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General: isms: a painful stiffness of the muscles and joints`rheumatism
General: Isms: A Severe Or Unfavorable Judgment`Criticism
General: Isms: Public Ownership Of The Basic Means Of Production, Distribution, And Exchange`Socialism
General: Is Parsley An Annual, Biennial Or Perennial Plant`Biennial
General: Israel's Domestic Intelligence Agency Called`Shin Bet
General: Israel's Equivalant To The Dollar Is`Shekel
General: Issac Asimov is the only author to have a book in every ---------- -decimal category`dewey
General: ____ Is So Ductile That A Single Ounce Can Be Drawn Into A Fine Wire 50 Miles Long`Gold
General: ________ Is So Strong That The Type Used In Airplane Wings Can Support 90,000 Pounds Per Square Inch`Aluminum
General: __________ Is Such A Good Stain That Native Americans Used It For A Paint`Blood
General: _____ Is The Largest Harvester Of Seafood In The World, Taking 15 Percent Of The World's Total Catch`Japan
General: ______ Is The Largest Importer Of American Cars`Canada
General: _________ Is The Longest Word In The English Language With Just One Vowel`Strengths
General: ______ Is The Longest Word That Alternates Hands When Typing`Skepticisms
General: __________ Is The Longest Word Typed With Only The Left Hand`Stewardesses
General: _________ Is The Material Snooker Balls Are Made From`Cystallite
General: __________ Is The Month When Most Baby's Are Born`August
General: ______ _____ Is The Name Of The International Association Of Women Helicopter Pilots`Whirly Girls
General: ____ Is The Only Country That Has Never Imposed Censorship For Adult Films`Belgium
General: _____ ___ ______ Is The Only Inanimate Symbol In The Zodiac`Libra The Scales
General: __________ Is The Only Woman To Pose Nude For Sports Illustrated`Cathy Rigby
General: is the product of greece and the greek colonies from about 1100b bc to the 1st century bc`greek art and architecture
General: Is There Such A Thing As An 'Addictive Personality'`No
General: __________ Is The Scent On The Artificial Rabbit That Is Used In Greyhound Races`Anise
General: __________ Is The Study Of Thunder`Brontology
General: 'I Suppose It Could Be Worse, I Could Be Like Poindexter Over There.'`Turbulence Ii: Fear Of Flying
General: Italian Composer Famous For His Movie Sequels (Once Upon A Time In The West, Bonanza)`Enio Morricone
General: Italian Prime Minister (Democrazia Christiana) Killed By The Left Wing Brigate Rosse`Aldo Moro
General: Italian Virtuoso Niccolo Paganini Of Genoa Would, On Occasion, Cut All The Strings On His ___ Except One, And Play`Violin
General: Italy's National Soccer Team`Squadra Azzura
General: It Costs About $3600 Per ____ To Feed 'Pet' Tigers Commercial Large Cat Food (There Are 10,000 Tigers In Private Hands In The Us)`Month
General: It Has Been Determined That 69 Percent Of _________ Occur Within 25 Miles Of Home`Accidents
General: It Has Been Estimated That The Deep Seas May Contain As Many As __ _______ _______ That Have Yet To Be Discovered`10 Million Species
General: It Has Been Recommended By Dentists That A Toothbrush Be Kept At Least 6 Feet (Two Meters) Away From A What To Avoid Airborne Particles`Toilet (The Airborne Particles Take Flight With A Flush
Movies: Quotes: I think people should mate for life, like pigeons or catholics`manhattan
General: I think we're __ now by tommy james`alone
General: It Is Against The Law To Yell Out 'Snake!' Within The City Limits Of _______ ______, Georgia`Flowery Branch
General: It Is Against The Law To Yell Out '_____!' Within The City Limits Of Flowery Branch, Georgia`Snake
General: It Is Estimated That A _______ _________ Can Resist Decomposition For As Long As 50,000 Years`Plastic Container
General: It Is Estimated That At Any One Time,0.7% Of The World's Population Are`Drunk
General: It Is Estimated That At Any One Time, _._% Of The World's Population Are Drunk`0.7
General: It Is Estimated That During The Height Of The ______ Years, Between 1344 To 1353, As Many As 20 Million People In Europe Died As A Result Of The Disease`Plague
General: It Is Estimated That Every Time You ____ _ _____, You're Consuming 1/10 Of A Calorie`Lick A Stamp
General: It Is Estimated That Manatee's Live A Maximum Of __ Years`60
General: It Is Estimated That The Average Person Living In North America _____ ___ ______ 22 Times Daily`Opens The Fridge
General: It Is Estimated That The Average Person Living In North America Opens The Fridge _____ Times Daily`22`22
General: It Is Estimated That There Are Nearly A Half Million Sauna Baths In`Finland
General: It Is Illegal To Eat __________ While Bathing In California`Oranges
General: It Is Illegal To Frown At __________ In Bladworth, Saskatchewan`Cows
General: It Is Illegal To Hunt Camels In The State Of`Arizona
General: It Is Illegal To Hunt __________ In The State Of Arizona`Camels
General: It Is Illegal To Swim In`Central Park
General: It Is The Mucus That Binds Us`Ace Ventura 2: When Nature Calls
General: It Is The Region Where Most Of Electrons Are Apt To Be Found`The Orbital Region
General: It Is Thought That, To Navigate, Homing Pigeons Have Iron Deposits In Their ___, That Act Something Like A Gyroscope`Brain
General: It Is _________ To Take Photographs At A Quaker Wedding`Forbidden
General: It Only Took Him A Week To Write Record And Produce 'Instant Karma'`John Lennon
General: It's 11: 30, It Appears We've Made A Tactical Error. I Mean None Of The Good People Have Arrived. If I Have To Face The New Year With No Prospects For A Climax I'm Going To Go Post Naked Pictures Of Myself On The Damn Internet`American Pie 2
General: It's Against The Law To Pawn Your _____ In Las Vegas`Dentures
General: It's Aimee, She's Letting Us Watch`Red Planet
General: It's All Relative: The Total Length Of The Yearly Sales Of This Product Would Reach The Planet Uranus`Toilet Paper
General: It's An Essential Condition Or Element, An Indispensable Thing, An Absolute Prerequisite: It's A`Qua Nonsine
General: It's Been Estimated That An _____ ______ Burns An Average Of More Than 2 Calories Per Minute During A Performance`Opera Singer
General: it's common knowledge that crystal gayle and loretta lynn are sisters, but can you name their other singing sister`peggy sue
General: It Seems Admiral, That I've Got All His Marbles`Star Trek 2
General: It's Estimated That 64 Percent Of American Teenagers Have __________ ____ In Their Bedrooms`Television Sets
General: It's Illegal To Drink Beer Out Of A _____ While You're Sitting On A Curb In St. Louis`Bucket
General: It's Megamaid. She's Gone From Suck To Blow`Spaceballs
General: It's Metallica Now, But What Band's Name Originally Appeared On Beavis's T-Shirt`Slayer
General: It's Not Just A Spaceship, It's A Transformer`Spaceballs
General: It's Not Over Till The _____ Sings`Fat Lady
General: It's Now Legal! 'Febbre Da Bingo' Is Sweeping Italy! Some There Call It 'A Monument To Our Loneliness'. What Game Are They Talking About`Bingo
General: It's Rumored That Sucking On A Copper Penny Will Cause A Breathalyzer To Read`Zero
General: Its The State Of Maryland, But The _____ Of Virginia (Or Massachusetts, For That Matter)`Commonwealth
General: itsy bitsy yellow polka dot __ by brian hyland`bikini
General: It Takes 3,000 Seeds From The _____ _______ ____ To Weigh One Ounce`Giant Sequoia Tree
General: It Takes 8.5 ________ For Light To Get From The Sun To Earth`Minutes
General: It Takes About A Half A Gallon Of Water To Cook ________, And About A Gallon To Clean The Pot`Macaroni
General: It Takes About A Half A Gallon Of Water To Cook Macaroni, And About A ______ To Clean The Pot`Gallon
General: It Takes __________ Head Of Cattle To Produce One Pound Of Adrenaline`12,000
General: It Takes Light From The Sun 8 Minutes,17 Seconds To Reach The`Earth
General: It Takes __________ Minutes For Light To Get From The Sun To Earth`8.5
General: It Takes __________ Minutes To Cool Hot Chocolate Into A Hershey's Kiss`Eighteen
General: It Takes One Fifteen-To-Twenty-Year-Old Tree To Produce __________ Paper Grocery Bags`Seven Hundred
General: It Takes The Same Amount Of Time To Age A _____ As Wine`Cigar
General: It Takes The Same Amount Of Time To Age A Cigar As`Wine
General: It That Walks On Four Feet In The Morning, Two Feet At Noon, And Three Feet In The Evening`Man
General: It Took About 2.3 Million Blocks Of Stone To Build The`Great Pyramid
General: It Took A While, But Donald Trump Finally Married Her`Marla Maples
General: It Was A Marvelous Night When He Recorded 'Moondance' In 1970`Van Morrison
General: 'It Was A Sad End To A Sad Life' Said Paul Westerberg About The Death Of His Former Co-Band Memberbob Stinson. What Band Were They In Together`The Replacements
General: It Was Black As A Deep Grave, Dank And Damp And Smelly': What Club Was Famed Music Agent Brian Epstein In That Day In Liverpool In November Of 1961`Cavern
General: It Was Greek To Me Is A Line From Which Shakespearean Play`Julius Caesar
General: It Was Illegal For Women To Wear Buttons In Fifteenth-Century`Florence
General: It Was Illegal For Women To Wear _______ In Fifteenth-Century Florence`Buttons
General: It Was Once Against The Law To Have A Pet Dog In A City In`Iceland
General: It Was Once Against The Law To Slam Your Car Door In A City In`Switzerland
General: It Was Originally Called 'Vicks Magic Croup Salve:' What Do We Call It Now`Vicks Vaporub
General: It Was Reported In 1990 That Former President ________ __________'S Autobiography, A Life, Was A Financial Catastrophe. Publisher Simon And Schuster Had Paid The Former Actor-U.S. Leader $7 Million In Advance For His Autobiography And A Collection Of His Speeches`Ronald Reagan
General: It Was The Custom At One Time For French Brides To ____ ____ __ ___ Before Crossing The Threshold Of Their New Homes`Step Upon An Egg
General: It Will Take ___ Years For The Concrete In Hoover Dam To Completely Cure`600
General: It Would Require An Average Of __ Hummingbirds To Weigh In At 1 Ounce`18
General: It Would Take 80 Moons To Equal The Weight Of The`Earth
General: It Would Take 80 _____ To Equal The Weight Of The Earth`Moons
General: It Would Take A Car Traveling At 100 Mph Nearly 30 Million Years To Reach Our Nearest`Star
General: It Would Take More Than 150 Years To Drive A Car To The`Sun
General: It Would Take More Than ___ Years To Drive A Car To The Sun`One Hundred And Fifty
General: I want you to __ my girl frankie lymon`be
General: Jack Kevorkian's Lead Defense Attorney Is The Brother Of What 70's Rock Band's Lead Singer`The Knack
General: __________, Jack Klugman, Diana Ross, Carol Burnett And Cher Have All Worn Braces As Adults`Jill St. John
General: jack nicholson won his first best actor oscar in 1975. what was the film`one flew over the cuckoo's nest
General: Jacqueline Du Pre Was A Soloist On Which Instrument`Cello
General: Jacqueline Susann's Best-Selling Novel, '______ __ ___ _____,' Was Originally Titled 'They Don't Build Statues To Businessmen.'`Valley Of The Dolls
General: Jacques Cousteau Made His Name In Underwater Exploration. What Was The Name Of His Scientific Survey Ship`Calypso
General: Jahangir, A 17th-Century Indian Mughal Ruler, Had 5,000 Women In His Harem And 1,000 ____________. He Also Owned 12,000 Elephants`Young Boys
General: Jaime Sommers, The Bionic Woman Had Implants Similar To Steve Austin, Except For One`Her Ear
General: James P. Joule's Law Of The Conservation Of Energy Is More Commonly Known As What`The First Law Of Thermodynamics
General: James Taylor Slowed Things Down When He Re-Did This Hit First Released By Jimmy Jones In January Of 1960`Handyman
General: James T. Kirk's Middle Name Is What`Tiberius
General: james ure of ultravox, also known as _____`midge ure
General: Jan 13,1937 The ______ Delivers The First Gold To Fort Knox`United States Postal Service
General: Jane Asher's (Paul Mccartney's 60's Girlfriend) Brother Was In What Early 60's Group`Peter And Gordon
General: Jane Byrne Was The First Woman Mayor Of What American City`Chicago
General: Janet Leigh Was 'On The Run' In The Hitchcock Thriller 'Psycho'because She Had Taken Money From Her Boss's Bank Account. How Much Did She Take`$40,000
General: janis joplin started her career with this group backing her up`big brother and the holding company
General: janis joplin started her career with which group backing her up`big brother & the holding company
General: January Is National __________ Month`Soup
General: Japan Bombed What U.S. State In 1942? (Ok, They Only Dropped 4 Bombs, And Caused No Significan't Damage)`Oregon
General: Japanese mattress used as a bed`futon
General: Japanese Pilots In Ww Ii Generally Disdained From Using ____ As Not Befitting A 'Warrior'...Thus Many Pilots Died With Their Crippled Aircraft`Parachutes
General: Japanese Profesional Hostess And Entertainer`Geisha
General: Japan Is Expected To Overtake ______ As The World's Most Geriatric Nation By The Year 2005`Sweden
General: Japan's Equivalant To The Dollar Is`Yen
General: Japan's Kiobe Cattle Regularly Drink`Wine Beer Ouzo
General: jazz: he starred in the movie round midnight`dexter gordon
General: Jefferson City Is The Capital Of`Missouri
General: Jerome Napoleon Bonaparte Died In 1945 Of Injuries Sustained From Tripping Over His ___`Dog's Leash
General: Jerry Lee Lewis Had Great _____ Of Fire`Balls
General: jesse james song that pays tribute to sexy rita strutting her stuff`dangerous on the dance floor
General: Jill Ireland Was The Wife And Frequent Co-Star Of What American Tough-Guy Actor`Charles Bronson
General: Jill St. John, __________, Diana Ross, Carol Burnett And Cher Have All Worn Braces As Adults`Jack Klugman
General: Jill St. John, Jack Klugman, ---------- , Carol Burnett and Cher have all worn braces as adults`diana ross
General: Jill St. John, Jack Klugman, Diana Ross, __________ And Cher Have All Worn Braces As Adults`Carol Burnett
General: Jill St. John, Jack Klugman, Diana Ross, Carol Burnett And __________ Have All Worn Braces As Adults`Cher
General: Jim Backus Was The Voice Of Mr.`Magoo
General: Jim Bagby Hit That Home Run For What Team`Cleveland Indians
General: Jimmy Carter Once Thought He Saw A Ufo: What Was It`Venus
General: Jimmy Carter's Family Grew Goober Peas In Georgia. Their More Familiar Name`Peanuts
General: jimmy rodger's first hit in 1957 included the lyrics god made the bees and the bees made the honey`honeycomb
General: jimmy stewart portrayed this big band leaderin a 1954 movie`glenn miller
General: jingoism is over-excessive`nationalism
General: Joan Crawford Became A Member Of The Board Of Directors For What Company`Pepsi Cola
General: Job Retraining Schemes Are Used To Reduce Which Type Of Unemployment`Structural Unemployment
General: Johann Gutenberg was famous for inventing what in 1455`the printing press
General: John And Mary Meet, Make Love, But Don't Know If The Relationship Should End Right There. Innocuous, Uncompelling Trifle. Hoffman Seems To Be Sleepwalking: Audience May Join Him`John And Mary
General: john denver & george burns appeared together in what 1977 film`oh god!
General: John F Kennedy Airport Used To Be Called`Idlewild
General: John F Kennedy's Rocking Chair Was Auctioned Off For`$442,00
General: John Glenn Orbited The Earth In A Mercury Capsule Named What`Friendship 7
General: John __________ Has Entered Over 5000 Contests___And Never Won Anything`Bellavia
General: John Larroquette Was The Narrator Of Which Gruesome Film`Texas Chainsaw
General: john lennon: john was married to cynthia and had this child`julian
General: john lennon: song: i've got no car and it's breakin' my heart`drive my car
General: John Lennon Was Shot Outside Of What New York Building`Dakota
General: John Lennon Was Shot Outside Of What New York Building`The Dakota
General: Johnny Appleseed's Real Name Was What`John Chapman
General: johnny b. goode hails from this state`louisiana
General: John Quincy Adams Took His Last Skinnydip In The __________ On His 79th Birthday`Potomac
General: Jonquil is a shade of which colour`yellow
General: Jornalism Lesson Number 2, Never Work For Your Spouse`Runaway Bride
General: Joseph Adams Served As The Minister At Newington For How Many Years`Sixty Eight
General: Joseph Lister, English Surgeon, Is Remembered In What Product`Listerine
General: Josiah Winslow Was Governor Of What Colony`Plymouth
General: j.paul getty was once a sparring partner for what champion`jack dempsey
General: J.P. Richardson Was Known On Stage As`The Big Bopper
General: Judging By Both Length And Weight, What Is The Largest Carnivorous Animal`Southern Elephant Seal
General: Julie Nixon, Daughter Of __________ Married David Eisenhower, Son Of Dwight Eisenhower`Richard Nixon
General: Julie Nixon, Daughter Of Richard Nixon Married David Eisenhower, Grandson Of`Dwight Eisenhower
General: Julie Nixon, Daughter Of Richard Nixon Married ______ _________, Grandson Of Dwight Eisenhower`David Eisenhower
General: Jumbo Jet (Boeing 747) Made Its First Flight On`February 9,1969
General: June 20. 1893 ______ ______ Was Acquitted In Murder Or Her Parents`Lizzie Borden
General: Junior Johnson Was Given A Full Unconditional Pardon For Moonshining By ______ ______ In 1986`Ronald Reagan
General: junk food: peter pan, jif, skippy`peanut butter
General: junk food: puffy white soft pillows of sugar: good raw or roasted over a campfire`marshmallows
General: Jupiter Ii Was The Name Of The Robinson's Spaceship On What Series`Lost In Space
General: just before their planned comeback tour michael hutchence of this band was found dead of an apparent suicide`inxs
General: Justin Had Twice As Many Brothers As He Had Sisters. Britney, Justin's Sister, Had Five Times More Brothers Than She Had Sisters. How Many Kids Were In Their Family`Seven
General: Kakorraphiaphobia is the fear of`failure
General: Kansas City Fire Station#19 Mascot Name`Kato
General: Karen Carpenter's Doorbell Chimed The First __________ Notes Of 'We've Only Just Begun.'`Six
General: Karoke Means Empty Orchestra In`Japanese
General: Kastrup Airport Serves What City`Copenhagen
General: katey segal plays the part of peggy in this tv show`married with children
General: Kemo Sabe Means 'Soggy Shrub' In`Navajo
General: Kendo Is One Of The Traditional Japanese Martial Arts And The Participants Use A Type Of Sword. From What Is The Sword Made`Bamboo
General: Kenny G's Last Name`Gorelick
General: Kenny Rogers Was The Coward Of Where In 1980`The County
General: Keno Is The American Casino Form Of Which Game`Bingo
General: Ken Thompson And Dennis Ritchie, Colleagues At Bell Labs, Teamed Up And Wrote The Second Version Of Which Operating System`Unix
General: Kerimski Church In Finland Is The World's Biggest Church Made Of`Wood
General: Ketchup Is Excellent For Cleaning Brass, Especially __________ Or Corroded Brass`Tarnished
General: Kettle Drums Were Once Used As Currency On The ______ __ ____ In Indonesia`Island Of Aler
General: kevin costner teaches tim robbins how to pitch for the bulls`bull durham
General: Kevin Spacey's Surname Is A Contraction Of The Name Of His Favourite Actor`Spencer Tracey
General: Khartoum Is The Capital Of Which Country`Sudan
General: Khat (Or Khat, Pronounced 'Cot'). Fresh Khat Leaves, Which Are Typically Chewed Like Tobacco, Produce A Mild Cocaine- Or Amphetamine-Like Euphoria That Is Much Less Potent Than Either Substance. Most ____ Men Chew Khat On A Daily Basis, Usually After The Noon Hour`Yemeni
General: Khu-Fu Is More Commonly Known As`Cheops
General: Kids in the Hall: A Mark McKinney character says I'm _ your head!`crushing
General: kids in the hall: dave foley has a positive attitude toward this female body process`menstruation
General: kids in the hall: dave foley liked to visit couples in bedrooms because he was one of these`axe murderer
General: Killer Whales Use Their ______ To Generate A Shock Wave That Stuns Their Prey Making Them Easier To Catch`Tails
General: Killian, I'll Be Back`The Running Man
General: ______ Kill More People Annually Than Are Killed In Plane Crashes`Donkeys
General: Kinda Hot In These Rhinos`Ace Ventura 2: When Nature Calls
General: Kind Of Animal Spotted On Closed-Circuit Tv Running Into The Garage Under The Us Supreme Court In January 2002? (It Has Not Yet Been Located)`Fox
General: Kind Of Car 'Driven To The Levee'`Chevy
General: Kind Of White Heron`Egret
General: King Lears Daughters'names?(Alphabetic)`Cordelia, Goneril, Regan
General: Kinsey - 'I Have A Party To Get Back To.' Jack - 'We Aren't Going Anywhere.' Kinsey - 'Excuse Me.' Jack - 'I'm Not Leaving Until I Get What I Came For.' Kinsey - 'Oh, And What Are You Going To Do' Jack - '____, _ ___ ________ _____ ________ ___'`Well, I Was Thinking About Shooting You`Well I Was Thinking About Shooting Ya
General: Kirk Is Captain Of The Imperial Starship Enterprise In This Epsiode`Mirror, Mirror
General: K Is The Chemical Symbol For What`Potassium
General: Kiveli Papajohn Currently Holds The Record For Longest Amount Of Time Trapped In An Elevator, As Of May 2003. In What Country Was The Elevator She Was Stuck In`Cyprus
General: Kleenex Tissues Were Originally Used As __________ In Gas Masks`Filters
General: Km Of Unpaved Us Public Roads In 1904`3.2 Million
General: Kneeling Cushion In Church`Hassock
General: Knife, Clown, And Pencil Are Types Of`Fish
General: Know As 'The Greatest Show On Earth'`Barnum And Bailey Circus
GENERAL KNOWEDGE: Which word means salary particularly that paid to a clergy`stipend
GENERAL KNOWLDEGE :which British prime minister also wrte film scripts`Winston churchill
GENERAL KNOWLDGE: With what is the society called concerned`euthanasia
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: 2002, new face of Lancome`elizabeth jagger
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:2002, who is th epresent Queen of Spain`Sophia
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: 2002, whose portrait is on the reverse side of 50 notes`sir john houblon
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:About how many hairs does an average healthy scalp shed in 24 hours`sixty five
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: About which London politician was it said in March 200 - The ego has landed`ken livingstone
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:A brook or stream, rivulet`rill
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: According to Hindu mythology which legendary mountain in the centre of the world was the abode of Indra the god of the sky`mount meru
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: According to Louis Macneice in his poem Sunday Morning, what part of a man expands to tinker with his car`his heart
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: According to Says Law of Markets what does a rise in the supply of goods produce`an increase in demand
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:According to the New York Times, what is currently the most popular aphrodisiac`asparagus
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE According to the nursery rhyme, how many miles is it to Babylon`three score and ten
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: according to the nursery rhyme what does a sneeze on Wednesday signify`a letter
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: A chinese method of divination`Ching
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Actor, formerly the Saint and james Bond`roger moore
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Actress and singer whose theme tune is Sally`gracie fields
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Actress mother of Liza Minnelli`judy garland
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: A cuban dance in slow duple time or a piece of music composed for this dance`habanera
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: A department within a university or college devoted to a particular branch of knowledge`faculty
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: A disorderly crowd`rabble
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Admired or revered greatly`Idolised
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Admit a person into a society or club through a secret ceremony`initiate
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: A figure having an elongated rectangular shape`oblong
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: A fine cotton fabric, often stiffened`organdie
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:A five line humorous verse`Limerick
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: After how many years of marriage is an emerald wedding anniversary celebrated`fifty five
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: After what is the Exchequer named`chequered cloth
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: After which type of establishment was LLoyd of London named`coffee house
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: After Windsor which is the largest castle in Britain`Caerphilly
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: A general pardon especially for offences against a government`amnesty
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Aibohpophobia is the fear of what`palindromes
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Aircraft propelled by rotating blades`helicopter
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: A landowner in Scotland`laird
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Aliases, by what name is Patrick Fyffe better known`dame hilda bracket
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Aliases, how are the duo George Logan and Patrick Fyffe better known`Hinge and bracket
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: A light four wheeled carriage, named after a greek mythological character`phaeton
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: A light umbrella used to give shade`parasol
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Allegedly, whose last words were "I'va had 18 straight whiskies, I think thats a record"`Dylan Thomas
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Alloy of iron and carbon`steel
General Knowledge : Although it doesn't sound like a dog, ____dust is ornamental wood chips often placed in flowerbeds`bark
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: A member of an ancient Greek school of philosophy founded by Zeno`stoic
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: American magician known for his bizarre stunts`david blaine
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Americas volunteer state`tennessee
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: A million raised to fifth power`quintillion
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: An addition modifying a will`codicil
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: An adjustable type of spanner`wrench
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: An alphabetical list of terms or words, relating to a specific subject or text`glossary
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: An apparatus for mixing or shaking`agitator
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: An arrangement of long hair in a roll or knot at the back of the head`chignon
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: An articulated puppet, worked by strings`marionette
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: An attack or assault or a beginning or a start`onset
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Ancient British ruler of the Catuvellauni tribe, subject of a play by Shakespeare`cymbeline
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Ancient Peruvians substitute for writing by variously knotting threads of various colours`quipu
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:An enormous beast described in the Old Testament,Job 40`Behemoth
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Annual London dog show`crufts
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: An object hard to find because it is hidden by many other similar objects`needle in a haystack
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: An opera by Vincenzo Bellini, libretto by Romani, in which the heroine is a druid priestess`norma
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: An organ built in the 10th century was so powerful that it needed 70 men to pump it, where was it`Winchester Cathedral
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Any vessel that converts water into steam`boiler
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Any violent destruction or rowdy confusion`mayhem
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: A pantry was originally used for the storage of which foodstuff`bread
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: A period of five years`quinquennium
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: A person walking before a person of rank`usher
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: A person who translates orally from one language to another`interpreter
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: A powerful tractor with a curved blade at the front used for clearing ground`bulldozer
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:A short, traditionally sacred choral composition`motet
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: A simple form of slide projector`image lantern
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: A small working boat rigged with a four sided sail, bent and hoisted on a yard`lugger
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: As part of the Queen Mothers birthday pageant in Aug 2000, which furry creatures marched past in Guardsmens uniforms`the wombles
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Astronaut Buzz Aldrinn was the second man to walk on the moon, his mother's maiden name was quirky, what was it`moon
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: As what is Cognoscenti v. Intelligentsia better known`hanmster dance
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: As what is Karim Al-Hussain better known`aga khan
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: As what is pyrites commonly known`fools gold
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: A synthetic material first developed in the thirties`nylon
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: A tufty, velvet cord or yarn used for embroidery and trimmings`chenille
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: At what age did Bill Gates write his first software program`thirteen
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: A volunteer cavalry force merged into the Territorial army in 1907`Yeomanry
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:A waste of time in frivolous action`dalliance
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: A written acknowledgement of the payment of money for goods, work done etc`receipt
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Barclays bank in Enfield was the first in the world to have what`automatic cash dispenser
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: before the invention of pens what was a feather called when it was trimmed and used for writing`quill
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Bell hanging at Lloyds of london`lutine
[General knowledge] beta blockers stop the secretion of what chemical`adrenaline
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Between 1620 and 1624 Cornelius Drebbel built and tested the first what on the Thames`submarine
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Between 1642 and 1644 which French mathematician designed the first digital calculator to help hos father in his tax computations`blaise pascal
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Between 1895 & 1898 who was the first person to sail around the world alone`joshua slocum
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: between 1937 & 1942 which American theoretical physicist built the fist digital computer`john v atansoff
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Bird of prey with a curved beak, rounded, short wings and a long tail`Hawk
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Bishops tall headdress`mitre
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Branch of medicine concerned with hair and its diseases`trichology
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: British explorer who reached the South Pole in 1912`scott
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: british gold coins worth 1`sovereigns
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: British motor engineer, the first man to exceed 300mph in Bluebird`malcolm campbell
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Brother or sisters daughter`niece
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: By what collective name were Moe Howard,Jerry Howard and Larry Fine better known`the three stooges
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: By what name are the followers of Zoroaster properly known`parsees
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: By what name is Mrs Anne Laurence better known`the princess royal
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: By what name is the French king Charles the great better known`charlemagne
[General knowledge] by what name is the order of animals called chiroptera better known`bats
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: By what name is the pioneering Swiss architect Charles Jeanneret better known`le corbusier
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: By what name was the musical hall entertainer matilda Wood known`marie lloyd
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: By what stage name was the music hall performer Maxwell George Lorimerknown`max wall
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: By what title is A Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, the work of 2 Edinburgh printers now known`encyclopaedia brittanica
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE;By which name is Virginia McMath better known`Ginger Rogers
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Caesars fatal day`the ides of march
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Caliph Harun al-Rashid of Baghdad featured in which series of eastern stories`the arabian knights
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Calliope was the muse of what`epic poety
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Captain of the Titanic that sank in 1912`smith
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Carat is the internatinally standardised unit of weight for precious stones what is its equivalent in grams`0.2 grams
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Cave dweller`troglodyte
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: C B slang, what is a pub called`water hole
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: C B slang, what is a water hole`a pub
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Celebration of christs resurrection`easter
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Centre of amphitheatre`arena
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Chelsea,Bow and Spode are all types of what`porcelain
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Chess - obligation to move even when it must be disadvantageous`zug zwang
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Chess originated in India under which name`Caturanga
General Knowledge : Chicago Transit Authority is now known as which group`chicago
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Childrens songs, sing a song of sixpence,How amny blackbirds were baked`four and twenty
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Childrens songs, sing a song of sixpence,what was the queen eating`bread and honey
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Childrens songs, sing a song of sixpence,where was the king`In his counting house
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Childrens songs, sing a song of sixpence,where was the maid`in the garden
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Childrens songs, sing a song of sixpence,where was the queen`In the parlour
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Childrens songs, the grand old duke of york, had how many men`ten thousand
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Christians that gather in a place called a Meeting House`quakers
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Cindy Crawfords husband`rande gerber
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Clergyman ranking below bishop`archdeacon
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Collective name for pioneers or innovators in the field of art, music etc`Avant garde
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Condition of weather that occurs when the air temperature is below freezing`Frost
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Continue the song...Put another nickel in the nickelodeon,all i want is loving you`and music music music
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Creator of Noddy`enid blyton
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Curtain serving to screen Hindu or Muslim women from the sight of men or strangers`purdah
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Dalcroze, Professor of Harmony at the Geneva Conservatoire, conceived of which form of exercise`eurhythmics
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Dame Edna Everages companion`madge allsop
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Deep regret and guilt for a wrong committed`remorse
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Designate as officially secret, and not for general disclosure`classify
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Detachable entry forms for certain competitions especially football pools`coupons
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Device installed on a deck of a warship for launching aircraft`catapult
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Driving slowly along and seeking to persuade someone on the pavement to get in to the vehicle`kerb crawling
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: During the Spanish Civil war, which town in the Basque region was destroyed by German bombers, an event which Picasso commemorated in a painting`guernica
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Early people used flint for 2 reasons, one was to make tools, what was the other`to make fire
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Easy! Spell desiccated`desiccated
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Editor of Private Eye`Ian Hislop
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Egyptian Gods - at the judgement of the dead who weighed the heart`thoth
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Emperor is the largest and pott is the smallest - what`paper size
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:English fashion photographer`David Bailey
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:English mathematician who devised the precursor of the computer`Charles Babbage
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Engrave with acid`etch
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Environmental pressure group, established in 1971 in the UK`Friends of the Earth
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Erato was the muse of what`love poetry
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Essential framework of any structure, outline consisting of bare essentials`skeleton
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Euterpe was the muse of what`music
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Exceedingly funny or merry`Hilarious
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Exploitation of slum tenants by unscrupulous landlords, named after a landlord of the early 1960s in London`rachmanism
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Famous Greek sculptures`elgin marbles
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Female child star of the thirties`shirley temple
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Fictional private eye`sam spade
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:First synthetic plastic created in 1909`Bakelite
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Five objects set out so four are at corners of square or rectangle and the other at its centre`quincunx
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Fohn,Khamsin,Brickfielder and Harmattan are all types of what`wind
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Formerly, a mans close fitting jacket with or without sleeves`doublet
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Formerly in India a term of respect used for European married women`memsahib
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Formerly which king? - The Duke of Windsor`King Edward viii
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Former name for tetanus`Lockjaw
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: For what do the letters P&O stand for in the shipping line`peninsular and oriental
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: For what is Athenian, Draco, remembered`harsh laws
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: For what is AWACS the acronym`airbourne warning and control system
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: For what is the Prix Goncourt awarded`literature
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: For what kind of paintings was Alfred Mannings famous`horses
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: For what was amateur naturalist Thomas Bewick especially famous`engravings
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: For what was Beryl Grey famous`ballet
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: For which 1949 musical was the song Diamonds are a girls best friend written`gentlemen prefer blondes
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Founder of the Jesuits`Ignatius Loyola
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Fourth greek letter`delta
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Four wheeled enclosed carriage`landau
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Franklin D Roosevelt, what does the D stand for`delano
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Frank Sinatras home town;Hoboken is in which state`new jersey
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:frech mime artist`Marcel Marceau
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:French fortification system along the German frontier from Switzerland to Luxembourg`Maginot Line
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: From what is the brown pigment bistre prepared`soot
General Knowledge: From what is velvet made `Silk
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:From what material are millefiori ornaments made`glass
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: From where did paddington bear come`darkest peru
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:From which Asian kingdom do the Gurkhas originate`Nepal
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:From which language does the word Gymnasium come`greek
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: From which language does the word ketchup come`chinese
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: From which poem do the following lines come- So munch on,crunch on, take your nuncheon.Breakfast,supper,dinner,luncheon!`the pied piper of hamelin
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: "Fundamentalist" branch of the Amish`Swartzentruber amish
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: German military decoration`iron cross
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Give approval or sanctin to something`endorse
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Goblin like creature`gnome
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Gold coin depicting President Kruger`krugerrand
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: greek god of love`eros
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Greek mythological youth loved by Aphrodite`adonis
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Greek mythology, which goddess was the avenger of crime and dispenser of justice`nemesis
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Greek mythology, who was the messenger of the gods`Hermes
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:half rotten vegetable matter, used to enrich soil`mulch
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Hand tool for gripping nuts or bolt heads`spanner
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: hans Lippershay -1608, Galileo - 1610, Isaac Newton - 1668 and William Herschel 178 all designed different types of what`telescope
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Hard striped semi precious form of quartz`agate
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Having a surface which curves inwards`concave
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Head of the Virgin gruop of campanies`Richard Branson
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: He was a monk,scholar and scientist who died in 1920, nicknamed Dr Mirabilis.Credited with inventing gunpowder and magnifying glasses`roger bacon
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Highest order of English Knighthood`Order of the Garter
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Hollow in the top of a brick`frog
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Holy Island, off the coast of Northumberland`Lindisfarne
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Hooked staff carried by a bishop as a symbol of pastoral office`crosier
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Hop drying kiln`oast
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: How is 21 written in binary numbers`10101
General Knowledge: How is the 15th March also known `Ides of March
General Knowledge: How is the math related structure of beads strung on parallel wires in a rectangular frame better known `Abacus
[General knowledge] how long did the worlds first heart transplant patient live`18 days
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: How long is a dog watch at sea`two hours
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: How many acres in a square mile`640
General Knowledge: How many feet are in a nautical mile `6080
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: How many feet are there in a chain`sixty-six
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:How many fluid onces make up an American pint`sixteen
[General knowledge] how many graces were there in greek mythology`3
General Knowledge: How many herrings are in a Warp `Four
General Knowledge: How many muscles are in a human `639
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: How many Noble Truths are there in Buddhism`four
[General knowledge] how many people were there in noahs ark`8
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: How many points on a compass`32
General Knowledge: How many seconds are in a day `86400
[General knowledge] how many teeth does a adult human have`32
[General knowledge] how many yards are there in a chain`22
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:How often does the human race double in number(appx)`every 35 years
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: How often does the phoenix rise from the ashes`every 500 years
General Knowledge: How was "Abu Yusuf Ya'qub ibn Is-haq ubn as-Sabbah ibn 'omran ibn Ismail al-Kindi" better known `The philosopher of the Arabs
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:If a four is thrown on a dice, what is the sum of the four other visible faces`fourteen
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: If one, two and three are cardinal, what are secord and third`ordinal
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: If two ships are on a collision course, what do the rules of the sea require them both to do`turn right
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: If you carry out bel canto, what are you doing`singing
General Knowledge : If you drive on a parkway, you park on a _______`drive
[General knowledge] if you had a pissaladiere would you eat it / play it or wear it`eat it
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: If your face was rugose, what would it be`wrinkled
[General knowledge] if you see a car which has the letters AND on it where has it come from`andorra
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: If you throw a total of four, you should throw next to win, name the game`craps
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: If you were using English Bond or Flemish bond what would you be doing`bricklaying
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Impose and collect a tax toll or fine`levy
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In 1897 Matthias Zurbriggen was the first climber to reach the summit of the highest peak in South America, what wasits name`aconcagua
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In 1909 what did David lloyd George call Balfours Poodle`the house of lords
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In 1983, which firms security warehouse at Heathrow was robbed of 26million of gold`brinks-mat
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In 1999, France chose a new model for Marianne, who was she`laetitia casta
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In academia where would one find a scholium`annotation
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In ancient mythology, what was a lamia`female demon
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In a perfect Brilliant stone, how many facets are there`fifty eight
General Knowledge: In a period of 400 years how many times does the 1st of January fall on a Sunday `58
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In Arthurian legend what was Ron`spear
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:in Arthurian legend who found the Holy Grail`Sir Galahad
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In a standard 3 pin plug, 2 of the pins are connected to live ans neutral, to what is the third connectd`earth
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In a suit of armour which part of the body is protected by a greave`lower leg
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In a suit of armour which part of the body is protected by a sabaton`the foot
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In Britain how many llbs are there in a hundredweight`112
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In charity what is the muslim equivalent of the Red Cross`red crescent
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In chess an obligation to move even when that move is disadvantageous`zugzwang
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In classical mythology who was the muse of history`clio
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In computer language what is BASIC an acronym for`beginners all symbolic instruction code
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In computer talk what is a nibble`a half byte
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Indonesian method of cloth design using wax`batik
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In fairy folklore what was the job of Mab`midwife
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In fairy folklore what was the occupation of Mab`midwife
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In fashion, what type of garment are Oxford bags`trousers
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In fashion which cloth is produced by buffing the flesh side of a tanned animal hide`suede
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In fashion which style of low heel on a womans shoe is named after a young animal`kitten
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In greek legend which hero waas attacked by the monsters Scylla and Charybdis in the Straits of Messina`odysseus
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In greek mythology, who descended to the underworld to retrieve his wife Eurydice`orpheus
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In greek mythology whose head is so hideous that anyone looking at it was turned to stone`medusa
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In hebrew what does the name Satan mean`adversary
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In heraldry what family member is denoted by a rose`seventh son
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In Hound of the Baskervilles what was the name of the bog into which it was believed the villain finally disappeared`grimpen mire
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In Japan, what is No`type of theatre
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In legend what is the name of King Arthurs fairy sister`Morgan Le Fay
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In March 1876 which american inventor did Alexander Bell beat in the race to patent the telephone`elisha gray
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In medieval art what did the dog signify`fidelity
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In Monopoly which property completes the group containing the Angel,Islington,and Euston Road`pentonville Road
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:In mythology which flower sprang from the blood of a young man killed by Apollo`Hyacinth
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In nautical terms stop! or cease!`avast
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In Norse mythology who was the evil and mischevious god`loki
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In one word, what is yeast`fungus
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In QUANGO what does QU stand for`quasi
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In radio what do the initials CB stand for`citizens band
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In scooby doo what is shaggys full name`norville rogers
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:In Scotland, what is the third alternative to the verdicts Guilty and not guilty`Not proven
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In the 14th & 15th centuries what name was given to the dance of a skeleton or corpse leading people to the grave in order of social precedence`danse macabre
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In the 1970s what was the name given to the brightly coloured inflatable toys which had ears as handles`spacehoppers
[General knowledge] in the american sitcom "frasier" what is frazier cranes brother called`niles
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In the art medium tempera, what is mixed with powdered paint`egg yolk
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In the French revolution what was the occupation of a tricoteuse`knitting
General Knowledge: In the Gregorian calendar after 10,000 years by how many days will the calendar be wrong by `Three
General Knowledge: In the kama-sutra the art of which game is recommened for women to study `chess
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:In the Middle Ages what was lichen scraped from crucifixes supposed to cure`nightmares
[General knowledge] in the name w.b.yeats what do the initials w.b stand for`william butler
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In the nursery rhtme where would you go to see a fine lady with bells on her toes`Banbury Cross
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In the nursery rhyme "We are all in the dumps, for diamonds are trumps" where have all the kitten gone`St Paul's
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:In the Old Testament, Judges 16, the Philistine woman who betrays Samson`Delilah
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In the stock exchange one who applies for shares in a new issue with a view to selling it at once for a profit`stag
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In the symbols used on clothing labels what is meant by a crossed out triangle`do not bleach
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In the USA what does the John Birch Society oppose`communism
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In the US what name is given to an advanced medical student or recent medical graduate residing in a hospital`intern
[General knowledge] in us military slang what does "charley" mean`vietcong
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In warfare what does the acronym THAAD stand for`theatre high altitude area defence
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In what field did Walter Gropius achieve fame`architecture
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In what sort of boats did the viking travel`longships
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In which art form was Donald Mcgill a specialist in the early 20th century`postcards
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In which British city are the constituencies of Wavertree, Garston and riverside`liverpool
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:In which century did pagan Midwinter feast become Christain christmas`The ninth century
[General knowledge] in which city would you find the notre dame`paris
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:In which comic did Dan Dare originally appear`The eagle
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In which Commonwealth country is Waitangi Day the national day`New Zealand
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In which country are the mountains that Ptolemy named the Mountain of the Moon`uganda
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In which country is Pravda a newspaper`russia
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In which country is Shinto one of the major religions`japan
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In which country is the Tv news agency Visnews based`england
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In which county was John Majors constituency in the 1992 General Election`cambridgeshire
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In which english town was the Spode pottery works established in the 1760s`stoke
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In which englsih town was William Shakespeare born`stratford-upon-avon
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In which european city is the International Museum of the Reformation which includes statues of John Knox and John Calvin`geneva
General Knowledge: In which field of science is the history of the universe studied `Cosmology
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In which geographical feature is a caldera found`a volcano
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In which group of islands in Britain were the Churchill Barriers constructed during wwii to ptrotect the British fleet anchored there`the orkneys
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In which indian city did Mother Teresa do her good works`calcutta
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:In which Italian town were the greatest violins made`Cremona
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In which London hospital is the Florence Nightingale Museum`st thomas'
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In which month does the Quarter Day in Scotland known as Martinmas fall`november
General Knowledge: In which month is the Earth nearest the Sun `January
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In which mythology was Marduk the supreme God`babylonian
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In which newsapaper did the strip cartoon Jane appear`the daily mirror
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In which newspaper does Rupert Bear appear`Daliy Express
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In which northern city is the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra based`manchester
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In which religion is the mystic formula Om Mani Padme Hum chanted`Buddhism
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In which series of adventure stories and films are John Clayton and Jane Porter the leading characters`tarzan
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:In which South American country is duelling legal if both protagonists are blood donars`Uruguay
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:In which trade are composing frames and sticks used`printing
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:In which war was the Victoria Cross medal first awarded`Crimean War
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: IN WHICH YEAR. The worlds first test tube baby born in UK`1978
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In which year was the first pantomime produced in Britain`1717
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In which year was th eold age pension introduced`1909
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: IN WHICH YEAR. William Harvey discovered the circulation of blood`1628
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In whose honour was the high level computer language Ada named`augusta ada king
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: In Yorkshire dialect what does to caffle mean`to hesitate
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Iranian language of the Pathans`pushtu
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: James Brooke an ex employee of the east India Company ruled which independent state on the island of Borneo between 1841 and 1946`sarawak
