the 14th century, a plague killed up to one third of Europe's population What was it called`The Black Plague
In the 15th Century, in which ship did John Cabot sail to Canada`matthew
In the 15th century, what was the war between the houses of lancaster and york`war of the roses
In the 1700s, European women achieved a pale complexion by eating a product called _______________, which were actually made with the poison`arsenic complexion wafers
In the 1700s, european women achieved a pale complexion by eating 'complexion wafers' which were actually what poison`arsenic
in the 1700's, you could purchase insurance against going to---------- , in london, england`hell
In the 17th century which country started taxing beards`Russia
In the 1855 Russian War, what were used to transport Torpedos`Kites
In the 18th century, another term for anal sex was?`navigate the windward passage
In the 18th century, what sort of condom did James Boswell prefer to use?`The linen version
In the 1920s, which American tennis player won the Wimbledon Men's Singles twice and the U.S. Open seven times`bill tilden
in the 1932 movie scarface, what coin did george raft flip during the film`nickel
In the 1938 film 'Bringing Up Baby', what was Baby`leopard
In the 1950s which car manufacturer produced the "Bradford" van and the "Javelin" car`jowett
In the 1951 movie the desert fox who played rommel`james mason
In the 1953 Kinsey Report, what percentage of married men had visited a prostitute?`seventy percent
In the 1954 film A Star is Born starring Judy Garland who played the leading man`james mason
in the 1958 hit 'purple people eater', what is the last word spoken by the purple people eater`tequila
In the 1958 number-1 hit Purple People Eater what is the last word spoken by the Purple People Eater`Tequila
In the 1960s, Alan Reed and Jean Vander Pyle were the voices of which television husband and wife`fred & wilma flintstone
In the 1960's, a tranquilizing drug, thought to have no harmful effects, was marketed in Britain and other countries as a therapy for morning sickness, resulting in the birth of hundreds of deformed babies Name the drug`Thalidomide
In the 1960's sitcom The Berverley Hillbillies, how did the Clampets aquire their fortune`struck oil
In the 1960s, what was the name of the Wolseley version of the Austin Mini`hornet
In the 1960s, which company made a version of the Austin Mini, called the Elf`riley
In the 1964 Olympics, British athlete Mary Rand won a silver medal in the pentathlon, and gold in which event`long jump
In the 1964 Olympics, which British woman won a silver medal in the 400 metres, and gold in the 800 metres`ann packer
In the 1969 Apollo 11 landing, who stayed in the command module`michael collins
In the 1969 filin "Anne of the Thousand Days" starring Genevieve Bujold and Richard Burton, who was the Anne of the title`anne boleyn
In the 1970's, the Rhode Island Legislature in the US entertained a proposal that there be a $2 tax on every act of _____ ____ in the State`sexual intercourse
in the 1970s, the who declared this disease eliminated`smallpox
In the 1972 film Young Winston, based on the early life of' Sir Winston Churchill, which character was played by Anthony Hopkins`david lloyd george
in the 1975 film, "capone", who portrayed the gangster al capone`ben gazzara
in the 1975 version of capone, who played capone?`ben gazzara
In the 1977 Commodores hit you were told "shes mighty mighty just lettin it all hang out"`Brick House
In the 1980 Summer Olympics, Nadia Comaneci was judged to have given a perfect performance on the asymmetrical bars and which other exercise`the beam
In the 1983 movie "National Lampoon's Vacation," where were the Griswolds headed on their cross country trip?`WalleyWorld
In the 1984 movie "Splash", the pretty blonde mermaid chooses which street name to be her own?`Madison
In the 1987 film Roxanne, who played the role of Roxanne`darryl hannah
In the 1990 film 'The Krays', who played Violet Kray, the mother of the Kray brothers`billie whitelaw
in the 1994 japanese grand prix, whose car hit a marshal`martin brundle
In the 1995 movie, To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar, what were the names of the characters portrayed by Patrick Swayze, Wesley Snipes and John Leguizamo?`Vida Boeheme, Noxema Jackson, and Chi Chi Rodriguez
In the 1996 version of 'Romeo and Juliet', who played Juliet`Claire Danes
in the 1996 version of "romeo & juliet", who played juliet`claire danes
In the 1998 film "Titanic" - and in real life - which ship which was near enough to rescue 866 passengers`carpathia
In the 1998 film "Titanic", who played the part of Captain Smith`bernard hill
In the 1998 Winter Olympics held in Japan, which country headed the medal table with a total of 29`germany
in the 60's, thalidomide was prescribed to help pregnant women fight what symptoms`morning sickness
in the 6th century bc, what did nebuchadnezzar build on the banks of the euphrates`hanging gardens of babylon
In the 80's detective series Hart to Hart what was the dog called`freeway
In the 9th century which city had several thousand bookstores`Baghdad
In the abbreviation P & O, what does the O stand for`oriental
In the abbreviation VDU what does the V stand for`visual
In the ABO system, which blood type is the universal donor`type o
In the ABO system, which blood type is the universal recipient`type ab
In the acronym BASIC for what does the letter B stand`beginners'
In the acronym LASER what does the 'E' represent`emission
In the acronym 'laser' what does the L stand for`light
In the acronym MASER what does the 'M' represent`microwave
In the acronym SHAPE for what does the letter S stand`supreme
In The Adventures of Tin Tin by Herge, what is the name of Tin Tin's dog`snowy
In the air, puffins are powerful flyers, beating their wings 300 to 400 times a minute to achieve speeds up to _____ miles per hour`forty
in the american sitcom "frasier" what is frazier cranes brother called`niles
In the American sitcom "Frasier", what is the name of Frasier' s brother`niles
in the andes, ---------- is often measured by how long it takes to smoke a cigarette`time
In the anglo-saxon poem, who killed grendel`beowolf
In the animal kingdom, what is the name given to a neutered stallion`a gelding
In the animal kingdom, what it the primary function of the kangaroo's tail`balance
In the animal kingdom, what type of animal is a rockhopper`penguin
In the animal world, the family 'apoidea' consists of which insects`bees
In The Ann Sothern Show, in what kind of place did Ann work`hotel
in the arctic, the ---------- sometimes appears to be square`sun
in the arctic, the sun sometimes appears to be----------`square
In the atmosphere, after Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Carbon Dioxide, which gas has the greatest concentration`Argon
In the avoirdupois weighting system what unit of weight is equal to 16 ounces`pound
in the batman tv series of the '60's, who played the villainess marsha queen of diamonds`carolyn jones
in the bible, after cain murdered his brother abel, he 'went out from the presence of the lord, and dwelt in which land`nod
In the Bible, Goliath was the champion of which people or tribe`philistines
In the Bible, how is the Decalogue more commonly known`ten commandments
In the Bible, in what town did Jesus perform his first miracle`cana
In the Bible, in which village did Lazarus live`bethany
In the Bible story, where was Jonah supposed to be going when he was swallowed by the whale`nineveh
In the bible the book of Psalms is attributed to King David, to who is the book of Ecclesiastes attributed`solomon
In the Bible, the creature that tempted Eve`serpent
In the bible, the Exodus refers to the departure of the Israelites from which country`egypt
In the bible "The Three Wise Men"`magi
In the bible to whom is the book of Lamentations attributed`jeremiah
In The Bible, what is the first commandment`thou shalt have no other god before me
In the Bible, what is the name of the region where Cain went after killing Abel`land of nod
In the Bible what occured on Calvary`The Crucifixion of Jesus
In the Bible what was the name of the region of natural fertility promised to the Israelites by God`land of milk & honey`canaan
In the Bible, where was Cain banished to after he murdered Abel`the land of nod
In the bible which book follows the four gospels`acts
in the bible, which chapter immediately follows 1st timothy`2nd timothy
In the Bible, which city was destroyed on God's command to Joshua and the people of Israel, by walking around it seven times whilst blowing loudly on horns`jericho
In the bible, which city was destroyed on god's command to joshua and the people of israel`jericho
In the bible, which ethnic group took samson prisoner in gaza`philistines
In the Bible, which ethnic group took Samson prisoner in Gaza, resulting in him pushing down the temple of Dagon`philistines
In the bible who authorises the Crucifixion`pontius pilate
In the Bible, who built the Golden Calf for the Israelites to worship`aaron
In the bible, who cut sampson's hair, taking his strength`Delilah
in the bible, who did cain murder`abel
In the Bible, who is generally considered responsible for writing most of the Psalms -74 in all`king david
In the Bible, who is recorded in' Acts' as purchasing a plot of land known as Potter's Field`judas iscariot
In the Bible, who is the Book of Proverbs attributed to`solomon
In the Bible, who is the Book of Psalms attributed to`david
In the bible who is the sister of lazarus and mary`martha
In the Bible, who led 10,000 soldiers into battle against the Midianites`gideon
in the bible, who murdered abel`cain
In the bible, who's name was changed to Israel`jacob
In the Bible, who sold his birthright for a mess of potage`esau
In the Bible, who was Abraham's first son`ishmael
In the bible, who was asked to sacrifice his only son?`abraham
In the Bible, who was asked to sacrifice his only son`abraham
In the bible, who was credited with killing tens of thousands of the philistines`david
In the Bible, who was credited with killing tens of thousands of the Philistines, when his king was only credited with killing thousands of the Philistines`david
In the Bible, who was responsible for the Hebrew poetry in the book Lamentations`jeremiah
In the Bible, who was Sarah's Egyptian servant, the mother of Ishmael`hagar
In the Bible who was the mother of Ishmael`hagar
in the bible, who 'went out from the presence of the lord, and dwelt in the land of nod'`cain
In the Bible, who went out from the presence of the Lord, & dwelt in the land of Nod`cain
In the Bible, who wore a coat of many colors`joseph
In the Bilko show, what was the name of his Commanding Officer at Fort Baxter`colonel hall
In "The Blues Brothers", what does SCMODS stand for?`State County Municipal Offender Data Systems
In the board game Cluedo, which room is situated directly between the kitchen and the conservatory`the ballroom
In the board game clue, which room is situated directly between the kitchen and the conservatory`the ballroom
In the body, what is the CNS`central nervous system
In the body what may be endocrine or exocrine`glands
In the body, what would be described as adipose`fat
In the book '1984', who is watching`big brother
In the book Goodbye Mister Chips, what subject did Mr. Chipping teach`latin
In the Book of Judges who delivered Israel from the Midianites`gideon
In the book Treasure Island which character owns the Spyglass Inn`long john silver
In the Breakfast Club, Bender tells a joke without a punchline. What was the naked blonde carrying under her arms?`A two foot salami and a poodle
In the Breakfast Club, What did Brian try to kill himself with?`A flare gun
In the British Army, a well-endowed soldier is described as....`Two hands and a fireman's helmet
In the British army, which rank is immediately above colonel`brigadier
In the British defence forces, which ranks remain on the active list for life`Field Marshal, Admiral of the Fleet and Air marshal
In the broadest sense, the entire western hemisphere south of the U S`latin america
in the broadway hit top banana, who recreated his lead role?`phil silvers
In the Brothers Grimm version of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, what was the heroines name`Snowdrop
In 'The Bullitt' what car did Steve McQueen drive`ford mustang
in the caribbean, there are ---------- that can climb trees`oysters
In the cartoon Jem and the Holograms,what was the name of Jems computer.`Cinergy
In the cartoon 'Marine Boy' what was Marine Boy's dolphin named`splasher
In the cartoon series, what is the name of Bart Simpson's dog`santa's little helper
In the cartoon show My Pet Monster,what were the only things that could send Beastor,Monster's enemy,back to the monster world?`A pair of orange handcuffs
In the cartoons who was Hokie Wolf's sidekick`Ding
in the cartoons who was hokie wolf's sidekick`dingaling
In the Celsius scale, what is nought degrees Kelvin, to the nearest whole number`minus 273 degrees
In the center position. Used of the helm`midships
in the children's song, when this old man played eight, on what did he play nick-nack`gate
in the children's tv series 'sesame street', what two characters are roomates`bert and ernie
In the children's tv series 'sesame street', what two characters were roomates`bert and ernie
In the Christian calendar, what is the alternative name for the Feast of Pentecost`whitsun
in the christian calendar, what is the sunday before easter called`palm sunday
in---------- , the colour of mourning is violet`turkey
in the comedy show Harry Enfield and Chums, what is the name of Kevin the teenager's best friend`Perry
In the comic books, what is the name of Superman's super cat`streaky
in the comic strip 'blondie', who was blondie's husband`dagwood
in the comic strip 'blondie', who was dagwood's best friend`herb
in the comic strip 'blondie' who was dagwood's boss`mr dithers
in the comic strip 'blondie', who was dagwood's wife`blondie
In the comic strips, where was Li'l Abner's hometown`dogpatch
In the Commedia del'Arte who was the daughter of Pantaloon`columbine
In the commonplace or usual manner: '---------- dressed pedestrians on the street.'`ordinarily
in the computer game 'super mario land', who is mario's sidekick`luigi
In the computer term ALU, for what does the L stand`logic
In the computer term PROM, for what does the P stand`programmable
In the computing acronym BASIC what does the B stand for`beginners
In the confederate army, who were given copies of 'les miserables'`officers
In the contract that gave cuba freedom from the us, what was required`permanent naval base
In the contract that gave cuba freedom from the us, what was required`permanent us navy base there`permanent naval base
in the cosby show bill cosby played himself true or false`false
In the culinary world, what is passata`sieved tomatoes
In the days of the British Empire, what was an Indian Soldier under British discipline called`sepoy
In the decathlon, which is the last and tenth event to be competed for`1500 metres
In the Declaration of Independence as first written by Thomas Jefferson, there was a clause abolishing -------. Because of popular pressure, however, Jefferson deleted the clause.`slavery
In the dice game 'craps', what is a throw of double one called`snakeeye
In the Dickens' novel 'Great Expectations' what was the Christian name of the convict 'Magwitch'`abel
in the dick van dyke show, what did sally rogers wear in her hair?`bow
In the Disney animated version of the hunchback of notre dame, which actress provided the voice of esmeralda`demi moore
In the Disney film of the same name, what type of creature was Bambi`deer
In the Don Mclean song American Pie, who did he refer to as "the king"`elvis presley
In the dr seuss books, which elephant hatched an egg`horton
In the early 1950s, which American singer had hits with I Believe and Answer Me`frankie laine
In the early 20th century, rattlesnake venom was used to treat which illness`epilepsy
In the early 20th century, what was used to treat epilepsy`rattlesnake venom
In the early fifteenth century, scholars in China compiled an --------------- consisting of 11,095 volumes.`encyclopedia
In the early nineties, this groups "Everybody Have Fun Tonight" hit number two on the charts`Wang Chung
In the early sixties he had 5 top 10 hits in a row one of which was "Take Good Care Of My Baby"`Bobby Vee
in the early sixties who had 5 top 10 hits in a row, one of which was 'take good care of my baby'`bobby vee
In the early Twentieth century, rattlesnake venom was used to treat _____`epilepsy
In the Elton John's song "Captain Fantastic & the Brown Dirt Cowboy", Elton John is the Captain, who is the Cowboy`bernie taupin
