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General: At Which Conference In 1944 Was The International Monetary System, Including The I.M.F. And The World Bank, Set Up`Bretton Woods
General: At which Grand Prix circuit did Ayrton Senna lose his life`san marino
General: At Which Paris Terminus Does The Eurostar Train From London Arrive`Gare Du Nord
General: A Two-Bit Moon Is In Its _____ Quarter`First
General: At __________ Years Old, An African Named Ernest Loftus Made His First Entry In His Diary And Continued Everyday For 91 Years`Twelve
General: A Type Of Ecological Succession That Occurs In An Area Where There Were Originally No Organisms`Primary Succession
General: A Type Of Growth Characteristic Of Plants, In Which The Organism Continues To Grow As Long As It Lives`Indeterminate Growth
General: A Typhoon Struck Which Island In Japan In 1934, Killing 4,000 People`Honshu
General: A Typical Double Mattress Contains As Many As __________ House Dust Mites`Two Million
General: A Typical Fiber Optic Cable Can Carry Up To 2.5 Billion Bits Of Data Per Second, Or How Many Simultaneous Telephone Calls`32,000
General: Auctioneer's Or Judge's Hammer`Gavel
General: August Is The Month When Most _____ Are Born`Babies
General: A Unicellular Or Multicellular Organism Composed Of Cells That Contain A Membrane-Bound Nucleus And Other Membrane-Bound Organelles`Eukaryote
General: A Us Navy Spring Was Used To Develop Which 1950's Toy`Slinky
General: aussie slang: barbie or b.b.q`barbecue cooking
General: aussie slang: big note`make yourself out to be important
General: aussie slang: billy`container used to make a cup of tea
General: aussie slang: blue heeler`police
General: aussie slang: boomer`kangaroo
General: aussie slang: cobber`a friend
General: aussie slang: knackers`male testicles
General: aussie slang: manchester`household linen
General: aussie slang: mozzie`mosquito
General: aussie slang: nick off`go away
General: aussie slang: pester`annoy`bother
General: Aussie slang: what is a tuckerbag`a bag for storing food in the bush
General: aussie slang: yabbie`freshwater australian crayfish
General: Australia Is Home To More Than Half Of The _____ ___ ___ Species In The World`Shark And Ray
General: Australia was originally created to serve as a British ______ colony`penal
General: Author : Catch 22`joseph heller
General: author: gift of the magi`o. henry
General: Author: How To Win Friends and Influence People`dale carnegie
General: Authority Charged With The Disposition Of Legal Actions Involving Children`Juvenile Court
General: Author of The Kiss of a Spider Woman`puig
General: author: one flew over the cuckoo's nest`kesey
General: Authors: Exit Earth`caidin
General: Authors: Hideaway`dean koontz
General: Authors: Red Storm Rising`clancy
General: Authors: The Prince of Tides`conroy
General: Author : Thanatopsis`bryant
General: Average Age Of Top __ Executives In 1994: 49.8 Years`Gm
General: Average Age Of Top Gm Executives In 1994: __._ Years`49.8
General: Average Number Of Pedestrians Killed By Automobiles Nightly In London, Due To The Blackout During The Blitz In Ww Ii`40
General: Average Slug Covers What Daily Distance`50 Yards
General: Average Speed Of Ejaculation: __ Miles Per Hour`28
General: Avery Laser Labels Are __________ After Company Founder R. Stanton Avery`Named
General: A Very, Very Rare Disorder (Thank Goodness) In Which The Sufferer Had The Urge To Hunt Down And Eat Raw Prey`Zoanthropic Paranoia
General: Aviation: What Is The Busiest Airport In The World`Atlanta's Hartsfield International
General: Aviation: Where Is The Worlds Busiest Airport Located`Atlanta
General: Award Presented To Sports Illustrated Magazine's 'Sportsman Of The Year'`The Grecian Urn
General: A ______ Was A Water Spirit Of Scottish Folklore Reputed To Cause Drownings`Kelpie
General: Aw Don't Think Like That! Damnit To Hell Don't Go By The Book! Think Like A Pirate! I Want A Man With A Tattoo On His Dick`Down Periscope
General: A Weapon Unused Is A Useless Weapon`Spies Like Us
General: A Welt, A Vamp, A Tongue And A Quarter Can All Be Found On Which Object`A Shoe
General: A Whip Makes A ________ _____ Because Its Tip Moves Faster Than The Speed Of Sound`Cracking Sound
General: A Whip Makes A Cracking Sound Because Its Tip Moves Faster Than ___ _____ __`The Speed Of Sound
General: A Wide Silk Belt Worn Around The Waist And Between The Legs: It Is The Sole Costume Of A Sumo Wrestler`Mawashi
General: A Wild ____ Is Easier To Train Than One Born In Captivity`Tiger
General: A _________ Will Live Nine Days Without Its Head, Before It Starves To Death`Cockroach
General: A Wind With A Speed Of 74 Miles Or More Is Designated As A What`Hurricane
General: A Wind With A Speed Of ______ ____ Miles Or More Is Designated A Hurricane`Seventy Four
General: A Winged ____ Was The City Symbol Of Pompeii, The Ancient Roman Town Destroyed By The Eruption Of Mt. Vesuvius`Penis
General: A Wise Man (Me) Once Said The Two Most Important Things You Have In Life Are ____ And`Time Energy`Energy Time
General: A _______ With The Hair Removed By Soaking It In Water And Lye Is Called A Parfleche`Rawhide
General: A Woman With Dark Hair`Brunette
General: A __________ Women Can Get A Divorce If Her Husband Doesn't Give Her Coffee`Saudi Arabian
General: A Word Describing A Set Of Rules Or Processes For The Solution Of A Problem In A Finite Number Of Steps`Algorithm
General: A Word, Phrase Or Sentence Which Reads The Same Whether You Read It From Left To Right Or From Right To Left Is Called A`Palindrome
General: A Woven Fabric With Raised Pattern`Brocade
General: Axl Rose Was An Anagram For What Phrase`Oral Sex
General: Babies Are Born With ___ Bones, But By Adulthood, We Only Have 206 In Our Bodies`300
General: Babies Are Born Without`Knee Caps
General: Babies Are Born Without ________. They Don't Appear Until The Child Reaches 2 To 6 Years Of Age`Kneecaps
General: Babies Knee Caps Don't Appear Until The Child Reaches ________ Years Of Age`Two To Six
General: Baby It's You Was Just One Of The Many Hits Of The Early 60's For This Girl Group`The Shirelles
General: babylon 5: what was the final battle of the earth-minbari war called`battle of the line
General: Backgammon Was Believed To Have Originated In`Mesopotamia
General: back to the future: marty & doc travel to 1955 again to prevent young biff from receiving the`almanac
General: 'Backward Ran Sentences Until Reeled The Mind' Was Wolcott Gibb's Famous Parody Of ___ Magazine's Unique - If Convoluted - Writing Style`Time
General: Bacteria, The Tiniest Free-Living Cells, Are So Small That A Single Drop Of Liquid Contains As Many As __________ Of Them`50 Million
General: Badlands Is A Feature Of Which U.S. State`South Dakota
General: Bagels are a traditional bread baked by followers of which religion`jewish
General: Baklava Is A Form Of`Dessert
General: band: eddie veddar and jeff ament`pearl jam
General: band: named not for a band member, but a 17th century agronomist`jethro tull
General: Band Of Decoration Especially At The Top Of A Wall`Frieze
General: band: perry ferrel's band before porno for pyros`janes addiction
General: band: their one hit wonder was later butchered by tesla`five man electrical band
General: Band To Keep Up Stockings`Garter
General: band: trent reznor`nine inch nails
General: band: yamatsuka eye, john zorn, bill laswell, fred frith, etc`naked city
General: Banging Your Head Against A Wall Uses ___ Calories An Hour`150
General: Bantu Speaking People From Southern Africa Are Called`Zulus
General: Bantu-Speaking People Of Southern Africa`Zulu
General: barbie: complete the barbie outfit name : here comes the`bride
General: Barbie Dolls Are Considered ____-_______ And Importing Them To Iran Is Prohibited. However, Dozens Of Shops In Tehran In The Late 1990s Displayed Original All-American Barbie Dolls, Some Wearing Only A Swimsuit. A Three-Foot-Tall Barbie Bride Model Was Selling For As Much As $700 In A Country Where The Average Monthly Salary Was $100`Anti-Islamic
General: Barbie Dolls Are Considered Anti-Islamic And Importing Them To Iran Is Prohibited. However, Dozens Of Shops In ______ In The Late 1990s Displayed Original All-American Barbie Dolls, Some Wearing Only A Swimsuit. A Three-Foot-Tall Barbie Bride Model Was Selling For As Much As $700 In A Country Where The Average Monthly Salary Was $100`Tehran
General: Barbie Dolls Are Considered Anti-Islamic And Importing Them To ____ Is Prohibited. However, Dozens Of Shops In Tehran In The Late 1990s Displayed Original All-American Barbie Dolls, Some Wearing Only A Swimsuit. A Three-Foot-Tall Barbie Bride Model Was Selling For As Much As $700 In A Country Where The Average Monthly Salary Was $100`Iran
General: Barbie Dolls: What Ken wears when he visits Germany`lederhosen
General: Barbie: Ken's black friend`brad
General: Barbie: Ken's buddy`allan
General: Barbie's Full Name`Barbara Millicent Roberts
General: Barbie's Full Name Is _______ _________`Barbara Millicent Roberts
General: Barbie's Measurements If She Were Life Size`39-23-33
General: Barbie: What Barbie wears when she visits Japan`kimono
General: Barometeric Pressure Is Measured In`Kilopascals
General: Barrel, Breech And Stock Are All Parts Of A What`Gun
General : Baseballer Joe Schlabotnik's greatest fan`charlie brown
General: Baseball star Joe Dimaggio married which actress`marilyn monroe
General: baseball the houston`astros
General: baseball: the new york`mets
General: baseball the philadelphia`phillies
General: baseball the texas`rangers
General: Based On Archaeological Evidence, What Is The World's Oldest Known Vegetable`Pea
General: Based On Greek Mythology What Is Beethoven's Only Major Ballet`The Creatures Of Prometheus
General: based on per capita consumption, in 1996, which european nation was the top consumer of wine`france
General: Based On Population, _______ ________ Is The Most Commonly Spoken Language In The World. Spanish Follows In Second Place, English Is Third, And Bengali Is Fourth`Chinese Mandarin
General: Basie Ronnie Bond Drummed With What Group`Troggs
General: basketball: _____ bird`larry
General: basketball: the new york`knicks
General: bathycolpian is possessing a what`large bosom
General: Bavarian Vampires Were Said To Sleep With The __ ___Open, With Their Thumbs Linked, And To Be Responsible For Plague In Cattle`Left Eye
General: Bay Port Is The Hometown Of What Fictional Brothers`The Hardy Boys
General: Bay State`Massachusetts
General: B.B. King's Guitar, 'Lucille' Is A`Gibson Guitar
General: bbw stands for`big beautiful women
General: Beanie Siegal Named Himself After A Street From Which Area`South Philladelphia
General: beatles first words: first word of maxwell's silver hammer`joan
General: beatles first words: first word of o-bla-di o-bla-da`desmond --- has a barrow in the market place
General: beatles lyrics: each day just goes so fast, I turn around`its past
General: beatles lyrics: i'd rather see you dead, little girl, than to be with`another man
General: beatles: name the song: no don't wake me, please don't shake me`im only sleeping
General: beatles people: maxwell edison`paul mccartney
General: beatles people: she said she said (the inspiration..hard!)`peter fonda
General: beatles people: two of us (besides paul)`linda mccartney
General: beatles: the name of mean mr. mustard's sister`pam
General: beatles tune: baby's good to me, you know she's happy as can be, you know she said so`I feel fine
General: beatles tune: but when I get home to you, I find the things that you do`a hard days night
General: beatles tune: sitting in an english garden, waiting for the sun`I am the walrus
General: beatles: where did john & yoko marry`gibraltar
General: beatles: you know my name, look up the number was the b side to what single`let it be
General: beauty & the __ by celine dion`beast
General: _____________ Became Queen Of Scotland When She Was Only Six Days Old`Mary Stuart
General: __________________ Became The First Woman To Receive A Diamond Engagement Ring. It Was Given To Her By Maximilian I Of Germany In 1477`Anne Of Burgundy
General: Because Birds Carrying Messages Were Often Killed In Flight By Hawks, Medieval Arabs Made A Habit Of Sending Important Messages`Twice
General: Because Metal Was Scarce, The Oscars Given Out During World War Ii Were Made Out Of What`Wood
General: Because Of Heavy Traffic Congestion, Julius Caesar Banned All Wheeled Vehicles From Rome During`Daylight Hours
General: Because Of The __________ Content Of The Dead Sea, It Is Difficult To Dive Below Its Surface`Salt
General: Because Of The Deadly Feud Between The Montagues And The Capulets, Romeo And Juliet Are Secretly Married In The Cell Of This Friar`Friar Laurence
General: Because The Emu And The Kangaroo Cannot Walk Backwards, They Are On The Australian`Coat Of Arms
General: Because They Had No Proper Rubbish Disposal System, The Streets Of Ancient Mesopotamia Became Literally Knee-Deep In`Rubbish
General: _____ Becomes Hard Software When Holding Program Code`Firmware
General: Beer: German variety of noble hops that Jim Koch whines about on the radio`hallertau mittelfrueh
General: Beer: In many backward states, stronger beers must use this useless term instead`malt liquor
General: Beer: Term used for the strongest ales (not lagers)`barleywine
General: Before British Soldiers Shot 13 Irish Dead On Bloody Sunday In 1972, They Sprayed Them With Tear Gas And ___ Dye`Purple
General: Before European Civilization Took Over, Approx. How Many Native Americans Used To Live In Us`36 Million`36000000`36,000,000
General: Before Gomer Pyle Joined The Marines, What Did He Do For A Living`Gas Station Attendant
General: Before Graduating From High School, The Average American Eats 1,500 What`Peanut Butter And Jelly Sandwiches
General: Before Making Video Games Nintendo Made _______`Playing Cards
General: Before Mount Everest Was Discovered, What Was The Highest Mountain On Earth`Mount Everest
General: Before She Was A Pop Star, Why Was Samantha Fox In The British Tabloids`She Was A Page Three Girl
General: Before The 1800's There Were No Separately Designed __________ For Right And Left Feet`Shoes
General: Before The Chinese Take-Over Of Tibet In 1952,25 Percent Of The Males In The Country Were`Buddhist Monks
General: before the church settled on december 25th as christmas, what day in march was usually celebrated as the date of jesus' birth`march 28th
General: Before The Inventon Of Glass, The Egyptians Produced Objects Made From A Blue-Glazed Mixture Of Sand And Soda Fired Just Below Melting Point. Name This Technique`Faience
General: Before The Luxury Passenger Cruiser France Went On Its First World Cruise Its Captain Flew To Every Proposed Port To See If They Had Facilities Large Enough To Handle The Ships What`Laundry
General: Before The Second World War, It Was Considered A Sacrilege To Even Touch An Emperor Of`Japan
General: Before They Came To The Attention Of Berry Gordy Jr., This Trio Was Known Around Detroit As The 'Primettes'`The Supremes
General: Before Wwii, The New York Phone Book Had 22 Listings For What Surname, And None After Wwii`Hitler
General: Beginning With The Letter L, What Term Is Used To Describe The Angle At Which A Golf-Club's Face Is Laid Back`Loft
General: Being An Adult Is So Embarrassing`Task Force 2001
General: Belgium Is The Only Country That Has Never Imposed Censorship Laws On _____`Adult Films
General: Belgium's Main Port`Antwerp
General: Belgium, The Netherlands And Luxembourg Came Together In 1948 To Form An Economic Union, Known As What`Benelux
General: Belief That Moral Laws Aren't Fixed Or Universal: Also The Belief In Salvation By Faith Alone`Antinomianism
General: Ben Hurs rival in the great chariot race`messala
General: Berkshire, Cheshire, Victoria And Poland China Are Breeds Of What Animal`Pig
General: Bernard Clemmens Of London Managed To Sustain A __________ For An Officially Recorded Time Of 2 Mins 42 Seconds`Fart
General: Bernard __________ Of London Managed To Sustain A Fart For An Officially Recorded Time Of 2 Mins 42 Seconds`Clemmens
General: Bert Berns Produced What Song For Van Morrison`Brown Eyed Girl
General: Besides 'Auld Lang Syne' And 'For He's A Jolly Good Fellow', What Is The Most Frequently Sung Song In English`Happy Birthday
General: besides being a singer, the big boppa was also working as a`disc jockey
General: besides oil, which is the only other industrially significant mineral not found in south africa`bauxite
General: Besides Red And White, What Other Colour Is On The Flag Of Thailand`Blue
General: Besides The Recent Species Discovered In Patagonia, What Is The Largest Carnivorous Dinosaur`Giganotosaurus (41 Ft. T-Rex Is 40 Ft.
General: besides the stones which group had the longest touring career until the founder's death in 1995`grateful dead
General: Besides Twos What Other Card Is Wild In Canasta`Joker
General: Best Or Nothing In The Song 'Skip To My Lou', In What Beverage Are The Flies`Buttermilk
General: bestsellers: millie's book was barked to her`barbara bush
General: bestsellers: trinity takes place in this country`ireland
General: Best Viewed From Two Tourist Viewpoints - The North Rim And The South Rim`Grand Canyon
General: Betsy Ross Is The Only Real Person To Ever Have Been The Head Of A`Pez Dispenser
General: Betta Splendens, Known For Its Labrynth Gills That Allow It To Live In Small Plastic Cups, It's Long Bright Fins And Aggression To Males Of The Same Species Is Also Called The`Siamese Fighting Fish
General: Between 1902 And 1907 The Same _____ Killed 436 People In India`Tiger
General: Between 1902 And 1907 The Same Tiger Killed 436 People In`India
General: Between 1902 And 1907 The Same Tiger Killed ___ People In India`436
General: Between 25% To 33% Of The Population __________ When They Are Exposed To Light`Sneeze
General: Between Panama And Nicaragua`Costa Rica
General: Beware The Frumious`Bandersnatch
General: Beware The ____ My Son! The Jaws That Bite, The Claws That Catch! Beware The Jubjub Bird, And Shun The Frumious Bandersnatch! - Lewis Carrol`Jabberwock
General: bible:what are the first three words of the bible`in the beginning
General: biblical character: father-in-law of moses`jethro
General: Big Ben Is Not The Correct Name Of The Clock, Big Ben Is In Fact A ______ In The Tower`Bell, Big Ben Is The Biggest Of The Bells In The Clock Tower
General: Biggest City South Of The Equator Is`Sao Paulo
General: Billiards Tables Are Made From What Stone`Slate
General: Billionaire Kirk Kerkorian's Ex Has Filed (In January 2002) For $ ____,000 Per Month, For Support Of Their 3 Yr Old Daughter`320
General: bill ted bogosity: dude, what classical composer do the boys kidnap`beethoven
General: bill ted bogosity: dude, what was the original title of the sequel (b&t's bogus journey)`bill and ted go to hell
General: Billy Jean Jones Was Married To Singers Johnny Horton And ___ ___ At The Time Of Their Deaths`Hank Williams
General: Biological Community Of Interacting Organisms And Their Physical Environment`Ecosystem
General: Biologists Have Taught Which Asian Animal To Play Music On The Gong, Renat (A Wooden Xylophone) And One-Stringed Diddley Bow`Elephant
General: Bird Droppings Are Chief ______ Of Nauru, An Island Nation In The Western Pacific`Export
General: Birmingham Is Flanked By The M6 On The North And M5 On The West, Which Motorway Flanks South And East`M42
General: 'Birth Control For Roaches'`Black Flag
General: bismarck is the capital of`north dakota
General: Black, Cementlike Material Varying In Consistency At Room Temperature From Solid To Semisolid`Asphalt
General: Blackcurrants Are A Good Source Of Which Vitamin`Vitamin C
General: Black Friday Refers To The Us Stock Market Panic Of 1869. The Panic Began When Jay Gould And James Fisk Tried To Corner Which Market`Gold Market
General: Blackpool In Irish`Dubh Linn
General: Blanche (In 'A Streetcar Named Desire') Loses The Aristocratic Dubois Homestead, 'Belle Reve' (French For Beautiful ____)`Dream
General: bleeding heart movies: penelope ann miller, sean penn and al pacino`carlitos way
General: bleeding heart songs: bad religion: see him on the interstate`american jesus
General: bleeding heart songs: nine inch nails: god money, i'll do anything for you`head like a hole!!
General: blood, sugar, sex & magik was a hit for this spicy l a band in 1991`red hot chili peppers
General: Blue Eyes Are The Most Sensitive To Light, ____ ______ The Least Sensitive`Dark Brown
General: b movies: william hurt and holly hunter team up in this comedy about the network news`broadcast news
General: __ boat (day-o) by: harry belafonte`banana
General: Bob Ayling Is The Chief Executive Of Which British Company`British Airways
General: Bob Carlisle Thanks God For All The Joy In His Life But Most Of All For`Butterfly Kisses
General: Bob Hope Had A Reputation For Delivering Six Punch Lines A Minute. How Many A Minute Has Phyllis Diller Been Known To Reel Off`Twelve
General: bogyphobia fear of`bogies or the bogeyman
General: bond: what is goldfinger's first name`auric
General: bone thugs 'n`harmony
General: Bonnie Prince Charlie, The Leader Of The Jacobite Rebellion To Depose Of George Ii Of England, Was Born 31 December 1720. Considered A Great Scottish Hero, He Spent His Final Years As A`Drunkard In Rome
General: Book Of Information On Many Subjects`Encyclopedia
General: Book Or Table Containing A Calendar, Together With Astronomical And Navigational Data And, Often, Religious Holidays, Historical Notes, Proverbs, And Astrological And Agricultural Forecasts`Almanac
General: Books Are To Libraries As Weapons Are`To Arsenals
General: Books: Crusoe met his future servant & companion on this day of the week`friday
General: Books for the Bored: What sort of creature was Tarka`otter
General: books for the bored: which dickens novel takes place during the french revolution`a tale of two cities
General: Books for the Hip Reader: Daisy Miller`james
General: Books: Last name of the Jacob and Wilhelm brothers`grimm
General: Books: The Devil promised 24 years of happiness to this doctor in Marlowe's play`faustus
General: booze grabbag: australian city home of castlemaine xxxx export lager`brisbane
General: booze names: 1/2 oz. light rum, 1/2 oz. dark rum, 1 oz. orange, lime, pineapple juice`pina colada
General: Booze Names: Vodka, consomme, lemon, tabasco sauce, salt, pepper, celery salt`bullshot
General: born apr 24, 1942, she starred in this movie: funny lady - 1975`barbra streisand
General: born apr 24, 1942, she starred in this movie: the mirror has two faces - 1996`barbra streisand
General: born apr 24, 1942, she starred in this movie: the prince of tides - 1991`barbra streisand
General: born apr 3, 1961, he starred in this movie: 48 hrs. - 1982`eddie murphy
General: born apr 3, 1961, he starred in this movie: beverly hills cop - 1984`eddie murphy
General: born apr 3, 1961, he starred in this movie: the distinguished gentleman - 1992`eddie murphy
General: born apr 3, 1961, he starred in this movie: trading places - 1983`eddie murphy
General: born april 29, 1958, she starred in this movie: frankie & johnny - 1991`michelle pfeiffer
General: born april 29, 1958, she starred in this movie: tequila sunrise - 1988`michelle pfeiffer
General: born april 29, 1958, she starred in this movie: the age of innocence - 1993`michelle pfeiffer
General: born april 29, 1958, she starred in this movie: the witches of eastwick - 1987`michelle pfeiffer
General: born aug 29, 1915, she starred in this movie: autumn sonata - 1978`ingrid bergman
General: born aug 29, 1915, she starred in this movie: h stsonaten - 1978`ingrid bergman
General: born aug 31, 1949, he starred in this movie: beyond the limit/the honorary consul - 1983`richard gere
General: born aug 6, 1911, she starred in this movie: carnival - 1935`lucille ball
General: born aug 6, 1911, she starred in this movie: joy of living - 1937`lucille ball
General: born aug 6, 1911, she starred in this movie: the bowery - 1933`lucille ball
General: born aug 6, 1911, she starred in this movie: the kid from spain -1932`lucille ball
General: born aug 6, 1911, she starred in this movie: winterset - 1936`lucille ball
General: born aug 8, 1937, he starred in this movie: billy bathgate - 1991`dustin hoffman
General: born aug 8, 1937, he starred in this movie: straight time - 1978`dustin hoffman
General: born aug 8, 1937, he starred in this movie: wag the dog - 1997`dustin hoffman
General: born dec 1, 1945, she starred in this movie: jinxed - 1982`bette midler
General: born dec 1, 1945, she starred in this movie: outrageous fortune -1987`bette midler
General: born dec 18 1963, he starred in this movie: kalifornia - 1993`brad pitt
General: born dec 18 1963, he starred in this movie: true romance - 1993`brad pitt
General: born dec 31, 1937, he starred in this movie: bram stoker's dracula - 1992`anthony hopkins
General: born dec 31, 1937, he starred in this movie: freejack - 1992`anthony hopkins
General: born dec 31, 1937, he starred in this movie: hamlet - 1969`anthony hopkins
General: born dec 31, 1937, he starred in this movie: instinct - 1999`anthony hopkins
General: born dec 31, 1937, he starred in this movie: shadowlands - 1993`anthony hopkins
General: born dec 31, 1937, he starred in this movie: the dawning - 1988`anthony hopkins
General: born dec 31, 1937, he starred in this movie: the good father -1986`anthony hopkins
General: born dec 31, 1937, he starred in this movie: the trial - 1992`anthony hopkins
General: born dec 31, 1937, he starred in this movie: the white bus - 1967`anthony hopkins
General: born feb 22, 1975, she starred in this movie: never been kissed - 1999`drew barrymore
General: born feb 22, 1975, she starred in this movie: see you in the morning - 1989`drew barrymore
General: born feb 27, 1932, she starred in this movie: callaway went thataway - 1951`elizabeth taylor
General: born feb 27, 1932, she starred in this movie: conspirator - 1949`elizabeth taylor
General: born feb 27, 1932, she starred in this movie: the driver's seat /identikit - 1974`elizabeth taylor
General: Born Henry Fredericks, What Singer Got A Degree In Animal Husbandry, Then Changed His Name To A Memorial In Asia`Taj Mahal
General: Born In 1958 In Winnipeg, He Lost His Right Leg To Cancer In 1977`Terry Fox
General: Born James Osterburg In Michigan, His Performances Allegedly Included Self-Mutilation With Beer Bottles, Vomiting, And Worse. He Is ___`Iggy Pop
General: born jan 18, 1955, he starred in this movie: frances - 1982`kevin costner
General: born jan 30, 1930, he starred in this movie: a covenant with death - 1967`gene hackman
General: born jan 3, 1956, he starred in this movie: lethal weapon 2 - 1989`mel gibson
General: born jan 8, 1935, he starred in this movie: change of habit - 1969`elvis presley
General: born jan 8, 1935, he starred in this movie: clambake - 1967`elvis presley
General: born jan 8, 1935, he starred in this movie: flaming star - 1960`elvis presley
General: born jan 8, 1935, he starred in this movie: the trouble with girls - 1969`elvis presley
General: born jan 8, 1935, he starred in this movie: tickle me - 1965`elvis presley
General: born july 13, 1942, he starred in this movie: indiana jones and the last crusade - 1989`harrison ford
General: born july 13, 1942, he starred in this movie: more american graffiti - 1979`harrison ford
General: born july 13, 1942, he starred in this movie: raiders of the lost ark - 1981`harrison ford
General: born july 13, 1942, he starred in this movie: sabrina - 1995`harrison ford
General: born july 13, 1942, he starred in this movie: working girl - 1988`harrison ford
General: born july 30, 1947, he starred in this movie: kindergarten cop - 1990`arnold schwarzenegger
General: born july 30, 1947, he starred in this movie: raw deal -1986`arnold schwarzenegger
General: born july 30, 1947, he starred in this movie: the villain - 1979`arnold schwarzenegger
General: born june 10, 1922, she starred in this movie: andy hardy meets a debutante - 1940`judy garland
General: born june 10, 1922, she starred in this movie: babes in arms - 1939`judy garland
General: born june 1, 1926, she starred in this movie: love happy - 1949`marilyn monroe
General: born june 1, 1926, she starred in this movie: monkey business -1952`marilyn monroe
General: born mar 14, 1947, he starred in this movie: analyze this - 1999`billy crystal
General: born mar 14, 1947, he starred in this movie: the princess bride - 1987`billy crystal
General: born mar 17, 1951, he starred in this movie: big trouble in little china - 1986`kurt russell
General: born mar 17, 1951, he starred in this movie: now you see him, now you don't - 1972`kurt russell
General: born mar 17, 1951, he starred in this movie: soldier - 1998`kurt russell
General: born mar 17, 1951, he starred in this movie: superdad - 1974`kurt russell
General: born mar 17, 1951, he starred in this movie: the barefoot executive - 1971`kurt russell
General: born mar 19, 1955, he starred in this movie: billy bathgate - 1991`bruce willis
General: born mar 19, 1955, he starred in this movie: blind date - 1987`bruce willis
General: born mar 19, 1955, he starred in this movie: die hard - 1988`bruce willis
General: born mar 19, 1955, he starred in this movie: hudson hawk - 1991`bruce willis
General: born mar 19, 1955, he starred in this movie: nobody's fool - 1994`bruce willis
General: born mar 19, 1955, he starred in this movie: that's adequate - 1989`bruce willis
General: born mar 19, 1955, he starred in this movie: the sixth sense - 1999`bruce willis
General: born may 4, 1929, she starred in this movie: roman holiday - 1953`audrey hepburn
General: born may 4, 1929, she starred in this movie: the nun's story -1959`audrey hepburn
General: born may 6, 1961, he starred in this movie: south park: bigger, longer & uncut - 1999`george clooney
General: born may 7, 1901, he starred in this movie: alice in wonderland -1933`gary cooper
General: born may 7, 1901, he starred in this movie: bright leaf - 1950`gary cooper
General: born may 7, 1901, he starred in this movie: good sam - 1948`gary cooper
General: born may 7, 1901, he starred in this movie: peter ibbetson - 1935`gary cooper
General: born may 7, 1901, he starred in this movie: the general died at dawn - 1936`gary cooper
General: born may 7, 1901, he starred in this movie: the wedding night - 1935`gary cooper
General: born nov 11, 1962, she starred in this movie: indecent proposal - 1993`demi moore
General: born nov 19, 1961, she starred in this movie: armed and dangerous - 1986`meg ryan
General: born nov 19, 1961, she starred in this movie: french kiss - 1995`meg ryan
General: born nov 19, 1961, she starred in this movie: I.q. - 1994`meg ryan
General: born nov 19, 1961, she starred in this movie: joe versus the volcano - 1990`meg ryan
General: born nov 19, 1962, she starred in this movie: fleur bleue/stop calling me baby! - 1977`jodie foster
General: born nov 19, 1962, she starred in this movie: foxes - 1980`jodie foster
General: born nov 19, 1962, she starred in this movie: nell - 1994`jodie foster
General: born nov 21, 1945, she starred in this movie: lovers and liars - 1979`goldie hawn
General: born nov 22, 1958, she starred in this movie: virus - 1998`jamie lee curtis
General: born oct 28, 1963, she starred in this movie: archie: to riverdale and back again - 1990`lauren holly
General: born oct 28, 1963, she starred in this movie: down periscope - 1996`lauren holly
General: born oct 28, 1963, she starred in this movie: turbulence - 1997`lauren holly
General: born oct 28, 1967, she starred in this movie: flatliners - 1990`julia roberts
General: born oct 28, 1967, she starred in this movie: michael collins -1996`julia roberts
General: born oct 28, 1967, she starred in this movie: stepmom - 1998`julia roberts
General: born on september 22, 1960 in philadelphia. played guitar with the los angeles female rock band the runaways, 1975-78. formed her backing band in 1980. starred in the 1987 film light of day as the leader of a rock band called the barbusters. name the singer`joan jett
General: born sep 25, 1944, he starred in this movie: a perfect murder - 1998`michael douglas
General: born sep 25, 1944, he starred in this movie: the ghost and the darkness - 1996`michael douglas
General: born sep 28, 1934, she starred in this movie: dear brigitte -1965`brigitte bardot
General: born sep 28, 1934, she starred in this movie: doctor at sea -1956`brigitte bardot
General: born sep 28, 1934, she starred in this movie: en cas de malheur - 1958`brigitte bardot
General: born sep 28, 1934, she starred in this movie: la vTritT/the truth - 1960`brigitte bardot
General: born sep 28, 1934, she starred in this movie: une parisienne -1957`brigitte bardot
General: born sep 5, 1940, she starred in this movie: lady in cement - 1968`raquel welch
General: born sep 5, 1940, she starred in this movie: the four musketeers - 1975`raquel welch
General: born sep 5, 1940, she starred in this movie: the oldest profession - 1967`raquel welch
General: born sep 5, 1940, she starred in this movie: the three musketeers - 1974`raquel welch
General: born sep 9, 1960, he starred in this movie: crossing the line - 1990`hugh grant
General: Born To Be Wild Was Produced By Which Canadien Group`Steppenwolf
General: Botany And Zoology Combined Make Up The Science Of`Biology
General: Botany : This Fruit Has Its Seeds On The Outside`Strawberry
General: Both Devo And Chrissie Hynde Hail From This Ohio City`Akron
General: Both The Hindenburg And The R101 Ended In Flames. What Were They`Airships
General: Botvinnik, Petrosian and Tal have all been World Champions of what`chess
General: bourbon, sugar and mint make a(n)`mint julep
General: 'Bowser' And 'Jocko' Have Been Two Prominent Members Of What Very Successful Rock And Roll Nostalgia Act`Sha Na Na
General: brady mania: she crashed her bicycle in the garage when she wasn't wearing glasses`jan
General: branch of linguistics concerned with the production, physical nature, and perception of speech sounds`phonetics
General: branch of mathematics concerned with the study of such concepts as the rate of change of one variable quantity with respect to another, the slope of a curve at a prescribed point, and the computation of the maximum and minimum values of functions`calculus
General: Brasco Is Australian Slang For`Lavatory
General: Brazil Got Its Name From The ______, Not The Other Way Around`Nut
General: 'Breath, ' By _____ _______-, Was First Performed In April,1970. The Play Lasts 30 Seconds, Has No Actors, And No Dialogue`Samuel Beckett
General: Bret Hart Trademarked The Nickname '______' In 1990`Hitman
General: Bret ____ Trademarked The Nickname 'Hitman' In 1990`Hart
General: Bricks Scared By Bullets From The St ____ Day Massacre Were Recycled In A Wall At A Canadian Night Club With A Roaring 20's Theme`Valentine's
General: bridgeport is the largest city in which state`connecticut
General: Bridgetown Is The Capital Of`Barbados
General: Brief Commemorative Inscription On A Tomb: Also, A Short Piece Of Poetry Or Prose Lauding A Deceased Person`Epitaph
General: Brigham ____, Founder Of The Mormon Church, Married 27 Times`Young
General: Brigham Young Was A Pioneer Of Which Institution`The Mormon Church
General: Brilliant Red Or Black Mineral, With Diamondlike Luster, Composed Of Titanium Oxide, Tio2`Rutile
General: Brimstone, Referred To In The Bible And Some Alchemy Text, Is`Sulphur
General: Britain's First _______ Was Installed In Harrods In 1878`Escalator
General: Britain's Say 'Tarmac': Americans Say`Runway
General: British slang: ankle biters means`babies
General: British slang: bender means`drinking spree
General: British slang: bobbie means`policeman
General: British slang: camp bed means`cot
General: British slang: don't get your knickers in a twist means`don't get upset
General: British slang: hapenny means`half penny
General: British slang: nappies means`diapers
General: British slang: page 3 girl means`a scantilly dressed woman on the third page of a newspaper
General: British slang: prat means`idiot
General: British slang: rubbish means`garbage
General: British slang: secateurs means`gardening shears
General: British slang: slag means`loose woman
General: British slang: toodle pip means`good bye
General: British slang: wellies means`galoshes
General: brit isle bands: half of enya's songs are in english. what language are the others sung in`gaelic
General: broadway musical about the life of jelly roll morton`jellys last jam
General: Brontology Is The Study Of`Thunder
General: Bronze, An Alloy Is A Mixture Of Which Metals`Copper Tin`Tin Copper
General: Brooke Shields And Rock Musician Dr. John Both Posed For What Commercial Product When They Were Babies`Ivory Soap
General: Brothers Jacob And Wilhelm Were Librarians And Professors Of Language In 19th Century Germany. What Was Their Surname`Grimm
General: bruce springsteen sang 'born in the usa' but in which of the u.s. states was he born`new jersey
General: bryan adams recorded a song for this movie with johnny depp as a latin lover`don juan de marco
General: Buckle Up Back There, We're Going Into Hyperactive`Spaceballs
General: budapest is the capital of`hungary
General: Buddy Holly Released A Solo 'Peggy Sue' That, By The End Of 1957 Was Challenging This Song He Recorded With His Crickets`Oh Boy
General: buddy holly & the`crickets
General: Buddy Rich's Real First Name Was What`Bernard
General: Buffalo River National Park Is In Which State`Arkansas
General: Buganda Was The Chief Kingdom Of Present Day Uganda During The 17th Century. What Is The Bugandan Word For King`Kabaka
General: Building Occupied By Monks`Abbey
General: Built In 1976, In Artesia, New Mexico, Abo Elementary School Was The First Public School In The Us To Be Located Where`Underground
General: Bumblebee Wings : Beats Per Second`160
General: Burger King, Founded In Florida, Is Now Owned By Diageo, Which Is Based In Which Country In Europe`England
General: Burma was the former name of which country`myanmar
General: Business And Advertising: This Brand Boasts 57 Varieties`Heinz
General: Bust A Deal, Face The Wheel`Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome
General: 'But You Said You'd Do My Braids!' 'Yeah? Well Call Me When There's An Opening In Your Busy Schedule.'`Girlfight
General: By 65 Years Old, Americans Have Watched More Than __________ Years Of Television`Nine
General: By 70 Years Of Age, An Average Person Will Have Shed How Many Pounds Of Skin`One Hundred And Five
General: By Age 65, The Average Person Has _____ ____ _____ ________`Spent Nine Years Watching Tv
General: By Age __________, Most People Have Lost Half Of Their Taste Buds`Sixty
General: By How Much Do The World's Termites Outweigh Human Beings`Ten To One
General: by raising your legs slowly and laying on your back, you can't sink in`quicksand
General: By The Hudson River Spanned`George Washington Bridge
General: By The Mid 1940's Ther Were How Many Television Stations In The Us`Twenty Three
General: By The Time A Child Finishes Elementary School They Will Have Witnessed How Many Acts Of Violence On Television`One Hundred Thousand
General: By The Time A Child Finishes Elementary School They Will Have Witnessed How Many Murders On Television`Eight Thousand
General: By What Alias Does Ferris Bueller Get Into Chez Luis`Abe Frohman
General: By What Chemical Process Do Plants Manufacture Food`Photosynthesis
General: By What Did Orlin Refer To The Other Members Of His Species`The Others
General: by what is the hudson river spanned`george washington bridge
General: By What Military Rank Is The President Of Libya Known`Colonel
General: By What Name Is Allen Konigsberg Better Known`Woody Allen
General: By What Name Is Harry Angstrom Known In The Titles Of John Updike's Trilogy`Rabbit
General: By what name is the 3rd battle of Ypres known`passchendaele
General: By What Name Is The Reed Pipe Of The Bagpipes Known`Chanter
General: By What Name Was Indian Political Leader Mohandas Gandhi Better Known`Mahatma
General: By What Name Was Outlaw Harry Longbaugh Better Known`Sundance Kid
General: By What Name Was The American William Cody Better Known`Buffalo Bill
General: By What Other Name Is The 180 Degree Meridian Known As`International Date Line
General: By What Other Name Is The Island Of Lindisfarne Known`Holy Island
General: By What Other Name Is The Mountain K2 Called`Mount Godwin Austen
General: By What Process Is Rock Worn Down By The Weather`Erosion
General: By Which Country Was The First Concentration Camp Setup During The Boer Wars`England
General: By Which Name Is Mendelssohn's Third Symphony Known`Scottish
General: By __________ Years Old, Americans Have Watched More Than Nine Years Of Television`Sixty Five
General: Caciocavallo, herkimer, mysost, & trappist are all varieties of what`cheese
General: caligynephobia fear of`beautiful women
General: Called The 'Buddhist Constantine' For His Influence In Converting Much Of Northern India To Buddhismwhat King Died In 232 B.C`King Asoka
General: Calling It Lake Nyasas Which White Person Was First To See Lake Malawi In 1859`David Livingstone
General: calvados' is a brandy made from what`apples
General: Camarillo, Ca Usa Is The ____ ____ Capital Of The World`Lima Bean
General: Camomile Is Often Used In Herbal Tea. What Is It Said To Promote`Relaxation
General: Camp David Is In What U.S. State`Maryland
General: _____ Can Accelerate 50 Times Faster Than The Space Shuttle`Fleas
General: __________ Can Accelerate To Over 100 Mph In Just A Few Seconds`Avalanches
General: Canada ( 9 970 610 Sq Km) Is Larger Than China ( 9 596 961 Sq Km) Which Is Larger Than The _____ ( 9 363 130 Sq Km)`Usa
General: Canada Is An Indian Word Meaning What`Big Village
General: Canada Is The World Leader In The Production Of`Newsprint
General: Canada's Unofficial National Anthem Is`God Save The Queen
General: Canada Was First Named`New France
General: Canadianisms: Finish the quote: The Mounties always`get their man
General: Canadians are sometimes thought of as`canucks
General: canadiens are sometimes thought of as`canucks
General: Can A Man Legally Marry His Widow's Sister In The State Of California? (Answer And Reason)`No, Because He Is Dead
General: _______ ____ ____ _______ _ ____ Can Burn Up To 150 Calories Per Hour`Banging Your Head Against A Wall
General: ________ __________ Can Determine A Person's Sex, Age, And Race By Examining A Single Strand Of Hair`Forensic Scientists
General: candlebox song: I know it's all on my own`blossom
General: Candy: Candy bar named for a celestial object`milky way
General: candy: candy bar promoted by bart simpson`butterfingers
General: candy: fruit flavored candy pieces made with ju-ju gum`jujubes
General: Candy Made From Pieces Of ______ ______ Was Outlawed In The United States In 1952 To Protect The Species`Barrel Cactus
General: candy: marble sized, vanilla flavored, chewy caramels covered with milk choclate`milk duds
General: ______ Can Grow By The Height Of A Two-Year-Old Child A Day. That's 36 Inches A Day`Bamboo
General: Can Lasers Cut Diamonds`Yes
General: __________ Can Live In Captivity For Up To 46 Years`Eagles
General: ________ Can Live To Be 70 Years Old, When They Live In The Wild, They Are Olive Green, Not Gold`Goldfish
General: Cannibals Are Famous For Eating What`Human Flesh
General: _____ _____ Cannot Be Detected By Infrared Cameras, Due To Their Transparent Fur`Polar Bears
General: ________ Cannot Crow If They Cannot Extend Their Necks`Roosters
General: __________ Cannot Move Backwards`Alligators
General: Can't Fight Against The Youth, Cause We're Strong And We're ____ _____ People`Rude Rude
General: Can There Be Lightning Without Rain`Yes
General: Canthopterygian Is A(N)`Fish
General: ________ Can't Swallow While They Are Upside Down`Chickens
General: Can You Guesstimate How Many Hotdogs That Baseball Fans Will Enjoy At The Ballpark This Year`26 Million`26 000 000
General: Can You Name Time Magazine's Man Of The Year For 1952`Queen Elizabeth Ii
General: Can you swim in the sea of showers`no
General: Capable Of Being Decomposed By The Action Of Light`Photodegradable
General: cape town, south africa, is also known as`kaapstad
General: Capital cities: Romania`bucharest
General: Capital city of Arizona & seat of Maricopa County, located on the salt river in the south central part of the state`phoenix
General: Captain Cook Lost Almost Half His Crew In 1768 On His First Voyage To`South Pacific
General: captain hook, tiger lily, and tinker bell are characters in what story`peter pan
General: Captain Of The Mayflower`Miles Standish
General: Caribbean plant yeilding a substance used in cosmetics`aloe vera
General: Carly Simon Hit And A Ketchup Commercial`Anticipation
General: Cars: The first power steering was in this car`mercedes-benz
General: cartoon miss buckley is secretary to what commanding officer`general halftrack
General: cartoons : for some strange reason, on scooby doo nobody ever changed their what`clothes
General: Cartoon Trivia : What is Super Chicken's partners name`fred
General: Cartoon Trivia : Which superhero loves peace enough to kill for it`peacemaker
General: cartoon when not a birdman, what does ray randall do for a living`police officer
General: cartoon which superhero loves peace enough to kill for it`peacemaker
General: Cass Elliott Had One Of The Most Striking Voices Of This Monday Monday Group`Mamas And Papas
General: Catabolism Of Macromolecules In The Absense Of Oxygen`Fermentation
General: Catgut Comes From What Animal`Sheep
General: Catherine De Medici Was The First Woman In Europe To Use __________. She Took It In A Mixture Of Snuff`Tobacco
General: Catherine De Medici Was The First Woman In Europe To Use Tobacco. She Took It In A Mixture Of`Snuff
General: Cats Spend More Than Half Of Their Lives`Asleep
General: cat stevens says i can't keep it in, i gotta`let it out
General: Cattle Are Bovine, Sheep Are`Ovine
General: 'Cave Canem' Means What`Beware Of The Dog
General: Cavendish Is The Family Name For Which Duke`Devonshire
General: Ceeded To The United States By The 1898 Treaty Of Paris, What Country's People Were Given The Opportunity To Express Their Preference As To The Country's Future Political Status On December 13,1998`Puerto Rico
General: celebrities reveal their 5 essential cd's on this show`naked cafe
General: Celebrity-Hounding Photographers Are Called Paparazzi, In English As Well As Italian. It Is Believed The Word Was Coined After A Particularly Obtrusive Character Named`Paparazzo
General: celebrity lovers: emilio estevez was once happily married to this singer, dancer, & choreographer`paula abdul
General: Cement + Gravel = What`Concrete
General: Centennial State`Colorado
General: Cernan And Scmitt Were The Last Men To Do What`Walk On The Moon
General: Certain Marbles Are Called 'Alleys' Because They Are Made Of`Alabaster
General: Certain Species Of Male Butterflies Produce Scents That Serve In Attracting Females During`Courtship
General: Cerumen Is A Bodily Substance Better Known As What`Ear Wax
General: Challenging The U.S. Law Prohiting Women From Voting, _____ _. _______ Was Arrested For Trying To Vote On November 5, 1875`Susan B. Anthony
General: Chamberlain And Hitler Met Here To Discuss The Destination Of The Sudetenland`Munich, Germany
General: Chances Of A White _________ In New York: 1 In 4`Christmas
General: Chances That A Burglary In The U.S. Will Be Solved: 1 In`Seven
General: Chances That A ________ In The U.S. Will Be Solved: 1 In 7`Burglary
General: Change Planes In Atlanta.'`Accidental Tourist
General: Changing Of An Employees Job Or Working Conditions To Force Resignation`Constructive Dismissal
General: Chaplin Attacks The Machine Age In Inimitable Fashion, With Sharp Pokes At Other Social Ills And The Struggle Of Modern-Day Survival`Modern Times
General: character creators: natasha rostova`leo tolstoy
General: Characters Such As Those In Chinese In Which A Word Is Represented By A Picture, Are Called`Ideograms
General: Charlemagne Ruled A Large Part Of Western And Central Europe In The Years`800-814
General: Charles Dickens' Initial Choice For Scrooge's Statement '___ ______' Was 'Bah Christmas.'`Bah Humbug
General: Charles Laughton Played Quasimodo In This Epic Film`Hunchback Of Notre Dame
General: Charles Lindbergh Took Only Four Of These To Eat With Him On His Famous Transatlantic Flight`Sandwiches
