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General: What Name Did The Standard Oil Co. Of California Adopt`Esso
General: What Name Did Vincent Van Gogh Sign To His Paintings`Vincent
General: What Name Does Peregrin Took Answer To`Pippin
General: What Name Does Rob Reiner Hate Being Called When Recognized On The Street`Meathead
General: What Name For A Sheriff's Officer Is Derived From A Middle English Word That Means To Chase`Catchpole
General: what name, from the latin for neck is given to the top set of vertebrae`cervical
General: what name is given elementary particles, originating in the sun and other stars, that continuously rain down on the earth`cosmic rays
General: What name is given to a blood vessel which takes blood away from the heart`artery
General: What name is given to a chemical reaction which gives out heat`exothermic
General: What name is given to a chemical reaction which takes in heat`endothermic
General: What Name Is Given To A Circular Coral Reef`Atoll
General: What Name Is Given To A Countries Song Played On Official Occasions`National Anthem
General: what name is given to a female donkey`jenny
General: What Name Is Given To A Fibre From The Husk Of A Coconut, Used In Rope Making And Matting`Coir
General: What Name Is Given To A Full Length Mirror On A Swivel`Cheval
General: What name is given to a male bee`drone
General: What name is given to a male witch`warlock
General: What Name Is Given To A Marriage In Which The Wife Does Not Acquire Her Husband's Rank And The Offspring Do Not Inherit The Title`Morganatic
General: What Name Is Given To A Mixture Of Champagne And Orange Juice`Buck's Fizz
General: What name is given to animals which eat both plants and meat`omnivore
General: what name is given to animals which have pouches`marsupials
General: What name is given to animals which only eat plants`herbivore
General: What name is given to a settlement which is clustered around a central point`nucleated
General: What name is given to a statistician employed by an insurance company to calculate risks`an actuary
General: What Name Is Given To A Vertical Bar Dividing A Window`Mullion
General: What Name Is Given To A Year With 366 Days`Leap
General: What name is given to a young frog`tadpole
General: what name is given to farms which specialise in growing crops`arable
General: What name is given to farms which specialise in rearing animals`patoral
General: What Name Is Given To Small Or Immature Cucumbers Usually Grown To Be Pickled`Gherkins
General: What Name Is Given To Sweet Chestnuts Preserved In Syrup`Marrons Glace
General: What Name Is Given To The 4th Sunday In Lent`Refreshment Sunday
General: What Name Is Given To The Abominable Snowman`Yeti
General: What Name Is Given To The Art Of Dwarfing Trees`Bonsai
General: What name is given to the belt of low air pressure that is located at the equator`the doldrums
General: What Name Is Given To The Blend Of Black China And Darjeeling Teas, Flavoured With Oil Of Bergamot`Earl Grey
General: What Name Is Given To The Current Of Warm Water That Flows Across The Pacific To Peru`El Nino
General: What Name Is Given To The Day After Christmas Day`Boxing Day
General: What Name Is Given To The Division Between The Nostrils`Septum
General: What Name Is Given To The Drink Which Is Composed Of Equal Parts Of Beer And Stout`Black And Tan
General: What Name Is Given To The Effect That The Earth Is Gradually Becoming Warmer`Global Warming
General: What Name Is Given To The Hypothetical Super-Continent Which Consisted Of All The Present Continents Before They Split Up`Pangaea
General: What Name Is Given To The Implement Used In The Game Of Lacrosse To Throw, Pass And Catch The Ball`The Crosse
General: What Name Is Given To The Lace Scarf Worn On The Head By Spanish Women`Mantilla
General: What Name Is Given To The Longest Side Of A Right Triangle`Hypotenuse
General: What name is given to the point where a river starts`source
General: What name is given to the point where two rivers join`confluence
General: What Name Is Given To The Pope's Pontificial Ring`The Fisherman's Ring
General: What Name Is Given To The Punctuation Mark With A Dot Directly Above A Comma`Semi-Colon
General: What name is given to the single super-continent that existed 200 million years ago`pangaea
General: What Name Is Given To The Traditional, Charcoal Heated, Russian Tea Urn`Samovar
General: What Name Is Given To The Tubular Container Used In Archery To Store Arrows`A Quiver
General: What Name Is Given To The Unit Of Mass That Weighs About 2.2046 Pounds`Kilogram
General: What Name Is Given To The Upright Poles Supporting The Cross Bar In High Jump`Standard
General: What Name Is Given To The Volcano That Broods Over Catania`Mount Etna
General: what name is given to those days which have equal hours of daylight and darkness`equinox
General: What Name Is Popularly Applied To Twins Congenitally United In A Manner Not Incompatible With Life Or Activity`Siamese Twins
General: What Name Is Samuel Langhorne Clemens Known By`Mark Twain
General: What Name Is Used By Private Eye When Referring To The Queen`Brenda
General: what name is used to describe permanently-frozen subsoil`permafrost
General: What Name Is Usually Given To The Assault On The British Ships 'Beaver, Dartmouth And Eleanor' On December 16,1773`The Boston Tea Party
General: What Name Was Coined For The Era In Which Confucius Lived`Warring States Period
General: What Name Was Given To The 17th Century Chair With Shafts, Borne By Two Servants`Sedan Chair
General: What name was given to the period during the French Revolution when 1400 of Robespierre's opponents were executed`reign of terror
General: What Name Was Given To The Rockets Used To Launch The Apollo Space Missions`Saturn
General: What Name Was Martha Jane Cannary Better Known As`Calamity Jane
General: What nationality is designer Karl Lagerfield`german
General: What Nationality Is Juan Manuel Fangio, Of Formula One Fame`Argentina
General: what nationality is tennis star vitas gerulaitis`american
General: What nationality is the designer Galliano`british
General: What Nationality Says Spasibo For Thank You`Russian
General: What Nationality Was Aladdin`Chinese
General: What Nationality Was Christopher Columbus`Italian
General: What Nationality Was Ferdinand Magellan The Explorer`Portuguese
General: what nationality was the artist james whistler`american
General: what nationality was the team that beat the british to the south pole by four days`norwegian
General: What Nationally Recognized Day Originated In Grafton, Wv, In 1908`Mother's Day
General: What National Monument Was Completed In 1886 And Until 1902 Was Administered By The Federal Lighthouse Board`Statue Of Liberty
General: What Nation Did 23 African Countries Sever Relations With In 1974`Israel
General: What Nation Gained Their Independence From Great Britain In 1947 And Now Functions As A Federal Republic`India
General: What Nation Has Had A Monarchy The Longest`Japan
General: What Nation Has Had Its Own Scandels Dubbed Muldergate And Inkathagate`South Africa
General: What Nation Has The Most Camels`Somalia
General: What Nation Has The Point Of Land That Is Farthest From Any Ocean`China
General: What Nation Leads The World In Tobacco Production`China
General: What Nation Moved Its Borders Eastward And Named An Island 'Millennium Island' In Order To Be The First Nation To Welcome The New Millennium`Kiribati
General: What Nation Occupies The Northern Half Of The Island Nation Of Cyprus`Turkey
General: What Nation's 90 Man Army Is The World's Oldest, Dating Back To 1506`Vatican City's`Vatican Citys`Vatican City
General: What Nations Flag Has Remained Unchanged For The Longest`Denmark
General: What Nation's Populace Watches The Most Tv, Per Capita`Japan
General: What Nation Was The First To Convict A Defendant Using Genetic Fingerprinting`Britain
General: What natural disasters are ranked in severity by the Saffir Simpson scale`hurricanes
General: what nazi doctor went by the name gregorio gregori while living in buenos aires`joseph mengele
General: What Neighbouring Country Did Iraq Go To War With In 1980`Iran
General: What New England Peninsula Did Bartholomew Gosnold Mistakenly Name A Cape In 1602`Cape Cod
General: What New England state is the fitting site for the town of Teaticket`massachusetts
General: What New England State Leads The Us In Beer Consumption With 52.4 Gallons Per Capita Annually`New Hampshire
General: What New England State Would Be Home If You Laid Down Roots In 'Bald Head'`Maine
General: What New Mexico Town Named Itselfin 1950after A Radio Program`Truth Or Consequences
General: what new military tactic did general takijiro onishi propose on october 19, 1944`kamikaze raids
General: What New Name Did Adolf Hitler Plan To Use For Berlin When The New City Was Finished`Germania
General: What News Magazine Boldly Claimed: 'There's No Substitute'`Time Magazine
General: What New Territory Was Created In Canada In 1999`Nunavut
General: What New York City Avenue Divides The East Side From The West Side`Fifth Avenue
General: What New York City Landmark's Address Is 881 Seventh Avenue`Carnegie Hall
General: What New York City's Restaurant Is Alluded To In Many Stories By Damon Runyon`Lindy's
General: What New York Island Was Picked For Security Reasons For The First Meeting Between Mikhail Gorbachev And President-Elect George Bush`Governor's Island
General: What New York Thoroughfare Is Known As 'Millionaires' Row'`Fifth Avenue
General: What New York Yankee's 1927 jersey fetched a record $360,000`lou gehrig
General: what nicaraguan president fled to miami on 17th july 1979, after being overthrown by the sandinista guerrillas`anastasio somoza
General: What Nicaraguan Strongman Was Overthrown By The Sandinista Guerrillas`Anastasio Somoza
General: What Nickname Did Commander Riker Give To Data When They First Met`Pinocchio
General: What Nickname Did Ian Chappell Receive`Chappelli
General: What Nickname Did President John F Kennedy Give To Air Force One`Caroline
General: What Nickname Did President Kennedy Give To Air Force One`Caroline
General: What Night Club Did Ricky Work At On 'I Love Lucy'`The Tropicana
General: what north american river was discovered by sir alexander mackenzie`mackenzie river
General: What note sounds at 261.6 hertz`middle c
General: what novel was alexandra ripley hired to pen a sequel to`gone with the wind
General: what novel was written by mary shelley at the age of 19`frankenstein
General: What Now-Banned Pesticide Has A Half-Life Of More Than 100 Years And Can Be Found In The Tissues Of Almost All Humans`Ddt
General: what now common item was originally designed for sharpening quill pens`penknife
General: what number does a heart denote on a moroccan bank note`five
General: What Nut Is Also Called The Queensland Nut`Macadamia
General: What Nut's Name Comes From The Algonquian Word 'Pakan'`Pecan
General: What 'N' Was The City Where Mrs Ghandi Was Assassinated`New Delhi
General: What oath do doctors take`hippocratic
General: What Object Is Said To Bring Bad Luck If It Is Broken`Mirror
General: What Occupation Was The Original'peepin`A Tailor
General: What Occurs When The Vapor Pressure Equals The Atmospheric Pressure`Boiling
General: What ocean contains the Cape Verde Basin`atlantic
General: What Ocean Was Amelia Earhart Flying Over When She Disappeared In 1937`Pacific Ocean
General: what odd composer crammed all kinds of junk, bits of wood, weather stripping, etc., into his prepared pianos`john cage
General: What, Of Worldewide Importance, Took Place In The United States On October 24,1929`Stock Market Crash
General: What Older Program Is 'Doctor' A Derivitive Of`Eliza
General: What One Team Played In The 1991,1992,1993 And The 1994 Super Bowl`Buffalo Bills
General: What Onetime Tennessee Congressman Bit The Dust At The Alamo`Davy Crockett
General: what one word fits? ____hood: ____hole: ____date`man
General: What Online Company Is Partly Owned By Sears`Prodigy
General: what organ endured its first us transplant in 1954`kidney
General: What Organisation Administers The Top-Level Domain '.Us'`Domain Registry At The Information Sciences Institute Of The University Of Southern California
General: What Organisation Helped Defend Earth In 'Ultra Man'`Science Patrol
General: What Organisation Kidnapped Newspaper Heiress Patricia Hearst In September Of 1974`The Symbionese Liberation Army
General: What Organisation's Launch Was Franklin D Roosevelt Preparing To Attend When He Died`The United Nations
General: What Organization Appreciates A Gift Of Erythrocytes`Red Cross
General: What Original Member Of The Temptations Died Of Heart Failure On Feb. 28 1995`Melvin Franklin
General: What Originates From The Dalmatian Coast`Dalmatians
General: What Other Relative Of Travolta's Made A Cameo In Saturday Night Fever`His Sister
General: what overalls are named after dungri, a suburb of bombay`dungarees
General: what overweight saturday night live star, born in 1964 in madison wisconsin, was found dead in his chicago penthouse`chris farley
General: What Park's Tourists Are In Danger Of Having Their Picnic Baskets Picked By Yogi Bear`Jellystone Park
General: What Part Of A Bathroom Tap Most Often Needs To Be Replaced`Washer
General: What Part Of A Camera Clicks When A Photograph Is Taken`Shutter
General: What Part Of A Face, According To Research, Do Infants Like Most To Look At`Eyes
General: What Part Of Britain Is St. David The Patron Saint Of`Wales
General: What Part Of Highland Dress Is A Filiberg`Kilt
General: What part of the body does a neuro-surgeon specialise in`nervous system
General: what part of the body does lacrimal fluid lubricate`eyes
General: what part of the eye continues to grow throughout a persons life`lens
General: what part of the eye is affected by cataracts`lens
General: What Patsy Cline song put LeAnn Rimes in the limelight`blue
General: What Peace Treaty Ended Wwi`Treaty Of Versailles
General: What Peanuts Character Clings To A Security Blanket`Linus
General: What Peninsula Does Mexico Occupy`Yucatan Peninsula`Yucatan
General: What Peninsula Is Portugal Located On`Iberian
General: What Peninsula Was Returned To Israel From Egypt Ending 30 Years Of Hostility Between The Two In 1979`Sinai
General: What People Celebrated A Green Corn Ceremony As A Time Of Thanksgiving`Cherokees`The Cherokees
General: What People Were The First To Tame Horses In 3500bc`Chinese
General: What People Were The First To Use The Rounded Arch`Romans
General: what percentage of their typing does the average secretary's left hand do`fifty six
General: What Period Came After The Triassic`Jurassic
General: What Peter Sellers Movie Did Ringo Starr Appear In`Magic Christian
General: What Pet Was Touted As Loyal, Obedient, And Low Maintenance When First Marketed In 1975`Pet Rock
General: What Phase Of Moon Precedes A Full Moon`Gibbous
General: What Phenomenon Is Caused By The Gravitational Attraction Of The Moon`Tides
General: What Philippine Volcano Erupted In 1991 After Lying Dormant Since 1380`Mount Pinatubo
General: What Phillipine Leader Was Forced To Swear An Oath Of Allegiance After George Dewey's Victory At Manila Bay`Emilio Aguinaldo
General: What Philosophe Wrote The Social Contract`Jean Jacques Rousseau
General: What Phrase Did Abraham Lincoln Use Instead Of '87 Years' In His Gettysburg Address`Four Score And Seven Years
General: What Phrase Did The Nazi Adopt In The 1920s To Label Their New Order`The Third Reich
General: What phrase is another way of saying covered in bruises`black and blue
General: What Phrase Is Associated With The Happy Face`Have A Nice Day
General: What Phrase Meaning 'Replacement Or Backup, ' Comes From The Middle Ages When An Archer Always Carried An Extra String In Case The One On His Bow Broke`Second String
General: What Phrase Was Added To The U.S. Pledge Of Allegiance In 1954`Under God
General: What Physicist Is Given A 'Special Thanks' For His Synthesized Vocals On Pink Floyd's 'Keep Talking'`Stephen Hawking
General: What Piece Of Winter Sports Equipment Has Been Dubbed Elf Shoes`Ski Boards
General: What pigment affects the colour of the hair & skin`melanin
General: what pigment is responsible for the red colour in leaves`anthocyanins
General: What Pint Sized People Are Found In The Land Of Oz`Munchkins
General: What Pioneering Special Effects Company Is Located At Steven Spielberg's Facility In Marin County, California`Industrial Light And Magic
General: What Pirate Is The Main Character In Treasure Island`Long John Silver
General: what place do south americans refer to as cabo de hornos`cape horn
General: What Place Is Known As 'The Land Nowhere Near'`Cape Three Points
General: What Planet Are Bandersnatchi From`Wunderland
General: what planet did viking 1 land on`mars
General: What Planet Do Coneheads Come From`Remulak
General: What Planet Is The Space Alien Alf From`Melmac
General: What Plant Did St. Patrick Use To Explain The Trinity`Shamrock
General: what plant is the welsh national emblem`leek
General: what play marked marlon brando's last broadway appearance`a streetcar named desire
General: What Plowed Through Central America In Late October 1998 Causing Wide-Spread Devastation`Hurricane Mitch
General: what poem begins 'twas brillig,andtheslithytoves..'`jabberwocky
General: what poker hand comprises of a three of a kind and a pair`full house
General: What Pole Is Colder The South Pole Or The North Pole`The South Pole
General: What Police Show Featured Officers Webster, Gillis And Danko`Rookies
General: What Political Humorist Had A Favorite Horse Named 'Soapsuds'`Will Rogers
General: What Politician Once Said, 'I Don't Know If Politicians Have The Grip On Reality That Entertainers Do'`Sonny Bono
General: What Polynesian People Inhabit New Zealand`Maori
General: what pope died 33 days after his election`john paul I
General: what pop group recorded the title track for a view to a kill in 1985`a-ha
General: What Popular 60's Mini-Monster Character Did Hot-Rodder 'Big Daddy' Ed Roth Create`Rat-Fink
General: What Popular American Writer Coined The Word Nerd`Doctor Seuss
General: What Popular Dog Name Means Faithful In Latin`Fido
General: What Popular French Sauce Is Seasoned With Tarragon`Bernaise
General: What Popular Magazine Did Norman Rockwell Paint For`The Saturday Evening Post
General: What Port Did Stanford Raffles Found In 1818`Singapore
General: what port is served by the river taff`cardiff
General: what powder does peter pan give john, wendy and michael to help them fly`fairy dust
General: What Power Source Did Stephen Ptacek Use To Fly The English Channel`Solar
General: What President By Blood Or Marriage Was Related To Eleven Former Presidents, Including George Washington`Franklin Roosevelt
General: What President Escaped An Assassination Attempt In Miami That Killed The Mayor Of Chicago`Franklin D Roosevelt
General: What Presidential Candidate Finished A 1912 Campaign Speech Despite A Bullet In His Chest`Theodore Roosevelt
General: what president's hobbies included pitching hay, fishing, and golf`calvin coolidge
General: What President's Wife Saw Him Elected But Died Before His Inauguration`Andrew Jackson
General: What President-To-Be Wore One Black And One Brown Shoe On His Wedding Day`Gerald Ford
General: What President Was Born Leslie Lynch King Jr`Gerald Ford
General: What President Was So Unpopular That He Almost Didn't Get His Name On A Dam`Herbert Hoover
General: what principality derives its revenues from casinos instead of taxes`monaco
General: What Principality Has The House Of Grimaldi Ruled Since The Middle Ages`Monaco
General: what printer did seiko develop for the 1964 tokyo olympics`dot matrix
General: what prints are used by breeders and trainers to identify dogs`nose prints
General: what prison island was off the coast of french guiana`devil's island
General: What Private Eye Can Be Reached At His Trailer Home By Dialing 555-2368`Jim Rockford
General: What Procol Harem Tune Was Based On The Bach Cantata Sleepers Awake`Whiter Shade Of Pale
General: what product built hershey, pennsylvania`chocolate
General: What Product Did Farfel The Dog Advertise`Nestle's Chocolate
General: What Product Is Known For Sponsoring The 'Rotten Sneaker Contest`Odor Eater
General: What Product Is Sold With 'Just For The Taste Of It'`Diet Coke
General: What Product Is The Major Export Of The Soviet Union`Oil
General: What product orginally sold as 'the esteemed brain tonic & intellectual beverage'`coca cola
General: What Product Was Advertised By The First Commercial To Portray Nudity On Us Televison (1987)`Viola Brassieres
General: What Product Was Once Directed At Women And Advertised As An Appetite Suppressant, Or A Means To Remain Slim`Cigarettes
General: What product was the first TV advert advertising`toothpaste
General: What Profession Did Former First Lady, Nancy Reagan, Say Was 'Good Training For The Political Life Which Lay Ahead'`Acting
General: What Profession Did Mark Knopfler Pursue Before Joining Dire Straits`Journalism
General: What Profession Did One First Lady Say Was 'Good Training For The Political Life Which Lay Ahead'`Acting
General: What Profession Has The Lowest Unemployment (All Are Currently Employed)`Dentist
General: What Property Of Naquadria Increases Exponentially As You Attempt To Extract More Energy From It`Instability
General: what protein makes blood red`haemoglobin
General: What Pseudonym Did Edson Arantes Do Nascimento Adopt`Pele
General: What publication was subtitled The what is New Magazine`popular science
General: What Publication Was Subtitled The What's New Magazine`Popular Science
General: What Punishment Was Meted Out To English Poachers In The Time Of Richard The Lionheart`Castration
General: What Purged The Great Plague Of London`Great Fire Of London
General: What Purple Flower Is The Emblem Of Scotland`The Thistle
General: What 'Q' Are The Doubts Or Scruples Of Conscience`Qualm's
General: what queen did edmund spenser dedicate his faerie queene to`elizabeth i
General: what quiz show did merv griffin emcee in 1960`endoscope
General: What Race Do The Vulcans Resemble`Romulans
General: What Race Is Spock`Vulcan
General: What Racist Outfit Visited Long Island's Posh Hamptons In Search Of New Members In 1992`The Ku Klux Klan
General: What Radioactive 164-Foot Tyrannosaurus Rex Made The Covers Of Time And Newsweek`Godzilla
General: What Radio Programme Always Started Its Stories 'Are You Sitting Comfortably? Then I'll Begin`Listen With Mother
General: What Railroad Ran The 'Broadway Limited' Between New York And Chicago`Pennsylvania
General: What Rank Must One Be To No Longer Be Part Of The Rank And File`Lance-Sergeant
General: What Rare Metal Melts At 86 Degress Fahrenheit`Gallium
General: what recently independent country was formerly known as greenland`kalaalit nunaat
General: What Record Do Johnny Dell Foley And Keith Thomas Own`Longest Egg Throw
General: What Region In Southwestern China Was Once Ruled By The Dalai Lama`Tibet
General: What Relation Are Whitney Houston And Dionne Warwick`Cousins
General: What relation was Queen Victoria to George III`granddaughter
General: What Relatively Rare Phenomenon Was Visible In The Sky On Both The Day Mark Twain Was Born, And The Day He Died`Halley's Comet
General: What Relative Of King Faisal Of Saudia Arabia Assassinated Him`Nephew
General: What Relative's Ghost Does Hamlet See`His Father's
General: What religion was founded by Lao-tzu`taoismGeneral: What religion was founded by Siddhartha Gautama`buddhism
General: what religion was founded by siddhartha gautama`buddhism
General: What Remained At The Bottom Of Pandora's Box`Hope
General: What Remarkable Record Was Set In 1997 By Jeanne Calment In France`Oldest Ever Person
General: What Remote Region Of Russia Borders China, Kazakhstan And Mongolia`Siberia
General: What republic would a Finn reach by paddling due south from Helsinki`estonia
General: What Resort Peninsula Curves 65 Miles To Its Tip`Cape Cod
General: What Restaurant Chain Had Served Forty Five Thousand Million Hamburgers By 1983`Mcdonalds
General: What Results From The Accumulation Of Pressure In Front Of An Aircraft Traveling At The Speed Of Sound`Sonic Boom
General: what returned in 1985 that is pictured on the bayeux tapestry`halley's comet
General: What Revolution Is 'Start The Revolution Without Me' About`French Revolution
General: What Revolution Started In Europe In 1789`French Revolution
General: what rifle accessory originated in bayonne, france, in 1641`bayonet
General: What Risk Player Wins Tied Dice Rolls, The Attacker Or Defender`Defender
General: What river did John baptize Christ in`jordan
General: what river forms the pennsylvania-new jersy border`delaware
General: what river is called old man river`mississippi
General: what river is the temple of karnak near`nile river
General: What Roars In The 'Roaring Forties'`Wind
General: what robert louis stevenson adventure features the ship called covenant`kidnapped
General: what rock music term was coined by william burroughs in his book the soft machine`heavy metal
General: what rock star's real name is marvin lee aday`meatloaf
General: What Rude Nickname Was Given To Suede Shoes With Rubber Soles In The 1950s`Brothel Creepers
General: What Russian City Boasts The Hermitage Museum`St Petersburg`saint Petersburg
General: What Russian's 1953 Brain Hemorrhage Went Untreated For 12 Hours`Joseph Stalin
General: What's 4444 Times 5555 Times 6`148118520
General: What's A Canadien Coin Named`Looney
General: What's A Dactylogram`A Fingerprint
General: what's a dactylogram`fingerprint
General: What's A Disk Of Gas Orbiting A Star Of Black Hole Called`Accretion Disk
General: What's A Gross`144
General: What Saloon Did Matt Dillon Usually Patronize On 'Gunsmoke'`The Long Branch Saloon
General: What's A Natatorium`Swimming Pool
General: What San Francisco Columnist Coined The Word 'Beatnik'`Herb Caen
General: What's Another Name For Allspice`Pimento
General: What's Another Word For Stewardess`Air Hostess
General: What's April's Birthstone`Diamond
General: What's A Resident Of Moscow Called`A Muscovite
General: What Satellite Series's Name Is Russian For Fellow Traveller`Sputnik
General: What's A Tribble's Gestation Period`12 Hours
General: What's Aug. 15,1945 Better Known As`V-J Day
General: What Saxophonist Was Born Autry Dewalt Jr. In Blytheville, Arkansas In 1942`Junior Walker
General: What scale is used to measure wind speed`beaufort
General: What's Called The 'Bread Of The Sea'`Plankton
General: What Scandinavian Capital Begins And Ends With The Same Letter`Oslo
General: What School Won The First Ncaa Division 1 Championship Game Decided In Overtime`Indiana
General: what scifi writer penned the green brain`frank herbert
General: What Score Is Not Possible For A Cribbage Hand`19
General: what scottish city's patron saint is st mungo`glasgow
General: What sea does the Danube river flow into`black sea
General: what seafood is maine famous for`lobster
General: What Sea Is Between Italy And Yugoslavia`Adriatic
General: what seaport's name is spanish for 'white house'`casablanca
General: What Season Is Statistically The Most Hazardous`Summer
General: What Section Of American Society Did Jeffrey Dahmer Prey On`Gay Men
General: What Section Of An Airplane Gives You The Bumpiest Ride`Tail
General: What Section Of Los Angeles Did These National Guardsmen Patrol During This 1965 Riot`Watts
General: what self-help group was founded by bill wilson in akron, ohio in 1934`alcoholics anonymous
General: What Sense Does A Dying Person Lose First`Sight
General: What Sense Is Most Closely Linked To Memory`Smell
General: What series has Robert Jordan written`wheel of time
General: What Serious Umderwater Ailment Was Named After A Victorian Notion Of Chic Posture`The Bends`Bends
General: What Served As A Cowboy's Wash Cloth, Dust Mask And Water Filter`A Bandana`Bandana
General: What Served As The Stage For Elvis Presley's First Public Performance (Outside A Drug Store In Memphis) In 1954`Flatbed Truck
General: What Seven Man Group From Camden Town Became The Pop Success Of 1980`Madness
General: What Sewer Worker Claims He Met His Friend 150 Pounds Ago`Ed Norton
General: What Sexually Ambigious Prisonmate Was Often Dubbed 'Mrs. Hitler'`Rudolf Hess
General: What's Foghorn Leghorn's Favorite Song`Camptown Races
General: What's Gerald Ford's Middle Name`Rudolph
General: What Shade Results When The Rhubarb Plant Is Used In Hair Dye`Blonde
General: what shakespearean king was the actual king of scotland for 17 years`macbeth
General: what shakespeare play features iago`othello
General: What shape is something that is reniform`kidney shaped
General: What's Heaven To Fallen Norse Warriors`Valhalla
General: What Shields The Earth From The Solar Wind`Earth's Magnetic Field
General: What Ship Answered The Titanic's Distress Call On The Tragic Night Of April 15,1912`Carpathia
General: What Ship Brought The Pilgrims To America`Mayflower
General: What ship was found drifting in 1872, but all the crew had disappeared`marie celeste
General: What shoe brand were all 39 members of the Heaven's Gate cult wearing when they committed suicide in 1997`nike
General: what shoe company has the slogan no slogans`reebok
General: What Shoemaker Was An Underwriter For Rock's 1988 Human Rights Now Tour`Reebok
General: What should a golfer shout as a warning`fore
General: What Should You Plant On Arbor Day`Tree
General: what show/game has characters such as bulbasaur and pikachu`pokemon
General: What shuttle launch merited the Time cover headline whew`discovery
General: What Simple Kitchen Utensil Is Used To Get Lumps Out Of Flour`Sieve
General: what singer reportedly introduced the beatles to marijuana after meeting them at kennedyairport in 1964`jim morrison
General: What single colour is the Libyan flag`green
General: What Six Words Completed The 1980s Bumper Sticker That Started With 'I Owe, I Owe'`So Off To Work I Go
General: What Size Of Paper Measures 297 X 420mm`A3
General: What Size Was John Wayne's Neck`18
General: What's Junior Sample's 'Number To Call'`Br549
General: what small arctic rodents are said to, but don't, commit suicide in mass plunges into the sea`lemmings
General: What's Margaret Thatcher's Middle Name`Hilda
General: What's M Divided By L`Xx
General: What's Missing From Anhydrous Compounds`Water
General: What's Missing From Naval Oranges`Seeds
General: What Society In England, Dating From 1617, Has It's Own Degree Which Allows A Person To Practice Medicine`Apothecaries
General: What's Often Confused With A Porcupine`A Hedgehog
General: What Soft Mineral Is The Basic Ingredient In Face And Body Powder`Talc
General: What Software Company Got Its Start On Route 66 At Albuquerque's Sundowner Motel, Which It Shared With Hookers And Drug Dealers`Microsoft
General: What soft white sweets can be roasted over a fire`marshmallows
General: what song has someone calling you-ooo-ooo-ooo-ooo-ooo-ooo`indian love call
General: what son of henry ii ascended to the throne in 1199 and was nicknamed lackland`john
General: What sort of an animal is an anchovy`fish
General: What sort of animal is donkey kong of video game fame`gorilla
General: What sort of establishment is the setting for the movie The China Syndrome`nuclear power plant
General: What Sort Of Lenses Float On Eye Fluid`Contact Lenses
General: What Sort Of Lines Never Meet`Parallel
General: What Sort Of Objects Can Be Biconvex, Planoconvex, Concavo-Convex And Convexo-Concave`Lenses
General: What Sort Of Performers Did We Get The Term 'Hanky-Panky' From`Magicians
General: what sort of phenomenon is the cape doctor`a wind
General: What Sort Of Tax System Does Australia And New Zealand Have`Goods And Services Tax
General: What Sort Of Words Does A Sesquipedalian Speaker Use`Long Ones
General: What Sort Of Writing System Did The Ancient Egyptians Use`Hieroglyphics
General: what soup is likely to be on the menu in poland or russia`borsht
General: what south african city was found to be the world's cheapest in december 1988`cape town
General: what south african rock group recorded jabulani`hotline
General: what south american country fittingly named its highest mountain for christopher columbus`colombia
General: what south american country has both a pacific and atlantic coastline`colombia
General: what south american country is alphabetically first`argentina
General: What South American Country Is Named For An Italian City`Venezuela
General: What South American Country Took Its Name From The Latin For Silvery`Argentina
General: What Southern State Saw Bonnie And Clyde Have A Final Date With Dozens Of Bullets`Louisiana
General: What Southern U.S. City Was Named For King Charles Ii`Charleston, South Carolina
General: What Southern U.S. State Was The Last Dry State, Legalizing Booze In 1966`Mississippi
General: What Soviet Republic Was Devastated By An Earthquake In 1988`Armenia
General: What Spaniard Designed The Five-Story Horse In Chicago's Daley Plaza`Pablo Picasso
General: what spanish city gave its name to sherry`jerez
General: What Spanish City Is Famous For Its Steel Crafting`Toledo
General: What Spanish Islands Are Gomera, Hierro And Lanzarote A Part Of`Canary Islands`Canary
General: What Spanish Surrealist Modestly Titled His 1965 Book 'Diary Of A Genius'`Salvador Dali
General: What Species Of Bird Is A Rockhopper`Penguin
General: What Speech Might Have Begun '87 Years Ago' In The Hands Of A Less Poetic President`The Gettysburg Address
General: what sport could see six chinamen in a maiden and a nightwatchman with a duck`cricket
General: what sport did james i introduce to england`golf
General: what sport did juan fangio win five world championships in`racing
General: what sport did olga korbut excel at`gymnastics
General: What sport do players 'tee off' in`golf
General: what sport do the harlem globetrotters play`basketball
General: what sport gave rise to the expression saved by the bell`boxing