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:japanese Electronics company, worlds second biggest computer manufacturer behind IBM`Fujitsu
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Jeremy Thorpes successor as leader of the Liberal Party`david steel
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Jewish patriarch, father of isaac`abraham
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Junior embassy officail`attache
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Kelts,alevins and grilse are all forms of what`salmon
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Killing ones wife`Uxoricide
[General knowledge] kofi annan is the leader of which organization`united nations
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Lachanophobia is the fear of what`vegetables
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Lacking courage`pusillanimous
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Land measure, 4840 sq yards`acre
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Language of the gypsies`romany
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: latin american dance with gliding steps`tango
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Leaders of the Anglo saxons`horsa & hengist
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Legendary King with the golden touch`midas
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Legendary lover of Leander`hero
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE; Legendary nymph who loved Narcissus`echo
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Light stick held by painter to support and steady the hand`maulstick
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Lime-flint, lead-flint and jena are all types of what`glass
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Lioness in Born Free`elsa
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Location of Yasser Arafats headquarters`Ramallah
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: London residence of the Arch bishop of Canterbury`lambeth palace
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: London, to whom is the Cross at Charing Cross a memorial`eleanor of castile
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Lowest member of the british nobility`baron
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Marmorial is the adjective pertaining to what substance`marble
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Melpomene was the muse of what`tragedy
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Member of French Light Infantry corps originally formed of Algerians and retaining their oriental uniform`zouave
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Metric crown, metric demy and metric royal are sizes of what`paper
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Michael Collins was a famous revolutionary in which country`ireland
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Middle name of charlie chaplin`spencer
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Mohican and dreadlocks are both types of what`hairstyle
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Month named after the Roman god of war`march
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: More people speak English in ................. than in the USA`China
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Most powerful chess piece`queen
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Mound of stones marking a path`cairn
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Muslim religion`islam
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Mythological youth who fell in love with his own reflection`narcissus
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Mythology, who blinded Polyphemus`Ulysses
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Name given to a person who will eat no food of animal origin`vegan
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Name given to large merchant sailing ship`Wind jammer
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Name of an ancient persian religion`zoroastrianism
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Name of a perfume made of orris,spices,civet and musk and named after the Italian family that created it`frangipani
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Name of one of the early supermodels, nicknamed The Shrimp`Jean Shrimpton
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Name of the decorative style of the 1920 and 30s`art deco
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Name of the educationalist who rewrote the rules of educating young children`maria montessori
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Name of the far right Dutch politician shot dead in the Netherlands in May 2002`Pim Fortuyn
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Name of the form of dance which originated in the US- disjointed robotic movements and spinning on your head`break dancing
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Name of the Gallic tribe inhabiting the Ile de la cite in Paris at the end of the 3rd century`parisii
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Name of the greek goddess of retribution`Nemesis
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: name of the holes in a ships sides at deck level to let the water out`scuppers
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Name of the indigenous people of Jamaica`arawaks
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Name of the machine that selects the Premium Bonds`ernie
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Names formed from the initial letters of other words`acronyms
[General knowledge] name the 19th full length disney cartoon which featured three liverpudlian vultures and an hypnotic snake among its cast`jungle book
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Name the image set up by Aaron while Moses was on Mount Sinai`The golden calf
[General knowledge] name the yellow tellytubby`laa laa
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Negotiations conducted by a mediator who travels countries at brief intervals`shuttle diplomacy
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Nest of wasps`Vespiary
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Nick name of William F Cody`buffalo bill
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Nine pennies weigh exactly how much`one ounce
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Ninetails,pikachu,vileplume & weepinbell are all types of what`pokemon
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Nobleman between a marquis and viscount`earl
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Norse god of thunder`thor
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Not nocturnal, of or during the day`Diurnal
General Knowledge: Nutagak, perksertok and pokaktok are Eskimo words for what `Snow
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Occuring every five years`quinquennial
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Of what is a smuck a group`Jellyfish
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Of what is blennophobia the fear`slime
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Of what is petrology the study`rocks
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Of what was the greek Goddess Nyx the personification`night
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Of which Londaon Palace is the Banqueting House the only surviving part`the palace of whitehall
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Of which precious stone is aquamarine a variety`beryl
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Of whom did Bill Clinton famously say "I did not have sexual relations with that woman"`Monica Lewinsky
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Old pointed cavalry weapon`lance
General Knowledge: On a chemical what does a skull and cross-bone mean `Toxic
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: On a hallmark, which metal is indicated by a Lion passant in England and a lion rampant in Scotland`sterling silver
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: On clothing labels what is the meaning of a symbol consisting of a circle within a square crossed out`do not tumble dry
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:One-two-three-hop - which dance was introduced to Paris in 1843`The Polka
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:One who belongs to a class that exercises power by virtue of its wealth`Plutocrat
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: One who greatly admires England or the English`anglophile
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: On the skull and crossbones flag, what kind of bones are the crossbones`femurs
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: On the stress scale, what rates the highest`retirement
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: On what material does a topiarist work`hedges and shrubs
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:On which day are Hot Cross Buns traditionally eaten`Good Friday
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: On which farm did Worzel Gummidge live`scatterbrook
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: On which mountain near Troy did the Judgement of Paris in Greek Legend take place`mount ida
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: On which scale is the hardness of minerals measured`the mohs scale
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: On which side of the road do cars drive in Canada`right
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: On whose feast day did Good King Wenceslas look out`st stephen's
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: On whose shoulders did the Old Man of the Sea hoist himself`Sinbad the Sailor's
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Opposite of cathode`anode
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Organisation founded by Chad Varah`samaritans
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Oriental detective of Earl Derr Biggers`charlie chan
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Ornamental hanging light fittings with holders for several candles or electric light bulbs`chandeliers
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Oxide film that forms on bronze or copper`patina
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Painting of inanimate objects`still life
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Papal ambassador`nuncio
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Parallel lines made to appear not parallel by short oblique intersecting lines`zollner lines
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Passport endorsement`visa
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Person aged from 40 to 49`quadragenarian
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Person aged from 50 to 59`quinquagenarian
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Person appointed to administer the funds of a society or company`treasurer
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Person of erratic mind, mixture of genius and fool`mattoid
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Person who believes that knowledge of a Supreme Being is impossible`Agnostic
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Person who studies ceremonies particularly magical or religious ones`ritualist
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Person with an uncontrollableand recurring urge to drink alcohol`dipsomaniac
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Poem of 14 lines`sonnet
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE Point opposite the zenith`nadir
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Policy of acceding to the demands of a potentially hostile country in the hope of maintaining peace`appeasement
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Policy of seeking to recover lost territory`revanchism
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Polyhymnia was the muse of what`sacred poetry
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:popular name for the Weat german guerrilla group`Bader-Meinhoff Gang
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Portugals old currency`escudo
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Premnium bond selector`ernie
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: President who resigned over watergate`nixon
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Psephology, the study of elections comes from the greek word psephos meaning what`pebbles
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Quarter pint measure`gill
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: QVC, launched in the UK in 1993 by BskyB, what does it stand for`quality,value,convenience
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Railway with two cars connected by a wire cable wound around a drum at the top of a steep hill`Funicular railway
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Really useless, what is a gibus`collapsible top hat
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Real name of the Supermodel nicknamed The Body`Elle Macpherson
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Recompense usually for evil done`retribution
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Referring of political question to electorate for direct decision by general vote`referendum
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Regional dialect especially in France`patois
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Regularly held international conferences of eminent scientists to discuss world problems`pugwash conferences
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: relating to the spring`vernal
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Reputed to haunt the White House, who was the first US president to be assassinated`abraham lincoln
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Rod as a symbol of sovereignty`sceptre
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Rod Stewarts most recent ex wife`Rachel Hunter
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Roman Catholic ecclesiatics skull cap`zuchetto
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Rooms or places of total privacy`sanctums
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Room used for meals in monasteries, colleges etc`refectory
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Rotating metal disc of a record player turntable`platter
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:"Run off you girls;boys in view" helps us remember what`colours of the rainbow
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Saint and one of the archangels usually represented slaying a dragon`michael
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Sarcastic remark, clever saying`quip
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Scottish valley`glen
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Set of 25 cards with 5 different symbols used in ESP research`zener cards
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Shell Oil was developed by Marcus Samuel, what was the original family business`importing sea shells
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Sherlock Holmes' assistant`watson
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Since 1514, which of the 12 Livery Companies of London has taken precedence over the others`mercers
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Sir Paul Mcartneys photographer daughter`Mary Mcartney
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Skill in devising or contriving; inventive talent`ingenuity
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Slang term for 25`pony
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Slang word for 25`pony
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Small ornamental species of domestic chicken`Bantam
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Small terrestrial lizard inhabiting warm regions of the Old World`Agama
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Spanish bull fighter`toreador
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Spectacles protecting the eyes from harm`goggles
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Spirit of the times,trend of thought and feeling in a period`zeitgeist
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Stableman at an inn`ostler
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Stingy or ungenerous`niggardly
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Strong synthetic fibre`nylon
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Study of living things and their environment`ecology
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:St Vincent of Saragossa is the patron saint of what`vineyards
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Style of Architecture and design originating in early 18th century`Rocco
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:tarom airlines belong to which country`romania
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Tatum O'Neal's ex husband`John McEnroe
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Tenth greek letter`kappa
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Terpsichore was the muse of what`dancing
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Tet is a three day celebration marking the new year in which country`Vietnam
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Thalia was the muse of what`comedy
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: The 18th century artist Richard Wilson is known chiefly for his paintings of which mountain in the UK`snowdon
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: The 1971 film The Music Lovers was about which composer`pyotr illyich tchaikovsky
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: The american name for an academic term`semester
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: the artist Louis daguerre is often credited with the invention of photography but who was his partner whose invention he refined`joseph niepce
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: The art of moving quietly and with extreme care`stealth
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: The birthplace of Prince Phillip, uke of Edinburgh in 1921`corfu
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: The birthstone for which month is opal`october
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: The characteristic artistic style of an indivual, school etc`idiom
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: The city seal of Liverpool features a cormorant, this is a poor drawing of which bird that was on the original seal`eagle
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: The colour of what in China indicated a mandarins rank`button on his hat
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE; The devil`old nick
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: The egyptian god Horus has the head of which bird`falcon
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: The first English printer, born around 1422`william caxton
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:The former Edward viii`The Duke of Windsor
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: The french word for paperclip is the same as english and french for which instrument`trombone
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:The gear which enables the drive wheels of a car to turn a corner while on the same axle`differential gear
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: The interior of which continent was explored by Gregory Blaxland in 1813, John Oxley in 1818 and Charles Stuart in 1829-30`australia
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: The last remaining tea clipper in the world which was launched in 1869 is kept at Greenwich, what is its name`cutty sark
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: The last what died on Dec.19,1959, in Franklin, Texas, at the age of 117`civil war veteran
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: the magic word`Abracadabra
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: The meetings of a court, legislature, judicial body etc`sessions
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: The most requested photo from the National Archives is Elvis posing with whom`Richard Nixon
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: The motto of which newspaper is All the news that is fit to print`the new york times
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: The mythical transformation of a person into a wolf`lycanthropy
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE; The name fo which Soviet espionage organsation made familiar by the James Bond films comes from its motto meaning death to spies`smersh
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: The name given to what kind of mechanism is derived from a czech word meaning compusary service`robot
General Knowledge: The name "Lego" comes from which Danish words `leg godt
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: The name of which dynasty of English monarchs comes from the yellow flowering broom`plantagenet
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: The name of which element derives from Greek word for violet coloured`iodine
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: The name of which son of Zeus and a nymph has been given to a locking case for bottles of spirits`tantalus
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: The names of which cartoon husband and wife pair were used in army slang for pairs of medals which are normally worn together`mutt and jeff
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: The organisation RIBA represents which group of people`architects
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: The period lasting from Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday`lent
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: The pneumatic tyre was patented by John Dunlop in 1888, what was his profession`veterinary surgeon
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: The popular name for of which rare butterfly comes from the london Borough in which it was first discovered in the UK`camberwell beauty
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: The principal upright of a sailing vessel`mainmast
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:The process of voting in an election`ballot
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:The profession of barristers collectively`The Bar
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: The prophet popularly regarded as the founder of Islam`mohammed
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: The rabble, disreputable or undesireable persons`riff raff
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:The rarest stamp in the world is generally accepted as the 1856 one cent black.Which country issued it`British Guiana
General Knowledge: The second Beale code was encoded using what `The American Declaration of Independence
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: The story of whose return from exile is celebrated by the Hindu festival of Divali`rama and sita
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: The study of lighter than air craft such as balloons`aerostatics
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: The Swing riots of 1830-33 concerned which workers`agricultural labourers
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: The t-34,M-4 and PZ iii were all what`tanks
General Knowledge: The term Bicentennial represents how many years `200
General Knowledge: The term Centennial represents how many years `100
General Knowledge: The term Quadricentennial represents how many years `400
General Knowledge: The term Quartocentennial represents how many years `25
General Knowledge: The term Quincentennial represents how many years `500
General Knowledge: The term Semicentennial represents how many years `50
General Knowledge: The term Septiquinquennial represents how many years `75
General Knowledge: The term Sesquibicentennial represents how many years `250
General Knowledge: The term Sesquincentennial represents how many years `150
General Knowledge: The term Sesquiquadricentennial represents how many years `450
General Knowledge: The term Sesquitercentennial represents how many years `350
General Knowledge: The term Tercentennial represents how many years `300
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: The title of which 1961 book and 1970 film has come to mean a no win situation`catch 22
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: The title of which of Alan Bennetts plays is also the title of one of the Harrow School songs`forty years on
General Knowledge: The Triassic, Jurrasic, and Cretaceous periods make up which era `Mesozoic Era
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: The two chambered parliament of Iceland`althing
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: The typical or normal amount, degree`average
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: The word taboo is derived from which language`polynesian
General Knowledge: Thomas Young the Physicist and Egyptologist spoke how many language when he was 14 `twelve
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Those concerned with, or knowledgeable about written works`literati
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Those such as Pilatre de Rozier and the Marquis d'Arlandes`balloonists
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Thursday before Easter`Maundy Thursday
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: To a sailor, what is a hawser`rope
General Knowledge : To refuel your car you go to a ___ station.`petrol
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Totally useless information- who are the worlds greatest cheese eaters`The French
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: To where in Berkshire did CND march annually from London for many years`aldermaston
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: To which 16th century seafarer and mayor of Plymouth did Buckland Abbey belong to`sir francis drake
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: To which saint is Westminster Abbey dedicated`St Peter
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:tree living primate with a pointed snout and long tail native to Madagascar`Lemur
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Twelve dozen`gross
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Type of public address loudspeaker system`tannoy
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Undershot, overshot and breastshot are what kinds of mechanical device`waterwheel
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Under what name did Nathan Birnbaum become famous`George Burns
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Under what pseudonym did William Connor write a column for the Daily Mirror from 1935 until his death in 1967`cassandra
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Unit of measurement originating in Anglo-saxon England,equal to 220 yards`Furlong
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Upon which towns streets was Monopoly originally based`Atlantic city
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Upper house of the US legislature`senate
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Urania was the muse of what` astronomy
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:U S aircraft manufacturer`Lockheed
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: US astronomer`edwin hubble
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:U S aviator, first solo non stop trans atlantic flight`Charles Lindbergh
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:U S health care programme introduced in 1965 by Johnson`Medicaid
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Venerated by rastafarians as a God`Emperor Haile Selassie
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Wage earners collectively, also in ancient Rome, the lowest class of citizen`proletariat
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Wax colouring stick`crayon
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: We all know the phrase- the global village, but where is it from`the gutenberg galaxy
General Knowledge : Wedding rings are normally worn on what finger of your hand`ring
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:What act was called DORA`Defence of the realm act
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What ancient greek word mean " i have found it"`eureka
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What are abadi,courier and garamond`word processing fonts
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What are auctioned at Tattersalls`racehorses
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What are caught in a kheda`elephants
[General knowledge] what are centenary, black star of africa andjubilee`diamonds
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What are characterised by patterns such as loops, whorls and arches`fingerprints
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What are conspicuous by their absence in Las Vegas gambling casinos`clocks
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What are dannocks`thick gloves
General Knowledge: What are Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific `American Time Zones
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What are Empire Monkey,Pretty Park, Concept and Melissa`computer viruses
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:What are English,Orator and Elite`type-faces
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What are Kislev,Teveth, Sivan and Av`months in the jewish calendar
General Knowledge: What are noctilucent, cirrus, and cirrostratus categories of `Clouds
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:What are Olive Oyl's vital statistics`19-19-19
General Knowledge: What are Russian astronauts called `Cosmonauts
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What are tested in the Trial of the Pyx ceremony`coins of the realm
General Knowledge: What are the height and width of a horse measured in `Hands
[General knowledge] what are the offical reports of parliamentary proceedings called`hansard
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What are voussoirs`wedge shaped blocks
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What as the name applied to plays after wwii in which aspects of household life were presented fairly realistically`kitchen-sink dramas
General Knowledge: What bird is associated with the Tower of London `Raven
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What B is a name for a room which translates literally as a place for skulking`boudoir
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What calibre should a firearm be to be classed as artillery`over 20mm
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What characterises someone referred to as a Bob Acres`cowardice
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE; What collective term derived from the latin word for swaddling clothes describes books printed before 1500`incunabula
[General knowledge] what colour is chinese red`red
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What colour light do ships display on the starboard side`green
General Knowledge : What company makes Pampers disposable diapers`proctor & gamble
General Knowledge : What company makes Pampers disposable diapers`proctor & gamble`proctor and gamble
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What denotes a clean pollution-free beach`blue flag
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What device demonstrates the movement of the earth and other bodies in the solar system`orrery
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What did Alexander Graham Bell invent in 1881 to help doctors caring for Pres James Garfield agfter he was shot`a metal detector
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: what did alfred cruickshank claim to have seen in 1923`the loch ness monster
General Knowledge: What did AOL claim had been found, on April Fool's Day in 1996 `Life on Jupiter
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What did a pouncet usually contain`vinegar soaked sponge
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What did Blaise Pascal make in 1640`mechanical calculator
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What did General wade construct in the Highlands from 1724 to 1730`roads
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What did Jack Horner eat in the corner`christmas pie
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: what did Jason and the Argonauts seek`The golden Fleece
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: what did kenneth williams , william wordsworth & napoleon all suffer from`piles
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What did Perseus's helmet do for him`made him invisible
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What did Robert Watson-watt invent in the 1930s`radar
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What did Sir Lancelots adultery prevent him from finding`The Holy Grail
General Knowledge: What did the House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha change it's name to `House of Windsor
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What did William Hunt invent in 1849 to hold things together`the safety pin
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What did you do if you took the Kings shilling`joined the army
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What does a colporter sell`religious books
General Knowledge : What does a compass needle point to`north
[General knowledge] what does a laxicographer do`writes dictionaries
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What does a myologist study`muscles
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What does a pedologist study`soils
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What does a philogynist like`women
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What does a wainwright make`wagons and carts
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE What does entymology deal with`word origins
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What does FBI stand for`federal bureau of investigation
General Knowledge: What does GDP stand for `Gross Domestic Product
General Knowledge: What does GNP stand for `Gross National Product
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What does gravid mean`pregnant
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:What does "infra dignitatem" mean`beneath ones dignity
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:What does IQ stand for`Intelligence Quotient
General Knowledge : What does IRS stand for`internal revenue service
General Knowledge: What does NATO stand for `North Atlantic Treaty Organization
[General knowledge] what does RAM stand for`random access memory
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE; What does SJ stand for`society of jesus
General Knowledge : What does the abbreviation a.m. stand for`ante meridian
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What does the acronym BUPA stand for`british united provident association
General Knowledge : What does the acronym CIA stand for`central intelligence agency
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What does the acronym ERNIE stand for`electronic random number indicator equipment
General Knowledge: What does the ancient Greek word "electron" mean `Amber
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What does the Dewey decimal system classify`library books
General Knowledge: What does the latin 'carpe diem' mean `Seize the day
General Knowledge: What does the latin "luna" mean `Moon
General Knowledge: What does the Latin RIP stand for `requiescat in pace
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What does the name Agnes symbolise`purity
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: what does the prefix "crypto" mean`secret
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What does the word dinosaur literally mean`terrible lizard
General Knowledge: What does the word khaki mean `Dusty
General Knowledge: What does UNESCO stand for `United Nation Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE; What do the Greeks call the Elgin marbles`parthenon marbles
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What do the initials F W stand for in Woolworths`frank winfield
General Knowledge : What do the initials U.F.O stand for`unidentified flying object
General Knowledge: What do the letters F.D. on British coins mean `Defender of the Faith
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What do the letters HB stand for on a pencil`hard black
General Knowledge : What do the letters in SAM missiles refer to`surface-to-air missile
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What do we call a small personal ornament of no great value`trinket
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:What do we call the first day of lent`Ash Wednesday
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What do you need to sup with the devil`long spoon
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What do you use if you fortell the future by conchomancy`shells
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What falls on 15th July`St Swithins day
General Knowledge: What famous stone structure is located near Salisbury `Stonehenge
[General knowledge] what gas mark is equivalent to 350 degrees fahrenheit`4
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What has a testatrix done`made a will
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What in the building trade is called harling in Scotland`pebble dash
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:What is 1970 in Roman numerals`MCMLXX
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is a bayadere`hindu dancing girl
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is a belvedere`viewing turret
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is a booby`Tropical bird
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is a bullace`fruit
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is a calumet`pipe of peace
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is a cryptogam`a plant
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is added to rubber when it is vulcanised`sulphur
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: what is a durmast`oak tree
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is a gulag`prison camp
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is a killick`stone anchor
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: what is a kinkajou`animal
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is a nickelodeon`juke box
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is an old word for the letter Z`izzard
[General knowledge] what is another name for CHCl3`chloroform
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is a place where oil is processed called`refinery
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is ars antiqua`musical style
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is a strobilus`pine cone
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is a taipan`snake
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is a vade mecum`handy reference book
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is a VLCC`oil tanker
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is a water moccasin`snake
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is Baccarat`card game
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is being described - a half spherical framework which can resist forces in any direction and can enclose huge volumes`geodesic dome
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is buckram`coarse linen cloth
[General knowledge] what is cipolin`marble
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is commemorated by the Hindu festival of Janmashtami`birth of krishna
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is considered the luckiest number in the world`nine
General Knowledge: What is e.g. an abbreviation of `exempli gratia
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is family name of the Dukes of Wellington`Wellesley
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is french for honey`Le miel
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is French for Saturday`samedi
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:What is Harold Macmillans first name`Maurice
General Knowledge: What is Harry Houdini famous for being `Escapologist
General Knowledge: What is Interpol short for `International Criminal Police Commission
General Knowledge: What is it that walks on four feet in the morning, two feet at noon, and three feet in the evening `Man
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is Jainism`ancient religion
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:What is Kendo`japanese sword fighting
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is kept in a portfolio`documents
General Knowledge: What is known as the Lost Continent `Atlantis
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is kohlrabi`vegetable
General Knowledge: What is LCD an abbreviation of `Liquid Crystal Display
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:What is Londons Central Criminal Court called`The Old Bailey
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is measured in bathy,abyssal and hadal zones`ocean depth
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is measured in decibels`loudness
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is 'memo' short for`memorandum
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is myrrh`gum resin
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is named after the chequered cloth upon which the reckoning of revenues took place`the exchequer
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is obtained by placing a fodder crop in an airtight structure and letting it ferment`silage
[General knowledge] what is ovicide`sheep killing
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is pargeting`plastering
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is psephology`study of elections
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is said to be the mother of all invention`necessity
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is smut`plant disease
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is sorghum`cereal crop
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:What is spoken defamation called`slander
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:What is St Nicholas the patron saint of`children
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is tansy`herb
General Knowledge: What is the 30th longest river in the world `The Thames
General Knowledge: What is the British equivalent of the US Navy rank Rear Admiral (lower half) `Commodore
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the Church of Englands smallest administrative unit`parish
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the collective name for beavers`colony
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is th ecollective name for rain,snow, hail and sleet`precipitation
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the common name for the psychological Rorschasch test`ink blot test
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE; What is the correct name for larceny froma consecrated building`sacrilege
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the crime of embracery`contempt of court
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the currency of Argentina`Peso
[General knowledge] what is the currency of finland called`markka
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the eleventh letter of the greek alphabet`lambda
General Knowledge: What is the European equivalnet of a Nonillion `Quintillion
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:What is the exact translation of pot pourri`putrid pot
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the family name of the Dukes of Northumberland`Percy
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:What is the Feast of First Fruits on 1 August`Lammas
[General knowledge] what is the first wedding anniversary called`cotton
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:what is the french name given to clear soup`Consomme
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the french word used for a type of enamelling in which a pattern is marked on to a surface by thin metal strips and coloured with enamels`cloisonne
General Knowledge: What is the full term for the abbreviation "zoo" `Zoological garden
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:What is the Hawaiian word of greeting`Aloha
General Knowledge: What is the headquarter of the British Metropolitan Police Force `Scotland Yard
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the Imperial unit, for use in precious metal transactions, which was authorised for retention as specialist use when other imperial units were phased out in 1999`troy ounce
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the interval between Passion Plays held at Oberammergau in Germany`ten years
General Knowledge: What is the lead in pencils made from `Graphite
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: what is the legal name for a spoken or written insult against religious belief or sacred objects`blasphemy
General Knowledge: What is the Maths equivalent of the Nobel prize `Fields Medal
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the meaning of Bolshoi - as in the Bolshoi Ballet`great
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the meaning of Sinn Fein`we ourselves
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the meaning of the German word Meerschaum the name given to a type of tabacco pipe`sea-foam
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: what is the meaning of the word ballet`a little dance
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the minimum age a US President has to be`thirty five
General Knowledge : What is the minimum IQ score for the genius category`140
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:What is the most common name for a pub in Britain`The Red Lion
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the most famous church designed by Sir Christopher Wren`st pauls cathedral
[General knowledge] what is the most primative of all animal groups`protozoans
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the motto of the BBC`nation shall speak unto nation
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:What is the Muslim equivalent of Red Cross`Red Crescent
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the name for food permissable under Moslem dietry laws`halal
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the name for the hole in the side of a volcanoe that gives off volcanic gases`fumarole
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the name for the symbol consisting of two dots which is placed above a letter in Germanic languages`umlaut
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the name given to a gem made from 2 stones arranged in differently coloured layers, with figures carved into the top layer, which is set in relief against the others`cameo
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the name given to an outwork which defended the entrance of a castle or fortified town`barbican
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the name given to a pillar or supporting column in the shape of a woman`caryatid
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the name given to a sculptured or pictorial representation of the virgin and the dead christ`pieta
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the name given to a victory whose cost is so great as to negate its value`pyrrhic victory
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the name given to a wall of a mosque that faces Mecca`qibla wall
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the name given to parrallel beams which stretch from one wall to another in a building to support the floors`joists
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the name given to the flat piece of iron that connects railway rails`fishplate
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the name given to the house on a roman estate`villa
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the name given to the informal canon of good behaviour to which Internet users should adhere`netiquette
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the name given to the setting of gems into stone for example on the marble walls of the Taj Mahal`pietra dura
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the name given to the way in which stones such as diamonds are cut so as to have facets which reflect the light in different directions`brilliant
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the name, in law, for the period, before the reign of Richard I`time immemorial
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:what is the name of Hugh Hefners super jet`Big Bunny
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the name of the 22 storey Canning Town tower block that collapsed in 1968`ronan point
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the name of the American architect who designed the house named Falling water which was built in 1936-7 in Bear Run Pennsylvania`frank lloyd wright
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the name of the big cannon in Edinburgh castle`Mons Meg
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the name of the classical rotunda which was built as a pagan temple in Rome and is now a Christian place of worship`the pantheon
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the name of the extension to the Louvre that was designed by Ieoh Ming Pei and built in 1983-93`the pyramid
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the name of the female figure who personifies France, the equivalent to Britain's Britannia`marianne
[General knowledge] what is the name of the first bridge captured on D-day`pegasus
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the name of the house designed by Richard Norman Shaw and was the first in the world to have lights powered by hydro electricity`cragside
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is th ename of the huge 3 tiered roman aqueduct built in AD14 between Uzes and Nimes in France`pont du gard
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the name of the Indian custom in which widows fling themselves on their husbands funeral pyres`suttee
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: what is the name of the large diamond acquired by the british on the annexation of Punjab in 1849, and placed in the crown jewels of Queen Victoria`koh-i-noor
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the name of the legendary norweigan sea monster which awoke in the title of the 1953 science fiction novel by John Wyndham`the kraken
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the name of the magical kingdom in The LIon the witch and the wardrobe`Narnia
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the name of the mall toy musical instrument which produces a sound close to those of a comb and tissue paper`kazoo
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the name of the multi coloured elephant in the books by David McKee`elmer
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the name of the norwegian parliament`storting
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the name of the only private army in Britain`the atholl highlanders
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the name of the part of a church east of the crossing that contains the main altar,sanctuary and the choir`chancel
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the name of the popes official summer residence`castel gandolfo
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the name of the process by which metal particles are compressed into a solid body under heat lower than melting point`sintering
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the name of the professor in Cluedo`plum
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the name of the roman god of the underworld`pluto
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:What is the name of the ship in which Captain Ahab seeks Moby Dick`Pequod
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the nickname of the BBC`auntie
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the occupation of a leprechaun`COBBLER
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the oldest airline in the english speaking world, founded in 1920`quantas
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the popular name for a small wafer of semiconductor material which forms the base for an integrated circuit`chip
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the popular name for the painful spasmodic contractionof a muscle`cramp
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:What is the predominant religion in mexico`Roman Catholic
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the principal female singer in an opera called`prima donna
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:What is the smallest unit of length measurement`femtometre
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the supreme goal of buddhists`nirvana
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:What is the technique of painting straight onto wet plaster called`fresco
[General knowledge] what is the term for a person who is afraid of everything`panphobic
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the term which means using a gentler expression to soften a blunt one`euphemism
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the third letter of the Hebrew alphabet`gimmel
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the total of the three internal angles of a triangle`one hundred and eighty degrees
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the trade name for the construction kits introduced in 1907 consisting of metal strips with hoels,screws, nuts and bolts`meccano
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the trade name for the strong woven synthetic material used for hulls and sails, radial tyres and bullet proof vests`kevlar
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the traditional dessert on Thanksgiving Day`pumpkin pie
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the translation of Descartes famous statement "cogito,ergo sum"`i think,therefore i am
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:What is the unit of currency in Poland`zloty
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the Welcome Stranger found in 1869`largest gold nugget ever found
General Knowledge: What is the world's oldest newspaper(the name is swedish) `Post och Inrikes Tidningar
General Knowledge: What is the world's oldest song `Shadouf chant
General Knowledge: What is the world's oldest university `Fez University
General Knowledge : What is this sign called "&"`ampersand
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is Tiggy-oggie`cornish pasty
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:What is traditionally held in the middle of September`Farm animal awareness week
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is "worth a thousand words"`a picture
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:What is written defamation called`libel
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is xerography`photocopying
[General knowledge] what it the chemical symbol for copper`cu
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What kind of creature is Sonic`hedgehog
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What kind of engine did the greek engineer Hero design in the 1st century`a steam engine
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What kind of representation of the human body is given to the name ecorche`skin removed
general knowledge: what kind of siege weapon was a trebuchet`giant sling shot
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What kind of weapon was a Colt Peacemaker`a revolver
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:What London art gallery is named after a manufacturer of artificial silk`The Courtauld Institute
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What makes stainless steel stainless`Chromium
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:What make up is french for red`rouge
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What maritime hazard is called a growler`small ice berg
General Knowledge: What modern word comes from the Arab "hashishi" `Assassin
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What name did Frank Muir give to Joan Bakewell`the thinking man's crumpet
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What name from the dutch for Mumblers was given to followers of John Wycliffe in the 14th century`lollards
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What name is given to a bridge (dating from prehistory) constructed from stone piers with slabs of stones spanning them`clapper bridge
General Knowledge: What name is given to a male witch `Warlock
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What name is given to a planes automatic pilot`George
General Knowledge: What name is given to a settlement which is clustered around a central point `Nucleated
General Knowledge: What name is given to farms which specialise in growing crops `Arable
General Knowledge: What name is given to farms which specialise in rearing animals `Pastoral
General Knowledge: What name is given to the abominable snowman `Yeti
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What name is given to the wall of a mosque which faces Mecca`qibla wall
General Knowledge: What name is given to those days which have equal hours of daylight and darkness `Equinox
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What name is sometimes given to the legislative assembly of a country that is derived from the latin for old man`senate
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What nationality was Boutros Boutros Ghali,Secretary General to the UN`Egyptian
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: what nationality was the artist goya`spanish
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What nationality was Vasco da Gama`portuguese
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What number does 'a gross and a half' represent`216
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What number do the roman numerals MDXCV represent`1595
[General knowledge] what opened on the 6th may 1994`channel tunnel
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What organisations motto is "courtesy and care"`The Automobile Association
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What pachydermic nickname is given to an unwanted or useless gift which is expensive to maintain`white elephant
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What part of the body was protected by a hauberk in medieval armour`neck & shoulders
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What prevented Sir Lancelot finding the Holy Grail`adultery
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What product did Mary Holland advertise for 18 years`oxo
general knowledge: What religion was Queen Mary i of england`catholic
[General knowledge] what sign of the zodiac run from 19 feb to 20 march`pisces
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What si the name given to a semi circular recess behind the chancel containing the altar`apse
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What sort of writings would you associate with Raphael Holinshed`history
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What sport is believed to have originated on Pentecost Island as an initiation ceremony`bungee jumping
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:What the longest word that is typed with the left hand`stewardesses
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What type of weapon is a bazooka`hand held rocket launcher
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What was a ducat`a coin
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What was advertised in the first interactive British TV ad shown on Ch4 on 26 mar 2000`chicken tonight
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What was Angel Beast`a card game
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What was a psaltery`musical instrument
general knowledge: What was a sopwith camel`first world war fighter plane
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What was barbara Castle parliamentary constituency`Blackburn
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What was Capability Browns Christian name`lancelot
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What was Coco Chanels christian name`Gabrielle
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What was designed to - carry four adults wearin hats and clogs, along with 50kilos of potatoes`citroen 2cv
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:What was Ethel Cain the first to record`the speaking clock
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What was Field Marshall Montgomerys first name`bernard
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What was first aired in the US on sept 13 1969`scooby-doo where are you!