General: Charles Schultz: Don't Worry About The World Coming To An End Today. It's Already Tomorrow In`Australia
General: Charlie Alnutt Was Humphrey Bogart's Character In Which Film`African Queen
General: Charlie And Jontue Manufacturer`Revlon
General: Chaucer's Canterbury Tales Were Written In Which Century`Fourteenth
General: Cheap Ornaments And Trinkets`Bric-A-Brac
General: Cheers: What Was Sam Malone's Occupation Prior To Becoming A Bartender`Relief Pitcher
General: Cheetahs Are The Fastest Quadrupeds. In Short Bursts They Can Reach Speeds Up To`100 Km/H
General: Cheetahs Can Go Up To 4 Days Without Drinking Water, Getting Much Needed Moisture By`Drinking A Prey's Blood Or Urine
General: Cheetas Live For Approx __ Years`Fifteen
General: chemistry: for what is the chemical symbol h2o2`hydrogen peroxide
General: Chemistry : The process of removing salt from sea water is known as`desalination
General: Chemistry : What is the chemical symbol for gold`au
General: chemistry:what is the chemical symbol for nickel`ni
General: Cheyenne, Navahoe And Arapaho Are All What`Native American Tribes
General: chicago transit authority is now known as which group`chicago
General: Chickens Can't Swallow While They Are ______`Upside Down
General: Chief Maqoma Was An Important War Leader In The Mid-1800's. Which Tribe Was He Leading`Xhosa
General: Chief Monetary Unit Of Germany`Deutschmark
General: Children Playing On A Beach Made The First Discovery Of A _____ _______`South African Diamond
General: Chili Peppers He Worked In A Factory Making Toilets For Airplanes Before He Recorded 'Aint No Sunshine When Shes Gone'`Bill Withers
General: China Has More _______ Speakers Than The United States`English
General: China Produces __________ Eggs Per Year`278,564,356,980
General: China Released This Dissident, Famous For Tiannaem Square Massacre Activity`Wang Dan
General: Chinatown In ___ _________ Is The Largest Chinese Community Outside Of Asia`San Francisco
General: Chips: Characteristic of thermal oxide caused by lateral 02 diffusion (it 'pecks')`birds beak
General: Chocolate Manufacturers Use 40 Percent Of The World's`Almonds
General: Choroti Women, Of The Same Area As The Siriono, Are Expected To ____ In Their Partners Faces During Sex`Spit
General: Chorus Girl Betty Compton Was The Girl Friend Of What New York City Mayor`Jimmy Walker
General: christmas songs: facing my - is such a pain to me in twelve pains of christmas`in-laws
General: christmas songs: the last five words of the song i'll be home for christmas`if only in my dreams
General: Christopher Jones Captained What Well Known Ship`Mayflower
General: Chub, Gudgeon And Perch Are All Types Of What`Freshwater Fish
General: Chuck ____ Has Never Recorded 'My Ding A Ling' In The Studio (All Versions Of It Are 'Live')`Berry
General: 'Chupacabras' (Allegedly Found In Puerto Rico) Translates Roughly As What`Goat Suckers
General: cigarettes: tobacco drying barns are typically painted this color`black
General: Cindy Jackson Holds A Record For What`Most Plastic Surgery
General: Cindy Jay Holds The Record For Largest Slot Machine Win Of The 20th Century. How Much Was It`$34,959,458
General: Cinnabar Is An Ore Of Which Metal`Mercury
General: Circular Bands Used To Decorate Ears, Toes, Noses, Or, Most Often, Fingers`Rings
General: Circus Day On 'The Mickey Mouse Club'`Thursday
General: classical he wrote over 100 symphonies...and he created the string quartet`haydn
General: Classical Music: A major life-style problem contributed to Mussorgsky's early demise.What was it`Alcoholism
General: Classical Music: Where did the piano get its name`Because it could be played softly and loudly
General: Classical Music: Which author inspired Liszt's Mephisto Waltz No. 1`Nikolaus Lenau
General: Classical Music: Which pianist-composer was the first to publish Nocturnes for solopiano`John Field
General: classical: what kind of music is schoenberg credited with creating`atonal
General: classic board games: battleship: a battleship occupies how many squares`four
General: classic movies: russian silent (1916), story of mutiny on naval vessel`battleship potemkin
General: Clausewitz's Dictum: '___ Is The Continuation Of Policy By Other Means`War
General: __________ Clemmens Of London Managed To Sustain A Fart For An Officially Recorded Time Of 2 Mins 42 Seconds`Bernard
General: cliches: a ------- of one's imagination`figment
General: Cliches: On which side the bread is`buttered
General: Clint Eastwood Played Fictional Cowboy Rowdy Yates On What Television Show`Rawhide
General: Clive Barker: What is The Dream Sea (The books of the Art)`quiddity
General: Close Encounters Of The First Kind`Sighting Unexplained Craft
General: clueless heterosexual dom/me wannabe`chudwa
General: cocci, spirilla, and streptococci are types of`bacteria
General: Cockroaches favorite food is the ---------- on the back of stamps`glue
General: cocktails: sweet vermouth and whiskey`a manhattan
General: cocktails: vodka and kahlua make a(n)`black russian
General: cocktails: whiskey, hot coffee, and whipped cream make a(n)`irish coffee
General: Code Name Of 'Hogan's Heroes' Sub Was`Mama Bear
General: Coffins Which Are Due For Cremation Are Usually Made With`Plastic Handles
General: coins as we know them, with their value imprinted on them, were first produced in 800 bc where`lydia
General: Cologne Water, A Mildly Perfumed Toilet Water Also Known As Eau De Cologne, Has Been Made In ________, Germany Since 1709`Cologne
General: Colonel Mayborne Was Convicted Of What Crime`Treason
General: Colonials Under The Leadership Of Patrick Ferguson Defeat The British Here (October 7,1780)`Kings Mountain, North Carolina
General: colourful songs: the checkmates, ltd. sang about this colour of pearl`black
General: Columbus Had Three Ships On His First American Exploration. On His Second Expedition, _________ Ships Were Under His Command`Seventeen
General: columbus is the capital of`ohio
General : Comedian that is the disc jockey on the soundtrack to Resevoir Dogs`steven wright
General: __________ Comes From The French, Cord Du Roi Or Cloth Of The King`Corduroy
General: Comic Roseanne Barr Distained The Sobriquet 'Housewife', Instead She Preferred To Be Known As A Domestic`Goddess
General: commitments: what does joey call the manager`brother rabbit
General: common ground: dave holland, jaco pastorius, scott lafaro`bass
General: Common Name For A Family Of Mostly Woody Flowering Plants, And For One Of Its Important Genera`Tea
General: common name for a large sea turtle, named for the color of its fat, although the animal is brownish overall`green turtle
General: Common Name For A Large Sea Turtle, Named For The Colour Of Its Fat, Although The Animal Is Brownish Overall`Green Turtle
General: complete the movie title: the shawshank`redemption
General: complete the name of this famous us ice hockey team the los angeles`kings
General: Complete the saying 'What can't be cured must be ................'`endured
General: Complete this proverb:'Listeners never hear any..'`good of themselves
General: Complete this saying 'All ship shape and'`bristol fashion
General: compounds of what molecule outnumber all other compounds of molecules put together tenfold`carbon
General: computer acronyms: what is agp`accelerated graphics port
General: computer science: that big square thing you're staring at right now is called a`monitor
General: computers: what company created a computer dubbed jackintosh`atari
General: computers: what translates high-level languages (which are readable by humans) into machine language (which is what the computer understands)`a compiler
General: computers: what was fortran designed for`formula translation
General: Concentration Of Growth At The Tip Of A Plant Shoot, Where A Terminal Bud Partially Inhibits Axillary Bud Growth`Apical Dominance
General: Conception Occurs More Often In _____ Than Any Other Month`December
General: Concertino=Short Concerto, Concertina=Simple Type Of This Instrument`Accordian
General: Concrete Is Strongest When Subjected To Which Type Of Forces`Compression
General: Condition In A Circuit In Which The Combined Impedances Of The Capacity And Induction To Alternating Currents Cancel Each Other Out Or Reinforce Each Other`Resonance
General: Confuscious Say: Virginity like -------, one prick, all gone`balloon
General: Congress Prohibited _______ In The District Of Columbia On February 20,1839`Dueling
General: Connecticut And _____ ______ Never Ratified The Eighteenth Amendment: Prohibition`Rhode Island
General: Connecticut And Rhode Island Never Ratified The Eighteenth Amendment:`Prohibition
General: Connecticut And Rhode Island Never Ratified The __________ _________: Prohibition`Eighteenth Amendment
General: Consecutive Numbers That Can Be Multiplied Together To Give A Number Less Than 1,000`31 And 32
General: Considered History's Greatest Military Evacuation`Dunkirk
General: ________ Considered Shakespeare's Works So Deplorable That He Referred To The Bard As 'That Drunken Fool.'`Voltaire
General: Considering This Song Made It To The Top Ten, This Group Didn't Think It Was 'Kind Of A Drag' In 1966`The Buckinghams
General: ______ _______ Constructed A Logical Machine In 1874 That He Called An Abecedarium`William Stanely Jevons
General: consuming the resultant semen after anal sex`felching
General: Contagious Disease Of Warm-Blooded Animals, Including Humans, Caused By The Bacterium Bacillus Anthracis`Anthrax
General: ________ Contains 35 Theaters With The Capacity To Seat A Combined 42,000 People`Broadway
General: contemporary authors: another country, go tell it on the mountain`james baldwin
General: Contemporary Authors: Maia, The Plague Dogs, and Watership Down`richard adams
General: contemporary authors: the great train robbery, the terminal man, the & romeda strain`michael crichton
General: Contrary To Popular Belief, There Are Almost No Buddhists In__________, Nor Have There Been For About A Thousand Years`India
General: Controversial Diet Guru Nathan Pritikin Dies In A New York Hospital At Age`Sixty Nine
General: Conventional rules of social behaviour`etiquette
General: Conway Twitty Was A Talented Ballplayer: What Team Offered Him A Chance To Sign A Contract To Play In The Big Leagues`Philadelphia Phillies
General: Copernicus New, Last Or Gibbous`Moon
General: copycats: jack wagner and the temptations both sang a song with this title`all I need
General: 'Corduroy' Comes From The French, 'Cord Du Roi' Or 'Cloth Of The ____'`King
General: Corolla, Filament And Stigma Are Parts Of A(N)`Flower
General: Coronation Street's Kabin Is Located In Which Street`Ross Street
General: Counting Each Letter Seperately, How Many Roman Numerals Are On A Standard Clock Face`26
General: Countries of the world: landlocked country in southern Africa, the capital is Gaborone`botswana
General: Countries of the world:north eastern South America, the capital is Georgetown`guyana
General: Country and Western music star Harold Jenkins is better know as what`conway twitty
General: Country In East Asia, The World's Third Largest Country By Area (After Russia And Canada) And The Largest By Population`China
General: Country Iran Sells The Most Oil To Is`Japan
General: Country Legend Johnny ___ Broke His Jaw 12 Years Ago, Yet Continues To Perform Widely Although In Near Constant Pain`Cash
General: Country Of Birth For Ricardo Montalban`Mexico
General: couples: ball and`chain
General: couples: romeo and`juliet
General: couples slow-danced to his dreamy eyes in 1962`johnny tillotson
General: Couples: Sluggo and`nancy
General: Courts Of Law In The United States Devote About Half Their Time To Cases Involving`Automobiles
General: Court Wide Muscular Partition Separating The Thoracic, Or Chest Cavity, From The Abdominal Cavity`Diaphragm
General: Covered Carriage Entrance Is Called`A Portecochere
General: covers: gnr and clapton performed knockin' on heaven's door, but he wrote it`dylan
General: covers: he wrote _girl, you'll be a woman soon_, covered by urge overkill`neil diamond
General: Coyote Is The Spirit That Leads Back To Life. If He Follows The Coyote When The Moon Is Full, The Warrior Will See The Path Once More`Desert Heat
General: Crack Gets It Name Because It ________ When You Smoke It`Crackles
General: Creator Of Perry Mason`Erle Stanley Gardner
General: Credit Card On Which Magnetically Encoded Information Is Stored To Be Read By An Electronic Device`Swipe Card
General: __________ Credit Cards In Circulation Will Turn Out To Have Incorrect Cardholder Information On Their Magnetic Strips`880,000
General: Creoles Are The Biggest Ethnic Group In Suriname. What Is The Second Biggest Group? (The Groups Are Almost Equally Big)`Indian
General: Crime Stories: Chesterton's sleuth`father brown
General: crime stories: don vito's (the godfather) last name`corleone
General: crime stories: frank chambers is mad for her in the postman always rings twice`cora papadalis
General: Crime Stories: Raymond Chandler's gumshoe`phillip marlowe
General: Cristina Sanchez Of Spain Retired In 1999, Complaining Of 'Male Prejudice': She Was The First Woman ____ In Modern Times`Bullfighter
General: Crown Prince Naruhito Married Her`Masako Owada
General: Crux Australis Is Better Known As What`The Southern Cross
General: Cuba Is The Only Island In The Caribbean To Have A`Railroad
General: ___ _______ ________ Cubic Feet Of Water Pours Over The Niagara Falls Every Second`One Hundred Thousand
General: Cuirass, Greave And Pauldron Are All Pieces Belonging To What`Armour
General: Cuneiform`Writing System
General: Curious George's Friend Was The Man In The What Colour Hat`Yellow
General: Current Us Army Jeep: Known As The`Hummer
General: Cushion for kneeling on in church`hassock
General: Custer Was The Youngest General In Us History, He Was Promoted At The Age Of`Twenty Three
General: Cut! Cut! Go To Commercial! I Have No Power`The Running Man
General: Cyan Is What Colour`Blue
General: Cyberpunk: In this predecessor of Cyberpunk novels, the hero was Guy Montag`fahrenheit 451
General: Cyndi Lauper Sing This Song 1994`Girls Just Want To Have Fun
General: cypripareunia is sexual intercourse with what`a prostitute
General: Cyprus Has A __________ On Its Flag`Map
General: Cyprus Lies In Which Sea`Mediterranean
General: cyrix was acquir d by what company`national semiconductor
General: Dactylography is the study and practice of what`finger printing
General: Dainty Or Cute To An Affected Degree`Cutesy
General: Dairy Products Account For About ____ Of All Food Consumed In The U.S`29%
General: Daisy Cooper Was A Housekeeper In What Western`Laramie
General: __________ Dancing Is A Major At Brigham University`Ballroom
General: Dancing To The '____-________ ______' Is Against The Law In Several American States`Star-Spangled Banner
General: Daniel Arap Moi Is The Leader In Which Country`Kenya
General: Dan Quayle: I want to be Robin to`Bush's Batman
General: Dan Quayle: We are all capable of mistakes, but I do not care to enlighten you on`mistakes we may or may not have made
General: Dante's Ideal Woman Was Named What`Beatrice
General: Dapsang Is Another Name For Which Major Mountain`K2
General: Dark Skinned Nomadic European`Gypsy
General: Data Suggests That 1,000 Or More _____ _______ May Occur Each Year Aboard Scheduled U.S. Airliners`Heart Attacks
General: Dating Back To The 1600s, Thermometers Were Filled With What Instead Of Mercury`Brandy
General: __________, Daughter Of Richard Nixon Married David Eisenhower, Son Of Dwight Eisenhower`Julie Nixon
General: Dave ___, A Hamburger Chain Founder Got His Start In The 1940s As A Waiter For Hobby House In Fort Wayne, Indiana`Thomas
General: david bowie songs: we know major tom's a junky`ashes to ashes
General: Dawn Wells Played Maryann On What Show`Gilligans Island
General: D Baretta Live`King Edward Hotel
General: DC Comics: Green Lantern's alter ego`hal jordan
General: DC Comics: Group of heroes led by Dick Grayson`new titans
General: dc comics: younger version of aquaman`aqualad
General: DC Secret Identities: Arthur Curry`aquaman
General: Deaf Females Of Which Insect Will Not Mate Because The Male Uses Sound To Attract`Grasshoppers
General: Deaths 91 to 92: Last surviving Nazi war criminal of rank, chief enforcer of reign of terror`klaus barbie
General: decidophobia fear of`making decisions
General: Decimal = 32, Hex =`20
General: dee dee sharp scored big with this vegetable song that also began a dance craze`mashed potato time
General: Deep Purple Started Their Career With This One Word 'Quiet' Song In 1968`Hush
General: defining roles: one flew over the cuckoo's nest--> randall mcmurphy`jack nicholson
General: defining roles: the ten commandments--> moses`falling to pieces
General: Definitions : Androphobia is the fear of`male
General: Definitions : A pugilist is a`boxer
General: Definitions: A Torture Device Used To Stretch The Body`Rack
General: Definitions: Dead Putrified Flesh Is Called This`Carrion
General: Definitions : Gymnophobia is the fear of`naked bodies
General: Definitions : -isms: A painful stiffness of the muscles and joints`rheumatism
General: Definitions : Legal Terms: The people chosen to render a verdict in a court`jury
General: Definitions: Tax Imposed On The Domestic Manufacture Sale, Or Consumption Of Specific Commodities, Or On Licenses To Pursue Certain Occupations And Exercise Certain Corporate Privileges`Excise
General: Definitions: The Figure 1 Followed By 100 Zeros`Googol
General: Definitions : The science of providing men, equipment and supplies for military operations is called`logistics
General: Definitions : The study of human pre-history is`archaeology
General: Definitions : The word cumulus refers to a type of`cloud
General: Definitions : This word is used as the international radio distress call`mayday
General: __________ Degrees South You Can Sail All The Way Around The World`Sixty
General: Degringolade Means To Fall And`Disintegrate
General: Delage Guy Delage Claimed To Be The First Person To Swim Across Which Ocean`Atlantic Ocean
General: _______ _______ Delivered The Emancipation Proclamation On January 1 1863`Abraham Lincoln
General: __________ De Medici Was The First Woman In Europe To Use Tobacco. She Took It In A Mixture Of Snuff`Catherine
General: 'Dephlogisticated Air' Was The Name Given By Joseph Priestley To Which Gas`Oxygen
General: Dermal Armor Is Class _ Cyberware`B
General: Describes A Kind Of Walk Taken For One's Health`Constitutional
General: desert antelope that originally ranged from the western sahara and mauritania to egypt and the sudan`addax
General: Designated By Abraham Lincoln, What U.S. City Is 'Second In Line' To Be The Us Capital If Something Should Happen To Washington, Dc`Port Angeles, Washington
General: Desire What Mouseketeer's First Hit Song Was 'Tall Paul'`Anette Funicello
General: Despite Accounting For Just One-Fiftieth Of Body Weight, The __________ Burns As Much As One-Fifth Of Our Daily Caloric Intake`Brain
General: despite the obvious foreignness of his name, teodor korzeniowski wrote his famous works in english -- using an english pen name`joseph conrad
General: Determination Of The Depth Of A Body Of Water`Sounding
General: Development Of Agricultural Ecosystems Intended To Be Complete And Self Sustaining`Permaculture
General: Device For Driving Air Into Fire`Bellows
General: Device For Viewing A Revolving Or Oscillating Object By Making The Object Appear To Be At Rest`Stroboscope
General: Device which automatically maintains a motor vehicle at a chosen speed is called`cruise control
General: did marilyn manson write sweet dreams`no
General: Did you know that if ________________ had not been shot, & not convicted for killing JFK, he would have been convicted for killing Officer Tippet`lee harvey oswald
General: Did You Know That One Skyscrapper Has More People Than The Entire Town Of Claremont`Loser
General: Did You Know That There Are ______ Flavored Pez`Coffee
General: Did You Know That You're More Likely To Be __________ By A Champagne Cork Than A Poisonous Spider`Killed
General: Did You Know That You're More Likely To Be Killed By A Champagne Cork Than A`Poisonous Spider
General: Did You Know That You're More Likely To Be Killed By A Champagne __________ Than A Poisonous Spider`Cork
General: Did You Know You Share A Birthday With At Least __________ Other People In The World`Nine Million
General: _______ Died A Poor Man`Rembrandt
General: Died In 2003: Notorious Former Ugandan Dictator In The 1970s, Lived In Saudi Arabia Until His Death`Idi Amin
General: Died In 2003: Zimbabwe's First Post-Independence President`Canaan Banana
General: Diffie-Hellman Is An Algorithm Used In`Encription
General: Dik Browne's Strip 'The Tracy Twins' Appeared In What Publication From 1950-60`Boy's Life
General: Diminutive Country Star Little Jimmie Dicken's Well-Known Expression About Himself Was, 'I May Be Little, But I'm ____.'`Loud
General: Dimitrios Synodinos Is Better Known As`Jimmy The Greek
General: Dinner Plates That Once Belonged To President ____ _. _______ Are On Display At The Liberace Museum In Las Vegas`John F. Kennedy
General: Dinosaurs Went Extinct About 65 Million Years Ago, After Living On Earth For About __________ Million Years`165
General: Dinotopia's Illustrator`James Gurney
General: Dionne Warwick Was The Ultimate Vehicle For The Songs He Penned Such As 'Walk On By' And 'Say A Little Prayer'`Burt Bacharach
General: Diplomat Living Abroad As Representative Of Their Country`Ambassador
General: directors: carrie, the bonfire of the vanities, scarface`brian de palma
General: Disc Of Light Shown Round The Head Of A Sacred Person`Halo
General: Discoverer Of Nine Ancient Cities Including Troy, Heinrich Schliemann Made Spectacular Excavations Of Which City During 1874 To 1876`Mycenae
General: Disease Causing Uncontrollable Sleeping`Narcolepsy
General: Disease of animals, especially birds, monkeys, & humans, caused by infection by protozoans of the genus plasmodium & characterized by chills & intermittent fever`malaria
General: Dish served between fish and meat courses`entree
General: disney afternoon: bo what is bonkers' full name`bonkers t. bobcat
General: disney afternoon: dd what is the name of darkwingus pilot and sidekick`launchpad mcquack
General: disney afternoon: dt what is the name of scrooge's money repository`money bin
General: disney songs: she had hits with tall paul, o dio mio, and pineapple princess`annette
General: Disneyworld: What Is The Campground Area Called`Fort Wilderness
General: Display Abbreviations-Short Forms: Fbi Stands For`Federal Bureau Of Investigation
General: Distance: Batcave To Gotham City`14 Miles
General: district of ancient greece on the northern coast of the gulf of corinth`aetolia
General: Diverse Group Of Either Single-Celled Or Multicellular Organisms That Obtain Food By Direct Absorption Of Nutrients`Fungi
General: Divide 30 By One Half, And Add Negative 12. What's The Result`48
General: Divination By Means Of Lines And Figures Drawn In The Earth`Geomancy
General: Division Of Geologic Time In The Cenozoic Era Following The Tertiary Period (Geology)`Quaternary Period
General: D.J. Robert Smith Is Better Known As`Wolfman Jack
General: Doa Lost Luggage Supervisor`Russ Steffens
General: doctors often have this instrument around their neck`a stethoscope
General: Does Elizabeth Ii Face To The Left Or Right On A British Coin`Right
General: ___________ Doesn't Move Through A Wire But Through A Field Around The Wire`Electricity
General: Does Robin Hood Have A Feather In His Cap`Yes
General: Does The Us Or Canada Have More Miles Of Coastline`Canada
General: Dogs And Cats Consume Over __________ Worth Of Pet Food A Year`$11 Billion
General: dogs bark. what do donkeys do`bray
General: Dolce And`Gabbana
General: Dolores Ibarruri was better known under what name during the Spanish Civil War`la passionaria
General: Domenikos Theotocopoulus Is Better Known As This`El Greco
General: Dominica, Mexico, Zambia, Kiribati, Fiji And _____ All Have Birds On Their Flags`Egypt
General: dominica, mexico, zambia, spain, kiribati, fiji and egypt all have ______on their flags`birds
General: Dominica Supplies A Good Part Of The World With Rose's`Lime Juice
General: donald duck comics were banned in finland because he didn't wear`pants
General: don quixote, pilgrim's progress, fanny hill, and mein kampf were all written where`in prison
General: Don Quixote Was Born In What City`Lamanch
General: 'Don't Watch That, Watch This, This Is The Heavy Heavy _______ Sound, The Sound Of Madness' - Madness Lyric`Monster
General: Doraphobia Is The Fear Of`Fur
General: Doug Hunt Set A New Guinness Record For The World's Tallest Stilt Walker By Taking 54 Independent Steps, On Stilts Measuring About How Many Feet`50
General: Douglas Adams is famous for writing what`the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy
General: 'Do Unto Others As You Would Have Others Do Unto You' Is Also Called What`Golden Rule
General: Down Which Street Is The St Patrick's Day Parade`Fifth Avenue
General: 'Do You Remember What I Said I Would Do If I Ever Found Out You Sent Me Here For Some Diamond Rather Than Charlie?'`Congo
General: Drama Coach Del Close Of Chicago Died Of Emphysema In 1999 And Willed His ___ For Use In Productions Of Hamlet`Skull
General: Drawing Wild But Politically Favorable Electoral Districts`Gerrymandering
General: Dr. _____ Coined The Word Nerd In His 1950 Book 'If I Ran The Zoo.'`Seuss
General: Dreams Are Good Friends, When You're`Lonely
General: Dresses First Incorporated This In The 1930's`Zipper
General: Dr. Fraiser's First Name`Janet
General: Dr. Hermann Rorschach Is Credited With Developing What Kind Of Tests`Inkblot
General: Drinking Vessel With Foot And Stem`Goblet
General: Drinking Water After Eating Reduces The Acid In Your Mouth By ______ ____ Percent`Sixty One
General: Drinking Water After Eating Reduces The __________ In Your Mouth By 61 Percent`Acid
General: Driving At 75 Miles Per Hour, It Would Take 258 Days To Drive Around One Of __________'S Rings`Saturn
General: Driving At 75 Miles Per Hour, It Would Take __________ Days To Drive Around One Of Saturn's Rings`258
General: Driving: What Country Is Identified By The Letters Ma`Morocco
General: Dr. No: Colour Of U. Andress' Bikini`White
General: Dr. _____ Pronounced His Name So That It Would Rhyme With Rejoice`Seuss
General: dr seuss: _hop on`pop
General: Dr. Theophilus Tanner Is From What Book`Death Lands
General: Drug Fun: How Many Bags Of Heroin Are In A 'Load'`25
General: Drug Fun: How Many Joints Are In A 'Lid'`24 (Unless You're From California, Then It's 2
General: Drug Fun: How Many Ounces Of Marijuana Are In A 'Lid'`1
General: Drug Fun: How Many Rocks Of Crack Are In A 'Biscuit'`50
General: __________ Drug Prescriptions Will Be Filled Incorrectly In The Next 12 Months`200,000
General: Dude Looks Like A`Lady
General: Dueling Is Legal In ________ As Long As Both Parties Are Registered Blood Donors`Paraguay
General: Dueling Is Legal In Paraguay As Long As Both Parties Are __________ _____`Registered Blood Donors
General: Dueling Is Legal In Paraguay As Long As Both Parties Are Registered ____ Donors`Blood
General: Due To __________ Effects, You Weigh Slightly Less When The Moon Is Directly Overhead`Gravitational
General: Due To Its' Design Archeologists Estimate That The Coliseum Could Be Completely Evacuated In How Many Minutes`Twelve
General: Due To Precipitation, For A Few Weeks, __ Is Taller Than Mt. Everest`K2
General: Due To Precipitation, For A Few Weeks, K2 Is Bigger Than`Mt. Everest
General: Due To Precipitation, For A Few Weeks, K2 Is Taller Than Mt.`Everest
General: Dull, Cheap Version Of The D.H.Lawrence Classsic, With Kristel As The Lady And Clay As The Lover. Kristel Is Beautiful But Still Cannot Act`Lady Chatterley's Lover
General: Dumb Laws: It Is Legal In Alabama To Drive Down A One Way Street The Wrong Way If You Have A/An _____ Attached To The Front Of Your Car`Lantern
General: Dunkin' Donuts Serves About __________ Doughnuts Each Day`112,500
General: During A 24-Hour Period, The Average Human Will Breathe __________ Times`23,040
General: During An Average Year, The Directory Assistance ______ _____ Are Consulted More Than 17 Billion Times`Yellow Pages
General: During Annual Spring Floods, This Waterfall Can Become So Loud As To Break Windows Six Miles Away`Victoria Falls
General: During Conscription For Wwii, There Were Nine Documented Cases Of Men With Three`Testicles
General: During Her Husband's Presidency, How Was Martha Washington Formally Addressed`Lady Washington
General: During His Career Evel Knievel Broke How Many Bones`Thirty Seven
General: During His Career Evel Knievel Needed How Many Operations Due To Crashes`14
General: During His Entire Life, Vincent __________ Sold Exactly One Painting, Red Vineyard At Arles`Van Gogh
General: During Incubation, The Sex Of A Crocodile Embryo Is Determined By This`Temperature
General: During Lunch Breaks In Carlsbad, New Mexico, No Couple Should Engage In A Sexual Act While Parked In Their Vehicle, Unless Their Car Has`Curtains
General: During One Four-Year Period, Thomas Edison Obtained __________ Patents, Or One Every Five Days`300
General: During Pregnancy, The Uterus Expands To ___ Times Its Norman Size`500
General: During Rna Processing, A Nucleotide Complex At The 3' End Of An Mrna Molecule That Helps Inhibit Degradation And Enhances Translation`Poly-A Tail
General: During Supersonic Flight, What Temperature Does The Skin On The Nose Of A Concorde Reach`Two Hundred And Sixty Degrees Fahrenheit
General: During The 18th Century, Books That Were Considered Offensive Were Sometimes Punished By Being`Whipped
General: During The 1940s, _______ Contributed Directly To The War Effort In The 1940s, By Manufacturing First-Aid Kits And Dye Markers For The U.S. Navy. When The War Ended, The Cosmetic Firm Began To Produce Manicure And Pedicure Instruments, Which Were Tremendously Successful`Revlon
General: During The American Revolution, The Boston Tea Party Took Place In ______ Harbor`Boston
General: During The __________, Banks First Used Scotch Tape To Mend Torn Currency`Depression
General: During The Cambrian Period, About 500 Million Years Ago, A Day Was Only __________ Hours Long`20.6
General: During The Cambrian Period, About __________ Years Ago, A Day Was Only 20.6 Hours Long`500 Million
General: During The ___ Century, Books That Were Considered Offensive Were Sometimes Punished By Being Whipped`18th
General: During The Depression, Banks First Used __________ Tape To Mend Torn Currency`Scotch
General: During The Depression, __________ First Used Scotch Tape To Mend Torn Currency`Banks
General: During The Early Days Of The Gold Rush In ___ _________, A Glass Of Whiskey Would Cost As Much As $7`San Francisco
General: During The Early Days Of The Gold Rush In San Francisco, A Glass Of _______ Would Cost As Much As $7`Whiskey
General: During The Early Days Of The ____ ____ In San Francisco, A Glass Of Whiskey Would Cost As Much As $7`Gold Rush
General: During The July 13-14, 1977 Blackout In New York City, A Record 80 Million _________ _____ Were Made`Telephone Calls
General: During The Last Few Months Of World War I, What Killed Twice As Many People In The World Than Anything Else During The Entire War`Influenza (A Global Epidemic
General: During The __________ Period, About 500 Million Years Ago, A Day Was Only 20.6 Hours Long`Cambrian
General: During Winter, The _________ In Moscow Cover More Than 250 000 Square Metres Of Land`Skating Rinks
General: During Your Lifetime, You'll Eat About 60,000 Pounds Of Food, That's The Weight Of About 6`Elephants
General: During Your Lifetime You Will Eat 60,000 Pounds Of Food, The Weight Of __________ Elephants`Six
General: During Your Lifetime You Will Eat __________ Pounds Of Food, The Weight Of Six Elephants`60,000
General: Each King In A Deck Of Playing Cards Represents A Historically Great King. The King Of Spades Represents`King David
General: Each Minute, An Average Of 88,000 _____ Are Transmitted In The United States`Faxes
General: Each Unit On The Richter Scale Is Euivalent To A Power Factor Of How Much`Thirty Two
General: Each Year, Approximately 250,000 American Husbands Are Physically Attacked And Beaten By _____`Their Wives
General: Each Year, More Than 300,000 American Teenagers Become Afflicted With Some Form Of ________`Venereal Disease
General: Each Year There Is One Ton Of __________ Poured For Each Man, Woman And Child In The World`Cement
General: Eagles Can Live In Captivity For Up To ______ ___ Years`Forty Six`46
General: eagles song: somebody's gonna hurt someone, before the night is through`heartache tonight
General: Early Phonograph Needles Were Either Made Of Steel, Or From Organic Sources Such As Bamboo Or ___, Which Had To Be Sharpened After Every Play`Cactus
General: Early Records Were Made From Powdered Black ____ Mixed With Shellac, But Wore Out Quickly Under Heavy Tracking Pressures`Slate
General: East Berlin Was The Capital Of`East Germany
General: Eastwood What Are Cocci, Spirilla And Streptococci`Bacteria
General: easy movie superstars: what nick starred in _the prince of tides`nolte
General: easy people: name the hero of _the hobbit`bilbo baggins
General: Eat Nothing But Fruity Pebbles All Day, And Tomorrow Your ________ Will Be Blue`Poop
General: Eau De Cologne Was Originally Marketed As A Way Of Protecting Yourself Against The`Plague
General: eclectic excursion: she does guest vocals in 808 state's oops`bjork
General: Economist (And Famed Intellectual) John Maynard Keynes' Wife Was Lydia Lopokova, A Noted Russian`Ballerina
General: Eddie And His Father's Last Name In 'The Courtship Of Eddie's Father'`Corbett
General: 'Eddy, Has Anybody Ever Told You Before That You're Bad Luck?' 'Funny, Those Were My Mothers Dying Words!'`Vegas Vacation
General: Eddy, I Don't Care About My Money! I Don't Care If I Ever Get My Money Back! I Want My Family Back`Vegas Vacation
General: Edgar Allan Poe And James Abott Mcneill Whistler Both Went To ____ _____ ________`West Point Military Academy
General: Edgar Allan Poe And _____ _____ _______ Whistler Both Went To West Point Military Academy`James Abott Mcneill
General: Eight Thousand In The Middle Ages, Where Did People Believe The Seat Of Intelligence Was`Heart
General: Eighty One The Minimum Number Of Degrees In An Acute Angle`One Degree
General: Eighty Percent Of All People Hit By ___________ Are Men`Lightning
General: Eighty Percent Of All People Hit By Lightning Are`Men
General: Eighty Percent Of Maple Syrup And Sugar Produced In North America Comes From Where`Quebec
General: Einstein Couldn't Speak Fluently When He Was__________. His Parents Thought He Might Be Retarded`Nine
General: Either Of The Contibuters To The 4-Note Hindol 'Taril Ha Juj Girlja Shankur'`Marathe
General: Either Of Two Saturated Hydrocarbons, Or Alkanes, With The Chemical Formula C4h10`Butane
General: Elba Island Is Located In What Sea`Tyrrhenian Sea
General: Electricity Doesn't Move Through A Wire But Through A _____ ______ ___`Field Around The Wire
General: Elementary In The House Of Lords, Where Does The Lord Chancellor Sit`Woolsack
General: Elementary Rule Of Showbiz (As Per The New Yorker Magazine, Anyway): 'Never Let The Star Know That There Are Other People In The ___'`World
General: Elephants Are The Only Animals That Can't`Jump
General: Eleventh Month In Hebrew Calendar`Shebet
General: Eli Was Prone To Endless Hours Of Woolgathering, And His Grades Reflected It. What Is Woolgathering`Daydreaming`Day Dreaming
General: Eli Whitney Made What To Help Pay For His Defense Of The Cotton Gin Patent`Guns
General: Elizabeth Taylor And Richard Burton Fell Passionately In Love When They Were Filming A Motion Picture Epic. What Was The Film`Cleopatra
General: Elizabeth Virginia Wallace Was The Maiden Name Of What Former First Lady`Mrs. Harry Truman
General: Elizabeth Was The 'Starchild' On This Sci-Fi Show`V
General: Eliza Doolittle Is A Character In Which George Bernard Shaw Play`Pygmalion
General: elton john and kiki dee sang this song together`don't go breaking my heart
General: elvis costello: accroding to this 1978 song, what do the angels want to wear`my red shoes
General: Elvis Costello Worked As A Computer Operator At An _________ Arden Cosmetics Factory`Elizabeth
General: Elvis Costello Worked As A Computer Operator At An Elizabeth Arden _________ Factory`Cosmetics
General: Elvis Costello Worked As A Computer Operator At An Elizabeth _____ Cosmetics Factory`Arden
General: Elvis Costello Worked As A ________ Operator At An Elizabeth Arden Cosmetics Factory`Computer
General: Em Band Between Radio And Infrared`Microwave
General: Embankment Built To Prevent Flooding`Dyke
General: Emission Of Energy As Electromagnetic Waves In The Portion Of The Spectrum Just Beyond The Limit Of The Red Portion Of Visible Radiation`Infrared Radiation
General: Emission Of Magma Onto The Earth's Surface`Extrusion
General: Emoticons: :D`big smile
General: Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia was finally diposed in 1974 after how many years in power`fifty eight
General: Employees Of The _______ Pay No Income Tax`Vatican
General: Emus And Kangaroos Are On The Australian Coat Of Arms. Why`They Can't Walk Backwards
General: Encephalitis Affects The`Brain
General: Encounter On March 5,1770, Five Years Before The American Revolution, Between British Troops And A Group Of Citizens Of Boston`Boston Massacre
General: Engine That Employs Gas Flow As The Working Medium By What Heat Energy Is Transformed Into Mechanical Energy`Gas Turbine
General: England Periodic Table: Rn`Radon
General: England's __________ Is 1500 Years Older Than Rome's Colosseum`Stonehenge
General: English Conjurer Harry Kahne Could Write Five Different Words Simultaneously, One With Each Of His Feet And Hands, And Another With His`Mouth
General: English Poachers Caught Hunting Illegeally In The Time Of Richard The Lion Heart(1157-1199) Were`Castrated
General: Enough Water Flows Down The Amazon River Each Minute To Supply New York City With Fresh Water For __`60 Years
General: entertainment: whenever fibber mcgee opened his closet, this instrument tumbled out`mandolin
General: Entire Ships Are Sometimes Devoted To The Manufacture Of Ice Cream For The Us Navy. The Slang Term For Ice Cream In The Navy Is`Gedunk
General: 'Entre Nous' Means _______`Between Ourselves
General: __________ Entries In Webster's Dictionary Will Be Misspelled`Three Hundred And Fifteen
General: epic songs: smashing pumpkins, from the singles soundtrack`drown
General: Epidaurus Famous For`Greek Theatre
General: 'E Pluribus Unum' Translates To... What`Out Of Many, One
General: 'Erin Go Bragh' Means '_______ _______.'`Ireland Forever
General: Ernest Bevin, Minister Of Labour During World War Ii, Left School At The Age Of`11
General: Erotic Solo Dance Of North Africa, The Middle East, And Turkish-Influenced Balkan Areas`Belly Dance
General: erotophonphilia is attaining sexual satisfaction from what`murdering complete strangers
General: essential clapton: what superstar drummer helped produce clapton's work in mid to late 80's`phil collins
General: ethylene glycol is frequently used in automobiles. what is it used in`anti freeze
General: 'Euchre' And 'Five-Hundred' Are Both Games Involving What`Cards
General: Europe's Oldest University Is In Which City`Bologna
General: Evelyn Berizen Started A Pioneering Word Processing Company In The Late 1960s. What Was Her Company Called`Redactron
General: Evelyn Glennie Is The World's First Full Time Soloist On Which Part Of The Orchestra`Drums
General: Even if up to 80% of this is removed from a human, what is it that will continue to function & grow back to its original size`liver
General: Eve Of All Saints Day`Halloween
General: Ever Hear Of The Upsetters? They Had A Rep For Hard-Partying: For Their Day Job, They Were The Backup Band For ____ Richard, Seminal 50's Rocker`Little
General: Every 10 To 13 Seconds Someone Gets`Divorced
General: Every 150 Years, You Have What`Sesquicentenniala
General: Everybody Calls It Big Ben, However The Clocks Proper Name Is The ______ Clock`Westminister
General: Every Boys Dream Was To Be Tied Up And Made To Tell The Truth By This Super Hero's Lasso`Wonder Woman
General: Every Citizen Of ________ Is Required By Law To Take A Bath Once A Year`Kentucky
General: Every Citizen Of Kentucky Is Required By Law To Take A What Once A Year`Bath
General: Every Day In The United States, About A Hundred People Over The Age Of 14 ______ _______, A 50 Percent 'Jump' In The Last Decade`Commit Suicide
General: Every human has one of these on their tummies`navel
General: Every Litre Of Water Taken From The _____ Would Contain About 200 Grams Of Salt`Red Sea
General: Every Male Over The 18 Is Considered Part Of The _______ _______ According To State Constitution`Arizona Militia
General: Every Minute __________ Bibles Are Sold Or Distributed Throughout The World`47
General: Everyone Believed In The Middle Ages__As __________ Had __That The Heart Was The Seat Of Intelligence`Aristotle
General: Everyone Has Heard Of The Loch Ness Monster. Where Is Loch Ness`Scotland
General: Everyone Knew Rocky Raccoon's Girl As`Nancy
General: Every Person Generates Approximately 3.5 Pounds Of Rubbish A Day, Most Of It Being`Paper
General: Every Person Has A Unique _____ Print`Finger
General: Every Photograph Of An American Atomic Bomb Detonation Was Taken By __________ Edgerton`Harold
General: Every Photograph Of An American Atomic Bomb Detonation Was Taken By Harold`Edgerton
General: Every Queen Named _____ Has Either Been Murdered, Imprisoned, Gone Mad, Died Young, Or Been Dethroned`Jane
General: Every __ Seconds, A House Catches On Fire In The United States`45
General: Every Single Hamster In The U.S. Today Comes From A Single Litter Captured In __________ In 1930`Syria
General: Every __________ Spent About Half An Hour As A Single Cell`Human
General: Every Time A Rattlesnake Sheds Its Skin, Its Rattle Gets`Bigger
General: Every Time You Lick A Stamp, You're Consuming 1/10 Of A`Calorie
General: Every Time You Lick A Stamp, You're Consuming _/__ Of A Calorie`1/10
General: Every Two Thousand Frowns Create One`Wrinkle
General: Every Year,11,000 Americans Injure Themselves While Trying Out __________ Sexual Positions`Bizarre
General: Every Year,11,000 Americans ______ Themselves While Trying Out Bizarre Sexual Positionsinjure`Hurt
General: Every Year, __________ Americans Injure Themselves While Trying Out Bizarre Sexual Positions`11,000
General: Every Year, _______ And Their Guests Drink 1.2 Million Gallons Of Beer During Oktoberfest. The First Oktoberfest Was In 1810 And Celebrated The Marriage Of King Ludwig I Of Bavaria`Bavarians
General: Every Year, Consumers Eat How Many Billion Cheeze-Its`18 Billion
General: Every Year, Mexico City Sinks About __________ Inches`Ten
General: Every Year One Out Of Five American Families Changes Its _____ __`Place Of Residence
General: Every Year, Over __________ People Injure Themselves With A Toothpick`8,800
General: Every Year, __________ Sinks About 10 Inches`Mexico City
General: Every Year The Us Spends Over 19.7 Billion Dollars (That's 625 Dollars Every Second Of Every Day) Fighting The`War On Drugs
General: Evidence Of __________ Exists As Early As 10,000 B.C`Shoemaking
General: Exalting One's Country Above All Others`Nationalism
General: Excellency Which Company, During The 1984 Super Bowl, Aired Considered One Of The Best Commercials In Tv History`Apple
General: Excessive Enthusiasm Or Zeal For A Cause`Fanaticism
General: Excision Of The Breast Called`Mastectomy
General: Excluding Hawaii, What U.S. State Has The Largest Percentage Of Its State Border As Water`New Jersey
General: Excluding Man, What Is The Longest-Lived Land Mammal`Elephant
General: Excluding Rudolph, How Many Reindeer Pull Santa's Sleigh`Eight
General: 'Excuse Me, I'm Sorry. I'm Sure You're Not A Nutcase Or A Psycho Or Anything It's Just That I'm, I'm Not, I'm Not That Good At, Um, Ya Know' 'Constructing Sentences?'`Sliding Doors
General: Excuse Me Miss, You Seem To Have Given Me A Dirty Plate. Oh Excuse Me, It's My Maon Course`Maybe Baby
General: 'Excuse Me, This Is The Operator Captain Oveur, I Have An Emergency Call For You On Line 5 From A Mr. Ham.' 'Alright, Give Me Ham On 5 Hold The Mayo.'`Airplane
General: Excuse Me, Your Balls Are Showing`Ace Ventura 2: When Nature Calls
General: Execute By Strangulation With A Thin Wire`Garrotte
General: Executives Work An Average 57 Hours A Week, But Just 22 Percent Say Their Hours Are A Major Cause Of`Stress
General: Experimenting With Speeding Up A Tape, David Seville Created 3 Voice Characters And Released A Christmas Song In 1958. Name This Nutty Group`The Chipmunks
General: Experts At Intel Say That Microprocessor Speed Will Double Every 18 Months For At Least __________ Years`Ten
General: __________ Experts Say People Reach The Peak Of Their Ability To See Ghosts When They're 7 Years Old`Paranormal
General: __________ Explode When You Put Them In The Microwave`Grapes
General: Expression : Full Of Pomp And ... What`Circumstance
General: Ex-_____ Soliders Now Being Held At The Us Naval Base At Guantanamo Bay ('Gitmo') Are Being Fed Bagels, Granola Bars, And Froot Loops`Taliban
General: Ex-Squeeze Me? Baking Powder`Wayne's World
General: Ex-Taliban Soldiers Are Currently Being Detained At Guantanamo Bay Naval Base In Cuba: This Base Is Also Know By The Shorter Name Of`Gitmo
General: Extending From The Arctic Tundra To The Desert North Of The Caspian Sea, What Mountains Separate Europe And Asia`The Urals
General: Extensive Cultivation Of Plants To Yield Food, Feed, Or Fiber: To Provide Medicinal Or Industrial Ingredients: Or To Grow Ornamental Products`Crop Farming
General: Extortion Of Payment In Return For Silence`Blackmail
General: Extreme fear of open spaces`agoraphobia
General: __________ Eyes Are The Most Sensitive To Light, Dark Brown The Least Sensitive`Blue
General: Fabulous Dress! Ecclessiactical Purple And The Pagan Orange Symbolizing Magical Symbiosis In Marriage Between The Heathan And Christian Tradition`Four Weddings And A Funeral
General: Facility Of Stopping A Videotape In Order To View A Motionless Image`Freeze-Frame
General: facing your dom/me shows`attentiveness
General: Fairy Penguins Are The Smallest Of All The Penguins, Standing Just Over 40 Cm In Height, And Is Found In Australia And Which Other Continent`Africa
General: Falaka`Torture Beating To The Feet
General: 'Fall Down' Was A Hit For This Santa Barbara Band In 1994`Toad The Wet Sprocket
General: Famed Playwright Anton Chekhov Was Also A`Medical Doctor
General: Family Encounters A Bigfoot-Type Monster In The Woods And Takes It Home, Thinking It's Dead`Harry And The Hendersons
General: family flicks: in _the sound of music,_ what was maria before she became a governess`novice nun
General: Famous Animals: Blondie's dog`daisy
General: Famous Animals: Names of the Ninja Turtles in alphabetical order`donatello leonardo michelangelo raphael
General: famous celebrities: what is the first name of actress/model ms. seymour`jane
General: famous celebrities: which pakistani cricketer married heiress jemima goldsmith`imran khan
General: famous directors: directed blow-up`michelangelo antonioni
General: Famous For Blues And Jazz, In Which City Is Basin Street`New Orleans
General: Famous Irish Writer. Dean Of St. Patrick's Cathedral In The Early 18th Century`Jonathan Swift
General: Famous Italian Car In The Late 50ies`Lancia Aurelia
General: Famous Last Words: That's`odd
General: Famous Last Words: These are the good kind of`mushrooms
General: Famous Last Words: What does this ------ do`button
General: Famous Medical Scale That Reports The Grade Of Consciousness Of A Patient`Glasgow
General: Famous People: What is the profession of Claudia Shiffer's ex, David Copperfield`magician
General: famous people: which actress married richard burton twice`elizabeth taylor
General: Famous People: Which model Elle is an ex-flame of the actor Kevin Costner`macpherson
General: Famous Quotes: He does not preach what he practices till he has practiced what he preaches`confucius
General: fashion: band worn to keep stockings up`garter
General: Fashion: Model that married David Bowie`iman
General: Fastest Finger Question: First Person To Type Anything Gets The Point`(Sorry Laggers!