General: what sporting missile boasts a flight, barrel and point`a dart
General: What sport is Frank Nobilo associated with`golf
General: What sport is governed by the rules drafted by the Marquis of Queensbury`boxing
General: what sport is played on the largest field`polo
General: What sports celebrity had the nickname of Truck`leonard robinson
General: What Square In London Is The Site Of Many Colourful Signs`Picadilly Circus
General: What Square Is The Geographical Center Of London`Trafalgar Square
General: Whats Radar Spelled Backwards`Radar
General: What's Removed In A Splenectomy`The Spleen
General: What's Short For 'Light Amplification By Stimulated Emission Of Radiation'`Laser
General: What's Shredded To Make Sauerkraut`Cabbage
General: What Stadium Is Home To The Seattle Mariners`Kingdome
General: What Stage Of A Meal Would You Eat Charlotte`Dessert
General: What Stands Atop An 11-Pointed Fort In New York Harbor`The Statue Of Liberty
General: What Star Of My So-Called Life Just Played Juliet Capulet`Claire Danes
General: What Star's Memphis Home Was Bruce Springsteen Refused Entry To In 1976`Elvis Presley
General: what starts the breakdown of food when it is still in your mouth`enzymes
General: What state is considered the vampire capitol of America`rhode island
General: What Statuette Is Awarded Annually To The Best Tv Commercial`Clio
General: Whats The Abbreviation For United States Of America`Usa
General: What's The Ancient Greek Word For 'Great City'`Megalopolis
General: Whats The Birthstone For July`Ruby
General: What's The Boundary Of A Black Hole`The Event Horizon
General: What's The California State Motto`Eureka
General: What's The Capital Of Delaware`Dover
General: What's The Capital Of Gaungdong Province In China`Canton
General: what's the capital of greenland`nuuk
General: what's the capital of syria`damascus
General: What's The Capital Of The Netherlands`Amsterdam
General: what's the common term for the lesions that herpes simplex 1 causes on the mouth and face`cold sores
General: What's The Common Term For Xerography`Photocopying
General: what's the condition called which sees its sufferers paralysed from the waist down`paraplegia
General: What's The Current Term For A Great Oak Log, Burned At The Festival Of Thor`Yule Log
General: What's The Derivation Of The Term 'Woopie, ' Which Could Be Used To Denote Older Affluent Folks`Well-Off Older Person
General: whats the first book of the Old Testament`genesis
General: What's The First Instruction Given Runners By The Starter Of A Race`On Your Marks
General: What's The Flavour Of A Hostess Ding Dong`Chocolate
General: What's The Former Name Of John F Kennedy Airport`Idlewild
General: What's The French Word For Sorcerer`Sorcier
General: what's the largest cat in america`jaguar
General: Whats The Largest Library In The World`The Library Of Congress
General: what's the largest museum in the world`louvre
General: What's The Largest One-Person Residence In The World`Vatican
General: What's The Largest Usa Metro Area Without An Nba Franchise`St Louis`saint Louis
General: What's The Leading University In Paris`Sorbonne
General: What's The Longest River In Asia`Yangtze
General: what's the major responsibility of a sweeper in soccer`defence
General: What's The Mascot Of University Of Southern California`Trojans
General: what's the medical term for inflammation of the cornea that can lead to blindness`keratitis
General: What's The Middle Day In A (Non Leap) Year`July 2
General: What's The Most Common Spanish Surname`Garcia
General: What's The Most Common Surname In Sweden`Johansson
General: What's The Most Frequently-Rolled Number With Two Dice`Seven
General: What's The Most Looked At Painting In The Louvre`Mona Lisa
General: What's The Most Popular Day Of The Week For Companies To Announce Layoffs`Monday
General: what's the most populous spanish-speaking country`mexico
General: What's The Motto Of The Boy Scouts`Be Prepared
General: what's the name of b.b. king's guitar`lucille
General: What's The Name Of Chicago's Largest Airport`O'hare
General: Whats The Name Of El Ninos Lesser Known Little Sister`La Nina
General: What's The Name Of Richard Scarry's Worm Character`Lowly Worm
General: What's The Name Of The Bear In Jungle Book`Baloo
General: What's The Name Of The 'Citizen Kane' Sled Owned By Steven Spielberg`Rosebud
General: What's The Name Of The Female Cat That Garfield Tries To Impress`Arlene
General: What's The Name Of The Most Famous Dogsledding Race`Iditarod
General: What's The Name Of The Planet In Aliens`Lv426
General: What's The Name Of The Rabbit In Bambi`Thumper
General: What's The Name Of The Stately Stone Gate In The Center Of Berlin`The Brandenburg Gate
General: What's The Nearest Republic To England`France
General: What's The Number Ten To The Power Of 100`A Googol
General: What's The Only Bird That Gives Us Leather`The Ostrich
General: What's The Only Day Named For A Planet`Saturday
General: What's The Only Element Capable Of Tarnishing And Damaging Gold`Mercury
General: What's The Only Type Of Vehicle An Intoxicated Person Can Legally Operate On A Utah Public Highway`A Wheelbarrow
General: What's The Opposite Of The Orient`The Occident
General: What's The Primary Colour With The Shortest Name`Red
General: What's The Process Of Splitting Atoms Called`Fission
General: What's The 'Rathaus' In Frankfort`City Hall
General: What's The Real Name For This Character '&'`Ampersand
General: What's The Real Name Of The Saint`Simon Templar
General: What's The Region Immediately Below The Earth's Crust`Mantle
General: What's The Resting Place Of Those Buried At Sea`Davey Jones' Locker
General: What's The Sky King's Home, Near The Town Of Grover, Called`Flying Crown Ranch
General: what's the southernmost tip of africa`cape agulhas
General: Whats The Square Root Of 144`Twelve
General: What's The Statue Of Liberty's Formal Name`Liberty Enlightening The World
General: What's The Study Of Big Plates Called`Tectonics
General: What's The Study Of Gases In Motion Called`Aerodynamics
General: What's The Subtitle Of The Traditional American Song 'I've Been Working On The Railroad'`Someone's In The Kitchen With Dinah
General: Whats The Surname Of Harry Potters Best Friend`Weasley
General: What's The Taj Majal Made Of`Marble
General: Whats the term for a mass of diffused gas & ice particles in solar orbit`comet
General: what's the term for an epic poem which has been adapted for recitation`rhapsody
General: What's The Term For Arable Land Left Unseeded For One Season`Fallow
General: Whats the term for a resident of Liverpool`liverpudlian
General: What's The Term For Mass Per Unit Volume`Density
General: What's The Term For Prepared Raw Fish`Sashimi
General: What's The Third Most Expensive Thing The Average American Will Buy`Funeral
General: What's The Title Of Mark Twain's Autobiography`Autobiography Of Mark Twain
General: What's The Warmest Continent`Africa
General: Whats The Worlds Largest Church`St Peters, Vatican City`saint Peters, Vatican City
General: What's The World's Largest Coral Reef`The Great Barrier Reef
General: what's the world's largest fresh-water island`manitoulin
General: What's The Worlds Widest River`Amazon
General: What Stood At The Location Of The Statue Of Liberty Before Lady Liberty Was Erected`Fort Wood, A U.S. Army Fort
General: What Stops Dust Bunnies In Their Tracks`Static Electricity
General: What Storied European Mountain Is Known In Italy As Monte Cervino`The Matterhorn
General: Whats Traditionally The First Event In A Rodeo`Bareback Riding
General: what strikes the ball in a game of fives`hand
General: What Studio Created 'The Lion King`Walt Disney
General: what subject did 'mr chips' teach`latin
General: What Submarine Had Logged Over 100,000 Miles Before Being Refueled In 1958`Uss Nautilus
General: What Substance Is Not Contained In An Anhydrous Substance`Water
General: What Substance Was Used To Build The Kinga Chapel In Poland`Salt
General: What Subway Vigilante Took Exception To Being Asked For $5 On January 25,1985`Bernhard Goetz
General: What Sudanese city's name means elephant trunk`khartoum
General: What Surname Do Former Snooker World Champions Steve And Joe Share`Davis
General: What Surrey Town Is Famed For Its Salts`Epsom
General: What Sweetener Was Discovered By Ira Remsen In 1879`Saccharin
General: What Swimsuit Was Named For The Pacific Island Used To Test Atomic Bombs`Bikini
General: What's With The Skin? Say It With Me. _Sunlight`Bring It On
General: What Symbolises The Election Of A New Pope`White Smoke
General: What Symbol Is On The Flag Of Vietnam`Star
General: What Syndicated Columnist Won The Pulitzer In 1972 For National Reporting`Jack Anderson
General: What Syndrome Is Known As Tss`Toxic Shock Syndrome
General: What Synthetics Company Slaganizes: 'Better Things For Better Living'`Dupont
General: What's Your Zodiacal Sign If You Are Born On July 15th`Cancer
General: What System Do We Use When We Measure In Grains, Drams, Ounces, And Pounds`Avoirdupois System
General: What System Is Based On The Number 10`Decimal
General: What System Is Based On The Number 60`Sexagesimal
General: What System Was Introduced In 1967 To Deal With The Loud Hiss On Cassettes`Dolby
General: What Teaching Aid Is Made Mainly From Soft Limestone`Chalk
General: What Technique Records And Reproduces Three-Dimmensional Images Using Light From A Laser But Without The Need For Cameras Or Lenses`Holography
General: What Telephone Company Calls Itself 'The Right Choice'`At&T
General: what tennis term is derived from the french word for egg`love
General: what tennis term is said to come from the french word for eggs`love
General: what ten volume tome did victor hugo give the world in 1862`les miserables
General: What term describes the study of the behaviour of materials and substances at very low temperatures`cryogenics
General: What term is used for the speed at which a piece of music is played`tempo
General: what terrorist has led the arab revolutionary command and the fatah revolutionary council`abu nidal
General: what theory did john t scopes teach, contrary to tennessee law in 1925`evolution
General: what thirst quencher was promoted with the line 'probably the best lager in the world'`carlsberg
General: What Three Letters Are On The '7' On A Standard Phone Keypad`Prs
General: what three letters are overly used to indicate laugh out loud`lol
General: what three numbers divide into nine evenly`one, three and nine
General: What Three Numbers Divide Into Nine Evenly`One, Three, Nine
General: What Three U.S. States Is Glacier National Park Is Found In`Idaho, Montana, Wyoming
General: What Three-Word Moniker Did Elvis Call 'The Most Childish Expression I've Ever Heard'`Elvis The Pelvis
General: What Three Words Mean The Same As 5,880,000,000,000 Miles`One Light Year
General: What Thrill Flick Master Died At 80 In 1980`Alfred Hitchcock
General: What Time Does Detective Nero Wolfe Have Lunch Each Day`Exactly 1: 15 P.M
General: what time do spanish bullfights start`five pm 5 pm
General: What Time Is It On The Clock You'll Find On A Bar Of Dial Soap`8: 00
General: What Time Was It When The Mouse Ran Down The Clock`One O'clock
General: What Tiny Country Is Nestled Between France And Spain`Andorra
General: What Tiny Vessel Connects An Artery With A Vein`Capillary
General: What Titan Had Snakes For Hair`Medusa
General: What Title By Madness Was Banned From Radio Because, Figuratively, It Gave Censors A Heart Attack? (A Medical Term: Two Words)`Cardiac Arrest
General: What Title Character Of A Children's Book Turned His Enemies Into Butter`Sambo
General: What Title Did Zola Give To The Letter He Wrote To The Newspaper L'aurore In 1898`J'accuse
General: What Title Is Reserved For The Leader Of The Entire Ku Klux Klan`Grand Wizard
General: What Title Was Held By The Governor Of India Before Independence`Viceroy
General: what toe is the foot reflexology pressure point for the head`big toe
General: What Tolstoy Tome Can Be Listened To On Audiotape By Anyone With 58 Hours To Spare`War And Peace
General: What Tom Clancy Book Sold 1,607,715 Copies Making It The Fiction Bestseller Of The 80's`Clear And Present Danger
General: What Tome Did Nazis Give Newlyweds And Parents Of Large Families`Mein Kampf
General: What Took 50 Years To Build (At A Cost 25,000 Lives) While France Started It And Then The Us Completed It? (Two Words)`Panama Canal
General: what took place at lord's, london on 6 august 1976`first woman's cricket match
General: what took place in south africa between the 26th-29th april 1994`first non-racial general election
General: what tool gave a puzzle its name`jigsaw
General: What Tools Are Used To Crewel`Needles
General: What Tooth Product Has Mfp Fluoride`Colgate
General: What Top-Selling Christmas Single Of 1985 Was Not The Least Bit Amusing To Many Senior Citizens`Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer
General: What Tourist Attraction In Rome Has 138 Steps`Spanish Steps
General: what town contains the statues of gerrit maritz and pieter retief in one garden`pietermaritzburg
General: What Town Did Billy Joel Call Home`Long Island
General: What Town Did The Mighty Casey Play For, When He Struck Out`Mudville
General: What Town In England Was Queen Elizabeth Going To, In The Nursery Rhyme, 'Ride A Cock Horse' ('Bells On Her Toes')`Banbury
General: What Town Is The Bates Motel Outside Of`Fairdale
General: What Toxin Is Found In Apple Seeds`Cysnogenic Glycoside
General: What Track Star Was The First Woman To Receive The Jesse Owens Award, In 1982`Mary Decker Slaney
General: What Trade Name Was Given To The Phenol-Formaldehyde Resin Developed As The First Synthetic Plastic In 1909`Bakelite
General: What Tragedy Occurred Two Years To The Day After The Federal Raid On The Branch Davidian Complex In Waco`Oklahoma City Bombing
General: What Train Leaves Pennsylvania Station At Quarter To Nine`Chattanooga Choo
General: What Translates High-Level Languages Into Machine Language`A Compiler
General: What Treaty Ended The American Revolution`Treaty Of Paris
General: What Treaty Setup The Common European Currency`Maastricht Treaty
General: What Tree Was Sacred To Athena`Olive
General: What Tribe Of American Indians Lent Their Name To A Punk Rock Haircut`Mohawks
General: What Tribe Walked The 'Trail Of Tears'`Cherokee
General: What trilogy did J.R.R. Tolkien write`lord of the rings
General: What Trilogy Had The Two Parts Filmed At The Same Time`Back To The Future
General: What tropical disease does an insect of the Anophales genus transmit`malaria
General: what tropical fruit with spiky green leaves grows at ground level`justin unwin
General: What Tropical Root Is Used To Flavor Soft Drinks`Ginger
General: What Tropical U.S. State Has Chosen The Yellow Hibiscus As It's State Flower`Hawaii
General: what trumpeter led all other jazz musicians in ed sullivan show appearances`louis armstrong
General: what tunnel connects france and italy`mont blanc tunnel
General: What Turkish City Has Spread To Both Sides Of The Bosporus Strait`Istanbul
General: What Turkish City Is Partly In Europe And Partly In Asia`Istanbul
General: what tv show dealt with life at the ponderosa`bonanza
General: what tv show when off the air when it was still #1 in the ratings`I love lucy
General: what tv title character had affairs with ski bum lars, paraplegic ted, journalist ross and fellow police officer dory`christine cagney
General: What Two Canadian Provinces Border The State Of Maine`Quebec And New Brunswick
General: What Two Countries Do Tyroleans Come From`Austria And Italy
General: What two countries is Andorra between`france & spain`france and spain
General: What Two Countries Share The Khyber Pass`Afghanistan And Pakistan
General: What Two Different Colours Of Aliens Were Mainly Talked About In Most 1950's Through 1970's Alien Abductions And Sightings`Blue And Grey
General: What Two Elements Are Combined To Make Common Salt`Sodium And Chlorine
General: What Two Factors Do Meteorologists Combine To Determine The Heat Index`Humidity And Temperature
General: What Two Greek City-States Fought Each Other During The Peloponnesian War`Athens And Sparta`Sparta And Athens
General: What Two Materials Were The First Aeroplance Wings Made Of`Cloth And Wood
General: What Two Metals Form The Alloy White Gold`Gold And Silver
General: What two mountain ranges does the Tour de France race through`alps & pyrenees`alps and pyrenees
General: What Two Natural Resources Are Used To Make Steel`Coal And Limestone`Limestone And Coal
General: What Two Occupations Have We Seen Bart In In The Future?[Not Counting Dreams!]`Chief Justice Of The Supreme Court And Demolition Man
General: What Two Planets Don't Have Moons`Mercury And Venus
General: What Two Seasons Do The Equinoxes Occur In`Spring And Autumn
General: what two seinfeld characters reversed the peepholes in their apartment doors`kramer & newman`kramer and newman
General: What Two-Word Phrase Did A Famous Tuna Receive Repeatedly From Star-Kist Fishermen`Sorry, Charlie
General: what two words make the word 'meld'`melt and weld
General: what two words were merged to create the word meld`melt and weld
General: What Type Of Airplane Did Sky King Use In Sky King`Cessna
General: What type of animal is a 'godwit'`bird
General: What type of animal was drooper on banana splits`lion
General: What Type Of Bat Is Most Often Used In Horror Films`Flying Fox
General: What Type Of Bullet Was Named After An Arsenal Near Calcutta`Dum Dum
General: What Type Of Camel Has Two Humps`Bactrian
General: What Type Of Chemical Are Adrenaline And Oestrogen`Hormones
General: what type of chemical bonding is generally found in organic compounds`covalent
General: What Type Of Cloud Is A Thundercloud`Cumulonimbus
General: What type of clouds are also known as thunderheads`cumulonimbus
General: What Type Of Construction Is The Washington Monument`Obelisk
General: What Type Of Craft Is The U.S's Airforce One`Boeing 747
General: What Type Of Creature Did The 'Nautilus' Famously Encounter In 'Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea'`Giant Squid
General: What type of creature is a painted lady`butterfly
General: What Type Of Hereditary Anemia Occurs Mostly In The Medierrarean And Southeast Asian Populations`Thalassemia
General: What Type Of Humorous Verse Might Begin 'There Once Was A Man From Nantucket'`Limerick
General: What Type Of Instrument Is A Celeste`Keyboard
General: What Type Of Instrument Might Be Described As Plano-Convex`Lens
General: What Type Of Level Is Used For Measuring The Angle Of A Slope`Abney
General: What Type Of Light Was First Used In 1912 To Illuminate A Parisian Sign Reading 'The Palace Hairdresser'`Neon
General: What Type Of Men's Jacket Featured It's Name On The Outer Breast Pocket, And Epaulets On The Shoulders`Member's Only
General: What Type Of Metal Is Used In The Filament Of An Electric Light Bulb`Tungsten
General: What Type Of Moscow Institution Is Gum`Department Store
General: What Type Of Number Describes The Ratio Of The Speed Of A Plane To The Speed Of Sound`Mach
General: What Type Of Number Has No Factors Other Than 1 And Itself`Prime
General: What Type Of Pants Had Zippered Patch Pockets`Parachute Pants
General: What Type Of Pottery Is The Collingwood Ontario Area Noted For`Blue Mountain
General: What Type Of Primate Provided The Basic Genetic Makeup Of The Outsider In 'Watchers' By Dean Koontz`Baboon
General: what type of singing does pavarotti use`baritone
General: What Type Of Star Is Betelgeuse`Red Giant
General: What Type Of Storm Has A Central Calm Area, Called The Eye, Which Has Winds Spiraling Inwardly`Hurricane
General: What Type Of Tapestry Is The 'Miraculous Draught Of Fishes'`Italian
General: What Type Of Tree Is The Scrambled-Egg Tree`Evergreen
General: What Type Of Tree Is The Tree Of Heaven`Deciduous
General: what u k actress starred in to the manor born`penelope keith
General: What Ukrainian Region Shares The Name Of One Of Europe's Great Wars`Crimea
General: What Uncomely Creature Inspired Sailors Tales Of Mermaids`Manatee
General: What Union Did Duran Duran Sing Of In 1983`Union Of The Snake
General: What Unique Player Restriction Is In Effect In The Game Of Polo And Jai-Alai`No Left Handed Players
General: What United States President Was In Office During The Civil War`Forty Three
General: what unit of heat will raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree celsius`calorie
General: What Units Are Used To Measure The Size Of Pearls`Grains
General: What University Dismissed Timothy Leary For Involvement With Drugs`Harvard
General: What University Established In 1842 By The Congregation Of The Holy Crossbut Now Is Governed By A Predominately Lay Board Of Trusteeshas An Enrollment Of Approximately 9,500: And A Library 1,700,000 Volumes`Notre Dame
General: What University Plays Its Home Basketball Games At Mackey Arena`Perdue
General: What University Was Founded In 1160`Oxford University
General: What Unrecognised Phenomenon Was Discovered When Comet Aircraft Started To Fall Out Of The Sky`Metal Fatigue
General: What Unsightly Feature Did Abraham Lincoln Have On His Face`Wart
General: what us city is known as insurance city`hartford
General: what u.s. city was the capital from 1789 to 1790`new york city
General: what u.s. state has the lowest highest elevation, at 60 feet`delaware
General: what u.s. state is completely surrounded by the pacific ocean`hawaii
General: What Utensil Were British Sailors Not Allowed To Use Until The Late 19th Century Because It Was Considered Unmanly`Fork
General: What utopian community in Florida experienced its first armed robbery in 1998`celebration
General: What Van Gogh painting did the Getty Museum pick up after Alan Bond was unable to pay the 53.9 million he agreed to pay Sotheby's`irises
General: What vegetables are sometimes called 'spuds'`potatoes
General: what venomous serpent is known as the gentleman among snakes`rattlesnake
General: what verdi opera has violetta, a courtesan, sing sempre libera`la traviata
General: What Virginian Was Unanimously Chosen President Of America's Constitutional Convention In May Of 1787`George Washington
General: What 'V' Is An Old Soldier`Veteran
General: What vitamin is ascorbic acid`c
General: What Vitamin Is Thiamine`Vitamin B1
General: What Volcanic Peak Can You See From Naples`Mount Vesuvius
General: What Volcano Destroyed Pompeii`Mount Vesuvius
General: What Volcano In The Continental United States Erupted In The 1980s`Mount St. Helens
General: what volcano showers ash on sicily`etna
General: What Warbler's Marriage On 'The Johnny Carson Show' Had More Viewers Than Any Previous Late-Night Event`Tiny Tim's
General: What Warning Often Appeared Over Dangerous Stunts On That's Incredible`Do
General: What Was A.A. Milne's First Name`Alan
General: What Was Abelard's Punishment For His Romance With Heloise`He Was Castrated
General: What was a big hit for the pipes, drums, and military band of the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards in 1972`amazing grace
General: What Was Abolished In The British Empire In 1807`Slave Trading
General: What Was Admiral William F Halsey's Nickname`Bull
General: What Was Adolf Hitler's Religion`Roman Catholic
General: What Was Alaska Before 1867`Russian America
General: What Was Al Capone's Favorite Bullet-Proof Car`Cadillac
General: What Was Alf's Real Name`Gordon Shumway
General: What Was Andrew Jergens' Profession`Lumberjack
General: What Was An Egyptian King Called`Pharaoh
General: What Was Anita Bryant Known As Because Of The Product She Advertised`Coke Girl
General: What Was Another City That The Usfl Boston Breakers Eventually Played In`New Orleans
General: What Was A Reeve In A Shire`Law
General: What Was Arizona In Raising Arizona`Stolen Baby
General: What Was Astronaut Edwin Aldrin's Nickname`Buzz
General: What Was A Symbol Of Welcome In The 1700's To 1800's And Can Often Be Seen On Doorknockers Today`Pineapple
General: What Was Balki Bartokamus' Occupation When He Lived In Mypos`Sheep Herder
General: What Was Balki Bartokamus' Occupation When He Lived In Mypos`Sheep Rancher
General: What Was Banned In France, Prompting 3'11' Manuel Wackenheim To Sue The Interior Ministry`Dwarf Tossing
General: what was beer maker ohlsson's first name`anders
General: What Was Bela Lugosi's Real Name`Bela Blasko
General: What Was Ben Stiller's Character Called In 'Mystery Men'`Mr. Furious
General: What Was Betty Grable's Nickname`The Legs
General: What Was Blackdragon First Known As`Talisman
General: What Was Britains First Motorway`M6
General: What Was British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's Maiden Name`Roberts
General: What Was British Rock And Roll Legend Cliff Richard's First Hit In America`Devil Woman (1976
General: What Was Broadcast Causing U.S. Radio Listeners, To Flee For Their Lives Fearing An Attack By Aliens`The War Of The Worlds
General: What Was Built By Inmates Taken From Changi Prison Camp`Burma Railway
General: What Was Built On The Site Of An Unsolved London Murder`Scotland Yard
General: What Was Built On The Site Of The Old Waldorf Astoria Hotel In New York`Empire State Building
General: What Was Buzz Aldrin's Mother's Maiden Name`Moon
General: What Was Called 'The Breakfast Of Champions'`Wheaties
General: What Was Canada's First Chartered Bank`Bank Of Montreal
General: What Was Canada's First National Park`Banff National Park
General: what was captain ahab's peg leg made of`ivory
General: what was casey jones's real name`john luther jones
General: What Was Cecil B. De Mille's Middle Name`Blount
General: What Was Charlemagne Also Known As`Charles The Great
General: What Was China's Last Imperial Dynasty`The Ch'ing Dynasty
General: What Was Citizen Kane's Dying Word`Rosebud
General: What was Citizen Kane's first name`charles
General: What Was Clarence's Girlfriend's Name On True Romance`Alabama
General: What Was Clint Eastwood's First Western After 'The Outlaw - Josey Wales'`Pale Rider
General: What Was Colonel Potter's Wife's Name`Mildred
General: What Was Col. Sander's First Name`Harland
General: what was constantinople's name changed to`istanbul
General: What Was David Miller The First Person To Be Arrested For Burning, In 1966`Draft Card
General: What Was David Shepherd's Position Before He Became Bishop Of Liverpool`Bishop Of Woolwich
General: What Was Discovered At Sutter's Mill, California In 1848`Gold
General: what was discovered in east sussex, england, a 100 years after quarantine measures had wiped out rabies`a rabid bat
General: what was dr. kildare's first name`james
General: what was eddie murphy's character name in 'beverley hills cop'`axel foley
General: What Was Edith Bunker's Maiden Name`Baines
General: what was elvis presley's wife's name`priscilla
General: What Was Erwin Rommel's Nickname`Desert Fox
General: What Was Ethiopia Formerly Known As`Abyssinia
General: What Was Exchanged In Fair Exchange`Teenage Daughters
General: What Was Fibber Mcgee's Address`79 Wistful Vista
General: What Was First Opened In 1922 By National Department Stores In Saint Louis`Shopping Mall
General: What Was First Successfully Tested In Alamogordo, New Mexico`Atomic Bomb
General: What was first used as a medical treatment in 2700 bc by Chinese emperor Shen Nung`acupuncture
General: What Was First Worn On The 10th October 1886`Tuxedo
General: What Was Florence Nightingale's Profession`Nurse
General: What was Fortran designed for`formula translation
General: What Was Fred Astaire's Real Name`Frederick Austerlitz
General: What Was George Custer's Horses' Name`Commanche
General: What Was George Hepplewhite's Profession`Furniture Maker
General: What Was George Washington's Salary As President`$25,000
General: what washington irving character rides a horse named gunpowder`ichabod crane
General: What Was Incorporated In The Flag Of The 3rd Reich`Swastika
General: What Was In The Sandwich In The 1983 Hit 'Down Under'`Vegemite
General: What was invented by Ludovic Zamenhof`esperanto
General: What Was It That Princess Margaret Was Changed Into By Her Wicked Stepmother, The Witch-Queen Of Bamborough Castle`The Laidly Worm
General: What Was Jack Nicklaus' Nickname`Golden Bear
General: What Was Japan's Most Famous Wwii Aeroplane`Zero
General: What Was Jfk's Nickname For His Daughter Caroline`Buttons
General: What Was Joe Friday Rank`Sergeant
General: What Was Junko Tabei The First Woman To Reach`Summit Of Mount Everest
General: What Was Karl Marx's Term For Owners Of Capitalist Production`Bourgeoise
General: What Was Karl Marx's Term For Wage Laborers In Modern Capitalist Systems`Proletariat
General: what was keanu reeves' computer world alias in 'the matrix'`neo
General: What Was Kenny Rogers' Band Called Before He Went Solo`First Edition
General: What Was Kept In Iduna's Magic Casket`The Apples Of Youth
General: What Was Kim's Job On 'Hawaiian Eye'`Cab Driver
General: what was king arthur's mother's name`igraine
General: What Was Klinger's Rank At The End Of The War`Sergeant
General: what was known as russian america before 1867`alaska
General: What Was Known As 'The Beer That Made Milwaukee Famous'`Schlitz
General: What Was Known As The Spice Island`Zanzibar
General: What Was Krakatoa`Volcano
General: What Was Landscape Gardener Lancelot Brown's Nickname`Capability
General: What was launched on the 4th December 1996`mars pathfinder
General: what was lech walesa's job before he founded solidarity`electrician
General: What Was Lee Harvey Oswald's Mugshot Number`54018
General: What Was Leslie Mcfarlane's Nationality`Canadian
General: what was lestat's mother's name`gabrielle
General: What Was Linus Yale's Occupation`Locksmith
General: What Was Liquorice Used For In Ancient Egypt`Medicine
General: What Was Lon Chaney Jr's Human Name In 'The Wolfman'`Larry Talbot
General: What Was Malcolm Mcclaren And Vivienne Westwoods Kings Road Boutique Called`Sex
General: what was marco polo's nationality`italian
General: What Was Margaret Thatcher's Nickname`Iron Lady
General: What Was Margarine Called When It Was First Marketed In England`Butterine
General: What Was Martin Frobisher Looking For`North West Passage
General: What Was Massachusetts' Logical Choice For An Official State Dessert, In 1996`Boston Cream Pie
General: What Was Michael Jackson Advertising When He Was Nearly Killed`Pepsi
General: What Was Mother Theresa's Christian Name - Before She Became A Nun`Agnes
General: What Was Mr. Bill's Dog's Name`Spot
General: What Was Mr. Keen's Profession`Tracer Of Lost Persons
General: What Was Mr. Peepers' Occupation`Science Teacher
General: What Was Mr. Spock's Blood Type`T-Negative
General: What Was Mussolini Forced To Do When The Allies Landed In Sicily`Resign
General: What Was Named After Amerigo Vespucci`America
General: What Was Name Of The Secret Allied Strike In Normandy, France On June 6,1944`Operation Overlord
General: What Was Nancy Davis Reagan's Birth Name`Anne Frances Robbins
General: What Was Napoleon Solo's Boss's Name`Mr Waverley
General: What Was Napoleon's Surname`Bonaparte
General: What Was Nikolai Lenin's Real Name`Vladimir Ulyanov
General: What Was Nostrodamus Famous For`Prophecies
General: what was npoleon solos boss's name`mr waverley
General: What Was Once Known As Brimstone`Sulphur
General: What Was Operation Sea Lion In Wwii`The Invasion Of Britian
General: what was pat brady's jeep named on the roy rogers show`nellybelle
General: What Was Patented By Francis Pettit Smith In 1836`Screw Propeller
General: What Was Patrick Stewart's Stage Debut`Treasure Island
General: What Was Paul Bunyan's Ox's Name`Babe
General: What Was Paul Revere's Only #1 Hit`Indian Reservation
General: What Was Paul Tibbett's Claim To Fame, Established On August 6th 1945`Pilot Of The Plane Which Dropped Atom Bomb On Hiroshima
General: what was pinocchio's father's name`geppetto
General: What Was Plastic First Used For In America`Billiard Balls
General: What Was President Clinton's Last Name At Birth`Blythe
General: What Was Princess Diana's Maiden Name`Spencer
General: What Was Princess Di's Maiden Name`Spencer
General: What Was Ralph Lauren's Birth Name`Ralph Lifshitz
General: What Was Received On The Second Day Of Christmas, According To The Song`Two Turtledoves
General: what was reo speedwagon's 1983 chartbusting lp`high infidelity
General: What Was Replaced On The Tail Planes Of British Airways Planes, By A Design Meant To Represent Its International Status`Union Jack
General: What Was Reverend Jims Real Last Name On Taxi`Caldwell
General: What Was Rhoda's Maiden Name`Morgenstern
General: What Was Richard Bach's Best Selling Book`Jonathan Livingston Seagull
General: what was rob roy's surname`mcgregor
General: What Was Rocky Balboa's Nickname In The Ring`The Italian Stallion
General: What Was 'Rocky's' Last Name`Balboa
General: what was rocky's nickname in the ring`italian stallion
General: What Was Rosanna Arquette's Character's Name In 'Desperately Seeking Susan'`Roberta Glass
General: what was ruben's first name`peter
General: What Was Russian America After 1867`Alaska
General: what was samantha's mother's name in bewitched`endora
General: What Was Sam Cooke's Only Number One Song`You Send Me
General: What Was Seattle Slew's Occupation At Kentucky's Three Chimneys Farm`Stud
General: What Was Sgt. Joe Friday's Badge Number On Dragnet`714
General: what was she known as, before being known as just diana`diana spencer
General: What Was Sherlock Holmes' 7% Solution In 'The Sign Of Four'`Cocaine
General: what was shirley maclains first film`goodbye
General: What was Simple Simon fishing for in his mother's pail`whale
General: What Was Sir Alec Guinness's Role In 'Star Wars'`Obi-Wan Kenobi
General: What Was So Amazing About The Completion Of The St Louis Arch`That Noone Had Died During The Building Of It
General: What Was So Unusual About John Lennon And Yoko Ono's Appearance On A November,1968 Edition Of Rolling Stone`They Were Nude.
