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General: The Imperial Throne Of Japan Has Been Occupied By The Same ______ For The Last Thirteen Hundred Years`Family
General: The _____ ________ In 1943 Introduced The 5-Day,40-Hour Work Week. Henry Ford Adopted It In 1926`Steel Industry
General: the incas and certain other pre-columbian tribes in peru developed the ------- ------ hundreds of years before it was used in europe`decimal system
General: The Incas And The _______ Were Able To Function Without The Wheel`Aztecs
General: The Indian Civil War Was Between Which Countries`India And Pakistan
General: The _______ Indian Language Was Used Successfully As A Code By The United States In World War Ii`Navajo
General: The Indoor Theatre At The New Globe, Being Built In London, Will Be Named After Which Historical Person`Inigo Jones
General: The Infinity Character Is Called A`Lemniscate
General: The Inhabitants Of ________ Are Known As 'Monegasques'`Monaco
General: The Initials M.G. On The Famous British-Made Automobile Stand For '______ ______.'`Morris Garage
General: The _____ _____ _______ In July Of 1976 Was The First U.S. Service Academy To Admit Women`Coast Guard Academy
General: The Instrument Used In Geometry To Measure Angles Is A(N)`Protractor
General: The Integral Of The Magnetic Field With Respect To The Area`Magnetic Flux
General: The Internal Diameter Of A Gun, Diameter Of A Bullet`Calibre
General: The International Cry For Help`Mayday
General: The International Dateline Runs Through What Two Oceans`Pacific And Arctic
General: The _______ In The (Former) Ussr Is Over 400 Km Long`Nova Zemlya Glacier
General: The Introduction Of The Tractor Into American Agriculture Freed Up __ Million Acres Of Pastureland Fir Use For Crowing Crops`80
General: the ionian and cyclades are island groups of which country`greece
General: The Irawaddy Runs Through Which Country`Myanmar
General: The Irish Form Of Gaelic Has A Special Name -- Namely`Erse
General: the irish province of connaught contains five counties. sligo and galway are two. name one of the others. leitrim`mayo roscommon
General: The ______ ____ Is 11 1/2 Inches Tall`Barbie Doll
General: The ___ Is 330,300 Times Larger Than Earth`Sun
General: The ___ Is Estimated To Be 20 To 21 Cosmic Years Old`Sun
General: The Ishihara Test Designed To Detect`Colour Blindness
General: The ---------- is illegal as a high school sport in all states except Rhode Island`hammerthrow
General: The _______ Island Of Little Diomede Is Only 2 ? Miles Away From The Russian Coast`Alaskan
General: The Israeli Knesset`Parliament
General: The __________ Is The Largest Building From Ancient Rome That Survives Intact`Pantheon
General: The ---------- is the only mammal that can't jump`elephant
General: The _________ Is The Tube Through Which Sperm Pass On Their Way Out Of The Scrotum And To The Urethra`Vas Deferens
General: the jacksons: name of michael jackson's biography`moonwalker
General: The Japanese Parliament, The Diet, Is Composed Of A House Of Representatives And A`House Of Councillors
General: The Jeffersons Was A Spinoff From What Show`All In The Family
General: The Judds Spent Years In Nashville Shopping Demos Recorded On A`Cassette Recorder
General: The Juice Of Which Berry Can Be Used To Prevent And Treat Urinary Tract Problems`Cranberry
General: The 'Kawoosh' Was Originally Very Expensive Because It Required A Very Large Pool And What Other Item`Jet Engine
General: The Kid Next Door's A Meatball`The Burbs
General: The ________ Kills More People World Wide Than All The Poisonous Snakes Combined`Honeybee
General: The King Cobra's Bite Contains Enough Venom To Kill ___ People`100
General: The King Khalid International Airport Is 91 Square Miles. It Is Four Times Bigger Than The One In`Bermuda
General: ________ ________, The King Of Thailand, Came To Power In 1946. He Is The Longest Reigning Monarch In The World`Bhumibol Adulyadej
General: The Krac Des Chevaliers Is Located In Which Country`Syria
General: The Lack Of Humility Before Nature That's Being Displayed Here Staggers Me`Jurassic Park
General: the lack of this element in the diet is a cause of goitre`iodine
General: the language of hungary is known as`magyar
General: The Large Central Inner Tower Of A Castle Called`Keep
General: The Large Disk Used In Tiddlywinks Is Called A`Squidger
General: The Large Hollywood Sign In La Was Originally`Hollywoodland
General: The Large Optics Diamond Turning Machine Has Severed A Single Human Hair, Lenghtwise, How Many Times`Three Thousand
General: The Larger Galapagos Islands Have Both Spanish And English Names. What Is The English Name For The Island Called San Cristobal`Chatham
General: The Larger Galapagos Islands Have Both Spanish And English Names. What Is The English Name For The Island Called Santa Maria`Charles
General: The Largest Airport In The Us`Dallas, Fort Worth
General: The Largest Anti-War Rally Recorded On November 15,1969 Was Against Which War`Vietnam
General: The Largest _______ Bottle Is A 170 Ft. Tall Water Tower`Ketchup
General: The Largest Commercial Passenger Plane`The Jumbojet`747
General: The Largest Constellation In The Sky`Hydra
General: The Largest Coral Reef In The World`Great Barrier Reef
General: The Largest Cut Diamond In The World Is The Star Of Africa, Which Is Part Of The British Crown Jewels. The Second Largest Cut Diamond`The Centenary
General: The Largest Denomination Dollar Bill Issued`$100
General: The Largest Exclusively Indonesian Island`Sumatra
General: The Largest Gem-Quality Diamond Discovered`Cullinan Diamond
General: The Largest Great White Shark Ever Caught (It Was Found In New Brunswick) Measured 37 Feet And Weighed __ Tons`Twelve
General: The Largest Great White Shark Measured __ Feet And Weighed 24,000 Pounds`37
General: The Largest Inhabited Castle`Windsor Castle
General: The Largest (In Population) State/Territory In Australia`New South Wales
General: The Largest Man Made Lake In The World`Lake Mead
General: the largest mountain in the solar system is`olympus mons
General: The Largest Museum In The World`Louvre
General: The Largest Native Carnivore In England`Badger
General: The Largest Of The Countries In Central America`Nicaragua
General: The Largest Of What Underwater Species Measures Up To 8 Inches Long`Seahorse
General: The Largest Rotary Club In Terms Of Members Outside Of North America (1999)`Rotary Club Of Manila
General: The Largest Rough Diamond Is Called The`Cullinan
General: The Largest Single Organ Of The Human Body Is The`Skin
General: The Largest Soviet Republic`Russian Republic
General: The Largest Square In The World Is Tiananmen Square In Beijing. What Does 'Tiananmen' Translate Into In English`Gate Of Heavenly Peace
General: The Largest Type Of Warship`Aircraft Carrier
General: The Largest Usa Metro Area Without An Nhl Franchise`Dallas
General: The Largest Wave Ever Recorded Was Not Caused By An Earthquake, But By A ____`Land Slide
General: The last execution in the Tower of London took place on`14413
General: The Last Line Of Shane`Shane, Come Back
General: The Last Line Of This Document Is 'Working Men Of All Countries, Unite.'`Communist Manifesto
General: The last married Catholic pope`Adrian II
General: The Last Name Of The Most Famous Ornithologist`Audubon
General: The Last Person To Be _____________ In France, Hamida Djandoubi, Was Executed In 1977`Guillotined
General: The Last Quaker Executed In Boston Was`William Leddra
General: The Last Word Of The Old Testament`Curse
General: The Last Word Said In Maternal Instinct`Shoes
General: The Launching Mechanism Of A Carrier Ship That Helps Planes To Take Off, Could Throw A ______ _____ Over A Mile`Pickup Truck
General: The Law States That More Than 3000 ___ Cannot Be Herded Down Hollywood Blvd. At Any One Time`Sheep
General: The Lead Character In What 1977 Show Was Reared By Wolves`Lucan
General: The Leading Newspaper Of The Entertainment Industry`Variety
General: The Lead In Pencils Made From`Graphite
General: The ledge between a parapet & a moat is a(n)`berm
General: The Ledge Between A Parapet And A Moat Is A(N)`Berm
General: The Leech Will Gorge Itself Up To __ Times Its Body Weight And Then Just Fall Of Its Victim`5
General: The Legal Term For A Formal Agreement Enforceable By Law`Contract
General: The Legendary Creature 'Sasquatch' Was Also Known As`Bigfoot
General: The Legislature Of Maldives Is Called The Citizens' Assembly Or What`Majlis
General: The Length Of A Bombardon`16 Feet
General: The Lenin Faction Was Actually Only One Of Several Within The Russian Communist Party: What Was It Called`Bolshevik
General: the les paul guitar is made by this company`gibson epiphone
General: The Life Expectancy Of The Average Mockingbird Is How Many Years`10
General: 'The Life Of The Land Is Perpetuated In Righteousness'`Hawaii
General: The Life Span Of A Housefly Two Weeks, Two Months Or Two Years`Two Weeks
General: The Lifespan Of A Turkey That Evades The Cooking Pot`Twelve Years
General: The Light Sensitive Layer On Photographic Film Called`Emulsion
General: The Line In Labrynith That Sarah Can Never Remember`You Have No Power Over Me
General: The Lipari Islands Are A Group Of 7 Volcanic Islands To The Northeast Of Which Major Island In The Mediterranean Sea`Sicily
General: The Little Bighorn, scene of Custer's last stand, is in which US State`montana
General: The Little Bits Of Paper Left Over When Holes Are _______ In Data Cards Or Tape Are Called 'Chad.'`Punched
General: The Little Bits Of Paper Left Over When Holes Are Punched In Data Cards Or Tape Are Called '____.'`Chad
General: The Little Mermaid Is Found In The Harbour Of Which City`Copenhagen
General: The 'L.L.' In L.L. Bean Stands For What`Leon Leonwood
General: The Locale For The Farmer's Daughter`Washington Dc
General: The Lombard League was a mediavel coalition of cities in which European country`italy
General: The Lone Ranger's 'Real' Name`John Reid
General: The Longest Bike Weighed How Much`More Than A Ton
General: The Longest Continuous Footpath In The World`Appalachian Trail
General: The Longest English Word That Can Be Typed Using Only The Right Hand`Lollipop
General: The Longest English Word That Only Has One Vowel`Strengths
General: The Longest Key On Your Keyboard Is The _____ Bar`Space
General: The Longest Place Name In Britain Is In _____: Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantyssiliogogogoch. It Means St Mary's Church In The Hollow Of The White Hazel Near To The Rapid Whirlpool Of Llantysilio Of The Red Cave`Wales
General: The Longest Recorded Flight Of A Chicken`13 Seconds
General: The Longest Recorded Flight Of A _____ Is 13 Seconds`Chicken
General: The Longest Recorded ________ ____ Was 1,680 Hours. That's Over 70 Days`Monopoly Game
General: The Longest Running Radio Show Ever (Broadcasting Country Music Every Single Saturday Night Out Of Nashville Since 1925) Is The ___ ___`Grand Ole Opry
General: The Longest Strait In The World`Malacca
General: The Longest Suspension Bridge In The World Is The Akashi Kaikyo, Located Where`Japan
General: The Longest Thing An 'Abseiler' Carries With Him`Rope
General: The Longest Tunnel Of Any Kind, Is A Water Supply Tunnel That Is 169 Km Long And Connect West Delaware And Which Other City`New York
General: The Longest Tunnel`Water Supply Tunnel
General: The Longest Undammed River West Of The Mississippi`Yellowstone River
General: The Longest Venomous Snake`King Cobra
General: The Longest Word That Can Be Typed Using Only The Left Hand`Stewardesses
General: The Long Knife Which Is Used To Cut Sugar Cane Is Called`The Machete
General: The Long Term Effect Of The Sun's Radiation On The Rotating Earth's Varied Surface And Atmosphere`Climate
General: The Loop On A Belt That Holds The Loose End Is Called A '______.'`Keeper
General: The Lord's Prayer Appears Twice In The Bible, In _______ __ And Luke Xi`Matthew Vi
General: The Lord's Prayer Appears Twice In The Bible, In Matthew Vi And ____`Luke Xi
General: The 'Love Apple' Is More Commonly Known As What`Tomato
General: The Love Story Of Bonnie And Clyde Ended In May 1934 When They Were Ambushed And Shot. Where Did This Happen`Lousiana
General: The Lowest Country In The World Is`The Netherlands
General: The Lowest Elevation In The Usa Is`Death Valley
General: The Lowest Level Of The Earth's Atmosphere Called`Troposphere
General: The Lowest Rank Of The British Nobility`Baron
General: the lumbar spine consists of how many vertebrae`five
General: The Luminous Intensity Of Light Measured In`Candela
General: The M1 Abrahms Tank Gets __ Miles Per Gallon, A Fill-Up Is 500 Gallons`6
General: The Mabinogion Are Medieval Tales Of What Culture`Welsh
General: The Magic Word 'Abracadabra' Was Originally Intended For The Specific Purpose Of Curing`Hay Fever
General: The Main Boulevard Of Paris`Champs Elysee
General: The Main Library At _______ __________ Sinks Over An Inch Every Year Because When It Was Built, Engineers Failed To Take Into Account The Weight Of All The Books That Would Occupy The Building`Indiana University
General: The Main Square In Venice Is Named After This Saint`Mark
General: The Main Use Of Tinder`Lighting A Fire
General: The Major Export Of Lichtenstein Is`False Teeth
General: The Making Of What Well Known Dessert Item Was Perfected By Sicilian Francisco Procopio In 1659`Ice Cream
General: The male ---------- can smell the virgin female gypsy moth from 8 miles away`gypsy moth
General: The Male Name 'Steven' Is Greek And Means`Crown
General: The Mamelukes Were Warriors Of Which Country`Egypt
General: The Man Known As The Red Baron Was Famous In Which Field`Aviation
General: The Maori Are Native To What Country`New Zealand
General: The Marimba Is A Deeper Toned Form Of Which Instrument`Xylophone
General: The Marquesas Islands Is Situated In Which Larger Group Of Islands`French Polynesia
General: The Marquis Of Blandford Is Heir To Which British Peerage`Duke Of Marlborough
General: The Marseillaise`French National Anthem
General: The Marx Brothers (Chico, Harpo, Groucho, And Zeppo) Were Actually Named Respectively`Leonard, Adolph, Julius, And Hebert
General: The Marxist Insurgency Group Known As The Tupamaros Were Founded In 1963 In Which Latin American Country`Uruguay
General: The Mason-Dixon Line Ran Between Maryland And Which Other American State`Pennsylvania
General: The Maximum Distance Between The Moon And The Earth`253,000 Miles
General: The Maximum Possible Duration Of An ________ Is 7 Minutes And 31 Seconds (When The Observer Is Land Based And Stationary)`Eclipse
General: The Mayfly Only Lives Six Hours. How Long Does It Take For Its Eggs To Hatch?(In Years)`Three Years
General: The Meaning Of Dc In 'Washington Dc'`District Of Columbia
General: The Meaning Of Diurnal`Daily
General: The Measure Of Monitor Screen Quality`Resolution
General: The Median House Price In Rockford, Il, Is $99,000: In What City Is It $520,000`San Francisco
General: The Men In This Tribe Wear Their Hair In Many Tiny Braids , And Groom It With Red Clay, While The Women Generally Shave Their Heads. This Famous Kenyan Warrior Tribe Is Well Known For Drinking Cattle Milk And Blood`Masai
General: The Mercedes-Benz Motto Is 'Das Beste Oder Nichts' Meaning`The Best Or Nothing
General: 'The Merry Man And His Maid', Is The Alternate Title For Which Gilbert And Sullivan Operetta`Yeoman Of The Guard
General: the mersey river runs through`liverpool
General: themes: I bet we've been together for a million years`family ties
General: themes: .... in charge of our days and our night`charles in charge
General: The Metal Gallium Will Melt In The Heat Of Your`Hands
General: The Metre Was Originally Defined As One 10-Millionth Of The Distance From The`Equator To The Pole
General: The Millipede With The Greatest Number Of Legs Lives On Which Continent (It Has 355 Pairs Of Legs When Adult)`Africa
General: The Ming Dynasty Ended In 1644. What Dynasty Followed`Manchu Dynasty
General: The Minimum Iq Score For The Genius Category`One Hundred And Forty
General: The Minimum Number Of Members Required To Be Legal Is Known As A`Quorum
General: The Minimum Safe Distance Between A ____-_______ _____ And Flammable Objects Is Three Feet`Wood-Burning Stove
General: The Minimum Wage In 1938 Was How Many Cents Per Hour`25
General: The Mississippi River Is Known As`The Father Of Waters
General: The Model T Ford Was Produced From 1909 Until 1927. Which Revolutionary Innovation Was Introduced In 1913`Mass Production
General: The Modern African Republic Of Tanzania Was Formed When Tanganyika And Which Other Nation Were Combined`Zanzibar
General: The Modern Equivalent Of The English Reeve`Sheriff
General: the modern regular issue american coins all have pictures of presidents on them except for two coins. susan b. anthony dollar is one whats the other`benjamin franklin half-dollar
General: The Modern Successor To _____ Mean Time, Which Uses Atomic Clocks Synchronized To Rubidium, Is Coordinated Universal Time`Greenwich
General: The Mogul Empire Ruled What Country From About 1500 To About 1850`India
General: the molten material from a volcano is`lava
General: the monarchy in this asian country lasted 600 years and went down in 1975`laos
General: The Monastic Hours Are ______, Lauds, Prime , Tierce, Sext, Nones, Vespers And Compline`Matins
General: The Monastic Hours Are Matins, Lauds, Prime, Tierce, ____, Nones, Vespers And Compline`Sext
General: The Monastic Hours Are Matins, Lauds, Prime, Tierce, Sext, Nones, Vespers And`Compline
General: The Monastic Hours Are Matins, Lauds, _____, Tierce, Sext, Nones, Vespers And Compline`Prime
General: The Monastic Hours Are Matins, _____, Prime , Tierce, Sext, Nones, Vespers And Compline`Lauds
General: The Monsters In The Film, 'Them', Were Giant, What`Ants
General: The Month May Was Once Known To Anglo-Saxons As _______, Because During This Month Cows Could Be Milked 3 Times A Day`Thrimilce
General: The Monty Python Parody Of The Legend Of King Arthur Called`The Quest For The Holy Grail
General: The Moose`Bullwinkle Moose
General: The More Common Title Of The Sovereign Of The State Of Vatican City`Pope
General: The Most Common Colour Of Topaz`Yellow
General: The Most Common Colour On National Flags Is`Red
General: The Most Common First Name In The World`Muhammad
General: The Most Commonly-Spoken Language In Belgium`French
General: The Most Commonly Sung Song In The World - _____ _______ __ ___ - Is Under Copyright, The Copyright Runs Out In 2010`Happy Birthday To You
General: The Most Common Name For A Pub In Britain Is ___ ___`The Red Lion
General: the most common name in italy is`mario rossi
General: The Most Common Std Is___________Human Papillomavirus`Hpv
General: The Most Common Street Name In The Cities Of The Usa`Park Street
General: The Most Common Surname Among The Hmong People Of Laos`Vang
General: The Most Common Surname In Sweden`Johanssen
General: The Most Common Surname In The World`Chang
General: the most durable saw blades are tipped with what`diamond carbide
General: The Most Effective Insulator Brick, Fibreglass Or Wood`Fibreglass
General: The Most Essential Tool In Astronomy`Telescope
General: The Most Frequently Occurring Company Name Or Trademark On The World Wide Web Is Not Netscape Or Microsoft. What Is It`Ibm
General: The Most Important Industry In Alaska`Fishing
General: The Most Landed On Square In The British Version Of Monopoly Is _________`Trafalgar Square
General: The Most Memorable Kiss In A Motion Picture Was In ___________________, According To 25 Percent Of Those Polled`Gone With The Wind
General: The Most Mountainous Country In Europe`Switzerland
General: The Most Northerly Town In Europe`Hammerfest
General: The Most Popular Decoration On Top Of A Toilet Tank`Scented Seashells
General: The Most Popular First Name In The World Is`Muhammad
General: The Most Popular Meal Ordered In Sit Down Restaurants In The Us`Fried Chicken
General: The Most Popular Name For A Dog In The Usa`Rover
General: The Most Popular Theatre In Japan Called`Kabuki
General: The Most Popular Topic Of Public Speakers Is __________ At 23 Percent, Followed By Leadership At 17 Percent`Motivation
General: The Most Popular Topic Of Public Speakers Is Motivation At 23 Percent, Followed By __________ At 17 Percent`Leadership
General: The Most Popular Type Of Holiday Greeting Card Mailed In The United States`Christmas
General: The Most Populated Country In Western Europe Is`Germany
General: The Most Rural State In The U.S`North Dakota
General: The Most Sacred River In India`Ganges
General: the most sensitive finger is the`forefinger
General: The Most Shoplifted Book In The World Is ___`The Bible
General: The Most Southerly County Of Ireland`Cork
General: The Most Unbelievable Part Of The Warren Report`Magic Bullet Theory
General: The Most Westerly County Of Ireland`Kerry
General: The Most Widely Used Visual Aid In The World's Classrooms Is Made Out Of What`Slate
General: The Mother's Name In Family Circus`Thelma
General: The Motto Of The Rolling Stone Magazine`All The News That Fits
General: The Motto Of The Three Investigators`We Investigate Anything
General: The ___ Moves So Slowly That Green Algae Can Grow Undisturbed On Its Fur`Sloth
General: The Much-Prized Belon Oysters, Now Cultivated In Maine, Arrived As Seed 50 Years Ago From Which European Country`Holland
General: The Mummies Of Egyptian Pharaohs Were Often Buried In What Type Of Transport, Believed To Assist Them To Travel To The Next World`Boats
General: The Muppet Show Was Banned From Tv In Saudi Arabia Because One Of Its Stars Was A`Pig
General: The Muses Were The Goddesses Of Poetry And Song. How Many Muses Were There`Nine
General: The Museum Of Modern Art In New York City Hung Matisse's 'Le Bateau' Upside Down For How Long Before An Art Student Noticed The Error: How Many Days`47
General: The Muslims (Or Bosniaks) Are A Majority In Bosnia-Herzegovina. What Is The Largest Minority`Serbs
General: The Nahdah Was A Literary Renaissance For Which Cultural Group`Arabs
General: The Name Australia Is Derived From The Latin Word 'Australis' Which Means`Southern
General: The Name ' Dinosaur' Comes From Two Greek Words. What Do They Mean`Terrible Lizard
General: The Name For A Match Of 3 Games In Bridge`Rubber
General: The Name For A Painting Depicting Objects Such As Fruit And Flowers`Still Life
General: The Name For A Sexual Disorder In Which A Person Obtains Gratification By Receiving Physical Pain Or Abuse`Masochism
General: The Name For The Cutting And Training Of Shrubs Into Decorative Shapes`Topiary
General: The Name For The Kind Of Writing Used By Early Egyptians`Hieroglyphics
General: The Name For The Theoretical End-Product Of The Gravitational Collapse Of A Massive Star`Black Hole
General: The Name Given Originally By Greek Rhetoricians To A Literary Illustration`Parable
General: The Name Given To Jealousy Shown Towards A New Baby By An Older Brother Or Sister`Sibling Rivalry
General: The Name Given To The Side Opposite The Right Angle Of A Right-Angled Triangle`Hypoteneuse
General: The Name '_____' Is An Abbreviation Of Cristofori's Original Name For The Instrument`Piano
General: The name Lego comes from which Danish words`leg godt
General: The Name Of A Floor In A Building Between Floors, Especially Between The Ground And First Floors`Mezzanine
General: The Name Of A Formal, Written Accusation Of Crime Against A Person, Presented By A Grand Jury To A Court, And Upon Which The Accused Person Is Subsequently Tried`Indictment
General: The Name Of All The ________ End With The Same Letter That They Start With`Continents
General: The Name Of A Quarter Of Jerusalem That Can Be Translated As 'Hundred Gates'`Mea Shearim
General: The Name Of Russia's State Run Travel Agency`Intourist
General: The Name Of The Buckinghamshire Estate Where The German Enigma Codes Were Cracked During World War Ii`Bletchley Park
General: The Name Of The Camel On The Camel Cigarettes Pack Is ___`Old Joe
General: The Name Of The Carrousel In The Middle Of Fantasyland's Court`King Arthur Carrousel
General: The Name Of The Central Criminal Court In London`Old Bailey
General: The Name Of The Central Tower Of A Castle, The Innermost And Strongest Part`Keep
General: The Name Of The Chairman Of The European Central Bank`Wim Duisenberg
General: The Name Of The Classic Dessert Of Pancakes Served In An Orange Sauce With Alcohol`Crepe Suzette
General: The Name Of The Classic Program That Would Try To Guess The Animal That You Were Thinking Of`Animal
General: The Name Of The Cold Spanish Soup Made From Peppers And Tomatoes`Gazpacho
General: The Name Of The Colourful Cathedral On Red Square In Moscow`St Basil's`saint Basil's
General: The Name Of The Dark Fine Grained Rock Of Which The Giant's Causeway Is Formed`Basalt
General: The Name Of The Deepest Part Of The Indian Ocean`Java Trench
General: The Name Of The Deepest Point In The Ocean`Mariana Trench
General: The Name Of The Desert In California`Mojave
General: The Name Of The Desert Region Of South East Ethiopia Over Which Somalia Also Claims Sovereignty`Ogaden
General: The Name Of The French National Anthem`Marseillaise
General: The Name Of The Handbook Most Often Associated With Satanism Is`The Satanic Bible
General: The Name Of The Instrument Shoe Salespeople Use To Measure Feet`Brannock Device
General: The Name Of The Island, Now A Jungle Preserve And Biological Laboratory, In The Middle Of 4415`Barro Colorado
General: The Name Of The Island That Separates The Two Waterfalls At Niagara`Goat Island
General: The Name Of The Large Resort Lake In The Center Of Disneyworld`Buena Vista Lake
General: The Name Of The Largest South American Lake`Lake Maracaibo
General: The Name Of The Lift Used To Raise Boats From The River Weaver To The Canal System Called`Anderton Lift
General: The Name Of The Metal Discs In The Rim Of A Tambourine`Jingles
General: The Name Of The Oath Which Doctor's Must Take`Hippocratic
General: The Name Of The Office Used By The President In The Whitehouse`Oval Office
General: The Name Of The Oldest City In Germany Having Been Founded In 38bc By The Romans`Cologne
General: The Name Of The Park In The Heart Of Washington D.C`The Mall
General: The Name Of The Period In Which Dinosaurs Began To Walk The Earth`Triassic Period
General: The Name Of The Police Inspector That Is Bent On Getting Valjean In Les Miserables`Javert
General: The Name Of The Process Whereby Plants Lose Water Into The Atmosphere`Transpiration
General: The Name Of The Product That Was Described In Ads As 'So Round, So Firm, So Fully Packed, So Free And Easy On The Draw'`Lucky Strike Cigarettes
General: The Name Of The Queen's Scottish Residence`Balmoral Castle
General: The Name Of The Rabbit In The Film, 'Bambi'`Thumper
General: The Name Of The Radio Station That Gives Bart The Elephant`Kbbl
General: The Name Of The Ridge Seperating Two Glacial Valleys`Arete
General: The Name Of The River That Runs On The Border Of California And Arizona`Colorado
General: The Name Of The Rock That Has A Black Shiny Appearance`Obsidian
General: The Name Of The Sailor Boy On The Cracker Jack Box`Jack
General: The Name Of The Sign Which Is Put Over The Letter 'N' In Spanish, To Give A 'Nya' Sound`Tilde
General: The Name Of The Spicy Paste That Accompanies Dishes Such As Couscous In North African Cuisine`Harissa
General: The Name Of The Square In The Center Of Moscow`Red Square
General: The Name Of The Steam Train Which Gained The World Speed Record In 1938`Mallard
General: The Name Of The Strait Between The Former Soviet Union And Alaska`Bering Strait
General: The Name Of The Stretch Of Water That Separates Iceland And Greenland`Denmark Strait
General: The Name Of The Tar Like Substance Derived From Petroleum`Bitumen
General: The Name Of The Telescope That Was Placed In Orbit In The Eighties`Hubble
General: The Name Of The Theme Song For The People's Court`The Big One
General: The Name Of The Tissue Layer Which Covers A Growing Antler`Velvet
General: The Name Of The Turkish Province Known For Its Famous Breed Of Goats`Angora
General: The Name Of The Village In Scotland Where Runaway English Couples Were Once Married Over The Blacksmith's Anvil`Gretna Green
General: The Name Of The Volkswagen In The Film, 'The Love Bug'`Herbie
General: The Name Of The Vulcan Tactical/Security Officer On The Voyager`Tuvok
General: The Name Of The Wave Generator In A Microwave Oven`Magnetron
General: The Name Of The Weak Attractive Bonds Which Exist Between Molecules`Van Der Waals Forces
General: The Name Of What Organisation Comes From The Phrase'philosophia Biou Kubernetes'`Phi Beta Kappa
General: The Name Of What Style Of Painting Was Taken From, The Title Of A Claude Monet Work`Impressionism
General: The Name Of Which Of The Seven Hills Of Rome Is The Origin Of The Word 'Palace'`Palatine Hill
General: The Name Of Wordsworth's Cottage In Grasmere`Dove Cottage
General: The Name Of Wyoming's Grand Tetons Mountain Range Literally Means`Big Tits
General: The Name Ontario Comes From 'Kanadario' Which Is Iroquois For`Sparkling Water
General: The Name 'Piano' Is An Abbreviation Of __________'S Original Name For The Instrument`Cristofori
General: The Names Of The Six Gummi Bears Are ______, _____, _____, _____, _____, ___`Gruffi, Cubbi, Tummi, Zummi, Sunni, And Grammi
General: the names of the two stone lions in front of the new york public library are`patience and fortitude
General: The Narrow Opening At The Upper Part Of The Wind Pipe, Between The Vocal Cords`Glottis
General: The Narwhal Whale Has Only One Tooth That Can Measure Up To ___ Feet In Length`Nine
General: The National Airline Of Brazil Called`Varig
General: The National Airline Of The Netherlands Called`Klm
General: The National Anthem Of Greece Is ___ Verses Long`158
General: The National Bird Of America`Bald Headed Eagle
General: The National Bird Of India Is The`Peacock
General: The National Capital Of Canada Is Ottawa, But What Is The Name Of Country's Largest City`Toronto
General: The National Flower Of Austria`Edelweiss
General: The National Flower Of Scotland`Thistle
General: The National Game Of The Basques`Pelota
General: The Nationalist Chinese Occupy This Island`Taiwan
General: The Natural Process Of Rock Disintegration Is Better Known As`Erosion
General: The Natural Substance The Violin Bows Are Strung With Is`Horse Hair
General: The Navajo Use Sand Paintings As ____`Healing Rituals
General: The Naval Equivalent Of An Army Major`Lieutenant Commander
General: The Nazca Lines Have Puzzled Many Researchers. Where Are They Located`Peru
General: The Nazi-Sympathist Song 'Don't Let's Be Beastly To The German's', Was Sung Seven Times In One Evening By Noel Coward, At The Request Of`Winston Churchill
General: The Ncaa Was Originally Called What? (Spelled Out, Not The Acronym)`Intercollegiate Athletic Association Of The United States
General: The Netherlands And The United States Both Have National Anthems Which Do Not Mention What`Their Country's Name
General: The New Millennium Starts On`January 1,2001
General: The New Name Of The Mound Metalcraft Company`Tonka Metalcraft
General: The New World Has No Hedgehogs Of Its Own, Only What Related Woodlands Animal`Porcupine
General: The New York Stock Exchange Had Its First _______-_____ _______ ___ In 1886`Million-Share Trading Day
General: The Ninth Month Of The Year`September
General: The Nobel Peace Prize Medal Depicts Three Naked Men With Their Hands On Each Other's`Shoulders
General: The Nobel Peace Prize Medal Depicts Three _____ ___ With Their Hands On Each Other's Shoulders`Naked Men
General: the non-beatles van halen song, perhaps egging on a potential suicide victim`jump
General: the north star is also known as`polaris
General: The Nsa Has Over 11 Acres Of`Super Computers
General: The Nuffield Radio Astronomy Laboratories Are More Usually Known By What Name`Jodrell Bank
General: The Number Of These Produced In The Us Every Year Would Circle The Globe 100 Times`Eggs
General: The Nyc Central Library Has 2 Sculpted Animals In Front: Folks Reading Books Between Them Are 'Reading Between The ____'`Lions
General: The Nylander Museum, In What Town, Contains An Excellent Collection Of Maine Minerals`Caribou
General: The Occupation Of Mary Poppins`Nanny
General: The Occupation Of Tom Hanks' Character In Bachelor Party`School Bus Driver
General: the octal number system is based on the number`eight
General: The Odds Against A Person Being Struck By A Celestial Stone--A _________--Are 10 Trillion To One`Meteorite
General: The Odds Against Flipping A Coin ____'_ __ 10 Times In A Row Are 1,023 To 1`Head's Up
General: The Odds Against Hitting The _______ On A Slot Machine Are 889 To 1`Jackpot
General: Theodore Roosevelt Banned A What From The White House For Environmental Reasons`Christmas Tree
General: Theodore Roosevelt Led His Charge Up San Juan Hill In What Country`Cuba
General: The Oed`Oxford English Dictionary
General: The _______ Of An Average 160 Pound Body, Weighs About 29 Pounds`Skeleton
General: The _____ Of An Average Cremated Person Weighs 9 Lbs`Ashes
General: The Official Language Of Latvia Is Sometimes Called (Logically Enough) Latvian, But Is Also Known By What Other Name`Lettish
General: The Official Language Of Sri Lanka`Sinhala
General: The Official Name Of Michael Knight's Car`Knight Industries 2000
General: The Official Newspaper Of Capitol Hill`Roll Call
General: The _______ Of London, During Its Lifetime Has Served Many Purposes, Including A Zoo`Tower
General: The ___________ Of Papa New Guinea Speak About 700 Languages, Approx. 15% Of The World's Total. ( Including Localised Dialects, Which Are Known To Change From Village To Village )`Inhabitants
General: The ______ Of The Moon Is 3 476 Km`Diameter
General: The Oklahoma City Tornado Of 1999 Caused More Damage Than Any Other Tornado And Has Become Known As The First _______ ______ Tornado`Billion Dollar
General: The Old English Word 'Fneosan' Means What Nowadays`To Sneeze
General: The Oldest City In Britain Is _____, Which Received Its Original Charter In 886`Ripon
General: The Oldest City In _______ Is Ripon, Which Received Its Original Charter In 886`Britain
General: The Oldest City In The U.S`St Augustine`saint Augustine
General: The Oldest Country In All Europe, And The Oldest Republic In The World`San Marino
General: The Oldest _____ Still In Existence Was Built In 1720`Piano
General: The Oldest Town In Belgium`Tongeren
General: The Oldest Trophy Competed For By Professional Atheletes In North America`Stanley Cup
General: The Oldest University In Rhode Island`Brown University
General: The Old Name For Solid Sodium Hydroxide`Caustic Soda
General: The Old Name Of The City Istanbul`Constantinople
General: The olympic motto 'citius, altius, fortius' means what`faster, higher, stronger
General: The One-Foot Measurement Is Based On One-Third Of The Length Of The Arm Of ____________ (1068-1135) Of England`King Henry I
General: The Only 15 Letter Word That Can Be Spelled Without Repeating A _____ _____ Is 'Uncopyrightable'`Single Letter
General: The Only 15 Letter Word That Can Be Spelled Without Repeating A Single Letter Is`Uncopyrightable
General: The Only Borough Of New York City That Is Not On An Island`Bronx
General: The Only Digit That Has The Same Number Of Letters As Its Value`Four
General: The Only Inductee To Both The Country And Rock Hall Of Fames (As Of 2001) Is Johnny`Cash
General: The Only International Airline That Has Never Had A Crash Nor A Forced Landing`Qantas
General: The Only Italian Masterpiece You Can Drive To Work`Maserati
General: The Only Mcdonald's Restaurant In The World Built On A Horse-Racing Course Is In`Hong Kong
General: The Only River That Flows Both North And South Of The Equator Is The`Congo
General: The Only Rock That Floats In Water Is What`Pumice
General: The Only Successful Dutch Patroonship`Rensselaerswyck
General: The Only U.S. State That Celebrates Its Own Independence Day`Texas
General: The Only Word That Consists Of Two Letters, Each Used Three Times Is _____ (Hint: The 2 Letters Are 'D' And 'E')`Deeded
General: The Opal Is The Birthstone For Which Month Of The Year`October
General: The Opposite Of 'Kidney Best'`Liverwurst
General: The Opposite Of The Orient`The Occident
General: The Organisation That Maxwell Smart Challenged Was`K.A.O.S
General: The Original Continent (Before Drift)`Pangaea
General: The Original Idea For Steak Knives Derived From`Shark Teeth
General: The Original Meaning Of The Word Shambles`Abattoir`Butcher
General: The Original Name For The Butterfly Was`Flutterby
General: The Original Title For The Best Seller ____ ____ ___ ____ Was 'Ba! Ba! Black Sheep'`Gone With The Wind
General: The ____ ____ Originated With The Settler's Request For Manpower To Help Them Increase Their Production. The Dutch East India Company Started To Import Slaves From East Africa, Madagascar And The East Indies`Slave Trade
General: The Other Name The Northern Ireland Is Known By`Ulster
General: The Outermost Energy Shell Of An Atom, Containing The Valence Electrons Involved In The Chemical Reactions Of That Atom`Valence Shell
General: The 'O' When Used As A Prefix In Irish Surnames Means What`Descendant Of
General: The 'Oyster' Watch Is A Famous Model Produced By What Top Swiss Watchmaker`Rolex
General: The Pair Of Chromosomes Responsible For Determining The Sex Of An Individual`Sex Chromosomes
