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Entertainment: This Movie Starring Sam Neill Won Best Movie In The 1993 Cannes Film Festival`The Piano
Entertainment: This Movie Was Retitled 'Life, Love, Cows' When It Was Released In France`City Slickers
Entertainment: This Show Was About A Struggling Actor And Substitute Teacher. Howard Hesseman And Robin Givens Starred`Head Of The Class
Entertainment: This Singer Can Currently Be Seen On Film In 'Little Buddah'`Chris Isaak
Entertainment: This Singer Has Hit #1 Four Times With Movie Themes, Including 2 From 'Buster'`Phil Collins
Entertainment: This Song Is Sung In Chinese In The Second Indiana Jones Movie`Anything Goes
Entertainment: 'This Summer... Enter The Mind Of A Killer.'`The Cell
Entertainment: This Tough Guy Starred In The Porno 'A Party At Kitty's And Studs'`Sylvester Stallone
Entertainment: This Trilogy Was Restored And Re-Released February Of 1997`Star Wars
Entertainment: This Tv Show Set In The 50's Had Its Origins As A Segment In Love American Style Entitled 'Love And The Tv'`Happy Days
Entertainment: This Was The First 3d Film`Bwana Devil
Entertainment: This Was The First A Movie (Read Big Bucks) Made In The Us About The Us's Involvement In Wwii. Another Intersting Factum Is That The Filming Of This Movie Started While The Battle It Depicts Was Still Going On`Wake Island
Entertainment: This Was The First Cartoon Talking Picture`Steamboat Willie
Entertainment: This Was The Sequel To 'Star Wars'`The Empire Strikes Back
Entertainment: This Was The Sequel To 'The Empire Strikes Back'`Return Of The Jedi
Entertainment: Thomas Magnum's Dad Was Played By What Actor`Robert Pine
Entertainment: Three Stones, Alot Of Water, And A Broken Down Bridge That Indy Has To Climb`Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom
Entertainment: Three Vignettes Dealing With Two Hitmen, A Renegade Boxer, And A Bad Date`Pulp Fiction
Entertainment: Three Washed-Up Movie Stars Hired By Besieged Mexican Town To Fight Bandito`Three Amigos
Entertainment: 'Time Warp' Was Revealed In This 1975 Not So Horrifying Picture With Tim Curry`Rocky Horror Picture Show
Entertainment: Tim Robbins Satire About A Right-Wing, Folk Singing, Senatorial Candidate`Bob Roberts
Entertainment: Tinky Winky, Dipsy Lala And Po Are Know As What`The Teletubbies
Entertainment: Tippi Hedren Is Best Known For Her Lead Role In Which Film`Birds
Entertainment: Titanic' Spent More Consecutive Weeks As The U. S.'S #1 Movie At The Box Office Than Any Other Ever. What Rival Film Finally Sank 'Titanic`Lost In Space
Entertainment: Toho Film Studios Produced Most Of Which Series Of Films`Godzilla
Entertainment: Tom Berenger, Sidney Poitier, Clancy Brown`Shoot To Kill
Entertainment: Tom Hallick Was The First Male Host Of Which Show`Entertainment Tonight
Entertainment: Tom Hanks Won Best Actor Oscar In 1993 For Which Film`Philadelphia
Entertainment: Tom Jones Is One Of The Many Celebs In This Movie About Destructive Martians`Mars Attacks
Entertainment: Tony Curtis Enters The World Of Escapism As He Ably Portrays Escape Artist`Harry Houdini
Entertainment: 'Top Hat, White Tie And Tails' Was Introduced In What Movie`Top Hat
Entertainment: To What Famous Actress Did Winston Churchill Propose Marriage`Ethel Barrymore
Entertainment: To Which Elemetary School Did Tv's 'The Brady Bunch' Go`Dixie Canyon Elementary
Entertainment: Truly Perverse Black-Comedic Suspense Film About Runaway Teenage Girl Staying At Her Aunt's Strange Hotel Where Occupants Are Extremely Weird`Private Parts
Entertainment: Try An Association Like Uuhh, Let's Say The Average Person Uses 10% Of Their Brain, How Much Do You Use,1 And A Half Percent. The Rest Is Clogged With Malted Hopps And Bong Resins`Tommy Boy
Entertainment: Turned Down A Role As An Astronaut In Apollo 13 (1995) To Accept His Oscar-Nominated Role In Twelve Monkeys`Brad Pitt
Entertainment: Tv Group Which Included Sgt. Andrew Carter And Cpl. James Kinchloe`Hogans Heroes
Entertainment: Tv Show That Featured A Buzzer Named Beulah`Truth Or Consequences
Entertainment: 'Twas The Night Before Christmas, And All Through The House, Not A Creature Was Stirring, Except The Four Assholes Coming In The Rear, In Standard Two-By-Two Cover Formation`Die Hard
Entertainment: Twenty-Five Years After First Playing James Bond, Sean Connery Won An Oscar. For His Part In Which Film`The Untouchables
Entertainment: Twin Peaks: What Was The Title Of The Twin Peaks Movie`Fire Walk With Me
Entertainment: Twin Peaks: Which 2 Cast Members Dated Eachother During The Taping Of Twin Peaks`Machlachan And Fenn
Entertainment: Two Young Men Kill Prep-School Pal, Just For The Thrill Of It, And Challenge Themselves By Inviting Friends And Family To Their Apartment Afterwards`Rope
Entertainment: Under What Name Did Norma Jean Mortenson Become Famous`Marilyn Monroe
Entertainment: Unlawful Entry: Blink: Revenge`Madeleine Stowe
Entertainment: Until Titanic Tied With 11, This Film Had The Most Academy Awards`Ben Hur
Entertainment: Valentino Statue: Baby Pig Suckling Woman: 'Unzipping' Snake: Cargo Cult`Mondo Cane
Entertainment: Vincent Vega Appeared In Which Movie`Pulp Fiction
Entertainment: Virginia Madsen, Peter O' Toole, Vincent Spano, And Muriel Hemingway`Creator
Entertainment: Vivien Leigh Recreated Her Movie Role From The Uk Production Of 'A Streetcar Named Desire' (Directed By Her Husband, Famed Actor Laurence ____)`Olivier
Entertainment: Voted Best Actor By Viewers Of Mtv's The Big Picture In 1995`Brad Pitt
Entertainment: Voted Greatest Actor Of The Decade By Empire Magazine. [May 1999]`Kevin Spacey
Entertainment: Wake Up, Time To Die`Blade Runner
Entertainment: Walden Robert Cassotto -- He And Satchmo Had Hit Records With The Same Song`Bobby Darin
Entertainment: Walter And John Huston Became The First Father-And-Son Team To Win Oscars For Which Film`Treasure Of Sierra Madre
Entertainment: Warren Beatty Started Out In His First Film In 1961, It Was Called 'The Roman Spring Of Mrs. Stone' But Before That He Had A Different Profession. What Was It`Rat Catcher
Entertainment: Was A Journalism Major In College With An Advertising Focus`Brad Pitt
Entertainment: Was Engaged To Kristen Zang`Nicolas Cage
Entertainment: Was Shirley Temple 21,25 Or 29 When She Made Her Last Film`21
Entertainment: Was the lead singer of the Jefferson Starship.`grace slick
Entertainment: ___ Was The Only Named Dog In Any Shakespearean Play. The Play Was Two Gentlemen Of Verona`Crab
Entertainment: Wayne And Garth Says 'We're Not Worthy!' To Him In 'Wayne's World'`Alice Cooper
Entertainment: We Are Only Tennants Of This World. We Have Been Given A New Lease, And A Warning From The Landlord`2010: The Year We Made Contact
Entertainment: We Can Find This Character Or Characters In Which James Bond Movie-'Bambi And Thumper'`Diamonds Are Forever
Entertainment: We Can Find This Character Or Characters In Which Movie-'David Swinton'`A.I.
Entertainment: We Can Find This Character Or Characters In Which Movie-'Karen Mccoy'`The Real Mccoy
Entertainment: We Can Find This Character Or Characters In Which Movie-'Leslie W. Billy Sunday'`Men Of Honour
Entertainment: We Can Find This Character Or Characters In Which Movie-'Lestat'`Interview With The Vampire
Entertainment: We Can Find This Character Or Characters In Which Movie-'Lt. Samuel Gerard'`The Fugitive
Entertainment: We Can Find This Character Or Characters In Which Movie-'Natalya Simonova'`Goldeneye
Entertainment: We Can Find This Character Or Characters In Which Movie-'Oddjob'`Goldfinger
Entertainment: 'Well, Nobody's Perfect.' Is The Last Line Of What Movie`Some Like It Hot
Entertainment: Western In Which Gable Said, 'Why Don't You Jump In And Get Wet All Over'`Honky Tonk
Entertainment: What 1920's Screen Hunk Did H.L. Mencken Describe As 'Catnip To Women'`Rudolph Valentino
Entertainment: What 1923 Volume Made A Rich Man Of Lebanese Poet Khalil Gibran`The Prophet
Entertainment: What 1935 Thriller-Chiller Was Hyped : The Monster Demands A Mate`The Bride Of Frankenstein
Entertainment: What 1941 Film Featured The Tune Pink Elephants On Parade`Dumbo
Entertainment: What 1942 Movie Did The Song White Christmas Come From`Holiday Inn
Entertainment: What 1950's Tv Western Hero Often Quoted Shakespear`Paladin
Entertainment: What 1951 Film Featured Ronald Reagan Raising A Chimp`Bedtime For Bonzo
Entertainment: What 1966 1971 Soap Opera Centered On Vampires, Werewolves And Witchcraft`Dark Shadows
Entertainment: What 1968-69 Tv Series Did Joan Blondell Star In`Here Come The Brides
Entertainment: What 1968-71 Tv Series Did Ken Berry Star In`Mayberry Rd
Entertainment: What 1969 Film Did Glenn Campbell Appear In`True Grit
Entertainment: What 1970 Hit Did Sesame Street's Ernie Put On The Charts`Rubber Ducky
Entertainment: What 1970's British Tv Show Had A Secret Organisation Known As Shado`Ufo
Entertainment: What 1970's Film Came From A Pink Floyd Tune`The Wall
Entertainment: What 1970's Tv Series Gave Larry Hagman His Start`I Dream Of Jeannie
Entertainment: What 1974 Film Started A Run Of Nostalgia Culminating In The Tv Series 'Happy Days'`American Graffiti
Entertainment: What 1978 Movie Was Responsible For The Sprouting Of Thousands Of Discotheques`Saturday Night Fever
Entertainment: What 1980 Movie Megaflop Was Advertised 'What One Loves About Life Are The Things That Fade'`Heaven's Gate
Entertainment: What 1980's Tv Series Starred Bruce Willis`Moonlighting
Entertainment: What 1980 Vietnam Flick Was Re-Released In 1987`Apocalypse Now
Entertainment: What 1982 Movie Did Actress Meryl Streep Take Her Oscar For Best Actress`Sophie's Choice
Entertainment: What 1982 Movie Theme Song By Survivor Had An Endangered Cat Species In Its Title`Eye Of The Tiger
Entertainment: What 1985 Movie Did Oprah Winfrey Play A Large Role In, Despite Having No Acting Experience`The Colour Purple
Entertainment: What 1986 Blockbuster Was The First Home Video To Be Preceded By A Product Ad`Top Gun
Entertainment: What 1986 Movie Earned Spike Lee His First Taste Of Critical Acclaim`She's Gotta Have It
Entertainment: What 1987 Movie Earned Cher Her First Best Actress Oscar`Moonstruck
Entertainment: What 1988 Film Sequel Brings Its Characters Back To Earth From Antarea`Cocoon: The Return
Entertainment: What 1988 Movie Reunited William Hurt And Kathleen Turner`Accidental Tourist
Entertainment: What 1989 Film Earned Dan Aykroyd An Oscar Nomination As Best Supporting Actor`Driving Miss Daisy
Entertainment: What 1990 Movie Brought The Righteous Brothers' Unchained Melody Back To The Charts`Ghost
Entertainment: What 1991 Film Role Went To Kevin Costner When Turned Down By Harrison Ford`Jim Garrison In Jfk
Entertainment: What 1991 Road Movie Was Originally Intended For Meryl Streep And Goldie Hawn`Thelma And Louise
Entertainment: What 1992 Hit Movie Sees Tom Hanks Explain: 'There Is No Crying In Baseball'`A League Of Their Own
Entertainment: What 1993 Movie Had Folks Gushing Over The Fate Of An Orca Whale`Free Willy
Entertainment: What 1994 Film Focuses On The Dreams Of Arthur Agee And William Gates`Hoop Dreams
Entertainment: What 1995 Movie Was Initially Banned In Malasyia Because Pigs Are Offensive To Muslims`Babe
Entertainment: What 1997 Movie Cast Amanda Tapping As Dr. Moore`Booty Call
Entertainment: What 1998 Film Broke The Opening Weekend Box-Office Record`The Waterboy
Entertainment: what 19th century midget was exhibited througout north america by barnum and bailey shows`general tom thumb
Entertainment: What 3-D Walt Disney World Short Movie Attraction Did Francis Coppola Direct`Captain Eo
Entertainment: What 50s Series Has Been Rerun Under The Title 'Jeff's Collie'`Lassie
Entertainment: What '50s Sitcom Airs Every Hour Of Every Day Somewhere In The World`I Love Lucy
Entertainment: What 6.5-Ton Attraction Was Bought From The London Zoo Over Queen Victoria's Protest`Jumbo
Entertainment: What '70s Tv Star's Classic Swimsuit Poster Sold 6 Million Copies`Farrah Fawcett
Entertainment: What 80's Cartoon Theme Song Did Ricky Martin Sing`Rubic-The Amazing Cube
Entertainment: What 80's Cartoon Was A Showcase For 'New Wave' Music Videos`Kidd Video
Entertainment: What 80's Group Sang The Theme Song To Square Pegs`The Waitresses
Entertainment: What 80's Pro-Wrestler Was Turned Into A G.I. Joe Character`Sgt. Slaughter
Entertainment: What 80s Show Is Frasier A Spinoff Of`Cheers
Entertainment: What 80's Spin Off Of A 70's Tv Show Did Martin Lawrence Play On`What's Happening Now
Entertainment: What Academy Award Winning Actor Is Angelina Jolie's Father`Jon Voight
Entertainment: What Action Star Signed A $500,000 Pact To Include Cigarettes In Five Feature Films`Sylvester Stallone
Entertainment: What Action Star Was Set To Play The Axel Foley Role In 'Beverly Hills Cop' But Was Tagged As Too Violent`Sylvester Stallone
Entertainment: What Actor Appeared In All Three Of These Films, Strawdogs, Midnight Cowboy, And The Graduate`Dustin Hoffman
Entertainment: What Actor Appeared In Drag As A 250-Pound Asthmatic Lesbian In The 1981 Production Of The Andy Warhol Play 'Pork'`Harvey Fierstein
Entertainment: What Actor Did Barbara Walters Ask: 'Do You Take Steroids'`Arnold
Entertainment: What Actor Did Mae West Ask To 'Come Up And See Me Sometime'`Cary Grant
Entertainment: What Actor Died In James Dean's Arms In One Movie And Was An Israeli Freedom Fighter In Another`Sal Mineo
Entertainment: What Actor Dies In Death In Venice`Dirk Bogarde
Entertainment: What Actor Heartthrob Was Born Michael Shalboub In 1932`Omar Sharif
Entertainment: What Actor, Known For His Role As Siler, Is Also Richard Dean Anderson's Stunt Double`Dan Shea
Entertainment: What Actor Often Plays Banjo With The Beverly Hills Unlisted Jazz Band`George Segal
Entertainment: What Actor Played Cameron, Ferris' Best Friend In Ferris Bueller's Day Off`Alan Ruck
Entertainment: What Actor Played George Cooper In My Favorite Husband`Barry Nelson
Entertainment: What Actor Played Hank Williams In Your Cheatin' Heart`George Hamilton
Entertainment: What Actor Played Harry Callahan`Clint Eastwood
Entertainment: What Actor Played Major Willie Williston In Steve Canyon`Jerry Paris
Entertainment: What Actor Played Opposite Rex Harrison As His Homosexual Lover In 'Staircase'`Richard Burton
Entertainment: What Actor Played Reporter Armin Selig In The Episode Secrets`Chris Owens
Entertainment: What Actor Played The Captain In Hill Street Blues`Daniel J Travanti
Entertainment: What Actor Played The Lead In The Remake Of Breathless`Richard Gere
Entertainment: What Actor Played The Part Of Inspector Dan Robbins In 'The Streets Of San Francisco'`Richard Hatch
Entertainment: What Actor Played The Psychopath Hitchhiker In The Hitcher`Rutger Hauer
Entertainment: What Actor Played The Title Role In Monsignor`Christopher Reeve
Entertainment: What Actor Played The Wizard Of Oz`Frank Morgan
Entertainment: What Actor Played Trapper John, Md`Pernell Roberts
Entertainment: What Actor Played Woody Allen's Best Friend In 'Annie Hall'`Tony Roberts
Entertainment: What Actor Portrayed Tom Jeffords In The Western Broken Arrow`John Lupton
Entertainment: What Actor Received His Mission Instructions By Tape Recorder`Peter Graves
Entertainment: What Actor's Last Line In The Theatre Was: 'The South Is Avenged'`John Wilkes Booth
Entertainment: What Actor Starred In Death Wish`Charles Bronson
Entertainment: what actor's were chined together in the 1958 film the defiant ones`tony curtis and sidney poitier
Entertainment: What Actor Was Famous For The Line Nanoo Nanoo`Robin Williams
Entertainment: What Actor Was Freshman College Roommate To Al Gore`Tommy Lee Jones
Entertainment: What Actor Was Married To Carole Lombard Between 1939 To 1942`Clark Gable
Entertainment: What Actor Was Stung In 'The Sting'`Robert Shaw
Entertainment: What Actor Won A Dubious Achievement Award As The Worst New Kennedy`Arnold Schwarzenegger
Entertainment: What Actor Worked As A Giant Chicken In Front Of El Pollo Loco, A Fast-Food Chain`Brad Pitt
Entertainment: What Actress Had Made A Million Dollars By The Age Of 10`Shirley Temple
Entertainment: What Actress Has Received The Most Oscar Nominations`Katharine Hepburn
Entertainment: What Actress Pitched Lori Davis Hair Products And Equal In 1993`Cher
Entertainment: What Actress Played Agent 99 In The Tv Sitcom 'Get Smart'`Barbara Feldon
Entertainment: What Actress Played Honey West In The Detective Series Honey West`Anne Francis
Entertainment: What Actress Played In The Movies 'Firestarter' And 'E.T.'`Drew Barrymore
Entertainment: What Actress Played Jane Foster In The Series East Side/West Side`Cicely Tyson
Entertainment: What Actress Played Laura And Almonzo's Niece On Little House On The Prairie`Shannen Doherty
Entertainment: What Actress Played Michael J. Fox's Girlfriend In The Original Back To The Future`Claudia Wells
Entertainment: What Actress Played Sarah In The Movie The Bible`Ava Gardner
Entertainment: What Actress Played The Female Cop On Hill Street Blues`Betty Thomas
Entertainment: What Actress Played The Role Of A Girl Possessed By Demons In The Exorcist`Linda Blair
Entertainment: What Actress Read 'Casey At The Bat' For Her Tv Debut On The Ed Sullivan Show In 1959`Lauren Bacall
Entertainment: What Actress's Legs Were Insured For One Million Dollars`Greta Garbo
Entertainment: What Actress's Real Name Was Frances Gumm`Judy Garland
Entertainment: What Actress Starred In The Homecoming (Pn)`Patricia Neal
Entertainment: What Actress Tries To Take Tracy Away From Hepburn In 'State Of The Union'`Angela Lansbury
Entertainment: What Actress Was Born Frances Ethel Gumm`Judy Garland
Entertainment: What Actress Was Losing Her Eyesight In 'This Woman Is Dangerous' And 'Night Gallery'`Joan Crawford
Entertainment: What Actress Was Married To Frank Sinatra From 1966-68`Mia Farrow
Entertainment: What Actress, Wife Of The Company President, Became This Company's Spokesperson In 1954`Joan Crawford
Entertainment: What Actress Won The 1951 Academy Award For Best Actress For The Movie 'A Streetcar Named Desire'`Vivien Leigh
Entertainment: What Actress Wore A 500,000 Dollar Diamond Necklace To The 1994 Academy Awards, Loaned To Her By Jeweler Harry Winston, And Then Refused To Return It`Sharon Stone
Entertainment: What Actress Wrote A Magazine Article Entitled 'The Alien Inside Me'`Sigourney Weaver
Entertainment: What Actress Wrote The Autobiography Call Me Anna`Patty Duke
Entertainment: What Airline Gives The Simpson Family Free Tickets`Crazy Clown Airlines
Entertainment: What Alfred Hitchcock Film Includes A Scene With Cary Grant Being Chased By A Crop Duster`North By Northwest
Entertainment: What Alien's Voice Was Produced By Electronically Mixing An Actress' Voice With Another Actor's`E.T.
Entertainment: What 'Angel' Played The Title Role In The Tv Film 'Kentucky Woman'`Cherryl Ladd
Entertainment: What Animal Character Did Eric Knight Create In 1938`Lassie
Entertainment: What Animal Was First To Be Named To The Animal Hall Of Fame`Lassie
Entertainment: What Animated Tv Character Admonished: 'Don't Have A Cow, Man'`Bart Simpson
Entertainment: What Are Abbott And Costello's First Names`Bud And Lou
Entertainment: What Are Ren And Stimpy's Last Names`Ren Hoek Stimpy Cadoogan
Entertainment: What Are The Names Of Daisy Duck's Nieces`April, May And June
Entertainment: What Are The Names Of The Simon Brothers From Simon & Simon`Rick & Aj`Rick and Aj
Entertainment: What Are The Surnames Of The Two Ronnies`Barker And Corbett
Entertainment: What Artist Said That If She Could 'Paint A Flower In A Huge Scale, You Could Not Ignore Its Beauty'`Georgia O'keeffe
Entertainment: What Basketball Star Played A Genie In 'Kazaam'`Shaquille O'neal
Entertainment: What Beloved Tv Sitcom Star Played A Plainclothes Nun In The Movie, 'Change Of Habit'`Mary Tyler Moore
Entertainment: what beverage are the flies in, in skip to my lou`buttermilk
Entertainment: What Billy Joel Hit Was Chosen As The Theme For Bosom Buddies`My Life
Entertainment: What Bird Inspired Edgar Allan Poe To Write A Poem`The Raven
Entertainment: What Black Star Noted: 'I'm Funny Without Drugs. I Don't Have To Sniff Cocaine To Be Funny'`Eddie Murphy
Entertainment: What Blonde Strutted As A Playboy Club Waitress Before Singing Lead Vocals On Four No. 1 Hits`Deborah Harry
Entertainment: What Book Was Randy Shilts Typing The Last Page Of When He Found Out He Was Hiv-Positive`And The Band Played On
Entertainment: What Brady Buncher Carped About Being 'Everybody's Answer To A 'Trivial Pursuit' Question'`Eve Plumb
Entertainment: What Brand Of Car Was The Time Machine In 'Back To The Future'`De Loreon
Entertainment: What Brand Of Cat Food Was Hawked By Morris In Tv Spots`Nine Lives
Entertainment: What British Actor Got 2.25 Percent Of The Profits From Star Wars`Alec Guinness
Entertainment: What British Pop Star Appeared In The 1970 Film Performance`Mick Jagger
Entertainment: What Cartoon, By Greg Daniels And Mike Judge, Concerns A Texas Propane Salesman And His Somewhat Functional Family`King Of The Hill
Entertainment: What Cartoon Character Cries: 'Arriba! Arriba!'`Speedy Gonzalez
Entertainment: What Cartoon Character Says 'Doh'`Homer Simpson
Entertainment: What Cartoon Featured A Boy With A Community Of Tiny People Living In His Wall`The Littles
Entertainment: What Cartoon Show's Theme Warns: 'Watch Out For That Tree!'`George Of The Jungle
Entertainment: What Category Of Oscar Was The Only Award For The Film Star Wars`Sound Track
Entertainment: What Caused Sandy Duncan To Go Blind In One Eye`Brain Tumor
Entertainment: What Caused The Gremlins In The Movie Gremlin To Become Evil`Eating After Midnight
Entertainment: What Character Did Dan Aykroyd Portray In The Movie 'Trading Places'`Louis Winthorpe Iii
Entertainment: What Character Did John Belushi Portray At His 'Saturday Night Live' Audition`A Samurai Warrior
Entertainment: What Character Did Robert Urich Play In Swat`Jim Street
Entertainment: What Character Did Tex Avery First Create Upon Arriving At Mgm`Screwball Squirrel
Entertainment: What Character Did Vincent Price Play In 'Abbott And Costello Meet Frankenstein'`Invisible Man
Entertainment: What Character From 'Mash' Was A Cross-Dresser`Maxwell Klinger
Entertainment: What Character In The Movie Grease Thought She Was Pregnant`Rizzo
Entertainment: What Cheers Actor Was In The Empire Strikes Back`John Ratzenberg
Entertainment: what child actor appeared in the kid, charlie chaplin's first full length film`jackie coogan
Entertainment: What Child Actress Received A Miniature Oscar In 1944`Margaret Obrien
Entertainment: What Children's Book Introduced The Cat Behind It's Cheshire Grin`Alice In Wonderland
Entertainment: What Child Star Was Kept Intact With False Front Teeth After Her Baby Ones Fell Out`Shirley Temple
Entertainment: What Chris Tarrant Saturday Children's Programme Became Cult Viewing For Adults`Tiswas
Entertainment: What City Did Eddie Murphy Serve To Protect Before Events Took Him To Beverly Hills`Detroit
Entertainment: What City Do Batman And Robin Patrol`Gotham City
Entertainment: what city is the setting for the mary tyler moore show`minneapolis
Entertainment: What City Is The Setting For The Movie 'Chinatown'`Los Angeles
Entertainment: What City Provided The Setting For One Day At A Time`Indianapolis
Entertainment: What City Was The Setting Of The Tv Series 'One Day At A Time'`Indianapolis, Indiana
Entertainment: What Coin Did Patrick Swayze Use To Perform Magical Mind-Over-Matter Feats In The Movie 'Ghost'`A Penny
Entertainment: What Colour Is The Car That Starsky & Hutch Drive`Red With A White Swoop
Entertainment: What Comedian Communicated By Honking A Bombay Taxi Horn`Harpo Marx
Entertainment: What Comedian Had A Career Long Running Gag About How Cheap He Was`Jack Benny
Entertainment: What Comedian Has Played God In Two Movies`George Burns
Entertainment: What Comedian Is Know For His 'Here's Your Sign' Trilogy`Bill Engvall
Entertainment: what comedian opened his routines by saying, my name jose jimenez`bill dana
Entertainment: What Comedian's Signature Line Was: 'This Is Another Fine Mess You've Gotten Us Into'`Oliver Hardy
Entertainment: What Comedian Was Booted Out Of A Peoria Grammar School When Nuns Learned His Grandmother Operated A Number Of Brothels`Richard Pryor
Entertainment: What Comedian Was Oona O'neil Married To`Charlie Chaplin
Entertainment: What Comedienne's Baby Appeared On The First Cover Of Tv Guide`Lucille Ball
Entertainment: What Comedy Act Started As 'The Six Musical Mascots'`Marx Brothers
Entertainment: What Comedy Duo Appeared On The First Broadcast Of The Toast Of The Town'`Dean Martin And Jerry Lewis
Entertainment: What Comedy Team First Appeared In 'One Night In The Tropics'`Abbott And Costello
Entertainment: What Comedy Team's Films Included 'Hollywood Or Bust' And 'Living It Up'`Dean Martin And Jerry Lewis
Entertainment: What Company Was The Original Sponsor Of Tvs Superman`Kelloggs
Entertainment: What Computer Animated Animals Warmed Hearts In Coca Cola's Always Ads In The Mid 1990's`Polar Bears
Entertainment: What Corpulent Comedian Donated A Pair Of His Pants To Complete Charlie Chaplin's Little Tramp Outfit`Fatty Arbuckle
Entertainment: What Country Was The Setting For 'Casablanca'`Morocco
Entertainment: What Country Was The Setting For 'The King And I'`Siam (Thailand
Entertainment: What Country Was The Setting For 'You Only Live Twice'`Japan
Entertainment: What Cowboy Rode Trigger In The Movies`Roy Rogers
Entertainment: What Cowboy Taught President Sukarno's Son How To Twirl A Six Shooter`Roy Rogers
Entertainment: What Cult-Fav Eighties Movie Features John Lithgow From Another Dimension`The Adventures Of Buckaroo Banzai
Entertainment: What Cult Film Made An Instant Star Out Of A Rotund Rocker Named Meat Loaf`The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Entertainment: What Current Cast Member Of Er Was On An 80's Show Of The Same Name`George Clooney
Entertainment: What Current Popular Sitcom Star Played Michael P. Keaton's Girlfriend Lauren Miller On Family Ties`Courteney Cox
Entertainment: What Dance Movie Resurrected The Great Eric Carmen's Singing Career`Dirty Dancing
Entertainment: What David Lynch Movie Might Some Film Buffs Have Attended Expecting To See Bobby Vinton's Life Story`Blue Velvet
Entertainment: What Day Was Circus Day On The Mickey Mouse Club`Thursday
Entertainment: What Deranged Movie Murderer Has Been Dubbed A 'Jaws On Land'`Jason
Entertainment: What Designation Appears On Entertainment Tonight Microphones`Letters Et
Entertainment: What Detective Agency's Motto Is 'We Never Sleep'`Pinkertons
Entertainment: What Detective Duo Was Featured In Mystery At Devil's Paw`Joe And Frank Hardy
Entertainment: What Detective Duo Was Featured In Mystery At Devil's Paw`The Hardy Boys
Entertainment: What Did Actor John Wayne Win From Rudd Weatherswax In A Poker Game`Lassie
Entertainment: What Did Aj Stand For In Simon & Simon's Aj Simon`Andrew Jackson
Entertainment: What Did An Actress' Character Have Auctioned Off In The Movie 'Pretty Baby'`Her Virginity
Entertainment: What Did Archie Bunker Call His Son-In-Law`Meathead
Entertainment: What Did Archie Bunker On 'All In The Family' Call His Son-In-Law Mike`Meathead
Entertainment: What Did Ben Calhoun Win In A Poker Hand In The Western 'The Iron Horse'`Railroad
Entertainment: What Did Disney Turn Tommy Kirk Into In 1959`The Shaggy Dog
Entertainment: what did elvis presley find down at the end of lonely street`heartbreak hotel
Entertainment: What Did Fletch's Initials (I. M.) Stand For`Irwin Maurice
Entertainment: What Did Hannibal Lecter Like To Eat With Liver`Fava Beans
Entertainment: What Did He-Man Say When He Lifted His Sword And Gained His Strength`By The Power Of Grayskull I Am He-Man
Entertainment: What Did Jim Rockford Call His Father`Rocky
Entertainment: What Did Liberace Adorn His Piano With`A Candelabra
Entertainment: What Did Moulder Find In The Whirlpool Plumbing In '3'`Hypodermic Needle
Entertainment: What Did Murphy Brown Name Her Child In 1992, In The Most-Watched Tv Birth Since 1953's Little Ricky`Avery
Entertainment: What Did Rod Serling Create`Twilight Zone
Entertainment: What Did Scotty Use To Singlehandedly Save The Enterprise In Star Trek`Scotch Whisky
Entertainment: What Did The Chief Nickname Starsky's Car On Stasky And Hutch`The Striped Tomato
Entertainment: What Did The Film Crew Call The Shark In 'Jaws'`Bruce
Entertainment: What Did The 'P' In Roscoe P. Coltrane (From Dukes Of Hazzard) Stand For`Purvis
Entertainment: What Did The Scarecrow Want From The Wizard Of Oz`A Brain
Entertainment: What Did 'Tv Guide' Claim Was A 'Landmark Sitcom That Proved There Is Life After 50'`The Golden Girls
Entertainment: What Did Tvs Imf Stand For`Impossible Mission Forces
Entertainment: what did walt disney turn tommy kirk into in 1959`the shaggy dog
Entertainment: What Did Webster Call His Adoptive Parents`Ma'am And George
Entertainment: What Did 'Wonderwoman' Use To Deflect Bullets`Golden Bracelets
Entertainment: What Director Portrayed The Commandant Of The Pow Camp In 1953's Stalag 17`Otto Preminger
Entertainment: What Director's Modus Operandi Was To - Always Make The Audience Suffer As Much As Possible`Alfred Hitchcock's
Entertainment: What Disney Movie Features The Last Line 'Goodbye Herbie'`Love Bug
Entertainment: What Does 'Alf' Stand For`Alien Life Form
Entertainment: What Does Ally Sheedy Say She Likes To Drink In The Breakfast Club`Vodka
Entertainment: What Does Ally Sheedy Use To Decorate Her Picture In The Breakfast Club`Dandruff
Entertainment: What Does 'Dormez-Vous' Mean`Are You Sleeping
Entertainment: What Does 'F/X' Mean In The Movies`Special Effects
Entertainment: What Does M.A.S.K. Stand For`Mobile Armoured Strike Kommand
Entertainment: What Does Mel Blanc's Headstone Say`That's All Folks
Entertainment: What Does Mork's Finger Do After Drinking Orange Juice`Burps
Entertainment: What Does The Lady In The Cafe Order After Sally Finishes Proving To Harry That He Can't Tell The Difference Between A Real And A Faked Orgasm In When Harry Met Sally`I'll Have What She's Having
Entertainment: What Does The Letters Mtv Stand For`Music Television
Entertainment: What Does The Statue Of Oscar Stand On`A Reel Of Film
Entertainment: What Does The Winner Get When Cars Are 'Racing For Pinks'`The Loser's Registration Card
Entertainment: What Does Thumper Call Ice In 'Bambi'`Lichens
Entertainment: What Do Most People Call 'Waltz Number 314' By Johann Strauss Jr`Blue Danube
Entertainment: What Don't Gary And Wyatt Do When They Take A Shower With Lisa In Weird Science`Take Off Their Pants
Entertainment: What Eighties Tv Show Starred Bruce Willis In A Detective Agency`Moonlighting
Entertainment: What Eighties Tv Show Starred Tom Hanks In Women's Clothing`Bosom Buddies
Entertainment: What Eight-Minute,36-Second Hit By Don Mclean Did Wabc Call The Most-Played Song Of 1971`American Pie
Entertainment: What Embarrassing Problem Did Tammy Fae Bakker Have To Overcome In The 60s`Bed Wetting
Entertainment: What Entertainer Is Allowing One Of His Songs To Be Used In A Government Campaign To Beat Drunk Driving`Michael Jackson
Entertainment: What Epic Film Did Charles Laughton Play Quasimodo In`The Hunchback Of Notre Dame
Entertainment: What Event Was The Interview Of The Natural Born Killer, Mickey, To Be Held During`The Superbowl
Entertainment: What Evil Henchmen Followed 'Rodac's' Commands In Tv's 'Space Giants'`Lugo Men
Entertainment: What Expense-Checker Did This 'Twin Peaks' Agent Intone Messages To Via A Microcassette Recorder`Diane
Entertainment: What Famed Canine Declined To Share The Cover Of 'Tv Guide' With Other Hollywood Dogs`Lassie
Entertainment: What Famous Actor, During A Chance Encounter On A Plane, Suggested To Kevin Costner That He Should Pursue Acting`Richard Burton
Entertainment: What Famous Animal Character Called 'Skull Island' Home`King Kong
Entertainment: What Famous Athlete Appeared In The Towering Inferno`Oj Simpson
Entertainment: What Famous Comedian Died At Christmas In 1977`Charlie Chaplin
Entertainment: What Famous Comedienne Played Baby Snooks On Radio`Fanny Brice
Entertainment: What Famous Congressman Was On An Episode Of The Golden Girls`Sonny Bono
Entertainment: What Famous Duo Was Born Robert Leroy Parker And Harry Longbaugh`Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid
Entertainment: What Famous Film Did Actor Bela Lugosi Not Finish Filming Due To His Death`Dracula
Entertainment: What Famous Film Was Revamped And Re-Released Mid 1997`Star Wars
Entertainment: What Famous Person Painfully Sang In 'Paint Your Wagon'`Clint Eastwood
Entertainment: What Feline Fiend Is Always Chasing Tweety Pie`Sylvester
Entertainment: What Fictional Action Hero Did Clayton Moore Portray In Both Television And The Movies`The Lone Ranger
Entertainment: What Fictional Doctor Talks To The Animals`Doctor Doolittle
Entertainment: What Fictional Town Is The Setting For The Soap Opera As The World Turns`Oakdale
Entertainment: What Film About World War Ii Won The Oscar For Best Picture In 1942`Mrs. Miniver
Entertainment: what film couple was portrayed by majorie main and percy kilbride`ma and pa kettle
Entertainment: What Film Did John Wayne Win His Only Oscar For`True Grit
Entertainment: what film does ken kesey refuse to watch`one flew over the cuckoo's nest
Entertainment: What Film Features The Song 'Born Free'`Born Free
Entertainment: What Film Gave The Following Hype: 'Brando Sings!'`Guys And Dolls
Entertainment: What Film Had Bette Davis Creating A Scandal By Wearing A Daring Red Gown To A Society Ball`Jezebel
Entertainment: What Film Had Greta Garbo Asking: What's The Matter, Mata`Mata Hari
Entertainment: What Film Is About The Migration Of Poor Workers From The Dust Bowl To The California Fruit Valleys`Grapes Of Wrath
Entertainment: What Film Launched Marlene Dietrich`Blue Angel
Entertainment: what film made hattie mcdaniel the first black to win an oscar`gone with the wind
Entertainment: What Film Opens With The Song 'On Broadway' And Closes With The Song 'Bye Bye Love'`All That Jazz
Entertainment: What Film Puts An Animated Rodent To Work, Hauling Buckets Of Water In His Masters Abode`Fantasia
Entertainment: What Film Star Mistakenly Thought Of As French-Born, Actually Came Into The World As Ivo Livi In Milan Italy`Yves Montand
Entertainment: What Film Starred Bruce Willis As A Washed Up Private Eye And Damon Wayens As A Washed Up Football Player`The Last Boy-Scout
Entertainment: What Film Starred Rosie O'donnell, Rita Wilson And Meg Ryan`Sleepless In Seattle
Entertainment: What Film Started A Run Of Nostalgia Culminating In The Tv Series 'Happy Days'`American Graffiti
Entertainment: What Film Was Harrison Ford Almost Fired From For Eating Too Many Doughnuts`American Graffiti
Entertainment: What Film Was Robert Redford's First To Direct`Ordinary People
Entertainment: What Film Was The Last Featuring Mel Blanc's Voice`Jetsons
Entertainment: What Film Won The Oscar For Best Picture In 1987`The Last Emperor
Entertainment: What Five Words End Charles Dicken's Most Famous Christmas Story`God Bless Us Every One
Entertainment: What Former Cast Member Of 'The White Shadow' Tv Series Directed The Debut Episode Of The Showtime Basketball Series 'The Hoop Life'`Kevin Hooks
Entertainment: What Four-Word Line Ended Nine Classic 'Honeymooners' Episodes`'Baby, You're The Greatest'
Entertainment: What Fraternity Do The Lewis And Gilbert Join In Revenge Of The Nerds`Lambda Lambda Lambda
Entertainment: What Friend Of Tv's Tom Magnum Regularly Refers To His Two Watchdogs As 'Lads'`Jonathan Higgins
Entertainment: What Future Famous Actors Played Spicolli's Sidekicks In Fast Times At Ridgemont High`Eric Stoltz And Anthony Edwards
Entertainment: What Future Player In 'Rebel Without A Cause' Pre-Tested Stunts For 'Beat The Clock'`James Dean
Entertainment: What Future Sitcom Megastar Began Wearing Her Hair Red In 1942`Lucille Ball
Entertainment: What Georgia Town Did Scarlett O'hara Condemn As Being Full Of Pushy People`Atlanta
Entertainment: What Georgia Town Did The First Dukes Of Hazzard Episodes Take Place`Covington
Entertainment: What Gloria Gaynor Chart-Topper Was Originally The 'B' Side Of The Single 'Substitute'`I Will Survive
Entertainment: What God Were The Thugees Worshipping In Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom`Kali
Entertainment: What Good Is Sitting/Alone In Your Room Come! Hear The Music Play`Cabaret
Entertainment: What Hairstyle Did Angela Davis Help Popularize`The Afro
Entertainment: What Happened In The Last Episode Of The Odd Couple`Felix Remarried Gloria
Entertainment: What Happened On Screen For The First Time In India In 1977`Screen Kiss
Entertainment: What Happens To Wanda In A Fish Called Wanda`Wanda Is Eaten
Entertainment: What Height Was The Model Of King Kong Used In The Making Of The Film (Answer In Inches Only!)`16
Entertainment: What High School Sued Fine Line Films For Placing The School 'In A False And Untrue Light' In The Film 'Hoop Dreams'`St Joseph High School`saint Joseph High School
Entertainment: What Hit Movie Spent 10 Percent Of Its Budget For The Rights To 41 Golden Oldies`American Graffiti
Entertainment: What Hollywood Actress Was The Oomph Girl`Ann Sheridan
Entertainment: What Hollywood Legend Was A Strapping 13 Pounds When He Came Out Of The Womb On May 26,1907`John Wayne
Entertainment: What Hollywood Starlet's Pinup Graced The Most Gi Barracks In World War Ii`Betty Grable's`Betty Grables`Betty Grable
Entertainment: What Hollywood Studio Released Doctor Zhivago, Ben-Hur And Gigi`Mgm
Entertainment: What Host Won Emmy's For Being The Quizmaster On The $100,000 Pyramid`Dick Clark
Entertainment: What Housewife Once Portrayed A Deep Throated Nurse`Linda Lovelace
Entertainment: What Humphrey Bogart Movie Title Completes The Promotional Line: 'They Had A Date With Fate In...'`Casablanca
Entertainment: 'What If Your Pot Was On Fire' 'Impossible Sir, Its In Johnson's Underwear'`The Breakfast Club
Entertainment: What Illinois Town Was Superman's Boyhood Home`Smallville
Entertainment: What Indiana Jones Movie Saw An Actress Make Her Mark On Future Hubby Steven Spielberg`Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom
Entertainment: what insturment does miles davis play`the trumpet
Entertainment: what is actor michael keatons real name`michael douglas
Entertainment: What Is Indiana Jones Main Weapon`His Whip
Entertainment: What Is Iola Cat That Died On The Episode Of Mamma's Family`Midnight
Entertainment: What Is James Whistler's Painting, 'Arrangement In Grey And Black', Best Known As`Whistler's Mother
Entertainment: What Is Jonathan Taylor Thomas' Tv Name On Home Improvements`Randy
Entertainment: What Is Keanu Reeves Character's Real Name In 'The Matrix' (1999)`Thomas Anderson
Entertainment: What Is Keanu Reeve's Hacker Name In The Movie, 'The Matrix' (1999)`Neo
Entertainment: What Is Kermit D Frog's Girlfriend's Name`Miss Piggy
Entertainment: What Is Know As 'The Greatest Show On Earth'`Barnum & Bailey Circus
Entertainment: What Island Did Balki From Perfect Strangers Call Home`Mypos
Entertainment: What Island Was Dr. No Filmed On`Jamaica
Entertainment: What Is L'il Abner's Last Name`Yokum
Entertainment: What Is Logan 5's Job In The Movie Logan's Run`Sandman
Entertainment: what is lovely rita's occupation`meter maid
Entertainment: What Is Macgyver's First Name`Angus
Entertainment: What Is Mel Blanc's Epitaph On His Tombstone`That's All, Folks!