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What was found buried at Sutton Hoo in 1939`Saxon Ship
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:What was given on the seventh day of Christmas`seven swans a swimming
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What was invented by John Walker of Stockton on Tees in 1827 and called Congreaves`friction matches
General Knowledge: What was invented by Ludovic Zamenhof `Esperanto
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What was President Clinton's wife called`hillary
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What was stored in a Leyden Jar`electrical charge
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What was Tarzan's mate Jane's last name`Parker
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What was the ancient system of picture writing used in Ancient Egypt`hieroglyphics
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What was the anme of the first commercial hovercraft designed by Christopher Cockerell`SR.N1
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What was the average lifespan of a European peasant in 1300`twenty five years
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What was the first trade mark to be registered in 1875`the bass red triangle
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What was the first womens magazine published in 1693`The Ladies' Mercury
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What was the former name of the building which now houses the Tate Modern on the South Bank of the Thames`bankside power station
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What was the name for the first commercial computer produced in the USA which was used for forecasting the 1952 election results`univac 1
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What was the name for the wooden head of a woman with a clay pipe in her mouth at fairs`aunt sally
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What was the name given to the 11 french knights who in 1119 took monastic vows and bound themselves to protect pilgrims`templars
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What was the name given to the legendary greek herald who could shout as loudly as 50 ordinary men, his name gave rise to a word meaning loud voiced`stentor
General Knowledge: What was the name of Aristotle's school `Lyceum
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What was the name of Freddy lakers cheap transatlantic air service`Skytrain
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What was the name of John Cabots boat`the matthew
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What was the name of King Arthurs treacherous nephew`mordred
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What was the name of Raleighs first and unsuccessful colony in North America`virginia
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: what was the name of the club that was formed in 1700 by whigs who dined at the house of the pastry cook Christopher Cat`the kit-kat club
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What was the name of the demarcation line proposed in 1919 which formed the basis for the Soviet-polish border after the second world war`curzon line
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What was the name of the educational computer toy with speech synthesiser produced by Texas Instruments in 1978 for teaching spelling`speak and spell
General Knowledge: What was the name of the "fake" evolutionary missing link found in Sussex, England `Piltdown Man
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What was th ename of the first British built electronic digital computer`colossus
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What was the name of the largest diamond ever found, presented to Edward VII by the south african govt and now set into the English Crown Jewels`cullinan diamond
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What was the name of the research aircraft flown by Chuck Yeager when he broke the sound barrier in 1947`bell x-1
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What was the name of the scottish hero in Braveheart`william wallace
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What was the nick name of the historian Thomas Carlyle`the sage of chelsea
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What was the original name for the drivers safety device on electric and diesel trains`dead mans handle
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What was the original name of President Tito of Yugoslavia`josip broz
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What was the Queen Mothers maiden name`elizabeth bowes-lyons
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What was the term for a printers errand boy and a boy who took the printed sheets off the press`printers devil
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What was the the Flying Hamburger`diesel train
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What was the title of Art Garfunkels 1979 theme song for Watership Down`bright eyes
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:What were the names of the three wise men`Melchior,Balthasar,Kaspar
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What/who, in the original draft was called Too Much`scooby-doo
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What word is used to describe descending a sheer face by sliding down a doubled rope`abseiling
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What would you do in a cambio`exchange money
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What would you do with a tulwar`fight
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What would you use if you practiced ikebana`flowers
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:When did India go metric`1958
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: When is Farm animal awareness week traditionally held`middle of september
General Knowledge : When using a telephone, you must wait for a ____ tone before starting your call.`dial
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: When was the Womens land army founded`june 1939
[General knowledge] where can you find the oldest underground system in the world`london
General Knowledge: Where did the Mafia originate `Sicily
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Where did the oil tanker Torrey Canyon come from`Kuwait
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Where did the Polka originate`Poland
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Where does a breast buffer work`a shoe factory
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Where does the Lutine Bell hang`Lloyds of London
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Where does the three appear between seventeen and nineteen`on a dartboard
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Where do nice ladies buy their knickers`Marks & Spencer
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Where inEngland is the tradional Furry Dance held annually in May`helston
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Where in Germany are the Passion Plays held`Oberammergau
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Where in London is the Jerusalem Chamber`westminster abbey
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Where is Charles Darwin buried`Westminster Abbey
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Where is the greatest collection of Leonardo da Vincis drawings kept`Windsor Castle
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Where is th epoet Robert Browning buried`westminster Abbey
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Where was Mother Teresa of Calcutta born`Macedonia
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Where was supermodel Iman born`Somalia
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Where was the first Pugwash Conference held`nova scotia
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Where was the Promised Land of the ancient Israelites`palestine
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Where were mirrors first made in Europe`Venice
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Where were the first parking meters installed in London`mayfair
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Where were the first parking meters introduced in 1935`oklahoma city
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Where would you be if you ate al fresco`outside
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Where would you find a Juttock Plate`ships mast
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Where would you find an escapement`in a clock
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Where would you find a tasset, a bevor and a cuirass`A suit of armour
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Where would you wear espadrilles`feet
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which 17th century carver is known for his carvings of acanthus leaves, fruit, flowers, acorns and cherubs heads`grinling gibbons
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which 17th century greman engineer invented the vacuum pump`otto von guericke
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which 18th century french innovation was a term for the method of gilding furniture and clocks`ormolu
GENERAl KNOWLEDGE: Which 18th century Yorkshire entrepreneur founded the Marylebone Cricket Club`thomas lord
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which 1912 hoax regarding mans ancestry was not exposed until 1953`piltdown man
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which acid is used in most car batteries`sulphuric acid
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which aeronautical engineer designed the Scneider Trophy winning Supermarine S6 seaplanes and the spitfire`reginald j mitchell
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which aerospace maufacturer produced the Flying Fortress a prototype of which was first flown in 1935`boeing
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which African capital is named after a 19th century american president`monrovia
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: which african river was explored by john hanning speke in the 1860s`the nile
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Which airforce rank is equivalent to an army major`Squadron-leader
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which amber globe was named after a 1930s minister of transport`Belisha Beacon
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which american blacksmith invented the steel plough in 1837`john deere
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which american company, originally a manufacturer of explosives, first produced nylon in 1938`dupont
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which american inventor and manufacturer patented the cylinder lock in 1861`linus yale
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which american mulit millionaire recluse died on his private jet on 5th april 1976`howard hughes
[General knowledge] which american state is known as the lnd of opportunity`arkansas
General Knowledge: Which American state is known as the Lone Star State `Texas
General Knowledge: Which American state passed a bill declaring Pi to be 3 `Indiana
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which ancient body controls the grazing rights in the New Forest`the court of verderers
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which animal gives us nutria fur`Coypu
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which architect designed the Crystal Palace for the Great Exhibition of 1851`joseph paxton
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which architect designed the Queens House at Greenwich which is now part of the National Maritime Museum`inigo jones
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which bird in flight is the symbol ofSt John the Apostle`eagle
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which bird is nicknamed the Pharoahs chicken`Egyptian vulture
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which book contains the service of the mass for the whole year`missal
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which bridge in england designed by Robert Adam and built in 1769-74 was inspired by the Ponte Vecchio in Florence`the pulteney bridge
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which British aircraft designer created the hawker Hurricane in 1935`sir sydney camm
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: which British architect designed the 1995-9 alterations to the Reichstag in Berlin for which he was awarded the Pritzer Prize`sir norman foster
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Which British Dukes stately home is at Stratford Saye`Duke of Wellington
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which British monarch was known as The Sailor King`william IV
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which calendar starts 3760 years before the birth of Jesus Christ`jewish calendar
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which cartoon character was the fastest mouse in all Mexico`Speedy Gonzales
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which cartoonist created George and Gaye Gambol who appeared in the Daily Express from 1951 to 1994`barry appleby
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: which cartoonist created St Trinians`Ronald Searle
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which chain of stores was founded by Selim Zilkha`mothercare
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which character from a comic was known as The Pilot of the Future`Dan Dare
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which chess computer made history by beating a grand master by a score of 3.5 to 2.5 in a series of games in 1997`deep blue
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which Christian name derives from the Gaelic for "handsome"`Kenneth
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which christian saint is famous for his love of animals`st francis of assisi
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which comedians catchphrase was Hello Playmates`arthur askey
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which common object gets its name from the latin for Little tail`pencil
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which common substance is obtained by boiling down horns, hides and hoofs`glue
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which company makes Jelly Tots`Nestle
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which company makes Quality Street chocolates`Nestle
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which company makes Rolos`Nestle
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which company makes Roses chocolates`Cadbury
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which company makes smarties`Nestle
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which company of architects designed the Millennium Dome`richard rogers partnership
general knowledge: Which continent was named after the explorer Amerigo Vespucci`america
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which country did Burke and wills explore`australia
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which country had a parliament called the Duma`russia
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which country is the world top fishing nation in tonnage`china
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which countrys soldiers might wear a stiff skirt called a fustanella`greece
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which day of the year used to be known as St Distaffs Day`7th january
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which Derbyshire born aeronautical engineer designed the R100 airship,the bouncing bomb and the first swing wing aircraft`Sir barnes neville wallis
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which drinks advertising slogan was "its the real thing"`coca cola
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which drink was advertised by Leonard Rossiter and Joan Collins`Cinzano
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which Dukes seat is Badminton`duke of beaufort
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which dutch physicist invented the first pendulum clock in 1657`christian huygens
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which dynasty has ruled the Netherlands since 1815`orange
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which early Hollywood film star originally named Gladys Mary Smith was known as Americas Sweetheart`mary pickford
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which egyptian pharaohs tomb was discovered in 1922`tutankhamun
general knowledge: which empire was once ruled by Nero`ancient rome
General Knowledge: Which English book was written without using the letter 'E' once `A Void
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which English comedy star was born blind but gained his sight after a coughing fit`George Formby
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which english engineer developed the safety lamp for miners at the same time as Humphrey Davy`george stephenson
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which english entrepreneur produced the first synthetic dye`william perkin
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which English playwright and actor wrote the play Blithe Spirit in 1941`noel coward
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Which European country produces the most wine`Italy
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Which European nation was the first to drink tea`The Dutch
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which Eurovision song contest winning song was originally written for the Samaritans`love shine a light
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which every day item has an inertia wheel`car seat belt
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which expression for a devoted couple originates in a 1735 poem`darby and joan
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which famous book was complied by Henry Baker with William Monk in 1861`hymns ancient and modern
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which famous building was erected for the Great Exhibition of 1851`Crystal Palace
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which famous dancing troupe was formed by Margaret Kelly`Bluebell Girls
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Which famous fighter plane did R J Mitchell design in 1936`Spitfire
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which famous military group has its HQ at Aubagne near Marseilles`foreign legion
General Knowledge: Which famous piece of artwork depcits the Battle of Hastings `Bayeux Tapestry
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which famous radio family live in the county of Borsetshire`the archers
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Which festival did the first popular greetings card celebrate`Valentines day
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which fictional country was ruled by the Elphbergs`ruritania
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which former US first lady worked as an editor for the publishers Viking and Doubleday`jackie onassis
General Knowledge: Which French book was written without using the letter 'E' once `La Disparition
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which French dramatist was originally named Jean Baptiste Poquelin`moliere
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which game bird season runs from oct 1st to feb 1st`pheasant
General Knowledge: Which gestalt entity produced the cult TV show Red Dwarf `Grant and Naylor
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE; Which government department is responsible for broadcasting and the media, the arts, sport and recreation`national heritage
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: which graduate of Oxford University designed the Sheldonian Theatre in Oxford in 1662`christopher wren
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which greek city-state fought against Athens in the Peloponnesian war`sparta
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which group of people is traditionally banned from Mount Athos in Greece`women
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which hampshire airshow is held biennially`Farnborough
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which helpful organisation was founded in 1953 by the Rev Chad Varah`Samaritans
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which hindu deity has the head of an elephant`ganesha
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which Hindu sect strangled travellers and worshipped Kali`Thugs
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which international organisation was set after wwi with the purpose of achieving world peace`league of nations
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which invention of Whitcomb Judson of Chicago in 1891 was originally called the calsp locker and unlocker for shoes`zip fastener
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which irish ghost is said to wail outside houses where a death is imminent`banshee
[General knowledge] which is the coldest planet in our solar system`pluto
General Knowledge: Which is the largest of the Egyptian Pyramids `Pyramid of Cheops
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which is the last of the years four quarter days`christmas day
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Which is the only european country where the wife does not traditionally take the husbands name on marriage`spain
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which is the worlds oldest stock exchange`antwerp
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which italian scientist is said to have dropped cannon balls from a tower to study how they fell to earth`galileo galilei
General Knowledge: Which Japanese suicide technique translates to the English "belly cutting" `Hara-kiri
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which jeweller established the term sterling as the standard for silver in the United States in 1851`tiffany
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE Which kingdom was ruled by Herod the Great`Judaea
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which King introduced the statute which instituted hall marking in England`edward I
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which King of the Scots was succeeded by his stepson Lulach`macbeth
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which Labour weekly did Michael Foot edit for 9 years`Tribune
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which language does flemish most closely resemble`dutch
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which leader wrote his thoughts in a little red book`Chairman Mao
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which legendary ship is doomed to sail forever`the flying dutchman
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which lighthouse designer was swept away in his lighthouse in a storm in Nov 1703`henry winstanley
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which locksmith issued the following challenge about the lock that he made- any artist who can make an instrument that will pick or open this will receive 200 guineas`joseph bramah
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which London Underground Line was the last to use steam passenger trains in 1961`metropolitan line
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which many headed monsters blood killed Hercules`hydra
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: which map drawn about 1290 and showing Jerusalem at the centre of a falt world is kept at Hereford Cathedral`mappa mundi
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which measure of length used in land surveying was named after the mathematician Edmund Gunter`the chain
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which member of the British parliament is known as The beast of Bolsover`dennis skinner
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which member of the Royal Family has a daughter called Gabriella Windsor`Princess Michael of Kent
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which mountain is considered to be the earths largest volcano`mauna loa
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which mountains did Lewis and Clark lead an expedition across`the rockies
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which museum houses the Venus de Milo`the louvre
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which mythical animal is half man half seal`silkie
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: which mythical creature was the symbol of virginity`unicorn
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which nation provided reinforcements for the British at Waterloo`prussia
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which natural feature has been nicknamed The Lamp of Phoebus`The sun
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: which notorious citizen of York was born in stonegate and hanged n London in 1606`guy fawkes
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which of the seven wonders of the world was in Babylon`the hanging gardens
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which oil bearing substance did Noah use to coat the Ark and make it waterproof`pitch
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which one word describes all of the following, a type of sandpiper, an Elizabethan collar and to trump at cards`ruff
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which painter gave his name to a shade of red`titian
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which pair of 19th century showmen ran The Greatest Show on Earth`phineas barnum and james bailey
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which Paris fashion house produced the perfume Ma Griffe`carven
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which part of the world was explored by Fridtjof Nansen`the artic
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which part of the world was explored by Mungo Park`west africa
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which peoples creation is told in the Dreamtime stories`australian aborigines
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which peoples name means Eaters of Raw meat`eskimoes
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: which phrase is taken from the french meaning white paper`carte blanche
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which piece of office equipment did Milwaukee newspaper editor Christopher Scholes invent in 1868`typewriter
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE; Which piece of opaque variety of quartz found in most parts of Scotland was set into the gold and silver baton that commemorated the 1986 Commonwealth Games in Edinburgh`jasper
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Which pistol favoured by James Bond did Adolf Hitler use to commit suicide`Walther 7.65
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which precious stone formed from corundum is secomd only to diamond in hardness`sapphire
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which process invented in 1855 converts pig iron into steel`bessemer process
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which public schools song begins "Forty years on,when far and asunder"`Harrow
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: which Quaker chocolate maufacturer from York founded 3 charitable trusts which support research and development in the fields of housing, social care and social policy`joseph rowntree
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which Quaker founded the city of Philadelphia`William Penn
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which railway engineer designed the locomotives Sans Pareil and Royal George`timothy hackworth
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which readio programme was presented by Roy Plomley from 1942 to 1985`Desert Island Discs
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: which regiment formed in 1688 has its headquarters amd museum in Richmond North Yorkshire`the green howards
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which religion has the kathina festival as a National Holiday`buddhism
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which river did Julias Caesar cross and, by doing so, cause a civil war`rubicon
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which russian jeweller exhibited his mperial Easter Eggs at a Paris Exhibition of 1900`carl faberge
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which russian revolutionary changed his name to "man of iron"`lenin
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which saints day is July 15th`St Swithin
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which school of modern architecture in Germany was closed by the Nazis in 1933`bauhaus
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which scottish vet invented the pneumatic tyre in 1888`john boyd dunlop
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which ship wrecked sailor settled a war between King Bombo and King Little`Gulliver
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which slang word for prison came into use from the name of a famous gaol in Southwark in London`Clink
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which small french car first designed in 1939 is affectionately known as the tin snail`citroen 2cv
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which snake appears on the crown of the Egyptian Pharoahs`cobra
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which South African word means 'segregation`apartheid
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Which story and film were inspired by a World war ii shipwreck off the island of Barra`whisky galore
[General knowledge] which suburb of southwest london hosts the annual all englend lawn tennis championships`wimbledon
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which term was coined by environmentalists in the 1990s for a strip of land sown with perrenial grasses to create an environment in which aphid eating insects can thrive`beetle bank
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which track in Hyde Park is thought to be a coruption of the french route du roi`rotton row
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which Treasury Minister was murdered by an IRA bomb outside his home in 1990`Ian Gow
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which two coins together make up an ols fashioned bicycle`penny and farthing
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which university did the prince attend in The Student Prince`Heidelberg
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which University has a rowing eight called Isis`Oxford
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which US airman flew over both the north and south poles`richard e byrd
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which US Labrador fur trader set up a frozen food business in 1924`clarence birdseye
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Which U S President achieved the highest grade in the boy scouts`Gerald Ford
General Knowledge : Which U.S. president is on the five-dollar bill`lincoln
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which voilet blue variety of quartz was used by the ancient greeks for making cups and goblets because it was regarded as a charm against inebriety`amethyst
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which VTOL fighter was nicknamed the Jump Jet`harrier
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which woman flew solo from england to australia in 1930`amy johnson
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which word derived from Polynesian means forbidden`taboo
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which word do we usually think of as simply meaning strong emotion, also means the suffering of Christ on the cross`passion
General Knowledge: Which word is used to mean, malicious enjoyment at the misfortunes of others `Schadenfreude
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which word meaning sudden fear is derived from the name of the greek god Pan`panic
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which word means one tenth of a nautical mile`cable
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which word means to turn a ship on one side for cleaning and caulking`careening
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: which writer created The Saint`Leslie Charteris
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which WWI german fighter ace gave his name to an aerial turning manoeuvre - a half loop followed by a half roll`max immelmann
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who, aged 56, topped the poll of 50 sexiest brits ever (2002)`joanna lumley
General Knowledge: Who appears on the 100,000 dollar (US) note`Woodrow Wilson
General Knowledge: Who appears on the 10,000 dollar (US) note`Salmon Chase
General Knowledge: Who appears on the 5,000 dollar (US) note`James Madison
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who believe that the City of God will be founded in the USA`The Mormons
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who carved the heads at Mount Rushmore`Gutzon Borglum
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who coined the phrase Global village in 1962`marshall mcluhan
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who created the Teletubbies`anne wood
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who descibed fax hunting as "the unspeakable in pursuit of the uneatable"`Oscar Wilde
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who designed Coventry Cathedral and Sussex University`besil spence
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE : Who designed the Marble Arch in London`john nash
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who designed The Monument in London`sir christopher wren
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who designed the tapestry that hangs behind the altar at Coventry Cathedral`Graham Sutherland
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who devised the package tour`Thomas Cook
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who did Achilles kill and drag three times around the walls of Troy`Hector
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who did Anna Anderson claim to be`Anastasia
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Who did Cicero describe as the father of history`Herodotus
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who dined on mince and slices of quince`The owl and the pussycat
General Knowledge: Who does the Mona Lisa depict `Madonna Lisa Gherardini
General Knowledge: Who does the statue, the Colossus of Rhodes, depict `Helios
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Who first wrote about haggis`aristophanes
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who founded London Zoo in Regents Park`sir stamford raffles
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who founded Microsoft with Bill Gates`Paul allan
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who founded the UKs National viewers and listeners Association`Mary Whitehouse
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Who grew the famous White garden at Sissinghurst`Vita Sackville West
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: who in Greek mythology who took out the family chariot before he had learned to drive it and came to grief`phaeton
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who interpreted the writing on the wall`daniel
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Who invented braille`Louis Braille
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who invented the aqualung while fighting with the French Resistance during the secomd world war`jacques cousteau
General Knowledge: Who invented the toothbrush `William Addis
General Knowledge: Who is known as the "Father of History" `Herodotus
General Knowledge: Who is known as the "Father of Modern Economics" `Adam Smith
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who is Lady Haden-Guest better known as`Jamie Lee Curtis
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Who is supermodel Iman's pop star husband`david Bowie
[General knowledge] who is the god of war in norse mythology`thor
[General knowledge] who is the patron saint of doctors`luke
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who is the patron saint of messengers`st gabriel
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Who is the US sate of Virginia named after`Queen Elizabeth i
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who is third in line to the English throne`prince henry
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who makes Scooby Doo`hanna barbera
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who married Bianca de Macias on 12th May 1971`Mick Jagger
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who owned the chocolate factory in Roald Dahls 1964 childrens story Charlie and The chocolate Factory`willie wonka
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who paid 3000 for a turkey in 1995`linda mccartney
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who placed the New Forest under forest law`william I
[General knowledge] who played opposite dustin hoffman in 'the graduate'`anne bancroft
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who produces Pokemon`nintendo
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who put Sweeney Todds victims into her pies`Mrs Lovett
[General knowledge] who regard haile selassie as a god`rastafarians
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who said about sex " it is like finding a frog in a coffee jar"`Stephen Fry
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who said she would stay with the children "until the wind changed"`mary Poppins
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who said "the lion and the calf shall lie down together, but the calf wont get much sleep"`woody allen
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Whose court was at Camelot`King Arthurs
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Whose garter is alleged to have inspired the foundation of the Most Noble Order of the Garter in 1348`the countess of salisbury
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who seized the gold of Nibelungs before being killed himself`siegfried
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Whose law is summarised as bad money drives out good`greshams law
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Whose portrait appears on the back of a 50.00 note`Sir Christopher Wren
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who swam the Hellespont every night to see his lover Hero`Leander
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who tan throught the town,upstairs, downstairs in his nightgown`wee willie winkie
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who turned Ulysses' men to swine`circe
general knowledge: Who was 77 years old when he made his second trip in space`john glenn
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Who was Abbotts comedy partner`Costello
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who was a co founder of the German Gree party in 1979 and became one of the best known green mps in the world`petra kelly
General Knowledge: Who was America named after `Amerigo Vespucci
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who was carried off by a great bird called Roc`Sinbad the Sailor
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who was court painter to Charles i`Van Dyck
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who was described as "the mouse that built an empire"`Mickey Mouse
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who was Helen of Troys husband`Menelaus
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who was minister for education from 1981-1986`keith joseph
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who was mortally wounded in the heel by an arrow from Paris`Achilles
General Knowledge: Who was responsible for the American style of spelling `Noah Webster
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who was Rudolph Raspes baron who told such tall stories`Munchausen
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who was seated beneath a sword suspended by a human hair`Damocles
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who was swallowed by a lion at Blackpool zoo in the famous monologue by Stanley Holloway`Albert
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who was the alleged witch born in 1488 in a cave near Knaresborough who predicted the Defeat of the Spanish Armada and the Great Fire of London`mother shipton
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Who was the architect of the Queens House at Greenwich`Inigo Jones
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: who was the father of Cleopatras first child born 44BC`julius caesar
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who was the female principal dancer in the show River Dance when it opened`jean butler
general knowledge: Who was the first american woman to travel in space`sally ride
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Who was the first designer to show a collection for men`Pierre Cardin
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who was the first engineer to introduce steam to an engine with a piston`thomas newcomen
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who was the first man to drive at more than 400mph`john cobb
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who was the first Prime Minister of the Australian Commonwealth from 1901 to 1903`sir edmund barton
General Knowledge: Who was the first woman to fly the Atlantic alone `Amelia Earhart
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who was the founding father of the Sikh relgion`guru nanak
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Who was the greek mathematician who claimed that the earth was a sphere rotating on its own axis`Pythagoras
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who was the last earl of wessex before it was conferred on Prince Edward in 1999`king harold godwinsson
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who was the last Tsar of Russia`nicholas ii
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who was the male principal dancer in the show Riverdance when it opened`michael flatley
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who was the norse god of poetry`Bragi
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who was the princess in Sleeping Beauty`Aurora
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who was the sculptor of the statue of Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens, London`george frampton
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who was the second woman to be elected head of state in 1990`mary robisnaon
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who was the unfaithful wife of Ulysses`penelope
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who was the wizard who assisted Arthur in the legends`merlin
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who was voted out of power in july 1943 after the invasion of Sicily`mussolini
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Who were Hedda Hopper and Louella Parsons`Hollywood gossip columnists
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who were Patti, Maxine and Laverne`andrews sisters
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who were supposed to obey the laws of chivalry`medieval knights
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who were the "Mormon Mafia" hired to protect from outside contamination`Howard Hughes
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who were the native people of New Zealand when the europeans arrived`maoris
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who won the sea battle of Sluys in 1346`the english
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who would a jerquer work for`customs and excise
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who would use a Jacquard`weaver
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE:Who wrote a poem about Vasari and painting the Sistine Chapel`Michaelangelo
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who wrote - Man was born free and everywhere he is in chains`jean jacques rousseau
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who wrote the ballad Paul Reveres Ride`henry wadsworth longfellow
[General knowledge] who wrote the banned book 'spycatcher'`peter wright
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who wrote Three men in a boat`jerome k jerome
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Whta card game is scored by using pegs in a wooden board`cribbage
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Wife of Rajah`ranee
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Winged horse in Greek mythology`pegasus
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: With reference to what is the phrase "according to cocker" associated`mathematics
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: With what is a thanatologist concerned`death
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: With what is the organisation CERN concerned`nuclear research
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: With what part of the body is a chiropodist concerned`feet
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: With what was the Triangular Trade chiefly associated`slavery