General: fast food: at north american pizza outlets, this is often referred to as canadian bacon`ham
General: Fast Food: The turtles love these, they often come with many toppings`pizza
General: Father Mackenzie Is A Character Featured In The Lyric Of What Song`Eleanor Rigby
General: Father's Day Is The Holiday On Which There Are The Greatest Number Of _______ _____ Made In The United States`Collect Calls
General: Father, Sister, Cousin, Mother, Grandfather And Uncle. Which One Does Not Belong`Cousin
General: Fault What Italian City Had The Roman Name Mediolanum`Milan
General: __________ Faulty Rolls Of 35 Mm Film Will Be Purchased This Year`811,000
General: Faux Pas Means`Mistake
General: Fax Is Short For Which Word`Facsimile
General: Fdr Imprinted ? On White House Matches`Stolen From The White House
General: Feb 28,1991 Marks The End Of Operation _______`Desert Storm
General: February 1865 Is The Only Month In Recorded History Not To Have A ____`Full Moon
General: February Is __________ History Month`Black
General: Fedora, Bowler And Boater Are All Types Of What`Hats
General: female vocalists:the only constant member of the supremes from 1960-1978`mary wilson
General: Ferdinand Is A Story About A`Bull
General: Ferrite is a form of which metal`iron
General: Festival On January 6th Commemorating The Visit Of The Magi To Christ`Epiphany
General: fictional detectives: agatha christie's elderly female crimesolver`miss marple
General: Fifties Rock 'N' Roll Was Revived By What Greased Hair, T-Shirted, Tv Frequenting Group`Sha Na Na
General: Fill in: ____ maids all in a row`pretty
General: Fill in the blank: if ___________ was shorter, the face of the world would be changed`cleopatras nose
General: film roles: private benjamin`goldie hawn
General: films: what was the nasty woman character in 101 dalmations`cruella de ville
General: film top cops: helen mirren played her in several telefilms`jane tennyson
General: Find Sources Of Light In The Word Spelled - Psalm`Lamps
General: Finish: 'A Penny Saved Is .. .. ..'`A Penny Earned
General: Finish: Because You're Mine`I Walk The Line
General: Finish: 'Good, Chaos, Evil, ...'`Law
General: Finish: 'Only A Fool Fights In A...'`Burning House
General: Finish: 'She Walks In Beauty Like`The Night
General: Finish This: Old Soldiers Never Die`They Just Fade Away
General: Fired Unglazed Pottery`Bisque
General: First Byzantine Emperor`Justinian
General: First Capital Of Transvaal`Potchefstroom
General: First Division Of The Paleozoic Era`Cambrian Period
General: First Post Awakening Physical Adept`Francis Daniels
General: First Sentence In The Series: 'Man This ____ Is As Lousy As This Detail'`Hand
General: First Singer For Rainbow Was`Ronnie James Dio
General: First Song On Yes's '12 Inches On Tape'`Leave It
General: First State To Secede From The Union In 1861`South Carolina
General: First Us Communications Satellite Was`Echo I
General: Fishy short story also known as Creation Took Eight Days`goldfish bowl
General: Five Dashes Represent What Number In Morse Code`Zero
General: Five jello flavours that flopped: celery, ---------- , cola, apple and chocolate`coffee
General: Flamingo Tongues Were A Common Delicacy At _____ Feasts`Roman
General: Flamingo _______ Were A Common Delicacy At Roman Feasts`Tongues
General: Flat, Round, Brown Spots On The Skin That Contain An Excess Of Melanin, The Human Skin Pigment`Freckles
General: Fleas Can Accelerate _____ Times Faster Than The Space Shuttle`Fifty
General: flicks: policeman visits wife in los angeles and battles terrorists on highrise`die hard
General: Floating Wreckage At Sea`Flotsam
General: Florence Nightingale was known as 'The Lady of the ______'`lamp
General: Florida is often referred to as 'The Sunshine State' what place in Australia also has the same nickname`queensland
General: Fluid Produced In The Lacrimal Glands Above The Outside Corner Of Each Eye`Tears
General: Flutes Made From What Material Do Not Expand With Humidity So Their Owners Are Spared The Nuisance Of Tuning Them`Glass
General: Fly That Bites Cattle`Gadfly
General: 'Fm' An Abbreviation Of`Frequency Modulation
General: Foghorn Leghorn's Favourite Song Is`Camptown Races
General: followers of the unification church are called`moonies
General: Food and Drink : From what animal do we get venison`deer
General: Food and Drink : Where is the best brandy bottled`cognac
General: Food : Boston butt, jowl, and picnic ham are parts of a`pig
General: food: italian dish consiting of olives, anchovies, salami, celery, and appetizers`antipasto
General: food: sweetbread is derived from this organ`pancreas
General: food: the band james has 4 songs with this food in the title`popcorn
General: food: the drink sake (sah'ki) comes from this country`japan
General: football: the cincinnati`bengals
General: For 3000 Years, Until 1883, ___ Was The World's Largest Agricultural Crop, From Which The Majority Of Fabric, Soap, Paper, Medicines, And Oils Were Produced`Hemp
General: Ford Had A Problem In Brasil When The Pinto Wouldn't Sell. Ford Later Found Out Pinto Was Brasilian Slang For What`Small Balls
General: Forest Fires In The Western U.S. Are Usually Caused By What`Lightning
General: Forest Fires Move ____ Uphill Than Downhill`Faster
General: Forest _____ Move Faster Uphill Than Downhill`Fires
General: For Every Human Being On Earth, How Many Chickens Are There`One
General: For Every Tree That Is Cut For Lumber, How Much Is Sold As Timber`One Eighth
General: _______ For Frank Sinatra's First Solo Performance At The Paramount Theatre In New York City In 1942, Sold For 35 Cents Each`Tickets
General: For How Long Was The Eiffel Tower The Tallest Building In The World`Forty Years
General: For How Many Years Was Queen Elizabeth The First On The Throne Of England`Forty Five Years
General: forked, sheet, and ball are types of`lightning
General: For Making The Abalone Shell Used`Jewellery
General: formal invocation of the divine blessing upon people or things`benediction
General: Formal Or Informal Agreement Among Business Firms Designed To Reduce Or Suppress Competition In A Particular Market`Cartel
General: For Many Reasons, This Queen Of France Has Received A Great Deal Of Blame For Inciting The Revolution. What Was Her Name`Marie Antoinette
General: For Many Years, Most Diamond Cutting Was Done In Israel And Holland, However, Most Diamonds Are Now Cut In Which Asian Country`India
General: Formed In 1953 As The 'Four Aims' In Detroit, They Played The Chitterling Circuit, Finally Broke Big For Berry Gordy As The Four`Tops
General: Formed When The Earth Comes Betwen The Sun And The Moon`Lunar Eclipse
General: Formerly Known As Basuto, The Sotho Are Mountain People From The`Maluti Range
General: Former Playboy Bunny Shannon Tweed Has Two Children With What Rock And Roll Performer`Gene Simmons
General: Former South African Ambassador To The Us`Sheila Sisulu
General: Former Yes Drummer Bill Bruford Played With What Group In 1972`King Crimson
General: formicophilia enjoyment of the use of what for sexual purposes`insects
General: form of visible electric discharge between rain clouds or between a rain cloud and the earth (electricity)`lightning
General: Form Which Country Does The Word Auld From Auld Lang Syne Come From`Scotland
General: For Red October What African Republic's Name Was Inspired By Its Thriving Elephant Tusk Trade`The Ivory Coast
General: For The City A Method Of Resolving Questions Of Conscience By Applying Moral Principles Or Laws To Concrete Cases`Casuistry
General: For The City 'Summer Of 69' Was A Hit For Which Canuck In 1984`Bryan Adams
General: For The Holy Grail In The Monty Python Parody 'Search For The Holy Grail', What Did Arthur's Servant Use To Make The Sound Of Horses Hooves`Empty Coconuts
General: For The Italian Town Of Carrara World Famous`Marble
General: Fortymile Creek Was The Location Of What Alaskan Discovery In 1886`Gold
General: Forward I'm Heavy, Backward I'm Not. What Am I`Ton
General: For What Are Allen And Wright Famous`Root Beer
General: For What Country Did Columbus Make His Historic Voyage`Spain
General: For What Did Team Did Stan Hack Play`Chicago Cubs
General: For What Did The Knights Of The Round Table Search`The Holy Grail
General: For What Did The Marquis De Sade Serve 27 Years In Prison`Sexual Offenses
General: for what does o.p.e.c. stand`organisation of petroleum exporting countries
General: For What Does The Letter 'I' Stand In The Initials Isbn`International
General: For What Does The Letter 'S' Stand In The Initials Isbn`Standard
General: for what female singer did barry manilow once play piano`bette midler
General: for what metal is 'au' the chemical symbol`gold
General: for what nba team did james 'big games james' worthy play`lakers
General: For What New England Woman's College Was The First Brand Of Wrigley's Gum Named`Vassar
General: For What Principal Purpose Are Uhf Radio Waves Used`Transmission Of Television Signals
General: for what song did country and western singer marty robbins win a grammy`el paso
General: For What Was Black The Most Common Colour In The Depression`Automobiles
General: For What Was The Acanthus Plant Used As A Model`Corinthian Columns
General: For What Was The Last Person Hanged In The American Colonies September 22,1692`Witchcraft
General: for which country is the lotus flower the national symbol`india
General: For Women, The Least Favourite Part Of The Male Body`Feet
General: Founded By Spanish Missionaries In 1611, What Is The Oldest University In Manila`University Of Santo Thomas
General: Founded By Two Japanese Expatriates, This Band Features Sean Lennon On Bass`Cibo Matto
General: __________ _________, Founded In 1071, Is The Oldest Cathedral In Britain`Canterbury Cathedral
General: Founded In 1608 By Champlain, It Was The Capital Of New France`Quebec
General: Founded In 1827 By Nathaniel Willis And Asa Rand, What Was The First Magazine Published Especially For Children`Youth's Companion
General: Founded In 1893, What Was The First Medical School To Require A College Degree For Admittance`John Hopkins
General: Founded In 1896, What Was Ibm Formerly Called`Tabulating Machine Company
General: Founded In 1934 By A Council Of Catholic American Bishops, The Movie Board Of Censors Was The Legion Of`Decency
General: Founder Of Italian Fascism`Benito Mussolini
General: Founder Of The American Baptist Church`Roger Williams
General: Founder Of The New York Weekly Journal`John Peter Zenger
General: Four Billion Pounds Of Milk And 375 Million Pounds Of _______ Are Used Each Year In Candy Making`Peanuts
General: Four Endocrine Glands, Embedded In The Surface Of The Thyroid Gland, That Secrete Parathyroid Hormone And Raise Blood Calcium Levels`Parathyroid Glands
General: Four European Countries Keep Greenwich Mean Time. The Uk And Ireland Are Two, Name Either Of The Others`Iceland`Portugal
General: Four European Countries Keep Greenwich Mean Time. The Uk And Ireland Are Two, Name The Other Two`Iceland And Portugal
General: Four People Played Darth Vader: David Prowse Was His Body, James Earl Jones Did The Voice, Sebastian Shaw Was His Face And A Fourth Person Did The`Breathing
General: Four Thirds Multiplied By Pi Multiplied By The Radius Cubed, Gives You The Volume Of What Geometric Object`Sphere
General: Fourth Letter Of The Greek Alphabet`Delta
General: fox tv: name of fox's failed series about college life, starring jason gedrick`class of 1996
General: fox tv: on melrose place: what is the name of matt's wife (first name)`katya
General: Fragrant flowering African bulb`freesia
General: France Actually Staged A Sort Of Dress Rehearsal For The Revolution About 140 Years Earlier: A 5 Year Period Of Civil War And Power Politics. By What Name Is This Period Of French History Known`Fronde
General: frankfort is the capital of which state`kentucky
General: frankish ruler charles the great is better known as`charlemagne
General: Free Cable Is The Ultimate Aphrodisiac`The Cable Guy
General: ____ Freezes Faster If Cooled Quickly From A Warm Temperature, Than It Does From A Cooler One`Water
General: french food aka: flaky, buttery pastry shaped in a quarter-moon`croissant
General: French For Until We Meet Again`Au Revoir
General: French National Anthem`Marseillaise
General: French Speaking Residents Of Belgium Are Called`Walloons
General: French Word For Jewel Or Trinket`Bijou
General: From 1955 To 1961 Hitchcock Introduced A Series Of Mystery Stories On Television. What Was The Series Called`Alfred Hitchcock Presents
General: from 1979 until 2000 the most distant planet from the earth was`neptune
General: from 1979 until 2000 the most distant planet from the earth will be`neptune
General: From 1980 To 1995, Which Country Produced The Largest Amount Of Crude Oil`Saudi Arabia
General: From Banana Oil Made`Petroleum
General: (From Famouslastwordsbank Set) Icarus`Aaaaaaaaaa!
General: From May 26 To October 18 1932 What Singer (With A Partner) Broke The World Record For Marathon Dancing (3,501 Hours)`Frankie Laine
General: (From Musicbank Set) Which Band Performed The Song Teethgrinder`Therapy
General: From New York To Where Was The First Commercial Boeing 747 Flight`London
General: From One ____ __ ____,7.5 Million Toothpicks Can Be Produced`Cord Of Wood
General: From One Cord Of Wood,7.5 Million __________ Can Be Produced`Toothpicks
General: (From Peoplebank Set) Vanilla Ice's Real Name`Robert Van Winkle
General: From The Coast Of Which County Does The Padstow Lifeboat Get Launched`Cornwall
General: From The Liqueur Kirsch Made`Cherries
General: from the mind of comedian robin harris comes this animated bunch of brats`bebes kids
General: From What Animal Do We Get Roast Beef`Steer
General: from what animal do we get venison`deer
General: From What Book Did Ian Fleming 'Borrow' The Namejames Bond`Birds Of The West Indies
General: From What Book Is The Following Taken, 'Please Sir, I Want Some More'`Oliver Twist
General: From What Coast Do Dalmatian Originate`Dalmatian Coast
General: from what country did the us buy the virgin islands`denmark
General: From What Country Is Ac/Dc`Australia
General: From What Do Camels Protect Themselves With Three Eyelids`Blowing Sand
General: From What Famous European City Does The Country Of Venezuela Get Its Name`Venice
General: From What Is A Stonebinder Derived`Common Brown Bat
General: From what is velvet made`silk
General: from what language is the word mummy derived`persian
General: From What Material Are Millefiori Ornaments Made`Glass
General: from what material is snooker balls made from`cystallite
General: From What Nation Did Angola Win Its Independence In 1975`Portugal
General: From What Platform Does The 'Chattanooga Choo Choo Leave Pennsylvania Station`Twenty Nine
General: From What Sort Of Wood Is The Cross Used In Christ's Crucifixion Traditionally Held To Have Been Made`Mistletoe
General: From What State Was Vice-Presidential Candidate Frank Knox`Illinois
General: From What Was Charlie Chaplin's Cane Made`Bamboo
General: From What Were Balloons Originally Made`Animal Bladders
General: From What Words Is Dublin Derived`Dubh Linn
General: From Where Are Walloons`Belgium
General: From Where Did We Get The Phrase 'Dog Days'`Ancient Rome
General: From Where To London Was The First Commercial Boeing 747 Flight`New York
General: from where to where did the first railway on the witwatersrand run`johannesburg to springs
General: From which city can you see Table Mountain`cape town
General: From Which City Did De Gaulle Command His Wartime Free French Forces`London
General: From Which Country Does The Dalai Lama Come`Tibet
General: From Which Country Was Miss World 1995`India
General: From Which French Word Does The 'Mayday' Distress Signal Come`M'aidez
General: From Which Present-Day U.S. State Is Dr. Leonard 'Bones' Mccoy`Georgia
General: from which shakespeare play is this line taken: double, double`macbeth
General: From Which Shakespeare Play Is This Line Taken: To Be Or Not To Be: That Is The Question`Hamlet
General: From which sport does the phrase' to win hands down' come`horse racing
General: from which station does the 'chattanooga choo choo leave`pennsylvania station
General: from which team did marlboro switch its backing to mclaren in the 1974 season`brm
General: From which US state does model Jerry Hall originate`texas
General: From Which U.S. State Do The Bighorn Mountains Arch Northwest Into Southern Montana`Wyoming
General: Front Man For 'Mott The Hoople' Was`Ian Hunter
General: Front which part of a pig do we get ham`hind leg
General: full house: danny's minor in college`darts
General: Funchal Is The Principal City Of Which Portuguese Province`Madeira
General: Fun : Cocktails: Rum, lime, and cola drink make a(n)`cuba libre
General: Fun : Cocktails: Whiskey, hot coffee, and whipped cream make a(n)`irish coffee
General: Funny Quotes: Anything good in life is either -------, -------, -- ---------. Anything not fitting into these categories causes cancer in rats`Illegal, immoral, or fattening
General: Funny Quotes: Women like quiet men because they think they are`listening
General: Fur _____ Get Miserably Sick When They're Carried Aboard Ships`Seals
General: Gable, Mansard, Or Butterfly: A Type Of`Roof
General: __________ Gable Used To Shower More Than 4 Times A Day`Clark
General: Gain Of Electrons Is`Reduction
General: Gallery Further From The Equator _______Tasmania, Tanzania Or Transylvania`Transylvania
General: __________ Gallons Of Water Are Flushed Down Toilets In The U.S. Every Day`Seven Billion
General: Gamblers In Ancient Greece Made Dice From The Ankle-Bones And Shoulder Blades Of`Sheep
General: Game Or Fly Fishing Is For Salmon And Which Other Fish`Trout
General: game shows: host of caesar's challenge`ahmad rashad
General: game shows: this show's giant, 50-foot pinball game had 4 miles of wiring`magnificent marble machine
General: games:what is the point value of a j in a game of scrabble`eight
General: Garfield Was Created By Which Cartoonist? (First And Last Names)`Jim Davis
General: Garth Brooks Fictional Alter-Ego Chris Gaines Is Supposedly Half-American And Half`Australian
General: Garuda Is The National Airline Of Which Far-Eastern Country`Indonesia
General: __________ Gas Can Often Be Seen Bubbling Up From The Bottom Of Ponds. It Is Produced By The Decomposition Of Dead Plants And Animals In The Mud`Methane
General: Gathering In Of A Seasons Crops`Harvest
General: Gatorade Was Named For The University Of __________ Gators Where It Was First Developed`Florida
General: Gay Issues: What group's motto is, We're Here, We're Queer, We Have E-Mail`digital queers
General: gay issues: what is announcing someone being gay against their will called`outing
General: gay issues: what popular canadian country singer is an open lesbian`k.d. lang
General: gee long-tongued member of kiss`gene simmons
General: General : Animal's body that the mythical griffin has`lion
General: General Douglas Mcarthur Was An Eighth Cousin Of Winston Churchill, And A(N) ___ Cousin Of President Franklin Roosevelt`Sixth
General: General Hammond's Father Was Hospitalized For ________ During The Moon Landing In 1969`A Heart Attack`Heart Attack`Mi
General: Generally Considered The Mother Of The Civil Rights Movement, In 1955 This Courageous Lady Refused To Give Up Her Seat On A Bus To A White Man In Montgomery, Alabama`Rosa Parks
General: Generals Gowon, Abasanjo And Abacha Have All Been Leaders Of Which African State`Nigeria
General: general sherman burned this city in 1864`atlanta
General: Generation X Toys: Building tool named after Civil War president`lincoln logs
General: Genghis Khan Started Out As A`Goatherd
General: genus of annual and perennial herbs (buttercup) containing about 20 species, grown for their showy flowers`adonis
General: gen x tv: in alphabetical order (1, 2, 3, 4), what were the first names of the monkees`davy mickey mike peter
General: Geographic: The strongest recorded earthquake (8.9) occurred in which country in 1933`japan
General: geographic tyrrivia: which american state's name is spanish for colored or colored land`colorado
General: Geography: Approximately 70 percent of the Earth is covered with water. Only 1 percent of the water is`drinkable
General: Geography: Grasshopper Glacier in ----------- was named for the grasshoppers that can still be seen frozen in the ice`montana
General: Geography: -------------- has a sand desert with dunes over 100 feet high. It is located along the flatland of the Kobuk River in the northwestern part of the state`alaska
General: Geography: If the ----------- River were stretched across the United States, it would run just about from New York to Los Angeles`nile
General: Geography: ------------------- includes the islands of New Britain and New Ireland`papua new guinea
General: Geography: Oceania is a name for the thousands of islands in the central and southern ---------------. It is sometimes referred to as the South Seas`pacific ocean
General: Geography: One of the deadliest diseases in the world is Japanese River Fever, with a mortality rate of more than 50 percent. It is found only near rivers in certain areas of Japan, China, Korea, Burma, and`india
General: Geography: The Amazon river pushes so much water into the ------------- that, more than a hundred miles at sea, off the mouth of theriver, one can dip fresh water out of the ocean and drink it`atlantic
General: Geography: The ancient cavern system of Ka`eleku Caverns at Hana on the Hawaiian island ------, was created from hot molten lava flowing 30,000 years ago. Tourists can hike with experienced guides deep into the subterranean passages of one of the world's largest lava tubes`maui
General: Geography: The ----------------- is the lowest country in the world. It is estimated that 40 percent of the land is below sea level`netherlands
General: Geography: The ----------- is the world's oldest desert, and the only desert inhabited by elephant, rhino, giraffe, and lion`namib
General: Geography: The largest bird colony in the world is located on the islands off the coast of Peru. Ten million Peruvian boobies and cormorants reside there. Their diet - anchovies - produces the world's finest fertilizer, guano. Because of the value of their droppings, the birds were`incas
General: Geography: The largest city on the Mississippi River is`memphis, tennessee
General: Geography: The nation of --------------- covers approximately the same land area as the state of Wisconsin. Yet it ranks eighth in population among all the world's countries`bangladesh
General: Geography: The northernmost U.S. state capital is`juneau, alaska
General: Geography: The Philippines is an archipelago of 7,107 islands in the`pacific ocean
General: Geography: The seven natural wonders of the world are suggested to be Mount Everest in Nepal/Tibet: Victoria Falls in Zambia/Zimbabwe: Grand Canyon in Arizona: ------------------ in Australia: the Northern Lights: Paricutin volcano in Mexico: and Rio de Janeiro Harbor`great barrier reef
General: Geography: The streets of --------- were lit by gaslights for the first time in 1807. Before that, torches were used`london
General: Geography: Though the -------------- sprawl measures 15 miles wide by 15 miles long, most of the 30 million tourists each year tend to mob the 6-mile stretch of -------------- Boulevard that includes both the Strip, home to the city's glittering, impressive major casinos, and the downtown`las vegas
General: Geography: -------------- was the U.S. Confederacy's largest city`new orleans
General: Geography: With nearly ten million visitors in 1998, the beautiful and impressive ------------------- National Park drew nearly twice the number of visitors as the second most-visited park, the Grand Canyon, with nearly five million visitors`great smoky mountains
General: Germany Produces More Than 5,000 _________ Of Beer And Has About 1,300 Breweries In Country`Varieties
General: Germany Produces More Than 5,000 Varieties Of ____ And Has About 1,300 Breweries In Country`Beer
General: Germany Produces More Than 5,000 Varieties Of Beer And Has About _, ___ Breweries In Country`1,300
General: Germany Produces More Than _, ___ Varieties Of Beer And Has About 1,300 Breweries In Country`5,000
General: Germany's Allies In Ww Ii Were Japan, Italy, Hungary, Bulgaria, Finland, Libya, And`Romania
General: Germany's Equivalant To The Dollar Is`Euro
General: Germany's Ww I Allies Were Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, And`Turkey
General: Germany Was Split Into Two Zones By Which Agreement`Yalta Agreement
General: Gesture of celebration in which two people slap each others palms with their arms outstretched over their heads`high-five
General: Get In Your Mouse And Get Out Of Here`Uncle Buck
General: get smart: in smart's apartment, the phone is hidden inside this`phone
General: gherkins are a type of`pickle
General: Ghosts Appear In 4 Shakespearian Plays: Julius Caesar, __________, Hamlet And Macbeth`Richard Iii
General: Ghosts Appear In 4 Shakespearian Plays: Julius Caesar, Richard Iii, __________ And Macbeth`Hamlet
General: Ghosts Appear In 4 Shakespearian Plays: Julius Caesar, Richard Iii, Hamlet And`Macbeth
General: Giant Flying Foxes That Live In Indonesia Have Wingspans Of Nearly __________ Feet`Six
General: gilbert and sullivan operetta subtitled the lass that loved a sailor`hms pinafore
General: gilligans island: what does gilligan always eat at the movies`popcorn
General: Ginger Baker, Eric Clapton And Jack Bruce Were The Line-Up To Which Band`Cream
General: Give Another Name For Hydrocyanic Acid (Hcn), Sometimes Wrongly Called Cyanide`Prussic Acid
General: Give Another Name For The Gnu`Wildebeest
General: give either first name of the author p.g.wodehouse`pelham grenville
General: Give One Of Michael Portillo's Other Christian Names`Denzil Xavier
General: give the musical term for 'loud'`forte
General: Give The Name For The Statement Sworn On Oath To Be True, Usually In The Presence Of A Lawyer`Affidavit
General: Give The Name Of Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Dog`Flush
General: Give The Name Of Fictional Character Simon Templar's Alter Egothe Saint`Saint
General: Glue Is An Impure Form Of`Gelatin
General: Goitre Is An Enlargement Of What Gland`Thyroid
General: Gold Weighing A Total Of 2,448 Pounds Was Found Here`King Tuts Tomb
General: Gone With The Wind Is The Only Civil War Epic Ever Filmed Without A Single __________ Scene`Battle
General: gor: a female slave on gor is refered to as a what`kajira
General: ______ ___ Got Their Name From A Sexual Device Depicted In The Book 'The Naked Lunch'`Steely Dan
General: g ramones motto: _____ _____ hey!`gabba gabba
General: Grapes explode when you put them in the`microwave
General: graphite dust is formed when what is cut with a laser`diamond
General: Gratiano Has The Last Speech In What Shakespeare Play`Merchant Of Venice
General: Grease: What Is The Name Of The Other Boy Gang That Shows Up At The Pep Rally`Scorpions
General: great clouds of dust and gas in space are called`nebulae
General: Great waves resulting from earthquakes are called`tsunami
General: Great Waves Resulting From Earthquakes Are Called`Tsunamis
General: Greece, The Cradle Of _________, Granted Women The Vote In National Election Only In 1952`Democracy
General: Greek gods of mythology: which goddess personified the earth`gaea
General: greek mythology: the three witches were called what`furies
General: Greek Philosopher And Founder Of The Stoic Movement`Zeno Of Citium
General: Greek Village 42 Km Away From Athens`Marathon
General: Green In A Pure Molten Form`Gold
General: Greenland, Named This To Attract Settlers, Was Discovered By Eric The Red In The ____ Century`10th
General: Greetings My Excellent Friends`Bill And Ted's Excellent Adventure
General: Grenadine is a syrup from the juice of which fruit`pomegranate
General: Grimace Of The Mcdonald's Characters`A Tastebud
General: Groaking Is To Watch People __________ In Hopes That They Will Offer You Some`Eating
General: Grotesque Carved Spout Usually Projecting From The Gutter Of A Building`Gargoyle
General: Group Nouns: Hippopotamus`Bloat
General: Grover Cleveland Is The Only United States President To Have Been Married Where`White House
General: _______ Grows From Seeds So Small That It Takes 350,000 Of Them To Make An Ounce`Tobacco
General: __________ Growth Of Www Traffic Is 314,000%`Annual
General: grunge singles: want to travel south this year`I stay away
General: Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Where The Ex-Taliban Soldiers Are Currently Incarcerated, Has It's Own ___ Code`Country
General: Guatemala Is The Capital Of`Guatemala
General: guayaquil is the largest city in what country`ecuador
General: guayaquil is the largest city in what country`equador
General: Guinness Modern Ballroom Dance, Of Argentinian Origin`Tango
General: guitarist peter green was formerly a member of this group`fleetwood mac
General: guitarist with only 9 full fingers`jerry garcia
General: guitar: what is the fifth of a`e
General: Guiyaquil Is The Largest City In Which Country`Ecuador
General: Gulyas Soup Is A Delicacy Of What Country`Hungary
General: gymnophobia is the fear of`naked bodies
General: __________ Had A Heart The Size Of A Pickup Truck`Brachiosaurus
General: __________ Had Only One Eye After Getting A Disease While Attacking Rome`Hannibal
General: Had Ww Ii Continued, The V-3 Rocket Being Developed By The Nazis Was Targeted For What City`New York
General: hagar the terrible was created by dik browne. what is the name of hagar's wife`helga
General: Haifa Is A Major Seaport In Which Country`Israel
General: Hailed As A ______ ____ In The Late Nineteenth Century, Cocaine Was Outlawed In The United States In 1914`Wonder Drug
General: Hailed As A Wonder Drug In The Late Nineteenth Century, _______ Was Outlawed In The United States In 1914`Cocaine
General: Hairstylist Anthony Silvestri Cuts Hair While`Underwater
General: Half A Billion People - About ___ __ _____ _____ - Are Suffering Chronic Malnutrition Today`One Of Every Eight
General: Half A Billion People - About One Of Every Eight - Are Suffering _______ ____________ Today`Chronic Malnutrition
General: Half Of All Americans Live Within 50 Miles Of Their`Birthplace
General: Half Of All _______ Are Committed With Handguns`Murders
General: Hallmark Makes Cards For ___ Different Relationships`105
General: Halloween Originated From A Festival Celebrated By What Ancient European Tribe`Celts
General: Hamlet, Act V, Scene 3: 'Alas Poor Yorick! I Knew Him, _______'`Horatio
General: Hamlet Was The Prince Of`Denmark
General: hammer, anvil, and stirrup are parts of the`ear
General: 'Hang On Sloopy' Is The Official Rock Song Of`Ohio
General: Hank Aaron Hit His First Major-League Home Run In 1954 Off What St. Louis Cardinal Pitcher`Vic Raschi
General: Hanna-Barbera Rose To Fame By Creating What Duo For Mgm`Tom And Jerry
General: 'Harding, You're The Man For Us' Was A Republican Campaign Song For Warren G. Harding Written By What Singer`Al Jolson
General: Harlem Globetrotter's Theme Is... What`Sweet Georgia Brown
General: harold gray's famous comic strip creation first appeared in 1924`little orphan annie
General: Harold 'Red' Grange Was Called The`Galloping Ghost
General: Harold S. Vanderbilt Created What Style Of Bridge In 1925`Contract Bridge
General: _____ Harry's Badge Number Is 221`Dirty
General: Harvard's First President`Reverend Henry Dunster
General: ______ Has A Sand Desert With Dunes Over 100 Feet High. It Is Located Along The Flatland Of The Kobuk River In The Northwestern Part Of The State`Alaska
General: _____ Has More English Speakers Than The United States`China
General: Hasta La Vista, Baby`Terminator 2: Judgment Day
General: Havana Is The Capital Of Which Country`Cuba
General: __________ Have Killed More People Than Have All The World's Wars Combined`Mosquitoes
General: __________ Have One More Pair Of Chromosomes Than Dogs Or Wolves`Jackals
General: Having A Hole Drilled Through The Cranium Supposedly Enabling People To Reach A Higher State Of Consciousness`Trepanning
General: Hawaii Has The Highest Percentage Of Cremations Of All Other U.S. States, With A 60.6 Percent Preference Over`Burial
General: Hawaii Has The Highest Percentage Of __________ Of All Other U.S. States, With A 60.6 Percent Preference Over Burial`Cremations
General: Hawaii lies on the Tropic of`cancer
General: Hawaii's Mt Waialeale Is The Wettest Place In The World - It Rains About Ninety Per Cent Of The Time, About 480 Inches Per`Annum
General: Hawkeye's Full Name In M.A.S.H`Benjamin Franklin Pierce
General: Haydn's 'Creation' Was Based On Genesis And Which Other Piece Of Literature`Paradise Lost
General: Heaven To Fallen Norse Warriors`Valhalla
General: Heavier-Than-Air Craft That Derives Its Lift Not From Fixed Wings Like Those Of Conventional Airplanes, But From A Power-Driven Rotor Or Rotors, Revolving On A Vertical Axis Above The Fuselage`Helicopter
General: Heavy Material Stabilizing A Ship`Ballast
General: he began his career with the yardbirds, moved to john mayalls bluesbreakers, cream and blind faith and is established as one of the best rock guitarists of his generation`eric clapton
General: He Can Change His Nick, But He Can Not Hide`St
General: he collaborated on whatever gets you through the night with john lennon`elton john
General: he designed the first feasible automobile with an internal combustion engine`benz
General: he discovered the process of vaccination for prevention of smallpox`edward jenner
General: He Established A Military Government After The Solidarnosc Strikes In Poland`General Jaruselsky
General: Height From The Court Floor To The Rim Of A Basketball Hoop: __ Feet`10
General: he invented bifocal lenses for eyeglasses`benjamin franklin
General: he invented the most common projection for world maps`gerardus mercator
General: he is known for his theory of evolution`charles darwin
General: he is the elder statesman of british blues and fronted the bluesbreakers which included guitarist eric clapton`john mayall
General: he led 900 followers in a mass suicide in 1979`jim jones
General: he led the israelites out of egypt`moses
General: Heliotaxis Means The Response Of An Organism To What`Sunlight
General: Hell Hath No Fury Like`A Woman Scorned
General: hendrik wikar was the first to see this natural wonder in the orange river. which wonder are we referring to`augrabies falls
General: Henry Ford Flatly Stated That History Is`Bunk
General: Henry Mancini - The Baby ________ Walk`Elephant
General: Henry The Eighth Was The Father Of Two English Queens, Mary I And Elizabeth I. Which Other King Was The Father Did The Same`James Ii
General: Hepatitis Affects The`Liver
General: he plays eye patch wearing hero snake plissken in escape from new york`kurt russell
General: he recorded this oddly titled song a boy named sue`johnny cash
General: her first name means half, which pretty well describes how many scenes she dresses for in her movie roles`demi moore
General: Her Last Words Were: 'Monsieur, I Beg Your Pardon' After She Stepped On Her Executioner's Foot`Marie Antoinette
General: Her Real Name Was Iva D'aquino, But U.S. Serviceman Knew Her As What`Tokyo Rose
General: Hertzian Waves Are Now Known As What`Radio Waves
General: he shot lee harvey oswald`jack ruby
General: he starred in, city lights`charlie chaplin
General: he was a bullfrog and a great friend of mine`jeremiah
General: he was born carlos ray`chuck norris
General: he was defeated at the battle of little bighorn`george a custer
General: he was defeated at the battle of little bighorn`george custer
General: he was known as the elephant man`john merrick
General: he worked in a factory making toilets for airplanes before he recorded 'aint no sunshine when she's gone'`bill withers
General: he wrote sexual behaviour in the human male in 1948`kinsey
General: Hey, Am I _Really Your Buddy`The Cable Guy
General: Hey Come On Now. If You Kick Out The Gooks The Next Thing You Have To Kick Out The Chinks, The Spics, The Spooks And The Spikes. All That's Going To Be Left In Here Are A Couple Of Brain Dead Rednecks And What Fun Would That Be`Good Morning Vietnam
General: H.G. Brown Is The Editor Of What Trend-Setting Magazine`Cosmopolitan
General: highlander: first name of duncan's scottish wife in the first movie`heather
General: High School Slang: Rmg Is 'Really ___ ___'`Mean Girl
General: his band, the bluesbreakers, introduced the world to eric clapton`john mayall
General: his comparatively short series of random killings in new york city were mainly unremarkable -- except for his claim that he had been ordered to kill by a dog`david berkowitz
General: his composition known as water music was first performed on july 17, 1717`george frideric handel
General: his films include: spartacus, the vikings and ulysses`kirk douglas
General: His Mama Knew Him As Lester Gillis, But This 1930s Gangster Was Better Known As What`Baby Face Nelson
General: His Real Name Was Lugee Sacco And He Released 'The Gypsy Cried' In January Of 1963 On Roulette Records`Lou Christie
General: his real name was michael bolotin`michael bolton
General: his ship was the h.m.s. beagle`charles darwin
General: His Solo Release In 1970 Included The Cuts 'That Would Be Something' 'Maybe I'm Amazed' And 'Every Night'`Paul Mccartney
General: Histology`Study Of Tissues
General: History : He taught Alexander the Great`aristotle
General: History : How do you write 69 in Roman numerals`lxix
General: History : She was the first woman premier of Israel`meir
General: History : She won the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize for her work among the poor`mother teresa
General: History : The Inquisition forced him to recant his belief in the Copernican Theory`galileo
General: History : The St. Valentine's Day massacre took place in this city`chicago
General: History : This frontiersman and politician was killed at the Alamo`davey crockett
General: History : This Indian group ruled in early Peru`inca
General: History : U.S. President, Herbert C.`hoover
General: His Wife Goes Out And Owes Money All Over Town, And He Pees On _My Rug?!`The Big Lebowski
General: His Wife Was Roxana. His Horse Was Bacephalus. He Was`Alexander The Great
General: Hitchhiker Guide: Every time he was reincarnated, he ended up being killed by Arthur Dent`agrajag
General: hitchhikers guide: unbeknownst to many, the president's job is not to wield power, but to`draw attention away from it
General: Hitchhiker's Guide: What Race Writes The Third Worst Poetry In The Universe`Vogons
General: Hitler Ordered All Jews In Denmark To Wear An Armband With What On It`Star Of David
General: Hitler's Favorite Movie`King Kong
General: Hitler's Plan Called Operation 'Sea Lion' Called For The Invasion Of What Country`England
General: Hobbies & Leisure: Which exercises are designed to increase O2 consumption & speed circulation`aerobics
General: hockey the calgary`flames
General: hockey: the st. louis`blues
General: hockey: the toronto`maple leafs
General: Hogan's Heroes: What Was Cpl. Louis Lebeau's Nickname`Cockroach
General: 'Hoi Polloi' In English`The Masses
General: ___ _______ ____ __ ______ Holds The Record For Being The Book Most Often Stolen From British Public Libraries`The Guinness Book Of Records
General: Holland's Largest Ever Flood Control Project Called`Delta Plan
General: Hollerith Founded The __________ _______ _______ In 1896, Which Later Became Ibm`Tabulating Machine Company