Entertainment: What Is Memphis Raines Real First Name In Gone In 60 Seconds`Randall
Entertainment: What Is Michael Jordan's Vanity License Plate`Rareair
Entertainment: What Is Mr Burn's Stonecutter Number`29
Entertainment: What Is Mr. Roger's First Name`Fred
Entertainment: What Is Ray Bradbury's Illustrated Man Illustrated With`Tattoos
Entertainment: 'What Is The Airspeed Velocity Of An Unladen Swallow'`Monty Python And The Holy Grail
Entertainment: What Is The Appropriate Response To The Vulcan Salutation, 'Live Long And Prosper'`Peace And Long Life
Entertainment: What Is The Birthplace (City) Of The Late John Candy`Toronto
Entertainment: What Is The Book That Copies Harry Potter In The Movie Scary Movie2 Called`Harry Pothead
Entertainment: What Is The Connection Between Good Times And Different Strokes`Janet Jackson
Entertainment: What Is The Destination Of The Plane At The End Of The Film 'Casablanca'`Lisbon
Entertainment: What Is The First Message In 'Charlotte's Web'`Some Pig
Entertainment: What Is The Frog's Name In 'The Muppet Show'`Kermit D Frog
Entertainment: What Is The Last Song That The Hal 9000 Sings In '2001 Sapce Odessey'`Daisy
Entertainment: What Is The Line In Labrynith That Sarah Can Never Remember`You Have No Power Over Me
Entertainment: What Is The Longest Running American Sitcom`Seinfeld
Entertainment: What Is 'The Machine That Changed The World'`A Tv Series
Entertainment: What Is The Most Filmed Story`Dracula
Entertainment: What Is The Name Of Barney Rubble's Wife`Betty
Entertainment: What Is The Name Of Betty Rubble's Husband`Barney
Entertainment: What Is The Name Of Dorothy's Dog In 'The Wizard Of Oz'`Toto
Entertainment: What Is The Name Of Eliot's Pet Dog In The Movie 'E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial'`Harvey
Entertainment: What Is The Name Of Fred Flintstone's Dinosaur`Dino
Entertainment: What Is The Name Of Fred Flintstone's Wife`Wilma
Entertainment: What Is The Name Of Han Solo's Ship In 'Star Wars'`The Millennium Falcon
Entertainment: What Is The Name Of Jaleel White's Character In The Tv Series 'Family Matters'`Steve Erkel
Entertainment: What Is The Name Of Little Orphan Annie's Dog`Sandy
Entertainment: What Is The Name Of Marty's Band That Trys Out For The Dance In Back To The Future`The Pinheads
Entertainment: What Is The Name Of Mr.Krane's Dog On Frasier`Eddie
Entertainment: What Is The Name Of Oprah Winfrey's Production Company`Harpo
Entertainment: What Is The Name Of Orphan Annie's Dog`Sandy
Entertainment: What Is The Name Of Pearce Brosnan's First James Bond Film`Goldeneye
Entertainment: What Is The Name Of Sarah's Brother That She Is Trying To Save In The Labyrinth`Toby
Entertainment: What Is The Name Of The Airline That Operates The Ill-Fated Flight From La To Chicago In The Movie Airplane!`Trans American
Entertainment: What Is The Name Of The Bally Pinball Machine That Appeared In The Movie 'Tommy'`The Wizard
Entertainment: What Is The Name Of The Cartoon That Had Ponies Of All Colours Of The Rainbow, And Had A Design On Their Butt, There Were Pegasus, Unicorns, And Earth Ponies And They Talked`My Little Ponies
Entertainment: What Is The Name Of The Cat In The Smurfs`Azriel
Entertainment: What Is The Name Of The Detective Created By Mickey Spillane`Mike Hammer
Entertainment: What Is The Name Of The Dukes Of Hazzards Car`General Lee
Entertainment: What Is The Name Of The Evil Spirit In Polterguise`Kane
Entertainment: What Is The Name Of The Film In Which Steven Segal's Character Dies`Executive Decision
Entertainment: What Is The Name Of The Freelings' Dog In Poltergeist`Ebuzz
Entertainment: What Is The Name Of The 'Looney Tunes' Song`Merry-Go-Round Broke Down
Entertainment: What Is The Name Of The Mgm Lion`Leo
Entertainment: What Is The Name Of The Sequel To '101 Dalmations'`'Ben' Or 'Bad'102 Dalmations
Entertainment: What Is The Name Of The Shuttle Line In The Movie 2001`Pan Am
Entertainment: What Is The Name Of The Skunk In The Film, 'Bambi'`Flower
Entertainment: What Is The Name Of The Spaceship In Star Trek`Enterprise
Entertainment: What Is The Name Of The Theme Song For The People's Court`The Big One
Entertainment: What Is The Name Of The Theme Song From Mash`Suicide Is Painless
Entertainment: What Is The Name Of The Tv Clown On 'The Simpsons'`Krusty
Entertainment: What Is The Name Of The Volkswagen In The Film, 'The Love Bug'`Herbie
Entertainment: what is the name of the womens prison in prisioner cell block h`wentworth
Entertainment: What Is The Occupation Of Tom Hanks' Character In Bachelor Party`School Bus Driver
Entertainment: What Is The Only X Rated Film To Have Won The Best Film Oscar`Midnight Cowboy
Entertainment: What Is The Race Of Cyborgs That Terrorises The Federation In Star Trek Called`The Borg
Entertainment: What Is The Real Name Of Jem From Jem And The Holograms`Jerrica Benton
Entertainment: What Is The Real Name Of The 'Man Of Arms' In 'He Man And The Masters Of The Universe'`Duncan
Entertainment: What Is The Registry Number Of The Enterprise In The Original Star Trek`Ncc 1701
Entertainment: What Is The Sequel To The Film 'Every Which Way But Loose'`Every Which Way You Can
Entertainment: What Is The Stage Name Of Actress Demetria Guynes`Demi Moore
Entertainment: What Is The Stage Name Of Greta Gustafson`Greta Garbo
Entertainment: What Is The Stage Name Of Movie Star Francesca Mitzi Gerber`Mitzi Gaynor
Entertainment: What Is The Stage Name Of Roberta Anderson`Joni Mitchell
Entertainment: What Is The Title Of The 1996 Sequel To 'Terms Of Endearment'`Morning Star
Entertainment: What Is The Title Of The Longest Film Ever Created`Cure For Insomnia
Entertainment: What Is The Tv Network A.B.C's Full Name`American Broadcasting Corporation
Entertainment: What Is The Tv Network N.B.C's Full Name`National Broadcasting Corporation
Entertainment: What James Dickey Novel Tells The Story Of An Ill Fated Canoe Trip`Deliverance
Entertainment: What Jefferson Airplane Hit Described Alice Of Wonderland Fame As Being 10 Feet Tall`White Rabbit
Entertainment: What Julie Andrew's Comedy Was William Holden's Last Screen Appearance`S.O.B
Entertainment: What Kids Tv Show Celebrated Its 20th Season In 1988`Sesame Street
Entertainment: What Kids' Tv Show Was Axed In Mississippi In 1970 For Being 'Highly Integrated'`Sesame Street
Entertainment: What Kind Of Animal Was Cheetah In The Tarzan Movies`Chimpanzee
Entertainment: What Kind Of Bug Emerges In The 1975 Movie The Bug`Beetle
Entertainment: What Kind Of Car Did Toretto's Father Leave Behind In The Fast And The Furious`Dodge Charger
Entertainment: What Kind Of Car Does Nick Nolte's Character In 48 Hours`A Sky Blue Cadillac Convertible
Entertainment: What Kind Of Car Is Paul Walker's Last Car In The Fast And The Furious`Toyota Supra
Entertainment: What Kind Of Car Is Vin Diesel's Racer In The Fast And The Furious`Mazda Rx-7
Entertainment: What Kind Of Car Was Paul Walker's First Car In The Fast And The Furious`Mitsubishi Eclipse
Entertainment: What Kind Of Car Was Used As A Time Machine In The 'Back To The Future' Movies`A Deloren
Entertainment: What Kind Of Cat Is Used In Purina(Tm) Commercials`White Persian
Entertainment: What Kind Of Cowboy Was John Voight In 1969`Midnight Cowboy
Entertainment: What Kind Of Creature Was Chewbacca In 'Star Wars'`Wookiee
Entertainment: What Kind Of Dog Is Fang In The Movie Harry Potter`Boarhound
Entertainment: What Kind Of Dog Was 'Rin Tin Tin'`German Shepherd
Entertainment: What Kind Of Gun Does The Movie's 'Dirty Harry' Pack`Magnum 45
Entertainment: What Kind Of Hats Did Laurel And Hardy Wear`Bowler Hats
Entertainment: What Kind Of Machines Did Those Magnificent Men Have In A Well Known Film`Flying Machines
Entertainment: what kind of music did singer mahalia jackson specialise in`gospel
Entertainment: What Kind Of Pet Did The Beaver And Wally Hide From June And Ward In Their Toilet Tank`Alligator
Entertainment: What Language Does Supercow Speak`Spanish
Entertainment: What Language Was Doctor Zhivago Written In`Russian
Entertainment: What Late Actor Had Siblings In The Acting Biz Named Leaf, Rain, Liberty And Summer`River Phoenix
Entertainment: What Late Filmmaker Was Notorious For Timing Employees' Trips To The Soft Drink Machine`Walt Disney
Entertainment: What Late Night News Show Became Popular In The Eighties After The Iranian Hostage Takeover`Nightline
Entertainment: What Late Night Show Replaced Tom Synder's Show`David Letterman
Entertainment: What Late Television Commentator Closed With 'Good Night And Good Luck'`Edward R Murrow
Entertainment: What Late 'Theatre Of Blood' Horror Actor Left Behind A $5 Million Art Collection`Vincent Price
Entertainment: What Lewis Carroll Work Offers This Bit Of Whimsy: 'All Mimsy Were The Borogoves, And The Mome Raths Outgrabe'`Alice In Wonderland
Entertainment: What Li'l Abner Animal Gave Milk And Laid Eggs`Schmoo
Entertainment: What Live Insect Did Actor Nicholas Cage Once Eat (In The Movie 'Vampire's Kiss')`Cockroach
Entertainment: What Lodge Did Fred Flintstone And Barney Rubble Belong To`The Royal Order Of Water Buffalo
Entertainment: What Long-Running Broadway Musical Introduced The Song 'Try To Remember'`Fantasticks
Entertainment: What Looney Toons Character Used A Univac To Solve A Mystery`Porky Pig
Entertainment: What Made The Crew Sick In The Movie Airplane`The Fish
Entertainment: What Magazine Parodied Tv's 'Star Trek' With A Piece Titled 'Star Blecch'`Mad
Entertainment: What Marlon Brando Film Was Widely Banned`Last Tango In Paris
Entertainment: What 'Married ... With Children' Star's Bra Was Stolen From Frederick's Of Hollywood In L.A. Rioting`Katey Sagal
Entertainment: What Married Woman Caused An International Scandal While Playing Cleopatra In 1962`Elizabeth Taylor
Entertainment: What Marx Brother Had Real Name Julius Henry`Groucho
Entertainment: What Marx Brother Had Real Name Milton`Gummo
Entertainment: What Marx Brother's Name Spelled Backwards Is The Name Of A Daytime Talk Show Host`Harpo
Entertainment: What Mechanical Cop Was Described As 'The Thinking Man's Terminator'`Robocop
Entertainment: What Media Icon Invaded Network 23`Max Headroom
Entertainment: What Menacing Character Was Best Friends With Tommy Anderson`Dennis The Menace
Entertainment: What Model Car Was Used In The Classic Tv Series, Route 66`Corvette
Entertainment: What Model Of Car Did Starsky And Hutch Drive`Torino
Entertainment: What Monty Python Movie Was Banned In Scotland`Life Of Brian
Entertainment: What Mork And Mindy Vet Was A Regular On Hee Haw During The 1983 84 Season`Jonathan Winters
Entertainment: What Movie Actor Is The Son Of Actor Henry Fonda`Peter Fonda
Entertainment: What Movie Actress Is The Daughter Of Actor Henry Fonda`Jane Fonda
Entertainment: What Movie And Sequel Both Won The Best Picture Oscar`The Godfather
Entertainment: What Movie Cowboy Made His Final Film Appearance In The 15-Chapter Serial 'The Miracle Rider' Prior To His Untimely Death`Tom Mix
Entertainment: What Movie Did Art Carney Win The 1974 Best Actor Oscar For`Harry And Tonto
Entertainment: What Movie Did Critic Andrew Sarris Refer To As Lawrence Of Russia`Dr Zhivago
Entertainment: What Movie Did John Wayne Win His Only Oscar For`True Grit
Entertainment: What Movie Did Nicholas Cage Play A Elvis-Like Drifter`Wild At Heart
Entertainment: What Movie Did Paul Newman Play Fast Eddie Felson In`Hustler
Entertainment: What Movie Did Sharon Stone Land The Lead In After It Was Nixed By Kim Basinger, Ellen Barkin, Michelle Pfeiffer And Geena Davis`Basic Instinct
Entertainment: What Movie Featured Dennis Weaver Vs A Scuzzy Gasoline Tanker Truck`The Duel
Entertainment: What Movie Featured Reece's Pieces As A Crucial Part Of The Story, Because The Director Couldn't Obtain The Rights To Use M&M's`E.T
Entertainment: What Movie Gimmick Was Shared By The Films 'Midway' And 'Roller Coaster'`Sensurround
Entertainment: What Movie Had Dan Ackroyd Losing His Job, Home, Fiancee, Limo And Butler`Trading Places
Entertainment: What Movie Had The Tagline Love Kills`Sid And Nancy
Entertainment: What Movie Had This Quote: 'You're Gonna Need A Bigger Boat.'`Jaws
Entertainment: What Movie Harrison Ford, Sean Young, Rutger Hauer`Bladerunner
Entertainment: What Movie Has Been Nominated For 14 Oscars`All About Eve
Entertainment: What Movie Has Meg Ryan Switching Identities With An Elderly Man`Prelude To A Kiss
Entertainment: What Movie Has Steve Martin Noting, 'It's Not The Size Of A Nose That Matters, It's In It'`Roxanne
Entertainment: What Movie Included 'What We Have Here Is A Failure To Communicate'`Cool Hand Luke
Entertainment: What Movie Is About The Migration Of Poor Workers From The Dust Bowl To The California Fruit Valleys`Grapes Of Wrath
Entertainment: What Movie Is The Following Tagline From: Her Life Was In Their Hands. Now Her Toe Is In The Mail`The Big Lebowski
Entertainment: What Movie Is This Quote From 'I'm Taking You Off The Air, I Think You're Having A Breakdown.'`Network
Entertainment: What Movie Is This Quote From: 'They May Take Our Lives, But They Will Never Take Our Freedom`Braveheart
Entertainment: What Movie Kurt Russell, Keith David, Wilford Brimley`The Thing
Entertainment: What Movie Kurt Russell, Val Kilmer, Michael Biehn`Tombstone
Entertainment: What Movie Links Cher, Michelle Pfeiffer And Susan Sarandon`The Witches Of Eastwick
Entertainment: What Movie Marked James Cagney's Return To The Screen After 20 Years`Ragtime
Entertainment: What Movie Monster Fought King Kong Atop A Mountain`Godzilla
Entertainment: What Movie Pierce Brosnan, Leslie Anne Down, Adam Ant`Nomads
Entertainment: What Movie Prompted 'Premiere' To Put A Man On It's Cover With The Line 'In Your Face'`The Man Without A Face
Entertainment: What Movie Rating Replaced The 'X' Rating`Nc 17
Entertainment: What Movie (Released In North America In 1984) Featured A Cute Creature Named Gizmo`Gremlins
Entertainment: What Movie Saw Dustin Hoffman Win An Oscar For Playing An Autistic Savant`Rain Man
Entertainment: What Movie Soundtrack Did Inxs And Jimmy Barnes Perform 'Good Times'`The Lost Boys`Lost Boys
Entertainment: What Movie's Plot Is Revisited By Novelty Singer Tom 'T-Bone' Stankus In His Song 'Existential Blues'`Wizard Of Oz
Entertainment: What Movie's Release Coincided With Protests Over The Three Mile Island Incident`China Syndrome
Entertainment: What Movie's Romantic Pottery-Making Scene Was Satirized In 'The Naked Gun 2 1/2'`Ghost's
Entertainment: What Movie Star Had The Rocky Job Of Sweeping Out The Lion Cages At The New York City Zoo Before Making It Big`Sylvester Stallone
Entertainment: What Movie Star Played A Lead Role In Two Trilogies`Harrison Ford
Entertainment: What Movie Starred Drew Barrymore, Mary-Louise Parker, And Matthew Mcconaughney`Boys On The Side
Entertainment: What Movie Starred Helen Hunt, Gary Elwes And Bill Paxton`Twister
Entertainment: What Movie Starred James Brolin And Margot Kidder`Amityville Horror
Entertainment: What Movie Starred Lee Marvin As Twins Kid Shelleen And Tim Strawn`Cat Ballou
Entertainment: What Movie Starred Michael Caine And Angie Dickinson`Dressed To Kill
Entertainment: What Movie Starred Michael Caine & Angie Dickinson`Dressed To Kill
Entertainment: What Movie Starred Rosie O'donnell, Rita Wilson And Meg Ryan`Sleepless In Seattle
Entertainment: What Movie Stars Morgan Freeman As A Pimp Known As Fast Black`Streetsmart
Entertainment: What Movie Studio Produced Most Of The 'Godzilla' Movies`Toho
Entertainment: what movie told of anna anderson's claim to be a russian czar's daughter`anastasia
Entertainment: What Movie Was Clint Eastwood's First As A Director`Play Misty For Me
Entertainment: What Movie Was Mel Gibson's Second Attempt At Directing`Braveheart
Entertainment: What Movie Was Playing At The Drive-In In The Movie 'Twister'`The Shining
Entertainment: What Movie Was The Last Featuring Mel Blanc's Voice`Jetsons
Entertainment: What Movie Were The Passengers On The Plane In Executive Desicion Watching`Born To Be Wild
Entertainment: What Movie Won The Best Motion Picture Oscar In 1950`All About Eve
Entertainment: What Multiple Personality Patient Of The 1950s Was So Famous A Book And A Movie Were Made About Her`Eve
Entertainment: What Muppet Co Anchored A Nightline Show With Ted Koppel`Kermit The Frog
Entertainment: What Muppet's Body Was Fashioned From A Green Coat Belonging To Jim Henson's Mother`Kermit
Entertainment: What Musical Instrument Helped Win Jane Campion An Oscar For Best Original Screenplay In 1994`The Piano
Entertainment: What Musical Was Named After A U.S. City`Oklahoma
Entertainment: What Mythological Hero Beheaded The Gorgon, Medusa`Perseus
Entertainment: What Name Is Lazlo Loewenstein Better Know As`Peter Lorre
Entertainment: What Network Features Programming Just For Children`Nickelodeon
Entertainment: What Newspaper Employs Clark Kent And Lois Lane`Daily Planet
Entertainment: What Nick Starred In 'The Prince Of Tides'`Nolte
Entertainment: What Night Club Did Ricky Work At On 'I Love Lucy'`The Tropicana
Entertainment: What One Actor Provided The Original Voices For Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Barney Rubble And Jetsons Boss Cosmo Spacely`Mel Blanc
Entertainment: What One City Must A Movie Play In To Be Eligible For An Oscar`Los Angeles
Entertainment: What One-Season Wonder On The 'Saturday Night Live' Show Played The Land Shark`Chevy Chase
Entertainment: What Onetime 'Mission: Impossible' Star Suffered Lung Cancer, A Brain Tumor And A Car Crash`Greg Morris
Entertainment: What Original 'Not Ready For Prime Time Player' Portrayed Us President Gerald Ford In Skits`Chevy Chase
Entertainment: What Original Not Ready For Prime Time Player Was Born With The First Name Cornelius`Chevy Chase
Entertainment: What Orkan Phrase Did Mork Utter To Say Goodbye`Nanoo Nanoo
Entertainment: What Oscar Winner Is Actor Noah Beery Sr.'S Brother`Wallace Beery
Entertainment: What Oscar-Winning Actor Appeared Unbilled In The 1992 Movie 'Radio Flyer'`Tom Hanks
Entertainment: What Oscar Winning Actress Had A Child With Mikhail Baryshnikov`Jessica Lange
Entertainment: What Oscar-Winning Song Was Introduced In The Film 'Thank God Its Friday'`Last Dance
Entertainment: What Other Relative Of Travolta's Made A Cameo In Saturday Night Fever`His Sister
Entertainment: What Outfit Merged With Time Warner In 1996 To Form The World's Largest Entertainment Company`Turner Broadcasting Systems
Entertainment: What Paper Does Clark Kent Work For`Daily Planet
Entertainment: What Part Did Ray Bolger Play In The Wizard Of Oz`Scarecrow
Entertainment: What Part Was Played By Patrick Newell In The Series The Avengers`Mother
Entertainment: What Pbs Quiz Show Do 8 Out Of 10 Teachers Believe To Be Useful In Teaching Countries`Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego
Entertainment: What Performer Pocketed The Most Cash At 1969's Woodstock`Jimi Hendrix
Entertainment: What 'Pet' Came With An Owner's Manual That Said It Could Learn To 'Play Dead' With No Training`The Pet Rock
Entertainment: What Phrase Uttered By Clark Gable In A Movie Became The Foundation For A Number-1 Song Of 1962`Big Girls Don't Cry (Four Seasons
Entertainment: What Plane Crash Movie Had Night Talk Show Hosts Cracking Cannibalism Jokes`Alive
Entertainment: What Planet Did Alf Come From`Melmac
Entertainment: What Planet Did The Thundercats Live On`Third Earth.
Entertainment: What Planet Gave Birth To Superman`Krypton
Entertainment: What Planet Was Spock Brought Back To Life On`Genesis
Entertainment: What Poet Immortalized A Famous Silversmith's Midnight Ride To Warn That The British Were Coming`Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Entertainment: what police force did mack sennett create`the keystone cops
Entertainment: What Popular Series Was About Tom And Eddie Corbett`The Courtship Of Eddie's Father
Entertainment: What Popular Tv Show Is Called Rehov Sumsum In Hebrew And Shaara Simsim In Arabic`Sesame Street
Entertainment: What Poster Queens's Record Did Et Beat With Sales Of Ten Million In 1982`Farrah Fawcett-Majors
Entertainment: What Precocious Preteen On 'Saturday Night Live' Sat In An Oversized Rocking Chair`Edith Ann
Entertainment: What Pre-Tv Radio Show Turned Film Caused People To Commit Suicide When It Was First Aired`War Of The Worlds
Entertainment: What Prime-Time Soap Opera Debuted As A Five-Part Miniseries In 1978`Dallas
Entertainment: What Prop Did Will Rogers, The 'Cowboy Philosopher', Use To Rope In Audiences At The Ziegfeld Follies`A Lasso
Entertainment: What Protruded From The Rocks At The End Of The Film 'Planet Of The Apes'`Statue Of Liberty
Entertainment: What Quintessential Character Actor Played Kane's Faithful Assistant In Citizen Kane`Joseph Cotten
Entertainment: What Quiz Program Was Hosted By Groucho Marx`You Bet Your Life
Entertainment: What Quiz Show Did Merv Griffin Emcee In 1960`Endoscope
Entertainment: What Rating Did The Film 'Flashdance' Earn, Due In Part To It's Dances`R
Entertainment: What Record Company Released The Twin Peaks Soundtrack`Warner Bros
Entertainment: What Renowned Reference Work Did Lon Chaney Write An Entry On Makeup For`Encyclopaedia Britannica
Entertainment: What Repetitive Movie Starred Bill Murray And Andie Mcdowell`Groundhog Day
Entertainment: What Rich Boy Is Ginger Megg's Rival For Min's Affection`Eddie Coogan
Entertainment: What Rodent Was Banned From The Soviet Union By Stalin`Mickey Mouse
Entertainment: What Role Did Albert Finney Play In Annie`Oliver 'Daddy' Warbucks
Entertainment: What Role Did Bruce Willis Play In The Fifth Element`Corben Dallas
Entertainment: What Role Did Christopher Lee Play In Hammer's 'The Curse Of Frankenstein'`Monster
Entertainment: What Role Did Herve Villechaize Portray In Fantasy Island`Tatoo
Entertainment: What Role Did Ken Osmond Play On Leave It To Beaver`Eddie Haskell
Entertainment: What Role Does Mickey Mouse Play In 'Fantasia'`Sorcerers Apprentice
Entertainment: What Sally Field Series Spun Off From A Sandra Dee Movie`Gidget
Entertainment: What 'S' Are The Translations Shown On The Screen During A Film Of A Different Language`Subtitles
Entertainment: What 'Saturday Night Live' Character's Signature Line Was: 'Well, Isn't That Special`Church Lady
Entertainment: What 'Saturday Night Live' Star Played In The Film 'Stripes'`Bill Murray
Entertainment: What 'Saturday Night Live' Star Portrayed Ross Perot In Skits In 1992`Dana Carvey
Entertainment: What Sci-Fi Tv Show Of The 60's Became A Filmation Cartoon In The 70's`Star Trek
Entertainment: What Screen Character Discovered A Novel New Use For A Banana In The 1984 Movie, 'Beverly Hills Cop'`Axel Foley
Entertainment: What Section Of Queens Did Mr. Whipple Aptly Film His First Toilet Paper Commercial In`Flushing
Entertainment: What Segment Of Television Receieves The Ace Awards`Cable
Entertainment: What Series Did Chris Carter Produce After His Wildly Successful X Files`Millennium
Entertainment: What Series Did 'St. Elsewhere' Surgeon William Daniels Supply A Car's Voice For`Knight Rider
Entertainment: What Series Has Robert Jordan Written`Wheel Of Time
Entertainment: What Short Lived Series Starred Ice Cube`The Watcher
Entertainment: What Short-Lived Sitcom Featured Snow White And Prince Charming Living As Husband And Wife`The Charmings
Entertainment: What Short-Lived Tv Series Starred Ice-Cube`The Watcher
Entertainment: What Short Lived Tv Western Did Rod Serling Produce After Twilight Zone`Loner
Entertainment: What Show Did Abc Air When The Earthquake Stopped The World Series`Roseanne
Entertainment: What Show Did Claire Danes Get Her Start On`My So-Called Life
Entertainment: What Show Did The Catch Phrase, 'Yeah, That's The Ticket' Originate On`Saturday Night Live
Entertainment: What Show Did The Simpsons First Appear`The Tracy Ullman Show
Entertainment: What Show/Game Has Characters Such As Bulbasaur And Pikachu`Pokemon
Entertainment: What Show Has The Character Mike Stivic`All In The Family
Entertainment: What Showman Unleashed A Pint-Sized Performer On The World`P.T. Barnum
Entertainment: What Show Saw Bob Barker Give Losers A Bottle Of Jungle Gardenia Perfume`Truth Or Consequences
Entertainment: What Show's Characters Wrecked Over 300 Cars During Its Tv Run`The Dukes Of Hazzard`Dukes Of Hazzard
Entertainment: What Show Was A Spin-Off Of Transformers`Go-Bots
Entertainment: What Show Was Based On A Novel By Former Cruise Hostess Jeraldine Saunders`Love Boat
Entertainment: What Show Was 'Just The 10 Of Us' Spin Off Of`Growing Pains
Entertainment: What Show Was 'Whatcha Talkin' 'Bout Willis' A Standard Catch Phrase`Different Strokes
Entertainment: What Sinatra Song Opens And Closes 'The Pope Of Greenwich Village'`Summer Wind
Entertainment: what singer has been married to debie reynolds, elizabeth taylor and connie stevens`eddie fisher
Entertainment: what singer was the last of the red hot mamas`sophie tucker
Entertainment: What Sitcom Character Was Once Named Toxic Waste Handler Of The Month`Homer Simpson
Entertainment: What Sitcom Featured A Shot Of Cincinnati's Tyler Davidson Fountain In Its Credits`Wkrp In Cincinnati
Entertainment: What Sitcom Popularized The Line, 'Up Your Nose With A Rubber Hose'`Welcome Back, Kotter
Entertainment: What Sitcom Was The Facts Of Life A Spinoff Of`Different Strokes
Entertainment: What Sitcom Was The Most Popular In 1963`The Beverly Hillbillies
Entertainment: What Six Words Does 007 Say When Introducing Himself`The Name Is Bond, James Bond
Entertainment: What Size Bra Did Dustin Hoffman Wear In The Movie 'Tootsie'`36c
Entertainment: What Smash Sitcom Did Lisa Kudrow Make Her Tv Debut On, In 1982`Cheers
Entertainment: What's Mulder's Nickname`Spooky
Entertainment: What Soap Opera Chronicles The Doings Of Philadelphia's Wolek And Lord Families`One Life To Live
Entertainment: What Soap Star Was Originally Cast As The Lead In Cleopatra In 1963`Joan Collins
Entertainment: What Soap Was About The Trials And Tribulations Of A Vampire`Dark Shadows
Entertainment: What Songbird Uttered The F-Word 13 Times As David Letterman's Tv Guest`Madonna
Entertainment: What Song Brought Little Richard Out Of A Bus Station Kitchen And Into The Limelight`Tutti Frutti
Entertainment: What Song By Eric Clapton Was Inspired By The Death Of His Son`Tears In Heaven
Entertainment: What Song Did Sinatra Hit The 'Dooby Dooby Doo' In`Strangers In The Night
Entertainment: What Song Was Sung When Hawkeye Was Leading The Singing On A Cold Winter Night`We're Having A Heatwave
Entertainment: What Soul Great Appears In The Flick Ski Party`James Brown
Entertainment: What Special Talent Did Molly Ringwald Have In The Breakfast Club`She Could Apply Lipstick With Her Breasts
Entertainment: What Speed Did Marty Mcfly Have To Reach To Get His Souped-Up Delorean Car Back To The Future`Eighty Eight Mph
Entertainment: What Spielberg Movie Ended Atop Devils Tower`Close Encounters Of The Third Kind
Entertainment: What Spike Lee Movie Title Was Uttered In Congress 67 Times In The Six Months After Its Release`Do The Right Thing
Entertainment: What Spooky Star Hosted The Quiz Show Esp`Vincent Price
Entertainment: What Sport Was Father Mulcahy's Sister Into`Basketball
Entertainment: What Star Of The Breakfast Club Was Also Part Of The Orginal Cast Of The Facts Of Life`Molly Ringwald
Entertainment: What Star, Recently In 6th Sense, Is A Stutterer`Bruce Willis
Entertainment: What Star Shoots Pool By Holding The Cue In His Mouth`Mr Ed
Entertainment: What Star Trek Episode Mentions Canada`The Trouble With Tribbles
Entertainment: What 'Star Trek The Next Generation' Episode Was The Most Popular Of All Time`Best Of Both Worlds
Entertainment: What Steve Martin Film Had Him Go From Rags To Riches To Rags`The Jerk
Entertainment: What Steven Spielberg Movie Was Hyped: 'Five Ordinary People Needed A Miracle. Then One Night Faye Riley Left The Window Open.'`Batteries Not Included
Entertainment: What's The Connection Between The Carol Burnett Show And Mama's Family`Eunice And Mama
Entertainment: What's The Difference Between The Army And The Cub Scouts? The Cub Scouts Don't Have Heavy Artillery`Good Morning Vietnam
Entertainment: What's The Most Famous Five-Word Phrase Uttered By Clint Eastwood In The Movie 'Sudden Impact'`Go Ahead, Make My Day
Entertainment: What's The Most Famous Screen Line Attributed To Humphrey Bogart That He Never Uttered`Play It Again, Sam
Entertainment: What's The Name Of Both The Play That Starred Julie Andrews And The Movie That Starred Audrey Hepburn`My Fair Lady
Entertainment: What's The Name Of The Classic Two-Volume Compendium From Rudyard Kipling`The Jungle Book
Entertainment: Whats The Number On 'Herbie' The Love Bug`53
Entertainment: What's The Occupation Of Oscar Madison In Neil Simon's 'The Odd Couple'`Sports Writer
Entertainment: What Studio Produced The Hayley Mills Film 'Pollyanna'`Disney
Entertainment: What Studio Scored Its First Biggest Hit With The Critical And Commercial Success Of 'Pulp Fiction'`Miramax
Entertainment: What Subject Did 'Mr Chips' Teach`Latin
Entertainment: What Subject Is Covered In The Mag 'Bondage'`James Bond
Entertainment: What Syndicated Show Sometimes Goes By The Title E T`Entertainment Tonight
Entertainment: What Talk Show Hostess Gave Her Guests The Fewest Opportunities To Speak, According To A 1996 Msu Survey`Oprah Winfrey
Entertainment: What Television Character Was Born July 1,21 Bc In Pompeii`Jeannie
Entertainment: What Television Show Featured A Character Named Daisy Mae Moses`The Beverly Hillbillies
Entertainment: What Texan Slammed Back More Bourbon And Branch Water Than Any Character In Tv History`J. R. Ewing
Entertainment: What Three-Word Mantra Do Wayne And Garth Repeat Upon Meeting Alice Cooper In 'Wayne's World'`We're Not Worthy!