General: The Paris Stock Exchange`Bourse
General: The Pathway Along Which Food Is Transferred From Trophic Level To Trophic Level, Beginning With Producers`Food Chain
General: The Peace Sign Was Originally Designed As An N Superimposes Onto A D. What The Letters Stand For`Nuclear Disarmament
General: The Perforated Tag With Advertisements That Are Put In Mailer Envelopes`Bangtail
General: The Period Of Relaxation Of Cardiac Muscle During Which The Atrioventricular Valves Open And The Ventricles Fill With Flood`Diastole
General: The Phrase Rule Of Thumb Is Derived From An Old English Law Which Stated That You Couldn't Beat Your ____ With Anything Wider Than Your Thumb`Wife
General: The Piedmont Hills' Pirate's First Name`Pete
General: The Pilgrims Agreed To Govern Themselves In A Document Called`Mayflower Compact
General: The Pindus mountains run north to south through which country`greece
General: The Pinnacle Or Highest Point Of Something`Acme
General: The Placement Of A Donkey's Eyes In Its Head Enables It To See All Four ____ At All Times`Feet
General: The Plant Life In The Oceans Makes Up About What Percentage Of All The Greenery On The Planet`Eighty Five
General: The plant Lunaria Annua is grown mainly for its seed cases and used in flower arranging by what name is it more commonly known`honesty
General: The Plastic Covering On The End Of A Shoelace Is Called An '_____.'`Aglet
General: The Plastic Things On The End Of Shoelaces Are Called`Aglets
General: The Play 'Our Town' Is Set Where`Grover's Corners
General: The Play West Side Story Based On`Romeo And Juliet
General: The Pleistocene Epoch Of Geologic Time Is More Commonly Known As`Last Ice
General: The Plural Of 'Larva'`Larvae
General: The Point In The Moon's Orbit Which Is Farthest From The Earth`Apogee
General: The Polar Explorer Sir Ranulph Fiennes Has A Triple Barrelled Surname. Give The Other Parts Of His Surname`Twistleton Wykeham
General: the police: the police did the soundtrack for this disturbing english mystery-drama`brimstone and treacle
General: The Polynesian Country Of Niue Is A 170 Square Kilometre Limestone Rock Emerging 60 Metres From The`Pacific
General: The Pope's Pontificial Ring`Fisherman's Ring
General: The Popular Character Of __________ Was Not Created By Carolyn Keene, But Was Actually Created By A Man Named Edward Stratemeyer`Nancy Drew
General: The Popular ______ ____ Was Without A Belly Button Until The Year 2000`Barbie Doll
General: The Population Of ________ Doubles Every 22 Years`Colombia
General: The Population Of Earth Reached ___ Billion In 1999`Six
General: The Population Of The Entire World In 5000 B.C., According To The National Population Council, Was`Five Million
General: The Population Of The Entire World In 5000 B.C., According To The ________ __________ _______, Was 5 Million`National Population Council
General: The _____ ________ Population Of The World Is Larger Than That Of All Other Christian Sects Combined`Roman Catholic
General: The Pound Or Number Symbol On The Telephone`Octothorpe
General: The ____ Practiced An Early Form Of Apartheid, They Segregated The Black Population But Used Them As Labourers And Even Allies Against Some Threatening Black Tribes Like The Zulus`Boers
General: The Prefix Tetra, Used In Such Words As Tetrach, Tetrapod, And Tetrameter, Means What`Four
General: The Presence Of Greater Than Five Digits On The Hands Or Feet Is Called`Polydactylia
General: The Present Use Of The Tobacco Factory Which Features In The Opera Carmen`University Of Seville
General: The Presidential Highway Links The Towns Of Gore And Clinton In Which Country`New Zealand
General: The Principle That Electrons Fill Energy Levels In A Given Atom In Order Of Increasing Energy, Completely Filling One Sublevel Before Beginning To Fill The Next`Aufbau Principle
General: The process of making cows milk safe for consumption is`pasteurization
General: The process of splitting atoms is called`fission
General: the process of water changing to water vapour is known as`evaporation
General: The Procrastinators Club Of America Sends News To Its Members Under The Masthead '____ _____'_ __________.'`Last Month's Newsletter
General: The ______ __ _________ Produces $4,095 In Paper Currency Each Minute`Bureau Of Engraving
General: The ______ ______ Produces The World's Largest Crop Of Soybeans. China Is The Second Largest Producer`United States
General: The Protection And Improvement Of The Health Of The Public Through Community Action, Primarily By Governmental Agencies`Public Health
General: The Prototypical Flapper Of The Silent Screen`Colleen Moore
General: The Provincial Flower Of The Canadian Province Of Prince Edward Island Is The ____`Lady Slipper
General: The Public Was So Enthralled With The Amorous Adventures Of Uncle Bim In 'The Gumps'that The Minneapolis Board Of Trade Shut Down One Day In 1923 To Await The News Of Whether Uncle Bim Had Been Trapped Into Marriage With The Greedy Widow Named What`Zander
General: The Purple Onion Club Was An Important Music And Comedy Venue Of The 1960s In What City`San Francisco
General: The Pyramids Are Built Of Which Rock`Limestone
General: The Pyramids In Egypt Are Located Nearest To What City`Giza
General: the quetzal is the currency of`guatemala
General: the quetzal is the currency of what country`guatemala
General: The Rabbit's Foot Came To Be Considered`A Good Luck Charm
General: The Raf Red.Arrows Have Used British Aerospace Hawks Since 1980. Which Aircraft Did They Use Prior To This Date`Folland Gnats
General: The Raised Reflective Dots In The Middle Of Highways Are Called What`Botz Dots
General: The Range Of An Aim-7 Sparrow`Twenty Eight Miles
General: The Ratio Of The Speed Of An Object To The Speed Of Sound In The Surrounding Medium`Mach Speed
General: The Rausing Brothers Of Sweden Became Rich From Manufacturing Which Packaging Product`Tetra Pack Containers
General: The Rca Dog And The Record Player It Was Listening To Were Originally Depicted Sitting On Top Of What`A Casket
General: The Real Name Of Jem From Jem And The Holograms`Jerrica Benton
General: The Real Name Of The ____ ____ Is Actually La Giaconda`Mona Lisa
General: The Real Name Of The 'Man Of Arms' In 'He Man And The Masters Of The Universe'`Duncan
General: The Real Name Of The Mona Lisa Is Actually __`La Giaconda
General: the real name of the peanuts theme song`linus and lucy
General: The Real Name Of Tony Curtis`Bernard Schwartz
General: There Are 100 People At A Party. There Is At Least One Woman In The Room. And If You Pick At Random Two People, There Will Always Be At Least One Man Picked. Knowing This, You Can Tell Me How Many Men Are Present At The Party`99
General: There Are 12 Locks On The Panama Canal. How Many Are There On The Suez Canal, Which Is Twice As Long`None
General: There Are 16 ______ In A Cup`Tablespoons
General: There Are 170,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Ways To Play The Ten Opening Moves In A Game Of`Chess
General: There Are 1,783 Diamonds On The Britain's Imperial State Crown. This Includes The 309-Carat ____ __`Star Of Africa
General: There Are 18 Different Animal Shapes In The ______ ________ ______`Animal Crackers Cookie Zoo
General: There Are 256 Semihemidemisemiquavers In A`Breve
General: There Are 293 Ways To Make Change For A`Dollar
General: There Are 2 Annual Publications Devoted To The Peerage. One Is Burkes Peerage, The Other`Debretts
General: There Are 325 Days In A Christian Year: The Rest Are Called`Lent
General: There Are 364 Gifts Named In '___ ______ ____ __ _________' Song`The Twelve Days Of Christmas
General: There Are 3 Great _________ At Giza`Pyramids
General: There Are 3 Main Groups/Shapes Of Pathogenic Bacteria: Cocci (Round), Bacilli (Rod-Shaped), And ________ (Coil-Like)`Spirilla
General: There Are 3 Main Groups/Shapes Of Pathogenic Bacteria: Cocci (Round), Bacilli (Rod-Shaped), And Spirilla (____-____)`Coil-Like
General: There Are 3 Main Groups/Shapes Of Pathogenic Bacteria: Cocci (Round), _______ (Rod-Shaped), And Spirilla (Coil-Like)`Bacilli
General: There Are 3 Main Groups/Shapes Of Pathogenic ________: Cocci (Round), Bacilli (Rod-Shaped), And Spirilla (Coil-Like)`Bacteria
General: There Are 42 Dots On A ____ __`Pair Of Dice
General: There Are 61 Towns In The United States With The Name Of What Bird In Their Names`Turkey
General: There Are 6,272,640 Square Inches In An`Acre
General: There Are 63,360 Inches In A`Mile
General: There Are 640 Acres In A ______`Square Mile
General: There Are About 10,000 Parts In An Average Upright`Piano
General: There Are About 3,000 ___ ___ _______ In Metropolitan New York`Hot Dog Vendors
General: There Are About __ Million Sweat Glands In An Average Human Body`2
General: There Are Approximately Fifty ___ Sold Each Minute Across The World`Bibles
General: There Are ____ Credit Cards For Every Person In The United States`2
General: There Are _____ Golf Balls On The Surface Of The Moon`Three
General: There Are ___ _____ In A Square Mile`640 Acres
General: There Are More __________ ____ In The United States Than There Are People In Japan`Television Sets
General: There Are More Plastic _____ In The U.S, Than Real Ones`Flamingos
General: There Are More Television Sets In The United States Than There Are ______ __`People In Japan
General: There Are More Than 1,000 Chemicals In A Cup Of Coffee. Of These, Only 26 Have Been Tested: ___% Caused Cancer In Rats`50
General: There Are More Than 100 Offenses That Carry The Death Penalty In`Iran
General: There Are More Than 100 Offenses That Carry The _____ _______ In Iran`Death Penalty
General: There Are More Than 30,000 _____ On Public Record`Diets
General: There Are More Than 4.7 Million ___ ___ Attacks Every Year In The Us`Pet Dog, Most Of These Are Against Children
General: There Are More Than __ ______ Bricks In The Empire State Building`Ten Million
General: There Are More Than _________ Different Types Of Barbie Dolls`Two Hundred`200
General: There Are More __________ Than People In Washington, D.C`Telephones
General: There Are ___ _____ Named In 'The Twelve Days Of Christmas' Song`364 Gifts
General: There Are No Clocks In`Las Vegas Casinos
General: There Are No Foods That Are Naturally This Colour`Blue (Blueberries Are Purple
General: There Are No ______ In Las Vegas Gambling Casinos`Clocks
General: There Are __ ____ On A Pair Of Dice`42 Dots
General: There Are Only 7 Possible Opening Moves In`Draughts
General: There Are Over 10 000 Golf Courses In`The United States
General: There Are Over 200 Religious _____ In The United States`Denominations
General: There Are Over 30 000 Verses In`The Bible
General: There Are Over 58 Million ___ In The U.S`Dogs
General: There Are __ Seconds In A Minute`Sixty
General: There Are Six Million Trees In The Forest Of Martyrs Near Jerusalem, Symbolising The Jewish Death Toll In`World War 2
General: There Are _, ___, ___ Square Inches In An Acre`6,272,640
General: There Are Three ____ Balls On The Surface Of The Moon`Golf
General: There Are Two Credit Cards For Every Person In The _______`United States
General: There Are Two ______ For Every Man, Women, And Child In The United States`Radios
General: The refraction of light by ice crystals causes a what to form round the Sun`halo
General: The Region Loosely Defined By Countries And Culture, Located In Southwestern Asia And Northeastern Africa`Middle East
General: There Is 1 Mile Of Railroad Track In _______ For Every One And A Half Square Miles Of Land`Belgium
General: There Is A _____ Called Cummingtonite`Mineral
General: there is a city called rome on every`continent
General: There Is A ________ In Cornwall Which, Though It Weighs Many Tonnes, Can Be Rocked With Ease`Rocking Stone
General: There Is An Australian Wasp With The Scientific Name`Aha Ha
General: There Is Approximately ___ Billion Acres Of Farmland In The Us`One
General: There Is A Three Letter, One Syllable Word That, By Adding A Single Letter To The End, Strangely Gains Two Syllables. Give Both Words, The 3 Letter Word First`Are, Area
General: There Is A Village Near The ______ In France Which Is Simply Called Y`Somme
General: There Is ___ ____ _______ In Las Vegas For Every Eight Inhabitants`One Slot Machine
General: There Is No Living Descendant Of _______`William Shakespeare
General: There Is One ____ _______ In Las Vegas For Every Eight Inhabitants`Slot Machine
General: There Is One Slot Machine In ___ _____ For Every Eight Inhabitants`Las Vegas
General: There Is One Slot Machine In Las Vegas For Every Eight`Inhabitants
General: There Is Only One _ In A Scrabble Game`Q
General: There Is Only One Q In A ________ Game`Scrabble
General: The Relatively Constant, But Dynamic Internal Environment Necessary For Life`Homeostasis
General: The Relative Number Of Individuals Of Each Age In A Population`Age Structure
General: The Relative Speed Of The Trs-80 To The Eniac Is __: 1`20
General: The Remains Of Prehistoric Organisms That Have Been Preserved In Rocks Are Called`Fossils
General: The Remnant Of The Ovarian Follicle, Which After Ovulation Continues To Secret Progesterone To Maintain Uterine Lining During Pregnancy: Its Degeneration Leads To Menstruation`Corpus Luteum
General: The Removal Of Noncoding Portions Of The Rna Molecule After Initial Synthesis`Rna Splicing
General: The Replicators Are A ______Based Technology`Kiron
General: The _____ ______ ____________ Reports That One In Four Zimbabweans Is Hiv Positive,4,000 Of Them Die Every Week`World Health Organization
General: The republic of Israel was established when`17646
General: The Republic Of Israel Was Established When`April 23,1948
General: The __________ __________ ______ Requires That One Mile In Every Five Must Be Straight. These Straight Sections Are Usable As Airstrips In Times Of War Or Other Emergencies`Eisenhower Interstate System
General: There's Enough Concrete In ______ To Build A Road All The Way From The North Pole To The South Pole`Hoover Dam
General: The Resting Place Of Those Buried At Sea`Davey Jones's Locker
General: The _____ Revolution Began In 1905 On 'Bloody Sunday' When Troops Fired At Demonstrators`Russian
General: There Was About $77 Billion Worth Of _____ ________ In Circulation The United States As Of 1976`Paper Currency
General: There Wasn't A Single Pony In The Pony Express, Just`Horses
General: There Were 383 ______________ In The United States In 1997`Microbreweries
General: The Rhone River Empties Into The Mediterreanean Near What French City`Marseille
General: The Riksdag Is The Parliament Of Which Country`Sweden
General: The River Po Flows Into Which Sea`Adriatic
General: The Rivieras ('California Sun') Were Indiana-Based: Similarly The Trashmen ('Surfing Bird') Were From Which Midwest State`Minnesota
General: The roads on the island of Guam are made with what`coral
General: The Rocks Found On Top Of Mt Everest Once Rested On The Bottom Of The`Ocean
General: the romans built these to convey water`aqueducts
General: The Rover, 'Sojourner', Explored The Surface Of What Place`Mars
General: The Royal Family: Fergie's father's title`major
General: The Royal Family: The relation Princess Margaret is to Princess Anne`aunt
General: The Royal Yacht Britannia Is Now Moored In The Port Area Of Which City`Edinburgh
General: The Rules The Amish Live By (No Telephones, Electricity, Etc) Are Known, Collectively, By Which (German) Word`Ordnung
General: The Russian Equivalent Of The Name John`Ivan
General: The Russian Mystic, _____, Was The Victim Of A Series Of Murder Attempts On This Day In 1916. The Assassins Poisoned, Shot And Stabbed Him In Quick Succession, But They Found They Were Unable To Finish Him Off. Rasputin Finally Succumbed To The Ice-Cold Waters Of A River`Rasputin
General: The Russian Revolutionary, Leon Trotsky, Was Exiled Three Times And Eventually Assassinated In Which Country`Mexico
General: The Russian Sled Drawn By 3 Horses Abreast`Troika
General: The Sachem Is A Chief Of What Confederation`Algonquian Confederation
General: The Sacrament Of Anointing For Dying Persons`Extreme Unction
General: The Sandwich Islands Are Now Called`The Hawaiian Islands
General: The Sandwich's Inventor Was A Notorious`Gambler
General: _____, The Scales, Is The Only Inanimate Symbol In The Zodiac`Libra
General: The Sciatic Nerve Is Found In The`Leg
General: The Science Of Determining Characteristic Traits By Examining A Person's _____ Is Scarpology`Shoes
General: The Science Of Determining Characteristic Traits By Examining A Person's Shoes Is`Scarpology
General: The Science Of Fermentation (Like Wine, Beer) Is Called What`Zymurgy
General: The Science Of Life`Biology
General: The Science Of Preparing And Dispensing Drugs Is`Pharmacy
General: The Science Of Providing Men, Equipment And Supplies For Military Operations Is Called`Logistics
General: The 'Scopes Trial' Was Also Known As`The Monkey Trial
General: The Scottish City Edinburgh Is Nicknamed 'Auld Reekie' Meaning`Old Smoky
General: The Scottish Equivalent Of The Name John`Ian
General: The Screw Auger Falls Near Newry Are Located On What River`Bear River
General: These Animals Were Once Used To Bleed The Sick`Leeches
General: These Are Like Fingerprints On Cows. (No Two Are Identical)`Spots
General: The Sea Saga Damn The Defiant! Stars Sir Alec Guinness As A Captain Faced With A Mutinous Crew On The Hms Defiant During Which War`Napoleonic Wars
General: These Beans Are The Most Often Used In The Production Of Bean Sprouts`Mung Beans
General: The second Beale code was encoded using what`the american declaration of independence
General: The Second Best-Selling Book Of All Time`Quotations From The Works Of Chairman Mao Tse-Tung
General: The Second Biggest Country In South America After Brazil`Argentina
General: The Second Bridge Built Across The Thames`Westminster Bridge
General: The Second Day Of The Week`Monday
General: The Second Derivative Of Distance`Acceleration
General: The second largest of the earths four oceans & the most heavily traveled`atlantic ocean
General: The Second Longest Suspension Bridge In The World Is The Ismit Bay, Located Where`Turkey
General: The Second Month Of The Year`February
General: The Second Of Einstein's 1905 Papers`Special Theory Of Relativity
General: The Second Space Shuttle Is Named`Challenger
General: The Second Tallest Mountain On Earth`K2
General: The Secret Police Of Which Country Were Known As The 'Ton Ton Macoute'`Haiti
General: These Establishments Don't Have Windows Or Clocks`Casinos
General: These Fighters Always Began A Bout By Saying, 'Hail Emperor, Those About To Die Salute You!'`Gladiators
General: These Fishes Have Large Sucking Discs On Their Heads`Remoras
General: These Islands Off The Eastern Coast Of Africa Are Known For The Mixture Of Many Trading Cultures (African, Arab, Portuguese, British To Name A Few) Which Have Occupied Them And Left Their Imprint On The Culture`Zanzibar
General: These License Plates Are Manufactured By Prisoners In The State Prison In Concord. The Slogan On Them`Live Free Or Die
General: These Limestone Deposits Rise From The Floor Of Caves`Stalagmites
General: These Marine Crustaceans Often Attach Themselves To The Hulls Of Ships`Barnacles
General: The Semper Paratus Always Ready Service Has Been A Women's Branch Of What`Coast Guard
General: These People Live In Small Enclosed Villages On The Zambesi Plains. When The River Zambesi Floods Its Plains In Winter, These Southern African People Have To Abandon Their Villages And Move To Higher Grounds. In Death, The Men Are Buried Facing The East While The Women Are Buried Facing The West. What Are They Called`The Lozi
General: The _____ _______ ____, Set At Twenty-Five Cents, Was Established By Congress In 1938`First Minimum Wage
General: These Type Of Letters Were First Used By The Italian Printer Aldo Manuzio`Italic
General: The Seven-Branched Candlestick Called The Menorah Is The Official State Emblem And Appears On The President's Flag Of Which Country`Israel
General: The Seventh Day Of The Week`Sunday
General: The Seventh Month Of The Year`July
General: The Shadow-Casting Pointer On A Sundial Called`Gnomon
General: The shape of plant collenchyma cells & the shape of the bubbles in beer foam are the same. What are they called`orthotetrachidecahedrons
General: The Shape Of The Pasta 'Tortlloni' Based On`Venus's Navel
General: The Shelf Life Of ________ Is Six Or More Years If They're Protected From Heat, Moisture, And Light`Vitamins
General: The _______, Sheltered From The Influences Of The Outside World, Have Unusual Customs. When _______ Greet Each Other, They May Not Look Each Other Directly In The Eyes. During Daylight Hours, A Man Cannot Hold His Wife's Hand In Public, Call Her By Name, Or Speak To Her In A Personal Way`Wodaabe
General: The Shortest Event In Speed Skating`500 Metres
General: The Silurian Epoch Was Followed By`Devonian Epoch
General: the simpsons: what simpson had a crush on his/her substitute teacher`lisa
General: The Singular Of Gladioli`Gladiolus
General: _____, The Sinister Villain In Charles Dickens' Oliver Twist, Was Also The Surname Of Dickens' Best Friend, Bob`Fagin
General: The Site Of Troy Is In Which Modern Country`Turkey
General: The Six Brandenburg Concertos Were Written By Which Famous Composer`Johann Sebastian Bach
General: The Sixth Day Of The Week`Friday
General: The Sixth Month Of The Year`June
General: The Skipper's Name On Gilligan's Island`Jonas Grumby
General: The Skullcap Worn By The Men Of Nigeria Called`Fez
General: The Slogan For 'A Sprinkle A Day Helps Keep Odour Away'`Shower To Shower
General: The Smallest Independent State In The World`Vatican City
General: The Smallest Portion Of A Substance Capable Of Existing Independently And Retaining Its Original Properties Is A(N)`Molecule
General: The Smallest State (In Area) West Of The Mississippi`Hawaii
General: The Smallest State In The United States Is`Rhode Island
General: The Smallest Unit Of Storage (Computers)`Bit
General: The small intestine is made up of the jejenum, the ileum & the`duodenum
General: The Small Irregular White Cloud That Zips Around Neptune Approximately Every 16 Hours`Scooter
General: The Smithsonian National Museum Of Natural History Houses The World's Largest Shell Collection. Approximately How Many Specimens (In Millions) Are In This Collection`Fifteen
General: The Snake River Winds Through North America's Deepest Gorge At The Idaho-Oregon Boundary. This Gorge Is Called`Hell's Canyon
General: the song happy birthday to you was originally written by which sisters _______________ as good morning to you. the words were changed and it was published in 1935`mildred and patty hill
General: The song 'Raindrops keep falling on my head' was introduced in which film`butch cassidy and the sundance kid
General: The Sound Of A Snore (Up To 69 Decibels) Can Be Almost As Loud As A _________ _____ (70-90 Decibels)`Pneumatic Drill
General: The Sound Of A _____ (Up To 69 Decibels) Can Be Almost As Loud As A Pneumatic Drill (70-90 Decibels)`Snore
General: the sound of e.t. walking was made by someone squishing her hands in`jelly
General: 'The Sound Of Music' Is Set In Which European Country`Austria
General: The Soviet Icebreaker _____ Was The First Surface Ship To Be Nuclear Powered`Lenin
General: the space capsule john glenn flew in 1962 was called what`friendship
General: The Space Occupied By A Body Is Called Its`Volume
General: The Spanish abbreviation for ufo is what`ovnis
General: The Spanish Equivalent Of The English 'April Fool's Day'`Boob Day
General: The Spanish Inquisition Once Condemned The Entire Netherlands To ________ For Heresy`Death
General: The Stadium Known As 3com Park Was Formerly Called`Candlestick Park
General: The State Of California Has Issued 6 Drivers Licenses To _____`Jesus Christ
General: The State Of Maine Produces 98 Percent Of The Nation's Low-Bush`Blueberries
General: The State Song Of Illinois Is Sung To The Tune Of 'Baby Mine' From This Disney Movie`Dumbo
General: The Statue Of Liberty Arrived In New York City In 1885 Aboard What French Ship`Isere
General: The Statue of Liberty stands on which island`liberty island
General: The Statue Of Which Famous Englishman Stands In The'piazza Of The British Library`Sir Isaac Newton
General: The Steel Industry In 1943 Introduced The 5-Day,40-Hour Work Week. _____ ____ Adopted It In 1926`Henry Ford
General: The Step Pyramid At Sakkara Consists Of How Many Rectangles, Each Smaller Than The One Beneath It, Thus Creating The 'Steps'`Seven
General: The 'stickman', 'boxer' and 'shooter' are three of the participants in which casino game`craps or dice
General: The Still Of The Nite The Location Of The 'Circus Hall Of Fame'`Sarasota Florida
General: The St. Louis Gateway Arch Had A Projected Death Toll While It Was Being Built. How Many People Died`0
General: The St. Moritz Ski Resort Is In Which European Country`Switzerland
General: _______ ____, The Story Of Prize Fighter Jake Lamotta, Packs A Real Punch`Raging Bull
General: The Straits Of Malacca Separate Malaysia From Which Country`Indonesia
General: The Stratosphere Is Higher Than The`Troposphere
General: The Stress In Hungarian Words Always Falls On What Syllable`First
General: The study of how nerve cells, or neurons, receive & transmit information`neurophysiology
General: The study of natural phenomena: motion, forces, light, sound, etc. Is called`physics
General: the study of the earth's physical divisions into mountains, seas, etc. is`geography
General: The St. Valentine's Day Massacre Took Place In This City`Chicago
General: The Supersonic Concorde Jet Made Its First Trial Flight On What Date`January 1,1969
General: The Surname Of The First Person To Send A Radio Telegraph Signal Across The Atlantic Ocean In 1901`Marconi
General: the swedish post och inrikes tidningar is the oldest of its kind in the world. what is it`a newspaper
General: The Symbol Of The Democratic Party`Donkey
General: The Tallest Freestanding Structure In The World Is The Cn Tower In What Canadian City (It Is About 350 Feet Taller Than The Malaysian Tower)`Toronto
General: The ___ Tax In India Inspired Mohandas K. Gandhito Start The Passive Rebellion That Led To Independence`Salt
General: The ______ Tea Party`Boston
General: The Technical Name For The Twisting Of A Stalk As It Grows In Response To A Stimulus From A Particular Direction`Strophism
General: The Teeth Used For Biting Or Cutting Are Known As`Incisors
General: The Temperature At Which A Liquid Gives Off A Vapour Which Can Be Ignited Is Called It's`Flashpoint
General: The Temperomandibular Joint Is An Example Of What Type Of Synovial Joint`Condyloid
General: The Tenth Month Of The Year`October
General: The term Centennial represents how many years`100
General: the term 'hay fever' originated in`england
General: The Term 'Hooch' For Liquor Comes From The ________ Indians, Known For Their Ability To Make Liquor So Strong It Could Knock Someone Out`Hoochinoo
General: The term Quartocentennial represents how many years`25
General: The term Quincentennial represents how many years`500
General: The term Semicentennial represents how many years`50
General: The term Sesquibicentennial represents how many years`250
General: The term Sesquincentennial represents how many years`150
General: The term Sesquiquadricentennial represents how many years`450
General: The term Sesquitercentennial represents how many years`350
General: The term Tercentennial represents how many years`300
General: The Third Day Of The Week`Tuesday
General: The Third Month Of The Year`March
General: The Third Movement Of A Symphony Called`Minuet
General: The Thistle Is The National Flower Of`Scotland
General: The Thread Used In Surgery To Tie A Bleeding Blood Vessel`Ligature
General: the three number systems commonly used in computers are binary, decimal and`hexadecimal
General: The Three Wealthiest People (And Their Families) In The World Have More Assets Than The Combined Wealth Of The How Many Of The Poorest Countries`48
General: The Three Words That Best Describe You Are As Follows, And I Quote: Stink, Stank, Stunk`How The Grinch Stole Christmas
General: The Throwing Event Making Up Part Of The Ancient Greek Pentathlon, In Which A Circular Object Had To Be Thrown`Discus
General: The Tibetan Mountain People Use Yak's Milk As Their Form Of`Currency
General: The Tick: Yeast Devil! Back to the oven that _____ you!`baked
General: ________, The Tiniest Free-Living Cells, Are So Small That A Single Drop Of Liquid May Contain 50 Million Of Them`Bacteria
General: The Title Of Prosecuting Attorney Vincent Bugliosi's Account Of The Manson Murders And Trial`Helter Skelter
General: The Tomb Of What Egyptian Pharaoh Was Discovered In The Valley Of The Kinds In 1922`Tutankhamun
General: The Tony Awards Are Named For What Person`Antoinette Perry
General: The Toothpick Capital Of The World`Maine
General: The Top Speed Of This Is 19 Miles Per Hour`Elevator
General: The Toronto Maple Leafs Used To Be Originally Called What`The Toronto Arenas
General: The Toryo, Or Master Temple Carpenter, Joins Wood Without Use Of ___ (Or Glue, For That Matter)`Nails
General: The Total Aggregate Of Genes In A Population At Any One Time`Gene Pool
General: The Town Of Beersheba Is In Which Country`Israel
General: The Town Of Pisa Lies In Which Italian Region`Tuscany
General: The Tractor Made For __ Million Acres Of American Cropland That Had Been Used To Grow Feed For Animals To Be Used For Growing Food For People`80
General: The Traditional Art Of Japanese Paper Folding:`Origami
General: The Traditional Theatrical Greeting Before A Performance To Wish 'Good Luck'`Break A Leg
General: The Traditional Trade Of Aspiring Bullfighters`Bricklaying
General: the traditional war dance performed by the moari people of new zealand is`haka
General: The Traditional (Watson Crick) Base Pair For Adenine In Dna`Thymine
General: The Tradition Of This People Claims An Enormous Hen Turkey Flew Over Their Fields Bringing Them Corn And Teaching Them How To Cultivate Their Crops. Can You Name This Culture`Navajos
General: the treatment of disease by chemical substances which are toxic to the causative micro-organisms is called`chemotherapy
General: The Treatment Of Which Famous Mythical Ruling, By The Artist Max Klinger In 1887, Caused A Storm Of Protest From Art Lovers`Judgment Of Paris
General: The Treaty Of Hidalgo Ended The War Between The U.S. And What Other Country`Mexico
General: The Triassic, jurassic, and Cretaceous periods make up which era`mesozoic era
General: The Troposphere Lower Than`Stratosphere
General: The Tuareg Are Generally Found In Nigeria, Senegal, Mali, And Burkina Faso. The Men Start Wearing A Veil At The Age Of`25
General: The Turkish Fleet Captured And Massacred The Inhabitants Of What Greek Island In 1822`Chios
General: The Twelfth Month Of The Year`December
General: The Two Principal Occupations Of Women In The Middle Ages Were Baking And`Weaving
General: The Uffizi Is A Museum And Art Gallery In Which European City`Florence
General: The Uk's Largest Publicly Funded Building, Constructed In The 1900's`The British Library
General: The Unabomber's Real Name`Ted Kaczynski
General: The Union Of Haploid Gametes To Produce A Diploid Zygote`Fertilization
General: The United Kingdom's Largest Ethnic Minority`The Scots`Scots
General: The United Republic Of Tanzania Is Formed By The Mainland Territory Known As Tanganyika And What Island`Zanzibar
General: The United States Equipped Some Of Its Servicemen With Bar Guns. Bar Stood For`Browning Automatic Rifle
General: The United States Formed A Government Like None Other In History. What Is The Proper Term To Describe Our System Of Government`Federal Republic
General: The United States Has Never Lost A War In Which These Were Used`Mules
General: The United States Has Never Lost A War In Which Which Transportation Method Is Used`Mules
General: The United States Produces The World's Largest Crop Of ________. China Is The Second Largest Producer`Soybeans
General: The United States Produces The World's Largest Crop Of Soybeans. _____ Is The Second Largest Producer`China
General: The United States Shreds 7,000 Tons Of ____-___ ________ Each Year`Worn-Out Currency
General: The Uniting Of Metals By Fusion One With Another Using Heat`Welding
General: The Unit Of Measurement Which Is Equal To The Mean Distance From The Earth To The Sun`Astronomical Unit
General: The University Of Houston Once Elected What Rock Star As Homecoming Queen`Alice Cooper
General: The University Of _____ Spans Four Time Zones`Alaska
General: The Unwashed Masses: The 'Hoi _____'Poll`Oil
General: The Usa's Largest Legal Cash Crop`Corn
General: The Use Of Energy To Move A Substance Across A Membrane Against A Concentration Gradient`Active Transport
General: The Us First Occupied Guantanamo Bay Naval Base In 1898, During The ____-____ War`Spanish American
General: The Us Has More Computers Than Any Nation On Earth. Japan Is Number Two. As Of 1997, Did The Us Have Three Times As Many Computers As Japan, Four Times As Many, Or Five Times As Many`Five
General: The Us Secret Service Was Originally Created To Fight ______ (And Not To Protect The President, Its Current Function)`Counterfeiting
General: The U.S. Standard ________ _____ (Distance Between Rails) Is 4 Feet,8.5 Inches`Railroad Gauge
General: The Usual Age For A Jewish Boy To Celebrate His 'Bar Mitzvah'`13
General: The Utilization Of Oxygen By The Cell`Frederick Hopkins
General: The Variety Of Living Organisms In A Particular Habitat Or Geographic Area`Biodiversity
General: The Venetian island of Murano is particularly associated with the manufacture of which product`glass
General: The Very First Bomb Dropped By The Allies On Berlin During World War Ii Killed The Only __________ In The Berlin Zoo`Elephant
General: The Very First Bomb Dropped By The Allies On Berlin During World War Ii Killed The Only What In The Berlin Zoo`Elephant
General: The very first bomb dropped by the allies on berlin during world wwii killed the only ________ in the berlin zoo`elephant
General: The Via Appia Went From Brindisi To`Rome
General: The Via Appia Went From Rome To`Brindisi
General: The Violet Belongs To Which Genus Of Flowers`Viola
General: the violet variety of quartz is called`amethyst
General: The Voice That Says 'Hello, ' 'You've Got Mail, ' And 'Goodbye' On Aol Belongs To ______`Elwood Eldrige
General: the voice that says hello, you've got mail, and goodbye on aol is`elwood eldrige
General: the volta is the largest river in which country`ghana
General: The volume of the earth's moon is the same as the volume of what ocean`pacific ocean
General: The Volume Of Water In The _______ Is Greater Than The Next Eight Largest Rivers In The World Combined`Amazon River
General: The Voyage Of The Beagle Told Of Which Scientist's Discoveries`Charles Darwin
General: The ____ _______ Was Acquired By King Louis Xiv In 1668. It Was Worn 120 Years Later By Marie Antoinette And It Now Resides In The Smithsonian Institution. This Beautiful Natural Blue Diamond Weighs 44.5 Carats Today`Hope Diamond
General: The ___________ Was Founded In 1602 By Independent Trading Companies, Its Main Purpose Was To Promote Trade With Asia. Henry Hudson, The Famous English Explorer Sailed Under The Flag Of This Company (1609)`Dutch East India Company
General: The Washington Post Received The 1973 Pulitzer Prize For Reporting What`Watergate Scandal
General: The Water In The ___________ Is So Salty That It Far Easier To Float Than To Drown`Dead Sea
General: The Water Sprayed On The Exhaust Of The Shuttle Is There Not To Reduce The Heat But Rather The`Sound
General: The ____ We Drink Is Three Billion Years Old`Water
General: The ____ Weighs Around 5,940 Billion Billion Metric Tons`Earth
General: The Weight Of Air In A Milk Glass Is About The Same As The Weight Of One _______`Aspirin Tablet
General: The _____ Were One Of The First Black Nations To Gain A Measure Of Independence From Dutch Rule In The 19th Century`Griquas
General: The _________ Were Overthrown By The Bolsheviks In 1917 In Russia`Mensheviks
General: The __________________ Were The First Asian Colony To Become Independent Following World War Ii. Today The Country's Population Is Approximately 60,000,000, And Is Comprised Of Many Ethnicity. Many Citizens Are Of Malay, Chinese, Or Spanish Descent`Philippines
General: the westernmost point in the contiguous united states is`cape alava
General: The West What Song Did Elton John And George Michael Sing As A Duet`Don't Let The Sun Go Down
General: The White Elephant Is The Sacred Animal Of What Country`Thailand
General: The White House Had A Telephone Before It Had An Indoor`Bathroom
General: The White House Walls Are Made Of What Material`Sandstone
General: The white marks intersecting each five yard line are called`hashmarks
General: The Widespread Superstition That _____ Is An Unlucky Colour Dates From A Centuries Old Tradition That Fairies (Living At The Bottom Of The Garden) Alone Had The Right To Wear _____, And Would Deal Harshly With Anyone Wearing`Green
General: The Wide Wall Built Along The Banks Of Rivers To Stop Flooding Is A(N)`Levee
General: The 'Windflower' Is The Common Name For Which Flowering Bulb`Anemone
General: the word angel is derived from the greek term angelos, from the hebrew experssion mal'akh, usually translated as what`messenger
General: the word eskimo means`eater of raw flesh