General: What Was South Crofty In Cornwall, Closed In 1998`Tin Mine
General: What Was Spencer Tracy's Middle Name`Bonaventure
General: What Was Spode The First To Make In 1797, By Adding Bone Ash To Hard Paste Porcelain`Bone China
General: What Was Steve Miller's Magical Incantation In 1982`Abracadabra
General: What Was St. Petersburg Called Immediately Before Its Name Was Changed To Leningrad`Petrograd
General: What Was Thailand Formerly Known As`Siam
General: What Was The Act That Declared Federal Martial Law In Hawaii During World War Ii`Hawaiian Organic Act
General: What Was The Alliterative Title Of Dickey Do And The Don'ts' 1958 Hit`Ne Ne Na Na Na Na Nu Nu
General: What Was The American Codename For The Development Of The Atom Bomb`Manhatton Project
General: What Was The Annihilation Of The Jews In Wwii Called`Holocaust
General: What Was The Army Sergeant's Name On 'You'll Never Get Rich'`Sergeant Bilko
General: What Was The Average Age Of United States Soldiers In The Vietnam War`Nineteen
General: What Was The Basis Of The Giant U.S Prune Industry`Agen Plum
General: What Was The Baud Rate Of A Typical 2400 Bps Modem`600
General: what was the beatles' biggest hit single`hey jude
General: What Was The Best Chariot Route From Rome To Brindisi`Via Appia
General: What Was The Biggest Flop Made By Ford Motor Company And Named For Henry Ford's Son`Edsel
General: what was the biggest hit for the electric prunes`i had too much to dream (last night)
General: What Was The Black Bottom`Dance
General: What Was The Blue Dye, Used By Ancient Britons To Colour Their Skin, Called`Woad
General: What Was The Book Written By Dr Suess Was Not For Children`The Seven Lady Godivas
General: What Was The Brand Of Pajamas Manufactured In The Factory In Which The 1954 Broadway Musical 'The Pajama Game' Was Set`Sleep-Tite
General: What Was The Breath Freshener That Gained Immediate Popularity In The Early 1950s And Was In Lozengestabletstoothpastesdeodorants And Other Products`Chlorophyll
General: What Was The Bubonic Plague Pandemic In Europe And Asia During The 14th Century Called`Black Death
General: What Was The Canadian Literacy Rate In 1987`Ninety Nine Percent`99 Percent
General: What Was The Candle's Name In Disney's Beauty And The Beast`Lumiere
General: What Was The Capital Of China Between Ad 220 And 589`Nanking
General: What Was The Capital Of East Germany`East Berlin
General: What Was The Capital Of Maine In 1831`Portland
General: What Was The Cargo Onboard The Bounty When The Mutiny Occurred In 1789`Breadfruit Trees
General: What was the ceaseless medieval search for a method of turning base metals to gold called`alchemy
General: What Was The Challanging Method Of Catching A Fly In Karate Kid`Using Chopsticks
General: What Was The Chief Source Of The Shiny Material Used In Making Artificial Pearl Before The Advent Of Plastic`Fish Scales
General: what was the christian name of the title character in our miss brooks`constance
General: What was the city of Istanbul called before 330 AD`byzantium
General: What Was The Classical Standard Language Of Ancient India`Sanskrit
General: What Was The Claymation Domino's Pizza Thing To Avoid`The Noid
General: What Was The Club House Of The Get Along Gang`A Red Caboose
General: what was the codename for the development of the atom bomb`manhattan project
General: What Was The Coinage Of Ancient Greece`Drachma
General: What Was The Coldest Ever Recorded Temperature In Canada`-63c
General: What Was The Connection Between Family Matters And Full House`Steve Urkel
General: What Was The Date In 1955 Did Marty From Back To The Future Arrive On`November 5th,1955
General: What Was The Date Of The First Flight Of The F-14`December 21,1970
General: What Was The Date Of The First (Officially Anyways) Assassination Of A Foreign Leader By The Us`April 18,1943
General: What Was The Debut Single (Topping The Charts At No. 6 In 1967) For Jimi Hendrix Experience`Hey Joe
General: What was the destination of the Mary Celeste on it's final voyage`genoa
General: What Was The Earlier Name Of The Network Now Known As The American Broadcasting Company`Blue Network
General: What was the Earth's first artificial satellite`sputnik 1
General: What Was The Family Relationship Between Theodore And Franklin Roosevelt`Cousins
General: What Was The Famous Line Uttered By An Old Woman In Wendy's Ads`Where's The Beef
General: What Was The Fat Boy's Nickname In Lord Of The Flies`Piggy
General: What Was The Favorite Brand Of Whiskey Of Michael Douglas' Character In 'Basic Instinct'`Jack Daniels
General: What Was The Favorite Expression Of Captain Marvel`Holy Moley
General: What Was The Favorite Sport Of Sir Thomas Lipton, The Tea Man`Yachting
General: What Was The Fight Between Argentina And Great Britain Over`Falkland Islands
General: What Was The First Bus Line In The United States`Greyhound
General: What Was The First Chinese Dynasty`Shang
General: What Was The First City In The World To Achieve A Population Of One Million`London
General: what was the first city with more than one tv station`new york
General: what was the first colony to legalise witchcraft`pennsylvania
General: What Was The First Commercial Readymix Food`Pancake Mix
General: What Was The First Country To Approve Aid Drug Azt`Britain
General: What Was The First Country To Have An Airborne Division (Ie Paratroopers)`Soviet Union
General: What Was The First Country To Legalize Abortion, In 1935`Iceland
General: What Was The First Credit Card Called`Diner's Club
General: What Was The First Elevator Used To Transport`Flour
General: What was the first ever feature length cartoon with sound and colour`snow white and the seven dwarfs
General: What was the first ever talking film`the jazz singer
General: What Was The First Fighting Vehicle`War Chariot
General: what was the first film directed by robert redford`ordinary people
General: What Was The First Ironclad Warship Launched`Hms Warrior
General: What Was The First James Bond Film`Dr. No
General: What Was The First Known Lighthouse`Pharon
General: What was the first lighthouse`pharos of alexandria
General: What Was The First Magazine To Publish A Hologram On Its Cover`National Geographic
General: what was the first metal used by man to make tools and weapons`copper
General: What Was The First Name Of Captain Bligh, Of 'Mutiny On The Bounty' Fame`William
General: What Was The First Name Of Captain Dobey On Starsky And Hutch`Harold
General: What Was The First Name Of Sherlock Holmes' Dr. Watson`John
General: What Was The First Name Of Sledge's Partner On The Show Sledge Hammer`Dori
General: What Was The First Name Of The Reverebd Varah, The Founder Of The Samaritans`Chad
General: what was the first nation to resign from the united nations`indonesia
General: what was the first network series devoted entirely to rock and roll`american bandstand
General: What Was The First Newspaper Owned By William Randolph Hearst, Senior`The San Francisco Examiner
General: What was the first newspaper produced in the United States`publick occurences
General: What Was The First Offical International Boat Race`Hundred Guineas Cup
General: what was the first personal computer: kenbak, scelbi, or apple1`kenbak
General: What was the first postage stamp`penny black
General: What Was The First Product Manufactured By Du Pont When The Family Began Business Near Wilmington, Delaware In 1802`Powder For Explosives
General: What Was The First Product To Have A Upc Bar Code On The Package`Wrigley's Gum
General: What Was The First Railroad To Cross The Us`Union Pacific
General: What Was The First Rap Group To Appear On 'American Bandstand'`Run D.M.C
General: What Was The First Record Company Formed By Herb Albert And Jerry Moss`A And M Records
General: What Was The First Satellite Communication Called`Telstar
General: What Was The First Soap To Feature Crib Death In Its Story Line`All My Children
General: What Was The First Spanish Settlement In The New World`St Augustine`saint Augustine
General: What Was The First Team To Play In Now Wrigley Field`Chicago Whales
General: What Was The First Telegraph Message`What Hath God Wrought
General: What Was The First Transatlantic Radio Message Sent`S
General: What Was The Former German Name Of The Czech Town Of Ceske Budejovice`Budweis
General: What Was The Former Name Of Thailand`Siam
General: What Was The Former Name Of The Czech Town Of Kalovy Vary`Carlsbad
General: What Was The Full Name Of Brutus, One Of Caesar's Murderers`Marcus Junius Brutus
General: What Was The Full Name Of Magnum P.I`Thomas Magnum
General: what was the great gatsby's first name`jay
General: What Was The Greek Name For The Underworld`Hades
General: What Was 'The Gun That Tamed The West'`Winchester Rifle
General: What Was The Job Of Mellors In 'Lady Chatterley's Lover'`Gamekeeper
General: What Was The Largest Confederate Military Prison During The Civil War`Andersonville
General: What Was The Largest Town In Britain Before It Became A City In 1992`Sunderland
General: What Was The Last City In The Us To Offer Nickel Subway Rides`New York City
General: What Was The Last Crusader Stronghold To Be Taken By The Mamluks In 1291`Acre
General: What Was The Last Foreign Power To Control The Islands That Are Now Malta`Britain
General: What Was The Last Port Of Call For The Titanic`Queenstown
General: What Was The Last Word Uttered By Anyone From The Surface Of The Moon`Mankind
General: What Was The License Number On The Ghostbusters' Car`Ecto-1
General: What Was The Location For The First Winter Olympics In 1924`Chamonix
General: What Was The Loneliest Part Of The Cross Canada Run For Terry Fox`Nova Scotia
General: What Was The Lone Ranger's Name Before He Became The Lone Ranger`John Reid
General: What Was The Lone Ranger's Real Name`John Reid
General: What Was The Maximum Fuel Capacity Imposed In Formula One In 1986`195 Litres
General: What Was The Middle Name Of Morticia Addams`Frump
General: What Was The Military Rank Of Principal Skinner When He Was In The Army`Sergeant
General: What Was The Most Common Automobile Colour In The Depression`Black
General: What Was The Most Home Runs Hank Aaron Hit In A Single Season`47 (1971
General: What Was The Most Popular Car Of The 1900's`Vw Beetle
General: What Was The Most Popular Semi Automatic Hand Gun In Nazi Germany`The Luger
General: What Was The Most Prescribed Drug In The U.K In 1985`Valium
General: What Was The Motto Of The Three Musketeers`All For One, One For All
General: What Was The Name (4 Letters) Of The New York Night Club That Helped Launch The Career Of Several Early New Wave Groups`Cbgb's
General: What Was The Name And Title Of James Bond's Wife In On Her Majesty's Secret Service`Countessa Teresa De Vicenzo
General: what was the name given to robin hood's men in sherwood forest`merry men
General: What was the name given to the short bobbed hairstyle, popular amongst upper class women of the 1920s`eton crop
General: What Was The Name Of Admiral Byrd's Fox Terrier That Accompanied His Master To Both The Arctic And Antarctic`Igloo
General: What Was The Name Of Alice's Pet Cat In Lewis Carroll's Alice In Wonderland`Dinah
General: What Was The Name Of Andy Gump's Billionaire Australian Uncle`Uncle Benjamin
General: what was the name of aristotle's school`lyceum
General: what was the name of armstrong and aldrin's lunar module`eagle
General: What Was The Name Of Arnold's Fish On Diff'rent Strokes`Abraham
General: what was the name of babe's farm in the movie 'babe'`hoggett hill
General: what was the name of captain bligh's ship`bounty
General: what was the name of darren's boss`larry tait
General: what was the name of dick turpin's horse`black bess
General: What Was The Name Of Dion's Group`Belmonts
General: What Was The Name Of Dr Doolittle's Pet Duck`Dab Dab
General: What Was The Name Of Flash Gordon's Girlfriend`Dale Arden
General: What Was The Name Of George Gershwin's Brother`Ira
General: What Was The Name Of George Of The Jungle's Ape Friend`Ape
General: What Was The Name Of Geppetto's Son`Pinocchio
General: What Was The Name Of Godzilla's (Movie) Son`Minya
General: What Was The Name Of Gordo Lopez's Housekeeper`Widow Gonzales
General: What Was The Name Of Hannibal's Father`Hamilcar Barca
General: What Was The Name Of Han Solo's Spaceship In 'Star Wars'`Millenium Falcon
General: What Was The Name Of Hitlers Mountain Retreat`Berchtesgaden
General: What Was The Name Of Jacques Cousteau's Research Ship`Calypso
General: what was the name of jason's ship`argo
General: what was the name of long john silver's parrot in treasure island`captain flint
General: what was the name of michael knight's car in knight rider`kitt
General: What was the name of Minnie Caldwell's cat in Coronation Street`bobby
General: what was the name of mr. wilson's dog in dennis the menance`fremont
General: What Was The Name Of Oedipus's Mother`Jocasta
General: What Was The Name Of Paul Mccartney's Sheepdog`Martha
General: What Was The Name Of Sheriff Lobo's Idiotic Brother-In-Law In The 'Lobo' Police Comedy`Deputy Perkins
General: What Was The Name Of Sherlock Holmes's Rival 'The Napoleon Of Crime'`Moriarty`James Moriarty
General: What Was The Name Of Sitting Bull's Father`Jumping Buffalo
General: What Was The Name Of Sky King's Twin Cessna`Songbird
General: what was the name of south africa's first movie epic, made in 1916`die voortrekkers
General: What Was The Name Of Speed Racer's Car`The Mach Five
General: What was the name of the Akla-Seltzer boy`speedy
General: What Was The Name Of The Charter Granted By King John`Magna Carta
General: What Was The Name Of The Company To Start Manufacturing The First Commercial Typewriter`Jurgens Mekaniske Establissement
General: what was the name of the cyclops that odysseus encountered on his voyages`polyphemus
General: What Was The Name Of The Detective Agency In Moonlighting`Blue Moon Detective Agency
General: What was the name of the dog in RCA Victor's trademark`nipper
General: What Was The Name Of The Evil Organisation On Get Smart`Kaos
General: What Was The Name Of The Exclusive Dress Store That The Clampetts Bought`The House Of Renee
General: What Was The Name Of The 'Faithful Handyman' In 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show'`Riff Raff
General: What was the name of the fake evolutionary missing link found in Sussex, England`piltdown man
General: what was the name of the family featured in `father knows best`anderson
General: What Was The Name Of The Family Featured In 'Father Knows Best'`Andrews
General: what was the name of the family in the blondie movies`bumstead
General: What Was The Name Of The Fictional Church Comedian Flip Wilson Belonged To While Playing The Character Of Reverend Leroy`The Church Of What's Happening Now
General: What was the name of the film star Gene Autry's horse`champion
General: What Was The Name Of The Final Song Sang At The 2002 Winter Olympics Closing Ceremonies`It's My Life
General: What Was The Name Of The First Child Born Of English Parents In The New World`Virginia
General: what was the name of the first clipper ship launched in the usa in 1845`rainbow
General: what was the name of the first plane ever to fly`flyer
General: What Was The Name Of The Flower-Smelling Bull In Munro Leaf's Book`Ferdinand
General: What Was The Name Of The German Republic Of 1918-1933 Overthrown By Hitler`Weimar Republic
General: What Was The Name Of The Ghostly St Bernard In Topper`Neil
General: What Was The Name Of The Giant Panda In The Moscow Zoo In 1977`An-An
General: What Was The Name Of The Government Newspaper In Ancient Rome`Acta Diurna Or Daily Happenings
General: What Was The Name Of The Lady Godiva's Horse`Aethenoth
General: What Was The Name Of The Newspaper Published By Charles Foster Kane`Enquirer
General: What Was The Name Of The Nuclear Missile Defense System Reagan Proposed`Star Wars
General: What Was The Name Of Theodore Roosevelt's Dog`Scamp
General: What Was The Name Of The Other Short-Lived Spinoff Of 'Three's Company'`'Three's A Crowd'
General: What Was The Name Of The Party Dog That That Was Budwiser's Mascot In The Late Eighties`Spuds Mckenzie
General: what was the name of the pig in animal farm`napoleon
General: What Was The Name Of The Plane That Dropped The Second Atomic Bomb On Japan`Bock's Car
General: What Was The Name Of The Polar Explorer Admiral Richard Byrds' Dog`Igloo
General: what was the name of the popular fraternal order that fred and barney belonged`loyal order of water buffalos
General: What Was The Name Of The Ruling House Of France At The Time Of The French Revolution`Bourbon
General: What Was The Name Of The School Mistress In The Facts Of Life`Mrs. Edna Garrett
General: What was the name of the ship, the survivors of which were rescued by Grace Darling, her father and others`forfarshire
General: What Was The Name Of The Skipper On 'Gilligan's Island`Jonas Grumby
General: What Was The Name Of The Soviet Security Service Immediately After The October Revolution`Cheka
General: What Was The Name Of The Space Craft That Launced The First Wheeled Vehicle On The Moon`Luna 17
General: What Was The Name Of The Stone With Various Scriptsfound In Egypt In 1799that Enabled Hieroglyphics To Be Understood For The First Time`Rosetta Stone
General: What Was The Name Of The Union Jack That Was Used To Capture Blackbeard Off Ocracoke Island In 1718`Ranger
General: What Was The Name Of The Wright Brothers Plane`Flyer
General: What Was The Name Of Thor Heyerdahl's Bamboo And Balsa Wood Boat`Kon-Tiki
General: what was the name of tim holt's horse`duke
General: What Was The Name Of Tv Detective Barettas Pet Cockatoo`Fred
General: What Was The Name Of Zorro's Horse`Tornado
General: What Was The Nationality Of Adolf Hitler`Austrian
General: What was the nationality of Franz Liszt`hungarian
General: What was the nationality of Marco Polo`italian
General: What Was The Nationality Of The Prisoners In The 'Black Hole Of Calcutta'`British
General: What was the nationallity of Rasputin`russian
General: What Was The Nickname Given To Marshall Rommel Of The German Panzers`Desert Fox
General: What Was The Nickname Of Bank Robber Charles Floyd, Killed In A Shoot-Out In 1934`Pretty Boy
General: What Was The Nickname Of Dexter Fletchers Character In Lock Stock And Two Smoking Barrels`Soapy
General: What Was The Nickname Of The Basketball Player Earvin Johnson`Magic
General: What Was The Nickname Of The Ford Model T Automobile Which Was Built From 1908 To 1927`Tin Lizzie
General: What Was The Number Of The Squadron Which Flew The Dambusters Mission In 1943`617
General: What Was The Occupation Of Marge's Father`Steward
General: what was the occupation of paul revere`a dentist
General: What Was The 'One-Word' Headline Of The London Star On Dec. 10,1936`Abdication
General: What Was The Only Dummy Awarded An Academy Award`Charlie Mccarthy
General: What Was The Only Key That Irving Berlin Could Play Piano In`F Sharp
General: What Was The Only Nation To Register Zero Births In 1983`Vatican City
General: What Was The Only Team To Win Two World Series In The 1980s`Los Angeles Dodgers
General: What Was The Only Thing That Beetlejuice Was Afraid Of`Sand Worms
General: What Was The Original Name For Playboy Magazine`Stag Party
General: What Was The Original Name Of Canada Dry Ginger Ale`Maclaughlin Belfast Ginger Ale
General: What Was The Original Name Of Istanbul`Byzantium
General: What Was The Original Name Of 'Little Rascals'`Our Gang
General: What Was The Original Name Of 'O Canada, ' The Canadian National Anthem`Maple Leaf Forever
General: what was the original name of paul mccartney's fictional church cleaner 'eleanor rigby'`miss daisy hawkins
General: What Was The Original Name Of The Girl Scouts`Girl Guides
General: what was the original name of the the new york times`new york daily news
General: what was the original title of the game show to tell the truth`nothing but the truth
General: what was the original title of the game show to tell the truth that was only used for one episode`nothing but the truth
General: What Was The Penalty (In Britain) In 1810 For Stealing A Pocket Handkerchief`Hanging
General: what was the pen name of samuel langhorne clemens`mark twain
General: What Was The Pen Name Of Samuel Longhorne Clemens`Mark Twain
General: What Was The Phantom Barman Called In The Shining`Lloyd
General: What Was The Pharon`Lighthouse
General: What Was The Philosophy Of Jean Paul Sartre Called`Existentialism
General: What Was The Precursor To Paper Called`Papyrus
General: What Was The Predecessor Of The United Nations`League Of Nations
General: What Was The Pre-War German Name For The Baltic City Which Is Now Russian And Called Kaliningrad`Konigsberg
General: What Was The Primary Occupation Of Characters In 'Falcon Crest'`Vineyard Owners
General: What Was The Principal Wood Used By Thomas Chippendale During The 18th Century`Mahogany
General: What was the profession of Lancelot 'Capability' Brown`landscape gardener
General: What Was The Profession Of Spider Man's Alter Ego`Photographer
General: what was the profession of ted bundy`attorney
General: What Was The Profession Of The Father Of The Hardy Boys`Detective
General: What Was The Real Name Of Boris Karloff`William Henry Pratt
General: What Was The Real Name Of Buffalo Bill, The Great Frontiersman And Showman`William F. Cody
General: what was the real name of recently deceased pop singer dusty springfield`mary o'brien
General: What Was The Real Name Of The Gangster Known As Pretty Boy`Charles Floyd
General: What Was The Real Name Of The Hospital On St. Elsewhere`St Eligius`saint Eligius
General: What Was The Real Name Of The Monk Known As Rasputin`Grigori Efimovich
General: What Was The Relationship Between Superman And Supergirl`Cousin
General: What Was The Royal Residence After St James Court`Buckingham Palace
General: What Was The Royal Residence Before Buckingham Palace`St James Court`saint James Court
General: What Was The Royal Surname 'Windsor' Originally`Saxe-Coburg
General: What Was The Russian City Of St. Petersburg Called From 1924 To 1991`Leningrad
General: what was the setting for the sound of music`austria
General: What Was The Speed Range Of The First Intel Pentium Processors`Sixty And Sixty Six Mhz
General: What Was The Spice Girls' First Single After The Departure Of Geri Halliwell`Viva Forever
General: What Was The Sr-Ni Which Made Its First English Channel Crossing On 25th July 1959`Hovercraft
General: what was the statue of liberty originally called`liberty enlightening the world
General: What Was The Statue Of Liberty Originally Named`Liberty Enlightening The World
General: What Was The Stones' Own Record Label Called`Rolling Stones
General: What Was The Symbol For The House Of Lancaster`Red Rose
General: What Was The Target Of The Worst Terrorist Attack On U.S. Soil, In 1993`The World Trade Center
General: What Was The Third Country To Get The 'Bomb'`Britain
General: What Was The Tiros I The First Of`Weather Satellite
General: What Was The Title Of Joe Loss's Signature Tune`In The Mood
General: What Was The Title Of Mantovani's Signature Tune`Charmaine
General: What Was The Title Of Oliver Cromwell When He Was Head Of The Commonwealth`Lord Protector
General: What Was The Title Of Polanski's Horror Spoof`Dance Of The Vampires
General: What Was The Title Of The Commodores' Hit 'She's Mighty Mighty Just Lettin' It All Hang Out'`Brick House
General: what was the title of the first james bond book`casino royale
General: What was the title of the novel which won the 1998 Booker prize`amsterdam
General: What Was The Title Of The Winning Song In The 1997 Eurovision Song Contest`Love Shine A Light
General: What Was The Title Of William Golding's Book About Boys Marooned On An Island In The Pacific`Lord Of The Flies
General: What Was The Top Single Record In 1950 By The Weavers`Goodnight Irene
General: What Was The Trademark Of Mobil Gasoline`Flying Red Horse
General: What Was The Traditional Colour Of A Howard Johnson's Roof`Orange
General: what was the traditional trade of aspiring bull fighters`brick layers
General: What Was The 'Unfinished Symphony' Meant To Be Played For`A Requiem
General: What Was The Unit Of Work In The C.G.S. System, Which Was Replaced By The Joule In The S.I. System`The Erg
General: What Was The (West) German Capital Before The 'Wiedervereinigung'`Bonn
General: What Was The World's First Large Stadium With A Retractable Roof`The Coliseum
General: What Was The World's Principal Christian City Before It Fell To The Ottoman Turks In 1453`Constantinople
General: what was the zaire river formerly known as`congo
General: What Was Used To Erase Lead Pencil Marks Before Rubber Came Into Use`Bread
General: What Was Vice President Dan Quayle's Nickname In The Senate`Wet Head (Because He Always Came Back From The Senate Gym With Wet Hair
General: What Was Vincenzo Perrugia Famous For Stealing In France In 1911`Mona Lisa
General: What Was Webster's Adopted Mom And Dad's Name`Poppadouupalus
General: What Was William H. Bonney's Nickname`Billy The Kid
General: What Was William H. Taft's Wife's Maiden Name`Helen Herron
General: what was world war 1 known as before world war 2`great war
General: What Weekday Do More Colds Begin On Than Any Other`Monday
General: What Well-Known Ancient Site In England Is 1,500 Years Older Then The Colosseum In Rome`Stonehenge
General: What Well-Known Politician Was A College Roommate Of Tommy Lee Jones`Al Gore
General: What Went Up October 4th,1957`Sputnik
General: What Were Christmas Tree Icicles Originally Made From`Lead
General: What Were Club Nouveu Originally Known As`Timex Social Club
General: What Were Comfrey Baths Were Believed To Restore`Virginity
General: what were fuchs and hillary the first to cross`antarctic
General: What Were J.B. Priestley's Christian Names`John Boynton
General: What Were Kickin' The Mule, Truckin' And Peckin' The Apple`Dances
General: What Were 'Little Boy' And 'Fat Man'`Atom Bombs
General: what were most mountain ranges formed from`collisions of continents
General: What Were Oxford Bags`Trousers
General: What Were Shawnee, Chisholm And Goodnight-Loving`Cattle Trails
General: What Were The Ancient Egyptian Pyramids Once Covered In`Marble
General: What Were The Call-Letters Of The Arizona Radio Station Frank Sinatra Bought In 1989`Kfas
General: What Were The Christian Names Of The Two Ronnies`Ronnie
General: what were the dolls in jacqueline susann's novel valley of the dolls`pills
General: What Were The First And Middle Names Of Sinclair Lewis' 'Babbitt'`George Folansbee
General: What Were The Girl Scouts Originally Known As`Girl Guides
General: What Were The Names Of The First So-Called 'Siamese Twins'`Chang And Eng
General: what were the nazi secret police called`gestapo
General: What Were The Only Words Spoken By Clarabel The Clown On, 'The Howdy Doody Show'`Goodbye Kids
General: What Were The Proper Feathers To Use For A Tar And Feathering In 18th-Century America`Goose Feathers
General: What Were The Russian Atrocities Against The Jews Called`Pogroms
General: What Were The Spice Islands Formerly Known As`Zanzibar
General: what were the stakes between mr simmons & goldfinger in the rigged gin game`five dollars a point
General: what were the two birds that noah sent out from the ark`raven and dove
General: what were the two cities in 'a tale of two cities'`london and paris
General: What Were The Two Dogs Names On Magnum Pi`Apollo And Zeus
General: What Were Used In Babylon To Pump Water For Irrigation`Windmills
General: What West Australian Town Has Been Called The 'Port Of Pearls'`Broome
General: What West Coast Carrier Did Delta Airlines Buy In 1986`Western Airlines
General: What Western Did James Arness Star In After 'Gunsmoke'`How The West Was Won
General: What Western Hemisphere Event In October 1962 Prompted John F. Kennedy To Deliver A Grave Warning To The Soviet Union`The Cuban Missile Crisis
General: What Western State's Answer To Spain's Running Of The Bulls Is An Annual Running Of The Sheep`Montana's
General: What 'W' Goes Before Ear, Meal And Germ`Wheat
General: What Wild Cat Is Native Only To North America`Bobcat
General: What Will Be The Result When I Add The Even Numbers From 1 To 100 And I Subtract All The Odd Numbers From 1 To 100`50
General: What Will You Find In The Collection Of A Spermologer`Trivia
General: what winter game resembles lawn bowling`curling
General: What 'W' Is A Pattern In Blue, First Seen On English Chine In The 18th Century`Willow
General: What 'W' Is Software Distributed By Microsoft That Rarely Works And Uses System Resources At An Astronomical Rate`Windows
General: what woman is the wife of prince phillip, the mother of anne, andrew, charles and edward and the daughter of george vi`elizabeth ii
General: What Wonder Stood 32m High In Rhodes Harbour`Colossus Of Rhodes
General: what word comes from the french version of the louisiana choctaw word bayuk`bayou
General: What word is Isaac Asimov famous for coining`robotics
General: what word is the opposite of synonym`antonym
General: What word links these: brother, gloves, skin`kid
General: What word links these: catcher, poison, race`rat
General: What word links these: club, good, hazard`health
General: What word links these: cover, film, special`extra
General: What word links these: growth, policy, recovery`economic
General: What word links these: pillow, remedy, tea`herbal
General: What Work Says That The Tree Is 'Known By Its Fruit'`The Talmud
General: What World-Famous Journalist Narrated The First Cinerama Film'this Is Cinerama'`Lowell Thomas
General: What World Leader Was Shot By Her Bodyguards In 1986`Indira Gandhi
General: What World Record Is Held By John Evans Of The United Kingdom`Heaviest Car Balanced On His Head
General: What Worms Will Eat Themselves If They Can't Find Any Food`Ribbon Worms
General: What would a car have if its specification included P.A.S`power assisted steering
General: What Would A Conchologist Be Intrested In`Shells
General: What Would A Cooper Make`Barrels
General: what would a scientist find out about a fossil be measuring it's carbon-14 content`its age
General: What Would You Buy From A Gibbons' Catalogue`Stamps
General: What Would You Call The Act Of Making A Mark On A Body By Burning`Branding
General: What Would You Do With 'Ackee' In Jamaica`Eat It
General: What Would You Do With A Hispano-Suiza`Drive It
General: What Would You Expect To Find In A Vespiary`Wasps
General: What Would You Fear If You Suffered From Taphophobia`Premature Burial
General: What Would You Find A Sally On The End Of`Bell Rope
General: What Would You Find On A 5,000 Acre Landfill At The Head Of Jamaica Bay Near New York City`John F Kennedy Airport
General: What Would You Get From A Vintner`Wine
General: What Would You Have If You Had Rutilism`Red Hair
General: what would you measure with a sphygmomanometer`blood pressure
General: What Would You Use A Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus For`Scuba Diving
General: What Would You Use A Sphygmomanometer To Measure`Blood Pressure
General: What Would You Use To Measure The Angle Between The Horizon And The Sun`Sextant
General: What would you use your zygomaticus muscle for`to smile
General: what wrestler played thunderlips in rocky iii`hulk hogan
General: What Wwf Superstar Has A Fascination With Middle Fingers, Beer, And The Word What`Stone Cold Steve Austin
General: What Wwf Superstar Has Been Quoted Saying 'You Know Debra, You Hit Just Like Your Old Man'`Undertaker
General: What 'W' Word Describes The Money People Earn For Their Work`Wages
General: what yellow, fossilised resin did the greeks and romans use in jewellery`amber
General: what yukon region was the scene of a famous gold rush`klondike
General: What Zambian National Park Has A River With The Same Name That Means 'Last Kingdom Of Elephants'`South Luangwa National Park
General: What Zodiacal Sign Is Represented By A Bull`Taurus
General: Wheel According To Bonnie Tyler, What Hits You When It's Too Late`Heartache
General: When A A Positive And Negative Plate Are Placed Together In An Electrical Circuit Which Stores A Charge In The Form Of An Electric Field It Is Called A`Capacitor
General: When All The Paint Was Stripped From The Outer Walls Of The White House For The Very First Time In The 1980's, How Many Coats Of Paint Were Stripped`42
General: When A Man Died In Ancient Egypt, The Females In His Family Would Smear Their Heads And Faces With Mud And Wander Through The City _______ __________ And Tearing Off Their Clothes`Beating Themselves
General: When A Man Died In Ancient Egypt, The Females In His Family Would Smear Their Heads And Faces With Mud And Wander Through The City Beating Themselves And _______ ___ _____`Tearing Off Their Clothes
General: When A Man Died In Ancient _____, The Females In His Family Would Smear Their Heads And Faces With Mud And Wander Through The City Beating Themselves And Tearing Off Their Clothes`Egypt
General: When A Military Contractor Referred To A 'Manually Powered Fastener-Driving Impact Device, ' He Was Talking About A`Hammer
General: When And Where Did The Worst Inflation Of The 20th Century Take Place`Hungary, Post-World War Ii
General: When A Person Dies, Hearing Is Generally The Last Sense To Go. The First Sense Lost Is Usually Sight. Then Follow _____, Smell, And Touch`Taste
General: When A Person Dies, Hearing Is Generally The Last Sense To Go. The First Sense Lost Is Usually Sight. Then Follow Taste, _____, And Touch`Smell
General: When A Person Dies, Hearing Is Generally The Last Sense To Go. The First Sense Lost Is Usually _____. Then Follow Taste, Smell, And Touch`Sight
General: When A Person Dies, _______ Is Generally The Last Sense To Go. The First Sense Lost Is Usually Sight. Then Follow Taste, Smell, And Touch`Hearing
General: When A Piece Of Glass Cracks, How Fast Does The Crack Travel`3,000 Miles Per Hour
General: When A Piece Of Glass Cracks, The Crack Travels Faster Than _________ Miles Per Hour`Three Thousand`Three Thousand
General: When A Player Hits A Double In Darts, What Can He Do`Start Scoring
General: When A ________ __________ Referred To A 'Manually Powered Fastener-Driving Impact Device, ' He Was Talking About A Hammer`Military Contractor
General: When Are New States Admitted To The U.S`Noon, July 4th
General: When Are The Two Equinoxs`March 21 And September 23
General: When Asked If They Would Vote For An _______ For U.S. President,36 Percent Of Those Americans Surveyed Said They Would Not`Atheist
General: When Asked What She Wore To Bed, Marilyn Monroe Responded That She Wore What`Chanel #5
General: When A Tokyo Mobster Wants To Buy A Property, He Might Put A Dead ___ On The Owner's Doorstep`Cat
General: when attending formal social functions, submissives should be`escorted
General: when a u s army bomber crashed into the new york's empire state building, how many people did it kill`fourteen
General: When A Woman Asserts Herself, Starts Calling Her Own Shots, A Fellow Like You Thinks She's Not A Woman, That's A Shame`Fled
General: When Bart Got A Tatoo, What Did He Get Written On It`Mother
General: When _____ Breaks, The Cracks Move At Speeds Of Up To 3,000 Mph`Glass
General: When Built In The 1980's, The B1 Bomber Cost This Much Per Ounce, Roughly Three Times The Contemporary Price Of Silver`33 Dollars
General: When Commercial _________ Service Was Introduced Between New York And London In 1927, The First Three Minutes Of A Call Cost $75`Telephone
General: When Commercial Telephone Service Was Introduced Between ___ ____ ___ ______ In 1927, The First Three Minutes Of A Call Cost $75`New York And London
General: When Commercial Telephone Service Was Introduced Between New York And London In 1927, The First Three Minutes Of A Call Cost $`75
General: When Commercial Telephone Service Was Introduced Between New York And London In 1927, The First Three _______ Of A Call Cost $75`Minutes
General: When Confucius Was Three, Which One Of His Family Members Died`His Mother
General: When Danger Appeared, Quick Draw Mcgraw Became Which Super Hero`El Kabong
General: When Did Israel Declare Independence`14 May 1948
General: When Did Leif Erikson Set Foot On North America`1000 Ad
General: When Did The Concorde First Fly`March 2,1969
General: when did the east germans begin to build the berlin wall`22494
General: When Do Children Grow Fastest`Springtime
General: when does the uterus expand 500 times its normal size`during pregnancy
General: When Do Parallel Lines Meet`Never
General: When do you new freckles usually stop appearing`by the age of 19 or 20
General: When Edward R. Morrow Interviewed Fidel Castro On 'Person To Person' In Feb. 1959what Was Castro Wearing`Pajamas
General: When Glass Breaks, The Cracks Move At Speeds Of Up To _, ___`3,000 Mph
General: When Glass Breaks, The Cracks Move Faster Than 3,000 Miles Per Hour. To Photograph The Event, A Camera Must Shoot At A _________ Of A Second`Millionth
General: When Glass Breaks The Cracks Move Faster Than 3,000 Mph. To Photograph The Event A Camera Must Shoot At A _________ Of A Second`Millionth
General: When Glass Breaks The Cracks Move Faster Than 3,000 Mph. To __________ The Event A Camera Must Shoot At A Millionth Of A Second`Photograph
General: When He Was A Child, Blaise Pascal Once Locked Himself In His Room For Several Days And Would Not Allow Anyone To Enter. When He Emerged, He Had Figured Out All Of ______'_ Geometrical Propositions Totally On His Own`Euclid's
General: When He Was A Child, ______ Pascal Once Locked Himself In His Room For Several Days And Would Not Allow Anyone To Enter. When He Emerged, He Had Figured Out All Of Euclid's Geometrical Propositions Totally On His Own`Blaise
General: When Honey Is Swallowed, It Enters The Blood Stream Within A Period Of How Many Minutes`20 Minutes
General: When Howard Stern Ran For Governor Of New York, He Appeared On The Ballot Under What Political Party`Libertarian
General: When, In 1979, Chuck Berry Was Released From Prison, For What Had He Been Serving Time`Tax Evasion
General: When In _____, Avoid Giving The Gift Of A Clock. To The Older Generation, A Clock Is A Symbol Of Bad Luck`China
General: When In China, Avoid Giving The Gift Of A _____. To The Older Chinese Generation, A _____ Is A Symbol Of Bad Luck`Clock
General: When In Nebraska, Keep In Mind Not To ____ Against Wind Because Not Only Is It Messy, Its Also Illegal`Spit
General: When In Nebraska, Keep In Mind Not To Spit Against Wind Because Not Only Is It Messy, Its Also`Illegal
General: When Is A Door Not A Door`When Its Ajar
General: When I Say Essay, I Mean, Essay. I Do Not Mean A Single Word Repeated A-Thousand Times`The Breakfast Club
General: When Is Celeborn's Birthday`8th October 1981
General: when is the longest day in the southern hemisphere`december
General: when is the shortest day in the southern hemisphere`june
General: When Is The Spanish Holiday Cinco De Mayo Celebrated`May 5th
General: When Is Turkey Traditionally Eaten In America`Thanksgiving
General: When It Comes To Freight C.O.D. Means`Cash On Delivery
General: When It Was First Built This Plane Was 2 1/2 Times Larger Than Any Other Passenger Plane In The World`Boeing 747
General: when light waves pass from one medium into another they change direction. this is called`refraction
General: When Measuring The Height Of A Horse Approximately How Long Is A Hand (Centimetres)`Ten
General: When _____ Meters Were First Introduced, Angry Drivers Beheaded Them With Axes`Parking
General: When Neil Armstrong And Edwin Aldrin Sat Down To Eat Their First Meal On The Moon, What Was In Their Foil Food Packets`Turkey With All The Trimmings
General: When Not Fighting Crime, What Did Underdog Do For A Living`Shoeshine Boy
General: When ocean tides are at their lowest, they are call what`neap tides
General: When Opossums Are Playing Opossum, They Are Not 'Playing.' They Actually Pass Out From _____`Sheer Terror
General: When Paul Anka Made His American Network Tv Debut On American Bandstand, What Song Was He Promoting`Diana (1957
General: When Playing Guitar, What Note Is Played When Placing Your Finger On The 5th Fret On The D String`G
General: When Poet Irving Layton Said, 'Canada Has At Last Produced A Political Leader Worthy Of Assassination' Which Canadian Prime Minister Was He Referring To`Pierre Trudeau
General: When Pope John Paul Ii Visited There In 1987, In Honour Of His Visit Hollwood's Famous Sign Was Changed To Read What`Holywood
General: When Pope John Paul Ii Visited There In 1987, In Honour Of His Visit Hollywood's Famous Sign Was Changed To Read What`Holywood
General: When Referring To Boats, What Do The Initials 'H.M.S' Stand For`His/Her Majesty's Ship