Entertainment: What Thrill Flick Master Died At 80 In 1980`Alfred Hitchcock
Entertainment: What Tony Orlando And Dawn Ditty Asked To Rap On The Ceiling`Knock Three Times
Entertainment: What Transporter Room Aboard The Enterprise Is Chief O'brien's Favorite`Three
Entertainment: What Trivia Fact About Mel Blanc (Voice Of Bugs Bunny) Is Most Ironic`He Was Allergic To Carrots
Entertainment: What Tv Actor Thought He Had 'Ears Like Dumbo, ' So He Had Them Surgically Pinned Back`Michael Landon
Entertainment: What Tv And Radio Host Never Enters The Studio Without His Suspenders`Larry King
Entertainment: What Tv Bigot Did The Jeffersons Live Next To On Houser Street`Archie Bunker
Entertainment: What Tv Character Made Life Perilous For Racoons In 1955`Davy Crockett
Entertainment: What Tv Character Was A Singer With The Grinning Americans And The Lemon Sisters`Loretta Tortelli
Entertainment: What Tv Comedian With No Id Card Was Asked To Give A Tarzan Yell To Verify Her Identity, At Bergdorf Goodman`Carol Burnett
Entertainment: what tv comedian worked with white fang, balck tooth and pookie the lion`soupy sales
Entertainment: What Tv Duo Is Played By Glass And Daly`Cagney And Lacey
Entertainment: What Tv Hero Opened Every Episode Galloping To The Strains Of The William Tell Overture`The Lone Ranger
Entertainment: What Tv Host Announced Smokey Robinson And The Miracles As 'Smokey And The Little Smokies'`Ed Sullivan
Entertainment: What Tv Movie By Rod Serling Resulted In Bomb Threats During Airing`Doomsday Flight
Entertainment: What Tv Network Features Programming Just For Children`Nickelodeon
Entertainment: What Tv Personality Did Doritos Commercials`Jay Leno
Entertainment: What Tv Quiz Show Host (Last Name) Once Had A Contestant Help Him Pronounce The Names Of The Four Dinosaurs Among The Possible Answers`Phibin
Entertainment: What Tv Role Did Actress Shirley Booth Play`Hazel
Entertainment: What Tv Role Was Made Famous By Christopher Timothy`James Herriot
Entertainment: What Tv Series Changed The Names To Protect The Innocent`Dragnet
Entertainment: What Tv Series Did Dirk Benedict Star In`Battlestar Galactica
Entertainment: What Tv Series Featured Corporal Randolph Agarn Played By Larry Storch`F Troop
Entertainment: What Tv Series Featured The Character 'Rusty B Company'`Rin Tin Tin
Entertainment: What Tv Series From 1970-1974 Starred Susan Dey`Partridge Family
Entertainment: What Tv Series Starred Six Female Impersonators During Its 17 Year Run`Lassie
Entertainment: What Tv Series Was The First To Be Broadcast On Six Continents, With A Weekly Audience Of 1.1 Billionin 2003`Baywatch
Entertainment: What Tv Show Centered Around A Car With A 300 Mph Cruising Speed`Knight Rider
Entertainment: What Tv Show Did Joan Rivers, David Letterman, Jay Leno And Garry Shandling All Guest-Host`The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson
Entertainment: What Tv Show Ended 'The Story You Have Just Seen Is True. Only The Names Have Been Changed To Protect The Innocent'`Dragnet
Entertainment: What Tv Show Gave Us A Chance To See Mike Farrell Prep For His Role In Mash By Playing Dr. Sam Marsh`The Interns
Entertainment: What Tv Show Made Henry Winkler A Star`Happy Days
Entertainment: What Tv Show Saw Robert Culp Wearing A Nehru Jacket And Peace Pendant`I Spy
Entertainment: What Tv Show's Headliner Hit The White House To Promote Statehood For Moosylvania`The Bullwinkle Show
Entertainment: What Tv Show Took Place At The Convent San Tanco`Flying Nun
Entertainment: What Tv Show Was Hosted By Wine Nipping Culinary Artist Graham Kerr`Galloping Gourmet
Entertainment: What Tv Show When Off The Air When It Was Still #1 In The Ratings`I Love Lucy
Entertainment: What Tv Sitcom Centered Around The 'Lewis And Clarke' Radio Show`Good Morning, World
Entertainment: What Tv Sitcom Opens With The Theme 'Making Our Dreams Come True'`Laverne And Shirley
Entertainment: What Tv Talk Show Host Did Eddie Murphy Give A Break To By Casting Him In 'Coming To America'`Arsenio Hall
Entertainment: What Tv Title Character Played By Sarah-Michelle Gellar Is, Besides The Job Denoted In The Show's Title, A High School Student At Sunnydale High`Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Entertainment: What Tv Title Role Required Sally Field To Appear To Be 90 Pounds`The Flying Nun
Entertainment: What Two '80's Dance Movies Did Cynthia Rhodes Have A Major Role In`Dirty Dancing And Flashdance
Entertainment: What Two Characters From Sesame Street Got Their Names From The Movie 'It's A Wonderful Life'`Bert And Ernie
Entertainment: What Two Famous Dead Movie Stars Were In A Rebel Without A Cause`James Dean And Natalie Wood
Entertainment: What Two Sitcoms Did Ronnie Howard Co-Star In Before Becoming A Movie Director`The Andy Griffith Show And Happy Days
ENTERTAINMENT: What type of dead parrot did John Cleese take back to the pet shop`A NORWEIGAN BLUE
Entertainment: What Type Of Dog Was Beethoven In The Film Of That Name`St Bernard`saint Bernard
Entertainment: What Type Of Enemy Jet Do Potential Top Guns Fight`Migs
ENTERTAINMENT: What type of fish was John Cleeses pet Eric`halibut
Entertainment: What Type Of Hat Did Charlie Chaplin Wear In Most Of His Movies`Bowler
Entertainment: What Type Of Jacket Did The 'Top Gun' Actress Help To Make A Major Fashion Statement`The Bomber Jacket
Entertainment: What Type Of Vehicle Took Bj Away From The 4077th For The Last Time`Motorcycle
Entertainment: What Unusual Item Was Used To Take Wilfrid Hyde-White's Temperature At The End Of The 1959 Movie 'Carry On, Nurse'`Daffodil
Entertainment: What U.S. City Does Howard The Duck Land In`Cleveland
Entertainment: What War Is The Setting For The Buster Keaton Movie The General`The U.S Civil War
Entertainment: What War Was Gone With The Wind About`Civil War
Entertainment: What Was Adam Sandler's Occupation In Big Daddy`A Tollbooth Worker
Entertainment: What Was Airwolf's Sam Countermeasure Called`Sunburst
Entertainment: What Was Al Bundy's Nickname During The Dream Sequence With All Of The Women In His Bedroom`All-Night Long
Entertainment: What Was Al Bundy's Nickname During The Dream Sequence With All Of The Women In His Bedroom`Al Night Long
Entertainment: What Was Alf's Real Name`Gordon Shumway
Entertainment: What Was Archie Bunkers Wife's Name`Edith
Entertainment: what was beaver cleaver's first name`theodore
Entertainment: What Was Beaver Cleaver's School Locker Number`9
Entertainment: What Was Ben Stiller's Character Called In 'Mystery Men'`Mr Furious
Entertainment: What Was Blair Peach's Profession`Teacher
Entertainment: What Was Bob Dyer's Wife's First Name`Dolly
Entertainment: What Was Bruce Wayne's Heroic Identity`Batman
Entertainment: What Was Bruce Willis' Name In The Movie The Fifth Element`Corbin Dallas
Entertainment: What Was Citizen Kane's Dying Word`Rosebud
Entertainment: What Was Citizen Kane's First Name`Charles
Entertainment: What Was Columbos' Dogs Name`Dog
Entertainment: What Was Crocketts First Name On Miami Vice`James
Entertainment: What Was Crocketts First Name On Miami Vice`Sonny
Entertainment: What Was Daffy Ducks Usual Closing Line`You're Dispicable
Entertainment: What Was Doc Adams' First Name`Galen
Entertainment: What Was Dorothy's Last Name In 'The Wizard Of Oz'`Gale
Entertainment: What Was Dr. Kildare's First Name`James
Entertainment: What Was Dr. Zhivago's First Name`Yuri
Entertainment: What Was Dustin Hoffman's Character's Name In 'Rain Man'`Raymond Babbitt
Entertainment: What Was Eddie Albert's First Tv Series`Leave It To Larry
Entertainment: What Was Eddie Murphy's Character Name In 'Beverley Hills Cop'`Axel Foley
Entertainment: what was elvis presely's first film in 1956`love me tender
Entertainment: What Was E.T.'S Favorite Candy`Reece's Pieces
Entertainment: What Was Floyds Occupation In 'Andy Of Mayberry' And 'Great Gildersleeve'`Barber
Entertainment: What Was Francine Lawrence's Nickname`Gidget
Entertainment: What Was Frank Spencer's Wife Name In 'Some Mothers Do Have Them'`Betty
Entertainment: What Was Garth's Last Name In 'Wayne's World'`Algar
Entertainment: What Was Gary Cooper's Last Film`The Naked Edge
Entertainment: What Was George Lazenby's Only Bond Film`On Her Majesty's Secret Service
Entertainment: what was george michaels first solo single`careless whisper
Entertainment: What Was George Of The Jungle Always Running In To`Trees
Entertainment: What Was Gilligan's First Name`Willy
Entertainment: what was glen campbell's tv theme song`gentle on my mind
Entertainment: What Was Goldfinger's First Name`Auric
Entertainment: What Was Gomez And Morticia's Daughter's Name In 'The Addams Family'`Wednesday
Entertainment: What Was Gomez And Morticia's Son's Name In 'The Addams Family'`Pugsley
Entertainment: What Was Gomez's Wifes Name In 'The Addams Family'`Morticia
Entertainment: What Was Groucho Marx's First Name`Julius
Entertainment: What Was Hitchcock's Last Film, Made In 1976`The Family Plot
Entertainment: What Was Howdy Doody's Sister's Name`Heidi Doody
Entertainment: What Was In Catherine's Crucifix In The Movie Cruel Intentions`Cocaine
Entertainment: What Was James Bond's Father's Name`Andrew Bond
Entertainment: What Was Jane Wyman Reagan's Birth Name`Sarah Jane Fulks
Entertainment: What Was Jean-Claude Van Damme's Original Stage Name`Cujo
Entertainment: What Was Jessica Lange's Debut Movie`King Kong
Entertainment: What Was John Wayne's Real First Name`Marion
Entertainment: What Was John Wayne's Real Name`Marion Michael Morrison
Entertainment: What Was Keanu Reeves' Computer World Alias In 'The Matrix'`Neo
Entertainment: What Was Keanu Reeves' First Big Film`Point Break
Entertainment: What Was Keith Anderson Also Known As In The Sitcom 'Good Times'`Kool Aid
Entertainment: What Was Kevin Bacon's First Big Hit`Footloose
Entertainment: What Was Kojak's First Name`Theo
Entertainment: What Was Lestat's Mother's Name`Gabrielle
Entertainment: What Was Lucy's Maiden Name On 'I Love Lucy'`Mcgillicuddy
Entertainment: What Was Maggie Seaver's Maiden Name On Growing Pains`Maggie Malone
Entertainment: What Was Mary Ann's Last Name Off Of Gilligans Island`Summers
Entertainment: What Was Max Headroom's Network Number`23
Entertainment: What Was Michael Jackson Advertising When He Was Nearly Killed`Pepsi
Entertainment: What Was Mickey Mouse Almost Called`Mortimer
Entertainment: What Was Mickey Mouse's First Known As`Mortimer Mouse
Entertainment: What Was Mr. Magoos First Name`Quincy
Entertainment: What Was Napoleon Solo's Badge Number In The 'Man From Uncle' Program`11
Entertainment: What Was Nicholas Cage's Real Last Name`Coppola
Entertainment: What Was Npoleon Solos Boss's Name`Mr Waverley
Entertainment: What Was One Of The 5 Movies Nominated For Best Motion Picture In 1955`Mister Roberts
Entertainment: What Was One Of The 5 Movies Nominated For Best Picture In 1989`Field Of Dreams
Entertainment: What Was Pat Brady's Jeep Named On The Roy Rogers Show`Nellybelle
Entertainment: What Was Pfaster's Full Name In 'Irresistible'`Donald Eddie Pfaster
Entertainment: What Was Popeye The Sailor's Father's Name`Poopdeck Pappy
Entertainment: What Was Potsie's Last Name On Happy Days`Weber
Entertainment: What Was Punky Brewster's Best Friends Name`Cherry
Entertainment: What Was Reverend Jims Real Last Name On Taxi`Caldwell
Entertainment: What Was Rizzo's Real Name In Grease`Betty
Entertainment: What Was Robert Loggia's Profession In The Film 'Prizzi's Honour'`Attorney
Entertainment: What Was Rocky's Last Name`Balboa
Entertainment: What Was Rod Serling's Last Television Series`Night Gallery
Entertainment: What Was Roger Moore's First 'James Bond' Film`Live And Let Die
Entertainment: What Was Ronnie Barker's Porridge Role`Fletcher
Entertainment: What Was Rosanna Arquette's Character's Name In Desperately Seeking Susan`Roberta Glass
Entertainment: What Was Roscoe's Dog's Name On The Dukes Of Hazzard`Flash
Entertainment: What Was Samantha's Mother's Name In Bewitched`Endora
Entertainment: What Was Shirley Maclains First Film`Goodbye
Entertainment: What Was Stoney Burke's Occupation`Rodeo Rider
Entertainment: What Was Supermans Dog Named`Krypto
Entertainment: What Was Superman Vulnerable To`Kryptonite
Entertainment: What Was Tarzan's True Identity`Lord Greystoke
Entertainment: What Was Terry's Surname In The Television Series Minder`Mccann
Entertainment: What Was The #8 Movie (1988) To The End Of 1988 With 109 Million Dollars Gross`Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom
Entertainment: What Was The Andy Griffith Show A Spin Off Of`The Danny Thomas Show
Entertainment: what was the bealtes' first film`a hard days night
Entertainment: What Was The Butler's Name In 'Family Affair'`Mr French
Entertainment: What Was The Butler's Name In 'The Addams Family'`Lurch
Entertainment: What Was The Christian Name Of The Title Character In Our Miss Brooks`Constance
Entertainment: What Was The Club House Of The Get Along Gang`A Red Caboose
Entertainment: What Was The Company Name That Wile E. Coyote Ordered Products From`Acme
Entertainment: What Was The Connection Between Family Matters & Full House`Steve Urkel
Entertainment: What Was The Connection Between The Facts Of Life And Er`George Clooney
Entertainment: What Was The Dog's Name In The Brady Bunch`Tiger
Entertainment: What Was The Favourite Dish At Mel's Diner In Alice`Chilli
Entertainment: What Was The First Alfred Hitchcock Film Released On Home Video`Rear Window
Entertainment: What Was The First Bond Film Of The Eightes`For Your Eyes Only
Entertainment: What Was The First City With More Than One Tv Station`New York
Entertainment: What Was The First Disney Film To Feature Stereophonic Sound`Fantasia
Entertainment: What Was The First Ever Feature Length Cartoon With Sound And Colour`Snow White And The 7 Dwarfs
Entertainment: What Was The First Ever Talking Film`The Jazz Singer
Entertainment: What Was The First Film, And Only Silent Movie, To Win The Best Picture Oscar`Wings
Entertainment: What Was The First Film Directed By Robert Redford`Ordinary People
Entertainment: What Was The First Film Lawrence Olivier Directed`Henry V
Entertainment: What Was The First Film To Team Jack Lemmon And Walter Matthau`Fortune Cookie
Entertainment: What Was The First Film To Team Rock Hudson And Doris Day`Pillow Talk
Entertainment: What Was The First Game Show On Mtv`Remote Control
Entertainment: What Was The First Motion Picture To Have A Synchronized Musical Score`Don Juan
Entertainment: What Was The First Movie Filmed In Sensurround`Earthquake
Entertainment: What Was The First Movie Starring Jane Fonda And Robert Redford`The Chase
Entertainment: What Was The First Name Of Captain Dobey On Starsky & Hutch`Harold
Entertainment: What Was The First Network Series Devoted Entirely To Rock And Roll`American Bandstand
Entertainment: What Was The First Spin Off In Tv History`The Andy Griffith Show
Entertainment: What Was The First Toy Advertised On Television`Mr Potatohead
Entertainment: What Was The First Video Mtv Played`Video Killed The Radio Star
Entertainment: What Was The First X-Rated Animated Cartoon Film`Fritz The Cat
Entertainment: What Was The Fonz's Full Name On Tv's Happy Days`Arthur (Herbert) Fonzarelli
Entertainment: What Was The Full Name Of Mangum P.I`Thomas Magnum
Entertainment: What Was The Full Title Of The Long Running Series About Wyatt Earp`Life And Legend Of Wyatt Earp
Entertainment: What Was The Gift From The Gods In The Movie The Gods Must Be Crazy`A Coke Bottle
Entertainment: What Was The Hand Called In 'The Addams Family'`Thing
Entertainment: What Was The Hang Out Of The 90210 Gang`The Peach Pit
Entertainment: What Was The Highest Grossing American Silent Movie`Birth Of A Nation
Entertainment: What Was The Highest Rated U.S. Syndicated Game Show In 1982`Family Feud
Entertainment: What Was The Last Bond Film Of The Eighties`Licence To Kill
Entertainment: What Was The Last Movie Brandon Lee Stared In Before His Death`The Crow`The Crow
Entertainment: What Was The Last Movie That Bela Lugosi Appeared In`Plan 9 From Outer Space
Entertainment: What Was The Last Name Of The Main Characters On 'Growing Pains'`Seaver
Entertainment: What Was The Last Name Of The Sister Group Of Connie, Vet And Martha`Boswell Sisters
Entertainment: What Was The Last Name Of Wendy, John And Michaeal In Disney's Peter Pan`Darling
Entertainment: What Was The License Number On The Ghostbusters' Car`Ecto-1
Entertainment: What Was The Long Delayed Sequel To Clarence Brown's National Velvet`International Velvet
Entertainment: What Was The Maid's Name In The Tv Series 'The Brady Bunch'`Alice
Entertainment: What Was The Make And Model Of The Villian In The Terminator 1984`T-800 Cyberdyne Systems Model 101
Entertainment: What Was The Master's Nickname For Caine In 'Kung Fu'`Grasshopper
Entertainment: What Was The Movie That Starred The Little Furry Creatures From 'Return Of The Jedi'`Escape From Endor
Entertainment: What Was 'The Munsters's Street Address`1313 Mockingbird Lane
Entertainment: What Was The Name And Number Of The Pow Camp In Which Hogan's Heroes Were Held`Stalag 13
Entertainment: What Was The Name Given To Robin Hood's Men In Sherwood Forest`Merry Men
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of Archie Bunker's Grandson`Joey Stivic
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of Aristotle Onassis's Yacht`Christina
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of Arnold's Fish On Different Strokes`Abraham
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of Bob Carolgees Dog`Spit
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of Buffy's Doll In The 1970's Show 'Family Affair'`Mrs Beasley
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of Cameron Brooks's Hometown In The Sitcom 'Window On Main Street'`Millsburg
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of Captain Bligh's Ship`Bounty
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of Captain Geoffrey Thorpe's Pirate Ship In 'The Sea Hawk`Albatross
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of Captain Jean Luc Picard's Fish`Livingston
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of Character Sean Connery Played In 'Name Of The Rose'`William Of Baskerville
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of David Hasselhoff's Talking Car In Knight Ridder`Kitt
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of Eddie Murphy's Character In Beverly Hills Cop`Axel Foley
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of Facts Of Life's Mrs. Garret's Gourmet Food Shop`Edna's Edibles
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of Flash Gordon's Girlfriend`Dale Arden
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of Frank Spencer's Wife In Some Mothers Do Have 'Em`Betty
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of Garfield's Teddy Bear`Pookie
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of George Carlin's Hippy-Dippy Weatherman`Al Sleet
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of George Of The Jungle's Pet Elephant`Shep
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of Hank's Baby Sister In The Sitcom 'Hank'`Tina
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of Han Solo's Spaceship In 'Star Wars'`Millennium Falcon
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of He-Man's Legless, Wizard Friend`Orco
Entertainment: what was the name of holly golightly's cat in breakfast at tiffany's`cat
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of Jim Henson's Muppet Hound On The Jimmy Dean Show`Rowlf
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of Jodie Foster's 1991 Film That She Directed`Little Man Tate
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of Judge Smales Grandson In The Movie 'Caddyshack'`Spauldingin
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of Kaiser Soze's Lawyer? _________ [The Usual Suspects]`Kobayashi
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of Lisa's Pony In The Simpsons`Princess
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of Luke Mccoy's Younger Brother In The Real Mccoys`Little Luke
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of Luke's Strange Little Advisor In 'The Empire Strikes Back'`Yoda
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of Magnum Pi's Suave Superspy Alterego`Sebastian Sabre
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of Mary Richard's Boss`Lou Grant
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of Matt Dillon's Band In Singles`Citizen Dick
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of Michael Knight's Car In 'Knight Rider'`Kitt
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of Milla Jovovich's Character In The Fifth Element`Lelu
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of Minnie Caldwell's Cat In Coronation Street`Bobby
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of Morticia Addams Man Eating Plant`Cleopatra
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of Mr. Wilson's Dog In Dennis The Menance`Fremont
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of Murphy Brown's News Program`Fyi
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of Norm's Wife On Cheers`Vera
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of Princess Leia's Home Planet`Alderaan
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of Puff The Magic Dragon's Human Friend`Little Jackie Paper
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of Punky Brewster's Dog`Brandon
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of Raul's Aunt In The Sitcom 'Chico And The Man'`Aunt Charo
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of Richard Dawson's Character On 'Hogan's Heroes'`Peter
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of Ross's Pet Monkey On Friends`Marcell
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of Sherlock Holmes' Smarter Older Brother`Mycroft
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of Sky King's 1953 Twin Cessna Airplane`Songbird
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of Steve Martins Character In 'The Jerk'`Navin Johnson
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The 1970 Movie About The Rolling Stones' Concert At The Altamont Speedway In California`Gimme Shelter
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The 6' High Kleenex Napkins Tv Butler`Manners
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Addams Family Butler`Lurch
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Addams Family's Giant Man-Eating Plant`Cleopatra
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Akla-Seltzer Boy`Speedy
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Alligator On Miami Vice`Elvis
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Antichrist Character In The 'Omen' Trilogy`Damien
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Aunt In The Western 'How The West Was Won'`Molly
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Bar On Dukes Of Hazzard`Boars Nest
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Bar/Restaurant On Three's Company`Regal Beagle
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Bartender In The Tv Series 'Cheers'`Sam Malone
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Bartender On The Love Boat`Isaac Washington
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Bar That The Characters From Three's Company Frequented`Regal Beagle
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Belly Dancer Homer Was Caught With`Princess Kashmir`Kashmir
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Boswells' Dog In Bread`Mongy
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Boy Gang In The Movie Grease`T-Birds
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Bumbling Patrolman On 'Odd Couple'`Murray Greschler
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Canine Hero In Jack London's 'The Call Of The Wild'`Buck
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Car Belonging To Tom Slick`Thunderbolt Grease Slapper
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Castle That Gave He-Man His Powers`Greyskull
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Cemetery That Was Being Searched For In The Movie 'The Good, The Bad And The Ugly'`Sand Hill
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Character On The 1st Garbage Pail Kids Pack`Blasted Billy Or Adam Bomb
Entertainment: what was the name of the character played by anthony hopkins in silence of the lambs`hannibal lecter
Entertainment: what was the name of the character played by antino fargas in starsky and hutch`huggy bear
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Character Played By Kate Jackson In The Rookies`Jill Danko
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Character Played By Marilyn Monroe In The Film Some Like It Hot`Sugar Kane
Entertainment: what was the name of the character played by sigourney weaver in the alien films`ripley
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Clown In Stephen King's 'It'`Pennywise
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Comic Strip That Henry Rush (Too Close For Comfort)Wrote`Cosmic Cow
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Company That The Characters On Taxi Worked For`Sunshine Cab Company
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Dance Company On The Carol Burnett Show`Ernest Flatt Dancers
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Dog In Fraggle Rock`Sprocket
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Dog In Rca Victor's Trademark`Nipper
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Dog In The Bionic Woman`Max
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Dog On 'The Brady Bunch'`Tiger
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Dog Owned By Nick And Nora Charles In The Thin Man`Asta
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Family Featured In 'Father Knows Best`Anderson
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Family In The 'Blondie' Movies`Bumstead
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The First Film Where George Burns Played God`Oh, God
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The First 'Talking Movie'`The Jazz Singer
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Flying Nun`Sister Bertrille
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Helicopter On Riptide`The Mimi
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Helicopter On Riptide`The Screaming Mimi
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Helicopter Service That Was The Cover For Airwolf`Santini Air
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Hero (Bruce Campbell) In The 'The Evil Dead' Trilogy`Ash
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Heroic Boy In 'The Never Ending Story`Atreyu
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The High School Did Bill Cosby Used To Attend`Germantown High
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Home Of The Care Bear Cousins`Forest Of Feelings
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Home That Sofia Patrillo Lived In Before Moving In With Her Daughter On The Golden Girls`Shady Pines
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Horse Ridden By Chuck Connors In The Rifleman`Razor
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Horse Ridden By Dale Evans`Buttermilk
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Horse That Was Ridden By The Lone Ranger`Silver
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Host Of Double Dare`Mark Summers
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The House Destroyed By Fire In Gone With The Wind`Twelve Oaks
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Inn That Dick And Joanne Owned On 'Newhart'`Strattford Inn
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Land Of The Small People In Swift's Gulliver's Travels`Lilliput
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Lead Character In Red Dwarf? (Played By Craig Charles In The Series)`Dave Lister
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Magazine On Suddenly Susan`The Gate
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Main Street In The Soap Opera 'Peyton Place'`Elm Street
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Monster That Attacked Luke In The Trash Compactor In Star Wars`A Dianogain
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Motel In The Film 'Psycho'`Bates Motel
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Mummy In The 1999 (North America) Movie Called, Simply, 'The Mummy'`Imhotep
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Muppet Show Band`Dr Teeth And The Electric Mayhem
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Navajo Sidekick Of Red Ryder`Little Beaver
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Neighbors That Lived Next Door To Alf`Raquel And Trevor Achmanic
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Nightclub Owner In 'Casablanca'`Rick Stein
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Novel By Elmore Leonard On Which The Film, 'Jackie Brown' Was Based`Rum Punch
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Older Brother On Happy Days`Chuck Cunningham
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Old Fireman On 'Leave It To Beaver'`Gus
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Only Continuing Character In The Airport Series Of Movies`Joe Patroni
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Other Short-Lived Spinoff Of Three's Company`Three's A Crowd
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Owner Of The Talking Horse, Mr. Ed On Tv`Wilbur Post
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Pet Monkey Aboard The Ship Venture`Ignatz
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Pinball Machine In The Film 'Tommy'`Wizard
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Police Character Played By Roy Scheider In The Film Jaws`Martin Brody
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Principal On Saved By The Bell`Mr. Richard Belding
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Ranch In Bonanza`Ponderosa
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Ranch In The Tv Series 'Bonanza'`Ponderosa
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Ranch On The Roy Rogers Show`Double R Bar Ranch
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Rich Boy That Andie Was Asked To Go To The Senior Prom With In The Movie 'Pretty In Pink'`Blaine
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Robot Girl On Small Wonder`Vicki
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Robot In The Film The Day The Earth Stood Still`Gort
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Sad Faced Clown Portrayed By Emmett Kelly`Weary Willie
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The School Mistress In The Facts Of Life`Mrs. Edna Garrett
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Shapeshifting Security Chief In Star Trek Ds9`Odo
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Show That Featured Larry Appleton And His Zany Foreign Cousin`Perfect Strangers
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Show That Featured Sniglets`Not Necessarily The News
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Six Million Dollar Man`Steve Austin
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Smallest Type Of Ship Used By The Klingon Defense Force`Bird Of Prey
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Teacher Played By Lloyd Haynes`Pete Dixon
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Train On The Tv Series Petticoat Junction`Cannonball
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The T.V. Show With The Theme Song That Began: Believe It Or Not, I'm Walking On Air`Greatest American Hero
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of The Two Space Shuttles In 'Armegeddon'`Freedom And Independence
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of Tonto's Horse On Tv's 'The Lone Ranger'`Scout
Entertainment: What Was The Name Of Wild Bill's Horse In The Tv Series, 'Wild Bill Hickok'`Buckshot
Entertainment: What Was The Number Of Gunther Toody's Patrol Car`Fifty Four
Entertainment: What Was The Old Tarts Name In 'The Golden Girls'`Blanche
Entertainment: What Was The Only Film Starring Mae West And Wc Fields`My Little Chickadee
Entertainment: What Was The Original Name For The Radio Show 'Inner Sanctum'`The Squeaky Door
Entertainment: What Was The Original Name Of 'Little Rascals'`Our Gang
Entertainment: What Was The Oscar-Winning Theme Song From 'Breakfast At Tiffany's'`Moon River
Entertainment: What Was The 'Oxbow Incident`A Movie About A Lynching
Entertainment: What Was 'The Pink Panther' In 'The Pink Panther'`Diamond
Entertainment: What Was The Primary Occupation Of Characters In Falcon Crest`Vineyard Owners
Entertainment: What Was The Principal Setting Location In 'Young At Heart'`Tashmoo Prison, Pa
Entertainment: What Was The Print Left On The Car In The Boat In The Movie Titanic`A Handprint
Entertainment: What Was The Question, According To Hamlet`To Be Or Not To Be
Entertainment: What Was The Real Name Of Ish Kabibble, The Singer In Kay Kyser's Big Band`Merwyn Bogue
Entertainment: What Was The Real Name Of John Wayne`Marion Morrison
Entertainment: What Was The Real Name Of The Dolphin That Played Flipper In The Movie`Mitzi
Entertainment: What Was The Real Name Of The Hospital On St. Elsewhere`St Eligius`saint Eligius
Entertainment: What Was The Saved By The Bell Series With Hayley Mills Originally Called`Good Morning, Mis Bliss
Entertainment: What Was The Scarecrow In The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz Lacking`Brain
Entertainment: What Was The Screen Name Of The Lead Character In The Untouchables`Elliot Ness
Entertainment: What Was The Second Movie Where Peter O'toole Portrayed Henry Ii`Lion In Winter
Entertainment: What Was The Secret Identity Of Captain America`Steve Rogers
Entertainment: What Was The Secret Identity Of Don Diego De La Vega`Zorro
Entertainment: What Was The Sequel To 'Claudia'`Claudia And David
Entertainment: What Was The Sequel To 'Funny Girl'`Funny Lady
Entertainment: What Was The Sequel To Gentlemen Prefer Blondes`Gentlemen Marry Brunettes
Entertainment: What Was The Sequel To The Book 'Alice In Wonderland'`Through The Looking Glass
Entertainment: What Was The Shape Of Lolita's Sunglasses In The 1962 Film`Hearts
Entertainment: What Was The Song Maggie Was Going To Sing At Lisa And Hugh's Wedding Before She Was Interupted`Amazing Grace
Entertainment: what was the spicebirls first hit record`wannabe
entertainment: what was the subtitle of the 1999 south park movie`bigger, longer and uncut
Entertainment: What Was The Surname Of Film Director Darryl F`Zanuck
Entertainment: What Was The Surname Of Stan In On The Busses`Butler
Entertainment: What Was The Tin Man Going To Ask The Wizard For`A Heart
Entertainment: What Was The Title Character's Name In 1925's 'The Phantom Of The Opera'`Eric
Entertainment: What Was The Title Of Charlie Chaplin's Last Film`Limelight
Entertainment: What Was The Title Of Kevin's Byline Story In St. Elmos Fire`The Meaning Of Life
Entertainment: What Was The Title Of The 1960's Show That Featured A Dolphin`Flipper
entertainment: what was the title of the 1986 number one by the spitting image puppets`the chicken song
entertainment: what was the title of the chemical brothers 3rd album`surrender
entertainment: what was the title of the specials 1981 number 1 hit`ghost town
entertainment: what was the title of vanilla ice's 1990 number 1 hit`ice ice baby
Entertainment: What Was The Very First James Bond Movie That Was Shown In The 80's?What Was The Last`For Your Eyes Only And Licence To Kill
Entertainment: What Was Used For Blood In The Film 'Psycho'`Chocolate Syrup
Entertainment: What Was Used To Look Like Blood In The Famous Shower Scene In The Movie 'Psycho'`Chocolate Syrup
Entertainment: What Was Used To Power The Engines Of The Starship Enterprise In The Star Trek Television Series`Dilithium
Entertainment: What Was Walt Disney's Second Full Length Feature Cartoon`Pinocchio
Entertainment: What Was Webster's Adopted Mom And Dad's Name`Poppadouupalus
Entertainment: 'What We Do In Life Echoes In Eternity'`Gladiator
Entertainment: What Well Known Tv Actor Directed 'Beware The Blob'`Larry Hagman
Entertainment: What Were Mouth And Chunk's Real Names In The Goonies`Clark And Lawrence
Entertainment: What Were The 3 Chipettes Names On Alvin And The Chipmunks`Brittney, Jeanette, And Eleanor
Entertainment: What Were The First Names Of The Comedy Duo Laurel And Hardy`Stan And Oliver
Entertainment: What Were The Ghostbusters' Names`Peter Venkman, Egon Spengler, Ray Stantz, Winston Zedmore
Entertainment: What Were The Names Of Amanda's Boys On Scarecrow And Mrs. King`Phillip And Jamie
Entertainment: What Were The Names Of Kevin's Best Friend And Girl Friend On 'The Wonder Years'`Paul And Winnie
Entertainment: What Were The Names Of The Host And His Sidekick On 'Fantasy Island'`Mr.Rourke And Tattoo
Entertainment: What Were The Names Of The Three Tunnels Dug By The Prisoners If War In The Film The Great Escape`Tom Dick Harry
Entertainment: What Were The Names Of The Two Warring Gangs In West Side Story`Jets And Sharks
Entertainment: What Were The Two Dogs Names On Magnum Pi`Apollo And Zeus
Entertainment: What Won A 1972 Poll As The Best Film Ever Made`Citizen Kane
Entertainment: What Word Was Intentionally Omitted From The Film The Godfather`Mafia
Entertainment: What Ws Balki Bartokamus' Occupation When He Lived In Mypos`Sheep Herder
Entertainment: What Young Actor Was Eaten By A Bed In 'Nightmare On Elm Street'`Johnny Depp
Entertainment: When Engaged To Winona Ryder, He Had 'Winona Forever' Tattooed On His Arm. After The Broke Up He Had The N And A Surgically Removed To Simply Say 'Wino Forever'`Johnny Depp
Entertainment: When Going On Stage, Actors Consider It Bad Luck To Be Wished What`Good Luck
Entertainment: When Nbc Wanted To Build A Tv Show Around A Music Group In The 60's, First They Rejected The Lovin' Spoonful, Before Hand-Picking Which Group`Monkees
Entertainment: When Was The Show Leave It To Beaver First Aired`October 4,1957
Entertainment: When Women Go Wrong, Men Go Right After Them. - Mae ___, American Actress`West
Entertainment: Where Did Clark Kent Attend College`Metropolis University
Entertainment: Where Did Dorothy's House Land In 'The Wizard Of Oz'`On The Wicked Witch Of The West
Entertainment: Where Did Howdy Doody Live`Doodyville
Entertainment: Where Did Mighty Mouse Get His Superpowers`The Supermarket