General: The word Hellas appears on the stamps of which country`greece
General: The word 'marmalade' comes from the Portuguese word for what`quince jam
General: the word that is used only once in the bible is the word`reverend
General: The 'Word' Used For Multiple Personality Disorder`Mpd
General: The Working Class Called In Marxist Terminology`Proletariat
General: The World Consumes 1 Billion Gallons Of _________ A Day`Petroleum
General: The World Health Organization Reports That One In Four ___________ Is Hiv Positive,4,000 Of Them Die Every Week`Zimbabweans
General: The World Health Organization Reports That One In Four Zimbabweans Is Hiv ________,4,000 Of Them Die Every Week`Positive
General: The World Health Organization Reports That One In Four Zimbabweans Is Hiv Positive,4,000 Of Them Die Every`Week
General: The World Health Organization Reports That One In Four Zimbabweans Is Hiv Positive, _, ____Of Them Die Every Week`4,000
General: The World Health Organization Reports That One In Four Zimbabweans Is ___ Positive,4,000 Of Them Die Every Week`Hiv
General: The World Largest Basilica`St Peter's`saint Peter's
General: The World Record For Biggest Jar Of Jellybeans, As Of 2002, Contained 2,160,000 Jellybeans. About How Much Do You Think This Weighed`6050 Pounds
General: The World's Biggest Food Fight Using 90 Tons Of Tomatoes Was Held Where`Spain
General: The World's Costliest Coffee, At $130 A Pound , Is Called What`Kopi Luwak
General: The Worlds First Drive-In Church Was In This State`Florida
General: The World's First National Park Was __________ National Park`Yellowstone
General: The World's Heaviest Dog Was An Old English Mastiff. How Much Did 'Zorba' Weigh`156 Kg
General: The World's Largest Exporter Of ______ Is Cuba`Sugar
General: The World's Largest Fresh-Water Island`Manitoulin
General: The World's Largest Indoor Stadium, Located In New Orleans, Seats Over 75,000 People`Louisiana Superdome
General: The Worlds Largest Monolith Is Located In Australia And Is Called`Uluru
General: The World's Largest Non-Profit Scientific And Educational Organisation`National Geographic Society
General: The World's Largest Weekly Newspaper For Stamp Collectors`Linn's Stamp News
General: The World's Leading Importer Of Iron Ore`Japan
General: the worlds longest escalator is in______________, reaching 120 metres`leningrad metro
General: the world's longest natural gas pipeline is in what country`canada
General: The Worlds Most Toxic City Is`Dzerzhinsk
General: The World's Oldest Man-Made Alloy Is`Bronze
General: The World's Oldest Newspaper(The Name Is Swedish)`Post Och Inrikes Tidningar
General: The Worlds Oldest Piece Of Chewing Gum Is Over ____ Years Old`Nine Thousand
General: The World's Oldest Song`Shadouf Chant
General: The World's Oldest Tower Bell Is Located In`Rome
General: The World's Oldest University`Fez University
General: The World's _____ Outweigh The World's Humans 10 To 1`Termites
General: The World's Rarest Coffee, Kopi Luwak, Comes From Which Country`Indonesia
General: The World's Second Highest Mountain`K2
General: The Worlds Solid-Fuel Rockets Were Attached To An Airplane To Provide Extra`Thrust
General: __________ (The World's Tallest Grass) Can Grow Up To 90 Cm In A Day`Bamboo
General: The Worlds Warmest Sea`Dead Sea
General: The Worlds Widest River`Amazon
General: The World's Youngest Parents Were ___ And 9 Years Old`Eight
General: The Worship Of A Material Image That Is Held To Be The Abode Of A Superhuman Personality`Idolatry
General: The _____ Would Crush A First Time Rapist's Gonads Between Two Stones`Romans
General: The _______ __ ____ Wrote ' The 120 Days Of Sodom ' On A 120 Metre Roll Of Paper While Imprisoned In The Bastille`Marquis De Sade
General: The 'X' On A Railroad Crossing`Crossbuck
General: The Yalu River Flows Along The Chinese Border With With Other Country`North Korea
General: They Developed The First Durable Road System`Persians
General: The Year Wilt Scored 100 Points In One Game He Also Averaged Approximately ____ Points Per Game (Spell It :)`Fifty
General: The Yellow And Yangtze Rivers Flow From What Plateau`Tibetan
General: They Invited You To 'Dance To The Music' Back In 1968`Sly And The Family Stone
General: The (You Are Here Arrow) On A Map Is Called The ____ Locator`Ideo
General: The young of which animals are called 'brockets'`deer
General: The Young Raphael Sketched Which Famous Work By Leonardo Da Vinci While It Was Being Painted`The Mona Lisa
General: The Yo Yo Both The Toy And Its Name Originated Where`Philippines
General: they recorded the blockbuster the wall`pink floyd
General: The Yucatan Peninsula Is Mainly In Which Country`Mexico
General: they were the first act to be censored on 'american bandstand'`beastie boys
General: Thick Light Bark Of S.European Oak`Cork
General: Thickness Of An Average Condom: .__ Mm`07
General: Thickness Of Super-Thin Condoms: .__ Mm`05
General: Thie Well Known German March Step (Stechschritt) Is Known As The ______-____In English`Goose-Step
General: Third Letter Of The Greek Alphabet`Gamma
General: This Abolitionist Cofounded The North Star, An Abolitionist Newspaper)`Frederick Douglass, Not Douglas
General: This Alexandrian Incited A Revolt In 296, Forcing Diocletian To Besiege The City`Achilleus
General: This Ancient Attempt To Transmute Base Metals Into Gold Was Called`Alchemy
General: This Ancient Chinese Game Is Played With 156 Small Rectangular Tiles`Mah-Jongg
General: This Ancient Egyptian City Means 'City Of The Sun'`Heliopolis
General: this animal can be found in sub-saharan africa and gir national forest in india`lion
General: this animal is kept as a house pet to kill cobras`mongoose
General: this artist wails his guitar on his 1990 hit cliffs of dover`eric johnson
General: this bands freebird was played constantly at keg parties in mims, florida`lynyrd skynyrd
General: this band's ride the lightning,`metallica
General: this bird lays its eggs in the nests of other birds`cuckoo
General: This Branch Of Physics Deals With The General Laws Governing The Motion Of Material Objects`Mechanics
General: This British Chocolate Company Owner Tried To Abolish Slavery On Cocoa Plantations Because Of His Quaker Religious Beliefs. Can You Name Him`William Cadbury
General: This Broadway Musical Was Inspired By The Classic Don Quixote, By Cervantes`Man Of La Mancha
General: This Building, Located In New York City, Was Briefly The Tallest Building Until The Empire State Building Was Constructed`Chrysler Building
General: this canadian island is the world's fifth largest`baffin
General: This Canadian Island Is The World's Fifth Largest`Baffin Island
General: This Character Appeared For The First Time In Which Movie-'Jek Porkins'`A New Hope
General: This Character Appeared For The First Time In Which Movie-'Max Rebo'`Return Of The Jedi
General: This Character Started Out As An Android In Aliens And Ended Up Working For The Millenium Group Including An Episode Of The X-Files`Frank Black
General: This City Is The Former Capital City Of Norway`Trondheim
General: This Classic Power Trio Band Features Geddy Lee, Alex Lifeson, And Neil Peart`Rush
General: This Cluster Of Stars Is Also Known As The Seven Sisters`Pleiades
General: This Comedy Troupe Was Almost Named 'The Toad Elevating Moment'`Monty Python's Flying Circus
General: This Company, Long Associated With One Particular Colour (Which Is Actually A Combination Of Pantone Blue Plus Pantone Violet) Goes By What Initials`Ibm
General: This Company Uses The Slogan Aol`America On Line
General: this complex substance makes up all living things`protoplasm
General: This Country Contains The World's Driest Desert, And Coldest Ice Fields`Chile
General: This Country Has A Bill Of Rights For Cows`India
General: This Country Has An Ak-47 Assault Rifle On Its Flag`Mozambique
General: This county has the lowest point in South America`argentina
General: This Creature Has The Longest Recorded Life Span Of 152 Yrs. Name It. (Aquatic)`Lake Sturgeon
General: This Defense Is Also Know As Compulsion By Threat`Duress
General: This Disease Consists Of A Purposeless, Continual Growth Of White Blood Cells`Leukemia
General: This Dry, Warm Wind Flows Eastward Down The Slopes Of The Rocky Mountains`Chinook
General: This F.B.I Agent Headed The Investigation Of Al Capone`Elliot Ness
General: this female artist enjoyed sucess on both popular and country and western stations with such tunes as let me be there and have you never been mellow`olivia newton-john
General: this film was an ambitious concert sequence of cartoons by walt disney`fantasia
General: This Five Letter Word Sounds Exactly The Same As The Single Letter That Is Left When The Last Four Letters Are Removed`Queue
General: This Flower Is Distilled Into An Attar, An Oil, And A Water`Rose
General: This Food, Hooked Up To An Eeg, Exhibited Movement Identical To The Brain Waves Of A Healthy Human Brain`Jell-O
General: This French Canadian Girl Has The Absolute Sexiest Smile In Existance`Joline
General: this french peasant girl led the army to victories`joan of arc
General: this frontiersman and politician was killed at the alamo`davey crockett
General: this group name suggests an unpleasant february 14th`my bloody valentine
General: this group, not joni mitchell, recorded the song one tin soldier`coven
General: This Group Of Artists Originally Called Festfolk Subsequently Changed The Name To Incorporate The First Initials Of The Performers`Abba
General: this group recorded the classic ironman`black sabbath
General: this imaginary line approximately follows the 180 degree meridian through the pacific ocean`international date line
General: This Isaac Asmiov Story Features An Unusual Robot That Wants To Become A Real Human Being`Bicentennial Man
General: This Is A Graphical Portrayal Of The Pattern Of Income Distribution At Any Particular Time`Lorenz Curve
General: This Is A Plant Like Protist That Typically Has Cell Walls That Look Like Plates Of Armor And Possesses Two Flagella, One Of Which Trails From One End Like A Tail And The Other Of Which Wraps Around The Middle Of The Organism Like A Belt`Dinoflagellate
General: This is a type of carpet or a breed of cat`persian
General: This is a type of small, fried, Indian bread`poori
General: This Is Called The 'Honeymoon Capital' Of The World`Niagara Falls
General: This Is Known As 'The Royal Disease'`Hemophilia
General: This Island Country Is South Of Malaysia`Singapore
General: This Island Group Is Off The East Coast Of Southern South America`Falkland Islands
General: this island was ulysses' home`ithaca
General: this isley brother died of a heart attack in 1986`okelly
General: This Is Like An Airplane But Has Its Propeller On Top Instead`Helicopter
General: This Is Odysseus' Hometown`Ithaca
General: this is poprb: before she can change her nick, she sometimes appears as jujubee`joanne
General: this is required to make all electric things work`electricity
General: this is said to be history's greatest military evacuation`dunkirk
General: this is the hardest naturally occurring substance`diamond
General: this is the only borough of new york city that is not on an island`bronx
General: This Is The Only Word Containing Only One Vowel Appearing Six Times`Indivisibility
General: This Is The Reading System Used By The Blind`Braille System
General: This Is The Residence Of English Monarchs`Buckingham Palace
General: This Is The Sandy Area Nearest The Ocean`Beach
General: This Is Used For Punching Holes In Leather`Awl
General: This Is Used To Smooth A Field`Harrow
General: This Lake Behind Hoover Dam Contains Enough Water To Supply 5,000 Gallons To Every Person On Earth`Lake Mead
General: This Large Bean-Shaped Lymph Gland Can Expand And Contract As Needed`Spleen
General: This Large, Black-Striped Feline Carnivore Is A Good Swimmer And Can Climb Trees`Tiger
General: This Law, Originating In England, Means 'You Have The Body' In Latin`Habeas Corpus
General: This Little Plastic Instrument Is Typically Forced Upon Children In Elementry School, And Slightly Resembles A Clarinet`Recorder
General: This Man Became South Korea's First Civilian Leader`Kim Young Sam
General: This Man, Famous For His Line Of Tractors, Got His Start By Selling Polished Steel Ploughs`John Deere
General: This Man Reached The South Pole December 1911`Amundsen
General: This Man Was Head Of Germany's Luftwaffe`Herman Goering
General: This Man Was Time Magazine's 1938 'Man Of The Year'`Adolf Hitler
General: This Means 'The Art Of Twisting Together Strands Of Material To Form Objects'. (_________)`Basketry
General: This Membrane Controls The Amount Of Light Entering The Eye`Iris
General: This Military Attack Took Place On Dec. 7,1941`Pearl Harbor
General: This More Efficient Distillate Of Coal Was One Of The Main Fuels Of The Industrial Revolution`Coke
General: This Mountain, Found In The California Cascades, Is Famous For It's Twin Peaks`Mount Shasta
General: this movie directed by woody allen won the best picture oscar in 1978`annie hall
General: this nazi leader had his six children poisoned prior to his own death`goebbels
General: This Nazi Leader Had His Six Children Poisoned Prior To His Own Death`Joseph Goebbels
General: This Newscaster For Abc Was Actually A High School Dropout`Peter Jennings
General: This Norwegian Navigator Explored And Founded Greenland (Circa 985)`Eric The Red
General: this order of insects contains the most species`beetle
General: this order of insects contains the most species`beetles
General: this organic gem is a deep red secretion from a marine animal`coral
General: This Organ Is A Small Pouch That Stores Bile`Gall Bladder
General: This Pacific Island's Puzzling Monoliths Attract Ethnologists`Easter Island
General: This Palm Device Was Used To Help Al And Sam 'Put Right' Things That Went Wrong In The Past`Ziggy
General: This Parasite Lives In The Intestines Of Man And Animals`Tapeworm
General: this pavement disk contains the songs cut your hair and range life`crooked rain crooked rain
General: This place in Germany is also the name of a (popular) cake`black forest
General: This Planet Has An Atmosphere That Is 98 Percent Helium`Mercury
General: This Planet's Diameter Is Most Equal To That Of The Earth's`Venus
General: This Poisonous Gas Is In The Exhaust Fumes From Cars`Carbon Monoxide
General: This Poisonous, Oily Liquid Occurs In Tobacco Leaves`Nicotine
General: This Polish Astronomer Is Known For Believing That Earth Revolves Around The Sun`Nicholas Copernicus
General: This Pouty French Beauty Became World Cinema's Reigning Sex Symbol After Marilyn Monroe's Death`Brigitte Bardot
General: This Powerful Medieval City Was The Centerpiece Of A Burgeoning African Civilization That Lasted For Several Centuries. Its Extensive Ruins Are Considered By Many To Be The Greatest Archaeological Site In Sub-Saharan Africa`Great Zimbabwe
General: This President Advocated New Freedom`Woodrow Wilson
General: This President Wanted The Usa To Join The League Of Nations`Woodrow Wilson
General: This President Was Once Arrested For Exceeding The Speed Limit While Driving A Team Of Horses`Ulysses S Grant
General: This Pretty Mix Of Blue And Green Is A Favourite Winter Colour. In Its Noun Form It Is Also A Kind Of Bird. Which Is The Answer`Teal
General: This Private Has The Dubious Honour Of Being The First Soldier To Die In The Civil War`Daniel Hough
General: this prolific writer, famous for his humorous novels and short stories, occasionally used the pen name c. p. west`p. g. wodehouse
General: This queen of France was beheaded in 1793`marie antoinette
General: This Quiz Show, Emceed By Allen Ludden, Featured A 60 Second 'Lightning`Password
General: This Racist Organisation Was Formed In Tennessee In 1865`The Ku Klux Klan
General: this racist organization was formed in tennessee in 1865`ku klux klan
General: This Radical Agrarian Communist Organisation Controlled Cambodia In The 1970s Until The Vietnamese Removed Them From Power`Khmer Rouge
General: This Radio Station Is The Only Station In America Where The Call Letters Also Spell Out The Name Of The City It Serves`Waco
General: this ranks as the number one sexual act desired by heterosexual men`fellatio
General: This Re-Opened In 1975 After Being Closed For 8 Years`Suez Canal
General: This River In Ohio Was Once Known As The River Of Fire During The 1940's And 50's Due To Repeated Instances Of Pollutants On Its' Surface Igniting`Cuyahoga River
General: this river passes through germany, austria, slovakia, hungary, croatia, yugoslavia, romania, blugaria and ukraine before arriving at the black sea. name the river`danube
General: this roman killed himself after his defeat at actium`marc antony
General: This Section Of Manhattan Is Noted For Its Negro And Latin American Residents`Harlem
General: This Shakespearean King Was The Actual King Of Scotland For 17 Years`Macbeth
General: This Sign Called '&'`Ampersand
General: This Singer, Best Known For The Song About His Girlfriend Donna, Was Killed In A Plane Crash With Singer Buddy Holly`Richie Valens
General: this small animal is trained to hunt rats and rabbits`ferret
General: this small gland attached to the brain exerts a control over growth`pituitary gland
General: this song by the knack released in 1979 featured the stuttering line mmmmymymy`my sharona
General: This Song By The Shirelles, Fought Its Way To The Top Of The Pop Chart`Soldier Boy
General: This Song Singed By Boney M`Brown Girl In The Ring
General: This South Carolinian Asserted That States Had The Right To Nullify Federal Laws In The South Carolina Exposition And Protest, Written In 1828`John Caldwell Calhoun
General: this spaniard conquered mexico`cortez
General: This Spikey Succulent, Native Of Africa Is Often An Additive In Creams And Lotions`Aloe Vera
General: This State's Official State Bird Is The Cardinal`Ohio
General: This State Was Created In 1861 Because It Voted Against Slavery`West Virginia
General: This Station Was The Last Of Its Kind And The Last Best Hope For Peace`Babylon 5
General: This Stone Enabled Scholars To Decipher Egyptian Hieroglyphs`Rosetta Stone
General: This Structure Is So Heavy It Depressed The Earth's Crust By 7 Inches`Hoover Dam
General: This Structure Is So Heavy It Has Caused Over 6,000 Earthquakes`Hoover Dam
General: This Swiss Protestant Indirectly Supported Luther And Believed In Predestination`John Calvin
General: This Teen Was Sentenced To A Public Caning In Singapore In 1994`Michael Fay
General: This Term For The Hot, Muggy Days Of Summer Refers To The Fact That Such Weather Occurs When Sirius, In Canis Major, Is High In The Sky`Dog Days
General: This Term Means 'Cone-Bearing Trees'`Conifers
General: This Term Refers To Any Crown-Shaped Structure. It's Also The Name Of A Beer`Corona
General: This Territory Held A Referendum Where Residents Chose Not To Pursue Statehood`Puerto Rico
General: This Tony Award-Winning Musical Is Actually A Thinly Veiled Biography Of Diana Ross And The Supremes`Dreamgirls
General: This Tribe, Generally Found In Nigeria, Create Wooden Statues Based On Twin Figures , Called 'Ibeji'`Yoruba
General: This Type Of Power, The Opposite Of Fission, Has Not Been Perfected Yet`Fusion Power
General: This vegetable is a variety of broccoli`calabrese
General: This War Began On June 25,1950`Korean War
General: this was michael's debut song with the jackson five`abc
General: This Was The Beatle's First Film`Hard Day's Night
General: This Was The Capital Of Egypt During The Old Kingdom`Memphis
General: This Was The First 3-D Film`Bwana Devil
General: This Was The First Cartoon Talking Picture`Steamboat Willie
General: This Was The Largest Real Estate Deal In U.S. History`Louisiana Purchase
General: This Was (Until The Alaska Purchase) The Largest Real Estate Deal In Us History`The Louisiana Purchase
General : This word can refer to either an Irish accent or an Irish shoe`brogue
General: This Word Describes The Nazi Annihilation Of Jews`Holocaust
General: This Word Is Notably Absent From The Lyrics Of The Star Spangled Banner`America
General: this word is used as the international radio distress call`mayday
General: This Word Means 'Split Personality'`Schizophrenia
General: This World Class Model Recently Crashed In A Helicopter`Christie Brinkley
General: This World Leader Visited Denver, Colorado For World Youth Day`John Paul Ii
General: Thomas Edison Had A Collection Of 5,000`Birds
General: Thomas Young the Physicist and Egyptologist spoke how many language when he was 14`twelve
General: Thoreau Quotations: 'Do Not Follow Where The Path May Lead. Go Instead Where There Is No Path And Leave A Trail.'`George Bernard Shaw
General: Though Formed In The 60's This Band Became One Of The Most Populas Randb Groups Of The 80's After 'Celebration' Hit The Charts In Late '79`Kool And The Gang
General: though he is best known for classic film treatments of shakespeare's plays, what great actor was equally effective playing a chilling dentist in marathon man (1976)`laurence olivier
General: Though Science Had Been Convinced It Was Impossible, What Kind Of Plum Did Luther Burbank Create`Pitless Plum
General: Thousands Of Creatures Fell In Sacramento, Ca In August,1870. These Creatures Covered The Roof Of The Local Opera House And The Surrounding Area. What Were They`Lizards
General: threading tubing into the urethra`catherization
General: Three American Astronauts Died In A Fire While Performing A Launch Simulation In Their Command Module During Which Program`Apollo
General: Three Fourths Of Household _____ Is Used To Flush The Toilet And Take Baths And Showers`Water
General: Three Main Types Of Greek Columns Are Doric, Ionic, And`Corinthian
General: Three Million ____ Are Abandoned Every Year In The United States`Cars
General: Three of the following U S Presidents appeared at one time or another on what is my line which one did not Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George Bush`george bush
General: three under par on a hole of golf is called a(n)`albatross
General: Throat, Foxing, And Platform Are Parts Of A(N)`Shoe
General: Throat, Foxing, & Platform Are Parts Of A(N)`Shoe
General: Through 1963 This Duo's Total Record Sales Exceeded 18 Million With Successes Including 'Cathy's Clown' And 'Wake Up Little Suzie'`The Everly Brothers
General: Throughout The South Pacific, No Building Is Taller Than The Tallest ____`Palm Tree
General: Throughout The South Pacific, No ________ Is Taller Than The Tallest Palm Tree`Building
General: Through The Streets Of What Town Did Lady Godiva Ride Naked`Coventry
General: Through What Canadian City Does The Red River Run`Winnipeg
General: Through What Were Dead Egyptian Pharaohs' Brains Extracted`Nasal Passages
General: Through Which Volcano Did Jules Verne's Explorers Leave The Centre Of The Earth`Stromboli
General: Tibetan Prayer Flags Are Printed From Wooden Blocks Onto Coloured Cotton, Or Polyester. They Are Traditionally Five Colours. What Are These Five Colours`Yellow, Green, Red, White, And Blue
General: Tickets For Frank Sinatra's First Solo Performance At The Paramount Theatre In ___ ____ ____ In 1942, Sold For 35 Cents Each`New York City
General: Tickets For Frank Sinatra's First Solo Performance At The Paramount Theatre In New York City In 1942, Sold For __ _____ Each`35 Cents
General: Tickets For _____ _______'S First Solo Performance At The Paramount Theatre In New York City In 1942, Sold For 35 Cents Each`Frank Sinatra's
General: Tic-Tac-Toe is based on which game`nine men morris
General: Time Magazine Lists The Second Most Powerful Person In Washington In 1993`Hillary Rodham Clinton
General: Time Magazine Named What Its 'Man Of The Year' In 1982`Computer
General: titanic spent more consecutive weeks as the us's #1 movie at the box office than any other ever. what rival film finally sank titanic`lost in space
General: title & last name of lyricist: your good-byes left me with eyes that cry`all of me/simons
General: Titus Oates Was The Instigator Of Which Historical Plot`Popish
General: Tmp Says 'Moe Is A ... ' What`Putz
General: To A Competitive Swimmer, What Does The Abbreviation D.P.S. Mean`Distance Per Stroke
General: Tobacco Grows From Seeds So Small That It Takes 350,000 Of Them To Make An`Ounce
General: to be suspicious is to smell a`rat
General: To Clean _________ ______ Bottoms Of Pots And Pans, Spread A Little Ketchup Onto The Bottom. Let It Sit For About One Minute. Wipe It Clean And Rinse`Tarnished Copper
General: To Commit The First Act Of Hostility Or Offense`Aggress
General: To 'Crack' A Whip, The Tip Must Be Travelling Faster Than`The Speed Of Sound
General: Toilets In Australia Flush __________ Clockwise`Counter
General: To Keep A Corpse's Lips Shut, Undertakers Pass A Suture Through The _____ ______ And Tie It To The Lower Lip, Or Use An Injector Needle Gun To Place Wires Into The Lower And Upper Jaws: These Are Then Twisted Together To Close The Mouth`Nasal Septum
General: To Keep A Corpse's Lips Shut, Undertakers Pass A ______ Through The Nasal Septum And Tie It To The Lower Lip, Or Use An Injector Needle Gun To Place Wires Into The Lower And Upper Jaws: These Are Then Twisted Together To Close The Mouth`Suture
General: To Keep Knives Sharp, Do Not Cut On Glass, Porcelain, Or _____`Metal Surfaces
General: To Keep Knives Sharp, Do Not Cut On _____, Porcelain, Or Metal Surfaces`Glass
General: To Make All The Text Align Against The Left Or Right Margins Is Called`Justification
General: To Make More Food Available To Larvae, Female Wasps Stuff ___ Wasps Into Empty Nest Cells`Male
General: Tom Clancy: The I in DDI (Ryan's position in the CIA at one point) stands for this`intelligence
General: tom clancy: what is cia agent clark's real name`kelly
General: tom clancy: what relation does fighter pilot robby jackson have to jack ryan, jr`godfather
General: Tom Hanks Won The 1993 Academy Award For His Performance In Which Movie`Philadelphia
General: Tommy Lee Jones And __ ____ Were Freshman Roommates At Harvard`Al Gore
General: Tommy Lee Jones Had This Well Known Politician And Presidential Candidate As A Roommate At Harvard`Al Gore
General: Tomography Is A Scanning Technique Which Uses X-Rays For Photographing Particular Slices Of The What`Body
General: tom petty insisted don't ____ ______ ____ __`come around here no more
General: Tongeren Is The Oldest Town In`Belgium
General: tony orlando &`dawn
General: Tony The Tiger, Cartoon Mascot Of Kellogg's Frosted Flakes Since The Early 1950s, Was Called 'Tom-Tom The Tiger' In The Island Nation Of`Grenada
General: To Offer For Consideration: To ________ An Argument`Propound
General: To Pass _._. ____ _____ ________, Young Female Recruits Must Do 17 Pushups In Two Minutes. Males Must Do 40 Pushups In Two Minutes`U.S. Army Basic Training
General: Top Bar Of A Hurdle Called`Gatebar
General: top forty songs: this duo had problems when we discovered that they didn't sing on their 3 #1s`milli vanilli
General: top forty songs: this rupert holmes' hit in 1979 was subtitled the pina colada song`escape
General: Toppenish Is The Headquarters Of What Native American Nation`Yakima
General: to prevent 'the bends', deep-sea divers breath a mixture of oxygen and which other gas`helium
General: To Satisfy Appetites Or Desires`Sate
General: To Take An Axe To Wood Would Be To ____ It`Chop
General: Total color blindness is medically know as what`monochromatism
General: To Talk To An Operator On The Phone, You Press The _ Key`0
General: To 'Testify' Was Based On Men In The Roman Court Swearing To A Statement Made By Swearing On What`Their Testicles
General: To The Chattanooga Aquarium Is Devoted`Freshwater Fish
General: To The Nearest 0.1 Km, How Many Kilometers In A Mile`1.6
General: To The Nearest 1 Percent, What Percentage Of The Us Tv Audience Watched The Final Episode Of Mash In 1983`60%
General: To The Nearest $50, How Much Does Amtrak Lose On Each Ticket It Sells On The Sunset Ltd (La To Fla)`350
General: To The Nearest Minute, How Long Does It Take Sunlight To Reach Earth`Eight
General: To The Nearest One Million Miles, How Far Is The Sun From The Earth`93
General: To The Question Posed By An Ohio Band In The 1970s: 'Are We Not Men?', The Answer Is, 'We Are ___!'`Devo
General: _______ To The 'Star-Spangled Banner' Is Against The Law In Several American States`Dancing
General: To The World Of Sport, What Does The Acronym Wada Represent`World Anti-Doping Agency
General: To Throw Out Of The Window`Defenestrate
General: Tourists Visiting Iceland Should Know That _______ At A Restaurant Is Considered An Insult`Tipping
General: Tourists Visiting Iceland Should Know That Tipping At A Restaurant Is Considered An`Insult
General: Towards Which Direction Does The Tower Of Pisa Lean`South
General: To '____' Was Based On Men In The Roman Court Swearing To A Statement Made By Swearing On Their Testicles`Testify
General: To What Can Keratitis Lead`Blindness
General: To What Category Of Numbers Does 'Pi'belong`Transcendental
General: To What Comedy Team Did Shemp Howard Belong`Three Stooges
General: to what country do the faeroe islands belong`denmark
General: To What Did John Lennon Change His Middle Name`Ono
General: To What Did Touching The Ark Of The Covenant Lead`Death
General: To What Is A Bibulous Person Addicted To`Alcohol
General: To What Planet Was Billy Pilgrim Taken And Displayed In Vonnegut's 'Slaughterhouse-Five'`Tralfalmadore
General: To What Was Colonel Potter, Of 'Mash' Fame, Allergic`Tomato Juice
General: To What Was Dracula Referring To As 'Children Of The Night'`Wolves
General: To which Berkshire destination did C.N.D. march from London each Easter beginning in the late 1950s`aldermaston
General: to which elemetary school did tv's 'the brady bunch' go`dixie canyon elementary
General: To which god was mount Parnasus sacred`apollo
General: To which island was Napoleon exiled, after his loss at Waterloo`st helena`saint helena
General: To Which Rap Star Was Puff Daddys Every Step You Take Dedicated`Notorious Big
General: To Which World War I Alliance Did Turkey And Bulgaria Belong To`Central Powers
General: To Within 30 Feet, How Tall Is The Eiffel Tower`984
General: To Within 3 Mph, At What Speed In M.P.H. Does A Wind Become A Hurricane`73
General: Town In The West Bank, Near Jerusalem, Controlled Since 1967 By Israel Though Administered Since 1995 By The Palestinian Authority`Bethlehem
General: Toys: Board game involving rapid climbing and tragic sliding`chutes and ladders
General: Toys Games: D&D stands for this`dungeons and dragons
General: Toys Games: Originally an exercise ring, Indonesia banned it as might stimulate passion`hula hoop
General: toys games: this game of chance was originally called 'beano'`bingo
General: toys games: this is the oldest board game still played (5000 yr old boards were found)`backgammon
General: Traditionally, On What Are Clowns Faces Painted To Register The Design`Eggshells
General: traffic instrumental that precedes freedom rider`glad
General: Traffic Trivia: Red means stop, _____ means go`green
General: Training A Knight Took Years, An Archer, Months: What Sword-Like Weapon, Developed In 1475, Took A Day To Learn, And Revolutionized Warfare`Pike
General: Tramp's Nickname For Lady In 'Lady And The Tramp'`Pidge
General: Translate 'Simba' From Swahili Into English`Lion
General: ___________ Translates To ' River Of January'`Rio De Janeiro
General: Transposition Of The Letters Of A Word Or Phrase To Form A New Word Or Phrase`Anagram
General: Transylvania Is In Which Present Day Country`Romania
General: Trap Regulations In California For _______ Fisherman Require An Escape Port For Undersized _______S`Lobster
General: Travelers At A Way Station In The Arizona Desert Are Held Up By Gangstersdescribes Which Bette Davis Film`The Petrified Forest
General: Traveling At ___ _____ __ _____, You Could Fly Around The Earth's Equator Seven Times In One Second`The Speed Of Light
General: Treat religious name or subject irreverently`blaspheme
General: 'Trebekking', In Trivia Circles, Means, Affecting Foreign Accents Or Attempting Celebrity Impressions, And Is Named For The Host Of Which Quiz Show`Jeopardy
General: Tremonton, Utah Law States That No Woman Is Allowed To Have Sex With A Man While Riding In An ____.In Addition The Woman's Name Will Be Published In The Local Newspaper. The Man Doesn't Get Punished`Ambulance
General: Trench Warfare Was Most Prevalent In What War`World War I
General: Triangular Part Of Wall At The End Of A Ridged Roof`Gable
General: trichopathophilia is sexual attraction to what`hair
General: Triomphe The Pope's Pontificial Ring`Fisherman's Ring
General: triple sec, tequila, and lemon or lime juice make a(n)`margarita
General: Triplets: Hook, line and`sinker
General: Trobriand Islanders (Off The Coast Of New Guinea) Have Euphemism For Having Sex That Translates To 'Scraping The _______.'`Tapioca
General: True Identity Of Batgirl`Babs Gordon
General: True Laws: In Alabama, It's Illegal To Be Wearing This While Driving`Blindfold
General: True Laws: In Alaska, It Is Illegal To Look At These From Any Airborne Vehicle`Moose
General: True Laws: In Atwoodville, Ct, It Is Illegal To Play This While Waiting For A Politician To Speak`Scrabble
General: True Laws: In Breton, Alabama, It Is Illegal To Ride Down The Town's Streets In A Motorized One Of These`Boat
General: True Laws: In Cleveland, Ohio, A Hunting License Is Required To Catch These`Mice
General: True Laws: In Florida, It's Illegal To Sing In Public While Wearing What`Swimsuit
General: True Laws: In Georgia, It's Illegal To Keep This Animal In A Bathtub`Donkey
General: True Laws: In Hazelton, Pa, It Is Illegal To Drink This While Lecturing To Students In A School`Soda
General: True Laws: In Oklahoma, It's Illegal To Put The Hind Legs Of A Farm Animal In What`Boots
General: True Laws: In Providence, Rhode Island, It's Illegal To Sell One Of These On A Sunday`Toothbrush
General: True Laws: In San Salvador, This Offense Is Punishable By Death`Drunk Driving
General: True Laws: In St. Louis, Mo, It Is Illegal To Drink Beer Out Of One Of These If You're Sitting On A Curb`Bucket
General: True Laws: In Tennessee, What Is The Only Animal That Can Be Legally Shot From A Moving Vehicle`Whale
General: True Laws: In Vermont, It's Illegal To Do This While Underwater`Whistle
General: True Laws: In Vermont, It's Illegal To Tie This Animal To A Telephone Pole`Giraffe
General: True Laws: In Wyoming, It's Illegal To Take A Picture Of This Animal In The Month Of June`Rabbit
General: True Laws: It Is Illegal To Hunt This Animal In Arizona`Camel
General: True Laws: The Encyclopedia Brittanica Is Banned In Texas Because It Contains Instructions On Manufacturing What`Beer
General: t.s. eliot's old possum's book of practical cats is the basis for this musical`cats
General: tune: I can't understand what makes a man hate another man`people are people
General: tune : phony beatlemania has bitten the dust!`london calling
General: Turkey ______ - American Traditional Sporting Competition (A Favorite Of Sgt. Alvin York): Now Strongly Opposed By Anti-Cruelty Activists`Turkey Shoot
General: 'Turkey In The ______' -- American Traditional Song`'Turkey In The Straw'
General: Turkish City And Port On The Bosporus`Istanbul
General: Turning A Clock's Hands Counterclockwise While Setting It Is Not Necessarily Harmful. It Is Only Damaging When The Timepiece Contains A _______`Chiming Mechanism
General: Turpentine Comes From What Tree`The Terebinth
General: Turquoise Was Once Called`Turkey Stone
General: Tuscany is a major wine producing region of which country`italy
General: tv actresses: emma peel on the avengers`diana rigg
General: tv: comedy which starred toodie and muldoon`car 54 where are you
General: TV/Movies: Category: Highlander: What is the only way to truly kill an immortal`beheading
General: TV/Movies: Category: Kids in the Hall: First Kid to join the cast of SNL`mark mckinney
General: TV/Movies: Category: Kulture: Film in which Divine consumes a fresh dog turd`pink flamingos
General: TV/Movies: Category: Moronic Duo 1: The genre of food that B&B most like`mexican
General: TV/Movies: Category: Quality Movies: Produced Howards End and The Remains of the Day`ismael merchant
General: TV/Movies: Category: Tarantino: Which one of the crooks in RD refuses to leave a tip`mr pink
General: TV/Movies: Category: World Of Disney: What is the only Disney animated feature that has received a PG rating`black cauldron
General: TV/Movies: For what team did ty cobb play in the nbc telemovie babe ruth`none
General: TV/Movies: Fox TV: What Fox show did comedienne Kim Coles perform in before _Living Single`in living color
General: TV/Movies: Full House: Name the three daughters, in order of oldest to youngest (no commas)`dj stephanie michelle
General: TV/Movies: Game Shows: Host of the $100,000 Pyramid and the $25,000 Pyramid`dick clark
General: TV/Movies: How much would contestants win if you could not make me laugh on tv`one dollar per minute
General: TV/Movies: In Mandingo II, Garrett Morris kissed this football player`o.j. simpson
General: TV/Movies: In the series gentle ben, what was the name of ben's young companion`mark wedloe
General: TV/Movies: In which 1996 movie did michael keaton clone himself`multiplicity
General: TV/Movies: John Denver & George Burns appeared together in what 1977 film`oh god!