In the empire strikes back when the ghost of obi wan kenobi said that luke was their last hope against the empire, who was yoda refering to when he said: no, there is another`princess leia
in the english f.a cup, what does 'f.a' mean`football association
In the English hospitals of the seventeenth century, children were entitled to ___ gallons of beer as part of their weekly diet`two
In the English hospitals of the seventeenth century, children were entitled to ___ gallons of beer as part of their weekly diet`two`2
In the English legal system how many judges form a quorum in the Court of Appeal`3
In the English legal system how many judges form a quorum in the Court of Appeal`three
In the English legal system how many judges form a quorum in the Court of Appeal`three`3
In the English legal system there are three Divisions in the High Court of Justice. One is the Family division. Name the other two`queen's bench & chancery
in the episode "trilogy part 3", who did sam leap into`larry stanton
In the equation E=MC², what does the C stand for`speed of light
In the famous castration scene in the film 'Caligula', what material was used to fashion the false penis?`Pork Sausage
In the famous childrens book, what was Cedric Errol's title`lord fauntleroy
in the famous line 'wherefore art thou romeo', what does 'wherefore' mean`why
In the famous line 'Wherefore art thou Romeo', what does wherefore stand for`why
In the famous newspaper article, Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus, what was the surname of little Virginia`OHanlon
In the famous sci-fi novel, what are Triffids`plants
In the female version of this Simon play, the leads are Olive and Florence`the odd couple
In the ferry company narne, what does P & O stand for`peninsular & oriental`peninsular and oriental
in the fictional tale, who fought with quarterstaffs on a log bridge`robin hood and little john
In the fictional tale, who fought with staffs on a log bridge`robin hood & little john
In the field of entertainment, by what name is Emma Bunton better known`baby spice
In the field of psychiatry this term means self-love`Narcissism
In the film '101 dalmatians', what animal is sergeant tibbs`cat
in the film '16 candles', who was the object of molly ringwald's affection`jake ryan
in the film 'amadeus', who did tom hulce play`mozart
in the film 'amadeus', who played mozart`tom hulce
In the film 'american hot wax', who did jay leno play`mookie
In the film 'american hot wax', who played the 'mookie'`jay leno
in the film 'back to the future', what household appliance was originally considered for the time machine`refrigerator
in the film 'bright eyes', about which boat did shirley temple sing`lollipop
In the film "Bright Eyes", Shirley Temple sang about this boat`Lollipop
In the film 'Bright Eyes', Shirley Temple sang about this boat`The Good Ship Lollipop
in the film "bringing up baby", the baby is what?`a leopard
in the film "bringing up baby", the baby is what`leopard
in the film 'bullitt', what car does steve mcqueen drive`ford mustang
in the film 'casablanca', what did humphrey bogart not say`play it again sam
In the film Copycat , which entertainer played serial killer Daryll Lee`harry connick jnr
In the film 'day of the jackal', who did edward fox play`jackal
In the film 'dragonheart', who did the voice of the dragon`sean connery
in the film 'e.t', who did henry thomas play`elliot
in the film 'fantasia', what is the sorcerer's name`yensid
in the film 'fantasia', who is yensid`sorcerer
in the film 'footloose', what car did kevin bacon drive`vw beetle
In the film Friday The Thirteenth, which character was the killer`mrs. vorhees
In the film 'hackers', how old was 'zero_kool' when he was first arrested`eleven
In the film 'hercules', whose voice is danny devito`phil
In the film 'home alone', who played the baddies`joe pesci and daniel stern
in the film It's a wonderful life, what happens every time an angel gets wings`a bell rings
In the film, Jerry McGuire, what was the name of Jerry's stepson?`Ray
In the film 'jurassic park', in which comical place did someone hide when the t-rex escaped`toilet
In the film 'jurassic park', what was the largest predator`tyrannosaurus rex
In the film little voice who played the title characters mother`brenda blethyn
in the film Muriel's wedding which group was Muriel obsessed with`Abba
in the film 'peter pan' who was the fairy`tinkerbell
In the film 'pretty woman', for who was goldie hawn the body double`julia
in the film 'pretty woman', for who was goldie hawn the body double`julia roberts
in the film 'pulp fiction', what was the name of uma thurman's pilot character`fox force`desert
In the film 'pulp fiction', what was the name of uma thurman's pilot character`fox force five
In the film 'selena', who did jennifer lopez play`selena
In the film "Spartacus", which actor played the young gladiator Antoninus`tony curtis
In the film 'star trek first contact', when picard shows lilly she is orbiting earth, australia and papua new guinea are clearly visible, but which country is missing`new zealand
in the film 'star trek first contact', when picard shows lilly she is orbiting earth, australia & papua new guinea are clearly visible, but which country is missing`new zealand
In the film 'star wars', what species is chewbacca`wookie
In the film "Study in Terror", which famous criminal was Sherlock Holmes hunting`jack the ripper
In the film 'the day of the jackal', who played the jackal`edward fox
In the film The Great Escape , what were 'Tom', 'Dick' and 'Harry'`escape tunnels
In the film The Great Escape , what were 'Tom', 'Dick' and 'Harry'`three escape tunnels
in the film 'the hustler', who does paul newman play`'fast' eddie felson
In the film 'the jerk' whose character was 'born a poor black child'`steve
in the film 'the jerk' whose character was 'born a poor black child'`steve martin
In the film 'the lovebug', what number was painted on the side of 'herbie' the vw bug`fifty three
in the film 'the seven year itch', on what was marilyn monroe standing when her dress billowed up`subway
in the film 'the seven year itch', on what was marilyn monroe standing when her dress billowed up`subway grating
in the film 'the seven year itch', whose dress billowed up while standing on a subway grating`marilyn monroe
In the film 'titanic', who did leonardo dicaprio and kate winslet play`jack
in the film 'titanic', who did leonardo dicaprio and kate winslet play`jack and rose
in the film 'titanic', who played 'jack' and 'rose'`leonardo dicaprio and kate winslet
In the film 'Titanic', who played Jack`Leonardo Dicaprio
In the film Trading Places, who played the part of the prostitute`jamie lee curtis
In the film version of Willy Russell's play, who played Shirley Valentine`pauline collins
In-the film world, whose real name is Melvin Kaminsky`mel brooks
In the final scene of the film "White Heat", James Cagney stands on a roof and shouts, "Made it, Ma!" Which four words follow`"top of the world!"
In the first modern summer Olympic games in 1896, how many countries competed`thirteen
In the first part of 'hard to kill', what did steven seagal use to kill the mobster`credit card
in 'the flintstones' what is fred and wilma's daughter's name`pebbles
in 'the flintstones' who are pebble's parents`fred and wilma flintstone
In the forces what is the communal dinning area`mess
In the frankie goes to holleywood hit, how many tribes were there`two
In the fresh prince of bel-air what was the butlers name`geoffrey
In the galapagos islands, what has an upturned shell at its neck`tortoise
In the game 'banjo-kazooie', what is gruntilda`witch
In the game 'banjo-kazooie' what is the witch's name`gruntilda
In the game 'banjo-kazooie', who is banjo's little sister`tooty
In the game 'banjo-kazooie, who is tooty's big brother`banjo
In the game monopoly, the most money you can lose in one travel around the board (normal game rules, going to jail only once) is how much`$26,040
In the game of basketball, a three point shot is worth how many points (Answer in letters)`Three
In the game of Cluedo what is the name of the Reverend`green
In the game of draughts, what term means to remove from the board for failing to make a possible capture`huff
in the game of eight-ball, how many balls are there on the table at the start (excluding the cue ball)`15
In the game of fives, what do the players hit the ball with`hand
in the game of `scrabble' the highest known score for a single word in competition had what value`392 points
In the game solo whist what bid means winning all thirteen tricks`abundance declared
In the Gasden Purchase, the USA bought territory from which country`mexico
In the Geological Time Scale, during the Meso Erazoic, what Period came just after the Cretaceous Period`jurassic
In the German episode of Fawlty Towers Sybil was in hospital for which operation`ingrown toenail
In The Godfather, who played the role of Mo Green`alex rocco
In "The Golden Child," what object does the Child animate to amuse his captor?`A Coke can
In 'The Good Life', what was the surname of Margot and Jerry`leadbetter
In 'the great escape', how many finally made it to freedom`three
In the great fire of london in 1666 half of London was burnt down but how many people were injured`six
In the great fire of london in 1666 half of London was burnt down but how many people were injured`six`6
in the great fire of london in 1666, half of london was burnt down but only ---------- people were injured`six
In the great seal of the U S the eagle grasps how many arrows`thirteen
In the great seal of the U S the eagle grasps how many arrows`thirteen`13
In the great seal of the U S what kind of branch does the eagle grasp`olive branch
In the Gregorian calendar after 10,000 years by how many days will the calendar be wrong by`Three
In the grounds of which house is the largest private tomb/mausoleum in England`castle howard
In the group, number, or class of: 'She is ----- the wealthy.'`among
In the Harry Potter books, the Hogwarts Express leaves from Platform 9 and 3/4 at which station`kings cross
In the Harry Potter books, who or what is Hedwig`harry's pet owl
in "the hobbit", what is the name of the wizard?`gandalf
In the Hollywood classic 'The Greatest Show on Earth', who plays 'Buttons' the clown`james stewart
In the holy grail in the monty python parody search for the holy grail, what did arthur's servant use to make the sound of horses hooves`empty coconuts
in the house of lords, where does the lord chancellor sit`woolsack
In the human body, what is the axilla`the armpit
In the human body, what is the common name for the clavicle`collar bone
In the human body, what is the hallux`big toe
In the human body which protien forms nails & hair`keratin
In the Ian Fleming novel "Goldfinger", what was Goldfinger's first name`auric
In the 'INGOLDSBY Legends' which member of the crow family steals a ring belonging to the Archbishop of Rheims`jackdaw
In their chart-topping football anthem, David Baddiel and Frank Skinner sang about what`three lions
In their lifetime, Americans will fall in love an average of ___ times, and will have approximately seven different sexual partners.`six
In the 'james bond' books, to who is miss moneypenny secretary`m
In the 'james bond' books, who is m's secretary`miss moneypenny
In the James Bond film Dr No, what was the name of the character played by Ursula Andress`honey ryder
in the jungle book, what sort of animal was rikki-tikki-tavi`mongoose
In the kama-sutra, the art of which game is recommened for women to study`chess
In "The Karate Kid" what color did Daniel have to paint Miagi's house, as part of his training`Green
In the key of D major, which note is "Me"`f sharp
In "The Kidz Aiight", How did Lydecker eventually get the information he wanted out of Zack?`Bugged him
In "The Kidz Aiight", How were the compromised X5's warned?`Eyes Only
In "The Kidz Aiight", What did Manticore put on Zack's tombstone?`His Barcade
In "The Kidz Aiight", What did Zack want Max to do before he would give her his contact number?`Leave Seattle
In "The Kidz Aiight", What present does Max buy Logan`Chicken
In "The Kidz Aiight", What torture technique does Lydecker use on Zack?`Psychoactives
In "The Kidz Aiight", Which of the X5's was cornered by Lydecker and called on Zack to help her escape?`Tinga
In "The Kidz Aiight", Which X5 was living in LA working as a Mechanic?`Zane
In "The Kidz Aiight", Which X5 was living in Portland working in a bakery?`Tinga
In "The Kidz Aiight", Which X5 was living in San Francisco working nights at a bar?`Jhondy
In "The Kidz Aiight", Why didn't Lydecker get Zack to betray the others while he was at Manticore`Zack had forced himself to forget everything about it
In "The Kidz Aiight", Why didn't Max and Logan finish their dinner together?`Logan Fell
In "The Kidz Aiight", Zane, LA Mechanic, has what type of dog`German Shephert
In the last 4000 years, no new animals have been`domesticated
In the late 1940s, Aaron Lupin came up with an idea of putting whipped cream in a seamless, lined aersol canister. What is the name of this popular commodity`Reddi-wip
In the late 19th century, millions of human mummies were used as what in Egypt`fuel for locomotives
In the late '60s, Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore left Fairchild Semiconductors to found a new startup. Which company`Intel
In the late 60's, this pre-metal group did a cover of the 1958 hit "Summertime Blues"`Blue Cheer
in the latest star trek series 'voyager', who brought the ship to the gamma quadrant`the guardian
In the law of torts, oral defamation or use of the spoken word to injure another's reputation, as distinguished from libel or written defamation.`Slander
in "thelma & louise", louise wanted to go to mexico without entering which state`texas
in the---------- , mabuhay means hello`philippines
in "the maltese falcon," what was peter lorre's character named`joel cairo
In the marriage ceremony of the ancient Incas, the couple was considered officially wed when they took off their ---------- and handed them to each other.`sandals
In ____ the marriage rate in the U.S. was 8.3 per 1000 couples, the lowest in forty years.`1998
in the marvel comic series x-men, what does long-shot use for weapons`playing cards
In the Mel Brooks film Silent Movie , who was the only person with a speaking part`marcel marceau
in the middle ages, where did people believe the seat of intelligence was`heart
In the mid seventies she proved that it was possible for a petite woman to sing, play bass and wear leather`Suzi Quatro
In the mid-seventies this British artist changed personas once again and portrayed the "Thin White Duke"`David Bowie
in the mid-seventies, which british artist changed personas once again and portrayed the 'thin white duke'`david bowie
in the mid seventies, who proved that it was possible for a petite woman to sing, play bass and wear leather`suzi quattro
In the midst of: within: '-----tropical.'`inter
In the military world, EGADS is an acronym for`electronic ground automatic destruct system
in the monty python parody 'search for the holy grail', what did arthur's servant use to make the sound of horses hooves`empty coconuts
In the monty python parody 'search for the holy grail', what did patsy say when they reached camelot`it's only a model
In the monty python parody 'search for the holy grail', what was arthur's trusty servant's name`patsy
In the monty python parody 'search for the holy grail', what was the first thing the keeper of the bridge of death asked`what is your name
In the monty python parody 'search for the holy grail', what was the name of the enchanter`tim
In the monty python parody 'search for the holy grail', what was used to kill the rabbit`holy hand grenade of antioch
In the movie Abyss, a fictional Petroleum company was created. This company name was later used again on the oil tanker in 'Terminator 2' and again in th`benthic petroleum
'In the movie 'Aliens', what was Newt's real name?`Rebecca Jorden
in the movie "annie", who played daddy warbucks`albert finney
In the movie "Better Off Dead", what was the name of Lane's younger brother?`Badger
in the movie 'braveheart', what character did mel gibson play`william wallace
In the movie 'Casablanca', what character did Humphrey Bogart play`Rick Blaine
In the Movie E.T., E.T. eats what kind of candy`reese's pieces
In the movie 'happy gilmore', who is bob barker's partner`happy
In the movie 'happy gilmore', who is happy's partner`bob barker
In the movie little orphan Annie, who is Annie's rich benefactor`Warbucks
In the movie "Mall Rats", What famous author was signing comic books`Stan
In the movie "Mall Rats", What famous author was signing comic books?`Stan Lee
In the movie Next Friday what is the name of the vicious dog?`Chico