Entertainment: Where Did Peter, Paul And Mary Say The Answer Is In A 1962 Song`Blowin' In The Wind
Entertainment: Where Did Robin Hood Supposedly Live`Sherwood Forest
Entertainment: Where Did Rocky Raccoon Live`Black Hills Of South Dakota
Entertainment: Where Did Ronald And Cindy Go On There Last Date Together In The Movie Can't Buy Me Love`Airplane Junkyard
Entertainment: Where Did Simon And Simon Take Place`San Diego
Entertainment: Where Did The Kids Sit On Tvs Howdy Doody Time`The Peanut Gallery
Entertainment: Where Does Alfred Hitchcock Appear In 'Lifeboat'`Newspaper
Entertainment: Where Does Baywatch's Pamela Anderson Hail From`Nanimo, Canada
Entertainment: Where Does George Jetson Work`Spacely Space Sprockets
Entertainment: Where Does Gonzo From The Muppet Show Come From`Outer Space
Entertainment: Where Does Young Anakin Walker Come From`Tatooine
Entertainment: Where Do The Simpsons Live`Springfield
Entertainment: where is it bad luck to say macbeth`in a theater
Entertainment: where was a bob-tail nag runnin a race with a shootin star`camptown racetrack
Entertainment: Where Was Entertainer Glen Ford Born`Quebec City
Entertainment: Where Was Entertainer John Candy Born`Canada
Entertainment: where was inspector morse set`oxford
Entertainment: Where Was Matt Dillon The Sheriff`Dodge
Entertainment: Where Was The Peace Conference In Star Trek 6`Camp Kitomer
Entertainment: Where Were Archie And Edith Bunkers Chairs Enshrined`The Smithsonian Institute
Entertainment: Where Were Donald Duck Comics Banned Because He Doesnt Wear Pants`Finland
Entertainment: Where Were Sherlock Holmes' Rooms`Baker Street
Entertainment: Which 1949 Comedy Film Featured Scottish Islanders Looting A Stricken Ship Laden With Scotch`Whisky Galore
Entertainment: Which 1956 Film About The Pocket Battleship Graf Spec Starred John Gregson`Battle Of The River Plate
Entertainment: Which 1957 Film Had The Whistled 'Colonel Bogey' As Its Theme`The Bridge On The River Kwai
Entertainment: Which 1960's Sitcom Was Based On The Novel 'The Fifteenth Pelican'`The Flying Nun
Entertainment: Which 1970's Hit Movie Was Based On A Poem By James Dickey`Deliverance
Entertainment: Which 1978 Film From The Book Of The Same Name By Ira Levin, Tell Of The Cloning Of Adolf Hitler`The Boys From Brazil
Entertainment: Which 1981 Film Starring Dudley Moore, Liza Minnelli And John Gielgud Had A Theme Sung By Christopher Cross`Arthur
Entertainment: Which 1986 Film, From The Book Of The Same Name By Umberto Eco, Tells Of A 10th Century Detective And Monk`The Name Of The Rose
Entertainment: Which 1993 Film Starred Richard Attenborough`Jurassic Park
Entertainment: Which 1998 Film Stars Robert Redford As A Hero Blessed With A Gift For Healing`The Horse Whisperer
entertainment: which 1999 action-comedy starred mark wahlberg and lou diamond phillips as hitmen`the big hit
entertainment: which 1999 black comedy film featuring kirstie alley and ellen barkin satirised american beauty pageants`drop dead gorgeous
entertainment: which 1999 film starred brendan fraser as a 1920's adventurer and rachel weisz as a librarian`the mummy
entertainment: which 1999 film starring will smith and kevin kline as two u.s. marshals`wild wild west
entertainment: which 1999 soundtrack featured melanie c solo track ga ga`big daddy
entertainment: which 1999 viking action film starred antonia banderas as an arab poet`the 13th warrior
Entertainment: Which 3 Actresses Are The New 'Charlie's Angels'`Lucy Liu, Drew Barrymore And Cameron Diaz
Entertainment: Which 50's Actress Was Born Vera Jayne Palmer`Jane Mansfield
Entertainment: Which 9-Fingered Pop Pianist Starred In The Film Its All Happening`Russ Conway
Entertainment: which action film actor is a former world champion in karate`chuck norris
Entertainment: Which Actor, Best Known For His Portrayal Of A Hero Of The Napoleonic Wars, Secretly Married Abigail Cruttenden In November 1997`Sean Bean
Entertainment: which actor delivered the eulogy at the funeral in four weddings and a funeral`john hannah
Entertainment: Which Actor Died During The Making Of The Crow`Brandon Lee
Entertainment: Which Actor Died In 1956, And Was Buried In The Cape He Wore When Playing Dracula`Bela Lugosi
Entertainment: which actor guested on blurs parklife`phil daniels
Entertainment: Which Actor Has Appeared In Mortal Thoughts, Thelma And Louise, Sister Act, And Falling In Love`Harvey Keitel
Entertainment: Which Actor Has Played Dracula In More Films Than Anyone Else`Christopher Lee
entertainment: which actor played a young obi-wan kenobi in the star wars prequel, episode 1: the phantom menace`ewan mcgregor
Entertainment: Which Actor Played Count Alucard In 1943's 'Son Of Dracula'`Lon Chaney Jr
entertainment: which actor played nick leeson in the 1999 film about the collapse of barings bank, rogue trader`ewan mcgregor
Entertainment: Which Actor Played 'R' In The James Bond Movie, 'The World Is Not Enough'`John Cleese
Entertainment: Which Actor/Singer Was Born David Cook In Plaistow`David Essex
Entertainment: Which Actor Was The Youngest To Get A Lifetime Achievement Award`Jack Nicholson
Entertainment: Which Actress/Actor Hired A Private Investigator To Find David Strickland Before It Was Too Late`Brooke Shields
Entertainment: Which Actress Began Life As Doris Kapellhoff`Doris Day
Entertainment: Which Actress Has The Real Name Diane Hall`Diane Keaton
Entertainment: Which Actress Left 'The Queen Vic' In 1999 To Begin A Solo Singing Career`Martine Mccutcheon
Entertainment: Which Actress Made A Million By The Age Of 10`Shirley Temple
entertainment: which actress played a gangster's moll lumbered with a little boy in the 1999 film gloria`sharon stone
Entertainment: Which Actress Played The Bond Girl Honeychile Rider In Doctor No`Ursula Andress
Entertainment: Which Actress Played The Lead Role In The Movie Mommie Dearest`Faye Dunaway
Entertainment: Which Actress Played The Mother Of 'Rosemary's Baby'`Mia Farrow
Entertainment: Which Actress Portrayed Nancy Beebe In The Sitcom 'It's A Living'`Marian Mercer
Entertainment: Which Actress Said 'Sometimes I'm So Sweet Even L Can't Stand It'`Julie Andrews
Entertainment: Which Actress Said 'Whatever Will Be, Will Be' In 1956`Doris Day
Entertainment: Which Actress's Real Name Was Jane Peters`Carole Lombard
Entertainment: Which Actress Starred As Arwen In The Movie 'The Lord Of The Rings'`Liv Tyler
Entertainment: Which Actress Starred In 'From Here To Eternity' And 'The King And I'`Deborah Kerr
Entertainment: Which Actress Starred In The Film Love Story`Ali Mcgraw
Entertainment: Which Actress Was In The Tv Movies: The Oddyssey, And Merlin`Isabella Rosselini
Entertainment: Which Animal Tv Series Ran For The Greatest Number Of Seasons`Lassie
Entertainment: Which Balding Actor Donned A Pigtail For His Role In The Film Medicine Man`Sean Connery
Entertainment: Which Batman Tv Villain Leads The Molehill Mob`Riddler
entertainment: which bbc1 police drama starred warren clarke and colin buchanan`dalziel and pascoe
Entertainment: Which Bbc Tv Comedy Featured Spoof News And Current Affairs, And Introduced Alan Partridge`The Day Today
Entertainment: Which Black American Entertainer Was The First To Star In His Own Television Series`Nat King Cole
Entertainment: Which Bond Films Theme Tune Was Sung By Duran Duran`A View To A Kill
Entertainment: Which Bond Girl Is Now A Medicine Woman`Jane Seymour
Entertainment: Which British Actor Was Simon Sparrow In The Doctor Films`Dirk Bogarde
Entertainment: which british animator has won three oscars for his short films featuring wallace and gromit`nick park
Entertainment: Which British Director Founded The Theatre Workshop In Manchester In 1945`Joan Littlewood
Entertainment: Which British Stage And Film Director Won An Oscar In 2000`Sam Mendes
Entertainment: Which Bruce Is Co-Owner Of 'Planet Hollywood'`Willis
Entertainment: Which Canadian Leslie Stars In 'The Naked Gun' Series Of Films`Nielsen
Entertainment: Which Car Is Featured In The Film Back To The Future`De Lorean
Entertainment: Which Cartoon Family Can 'Sing The Blues'`The Simpsons
Entertainment: Which Cecil B. De Mille Classic Carried The Publicity Tag, 'The Mightiest Dramatic Spectacle Of All The Ages'`The Ten Commandments
Entertainment: Which Character Did David Jason Play In The T.V. Series Porridge`Blanco
Entertainment: Which Character Did Mel Gibson Play In The Film 'Braveheart'`William Wallace
Entertainment: Which Character From Beavis And Butthead Has Their Own Show`Daria
Entertainment: Which Character In Bond Films Has Been Played By Donald Pleasance, Telly Savalas, And Charles Grey`Blofeld
Entertainment: Which Character In 'Forrest Gump' Loved Shrimp`Bubba
Entertainment: Which Character In 'The Avengers' Drove A Lotus Elan`Emma Peal
Entertainment: Which Character In The Movie 'The Wizard Of Oz' Was Played By Charlie Becker`The Mayor Of The Munchkins
Entertainment: Which Character Sang 'Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are' In 'The Wizard Of Oz'`Glinda, The Good Witch Of The North
Entertainment: Which Child Star Featured In Michael Jacksons Black Or White Video`Macaulay Culkin
Entertainment: Which City Had The First Movie Theatre In The Us`Los Angeles
Entertainment: Which City Was The Setting For Boys From The Black Stuff`Liverpool
Entertainment: Which Classic Film Of 1948 Was Advertised As, 'Greed, Gold And Gunplay On A Mexican Mountain Of Malice'`Treasure Of The Sierra Madre
Entertainment: Which Classic Hollywood Western Is Based On The Film 'The Seven Samurai`The Magnificent Seven
Entertainment: Which Colourful Cat Was Sought By Inspector Clouseau`Pink Panther
Entertainment: Which Comedian Created The Character Of Maude Frickert`Jonathan Winters
Entertainment: Which Comedian Once Said, 'A Well-Balanced Person Has A Drink In Each Hand'`Billy Connolly
Entertainment: Which Comedian Said'if They Liked You, They Didn't Applaud - They Just Let You Live'`Bob Hope
Entertainment: Which Comedian's Catch Phrase Was I Won't Take My Coat Off, I'm Not Stopping`Ken Platt
Entertainment: Which Comedian Was Known As 'The Lad Himself'`Tony Hancock
Entertainment: Which Comedienne's Alternative Persona Is 'Mrs. Merton'`Caroline Aherne
Entertainment: Which Comedy Act Started As 'The Six Musical Mascots'`Marx Brothers
Entertainment: Which Comedy Duo First Performed Together In 1926`Laurel And Hardy
Entertainment: Which Comedy Scandanavian Death Metal Band Had A Record Called 'Her Ghost In The Fog`Cradle Of Filth
Entertainment: Which Comedy Show Moved From Fort Baxter To Camp Fremont`The Phil Silvers Show
Entertainment: Which Country In Asia Was The First To Get Television`Thailand
Entertainment: Which Creatures Were The Subject Of The Film Born Free`Lions
Entertainment: Which Crime Series Was Narrated By Newspaper Columnist Walter Winchell`The Untouchables
entertainment: which crimewatch presenter fronted bbc1's series 'so you think you're a good driver'`nick ross
Entertainment: Which Detective Was Played By Jack Webb In Dragnet`Sgt Joe Friday
Entertainment: Which Diminutive Hollywood Villain Was Born Laszlo Loewenstein In 1904`Peter Lorre
Entertainment: Which Director/Producer Started His Career As A Student With The Film Thx-1138 Which He Later Reworked For His Feature-Directing Debut`George Lucas
Entertainment: Which Disaster Movie Was Actually Nominated For A Best Picture Oscar`The Towering Inferno
Entertainment: Which Drew Was In 'E.T.' And 'Batman Forever'`Barrymore
Entertainment: Which Eighties Sitcom Featured Tom Hanks In Drag On A Regular Basis`Bosom Buddies
Entertainment: Which Elvis Presley Film Did Not Star Elvis`Love Me Tender
Entertainment: Which English Actor Starred In 'The Muppet Christmas Carol'`Michael Caine
Entertainment: Which English Actor Won His First Oscar For A Role In 'Arthur' At The Age Of 77`Sir John Gielgud
Entertainment: Which Entertainers Feet Were Insured For $650,000`Fred Astaire
Entertainment: Which Epic Film Was Based On A Novel By Lew Wallace`Ben Hur
entertainment: which essex town provided the setting for channel 4's documentary series soldier town`colchester
entertainment: which ex-player presented itv's football magazine series 'on the ball' with gabby yorath`barry venison
Entertainment: Which Famous Radio And Television Family Appeared In The Show 'Take It From Here'`The Glums
Entertainment: Which Famous Talk Show Host Made A Guest Apearence On Laverne & Shirley`Jay Leno
Entertainment: Which Famous Tv Cartoon Prehistoric Family Made Their Own Movie`The Flintstones
Entertainment: Which Father And Daughter Starred In The Film 'Paper Moon'`Ryan And Tatum O'neal
Entertainment: Which Film Actress Fed Her Image As A Blonde Sex Symbol With Lines Like 'Come Up And See Me Sometime'`Mae West
Entertainment: Which Film Catapulted James Dean To Stardom`Rebel Without A Cause
Entertainment: Which Film Company Released Sleeping Beauty`Walt Disney
Entertainment: Which Film Covers The Life Of George Cohan`Yankee Doodle Dandy
Entertainment: Which Film Covers The Life Of John Reed`Reds
Entertainment: Which Film, Directed By Jonathan Demme, Won The 1991 Academy Award For Best Picture`Silence Of The Lambs
Entertainment: Which Film, Directed By Oliver Stone, Won Best Film Oscar In 1986`Platoon
Entertainment: Which Film, Directed By Sydney Pollack, Won The 1985 Academy Award For Best Picture`Out Of Africa
Entertainment: Which Film Director Coined The Term 'Paparazzi' To Describe Intrusive Photographers`Fellini
Entertainment: Which Film Director Created 'Olympiad' - A Celebration Of The 1936 Olympics And Nazi Ideology`Leni Riefenstahil
Entertainment: Which Film Director's Films Include 'Midnight Express' And 'Bugsy Malone'`Alan Parker
Entertainment: Which Film Director's Films Include 'Raging Bull' And 'Goodfellas'`Martin Scorsese
Entertainment: Which Film Ends With 'After All, Tomorrow Is Another Day'`Gone With The Wind
Entertainment: Which Film Featured 'Dueling Banjos'`Deliverance
Entertainment: Which Film Featured Harold Lloyd Dangling From A Clock Tower`Safety Last
Entertainment: Which Film Followed The Career Of Athletes Eric Henry Liddell And Harold Abrahams`Chariots Of Fire
Entertainment: Which Film Had The Following Line I Love The Smell Of Napalm In The Morning`Apocalypse Now
Entertainment: Which Film Industry Brothers Were Jack, Sam, Harry And Albert`Warner Brothers
Entertainment: Which Film Links Harrison Ford And Novelist Scott Turon`Presumed Innocent
Entertainment: Which Film Links Novelist Ira Levin And Sharon Stone`Sliver
Entertainment: Which Film Of J.M. Barrie's Book Was Described As 'A Painful Travesty'`Peter Pan
Entertainment: Which Film Preceded 'Magnum Force' And 'The Enforcer'`Dirty Harry
Entertainment: Which Film Returned Love Is All Around To The Charts`Four Weddings And A Funeral
Entertainment: Which Films Are About The Corleone Family`The Godfather
Entertainment: Which Film Star, Born In 1925, Has His Own Range Of Salad Dressing`Paul Newman
Entertainment: Which Film Star Has His Statue In Leicester Square`Charlie Chaplin
Entertainment: Which Film Starrs Jonathan Taylor Thomas, Devon Sawa, Scott Bairstow`Wild America
Entertainment: Which Film Star's Biography Was Called Neither Shaken Nor Stirred`Sean Connery
Entertainment: which film stars original name was maurice micklewhite`michael caine
Entertainment: Which Film Stars Spencer Tracy As A War Veteran With A Mission To Deliver A Posthumous Medal`Bad Day At Black Rock
Entertainment: Which Film Star Was John Hinkley Trying To Impress By Shooting Ronald Reagan`Jodie Foster
Entertainment: Which Film Told Of Moses Leading The Israelites To The Promised Land`The Ten Commandments
Entertainment: Which Film Won The Oscar For Best Picture In 1995`Braveheart
Entertainment: Which Former Dishwasher Had His Movie Premiere In 1921`Rudolph Valentino
Entertainment: Which French Star Appeared In 'And God Created Woman', Set In St. Tropez`Brigitte Bardot
Entertainment: Which 'Friends' Star Had A Part On 'Family Ties'`Courtney Cox
Entertainment: Which Future Princess Starred In Hitchcock's 'Rear Window'`Grace Kelly
Entertainment: Which Game Show Presented Its Questions On A Computer Called 'Mr Babbage'`Family Fortunes
Entertainment: Which German Actress Appeared In The Film 'Witness For The Prosecution`Marlene Dietrich
Entertainment: Which German Film Director Made The Film M, In 1951`Fritz Lang
Entertainment: Which Gestalt Entity Produced The Cult Tv Show Red Dwarf`Grant Naylor
Entertainment: Which Hand Does Rodin's 'Thinker' Rest His Chin On`Right
Entertainment: Which Hitchcock Film Starred Margaret Lockwood And Michael Redgrave`The Lady Vanishes
Entertainment: Which Hollywood Actor Combined Gibraltar And A River To Create His Name`Rock Hudson
Entertainment: Which Hollywood Heart Throbs Real Name Was Roy Scherer`Rock Hudson
Entertainment: Which Hollywood Legend Won An Oscar For Her Starring Role In Jezebel`Bette Davis
Entertainment: Which Hollywood Smoothie Was Born Dino Crocetti In 1917`Dean Martin
Entertainment: Which Horrific Film Creation Was Activated If His Name Was Spoken 3 Times Into A Mirror`Candyman
Entertainment: Which Horror Movie Actor's Real Name Was William Pratt`Boris Karloff
Entertainment: Which Jack Starred With Shirley Maclaine In 'Terms Of Endearment'`Nicholson
Entertainment: which jazz pianist had his own group called the red hot peppers`jelly roll morton
Entertainment: Which John Wayne Western Was Described By A Critic As, 'Grand Hotel On Wheels'`Stagecoach
Entertainment: Which Lauren Was Married To Humphrey Bogart`Bacall
ENTERTAINMENT: Which little Ken Dodd characters came from Knotty Ash`the diddy men
entertainment: which liverpool and england footballer displayed his soccer skills in a bbc2 series`michael owen
Entertainment: Which London Mp Is More Famous As An Actress`Glenda Jackson
Entertainment: Which Macho Actor Died In 1979. His Real Name Was Marion Michael Morrison`John Wayne
Entertainment: which major hollywood star made a cameo appearance at the end of the film fairy tale`mel gibson
Entertainment: Which Marilyn Monroe Film Was Adapted For A Stage Play Starring Daryl Hannah In London In 2000`Seven Year Itch
Entertainment: Which Marlon Brando Film Won Best Picture Award In 1972`Godfather
Entertainment: Which Marx Brother Had Real Name Julius Henry`Groucho
Entertainment: Which Marx Brother Had Real Name Milton`Gummo
Entertainment: Which Marx Brothers Real First Name Was Arthur`Harpo
Entertainment: Which Monkee Was In 'Circus Boy'`Mickey Dolenz
Entertainment: Which Movie About A Tv News Show Won Peter Finch A Posthumous Oscar`Network
Entertainment: Which Movie Did Cher, Michelle Pfeiffer And Susan Sarandon Star Together In`Witches Of Eastwick`The Withches Of Eastwick
Entertainment: Which Movie Did Michelle Pfeifer And George Clooney Star Together In`One Fine Day
Entertainment: Which Movie Does The Song 'I Was Born Under A Wandering Star' Come From`Paint Your Wagon
Entertainment: Which Movie Had A Device Known As A Flux-Capacitor`Back To The Future
Entertainment: Which Movie Is The Highest Grossing Movie Of All Time`Titanic
Entertainment: Which Movie Is The Line 'Snakes, I Hate Snakes' From`Raiders Of The Lost Ark
Entertainment: Which Movie Musical Features Alan Arkin As A Has Been Superhero`The Return Of Captain Invincible
Entertainment: Which Movie/Musical Features The Tune I Could Have Danced All Night`My Fair Lady
Entertainment: Which Movie Offers The Line 'You Don't Beat This River'`Deliverance
Entertainment: Which Movie Star Is The Man With No Name`Clint Eastwood
Entertainment: Which Movie Starred Glenn Close, Jeff Bridges And Robert Loggia`Jagged Edge
Entertainment: Which Movie Won Bette Davis Her Second Oscar`Jezebel
Entertainment: which musical instrument does vanessa mae play`violin
entertainment: which musician has been a member of depeche mode, yazoo and erasure`vince clarke
entertainment: which new york rap star released his second album in 1999, entitled forever`puff daddy
Entertainment: Which Of Madonna's Videos Drew A Stern Condemnation From The Vatican In 1989`Like A Prayer
Entertainment: Which Of The Four Monkees Was Marcia In Love With (Brady Bunch)`Davey Jones
Entertainment: Which Of The Munsters Is 350 Years Old`Grandpa
Entertainment: Which Of The Stars Of 'Outrageous Fortune' Also Starred In Tv's 'Cheers'`Shelley Long
Entertainment: Which Of Tom And Jerry Is The Cat`Tom
Entertainment: Which Oliver Stone Film Won The Oscar For The Best Film In 1986`Platoon
Entertainment: Which One Of The A Team Was A Pilot`H.M. Murdoch
Entertainment: Which Oscar-Winning Actor's Only Film As A Director Was The 1961 Western One-Eyed Jacks`Marlon Brando
Entertainment: Which Oscar-Winning Film Of The 1980s Was Directed By Hugh Hudson`Chariots Of Fire
Entertainment: Which Peanuts Character Plays The Piano`Schroeder
Entertainment: Which Planet Was The 'Planet Of The Apes'`Earth
Entertainment: Which Pop Star Appeared In Many Of The 'Gidget' Films, And Hit No 3 With The Calliope Sound Of 'Goodbye Cruel World' In The Early 60's`James Darren
Entertainment: Which Popular British Actor Had His Ear Bitten By A Rat While Filming The White Rabbit For Television`Kenneth More
Entertainment: Which Professional Wrestler Popped Both Of John Stossel's Ear Drums During A 20/20 Interview`Dr.D
entertainment: which radio 1 dance dj was behind the album essential selection ibiza 1999`pete tong
Entertainment: Which Rapper Found Success As A Film Director With The 1998 Release Of 'The Players Club'`Ice Cube
Entertainment: which record producer created the wall of sound production technique`phil spector
Entertainment: Which Robert Starred With Dustin Hoffman In 'All The President's Men'`Redford
Entertainment: Which Role Was Played By Tim Mcinerny On Tv's 'Blackadder Iv'`Captain Darling
entertainment: which royale family actor starred as macca in the 1999 channel 4 drama 'dockers'`ricky tomlinson
Entertainment: Which 'Saturday Night Live' Star Played A Felon In The Film '48 Hrs.'`Eddie Murphy
Entertainment: Which 'Saturday Night Live' Star Played A Gangster In The Film 'Johnny Dangerously'`Joe Piscopo
Entertainment: Which Screen Role Has Been Played By, Among Others, Elliot Gould And Humphrey Bogart`Philip Marlowe
Entertainment: Which Series On Us Tv Includes Episodes Written By David Mamet, Arthur Miller And Neil Simon`The Millenium Project
Entertainment: Which Shoes Did John Wayne Endorse On Australian Tv`Grosby Outlaw Shoes
Entertainment: Which Show Featured The Following Characters: Blair, Jo, Natalie, Tootie And Mrs. Garrett`Facts Of Life
Entertainment: Which Sidney Pollack Film Won The Oscar For Best Film In 1985`Out Of Africa
Entertainment: Which Singer's Fans Are Called Parrot Heads`Jimmy Buffett
Entertainment: Which Sitcom Helped Launch Michael J. Fox's Career By Portraying Him As A Money-Grubbing Teenager`Family Ties
Entertainment: Which Sitcom Starred Jim Belushi And Michael Keaton`Working Stiffs
Entertainment: Which Sitcom Starred Timothy West As Bradley Hardcastle`Brass
Entertainment: Which Soap Did Peter Noone Of Herman's Hermits Appear In During The 60s`Coronation Street
Entertainment: Which Soap Did Rhoda's Husband End Up On After His First Prime Time Divorce`General Hospital
Entertainment: Which Songstress Prompted David Letterman To Quip: 'I Think She's Trying To Shock Us'`Madonna
Entertainment: Which Sporting Movie Won The Best Picture Oscar In 1976`Rocky
Entertainment: Which Star Of Films Such As 'Ryan's Daughter' Died In 1997`Robert Mitchum
Entertainment: Which Steven Spielberg Film Was Based On A Book By Peter Benchley`Jaws
Entertainment: Which Swiss Town Hosts The Annual Golden Rose Television Festival`Montreux
Entertainment: Which Teacher Did Maggie Smith Play In The 1969 Film Of Muriel Spark's Novel`Miss Jean Brodie
Entertainment: Which Television Programme Did Roy Castle Present For 22 Years`Record Breakers
Entertainment: Which Television Star Played The Title Role In 1957's 'I Was A Teenage Werewolf'`Michael Landon
Entertainment: Which Television Western Series Always Ended With The Words 'Head 'Em Up, Move 'Em Out'`Rawhide
entertainment: which texan girl group had a 1999 hit with the song bills bills bills`destiny's child
Entertainment: Which Town Did Clark Kent Grow Up In`Smallville
Entertainment: which tv detective catch phrase was who loves ya baby`kojak
Entertainment: Which Tv Detective Series Began Each Week's Telecast With An Answering Machine Receiving A Message`Rockford Files
Entertainment: Which Tv News Anchor Was Once Described In Life Magazine As Looking 'Eerily Like A Police Composite Made Up Of The Best Features Of The More Famous Anchors'`Peter Jennings (1983
Entertainment: Which Tv Program Did Reverend Donald Wildmon Force Cbs To Edit In 1988 Because He Believed That The Lead Character Was Taking Drugs`Mighty Mouse
Entertainment: Which Tv Series Featured Episodes Called 'The Maltese Cow' And 'Bullets And Bikinis'`The A-Team
Entertainment: Which Tv Series Followed The Search For A Mysterious One-Armed Man`The Fugitive
Entertainment: Which Tv Series Starred Leslie Phillips And Donald Sinden As Clergymen`Our Man At Saint Marks
Entertainment: Which Tv Series Was David Cassidy In`Partridge Family
Entertainment: Which Tv Show Featured A Ship Called The Liberator And A Villain Called Servalan`Blake's Seven
Entertainment: Which Tv Show's Final Episode Was A Two-Hour Special Called Goodbye, Farewall, And Amen`Mash
Entertainment: Which Tv Star Saved A Penalty From Gary Lineker, Wrestled Big Daddy And Bowled Out Ian Botham, All Within The Space Of Six Weeks`Tony The Tiger
Entertainment: Which Two Actors Co-Starred In Se7en`Brad Pitt And Morgan Freeman
Entertainment: which us band had a hit in 1992 with everybody hurts`rem
Entertainment: Which U.S Chat Show Host Had An Acting Role In The Film The Color Purple`Oprah Winfrey
entertainment: which u.s. singer/songwriter's debut album was entitled 'on how life is'`macy gray
Entertainment: which us singers real name is richard penniman`little richard
entertainment: which veteran actor starred as an art thief in the 1999 film entrapment`sean connery
entertainment: which veteran singer released an album of collaborations entitled 'reload' in 1999`tom jones
Entertainment: Which Warren Starred In 'Dick Tracy' And 'Bugsy Malone'`Beatty
Entertainment: Which Was The 1st Winner Of The Academy Award For Best Picture, And The Only Silent Film To Achieve That Honour`Wings
Entertainment: Which Was The First Animated Peanuts Tv Special`A Charlie Brown Christmas
Entertainment: Which Was The First 'Indiana Jones' Film`Raiders Of The Lost Ark
Entertainment: Which Was The First 'Spaghetti Western' Starring Clint Eastwood`A Fistful Of Dollars
Entertainment: Which Well-Known Irish Actor Was Booted Out Of 15 Grade Schools During His Rebellious Youth`Spencer Tracy
Entertainment: Which Western Television Series Saw Clint Eastwood Rise To Fame`Rawhide
Entertainment: Which Woody Allen Movie Featured A Giant Breast Chasing People About`Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Sex But Were Too Afraid To Ask
Entertainment: Which Worldwide Tv Station Is Devoted To Music`Mtv
Entertainment: While He And Gwyneth Paltrow Were Dating, Paltrow Appeared In Melissa Etheridge's Video For The Song I Want To Come Over`Brad Pitt
Entertainment: Whish Actress Was Nominated For An Oscar For Her Part As A Prostitute In The 1995 Film Leaving Las Vegas`Elizabeth Shue
Entertainment: who co-wrote the song fame with david bowie`john lennon
Entertainment: who declared: i think i'll go out adn milk the elk`w.c. fields
Entertainment: who did louis nye greet with, hi-ho steverino`steve allen
Entertainment: who did lurch work for`the addams family
Entertainment: who is donald ducks girlfriend called`daisy
Entertainment: who is the presenter of tv's masterchef`loyd grossman
Entertainment: who is the quizmaster on fifteen to one`william g. stewart
Entertainment: who managed the beatles to stardom`brian epstein
Entertainment: who played della street on tv's orginal perry mason`barbara hale
Entertainment: who played herman munster in the sitcom the munsters`fred gwynne
Entertainment: who played james bond in the film casino royale`david niven
Entertainment: who played oskar schindler in the film schindlers list`liam neeson
Entertainment: who played sportin' life in the film porgy & bess`sammy davis jr.
Entertainment: who played the private detective phillip marlowe in the 1946 film the big sleep`humphrey bogart
Entertainment: who played the title role in my favorite martian`ray walston
Entertainment: who plays lois lane in tv's the new adventures of superman`teri hatcher
Entertainment: who portrayed major major in catch 22`bob newhart
Entertainment: who portrayed private detective phillip marlowe in robert altman's the long goodbye`elliot gould
Entertainment: who portrayed the german spy die agel in the eye of the needle`donald sutherland
entertainment: who presented the bbc1 game show 'the other half'`dale winton
Entertainment: who protrayed casper gutman in the 1941 film the maltese falcon`sidney greenstreet
entertainment: who provided the voice of the unseen charlie in the u.s. tv series charlie's angels`john forsythe
Entertainment: who's won the most oscars for costume design`edith head
Entertainment: who walked off his tv show on feb. 11, 1960 protesting censorship`jack paar
Entertainment: who was actress isabella rosselinis famous mother`ingrid bergman
entertainment: who was fred flintstone's neighbour and bowling partner`barney rubble
Entertainment: who was half man half vulcan`mr. spock
Entertainment: who was laugh-in's sock it to me girl`judy carne
entertainment: who was on the first cover of people magazine`mia farrow
Entertainment: who was the head news writer for wjm-tv`murray slaughter
Entertainment: who was the lead singer with the band madness`suggs
Entertainment: who were tim-brooke-taylor, graeme garden and bill oddie`the goodies
Entertainment: who wrote the musical score for the film chariots of fire`vangelis
Entertainment: who wrote the musical scores for lawrence of arabia, dr. zhivago and ryans daughter`maurice jarre
entertainment: who wrote the novel on which the film 'maybe baby' is based`ben elton
Entertainment: who wrote the songs for the wombles`mike batt
Entertainment: who wrote the songs in walt disneys the lion king`tim rice and elton john
Entertainment: 'Why, I Guess You Don't Know Everything About Women Yet'`The Empire Strikes Back
Entertainment: Willem Dafoe, Tom Berringer, Charlie Sheen`Platoon
Entertainment: William Hurt And Holly Hunter Team Up In This Comedy About The Network News`Broadcast News
Entertainment: William Hurt Plays Macon Leary In This Movie`Accidental Tourist
Entertainment: William Powell And Which Actress Played The Sleuthing Couple In The 'Thin Man' Series Of Films 1934 And 1947`Myrna Loy
Entertainment: William Shatner Appeared In Tv Commercials For What Computer Company`Commodore
Entertainment: Will Smith Knifes Himself To Get Aquantied With High Society Folks`Six Degrees Of Separation
Entertainment: Wimpy College Professor Becomes Embroiled With Pimps, Prostitutes And Underworld Intrigue`Doctor Detroit
Entertainment: Winner Of Four Oscars, Which Film Featured The Characters Joe Buck And Ratso`Midnight Cowboy
Entertainment: Winnie The Pooh's Real Name`Edward Bear
Entertainment: Winning For Mrs Miniver, She Took Longer Than 1.5 Hours To Say 'Thanks'`Greer Garson
Entertainment: 'With A Capital T And That Rhymes With P And That Stands For Pool!'`The Music Man
entertainment: with which george michael song did robbie williams have a top 5 hit in 1996`freedom
Entertainment: Won A Tony Award In 1991 For Lost In Yonkers`Kevin Spacey
Entertainment: Woodbury Soap Was The First Product To Show A ____ _____ In Its Advertisements. The Year Was 1936`Nude Woman
Entertainment: Woody Allen Has Gathered A Stunning 20 Oscar Nominations Over The Years. How Many Has He Actually Won`Three
Entertainment: Woody Harrelson And Marisa Tomei Star In This Acclaimed 1997 War Drama`Welcome To Sarajevo
Entertainment: Wwhat Is The Name Of Mulder And Scully's Supervisor On The X-Files`Walter Skinner
Entertainment: Wynonna Judd's Real Name`Christina Clair Ciminella
Entertainment: X-Files: Before Agent John Doggett Joined The Fbi, He Worked For What Big City Police Department`New York City`New York
Entertainment: X-Files: How Does Agent Scully Prefer Her Coffee`One Cream No Sugar
Entertainment: X-Files: How Old Was Mulder When His Siter Was Abducted`Twelve
Entertainment: X-Files: In '731' How Much Did Mulder Pay For His Alien Autopsy Tape (Do Not Use A $)`29.95
Entertainment: X-Files: In 'Squeeze', Scully Meets A Fellow Student From Quantico. What's His Name`Tom Colton
Entertainment: X-Files: In The Episode 'Closure', Mulder Finally Learned What Happened To His Sister Samantha. What Air Force Base Had She Been Held On After Her Abduction`April
Entertainment: X-Files: In The Episode 'Monday', Mulder And Scully Are Unaware That They Keep Repeating A Day Over And Over Because They Died During A Botched Bank Robbery. Mulder Was Depositing His Paycheck At The Bank To Keep A Check He'd Written For What From Bouncing`Apartment Damage
Entertainment: X-Files: In The Episode 'Wetwired', Which Contemporary Political Figure Does Scully End Up Watching On The Video Tapes`Pat Buchanon
Entertainment: X-Files: In The Season 2 Episode 'End Game', What Is The Name Of The Submarine On A Cartography Mission`Uss Allegiance
Entertainment: X-Files: In The Season 3 Episode 'Revelations', How Did Mulder Describe The Artist Impression Of Owen Jarvis`Homer Simpson's Evil Twin
Entertainment: X-Files: In The Skinner Centered Episode 'Avatar' From Season 3, What Is Written On The Inside Of Skinner's Wedding Ring`Love Forever Sharon
Entertainment: X-Files: In Which Episode Did John Lee Roch Appear`Paper Hearts
Entertainment: X-Files: In Which Episode Did Nick Lea Appear For The First Time`Gender Bender
Entertainment: X-Files: In Which Episode Does Scully Become The Proud Owner Of Queequeg`Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose
Entertainment: X-Files: In Which Episode Is Agent Mulder Charged With The Murder Of A Dod Agent Named Scott Osselhoff`Redux 2
Entertainment: X-Files: Late In The 8th Season, The Character Of Agent Leyla Harrison Was Introduced. She Had Been Processing Their Expense Reports Over The Years And Become A Fan, So She Jumped At The Chance To Work With Doggett When Scully Went On Maternity Leave In The Episode 'Alone'. At The End Of The Episode, She Asked Mulder And Scully About An Event Seen In The Movie 'Fight The Future'. What Did She Specifically Ask About`The Escape From Antarctica
Entertainment: X-Files: Mufon Stands For`Mutual Ufo Network
Entertainment: X-Files: Mulder Has An Intense Fear Of`Fire
Entertainment: X-Files: What Are Mulder And Scully`Fbi Agents
Entertainment: X-Files: What Does Mulder Threaten To Leave Frohike In His Will`Video Collection
Entertainment: X-Files: What Is Agent Mulder's Preferred Drink For Stakeouts`Iced Tea
Entertainment: X-Files: What Is Fox Mulder's Computer Password, Which Dana Scully Easily Cracks`Trustno1
Entertainment: X-Files: What Is Mulder's Preffered Snack`Sunflower Seeds
Entertainment: X-Files: What Is Samantha Mulder's File Number`X-42053
Entertainment: X-Files: What Is The Name Of Mulder And Scully's Boss`Walter Skinner`Skinner
Entertainment: X-Files: Which Nba Team Is Mulder's Favorite`New York Knicks`Knicks
Entertainment: Ya Know It's Funny The Kind Of Stuff You Can Get Shipped Into A Prison Library, Tantric Budism, Autohypnosis, Mind Control`Where The Money Is
Entertainment: Ya Know Pansy, I Invented Marriage. Before That Everyone Was So Mixed Up They Didn't Know What To Do. So I Said 'Have A Ceremony'`Michael
Entertainment: ________ York`Michael
Entertainment: You Can't Handle The Truth`A Few Good Men
Entertainment: You Get The Pole Out Of Your Keester And We'll Get Along Just Fine`Uncle Buck
Entertainment: You Idiots! These Are Not Them! You've Captured Their Stunt Doubles`Spaceballs
Entertainment: You Must Have Been Toilet Trained At Gun-Point`Renaissance Man
Entertainment: Your Ego's Writing Checks Your Body Can't Cash`Top Gun
Entertainment: Your Partner Died Squealing Like A Pig`The Untouchables
Entertainment: Zang! (Excellent! In Cantonese)`Waynes World
Entertainment: 'Zed's Dead Baby, Zed's Dead.'`Pulp Fiction
Entertainment: Zorro Was The Secret Identity Of What Wealthy Landowner`Don Diego De La Vega
Entertainment: Zsa Zsa Gabor Has Been Married How Many Times`Eight
Entirely: exclusively: 'did it ------ for love.'`solely
Entomophobia is a fear of ______`insects
entomophobia is the fear of----------`insects
Entre nous means`Between ourselves
entrepreneur that owned jurassic park`john hammond
Enveloped or obscured by fog: '-------- cliffs.'`fogbound
En which 1945 film did humphrey bogart play a martinique bar-owner who was opposing the nazis`to have and have not
eosophobia is the fear of----------`dawn
Eosophobia is the fear of`dawn`daylight
eotocles banished from thebes`ployneices
Epaminondas was the general of which ancient state`thebes
Epic Songs: Aerosmith: "Maybe tomorrow the good lord will take you away"`dream on
Epic Songs: Dylan song about a boxer: "This is the story of the..."`hurricane
Epic Songs: Indigo Girls, from Swamp Ophelia: contains the album title in the lyrics`touch me fall
Epic Songs: Last song on Use Your Illision I: ungodly awesome rhythm playing at the end`coma
Epic Songs: Metallica: "Yesterday seems as though it never existed"`fade To Black
Epic Songs: Smashing Pumpkins, from the Singles Soundtrack`drown
Epic Songs: Stones and the London Bach Choir`you cant always get what you Want
Epic Songs: Stones & the London Bach Choir`you cant always get what you Want
Epic Songs: Tech-epic: D.Mode's 6-minute (on the album) breakthrough hit from Violator`enjoy the silence
Epic Songs: The Cure, from Wish: "So we watched the sun come up..."`from The Edge Of The Deep Green Sea
Epic Songs: The Cure So we watched the sun come up`from The Edge Of The Deep Green Sea
Epic Songs: The only Iron Butterfly song anyone's ever heard: 12-minute drum solo`inagaddadavida
Epic Songs: The Who: last song on Who's Next`wont get fooled again
Epidermal cells, palisade cells, and veins are parts of a(n) ________.`leaf
Epidermal cells, palisade cells, and veins are parts of a(n) `leaf
Epidermal cells, palisade cells, and veins are parts of a(n) `Leaf
epinephrine is also known as`adrenaline
Episodes of which t.v. comedy are usually titled "The One With...."`friends
Epistaxiophobia is the fear of`nosebleeds
Epistemophobia is the fear of`knowledge
epitaph reads, free at last, free at last, thank god almighty, i'm free at last`martin luther king jr.