General: TV/Movies: Katey segal plays the part of peggy in this tv show`married with children
General: TV/Movies: Longtime companions loni anderson & burt reynolds marry in`florida
General: TV/Movies: Marx Movies: The last film together of the brothers`love happy
General: TV/Movies: MASH: Colonel Blake is from this state`illinois
General: TV/Movies: Movie In Which: Jessica Lange, Sissy Spaceck, and Diane Keaton play the McGrath sisters`crimes of the heart
General: TV/Movies: Movie Lines: Come Kirsti, time to play`hellraiser
General: TV/Movies: Movie Lines: Drive carefully, don't forget to fasten your condom`father of the bride
General: TV/Movies: Movie Quotes: You go up there & get a baby H.I.!`raising arizona
General: TV/Movies: Movie That Features: Sam, a piano player in a bar`casablanca
General: TV/Movies: Name one of the major stars in scarecrow`al pacino
General: TV/Movies: Neighbours & home & away come from what country`australia
General: TV/Movies: On what game show was the phrase big bucks, big bucks, no whammy, no whammy, and...stop!`press your luck
General: TV/Movies: PBS TV: What musical instrument does Bertie Wooster play`piano
General: TV/Movies: Quantum Leap 2: Al's rank in the present, at Project Quantum Leap time (omit Retired)`rear admiral
General: TV/Movies: Robotech: Name of the alien ambassador, second in command of the alien fleet`exedore
General: TV/Movies: Seinfeld: Kramer got her a pineapple Italian Ice`bette midler
General: TV/Movies: Seinfield: Name of the pilot they wrote for NBC`jerry
General: TV/Movies: SNL: When they appeared on Family Feud, Richard Dawson French kissed them`coneheads
General: TV/Movies: Star Trek Next Gen Chars: This omnipotent letter makes live interesting on the old 1701D`q
General: TV/Movies: Tag Lines: What is the name of Aladdin's pet monkey`abu
General: TV/Movies: The Cleaner pours acid on a still living man`la femme nikita
General: TV/Movies: the final dance number always had lots of bubbles`lawrence welk show
General: TV/Movies: This movie had mira sorvino playing the role of a callgirl, in which she won an oscar`mighty aphrodite
General: TV/Movies: TV Actresses: Emma Peel on The Avengers`diana rigg
General: TV/Movies: What 1991 film role went to kevin costner when turned down by harrison ford`jim garrison in jfk
General: TV/Movies: What actor starred in death wish`charles bronson
General: TV/Movies: What cartoon hero had this as there secret identity Penrod Ppooch`hong kong phooey
General: TV/Movies: What child actress received a miniature oscar in 1944`margaret obrien
General: TV/Movies: What company was the original sponsor of tvs superman`kelloggs
General: TV/Movies: What cowboy did William Boyd play`hopalong cassidy
General: TV/Movies: What disney movie features the last line goodbye herbie`love bug
General: TV/Movies: What famous athlete appeared in the Towering Inferno`oj simpson
General: TV/Movies: What is the first movie Winona was in`lucas
General: TV/Movies: What movie did Sharon Stone land the lead in after it was nixed by Kim Basinger, Ellen Barkin, Michelle Pfeiffer & Geena Davis`basic instinct
General: TV/Movies: What smash sitcom did lisa kudrow make her tv debut on, in 1982`cheers
General: TV/Movies: What tv show took place at the convent san tanco`flying nun
General: TV/Movies: What tv sitcom opens with the theme making our dreams come true`laverne & shirley`laverne and shirley
General: TV/Movies: What was goldfinger's first name`auric
General: TV/Movies: What was the first talking picture filmed by MGM (1928)`alias jimmy valentine
General: TV/Movies: What was the name of the dog in RCA Victor's trademark`nipper
General: TV/Movies: When was the show Leave It To Beaver first aired`21097
General: TV/Movies: Which city had the first movie theatre in the us`los angeles
General: TV/Movies: Which film had the following line i love the smell of napalm in the morning`apocalypse now
General: tv pets: name the one-eyed dog on tales of the gold monkey`jack
General: tv themes: everywhere you look, everywhere you go`full house
General: tv top cops: bochco's attempt at singing police officers (lasted about 1 ep :)`cop rock
General: tv top cops: bochco's classic emmy winning ensemble piece`hill street blues
General: tv: what detective agency's motto is 'we never sleep'`pinkertons
General: tv:what friend of tv's tom magnum regularly refers to his two watchdogs as lads`jonathan higgins
General: tv: what is the frog's name in the muppet show`kermit d frog
General: tv: what soap character announced in 1986: pam, it's over. none of that happened`bobby ewing
General: tv: what's the name of star trek's captain jean-luc picard's fish`livingston
General: tv:where did howdy doody live`doodyville
General: tv: you'd find julie, doc, gopher, and isaac on this show`love boat
General: Twenty-Four-Karat Gold Is Not Pure Gold: There Is A Small Amount Of Copper In It. Absolutely Pure Gold Is So Soft That It Can Be ______ ____ ___`Molded With The Hands
General: Twenty-Four-Karat Gold Is Not Pure Gold: There Is A Small Amount Of ______ In It. Absolutely Pure Gold Is So Soft That It Can Be Molded With The Hands`Copper
General: Twenty Kinds Of ______ Are Described In The 'Kama Sutra, ' The Classical Indian Text On Eroticism`Kisses
General: Twenty Kinds Of Kisses Are Described In The 'Kama Sutra, ' The Classical Indian Text On`Eroticism
General: Twenty Kinds Of Kisses Are Described In The '____ _____, ' The Classical Indian Text On Eroticism`Kama Sutra
General: Twenty Two Carat Gold Has 916 Parts Per`Thousand Pure Gold
General: Twenty Two Carat Gold Has ___ Parts Per Thousand Pure Gold`916
General: Twenty-Two Inches Is The Minimum Legal Length For Commercial Sale Of __________`California Halibut
General: Two 747's Collided Here In 1977`Canary Islands
General: Two Angles That Total 180 Degrees Are Called`Supplementary
General: Two Bands From Athens, Georgia`R.E.M. And The B-52's
General: Two Countries Occupy The Scandinavian Peninsula. Name Them Both`Norway And Sweden
General: two former members of what group formed hot tuna`jefferson airplane
General: Two In Every Three Buyers Pays The Sticker Price For What Item Without Arguing`Automobile
General: Two Million Years Ago, The First Truly _________ Creatures Appeared On Earth`Humanlike
General: Two Of The Permanent Residents Of Fawlty Towers Were Old Ladies. One Is Miss Tibbs, The Name Of The Other`Miss Gatsby
General: Two Songs By Fats Domino Have A Colour In Them. What Colour Is It`Blue
General: Two South American Countries Have No Coastline, Bolivia Is One The Other`Paraguay
General: Two Young Men Kill Prep-School Pal, Just For The Thrill Of It, And Challenge Themselves By Inviting Friends And Family To Their Apartment Afterwards`Rope
General: Tylenol, Darvon, And Aspirin Are Examples Of`Analgesics
General: Type 316 Is An Example Of This Type Of Stainless Steel`Austenitic
General: Type Of Map Covered With Isobars Is A`Weather Map
General: Typically, Japanese Men Graduate From College, And Work Their Entire Life At One Company: Collectively They Are Known By What One Word`Salaryman
General: Typographical Error, In Short`Typo
General: uk 50s: the 1951 festival of britain was centred on which city`london
General: ulna, radius, and clavicle are types of`bone
General: Under California Law, What Fish May Only Be Caught By Using Bare Hands`Grunion
General: Underground Cemetry`Catacomb
General: Under My Wheels And 'Be My Lover' Were Hot Cuts Off 'Killer' His 1971 Release`Alice Cooper
General: Underneath The Great Icy Plains Of The Antarctic Can Sometimes Be Found Little Pools Of`Unfrozen Water
General: Under Norwegian Law, A _____ ____ May Be Shot Only If Deemed A Menace`Polar Bear
General: Under Norwegian Law, A Polar Bear May Be Shot Only If Deemed A`Menace
General: Undertakers Report That Human Bodies Do Not Deteriorate As Quickly As They Used To. The Reason, They Believe, Is That The Modern Diet Contains So Many _____________ That These Chemicals Tend To Prevent The Body From Decomposition Too Rapidly After Death`Preservatives
General: Under What Name Did Michael Barratt Have Four Number One Hits In The 1980s`Shakin' Stevens
General: Under What Name Did Norma Jean Mortenson Become Famous`Marilyn Monroe
General: Under What Name Did The Dominos Pizza Chain Get Its Start`Dominicks
General: Under What Name Is Thomas Lanier Williams Better Known`Tennessee Williams
General: under what river does the holland tunnel run`hudson
General: Under What River Does The Holland Tunnel Run`The Hudson
General: Under What Structure Was The First Nuclear Reactor Built In Chicago`Football Stadium
General: Unfriendly, Cold And Sexually Unresponsive`Frigid
General: Unidentified Remains Of A Soldier Killed In Action, Ceremonially Entombed As The Representative Of All The War Dead Of His Country, And Accorded National Honours`Unknown Soldier
General: Unique About The Sentence 'The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog.'`Uses Every Letter In The Alphabet Once
General: United States Naval Academy Students Are Called What`Midshipmen
General: Unit Of Weight Measuring Fineness Of Silk And Nylon`Denier
General: Unsurpassed Magician Ricky Jay Can Throw A Playing Card 90 Mph: The Card May Travel ____ Feet (A Round Figure, And, A Phenomenal Distance)`190
General: Unsurpassed Magician Ricky Jay Can Throw A Playing Card __ Mph: (A Round Figure, And, A Phenomenal Speed: The Card May Travel 190 Feet)`90
General: Until 1796, There Was A State In The United States Called Franklin. Today It's Known As What`Tennessee
General: Until 1796, The State Of Tennessee Had This Name`Franklin
General: Until 1796, Which State In The U.S Was Known As Franklin`Tennessee
General: Until 1893, ________ Was Legal In The United States. The First Anti-________ Law Was Passed In Georgia, But It Only Made The Violation Punishable By Four Years In Prison`Lynching
General: Until 1997, The Best-Selling Single In History Was A Christmas Song. Name The Song`White Christmas
General: Until About 150 Years Ago, ___________ Was Required By Law In England`Churchgoing
General: Until The 1950's, Tibetans Disposed Of Their Dead By Taking The Body Up A Hill, Hacking It Into Little Pieces, And _______ ___ _______ __ ___`Feeding The Remains To The Birds
General: Until The 19th Century, Solid Blocks Of Tea Were Used As Money In`Siberia
General: Until The 19th Century, Solid Blocks Of ___ Were Used As Money In Siberia`Tea
General: Until The Dinner Plate Was Introduced In The 15th Century, It Was Customary To Eat On What`Bread
General: Until The End Of The 20th Century, What Was The Most Popular Name Adopted By The Popes`John
General: Until The Nineteenth Century, Solid Blocks Of Tea Were Used As _____ In Siberia`Money
General: Until The Nineteenth Century, Solid Blocks Of Tea Were Used As Money In`Siberia
General: Until There Was A Pay Raise In 1814, U.S. ___________ Were Paid $6 Per Diem When Congress Was In Session`Congressmen
General: Unu And Ne Win Have Been Leading Figures In The Post- 1945 History Of Which Country`Burma
General: Upon Which Hand Did Michael Jackson Wear His Famous Glove`His Right
General: Uranus' Moons Are All Named After`Shakespearean Women
General: Urea is essentially made up of carbon dioxide and which other chemical`ammonia
General: Uri Geller, The Professional Psychic Was Born On December 20 1946. As To The Origin Of His Alleged Powers, Mr Geller Maintains That They Come From The Distant Planet Of`Hoova
General: Uruguay's Chief Port`Montevideo
General: us capitals - alabama`montgomery
General: us capitals - idaho`boise
General: us capitals - indiana`indianapolis
General: us capitals - kentucky`frankfort
General: us capitals - nevada`carson city
General: us capitals - new york`albany
General: us capitals - north dakota`bismarck
General: us capitals - washington`olympia
General: u.s. capitals: what is the capital of idaho`boise
General: u.s. capitals: what is the capital of indiana`indianapolis
General: u.s. capitals: what is the capital of new york`albany
General: us capitals - wisconsin`madison
General: U S captials Arizona`phoenix
General: US Captials Arkansas`little rock
General: U S captials Montana`helena
General: Used In A Field To Ward Off Unwelcome Birds`Scarecrow
General: Used In E-Mail And Online Conversations To Convey Tone And Mood Along With The Words`Emoticon
General: Used In Light Bulbswhat Is The Most Common Of The Inert Gases`Argon
General: Used To Lift Fingerprints From Difficult Surfaces`Super Glue
General: Used To Measure Horizontal And Vertical Angles In Surveying`A Theodolite
General: Used To Measure The Depth Of Water`Bathometer
General: Useless Facts: According to a recent poll, 39 percent of the people interviewed admitted that they snoop in their host's`medicine cabinets
General: Useless Facts: Americans spend more money on ------------ every year than they spend on baby food`dog food
General: Useless Facts: Elephants are the only animals that can't`jump
General: Useless Facts: In 1990, the children's classic --------------- was pulled from the optional reading lists for 5th- and 6th-graders in Clay County, Florida, because the book reportedly used objectionable language`my friend flicka
General: Useless Facts: In ancient Egypt, Priests _______ EVERY hair from their bodies, including their eyebrows and eyelashes`plucked
General: Useless Facts: In the tenth century, the Grand Vizier of ------- took his entire library with him wherever he went. The 117,000-volume library was carried by camels trained to walk in alphabetical order`persia
General: useless facts: roughly ----------- percent of the population of the under-developed world is under 15 years old`fourty
General: useless facts: soft drinks are american's favorite beverage. water ranks #2, and milk is #3. the average american drinks about ----------- gallons of soft drinks per year`fifty two
General: Useless Facts: The famous Rosetta Stone was found in 1799 near the town of Rosetta in north , on the Nile`egypt
General: Useless Facts: The last person to be ------------- in France, Hamida Djandoubi, was executed in 1977`guillotined
General: Useless Facts: There are 6,272,640 square inches in an`acre
General: Useless Facts: When Franklin D. Roosevelt died on April 12, 1945, ------------- became the first U.S. president to take office in the midst of a war`harry truman
General: Using Morse Code, What Is Trasmitting Using 3 Dots,3 Dashes And 3 Dots`Distress Signal
General: Using Standard Keyboarding, What Is The Longest Word That Can Be Typed With Only The Left Hand`Stewardesses
General: Using Standard Keyboarding, What Is The Longest Word That Can Be Typed With Only The Right Hand`Lollipop
General: Us President, Richard Nixon, Tried To Offer Tactics To An`American Football Team
General: U.S. President, Woodrow`wilson
General: Ussr How Much Did David Letterman Pay To Have Miss Ussr On His Show`Four Cartons Of Cigarettes
General: Usually Given To 'Trick Or Treaters'`Candy
General: uxoravalent are only able to do this (applied to men)`attain sex extramaritally
General: vaduz is the capital of`liechtenstein
General: Valentine In An Average Lifetime, The Average American Gives Flowers 136 Times On`Mother's Day
General: Valerie Leverenenko From The Ukraine Was Capable Of`Burning Paper With His Finger
General: Van Gogh Started To Draw At The Age Of`27
General: van halen: song on 1984, video included miss chemistry`hot for teacher
General: Varietal name applied to two different minerals`alabaster
General: Various methods used to prevent pregnancy from occurring`birth control
General: VCRs: DSS stands for this (Hint:Audio related)`dolby surround sound
General: Velveteen is made from a mixture of Silk and which other fibre`cotton
General: Venezuela Named After`Venice
General: Venus Has How Many Moons`Zero
General: Verdi Wrote The Opera Aida At The Request Of The Khedive Of Egypt To Commemorate The Opening Of The ____`Suez Canal
General: Verdi Wrote The Opera Aida At The Request Of The _______ __ _____ To Commemorate The Opening Of The Suez Canal`Khedive Of Egypt
General: Verdi Wrote The Opera ____ At The Request Of The Khedive Of Egypt To Commemorate The Opening Of The Suez Canal`Aida
General: Vermicelli Literally Means`Little Worms
General: Vermont, Alaska, ______, And Maine Are The Four States In The United States That Do Not Allow Billboards`Hawaii
General: Vermont, Alaska, Hawaii, And _____ Are The Four States In The United States That Do Not Allow Billboards`Maine
General: Vermont, ______, Hawaii, And Maine Are The Four States In The United States That Do Not Allow Billboards`Alaska
General: __________, Vermont Is The Only U.S. State Capital Without A Mcdonald's`Montpelier
General: video: shots of band interspliced with scenes from robin hood`everything I do
General: videos: metal workers forge a pair of angel's wings`losing my religion
General: Vienna Is The English Name For This City`Wien, Austria
General: Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand And Malaysia Is Known By What Name`Indochina
General: Viewed By A Stroboscope`Rapidly Moving Objects
General: Vigesimal Is Which Base Numbering System`Base Twenty
General: Vincent Van Gogh Sold Exactly One Painting While He Was Alive, What Was It`Red Vineyard At Arles
General: Violins Weigh Under 16 Ounces Yet Resist ______ _______ Of Over 65 Pounds`String Tension
General: Virginia Woolf Wrote Most Of Her Work`Standing Up
General: Viscous Black Liquid Produced In The Destructive Distillation Of Coal To Make Coke And Gas`Coal Tar
General: ________ Visiting Iceland Should Know That Tipping At A Restaurant Is Considered An Insult`Tourists
General: Visual Representation Of Individual People, Distinguished By References To The Subject's Character, Social Position, Wealth, Or Profession`Portraiture
General: vodka and kahlua make a(n)`black russian
General: Voltaire Considered Shakespeare's Works So Deplorable That He Referred To The Bard As '____ _______ ____.'`That Drunken Fool
General: Voltaire Considered ___________'S Works So Deplorable That He Referred To The Bard As 'That Drunken Fool.'`Shakespeare
General: Vulcan Blood Is Based On What Metal`Copper
General: Walter Cavangh Currently Has The Largest Credit Card Collection As Of May 2003, With 1,397 Cards. How Much Credit Is On Those Cards Total (Do Not Use A $)`1.6 Million
General: Walter Hunt ________ A Bullet With Its Own Explosive Charge On August 10 1848`Patented
General: Walter Hunt Patented A Bullet With Its Own Explosive Charge On ______ 10 1848`August
General: Walter Hunt Patented A ______ With Its Own Explosive Charge On August 10 1848`Bullet
General: __________ Ward Cleaver Beaumont Was An Ordained Minister`Hugh
General: War Heroine Violette Bushell Was Better Known By Her Married Surname - It`Szabo
General: Warsaw Is The Capital Of What Country`Poland
General: ______ Was A British Colony. It Was Part Of The Federation Of Rhodesia And Was Later Known As Nyassaland`Malawi
General: Was Born Todaymarch 6 In 1861`Samuel Franklin Cody
General: ---------- was first used as a medical treatment in 2700 B.C. by Chinese emperor Shen-Nung`acupuncture
General: ______ _______ Was Given A Full Unconditional Pardon For Moonshining By Ronald Reagan In 1986`Junior Johnson
General: __________ Was Once Appointed Special Agent Of The Bureau Of Narcotics And Dangerous Drugs`Elvis Presley
General: __________ Was Related To Princess Diana`Humphrey Bogart
General: _______ Was The First Country To Recognize The United States In 1776`Croatia
General: __________ Was The First Head Of The United States Post Office`Benjamin Franklin
General: _______ Was The First Man To Fly An Airplane Solo In Australia`Houdini
General: __________ Was The First Man To Pee His Pants On The Moon`Buzz Aldrin
General: _______ Was The Last Ivy League College To Go Coed, In 1972`Dartmouth
General: ____ _____ Was The Leader Of The Frelimo Party In Mozambique. Frelimo Has Been In Power Since Independence In 1975`Samora Machel
General: Water Containing Carbon Dioxide Under Pressure Is Called`Soda Water
General: Water Freezes At __ Degrees Fahrenheit`32
General: Water Has A Greater _________ _______ In Liquid Form Than As A Solid. This Is Why Ice Floats`Molecular Density
General: Water Has A Greater Molecular Density In ______ Form Than As A Solid. This Is Why Ice Floats`Liquid
General: Water Has A Greater Molecular Density In Liquid Form Than As A _____. This Is Why Ice Floats`Solid
General: wayne rogers plays this character in house calls`charlie michaels
General: wc: what british royal wrote in his diary: how could I have got it all so wrong`prince charles
General: wc: what did sweet-talking giovanni vigliotto do 105 time from 1963 to 1983`he got married
General: wc: what three-letter abbreviation represents the total market value of all goods and services of the u.s`gnp
General: We All Know Of The Troubles The U.S. Had In Somalia In The Early 1990s. What Type Of Government Has Been Established In That War-Torn African Nation`None
General: Wedding Rings Are Normally Worn On What Finger Of Your Hand`Ring Finger
General: We Hear The Sound Of The ________ Inside Large Seashells Because The Shell Echoes Surrounding Sounds, Jumbling And Amplifying Them`Seashore
General: Weight-Loss Guru ___ Brings His Fitness Ideas To The Little Screen`Richard
General: _______ Weigh Under 16 Ounces Yet Resist String Tension Of Over 65 Pounds`Violins
General: Weird Quotes: Be alert ... The world needs more`lerts
General: Weird Quotes: Having a smoking section in a restaurant is little like having a`peeing section in a pool
General: Weird Quotes: If you can't convince them`confuse them
General: Weird Quotes: The trick to flying is throwing yourself at the ground and`miss
General: We Know H2o Is Water, But What Is H2o2`Hydrogen Peroxide
General: Well Babe, That's What You Get For Ditching Your Girlfriends To Go Roll Around In The Mud With Some Self-Hating Blueblood`American Pie 2
General: ____ Were Added To The Bicycle In 1839`Pedals
General: _____ Were Banned By Royal Decree From Using Hotel Swimming Pools In Jidda, Saudi Arabia, In 1979`Women
General: ___ ______ Were First Allowed To Carry Guns In 1934, 26 Years After The Agency Was Established`Fbi Agents
General: _____ Were Not Allowed To Vote In France Until 1944`Women
General: We're On An Express Elevator To Hell, Goin' Down`Aliens
General: ______ _____ Were Once Used As Currency On The Island Of Aler In Indonesia`Kettle Drums
General: __________ Were Once Used To Treat A Bone Infection Called Osteomyelitis`Maggots
General: We're On Double-Secret Probation, Whatever That Is. We Can't Afford To Have A Toga Party`National Lampoon's Animal House
General: Were Was The First Ski Factory Built`California
General: We've Got A Bargin There's Not Doubt. Play It Straight Or I'll Turn Your Eyeballs Inside-Out`Gi Joe: The Movie
General: We've Got Bush`Revenge Of The Nerds
General: we've only just ____ by carpenters 1970`begun
General: __________, Whales, Elephants, Giraffes And Man All Have 7 Neck Vertebra`Mice
General: What 1,300- Foot Column Of Basalt Do Wyoming Indians Want To Keep People From Climbing`Devil's Tower
General: What 1902 Children's Book Continues To Sell Over 50,000 Copies Per Year`The Tale Of Peter Rabbit
General: What 1942 Naval Engagement Saw The Sinking Of Four Japanese Aircraft Carriers`Battle At Midway`Midway
General: what 1951 film featured ronald reagan raising a chimp`bedtime for bonzo
General: What 1969 Event Saw Stoned Music Buffs Wallow In The Mud And Rain For Three Days`Woodstock
General: what 1970 film tells of the soaring relationship of a boy and a kestrel`kes
General: What 1976 Role Featuring Multiple Personalities Earned Sally Fields An Emmy`Sybil
General: What 1982 Music Festival Was Financed By Apple Computer's Founder Steve Wozniak`Us Festival
General: What 1988 Fight Pumped $100 Million Into Atlantic City's Economy`Mike Tyson Vs. Michael Spinks
General: what 1988 film sequel brings its characters back to earth from antarea`cocoon: the return
General: what 1992 hit movie sees tom hanks explain: there is no crying in baseball`a league of their own
General: What 19th-Century Humorist Cabled Home From Europe: 'The Report Of My Death Was An Exaggeration'`Mark Twain
General: What 19th Century War Between Russia And England, Turkey, Britain And France, Was Named For A Peninsula In The Black Sea`Crimean War
General: What 20 Mile Strip Of New York City Is Known As The Longest Street In The World`Broadway
General: What 20th Century Explorer Wrote In His Diary. 'I Work In Soundless Torment....The Silence Of This Place Is As Real And Solid As Sound'`Richard E. Byrd
General: What 21 Year Old African-American Won The Masters Tourmament On April 13,1997`Tiger Woods
General: What 265m High Peak Is Located In Wyoming`Devil's Tower
General: What 2 Act Masque By Handel Is Based On Ovid's 'Metamorphoses'`Acis And Galatea
General: What 2 Countries Border The Dead Sea`Israel And Jordan
General: What 2 Countries Have Square Flags`Switzerland And The Vatican
General: What 2 Countries Share The Khyber Pass`Afghanistan And Pakistan
General: What 2 Oil-Industry Giants Announced Plans To Merge On December 1,1998`Mobil And Exxon
General: What 2 Planets Do Not Have Moons`Mercury And Venus
General: What 3 Dimensional Figure Has 4 Triangular Sides`Tetrahedron
General: What 5-Letter Word Does Every College Graduate Pronounce Wrong`Wrong
General: What '60s Crime Drama Had Clarence Williams Iii Say: 'It's All Cop Stuffman'`The Mod Squad
General: What 60 Storey Building Was Completed In 1913 And Remained The World's Tallest Buiding For 17 Years`The Woolworth Building
General: What 70s Band Took Its Name From The Concept Of 'De-Evolution, ' The Idea That Instead Of Evolving, Mankind Has Actually Regressed`Devo
General: What 80's Cartoon Theme Song Did Ricky Martin Sing`Rubic-The Amazing Cube
General: What 80's Pro-Wrestler Was Turned Into A G.I. Joe Character`Sgt. Slaughter
General: What 98-Cent Piece Of Rubber Bounced Into People's Lives In 1965`The Superball
General: What Abbreviation Comes From Libra, Meaning Pound In Latin`Lb
General: What Academy In Hungary Was Founded In 1733 Becoming The World's First Technical College`The Schemnitz Mining Academy
General: What, According To Frankie Valli, Is The Word`Grease
General: What, According To Hilaire Belloc's Cautionary Verse, Was Matilda's Problem`She Told Such Dreadful Lies
General: What According To Italian Jerome Caradan (1501-1576) Actually Caused Fish Or Frogs To Fall From The Sky During Rainstorms`Whirlwinds
General: what, according to scottish folklore, appears as a warning to those destined to be drowned`a kelpie
General: What Acid Is Produced In The Stomach`Hydrochloric
General: what actor's last line in the theater was: the south is avenged`john wilkes booth
General: what actress caused thousands of south african girls to change their hair style when she appeared on tv as purdey`joanna
General: What Adverb Means Standing With Your Hands On Your Hips And Your Elbows Bent Outward`Akimbo
General: What Aerosmith Song Was Written About Vince Neil Of Motley Crue`Dude Looks Like A Lady
General: what african animal kills the most people`crocodile
General: What African City Is Built On Gold`Johannesburg
General: What African Lizard Hides By Matching Its Colour To Its Surroundings`Chameleon
General: What African Republic's Name Was Inspired By Its Thriving Elephant Tusk Trade`The Ivory Coast
General: What Agency Serves As A Means Of Communicating Information From The Police Of One Country To Those Of Another`Interpol
General: What Age Preceded The Iron Age`The Bronze Age
General: What aid to cooking was first manufactured by Mark Gregoire in 1954`non stick pans
General: What Ailing Founding Father Was Carted To The Constitutional Convention In A Sedan Chair Carried By Four Prisoners`Benjamin Franklin
General: What Airline Had The Most Amount Of Passengers In 1995`Delta
General: What Airline Has An Arena In Washington, Usa`Usair (Usair Arena
General: What Airline Tripled Its Business During The Years It Used A Koala As A Pitchman`Qantas
General: What Airplane Instrument Shows Height`Altimeter
General: What Alien Language Can You Immerse Yourself In At A Camp In Red Lake Falls, Minnesota For $350 A Week`Klingon
General: What American general declared I shall return`douglas macarthur
General: what american state is known as the gopher state`minnesota
General: what american tennis star wore stone-washed denim shorts during matches`andre agassi
General: What Amusement Park Refused To Be The Destination For The Griswald Family In 'National Lampoon's Vacation'`Disneyland
General: What Amusement Park Ride Did Americans Originally Call A Whirligig`Merry-Go-Round
General: What Ancient Civilization Based Their Law On Hamurabi's Code`Mesapotamia
General: What Ancient Egyptian God, Father Of Horus, Was Murdered By His Brother Seth And Then Became King Of The Underworld`Osiris
General: What Ancient Man's Brain Was Larger Than That Of Modern Man`Neanderthal
General: What ancient measure was the distance from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger`cubit
General: What Ancient Middle East Kingdom Spread To It's Greatest Extent Under King Ashurnasirpal In 663 Bc`Assyria
General: What Ancient People Inhabited Mada'ain Saleh, In The Northwest Area Of Present Day Saudi Arabia`Nabateans
General: what ancient unit of measurement is suppposedly the distance from the elbow to the tip of the index finger`cubit
General: What Ancient Unit Of Measurement Is Suppposedly The Distance From The Elbow To The Tip Of The Index Finger`The Cubit
General: What Andtidepressant Caused Patients To Orgasm Whenever They Yawned`Clomipramine
General: What And Where Is The Longest Group Of Coral Reefs In The World`Great Barrier Reef
General: what animal can get the disease heaves`horse
General: What Animal Character Did Eric Knight Create In 1938`Lassie
General: What animal does the adjective 'meline' refer to`badger
General: What animal does the adjective 'talpine' refer to`mole
General: what animal has bony plates and rolls up into a ball if its frightened`armadillo
General: what animal is on south africa's old 5 cent coin`blue crane
General: what animal is the provider of coney fur`rabbit
General: What animal may be stag, rhinoceros or dung`beetle
General: what animal only blinks one eye at a time`hampster
General: what animals did hannibal lead over the alps for the first time`elephants
General: What Animals Does A Hippophobe Fear`Horses
General: what animals eye is bigger than its brain`ostrich
General: what animal's milk does not curdle`camel
General: what annoyance to city drivers was invented by c.c. magee in 1935`parking meter
General: What Antacid Mascot Disappeared En Route To The Philippines In 1971`Speedy Alka-Seltzer
General: What, apart from air & fuel, is filtered in a car`oil
General: 'What A Piece Of Work Is Man! How Noble In Reason! How Infinite In Faculty! In Form And Moving, How Express And Admirable! In Action, How Like An Angel! In Apprehension, How Like A God! The Beauty Of The World! The Paragon Of Animals!'`Hamlet
General: What Appears When The Sun Activates Your Melanocytes`Freckles
General: What appear when the sun activates your melanocytes`freckles
General: What Archipeligo Devised Karate`Okinawa
General: What Are 35% Of People Using Personal Ads For Dating`Married
General: What Are American Males Producing 33 Percent Fewer Of Than They Did In 1963`Sperm
General: What Area Of The Body Does Arthritis Effect`Joints
General: What Are Arnauts`Albanian Mountaineers
General: What Are Arnold Palmer's Fans Called`Arnie's Army
General: what are baby kangaroos called`joeys
General: What Are Bird-Watchers Called In The United States`Birders
General: What are bloaters a type of`fish
General: what are catalogued under the dewey decimal system`book
General: What Are Catalogued Under The Dewey Decimal System`Books
General: What Are Dolly Parton's Working Hours`9 To 5
General: What are double sixes called on dice`boxcars
General: What are Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific`american time zones
General: what are elementary particles originating in the sun and other stars, that continuously rain down on the earth`cosmic rays
General: What Are Emblazoned On The Jolly Roger`Skull And Crossbones
General: What Are 'Finnan Haddies'`Smoked Haddock
General: what are followers of the unification church called`moonies
General: What Are French Kisses Called In France`American Kisses
General: What are Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton and Xenon`noble gases
General: What Are Kayobi, Doyobi, And Kinyobi`Japanese Days Of The Week
General: what are looser then normal in a double jointed person`ligaments
General: What Are Mazurka, Fandango And Polonaise Types Of`Dances
General: what are mother mary's whispered words of wisdom`let it be
General: What are Muharram, Rajab and Safar`months in the muslim calendar
General: What Are Noden's 'Ticklish' Helpers`Nightgaunts
General: What Are Officers Of 46 U.S Federal Agencies Authorised To Carry`Firearms
General: what are papillary ridges`fingerprints
General: what are petrol, naphta, kerosine, diesel and oil`hydrocarbons
General: What Are Siblings`Brothers And Sisters By Blood
General: What Are Squirrel Hairs Used To Make`Camel Hair Brushes
General: What Are The 3 Best-Known Western Personages In China`Jesus Christ, Richard Nixon And Elvis Presley
General: What Are The 3 Big Colleges Of The Ivy League? (Name Them Alphabetically)`Harvard, Princeton, Yale
General: What Are The Amish Also Known As`Pennsylvania Dutch
General: What Are The Annual Awards For The Best Billboards (Obies) Named After`Obelisks
General: What Are The Boyoma And Tugela`Waterfalls
General: What Are The Buckingham Palace Guards Commonly Known As`Beefeaters
General: What Are The Busiest Days For Hospital Emergency Departments`Mondays
General: What Are The Clay Targets In Trap Shooting Called`Pidgeons
General: what are the clouds of magellan`galaxies
General: What Are The Cutting Teeth Called`Incisors
General: What Are The First Names (Named Alphabetically) Of The Three Bee Gees`Barry, Maurice And Robin
General: What Are The First Names Of The Founders Of H And R Block The Tax Experts`Henry And Richard
General: What Are The First Three Words Of The Bible`In The Beginning
General: What Are The Five Most Frequently Used Letters In The English Alphabet (In Order)`E, T, O, A, And N
General: What Are 'The Four Nightingales' Better Known As`The Marx Brothers
General: What Are The Height And Width Of A Horse Measured In`Hands
General: What Are The Horns Of A Rhino Made From`Hair
General: What Are The Hottest Months Of The Year At The Equator`March And September
General: What Are The Identification Letters For Chicago's O'hare Airport`Ord
General: What Are The Initials 'Vcr'`Video Cassette Recorder
General: What Are The Largest Oceans In Order Of Size`Pacific, Atlantic, Indian
General: What Are The Lime Deposits Hanging From The Ceiling Of A Cave Called`Stalactites
General: What Are The Long Underground Aquaducts That Are Still A Major Water Source In Iran Called`Qanats
General: what are the main ingredients of both financiere and perigueux sauces`madeira and truffles
General: What Are The More Common Terms For The Maxilla And Mandible`Upper And Lower Jaw
General: What Are The Most Expensive Seats At A Bullfight`In The Shade
General: What Are The Musket, Dragoon And Harqubus`Guns
General: what are the names of donald duck's nephews`huey dewey and louey
General: What Are The Names Of The Ninja Turtles In Alphabetical Order`Donatello Leonardo Michelangelo Raphael
General: What Are The Names Of The Simon Brothers From Simon And Simon`Rick And Aj
General: What Are The Names Of The Spiritual Leaders Of The Dogon People Of Mali`Hogons
General: What Are The Names Of The Two Famous Disney Chipmunks`Chip And Dale
General: What Are The Names Of The Two Stone Lions In Front Of The New York City Public Library`Patience And Fortitude
General: What Are The Numbers/Letters In The Hexidecimal System`1234567890abcdef
General: What Are The Only Mobile National Monuments In America`San Francisco Cable Cars
General: What Are The Only Numbers Where They Are The Values Of The Numbers Of Factors They Have`1 And 2
General: What Are The Only Three Nations With Jewish Populations Over One Million`Israel, Russia, U.S`Israel, Russia And Us
General: what are the only two london boroughs that start with the letter 'e'`ealing and enfield
General: What Are The Parts Of The Body Called That When Stimulated Provide Sexual Pleasure`Erogenous Zones
General: What Are The Pieces Of Wood That Lie Under Railway Tracks Called`Sleepers
General: What Are The Playing Pieces Of Dominoes`Bones
General: What Are The Pouched Animals Called`Marsupials
General: What Are There 100 Of To The Drachma In Greece`Leptas
General: what are the residents of the island of lesbos called`lesbosians
General: What Are The Ridges On The Sides Of Coins Called`Reeding
General: what are these: ceres, juno, iris, and flora`asteroids
General: What Are The Siberian Prison Islands Also Known As`Gulag Archipelego
General: What Are The Street Lights Of Hershey, Pennsylvania Designed To Look Like`Hershey Kisses
General: what are the surnames of the two ronnies`barker & corbett`barker and corbett
General: what are the three colors used in a color wheel`red blue and green red, blue and green
General: what are the three colours of the argentinean flag`blue, white and yellow
General: What are the three colours on a roulette wheel`black, green & red
General: What Are The Three Great Pyramids Of Egypt`Cheops Chephren Mycernius
General: What Are The Three Main Types Of Greek Columns`Doric, Ionic And Corinthian
General: What Are The Twin Cities`Minneapolis And St Paul
General: What Are The Two Hottest Months At The Equator`March And September
General: What Are The Two Largest Cities In Scotland`Glasgow Edinburgh
General: What Are The Two Main Islands Of The Philippines`Mindanao And Luzon
General: What Are The Two Standard Kinds Of Typeface`Pica And Elite
General: What Are The Two Stone Lions In Front Of The New York Public Library`Patience And Fortitude
General: What are the units of measurement for Energy`joule
General: What are the units of measurement for Force`newton
General: What are the units of measurement for Frequency`hertz
General: What are the units of measurement for Power`watt
General: what are the units of measurement for pressure`pascal
General: What Are The World's Four Oceans - Alphabetically`Arctic, Atlantic, Indian And Pacific
General: What Are The World's Tallest Trees`Coast Redwoods
General: What Are Tiny Cracks In The Glaze Of Pottery`Crackle
General: What Are Trawsfynnydd (Trous-Fun-Uth) And Wylfa (Wilva) In Wales`Nuclear Power Stations
General: What Are Two People That Are Monozygotic`Identical Twins
General: What Are Water Bears`Tartigrade
General: What Are White Dwarfs And Red Giants`Types Of Stars
General: What Are You About To Eat If You Order Escargots At A French Restaurant`Snails
General: What Are You Forbidden To Fly An Airplane Over In India`Taj Mahal
General: what are you if you are hirsute`hairy
General: what are you if your iq is below 25`idiot
General: What are you if you suffer from baker's leg`knock kneed
General: What Are You Studying If You're Into 'Oology'`Birds Eggs
General: What Army Had Centurians`Roman
General: What Army Publishes The Newspaper The War Cry`The Salvation Army
General: What Armys Motto Is Blood And Fire`Salvation Army
General: What Army Was Founded By William Booth And His Wife Catherine`Salvation Army
General: What Art Form Is Known As 'Xylography'`Wood Engraving
General: What Artifical Sweeteners Got The Ax In 1969`Cyclamates
General: What Artificial Waterway Links The Black Sea To The Baltic Via St Petersburg`Volga-Baltic Canal
General: what artistic technique requires painting watercolors directly onto wet plaster`fresco
General: what artist's first british hit was the little shoemaker in 1954`petula clark
General: What Asian City Was Once Called Edo`Tokyo
General: What Asian Country Is Bordered By Russia And China`Mongolia
General: What Asian Nation Was Invaded On June 25,1950, Starting A Three-Year War`South Korea
General: What Atlantic Island Is The Setting For Jaws`Amity Island
General: What Attractive Flower, Often Commercially Raised For Oil, Have Long Been Used To Control Weeds In Field Crops`Sunflower
General: What Austrian City Was Named For It's Mining And Trading Of Salt`Salzburg
General: what author created the characters pip, miss havisham, estella and joe gargery`charles dickens
General: What author penned such books as Mila 18, Trinity & Exodus`leon uris
General: What Autonomous Region Would The Dalai Lama Like To Call Home`Tibet
General: What Avenue Runs Along The East Side Of Central Park, New York`Fifth Avenue
General: What Award Did Washington Create In 1782 As A Decoration To Recognize Merit In Enlisted Men And Non-Commissioned Officers`Purple Heart
General: What Award, Founded In 1901, Is Funded With The Help Of The Bank Of Sweden`The Nobel Prize
General: What Bacteria Did Robert Koch Discover`Tb Bacillus
General: What Ballerina Is Known By Her Peers As 'The Body'`Cynthia Gregory
General: what band did glen campbell sing with in 1965`beach boys
General: what band's video, girls on film, was banned by mtv & the bbc`duran duran
General: what baseball equipment was first basebman charles waite the first to wear`glove
General: What 'B' Comes Before Man, Seller And And Foot Forward`Best
General: What beach provided the most resistance to Allied forces on D Day`omaha
General: what beatle is left handed`paul mccartney
General: What Beautiful Hotel Commands A Matchless View Of Quebec City`Chateau
General: What Became A National Holiday In The U.S In 1890`Christmas
General: What Became The Biggest Use For Aluminium Starting In 1960`Tin Cans
General: what bird is a shag`cormorant
General: What bird is associated with the Tower of London`raven
General: What Bit Of Bobby Goldsboro Sirup Focused On A Dying Young Wife`Honey
General: what bit of bobby goldsboro syrup focused on a dying young wife`honey
General: what blew up at lakehurst, new jersey, on may 6th 1937`hindenburg
General: What Blonde Was The Subject Of The Four Most Expensive Andy Warhol Works Sold At Auction`Marilyn Monroe
General: What Blues Legend Was Rumored To Have Sold His Soul At The Crossroads In Exchange For Guitar Prowess`Robert Johnson
General: What Blues Pianist Was Born Henry Roeland Byrd`Professor Longhair
General: What Bomb,500-1000 Times Greater Than The Atomic Bomb, Was First Tested Nov. 1,1952`Hydrogen Bomb
General: What book is the film Blade Runner based on`do androids dream of electric sheep
General: what branch of science studies the structure of an organism`anatomy
General: What Brand And Colour Of Underwear Is Marty Wearing In Back To The Future`Purple Calvin Klein Briefs
General: What Brand Name Did Galvin Manufacturing Give To Its Line Of Radios For Motorists`Motorola
General: What Brand Of Beer Did Gary Gilmore Request For Breakfast Before His Execution`Coors
General: What Brand Of Footwear Is Endorsed By Dr J`Converse
General: What Brand Of Glue Does Bart Use On His Face`Eternabond
General: what breakfast cereal's box claims that it's the original and best`kellogg's corn flakes
General: What breed of dog has an inability to bark`basenji
General: What Breed Was Sir Winston Churchill's Favorite Pet Dog, Rufus`Poodle
General: what brewing aid is obtained from the sturgeon`isinglass
General: what british car was the le mans success story of the 1950's`jaguar
General: what british city did adolf hitler study art in`liverpool
General: What British Colony Has A Famed Jade Market On Canton Road`Hong Kong
General: What British Comedian Was The First Man To Appear On The Cover Of 'Playboy'`Peter Sellers
General: What British Music Weekly Magazine, Established In 1926, Merged With It's Long-Standing Rival New Musical Express In 2000`Melody Maker
General: What British Naval Hero Stands Atop A Column In Trafalgar Square`Horatio Nelson
General: What British Poet Died Of Alcoholism In New York City's Chelsea Hotel Onnovember 9,1953`Dylan Thomas
General: What British Political Party Made Margaret Thatcher Its First Female Leader`The Conservative Party
General: What British Royal Was Dubbed 'Fish Face' By His Wife`Prince Charles
General: what broadway production of gilbert & sullivan's did linda ronstadt star in the 80's`pirates of penzance
General: What Broadway Show Went Through 2,488 Pounds Of Yak Hair Between 1982 And 1995`Cats
General: What Bumbling Andy Griffith Show Character Has The Middle Initial B`Barney Fife
General: What Came Out Of Milton's Head`Steam
General: What Canadian Born Star Starred In Beverly Hills 90210`Jason Priestly
General: What Canadian Broadcaster Created The Radio Character Old Rawhide`Max Ferguson
General: what canadian city is at the west end of lake ontario`hamilton
General: What Canadian Group Performs On The We Are The World Lp`Northern Lights
General: what canadian horse won the 1964 kentucky derby`northern dancer
General: what canadian island has a capital named charlottetown`prince edward island
General: What Canadian Jockey, Later Crippled, Rode Secretariat To The Triple Crown In 1973`Ron Turcotte
General: What Canadian Prime Minister Retired In 1984`Pierre Trudeau
General: What Canadian Professional Snooker Player Is Nicknamed The Grinder`Cliff Thorburn
General: what canadian provence was largely taken over by irish (fenian) rebels for a month, during the last century`ontario
General: What Canadian Province Was Largely Taken Over By Irish Rebels For A Month In The 19th Century`Ontario
General: What Canadian Singer First Hit It Big By Trilling Snowbird`Anne Murray
General: What Canadian Sketch Comedy Show Helped Launch John Candy's Career`Sctv
General: What Can A Kangaroo Not Do If Its Tail Is Lifted Off The Ground`Jump
General: What Canal Connects Lake Ontario And Lake Erie`Welland Canal
General: What Can Drive A Straw Into A Tree`A Tornado
General: What candy bar was actually named after Grover Cleveland's baby daughter, Ruth`baby ruth
General: What Candy Bar Was Named After One Of Grover Cleveland's Daughters`Baby Ruth
General: what can live for several weeks with its head cut off`cockroach a cockroach
General: What Can You Get At Alice's Restaurant`Anything You Want
General: What Capital City Did Bonn Replace`Berlin
General: What Capital City Does The Liffey River Flow Through`Dublin
General: What Car Did Geena Davis And Susan Sarandon Used To Jump Out Of The Cliff In 'Thelma And Louise'`Thunderbird 1966
General: What Caribbean state is made up of 700 islands the largest of which is New Providence`the bahamas
General: what car maker makes the daytona`dodge
General: what car maker makes the iroc-z28`chevrolet
General: What Casino Holds The Distinction Of Having The Highest Value Chip Or Plaque`The London Club
General: what castle is the blarney stone found in`blarney castle
General: what cat is unable to draw its claws into its paws`cheetah
General: What Caused The Computer In Electric Dreams To Become Alive`Spilled Champagne
General: What Caused The Halifax Explosion`Ship Collision
General: what causes a riddle to metallurgists about the wrought iron pillar at meharauli estimated at being 1500 years old`lack of rust
General: What Cd Format Is Red Book`Audio
General: What Celebrated Photographer Snapped Shots Of Yosemite For 67 Straight Years`Ansel Adams
General: What Celebratory New Orleans Song Does A 'Baby Lodie' Diaper Play At The First Sign Of Wetness`When The Saints Go Marching In
General: What Celebrity Is With Richard Nixon In The National Archives' Most-Requested Photo`Elvis Presley