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: With which art form was Donald Mcgill particularly associated`Seaside postcards
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: With which country do you associate a group called the Tamil Tigers`sri lanka
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: With which form of transport was Otto Lilienthal associated`gliders
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: With which identification system is Francis Galton associated`fingerprints
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: With which innovation in transport in the 1830s is the english surgeon and inventor Sir Goldsworth Gurney associated`steam driven stagecoaches
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Womans loose gown in 17-18th century`mantua
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: "Women and children first" name the lifeboat drill`Birkenhead Drill
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Wooden soled shoe`clog
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Words used to identify people, places or things`nouns
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Yellowish fossil resin used in jewellry`amber
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: you would find information on what in Debretts`the peerage
GENERAL KNOWLEGDE: What is the word for excessive patriotism`jingoism
General: Known As The Boston Strangler`Albert De Salvo
General: Known As The House Of Whatthis Junior Line Of The French Dynasty Of Bourbonbegan Its History By Leading The Revolt Of The Huguenots Against The Crown`Conde
General: Known To Pentagon Procurement People As A 'Portable Handheld Communications Inscriber'`A Pen
GENERAL KNWOLEDGE: Which european people were the first to settle in Greenland`the vikings
General: __________, Koalas And Komodo Dragons All Have Two Penises`Iguanas
General: Kodak Introduced What Camera In 1963`The Instamatic
General: Kongeriket Norge Is This Country's Name`Norway
GENERAL KONWLEDGE: Which supermodel, a former Miss Denmark, was born on Christmas day 1968`Helena Christensen
General: Kool-Aid Was A Deadly Cocktail For The Inhabitants Of A Temple In Which Guyanese Town`Jonestown
General: Kosmikophobia is the fear of`cosmic phenomenon
General: Koulon Is Classical Greek For`Limb
General: Kriss Kristofferson And Barbra Streisand Starred In The Re-Make Of Which Film`A Star Is Born
General: Krone, Yuan And Ringgit Are All Units Of What`Currency
General: Krypton's State At Standard Temperature And Pressure`Gaseous
General: Kynophobia is the fear of`rabies
General: La Cattiva Strada`Fabrizo D'andre
General: Lack Of What Vitamin Causes Pellagra`B3
General: Lady, Of 'The Lady And The Tramp' Is A Well-Preened Uptown Cocker Spaniel. What Kind Of Dog Is Tramp`Mutt
General: Lady's Do Not Start Fights, But They Can Finish Them`The Aristo Cats
General: Lagos Is The Capital Of`Nigeria
General: Lake Baikal is the ---------- lake in the world`deepest
General: Lake Superior Is The Largest Of The Great Lakes: What Is The Second Largest Of These Lakes, By Surface Area`Huron
General: Lake Superior Is The Largest Of The Great Lakes: What Is The Second Largest Of These Lakes, By Volume`Michigan
General: Lake Tana, the source of the Blue Nile, lies in which country`ethiopia
General: 'Lakh' Is A Term Meaning What`100,000
General: Lampedusa Is A Small Island Lying Between Malta And The Coast Of Which North African Country`Tunisia
General: Language derived from Dutch and used in South Africa`afrikaans
General: Languages : faux pas means`mistake
General: Lansing Is The Capital Of`Michigan
General: La Picardy Is A Region Of Which European Country`France
General: Large 3 Sided S.American Nut`Brazil
General: Large Cell Occuring In Conective Tissue`Mast Cell
General: Large dog of a breed of wolfhound`alsatian
General: Large rich eloborate cake`gateau
General: Large Shop Selling Many Different Types Of Goods`Megastore
General: largest island of the continental united states, southeastern new york`long island
General: Large Wicker En-Cased Bottle`Demijohn
General: La Sila Lies In Which Region Of Italy`Calabria
General: Last Name Of The 'Frankenstein' Author`Shelley
General: Late Again Tommy? You're Pathetic`Tommy Boy
General: Latin: 'Ab Inito' Means What`From The Beginning
General: Latin: 'Amicus Curiae' Means... What`Friend Of The Court
General: Latin For Greater Armadillo`Dasypus Major
General: Latin For Greater Wolverine`Gulo Impii
General: Latin For 'Loup-Garou'`Homo Sapiens
General: Latin For 'Right'`Dexter
General: ____________ Law Forbids Television Advertising Of Foods To Children`Scandinavian
General: Laws Forbidding The Sale Of ____ On Sunday Prompted William Garwood To Invent The Ice Cream Sundae In Evanston, Il, In 1875`Sodas
General: Lawsuits Filed By California Inmates Cost The Taxpayers More Than __________ In 199`$25 Million
General: Lb What Was The Nationality Of The Abstract Artist, Mondrian`Dutch
General: Lcd An Abbreviation Of`Liquid Crystal Display
General: Leader Of Southern Alliance In 1886`Dr. Charles W. Macune
General: Leader Of The 'Knight-Sabers'`Priss
General: lead singers: big audio dynamite`mick jones
General: lead singers: inxs`michael hutchence
General: Leaves Of Ferns Are Commonly Called`Fronds
General: led zeppelin: in the evening, when the day is done`in the evening
General: Lee Harvey Oswald's Body Tag Was Auctioned Off For $_,`$6,600
General: Left Handed 'Genius' He Was Born In Seattle On The 27th Of November 1942`Jimi Hendrix
General: Left-Handed People Are _____ Percent More Likely To Sample A Forkful Of Food From The Plates Of Fellow Diners Than Are Right-Handed People`20
General: Legal Terms: A Formal Agreement Enforceable By Law`Contract
General: legal terms: a supplement to a will`codicil
General: legal terms: the people chosen to render a verdict in a court`jury
General: legal terms: to steal property entrusted to one's care`embezzle
General: legend: say's the goblin? this shot shall be just as sweet as`pie
General: length: 220 yards = 1`furlong
General: Length Of A Beard An Average Man Would Grow If He Never Shaved Is __________ Feet`27.5
General: Lenny Kravitz's mother played the part of Helen on the`jeffersons
General: Leon Trotsky, the seminal Russian Communist, was assassinated in Mexico with an`icepick
General: Les Paul and Charlie Christian were exponents of which musical instrument`guitar
General: Less Than 7% Of The Population Donates`Blood
General: Lester Gillis Was The Real Name Of What Youthful-Looking 5 Ft 3/4 Inch Tall Robber And Killer`Baby Face Nelson
General: ________ Levied A Tax On Bachelors On December 20,1820`Missouri
General: L. Frank Fzort's City? Pre-Gue Myth`Froon
General: Libreville Is The Capital Of`Gabon
General: Libya Is The Only Country In The World With A Solid, Single-Coloured Flag -- What Colour Is It`Green
General: Libya's Government Is Headed By Muammar Qadaffi. What Rank Does He Hold In The Libyan Military`Colonel
General: Licking What Uses One Tenth Of A Calorie`Stamp
General: Life Moves Pretty Fast. If You Don't Stop And Look Around Once In A While, You Could Miss It`Ferris Bueller's Day Off
General: Life On Earth Probably Developed In An Oxygen-Free Atmosphere. Even Today There Are Microorganisms That Can Live Only In The Absence Of`Oxygen
General: Light brown cane sugar`demerara
General: Lightening Can Travel Over __ Miles Sideways Before Striking The Ground`10
General: Like Notepad Is To Windows 95, Vi Is A Text File Editor, But For Which Operating System`Unix
General: Lincoln High Of Tacoma, Goes By What Unique And Appropriate Nickname`Abes
General: Linda Mccartney's Maiden Name`Eastman
General: Line Of Hereditary Rulers`Dynasty
General: Lionel Ritchie Is Dancing - Where`On The Ceiling
General: lipps, inc's only hit was covered by pseudo echo eight years later`funkytown
General: Liquid Clay Used In Pottery`Slip
General: Liquid food of oatmeal boiled in milk or water`gruel
General: Lisa Kerkorian,36, Has Filed For $320,000 Per Month In Child Support From Her Billionaire Ex: $144,000 Of That Is For Travel By ___`Private Jet
General: Listen Up You Little Spazoids I Know Where You Live And I've Seen Where You Sleep! I Swear By Every Thing Holy Your Mothers Will Cry When They See What I've Done To You`Tommy Boy
General: L Is The Roman Numeral For What Number`Fifty
General: List The Planets Of Our Solar System In Order From Closest To The Sun To Furthest`Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune
General: ______ Literally Means 'The Land Of Rabbits.'`Spain
General: Literature Authors: Tom Jones`henry fielding
General: Literature Authors: White Fang`jack london
General: literature: which main character of vladimir nabokovs book lolita became a celebrated pedophile in literature`humbert humbert
General: Little Girls Are Made Of Sugar, Spice, And __________`Everything Nice
General: Little Jimmy Osmond Topped The Charts With 'Long Haired Lover From`Liverpool
General: Lizzie Borden Was`Acquitted
General: Lizzie Borden Was Acquitted Of Murder, But This Did Not Stop The American Public From Singing A Verse That She 'Took An Ax, And Gave Her Mother ________'`40 Whacks
General: Ll Cool J = ___ ___ Cool James`Ladies Love
General: L. Of O. Kieron Plays What Instrument`The Quindera
General: London Records Was Founded In 1947 In Which Country`Usa
General: long before starship, this group hit the san francisco scene`jefferson airplane
General: Longest Word Made From The Qwerty Line`Typewriter
General: 'Look What I Made Back There.' 'It Looks Like A Bed, Were You Expecting To Get Lucky?' 'No, Just Hoping.'`Phenomenon
General: Loosened Or Altered Material`Weathering
General: Lori Lynn Lomeli (Usa) Spun How Many Hula Hoops Simultaneously For Three Complete Revolutions, To Set A Guiness Book Record`82
General: Lost Time In Traffic Could Cost American Businesses Up To __________ Dollars Per Year`One Hundred Billion
General: Lot's Wife Was Turned Into What`A Pillar Of Salt
General: Louisa Almedovar And Rich Langley Set A Record For World's Longest Kiss, And Got It On December 5,2001. How Long Was The Kiss`30 Hours 59 Minutes
General: Louisa May Alcott, author of the classic Little Women, hated---------- . She only wrote the book because her publisher asked her to`kids
General: 'Louis, I Think This Is The Beginning Of A Beautiful Friendship' Are The Last Words Of Which Film`Casablanca
General: Louis Pasteur Developed A Vaccine For What`Rabies
General: Lourenco Marques Was The Former Name Of This African Capital City`Maputo
General: Love Is The Answer, But While You Are Waiting For The Answer, Sex Raises Some Pretty Good _____. -- Woody Allen`Questions
General: love roller coaster was released by this group in 1975`ohio players
General: Lower Fort Garryon The Banks Of What Riveris A Museum And The Oldest Standing Store Fort In Western Canada`Red River
General: Lowest Level On Volcano Island Is`0
General: Luke Skywalker's Last Name Was Changed At The Last Minute From __________ In Order To Make It Less Violent`Starkiller
generally acknowledged to be the most prolific painter of modern times`pablo`mitchell
generally acknowledged to be the most prolific painter of modern times`pablo picasso
Generally current: widespread`prevailing
General: Lyndon B. Johnson Had Two Beagles Named`Him And Her
General: Macgyver's First Name`Stace
General: Machine-Gun Kelly's First Name Was`George
General: Macleod's Mentor Ramirez In The Original Highlander Movie, Likes His Drink Shaken, Not Stirred, Name The Actor`Sean Connery
General: Madagascar Is Located Off The East Coast Of`Africa
General: 'Madame Butterfly' Is Set In What Country`Japan
General: Madame Tussaud's Real Name Was What`Marie Gresholtz
General: Made In Canada: City where the big Faith No More/Metallica/Guns'N'Roses riot occured in '91`montreal
General: Made Up Of England, Scotland, Wales And Ireland`United Kingdom
General: Made With A Mix Of Charcoal, Saltpetre And Sulphur`Gunpowder
General: Madrid And Lisbon Are Both Located Near This River`Tagus River
General: Mae West Was Once Dubbed 'The Statue Of`Libido
General: Mafia Is An Acronym For Morte Alla Francia Italia Anela, Or`Death To The French Is Italy's Cry
General: Mafia Is An Acronym For __________, Or Death To The French Is Italy's Cry`Morte Alla Francia Italia Anela
General: 'Magic' Johnson's First Name`Earvin
General: Magma`Hot Molten Rock
General: Magnum's Cap Is From What Baseball Team`The Detroit Tigers
General: Main Street Station Casino In Las Vegas Has An Actual 12-Foot Section Of This Mounted Behind The Urinals In The Mens Room`Berlin Wall
General: Maintained At 95 Degrees Fahrenheit By Hot Water Seepages Along Its Floorwhat Is The Warmest Sea On Earth`The Red Sea
General: Majesty And Purity`White Lily
General: Making A ____ Is The Most Common Machining Operation`Hole
General: malcolm & angus young are members of this famous australian group`ac dc
General: Malcolm X's Real Name`Malcolm Little
General: Male Is The Capital Of This Group Of Islands`Maldives
General: male vocalists: this singer's first song to find any success was please please please in 1956`james brown
General: Manchester Is The Largest City Of What (U.S.) State`New Hampshire
General: Manchester United's Home Stadium Called`Old Trafford
General: Mandy 1st All-Russian Congress Of Soviets`June 1970
General: Manfred Klauda Of Germany Has A Collection Of 9,400 (Some Dating Back To As Early As The 16th Century) Of Which Objects`Chamber Pots
General: manfred mann's`earth band
General: Mannheim Steamroller Was Named For Construction Equipment: Reo Speedwagon Got Its Name From A Make Of ___`Fire Engine
General: Man On Phone: Nurse, I Need Help! My Wife's In Labor! Nurse: Calm Down! Is This Her First Child? Man: No, It's Her`Husband
General: Man's Mind, Once Stretched By A New Idea, Never Regains Its Original Dimensions. - Oliver Wendell`Holmes
General: Mans Scarf Worn Inside An Open Necked Shirt`Cravat
General: Mantle The Official Name Of Michael Knight's Car`Knight Industries 2000
General: Man To High-Priced Lawyer. If I Give You $500, Will You Answer Two Questions For Me? Lawyer: Absolutely! What's The ___ Question`Second
General: Many Ancient Mayan Ruins Are Located On Which Peninsula`Yucatan Peninsula
General: Many Ancient Mayan Ruins, Including The Famous Chichen Itza, Are Located In What Mexican Peninsula, Which Juts Out Into The Caribbean Sea`Yucatan
General: Many Coins From The Far East Have Holes, Either Round Or Square, Right In The Center Of The Coin. What Is The Purpose Of The Hole`To Run String Through
General: Many Developing Countries Have A Waiting Period Of Six ____ Or More For A Telephone Connection, Compared With A Month In Developed Nations`Years
General: Many Hamsters Only __________ One Eye At A Time`Blink
General: Many Islands Like Hawaii And Japan Were Created When The Pacific Plate Moved Over A ____`Hot Spot
General: Many Keep Them As Pets, In Spite Of Us Laws Prohibiting This. Males Are Known As Hobs, Females As Jills. What Furry Woodlands Animal Is This`Ferret
General: many meanings: fuel, vapor, flattulence, helium. what is it`gas
General: Many People In Hong Kong Protested The Design Of The Bank Of China Building By American Architect I. M. Pei. Why`Bad Feng Shui
General: Maracaibo Is The Second Largest City In Which South American Country`Venezuela
General: Marantz Manufactures What`Stereo Equipment
General: Marcel __________ Had A Swordfish At Home`Prousthave
General: Marconi Transmitted Radio Signals Across Which Ocean`Atlantic Ocean
General: Marco Polo Was Born On The __________ Island Of Korcula (Pronounced Kor-Chu-La)`Croatian
General: Mardi Gras Is French For ___`Fat Tuesday
General: Mares' Tails Are Examples Of Which Type Of Cloud`Cirrus
General: Margaret Houlihan's Nickname`Hot Lips
General: Margaret Thatcher Becomes The First Woman Elected Prime Minister Of`Great Britain
General: Margaret Thatchers Nickname Was The ____ Lady`Iron
General: Margaret Thatcher Was What`First Woman Prime Minister
General: Marilyn Monroe Had ___`Six Toes
General: Marinated limbs of fowl`chicken wings
General: Marion Morrison Was Better Known As`John Wayne
General: Mario's First Game Appearance Was In`Donkey Kong
General: Market Price Of 1mb Simm Module ($'S)`45
General: Mark Mishon Ate 61 Of These In 7 Minutes At The Obelix Creperie`Pancakes
General: Mark, Rouble And Escudo Are All Types Of What`Currency
General: Mark Twain Said, 'When In Doubt ________'`Tell The Truth
General: Marlene Dietrich Defined 'Sex' As: 'In America An Obsession. In Other Parts Of The World A`Fact
General: Married People Do What Longer Than Unmarried People`Live Longer
General: Marsha Wash Says She's Gonna Go Out And Let Herself Get Absolutely Soaking Wet Because`It's Raining Men
General: Mary Queen Of Scots And Her Cousin Elizabeth I Were Skilled Players At What Game`Billiards
General: mash: which character walked through a mine field to rescue a lost child`john
General: Masked Pantomime Character In Diamond Patterned Costume`Harlequin
General: Massachusetts Puritans Passed America's First Law Against ________ In 1638`Gambling
General: Mass Murder Especially Among A Particular Race Or Nation`Genocide
General: Mathematics : If you cut through a solid sphere what shape will the flat area be`circle
General: maths: if you cut through a solid sphere what shape will the flat area be`circle
General: maths:what is considered the luckiest number worldwide`nine
General: Matt Groening, creator of the Simpsons, incorporated his initials into the drawing of---------- . M is his hair and G is his ear. Check it out`homer
General: Matthew Perry plays which character in the television series Friends`chandler
General: Mauna Loa In Hawaii Is An Example Of Which Type Of Volcano`Shield
General: Mauritania Is In Which Continent`Africa
General: Mayborne's First Name`Harry
General: Mayfair, London Is A District Of Little Streets Near`Hyde Park
General: Mayor Of New York City From 1994 To 2002 Famous For His Success With His Zero Tolerance Policies Against Crime`Rudolph Giuliani
General: Mcdonald's In Canada Adds ? To Its Logo`A Maple Leaf
General: McDonalds: The burger stealer in a convicts outfit`hamburgular
General: McDonalds: What is their large morning meal with Eggs,Sausage,Hash Browns etc, called`big breakfast
General: Meaning 'Black Knife' In Gaelic The Dagger Worn In The Sock With Full Highland Dress`Skean Dhu
General: Meaning Empty Pride`Vainglory
General: ________ Means Empty Orchestra In Japanese`Karaoke
General: '____ __ _____' Means 'Ireland Forever.'`Erin Go Bragh
General: ____ ____ Means 'Soggy Shrub' In Navajo`Kemo Sabe
General: __________ Means To Drink Like A Duck`Dibble
General: Meant By The Cooking Term Farci`Stuffed
General: Meant In Computing Terminology By The Acronym Wysiwyg`What You See Is What You Get
General: Measured By A Geiger Counter`Radioactivity
General: mechanical device that produces a force, or thrust, along the axis of rotation when rotated in a fluid, gas or liquid`propeller
General: Media Mogul ___ ______ Owns About 2 Percent Of New Mexico`Ted Turner
General: Media Mogul Ted Turner Owns About 2 Percent Of ___`New Mexico
General: Medical Acronym: Acls`Advanced Cardiac Life Support
General: Medicine : A non-cancerous tumor is said to be`benign
General: Medicine : Hammer, anvil, and stirrup are parts of`ear
General: Medicine : In what organ of the body is insulin produced`pancreas
General: Medicine : Ulna, radius, and clavicle are types of`bone
General: Medieval Architechture Triumph: Flying`Buttresses
General: Medieval Magic And Its Origins: Divination And Auguries Made Up The Essence Of Magic In The Middle Ages. What Was Not One Of The 3 Types Of Magic Practiced (Oscitanes, Cluniastes, Fulguritiam, Aruspicinam)`Cluniastes
General: Medieval Magic And Its Origins: During The Middle Ages, Many Of The Magical Incantations Were Derived From What Legendary Persian King`Zarathustra
General: Medieval Magic And Its Origins: The Earliest Book Of Magic During The Middle Ages Was Authored By Rabanus Maurus. What Was This Book Called`De Magicus Artibus
General: Medieval Magic And Its Origins: The Magical Practice Of Drinking Blood Comes Down From Procopius, In His 'History Of Wars'. Which Group Of People Are Described As Having Originating This Practice`Germans`German
General: Meeting Place For Public Discussion`Forum
General: Mel Gibson and Danny Glover appear in which series of films`lethal weapon
General: Mel Gibson Has The Same Number Of Children In Real Life (7) As His Character Does In Which Of His Films? (The ____)`Patriot
General: melissa etheridge: melissa is from this ks city on the mo border (famous for another reason)`leavenworth
General: melissa etheridges song scarecrow was written about _______`matthew shepherd
General: Melons Are Made Up Of Approximately What Percentage Of Water`Ninety
General: Melting An __________ In Your Mouth Burns 3 Calories`Icecube
General: Members Of The Branch Of Eumetazoans Possessing Bilateral Symmetry`Bilateria
General: Men Are 6 Times More Likely To Be Struck By ____ Than Women`Lightning
General: Men Get __________ More Often Than Women`Hiccups
General: meningitis affects the`brain
General: Men _____ Longer, More Loudly, And More Often Than Women`Laugh
General: Men Sweat About __% More Than Women`40
General: Mentor Of Titan Had Two Children In The Marvel Comics, Thanos And`Ero
General: 'Mercy Killing' Is Also Known As What`Euthanasia
General: Merging The Words 'Melt' And 'Weld' Created Which Word`Meld
General: meridians converge at the`poles
General: metallica's song about the jews in egypt`creeping death
General: Meteorologists Claim They're Right __________ Of The Time`85%
General: Mexican Jumping Beans Jump Because Of A __________ Larva Inside The Bean`Moth
General: __________, Mexico, Zambia, Kiribati, Fiji And Egypt All Have Birds On Their Flags`Dominica
General: Mice, Whales, Elephants, Giraffes And ___ All Have Seven Neck Vertebrae`Man
General: Mice, Whales, Elephants, Giraffes And Man All Have _____ Neck Vertebra`Seven
General: Michael Jordan makes more money from ---------- annually than all of the Nike factory workers in Malaysia combined`nike
General: Michael Jordan Makes More Money From Nike Annually Than All Of The Nike Factory Workers In ________ Combined`Malaysia
General: Michael Myers' Mask In 'Halloween' Was Made From The Novelty Halloween Mask Of What Well-Known Actor`William Shatner
General: Michigan State University Is Located In What City`East Lansing
General: Microbes That Thrive Without Sunlight Or Oxygen, And Which, It Is Thought, Could Survive On Mars, Have Been Found In ___ Springs In Idaho`Geothermal
General: Microsoft's Gates And Allen Licensed Basic For The Mits Altair. What Does Mits Stand For`Micro Instrumentation And Telemetry Systems
General: Midland Bank Changed Its Name To Hsbc, What Do These Initials Stand For`Hong Kong And Shanghai Bank Corporation
General: Mike Spann Is Slotted To Become The 79th Star On The Cia's ____ __`Wall Of Honour He Was Also The First American Fatality In Afghanastan
General: miles davis: gil evans collaborated with miles on a rendition of this gershwin musical`porgy & bess`porgy and bess
General: military operations above the surface of the earth`air warfare
General military term for large weapons such as cannons & rocket launchers`artillery
General: Million, Billion, Trillion, _____ And`Quadrillion Quintillion
General: Millions Are Being Discarded: What Is Gold, Platinum, Palladium And Silver Being Recycled From`Cell Phones
General: minus forty degrees celsius is exactly the same as`minus forty degrees fahrenheit
General: minutiae: they told us, don't say a prayer for me now, save it till the morning after`duran duran
General: Mir Is Russia's Space Station, What Does 'Mir' Mean In English`Peace
General: misc games: a.k.a a pair of aces & a pair of eights`dead mans hand
General: misc music magic: artist that the song american pie is dedicated to`buddy holly
General: misheard lyrics: elo: medieval woman`evil woman
General: Miss Buckley Is Secretary To What Commanding Officer`General Halftrack
General: Missing From A Navel Orange`Seeds
General: Missing From The 'Venus De Milo'`Arms
General: Missouri Levied A Tax On _________ On December 20,1820`Bachelors
General: Miss Scarlet Is The Only Female Single Character In`Clue
General: Mistletoe Is The State Flower Of What State`Oklahoma
General: Mitch (City Slickers): Women Need A Reason To Have Sex. Men Just Need A`Place
General: Mixing Blue And Yellow Gives You`Green
General: Mixing Fog And Smoke Gives You What`Smog
General: Mizaru (See No Evil), Mikazaru (Hear No Evil), And Mazaru (Speak No Evil)`Three Wise Monkeys
General: M&M's stands for the last names of Forrest---------- , Sr. then candymaker and his associate Bruce Murrie`mars
General: Model Lesley Hornby Is Better Known As`Twiggy
General: Model Of 'Remote Sentry Weapon'(Aliens)`Ua-571-C
General: Modern Ballroom Dance, Of Argentinian Origin`Tango
General: modern rock: omd stands for this`orchestral manoeuvres in the dark
General: Moisture, Not Air Causes __________ To Dry`Super Glue
General: Mo Mowlam's First Name`Marjorie
General: Monaco Has The Same Flag As What Other Country`Indonesia
General: Money Is Made Of ______, Not Paper`Cotton
General: Money Is Made Of Woven__________, Not Paper`Linen
General: Mongolia Is The Largest __________ Country`Landlocked
General: Mongooses Were Brought To Hawai'i To Kill Rats. This Plan Failed Because Rats Are __________ While The Mongoose Hunts During The Day`Nocturnal
General: Monte Corno, At 9554 Feet, Is The Highest Point In Which Italian Mountain Range`Apennines
General: Months That Begin With A Sunday Will Always Have A '______ ___ ____.'`Friday The 13th
General: Months That Begin With A ______ Will Always Have A 'Friday The 13th.'`Sunday
General: Monty Python: How Did The Gladiator Die In The Colloseum In 'Life Of Brian'`Heart Attack
General: monty python lyric: and rene descartes was a drunken fart, I drink therefore I am`bruces philosophers song
General: monty python's flying circus: in the whizzo quality assortment of chocolates, item number four is crunchy frog -- a real, dead, uncooked baby frog covered with chocolate. why don't they take the bones out of it`it wouldn't be crunchy then
General: Monty Python's Takeoff On Robin Hood`Dennis Moore
General: monty python: the animal with pointy teeth`rabbit
General: Monty Python: What Must You Shout If You See A Llama Where People Are Swimming`Look Out! There Are Llamas!
General: Monty Python: What Was The Occupation Of Dinsdale And Doug Piranha's Mother`Boxer
General: Moody Version Of Herman Melville Sea Classic, With Peck Lending A Deranged Dignity To The Role Of Captain Ahab`Moby Dick
General: Moored In Halifax Harbour Is A Replica Of This Famous Schooner`Bluenose Ii
General: Morbidly Obese Means Having A Body Mass Index Of __ Or More`40
General: More Addictive Than All Illicit Drugs Except Crack And Heroin Combined`Cigarettes
General: More Americans Have Died In __________ _________ Than Have Died In All The Wars Ever Fought By The United States`Automobile Accidents
General: More Effective Than Caffeine For Waking Up In The Morning`Apples
General: More Men Than Women Commit Suicide In The ______`United States
General: More _____ Money Is Printed In A Year, Than Real Money Printed Throughout The World`Monopoly
General: More Money Is Spent On __________ Than On Any Other Hobby`Gardening
General: More People Are Killed By _______ Annually Than Are Killed In Plane Crashes`Donkeys
General: More People Speak English In _____ Than The United States`China
General: More People Use __________ Toothbrushes Than Red Ones`Blue
General: More Redheads Are Born In Scotland Than In Any Other Country: What Percent Of The Scottish Population Has Red Hair`11%
General: More Redheads Are Born In __________ Than In Any Other Country: 11 Percent Of Its Population Has Red Hair`Scotland
General: More Steel In The U.S. Is Used To Make ______ ____ Than To Manufacture Automobile Bodies`Bottle Caps
General: More Than 1,000 Languages Are Spoken In`Africa
General: More Than 100 Descendants Of Johann Sebastian Bach Have Been __________ Organists`Cathedral
General: More Than 10 Percent Of All The __________ Produced Annually In The World Is Used To De-Ice American Roads`Salt
General: More Than 1,500 New Species Have Been Discovered In __________ ______ In The Past 10 Years`Australian Waters
General: More Than 25,000 American Indians Reside In ___ ____`New York City
General: More Than 25,000 ________ _______ Reside In New York City`American Indians
General: More Than 75% Of All The Countries In The World Are North Of The`Equator
General: More Than __________ Descendants Of Johann Sebastian Bach Have Been Cathedral Organists`One Hundred
General: More Than Half Of The World's Animal Groups Are Found Only In ___`The Sea
General: More Than __________ Of All The Countries In The World Are North Of The Equator`75%
General: More Than One Half Of New Brunswick Is Surrounded By`Water
General: More Than One-Third,38 Percent, Of Adults Have Lied About What Something`Cost
General: More Water Flows Over _____ _____Every Year Than Over Any Other Falls On Earth`Niagara Falls
General: Morphine And Codeine Can Be Found (In Small Amounts) In What Flowers Seed`Poppy Seeds`Poppy`The Poppy
General: morrissey: name the tune: rejection is one thing, but rejection`I dont mind if you forget me
General: Most American-Made Car Horns Beep In The Tone Of '_.'`F
General: Most Arousing Season`Fall`Autumn
General: Most Digital Watches Have Lcd Displays, What Does Lcd Mean`Liquid Crystal Display
General: most dust particles in your house are made from`dead skin
General: Most Fossils Are Found In This Type Of Rock`Sedimentary
General: Most Ice Boats Are Triangular In Shapebut The Great South Bay Scooter Is What Shape`Oval
General: Most Important American Base In The Vietnam War`Da Nang
General: Most __________ _____ In The United States Are Under 5 Miles`Automobile Trips
General: Most Lipsticks Contain ____`Fish Scales
General: Most Men Do This Each Morning, Using A Razor`Shave
General: Most Of The Energy Of Our Bodies Is Derived From The Oxidation Of Which Chemical Element`Carbon
General: Most People Blink About How Many Times A Day`25,000
General: Most people wear a watch on their ____ wrist`left
General: Most Porcelain Dentures Have This 'Nuclear' Property`Radioactivity
General: Most Toilets Flush In This Key`E Flat
General: motor he was the formula 1 champion from brazil in 1972 and 1974`emerson fittipaldi
General: Mount Victoria Is The Highest Peak Of This Island Country`Fiji
General: moussaka is a traditional dish from which country`greece
General: ______ _____ Move Faster Uphill Than Downhill`Forest Fires
General: Movement Of His New World Symphony`Yankee Doodle
General: movie directors: the fisher king, brazil, time bandits`gilliam
General: movie featuring a ode to wally world's marty moose`national lampoons vacation
General: movie lines: drive carefully, don't forget to fasten your condom`father of the bride
General: movie lines: I promise that I will lose, for at least an hour`maverick
General: movies & bangles cold season hit from _less than zero_ starring robert downey, jr`hazy shade of winter
General: movies: donald duck comics were banned in finland because he didn't wear`pants
General: movies: his films include: spartacus, the vikings, and ulysses`kirk douglas
General: movies: in the film 'hackers', how old was 'zero_kool' when he was first arrested`eleven
General: movies & music jazzy jeff & the fresh prince did a parody of this horror flick with englund`nightmare on elm street
General: movies: name the disney cartoon in which the character belle appears`beauty and the beast
General: Movies /TV:Which colourful cat was sought by Inspector Clouseau`pink panther
General: movies: what famous animal character called skull island home`king kong
General: movies:what hollywood studio released doctor zhivago, ben-hur and gigi`mgm
General: movies:what planet gave birth to superman`krypton
General: movie tag lines: 1995: what kind of man would defy a king`braveheart
General: movie tag lines2: 1940: walt disney's technicolor feature triumph`fantasia
General: movie tag lines 2: 1995: a little pig goes a long way`babe
General: movie that featured the song born free`born free
General: movie that features: snowy mountain cannibalism`alive
General: movie theme songs: movie that featured (don't you) forget about me`breakfast club
General: movie trivia: mgm is an acronym for this`metro goldwyn mayer
General: movie trivia: rock hudson's real last name`fitzgerald
General: moving anti-clockwise on a dartboard, what is the number next to '4'`eighteen
General: mozzarella cheese was originally made from the milk of what animal`buffalo
General: 'Mpd'`Multiple Personality Disorder
General: Mr ___ ___ Is Celebrating His 50th Birthday In 2002. (Hint: He's A Toy: Think 'Idaho')`Potato Head
General: 'mr. mojo risin' is an anagram for`jim morrison.
General: Mrs. White (In 'Clue'): Life After Death Is As Improbable As Sex After`Marriage
General: Mucal invader, is there no end to you`oozing
General: Much Loved By Scrabble Players, What Kind Of Creature Is A Zebu`Ox
General: Mulder's Nickname On The X-Files`Spooky
General: Munich, Germany Is Called The Monaco Of Bavaria By The`Italians
General: muppet mania: he was the muppeteer controlling dr. floyd pepper and robin`jerry nelson
General: Murcia Is A Region In Which European Country`Spain
General: Music : 60s Tune: ``You got a thing about you, I just can't live without you...''`elinore
General: Music : 70s Tune: He's my favorite honky`king tut
General: Music : 70s Tune: ``Lookin' back, on the track, for a ____ _____ ____, got to find...''`little green bag
General: Music : 80s Artists: Sang: you really want to hurt me`culture club
General: Music : 80s Tune: ...and now he only eats guitars`rapture
General: musical ds: frank zappas guitar-playing son`dweezil zappa
General: musical ds: this poppy metal group had a one-armed drummer after an accident`def leppard
General: musical f: country singer: if youve got the money, ive got the time`lefty frizzell
General: musical food: this band contains members eric bloom, donald roser, allen lanier, and 2 more`blue oyster cult
General: musical food: this was the first #1 song in the year 1972`american pie
General: musical h: pink floyd song detailing the recording industry's courtship of them`have a cigar
General: musical h: the musical books you would find in church pews`hymnal
General: musical l: an r&b song which catalogues many dance moves of the day`land of 1000 dances
General: musical letter f: broadway musical about mayor laguardia of nyc`fiorello!
General: musical letter v: brazil's most well-known classical music composer`hector villa-lobos
General: musical l: she had a hit in the 50s with fever`peggy lee
General: Music : All that she wants is another baby`all that she wants
General: musical l: this man wrote george benson' hit this masquerade`leon russell
General: musicals: have yourself a merry little christmas, the boy next door, trolley song`meet me in st. louis
General: musicals: kopit-yeston musical which was often confused with a lloyd webber one`phantom
General: musical s: sting's actual name`gordon sumner
General: musical weekly radio show taped in west virginia`mountain stage
General: musical w: he fronted the texas playboys? (san antonio rose)`bob wills
General: musical w: the moody blues whiny hit? (...never reaching the end...)`nights in white satin
General: music: anything for you by:`gloria estefan
General: Music : Artist: The sun goes down/The night rolls in/You can feel it starting/All over again`glenn frey
General: Music : Art Of Noise remade this popular theme song by Mancini`peter gunn theme
General: Music : Beatles First Words: First word of All My Loving`close
General: Music : Beatles First Words: First word of Strawberry Fields Forever`let
General: Music : Beatles Lyrics: She's well acquainted with the touch of a velvet hand, like`a lizard on a window pane
General: Music : Beatles Lyrics: Tell me that you want those kinds of things, that money`just cant buy
General: Music : Beatles Lyrics: You're such a lovely audience, we'd like to take you`home with us
General: Music : Beatles Song: Corporation T-Shirt, Stupid Bloody Tuesday Man, You B Y Boy:`i am the walrus
General: Music : Beatles Tune: Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey`hey jude
General: Music : Beatles: Which song did George write after being inspired by Oh Happy Day`my sweet lord
General: Music : Belly sings a song that has the same name as what fictional toymaker`gepetto
General: Music : Besides Sonny Bono, what other famous male celebrity does Cher have a child with`gregg allman
General: Music : Bleeding Heart Songs: Primus: Captain pierce was a fireman. Strong as any man alive`jerry was a racecar driver
General: Music : Boss Songs: That mentions a barefoot girl sitting on the hood of a Dodge`jungleland
General: Music : Brit Isle Bands: Formerly of the Eurythmics, now this woman is a successful solo artist`annie lennox
General: Music : Brit Isle Bands: What colour is Catherine Wheels skin, according to the song`black metallic
General: Music : Bruce Hornsby & the`range
General: Music : Category: 1993 The Year: This rock satirist died in December`frank zappa
General: Music : Category: 2nd Fiddles: Peaches and`herb
General: Music : Category: Alice In Chains: Sitting in this _____`angry chair
General: Music : Category: Alternative Music : After Jane's Addiction broke up the lead singer formed this band`porno for pyros
General: Music : Category: Alternative Music : She was the former lead singer of The Eurythmics`annie lennox
General: Music : Category: Alt Tune: She knows & she knows, she knows, she knows. And she knows..-Smashing Pumpkins`rhinoceros
General: Music : Category: Alt Tune: When your chained to the mirror and the razor blade...-oasis`morning glory
General: Music : Category: Angus Young takes his band on a highway to`hell
General: Music : Category: Artist: Hip to be Square`huey lewis and the news
General: Music : Category: Artist: I've paid my dues/Time after time/I've done my sentence/But committed no crime`queen
General: Music : Category: Artists Hometowns: RUN-DMC`queens
General: Music : Category: Artists: I'm sick of you`lou reed
General: Music : Category: Artists: Snoop Doggy Dogg's mentor`dr dre
General: Music : Category: Beatles Lyrics: If I fell in love with you, would you`promise to be true
General: Music : Category: Beatles Lyrics: to a bridge by a fountain, where rocking horse people`eat marshmallow pies
General: Music : Category: Beatles People: Bungalow Bill`lennon
General: Music : Category: Beatles People: He was the walrus`paul mccartney
General: Music : Category: Broadway Musical about the life of Jelly Roll Morton`jellys last jam
General: Music : Category: Christmas Songs: Carolers demand this food in We Wish You A Merry Christmas`figgy pudding
General: Music : Category: Christmas Songs: The last five words of the song I'll Be Home For Christmas`if only in my dreams
General: Music : Category: Declan Patrick Aloyisious MacManus is the real name of ______`elvis costello
General: Music : Category: Demented Lyrics: I don't have to think/I talk like a baby and I never buy drinks`cause im a blonde
General: Music : Category: Early Pop Rock: The first single to be released by Wings to chart in the US`give ireland back to the irish
General: Music : Category: Easy Pop: Which singer's daughter is called Lourdes Maria`madonna
General: Music : Category: Easy Pop: Which singer/songwriter received a knighthood in January of 1997`paul mccartney
General: Music : Category: Entertainment Grabbag: He wrote the theme to Peter Gunn`henry mancini
General: Music : Category: Female Vocalists: Bjork's real last name`gudmansdottir
General: Music : Category: Female Vocalists: Deee-lite's singer`lady miss kier
General: Music : Category: Frank Sinatra: For what role in From Here to Eternity did Sinatra win an Academy Award`maggio
General: Music : Category: Frank Sinatra: What is the name given to Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis and all the rest`rat pack
General: Music : Category: Frank Zappa's song Rhymin' Man is a smear on this politician`jesse jackson
General: Music : Category: Gee Music : Long-tongued member of Kiss`gene simmons
General: Music : Category: Gee Music : Ramones motto _____ _____ hey!`gabba gabba
General: Music : Category: Grease: The T-Birds got national exposure doing this`mooning
General: Music : Category: Grease: This show hosted the school's Dance Off`national bandstand
General: Music : Category: It Was 1972: Johnnie Nash had a smash with this hit`i can see clearly now
General: Music : Category: Keep On Rocking: Pearl Jam song: Mother reads aloud child tries to understand it`daughter
General: Music : Category: Lead Singers: Cracker`david lowery
General: Music : Category: Lead Singers: Derek and the Dominoes`eric clapton
General: Music : Category: Lead Singers: Midnight Oil`peter garrett
General: Music : Category: Moody Blues: A recent song asks you to not blame these for the rain`rainbows
General: Music : Category: MTV: MTV is an acronym for this`music television
General: Music : Category: Music 84: In their Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go video, Wham!'s t-shirts say this`choose life
General: Music : Category: Musical Ds: Neneh Cherry's jazz musician father (full name!)`don cherry
General: Music : Category: Musical H: Ornette Coleman's theory of improvisation is called what`harmolodics
General: Music : Category: Musical H: The Beatles made this one-word plea`help
General: Music : Category: Musical Letter F: One-hit MTV band (I ran) known as much for their hair as their music`a flock of seagulls
General: Music : Category: Musical L: Of late he's done some Taco Bell commercials: Good Golly`little richard
General: Music : Category: Musical L: She had a hit in the 50s with Fever`peggy lee
General: Music : Category: Musicals: Contains: Morning Glow, With You, Corner of the Sky`pippin
General: Music : Category: Musicals: Contains: White Christmas`holiday inn
General: Music : Category: Musical W: Early Van Halen Hit just following eruption (hint:orbison)`pretty woman
General: Music : Category: Musical Wheel: Rolling Stones: _s t__rs g_ b`as tears go by
General: Music : Category: Musical Wheel: The Clash: G_v_ _m _n__gh r_p`give em enough rope
General: Music : Category: Musical W: Please come to ______ ___ ___ ______ (ramblin boy)`boston for the winter
General: Music : Category: Name Next Lyric: (5 words) If you want to kiss the sky`better learn how to kneel
General: Music : Category: Nicknames: Crash`billy craddock
General: Music : Category: Number 1 Songs: Jackson Five's #1 lyrics about the alphabet`abc
General: Music : Category: Number One Songs: He sang Monkey`george michael
General: Music : Category: One Hit Wonders: Inspired by a classic movie of the same name, it was Bertie Higgins #8 hit`key largo
General: Music : Category: On the Edge: Tool: I feel this coming over like a storm again`h
General: Music : Category: Part of body that Roland the Thompson Gunner loses midway in a song`head
General: Music : Category: Pop Rock Music : This was totally eclipsed in Bonnie Tyler's 1983 hit`heart
General: Music : Category: Potpourri: John Rutter is best known for what genre of music`choral
General: Music : Category: Punny Cat: I could drink to this Cop Killer's tunes`ice t
General: Music : Category: Punny Cat: This 70's/80's band isn't the Air National Guard. They're just all out of love`air supply
General: Music : Category: Rap Trivia: This youthful duo had hits with Jump and Warm It Up`kris kross
General: Music : Category: Sgt Peppers Beatles Tunes: I wonder I should I get up and fix myself a drink`im so tired
General: Music : Category: Sixties Tunes: Gene Pitney hurt when he was in`love
General: Music : Category: Songs: The Indigo Girls covered this song on the Philadelphia Soundtrack`i dont want to talk about it
General: Music : Category: Tastys 80s Tunes: Name the song: ...we've got to move some microwave ovens`money for nothing
General: Music : Category: Terms: A direction to play slower, louder`allargando
General: Music : Category: Terms: A short opera`operetta
General: Music : Category: This SNL bandleader has toured with Bob Dylan and Mick Jagger`g.e. smith
General: Music : Category: Tune: Ain't gonna take none of your... foolin' 'round`i put a spell on you
General: Music : Category: Tune: Why do I crucify myself`crucify
General: Music : Certainly ironic if this sensitive songwriter really mistreated Daryl Hannah`jackson browne
General: Music : Christmas Songs: Facing my - is such a pain to me in Twelve Pains of Christmas`in-laws
General: Music : Classical Music : He was a patient of Freud's for a short time`mahler
General: music - colour my world - david bowie 'just met a girl named' this`blue jean
General: Music : Copycats: Laura Branigan, Enchantment, & Shadows of Knight all had a hit with this title`gloria
General: Music : Copycats: Nu Shooz and Stevie Nicks both sang a song with this title`i Cant Wait
General: Music : Country singer Vince`gill
General: Music : Covers: This new band performs a cool cover of Hey Hey What Can I Do by Led Zeppelin`hootie and the blowfish
General: Music : Disney Tune: Now don't close your eyes, & don't try to hide`grim Grinning Ghosts
General: Music : Drum Stuff: A cymbal that's expensive & trashy: the outside edge is flipped backwards`china
General: Music : Drum Stuff: Rudiments: R R L L R R L L (three words)`double stroke roll
General: Music : Early morning April four shots rang out the Memphis sky`pride
General: Music : Early Pop Rock: Lead singer for the Stone Canyon BAND in the late sixties`linda ronstadt
General: Music : Early Pop Rock: Little Richard's final top 40 hit before going into gospel music`oh my soul
General: Music : Elton John Songs: This track from The Fox appeared on a special Olympic cassette`breaking down barriers
General: Music : Elvis: Strange 3-wheeled car manufactured in Germany, purchased by Elvis in 1956`messerschmidt
General: Music : EMF (Unbelievable) stood for this`epson mad funkers
General: Music : Finish the song line: Hit me with your _`best shot
General: Music : Hate your Guts - Machine Gun Man - Losin' Your Mind`pride glory
General: music: heavy metal band in controversy with napster`metallica