epl : what is manchester united's home stadium called`old trafford
epl : what is manchester united's nickname`red devils
epl : what is manchester united's stadium nicknamed`theatre of dreams
epl : what is newcastle united's nickname`magpies
epl : what is norwich city's nickname`canaries
epl : who was the first player to score a total of 100 goals in the newly-formed english premier league`alan shearer
epl : who was the scotsman who guided manchester united to an unprecedented english league, fa cup and european cup treble, and was later to be knighted on qeii's birthday`sir alex ferguson
Eponyms (words named for people) A close fitting garment for the torso, worn by dancers, acrobats & the like. Can you name the garment`A Leotard
Eppie Cass is a central character in which |novel by George Eliot`silas marner
Equations First Suggested That Mass And Energy Are Interchangeable`Einstein's
Equinophobia is a fear of ______`horses
Equivocal, as in classification or nature`anomalous
Eras are divided into units called ________.`periods
Eras are divided into units called `periods
Erasure: Finish the Erasure song title: "Blue ........."`savannah
Erasure: Finish the Erasure song title: "River Deep, ....`mountain high
Erasure: How many members are in Erasure`two
Erasure: Name the Erasure song: "Ooh, do we not sail on the .`ship of Fools
Erasure: Who is the instrumentalist in Erasure`vince clarke
Erato was the Greek muse of what`mime
Erect in posture or carriage: (She sat with grim determination, ------- as a darning needle stuck in a board (Harriet Beecher Stowe)`upright
Ergasiophobia is the fear of`surgical instruments
ergophobia is afear of ____`work
ergophobia is the fear of ____`work
Ergot is a plant disease caused by what`Fungi
Erie, Suez, Panama etc`canals
Ernest Bevin, Minister of Labour during World War II, left school at the age of`eleven
Ernest Bevin, Minister of Labour during World War II, left school at the age of`eleven`11
ernest t tubb's 'waltz ______ texas'`across
Ernest Vincent Wright wrote a novel, "Gadsby", which contains over 50,000 words -- none of them with the letter`e
Erotic asphyxiation is said to cause over _,___ deaths each year.`1,000
Erotic solo dance of North Africa, the Middle East, and Turkish-influenced Balkan areas?`Belly Dance
Erotophobia is a fear of ______`sexual love
Errol Flynn's autobiography, ___, is published posthumously`my wicked wicked ways
Erroneous: fictitious: Wildly ---------- rumors about starvation in Petrograd... raced through Russia's trenches (W. Bruce Lincoln)`apocryphal
"Erse" is another name for which language`gaelic
Erving Inky and Dinky were the nephews of what comic book cat`felix the cat
Erythrophobia is the fear of`the color red
escape (1982) was recorded by what group`journey
Eschatology: Andaman Islanders believe this god will destroy them with an earthquake`puluga
Eschatology: Last word of Revelations`amen
Eschatology: This prostitute caught it big time in Revelations`jezebel
Eskimo ice cream is neither icy, nor ______`creamy
Eskimo one-man canoe`kayak
eskimos never----------`gamble
Esoterica Abounds: Radio Shack's slogan: (6 words and one comma)`youve got questions weve got answers
Esoterica Abounds: What is MUD an abbreviation for`multiple user domain
Esoterica Abounds: "Zodiac" by Neal Stephenson is about an activist named what`sangamon taylor
espana is to spain, as sveriga is to ______`sweden
Espionage Books: Authors: Who wrote the "Quiller" series of books.`Adam Hall
Espionage Books: Title: Len Deightons second "Harry Palmer" novel was.`Funeral in Berlin
Esprit de corps. morale`esprit
Essential Clapton: Clapton wrote this song when he fell in love with George Harrison's wife.`layla
Essential Clapton: Name the Album: "461 _____ _________" released August 1974.`461 ocean boulevard
Essential Clapton: Name the group that both Clapton and Steve Winwood were in`blind faith
Essential Clapton: Name the group that both Clapton & Steve Winwood were in.`blind faith
Essential Clapton: Name the Song I get off on 57 chevys. I get off on screamin guitars`i've got a rock and roll heart
Essential Clapton: Name the Song: "I get off on 57 chevys. I get off on screamin' guitars."`ive got a rock n roll heart
Essential Clapton: Name the Song: "She's a witch of trouble in electric blue..."`strange brew
Essential Clapton: Name the Song: "... We're gonna let it all hang down."`after midnight
Essential Clapton: What superstar drummer helped produce Clapton's work in mid to late 80's.`phil collins
Essential Clapton: Who told E.C. that he was "quite good enough to play blues guitar for a living"`muddy waters
Essential Clapton: With which band did Clapton record "For Your Love" in 1964`the yardbirds
Establishment, as of a person in a business or of people in a new region`settlement
Ester Pauline Friedman, famous newspaper columnist, is better known as who`Ann Landers
Estragon protects against _____ disease`heart
Estragon protects against`heart disease
Ethan Allen's favorite drink at the Green Mountain Tavern, was known as what`stonewall
Ethel who is the spokesperson for the exercise tapes 'tae bo'`billy blanks
Ethernet is a registered trademark of what company`xerox
ethiopia fought a long war with this neighbour`eritrea
Ethylene glycol is frequently used in automobiles.. How`anti-freeze
Etna, Hekla and Popocate a petl are all types of what`volcanoes
Etymology is the study of what`word origins
euphobia is the fear of ____`hearing good news
Euphrates Who did Adolf Hitler dictate Mein Kampf to while in prison`Rudolf Hess
Europa is a satellite of which planet in the solar system`jupiter
European architecture and music,ornate and extravagant`baroque
European Monetary Union`emu
eurotophobia is the fear of ____`female genitalia
Euskara is the language spoken by which European people`basques
Euskara is the language spoken by which European people`the basques
Evacuation of the intestinal tract: defecation`dejection
Evelyn Glennie is the world's first full time soloist on which part of the orchestra`drums
Evelyn Glennie is the world's first full`time soloist on which part of the orchestra`percussion or drums
Even if up to 80% of this is removed from a human, what is it that will continue to function & grow back to its original size`liver
Evening dress for men`tuxedo
Even though it tastes nothing like grapes, a is often eaten for breakfast`grapefruit
Even though she was a Canadian who became known as Americas Sweetheart in the film industry`Mary Pickford
Even though they broke up 25 years ago, which group still sells more records each year than the rolling stones`beatles
Eve of All Saints Day`halloween
Evergreen fragrent flowered shrub with purple flowers`lavender
Evergreen shrub with large flowers`rhododendron
every finalest in the 100-meter dash of the last four olympics, has been of what descent?`west african
Every human first spent about half an hour as a single what`cell
Every human has one of these on their tummies`navel
Every litre of water taken from the Red Sea would contain about _____ grams of salt`two hundred
Every litre of water taken from the Red Sea would contain about _____ grams of salt`two hundred`200
every minute 47 ---------- are sold or distributed throughout the world`bibles
every minute ---------- bibles are sold or distributed throughout the world`47
everyone believed in the middle ages--as ---------- had--that the heart was the seat of intelligence`aristotle
Everyone is familiar with the RCA logo with nipper the dog listening to the rca grammaphone. But the original picture had both the dog & the grammaphone sitting on what`his dead master's casket
Every person generates approximately 3.5 pounds of rubbish a day, most of it being ______`paper
Every person has a unique _____ print`finger
every photograph of an american atomic bomb detonation was taken by ---------- edgerton`harold
every photograph of an american atomic bomb detonation was taken by harold----------`edgerton
every photograph of an american atomic bomb detonation was taken by who?`harold edgerton
Every queen named ----- has either been murdered, imprisoned, gone mad, died young, or been dethroned.`jane
every single hamster in the u.s. today comes from a single litter captured in ---------- in 1930`syria
every single hamster in the u.s. today comes from a single litter captured in syria in----------`1930
every ---------- spent about half an hour as a single cell`human
Every square inch of the human body has an average of 32 million ______`bacteria
everytime beethoven sat down to write music, he poured ---------- water over his head`ice
Every time you lick a stamp, you're consuming 1/10 of a`calorie
Every time you lick a _____, you're consuming 1/10 of a calorie`stamp
Every time you step forward, you use ________ muscles`fifty four
Every time you step forward, you use ________ muscles`fifty four`54
every two thousand frowns create one----------`wrinkle
Every week`weeklies
Every Woman possesses what wonderfully sensitive nerve-filled organ that provides her tremendous pleasure?`Clitoris
every year, 11,000 americans injure themselves while trying out ---------- sexual positions`bizarre
every year, ---------- americans injure themselves while trying out bizarre sexual positions`11,000
Every year, ------- and their guests drink 1.2 million gallons of beer during Oktoberfest. The first Oktoberfest was in 1810 and celebrated the marriage of King Ludwig I of Bavaria.`bavarians
every year, over ---------- people injure themselves with a toothpick`8,800
every year, ---------- sinks about 10 inches`mexico city
Evidence attesting to some praiseworthy quality or characteristic: 'Winning the scholarship was a ------- to her hard work.'`tribute
evidence is admissible in an American court`bloodhound
evidence of ---------- exists as early as 10,000 b.c`shoemaking
evidence of shoemaking exists as early as ---------- b.c`10,000
Evidence or an indication of the former presence or existence of something: a vestige`trace
Evidence or testimonials concerning one's right to credit, confidence, or authority: 'The new ambassador presented her ----------s to the`credentials
Evidence that refutes or disproves`disproof
Evil in influence: injurious`malign
Evil: sinful`badness
Ewe's milk is used to make which cheese`roquefort
Exact, as in performance, execution, or amount: accurate or correct: 'a ------- measurement: a ------- instrument.'`precise
Exactly opposite: contrary`diametric
Exaggerated or affected style or habit, as in dress or speech. affectation`mannerism
Exasperation: vexation`gall
Exasperation: vexation`galled
Exasperation: vexation`galls
Exceedingly large of its kind: 'a -------- toadstool.'`gigantic
Exceeding normal limits, as in size or duration: 'The patient cannot endure chemotherapy for --- length of time.'`any
Excellency Which company, during the 1984 Super Bowl, aired what is considered one of the best commercials in TV history`Apple
Excellent: extraordinary: 'a rare sense of honor.'`rareness
Excellent: wonderful`beautiful
except for newborns, what gender are all eels on the east coast`female
Exceptionally attractive or appealing: 'a zingy gown.'`zingier
Exceptionally bad: abominable: '--------- decor: --------- behavior.'`atrocious
Exceptionally large: enormous: 'a --------- tidal wave.'`monstrous
Excessive attachment or regard`fetishism
Excessive devotion to sensual pleasure`sensuality
Excessive discharge of blood from blood vessels, caused by pathological condition of the vessels or by traumatic rupture of one or more vessels`haemmorage
Excessive in degree or nature: 'an --------- need to win.'`obsessive
Excessive killing`overkill
Excessively delicate or refined`superfine
Excessive or erotic interest in oneself`narcissism
Excessive or insatiable appetite`bulimia
Excessive or insincere praise`flatteries
Excessive or insincere praise`flattery
Excessive or unjust demand: extortion`exaction
Excessive pride in one's appearance or accomplishments: conceit. conceit`vanities
Excessive uric acid in the blood results in which medical condition`gout
Excessivly fond of one's wife`uxorious
exchequer, the body responsible for british finances, is derived from the words`checkered tablecloth
Excited, noisy activity: bustle: 'the whir of busy shoppers.'`whirred
Excitement: fanfare`hooray
Excitement: fanfare`hurrah
Excitement: fanfare`hurrays
Exciting admiration: 'a raving beauty.'`ravings
Exciting sexual desires: salacious`lascivious
Excluding man, what is the longest-lived land mammal`elephant
Excluding or unavailable to certain groups: 'a ---------- area.'`restricted
Excluding or unavailable to certain groups: 'a restricted area.'`restroom
Excluding Rudolph, how many reindeer pull Santa's sleigh`8
Excluding Rudolph, how many reindeer pull Santa's sleigh`eight
Excluding Rudolph, how many reindeer pull Santa's sleigh`eight`8
Excluding the sun, which is the nearest star to earth`proxima centauri
Excluding the sun, which is the second closest star to earth`alpha centauri
Excrement of sea birds used as manure`guano
Execute by strangulation with a thin wire`garrotte
Executed or drawn up by a notary public`notarial
Executed or performed by the mind: existing in the mind: '------ images of happy times.'`mental
Executed or performed by the mind: existing in the mind: 'mental images of happy times.'`mentally
Executed with or exhibiting ingenuity`cunning
Exercise of this right`veto
Exercising power arbitrarily and often unjustly: tyrannical`oppressive
Exercising prudence, good judgment, or common sense`prudential
Exerting or capable of exerting strong physiological or chemical effects: '------ liquor: a ------ toxin.'`potent
Exhibiting a high degree of skill or polish: 'an essay that was a -------- piece of work.'`finished
Exhibiting a lack of thought: '---------- bravado.'`unthinking
Exhibiting an agreeably appropriate manner or style: 'a ---------- writer.'`felicitous
Exhibiting carelessness or slackness. negligent`remiss
Exhibiting confidence or authority: 'paints with an assured hand.'`assuredly
Exhibiting considerable variety or diversity: (He loved to show off his ------- talent (William A. Henry III)`protean
Exhibiting great immaturity and lack of judgment: '---------- behavior.'`sophomoric
Exhibiting idiocy`idiotic
Exhibiting or characterized by careful thought: 'a ---------- essay.'`thoughtful
Exhibiting or demonstrating carelessness: 'messy reasoning.'`messier
Exhibiting or feeling no love: unloving: 'a -------- glance.'`loveless
Exhibiting or occasioning happiness or mirth: cheerful: 'a jolly tune.'`jollied
Exhibition of cowboy's skills`rodeo
Existing in name only: nominal: 'the ------- head of the family.'`titular
Existing in reality or in real experience: perceptible by the senses: real: '-------- objects such as trees.'`concrete
Existing in the mind, especially as a product of the imagination. Used in literary criticism of a text`virtual
Existing or living in the air`aerial
Existing or occurring before a trial: '-------- imprisonment: -------- hearings.'`pretrial
Existing, persisting, or enduring for a limited time only: impermanent`finite
Exodus The departure of the Israelites from Egypt`exodus
"---------- expands according to our willingness to put up with it."- Barry Farber`crime
"------- expands so as to fill the time available for its completion."- Stephen Crane`work
Expensive red spice is extracted from the crocus flower`saffron
experienced ---------- say that married men tip better than unmarried men`waitress
experienced waitress say that ---------- men tip better than unmarried men`married
Experiencing fear: frightened. afraid`fearful
Experiencing or showing doubt: 'Doubtful that the cord would hold, we strengthened it.'`doubtful
Experiencing sensation or feeling`sentient
Experimenting with speeding up a tape, David Seville created 3 voice characters and released a Christmas song in 1958. Name this nutty group`The Chipmunks
Experts estimate that a real orgasm burns 112 calories. A faked orgasm burns _ _ _ calories.`315
---------- explode when you put them in the microwave`grapes
Explorer: Englishman who discovered the River Back in Canada in 1833.`George Back
Explorers in South America caught and ate cavies. What are cavies`guinea pigs
explorers: what ship did sir francis drake circle the world in`the golden hind
Ex-PM Margaret Thatcher's current title`Baroness
Exposed to view: undisguised: 'bare fangs.'`bareness
Exposed to view: undisguised: 'bare fangs.'`baring
Exposed to view: undisguised: '---- fangs.'`bare
Exposure to the risk of harm or loss`peril
Expressed in vulgar, coarse, and abusive language`scurrilous
Expressing a complaint or grievance: grumbling: 'a --------- voice: --------- comments.'`querulous
Expressing bitter opposition: scathing: 'a --------- speech against the new government.'`truculent
Expressing care or concern: 'made ---------- inquiries about our family.' thoughtful`solicitous
Expressing causation. Used of a verb or verbal affix`causative
Expressing gratitude`grateful
Expressing or filled with a sense of obligation`dutiful
Expressing or suggesting sadness: plaintive: From a doorway came the plangent sounds of a guitar (Malcolm Lowry)`plangency
Expression or appreciation of subtle shades of meaning, feeling, or tone: 'a rich artistic performance, full of ------.'`nuance
Expressive of gratitude: 'a -------- smile.'`thankful
Expressive of hidden motives or purposes: shifty. secret`furtive
Expressive of sorrow or unhappiness`sad
Exquisitely fine or dainty: '-------- china.'`delicate
Extending a specified distance upward: 'a cabinet ten feet ----.'`high
Extending far inward from an outer surface: 'a ---- cut.'`deep
Extensive cultivation of plants to yield food, feed, or fiber; to provide medicinal or industrial ingredients; or to grow ornamental products`crop farming
Extent or frequency of occurrence: 'a high --------- of malaria in the tropics.'`incidence
Extent or magnitude: scope. Often used in the plural: 'a problem of alarming ---------s.'`dimension
Extortion of payment in return for silence`blackmail
Extraordinary: marvelous: 'a ---------- talent.'`prodigious
Extraordinary: outstanding: 'a ---------- feat of memory.'`phenomenal
Extravagant publicity: 'The new sedan was introduced to the public with much ------.'`hoopla
Extreme aversion`repulsion
Extreme cruelty: wickedness`devilries
Extreme dearth: barrenness or insufficiency`penury
Extreme emotional disturbance: perturbation`agitation
Extreme fear of open spaces`agoraphobia
Extreme in degree, strength, or size: '------- heat.'`intense
Extremely bad: terrible: 'a ---------- report card.'`disastrous
Extremely desirous: avid: 'hungry for recognition.'`hungrier
Extremely disagreeable: offensive`horrid
Extremely formidable: '-------- responsibilities.'`terrible
Extremely: greatly: 'Their skills were ------ needed.'`sorely
Extremely hot: burning`fervid
Extremely hot: glowing`fervent
Extremely modest or shy: bashful`shamefaced
Extremely or excessively concerned with details`meticulous
Extremely severe or violent: terrible: the ------ thunders roar me their music (Ezra Pound)`fierce
Extremely small person or thing`midget
Extremely tall Californian conifer`sequia
Extremely unpleasant: distasteful or shocking: '-------- table manners: this -------- heat.'`dreadful
Extremely: very 'I'm -------- sorry.'`terribly
Extremely wicked or cruel`fiendish
Extremities Finishes In Steps Growing Larger As They Leave The Centre`Degraded
---------- eyes are the most sensitive to light, dark brown the least sensitive`blue
Fab Four: At the end of this song, Ringo screams, "I've got blisters on my fingers!"`helter skelter
Fab Four: He was the Walrus.`john
Fab Four: Phil Spector ruined this album.`let it be
Fab Four: This song was recorded during the video shoot for "Lady Madonna".`hey bulldog
Fab Four: This was the last Beatles album recorded.`abbey road
Fabric knitted of this thread, used especially for hosiery and underwear`lisle
Fabric made of this cord, commonly used for bedspreads or rugs`chenille
Fabric made with yarn from this hair`mohair
Fabulous creature with a lions head, goat's body and serpents tail`chimera
Face Is On A Us Dime`Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Face Is On The Front Of A Quaker Oat Box`William Penn
face never appeared because he was too tall to fit on the screen`police squad
Faces Are Parallelograms`Parallopiped
facilities and maintenance barely meet minimum standards`tenement
Facility of stopping a videotape in order to wiew a motionless image`freeze-frame
Facing the other way: moving or tending away from each other: '-------- directions.'`opposite
Fahrenheit as what is minus forty degrees fahrenheit the same`minus forty degrees
Fahrenheit`four five one
Failing before or at the very beginning or inception: abortive: 'a --------- plot to assassinate the President.'`stillborn
Fairly good: passable. average`tolerable
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: After Deceitfully Bragging About His Successful Career As A Hit Man, The Title Character Is Hired By Various Other Parties To Kill Again, But Instead He Tricks Two Of His Opponents Into Killing Each Other`The Gallant Tailor
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: A Greedy Woman Takes Advantage Of Her Husband's Good Luck To Amass A Great Fortune, But, By Her Unlimited Avarice, Loses Everything For Both Of Them In The End`The Fisherman And His Wife
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: ____ _____ Ate A Poison Apple She Was Given By An Old Woman`Snow White
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: A Voyeur Conceals Himself In The Bedroom Of Several Attractive Young Women And Then Joins Them In Nightly Merrymaking`The Twelve Dancing Princesses
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: A Wicked Character In This Story Deceives Several Youngsters And Then Attempts To Kill Them And Eat Them. One Escapes And Manages To Turn The Tables To Rescue His Siblings`The Wolf And The Seven Kids
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: A Wise Old Owl Lived In An Oak, The More He Saw The Less He Spoke, The Less He Spoke The More He`Heard
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: A Young Man Is Challenged To Enter A Nearly Impenetrable Building For The Purpose Of Taking Sexual Liberties With An Unconscious Woman`Sleeping Beauty
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: A Young Man Participates In Several Fraudulent Acts Instigated By His Clever And Deceitful Companion To Gain Access To A Financial And Political Power Base By Means Of Extortion, Racketeering And Murder`Puss-In-Boots
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: A Young Man Sneaks Into A Nearly Inaccessible Abode And Steals Several Valuable Objects Of Art. When Chased By The Homeowner, The Man Escapes By Murdering His Pursuer`Jack And The Beanstalk
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: A Young Woman Defies Her Guardian's Wishes And Continues To See Her Off-Limits Boyfriend But Foolishly Lets The Secret Affair Be Discovered By The Guardian, Which Results In Imprisonment And Life-Threatening Injuries As Well As A Bad Hair Day`Rapunzel
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: A Young Woman, With The Assistance Of An Experienced Con Artist, Trespasses At An Invitation-Only Social Event, And Escapes Immediate Detection, Only To Be Caught Later By Identification With A Unique Piece Of Apparel`Cinderella
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: Baa Baa Black Sheep, Have You Any`Wool
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: ______ ___ ____ Come Blow Your Horn, The Sheep's In The Meadow The Cow's In The Corn`Little Boy Blue
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: Diddle, Diddle, Dumpling, My Son`John
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: Georgie Porgie _______ ___ ___, Kissed The Girls And Made Them Cry`Pudding And Pie
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: Georgie Porgie Pudding And Pie, ______ ___ _____ And Made Them Cry`Kissed The Girls
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: Georgie Porgie Pudding And Pie, Kissed The Girls And Made Them`Cry
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: __________ Had 3 Stepsisters`Cinderella
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: Hey Diddle Diddle, The ___ And The Fiddle, The Cow Jumped Over The Moon`Cat
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: Hey Diddle Diddle, The Cat And The Fiddle, The Cow Jumped Over The`Moon
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: Hey Diddle Diddle, The Cat And The Fiddle, The ___ Jumped Over The Moon`Cow
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: Hey Diddle Diddle, The Cat And The ______, The Cow Jumped Over The Moon`Fiddle
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: Horsey Horsey Don't You Stop, Just Let Your Feet Go _________`Clippetty Clop
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: How Many Fairy/Folk Tales Did The Brothers Grimm Compile`211
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: 'Humpty Dumpty' Was A Common Nickname For Overweight People, In The 1400's. This Rhyme Is Thought To Refer To King ____ Iii Of England`Richard
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: In England ____ _____ ______ Is Known As Incey Wincey Spider`Itsy Bitsy Spider
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: In England Itsy Bitsy Spider Is Known As _____ ______`Incey Wincey Spider
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: In This Fairy Tale, A Young Child Uses Various Perfumes To Restore The Memory Of A Queen`The Magic Nesting Doll
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: Jack And Jill Went Up The Hill To Fetch A ____ __`Pail Of Water
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: Jack Sold His Cow To Buy Some _____`Magic Beans
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: Jack Sold His ___ To Buy Some Magic Beans`Cow
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: Ladybug Ladybug Fly Away Home, Your House In On ____ And Your Children Are Gone`Fire
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: Little Boy Blue Come Blow Your Horn, The Sheep's In The ______ The Cow's In The Corn`Meadow
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: Little Jack Horner Sat In The Corner Eating His _________`Christmas Pie
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: Little Miss Muffet Sat On A ______, Eating Her Curds And Whey`Tuffet
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: Little Miss Muffet Sat On A Tuffet, Eating Her _____ ___`Curds And Whey
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: Little ____ ______ Sat On A Tuffet, Eating Her Curds And Whey`Miss Muffet
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: Little Tommy Tucker Sings For His Supper, What Shall We Give Him? _____ _____ ___`Brown Bread And Butter
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: Little Tommy Tucker Sings For His ______, What Shall We Give Him? Brown Bread And Butter`Supper
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: ________ ______ Pricked Her Finger On A Spinning Wheel`Sleeping Beauty
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: _______ ______ Pudding And Pie, Kissed The Girls And Made Them Cry`Georgie Porgie
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: Red Sky At Night, ______'_ _______: Red Sky At Morning, Sailor's Warning`Sailor's Delight
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: Red Sky At Night, Sailor's Delight: Red Sky At Morning, ______'_`Sailor's Warning
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: Ride A ____ _____ To Banbury Cross To See A Fine Lady Upon A White Horse`Cock Horse
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: ___ ______ ______ Runs Through The Town, Upstairs And Downstairs In His Nightgown`Wee Willie Winkie
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: ______ ____ ______ Sat In The Corner Eating His Christmas Pie`Little Jack Horner
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: ______ _____ ______ Sings For His Supper, What Shall We Give Him? Brown Bread And Butter`Little Tommy Tucker
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: Sleeping Beauty Pricked Her Finger On A ________`Spinning Wheel
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: Sleeping Beauty Pricked Her ______ On A Spinning Wheel`Finger
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: Snow White Ate A ______ _____ She Was Given By An Old Woman`Poison Apple
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: ____ Sold His Cow To Buy Some Magic Beans`Jack
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: The ___ And The Pussycat Went To Sea In A Beautiful Pea-Green Boat`Owl
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: The ____ And The Unicorn Were Fighting For The Crown, The ____ Beat The Unicorn All Around The Town`Lion
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: The Beast Had Seven Days To Get Belle To _____ Him`Marry
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: The Beast Had Seven Days To Get _____ To Marry Him`Belle
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: The _____ Had Seven Days To Get Belle To Marry Him`Beast
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: The Jack Sprat Alluded To In The English Poem Is Reputed To Be King Charles I And _________ _____, His Queen`Henrietta Maria
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: The Lion And The Unicorn Were Fighting For The _____, The Lion Beat The Unicorn All Around The Town`Crown
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: The Lion And The _______ Were Fighting For The Crown, The Lion Beat The _______ All Around The Town`Unicorn
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: The ___________ Man Said, Run, Run, As Fast As You Can. You Can't Catch Me I'm The ___________ Man`Gingerbread
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: The Owl And The Pussycat Went To Sea In A Beautiful ___-_____`Pea-Green Boat
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: The Owl And The ________ Went To Sea In A Beautiful Pea-Green Boat`Pussycat
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: ___ ___ The Pipers Son, Stole A Pig And Away He Ran`Tom Tom
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: The ___ ___ ____ Said, I'll Huff And I'll Puff And I'll Blow Your House Down`Big Bad Wolf
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: The Song ___ ____ _______ Would Be Sung Softly To A Young Child As A Lullaby. Perhaps To Explain The Disappearance Of Father To A Crying Child`Cry Baby Bunting
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: The Title Character Of This Story Blackmails A Young Woman To Gain Financial And Sexual Favors, While The Woman Reneges On The Promises She Has Made To Him`The Frog Prince
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: The Title Character Spends Several Nights Alone With An Attractive Young Woman And Later Blackmails Her To Gain Custody Of Her Infant Child`Rumplestiltskin
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: This Is A Reworking Of A Traditional Fairy Tale From France, In Which A Fairy Is Disappointed In Her Evaluation Of Two Sisters`The Fairy's Mistake
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: This Little Piggy Had _____`Roast Beef
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: This Little Piggy Stayed At`Home
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: This Little Piggy Went To`Market
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: Tom Tom The Pipers Son, _____ _ ___ And Away He Ran`Stole A Pig
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: Tom Tom The ______ ___, Stole A Pig And Away He Ran`Pipers Son
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: Two Little Dicky Birds Sitting On A Wall, One Named _____, One Named Paul`Peter
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: Two Little Dicky Birds Sitting On A Wall, One Named Peter, One Named`Paul
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: Two Little _____ _____ Sitting On A Wall, One Named Peter, One Named Paul`Dicky Birds
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: ________ Was Shut In A Tower With No Stairs And No Door`Rapunzel
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: Wee Willie Winkie Runs Through The Town, Upstairs And Downstairs In His`Nightgown
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: What Are Little Boys Made Of? _____ ___ ______, And Puppy Dogs Tails`Snips And Snails
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: What Are Little Boys Made Of? Snips And Snails, And _____ ____`Puppy Dogs Tails
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: What Are Little Girls Made Of? _____ ___ _____ And All Things Nice`Sugar And Spice
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: What Are Little Girls Made Of? Sugar And Spice And ___ ______`All Things Nice
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: What Are Little _____ Made Of? Sugar And Spice And All Things Nice`Girls
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: What Hans Christian Andersen Fairy Tale Character Is Immortalized In A Famous Statue In Copenhagen's Harbor`The Little Mermaid
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: What Is The Most Common Name In Fairy Tales`Jack
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: What Tells The Wicked Queen That She Is Not 'The Fairest Of Them All'`Her Mirror
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: When The Little Girl Everyone Knows As Little Red Riding-Hood First Appeared In English, In A Translation Of A Story By Charles Perrault, She Was Given A More Conventional Name To Go Along With Her Famous Nickname. Her Name Was`Biddy
Fairytales & Nursery Rhymes: Where Did The Story Of Cinderella Originate`China
Faithful attachment: devotion: Adherence to the rule of law... is a very important principle (William H. Webster)`adherence
faithful sidekick`cisco kid's
Faithful to a person, ideal, custom, cause, or duty`loyal
Falcons Lair was the name of the Los Angeles home owned by which belated actor`Rudolph Valentino
'Fall Down' was a hit for which Santa Barbara band`Toad the Wet Sprocket
Falling short of a specific measure: 'a ----- cup of sugar.'`scant
Falling to ruin: dilapidated or decayed`ruinous
False appearance: pretense: 'spoke to me under the ----- of friendship.'`guise
Falsely or smugly earnest: unctuous: '---------- flattery.' unctuous`oleaginous
False: spurious: 'a ----- name.'`phony
False: spurious: 'a phony name.'`phoneys
False: spurious: 'a phony name.'`phonier
Families Sent Them To Princeton, But Wouldn't Let Them Into The Family Brokerage Business.'`Lyndon B. Johnson
Family Flicks: Complete the title, _Lady and the ..._`tramp
Family Flicks: In _Aladdin_, what was the name of the Sultan's evil adviser`jafar
Family Flicks: In _Beethoven 2_, who is Missy's evil owner`regina
Family Flicks: Name Dorothy's dog in _The Wizard of Oz_.`toto
Family Flicks: Name the warthog and the meercat who became Simba's friends in _The Lion King_.`pumbaa and Timon
Family Flicks: To what use does Dumbo put his big ears`flying
Family Flicks: What type of dog was Beethoven in the film of that name`st. bernard
Family Flicks: Which famous TV cartoon prehistoric family made their own movie`the flintstones
Family Flicks: Who played Captain Hook in the film _Hook_`dustin hoffman
Family Flicks: Who was the villain of _The Lion King_`scar
Family life: the home`hearth
"family ties" unravels after ___ with their final episode?`seven years
Family ties unravels after ___ with their final episode`seven years`7 years
Family Ties: who was alex p. keaton's idol`richard nixon
Famous Animals: Blondie's dog.`daisy
Famous Animals: Chipmunk that says "naturally" in The Chipmunk Song`theodore
Famous Animals: Dan dan is the only panda in captivity with these two fur colorings`brown and white
Famous Animals: Dima this type of animal, was found perfectly preserved in Siberia in 1977`woolly mammoth
Famous Animals: In reference to him "it was beauty killed the beast"`king kong
Famous Animals: Manhar is the world's first gaur born to this type of animal.`cow
Famous Animals: Name of the unicorn-like Angora goat at Marine World in Redwood City, CA.`lancelot
Famous Animals: Names of the Ninja Turtles in alphabetical order.`donatello leonardo michelangelo raphael
Famous Animals: The griffin in "Alice in Wonderland" took Alice to meet this animal.`mock turtle
Famous birthday: 25 March 1947`elton john
Famous Bobs: First black member of U.S. Cabinet, 1966`robert weaver
Famous british guitarist & lutenist`julian bream
Famous Canadians: Known for her series of books about Anne Shirley`lucy maud montgomery
Famous Canadians: Popular Canadian novelist known for her feminist themes`margaret atwood
Famous Canadians: Portly comedian, Second City alum, and CFL franchise co-owner`john candy
Famous Canadians : She was Deputy Prime Minister under Jean Chretien`sheila copps
Famous Canadians : This Canadian ambassador helped free the American prisoners from Iran`ken taylor
Famous Canadians : This Nova Scotian premier became the Consul General in Boston`donald cameron
Famous Canadians: Writer/director of "Videodrome", "Scanners", and "Naked Lunch"`david cronenberg
Famous Celebrities: Of which country is Juan Carlos king?`spain
Famous Celebrities: What is the first name of actress/model Ms. Seymour`jane
Famous Celebrities: What is the surname of 8-times married actress Zsa Zsa`gabor
Famous Celebrities: What nationality is Sophia Loren`italian
Famous Celebrities: What was the first name of tycoon Donald Trump's first wife?`ivana
Famous Celebrities: Which former Pakistan cricket captain married Jemima Goldsmith`imran khan
Famous Celebrities: Which Gareth's summer miss of 1996 made him a household name`southgate
Famous Celebrities: Which Pakistani cricketer married heiress Jemima Goldsmith?`imran khan
Famous Celebrities: Which TV show made Canadian Pamela Anderson famous`baywatch
Famous Directors: Directed "Bicycle Thieves"`vittorio de sica
Famous Directors: Directed "Blow-Up"`michelangelo antonioni
Famous Directors: Directed "Cabaret"`bob fosse