General: Hollister House Is Associated With Which President`Millard Fillmore
General: Hollywood : He played Superman in the 1978 movie version`christopher reeve
General: Hollywood : He starred in, City Lights`charlie chaplin
General: Hollywood : The two rival gangs in West Side Story were the Sharks and the`jets
General: Hollywood : This movie directed by Woody Allen won the best picture Oscar in 1978`annie hall
General: Hollywood : This was the sequel to The Empire Strikes Back`return of the jedi
General: Hollywood : What was Dorothy's last name in The Wizard of Oz`gale
General: Hometown Of Giaccomo Puccini`Lucca, Tuscany
General: Homo Sapiens' Means`Man Of Knowledge
General: honeydew' is a variety of what`melon
General: Hoover Dam Created A Lake ___ Miles Long`115
General: Hopelessly Outnumbered Canadian Troops Surrendered This Crown Colony To The Japanese On Chrismas Day 1941`Hong Kong
General: Hormone Used In Treating Inflammation And Allergy`Cortisone
General: Hostess Twinkies Were Invented In 1931 By _____`James Dewar
General: Hostess ________ Were Invented In 1931 By James Dewar`Twinkies
General: Hot Chocolate Believes In Miracles And Wants To Know Where You're From, ___ ____`You Sexy Thing
General: Hot Springs Are Known As Geysers After The Great Geysir That Is Located Where`Iceland
General: Houdini Trained His Dog To Escape From A Pair Of Miniature`Handcuffs
General: Household Items Such As Television Sets And Audio Equipment Are Know As`Brown Goods
General: House Of Renee What Song Won The Grammy For 'Song Of The Year' In 1977`You Light Up My Life
General: __________ Houses In London Streets Only Began In 1764`Numbering
General: Houston, Texas Is Closest To What Body Of Water`The Gulf Of Mexico
General: Houston, We Have A Problem`Apollo 13
General: How Bright Is The Brightest Light In The World`40,000,000,000 Candle Power
General: How Close A Cousin Was Franklin D. To Theodore Roosevelt`Fifth Cousin
General: How Deep Is A 'Fathom'`Six Feet
General: How Deep Is The Target Depth Of The Borehole Located At The Kola Peninsula, In Northern Russia`Fifteen Kilometer
General: How Did 19-Year Old Matthias Rust Make The Headlines In 1987`Landed A Light Aircraft In Red Square, Moscow
General: How Did Buddy Holly Die`Aeroplane Crash
General: How Did Dinosaurs Produce Their Young`Eggs
General: How Did Lockheed, The Manufacturer Of The Trident Missile, Use To Transmit Data To Its Headquarters 30 Miles Away`Carrier Pigeon
General: How Did Rose Nilin's Husband Charlie Die On The Golden Girls`He Died Of A Heart Attack While Making Love To Rose
General: How Did Sir Walter Raleigh Die`Execution
General: How Did The Bum Convince The Family Dog To Start Eating Again In Down And Out In Beverly Hills`He Ate The Dog's Food
General: How Did The Crew Of Red Dwarf Get Brought Back To Life`By Nanobots
General: How Did The Little Match Girl Die`Froze To Death
General: How Did The Red Sea Get Its Name`Red Algae
General: How Did Virginia Woolf Die`Committed Suicide
General: How Do 10,000 Birds Die Each Year`Smashing Into Windows
General: How Does A Kiwi Find A Sheep In Long Grass`Wonderful
General: How Does Alice Kill Freddy Krueger In 'Nightmare On Elm Street 4'`With A Mirror
General: How Does An Orangutan Warn You To Stay Out Of His Area`Belches At You
General: How Does The American Kennel Club Classify The Poodle`Nonsporting
General: how does wonder woman control her invisible airplane`mental powers
General: How Do Italians Spell Venice`Venezia
General: How Do The Wheels On The Bus Go`Round And Round
General: How Do You Spell Abbreviation`Abbreviation
General: How Do You Spell Backwards, Backwards`Sdrawkcab
General: How Do You Write 99 In Roman Numerals`Xcix
General: How Far Does The Cruise Liner 'Queen Elizabeth Ii' Move For Each Gallon Of Diesel It Burns`Six Inches
General: How Fast Can A Swordfish Swim?(In Mph)`60 Mph
General: How Fast Can A Wild Turkey Fly?(In Mph)`55 Mph
General: How Fast Can A Wild Turkey Run?(In Mph)`22 Mph
General: How Fast Does The Tip Of A Rotary Mower Travel`200 Kph
General: How Fast-In Words Per Minute-Does The Average American Adult Read`275 Wpm
General: How Fast Is A Jiffy`1/100th Of A Second
General: How High Can Magma Temperatures Get`1,400 Degrees
General: How High From The Court Is A Basketball Hoop`10 Feet
General: How Is Abba Calling For Help`Sos
General: How Is A Zither Played`Plucked
General: How Is Electric Power Measured`Watts
General: How is german measles also known`rubella
General: How Is 'Maria Kalageropoulos' Better Known`Maria Callas
General: how is nitrous oxide better known`laughing gas
General: How Is 'Rodrigo Diaz De Vivar' Better Known`El Cid
General: How is Samuel Clemens better known`mark twain
General: How is the 15th March also known`ides of march
General: How is the chess term shah mat better known`checkmate
General: How is the mathematically related structure of beads strung on parallel wires in a rectangular frame better known`abacus
General: How is the stockmarket collapse of the 24th October 1929 better known`black thursday
General: how is the universe said to have been created`big bang
General: How Light Is Air? Not Very. In A Moderate-Size Office With Room For 25 Employees, The Air Can Weigh Nearly As Much As The`Staff
General: How Long Did It Take To Complete The Capitol Building In Washington, Dc`Seventy Years
General: How Long Did 'The Hundred Years War' Last`116 Years
General: How Long Did The Mummification Process Of A Wealthy Egyptian Generally Take`70 Days
General: How Long Did The Shortest War In History Go For`38 Minutes
General: How Long Did The Thirty Years War Last`Thirty Years`30 Years
General: How Long Did Yuri Gagarin's First Orbit Round The Earth Take`108 Minutes
General: How Long Does A Charge Last In Green Lantern's Ring`24 Hours
General: How Long Does A Game Of Ice Hockey Last`Sixty Minutes
General: How Long Does A Pig's Orgasm Last`30 Minutes
General: How Long Does It Take A Fully Loaded Supertanker To Stop From Travelling At Normal Speed`Twenty Minutes
General: How Long Does It Take A Ginseng Root To Reach Marketable Size`Seven Years
General: How long does it take a mole to dig a three hundred foot hole`one night
General: How Long Does It Take For Blood To Completely Circulate In The Human Body`1 Minute
General: how long does it take for sunlight to reach earth`eight minutes
General: How Long Does It Take The Average Person To Fall Asleep`Seven Minutes
General: How Long Does It Take The Moon To Revolve Around The Earth, To The Nearest Day`Twenty Seven
General: How Long Does It Take To Boil An Egg For 3 Minutes`3 Minutes Silly
General: How Long Does It Take To Hard Boil A Three Pound Ostrich Egg`1 Hour 45 Minutes
General: How Long In A Lifetime Does An Average Person Spend Kissing`Two Weeks
General: How Long -In Days- Did The Pilgrims First Thanksgiving In 1621 Last`Three
General: How Long - In Days - Did The Pilgrims' First Thanksgiving Last`Three Days
General: How Long In Feet Is The Trunk Of The Average Full Grown Elephant`8 Feet
General: How Long (In Minutes) Does It Take The Average Person To Fall Asleep`Seven Minutes
General: How Long Is A Fortnight`14 Days
General: How Long Is An Elephant's Pregnancy? In Months`22 Months
General: How long is an eon`one billion years
General: How Long Is An Inch`One Inch
General: how long is a piece of string`as long as it is
General: How Long Is A Sesquicentennial`150 Years
General: How Long Is A Standard Six-Foot-Wide Shuffleboard Court`52 Feet
General: How Long Is Camptown Racetrack`Five Miles
General: How Long Is New York's Broadway In Km`241
General: How Long Is The Average Pool Cue?(In Inches)`57
General: How Long Is The Grand Canyon On The Colorado River?(In Miles)`217
General: How Long Is The Le Mans Endurance Motor Race`24 Hours
General: How Long Is The Longest Tunnel`One Hundred And Sixty Nine Kms
General: How Long Is The Memory Span Of A Goldfish`Three Seconds
General: How long is the Suez canal in kilometers`161.9
General: How Long Is The Suez Canal - The Water Link Between The Gulf Of Suez And The Mediterranean Sea?(In Miles)`105`105 Miles
General: How Long Is Three Mile Island`25 Miles
General: How Long Must A Rider Stay On The Back Of A Bronco In Order To Complete A Standard Ride`8 Seconds
General: How Long (On Average) Does A Baby Elephant Continue To Take Milk From Its Mother`Two Years
General: how long passed from the making of minute rice & its marketing`eighteen years 18 years
General: How Long Passed From The Making Of The First Zipper And Its Marketing`Fifty Five Years
General: How Long Was Nelson Mandela In Prison`Twenty Seven Years
General: How Long Was The First Long-Distance Road?(In Miles)`1,775 Miles
General: How Long Was The Six Day War`Six Days
General: How Long Were Noah And His Family Confined In The Ark`One Year
General: How Long Would It Take An Ice Cube To Melt If It Were Placed Inside One Of The Fuel Tanks On A Saturn V Rocket`Eight Years
General: How Loud Can A Human Snore Be`Sixty Nine Decibels
General: How Many 3 Cent Stamps Are There In A Dozen`Twelve
General: How Many Acres Are There In A Square Mile`640
General: How Many Acres Of Onions Are Planted In The United States Each Year`145,000 Acres
General: How Many Alligators Have Ever Been Found In The New York City Sewer System`One
General: How Many American Men Have Not Had A Vacation In The Past Year`72%
General: How Many American Voyages Did Christopher Columbus Make`Four
General: How Many Animals Are Used To Designate The Years Of The Chinese Calendar`Twelve
General: How Many Answers Per Jeopardy Board`30
General: How Many (Approx) Pencils Are Produced Annually Around The World`10 Billion
General: How Many Astronaughs Crewed The Gemini Series Of Spacecraft`Two
General: How Many Astronauts Manned Each Apollo Flight`Three
General: How Many Axles Does An 18-Wheeler Have`Five
General: How Many Bags Of Mail Were Lost By The Pony Express`One
General: How Many Bakers Are In A Dozen`Twelve
General: How Many Bathrooms Are There In The White House`34
General: How Many Beams Of Light Are Used To Record A Holograph`Two
General: How Many Beatle Compositions Have The Single Word 'Love' In The Title`Eight
General: How Many Beats Per Second Does A Bumblebee Flap Its Wings`160
General: How Many Bends In A Standard Paperclip`Three
General: How Many Billions Of Disposable Diapers Are Discarded In The Us, Annually`20
General: How Many Birthday Candles Were Michael Jackson And Madonna Each Obliged To Blow Out In 1998`Forty
General: How Many Births Took Place At Woodstock '69`Two
General: How Many Blackbirds Were Baked In A Pie`Four And Twenty
General: How Many Black Union Soldiers Were Awarded The Congressional Medal Of Honour`Sixteen
General: How Many Blades Does A Kayak Paddle Have`Two
General: How Many Blades Were On Freddy Kruger's Glove`Four
General: How Many Blimps Are There In The World`13
General: How Many Books Are There In A Trilogy`Three
General: How Many British Officers Were Forced By Indian Troops Into The Black Hole Of Calcutta`One Hundred And Forty Six
General: how many british prime ministers have been assassinated`one
General: How Many Calories Are Burned In A One Minute Kiss`26
General: How Many Calories Are In A Serving Of Onions`30 Calories
General: How Many Calories Are There In A Glass Of Water`Zero
General: How Many Camels Carried The 117,000 Volumes Of Abdul Kassem Ismael's Library`Four Hundred
General: How Many Canadian Provinces Border The Great Lakes`One
General: How Many Cannons Are Involved In A Royal Salute`Twenty One
General: How Many Cheers Do We Have To Memorize? Do We Get Paid For This? Do I Have To Provide My Own Uniform`Bring It On
General: How Many Chests Of Tea Were Dumped Overboard At The Boston Tea Party On December 16,1773`342
General: How Many Children Are In The 'American Dream'`2.5
General: How many children did Maria (Julie Andrews) have to look after in The Sound of Music`seven`7
General: How Many Children Did Noah Have`Three
General: How Many Children Did Queen Anne Have`Seventeen
General: how many children did queen victoria and prince albert have`nine
General: How Many Children Did Queen Victoria Have`Nine
General: How Many Children Did U.S. President John Tyler Have`Fifteen
General: How Many Chromosomes Do Each Body Cell Contain`Forty Six
General: how many cigars did sir winston churchill rationed himself to a day`fifteen
General: How Many Cigars Did Sir Winston Churchill Ration Himself To A Day`Fifteen
General: How Many Colours Are There In A Rainbow`Seven
General: How Many Colours Are There In The Rainbow`Seven
General: how many compartments does a cow's stomach has`four
General: How Many Consecutive Years Was The Ed Sullivan Show On Tv`Twenty Three
General: How Many Contestants Participated In The First Modern Olympiad`Four Hundred And Eighty Four
General: How Many Cooks Spoil The Broth, According To A Well Known Saying`Too Many
General: How Many Corners Are There In A Cube`Eight
General: How Many Cosmonauts Did The First Multi-Person Space Craft Hold`Three
General: how many countries border on china`fifteen
General: How Many Countries Have An Area Less Then 10 Square Miles`Four (Vatican City, Monaco, Nauru And Tuvalu
General: How Many Countries Have A Population Over 130 Million`Seven (Pakistan, Russia, Brazil, Indonesia, United States, India And China
General: How Many Cows Does It Take To Supply The Nfl With Enough Leather For A Year's Supply Of Balls`Three Thousand
General: How Many Crew Members Must Be Aboard An America's Cup Craft`Eleven
General: How Many Cycles Per Second In One Megahertz`One Million
General: How Many Dalmatians Were There In The Disney Movie`101
General: How Many Days After John F Kennedy's Assassination Was Lee Harvey Oswald Shot`Two
General: How Many Days After The Election Was George W. Bush Finally Proclaimed President Of The Usa`35
General: How Many Days Are There In A Fortnight`14
General: How Many Days Can A Cockroach Live Without Water`Thirty
General: How Many Days Did The First Successful Trans-Atlantic Balloon Flight Take`Six Days
General: How Many Days Did Woodstock Run`Three
General: How Many Days Do Dragon Flies Live For On Average`One
General: How Many Days Does A Typical Mayfly Live`One
General: How Many Days Of His Three-Year Prison Sentence Did Iran-Contra Felon Oliver North Serve`Zero
General: How Many Days Were There In 1976`366
General: How Many Deaths From Amusement Park Rides In The Us Were There In 2000`2
General: How Many Degrees Are There In A Right Angle`Ninety
General: how many degrees does the earth rotate each hour`fifteen
General: how many dice are used in backgammon`five
General: How Many Different Basic Tastes Can A Human Tongue Distinguish`Four
General: How Many Different Ways Are There To Make Change For A Dollar`293
General: How many Dirty Harry movies have been madefive`5
General: How Many Dollars A Day Did Arthur Frommer Say You Could Get By On In Europe In 1968`Five
General: How Many Doors Are There In The 132-Room White House`412
General: How Many Dots Are On A Pair Of Dice`Forty Two
General: how many dots are there on a pair of dice`forty two
General: How Many Drops Of Water Are Needed To Fill A Teaspoon`One Hundred And Twenty
General: How Many Drops Of Water Can The Face Of A Penny Hold`30
General: How Many Dwarves Lived In The House Discovered By Snow White`Seven
General: How Many Earth Years Does It Take Pluto To Orbit The Sun`248
General: How Many Eggs At A Time Do The Most Productive Starfish Release`2.5 Million
General: How Many Elevators Does The Empire State Building Have`73
General: How Many Emmy Awards Did Captain Kangaroo Win`5
General: How Many Emmy Awards Did Shirley Booth Win For Her Role In 'Hazel'`Two
General: How Many Engines Are On A B52 Bomber`Eight
General: How Many Engines Did The Dirigible 'The Hindenberg' Have`Four
General: How Many Engines Does The Saturn Rocket Boast`Eight
General: How Many Episodes Were There In The Original Star Trek Series`Seventy Five
General: How Many Eyelids Do Birds Have On Each Eye`Three
General: How Many Eyes Are In A Deck Of 52 Cards`42
General: How Many Eyes Does A Bee Have`5
General: How Many Eyes Does A Bee Have`Five
General: How Many Eyes Does A Dornbeast Have`69
General: How Many Eyes Does An Earthworm Have`Zero
General: How Many Eyes Does A Scorpion Have`Eight
General: How Many Eyes Do Most Spiders Have`Eight
General: How many faces did the Romans believe Janus to have`two`2
General: How Many Facets Has A Snowflake`Six
General: how many feet apart must the stakes be in a game of horseshoes`forty
General: How Many Feet Does The Worlds Longest Urinal Trough Stretch`290 Feet
General: How Many Feet High Is The Green Monster At Fenway Park`37
General: How Many Feet Of Earthworms Does The Average Nest Of Baby Robins Consume In A Day`14
General: How Many Feet Of Tape Does The Average Sixty Minute Audio Cassette Contain`562.5
General: How Many Feet Tall Is The Average Giraffe At Birth`Six
General: How Many Feet Wide Is The Statue Of Liberty's Mouth`3
General: how many fingers did anne boleyn have`eleven
General: How Many Fires Erupted In The April 18,1906 San Francisco Earthquake`Fifty
General: How Many F# Keys Are On My Keyboard`Twelve
General: how many freckles did howdy doody have`forty eight
General: How Many Furlongs To A Mile`Eight
General: How Many Gallons Of Diesel Does The Cruise Liner 'Queen Elizabeth Ii' Use For Each Six Inches It Moves`One Gallon
General: How Many Gallons Of Fuel Does A Jumbo Jet Use During Take Off`Four Thousand
General: How Many General Electric Employees Carry The Title 'Chief Executive Officer'`51
General: How Many German Civilians Were Killed (Starved, Beaten To Death) During The Russian Occupation Of Eastern Germany In 1945`2 Million
General: How Many German Women And Girls Were Raped During The Russian Invasion Of Eastern Germany In 1945`Two Million
General: How Many Gifts Would You Have If You Received All The Gifts Mentioned In The Song 'The Twelve Days Of Christmas'`364
General: How Many Gigawatts Of Electricity Did Doc Brown Need To Generate To Power The Delorion In Back To The Future`1.21 Gigawatts
General: How Many Glasses Of Water Should An Adult Drink Per Day`6-8 Glasses`Six To Eight Glasses`Six - Eight Glasses`Six To Eight`6-8
General: How many gold medals did Jesse Owens win in the 1936 Berlin Olympics`four`4
General: How many gold medals did swimmer Mark Spitz win at the Munich Olympics in 1972`seven`7
General: How Many Governors Of New York Have Been President`Four
General: How Many Governors Of Tennessee Have Become President`Two
General: How many grains of sand are in a quart size pail`approximately eight million
General: How Many Grooves Are On The Edge Of A Quarter`119
General: How Many Guests Were Artists Allowed To Bring When Recording We Are The World`Five
General: How Many Hairs Does The Average Person Shed Per Day`50 To 100
General: How many herrings are in a Warp`four
General: How Many Holes Are In A White Castle 'Sack Of 10'`50
General: How Many Hot Dog Buns Are In A Package`Ten
General: How Many Hot Dogs Come In A Package`Eight
General: How Many Hours A Day Does A Ferret Sleep`Twenty
General: How Many Hours Does An Antelope Sleep At Night`One
General: How Many Hours Does It Take Puck To Orbit Uranus`18 Hours
General: How Many Hours Does It Take To Hard Boil An Ostrich Egg`4 Hours
General: How Many Housing Property Squares Are There On A Monopoly Board`Twenty Two
General: How many housing property squares are there on a monopoly board`twenty two`22
General: How Many Humans Were On Noah's Ark`Eight
General: How Many Hurdles Are There In A Women's Hurdle Sprint`Ten
General: How Many Hurdles In A 400m Hurdle Race`10
General: How Many Hurricanes Made The 2000 All Black Squad`One
General: How Many 'Joeys' Can A Female Kangaroo Have In Her Pouch At One Time`Three
General: how many lanes does an olympic swimming pool have`eight
General: how many legs does a millipede have on each segment of its body`four
General: How Many Legs Does A Spider Have`Eight
General: How Many Letters (Maximum) Can A Thoroughbred Horse Can Have In Its Name`Fourteen
General: How Many Letter T's Are In This Question`5
General: How Many Lightposts Are On The Back Of A Bill`11
General: how many lines are there in a sonnet`fourteen
General: How Many Lines Make Up A Number On A Digital Clock`Seven
General: how many liters of air does an adult lung hold`five
General: How Many Litters Can Have A Mouse In A Year`Up To Ten
General: How Many Loaves Of Bread In A Baker's Dozen`Thirteen
General: How Many Loaves (Or Anything) In A Bakers Dozen`13
General: How Many Member States Are There In The United Arab Emirates`Seven
General: How Many Men Have Walked On The Moon`Twelve
General: How Many Men Went Canoeing In 'Deliverance'`Four
General: How Many Miles Can A Pershing Missile Travel`Four Hundred
General: How Many Miles Does The Average Wheeled Office Chair Travel In One Year`8 Miles
General: How Many Miles Of Nerves Are There In The Human Body`45
General: How Many Milliliters Of Liquid Does A Mcdonald's Straw Hold`77
General: How Many Minor League Homeruns Did Babe Ruth Hit`One
General: How Many Minutes Can French Fries Sit In The Warmer Before Burger King Policy Dictates They Be Thrown Out And Replace With Fresh Fries`Seven
General: How Many Minutes Is A Major Penalty In Hockey`Five
General: How Many Minutes Is Each Period Of Hockey`20 Minutes
General: how many minutes (to the nearest minute) does it take sunlight to reach earth`eight
General: How Many Months Does It Take To Build A 747`Four
General: How Many Months Does The Average Worker Ant Live`Three
General: How Many Months Have 30 Days`Eleven
General: How Many Moons Does Mars Have`Two
General: How Many Moons Does Mercury Have`None
General: How Many More Times More Than Usual Power Was Required To Dial 'Long Distance'`Ten
General: How many muscles are in a human`639
General: How Many Mvp Awards Did Babe Ruth Win`1
General: How Many Nails Are There In A Standard Horse Shoe`Eight
General: how many names did the first telephone book ever issued contain`fifty
General: How Many National Parks Are There In Nigeria`Three
General: How Many Nautical Miles Are There In One Degree Of Longitude At The Equator`Sixty
General: How Many Nickles Are There In 2.25 Dollars`Forty Five`45
General: How Many Nominees Are Selected For Each Category`Five
General: How Many Nose Jobs Has Michael Jackson Had, As Of 1991, According To The Book Michael Jackson: The Magic And The Madness`6
General: How Many Noses Does A Common Garden Slug Have`Four
General: How Many Notes Are In The Octave From C To C On The Piano`Thirteen
General: How Many Notes Are There In Intel's Audio Signature Theme Heard In Their Tv Commercials`Four
General: How Many Of Every Four Americans Say That They Believe In Astrology`One
General: How Many Of General Custer's Brothers Bit The Dust With Him At Little Bighorn`Two
General: How Many Of The Islands Of Hawaii Are Inhabited`Eight
General: How Many Of The Seven Dwarf's Names Do Not End With 'Y'`Two
General: How Many Of The Six Village People Wear Moustaches`Five
General: How Many Of The U.S States Have Similar Names (Like Virginia And West Virginia)`Six
General: How Many Opening Monologues Did Johnny Carson Deliver During His 30 Years As Host Of The Tonight Show`4,531`4531`4 531
General: How Many Original Seasons Of Gilligan's Island Were Tv Viewers Subjected To`Three
General: How Many Oscars Did Walt Disney Collect Between 1931 And 1969`Thirty Five
General: How Many Ounces Of Orange Juice Contains The Minimum Daily Requirement For Vitamin C`Six Ounces
General: How Many Outs Are In A Double Play`Two
General: How many pairs of chromosomes do humans havetwenty three`23
General: How Many Pairs Of Legs Does A Shrimp Have`Five
General: How Many Pairs Of Ribs Are There In A Male Skeleton`Twelve
General: how many peas grace the average pod`eight
General: How Many Pegs In The Towers Of Hanoi`Three
General: How Many Pence In 9.00`900
General: How Many Pencils Are There In A Dozen`Twelve
General: How Many People Did Andrew Cunanan Kill Before Killing Gianni Versace`Four
General: How Many People Did The Shark Kill In The First Jaws Movie`5
General: How Many People Died Doing The Demolition And Then Construction Of The Empire State Building`Five
General: How Many People Related To The Filming Of The Exorcist Died During Its Filming`9
General: How Many People Signed The World's Largest Petition (As Of May 2003)`21,202,192
General: How Many People Took Refuge On Noah's Ark`Eight
General: How Many People Was The First Multi-Person Space Craft Originally Designed For`One
General: How Many Piazzas Are There In Venice`One
General: How many pieces are found in a chess set`32
General: How Many Pieces Of Bun Are In A Mcdonald's Big Mac`Three
General: How Many Pints Of Blood Does The Average Human Have In His/Her Body`Twelve
General: How Many Pints Of Saliva Does The Average Human Mouth Produce Daily`Two
General: How Many Pipes Are On A Traditional Scottish Set Of Bagpipes`Five
General: How Many Pips Are There In Gladys Knight And The Pips`Three
General: How Many Pips Are There In The Bbc's Radio Time Signal`Six
General: how many players are there in a baseball team`nine
General: how many players are there on a soccer team`eleven
General: how many players make up a field hockey team`eleven
General: How many players play in a volleyball team`six
General: How Many Plumes Were On The Tail Of The Original Nbc Peacock`Eleven
General: how many pounds are there in a stone`fourteen
General: How Many Pounds Of Dried Saffron Does An Acre Of Crocus Plants Yield`10 Pounds
General: How Many Pounds Of Fresh And Storage Type Onions Does The Average American Eat Per Year`18.3 Pounds
General: How Many Presidents Of The United States Are Not Buried In America`Five
General: How Many Prongs Are There On A Dinner Fork`Four
General: How Many Provinces Are There In Canada`Ten
General: How Many 'Public Enemies' Did The Fbi's J. Edgar Hoover Arrest`Zero
General: How Many Queen Bees Reign In A Hive`One
General: How Many Races Are Run Each Year At The Indianapolis Speedway`One
General: How Many Races Must Be Won To Take The America's Cup`Four
General: How Many R And Rs Are There`4 1) Rest And Recreation 2) Rest And Relaxation 3) Rest And Recuperation 4) Rescue And Resuscitation
General: How Many Red Balls Are There In A Snooker Game`Fifteen
General: How Many Referees On A Hockey Field At Once`Two
General: How Many Rest Rooms Are There Along The 17 1/2 Miles Of Corridors In The Pentagon`284
General: How Many Ribs Does A Human Have`Twenty Four
General: How Many Rings Are There In A Three Ring Circus`Three
General: how many rings are there on a five-zone archery target`four
General: How Many Rings Does Neptune Have`Four
General: how many rings make up the olympic symbol`five
General: How Many Rocky Movies Were Made By 1990`Five
General: How Many Rooms Are There In Buckingham Palace`Six Hundred And Two
General: How Many Roses Were In The World's Largest Bouquet Of Roses`10,011
General: how many rows of whiskers does a cat have`four
General: How Many Seasons Did Johnny Carson Host 'The Tonight Show'`Thirty
General: How Many Seats Are There On The Standard 747 Jumbo Jet`Four Hundred And Twenty
General: How many seconds are in a day`86400
General: How Many Seconds Are In A Day`Eighty Six Thousand Four Hundred
General: How Many Semihemidemisemiquavers Are There In A Breve`Two Hundred And Fifty Six
General: How Many Seperate, Distinct Single Tones Can The Keys On A Normal 12-Key Telephone Produce`Seven
General: How Many Sides Are On A Heptagon`Seven
General: How Many Sides Does A Dodecagon Have`Twelve
General: How Many Sides Does A Heptagon Have`Seven
General: How Many Sides Does A Hexagon Have`Six
General: How Many Sides Does A Home-Plate Have`Five
General: How Many Sides Does A 'Icosohedron' Have`Twenty
General: How Many Sides Does A 'Male' Navajo Hogan Have`Six
General: How Many Sides Does An Enneahedron Have`Nine
General: How Many Sides Does A Rhombus Have`Four
General: How Many Sides Does A Snowflake Have`Six
General: How Many Sides Does A Stop Sign Have`Eight
General: How Many Signatures Are On The Declaration Of Independence`56
General: How Many Significan't Treaty Of Paris' Have There Been`Thirteen
General: How Many Sons Did Noah Have`Three
General: How Many Spacecraft Have Visited Mercury`One
General: How Many Speakers Are There In A Quadraphonic Sound System`Four
General: How Many Species Of Frogs Are There In The Uk`Three
General: How Many Species Of Trees Are There`40 000`40,000`40000
General: How Many Spectators Can Cram Into Strahov Stadium (World's Largest)`240,000
General: How Many Spectral Colours Are In A Rainbow`Twenty Seven
General: How Many Spice Girls Were There In 1997`Five
General: How Many Spokes In The Crown Of The Statue Of Liberty`Seven
General: How Many Spots Are On A Dice`Twenty One
General: How many stab wounds did Julius Caesar have when he died`23
General: How Many Stab Wounds Did Julius Caesar Have When He Died`Twenty Three
General: How Many Standard Bottles Of Wine Are There In A Jereboam`Four
General: How Many Stars Are In The Paramount Logo`Twenty Two
General: how many stars are on the flag of new zealand`four
General: How Many Stars Are There On The Austrailian Flag`Six
General: How Many Stars On The European Union Flag`Twelve
General: How Many States Border Illinois`Five
General: How many states (including internal territories) does Australia contain`eight`8
General: How Many States Joinded The Confederacy`Eleven
General: How Many States Were There In The Confederate States Of America`Eleven
General: How Many Strings Are On A Standard Guitar`Six
General: How Many Strings Did Howdy Doody Have`Seven
General: How Many Strings Does A Mandolin Have`Eight, Ten Or Twelve
General: How Many Suicides Are Recorded In The Bible`Seven
General: How Many Surfaces Does A Cone Have`Two
General: How Many Syllables Are In This Question`11
General: How Many Symbols Are There On The Pad To Open The Door Of The Cargo Ship`Six
General: How Many Symbols Must You Press To Open The Doors Of The Cargo Ship`Five
General: How Many Tablespoons Are There In A Cup`Sixteen
General: How Many Teaspoons Are There In A Tablespoon`Three
General: How Many Teaspoons Of Suger Does The Average North American Consume Every Day`19
General: How Many Teats Does A Cow Have`Four
General: How Many Teeth Constitute A Complete, Normal Adult Set`Thirty Two
General: How Many Teeth Does A Male Horse Have`Forty
General: How Many Teeth Does A Mosquito Have`Forty Seven
General: How Many Teeth Does An Adult Female Horse Have`Thirty Six
General: How Many Tentacles Does A Octopus Have`Eight
General: How Many Tentacles Does A Squid Have`Ten
General: How Many Territories Are There In Canada`Three
General: How Many Testicles Does Tom Green Have`One
General: How Many Throwing Events Are There In A Decathlon`Three
General: How Many Tiles Are There In A Game Of Dominoes`Twenty Eight
General: How Many Times A Day Does The Average Sexed Female Masturbate?(Notice Sarah I Said Sexed)`1
General: How Many Times A Day On Average Does A Person Fart (Except For Djphayze)`10
General: How Many Times Did Bing Crosby And Bob Hope Hit The Road Films`Seven
General: How Many Times Did Dorothy Click Her Heels Together`Three
General: How Many Times Did Elvis Presley Tour Outside North America`Zero
General: How Many Times Did Fred Archer Win The English Derby`Five
General: How Many Times Did John Glen Orbit The Earth Before Splashing Down`Three
General: How Many Times Did The U.S.S. Triton Surface During Its Historic Circumnavigation Of The Globe`Twice
General: How Many Times Does The Word 'One' Appear On A 1 Dollar Bill`Seven
General: how many times do your ribs move every year during breathing`five million
General: How Many Times Has A Player From The New York Mets Won The Mvp Award`Zero
General: How many times has Olympics been cancelled due to war in modern times`three`3
General: How Many Times Has The Character Ross From The Show Friends Been Married`Three Times
General: How Many Times Have Newcastle United Won The Premier League Since It Began`None
General: How Many Times Have Oxford And Cambridge Deadheated In The Famous University Boatrace`Once
General: How Many Times In His Career Did Lou Gehrig Have At Least 150 Rbis`Seven
General: How Many Times In Super Bowl History Has A Punt Return Resulted In A Touchdown`Zero
General: How Many Times Is The Capacity Of A Pipe Increased If The Diameter Is Doubled`Four
General: How Many Times Its Own Length Can The Average Flea Jump`One Hundred And Fifty
General: How Many Times Was Joe Dimaggio Named Most Valuable Player`Three
General: How Many Times Was Johnny Carson Married`Four
General: How many times would Japan fit into an area the size of the U.S`25.15
General: How Many Times Zones Are There In Canada`Six
General: How Many Time Zones Are Observed In China`One
General: How Many Time Zones Are There In The World`Twenty Four
General: How Many Toes Are On The Hind Foot Of A Domestic Cat`Four
General: How Many Toes Does A 4-Toed Salamander Have`16
General: How Many Toes Does A Giraffe Have On Each Foot`Two
General: How Many Toes Does A Rhinoceros Have On Each Foot`Three
General: How Many Tons Of Jelly Beans Did The White House Buy During Ronald Reagan's Presidency`12 Tons
General: How Many Top Ten Digit Hits Came From Lionel Richie's Lp 'Can't Slow Down'`Five
General: How Many Top Ten Hits Did The Dave Clark Five Have In 1960s`Eight
General: How Many Trouser Legs Are There In A Standard Japanese Kimono`None
General: How Many True Vocal Cords Does A Normal Person Have`Two
General: How Many Tunnels Under The Mersey Link Liverpool To The Wirral`Two
General: How Many Universities Are There In Dublin`Three
General: How Many Verses Are There In The Greek National Anthem`158
General: How Many Volumes Were In Abdul Kassem Ismael's Library`One Hundred And Seventeen Thousand
General: How Many Voyages Had The Titanic Made When It Hit An Iceberg And Sank In 1912`None
General: How Many Ways Are There To Make Change For A Dollar`Two Hundred And Ninety Three
General: How Many Weeks After Passover Is Shabuoth Celebrated`Seven
General: How Many Were There In The Original Flying Fighting Crew Of The 'Blackhawk' Comics`Seven
General: How Many White Dots In A Traditional Pacman Arcade Game`Two Hundred And Forty
General: How Many Wilson Brothers Were Members Of The Beach Boys`Three
General: How Many Windows Are On The 102 Story Empire State Building`Six Thousand
General: How Many Wings Does A Flea Have`Zero
General: How Many Winks Are There In A Tiddlywinks Set`Twenty
General: how many wisdom teeth does the average adult have`four
General: How Many Wives Did Henry Viii Have`Six
General: How Many Wives Was Mormon Leader Brigham Young Said To Have`27
General: How Many Wonders Of The Ancient World Were There`Seven
General: How Many Years Are There In 4 Score And 7`87
General: How Many Years Between The End Of World War 1 And The Start Of World War 2`Twenty One
General: How Many Years Did Fictional Character Robinson Crusoe Spend Shipwrecked On His Island`24 Years
General: how many years did the pony express last`one
General: How Many Years Elapsed Between The Creation Of The Republic Of Vietnam And Saigon Falling To The Communists`Thirty
General: How Many Years In A Vicennial`Twenty
General: How Many Years Long Is A Quinquennium`Five
General: How Many Years Make Up A Vicennial Period`Twenty
General: How Many Years Of Schooling Did Benjamin Franklin Have`Two
General: How many years old was the telephone before one was installed on the desk of the President of the United States`fifty one`51
General: How Many Years Was Robinson Crusoe Shipwrecked On His Island`Twenty Eight
General: How Many Years Were Between The Creation Of The Magna Carta And The American Declaration Of Independence`561
General: How many years were between the creation of the Mangna Carta and the American Declaration of Independence`561
General: How Many Years Would It Take To Drive To The Sun At 55mph`193 Years
General: How Many Zeroes Are There In A Trillion`Twelve
General: How Many Zeros Are In The Number One Million`Six
General: How Many Zeros Are Needed To Write The Number: One Centillion`600
General: How Much Built-In Ram Did The Vic 20 Boast? (K)`4k`4-K
General: How Much Current Does A South American Eel Put Out`One Amp
General: How Much Did A Mcdonald's Hamburger Cost In 1963`Fifteen Cents
General: How Much Did Greta Garbo Insure Her Legs For`One Million Dollars
General: How Much Did It Cost To Build The Bluenose`$35,000
General: How Much Did Sputnik 3 Weigh`1.5 Tons
General: How Much Did The First Mail Order Computer Cost?(In Dollars)`$10,600
General: How Much Did The Hammer Weigh That John Henry Swung`Nine Pounds
General: How Much Did The Usa Pay Russia For Alaska`Two Cent Per Acre
General: How Much Did Warner Communications Pay In 1988 For The Copyright To The Song 'Happy Birthday'?(In Dollars)`$28 000 000
General: How Much Does A Baby Whale Gain In Weight Every Day`Two Hundred Pounds
General: How Much Does A Bushel Of Apples Weigh? (In Pounds)`24 Pounds`24`24lbs`24 Lbs
General: How Much Does A Cubic Meter Of Water Weigh`One Ton
General: How Much Does An Adult Giraffes' Heart Weigh?(In Pounds)`25
General: How Much Does A Nine Foot Steinway Concert Grand Piano Weigh?(In Pounds)`990
General: How Much Does Norm On 'Cheers' Weigh`235 Pounds
General: How Much Does Park Place Cost In Monopoly`Four Hundred Fifty Dollars
General: How Much Does The 555 Foot 5 1/8 Inch High Washington Monument In Washington D.C. Weigh? (In Tons)`90,854 Tons
General: How Much Does The Cullinan Diamond Weigh`Three Thousand One Hundred Carats
General: How Much Does The Liberty Bell Weigh?(In Pounds)`2,080 Lbs
General: How Much Does Whitechapel Road Cost In 'Monopoly'`60 Dollars
General: How Much Do The Testes Of A Sperm Whale Weigh`27lbs`27 Lbs`12 Kgs`12kgs
General: How Much Drinking Water Did A Scuttlebutt Hold`A Day's Supply
General: How Much Hay Was Eaten A Day By Jumbo, Showman P.T. Barnams Famous 6 1/2 Ton Elephant? (In Pounds)`Two Hundred
General: How Much Internal Memory Did The Early Personal Computer, The Sinclair Zx80, Have`One Kilobyte
General: How Much Longer Is A Day On Mars Than A Day On Earth`30 Minutes
General: How Much Money Was Taken During The Brink's Robbery In Boston On Jan. 17,1950`$2.7 Million
General: How Much 'Monopoly' Money Do You Collect For Finishing Second In A Beauty Contest`Ten Dollars
General: How Much Of The Earth's Surface Is Covered By Water`70
General: How Much Of The Earth's Water Is Drinkable`One Percent
General: How Much Salt In Sodium-Free Water`None
General: How Much Was 240 Pence In Predecimal Currency`One Pound
General: How Much Was Marilyn Monroe Paid For Her Nude Calendar Photos`50.0
General: How Much Was Paid At A 1987 Auction For Charlie Chaplin's Famous Bowler Hat And Cane`$151,800
General: How Much Was Suffragette Susan B. Anthony Fined For Voting In 1872`100 Dollars
General: How Much Water Does A 10 Gallon Hat Hold?(In Gallons)`0.75 Gallons
General: How Much Water (In Gallons) Does A Baby Elephant Drink In One Day`Fifty
General: How Much Water Would A Human Drink In A Lifetime`500 Million Litres
General: How Much Were Betty Grable's Legs Insured For`One Million Dollars
General: How Much Wood Can A Wood Chuck Chuck If A Woodchuck Could Chuck Wood`All The Wood That A Wood Chuck Could If A Wood Chuck Could Chuck Wood
General: How Much Wood Would A Woodchuck Chuck If A Woodchuck Could Chuck Wood`A Woodchuck Would Chuck All The Wood A Woodchuck Could Chuck If A Woodchuck Could Chuck Wood.