In the movie Office Space, what item did Peter pull from the rubble?`A red stapler
In the movie "One Crazy Summer" what was the movie that was being made on the island called?`Foam 2
In the movie Porkey's, why did they call Meat Tuperello 'Meat'?`Because of the size of his penis
In the movie "Rain Man" (1988), she stared with Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman`valeria golino
In the movie "Rainman", what was the only airline that Raymond said had never crashed?`Quantas
In the movie Sea of Love, Ellen Barkin played together with`Al Pacino
in the movie 'shaft', what was shaft's first name`john
In the movie "Sixteen Candles," what was Sam's grandparents exchange students name?`Long Duck Dong
In the movie Snow White, what instrument did Sneezy play`accordian
in the movie 'spaceballs', what character did joan rivers play`dot matrix
In the movie 'Spaceballs', what character did Rick Moranis play`dark helmet
in the movie "splash", what song from "song of the south does tom hanks sing"`zip-a-dee-doo-dah
In the movie "Stand By Me", what did Gordy, Chris, Vern and Teddy set out to find?`A Body
in the movie 'the blues brothers', what did elwood trade the original bluesmobile for`microphone
in the movie "the manchurian candidate", how many people are feared dead in the hurricane`20
in the movie tommy boy, who played richard`david spade
In the movie "Tootsie" what was the name of the woman who was played by cross-dressing Dustin Hoffmann?`Dorthy Michaels
In the musical work '"Peter and the Wolf", the duck is portrayed by which musical instrument`oboe
In the myths, how did the 'nomalies' get the X5s?`Lydecker turned them over
In the myths, how did the X5s protect themselves from the 'nomalies'?`Gave their teeth to the Blue Lady
In the myths, what did the 'nomalies' do to bad little X5s?`Kept them as POWs
In the myths, who was the Blue Lady?`The Virgin Mary
"____ in the name of love"`stop
In the name of the Chicago White Sox baseball team, what word is shortened to Sox`stockings
In the name of the New York Mets baseball team, what word is shortened to Mets`metropolitans
in the name w.b.yeats what do the initials w.b stand for`william butler
in the news: what was the new york times headline for monday, july 21, 1969`men walk on moon
In the New Testament, how many chapters are there in the book of Philemon`one
In the New Testament who was beheaded by Herod at the request of Salome`john the baptist
in the next ---------- days, 800 americans will be injured by their jewellery`seven
in the next seven days, 800 americans will be injured by their----------`jewellery
in the next seven days, ---------- americans will be injured by their jewellery`eight hundred
In the 'nightmare on elm street' films, who played freddy krueger`robert
in the 'nightmare on elm street' films, who played freddy krueger`robert englund
In the night sky, what can be half, full or new`the moon
In the northern hemisphere do tornadoes turn clockwise or anti-clockwise`anticlockwise
In the north of _______, the sun shines constantly for about 14 weeks each summer`norway
In the nursery rhyme how many blackbirds were baked in a pie`twenty four
In the nursery rhyme, Simple Simon met a pieman going where`to the fair
In the nursery rhyme, what medication was applied to Jack's head after his tumble down the hill`vinegar and brown paper
In the nursery rhyme, what medication was applied to Jack's head after his tumble down the hill`vinegar & brown paper
In the nursery rhyme, who ran away when the boys came out to play`georgie
in the nursery rhyme, who ran away when the boys came out to play`georgie porgie
In the nursery rhyme, who visited the person with a little nut tree`the king of spain's daughter
In the nursery rhyme, who were the three men in a tub`butcher, baker,
in the nursery rhyme, who were the three men in a tub`butcher, baker, & candlestick maker
In the nursery ryhme how many blackbirds were baked in a pie`twenty four
In the occult philosophy of Paracelsus, a being that has air as its element`sylph
In the occult philosophy of Paracelsus, a being that has earth as its element`gnome
in the odyssey, who was placed opposite the monster scylla`charybdis
In the oil industry, what do the letters VLCC mean`very large crude carrier
In the old cartoon Jiggs, what did Jiggs invariably wear over his shoes`spats
In the old Dick and Jane 'Primary Reader' school books, what was the name of the little sister?`Sally
In the old gag, where is prince albert`in a can
in the old political hierarchy of egyptian succession, what rank comes after regent`pasha
In the Old Testament where was Cain exiled to after he had killed Abel`nod
In the Old Testament which King of Babylon destroyed Jerusalem`nebuchadnezzar
In the Old Testament, who consulted the Witch of Endor`king saul
In the Old Testament, who was the mighty hunter and son of Cush`nimrod
in the opera 'don giovanni', who was leporello`servant
In the opera 'La Traviata', what does La Traviata mean`the fallen woman
In the opera 'la traviata', what was violetta's occupation`courtesan
In the opera, what kind of factory did Carmen work in`cigarette
in the opera, what kind of factory did carmen work in`cigarette factory
In the original 101 Dalmatians, name the Dalmatian that has 72 spots`Pongo
In the original Grimm fairly tale of 'Sleeping Beauty', what does the Prince do while she sleeps and then leaves before she wakes up?`rapes her
In the original Grimm Sleeping Beauty fairy tale, the Prince ______ her while she sleeps and then leaves before she wakes up.`rapes
In the original story, of what were Cinderella's slippers actually made`fur
In the original version of 'romeo and juliet', who played juliet`olivia
in the original version of 'romeo and juliet', who played juliet`olivia hussey
in the original version of the fly what was the fly saying as the movie ended?`help me
in the original version, what was "the fly" saying as the movie ended`help me
In theory or imagination: theoretically`ideally
In the parable of the Good Samaritan, to which city was the Samaritan travelling`jericho
In the past 3,500 years of world history approximately how many years of peace have we had`two hundred and thirty
In the past: 'It happened ages ---.'`ago
In the period 978-1016 England was ruled by which 'Unready' king`Ethelred
In the periodic table of the elements, the group vii elements (ie, f, cl, br, i...) Are also known as the ________.`halogens
in the philippines, mabuhay means----------`hello
in the philippines, ---------- means hello`mabuhay
in the phonetic alphabet the letter j is represented by which girls name`juliet
in the phonetic alphabet what word represents the letter r`romeo
In the phonetic alphabet what word represents the letter Z`zulu
in the phonetic alphabet which five words represent the five vowels`alpha echo india oscar uniform
In The Pilgrim's Progress, which city of Christian's final destination`celestial city
In the Pink Panther films what is Inspector Clouseau's first name`jaques
In the pioneer spacecraft, what are the humans on the plaques wearing`nothing
In 'The Planets' what does Saturn bring`jollity
In the play, "Death of a Salesman", what was the name of the salesman`willy loman
In the play "The Entertainer" what is the name of the Entertainer`archie rice
in the prequel to "patriot games",what ship did the main character save`red october
In the province of _____________, Canada there are towns by the name of Elbow & Eyebrow`saskatchewan
In ____ there are men whose full-time job is to travel the countryside and deflower young virgins, who pay them for the privilege of having sex for the first time...`Guam
In the recent television series Batman, who played the part of the siren`joan collins
in the retina, color sensing cells are called`cones
In the rhyme about magpies,'one for sorrow, two for joy', what are 6 magpies for`gold
In the rhyme, on what day did Solomon Grundy die`saturday
In thermodynamics what word describes the disorder of a system`entropy
In the Roman calendar, which days were called calends`1st day of a month
In the Roman Catholic church, what is a devotion of prayers or services on nine consecutive days called`a novena
In the Royal Navy, which rank is immediately above captain`commodore
in the scottish hebrides, an island is defined as being an island only if it is big enough to sustain 1----------`sheep
In The Series`Ally
in the series gentle ben, what was the name of ben's young companion`mark wedloe
in the series 'happy days', what was the fonz's full name`arthur fonzarelli
in the series 'the dukes of hazard', what was painted on the top of their car`confederate flag
In the seventeenth-century a Boston man was sentenced to two hours in the stocks for obscene behaviour, his crime, kissing his wife in a public place on a`sunday
In the Shakespeare play 'Romeo and JulieT' what was Juliet's surname`capulet
In the Sherlock Holmes stories, of what subject was professor Moriarty a professor`mathematics
In 'the shining' what was the child's imaginary friend's name (the one who told him things that were going to happen)`tony
In the Shorter English Dictionary there are 1598 pages, how many consist of words beginning with k`nineteen
In the show Cheers,what was the name of the bar that always played practical jokes on the gang at Cheers?`Gary's Old Time Tavern
in the show "scarecrow & mrs king", what is mrs king's first name`amanda
In the show "The Equalizer",what did the hero (McCall) call his former superior from the "agency"?`Control
In the sign language of british bookmakers at race courses what odds are indicated by placing your right hand on your nose`2-1
In the signs of the zodiac, which animal represents Capricorn`goat
In the signs of the zodiac, which creature represents cancer`crab
In 'The Simpsons' cartoon series what is the name of the baby`maggie
in 'the simpsons', sideshow bob's criminal number is the same as what character in 'les miserables'`jean valjean
In The Simpson's, what is Flander's store called`Leftorium
In The Simpsons what is the first name of Chief of Police Wiggum`clancy
In The Simpsons, what is the first name of Mr Burns assistant Smithers`waylon
in the simpsons, who was the voice for maggies first word`elizabeth taylor
in the sitcom fish, the fish couple become foster parents to how many kids`five
in the sitcom good times, what character popularized the phrase "dy no mite"`james evans
in the sitcom good times, what character popularized the phrase "dy-no-mit`james evans
In the sixties, what label did Mary Hopkins record for`apple
in 'the sleeping beauty', what is the princess' name`aurora
In the soapie 'one life to live' who was vicky's alter ego`nicky
in the soap 'one life to live' who was vicky's alter ego`nicky
In the soaps, just what was Barnabas Collins`vampire
in the song hotel california, what color is the champagne that is on ice`pink
In the song "Oranges and Lemons", how much money is owed by the bells of St. Martins`five farthings
in the song 'skip to my lou', in what beverage are the flies`buttermilk
in the song, the house of the rising sun is in which city`new orleans
In the song 'There is a Tavern in the Town' what type of tree does the singer say he'll hang his hat on`weeping willow tree
In the song where was the 'House of the Rising Sun' located`new orleans
In The Sound of Music the Von Trapp family have seven children. Name the two boys`friedrich & kurt
In The Sound of Music the Von Trapp family have seven children. Name the two boys`friedrich & kurt`friedrich and kurt
In the sport of archery, what is the name of the arrows container`quiver
In the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine series, name the Ferengi owner of the bar on Deep Space Nine`quark
In The Star Trek Series, How Many Times Did Kirk Say "Beam Me Up Scotty"`0
In the Star Trek: Voyager series, name the ex-Borg who is a member of the 'Voyager' crew`seven of nine
In the state of Washington there is a law against having sex with a _______ under any circumstances. (including the wedding night)`virgin
In the Stephen King novel, Carrie, what was the name of the school Carrie attended`Bates High School
In the story of Cinderella, her slippers were originally made from what, but they became glass because of an error in translation`fur
In the suburbs of which modern Egyptian city would you find the pyramids`cairo
in the summer, ---------- get a tan`walnuts
In the system of linear measurement, how many yards are there in one chain`twenty two
In the system of linear measurement, how many yards are there in one chain`twenty two`22
In the television comedy series, what type of animal did Manuel think his pet rat Basil was`siberian hamster
In the television series The Prisoner, what seas Patrick McGoohan's number`six
In the television series, who owned the High Chapparal ranch`john cannon
In the tenth century, the Grand Vizier of ------- took his entire library with him wherever he went. The 117,000-volume library was carried by camels trained to walk in alphabetical order.`persia
in the theme song from 'the flintstones', what is the line after 'let's ride with the family down the street'`through the courtesy of fred's`minutes
In the theme song from 'the flintstones', what is the line after 'let's ride with the family down the street'`through the courtesy of fred's two feet
in the---------- , there are oysters that can climb trees`caribbean
in 'the thousand and one nights', which king marries a new woman each night and has her killed in the morning`schahriah
in the---------- , time is often measured by how long it takes to smoke a cigarette`andes
In the traditional song, what did the children dance around "on a cold and frosty morning"`the mulberry bush
In the TV series 'Absolutely Fabulous, who played the part of 'Bubbles'`jane horrocks
in the tv series 'airwolf', where is the helicopter hidden`extinct volcano
in the tv series ally mcbeal, what is the dancing baby more popularly called`ugachaka
In the tv series batman which villian was played by cesar romero`the joker
In the TV series "Blackadder Goes Forth" which character was played by Tim McInnerny`captain darling
in the tv series 'bottom', what was the name of the owner of the pub 'the dirty dick'`dick head
in the tv series 'friends', who does courtney cox play`monica geller
In the tv series 'happy days' what was arthur fonzarelli's nickname`the fonz
In the tv series 'happy days', what was the fonz's full name`arthur
in the tv series 'happy days', what was the fonz's full name`arthur fonzarelli
In the tv series 'leave it to beaver', what was the mother's name`june
In the tv series 'leave it to beaver', what was wally's best friend's name`eddie haskell
in the tv series 'mad about you', what is the name of paul and jamie's daughter`mabel
in the tv series 'mash', what was margaret houlihan's nickname`hotlips
in the tv series 'mash', who was 'hotlips'`margaret houlihan
In the tv series 'seinfeld', who does michael richards play`kramer
In the tv series 'seinfeld', who plays kramer`michael richards
In the tv series 'the adventures of hercules', what is hercules' companion's name`iolos
In the TV series "The Beverley Hillbillies", who played Jed Clampett`buddy ebsen
In the tv series 'the brady bunch', what was cindy's toy doll's name`kitty
in the tv series 'the brady bunch', what was cindy's toy doll's name`kitty carrie all
In the tv series 'the brady bunch', what was mike brady's occupation`architect
In the tv series 'the dukes of hazard', what was painted on the top of their car`confederate flag
In the tv series 'the fall guy', who did lee majors play`colt seavers
In the tv series 'the fall guy', who played colt seavers`lee majors
In the TV series The Six Million Dollar Man, what kind of man was Steve Austin`bionic
in the tv show "boone", what was boone's last name`sawyer
In the TV show "Scarecrow and Mrs King", what is Mrs King's first name`amanda
in the tv show 'voyage to the bottom of the sea', what was the name of the atomic submarine`seaview
in the tv show 'voyage to the bottom of the sea', what was the 'seaview'`atomic submarine
in the tv sitcom cheers, the legal capacity of the boston bar was how many`75
in the tv sitcom 'get smart', who played 'agent 99'`barbara feldon
In the tv sitcom 'married with children', what is the dog's name`buck
In the TV Western series "Bonanza", what was the name of the ranch`ponderosa
In the 'twelve days of christmas', how many items in total are sent by 'my true love'`seventy eight
in the u.k, did breakfast tv start in 1992, 1993 or 1994`1993
In the Uk what are panties also known as?`Knickers
In the uk what is jerking off also known as?`wanking
In the UK, what percentage of teenage marriages fail within 5 years?`sixty eight percent
In the United States, 1982, the painkiller 'Tylenol' was spiked with`cyanide