Famous Directors: Directed "Fear Eats the Soul"`rainer werner fassbinder
Famous Directors: Directed "Monsieur Hire"`patrice leconte
Famous Directors: Directed "Naked"`mike leigh
Famous Directors: Directed "Out of Africa"`sidney pollack
Famous Directors: Directed "Shadowlands"`richard attenborough
Famous Directors: Directed "The Birds"`alfred hitchcock
Famous Directors: Directed "The Player"`robert altman
famous dog who starred in 'where the north begins', 'clash of the wolves' and 'dogs of the regiment'.`rin tin tin
Famous English guitarist and lutenist, protege of Sergovia`julian bream
Famous father of Caroline, Albert & Stephanie`prince rainier
Famous Flames Music: What 1958 song was The Coaster's only #1 hit`Yakkety Yak
Famous for blues and jazz, in which city is Basin Street`new orleans
Famous Gills: 50's era baseball player. Same last name as Craig, formerly of NBA's Bulls.`gil hodges
Famous Gills: Advertising: "The best a man can get."`gillette
Famous Gills: A gill is this many fluid ounces in the US measuring system`four`4
Famous Gills: Country singer who appeared in "Urban Cowboy."`mickey Gilley
Famous Gills: Killer whose story was told in "Executioner's Song."`gary gilmore
Famous Gills: Montreal University that more ore less fits the category.`mcgill university
Famous Gills: Name the Monty Python member who best fits this category.`terry gilliam
Famous Gills: She called herself Lil, but everyone knew her as Nancy.`mcgill
Famous Insomniacs: What German well known actress could only be lulled to sleep by a sardine and onion sandwich on rye`Marlene Dietrich
Famous Last Words: Are You Sure The ________ Is Off`Power
Famous Last Words: Don't Be So`Superstitious
Famous Last Words from Movies: Name the film that ends with the following dialogue: Twas beauty that killed the beast`King Kong
Famous Last Words: Give Me Liberty Or Give Me`Death
Famous Last Words: He's Probably Just`Hibernating
Famous Last Words: Hey That's Not A`Violin
Famous Last Words: I Don't Think We're In _____ Anymore`Kansas
Famous Last Words: I'll Get A ______ Record For This`World
Famous Last Words: I'll Get Your ______ Out`Toast
Famous Last Words: I'll Hold It And You Light The`Fuse
Famous Last Words: I'm Making A Citizen's`Arrest
Famous Last Words: It's _______ Enough For Both Of Us`Strong
Famous Last Words: It's fire-----.`proof
Famous Last Words: It's Probably Just A`Rash
Famous Last Words: I've Seen This Done On`Tv
Famous Last Words: I Wonder Where The ________ Bear Is`Mother
Famous Last Words: Let it down -------.`slowly
Famous Last Words: Let's _____ Up`Split
Famous Last Words: Nice ------.`doggie
Famous Last Words: Now ______ This`Watch
Famous Last Words: Ok This Is The _____`Last Time
Famous Last Words: Ok This Is The ____ Time`Last
Famous Last Words: Pull The Pin And _____ To What`Count
Famous Last Words: Rat ------- only kills rats.`poison
Famous Last Words: So, You're A`Cannibal
Famous Last Words: That ______ Doing Here`Priest
Famous Last Words: That's ---.`odd
Famous last words: The Duke of Wellington, spoken just before he died 14th August 1852`I dont feel quite well
Famous Last Words: The Odds Of That Happening Have To Be A _______ To One`Million
Famous Last Words: These are the good kind of ---------.`mushrooms
Famous Last Words: They Can't Hit Us At This`Range
Famous Last Words: This Doesn't ______ Right`Taste
Famous Last Words: What does this ------ do`button
Famous Last Words: What ----?`duck
Famous Last Words: What's that ------ doing here?`priest
Famous Last Words: Which _____ Was I Supposed To Cut`Wire
Famous Last Words: You look just like Charles --------.`manson
Famous Last Words: You Wouldn't Hit A Guy With ________ On, Would You`Glasses
Famous male opera singer`mario lanza
Famous movie lines "My name is Iago Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die."`princess bride
Famous painter that paints with both his right & left hands`leonardo da vinci
Famous painter that paints with both his right & left hands`leonardo da vinci`da vinci
Famous Pairs: Aaron Burr & _________`Alexander Hamilton
Famous Pairs: ____ & Abel`Cain
Famous Pairs: ____ & Adele Astaire`Fred
Famous Pairs: _______ & Adenoids`Tonsils
Famous Pairs: ________ & Albert`Victoria
Famous Pairs: _____ & Alcor`Mizar
Famous Pairs: Alfred Lunt & ____`Lynn Fontanne
Famous Pairs: ______ And Oranges`Apples
Famous Pairs: ______ & Anima`Animus
Famous Pairs: Animus &`Anima
Famous Pairs: Anna & ___ ____ __`The King Of Siam
Famous Pairs: Ant &`Dec
Famous Pairs: Antigua &`Barbuda
Famous Pairs: Antony &`Cleopatra
Famous Pairs: Apples And`Oranges
Famous Pairs: ____ _____ & Archie Goodwin`Nero Wolfe
Famous Pairs: ___ & Arrow`Bow
Famous Pairs: Atlas &`Gazetteer
Famous Pairs: Autobot &`Decepticon
Famous Pairs: Bacon &`Eggs
Famous Pairs: ________ & Balbinus`Pupienus
Famous Pairs: Bambi &`Thumper
Famous Pairs: Bangers &`Mash
Famous Pairs: Barbie &`Ken
Famous Pairs: _______ & Barbuda`Antigua
Famous Pairs: Bass &`Treble
Famous Pairs: ________ & Baucis`Philemon
Famous Pairs: Beavis &`Butthead
Famous Pairs: ____ & Becks`Posh
Famous Pairs: Beren &`Luthien
Famous Pairs: Bert &`Ernie
Famous Pairs: _____ & Bess`Porgy
Famous Pairs: Big Diomede Island & ______ _______`Little Diomede Island
Famous Pairs: Bill Gates & ____`Paul Allen
Famous Pairs: _____ & Bit`Brace
Famous Pairs: Blackadder &`Baldrick
Famous Pairs: ______ & Blackwell`Crosse
Famous Pairs: Black &`White
Famous Pairs: Block &`Tackle
Famous Pairs: _____ & Bloods`Crips
Famous Pairs: Bolsheviks &`Mensheviks
Famous Pairs: ____ & Bolts`Nuts
Famous Pairs: _____ & Bones`Skull
Famous Pairs: Bonnie &`Clyde
Famous Pairs: Bosnia &`Herzegovina
Famous Pairs: _____ & Bracket`Hinge
Famous Pairs: Bread &`Butter
Famous Pairs: Bread &`Roses
Famous Pairs: Bread &`Water
Famous Pairs: _______ & Brinkley`Huntley
Famous Pairs: _______ & Britannic`Titanic
Famous Pairs: ______ & Bruckner`Mahler
Famous Pairs: Bubble &`Squeak
Famous Pairs: Bumble And`Stingers
Famous Pairs: __________ & Burk`Lineweaver
Famous Pairs: ______ & Burundi`Rwanda
Famous Pairs: Butch Cassidy & ___ ________`The Sundance Kid
Famous Pairs: _____ & Butter`Bread
Famous Pairs: ______ & Butthead`Beavis
Famous Pairs: ______ ____ & Cabbage`Corned Beef
Famous Pairs: Caesar &`Cleopatra
Famous Pairs: _____ & Caicos`Turks
Famous Pairs: ________ & Calexico`Mexicali
Famous Pairs: Captain Scarlet & ___`The Mysterons
Famous Pairs: ________ & Capulet`Montague
Famous Pairs: Carriage Return & ____`Line Feed
Famous Pairs: Castor &`Pollux
Famous Pairs: Cats &`Dogs
Famous Pairs: Cavaliers &`Roundheads
Famous Pairs: Chalk &`Cheese
Famous Pairs: Chang &`Eng
Famous Pairs: Charlie Brown &`Snoopy
Famous Pairs: _______ & Charm Quarks`Strange
Famous Pairs: _____ & Cheese`Chalk
Famous Pairs: ____ & Chips`Fish
Famous Pairs: Chris Evert & _______`Martina Navratilova
Famous Pairs: ___ __________ & Christie Johnstone`Peg Woffington
Famous Pairs: Christopher Columbus & _____`Queen Isabel
Famous Pairs: _____ & Clark`Lewis
Famous Pairs: ______ & Cleopatra`Caesar
Famous Pairs: ______ & Clyde`Bonnie
Famous Pairs: _____ & Compass`Ruler
Famous Pairs: ______ & Conquer`Divide
Famous Pairs: Conservative &`Labour
Famous Pairs: Corned Beef &`Cabbage
Famous Pairs: ____ & Country`King
Famous Pairs: ____ _____ & Country Mouse`Town Mouse
Famous Pairs: Crips &`Bloods
Famous Pairs: ____________ & Cro-Magnons`Neanderthals
Famous Pairs: _____ & Crossbones`Skull
Famous Pairs: Crosse &`Blackwell
Famous Pairs: _______ & Custard`Rhubarb
Famous Pairs: Cut &`Paste
Famous Pairs: ______ & Cylinder`Piston
Famous Pairs: Cyril &`Methodius
Famous Pairs: Cytosine &`Thymine
Famous Pairs: ___ ______ & Dale Evans`Roy Rogers
Famous Pairs: Dallas & ____`Fort Worth
Famous Pairs: Danger Mouse &`Penfold
Famous Pairs: David &`Goliath
Famous Pairs: Death &`Taxes
Famous Pairs: Democrat &`Republican
Famous Pairs: _______ & Desdemona`Othello
Famous Pairs: _____ & Desist`Cease
Famous Pairs: Divide &`Conquer
Famous Pairs: _____ & Dixon`Mason
Famous Pairs: ____ & Dogs`Cats
Famous Pairs: ______ & Dorfmeister`Kruder
Famous Pairs: ____ ______ & Doris Day`Rock Hudson
Famous Pairs: Douglas Fairbanks & ____`Mary Pickford
Famous Pairs: ____ & Drum`Fife
Famous Pairs: ________ ______ & Dr. Watson`Sherlock Holmes
Famous Pairs: ______ & Earth`Heaven
Famous Pairs: Eckert &`Mauchly
Famous Pairs: Edison &`Swan
Famous Pairs: _____ & Eggs`Bacon
Famous Pairs: ______ ________ & Elizabeth Barrett`Robert Browning
Famous Pairs: _____ & Eng`Chang
Famous Pairs: England &`Wales
Famous Pairs: ___ ____ & Englishmen`Mad Dogs
Famous Pairs: ____ & Ernie`Bert
Famous Pairs: _____ ________ & Essie Butler`Strom Thurmond
Famous Pairs: ______ & Esther`Xerxes
Famous Pairs: Evan &`Jaron
Famous Pairs: _____ & Evans`Zager
Famous Pairs: Evelyn Nesbit & ________`Stanford White
Famous Pairs: ____ & Evil`Good
Famous Pairs: Flotsam &`Jetsam
Famous Pairs: Fred Astaire & ______`Ginger Rogers
Famous Pairs: Fred & _____ ______E`Adele Astair
Famous Pairs: Frodo Baggins & ___`Sam Gamgee
Famous Pairs: Gallagher &`Shean
Famous Pairs: _______ & Gamble`Procter
Famous Pairs: ____ & Ganymede`Zeus
Famous Pairs: _____ & Garfunkel`Simon
Famous Pairs: George Burns & ______`Gracie Allen
Famous Pairs: George & ___`Ira Gershwin
Famous Pairs: George Washington & _______`Abraham Lincoln
Famous Pairs: Gilbert &`Sullivan
Famous Pairs: ____ _______ & Ginger Rogers`Fred Astaire
Famous Pairs: Gin &`Tonic
Famous Pairs: Gin &`Vermouth
Famous Pairs: Gog &`Magog
Famous Pairs: Good &`Evil
Famous Pairs: ______ _____ & Gracie Allen`George Burns
Famous Pairs: ______ & Gretel`Hansel
Famous Pairs: _______ & Gromit`Wallace
Famous Pairs: ___________ & Guildenstern`Rosencrantz
Famous Pairs: ________ & Guinevere`Lancelot
Famous Pairs: Hansel &`Gretel
Famous Pairs: ____ & Hardart`Horn
Famous Pairs: Hardy &`Littlewood
Famous Pairs: Harvard &`Radcliffe
Famous Pairs: Harvard &`Yale
Famous Pairs: Heaven &`Earth
Famous Pairs: Heaven &`Hell
Famous Pairs: _____ & Helga`Hagar
Famous Pairs: ______ & Hell`Heaven
Famous Pairs: He-Man & ___`She-Ra
Famous Pairs: He-Man &`Skeletor
Famous Pairs: ______ & Herzegovina`Bosnia
Famous Pairs: Hinge &`Bracket
Famous Pairs: Hiroshima &`Nagasaki
Famous Pairs: ___ ___ & His Dog`One Man
Famous Pairs: Hobbs &`Sutcliffe
Famous Pairs: Homer &`Marge
Famous Pairs: Homoousia &`Homoiousia
Famous Pairs: Horn &`Hardart
Famous Pairs: _______ & Howe`Strauss
Famous Pairs: ___ ______ & Huckleberry Finn`Tom Sawyer
Famous Pairs: Incubus &`Succubus
Famous Pairs: ______ & Ira Gershwin`George
Famous Pairs: _______ & Ives`Currier
Famous Pairs: Jack &`Jill
Famous Pairs: ______ & Jane`Tarzan
Famous Pairs: Jekyll &`Hyde
Famous Pairs: ___ & Jerry`Tom
Famous Pairs: _____ & Jethro`Homer
Famous Pairs: John Smith &`Pocahontas
Famous Pairs: _______ & Johnson`Johnson
Famous Pairs: _______ & Johnson`Masters
Famous Pairs: ________ & Josephine`Napoleon
Famous Pairs: ____ & Joseph`Mary
Famous Pairs: _____ & Journal`Press
Famous Pairs: _____ & Judy`Punch
Famous Pairs: _____ & Juliet`Romeo
Famous Pairs: Juno & ___`The Peacock
Famous Pairs: _____ & Kathie Lee`Regis
Famous Pairs: ______ & Ken`Barbie
Famous Pairs: Kernighan &`Ritchie
Famous Pairs: Keuffel &`Esser
Famous Pairs: King &`Country
Famous Pairs: King Solomon & The _____ __`Queen Of Sheba
Famous Pairs: Kruder &`Dorfmeister
Famous Pairs: ____________ & Labour`Conservative
Famous Pairs: ____________ & Labrador`Newfoundland
Famous Pairs: Lady & ___`The Tramp
Famous Pairs: Lancelot &`Guinevere
Famous Pairs: ______ & Large`Little
Famous Pairs: Large Magellanic Cloud & _____ __________`Small Magellanic Cloud
Famous Pairs: Laurel &`Hardy
Famous Pairs: ____ & Leander`Hero
Famous Pairs: Lea &`Perrins
Famous Pairs: Leda & ___`The Swan
Famous Pairs: Left &`Right
Famous Pairs: Leicestershire &`Rutland
Famous Pairs: __ _____ & Le Noir`Le Rouge
Famous Pairs: Leopold &`Loeb
Famous Pairs: Le Rouge & __`Le Noir
Famous Pairs: _______ & Lightning`Thunder
Famous Pairs: ___ _______ ______ & Little Diomede Island`Big Diomede Island
Famous Pairs: Little &`Large
Famous Pairs: _____ & Littlewood`Hardy
Famous Pairs: _______ & Loeb`Leopold
Famous Pairs: Lone Ranger &`Tonto
Famous Pairs: ______ & Louise`Thelma
Famous Pairs: _____ & Luthien`Beren
Famous Pairs: _________ & Lyle`Gallagher
Famous Pairs: ______ ____ & Lynn Fontanne`Alfred Lunt
Famous Pairs: Mad Dogs &`Englishmen
Famous Pairs: ___ & Magog`Gog
Famous Pairs: Mahler &`Bruckner
Famous Pairs: _____ & Marge`Homer
Famous Pairs: ______ & Marie Curie`Pierre
Famous Pairs: Marks &`Spencer
Famous Pairs: _____ _____ & Martina Navratilova`Chris Evert
Famous Pairs: ______ & Mary`Joseph
Famous Pairs: _______ & Mason`Fortnum
Famous Pairs: Masters &`Johnson
Famous Pairs: ______ & Mauchly`Eckert
Famous Pairs: ______ & Mccartney`Lennon
Famous Pairs: ____ & Mcnally`Rand
Famous Pairs: Meat &`Potatoes
Famous Pairs: __________ & Mensheviks`Bolsheviks
Famous Pairs: _____ & Methodius`Cyril
Famous Pairs: Mexicali &`Calexico
Famous Pairs: Michelson &`Morley
Famous Pairs: _______ & Minas Morgul`Orthanc
Famous Pairs: ____ & Mindy`Mork
Famous Pairs: __. ______ & Miquelon`St Pierre`saint Pierre
Famous Pairs: _____ & Mirrors`Smoke
Famous Pairs: ______ & Miss Piggy`Kermit
Famous Pairs: Modesty Blaise & ______`Willie Garvin
Famous Pairs: Montague &`Capulet
Famous Pairs: _________ & Morley`Michelson
Famous Pairs: ______ & Nadir`Zenith
Famous Pairs: _________ & Nagasaki`Hiroshima
Famous Pairs: ______ _. _______ & Nan Britton`Warren G. Harding
Famous Pairs: Nancy Kerrigan & _____`Tonya Harding
Famous Pairs: ____ & Naomi`Ruth
Famous Pairs: Napoleon &`Josephine
Famous Pairs: ________ & Nekton`Plankton
Famous Pairs: Nero Wolfe & ______`Archie Goodwin
Famous Pairs: Newfoundland &`Labrador
Famous Pairs: Nuts &`Bolts
Famous Pairs: Orkney &`Shetland
Famous Pairs: Orthanc & _____`Minas Morgul
Famous Pairs: Orthoclase &`Plagioclase
Famous Pairs: ______ & Orville Wright`Wilbur
Famous Pairs: Othello &`Desdemona
Famous Pairs: _________ & Park Place`Boardwalk
Famous Pairs: _______ ____ & Passepartout`Phileas Fogg
Famous Pairs: ___ & Paste`Cut
Famous Pairs: ____ _____ & Paul Allen`Bill Gates
Famous Pairs: Peg Woffington & ________`Christie Johnstone
Famous Pairs: ______ _____ & Penfold`Danger Mouse
Famous Pairs: Penn &`Teller
Famous Pairs: Penrod &`Sam
Famous Pairs: ___ & Perrins`Lea
Famous Pairs: Phileas Fogg &`Passepartout
Famous Pairs: Philemon &`Baucis
Famous Pairs: _____ & Phloem`Xylem
Famous Pairs: Pierre & _____`Marie Curie
Famous Pairs: _________ & Pierrot`Harlequin
Famous Pairs: Pinky & ___`The Brain
Famous Pairs: ________ & Pinsent`Redgrave
Famous Pairs: __________ & Plagioclase`Orthoclase
Famous Pairs: Plankton &`Nekton
Famous Pairs: Plug &`Socket
Famous Pairs: ____ _____ & Pocahontas`John Smith
Famous Pairs: ______ & Pollux`Castor
Famous Pairs: Pompeii &`Herculaneum
Famous Pairs: Porgy &`Bess
Famous Pairs: ____ & Potatoes`Meat
Famous Pairs: _____ & Prejudice`Pride
Famous Pairs: Press &`Journal
Famous Pairs: Pride &`Prejudice
Famous Pairs: ___ ____ & Principe`Sao Tome
Famous Pairs: Procter &`Gamble
Famous Pairs: Proton &`Neutron
Famous Pairs: Punch &`Judy
Famous Pairs: Pupienus &`Balbinus
Famous Pairs: Pyramus &`Thisbe
Famous Pairs: _____ & Pythias`Damon
Famous Pairs: _____ & Quake`Quisp
Famous Pairs: ___________ ________ & Queen Isabel`Christopher Columbus
Famous Pairs: ____ & Qusay`Uday
Famous Pairs: ____ & Radius`Ulna
Famous Pairs: Ramadhin &`Valentine
Famous Pairs: Rand &`Mcnally
Famous Pairs: Regis & ______`Kathie Lee
Famous Pairs: _______ & Remus`Romulus
Famous Pairs: Ren &`Stimpy
Famous Pairs: ________ & Republican`Democrat
Famous Pairs: Rhode Island & __________`Providence Plantations
Famous Pairs: ____ & Right`Left
Famous Pairs: _________ & Ritchie`Kernighan
Famous Pairs: Rock Hudson & _____`Doris Day
Famous Pairs: Rodgers &`Hammerstein
Famous Pairs: Rosencrantz &`Guildenstern
Famous Pairs: _____ & Roses`Bread
Famous Pairs: _____ & Royce`Rolls
Famous Pairs: Roy Rogers & ____`Dale Evans
Famous Pairs: _________ & Roy`Siegfried
Famous Pairs: Ruler &`Compass
Famous Pairs: Ruth &`Naomi
Famous Pairs: ______________ & Rutland`Leicestershire
Famous Pairs: Rwanda &`Burundi
Famous Pairs: Salt &`Vinegar
Famous Pairs: _____ _______ & Sam Gamgee`Frodo Baggins
Famous Pairs: ______ & Sam`Penrod
Famous Pairs: Samson &`Delilah
Famous Pairs: San Diego &`Tijuana
Famous Pairs: Sao Tome &`Principe
Famous Pairs: ____ & Satin`Silk
Famous Pairs: ______ & Saunders`French
Famous Pairs: Scylla &`Charybdis
Famous Pairs: Sellar &`Yeatman
Famous Pairs: Sense &`Sensibility
Famous Pairs: _____ & Sensibility`Sense
Famous Pairs: ________ & Seraphim`Cherubim
Famous Pairs: _________ & Shean`Gallagher
Famous Pairs: Sherlock Holmes & __.`Dr. Watson
Famous Pairs: Sherlock Holmes & _________`Professor Moriarty
Famous Pairs: ______ & Shetland`Orkney
Famous Pairs: __________ & Shuttlecock`Battledore
Famous Pairs: Siegfried &`Roy
Famous Pairs: ___ & Silent Bob`Jay
Famous Pairs: Silk &`Satin
Famous Pairs: Simon &`Garfunkel
Famous Pairs: ______ & Sirius B`Sirius
Famous Pairs: __-___ & Skeletor`He-Man
Famous Pairs: Skull &`Bones
Famous Pairs: Skull &`Crossbones
Famous Pairs: _____ __________ _____ & Small Magellanic Cloud`Large Magellanic Cloud
Famous Pairs: Smith &`Wesson
Famous Pairs: Smoke &`Mirrors
Famous Pairs: _______ _____ & Snoopy`Charlie Brown
Famous Pairs: ______ & Snowy`Tintin
Famous Pairs: ____ & Socket`Plug
Famous Pairs: Sonny &`Cher
Famous Pairs: Sooty &`Sweep
Famous Pairs: _____ & Spencer`Marks
Famous Pairs: _____ _______ & Sphinx`Great Pyramid
Famous Pairs: ___________ & Stalactites`Stalagmites
Famous Pairs: Stalagmites &`Stalactites
Famous Pairs: ______ ______ & Stanford White`Evelyn Nesbit
Famous Pairs: Starsky &`Hutch
Famous Pairs: Steve Jobs & _____`Steve Wozniak
Famous Pairs: _____ ____ & Steve Wozniak`Steve Jobs
Famous Pairs: Sticks &`Stones
Famous Pairs: ___ & Stimpy`Ren
Famous Pairs: St. Kitts &`Nevis
Famous Pairs: ______ & Stones`Sticks
Famous Pairs: Strange & _____`Charm Quarks
Famous Pairs: Strauss &`Howe
Famous Pairs: St. Vincent & ___`The Grenadines
Famous Pairs: _______ & Succubus`Incubus
Famous Pairs: _______ & Sullivan`Gilbert
Famous Pairs: Superman & ______`Wonder Woman
Famous Pairs: _____ & Sutcliffe`Hobbs
Famous Pairs: ______ & Swan`Edison
Famous Pairs: _____ & Sweep`Sooty
Famous Pairs: Tarzan &`Jane
Famous Pairs: _____ & Taxes`Death
Famous Pairs: ____ & Teller`Penn
Famous Pairs: ______ _______ & Tenzing Norgay`Edmund Hillary
Famous Pairs: The Babbitt & The`Bromide
Famous Pairs: The Big Dipper & The ______`Little Dipper
Famous Pairs: ___ ___ & The Cooked`The Raw
Famous Pairs: The Globe &`Mail
Famous Pairs: The Iliad & ___`The Odyssey
Famous Pairs: ____ & The King Of Siam`Anna
Famous Pairs: The Law & ___`The Prophets
Famous Pairs: Thelma &`Louise
Famous Pairs: The _____ & Mail`Globe
Famous Pairs: ___ _______ & The Merrimack`The Monitor
Famous Pairs: The Monitor & ___`The Merrimack
Famous Pairs: _______ _______ & The Mysterons`Captain Scarlet
Famous Pairs: ___ _____ & The Odyssey`The Iliad
Famous Pairs: The Owl & ___`The Pussycat
Famous Pairs: ____ & The Peacock`Juno
Famous Pairs: ___ ___ & The Prophets`The Law
Famous Pairs: ____ _______ & The Queen Of Sheba`King Solomon
Famous Pairs: The Raw & ___`The Cooked
Famous Pairs: _____ _______ & The Sundance Kid`Butch Cassidy
Famous Pairs: ____ & The Swan`Leda
Famous Pairs: The _______ & The Bromide`Babbitt
Famous Pairs: The ___ ______ & The Little Dipper`Big Dipper
Famous Pairs: ____ & The Tramp`Lady
Famous Pairs: _______ & Thisbe`Pyramus
Famous Pairs: Thomas Jefferson & _____`Sally Hemings
Famous Pairs: _____ & Thumper`Bambi
Famous Pairs: Thunder &`Lightning
Famous Pairs: ________ & Thymine`Cytosine
Famous Pairs: ___ _____ & Tijuana`San Diego
Famous Pairs: Tintin &`Snowy
Famous Pairs: Titanic &`Britannic
Famous Pairs: Tom &`Jerry
Famous Pairs: Tom Sawyer & ___________`Huckleberry Finn
Famous Pairs: Tonsils &`Adenoids
Famous Pairs: _____ ________ & Tonya Harding`Nancy Kerrigan
Famous Pairs: _______ & Toto`Dorothy
Famous Pairs: Town Mouse & _______`Country Mouse
Famous Pairs: Tudors &`Stuarts
Famous Pairs: Turks &`Caicos
Famous Pairs: __________ & Tweedledee`Tweedledum
Famous Pairs: Uday &`Qusay
Famous Pairs: Ulna &`Radius
Famous Pairs: Uranium-235 & _______`Uranium-238
Famous Pairs: _______-___ & Uranium-238`Uranium-235
Famous Pairs: ________ & Valentine`Ramadhin
Famous Pairs: Victoria &`Albert
Famous Pairs: ____ & Vinegar`Salt
Famous Pairs: _________ & Vine`Hollywood
Famous Pairs: ______ & Wagner`Brahms
Famous Pairs: _______ & Wales`England
Famous Pairs: Wallace &`Gromit
Famous Pairs: Warren G. Harding & ___`Nan Britton
Famous Pairs: ____ & Wear`Tyne
Famous Pairs: _____ & White`Black
Famous Pairs: _______ & Whitehead`Russell
Famous Pairs: Wilbur & _______`Orville Wright
Famous Pairs: _______ ______ & Willie Garvin`Modesty Blaise
Famous Pairs: _________ & Wise`Morecambe
Famous Pairs: ________ & Wonder Woman`Superman
Famous Pairs: Xerxes &`Esther
Famous Pairs: _______ & Yale`Harvard
Famous Pairs: Yin &`Yang
Famous People: Mandy Allwood's expectation of how many babies made the news in 1996`8
Famous People: Nicky Clarke's name is famous in which fashion field`hairdressing
Famous People: Sean Penn was once married to which singer/actress`madonna
Famous People: Trudie Styler married which singer/rainforest conservationist in 1992`sting
Famous People: What is the profession of Claudia Shiffer's ex, David Copperfield`magician
Famous People: What was Mrs. Michael Jackson II's first name`debbie
Famous People: Which actress married Richard Burton twice`elizabeth taylor
Famous People: Which former Pakistan cricket captain married Jemima Goldsmith`imran khan
Famous People: Which former son-in-law of the Queen remarried in 1997`mark phillips
Famous People: Which model Elle is an ex-flame of the actor Kevin Costner`macpherson
Famous People: Which Royal Prince's name was linked with photographer Koo Stark`andrew
Famous People: Which woman got Bill Clinton caught with his pants down in 1999`monica lewinsky
Famous person born in South Africa in 1946`steve biko
Famous Quotes: All work is as seed sown; it grows and spreads, and sows itself anew.`thomas caryle
Famous Quotes: Anyone who hates children and dogs cant be all bad.`w.c. fields
Famous Quotes: Boy, after seeing Rambo last night, I know what to do next time this happens.`ronald reagan
Famous Quotes: Don't give up the ship.`john paul jones
Famous Quotes: He does not preach what he practices till he has practiced what he preaches.`confucius
Famous Quotes: Let them eat cake.`marie antoinette
Famous Quotes: Old soldiers never die, they just fade away`douglas macarthur
Famous Quotes: Power corrupts, & absolute power corrupts absolutely`john emerich edward acton
Famous Quotes: Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.`john emerich edward acton
Famous Quotes: Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.`albert einstein
Famous Quotes: "This is a sharp medicine, but a sure cure for all diseases."`sir walter raleigh
Famous Quotes: United we stand, divided we fall.`abraham lincoln
Famous UFO incident happened in the 40's in the south of USA`Roswell
Famous white marble mausoleum at Agra, India`Taj Mahal
Fancifully depicted or embellished: idealized`poetical
Fandible, lateral line and dorsal fin and a part of which animal`fish
Fandible, lateral line, and dorsal fin are parts of a(n) ________.`fish
Fandible, lateral line, and dorsal fin are parts of a(n) `fish
Fandible, lateral line, and dorsal fin are parts of a(n)`Fish
Fandible, lateral line, & dorsal fin are parts of a(n) ________`fish
Fans Wore Lapel Buttons Bearing Saxophones On January 20,1993`Bill Clinton
fanta ---------- is the third largest selling soft drink in the world`orange
Fantasy : What is a sorcerer who deals in black magic called`necromancer
farmer's in the dell: what's the term for arable land left unseeded for one season`fallow
Far removed: remote: '------- lands.'`distant
Farther than another from the center or middle`outer
Fashionably up-to-date, especially in style, design, or dress`mod
Fashionably up-to-date, especially in style, design, or dress`mods
FASHION: All in one exercise garment named after a 19th century trapeze artist`leotard
FASHION: Ancient roman garment`toga
Fashion: Artificial structure worn to extend shirts behind.`bustle
Fashion: Band worn to keep stockings up.`garter
Fashion: Bathing suit named for a Pacific atoll.`bikini
Fashion: Dominant fashion magazine of the 20th century.`vogue
Fashion: Egyptian motifs were popular after his tomb was discovered in 1922.`tutankhamen
Fashion: Elsa Schiaperelli's trademark color.`shocking pink
Fashion: He called couture the most blatant form of conspicuous consumption.`thorsein veblen
FASHION: In the US canvas shoe`sneaker
FASHION: In traditional Japanese dress what is an obi`a wide sash
FASHION: June 1946, what was official launched in Paris`the bikini
Fashion: Milanese suitmaker showcased on Miami Vice.`armani
Fashion model or dummy used to display clothes`mannequin
Fashion: Model that married David Bowie.`iman
FASHION:MOnks appareil`habit
Fashion: Movie star who popularized trenchcoats & berets.`greta garbo
FASHION: Muslim womans face veil`yashmak
FASHION: Name given to the shorts which in fashion in the early 1970s`hot pants
Fashion: Petticoat artificially stiffened by horsehair.`crinoline
Fashion: Skirt and trousers desiged by Amelia.`bloomer
Fashion: The dominant decorative style of the 20s & 30s.`art deco
Fashion: The dominant decorative style of the 20s and 30s.`art deco
Fashion: The first widely used synthetic fiber.`rayon
FASHION: What is a pelerine`a cape
FASHION: What popular name is given to the sleeveless pullover with wide armholes popular in the 60s and early 70s`tank top
FASHION: Which american designer set up her own fashion label called DKNY`donna karan
FASHION: Which designer created the Space Age Collection in 1964`pierre cardin
FASHION: Which designers designs under the Emporio label`armani
fastest bird (self flight)`swift
Fast Food: According to Vincent Vega, what is a Big Mac called in France?`le big mac
Fast Food: According to Vincent, whats a Quarter Pounder called in France`royale with cheese
Fast Food: A girl with pig tails, and a white-haired man represent this chain.`wendys
Fast Food: A really big french fry, stuffed with yummy stuff.`baked potato
Fast Food: At North American pizza outlets, this is often referred to as "Canadian bacon"`ham
Fast Food: Big Mexican food chain, ring ding a ling, making you run for the border!`taco bell
Fast Food: Chain with a hat as a logo, makes roast beef burgers among other things.`arbys
Fast Food: Expensive potato patties served for breakfast.`hash browns
Fast food franchise: Taco ____`bell
Fast Food: Garfield's favourite food, multi-layered, common at pizza stores.`lasagna
Fast Food: KFC stands for`kentucky fried chicken
Fast Food: Lots of people like this brown liquid with fries.`gravy
Fast Food: McDonald's also sells this Italian food in some markets.`pizza
Fast Food: On some boards, these things are listed as FREE, at McDonald's.`smiles
Fast Food: Sometimes called a Frankfurt, on a bun with cheese,mustard,ketchup etc.`hot dog
Fast Food: The home of the Golden Arches`mcdonalds
Fast Food: The Lobster people...`red lobster
Fast Food: The place that brings you fried chicken that has lovely but very caloric skin.`kentucky fried chicken
Fast Food: The turtles love these, they often come with many toppings.`pizza
Fast Food: This "Fresh is the taste" chain is -everywhere-.`subway
Fast Food: Who is the founder of KFC`colonel sanders
Fate: destiny`karma
Fate, especially a tragic or ruinous one`doom
father boxed for the iranian olympic team`andre agassi
father boxed for the iranian olympic team`andre league
father made a well known flintlock rifle`remington
father of modern neurology & neurosurgery`cushing
"father of the atom" democritus and the greek philosopher protagoras were born here`abdera, thrace
father ran the Gillis Grocery Store`dobie gillis
father was a professional musician`Brahms'
Father Was A U.S. Ambassador To What Country`Mexico
father was not a professional musician`Haydn's
Fat melted down to make candles or soap`tallow
Fault What Italian city had the Roman name Mediolanum`Milan
---------- faulty rolls of 35 mm film will be purchased this year`811,000
'faux pas' means `mistake
"faux pas" means ___________`mistake
Favorably disposed: not antagonistic: 'a government friendly to our interests.'`friendlier
Favoring a republic as the best form of government`republican
---------- favorite food is the glue on the back of stamps`cockroaches
favourite foe was 'Wo Fat'`steve mcgarrett
Favouritism to relatives in conferring offices`nepotism
Fax is short for what`facsimile
Fax is short for which word`facsimile
Fbi stands for`federal bureau of investagation
Fearful and hesitant: 'problems that call for bold, not -----, responses.'`timid
Fearful: timid`fearsome
fear of amphibians, such as frogs, newts, salamanders, etc. is what type of phobia`batrachophobia
fear of being close to high or tall buildings is what type of phobia`batophobia
Fear of challenges to official doctrine or of radical deviation is what type of phobia`Hereiophobia
fear of dizziness or whirlpools is what type of phobia`dinophobia
Fear of dryness is called`xerophobia
Fear of England, English culture, etc is what type of phobia`Anglophobia
Fear of extreme cold, ice or frost is what type of phobia`Cryophobia
fear of fainting or weakness is what type of phobia`asthenophobia
fear of germany, german culture, etc is what type of fear`germanophobia
Fear of haircuts is called`tonsurephobia
Fear of haircuts is called`tonsurphobia
Fear of immobility of a joint is what type of phobia`Ankylophobia
fear of materialism or the fear of epilepsy is what typye of phobia`hylephobia
fear of needles or pointed objects is what kind of phobia`aichmophobia
fear of objects at the right side of the body is what type of phobia`dextrophobia
Fear of one's mother in law`pentheraphobia
Fear of sameness, monotony or of homosexuality or of becoming homosexual are what kind of phobia`Homophobia
fear of scratches or being scratched is what kind of phobia`amychophobia
fear of stars and celestial space is what type of phobia`astrophobia
fear of streets or crossing the street is what kind of phobia`agyrophobia
fear of sunlight & garlic, and having a need to constantly consume blood products are the sufferers of this disease, which gave birth to the notion of vampires`porphyria
Fear of thunder or thunderstorms is ______`brontophobia
Fear of undressing in front of someone is what type of phobia`Dishabiliophobia
fear of washing or what kind of phobia`ablutophobia
Feathers used ornamentally`plumage
Feb 1865 is the only month in recorded history not to have a`fullmoon
febriphobia, fibriphobia or fibriophobia is the fear of ____`fever
Febriphobia is the fear of`fever
February 2nd is known as Ground Hog Day. What was the day originally known as in parts of Europe`Candlemans Day
february is ---------- history month`black
Federalist A member or supporter of the Federalist Party`federalist
Fedora, bowler and boater are all types of what`hats
Feeble with age: infirm`ricketier
Feeding on such flesh`carrion
Feeling as if covered with moving things`crawlier
Feeling inferior, inadequate, or embarrassed: '------- of my torn coat.'`ashamed
Feeling or emotion. Often used in the plural: 'an unbalanced state of ---------s.'`affection
Feeling or showing enmity or ill will: antagonistic: 'a ------- remark.'`hostile
Feeling or showing hatred: malevolent`hateful
Feeling or showing little or no emotion: unresponsive`apathetic
Feeling repugnance or loathing`abhorrent
Feel like makin love was sung by?`bad company
Felicia Sanders introduced what song in 1954 as "In Other Words"`fly me to the moon
Felinophobia is a fear of ______`cats
felix cavaliere was the lead singer for which group`rascals
felix pappalardi played bass for what group?`mountain
Female _____________ are sold in 20% of U.S. groceries.`contraceptives
Female baboons have been known to engage in a primitive form of prostitution by stealing food during _ _ _.`sex
Female head of a family or tribe`matriarch
Female Vocalists:She backed up KLF on "Justified & Ancient."`tammy Wynette
Female Vocalists: She backed up KLF on Justified and Ancient`tammy Wynette
Female Vocalists:She gained fame as a "Page 3" girl in London.`samantha Fox
Female Vocalists:The only constant member of the Supremes from 1960-1978.`mary wilson
Female Vocalists: The only constant member of the Supremes from 1960 thru 1978`mary wilson
Female Vocalists:This singer renounced her US citizenship in 1937 to become French.`josephine baker
Female Vocalists:This woman had a solo single that spent 9 weeks of 1981 at #1.`kim carnes
Female Vocalists: This woman had a solo single that spent 9 weeks of 1981 at number one`kim carnes
feminine form of the masculine "orator"`oratrix
Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos were exiled in what year`1986
Ferdinand and Isabella were joint rulers in which country`spain
Ferdinand is a story about a ____`bull
Ferdinand Marcos was the president of which country`philippines
Ferociously cruel actions or behavior`truculence
Ferrite is a form of which metal`iron
ferry man of the styx`charon
Fertilizer consisting of sodium ------- or potassium`nitrate
Festival on January 6th commemorating the visit of the Magi to Christ`epiphany
Fettucini, linguini and tagliatelle are all types of what`pasta
Fewer than 30 percent of parents in the U.S. discuss sex with their _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.`children
Few studies of Lesbians and their risk of contracting AIDS presently exist because..?`Most large-scale U.S. government-sponsored studies focus exclusively on men
Fianna Fail is a political party in which country`ireland
Fiber or yarn for weaving or knitting into cloth`textile
Fickle: faithless`inconstant
Fictional Detectives: Agatha Christie's elderly female crimesolver.`miss marple
Fictional Detectives: Beleaguered female detective in the british 'Prime Suspect' series.`jane tennyson
Fictional Detectives: Creator of Perry Mason.`erle stanley gardner
Fictional Detectives: Creator of the Parisian detective Maigret.`georges simenon
Fictional Detectives: TV private eye played by Tom Selleck.`thomas magnum
Field of engineering & applied physics dealing with the design & application of devices, usually electronic circuits, the operation of what depends on the flow of electrons for the generation, transmission, reception, & storage of information`electronics
Field of physics that describes & correlates the physical properties of macroscopic systems of matter & energy`thermodynamics
Field of science concerned with the origin of the planet earth, its history, its shape, the materials forming it, & the processes that are acting & have acted on it`geology
Fife the only member of the band zz top without a beard has what last name`beard
Fifties rock and roll was revived by what greased hair, t-shirted, tv frequenting group`sha na na
Fifties rock "n" roll was revived by what greased hair, T-shirted, TV frequenting group`sha
Fifties rock 'n' roll was revived by what greased hair, T-shirted, TV frequenting group`Sha Na Na
Fifty nine what is calcium oxide`lime
fifty-two-year-old jim fixx, author of "the complete book of running"`dies while jogging`died while jogging
Fifty-two-year-old Jim Fixx, author of "The Complete Book of Running"`dies while jogging`died while stanford
Fifty who had the nickname 'golden bear'`jack nicklaus
Figaro in what opera did cherubino serve count almaviva`marriage of figaro
Fighting alongside Americans and British during the ------ invasion of 1944 were 15,000 Canadians. And it was the Canadian troops who were the first to reach their planned objective.`d-day
Fighting or boxing at close range`infighter
figure did walt disney studios use as a model for tinkerbell`marilyn monroe
figure did Walt Disney use as a model for Tinkerbell`marilyn monroe
Figure with eight sides and angles`octagon
Filled or obtained by election: '-------- office.'`elective
Filled with a crowd: 'a ------- plaza.'`crowded
Filled with activity, vigor, or spirit: lively`animatedly
Filled with, consisting of, or yielding milk or a fluid resembling milk: 'a ----- kernel of corn.'`milky
Filled with, consisting of, or yielding milk or a fluid resembling milk: 'a milky kernel of corn.'`milkier
Filled with or characterized by a sense of a supernatural presence: 'a -------- place.'`numinous
Fill in: adding insult to____`injury
Fill in: birds of a ______`feather
Fill in: blind as a ___`bat
Fill in: chomping at the ____`bit
Fill in: dont ____ be happy`worry
Filling or capable of filling a large volume or many volumes: 'the ---------- court record of the long trial.'`voluminous
Fill in: I'm a little _____ short & stout`teapot
Fill in: knock me for a ___`loop
Fill in: ____ maids all in a row`pretty
Fill in: old Mother _____`hubbard
Fill in: ___ on a limb`out
Fill in: ____ & shine`rise
Fill in: swing low,sweet _____`chariot
Fill in: take me to your ___`leader
Fill in the "Bear" Bryant remark: "A tie is like kissing your "`sister
Fill in the Blank: According to Zack none of the X5s can lead a normal life because they are ____________ .`Soldiers
Fill in the Blank: "After the ____ ____"`gold rush
Fill in the blank: chang and eng were the most famous`siamese twins
Fill in the blank: "I am the ______ ____, I can do anything."`lizard king
fill in the blank: if ___________ was shorter, the face of the world would be changed.`cleopatras nose
Fill in the blank: if ___________ was shorter, the face of the world would be changed`cleopatras nose
Fill in the blank: "it's a real beauty, a ______ cutie"`mexican
Fill in the blanks: SMILIN' _______ ______.`SMILIN' Joe Fission
Fill in: ____ the lonely`only
Fill in the missing word from this Somerset Maugham quote: 'A man marries to have a home but also because he doesn't want to be bothered by----- and all that sort of thing'`sex
Fill in the Nancy Astor quote: 'I married_______ __; all women do'?`Beneath me
Fill in: the ___ Piper`pied
Fill in: when in ____ do as the Romans do`rome
Fill in: when you ____ upon a star`wish
Fill in: you get what you ____ for`pay
FILM: 1950,Retelling of a classic,starring David Niven as the foppish avenger`Elusive Pimpernel
FILM: 1963, which western starring (oh no!) John Wayne was loosely based on The taming of the shrew`Mclintock!