General: How Often Can The Design Of An American Coin Be Changed Without Congressional Approval`Every 25 Years
General: How Often Did Mickey Mantle Hit Homers Righty And Lefty In A Game`Ten Times`10
General: How Often Do Chimpanzees Build New Sleeping Nests`Nightly
General: How Often Does Something Recur, That Recurs 'Quotidian'`Daily
General: How Often Does The Stomach Need To Produce A New Layer Of Mucous So As To Not Digest Itself`Every Two Weeks
General: How Often Is A Can Of Spam Eaten In The Us`Every 5 Seconds
General: How Old Are Oak Trees Before They Produce Acorns`50
General: How Old Was Alexander The Great When He Died`32
General: how old was bill gates when he founded microsoft`nineteen
General: How Old Was David Shiffler When He Found The Oldest Known (150 Million Years) Dinosaur Egg With His Toy Backhoe`Three
General: How Old Was Deputy Dewey In The First Scream`25
General: How Old Was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. When He Was Assassinated In 1968`39
General: How Old Was Jack Benny When He Died`80
General: How Old Was Jacqueline Kennedy When Jfk Was Assassinated`Thirty Four
General: How Old Was John F. Kennedy When He Became President`43
General: how old was leann rhimes when she became a country music star`fourteen
General: How Old Was Lolita When Humbert Humbert First Met Her`Twelve
General: How Old Was 'Mister Broadway'george Abbottwhen He Died In 1995`107 Years Old
General: How Old Was Princess Elizabeth When She Married`Twenty One
General: How Old Was The Oldest Goldfish On Record`43 Years
General: How Old Was The Suez Canal When It Was Nationalized In 1950`87
General: How Old Was The World's Oldest Man`One Hundred And Forty One
General: How Old Was William Shakespeare When He Married Anne Hathaway On 27 November 1582`18
General: how should you play it, according to the title of a 1970 joan didion novel`as it lays
General: How Tall Are The Bearskins Worn By The Guards At Buckingham Palace`Twenty Inches
General: How Tall Is The Eiffel Tower In Feet`984 Feet
General: How Tall Was Abraham Lincoln`6'4'
General: How Tall Was The Shortest British Monarch Charles I`4.9
General: How Tall Was The World's Shortest Man`Six Hundred And Seventy Mm
General: How was Abu Yusuf Ya'qub ibn Is-haq ubn as-Sabbah ibn 'omran ibn Ismail al-Kindi better known`the philosopher of the arabs
General: How was the 1839-42 Anglo-Chinese war better known`the opium war
General: how was the universe said to have been created`big bang
General: How Was Uther Pendragon Killed`Ambush
General: How was William Pitt the Elder's son known`william pitt the younger
General: How Were 'Mr Barrow' And 'Miss Parker' Better Known`Bonnie And Clyde
General: How Were The Camels Carrying Abdul Kassem Ismael's Library Trained To Walk`In Alphabetical Order
General: Hrand Araklein, A Brink's Car Guard, Was Killed When __________ Worth Of Quarters Crushed On Him`$50,000
General: Hrand Araklein, A _____'S Car Guard, Was Killed When $50,000 Worth Of Quarters Crushed On Him`Brink
General: hs: what ohio city was the 1995 bosnian peace accord signed in`dayton
General: hs: what pacific nation was the world's first to give women a chance to vote, in 1893`new zealand
General: hs: what trials, beginning in 1945, spawned the phrase I was only following orders`nuremberg war crimes trials
General: Huckleberry Finn's Remedy For Warts Was ________ _ ____ ___ In A Graveyard At Night`Swinging A Dead Cat
General: Huckleberry Finn's Remedy For Warts Was Swinging A Dead Cat In A _________ __`Graveyard At Night
General: Huckleberry Finn's Remedy For _____ Was Swinging A Dead Cat In A Graveyard At Night`Warts
General: hugely successful syndicated tv show featuring country music & stars`hee haw
General: Hugh ____ Cleaver Beaumont Was An Ordained Minister`Ward
General: Hugh Ward Cleaver Beaumont Was An Ordained`Minister
General: Hugh Ward Cleaver ________ Was An Ordained Minister`Beaumont
General: Hugo Quotations: 'The Greatest Lesson In Life Is To Know That Even Fools Are Right Sometimes.'`Sir Winston Churchill
General: Hulk Hogan's Real Name Is`Terry Bollea
General: Humans Are Most Sensitive To Which Of The Basic Tastes`Bitter
General: Humphrey Bogart Was Related To`Princess Diana
General: Humphrey Bogart Was Related To _______ _____. They Were Seventh Cousins`Princess Diana
General: Hurricane, Typhoon And Tornado Are All Types Of What`Adverse Weather Conditions
General: Hurricane, typhoon and tornado are all types of what`fighter aircraft
General: Hybrid Offspring Of The Jackass (Male Ass) And The Mare, Much Used And Valued In Many Parts Of The World As A Beast Of Burden`Mule
General: Hydrogen Hydroxide Is More Commonly Known As What`Water
General: I1948 Olivia ---------- -John (in Cambridge, England), singer, born`newton
General: I Always Knew That Drunken Son-Of-A-Bitch Was Gonna Kill Himself One Of These Days`Clay Pigeons
General: I Am A Green House. Inside Me Is A White House. Inside That House Is A Red House, And Inside That Are Lots Of Babies. What Am I`Watermelon
General: I Am Not Complaining, But I Usually Don't Like My Filth This Clean`Bachelor Party
General: I Am Serious, And Don't Call Me Shirley`Airplane
General: I am totally butt crazy in love with josh`clueless
General: Ice ______ Because Its Density Is Lower Than That Of Liquid Water. When Water Freezes, It Expands And The Increase In Size Makes A Decrease In The Ice's Weight`Floats
General: ice cream is made creamy with __________, which comes from kelp`carageenan
General: Iceland And Greenland Are Separated By Which Stretch Of Water`Denmark Strait
General: Icelandic ________ Are Listed By The Given Name Not The Surname`Phone Books
General: Iceland's Main Industry`Fishing
General: Iceman. It's The Way He Flies, Ice Cold, No Mistakes. He Wears You Down, You Get Bored--Frustrated--Do Something Stupid And He's Got Ya`Top Gun
General: Ichthyophobia is the fear of`fish
General: Ideally, What Should Be The Total Of Your Cards In Baccarat`Nine
General: Identify The 15th Century British War Fought By The Houses Of Lancaster And Yorkbr`War Of The Roses
General: I Don't Ever Wanna Feel Like I Did That Day. Take Me To The Place I Love Take Me ___ ___`All The Way
General: 'I Don't Trust People Without A Sense Of _______'`Humour
General: 'I Don't Want Any More Trouble Like You Had Last Year On The Southside, Understand? That's My Policy.' 'Yes Well, When I See 5 Wierdo's Dressed In Toga's Stabbing A Guy In The Middle Of A Park In Full View Of 100 People I Shoot The Bastards, That's My Policy!' 'That Was A Shakespeare In The Park Production Of Julius Ceasar You Moron! You Killed 5 Actors! Good Ones!'`The Naked Gun
General: If A _____ Doesn't Continually Swim, It Will Sink`Shark
General: If A Family Had 2 Servants Or Less In The U.S. In 1900, Census Takers Recorded It As __________ Middle-Class`Lower
General: If A Frog's _____ Is Held Open Too Long The Frog Will Suffocate`Mouth
General: If A Frog's Mouth Is Held Open For Too Long The Frog Will`Suffocate
General: If A Frog's Mouth Is Held Open Too Long The Frog Will`Suffocate
General: If A Frog's Mouth Is Held Open Too Long The ____ Will Suffocate`Frog
General: If A Glass Of Water Were Magnified To The Size Of Earth, The Molecules Comprising It Would Be About As Big As A Large`Orange
General: If A 'Liverpudlian' Is From Liverpool And A 'Tynesider' Is From Newcastle, Where Is A 'Brummie' From`Birmingham
General: If A ____'_ Mouth Is Held Open Too Long The Frog Will Suffocate`Frog's
General: If An Anti-American Protestor Can't Attack The Local American Embassy, The Local ____ Restaurant Often Suffices`Mcdonald's
General: If An Ant Was The Size Of An Adult Human, How Fast Would It Run`160 Kph
General: If An English Man Says Hes Going Up The Apples And Pears What Would He Be Doing`Going Up Stairs
General: If A Restaurant Reviewed By Michelin Doesn't Rate A 'Star', What Symbol Might It Win`Fork
General: If A Robin's Egg Is Put In Vinegar For Thirty Days, What Colour Does It Become`Yellow
General: If A Shark Doesn't Continually ____, It Will Sink`Swim
General: If A _______ Stops Swimming, It Dies`Mackerel
General: If A Surgeon In Ancient Egypt Lost A Patient While Performing An Operation, His __________ Were Cut Off`Hands
General: If Barbie Was Lifesize, What Would Her Measurements Be`39-29-33
General: If Barbie Were Life-Size, Her Measurements Would Be 39-23-33. She Would Stand _____ ____, Two Inches Tall And Have A Neck Twice The Length Of A Normal Human's Neck`Seven Feet
General: if brazil had won the 1998 tournament, how many times would they have won the soccer world cup`five
General: If British Mp's Want To Have A Private Session, What Does One Of Them Say When They Point To The Public Gallery`I Spy Strangers
General: If China Imported Just 10% Of It's __________ Needs- The Price On The World Market Would Increase By 80%`Rice
General: If China Imported Just 10% Of It's Rice Needs- The Price On The World Market Would Increase By`80%
General: If Done Perfectly, Any Rubik's Cube Combination Can Be Solved In __ Turns`17
General: 'i felt a funeral in my brain' is a poem by`emily dickinson
General: If Everything Seems A Little 'Nebulous', It Is Also`Veiled
General: If ___ ______ _______ Had Not Been Shot, And Not Convicted For Killing Jfk, He Would Have Been Convicted For Killing Officer Tippet`Lee Harvey Oswald
General: If He's The Right Guy, Just Give Him A Smile And A Wink, And He'll Know`Task Force 2001
General: If I Describe Something To You Equivocally, You Will Get A _____ Idea Of What I Am Attempting To Describe`Vague
General: If __________ Imported Just 10% Of It's Rice Needs- The Price On The World Market Would Increase By 80%`China
General: If In Law Someone Is Convicted Of A.B.H. For What Does The 'A' Stand`Actual
General: If I Put A Star In Front Of Him He'll Hit It`Cutaway
General: If I Talk About Millibars, My Job Is A`Meteorologist
General: If Its 4: 00pm In Seattle Washington, What Time Is It In Portland Oregon`Four
General: If Its 4: 45pm On Kathmandu What Time Is It In Madrid`Noon
General: If Monday's Child Is Fair Of Facewhat Is Tuesday's Child`Full Of Grace
General: If 'Mor' Radio Stations Play 'Middle Of The Road' Music, What Do 'Aor' Stations Play`All Over The Road
General: If Mr. And Mrs. Smith Have Six Daughters And Each Daughter Has One Brother, How Many People Are In The Smith Family`Nine
General: if music can make you cry, chances are 99 to one that you're a`man
General: If One Angle In An Isosceles Triangle Is 100 Degrees, Each Of The Other Two`Forty Degrees
General: If Sand Is Melted With Limestone And Sodium Carbonate Formed`Glass
General: If Someone From Australia Is Australian Someone From New Zealand`New Zealander
General: If someone gets out of a difficult situation, he is said to have saved his what`bacon
General: If The Numerator Is Xxi And Your Denominator Is Iii, What's The Answer In Roman Numerals`Vii
General: If The Population Of China Walked Past You In Single File, The Line Would Never End Because Of The Rate Of`Reproduction
General: If The Skin Under Someone's Finger Nails Turned Blue This Would Be The First Symptom Of What`Cyanide Poisoning
General: If We Had The Same __________ Rate As In The 1900s, More Than Half The People In The World Today Would Not Be Alive`Mortality
General: If _______ Weren't Added To Coca-Cola, It Would Be Green`Colouring
General: If We Were To Put This Apple Down, And Leave It, It Would Be Spoiled And Gone With-In A Few Days. But, If We Were To Take A Bite Of It Like This, It Would Become Part Of Us And We Could Take It With Us, Forever`Phenomenon
General: If You Are In Your Birthday Suit What Are You Wearing`Nothing
General: If You Are Looking At A Dewlap - You Are Looking At A What`Mammal
General: If You Attempted To Count The Stars In A Galaxy At A Rate Of One Every Second It Would Take Around __________ Years To Count Them All`3,000
General: If You Climbed The Euromast What Country Would You Be In`Rotterdam
General: If You Combined K And P To Make Cables What Would Your Hobby Be`Knitting
General: If You ____ Consistently For 6 Years And 9 Months, Enough Gas Is Produced To Create The Energy Of An Atomic Bomb`Fart
General: If You Counted 24 Hours A Day, It Would Take ______ Years To Reach One Trillion`31,688
General: if you cut through a solid sphere what shape will the flat area be`circle
General: 'If You'd Been Listening You'd Know That ______ Pass Through Everything'`Nintendos
General: If You Drive On A Parkway, You Park On A`Driveway
General: If You Earn __________ Dollars A Year, One Minute Of Your Time Is Worth A Little More Than Seventeen Cents`$20,000
General: If You Fart Consistently For 6 Years And 9 Months, Enough Gas Is Produced To Create The Energy Of An`Atomic Bomb
General: If You Flew Due East From New York City, What Would Be The First Country You Would Reach`Portugal
General: If You Flew Due West From Portugal, What Is The First Place You Would Reach`New York City
General: If You Going To Visit Taj Mahal, Towers Of Silence And Golconda, What Country Will You Travel To`India
General: If You Go To Sulabh In New Delhi, India You Will Be Able To Visit A Museum Dedicated To The`Toilet
General: If You Had A Myocardial Infarction What Would Have Happened To You`Heart Attack
General: If You Had Enough Water To Fill __________ Goldfish Bowls, You Could Fill An Entire Stadium`One Million
General: If You Happened To Open Up The Case Of The Original Macintosh, You Would Find 47...What`Signatures
General: If You Lace Your Shoes From The Inside To The Outside, The Fit Will Be __________ Around Your Big Toe`Snugger
General: If You Lock Your _____ While Standing Long Enough, You Will Pass Out`Knees
General: if you look at the sun long enough, you go`blind
General: If You Look Carefully At The Picture Of Mona Lisa, You Will Notice A __________ In The Background`Bridge
General: If You Love Somebody Enough You Can Forgive Them Anything`Arabian Nights
General: If You 'Peg Out' What Game Are You Playing`Cribbage
General: If You Put A ______ In A Glass Of Champagne, It Will Keep Floating To The Top And Sinking To The Bottom`Raisin
General: If You're In The Northern Hemisphere, Polaris, The North Star, Can Be Found By Looking Which Direction`North
General: If Your Eyes Are Six Feet Above The Surface Of The Ocean, The Horizon Wil Be About __________ Statute Miles Away`Three
General: If Your Mother Told You Your Efforts To Make An Apple Pie Were 'Otiose', What Does That Mean`Futile
General: If You Saw A Segment Of 'Mathnet, ' What Show Were You Watching`Square One
General: If You See A Big Sign By The Side Of The Road That Says '15 Miles To' You Are Headed Here`Love Shack
General: If You See An Amish Gentleman Without A Beard, This Usualy Means He Is _______.'`Single
General: If You Spelled Out Every Number Starting With The Number 0, What Would Be The First Number That Contained The Letter 'A'`One Thousand
General: If You Study Etymology, What Are You Studying`Word Origins
General: If You Suffer From Linonophobia What Do You Fear`String
General: If You Take 10 Pies, And Divide Them Amongst 5 People, How Many Pies Do You End Up With`10 You Still Have 10 Pies
General: If You Told Someone That They Were One In A Million, You'd Be Saying There Were About _, ___ Of Them In China`1,800
General: If You Toss A Penny __________ Times It Will Not Be Heads The Head Picture Weighs More, So It Ends Up On The Bottom`10,000
General: If You Travel By 'Shanks's Pony' How Do You Go`On Foot
General: If You Traveled At A Snail's Pace, About How Far Would You Travel In An Hour`25 Feet
General: If You Travel From East To West Across The Soviet Union, You Will Cross ______ Time Zones`Seven
General: If You Use Online Services To Catch Up On The News, Are You More Apt To Listen To Radio News Regularly, Less Apt, Or Is It About The Same`More`More Apt
General: If you were born on 02 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`pisces
General: If you were born on 04 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`leo
General: If you were born on 05 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`pisces
General: If you were born on 07 October what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`libra
General: If you were born on 08 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`capricorn
General: If you were born on 13 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`capricorn
General: If you were born on 14 February what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`aquarius
General: If you were born on 15 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`pisces
General: If you were born on 17 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`capricorn
General: If you were born on 19 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`gemini
General: If you were born on 20 August what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`leo
General: If you were born on 21 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`gemini
General: If you were born on 22 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`capricorn
General: If you were born on 22 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`cancer
General: If you were born on 25 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`aquarius
General: If you were born on 25 July what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`leo
General: If you were born on 26 May what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`gemini
General: If you were born on 26 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`libra
General: If you were born on 28 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`aquarius
General: If you were born on 28 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`aries
General: If you were born on 29 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`capricorn
General: If you were born on 30 December what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`capricorn
General: If you were born on 30 January what star sign (Zodiac) would you be`aquarius
General: If You Were In A Bar And Someone Gave You A 'Mickey Finn' What Would You Be Drinking`A Drugged Drink
General: If You Were Major Tom, What Would You Take Before Putting Your Helmet On`Protein Pills
General: If You Were Talking About A Sheep's Uppercut And Lowercut, You Would Be Talking About Its`Jaw
General: If You Were To Fly Due West From New York, What Would Be The Next Country You Would Fly Over`Japan
General: If You Were Visiting Reykjavik What Country Would You Be In`Iceland
General: If You Won The Archibald Prize, The Wynne Prize Or The Sulman Prize, What Would You Be`Artist
General: If You Would Like To Make A ________ Happy, Give Him A Horse-Meat Steak`Siberian
General: If You Yelled For 8 Years,7 Months And 6 Days, You Would Have Produced Enough Sound Energy To Heat One Cup Of`Coffee
General: Iguana National Park Lies On The Border Between Argentina And Which Other Country`Brazil
General: Iguanas, ---------- and Komodo dragons all have two penises`koalas
General: Ilex is the botanical name of which shrub`holly
General: illnesses in which the immune system reacts to normal components of the body as if they were foreign substances and produces antibodies against them`autoimmune diseases
General: Impurities, Particularly Of Which Compound, According To Modern Chemists, Gives Amethyst Its Violet Or Blue Colouration`Iron Oxide
General: In 1000 B.C., Israelites Paid Taxes With These`Raisins
General: in '101 dalmatians' what type of animal is sergeant tibbs`cat
General: in 1066 battle of hastings, in which william the ---------- wins england`conqueror
General: In 106 B.C. Pompey (---------- Pompeius Magnus) Rome, warrior, born`gnaeus
General: in 1289 ---------- (the stubborn), king of france (1314-16)`louis x
General: In 1388, English Parliament Banned _____ ________ In Public Waterways And Ditches`Waste Disposal
General: In 1468 Pope---------- , born`paul iii
General: In 1519 ---------- starts first successful circumnavigation of the world`magellan
General: In 1520what Explorer Found A Strait Just North Of Tierra Del Fuego`Ferdinand Megellan
General: in 1537 ---------- seymour, third wife of henry viii, dies`jane
General: In 1569 St. Philip of Moscow martyred by ---------- the Terrible`ivan
General: In 1585 Cardinal A ---------- de Plessicide de Richelieu, King Louis XIII of France's chief minister, born`jean
General: In 1608 John---------- , poet and puritan (Paradise Lost) born`milton
General: In 1612 What British Explorer-Trader Visited The Western Coast Of Hudson Bay And Claimed The Entire Area For England`Sir Thomas Button
General: In 1613 ---------- duc de la Rochefoucald Paris France, writer (Memoires), born`francoise
General: in 1618 sir walter ---------- is executed in london`raleigh
General: In 1629, What Italian Physician Measured Human Temperature With The Thermometer For The First Time`Santorio Santorio
General: In 1649, A 16 Year-Old Girl Became The First European Executed In Canada. For What Crime Was She Executed`Theft
General: In 1664, Maryland Passed The First Law That Forbid English Women To Marry _____ ___. Any White Woman To Intermarry With A Slave Would Herself Become A Slave Until Her Husband Died`Black Men
General: In 1666 Great London Fire begins in ----- -----Lane.80%ofLondonis destroyed`pudding
General: In 1673 ____ ____ Presented A Calculating Machine Capable Of Multiplication, Division, And Extracting Roots Then In 1679 He Introduced Binary Arithmetic`Gottfried Von Leibniz
General: In 1687 ---------- destroyed in war between Turks and Venetians`parthenon
General: in 1694 matsuo ---------- greatest japanese haiku poet, dies`basho
General: In 1709 English, Dutch and ---------- defeat French in Battle of Malplaquet`austrians
General: In 1726 ---------- -Andre Philidor, France, chess champion/musician, born`francois
General: In 1729 Moses---------- , philosopher, critic, Bible translator, born`mendelssohn
General: in 1740 maria theresa became ruler of austria, ---------- and bohemia`hungary
General: in 1740 maria theresa became ruler of austria, hungary and`bohemia
General: In 1742, This Crop Was First Planted In Louisiana`Sugar Cane
General: in 1752 ---------- appert, inventor of food canning, bouillon tablet, born`nicolas
General: In 1754 William Bligh nasty ship's captain and ---------- governor (HMS Bounty), born`new south wales
General: In 1756 John ---------- McAdam created macadam road surface (asphalt), born`loudon
General: In 1757 Charles X, Versailles, ---------- , Duke of Prussia, born`france
General: in 1760 ---------- ascends the british throne`george iii
General: In 1768 Francois Ren, ---------- , French poet, novelist, statesman`de chateaubriand
General: in 1772 samuel taylor ---------- (in england), poet, born`coleridge
General: In 1774 ---------- Caspar Mezzofanti, Cardinal/linguist (understood 70 languages), born`joseph
General: In 1774 John Chapman, alias Johnny---------- , born`appleseed
General: in 1783 ---------- de iturbide, emperor of mexico (1822-23), born`agustin I
General: In 1789 William ---------- discovers Mimas, satellite of Saturn`herschel
General: In 1791 New York City traffic regulation creates the first ---------- -way street`one
General: In 1793, _____ Reaches The Pacific`Alexander Mackenzie
General: In 17th-Century Massachusetts, _______ Was Legal Only At A Distance Of Five Miles From Any Town`Smoking
General: In 1803what British Chemist Discovered The Element Rhodium`William H. Wollaston
General: In 1804 John---------- , pioneer manufacturer of agricultural implements, born`deere
General: In 1805 Hans Christian---------- , danish storyteller, born`andersen
General: In 1805 The First Covered Bridge In America Opened Over What River`Schuylkill Riverpa
General: In 1806, What Compound Did French Chemist Louis-Nicolas Vayquelin Discover Which Turned Out To Be The First Known Amino Acid`Asparagine
General: In 1810 ---------- first declares independence from Spain (National Day)`mexico
General: In 1811, What French Chemist Discovered The Element Iodine`Bernard Courtois
General: in 1812 fire of`moscow
General: In 1812, What French Botanist Was The First To Use The Word 'Taxonomy' For Classification Of Species`Augustin-Pyrame De Candolle
General: In 1814 1st abdication of Napoleon: he is exiled to`elba
General: In 1818 Alexander ---------- Tsar of Russia (1855-81), born`ii
General: In 1820 Florence ---------- Florence, Italy, nurse (Crimean War), born`nightingale
General: In 1820 Frontiersman ---------- Boone died in Missouri at the age of 85`daniel
General: In 1820 Susan B.---------- , Woman's suffaregette, born`anthony
General: In 1821 Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, ---------- and Nicaragua gain independence`honduras
General: In 1821 Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and ---------- gain independence`nicaragua
General: In 1824 ---------- defies Pele (Hawaiian volcano goddess) and lives`kapiolani
General: In 1824 George---------- , Scottish novelist (Lilith), born`macdonald
General: In 1827 Ballet introduced to the U.S. at ---------- Theatre, New York City`bowery
General: In 1829 Charles ---------- Warner, US newspaperman, author, born`dudley
General: in 1829 ---------- hall, astronomer, discovered the moons of mars, phobos and deimos, born`asaph
General: In 1830 Emily ---------- (in Amherst, Mass), poet, born`dickinson
General: In 1832, Filippo, The Father Of What Ballet Dancer Created The Ballet 'La Sylphide' For His Daughter`Marie Taglioni
General: In 1834 Joseph ---------- of London receives patent for Hansom cabs`hansom
General: In 1836 Sam ---------- elected president of the Republic of Texas`houston
General: In 1836 The First Railroad In Maine Was Built Between Old Town And What City`Bangor
General: In 1838 The City Of Los Angeles Pass An Ordinance Requiring That A Man Must Obtain A License Before ____ To A Woman`Serenading
General: In 1838, The City Of Los Angeles Passed An Ordinance Requiring That A Man Obtain A License Before __________ _`Serenading A Woman
General: In 1841, _______ _______ In Ohio Became The First U.S. College To Award Degrees To Women`Oberlin College
General: In 1842, Crawford W. Long Was The First Doctor To Anesthetize A Patient Using What`Ether
General: In 1845, Boston Had An Ordinance Banning Bathing Unless You Had A ______'_`Doctor's Prescription
General: In 1846 ---------- Galle and Heinrich d'Arrest find the planet Neptune`johann
General: In 1847 The opera Die ---------- is produced (Vienna)`fledermaus
General: In 1848 Bond (U.S.) and ---------- (England) independently discover Hyperion`lassell
General: In 1848 Bond (U.S.) and Lassell (England) independently discover`hyperion
General: In 1848 ---------- (U.S.) and Lassell (England) independently discover Hyperion`bond
General: in 1849 ---------- allen poe dies in baltimore at 40`edgar
General: In 1850, A Friend Paid To Have Henrik Ibsen's First Play Published. What Was Its Title`Catilina
General: In 1851, Jacob Fussel Became The First To Manufacture What Treat Commercially`Ice Cream
General: In 1851 The ---------- goes on sale at 2 cents a copy`new york times
General: In 1852 2nd French empire established: Louis ---------- becomes emperor`napoleon
General: In 1852 H. H. ---------- (Liberal), British prime minister (1908-16), born`asquith
General: In 1852 John Harvey---------- , English Corn Flake inventor`kellogg
General: In 1852 What Was The Name Of The Survey That Determined Mt. Everest To Be The Highest Mountain In The World`The Great Trigonometrical Survey Of India
General: In 1854 British and French defeat Russians at---------- , in the Crimea`alma
General: in 1854 the light brigade charges -- battle of ---------- (crimean war)`balaklava
General: In 1857 Milton S.---------- , US chocolate manufacturer, philanthropist, born`hershey
General: In 1857 Samuel S.---------- , organizer of the first news syndicate, born`mcclure
General: In 1858 A. ---------- Law (C), British prime minister (1922-23), born`bonar
General: In 1860 James M. ---------- (in Scotland), Author (Peter Pan)`barrie
General: In 1860, The First ____ ____ ___ ____ ___ Became Law In Great Britain`Pure Food And Drug Act
General: In 1860 The South Had A Population Of 9 Million Of Which _ Million Were Slaves`Four
General: In 1861 At Montgomery, ---------- , the Confederate States are organized`alabama
General: In 1865 President Abraham ---------- shot in Ford's Theatre by J.W. Booth`lincoln
General: In 1867 ---------- waltz premiers in Vienna`blue danube
General: in 1869 a hotel in boston becomes the first to have indoor`plumbing
General: in 1872 ---------- post authority on social behavior, writer (etiquette), born`emily
General: In 1873 Sergei ---------- (in Novgorod Province, Russia), composer, born`rachmaninoff
General: in 1875 violent bread riots at`montreal
General: In 1875 Walter---------- , founded a car company, born`chrysler
General: In 1879 Moder Hockey Rules Were Set By Students At _______ _______ In Montr?Al, Qu?Bec, Canada, And Several Amateur Clubs And Leagues Were Established In Canada By The Late 1880s`Mcgill University
General: in 1881 pablo---------- , doodler (guernica) (or 10-05) born`picasso
General: In 1882 ---------- opens (as the Local Security Board)`pacific stock exchange
General: In 1885, A Steamship Known As The Irene Carried A Very Large Gift Across The Atlantic: Name That Gift`Statue Of Liberty
General: In 1886 Hollerith Used ____ _____ To Keep And Transport Information And Was Used To Tabulate The 1890 Censuspunch Cards`Punched Cards
General: in 1886 massive gold deposits discovered in witwatersrand,near`johannesburg
General: In 1887 Emile Berliner Built The First ____, Which Played Records And Was More Suited To Mass Production Of Records Than Edison's Phonograph`Gramophone
General: In 1890 ---------- Sanders, Kentucky Fried Chicken founder/colonel, born`harland
General: In 1892, Italy Raised The _______ ___ For Marriage For Girls To 12`Minimum Age
General: In 1892, Italy ______ The Minimum Age For Marriage For Girls To 12`Raised
General: In 1892, _____ Raised The Minimum Age For Marriage For Girls To 12`Italy
General: In 1894 ---------- defeats China in Battle of Ping Yang`japan
General: in 1895 juan---------- , president of argentina (1946-55, 1973-74), born`peron
General: in 1895 ---------- peron, president of argentina (1946-55, 1973-74), born`juan
General: in 1896 lillian---------- , silent film and stage actor (birth of a nation), born`gish
General: In 1897 1st American ---------- ran, John J McDermott wins in 2:55:10 (Boston)`marathon
General: in 1897---------- , nazi propagandist, born`paul joseph goebbels
General: In 1898 Emmett---------- , circus clown (Weary Willie) born`kelly
General: In 1898 President ---------- asks for Spanish-American War declaration`mckinley
General: In 1901 Enrico---------- , Italy, nuclear physicist, born`fermi
General: In 1902 Marie and ---------- Curie isolated the radioactive element radium`pierre
General: In 1906 ---------- Shostakovich, Russian composer, born`dmitri
General: In 1910 ______ Introduced The First Hard Top As Standard Equipment`Cadillac
General: In 1910 William ---------- discoverer of stellar nature of Andromeda, dies`huggins
General: in 1911 china revolutionaries under sun yat-sen overthrew ---------- dynasty`manchu
General: In 1911 Roald Amundsen became the first person to reach where`south pole
General: In 1911 ---------- sets world altitude record of 4,250 m (13,944 ft)`garros
General: in 1913 1st ---------- engine aircraft built & flown (igor sikorsky-russia)`four
General: In 1913 Anthony ---------- England, actor (Anne of 1000 Days, Lawrence of Arabia), born`quayle
General: In 1913 Menelik II, Emperor of---------- , died`ethiopia
General: In 1914 First airplane flight to ---------- from San Francisco`los angeles
General: In 1914, Mary Phelps Jacobs Gave Women Everywhere A Boost By Inventing What`First Bra
General: In 1915, The Average Annual ______ ______ In The United States Was $687 A Year`Family Income
General: In 1916 Margaret ---------- actress (Lady Vanishes), born`lockwood
General: in 1917 dizzy---------- , trumpeter, a creator of modern jazz, born`gillespie
General: In 1918 And 1919, A World Epidemic Of Simple _________ Killed 20 Million People In The United States And Europe`Influenza
General: In 1918 The Supreme Court Overturns The Part Of The Comstock Law Which Forbid The Sale Of _____ _______ Items`Birth Control
General: In 1919 Red---------- , comedian, actor, born`buttons
General: in 1919 volstead act passed by u.s. congress, starting`prohibition
General: in 1920 ---------- herbert, sci-fi writer (dune), born`frank
General: In 1920 ---------- Warden, actor (Verdict, Brian's Song), born`jack
General: In 1921 Turkey makes peace with`armenia
General: in 1923 ---------- co. founded`disney
General: In 1924 Doris ---------- (in Cincinnatti, Ohio), actor, girl next door, born`day
General: In 1924 Henry ---------- , composer, flutist, born`mancini
General: In 1924, Kimberly Clark Introduced The First Version Of Kleenex Known Then As What`Celluwipes
General: In 1925 Charlie---------- , guitarist, born`byrd
General: In 1926 Harper ---------- author (To Kill a Mockingbird), born`lee
General: In 1926 John---------- , saxophonist, born`coltrane
General: In 1926 Miles ---------- trumpeter: pioneered cool jazz (Porgy & Bess), born`davis
General: In 1926 ---------- [Norma Jean Baker], actress (Some Like It Hot), born`marilyn monroe
General: in 1927 gunter---------- , german novelist, poet (the tin drum) born`grass
General: in 1927 tom bosley, actor (---------- , murder she wrote) born`happy days
General: In 1928 A 21-Story Office Building Becomes The First High Rise Office Building To Have`Central Air Conditioning
General: In 1928, _____, A German Shepherd, Becomes 1st Guide Dog For The Blind`Buddy
General: In 1928, Buddy, A German Shepherd, Becomes 1st _____ ___ For The Blind`Guide Dog
General: In 1928, Buddy, A German Shepherd, Becomes 1st Guide Dog For The`Blind
General: In 1928, Buddy, A German Shepherd, Becomes ___ Guide Dog For The Blind`1st
General: in 1928 george peppard, actor (breakfast at tiffany's, blue max,---------- ) born`a-team
General: In 1929 ---------- invented by Edwin S Lowe`bingo
General: In 1929 Nigel ---------- actor (Tartuffe, Pope John Paul II (Sir Humphrey Appleby in Yes Minister), Richard III), born`hawthorne
General: In 1929 ---------- Palmer golfer (PGA Golfer of the Year 1960, 1962), born`arnold
General: in 1931 al capone convicted of tax evasion, sentenced to ---------- years in prison`eleven 11
General: In 1931 Anne Bancroft AKA Mrs Mel Brooks, Bronx, actress (---------- ), born`graduate
General: In 1931 ---------- Hagman Fort Worth Tx, actor (I Dream of Jeannie, JR-Dallas), born`larry
General: in 1931 mickey---------- , ny yankee home run slugger, born`mantle
General: in 1931 thomas ---------- edison inventor, dies in west orange, nj, at 84`alva
General: In 1932 Camera ---------- meter patented, W. N. Goodwin`exposure
General: In 1932 Johnny---------- , singer, The Man in Black, born`cash
General: In 1932 The First Drive-In ______ Opens`Movie Theatre
General: In 1932 The First __ Federal Tax On Gasoline Was Enacted, The Rate Was A Penny Per Gallon`Us
General: In 1932 The First U.S. Federal Tax On Gasoline Was Enacted, The Rate Was A _____ Per Gallon`Penny
General: In 1932 The First U.S. Federal Tax On Gasoline Was Enacted, The ____ Was A Penny Per Gallon`Rate
General: In 1932 The First U.S. Federal Tax On ________ Was Enacted, The Rate Was A Penny Per Gallon`Gasoline
General: In 1932 The First U.S. _______ ___ On Gasoline Was Enacted, The Rate Was A Penny Per Gallon`Federal Tax
General: In 1933, A Night's Stay In A Double Room At The Famous _______-_______ _____ In New York City Was $9. A Single Room Cost $6 And A Suite $20`Waldorf-Astoria Hotel
General: In 1933 David---------- , actor (Ilya Kuryakin in Man from U.N.C.L.E.), born`mccallum
General: In 1933 Robert---------- , actor (Little Rascals, Baretta), born`blake
General: In 1934 ---------- Bain (in Chicago, IL), actor (Mission Impossible, Space: 1999), born`barbara
General: In 1934, What American Physician Established Old Age Revolving Pensionsltd.And Made Proposals That Were A Leading Factor Leading To The Passage Of The Social Security Act Of 1935`Francis Everett Townsend
General: in 1935 george gershwin's ---------- opened in new york city`porgy and bess
General: In 1936what Became The First Racetrack To Use A Photo Finish`Hialeah
General: in 1938 ---------- announces its new synthetic fiber will be called nylon`dupont
General: In 1938 British PM ---------- visits Hitler at Berchtesgarden`chamberlain
General: in 1938 the ocean liner queen elizabeth was launched at`glasgow
General: In 1939 ---------- D. Rooseveldt declares limited national emergency due to war in Europe`franklin
General: In 1939 Hitler & Mussolini sign`pact of steel
General: In 1939 The First Batch Of ______ Ice Cream Is Made`Soft-Serve
General: in 1940 david carradine, actor (---------- , death race 2000), born`kung fu
General: in 1940 f. murray---------- , actor (amadeus, name of the rose), born`abraham
General: In 1940 Nick---------- , actor, born`nolte
General: In 1940 Peter---------- , actor, son of Henry, born`fonda
General: In 1940, Winston Churchill Is Designated Prime Minister Of Where`Great Britain
General: in 1942 michael---------- , author (andromeda strain, jurassic park, rising sun), born`crichton
General: in 1942 michael crichton, author (andromeda strain, ---------- , rising sun), born`jurassic park
General: In 1943 Allies invade`italy
General: in 1943 ---------- chase, comedian, actor (snl, vacation, fletch, caddyshack), born`chevy
General: In 1943 Eisenhower and Italian Marshal Pietro ---------- sign an armistice`badoglio
General: In 1943 George---------- , singer (Beatles), born`harrison
General: in 1943 oliver---------- , arms dealer, born`north
General: In 1943, 'One World' By A Former Presidential Candidate Was Published. Name Him`Wendell Wilkie
General: In 1944 Battle of ---------- (U.S. victory on Feb 22)`eniwetok atoll
General: In 1944 British troops capture ---------- Ethiopia`addis ababa
General: In 1944 Gary ---------- [Paul Gadd] England, rocker (Rock & Roll Part II), born`glitter
General: In 1945,46 Countries Convene United Nations Conference On International Organization In ___ _________ Ca`San Francisco
General: In 1945, __ Countries Convene United Nations Conference On International Organization In San Francisco Ca`46
General: in 1945 don---------- , singer, songwriter (american pie, vincent) born`mclean
General: In 1945, __ & Soviet Forces Meet At Torgau Germany On Elbe River`Us
General: In 1945, Us & ______ ______ Meet At Torgau Germany On Elbe River`Soviet Forces
General: In 1945, Us & Soviet Forces Meet At Torgau Germany On ____ River`Elbe
General: In 1945 What Was The First U.S. City To Add Fluoride To A Municipal Water Supply For The Prevention Of Tooth Decay`Grand Rapids
General: in 1945 women in ---------- allowed to vote for the first time`france
General: In 1946 Freddie---------- , singer, born`mercury
General: in 1946 ten nazi leaders hanged as war criminals after ---------- trials`nuremberg
General: In 1947 Aleister---------- , occultist dies at 74`crowley
General: In 1947 Farrah ---------- (in Texas), actress (Charlie's Angels), born`fawcett-major
General: In 1947 Roger Waters, singer (---------- ), born`pink floyd
General: In 1947 Stephen ---------- suspense writer (Shining, Kujo), born`king
General: In 1948 Alice---------- , musician, born`cooper
General: In 1948 Jeremy---------- , English actor (French Lieutenant's Woman), born`irons
General: In 1948 Phil ---------- comedian (SNL, Newsradio, Simpsons (Voice of Troy McLure)), born`hartman
General: in 1948, south africa's national party institutes a new form of racial segregation called`apartheid
General: In 1949 By a vote of 37-12, ---------- becomes 59th member of UN`israel
General: in 1949 gloria gaynor newark nj, disco singer (---------- ), born`I will survive
General: In 1950 Bill __________ Evanston Ill, Comedian (Snl, What About Bob, Stripes), Born`Murray
General: In 1950 Bill Murray Evanston Ill, Comedian (Snl, What About Bob, __________ ), Born`Stripes
General: In 1950 Chinese Troops Crossed The 38th Parallel In`Korea
General: In 1950 __________ Issues Its 1st Credit Cards`Diner's Club
General: In 1950 Jay __________ New Rochelle, Comedian (Tonight Show Host), Born`Leno
General: In 1950 Julius 'Magic'__________, Basketball Player, Born`Erving
General: In 1950 Mark__________, Swimmer, Born`Spitz
General: In 1950 __________ Murray Evanston Ill, Comedian (Snl, What About Bob, Stripes), Born`Bill
General: In 1950 Ron __________, Actor, Born`Perlman
General: In 1950 Shozo Fujii __________ Champion, Born`Judo
General: In 1950 Un Forces Entered __________, The Capital Of North Korea`Pyongyang
General: In 1950, which mountain was the first of over 26,000 feet to be climbed to the summit`anapurna
General: In 1951 First __________ Jet Crossing`North Pole
General: In 1951 First __________ Of Atomic Explosion`Telecast
General: In 1951 First Treaty Signed By Female Ambassador - __________ Anderson`Eugenie
General: In 1951 First Treaty Signed By Female Ambassador - Eugenie`Anderson
General: In 1951 John __________ Mellencamp, Singer, Born`Cougar
General: In 1951 Julius And Ethel __________, Atomic Spies, Sentenced To Death`Rosenberg
General: in 1951 pam dawber detroit, actress (mindy----------- ), born`mork and mindy
General: In 1951 '__________' Premiers`I Love Lucy
General: in 1951 ---------- ramone, rock guitarist, born`johnny
General: In 1951 Shigeki __________, Survivor Of Hiroshima A-Bomb, Wins Boston Marathon`Tanaka
General: In 1951 United Kingdom Of __________ Gains Independence From Italy Via The Un`Libya
General: In 1951 (USA) 1st battery to convert radioactive energy to ---------- announced`electrical
General: In 1951 Us, __________ And New Zealand Sign Anzus Treaty`Australia
General: In 1951 US, Australia and ---------- sign ANZUS treaty`new zealand
General: In 1951 What Became The First Mass Produced Solid-Body Electric Bass`Fender Precision
General: In 1952 __________ Becomes Queen Of Great Britain`Elizabeth Ii
General: In 1952 ---------- Connors, tennis player born`jimmy
General: In 1952 Ernest Hemingway's '__________' Published`Old Man And The Sea
General: In 1952 Ernest __________'S 'Old Man And The Sea' Published`Hemingway
General: In 1952 First __________ High Frequency (Uhf) Television Station, Portland, Or`Ultra
General: In 1952 First Ultra High Frequency (Uhf) Television Station, __________, Or`Portland
General: In 1952 __________ Hemingway's 'Old Man And The Sea' Published`Ernest
General: In 1952 'Marvelous' __________ (In New Jersey), Boxer, Born`Marvin Hagler
General: In 1952 Pm Winston Churchill Announced That Britain Had Its Own`Atomic Bomb
General: In 1952, The Year Of Its Introduction To The United States, Only 600 Of These Cars Were Sold In The Us`Vw Beetle
General: In 1952 Un Turns Over Eritrea To`Ethiopia