In the United States and Canada, the coin that is worth one cent`penny
In the United States, ---------------- have safer driving records than hearing people nationally.`deaf people
In the United States, more than 25 percent of women's fashion dollars are spent on sizes ---- and up.`sixteen
in the united states, ---------- teeth are knocked out annually`5 million
In the USA, for what do the letters ZIP stand - as in Zip Code`zone improvement plan
In the US army, what rank is indicated by a silver eagle`colonel
In the U.S.A., this food is known as 'granola' how is it known in europe`muesli
In the U.S.A., this food is known as 'granola'`muesli
In The USA What Are "Fruit Machines" Normally Called`Slots
In the USA what are the TV equivalent of the Oscars`emmys
In the USA, what is an estate agent known as`realtor
In the US comedy series Sergeant Bilko, what is Bilko's first name`ernie
In the u.s, for how long is a patent good`seventeen years
In the U S, for how long is a patent good`seventeen years`17 years
In the U.S. the average bride is 21 years old, the average groom is?`23
in the u.s., there is, on average, ---------- sex change operations per day`three
In the US, what is a 'flapjack' a type of`pancake
In the US, which avenue divides the east side of New York from the west side`Fifth Avenue
In the wake of the AIDS epidemic, child prostitution has increased dramatically in Asian countries such as Thailand, Taiwan, and the Philippines, driven by client demand for _________-______ virgins.`disease-free
in the---------- , walnuts get a tan`summer
In the Walter Scott novel Ivanhoe, what was Ivanhoe's first, or Christian, name`wilfred
in the western the big valley, who played heath barkley`lee majors
In the White House, there are _______ knives, forks and spoons`13,092
In the wild which creatures are responsible for pollinating bananas`bats
In the winter of 1724, while on an outing at sea, --------------- of Russia caught sight of a foundering ship, jumped in the water, and helped in the rescue. He caught cold, suffered from a high fever, and died several weeks later.`peter the great
in the witwatersrand in 1886, near where were massive gold deposits discovered`johannesburg
in "the wizard of oz" how old was dorothy supposed to be?`eleven
In 'the wizard of oz', what was dorothy's dog's name`toto
in "the wizard of oz",what was dorothys last name`gale
In 'the wizard of oz', where did dorothy live`kansas
In 'The Wizard of Oz', which character sang "Come out, come out, wherever you are"`Glinda
In 'The Wizard of Oz', which character sang "Come out, come out, wherever you are"`Glinda`good witch of the north
In the world of animals, where would you find a 'martingale'`on a horse
In the world of antiques, the German firm Steiff is particularly known for the manufacture of what`teddy bears or dolls
In the world of cartoon comedy, what is the name of Mr. Magoo's nephew`waldo
In the world of commerce, what do the letters 'MDF' stand for`medium density fibreboard
In the world of communications for what do the letters U R L stand for`uniform resource locator
In the world of entertainment, what was the occupation of 'The Admiral's Men'`actors
In the X-Files, what is Agent Mulder's first name`fox
In the year 1000, leif erikson was the first european to set foot on ______`north america
In the year 2000 what car rolled off the production line for the last time`mini
In the year 2000 where did the tragic Concorde crash happen`paris
In the year 2000 which companies CEO was the worlds second richest man`Oracle
in---------- , they sell toupees for dogs`tokyo
In this 1968 film the husband of an unsuspecting young wife becomes involved with a witch's coven`Rosemary's Baby
In this country he is called 'Action Man', but what is he called in America`g i joe
In this song Billy Corgans so depressed, things cant get any worse`today
In this song Billy Corgan's so depressed, things cant get any worse. Yawn.`today
In this team sport each player gets a chance to play every position?`volleyball
in thunderbirds what was the registration of lady penelopes car`fab
in "tin man", who was the federation emissary`tam elbrun
Intl Beers: Admeeral Tyeyskoye:`russia
Intl Beers: Aguila Imperial Ale:`spain
Intl Beers: Churchill:`england
Intl Beers: Escudo:`chile
Intl Beers: Heineken:`holland
Intl Beers: Ngok' Malt Liquor:`zaire
Intl Beers: Pilsner Urquell:`czechoslavakia
Intl Beers: Prestige Stout:`haiti
Intl Beers: Sapporo:`japan
Intl Beers: Xingu:`brazil
Intl Foods AKA: Beef roast cooked in vinegar (German)`sauerbraten
Intl Foods AKA: Drink made of eggs, cream & sugar - rum optional (English)`eggnog
Intl Foods AKA: North African dish with this semolina product (North African)`couscous
Intl Foods AKA: Plate of meat, tomatoes & cheese, literally means "before pasta" (Italian)`antipasto
in "to kill a mockingbird", who played the character boo radley`robert duvall
In To Kill a Mockingbird, who played the role of Boo Radley`robert duvall
In tokyo, for what are toupees sold`dogs
in tokyo, they sell ---------- for dogs`toupees
in tokyo, they sell toupees for----------`dogs
Into what bay does the Ganges River flow`Bay Of Bengal
into what bay does the golden gate strait lead?`san francisco bay
Into what body of water does the Danube River flow`Black Sea
Into what body of water does the Rhone River flow into`Mediterranean
Into what body of water does the Yukon River flow`Bering Sea
into what did beethoven dip his head before he composed`cold water
Into what instrument did the Lemon Pipers urge you to throw a dime in before you walked away`green tambourine
Into what kind of animal was Pinocchio temporarily turned`a donkey
Into what ocean does the zambezi river empty`indian ocean
Into what ocean does the Zambezi river flow`indian
Into what sea does the Elbe River flow`North Sea
Into what sea does the Mackenzie River flow`Beaufort Sea
Into what sea does the river Volga flow`caspian
In to what substance is barley converted before it can be made into beer`malt
into where does the 53rd weather reconnaissance squadron fly`tropical storms and hurricanes
Into which bay does the ganges river flow`bay of bengal
Into which bay does the golden gate strait lead`san francisco bay
Into which body of water does the river Danube flow`blacksea
Into which estuary do the trent and ouse flow`humber
Into which ocean does the Zambezi river flow into`indian
Into which of the Great Lakes do the waters of Niagara flow`Ontario
Intoxicating liquor contains`alcohol
In track & field, what is thrown farthest`javelin
In traditional Chinese thought what is the opposite of 'yin'`tang
In traditional Chinese thought what is the opposite of 'yin'`yang
In transport terms, what is an ACV`air cushioned vehicle
In transport terms, what is an ACV`air cushioned vehicle`hovercraft
In transport, what do the letters HGV stand for`heavy goods vehicle
Intricate and rich in detail`elaborate
Intricate: complicated: '---------- legal language: ---------- reasoning.'`convoluted
Intriguingly unusual or different: excitingly strange: If something can be explained simply, in a familiar way, then it is best to avoid more ------ explanations (Chet`exotic
Intrinsic: innate`indigenous
Introduced in Switzerland in 1938, the first brand of instant coffee`nescafe
Introduction to a play`prologue
in true kingly fashion, elvis passed away while sitting on the----------`throne
In truth: honestly: 'Frankly, I don't care.'`frankly
in turkey, in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, anyone caught drinking ---------- was put to death`coffee
in turkey, the colour of mourning is ----------`violet
in Twin Peaks what did agent Cooper like to eat with his 'damn fine coffee'`cherry Pie
In units of measurement, how many rods are there in a chain`four
in usa, what us supreme court decision struck down the racial segregation policy of 'separate but equal' in education`brown
in us military slang what does "charley" mean`vietcong
In US Slang what kind of transport would a Gandy Dancer be connected with`railway
Invariably occurring or appearing: predictable: 'the ---------- changes of the seasons.'`inevitable
Invented by the Chinese as a signalling device, introduced into Europe by Marco Polo, it can now be seen in many homes. What are they`venetian blinds
Inventions: Aerosol`Erik Rotheim
Inventions: Alexander Graham Bell, Never Telephoned His Wife Or Mother. They Both Were`Deaf
Inventions: Alexander Graham Bell, The Inventor Of The Telephone, Never Phones His Wife Or His Mother, They Were Both`Deaf
Inventions: Alfred Nobel Of Stockholm, Sweden, Patented ________ In 1867`Dynamite
Inventions: Although It Took Less Than A Decade Of Space Travel For Man To Get To The Moon, 19th- And 20th-Century Engineers Needed 22 Years To Design The`Zipper
Inventions: A Man Named Ed __________ Is The Inventor Of The Egg Mcmuffin`Peterson
Inventions: A Man Named Ed Peterson Is The Inventor Of The ___`Egg Mcmuffin
Inventions: A Man Named __ ________ Is The Inventor Of The Egg Mcmuffin`Ed Peterson
Inventions: A Man Named __________ Peterson Is The Inventor Of The Egg Mcmuffin`Ed
Inventions: American Inventor _____ ____ ________ Invented The Long-Playing (Lp) Record In 1948`Peter Carl Goldmark
Inventions: Analytic Geometry`Descartes
Inventions: _______ ______, An English Printer, Established The First Printing Press In England In 1476`William Caxton
Inventions: Apart From Gottfried Leibniz, Which Famous Scientist Developed The Many Techniques Of Calculus In Mathematics`Isaac Newton
Inventions: _________ ______ ____ Applied For His Patent On The Telephone, An 'Improvement In Telegraphy', On Valentine's Day, 1876`Alexander Graham Bell
Inventions: _____ Are Not Native To Scotland. They Originated In France`Kilts
Inventions: A Screw Which Lifts Water To A Higher Level`Archimedes
Inventions: Assembly Line`Henry Ford
Inventions: Ballpoint Pen`Georgo And Laszlo Biro
Inventions: ______ Behrent Built The First Piano In America At Philadelphia In 1775 Under The Name Piano Forte`Johann
Inventions: Belgian Driver Jenatzy Was The First To Reach A Speed Of Over 100 Km/H In His ____________ _______`Electrically Powered Car
Inventions: Belgian Driver Jenatzy Was The First To Reach A Speed Of Over 100 Km/H In His ____________ Powered Car`Electrically
Inventions: Belgian Driver Jenatzy Was The First To Reach A Speed Of Over ___ Km/H In His Electrically Powered Car`100
Inventions: Belgian Driver _______ Was The First To Reach A Speed Of Over 100 Km/H In His Electrically Powered Car`Jenatzy
Inventions: Belgian ______ Jenatzy Was The First To Reach A Speed Of Over 100 Km/H In His Electrically Powered Car`Driver
Inventions: Belgian Joseph Merlin Invented This Form Of 'Transportation' In 1760`Roller Skate
Inventions: Benjamin Franklin Invented ____`Crop Insurance
Inventions: Benjamin Franklin Invented The First ___ ____, As Well As Flippers For Divers`Wet Suit
Inventions: Benjamin Franklin Invented The First Wet Suit, As Well As Flippers For`Divers
Inventions: Benjamin Franklin Invented`The Rocking Chair
Inventions: 'Bifocal' Lenses For Eyeglasses`Benjamin Franklin
Inventions: Bolometer`Samuel P Langley
Inventions: Boxing Was The First Sport To Be Filmed. ______ _. ______ Filmed A Boxing Match Between Jack Cushing And Mike Leonard In 1894`Thomas A. Edison
Inventions: ______ _______ Built The First Piano In America At Philadelphia In 1775 Under The Name Piano Forte`Johann Behrent
Inventions: California's __________ Epperson Invented The Popsicle In 1905 When He Was 11-Years-Old`Frank
Inventions: California's Frank Epperson Invented The __________ In 1905 When He Was 11-Years-Old`Popsicle
Inventions: California's Frank Epperson Invented The Popsicle In 1905 When He Was __________ -Years-Old`Eleven
Inventions: California's Frank __________ Invented The Popsicle In 1905 When He Was 11-Years-Old`Epperson
Inventions: _____ ____ Called His First Car A Quadricycle`Henry Ford
Inventions: Canned Food Was Invented For The British ____ In 1813, But The First Practical Can Opener Wasn't Invented Until 1870`Navy
Inventions: Canned Food Was Invented For The British Navy In 1813, But The First Practical Can ______ Wasn't Invented Until 1870`Opener
Inventions: Canned Food Was Invented For The British Navy In 1813, But The First Practical ___ ______ Wasn't Invented Until 1870`Can Opener
Inventions: Canned Food Was Invented For The _______ ____ In 1813, But The First Practical Can Opener Wasn't Invented Until 1870`British Navy
Inventions: Carbonated Beverages Became Popular In 1832 After ____ _______ Invented An Apparatus For Charging Water With Carbon Dioxide Gas`John Mathews
Inventions: Carbonated Soda Water`Joseph Priestley
Inventions: Carpet Sweeper In 1876`Melville Bissell
Inventions: Cash Register In 1879`James Ritty
Inventions: Centigrade Scale`Anders Celsius
Inventions: Chair`Egyptians
Inventions: Charles Ginsberg Is Credited With Inventing _________ In 1956`Videotape
Inventions: Chester Greenwood From The United States Was 15 Years Old In 1873 When He Invented`Earmuffs
Inventions: Clockwork Radio`Trevor Bayliss
Inventions: Coca Cola`Dr John Pemberton
Inventions: Colgate Was The First __________ Sold In Metal Tubes Rather Than Jars`Toothpaste
Inventions: Colgate Was The First Toothpaste Sold In Metal Tubes Rather Than`Jars
Inventions: Compact Disc Or Cd`Philips
Inventions: Compact Discs, Or Cds, Were Co-Founded By A ________ And A Dutch Company In 1979`Japanese
Inventions: Cornelius Swarthout Patented The First ______ ____ In Troy, New York, In 1869`Waffle Iron
Inventions: Cornflakes`John Harvey Kellog
Inventions: Cotton Gin`Eli Whitney
Inventions: Crop Insurance`Benjamin Franklin
Inventions: Difference Engine`Charles Babbage
Inventions: Dr. _____ ____ Developed The Vaccine For Polio In 1952`Jonas Salk
Inventions: _______ Driver Jenatzy Was The First To Reach A Speed Of Over 100 Km/H In His Electrically Powered Car`Belgian
Inventions: Dr. Jonas Salk Developed The Vaccine For _____ In 1952`Polio
Inventions: Dumb Waiter`Thomas Jefferson
Inventions: Dynamite`Alfred Nobel
Inventions: Dynamo, The Transformer And Direct-Current Motor Now Used In Battery-Powered Machines, In 1831`Michael Faraday
Inventions: Edison Tried To Invent A Gun-Powder Powered Engine For A`Helicopter
Inventions: Egg Beaters Operate On What Type Of Gear`Bevel
Inventions: Egg Mcmuffin`Ed Peterson
Inventions: Electrical Bass`Leo Fender
Inventions: Electrical Hearing Aids Were Invented In 1901 By ______ _. _________N`Miller R. Hutchinso
Inventions: Electric Cooking Range`Thomas Ahearn
Inventions: Electric Razor In 1928`Jacob Schick
Inventions: Eli Whitney Made No Money From The ______ ___ Because He Did Not Have A Valid Patent On It`Cotton Gin
Inventions: Exploding Shell`Henry Shrapnel
Inventions: False Eyelashes`D.W Griffith
Inventions: Ferris Wheel`Ferris
Inventions: First Chocolate Candy`Conrad J Van Houten
Inventions: First Completely Automated Robotic Milking Machine`Denmark
Inventions: First Electric Razor`Jacob Schick
Inventions: First Flush Toilet`Thomas Crapper
Inventions: Food Processor In 1947`Kenneth Wood
Inventions: Fortune Cookies`Charles Jung
Inventions: Fountain Pen In 1884`Lewis Waterman
Inventions: _______ _________ From The United States Was 15 Years Old In 1873 When He Invented Earmuffs`Chester Greenwood
Inventions: Gatling Gun`Richard Gatling
Inventions: Geodesic Dome`Buckminster Fuller
Inventions: George De Mestral Invented _____, After Getting Burrs Stuck To His Pants`Velcro
Inventions: Gorrie Is Considered The Father Of Refrigeration And ___`Air-Conditioning
Inventions: Gorrie Is Considered The ______ Of Refrigeration And Air-Conditioning`Father
Inventions: Hair ______ In Britain In The 1870s Concocted Their Own Shampoos From Varying Amounts Of Water, Soda, And Bar Soap`Salons
Inventions: Hair Salons In Britain In The 1870s Concocted Their Own Shampoos From Varying Amounts Of _____, Soda, And Bar Soap`Water
Inventions: Hair Salons In Britain In The 1870s Concocted Their Own Shampoos From Varying Amounts Of Water, ____, And Bar Soap`Soda
Inventions: Hair Salons In Britain In The 1870s Concocted Their Own Shampoos From Varying Amounts Of Water, Soda, And ___`Bar Soap
Inventions: Hair Salons In Britain In The 1870s _________ Their Own Shampoos From Varying Amounts Of Water, Soda, And Bar Soap`Concocted
Inventions: Hair Salons In Britain In The _____ Concocted Their Own Shampoos From Varying Amounts Of Water, Soda, And Bar Soap`1870s
Inventions: Hair Salons In _______ In The 1870s Concocted Their Own Shampoos From Varying Amounts Of Water, Soda, And Bar Soap`Britain
Inventions: Hamburger`Louis Lassen
Inventions: ______ ______ Held Over 1,300 U.S. And Foreign Patents`Thomas Edison
Inventions: Henry Ford Called His First Car A`Quadricycle