General: Music : He's married to Valerie Bertanelli`eddie van halen
General: Music : His children are named Nancy, Frank & Christina`frank sinatra
General: Music : Howdeeee! What country performer once worked as a Minnie Pearl impersonator at Opryland`chely wright
General: Music : How did Ritchie Valens die`plane crash
General: Music : How far is it to the top 'if you wanna rock n roll' according to ac/dc`a long way
General: musician in common: musician in each of: current rush, but not original rush`neil peart
General: Music : In 1957 which actress recorded 'Tammy' from one of her films`debbie reynolds
General: Music : In 1958, this Tommy Edwards tune began Many a tear has to fall`it's all in the game
General: Music : In 1983, Frank Zappa wrote an anti _____ song`cocaine
General: Music : In 1993 why were Liz Taylor, Liza Minnelli, Guns N' Roses and Elton John all on the same London stage`freddie mercury tribute
General: Music : Indigo Girls: The IGs appeared on TAME YOURSELF, a benefit for this animal rights group`peta
General: Music : Into what instrument did the Lemon Pipers urge you to throw a dime in before you walked away`green tambourine
General: Music : In what Spin Doctors song does a man have a pocket full of kryptonite`jimmy olsens blues
General: Music : In which Disney movie did Helen Reddy sing I'll Be Your Candle On The Water`pete's dragon
General: Music : Jazz Composers: aint misbehavin`fats waller
General: Music : Jazz Composers: King porter stomp`jelly roll morton
General: Music : Jazz: He wrote the orchestral piece 'Skies of America'`ornette coleman
General: Music : John Lennon: Song: I've got no car and it's breakin' my heart`drive my car
General: Music : John Lennon: Song: War is over if you want it`happy xmas
General: Music : Lead Singers: Human League`philip oakey
General: Music : Lead Singers: Red Hot Chili Peppers`anthony kiedis
General: Music : Led Zeppelin: Oh oh oh oh oh dont have to go`dyer maker
General: Music : Literate Rock: This Zeppelin tune has references from Lord Of The Rings`ramble on
General: Music : Made In Canada: The lead vocalist/guitarist for Haze`marc albert
General: Music : Michael learns to rock has never seen such a lovely queen & says you should`paint my love
General: Music : Midnight Oil: Name the song: sat round the fire, sang like a choir`gunbarrel highway
General: Music : Miles Davis: Gil Evans collaborated with Miles on a rendition of this Gershwin musical`porgy & bess`porgy and bess
General: Music : Misheard Lyrics: Rupert Holmes: I am not into health food/I ADD HEMP TO champagne`i am into champagne
General: Music : Monty Python Songs: And his face became spotty, yes his face became spotty`brian song
General: Music : Monty Python Songs: Eating breakfast or dinner, or snack lunch in the hall`finland
General: Music : Movies & Music : Bangles cold season hit from _Less Than Zero_ starring Robert Downey, Jr`hazy shade of winter
General: Music : Movies & Music : He performed as Jack Skellington in _A Nightmare Before Christmas`danny elfman
General: Music : Movies & Music : This was the only band that showed at Waynestock in _Wayne's World 2`aerosmith
General: Music : MTV Features: The variety program in which we first met Beavis and (_(_)head`liquid television
General: Music : MTV Features: This MTV drama is often compared with The Heights`catwalk
General: Music : MTV: Owns this kid's network`nickelodeon
General: Music : MTV: This former video jockey can now be seen in skin-care commercials`martha quinn
General: Music : Musical Ds: He sang Vincent (starry starry night) & a tune everybody knows`don mclean
General: Music : Musical Food: This was the first #1 song in the year 1972`american pie
General: Music : Musical H: The musical books you would find in church pews`hymnal
General: Music : Musical L: An RandB song which catalogues many dance moves of the day`land of 1000 dances
General: Music : Name Changes: Eddie mahoney is better known as this pop singer`eddie money
General: Music : Names In Songs: What Nirvana song from Nevermind is about rape`polly
General: Music : Name the Australian pop show from the seventies & early eighties hosted by Ian Meldrum`countdown
General: Music : Name the classic band: Hey lady -- you got the love I need`led zeppelin
General: Music : Name The Composer: Symphony No. 9: An die Freude`ludwig van beethoven
General: Music : Name this song: It's 9 o'clock on a saturday... (Billy Joel)`piano man
General: Music : Nicknames: Music : Musical Nicknames:The Untouchable Sound`bill blacks combo
General: Music : Nicknames: The Tennessee Plowboy`eddy arnold
General: Music : Nine Inch Nails: God money, I'll do anything for you`head like a hole
General: Music : One Hit Wonders : Brandy, You're a Fine Girl`looking glass
General: Music : One Hit Wonders: Come On Eileen`dexys midnight runners
General: Music : On the Edge: 311: You've got to trust your instincts`all mixed up
General: Music : Parenthetical Titles: (The Wedding Song)`an acceptable level of ecstasy
General: Music : Pop Groups: First name of the younger of the two Everly Brothers`phil
General: Music : Pop Groups: She led the group Blue Angel before moving onto greater fame`cyndi lauper
General: Music : Pop Music On Film: Dolly Parton used to close her TV show with this song`i will always love you
General: Music : Purple Reign: This movie was the sequel to Purple Rain`graffiti bridge
General: Music : Ramones motto _____ _____ hey!`gabba gabba
General: Music : REM Tune: If you could see yourself now baby, the tables are turned`bang & blame`bang and blame
General: Music : Sgt Peppers Beatles Tunes: If the sun don't come, you get a tan from standing in the english rain`i am the walrus
General: Music : Sixties Tunes: Group for ``... You should see what a lovely, lovely world this could be ...''`rascals
General: music: something to talk _____ by bonnie raitt`about
General: Music : Soy un perdedor, ..., so why don't you kill me`loser
General: Music : Squeeze sings about this type of timekeeper`hourglass
General: Music Term: - (1) An orchestral piece preceding an opera, oratorio or play: (2) Since Mendelssohn's Hebrides of 1832, the overture also describes a one movement orchestral piece composed for the concert hall with a non-musical subject. This is also called the concert overture: (3) In the`overture
General: Music Term: - (1) A work for orchestra or for two or more instruments with prominent solo parts. (2) The sinfonia-concertante is a work with a form nearer to a symphony than concerto but employing solo instruments and orchestra`concertante
General: Music Term: - A 20th century concept of using two keys simultaneously, evident in Stravinsky's music`bitonality
General: Music Term: - A chord of four notes played on a bowed string instrument`quadruple stop
General: Music Term: - A closing cadence consisting of a progression of the subdominant (chord IV) to the tonic (Chord I) sounding like 'Amen'`plagal cadence
General: Music Term: - A medieval type of part-writing based on plainsong and harmonised by either one, two or three parallel parts`organum
General: Music Term: - An opera in which the principal character undergoes a test or a difficult journey, or experiences hardships before reaching his goal (e.g . Mozart's Magic Flute)`quest opera
General: Music Term: - An ornament which has two forms: (1) upper mordent (or inverted mordent): (2) lower mordent or simply, mordent`mordent
General: Music Term: - A Polish folk dance in moderate to fast 3 / 4 or 3 / 8 time. Adapted and stylised by Chopin`mazurka
General: Music Term: - A stage work giving more or less equal importance to opera and ballet (e.g. the works of Lully and Rameau in France in the 17th and 18th centuries)`opera- ballet
General: Music Term: - A stately Polish dance in moderately fast 3 / 4 time dating from at least the 16th century. Composers include Bach, but the most famous examples are the 13 written by Chopin`polonaise
General: Music Term: - A type of American-influenced light stage entertainment which succeeded the musical comedy in the mid-20th century. Now known simply as a musical. An example is Phantom of the Opera with music by Andrew Lloyd Webber`musical play
General: Music Term: - A type of metre where the beat units are divisible into three (e.g. 6 / 8, 9 / 8, 12 / 8. Opposite of simple time`compound time
General: Music Term: - A wait of indefinite length on a note or rest`pause
General: Music Term: (It.) - A display of a musical passage requiring great virtuosity by the performer`bravura
General: Music Term: (It.) - A little or light aria`arietta
General: Music Term: (It., 'changed note') - A contrapuntal device whereby a dissonant note is used when one expects a consonant one`nota cambiata
General: Music Term: (It., 'chest') - In musical contexts used as in voci di petto, chest voice`petto
General: Music Term: (It.) - Fast and lively`allegro
General: Music Term: (It.) - Getting slower`rallentando
General: Music Term: (It.) - Manner. In modo di, in the manner of`modo
General: Music Term: (It.) - Pleasantly`piacevole
General: Music Term: - Same as absolute music`abstract music
General: Music Term: - Sets of eight-note scales inherited from ancient Greece via the Middle Ages in which they were most prevalent, although they still survive today in plainsong and folk music. At the end of the 17th century the modes had been reduced to two scales, major and minor, which we know`modes
General: music term: - slower`mosso
General: Music Term: - The completion of 17th and 18th century harmony by adding a keyboard accompaniment indicated by figured bass`realisation
General: Music Term: - The symbol to determine the relative position of notes on the musical staff, placed normally at the beginning of each line, or whenever a different clef temporarily replaces the starting clef (to make notes fit more easily on the staff). There are many possible clefs (e.g`clef
General: Music : The main promoter of country music, the CMA, stands for this`country music association
General: Music : The only Canadian band to win Yamaha's International MusicQuest`haywire
General: Music : The Police: The Police did the soundtrack for this disturbing English mystery-drama`brimstone and treacle
General: Music : They opened for Men at work on their Business as Usual Tour in America`mental as anything
General: Music : This group, not Joni Mitchell, recorded the song One Tin Soldier`coven
General: Music : This Swedish group saw the sign`ace of base
General: Music : Tune: i can't understand what makes a man hate another man`people are people
General: Music : Tune: on a dark desert highway. Cool wind in my hair`hotel california
General: Music : Tune: Satin sheets are very romantic, but happen when you're not home`express yourself
General: Music : Tune : ... with long phony nails, and a hairdo that rinses`jewish princess
General: Music : Type of Music played by S. E. Rogie of Sierra Leone`palm wine
General: Music : What band played to 2.5 million people in 37 countries on its 1993 keep the faith tour`bon jovi
General: Music : What band sang the 80s song walkin' on sunshine`katrina & the waves
General: Music : what country was yoko ono born in`japan
General: Music : what dj coined the term rock & roll`alan freed
General: Music : what does the handy man fix`broken hearts
General: music : what famous classical composer continued to compose greatmusic after becoming deaf`beethoven
General: Music : What glitter rocker debuted on Broadway in 1980 in The Elephant Man`david bowie
General: Music : what group performed sultans of swing & romeo & juliet`dire straits
General: Music : what hank williams hit mourns lawd, i'm nobody's sugar daddy now`lovesick blues
General: Music : what hardcore rock group sings, 'blind' & 'clown'`korn
General: Music: What Rhythm And Blues Singer Has A Guitar Named Lucille`Bb King
General: Music: What Was Dolly Parton's First Record`Puppy Love
General: Music : Which book of the Bible was a hit for Bob Marley`exodus
General: Musophobia is the fear of`mice
General: Mussolini Invaded This Country In 1935`Ethiopia
General: mustard, ketchup and onions on a hotdog are all`condiments
General: My Brother Likes Beets But Not Spinach. He Likes Apples But Not Pears. He Likes Jeeps But Not Caravans. He Likes Sally But Not Susie. Will He Like Jimmy Or Joe`Jimmy
General: my cherie __ by stevie wonder`amor
General: My Last Breath Of Polluted Air For The Next Sixty-Five Days--Gonna Miss It--I Don't Trust Air I Can't See`Crimson Tide
General: mythology: in greek mythology, what was attributed to athena`owl
General: mythology - roman god : of prophecy`faunus
General: mythology - roman god : of wine`bacchus
General: mythology:what bird's feathers does superstition say should never be in a house as decoration`peacock
General: mythology:what fabled bird sprang to new life from the ashes of its nest`phoenix
General: mythology:what was the food of the greek gods called`ambrosia
General: N. African dish of cracked wheat steamed over broth`couscous
General: name 1 of the 3 well known female sex symbols in myra breckinridge`farrah fawcett
General: name 70s tune: ``that's right, that's right, i'm sad and blue cuz I can't do that boogaloo.''`gimme dat ding
General: Name A Country Which Has The Same Name As A Bird`Turkey
General: name africa's biggest five animals in alphabetical order`buffalo, elephant, leopard, lion, rhinoceros
General: Name A Legume That Has A Name That Makes It Sound Like It Should Go Out To Sea`Navy Bean
General: name alley oop's girl friend`oola
General: Name A Mainland South American Country Where Cars Are Normally Driven On The Left Hand Side Of The Road`Guyana
General: Name An Early Kind Of Clock`The Water Clock
General: Name An English Magistrate Position`An Alderman
General: name a pituitary secretion essential for normal growth and metabolism`human growth hormone
General: Name Australia's First 'Girlie' Magazine, Launched In 1936`Men
General: Name both of the planets that can be seen, from the Earth, 'in transit' - i.e. passing in front of the sun`mercury & venus`mercury and venus
General: Name Canada's Fourth Largest Province`Alberta
General: Named After A European Country, Which Strait Lies Between Iceland And Greenland`Denmark Strait
General: Named After A German Scientist, What Is The Unit That Measures The Strength Of A Magnetic Field`Gauss
General: name either of the last men on the moon (last name only)`cernan schmitt
General: Name Hogan's Heroes Prison Camp`Stalag 13
General: Name Howard Hughes' Large Flying Boat`The Spruce Goose
General: Name Jacques Cousteau's Research Ship`The Calypso
General: name li'l abner's favourite indian drink`kickapoo joy juice
General: Name Louis Xiv's Magnificent Palace 12 Miles West Of Paris`Versailles
General: Name Of Baretta's Pet Cockatoo Is`Fred
General: Name Of George Clinton's Corporation Which Put Out 'One Nation Under A Groove'`Parliafunkadelicament Thang
General: Name Of L.A. King's Mascot`Kingston
General: Name Of Michael Moorcock's Albino Hero`Elric
General: Name Of Otherdays' Cat Is`Missy
General: Name Of The First Space Shuttle Was`Columbia
General: Name Of The French Provincial City Most Closely Associated With Mustard`Dijon
General: Name One Of The Countries To Join The Commonwealth In 1995`Cameroon
General: Name One Of The Countries To Join The Commonwealth In 1995`Mozambique
General: name one of the major stars in chinatown`john huston
General: name one of the major stars in top gun`kelly mcgillis
General: name one of the original monkees`mike nesmith
General: Name One Of The Three Branches Of The Methodist Church That Merged In 1932 To Form The Current Church`Wesleyan`Primitive`United
General: Name One Of The Three Most Common Names In China`Chang
General: Name One Of The Three People That Broke 2000 Rushing Yards In One Season`Eric Dickerson`Barry Sanders`Terrel Davis
General: Name Oxford's Traditional Rival`Cambridge
General: Name Ronald Reagan's First Wife`Jane Wyman
General: Name that car:`gmc
General: name that car: hey jimmy`gmc
General: Name that car maker`alfa romeo
General: name that car maker: a uk super jeep class act one too`land rover
General: Name that car maker`bmw
General: name that car maker: french, they make bicycles as well`peugeot
General: name that car maker: good cheap econo job from the orient`honda
General: Name that car maker`honda
General: Name that car maker`jeep
General: Name that car maker`mercedes benz
General: name that car: ol' lord won't ya buy me... a`mercedes benz
General: name that car: speedy and nimble and quick`lotus
General: name that car: used to be datsun`nissan
General: name that celebrity: the male anchor of 20/20`hugh downs
General: name that disney movie: geppetto, monstro, jiminy cricket (watch the spelling!)`pinocchio
General: name that drink: andorian`milk
General: name that drink: apple`jack
General: name that drink: bacardi`cocktail
General: name that drink: barbary`coast
General: name that drink: bay`horse
General: name that drink: bonny`doon
General: name that drink: brain -`bloody
General: name that drink: chambord &`cognac
General: name that drink: chambord`frost
General: name that drink: dutch`coffee
General: name that drink: fire and`ice
General: name that drink: flaming`asshole
General: name that drink: flaming`blue fuck
General: name that drink: gin and`fresca
General: name that drink: half and`half
General: name that drink: liquid`cocaine
General: name that drink: maiden's`blush
General: name that drink: melon`patch
General: name that drink: molotiv`cocktails
General: name that drink: paradise`cocktail
General: name that drink: raspberry`cappuccino
General: name that drink: running`kamikaze
General: name that drink: scarlett`o'hara
General: name that drink: shot from`hell
General: name that drink: sloppy joe's`cocktail
General: name that drink: tequila`matador
General: name that drink: three stripes`cocktail
General: name that tv show: goober, floyd, opie, barney`andy griffith
General: name that tv show: will, carlton, phil`fresh prince of bel air
General: name the 1963 number-1 hit by the singing nun`dominique
General: Name The 1963 Number 1 Song That Was Sung By Kyu Sakamoto`Sukiyaki
General: Name The 1st Four-Minute Miler`Roger Bannister
General: name the actor that played the leading role in five fingers`james mason
General: Name The Astronaut That Remained In The Command Module While Neil Armstrong And Buzz Aldrin Walked On The Moon`Mike Collins
General: name the author: myra breckinridge`gore vidal
General: name the author: the drifters, tales of the south pacific, toko-ri`james michener
General: name the author: tropic of cancer`henry miller
General: name the band (besides jefferson airplane) that featured jorma kaukonne & jack casady`hot tuna
General: name the band: pigs in zen, idiots rule, ocean size`janes addiction
General: Name The Bank Patty Hearst Robbed In 1974`Hibernia
General: name the bay that is home to the america's cup yacht race`narragansett
General: name the capital of bolivia`la paz
General: name the cartoonist and creator of the love is.... series`kim casali
General: name the character described: he was just a simple farm boy: but, of course, the galaxy couldn't be saved without his help -- or the help of his two androids`luke skywalker
General: Name The Chauffeur Of The Car In Which The Princess Of Wales Died`Henri Paul
General: name the clothing wrinkle remover that sounds like a kind of metal`iron
General: Name The Columnist: 'At Wit's End'`Erma Bombeck
General: Name the computer which beat World Chess Champion Garry Kasparov in 1997`deep blue
General: Name The Crazy 'Cocoa Puffs' Bird`Sunny
General: Name The Delivery Service Operated Between Missouri And California Starting In 1860`Pony Express
General: Name The Derived Metric Unit For Power (For Example In Car Engines)`Kilowatt
General: name the desert located in south-east california`mojave desert
General: Name The Disaster In Which John Jacob Astor Died`Titanic
General: name the explosion produced when fuel is exposed to the spark`combustion
General: Name The Family Meal And Service Observed On Passover`Seder
General: Name The Famous Passageway Used By Daniel Boone And Others To Cross The Appalachians`Cumberland Gap
General: Name The Fastest Land Animal Over A Prolonged Distance (1,000 Yd. Plus)`Antelope
General: Name The Fat, Rich Detective With A Passion For Beer, Food And Orchids`Nero Wolfe
General: Name The Female Civilian Teacher Killed In The 'Challenger' Shuttle Disaster`Christa Mcauliffe
General: Name The First American League Manager To Get Thrown Out Of A Ballgame By Umpires In Both Games Of A Doubleheader`Billy Martin
General: Name The First American Tv Comedienne To Be Honoured With A Wax Figure In Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum`Cybill Shepherd
General: Name The First Automobile Racetrack In America`Indianapolis Motor Speedway
General: Name The First Black Nation To Gain Freedom From European Colonial Rule`Haiti
General: Name The First Chief Justice Of The Supreme Court`John Jay
General: Name The First City In The United States To Have A Team In The Nhl`Boston
General: Name The First Entertainment Software Imported From The Soviet Union`Tetris
General: Name The First European To Visit Cuba (Hint: It Was In The 15th Century)`Christopher Columbus (Oct 28,1492
General: Name The First Japanese Aircraft Carrier Sunk By A U.S. Submarine`Chuyo
General: name the first king to ever make an official visit to communist china`juan carlos
General: Name The First Russian Space Dog`Laika
General: Name The First Ship From Which Gulliver Was Shipwrecked In 'Gulliver's Travels'`Antelope
General: Name The First State To Join The Original 13 In The Union`Vermont
General: Name The First Woman In Space`Valentina Tereshkova
General: Name The Founder Of The Publishing Company That Established The Magazine 'Ladies' Home Journal'`Cyrus Hermann Kotzschmar Curtis
General: Name The Founder the Cult Of $cientology`L. Ron Hubbard
General: name the gallery in liverpool where john lennon met yoko ono`indica
General: name the german stock exchange index`dax
General: Name The Girl From U.N.C.L.E`April Dancer
General: Name The Grand Duchy That Is Bordered By Germany, France And Belgium`Luxembourg
General: name the group: lindsey buckingham`fleetwood mac
General: name the heaviest breed of domestic dog`bernard
General: name the hockey trophy awarded to the player demonstrating the best sportsmanship`lady byng trophy
General: Name The Implement That Removes Water From Your Windshield On Your Car`Wiper
General: name their job 2: june allyson`actress
General: name their job: harold stassen`mayor
General: name their job: jean-pierre rampal`flautist
General: name their network: alan king`comedy central
General: Name The Japanese Stock Exchange Index`Nikkei
General: Name The Large Mountain Chain In The Eastern U.S.A`Appalachians
General: Name The Large Round Nut Grown In Hawaii`Macadamia
General: Name The Largest City In The State Of Louisiana`New Orleans
General: name the largest lake in australia`lake eyre
General: Name The Largest Living Bird`Ostrich
General: Name The Largest Of The Dinosaurs`Brachiosaurus
General: Name The Largest Planet In The Solar System`Jupiter
General: Name The Last King Of Greece (Presently In Exile)`King Constantine
General: Name The Last Province To Become Part Of Canada`Newfoundland
General: Name the little elephant in books by Jean de Brunhoff`babar
General: Name The Location In Which The Show 'Picket Fences' Occurs`Rome, Wisconsin
General: Name The Location Where The Following Subcellular Process Occurs: Glycolysis`Cytosol
General: Name The Lone Ranger's Horse`Silver
General: Name The Loner Rebel Reindeer With The Red Shiny Nose`Rudolph
General: name the longest river in nigeria`niger
General: Name The Longest Venomous Snake`King Cobra
General: Name The Luigi Pirandello Play With The Number 6 In Its Title`Six Characters In Search Of An Author
General: Name The Man-Made Radioactive Metal Of The Actinide Series That Begins With The Letter A`Americium
General: Name The Man That Perfected The Revolver In America`Colt
General: Name The Marine's Ship In Aliens`Suvako
General: Name The Marx Brothers In Alphabetical Order`Chico Groucho Harpo And Zeppo
General: name the mbl team from cincinnati`cincinnati reds
General: name the mbl team from cleveland`cleveland indians
General: Name The Moody Blues First Lp`Lose Your Money
General: Name The Most North-Easterly Of The 48 Contiguou.S. States`Maine
General: Name The Most Volcanically Active Moon`Io
General: Name The Muscle At The Front Of The Shoulder And Above The Biceps Which Serve To Raise The Arm Laterally`Deltoid`Deltoideus
General: name the musical film named after a u.s. state`oklahoma
General: Name The Nation Nicknamed The 'Regaa Boyz'`Jamaica
General: Name The Naval Commander In 'The Winds Of War'`Victor 'Pug' Henry
General: Name The Nearest Star To The Earth`The Sun
General: Name The New York Yankees Catcher Killed When The Plane He Was Piloting Crashed In 1979`Thurmon Munson
General: Name The Number System Which Uses Only The Symbols 1 And 0`The Binary System
General: Name The Nyc Club Where Blondie And The Ramones Got Their Start`Cbgbs
General: Name The Oakland Freeway That Collapsed During The Oct. 19,1989 Earthquake, Crushing At Least 38 Motorists`Nimitz
General: Name The Official Residence Of New York City's Mayors`Gracie Mansion
General: name the only boxer to knock out mohammed ali`larry holmes
General: Name The Only Central American Country Without An Atlantic Coastline`El Salvador
General: Name The Only Country With A National Dog`Holland
General: name the only flexible murder weapon in the game clue`a rope
General: Name The Only Number That Cannot Be Represented By Roman Numerals`Zero
General: Name The Only President Born On July 4th`Calvin Coolidge
General: Name The Only State In The United States Where A Foreign Flag Has Never Flown`Idaho
General: Name The Only Team To Shut Out Both The Cowboys And Lions On Thanksgiving Day`Eagles
General: Name The Only Two Species That Have Sex For Pleasure`Humans And Dolphins
General: Name The Only U.S. City With Three Professional Sports Teams That All Wear The Same Colours`Pittsburgh
General: Name The Only Wild Card Team To Win The Super Bowl`Raiders
General: Name The Oppressive Hot Dry Wind On The North Coast Of Africa, That Comes From The Sahara During The Spring And Summer`Sirocco
General: Name The Organisation For Which Jim Bergerac Worked`Bureau Des Etrangers
General: Name The Pain-Inflicting Person You Go To To Get Your Teeth Fixed`Dentist
General: Name The Painting Medium Which Involves The Use Of Egg Yolks`Tempera
General: Name The Part Of Venice Know For Its Coloured Glass`Burano
General: Name The Poet: A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning`john donne
General: Name The Police Officer That Gary Crosby Played`Officer Ed Wells
General: Name The Porceilan Chair You Sit On At Least Once A Day`Toilet
General: Name The Port At The Mouth Of The River Seine`Le Havre
General: name the prominent man this mistress was involved with: camilla parker-bowles`prince charles
General: name the prominent man this mistress was involved with: lady emma hamilton`lord nelson
General: name the river that runs through khartoum, sudan`nile
General: Name The Ruling Family Of The Austro-Hungarian Empire In 1914`Habsburg
General: Name The Ship In Which Sir Ernest Shackleton Sailed To The Antarctic`Endurance
General: Name The Ship Lost Off Zuyder Zee In 1799 From Which A Famous Item Was Salvaged In 1858`Lutine
General: name the smallest of the great lakes`lake ontario
General: name the soda that is often confused with a drug`coke
General: name the song: in my car I feel safest of all`cars
General: Name The Southern-Most State Of The United States`Hawaii
General: Name The Specific Part Of The Ship That Hal Told Dave Bowman And Frank Poole Was About To Fail`Ae-35 Unit
General: Name The Statesman That Declared, Peace Is At Hand`Henry Kissinger
General: Name The 'Stop' On A Camera (One Ltr.)`F
General: Name The Street That Is Home To British Journalism`Fleet Street
General: Name The Synthetic Fabric, Introduced In The 1970s, Is Made Of Teflon`Goretex
General: Name The Team That Holds The Nhl Record For Consecutive Wins At 17`Penguins
General: Name The Ten Parts Of The Body That Have Only Three Letters (No Slang Words) In Alphabetical Order`Arm, Ear, Eye, Gum, Hip, Jaw, Leg, Lip, Rib, Toe
General: Name The Three Children On Kate And Ali`Jenny, Chip And Emma
General: Name The Throwing Event, Making Up Part Of The Ancient Greek Pentathlon, In Which A Circular Object Had To Be Thrown`Discus
General: Name The Title Which, Together With Berlin Game And London Match Completes Len Deighton's Trilogy`Moscow Set
General: Name The Treaty Of 1929 Which Recognised Papal Authority Within Vatican City`Lateran Treaty
General: Name The Two Coastal Towns Approximately 35km Apart In The Centre Of The Namibian Coastline (One Of Which Is A Fishing Port)`Walvis Bay And Swakopmund
General: Name The Two Festive Islands That Lie In The Pacific Ocean`Christmas And Easter Islands
General: Name The Two Main Families On Soap`The Tates And The Campbells
General: Name The Two South American Countries That Share The Region Called Patagonia`Chile And Argentina
General: Name The Type Of Bond Between Elements Of Different Electronegativities, Resulting In An Unequal Distribution Of Charge In The Species`Dipole
General: Name The U.S. State With The Smallest Population`Alaska
General: Name The 'Way' Of The Samurai`Bushido
General: Name The Wide Thoroughfare Leading To The Main Entrance Of Buckingham Palace`The Mall
General: Name The World's Biggest Jean Maker`Levi Strauss
General: Name The World's First Nuclear Powered Merchant Ship`Savannah
General: Name the Wright brothers 1903 plane`flyer
General: name this 60s tune: hello lamppost, whatcha knowin`feelin groovy
General: name this tune 'but above all this I wish you love`I will always love you
General: narrow saw on frame for cutting thin wood in patterns`fretsaw
General: Nasser And King Farouk Were Heads Of State Of Which Country`Egypt
General: national anthems: your feet, two oceans roar for your noble mission`panama
General: National Anthems: France: Allons Enfants Pour La Patrie, Jour De Gloire St Arrivee`La Marseillaise
General: National Bird Of Guatemala`Quetzal
General: national capitals: belgium`brussels
General: Native Africans Tell Of A Water Serpent That Haunts The Swamps Of The Nile. Larger By Far Than The Largest Python, It Is Said To Take Both Cattle And Men As Prey. It Called`The Lau
General: Native American Pocahontas Acted As A Guide To The Settlers Of The Jamestown Colony. Along What River Is She Buried`Thames
General: Native Americans Never Actually Ate ______: Killing Such A Timid Bird Was Thought To Indicate Laziness`Turkey
General: Naturally Occuring Community Of Flora And Fauna Adapted To The Conditions In Which They Occur`Biome
General: natural vanilla flavoring comes from this plant`orchid
General: Nature : Linseed oil is obtained from the seed of which plant`flax
General: Nature : These marine crustaceans often attach themselves to the hulls of ships`barnacle
General: Nature : This animal is normally measured in hands`horse
General: Nature : This animal is the symbol of the U.S. Democratic Party`donkey
General: Nature : What are the pouched animals called`marsupials
General: Nature : What is the only dog that doesn't have a pink tongue`chow
General: nature : what word is used for a male ass (other than that the word used for that last ex boyfriend)`jack
General: Navy Ranks: Stars A 'Commodore' Has`1
General: Nearly A Quarter Of The Population Of Poland Was Killed In`World War Ii
General: near what river is the temple of karnak`nile
General: Near Which German Town Would You Find Fredrick The Great's Retreat, Shloss Sanssouci`Potsdam
General: Near Which Israeli City Would You Find The Mount Of Olives`Jerusalem
General: 'Necessary Essentials' Is Ex. Of What`A Tautology
General: Necklace Of Flowers Called In Hawaii`Lei
General: Needlework Of Hooked Yarn Producing Lacy Patterned Fabric`Crochet
General: Neil Armstrong Stepped On The Moon With His ___ Foot First`Left
General: neil diamond wrote this song which was covered by tony tribe`red red wine
General: Neil Young - The Needle And The ______ Done`Damage
General: Neopharmaphobia is the fear of`new drugs
General: Nero Wolfe's Favorite Drink During Office Hours`Beer
General: Nervous As A Long-Tailed Cat In A Room Full Of ______`Rocking Chairs
General: NetHack: You cannot enter shops while carrying this tool`pick-axe
General: Netscape Developed A Security Protocol Called Ssl. What Does It Stand For`Secure Sockets Layer
General: Neture : What do oak trees grow from`acorns
General: __________ Never Gamble`Eskimos
General: Never Look A Gift Horse In The`Mouth
General: Never Underestimate The Power Of The Schwartz`Spaceballs
General: __________ Newborn Babies Will Be Dropped In The Next Month`2,500
General: Newkirk C3p0 Is The First Character To Speak In Which Film`Star Wars
General: New York City's Central Park Contains About Twice The Square Mileage Of This Country`Monaco
General: New Zealand's Rugby Team Is Know As The`All Blacks
General: nfl: oakland:`raiders
General: nhl: detroit:___`red wings
General: nicknames: stanley kirk bunrell's nickname`hammer
General: nicosia is the capital of`cyprus
General: nicotinic acid is listed on breakfast cereal boxes as`niacin
General: Night of he Hunter' was the only film directed by which actor`charles laughton
General: Nile Turns To Blood, Frogs, Lice Infest Man And Beast, Flies, Disease Strikes Livestock, Man And Beast Afflicted With Boils, Storms Destroy Crops, Locusts, Three Days Of Darkness, And The Death Of All First Born Children`Ten Plagues Of Egypt
General: Nino Culotto Was His Pen-Name. What Was His Real Name`John O'grady
General: nitrous oxide is better known as`laughing gas
General: Nm To A Sailor`Nautical Mile
General: Nomatophobia is the fear of`names
General: 'No One Ever Went Broke Underestimating The ____ Of The American Public.' - H L Mencken, American Humorist`Taste
General: Normally, How Long Is The Small Intestine`22 Feet
General: north american indians ate watercress to dissolve what in the bladder`gravel and stones
General: North American Wyvern`Alatuserpens Pili Americanus
General: Northern Or Flood ... What`Lights
General: Not All Palm 'Hearts' Are Edible. From Where Are Most Of Those Eaten In This Country Taken`From The Palmetto
General: __________, Not Caffeine, Are More Efficient At Waking Up In The Morning`Apples
General: Not Counting Minnesota, Name The Only State That Lies On Both Sides Of The Mississippi River`Kentucky
General: Not Even Mcdonald's Is This Big. What 5,520-Pound Gastronomic Monstrosity Emerged At The Outagamie County Fairgrounds In Wisconsin In 1989`Hamburger
General: Not Harmful To The Environment`Eco-Friendly
General: Nothing Stays Still In The Ring. Move Around The Bag. Watch Your Footwork`Girlfight
General: Nothing Went The Way It Was Supposed Too, But The Team, And Mankind Accomplished The Mission`Red Planet
General: November 1997 Three Weeks Of Rain Caused Severe Flooding Killing Over 2 000 People And Leaving 250 000 People Homeless. In Which Country Did This Occur`Somalia
General: November 22,1969 The Us Formally Revokes The Use Of __________ Weapons`Biological
General: Now It's ______ Not Constantinople`Istanbul
General: No Word In The English Language Rhymes With`Month
General: No Words In The English Language _____ With Orange, Silver Or Purple`Rhyme
General: Nrl: St. George Illawarra`Dragons
General: Nuclear Membrane, Cytoplasm, And Nucleus Are Parts Of A(N)`Cell
General: number 1 songs: sammy davis, jr.'s only #1 hit`candy man
General: Number Of Bathrooms In The White House`34
General: Number Of Florists On White House Staff`Five
General: Number Of Salem Witches Actually Burned At The Stake? (Hint: Most Were Hung Or Pressed To Death)`None
General: Number Of Songs Which Must Be Downloaded From The Pressplay Pay Mp3 Site, For An Artist To Receive One Penny In Royalties? (Spelled Out)`Five
General: Numbers: 1 Followed By 42 Zeroes =`Tredecillion
General: Nungatta National Park Is Nearest What Large Australian City`Brisbane
General: Nutagak, perksertok and pokaktok are Eskimo words for what`snow
General: Nutation In A Spin Means: Velocity, Rate Of Slowing, Or Wobbling`Wobbling
General: oak trees do not produce acorns until they are how old`fifty
General: Obsidian, Used By American Indians For Tools, Weapons And Ornaments, Is Dark _______ Glass`Volcanic
General: ochlophobia is the fear of`crowds
General: October 24th,1952 Saw The Signing Of This Secret Organisations Charter By President Truman. A Charter Which To This Day Has Not Been Publicly Revealed`National Security Agency
General: Oculolinctus' Is A Fetish In Which People Are Sexually Aroused By ______ A Partner's Eyeball`Licking
General: Odours That Increase Blood Flow To The _____: Lavender, Licorice, Chocolate, Doughnuts, Pumpkin Pie`Penis
General: 'Oed' Stands For What`Oxford English Dictionary
General: Of All The People Killed During The Construction Of The Empire State Building, How Many Of Them Were Highboys`None
General: Of All The Words In The English Language, The Word ___ Has The Most Definitions`Set
General: __% Of Americans Have Once Skinny Dipped With A Member Of The Opposite Sex`14
General: Offensive And Disgusting By Overfullness`Fulsome
General: Officers In Which Army Were Given Copies Of 'Les Miserables'`Confederate
General: Official taxis in London are usually what colour`black
General: Official Taxis In New York Are What Colour`Yellow
General: Of Haiti, Tahiti, Martinique Or Guadeloupe, Which Tropical Island Did Great Britain Once Consider Accepting From France In Exchange For Canada`Guadeloupe
General: Of Laurentia, Cabotia, New Britain, And Queensland, Which Was Not Suggested As The Official Name For Canada`Queensland
General: often drank, this liquid is normally harvested from female cows`milk
General: Often Said As Like But Better Liked As`As
General: often used in an sm context as disinhibitor, muscle relaxant and means of raising limits`poppers
General: of the 25 reported cases of this, 16 agreed that the cause of their condition was due to over-enthusiastic masturbation`penis fracture
General: Of The 266 Popes, How Many Died Violently`Thirty Three
General: Of The 7 Colours Of The Rainbow Which Is The Middle One`Green
General: Of The First 10 Presidents, Most Were From This State`Virginia
General: Of The Five Standard U.S. Coins On Which One Can You See The Right Ear Of A President`Penny
General: Of The Major Volcanoes Active During The 20th Century In North America, How Many Were Located In Alaska`Seven
General: Of The Word 'Fortnight' A Contraction`Fourteen Nights
General: Of What Are An Arc, Radius And Sector A Part`Circle
General: Of What Are Throat, Foxing And Platform Parts`Shoe
General: Of What Are Walrus Tusks Made`Ivory
General: of what country does the semi-desert kalahari cover 84%`botswana
General: Of What Did Aristotle Say All Things Were Made Up`Air, Earth, Fire, Water
General: Of What Does The Typical Man Have 13,000`Whiskers
General: Of What Has Alberta, Canada Been Completely Free Since 1905`Rats
General: of what is 98% of the weight of water made`oxygen
General: Of What Mineral Is Limestone Composed Of`Calcite
General: Of What Prison Was Lewis W. Laws The Warden`Sing Sing
General: Of What University Was Woodrow Wilson President Before He Became A Politician`Princeton
General: of what was charlie chaplain's cane made`bamboo
General: Of What Was Snow White's Coffin Made`Glass
General: Of What Was The First Lightbulb Filament Made`Cotton
General: Of What Were 500 Million Printed With Elvis Presley On The Face`Stamps
General: Of What Were Ancient Egyptian Pillows Made`Stone
General: Of Which British Politician Was It Said 'He Delivers All His Statements As Though Auditioning For The Speaking Clock'`John Major
General: of which country did mrs. sirimavo bandaranaike become prime minister in 1960`hungary
General: Of which fruit is pearmain a variety`apple
General: Of Which Military Incident In 1854 Did A French General Say It Is Magnificent, But It Is Not War`The Charge Of The Light Brigade
General: Of Which Pop Group Is Shirley Manson The Lead Singer`Garbage
General: Of Which Republic Was Idi Amin The Leader`Uganda
General: of which spanish province is santander the capital city`cantabria
General: Of which State was Jimmy Carter Governor before he became president`georgia
General: Oh ___ ___, A Hit By A Group Of 46 San Francisco Gospel Singers In 1969, Dates To 1755 And Is Found In The Standard Baptist Hymnal`Happy Day
General: Oh Buddah, Show Me A Sign That I Am Not Forsaken In This Foreign Land! <Body Falls Down The Chimney>`Arabian Nights
General: O.I.D.C.P.I. Slogan Of Note`Fear And Ignorance
General: oikophobia is the fear of`home surroundings
General: oil of angels`money
General: 'O.K.' Has Supposedly Been Linked Back To A Rallying Cry For The Democratic O.K. Club In 1840. What Did O.K. Stand For`Old Kinderhook
General: Ok, I'll Go, I'll Go! It's Getting A Bit Choked Up With All The Testodterone Floating About The Place, Best I Get Out Before I Start Growing A Penis`Sliding Doors
General: 'Oklahoma, Where The _______ Comes Sweepin' Down The Plain.'`Wind
General: older movies: silly comedy with dudley moore & liza minelli (freebie)`arthur
General: 'Old Faithful'`Geyser
General: Old Wives' Tales: A Little Warm ____ Will Help You Go To Sleep`Milk
General: Old Wives' Tales: ________ Are Fattening`Potatoes
General: Old Wives' Tales: _______ Are Good For Your Eyesight`Carrots
General: Old Wives' Tales: A Ring Around The ____ Means Rain`Moon
General: Old Wives' Tales: _____ Eggs Are More Nutritious Than White Eggs`Brown
General: Old Wives' Tales: If You Eat ____________ While You Are Pregnant, The Baby Will Have A __________ Birthmark`Strawberry
General: Old Wives' Tales: If You Go Out With ___ ____ You Will Catch A Cold`Wet Hair
General: Old Wives' Tales: One Hour's _____ Before Midnight Is Worth Two After`Sleep
General: Old Wives' Tales: _____ ______ Sobers You Up`Black Coffee
General: Ommetaphobia is the fear of`eyes
General: On 16th May 1975, The First Woman Mountain Climber Reached The Summit Of Mount Everest. What Was Her Name`Junko Tabei
General: On 30 March 1867, Alaska Was Officially Purchased From Russia For About 2 Cents An ______. At The Time Many Politicians Believed This Purchase Of ' Wasteland To Be A Costly Folly '`Acre
General: On A 5000 Acre Landfill At The Head Of Jamaica Bay Near New York City`John F Kennedy Airport
General: On A 7 Day Cruise The Luxury Liner Norway Will Use About 21,000`Eggs
General: On A Bingo Card Of 90 Numbers, There Are Approximately ______________ Ways To Make B-I-N-G-O`Forty Four Million`44,000,000
General: On A Dartboard, What Number Is On Top`Twenty
General: On A Darts Board What Number Is Directly Opposite 10`Fourteen
General: On a human body, hair grows out of pits in the skin. What are these pits called`follicles
General: On A Map, What Are Lines Called That Join Places Of Equal Height Above Sea Level`Contours
General: On An Analogue Clock, What Number Faces 4`Ten
General: On An Average Day How Many Hours Does An Elephant Spend Sleeping`Four
General: On April 10,1946, Women Voted For The First Time In`Japan
General: On Aug 17,1977 The Soviet Icebreaker _______ Became The First Surface Ship To Reach The North Pole`Arktica
General: On August 19,1990 Us Navy Seals Deploy To The _______ Ops Area`Kuwaiti
General: On August 2,1990 ____ Invades Kuwait`Iraq
General: On August 21 Hawaii Celebrates What Holiday`Admission Day
General: On August 26,1990 After Finishing An Encore Jam Featuring Eric Clapton, Buddy Guy And Robert Cray, His Helicopter Crashed On His Way From Wisconsin To Chicago`Stevie Ray Vaughan
General: On Average 13 People Are Killed Each Year By This Type Of Machine Falling On Them`Vending
General: On Average, An Iceberg Weighs 20`Million Tons
General: On Average, An _________ Weighs 20 Million Tons`Iceberg
General: On Average, How Many Peas Are In A Pod`Eight
General: On Average, How Many Squirts From A Cow's Udder Are Needed To Fill A Gallon Bucket`345
General: On Average, People Fear Spiders More Than They Do`Death
General: On Average, There Are 333 Squares Of _____ _____ On A Roll`Toilet Paper
General: Once Again The Lapd Is Asking Los Angeleno's Not To Fire Their Guns At The Visitors Spacecraft, You May Inadverntly Start An Interstellar War`Independence Day
General: On D-Day, Which Beach Did The Canadians Come Ashore On`Juno
General: On December 31,1970, Something Disappeared From Tv. What Was It`Cigarette Commercials`Cigarette Adds
General: One 75-Watt Bulb Gives More Light Than Three __-____ Bulbs`25-Watt
General: One __-____ Bulb Gives More Light Than Three 25-Watt Bulbs`75-Watt
General: One Good Thing About Music, When It Hits You, You Feel`No Pain
General: One Gram Of 2,4 D, A Common Household Herbicide Can Contaminate __________ Litres Of Drinking Water`Ten Million
General: One-Half Fluid Ounce Is Also`A Tablespoon
General: one hit wonders : 99 luftballoons`nina
General: one hit wonders: one hit wonders 3: don't shed a tear`carrack
General: one hit wonders: pump up the volume`marrs
General: one hit wonders : shattered dreams`johnny hates jazz
General: One Hundred Thousand Cubic Feet Of Water Pours Over The _______ _____ Every Second`Niagara Falls
General: One Hundred Thousand Cubic Feet Of Water Pours Over The Niagara Falls _____`Every Second
General: One Hundred Thousand _____ ____ Of Water Pours Over The Niagara Falls Every Second`Cubic Feet
General: One In Every _ Americans Has Appeared On Television`Four
General: Oneirophobia is the fear of`dreams
General: One Is The _________ ______ (Three Dog Night)`Loneliest Number
General: One Of America's Greatest Writers And Humorists, Samuel Langhorn Clemens, Is Much Better Remembered By His Pen Name`Mark Twain
General: One Of The Best Ways To Clean Pewter Pieces Is To Rub Them With _______`Cabbage Leaves
General: One Of The Best Ways To Clean ______ Pieces Is To Rub Them With Cabbage Leaves`Pewter
General: One Of The Best Ways To Make Yourself Feel Better When You Don't Feel So Good`Smile
General: One Of The Early 'Modern' Surgeons Operating In London In 1820 Had As His Claim To Fame That He Could ______ A Leg In 28 Seconds`Amputate, Remember, This Was Before Anesthesia Had Been Discovered Ouch!