General: what celestial body is the centre of the jovian system`jupiter
General: what central american country extends furthest north`belize
General: What Central Nervous System Disease Strips The Myelin Away From The Nerve Endings Of The Brain`Multiple Sclerosis
General: What Century Did Rocket Technology Begin To Be Linked With Space Travel`19th
General: What Century Saw The War Of The Roses`The 15th Century
General: What Chain Did Ray Kroc Build`Mcdonald's
General: What Channel Seperates Denmark From Norway`Skagerrak
General: what character became the eventual leader on blake's seven`avon
General: what character did charles bronson play in man with a camera`mike kovac
General: what character encountered by alice never stopped sobbing`mock turtle
General: what character was invented to respond to questions from gold medal flour customers`betty crocker
General: What 'Cheers' Character Did A General Say 'We've Had A Lot Of People Like' In The Military`Cliff Clavin
General: What Chief Executive Was Ex-President For 31 Years, The Longest Time A Former President Lived Following His Term Of Office`Herbert Hoover
General: What Chief Justice Headed The Commission That Declared 'Lee Harvey Oswald ___Acted Alone'`Earl Warren
General: What Children's Classic Was The Jefferson Airplane Song White Rabbit Based On`Alice In Wonderland
General: What Children's Product Does Binney And Smith Manufacture`Crayola Crayons`Crayons
General: What Children's Tale Contains The Line 'Come Cinderslut And Hold This Skein Of Wool For Me'`Cinderella
General: What Child Star Was The First Person Signed By Mgm Without Having To Take A Screen Or Sound Test`Judy Garland
General: What Chinese City Was Leveled By An Earthquake In 1976`Tangshan
General: What Christian Holiday Is Celebrated The Day After Halloween`All Saints Day
General: What Church Demonination Was Formed Using The Doctrines Of Martin Luther`Lutheran
General: What Church Was Founded By John Wesley`Methodist
General: What Cincinnati Reds' Owner Stuffed A Lock Of Her Dog's Hair Down Manager Lou Piniella's Pants For Luck Before Games`Marge Schott
General: What city boasts Leonardo's famed fresco of the Last Supper`milan
General: what city contains the quartier latin`paris
General: what city has been air-rated the cleanest in the us for a city its size`amarillo
General: what city has the most underground stations`new york
General: what city has the world's largest black population`new york
General: What city hosted the 1936 summer olympics`berlin
General: What city hosted the 1976 summer olympics`montreal
General: what city is considered the hub of italian industry`milan
General: what city is famed for its rive gauche`paris
General: what city is home to almost half of michelangelo's statues`florence
General: What City Is Weiner Schnitzel Named For`Vienna
General: What City Provided The Setting For One Day At A Time`Indianapolis
General: What City Rings In The New Year With A Descending Ball Or Apple`New York
General: What City's Drivers Owe Over $460 Million In Parking Fines`New York City
General: What City Served As The First Capital Of The United States`New York
General: What City's Harbour Does The Little Mermaid Grace`Copenhagen
General: what city's name is derived from 'dubh linn'`dublin
General: what city's old quarter is called the plaka`athens
General: What City's Police Force Did Charlie Chan Work With`Honolulu
General: What City That Is Nearest The Confluence Of The Missouri And Mississippi River`St Louis`saint Louis
General: what city was captured during the six-day war`jerusalem
General: what city was destroyed by little boy`hiroshima
General: What city was founded in 753 BC`rome
General: What City Was Home To The First Colour Broadcast`New York
General: What City Was Known As The 'Key To Sicily' During The Punic Wars`Syracuse
General: What City Was Once Known As Stalingrad, Then As Leningrad`Stpetersburg
General: What City Was The First In The World To Have A Population Over One Million`London
General: What City Was The First To Be Terrorized By Godzilla's Radioactive Bad Breath`Tokyo
General: What City Was The Original Home Of The Statue Of Liberty`Paris
General: What City Was The Site Of The First-Ever Miss America Beauty Pageant`Atlantic City (1920
General: What Civilization Is Believed To Be The First To Have Harvested The Cacao Tree, Used In Modern Times To Make Chocolate Products`Olmec
General: What Classical Ballet By Tchaikovsky Can Be Heard Over The Opening Credits Of The 1931 Bela Lugosi Film 'Dracula'`Swan Lake
General: what classic movie told the story of a huge gorilla`king kong
General: What Class Of Uss Ships Holds The Distinction Of Being The Most Expensive Surface Ships Ever Built`Nimitz There Are 8 Nimitz Class Aircraft Carriers In The Us Navy
General: What Clause In German Law Prohibited The Release Of Homosexual Prisoners At The End Of Wwii, After The Liberation Of Nazi Concentration Camps`Paragraph 125
General: what cleaned like a white tornado`ajax
General: What Collection Of Architectural Marvels Is The Great Pyramid The Only Modern Survivor Of`The Seven Wonders Of The World
General: What College Did President George Bush Attend`Yale
General: What College Did Stephen Davis Attend`Auburn
General: What College Won The First Ncaa Basketball Title`Oregon
General: what color does the bride wear in china`red
General: What Color Is Displayed On The Starboard Side Of A Boat`Green
General: What Color Is Egg White Once It Is Cooked`White
General: What Color Is The Grinch`Green
General: What Color Is The Tip Of A Canada Lynx's Tail`Black
General: what color was bullitt's car`green
General: What color were E.T's eyes`blue
General: what colour does the bride wear in china`red
General: what colour do you get by mixing red and yellow`orange
General: What coloured jersey is worn by the leader of the Tour de France cycling race`yellow
General: what colour is a blue crayon`blue
General: what colour was the maltese falcon`black
General: what colour would a science officers top be in star trek`blue
General: what comedy act started as the six musical mascots`marx brothers
General: what comedy duo appeared on the first broadcast of the toast of the town`dean martin & jerry lewis
General: what comic strip is set at camp swampy`beetle bailey
General: What Commercial And Industrial Center Is The Capital Of Germany's Bavaria State`Munich
General: What common allergens are the male sex cells of plants`pollen
General: What Common Phrase Originated When 'Bedsprings' Were Ropes Woven Through Wooden Bed Frames And Needed To Be Kept From Sagging By Using A Key To Stretch Them`Sleep Tight
General: what common sort of crabs protect themselves by finding cast-off shells to live in`hermit crabs
General: What Company Created A Computer Dubbed Jackintosh`Atari
General: What Company First Manufactured Cabbage Patch Dolls`Coleco
General: What Company Introduced Aspirin In Tablet Form In 1915`Bayer
General: What Company Is Dubbed 'Bud' On A Stock Exchange Ticker Tape`Anheuser Busch`Anheuser Busch
General: What Company Is Sometimes Known As 'Big Blue'`Ibm
General: What Company Is The Largest Aircraft Manufacturer In The World`Boeing
General: What Company Is The Largest Toy Retailer In The World, As Of May 2003`Toys R Us
General: What Company Is The World's Largest User Of Silver`Kodak
General: What Company Makes Pampers Disposable Diapers`Proctor And Gamble
General: What Company Produced Wing Commander`Origin Systems
General: What Company Produces More Cigarette Hand-Rolling Tobacco Than Any Other`Imperial Tobacco Of The United Kingdom
General: What Company Ranks As The Largest U.S. Investor In Poland`Phillip Morris
General: What Company Sponsored 'The $64,000 Question'`Revlon
General: What Company's Stock Exchange Listing Is Abbreviated To Pep`Pepsi Cola
General: What Company Was Called The Computing, Tabulating, Recording Company Before It Adopted It's Current Name In 1924`Ibm
General: What Company Was Formed By The Swede, Ingvar Kamprad`Ikea
General: What Completes The Term 'Double-____.' Which Forms The Structure Of Dna`Helix
General: what composer wrote the opera 'tosca'`giacomo puccini
General: What Compound In Onions Brings Tears To Your Eyes`Sulfuric Compounds
General: What Compound Is The Major Constituent Of Limestone, Coral And Seashells`Calcium
General: what comprises than 54% of humpback whale's milk`fat
General: What Connects Kabul With Peshawar`Khyber Pass
General: What Connects The Foetus To The Placenta`Umbilical Cord
General: What Constellation Contains The Stars Castor And Pollux`Gemini
General: What Contains As Much Caffeine As Eighteen Ounces Of An Average Cola Drink`A Cup Of Coffee
General: what continent is part of the eastern and western hemispheres`antarctica
General: what continent purposefully imported the myxomatosis virus from south america to keep it from being overrun by rabbits`australia
General: What Conveyance Transported Most Of The Jews To The Death Camps During Wwii`Trains
General: What Corporation Produced The First Digital Wristwatch`Seiko
General: what country are you in if you woo in the wu dialect`china
General: what country boasts waireki geothermal power station`new zealand
General: what country calls its parliament 'the knesset'`israel
General: what country consumes the most wine per capita`italy
General: what country controls access to the north sea from the rivers schelde, meuse and rhine`netherlands
General: what country could you expect to have an afternoon tiffin in`india
General: What Country Did 300,000 Chinese Troops Invade In February,1979`Vietnam
General: What country did Abel Tasman discover in 1642`new zealand
General: what country did kung fu get started in`china
General: what country did morocco and tunisia fight to win their independance from`france
General: what country did roulette originate in`france
General: what country did venetian blinds originate in`japan
General: what country does the tourist mecca of bali belong to`indonesia
General: What country has international registration letter M`malta
General: what country has the blue anemone as its floral emblem`norway
General: what country has the highest population density`monaco
General: what country has the lotus flower as its national symbol`india
General: what country has the port of haifa`israel
General: what country is bordered by lebanon, syria, jordan and egypt`israel
General: what country is directly west of spain`portugal
General: what country is home to varig airlines`brazil
General: what country is magyar spoken in`hungary
General: what country is the largest per capita consumer of beer`germany
General: what country owns elba, capri and ischia islands`italy
General: What country saw the origin of lawn tennis`england
General: what country's capital is bogota`colombia
General: what country's capital is dhaka`bangladesh
General: what country's capital is nassau`bahamas
General: what country's capital is tripoli`libya
General: what country's cavalry used dried milk as long ago as the 13th century`mongol
General: What countrys national flower is the wattle`australia
General: what country suffers from the most earthquakes`japan
General: what country was first to use paper money`china
General: what country was ruled by pol pot, leader of the khmer rouge party`cambodia
General: what country would you come up in if you drilled a hole straight throught the earth from buenos aires`china
General: What Couple Has The Most Songs Listed On Billboard's Top 100 Songs By Husbands And Wives`Paul And Linda Mccartney
General: What Coverted Greek Items Lie In The British Museum`The Elgin Marbles
General: What Coveted Award Did Martin Luther King, Jr. Receive In 1964 For His Philosophy Of Nonviolent Resistance`Nobel Peace Prize
General: what cowboy did william boyd play`hopalong cassidy
General: What creature can turn it's stomach inside out`starfish
General: what creatures does chief chirpa lead, in return of the jedi`ewoks
General: What Credit Card Boasts: 'It's Everywhere You Want To Be'`Visa
General: What Crime Did Sid Vicious Commit In 1978`Murder
General: what crooner almost became a goalkeeper for champion soccer team real madrid`julio iglesias
General: What Cult Leader Earns A Dime Every Time Zooport Riot Gear Sells A T-Shirt Featuring His Likeness`Charles Manson
General: What Cult Leader Was Rejected At An Audition For The Monkees For Just Not Being Cute Enough`Charles Manson
General: What Dance Craze Did Singer Chubby Checker Start`The Twist
General: What Dance Was Developed From The Rumba And African Dances`Conga
General: What Dance Were The Native Americans Forbidden To Do`Ghost Dance
General: What Dangles Over The Tongue From The Palate`Uvula
General: What Date Is The 'Ides' Of March`Fifteenth
General: What Date Marks The Beginning Of The Astrological Year`March 21st
General: What Date Only Occurs Every Four Years (Month Day)`February 29
General: What day commemorates the Gallipoli Campaign`anzac day
General: What Day Did Mariner 10 Fly Past Mercury`March 29,1974
General: What Day Is Leif Erikson's Birthday`October 9
General: What Day Is National Save A Spider Day`March 14
General: What Day Is Today`Today
General: What Day Of Every Month Did The Romans Call 'The Ides'`Fifteenth
General: What Day Of The Month Is New Year's Day In The United States`First
General: What Day Of The Week Are Hospital Emergency Departments The Busiest`Mondays
General: What Day Of The Week Did The Romans Call Dies Solis`Sunday
General: What Day Of The Week Was Jfk Assassinated On`Friday
General: What Daytime Drama Featured Christopher Reeve As Ben Harper`Love Of Life
General: What D.C. Memorial Reads, 'I Have Sworn Upon The Altar Of God Eternal Hostility Against Every Form Of Tyranny Over The Mind Of Man.'`Jefferson Memorial
General: What Dead African Leader Was Originally Known As Ras Taffari`Haile Selassie
General: What Declaration Warned Against Interference In The America's`Monroe Doctrine
General: What Democratic Country Gives Military Aid To Both Iran And Iraq`United States Of America
General: What Democratic Hopeful's Birth Date Received A Draft Lottery #311`Bill Clinton
General: what democratic prankster waved the train out of the station while richard nixon spoke from the caboose`dick tuck
General: What Department Store Chain Established It's Headquarters In The Sears Tower`Sears, Roebuck And Co
General: What Derogatory Name Is Derived From A Remark Given By The Kaiser To Members Of The British Expeditionary Force Under Sir John French, In 1914`Old Contemptibles
General: What describes one complete turn of a rotating object`revolution
General: what detective duo was featured in mystery at devil's paw`joe and frank hardy
General: What Device Changes The Voltage Of Alternating Currents`Transformer
General: What Device Did Jesse Reno And Charles Seeberger Design In The Closing Years Of The 19th Century`Escalator
General: What device is normally used to measure wind direction`weather vane
General: what device is used to measure weather pressure`barometer
General: What Device Used To Be Described In Greek As 'Watcher Of The Small'`Microscope
General: What device was used to determine a ship's latitude`sextant
General: What 'D' Goes Before Wit, Weather And Wine`Dry
General: What Dial-Up Service Was Used By The Characters In 'You've Got Mail'`America Online
General: What Diamond Did Jeweler Harry Winston Give To The Smithsonian Institution In 1958`Hope Diamond
General: What Did A Cordwainer Make`Shoes
General: What Did Aj Stand For In Simon And Simon's Aj Simon`Andrew Jackson
General: What Did Al Capone's Business Card Say He Was`Used Furniture Dealer
General: What Did Alexander Graham Bell Muffle To Keep It From Interrupting His Work`His Telephone
General: What Did Alfred Hitchcock Fear`Eggs
General: What Did Alvin Want In The Chipmunks 1958 Christmas Song`A Hula Hoop
General: What Did American Airlines Eliminate In 1987 That Ended Up Saving Them 40,000 Dollars`One Olive From Each Salad Served In 1st-Class
General: What Did American Harland D. Sanders Give To The World In 1939`Kentucky Fried Chicken
General: what did americans call the first cuban in space`castronaut
General: What Did Aol Claim Had Been Found, On April Fool's Day In 1996`Life On Jupiter
General: What Did A Pack Of Cards Not Include Until 1857`Jokers
General: What Did Archie Bunker On 'All In The Family' Call His Son-In-Law Mike`Meathead
General: What Did Aristotle Believe The Heart Was`Seat Of Intelligence
General: What Did A Texas Cat Named Dusty Had 750 Of These`Kittens
General: What Did Atlanta Pharmacist John Pemberton Sell Two-Thirds Of His Interest In For 283 Dollars And 29 Cents In 1887`Coca Cola
General: What Did Benjamin Franklin Prefer To The Eagle As The U.S. National Emblem`The Turkey
General: What Did Benjamin Franklin Publish From 1733 To 1757`Poor Richard's Almanac
General: What Did Benjamin Franklin Tie To His Kite`Key
General: what did bill cosby title his bestselling 1986 book`fatherhood
General: What Did Brahms Compose For The University Of Breslau After They Gave Him An Honourary Phd`Academic Festival Overture
General: What Did Britain Lose The Lease On In 1997`Hong Kong
General: What Did Captain Matthew Webb Swim First`English Channel
General: What Did Carl Peter Henrik Dam Discover`Vitamin K
General: What Did Charles Conrad Of Apollo 12 Become In November 1969`Third Man On The Moon
General: What Did Charles Osborne Have For 69 Years`Hiccups
General: What Did Clarence Birdseye Perfect In 1924`Frozen Food
General: What Did Cleaning Crews Remove 600 Pounds Of From The Statue Of Liberty In 1990`Chewing Gum
General: What Did Cleopatra's Slave Have To Soak To Get Her Purple Dye`Snails
General: What Did Clio Represent In The Nine Muses`History
General: What Did Colonel Blood Try To Steal In 1671`British Crown Jewels
General: what did cowpunchers use to protect their legs`chaps
General: What Did David Koresh Aptly Name His Ranch Before It Went Up In Flames`Ranch Apocalypse
General: What Did David Stirling Found`Sas
General: What Did Devo Wear On Their Heads On The 'Freedom Of Choice' Lp`Flower Pots
General: What Did 'D.M.Z' Stand For In The Vietnam War`Demilitarized Zone
General: What Did Dom Pierre Perignon Pioneer The Manufacture Of In 1698`Champagne
General: What Did Dr Bart Hughes Create`Trepanning
General: what did dr david banner become when he got angry`incredible hulk
General: What Did Elton John's Father Do For A Living`Trumpeteer
General: What Did Elvis Prefer Women To Wear When He Was Playing His 'Sex-Games'`Panties`Underwear
General: What Did Emerson, Lake And Palmer Burn On Stage During Their Concerts`The American Flag
General: What Did Epicurus Found`Epicurean Philosophy
General: What Did Eric Morley Found`Miss World Competition
General: What Did Esso Become`Exxon
General: what did fiddler pig build`a wooden house
General: What Did Fletch's Initials (I. M.) Stand For`Irwin Maurice
General: What Did Foucault Demonstrate With His Pendulum`The Rotation Of The Earth
General: What Did French Togoland Become In 1960`The Republic Of Togo
General: What Did Freud Call 'The Goal Of All Life'`Death
General: what did gail borden give to the world in 1853`condensed milk
General: What Did Gene Autry Name His Ranch`Melody Ranch
General: what did george harrison discover on the witwatersrand`gold
General: What Did George Washington Wear Instead Of A Watch`Sundial
General: what did god call the firmament`heaven
General: What Did Grace Darling's Father Keep`Lighthouse
General: What Did Grace Kelly Become In 1956`Princess
General: What Did He-Man Say When He Lifted His Sword And Gained His Strength`By The Power Of Greyskull I Am He-Man
General: What Did Iroquois Indians Mix With Willow Bark And Call 'Kinickinick'`Tobacco
General: What Did Jack The Ripper Sign On His First Note`Yours Truly
General: What Did Jeannie C. Riley Describe As 'A Little Peyton Place'`Harper Valley
General: What Did Jim Henson Create`Muppets
General: What Did Jim Morrison Do On March 1,1969`Exposed Himself`Get Naked On
General: What did John F Kennedy claim was his biggest mistake as president`bay of pigs invasion
General: What Did John Glenn Name The First Mercury Capsule To Orbit The Earth`Friendship 7
General: What Did John Kennedy Toole Write`A Confederacy Of Dunces
General: What Did Joseph Of Arimathea Bring To Britain Also Known As The Sangraal`Holy Grail
General: What Did Julia Ward Howe Originate`Mothers Day
General: What Did Kip Finally Admit To Sonny During The Second Season Of 'Bosom Buddies'`That He Was A Man
General: What Did Liberace Adorn His Piano With`Candelabra
General: What Did Marconi Transmit Across The Atlantic`Radio Signals
General: What did Marie Antoinette and Jayne Mansfield have in common`bust size
General: What Did Marie Curie Die Of On 4th July 1934`Radiation Poisoning
General: What Did Members Of The Nazi Ss Have Tattooed In Their Armpits`Blood Type
General: What Did Mohammed Reza Pahlavi Become In 1941`Shah Of Iran
General: What Did Moldavia And Walachia Unite To Become`Romania
General: what did mother hubbard look for in her cupboard`a bone
General: What Did Ms. Gabor Instruct Reporters To Call Her, After She Married Frederick Von Anhalt`Princess Zsa Zsa
General: What Did My Favorite Martian Have To Do Before He Could Become Invisible`Raise His Antenna
General: What Did My True Love Give On The Tenth Day Of Christmas`Ten Lords A Leaping
General: What did NASA launch a$100 million search for in 1992`aliens
General: What Did Neil Armstrong Say When He Landed On The Moon`Eagle Has Landed
General: What Did Neptune Hold In His Hand`Trident
General: what did otto titzling invent`bra
General: What Did Pakistan Do On 28th May 1998 That Drew Condemnation From The International Community And Triggered Economic Sanctions`They Conducted Five Underground Nuclear Tests
General: what did pat benatar sing before she went into rock music`opera
General: what did paul benier leave in his locked getaway car while he robbed a bank in swansea, massachusetts`his car keys car keys the car keys
General: What Did People Desperately Tried To Avoid Getting On 'Press Your Luck'`The Whammy
General: What Did Peter Minuit Buy For The Equivalent Of 24 Dollars`Manhattan Island
General: What did Peter Minuit buy in 1626`manhattan island
General: What Did Physicist Lord Rutherford Discover Inside The Nucleus Of The Atom`Protons
General: What Did Plato Found In 387 Bc`The Academy
General: What Did Portuguese Explorers Christen O Rio Mar, 'The River Sea', In The 16th Century`The Amazon River`Amazon River
General: What did President J. Buchanan not have`a wife
General: What Did President J. Buchanan Not Have`Wife
General: What Did Pricilla Presley Decide To Open Up To The Public To Stave Off Bankruptcy`Graceland
General: What Did Publicist Chuck Jones Admit To Being Sexually Fascinated By, At A 1994 Trial`Marla Trump's Shoes
General: What Did Richard Bolle's 1972 Bestseller 'What Colour Is Your Parachute' Help People Find`Jobs
General: What Did Richard Gere's Model And Wife-To-Be Fashion From Reynolds Wrap Before A Quickie Las Vegas Marriage`Wedding Rings
General: What Did Roland Garros Create In 1915`A Fighter Plane
General: What did Sally Rogers always wear in her hair`a bow
General: What Did Shirley Temple Always Have In Her Hair`Curls
General: What Did Sir Rowland Hill Introduce In Britain In 1840`Envelopes
General: what did sleeping beauty prick her finger with before she fell asleep`a spindle
General: What Did Stan Freberg's St George Use To Catch The Dragon With`Dragonet
General: what did steven newman do before anybody else`he walked around the world
General: What Did S.W.I.N.E. Stand For`Students Wildly Indignant About Nearly Everything
General: What did Temujin change his name to`genghis khan
General: What Did The 1973 Roe Vs Wade Supreme Court Case Deal With (And This Is Why Everyone Is Confused About Pro-Life/Pro-Choice People)`Abortion
General: what did the american-english inventor hiram maxim invent`automatic machine gun
General: What Did The Americans Buy Of Russia For $7,200,000 In 1867`Alaska
General: What Did The Ancient Greeks Call Any Group Of Numbers More Than 10,000`Myriad
General: What Did The Ancient Japanese Use To Get Bricks To The Top Of The Tall Buildings That They Built`Kites
General: What Did The Bando Railroad's Initials Stand For`Baltimore And Ohio
General: What Did The Celts Consider Sacred Because It Communicated Moisture From The Ground Into The Air`Trees
General: what did the fighting ships arizona, oklahoma and utah have in common`pearl harbor
General: What did the House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha change it's name to`house of windsor
General: What Did The Kotters Name Their Twins`Rachel And Robin
General: What Did The License Plate On The Delorean In Back To The Future Spell Out`Outatime
General: What Did The Manhattan Project Set Out To Develop In 1941`Atomic Bomb
General: What Did The Massachusetts Bay Colony Outlaw In 1641`Lawyers
General: What Did The Name 'Battenberg' Become`Mountbatten
General: What Did The Name 'Saxe-Coburg' Become`Windsor
General: What Did The Person Chained To Wall In Goonies Want`A Baby Ruth Candy Bar
General: What Did The Republicans Call The Platform They Hyped In The 1994 Congressional Elections`Contract With America
General: What Did The Roman Emperors And The Rich People Of Rome Get Carried Around On`Litters
General: What Did The Romans Call 'Caledonia'`Scotland
General: What Did The Romans Call London`Londinium
General: What Did The Titanic Strike On Its Maiden Voyage`Iceberg
General: What Did The White House Have Before It Had An Indoor Bathroom`Telephone
General: What Did The 'X' In X-Ray Stand For`Unknown
General: what did they call field marshall romell of the german panzers`desert fox
General: what did tom, tom, the piper's son steal`pig
General: What Did Usa Purchase For 7,200,000 Dollars In 1867`Alaska
General: What Did Victorian Women Bathe In To Try To Enlarge Their Breasts`Strawberries
General: What Did Victorian Women Try To Enlarge By Bathing In Strawberries`Breasts
General: What Did V. Jeyaraman Do Continuously For 58 Hours And 9 Minutes That No One Had Done Before`Clap
General: What Did Wham! Say To Do Before You Go Go`Wake Me Up
General: What Did Wilhelm Roentgen Discover In 1895`X-Rays
General: What Did William Seward Buy From Russia In 1867`Alaska
General: what did willy wonka own`chocolate factory
General: What Did Women Wear, Before The Advent Of The Bra, To Support And Shape The Hips, Waist And Bust`Corset
General: What Did Wynken, Blynken And Nod Go Out To Sea In`Shoe
General: What Did Yoko Hire To Wish John Lennon A Happy 40th Birthday`Skywriter
General: What Dietary Problem Were 65 Percent Of Brazilians Suffering In 1985`Malnutrition
General: What Differentiates Hot Pants From Other Types Of Trousers`Length
General: What Dinosaur Did O.C. Marsh Discover In 1871`Pterodactyl
General: What Direction Does The Tower Of London Face Across The Thames`South-West
General: What Direction Do Many Northern Birds Fly When Autumn Arrives`South
General: What Distance Was Covered In The Inaugural Idiatrod Trail Sled Race? (In Miles)`1,158 Miles
General: What Distinguished Abc-Tv Interviewer Was Called 'Dumbo' By Kids In School Because He Was All Ears`Ted Koppel
General: What Divides The American North From The South`Mason-Dixon Line
General: what dj coined the term rock & roll`alan freed
General: What Do 12% Of Mississippi Households Lack`Telephones
General: What Do Arctophiles Collect`Teddy Bears
General: What Do Australians Call Dust Storms`Willy-Willies
General: What Do Bees Collect`Nectar
General: What Do British Tabloids Often Refer To As Buck House`Buckingham Palace
General: What do butchers call the edible internal part of an animal`offal
General: What Do Climbers Call A Peak Higher The 914 M (3,000 Ft)`Munro
General: What Do Coffee, Tea, Tobacco, Red Wine, Soda, Berries, And Soy Sauce Have In Common`Stain Teeth
General: What Doctor Discovered The Source Of Malaria In 1880`Charles Laveran
General: What Document Is Needed For One To Enter A Foreign Country`Passport
General: What Do Diners In A Restaurant Use To Take Away Their Leftovers`Doggy Bag
General: What Do Each Of The Utilities Cost In Monopoly, In Dollars`150 Dollars
General: What Do Eccrine Glands Produce`Sweat
General: What Do English Speakers Call The Region That The Spanish Know As 'El Pais Vasco'`The Basque Country
General: What Does 180 Degrees Make`Straight Line
General: What Does 360 Degrees Make`Circle
General: What Does 3d Mean`Three Dimensional
General: What Does 'Aandw' Of Root Beer Fame Mean`Allen And Wright
General: What Does A Barometer Measure`Atmospheric Pressure
General: What Does A Botanist Study`Plants
General: What Does A Burglar Call A Crow Bar`Jemmy
General: What Does A Butterfly Clip Usually Hold In Position`Hair
General: What Does A Camel Store In Its Hump`Fat
General: What Does A Carpologist Study`Fruit And Seeds
General: what does a cartographer do`makes maps
General: What does a catoptrophic narcissist fear`mirrors
General: What Does A Chromophobic Fear`Certain Colours
General: What Does A Chronometer Measure`Time
General: What Does A Cobbler Mend`Shoes
General: What Does A Conchologist Study`Shells And Mollusks
General: What Does A Cooper Do`Makes Barrels
General: What Does A Cooper Make`Barrels
General: What Does A Craftsman Called A Bodger Make`Chair Parts
General: what does acronym qantas mean`queensland and northern territory air service
General: what does actor keanu reeve's first name mean in the hawaiian language`cool breeze over the mountains
General: What Does A 'Culicidologist' Study`The Mosquito
General: What Does A Cumyxaphile Collect`Matchboxes
General: What Does A Depilatory Remove`Hair
General: What Does A Dipsomaniac Crave`Alcohol
General: What Does A Discophile Collect`Records
General: What Does A Dolorimeter Measure`Pain
General: What Does A Dowser Do`Find Water
General: What Does A Fishmonger Do For A Living`Sells Fish
General: What Does A Gallophoic Englishman Fear`France
General: What does a linguist study`languages
General: What Does 'Alopecia' Refer To`Hair Loss
General: what does a mycologist study`fungus
General: What does an anthropophagist eat`people
General: What Does 'Anasazi' Mean`The Ancient Ones
General: What does an insect do through its spiracles`breath
General: what does a notaphile collect`bank notes
General: What does a panaphobe fear`everything
General: what does a pilot drop to slow an airplane`flaps
General: What Does 'Apl' Stand For`A Programming Language
General: what does a ruminant do`chew the cud
General: What Does Ascii Mean`American Standard Code For Information Interchange
General: What does a speleologist study`caves
General: What Does At Stand For In Ibm Jargon`Advanced Technology
General: What Does Barnum Say Is Born Each Min`A Sucker
General: What Does Bette Davis' Headstone Say`She Did It The Hard Way
General: What Does B.F. In Skinner's Name Mean`Burrhus Frederic
General: What Does Blitzkrieg Mean`Lightning War
General: What Does Bmw Stand For`Bavarian Motor Works
General: What does bovine mean`cowlike
General: What Does Britain Lose The Lease On In 1997`Hong Kong
General: What Does Btu Stand For`British Thermal Unit
General: What Does Captain Furillo's Main Squeeze, Joyce Davenport, Do For A Living`Assistant Da
General: what does carrots contain that helps people see better at night`carotene
General: What Does 'Cave Canem' Mean`Beware Of Dog
General: What does 'cc' stand for in motor mechanics`cubic centimetre
General: What Does 'C'est La Vie' Mean`That's Life
General: What does cobol stand for`common business oriented language
General: What Does Cyprus Have On Its Flag`Map
General: What does Dan mean`grade
General: What does Do Loop do for a living`computer programmer
General: What Does Dorothy Throw On The Wicked Witch Of The West To Make Her Melt`Water
General: what does dvd stand for`digital video disk digital video disc
General: What Does E.B. In E.B. White Stand For`Elwin Brooks
General: What Does E.G. Stand For`Exempli Gratia
General: What Does Elly May Call Her Pets In The Beverly Hillbillies`Critters
General: What Does E.L.O. Stand For`Electric Light Orchestra
General: What Does 'Entre Nous' Mean`Between Ourselves
General: What does epcot stand for`experimental prototype community of tomorrow
General: What Does 'Faux Pas' Mean`Mistake
General: What Does Ftd Stand For`Florists Transworld Delivery
General: What does GDP stand for`gross domestic product
General: What Does G.M.T Mean`Greenwich Mean Time
General: What Does 'Gnp' Stand For`Gross National Product
General: What Does 'High Seas' Mean`Unowned Waters
General: What Does 'Http' Stand For`Hypertext Transfer Protocol
General: What Does Icp Stand For`Insane Clown Posse
General: What does ietf stand for`internet engineering task force
General: What Does Interpol Stand For`The International Criminal Police Organisation
General: What Does Iou Stand For`I Owe You
General: What Does Iras Stand For`Infared Astronomical Satellite
General: What Does Iron Deficiency Cause`Anaemia
General: What Does Irs Stand For`Internal Revenue Service
General: What Does Israel Call Its Parliament`Knesset
General: What Does It Say On Samuel L Jacksons Wallet In Pulp Fiction`Bad Mutha Fucka
General: What Does It Say On The Bottom Of New Jersey License Plates`Garden State
General: What Does 'Jabba The Hutt' Eat In Return Of The Jedi`Live Frogs
General: What Does 'Jejune' Mean`Dry
General: What Does Johnny Cash Sing On The (1997) Nissan Tv Commercial`Theme From Laverne And Shirley
General: What Does 'Kindergarten' Mean In German`Children's Garden
General: What Does Letaba Mean`Sandy River
General: What Does Ll Cool J.'S Name Stand For`Ladies Love Cool James
General: What Does Luke Skywalker Shout On The Radio Transmitter Instead Of 'Leia!' On Episode Iv: A New Hope`Carrie
General: What Does 'Malp' Stand For`Mobile Analytical Laboratory Probe
General: What Does Mash Stand For`Mobile Army Surgical Hospital
General: What Does M.A.S.K. Stand For`Mobile Armoured Strike Kommand
General: What Does Millhouse Use To Knock Herman Out With`Morning Star
General: What Does 'Mit'stand For`Massachusetts Institute Of Technology
General: What Does 'M&M' Stand For`Mars And Murray
General: What Does Most Lipstick Contain`Fish Scales
General: what does n.a.s.a stand for`national aeronautics and space administration
General: What does NATO stand for`north atlantic treaty organization
General: What Does 'Nice' Refer To In Unix`Priority
General: What Does Obaka Protect You From`All Spells
General: What Does One Call Ornamental Work In Silver Or Gold Thread`Filigree
General: What Does One Have To Do To Acquire A Flattering Tongue According To Irish Legend`Kiss The Blarney Stone
General: What Does 'Papillion' Mean`Butterfly
General: What Does Peritonitis Affect`Abdomen
General: What Does Peter Pan Call Captain Hook`Cod Fish
General: what does pop3, as in the internet e-mail standard, stand for`post office protocol version 3
General: What does P stand for in the abbreviation PLO`palestine
General: What Does 'Ptd' Stand For`Page Turning Device
General: What Does Qb Vii Refer To In Leon Uris's Title`Queen's Bench No 7
General: what does ramdac stand for`random access memory digital to analogue converter
General: What Does Rfd (As In Mayberry) Mean`Rural Free Delivery
General: What Does 'Rio De Janeiro' Mean In Portuguese`January River
General: What Does Rna Stand For`Ribonucleic Acid
General: What Does 'R' Stand For In 'J.R. Ewing'`Ross
General: what does rx mean to a pharmacist`prescription
General: What Does Salt Stand For`Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty
General: what does sanguinary mean`bloodthirsty
General: What Does S.A.S. Stand For`Secret Air Service
General: what does schadenfreude mean`malicious enjoyment of the misfortunes of others
General: What Does Schroeder Want To Be`A Concert Pianist
General: What Does Smirkles Have 5 Of Sitting In His Basement Holding Down His Foundation`Turn Of The Century Era Printing Presses
General: What Does Smirkles Have Over 3,000 Of In His Basement Waiting To Entertain And Educate`Books
General: What Does S.O.S Stand For`Save Our Souls
General: What Does Sputnik Mean`Fellow Traveller
General: What Does Ssri Stand For`Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor
General: What Does Stcu Stand For`Shut The Crap Up
General: What Does Sub Rosa Mean`In Secret
General: what does sub rosa mean`not literally but in plain english in secret
General: What does Susan B. Anthony's middle initial stand for`brownell
General: What Does Tdc Stand For In Engines`Top Dead Centre
General: What Does The Abbreviation A.M. Stand For`Ante Meridian
General: what does the abbreviation fbi stand for`federal bureau of investigation
General: What Does The Abbreviation Skf (Ball Bearing Producer) Stand For`Svenska Kullager Fabrikken
General: What Does 'The Absent Minded Professor' Teach`Chemistry
General: what does the acronym cia stand for`central intelligence agency
General: what does the ancient greek word electron mean`amber
General: What Does The Australian Slang Word 'Hooroo' Mean`Goodbye
General: What Does The Average Person Do Approximately 15 Times A Day`Laugh
General: What Does The Binet Test Measure`Intelligence
General: what does the body release that dilates small blood vessels and so causes a person to blush`peptides
General: What Does The 'B' Stand For The Middle Name Of Lyndon B. Johnson`Baines
General: What Does The Campbell-Stokes Recorder Measure`Duration Of Sunshine
General: What Does The Cat In Cat-Scan Stand For`Computerised Axial Tomography
General: What Does The Character Quest For In The Dungeons Of Doom`Amulet Of Yendor
General: what does `the cherry orchard' have in common with old editions of `startrek'`mr. checkhov
General: What Does The Clearwater Company (Which John Fogerty Used In Part To Name Creedence Clearwater Revival) Produce`Beer
General: What Does The Columella Separate`Nostrils
General: What Does The Company Burpee Sell`Seeds
General: what does the computer acronym lan stand for`local area network
General: What Does The C Stand For In The Equation E=Mc²`Speed Of Light
General: What Does The Dalmatian Have On Each Individual Hair Follicle`Barb
General: What Does The D In D-Day Stand For`Day
General: What Does The Distress Signal Sos Stand For`Save Our Souls
General: What Does The Dominican Republic Have On Its Flag`Bible
General: what does the electrical abbreviation db stand for`decibel
General: what does the e stand for in the equation e=mc²`energy
General: What Does The Expression 'Playing Possum' Mean`Pretending To Be Dead
General: What Does The Fleetwood Mac Inspired Plaque On Bill Clinton's Desk Read`Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow
General: what does the following acronym stand for: aa`alcoholics anonymous
General: what does the following acronym stand for : isdn`integrated services digital network
General: what does the following acronym stand for : iso`international standards organisation
General: what does the following acronym stand for : nfl`national football league
General: what does the following acronym stand for : pdq`pretty damned quick
General: What Does The Fourth Letter Of The Word Laser Stand For`Emission
General: What Does The Initial J Stand For In William J. Clinton`Jefferson
General: what does the japanese word shogun mean`military governor
General: What Does The J In J Paul Getty's Name Stand For`Jean
General: What Does The Lack Of Iodine In The Diet Cause`Goitre
General: What does the latin 'carpe diem' mean`seize the day
General: What does the latin luna mean`moon
General: What Does The 'Lithosphere' Refer To`Earth's Crust
General: What Does The L.L. In L.L. Bean Stand For`Leon Leonwood
General: what does the mighty thor throw at his enemies`hammer
General: What does the musical term Piano mean`to be played softly
General: What does the musical term rallentando mean`slowing down
General: What Does The Name Daniel Mean`God Will Judge
General: What Does The Numbers On A Clock Face Add Up To`Seventy Eight
General: What Does The 'O' Used As A Prefix In Irish Surnames Mean`Descendent Of
General: what does the pancreas produce`insulin
General: What Does The Police Report D.O.A. Mean`Dead On Arrival
General: What Does The Postage Stamp Cancellation O.H.M.S. Mean`On His Or Her Majesty's Service
General: What Does The Prefix 'Pseudo' Mean`Pretend
General: What Does The 'Q' In The Acronym Nasdaq Stand For`Quotations
General: What does the red spot on the Japanese flag represent`sincerity and passion
General: What Does The Roman Numeral D Stand For`500
General: What Does The Royal Family Use As Confetti`Rose Petals
General: What Does The Second Letter Of The Word Laser Stand For`Amplification
General: What Does The Sign Byo, Seen Outside Some Australian Eating Places, Mean`Bring Your Own Booze
General: What Does The 'S' In Harry S. Truman Stand For`Nothing
General: What Does The 'S' In Nascar Stand For`Stock
General: What Does The Slang Term 'All Day And Night' Mean To A Prison Inmate`A Life Sentence
General: what does the statue of oscar stand on`a reel of film
General: What Does The Symbol Ouroboros Mean In Greek`Tail-Biter
General: What Does The Term 'Dinks' Stand For, That Could Describe A Professional Couple Without Children`Double Income, No Kids
General: What Does The Term 'Dissaving' Mean`Spending More Than Your Income
General: What Does The Term 'Dj' Mean`Disc Jockey
General: What Does The Thanksgiving Cactus Do Around Thanksgiving`Bloom
General: What Does The T In Captain James T. Kirk Stand For`Tiberius
General: What Does The 'Touch Of Midas' Turn Everything Into`Gold
General: what does the typical american eat 263 of each year`eggs
General: What does the typical American eat 263 of each year not pizza!!`eggs
General: What Does The Typical Man Have 13,000 Of`Whiskers
General: What Does The Typical Tv Viewer Do Every Three Minutes And 42 Seconds`Change Channels
General: What Does The Ureter Carry`Urine
General: What does the word chicane mean in the context of a game of bridge`a hand without any trumps
General: what does the word 'friar' mean in latin`brother
General: What Does The 'X' Mean When Referring To The Speed Of A Cd-Rom (Ie.. 32x)`Times Faster Than A Single Speed
General: What Does The Ykk On Zippers Stand For`Yoshida Kogyo Kabushi-Bibaisha The Worlds Largest Zipper Manufacturer
General: What Does The Zip In Zip Code Stand For`Zone Improvement Plan
General: what does thumper call ice in bambi`lichens
General: what does tierra del fuego mean`land of fire
General: What Does Trivia Mean Anyway`Insignificant
General: What Does 'Tsoti' Stand For`The Spirit Of The Island
General: What Does Uhmpwe Stand For`Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene
General: What Does 'Umkhonto We Sizwe' Mean`Spear Of The Nation
General: What Does Unesco Stand For`United Nation Educational, Scientific And Cultural Organisation
General: What does UNESCO stand for`united nation educational, scientific and cultural organization
General: What Does 'Unicef' Mean`United Nations International Childrens Emergency Fund
General: What Does 'Ursa Major' Mean In Everyday English`Big Bear
General: What Does Wonder Woman Have All Over Her Blue Shorts`Yellow Stars
General: What Does Y Stand For`Income
General: What Does Zip Stand For In Zip Code`Zoning Improvement Plan
General: What Do Ethiopians Spend`Birrs
General: What Do Farms, Clocks, And Audiences All Have`Hands
General: What Do Four Quadrant Make`A Circle
General: What Do Huntsmen Shout At The Hounds`Tally-Ho
General: What Do Italians Call Rome`Roma
General: What Do Julius Caeser, Ghandi And Trotsky Have In Common`All Assassinated
General: What Do Las Vegas Dealers Stand On`17
General: What Do Men Do Half As Much As Women`Blink
General: What Do Moscow Residents Substitute For Toilet Paper During Shortages`Newspaper
General: what do most classical guitars have 19 of`frets
General: what do nine pennies weigh`one ounce
General: What Do 'Noologists' Study`The Mind
General: What Do People Use To Propel Kayaks`Paddles
General: What Do Performers Do In The Green Room Of A Tv Studio, Theatre, Or Concert Hall`Relax
General: What Do Scuba Divers Ditch First If They Have To Ascend In A Hurry`Weight Belts
General: What Do Shakespeare, Louis Armstrong And Telly Savalas Have In Common`Died On Their Birthday
General: what do simon and garfunkel lay themselves down like`a bridge over troubled water
General: What Do Spanish Dancers Hold In Their Hands`Castanets
General: What Do Spelunkers Explore`Caves
General: What Do Spiders And Ticks Have In Common`Eight Legs
General: What Do Stock Market Vets Call October 19,1987`Black Monday
General: What Do Strikers Call Those That Refuse To Strike`Scabs
General: What Do Supertankers Carry`Oil
General: What Do The Chinese Worship During Cheng Beng`Souls Of The Dead
General: What Do The French Appellation D'origin Controlee Laws Regulate`Wine
General: What Do The French Call The English Channel`La Manche
General: What Do The Initials Diy Usually Stand For`Do It Yourself
General: What Do The Initials Gi Stand For`Government Issue
General: What Do The Initials In J.C. Penney Stand For`James Cash
General: What Do The Initials M.G. Stand For (As In The British Car)`Morris Garage
General: What Do The Initials 'S.J.' Mean When They Follow A Person's Name`Society Of Jesus
General: What Do The Initials Upi Stand For`United Press International
General: What do the initials V.S.O.P stand for on a bottle of brandy`very special old pale
General: what do the italians call munich`monaco of bavaria
General: What do the letters F.D. on British coins mean`defender of the faith
General: What Do The Letters Hrh Stand For Before A Prince's Name`His Royal Highness
General: what do the letters 'R.E.M.' stand for`Rapid eye movement
General: What Do The Letters S O S Stand For As A Acronym`Nothing
General: What Do The Letters 'T' And 'S' Stand For In T. S. Eliot's Name`Thomas Stearns
General: What Do The Letters Vic In Commodore Vic-20 Stand For`Video Interface Chip
General: What Do The Locals Call The Cloud That Covers Table Mountain In Cape Town`Tablecloth
General: What Do The Pig, Horse And Rat Have In Common`Chinese Astrology
General: What Do The Quebecois Celebrate On June 24`Saint-Jean Baptiste Day`Fete Nationale
General: What Do The San Joaquin Kit Fox, Hawaiian Hawk And Ocelot Have In Common`Endangered Species
General: What Do The Scottish Call Hockey`Shinny
General: What Do These Letters 'Faq' Stand For`Frequently Asked Questions
General: What Do The Seven Rays Atop The Statue Of Liberty's Head Represent`Seven Seas And Seven Continents
General: What Do The Ships Resemble On The Cover Of The 'Boston' Lp In 1976`Guitars
General: What Do The Stp Corporation's Initials Stand For`Scientifically Tested Products
General: what do the words nick and tuck refer to`cosmetic surgery
General: What Do The Words 'Par Avion' On The Outside Of An Envelope Mean`Airmail
General: What Do They Call The Poles Between Which Slalom Skiers Ski`Gates
General: What Do Toads Do Before Mating`Sing
General: What Do Trees Get 90% Of Their Nutrients From`Air
General: What Do Trees Get Ninety Percent Of Their Nutrients From`Air
General: What Do We Call Bacteria Which Are Rod-Shaped`Bacilli
General: What Do We Call In English The Type Of Painting Known To The French As 'Nature Morte'`Still Life
General: What Do We Call Male Witches`Witches, A Warlock Is The Name Given To A War Chief
General: What Do We Measure In Nits`Luminance (A Nit Is A Unit Of Brightness Equal To One Candela Per Square Meter.