General: When Sitting On A Western-Style Saddle, Where Is The Cantle Located`On The Back
General: When Someone Is Clumsy Or Awkward, Especially With Their Hands, They Are Often Said To Be 'All ____' These`Thumbs
General: when something is completely different it is said to be a ____ of a different color`horse
General: When Something Is Completely Different It Is Said To Be One Of These Of A Different Colour`Pale
General: When Sonic Opened For Business In The 1950's What Was It Called`Top Hat
General: When Steve Jobs Announced Apple's Partnership With Microsoft During The August 1997 Macworld Trade Show, For How Long Did The Audience Boo? (In Seconds)`42 Seconds
General: When T-Bone Walker Took Sick Onstage In 1947 And Headed For The Bathroom,23 Year Old Clarence ____ Brown Jumped Onstage And Made His First Break`Gatemouth
General: When The Bald Eagle Was First Named, What Was The Meaning Of The Word Bald`White
General: When The Duchess Of Windsor's Jewels Were Going On The Auction Block In 1987, _______'_ Sold 24,000 Of Its Pricey, Detailed Catalogs`Sotheby's
General: When The Duchess Of Windsor's Jewels Were Going On The Auction Block In 1987, Sotheby's Sold __, ___ Of Its Pricey, Detailed Catalogs`24,000
General: When The Duchess Of Windsor's ______ Were Going On The Auction Block In 1987, Sotheby's Sold 24,000 Of Its Pricey, Detailed Catalogs`Jewels
General: When The First Xerox Machine Was Marketed, How Many Copies Per Minute Did It Produce`Seven
General: When The Students In 'Dead Poets' Society' Stood On Their Desks And Said 'O Captain! My Captain', They Were Quoting What American Poet`Walt Whitman
General: When The Titanic Left Southampton In April 1912, What Was Its First Port Of Call`Cherbourg
General: When Traveling In _____, Chopstick Etiquette Should Be Observed By Visitors. Never Use Chopsticks To Point At Somebody, And Do Not Leave The Chopsticks Standing Up Out Of The Food. On The Other Hand, It Is Quite Acceptable In _____ To Pick Up One's Rice Or Miso Soup Bowl And Hold It Directly Under The Chin While Eating To Prevent The Food From Falling`Japan
General: When Traveling In Japan, _________ Etiquette Should Be Observed By Visitors. Never Use _________S To Point At Somebody, And Do Not Leave The _________S Standing Up Out Of The Food. On The Other Hand, It Is Quite Acceptable In Japan To Pick Up One's Rice Or Miso Soup Bowl And Hold It Directly Under The Chin While Eating To Prevent The Food From Falling`Chopstick
General: When Traveling In Jordan, The Host May Ask A Visitor To Stay For Dinner. It Is Customary To Refuse _____ Before Accepting. Refuse Seconds Of Any Dish Offered Unless The Host Insists A Couple Of Times, And Even Then Accept Only With A Slight Air Of Reluctance`Twice
General: When Traveling In ______, The Host May Ask A Visitor To Stay For Dinner. It Is Customary To Refuse Twice Before Accepting. Refuse Seconds Of Any Dish Offered Unless The Host Insists A Couple Of Times, And Even Then Accept Only With A Slight Air Of Reluctance`Jordan
General: When Used To Describe A Camera, What Does Slr Stand For`Single Lens Reflex
General: When Using A Telephone, You Must Wait For A ____ Tone Before Starting Your Call`Dial
General: when vesuvius erupted in ad79 it buried which city besides pompeii`herculaneum
General: When Visiting _____, It Is Important To Know That It Is Considered Polite To Initially Refuse Someone's Offer Of Help`Japan
General: When Visiting Japan, It Is Important To Know That It Is Considered Polite To Initially Refuse Someone's Offer Of Help. Traditionally, An Offer Is Made _____ Times`Three
General: When Was Gladiator Fighting Permanently Banned In The Coliseum`404 Ad
General: When Was Julius Caesar Murdered`Ides Of March
General: When Was Moss Of Mareilon Classified`843 Gue
General: When was the descent of the holy spirit on the apostles`pentecost
General: When Was The First Leap Year`46 Bc
General: When was the first seeing eye dog presented to a blind person`13995
General: when was the resurrection`easter
General: When We Have To Pay The Consequences For Indulgent Behavior, We Have To Pay This Person`Piper
General: When William Penn Founded Pennsylvania In 1681, He Banned _______ __________ Within The Colony, But After His Death, The Commonwealth Established A Death Penalty. The First Crimes Punishable By Death Were: Murder, Rape, Burglary, Desertion, Sodomy, Housebreaking, Counterfeiting, And Robbery`Capital Punishment
General: When You Agree To End A Quarrel With Someone, You Bury This`Hatchet
General: When You Walk Does Your Left Arm Swing W/ Your Right Or Left Leg`Left
General: where are 47 czars buried`kremlin
General: where are a cow's sweat glands`nose
General: where are a snail's reproductive organs`head
General: Where Are Bangtails Found`Mailer Envelopes
General: Where Are Monopoly's Names From`Atlantic City
General: Where Are Panama Hats Made`Ecuador
General: where are queen mary's gardens`regents park
General: where are rocket j. squirel and bullwinkle moose from`frostbite falls
General: Where Are Swedish Buns Found`Denmark
General: Where Are The Cheddar Caves`Mendips
General: Where Are The Colours Blue And Yellow Used At Funerals For Warding Off Evil Spirits`Singapore
General: Where Are The Crown Jewels Kept`Tower Of London
General: Where Are The Descartes Highlands`On The Moon
General: Where Are The Famous Rock-Hewn Churches Of Lallibela`Ethiopia
General: where are the great walls of babylon located in the modern day world`iraq
General: Where are the Guiana Highlands`northern south america
General: where are the hausa and ibo tribes`nigeria
General: where are the headquarters for the c.I.a`langley, virginia
General: Where Are The Katydid Bug's Ears`Hind Legs
General: Where Are The Most Electrons Apt To Be Found`Orbital
General: Where Are The Only Remaining Free Roaming Panthers In North America`Southern Florida
General: Where Are The Pyramids Located`Egypt
General: where are there 3200 thunderstorms every night, some of which can be heard 18 miles away`in a belt along the equator
General: Where Are There Over 58 Million Dogs`United States
General: Where Are The Tivoli Gardens`Copenhagen
General: Where Are The 'Wallops'`Hampshire
General: Where Are Three-Quarters Of The World's Pineapples Grown`Hawaii
General: Whereas The British Used To Call This 'Tiger's Milk'`Gin
General: Where Can You Buy A Cup Of Coffee With Cruzeiros`Brazil
General: Where Can You Make It, If You Can Make It Here, According To A Frank Sinatra Hit`Anywhere
General: Where Could You Float A Boat At 1,292 Feet Below Sea Level`The Dead Sea
General: Where Did 24 Democratic And Republican National Conventions Take Place`Chicago
General: where did albert schweizer build his famous missionary station`lambarene
General: Where Did Alexander Graham Bell Have The First Telephone Exchange`New Haven Connecticut
General: Where Did Alexander The Great Die`Babylon
General: Where Did Anne Frank Die`Belsen
General: Where Did April Fools Day Originate`France
General: Where Did A Shire Have A Reeve`England
General: where did australian miners take their strongest stand against mining licenses`eureka stockade
General: Where Did Bagpipes Originate`Greece
General: Where Did Bagpipes Originate`Middle East
General: Where Did Bill And Hilary Clinton Switch On Christmas Lights In 1995`Belfast, Ireland
General: Where Did Churchill, Roosevelt And Stalin Meet In 1945`Yalta
General: Where Did Clark Kent Attend College`Metropolis University
General: Where Did Clark Kent Usually Change Into His Superman Costume In The Daily Planet Building`Store Room
General: Where Did Cuneiform Originate`Sumer
General: Where Did Cuzzie Russel Play His College Ball`Michigan
General: Where Did Dahlia's Originate`Mexico
General: Where Did De Gaulle Flee To After France Surrendered To Germany`Britain
General: Where Did Explorer Robert Peary Lay Claim Of First Arrival To In 1909`North Pole`The North Pole
General: Where Did Forrest Gump Keep The Book 'Curious George'`In His Suitcase
General: Where Did George Harrison Discover Gold`Witwatersrand
General: where did george of the jungle live`imgwee gwee valley
General: Where Did Gladiators Fight Professionally`Roman Arenas
General: Where Did Godzilla Come From`Lagos Island
General: where did guinevere retire to die`amesbury
General: Where Did Hendrik The Dutch Boy Stick His Finger`Dyke
General: Where did Howdy Doody live`doodyville
General: Where Did Itsy Bitsy Spider Climb`Up The Water Spout
General: Where Did John F. Kennedy, Lee Harvery Oswald And Jack Ruby All Die (Hospital)`Parkland Memorial Hospital
General: Where Did Judy Garland's Family Have Their Vaudeville Act`New Grand Theatre
General: Where did Lord Byron die`greece
General: where did nelson mandela attend university`fort hare
General: Where Did Nikki Lauda Get His Disfiguring Burns`Nurburgring
General: Where Did Osiris Hide From Seth According To Various Earth Legends`Kheb
General: Where Did Over 300 Defiant Indians Head Off To, After Sitting Bull Was Killed`Wounded Knee
General: Where Did 'Paella' Originate`Spain
General: where did phileas fogg begin and end his trip around the world`london
General: Where Did Robert Fulton Launch His First Steamboat`Paris
General: Where Did Rocket Technology Begin To Be Linked With Space Travel`Russia
General: Where Did Stalin, Churchill, Attlee And Truman Meet In 1945 To Determine The Future Of Germany After Their Unconditional Surrender`Potsdam
General: Where Did Tartans Originate`Spain
General: Where Did The Baltimore Orioles Begin`Milwaukee
General: Where Did The Bay Of Pigs Take Place`Cuba
General: Where Did The Bayonet Originate`Bayonne, France
General: Where Did The Big Faith No More/Metallica/Guns'n'roses Riot Occured In '91`Montreal
General: Where Did The Birkenhead Sink`Danger Point
General: Where Did The Celts Believe Dead Heroes Went`Avalon
General: Where Did The Chairlift's Predecessor Originate`California
General: Where Did The Clones Have Their Laboratory In 'Colony'`Germantown
General: Where Did The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Occur`Prince William Sound
General: Where Did The First Artificially Refrigerated Ice Rink Open`London England
General: Where Did The Incas Live`Peru
General: Where Did The Judds Spend Years Shopping Demos Recorded On A Cassette Recorder`Nashville, Tennessee
General: Where did the Mafia originate`sicily
General: where did the original thugs come from`india
General: Where Did The Russian Submarine The Kursk Sink`Barents Sea
General: Where Did Thomas Magnum Grow Up As A Kid`San Diego
General: Where Did Turkeys Come From`South America
General: Where Did Venetian Blinds Originate`Japan
General: Where Did Wilt Chamberlain Play Collegiate Ball`Kansas
General: where do ants live`fornicary
General: Where Do Boxers Strike When Using The Illegal 'Rabbit Punch'`The Back Of The Neck
General: where do cars carrying gbz identification plates come from`gibraltar
General: Where Does A Hippopotamus Give Birth And Nurse Their Young`Underwater
General: Where Does A Librocubicularist Read`In Bed
General: Where Does Chewing Gum Come From, Originally`Mexico
General: where does dilbert think of inventions`in the bathtub
General: Where Do Eskimos Wear Mukluks`Feet
General: Where Does Maple Syrup Come From`Canada
General: Where Does Queen Elizabeth Live When She's In London`Buckingham Palace
General: Where Does Quincy Work`The Los Angeles County Coroner's Office
General: Where Does Ray Bradbury's Chronicles Take Place`Mars
General: Where Does The Embryo Implant Itself In A Tubal Pregnancy`Fallopian Tube
General: Where Does The European Parliament Have Its Seat`Strasbourg
General: Where Does The Famous 'Running Of The Bulls' Take Place`Pamplona
General: Where does the Iditarod dog sled race take place`alaska
General: Where Does The 'Queen Elizabeth Ii' Usually Dock In England`Southampton
General: Where Does The U.S Government Keep It's Supply Of Silver`West Point Academy
General: where does yogi bear live`jellystone park
General: where do mangoes, kiwifruit and litchis originally come from`asia
General: Where Do 'Open-Collar Workers' Work`Home
General: where do people pay for their vodkas in zlotys`poland
General: Where Do The English Monarchs Live`Buckingham Palace
General: Where Do The Souls Of Unbaptised Babies Go After Death, According To Catholocism`Limbo
General: Where Do You Find The Medulla Oblongata`Brain
General: Where Do You Go To Row On The Po`Italy
General: Where In 1756 Was The Infamous Black Hole`Calcutta
General: where in ancient greece were the original olympics held`olympia
General: where in a tree does photosynthesis occur`leaves
General: Where In Australia Is Palm Valley`The Northern Territory
General: Where In Canada Did Parking Meters Make Their First Appearance`Sudbury, Ontario
General: Where In England Did Lady Godiva Bare All`Coventry
General: Where In Europe It Is Illegal To Flush The Toilet After 10 P.M. If You Live In An Apartment`Switzerland
General: where in europe would you visit the village of y`france
General: Where In Huddersfield Was The Rugby League Formed In 1895`The George Hotel
General: Where In London Are The Crown Jewels Kept`Tower Of London
General: Where In London Is Poets Corner`Westminster Abbey
General: Where In London Is Rotten Row`Hyde Park
General: Where In London Was The Great Exhibition Of 1851 Held`Hyde Park
General: Where In New Mexico Was The First Atomic Bomb Assembled`Los Alamos
General: Where, In New Mexico, Was The First Atomic Bomb Detonated In July 1945`Alamogordo
General: Where In New Zealand Were Both The World Record Striped Marlin And Big-Eyed Thresher Shark Caught`Tutukaka
General: Where In The United States Would You Find The Country's Only Royal Palace`Hawaii
General: Where In The Usa Is Yale University`Connecticut
General: Where In The World Can You Find Lemurs In The Wild`Madagascar
General: Where In The World Is The Longest Canal`China
General: Where Is Amundsen Scott Station`South Pole
General: where is a nave, apse, atrium and narthex`basilica
General: where is calcutta`india
General: Where Is Elizabeth I Buried`Westminster Abbey
General: Where Is Elvis Buried`Graceland
General: Where is Enclyclopaedia Britannica based and published`chicago
General: where is gasoline alley`indianapolis
General: Where is most of America's gold located`fort knox
General: Where is Mount Etna`sicily
General: Where Is New Zealand Situated In Relation To Australia`South East
General: Where Is 'Olympos Mons'`Mars
General: Where Is Rocky And Bullwinkle's Home`Frostbite Falls
General: Where is Shangri-La supposed to be`himalayas
General: where is stone mountain`atlanta
General: where is surfing believed to have originated`hawaii
General: where is the admirality arch`london
General: where is the admiralty arch`london
General: where is the black forest`germany
General: where is the blarney stone`blarney castle
General: Where Is The Blue Grotto`Capri, Italy
General: Where Is The Bodhran Most Common Used In Warfare And Celebrations`Ireland
General: Where Is 'The Breadbasket Of Russia'`Ukraine
General: where is the city of brotherly love`philadelphia
General: Where Is The Coldest Place On Earth`Antarctica
General: Where is the 'Day of the Dead' celebrated`mexico
General: Where Is The Declaration Of Independence Kept`National Archives
General: Where Is The Dewey Classification System Used`Library
General: where is the holy shrine established by st bernadette`lourdes
General: Where is the home of golf`st andrews, scotland`saint andrews, scotland
General: where is the ivy league college brown university located`providence,rhode island
General: Where Is The Kennedy Space Centre`Cape Canaveral, Florida
General: Where Is The Key Hidden In The Play 'Dial M For Murder'`Fifth Step
General: Where Is The Kitty Hawk`Smithsonian
General: where is the land of 10,000 lakes`minnesota
General: Where Is The Largest Indoor Atrium In The World Located`Luxor Casino And Hotel In Las Vegas
General: Where Is The Largest Stained-Glass Window In The World Located`Kennedy International Airport
General: Where Is The Louvre Located`Paris
General: Where Is The Lowest Point In The U.S`Death Valley
General: Where Is The Machu Picchu`Peru
General: Where Is The Marsh Of Decay`On The Moon
General: where is the natchez trail`mississippi
General: Where Is The Notre Dame Cathedral`Paris
General: Where Is The One Place That The Us Flag Flies Full Staff 24 Hours A Day And Is Never Raised Or Lowered And Never Saluted`On The Moon
General: Where Is The Original Harris Tweed Spun And Woven`Outer Hebrides
General: Where Is There A Parliament Called The Tynwald`Isle Of Man
General: Where Is The 'Sugar Bowl' Played`New Orleans
General: where is the us naval academy situated`annapolis, maryland
General: Where Is The Worlds Brightest Building Light Located`On The Top Of The Luxor Casino And Hotel In Las Vegas
General: where is tongeren`belgium
General: where is westminster abbey located`london
General: Where On Mars Did The First Lander Touch Down`Chryse Planitia
General: Where On Your Body Would You Wear Flippers`Feet
General: Where's The Famed Arch Of Hadrian`Athens
General: where the khmers live`cambodia
General: where two bones meet there is a`joint
General: Where Was Bob Hope Born`Eltham
General: Where Was Canada's Oldest Univeristy Founded`Windsor, Nova Scotia
General: where was coinage invented`lydia
General: Where Was Coldest Ever Temperature In Canada Recorded`Snag Yukon
General: where was cornflakes invented`battle creek sanitarium
General: Where Was El Greco Born`Greece
General: Where was first time, in 1894, the Mormons settled`nevada
General: where was george a custer defeated`battle of little bighorn
General: Where Was Gold Discovered In California`Sutter's Mill
General: Where Was Haagen Dazs First Manufactured`Bronxny
General: Where Was Karl Marx Born`Trier
General: Where Was King Kong's Home`Skull Island
General: Where was Methodism founded`oxford university
General: Where was Mohammed, the founder of Islam born`mecca
General: where was paper money first used`china
General: where was pope john paul ii born`poland
General: Where Was Rin Tin Tin Stationed At`Fort Apache
General: Where was Salman Rushdie born`bombay
General: Where Was Superman Born`Krypton
General: Where Was The 1997 Super Bowl Held`Superdome, New Orleans
General: Where Was The 1st H-Bomb Tested`Enewetak Atoll
General: Where Was The Bluenose Launched`Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
General: Where Was The Decimal System Developed`India
General: Where Was The First Automated Fortune Cookie Machine Manufactured`Japan
General: Where Was The First Bobsled Club Formed`Saint Moritz, Switzerland
General: Where Was The First Commercially Marketed Typewriter Manufactured`Copenhagan Denmark
General: where was the first known lighthouse, the pharon, an ancient world wonder, located`alexandria
General: Where Was The First Single Chairlift Built`Sun Valley, Idaho
General: where was the first skyscraper in the world built`chicago
General: Where Was The Pharos Of Alexandria`Egypt
General: Where Was The Piper Alpha Oil Rig Belonging To The U.S Occidental Petroleum Corporation, Which Exploded In 1988`North Sea
General: where was the rosetta stone found`cairo
General: where was the septuagint written`alexandria
General: Where Was The World's First Liquid-Fueled Rocket Launched`Worcester Massachusetts
General: Where Was The Worlds First Paper Money Used`China
General: Where Was The World's First Shopping Mall Built`Baltimore, Maryland
General: Where Were Arabic Numerals First Used`India
General: Where Were Archie And Edith Bunker's Chairs Enshrined`The Smithsonian Institute
General: Where Were Both Donny And Marie Osmond Born`Ogden, Ut
General: Where Were 'Foul Lane', 'Stinking Lane' And 'Bladder Street'`London
General: Where Were George Mallory And Andrew Irvine Heading When They Were Last Seen Alive`Summit Of Everest
General: where were numerous french nuclear tests conducted`muraroa atoll
General: where were the 1896 olympics held`athens, greece
General: where were the 1906 olympics held`athens, greece
General: where were the 1924 olympics held`paris, france
General: where were the 1928 olympics held`amsterdam, the netherlands
General: where were the 1968 olympics held`mexico city, mexico
General: where were the 1984 olympics held`los angeles
General: Where were the ancient script of Linear A and Linear B found`crete
General: Where Were The First Books Printed`China
General: Where Were The First Pencils Manufactured`England
General: Where Were The Hanging Gardens`Babylon
General: Where Were The Los Angeles Lakers Originally Located`Minneapolis
General: Where Were The Toltecs From`Mexico
General: Where Were Tommy Lee Jones And Al Gore Freshman Roommates`Harvard
General: Where Will Children As Young As 15 Be Jailed For Cheating On Their Finals`Bangladesh
General: Where Will You Find Darjeeling Tea Growing`India
General: Where Will You Find The Greater And Lesser Trochanters`The Femur`Femur
General: Where Would One Eat A Taco`Mexico
General: Where Would One Have Borscht`Poland Or Russia
General: Where Would One Most Likely Find Lemon Grass`Vietnam
General: Where Would U Look At A Snellen Chart`Opticians
General: Where Would You Be Greeted With: Wesolych Swiat`Poland
General: Where Would You Be If You Were Visiting The Asian City Of O`Japan
General: Where would you be most likely to see a 'gazebo'`garden
General: Where Would You Eat A Taco`Mexico
General: Where Would You Experience Serious Pain If Someone Dropped A Concrete Block On Your Hallus`Your Big Toe
General: Where Would You Find A Snail's Reproductive Organs`Head
General: Where Would You Find Queen Maud Land`Antarctica
General: Where Would You Find The Following Words: 'Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor, Your Huddled Masses ...'`Statue Of Liberty
General: Where Would You Find 'The Grand Palace' Or 'Wat Phra Kaew'`Thailand
General: Where Would You Find The Islands Of Langerhans`Pancreas
General: Where Would You Find The Jacobson's Organs In A Snake`In The Roof Of The Mouth
General: Where Would You Find The Letters C, D, E, F, L, O, P, T, And Z And No Other Letters`Snellen Eye Chart
General: Where Would You Find The 'Ocean Of Storms'`Moon
General: Where Would You Find The Sea Of Tranquillity`On The Moon
General: Where Would You Find The Yoruba People`Nigeria
General: Where Would You Find Vox Humana And Vox Angelica Together`On An Organ
General: Where Would You Go To See A Tower That Leans`Pisa, Italy
General: Where Would You Go To View The World Tallest Structure`North Dakota
General: Whether Or Not You Are _______ __ ______ During A Car Accident Makes Little Difference In The Injury Department According To The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. What Makes A Difference Is Being Properly Restrained In The Vehicle`Relaxed Or Braced
General: Whether Or Not You Are Relaxed Or Braced During A Car Accident Makes Little Difference In The Injury Department According To The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. What Makes A Difference Is Being Properly __________ In The Vehicle`Restrained
General: Whether Or Not You Are Relaxed Or Braced During A ___ ________ Makes Little Difference In The Injury Department According To The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration`Car Accident
General: Whether Visiting Zimbabwe, Botswana, South Africa, Or Swaziland, Most Big Game Areas Offer Safari By _____. The Adventure Offers A More One-On-One Experience With Nature Than That Available From A Vehicle-Driven Safari`Horse
General: Which 4 Letters (In Alpha Order) Are The Only Ones That Look The Same If You Turn Them Upside Down? (Hint: H _ _ _)`H I O X
General: Which 90s Grand National Winner Was Trained By Martin Pipe`Minnehoma
General: Which actor played Alain Chanier in The French Connection`fernando rey
General: which actor reeves starred in _bram stoker's dracula`keanu
General: Which actor's autobiography is entitled Dear Me`peter ustinov
General: Which actress said 'Sometimes I'm so sweet even l can't stand it'`julie andrews
General: which actress was not an original 'charlie's angel'`cheryl ladd
General: Which Airline Has Its Home Base In Atlanta, Georgia`Delta
General: which airline has the registration prefix 'vr'`cathay pacific
General: Which Airline Owned The Jet That Exploded Over Lockerbie, Scotland, In 1988`Pan Am
General: Which American chat show hostess apppeared in the film 'The Color Purple'`oprah winfrey
General: which american city is considered the blues capital of the world`chicago
General: Which American, Considered One Of The Greatest Presidents, Received Nearly No Formal Education? (Last Name Only)`Lincoln
General: Which American Group Decided People Are Strange`Doors
General: Which American Military Academt was established in 1802 on the Hudson river`west point
General: Which American newspaper has the slogan All the news that's fit to print`new york times
General: which american nobel prize winner gave his prize money to the shine of the virgin in the east of cuba`ernest hemingway
General: Which American president said, 'It is not best to swap horses when crossing streams'`abraham lincoln
General: which american president was never elected`gerald ford
General: Which American Professor Asked Australian Tv Audiences, 'Why Is It So?'`Prof. Julius Sumner Miller
General: Which American state is called 'The Silver State'`nevada
General: Which American state is known as the Lone Star State`texas
General: Which American state passed a bill declaring Pi to be 3`indiana
General: Which Ammendment To The U.S. Constitution Gave Women The Right To Vote`19th (August 26,1920
General: Which Amusement Park Opened In Anaheim, California, On July 18th.,1955`Disneyland
General: which anagram of coin is an image of a sacred person`icon
General: Which Ancient Ship Was Brought Up From The Sea In 1982`The Mary Rose
General: Which Ancient Town, Capital Of The Legendary King Minos, Was Excavated And Reconstructed By Sir Arthur Evans Between 1899 And 1935`Knossos
General: which animal always grows new teeth to replace the old teeth`a crocodile
General: which animal runs the fastest`cheetah
General: which animal's name literally means earth pig`aardvark
General: Which apostle is the patron of bankers, book-keepers and tax collectors`matthew
General: Which Arabic Country Has The Biggest Proportion Of Christians`Lebanon
General: Which architect was responsible for many of Barcelona's famous buildings`antonio gaudi
General: which are the only two angels to be named in the bible`gabriel and michael
General: Which Are The Twin Cities`Minneapolis And Saint Paul
General: Which artificial fiber was invented in 1938`nylon
General: which artist/group had a hit in 1989 with another day in paradise`phil collins
General: which artist/group had a hit in 1989 with don't worry, be happy`bobby mcferrin
General: which artist/group had a hit in 1989 with hangin' tough`new kids on the block
General: which artist/group had a hit in 1989 with:wind beneath my wings`bette midler
General: which artist/group had a hit in 1990 with how am I supposed to live without you`michael bolton
General: which artist/group had a hit in 1990 with vision of love`mariah carey
General: which artist/group had a hit in 1991 with coming out of the dark`gloria estefan
General: which artist/group had a hit in 1991 with i adore mi amor`color me badd
General: which artist/group had a hit in 1991 with i don't wanna cry`mariah carey
General: which artist/group had a hit in 1991 with rush rush`paula abdul
General: which artist/group had a hit in 1992 with i'd die without you`p.m dawn
General: which artist/group had a hit in 1993 with that's the way love goes`janet jackson
General: which artist/group had a hit in 1994 with on bended knee`boyz ii men
General: which artist/group had a hit in 1995 with have you ever really loved a woman`bryan adams
General: which artist/group had a hit in 1995 with you are not alone`michael jackson
General: which artist/group had a hit in 1996 with always be my baby`mariah carey
General: which artist/group had a hit in 1996 with macarena (bayside boys mix)`los del rio
General: which artist/group had a hit with alone`heart
General: which artist/group had a hit with always`atlantic starr
General: which artist/group had a hit with (i just) died in your arms`cutting crew
General: which artist/group had a hit with shake you down`gregory abbott
General: which art movement was founded by pablo picasso and george braque`cubism
General: Which austere Christian sect, founded in 1650, rejects cultural rites and an ordained ministry`quakers
General: Which Australian city hosted its final Formula 1 race in 1995`adelaide
General: which australian city was host to the nations's first steam train.and its first electric train`melbourne
General: Which Austrian president was engulfed in a storm over his Nazi past in 1988`kurt waldheim
General: Which band comprises Shaznay and Melanie plus sisters Natalie and Nicole`all saints
General: Which Bank Did The Jailed Nick Leeson Work For And Ruin`Barings
General: Which Beatles song is the most recorded song of all time`yesterday
General: Which Beetle Is Sacred To Egyptians`Scarab
General: Which best selling car with a production spanning some 30 years is to be replaced by the Focus`ford escort
General: Which Billie Jo Put Her Blanket On The Ground In 1975`Spears
General: which bird can walk underwater`dipper
General: which bird is known as 'the lightning bird'`hamerkop
General: which board game did humphrey bogart excel at`chess
General: which bond girl is now a medicine woman`jane seymour
General: which book catapulted germaine greer to fame`female eunuch
General: Which Bottled Water Originates In Dovedale`Ashbourne
General: Which Branch Of The Us Military Has Units Named Seals`Navy
General: Which breed of dog has a name derived from the old name for Greece`greyhound
General: Which Breed Of Dog Is Recognized As The Smallest`Chihuahua
General: Which British airport has the identification code EMA`east midlands
General: Which British City Was Known As Venta Bulgarum By The Romans`Winchester
General: Which British Colony Was Returned To The Chinese In 1997`Hong Kong
General: Which British Physician,1749 To 1823, Developed The First Effective Vaccine Against Smallpox`Edward Jenner
General: Which British prime minister died in 1965`winston churchill
General: Which British Prime Minister Wrote A Book Entitled 'Lothair'`Benjamin Disraeli
General: Which British Railway Station Has The Greatest Number Of Platforms`Waterloo
General: Which British statesman, Minister of Labour in the National Government 1940-45, became Foreign Secretary in 1945`ernest bevin
General: Which British Town Is Famous For Its Cutlery Production`Sheffield
General: Which British Warrior Was The Queen Of The Iceni`Boudicca
General: Which Brothers Published The Storybook Entitled 'Household Tales' In The 19th Century`The Brothers Grimm
General: Which Building Commemorates The Great Fire Of London`Monument
General: Which Calendar Do Most People In The Western World Use`The Gregorian Calendar
General: Which Camera Company Produces The Popular 'Sureshot'`Canon
General: Which Camera Company Produces The Popular 'Trip'`Olympus
General: Which Canadian-Born Newspaper Magnate Became Proprietor Of The Daily`Express In 1919`Lord Beaverbrook
General: Which Canadian City Is Found In The Province Named For Its River, The Ksiskatchewanisipi`Regina
General: Which Canadian City Was Originally Called Bytown`Ottawa
General: Which Canadian Province Extends Farthest North`Quebec
General: Which Canadian Province Has The Largest Population`Ontario
General: Which Canadian Province's Name Means 'New Scotland' In Latin`Nova Scotia
General: Which Canadian Province Was Formerly Called Acadia`Nova Scotia
General: which candy bar is named after a planet`mars bar
General: Which capital city stands near the delta of the Irrawaddy river`rangoon
General: Which Capital Is Known As The Glass Capital Of The World`Toledo, Ohio
General: Which capital is the largest city in Africa`cairo
General: Which car manufacturer was the first to introduce front wheel drive in 1934`citroen
General: Which cartoon character's vital statistics were 19-19-19 -in inches`olive oyl
General: which car won the 1953 italian grand prix`maserati
General: Which Castle, home of the Dukes of Rutland, is near Grantham in Lincolnshire`belvoir castle
General: Which Cast Member Of 'Happy Days' Refused To Attend A 1992 Reunion Of The Series, Declaring That The Rest Of The Cast Was 'Evil'`Erin Moran
General: Which Cathedral City, Sixty Miles From Paris, Has Two Spires`Chartres
General: Which Central American Country Extends Furthest North`Belize
General: Which Character From Beavis And Butthead Has Their Own Show`Daria
General: Which Character In 'Forrest Gump' Loved Shrimp`Bubba
General: which character sang come out, come out, wherever you are in the wizard of oz`glinda, the good witch of the north
General: which character sang, when you wish upon a star.. in disney's pinocchio`jiminy cricket
General: Which character was portrayed by Robert Redford in the film Out of Africa`dennis finch hatton
General: Which chemical element gets it's name from a greek word meaning stranger`xenon
General: Which Children's Magazine Features The Adventures Of Goofus And Gallant`Highlights For Children
General: Which Cigar Company Features A Rembrandt Painting On Its Box`Dutch Masters
General: which city had the first coffee shop in the world`istanbul
General: Which city has the highest population`mexico city
General: which city is a 'player with railroads, and the nation's freight handler'`chicago
General: which city is known as motown`detroit
General: Which City Is On The East Side Of San Francisco Bay`Oakland
General: Which City On Two Continents Was Formerly Known As Constantinople`Istanbul
General: Which City's Music Was Featured In 'I Feel Fine'`Liverpool's
General: Which city was the location for the 1994 Winter Olympics`lillehammer, norway
General: Which Clinton Admitted His Fantasy Was 'To Make Love In The Front Yard Of The White House'`Roger Clinton
General: Which Club Did Eusebio Play For Throughout The 1960s`Benfica
General: Which (Co)Founder Of The Communist Party Of China Initiated The Great Leap Forward`Mao Zedong
General: Which Collection Of Stories Was Told By Scheherazade`The Thousand And One Nights
General: Which Colourless, Odourless Light Gas Is Used To Lift Airships`Helium
General: Which Combination Of Materials Is Often Used With To Make Ultra Hard Materials Used High Wear Applications`Tungsten Carbide And Cobalt
General: Which Comes First In A Butterfly's Life Cycle: The Larva Or The Pupa`Larva
General: Which Comet Struck Jupiter In July 1994`Shoemaker-Levy
General: which comics characters were createdy by s. francis, h. dugmore and rico`madam and eve
General: which comic strip was banned from stars and stripes`beetle bailey
General: Which Companies Developed The 2 Seater Smart Car`Swatch And Mercedes Benz
General: Which Company, Based At Westgate Brewery, Bury St. Edmonds, Produces Abbot Ale`Greene King
General: Which Company Built The First Spiral Escalator In The 1980's`Mitsubishi
General: Which Company Claimed To Be 'One Step Ahead Of The Rest'`Panasonic
General: Which Company, During The 1984 Super Bowl, Aired What Is Considered One Of The Best Commercials In Tv History`Apple
General: Which Company, Formed By Cecil Rhodes In 1888, Was An Amalgamation Of Several Diamond Companies And Is Still Going Strong`De Beers
General: Which Company Made The Cross Your Heart Bra`Playtex
General: Which Company Made The Game Indiana Jones 'The Fate Of Atlantis'`Lucas Arts
General: Which Company Pioneered The First Trans-Pacific Passenger Flights`Pan American
General: Which Company Produced The First Nylon`Dupont
General: Which Company Produced The Syndicated Mouse Factory Series`Walt Disney
General: Which Company's Cookies Are 'Made By Elves'`Keebler
General: Which constellation is the water-bearer`aquarius
General: Which Continent Is The Only One That Doesn't Have Glaciers`Australia
General: Which Country Administers Christmas Island`Australia
General: Which Country Adopted A Law That States All Couples Thinking About Getting Married Must Have A Genetic Screening For Diseases And Illnesses`China
General: Which country altered it's timezone in order to be the first to see in the year 2000`tonga
General: Which Country Are The Galapagos Islands Part Of`Ecuador
General: Which Country Banned E.T Dolls Because There Is A Law Against Selling Dolls Without Human Faces`France
General: Which Country Became The Fourth To Demonstrate It Had Entered The 'Atomic Age' By Exploding A Nuclear Bomb`China
General: Which Country Borders All Of Lethoso`South Africa
General: which country borders italy, switzerland, west germany, czechoslovakia, hungary, yugoslavia, and liechtenstein`austria
General: which country cancelled national beauty contests 1992, claiming they were degrading`canada
General: Which country contains 1/4 of the worlds cattle population`india
General: which country developed tae-kwan-do`korea
General: which country developed the first jet fighter`germany
General: Which Country Does Not Have Its Name On Its Postage Stamps`Great Britain
General: which country gave the us the statue of liberty as a gift`france
General: Which Country Has 9 Of The Most 10 Venomous Snakes In The World`Australia
General: Which country has a flag of a red circle on a white background`japan
General: Which Country Has Ankara As Its Capital`Turkey
General: Which Country Has Budapest As Its Capital`Hungary
General: Which country has international registration letter P`portugal
General: Which Country Has Never Imposed Censorship On Adult Films`Belgium
General: Which Country Has The Folketing As Parliament`Denmark
General: which country has the fourth largest population`indonesia
General: Which Country Has The Longest Land Border`China
General: Which Country Has The Most Civilian (Exclude Those Solely For Military Purposes) Nuclear Reactors In The World`Usa
General: Which country has the most world championship wins for angling`france
General: which country has the oldest national flag`denmark
General: Which Country Has The Only Flag Which Is Not Rectangular Or Square`Nepal
General: which country has the plainest flag, having no other markings and consisting only of green`libya
General: Which Country In Southern African Was Previously Known As Bechuanaland`Botswana
General: Which country is also known as Suomi`finland
General: which country is also known as the mountain kingdom`lesotho
General: Which Country Is Between Lybia And Algeria`Tunisia
General: Which Country Is Called Hrvatska By Its Natives`Croatia
General: Which Country Is Famous For Its Fjords`Norway
General: Which country is known as the Hashemite Kingdom`jordan
General: Which country is the smallest population`vatican city
General: Which Country Makes Panama Hats`Ecuador
General: Which Country Of Today Was Home To Rubens, Breughel And Van Dyck`Belgium
General: Which Country Out-Vetoed The Other 48-To-4 In The United Nations Security Council In The 1980s`America
General: Which Country Produces The Most Crude Oil`Saudi Arabia
General: which country saw the mau mau uprising`kenya
General: Which Country's Capital City Is Sofia`Bulgaria
General: which country's coins depict a harp on one side and animals on the other`ireland
General: Which Country's Consumer Tastes Led To The Creation Of 'Oreo' Cookies Without The Cream In 1991`Japan
General: which country's national symbol is a lotus flower`india
General: which country's parliament is called storthing`norway
General: Which country's ships fly under the Union Jack`britain
General: Which Country Uses A Tugrik For Money`Mongolia
General: Which Country Uses A Yen For Money`Japan
General: Which Country Uses The Most Condoms`Japan
General: which country uses the yen for currency`japan
General: Which Country Uses Zlotys For Money`Poland
General: Which Country Was Known As Persia`Iraq
General: Which Country Was Ruled By The Dictator Primo De Rivera From 1923 Until 1930`Spain
General: Which Country Was The Setting For The Flame Trees Of Thika`Kenya
General: Which Country Were The Bay City Rollers From`Scotland
General: which country won the world cup of soccer in 1982`italy
General: which country would come first in an alphabetical list of countries`afghanistan
General: which county has two little londons`lincolnshire
General: Which Creature Do Eskimos (Or Inuit) Call A Nanook`Polar Bear
General: Which creatures sang We all stand together`frogs