General: one of the episodes in which mulder has fired his gun is`oubliette
General: One Of The Five Special Senses (Sense Organs) By What Odours Are Perceived`Smell
General: One Of The Flavors That Make Up Neopolitan Ice Cream`Strawberry
General: One Of The Greatest Natural Disasters Of Recent Centuries Occurred When An Earthquake Hit ______, China Killing Three Quarters Of A Million People`Tangshan
General: One Of The More Expensive Automobiles In The World`Mercedes
General: One Of The Reasons Marijuana Is Illegal Today Is Because Cotton Growers In The '30s Lobbied Against ____ Farmers - They Saw It As Competition`Hemp
General: One Of The Reasons Marijuana Is Illegal Today Is Because ______ _______ In The '30s Lobbied Against Hemp Farmers - They Saw It As Competition`Cotton Growers
General: One Of The So Called Simple Machines In Ancient Times Is The Wheel And The`Axel
General: One Of The Theories On Bigfoot Suggest It Could Be Related To Which Extinct Creature`Gigantopithecus
General: One Of The Worst Fires In American History Gutted The Twenty-Six Storey Mgm Grand Hotel In 1988. In Which City Was The Hotel Situated`Las Vegas
General: One Of The Worst Hotel Fires In History Erupts At The ___ In San Juan`Dupont
General: One Of Two Divisions Of The Autonomic Nervous System Of Vertebrates: Generally Increases Energy Expenditure And Prepares The Body For Action`Sympathetic Nervous System
General: One Ounce Of ____ Can Be Drawn To 43 Miles`Gold
General: One Ounce Of Gold Can Be _____ To 43 Miles`Drawn
General: One Out Of Every Three British Males Between The Ages Of 17 And 35 Was Killed In`World War I
General: One Pound Of Maple Syrup Can Make Eight Pounds Of Candy Or`Sugar
General: One Pound Of Maple Syrup Can Make Eight Pounds Of _____ Or Sugar`Candy
General: One Pound Of Maple Syrup Can Make _____ Pounds Of Candy Or Sugar`Eight
General: One Pound Of _____ Syrup Can Make Eight Pounds Of Candy Or Sugar`Maple
General: one ragweed plant can release as many as ____ ________ grains of pollen`one billion
General: 'One Ring To Bring Them All And In...'`The Darkness Bind Them
General: One Round Of A Polo Match Called`Chukkah
General: One Thing About These Old Guys, They Don't Leave The House With-Out Their Hair`The Burbs
General: One Thousandth Of A Second Is A`Millisecond
General: One Version Of The Gif Graphics File Format Supports Animation. What Is The Specific Name Of That Format`Gif 89a
General: On Feb. 18,1930elm Farm Ollie Was The First American Cow To Do What`Fly In An Airplane
General: On German Pottery, Which Factory's Mark Was From 1724 A Pair Of Crossed Swords`Meissen
General: On His 60's Tune The Lyrics Said 'God Told Abraham Kill Me Your Son. Abe Said Man You Must Be Puttin Me On'`Bob Dylan
General: On International Automobile License Plates, What Country Is Represented By The Letter E`Spain
General: On International License Plates, Spain Is Represented By The Letter 'E' For '______.'`Espana
General: Onions Get Their Distinctive Smell By Soaking Up ______ From The Soil`Sulphur
General: On Jan 17,1991 Operation Dessert ______ Became Operation Dessert Storm`Shield
General: On January 19th-20th Of 1915what Method Of Attack Did Forces Under The Control Of The German Navy Use To Assault London`Bombing By Zeppelin
General: On January 21, 1908, A Law Was Passed In New York City Making It Illegal For Women To _____ In Public`Smoke
General: On July 10, 1913, _____ ______ Had The Hottest Temperature Recorded In The Western Hemisphere When, In The Shade, It Reached 134o F`Death Valley
General: On July 10,1913, _____ ______ Had The Hottest Temperature Recorded In The Western Hemisphere When, In The Shade, It Reached 57 C`Death Valley
General: On July 16,1935 Oklahoma City Becomes First In Us To Use`Parking Meters
General: On July 9,1972 At Royal Festival Hall, David Bowie Announced To The Audience, 'Hello, I'm Ziggy Stardust And These Are The Spiders From ____.'`Mars
General: On June 12 1963, What Civil Rights Leader Was Shot In The Back By A Sniper`Medgar Evers
General: On June 16,1456, King Charles Vii Of France Annulled A Judgment Of Heresy Against _____________,25 Years After She Had Been Burnt At The Stake`Joan Of Arc
General: On June 30,1908, Something Huge Either Fell To Earth, Or Exploded In The Sky Above The Tungus Area In Central Siberia. Up To How Many Miles Away Were Horses Knocked Off Their Feet By This Explosion`400 Miles Away
General: Only 14% Of Americans Say They've Done This With The Opposite Sex. What Is It`Skinny Dipping
General: Only 2 Men Out Of A Company Of 235 Men Landing At Casablanca Remained By January Of 1945, A Supply Sergeant, And Medal Of Honour Winner ___ Murphy`Audie
General: Only 7% Of The Population Are ____`Left Handed
General: Only About 30 Percent Of Teenage Males Consistently Apply ___ __________ ______ When Going Poolside, Compared To 46 Percent Of Female Teens`Sun Protection Lotion
General: Only one modern olympic games was not named after the host city - The Interim Olympic games of 1906, but what city hosted it`athens
General: Only Three Grape Varieties Can Be Used To Make Champagne. Pinot Noir And Pinot Meunier Are Two. Name The Third`Chardonnay
General: On March 16, 1970, A Bidder At _______ & _______ In London Paid $20,000 For One Glass Paperweight`Sotheby & Company`Sotheby and Company
General: On March 16, 1970, A Bidder At Sotheby & Company In London Paid $20,000 For One _____`Glass Paperweight
General: On March 20 1987 What Drug Became The First Approved By The Fda For Use In Combating The Aids Virus`Azidothymidine
General: On March 26 What Holiday Is Celebrated In Hawaii`Kuhio Day
General: On March 28,1969 Dwight D. Eisenhower Died At What Hospital`Walter Reed
General: On May 11 1973, What Judge Dismissed The Charges Against Daniel Ellsberg And Anthony J. Russo For Theft And Circulation Of The Pentagon Papers`Judge William Byrne
General: On May 12,1777 The First Printed Advertisement For ______ In The Us Appears`Ice Cream
General: On May 16,1991, Queen ______________ Became The First British Monarch In History To Address Congress During Her U.S. Tour`Elizabeth Ii
General: On May 21,1911, A Mrs. Hiram Winchell Found What Crawling On Her Porch That Had Fallen During A Heavy Rainstorm`A 2 Foot Long Alligator
General: On Nov 14,1939 This Company Introduces The First Air Conditioned Car`Packard
General: On Nov 15,1998 Bombers Were Called Back From An Aerial Assault On What Country After It Again Conceeded To Allow Inspections By The Un Special Commission`Iraq
General: On November 28,1942,491 Bostonians Died At A Fire In What Nightclub`Coconut Grove
General: On October 6,1932, The State Of ____ ____ In Mexico Banned Priests As Citizens`Vera Cruz
General: On October 6,1932, The State Of Vera Cruz In Mexico Banned _______ __`Priests As Citizens
General: On October 8,1871 The Famous Chicago Fire Broke Out But On The Same Day A More Disasterous Fire Broke Out In What Mid-Western Dairy State`Wisconsin
General: On One Day At A Time, What Were The Two Daughter's Names`Barbara And Julie
General: On Opening Day Of The Mcdonalds In ______ The Drive-Thru Line Was 7 Miles Long`Kuwait
General: On Open Waters, ____________ Need About Three Miles--20 To 22 Minutes--To Stop If Doing 16 Knots`Supertankers
General: On Out Of Five High Schoolers Have An Iq Of 130 Or Higher, And Still They Do What`Drop Out
General: On Picarn Island, It Is A Criminal Offence It Shout ______ When There Is In Fact No Ship In Sight`Ship Ahoy
General: On September 27,1904, A Woman Was Arrested For Doing What In The Back Of A Car`Smoking
General: On Some Pacific Islands, _____ _____ Are Used To Make Skin Tattoos`Shark Teeth
General: On The 11th Day Of Christmas, My True Love Gave To Me`Eleven Pipers Piping
General: On The 15 ________ 1867, There Was A Severe Frost In London, And Over 40 People Died In Regent's Park When The Ice Broke On The Main Lake`January
General: On The 19th June 1996 The Discovery Of What Under The Ice Of Antarctica Was Announced`A Freshwater Lake
General: On The Andy Williams Show, What Did The Bear Like To Eat`Cookies
General: On The Average, More Animals Are Killed By Motorists Than By _______ With Guns`Hunters
General: On The Average, More Animals Are Killed By _________ Than By Hunters With Guns`Motorists
General: On The Average, There Are How Many Peas In A Pod`Eight
General: On The Banks Of The River Jumna`Taj Mahal
General: On The Banks Of Which River Is The Taj Mahal`River Jumna
General: On the chinese calendar, the year 2000 will be the year of the what`dragon
General: On The Chinese Written Language, The Ideograph That Stands For '_______' Represents Two Women Under One Roof`Trouble
General: On The Drew Carey Show What Foreign Country Did Mimi Send Drew To`China
General: on the edge: bush: it's better than the rest, green to red`machinehead
General: on the edge: nine inch nails: i'd rather die than give you control`head like a hole
General: On The Fahrenheit Scale, How Many Degrees Are There Between Freezing Point And Boiling Point`180
General: On The Fahrenheit Scale, There Are 180 Degrees Between Boiling Point And`Freezing Point
General: On The Fahrenheit Scale, There Are 180 Degrees Between Freezing Point And`Boiling Point
General: On The Flip Wilson Show, What Was The Name Of The Boyfriend Of The Character Geraldine`Killer
General: on the london underground, which station has a different name on two of its platforms`bank and monument
General: On The New York Stock Exchange, What Is The Ticker-Tape Symbol For The Anheuser-Busch Company`Bud (The Company Manufactures Budweiser Beer
General: On The Prayer Flag, Around The 'Wind Horse', Are Many Mantras (Devotional Incantations). What Is Each Mantra Dedicated To`A Particular Deity
General: On The Reverse Side Of The American Bicentennial 1776-1976 Half Dollar, What Is The Time On The Clock On Independence Hall`3: 00
General: On The Reverse Side Of The Old U.S. $100 Bill, What Time Is Shown On The Independence Hall Clock`5: 21
General: on the roseanne show, d.j. stood for`david jacob
General: ___ on the run by paul mccartney`band
General: On The Tube Map, Which Line Is Coloured Yellow`Circle
General: On The Worst Days In A __________, Up To 10 Inches (250 Millimeters) Of Rain Can Fall`Rainforest
General: On Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea, A Tv Science Fiction Show Of The 1960s, What Was The Name Of The Atomic Submarine`Seaview
General: On What Body Of Water Is The Biggest Coastline In The U.S`Pacific Ocean
General: On What Book Was 'Three Days Of The Condor' Based`Six Days Of The Condor
General: On What Date Did America Become An Independant Nation`July 4th 1776
General: On What Date Was Hiroshima Bombed? (Date, Us Format)`August 6,1945
General: On What Day Does Lent Begin`Ash Wednesday
General: On What Day Does The Spring Equinox Fall On`March 21st
General: On What Day Of The Week Did Columbus Set Sail For The New World In 1492`Friday
General: On What Day Of The Week Is Harlem's Apollo Theatre's Famed 'Amateur Night'`Wednesday
General: On What Day Of The Year Does Grouse Shooting End`December 10th
General: On What Do Approximately 100 People Choke To Death Every Year`Ballpoint Pens
General: On What Does An Artist Support His Canvas`Easel
General: On What Does The Firefly Depend To Find Mates`Sight
General: on what do honeybees have a type of hair`eyes
General: on what game show was the phrase big bucks, big bucks, no whammy, no whammy, and...stop!`press your luck
General: on what island is honolulu`oahu
General: on what island is pearl harbor`oahu
General: on what island is the blue grotto`capri
General: On What Japanese City Was The Second Atomic Bomb Dropped During World War Ii`Nagasaki
General: On What Manhattan Avenue Did Rich Guy Philip Drummond Live`Park Avenue
General: On what might you serve Bearnaise sauce`grilled meat
General: On What Month And Day Did Former U.S. Presidents Thomas Jefferson, John Adams And James Monroe Die`July 4
General: On What Mountain Are Four Presidents' Faces Carved`Mount Rushmore
General: On What Part Of The Body Were The Slaves Of Hebrew Masters Marked`Ear
General: On What Part Of Your Body Would You Wear A 'Shako'`Head
General: On What Peninsula Will You Find Gibraltar`The Iberian Peninsula
General: On What Planet Is The Largest Volcano In The Solar System`Mars
General: on what river is the capital city of canada`ottawa
General: On What River Is The City Of Lewiston`Androscoggin River
General: On What Scale Are There 180 Degrees Between Freezing Point And Boiling Point`Fahrenheit Scale
General: on what sea is the crimea`black sea
General: On What Side Should You Sleep To Improve Digestion`Right
General: On What Was Pennsylvania Incorrectly Spelled`Liberty Bell
General: On What Would You Find A Statuette Called The Spirit Of Ecstacy`A Rolls Royce
General: On Which Athens Hill Top Would You Find The Parthenon`The Acropolis
General: on which coast of australia is sydney`east
General: On Which Country Did The U.S. Declare War April 6,1917`Germany
General: On Which Day Are The Most Collect Calls Made`Father's Day
General: On Which Day Of The Week Is The Moslem Sabbath`Friday
General: On Which Day Of The Year Would You 'Firstfoot'`January 1st
General: On Which Day Was Humphrey Bogart Born (According To His Biography And Official Web Site)`25 December 1899
General: On Which Far Eastern Island Did Mick Jagger Marry Jerry Hall`Bali
General: On Which Farm Was The Site Where Johannesburg Is Today`Randjieslaagte
General: On which fictional street does 'Freddy Kruger' live out a nightmare`elm street
General: On Which Holiday Did Sid Vicious Allegedly Kill Nancy Spungeon`Columbus Day
General: on which island it is a criminal offence it shout ' ship ohoy' when there is in fact no ship in sight`picarn island
General: On Which Mode Of Transportation Would You Find A Plimsoll Line`Ship
General: On Which Motorway Are The Trowell And Woodhall Service Areas`M1
General: on which musical instrument are pibrochs played`bagpipes
General: On Which Object Would You Find A Crown, A Waist, A Sound-Bow And A Clapper`Bell
General: On Which Racecourse Is The Kentucky Derby Run`Churchill Downs
General: On Which Racecourse Is The Lincoln Handicap Run`Doncaster
General: On which river was Rome built`tiber
General: On Which Scale Is The Speed Of Sound Measured`Mach
General: On Which Scottish Island Is The Malt Whisky, Talisker, Produced`Skye
General: On which side of the road do the Japanese drive`left
General: On Which Subject Did Richard Strauss Wrote A 'Gay Viennese Ballet'`Whipped Cream
General: On Which U. S. River Is The Grand Coulee Dam`Columbia
General: On Wings, What Were The Names Of The 2 Airlines At The Airport`Sandpiper Air And Aeromass
General: Open Embroidery On Usually White Cotton Or Linen`Broderie Anglaise
General: ophelia is the love of what shakespearean character`hamlet
General: Opposition To The Jewish Race Called`Anti-Semitism
General: Oprah Winfrey Has Two Cocker Spaniels Named`Solomon And Sophie
General: Organic chemistry is the study of materials that must contain what`carbon
General: Original Inhabitants Of New Zealand, Of Polynesian Stock`Maori
General : Originally made in Nimes, France, this fabric was called serge denimes`denim
General: Originally, Mr Potato (50 Years Old In 2002) Consisted Of Only A Few Parts, Including A Pipe, To Stick On A ___ Potato`Real
General: Originally, The Mcilhenny Family, Of Avery Island, La, Produced Salt: When That Market Dried Up, They Turned To The Product Of ____ Sauce`Tabasco
General: Originally They Were Called Hertzian Waves After Heinrich Hertz. What Are They Called Now`Radio Waves
General: Original Meaning Of The Term 'Ok'`Old Kinderhook
General: Originating In 19th Century New England, Snickerdoodle Is A`Cookie
General: origins: this group's name was inspired by reports of sinatras move to the film industry`frankie goes to hollywood
General: Ornamental Work In Silver Or Gold Thread`Filigree
General: Or Or Pertaining To The Liver`Hepatic
General: Orphan Annie's Favorite Expression Was`Leapin' Lizards
General: Orpheus Went Down To Hades To Rescue His Wife. What Was Her Name`Eurydice
General: Orson Welles Narrated This Masterpiece By H.G. Wells Over The Radio, Causing Panic And Fear Amongst U.S. Citizens`War Of The Worlds
General: osteomyelitis affects the`bones
General: other than a detective, sherlock holmes was graduated in which medical area`ophthalmology
General: Other Than Martha Washington, Which Two Women Have Been Represented On U.S Currency`Pocahontas And Susan B Anthony
General: Other Than Meat, Also Known As A Leg Of Mutton`A Kind Of Sleeve
General: Other Than Pocahontas, Which Two Women Have Been Represented On U.S Currency`Susan B Anthony And Martha Washington
General: Other Than Susan B Anthony, Which Two Women Have Been Represented On U.S Currency`Martha Washington And Pocahontas
General: Other Than The New Year Festival, The Other Major Japanese Cultural And Religious Festival Called`Urabon
General: Other Than The U.K. And Eire, Name A European Country Where Cars Are Driven On The Left Hand Side Of The Road`Cyprus
General: Otto Kerner Was Governor Of What State`Illinois
General: Ouagadougou Is The Capital Of ______`Burkina Faso
General: 'Outlawed' In 1982, What Does Patco Stand For`Professional Air Traffic Controller's Organisation
General: Out Of Paper Money Made`Linen
General: Outside Of The Presidency, What Is The Highest American Political Office`President Of The United States Senate
General: Outside Which London Building Were Traffic Lights First Installed`Houses Of Parliament
General: Over 10,000 Birds A Year Die From _____ Into Windows`Smashing
General: Over 2500 People Are Killed Annually From Using Products Intended For`Right-Handed People
General: Over 60% Of All Long Distance Mass-Transit Occurs On These`Buses
General: Overhead Metal Bar Strengthening The Frame Of A Vehicle And Protecting The Occupants If It Overturns`Roll Bar
General: Over The Past 10 Years, The Average Breast Size In Europe Has Gone From A 34b To A`36-C
General: Over What Place In India Is It Forbidden To Fly An Airplane`Taj Mahal
General: Over Which Islands Did Britain And Argentina Fight In 1982`Falkland Islands
General: Over Which Islands Does The Spanish Flag Fly`Canary Islands
General: Over Which Martyrs' Relics Were The Famous Royal Fraumunster And Grossmunster Cathedrals Of Zurich Built`Felix And Regula
General: Oxygen, Silicon, Aluminium, Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium And Sodium Make-Up What Percentage Of The Earth's Crust`98%
General: Painting In Water Colour On Fresh Plaster`Fresco
General: __________ Palace Has Over 600 Rooms`Buckingham
General: ______ Palace, In Hawaii, Is The Only Royal Palace In The United States`Iolani
General: 'Papa' John Phillips, Born At The Marine Base At Parris Island, Attended The _____ Academy (Briefly), Later Had A Liver Transplant: He Died In 2001`Naval
General: paper was invented early in the second century by chinese`eunuchs
General: Paranormal Experts Say People Reach The Peak Of Their Ability To See Ghosts When They're 7 _____ Old`Years
General: Paranormal Experts Say People Reach The Peak Of Their Ability To See Ghosts When They're _ _____`7 Years Old
General: Paranormal Experts Say People Reach The Peak Of Their Ability To See ______ When They're 7 Years Old`Ghosts
General: Paranormal Experts Say People Reach The Peak Of Their _______ To See Ghosts When They're 7 Years Old`Ability
General: Paranormal Experts Say ______ Reach The Peak Of Their Ability To See Ghosts When They're 7 Years Old`People
General: parenthetical titles: (bad girls go everywhere)`good girls go to heaven
General: parenthetical titles: (everybody dance now)`gonna make you sweat
General: parenthetical titles: (sad song)`fa fa fa fa fa
General: parenthetical titles: (song for elvis)`blue moon revisited
General: parenthetical titles: (you're never gonna get it)`my lovin
General: _____________ ________ Passed America's First Law Against Gambling In 1638`Massachusetts Puritans
General: path or trajectory of a body through space`orbit
General: Patsy And Edina`Absolutely Fabulous
General: paul anka was just a teenage boy when he released this song`lonely boy
General: Pavarotti popularized Nessun dorma but what does it mean`none shall sleep
General: pearl jam: this is, this is... this is, this is... this is, this is... my`last exit
General: pearl jam: ...thoughts arrive like butterflies...oh, he don't know, so he chases them away`even flow
General: peat, lignite and bituminous are types of`coal
General: Peladophobia is the fear of`bald people
General: Penicillin is derived from what`mould
General: 'Pennsylvania' Is Spelled Wrong On The _______`Liberty Bell
General: Pennsylvania Was The First Colony To Legalize`Witchcraft
General: Penny Sved Is Penny`Erned
General: Penthouse's Sister Publication For Women`Viva
General: ____ _ _______ People - About One Of Every Eight - Are Suffering Chronic Malnutrition Today`Half A Billion
General: __ People Are Sent To The Hospital For Dog Bites Every Minute`40
General: __________ People Are Sent To The Hospital For Dog Bites Every Minute`Forty
General: ___ People Died In The Building Of Hoover Dam`112
General: People Of What Profession Use Computer Dating Services The Most`Teaching
General: People Should Be Very Free With Sex, But They Should Draw The Line At _____. --Elton John`Goats
General: people: tina turners first charted record with ike turner was this song`fool in love
General: Pepperoni Is America's Favorite Pizza Topping. What Is Japan's`Squid
General: Pepsin, lactase and amylase are types of what`enzymes
General: Per A 1995 Poll,3.9 Percent Of The _____ Surveyed Said They Don't Wear Underwear`Women
General: Per A 1995 Poll,3.9 Percent Of The Women Surveyed Said They Don't Wear`Underwear
General: Per Capita, Canada Has More ________ Shops Than Any Other Country`Doughnut
General: Per Capita, It Is Safer To Live In New York City Than It Is To Live In ____ _____,`Pine Bluff, Arkansas
General: Percent Of Piercings (Not Including Earrings) Which Result In An Infection`10
General: __ Percent Of Swedish Women Have Participated In A Threesome`Sixty Nine
General: __________ Percent Of The American Population Has Never Visited A Dentist`Forty
General: 'Perestroika' In English`Restructuring
General: Performed On Platforms Or In Huts Lighted By Lanterns. Coloured Lights Or Torchesthe Traditional Malay Drama Is Called The What`Menora
General: Perfume From The Fruit Of A Dwarf Orange Tree`Bergamot
General: Peritonitis, Affects The`Abdomen
General: Persian, Siameses and Abyssinian are types fo what`cats
General: Pet Ravens Have Been Kept On The Grounds Of The Tower Of London For Centuries, But Only One Was Ever Born In Captivity. What Was Its' Name`Ronnie Raven
General: petula clark says if you're feeling sad and lonely there's a service i can render`call me
General: phobias: acarophobia- fear of itching or of the insects that cause`itching
General: phobias: amathophobia- fear of`dust
General: phobias: atelophobia- fear of`imperfection
General: phobias: aurophobia- fear of`gold
General: phobias: aviophobia or aviatophobia- fear of`flying
General: phobias: chemophobia- fear of chemicals or working with`chemicals
General: phobias: coimetrophobia- fear of`cemeteries
General: phobias: cometophobia- fear of`comets
General: phobias: demonophobia or daemonophobia- fear of`demons
General: phobias: ecophobia- fear of`home
General: phobias: enetophobia- fear of`pins
General: phobias: euphobia- fear of hearing good`news
General: phobias: geniophobia- fear of`chins
General: phobias: gnosiophobia- fear of`knowledge
General: phobias: hadephobia- fear of`hell
General: phobias: homichlophobia- fear of`fog
General: phobias: hominophobia- fear of`men
General: phobias: homophobia- fear of sameness, monotony or of homosexuality or of becoming`homosexual
General: phobias: hydrophobia- fear of water or of`rabies
General: phobias: hyelophobia or hyalophobia- fear of`glass
General: phobias: judeophobia- fear of`jews
General: phobias: kainolophobia- fear of`novelty
General: phobias: keraunophobia- fear of thunder and`lightning
General: phobias: limnophobia- fear of`lakes
General: phobias: mycophobia- fear or aversion to`mushrooms
General: phobias: myctophobia- fear of`darkness
General: phobias: nelophobia- fear of`glass
General: phobias: neopharmaphobia- fear of new`drugs
General: phobias: oikophobia- fear of home surroundings,`house
General: phobias: onomatophobia- fear of hearing a certain word or of`names
General: phobias: ouranophobia- fear of`heaven
General: phobias: parturiphobia- fear of`childbirth
General: phobias: pyrophobia- fear of`fire
General: phobias: rupophobia- fear of`dirt
General: phobias: sarmassophobia- fear of love`play
General: phobias: soteriophobia - fear of dependence on`others
General: phobias: spectrophobia- fear of specters or`ghosts
General: phobias: taphephobia taphophobia- fear of being buried alive or of`cemeteries
General: phobias: textophobia- fear of certain`fabrics
General: phobias: virginitiphobia- fear of`rape
General: __________ Phone Calls Will Be Misplaced By Telecoms Service Every Minute`1,314
General: Physics : The rate of change of velocity is known as`acceleration
General: Physiological Systems That Enable Organisms To Live In Harmony With The Rhythms Of Nature, Such As The Cycles Of Day And Night And Of The Seasons`Biological Clocks
General: Picture Representing Word Or Syllable`Heiroglyph
General: Picturesque Cave`Grotto
General: Piece Of Land Projecting Far Into The Sea`Peninsula
General: Pieces Of Bread Were Used To Erase ____ ______ Before Rubber Came Into Use`Lead Pencil
General: Pieces Of Bread Were Used To Erase Lead Pencil Before ______ Came Into Use`Rubber
General: Pieces Of _____ Were Used To Erase Lead Pencil Before Rubber Came Into Use`Bread
General: Pie Is Heaven, And All Is Right With The World`Michael
General: piercing into the mouth from just below the center of the lower lip`labret
General: Piercing Of Holes Other Than The Ear Lobes`Body Piercing
General: piercing passing at right angles through the rim (corona) of the glans penis`dydo
General: Pierre And Marie Curie's Notebooks Were Sold In Auction In 1984, After Their _______ ______ Checked`Radiation Levels
General: pinball: this 1988 lawlor game has a vertical playfield instead of a normal backglass`banzai run
General: pinball: this premier game designer of lights, camera, action fame was once just a fan`jon norris
General: Pinball: This world champion pinball player became a programmer for Data East`lyman sheats
General: Pinchbeck Is An Alloy Of Copper And What Else`Zinc
General: Pinocchio Is Italian For '____ ____.'`Pine Eyes
General: Place: Cornwallis Is Surrounded By Greene, Washington, And Comte De Grasse:Forced To Surrender`Yorktown
General: Placed Properly, What Word Will Give You The Highest Possible Single Word Score In Scrabble - 164 Points`Quartzy
General: Plane figure with 7 sides and angles`heptagon
General: Plant community, predominantly of trees or other woody vegetation, occupying an extensive area of land`forest
General: Planting of trees in urban or desert areas`greening
General: Plant with pungent bulb used in cookery`garlic
General: Plastic Wrapping Material In Sheets Containing Numerous Air Filled Bladders`Bubble Wrap
General: Plato Founded The Academy In Athens In 398 Bc,387 Bc Or 364 Bc`387 Bc
General: played maid marian to sean connery's robin hood in robin and marian`audrey hepburn
General: plays the role of (young) rose in the the 1998 blockbuster movie titanic`kate winslet
General: Playwright ____ ____ ('A Streetcar Named Desire') Choked To Death On The Plastic Top To His Eye Medication`Tennessee Williams
General: Plo An Abbreviation For`Palestine Liberation Organisation
General: Plus fours, the type of trousers much loved by golfers, are an example of which type of men's fashion`knickerbockers
General: Plutonium Was Developed By Deuteron Bombardment Of Uranium-238 In A`Cyclotron
General: Pluto, The Astrological Sign For Death, Was Directly Above Dallas, Texas When _______Was Born`J.F.K
General: Poem Authors: Morns abed and daylight slumber`houseman
General: Point He Released The Parody 'Oh You Ate One Too' In 1988 Which Included The Song 'Cabo Wabo'`Van Halen
General: Poisoning Caused By A Toxin In Improperly Prepared Food`Botulism
General: Poisonous substance especially a pesticide`biocide
General: political system in which total power is vested in a single individual or a group of rulers`absolutism
General: politics: sudanese un secretary-general`kofi annan
General: Pollsters Say That __________ Of Dog And Cat Owners Carry Pictures Of Their Pets In Their Wallets`40%
General: Polo consists of 8 periods called what`chukkers
General: Polymerization Of A Complex Ester Makes`Polyester
General: Poor Whites In Florida And Georgia Are Called 'Crackers' Because Of The Name Of Their Principal Staple Food Which Is What`Cracked Corn
General: poprb: three of the top poprb players go to yale, in alphabetical order they are`ethan samadams sergei
General: pop rock: testament, metallica, possessed & primus all hail from this geographical area`bay area
General: port moresby is the capital of`papua new guinea
General: possessing traditionally masculine appearance, attributes and behaviors`butch
General: Posted In The Bar If You Look Carefully, What Was The Legal Capacity Of The Bar 'Cheers'`75
General: Potophobia is the fear of`alcohol
General: potpourri: he died in 1829, but his #100,000 foundation formed many major museums`james smithson
General: potpourri: he said he could come up with a minor invention every 10 days`edison
General: Potpourri: Sewing term for: Bar, Cord, Core, Filler, Hitch, Mounting, Sinnet`macrame
General: potpourri: si units of frequency`hertz
General: ___ Pound Of Maple Syrup Can Make Eight Pounds Of Candy Or Sugar`One
General: power rangers: this phrase is always said before transforming into the rangers`its morphin time
General: pp: what african country's name is from the latin for 'free'`liberia's liberia
General: pp: what arizona city was so named because it rose from the ruins of a native american town`phoenix
General: pp: what caribbean nation's tourist jingle says: one love, one heart, let's get together and feel alright`jamaica
General: pp: what city boasts the once-infamous lubyanka prison`moscow
General: pp: what frenchman designed the national flag of italy`napoleon
General: pp: what texas city along route 66 got its name from the spanish word for yellow`amarillo
General: pp: what u.s. state has an official commonwealth folk song written by resident arlo guthrie`massachusetts
General: Prayer Flags Are Designed To Fade And Deteriorate In The Elements. They Are Usually Renewed On Which Day In Tibet`Tibetan New Year
General: ____ Prefer Not To Walk Through Baby Powder`Ants
General: ______ ________, Preferred To Wagners Music, The Sounds ' Of A Cat Hung Up By Its Tail Outside A Window And Trying To Stick To The Panes Of Glass With Its Claws'`Charles Baudelaire
General: Premises used for prostitution`brothel
General: President Bush's Real Name Is`George Herbert Walker Bush
General: President Fd Roosevelt Appeared In The 1943 Comedy Princess O'rourke As What`Himself
General: Presley`Elvis
General: Presley Elvis Presley Appeared On How Many Stamps In 1993`Five Hundred Million
General: Press Forward! I _Must Have The Broadcast Energy Transmitter`Gi Joe: The Movie
General: Press Hybrid Offspring Of The Jackass (Male Ass) And The Mare, Much Used And Valued In Many Parts Of The World As A Beast Of Burden`Mule
General: Previously He Became The Oldest Wide Receiver To Ever Catch For A Touchdown And 100 Yards In A Playoff Game`Jerry Rice
General: Prince Charles And Prince William Never Travel On The Same ________ Just In Case There Is A Crash`Airplane
General: Prince Charles' Favorite Cereal`Cornflakes
General: Prince George Of England And His Brother, Prince Albert Victor, Witnessed This Legendary Ghost Ship In 1881`The Flying Dutchman
General: Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole Was The ______ Delegate To The Congress Of The United States From Hawaii`Second
General: Princess Aurora's Better-Known Name`Sleeping Beauty
General: princess bride: fezzik is played by this big guy`andre the giant
General: Princess Victoria, Duchess Of Vastergotland, Is The Heir Presumptive To The Throne Of Which European Country`Sweden
General: Prior To Becoming A Rock Star, What Was Rod Stewart's Job`Gravedigger
General: Probably The Key Figure In The Creation Of The French 'Encyclopedie'`Diderot
General: _________ Produce An Average Of Four Pounds Of Garbage Per Person Each Day`Americans
General: Produced In 1923 What Was Irish Playwrightsean O'casy's First Play`The Shadow Of A Gunman
General: Produced When A Magnetic Chip Is Put Under A Magnetic Field`Magnetic Bubble
General: __________ Produces 278,564,356,980 Eggs Per Year`China
General: _______ Produces More Than 5,000 Varieties Of Beer And Has About 1,300 Breweries In Country`Germany
General: Promotion Of Friendly Relations Between Countries`Bridge-Building
General: Pronghorn Antelopes, Native To The Sonoran Desert In North America, Can Run At What Speed (In Mph)`60
General: Property Of A Fluid That Tends To Prevent It From Flowing When Subjected To An Applied Force`Viscosity
General: Proportional To Their Weight, Men Are Stronger Than`Horses
General: Proposed In 1944, A 'Spat' Was A Unit Of Distance Equal To 1012 Metres (Ten To The Power Twelve Metres), For Use In What Science`Astronomy
General: Pugh, Pugh, Barney Macgrew, Cuthbert, Dibble And Grub Were The Firemen For Which Town`Trumpton
General: Pulkovo Airport Serves Which Russian City`St Petersburg`saint Petersburg
General: punk rock : her lucky number changed from 1 to 2`lene lovich
General: Purple Tube, Fluorescent, Sheepswool, Red Encrusting, Sulphur And Purple Vase Are All Different Types Of What`Sponges
General: pussycat sings: i've been crying today, threw my memories away, something died as I cried for my ______`broken souvenirs
General: Puzzles: A butt holder or trash in pig latin`ashtray
General: Qantas, The Name Of The Airline, Is An Acronym For`Queensland And Northern Territory Aerial Services
General: Qualcomm Makes Two Versions Of Its Popular Eudora E-Mail Software, One Freeware And One Commercial. What Are Their Names`Eudora Light And Eudora Pro
General: quality movies: 1994 film by milcho manchevski with actress katrin cartlidge in a leading role`before the rain
General: quality movies: danish director of the kingdom aka riget`lars von trier
General: Quart Bottle Or Vessel For Wine`Flagon
General: Quebec And Newfoundland Are The Only Two Canadian Provinces Which Do Not Allow`Personalised License Plates
General: Quebec Is Derived From An Algonquin Word For`Narrow Passage
General: Queen Berengaria Never Came To England, Although She Was Married To The King. Which King`Richard The First
General: Queen Elizabeth I Had A Pack Of Dogs, Each Reputed To Be Under 10 Inches Tall. What Breed Of Dog Were They`Beagles
General: Queen Elizabeth Ii Has A Special One Of These Placed On Any Car In Which She Travels`Hood Ornament
General: Queens Is A Borough Of Which City`New York City
General: queen victoria eased the discomfort of her menstrual cramps by having her doctor supply her with`marijuana
General: Queen Victoria Eased The Pain Of Menstrual Cramps With This`Marijuana
General: Queen Victoria Proposed Marriage To Her Cousin Prince Albert At Windsor In 1839. What Nationality Was He`German
General: Queen Victoria's First Act After Her Coronation Was To Remove Her Bed From Where`Her Mothers Room
General: Questions added for oBSeSSioN : During the American Revolution, the Boston Tea Party took place in ______ Harbor`boston
General: Questions added for oBSeSSioN : Forrest ____ liked shrimp`gump
General: Questions added for oBSeSSioN : How do you spell abbreviation`Abbreviation
General: Questions added for oBSeSSioN : If you look at the sun long enough, you go`blind
General: Questions added for oBSeSSioN : Multiple Meanings: Drinking utensils or sight-enhancers`glasses
General: Questions added for oBSeSSioN : Multiple Meanings: Slamming your hands together quickly, or a venereal disease`clap
General: Questions added for oBSeSSioN : True Or False: Contrary to popular belief, a lightbulb actually absorbs darkness`FALSE
General: Questions added for oBSeSSioN : True Or False: There are only virgins on the Virgin Islands`FALSE
General: Quiet Riot's Original Axeman Was`Chuck Wright
General: Quinine Is Added To Water To Make`Tonic Water
General: Quite A Year For Plums`Bailey White
General: quotations: a billion here, a billion there - pretty soon it adds up to real money`everett dirksen
General: quotations: doctors can bury their mistakes, architects can only advise their clients to plant vines`frank lloyd wright
General: quotations: do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of`benjamin franklin
General: quotations: do not wait for leaders: do it alone, person to person`mother teresa
General: Quotations: I am free of --------------. I hate everyone equally.- W.C. Fields`prejudice
General: Quotations: I can take it... The tougher it gets, the ------------- I get... - Richard Nixon`cooler
General: Quotations: If it weren't for --------------, we'd all be watching television by candlelight.- George Gobel`electricity
General: Quotations: If only I had a little -----------, I'd be perfect.- Ted Turner`humility
General: quotations: if you live to the age of a -------------- you have made it because very few people die past the age of a hundred.- george burns`hundred
General: Quotations: The hardest thing in life is to know which ---------- to cross and which to burn.- David Russell`bridge
General: Quotations: The luckiest man in the world was Adam - he had no ---------------.- Sholom Aleichem`mother-in-law
General: Quotations: The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is at all --------------.- Albert Einstein (1879-1955)`comprehensible
General: Quotations: The --------------- we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer.- Henry Kissinger`illegal
General: Quotations: You can never plan the ----------- by the past.- Edmund Burke`future
General: Quotations: You can tell a lot about a fellow's character by his way of eating ------------.- Ronald Reagan`jellybeans
General: quotations: you're soaking in it`madge
General: Quote From William Bowman'we're Just Sitting Here Trying To Put Them In A Pile And Burn Them.And The Damn Things Won't Burn.That's The Only Thing Ibm Did Right With It, They Made It Flameproof.'What Is He Talking About`Ibm Pcjr
General: quotes: a little inaccuracy saves a world of explanation`ce ayres
General: quotes: how do I love thee`elizabeth browning
General: quotes: in his private heart no man much respects himself`mark twain
General: quotes: live fast, die young, and have a good-looking corpse`nick romano
General: Quotes: Take the A Train`duke ellington
General: quotes: their's was not to reason why: their's was but to do or die`lord tennyson
General: quotes: the trouble with being punctual is that nobody's there to appreciate it`franklin p. jones
General: quotes: twas the night before christmas, and all through the house`moore
General: Rabat Is The Capital Of Which Country`Morocco
General: rabbits love`liquorice
General: Radical Russian Marxists Are Known As`Bolsheviks
General: Radiophobia is the fear of`radiation, x-rays
General: Radio Shack's Main Brand Name`Realistic
General: Ragazzo Di Via Gluck`Adriano Celentano
General: Raiders The Oakland Raiders' Motto`Commitment To Excellence
General: Railings On A Balcony Are Called A`Baulstrade
General: Rainbow's 'Deep' Axeman Was`Richard Blackmore
General: rain contains what vitamin`b12
General: Ra Is The Chemical Symbol For Which Element`Radium
General: Raku`Japanese Pottery
General: Raleigh Is The Capital Of ____`North Carolina
General: Ralph Lauren's Original Name Was _____`Ralph Lifshitz
General: Randy Travis Said His Love Was 'Deeper Than The ______'`Holler
General: Ranma's Father In Ranma 1/2 Is Transformed Into This Animal`Panda
General: Rapec`Type Of Snuff
General: rap trivia: you on point, 'tip ___ ___ ____,`all the time fife
General: reading, pa is also known as the`pretzel city