General: In 1952 Ww Ii __________ Peace Treaty Takes Effect`Pacific
General: In 1953 1st Successful Separation Of __________ Twins`Siamese
General: in 1953, clyde mcphatter left the dominoes to form this group`drifters
General: In 1953, Clyde Mcphatter Left The Dominoes To Form This Group`The Drifters
General: In 1953 __________ Gains Full Independence From France`Laos
General: In 1953 House Of __________, First Feature-Length 3-D Movie, Released In New York`Wax
General: In 1953 Laos Gains Full Independence From`France
General: In 1953 __________ Petty, Florida, Usa, Singer, Born`Tom
General: In 1953 (Usa) Richard __________, Pianist, Born`Clayderman
General: In 1953, What American Pilot Flew The Rocket Powered Bell X-Ia At A Record Mach 2.5 Or 2.5 Times The Speed Of Sound`Chuck Yeager
General: In 1954 __________ Bakula, Actor (Quantum Leap, The Invaders), Born`Scott
General: In 1954 __________ Bernsen North Hollywood Calif, Actor (Arnie Becker-La Law), Born`Corbin
General: In 1954 First __________ Machine (Photo Engraving) Used At Quincy, Mass`Typesetting
General: In 1954 First Rocket To Exceed __________ Altitude - White Sands, Nm`150 Miles
General: In 1954 Jerry __________ Comedian (Seinfeld), Born`Seinfeld
General: In 1954 John__________, Actor, Born`Travolta
General: In 1954 ____ ______ Joins North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (Nato)`West Germany
General: In 1954 Laos Gains Its`Independence
General: In 1954 Nuclear Submarine '__________' Is Commissioned`Nautilus
General: In 1954 Pope __________ Canonized A Saint`Pius X
General: in 1954 scott---------- , actor (quantum leap, the invaders), born`bakula
General: In 1955, A Book Was Returned To _________ __________ _______--288 Years Overdue`Cambridge University Library
General: In 1955 Commercial __________ Begins In England`Tv
General: In 1955 __________ Dean, Actor, Died In A Car Crash (Born Feb 08,1931)`James
General: In 1955 First Aviator To Bail Out At __________ Speed - G. F. Smith`Supersonic
General: In 1955 Greg__________, Golfer, Born`Norman
General: In 1955 Israel Acquires 4 Of The 7 Dead Sea`Scrolls
General: In 1955 James---------- , actor, died in a car crash (born Feb 08, 1931)`dean
General: In 1955 __________ Lee Roth, Rocker, Born`David
General: In 1955 __________ Ma, Cellist, Born`Yo-Yo
General: In 1955 Margeaux ---------- (in Portland, Oregon), actress, daughter of Ernest, born`hemingway
General: In 1955 Mark David __________ Assassin Of John Lennon, Born`Chapman
General: In 1955 Pres Eisenhower Suffered A Heart Attack On Vacation In`Denver
General: In 1955 President Jose Antonio Remon Of __________ Assassinated`Panama
General: In 1955 __________ Proclaims Vietnam A Republic With Himself As President`Ngo Dinh Diem
General: In 1955 __________ Resigns As British Pm, Anthony Eden Succeeds Him`Winston Churchill
General: In 1955 United Nations __________ Hearing`Charter
General: In 1956__________, Actor, Born`Mel Gibson
General: In 1956 David Bryant Became The First World Champion In Which Sport`Bowls
General: In 1956 First Atomic Power __________ Exhibited __ New York City`Clock
General: In 1956 First Transatlantic __________ Cable Goes Into Operation`Telephone
General: In 1956 Forrester issued a patent for computer ---------- memory`core
General: In 1956 Israeli Paratroopers Drop Into The Sinai To Open Straits Of`Tiran
General: In 1956 Japan Admitted To The United`Nations
General: In 1956 Richard Berry Wrote A Lament Of A Jamaican Sailor Telling A Bartender Named Louie How Much He Misses His Girlfriend: Which Song`Louie Louie
General: In 1957 Albert ______ Italian Developed Anti-Tuberculosis Vaccine, Dies`Ascoli
General: In 1957 _____ Ascoli Italian Developed Anti-Tuberculosis Vaccine, Dies`Albert
General: In 1957 Charles __________ Of Funk And Wagnalls Encyclopaedias, Dies At 76`Funk
General: In 1957 Cheryl __________ (In Minnesota), Model And Actor, Born`Tiegs
General: In 1957 __________ Estefan, Cuba, Singer, Born`Gloria
General: In 1957 __________ Fahey Rocker (Bananarama), Born`Siobhan
General: In 1957 First __________ Introduced At Lancaster, Pa`Electric Watch
General: In 1957 Ford Motor Co. Introduced The`Edsel
General: In 1957 Gloria _______, Cuba, Singer, Born`Estefan
General: In 1957 Gloria Estefan, ---------- , singer, born`cuba
General: In 1957 President Eisenhower Sent Federal Troops To Intervene For 9 Black Students Trying To Enter Central High School For Classes In What City`Little Rock, Arkansas
General: In 1957 Seve __________, Golfer, Born`Ballesteros
General: In 1957 Siobhan Fahey Rocker (__________), Born`Bananarama
General: In 1957 Siobhan _____ Rocker (Bananarama), Born`Fahey
General: in 1957 this actress recorded the simple title tammy from one of her movies`debbie reynolds
General: In 1957 __________ Tiegs (In Minnesota), Model And Actor, Born`Cheryl
General: In 1957 Ussr Fires Defense Minister, Marshal Georgi`Zhukov
General: In 1958 1st Colour _____ _________ On Magnetic Tape Presented, Charlotte North Carolina, Usa`Video Recording
General: In 1958 1st Colour Video Recording On ________ Tape Presented, Charlotte North Carolina, Usa`Magnetic
General: In 1958 1st __________ Video Recording On Magnetic Tape Presented, Charlotte North Carolina, Usa`Colour
General: In 1958 Benelux Treaty Signed By Belgium, __________ And Luxembourg`Netherlands
General: In 1958 Benelux treaty signed by Belgium, ---------- & Luxembourg`netherlands
General: In 1958 Cammie __________ La Calif, Guinness' World Strongest Woman, Born`Lusko
General: In 1958 Central African Rep Made Autonomous Member Of __________ Commonwealth (Nat'l Day)`French
General: In 1958 Charles De __________ Becomes Premier Of France`Gaulle
General: In 1958 First test project of Signal Communications by Orbiting Relay Equipment: first voice from space: recorded Christmas message by President`eisenhower
General: In 1958 Guinea Votes For Independence From`France
General: In 1958 Niger Gains Autonomy Within __________ Community (National Day)`French
General: In 1958 Shaun _______, Singer, Born`Cassidy
General: In 1958 Simon __ ___, Rocker (Duran Duran), Born`Le Bon
General: In 1958 Sir Edmund Hillary Reached _____ _____ Overland`South Pole
General: In 1958 St. Clare Of __________ Declared Patron Saint Of Television`Assissi
General: In 1958 __________ Votes For Independence From France`Guinea
General: In 1959 1211-Kg Great White Shark Becomes Largest Fish Ever Caught On A`Rod
General: In 1959 Constitution Of __________ Promulgated (National Day)`Tunisia
General: In 1959 Elvis Presley's 1st Entry On Uk Charts With '__________'`Heartbreak Hotel
General: In 1959 First Astronauts - Selection Announced By`Nasa
General: In 1959 First House With Built-In __________ Exhibited, Pleasant Hills, Pa`Bomb Shelter
General: in 1959 guggenheim museum, designed by frank lloyd wright, opens in`new york
General: In 1959 Jason Alexander (George In__________ ), Born`Seinfeld
General: In 1959 __________ Museum, Designed By Frank Lloyd Wright, Opens In New York`Guggenheim
General: In 1959 Nasa Announces First __________ Astronauts With The Right Stuff`Seven
General: In 1959 '__________' Premieres __ In Colour`Bonanza
General: In 1959 '__________' Premiers`The Untouchables
General: In 1959 Princess Sarah 'Fergie' Ferguson, The Duchess Of__________, Born`York
General: In 1959 Princess Sarah 'Fergie'__________, The Duchess Of York, Born`Ferguson
General: In 1959 Princess Sarah __________' Ferguson, The Duchess Of York, Born`Fergie
General: In 1959 Radar First Bounced Off Sun, __________ California`Stanford
General: In 1959 __________ Reveals An Intense Radation Belt Around The Earth`Explorer Vi
General: In 1959 Rod Serling's '__________' Premieres On Cbs`Twilight Zone
General: In 1959 Rod Serling's 'Twilight Zone' Premieres On`Cbs
General: In 1959 __________ Serling's 'Twilight Zone' Premieres On Cbs`Rod
General: In 1959 __________ (Steven Patrick) British Rocker (The Smiths And Solo Artist), Born`Morrissey
General: In 1959 Sultan Of __________ Promulgates A Constitution`Brunei
General: In 1959 ---------- (USSR) launched`luna
General: In 1960 __________ And Nixon Clashed In 4th And Final Pres Debate`Jfk
General: In 1960 __________ Becomes The Capital Of Brazil`Brasilia
General: In 1960 First __________ Aircraft Carrier, The 'Uss Enterprise', Is Launched`Atomic
General: In 1960 First Atomic Aircraft Carrier, The 'Uss __________', Is Launched`Enterprise
General: In 1960 First Electronic __________ Placed On Sale, Ny City`Wrist Watch
General: In 1960 France Grants __________ Independence`Mauritania
General: In 1960 France Grants __________ Independence (Natl Day)`Togo
General: In 1960 Francis Gary Powers, Flew Into A Row With Russia And Was Shot Down Allegedly For What`Spying
General: In 1960 __________ Gains Independence From Britain (National Day)`Nigeria
General: In 1960 __________ Grants Mauritania Independence`France
General: In 1960 Israel Announced Capture Of Nazi ____ _________ In Argentina`Adolf Eichmann
General: In 1960 Israeli Soldiers Capture __________ In Buenos Aires`Adolf Eichmann
General: In 1960 __________ I (Television And Infra-Red Observation Satellite) Launched To Improve Weather Prediction`Tiros
General: In 1960 Jfk And __________ Clashed In 4th And Final Pres Debate`Nixon
General: In 1960 Jfk And Nixon Clashed In __________ And Final Pres Debate`4th
General: In 1960 John D __________ Jr Philanthropist, Dies At 86`Rockefeller
General: In 1960 __________ Luther King Jr Arrested In Atlanta Sit-In`Martin
General: In 1960 Mali (Without__________ ) Gains Independence From France (National Day)`Senegal
General: In 1960 Mali (Without Senegal) Gains Independence From __________ (National Day)`France
General: In 1960 Martin Luther __________ Jr Arrested In Atlanta Sit-In`King
General: In 1960 Martin Luther King Jr Arrested In __________ Sit-In`Atlanta
General: In 1960 Michael__________, Actor/Comedian (Police Academy), Born`Winslow
General: In 1960 Michael Winslow, Actor/Comedian (__________ ), Born`Police Academy
General: In 1960 __________ National Day Begins`Senegalese
General: In 1960 Nigeria Gains Independence From __________ (National Day)`Britain
General: In 1960 '__________' Premieres. Yabba Dabba Doo`The Flintstones
General: In 1960 '__________' Premiers`Route 6
General: In 1960, Ray Charles Released The Hit 'I Can't Stop _____'`Loving You
General: In 1960 This Group Recorded Alley-Oop, Which, Although It Became A Number One Record, Was This Groups Only Hit`The Hollywood Argyles
General: In 1961 __________ Annexes Portuguese Colonies Of Goa, Damao And Diu`India
General: In 1961 __________ Becomes Independent Within The British Commonwealth`Tanganyika
General: In 1961 Bob __________'S 1st Ny Performance`Dylan
General: In 1961 __________ Dylan's 1st Ny Performance`Bob
General: In 1961 Eddie __________, Comedian, Actor, Born`Murphy
General: In 1961 Experimental Reactor Kills Three In__________, Idaho`Idaho Falls
General: In 1961 Fidel __________ Declares He's A Marxist, And Will Lead Cuba To Communism`Castro
General: In 1961 First All Solid __________ Rocket Put Into Orbit From Wallops Island, Va`Propellant
General: In 1961 First movie to become a TV series --`how to marry a millionaire
General: In 1961 French Army Revolts In`Algeria
General: In 1961 Heather __________, Actor, Born`Locklear
General: In 1961 __________ Marsalis, New Orleans La, Jazz Trumpeter (Grammy 1983), Born`Wynton
General: In 1961 Outer __________ And Mauritania Become The 102nd And 103rd Members Of Un`Mongolia
General: In 1961 Outer Mongolia And __________ Become The 102nd And 103rd Members Of Un`Mauritania
General: In 1961 Tanganyika Gains Independence From`Britain
General: In 1961 Uk Grants __________ Independence`Sierra Leone
General: In 1961 Un General Assembly Condemns __________ For Apartheid`South Africa
General: In 1961 U.S. backed ---------- invasion in Cuba. Ended in failure`bay of pigs
General: In 1961 Volcano Eruptions On __________ (South Atlantic)`Tristan De Cunha
General: In 1961 '__________ Where Are You' Premieres`Car 54
General: In 1961 Wynton__________, New Orleans La, Jazz Trumpeter (Grammy 1983), Born`Marsalis
General: In 1961 Yuri A.---------- , first man in orbit`gagarin
General: In 1962 10,000 Die In An Earthquake In Western`Iran
General: In 1962 Britain And France Signed An Agreement Which Led To Co-Operation In Building What`Concorde
General: In 1962 E. E. Cummings Poet, Dies At`67
General: In 1962 E. E. __________ Poet, Dies At 67`Cummings
General: In 1962 First __________ Satellite To Reach Moon Launched From Cape Canaveral`American
General: In 1962, For What Did Britain And France Sign An Agreement To Build Together`Concorde
General: In 1962 John __________ Aboard Friendship 7, Is First American To Orbit The Earth`Glenn
General: In 1962 Lou __________ Philips, Actor, Born`Diamond
General: In 1962 Michael __________ Indy-Car Racer/Auto Hall Of Fame (Elected 1986), Born`Andretti
General: In 1962 Mrs. __________ Gives The Tv Audience A Tour Of The White House`Kennedy
General: In 1962 M. Scott __________ Aboard Aurora 7 Is Launched`Carpenter
General: In 1962 N. Korea Reports 100% Election Turnout, __________ Vote For Workers' Party`100%
General: In 1962 __________ Orders Withdrawal Of Cuban Missiles`Krushchev
General: In 1962 Pope __________ Convenes 21st Roman Catholic Ecumenical Council, Vatican Ii, In Rome`John Xxiii
General: In 1962 Pope John Xxiii Convenes __________ Roman Catholic Ecumenical Council, Vatican Ii, In Rome`21st
General: In 1962 Robert Zimmerman Legally Changed His Name To What`Bob Dylan
General: In 1962 They Recorded A Song About An Egyptian Dancer Appropriately Titled 'Little Egypt'`The Coasters
General: In 1962 Tv Comedy '__________' Premiered On Cbs`The Beverly Hillbillies
General: In 1962 Un Announces Earth Population Has Hit____`Three Billion
General: In 1963 __________ 1st Tour (Opening Act For Bo Diddley And Everly Bros)`Rolling Stones
General: in 1963 beatlemania is coined after the beatles appear at the`palladium
General: in 1963 beatles record`I want to hold your hand
General: In 1963 __________ Becomes A Republic Within The British Commonwealth`Uganda
General: In 1963 __________ Begins Trial Of Nelson Mandela And 8 Others On Conspiracy`South Africa
General: In 1963, Bobby Darin Released 'You're The Reason _____'`I'm Living
General: In 1963 Decca Signs The __________ On Advice Of Beatle George Harrison`Rolling Stones
General: in 1963 ---------- is coined after the beatles appear at the palladium`beatlemania
General: In 1963 John __________ Encyclical On Peace In Truth, Justice, Charity And Liberty`Xxiii
General: In 1963 King Victor __________ Of Italy, Becomes Emperor Of Ethiopia`Emmanual Iii
General: In 1963 Lars__________, Danish/Us Heavy Metal Drummer (Metallica-Kill 'Em All), Born`Ulrich
General: In 1963, Martin Luther King Gives This Famous Speech`I Have A Dream
General: In 1963 Michael__________, Gravity-Defying Hoopster, Born`Jordan
General: in 1963 south africa begins trial of ---------- and 8 others on conspiracy`nelson mandela
General: In 1963 Treaty Banning Atmospheric Nuclear Tests Signed By __, Uk, Ussr`Us
General: In 1963 Treaty Banning Atmospheric Nuclear Tests Signed By Us, __, Ussr`Uk
General: In 1963 Treaty Banning ___________ Nuclear Tests Signed By Us, Uk, Ussr`Atmospheric
General: In 1963, What Swiss-French Master Designed The Visual Arts Center At Harvard`Le Corbusier
General: In 1963 Zanzibar Gains Independence From`Britain
General: In 1964 __________ And Brezhnev Replace Soviet Premier Nikita Krushchev`Kosygin
General: In 1964__________, Assassin Of Lee Harvey Oswald, Died`Jack Ruby
General: In 1964 __________ Becomes World's 5th Nuclear Power`China
General: In 1964, Bobby Freeman Urged Everybody To Do This New Dance Out Of The Water`Swim
General: In 1964 China Becomes World's __________ Nuclear Power`5th
General: In 1964 __________ Commission Finds That Lee Harvey Oswald Acted Alone`Warren
General: In 1964, Congress Passes A Landmark Civil Rights Act Outlawing What`Segregation
General: In 1964 __________ Gains Independence From Britain`Malta
General: In 1964 Harpo Marx Comedian (Marx Bros), Dies At`75
General: in 1964 herbert hoover 31st president of us, dies in ny at`ninety 90
General: In 1964 Kenyan __________ Day`Independance
General: In 1964 Kosygin And __________ Replace Soviet Premier Nikita Krushchev`Brezhnev
General: In 1964 Malta Gains Independence From`Britain
General: In 1964 __________ Marx Comedian (Marx Bros), Dies At 75`Harpo
General: In 1964 __________ (N. Rhodesia) Gains Independence From Britain (National Day)`Zambia
General: In 1964 '__________' Premiers On Tv In The Usa`Bewitched
General: In 1964 '__________' Premier`The Munsters
General: In 1964 Rhodesia Declared Udi, What Is 'Udi'`Unilateral Declaration Of Independence
General: In 1964 Shooting Begins On 'The Cage' The Pilot For Star`Trek
General: In 1964, The Us Surgeon General Warns About The Hazards Of What`Smoking
General: In 1964 Unmanned __________ Launched`Gemini 1
General: In 1964 Warren Commission Finds That __________ Acted Alone`Lee Harvey Oswald
General: In 1964 Zambia (N. Rhodesia) Gains Independence From __________ (National Day)`Britain
General: In 1965 Bangladesh Windstorm Kills`17,000
General: In 1965 Borman And Lovell Splash Down In__________. Ends Two Week Gemini Vii Flight`Atlantic
General: In 1965 __________ Engle In X-15 Reaches 80 Km`Joe
General: In 1965 Gemini Vi Returns To`Earth
General: In 1965 Intelsat 1 ('Early Bird') First Commercial __________ Communication Satellite`Geosynchronous
General: In 1965 Intel's Gordon Moore Suggested That Microchip Computing Power Would Double Roughly Every ___ Months ('Moore's Law')`18
General: In 1965 __________ Is Made An Autonomous Region Of China`Tibet
General: In 1965 Joe Engle In __________ Reaches 80 Km`X-15
General: In 1965 Joe Engle In X-15 Reaches __________ Km`80
General: In 1965 Joe __________ In X-15 Reaches 80 Km`Engle
General: In 1965, Lyndon B Johnson Enacted A Law Requiring Cigarette Manufacturers To Put What On Their Packages`Health Warnings
General: In 1965 __________ National Day`Gambian
General: In 1965 Pope __________ Proclaims Jews Not Collectively Guilty For Crucifixion`Paul Vi
General: In 1965 '__________' Premiers`Get Smart
General: In 1965 '__________' Premiers`Lost In Space
General: In 1965 ---------- Sheen, actor (Wall St, Platoon), born`charlie
General: In 1965 Tibet Is Made An Autonomous Region Of`China
General: In 1965 __________ (T.S.) Eliot, Poet, Died`Thomas Stearns
General: In 1965 Which Song By Sam The Sham And The Pharaohs Peaked At Number 2`Woolly Bully
General: In 1966 __________ (Basutoland) Gains Independence From Britain (National Day)`Lesotho
General: In 1966 Bechuanaland Gains Independence From _______, Becomes Botswana`England
General: In 1966 Bechuanaland Gains Independence From England, Becomes`Botswana
General: In 1966 Botswana Gains Independence From __________ (National Day)`Britain
General: In 1966 Emperor Haile __________ (Ethiopia) Visits Kingston Jamaica`Selassie
General: In 1966 Ford Came Out With A 427 Sohc 8 Valve V8 Engine, What's The Brake Horsepower Rated At`657
General: In 1966 _________ Gains Independence From Britain (National Day)`Botswana
General: In 1966 __________ Gains Independence From England, Becomes Botswana`Bechuanaland
General: In 1966 Lesotho (Basutoland) Gains Independence From __________ (National Day)`Britain
General: In 1966 Lesotho (__________ ) Gains Independence From Britain (National Day)`Basutoland
General: In 1966 Luna __________, First Lunar Orbiter`Ten
General: In 1966 Pan Am Places __________ Order For 25 Boeing 747's`$525,000,000
General: In 1966, Which Woman Became The First Briton To Fly Solo Around The World`Sheila Scott
General: In 1967 1st Human Heart Transplant Performed (Dr Christian__________, S Africa)`Barnard
General: In 1967 __________ Abolishes Traditional Tribal Kingdoms, Becomes A Republic`Uganda
General: In 1967 Bbc Bans Beatle's '__________' (Drug References)`A Day In The Life
General: In 1967 Che Guevara Executed In`Bolivia
General: In 1967 Egyptian President __________ Closes Straits Of Tiran To Israel`Nasser
General: In 1967 Ejnar Hertzsprung, Danish Astrophysicist Dies At`Ninety Four`94
General: In 1967 First Boeing __________ Rolls Out`737
General: in 1967 ---------- hertzsprung, danish astrophysicist dies at 94`ejnar
General: In 1967 __________ Knight In X-15 Reaches 85 Km About Earth`Pete
General: In 1967 Pete ______ In X-15 Reaches 85 Km Above Earth`Knight
General: In 1967 Pete Knight In _-__ Reaches 85 Km Above Earth`X-15
General: in 1967 pete knight in x-15 reaches ---------- km about earth`eighty five 85
General: In 1967 Pete Knight In X-15 Reaches ______ ____ Km Above Earth`Eighty Five
General: In 1967 '__________' Premieres On Tv In The Usa`Mission Impossible
General: In 1967 Prince Willem-Alexander Of The __________, Heir Apparent, Born`Netherlands
General: In 1967 Shah Of Iran Crowns Himself After ______ ___ Years On Peacock Throne`Twenty Six
General: In 1967 Singer Otis __________ Dies In Plane Crash At 26`Redding
General: In 1967 Svetlana __________ (Josef Stalin's Daughter) Defects In Nyc`Alliluyeva
General: In 1967 Thousands Opposing Vietnam War Tried To Storm The`Pentagon
General: In 1967 __________ Votes 12,138 To 44 To Remain British`Gibraltar
General: In 1968 __________ Blind And Deaf, Dies At 87`Helen Keller
General: In 1968 Borman, __________ And Anders First Men To Orbit Moon`Lovell
General: In 1968 Dr. Christian Barnard Performs The __________ Successful Heart Transplant`Second
General: In 1968 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Shot To Death In __________, Tennessee`Memphis
General: In 1968 Equatorial ______ Gains Independence From Spain (National Day)`Guinea
General: In 1968 Equatorial Guinea Gains Independence From _____ (National Day)`Spain
General: In 1968 __________ Gains Independence From Britain (National Day)`Swaziland
General: In 1968 Helen Keller Blind And Deaf, Dies At`87
General: In 1968 Jacqueline Kennedy Marries Aristotle`Onassis
General: In 1968 Jacqueline Kennedy Marries _________ Onassis`Aristotle
General: In 1968 Jacqueline _______ Marries Aristotle Onassis`Kennedy
General: In 1968 __________ Nixon Appears On 'Laugh-In'`Richard
General: In 1968 Police Find 219 Grains Of ________ _____In John And Yoko's Apartment`Cannabis Resin
General: In 1968 __________ Returns To Earth`Apollo 7
General: In 1968 Richard __________ Appears On 'Laugh-In'`Nixon
General: In 1968 Richard Nixon Appears On '__________'`Laugh-In
General: In 1968 Swaziland Gains Independence From __________ (National Day)`Britain
General: In 1968 This Woman Became The First Female To Be Listed On The Fbi's Ten Most Wanted`Ruth Eisemann-Schier
General: In 1969 Bobby _____, Singer, Married To Whitney Houston, Born`Brown
General: In 1969 __________ Chi Minh North Vietnamese President, Dies`Ho
General: In 1969 ---------- Eleniak, actress (Under Siege, Beverly Hillbillies), born`erika
General: In 1969 'Oliver, ' Cliff __________ And Katharine Hepburn Win 51st Acadamy Awards`Robertson
General: In 1969 __________ Revolution, Col Moammar Gadhafi Deposes King Idris`Libyan
General: In 1969, The Us Navy Spent 375,000 Dollars On An 'Aerodynamic Analysis Of The Self-Suspended Flare'... Researching The Military Applications Of This Object`Frisbee
General: In 1970 Anwar __________ Elected President Of Egypt, Succeeding Gamal Abdel Nasser`Sadat
General: In 1970 Anwar Sadat Elected President Of Egypt, Succeeding _____ Abdel Nasser`Gamal
General: In 1970 Anwar Sadat Elected President Of Egypt, Succeeding Gamal _____ Nasser`Abdel
General: In 1970 Anwar Sadat Elected President Of _____, Succeeding Gamal Abdel Nasser`Egypt
General: In 1970 First Automated Return Of Lunar Sample By`Luna 1
General: In 1970 George Harrison releases ---------- single`my sweet lord
General: In 1970 __________ Harrison Releases 'My Sweet Lord' Single`George
General: In 1970 Khmer Republic (__________ ) Declares Independence`Cambodia
General: In 1970 __________ Leaves The Moon`Luna 16
General: In 1970, Only 5 Percent Of The American Population Lived In`Cities
General: In 1970, Only 5 Percent Of The ________ Population Lived In Cities`American
General: In 1970 '__________' Premiers`Mary Tyler Moore Show
General: In 1970 __________ Republic (Cambodia) Declares Independence`Khmer
General: In 1970 __________ Sadat Elected President Of Egypt, Succeeding Gamal Abdel Nasser`Anwar
General: In 1970 Salvador Allende __________ Elected President Of Chile`Gossens
General: In 1970 Salvador Allende Gossens Elected President Of`Chile
General: In 1970 Salvador __________ Gossens Elected President Of Chile`Allende
General: in 1970 soviet author ---------- I. solzhenitsyn awarded nobel prize for lit`alexander
General: In 1971 1st Legal Off-Track __________ System Begins (Otb-New York)`Betting
General: In 1971 9 hostages and 28 prisoners die in take over a ---------- State Prison`attica
General: In 1971, About 200,000 Anti-Vietnam War Protesters March On __________`Washington Dc
General: In 1971 Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Fujeira, Sharjah And Umm Ak Qiwain Form The United ____ Emirates`Arab
General: In 1971 Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Fujeira, Sharjah & Umm ak Qiwain form the United ---------- Emirates`arab
General: In 1971 _______ Khrushchev Dies Of A Heart Attack At 77`Nikita
General: In 1971 Nikita __________ Dies Of A Heart Attack At 77`Khrushchev
General: In 1971 On This Release Santana Lamented 'Shes Gonna Make A Devil Out Of Me'`Black Magic Woman
General: In 1971 Republic Of The __________ Becomes Republic Of Zaire`Congo
General: In 1971 Republic Of The Congo Becomes Republic Of`Zaire
General: In 1971 Sierra __________ Becomes A Republic (Natl Day)`Leone
General: In 1971 Un General Assembly Admits Mainland China And Expels`Taiwan
General: In 1972 __________ 16 Takes Off For The Moon`Apollo
General: In 1972 Ceylon Becomes Republic Of __________ As Its Constitution Is Ratified`Sri Lanka
General: in 1972 earthquake destroys central managua,`nicaragua
General: In 1972 John And __________ Guest-Host The Mike Douglas Show For The Entire Week`Yoko
General: In 1972 Kwame __________ President Of Ghana, Dies At 62`Nkrumah
General: In 1972 Paul Mccartney And __________ Release 'Mary Had A Little Lamb'`Wings
General: In 1972 Paul __________ Releases 'Give Ireland Back To The Irish' Single`Mccartney
General: In 1972 President Nixon And Chinese Premier __________ Issued The Shanghai Communique`Chou En-Lai
General: In 1972 President __________ Visits China`Nixon
General: In 1972 Republic Of __________ Declared As Constitution Is Ratified`Cameroon
General: In 1973 1st all ---------- women's US Open final, (Margaret Court beats Yvonne Goolagong)`australian
General: In 1973 American __________ Movement Occupy Wounded Knee In South Dakota`Indian
General: In 1973 __________ And Priscilla Presley Divorce After 6 Years`Elvis
General: In 1973 Australia Grants Self-Government To __________ New Guinea`Papua
General: In 1973 Chile's President, Salvador _______, Deposed In A Military Coup`Allende
General: In 1973 David Ben-Gurion Founding Father Of __________ Dies In Tel Aviv At 87`Israel
General: In 1973 Elvis And Priscilla Presley Divorce After __________ Years`Six
General: In 1973 __________ Is Launched`Soyuz 12
General: In 1973 Israel Shoots Down 13 __________ Mig-21s`Syrian
General: In 1973 Nixon Announces Resignation Of __________, Ehrlichman, Et Al`Haldeman
General: In 1973 Pablo __________ Artist, Dies Near Mougins, France, At 91`Picasso
General: In 1973 Security Council Resol 338 - A Cease Fire To The __________ War`Yom Kippur
General: In 1973 __________ Shoots Down 13 Syrian Mig-21s`Israel
General: In 1973 Six __________ Gulf Nations Double Their Oil Prices`Persian
General: In 1973 Soyuz 13 launched into ---------- orbit for 8 days`earth
General: In 1973 __________'S President, Salvador Allende, Deposed In A Military Coup`Chile
General: In 1973 The Arab Oil Embargo Begins. It Will Last Until__________,1974`March
General: In 1973 The __________ - Israel's Missile Boat - Is Unveiled`Reshef
General: In 1973 The __________ Oil Embargo Begins. It Will Last Until March,1974`Arab
General: In 1973 __________ War Begins As Syria And Egypt Attack Israel`Yom Kippur
General: In 1973 Yom Kippur War Begins As __________ And Egypt Attack Israel`Syria
General: In 1973 Yom Kippur War Begins As Syria And __________ Attack Israel`Egypt
General: In 1973 Yom Kippur War Ends - Israel 65 Miles From _____,26 From Damascus`Cairo
General: In 1973 Yom Kippur War Ends - Israel 65 Miles From Cairo,26 From`Damascus
General: In 1973 Yom Kippur War Ends - Israel 65 Miles From Cairo, __________ From Damascus`Twenty Six
General: In 1974 Arganat __________ Publishes Report Concerning The Yom Kippur War`Comm
General: In 1974 __________ -Bissau Gains Independence From Portugal`Guinea
General: In 1974 ____ ______ Chancellor Willy Brandt Resigned After An Aide Was Arrested On Charges Of Spying For East Germany`West German
General: In 1974 Charles __________ Discovers Leda,13th Satellite Of Jupiter`Kowal
General: In 1974 Charles Kowal Discovers Leda,13th Satellite Of`Jupiter
General: In 1974 French President Georges __________ Died In Paris`Pompidou
General: In 1974 Guinea-Bissau Gains Independence From`Portugal
General: In 1974 House Judiciary Committee Begin Formal Hearings On __________ Impeachment`Nixon
General: In 1974 Ian Gillian Was Replaced By David Coverdale In This Band`Deep Purple
General: In 1974 Last Americans Evacuated From`Saigon
General: In 1974, ___ Moves The Goal Posts & Adopts Sudden Death Playoff`Nfl
General: In 1974, Nfl Moves The Goal Posts & Adopts ______ _____ Playoff`Sudden Death
General: In 1974 Over 6,000 Life Size Model Soldiers Guarding The Tomb Of China's First Emperor Were Discovered. What Name Was Give To These Soldiers`The Terracotta Army
General: In 1974 West German Chancellor Willy Brandt Resigned After An Aide Was Arrested On Charges Of ______ For East Germany`Spying
General: In 1974 West German Chancellor Willy Brandt Resigned After An Aide Was Arrested On Charges Of Spying For ____`East Germany
General: In 1974 West German __________ Willy Brandt Resigned After An Aide Was Arrested On Charges Of Spying For East Germany`Chancellor
General: in 1974 what band had their first u.s. hit with radar love`golden earring
General: In 1974 Yitzhak __________ Replaces Resigning Prime Minister Golda Meir`Rabin
General: In 1975 A Birdhouse Costing $10,000 Was Built In ______ By The City Fathers`Quebec
General: In 1975 A _________ Costing $10,000 Was Built In Quebec By The City Fathers`Birdhouse
General: In 1975 Anwar _____ Became 1st Egyptian President To Officially Visit The Us`Sadat
General: In 1975 Drew---------- , actress, member of the Barrymore clan, born`barrymore
General: In 1975 Israel Formally Signs _____ Accord With Egypt`Sinai
General: In 1975 Israel Formally Signs Sinai Accord With`Egypt
General: In 1975 Israel Signs An Agreement With __________ Economic Market`European
General: In 1975 Laos People's __________ Republic Founded (National Day)`Democratic
General: In 1975 Nationalist Chinese Leader Chiang __________ Died At The Age Of 87`Kai-Shek
General: In 1975 Nationalist Chinese Leader Chiang Kai-Shek Died At The Age Of`87
General: In 1975 Papua __________ Gains Independence From Australia (National Day)`New Guinea
General: In 1975 '__________' Premiers`Saturday Night Live
General: In 1975 _____ Sadat Became 1st Egyptian President To Officially Visit The Us`Anwar
General: In 1975, What Re-Opened After An 8 Year Closure`Suez Canal
General: In 1976, A Los Angeles Secretary Named _______ _____ Officially Married A 50-Pound Rock. The Ceremony Was Witnessed By More Than Twenty People`Jannene Swift
General: In 1976 __________ Church Approves Ordination Of Women As Priests And Bishop`Episcopal
General: In 1976 George Harrison Sings The Lumberjack Song With`Monty Python
General: In 1976 Harold __________ Resigns As British Pm`Wilson
General: In 1976 __________ Hathaway Completes A Bicycle Tour Of Every Continent In The World And Cycling 50,600 Miles`John
General: In 1976 Howard Hughes Reclusive Billionaire, Dies At`72
General: In 1976 Hua Guo-Feng Succeeds __________ As Chairman Of Communist Party`Mao Tse-Tung
General: In 1976 John __________ Completes A Bicycle Tour Of Every Continent In The World And Cycling 50,600 Miles`Hathaway
General: In 1976 John Hathaway Completes A Bicycle Tour Of Every Continent In The World And Cycling __________ Miles`50,600
General: In 1976 Mao Tse-____, Chinese Communist Party Chairman (1949-76), Dies At 82`Tung
General: In 1976 Mao Tse-Tung, Chinese Communist Party Chairman (1949-76), Dies At ______`Eighty Two
General: In 1976 Mao ___-Tung, Chinese Communist Party Chairman (1949-76), Dies At 82`Tse
General: In 1976 Phil ___ Rock Producer, Dies`Ochs
General: In 1976 __________ Resumes On Tv Despite Real Life Divorce`Sonny And Cher
General: In 1976 _____ __ Returns To Earth`Soyuz 22
General: In 1976 _____ __ Returns To Earth`Soyuz 23
General: In 1976 __________ Succeeds Mao Tse-Tung As Chairman Of Communist Party`Hua Guo-Feng
General: In 1976 The First _______ Film And Tv Festival`Jewish
General: In 1976 Trinidad And __________ Becomes A Republic`Tobago
General: In 1976 __ Tse-Tung, Chinese Communist Party Chairman (1949-76), Dies At 82`Mao
General: In 1977 1st __________ Concert (Pink Floyd In London)`Quadrophonic
General: In 1977, A 13 Year Old Boy Was Medically Documented To Have One Of These Growing From His Foot`Tooth
General: In 1977, A 13 Year Old Child Found A Tooth Growing Out Of His __________ Foot`Left
General: In 1977, A 13 Year Old Child Found A Tooth Growing Out Of His Left`Foot
General: In 1977, According To The American Telephone And Telegraph Company, There Were 14.5 Telephone Calls Made For Every 100 People In The`Entire World
General: In 1977, According To The American _________ ___ _________ _______, There Were 14.5 Telephone Calls Made For Every 100 People In The Entire World`Telephone And Telegraph Company
General: In 1977, A __________ Year Old Child Found A Tooth Growing Out Of His Left Foot`Thirteen
General: In 1977 Bing Crosby Dies In__________, Spain`Madrid
General: In 1977 Bing __________ Dies In Madrid, Spain`Crosby
General: In 1977 By 2/3 Majority, Panamanians Vote To Approve The New __________ Treaties`Canal
General: In 1977 __________ Callas American-Born Prima Donna Dies In Paris At 53`Maria
General: In 1977 Cheryl Ladd Replaces Farrah __________ On 'Charlie's Angels'`Fawcett
General: In 1977 Cheryl Ladd Replaces __________ Fawcett On 'Charlie's Angels'`Farrah
General: In 1977 Cheryl __________ Replaces Farrah Fawcett On 'Charlie's Angels'`Ladd
General: In 1977 __________ Commandos Storm A Hijacked Lufthansa Airliner In Mogadishu, Somalia, Freeing All 86 Hostages Aboard And Killing Three Of The Four Hijackers`West German
General: In 1977 __________ Crosby Dies In Madrid, Spain`Bing
General: In 1977 Donald Woods, A Banned White Editor Flees __________ Africa`South
General: In 1977 Egyptian Pres Anwar __________ First Meeting With President Jimmy Carter`Sadat
General: In 1977 Final European Scheduled Run Of The __________ (94 Years)`Orient Express
General: In 1977 First Tv Viewer Discretion Warning - '__________'`Soap
General: In 1977, Less Than 9 Percent Of __________ In The United States Were Women`Physicians
General: In 1977, Less Than 9 Percent Of Physicians In The U.S. Were`Women
General: In 1977 Ted __________ Manages An Atlanta Braves Game`Turner
General: in 1977 third test of the space shuttle`enterprise
General: In 1977 West German Commandos Storm A Hijacked _________ Airliner In Mogadishu, Somalia, Freeing All 86 Hostages Aboard And Killing Three Of The Four Hijackers`Lufthansa
General: In 1977 West German Commandos Storm A Hijacked Lufthansa Airliner In Mogadishu, _______, Freeing All 86 Hostages Aboard And Killing Three Of The Four Hijackers`Somalia
General: In 1977 West German Commandos Storm A Hijacked Lufthansa Airliner In Mogadishu, Somalia, Freeing All 86 Hostages Aboard And Killing Three Of The ___ Hijackers`Four
General: In 1977 West German Commandos Storm A Hijacked Lufthansa Airliner In Mogadishu, Somalia, Freeing All ______ ___ Hostages Aboard And Killing Three Of The Four Hijackers`Eighty Six
General: In 1977 West German Commandos Storm A Hijacked Lufthansa Airliner In__________, Somalia, Freeing All 86 Hostages Aboard And Killing Three Of The Four Hijackers`Mogadishu
General: In 1978 __________ Ali Beats Wba Heavyweight Champion Leon Spinks`Muhammad
General: In 1978 __________ Cardinal Karol Wojtyla Elected Supreme Pontiff-Pope John Paul Ii`Polish
General: In 1978 Kenneth _____ Sets World Speed Record On Water (514 Kph)`Warby
General: In 1978 Kenneth Warby Sets World Speed Record On __________ (514 Kph)`Water
General: In 1978 Kenneth Warby Sets World Speed Record On Water (__________ Kph)`514
General: In 1978 Muhammad Ali Beats Wba Heavyweight Champion Leon`Spinks
General: In 1978 Muhammad Ali Beats Wba Heavyweight Champion ____ Spinks`Leon
General: In 1978 Muhammad ___ Beats Wba Heavyweight Champion Leon Spinks`Ali
General: In 1978 Pioneer Venus 2 Drops 5 Probes Into Atmosphere Of`Venus
General: In 1978 Polish Cardinal Karol Wojtyla Elected Supreme Pontiff-Pope`John Paul Ii
General: In 1978 Pope __________ Dies After 33 Days As Pope`John Paul I
General: In 1978 Pope John Paul I Dies After _____ _____ Days As Pope`Thirty Three
General: In 1978 Representatives Of __________ And Egypt Open Talks In Washington`Israel
General: In 1978 Representatives Of Israel And Egypt Open Talks In`Washington
General: In 1978 Representatives Of Israel And __________ Open Talks In Washington`Egypt
General: In 1978 __________ Warby Sets World Speed Record On Water (514 Kph)`Kenneth
General: In 1979 Deposed Shah Of __________ Arrived In Ny For Medical Treatment`Iran
General: in 1979 he was offered 250000 dollars by the american national enquirer to perform a human head transplant`dr.christian barnard
General: In 1979 Iran Proclaimed An __________ Republic Following The Fall Of The Shah`Islamic
General: In 1979 Park __________ South Korean President Is Assassinated`Chung-Hee
General: In 1979 Pope ____ ____ __ Is 1st Pope To Visit The White House`John Paul Ii
General: In 1979 Pope John Paul Ii Becomes 1st Pope To Visit`Ireland
General: In 1979 Ugandan Dictator Idi Amin Overthrown: __________ Takes Kampala`Tanzania
General: In 1979 Ugandan Dictator Idi Amin Overthrown: Tanzania Takes`Kampala
General: In 1979 Ugandan Dictator __________ Overthrown: Tanzania Takes Kampala`Idi Amin
General: In 1979 Zulfiqar Ali __________ Former Pakistani President, Hanged In Pakistan`Bhutto
General: In 1980 4,500 People Die When A Pair Of Earthquakes Struck Nw`Algeria
General: In 1980 Abolhassan __________ Was Installed As President Of Iran`Bani-Sadr
General: In 1980, A Las Vegas Hospital Suspended Workers For Betting On When Patients Would`Die
General: In 1980 Alfred __________ Dies In Calif At 80`Hitchcock
General: In 1980 Iraqi Troops Seized __________ Territory In A Border Dispute`Iranian
General: In 1980 Nation Of __________ Founded (Formerly Rhodesia)`Zimbabwe
General: In 1980 Paul McCartney releases `coming up
General: In 1980 '__________' Premieres`Empire Strikes Back
General: In 1980, R.E.M. Played Their First-Ever Gig In An Abandoned`Church
General: In 1980 Rhodesia Became Independent`Zimbabwe
General: In 1980 Soviet Premier Alexei __________ Resigns, Due To Illness`Kosygin
General: In 1980 Soviet Premier Alexei __________ Suffered A Fatal Heart Attack At 76`Kosygin
General: In 1980 Ted __________'S Cable News Network (Cnn) Begins Broadcasting`Turner
General: In 1980 Terrorists Seize __________ Embassy In London`Iranian
General: In 1980, The ______ _____ Accidentally Listed A Texas Funeral Home Under Frozen Foods`Yellow Pages
General: In 1980, The Yellow Pages Accidentally Listed A Texas Funeral Home Under ______`Frozen Foods
General: In 1980, The Yellow Pages Accidentally Listed A Texas _______ ____ Under Frozen Foods`Funeral Home
General: In 1980 __________ Troops Seized Iranian Territory In A Border Dispute`Iraqi
General: In 1981, A Guy Had A Heart Attack After Playing The Game __________ __Video Gaming's Only Known Fatality`Berserk
General: In 1981, A Nuclear Reactor In Iraq Was Razed By Fighters From What Country`Israel
General: In 1981 Bob _______ Reggae Singer, Dies At 36 Of Brain And Lung Cancer`Marley
General: In 1981 Charles __________ Clearly Says A Four-Letter Word On Saturday Night Live`Rocket
General: In 1981 Gen __________ Bradley Last 5-Star General, Dies In Ny At 88`Omar
General: In 1981 Israel's General _____ Dayan Dies At 66`Moshe
General: In 1981 Israel's General Moshe Dayan Dies At`Sixty Six
General: In 1981 Israel's General Moshe _____ Dies At 66`Dayan
General: In 1981 James Brady Was Shot In An Assisination Attempt On`Ronald Reagan
General: In 1981 _____ _____ Out-Sold Hollywood For The First Time With 9 Billion Dollars In Sales`Video Games
General: in 1981, riots broke out in northern ireland following the death of what ira hunger striker at the maze prison`bobby sands
General: In 1982 1st Permanent Artificial __________ Successfully Implanted (U Of Utah) In Retired Dentist Barney Clark: Lived 112 Days With The Jarvic-7 Heart`Heart
General: In 1982 __________ Announces Its Population At 1 Billion People Plus`China
General: In 1982 Argentina Seized The Disputed __________ (Malvinas) Islands From Britain`Falkland
General: In 1982 __________ Forces Began Pouring Into West Beirut`Israeli
General: In 1982 Israeli Forces Began Pouring Into West`Beirut
General: In 1982 Mt __________ Observatory First To Detect Halley's Comet On 13th Return`Palomar
General: In 1982 Mt Palomar Observatory First To Detect Halley's Comet On __________ Return`13th
General: In 1982 Palestinian Liberation Organisation Leaves`Lebanon
General: In 1982 __________ Portugal, A Spanish Priest With A Bayonet Is Stopped Prior To His Attempt To Attack Pope John Paul Ii`Fatima
General: In 1982 Princess Grace Of __________ Dies At 52 In A Car Crash`Monaco
General: In 1982 Princess Grace Of Monaco Dies At ______ ____ In A Car Crash`Fifty Two
General: In 1982 Shultz Warns U.S. Will Withdraw From Un If They Vote To Exclude`Israel
General: In 1982 Soyuz T-5 Returns To__________,211 Days After Take-Off`Earth
General: In 1982 Un Security Council Demanded __________ Withdraw From Falkland Islands`Argentina
General: In 1983 1 __________ Introduced In United Kingdom`Coin
General: In 1983 After Being Expelled From__________, Former Nazi Gestapo Official Klaus Barbie Was Brought To Lyon, France To Stand Trial For Alleged War Crimes`Bolivia
General: In 1983, A Japanese Artist Made A Copy Of The Mona Lisa Completely Out Of`Toast
General: In 1983, Anne Burford Left Her Position As The Administrator Of What Agency`The Environmental Protection Agency
General: In 1983 Brunei Gains Complete Independence From`Britain
General: In 1983 David __________'S 'Let's Dance' Single Goes #1`Bowie