General: Which creature taught Dr. Doolittle how to talk to the animals`his parrot
General: which cricket player holds the world record for the highest individual score in first-class cricket`brian lara
General: Which Culture Is Famous For Their Sand Paintings`The Navajo
General: Which Cult Was Responsible For The Death Of 778 Members In Uganda`Movement For The Restoration Of The Ten Commandments
General: Which Dallas Regular First Made His Name In I Dream Of Jeannie`Larry Hagman
General: Which Dancer Found Guilty Of Espionage Was Shot Dead During Ww I`Mata Hari
General: Which Daniel Defoe Character Was Born In Newgate Prison`Moll Flanders
General: Which 'Daring Young Man On The Flying Trapeze' Gave His Name To A Garment`Jules Leotard
General: Which Date Is Inscripted On The Book That The Statue Of Liberty Holds`July 4,1776
General: Which day is the first day of Holy Week in the Christian calendar`palm sunday
General: Which day of the week is named after the moon`monday
General: Which department is the ITU in a hospital`intensive therapy unit
General: Which Designer Is Famous For Creating The 1970's Wrap Dress`Diane Von Furstenberg
General: Which director/producer started his career as a student with the film THX-1138 which he later reworked for his feature-directing debut`george lucas
General: Which Dog Name Is A Slang Term For A Detective`Bloodhound
General: which doors member was buried in paris after his family disowned him`jim morrison
General: Which drug is used in medicine to dilate the pupils of the eyes`atropine
General: Which Early 20th Century School Of Painting Was Noted For Its Concentration On Geometrical Figures`Cubist
General: Which Economist Wrote 'The Affluent Society'`J K Galbraith
General: Which Edifice Stands On The Banks Of The River Jumna, At Agra`The Taj Mahal
General: Which Educational Establishment In Utah Is Known As B.Y.U`Brigham Young University
General: Which Egyptian Prime Minister Nationalized The Suez Canal`Nasser
General: Which element has the chemical symbol Cs: capital C lower-case s`caesium
General: Which element is also known as Quicksilver`mercury
General: Which Element Is Liquid At Room Temp`Mercury
General: which element makes up 5% of the earth's crust`iron
General: Which Elvis Presley film did not star Elvis`love me tender
General: Which English actor starred in The Muppet Christmas Carol`michael caine
General: Which English actress was most famous for her role in Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest`dame edith evans
General: Which English Benedictine Monk Is Known As The Apostle Of Germany`St Boniface`saint Boniface
General: Which English book was written without using the letter 'E' once`a void
General: Which English bowler achieved his test career best when he took 7 wickets for 46 runs against South Africa in December 1999`andrew caddick
General: Which English Cathedral Is Famous For Its Whispering Gallery`St Paul's`saint Paul's
General: Which English City Is Known For Its Association With Robin Hood And Sherwood Forest`Nottingham
General: Which English composer was born near Worcester in 1857 and died in 1934`edward elgar
General: Which English House Had The Red Rose As Its Symbol`House Of Lancaster
General: Which English king did Robert the Bruce defeat at Bannockburn`edward ii
General: Which English Monarch Granted Patents To Sir Walter Raleigh To Colonize America In 1584, Leading To An Ill-Fated Colony`Elizabeth I
General: Which English Porcelain Factory Used An Anchor As Its Mark`Chelsea
General: Which Eu Country Has Banned Nuclear Power`Ireland
General: Which European Capital Is Served By The Airport 'Okecie'`Warsaw
General: which european city does the m25 motorway encircle`london, england
General: Which European City Is Known As The Eternal City`Rome
General: which european country has the highest population density`monaco
General: Which European Country Has The Lowest Population Density`Iceland
General: which european country was invaded by the soviet union in 1956`hungary
General: Which European Peak Was First Conquered In 1865 By English Mountaineer Edward Whymper`The Matterhorn
General: Which Everyday Labour-Saving Device Was Patented By Cecil Booth In 1901`Vacuum Cleaner
General: Which Exercises Are Designed To Increase O2 Consumption And Speed Circulation`Aerobics
General: Which Ex-Neighbours Star Released The No.2 Hit Single 'Torn' In October 1997`Natalie Imbruglia
General: Which Explorer Discovered The Island Of Spitsbergen`Willem Barents
General: Which Explorer In 1521 Claimed The Philippines For Spain`Ferdinand Magellan
General: which f1 engine manufacturer built its own four wheel drive car for 1969 but never raced it`cosworth
General: Which Fabric Would A Handkerchief Hem Be Used On`Organza
General: which famous artist took up painting with his left hand when he lost the use of his right hand at the age of sixty`leonardo da vinci
General: Which Famous Bell Ringer Killed Archdeacon Frollo`Quasimodo
General: Which famous building was built by Shah Jehan`taj mahal
General: Which famous building was built by Shih Huang Ti`great wall of china
General: Which Famous Couple Were Married In 1981`Charles And Diana
General: Which Famous Englishwoman Was Born In Florence On 12th May 1820, Where Her Well-To-Do Parents Were Temporarily Resident`Florence Nightingale
General: which famous golf pro won the us open while earning the title washed up at 40`jack nicklaus
General: Which Famous Man Developed A Code With His Wife To Communicate With Her After Death`Harry Houdini
General: Which Famous Modem Making Company Ceased Operations In April 1999`Hayes
General: Which Famous Museum Is In Paris, France`Louvre
General: which famous orchestra is sometimes called plo for short`london philharmonic orchestra
General: Which Famous Outlaw Was A Souvenir Seeker Trying To Saw An Ear Off When The Coroner Stepped In`Clyde Barrow
General: which famous painting was bought by francis I, king of france, to hang in his bedroom`mona lisa
General: Which Famous Person Reportedly Had Numerous Doubles Created Using Plastic Surgery To Avoid Being Assassinated`Stalin
General: Which Famous Person Said 'Hell Is Other People'`Jean-Paul Sartre
General: Which famous piece of artwork depcits the Battle of Hastings`bayeux tapestry
General: which famous portuguese explorer died in 1490 when his ship sank near the cape`bartholomew diaz
General: Which Famous Retail Outlet Is Owned By Mohamed Al Fayed`Harrods
General: which famous scientist's first published work was a monograph on barnacles`charles darwin
General: Which famous ship sank in 1912`titanic
General: Which Famous Thinker's Name Was The Latinized Version Of Venerable Master Kong`Confucius
General: Which Famous University Is In Paris`Sorbonne
General: Which Famous Wright Brother Was Involved In The First Aircraft Accident Where His Passenger, A Frenchmen, Was Killed`Orville
General: Which Fast Suburban Railway System In Ireland Runs From Howth In The North To Bray In The South`Dart
General: Which feature of the night sky is also known as a 'shooting star'`meteor
General: Which Field Of Study Determines If A Retail Store 'Works' Or 'Doesn't Work'`Retail Anthropology
General: which film preceded 'magnum force' and 'the enforcer'`dirty harry
General: which film star has his statue in leicester square`charlie chaplin
General: Which Firm Manufactures 'Shreddies'`Nestle
General: Which First Lady Was First To Be Received In Audience By The Pope`Jacqueline Kennedy
General: Which fishy character, in an opera by Benjamin Britten, is elected May King, spending his prize money on a debauch`albert herring
General: Which Floor Covering Is Constructed By Covering Hessian Or Canvas With Linseed Oil, Powdered Cork And Rosin`Linoleum
General: Which Florentine Woman Was Mother To 3 Kings Of France, And Wife To Another`Catherine De Medici
General: Which Foot Did Neil Armstrong First Put Down On The Moon`Left
General: Which Foot Did Neil Armstrong First Step Onto The Moon With`Left
General: Which Forename, Deriving From The Germanic 'Rulehard', Has Been Held By Three English Kings`Richard
General: Which Former Archbishop Of Canterbury Was Burned Alive In 1556`Thomas Cranmer
General: Which former British colony is now called Ghana`gold coast
General: Which Former Brtish M.P. Was Sentenced To 4 Years Imprisonment For Perjury In 2001`Jeffrey Archer
General: Which Former Child Star Made His Debut On The London Stage In October 2000`Macaulay Culkin
General: Which Former Drama Critic Of The Observer Devised The Revue 'Oh Calcutta'`Kenneth Tynan
General: Which Fort Did Custer Depart From On May 17,1876, With The Seventh Cavalry On His Way To The Little Big Horn`Fort Abraham Lincoln
General: Which Freezes Faster - Hot Or Cold Water`Hot
General: Which French actor director takes the role of 'Monsieur Hulot' in films such as Mon Oncle and Traffic`jacques tati
General: Which French book was written without using the letter 'E' once`la disparition
General: Which French king was known as the Sun King`louis xiv
General: which frontiersman and politician was killed at the alamo`davey crockett
General: Which Frontiersman Died At The Alamo`Davey Crockett
General: Which Future President Would Later See An Exuberant Sammy Davis Jr. Embrace Him, From Behind`Richard Nixon
General: Which Gabber Used The Name Rusty Sharpe As A Top 40 Disk Jockey`Rush Limbaugh
General: Which game has 361 intersections`go
General: which gangster died on the 25th january 1947`al capone
General: Which garden plant has varieties called Nelly Moser and Hagley Hybrid`clematis
General: Which Gas Giant Planet In Our Solar System Is The Least Dense`Saturn
General: Which German actress appeared in the film Witness for the Prosecution`marlene dietrich
General: Which German City Stands On The Confluence Of The Rhine And Moselle Rivers`Coblenz
General: Which German Town Hosts The Annual Wagner Festival`Bayreuth
General: Which German Town Is Called Aix-La-Chapelle By The French`Aachen
General: Which gestalt entity produced the cult TV show Red Dwarf`grant naylor
General: Which Gloucestershire Town, Famous For Its Abbey, Lies On The Confluence Of The Severn And Avon`Tewkesbury
General: Which Great City Replaced Its Hereditary Kings With Chief Magistrates In 683 Bc`Athens
General: Which Great Lake Has Tides`Superior
General: Which Greek Did Cicero Call 'The Father Of History'`Herodotus
General: Which Greek Figure Carried The World On His Shoulders`Atlas
General: Which Greek Philosopher Was Appointed Tutor To Alexander The Great In 342 B.C`Aristotle
General: Which group was formed in 1972 by Don Henley and Glen Fry`the eagles
General: Which Guest At The Tea Party Was Pushed Head-First Into The Teapot In Alice's Adventures In Wonderland`Dormouse
General: Which Hand Did Charlie Chaplin Carry His Cane In`Left
General: Which Hand Do Arabian Desert Nomads Not Eat With`Left
General: Which hard substance, closely resembling bone, makes up the bulk of a tooth`dentine
General: which herb is generally put on the base of a pizza`oregano
General: Which Hero Of Tv And Cinema Fights An Unending Battle For 'Truth, Justice, And The American Way`Superman
General: which hip-hop artist goes by the alias 'ant banks'`anthony banks
General: which hip-hop artist goes by the alias 'big boi' (outkast)`antwan patton
General: which hip-hop artist goes by the alias dj muggs (cypress hill)`lawrence muggerud
General: which hip-hop artist goes by the alias dj quik`david blake
General: Which Historical Character Is Often Referred To As 'The Mad Monk'`Rasputin
General: Which horror movie actor's real name was William Pratt`boris karloff
General: Which Horticultural Fungicide, Consisting Of Equal Parts Of Copper Sulphate And Lime, Has The Same Name As A French Port`Bordeaux Mixture
General: Which House Did Winston Churchill Live In From 1922 To His Death`Chartwell
General: which imaginery line approximately follows the 180 degree meridian through the pacific ocean`international date line
General: Which Important Graph Is Used Bye Metallurgists To Determine The Different Phases Of Steel At Different Temperatures`The Iron-Carbon Phase Diagram
General: which important organ does an ostrich's eye outsize`its brain
General: Which Independent Family Company Is Britain's Oldest Brewer, Having Been Brewing On The Site In Faversham Since 1698`Shepherd Neame
General: Which Indian Tribe Is Mainly Associated With The State Of Florida`Seminole
General: Which Individual Had The Highest Income Of Anyone In The Usa In The 1920s`Al Capone
General: which infamous person listed himself as a 'second hand furniture dealer' on his business card`al capone
General: Which insect is the most eaten as a delicacy`grasshopper
General: Which Institution Makes Up The Legislative Branch Of The Government Of The United States`Congress
General: Which International Alliance Was Set Up In Vienna In 1960 To Control The Production And Pricing Of A Specific Commodity`Opec
General: Which Irish Saint Is Said To Have Discovered America A Thousand Years Before Columbus`Saint Brendan
General: Which Is A General Name For Calcium Carbonate Deposits Or Spongy Porous Limestone`Tufa
General: Which Is Bigger, Mr Bigger Or His Baby`The Baby Because He Is A Little Bigger
General: Which Is Colder, The North Or South Pole`South Pole
General: Which Is Deeper: The Pacific, The Atlantic, The Arctic Or The Indian Ocean`The Pacific
General: Which Is Edvard Munch's Most Famous Painting`The Scream
General: Which Is Furtherest From The Equator: Tasmania, Tanzania Or Transylvania`Transylvania
General: Which Island, Famed For Its Knitting, Is Situated Midway Between Shetland`And Orkney`Fair Isle
General: which island lies to the west of australia`mauritius
General: Which Islands Were Named After Prince Philip Of Spain`Philippines
General: which island was awarded the george cross in april 1942`malta
General: Which island was born near Iceland in 1963`surtsey
General: which is the earth's second smallest continent`europe
General: which is the farthest west, barbados, haiti or jamaica`jamaica
General: Which is the geological period before the Ordovician`cambrian
General: Which Is The Highest Earning British Band Of All Time`Rolling Stones
General: Which is the highest peak in the Andes`aconcagua
General: which is the largest african bird of prey`lammergeyer
General: Which Is The Largest Cathedral`St Peter's`saint Peter's
General: which is the largest channel island`jersey
General: Which Is The Largest Constellation, Winding More Than A Quarter Of The Way Around Our Sky`Hydra
General: which is the largest lake in south america`lake maracaibo
General: which is the largest landlocked country`mongolia
General: Which Is The Largest Library In The World`The United States Library Of Congress
General: Which Is The Largest Of Neptune's Moons`Triton
General: which is the largest of the balearic islands`majorca
General: Which is the largest of the Egyptian Pyramids`pyramid of cheops
General: which is the largest river in north america`mckenzie
General: Which Is The Last Book Of The Old Testament`Malachi
General: Which Is The Last Of The Year's Four Quarter Days`Christmas Day
General: Which Is The Most Ancient Walled City`Jericho
General: Which Is The Most Densely Populated State`New Jersey
General: Which Is The Most Forested Country In The World`Surinam
General: Which Is The Most Polluted City In The World`Milan
General: Which Is The Most Watched News Channel Internationally`Cnn
General: Which is the most widely used expression in any language`ok
General: Which Is The Name Of The Town Nearest To R?Ssing Uranium Mine In Namibia (Approximately 60km East Of Swakopmund)`Arandis
General: which is the only bird capable of flying all day without flapping its wings`albatross
General: Which Is The Only Book Written By Margaret Mitchell`Gone With The Wind
General: which is the only city where all major sports teams have the same colors: black and gold`pittsburgh
General: Which Is The Only Continent Occupied By One Nation`Australia
General: Which Is The Only King In A Deck Of Cards Without A Moustache`King Of Hearts
General: Which Is The Only Letter To Not Occur In The Names Of The States Of The U.S`Q
General: which is the only one of the great lakes entirely within the u.s`michigan
General: Which is the only part of an oar that should get wet`blade
General: Which Is The Only Work By Dukas Most People Have Ever Heard Of`The Sorcerer's Apprentice
General: Which Is The Only Work By Leoncavallo Most People Have Ever Heard Of`I Pagliacci
General: Which Is The Smallest Country In Central America`El Salvador
General: Which Is The Smallest Independent Country`Vatican City
General: Which Is The Southernmost Mainland Province Of Italy`Calabria
General: Which Is The Stately Home Of The Devonshire Family`Chatsworth
General: Which Italian City Is A Centre For Art History And Has At Least 50 Museums`Venice
General: Which Italian City Was Severely Damaged By An Earthquake In 1908`Messina
General: Which Italian Cruise Ship Was Attacked In 1985`Achille Lauro
General: Which Italian Over-60 Joined Elton John On A 1996 Single`Pavarotti
General: Which Italian Seaport City Is Called 'La Superba'`Genoa
General: Which Japanese Suicide Technique Translates To The English 'Belly Cutting'`Hara-Kiri
General: Which jazz pianist composed the jungle music Black and Tan Fantasy with Bubber Miley, and recorded it with his band in 1927`duke ellington
General: Which Judy Was Billed As The 'Yodeling Comedienne'`Judy Canova
General: which king james said: he was a very valiant man that first adventured on eating oysters`james i of england
General: Which king married Charlotte of Mecklenberg Strelitz`george the third
General: Which Knight Caused The Death Of The Lady Of Shallott`Sir Lancelot
General: Which Latin American Dance Involves Forming A Chain`Conga
General: Which legendary hero left the ruins of Troy and sailed to Italy to found the city of Rome`aeneas
General: Which Letter And Number Signyfy The Vitamin Riboflavin`B2
General: Which Light Wood Is Commonly Used For Making Aeromodels`Balsa
General: Which List Did Sarah Ferguson Make Five Times In People's Magazine`Worst Dressed List
General: Which Literary Doctor Owns A Parrot Called 'Polynesia'`Dr Doolittle
General: Which literary traveller was accompanied by the dog Toto`dorothy
General: Which living bird has the longest wingspan`the albatross
General: Which London's Church's Other Name Is The Collegiate Church Of St. Peter`Westminster Abbey
General: which london street is named after a game that was a forerunner of croquet`pall mall
General: Which Loquacious Latin Leader Gave The Longest Speech In United Nations History`Fidel Castro
General: Which Lovely Got The Call For Revlon's First Effort Into Tv Infomercial Shopping`Dolly Parton
General: Which magazine is subtitled 'The International Magazine for Men'`penthouse
General: Which Magazine Was The First To Be Distributed Solely Through Grocery Stores`Family Circle
General: Which Magician Did Lothar Assist`Mandrake
General: Which Mainland Latin American Country Is In Neither South America Nor Central America`Mexico
General: Which major food company grew out of the Sanitas Food Company of Battle Creek, Michigan`kelloggs
General: Which Major Horserace Is Held In Australia On The First Tuesday In November`The Melbourne Cup
General: Which Major International Organisation Was Created In 1945`United Nations
General: Which major international organization was created in 1945`united nations
General: Which Major Land Offensive Began On The 1st July,1916`Battle Of The Somme
General: Which male Christian name derives from the Gaelic word for 'handsome'`kenneth
General: Which Man's Name Means Bearer Of Christ`Christopher
General: Which Marriage Rule Establishes Alliances Among Groups`Exogamy
General: Which martial art has a name that originates from the Japanese word for gentle`jujitsu
General: Which Marx Brother, Caught By His Wife With A Chorus Girl, Said: 'I Was Whispering In Her Mouth'`Chico
General: Which Material Took Its Name Because Its Discovery Was Announced Simultaneously In New York And London`Nylon
General: Which Member Of The Monty Python Team Turned Up As An English Sheriff In The Spoof Western Silverado`John Cleese
General: Which Member Of The Peanuts Gang Once Said 'There's No Heavier Burden Than A Great Potential'`Linus
General: Which Member Of 'The Virginian' Cast Died On Feb. 5,1995`Doug Mcclure
General: Which Meridian Does The International Date Line Approximately Follow Through The Pacific Ocean`180 Degree Meridian
General: Which Metal Is Extracted From The Ore Galena`Lead
General: which meteor shower occurs on the 10th october`draconids
General: which meteor shower occurs on the 12th august`perseids
General: which meteor shower occurs on the 14th november`andromedids
General: Which Middle Eastern Country Has The Second Largest Proven Petroleum Reserves`Iraq
General: Which Middle Eastern Country's Official Name Is Al-Lubnan`Lebanon
General: Which Modern City Was Once Called Byzantium`Istanbul
General: Which Modern Country Occupies The Former Roman Province Of Lusitania`Portugal
General: Which Modern Country Was Formerly Nyasaland`Malawi
General: Which Monarch Was The First To Appear On A Postage Stamp`Queen Victoria
General: Which Monkeys Found In Asia Often Bathe In The Hot Springs Of Japan`Japanese Macaques
General: Which Monster Must You Defeat Last In The 'Diablo Ii' Expansion Pack Entitled 'Lord Of Destruction'`Baal
General: Which Month Has A Diamond As A Birthstone`April
General: Which Month Was Named After Caesar Augustus`August
General: Which Month Was Named After Julius Caesar`July
General: which motor company has the emblem of the prancing horse`ferrari
General: Which Motorway Is, Being Developed As A Ring Motorway Round Manchester`M60
General: Which mountain is the highest in the Alps`mont blanc
General: Which Mountain Overlooks Rio De Janiero`Sugar Loaf Mountain
General: Which mountain range acts as a physical boundary between Europe and Asia`the urals
General: Which mountains are regarded as the east border of Europe`ural
General: Which Museum In Washington Dc Is Said To Be The Largest In The World`The Smithsonian Institute
General: which musical includes the barbara dickson/elaine page song i know him so well`chess
General: Which musical was based on H.G.Wells' novel 'Kipps'`half a sixpence
General: Which Muslim Empire Held Sway Over Much Of The Eastern Africa Coast From The Seventeenth To The Nineteenth Century, Trading In Slaves, Gold, And Ivory`Omani
General: Which Nation Has An Ak-47 Assault Rifle On Its Flag`Mozambique
General: which nation was led by genghis khan`mongolia
General: which nation was led by genghis khan`mongols
General: Which Native American Civilization Ruled The Largest Area Of The America's`Incas
General: Which Natural Phenomenon Can Be Measured On The Mercalli Scale`Earthquakes
General: which nazi leader had his 6 children poisoned prior to his own death`goebbels
General: Which New-Wave Band Rocked The Casbah`The Clash
General: which new wave icon appears as himself in the film the wedding singer`billy idol
General: Which New York City Building Was Finished In 1931`Empire State Building
General: Which New Zealand Model Did Rod Stewart Marry In 1990`Rachel Hunter
General: Which Nigerian Won The Booker Prize In 1991 With 'The Famished Road'`Ben Okri
General: Which Nightingale Sings The Male Or The Female`Male
General: which northern city is served by ringway airport`manchester
General: Which Northumberland Castle Is Claimed To Be The Second Largest Inhabited Castle In The World`Alnwick
General: Which Noted Arabian Explorer Wrote The Book 'Arabian Sands'`Wilfred Thesiger
General: Which Notorious Banker Was A Personal Friend Of Richard Nixon's`Bebe Rebozo
General: Which novelist created pathologist Kay Scarpetta`patricia cornwell
General: Which Number Could Not Be Represented In The Roman Numbering System`Zero
General: Which Number, When Doubled, Exceeds Its Half By Nine`Six
General: Which Nursery Rhyme Was The First Gramophone Recording`Mary Had A Little Lamb
General: Which Nut Is Used To Make Marzipan`Almond
General: Which Object Was Attributed To Athena`Owl
General: Which Object Was Known As A Churchwarden`Long Clay Pipe
General: Which ocean is the worlds deepest on average`pacific
General: Which Officer Commands A Platoon`Lieutenant
General: which of maryland, massachusetts and vermont isnt one of the us's new england states`maryland
General: Which Of Tea Leaves Or Coffee Beans Have More Caffeine`Tea Leaves
General: Which Of The 5 Senses Is Less Sharp After You Eat Too Much`Hearing
General: which of the five senses is less sharp after you eat too much`hearing
General: Which Of The Great Lakes Do All Of The Others Flow Into`Lake Ontario
General: which of the great lakes does pennsylvania border`erie
General: Which Of The Great Lakes Extends Farthest North`Lake Superior
General: Which Of The Great Train Robbers Became A Florist Outside Waterloo Station`Buster Edwards
General: Which Of The Halogens Is Liquid At Room Temperature`Bromine
General: Which Of The Hawaiian Islands Is The Oldest`Kauai
General: Which Of The Jungle Book Songs Did Kaa The Python Sing To Mowgli`Trust In Me
General: Which Of The Mcguire Sisters Hung Out With Gangster Sam Giancana`Phyllis
General: which of the munsters is 350 years old`grandpa
General: Which of the primary colors of light has the highest energy`blue
General: Which Of These Is Not A Computer: Maniac, Silliac, Brainiac, Illiac, Johnniac`Brainiac
General: Which Of The Wonders Is Also The First Known Lighthouse`Pharos Of Alexandria
General: Which Oldskool Rapper Said 'I Get More Butt Than Ashtrays' In The Track Brand New Flavor'`Craig Mack
General: Which One Of Rc, Rl And Rlc Circuits Which One Oscillates Charge`Rlc
General: Which One Of The A Team Was A Pilot`Murdoch
General: Which One Of The Scandal-Scarred Officials In The Nixon Administration Borrowed Over 4,800 Dollars From The White House Safe To Pay For His Honeymoon`John Dean (He Did Pay It All Back
General: Which One Of The Seven Dwarfs Did Not Speak`Dopey
General: which one word can be associated with these : hood, dole and date`man
General: Which Only Letter Does Not Appear In The Periodic Table Of The Elements`J
General: Which Order Was Founded By Ignatio De Loyola`Societas Jesu
General: Which Ore Is Primarily Used To Obtain Aluminium`Bauxite
General: Which Other Left Wing Faction Did The Bolsheviks Defeat To Take Control After The Russian Revolution`Mensheviks
General: Which Oxford College's Chapel Is Also Oxford's Cathedral`Christ Church
General: Which Parent Determines The Gender Of Their Offspring`Father
General: which paris club is famous for the can-can`moulin rouge
General: Which part of a cat's eye reflects light`tapetumGeneral: Which planet is covered in thick clouds of carbon dioxide and sulphuric acid`venus
General: Which part of the body is operated on in a menisectomy`knee
General: Which Part Of The Human Body Does Not Grow In Size As The Rest Does`Eyes
General: Which Peanuts Character Once Philosophised: 'There's No Heavier Burden Than A Great Potential.'`Linus
General: Which Peanuts Character Plays The Piano`Schroder
General: Which People Slide Down A Pole To Help Them To Get To Work Quickly`Firemen
General: Which people's republic stands between the Bay of Bengal and the foothills of the Himalayas, bordered by India and Burma`bangladesh
General: Which Period Followed Picasso's Blue Period`Rose
General: Which Period Was First, Jurassic Or Carboniferous`Carboniferous
General: Which Person Played A Key Role In The Technological Development Of The Electric Guitar`Les Paul
General: which person's name is an anagram of nigel, fetch an iron leg`florence nightingale
General: Which Photographer, In 1976, Told U.S. That We'd Take Great Snaps If We Used An Olympus`David Bailey
General: which planet does alf come from`malmak
General: Which planet is known as the red planet`mars
General: Which planet was discovered in 1930`pluto
General: which planet was the planet of the apes`earth
General: Which plant has the alternative name Lonicera`honeysuckle
General: Which Political Party Was Founded In West Germany In 1972 By The Late Petra Kelly`The Green Party
General: Which pop song contains a similar melody to Tchaikovsky's Symphony in E minor`annie's song
General: Which Portuguese Colony Reverts To China In December 1999`Macau
General: which president was responsible for the louisiana purchase`jefferson
General: Which Pretender To The English Throne Was Hanged In 1499`Perkin Warbeck
General: Which Principal Conductor Of Both The New York Philharmonic Orchestra And The Halle Orchestra Died In 1970`Sir John Barbirolli
General: Which Principality Has Been Ruled By The Grimaldi Family Since The 15th Century`Monaco
General: Which Product Used The Slogan: 'Keep That Schoolgirl Complexion'`Palmolive
General: Which Property Represented As A Railroad On The Monopoly Game Is Not An Actual Railroad`Short Line Railroad
General: which protein, used in foods, is made from the horns, bones and hooves of animals`gelatine
General: Which Queen Had Menstrual Cramps Eased With Marijuana`Queen Victoria
General: Which Queen Has Two Birthdays`Queen Of England
General: Which Queen Rode A Cock Horse Up To See The Stoneworked Banbury Cross (Which Inspired The Nursery Rhyme)`Elizabeth
General: Which Quirky Brunette Was One Of The First Mtv Vj's`Martha Quinn
General: Which Radiation Belt Around The Earth Was Named After An American Physicist`(James) Van Allen Belts
General: Which Radioactive Gas Is Emitted By Granite Rock Formations`Radon
General: which rapper found success as a film director with the 1998 release of the players club`ice cube
General: which rapper was sued for ten million dollars by his mother`eminem
General: Which Recording By 10 Cc Contains The Lines 9 Keep Your Picture On The Wall, It Hides A Nasty Stain That's Lying There.'`I'm Not In Love
General: which record label sounds like a sweet or savoury pastry dish`pye
General: which reptile rock was a hit in 1972`crocodile
General: Which River Contains The Most Fresh Water`Amazon
General: Which River Is Victoria Falls Located On`Zambesi River
General: Which river made The Grand Canyon`colorado
General: Which Royal Wrote The Old Man Of Lochnagar`Prince Charles
General: Which Russian (1880-1942) Choreographed The Dying Swan For Anna Pavlova`Mikhail Fokine
General: Which Russian Scientist Used Dogs To Study Conditioned Reflexes`Ivan Pavlov
General: Which Russian Space Object Launched The Space Race`Sputnik
General: Which saint died about 601 AD`david
General: which saint was tied to a wheel`catherine
General: Which Salford brewer gave his name to the S.I. unit of energy`joule
General: Which scale is based on the speed of sound`mach
General: Which science fiction writer developed a series of ethics for robots known as the Laws of Robotics`isaac asimov
General: Which science studies animal behaviour in natural habitats`ethology
General: which science studies weather`meteorology
General: Which Scottish Darts Legend Could You Be Forgiven For Thinking Was A Horse Rider`Jocky Wilson
General: Which Scottish Engineer Gave His Name To The S.I. Unit Of Power`Watt
General: Which Scottish Quarter Day Is On August 1st`Lammas
General: Which Sea, With No Placename In Its Name, Lies Between Korea And Shanghai`Yellow
General: which sex is twice as likely to contract leprosy`male
General: which shadow team driver was killed testing at kyalami prior to the 1974 south african grand prix`peter revson
General: Which Shipping Area Covers The North Coast Of Ireland`Malin
General: Which Shoulder Should You Throw Spilled Salt Over`Left
General: Which Side Did Adolph Hitler Part His Hair On`Right
General: Which Side Did Britain Support In The U.S. Civil War`Confederacy
General: Which Side Had The Most Soldiers Killed`The North
General: Which Side Of A Book Are The Even-Numbered Pages Usually On`Left
General: Which Side Of The Bed Does Superstition Say Is The Wrong Side`Left
General: Which sight problem occurs in men far more then in women`colour blindness
General: Which Sign Used In Punctuation Denotes Interrogation`Question Mark
General: Which silent film actor was known as The Great Stone Face`buster keaton
General: Which single word connects a Beethoven composition, a Glenn Miller melody and some Terry's chocolates`moonlight
General: Which Size Of Paper Measures 210 X 297mm`A4
General: Which Skin Of Goats Or Sheep Is Prepared For Use As A Writing Material`Parchment
General: Which Snpp Union Rule States That Everyone Must Win Worker Of The Week`Rule 26
General: which south african cricketer was called 'swinger' by his team mates`dave richardson
General: Which South American Country Has Borders Only With Brazil And Argentina`Uruguay
General: Which South American Country Has Borders With Only Colombia And Peru`Ecuador
General: Which South American Country Has Both A Pacific And Atlantic Coastline`Colombia
General: Which South East Asian City Is Served By Kimpo International Airport`Seoul
General: Which South East Asian City Was Formerly Called Krung Threp`Bangkok
General: Which Soviet leader backed down over the Cuban missile crisis in 1962`kruschchev
General: Which Space Puppets Are Go In The Fab Hit Of 1990`Thunderbirds
General: Which species of Elephant has the largest ears`african
General: which species of whale will deliberately beach itself in order to catch and eat seal lions`killer whale
General: Which spirit is the base of a White Lady Cocktail`gin
General: Which sport do the Atlanta Braves play`baseball
General: Which sport would you associate Alberto Tomba`skiing
General: Which Star Appears Brightest In The Northern Constellation Lyra -It Is Also The Fourth Brightest In The Night Sky`Vega
General: Which Star Died During The Filming Of The Crow`Brandon Lee
General: Which star is nearest the Earth`sun
General: which state is divided into two parts by a large lake`michigan
General: which state is the garden state`new jersey
General: Which Statesman Said That Germany's Problems Could Only Be Resolved By 'Blood And Iron'`Bismarck
General: Which Statue In Egypt Has A Lions Body And A Human Head`Sphinx
General: which substance is added to make jam and marmalade set`pectin
General: Which Supermodel Is Quoted As Saying, 'I'll Go To A Shoot And None Of The Clothes Would Fit, Because Kate Moss Was Wearing Them. That's One Reason I'm Popular. People Can Relate To Me. I'm Not Superskinny.'`Cindy Crawford
General: Which Sweet-Sounding Fungus Kills Trees`Honey Fungus
General: Which Swiss Artist, Born In 1879, Painted Landscape With Yellow Birds, The Twittering Machine And Fish Magic`Paul Klee
General: Which 'Tarzan' Swimmer Was The First Man To Swim A Hundred Yards In Less Than A Minute`Johnny Weismuller
General: Which Team Plays At Old Trafford`Manchester United
General: Which television programme did Roy Castle present for 22 years`record breakers
General: Which Temperature Scale Begins At Minus 273.15 Degrees Celsius`Kelvin`Absolute`Thermodynamic
General: Which Tennesee Williams Play Is About A Sicilian-American Woman`Rose Tattoo
General: Which Tennessee Williams play features a character called 'Big Daddy'`cat on a hot tin roof
General: Which tennis player defected to the west in 1975`martina navratilova
General: Which tennis player was stabbed while on court`monica seles
General: which tennis star wore denim shorts during matches`andre agassi
General: Which Territory Of North Africa, Situated On The Southern Side Of The Strait Of Gibraltar, Belongs To Spain`Ceuta
General: Which 'Theory' Helps To Determine Aisle Width In Retail Stores`The Butt Brush
General: Which Three Sectarian Groups Are Involved In The Conflict In Bosnia And Herzogovina`Serbs, Croats And Muslims
General: Which Time Barrier Was Broken By Dawn Fraser For The 100-Metres Women's Freestyle Event`60 Seconds
General: Which Tower, According To The Old Testament, Reached The Heavens`Babel Tower
General: Which Travel Company Cater Exclusively For The Over 50s`Saga
General: Which tree do Druids regard sacred`oak
General: Which TV series is set in the village of Adensfield`heartbeat
General: which tv series starred leslie phillips and donald sinden as clergymen`our man at saint marks
General: Which Two Banks Merged To Form Lloyds Tsb`Lloyds And Tsb
General: Which Two British Cities, Along With Ancient Rome, Were Built On Seven Hills`Edinburgh And Sheffield
General: Which Two Canadian Prime Ministers Were The Only Ones To Die While In Office`Sir John A. Macdonald And Sir John Sparrow Thompson
General: Which Two Characters Lived In Frostbite Fallsminnesota`Rocky And Bullwinkle
General: which two teams automatically qualified for the france '98 soccer world cup`france and brazil
General: which type of shark is most dangerous to humans`great white shark
General: Which US actress gave her name to an inflatable life jacket`mae west
General: which us city is known as beantown`boston
General: Which U.S. city is named after an ancient capital of Egypt`memphis
General: Which U.S City is the home of the Mowton Record Company`detroit
General: Which Useful Household Item Is Made From Naphthalene`Mothballs
General: which u.s. frontiersman was adopted as a son by the shawnee chief blackfish`daniel boone
General: which us government branch includes the president and vice president`executive
General: which u.s. president married his wife before she was officially divorced`andrew jackson
General: which u.s president said 'the buck stops here'`harry truman
General: which u.s. president was elected to office three times`franklin d. roosevelt
General: which us state has cape hatteras`north carolina
General: which us state would you be in if you were in chicago`illinois
General: Which US writer wrote The Naked and the Dead`norman mailer
General: Which very select organisation has a table as its logo`mensa
General: Which Victorian Became The World's Most Famous Sufferer Of Neurofibromatosis`John Merrick/Elephant Man
General: Which was the first city to open a length of underground railway`london
General: Which Was The First Credit Card`Diners Club
General: Which Was The First Float Sponsored By An Internet Company To Appear In The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade`Askjeeves
General: which was the first 'indiana jones' film`raiders of the lost ark
General: Which Was The First James Bond Book Written By Ian Fleming In 1953`Casino Royale
General: which was the first london street to be lit by gas lamps`pall mall
General: Which Was The First Magazine To Print Its E-Mail Address In Each Issue`U.S. News And World Report
General: Which Was The First Magazine To Publish A Hologram On Its Cover`National Geographic
General: which was the first manned aircraft to exceed the speed of sound`bell x-1
General: Which was the first Pinball game that used flippers`humpty dumpty
General: Which was the first South American country to gain independence from Spain`paraguay
General: Which was the longest dinosaur`diplodocus
General: Which Was The Lowest Rated Offering Of The Big 3 Networks For The 1994-95 Season`Burke's Law
General: which way do the clocks go in winter`back
General: Which Well Known Building In Paris Has A Large Glass Pyramid Outside It`The Louvre
General: Which Welsh City Was Shirley Bassey Born In`Yangtze
General: Which West Bengal Town Is The Centre Of Production Of The Tea Called 'The Champagne Of Teas' Because Of Its Grape Aroma`Darjeeling
General: Which Western Law Enforcement Agency's Motto Was, 'One Riot-One Ranger'`Texas Rangers
General: Which Wife Of Andrew Lloyd Webber Did Cliff Duet With In 'All I Ask Of You' From Phantom Of The Opera`Sarah Brightman
General: Which word is related to these three: nap, walk, call`cat
General: Which word is related to these three: painting, bowl, nail`finger
General: Which word is related to these three: rat, blue, cottage`cheese
General: Which word is used to mean, malicious enjoyment at the misfortunes of others`schadenfreude
General: Which World Famous News Agency Began Life In 1850 Using Carrier Pigeons`Reuters
General: Which World Record Cost {$62,908}`Longest Taxi Ride
General: Which World Record Is Held By Christian Taillefer Of France`Fastest Cyclist On A Glacier
General: Which World Saving Puppets Lived On 'Tracy Island'`Thunderbirds
General: Which Wwf Wrestler Died After Being Breaking Loose From A Cable Lowering Him To The Ring`Owen Hart
General: which x files episode had the highest tv rating in the second season`end game
General: which young capetonian had a hit in the mid eighties with the song julia`ricardo