General: What Do We Now Call The Country That Was Once Known As Siam`Thailand
General: what do x and y chromosomes combine in making`males
General: What do x & y chromozomes combine in making`males
General: What Do You Call A Central Asian Ruler`Khan
General: What do you call an exaggerated fear of gravity`barophobia
General: What Do You Call A Very Tall Building, Especially A Multistorey Office Block`Skyscraper
General: What Do You Call A Wooden Hammer`Mallet
General: What Do You Call Substances That Will Not Let Thermal Heat Pass Through Them`Insulators
General: What Do You Call The Act Of Putting A Word Inside Another (Ie: Abso Bloody Lutely.)`Tmesis
General: What Do You Call The Dislodging And Fall Of A Mass Of Earth Or Rock`Landslide
General: What Do You Call The Machine That Cleans The Ice In Skating Rinks`Zamboni
General: What Do You Call The Process Of Stamping A Blank Coin With A Design`Minting
General: What Do You Call The Smiley Face And Other Symbols You Type On The Computer`Emoticons
General: What do you call the stock market that is on the rise`bull market
General: 'What Do You Do For Recreation?' 'Oh The Usual, I Bowl, I Drive Around, The Occassional Acid Flashback.'`The Big Lebowski
General: what do you get by mixing gin and vermouth`martini
General: what do you pin the tail on at a birthday party`donkey
General: what do you say when you raise a glass at munich's oktoberfest`prosit
General: What Do You Study If You Are Studying Entomology`Insects
General: what drug did j.j. cale & eric clapton sing about`cocaine
General: What Dublin College Did Elizabeth I Found In 1591`Trinity College
General: what duo's second number one hit was kiss on my list`hall and oates
General: what dutch artist painted 64 self-portraits`rembrandt
General: What Dutch Governor Purchased Manhattan Island From The Indians For 60 Guilders, The Equivalent Of 24 Dollars`Peter Minuit
General: What Dynamic Musical Duo Attended Temple University With One Earning A Degree In Journalism, The Other Studying Music Before Dropping Out In His Senior Year`Daryl Hall And John Oates (Oates Earned The Degree
General: What 'Dynasty' Star Is Bald, According To Zsa Zsa Gabor`Joan Collins
General: What D'you Call Artistic Paper Folding`Origami
General: What East Anglian Town Is At Britain's Most Extreme Eastern Point`Lowestoft
General: What East Coast City Was Arthur Fiedler Born In`Boston
General: What East European Country's People Spend Stotinki`Bulgaria
General: What effect causes a siren to change in pitch as it passes by`doppler effect
General: What Egyptian Sovereign Married Two Of Her Brothers`Cleopatra
General: What Elaborate White Marble Tomb Did India's Shah Jahan Build In Memory Of His Favourite Wife`Taj Mahal
General: what electric instrument is a flying v`guitar
General: what element does the symbol 'at' represent`astatine
General: What element has the periodic table name Au`gold
General: What element has the periodic table name Na`sodium
General: What element has the periodic table name Sn`tin
General: What element is azoth the ancient name for`mercury
General: What Elton John Record Label Did Kiki Dee Join In 1973`Rocket Records
General: What English China Company Has A Lion As It's Logo`Royal Doulton
General: What English City Does The Prime Meridian Pass Through`Greenwich
General: What English City Was Known To The Romans As Venta Bulgarum`Winchester
General: What English Conductor And Founder Of The London Philharmonic Orchestra In 1932 And The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra On 1946 Was Born On April 29,1879`Sir Thomas Beecham
General: What English County Has The Smallest Perimeter`Isle Of Wight
General: What English County Is Dawlish Warren In`Devon
General: What English Essayist And Poetcreator Of 'Sir Roger De Coverly' Was Born On May 1,1672`Joseph Addison
General: What English Explorer Discovered And Named Virginia`Sir Walter Raleigh
General: What English king married his brother's widow`henry viii
General: What English King Was Beheaded`Charles I
General: What English-Language Song Is The Most Frequently Sung`Happy Birthday To You
General: What English Philanthropist And Reformer Commemorated By The Statue Of 'Eros' On London's Piccadilly Circus Was Born On April 28,1801`Lord Shaftesbury
General: What English Word Is The Longest You Can Type Using Your Right Hand (In Normal Typing Position - No Pecking)`Lollipop
General: What Enormously Prolific English Essayist And Literary Critic Was Born On April 10 In 1778`William Hazlitt
General: what entertainer is allowing one of his songs to be used in a government campaign to beat drunk driving`michael jackson
General: What Entertainer's Nickname Is 'The Thief Of Bad Gags'`Milton Berle
General: What Era Of Capital Punishment Was Cut Short In France In 1985`Death By Guillotine
General: What Era Were The First Traces Of Land Life Believed To Appeared`Paleozoic
General: What E.R. Star Had A Small Role In 'Fast Times At Ridgemont High'`Anthony Edwards
General: What Escape Route Did John Brown Run`Underground Railroad
General: What European Capital Sandbagged Air Raid Shelters In World War Ii`London
General: what european city boasts the luxembourg garden`paris
General: What European Country Administers The Island Of Martinique`France
General: What European Country Has The Lowest Divorce Rate In The Western World`Italy
General: what european country is libya's major trading partner`italy
General: What European Country Is Threatened By Over 100 Active Volcanoes`Iceland
General: what european country's largest company is petrogal`portugal
General: what european language is most closely related to mongolian`finnish
General: What European Mercy Mission Ended In 1949 After 277,264 Flights`The Berlin Airlift
General: What Eventually Killed Oliver Cromwell`Malaria
General: What Event Was Abbie Hoffman Writing About When He Asked: Were We Pilgrims Or Lemmings`Woodstock '69
General: What Expression Did Clark Kent's Newspaper Boss Like To Use`Great Caesar's Ghost
General: What Expression That Originated On 'The Howdy Doody Show' Has Been Incorporated Into The Vocabularies Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles And Bart Simpson`Cowabunga!
General: What Fabric Are Harris, Lewis And Donegal Examples Of`Tweed
General: What Facial Feature Contains Approximately 550 Hairs`Eyebrow
General: what facial feature does not feature on the mona lisa`eyebrows
General: What Factor Distinguishes Between Ferrous And Non-Ferrous Metals`The Presence Of Iron
General: what falls out with phalacrosis`hair
General: What Famed Butler Did P G Wodehouse Create`Jeeves
General: What Famed London Court Was Once A Feudal Castle`Old Bailey
General: What Famed Ranch Can You See From Ranch Road No. 1 Near Stonewall, Texas`Lbj Ranch
General: What Famed Strip Of Land Is A 15-Minute Boat Trip Across The Benetian Lagoon From Venice`Lido
General: What Famed Three-Word Phrase Follows Harry Callahan's Taunt 'Come On, Punk'`Make My Day
General: What Family Is The Commonly Ingested Potato A Member Of`Nightshade
General: What Family Of Animals Do Dogs Belong To`Canines
General: What Family Of Drugs Does Lsd Belong To`Hallucinogens
General: What family pet returns to life in the novel Pet Sematary by Stephen King`a cat
General: What Family's Theme Song Opened: 'They're Creepy And They're Kooky'`Addams Family
General: What Famous Airborne Event Occurred May 21,1927`Lindbergh Flight
General: What Famous American Politician Was A Radio Sports Announcer In The 1930's`Ronald Reagan
General: What Famous American's Nickname Was The Lone Eagle`Charles Lindbergh
General: What Famous Bird First Appeared On Tv September 1957`Nbc Peacock
General: What Famous Brothers Lived At Hawthorn Hill In Dayton, Ohio`Wright Brothers
General: What Famous Chinese Philosopher Wrote The Book 'The Art Of War'`Sun Tzu
General: What Famous Economist Provided A Challenge To The Classical Model Durring The Great Depression`John Keynes
General: What Famous Geyser Erupts Regularly At The Yellowstone National Park`Old Faithful
General: What Famous London Residence Is Called Buck House`Buckingham Palace
General: What Famously Happened On 6th August 1945`The Atom Bomb Was Dropped On Hiroshima
General: What Famously Happened On 7th December 1941`Japanese Attack On Pearl Harbour
General: What Famous Mountain Is Often Photographed By Film Of The Same Name`Fuji
General: What Famous Object Do The Lamps Resemble Along The Main Street In Hershey, Pennsylvania`Hershey Kisses
General: What Famous Occurrence Happened At Ujiji In 1871`Stanley Found Livingstone
General: What Famous Painting Was Also Known As La Gioconda`Mona Lisa
General: what famous revolutionary was murdered in his home in mexico in 1940`leon trotsky
General: what famous singer is the daughter of judy garland`liza minelli
General: What Famous Soap Opera Duo Reigned On General Hospital In The Eighties`Luke And Laura
General: What Famous Speech Was Delivered On November 19,1863`Gettysburg Address
General: What famous stone structure is located near Salisbury`stonehenge
General: What Fantasia Suite Features Autumn Fairies And Frost Fairies`Nutcracker
General: what fast-food chain was named for brothers forrest and leroy raffel in 1964`arby's
General: What Father/Daughter Duo Made 'Gag Me With A Spoon' A Household Phrase During The Eighties`Frank And Moon Unit Zappa
General: What Fbi Agent Tracked Charles 'Pretty Boy' Floyd To Ohio, Where Floyd Died`Melvin Purvis
General: What Feat Was Amelia Earhart Attempting When She Disappeared In 1937`Flying Around The World
General: What Feline Sent Out The Most Autographed 8-By-10 Glossies During The Early 1970s`Morris The Cat
General: What Feud Ended With A Marriage In Kentucky On March 21,1891`Hatfield-Mccoy
General: What Fictional City Is Home To Batman And Robin`Gotham City
General: What Fictional Detective Was Created By Lesley Charteris`Simon Templar`The Saint
General: what fictional feline had seven books on the new york times bestseller list in 1982`garfield
General: What Fictional Island, Off The Coast Of Jamaica, Served As The Fortress For Dr. No`Crab Key
General: what film featured jack nicholson as a los angeles private eye`chinatown
General: What Final Event Did Gladstone And Churchill Share`State Funeral
General: What finger is the most sensitive`forefinger
General: What First Lady Drafted The Declaration Of Human Rights Adopted By The U.N`Eleanor Roosevelt
General: What Fish Appeared In The First Of A Marathon Run Of Tv Commercials In 1961`Charlie The Tuna
General: What Fish Can Handle Water Temperatures Upwards Of 100 Degrees Fahrenheit`Desert Pupfish
General: What Fish Is The Fastest`Sailfish
General: What Five-Letter Word, Beginning With Q, Is Used To Describe A Lock Or Curl Of Hair On The Forehead`Quiff
General: What Flag Is Shown Flying Over The Parliment Building On A Canadian Two Dollar Bill`American
General: What Flamboyant Country Diva Chirped: 'You'd Be Surprised How Much It Costs To Look This Cheap'`Dolly Parton
General: What Flamboyant Pianist Started Out By Giving Concerts In High School Under The Name Walter Busterkeys`Liberace
General: What Flat Surface Is Found Above A Fireplace`Mantle
General: What Fl County Banned 2 Live Crew Sales`Broward
General: What Florentine Held That The Ends Justified The Means`Machiavelli
General: What flower is the national symbol of India`lotus
General: what footballer was paid $10,000 to shave off his moustache in a '74 tv ad`joe namath
General: what football player rushed for 2,003 yards in 1973`oj simpson
General: what football team once featured the 'orange crush' defense`denver broncos
General: What Foreign Country's Phone Book Is Alphabetized By First Name`Iceland
General: What Foreshadowed The United Nations`The League Of Nations
General: What Former 'Ape' Played A Witch On The Edge Of The Night`Kim Hunter
General: What Former British Colony Has A Famed Jade Market On Canton Road`Hong Kong
General: What Former British Dependency Was Turned Over To China In 1997`Hong Kong
General: What Former Middle Eastern Tourist Mecca Has Been Reduced To Rubble By Civil War And Terrorism`Beirut
General: What Former Vice-President Killed Alexander Hamilton In A Duel`Aaron Burr
General: What Form Of Execution Did St Stephen The Martyr Suffer`Stoning
General: What Form Of Government Did Hawaii Have From 1941-44`Martial Law
General: What Forms When A Diamond Is Cut With A Laser`Graphite Dust
General: What Founding Father Pioneered The Idea For A National Bank`Hamilton
General: What Four Colours Were Offered By The Stutz Bearcat`Bright Yellow, Red, Blue And Gray
General: What Four-Letter Nickname Do Londoners Apply To Their Subway`The Tube
General: What Four-Letter Title Is Given To The Captain And Last Player In A Game Of Lawn Bowls`Skip
General: What Four-Time National League Batting Champ Was Killed In A Plane Crash On Dec. 31,1972`Roberto Clemente
General: What Four-Word Farewell Of The 1950s Was Inspired By A Many-Toothed Reptile`See You Later, Alligator
General: What Four-Word Phrase Sums Up The Quality Of A Well-Known Fried Chicken Franchise's Fare`It's Finger-Lickin' Good
General: What Four Words Follow The Refrain 'We Are The World'`We Are The Children
General: What Fraction Of A Metre Is A Micron`A Millionth
General: What Fraction Of An Iceberg Shows Above Water`One Ninth
General: What Fraction Of The Earth's Gravity Is The Moon's`One Sixth
General: What Frank Willard Comic Strip Featured Lord Plushbottomuncle Willie And Kayo`Moon Mullins
General: What Fraternity Do The Lewis And Gilbert Join In Revenge Of The Nerds`Lambda Lambda Lambda
General: what french 16-year-old was guided by her voices when she went to see the dauphin in 1482`joan of arc
General: What French emperor died in Kent`napoleon iii
General: what fruit is citrus grandis`grapefruit
General: what fruit produces a herb`banana
General: What Fugitive Holds The Distinction For Being Arrested The Fastest Once Appearing On The Fbi's Ten Most Wanted List`Billy Bryant He Was Captured 2 Hours After Being Listed.
General: What Function Did The Louvre Art Museum Originally Serve`Fortress
General: What Funk-Pop Group Was Originally Named The 'Jazziacs' When They Formed At Jersey City's Lincoln High School`Kool And The Gang
General: What Future President Was The First Us Secretary Of State`Thomas Jefferson
General: What Future Usa General's Dyslexia Forced Him To Repeat His First Year At West Point`George Patton
General: What Future Yippie Leader Was The First Male Cheerleader At Brandeis`Abbie Hoffman
General: What game show had people dressed up funny`make a deal
General: What Gangster Couple Was Riddled With 104 Bullets`Bonnie And Clyde
General: what gangster ordered the murder of bugsy siegel`lucky luciano
General: What Gang Was Responsible For The First Train Robbery In The United States`The Reno Brothers
General: what gas filled the ill-fated zeppelin the hindenburg`hydrogen
General: What gas is produced in plants in the process of photosynthesis`oxygen
General: What Gave Life To Frosty The Snowman`Old Silk Hat
General: what general first commanded united nations forces in the korean war`douglas macarthur
General: What General's Estate Did A Vengeful Congress Confiscate As The Site For A Cemetery`Robert E. Lee
General: What Genre Of Fiction Is Honoured By The Nebula Awards`Science Fiction
General: What Geometric Shape Has 4 Equal Sides`Square
General: What Geometric Shape Has Ten Sides`Decagon
General: What German City Do Italians Call 'The Monaco Of Bavaria'`Munich
General: What German City Is Best Known For Its Oktoberfest`Munich
General: What German City Is Famed For The Scent It Produces`Cologne
General: What German City Might You Go For An All-Beef Pattie`Hamburg
General: What German city was the site of the war crime trials following WWII`nuremberg
General: What German Military Leader Of The Afrika Korps Was Known As 'The Desert Fox'`Erwin Rommel
General: what german tennis player was fined $2,000 for conduct at the australian open that included spitting at the umpire`boris becker
General: what german town's problem with rats was handled by the pied piper`hamelin
General: What German Word Means 'Air Weapon'`Luftwaffe
General: What Geyser Erupts Every Hour At Yellowstone National Park`Old Faithful
General: What Giant Ape Carried Fay Wray To The Top Of The Empire State Building`King Kong
General: what girlfriend of barbie doll was introduced by mattel in 1963`midge
General: What Goes Before 'Ron Ron' On The Title Of The Crystals' First Major Hit`Da Doo
General: what goes with ruby, emerald and sapphire to make up the world's most valuable gems`diamond
General: What golfer is nicknamed The Great White Shark`greg norman
General: What Got Its Name From A Bridgeport Pie Company's Name And Light-Weight Pie Tins`Frisbees
General: what go together like a horse and carriage according to a frank sinatra hit`love and marriage
General: What Gourmet Wrote Adventures In Good Eating, A 1935 Restaurant Guide`Duncan Hines
General: What Graph Is Used In Engineering To Show The Strength Properties Of Materials`A Stress-Strain Curve
General: What Greek runner of 5 bc is said to have run 241 km in 48 hours to summon help for Athens`pheidippedes
General: what greek slave wrote fables`aesop
General: What Greek Was The First To Suggest The Earth Was A Globe`Pythagoras
General: What Greek wrote Meteorologica, popularizing that name for the study of weather`aristotle
General: What Greek Wrote Oedipus Rex`Sophocles
General: What Greeting Did Lionel Richie Take To The Top In 1984`Hello
General: What Grew When The Doll 'Growing Up Skipper's Arm Was Turned`Breasts
General: What Grilled Fish Pate Is All The Rage In Malaysia`Otak Otak
General: What Group Landed In America In 1620`Pilgrims
General: What Group Of American Indians Formerly Ranged From Texas And Arizona, South To The Mexican State Of Durango, Until Rounded Up In 1886`Apache
General: What Group Of Americans Speak A Dialect They Call Mudderschprooch`Amish
General: what group of elements do americanium, plutonium, uranium and einsteinium belong to`actinides
General: What Group Of People Founded Liberia In 1847`Freed American Slaves
General: what group performed you sexy thing`hot chocolate
General: what group refused to have their pictures taken while they were not in their makeup`kiss
General: What Group Was Founded By H.N. Arrowsmith Jr. In 1950`American Nazi Party
General: what grow nearly 4 times faster than toenails`fingernails
General: What Had One Eye, One Horn And Flew In The 1958 Hit By Sheb Wooley`Flying Purple People Eater
General: What happened at 2:56 on the 21st July 1969`manned moon landing
General: What Happened Just Off Front Street In Tombstone, Arizona, Wednesday, October 26,1881`Gunfight At The O.K. Corral
General: what happened on screen for the first time in india 1977`first screen kiss
General: What Happened On Screen For The First Time In India In 1977`Screen Kiss
General: What Happened To Lady Jawara , The President Of Gambia's Wife When He Was At Prince Charles Wedding`She Was Kidnapped
General: What Happens If You Get Pepper In Your Proboscis`You Sneeze
General: What Happens To Wanda In 'A Fish Called Wanda'`Wanda Is Eaten
General: What Happens When Reverse Peristalsis Takes Place`You Puke
General: What Harmful Drug Is Found In Cigarettes`Nicotine
General: what has a range of 28 miles`aim-7 sparrow
General: What Has Become A Custom From Armoured Knights Raising Their Visors To Identify Themselves When They Rode Past Their King`Salute
General: What Has Nine Sectors, Of Which Four Sectors Have Three Walls, Four Sectors Have 2 Walls, And One Sector Has Four`Pound Sign
General: what has superseded newtonian mechanics of the atomic scale`quantum mechanics
General: What Has Superseded Newtonian Mechanics Of The Atomic Scale`Quantum Mechanics
General: what has the randse afrikaanse universiteit changed its name to in 2000`randse akademise universiteit
General: What Has To Be Produced In A Writ Of Habeas Corpus`Body
General: What Has Yale College Been Serving For More Than 100 Years`Apple Pie
General: What Hat Maker First Traveled To The Wild West To Recover From Ill Health`John Stetson
General: What Hat Was First Made In And Named After A Moroccan City`Fez
General: What Have These In Common: George Taylor, James Smith, William Floyd, George Ross, Thomas Stone, James Wilson`All Were Signers Of The Declaration Of Independence
General: what have you suffered from if you've had a myocardial infarct`heart attack
General: What Healthful Practice Is Chewing An Acacia Twig A Substitute For In India`Brushing Teeth
General: What Heavenly Body Has A Plaque Saying'we Came In Peace For All Mankind'`The Moon
General: what heavyweight boxer was known as cassius clay when he began his career`muhammad ali
General: What Hebrew Word Means 'So Be It'`Amen
General: what henri charriere best seller describes his escape from devil's island`papillon
General: What Herb Is Most Often Used As A Garnish`Parsley
General: What Herb Seed Can Be Either Black Or White, And Yields An Oil That Resists Turning Rancid`Sesame
General: What Hereditary Defect Of Vision Is Sex-Linked Affecting More Men Than Women`Colour Blindness
General: What Hill In Athens Boasts The Parthenon And Other Temples`The Acropolis
General: What Hill Lies To The North-West Of The Acropolis In Athens`Areopagus
General: what hindu lawyer's philosophy in india after wwi was that of nonviolent, noncooperation against the british authority`mahatma gandhi
General: what hobby was developed by the palmer paint company of detriot`painting by numbers
General: What Holiday Did Berkeley, California, Propose Changing To Indigenous Peoples Day In 1992`Columbus Day
General: What Holiday Does Japan Celebrate On December 23`Birthday Of The Emperor
General: What Holiday Do Spaniards Celebrate With Cries Of 'Feliz Ano Nuevo'`New Year
General: What Holiday Falls On The First Sunday After The First Full Moon After The Spring Equinox`Easter
General: What Holiday Is Celebrated In China On December 25th`Constitution Day
General: What Holiday Is Celebrated On July 14th In French Polynesia`Bastille Day
General: what holiday is the indianapolis 500 traditionally run on`memorial day
General: What Hollywood Starlet's Pinup Graced The Most Gi Barracks In World War Ii`Betty Grable
General: What Honour Is Indicated By The Initials Kcb`Knight Commander Of The Bath
General: what hormone is produced by the adrenal glands`adrenaline
General: What Hosiery Product Was 'Hatched' In 1970 Using An Innovative Packaging Concept`L'eggs Pantyhose
General: What Household Appliance Was Originally Considered As The Time Travel Machine In 'Back To The Future'`A Refrigerator
General: what housewife once portrayed a deep throated nurse`linda lovelace
General: What Houston Rocket Player Scored 48 Points Off The Bench`Mike Dunleavy`Dunleavy
General: What 'H' Shows That Precious Metals Are Authentic`Hallmark
General: What Human Bone Is Most Often Broken In Humans`Collar Bone
General: What Hungarian Capital Is Split By The Danube River`Budapest
General: What Hungarian City Is Split By The Danube River`Budapest
General: What Hungarian Name Was Given To 37 Pet Pooches Registered In Los Angeles County By 1991`Zsa Zsa
General: What Illinois Town Has Designated Itself As Superman's Hometown`Metropolis
General: what imaginary line encircling the earth is 90 degrees from both poles at every point`equator
General: What Important Event In American History Took Place On Christmas Night 1776`Washington Crossing The Delaware
General: What Important Event Occurred In Australia On December 3rd,1854`Eureka Stockade
General: What, In Australian English Is A Coolabah`Tree
General: What Independantly Governed British Colony Voted To Join The Dominion Of Canada With Only A 52% Majority Vote`Newfoundland
General: What Indian Tribe Is Associated With 'The Trail Of Tears'`Cherokee
General: What Indian Word Means 'Big Village'`Canada
General: What Inert Gas Is Used In Fluorescent Lights`Argon
General: What, In Knitting, Do 'Cable', 'Purl' And 'Popcorn' Refer To`Stitches
General: What Innovation Did London's Fire Brigade First Acquire In 1866`Ladders
General: What In Queensland Australia , Is The Worlds Longest At 3,450 Miles`Fence
General: what insect does kurt cobain mention in smells like teen spirit`mosquito
General: what insect family has the most varieties, making up 290,000 of the 751,000 insect classes`beetle the beetle
General: What instrument did jazz musician, Woody Herman, play`clarinet
General: what instrument did the greek god pan play`panpipes
General: what instrument does woody allen play`clarinet
General: What International Award Was Worth 365 Dollars Mineral Value In 1988`Olympic
General: What In The Usa Is Celebrated On The Fourth Thursday In November`Thanksgiving
General: What In The Wild West Was Known As The Peacemaker`Colt 45
General: what irish city celebrated its millennium in 1988`dublin
General: what is 240 minutes in hours`four
General: What Is -459.7 F Also Know As`Absolute Zero
General: what is 9 metres high, 7 metres wide and 2,500 kilometres long`great wall of china
General: what is a baby eel called`elvers
General: what is a bibliothek in frankfurt`library
General: what is a billet-doux`love letter
General: What Is A Blue Moon`2nd Full Moon In 1 Month
General: What is abyssinia known as today`ethiopia
General: what is a cancerous tumour`malignant
General: what is a catalogue of languages`ethnologue
General: What Is A 'Cat's Cradle' Made From`String
General: What Is A Chateaubriand A Fillet Of`Beef
General: What Is A Chicago Overcoat`Coffin
General: What Is A Cigar With Both Ends Cut Of Squarely Called`Cheroot
General: what is a citizen of naples called`a neopolitan
General: What Is A Collection Of A Sun(S) And Planets Called`Solar System
General: What Is A Common Anti-Caking Agent Usually Found In Chinese Food`Monosodium Glutamate
General: what is a computer screen's display made up of`pixels
General: What Is A Contusion`Bruise
General: What Is A Conundrum`Riddle
General: What, Is Added To Iron To Make Steel Resistant To Corrosion`Chromium
General: what is a device to stem the flow of blood called`a tourniquet
General: What is a dialogue`a conversation
General: What is a fly agaric`a mushroom
General: What is a 'fody' a type of`bird
General: What Is A Funambulist`Tightrope Walker
General: What Is A German Empire Called`Reich
General: What Is A German Motorway Also Known As`Autobahn
General: What Is A Gondola`Water Taxi
General: What Is A Googol`The Largest Named Number
General: What Is A Gopak`A Russian Dance
General: What Is A Greek Pita`Bread
General: What is a group of hawks called`cast
General: what is a group of stars`constellation
General: what is a group of this animal called: bird`flock flight congregation volery
General: What is a group of this animal called: Coyote`band
General: What is a group of this animal called: Crow`murder
General: What is a group of this animal called: Deer`herd
General: What is a group of this animal called: Dove`dule
General: what is a group of this animal called: kitten`kindle litter
General: what is a group of this animal called: peacock`muster ostentation
General: what is a group of this animal called: rhino`crash herd
General: What is a group of this animal called: Walrus`pod
General: What is a group of this animal called: Woodpecker`descent
General: what is a hacienda`ranch
General: what is a heart attack`myocardial infarct
General: What Is A Hebdomad`A Week
General: What Is A Hen Less Than A Year Old Called`A Pullet
General: What Is A Hotel Dieu In France`Hospital
General: What Is A Kabloona`A Non-Inuit Person
General: what is a langouste`crawfish
General: what is a lexicon`a dictionary
General: What Is Al Iskandariyah Commonly Known As`Alexandria, Egypt
General: What Is Allison Hargreaves The First Woman To Do`Climb Mt Everest Without Oxygen
General: what is a low layer of cloud called`a nimbostratus
General: What is a lux a measure of`illumination
General: What is a malamute`eskimo dog
General: what is a male deer`buck
General: what is a male sheep`ram
General: what is a male swan called`cob
General: what is a male swine called`boar
General: what is a marsupium`pouch
General: what is anaemia`iron deficiency
General: what is an algonquin`moose
General: What Is An American Indian Baby Known As`Papoose
General: What Is An Ancient Japanese Warrior Called`Samurai
General: what is an ecdysiast`a stripper
General: What is an emasculated stallion called`gelding
General: what is an ethnologue`catalogue of languages
General: What Is An Execution By Hanging Called`Air Dance
General: What Is An Expert Rifle Shot Called`Marksman
General: What is an extra lane on an uphill stretch of motorway provided for slow-moving vehicles called`crawler lane
General: What Is An Eyeglass Worn On One Eye Called`Monocle
General: What Is An Ideo Locator`'You Are Here' Arrow
General: what is an immunoglobin`antibody
General: What Is An Italian Sandwich More Commonly Known As`Submarine
General: What is a noggin`a small cup
General: what is another name for crude oil`black gold
General: What is another name for iron oxide`rust
General: What Is An 'S' Word Meaning The Same As 'Eyeglasses'`Spectacles
General: what is a one-party system of government in which control is maintained by force and regimentation`fascism
General: What Is A Peanut If It Is Not A Pea Or A Nut`Legume
General: What is a perfect score in a game of 10 pin bowling`three hundred`300
General: what is a poisson, in france`fish
General: What Is A Portable Handheld Communications Transcriber`Pencil
General: What Is A Pregnant Goldfish`Twit
General: What Is A Prestidigitator`A Magician
General: What Is A Prison Called On A Ship`The Brig
General: What Is A Pugilist`Boxer
General: what is a resident of liverpool`liverpudlian
General: What is a roker`a foot long ruler
General: What is a sand mason`a worm
General: what is a shark's skeleton made of`cartilage
General: What Is A Six-Sided Polygon Called`Hexagon
General: What is a skin specialist called`dermatologist
General: What is a slang name for diamonds`ice
General: What Is A Small Basin For Washing The Genital Area Called`Bidet
General: what is a sombrero`hat
General: What Is A South African Coin Containing 1 Troy Ounce Of Gold`Krugerrand
General: What is a sternocleidomastoid`a muscle
General: What is a sun dried grape`raisin
General: what is a wahoo`a fast fish
General: what is a woman with dark hair called`brunette
General: what is a young goose called`gosling
General: what is a young lion called`cub
General: what is a young whale called`calf
General: what is barbie's full name`barbara millicent roberts
General: What Is Barbi's Full Name`Barbara Millicent Roberts
General: what is barney rubbles wifes name`betty
General: What Is Believed To Be Buried On Oak Island`Treasure
General: what is believed to be created when a star collapses`black hole
General: What Is Blackpool In Irish`Dubh Linn
General: What is brine`salt water
General: What is Burma now known as`myanmar
General: What Is Calcium Oxide`Lime
General: What Is Called The 'Sport Of Kings'`Horse Racing
General: What is Camilla Parker Bowles' nickname`bulldog
General: What Is Canada's National Anthem`Oh Canada
General: What Is Canada's Newest Territory`Nunavut`Nunavit
General: What Is Canada's Oldest University`The University Of Kings College`University Of Kings College
General: What Is Captain Midnight's Secret Identity`Captain Albright
General: What Is 'Cat Ice'`Thin Ice
General: What Is Cher's Maiden Name`Sarkassian
General: What Is Chronic Caffeine Poisoning From Excessive Tea Drinking Called`Theaism
General: What Is Commonly Considered The Fifth Sense`Touch
General: what is considered the sister language of english`german
General: What Is Considered To Be The Most Important Early Computing Instrument`The Abacus (Known And Widely Used For More Than 2,000 Years
General: what is contralesa`congress of traditional leaders of south africa
General: what is conway twitty's real name`harold lloyd jenkins
General: What Is Cordiform`Heart Shaped
General: what is cornelius mcgillicuddy's stage name`connie mack
General: What Is Day Is Celebrated In Honour Of Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole`Kuhio Day
General: what is dolomite`mineral found by limestone
General: What Is Dr. No's First Name`Julius
General: What is earth's galaxy called`milky way
General: What Is Eddie Munster's Middle Name`Wolfgang
General: What is e.g. an abbreviation of`exempli gratia
General: What Is Elaine's Last Name In The Movie: The Graduate`Robinson
General: what is engelbert humperdinck's real name`arnold dorsey
General: What Is Epidaurus Famous For`Greek Theatre
General: What Is E.T Famous For Saying`E.T Phone Home
General: What Is Europe's Longest Train Route`Orient Express
General: What Is Europes Most Easterly Mountain Range`Urals
General: What Is Evel Knievel's Real Name`Robert Craig Knievel
General: What Is Every Player's Bankroll At The Start Of A Monopoly Game`1500 Dollars
General: What Is Extremely Unusual About A Duck's Quack`It Doesn't Echo (And No One Knows Why
General: What Is Falaka`Torture Beating To The Feet
General: What Is Floribad In The Free State Known For`Hot Springs
General: What Is Foghorn Leghorn's Favorite Song`Camptown Races
General: What Is Fonzie's Full Name`Arthur Fonzarelli
General: What Is Found Beneath Wayne Manor`The Batcave
General: What Is Further From The Equator? Tasmania, Tanzania Or Transylvania`Transylvania
General: What Is 'Garbo' Slang For In Australia`Garbage Man
General: What Is Garfield's Girlfriends Name`Arlene
General: What is geophagy`practise of eating soil
General: What Is 'Gorilla Juice'`Steroids
General: what is grimace of the mcdonald's characters`a tastebud
General: What Is Ground Being 'Rested' For A Season`Fallow
General: What Is Half Of India's Mumbai Built On`Landfill
General: What Is Harriet Tubman's Real Name`Araminta Ross
General: What Is Hominy Made From`Corn
General: What Is Hulk Hogan's Real Name`Terry Bollea
General: what is improved if you sleep on your right side`digestion
General: What Is Indicated By A Falling Barometer`Stormy Weather
General: What is Interpol short for`international criminal police commision
General: What Is Italian For Baby`Bambino
General: What Is It Called When The Literal Meaning Is The Exact Opposite Of The Actual Meaning`Irony
General: what is it that earthworms have five of, whereas humans have but one`hearts
General: what is it that walks on four feet in the morning, two feet at noon, and three feet in the evening`man
General: What Is Jamaica's Nickname`Regaa Boyz
General: What Is January 30,1972, Known As In Londonderry, Northern Ireland? (Two Words)`Bloody Sunday
General: What Is Japanese 'Sake' Made From`Rice
General: What Is Jonathan Taylor Thomas' Tv Name On Home Improvements`Randy
General: what is juliet's last name`capulet
General: What Is Kalaalit Nunaat Commonly Known As`Greenland
General: What is Kanga's son's name in the Winnie The Pooh stories`baby roo
General: What Is Known As Amundsen Scott Station`South Pole
General: What is known as the graveyard of the Atlantic`sable island
General: What is known as the Lost Continent`atlantis
General: What Is Ladies Night At Moe's Tavern`Tuesday
General: what island group provides the sheltered port of scapa flow`orkneys
General: what island in san francisco bay once was the site of a prison`alcatraz
General: what island's entire population was awarded the george cross`malta
General: What is LCD an abbreviation of`liquid crystal display
General: what is leslie west's nickname`mountain
General: What Is Los Angeles's Full Name, Unabbreviated`El Pueblo De Nuestra Senora La Reina De Los Angeles De Porciuncula
General: What Is Luke Skywalker's Father's Real Name`Anakin
General: What Is Lynette Alice Fromme's Nickname`Squeaky
General: What Is Made In A Samovar`Tea
General: What Is Made Of Fermented Grape Juice`Wine
General: What Is Madonna's Mother's Name`Madonna Ciccone
General: What is Magic Johnson's first name`earvin
General: What Is Measured In Ergs`Work
General: What Is Missing From A Navel Orange`Seeds
General: what is missing from the venus de milo`arms
General: What is Mo Mowlam's first name`marjorie
General: What Is More Effective Than Caffeine At Waking Up In The Morning`Apples
General: what is more effective than caffeine at waking you up in the morning`apples
General: What Is Motown Short For`Motor Town
General: what is mr. roger's first name`fred
General: What is MUD an abbreviation for`multiple user dungeon
General: what is new brunswicks highest point at 820 m`mount carleton
General: What Is New, Last Or Gibbous`Moon
General: What Is New Zealand's Most Famous Southland Body Of Water`Milford Sound
General: What Is Normal Human Body Temperature In Degrees Fahrenheit`986
General: What Is Official State Beverage Of Massachusetts`Cranberry Juice
General: What Is 'Oil Of Angels.'`Bribe Money (Oil, Of Course, Makes Things Run Smoothly
General: What Is On A 5000 Acre Landfill At The Head Of Jamaica Bay Near New York City`John F Kennedy Airport
General: What Is On The Banks Of The River Jumna`Taj Mahal
General: What Is On The Foot In The Goodyear Logo`A Wing
General: What Is Ornamental Work In Silver Or Gold Thread`Filigree
General: What Is Ozzy Osbourne's Real Name`John Osbourne
General: What Is Panphopia A Fear Of`Everything
General: What Is Paul Mccartney's Real First Name`James
General: What Is Pavarotti's First Name`Luciano
General: What Is 'Peanut' Comic Strip Creator Charles Shulz' Street Address In Santa Rosa, California`1 Snoopy Place
General: What Is Pee Wee Herman's Real Name? (First And Last)`Paul Rubens
General: What Is Pikachu Related To In The Real World`Rat