General: Real ______, Kept Below 55 Degrees F, Will Sweat When Brought Too Quickly To Room Temperature`Chocolate
General: Real World Viii (Hawaii) General:) What Foreign Country Did The Cast Visit`India
General: Real World Viii (Hawaii) General:) Which Cast Member Had The Most Sexual Partners During The Series`Teck
General: Rearrange The Letters Of 'Listen' To Form Another, Oddly Related, Word`Silent
General: __________ Recapitulation Is The Reason Our Extremities Develop Faster Than The Rest Of Us`Cephalacaudal
General: Recently Developed By Bell Labs, How Many Molecules Thick Is The Layer In The Latest Transistor Which Switches Currents Off And On`1
General: Recently, In ______, More Journalists Than American Soldiers Were Killed By Weapons Fired In Anger`Afghanistan
General: Recent Research Indicates That This President Was Ineligible To Become President, According To The Us Constitution`Chester A Arthur
General: Reconnaissance Squadron Into Where Does The 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron Fly`Tropical Storms
General: Recycling One Glass Jar, Saves Enough Energy To Watch T.V For _ Hours! Come On Guys Recycle, Look After Our Planet`Three
General: Red And Green Traffic Lights Were Introduced For The First Time In 1914 Where`Cleveland, Ohio
General: Referring To A Population In Which Two Or More Physical Forms Are Present In Readily Noticeable Frequencies`Polymorphic
General: Refusal Of A Group To Trade Or Associate With Another Group, An Individual, An Organisation, Or A Nation`Boycott
General: reggae: what was jimmy cliff's character's name in the movie, the harder they come`ivan
General: Region In Ireland Where Irish Gaelic Is The Vernacular Speech`Gaeltacht
General: Registry # Of The U.S.S. Star-Gazer`Ncc-2893
General: Relating to food of what is 'lollo biondo' a variety`lettuce
General: Relating to food what is porcini a type of`mushroom
General: Relationship Of The Two Memphis Music Phillips (Dewey, The Dj, And Sam, The Discoverer Of Elvis)`None
General: religious phenomenon in which a message is sent by god (or by a god) to human beings through an intermediary, or prophet`prophecy
General: Rembrandt's Ground Breaking Painting The Night Watch Hangs In What City`Amsterdam
General: Remembering Exactly What You Were Doing When You Heard About A Momentous Event (Like 9/11) Is Called ____ Memory`Flashbulb
General: Reminiscent Of The Charismatic Tragedy, What Offspring Of Seattle Slew Won Two Races In The Triple Crown, Only To Die At His Stable At Belmont Park After A Light Workout`Swale
General: Remove Forcibly Or Exile To Another Country`Deport
General: rem tune: make your money with exploitation, make it holy illumination`king of comedy
General: renal is a term given to things relating to or affecting which organ`kidneys
General: repetition of the initial letter (generally a consonant) or first sound of several words, marking the stressed syllables in a line of poetry or prose`alliteration
General: Reportedly, It Is Illegal To Tease A _____ In Minnesota`Skunk
General: Republic in southern central America, bounded on the north by Nicaragua, on the east by the Caribbean Sea, on the southeast by Panama, & on the southwest & west by the Pacific Ocean`costa rica
General: Reputedly The Driest Place On Earth, Where Is The Atacama Desert Located`Chile
General: Researchers Have Made Organic Substances Such As Semen And Hair Appear To ____, Allowing Investigators To Locate Potential Evidence More Quickly`Blink
General: Residents Of ______ Bet An Average Of $846 A Year In Gambling Casinos`Nevada
General: Residents Of This Country Use The Baht To Buy Things`Thailand
General: Results Of A Survey Show That 76 Percent Of Women Make Their Bed Every Day, Compared To _______ Percent Of Men`Forty Six
General: Rhythm And Syzygy Are The Longest English Words Without`Vowels
General: Richard Nixon Said About Him He Can't Ride A Bike And Fart At The Same Time`Gerald Ford
General: Richest Supermodel`Elle Macpherson
General: Rickets Is Caused By A Lack Of Which Vitamin`Vitamin D
General: Rick, I Knew You Were A Vial, Disgusting, Degenerate, But Bestiality? This Goes Beyond My Wildest Dreams`Bachelor Party
General: Right Before Baking A Baked Alaska, The Ice Cream Is Covered With What`Meringue
General: Right-Handed People Live, On Average, ____ ______ Longer Than Left-Handed People Do`Nine Years
General: Right' Wrong? It's All Relative. The World Is Changing Every Day. Why Not Be A Part Of The Team That's Controlling Those Changes, And Become Wealthy While You're At It`Task Force 2001
General: Ripley's Believe It Or`Not
General: Ripley! You Must Let Me Have It! It's A Magnificient Specimen`Alien 3
General: Rip Van Winkle's Dog's Name`Wolf
General: Rising In Lesotho And Flowing East To The Atlantic, Which Is The Longest River In South Africa`The Orange
General: Riveting Is A Method Of Joining Pieces Of What`Metal
General: Riyadh Is The Capital Of`Saudi Arabia
General: Robert Avery's First-Listed Doa Job`Rasta Man
General: Robert E. Lee Tries To Invade Pennsylvania But Suffers Heavy Casualties Against George Meade (July 1-3,1863)`Battle Of Gettysburg
General: Robert Galstyan Of Armenia Pulled Two Railroad Cars, Weighing A Total Of 199 Tons, A Distance Of 23 Feet (7 Meters) By Attaching A Rope To Which Following Body Part`His Teeth`Teeth
General: robert heinlein: rah never owned a farm, but often used this pen name`anson macdonald
General: Robodoc Is The First Robot To Help In Which Common Replacemant Operation`Hip
General: robotech: name of the alien ambassador, second in command of the alien fleet`exedore
General: Rod, Chain And Furlong Are All Units Of What`Length
General: rolling stones: how many grammy awards have the stones won`none
General: Romanian comunist president shot in december 1989`nicolae ceausescu
General: Romansche Is An Official Language Of Which European Country`Switzerland
General: Roman Statues Were Made With Detachable Whats, So That One What Could Be Removed And Replaced By Another`Heads
General: Rome Has More Homeless ___ Per Square Mile Than Any Other City In The World (Hint: Its Not People)`Cats
General: romeo and juliet : what is mercutio's long monologue about`queen mab
General: romeo and juliet : where is romeo going to go to after he is banished`mantua
General: Room Or Space Immediately Under The Roof Of A House`Attic
General: Rose Hill Was The Original Name Of Australia's Second Settlement ...What Is It Called Now`Parramatta
General: Ross Perot Received The Nomination Of Which Political Party In The 1996 Us Presidential Race`Reform
General: Roughly 40 Percent Of The Population Of The _____-_________ World Is Under 15 Years Old`Under-Developed
General: Roughly A _______ Of The World's People Live In China`Quarter
General: Roughly A Quarter Of The World's People Live In`China
General: Roy Orbison Says 'You Have To Pick Up Your Feet, You've Got A Deadline To Meet, Because You're ______'`Working For The Man
General: Rubber Underwear? Yes! Because I Saw It Once In Her Laundry Basket This Black Upper Bra Was _So Cute, Like Victoria's Secret Gone Crystal Meth`Gossip
General: Rubies Are A Red Variety Of Corundum. What Name Is Given To Corundum Gemstones Of Any Other Colour`Sapphires
General: Rudoph Dirks Gave Up 'The Katzenjammer Kids' And Began What Similar Strip`The Captain And The Kids
General: Rule Number 1 Is 'You Do Not Talk About Fight Club' What Is Rule Number 2`You Do Not Talk About Fight Club
General: rum, lime, and cola drink make a(n)`cuba libre
General: Run Away To Marry Secretly`Elope
General: Rustic Or Awkward Person`Bumpkin
General: Sage Is Now A Familiar Herb In The Kitchen. What Was Its Main Purpose In The Middle Ages`Medicinal
General: Sage Mountain On Tortola, Is The Highest Point At 1,781 Feet, Of Which British Caribbean Dependency`British Virgin Islands
General: Saint Vladimir Is The Patron Saint Of What Country`Russia
General: Salem is the capital of which US state`oregon
General: Sales Of This Product Were Down 2.8% In 2001, The First Time Since Soundscan Began Tracking Them In 1991. Which Product? (Hint: Known By Its 2 Initials)`Cd
General: Sally Ride's Scientific Calling`Physics
General: Salt Is Produced On What Southernmost Island`Great Inagua
General: Salt Lake City Is The Capital Of What State`Utah
General: Saltwater ______ Kill Over 2,000 People A Year`Crocodiles
General: S.American Cowboy`Gaucho
General: Samuel Clemens, Better Known As`Mark Twain
General: Samuel Sewall, John Hathome And William, Stoughton Were The Presiding Judges At Which Series Of 17th Century Trials`Salem Witch Trials
General: Sandburg Said The Fog Creeps In On`Little Cat Feet
General: Sandy And Bud Rick Had A Pet Pelican Named What`Pete
General: San Francisco Is Known As`Queen Of The Pacific
General: San Francisco's Original Name`Yerba Buena
General: Santa Claus (Or Father Christmas) Was A Bishop Named Nicholas. Where Did He Come From`Turkey
General: Santa Claus Reportedly Lives At The _____ Pole`North
General: santa's reindeer's names in alphabetical order are:`blitzen comet dancer dasher prancer and vixen
General: Santo Domingo Is The Capital Of`Dominican Republic
General: ______________ Sauce Is Basically An Anchovy Ketchup`Worcestershire
General: ___ ______ _______'S Black Greyhound Was Named Hamlet`Sir Walter Raleigh
General: Scalene, Isosceles And Equilateral Are All Types Of What`Triangles
General: Scandinavian Law Forbids Television Advertising Of Foods To`Children
General: Scents: Charlie and Jontue manufacturer`revlon
General: Science : Growing plants in liquids rather than soil is known as`hydroponics
General: Science : The second space shuttle was named`challenger
General: Science : What branch of science studies the motion of air and the forces acting on objects in air`aerodynamics
General: science: what is the symbol for the element oxygen`o
General: scientific study of old age, emphasizing the social and behavioral aspects of aging`gerontology
General: ________ Scientists Have Isolated 3,000 Pharmaceutically Active Substances From Marine Animals And Plants`Japanese
General: sci fi authors: david e__in_s`david eddings
General: Sci Fi Authors: _The Day Of The Triffids`john wyndham
General: sci fi: in 2061, dr. floyd's ship first lands on this object`halleys comet
General: sci fi movies: he played the captain of the guard in dune`patrick stewart
General: sci fi: the name of the invaluable spice in dune`melange
General: Scoptophobia: Fear Of Being`Seen
General: Scotch Mist Is A Type Of What`Rain
General: scrambled cereals: crie hexc`rice chex
General: scrambled cereals: drutcpo 91`product 19
General: scrambled cereals: norc sekfal`corn flakes
General: Scree Is The Term For Loose What`Rocks
General: Scuba: if a marine animal cannot be identified, a diver should`avoid it completely
General: Scurvey Is Caused By A Lack Of`Vitamin C
General: _______'S Dazzling 64-Crayon Box Was Introduced In 1958`Crayola
General: Sean Connery Once Worked As A`Coffin-Polisher
General: Sea World Of Florida Is In This City`Orlando
General: Second city: Milwaukee (state)`madison
General: Second City: Montreal`canada
General: Secretary Of Defense In The Kennedy Administration (Former Ford Ceo)`Robert Mcnamara
General: Segregation Between Roman Catholics And Calvinists In The Netherlands Was Called`Apartheid
General: Sells 286-16 Motherboards For $88`Hi-Tech Usa
General: Senator Kinsey During 'Politics' Was Chairman Of The What Committee`Appropriations
General: Senior Airline Pilots May Earn Nearly $___, ___ Annually`$300,000
General: Sent Out By The Congress Of Racial Equality In 1961, These Student Volunteers Went On Bus Trips To Test The New Laws Prohibiting Segregation In Interstate Travel Facilities. What Were They Called`Freedom Riders
General: _______ Sent The First Radio Signal Across The Atlantic In 1901`Marconi
General: Seoul Is The Capital Of Which Country`South Korea
General: September 1,1985 The Wreck Of The Rms _______ Is Located And Photographed/Video Taped`Titanic
General: Septicaemia Is Better Known As`Blood Poisoning
General: Sequel To The Pink Panther`A Shot In The Dark
General: Sesquipedalophobia is the fear of`long words
General: Seventy Percent Of House Dust Is Made Up Of Dead ____`Skin Flakes
General: Several United States Fm Radio Stations Have Obtained Domain Names Ending With The Two-Letter Prefix Fm, For Instance 97.Fm. What Country Does The .Fm Suffix Belong To`Federated States Of Micronesia
General: Sewing Term For: Bar, Cord, Core, Filler, Hitch, Mounting, Sinnet`Macrame
General: Sexagesima Is The Second Sunday Before What`Lent
General: sexual arousal from the limiting or withholding of oxygen`hypoxyphilia
General: Sexually Precocious Lyon Becomes Involved With Stolid Professor Mason, And Bizarre Sellers Provides Peculiar Romance Leading To Murder And Lust`Lolita
General: sexy canadian model for gap clothing`kennedy regio monterio
General: ____ _______'S First Screen Notes Read: 'Can't Act, Can't Sing, Can Dance A Little'`Fred Astaire
General: ______'S Full Name Is Barbara Millicent Roberts`Barbie
Generals Gowon, Abasanjo and Abacha have all been leaders of which African State`nigeria
General: sgt peppers beatles tunes: I wonder I should I get up and fix myself a drink`im so tired
General: sgt peppers beatles tunes: you should hear what they say about you... cheat cheat`baby its you
General: Shakespeare Invented The Word '_____________' And 'Bump.'`Assassination
General: Shakespeare's Lovers Romeo And Juliet Lived In Which Italian City`Verona
General: shania twain's real first name is what`ilean
General: Shape Of The Greek Capital Letter Delta`Triangular
General: She Became The Second Woman Supreme Court Justice`Ruth Bader Ginsburg
General: She Is Famous For Her Airbrushed Woman-Animal Art`Olivia
General: She Left The Streets Of Harlem A Virtual Unknown And Returned From England In 1951 With The Wimbleton Title. Name Her`Althea Gibson
General: She Looked As If She'd Been Poured Into Her Clothes And Had Forgotten To Say When. - P G ____, British Humorist`Wodehouse
General: Shel Silverstein Wrote 'Cover Of The ____ ____' For Dr Hook For The Express Purpose Of Making The Magazine's Cover`Rolling Stone
General: Shel ___________ Wrote Both 'Cover The Of The Rolling Stone' For Dr Hook, And 'Boy Named Sue' For Johnny Cash`Silverstein
General: She Overcame Her Handicaps To Become A Lecturer And A Scholar`Helen Keller
General: she overcame her handicaps to become a lecturer and a scholar`keller
General : Shepherd's pie is meat hash covered with a layer of this (2 wds)`mashed potatoes
General: she recorded such greats as i only want to be with you and wishin and hopin during the british invasion`dusty springfield
General: Sherlock Holmes: He is the 'most indispensible man in England' according to Holmes`mycroft holmes
General Sherman burned this city in 1864.`atlanta
General: She's So Unusual Was Her First Release In 1984 Which Won Her A Grammy For Best New Artist`Cyndi Lauper
General: she starred in broadcast news and the piano`holly hunter
General: she was the first woman to swim the english channel`gertrude ederle
General: she won the 1979 nobel peace prize for her work among the poor`mother teresa
General: Shock Treatment For __________ Was Once Administered By Electric Catfish`Epilepsy
General: Shop Selling Exotic Cooked Meats And Cheeses`Delicatessen
General: Short For 'Light Amplification By Stimulated Emission Of Radiation'`Laser
General: Short legged long bodied dog`dachshund
General: Show How Many Tines Are In A Standard Dinner Fork`Four
General: Shut The Fuck Up Donnie`The Big Lebowski
General: Sidewalk Acrobatics That Might ________ ______ Are Outlawed In Denver, Colorado`Frighten Horses
General: Sidewalk Acrobatics That Might Frighten Horses Are Outlawed In What Colorado City`Denver
General: Sidney Smith Dropped His First Name In Signing His Strip 'The Gumps'. What Is His First Name`Robert
General: Sid Vicious Was A Member Of What Rock Band`Sex Pistols
General: Signal Or Time After Which People Must Remain Indoors`Curfew
General: Silky Case Spun By Larva To Protect It As A Pupa`Cocoon
General: Silver Cocktail Shakers, Paintings By The Owner's Mother, A Bronze Faucet In The Men's Room: All Have Been ___ From Nyc Restaurants, By Patrons`Stolen
General: Similes: As bold as`brass
General: Similes: As clean as a(n)`whistle
General: Similes: As clear as a(n)`bell
General: similes: as cute as a(n)`button
General: Similes: As easy as`pie
General: similes: as fit as a`fiddle
General: Similes: As fit as a(n)`fiddle
General: Similes: As good as`gold
General: Similes: As loud as`thunder
General: Similes: As pleased as`punch
General: Similes: As pretty as a(n)`picture
General: similes: as quiet as a`mouse
General: Similes: As quiet as a(n)`mouse
General: similes: as sick as a(n)`dog
General: Similes: As sly as a(n)`fox
General: Similes: As smart as a(n)`whip
General: Similes: Fresh as a(n)`daisy
General: Simon Peter And His Brother Were Both Disciples. What Was The Brother's Name`Andrew
General: Simon's Rock O' Bard College Is In`Great Barrington
General: Simple Anatomy: What Is An Iris`The Coloured Part Of The Eye
General: simpsons cartoon: burns' beloved teddy-bear`bobo
General: simpsons cartoon: what is lisa's future occupation according to the cant test`homemaker
General: simpsons: what vegetable makes up the pattern on the simpson's kitchen curtains`corn
General: Since 15 Y.O. He Is Still A Well Known Hardcore Rapper Turned Actor`Ll Cool J
General: Since 1916, Mailing One Of These Through The Usps Has Been Illegal`House
General: Since 1978, At Least 37 People Have Died As A Result Of ____________________, In An Attempt To Get Free Merchandise. More Than 100 Have Been Injured`Shaking Vending Machines
General: Since Humans Are So Stinky I Couldn't Resist One More Question On Us. What Is Another Term For 'Bad Breath'`Halitosis
General: Since Moving To San Francisco, How Many World Series Have The Giants Won`Zero
General: Since The 30's Which Eurasian Country Has Had A National Network Of Radios Permanently Wired To A Central Studio, Which Distributes Only Three Stations`Russia
General: Since Traditionally An Extra Roll Was Sold With Every Twelve Rolls, This Expression Came To Describe 13 Of Any Object`Baker's Dozen
General: Singapore Lies At The End Of Which Peninsula`Malayan
General: Singapore Uses The Colours Blue And Yellow At Funerals To Ward Off`Evil Spirits
General: singer leads a group of prostitues against a ruthless pimp`love is a battlefield
General: singer's birthday: __ funicello 10/22/42`annette
General: Sirius Is Known As The ___ Star`Dog
General: sirius, the dog star, is the brightest (in apparent magnitude) star in the night sky. what is the second brightest`canopus
General: Sirocco, Mistral And Chinook Are All Types Of What`Winds
General: Six Ounces Of Orange Juice Contains The Minimum Daily Requirement For Which Vitamin`Vitamin C
General: Six Ounces Of What Contains The Minimum Daily Requirement For Vitamin C`Orange Juice
General: Six ____ Saboteurs Were Put Ashore From A Submarine, Landing On A Beach In Long Island, Ny, In 1942, Intent On Commiting Terrorist Acts In Nyc`Nazi
General: sixties tunes: gene pitney hurt when he was in`love
General: Sixty Percent Of Big-Firm Executives Said The ______ _______ Is As Important Or More Important Than The R?Sum? Itself When You're Looking For A New Job`Cover Letter
General: Skydiver's Joke: 'What If Your Parachute Doesn't Open?' You Have A Second One. What If That One Fails? Walk Towards The ____.'`Light
General: Slate Is Formed By The Metamorphosis Of`Shale
General slaughter`massacre
General: ________ Sleep Only Five Minutes At A Time, For A Total Of About 20 Minutes A Day`Giraffes
General: Slick Rick Was Dissed On By What Female Mc's`Salt N Pepper
General: Slovaks Are The Main Ethnic Group In Slovakia. Which Is Second`Hungarians
General: sl: what gonzo tennis brothers threw autographed potatoes into the crowd at an idaho match`luke and murphy jensen
General: Small Flat Emblem Worn As A Sign Of Office`Badge
General: Small Hole For Passing Cord Through`Eyelet
General: Small rectangular instrument played by blowing and sucking air through it`harmonica
General: ______'S Mate Jane's Last Name Was Parker`Tarzan
General: Smelling Bananas Or _____ ______ Can Help You Lose Weight`Green Apples
General: Smelling _______ Or Green Apples Can Help You Lose Weight`Bananas
General: smurfs: this smurf spends his day dreaming what could be`dreamy smurf
General: snakes are reptiles. what are frogs`amphibians
General: snl: when they appeared on family feud, richard dawson french kissed them`coneheads
General: sn: what animal's flesh, when sun-dried in the andes becomes a jerky called charqui`llama
General: sn: what drupaceous fruit were hawaiian women once forbidden by law to eat`coconut
General: sn: what have diameters of about one ten-thousand-millionth of a meter`atoms
General: sn: what planet has a storm system called the great red spot`jupiter
General: sn: what sticky sweetener was traditionaly used as an antiseptic ointment for cuts and burns`honey
General: So Called Because The Main Theme Of The Last Movement Is Vaguely Suggestive Of 'Croaking'what Is The Nickname Of Haydn's String Quartet In D (No. 49 Or Op.50 No. 6)`Frog Quartet
General: Soceraphobia is the fear of`parents-in-law
General: Socialist ________ Was Blamed For The Pullman Strike And Sent To Prison. He Later Ran For Presidency`Eugene V. Debs
General: Socrates Was Condemned To Death, What Was He Made To Drink`Hemlock
General: Sodium Barcarbonate Is Better Known As`Baking Soda
General: Software Created Under The Gnu Public License Is Free To Reproduce And Use But Carries Certain Restrictions. What Is This Concept Called`Copyleft
General: Software Which You Can Try Out Without Payment, Usually With Time Or Functional Limits`Shareware
General: Sold In 1977, This Was The First Computer To Come With A Joystick`Atari 2600 8-Bit Home Unit
General: Solfatara In Southern Italy Is A What`Volcano
General: Solid Thinkers: Whats A Square Circle`A Cylinder
General: Some __________ And Makeup Contain Crushed Volcanic Stone`Toothpaste
General: some animals spend the winter in a sleep-like state known as`hibernation
General: Some Compounds Of Barium Are Used To Give What Colour To Fireworks`Green
General: Some Hard-Core Crossword Puzzle Fans (Ben Bradlee For One) First Cut Out And Discard The ___ (In Order To Make It 'More Challenging')`Grid
General: Some _____ Mate Over 50 Times A Day`Lions
General: Some _______ ____ May Last As Long As 500 Years Before Wearing Out`Persian Rugs
General: Someone 'Comminutes' Your Bike. A Synonym For This Is`Pulverizes
General: Someone With Firmly Fixed Opinions Is Said To Be Dyed In What`The Wool
General: Some Persian Rugs May Last As Long As 500 Years Before _______`Wearing Out
General: Some Say That Alkaline-Based Foods (Fish And Some Meat) Can Produce A Buttery Or Fishy Tasting`Semen
General: Some Species Of Freshwater ___ Migrate To The Sargasso Sea In The Atlantic Ocean To Mate. After Laying Up To 20 Million Eggs, The Female Dies`Eels
General: Some Theorists Argue That A 'Direct Suggestion' Given To A Hypnotic Subject May Cause Problems Due To`Symptom Substitution
General: Some Time Back National Geographic Magazine Pictured Bill Gates Sitting On Top Of Something. What Was He Sitting On`Stack Of Paper
General: Some Toothpaste And ______ Contain Crushed Volcanic Stone`Makeup
General: Some Toothpaste And Makeup Contain _______ ________`Crushed Volcanic Stone
General: Sonar Man On The Dallas In Red October`Seaman Jones
General: song: heading up to san francisco for the labor day weekend show`come monday
General: Songwriter, Bernie Taupin wrote songs for which well know musician`elton john
General: _____ ______'S Original Name Was Ralph Lifshitz`Ralph Lauren
General: Sound May Have First Been Recorded In 1857 By Leon Scott In France, On A Cylinder Blackened With`Smoke
General: Sound Navigation Ranging Is Better Known As`Sonar
General: soundtracks: al green hit from the 70s that appears in pulp fiction & higher learning`lets stay together
General: South Africa Has Mines Deeper Than Any Other Country In The World, At Depths Of Almost 4 Kilometres At The`Western Deep Levels Mine
General: South Africa Is The Biggest Producer And Exporter Of`Mohair
General: Southern Slang: A green vegetable`Celery
General: Southern Slang: A place to eat what has got music`Jukejoint
General: Southern Slang: Colored vegetables what ya eat`Greens
General: Southern Slang: Government`Gummit
General: Southern Slang: Ima gonna go down yonder to the -------- and drank me some of those umbreller drinks`Beehamas
General: Southern Slang: It's jus fixin' to ---- -- - ----- (rain)`come up a cloud
General: Southern Slang: National flag`Confederate Flag
General: Southern Slang: Response for How are you doing`ahh-ight
General: Southern Slang: Sumbody from the University of Florida`Gator
General: Southern Slang: Sumbody what don't know all these here words`Egnrant
General: Southern Slang: Sum kinda fruit, probably yankees ate it or swift water`Kurant
General: Southern Slang: That there is a ---- ----, our beloved lay there`bone yard
General: Southern Slang: The best 3 years of your life`fifth grade
General: Southern Slang: The South`Heaven
General: Southern Slang: We ----- there`almos
General: Southern Slang: We wuz mairred at the ----`coat house
General: Southern Slang: Whatevers over your head`overneath
General: Southern Slang: What you did to a book`Red
General: Southern Slang: Words what can't stay still`Hypertext
General: Southern Slang: You say communist ... we say`Communist
General: South Park Fun: 'Cartman Doesn't Know A Rain Forest From A ____________!'`Pop Tart
General: southpark: what are there a lot of in china, according to mrs. cartman`black people
General: Spain Ceded Florida To Britain In Exchange For This Territory`Cuba
General: spain is the southernmost point in continental`europe
General: Spain Literally Means`The Land Of Rabbits
General: Spain's Equivalant To The Dollar Is`Euro
General: Spanish or Italian name for a bar or wine shop`cantina
General: Spanish Word For Redhead`Pelirrojo
General: Spear Like 'Creatures' That Travel Through The Air At Extreme Speeds`Rods
General: Sperm Travels At _.___ Miles Per Hour`0.001
General: Spiral slide at a funfair`helter-skelter
General: Spirit Obtained From Petroleum And Used As A Cleaning Agent`Benzine
General: Sport : Football: The Miami`dolphins
General: Sport : Hockey: The Boston`bruins
General: sports in daryl hall recorded this song specifically for the usa 94 world cup`gloryland
General: Sport : The white marks intersecting each five yard line are called`hash
General: Sport : This sport allows substitutions without a stoppage in play`hockey
General: ___________ ____'S Remedy For Warts Was Swinging A Dead Cat In A Graveyard At Night`Huckleberry Finn
General: Stacy Alert. We've Been Spotted And Are Being Pulled In By Her Tractor Beam`Wayne's World
General: Standard ________ _____ Are Printed 3? Inches Wide By 2 Inches Long`Business Cards
General: star trek classic: the lirpa is the vulcan equivalent to the terran`axe
General: star trek: deep space 9: what does keiko do for a living`botanist
General: star trek deep space 9: what does rom call his mother`moogie
General: star trek next generation: picard becomes a borg in this episode`best of both worlds
General: star wars : what do imperial ships do before jumping into hyperspace`dump their rubbish
General: star wars : what was the preferred weapon of the sandpeople`gaderffii sticks
General: State Capitals (Canada): British Columbia`Victoria
General: State Capitals (Canada): Northwest Territorries`Yellowknife
General: State Capitals (Canada): Prince Edward Islands`Charlottetown
General: State Capitals (Canada): Quebec`Quebec City
GENERAL : State of being forgotton or disregarded`oblivion
General: State The Value Of Half Of Four`Two
General: Station Which South American Country Has Both A Pacific And Atlantic Coastline`Colombia
General: Statistically Speaking, Every Day 110 Golfers Do What`Make A Hole-In-One
General: Statistically Speaking, The Most Dangerous Job In The United States Is That Of ____________`Sanitation Worker
General: Statue On Top Of Capitol Building`Statue Of Freedom
General: steely dan & donald fagen: what song is this line from: did you feel like jesus`kid charlemagne
General: Steenburgen What Sheriff Claimed To Be Walking Tall`Buford Pusser
General: stephen stills and ____ ___ failed auditions for the monkees`charles manson
General: st frideswide the patron saint of`oxford
General: St George is the patron saint of England and which other country`portugal
General: St. George's Is The Capital City Of What Island Country`Grenada
General: Stick-And-Ball Game Originating In Ireland More Than 1500 Years Ago`Shinty
General: Stock Markets On This Continent Plunged In October 1995`Asia
General: st. patrick is the patron saint of`ireland
General: Strange Beasts Are Said To Lurk Within The Jiundu Swamps Of Zambia. Known As Kongamato They Resemble What Type Of Creatures`Pterosaurs
General: Structure For Hanging Criminals`Gallows
General: Stupid One Liners-I couldn't repair your brakes so I`made your HORN louder
General: Stupid One Liners-Will you come quietly,`or shall I use ear plugs
General: St Valentines Day Was Originally What Pagan Feast Day`Lupercalia
General: Summer Of 69 Was A Hit For This Canuck In The Summer Of 1984`Bryan Adams
General: superman's hair grows incredibly long when exposed to which colour of kryptonite`red
General: Supination And Pronation Refer To The Articulation Of Which Two Bones? (List Alphabetically)`Radius And Ulna
General: Surrounding Or Blocking Of A Place By An Enemy`Blockade
General: Susan Maroney Was The First Person To Do What`Swim From Cuba To The Us
General: Swakopmund Is A Namibian Town On The Edge Of The Namib Desert. The Average Temperature Here`19 Degrees
General: Swat Teams Are So Intimidating To Criminals That 71% Of All Cases They Get Called Out For End In`Surrender
General: sweet or fermented juice of apples, used as a beverage and for making vinegar`cider
General: Sweet Polly Purebred's Love Interest`Underdog
General: _____ ___ ________'S Wife Is Named Celeste`Babar The Elephant
General: Switching Letters (E.G Saying Jag Of Flapan Instead Of Flag Of Japan)`Spoonerism
General: Switzerland's Official Neutral Name`Helvetic Confederation
General: Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 1 in Total`chile
General: Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 0 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, 2 in Total`moldova
General: Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total`cameroon
General: Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 1 Gold, 0 Silver, 0 Bronze, 1 in Total`mozambique
General: Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 2 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 3 in Total`azerbaijan
General: Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 3 Gold, 3 Silver, 8 Bronze, 14 in Total`canada
General: Sydney 2000 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 5 Gold, 8 Silver, 5 Bronze, 18 in Total`japan
General: Synonymous With Obituary: A List Of Recently Deceased`Necrology
General: System Of Compulsory Enrollment Of Men And Women Into The Armed Forces`Conscription
General: system of highways extending from alaska through south america`pan american highway
General: System Of Winds Producing Fine Weather`Anticyclone
General: Sysyem Used Especially In Tape Recording To Reduce Hiss`Dolby
General: Tablecloths Were Originally Meant To Be Served As ____ With Which Dinner Guests Could Wipe Their Hands And Faces After Eating`Towels
General: Tabula Rasa Is Latin For What`Blank Slate
General: Taiwan Is Off The Coast Of Which Country`China
General: Take Off! I've Got To Re-Educate Some Of The Brothers! We've Got To Discuss Some Matters Of Experience`Alien 3
General: Taking Its Name From The Adjacent Country, Which Channel Lies Between Mainland Africa And Madagascar`Mozambique Channel
General: Talc Is A Hydrated Silicate Of Which Metal`Magnesium
General: talking heads songs: you cant tell me that im not creative`for artists only
General: 'Talking Into The Big Phone' In Denmark Means Doing This`Vomiting
General: Tall Revolving Wheel At Fairgrounds`Ferris
General: Tall Unicycles (Over 5 Feet) Are Named After Which Animal Native To Africa`Giraffe
General: Tanzania Is The Country That Resulted From The Union Of Tanganyika And`Zanzibar
General: tarantino: he produced both reservoir dogs and pulp fiction: long haired yuppy scum`lawrence bender
General: tarantino: this female character is mentioned in rd and is a main character in tr`alabama
General: Tarlike Mixture Of Hydrocarbons Derived From Petroleum`Bitumen
General: tea: this black tea is flavoured with oil of bergamot, an aromatic chinese orange`earl grey
General: Technically, The Banana Is A`Berry
General: Techniques And Equipment Used To Extinguish Fires And Limit The Damage Caused By Them`Fire Fighting
General: Teichi Igarashi Climbed What Mountain At The Age Of 99`Mount Fuji
General: Television - The Wizard Of`Oz
General: Telly Savalas Played Which Tv Detective`Kojak
General: temperature at which a liquid congeals into the solid state at a given pressure`freezing point
General: Temperature When Condensation Occurs Is Called The`Dew Point
General: Temporary Encampment Without Tents`Bivouac
General: Tempus Fugit Is Latin For What`Time Flies
General: Ten Books On A Shelf Can Be Arranged In _, ___, ___ Different Ways`3,628,800
General: Ten Degrees Celsius Is The Equivalent Of How Many Degrees Fahrenheit`50 Degrees
General: Ten Per Cent Of The Salt Mined In The World Each Year Is Used To De-Ice The _______ In America`Roads
General: Term For Animals In The Class Including The Scorpions And Spiders`Arachnid
General term for any animal that subsists mainly on the flesh of other animals`carnivore
General: Term For Substance That Causes Narcosis`Narcotic
General: Term For The Role The Atmosphere Plays In Insulating And Warming The Earth's Surface`Greenhouse Effect
General: terms: a composition of five voices or instruments`quintet
General: terms: a mass or musical setting for the dead`requiem
General: terms: a short opera`operetta
General: terms: the stress given to one tone over another`accent
General: Terry Branstad Was Governor Of What State`Iowa
General: Terry Knight Was The Original Producer Of What Group`Grand Funk Railroad
General: Test Of Metal Or Ore For Ingredients And Quality`Assay
General: Tests On Drugs And Poisons Determine The Ld-50 Dose. What Does Ld Stand For`Lethal Dose
General: Texas Chainsaw Massacre, There Was A Guy In A Wheelchair. What Was His Name`Franklin
General: Texas Is The Only State Which Currently Allows Absentee Ballots To Be Cast From This Location`Space
General: Thanks To Eugenics,1000's Of People Were Forceably ___ In The Us And Elsewhere 100 Years Ago, To 'Improve Human Genetic Stock.'`Sterilized
General: Thank You Very Little`Caddyshack
General: That Big Square Thing You're Staring At Right Now Is Called A`Monitor
General: that female tennis player won wimbledon 4 times between 1982 and 1985`martina navratilova
General: ________ __________ That Might Frighten Horses Are Outlawed In Denver, Colorado`Sidewalk Acrobatics
General: that's _____ mama by elvis`alright
General: The 100 Year Old Safe In Washington Dc`Centennial Safe
General: The 13.5 Ton Chime On London's Tower Clock`Big Ben
General: The 14th July 1789 Marked The Start Of What`French Revolution
General: The 15' By 18' Cell That 146 Captured British Officers Were Forced Into By Indian Troops In The 19th Century`Black Hole Of Calcutta
General: The 15 Ton Willamette Meteorite Crashed In Canada Thousands Of Years Ago, And Was Pushed To Oregon By`Glaciers
General: The 1st Book Printed In America`Bay Psalm Book
General: The 1st Computer Bug Was What`A Moth
General: The 1st Constitution In The Colonies`The Fundamental Orders
General: The 1st Female Barrister In America`Margaret Brent
General: The 1st Name Of Wayne Gretzky's Father`Walter
General: The 1st U.S. Census Yielded What Pop`3929625
General: The 2002 Model Air Jordan Xvii Shoes Cost $200 And Come In A ___ Shoebox (Hint: It's Not Cardboard)`Metal
General: The 2002 ___ ____ Shoe Costs $200 Is Known As A 'Keeper' Because It Usually Is Pulled Out Of Its Metal Box Only To Show To Friends`Air Jordan
General: The 2 Months Added When The Roman Calendar Was Expanded From 10 To 12 Months`January And February
General : The 2 months added when the Roman calendar was expanded from 10 to 12 months`january & february
General : The 2 months added when the Roman calendar was expanded from 10 to 12 months`january & february`january and february
General: The 30th Longest River In The World`The Thames
General: The 3 Most Valuable Brand Names On Earth In Order Is`Marlboro, Coca-Cola And Budweiser
General: The 5 Good Emperors Of Rome Were Called This Because They Chose Their ____ To The Throne Before They Died, So No Blood Was Shed In Choosing The Next Emperor`Heir
General: The 80s: First man to ride the space shuttle into orbit twice`john young
General: The Abbreviation For Trinitrotoluene`Tnt
General: The Ability To Move Objects With Mind Power Called`Telekinesis
General: The 'Abominable Snowman' Is Primarily Said To Inhabit What Mountain Range`Himalayas
General: the active ingredient in smelling salts is`ammonia
General: the act of rubbing one's body against another person, or object, for sexual pleasure`frottage
General: the act of snapping one's fingers has a name. it is called a`fillip
General: the actress that stared in national velvet as a child`elizabeth taylor
General: The Actual Vat In Romania`19%
General: The Address Donald Duck Lives At`1313 Webfoot Walk, Duckburg, Calisota
General: the address where holmes and watson took lodgings together is quite one of the most famous in the english language, so it seems futile to ask it as a question. so instead, what was the name of their landlady`mrs. hudson
General: The Adhesion Of Molecules To The Surfaces Of Solids Called`Absorbtion
General: The Agave Cactus Is The Source Of Which Liquor`Tequila
General: The __________ (A Horn-Shaped Basket Overflowing With Fruits And Vegetables) Is A Typical Emblem Of Thanksgiving Abundance That Dates To Ancient Harvest Festivals`Cornucopia
General: the air canada silver broom is won in which sport`curling
General: The Air Conditioning System In The World Trade System Was So Powerful It Could Circulate 9,000,000 Cubic Feet Per`Minute
General: The Aleutian Islands Can Be Found In Which Ocean`Pacific Ocean
General: The All-Time Best Selling Paperback Book`Baby And Child Care`Baby
General: The Amd Processor 'What Does Amd Mean`Advanced Micro Devices
General: The American Arithmometer Company Patented The First Practical Recording Adding Machine In 1892. Today The Firm Is Known By Another Name. What Is It`Burroughs
General: The American Atomic Bomb Development Program Was Nicknamed`The Manhattan Project
General: The American Flag First Flew Over A Foreign Fort In What Country`Libya
General: The American M4 Tank Is Better Known As What`Sherman Tank
General: The American Presidents Washington, Lincoln, Adams And Monroe Were All Decendants Of What King`Edward I Of England
General: The American Society Of Magicians Has Status Of Being What`The Largest Magic Organistation
General: The American Term For A Flat`Apartment
General: The America's Cup left home for the first time to go where`australia
General: The Amniotic Fluid Can Be Found In Which Part Of The Body`Womb
General: The Amount Of Heat That Must Be Absorbed Or Lost For 1 G Of A Substance To Change Its Temperature 1 Degree Celsius`Specific Heat
General: The Amount Of What Substance In Granite Determines Its Colour`Feldspar
General: The Analysis Of Blood Splatter Patterns, Insect Specimens Taken From A Crime Victim, And Ballistic Information Are All Part Of A Larger Crime-Solving Science Known As`Forensics
General: The Ancient Chinese Art Of Placement Called`Feng Shui
General: The Ancient Greek Word For 'Great City'`Megalopolis
General: The Ancient Romans Knew Ireland As What`Hibernia
General: The Ancient _________ Worshiped A Sky Goddess Called Nut`Egyptians