General: While ___ _______ And Shoplifting Account For The Bulk Of The American Retail Industry's $26 Billion Yearly Losses, Return Fraud Now Costs The Industry About $1 Billion A Year`Bad Cheques
General: While At Harvard University, ______ _______ Was Suspended For Cheating On A Spanish Exam`Edward Kennedy
General: While Australia Is The World's Smallest Continent, It's Also The Largest ______ In The World`Island
General: While Bad Cheques And ___________ Account For The Bulk Of The American Retail Industry's $26 Billion Yearly Losses, Return Fraud Now Costs The Industry About $1 Billion A Year`Shoplifting
General: While Bad Cheques And Shoplifting Account For The Bulk Of The American Retail Industry's $26 Billion Yearly Losses, ______ _____ Now Costs The Industry About $1 Billion A Year`Return Fraud
General: While Chicago Is 'The Windy City', This Expression Probably Originates With Its ___ And Not Its Weather`Politicians
General: While Dialing To Ida, 'Chevron 7 _______'`Encoded
General: While Grass Grows The Horse`Starves
General: While _________ Is The World's Smallest Continent, It's Also The Largest Island In The World`Australia
General: While It Took American Settlers Six Months To Reach The West Coast By Wagon Between 1840 And 1850, Today The Trip Can Be Made In Less Than Five Hours By`Plane
General: While Performing Her Duties As Queen, Cleopatra Sometimes Wore A Fake`Beard
General: While The World Was Busy Welcoming The Arrival Of The Twentieth Century On December 31,1900, A Forceful Gale On England's Salisbury Plain Blew Over One Of The Ancient Monumental Stones At`Stonehenge
General: While Ulysses S. Grant Was In Office He Was Fined For Speeding. How Much Was He Fined?(In Dollars)`$5`$5.00`5 Dollars`5
General: Whippets Were Initially Bred For What Purpose`Hunting
General: Whirly Girls Is The Name Of The _____________ ___________ __ _____ __________`International Association Of Women Helicopter Pilots
General: Whish actress was nominated for an Oscar for her part as a prostitute in the 1995 film Leaving Las Vegas`elizabeth shue
General: why can't toad run after his list with frog when the wind blows the paper away, in frog and toad together`it isn't on his list of things to do
General: Why Is So Hard To Start A Fire In La Paz, Bolivia`Little Oxygen
General: Why is St. Paul's cathedral unique amongst English cathedrals`only one with a dome
General: Why Is The Empire State Building So Called`Its In The Empire State
General: Widely Used Designation In The United States, Canada, And Several Other Countries For The Association Of More Than 2000 Community-Based Organisations That Work To Meet Local Health And Human-Care Needs`United Way
General: wide muscular partition separating the thoracic, or chest cavity, from the abdominal cavity`diaphragm
General: Widows In Equatorial Africa Actually Wear Sackcloth And Ashes When Attending`A Funeral
General: Wild Horses Couldn't Drag A ____ Out Of Most Women. However, Women Seldom Have Lunch With Wild Horses. - Ivern Boyett`Secret
General: Will Durst: Men Are Superior To Women. For One Thing, Men Can _____ From A Speeding Car`Urinate
General: William Hague's Middle Name`Jefferson
General: Will Wonders Never Cease, Derrick Web Tells The Truth`Gossip
General: Wilson Casey Posed 3303 _____ Questions In Thirty Hours On A Radio Station In South Carolina In 1999, To Set A Guiness Book Record`Trivia
General: Wimpy College Professor Becomes Embroiled With Pimps, Prostitutes And Underworld Intrigue`Doctor Detroit
General: winds: cold, moist and dusty wind blowing over the northern sahara`haboob
General: winnipeg, manitoba is the murder capital of`canada
General: Winston Churchill Was Born Where'`Bathroom, He Was Born During A Dance
General: With 138 Lighthouses This State Has More Than Any Other`Michigan
General: With 1477 Stops,33,112 Pipes And A 365 Horse-Power Engine, The Auditorium Organ In Atlantic City Is The`Largest In The World
General: With 382,650 Babies Being Born Each Day And 144,902 People Dying Daily, The World Population Increases About ___, ___ People A Day`237,748
General: with capital at charlottetown, what is canada's smallest province`prince edward island
General: With More Than 105 Million Pounds In 1997, Georgia Is The World's Top _____ Producer: Texas Came In Second With 90 Million Pounds`Pecan
General: With More Than 105 Million Pounds In 1997, _______ Is The World's Top Pecan Producer: Texas Came In Second With 90 Million Pounds`Georgia
General: With Over 1.6 Million Employees This Company Is The Worlds Largest Employer`India Railway
General: With Over 41% Of The Population, Which Country Has The Highest Ratio Of Cellular Mobile Phones`Finland
General: With Sales Of 97,000,000 Dollars In One Day This Device Sold By Sega Holds The World Record For Single Day Sales Of Any Entertainment/Entertainment Device`Dreamcast
General: With Sales Of In One Day This Device Sold By Sega Holds The World Record For Single Day Sales Of Any Entertainment/Entertainment Device`Dreamcast
General: With What Band Was Harvey Schmidt`The Fantasticks
General: With What Body Part Is Otology Involved`Ear
General: with what branch of medicine is mesmer associated`hypnotism
General: With What Cancer Has Nelson Mandela Been Diagnosed In 2001`Prostate
General: with what country is fidel castro associated`cuba
General: With What Did David Kill Goliath`Slingshot
General: With What Did Queen Victoria Mix Her Claret`Whiskey
General: With What Did Writers Replace The Pouncepot`Blotting Paper
General: With What Does Nuprin Kill Pain`Ibuprofen
General: with what is a diamond cut if it forms graphite dust`laser
General: With What Is Rainfall Measured`Ombrometer
General: With What Kind Of Pen Were Allied Bomb Crews Issued`Biro Pens
General: With What Line Of Work Was Mandy Rice-Davies Associated`Prostitution
General: with what married woman did king david commit adultery`bathsheba
General: With What Type Of Reference Book Is Joseph Whitaker Associated`Almanac
General: With What Were Queen Victoria's Menstrual Cramps Eased`Marijuana
General: With What Were Scrabble Tiles First Made`Pocket Knife
General: With Which 17th Century Plot Was Francis Tresham Associated`Gunpowder Plot
General: With Which 19th Century Plot Was Arthur Thistlewood Associated`Cato Street Conspiracy
General: With Which Art Form Would You Associate The Name Karsh Of Ottawa`Photography
General: with which artistic movement was andy warhol associated`pop art
General: with which country is prince rainier iii identified`monaco
General: With Which Donna Did Stock, Aitken And Waterman Produce 'This Time I Know It's For Real'`Summer
General: With Which Four Words Did Samuel Pepys End His Diary Each Day`And So To Bed
General: With which group is Keith Flint the lead singer`prodigy
General: with which group of people are mukluks associated`eskimos
General: with which island is the puffin associated`lundy island
General: With which musical instrument do you associate Jacqueline Du Pre`cello
General: With which sport is Babe Ruth associated`baseball
General: With which sport is Bjorn Borg associated`tennis
General: With which sport is Bobby Moore associated`soccer
General: With which sport is Chirs Evert-Lloyd associated`tennis
General: with which sport is jack nicklaus associated`golf
General: With which sport is Joe Calzaghe associated`boxing
General: With which sport is Muhammad Ali associated`boxing
General: With which sport is Pele associated`soccer
General: Wolf Was The Name Of The Dog That Was With Rip Van Winkle When He Fell Asleep For __`20 Years
General: Women Burn Fat More Slowly Than Men, By A Rate Of About How Many Calories A Day`50
General: Women Claim They're Having ___ More Than Men - 144 Times A Year Compared With 138`Sex
General: Women End Up Ingesting About Half Of The _____ They Apply`Lipstick
General: Women Must Address Bachelors As ______ Instead Of Mister, According To An Illinois State Law`Master
General: Women ______ Nearly Twice As Much As Men`Blink
General: Women Were Not Allowed To Vote In ______ Until 1944`France
General: Woodpecker Scalps, Porpoise Teeth, And Giraffe Tails Have All Been Used As`Money
General: Woody's Real Name Is`Allan Stewart Konigsberg
General: Woollen Covering For Head And Neck`Balaclava Helmet
General: Worcestershire _____ Is Basically An Anchovy Ketchup`Sauce
General: Worcestershire Sauce Is Basically An Anchovy`Ketchup
General: Word meaning outside the earth or its atmosphere`extraterrestrial
General: word pairs: fife and`drum
General: word pairs: peace and`quiet
General: Word relating to cattle`bovine
General: words containing 'for': a castle or enclosed place`fort
General: Words containing 'for': Make holes through something`perforateGeneral: Words containing 'for': Many trees`forest
General: Words containing pot or pan: In 1945, near the end of World War II, an important conference involving Truman, Churchill, & Stalin was held in this Polish city`potsdam
General: words containing pot or pan:what marcel marceau does`pantomime
General: Work Done, Equals Force Multiplied By`Distance
General: Workers On A Roof In Shreveport, Louisiana On July 12,1961, Had To Seek Shelter When Which Of The Following Fell On Them From A Thick Cloud`Peaches
General: Workshop For Casting Metal`Foundry
General: world of disney: cinemascope was used on an animated feature for the first time on what release`lady and the tramp
General: World Of Disney: On what New Orleans Square (Disneyland) ride do you travel up a waterfall`pirates of the caribbean
General: Worlds Largest Numismatic Publication Is`Coinage
General: Worldwide, ____ In Every 100 Adults Aged 15 To 49 Are Infected With Hiv`One
General: Wrapping ____ Around A Cylinder, Edison Spoke 'Mary Had A Little Lamb', The First Recording That Could Be Played Back`Tinfoil
General: Wreath Of Flowers Used As A Decoration`Garland
General: Wrigley's Promoted What New Flavor Chewing Gum In 1915 By Mailing 4 Sample Sticks To Each Of The 1.5 Million Names Listed In U.S. Telephone Books`Spearmint
General: writers cramp is known as`chirospasm
General: ______, ____ ________ Wrote A 6,000-Word Epic Poem When He Was Twelve Years Old`Alfred, Lord Tennyson
General: Wrought-Iron Tower In Paris, A Landmark And An Early Example Of Wrought-Iron Construction On A Gigantic Scale`Eiffel Tower
General: Wwi's Most Dangerous Aircraft Were The`Zeppelins
General: Wyoming Was The First State To _____ Women To Vote`Allow
General: X And Y Chromosomes Combine In Making What`Males
General: Xavier Roberts Was The Name Associated With Which Eighties Toy`Cabbage Patch Kids
General: x files: name one of the two other recent sci-fi shows, that deep throat has appeared in`quantum leap
General: X-Rays Of The Mona Lisa Show That There Are _____ Completely Different Versions Of The Same Subject, All Painted By Leonardo, Under The Final Portrait`Three
General: X-Rays Of The ____ ____ Show That There Are Three Completely Different Versions Of The Same Subject, All Painted By Leonardo, Under The Final Portrait`Mona Lisa
General: X-Ray Technology Has Shown There Are 3 Different Versions Of The ____ ____ Under The Visible One`Mona Lisa
General: yamoussoukro is the capital of which nation`ivory coast
General: Yellow translucent fossil resin`amber
General: Yendi Coils And Strikes, Unseen, Orca`Circles, Hard And Lean
General: You Are 32 Times More Likely To Be Bitten By Someone In New York Than By A`Shark
General: You Are Asked To Find The Length Of A Hypoteneuse From A Right Angle Triangle. The Only Information You Are Given Is That The Other Two Sides Are 8cm And 12cm. Using Pythagoras' Theory, What Is The Answer? (Round The Answer To The Nearest Two Decimals)`14.42
General: You Are Considered To Be Obese If You Have A Body Mass Index Of __ Or More`30
General: You Are More Likely To Be Killed By A _________ ____ Than By A Poisonous Spider`Champagne Cork
General: You Are What Is Medically Known As Non-Specifically Infertile, Or To Give It It's Full Scientific Description, We Do Not Have A Bloody Clue`Maybe Baby
General: You Call Up A Buddy But S/He Tells You That S/He Is A Little 'Assiduous'. What's Another Way To Say This`Engaged
General: You Can Fold A Piece Of U.S. Currency Forward Then Backward About _, ___ Times Before It Will Tear`4,000
General: You Decide You Want To Be More 'Stalwart'. What Is Another Way To Say This`Robust
General: You Got To Come Down Here With An Attitude, Acting All Big And Bad. And, What The Hell Is That Smell`Independence Day
General: You Have A 1 In 3,000,000 Chance Of Being Killed By A`Snake
General: You Have 'Omnifarious' Activities Planned For Your Vacation To Europe. What's Another Way To Say This`Disparate
General: You Have To Run 360 Feet If You Hit A`Home Run
General: You Know I Wouldn't Call The Cops On You But That Doesn't Prevent Me From Signing You Up For Bingo`Where The Money Is
General: You Know What Those Things Can Do? Suck The Paint Off Your House And Give Your Family A Permanent Orange Afro`Spies Like Us
General: You Ping A Computer On A Network - What Are The Letters Ping An Acronym For`Packet Internet Groper
General: Your Birthday Is Not A Special Day After All--You Share It With No Fewer Than ____ _______ Others`Nine Million
General: Your Boss Is Planning A Company 'Procurement'. In Other Words, It's A`Conclave
General: You're 10 Seconds Away From The Most Embarrassing Moment In Your Life`The Adventures Of Ford Fairlane
General: You're In A Nyc Bakery. You Order 'Everything With Nothing'. Just What Kind Of Bakery Product Have You Ordered? (A ___)`Bagel
General: You're In The 1800's, A Shady Charlatan Asks You To Play A Game, You Say 'Begone, Knave!' Cause You Know He's A`Mountebank
General: You're In The Market For A 'Sequacious' Dog. In Other Words, It Should Be`Compliant
General: You're Just As Likely To Die By Falling Out Of Bed Then You Are To Get ______ __`Struck By Lightning
General: You're Just As Likely To Die By _______ ___ __ ___ Then You Are To Get Struck By Lightning`Falling Out Of Bed
General: Your Loyalty Is Very Touching Right Now, But It's Not The Most Important Thing In Your Life Right Now, Gravity Is`Commando
General: your nares are your`nostrils
General: Your Scientists Were So Preoccupied With Whether They Could, They Didn't Stop To Think If They Should`Jurassic Park
General: Your Soul Is Mine`Mortal Kombat
General: You Share Your ______ With At Least Nine Million Other People In The World`Birthday
General: You Should Ask Alice When She's What`Ten Feet Tall
General: You Would Find A Mummy In One Of These Stone Coffins`Sarcophagus
General: Yugoslavia Is Bordered By Seven Other`Countries
General: zaire is the world leader in`cobalt mining
General: Zhen (Pronounced Jen, And Meaning '_______' In Mandarin), The First American Makeup Line Specifically For Asian Women In 1994. Zhen Earned An Estimated $8 Million In 1999`Genuine
General: Zip Code 12345 Is Assigned To _______ ________ In Schenectady, New York`General Electric
General: zoe is a character from this comic strip: doonesbury, krazy kat, baby blues, or li'l abner`baby blues
General: zorro was the secret identity of what wealthy landowner`don diego de la vega
Generating, using, or sensitive to -------- radiation`infrared
Generation X Toys: Atari competitor that featured better graphics.`intellevision
Generation X Toys: Building tool named after Civil War president`lincoln logs
Generation X Toys: Company that made Atari games like Kaboom and Megamania`activision
Generation X Toys: Design tool for budding Gloria Vanderbilts`fashion plates
Generation X Toys: Large plastic animals gobbled marbles in this game.`hungry hungry hippos
Generation X Toys: Leading manufacturer of toy cars.`hot wheels
Generation X Toys: Manufacturer of the 2600 and 5200 video game systems`atari
Generation X Toys: Name of Barbie's hot pink sports-car.`vette
Generation X Toys: Once scarce, pudgy dolls that came with their own birth certificates`cabbage patch kids
Generation X Toys: Personal merry-go-round guaranteed to make you dizzy.`sit n spin
Generation X Toys: Plastic vehicle equipped with spin-out brake.`big wheel
Generation X Toys: Talking toy that helped you do well on Spelling tests.`speak n spell
Generation X Toys: These popular block sets included a castle and a fire boat`lego
Generation X Toys: This popular card game's name is spanish for "one."`uno
Generation X Toys: This wacky and "cheap" magazine had its own crazy board game`mad
Generation X Toys: You coloured these and then watched them contract in the oven`shrinky dinks
Generation X Toys: You inserted sticks into round blocks to build abstractions with these.`tinker toys
Generation X Toys: You rotated blocks and matched up the colors to solve this puzzle.`rubiks cube
Generic name for an anonymous average man`john doe
GENERL KNOWLEDGE:Occuring every 20 years`vicennial
Generously and copiously given. liberal`bounteous
Generous or copious: 'a -------- reward.' liberal`handsome
gene simmons, ace frehley, and paul stanley are members of which rock group`kiss
Genesis, exodus, leviticus, numbers, _____...........`deuteronomy
Genesis:"Fading Lights" was written about the death of this rock guitarist's son.`eric clapton
Genesis first album without Peter Gabriel`trick of the tail
Genesis:Name the Album: Get 'Em Out By Friday, Horizons, Watcher of the Skies`foxtrot
Genesis:Name the Album: I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe), Battle of Epping Forest`selling england by the pound
Genesis:_The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway_ is actually a story about this character.`rael
Genesis: The video for this song included many puppets from a popular British TV show`land of confusion
Genetics. Having a pair of each type of chromosome, so that the basic chromosome number is doubled: '------- somatic cells.'`diploid
Genetics. Of, relating to, or designating an allele that does not produce a characteristic effect when present with a dominant allele`recessive
Genetics. To undergo or cause recombination: form new combinations`recombine
Genetics. Variant of chimera`chimaera
Genetics. Variant of chimera`chimeras
Genghis Khan's original name was`temujin
genghis khan started out as a----------`goatherd
Genghis Khan started out as a what`goatherder
genghis khan was the most famous leader of what people`the mongols
genie ina bottle was a no 1 in oct99 name the us female artist`christina aguilera
Genoa overlooks which sea`ligurian
Genophobia is the fear of`sex
Gentle and gracious: 'an affable smile.'`affability
Gentleman's personal servant`valet
Gentlemen what hairstyle did chris evert sport in her first us open tennis champions`pigtails
Gentle, relaxed lovemaking reduces your chances of suffering from dermatitis, skin rashes and ________. The sweat produced cleanses the pores and makes your skin glow.`blemishes
gently ----- stirrings seem to speak of some hidden soul beneath (Herman Melville)`awful
Genuphobia is the fear of ____`knees
Genus of annual and perennial herbs (Buttercup) containing about 20 species, grown for their showy flowers.`Adonis
Genus of annual & perennial herbs (buttercup) containing about 20 species, grown for their showy flowers`adonis
Genus of plants with more than 150 species, most native to South Africa`aloe
Genus of tropical American flowering annual herbs`ageratum
Gen X TV: Before becoming James Bond, Roger Moore starred as what other secret agent`the saint
Gen X TV: Before coming to WKRP, Johnny Fever got fired for saying what word on the air`booger
gen x tv: for whom did underdog have a bad case of puppy love`sweet polly purebred
Gen X TV: In alphabetical order (1, 2, 3, 4), what were the first names of the Monkees`davy mickey mike peter
gen x tv: name the two curmudgeons in the balcony on "the muppet show" (use and).`statler and waldorf
gen x tv: on "l.a. law", rosalind shays died by falling into this.`elevator shaft
gen x tv: on "laverne & shirley", what was carmine's nickname`the big ragu
gen x tv: what company did the taxi gang work for`sunshine cab co
gen x tv: what cousin appeared in the last season making "the brady bunch" more annoying`oliver
Gen X TV: What first name of both actors who played Darren on "Bewitched"`dick
gen x tv: what two "happy days" spinoffs have "and" in their titles (format: 1, 2)`mork and mindy laverne and shirley
gen x tv: what was the name of the robot agent in "get smart"`hymie
gen x tv: who played schneider, the handyman, on "one day at a time"`pat harrington
Gen X TV: Who's real, ideal, awfully cute, and an ever-loving doll in a monkey suit`magilla gorilla
GEOGARPHY: Which capital city is overlooked by the volcano Popocatepetl`mexico city
Geographically what is a caldera`large volcanic crater
Geographically, what is an eddy`whirlpool
Geographic on what river is blackpool`river fylde
Geographic : The first country along the great circle route due south from San Francisco`canada
Geographic : The highest temperature ever recorded on Earth was in which country`libya
Geographic : The largest island on the west coast of North America is`vancouver
Geographic : The northernmost point in mainland Australia is on this geographic feature`cape york
Geographic: The strongest recorded earthquake (8.9) occurred in which country in 1933`japan
Geographic : The tallest building in the Southern Hemisphere is in which city`melbourne
Geographic: This country lost the largest percentage of its men in a single war (~70%).`paraguay
Geographic Trivia : The aurora borealis is most commonly observed in which country`canada
Geographic Trivia : What Asian country has the highest population density`singapore
Geographic Trivia : What is the largest country in Africa, by area`sudan
Geographic Trivia : What is the most populous city in North America`mexico
Geographic Trivia : Where did the most powerful explosion ever witnessed on Earth occur`krakatoa
Geographic Tyrrivia: Excluding Alaska, the American state with the lowest population density is?`wyoming
Geographic Tyrrivia: Mainland Great Britain is the _ largest island in the world (number only)`eight
Geographic Tyrrivia: Name the expanse of water between New Zealand's North and South Islands.`cook strait
Geographic Tyrrivia: Native American Indians are of which human subrace? (e.g. Caucasian)`mongoloid
Geographic Tyrrivia: The highest temperature ever recorded on Earth was in which country?`libya
Geographic Tyrrivia: The only national airline that has never had a crash nor a forced landing.`qantas
Geographic Tyrrivia: The southernmost point in the 48 American states (excluding Alaska, Hawaii)?`key west
Geographic Tyrrivia: The tallest building in the Southern Hemisphere is in which city?`melbourne
Geographic Tyrrivia: This Caribbean island rebelled AGAINST independence, for British colonialism`anguilla
Geographic Tyrrivia: This country is home to the world's oldest continuous local democracy.`iceland
Geographic Tyrrivia: What is the local name for the capital of Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland)`nuuk
Geographic Tyrrivia: Where did the most powerful explosion ever witnessed on Earth occur`krakatoa
Geographic Tyrrivia: Which American state's name is Spanish for "colored" or "colored land"`colorado
Geographic Tyrrivia: Which American state's name is Spanish for "flowered" or "flowery land"`florida
Geographic Tyrrivia: Which country administers New Caledonia`france
Geographic Tyrrivia: Which country administers South Georgia, a last stop before Antarctica`great britain
Geographic: What is the largest country in Africa, by area`sudan
Geographic: Where did the most powerful explosion ever witnessed on Earth occur`krakatoa
Geographic: Which American state's name is Spanish for "warm" or "warm land"`california
Geography: 200 Million Years Ago Earth Contained 1 Land Mass Called`Pangaea
Geography: 7% Of Americans Don't Know The First Nine Words Of The American Anthem, But Know The First Seven Words Of Which Anthem`Canadian Anthem
Geography: Abominable Snowman Said To Wander`Himalayas
Geography: About 43 Million Years Ago, The Pacific Plate Took A Northwest Turn, Creating A Bend Where New Upheavals Initiated The Hawaiian Ridge. Major Islands Formed Included Kauai,5.1 Million Years Old, Maui,1.3 Million Years Old, And __________, A Youngster At Only 800,000 Years Old`Hawaii
Geography: About 700 Islands Between Florida And Haiti`Bahamas
Geography: Acadia Was The Original Name Of Which Canadian Province`Nova Scotia
Geography: According to a Fortune magazine survey conducted a few years ago, --------- topped the list of best major U.S. cities to balance work and family.`seattle
GEOGRAPHY: According to classical legend, which city was the home of the original Palladium`troy
Geography: According to ---------- historian Herodotus, Egyptian men never became bald. The reason for this was that, as children, Egyptian males had their heads shaved, and their scalps were continually exposed to the health-giving rays of the sun.`greek
Geography: According to the ----------------------, a survey of 18- to 24-year-olds from nine nations put the United States dead last in general geographic knowledge scores. One in seven - about 24 million people - could not find their own country on a world map. The survey revealed that Americans possess a pathetically poor sense of where they are - much less any knowledge about the rest of the world. And even more alarming, those who participated in the survey were recent high school and college graduates.`national Geographic Society
Geography: According to the U.S. Naval Observatory, the first populated land where the Sun will rise on a new day is at Kahuitara Point (44 16' S 176 9' W) on Pitt Island in the Chatham Islands, a dependency of`new zealand
Geography: According to the U.S. Naval Observatory, the first populated land where the Sun will rise on a new day is at Kahuitara Point (44 16' S 176 9' W) on Pitt Island in the Chatham Islands, a dependency of`new zealand
Geography: According to the U.S. Naval Observatory, the first populated land where the Sun will rise on a new day is at Kahuitara Point (44 16' S 176 9' W) on Pitt Island in the Chatham Islands, a dependency of ---------------------`new zealand
Geography: _____________________ Account For More Than Half Of The World's Total Production Of Peanuts. The United States Grows About 10 Percent Of The World's Peanut Crop, Mainly In Such Southern States As Alabama, Florida, Georgia, And South Carolina`India And China
Geography: A 'Crossbuck'`Railroad Crossing
Geography: Active Volcano In The Philippines, In The Central Part Of Luzon`Mount Pinatubo
Geography: A Cyclone`Area Of Low Pressure
Geography: A Cyclonic Tropical Storm With Winds At The Centre In Excess Of 74 Miles Per Hour`Hurricane
Geography: Addis Ababa Is The Capital Of`Ethiopia
Geography : Addis Ababa is the capital of which country`Ethiopia
Geography: A Distillery Was Originally On The Site Of America's First Mint, The ____________ Mint, Which Opened In 1792`Philadelphia
Geography: Administrative Division Of The Kingdom Of Great Britain, Occupying The Northern Third Of The Island Of Great Britain`Scotland
Geography: Admirality Arch`London
GEOGRAPHY: A federation in SE Asia occupying the northern part of Borneo`malaysia
GEOGRAPHY: African country, capital Luanda`angola
GEOGRAPHY: African country, capital Niamey`niger
Geography: After Greenland, Which Is The Second Largest Island`New Guinea
Geography: After Mt Mckinley, The Second-Highest Mountain In The United States`Mt St Elias
Geography: After Paris Which Is The Largest French Speaking City In The World`Montreal
Geography: After Russia And Kazakhstan, The Third Largest Of The Former Soviet Republics`Ukraine
GEOGRAPHY: After which city is mayonnaise said to be named`port mahon
GEOGRAPHY: After which First World war heroine was a peak in the Rockies named`Edith Cavell
Geography: A Hamlet Is A Village Without A __________ And A Town Is Not A City Until It Has A Cathedral`Church
Geography: A Hamlet Is A Village Without A Church And A Town Is Not A City Until It Has A`Cathedral
Geography: A Hamlet Is A Village Without A Church And A Town Is Not A __________ Until It Has A Cathedral`City
Geography: A __________ Is A Village Without A Church And A Town Is Not A City Until It Has A Cathedral`Hamlet
Geography: Alice Springs Is A Place In Which Country`Australia
GEOGRAPHY:Alternative name for Ayres Rock`Uluru
GEOGRAPHY: A member of a Bantu people living chiefly in South Africa`zulu
Geography: American Samoa`Pago Pago
Geography: America Purchased Alaska From __________ In 1867 For $7,200,000 - About 2 Cents An Acre`Russia
Geography: Among the fifty-two ------------- churches Sir Christopher Wren created from 1670 to 1711, the greatest was St. Paul's Cathedral.`london
Geography: An Anemometer Measures ____`Wind Speed
Geography: An Area Of Low Pressure Is Called A What`Cyclone
Geography: An Australian Town In Queenslands After Which A Rum Is Named`Bundaberg
Geography: Andorra`Andorra La Vella
Geography: Angel Falls`Venezuela
Geography: Angola`Luanda
Geography: Anguilla Is A ______ Territory`British
Geography: Anguilla`The Valley
Geography: Ankara is the capital of ______?`Turkey
Geography: Annapolis And Minneapolis Contain The Suffix 'Polis', Which In Greek Means`City
Geography: Annual All-American Soap Box Derby Held`Akron, Ohio
Geography: A Normal Raindrop Falls At About __________ Miles Per Hour`Seven
Geography: Antarctica Has No Native`Population
Geography: Antarctic Means _______ ___`Opposite The Arctic
Geography: Antibes, on the eastern French Riviera, was founded by the --------- in the fourth century B.C. After World War II, Pablo Picasso left Paris to live near the Mediterranean. He worked for six months in the Grimaldi castle where he painted La Joi De Vivre. It is now a museum that holds many of Picasso's paintings and pottery. Antibes also hosts one of the largest antique shows in Europe each spring.`greeks
Geography: Antigua And Barbuda`Saint John's
Geography: Antofagasta`Chile
Geography: An Underground Layer Of Water Filled Rock Is Called An`Aquifer
Geography: Any Comparatively Small Body Of Land Completely Surrounded By Water`Island
Geography: Approximately 70 percent of the Earth is covered with water. Only 1 percent of the water is ---------------`drinkable
Geography: Approximately 70 Percent Of The Earth Is Covered With Water. Only 1 Percent Of The Water Is`Potable
Geography: Approximately What Percentage Of The Earth Do The Oceans Cover`71%
Geography: A Quarter Of Russia Is Covered By`Forest
Geography: A Rainbow Can Only Occur When The Sun Is __________ Degrees Or Less Above The Horizon`40
Geography: Arch Of Hadrian`Athens
Geography: Area 51 Generally Said To Be`Groom Lake
Geography: Arguably the largest state in the world, ----------------------- covers one-third of the Australian continent. It spans over 2.5 million square kilometers (1 million square miles).`western australia
GEOGRAPHY: A ridge projecting laterally from a mountain or mountain range`spur
Geography: Arizona boasts a great variety of fossils, the best known of which were of creatures that lived during the Triassic Period. These include early dinosaurs and the trees that left us Arizona petrified wood, (Araucarioxylon arizonicum), the state's fossil. Arizona petrified wood is protected in Petrified Forest National Park. Another famous Arizona fossil site is the Grand Canyon. It was carved out of the -------------, a famous geologic region.`colorado plateau
Geography: Arkansas`Little Rock
Geography: Arlanda Is The Airport Which Serves Which European City`Stockholm
Geography: A Sea With Many Islands`Archipelago
Geography: Ashmore And Cartier Islands Is A ______ Territory`Australian
Geography: A Small Village Without A Church`Hamlet
GEOGRAPHY: A small violent tropical storm or cyclone in the China seas`typhoon
Geography: As Of 1990, __________________, Pennsylvania Was The Only U.S. City Of The Nation's Largest 50 Cities With A Higher Death Rate Than Birth Rate`Pittsburgh
Geography: A Spanish Country Estate Is Known As A`Hacienda
Geography: As The _________ Moves Under Its Coast, The North Island Of New Zealand Is Getting Larger`Pacific Plate
Geography: A Sunbeam That Shines Down Through The Clouds Called`Crespucular Rays
Geography: As What Is California Also Known`Golden State
Geography: As What Is Krung Thep Is More Commonly Known`Bangkok
Geography: As What Is Minnesota Also Known`Gopher State
Geography: As What Was Istanbul Previously Known`Constantinople
Geography: As What Was Lincoln Park In Chicago Originally Used`Cemetary
Geography: As What Was Taiwan Formerly Known`Formosa
Geography: A System Of Government In Which States Are United For Certain Purposes, But For Others Are Independent`Federalism
Geography: At 30 Miles Long, In Which North American City Would You Find Figueroa Street`Los Angeles
Geography: At Any Given Time, There Are 1,800 ______ Going On Around The World`Rainstorms
Geography: A Tornado At Sea Is Called A`Waterspout
Geography: At The Battle At Agincourt, France, In 1415, The Invading English Lost 500 Men To The French 10,000 Thanks To Their Use Of A New Weapon, The`Longbow
Geography: At The End Of Which Siege In 1954 Were The French Finally Beaten In Vietnam`Dien Bien Phu
Geography: At The Nearest Point , Russia And _______ Are Less Than 4 Km Apart`America
Geography: At The Start Of The Twentieth Century, The Spectacular City Of _________________, Didn't Even Exist. Now It's Home To More Than One Million People, And The City Boasts Nine Of The World's Ten Largest Hotels`Las Vegas, Nevada
Geography: At What Angle Above The Horizon Must The Sun Be To Create A Rainbow`40 Degrees
Geography: At Which Paris Terminus Does The Eurostar Train From London Arrive`Gare Du Nord
Geography: A Typhoon Struck Which Island In Japan In 1934, Killing 4,000 People`Honshu
Geography: Australia's highest mountain is named for Thaddeus ----------------, the Polish general who fought in the American Revolution.`kosciusko
Geography: Austria`Vienna
Geography: ____________ Averages The Greatest Number Of Shark Attacks Annually - An Average Of 13`Florida
Geography: A Whirlpool Below ____________ Iced Over For The First Time On Record, On March 25,1955`Niagara Falls
GEOGRAPHY: A wide indentation in a shoreline`bight
Geography: A Wind With A Speed Of 74 Miles Or More Is Designated As A What`Hurricane
Geography: A Wind With A Speed Of __________ Miles Or More Is Designated A Hurricane`74
Geography: Badlands Is A Feature Of Which U.S. State`South Dakota
Geography: Bahamas, The`Nassau
Geography: Bahrain`Manama
Geography : Bangkok is which country's capital`Thailand
Geography: Bangladesh`Dhaka
Geography: Barbados`Bridgetown
Geography: Barking Sands Beach On The Hawaiian Island Of __________ Is Known For Its Unusual Sand That Squeaks Or 'Barks Like A Dog.' The Dry Sand Grains Emit An Eerie Sound When Rubbed With Bare Feet`Kauai
Geography: Beacon Street`Boston
Geography: Because Of The __________ Content Of The Dead Sea, It Is Difficult To Dive Below Its Surface`Salt
Geography: Before 1918, ___________ Belonged To Austria-Hungary: From 1918 To 1991, It Was Part Of Yugoslavia. It Declared Its Independence On June 25,1991`Slovenia
Geography : Before Canberra, which city was the capital of Australia`Melbourne
Geography: Belarus`Minsk
Geography: Belgium`Brussels
Geography: Belgium, The Netherlands And Luxembourg Came Together In 1948 To Form An Economic Union, Known As What`Benelux
Geography: Belgrade Lies On The Danube And Which Other River`Sava
Geography: Belize`Belmopan
Geography: Benin`Porto-Novo
GEOGRAPHY: Berkshire racecourse`ascot
Geography: Bermuda Is A ______ Territory`British
Geography: Bernabau Stadium`Madrid, Spain
Geography: Best Brandy Bottled`Cognac, France
Geography: Bhutan`Thimphu
Geography: Big Ben`London
Geography: Biggest Calibre Cannon`Kremlin
Geography: Biggest City In Continental Europe Is`Paris
Geography: Biggest Harbour In Europe`Rotterdam
Geography: Biggest Mosque In The World`Madina, Saudi Arabia
Geography: Bill Gates' Company Based`Redmond, Washington
Geography: Blarney Stone`Blarney Castle
Geography: Blue Grotto`Capri, Italy
Geography, bodies of water: Where in the heck is Bantry Bay`Ireland
Geography: Boise Is The Capital Of`Idaho
Geography: Bolivia`La Paz
Geography: Bore-Hole Seismometry Indicates That The Land In _____________ Moves Up And Down 25 Cm Throughout The Day, Corresponding With The Tides. Earth Tides Are Generally About One-Third The Size Of Ocean Tides`Oklahoma
Geography: Botswana`Gaborone
Geography: Bouvet Island Is A ______ Territory`Norwegian
Geography: Brazil`Brasilia
Geography: Bridge Of San Luis Rey`Peru
Geography: Bridgeport Is The Largest City In Which State`Connecticut
Geography : Bridgetown is the capital of ________.`barbados
Geography : Bridgetown the capital of`Barbados
Geography: Bridgetown the capital of ______?`Barbados
Geography: Britains First Cast Iron Bridge`Ironbridge
Geography: Britain's Shortest River Is The Brun Which Runs Through __________ In Lancashire`Burnley
Geography: Britain's Shortest River Is The __________ Which Runs Through Burnley In Lancashire`Brun
Geography: British Virgin Islands`Road Town
Geography: Brunei`Bandar Seri Begawan
Geography : Brussels is the capital of`Belgium
Geography : Brussels is the capital of which country`belgium
Geography : Buenos Aires is the capital of`Argentina
Geography: Buffalo River National Park Is In Which State`Arkansas
geography, buildings: what's the largest office building in the world`the pentagon
Geography: Bulgaria`Sofia
Geography: Burkina Faso`Ouagadougou
Geography: Burma`Rangoon
Geography: Burma Was The Former Name Of Which Country`Myanmar
Geography: Burundi`Bujumbura
GEOGRAPHY: By what name is British Honduras now known`Belize
Geography: By What Other Name Is Lac Leman Known`Lake Geneva
Geography: By What Other Name Is The Island Of Lindisfarne Known`Holy Island
Geography: By What Other Name Is The Mountain K2 Called`Mount Godwin Austen
Geography: By What Process Is Rock Worn Down By The Weather`Erosion
Geography : Cagliari is the capital of which mediterranean island`Sardinia
Geography: California`Sacramento
Geography: Cambodia`Phnom Penh
Geography: Cameroon`Yaounde
Geography: Canada Is The Second-Largest Country In The World After __________. Nearly 90 Percent Of The Canada's Population Is Concentrated Within 161 Km Of The United States/Canada Border`Russia
Geography: Canada`Ottawa
Geography: Canada's Highest Waterfall`Della Falls
Geography: Cape Hatteras`North Carolina
Geography: Cape Town, South Africa, Is Also Known As`Kaapstad
Geography: Cape Verde Is A Former Colony Of Which Country`Portugal
Geography: Cape Verde`Praia
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Afghanistan`Kabul
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Albania`Tirana
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Algeria`Algiers
Geography: Capital Of Ancient Ireland`Tara
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Andorra`Andorra la Vella
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Angola`Luanda
Geography : Capital of Antigua and Barbuda`Saint John's
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Argentina`Buenos Aires
Geography : Capital of Armenia`Yerevan
GEOGRAPHY:capital of Australia`Canberra
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Austria`Vienna
Geography : Capital of Azerbaijan`Baku
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Bahrain`Manama
Geography : Capital of Bangladesh`Dacca
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Bangladesh`Dhaka
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Barbados`Bridgetown
Geography: Capital Of Belarus`Minsk
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Belgium`Brussels
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Belize`Belmopan
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Benin`Porto Novo
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Bhutan`Thimphu
Geography : Capital of Bolivia (seat of government)`La Paz
Geography : Capital of Bosnia and Hercegovina`Sarajevo
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Botswana`Gaborone
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Brazil`Brasilia
Geography : Capital of Brunei`Bandar Seri
GEOGRAPHY:capital of Brunei`Bandar Seri Begawan
GEOGRAPHY:capital of Bulgaria`Sofia
Geography : Capital of Burkina Faso`Ouagadougou
Geography : Capital of Burma`Rangoon
Geography : Capital of Burundi`Bujumbura
GEOGRAPHY:capital of Cambodia`Phnom Penh
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Cameroon`Yaounde
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Canada`Ottawa
Geography : Capital of Cape Verde`Praia
Geography : Capital of Central African Republic`Bangui
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Chad`N'Djamena
Geography : Capital of China`Beijing