General: What Is Plo An Abbreviation For`Palestine Liberation Organisation
General: What is PLO an abbreviation for`palestine liberation organization
General: what is pogonophobia the fear of`beards
General: What Is Prattware`Pottery
General: What Is Professor Frink's Phone Number`555-5782
General: What Is Pruritius`Itching
General: What Is Pure China Clay`Kaolin
General: what is quicksilver better known as`mercury
General: What Is Quicksilver`Mercury
General: What Is Radio Shack's Main Brand Name`Realistic
General: What Is Raku`Japanese Pottery
General: What Is Ra The Chemical Symbol For`Radium
General: what is recorded with two beams of light`holograph
General: What Is Removed In An Orchidectomy`Testicle
General: What Is Resident Of Moscow Called`Muscovite
General: what is sade's real name`helen adu
General: what is said to have given samson his strength`his hair
General: What is Sally Ride's scientific calling`physics
General: What Is Samian Ware`Fine Pottery
General: What Is San Francisco's Equivalent To Sydney's 'City To Surf' Race`Bay To Breakers Footrace
General: what is sashimi`raw fish
General: What Is Saturnism`Lead Poisoning
General: what is 'shogun' in english`military governer
General: What Is Significan't About A Score Of 4137 Points In Billiards`It Is Walter Lindrum's World-Record Break
General: What Is Six Million In Base 6,000,000`10
General: what is slang for a car with hydraulic suspension in the suburban america`low rider
General: what is smokey stover's job`fireman
General: What Is St. Andrew, Scotland Best Known For`First Golf Course
General: What Is Super Chicken's Partners Name`Fred
General: what is switzerland's most spoken language`german
General: What Is Tarantism`Uncontrollable Urge To Dance
General: What Is Tattooed On Glen Campbell's Arm`Dagger
General: what is tattooed on popeye's arm`an anchor
General: What Is Tattooed On Popeye's Arm`Anchor
General: What Is The 10th Letter Of The Alphabet`J
General: What Is The 14th Letter Of Our Alphabet`N
General: what is the 15' by 18' cell that 146 captured british officers were forced into by indian troops in the 19th century`black hole of calcutta
General: What Is The #1 Cause Of Preventable Death In North America`Cigarette Smoking
General: What Is The 2nd Best-Selling Book Of All Time`Quotations From Chairman Mao
General: What is the 30th longest river in the world`the thames
General: What Is The 3rd Smallest Country In The World`Nauru
General: What Is The 9th Month Of The Year`September
General: What Is The Abbreviation For Trinitrotoluene`Tnt
General: What is the abnormal fear of feathers known as`pteronophobia
General: What Is The Acinonyx Jubatus`Cheetah
General: What Is The Actual First Day Of The 21st Century`January 1,2001
General: What Is The Airport Code For Hartford Ct`Bdl
General: What Is The Alternative Name For A Beekeeper`Apiarist
General: What Is The Altitude Of Mount Everest`29,028 Feet
General: what is the anatomical term for the voice box`larynx
General: what is the ancient egyptian word for for 'gods'`neteru
General: What Is The Ancient Egyptian Word For 'Gods'`Neteru
General: What Is The And-Symbol Called (&)`Ampersand
General: What Is The Approximate Speed Of Light`186,000 Miles Per Second
General: what is the art of folding paper called`origami
General: what is the art of tracing designs and making impressions of them`lithography
General: What is the art of writing decoratively called`calligraphy
General: what is the atomic mass of promethium (pm)`one hundred and forty seven
General: What Is The Average Age At Which American Presidents Have Taken Office`54`Fifty Four
General: What Is The Average Lifespan Of An Umbrella`15 Years
General: What Is The Average Lifespan Of A Red Blood Cell In The Normal Human Body`Four Months
General: What Is The Bahamas' Main Industry`Tourism
General: what is the basic flavouring of kahlua`coffee
General: what is the basic unit of currency for afghanistan`afghani
General: what is the basic unit of currency for argentina`peso
General: what is the basic unit of currency for australia`dollar
General: what is the basic unit of currency for bahamas`dollar
General: what is the basic unit of currency for bahrain`dinar
General: what is the basic unit of currency for cuba`peso
General: what is the basic unit of currency for dominican republic`peso
General: what is the basic unit of currency for eritrea`nakfa
General: what is the basic unit of currency for fiji`dollar
General: what is the basic unit of currency for germany`deutsche mark
General: what is the basic unit of currency for guinea-bissau`franc
General: what is the basic unit of currency for guinea`franc
General: what is the basic unit of currency for hong kong`dollar
General: what is the basic unit of currency for hungary`forint
General: what is the basic unit of currency for italy`lira
General: what is the basic unit of currency for jamaica`dollar
General: what is the basic unit of currency for kiribati`dollar
General: what is the basic unit of currency for lithuania`litas
General: what is the basic unit of currency for macao`pataca
General: what is the basic unit of currency for macedonia`denar
General: what is the basic unit of currency for monaco`franc
General: what is the basic unit of currency for mozambique`metical
General: what is the basic unit of currency for netherlands`guilder
General: what is the basic unit of currency for new zealand`dollar
General: what is the basic unit of currency for niger`franc
General: what is the basic unit of currency for norway`krone
General: what is the basic unit of currency for oman`rial
General: what is the basic unit of currency for palau`dollar
General: what is the basic unit of currency for papua new guinea`kina
General: what is the basic unit of currency for paraguay`guarani
General: what is the basic unit of currency for romania`leu
General: what is the basic unit of currency for rwanda`franc
General: what is the basic unit of currency for saint lucia`dollar
General: what is the basic unit of currency for spain`peseta
General: what is the basic unit of currency for switzerland`franc
General: what is the basic unit of currency for turkey`lira
General: what is the basic unit of currency for vatican city`lira
General: what is the basic unit of currency for venezuela`bolivar
General: what is the basic unit of currency for yugoslavia`dinar
General: what is the basic unit of currency for zimbabwe`dollar
General: What Is The Belt Of Low Pressure Around The Equator Called`Doldrums
General: what is the best known artificial international language`esperanto
General: What Is The Best-Known University In Paris`The Sorbonne
General: What Is The Best Pantera Song`Cemetary Gates`Walk
General: What Is The Best-Selling Children's Book In History`Tale Of Peter Rabbit
General: what is the better-known identity of john merrick, the noble ogre of victorian england`elephant man
General: What Is The Better-Known Name For The Wankel Engine`Rotary
General: what is the biggest corporation in the world`mitsubishi
General: What Is The Biggest Criterion For Prospective Astronauts`Eyesight
General: What Is The Biggest Disqualifying Factor For Prospective Astronauts`Eyesight
General: What Is The Biggest University In British Columbia`Ubc`The University Of British Columbia`University Of Bc
General: What Is The Biggest University In British Columbi`British Columbia`University Of Bc
General: What Is The Billionth Digit Of Pi`9
General: What Is The Binot-Simon Scale Used To Measure`Intelligence
General: what is the bird emblem of western australia`black swan
General: what is the birthstone for may`emerald
General: What Is The Boy Scout's Motto`Be Prepared
General: What Is The Brightest Star In The Constellation Canis Major`Sirius
General: What is the British equivalent of the US Navy rank Rear Admiral (lower half)`commodore
General: what is the by-product of lightening`ozone
General: What is the capital city of Papua New Guinea`port moresby
General: What is the capital of Afghanistan`kabul
General: What is the Capital of: Algeria`algiers
General: what is the capital of andorra`andorra la vella
General: what is the capital of australia`canberra
General: what is the capital of azerbaijan`baku
General: what is the capital of bangladesh`dacca
General: what is the capital of bangladesh`dhaka
General: What is the Capital of: Bolivia`la paz
General: What is the Capital of: Botswana`gaborone
General: what is the capital of brazil`brasilia
General: what is the capital of brunei`bandar seri
General: what is the capital of cambodia`phnom penh
General: what is the capital of cape verde`praia
General: what is the capital of central african republic`bangui
General: what is the capital of comoros`moroni
General: what is the capital of cuba`havana
General: what is the capital of cyprus`nicosia
General: what is the capital of czechoslovakia`prague
General: What is the Capital of: Denmark`copenhagen
General: what is the capital of equatorial guinea`malabo
General: what is the capital of ethiopia`addis ababa
General: what is the capital of finland`helsinki
General: What is the Capital of: French Guiana`cayenne
General: what is the capital of greece`athens
General: What is the Capital of: Guinea-Bissau`bissau
General: what is the capital of guyana`georgetown
General: what is the capital of india`new delhi
General: What is the Capital of: Ireland`dublin
General: what is the capital of israel`jeruslam
General: What Is The Capital Of Kalaalit Nunaat`Nuuk
General: what is the capital of kenya`nairobi
General: what is the capital of kuwait`kuwait city
General: what is the capital of liberia`monrovia
General: what is the capital of luxemborg`luxemborg
General: What is the Capital of: Luxembourg`luxembourg
General: What is the Capital of: Malaysia`kuala lumpur
General: what is the capital of mali`bamako
General: what is the capital of marshall islands`dalap-uliga-darrit
General: what is the capital of mauritania`nouakchott
General: What is the Capital of: Mauritius`port louis
General: what is the capital of mexico`mexico city
General: what is the capital of michigan`lansing
General: what is the capital of mississippi`jackson
General: what is the capital of missouri`jefferson city
General: What is the Capital of: Netherlands`amsterdam
General: What is the Capital of: Nicaragua`managua
General: What is the Capital of: Niger`niamey
General: What is the Capital of: Norway`oslo
General: what is the capital of pakistan`islamabad
General: What is the Capital of: Palau`koror
General: what is the capital of papua new guinea`port moresby
General: what is the capital of philippines`manila
General: what is the capital of romania`bucharest
General: what is the capital of rwanda`kigali
General: What is the Capital of: Slovenia`ljubljana
General: what is the capital of south dakota`pierre
General: what is the capital of sudan`khartoum
General: What is the Capital of: Swaziland`mbabane
General: What is the Capital of: Switzerland`bern
General: what is the capital of texas`austin
General: what is the capital of thailand`bangkok
General: What is the capital of the state of Wisconsin`madison
General: what is the capital of the united arab emirates`abu dhabi
General: what is the capital of togo`lome
General: what is the capital of tonga`nuku'alofa
General: what is the capital of uganda`kampala
General: what is the capital of ukraine`kiev
General: what is the capital of uruguay`montevideo
General: what is the capital of vietnam`hanoi
General: what is the capital of western samoa`apia
General: what is the capital of wyoming`cheyenne
General: what is the capital of yugoslavia`belgrade
General: What Is The Centuries Old Art Of Clipping Hedges Into Various Ornamental Shapes Traditionally Called`Topiary
General: What Is The Chemical Name For Vitamin C`Ascorbic Acid
General: What is the Chess ranking system called`elo
General: what is the chief of an arabian tribe called`a sheik
General: What Is The Chinese Parliament Called`National People's Congress
General: what is the christian penitential season from end of november to christmas`advent
General: What Is The Closest Foreign Country To Alaska`Canada
General: What Is The Closest Star To The Earth`The Sun
General: What Is The Coldest Temp Ever Recorded On The Surface Of The Earth`-128.6f In Vostok, Antarctica In 1983
General: what is the collective term for a body of goods and monies from which future income can be derived`capital
General: What is the collective term for a group of mules`a barren
General: What is the collective term for a group of ravens`unkindness
General: What Is The Common Name For Acetylsalicylic Acid`Aspirin
General: what is the common name for a light yellow oil found in the liver of a certain fish`cod liver oil
General: What Is The Common Name For Ascorbic Acid`Vitamin C
General: What Is The Common Name For Corporations Formed To Act As Trustees According To The Terms Of Contracts Known As Trust Agreements`Trust Companies
General: What Is The Common Name For The Alligator Pear`Avocado
General: What Is The Common Name For The Aurora Borealis`Northern Lights
General: What Is The Common Name Given To The First Cervical Vertebrae Which Supports The Skull`Atlas
General: What Is The Common Name Of The Chemical Used To Find Traces Of Blood`Luminol
General: What Is The Common Name Of The Smallest Bone In The Human Body`Stirrup
General: What Is The Common Term Applied To The Clavicle`Collarbone
General: What Is The Correct Form Of Address For A Foreign Ambassador`His/Her Excellency
General: What is the correct name for brown coal`lignite
General: what is the correct name of bangkok`krung thep
General: what is the covering on the tip of a shoelace called`aglet
General: what is the covering on the tip of a shoelace`iglet
General: What Is The Crew's Mission In Dark Star`Destroy Unstable Suns
General: what is the currency of laos`kip
General: what is the currency of lebanon`livre
General: what is the currency of lithuania`litas
General: what is the currency of malawi`kwacha
General: what is the currency of norway`krone
General: what is the currency of romania`leu
General: what is the current frequency used by south africa's cellular networks`eight hundred
General: What Is The Current Name For South-West Africa`Namibia
General: What Is The Darkest Part Of A Shadow Called`Umbra
General: What Is The Date Of Saint Brendan's Traditional Feast`May 16
General: What Is The Deadliest Animal In A Circus, Causing The Most Deaths`Elephant
General: what is the decimal equivalent of binary 1111`fifteen 15
General: what is the deepest land gorge`grand canyon
General: what is the densest part of the earth`core
General: What Is The Diameter Of A Basketball Hoop`18 Inches
General: What Is The Distance Between The Two Rails Of A Railway Track Called`Gauge
General: What is the distance between two rails on a track called`gauge
General: What Is The Distinguishing Characteristic Of Organic Chemical Substances`They All Contain Carbon
General: what is the doctor from the original star trek's nickname`bones
General: What Is The Driest Continent`Australia
General: What is the drink 'Southern Comfort' flavoured with`peaches
General: what is the drummer's name in 'the muppet show'`animal
General: what is the english word for 'fiesta'`festival
General: What Is The Eskimo Word For Shelter`Igloo
General: What is the European equivalnet of a Nonillion`quintillion
General: What is the exterior of the Taj Mahal made from`marble
General: What Is The Family Name In The H E Bates Story A Little Of What You Fancy`Larkin
General: what is the famous doric temple of athena called`parthenon
General: What is the fastest breed of dog`greyhound
General: What Is The Fastest Fish In The World`Sailfish
General: What Is The Fastest Growing Plant On Earth`Bamboo (It Can Grow As Much As 35 Inches A Day!
General: What is the fastest growing species of grass`bamboo
General: what is the fastest insect in the world`dragonfly
General: What is the fear of childbirth known as`maieusiophobia
General: What is the fear of childbirth known as`parturiphobia
General: What is the fear of computers known as`logizomechanophobia
General: What is the fear of friday the 13th known as`paraskavedekatriaphobia
General: What is the fear of heredity known as`patroiophobia
General: What is the fear of insanity known as`maniaphobia
General: What is the fear of lakes known as`limnophobia
General: What is the fear of long waits known as`macrophobia
General: What is the fear of lues, syphillis known as`luiphobia
General: What is the fear of music known as`melophobia
General: What is the fear of neglecting duty known as`paralipophobia
General: What is the fear of progress known as`prosophobia
General: What is the fear of puppets pyrexiophobia known as`pupaphobia
General: What is the fear of smells or odors known as`osmophobia
General: What is the fear of snakes known as`ophidiophobia
General: What is the fear of stealing known as`kleptophobia
General: What is the fear of the dark or night known as`nyctophobia
General: What is the fear of waves known as`kymophobia
General: What is the fear of wet dreams known as`oneirogmophobia
General: What Is The Federal District In Southeastern Australia, Bordered By The State Of New South Wales`Australian Capital Territory
General: What Is The Fifth Largest Country In The World`Brazil
General: What Is The Final Electron Acceptor In The Electron Transport Chain`Oxygen
General: What Is The First Bird Mentioned In The Bible`Raven
General: What Is The First City In The World To Have A Population Of Over One Million`London
General: What Is The First Day Of The Week`Sunday
General: What Is The First Name Shared By The Second Wives Of Both Teddy Roosevelt And Woodrow Wilson`Edith
General: What Is The First Prime Number After 1,000,000`1,000,003
General: what is the first sign of the Zodiac`aries
General: What Is The First Word Played In The Scrabble Rules Demostration Game`Horn
General: What Is The Fleshy Muscular Organ Joined To The Hyoid Bone Known As`Tongue
General: What is the flower that stands for: beauty`orchis
General: What is the flower that stands for: belle`orchis
General: What is the flower that stands for: beware`oleander
General: What is the flower that stands for: bluntness`borage
General: What is the flower that stands for: charming`cluster of musk roses
General: What is the flower that stands for: confession of love`moss rosebud
General: What is the flower that stands for: cure`balm of gilead
General: What is the flower that stands for: danger`rhododendron
General: What is the flower that stands for: early friendship`blue periwinkle
General: What is the flower that stands for: esteem`garden sage
General: what is the flower that stands for: pride`amaryllis
General: what is the flower that stands for: relieve my anxiety`christmas rose
General: what is the flower that stands for: reward of virtue`garland of roses
General: what is the flower that stands for: satire`prickly pear
General: what is the flower that stands for: suspicion`mushroom
General: what is the flower that stands for: sympathy`balm
General: What Is The Following Formula Used To Find: Multiple The Base By The Height And Divide By Two`Area Of A Right Triangle
General: What is the formal name for when a substance breaks down on heating`termal decomposition
General: What is the former name of Istanbul`constantinople
General: what is the formula for the area of a rectangle`length times width
General: What is the French name for a tart of cheese and bacon in a cream and egg filling`quiche lorraine
General: What is the French term for d day`j
General: What Is The Frog's Name In The Muppet Show`Kermit D. Frog
General: What Is The Front Of A Ship Called`Prow
General: what is the fruit of a rosebush called`hip
General: What Is The Fuel Capacity, In Gallons, Of A Boeing 747 Airliner`57,285 Gallons
General: what is the full name of barbie the doll's boyfriend`ken thurston
General: What Is The Full Name Of Jimmy Carter`James Earl Carter, Jr.
General: What Is The Full Name Of Macedonia`Former Yugoslav Republic Of Macedonia
General: What Is The Full Term For The Abbreviation 'Zoo'`Zoological Garden
General: What Is The General Assembly Of Russia Known As`Duma
General: What Is The General Designation For The Period In English History From 1640 To 1660`English Revolution
General: What Is The Giant Panda's Primary Food`Bamboo
General: What Is The Gift That Is Supposed To Be Given For A 55th Wedding Aniversary`Emerald
General: What Is The Glass Capital Of The World`Toledo
General: what is the green variety of beryl called`emerald
General: What Is The Hardest Part Of The Normal Human Body`Tooth Enamel
General: What is the headquarter of the British Metropolitan Police Force`scotland yard
General: What Is The Heaviest Class Of Weight-Lifting`Super Heavyweight
General: What Is The Heaviest Weight Division In Weight-Lifting`Heavyweight
General: What Is The Highest Military Medal Given In The United Kingdom`Victoria Cross
General: What is the highest mountain in South America`aconcagua
General: what is the highest mountain in the 48 contiguous u.s. States`mount whitney
General: what is the highest proof alcohol sold in the u.s. called`everclear
General: What Is The Highest Rank In The British Army`Field Marshal
General: What Is The Holiest Day In The Jewish Calendar`Yom Kippur
General: what is the holy book of islam`koran
General: What Is The Home Country Of Chris De Burgh`Ireland
General: What Is The Home Country Of Sinead O'connor`Ireland
General: what is the horn of a rhinoceros made of`hair
General: What Is The Humorous Term For An Accountant`Bean Counter
General: what is the inside of a rifle barrel called`bore
General: What Is The Instrument For Measuring Vapour Pressure`Vaporimeter
General: What Is The Instrument That Measures Height Above The Sea Level`Altimeter
General: What Is The International Criminal Police Organisation Better Known As`Interpol
General: What Is The International Cry For Help`Mayday
General: What Is The International Radio Code For The Letter Z`Zulu
General: what is the international radio code word for the letter 'f'`foxtrot
General: What Is The International Telephone Code For The Uk`44
General: What Is The Israeli 'Knesset'`Parliament
General: What Is The Italian Concoction Of Cornmeal And Water Called`Polenta
General: What Is The Japanes Word For 'Good-Bye'`Sayonara
General: What Is The Jewel Worn In The Middle Of The Forehead In India Tradition Called`A Bindi
General: what is the lambeth walk`a dance
General: what is the language of hungary`magyar
General: what is the largest african bird of prey`lammergeyer
General: what is the largest, and most powerful of the american cats`jaguar
General: What is the largest bay in the world, (larger than England) bordering only one country Canada, & only two provinces & a territory`hudson bay
General: What Is The Largest Building In The World`Boeing Wide Body Assembly Building
General: What Is The Largest Chip Or Plaque In Use In The Worlds Casinos`10 Million Dollars
General: What Is The Largest City In Africa`Cairo
General: what is the largest city in alaska`anchorage
General: What Is The Largest City In Australia, In Terms Of Population`Sydney
General: what is the largest city in ecuador`guayaquil
General: What Is The Largest City In The Western Hemisphere`Mexico City
General: what is the largest country in oceania`australia
General: What Is The Largest Denomination Dollar Bill Issued`$100
General: What Is The Largest Food-Marketing Cooperative In The United States`Land O' Lakes
General: what is the largest gold refinery`rand refinery
General: What Is The Largest Inhabited Castle`Windsor Castle
General: What Is The Largest (In Population) Territory In Australia`New South Wales
General: What Is The Largest Internet Search Engine As Of May 2003`Google
General: what is the largest japanese island`honshu
General: What Is The Largest Japanese Speaking Country`Japan
General: what is the largest lake in south america, which is half freshwater, half saltwater`maracaibo
General: what is the largest man made hole in south africa called`big hole
General: What Is The Largest Man-Made Lake In The World`Mead
General: What is the largest of the countries in Central America`nicaragua
General: What is the largest planet in the solar system`jupiter
General: What Is The Largest Portuguese Speaking Country In The World`Brazil
General: what is the largest river in north america`mississippi
General: What Is The Largest Satellite Orbiting Earth`The Moon
General: What Is The Largest University In The World (Population-Wise As At 2001)`University Of Paris
General: What Is The Last Name Of Brothers Dmitri, Ivan, Alyosha And Smerdyakov`Karamazov
General: What Is The Last Name Of Ken, Of Ken And Barbie Fame`Carson
General: What Is The Latin Phrase Meaning, Something Given For Something`Quid Pro Quo
General: What Is The Latin Word 'Veto' Mean`I Forbid
General: What Is The Layer Beneath The Earth's Crust Called`Mantle
General: What Is The Leading Country In Tea Manufacturing`India
General: what is the leading lady of an opera company called`prima donna
General: What is the lead in pencils made from`graphite
General: what is the least amount of facets used in a diamond for sparkle`fifty eight facets
General: What Is The Left Side Of A Ship Called`Port
General: What Is The Lightest Known Substance`Hydrogen
General: What Is The Lightest Metal`Lithium
General: What is the link between the actresses Mia Farrow & Maureen O'Sullivan`mother and daughter
General: What Is The Liquid That Remains After Cream Has Been Churned Into Butter Called`Buttermilk
General: What Is The Literal Meaning Of 'Pince-Nez' Glasses`Pinch-Nose
General: what is the literal meaning of 'pince-nez'`pinch nose
General: What Is The Literal Meaning Of The Word Bethlehem`House Of Bread
General: What Is The Literal Translation Of Haute Couture`High Sewing
General: what is the lone ranger's 'real' name`john reid
General: What Is The Longest And Most Voluminous River In Europe`Volga
General: What Is The Longest Bone In The Body`Femur
General: What Is The Longest Muscle In The Human Body`Sartorius
General: What Is The Longest Name Signed To The Declaration Of Independence`Charles Carroll Of Carollton
General: What Is The Longest Recorded Flight By A Chicken`91.4 Meters
General: What Is The Longest Recorded Flight Of A Chicken`13 Seconds
General: what is the longest running soap opera still on the air`guiding light
General: What Is The Longest (Time) Recorded Flight Of A Chicken`13 Seconds
General: What Is The Longest Time That One Person Has Spent In A Tree`28 Years
General: What Is The Longest Tunnel`Water Supply Tunnel
General: what is the long-haired version of a labrador dog`golden retriever
General: What Is The Lowest Balcony In A Theatre Called`Mezzanine
General: What is the luminous intensity of light measured in`candela
General: what is the main acid the human stomach produces`hydrochloric acid
General: What Is The Main Attraction At Colorado's Mesa Verde National Park`Cliff Dwellings
General: what is the main food of mosquitoes`nectar
General: What is the main ingredient of risotto`rice
General: What is the main source of vitamin C`fruit
General: What Is The Make Of The First Car Stolen In Gone In 60 Seconds`Porsche
General: What is the Marseillaise`french national anthem
General: What Is The Mascot Of The U.S Naval Academy`Goat
General: What Is The Maximum Attainable Break In Matchplay Snooker`147
General: what is the maximum number of clubs a golfer may use in a round`fourteen
General: what is the maximum number of degrees in an obtuse angle`179`one hundred and seventy nine
General: What Is The Maximum Number Of Individual Memberships - Or Seats - Permitted On The New York Stock Exchange`1366`1 366`1,366
General: What Is The Maximum Speed Allowed In Miles Per Hour On British Motorways`70
General: What Is The Meaning Of 'Crore'`10 Million
General: What is the meaning of dc in Washington DC`district of columbia
General: What is the meaning of diurnal`daily
General: What Is The Meaning Of Iupac`International Union Of Pure Applied Chemistry
General: What Is The Meaning Of The Latin Expression E Pluribus Unum`One Out Of Many
General: What Is The Meaning Of The Latin Expression, 'Post Mortem'`After Death
General: What Is The Meaning Of The Musical Direction 'Entino'`As Soft As Possible
General: What Is The Meaning Of The Musical Direction Estinto`As Soft As Possible
General: what is the meaning of the name of the constellation auriga`charioteer
General: what is the meaning of the name of the constellation camelopardalis`giraffe
General: what is the meaning of the name of the constellation canes venatici`greyhounds
General: what is the meaning of the name of the constellation cepheus`cepheus
General: what is the meaning of the name of the constellation coma berenices`berenice's hair
General: what is the meaning of the name of the constellation corona borealis`northern crown
General: what is the meaning of the name of the constellation ursa major`great bear
General: What Is The Meaning Of The Name William`Unwavering Protector
General: what is the meaning of the zoological term ruminant`cud chewer
General: What Is The Medical Term For An Ear, Nose And Throat Specialist`Otorhinolaryngologist
General: What Is The Medical Term For Cancer Of The Blood`Leukemia
General: What Is The Medical Term For High Blood Pressure`Hypertension
General: What is the medical term for 'loss of memory'`amnesia
General: What Is The Medical Term For Nearsightedness`Myopia
General: What is the middle day of the year in a non leap year`38535
General: What Is The Minimum Iq Score For The Genius Category`140
General: What Is The Minimum Number Of Darts Required To Check Out From 501 In A Matchplay Game Of Darts`9
General: what is the minimum number of degrees in an acute angle`one degree
General: What Is The Misshapen Ear That Boxers Often Have`Cauliflower Ear
General: What Is The Modern Name For The City Of Christiania`Oslo
General: What is the modern name of Pok-ta-Pok, which originated in Mexico`basketball
General: What Is The Molecular Symbol For Copper Sulphate`Cuso4
General: What Is The Monetary Unit Of Malawi`Kwacha
General: What Is The More Common Name Of Polytetrafluoroethylene`Teflon
General: What Is The More Popular Term For Wellington Boots`Gumboots
General: What is the more usual name for green beryl`emerald
General: What Is The Most Abundant Element In The Sun`Hydrogen
General: What Is The Most Abundant Gas In The Atmosphere`Nitrogen
General: what is the most air polluted city in the united states`los angeles
General: What Is The Most Amount Of Change You Can Have Without Being Able To Make Change For A Dollar`1.19 Dollars
General: What Is The Most Common Atom In The Universe`Hydrogen
General: What Is The Most Common Blood Type In The World`Type O
General: what is the most common colour of amethyst`purple
General: What Is The Most Common Family Name In The English-Speaking World`Smith
General: what is the most common gel used in flame throwers`napalm
General: What Is The Most Common Last Name In Japan`Suzuki
General: What Is The Most Commonly Spoken Word In English`I
General: What Is The Most Commonly-Used Punctuation Mark`The Comma
General: What Is The Most Commonly Used Word In The English Language`The
General: what is the most common name in italy`mario rossi
General: what is the most common name in nursery rhymes`jack
General: What Is The Most Common Name In The World`Mohammed
General: What Is The Most Common Street Name In The Us`Park
General: What Is The Most Common Surname In Sweden`Johansson
General: what is the most common surname in the barcelona telephone directory`garcia
General: What Is The Most Common Surname In The U.S`Johnson
General: What Is The Most Complex Joint In The Human Body? (Actually Three Joints Working Together)`Knee
General: What Is The Most Densely Populated Country In The World`Netherlands
General: What Is The Most Easterly Point Of Mainland Great Britain`Lowestoft
General: What Is The Most Famous Song To Be Re-Recorded By The Same Artist`Candle In The Wind
General: What Is The Most Frequently Used Word In Written English`The
General: What Is The Most Home Runs Ken Griffey Jr. Has Had In A Season`56
General: What Is The Most Mountainous Country In Europe`Switzerland
General: What is the most northerly town in Europe`hammerfest
General: What Is The Most Number Of Homeruns Hank Aaron Hit In One Season`47
General: what is the most popular beverage in north america`milk
General: what is the most popular import beer in the usa`heineken
General: What Is The Most Popularly Used Shorthand System In The Usa`Gregg System
General: what is the most popular type of holiday greeting card mailed in the united states`christmas
General: What Is The Most Populated Canadian Province`Ontario
General: What Is The Most Reliable Geyser In The World`Old Faithful
General: What Is The Most Sacred Book Of Cabalists`The Zohar
General: what is the most sacred river in india`ganges
General: What Is The Most That Have Ever Been Listed At Once On The Fbi's Ten Most Wanted`17
General: What Is The Most Used Piece Of Furniture In The Wwf`Chair`A Chair
General: What Is The Most Venomous Snake`King Cobra
General: what is the most widely spoken member of the iranian branch of the indo-iranian languages, a subfamily of the indo-european languages`persian
General: What Is The Mother's Name In Family Circus`Thelma
General: what is the motto of the boy scouts`be prepared
General: What Is The Motto Of The Boy Scouts Of America`Be Prepared
General: What Is The Movement Dedicated Not Just To The Preservation Of Hawaiian Culture But Also To The Empowerment Of The Community`Hawaiian Sovereignty Movement
General: what is the musical term for 'at a walking pace'`andante
General: What is the name for 0.1 Newtons`dyne
General: What Is The Name For A Facility That Separates Oil Into A Variety Of Petrochemicals Such As Gasoline, Kerosene, And Propane`Refinery
General: What is the name for a legal document, used in court, in which a person swears that certain facts are true`affadavit
General: What Is The Name For A Limestone Deposit Hanging From The Roof Of A Cave`Stalactite
General: What is the name for a narrow necked wine or spirit container of more than two gallon capacity`demijohn
General: What Is The Name For A Sexual Disorder In Which A Person Obtains Gratification By Receiving Physical Pain Or Abuse`Masochism
General: What Is The Name For A Triangle Which Has All Sides Of Equal Length`Equilateral
General: What Is The Name For A Widely Used Drug In The Yemen`Khat
General: What is the name for the deepest part of the ocean`abyss
General: what is the name for the organism on which a parasite lives and feeds`host
General: what is the name for the third letter of the greek alphabet`gamma
General: What Is The Name Given To A Sailor's Dance`Hornpipe
General: What Is The Name Given To A Whip With 9 Knots`Cat O Nine Tails
General: What is the name given to the dish of beef coated in pate and wrapped in pastry`beef wellington
General: What is the name given to the dish of prunes wrapped in bacon`devils on horseback
General: What Is The Name Given To The Ends Of A Shoelace`Aglets
General: What is the name given to the salted roe of a sturgeon`caviar
General: What is the name given to the side opposite the right angle of a right-angled triangle`hypoteneuse
General: What Is The Name Of A Formal, Written Accusation Of Crime Against A Person, Presented By A Grand Jury To A Court, And Upon Which The Accused Person Is Subsequently Tried`Indictment
General: What Is The Name Of A Procedure In Which A Sample Of Fluid Is Removed Through The Abdomen Wall Of A Pregant Woman`Amniocentesis
General: what is the name of a small computer introduced in 1975 by micro instrumentation telemetry systems of new mexico`altair 8800
General: what is the name of b.b. kings guitar`lucille
General: What is the name of Dr. Seuss's egg hatching elephant`horton
General: what is the name of garfield's owner`jon arbuckle
General: What Is The Name Of Hargrave's System`Arduin
General: What Is The Name Of Hong Kong's Airline`Cathay Pacific
General: what is the name of ian fleming's estate in jamaica`goldeneye
General: what is the name of italy's state airline`al italia
General: what is the name of johnny quest's dog`bandit
General: what is the name of richard scarry's worm character`lowly worm
General: What Is The Name Of The Acid That Was First Prepared Form Red Ants`Formic Acid
General: what is the name of the aviation company situated in jhb international airport`denel aviation
General: what is the name of the band fronted by deborah harry`blondie
General: What Is The Name Of The Belief In The Existence Of Many Gods Or Divine Beings`Polytheism
General: What is the name of the belief that many gods exist, but only one should be worshipped`monolatry
General: What is the name of the board that Baduk is player on`goban
General: What Is The Name Of The Body Part That Separates The Abdomen From The Thorax`Diaphragm
General: What Is The Name Of The Bone In The Upper Leg`Femur
General: What is the name of the Boston baseball team based at Fenway Park`boston red sox
General: What is the name of the capital of Saskatchewan (canada)`regina
General: What Is The Name Of The Captain In 'Moby Dick'`Captain Ahab
General: What Is The Name Of The Cheerleaders For The Denver Broncos`Pony Express
General: What is the name of the classic dessert of pancakes served in an orange sauce with alcohol`crepe suzette
General: What is the name of the cold Spanish soup made from peppers and tomatoes`gazpacho
General: What Is The Name Of The Deepest Point In The Ocean`Mariana Trench
General: What Is The Name Of The Dog On A Box Of Cracker Jacks`Bingo