Inventions: ____ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Was The First American To Have Plumbing Installed In His House, In 1840`Poet
Inventions: Henry Waterman Invented The Modern ________ In 1850. He Intended It To Transport Barrels Of Flour`Elevator
Inventions: He Said He Could Come Up With 'A Minor Invention Every 10 Days___'`Edison
Inventions: He Was The American Inventor Of The Cotton Gin`Eli Whitney
Inventions: How Long Passed From The Making Of Minute Rice And Its Marketing`Eighteen Years
Inventions: How Long Passed From The Making Of The First Zipper And Its Marketing`Fifty Five Years
Inventions: How Many Years After It Was Invented Was A Telephone Installed On The Desk Of The Us President`51
Inventions: How Old Was Louis Braille When He Invented A System Of Raised Dots That Would Enable The Blind To Read`15
Inventions: Hydrogen Bomb`Us Government Scientists
Inventions: Ice Cream Soda`Robert Green
Inventions: Ice Cream Sundae`William Garwood
Inventions: In 1797, Nathaniel Briggs Of New Hampshire Patented The First What`Washing Machine
Inventions: In 1832, The ________ _______ Neil Arnott Devised Water Beds As A Way Of Improving Patients' Comfort`Scottish Surgeon
Inventions: In 1832, The Scottish _______ Neil Arnott Devised Water Beds As A Way Of Improving Patients' Comfort`Surgeon
Inventions: In 1832, The Scottish Surgeon ____ Arnott Devised Water Beds As A Way Of Improving Patients' Comfort`Neil
Inventions: In 1832, The Scottish Surgeon ____ ______ Devised Water Beds As A Way Of Improving Patients' Comfort`Neil Arnott
Inventions: In 1832, The Scottish Surgeon Neil Arnott Devised _____ ____ As A Way Of Improving Patients' Comfort`Water Beds
Inventions: In 1832, The Scottish Surgeon Neil Arnott Devised _____ Beds As A Way Of Improving Patients' Comfort`Water
Inventions: In 1832, The Scottish Surgeon Neil Arnott Devised Water Beds As A Way Of Improving ________' Comfort`Patients
Inventions: In 1832, The Scottish Surgeon Neil Arnott Devised Water Beds As A Way Of Improving Patients'`Comfort
Inventions: In 1832, The Scottish Surgeon Neil Arnott Devised Water Beds As A Way Of _________ Patients' Comfort`Improving
Inventions: In 1832, The Scottish Surgeon Neil ______ Devised Water Beds As A Way Of Improving Patients' Comfort`Arnott
Inventions: In 1832, The ________ Surgeon Neil Arnott Devised Water Beds As A Way Of Improving Patients' Comfort`Scottish
Inventions: In 1957 Mario A ________ Creator Of The Maraschino Cherry, Dies`Gianini
Inventions: In 1972, The First Injection-Molded Plastic Lunch Box Was Produced By`Thermos
Inventions: In 1972, The First _________-______ _______ _____ ___ Was Produced By Thermos`Injection-Molded Plastic Lunch Box
Inventions: In Addition To Designing The First Triode To Amplify Sound, De Forest Invented The Movie ____, Which Created Much Work For Musicians`Soundtrack
Inventions: In Ancient Greece And Rome, The ________ Was Regarded As Effeminate. Men Rarely Used One`Umbrella
Inventions: ____ ______ In Britain In The 1870s Concocted Their Own Shampoos From Varying Amounts Of Water, Soda, And Bar Soap`Hair Salons
Inventions: In ________, James Young Was The First To Extract Paraffin From Coal, And He Was Nicknamed 'Paraffin Young`Scotland
Inventions: In Scotland, James _____ Was The First To Extract Paraffin From Coal, And He Was Nicknamed 'Paraffin Young`Young
Inventions: In Scotland, James Young Was The First To Extract ________ From Coal, And He Was Nicknamed 'Paraffin Young`Paraffin
Inventions: In Scotland, James Young Was The First To Extract Paraffin From ____, And He Was Nicknamed 'Paraffin Young`Coal
Inventions: In Scotland, James Young Was The First To Extract Paraffin From Coal, And He Was Nicknamed 'Paraffin`Young
Inventions: In Scotland, James Young Was The First To Extract Paraffin From Coal, And He Was Nicknamed '________ Young`Paraffin
Inventions: In Scotland, _____ Young Was The First To Extract Paraffin From Coal, And He Was Nicknamed 'Paraffin Young`James
Inventions: In The 1530s, A ________ Press Was Set Up In Mexico City, And The First Mexican Newspaper Was Published There In 1541`Printing
Inventions: In The 1530s, A Printing Press Was Set Up In ______ ____, And The First Mexican Newspaper Was Published There In 1541`Mexico City
Inventions: In The 1530s, A Printing Press Was Set Up In ______ City, And The First Mexican Newspaper Was Published There In 1541`Mexico
Inventions: In The 1530s, A Printing Press Was Set Up In Mexico City, And The First Mexican _________ Was Published There In 1541`Newspaper
Inventions: In The 1530s, A Printing Press Was Set Up In Mexico City, And The First _______ Newspaper Was Published There In 1541`Mexican
Inventions: In The 1530s, A ________ _____ Was Set Up In Mexico City, And The First Mexican Newspaper Was Published There In 1541`Printnig Press
Inventions: In The Airplane Known As The Dc-10, The Letters 'Dc' Stand For _______`Douglas Commercial
Inventions: In The _____, A Printing Press Was Set Up In Mexico City, And The First Mexican Newspaper Was Published There In 1541`1530s
Inventions: In The World Of Dolls, _____ ______ Was Barbie's Best Friend In The 1960s`Midge Hadley
Inventions: ______ _______ Invented Barbed Wire On November 1,1873`Joseph Glidden
Inventions: ________ ________ Invented Crop Insurance`Benjamin Franklin
Inventions: ____ _________ Invented The Dental Drill In 1790`John Greenwood
Inventions: ______ _________ Invented The Dumbwaiter`Thomas Jefferson
Inventions: ______ ____ Invented The First Mechanical Row Seed Planter`Jethro Tull
Inventions: ________ ________ Invented The First Wet Suit, As Well As Flippers For Divers`Benjamin Franklin
Inventions: _____ ________ Invented The Modern Elevator In 1850. He Intended It To Transport Barrels Of Flour`Henry Waterman
Inventions: _________ ______ ____, Inventor Of The Telephone, Was Originally An Instructor For Deaf Children And Invented The Telephone To Help His Deaf Wife And Mother To Hear`Alexander Graham Bell
Inventions: In What Country Was Aspirin Invented`Germany
Inventions: In What U.S. State Was The Phillips Head Screwdriver Invented`Oregon
Inventions: In Which Country Was The Match Invented`France
Inventions: _______ ________ Is Credited With Inventing Videotape In 1956`Charles Ginsberg
Inventions: It Has Been Determined That Less Than One Patented _________ In A Hundred Makes Any Money For The Inventor`Invention
Inventions: It Has Been Determined That Less Than One Patented Invention In A Hundred Makes Any Money For The`Inventor
Inventions: It Has Been Determined That Less Than One Patented Invention In A _______ Makes Any Money For The Inventor`Hundred
Inventions: _______ ______ Jenatzy Was The First To Reach A Speed Of Over 100 Km/H In His Electrically Powered Car`Belgian Driver
Inventions: Johann Behrent Built The First _____ In America At Philadelphia In 1775 Under The Name Piano Forte`Piano
Inventions: Johann Behrent Built The First Piano In America At ____________ In 1775 Under The Name Piano Forte`Philadelphia
Inventions: Johann Behrent Built The First Piano In America At Philadelphia In 1775 Under The Name _____`Piano Forte
Inventions: Johann Behrent Built The First Piano In _______ At Philadelphia In 1775 Under The Name Piano Forte`America
Inventions: Johann _______ Built The First Piano In America At Philadelphia In 1775 Under The Name Piano Forte`Behrent
Inventions: Johann Gutenberg Was Famous For Inventing What In 1455`The Printing Press
Inventions: John Augustus Larson Invented What In 1921`Lie Detector
Inventions: John Rand Patented A Collapsible Tube For ___ ______ On September 11,1841`Oil Paints
Inventions: John Rand Patented A ___________ ____ For Oil Paints On September 11,1841`Collapsible Tube
Inventions: Joseph And Etienne Montigolfier, Inventers Of The Hot Air Balloon, First Believed That Their Balloon Didn't Rise Due To Hot Air But An Invisible Gas Given Off By Fire. What Did They Name This Gas`Montigolfier Gas
Inventions: Joseph Glidden Invented ______ ____ On November 1,1873`Barbed Wire
Inventions: Kilts Are Not Native To Scotland. They Originated In`France
Inventions: Kinetoscope`Thomas Edison
Inventions: Kleenex Cleansing Tissues Were Invented In 1924 As A Sanitary Way To Remove ____`Cold Cream
Inventions: Launched By The ______ Company In 1988, Holiday Barbie Was Among America's Best-Selling Dolls In 1995 And 1996`Mattel
Inventions: Launched By The Mattel Company In 1988, Holiday Barbie Was Among America's Best-Selling Dolls In ____ ___`1995 And 1996
Inventions: Launched By The Mattel Company In 1988, Holiday Barbie Was Among America's Best-Selling _____ In 1995 And 1996`Dolls
Inventions: Launched By The Mattel Company In 1988, Holiday Barbie Was Among _______'_ Best-Selling Dolls In 1995 And 1996`America's
Inventions: Launched By The Mattel Company In 1988, Holiday ______ Was Among America's Best-Selling Dolls In 1995 And 1996`Barbie
Inventions: Lava Lamps`Craven Walker
Inventions: Lip Stick Was Said To Have Been Invented In The Eygptian Times For Women That Specialized In ____ ___. They Wanted Their Lips To Look More Inviting`Oral Sex`Blow Jobs
Inventions: Logarithms`John Napier
Inventions: ___ _______ Made No Money From The Cotton Gin Because He Did Not Have A Valid Patent On It`Eli Whitney
Inventions: Magnifying Glass`Friar Roger Bacon
Inventions: Mark _____ Once Invented A Trivia Boardgame Similar To Trivial Pursuit. He Called It Mark Twain's Memory Builder`Twain
Inventions: Mark _____ Secured A Patent In 1873 For A Self-Pasting Scrapbook. A Series Of Blank Pages - Coated With Gum`Twain
Inventions: Mark Twain Once Invented A ______ Boardgame Similar To Trivial Pursuit. He Called It Mark Twain's Memory Builder`Trivia
Inventions: Mark Twain Once Invented A Trivia Boardgame Similar To _______ _______. He Called It Mark Twain's Memory Builder`Trivial Pursuit
Inventions: Mark Twain Once Invented A Trivia Boardgame Similar To Trivial _______. He Called It Mark Twain's Memory Builder`Pursuit
Inventions: Mark Twain Once Invented A Trivia Boardgame Similar To Trivial Pursuit. He Called It Mark Twain's ______`Memory Builder
Inventions: Mark Twain Once Invented A Trivia Boardgame Similar To Trivial Pursuit. He Called It ____ Twain's Memory Builder`Mark
Inventions: Mark Twain Once Invented A Trivia Boardgame _______ To Trivial Pursuit. He Called It Mark Twain's Memory Builder`Similar
Inventions: Mark Twain Once Invented A Trivia _________ Similar To Trivial Pursuit. He Called It Mark Twain's Memory Builder`Boardgame
Inventions: Mark Twain Secured A Patent In 1873 For A ____-_______ Scrapbook. A Series Of Blank Pages - Coated With Gum`Self-Pasting
Inventions: Mark Twain Secured A Patent In 1873 For A Self-Pasting _________. A Series Of Blank Pages - Coated With Gum`Scrapbook
Inventions: Mark Twain Secured A Patent In 1873 For A Self-Pasting Scrapbook. A Series Of Blank _____ - Coated With Gum`Pages
Inventions: Mark Twain Secured A Patent In 1873 For A Self-Pasting Scrapbook. A Series Of Blank Pages - Coated With`Gum
Inventions: Mark Twain Secured A Patent In 1873 For A Self-Pasting Scrapbook. A Series Of Blank Pages - ______ With Gum`Coated
Inventions: Mark Twain Secured A Patent In 1873 For A Self-Pasting Scrapbook. A Series Of _____ _____ - Coated With Gum`Blank Pages
Inventions: Mark Twain Secured A Patent In 1873 For A Self-Pasting Scrapbook. A Series Of _____ Pages - Coated With Gum`Blank
Inventions: Mini Skirt`Mary Quant
Inventions: More Than ____ A Billion Yo-Yos Have Been Sold In The United States Since Donald F. Duncan Introduced The Toy In 1930`Half
Inventions: More Than Half A Billion __-___ Have Been Sold In The United States Since Donald F. Duncan Introduced The Toy In 1930`Yo-Yos
Inventions: More Than Half A Billion Yo-Yos Have Been Sold In The ______ ______ Since Donald F. Duncan Introduced The Toy In 1930`United States
Inventions: More Than Half A Billion Yo-Yos Have Been Sold In The United States Since Donald F. Duncan Introduced The ___ In 1930`Toy
Inventions: More Than Half A Billion Yo-Yos Have Been Sold In The United States Since Donald F. ______ Introduced The Toy In 1930`Duncan
Inventions: More Than Half A Billion Yo-Yos Have Been Sold In The United States Since ______ F. Duncan Introduced The Toy In 1930`Donald
Inventions: More Than Half A Billion Yo-Yos Have Been Sold In The United States Since ______ _. ______ Introduced The Toy In 1930`Donald F. Duncan
Inventions: Most ______ ____ Are Manufactured In Ecuador`Panama Hats
Inventions: Most Common Projection For World Maps`Gerardus Mercator
Inventions: Most ___ Is Used To Make Containers For Food And Pastes. Over 100 Billion Such Containers Are Manufactured Each Year`Tin
Inventions: Most Panama Hats Are Manufactured In`Ecuador
Inventions: Most Tin Is Used To Make Containers For ____ And Pastes. Over 100 Billion Such Containers Are Manufactured Each Year`Food
Inventions: Most Tin Is Used To Make Containers For Food And ______. Over 100 Billion Such Containers Are Manufactured Each Year`Pastes
Inventions: Most Tin Is Used To Make Containers For Food And Pastes. Over 100 Billion Such __________ Are Manufactured Each Year`Containers
Inventions: Most Tin Is Used To Make Containers For Food And Pastes. Over 100 Billion Such Containers Are Manufactured Each`Year
Inventions: Most Tin Is Used To Make Containers For Food And Pastes. Over ___ Billion Such Containers Are Manufactured Each Year`100
Inventions: Most Tin Is Used To Make Containers For Food And Pastes. Over ___ _______ Such Containers Are Manufactured Each Year`100 Billion
Inventions: Most Tin Is Used To Make __________ For Food And Pastes. Over 100 Billion Such Containers Are Manufactured Each Year`Containers
Inventions: Name The Inventor Of Peanut Butter`George Washington Carver
Inventions: ______ _. _______ Of New York City Invented Toilet Paper In 1857`Joseph C. Gayetty
Inventions: ______ _____ Of Stockholm, Sweden, Patented Dynamite In 1867`Alfred Nobel
Inventions: ____ _____ Once Invented A Trivia Boardgame Similar To Trivial Pursuit. He Called It Mark Twain's Memory Builder`Mark Twain
Inventions: On February 14,1803, Moses Coates Patented The _____`Apple Parer
Inventions: Originally Known As 'The Yacht Game', This Dice Game Was Invented By A Canadian Couple In The Late 1800s`Yahtzee
Inventions: Painting By Numbers`Palmer Paint Company
Inventions: Paper Was Invented Early In The Second Century By A`Chinese Eunuch
Inventions: Parking Meter`Carlton C Mcgee
Inventions: ______ ____ Patented A Bullet With Its Own Explosive Charge On August 10, 1848`Walter Hunt
Inventions: ____ ____ Patented A Collapsible Tube For Oil Paints On September 11,1841`John Rand
Inventions: ______ _. ________ Patented A Household Refrigerator On August 8, 1899`Albert T. Marshall
Inventions: _______ _________ Patented Liquid Soap On August 22,1865`William Shepphard
Inventions: _____ _____ Patented The Corncob Pipe In 1878`Henry Tibbs
Inventions: _________ _________ Patented The First Waffle Iron In Troy, New York, In 1869`Cornelius Swarthout
Inventions: Peacemaker Revolver In 1835`Samuel Colt
Inventions: Penicillin`Alexander Fleming
Inventions: Philip Morris Started Making __________ In 1854 In London`Cigarettes
Inventions: Phonograph`Thomas Edison
Inventions: Playing Cards Were Invented By The _______ As Early As 1120`Chinese
Inventions: Poet Henry _________ Longfellow Was The First American To Have Plumbing Installed In His House, In 1840`Wadsworth
Inventions: Poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Was The First American To Have ________ Installed In His House, In 1840`Plumbing
Inventions: Poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Was The First ________ To Have Plumbing Installed In His House, In 1840`American
Inventions: Poet Henry Wadsworth __________ Was The First American To Have Plumbing Installed In His House, In 1840`Longfellow
Inventions: Poet Henry _________ __________ Was The First American To Have Plumbing Installed In His House, In 1840`Wadsworth Longfellow
Inventions: Poet _____ Wadsworth Longfellow Was The First American To Have Plumbing Installed In His House, In 1840`Henry
Inventions: Polaroid Camera`Edwin Land
Inventions: Popsicles`Frank Epperson
Inventions: Potato Chip`George Crum
Inventions: Radio`Nikola Tesla
Inventions: Recording Technology Was Greatly Advanced By Lee De Forest's Invention Of The ____, Which Could Amplify A Weak Signal`Triode
Inventions: Record Player`Thomas Alva Edison
Inventions: Reflecting Telescope`Isaac Newton
Inventions: Rene Laennec Invented Which Aid To Medicine In 1819`Stethoscope
Inventions: Root Beer Was Invented In Biloxi, Mississippi, In 1898 By ______ _____`Edward Adolf Barq
Inventions: Root Beer Was Invented In ______, Mississippi, In 1898 By Edward Adolf Barq, Sr`Biloxi
Inventions: Rubber Bands Were First Made By _____ ___ __. __ ______ In 1845`Perry And Co. Of London