Geography: Capital Of Comoros`Moroni
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Congo`Brazzaville
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Costa Rica`San Jose
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Cuba`Havana
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Cyprus`Nicosia
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Czechoslovakia`Prague
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Denmark`Copenhagen
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Djibouti`Djibouti
Geography : Capital of Dominican Republic`Santo Domingo
Geography : Capital of Dominica`Roseau
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Ecuador`Quito
Geography: Capital Of Egypt And The Largest City In Africa`Cairo
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Egypt`Cairo
Geography: Capital Of Egypt During The Ptolemaic Dynasty`Alexandria
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of El Salvador`San Salvador
Geography : Capital of Equatorial Guinea`Malabo
Geography : Capital of Eritrea`Asmara
Geography : Capital of Estonia`Tallinn
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Ethiopia`Addis Ababa
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Fiji`Suva
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Finland`Helsinki
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of France`Paris
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Gabon`Libreville
Geography : Capital of Gambia`Banjul
Geography : Capital of Georgia`Tbilisi
Geography : Capital of Germany`Berlin
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Ghana`Accra
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Greece`Athens
Geography : Capital of Grenada`Saint George's
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Grenada`St George's
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Guatemala`Guatemala
Geography : Capital of Guinea-Bissau`Bissau
Geography : Capital of Guinea`Conakry
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Guyana`Georgetown
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Haiti`Port-au-Prince
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Honduras`Tegucigalpa
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Hungary`Budapest
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Iceland`Reykjavik
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of India`New Delhi
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Indonesia`Jakarta
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Iran`Teheran
Geography : Capital of Iran`Tehran
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Iraq`Baghdad
Geography : Capital of Ireland`Dublin
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Irish Republic`Dublin
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Israel`Jerusalem
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Italy`Rome
GEOGRAPHY: Capital of Ivory Coast`Abidjan
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Jamaica`Kingston
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Japan`Tokyo
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Jordan`Amman
Geography : Capital of Kazakhstan`Alma-ata
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Kenya`Nairobi
Geography : Capital of Kiribati`Bairiki
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Kiribati`Tarawa
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Kuwait`Kuwait
Geography : Capital of Kuwait`Kuwait City
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Laos`Vientiane
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Lebanon`Beirut
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Lesotho`Maseru
Geography : Capital of Liberia`Monrovia
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Libya`Tripoli
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Liechtenstein`Vaduz
GEOGRAPHY:capital of Lithuania`Vilnius
Geography : Capital of Luxembourg`Luxembourg
Geography : Capital of Macedonia`Skopje
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Madagascar`Antananarivo
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Malaysia`Kuala Lumpar
Geography : Capital of Malaysia`Kuala Lumpur
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Maldives`Male
Geography : Capital of Mali`Bamako
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Malta`Valletta
Geography : Capital of Marshall Islands`Majuro
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Martinique`Fort-de-France
Geography : Capital of Mauritania`Nouakchott
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Mauritius`Port Louis
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Mexico`Mexico City
Geography : Capital of Micronesia`Palikir
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Moazambique`Maputo
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Monaco`Monaco
Geography : Capital of Mongolia`Ulaanbaatar
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Mongolia`Ulan Bator
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Morocco`Rabat
Geography : Capital of Mozambique`Maputo
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Namibia`Windhoek
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Nauru`Yaren
Geography : Capital of Nebraska`Licoln
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Nepal`Kathmandu
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of New Zealand`Wellington
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Nicaragua`Managua
Geography : Capital of Nigeria`Abuja
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Nigeria`Lagos
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Niger`Niamey
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of North Korea`Pyongyang
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Norway`Oslo
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Oman`Muscat
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of pakistan`Islamabad
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Panama`Panama
Geography : Capital of Panama`Panama City
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Papua New Guinea`Port Moresby
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Paraguay`Asuncion
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Peru`Lima
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Phiippines`Manila
Geography : Capital of Philippines`Manila
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Poland`Warsaw
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Portugal`Lisbon
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Qatar`Doha
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Romania`Bucharest
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Rwanda`Kigali
Geography : Capital of Saint Kitts and Nevis`Basseterre
Geography : Capital of Saint Lucia`Castries
Geography : Capital of Saint Vincent`Kingstown
Geography : Capital of San Marino`San Marino
GEOGRAPHY: Capital of Saskatchewan`regina
Geography : Capital of Saudi Arabia`Riyadh
Geography : Capital of Seychelles`Victoria
Geography : Capital of Sierra Leone`Freetown
Geography : Capital of Singapore`Singapore
Geography : Capital of Slovenia`Ljubljana
Geography : Capital of Solomon Islands`Honiara
Geography : Capital of Somalia`Mogadishu
Geography: Capital Of South Africa`Pretoria
Geography: Capital Of South Dakota`Pierre
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of South Korea`Seoul
Geography: Capital Of South Vietnam`Saigon
Geography: Capital Of Spain`Madrid
Geography: Capital Of Sri Lanka`Colombo
Geography: Capital Of Sudan`Khartoum
Geography : Capital of Suriname`Paramaribo
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of Swaziland`Mbabane
Geography: Capital Of Sweden`Stockholm
Geography: Capital Of Switzerland`Bern
Geography: Capital Of Syria`Damascus
Geography: Capital Of Taiwan`Taipei
Geography: Capital Of Tajikistan`Dushanbe
Geography : Capital of Tanzania`Dar es Salaam
Geography: Capital Of Tasmania`Hobart
Geography: Capital Of Texas`Austin
Geography: Capital Of Thailand`Bangkok
Geography: Capital Of The Australia's Northern Territory`Darwin
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of the Bahamas`Nassau
Geography: Capital Of The Canadian Province Of British Columbia`Victoria
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of the Canadian province of Manitoba`Winnipeg
Geography: Capital Of The Central African Republic`Bangui
Geography: Capital Of The Dominican Republic`Santo Domingo
GEOGRAPHY:Capital of the Isle of Man`Douglas
Geography: Capital Of The Italian Province Lazio`Rome
Geography: Capital Of The Italian Region Campagna`Naples
Geography: Capital Of The Italian Region Emilia Romagna`Bologna
Geography: Capital Of The Italian Region Puglia`Bari
Geography: Capital Of The Netherlands`Amsterdam
Geography : Capital of The United States of America`Washington
Geography : Capital of Trinidad and Tobago`Port-of-Spain
Geography : Capital of Tunisia`Tunis
Geography : Capital of Turkmenistan`Ashkhabad
Geography : Capital of Tuvalu`Fanafuti
Geography : Capital of Uganda`Kampala
Geography : Capital of Ukraine`Kiev
Geography : Capital of Vanuatu`port vila
Geography : Capital of Vanuatu`Vila
Geography : Capital of Vatican City`Vatican city
Geography : Capital of Venezuela`Caracas
Geography : Capital of Vietnam`Hanoi
Geography : Capital of Western Samoa`Apia
Geography: Capitol Hill`Washington Dc
Geography: Captain Cook Was The First Man To Set Foot On All Continents Except`Antarctica
GEOGRAPHY: Caribbean island which with Bermuda became an independent state in 1981`antigua
Geography: Cayman Islands`George Town
Geography: Centennial Safe`Washington Dc
Geography: Central African Republic`Bangui
Geography: Central Europe, The Capital Is Bratislava`Slovakia
Geography: Central Europe, The Capital Is Prague`Czech Republic
Geography: Chablis Comes From What Major Wine Producing Area Of France`Burgundy
Geography: Chances Of A White Christmas In ___ ____: 1 In 4`New York
Geography: Chances Of A White _________ In New York: 1 In 4`Christmas
Geography: Chartres Cathedral In France Famous For Having 160 Of`Stained Glass Windows
Geography: Chechnya`Grozny
Geography: Cheltenham Is In Which English County`Gloucestershire
Geography: Cheyenne Is The Capital Of`Wyoming
Geography: Chiang Mai, Nong Khai, And Yala`Thailand
GEOGRAPHY:Chief sea port of France`Marseille
Geography: Chile`Santiago
Geography: China`Beijing
Geography: China's Largest City Is`Shanghai
Geography: China's Sorrow`Yellow River
Geography: China Which Is The Most Remote Island In The Southern Atlantic Ocean`Bouvet Island
Geography: Christmas Island Is A ______ Territory`Australian
Geography: Christmas Island`The Settlement
Geography, cities: What capital city lies at the junction of the Sava and Danube rivers`Belgrade
Geography, cities: What city rises at the head of the Nile River Delta`Cairo
Geography, cities: What German city is famed for a scent it produces`Cologne
Geography, cities: Where would one find the Austerlitz train station`Paris, France
GEOGRAPHY City and administrative centre of an English county situated on the North Sea anmd The Wash site of an 11th century cathedral`lincoln
GEOGRAPHY: City in Florida, USA situated near Walt Disney World`orlando
Geography: City Of Brotherly Love`Philadelphia
GEOGRAPHY: City-state and the largest port in Germany`hamburg
Geography: Cocos Islands Is A ______ Territory`Australian
Geography: Cocos Islands`West Island
Geography: Colombia`Bogota
Geography: Colorado's capital of ---------- is the largest metro city in a 600-mile radius - an area almost the size of Europe.`denver
Geography: __________ Comes From The French, Cord Du Roi Or Cloth Of The King`Corduroy
GEOGRAPHY: Compact group of mountain heights`massif
Geography: Connecticut`Hartford
Geography: Cook Islands`Avarua
Geography: Cook Islands Is A ______ Territory`New Zealand
Geography: Coral Reefs, Sometimes Called The 'Rain Forests Of The Sea, ' Cover More Than 6,500 Square Miles In The _____________, The Gulf Of Mexico, Off Florida, And The Pacific. They Are Home To An Estimated 550 Species Of Fish, And Are Major Tourist Attractions`Caribbean
Geography: Coral Sea Islands Is A ______ Territory`Australian
Geography: Cordon Bleu School Of Cooking`Paris
Geography: Costa Rica`San Jose
Geography: Cote D'ivoire`Yamoussoukro
GEOGRAPHY: Country on the Caribbean coast of Central America, capital Belmopan`belize
GEOGRAPHY: County of Northern Ireland`tyrone
GEOGRAPHY: County town of Clare`ennis
GEOGRAPHY: County town of Cornwall`truro
Geography: Croatia`Zagreb
Geography: Crusoe In What State Is The Theodore Roosevelt National Park`North Dakota
Geography: Crystal Palace`London
Geography: Cuba Is The Only Island In The Caribbean To Have A`Railroad
Geography: Cyprus Lies In Which Sea`Mediterranean
Geography: Cyprus`Nicosia
Geography: Czech Republic`Prague
Geography: Dakar is the capital of ______?`Senegal
Geography: Dakar Is The Capital Of`Senegal
Geography: Dam Square`Amsterdam
Geography: Daniel Arap Moi Is The Leader In Which Country`Kenya
Geography: Daniel Toroitich Arap Moi Has Been The President Of This African Country For Decades`Kenya
Geography: Dapsang Is Another Name For Which Major Mountain`K2
Geography: 'Day Of The Dead' Celebrated`Mexico
Geography: Deepest Lake`Lake Baikal
Geography: Deepest Point In The Atlantic Ocean`Puerto Rico Trench
Geography: Deepest Point In The Southern Ocean`South Sandwich Trench
Geography: Deepest Point Of Any Of The Ocean`Mariana Trench
Geography: Delaware`Dover
Geography: Democratic Republic Of Congo`Kinshasa
Geography: Denmark`Copenhagen
Geography: Denmark, Norway and Sweden combine to make what `Scandinavia
Geography: Denmark, Norway, Sweden, And Iceland Combine To Make What`Scandinavia
Geography: Dense Sea-Water Swamps Along Coasts Of Hot Countries Are Called`Mangroves
Geography: Des Moines Is The Capital Of`Iowa
Geography: Despite A Population Of Over A Billion, China Has Only About ___ _______ Family Names`Two Hundred
Geography: Devon Is The Only County In Great Britain To Have __________ Coasts`2
Geography: Devon Is The Only County In Great Britain To Have ___ Coasts`Two
Geography: Devon Is The Only County In Great Britain To Have Two`Coasts
Geography: Dhaka Is The Capital Of`Bangladesh
Geography: Diplomat Living Abroad As Representative Of Their Country`Ambassador
Geography: Discounting Australia , Which Is Generally Regarded As A Continental Land Mass, The World's Largest Island Is`Greenland
Geography: District 'Elephant And Castle'`London
Geography: District Of Ancient Greece On The Northern Coast Of The Gulf Of Corinth`Aetolia
Geography: Djibouti`Djibouti
Geography: Djibouti Is The Capital Of`Djibouti
Geography: Dominican Republic`Santo Domingo
Geography: Donostia Is The Basque Name For What Northern Spanish City`San Sebastian
Geography: During Annual Spring Floods, This Waterfall Can Become So Loud As To Break Windows Six Miles Away`Victoria Falls
Geography: During The British Raj In India, What City Originally Served As Its Capital`Calcutta
Geography: During the nineteenth century, Michigan was a key stop on the Underground Railroad, and many runaway slaves decided to make their homes there. Currently, 14 percent of Michigan's population is --------------------`african american
GEOGRAPHY; Dutch city famous for its pottery and porcelain`delft
Geography: Each Spring A Hole Appears In The Ozone Layer Above Which Continent`Antarctica
Geography: Each tour through Natural Bridge Caverns in ------------ covers 3/4 mile. An average tour guide will walk almost 560 miles in one year.`texas
Geography: Each year ----------- has approximately 5,000 earthquakes, including 1,000 that measure above 3.5 on the Richter scale.`alaska
Geography: Earth's Atmosphere Is, Proportionally, Thinner Than The Skin Of An`Apple
Geography: Earth's Outer Layer Of Surface Soil Or Crust Is Called The`Lithosphere
Geography: East-Central Europe, The Capital Is Kiev`Ukraine
Geography: Easter Island Is Part Of Which Country`Chile
Geography: East Pakistan Is The Former Name Of Which Modern Republic`Bangladesh
Geography: Elba Island Is Located In What Sea`Tyrrhenian Sea
GEOGRAPHY: English county - the garden of England`kent
Geography: Equatorial Country In Central Africa, Kinshasa Is The Capital`Congo
Geography: Etna, Hekla And Popocate A Petl Are All Types Of What`Volcanoes
Geography: Every Year, Mexico City Sinks About __________ Inches`Ten
Geography: Exalting One's Country Above All Others`Nationalism
Geography: Extensive Cultivation Of Plants To Yield Food, Feed, Or Fiber: To Provide Medicinal Or Industrial Ingredients: Or To Grow Ornamental Products`Crop Farming
Geography: Faizabad, Lucknow, And Padam`India
Geography: Falkland Islands Is A ______ Territory`British
Geography: Famous Blaze Nightclub Located in what city?`Melbourne
Geography: Fijians Are The Major Ethnic Group In The Fiji Islands. Almost As Big Is Which Group`Indian
Geography: Filled With Water, Gas, Electric, Telephone, Cable, Steam, And Sewer Lines, _____________ Is The Most Dense Underground Site In The United States`Manhattan
Geography: First State To Secede From The Union In 1861`South Carolina
Geography: Five U.S States Border Which Ocean`Pacific Ocean
Geography: Florida Is Not The Southernmost State In The United States. ___________ Is Farther South`Hawaii
Geography: Florida Is Often Referred To As 'The Sunshine State' What Place In Australia Also Has The Same Nickname`Queensland
Geography: For centuries, Spain's ----------------- has been and still is one of the world's largest.`fishing fleet
Geography: Forest Fires Move ____ Uphill Than Downhill`Faster
Geography: For Every Tree That Is Cut For Lumber, How Much Is Sold As Timber`One Eighth
Geography: Formally called Kiritimati, -------------------- in the Indian Ocean is 52 square miles.`christmas island
Geography: For Many Reasons, The Queen Of France Has Received A Great Deal Of Blame For Inciting The Revolution. What Was Her Name`Marie Antoinette
Geography: Formerly Called Ceylon`Sri Lanka
Geography: Formerly Known As Basuto, The Sotho Are Mountain People From The`Maluti Range
Geography: Formerly Known As Bechuanaland`Botswana
Geography: Formerly Known As New Hebrides`Vanuatu
Geography: For those who are eager to peek inside Europe's only active volcano, a shuttle takes tourists close to the top of Mount Vesuvius. After that, it is a thirty-minute hike to the lip of the crater. Mount Vesuvius erupted about seventy-nine years after Christ. The flourishing city of ---------- was obliterated, buried under a thirty-foot wave of hot mud and volcanic ash. The lunar-like top of the volcano stands at a dizzying 4,000 feet.`pompeii
Geography: For Which Country Is The Lotus Flower The National Symbol`India
GEOGRAPHY:For years Sicily was the source of which element`sulphur
Geography: Founded In 1608 By Champlain, It Was The Capital Of New France`Quebec
GEOGRAPHY: Founded in 1822 by the American Colonisation Society as a home for liberated slaves, capital city named after US President James Monroe, which country`liberia
Geography: Four states have active volcanoes: Washington, ---------------, Alaska, and Hawaii, whose Mauna Loa is the world's largest active volcano.`california
Geography : Frankfort is the capital of which state`kentucky
Geography: French Guiana Is A ______ Territory`French
Geography: French National Anthem`Marseillaise
Geography: French Philosopher, Scientist, And Mathematician, Sometimes Called The Father Of Modern Philosophy`Descartes
GEOGRAPHY: French resort location of the Promenade des Anglais`nice
GEOGRAPHY: French sea port with a ferry service to Dover`calais
Geography: French Speaking Residents Of Belgium Are Called`Walloons
Geography: From 1980 To 1995, Which Country Produced The Largest Amount Of Crude Oil`Saudi Arabia
GEOGRAPHY: From an old name for which country did Horace Walpole coin the term Serendipity for happy finds made by chance`sri lanka
Geography: From the 1830s to 1960s, the Lehigh River in eastern -------------, was owned by the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co., making it the only privately owned river in the United States.`pennsylvania
Geography: From What Words Is Dublin Derived`Dubh Linn
Geography: From Where Do Alsatians Originate`Alsace-Lorraine
Geography: From Which City Can You See Table Mountain`Cape Town
GEOGRAPHY: From which country did the Bashi Bazouks come`Turkey
GEOGRAPHY: From which country do Moselle wines come from`germany
GEOGRAPHY: From which Irish province were the MacCarthys hereditary kings`munster
Geography: From Which U.S. State Do The Bighorn Mountains Arch Northwest Into Southern Montana`Wyoming
Geography: ___ ______' Full Name Is 'El Pueblo De Nuestra Senora La Reina De Los Angeles De Porciuncula'. In English This Means 'The City Of Angels'`Los Angeles
Geography: Funchal Is The Principal City Of Which Portuguese Province`Madeira
Geography: Garuda Is The National Airline Of Which Far-Eastern Country`Indonesia
Geography: Gathering In Of A Seasons Crops`Harvest
Geography: Genoa Overlooks Which Sea`Ligurian
Geography: Gibraltar Is A ______ Territory`British
Geography: Gigantic Mass Of Snow And Ice, Mixed With Stones And Earth, Which Falls From The Mountains Into The Valleys Is Called A`Avalanche
Geography: Give The Name And Location Of The 10th Largest Island In The Usa`Long Island, Ny
Geography: Give The Name And Location Of The 2nd Largest Island In The Usa`Kodiak, Alaska
Geography: Give The Name And Location Of The 4th Largest Island In The Usa`Chichagof, Alaska
Geography: Give The Name And Location Of The 5th Largest Island In The Usa`Saint Lawrence, Alaska
Geography: Give The Name And Location Of The 7th Largest Island In The Usa`Baranof, Alaska
Geography: Give The Name And Location Of The 8th Largest Island In The Usa`Nunivak, Alaska
Geography: Give The Name And Location Of The 9th Largest Island In The Usa`Unimak, Alaska
Geography: Give The Name And Location Of The Largest Island In The Usa`Hawaii, Hawaii
Geography: Give The Name And Location Of The World's 10th Largest Lake Island`Idjwi, Lake Kivu, Drc
Geography: Give The Name And Location Of The World's 10th Largest Volcanic Island`Halmaherea, Indonesia
Geography: Give The Name And Location Of The World's 11th Largest Lake`Great Slave, Canada
Geography: Give The Name And Location Of The World's 12th Largest Lake`Erie, North America
Geography: Give The Name And Location Of The World's 13th Largest Lake`Winnipeg, Canada
Geography: Give The Name And Location Of The World's 14th Largest Lake`Ontario, North America
Geography: Give The Name And Location Of The World's 15th Largest Lake`Balkhash, Kazakhstan
Geography: Give The Name And Location Of The World's 2nd Deepest Lake`Tanganyika, Africa
Geography: Give The Name And Location Of The World's 2nd Largest Lake Island`Vozrozhdeniya, Aral Sea
Geography: Give The Name And Location Of The World's 2nd Largest Lake`Superior, North America
Geography: Give The Name And Location Of The World's 3rd Highest Island`Hawaii, Usa
Geography: Give The Name And Location Of The World's 3rd Largest Lake Island`Rene-Lavasseur, Manicouagan Reservoir
Geography: Give The Name And Location Of The World's 3rd Largest Lake`Victoria, Africa
Geography: Give The Name And Location Of The World's 3rd Largest Volcanic Island`Java, Indonesia
Geography: Give The Name And Location Of The World's 3rd Most Populous City`Seoul, South Korea
Geography: Give The Name And Location Of The World's 4th Highest Island`Borneo, Indonesia
Geography: Give The Name And Location Of The World's 4th Largest Lake Island`Olkhon, Lake Baykal
Geography: Give The Name And Location Of The World's 4th Largest Volcanic Island`North Island, Nz
Geography: Give The Name And Location Of The World's 5th Deepest Lake`Issyk-Kul, Kyrgyzstan
Geography: Give The Name And Location Of The World's 5th Largest Lake`Michigan, North America
Geography: Give The Name And Location Of The World's 5th Largest Volcanic Island`Luzon, Philippines
Geography: Give The Name And Location Of The World's 5th Most Populous City`Manila, Philippines
Geography: Give The Name And Location Of The World's 6th Highest Island`Sumatra, Indonesia
Geography: Give The Name And Location Of The World's 6th Largest Lake Island`Isle Royal, Lake Superior
Geography: Give The Name And Location Of The World's 6th Largest Lake`Tanganyika, Africa
Geography: Give The Name And Location Of The World's 6th Largest Volcanic Island`Iceland
Geography: Give The Name And Location Of The World's 7th Highest Island`Ross, Antarctica
Geography: Give The Name And Location Of The World's 7th Largest Lake Island`Ukerewe, Lake Victoria
Geography: Give The Name And Location Of The World's 7th Largest Volcanic Island`Mindanao, Philippines
Geography: Give The Name And Location Of The World's 8th Highest Island`Honshu, Japan
Geography: Give The Name And Location Of The World's 8th Largest Lake Island`St Joseph, Lake Huron`saint Joseph, Lake Huron
Geography: Give The Name And Location Of The World's 8th Largest Volcanic Island`Hokkaido, Japan
Geography: Give The Name And Location Of The World's 9th Highest Island`South Island, Nz
Geography: Give The Name And Location Of The World's 9th Largest Lake`Aral Sea, Asia
Geography: Give The Name And Location Of The World's 9th Largest Volcanic Island`New Britain, Png
Geography: Give The Name And Location Of The World's Highest Island`New Guinea
Geography: Give The Name And Location Of The World's Largest Lake`Caspian Sea, Asia-Europe
Geography: Give The Name And Location Of The World's Largest Lake Island`Manitoulin, Lake Huron
Geography: Give The Name And Location Of The World's Largest Volcanic Island`Sumatra, Indonesia
Geography: Give The Name Of The 10th Largest Island In Europe`Crete
Geography: Give The Name Of The 3rd Largest Island In Europe`Ireland
Geography: Give The Name Of The 4th Largest Island In Europe`West Spitsbergen
Geography: Give The Name Of The 5th Largest Island In Europe`Sicily
Geography: Give The Name Of The 6th Largest Island In Europe`Sardinia
Geography: Give The Name Of The 7th Largest Island In Europe`North East Land
Geography: Give The Name Of The 8th Largest Island In Europe`Cyprus
Geography: Give The Name Of The 9th Largest Island In Europe`Corsica
Geography: Give The Name Of The Largest Island In Europe`Great Britain
Geography: Gonder Is In Which Country`Ethiopia
Geography: Gore is also known as the Brown Trout Capital of the World and New Zealand's -----------`country music capital
Geography: Gothenburg Is The Chief Seaport Of Which Country`Sweden
Geography: _______________ Got Its Start As A Major Tourist Destination During The Early Days Of World War Ii. German U-Boats Threats Off The Eastern United States Compelled The Wealthy To Find New Places To Vacation. At One Time One Had To Be A Millionaire To Enjoy __________, But That Hasn't Been The Case For Years`Acapulco
Geography: Grasshopper Glacier in ----------- was named for the grasshoppers that can still be seen frozen in the ice.`montana
Geography: Greenland Is A ______ Territory`Danish
GEOGRAPHY:Group of round 30 islets in the North Sea off the coast of Northumberland`Farne Islands
Geography: Guadeloupe Is A ______ Territory`French
Geography: Guatemala Is The Capital Of`Guatemala
Geography : Guayaquil is the largest city in what country`ecuador
Geography: Haiphong Is The Third Largest City In Which South-East Asian Country`Vietnam
Geography : Halifax is the capital of which Canadian province`nova scotia
Geography: Hamburg Lies On Which River`The Elbe
Geography : Hartford is the capital of which American state`Connecticut
Geography: ___________ Has 150 Recognized Ecosystems`Hawaii
Geography: --------------- has 254 counties. Alaska, which is more than twice as large, hasn't any.`texas
Geography: ____________________ Has 570 Miles Of Shoreline`New York City
Geography: ______________ Has A Sand Desert With Dunes Over 100 Feet High. It Is Located Along The Flatland Of The Kobuk River In The Northwestern Part Of The State`Alaska
Geography: _____ Has More English Speakers Than The United States`China
Geography: ----------- has official state neckwear - the bolo tie.`arizona
Geography: _______________________ Has Parallel Drops Of Only 158 And 167 Feet`Niagara Falls
Geography: ______________ Has The Greatest Number Of Islands In The World: 179,584`Finland
Geography: _____________ Has The Highest Per Capita Income In The World, Except For The Oil Sheikdoms`Bermuda
Geography: ___________________ Has The Largest Rural Population In The United States`Pennsylvania
Geography: _________ Has The Nation's Largest City Park System, With More Than 200 Parks Within City Limits And 20,000 Acres Of Parks In The Nearby Mountains - An Area Larger Than All Of Manhattan Island`Denver
Geography: ----------------- has two official national anthems.`south africa
Geography : Havana is the capital of which country`cuba
Geography: Hawaii Lies On The Tropic Of`Cancer
Geography: Hawaii Officially Became Apart Of The Us On ________ 14,1900`June
Geography: Hawaii's Mt Waialeale Is The Wettest Place In The World - It Rains About Ninety Per Cent Of The Time, About 480 Inches Per`Annum
Geography: Heard And Macdonald Islands Is A ______ Territory`Australian
GEOGRAPHY:Height of Ayres Rock`110 FEET
Geography : He invented the most common projection for world maps.`mercator
Geography: Hell's Canyon on the Snake River is deeper than the ---------------`grand canyon
Geography: He Visited Australia And New Zealand, Then Surveyed The Pacific Coast Of North America`Vancouver
Geography: He Was Elected President Of France, In 1981`Francois Mitterrand
GEOGRAPHY: Which is the largest lake in Wales`lake bala
Geography: Highest Mountain That Isnt Part Of A Range`Kilimanjaro
Geography: Hills And Ridges Composed Of Drifting Sand Are Known As`Dunes
GEOGRAPHY: Hills on the Scottish english border`cheviot hills
Geography: Hispaniola Is Made Up Of The Dominican Republic And What Other Country`Haiti
Geography: Holland's Largest Ever Flood Control Project Called`Delta Plan
Geography: Holy Shrine Established By St Bernadette`Lourdes
Geography: Home Location Of The 'Blue Angels'`Pensacola
Geography: Hong Kong Is Now Controlled By`China
Geography: "Honolulu" means -------------`sheltered harbor
Geography: 'Honolulu' Means`Sheltered Harbour
Geography: Honshu Is The Largest Island Of Which Country`Japan
GEOGRAPHY:Hot dusty wind in Argentina`Zonda
Geography: Hot Springs Are Known As Geysers After The Great Geysir That Is Located Where`Iceland
Geography: House Of Seven Gables Located`Salem
Geography: Houston, Waco And Fort Worth Are All In Which State`Texas
Geography: How Big Is The City Of London`One Square Mile
Geography: How Deep Is The Target Depth Of The Borehole Located At The Kola Peninsula, In Northern Russia`Fifteen Kilometers`15km
Geography: How Long Is The Danube River`1,750 Miles
GEOGRAPHY: How long is the Great Wall of China`1450 miles
Geography: How Long Is The Longest Tunnel`One Hundred And Sixty Nine Kms
Geography: how many avenues radiate from the arc de triomphe`twelve
Geography: How Many Cities In The World Boast Populations In Excess Of 1 Million People: Over 50, Over 200, Over 300 Or Over 400`Over 300
Geography: How Many Continents Are There`Seven
Geography: How Many Counties Are In The State Of Maine`Sixteen
Geography: How Many Countries Are There In Asia`Forty Four
Geography: How Many Countries Are There In Central America`Seven
Geography: How Many Countries Are There In Europe`Forty Six
Geography: How Many Countries Are There In North America`Twenty Three
Geography: How Many Countries Are There In Oceania`Fourteen
Geography: How Many Countries Are There In South America`Twelve
Geography: How Many Countries Are There In The World`Two Hundred And Forty Nine
Geography: How Many Countries Border On China`Fourteen
Geography: How Many Countries Contribute Teams To The Super 12 Tournament`Three
Geography: How Many Countries In South America Border The Pacific Ocean`Four
Geography: How Many Countries Joined The United Nations At It's Start`51
Geography: How Many Fires Erupted In The April 18,1906 San Francisco Earthquake`Fifty
Geography: How Many Great Lakes Are There`Five
Geography: How Many Great Lakes Do Not Border Michigan`One
Geography: How Many Ice Ages Have There Been In The Last 150,000 Years`2
Geography: How Many Islands Make Up Hawaii`Twenty
Geography: How Many Land Borders Does Austria Have`Eight
Geography: How Many Land Borders Does China Have`Fourteen
Geography: How Many Land Borders Does Congo Have`Nine
Geography: How Many Land Borders Does France Have`Eight
Geography: How Many Land Borders Does Germany Have`Nine
Geography: How Many Land Borders Does Russian Federation Have`Fourteen
Geography: How Many Land Borders Does Sudan Have`Nine
Geography: How Many Land Borders Does Tanzania Have`Eight
Geography: How Many Land Borders Does Zambia Have`Eight
Geography: How Many Member States Are There In The United Arab Emirates`Seven
Geography: How Many Of The Islands Of Hawaii Are Inhabited`Eight
Geography: How Many Rivers Are There In Saudi Arabia`Zero
Geography : How many stars are on the flag of New Zealand`four
Geography: How Many Stars Are There On The New Zealand Flag`Four
Geography: How Many Stars On The European Union Flag`Twelve
Geography: How Many States Joinded The Confederacy`11
Geography: How Many Tenths Of The Earths Surface Lie Under Water`Seven
Geography: How Many Times Would Japan Fit Into An Area The Size Of The U.S`25.15
Geography: How Many Time Zones Are There In China`One
Geography: how many u.s. states border the pacific ocean`five
Geography: Iceland And Greenland Are Separated By Which Stretch Of Water`Denmark Strait
Geography: Iceland's Main Industry`Fishing
Geography: Idi Amin Ruled This African Country For Years`Uganda
Geography: If China Imported Just 10% Of It's ____ Needs- The Price On The World Market Would Increase By 80%`Rice
Geography: If China Imported Just 10% Of It's Rice Needs- The Price On The World Market Would Increase By`80%
Geography: If China Imported Just ___ Of It's Rice Needs- The Price On The World Market Would Increase By 80%`10%
Geography: If _____ Imported Just 10% Of It's Rice Needs- The Price On The World Market Would Increase By 80%`China
Geography : If its 4:00pm in Seattle Washington, what time is it in Portland Oregon`4
Geography: If Its 4: 00pm In Seattle, Washington What Time Is It In Portland, Oregon`4: 00pm
Geography: If Someone Gets Out Of A Difficult Situation, He Is Said To Have Saved His What`Bacon
Geography: If The Earth Was Smooth, The Ocean Would Cover The Entire Surface To A Depth Of __________ Feet`12,000
Geography: If The Groundhog Sees His Shadow On Feb. 2, There Will Be How Many More Weeks Of Bad Weather`Six
Geography: If The Population Of China Walked Past You In Single File, The Line Would Never End Because Of The Rate Of`Reproduction
Geography: If The ___________ River Were Stretched Across The United States, It Would Run Just About From New York To Los Angeles`Nile
Geography: If You Flew Due East From New York City, What Would Be The First Country You Would Reach`Portugal
Geography: If You Flew Due West From Portugal, What Is The First Place You Would Reach`New York City
Geography: If You Left Oklahoma By Crossing The Red River In A Southerly Direction, Which U.S. State Would You Enter`Texas
Geography: If Your Eyes Are Six Feet Above The Surface Of The Ocean, The Horizon Wil Be About __________ Statute Miles Away`Three
Geography: If Your Scottish Host Handed You A Puddock, What Would You Do With It`Let It Go Free
Geography: If You Travel From East To West Across The Soviet Union, You Will Cross ______ Time Zones`Seven
GEOGRAPHY: If you were at longitude 24 degrees 55' east and latitude 60 degrees 15' north, in which capital city would you be`helsinki
Geography: If You Were To Cross The Strait Of Gibraltar From Europe To Africa, Which African Country Would You Be In? (Taking The Shortest Route)`Morocco
Geography: If You Were To Fly Due West From New York, What Would Be The Next Country You Would Fly Over`Japan
Geography: Iguana National Park Lies On The Border Between Argentina And Which Other Country`Brazil
Geography: _____________, Illinois Was Nicknamed The Windy City Because Of The Excessive Local Bragging That Accompanied The Columbian Exhibition Of 1893. ___________ Has Actually Been Rated As Only The 16th Breeziest City In America`Chicago
Geography: ___________, Illinois Was Originally Named Fort Dearborn, Indian Territory`Chicago
Geography: In 1507, the first globular map was published showing the Western Hemisphere. It was printed at St. Die in the Vosges Mountains of Alsac, and it was the first map to use the term -----------`america
Geography: In 1932, Porto Rico was renamed --------------`puerto rico
GEOGRAPHY: In 1955 which city became the official capital of Wales`cardiff
GEOGRAPHY: In 1964 Tanganyika joined Zanzibar to become which country`tanzania
Geography: In 2001, This Country Resolved Its Longstanding Border Disputes With Saudi Arabia And Bahrain`Qatar
Geography: In Area, Which Is The Largest Australian State`Western Australia
Geography: In Area, Which Is The Largest Country In Africa`Sudan
GEOGRAPHY:In Australia, a branch of a river forming a backwater`Billabong
Geography: ------------------- includes the islands of New Britain and New Ireland.`papua new guinea
Geography: In ______________, Domino's Pizza Has A Reindeer Sausage Pie On Its Menu`Iceland
Geography: In England What Ocean Current Allows Gardeners On The West Coast To Grow Exotic Plants`Gulf Stream
GEOGRAPHY: Inguri,Nurek and Guavio are amongst the worlds highest what`dams
GEOGRAPHY: Inland sea separating Europe from N.Africa`Mediterranean Sea
GEOGRAPHY: In London what was the Tyburn`stream
GEOGRAPHY: In Paris, what are Louis Blanc and Etienne Marcel`metro stations
Geography: ______________, In Russia, Is The Largest City North Of The Arctic Circle`Murmansk
GEOGRAPHY: In Russia,what is Kyzyl Kum`desert
Geography: ------------------ in southern California is the lowest point in the United States at 282 feet below sea level. The highest point in the contiguous 48 states is also in California: Mount Whitney, which is 14,491 feet above sea level.`death valley
GEOGRAPHY: in south west France, which 2 rivers unite to form the Gironde estuary`dordogne & garonne
Geography: In The 17th Century Which Country Started Taxing Beards`Russia
GEOGRAPHY: In the 1960s which London Street was the fashion centre for the young`carnaby street
Geography: In The Beginning Of 1989, A Financial Scandal, Involving Stock Of Recruit Cosmos, Provoked The Dismissal Of Several Ministers Of Which Asian Country`Japan
GEOGRAPHY: In the centre of which South American city is the Square of Three Powers`brasilia
Geography: In the country of ------------------, the basic monetary unit is the tala.`western samoa
Geography: ______________, In The Eastern West Indies, Is One Of The World's Most Densely Populated Countries`Barbados
Geography: In The Gasden Purchase, The Usa Bought Territory From Which Country`Mexico
Geography: In ________________, The Presidential Highway Links The Towns Of Gore And Clinton`New Zealand
Geography: In The Suburbs Of Which Modern Egyptian City Would You Find The Pyramids`Cairo
GEOGRAPHY: In the uK excluding mainland Britain what is the largest island`Lewis with Harris
Geography: In The World's Oceans, There Are: 58 Species Of Sea Grasses: Less Than 1,000 Species Of Cephalopods (Squids, Octopi, And Pearly Nautiluses): 1,000 Species Of Sea Anemones: 1,500 Species Of Brown Algae: 7,000 Species Of Echinoderms (Starfishes, Sea Urchins, Sea Cucumbers, And Sea Lilies): 13,000 Species Of Fishes: And 50,000 Species Of`Molluscs
Geography: In the world's oceans, there are: 58 species of sea grasses; less than 1,000 species of cephalopods (squids, octopi, and pearly nautiluses); 1,000 species of sea anemones; 1,500 species of brown algae; 7,000 species of echinoderms (starfishes, sea urchins, sea cucumbers, and sea lilies); 13,000 species of fishes; and 50,000 species of --------------`mollusks
Geography: In Total, How Many Provinces And Territories Are There In Canada`Thirteen
Geography: Into What Bay Does The Ganges River Flow`Bay Of Bengal
Geography : Into what bay does the Ganges River flow`bengal
Geography: Into What Bay Does The Golden Gate Strait Lead`San Francisco Bay
Geography: Into What Body Of Water Does The Danube River Flow`Black Sea
Geography : Into what body of water does the Yukon River flow`bering sea
Geography : Into what sea does the Elbe River flow`north
Geography : Into what sea does the Mackenzie River flow`beaufort
Geography: Into What Sea Does The Mackenzie River Flow`Beaufort Sea
Geography: Into What Sea Does The River Volga Flow`Caspian