General: In 1983 Korean Boeing 747 Strays Into _______ And Is Shot Down By A Soviet Jet`Siberia
General: In 1983 Korean Boeing 747 Strays Into Siberia And Is Shot Down By A ______ ___ Jet`Soviet
General: In 1983 Korean ______ ___ Strays Into Siberia And Is Shot Down By A Soviet Jet`Boeing 747
General: In 1983 'Lets Dance' Was Released By This Artist`David Bowie
General: In 1983 St Christopher ___________ Gains Independence From Britain (Nat'l Day)`Nevis
General: In 1983, What Was Elected The First Black Mayor Of The City Of Chicago`Harold Washington
General: In 1984 2,000 Die From Union __________ Poison Gas Emission In Bhopal, India`Carbide
General: In 1984, A Couple Set The Record For The Longest What At 17 Days,10-1/2 Hours`Kiss
General: In 1984 Challenger Astronauts Complete 1st In Space Satellite`Repair
General: In 1984 Ira Bombs Hotel Where __________ Is Staying`Margaret Thatcher
General: In 1984 Joe _________ Completes First Solo Balloon Crossing Of Atlantic`Kittinger
General: In 1984 Joe Kittinger Completes First Solo Balloon Crossing Of`Atlantic
General: In 1984 __________ Jones Runs Chicago Marathon In World Record 2 H 8 M 5 S`Steve
General: In 1984 __________ Kittinger Completes First Solo Balloon Crossing Of Atlantic`Joe
General: In 1984 Marvin __________ Shot To Death By His Father Marvin Gaye Sr In La`Gaye
General: In 1984 Prince _____ Charles Albert David Of Wales,3rd In British Succession, Born`Henry
General: In 1984 Prince Henry _______ Albert David Of Wales,3rd In British Succession, Born`Charles
General: In 1984 Prince Henry Charles Albert David Of _____,3rd In British Sucession, Born`Wales
General: In 1984 Prince Henry Charles Albert David Of Wales, ___ In British Succession, Born`3rd
General: In 1984 Prince Henry Charles ______ David Of Wales,3rd In British Succession, Born`Albert
General: In 1984 Steve __________ Runs Chicago Marathon In World Record 2 H 8 M 5 S`Jones
General: In 1984, The State Of New York Became The Last Of The United States To Put ___________ On Drivers' Licenses`Photographs
General: In 1984 Winston __________ In Orwell's '1984' Begins His Secret Diary`Smith
General: In 1985, As What Did 'People Magazine' Name Mel Gibson`Sexiest Man Of The Year
General: In 1985 Fbi Arrests John A __________ Jr, Convicted Of Spying For Ussr`Walker
General: In 1985 India Files Suit Against _____ _______ Over Bhopal Disaster`Union Carbide
General: In 1985 India Files Suit Against Union Carbide Over ______ Disaster`Bhopal
General: In 1986, A Guard In An Armored Car Was Killed When $50,000 Worth Of ________ Fell On Him`Quarters
General: In 1986, A Guard In An Armoured Car Was Killed When $50,000 Worth Of ________ Fell On Him`Quarters
General: In 1986, A _____ In An Armoured Car Was Killed When $50,000 Worth Of Quarters Fell On Him`Guard
General: In 1986 Andrei Tarkovski, Russian ---------- (Stalker), dies at 54`director
General: In 1986 Dodge __________ Sailed Solo Nonstop Around The World In 150 Days`Morgan
General: In 1986 Halley's Comet Makes Closest Approach To __________ This Trip,63 M Km`Earth
General: In 1986 Jean-Claude 'Papa Doc' __________ Is Forced To Leave Haiti`Duvalier
General: In 1986 Philippines President Ferdinand E. __________ Flees In Defeat, Takes Up Residence In Hawaii With Wife Imelda`Marcos
General: In 1986 Pope John Paul Ii Met Rome's Chief Rabbi __________ At Rome Synagogue`Elio Toaff
General: In 1986 Pope John Paul Ii Met Rome's Chief Rabbi Elio Toaff At __________ Synagogue`Rome
General: In 1986 Pope __________ Met Rome's Chief Rabbi Elio Toaff At Rome Synagogue`John Paul Ii
General: In 1986 Record 23,000 Start In A Marathon (__________ )`Mexico City
General: In 1986 Record __________ Start In A Marathon (Mexico City)`23,000
General: In 1986 This Punker Covered Tommy James' 'Mony Mony'`Billy Idol
General: In 1986 Tommy Lee Drummer Of __________ Marries Heather Locklear`Motley Crue
General: In 1986 ---------- Tutu installed to lead south African Anglican Church`desmond
General: In 1986 (Usa) Rutan And Yeager Make First Around-The-World Flight Without`Refueling
General: In 1986 Ussr Frees Dissident Andrei __________ From Internal Exile`Sakharov
General: In 1987 18-Month-Old _______ _______ Is Rescued 58 Hours After She Fell 22 Feet Into A Well Shaft In Midland, Texas`Jessica Mcclure
General: In 1987 18-Month-Old Jessica Mcclure Is Rescued 58 Hours After She Fell 22 Feet Into A Well Shaft In Midland,`Texas
General: In 1987 18-Month-Old Jessica Mcclure Is Rescued 58 Hours After She Fell __ Feet Into A Well Shaft In Midland, Texas`Twenty Two
General: In 1987 18-Month-Old Jessica Mcclure Is Rescued __ Hours After She Fell 22 Feet Into A Well Shaft In Midland, Texas`Fifty Eight`58
General: In 1987 1st Military Use Of Trained __________ (Us Navy In Persian Gulf)`Dolphins
General: In 1987 200,000 Gays March For Civil Rights In`Washington
General: In 1987 Fox TV network premiers showing ---------- & Tracey Ullman`married with children
General: In 1987 __________ Gays March For Civil Rights In Washington`200,000
General: In 1987 __________ -Kph Winds Cause Blackout In London, Much Of Southern England`175
General: In 1987 This Band Asked You To 'Pour Some Sugar On Me'`Def Leppard
General: In 1987 _____ _____ Voters Overwhelmingly Approved A New Constitution`South Korean
General: In 1988 Britain Bans Broadcast Interviews With __________ Members`Ira
General: in 1988 larry flynt paid hitman $1m to kill hefner, ---------- and sinatra`guccione
General: In 1988 Us-Soviet Effort Free 2 Grey Whales From Frozen`Arctic
General: In 1989 33 Years After Soviet Tanks Crushed The Prague Spring, __________ Declares Itself A Republic`Hungary
General: In 1989 East Germans Begin Their Flight To The West (Via __________ And Czech)`Hungary
General: In 1989 East Germans Begin Their Flight To The West (Via Hungary And __________ )`Czech Republic
General: In 1989 East Germany Drops The __________ Monopoly From Its Constitution`Communist
General: In 1989 Ferdinand __________ Deposed President Of Philippines, Dies`Marcos
General: In 1989 Funeral For Japan's Emperor __________ Costs His Government $80-Billion Dollars, Attracts All Major World Leaders`Hirohito
General: In 1989 Gilda __________ Comedienne (Sat Night Live), Dies At 42 Of Cancer`Radner
General: In 1989 Graham Chapman, Member Of The Monty Python Team, Dies From`Cancer
General: In 1989 Graham__________, Member Of The Monty Python Team, Dies From Cancer`Chapman
General: In 1989 __________ Is Hit By An Earthquake (Richter 6.9) At 5: 05 P.M. Over 1/2 Mile Of The Upper Deck Of The Nimitz Freeway Collapses Crushing Hundreds Of Cars. When It Was Over,62 People Had Died And $6 Billion In Damage Had Occured`San Francisco
General: In 1989 __________ Marcos Deposed President Of Philippines, Dies`Ferdinand
General: In 1989 Michael Bolton Won A Grammy With This Song That Asked A Question`How Am I Supposed To Live Without You
General: In 1989 Republic Day In __________ Leone`Sierra
General: In 1989 Solidarity Grants __________ Status In Poland`Legal
General: In 1989 Ussr Pres Mikhail S __________ Meets Pope John Paul Ii At The Vatican`Gorbachev
General: In 1989 __________ Years After Soviet Tanks Crushed The Prague Spring, Hungary Declares Itself A Republic`Thirty Three
General: In 1990 19 year old Pete Sampras beats Andre ---------- to win the US Open`agassi
General: in 1990 1st parlimentary election in newly reunified`germany
General: In 1990 3 Members Of 2 Live Crew Acquitted On Obsenity Charges In`Florida
General: In 1990 __________ Accepts Bush's Offer For Talks`Iraq
General: In 1990 __________ Agrees To Resume Dimplomatic Ties With Iraq`Iran
General: In 1990 __________ And Saudi Arabia Restore Diplomatic Ties`Soviet Union
General: In 1990 British And __________ Workers Meet In English Channel's Tunnel (Chunnel)`French
General: In 1990 Bush And Gorbachev Meet In ________ And Urge Iraq To Leave Kuwait`Helsinki
General: In 1990 Bush And Gorbachev Meet In Helsinki And Urge Iraq To Leave`Kuwait
General: In 1990 Bush And Gorbachev Meet In Helsinki And Urge ____ To Leave Kuwait`Iraq
General: In 1990 Cincinnati Jury Acquits Art Gallery Of Obsentity (__________ Photos)`Mappelthorpe
General: In 1990 Ellis Island Historical Site Opens On__________, Nyc`Ellis Island
General: In 1990 France Announce It Will Send 4,000 Troops To The __________ Gulf`Persian
General: In 1990 Gloria __________ Released From The Hospital After Her Accident`Estefan
General: in 1990 hard rock cafe opens in las vegas`nevada
General: In 1990 Hard Rock Cafe Opens In __________ Nevada`Las Vegas
General: In 1990 Iran Agrees To Resume Dimplomatic Ties With`Iraq
General: In 1990 Iraqi Pres __________ Hussein Urges Arabs To Rise Against The West`Saddam
General: In 1990 Iraqi Pres Saddam __________ Urges Arabs To Rise Against The West`Hussein
General: In 1990 Jazz Drummer Art __________ Dies`Blakey
General: In 1990 Jazz Drummer __________ Blakey Dies`Art
General: In 1990 __________ Jury Acquits Art Gallery Of Obsentity (Mappelthorpe Photos)`Cincinnati
General: In 1990 __________ Kanyon Doe President Of Liberia, Assassinated`Samuel
General: In 1990 Lithauania, Estonia And __________ Hold Their 1st Joint Session`Latvia
General: In 1990 Marvin ____ Gets A Star On Hollywood's Walk Of Fame`Gaye
General: In 1990 Nora Dunn And __________ O'connor Boycott Saturday Night Live To Protest Andrew 'Dice' Clay's Hosting`Sinead
General: In 1990 Rocky __________ Boxer, Dies At 71, Of Heart Failure`Graziano
General: In 1990 Saddam Threatens To Hit __________ With A New Missile`Israel
General: In 1990 Samuel __________ Doe President Of Liberia, Assassinated`Kanyon
General: In 1990 Samuel Kanyon __________ President Of Liberia, Assassinated`Doe
General: In 1990 Soviet Union And __________ Restore Diplomatic Ties`Saudi Arabia
General: In 1990, The Children's Classic _______________ Was Pulled From The Optional Reading Lists For 5th- And 6th-Graders In Clay County, Florida, Because The Book Reportedly Used Objectionable Language`My Friend Flicka
General: In 1990, There Were About __, ___ Vacuum Cleaner Related Accidents In The U.S`15,000
General: In 1990 __________ Threatens To Hit Israel With A New Missile`Saddam
General: In 1990 'Twin Peaks' With Peggy __________ Premiers On Abc-Tv`Lipton
General: In 1991 California University Makes The __________ Public`Dead Sea Scrolls
General: In 1991 ---------- Capra director (It's a Wonderful Life), dies at 94`frank
General: In 1991 Elizabeth __________ Weds For The 8th Time (Larry Fortensky)`Taylor
General: In 1991, How Many Days Did The 'Persian Gulf War' Last`42
General: In 1991 Inaugural __________ Awareness Day`Aids
General: In 1991 Mikhail __________ Resigns As Head Of The Soviet Union`Gorbachev
General: In 1991 Monica __________ Wins The U.S. Open`Seles
General: In 1991 Rajiv ---------- Indian Prime Minster, assassinated`gandhi
General: In 1991 This Canadian Band 'Rolled The Bones'`Rush
General: In 1991 Ukranian people vote for`independence
General: In 1991 Un Security Council Issues Formal Cease Fire With __________ Declaration`Iraq
General: In 1991 __________ Votes On Whether To Remain In The Soviet Union`Armenia
General: In 1992 This Group Combined Hip Hop With Blues Sensibility On 'Three Years Five Months And Two Days In The Life Of...'`Arrested Development
General: In 1993 President Bush And __________ Sign Historic Nuclear Arms Reduction Treaty`Yeltsin
General: in 1993 which performer asked to be known by a symbol rather than a name`prince
General: In 1995, A Nasa Employee Bought Six Of These At Wal-Mart To Protect The Space Shuttle From Woodpeckers`Plastic Owls
General: In 1995 Barings Bank Disaster. Nick __________ Loses Billions Of Pounds Sterling In Offshore Investments, Ruining Barings Bank`Leeson
General: In 1995 Oj __________ Acquitted For Double Murder Of His Ex-Wife Nicole Brown Simpson And Ronald Goldman`Simpson
General: In 1995 Oj Simpson Acquitted For Double Murder Of His Ex-Wife ______ _____ _______ And Ronald Goldman`Nicole Brown Simpson
General: In 1995 Oj Simpson Acquitted For Double Murder Of His Ex-Wife Nicole Brown Simpson And ______`Ronald Goldman
General: In 1995, One High-Tech Company Had The Greatest Percent Gain Of All Nasdaq High-Tech Stocks. Was It`Iomega
General: In 1995 What Colour M&M Was Substituted For Tan`Blue
General: In 1995 What Were The Men Of Pilsen Asked To Donate In Exchange For Half A Litre Of The City's Best Know Brew`Blood
General: In 1996, Americans Bought Only 12 Inches Of _______ _____ Per Capita`Dental Floss
General: In 1996 He Was The Named By People Magazine As 'The Sexiest Man Of The Year'`Brad Pitt
General: In 1997, Worldwide Sales Of Fragrance Topped $________________, More Than $6 Billion In The United States Alone`Fifteen Billion
General: In 1997, Worldwide Sales Of _________ Topped $15 Billion, More Than $6 Billion In The United States Alone`Fragrance
General: In 1998, On May 14 What Show Aired Its Last Episode`Seinfeld
General: In 1998, What Country Turned 50`Israel
General: In 1999 Control Of __________ Canal Reverts To Panama`Panama
General: In 217 __________ [Marcus Aureiius Antoniius], Roman Emperor, Dies`Caracalla
General: In 2348 B.C. Noah's Ark Grounded, Mt __________ (Calculated Date)`Ararat
General: In 254 St __________ Begins His Reign As Catholic Pope`Stephen I
General: In 295 8th Recorded __________ Passage Of Halley's Comet`Perihelion
General: In 30 Scholars' Calculate This As The Date That Jesus Of Nazareth Was Crucified By __________ Troops In Jerusalem`Roman
General: In 330 __________ (Later Istanbul) Founded`Constantinople
General: In 331 Bc Alexander Of _______ Defeats Persian Army At Gaugamela`Macedon
General: In 331 Bc Alexander Of Macedon Defeats _______ Army At Gaugamela`Persian
General: In 331 Bc Alexander Of Macedon Defeats Persian Army At`Gaugamela
General: In 331 Bc __________ Of Macedon Defeats Persian Army At Gaugamela`Alexander
General: In 43bc The Roman Politician, __________, Is Slain`Cicero
General: In 484 Bc__________, Ancient Greek Playwright (Trojan Women) (Or 480 Bc), Born`Euripides
General: In 484 Bc Euripides, Ancient __________ Playwright (Trojan Women) (Or 480 Bc), Born`Greek
General: In 490 B.C. Athenians Defeat Second __________ Invasion Of Greece At Marathon`Persian
General: In 490 B.C. Athenians Defeat Second Persian Invasion Of __________ At Marathon`Greece
General: In 490 B.C. Athenians Defeat Second Persian Invasion Of Greece At`Marathon
General: In 490 B.C. __________ Defeat Second Persian Invasion Of Greece At Marathon`Athenians
General: In 490 Bc Phidippides Runs First Marathon, To Announce The Victory Of Sparta Over`Persia
General: In 490 Bc __________ Runs First Marathon, To Announce The Victory Of Sparta Over Persia`Phidippides
General: In 526 Earthquake Kills __________ In Antioch, Syria`250,000
General: In 529 A.D. What Became The Capital Of Bavaria`Ratisban
General: In 535 St __________ I Begins His Reign As Catholic Pope`Agapitus
General: In 539 Bc Babylon Falls To __________ The Great Of Persia`Cyrus
General: In 539 Bc __________ Falls To Cyrus The Great Of Persia`Babylon
General: In 54 __________ Roman Emperor, Dies`Claudius
General: In 563 B.C. Gautama __________ (As Celebrated In Japan-Kambutsue), Born`Buddha
General: In 585 B.C. 1st Known Prediction Of A`Solar Eclipse
General: In 590 St __________ Begins His Reign As Catholic Pope`Gregory I
General: In 602 A.D.Byzantine Emperor Maurice Was Killed By His Successor. Name Him`Phocashas
General: In 625 B.C., Metal Coins Were Introduced In ________. They Replaced Grain - Usually Barley - As The Medium Of Exchange. Stamped With A Likeness Of An Ear Of Wheat, The New Coins Were Lighter And Easier To Transport Than Grain, And Did Not Get Moldy`Greece
General: In 63 Bc __________ (Augustus Caesar), First Roman Emperor, Born`Octavian
General: In 63 Bc Octavian (__________ Caesar), First Roman Emperor, Born`Augustus
General: In 672 __________ Begins His Reign As Catholic Pope`Deusdedit Iii
General: In 678 __________ Ends His Reign As Catholic Pope`Donus
General: In 701 St __________ Ends His Reign As Catholic Pope`Sergius I
General: In 742__________, Emperor (Holy Roman Empire), Born`Charlemagne
General: In 753 -Bc- Traditional Date Of The Foundation Of`Rome
General: In 800 Ad This Frankish King Was Crowned Emperor. Name Him`Charlemagne
General: In 800 (Gaul) Charlmange Crowned`Emperor
General: In 896 __________ Ends His Reign As Catholic Pope`Formosus
General: In 901 King __________ The Great, Dies`Alfred
General: In 982 Eric The Red Discovered`Greenland
General: In A Bar In Which European Country Might You Be Served 'Tapas'`Spain
General: In A Church A Galilee`Porch
General: In a church what is a galilee`porch
General: In A Deck Of Cards, Which King Is The Only King Without A Moustache`King Of Hearts
General: In A Deck Of Playing Cards, Which Suit Of King Is The Only One Without A Moustache`Hearts
General: In A Famous Opera, Siegfried Understood The Speech Of Birds After Tasting`Dragon's Blood
General: In Afghanistan, Pathans (Or Pushtuns) Are The Majority. The Largest Minority Is`Tajiks
General: In _______, Africa, It's Been Decreed Illegal To Carry Old Chewing Gum Stuck On The Tip Of Your Nose`Somalia
General: In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida Was Iron Butterfly's Mangled Pronuncation Of This Phrase`In The Garden Of Eden
General: in a game of cricket, what does lbw stand for`leg before wicket
General: In A Good Year, This Country Produces One Third Of The World's Potatoes`Russia
General: In A Hospital, What Would The O And G Department Be`Obstetrics And Gynaecology
General: In _______, A Hunting License Is Required By Law To Hunt Rattlesnakes, But Not To Own Them As Pets`Arizona
General: in aladdin, if the genie could have one wish what would he wish for`his freedom
General: In Alaska It Is Illegal To Look At What Kind Of Animal From The Window Of An Airplane Or Any Other Flying Vehicle`Moose
General: In Alaska It Is Illegal To Shoot At A __________ From The Window Of An Aeroplane Or Other Flying Vehicle`Moose
General: In Alaska, It Is Illegal To Shoot At A _____ From The Window Of An Airplane Or Any Other Flying Vehicle`Moose
General: In __________, A Law Created In 1925 Makes It Illegal To Wiggle While Dancing`California
General: In Alice In Wonderland, What Were Used For Balls In The Croquet Game`Hedgehogs
General: In A Lifetime, We Replace Our Skin Approximately __________ Times`One Thousand
General: In Alphabet Radio Code, What Word Is Associated With 'F'`Foxtrot
General: in alphabet radio code, what word is used for 'c'`charlie
General: in alphabet radio code, what word is used for 'e'`echo
General: In An Alphabetical List Of Countries In The World, What Middle Eastern Country Comes Between Portugal And Romania`Qatar
General: In An Atom, The Electron Weighs 1/2000 Th Of The Weight Of The`Proton
General: In An Average Lifetime, The Average American Charges $120,875 On`Credit Cards
General: In An Average Lifetime, The Average American Eats 8,389`Hamburgers
General: In An Average Lifetime, The Average American Eats 84,775`Crackers
General: In Ancient Cambodia, It Was Illegal To Insult A ____`Rice Plant
General: In Ancient Egypt, Killing A __________ Was A Crime Punishable By Death`Cat
General: In Ancient Egypt, Priests _______ Every Hair From Their Bodies, Including Their Eyebrows And Eyelashes`Plucked
General: In Ancient Egypt, The __________ Was Called The Egg Of The Sun`Apricot
General: In Ancient Egypt, They Paid Their Taxes In`Honey
General: In Ancient Egypt, When A Woman's Husband Was Convicted Of A Crime, She And Her Children Were Punished As Well. They Were Usually`Enslaved
General: In ancient Egypt which animal was considered sacred`cat
General: In Ancient Germany, 'Heidenwerfen' Was The Popular Sport Bowling. Heidenwerfen Means '______ ____ ___ ________.'`Strike Down The Heathens
General: In Ancient Germany, 'Heidenwerfen' Was The Popular Sport _______. Heidenwerfen Means 'Strike Down The Heathens.'`Bowling
General: In Ancient Greece And Rome, _____ Were Made Out Of Animal Horns, Gold, Silver, Ivory And Glass`Dildos
General: In Ancient Greece A Woman Was Deflowered Before Getting Married By Getting Her Hymen Pierced _____ _____. [2 Words]`Stone Penis
General: In Ancient Greece, Tossing An ____ To A Girl Was A Traditional Proposal Of Marriage. Catching It Meant She Accepted`Apple
General: In Ancient Greece, What Was A Myriad`Groups Of Numbers Over 10,000
General: In Ancient Greece, Women Would Expose Their _____ To Ward Off Storms At Sea`Vaginas
General: In Ancient Greece, __________ Wore Sandals With Nails Studded Into The Sole So That Their Footprints Would Leave The Message 'Follow Me.'`Courtesans
General: In Ancient Greece, Young Aristocratic Women Were Deflowered By Having Their Hymen Pierced By A Stone ____ Before Marrying`Penis
General: In Ancient Greek, 'Eureka' Means`I Found It
General: In Ancient ____, It Was Considered A Sin To Eat The Flesh Of A Woodpecker`Rome
General: In Ancient ________, It Was Illegal To Insult A Rice Plant`Cambodia
General: In Ancient__________, Killing A Cat Was A Crime Punishable By Death`Egypt
General: In Ancient ______, People Committed Suicide By Eating A Pound Of Salt`China
General: In Ancient Rome, It Was Considered A Sign Of Leadership To Be Born With A Crooked`Nose
General: In Ancient Rome, It Was Considered A Sin To Eat The Flesh Of What Bird`Woodpecker
General: In Ancient ______, The Crimes For Abduction, Armed Robbery, Treason, And Adultery Were Punished By Castration`China
General: In Ancient Times, The Entire Population Of Moscow Was Contained Within What Structure`The Kremlin
General: In Ancient Times, Which Country Was Ruled By The Moguls`India
General: In ______ And Belgium, Snapping The Fingers Of Both Hands Has A Vulgar Meaning`France
General: In An Episode Of The 1914 Serial 'The Perils Of Pauline'a Baby Was Thrown From A Train Only To Be Caught By Pearl White. What Future Comedian Played The Baby`Milton Berle
General: In A Neuron, An Insulating Coat Of Cell Membrane From Schwann Cells That Is Interrupted By Nodes Of Ranvier Where Saltatory Conduction Occurs`Myelin Sheath
General: In Any Given Week, An Average Of 2.3 Million Americans Are On ____`Paid Vacation
General: In A Pack Of Cards How Many Jacks Eyes Can Be Seen`Twelve
General: In a period of 400 years how many times does the 1st of January fall on a Sunday`58
General: In Apple Pips`Cyanide
General: In A Recent 5-Year Period, 24 Residents Of _____ Died While Bowing To Other People`Tokyo
General: In A Recent 5-Year Period, 24 Residents Of Tokyo Died While ______ __ _____`Bowing To Other People
General: In ____, A Recently Passed Anticrime Law Requires Criminals To Give Their Victims 24 Hours Notice, Either Orally Or In Writing, And To Explain The Nature Of The Crime To Be Committed`Texas
General: In Aretha Franklin's Song Respect, She Asks Her Man To T.C.B, What Is T.C.B. Slang For`Take Care Of Business
General: In Argentina, It Is Rumored That Eating ____ Is Good For Your Health And Stimulates Sexual Potency`Cats
General: In Arizona, A Hunting License Is Required By Law To Hunt ____________, But Not To Own Them As Pets`Rattlesnakes
General: In Art, A Form Of Watercolour That Uses Opaque Pigments Rather Than The Usual Transparent Watercolour Pigments`Gouache
General: In art, what name is given to a quick sketch for a larger painting`cartoon
General: In A Single Production Shift, How Many Miles Of String Are Used On Boxes Of Nabisco Animal Crackers`30
General: In Assuming (X, Y, Z) What Does Y = In (52,5,2)`5
General: In A Standard 747 Jumbo Jet, How Many Seats Are There`420
General: In Atlanta, Georgia, It Is Illegal To Tie A Giraffe To A _________ ____ Or Street Lamp`Telephone Pole
General: In Atlanta, Georgia, It Is Illegal To Tie A _______ To A Telephone Pole Or Street Lamp`Giraffe
General: In Atlanta, Georgia It Is Illegal To Tie What Kind Of Animal To A Telephone Pole Or Street Lamp`Giraffe
General: In Atlanta, Georgia, It Is Illegal To Tie What To A Telephone Pole Or Street Lamp`Giraffe
General: In A Tv Interview, George W. Bush Was Unable To Name Leaders Of Pakistan, India, Chechnya And Which Other Country (In Asia)`Taiwan
General: In August,1890, Small Yellowish Spheres, White In The Center, Fell On A Three Square Mile Area Around Mardin And Diyarbakir, Turkey. What Did The Residents Do With This Substance`Made Bread Out Of It
General: In August 1945 Atomic Bombs Were Dropped On Which Two Cities`Hiroshima And Nagasaki
General: In A Uniform Gravitational Field, The Center Of Gravity Is Also A`Center Of Mass
General: In _______, A Witchcraft Act Of The Early 1700s Identified Black Cats As Dangerous Animals To Be Shunned`England
General: In ________, A Woman May Not Buy A Hat Without Her Husband's Permission`Kentucky
General: In A Year, The Average Person Walks Four Miles Making His Or Her`Bed
General: In badminton, how many points win a mens singles game`fifteen
General: In Ballet, How Many Positions Are There For The Hands And Feet`Five
General: In Baltimore Usa It Is Illegal To Wash Or Scrub A _____ Regardless Of How Dirty It Is`Sink
General: In Belgium, There Is A Museum That Is Just For`Strawberries
General: In Belgium, There Is A ______ That Is Just For Strawberries`Museum
General: In ____, Birds Have The Right Of Way On Any Public Highway`Utah
General: __________ In Bolivia Is So High Above Sea Level That There Is Barely Enough Oxygen In The Air To Support A Fire`La Paz
General: in botany what is the name of a tissue that forms at a damaged plant surface`callus
General: In boxing, which weight is between fly and feather`bantamweight
General: In Bozeman, Montana, You Can't Perform Any _____ ____ In The Front Yard Of Any Home, After Sundown, And If You Are Nude`Sexual Acts
General: In Breton, Alabama, There Is A Law On The Town's Books Against Riding Down The Street In A`Motorboat
General: In Britain, The Law Was Changed In 1789 To Make The Method Of Execution`Hanging
General: In Britain, The Slang Term For This Little Green Piece Of Fun Is 'Bogey'`Booger
General: in british monopoly sets, the most expensive property (mayfair) is not a street, but a district of little streets near`hyde park
General: In Brooklyn, N.Y., It's Illegal To Let A Dog Sleep In Your`Bathtub
General: In Bulgaria, Bulgarians Are The Major Ethnic Group. Second Is`Turks
General: In California, A Law Created In 1925 Makes It Illegal To ______ While Dancing`Wiggle
General: In Canada, If A Debt Is Higher Than 25 Cents, It Is Illegal To Pay It With`Pennies
General: In Canada, If A Debt Owed Is More Than 25 Cents, It Is Illegal To Pay Off The Debt With These`Pennies
General: In Cb Lingo What Does 10-20 Mean`Location
General: In Certain Parts Of __________ And Ancient China, Mouse Meat Was Considered A Delicacy`India
General: In Certain Parts Of India And Ancient China, __________ Meat Was Considered A Delicacy`Mouse
General: In Certain Parts Of India And Ancient__________, Mouse Meat Was Considered A Delicacy`China
General: in charade, audrey hepburn says [this] is what is wrong with cary grant. what`nothing
General: In China During ___ ____ ___People Go To Their Ancestors Tombs And Clean Them Up As A Show Of Respect`Tomb Sweeping Day
General: In China There Are 600 Bicycles For _____`Every Car
General: In China There Are 600 ________ For Every Car`Bicycles
General: In China why were kites flown on the ninth day of every month`to banish evil
General: In Christian Churches, The Universal Rite Of Initiation, Performed With Water`Baptism
General: In__________, Christmas Is Celebrated With Fireworks`Brazil
General: In Cleveland, Ohio It Is Illegal To Catch __________ Without A Hunting License`Mice
General: Including Territorial Waters, Which Is The Largest Country In The Eu`Ireland
General: In Colonial America, _______ Was Acceptable Legal Tender In Several Southern Colonies, And In Virginia, Taxes Were Paid In It`Tobacco
General: In Colonial Times, At Night While With Her Fiance, The Girl's Legs Might Be Tied Together To Prevent Intercourse, A Practice Known As`Bundling
General: In Construction What Does Opc Stand For`Ordinary Portland Cement
General: In cooking, which meat is used in the stew a Navarin`lamb or mutton
General: _______ Incorporated The Tune Of 'God Save The King' Into His 'Battle' Symphony`Beethoven
General: In Corpus Christie, ___, It Is Illegal To Raise Alligators In Your Home`Texas
General: In _______ ______, Courtesans Wore Sandals With Nails Studded Into The Sole So That Their Footprints Would Leave The Message 'Follow Me.'`Ancient Greece
General: Increased Production Of What Building Material About 1600 Was Largely Responsible For Denuding England Of Trees`Glass
General: In December 1997, The State Of Nevada (Usa) Became The First State To Pass Legislation Categorizing ___ Data Disasters As 'Acts Of God' - Protecting The State From Lawsuits That May Potentially Be Brought Against It By Residents In The Year 2000`Y2k
General: In Degrees F, The Flash Point Of Paper`451
General: In Denmark, Doing This To A Flat Rock Is Called 'Smutting'`Skipping
General: independent films: 1996 film based on a vonnegut novel about an american spy in nazi germany`mother night
General: independent films: kevin smith's new jersey trilogy consists of clerks, mallrats, &`chasing amy
General: Indiana Is Known As`Hoosier State
General: Indiana Jones Main Weapon`His Whip
General: indiana jones: name the first challenge`breath of god
General: indiana jones: what actor portrays the adult indiana jones`harrison ford
General: Indiana Jones: What Did Drinking From The Grail 'Grant'`Immortality
General: indiana jones: what possession does indy never quite lose`hat
General: Indians Eat Using Which Hand`Right
General: Indian Song With Improvised Usually Topical Words`Calypso
General: Indians Where Is Sand Creek`Colorado
General: Individual Bananas Are Called`Fingers
General: in don mclean's american pie he said the day this artist died was the day the music died`buddy holly
General: In ___ ________, Drunk Drivers Can Be Punished By Death Before A Firing Squad`San Salvador
General: In Earth Terms , How Long Is Pluto's Year`247 Years,255 Days
General: in economy what does gnp stand for`gross national product
General: In Einstein's Famous Equation E=Mc², What Does The C Stand For`The Speed Of Light
General: in engineering, the measurement or control of equipment by fluid jet devices`fluidics
General: In England, A __________ ___ Of The Early 1700s Identified Black Cats As Dangerous Animals To Be Shunned`Witchcraft Act
General: In England, A Witchcraft Act Of The Early 1700s Identified _____ ____ As Dangerous Animals To Be Shunned`Black Cats
General: In England, A Witchcraft Act Of The Early 1700s Identified Black Cats As _________ _______ __ __`Dangerous Animals To Be Shunned
General: In England In 1571, A Man Could Be Fined For Not Wearing A ____`Wool Cap
General: In England, In The 1880's, '___' Was Considered A Dirty Word`Pants
General: In England, Murder Is Murder. There Are No _______ __ ______, As In The United States`Degrees Of Murder
General: In England, The Collegiate Church Of St Peter Is Better Known As`Westminster Abbey
General: In England, The Speaker Of The House Is Not Allowed To`Speak
General: In English, __________ Is The Only Digit That Has The Same Number Of Letters As Its Value`Four
General: In Every Hour That One Listens To The Radio In The United States, One Hears Approximately 11,000 ______`Spoken Words
General: Inexpensive Labor In India Has Made It Possible To Take Industrial Grade Diamonds And Produce Gem-Quality One, Known As ____ Grade`Fancy
General: In Fairbanks, Alaska, It's Illegal To Feed A ____ Any Alcoholic Beverage`Moose
General: infantile paralysis is commonly known as`polio
General: In February 2000, Which Country Was Devastated By Massive Floods`Mozambique
General: In Finland, The Finns Are The Majority. The Largest Minority Is`Swedes
General: In Florida, It Is Against The Law To Put ____ On A School Bus`Livestock
General: In Florida It Is Illegal For Single, Divorced, Or Widowed Women To Parachute On _______ Afternoons`Sunday
General: In Florida, Women May Be Fined For Falling Asleep Under A ____ _____, As Can The Salon Owner`Hair Dryer
General: In Florida, Women May Be Fined For Falling Asleep Under A Hair Dryer, As Can The _____`Salon Owner
General: In Florida, Women May Be Fined For _______ ______ Under A Hair Dryer, As Can The Salon Owner`Falling Asleep
General: in folklore, supernatural, sea-dwelling creature with the head and upper body of a beautiful woman and the lower body of a fish`mermaid
General: Information From A Reliable Source Is Said To Come From Where`Horse's Mouth
General: In France And Belgium, ________ ___ _______ Of Both Hands Has A Vulgar Meaning`Snapping The Fingers
General: In France And Belgium, Snapping The Fingers Of Both Hands Has A ______`Vulgar Meaning
General: In France And _______, Snapping The Fingers Of Both Hands Has A Vulgar Meaning`Belgium
General: In France, There's A Place Called`Y
General: In France, What Are The Local Police Called`Gendarmerie Nationale
General: In From Russia With Love How Many Times Did Sean Connery Say 'Bond, James Bond'`None
General: In Gardening What Would You Use A 'Trug' For`Carrying Things
General: In George Orwell's Book 1984, What Was The Class Of Crime Called For Having Counter-Revolutionary Ideas About Big Brother`Thoughtcrime
General: In George Orwell's Book 1984, What Was The Daily Ritual Used To Brainwash The Masses, Using Hate Speech And Imagry Eminating From Their Telescreens`Two Minutes Hate
General: In Georgia, It Is Illegal For A Barber To _________ His Prices`Advertise
General: In Georgia, It Is Illegal For A ______ To Advertise His Prices`Barber
General: In golf, what is the woman's equivalent of the Ryder Cup`the solheim cup
General: In Gone In 60 Seconds, How Many Cars Need To Be Stolen`Fifty
General: In Gone In 60 Seconds, What Time Do The Cars Need To Be Delivered On Friday`8am
General: In Grease Two What Does Stephanie Want In A Boyfriend`A Cool Rider
General: in greek culture, brides carry a @@@@ @@ @@@@@ in their wedding glove`lump of sugar
General: in greek mythology, where did perseus kill his grandfather`larrisan games
General: In Greek mythology, which king made a statue of a woman which Aphrodite brought to life`pygmalion
General: ingrid bergman first won co-starring with charles boyer in what`gaslight
General: In Growing Pains, What Was Boners Dad's Name`Sylvester Stabone
General: In Gulliver's Travels, From What Did The Scientists Seek To Get Sunshine`Cucumbers
General: In Halloween, Michael Myers' Middle Name`Audrey
General: In His Play The Birds, What Name Did Aristophanes Give To The Birds' Kingdom In The Sky`Cloud Cuckoo Land
General: in hockey, what is the equivalent of a rugby scrum`face-off
General: In Holloween, Michael Meyers Wore A Halloween Mask Of What Famous Character`Captain Kirk Mask
General: In Honour If Johan ______, Inventor Of The Paper Clip, A 221/2 Paper Clip Was Erected In Oslo, Norway`Vaaler
General: In Honour If Johan Vaaler, Inventor Of The Paper Clip, A 221/2 Paper Clip Was Erected In ____, Norway`Oslo
General: In Horse Racing, A Length Is Measured From Nose To`Rump
General: In Horse Racing, The Maximum Age Of A Filly`Four Years
General: In Horse Racing, The Straight Opposite The One With The Finish Line`Backstretch
General: In Horse Racing, What Is The Gsb`General Stud Book
General: in how many men over the age of 60 will suffer from impotence`one in three
General: in how many shakespearean plays did ghosts appear`four
General: In How The Grinch Stole Christmas, The Grinch's Heart Was Originally Too Small. How Small Was It`Two Sizes Too Small`2 Sizes Too Small
General: In ______, If A Debt Is Higher Than 25 Cents, It Is Illegal To Pay It With Pennies`Canada
General: In _______, If One Is Drunk In A Mine, He Or She Could Land In Jail For Up To 1 Year`Wyoming
General: In Illinois, You May Be Arrested For ________ If You Do Not Have At Least One Dollar Bill On Your Person`Vagrancy
General: In Illinois, You May Be Arrested For Vagrancy If You Do Not Have At Least ___ ______ Bill On Your Person`One Dollar
General: In Illinois, You May Be ________ For Vagrancy If You Do Not Have At Least One Dollar Bill On Your Person`Arrested
General: In Independence Day, What Does Will Smith Yell As He Blasts Off In The Space Ship`I Gotta Get Me One Of These
General: In India, and also the British forces, what job does a Dhobi Wallah do`laundry
General: In Indiana, It Is Illegal To Make A Monkey Smoke A`Cigarette
General: In Iraq, The Arabs Are The Majority. The Largest Minority Is`Kurdish
General: In Irish Folklore What Is The Mischievous Elf, Often Believed To Have Treasure Hoard`Leprechaun
General: In Italianwhat Does The Word 'Sinistra' Mean`Left
General: In Italy In The 1540's What Was Considered The Best Way To Tell If A Suspect Was Really A Werewolf`Examine Their Insides
General: In Italy, It Is Illegal To Make __________ Out Of Anything Except Nutshells Or Wood`Coffins
General: In Italy, They Do Not Use Christmas Trees. They Decorate Small Pyramid Shaped Wooden Stands With`Fruit
General: In _____ ___ __ It Cost The Allies About $225,00 To Kill One Enemy Soldier`World War Ii
General: In ___ ______, It Is Against The Law To Ship Horned Toads Out Of The State`New Mexico
General: In ________, It Is Against The Law To Throw Eggs At A Public Speaker`Kentucky
General: In ____, It Is Forbidden To Imitate An Animal`Miami
General: In _______, It Is Illegal To Make A Monkey Smoke A Cigarette`Indiana
General: In ________, It Is Illegal To Sell Peanut Brittle On Sundays`Virginia
General: In _______, _______, It Is Illegal To Tie A Giraffe To A Telephone Pole Or Street Lamp`Atlanta, Georgia
General: In _____ ______, It Is Legal To Shoot An Indian On Horseback, Provided You Are In A Covered Wagon`North Dakota
General: In ____, It's Illegal For A Woman To Strip Off Her Clothing While Standing In Front Of A Man's Picture`Ohio
General: In ______, It's Illegal To Wear A Fake Mustache That Causes Laughter In Church`Alabama
General: In January 1987, Kron Tv In San Francisco Became The First Tv Station In America To Air A Commercial For These`Condoms
General: In Japan There Is A Deadly Martial Art, Called ___________, Based Solely On The Use Of A Fan`Tessenjutsu
General: In Japan, Where The 'R' Is Rarely Pronounced, The Ronald Mcdonald Clown Has Been Renamed`Donald
General: In Jasmine, Saskatchewan, It Is Illegal For A Cow To Moo Within __________ Km Of A Private Home`300
General: In Judo, which Dan is the highest in the grading of black belts`tenth`10
General: In July 1938, A World Record Speed Record For A Steam Locomotive Was Set At 126 Mph. What Was The Name Of The Locomotive`The Mallard
General: In July 1967 The Uss _________ In Effect Bombed Itself`Forrestal
General: In July 1992, Tim Taylor Married Which Member Of The Royal Family`Lady Helen Windsor
General: In Jumanji, A Stampede Is Released. The Slowest Animal`Rhinoceros
General: In Kentucky, A _____ May Not Buy A Hat Without Her Husband's Permission`Woman
General: In Kentucky, A Woman May Not Buy A Hat Without Her Husband's`Permission
General: In Kentucky, A Woman May Not Buy A Hat Without Her _______'_ Permission`Husband's
General: In Kentucky, A Woman May Not ___ _ ___ Without Her Husband's Permission`Buy A Hat
General: In Kentucky, It Is Against The ___ __ _____ ____ At A Public Speaker`Law To Throw Eggs
General: In Kentucky, It Is Illegal To Carry Ice-Cream In Your Back`Pocket
General: In Kentucky, It's Against The Law To Throw ____ At A Public Speaker`Eggs
General: In__________, Kids As Young As 15 Can Be Jailed For Cheating On Their Finals`Bangladesh
General: In Kilograms, How Much Does One Litre Of Water Weigh`One Kilogram
General: In Knight Rider, The Real Last Name Of Michael Knight`Long
General: In Knight Rider What Does K.I.T.T. Stand For`Knight Industries Two Thousand
General: In Korean, What Does Seoul Mean`Capital
General: In Late October In 1881 What Fell On Milwaukee, Green Bay, And Some Other Towns In Wisconsin`Spider Webs
General: In Law, A Formal Document Stating That A Person (Defendant) Is Notified To Appear In Court And Answer A Complaint Or Charge Brought Against Him Or Her By Another Party (Plaintiff)`Summons
General: In Lawn Bowls, Over How Many Ends Are Most Pairs Events Contested`Twenty One
General: In Law, The Criminal Offense Of Marrying While One Is Still A Partner In A Valid Earlier Marriage`Bigamy
General: In Leonardo Da Vinci's Famous Painting 'The Last Supper, ' A Salt Cellar Near _____ ________ Was Upset`Judas Iscariot
General: In Literature, What Was Long John Silver's Status When On Board Ship`The Cook
General: In living organisms, what do lysins destroy`cells
General: In Logic, The Form Of Reasoning By Which A Specific Conclusion Is Inferred From One Or More Premises`Deduction
General: in logic, what is the form of reasoning by which a specific conclusion is inferred from one or more premises`deduction
General: In London, England, It Is Illegal To Drive A Car Without _______ __ ___ _____`Sitting In The Front Seat
General: In London What Would You Find At 87-135 Brompton Road`Harrods
General: In Macedonia, Macedonians Are The Majority. The Largest Minority Is`Albanians
General: In Magnum Pi, What Kind Of Car Did Higgins Drive`Audi
General: In Magnum Pi, What Was The Name Of The Charter Service That Tc Ran`Island Hoppers
General: In Magnum Pi, What Was The Name Of The Club`The King Kamehameha
General: In March 1979, where did a major nuclear accident occur`three mile island
General: In Massachusetts, No _______ Is Allowed In The Back Seat Of Any Car`Gorilla
General: In May 1948, Mt Ruapehu And Mt__________, Both In New Zealand, Erupted Simultaneously`Ngauruhoe
General: In Medieval _____, It Was Not Unusual For A Mother To Breast-Feed A Child Until The Child Was 7 Years Old`China
General: In Medieval Spain Which City Was Noted For Its Quality Leather`Cordova
General: In Medieval Spain Which City Was Noted For Its Quality Steel`Toledo
General: In Medieval Times, What Was The Substance That Alchemists Claimed Would Turn Base Metals Into Gold`Philosophers Stone`Philosophers' Stone
General: In Miami, Florida, roosting vultures have taken to snatching ---------- from rooftop patios`poodles
General: In Miles How Far Is The Earth From The Sun`93 000 000
General: In Military Slang Which Word Means To Carry Heavy Equipment On Foot Over Difficult Terrain`Yomp
General: In Military Terms, The Opposite Of 'Advance'`Retreat
General: In money circles what does ERM mean`exchange rate mechanism
General: In Morse Code Three Dots Is What Letter`S
General: In Most Advertisements, Including Newspapers, The Time Displayed On A Watch Is __:`10: 10
General: In Most Advertisements, Including __________, The Time Displayed On A Watch Is 10: 10`Newspapers
General: In Most Places, It's Illegal To Mix Different ____________ Together`Insecticides
General: In Most Places, It's _______ To Mix Different Insecticides Together`Illegal