Inventions: ____ Salons In Britain In The 1870s Concocted Their Own Shampoos From Varying Amounts Of Water, Soda, And Bar Soap`Hair
Inventions: Saxophone`Adolphe Sax
Inventions: _______ _____'S Brownie Camera Cost $1.00 When It Was Introduced In 1900`Eastman Kodak
Inventions: Scissors`Leonardo Da Vinci
Inventions: ____ _____ Secured A Patent In 1873 For A Self-Pasting Scrapbook. A Series Of Blank Pages - Coated With Gum`Mark Twain
Inventions: Sir Emest Swinton Was A British Colonel Credited With The Invention Of Which Weapon`Tank
Inventions: Smallpox Vaccine`Edward Jenner
Inventions: Spinning Frame`Richard Arkwright
Inventions: 'Spinning Jenny'`James Hargreaves
Inventions: ______ ______ Started Making Cigarettes In 1854 In London`Philip Morris
Inventions: Synthesiser`Bob Moog
Inventions: Telescope`Galileo Galilei
Inventions: Television`John Logie Baird
Inventions: Tetris`Alexi Pazhitnov
Inventions: The ___ ___ Can Was Invented In Kettering, Ohio, By Ermal Fraze`Pop Top
Inventions: The ______ Chemist Johann Friedrich Bottger Was The First European To Discover How To Make Porcelain In 1708`German
Inventions: The _______ Company Started Out Making Starch, Soap, And Candles`Colgate
Inventions: The Earliest Washing 'Machine' Was The _____ _____, Which Was Invented In 1797`Scrub Board
Inventions: The Early European Umbrellas Were Made Of ____ Or Whalebone And Covered With Alpaca Or Oiled Canvas`Wood
Inventions: The Early European Umbrellas Were Made Of Wood Or _________ And Covered With Alpaca Or Oiled Canvas`Whalebone
Inventions: The Early European Umbrellas Were Made Of Wood Or Whalebone And Covered With Alpaca Or _____ Canvas`Oiled
Inventions: The Early European Umbrellas Were Made Of Wood Or Whalebone And Covered With ______ Or Oiled Canvas`Alpaca
Inventions: The Early European _________ Were Made Of Wood Or Whalebone And Covered With Alpaca Or Oiled Canvas`Umbrellas
Inventions: The Early ________ Umbrellas Were Made Of Wood Or Whalebone And Covered With Alpaca Or Oiled Canvas`European
Inventions: The Electric Chair Was Invented By A`Dentist
Inventions: The First ____________ American Lunchbox Appeared In 1902. It Was Shaped Like A Picnic Basket And Had Children At Play Painted On It`Lithographed
Inventions: The First Automobile To Have Air Conditioning Was The _______ In 1939`Packard
Inventions: The First Automobile To Have ___ ____________ Was The Packard In 1939`Air Conditioning
Inventions: The First Black And White Motion Picture To Be Digitally Converted To Colour Was '______ ______ _____', The 1942 Biopic Of George M. Cohen`Yankee Doodle Dandy
Inventions: The First Black And White Motion Picture To Be Digitally Converted To Colour Was 'Yankee Doodle Dandy', The 1942 Biopic Of ______ _.`George M. Cohen
Inventions: The First ________ Calculator Placed On Sale By Texas Instruments Weighed Only 2.5 Pounds And Cost A Mere $150 In 1972`Portable
Inventions: The First ______ ____ Comes From The Netherlands`Wooden Shoe
Inventions: The First Commercial ______ _______ Was So Large It Was Mounted On A Wagon`Vacuum Cleaner
Inventions: The First Drive-In Service Station In The United States Was Opened By ____ ___ _______ - On December 1, 1913, In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania`Gulf Oil Company
Inventions: The First Envelopes With ______ _____ Were Produced In 1844`Gummed Flaps
Inventions: The First _______ Ever Invented Was Celluloid. It Came About As An Alternative For Billiard Balls Made From Ivory`Plastic
Inventions: The First ______ ____ For Shoes Was Patented On January 24, 1899 By Humphrey O'sullivan`Rubber Heel
Inventions: The First Hot Air Balloon To Carry Passengers Was Invented By The ___________ Brothers In France In 1783`Montgolfier
Inventions: The First ___________, Invented In 1816, Was Made From A Roll Of Paper`Stethoscope
Inventions: The First Jet Passenger Airliner Was The De _________ _____, Which Serviced The British Overseas Airways Starting In May Of 1952`Havilland Comet
Inventions: The First Lightweight _______ Designed For Air Travel Was Conceived By Aviation Pioneer Amelia Earhart`Luggage
Inventions: The First Lightweight Luggage Designed For Air Travel Was Conceived By Aviation _______ Amelia Earhart`Pioneer
Inventions: The First Lightweight Luggage Designed For Air Travel Was Conceived By Aviation Pioneer ______`Amelia Earhart
Inventions: The First Lightweight Luggage Designed For Air Travel Was Conceived By Aviation Pioneer ______ Earhart`Amelia
Inventions: The First Lightweight Luggage Designed For Air ______ Was Conceived By Aviation Pioneer Amelia Earhart`Travel
Inventions: The First Lightweight Luggage Designed For ___ Travel Was Conceived By Aviation Pioneer Amelia Earhart`Air
Inventions: The First Lightweight Luggage Designed For ___ _____ Was Conceived By Aviation Pioneer Amelia Earhart`Air Travel
Inventions: The First Lightweight Luggage ________ For Air Travel Was Conceived By Aviation Pioneer Amelia Earhart`Designed
Inventions: The First Lithographed American ________ Appeared In 1902. It Was Shaped Like A Picnic Basket And Had Children At Play Painted On It`Lunchbox
Inventions: The First Lithographed American Lunchbox Appeared In 1902. It Was Shaped Like A ______ ______ And Had Children At Play Painted On It`Picnic Basket
Inventions: The First Lithographed American Lunchbox Appeared In 1902. It Was Shaped Like A ______ Basket And Had Children At Play Painted On It`Picnic
Inventions: The First Lithographed American Lunchbox Appeared In 1902. It Was Shaped Like A Picnic Basket And Had ________ At Play Painted On It`Children
Inventions: The First Lithographed American Lunchbox Appeared In 1902. It Was Shaped Like A Picnic Basket And Had Children At Play _______ On It`Painted
Inventions: The First Lithographed American Lunchbox Appeared In 1902. It Was Shaped Like A Picnic Basket And Had ________ __ ____ Painted On It`Children At Play
Inventions: The First Lithographed ________ ________ Appeared In 1902. It Was Shaped Like A Picnic Basket And Had Children At Play Painted On It`American Lunchbox
Inventions: The First Lithographed ________ Lunchbox Appeared In 1902. It Was Shaped Like A Picnic Basket And Had Children At Play Painted On It`American
Inventions: The First Name Of The Inventor Of Braille`Louis
Inventions: The First Patent Issued For Modern Suspenders - Those With The Familiar Metal Clasp - Was Issued In _______ 1894`October
Inventions: The First Patent Issued For Modern Suspenders - Those With The Familiar Metal Clasp - Was Issued In _______`October 1894
Inventions: The First Patent Issued For Modern Suspenders - Those With The Familiar _____ _____ - Was Issued In October 1894`Metal Clasp
Inventions: The First Patent Issued For Modern __________ - Those With The Familiar Metal Clasp - Was Issued In October 1894`Suspenders
Inventions: The First Patent Issued For ______ Suspenders - Those With The Familiar Metal Clasp - Was Issued In October 1894`Modern
Inventions: The First Patent Issued For ______ __________ - Those With The Familiar Metal Clasp - Was Issued In October 1894`Modern Suspenders
Inventions: The First ________ __________ Placed On Sale By Texas Instruments Weighed Only 2.5 Pounds And Cost A Mere $150 In 1972`Portable Calculator
Inventions: The First Plastic Ever Invented Was Celluloid. It Came About As An Alternative For ________ Balls Made From Ivory`Billard
Inventions: The First Plastic Ever Invented Was Celluloid, It Came About As An Alternative For Billiard Balls Made From`Ivory
Inventions: The First Plastic Ever Invented Was Celluloid. It Came About As An Alternative For Billiard _____ Made From Ivory`Balls
Inventions: The First Plastic Ever Invented Was Celluloid. It Came About As An Alternative For ________ _____ Made From Ivory`Billard Balls
Inventions: The First Plastic Ever Invented Was Celluloid, It Came About As An Alternative For ________ _____ Made From Ivory`Billiard Balls
Inventions: The First Plastic Ever Invented Was _________, It Came About As An Alternative For Billiard Balls Made From Ivory`Celluloid
Inventions: The First Practical ___ ______ Was Developed Many Years After The Birth Of The Metal Can`Can Opener
Inventions: The First Product To Have A Upc Bar Code On Its Packaging Was _______'_`Wrigley's Gum
Inventions: The First Sewing Machine Was Patented In 1846, By _____`Elias Howe
Inventions: The First _________ ____ Sold In 1945 Were Priced At $12.00 A Piece`Ballpoint Pens
Inventions: The First Stereoscope Was Created By Sir _______ __________ In 1833`Charles Wheatstone
Inventions: The First _____________ (Super/Krazy Glue) Was Discovered By Accident, When Chemists At Eastman-Kodak Accidentally Glued Two Prisms Together When Testing New Organic Compounds For Light Refracting Properties`Cyanoacrylate
Inventions: The First Vcr, Or Video Cassette Recorder, Was Made In 1956 And Was The Size Of A`Piano
Inventions: The First Vending Machines In The United States Dispensed _______ ___, And Were Installed In New York City Train Platforms In 1888`Chewing Gum
Inventions: The First Vhs Videotape Was Launched In 1975, By`Japan
Inventions: The First ___________ Was Created By Sir Charles Wheatstone In 1833`Stereoscope
Inventions: The First _____ Was Designed By Richard Trecithick And Took Its First Run In England On February 21, 1804. It Moved At A Speed Of 8 Kilometers, Or 5 Mph`Train
Inventions: The First ___ _________ Was Launched In 1975, By Japan`Vhs Videotape
Inventions: The First ______ _______ Was Patented In 1846, By Elias Howe`Sewing Machine
Inventions: The First ______ Were Made By The People Of Jericho, In 8000 B.C. A Town Of 2,000 People, Jericho Was One Of The Oldest Known Towns In Existence`Bricks
Inventions: The First Woman To Be Granted A U.S. Patent Was Mary Kies. On May 15, 1809, She Received A Patent For A Method Of _______ _____ With Silk`Weaving Straw
Inventions: The Fish Bowl Was Invented By Countess Dubarry, Mistress Of France's ____ _____`King Louis Xv
Inventions: The Fountain Pen In 1848`Lewis Waterman
Inventions: The Game That Would Become ________ Was Created By Unemployed Architect Alfred Mosher Butts In The Early 1930s. He Called It Lexiko, Then Criss Cross Words, And Then Sold The Rights To James Brunot`Scrabble
Inventions: The German Chemist Johann Friedrich Bottger Was The First European To Discover How To Make _________ In 1708`Porcelain
Inventions: The German Chemist Johann Friedrich Bottger Was The First ________ To Discover How To Make Porcelain In 1708`European
Inventions: The German Chemist Johann Friedrich B ttger Was The First European To Discover How To Make _________ In 1708`Porcelain
Inventions: The German Chemist Johann Friedrich _______ Was The First European To Discover How To Make Porcelain In 1708`Bottger
Inventions: The German Chemist ______ _________ _______ Was The First European To Discover How To Make Porcelain In 1708`Johann Friedrick Bottger
Inventions: The German _______ Johann Friedrich Bottger Was The First European To Discover How To Make Porcelain In 1708`Chemist
Inventions: The Heel Of A ____ Is Called The 'Gore.' The Back Panel Of A Shoe Is Called The Counter`Sock
Inventions: The Heel Of A Sock Is Called The 'Gore.' The Back _____ Of A Shoe Is Called The Counter`Panel
Inventions: The Heel Of A Sock Is Called The 'Gore.' The Back Panel Of A ____ Is Called The 'Counter.'`Shoe
Inventions: The Heel Of A Sock Is Called The 'Gore.' The ____ _____ Of A Shoe Is Called The Counter`Back Panel
Inventions: The Heel Of A Sock Is Called The 'Gore.' The ____ Panel Of A Shoe Is Called The Counter`Back
Inventions: The Heel Of A Sock Is Called The '____.' The Back Panel Of A Shoe Is Called The 'Counter.'`Gore
Inventions: The Invention Of The Fresnel ____ In 1822 Greatly Improved The Lighting Capabilities Of Lighthouses`Lens
Inventions: The Invention Of The Fresnel Lens In 1822 Greatly Improved The ________ Capabilities Of Lighthouses`Lighting
Inventions: The Invention Of The _______ Lens In 1822 Greatly Improved The Lighting Capabilities Of Lighthouses`Fresnel
Inventions: The Invention Of This Device Did More To End Slavery Than Anything Else`Cotton Gin
Inventions: The ____ __ _ ____ Is Called The 'Gore.' The Back Panel Of A Shoe Is Called The 'Counter.'`Heel Of A Sock
Inventions: The ______ _______ Johann Friedrich Bottger Was The First European To Discover How To Make Porcelain In 1708`German Chemist
Inventions: The Keyboard Test Phrase 'The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog.' Was Invented By ___________ To Test Telex/Twx Communications`Western Union
Inventions: The Lie Detector Was Invented By ____ _______ Larson In 1921`John Augustus
Inventions: The Monkey Wrench Is Named After Its Inventor, A London Blacksmith Named _______`Charles Moncke
Inventions: The Mother Of Invention`Necessity
Inventions: The Nuclear Reactor`Enrico Fermi
Inventions: The ________ Originated In Iran In A.D. 644. It Was Used To Grind Grain`Windmill
Inventions: The Paper Clip Was Patented By Norwegian Inventor _____ ______ In 1899`Johan Vaaler
Inventions: The Phillips Head Screwdriver Was Invented Where`Oregon
Inventions: The Pop Top Can Was Invented In Kettering, Ohio, By _____`Ermal Fraze
Inventions: The Power Lawn Mower Was Invented By ______ _. ____ In 1915`Ransom E. Olds
Inventions: The Screw Was Invented After The`Screwdriver
Inventions: The Shoestring Was Invented In England In 1790, Prior To This Time All Shoes Were Fastened With`Buckles
Inventions: The Shoestring Was Invented In England In 1790, Prior To This Time All Shoes Were ________ With Buckles`Fastened
Inventions: The Shoestring Was Invented In England In 1790, Prior To This Time All _____ Were Fastened With Buckles`Shoes
Inventions: The Shoestring Was Invented In _______ In 1790, Prior To This Time All Shoes Were Fastened With Buckles`England
Inventions: The Spinning Wheel, Introduced To Europe In The Middle Ages, Was Invented Where`India
Inventions: The Standard _________ Moves At A Rate Of 120 Feet Per Minute`Escalator
Inventions: The Submarine Was Invented In 1620 By Cornelius Drebbel. Name His Country Of Origin`Netherlands
Inventions: The Thermos Was Invented By A Scottish Physicist Named`Sir James Dewar
Inventions: The United States Patent Office Has On File A Patent For _____ ____ _______--For Use By Nudists`Boots With Pockets
Inventions: The U.S. Record For The Greatest Number Of ________ Inventions Is 1,093. The Record Is Held By Thomas Alva Edison`Patented
Inventions: The U.S. Record For The Greatest Number Of Patented Inventions Is 1,093. The Record Is Held By ______ Alva Edison`Thomas
Inventions: The U.S. Record For The Greatest Number Of Patented Inventions Is 1,093. The Record Is Held By Thomas Alva`Edison
Inventions: The U.S. Record For The Greatest Number Of Patented __________ Is 1,093. The Record Is Held By Thomas Alva Edison`Inventions
Inventions: The U.S. Record For The ________ Number Of Patented Inventions Is 1,093. The Record Is Held By Thomas Alva Edison`Greatest
Inventions: The __-__ Was First Patented In The Usa In 1929`Yo-Yo
Inventions: The ________ _____ Was Invented By A Dentist`Electric Chair
Inventions: The ____ ____ Was Invented By Countess Dubarry, Mistress Of France's King Louis Xv`Fish Bowl
Inventions: The ______ _______ Was Invented By Fred Waring, The Society Band Leader Of The 1930s`Waring Blender
Inventions: The _________ Was Invented By M.L. Bryn In 1860`Corkscrew
Inventions: The _____ ____ _____ Was Invented By Ransom E. Olds In 1915`Power Lawn Mower
Inventions: The __________ Was Invented In 1498`Toothbrush
Inventions: The __________ Was Invented In England In 1790, Prior To This Time All Shoes Were Fastened With Buckles`Shoestring
Inventions: The ________ Was Invented More Than 4,000 Years Ago`Umbrella
Inventions: The _____ ____ Was Patented By Norwegian Inventor Johan Vaaler In 1899`Paper Clip
Inventions: The ______ _____________ Was The First Commercially Manufactured Camera`Giroux Daguerreotype
Inventions: the whistling teakettle, invented in 1921 in what country`Germany
Inventions: The Windmill Originated In Iran In A.D. 644. It Was Used To _____`Grind Grain
Inventions: The Word '__-__' Itself Was A Registered Trademark Of Duncan Until 1965`Yo-Yo
Inventions: The World's First Mechanical Calculating Machine`Blaise Pascal
Inventions: The Year 1925 Was A Big Year For This Invention`Television
Inventions: Thomas Jefferson Invented The`Dumbwaiter
Inventions: Thomas Savery And Thomas Newcomen Invented The _____`Steam Engine
Inventions: Today, 40 Percent Of The World's __________ Are Printed On Paper Made From Canada's Forests`Newspapers
Inventions: Toothbrush`William Addis
Inventions: ____ Twain Once Invented A Trivia Boardgame Similar To Trivial Pursuit. He Called It Mark Twain's Memory Builder`Mark