Geography: Into Which Bay Does The Ganges River Flow`Bay Of Bengal
Geography: Into Which Bay Does The Golden Gate Strait Lead`San Francisco Bay
Geography: Into Which Body Of Water Does The River Danube Flow`Black Sea
Geography: Into Which Estuary Do The Trent And Ouse Flow`Humber
GEOGRAPHY: Into which sea does the river Jordan flow`The Dead Sea
GEOGRAPHY: In travel, what number was given to the route that ran from Chicago to Los Angeles`route 66
Geography: In What City Are Kew Gardens`London
Geography : In what city are the famous Tivoli Gardens`copenhagen
Geography: In What City Does A Certain Church Forbid Burping Or Sneezing`Omaha, Nebraska
Geography: In What City Does Fat Albert Live`Philadelphia
Geography: In What City Does Matlock Take Place`Atlanta, Georgia
Geography: In What City Is The Bridge Of Sighs`Venice
Geography: In What City Is The Leaning Tower`Pisa
Geography: In What City Is The Smithsonian Institute`Washington
Geography: In What City Was Jimi Hendrix Born`Seattle
Geography: In What City Was The Final Of The 1991 Canada Cup Played`Hamilton
Geography: In What City Will You Find The World's Largest Bullfighting Ring`Mexico City
Geography: In What City Would The Raffles Hotel Be Found`Singapore
Geography: In What Country Are The Ruins Of Pompeii Found`Italy
Geography: In What Country Do Native Legends Speak Of The Monstrous Mokele-Mbembe, A Reddish-Brown Reptilian Creature The Size Of An Elephant That Lives Underwater`Republic Of Congo
Geography: In What Country Do People Speak The Language They Call Nihongo`Japan
Geography: In What Country Do The Most Earthquakes Occur`Chile
Geography: In What Country Do The Tigris And Euphrates Rivers Join`Iraq
Geography : In what country is Banff National Park`canada
Geography : In what country is Lahore`pakistan
Geography : In what country is Mandalay`burma
Geography : In what country is Taipei`taiwan
Geography : In what country is the highest point in South America`argentina
Geography : In what country is the Jutland peninsula`denmark
Geography: In What Country Is The Lowest Point In South America`Argentina
Geography : In what country is the Mekong River Delta`vietnam
GEOGRAPHY: In what country is the port of Archangel`Russia
Geography: In What Country Is The Source Of The Blue Nile`Ethiopia
Geography : In what country is the Waterloo battlefield`belgium
Geography: In What Country Is The World's Highest Waterfall`Venezuela
Geography: In What Country Is Thunder Bay`Canada
Geography: In What Country Will You Find Kruger National Park`South Africa
Geography: In What Country Would You Find Esphahan`In Iran
Geography: In What Country Would You Find The Dinaric Alps`Croatia
Geography: In What Country Would You Find The World's Largest Pyramid`Mexico
Geography: In What Country Would You Find Timbouctou`Mali
Geography: In What Desert Would You Find The Great Sphinx`Sahara
Geography: In What Direction Does The Nile River Flow`North
Geography : In what island group is Corregidor`philippine
Geography: In What Island Group Is Corregidor`Philippines
Geography: In What Modern-Day Country Did The Ancient Phoenicians Live`Lebanon
Geography: In What Mountain Range Is Kicking Horse Pass`Rockies
Geography: In What Ocean Can Iceland Be Found`Atlantic Ocean
Geography: In What Province Is Dublin`Leinster
Geography: In What Sort Of Landscape Would You Find An Erg`Desert
Geography: In What State Is Concord`New Hampshire
Geography: In what state is Silicon Valley?`California
Geography: In What Tiny Country Did The Former King Of Egypt, Faruk, Become A Citizen, And Thus A Subject Of Grace Kelly, In 1959`Monaco
GEOGRAPHY: In which African country do the Ashanti live`ghana
Geography: In Which African Country Is The City Of Bulawayo`Zimbabwe
GEOGRAPHY: In which African country might you visit Nairobi and Mombasa`republic of kenya
Geography: In Which African Country Would You Find The Highlight, 'Pilgrim's Rest'`South Africa
Geography: In Which African Country Would You Find The Towns Of Kumasi And Cape`Ghana
GEOGRAPHY: In which American State is the Garden of the Gods`Colorado
Geography: In Which Australian State Is Kalgoorlie`Western Australia
Geography: In Which Australian State Is Wagga Wagga`New South Wales
Geography: In Which Australian State Or Territory Is The Flinders Range And Lake Eyre`South Australia
Geography: In Which Australian State Or Territory Is The Kimberley Plateau And Eighty Mile Beach`Western Australia
GEOGRAPHY: In which British city is Usher Hall`edinburgh
Geography: In Which British County Is The Land Of The Prince Bishops`County Durham
Geography: In Which Chinese City Is The Terracotta Army`Xian
Geography: In Which Chinese City Is The Tomb Of Sun Yat Sen`Nanking
Geography: In Which City Are The Headquarters Of Interpol Located`Lyons
Geography: In Which City Are The Headquarters Of Opec Located`Vienna
GEOGRAPHY: In which city did Anne Frank write her diary`Amsterdam
Geography: In Which City Did The 1998 Tour De France Cycle Race Begin`Dublin
Geography: In Which City Did Zlata Filipovic Write A Diary In The 1990's Which Began Just Before Her 11th Birthday`Sarajevo
Geography: In Which City Does Rocky Live In The Film Of The Same Name`Philadelphia
Geography: In Which City Do The Golden State Warriors Play Their Home Games`Oakland
Geography: In Which City Is De Montfort University`Leicester
GEOGRAPHY: In which city is Fitzwilliam Museum`Cambridge
Geography: In Which City Is J.G. Ballinger's Novel Empire Of The Sun Set`Shanghai
Geography: In Which City Is Michelangelo's 'David'`Florence
GEOGRAPHY: In which city is Michelangelos statue of David`Florence
Geography: In Which City Is Napier University`Edinburgh
Geography : In which city is Red Square`moscow
Geography: In Which City Is Saint Paul's Cathedral`London
GEOGRAPHY: In which city is Schiphol airport`amsterdam
Geography: In Which City Is The Alhambra Palace`Granada
Geography: In Which City Is The Areopagus Located`Athens
Geography: In Which City Is The Blue Mosque`Istanbul
Geography : In which city is the Bridge of Sighs`venice
Geography : In which city is the Canale Grande`venice
Geography : In which city is the C.N. Tower`toronto
Geography: In Which City Is The C.N. Tower`Toronto, Canada
Geography : In which city is the Coliseum located`rome
Geography: In Which City Is The Colisseum Located`Rome
Geography: In Which City Is The Colliseum Located`Rome
Geography: In Which City Is The Cotton Bowl Played`Dallas
GEOGRAPHy: In which city is the Dome of the Rock Mosque`jerusalem
Geography: In Which City Is The Dutch Parliament`The Hague
Geography: In Which City Is The Eiffel Tower`Paris
Geography: In Which City Is The Encyclopaedia Britannica Based And Published Today`Chicago
Geography: In Which City Is The European Court Of Justice Located`Luxembourg
Geography: In Which City Is The Highest Steeple`Ulm
Geography: In Which City Is The Hockey Hall Of Fame Located`Toronto
Geography: In Which City Is The Hockey Hall Of Fame Located`Toronto, Canada
Geography: In Which City Is The Horse Race The Palio Run`Sienna
Geography: In Which City Is The Pergamon Museum`Berlin
Geography: In Which City Is The Sistine Chapel`Rome
Geography: In which city is the Sistine Chapel `Vatican City
Geography: In Which City Is 'The Untouchables' Set`Chicago
Geography : In which city is the Wailing Wall`jerusalem
Geography: In Which City Is The Worlds Largest Library Located`Washington Dc
Geography : In which city is Wembley Stadium`london
GEOGRAPHY: In which city was Europes first hard paste porcelain made`Dresden
Geography: In Which City Was Gianni Versace Shot Dead`Miami
Geography: In Which City Was Michael Hutchence Found Dead`Sydney
Geography: In Which City Was Mozart Born`Salzburg
Geography: In Which City Was President Kennedy Killed`Dallas
Geography: In Which City Was The Concorde Development`Toulouse
Geography: In Which City Was The First Of The Rocky Films Shot`Philadelphia
GEOGRAPHY: In which city was the most famous library of the ancient world`alexandria
Geography: In Which City Were Frankie Goes To Hollywood First Based`Liverpool
Geography: In Which City Were The 1928 Summer Olympic Games Held`Amsterdam
Geography: In Which City Were The 1932 Summer Olympic Games Held`Los Angeles
Geography: In Which City Were The Summer Olympic Games Of 1900 Held`Paris
Geography: In Which City Will You Find The Epitaph 'Rest In Peace, The Mistake Shall Not Be Repeated'`Hiroshima
Geography: In Which City Would You Find The Ponte Vecchio`Florence
GEOGRAPHY: In which city would you find the Rotunda and Chamberlain Square`birmingham
Geography: In Which City Would You Find Tuff Gong International Studios, Built By The Late Bob Marley`Kingston
GEOGRAPHY: In which city would you see the famous marble bridge called the Rialto`venice
GEOGRAPHY: In which continent are the Atlas mountains`africa
Geography: In Which Continent Is The Republic Of Benin`Africa
Geography : In which continent would you find the Amazon river`South America
Geography : In which continent would you find the Amur river`Asia
Geography : In which continent would you find the Congo river`Africa
Geography : In which continent would you find the Lena river`Asia
Geography : In which continent would you find the Mackenzie river`North America
Geography : In which continent would you find the Mekong river`Asia
Geography: In which continent would you find the Mississippi river `North America
Geography : In which continent would you find the Niger river`Africa
Geography: In which continent would you find the Nile river `Africa
Geography : In which continent would you find the Ob' river`Asia
Geography: In which continent would you find the Volga river `Europe
Geography : In which continent would you find the Yangtze river`Asia
Geography: In which continent would you find the Yellow river `Asia
Geography : In which continent would you find the Yenisey river`Asia
GEOGRAPHY: In which country are Europes only wild bison`Poland
GEOGRAPHY: In which country are the Tagalog a major ethnic group`philippines
Geography: In Which Country Did Charles Lindbergh Finish His Trans-Atlantic Flight`France
GEOGRAPHY: In which country did the 1976 Jonestown massacre occur`Guyana
GEOGRAPHY: In which country did the lambada dance originate`brazil
GEOGRAPHY: In which country does 100 kobo equal 1 naira`nigeria
GEOGRAPHY: In which country do the walloons live`Belgium
Geography: In Which Country Is Abuja`Nigeria
Geography : In which country is Angel Falls`venezuela
Geography : In which country is Brest (NOT Breast:-)`France
Geography: In Which Country Is Cusco`Peru
GEOGRAPHY: In which country is El Alamein`egypt
Geography: In Which Country Is Kilimanjaro`Tanzania
Geography : In which country is Loch Ness`scotland
GEOGRAPHY: in which country is ltatinga waterfall`brazil
Geography : In which country is Madras`india
GEOGRAPHY: In which country is Mount Kosciuszko the highest peak`australia
Geography: In Which Country Is Normandy`France
Geography: In Which Country Is Sapporo`Japan
Geography : In which country is the Calabria region`italy
Geography : In which country is the Dalai Lama's palace`tibet
Geography: In Which Country Is The Gabba Test Cricket Ground`Australia
Geography: In Which Country Is The Great Victoria Desert`Australia
Geography: In Which Country Is The Lazio Region`Italy
Geography : In which country is the Machu Picchu`peru
Geography: In Which Country Is The River Vistula`Poland
GEOGRAPHY: In which country is the source of the Amazon`Peru
GEOGRAPHY: In which country is the volcano Krakatoa`indonesia
GEOGRAPHY: In which country is Valparaiso an important port`chile
Geography: In Which Country Was Natural Gas First Discovered`Greece
Geography: In Which Country Was Rudyard Kipling Born`India
Geography: In which country was the first Zoo `China
Geography: In Which Country Would A Tunnel Dug Straight Through The Earth From New Zealand`Spain
Geography: In Which Country Would You Find Ayers Rock`Australia
Geography: In Which Country Would You Find Dunkirk`France
Geography: In Which Country Would You Find Lake Tuz`Turkey
Geography: In Which Country Would You Find Mclaks (Grilled Salmon Sandwich) On The Mcdonalds Menu`Norway
Geography: In Which Country Would You Find Tabasco`Mexico
Geography: In Which Country Would You Find The Black Forest`Germany
Geography: In Which Country Would You Find The Vierwaldst ttersee`Switzerland
Geography : In which country would you find the Yucatan Peninsula`mexico
Geography: In Which County Are All Ten Of England's Highest Peaks`Cumbria
Geography: In Which County Does The River Mersey Rise`Derbyshire
Geography: In Which County In The Uk Are The Heights Of Abraham`Derbyshire
Geography: In Which County Is Charnwood Forest`Leicestershire
Geography: In Which County Is Corfe Castle`Dorset
GEOGRAPHY: In which county is Hemel Hempstead`hertfordshire
GEOGRAPHY: In which county is Jodrell Bank`cheshire
GEOGRAPHY: In which county is Romney marsh`Kent
GEOGRAPHY: In which county is the naval base of Gosport`Hampshire
Geography: In Which County Is The Town Of Market Harborough`Leicestershire
GEOGRAPHY: In which county is Wells Cathedral`somerset
GEOGRAPHY: In which county would you find Alum Bay,Godshill and Carisbrooke Castle`Isle of Wight
GEOGRAPHY: In which english city did the new LS Lowry Arts Centre open in April 2000`salford
Geography: In Which English City Is The Martyr's Memorial`Oxford
GEOGRAPHY: In which english county is Helvellyn`cumbria
GEOGRAPHY: In which English county is St Austell`Cornwall
GEOGRAPHY: In which English county is the holiday resort of Margate`kent
GEOGRAPHY: In which english county is the holiday resort of St Ives`cornwall
Geography: In Which European Capital City Is Connolly Railway Station`Dublin
Geography: In Which European City Are The Headquarters Of Opec`Vienna
Geography: In Which European City Is The Montjuic Stadium And The Parc Gruell`Barcelona
GEOGRAPHY; In which European city is there a lake called the Tjorn`reykjavik
GEOGRAPHY: In which European is Mount Esja`iceland
Geography: In Which German City Does The Annual 'Oktoberfest' Beer Festival Take Place`Munich
Geography: In Which German City Was The Composer Pachelbel Born`Nuremberg
GEOGRAPHY: In which group of islands is the volcanic island Stromboli`lipari islands
Geography: In Which Italian City Is The Original Of Leonardo Da Vinci's Last Supper To Be Seen`Milan
Geography: In Which Italian City Would You Find The Headquarters Of The Pirelli Company`Milan
Geography: In Which Mediterranean Sea Are The Cyclades Islands`The Aegean
Geography: In Which Middle Eastern Country Is The Site Of The Hanging Gardens Of Babylon Understood To Have Been`Iraq
Geography: In Which Modern Country Is Mesopotamia`Iraq
Geography: In Which Modern Country Is The Biblical Land Of Sheba`Yemen
Geography: In Which Modern Country Is The Region Known As Cappadocia`Turkey
GEOGRAPHY: In which modern country is the site of the ancient city of Troy`turkey
Geography: In Which Modern Country Is The Site Of The Battle Of Balaklava`Ukraine
Geography: In Which Mountain Range Does The Amazon Begin`Andes
Geography: In Which National Park Is The Mauna Loa Volcano Located`Hawaii Volcanoes
Geography: In Which North American City Would You Find The 1815 Feet High C.N. Tower`Toronto
Geography: In Which North Italian City Is A World Renowned Opera Season Held Annually In The Roman Arena During July And August`Verona
Geography : In which ocean or sea are the Seychelles`indian
Geography: In Which Ocean Or Sea Are The Seychelles`Indian Ocean
Geography: In Which Ocean Would You Find The Islands Of Sao Tome And Principe`Atlantic
Geography: In Which Of The World's Continents Would You Find Mount Erebus`Antarctica
Geography: In Which Paris Cemetery Is The Canine Film Star Rin Tin Tin Buried`Pere-Lachaise
GEOGRAPHY: In which part of the british isles would you find the bailiwicks`Channel Isles
GEOGRAPHY: In which range of Scottish Hills is Scald Law the highest peak`pentland Hills
Geography: In Which River Did The Pied Piper Drown The Rats Of Hamelin`Weser
Geography: In Which River Is The Group Of About 1,500 Islands Known As 'Thousand Islands'`St Lawrence River`saint Lawrence River
GEOGRAPHY; In which sea are the Docecanese Islands`Aegean Sea
GEOGRAPHY:In which sea is the Dogger bank`The North Sea
Geography: In Which Sea Would You Find The Island Of Bornholm`Baltic Sea
Geography: In Which South American Country Does The Plateau Of Borborema Lie`Brazil
GEOGRAPHY: In which Spanish city is the Great Mosque known as La Mezquita which was begun in the 8th century and is now a Christian Cathedral`cordoba
Geography : In which state are Gettysburg and the Liberty Bell`pennsylvania
Geography: In which state are the Everglades `Florida
Geography : In which state are the Finger Lakes`new york
Geography : In which state is Appomattax`virginia
Geography : In which state is Hoover Dam`arizona
GEOGRAPHY: In which state is Monument Valley`utah
Geography : In which state is Mount McKinley`alaska
Geography : In which state is Mount St. Helens`washington
Geography : In which state is Mount Vernon`virginia
Geography : In which state is Stone Mountain`georgia
Geography : In which state is the Kennedy Space Center`florida
Geography : In which state is the Mayo Clinic`minnesota
Geography : In which state is the Painted Desert`arizona
Geography : In which state is Walla Walla`washington
GEOGRAPHY: In which states are the Sierra Nevada mountains`california
Geography: In Which Town Did F.W. Woolworth Open His First Store In 1879`Utica
Geography: In Which Town Or City In The North-West Is The Ashton Memorial`Lancaster
Geography: In Which Town Or City Is The National Museum For Photography`Bradford
Geography: In Which Town Or City Was The Novelist Sir Waiter Scott Born`Edinburgh
Geography: In Which Two European Countries Is Caraway Often Used To To Flavour Breads And Pastries`Germany And Austria
Geography: In Which Uk City Is Strangeways Prison Located`Manchester
Geography: In Which U.S. City Is The Sears Tower`Chicago
GEOGRAPHY: In which US state are the Everglades`Florida
GEOGRAPHY: In which US state are the Green Mountains`Vermont
Geography: In Which Welsh County Is Beddgelert`Gwynedd
GEOGRAPHY: In which Welsh town is the Theatre Clwyd`mold
Geography: _____________ In Wyoming, The World-Famous, Nearly Vertical Monolith Rises 1,267 Feet Above The Belle Fourche River. Known By Several Northern Plains Tribes As Bears Lodge, It Is A Sacred Site Of Worship For Many American Indians. Scientists Are Still Undecided As To What Exactly Caused The Natural Wonder, Although They Agree That It Is The Remnant Of An Ancient Volcanic Feature`Devils Tower
Geography: 'In Xanadu Did Kublai Khan A Stately Pleasure Dome Decree...' According To Coleridge, But Where Was The Mongol Emperor's Winter Retreat`Samarkand
Geography: Ireland's River Shannon Flows Into Which Ocean`Atlantic
Geography: ___________________ Is 98 Percent Ice,2 Percent Barren Rock. The Average Thickness Of The Ice Sheet Is 7,200 Feet: This Amounts To 90 Percent Of All The Ice And 70 Percent Of All The Fresh Water In The World. If The Ice Cap Were To Melt, The Sea Level Would Rise By An Average Of 230 Feet`Antarctica
Geography: ---------- is a land with a lot of big creatures - it is home to the world's largest snake (the anaconda, measuring up to 35 feet in length), largest spider, largest rodent (the capybara, a sort of guinea pig the size of a police dog), and the world's largest ant.`brazil
Geography: ------------ is derived from the Indian word Bhotanta, meaning "the edge of Tibet." It is located in Asia near the southern fringes of the eastern Himalayas.`bhutan
Geography: ---------- is home to the world's most remote weather station. Its Eureka weather station is 600 miles from the North Pole.`canada
GEOGRAPHY: Island off the SW coast of Scotland, chief town Rothesay`bute
GEOGRAPHY: Island republic led by Castro`cuba
Geography: Island, Southern Indonesia, One Of The Lesser Sunda Islands, In The Indian Ocean`Bali
Geography: Isle Of Man Is A ______ Territory`British
Geography: ____________ Is One-Quarter The Size Of The State Of Maine`Israel
Geography: Israel`Jerusalem
Geography: ----------- is smaller than the state of Montana (116,304 square miles and 147,138 square miles, respectively).`italy
Geography: _____________ Is The Birthplace Of Many Celebrities, Including David Birney, Blair Brown, Connie Chung, Matt Frewer, Goldie Hawn, Al Gore, John Heard, Edward Hermann, William Hurt, John F Kennedy, Jr., Michael Learned, Roger Mudd, Maury Povich, Chita Rivera, Pete Sampras, And Peter Tork`Washington, D.C
Geography: _______________ Is The First And Last City In The World To Operate Cable Cars. Almost 100 Other Cities Around The World Have Had Cable Cars, But All Have Discontinued Use. The Cable Cars Began Operation On August 2,1873. Designed By London Born Engineer Andrew Hallidie, The Cable Cars Are Controlled By A Subterranean Loop That Travels At A Constant 9.5 Miles Per Hour`San Francisco
Geography: ______________ Is The Fourth-Largest Island In The World. It Is Approximately The Same Size As The State Of Texas`Madagascar
Geography: __________ Is The Largest Bay In The World Bordering Only One Country, Canada`Hudson Bay
Geography: _________ Is The Largest Country In Africa. It Has A Population Greater Than 28,100,000`Sudan
Geography: -------------- is the largest French-speaking city in the Western Hemisphere.`montreal
Geography: _____________ Is The Largest Spanish-Speaking Country And The Second-Largest Roman Catholic Nation In The World`Mexico
Geography: _____________ Is The Largest Western European Country. Its Area Is Slightly Less Than Twice The Size Of Colorado`France
Geography: ----------- is the most densely populated non-island region in the world, with more than 1,970 humans per square mile.`bangladesh
Geography: ___________________ Is The Only Central American Country Not Bordering The Caribbean Sea`El Salvador
Geography: ___________ Is The Only Country In The Middle East That Does Not Have A Desert`Lebanon
Geography: -------------- is the second smallest country in the world and the principality has four distinct divisions. (1.) La Condamine, the business district. (2.) The Casino or Monte Carlo. (3.) Monaco-Ville which is on a rocky promontory and (4.) Fontvieille.`monaco
Geography: ____________ Is The World's Largest Producer Of Cork. The Country Has Regulations Protecting Cork Trees Dating Back To 1320. During The 1920s And 1930s, It Became Illegal To Cut Down The Trees Other Than For Essential Thinning And Removal Of Older Non-Producing Trees`Portugal
Geography: -------------- is the world's oldest black republic. The major religion there is voodoo.`haiti
Geography: Italian Town On The Adriatic Famous For It's Mosaics`Ravenna
Geography: _____________ Itself Was Formed By The Activity Of Undersea Volcanoes`Hawaii
Geography: It Snowed In The ______ On 18 February 1979`Sahara Desert
Geography: Ivy League College Brown University Located`Providence, Rhode Island
Geography: Jan Mayen Is A ______ Territory`Norwegian
Geography: Japan consists of the four large islands of Hokkaido, ----------, Shikoku, Kyushu, and about three thousand smaller islands.`honshu
Geography: Jarvis Island Belongs To The`Usa
Geography: Java Is Part Of What Country`Indonesia
Geography: Jersey Is A ______ Territory`British
Geography: Katmandu is the capital of ______?`Nepal
Geography: Khartoum Is The Capital Of Which Country`Sudan
Geography: Kingman Reef Belongs To The`Usa
Geography: Kingston Is The Capital Of Which Country`Jamaica
Geography: Kingston the capital of ______?`Jamaica
GEOGRAPHY: Kinloch Castle is one which Hebridean Island`rum
Geography: Known As Amundsen Scott Station`South Pole
Geography: Known As 'The Father Of Waters'`Mississippi River
Geography: Known As The Graveyard Of The Atlantic`Sable Island
Geography: Lake Baikal In ______ Is The Only Lake In The World That Is Deep Enough To Have Deep-Sea Fish`Siberia
Geography: Lake Baikal Is The _______ Lake In The World`Deepest
Geography: Lake Eyre, Australia's Lowest Point , Is In Which State`South Australia
Geography: Lake Maracaibo`Venezuela
Geography: Lake Tana, The Source Of The Blue Nile, Lies In Which Country`Ethiopia
Geography: Lake Vanern Is The Largest Lake In Which Country`Sweden
Geography: Landlocked Country In Central South America, The Capital Is Asuncion`Paraguay
Geography: Landlocked Country In Southern Africa, The Capital Is Gaborone`Botswana
Geography: Landlocked Country In Southern Africa, The Capital Is Harare`Zimbabwe
Geography: Large Island Off The Southeast Coast Of Africa`Madagascar
Geography: Largest Aquarium In The U.S`Chattanooga
Geography: Largest Country Crossed By The Equator`Brazil
Geography: Largest Country In The Commonwealth Is`Canada
Geography: Largest Desert`Sahara Desert
Geography: Largest Gold Refinery`South Africa
Geography: Largest Island Of The Continental United States, Southeastern New York`Long Island
Geography: Largest Lake`Caspian Sea
GEOGRAPHY: Largest of the English national parks`The Peak District
Geography: Largest River Flowing Through N.Y. City`The Hudson
Geography: Largest Sea`Mediterranean
Geography: Lassa Fever Is Named After The Village In Which It Was First Detected In 1969, Where Is Lassa`Nigeria
Geography: Lilongwe Is The Capital Of`Malawi
Geography: Lima Is The Capital Of This Country`Peru
Geography : Linz, Austria is a leading port on which river`danube
Geography: Linz, Austria Is A Leading Port On Which River`The Danube
Geography: List The Countries That Have An Area Less Then 10 Square Miles`Vatican City, Monaco, Nauru And Tuvalu
Geography: List The Countries That Have A Population Over 130 Million`Pakistan, Russia, Brazil, Indonesia, United States, India And China
Geography: Located 137 Miles North Of Rome, _____________ Is The Oldest And One Of The Smallest Republics In The World`San Marino
Geography: Located In The Indian Ocean Just North Of The Equator, __________ Had A Highly Developed Civilization As Early As The Fifth Century B.C`Sri Lanka
Geography: Located in West Africa on the Gulf of Guinea, the nation of C(te d'Ivoire has been officially known as such since 1986. Previously, it was called the`ivory coast
Geography: Located in West Africa on the Gulf of Guinea, the nation of Cte d'Ivoire has been officially known as such since 1986. Previously, it was called the --------------`ivory coast
Geography: Located on the Yucatan Peninsula, which juts into the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean, --------- was largely a stretch of empty beach until it opened for business in 1972. Close to Texas's border, it has become Mexico's most popular beach resort, with more than 25,000 hotel rooms.`cancun
GEOGRAPHY:Location of the New York Stock Exchange`Wall street
GEOGRAPHY: Location of Yale University`New Haven
Geography: Lombard Street is London's equivalent of New York's --------------`wall street
Geography: Londons Whispering Gallery`St Pauls Cathedral`saint Pauls Cathedral
GEOGRAPHY: London, which street was thought of a cordon sanitaire to separate the East End form the West End`regent street
Geography : Madrid and Lisbon are both located near this river.`tagus
Geography: Malabo Is The Capital Of`Equatorial Guinea
Geography: Malpensa Airport Serves Which European City`Milan
Geography: Many Cities In Our Country Bear The Names Of Other Countries. The U.S. City Of Mexico Can Be Found In The States Of Indiana, Maine, And`Missouri
Geography: Martha's Vineyard Is An`Island
Geography: Martinique Is A ______ Territory`French
GEOGRAPHY: Matlock is the administrative centre of which county`derbyshire
Geography: Mayotte Is A ______ Territory`French
Geography: ____________ Means 'Land Of The Free.'`Thailand
Geography: Medina Is Located In What Country`Saudi Arabia
GEOGRAPHY: Members of a people who had a powerful leader named Shaka`zulus
Geography : Meridians converge at the ________.`pole s
Geography: Mexico City Is The Capital Of`Mexico
Geography: Mexico's Equivalant To The Dollar Is`Peso
Geography: Miami Beach, Long Beach, Huntington Beach, Palm Beach, Pacific Beach, Hermosa Beach, Redondo Beach - There Are Scores Of U.S. Coastal Cities And Towns With 'Beach' In Their Names. Surprisingly, There's Only One City In The United States Named Merely 'Beach.' It Is Found In ____________, Which Is A Land-Locked State`North Dakota
Geography: Miami, Florida, is the most southerly major city in the continental United States, sitting about two degrees north of the --------------------`tropic of cancer
Geography: Miami's Most Famous Suburb`Miami Beach
Geography: Midway Islands Belongs To The`Usa
Geography: Milk The Most Popular Beverage`North America
Geography: Monaco Is So Small, It Covers About 350 Acres. Fifty-Five Monacos Could Fit Inside The City Of Paris. The Diminutive Principality Still Attracts The Elite. The Capital City Of _____________ Still Maintains Some Royal Rituals. Tourists Flock To See The Palace's Regal 'Changing Of The Guard'. Monaco Is Also A Popular Tax Haven For The Wealthy`Monte Carlo
Geography: Monte Cristi, La Romana, And La Vega`Dominican Republic
Geography: Montserrat Is A ______ Territory`British
Geography: More than two-thirds of Earth's land surface lies north of the -------------`equator
Geography: More Then 25% Of The World's Forest Are In`Siberia
Geography: Most Of America's Gold Located`Fort Knox
Geography: Most Of The Earth's Carbon Dioxide Dissolved`In The Oceans
Geography: Mountains Are Formed By A Process Called`Orogeny
GEOGRAPHY: Mountains of NW Africa`atlas
Geography: Mount Carmel is one of Chicago's finest graveyards, and is the oldest Catholic cemetery in the western part of the Archdiocese of Chicago. The vast majority of persons buried here are Italian. There are more than 400 private Italian family mausoleums in Mount Carmel, more than any other cemetery in the area. The most popular attraction is the Bishops' mausoleum, which received over 50,000 visitors in the two months following the death of Cardinal Bernardin in October 1996. But to many, Mount Carmel is equally famous for the graves of Chicago's notorious gangsters of the 1920s - including the infamous -----------------`al Capone
Geography: Mount Citlalteptl Is The Tallest Mountain In Which Latin Country`Mexico
Geography: Mount Hood Is The Highest Point In`Oregon
Geography: Mount Korab Is The Highest Point Of Which Country`Albania
Geography: Mount Mitchell Is The Highest Peak In Which Mountain Range`Appalachians
GEOGRAPHY: Mount Olympus is on the border of which 2 regions of greece`macedonia and thesaly
Geography: Mount Stuart Lies At The Centre Of Which Country`Australia
Geography: Mount Victoria Is The Highest Peak Of This Island Country`Fiji
Geography: Myanmar Was Known As _____________ Until 1989`Burma
Geography: Myrtle Beach, __________________ Has The Most Mini-Golf Courses Per Area In The U.S. At Last Count, There Were 47 In A 60 Mile Radius`South Carolina
Geography: Name A Country Which Has The Same Name As A Bird`Turkey
GEOGRAPHY: Name given to the deep limestone shafts in N Yorkshire-they give their name to the pass between Wensleydale and Swaledale`buttertubs
GEOGRAPHY: Name of the Aztec city on whose ruins Mexico City was founded`tenochtitlan
GEOGRAPHY: Name of the place in London whose name is derived from "chalk landing place"`chelsea
Geography: Name The 3 Channel Islands`Alderney, Guernsey, Jersey
Geography: Name The 3 Largest Countries In The World In Order`Russia, Canada And China
Geography: Name The 3 Largest Countries In The World In Order`Russia Canada China
Geography: Name The 4 Irish Provinces`Munster, Leinster, Cannaught, Ulster
Geography: Name The 500,000 Square Mile Desert That Mongolia And China Share`The Gobi Desert
Geography: Name The Ancient Region That Corresponds Roughly To Modern Day Tuscany`Etruria
Geography : Name the capital city of Massachusetts.`boston
Geography : Name the capital city of Rhode Island.`providence
Geography : Name the capital of Argentina.`buenos aires
Geography : Name the capital of Brazil.`brazilia
Geography : Name the capital of Italy.`rome
Geography: Name the capital of Nepal`Kathmandu
Geography: Name the capital of Saudi Arabia`Riyadh
Geography: Name The Chief Port Of Iraq`Basra
Geography: Name The City At The West End Of Lake Superior`Duluth
Geography: Name The City In California From Where Rappers Ice Cube, Mc Ren, Dr Dre And Eazy E Originate`Compton
Geography: Name The Coast That Runs Parallel With The Great Barrier Reef`Queensland
Geography: Name The Cold South-West Wind Which Blows From The Andes Across The South American Pampas To The Atlantic Ocean`Pampero
Geography: Name The Continent That Consists Of A Single Country`Australia
Geography: Name The Desert Located In South-East California`Mojave Desert
Geography : Name the desrt located in south-east California.`mojave
Geography: Name The Expanse Of Water Between New Zealand's North And South Islands`Cook Strait
Geography: Name The French Blue-Veined Cheese That Is Ripened In Limestone Caves`Roquefort
Geography: Name The French Salad Containing Tuna, Anchovies, French Beans And Hard Boiled Eggs`Salade Nicoise
Geography: Name The Gulf That Almost Surrounds Nova Scotia`St Lawrence`saint Lawrence
Geography: Name The Highest Mountain In Africa`Kilimanjaro
Geography: Name The Highest Mountain On Earth`Mount Everest
GEOGRAPHY: Name the historic region in Europe that is partly in Belgium, France and Holland which was the scene of heavy fighting in both world wars`flanders
Geography : Name the large mountain chain in the eastern U.S.A.`the appalachian s
Geography : Name the largest cathedral in the world.`st. peter's
Geography: Name The Largest Cathedral In The World`St Peter's`saint Peter's
Geography: Name The Largest City In Canada`Toronto
Geography : Name the largest island in the world`australia
Geography : Name the largest island in the world.`greenland
Geography : Name the largest lake in Australia`eyre
Geography: Name the largest port in the world`Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Geography : Name the largest river forming part of the U.S. - Mexican border.`rio grande
Geography: Name The Last Province To Become Part Of Canada`Newfoundland
Geography: Name The Longest River In Asia`The Yangtze
Geography : Name the longest river in Asia.`yangtze
Geography : Name the longest river in Nigeria`niger
Geography: Name The Longest River In Nigeria`The Niger
Geography: Name The Most North-Easterly Of The 48 Contiguou.S. States`Maine
Geography: Name The Only Central American Country Without An Atlantic Coastline`El Salvador
Geography: Name The Sea Between Asia Minor And Greece`Aegean
Geography : Name the sea between Korea and China.`the yellow sea
Geography: Name The Sea Between Korea And China`Yellow Sea
Geography : Name the sea north of Alaska.`beaufort
Geography: Name The Sea North Of Alaska`Beaufort Sea
Geography : Name the sea north of Murmansk, Russia.`barents
Geography : Name the sea west of Alaska.`bering
Geography: Name The Sea West Of Alaska`Bering Sea
Geography: Name The Second Largest Country In Africa`Algeria
Geography: Name The Second Largest Country In South America`Argentina
Geography: Name The Second Largest Lake In North America`Huron
Geography: Name The Smallest Of The Great Lakes`Ontario
Geography : Name the strait joining the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.`gibraltar
Geography: Name The Strait Joining The Atlantic Ocean And The Mediterranean Sea`Strait Of Gibraltar
Geography: Name The Three Baltic Countries`Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania
Geography: Name The Three Most Popular Natural American Tourist Attractions`Yellowstone Park, Niagara Falls And The Grand Canyon
Geography: Name The U.S. State With The Smallest Population`Alaska
Geography: Name The World's 10th Largest Island Country`Iceland
Geography: Name The World's 2nd Largest Island Country`Madagascar
Geography: Name The World's 3rd Largest Island Country`Papua New Guinea
Geography: Name The World's 4th Largest Island Country`Japan
Geography: Name The World's 6th Largest Island Country`Philippines
Geography: Name The World's 7th Largest Island Country`New Zealand
Geography: Name The World's 9th Largest Island Country`Cuba
Geography: Name The World's Largest Island Country`Indonesia
Geography: Name The World's Most Photographed And Most Climbed Mountain`Fuji
Geography: Name The World's Most Photographed And Most Climbed Mountain`Mount Fuji
Geography: Nassau Is The Capital Of Which Country`Bahamas
Geography: Native American Indians Are Of Which Human Subrace (E.G. Caucasian)`Mongoloid
Geography: Nature's Totem, The Awe-Inspiring,325-Foot Spire Of Chimney Rock In ___________, Informed Pony Express Riders And Frontiersmen They Had Crossed The American Plains And That Mountains Lay Ahead`Nebraska
Geography: Navassa Island Belongs To The`Usa
GEOGRAPHY: Near to which British Seaside resort are the Great and Little Ormes`Llandudno
Geography: Near What Falls Did Jimmy Angel Crash His Plane In 1937`Angel Falls
Geography: Near What River Is The Temple Of Karnak`Nile
GEOGRAPHY:Near which city is Lulsgate airport`Bristol
GEOGRAPHY: Near which North american city are the Plains of Abraham`Quebec
Geography: Netherland Antilles Belongs To The`Netherlands
Geography: New Caledonia Is A ______ Territory`French
Geography: New Delhi Is The Capital Of`India
GEOGRAPHY:New name for Burma`Myanmar
Geography: New York City Contains 920 Kilometres Of`Shoreline
Geography: New York Has The Longest Subway System In`North America
Geography: New Zealand's National Day, The 6th February, Is Named After A Treaty Of 1840. The Day Called`Waitangi Day
Geography: Nicknamed the "Soft Coral Capital of the World" by underwater explorer Jean-Michel Cousteau, the ---------- islands offer some of the best scuba diving in the world. It offers a comprehensive range of dive locations. Spectacular hard and soft corals, caves, and grottoes, are home to amazingly diverse aquatic life that includes species such as sharks, tuna, turtles, and fish of all sizes and colors.`fiji
Geography: Nicknamed The 'Soft Coral Capital Of The World' By Underwater Explorer Jean-Michel Cousteau, The __________ Islands Offer Some Of The Best Scuba Diving In The World. It Offers A Comprehensive Range Of Dive Locations. Spectacular Hard And Soft Corals, Caves, And Grottoes, Are Home To Amazingly Diverse Aquatic Life That Includes Species Such As Sharks, Tuna, Turtles, And Fish Of All Sizes And Colours`Fiji
Geography: Nicosia Is The Capital Of`Cyprus
GEOGRAPHY: N Irish county to the south of Lough Neagh`armagh
Geography: Niue Is A ______ Territory`New Zealand
Geography: No Rain Has Ever Been Recorded Falling In The ________ Desert In Chile`Atacama
Geography: Norfolk Island Is A ______ Territory`Australian
GEOGRAPHY: North African port on the Mediterranean`tunis
Geography: North Eastern Africa, The Capital Is Mogadishu`Somalia
Geography: North Eastern Coast Of Central America, The Capital Is Belmopan`Belize
Geography: North Eastern Europe And Northern Asia, Major Cities Include St. Petersburg And Novosibirsk`Russia
Geography: North Eastern Europe, The Capital Is Tallinn`Estonia
Geography: North Eastern South America, The Capital Is Georgetown`Guyana
Geography: Northern Mariana Islands Belongs To The`Usa
Geography: Northern Part Of Central American Isthmus, Major Cities Include Quezaltenango And Escuintla`Guatemala
Geography: North Western Africa, Nouakchott Is The Capital`Mauritania
Geography: Nunaat Island, Southern Indonesia, One Of The Lesser Sunda Islands, In The Indian Ocean`Bali
Geography: 'Oceania' Is A Name For The Thousands Of Islands In The Central And Southern _______________. It Is Sometimes Referred To As The South Seas`Pacific Ocean
Geography: Ocean Of Storms Located`On The Moon
Geography: Ocean Producing The Most Tidal Waves`The Pacific
Geography: _____ __ Of France Had A Stomach The Size Of Two Regular Stomachs`Louis Iv
Geography: Off The Coast Of British Columbia Dwells A Creature Named Cadborosaurus Willsi Or Caddy. It Is Described As A Long Flippered Serpent. The Head Of Caddy Doesn't Resemble A Serpent But Another Creature, Which One`Horse
Geography: Off What Country Lies The Island Of Zanzibar`Tanzania
Geography: Off Which South American Port Was The Graf Spee Scuttled In 1939`Montevideo
Geography: Of The 3,000 Islands Of The Bahama Chain In The ____________, Only 20 Are Inhabited`Caribbean
Geography: ________________, Of The Southern Baja Peninsula, Was Favored By Early Pirates Because Of Its Safe Harbors`Los Cabos
Geography: Of The Ten Strongest Earthquakes Ever Recorded In The World, Three Have Occurred In`Alaska
Geography: Of the twenty-five highest mountains on Earth, nineteen are in the --------------`himalayas