General: In musical notation which note is half a minim`crotchet
General: in music, instrumental introduction to an opera or other musical or nonmusical dramatic work`overture
General: in music, the art of extemporization or creating all or part of a composition at the moment of performance`improvisation
General: In Natoma, Kansas, It's Illegal To Throw Knives At Men Wearing _______`Striped Suits
General: In New Zealand, On Which Island Is Lake Taupo`North Island
General: In _____________, No Gorilla Is Allowed In The Back Seat Of Any Car`Massachusetts
General: In Norway You Might Travel By Boat Along A Narrow Inlet Of The Sea Between Steep Mountians. What Is The Name For Such An Inlet`Fjord
General: In October 1986, The U.S. Mint Issued What Type Of Coin For The First Time In More Than 50 Years`Gold
General: In October Of 1959, Chevrolet Introduced What Radical New Rear-Engine Compact Model`Corvair
General: In October Of 1962, Johnny Carson Succeeds Him On The Tonight Show`Jack Parr
General: In ___, One Must Have A License To Keep A Bear`Ohio
General: In Order, The Bible's Books Of Law Are: 1) _______, 2) Exodus, 3) Leviticus, 4) Numbers, And 5) Deuteronomy`Genesis
General: In Order, The Bible's Books Of Law Are: 1) Genesis, 2) Exodus, 3) _________, 4) Numbers, And 5) Deuteronomy`Leviticus
General: In Order, The Bible's Books Of Law Are: 1) Genesis, 2) Exodus, 3) Leviticus, 4) Numbers, And 5)`Deuteronomy
General: In Order To Get Clark Gable For The Role Of Rhett Butler In 'Gone With The Wind'producer David O. Selznick Agreed To Release The Picture Through Gable's Studio. What Was Gable's Studio`Mgm
General: In Order To Satisfy An Adults Daily Nutritional Requirements It Would Be Possible To Drink 1 Glass Of Orange Juice,2 Glasses Of Milk And How Many Pints Of Guinness`47
General: In Pacific Grove, California, It's A Misdemeanor To ____ _`Kill A Butterfly
General: In Pacific Grove, California, It's A ___________ To Kill A Butterfly`Misdemeanor
General: In Painting, A Maulstick`Stick To Steady The Hand
General: In Parasitic Fungi, A Nutrient-Absorbing Hyphal Tip That Penetrates The Tissues Of The Host But Remains Outside The Host Cell Membranes`Haustorium
General: In Photography, A System That Allows A Camera To Automatically Set The Correct Film Type`Dx Coding
General: in poker five cards of the same suit is called a(n)`flush
General: In Portugal, Ozone Is Used To Remove Spores And Dangerous Compounds From Which Widely Distributed Product Of Trees`Cork
General: In Pottery, Biscuit Ware`Pottery Fired But Not Glazed
General: In Pottery, Crackle`Tiny Cracks In The Glaze
General: In _______ _____, Priests Plucked Every Hair From Their Bodies, Including Their Eyebrows And Eyelashes`Ancient Egypt
General: In Pulp Fiction, Samuel L Jackson Quotes Repeatedly From The Bible, _____ 25: 17 (The Path Of The Righteous Man...)`Ezekial
General: In Pulp Fiction, What Goes A Long Way'`Personality
General: in religion, the assumption of an earthly form by a god`incarnation
General: In Response To Islamic Theologist Al-Ghazali's 'The Incoherence Of The Philosophers', An Attack On Secular Philosophy, What Arabic Philosopher And Scientist Wrote 'The Incoherence Of 'The Incoherence'`Averroes
General: In Ripley, Ohio, What Family Of A Father And Seven Sons Put A Beacon Light In Their Window Everynight For Nearly 30 Years`The Rankins
General: In Romania, Romanians Are The Major Ethnic Group. Second Is`Hungarians
General: In Roman Numerals What Does The Letter M With A Bar Over It Stand For`One Million
General: In Rome, What Was The Cloaca Maxima`Main Sewer
General: In Rugby Which Players Form The Scrum`Forwards
General: in russia what is the chief administration of corrective labour camps also known as`gulag
General: In Sailing, A Warp`A Mooring Rope
General: In sailing, what is a warp`a mooring rope
General: _________ In San Francisco Is The Largest Chinese Community Outside Of Asia`Chinatown
General: In San Salvador, _____ _______ Can Be Punished By Death Before A Firing Squad`Drunk Drivers
General: In San Salvador, Drunk Drivers Can Be Punished By Death Before A ______`Firing Squad
General: In Santa Cruz, Bolivia, It Is _______ For A Man To Have Sex With A Woman And Her Daughter At The Same Time`Illegal
General: In Santa Cruz, Bolivia, It Is Illegal For A Man To Have Sex With A _____ And Her Daughter At The Same Time`Woman
General: In Santa Cruz, Bolivia, It Is Illegal For A Man To Have Sex With A Woman And Her ________ At The Same Time`Daughter
General: In Santa Cruz, _______, It Is Illegal For A Man To Have Sex With A Woman And Her Daughter At The Same Time`Bolivia
General: In Saudi Arabia, A Woman Reportedly May Divorce Her Husband If He Does Not Keep Her Supplied With`Coffee
General: In Save By The Bell, What Were Zack And Kelly Dressed Up As The Night They Broke Up`Romeo And Juliet
General: In Science, Which Term Refers To The Number Of Protons In The Nucleus Of An Atom`Atomic Number
General: Inscribed On The Tablet Held By The Statue Of Liberty`July 4,1776
General: In ________ __ _____'S Famous Painting 'The Last Supper,' A Salt Cellar Near Judas Iscariot Was Upset`Leonardo Da Vinci
General: In Shakespear's Hamlet, Which Herb Is Said To Be 'For Rememberance'`Rosemary
General: In Show Jumping, How Many Penalty Points Are Awarded If You Fall Off`Eight
General: In Showjumping, How Many Points Are Incurred For Knocking Down A Fence`Four
General: In Simon And Simon, What Unusual Thing Did Rick Live In`Boat
General: In Singapore, The Chinese Are The Major Ethnic Group. Which Is Number 2`Malay
General: In__________, Six Drops Make A Dash`Cooking
General: In Smithfield North Carolina A 12 Year Old Stole A Car And Then Led Police On A 30 Minute Chase At Speeds Over 120 Mph. When He Finally Crashed And A Cop Approached Him And Told Him He Was In Deep Trouble The Kid Replied With 'No I'm Not, I ___ __ ________ __.'`Had My Seatbelt On
General: In Somalia, Africa, It's Been Decreed Illegal To Carry Old _______ ___ Stuck On The Tip Of Your Nose`Chewing Gum
General: In Some Cultures, They Cut The Skin Of A Females ______ To The Bone After They Have Had 2 Children`Vagina
General: In Some Legends, Death (The Grim Reaper) Plays A Fiddle With How Many Strings`1
General: In Some Parts Of Thailand, The Organs Of ___ Are Used To Make Drum Tops`Dogs
General: In Some Parts Of The __________ _______, It Is Forbidden To Mention The Name Of Anyone Living`Philippine Islands
General: In Some Parts Of The Philippine Islands, It Is Forbidden To Mention The Name Of ______`Anyone Living
General: In Some Smaller Towns In The State Of Arizona, It Is Illegal To Wear`Suspenders
General: in speedway racing, how many laps of the track does a race consist of`four
General: In Standard Economic Equations, What Letter Represents Capital`K
General: In Star Trek, what colour was Mr Spock's blood`green
General: Instead Of What Does The Royal Family Use Rose Petals`Confetti
General: Institution For Young Offenders Having A Tough Quasi-Military Regime`Boot Camp
General: Instrument For Measuring Radio Activity`Geiger Counter
General: Instrument for measuring wind force`anemometer
General: Instrument With Windbag For Pumping Air Through Reeded Pipes`Bagpipes
General: insulin is produced in the`pancreas
General: In Switzerland, It Is Illegal To Do This After 10pm If You Live In An Apartment`Flush The Toilet
General: In Switzerland, There Are 4 Main Ethnic Groups, The German Speaking Being The Largest. Number Two Is`French
General: Integration Is Also Called This`Antidifferentiation
General: Intelligence Agency Political System In Which Total Power Is Vested In A Single Individual Or A Group Of Rulers`Absolutism
General: Intelligent People Have More ____ And Copper In Their Hair`Zinc
General: Intelligent People Have More Zinc And Copper Where`In Their Hair
General: Intelligent People Have More Zinc And ______ In Their Hair`Copper
General: In tennis, what name is given to a serve which cannot be returned`ace
General: Interestingly, Thirty-Two Percent Of _________ Are Baptist`Bahamians
General: Interestingly, Thirty-Two Percent Of Bahamians Are`Baptist
General: In Terms Of Area, Which Is The Largest City In Africa`Cairo
General: In Terms Of Population, Which Is The Largest City In Europe`Moscow, Russia
General: Interpol`International Criminal Police
General: Interpol Short For`International Criminal Police Commision
General: In Terry Pratchett's Discworld Series, Death Rides A Pale Horse. Its Name`Binky
General: In Texas, It Is Illegal To Put Graffiti On Someone Else's`Cow
General: In Thailand, It Is Illegal To Leave Your House If You Are Not Wearing What`Underwear
General: In Thailand, What Colour Does A Widow Wear To Mourn Her Husband's Death`Purple
General: In The 14th Century, A Plague Killed Up To One Third Of Europe's Population. What Was It Called`Black Death
General: In The 15th Century, In Which Ship Did John Cabot Sail To Canada`Matthew
General: In The 15th Century, What Was The War Between The Houses Of Lancaster And York`War Of The Roses
General: In The 1700s, European Women Achieved A Pale Complexion By Eating 'Complexion Wafers' Which Were Actually What Poison`Arsenic
General: In The 1700's, You Could Purchase Insurance Against Going To__________, In London, England`Hell
General: In the 17th century which country started taxing beards`russia
General: In The 1800's ___ Alger, A Former Unitarian Minister, Wrote 100+ Books For Boys Extolling Virtue And Hard Work`Horatio
General: In The 1830's, This Condiment Was Used As Medicine`Ketchup
General: In the 1855 Russian War, what were used to transport Torpedos`kites
General: in the 1932 movie scarface, what coin did george raft flip during the film`nickel
General: In The 1940's What Was The Chosen Cure For Homosexuality`Lobotomy`Frontal Lobotamy
General: In The 1960s, What Was The Name Of The Wolseley Version Of The Austin Mini`Hornet
General: in the 1977 commodores hit you were told shes mighty mighty just lettin it all hang out`brick house
General: In The 50's The Paragons Released The Doo-Wopper 'Tide Is High': 20 Years Later A Nyc-Based Group, ___, Redid It As An Mtv Video`Blondie
General: In The 9th Century Which City Had Several Thousand Bookstores`Baghdad
General: In The Abbreviation Vdu What Does The V Stand For`Visual
General: In The Acronym Basic For What Does The Letter B Stand`Beginners
General: In The Acronym Laser What Does The 'E' Represent`Emission
General: In The Acronym 'Laser' What Does The L Stand For`Light
General: In The Acronym Maser What Does The 'M' Represent`Microwave
General: In The Acronym Shape For What Does The Letter S Stand`Supreme
General: In The Addams Family, What Was Thing, The Disembodied Hand's Girlfriend's Name`Ladyfingers
General: In The Adult Human Body There Are __ Miles Of Nerves`46
General: In The Andes, __________ Is Often Measured By How Long It Takes To Smoke A Cigarette`Time
General: In The Andes, Time Is Often Measured By How Long It Takes To Smoke A`Cigarette
General: In The Arctic, The __________ Sometimes Appears To Be Square`Sun
General: In The Arctic, The Sun Sometimes Appears To Be`Square
General: In The Beginning Of 'The Nox', Jack Tries To Shoot Apophis With What`A Tranquilliser Gun`Tranq`Tranquilliser`Trank
General: In The Best French Restaurants The 'Stagaire' (Or Intern) Peels Potatoes, Cuts Carrots And Is Paid How Many Francs A Month`0
General: in the bible, corn means`grain
General: In the Bible, Goliath was the champion of which people or tribe`philistines
General: In the body, what is the CNS`central nervous system
General: In The Book The Cat In The Hat, What Colour Is The Cat's Hat`Red And White
General: In The British Army, Which Rank Is Immediately Above Colonel`Brigadier
General: In The British House Of Commons, What Must An Mp Do If He Or She Is Named By The Speaker`Leave The House
General: In The Caribbean, There Are __________ That Can Climb Trees`Oysters
General: In The Center Of Tibetan Prayer Flags Is An Image Of A Horse, Known As The 'Wind Horse'. What Is The Tibetan Word For This Image`Lung Ta
General: In ______, The Colour Of Mourning Is Violet. In Most Muslim Countries And In China, It Is White`Turkey
General: In The Country Of _____, It's Good Manners To Stick Out Your Tongue At Your Guests`Tibet
General: In The Country Of Tibet, It's Good Manners To Stick Out Your ______ At Your Guests`Tongue
General: In The Credits Of The Show What Glassner / Wright Company Has A Credit With A Lamp And A Folder`Double Secret Productions
General: In The Days Of Ships Sailing The Ocean Blue, An Albatross Flying Around A Ship In Mid-Ocean Was An Omen Of What`Wind And Bad Weather
General: In The Dice Game 'Craps', A Throw Of Double One Called`Snakeeye
General: In The Dick And Jane Childrens Reading Books, The Dog's Name Was Spot. What Was The Cat's Name`Puff
General: In The Dolomites You Can See What Famous 'Pass' To Austria`Brenner Pass
General: In The Early 60's, Fidel Castro Began Sendinb Ack The Lease Checks To Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, And Cut Off The Base's ____ Supply`Water
General: In The Early Nineties, This Groups 'Everybody Have Fun Tonight' Hit Number Two On The Charts`Wang Chung
General: In The Early Sixties He Had 5 Top 10 Hits In A Row One Of Which Was 'Take Good Care Of My Baby'`Bobby Vee
General: in the early twentieth century, rattlesnake venom was used to treat`epilepsy
General: In The English Legal System How Many Judges Form A Quorum In The Court Of Appeal`Three
General: In The English Legal System There Are Three Divisions In The High Court Of Justice. One Is The Family Division. Name The Other Two`Queen's Bench And Chancery
General: In the English legal system there are three Divisions in the High Court of Justice. One is the Family division. Name the other two`queen's bench & chancery
General: in the film bright eyes, shirley temple sang about this boat`lollipop
General: in the film 'hackers', how old was 'zero_kool' when he was first arrested`eleven
General: In the first modern summer Olympic games in 1896, how many countries competed`thirteen`13
General: in the flintstones movie in I yabba dabba do! where pebbles and bamm bamm get married, what object did fred pawn in hopes of paying for their wedding`his bowling ball
General: In The Gregorian Calendar After 10,000 Years By How Many Days Will The Calendar Be Wrong By`Three
General: In The Grounds Of Which House Is The Largest Private Tomb/Mausoleum In England`Castle Howard
General: In The House Of Lords, Where Does The Lord Chancellor Sit`Woolsack
General: In the Ian Fleming novel Goldfinger, what was Goldfinger's first name`auric
General: In the kama-sutra the art of which game is recommened for women to study`chess
General: In The Last 4000 Years, No New Animals Have Been`Domesticated
General: In The Last Five Years, The Incidents Of Immune ______ Diseases Have Increased Over 200%`System
General: In The Last Five Years, The Incidents Of Immune System Diseases Have Increased Over ___%`200
General: In The Last Five Years, The Incidents Of Immune System Diseases Have _________ Over 200%`Increased
General: In The Last Five Years, The Incidents Of ______ System Diseases Have Increased Over 200%`Immune
General: In The Last Five Years, The _________ Of Immune System Diseases Have Increased Over 200%`Incidents
General: In The Last ____ _____, The Incidents Of Immune System Diseases Have Increased Over 200%`Five Years
General: In The Late 60's, This Pre-Metal Group Did A Cover Of The 1958 Hit 'Summertime Blues'`Blue Cheer
General: In The Latter Part Of The 18th Century Prussian Surgeons Treated Stutterers By Snipping Off Portions Of Their`Tongue
General: In The Law Of Torts, Oral Defamation Or Use Of The Spoken Word To Injure Another's Reputation, As Distinguished From Libel Or Written Defamation`Slander
General: In The __________, Mabuhay Means Hello`Philippines
General: In The Manfred Mann Song, Do Wah Diddy Diddy, She Was 'Snapping Her Fingers' And Doing What With Her Feet`Shuffling
General: In The Marriage Ceremony Of The Ancient Incas, The Couple Was Considered Officially Wed When They Took Off Their __________ And Handed Them To Each Other`Sandals
General: In The Middle Ages, Life, It Is Said, Was 'Nasty, Brutish And`Short
General: In The Mid-Seventies This British Artist Changed Personas Once Again And Portrayed The 'Thin White Duke'`David Bowie
General: In The Military, What Is A 'Manually Powered Fastener-Driving Impact Device'`Hammer
General: In The ____ Mountain, Thomas Mann Wrote About An Institution Properly Known As The International Sanatorium Berghof`Magic
General: In The New Testament, St. John The Baptist Survives On What Foods While In The Desert`Locusts And Honey
General: In The Northeast Near Algeria, Mali's Only Mountain Range Is Called What`Adrar Des Iforas
General: In The Oil Industry, What Do The Letters Vlcc Mean`Very Large Crude Carrier
General: In The Old Dick And Jane 'Primary Reader' School Books, What Was The Name Of The Little Sister`Sally
General: in the original boris karloff frankenstein, what was the name of dr. henry frankenstein's hunch-backed assistant`fritz
General: in the original version, what was the fly saying as the movie ended`help me
General: In Theory, Nuclear ___ Could Provide Enough Electricity To Run Los Angeles On The Atoms In A Bucket Of Seawater`Fusion
General: In The Parable Of The Good Samaritan, To Which City Was The Samaritan Travelling`Jericho
General: In The Past 60 Years, The Groundhog Has Only Predicted The Weather Correctly __% Of The Time. The Rushing Back And Forth From Burrows Is Believed To Indicate Sexual Activity, Not Shadow Seeking`28%
General: In The Past Twenty Years How Many Different Players Have Won The Art Ross Trophy`Four
General: In The 'Perfect World' According To Guttermouth, 'Nacho Cheese And _______ Sound Good To Me`Anarchy
General: In The Period 978-1016 England Was Ruled By Which 'Unready' King`Ethelred
General: In The Philippines, _______ Means Hello`Mabuhay
General: In The Pilgrim's Progress, which city of Christian's final destination`celestial city
General: in the prequel to patriot games,what ship did the main character save`red october
General: In The Process Of Galvanization, Iron Or Steel Is Coated With Which Other Metal`Zinc
General: In The Rap Group Icp What Does Icp Stand For`Insane Clown Posse
General: In _____ There Are 600 Bicycles For Every Car`China
General: In ______, _______, There Is A Law On The Town's Books Against Riding Down The Street In A Motorboat`Breton, Alabama
General: In _______, There Is A Museum That Is Just For Strawberries`Belgium
General: In Thermodynamics What Word Describes The Disorder Of A System`Entropy
General: in the rolling stones song miss you, what kind of girls are just dying to meet you`puerto rican
General: In The Roman Catholic Church, A Devotion Of Prayers Or Services On Nine Consecutive Days Called`A Novena
General: In The Royal Navy, Which Rank Is Immediately Above Captain`Commodore
General: In The Scottish Hebrides, An Island Is Defined As Being An Island Only If It Is Big Enough To Sustain 1`Sheep
General: In The Serengeti Desert In Africa,90 Per Cent Of Cheetah Cubs Don't Make It Past What Age (In Months)`3
General: in the simpsons: what is the first name of principal skinner's mother`agnes
General: In The Song Domino, What Does Van Morrison Think It's Time For`A Change
General: in the song 'skip to my lou', in what beverage are the flies`buttermilk
General: In The Story Of Cinderella, Her Slippers Were Originally Made From What, But They Became Glass Because Of An Error In Translation`Fur
General: In The Tenth Century, The Grand Vizier Of _______ Took His Entire Library With Him Wherever He Went. The 117,000-Volume Library Was Carried By Camels Trained To Walk In Alphabetical Order`Persia
General: In The ____ ____, There Are 13,092 Knives, Forks And Spoons`White House
General: In The __________, There Are Oysters That Can Climb Trees`Caribbean
General: In The __________, Time Is Often Measured By How Long It Takes To Smoke A Cigarette`Andes
General: In The Title Of The Pulitzer Prize-Winning Playto What Were Man-In-The Moon Marigolds Exposed`Gamma Rays
General: in the ___ tonight by: phil collins`air
General: In The Traditional Song, What Did The Children Dance Around 'On A Cold And Frosty Morning'`The Mulberry Bush
General: in the tv series 'the brady bunch', what was cindy's toy doll's name`kitty carrie all
General: in the tv sitcom 'married with children', what is the dog's name`buck
General: In The 'Twelve Days Of Christmas', How Many Items In Total Are Sent By 'My True Love'`78
General: In The United States A Baby Is Born Every`Eight Seconds
General: In The United States' Civil War, What Warship Was Called 'The Cheesebox On A Raft'`Monitor
General: In The United States, ____ ______ Have Safer Driving Records Than Hearing People Nationally`Deaf People
General: In The United States, More Than 25 Percent Of Women's Fashion Dollars Are Spent On Sizes __ And Up`16
General: In The Usa. Most Of The Peanuts Are Consumed In What Form`Peanut Butter
General: In The __________, Walnuts Get A Tan`Summer
General: In The West, It Is Tradition That The Bride Carries Or Wears Something Blue. What Does Blue Represent In This Case`Love
General: In The Winter Of 1724, While On An Outing At Sea, _______________ Of Russia Caught Sight Of A Foundering Ship, Jumped In The Water, And Helped In The Rescue. He Caught Cold, Suffered From A High Fever, And Died Several Weeks Later`Peter The Great
General: In the world of animals, where would you find a 'martingale'`on a horse
General: In The Wwf What Is A Tlc Match`Tables Ladder Chairs`Tables Ladders And Chairs
General: In The Year 1000, Leif Erikson Was The First European To Set Foot On`North America
General: In the year 2000 which companies CEO was the worlds second richest man`oracle
General: In The 'Yearling' What Kind Of Animal Became The Boy's Pet`Deer
General: In__________, They Sell Toupees For Dogs`Tokyo
General: in this country nodding your head means no and shaking your head means yes`albania
General: in this poem frost wrote, 'before i built a wall i'd ask to know what i was walling in or walling out'`mending wall
General: In _________ Times It Was Considered Bad Luck To Sign A Valentine's Day Card`Victorian
General: Intl Beers: Pilsner Urquell`czechoslavakia
General: Into How Many Counties Is The City Of Atlanta Divided`Four
General: Into What Bay Does The Golden Gate Strait Lead`San Francisco Bay
General: Into What Body Of Water Does The Danube River Flow`Black Sea
General: Into What Body Of Water Does The Rio Grande (Between The U.S. And Mexico) Flow`Gulf Of Mexico
General: into what body of water does the yukon river flow`bering sea
General: into what did beethoven dip his head before he composed`cold water
General: Into What Instrument Did The Lemon Pipers Urge You To Throw A Dime In Before You Walked Away`Green Tambourine
General: Into What Sea Does The Elbe River Flow`North Sea
General: Into What Sea Does The Mackenzie River Flow`Beaufort Sea
General: In To What Substance Is Barley Converted Before It Can Be Made Into Beer`Malt
General: Into which body of water does the river Danube flow`blacksea
General: In Traditional Chinese Thought The Opposite Of 'Yin'`Yang
General: Introduced In Switzerland In 1938, The First Brand Of Instant Coffee`Nescafe
General: In True Kingly Fashion, Elvis Passed Away While Sitting On The`Throne
General: In Turkey, In The Sixteenth And 7teenth Centuries, Anyone Caught Drinking __________ Was Put To Death`Coffee
General: In Turkey, In The Sixteenth And Seventeenth Centuries, Anyone Caught Drinking ______ Was Put To Death`Coffee
General: In Turkey, The Colour Of Mourning Is ______. In Most Muslim Countries And In China, It Is White`Violet
General: In Turkey, The Colour Of Mourning Is Violet. In Most ______ Countries And In China, It Is White`Muslim
General: In Turkey, The Colour Of Mourning Is Violet. In Most Muslim Countries And In China, It Is`White
General: In Turkey, The Colour Of Mourning Is Violet. In Most Muslim Countries And In _____, It Is White`China
General: In Units Of Measurement, How Many Rods Are There In A Chain`Four
General: In Victorian Times It Was Considered Bad Luck To ____ A Valentine's Day Card`Sign
General: In Victorian Times It Was Considered ___ ____ To Sign A Valentine's Day Card`Bad Luck
General: In Virginia, It Is Illegal To Sell ______ _______ On Sundays`Peanut Brittle
General: In Virginia, It Is Illegal To Sell Peanut Brittle On`Sundays
General: In Virginia, It Is _______ To Sell Peanut Brittle On Sundays`Illegal
General: Involuntary Audible Spasm Of Respiratory Organ`Hiccup
General: In Welsh Place Names Llan- Is A Common Feature, What Does It Mean`Church
General: in what are monocotyledon and dicotyledon terms`botany
General: in what australian state would you find cessnock`new south wales nsw
General: In what Australian state would you find Ipswich`queensland
General: In what Australian state would you find Rockhampton`queensland
General: in what australian state would you find taree`new south wales nsw
General: In What Austrian City Was Mozart Born`Salzburg
General: In What Broadway Musical Do We Find A Character Named Magnolia Hawks`Show Boat
General: In What Capacity Did Ernest Hemingway Take Part In The First World War`Ambulance Driver
General: In What Century Did Tulips From The Near East Come To Western Europe`16th Century
General: in what city are kew gardens`london
General: in what city are the famous tivoli gardens`copenhagen
General: In What City Can You See The Esat Door Or 'Gate Of Paradise' By Ghiberti`Florence
General: In What City Did 'Flashdance' Take Place`Philadelphia
General: In What City Did Police Capture John Dillingercharles Mackeyrussell Clark And Harry Pierpont In January 1934`Tucson Arizona
General: in what city does a certain church forbid burping or sneezing`omaha, nebraska
General: In What City Does Fat Albert Live`Philadelphia
General: In What City Does Matlock Take Place`Atlanta
General: In What City Was Presidential Candidate Robert Kennedy Assassinated`Los Angeles
General: In What City Was The Un Charter Signed`San Francisco
General: In What Club Are All The Members Liars`Ananias Club
General: In What Colorado Community Was Heavyweight Champ Jack Dempsey Born`Manassa
General: In what constellation would you find the 'Horesehead' nebula`orion
General: in what country is the waterloo battlefield`belgium
General: in what country were the following developed: java programming, ice brewed beer, soft paper and standard time`canada
General: in what country would you find esphahan`iran
General: In what country would you find New Brunswick`canada
General: In What Decade Of The 1900s Was It Decided Us Presidents Would Be Restricted To Two Terms`6th
General: In What Did Ray Walston Play 'Uncle Tim'`My Favourite Martian
General: In What Did Someone Squish Her Hands To Make The Sound Of E.T Walking`Jelly
General: In What Does Michael Jackson Sleep`Cryochamber
General: In What Does The Fda Allow An Average Of 30 Insect Fragments And 1 Rodent Hair Per 100 Grams`Peanut Butter
General: In What Famous Sci Fi Flick Did An Einsteinlike Scientist Say To A Space Alien 'Sit Down. I Have Several Thousand Questions I'd Like To Ask You`Day The Earth Stood Still
General: In What Famous Story Was The Seven-Of-Spades Threatened To Be Beheaded For Bringing The Cook Tulip-Roots Instead Of Onions`Alice's Adventures In Wonderland By Lewis Carroll
General: In What Fictitious Language Is 'A Clockwork Orange' Written`Nadsat
General: In What Field Did Frances Mary Buss And Dorothea Beale Become Well Known In The 19th Century`Girls Higher Education
General: In What Field Is Romuald Rat A Well-Known Name`Paparazzi Photographer
General: In What Field Of Study Would You Find 'Flying Buttresses'`Architecture
General: In What Field Was Erie Shipton Famous`Mountaineering
General: In What Field Was Terence Donovan Famous`Photography
General: In What Florida City Is The Circus Hall Of Fame Located`Sarasota
General: In What Form Did G.I. Joe First Appear`Comic Strip
General: In What Form Is Angelica Normally Used For Decorating Cakes And Desserts`Crystallized
General: In What Form Of Government Do Paid Officials Exercise Controlling Influence`Bureaucracy
General: In What Game Does The New York Institute For The Investigation Of Rolling Spheroids Specialize`Marbles
General: In What Game Might You Collect A Pung Of East Winds`Mahjongg
General: In What Jurisdiction Was Elroy P Lobo Sheriff`Orly County Georgia
General: In What Key Do Most Car Horns Beep`F
General: In What Kind Of Buildings Are Hops Dried`Oast House
General: In What Kind Of House Does The Witch In 'Hansel And Gretel Live`A Gingerbread House
General: In What Language Was The Magna Carta Written`Latin
General: In What Modern-Day Country Did The Ancient Etruscans Live`Italy
General: In What Modern-Day Country Did The Ancient Gauls Live`France
General: In What Month Did Maine Become A State`March
General: In What Month Is Bastille Day`July
General: In What Month Is Christmas Observed`December
General: in what organ is the islands of langerhans found`pancreas
General: In What Part Of The Body Did Alexander Hamilton Get Shot By Aaron Burr`Groin
General: In What Place In Pennsylvania , Usa Would You Have Been Hung For Any Acts Of Witchcraft In The 1800's`Salem
General: In What Precinct Did Barney Miller Work`Twelfth`12th
General: In What Prison Were Julius And Ethel Rosenberg Executed`Sing Sing
General: In What Profession Is The 'Scruple' Used For Measure`Pharmacy
General: In What Series Of Sci-Fi Books Will You Find The Adventures Of Mark Twain, Sir Richard Burton, Jesus Christ And Tom Mix`Riverworld
General: In What Shaped Ring Does Sumo Wrestling Take Place`Circular
General: in what sport did the word 'crestfallen' originate`cockfighting
General: In what sport do teams compete for the Swaythling Cup`men's table tennis
General: in what sport is the term 'terminal speed'`drag racing
General: In what sport would a lure be used`fishing
General: in what state is concord`new hampshire
General: in what state is the most easterly point in the united states located`maine
General: In What Tiny Greenwich Village Club/Tourist Trap Did Andy Warhol 'Discover' The Velvet Underground`Cafe Bizarre
General: In what type of building did Plato and Aristotle teach`gymnasium
General: In What Unit Is Electrical Current Measured`Amperes
General: In What Unit Is The Resolution Unit Of Mouse Movement Measured`Mickey
General: In What Usa State Is The Petrified Forest Located`Arizona
General: In What U.S. State Is It Illegal To Throw Eggs At A Public Speaker`Kentucky
General: In What U.S. State Is Panama City`Florida
General: In What U.S. State Is The Chevrolet Corvette Manufactured`Kentucky
General: In What Was The Strength Of Early Lasers Measured`Gillettes
General: In What Would You Find Axons`Neurons
General: In Which 20th Century Decade Was The First Angle-Poise Lamp Sold`1930's
General: In which alpine resort were the first ever Winter Olympics held in 1924`chamonix
General: In Which American City Is The Greatest Amount Of Ketchup Consumed`New Orleans
General: In which American state are the towns of Anaconda, Moscow and also the Salmon river`idaho
General: In Which American State Is The University Of Princeton`New Jersey
General: In Which American State Would You Find The City Of Phoenix`Arizona
General: In Which Andrew Lloyd Webber Musical Did Madonna Take Part`Evita
General: In Which Asian Nation Would You Find The State Of Punjab`India
General: In Which Athletics Event Would You Perform A 'Fosbury Flop'`High Jump
General: in which bee gees song which they continously plead hold on, hold on`i've got to get a message to you
General: In which book is Scheherazade a story teller`arabian nights
General: In Which Breed Of Domestic Cat Can An Adult Male Weigh Up To 10kgs`Maine Coon
General: In Which Cathedral Is Jane Austen Buried`Winchester
General: In Which Century Was The Ming Dynasty Founded In China`Fourteenth
General: In Which Century Was The Vatican State Finally Given Independence From Italy`20th
General: in which city is the cotton bowl played`dallas
General: In which city is the Eiffel Tower`paris
General: in which city would you find a district called 'hell's kitchen'`new york
General: In which city would you find Tuff Gong International Studios, built by the late Bob Marley`kingston
General: In which classic Western film did the character Will Kane appear`high noon
General: in which continent would you find the lena river`asia
General: in which continent would you find the mississippi river`north america
General: In which country do the Indri and Sifaka Lemurs live`madagascar
General: in which country is brest? (not breast:-)`france
General: In Which Country Is Duelling Legal As Long As Both Parties Are Registered Blood Donors`Paraguay
General: In Which Country Is It A Criminal Offence To Drive Around In A Dirty Car`Russia
General: in which country is madras`india
General: In which country is Mount Ossa`greece
General: in which country is normandy`france
General: in which country is the leaning tower of pisa`italy
General: in which country was adolf hitler born`austria
General: In which country was Graham Greene's novel 'A Burnt Out Case' set`belgian congo
General: In which country was natural gas first discovered`greece
General: in which country was the first zoo`china
General: in which country was the match invented`france
General: in which country was the rosetta stone found`egypt
General: In which country would you find Ayers Rock`australia
General: In which country would you find Dunkirk`france
General: in which country would you find mclaks (grilled salmon sandwich) on the mcdonalds menu`norway
General: in which country would you find the ems river`germany
General: in which county is there great snoring`norfolk
General: In Which Decade Did Skateboards Hit The Market`The 60's
General: In Which English City Is Coronation Street`Manchester
General: in which english city is the byker wall`newcastle upon tyne
General: In Which English County Is Tolpuddle`Dorset
General: In which English town or city would you find The Christmas Steps`bristol
General: In Which Episode Do We See Two Of Captain Kirk, One Good One Evil`Enemy Within
General: In Which European Country Is Gambling Illegal`Sweden
General: In Which European Country Is The World's Deepest Known Cave`France
General: In which European country is Tokay wine produced`hungary
General: In Which European Country Would You Find The Town Of Eupen`Belgium
General: In Which Everyday Household Products Would Find Alkyl Benzene Sulphonate`Detergents
General: In Which Field Did Wayne Sleep Achieve Fame`Ballet
General: In which field of science is the history of the universe studied`cosmology
General: in which film classic was the heroine advised : you can't show your bosom 'fore three o'clock`gone with the wind
General: in which film did paul newman and robert redford hold hands and jump into a river`butch cassidy and the sundance kid
General: In which film did Robert Shaw play Captain Quint`jaws
General: In which film does Robert De Niro ask Are you talkin' to me`taxi driver
General: In Which Forest Does The River Danube Rise`Black Forest
General: In Which French Island Territory Would You Find The Towns Bastia And Calvi`Corsica
General: in which game or sport are staunton pieces used`chess
General: in which historic battle were the zulu defeated`battle of ulundi
General: In Which Hospital Did Christiaan Barnard Perform His Famous Transplant`Groote Schuur
General: In which Irish county is the Blarney Stone`cork
General: In which Italian city would you find the headquarters of the Pirelli company`milan
General: In Which Kent Town Is The Indian Princess, Pocahontas, Buried`Gravesend
General: in which language was bambi originally published in 1929`german
General: In Which Large Bay Would You Find The Belcher Islands`Hudson Bay
General: In Which Literary Work Does Mrs Do-As-You-Would-Be-Done-By Appear`Water Babies
General: In Which London Building Is Poets' Corner`Westminster Abbey
General: In Which London Park Do Deer Roam Free`Richmond
General: In Which London Square Is The American Embassy Situated`Grosvenor Square
General: In Which London Thoroughfare Is The Famous Hamley's Toy Shop`Regent Street
General: In Which Magazine Did Sarah Ferguson Make The 'Worst Dressed List' Five Times`People's Magazine
General: In Which Month Do Russians Celebrate The October Revolution`May
General: in which month is the earth nearest the sun`january
General: In which month is the Le Mans 24 hour race held`june
General: In Which Month Is The Longest Day If You're In The Southern Hemisphere`December
General: In Which Month Is The Shortest Day If You're In The Northern Hemisphere`December
General: In Which Month Is The Shortest Day If You're In The Southern Hemisphere`June
General: In which month of 1940 did the Battle of Britain begin`june
General: in which mountains did rip van winkle sleep twenty years`catskill mountains
General: in which movie are all of the clocks stuck on 4:20`pulp fiction
General: in which ocean are the seychelles`indian ocean
General: in which opera does leporello entertain a vengeful jilted lover`don giovanni
General: In which organ is Bile produced`liver
General: In which Shakespeare play would you find the lines: 'This royal throne of kings, this sceptred isle, this earth of 'majesty, this other Eden'`king richard ii
General: In Which Ship Did Captain Scott Sail To The Antarctic On His Ill-Fated Expedition Of 1910 To 1912`Terra Nova
General: In Which Ship Did John Cabot Sail To The New World In 1497`Mathew
General: In Which Sphere Of Industry Or Commerce Is The Name Of Arthur Maiden Famous`Advertising
General: In which sport do they compete for the Iroquois Cup`lacrosse
General: in which sport or game are the terms: 'pin', 'fork', and 'skewer' used`chess
General: In which sport would you perform a snatch`weightlifting
General: in which state is at least two thirds of the world's eggplant grown`new jersey
General: In which state is Mount McKinley, the highest mountain in North America`alaska
General: in which state is the mayo clinic`minnesota
General: In which state of Australia is the coastal region of Swanland`western australia
General: In which town or city in the north-west is the Ashton memorial`lancaster
General: In which two counties is Curling most popular`canada and scotland
General: in which uk city is strangeways prison located`manchester
General: In which US city is the Sears tower`chicago
General: in which us state is hoover dam`arizona
General: in which war did florence nightingale lead a team of nurses`crimean war
General: In which war did Ulysses Grant & Robert Lee fight on the same side`mexican
General: In which year was the Rosetta stone written`196 bc
General: In _______, Women May Be Fined For Falling Asleep Under A Hair Dryer, As Can The Salon Owner`Florida
General: In World War Ii It Cost The Allies About $225,00 To ____ ___ _____`Kill One Enemy Soldier
General: In York, It Is Perfectly Legal To Shoot A ______ With A Bow And Arrow`Scotsman
General: In ________, You May Be Arrested For Vagrancy If You Do Not Have At Least One Dollar Bill On Your Person`Illinois
General: In _______, You May Not Take A Picture Of A Rabbit From January To April Without An Official Permit`Wyoming
General: Iola Cat That Died On The Episode Of Mamma's Family`Midnight
General: Iolani Palace, In Hawaii, Is The Only _____ ______ In The United States`Royal Palace
General: Iolani Palace, In Hawaii, Is The Only Royal Palace In The ______`United States
General: Iolani Palace, In ______, Is The Only Royal Palace In The United States`Hawaii
General: Ireland Has The Highest Per Capita Consumption Of`Tea
General: Ireland Was Occupied By What People During The Bronze Age`Firbolgs
General: Iron block on which metals are worked`anvil
General: Iron-Containing Proteins That Function In The Electron Transport Chain In Mitochondra, And In Photophosphorylation In Chloroplasts`Cytochromes
General: iron deficiency causes the most common form of`anaemia
General: Ironically, It's Too Cold To Do This In Antarctica`Ice Skate
General: ironically, jimmy angel's plane crashed near this place in 1937`angel falls
General: Iron Maiden: A Song And A Wizard`The Trooper
General: Irony: Exaggeragtion is not all`it's cracked up to be
General: Irony: I'd give my right arm to be`ambidextrious
General: Irony: If there's one thing I can't stand, it's`intolerance
General: Irony: I have this nagging fear that everyone is out to`make me paranoid
General: Irony: Prepositions are not words to`end sentences with
General: Irony: Some people say that I'm superficial, but, that's`just on the surface
General: ___________ Is A $4 Billion Business In The United States Annually`Pornography
General: __________ Is Aboriginal For No Drink`Koala
General: ________ Is A Bow Resin`Colophony
General: _______ Is A Constitutional Monarchy. The Ultimate Power In The Country Lies With Parliament, Not The Prime Minister Or Monarch`Britain
General: 'I Said You Are In Contempt!' 'You Think I Give A Sh_T? What Are You Going To Do? Shoot Me _Twice?'`Red Corner
General: _____ Is Also The Only State That Is Allowed To Fly Its State Flag At The Same Height As The U.S. Flag`Texas
General: Is A Mineral Considered To Be Organic Or Inorganic`Inorganic
General: _____ _____ Is A Mixture Of Every Other Colour In The Spectrum`White Light
General: __________ Is An Acronym For Morte Alla Francia Italia Anela, Or Death To The French Is Italy's Cry`Mafia
General: __________ Is An Indian Word Meaning Big Village`Canada
General: _____ Is A Popular Scientific Theory 'Explaining' Poltergeists`Psychokinesis
General: ___ Is A Sort Of Light Brown, Like Some Leather. It Is Also The Process Of Preserving The Skins To Make The Leather`Tan
General: __________ Is Black History Month`February
General: ______ Is Considered The Father Of Refrigeration And Air-Conditioning`Gorrie
General: Is Dublin In Northern Or Southern Ireland`Southern
General: Is Each Different Coloured Piece Of Froot Loops+ Cereal A Different Flavor`No
General: Is French Or Russian Tarragon Normally Used In Cooking`French
General: _________ Is Home To 500 Species Of Coral`Australia
General: _________ Is Home To More Than Half Of The Shark And Ray Species In The World`Australia
General: 'I Sing Of Arms And The Man' Is The First Line Of Which Famous Work`The Aeneid
General: Is It A Burglar? No, It's Art`The Burbs
General: __________ Is Legal Grounds For Divorce In 24 American States`Impotence
General: _______ Is Legal In Paraguay As Long As Both Parties Are Registered Blood Donors`Dueling
General: ________ Is Legal In Paraguay As Long As Both Parties Are Registered Blood Donors`Duelling
General: ______ Is Like The Army. Everybody Complains, But You'd Be Surprised At How Many Re-Enlist. - Anon`Marriage
General: _____ Is Made Of Cotton, Not Paper`Money
General: isms: an economic system characterised by private ownership and competition`capitalism