General: What Is The Name Of The Fault Running Through California`San Andreas Fault
General: What Is The Name Of The First Car To Exceed The Speed Of Sound`Thrust Ssc
General: What Is The Name Of The Icelandic Parliament`Althing
General: what is the name of the indian maiden in johnny preston's hit running bear`little white dove
General: What is the name of the infection of the gums that causes them to bleed`pyorrhoea
General: What Is The Name Of The Isle That John And Paul Want To Summer On At Age 64 'If It's Not Too Dear'`The Isle Of Wight
General: What is the name of the Kellogg's cereal prefixed with the word 'Optima'`fruit and fibre
General: What Is The Name Of The Lake, Between Minnesota And Canada, That Contains The Most Northerly Point Of The 48 Contiguou.S. States`Lake Of The Woods
General: What Is The Name Of The Larger Bone In The Lower Leg`Tibia
General: What is the name of the layer between the Earth's crust and the Earth's core`mantle
General: What Is The Name Of The Lone Ranger's White Stallion`Silver
General: What Is The Name Of The Official Residency Of The Archbishop Of Canterbury In London`Lambeth Palace
General: What is the name of the pig that Jim Davis draws`orson
General: What is the name of the police inspector that is bent on getting Valjean in Les Miserables`javert
General: What is the name of the President of Peru, very much in the news during the siege of the Japanese Embassy in Lima`fujimori
General: What Is The Name Of The President's Retreat In The Maryland Mountains`Camp David
General: What Is The Name Of The Principal Range Of Mountains In Scotland`Grampians
General: What is the name of the process used by green plants for obtaining food`photosynthesis
General: what is the name of the reading system used by the blind`braille system
General: what is the name of the road movie starred by brad pitt, juliette lewis and david duchovny`kalifornia
General: What Is The Name Of The Sheet Of C.T. Involved In A Syndesmosis`Interosseous Membrane
General: What is the name of the smaller currency unit that an Austrian schilling is divided into`groschen
General: What Is The Name Of The Spring Toy That Can Walk Down Stairs`Slinky
General: what is the name of the theme song for the film 'the highlander'`princes of the universe
General: what is the name of the waitor in fawlty towers`manuel
General: What Is The Name Of The 'Wonder Hamster' Seen On 'The Weird Al Show'`Harvey
General: what is the name of the world famous opera house in milan, italy, which rose to its greatest heights under toscanini`la scala
General: What Is The Name Of The World's First National Park`Yellowstone National Park
General: what is the name of the worlds largest volcano, located in ecuador, reaching a hight of 5896 metres`cotopaxi
General: what is the name of the wrought-iron tower in paris`eiffel tower
General: What Is The Name Of Tonto's Horse`Scout
General: What Is The Name Of Walt Disney's Brother`Roy
General: what is the name the queen hit that was redone by the braids in 1996`bohemian rhapsody
General: What Is The Narrow, Inland Sea, Separating The Arabian Peninsula, Western Asia, From Northeastern Africa`Red Sea
General: What Is The National Animal Of Nepal`Yeti
General: What Is The National Anthem Of England`God Save The Queen (Or King
General: what is the national game of the basques`pelota
General: what is the nationality of chart-topper alanis morissette`canadian
General: What Is The National Symbol For India`Lotus Flower
General: What Is The Native Quarter In Algiers, Algeria, Called`Casbah
General: what is the nautical term for a distance of three miles`league
General: What Is The Naval Equivalent Of An Army Major`Lieutenant Commander
General: what is the nearest land to a spot (in the sea) where zero latitude meets zero longitude at zero altitude`cape three points
General: What Is The Nearest Republic To The U.K`Ireland
General: What Is The Near Side On A Horse`Left
General: What Is The Nickname For New Orleans`Dixie
General: what is the nickname of the lexus is 200`baby lexus
General: What Is The Nickname Of The Syracuse University Team`The Orangemen
General: What Is The Northernmost Point In The Usa`Point Barrow Alaska
General: What Is The Number 1 Cause Of Work Related Deaths In The U.S`Automobile Accidents
General: What Is The Number-1 Frozen Item Consumed In America`Pizza
General: What Is The Number For The Tavern Bbs`255-7571
General: what is the number of blue razor blades a given beam can puncture`gillette
General: What Is The Number One Pet In America`Cat
General: What Is The Number One Pizza Topping In Australia`Eggs
General: What Is The Official Beverage Of Nebraska`Kool-Aid
General: What Is The Official Beverage Of The State Of Delaware`Milk
General: What Is The Official Language Of Egypt`Arabic
General: What Is The Official Language Of Equatorial Guinea`Spanish
General: what is the official language of india`hindi
General: What Is The Official Language Of The Country Of Romania`Romanian
General: What Is The Official Language Of The Vatican`Latin
General: What Is The Official Musical Instrument Of St Paul`Accordion
General: What Is The Official Name Of Michael Knight's Car`Knight Industries 2000
General: What Is The Official Name Of Tonga`Kingdom Of Tonga
General: What Is The Official Rock Song Of Ohio`Hang On Sloopy
General: What Is The Official State Dessert Of Massachusetts`Boston Cream Pie
General: What Is The Official State Musical Instrument Of South Dakota`Fiddle
General: What Is The Old English Word For 'Sneeze'`Fneasan
General: What Is The Oldest Ancient Wonder Of The World`Egyptian Pyramids
General: What Is The Oldest College In The U.S`Harvard
General: What Is The Oldest Country In All Europe, And The Oldest Republic In The World`San Marino
General: What Is The Oldest Fast Food Hamburger Chain In The Us`White Castle
General: what is the oldest known vegetable`pea
General: What Is The Oldest Town In Belgium`Tongeren
General: What Is The Oldest University In The Us`Harvard
General: What Is The Oldest Written Language`Sumerian
General: What Is The Old Name For Halloween`All Hallow's Eve
General: What Is The One Place In All Of Great Britain That The Queen Cannot Visit`House Of Commons
General: What Is The One Place Where The American Flag Flies 24 Hours A Day, Is Never Raised Or Lowered And Is Never Saluted`Moon
General: what is the only arab country without a desert`lebanon
General: what is the only bird that can fly backwards`hummingbird
General: What Is The Only Body Part That Lives With No Blood Supply`Cornea
General: what is the only borough of new york city that is not on an island`bronx
General: What Is The Only Breed Of Dog To Have A Black, Rather Than Pink Tongue`Chow
General: What Is The Only City In Which All The Professional Sports Teams Have The Same Colours`Pittsburgh (Black And Gold
General: What Is The Only Country In The World To Contain The Equator And A Tropic`Brazil
General: What is the only country in the world with a single coloured flag`libya
General: What Is The Only Country In The World With A Solid, Single-Coloured Flag`Libya
General: What Is The Only Country Outside Of The Usa To Have Its Capital Named In Honour Of A U.S. President`Liberia
General: What Is The Only Country With One Train Station`Singapore
General: What Is The Only Crime For Which Church Sanctuary Is Not Available`Sacrilege
General: What Is The Only Crime Mentioned In The Constitution`Treason
General: What Is The Only Day Named For A Planet`Saturday
General: what is the only digit that has the same number of letters as its value`four
General: what is the only english word formed by the first three letters of the alphabet`cab
General: What Is The Only Letter In The Alphabet With More Than One Syllable`W
General: What Is The Only Letter That Never Appears In The Names Of The 50 States`Q
General: What is the only mammal capable of true flight`bat
General: what is the only mammal with four knees`elephant
General: What Is The Only Member Country Of The United Nations To Have 'O' As Its First Letter In Its Name`Oman
General: What Is The Only Moveable Bone In The Human Skull`Jawbone
General: What Is The Only National Flag That Does Not Have A Rectangular Shape`Nepal
General: What Is The Only Nation With A One-Colour Flag`Libya (Green
General: What Is The Only Pg-Rated Disney Animated Feature`Black Cauldron
General: What Is The Only Place In The World Where Crocodiles And Alligators Coexist`Southern Florida
General: What Is The Only Place On Earth That Does Not Have A Time Zone`Antarctica
General: what is the only planet not named after a god`earth
General: What is the only real food that U S astronauts are allowed to take into space`pecan nuts
General: what is the only river that flows both north and south of the equator, crossing it twice`congo
General: what is the only scandinavian country the arctic circle doesnt cut through`denmark
General: What Is The Only Sequel To Win Best Picture`Godfather 2
General: what is the only u.s. state bordered east and west entirely by rivers`iowa
General: What Is The Only Venomous Snake Found In Britain`Adder
General: What Is The Only Zodiac Sign With Four Legs And No Tail`Gemini (The Twins
General: what is the operation of finding a square root of a number called`mathematical evolution
General: What Is The Opposite Of Cross-Eyed`Wall-Eyed
General: What Is The Opposite Of Synonym`Antonym
General: What Is The Opposite Of Utopia`Dystopia
General: What Is The Optimum Age Of Suicide In British Males`27
General: What Is The Order Of The Colours In A Five-Flavor Roll Of Life Savers Candy`Yellow, Red, Orange, Green, White, Red, Yellow, Green, White, Red, Orange
General: What Is The Organisation Behind 'Boy's Life'`The Boy Scouts Of America
General: What Is The Other Common Name For A Peewit`Lapwing
General: what is the other name for papaya`paw paw
General: what is the outermost part of the sun's atmosphere called`corona
General: What Is The Pair Of Arteries Called That Go Up The Neck And Supply Blood To The Head`Carotid
General: What Is The Palace Of The Popes In Rome Called`Vatican
General: What Is The Parliament Of Israel Called`Knesset
General: What Is The Penalty For Driving Drunk In Sumatra`Loss Of Hand
General: What Is The Phone Number For Moe's Tavern`764-8437
General: What Is The Phrase Meaning The Other Self`Alter Ego
General: What Is The Pink Panter In The Pink Pather Film`A Diamond
General: What Is The Pirate's Flag With The Skull And Cross-Bones Called`Jolly Roger
General: What Is The Playing Time In Basketball`60 Minutes
General: What Is The Play West Side Story Based On`Romeo And Juliet
General: What Is The Plural Of Hippopotamus`Hippopotami
General: What Is The Plural Of Tympanum`Tympana
General: What Is The Point On The Celestial Sphere Directly Above An Observer On Earth Called`Zenith
General: Whatis The Pole That Holds Up A Flag Called`Flagpole
General: What Is The Popular Name Of Beethoven's 'Choral Symphony'`Ninth Symphony
General: What Is The Popular Title For The Thousand Nights And A Night`Arabian Nights
General: what is the portuguese territory opposite hong kong on the chinese mainland`macao
General: what is the practice of marrying outside one's own social group called`exogamy
General: What Is The Prime Cause Of Forest Fires`Lightning
General: What is the process of converting glucose to energy in cells called`respiration
General: What Is The Process Of Splitting Atoms Called`Fission
General: What Is The Product Of The First Four Numbers Of The Fibonacci Sequence`Six
General: What Is The Proper 5-Letter Word For The Left-Hand Page Of A Book`Verso
General: What is the proper name for a falling star`meteor
General: What is the proper name for a moving stairway`escalator
General: What Is The Proper Name For A Whale's Penis`Dork
General: What Is The Proper Name For Falling Stars`Meteors
General: what is the radical feminist word for history`herstory
General: What Is The Range Of An Aim-7 Sparrow`Twenty Eight Miles
General: What Is The Real Name For The '#' Symbol`Octothorpe
General: What Is The Real Name Of The 'Man Of Arms' In 'He Man And The Masters Of The Universe'`Duncan
General: What Is The Real Name Of Wannabe Rap Artist Mc Hammer`Kurk Burrel
General: What Is There More Of In The Earth's Crust--Uranium, Silver Or Mercury`Uranium
General: What Is The Result When Any Number Is Divided By Zero`Infinity
General: What Is The Roman Numeral For Fifty`L
General: What Is The Room Called Where People Wait Before Going On Tv`Green Room
General: what is the royal disease`haemophilia
General: What Is The Royal Dog Of China`Pekingese
General: what is the sacred river of hinduism`ganges
General: what is the science concerned with the maintenance of health and prevention and cure of disease called`medicine
General: What Is The Science Of 'Philematology'`Kissing
General: what is the science pertaining to the earth's interior heat`geothermics
General: What is the scientific term for the study of poisons`toxicology
General: What is the second best-selling book of all time`quotations from the works of chairman mao tse-tung
General: what is the second derivative of distance`acceleration
General: what is the second highest mountain in the world`k2
General: what is the second largest continent`africa
General: What Is The Second Most Popular Language In America`American Sign Language
General: what is the setting of john le carre's a small town in germany`bonn
General: what is the shortest complete sentence in the english language`I am.
General: What Is The Shortest Time Period Of A Us President Being In Office`One Day
General: What Is The Siberian Counterpart Of The Sasquatch/Bigfoot`Almas
General: What Is The Significance Of The Moth Found In The Harvard Mark I Computer`First Computer 'Bug'
General: What is the significance of the temperature in the title of the 1960's science fiction film Fahrenheit 451`the temperature at which books burn
General: What Is The Simplest And Oldest Form Of Manmade Clock`Sundial
General: What is the singular of dice`die
General: What Is The Singular Of Graffiti`Graffito
General: What Is The Sixth Note In A C-Major Scale`A
General: What Is The Skin Tight Garment Worn By Female Gymnasts Called`Leotard
General: what is the skull and crossbones pirate flag called`jolly roger
General: What Is The Skullcap Worn By The Men Of Nigeria Called`Fez
General: What Is The Slogan Of Maxwell House Coffee`Good To The Last Drop
General: What Is The Slogan On License Plates Manufactured By Prisoners In The State Prison In Concord`Live Free Or Die
General: what is the smallest dinosaur so far discovered`compsognathus
General: what is the smallest frog`gold frog
General: What is the speech at the beginning of a play called`prologue
General: What is the speed of a body expressed as a ratio with the speed of sound`mach number
General: what is the square root of -1`I
General: what is the stage name of actress demetria guynes`demi moore
General: what is the stage name of greta gustafson`garbo
General: What Is The Standard Height In Inches For Interior Doors In England`78
General: What is the state bird of Nevada`mountain bluebird
General: What is the state capital of Florida`tallahassee
General: What Is The State Capital Of Wisconsin`Madison
General: What Is The State Mineral Of Alaska`Gold
General: What Is The Stratosphere Higher Than`Troposphere
General: What Is The Strongest Muscle In Your Body`Tongue
General: What Is The Study Of Animals Known As`Zoology
General: what is the study of fossils called`paleontology
General: What Is The Study Of Heredity Called`Genetics
General: What is the study of insects called`entomology
General: what is the study of weather`meteorology
General: What is the substance obtained from acacia trees that is used in medicine`gum arabic
General: what is the sum of 236 - 145`ninety one 91
General: What Is The Sum Of All Of The Numbers On A Roulette Wheel`666
General: What Is The Switching Of Letters Called (E.G. Saying Jag Of Flapan Instead Of Flag Of Japan)`Spoonerism
General: What Is The Symbol ~ Called`Tilde
General: What Is The Symbol For Copper`Cu
General: What Is The Symbol For St Patrick's Day`Shamrock
General: What Is The Symbol Of The Zodiacal Sign Gemini`Twins
General: what is the taj mahal made of`marble
General: What Is The Tallest Wave Ever Surfed`85 Feet
General: What Is The Tangent Of Pi/4 (Radians, Of Course)`One
General: What is the technical name for the voice box`layrnx
General: What Is The Technical Term For The Dot Over A Lower Case I Or J`Tittle
General: What Is The Telephone Area Code For A Cruise Ship In The Atlantic Ocean`871
General: what is the tenth month of the year`october
General: What Is The Term For A Beekeeper`Apiarist
General: What Is The Term For A Large Elaborate Cemetary Of An Ancient City`Necropolis
General: What Is The Term For Any Substance That Causes An Allergic Reaction`Allergen
General: What Is The Term For Reanimation After Apparent Death`Anabiosis
General: What Is The Term For Self-Love`Narcissism
General: What Is The Term For The Path Followed By A Body In Space`Orbit
General: what is the term for the spot on a computer screen that marks the operator's place in a text`cursor
General: what is the term given to a medieval system in which lords granted land holdings in return for services`feudalism
General: What Is The Term Used For A Group Of Scottish Families`Clan
General: What Is The Territory Opposite Hong Kong On The Chinese Mainland`Macao
General: what is the third largest lake in the world`lake victoria
General: What Is The Tombstone Inscription Called`Epitaph
General: What is the toothpick capital of the world`maine
General: What Is The Total Number Of Dots On A Die`21
General: what is the traditional hat worn by the ottaman empire`fez
General: what is the traditional hour for a bullfight to begin`five pm
General: what is the transparent tissue covering the iris and pupil of the eye`cornea
General: What Is The Turkey Trot`Dance`A Dance`A Ragtime Dance`Ragtime Dance
General: what is the unique ingredient in caltex`cx3
General: What Is The Unique Organisation Of Traits Characteristics And Modes Of Behaviour Of An Individual Called`Personality
General: What Is The Unit Of Measurement For Energy`Joule
General: What is the unit of measurement which is equal to the mean distance from the Earth to the Sun`astronomical unit
General: What Is The Unusual State Gem Of Washington`Petrified Wood
General: What Is The Upc Code On A 12 Oz. Can Of Mountain Dew`01208500
General: What Is The Uppermost Region Of The Earth's Atmosphere Called`Thermosphere
General: What Is The Usa's Largest State`Alaska
General: What Is The Usual Occupation Of The Leprechaun Of Irish Legend`Shoemaker
General: What Is The Violet Variety Of Quartz`Amethyst
General: what is the voice box`larynx
General: What Is The Waiting Room For Tv Performers And Guests Called`Green Room
General: What is the widest-ranging ocean bird`albatross
General: What is the wife of a baron called`baroness
General: what is the world's deepest lake`lake baikal
General: What is the world's deepest lake`lake baikel
General: What Is The World's Heaviest Flying Insect`Goliath Beetle
General: what is the world's highest city`lhasa
General: what is the world's highest city`lhasa, tibet
General: What is the world's highest mountain`everest
General: What Is The World's Largest Desert`Sahara
General: What is the worlds largest inland sea`caspian sea
General: What Is The Worlds Largest Religous Compound`Angkor Wat
General: What Is The Worlds Largest Rodent`Capybara
General: what is the world's longest snake`python
General: What Is The Worlds Most Expensive Spice`Saffron
General: What Is The World's Most Preferred Flavor`Chocolate
General: What Is The Worlds Most Widely Used Visual Aid In Classrooms`Blackboard
General: What is the world's oldest newspaper(the name is swedish)`post och inrikes tidningar
General: What Is The Worlds Oldest Religous Building`Ggantia Temple On Malta Is Estimated To Be At Least 6,000 Years Old
General: What is the world's second largest religion`islam
General: What Is The World's Smallest Recognized Nation`Vatican
General: What is the world's tallest grass`bamboo
General: what is the wrought iron tower in paris`eiffel tower
General: What Is The Yale University School Song`Boola Boola
General: What is the young of the beaver called`kitt
General: What is the young of this animal called: Antelope`calf
General: What is the young of this animal called: Elephant`calf
General: what is the young of this animal called: fowl`chick chicken
General: What is the young of this animal called: Owl`owlet
General: What is the young of this animal called: Seal`pup
General: What Is The Zodiacal Symbol For Leo`Lion
General: What Is The Zodiac Sign Of Someone Born On April 25th`Taurus
General: What Is This Contraption The Predecessor Of? A Conveyor Belt With Buckets Attached Running Up A Hill`Chairlift
General: What Is This Sign Called '&'`Ampersand
General: What Is Toretto's Last, And Final Car Seen In The Fast And The Furious`Chevrolet Chevelle
General: What Is Transmitted In Morse Code Using Three Dots, Three Dashes And Three Dots`Sos Distress Signal
General: what is uranism`homosexuality
General: what is used as the basis of tequila`cactus
General: What Is Usually Thrown The Farthest In A Track And Field Competition`Javelin
General: What Is Vanilla Ice's Real Name`Robert Van Winkle
General: What Is Venezuela Named After`Venice
General: What Is Vp Quayle's Middle Name`Danforth
General: What Is Weird Al Yankovic's 'Secret Number'`Twenty Seven
General: what is winnie-the-pooh's real name`edward bear
General: What Is Winona Ryder's Real Last Name`Horowitz
General: what is woody allen's legal name`heywood allen
General: What Is World's Largest Inland Body Of Water`Caspian Sea
General: What Is Writing Paper Made Of Calfskin, Lambskin, Or Kidskin Called`Vellum
General: What Is Wynonna Judd's Real Name`Christina Clair Ciminella
General: What Italian City Had The Roman Name Mediolanum`Milan
General: What Italian City Is Known As The Bride Of The Sea And The Jewel Of The Adriatic`Venice
General: What Italian City Was Part Of Yugoslavia 40 Years Ago`Trieste
General: What Italian Explorer Is Burried In The Dominican Republic`Christopher Columbus
General: what italian tenor of the early 20th century was the first person to have a million selling record`enrico caruso
General: What Item Does Dogbert Use To Find Empty Chairs`Dowsing Rod
General: What Jacksonville Rock Band Have Had The Hits 'Faith', 'Nookie', 'Re-Arranged', And 'N2gethernow(Featuring Method Man)'`Limp Bizkit
General: what james dickey novel tells the story of an ill-fated canoe trip`deliverance
General: What Japanese Admiral Masterminded The Attack On Pearl Harbor`Isokoro Yamamoto
General: What Japanese City Was The Scene Of A Devastating Earthquake In 1994`Kobe
General: What Japanese Poetry Form Uses Three Non-Rhyming Lines Of Fiveseven And Five Syllables Each`Haiku
General: What Japanese Term Means 'Long Life'`Bonzai
General: _______ What Jelly Did Robert Chesebrough Make Up A Name For From The Greek Word For Oil And The German Word For Water`Vaseline
General: What Jethro Tull Lp Cover Featured Minstrels Playing`Minstrel In The Gallery
General: What Jimmy Buffett Tune Offered Up Booze In The Blender`Margaritaville
General: What Job Does Murmur Have`Cardiologist
General: What Job Does Up And Down Do For A Living`Elevator Operator
General: what john lennon song was inspired by a police two tone siren`i am a walrus
General: What Kentucky City Calls Itself The Horse Center Of America`Lexington
General: What Kind Of Aircraft Is The C46 Commando Built By Curtiss Wright`Cargo
General: what kind of animal is a vervet`monkey
General: What Kind Of Animal Was Selected To Test The First Electric Toothbrush`The Dog
General: What Kind Of Bird Goes Back To Capistrano`Swallow
General: What Kind Of Biscuits Were Named After Australian And New Zealand Soldiers`Anzac Biscuits
General: What Kind Of Book Did Dr Seuss Pen Five Of Ten Best-Sellers In U.S History By 1994`Children's Books
General: What Kind Of Bottle Manages To Be Inside Itself`Klein Bottle
General: what kind of bug emerges in the 1975 movie the bug`beetle
General: What Kind Of Burger Went For 5.5 Rubles When Mcdonalds Opened Up On Red Square`A Bolshoi Mak
General: What Kind Of Business Was Shell Oil Company When It First Opened Its Doors`Novelty Shop
General: What Kind Of Cameras Take Instant, Self Developing Photographs`Polaroid
General: What Kind Of Carpenter's Tools Come In Jig And Coping Styles`Saws
General: What Kind Of Cellular Division Can Still Be Achieved By The Asgard`Mitosis
General: What Kind Of Cellular Division Could No Longer Be Achieved By The Asgard`Meiosis
General: What Kind Of Chair Lets A Baby See Eye-To-Eye With Adults`Highchair
General: What Kind Of Charcters Were Mtv's Sifl And Olly`Sock Puppets
General: What Kind Of Clay Can Potters Heat To A Higher Temperature Earthenware Or Stoneware`Stoneware
General: What Kind Of Clock Has No Moving Parts`Sundial
General: What Kind Of Craft Was The Mast Atop The Empire State Building Intended To Moor`Dirigibles
General: What kind of creature is a Lorikeet`a parrot
General: what kind of dog is scooby doo`great dane
General: what kind of dog was rin tin tin`german shepherd
General: What Kind Of Drum Is Beat Beat In The First Line Of Night And Day`Tom-Tom`Tom Tom
General: what kind of explosives were invented by in 1895`liquid-oxygen explosives
General: What Kind Of Feathers Are Used In Making Big Birds Costume`Turkey
General: What Kind Of Fish Is Famous For Leaping Up Waterfalls`Salmon
General: What Kind Of Floor Covering Is 'Lino' A Short Form For`Linoleum
General: what kind of food derives its name from the latin lasanum or cooking pot`lasagna
General: What Kind Of Garment Is A 'Sloppy Joe'`Sweater
General: What Kind Of Glass, Common In Baking Dishes, Can Resist Very High Temperatures`Pyrex
General: What Kind Of Gun Does The Movie's Dirty Harry Pack`44 Magnum
General: What Kind Of Hat Did President Abraham Lincoln Wear`Stovepipe
General: What Kind Of Homes Did Ancient Egyptians Live In`Mud Brick
General: what kind of lace did jerry lee lewis sing about`chantilly
General: What Kind Of Money, More Than Real Money, Is Printed In A Year Throughout The World`Monopoly
General: What Kind Of Monster Is Said To Haunt The Woods In Stephen King's 'Pet Sematary'`Wendigo
General: What kind of pain is a migraine`headache
General: What Kind Of Pants Were First Worn During The California Gold Rush`Denim Jeans
General: What Kind Of Pendulum Twists Instead Of Swings`Torsional
General: What Kind Of Plymouth Rock Is Alive`Chicken
General: What Kind Of Poisoning Is Known As Plumbism`Lead Poisoning
General: What Kind Of Rain Was New York Cop Michael Douglas Running Through In Japan In 1989`Black Rain
General: what kind of restaurant is most likely to bring diners face to face with mung beans`a chinese restaurant
General: What kind of rocks are basalt, granite and obsidian`igneous
General: what kind of sandwich was mama cass eating when she died`ham sandwich
General: What Kind Of Sandwich Was Named For A Chic Young Comic-Strip Character`The Dagwood
General: What Kind Of School Did Pussy Galore Run`Flying School
General: What Kind Of Shoe Is Nailed Above The Door For Good Luck`Horseshoe
General: What Kind Of Small Glass Bottle Turns Liquid Perfume Into A Fine Spray`Atomiser
General: What Kind Of Smokes Does Capitan Killjoy Smoke (Canadian Brand)`Du Maurier
General: What kind of surface is tennis' French open tournament played on`clay
General: What Kind Of Sword Did Thundar The Barbarian Have`A Sun Sword
General: What Kind Of Tails Did A Gang Of Aborigines Freeze, Use To Attack Three Police Officers, And Then Eat`Kangaroo Tails
General: What Kind Of Teeth Did George Washington Have`Wooden
General: What Kind Of Tradesman Uses A 'Plunger'`A Plumber
General: What Kind Of Tree Is Most Often Struck By Lightning`Oak
General: What Kind Of Triangle Has A Hypotenuse`Right Angle Triangle
General: What Kind Of Vehicles Are Driven By The Pokemon Patrol`Vw Beetles
General: What Kind Of Window Blind Shares Its Name With A European Country`Holland Blind
General: What Kind Of Wood Did Noah Use When Building The Ark`Gopher Wood
General: what knicks player went 2 for 18 in the 1993 nba finals (first and last names)`john starks
General: what knicks player went 2 for 18 in the 1993 nba finals`john starks
General: What 'Landed' In Western Australia On July 11,1979`Skylab
General: What language is most widely spoken in Iran`persian
General: what language was bambi originally written in`german
General: What large herbivore sleeps only one hour a night`antelope
General: what large planet's moons did voyager i discover volcanoes and cracks on, in 1978`jupiter's
General: what large sea is between europe and africa`mediterranean sea
General: What Las Vegas Hotel Burned In November,1980, With The Loss Of 84 Lives`Mgm Grand
General: What Late '50s Group, Best Known For 'The Great Pretender, ' Has Sued Almost 50 Others For Using Their Name`The Platters
General: What Late Great Country Artist Sometimes Traveled Under The Name Of Herman P. Willis When He Didn't Want To Be Recognized`Hank Williams
General: what latin american country is home to the world boxing council`mexico
General: What Law States That The Power Of A Network Increases With The Square Of Its Nodes`Metcalfe's Law
General: What Leave It To Beaver Character Became A Los Angeles Policeman In Real Life`Eddie Haskell
General: what legendary guitarist's last no. 1 hit in britain was voodoo chile`jimi hendrix
General: What Legendary Lover Was Reportedly Alone In Bed When He Died In 1798`Casanova
General: What Legendary Us Magazine Publisher Was Born In Tengchow, China`Henry Luce
General: What Leisure Activity Does A Cruciverbalist Enjoy`Crosswords
General: what letter adorns the flag of the legion of super-heroes`l
General: What Letter Appears To The Right Of Y On A Keyboard`U
General: What Letter Does Not Appear Anywhere On The Periodic Table Of Elements`J
General: What Letter Does Not Appear Anywhere On The Periodic Table Of The Elements`J
General: What Letter Ends All Japanese Words Not Ending With A Vowel`N
General: What Letter Is Considered To Be The Oldest In The English Language`O
General: What Letter Is Probably On Most Cold Water Taps In Frankfurt`K
General: What Letter Is The Least Used In The English Alphabet`Q
General: What Letter On A Weather Map Indicates A High Pressure System`H
General: What Letters Are Not On The Telephone Dial`Q And Z
General: What License Must Californians Acquire Before They Can Legally Set Up A Mousetrap`A Hunting License
General: What Lies Between Mars And Jupiter`The Asteroid Belt
General: What Lies Between Stockholm And Riga`Baltic Sea
General: what lies east of mauritius`australia
General: What Lifeboat Gets Launched From The Coast Of Cornwall`Padstow Lifeboat
General: What Limbs Are Paralyzed In Paraplegia`The Legs
General: What Line Divides A Circle Into Two Semi-Circles`Diameter
General: what line on a map connects all points of the same elevation`contour line
General: What Links The Isle Of Portland To The Mainland Coast Of Dorset`Chesil Bank
General: What liqueur is flavoured with the rind of bitter oranges`cointreau
General: What Liquid Is Found In The Center Of A Golf Ball`Castor Oil
General: What Liquid Is Metered In Most Households`Water
General: What Little Girl Passed Through A Looking Glass`Alice
General: What Loaded Gaming Devices Were Found In The Ruins Of Pompeii`Dice
General: what long-running broadway musical introduced the song try to remember`fantasticks
General: what longtime cleveland browns quarterback was shipped off to dallas in 1993`bernie kosar
General: What lucky charm does Luciano Pavarotti carry in his pocket whilst performing`a bent nail
General: What, Made From The Dried Stamens Of Cultivated Crocus Flowers, Is The Most Expensive Cooking Spice`Saffron
General: What Made Michael Milken Famous And Rich`Junk Bonds
General: What Magazine Did Feminist Expert Shere Hite Pose For In 1971`Playboy
General: What Magazine's Features Include Things We'd Like To See And The Lighter Side Of`Mad
General: What magazine was the first to be distributed widely through grocery stores`family circle
General: What Major Airline Offers Flights On Special Pokemon Jets`Ana (American Nippon Airlines
General: what major australian city is built on limestone plains`canberra
General: What Major British Disaster Occurred In Beauvais, France, In 1930`Crash Of The R101 Airship
General: What Major City Calls Itself 'The Windy City'`Chicago
General: What Major City Is Located At The Westernmost Point In Africa`Dakar
General: What major city is served by Gatwick Airport`london
General: What Major North American City Is Built Around The Mountain For Which It Is Named`Montreal
General: What Major Title Is Bestowed Upon The Male Heir To The British Throne`Prince Of Wales
General: What Major Veins Are In The Neck`Jugular Veins
General: What Major Western European Country Was A Dictatorship Less Than 30 Years Ago`Spain
General: what make of car did jim clark die in`lotus
General: what make of car is an espace`renault
General: what make of car is a thunderbird`ford
General: What Make Of Car Would You Be Driving After Buying A 187,500 Dollar Lagonda Saloon`Aston Martin
General: What mammal can fly`bat
General: what mammal lives the longest`man
General: what mammals fly`bats
General: what mark indicates british standards institute approval`kite
General: What Massive Object Is Created From The Collapse Of A Neutron Star`Black Hole
General: What Mass Murderer Claimed That He Spent 1980 Pulling Apart Socks With His Teeth And Then Making The Yarn Into Dolls`Charles Manson
General: What Material Did Michelangelo Carve Most Of His Sculptures Out Of`Marble
General: What Material Is Touched Or Knocked On For Good Luck`Wood
General: What Material Were The New 'Earth' Replicators Made Up Of`Iron
General: What Means The Gw In Gw Basic`Gee Whiz
General: What Measures Wind Velocity`Anemometer
General: What Mechanical Aid Enlarges Drawings`A Pantograph
General: What Medical Field Did Joseph Lister Revolutionize`Surgery
General: What meets the Atlantic Ocean at the Cape of Good Hope`indian ocean
General: what member of the grass family can reach heights of 100 feet`bamboo
General: What Men's Magazine Introduced Two Pages Of 'Potpourri'`Playboy
General: What Men's Odourizer Obsesses Calvin Klein`Obsession
General: What Mental State Does The Phrase 'Bats In The Belfry' Refer To`Madness
General: What Mercy Doctor Called For Death Row Inmates To Donate Their Organs In 1993`Jack Kevorkian
General: What Metal Do You Get From Hematite`Iron
General: what metal forms one-twelfth of the earth's crust`aluminum
General: what metal impurity gives ruby its red colour and emerald its green colour`chromium
General: what metal makes up 10 percent of yellow gold`copper
General: What Meteorological Significance Is Traditionally Attached To Cows Lying Down`Rain
General: What Method Of Underwater Detection Is Short For 'Sound Navigation And Ranging'`Sonar
General: what middle eastern leader was smitten by former princeton cheerleader lisa halaby`king hussein
General: What Milkshake-Machine Salesman Began Franchising A Popular, Fast-Food Empire In 1955`Ray Kroc
General: What Milton Bradley game wants to make you a millionaire tycoon`life
General: What Minnesota Town Has An Annual Holiday Called 'Wrong Day'`Wright, Mn
General: What Missionary Station Was Built By Albert Schweitzer`Lambarene
General: What Modern-Day City Was Renamed Leningrad When A Famous Bolshevik Died`St Petersburg`saint Petersburg
General: What Modern-Day Country Was Home To The Ancient Phoenicians`Lebanon
General: What Modern Word Comes From The Arab 'Hashishi'`Assassin
General: What Mojave Desert City Has A Name Meaning 'The Meadows' In Spanish`Las Vegas
General: what monarch's death in 1901 prompted henry james to write: we all feel a bit motherless today`queen victoria's
General: What Monopoly Property Carries The Highest Statistical Chance Of Being Landed On`Illinois Avenus
General: What Monster Is Said To Be Living In A Scottish Lake`Loch Ness Monster
General: What Month Is Showing On The Calendar When The Earth Is Nearest The Sun`January
General: What More Attractive Name Do Fishmongers Use For Dogfish`Rock Salmon
General: What 'Motowner' Was Shot To Death On April Fool's Day`Marvin Gaye
General: What Mountain Range Separates Europe From Asia`Urals
General: What Mountains Run Through Colorado`Rockies
General: What Mouseketeer's First Hit Song Was 'Tall Paul'`Anette Funicello
General: what movie ends with the line: after all, tomorrow is another day`gone with the wind
General: What Movie Featured 'Rock Around The Clock'`Blackboard Jungle
General: What Movie Features Mels Drive-In Diner`American Graffitti
General: what movie shows robin williams lining up to buy toilet paper`moscow on the hudson
General: What Museum Is Home To Half The Paintings Now Attributed To Leondardo`The Louvre
General: What Muslim Nation Has The Largest Population`Indonesia
General: What Muslims practise shirling as a religious act`dervishes
General: What Must Be In Position Before The House Of Commons Can Sit`Mace
General: What Must Remain On The Floor In Snooker`One Foot
General: What Mysterious Things Fell Around Children As They Were Leaving School In Hanham, A Suburb Of Bristol, England, In 1956`Pennies And Halfpennies
General: What Mythical Tv Network Aired Most Of Its Hyped-Up Specials On 'Thursdays At Nine'`Sctv
General: What Name Did Kresge's End Up With`K Mart
General: What Name Did Mohammed A. Salameh Use When He Rented The Van That Carried The Bomb That Blew Up The World Trade Center In New York City`Mohammed A. Salameh