Inventions: ____ Twain Secured A Patent In 1873 For A Self-Pasting Scrapbook. A Series Of Blank Pages - Coated With Gum`Mark
Inventions: Unknown People Made The First Glassware About 3,500 Years Ago In`Mesopotamia
Inventions: Until The Mid 1800s, _____ Was Made From Cotton Rags`Paper
Inventions: Vacuum Flask`James Dewar
Inventions: ______ ____ Was Invented For The British Navy In 1813, But The First Practical Can Opener Wasn't Invented Until 1870`Canned Food
Inventions: ____ ____ Was Invented In Biloxi, Mississippi, In 1898 By Edward Adolf Barq, Sr`Root Beer
Inventions: ____ Were Added To The Bicycle In 1839`Pedals
Inventions: _______ _____ Were Invented By The Chinese As Early As 1120`Playing Cards
Inventions: __________ _______ ____ Were Invented In 1901 By Miller R. Hutchinson`Electrical Hearing Aids
Inventions: _______ _________ _______ Were Invented In 1924 As A Sanitary Way To Remove Cold Cream`Kleenex Cleansing Tissues
Inventions: _______ _______ Were Marketed As A Cold Cream Remover When They Were First Introduced In 1924`Kleenex Tissues
Inventions: What 1839 Innovation Changed The Face Of Mail Delivery`The Envelope
Inventions: What Aid To Cooking Was First Manufactured By Mark Gregoire In 1954`Non Stick Pans
Inventions: What Appliance That Many Of Us Use Every Day Was Invented By Charles Strite`Pop-Up Toaster
Inventions: What Brand Of Footwear Was Invented By Adolf Dassler`Adidas
Inventions: What Card Game Was Invented By Harold S Vanderbilt In 1925`Contract Bridge
Inventions: What Company Invented Abs Brakes For Cars`Bosch
Inventions: What Did Air Cadet Frank Whittle Invent In 1928`Jet Engine
Inventions: What Did Andrew Jergens Create`Jergens Lotion
Inventions: What Did Betty Graham Invent`Liquid Paper
Inventions: What Did Dr Godfrey Invent In 1762`Fire Extinguisher
Inventions: What Did Dr John Pemberton Invent In Atlanta, Georgia In 1886`Coca Cola
Inventions: What Did D.W Griffith Invent`False Eyelashes
Inventions: What Did Ed Peterson Invent`Egg Mcmuffin
Inventions: What Did Edwin Land Invent In The 1940's`Polaroid Camera
Inventions: What Did Elisha Otis Invent In 1852`Elevator
Inventions: What Did Eli Whitney Invent`Cotton Gin
Inventions: What Did Frederick Bruckman's 1912 Invention Make Automaticallyto The Delight Of Ice Cream Lovers Everywhere`Cones
Inventions: What Did Gabriel Fahrenheit Invent`Thermometer
Inventions: What Did Henry Shrapnel Invent`Exploding Shell
Inventions: What Did Inventor Whitcomb Judson Perfect In The 1800's`The Zipper
Inventions: What Did John Augustus Larson Invent`Lie Detector
Inventions: What Did John Logie Baird Invent In 1925`Television
Inventions: What Did Joseph C. Gayetty Invent In 1875`Toilet Paper
Inventions: What Did Joseph Priestley Invent`Carbonated Soda Water
Inventions: What Did Lewis E. Waterman Invent In 1884`Fountain Pen
Inventions: What Did Lippershey Invent In 1608 That Galileo Often Gets The Credit For`Refracting Telescope
Inventions: What Did Louis Cartier Invent`Wristwatch
Inventions: What Did People Use Before The Hearing Aid Was Invented`Ear Trumpet
Inventions: What Did Percy Shaw Invent`Cat's Eyes
Inventions: What Did Rene Lainnec Invent`Stethoscope
Inventions: What Did Samuel Colt Invent`The Colt Revolver`Colt Revolver
Inventions: What Did Sandy Fowler Invent For Drinkers That Had He Patented It Would Have Made Him Millions`Tea Bag
Inventions: What Did Sylvester Graham Invent`Graham Cracker
Inventions: What Did The British Inventor Sir Christopher Cockerell Invent And Develop`Hovercraft
Inventions: What Did Us Inventor Austin Burt Patent`Typographer
Inventions: What Do Bullet Proof Vests, Fire Escapes, Windshield Wipers And Laser Printers All Have In Common`All Invented By Women
Inventions: What Drug Did Alexander Fleming Invent`Penicillin
Inventions: What Edwin Budding Invention Began Changing The Face Of English Landscapes In The 1820's`The Lawn Mower
Inventions: What Famous Inventor Was Noted For Collecting Dirty Jokes`Thomas Edison
Inventions: What Inventor Blew Up A Telegraph Station In A Battery Experiment`Thomas Edison
Inventions: What Inventor Said Genious Is 1 Percent Inspiration And 99 Percent Perspiration`Thomas Edison
Inventions: What Inventor's Death In July 20, 1937 Was Announced To The World By His Own Invention`Guglieimo Marconi
Inventions: What Is James Naismith Best Known For Inventing`Basketball
Inventions: What Legume Did George Washington Carver Use As A Basis For Over 300 Inventions`Peanuts
Inventions: What Name Did George Eastman Invent In 1888 Because It Was Easy To Memorize, Pronounce And Spell`Kodak
Inventions: What New Zealand Native Invented Bungee Jumping`Aj Hackett
Inventions: What Piece Of Office Equipment Did Johann Vaaler Invent`The Paper Clip
Inventions: What Portable Device Did James Spengler Invent In 1907, Using A Soap Box, Pillow Case, A Fan And Tape`The Vacuum Cleaner
Inventions: What Swiss Physicistin 1948, Invented The Bathyscaphe Making It Possible To Explore Underwater Depths`Auguste Piccard
Inventions: What Type Of Bomb Was Invented By Sir Barnes Wallis`Bouncing Bomb
Inventions: What Was Alfred Nobel's Most Famous Invention`Dynamite
Inventions: What Was Invented By Ludovic Zamenhof`Esperanto
Inventions: What Was Invented Over 3,000 Years Ago That Is Now Considered The First 'Computer'`Abacus
Inventions: What Was Jonathan Scobie's Profession When He Invented The Rickshaw`Baptist Minister
Inventions: What Was Sir Christopher Cockerell's Uplifting Invention`Hovercraft
Inventions: What Was The First Name Of The Inventor Of Boolean Algebra`George
Inventions: What Was The Language Invented By L.Zamenhof Call`Esperanto
Inventions: What Was The Profession Of J.B.Dunlop, Inventor Of The Pneumatic Tyre`Vet
Inventions: What Wrinkle Free, Man-Made Fiber Was Invented In 1941`Polyester
Inventions: What Writing Implement Was Invented By John T. Loud In 1888, It Wasn't Until 1938 That A Hungarian Made A Successful Cheap Working Version`Ball Point Pen
Inventions: Where Did Georgo And Laszlo Biro Invented The Ball Point Pen`Hungary
Inventions: Where Was Catsup (Ketchup) Invented`China
Inventions: Which Artificial Fiber Was Invented In 1938`Nylon
Inventions: Which British Scientist Invented A Safety Lamp For Miners`Davy
Inventions: Which Country Developed The First Jet Fighter`Germany
Inventions: Which English Agriculturist Invented The Seed Drill`Jethro Tull
Inventions: Which English Inventor Took Our A Patent For A Typewriter Desing In 1714`Henry Mill
Inventions: Which English Scientist Invented The Electric Light Bulb`Joseph Swan
Inventions: Which Italian Inventor First Transmitted Signals Across The English Channel`Marconi
Inventions: Which Kitchen Appliance Was First Designed In 1927 By The American Charles Strite`Automatic Toaster
Inventions: Which Kitchen Appliance Was Invented By Fred Waring`Blender
Inventions: Which Motoring Aid Was Invented By Percy Shaw`Cat's Eyes
Inventions: Which People Invented The Compass`Chinese
Inventions: While Living In Memphis, _________ In 1866-67, Thomas Edison Developed A Device To Electrocute Cockroaches`Tennessee
Inventions: While Living In Memphis, Tennessee In 1866-67, ______ ______ Developed A Device To Electrocute Cockroaches`Thomas Edison
Inventions: While Living In Memphis, Tennessee In 1866-67, Thomas ______ Developed A Device To Electrocute Cockroaches`Edison
Inventions: While Living In Memphis, Tennessee In 1866-67, Thomas Edison Developed A Device To ___________ Cockroaches`Electrocute
Inventions: While Living In Memphis, Tennessee In 1866-67, Thomas Edison Developed A Device To Electrocute`Cockroaches
inventions: who invented the reflecting telescope`isaac newton
Inventions: who is recognized as the creator of blue jeans`Levi Strauss
Inventions: William G. Morgan Invented _________ In 1895`Volleyball
Inventions: William Shepphard Patented ______ ____ On August 22,1865`Liquid Soap
Inventions: Windmill`Arabs
Inventions: Windows Os`Bill Gates
Inventions: Wristwatch`Louis Cartier
Inventions: Yo Yo`Donald F Duncan
Inventions: Zip Fastener In 1893`Whitcomb Judson
inventor of the air-conditioning unit`william carrier
inventor of the barometer`torricelli
inventor of the battery`volta
inventor of the denim jeans`levi
inventor of the denim jeans`levi strauss
inventor of the dynamo`michael faraday
inventor of the first automatic machine gun`richard gatling
inventor of the kodak camera`george eastman
inventor of the method of coordinate geometry`descartes
inventor of the microscope`zacharias janssen
inventor of the telescope(full name)`galileo galilei
inventor of the television`baird
inventor of x-ray, and first physics nobel prize winner`roentgen
inventors: who was the inventor of dynamite`alfred nobel
In Ventura County, California, ____ and ____ are not allowed to have sex without a permit.`dogs and cats
In verbal radio code during WW II, how did one say "message received, will comply"`roger wilco
In Verdi's opera Rigoletto what is the occupation of Rigoletto`court jester
In very poor taste or of very poor quality: There was a special pathos... within... her trashy tales (James Wolcott)`trashier
Investigation of physical, chemical, & biological conditions at the bottom of the ocean, for scientific & commercial purposes`deep sea exploration
Investigation of the nature, causes, or principles of reality, knowledge, or values, based on logical reasoning rather than empirical methods`philosophy
Investigation what group's top selling lp was "rumors"`fleetwood mac
In Victorian pictures Santa was often shown wearing _____`glasses
In _______, Virginia, it is illegal to engage in sexual activity with the lights on.`Romboch
Involuntary audible spasm of respiratory organ`hiccup
Involved or used in ceremonies: '---------- garb.'`ceremonial
Involving a group: '---------- living facilities for senior citizens.'`congregate
Involving little use of language: 'a --------- intelligence test.'`nonverbal
Involving or based on direct observation of the patient: 'a -------- diagnosis.'`clinical
Involving or characterized by vigorous bodily activity: 'a -------- dance performance.'`physical
Involving, relating to, or reminiscent of things past: -----spective: As is often the case in ----- fashion, historical accuracy is somewhat beside the point (New`retro
In Wales, there are more --------- than people`sheep
In Wallace and Grommit's 'The Wrong Trousers', what is the name of the penguin who steals the trousers`feathers mcgraw
in walt disney's "bambi" what was the skunk's name`flower
Inward character, perceptions, or feelings: 'felt good on the inside about volunteering to help.'`insides
Inward: '-----vert.'`intro
In warfare and law-enforcement, what is the more common name for lachrymators`tear gas
in 'war of the worlds', from which planet did the invaders come`mars
In wartime, what is the right of a belligerent warship to stop neutral merchant vessels on the high seas in order to ascertain the nature of the cargo and the ownership of the vessel and thus determine its liability to capture?`Right of Search
in washington d.c., no building can be built taller than the----------`capitol
In web site addresses on the Internet, "http" stands for`hypertext transfer protocol
In Welsh place names Llan- is a common feature, what does it mean`church
In Welsh place names what does 'ABER' mean`estuary
In Western men, the average number of sperm produced in each ejaculation has halved in the last 50 years. True or False?`True
In western movies, who had a horse called Topper`Hopalong Cassidy
In _________, West Virginia, firemen may not whistle or flirt with any woman who passes by a firehouse.`Huntington
in what 1932 movie did shirley temple, age three, first appear`red haired alibi
in what 1932 movie did shirley temple, age three, first appear`red haired`parks
In what 1967 film did gene hackman earn his first oscar nomination`bonnie
in what 1967 film did gene hackman earn his first oscar nomination`bonnie and clyde
in what 1967 film did gene hackman earn his first oscar nomination`bonnie and`i
in what action movie does anthony quinn play the part of a male nurse`african rage
In what African republic is the Kalahari Desert`botswana
In what American city was the first blood bank opened`new york
In what are monocotyledon and dicotyledon terms`botany
In what Australian state is Geelong`victoria
In what Australian state is Mount Isa`queensland
In what Australian state would you find Albury`new south wales`nsw
In what Australian state would you find Alice Springs`northern territory
In what Australian state would you find Armidale`new south wales`nsw
In what Australian state would you find Ballarat`victoria
In what Australian state would you find Bathurst`new south wales`nsw
In what Australian state would you find Bendigo`victoria
In what Australian state would you find Broome`wetsern australia
In what Australian state would you find Bunbury`western australia
In what Australian state would you find Bundaberg`queensland
In what Australian state would you find Cairns`queensland
In what Australian state would you find Canberra`act
In what Australian state would you find Canowndra`new south wales`nsw
In what Australian state would you find Cessnock`new south wales`nsw
In what Australian state would you find Coffs Harbour`new south wales`nsw
In what Australian state would you find Darwin`northern territory
In what Australian state would you find Devonport`tasmania
In what Australian state would you find Dubbo`new south wales`nsw
In what Australian state would you find Fremantle`western australia
In what Australian state would you find Geradlton`western australia
In what Australian state would you find Gladstone`queensland
In what Australian state would you find Hobart`tasmania
In what Australian state would you find Horsham`victoria
In what Australian state would you find Inverell`new south wales`nsw
In what Australian state would you find Ipswich`queensland
In what Australian state would you find Kalgoolie`westerna australia
In what Australian state would you find Katherine`northern territory
In what Australian state would you find Kiama`new south wales`nsw
In what Australian state would you find Launceston`tasmania
In what Australian state would you find Mackay`queensland
In what Australian state would you find Maitland`new south wales`nsw
In what Australian state would you find Maryborough`queensland
In what Australian state would you find Mildura`victoria
In what Australian state would you find Moe`victoria
In what Australian state would you find Moree`new south wales`nsw
In what Australian state would you find Narabri`new south wales`nsw
In what Australian state would you find Newcastle`new south wales`nsw
In what Australian state would you find Orange`new south wales`nsw
In what Australian state would you find Parkes`new south wales`nsw
In what Australian state would you find Perth`western australia
In what Australian state would you find Port Augusta`south australia
In what Australian state would you find Port Lincoln`south australia
In what Australian state would you find Port Pirie`south australia
In what Australian state would you find Rockhampton`queensland
In what Australian state would you find Salisbury`south australia
In what Australian state would you find Shellharbour`new south wales`nsw
In what Australian state would you find shepparton`victoria
In what Australian state would you find Stirling`western australia
In what Australian state would you find Surfers Paradise`queensland
In what Australian state would you find Swan Hill`victoria
In what Australian state would you find Tamworth`new south wales`nsw
In what Australian state would you find Taree`new south wales`nsw
In what Australian state would you find Toowoomba`queensland
In what Australian state would you find Townsville`queensland
In what Australian state would you find Wagga Wagga`new south wales`nsw
In what Australian state would you find Wangaratta`victoria
In what Australian state would you find whyalla`south australia
In what Australian state would you find Wodonga`victoria
In what Australian state would you find Wollongong`new south wales`nsw
In what Australian state would you find Woomera`south australia
In what Austrian city was Mozart born?`Salzburg
In what body of water are the Seychelles`indian ocean
In what body of water will you find the Great Barrier Reef`coral sea
In what Bond film does 'Oddjob' appear`goldfinger
in what book did hitler set out his horrific plan for germany's future`mein kampf
In what book did the grinch steal christmas`the grinch who stole christmas
in what book does 'schahriah' appear`thousand and one nights
In what book does 'Schahriah' appear`thousand & one nights
In what book is Jean Valjean`les miserables
In what book was Gabriel an Angel`bible
In what book was the final score 4-2 after casey struck out`casey at the bat