General: The Angles Inside A Square Total _______ Degrees`360
General: The Animated Videogame By Don Bluth, Where The Hero Had To Work His Way Through A Trap Infested Castle`Dragons Lair
General: the annual festival of adonia commemorated adonis as a god of fertility and plenty was celebrated by what ancient sea-faring trader culture`phoenicians
General: The Answer To The Ultimate Question`42
General: The Ant Always Falls Over On Its Right Side When`Intoxicated
General: the ant can lift how many times its own weight`fifty
General: The Anzou Region Was Invaded By Libya Because Of Its Uranium. What Country Owns The Anzou Region`Chad
General: The Apparent Gap Between Saturn's A And B Rings Called`Cassini Division
General: The Approximate Speed Of Light`186,000 Miles Per Second
General: The Apteryx Is Also Known As What Bird From New Zealand`Kiwi
General: The Aquatic Nickname Of Schubert's Piano Quintet In A`The Trout Quintet
General: The Architect Edwin Lutyens Is Best Known For His Plans For Which Capital City`New Delhi
General: The Area Code For Cruise Ships In The Atlantic Ocean`871
General: The Ark Of The Covenant Is Believed To Be In What Town In Ethiopia`Axum
General: The Army Of What Man Is Blamed For The Sphinx's Missing Nose`Napoleon
General: The _____ Around Html Tags Are Called Angle Braces`Signs
General: The Arrangement Of Individual Characters Of A Particular Typeface Into Words, Sentences, Paragraphs, And So On, For The Purpose Of Printing And Publishing (Printing: Type)`Typesetting
General: The Art Of Beautiful Handwriting`Calligraphy
General: The Art Of Composing Dances: Also, The Movements And Patterns Of A Dance Composition Is Called`Choreography
General: The Art Of Creating Decorative Shapes By Trimming Trees And Shrubs`Topiary
General: The Art Of _________ Is Older Than The Art Of Writing`Mapmaking
General: The Art Of Mapmaking Is Older Than The Art Of`Writing
General: The Art Of Tracing Designs And Taking Impressions Of Them Is`Lithography
General: The Ashanti Developed A A Woven Cloth That Is A Symbol Of Prestige, And A Visual Representation Of The History, The Oral Literature, Religious Beliefs And Social Values Of Africa. This Cloth Called`Kente
General: The Ashes Of An Average Cremated Person Weighs _`9 Lbs
General: The Ashes Of An Average ________ Person Weighs 9 Lbs`Cremated
General: The Ashes Of The Average Cremated Person Weigh ____`Nine Pounds
General: The Ashes Of The Average Cremated Person Weighs How Many Pounds`Nine
General: The Ashes Of The Average ________ Person Weigh Nine Pounds`Cremated
General: The Asian City Known As The Venice Of The East Is`Bangkok
General: the assassination of what country's archduke led to world war I`austria
General: The Associated Press First Began Wire Service In This City`New York
General: The Atlanta Braves baseball team has retired # 35 which used to belong to`phil niekro
General: The Auckland Islands Belong To Which Country`New Zealand
General: The author Jules Verne was born in which city`nantes
General: 'the autobiography of alice b. toklas' was written by`gertrude stein
General: The Average Adult Human Has 32 Of These`Teeth
General: The Average American Child Will Eat _, ___ Peanut Butter And Jelly Sandwiches By The Time They Graduate From High School`1,500
General: The Average Annual Salary Of United States _____________ In 1995 Was Only $12,000`Photographers
General: The Average Annual Temperature Worldwide (Fahrenheit)`58
General: The Average Bank Teller Loses About How Many Dollars Every Year`250
General: The Average Bout Of Sexual Intercourse Burns ____ Calories/Hour`360
General: The Average Bra Size Sold At Frederick's Of Hollywood In 1966 Was A 34b. Today, It's A`36c
General: The Average Chocolate Bar Has _ Insects' Legs In It`Eight
General: The Average Digestive Tract Of An Adult Is __ Feet In Length`30
General: The Average Ear Of Corn Contains About This Many Kernels`800
General: The Average ________ Falls At Seven Miles Per Hour`Raindrop
General: The Average Garden Variety __________ Has 248 Muscles In Its Head`Caterpillar
General: The Average __________ Lives For One Month`Housefly
General: The Average Number Of Murders A Child Has Seen On Tv By The Age 16`Eighteen Thousand
General: The Average ________ Of The World's Oceans Is 34.7 Parts Per Thousand`Salinity
General: The Average Person Laughs __ Times A Day`13
General: The Average Person Over Fifty Will Have Spent _ _____ Waiting In Lines`5 Years
General: The Average Person Spends Six Years Of Life`Dreaming
General: The Average Piano Has ___ Strings`230
General: The Average Robin Lives To Be About How Old`Twelve
General: The Average Sixty Minute _____ ________ ____ Has 562.5 Feet Of Tape In It, Nearly Two Football Fields Long`Audio Cassette Tape
General: The Average-Size ___ ___ __ ___ - About 4 By 5 Feet - Holds About 475 Gallons Of Water`Hot Tub Or Spa
General: The Average Speed Of A Running Pig`7.5 Mph
General: The Average Temperature (F) At The South Pole`Minus Fifty Six
General: The Aztec Capital Tenochtitlan Is Now`Mexico City
General: The Aztecs Overran Which People In Mexico`Toltecs
General: The Aztecs Were The First To Make What Confectionery From The Cocoa Pod`Chocolate
General: The Background __________ In Aberdeen Is Twice That Of The Rest Of Great Britain`Radiation
General: The Baht Is The Monetary Unit Of Which Country`Thailand
General: The Balboa Is The Unit Of Currancy In Which Country`Panama
General: The Base Of The Great Pyramid Of Egypt Is Large Enough To Cover How Many Football Fields`Ten
General: The Basic Economic Problem Is That Resources Are Insufficient`To Satisfy All Wants
General: The Basic Unit For Measuring Electric Energy`Joule
General: The Basis Of All Scientific Agriculture, What Involves Six Essential Practices: Proper Tillage: Maintenance Of A Proper Supply Of Organic Matter In The Soil: Maintenance Of A Proper Nutrient Supply: Control Of Soil Pollution: Maintenance Of The Correct Soil Acidity: And Control Of Erosion`Soil Management
General: the bay of pigs fiasco took place in this country`cuba
General: the beatles made their acting debut in what movie`a hard day's night
General: The Beatle's Made Their Acting Debut In What Movie`Hard Day's Night
General: the beatles: the name of mean mr. mustard's sister`pam
General: The Berlin Air Lift Was Known As`Operation Vittles
General: The Best Paprika In The World Comes From What Country`Hungary
General: the bible: the nebuchadnezzar king was of this nation`babylon
General: the bible: this person in genesis was raped by his daughters`lot
General: The Big Dipper Is Part Of What Constellation`Ursa Major
General: The Biggest Bay On The North American Continent`Hudson Bay
General: the biggest beer selling establishment in the world is the mathaser. in what city, the capital of bavaria, is the malthaser located`munich
General: The Biggest Bell Is The ____________, Cast In The Kremlin In 1733. It Weighs 216 Tons, But Alas, It Is Cracked And Has Never Been Rung`Tsar Kolokol
General: the biggest meal of the day in italy is`lunch
General: The 'Big Muddy' Is The Nickname For Which River`Missouri River
General: The Bitnet Network Connects Many Colleges And Universities. What Does Bitnet Stand For`Because It's Time Network
General: The Black Prince Was The First Holder Of Which Royal Title`Duke Of Cornwall
General: The Blue Mountains Can Be Found On Which Caribbean Island`Jamaica
General: The Blue Ridge Mountains Lie In Virginia And Which Other State`Georgia
General: The Bodyguards Of The Roman Emperor Were Called What`Praetorian Guards
General: The Book The Rules Of The Net Calls It 'The Swiss Army Knife Of The Net.' What Are They Talking About`Unix
General: The book Wamyouruijoshou was the first to use what word`kite
General: The Boomtown Rats were averse to which day of the week`monday
General: The Border-Collie (Dog) Originated Between The Borders Of Which Two Countries In The 1500's`England And Scotland
General: The Bosphorus Links Which Two Seas`Black And Marmara
General: The Boss Is Also Known As ____`Bruce Springsteen
General: The Botanical Name Of The Flower Known As 'Autumn Crocus'`Colchicum
General: the brady bunch went to elementary school at`dixie canyon elementary
General: The Bridge Connecting Boston And Cambridge Via Massachusetts Avenue Is Commonly Know As The`Harvard Bridge
General: the british used to call this tiger's milk`gin
General: The Brooklyn Bridge Spans What Body Of Water`East River
General: the brothers liam & noel gallagher are members of this group`oasis
General: The 'Bubonic Plaque' Is Know As The`Black Death
General: The ____ Bug Hears Through Holes In Its Hind Legs`Katydid
General: The Bundestag`German Parliament
General: The Cadillac Was Named After Antoine De La Mothe Cadillac, A French Explorer And Founder Of Which Michigan City In 1701`Detroit
General: The Call Name For Soviet Mission Control`Zarya
General: The Canadian Dollar - Worth About 63 Us Cents - Is Colloquially Known As The`Loonie
General: The Canadian Equivalent Of The Krugerrand`Maple Leaf
General: The Canadian Province Of ____ ______ Leads The World In Exporting Lobster, Wild Blueberries, And Christmas Trees`Nova Scotia
General: The 'Canebrake', 'Timber' And 'Pygmy' Are Types Of What`Rattlesnakes
General: The Capital City Of Papua New Guinea`Port Moresby
General: the capital of nevada is`carson city
General: the capital of west virginia is`charleston
General: The Capitol Building In Washington D.C., Has 365 Steps. They Represent _____ ___ __ ___`Every Day Of The Year
General: The Cap On The Fire Hydrant Called`Bonnet
General: The Captain Of A Yacht Usually Called`Skipper
General: The Cardinal Number For A Set Of 10 Elephants`Ten
General: The Carpometacarpal Joints Of The Thumbs Are Examples Of What Type Of Synovial Joint`Saddle
General: The Caucasus Lie Between Which Two Stretches Of Water`Black And Caspian Seas
General: The Cecum Is Part Of The`Large Intestine
General: The Cecum Is The Pouch At The Beginning Of The _____`Large Intestine
General: The Cedar Point Theme Park In Ohio Is In This City`Sandusky
General: The Cello's Real Name Is The`Violoncello
General: The Centipede With The Greatest Number Of Legs Is Himantarum Gabrielis Of Which Continent (It Has 171 To 177 Pairs Of Legs When Adult)`Europe
General: The Central Powers Consisted Of How Many Countries`Four
General: The Centre Of An Archery Target Called`Bullseye
General: The Chameleon Has A Tongue That Is About __ Times The Length Of Its Body`2
General: The Channel Between England And France Grows About 300 _________Each Year`Millimetres
General: The characters, Farmer Boulderwood and Sergeant Troy appear in which Thomas Hardy novel`far from the madding crowd
General: The Charles Bridge And St Vitus' Cathedral Are In Which European City`Prague
General: The Chemical Formula H2o2 Refers To What`Hydrogen Peroxide
General: The Chief Celebration In The Fall In Hawaii Is The _____ _______, Which Is Held During September And October`Aloha Festivals
General: The Chief Monetary Unit Of Croatia`Kuna
General: The Chinese Almanac Is Also Called The`I Ching
General: The Chinese, During The Reign Of Kublai Khan, Used _____ On Hunting Expeditions. They Trained The Big Cats To Pursue And Drag Down Massive Animals - From Wild Bulls To Bears - And To Stay With The Kill Until The Hunter Arrived`Lions
General: The Chinese Ideogram For '_______' Depicts Two Women Living Under One Roof. And The Chinese Words For Crisis And Opportunity Are The Same`Trouble
General: The Chinese Ideogram For 'Trouble' Depicts ___ _____ ______ _____ ___ ____. And The Chinese Words For Crisis And Opportunity Are The Same`Two Women Living Under One Roof
General: The Chinese Ideogram For 'Trouble' Depicts Two Women Living Under One Roof. And The Chinese Words For ______ ___ ___________ Are The Same`Crisis And Opportunity
General: The Chinese Ideograph With Two Women Under One Roof Means What`Trouble
General: The Chinese Were Using Aluminium To Make Things As Early As ___ Ad`Three Hundred
General: The Chinese Were Using What Metal To Make Things As Early As 300 Ad`Aluminium
General: The Chudnovskys Have Calculated Pi To 1 Billion Digits: Printed Normally, This Number Would Stretch From Nyc To What Midwestern State`Kansas
General: The Chupacabra Is A Legendary Creature Said To Kill Animals In Puerto Rico And Mexico. What Is The English Name For This Creature`Goat Sucking
General: The Church Of Santa Maria Delle Grazie Is A World Heritage Site, In Which Italian City Would You Find It`Milan
General: The City Of Fireze Is Better Known Is English As What`Florence
General: The City Of Manila Is On The Southwest Part Of What Island`Luzon
General: the city of mt. vernon,washington grows more tulips than the entire country of`holland
General: the cleveland`browns
General: The Clifton Suspension Bridge Spans Which River`Avon
General: The Closest Relation That Your Father's Sister's Sister-In-Law Could Be To You`My Mom
General: The Closure Of Which British Nuclear Re-Processing Plant Was Announced In 1998`Dounreay
General: The _______________ Club Of America Sends News To Its Members Under The Masthead 'Last Month's Newsletter.'`Procrastinators
General: The Coast Guard Academy In July Of 1976 Was The First _._. _______ _______ To Admit Women`U.S. Service Academy
General: The Coast Guard Academy In July Of 1976 Was The First U.S. Service Academy To Admit`Women
General: The Coast Line Around This Lake In North Dakota Is Longer Than The California Coastline Along The Pacific Ocean`Lake Sakakawea
General: The Cochlea Is Part Of The`Ear
General: The Code Name For The Allied Invasion Of Italy In Ww Ii Was Operation`Avalanche
General: The Codename Of The Foxtrot-Class Russian Submarine In Small Victories`Blackbird
General: The Codex Hammer Is A Collection Of __ ____ Writings And Drawings. A Codex Is A Collection Of Stitched-Together Pages`Da Vinci's
General: The Coldest Temperature Ever Recorded Was -70 Deg Celsius, In`Siberia
General: The Collecting Of ---- ---- Is Called Tegestology`Beer Mats
General: The Collective Term For A Body Of Goods And Monies From Which Future Income Can Be Derived`Capital
General: The Colour _____ Absorbs Heat. White Reflects It`Black
General: The Colour Black Absorbs Heat. _____ Reflects It`White
General: The Colour Black Absorbs Heat. White ________`Reflects It
General: The Colour Black _______ ____. White Reflects It`Absorbs Heat
General: The Combination Of Fine Clay And Sand For Making Pottery`Terracotta
General: The Commander Of The Apollo 11 Command Module And The First Woman Shuttle Commander Share This Same Last Name`Collins
General: The Commodore Pet, Apple Ii And Trs-80 Model I Were All Released In 1977. But Which One Came Out First That Year`Pet
General: The Commonest Name Used In London Streets`Victoria
General: The Common Measure Of Obesity Is The ____ ____ _____, Calculated By Dividing A Person's Weight In Kilograms By The Square Of His Or Her Height In Meters`Body Mass Index
General: The Common Term For Precipitation Infused By Sulphuricic And Nitric Acids`Acid Rain
General: The Common Variety Of This Snake Is The Longest In The Western Hemisphere And The Heaviest Snake In The World: A Large Adult May Be 6 M (20 Ft) Long And Weigh 107 Kg (235 Lb)`Anaconda
General: The Company Nestle Was Founded In Which Country`Switzerland
General: The Compound Of This Sect Was Under Siege In Waco, Texas`Branch Davidians
General: The Compulsive Desire To Give Gifts`Doromania
General: The Concept That In Certain Populations, Life History Is Centered Around Producing Relatively Few Offspring That Have A Good Chance Of Survival`K-Selection
General: The Concept That When The Populations Of Two Species Compete For The Same Limited Resources, One Population Will Use The Resources More Efficiently And Have A Reproductive Advantage That Will Eventually Lead To The Elimination Of The Other Population`Competitive Exclusion Principle
General: The Condensed Water Vapour In The Sky Left Behind By Jets Is Called A`Contrail
General: The Constellation Cancer Is Supposed To Represent What Creature`Crab
General: The Constellations Canis Major And Canis Minor Are Said To Represent The Dogs Of The Greek Hunter`Orion
General: The Construction Of Which Famous New York City Building Was Completed In 1931`The Empire State
General: The __________ Contains 5 Billion Stars Larger Than Our Sun`Milky Way Galaxy
General: The Continent Of Antartica Effectively ______ In Size Every Winter`Doubles
General: The Convex Surface Of A Road`Camber
General: The cooking term parmentier indicates which vegetable`potatoes
General: the country with the biggest percentage of female heads of household is`botswana
General: ______, The Cradle Of Democracy, Granted Women The Vote In National Election Only In 1952`Greece
General: The 'Cresta Run'`Toboggan Course
General: The Current Largest Snowball Fight As Of May 2003 (With 2,473 People) Was Held For How Long`10 Minutes
General: The Currently Accepted Model Of Cell Membrane Structure, Which Envisions The Membrane As A Mosaic Of Individually Inserted Protein Molecules Drifting Laterally In A Fluid Bilayer Of Phospholipids`Fluid Mosaic Model
General: The Current Name For South-West Africa`Namibia
General: The Current Vat Rate In The Uk`17.5%
General: The Current World Population, To The Nearest Billion`Six
General: The Curry Plant Has A Very Spicy Aroma And Silver Leaves. What Colour Are The Flowers Of The Plant`Yellow
General: The Curved Line Between Any Two Points On A Circle`Arc
General: The Czardas Is The National Dance Of What Country`Hungary
General: the dallas`cowboys
General: The Daughter Of Efficiency Experts Frank And Lilian Gilbreth Detailed Their Lives In The Book 'Cheaper By The`Dozen
General: The Day Before Ash Wednesday`Shrove Tuesday
General: The D.C. In Washington D.C. Stands For`District Of Colombia
General: The Deadliest Smog Event In The World Happened On December 4th,1952 In`London
General: The Death Machine Has Two Main Cogs, Cog A And Cog B, Spinning Together In A Constant Mesh. Cog A Has 8 Teeth, And Is Rotating At 27 Revolutions Per Minute. What Speed Would Cog B Be Spinning At If It Has 36 Teeth`Six Revolutions Per Minute
General: The De Beers Group Of Companies Controls More Than 80% Of The World's Supply Of`Rough Diamonds
General: The Decalogue Normally Called`Ten Commandments
General: The Decimal System Is Based On The Number 10 While The Sexagesimal System Is Based On The Number`Sixty
General: The Depiction Of The Mad Hatter In 'Alice In Wonderland' Reflected A Poisoning Of 19th Century Hatmakers From What`Mercury
General: The Derivation Of The Word Trivia Comes From The Latin Tri + Via, Which Means Three ____(Where Info Was Posted)`Streets
General: The Description Of A Wind Of 9 On The Beaufort Scale`Strong Gale
General: The Devices That Projected Urgo Emitted A Low _______ ____ Field`Electro Magnetic`Electromagnetic`Electro-Magnetic`Em
General: The Device Used By Navigators To Determine Lattitude And Longitude Is The`Sextant
General: The Devonian Period Is Also Known As The Age Of`Fish
General: The Dial Tone Of A Normal Telephone Is In What Key`F
General: The Diameter Of The Wire In A Standard _____ ____ Is 1 Millimeter - Or About 0.04 Inch`Paper Clip
General: The Diamonds Released This Cover Of The Gladiolas Song Written By Maurice Williams And Busted The Charts In February Of 1957`Little Darlin
General: The ______ Dictated On The Lebanese Flag Is A Cedar`Tree
General: The Dimensions Of The Monolith In 2001 Are The Squares Of These 3 Numbers (No Spaces Between)`123
General: The Discharge Of A Liquid From A Surface, Usually Pores Or Incisions`Exudation
General: The Discovery Of Gold In Which Region Of Yukon Provoked A Rush`Klondike
General: The Distaff Oedipus Complex Is The`Electra Complex
General: The Distance An Object Travels In A Given Time Frame (Regardless Of Direction) Is Referred To As Its`Speed
General: the distance around the outside of a circle is its`circumference
General: The Distance Between Two Rails On A Track Called`Gauge
General: The Distance From Earth To The Sun`93 Million Miles
General: The Dogon Knew That Sirius Is A Binary Star System And Could Even Describe The Elliptical Orbit The Two Make Around Each Other (Facts Which Were Later Confirmed By Modern Astronomers). They Called Sirius B`Po Tolo
General: The Dome Of The Rock Is A Shrine In Which Middle Eastern City`Jerusalem
General: The Dominican Republic And _________ Occupy The Same Island`Haiti
General: The Dot Over The Letter 'I' Is Called What`Tittle
General: The Dried Leaves And Flowering Tops Of A Hemp Plant Containing Thc`Marijuana
General: The Dr In Dr Dos`Digital Research
General: The Drummer Of Which Band Commited Suicide Following An Argument With His Girlfriend/Fianc`Feeder
General: The Drummer's Name In 'The Muppet Show'`Animal
General: The Duodenum And The Jejunum Are Two Of The Three Sections Of The Small Intestine. Which Is The Third`Ileum
General: The Dutch Used Lotteries To Raise Money For The Poor Of _____ As Early As 1655`New York
General: The Dyadic Symbol Of The Mandorla Is From Which Culture`India
General: The Dying Swan Was Choreographed For`Anna Pavlova
General: The Earth's Atmosphere And The Space Beyond Is Known As`Aerospace
General: The Earth's core consists primarily of which 2 metals`iron and nickel
General: The Earth's Magnetic Field Is Not`Permanent
General: The East Alligator River In Australia's Northern Territory, Was Misnamed. Why`It Contains Crocodiles Not Alligators
General: The Eastern Diamondback Is A`Rattlesnake
General: The Eastern Question Was A 19th (And Early 20th) Century Diplomatic Dilemma For European Powers Regarding Which Empire`Ottoman Empire
General: the easybeats released friday on my`mind
General: The __________ E. Cheese Franchise Was Created By Atari, A Restaurant Combining Robotic`Chuck
General: The Effect Of The Earth's Rotation On The Wind Called`Coriolis
General: The Effect Produced When Sound Is Reflected Back Is Known As A(N)`Echo
General: The Egyptian __________ For 100,000 Is A Tadpole`Hieroglyph
General: The Egyptian Hieroglyph For 100,000 Is A`Tadpole
General: The Eighth Month Of The Year`August
General: The Eisenhower Interstate System Requires That One Mile In Every Five Must Be`Straight
General: The Elaborate, Interconnected Feeding Relationships In An Ecosystem`Food Web
General: The Eleventh Month Of The Year`November
General: The Empire Of Mali Was Established In The 11th Century And Lasted Till The 17th Century. Its Greatest Emperor Ruled From 1312-1337. Name Him`Mansa Musa
General: The Energy Which A Body Possesses By Virtue Of Its Motion Is Called`Kinetic Energy
General: The Engine Configuration Of The New Polo Tdi`Three Cylinder
General: The English Equivalent Of The Spanish Boob Day`April Fool's Day
General: The English Nickname Of Beethoven's Opus 91, Written To Commemorate Wellington's Victory At Vitoria`Battle Symphony
General: The English Statute Of 1689 Guaranteeing The Rights And Liberty Of The Individual Subject`Bill Of Rights
General: The English Title Of The German Opera, 'Die Lustigen Weiber Von Windsor'`The Merry Wives Of Windsor
General: The Enzyme That Breaks Down Lactose Is`Lactase
General: The Equivalent Raf Rank To Sub-Lieutenant Rn And Lieutenant In The Army`Flying Officer
General: The Equivalent Spanish Acronym For Ufo`Ovni
General: The Eruption Of The ________ _______ Was Equal To 223 Million Tons Of Tnt`Krakatoa Volcano
General: The Essential Characteristic Of Aerobic Exercise`Oxygen Is Consumed
General: The Estimated Weight Of The Great Pyramid Of Egypt`6,648,000 Tons
General: The European City Of Culture For 1998`Stockholm
General: The European Equivalnet Of A Nonillion`Quintillion
General: The European Middle Ages - A Time Of War And Plague - Was Defined By Death. One Frequent Artistic Motif, Representing Death, Depicted The Grim Reaper Leading People Away In The ______`Danse Macabre
General: the european silent nosferatu was the first really memorable monster movie. what was the name of the vampire in this movie`count orlock
General: The Falketing Is The Parliament Of Which Country`Denmark
General: The ___ _____ Family Is Originally From The Hadramaut. Ethnically, They're More Yemeni Than Saudi`Bin Ladin
General: The Family Name Of The Dukes Of Bedford`Russell
General: The Family Name Of The Dukes Of Somerset`Seymour
General: The Famous Gurka Soldiers Are Known For Carrying A Particular Type Of Large Knife. What Is This Knife Called`Kukri
General: The Famous Rosetta Stone Was Found In 1799 Near The Town Of Rosetta In North , On The Nile`Egypt
General: The Fear Of Long Words`Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia
General: The Federal District In Southeastern Australia, Bordered By The State Of New South Wales`Australian Capital Territory
General: The Federal Reserve Shreds 7,000 Tons Of ____ ___ ________ Each Year`Worn Out Currency
General: The Feeling Of Euphoria Some Chile Pepper Aficionados Experience Can Be Explained By This: The Burning Sensation In Your Mouth Causes The Release Of`Endorphines
General: The Feeling Of Having Experienced Something Before Is Known As`Deja Vu
General: the female ferret is referred to as a`jill
General: The Female Gamete: The Haploid, Unfertilized Egg, Which Is Usually A Relatively Large, Nonmotile Cell`Ovum
General: The Fibrous Form Of Several Minerals And Hydrous Silicates Of Magnesium`Asbestos
General: The Fictitious Name Of A Defendent`Richard Roe
General: The Fictitious Name Of A Plaintiff`John Doe
General: The Fifth Month Of The Year`May
General: The Filament Of A Regular Light Bulb Is Usually Made Of`Tungsten
General: the film 'the wizard of ______'`oz
General: The Final Showdown Between Good And Evil, As Mentioned In The Book Of Revelation`Armageddon
General: The 'Final Solution' Dealt With What People`Jews
General: The Final Words Of _. _. ____ Were, 'Go Away. I'm All Right`H.G. Wells
General: the first american indian language used by the u. s. army to transmit sensitive military information during world war i`choctaw
General: The First Atom Bomb Was Dropped On Which Japanese City`Hiroshima
General: The First Book Of __________ Was Introduced On April 10,1924`Crosswords
General: The First Book Published In The James Bond Series`Casino Royale
General: The First Coin Minted In The United States Was A ______ ______. It Was Issued On October 15, 1794`Silver Dollar
General: The First Commercial 747 Went Into Service For What Company`Pan Am
General: The First Contraceptive Diaphragms, Centuries Ago, Were ______`Citrus Rinds
General: The first country to host the summer & the winter olympics in the same year`france
General: The First Day Of The Week`Sunday
General: the first dog in space was named`laika
General: The First Drug That Was Offered As A _____-_______ ______, Was Aspirin In 1900`Water-Soluble Tablet
General: The First Drug That Was Offered As A Water-Soluble Tablet, Was _______ In 1900`Aspirin
General: The First E-Mail Message Was Sent Twenty Five Years Ago Between: Los Angeles And What Other City`Menlo Park, California
General: The First Event In The Decathlon`One Hundred Metres
General: The first example of which type of brain-teaser appeared in the New York World newspaper in 1913`crossword
General: ___, The First Felt-Tip Pen, Is Introduced To The Market`Pentel
General: The First Four Notes Of What 1808 Work Supposedly Represent Fate Knocking At The Door`Beethoven's 5th Symphony
General: The First German Bomb To Fall On Leningard During Ww Ii Killec The Only ___ In The City Zoo`Elephant
General: The First Hanging On A Us Ship Happened In 1842 On What Ship`Uss Sommers
General: The First Harley Davidson Motorcycle Built In 1903 Used A _______ ___ For A Carburetor`Tomato Can
General: The First In The Series Of Revolutions Which Ultimately Toppled The Czarist Government Occurred In 1905, After The Embarrassing Russian Defeat In Their 1904 War With The Japanese. The Japanese Launched This Conflict By A Surprise Attack On What Russian City`Port Arthur
General: The First Known Encyclopedias Date Back To Ancient`Greece
General: The First Large-Scale Attempt To Replicate The Earth's Atmosphere, Located North Of Tucson, Arizona`Biosphere Ii
General: The First Letters Of The Months July Through November, In Order, Spell The Name`Jason
General: The First Long-Distance Road Ran From Susa Near The Persian Golf To ______ In Present Day Turkey`Smyrna
General: The First Magazine Was A Weekly'the Review'started In 1704 In London By What Famous Author`Daniel Defoe
General: The First Man To Be Convicted With The Proof Of Fingerprints Was Harry Jackson In 1902. What Did He Do`Stole Some Billiard Balls
General: The First Mass Production Began In 1808, What Was The Product`Wooden Pulley Blocks
General: The First Modern Restaurant Was Opened In 1765 In Paris, Next To Which Art Museum`Louvre
General: The First Month Of The Year`January
General: The First Mr Men Book Came Out In 1972. What Was It`Mr Tickle
General: The First Mutiny In The Us Happened In 1842 Onboard What Ship`Uss Sommers
General: The First Name Of Sgt. Davis (The Dialer Technician)`Walter
General: The First Name Of The Son Of David And Victoria Beckham`Brooklyn
General: The First Name Of The Son Of Patsy Kensit And Liam Gallagher`Lennon
General: The First Nuclear Powered Submarine Was Called`Nautilus
General: The First Nude Playboy Centerfold Was`Marilyn Monroe
General: ___________ The First Of Russia, Made A Rule That No Man Was Allowed To Get Drunk At One Of Her Parties Before Nine O'clock`Catherine
General: The First Owner Of The Marlboro Company Died Of`Lung Cancer
General: The First Pencils Were Manufactured In 1584 In England From Graphite Discovered In ________, Cumbria`Borrowdale
General: The First Powered Flight Was Where`Kitty Hawk
General: The First Prime Number After 1,000,000`1,000,003
General: The First Programmable Machine Was Made In 1808, What Was It`Loom
General: The First Publication Of The _____________ __________ Came Out In 1768`Encyclopaedia Britannica
General: The First Recorded Sighting Of The Loch Ness Monster Happened On This Day`April 14,1933
General: The First Reported Alien Abduction In The Us Was Reported By Barney And Betty`Hill, This Happened In 1961
General: The First Rope Tow In North America Was In _________,`Shawbridge Quebec
General: The First Round-The-Globe Flight Was Completed By Two U.S. Army Planes On September 28,1924 As They Landed In Seattle, Washington. How Long Was The Journey`175 Days
General: The First Song Played On Armed Forces Radio During Operation Desert Shield Was '____ ___ ______' By The Clash`Rock The Casbah
General: The First Song Played On Armed Forces Radio During _________ ______ ______ Was 'Rock The Casbah' By The Clash`Operation Desert Shield
General: The First Subway Station To Be Air Conditioned In The Us Was The One Under The`World Trade Center
General: The First T-Bar Was Installed In ______,`Davos, Switzerland
General: The First Thing That 97% Of People Will Write When Offered A New Pen`Their Name
General: The First Trees To Move Into A Newly Cleared Forest Area Are Called`Pioneer
General: the first two and last two states, alphabetically`alabama arizona west virgina wisconson
General: The First Vehicle Built By The Rover Company, Makers Of The Land Rover, Was A What`Tricycle
General: The Fishing Cap Worn By Henry Fonda In 'On Golden Pond' Belonged To`Spencer Tracy
General: The __________ Flag Is Divided Horizontally Into Two Equal Halves Of Black (Top) And Red (Bottom), With A Yellow Circle In The Centre`Aboriginal
General: The Flag Of Libya Is The Only National Flag That Is One Solid Colour. What Colour Is It`Green
General: the flag of spain flies over which islands`canary islands
General: The Followers Of Marshal Applewhite Came To A Tragic End In 1997. What Was The Name Of Applewhite's Cult`Heaven's Gate
General: the force that brings moving bodies to a halt is`friction
General: The Formal Name For When A Substance Breaks Down On Heating`Thermal Decomposition
General: The Former Name Of Istanbul`Constantinople
General: The Former Name Of The Tonka Metalcraft Company`Mound Metalcraft
General: The Formula For The Area Of A Rectangle`Length Times Width
General: The Forte Is An Apparatus Used In Which Sport`Fencing
General: The Fort George Point In Belize City Was Formed By The Silt Runoff Of What Hurricane`Hattie
General: The Forth _________ In Scotland Is A Metre Longer In Summer Than In Winter, Due To Thermal Expansion`Railway Bridge
General: The Fourth Book Of The New Testament`John
General: The Fourth Day Of The Week`Wednesday
General: The Fourth Dimension (Apart From Length, Depth And Width)`Time
General: The Fourth Largest Country By Population Is`Indonesia
General: The Fourth Month Of The Year`April
General: The French Fry Actually Originated In`Belgium
General: The Frenchwoman Jeanne Poisson was better known by which name`madame de pompadour
General: __________ The Frog Has 11 Points On His Collar Around His Neck`Kermit
General: The Frog's Name In 'The Muppet Show'`Kermit D Frog
General: The front of a building`facade
General: The Full Name Of E. Coli`Escherichia Coli
General: The Full Name Of The Creator Of 'Jeeves And Wooster'`Pelham Grenville Wodehouse
General: The Full Name Of The Tac`Tac'unitagamunitiron
General: The Full Term For The Abbreviation 'Zoo'`Zoological Garden
General: The Functional Classification Of Joints Is Based On What`Amount Of Movement
General: The Function Of A Sheepshank Knot`To Shorten A Length Of Rope
General: The Future Colonists Of Maryland Set Forth From England In 1633 On What Two Boats`The Ark And The Dove
General: The General Designation For The Period In English History From 1640 To 1660`English Revolution
General: The General Name For A Protein Molecule Which Acts As A Natural Catalyst In The Bodies Of All Bacteria, Plants And Animals`Enzyme
General: The General Name For Germ Fighting Drugs Such As Penicillin And Streptomycin`Antibiotics
General: The General Term For The Production Of Offspring That Combine Traits Of The Two Parents`Genetic Recombination
General: the geological period 440 to 500 million years ago is known as the __________ period`ordovician
General: The George Cross Was Awarded To The Entire Population Of Which Island`Malta
General: The German ______ Corp Was The Most Dangerous Unit To Serve In In Wwii, At The End Of The War It Had Suffered 75% Casualities`Submarine
General: The German Opel Family Was Known For The Manufacture Of What`Cars
General: The German Parliament`Bundestag
General: The Germans Flew Their 'Amerika Bomber' Over What U.S. City In 1944? (They Took Photographs, Hoping To Later Drop Bombs)`New York
General: The Germans Name For Their Country`Deutschland
General: The Ghost Of Anne Boleyn Might Be Expected To Walk In Which London Palace`Hampton Court
General: The Giant Squid Has The Largest ____ In The World`Eyes
General: The Gift On The Eighth Day Of Christmas In The 'Twelve Days Of Christmas'`Eight Maids A Milking
General: The Gift On The Seventh Day Of Christmas In The 'Twelve Days Of Christmas'`Seven Swans A Swimming
General: The Glass Capital Of The World`Toledo
General: The Glue On _______ _______ ______ Is Certified Kosher`Israeli Postage Stamps
General: The Glue On Israeli Postage Stamps Is Certified`Kosher
General: The Gluteus Maximus Muscle Is The Bulk Of The`Buttock
General: The Gold Braid On A Raccoon Lodge Uniform Changed To If A Member Is Named Raccoon Of The Year`Platinum
General: The Golden State Warriors Basketball Team Retired 42 Which Used To Belong To`Nate Thurmond
General: The Gorbals Is A District Of Which City`Glasgow
General: The Grand Canyon Could Hold About 900 Trillion`Footballs
General: The Grand Canyon Would Hold Approximately How Many Footballs`900 Trillion
General: The Grass On The Prairie Can Be Eaten Up By 27 Cattle In 6 Weeks. If There Are 23 Cattle, The Grass Can Be Eaten Up In 9 Weeks. If There Are 21 Cattle, How Many Weeks Would It Take For The Grass To Be Eaten`12 Weeks
General: The Great Barrier Reef Is How Many Miles Long`One Thousand Two Hundred And Fifty
General: The Great Blondin Was A Famous What`Daredevil
General: The Greatest Of All Endurance Races`Le Mans 24-Hour Race
General: The Greatest Snowfall Ever In A Single Storm Was ___ Inches At The Mount Shasta Ski Bowl In February,1959`189
General: The Great Mass Of Stone Trees In The Painted Desert In Arizona Called`The Petrified Forest
General: The Great Pyramid Of ____ Consists Of 2,300,000 Blocks Each Weighing 2.5 Tons`Giza
General: The Great Pyramid was built as a tomb for which Egyptian Pharaoh`khufu
General: The Great Russian Leader, Lenin Died 21 January 1924, Suffering From A __________ ____ _______. At The Time Of His Death His Brain Was A Quarter Of Its Normal Size`Degenerative Brain Disorder
General: The Great Smoo`Scotland's Largest Cave
General: The 'Green Mountain State' Is`Vermont
General: The Green Variety Of Beryl Is Called`Emerald
General: The Gulf of Panama leads into which ocean`pacific
General: The Hardening Room In A Modern ______ Plant Is Held At -26f`Ice Cream
General: The Hardest Naturally Occuring Substance`Diamond
General: The Hardness Of Ice Is Similar To That Of`Concrete
General: The Hardness Of ___ Is Similar To That Of Concrete`Ice
General: the hardy boys and`nancy drew
General: The Harlem Renaissance, A Period Of Artistic Flowering Among Black American Writers And Artists That Was Centered In Harlem, Occurred Roughly During Which Decade`1920s
General: The ___ ___Has No Eyebrows. It Was The Fashion In Renaissance Florence To Shave Them Off`Mona Lisa
General: The ________ Has Over 27,000 Taste Buds`Catfish
General: The Hawaiian Alphabet Has How Many Letters`Twelve
General: The Headquarter Of The British Metropolitan Police Force`Scotland Yard
General: The Heaviest Class Of Weight-Lifting`Super Heavyweight
General: The Hebrew Word For 'Proper'`Kosher
General: The Hebrides Are Part Of This Country`Scotland
General: The Heights Of Abraham Is In Which Canadian Province`Quebec
General: The Height Travelled By The World's Longest Escalator`Sixty Metres
General: The Hellenic Republic`Greece
General: 'The Helvetic Confederation' In Latin`Confederatio Helvetica
General: The Highest Commissioned Rank In The Royal Air Force`Marshal Of The Raf
General: The Highest Commissioned Rank In The Royal Navy`Admiral Of The Fleet
General: The Highest Known Score For A Single Word In Competition Scrabble Is ____ ________ ___ ______`Three Hundred And Ninety Two
General: The Highest Lifetime Yield Of Milk For A Single Cow Is __________ Lbs`465,224
General: The Highest Man-Made Temperature Was ____ Million Degrees Celsius`70
General: The Highest Mountain In Greece Said To Be Home Of The Gods`Olympus
General: The Highest Point In Malawi Lies In What Southeastern Mountains`Mlanje Mountains
General: The Highest Position Attained In The Loyal Order Of Moose Lodge`Supreme Governor
General: The Highest Temperature Ever Recorded Occurred In Libya In 1922. What Was The Temperature (Fahrenehit)`136
General: The Highest Types Of Cloud Are Called`Cirrus
General: The High Flying Swing In A Circus Called`Trapeze
General: The Highjump Method Of Jumping Head First And Landing On Their Back Is Called The`Fosbury Flop
General: The Honeymoon Capital Of The World`Niagara Falls
General: The Hoover Dam Is Built On This River`Colorado River
General: The __________ Hours Are Matins, Lauds, Prime, Tierce, Sext, Nones, Vespers And Compline`Monastic
General: The House Of Windsor Rules England. The Netherlands Is Ruled By The House Of`Orange
General: The H.R. In Haldeman's Name Stand For`Harry Robbins
General: The Hubble Telescope Is Named After This Astronomer`Edwin Hubble
General: the human body contains about sixty thousand miles of`blood vessels
General: The Human Lightening Rod Has Been Hit By Lightening More Times Than Anybody Else. How Many Times Has He Been Hit`Seven
General: The Hundred Billionth Crayon Made By Crayola Was`Periwinkle Blue
General: The Hungarian Word For Pepper`Paprika
General: The Idea That Specific Mating Adaptations Become Fixed In A Population And Form The Basis Of Species Identification`Recognition Concept Of Species
General: The Imaginary Line On The Surface Of The Earth Approximately Parallel To The Geographical Equator`Aclinic Line