FILM: 1966 sci-fi film starring Peter Cushing`Daleks:Invasion Earth 2150
FILM: 1966, who starred in the film Daleks:Invasion Earth 2150`Peter Cushing
FILM: 1970, disaster film based on anovel by Arthur Hailey and starring Burt Lancaster`airport
FILM: 1971,comedy, a conman is mistaken for an outlaw`support your local gunfighter
FILM:1973, Steve McQueen starred, set on Devils Island`Papillon
FILM: 1977, epic war time movie`a bridge too far
FILM: 1980, film starring Robert Redford about a reformist prison warder trying to clean up his prison`Brubaker
FILM: 1980, who stars in the film Brubaker`Robert Redford
FILM: 1984, Sean Connery returned as james Bond after a 13 year gap, in which film`Never say never again
FILM: 1986, Action Thriller about an alcoholic cop starring Charles Bronson`Murphy's Law
FILM: 1987 Film with Cher,Michelle Pfeiffer and Susan Sarandon`The witches of Eastwick
FILM: 1987, which music star appeared in The witches of Eastwick`Cher
FILM: 1988, film starring Sean Connery and Meg Ryan`The Presidio
FILM: 1988, who starred opposite Meg Ryan in The Presidio`Sean Connery
FILM: 1988, who starred opposite Sean Connery in The Presidio`Meg Ryan
FILM: 1989,comedy about a special friendship betwen a group of women that helps them survive life's trials`Steel Magnolias
FILM: 1990 film starring Melanie Griffiths & Michael Keaton`Pacific Heights
FILM: 1990,who starred opposite Melanie Griffith in Pacific Heights`Michael Keaton
FILM: 1990, who starred opposite Michael Keaton in Pacific Heights`Melanie Griffith
FILM: 1991,starring Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith about a marriage that suffers after the death of their child`Paradise
FILM: 1992, after a gap of many years a new Carry On film was made, what was it called`carry on columbus
FILM: 1995, a pig escapes the slaughterhouse`Babe
FILM: 1996 film starring Michael Douglas and Val Kilmer`The ghost and the darkness
FILM: 2000, Supernatural thriller starring Harrison Ford and Michelle Pfeiffer`What lies beneath
FILM: 2002, Gurinder Chadha's comedy about an inter racial womens soccer team`Bend it like Beckham
FILM: 2002, which film was voted the greatest American film of all time by the American film Institute`citizen Kane
FILM:2002, who won best actor Oscar for his role in A beautiful Mind`Russell Crowe
FILM: Actor famous as Superman`christopher reeve
FILM; Actor famous for Inspector Clouseau`peter sellers
FILM: Actor whose wives included Vivien Leigh and Joan Plowright`laurence olivier
FILM:Actress, married to Prince Rainier of Monaco`Grace Kelly
FILM:Actress, star of On the Beach, once married to frank Sinatra`Ava Gardner
FILM: Actress who starred with Humphrey Bogart in The Big Sleep`lauren bacall
FILM:A film starring Cameron Diaz`Charlie's Angels
FILM: A film starring Cameron Diaz`Something about Mary
Film Air: Film which won Audrey Hepburn an Oscar for best actress.`roman holiday
Film Air: First man to play Chester A. Riley on TV version of "The Life of Riley"`jackie gleason
Film Air: "How To Marry A Millionaire" co-starred 3 film legends: Monroe, Bacall, and who`betty grable
Film Air: In "The Maltese Falcon," what was Peter Lorre's character named`joel cairo
Film Air: Voice of Jack Benny's hispanic friend Sy (Sy...Si!), his car, and Bugs Bunny.`mel blanc
FILM: Alfred hitchcocks 1963 film The Birds was based upon a short story of the same name by whom`daphne du maurier
FILM: Although Speilberg directed Raiders of the Lost Arc, he did not have the final cut, who did`george lucas
FILM: American film producer of Chitty chitty bang bang and the early Bond Movies`cubby broccoli
FILM:Ava Gardner film`Show boat
FILM:Ava Gardner film`The barefoot contessa
FILM:Britney Spears' first foray into the film industry`Crossroads
FILM: Character in Psycho`norman bates
FILM: Die another Day, who takes over as Bonds chief gadget inventor Q`john cleese
FILM: Director of Jaws and ET`spielberg
FILM: During the shooting of Schidlers List which other film was Spielberg editing from his hotel via satellite link`jurassic park
Filmed in 1979, what is the generally considered to be the most popular adult film of all time?`Caligula
FILM: Elmo Lincoln,Gene Polar,Jock Mahoney and MIke Henry have all played which screen hero`tarzan
FILM:Female star of 10`Bo Derek
FILM:female star of 9 1/2 weeks`Kim Basinger
FILM:Female star of Casablanca`Ingrid Bergman
FILM;Female star of pretty Woman`Julia Roberts
FILM:Female star of The English Patient`Kristin Scott Thomas
FILM:Female star of The Mask`Cameron Diaz
FILM :Female star of To have or have not`Lauren Bacall
FILM: For his role in which 1962 film did Gregory peck win an oscar for his portrayal of a small town lawyer`to kill a mockingbird
FILM: For which film was the music Tubular bells the theme`The Exorcist
FILM: From which film did Stevie Wonders "I just called to say I love you" come`The woman in red
FILM: Futurist drama starring Charlton Heston`The Omega Man
FILM:Grace Kelly film`High Society
FILM:Grace Kelly film`rear window
FILM:Halle Berry recently made history with her best actress oscar, for which film did she win her award`Monster's ball
FILM:How many Oscars did the film Gigi win`eight
FILM: How was Spielberg creditted in in the 1994 movie The Flintstones`steven spielrock presents
FILM:Hugh Grants ex girlfriend`Liz Hurley
FILM: In 1971, after 2 pilot episodes had been made, 23year old Spielberg directed the first regular installment of which Tv detective show`columbo
FILM: In 1978 Larry Hagman appeared in which film`Superman
FILM: In 1992 Daniel day lewis starred as Hawkeye in which film`The last of the Mohicans
FILM: In 1994 which film based on a Louisa May Alcott novel starred Winona Ryder and Susan Sarandon`little women
FILM: In 1998, Kim basinger won an Oscar for which crime thriller set in Los Angeles`L.A Confidential
FILM: In casablanca who played Sam the piano player`Dooley Wilson
FILM: In the 1955 comedy he Ladykillers which British star played the leader of a gang of clumsy bank robbers`alec Guinness
FILM: In which 1988 Oscar winning film did Dustin Hoffman play the autistic Raymond Babbitt opposite Tom Cruise`rain man
FILM: In which 1998 film does the lead character initially write a play entitled Romeo and Ethel the pirates daughter`shakespeare in love
FILM: In Which Bond movie did Rowan Atkinson make an appearance as Nigel Small-Fawcett`Never say never again
FILM: In which film did Bob Hoskins play a black prostitutes minder`Mona Lisa
FILM: In which film did Harrison Ford come form the future to destroy android Rutger Hauer`blade runner
FILM:In which film did Jose Ferrer star as Alfred Dreyfus`J'accuse
FILM: In which film did POWs use a avulting horse to disguise the digging of an escape tunnel`The Wooden horse
Film: In which film did Tommy Lee jones play 'Two-Face'`Batman Forever
FILM: In which film does Oddjob appear`Goldfinger
FILM: In which film was Dustin Hoffman 121 years old`little big man
FILM: In which year did James Dean die`1955
FILM: In Who framed Roger Rabbit what was Rogers wife called`Jessica
Film is to Oscar as Mystery novel is to`edgar
FILM: Italian stage and film director whose wroks include a 1968 film version of Romeo and Juliet`franco zeffirelli
FILM: Julie Andrews film`thoroughly modern millie
FILM: Kevin Spacey was the voice in which 1998 Disney film`a bug's life
FILM:Name Ingrid Bergmans actress daughter`Isabella Rossellini
FILM:Name Liz Hurleys most famous film`bedazzled
FILM: Name of Halle Berrys character in the Bond movie Die another Day`Jinx
FILM:Name of Judy Garlands actress daughter`Liza Minnelli
FILM: Name of Paul Newmans wife`Joanne Woodward
FILM: Name of Steven Spielbergs studio`Dreamworks
FILM: Name of the Disney Film released in the UK Oct 2002`lilo and stitch
FILM:Name of the new Bond movie,released November 2002`Die another Day
FILM: Name of the Rowan Atkinson James Bond type spoof to be released 2002`Johnny English:A Touch of Weevil
FILM: Name of the singer who appeared in the 1998 film "Out of Sight"`Jennifer Lopez
FILM: Name of the thriller released in 2002 starring Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck`Gigli
FILM: Of which book did Spielberg say - I read it and felt that i had been attacked. It terrified me, and I wanted to strike back`jaws
FILM:Oscars 2002,For which film did Denzel Washington win best leading actor`Training Day
FILM:Oscars 2002,For which film did Jim Broadbent win his best supportingactor`Iris
FILM:Oscars 2002,Which film did Jennifer Connelly win best supporting actress`A Beautiful mind
FILM:Oscars 2002,which film won best picture category`A beautiful mind
FILM:Oscars 2002,Which film won in best animated feature category`Shrek
FILM:Oscars 2002,Which film won in best costume category`Moulin Rouge
FILM:Oscars 2002,Which film won in Best music score category`Lord of the Rings
FILM:Oscars 2002,Who won best leading actor`Denzel Washington
FILM:Oscars 2002,Who won best supporting actor for his role in Iris`Jim Broadbent
FILM:Oscars 2002,Who won best supporting actress for her role in A Beautiful mind`Jennifer connelly
Film quote: Finish the famous line - "Houston, we have a ______."`Problem
Film quote: Finish the famous line - "To Infinity and _________!"`beyond
Film quote: From which film did the famous line "I'll be back." come from`The Terminator
Film quote: From which film did the famous line "Never send a monkey to do a man's job." come from`Planet Of the apes
Film quote: From which film did the famous line "Show me the money!" come from`Jerry Maguire
Film quote: From which film did the famous line "Use the Force, Luke." come from`Star Wars
FILM: Released in Aug 1999, starred Pierce Brosnan and Rene Russo in roles played by Steve Mcqueen and Faye Dunaway in 1968`the thomas crown affair
FILM: Robert de NIro movie`the deer hunter
Film Roles: Dirty Harry`clint eastwood
Film Roles: Elmer Gantry`burt lancaster
Film Roles: Ghandi`ben kingsley
Film Roles: Gigi`leslie caron
Film Roles: Norman Bates`anthony perkins
Film Roles: Private Benjamin`goldie hawn
Film Roles: Shaft`richard roundtree
Film Roles: Superman`christopher reeve
Film Roles: The Music Man`robert preston
Film Roles: The Sheik`rudolph valentino
FILM: Scarey Character in Silence of the Lambs`hannibal lecter
FILM: Scarlett O'Hara, Margaret Mitchell's Gone With the Wind lead character, was originally given which name`Pansy
Film score means what elfman did for this movie, not what prince did for it`batman the movie
films include E.T. and Jaws`spielberg
Films Include E.T. And Jaws`Steven Spielberg
Films Include 'Giant', 'Written On The Wind' And 'A Farewell To Arms'`Rock Hudson
Films Include 'Spartacus', 'The Vikings' And 'Ulysses'`Kirk Douglas
Films Quotes: a dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste`steel magnolias
Films Quotes: a woman is a hole, isn't that what they say`witches of eastwick
Films Quotes: class dismissed. i have an enormous headache in my eye`throw mama from the train
Films Quotes: did you have a brain tumor for breakfast`heathers
Films Quotes: did you know that organized crime is the fourth largest employer in new jersey`wiseguys
Films Quotes: do math majors multiply do eggs get laid`moonlighting
Films Quotes: do you know how to get good penetration`wildcats
Films Quotes: ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight`batman
Films Quotes: fuck me gently with a chainsaw`heathers
Films Quotes: halloween in hollywood is redundant`glitter dome
Films Quotes: he called me a baboon he thinks i'm his wife"`caddyshack
Films Quotes: how much for the women`blues brothers
Films Quotes: if brains were dynamite, you couldn't blow your nose`american graffiti
Films Quotes: i love the south bronx. anywhere you go from there is up`fame
Films Quotes: in new jersey, anything can happen`purple rose of cairo
Films Quotes: in the southeast, they say if you want to go to heaven, you have to change planes in atlanta`accidental tourist
Films Quotes: is this heaven, no, it's iowa`field of dreams
Films Quotes: it happens sometimes. people just explode`repo man
Films Quotes: i want to be just like you. all i need is a lobotomy and some tights`breakfast club
Films Quotes: last time i saw a mouth like that, it had a hook in it`caddyshack
Films Quotes: mister, if you don't shut up, i'm gonna kick 100 percent of your ass`fast times at ridgemont high
Films Quotes: not too smart, are you i like that in a man`body heat
Films Quotes: now i know what i've been faking all these years`private benjamin
Films Quotes: now, i want you to breathe through your eyelids`bull durham
Films Quotes: now, let's turn on the juice and see what shakes loose`beetlejuice
Films Quotes: only a few select friends know my private parts`zorro, the gay blade
Films Quotes: only two things come out of oklahoma: steers and queers`officer and a gentleman
Films Quotes: poland, the doormat of europe. everybody steps on us`to be or not to be
Films Quotes: right there, between your legs pull on it`king solomon's mines
Films Quotes: snotty beamed me twice last night. it was wonderful`spaceballs
Films Quotes: somebody oughta cut out your brain and pickle it`cotton club
Films Quotes: take me to bed or lose me forever`top gun
Films Quotes: the bargain basement i've been kidnapped by k-mart`ruthless people
Films Quotes: we came, we saw, we kicked its ass`ghostbusters
Films Quotes: we're not homosexuals, but we're willing to learn`stripes
Films Quotes: when i want your opinion, i'll beat it out of you`code of silence
Films Quotes: you made a woman meow`when harry met sally
Films Quotes: you're a ghost, i'm an american. it would never work out`high spirits
FILM: Star of Dances with Wolves`kevin Costner
FILM:Star of Erin Brockovich`Julia Roberts
FILM:Star of Roman Polanskis Tess`Nastassja Kinski
FILM: Star of Rosemarys baby`mia farrow
FILM: Star Wars 2002,character played by Hayden Christensen`Anakin Skywalker
FILM: Star Wars 2002,character played by Natalie Portman`Queen Amidala
FILM: Star Wars 2002,name the film`Attack of the Clones
FILM: Star Wars 2002,who played Anankin Skywalker`Hayden Christensen
FILM: Star Wars 2002,who played Queen Amidala`Natalie Portman
films: who directed the movie broadway danny rose`woody allen
FILM: The 1974 film Lenny is about the life of which american comedian`lenny bruce
Film title 'an officer and a ______'`gentleman
Film Title: An Officer and a(n) `Gentleman
Film Title: An Officer and a(n)- `Gentleman
Film Title: (a number) Leagues Under the Sea`20,000
Film Title: : A Space Oddessey`2001
Film title ' ______, a space odyssey'`2001
Film Title: Fahrenheit `451
Film Title: Fahrenheit ________ (a number)`451
Film Title: Fahrenheit (a number)`451
Film title' 'fahrenheit ______'`four five one
film title' 'fahrenheit ______'`four five`pompeii
Film title ' ______ leagues under the sea'`20,000
Film Title: The Last Days of _________. (a city)`Pompeii
Film Title: The Last Days of `(a city)Pompeii
Film title 'the last days of ______'`pompeii
Film: Tom and Meg Ryan appeared in how many movies together (answer in letters)`Three
FILM:Tom Cruise and Demi Moore in a story of US Navy courtroom battle`A few Good Men
FILM: To what was Spielberg referring when he said - this is the best drink of water after the longest drought of my life`his oscar for schindlers list
Film/T.V: Fletcher is a character played by which comedy actor`ronnie barker
Film/T.V: How does James Bond prefer his martinis`shaken not stirred
Film/T.V: Name the t.v. pop show hosted by jools holland & paula yates`the tube
Film/T.V: What was the hospital St. Eligius better known as in the title of the t.v. series`st elsewhere
Film/T.V: Which cockney performer starred in "half a sixpence"`tommy steele
Film/T.V: Which famous little tramp was born in britain`charlie chaplin
Film/T.V: Which talk show host regularly had his knee felt by female guests`terry wogan
Film/T.V: Which writer created "Boys from the black stuff"`alan bleasdale
Film/T.V: Who gained an oscar for his role as a butler in the film "Arthur"`sir john gielgud
Film/T.V: Who has played Ken Barlow in coronation street since 1960`william roache
Film/T.V: Who played Neil the hippie in "The young ones"`nigel planer
Film/T.V: Who's catchphrase is "i wanna tell you a story"`max bygraves
FILM:Vivien Leigh's character in Gone with the Wind`Scarlett O'hara
FILM:Vivien Leigh- what disease killed her`Tuberculosis
FILM: What is the name given to cheaply made westerns, filmed in Italy or Spain`spaghetti
FILM: What is the name of the dinosaur monster which has appeared in many Japanese films`Godzilla
FILM: What is the name of the film company owned by Speilberg,Katzenberg and Geffen`dreamworks
FILM: What sort of creature was Chewbacca in Star Wars`Wookey
FILM: What was Charlie Chaplins middle name`spencer
FILM:What was Gary Coopers last film`The Naked Edge
FILM: What was Marilyn Monroes name in Some like it Hot`Sugar cane
FILM: What was Raquel Welshs most famous movie`One million years BC
Film: What was Russell Crowe's character name in 'L.A. Confidential'`Bud White
FILM: What was the first Harry Palmer film`The Ipcress File
FILM: What was the first Speilberg movie to be shot completely on soundstages`hook
FILM: What was the name of Diana Dors' actor husband`Alan Lake
Film: what was the name of princess leia's home planet`alderon
FILM: What was the name of Quints boat in Jaws`the orca
FILM: What was the title of Speilbergs first feature movie`duel
FILM: What was unusual about Derek Jarmans film Sebastiane`it was in latin
film: what was walt disney's second full length feature cartoon`pinocchio
Film: What was Will Smith's occupation in the 1998 movie "Enemy Of The State"`Lawyer
Film: What western film was Russell in`The quick and the dead
Film: What year was "Airport 1975" released`1974
Film: What year was "The Abyss" released`1989
FILM: When Harry met Sally, who played Harry`Billy Crystal
FILM: Where was the 1954 film Three coins in a fountain set`rome
FILM:Which actor did Vivien Leigh marry`Laurence Olivier
FILM: Which actor was torn between Sigourney Weaver and Melanie Griffiths in working Girl`Harrison Ford
FILM: Which actress came 3rd in the 1988 Miss World Competition`Halle Berry
FILM: Which actress was covered in gold paint in the 1964 Bond Movie Goldfinger`shirley eaton
FILM: Which actress was stabbed in the shower in Psycho`Janet Leigh
FILM: Which american actress starred in the 1980 film comedy Private Benjamin`Goldie Hawn
FILM: Which American film actor played himself in the 1955 war film biography To hell and back`audie murphy
FILM: Which book did producer Kathleen Kennedy describe as - one of those projects that was so obviously a Spielberg film`jurassic park
FILM: Which British singer recorded Elvis Presleys Suspicious Minds for the Disney film Lilo and Stitch`gareth gates
FILM;Which character did Harrison Ford play in Star Wars`Han Solo
FILM: Which character is is played by Richard Attenborough in the 1994 film Miracle on 34th Street`santa claus
FILM: Which classic 1939 Hollywood film derives from Maupassants Boule de Suif`stagecoach
FILM:Which composer did Carl Boehm play in the filmThe Magnificent Rebel`Beethoven
FILM:Which english actress was married to Jean-Michel Jarre`Charlotte rampling
FILM: Which famous actress contributed some of the vocal effects for ETs voice`debra winger
FILM: Which film brought Spielberg his second Oscar for direction`saving private ryan
FILM: Which film director, much admired by Spielberg,played the roles of a scientist in Close Encounters of the Third Kind`francois truffant
FILM:Which film has been made 58 times including cartoon,ballet, operatic, pornographic and parody versions`cinderella
Film: Which film has Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith been in a movie together`Men in Black
FILM: Which film maker has made his home in exile in Paris after fleeing rape charges in the US`roman polanski
FILM:which film star and opera singer was killed in a plane crash in 1947`Grace Moore
FILM: Which great film stars last film was Cuban Rebel Girls in 1959`Errol Flynn
FILM: which hollywood actor was born stephen burton`burt lancaster
FILM: Which of speilbergs films centres on aboy living in Shanghai at the outset of WWii`empire of the sun
FILM: Which of The Color Purples co producers also wrote the music for the film`quincy jones
FILM: Which Oliver Stone war film won best picture Oscar in 1986`platoon
FILM: Which Oscar winning film of the 1980s was directed by Hugh Hudson`Chariots of FirE
FILM: Which Oscar winning song came from the film The Thomas Crown Affair`windmills of your mind
FILM: Which part of his body did Charlie Chaplin insure for 150,000 dollars`his feet
FILM:Which pop star had a cameo role in Moulin Rouge`Kylie Minogue
FILM: Which sci fi film featured three robots called Huey,Louie and Dewey`Silent Running
FILM: Which spaghetti western was based on the 1961 film Yojimbo by the Japanese director Akira Kurosawa`a fistful of dollars
FILM: Which Spielberg movie featured the characters Sargeant Tree,Sitarski and Wild Bull Kelso`1941
FILM: Which sport featured in the filmThe Stratton Story`baseball
FILM: Which then-local talk show host played the role of Sophia in The Color Purple`oprah winfrey
FILM:Which was the first film to be made in cinemascope`the robe
FILM: Which young american actor has been diagnosed as seffering from Parkinsons disease`Michael J Fox
FILM:Whish film ends"After all tomorrow is another day"`Gone with the wind
FILM:Who both directed and produced the film Citizen kane`Orson welles
FILM: Who came out of retirement to play the role of Richrad Dreyfuss' spiritual guide in Always`audrey hepburn
FILM:Who did Mark Hamill play in Star Wars`Luke Skywalker
FILM:Who directed the films Bugsy Malone & Midnight Express`Alan Parker
FILM: Who directed the film The Third Man`carol reed
FILM: Who directed the film version of Jesus Christ Superstar`Norman Jewison
FILM:Who famously said"I want to be alone"`Greta Garbo
FILM: Who has compsoed the music for the majority of Spielbergs movies`john williams
Film: Who invented James Bond `Ian Fleming
FILM;Who is the latest actress to play "The Bond Girl" in the film to be released Nove 2002`Halle berry
FILM; Who made his debut as a film writer and director with the 1992 film Reservoir Dogs in which he also acted`quentin tarantino
FILM: Who made history in 2001 when their film The wedding planner and their album were both at number one at the same time`Jennifer Lopez
FILM: Who palyed M in the Bond movie Goldeneye`Judi Dench
FILM:Who played a high class prostitute in belle de Jour`Catherine Deneuve
film: who played an indian in 'tell them willie boy is here'`katharine ross
Film - Who played "Annie Hall"`diane keaton
Film: Who played "Brewster" in Brewster's Millions`richard pryor
film: who played "carey mahoney" in police academy 2?`steve guttenberg
Film - who played carrie`sissy spacek
film: who played "celie" in the color purple?`whoopi golberg
film: who played "celie" in the color purple?`whoopi goldberg
film: who played "chandler jarrell" in the golden child?`eddie murphy
film: who played "danoel" in the karate kid part ii?`ralph macchio
film: who played "darcy" in for keeps`molly ringwald
film: who played "donna caldwell" in the presidio?`meg ryan
FILM: Who played Dr Ellie Sattler in Jurassic Park`laura dern
film: who played "dr emmett brown" in back to the future?`christopher lloyd
FILM: Who played Dustin Hoffmans brother in the film Marathon Man`roy scheider
FILM:Who played Elizabeth in Lord of the Rings`cate Blanchett
Film: Who played "George" in Harry and the Hendersons`john lithgow
FILM: Who played Indys love interest in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, leter to marry Spielberg`kate capshaw
FILM: Who played Ingrid Bergmans husband in Casablanca`Paul Henreid
Film: who played "jack forrester" in jagged edge`jeff bridges
Film: who played "jake phillips" in the principal`louis gossett jr
Film: Who played "Kathleen Riley" in Suspect`cher
FILM: Who played King Feisal of Iraq in the film Lawrence of Arabia`Alec Guinness
FILM:Who played Lara Croft`Angelina jolie
film: who played "laura kelly" in legal eagles`debra winger
Film: Who played "Lex Luthor" in Superman IV`gene hackman
FILM: Who played Lex Luthor in the Superman films of the 1970s and 1980s`gene hackman
Film: Who played "Lincoln Hawk" in Over the Top`sylvester stallone
FILM: Who played Marco Polo in the 1962 film`Gary Cooper
FILM: Who played Mel Gibsons partner in the Lethan Weapon films`danny glover
FILM: Who played Michael Douglas' wife in Fatal attraction`Anne Archer
FILM: Who played M in the Bond movie Tomorrow Never Dies`judi dench
film: who played "nadia gates" in blind date`kim basinger
Film: Who played "Nadia Gates" in Blind Date`kim bassinger
FILM: Who played Ratso Rizzo in the film Midnight Cowboy`Dustin Hoffman
Film - Who played Rhoda Penmark`patty mccormack
FILM:Who played Roxie Hart`Ginger Rogers
film: who played "sally" in perfect?`marilu henner
film: who played "sean stein" in surrender?`michael cain
Film: Who played 'sean stein' in surrender`michael caine
Film: Who played "Semmi" in Coming to America`arsenio hall
Film: who played "sister agnes" in agnes of god`meg tilly
Film - who played sue snell in carrie`amy irving
FILM:Who played the boxer Jake la Motta in the 1980 film Raging Bull`Robert de Niro
FILM: Who played the female lead in the Ghostbusters films`Sigourney Weaver
film - who played the heiress`olivia de haviland
FILM: Who played the Jackal in the film The day of the Jackal`Edward Fox
FILM: Who played the male lead in Blood Alley, The High and the mighty and In harms way`John Wayne
FILM: Who played the part of Elliotts sister Gertie in ET, The Extra-terrestrial`drew barrymore
FILM: Who played the part of The Forger in The Great Escape`Donald Pleasence
FILM Who played the part of the murderer John Christie in the 1971 film Ten Rillington Place`richard attenborough
FILM: Who played the police chief in Jaws`Roy Scheider
FILM: Who played the title role in Ghandi in 1982`Ben Kingsley
FILM: Who played the title role in Shirley Valentine`pauline collins
FILM: Who played the title role in the film Hook`dustin hoffman
FILM: Who played the title role in the film The Pride of Miss Jean Brodie`Maggie Smith
FILM: Who played the title role in The Millionairess`sophia loren
FILM: Who played the Wicked Uncle Ernie in the film Tommy`Keith Moon
FILM: Who played the young Indy in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade`river phoenix
FILM: Who played Toulouse Lautrec in the film Moulin Rouge`Jose Ferrer
film - who played velvet brown?`elizabeth taylor
FILM: Who plays Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek - the next Generation`Patrick Stewart
FILM: Who produced the original film of Scarface`Howard Hughes
FILM: Who said I wanted to be Snow White but I drifted`mae West
FILM: Who sang Falling in love again in The Blue Angel in 1930`Marlene Dietrich
FILM: Whose four wives included Ann Howe and Miranda Quarry`Peter ellers
FILM:Who starred along side Peter Sellers in The Millionairess`Sophia Loren
FILM:Who starred in 1930 film The Blue angel`Marlene Dietrich
FILM: Who starred in and directed the film Yentl`Barbra Streisand
FILM:Who starred in Easy Street`Charlie Chaplin
FILM:Who starred in The Deep`Jacqueline Bisset
FILM: Who starred in the films Monkey Business, Houseboat, Indiscreet and Walk, dont run`cary grant
FILM:Who starred in The man with the golden arm`Frank Sinatra
FILM: Who starred in the silent movies Bllod and sand, The Eagle and The Sheik`Rudolph Valentino
FILM: Who starred opposite Fred Astaire in Easter Parade`Judy Garland
FILM: Who starred opposite Richard Gere in the 1990 film Pretty Woman`julia roberts
FILM: who was born roy scherer`rock hudson
FILM: Who was Fred Astaires dancing partner in the 1957 film Silk Stockings`cyd charisse
Film - Who was the female star of Bugsy Malone`jodie foster
Film - Who was the female star of Sophie's Choice`meryl streep
FILM:Who was the first black female Oscar winner to win best actress`Halle Berry
Film - Who was the original Gidget`sandra dee
Film - Who was the star of "A Boy and his Dog"`don johnson
Film - Who was the star of The Doctor`william hurt
FILM:Who was the swedish star of Grand Hotel`greta Garbo
FILM: Who won an Academy Award for best original screen play with his second film Pulp Fiction`quentin tarantino
FILM:Who won an Oscar aged 10 for her role in Paper Moon`Tatum O'Neal
FILM: Who won best actor Oscar in 1989 for My left Foot`Daniel Day-Lewis
FILM: Who won best actress oscars for Dangerous and Jezebel`Bette davis
Film: Will Smith was the first rapper to get a grammy for what song`Parents Just Dont Understand
Filo pastry stuffed with chopped nuts and honey`baklava
F.I.M. is the governing body for all the forms of which sport`motor cycling
Final and decisive action of the Napoleonic Wars, that effectively ended French domination of Europe`battle
Final and decisive action of the Napoleonic Wars, that effectively ended French domination of Europe?`battle of waterloo
FinalanddecisiveactionoftheNapoleonicWars,thateffectivelyendedFrenchdominationofEurope`battle of waterloo
Final nation listed in the nation song...`sudan
Final Resting Place Did Boris Yeltsin Yank The Honour Guard From In 1993`V.I. Lenin's
Final Track on Pearl Jam's vs.`indifference
finance: what do you call the stock market that is on the rise`bull market
Financial assistance given by one person or government to another`subsidy
Financially pressed: destitute`uptight
Financial resources: funds`coffer
Find sources of light in the word spelled - psalm`lamps
Fine coal: slack`duff
fine cuisine: where was baloney first served`bologna, italy
Fine leather made from the hide of a calf`calfskin
Finely chopped meat`mincemeat
Finely ground meal of grains of wheat, obtained by milling`flour
Fine material from tropical tree used to stuff cushions`kapok
Fine parchment originally calfskin used for manuscripts`vellum
Fine white clay used in porcelain and medicines`kaolin
Fingers Are All ___ Are Very Clumsy Indeed`Thumbs
'finished with my woman cause she couldn't help me with my mind..' what is the title of this popular black sabbath tune`paranoid
Finish song title: "Don't Think Twice It's ___ _____"`all right
Finish the Erasure song title: "River Deep, ________ ____"`mountain high
Finish the Erasure song title: "When I ______ ___."`needed you
Finish the Erasure song title: "Witch In The _____"`ditch
Finish the Line: abc, easy as 1,2,3`or simple as do re mi
Finish the line: Another one bites the`dust
Finish the Line: from a distance, you look like my friend`even though we are at war
Finish the line: Go on, take the money and`run
Finish the line: Have I told you lately that`i love you
Finish the line: Hit me with your`best shot
Finish the line: I alway's feel like`somebodys watching me
Finish the Line: i chew my nails, then i twiddle my thumbs i'm real nervous`but it sure is fun
Finish the line: I feel the earth move`under my feet
Finish the Line: is this the little girl i carried`is this the little boy at play
Finish the line: "'s a nice day for a _____ ________..."`white wedding
Finish the line: "...I've been waiting ___ __ ____ ____ ____..."`for a girl like you
Finish the line: Layla, you've got me on`my knees
Finish the Line: moon river, wider than a mile`i'm crossing you in style someday
Finish the line: My analyst told me that I was right outta`my head
Finish the line: Really don't know how it feels to be`thick as a brick
Finish the Line: sex is natural. sex is fun. sex is best`when its one on one
Finish the line: sometimes I feel I've got to`run away
Finish the line: The first cut is the`deepest
Finish the line: There's a whistle up above and people`pushing people shoving
Finish the Line: when life is too much`roll with it baby
Finish the line: You picked a fine time to`leave me lucille
Finish the lyric: 'Another one bites the _____`dust
Finish the song line: Go on, take the money & _.`run
Finish The Song Line: Have I told you lately that _ _ _.`i love you
Finish the song line: Hit me with your _ _.`best shot
Finish The Song Line: I feel the earth move _ _ _.`under my feet
Finish The Song Line: I left my heart in _ _.`san francisco
Finish The Song Line: Layla, you've got me on _ _.`my knees
Finish The Song Line: Longer boats are coming to _ _.`win us
Finish The Song Line: My analyst told me that I was right outta _ _.`my head
Finish the song line: Really don't know how it feels to be _ _ _ _.`thick as a brick
Finish The Song Line: Say what you will, but I'm a _.`stinker
Finish The Song Line: She came in through the _ _.`bathroom window
Finish the song line: The first cut is the _.`deepest
Finish The Song Line: There's a whistle up above 'n people _ _ _.`pushing people shoving
Finish The Song Line: Whispering just below a _.`shout
Finish the song line: You picked a fine time to _ _ _.`leave me lucille
finish the title of this hit record by c and c music factory; things that make you go..what`hmmmm
Finish this quote by Sam Goldwyn: 'Let its have some new'`cliches
Fiorello is the Italian word for what`Little Flower
Fired unglazed pottery`bisque
Firm cushion used as low seat or foot stool`pouffe
Firmly loyal or constant: unswerving. faithful`steadfast
Firmly resolved or determined: resolute. obstinate`stubborn
Firm Music: What was the first album Roger Waters released after leaving Pink Floyd`The Pros and Cons of Hitch Hiking
Firm or compact in substance`solid
First 2 Books Are Entitled The Lost Continent And Neither Here Nor There`Bill Bryson
First Aid: The infamous Heimlich Maneuver is also known as`The Abdominal Thrust
First Aid: What is another name for the abdominal Thrust`The Heimlich Maneuver
First American artist to get label credit on a Beatles record`preston
First Book, In 1962, Was 'The Ipcress File'`Len Deighton
first book, in 1962, was The lpcress File`len deighton
First Byzantine emperor`justinian
first class flicks: chance the gardener finds himself as presidential advisor thru accident.`being there
first class flicks: con artist & his young pal formulate elaborate swindle.`the sting
first class flicks: eliot ness & crew clean up chicago.`the untouchables
first class flicks: hollywood exec receives threats from underappreciated writer.`the player
first class flicks: jailed rebel has personality conflict with chain gang warden, plans escape.`cool hand luke
first class flicks: modern l.a. mobsters learn one of their number is police informer.`reservoir dogs
first class flicks: small european nation declares war on u.s. to gain post-war aid...but wins.`the mouse that roared
first class flicks: three washed-up movie stars hired by besieged mexican town to fight bandito.`three amigos!