In what book would you find a sorceress named 'The Witch of Endor'`bible
In what Buckinghamshire (England) town was`Olney
in what building would you view the mona lisa and the venus de milo`louvre
In what business are 'angle irons' and 'rolex'`dentistry
In what business did William Randolph Hearst succeed`newspaper publishing
in what california city was roger ramjet based`lompoc
In what Canadian province would you find Shuswap Lake`british columbia
In what capacity did Ernest Hemingway take part in the first World War`ambulance driver
in what category did robert redford first win an academy award?`best director
in what cathedral were prince charles and lady di married?`st paul's cathedral
in what cathedral were prince charles and lady di married`st paul's cathedral`saint paul's cathedral
In what century did the Easter Bunny originate`15th
In what century was the Doomsday Book written`eleventh
in what city and year was the first fm radio station introduced?`chicago, 1940
In what city are kew gardens`london
In what city are the famous Tivoli Gardens`Copenhagen
In what city did Happy Days take place`milwaukee
in what city did i love lucy originally take place`new york
In what city did Jesus and his parents call home`nazareth
In what city did kurt cobain lapse into a coma`rome
In what city did the L.A. Lakers orignally play`minneapolis
In what city does a certain church forbid burping or sneezing`omaha,
In what city does a certain church forbid burping or sneezing`omaha, nebraska
In what city does Batman live`gotham city
in what city does chocolate ave intersect cocoa ave`hershey
In what city does Fat Albert live`Philadelphia
In what city does Matlock take place?`Atlanta,Georgia
in what city do the nba raptors play their home games`toronto
In what city do the NHL Cannucks play there home games`vancouver
in what city is candlestick park`san francisco
In what city is the airport located that is identified as "JFK"`new york city
In what city is the Alamo`san antonio
in what city is the bridge of sighs?`venice
in what city is the kremlin located`moscow
In what city is the Leaning Tower`Pisa
In what city is the Smithsonian Institute`Washington
in what city is the world's largest gothic cathedral located?`new york city
In what city is the worlds largest library located`washington dc
In what city was Elvis Presley born`tupelo
in what city was the film "the verdict" set`boston
In what city was the final of the 1991 Canada Cup played`hamilton
in what city was the house on garibaldi street?`buenos aires
In what city was Woodstock held`bethel, new york
in what city was woodstock held?`bethel ny
In what city will you find a lake named "The Serpentine"`london
In what city would you find Red Square`moscow
In what city would you find the Prado art museum`madrid
In what city would you find the 'Red Square'`Moscow
In what class of animals is a Herpetologist interested`reptiles
In what club are all the members liars`ananias
in what club are all the members liars?`ananias club
In what club did Danny Williams perform on Make Room for Daddy`copa club
in what collegiate sport can a "double leg" score two points?`wrestling
In what common appliance would you find a cathode ray tube`television
In what constellation would you find the 'Horesehead' nebula`orion
in what constellation would you find the 'horsehead' nebula`orion
In what country are Monegasques barred from the gambling tables`monaco
In what country are most baseballs made`Haiti
In what country are visions of the Virgin Mary seen most frequently`italy
In what country can you find Ivalo, Pello and Kuhmo`Finland
In what country did 'Sepoy Mutiny' occur`India
in what country did the boer war take place`south africa
In what country did the Rhumba orginate`cuba
In what country did the sepoy mutiny occur`india
In what country did the sport of caber-tossing originate`scotland
In what country does Green Giant advertise its canned sweet corn as a topping for ice cream`Korea
In what country do the arid plateaus known as Great & Little Karoo lie`south africa
in what country do the most earthquakes occur`chile
in what country is ayers rock located`australia
In what country is Banff National Park`Canada
In what country is Heathrow Airport located`Great Britain
In what country is K2 the world's second-highest mountain`pakistan
In what country is Kruger National Park`south africa
In what country is Lahore`Pakistan
In what country is Mandalay`burma
In what country is Mandalay`Myanmar
In what country is Taipei`Taiwan
in what country is the city of meerut where a famous mutiny began in 1857`india
In what country is the highest point in South America`Argentina
In what country is the Jutland peninsula`Denmark
in what country is the jutland peninsula located`denmark
In what country is the lowest point in South America`Argentina
In what country is the Mekong River Delta`Vietnam
In what country is the Nubian Desert`sudan
In what country is the Pageant of the Golden Tree celebrated`belgium
In what country is the Penina golf course`portugal
In what country is the source of the Blue Nile`Ethiopia
In what country is the town of Liege`belgium
In what country is the town of Limoges`france
In what country is the Waterloo battlefield`Belgium
In what country is the World Court located`holland
in what country is the worlds biggest national park?`canada
In what country is Thunder Bay`Canada
In what country is Timbuktu`mali
In what country is Vorder-Grauspitz the highest point`liechtenstein
In what country is Wemperhardt the highest point`luxembourg
In what country lies the town "Mora"`sweden
In what country (not state) is Santa Fe a city`argentina
In what country was Anneka Rice born`wales
in what country was aspirin invented?`germany
In what country was Erik Rotheim, the inventor of the aerosol can, born`norway
In what country was the battle of El Alamein`egypt
in what country was the first jet flown`germany
In what country was volleyball invented`france
In what country were cosmetics first used`egypt
in what country were the 1948 summer olympics held`england
In what country were the 1964 Summer Olympics held`Japan
in what country will you find 5-pin bowling`canada
In what country would you find a geisha girl`japan
In what country would you find New Brunswick`canada
in what country would you find the city of tombouctou`mali
In what country would you find the Indus River`India
in what country would you find the world's largest pyramid`mexico
In what country would you find the Zagros Mountains`iran
In what country would you find Timbouctou?`Mali
In what country would you see Ayers Rock`australia
In what country would you see Uluru`australia
In what decade did Peter Paul Halijian develop his first candy bar`1920's`1920s
In what did ray walston play 'uncle tim'`my favourite martian
In what did someone squish her hands to make the sound of e.t walking`jelly
in what direction do all rivers flow`downhill
In what direction do bats always turn when exiting a cave`left
In what direction does the Nile river flow`north
in what does an archer carry his arrows`quiver
In what does a rhinologist specialise`human nose
in what does a rhinologist specialise`noses
In what does Hawke hide Airwolf in the TV Series`An extinct volcano
in what does michael jackson sleep`a cryochamber
In what does Michael Jackson sleep`cryochamber
In what does the fda allow an average of 30 insect fragments and 1 rodent hair per 100 grams`peanut butter
In what do monotheists believe`one god
In what epic film did charles laughton play quasimodo`the hunchback of notre
in what epic film did charles laughton play quasimodo`the hunchback of notre dame
in what episode does captain kirk get married`paradise syndrome
In what episode does Logan wish Zack good luck and get a lecture on good planning`Blah Blah Woof Woof
in what event did singapore win a silver medal in the olympics`weightlifting
In what famous poem does killing an albatross cause disaster`rime of the
in what famous poem does killing an albatross cause disaster`rime of the ancient mariner
in what famous sci fi flick did an einsteinlike scientist say to a space alien 'sit down. i have several thousand questions i'd like to ask you`day the earth stood still
In what field did Frances Mary Buss and Dorothea Beale become well known in the 19th Century`girls higher education
In what field did Julia make her career in the sitcom Julia`nursing
In what field is Romuald Rat a well-known name`paparazzi photographer
In what field of study are 'flying buttresses'`architecture
In what field of study would you find "flying buttresses"`Architecture
In what field was Erie Shipton famous`mountaineering
In what field was Terence Donovan famous`photography
In what field were Louis Daguerre and William Henry Fox-Talbot pioneers`photography
In what film did alec guinness play eight parts`kind hearts and coronets
in what film did alec guinness play eight parts?`kind hearts & coronets
in what film did dooley wilson sing 'a kiss is just a kiss'`casablanca
in what film did john wayne antagonize red will danaher?`quiet man
in what film did john wayne co star with lauren bacall`blood alley
in what film did john wayne get stranded in labrador`islands in the`eastwood
In what film did john wayne get stranded in labrador`islands in the sky
in what film did madeline kahn play 'trixie delight'`paper moon
in what film did madeline kahn play 'trixie delight`paper`petacci
In what film did rick moranis make his big-screen debut`strange brew
in what film did rick moranis make his big-screen debut`strange`london
in what film did the beatles make their acting debut`a hard day's night
In what film did whoopi goldberg make her screen debut`color purple
in what film do 'brick' and 'maggie' appear`cat on a hot tin`boundary
in what film do 'brick' and 'maggie' appear`cat on a hot tin roof
In what film does Steve McQueen get to race a Mustang round the streets of San Francisco`bullitt
in what film is cary grant attacked by a low-flying cropduster?`north by northwest
in what film is the sorcerer yensid`fantasia
In what florida city was the ibm pc conceived`boca raton
in what florida city was the ibm pc conceived`boca`smith
In what form are the signals that a normal TV aerial receives`analogue
In what form of government do paid officials exercise controlling influence`bureaucracy
in what fortress can the scottish crown jewels be found`edinburgh castle
In what Galilean town was the wedding feast where Jesus turned the water into wine`cana
In what game are the terms: - tables, points and bearing off used`backgammon
In what game does the new york institute for the investigation of rolling spheroids specialize`marbles
In what game does the player use a cesta to hurl a pelota`jai alai
in what game is the 'pick 'n roll'`basketball
In what game might you collect a pung of East Winds`mahjongg
in what game/sport are the terms 'spare' and 'gutter' used`bowling
In what guise did God first talk to Moses`burning bush
In what Indian city is Dum Dum airport`calcutta
in what indian city would you find the taj mahal`agra
in what is ammonia the active ingredient`smelling salts
In what is food surrounded with dry, hot, circulated air`convection oven
In what island group is Corregidor`Philippines
In what is Midway island midway`the pacific ocean
in what is the diameter of wool measured`microns
in what is zaire the world leader`cobalt mining
In what Italian city was Florence Nightingale born`Florence
in what 'james bond' film did sheena easton play`for your eyes only
In what jurisdiction was Elroy P Lobo sheriff`orly county georgia
In what key do American car horns beep`f
In what key is the dialtone of a telephone`f
In what kind of building did Miss Marple solve her first murder`a vicarage
In what kind of buildings are hops dried`oast house
In what kind of restaurant might you be offered 'kulfi' as a dessert`indian
In what kind of tree would one find a Kookaburra sitting in`Gum Tree
in what language is the gutenberg bible printed`latin
In what language is the Magna Carta written`latin
In what languages except english did Einstuerzende Neubauten record 'blume'`french and japanese
In what language was Bambi originally published`German
In what language was the poem Beowulf written`anglo-saxon
In what large southern US city can one find Peachtree Street`atlanta
In what large southern US city can one find Peachtree Street`atlanta, georgia
In what Mark Twain novel would one find a feud between the Grangerfords & the Shepherdsons`huckleberry finn
In what material did Rene Lalique most famously work`glass
In what material is Rene Lalique best remembered for his work`glass
In what month did the queen accede to the throne`february
In what month is Bastille Day`july
In what month is Christmas observed`December
In what mountain area did Rip Van Winkle fall asleep`catskill mountains
In what mountain range is K2`himalayas
In what mountain range is Kicking Horse Pass`Rocky
In what mountain range is Kicking Horse Pass`The Rockies
In what movie did Judy Garland sing "The Man That Got Away"`a star is born
in what movie did patty duke sing "funny little butterflies"`billy
in what movie did we hear, 'carpe, carpe diem! seize the day, boys! make your lives extraordinary'`dead poets society
in what movie did we hear two characters say the following 'my teacher tells me beauty is on the inside. that's just something ugly people say.'`liar liar
in what movie does john travolta play an angel`michael
in what movie was "it was beauty that killed the beast" uttered`king kong
In what new york city club did many famous vocalists get their start`continental baths
in what novel do we find winston smith living in the nation of oceania and battling doublespeak and the thought police`1984
In what novel do we find Winston Smith living in the nation of Oceania & battling doublespeak & the thought police`1984
In what ocean is Molloy Deep`arctic
In what ocean is the Maldive Islands in`indian
in what opera did cherubino serve count almaviva`marriage of`contrary
in what opera did cherubino serve count almaviva`marriage of figaro
In what opera did count almaviva have a page named cherubino`marriage of
in what opera did count almaviva have a page named cherubino`marriage of`contraire
in what opera did count almaviva have a page named cherubino`marriage of figaro
In what order left to right are the colours of the french flag`blue,white and red
in what organ is the islands of langerhans found?`pancreas
In what organ of the body is insulin produced`Pancreas
In what part of the body are rabies injections given`abdomen
in what precinct did barney miller work`twelfth
In what precinct did Barney Miller work`twelfth`12th
in what prehistoric kingdom does 'alley oop' live`moo
In what products print ads did Brooke Shields, Kim Basinger, Cybill Shepherd, Jaclyn Smith and Cheryl Tiegs appear in as teenage models`Breck Shampoo
In what professional sport did bob hope participate as packy east`boxing
in what profession is a 'ruderal'`gardening
In what section of an orchestra would you find a euphonium`brass
in what series did james darren play an unwilling time traveller?`time tunnel
In what shaped ring does sumo wrestling take place`circular
in what show does brady starr`moesha
in what show does brandy starr`moesha
In what song can the following lyrics be found? "I'm wild and a little crazy too... Some girls don't like boys like me"`some girls do
In what song can the following lyrics be found? "She'll get a hold on you believe it"`Easy lover
In what song can the following lyrics be found? "Sometimes the snow comes down in June... Sometimes the sun goes 'round the moon."`Save The Best For Last
In what song did John Lennon sleep in a bath`norwegian wood
in what song did noel gallagher say "where were you while we were getting high"`champagne supernova
In what song does Irene Cara sing 'I'm gonna live forever'`fame
in what song does john lennon find love is more than holding hands`if i fell
In what sort of landscape would you find an erg`desert
In what Spanish city were the 1992 Olympics held`barcelona
In what Spin Doctors song does a man have "a pocket full of kryptonite"`jimmy olsens blues
In what sport are the following moves performed: Triffus, Miller and Rudolf`trampolining
in what sport did juan fangio win five world championships`motor racing
In what sport did Robert Gamez win his first tournament in 1990`golf
In what sport did the word 'crestfallen' originate`cockfighting
In what sport does one have luffing, gybing and bearing away`yachting
In what sport do teams compete for the Swaythling Cup`men's table tennis
In what sport do the participants compete in the "grand nationals"`auto
in what sport do the participants compete in the "grand nationals"`auto racing
In what sport do toxophologists compete`archery