First division of the Paleozoic Era?`Cambrian Period
First emperor of Rome (27bc-14ad), who restored unity and orderly government to the realm after nearly a century of civil wars.`Augustus
first feature-length animated movie by disney`snow white and the seven dwarfs
First Hit, In The 1960s, Was 'I Remember You'`Frank Ifield
First Hits: Chicago`make me smile
First Hits: Creedence Clearwater Revival`suzy q
First Hits: Fats Domino`aint that a shame
First Hits: Meat Loaf`two out of three aint bad
First Hits: The Four Seasons`sherry
First in degree or rank: chief. chief`prime
First in degree or rank: chief. chief`primes
first japanese winner of the nobel prize for literature`kawabata yasunari
First letter of the Hebrew alphabet`aleph
First Lines: I got my first real six string, bought it at the five and dime`summer of 69
First Lines Of Songs: "I got my first real six string, bought it at the five & dime..."`summer of 69
First Lines Of Songs: "On a warm summer's eve, on a train bound for nowhere..."`the gambler
First Lines Of Songs: "One foot on the brake, & one on the gas, yeah!"`i Cant Drive 55
First Lines Of Songs: "There's trouble on the streets tonight, I can feel it in my bones..."`smugglers blues
First Lines Of Songs: "When are ya gonna come down When are ya going to learn"`goodbye yellow brick road
First Lines: On a warm summers eve, on a train bound for nowhere`the gambler
First Lines: One foot on the brake, and one on the gas, yeah`i Can't Drive 55
First Lines: There's trouble on the streets tonight, I can feel it in my bones`smugglers blues
First Lines: When are ya gonna come down When are ya going to learn`goodbye yellow brick road
First Marvin Gaye and then Cindy Lauper asked this question`what's goin on
first name of paul maccartney's mother`mary
first name of the famous lord nelson of trafalgar`horatio
First name of the lead singer of the group that sings "Laid" & "Sit Down"`tim
First Names: ______ Anthony -- prolific sci-fi and fantasy author`piers
First Names: ______ Johnson -- Lincoln's successor: only impeached president`andrew
First Names: ______ Tse Tung -- Chinese communist leader`mao
First Names: ______ Zappa -- daughter of Frank: named after celestial object`moon
First Name Was Pablo`Picasso
First Night In Jail Prompted Her Hubby, Harry, To Kill The Lights In A Skyscraper's Tower`Leona Helmsley
First Novel Was 'Saturday Night And Sunday Morning'`Alan Sillitoe
First Number-1 Hit Was Cherish`Association
First performance or showing of play or film`premiere
first person to have a part of him buried on the moon`eugene shoemaker
First Police album`outlandos damour
First preached by arius in the 4th centruy, what term is used for the belief that jesus is not the equal of god`arianism
First produced in 1960, which Lerner and Loewe musical contains the songs - What Do the Simple Folk Do and If Ever I Would Leave You`camelot
First Published Book, In 1961, Was 'Call For The Dead'`John Le Carre
First Regular Starring Tv Role Was As Social Worker Neil Brock On 'East Side, West Side'`George C. Scott
first release was 'talking heads 77'`psycho killer
First Song On Album: Eagles: Hotel California`hotel california
First Song On Album: Gloria Estefan's Greatest Hits`conga
First Song On Album: Queen Greatest Hits`we will rock you
First Song On Album: Wayne's World 2 Soundtrack`louie louie
First Song On Album: ZZ Top's Greatest Hits`gimme all your lovin
First song on Pink Floyd's The Division Bell.`cluster
First song released on Pantera's _Far Beyond Driven_ album`im broken
First Starring Role Was In 1945's 'Salome, Where She Danced'`Yvonne
First time Lesbian sex is frequently..?`Thrilling yet terrifying
first to conquer the south pole`roald amundsen
First Tool video with small claymation man doing weird things in some house`sober
First women in outer space`Sally Ride
Fish are the only vertebrates that outnumber`birds
Fishes which, as adults, lie on one side of the body with both eyes on the opposite, upward-facing side of the head`flatfish
Fish: How many eggs can a bluegill lay`40,000
Fish was lead singer with which band, before going solo`marillion
fish: what is lepomis cyanellus?`green sunfish
fish: what is lepomis humilis`orange spotted`independence
fish: what is lepomis humilis`orange spotted sunfish
Fish: What is Morone Mississippiensis`yellow bass
Fish: What is Pomoxis Nigromacultus`black crappie
Fishy short story also known as Creation Took Eight Days`goldfish bowl
Fissionable material used in a nuclear reactor`fuel
Fit to command`masterful
Fit to travel on the sea: seagoing: '--------- vessels.'`seafaring
five jello flavours that flopped: celery, coffee, ---------- , apple and chocolate`cola
five jello flavours that flopped: celery, coffee, cola, ---------- and chocolate`apple
five jello flavours that flopped: celery, coffee, cola, apple and----------`chocolate
five jello flavours that flopped: celery, ---------- , cola, apple and chocolate`coffee
five jello flavours that flopped:---------- , coffee, cola, apple and chocolate`celery
Five members of Lt. Col. George Armstrong Custer's family were killed at the Battle of -------------: Tom and Boston, two half-brothers; Harry Armstrong Reed, a nephew; and a brother-in-law, James Calhoun.`little big horn
Five minutes`45 minutes
Five squared equals 25, what other number when squared gives the answer 25`minus five
Five u.s states border which ocean`pacific ocean
Fixed in the character or disposition as if inherited: deep-seated: 'an ------ distrust of radicalism.' innate`inbred
Fixed: permanent: (There is nothing settled, nothing ----- in this universe (Virginia Woolf)`staid
Fixed: stationary`static
'flag day' is celebrated in canada on what date`february 15
Flagg canadian: wild hairy monster of indian lore`sasquatch
Flag Has The National Arms On One Side And The Treasury Seal On The Other`Paraguay
Flag Is Taller Than It Is Wide`Nepal
Flags considered as a group`buntings
flamingo tongues were a common delicacy at ---------- feasts`roman
flamingo ---------- were a common delicacy at roman feasts`tongues
Flashy, showy, or florid in style or manner: flowery`ornate
Flat, round, brown spots on the skin that contain an excess of melanin, the human skin pigment`freckles
Flattened, oblong organ that removes disease-producing organisms & worn-out red blood cells from the bloodstream`spleen
Flattened, pear-shaped, hollow organ in the pelvis of the human female & most other mammals`uterus
Flavoured effervescent powder or drink`sherbet
Fleas can accelerate ------------- times faster than the space shuttle.`fifty
Fleeting: evanescent`fleeted
Fleetwood Macs best-selling album`rumours
Flesh of sheep used as food`mutton
Fleshy fruit of trailing cucumber like plant, often dried`gourd
Fleshy part of soft palate hanging above the throat`uvula
Flexible disc for storage of computer data`floppy disk
Flicks: Archaeologist teams up with long lost father in search of the Holy Grail`indiana jones and the last Crusade
Flicks: Dim-witted man finds himself in important histrical events in the USA`forrest gump
Flicks: Documentary about the pressure placed on women to be thin and beautiful.`the famine within
Flicks: Exquisite movie about a boy who tames and races an Arabian horse.`the black stallion
Flicks: Jack Nicholson movie about mental hospital and R.P. McMurphy.`one flew over the cuckoos nest
Flicks: Mountain Ranger races terrorists on mountain to find three money suitcases`cliffhanger
Flicks: Movie featuring the immortal characters Blanche DuBois and Stanley Kowalski.`a streetcar named Desire
Flicks: Policeman visits wife in Los Angeles and battles terrorists on highrise`die hard
Flicks: Spielberg movie about a group of kids who go looking for buried treasure.`the goonies
Flicks: Suicidal cop is partnered with reluctant aging cop. Fight drug runners`lethal weapon
Flimsy: insubstantial`cardboard
Floating refuse or debris`flotsam
Floating wreckage at sea`flotsam
Floppy woollen beret of Scotish origin`tam-o'-shanter
Florence Nightingale tended the soldiers in which war`crimean
Florence Nightingale was known as 'The Lady of the ______'`lamp
Florence was severely flooded in what year`1966
Florentine Republic was besieged by the Medicis in 1530`michelangelo
Florida is often referred to as 'The Sunshine State' what place in Australia also has the same nickname`queensland
Florizel & Perdita are characters in which Shakespeare play`the winter's tale
FLOWERS: What flower is associated with the month of August`gladiolus
FLOWERS: What flower is associated with the month of December`narcissus
FLOWERS: What flower is associated with the month of February`violet
FLOWERS: What flower is associated with the month of January`carnation
FLOWERS: What flower is associated with the month of July`larkspur
FLOWERS: What flower is associated with the month of June`rose
FLOWERS: What flower is associated with the month of May`lily of the valley
FLOWERS: What flower is associated with the month of October`calendula
FLOWERS: What flower is associated with the month of September`aster
Flowing effortlessly: polished: 'speaks fluent Russian: gave a fluent performance of the sonata.'`fluency
flub-a-dub and chief thunderchicken were regulars on`howdy doody
flub a dub & chief thunder chicken were regulars on`howdy doody
Fluctuating: changeable: 'an unsteady market.'`unsteadier
Fluid produced in the lacrimal glands above the outside corner of each eye`tears
Flushed with a healthy glow: '---- cheeks.'`rosy
Flushed with a healthy glow: 'rosy cheeks.'`rosier
flutes made from what material do not expand with humidity so their owners are spared the nuisance of tuning them?`glass
Flux which english physicist worked on thermodynamics and has a unit of energy named for him`james prescott joule
Flying Animals: Birds with the Largest Wingspan, 1st place goes to`Great White Pelican
Flying Animals: Birds with the Largest Wingspan, 2nd place goes to`Wandering Albatross
Flying Animals: Birds with the Largest Wingspan, 3rd place goes to`Andean Condor
Flying Animals: The world's fastest flying bird, at over 76kph (47mph)`Common Eider
Flying Animals: The world's fastest running bird, at over 72kph (44mph)`Ostrich
Flying Animals: The world's fastest swimming bird, at over 35kph (21mph)`Penguin
Flying Animals: With a distance of 19,000 kms (11,806 mi), this bird holds the record for the furthest migration route`Pectoral Sandpiper
flying at the speed of sound is also known as`mach one
Flying corps what word comes from latin "monachus", meaning "one who lives alone"`monk
'flying dutchman', 'soling' and 'tornado' are all classes of ______`sailboats
Fly that bites cattle`gadfly
Foam: lather`suds
Focus group information compiled by CalComp revealed that 50 percent of computer users do not like using a`mouse
Fodder preserved in a silo: silage`ensilage
Followers of the Unification Church are called ________.`moonies
Followers of the Unification Church are called `Moonies
Followers of the unification church are nicknamed _______`moonies
Followers of which religion use prayer wheels`buddhism
Followers of which religion worship in a synagogue`judaism
Following as a logical conclusion`consequent
Following earlier failures on TV, Danny Thomas successfully returns in`make
Following earlier failures on TV, Danny Thomas successfully returns in`make room for daddy
following earlier failures on tv, danny thomas successfully returns in`make room`school
Following the success of Fever Pitch what was the title of Nick Hornby's first novel`high fidelity
Fond of books: studious`bookish
Fond of home life and household affairs`domestic
Fontana tv: barbara bel geddes won a emmy in 1980 as outstanding lead actress in what drama series`dallas
Fonzarelli the swiss family _______`robinson
FOOD: A breakfast food of rolled oats, dried fruit, nuts etc usually eaten with milk`muesli
Food: Adding this to a mere martini makes it a Gibson.`onion
Food: Add this to milk, eggs, and sugar to make a Tom and Jerry.`rum
Food: A food labelled "Florentine" is prepared with this.`spinach
FOOD: A liqueur made red, acid-tasting cherries`maraschino
Food and Drink: At which stage of a meal would you have an hors d'oeuvre`beginning
Food and Drink : Even though it tastes nothing like grapes, a __________ is often eaten for breakfast`grapefruit
Food and Drink : From what animal do we get venison`deer
Food and Drink : From which fish is caviar obtained`sturgeon
Food and Drink : From which fruit is the liqueur Kirsh made`cherry
Food and Drink : Iceberg, Boston, and Bibb are types of _________.`lettuce
Food and Drink: Is a schnitzel a sweet or a savoury`savoury
Food and Drink : Laetrile is associated with the pit of which fruit`apricot
Food and Drink : Little round chocolate candies are known as _&m's.`m
Food and Drink : Mustard, ketchup and onions on a hotdog are all ___________.`condiments
Food and Drink : Name the only fruit named for its color.`orange
Food and Drink : Natural vanilla flavoring comes from this plant.`orchid
Food and Drink : Often drank, this liquid is normally harvested from female cows.`milk
Food and Drink : Often eaten for breakfast, bacon is actually the flesh of what barnyard animal`pig
Food and Drink : Often eaten for breakfast, the egg comes from what barnyard animal`chicken
Food and Drink : Rum is made from this plant.`sugar cane
Food and Drink : Vermicelli literally means ___________.`little worms
Food and Drink: What colour is creme de menthe?`green
Food and Drink: What colour is the flesh of an avocado`green
Food and Drink : What do you get when you add fresh fruit to red wine`sangria
Food and Drink : What is Japanese "sake" made from`rice
Food and Drink: What is the main ingredient of a traditional fondue?`cheese
Food and Drink : What is the name of the syrup drained from raw sugar`molasses
Food and Drink : What kind of nuts are used in marzipan`almonds
Food and Drink: What type of drink is Perrier?`mineral water
Food and Drink: What type of food is pitta (pita)?`bread
Food and Drink : Where is the best brandy bottled`cognac
Food and Drink : Where was Budweiser first brewed`st. louis
Food and Drink : Where was Budweiser first brewed`st louis`saint louis
Food and Drink: Which red jelly is a traditional accompaniment to lamb?`redcurrant
Food : Boston butt, jowl, and picnic ham are parts of a _________.`pig
FOOD: Bummalo fish dried and salted is eaten as a relish called what`bombay duck
FOOD: Cakes or biscuits made with egg whites, sugar and ground almonds or coconut`macaroons
FOOD: Caster,demerara and Muscovado are all types of what`sugar
Food & Drink: 10% Of The Russian Government's Income Is Derived From The Sale Of This`Vodka
Food & Drink: 1 1/2 Oz. Anis: 1/2 Oz. Dry Vermouth: And 1/2 Oz. Sweet Vermouth`Duchess
Food & Drink: 1 1/2 Oz. Blended Whiskey And Apple Cider`Incider Cocktail
Food & Drink: 1 1/2 Oz. Hot Shot Tropical Fruit Liqueur Or Peach Schnapps: 1 1/2 Oz. Vodka: And 3 1/2 Oz. Cranberry Juice`Woo Woo
Food & Drink: 1 1/2 Oz. Light Rum,1 Lime, Powdered Sugar, Fruit Juice, Blend W/Crushed Ice`Daiquiri
Food & Drink: 1/2 Oz. Light Rum,1/2 Oz. Dark Rum,1 Oz. Orange, Lime, Pineapple Juice`Pina Colada
Food & Drink: 1 Kg Of ______ Contain More Sugar Than 1 Kg Of Strawberries`Lemons
Food & Drink: 1 Kg Of Lemons Contain More Sugar Than 1 Kg Of`Strawberries
Food & Drink: 1 Ounce Of Light Rum And The Juice Of 1/2 Lime, Top With Cola`Cuba Libre
Food & Drink: 1 Oz. Gin,1/2 Oz. Dry Vermouth,1/2 Oz. Sweet Vermouth,1/2 Oz. Orange Juice`Bronx Cocktail
Food & Drink: 1 Oz. Gin And 1 Oz. Orange Juice`Orange Blossom
Food & Drink: 1 Tsp. Orange Juice: 1/2 Oz. Sweet Vermouth: 1/2 Oz. Dry Vermouth: 1 Oz. Gin: And 1 Dash Grenadine`Beauty Spot Cocktail
Food & Drink: 2 Dashes Bitters: 3/4 Oz. Orange Juice: 3/4 Oz. Dry Vermouth: And 3/4 Oz. Gin`Peter Pan Cocktail
Food & Drink: 2 Oz. Gin, Juice Of 1/2 Lemon,1 Tsp Sugar, Pour Over Ice Cubes`Tom Collins
Food & Drink: 2 Oz. Gin, Juice Of 1/2 Lemon,1 Tsp Sugar, Top With Soda Water`Gin Fizz
Food & Drink: '7x' Was Used To Refer To The Secret Ingredient Of What Drink`Coca Cola
Food & Drink: '7x' Was Used To Refer To The Secret Ingredient Of Which Drink`Coca Cola
Food & Drink: 90% Of The _______ _ Present In Brussel Sprouts Are Lost In Cooking`Vitamin C
Food & Drink: 90% Of The Vitamin C Present In _________ Are Lost In Cooking`Brussel Sprouts
Food & Drink: 90% Of The Vitamin C Present In Brussel Sprouts Are Lost In`Cooking
Food & Drink: 96% Of A Cucumber Is`Water
Food & Drink: 96% Of A ______ Is Water`Cucumber
Food & Drink: A 12 Ounce Can Of Soda Pop Contains The Equivalent Of 9 Teaspoons Of What`Sugar
Food & Drink: A 15-Pound Turkey Typically Has About 70 Percent _____ ____ And 30 Percent Dark Meat`White Meat
Food & Drink: A 15-Pound Turkey Typically Has About 70 Percent White Meat And 30 Percent ____`Dark Meat
Food & Drink: A 15-Pound ______ Typically Has About 70 Percent White Meat And 30 Percent Dark Meat`Turkey
Food & Drink: A-1 Steak Sauce Contains Both ______ _____ And Raisins`Orange Peels
Food & Drink: A-1 Steak Sauce Contains Both Orange __________ And Raisins`Peels
Food & Drink: A-1 Steak Sauce Contains Both Orange Peels And`Raisins
Food & Drink: A Baba Is A _____ ____ Of Leavened Dough, Sometimes Mixed With Currants And Usually Soaked In Rum`Small Cake
Food & Drink: A Baba Is A Small Cake Of Leavened Dough, Sometimes Mixed With ________ And Usually Soaked In Rum`Currants
Food & Drink: A Baba Is A Small Cake Of Leavened Dough, Sometimes Mixed With Currants And Usually Soaked In`Rum
Food & Drink: Abbaye De Belloc Is A French, Traditional Farmhouse, ____ ______ From The Pays Basque Region, Made From Unpasturized Sheep's Milk`Hard Cheese
Food & Drink: Abbaye De Belloc Is A French, Traditional Farmhouse, Hard Cheese From The Pays Basque Region, Made From ____________ _____'_`Unpasturized Sheep's Milk
Food & Drink: A 'Blenheim Orange.'`Apple
Food & Drink: A Bota Is A ________ ___ For Holding Wine`Goatskin Bag
Food & Drink: A Bota Is A Goatskin Bag For Holding`Wine
Food & Drink: About 1612, Early French Explorers Reported That The Iroquois Popped _______ In A Pottery Vessel With Heated Sand`Popcorn
Food & Drink: About 3,500 Gallons Of Water Are Needed To Produce One Pound Of`Beef
Food & Drink: About 93 Percent Of Households In Denmark Consume ____, The Highest Consumption Of All Countries. French Homes Follow With About 85 Percent`Wine
Food & Drink: A Bowl Of _______ Contains Twice As Much Sodium As A Bowl Of Potato Chips`Wheaties
Food & Drink: A Bowl Of Wheaties Contains Twice As Much ______ As A Bowl Of Potato Chips`Sodium
Food & Drink: Absinth Is A Strong Alcoholic Drink Containing From 60 To 80 Percent Alcohol. It Contains ________ ___ Which Gives It Its Distinctive Taste, But Also Toxic Qualities`Wormwood Oil
Food & Drink: A Can Of Pepsi Holds _____ Fluid Ounces`Twelve
Food & Drink: A Can Of Spam Is Opened Every ______ Seconds`Four
Food & Drink: A Cantaloupe Is A Small What`Melon
Food & Drink: According To A Minute Maid Survey, 60 Million Americans Set Up Stands To Sell ________ When They Were Kids`Lemonade
Food & Drink: According To A Study, The Most Popular Medium Of Gift-Exchange In Eastern Europe Is A Bottle Of`Vodka
Food & Drink: According To Chinese Folklore, _______ Not Only Kept Lungs Healthy, But Those Grown In A Mythical Garden Were The Fruit Of Eternal Life`Peaches
Food & Drink: According To Dr. Bruce Ames, University Of California At Berkeley, There Are More Than 1,000 Chemicals In A Cup Of`Coffee
Food & Drink: According To Enrico Caruso, 'It Is A Good Fruit. You Eat, You Drink, And You Wash Your Face'. What Fruit Was He Talking About`Watermelon
Food & Drink: According To Food Experts, _________ For Meat Are For A One-Time Use Only`Marinades
Food & Drink: According To Jewish Dietary Law, When Can You Eat A Cheeseburger`Never
Food & Drink: According To Many Studies, _________ Is The Number One Food Craved By Women, But Scientists Are Undecided As To Why`Chocolate
Food & Drink: According To Purist Italian Chefs, Ingredients That Should Never Appear On An Authentic Italian Pizza Include ____ ______, Pepperoni, Or Chicken`Bell Pepper
Food & Drink: According To The Head Chef At The United Nations, The President Of Iceland Eats Fish Every Day For Lunch. Additionally, The Queen Of Denmark Has A Taste For ________ ____, And Pres. Bill Clinton Has A Passion For Chicken`Japanese Food
Food & Drink: According To The National Safety Council, ______ Is Not Successful At Sobering Up A Drunk Person, And In Many Cases It May Actually Increase The Adverse Effects Of Alcohol`Coffee
Food & Drink: According To The National Sausage And Hot Dog Council, Kids Said They Would Prefer _________ _____ On Their Hotdogs As Long As Their Mom Wasn't Watching`Chocolate Sauce
Food & Drink: According To The U.S. Department Of Agriculture, Americans Eat More Than 22 Pounds Of ________ Every Year`Tomatoes
Food & Drink: According To The U.S. Department Of Commerce, The United States' Per Capita Consumption For _____________ Products Rose To 24.9 Pounds Per Year In 1997, Compared To 18.3 Pounds In 1987`Confectionery
Food & Drink: According To Vincent Vega, A Big Mac Called In France`Le Big Mac
Food & Drink: According To Vincent, Whats A Quarter Pounder Called In France`Royale With Cheese
Food & Drink: _____ ________ Account For 29 Percent Of All Food Consumed In The United States`Dairy Products
Food & Drink: Acetic Acid, Diluted, Is Yummy As What`Vinegar
Food & Drink: Acids In Foods Such As ________ And Vinegar Affect Bean Tenderness When Cooking`Tomatoes
Food & Drink: Acids In Foods Such As Tomatoes And Vinegar Affect ____ __________ When Cooking`Bean Tenderness
Food & Drink: A Circa 1116 B.C. Chinese Imperial Edict Claimed That The Use Of _______ In Moderation Was Required By Heaven`Alcohol
Food & Drink: A Cluster Of Bananas In Grocery Stores Is Called`A Hand
Food & Drink: A Cluster Or Bunch Of Bananas Is Called A`Hand
Food & Drink: A Combination Of Chopped And Boiled Pigs Heads, Feet, Hearts And Tongues, Held Together In A Loaf Shaped By Gelatin`Head Cheese
Food & Drink: A Company In __________ Makes Dinnerware Out Of Wheat, So You Can Eat Your Plate`Taiwan
Food & Drink: A Company In Taiwan Makes Dinnerware Out Of__________, So You Can Eat Your Plate`Wheat
Food & Drink: A Company In Taiwan Makes Dinnerware Out Of Wheat, So You Can Eat Your`Plate
Food & Drink: A Company In Taiwan Makes __________ Out Of Wheat, So You Can Eat Your Plate`Dinnerware
Food & Drink: A Connoisseur Of Good Food`Gourmet
Food & Drink: A Cross Between A Blackberry And A Raspberry`Tayberry
Food & Drink: A Cuit Was A Thickened And Sweetened ____. It Was Thickened By Boiling Down`Wine
Food & Drink: Added To A Welsh Rarebit To Make A Buck Rarebit`Poached Egg
Food & Drink: Added To Brandy To Make A Sidecar`Cointreau
Food & Drink: Adding This To A Mere Martini Makes It A Gibson`Onion
Food & Drink: Add This To Milk, Eggs, And Sugar To Make A Tom And Jerry`Rum
Food & Drink: A Diet Of Bread And Water Is Called`Xerophagy
Food & Drink: A Diet Of _____ ___ _____ Is Called Xerophagy`Bread And Water
Food & Drink: A Dish That Is Called Florentine Is Cooked With`Spinach
Food & Drink: Adnams Is An English Beer Brewing Company Of _______. They Were Established In 1890`Suffolk
Food & Drink: Adnams Regatta Is An English Summer Ale Brewed With English Pale Ale Malts And ________`Goldings Hops
Food & Drink: A Dressing Made With Oil, Wine, Vinegar And Seasoning Is Called What`Vinaigrette
Food & Drink: A Dried Plum Called`Prune
Food & Drink: A Dried Plum`Prune
Food & Drink: Aerated Water (Soda Water) Is A Solution Of ________ ____ In Water`Carbonic Acid
Food & Drink: A Favorite Dish Of The Aztecs Was _____ ______ With Chocolate Gravy`Roast Turkey
Food & Drink: A Favorite Dish Of The ______ Was Roast Turkey With Chocolate Gravy`Aztecs
Food & Drink: Affenthaler Is A ___`Red Wine
Food & Drink: A Flat Round Dutch Cheese`Gouda
Food & Drink: A Flat Round Soft Creamy French Cheese`Brie
Food & Drink: A Folded Tortilla Filled With Meat, Cheese, Beans Etc. Is Called What`Taco
Food & Drink: African Tree With Massive Trunk And Edible Fruit`Baobab
Food & Drink: A _____-______ ________ From Dunkin' Donuts Has 32 Grams Carbohydrates And 210 Calories: 70 Of The Calories Are From Fat`Jelly-Filled Doughnut
Food & Drink: After Cortez Brought _________ Back From Mexico To King Charles V's Royal Court In 1528, It Became A Profitable Industry For Spain, Which Planted Cocoa Trees In Its Overseas Colonies`Chocolate
Food & Drink: After More Than A Century As A Dessert For Royalty Alone, ___ _____ Was Made Available To The General Public For The First Time At Cafe Procope, The First Cafe In Paris, In 1670`Ice Cream
Food & Drink: A Full Loaded Supertanker Traveling At Normal Speed Takes At Least __________ Minutes To Stop`20
Food & Drink: A Full Moon Always Rises At`Sunset
Food & Drink: A Full Moon Is __________ Times Brighter Than A Half Moon`Nine
Food & Drink: A Full __________ Percent Of The Entire Irish Barley Crop Goes To The Production Of Guinness Beer`Seven
Food & Drink: A Full Seven Percent Of The Entire __________ Barley Crop Goes To The Production Of Guinness`Irishbeer
Food & Drink: A Full Seven Percent Of The Entire Irish __________ Crop Goes To The Production Of Guinness Beer`Barley
Food & Drink: A Gas Called ____________-_ Is Released When An Onion Is Sliced. Mixed With The Water In The Eye, It Forms A Weak Acid That Irritates The Eye Causing The Tear Ducts To Flood The Eye To Rid It Of The Acid`Propanethiol-S
Food & Drink: A Girl With Pig Tails, And A White-Haired Man Represent This Chain`Wendys
Food & Drink: A Good Substitute For Cornstarch Or Arrowroot To Thicken Soups And Stews Is _______ ______`Instant Mashed Potatoes
Food & Drink: A Good Substitute For Cornstarch Or _________ To Thicken Soups And Stews Is Instant Mashed Potatoes`Arrowroot
Food & Drink: A Green Or Yellow Liqueur Brandy`Chartreuse
Food & Drink: A Green Variety Of These Are Often Used As Fishing Bait`Shrimp
Food & Drink: A Hard-Boiled Egg Will__________. An Uncooked Or Soft-Boiled Egg Will Not`Spin
Food & Drink: A Hard-Boiled Egg Will Spin. An Uncooked Or ____-______ ___ Will Not`Soft-Boiled Egg
Food & Drink: A Hot Spicy Root Used In Cooking`Ginger
Food & Drink: A _____ ___ Is A Cocktail Comprised Of Equal Parts Of Gin, Scotch Whisky And Pastis Shaken Together And Then Strained Into A Glass`Bunny Hug
Food & Drink: A _______ Is A Crisp, Flat Cake, Consisting Of Flour, Sugar, Fat And Flavouring Materials. Only A Small Amount Of Moisture Is Present In A Biscuit Thus Making Them A Concentrated Food`Biscuit
Food & Drink: A _______ Is A Flat, Round Cake Made Of Oat Or Barley Meal, Or A Mixture Of Both, Moistened With Water And Toasted Upon A Girdle`Bannock
Food & Drink: A ______ Is A Fruit, But It Is Legally Known As A Vegetable`Tomato
Food & Drink: A _____ ____ Is A Large, Heavy, Saucepan With A Close-Fitting Lid Used For Braising Meat, Making Soup And Similar Dishes`Dutch Oven
Food & Drink: A ____ Is The Conical Indentation At The Bottom Of A Wine Bottle`Punt
Food & Drink: A _____ Is The Edible Part Of The Plant That Contains The Seeds, While A Vegetable Is The Edible Stems, Leaves, And Roots Of The Plant`Fruit
Food & Drink: A _______ Is Traditionally A Weak Alcoholic Beverage Flavoured With Essential Oils, Fruit Essences Or Plant Extracts And Sweetened`Cordial
Food & Drink: Aisy Cendre Is A French, Traditional, Farmhouse ____-____ ______ From The Burgundy Region Made From Unpasturized Cow's Milk`Semi-Soft Cheese
Food & Drink: Aisy Cendre Is A French, Traditional, Farmhouse Semi-Soft Cheese From The Burgundy Region Made From ____________ ___'_`Unpasturized Cow's Milk
Food & Drink: Aisy Cendre Is A French, Traditional, Farmhouse Semi-Soft Cheese From The ________ Region Made From Unpasturized Cow's Milk`Burgundy
Food & Drink: Akagai Is A Sushi Dish Of ________`Pepitona Clam
Food & Drink: A.K.A Juniper Juice`Gin
Food & Drink: A 'Kartoffel' In Germany`Potato
Food & Drink: A 'Kiwano' A Type Of`Fruit
Food & Drink: Albacore Is The Only Tuna Species Allowed To Be Marketed As _____ ____`White Meat Tuna
Food & Drink: Alcoholic ________ Is Outselling Premium Bottled Lagers In United Kingdom Pubs, According To A Report In`Lemonade
Food & Drink: Ale Is A Vague Term Applied To Any ___-_________`Top-Fermented Beer
Food & Drink: Ales Usually Have A Fuller Flavor And Body Than Lagers Or`Pilsner
Food & Drink: Ales Usually Have A Fuller Flavor And Body Than ______ Or Pilsner`Lagers
Food & Drink: A Liquor Of Apricot Pits`Amaretto
Food & Drink: A Literal Translation Of The Word ______ Is 'Swallowing A Cloud.' _______ Floating In Soup Often Resemble Tiny Clouds`Wontons
Food & Drink: Almond Liqueur That Comes From The Italian For 'Bitter', Not 'Love'`Amaretto
Food & Drink: A Long Thin French Type Of Bread`Baguette
Food & Drink: ______ ____ Also Known As Badger Best Bitter Is A Hall And Woodhouse Cask Ale With A Bitter Hop And Fruit Flavour`Dorest Best
Food & Drink: Although Italy Enjoys Many Variations Of ______ _____, None Contains More Than Five Ingredients`Tomato Sauce
Food & Drink: Although Not All Come From France, ______ Fries Are Often Served With Hamburgers`French
Food & Drink: Although Officially A Vegetable(As Only The Pink Stems Of This Plant Are Eaten) It Is Always Used In Sweet Dishes Such As Pies And Crumbles`Rhubarb
Food & Drink: Although The Combination Of _____ _______ ___ _______ For Seasoning Has Been Traced To The Ancient Aztecs, The Present Blend Is Said To Be The Invention Of Early Texans`Chile Peppers And Oregano
Food & Drink: A Magnum Of Champagne Is How Many Litres`1.5
Food & Drink: A Manhattan, But With Scotch Whiskey`Rob Roy
Food & Drink: A Man Named Ed Peterson Was The Inventor Of The ___`Egg Mcmuffin
Food & Drink: A Man Named __ ________ Was The Inventor Of The Egg Mcmuffin`Ed Peterson
Food & Drink: A Mayonnaise Flavoured With Garlic Called`Aioli
Food & Drink: A Medium ________ Has 39 Calories`Cucumber
Food & Drink: American Cooks Working With British Recipes Should Know That The Ingredient ______ _____ Is The Same As Super-Fine Granulate Sugar`Castor Sugar
Food & Drink: American Indians Were Cultivating ____________ In 1643`Strawberries
Food & Drink: Americans Consume 10 Billion ______ Annually`Donuts
Food & Drink: Americans Consume 750,000 Tons Of ______ _____ Each Year`Potato Chips
Food & Drink: Americans Eat 12 Billion __________ A Year`Bananas
Food & Drink: Americans Eat About 100 Acres Of _____ Each Day`Pizza
Food & Drink: Americans Eat Less Than One Serving Of _____ And Only 1 Servings Of Vegetables Per Day`Fruit
Food & Drink: Americans Eat The Most ___ _____ Of Any Other People In The World`Ice Cream
Food & Drink: Americans On The Average Eat 18 Acres Of ______ Every Day`Pizza
Food & Drink: Americans Purchase An Average Of 100 Cans Of ________'_ ____ Every Second Of Every Day In The Month Of January`Campbell's Soup
Food & Drink: Americans Spend More Money On ____________ Every Year Than They Spend On Baby Food`Dog Food
Food & Drink: American Tourists Are Usually Surprised To Learn About Italy's Prosperous ____ Industry, As Pasta And Olives Are Thought Of More Readily`Rice
Food & Drink: A Mexican Avocado Dip`Guacamole
Food & Drink: A Mixture Of Wine And Soda Water Is Known As A What`Spritzer
Food & Drink: A 'Morel' Is What Type Of Vegetable`Mushroom
Food & Drink: Anago Is A Sushi Dish Of ___`Sea Eel
Food & Drink: An Apple, Onion, And Potato All Have The Same Taste. The Differences In Flavor Are Caused By Their Smell. To Prove This - Pinch Your Nose And Take A Bite From Each. They Will All Taste`Sweet
Food & Drink: An Aromatic Herb Often Used With Tomatoes`Basil
Food & Drink: An Average Of 548 Peanuts Are Used In The Making Of A 12-Ounce Jar Of ______`Peanut Butter
Food & Drink: Ancient Egyptians Recommended Mixing Half An Onion With ____ ____ As A Way Of Warding Off Death`Beer Foam
Food & Drink: Ancient Egyptians Recommended Mixing Half An Onion With Beer Foam As A Way Of Warding Off`Death
Food & Drink: Ancient Egyptians Recommended Mixing Half An _____ With Beer Foam As A Way Of Warding Off Death`Onion
Food & Drink: Ancient Egyptians Used Citrus Fruits In Embalming. The Romans Used Them Much Like`Mothballs
Food & Drink: Ancient Egyptians Used Citrus Fruits In _________. The Romans Used Them Much Like Mothballs`Embalming
Food & Drink: Ancient Egyptians Used ______ ______ In Embalming. The Romans Used Them Much Like Mothballs`Citrus Fruits
Food & Drink: Ancient Romans Enjoyed Eating Blended _______ Seeds Into A Paste With The Addition Of Unfermented Grape Juice`Mustard
Food & Drink: Ancient _________ Used Citrus Fruits In Embalming. The Romans Used Them Much Like Mothballs`Egyptians
Food & Drink: Ancient Witch Doctors Claimed That _____ Seed Would Guarantee Elevated Sexual Attraction Between Lovers And Would Also Instill Retentive Powers`Cumin
Food & Drink: _______ And Celery Will Keep Longer If Stored In The Refrigerator In Paper Bags Instead Of Cellophane Ones. Do Not Remove The Outside Leaves Of Either Until Ready To Use`Lettuce
Food & Drink: _____ _________ And Noodles With Poppy Seed Is A Favorite Dish In Poland, As Is Beet Soup`Prune Dumplings
Food & Drink: _______ ______ And Oranges Are Sources Of Calcium`Collard Greens
Food & Drink: '_____' And 'Slump' Are Two Names That Refer To A Fruit Dessert With A Biscuit Topping`Grunt
Food & Drink: An Ear Of ____ Averages 800 Kernels In 16 Rows`Corn
Food & Drink: A New England Specialty, ___ _______ ____ Is Made By Frying Together Chopped Cooked Beets, Potatoes, Onions, And Crisp Bacon Until The Ingredients Are Crusty And Brown`Red Flannel Hash
Food & Drink: An Extract Of Fermented And Dried Orchid Pods`Vanilla
Food & Drink: An Illegal 1920s Saloon`Speakeasy
Food & Drink: An ______ Is A Complete Dish Consisting Of Meat, Poultry Or Fish With Vegetable And A Sauce`Entree
Food & Drink: Anise Flavored Greek Liqueur`Ouzo
Food & Drink: An ____ Is The Trademarked Name Of A Large, Sweet Tangelo With Rough, Wrinkled, Yellowish Skin`Ugli
Food & Drink: An Italian Dish Of Ham And Veal`Saltimbocca
Food & Drink: An Italian Vinegar Matured In Wooden Barrels`Balsamic
Food & Drink: An Olive In Spanish`Aceituna
Food & Drink: Antoine's Restaurant In New Orleans, Birth Place Of The Sumptuous Oysters`Rockefeller
Food & Drink: An Ugli Is The Trademarked Name Of A Large, _____ _______ With Rough, Wrinkled, Yellowish Skin`Sweet Tangelo
Food & Drink: Any Onion That Does Not Form A Large Bulb Is Called Either A ________ Or Shallot`Scallion
Food & Drink: Any _____ That Does Not Form A Large Bulb Is Called Either A Scallion Or Shallot`Onion
Food & Drink: Anzac Troops Come From Which 2 Countries`Australia And New Zealand
Food & Drink: A One-Pound Bag Of _____ ____ Usually Contains 294 Kernels`Candy Corn
Food & Drink: Aoyagi Is A Sushi Dish Of ________ ___`Japanese Red Clam
Food & Drink: Apart From Eggs, The Other Essential Ingredient In 'Eggs Florentine'`Spinach
Food & Drink: Apart From Milk, The Chief Ingredient Of Lyonnaise Sauce`Onions
Food & Drink: A Peanut If It Is Not A Pea Or A Nut`Legume
Food & Drink: A Peanut Is Not A Nut: It Is A`Legume
Food & Drink: A Person With Refined Taste In Food And Drink`Epicure
Food & Drink: A Person With Refined Taste In Food & Drink`Epicure
Food & Drink: A Popular Samoan Dish Is _____`Baked Bat
Food & Drink: A Pork Product That's Often Served For Breakfast`Bacon
Food & Drink: Apple Charlotte Is A _______ _____`Layered Apple Cake
Food & Drink: 'Applejack'`Fermented Cider
Food & Drink: Apples Are A Member Of The ____ Family`Rose
Food & Drink: Approximately 200 Million Pounds, Or 91 Million Kg, Of ___ Is Imported Into The United States Every Year`Tea
Food & Drink: Approximately 6 Million Gallons Of Prepared ___________ Are Produced In The United States Each Year`Horseradish
Food & Drink: A Pudding Of Stewed Fruit Under Bread`Charlotte
Food & Drink: A Punt Is The _______ ___________ At The Bottom Of A Wine Bottle`Conical Indentation
Food & Drink: A Punt Is The Conical Indentation At The Bottom Of A ____`Wine Bottle
Food & Drink: A ___ __ ______ Put In The Bread Bag Will Keep The Bread Fresh For A Longer Time`Rib Of Celery
Food & Drink: Arachibutyrophobia Is Fear Of ______ ______ ________ __ ___ ____ __ ____`Peanut Butter Sticking To The Roof Of Your Mouth
Food & Drink: Arborio, Patna And Basmati Are All Types Of What`Rice
Food & Drink: ______ Are A Member Of The Rose Family`Apples
Food & Drink: _____ Are A Member Of The Rose Family`Pears
Food & Drink: _____ ___ ______ Are An English Beer Brewing Company Of Bedfordshire. They Were Established In 1981`Banks And Taylor
Food & Drink: ____ Are Easier To Separate When They Are Cold, But Whites Whip Better At Room Temperature`Eggs
Food & Drink: _______ _______ Are Edible`Pumpkin Flowers
Food & Drink: _____ _______ Are Four Times As Nutritious As Fresh Bananas`Dried Bananas
Food & Drink: _______ Are Mentioned In The Old Testament Of The Bible`Almonds
Food & Drink: ______ ________ Are Not Really Crackers, But Cookies That Were Imported To The United States From England In The Late 1800s`Animal Crackers
Food & Drink: ______ ____ Are Rich In Selenium, A Potent Antioxidant`Brazil Nuts
Food & Drink: _____ _____ Are Strong Fruity Beers Brewed In Belgium Under Licence From Religious Communities. They Are Based Upon The Style Of Beers Brewed By The Monasteries`Abbey Beers
Food & Drink: __________ Are The Oldest, Most Widely Cultivated And Extensively Used Nuts In The World`Almonds
Food & Drink: ___-____ _______ Are Usually Rock-Hard. The Softer The Cookie, The More Fat Is In It`Fat-Free Cookies
Food & Drink: Argentineans Eat More ____ Than Any Other Nation In The World - An Average Of 10 Ounces Per Person Per Day`Meat
Food & Drink: Armagnac`Brandy
Food & Drink: Armagnac Is A Deep-Coloured Brandy Named After The District Of Armagnac In _______, South-West France, Where It Is Produced`Gascony
Food & Drink: Aromatic Bitter Bark Of S.American Tree`Angostura
Food & Drink: Artichokes Contain Phytochemicals - Antioxidants Which Are Beneficial In The Prevention Of Certain`Cancers
Food & Drink: Artichokes Contain Phytochemicals - ____________ Which Are Beneficial In The Prevention Of Certain Cancers`Antioxidants
Food & Drink: As A General Rule, You Should Drink 8 Ounce Glasses Of What Everyday`Water
Food & Drink: A Salad Containing Diced Apple, Celery, Walnuts And Mayonnaise Is Known As What`Waldorf Salad
Food & Drink: As Apple Juice Makes Cider, What Does Pear Juice Make`Perry
Food & Drink: As Early As 200 B.C., The Romans Had Directions On How To Grow`Asparagus
Food & Drink: A ______ Should Never Be Carved Until It Has Been Out Of The Oven At Least 30 Minutes`Turkey
Food & Drink: A Single California _______ Tree Can Produce Up To 60 Pounds Of _______ Every Year. This Is Approximately 120 Pieces Of The Green Fruit`Avocado
Food & Drink: A Slice Of _____ Fastened With Toothpicks To The Cut Edge Of A Cake Will Keep The Cake From Drying Out And Getting Stale`Bread
Food & Drink: A Small Informal Restaurant`Bistro
Food & Drink: A Small Or Imperfect Ear Of Corn Is Called A`Nubbin
Food & Drink: A Small Or Imperfect ___ __ ____ Is Called A Nubbin`Ear Of Corn
Food & Drink: A Small Pickled Cucumber`Gherkin
Food & Drink: As Many As 50 Gallons Of _____ ___ Are Needed To Make A Single Gallon Of Maple Sugar`Maple Sap
Food & Drink: As Many As 50 Gallons Of Maple Sap Are Needed To Make A Single Gallon Of _____`Maple Sugar
Food & Drink: As Much As 50 Gallons Of Maple ___ Are Used To Make A Single Gallon Of Maple Sugar`Sap
Food & Drink: As Much As 50 Gallons Of Maple Sap Are Used To Make A Single Gallon Of Maple`Sugar
Food & Drink: As Of 1999, What Is The Latest Kind Of A 'Burger' Approved For School Lunch Consumption In The U.S`Pruneburger
Food & Drink: A Soft Smooth Cheese Similar To Yoghurt Is Known As`Fromage Frais
Food & Drink: Asparagus Is A Member Of The ____ Family. The Name 'Asparagus' Comes From The Greek Language, And Means 'Sprout' Or 'Shoot.'`Lily
Food & Drink: Asparagus Is A Member Of Which Family`Lily
Food & Drink: A Spice From Which Root Is Used To Give Food A Yellow Colour`Turmeric
Food & Drink: A Sugar With The Formula C12h22011, Belonging To The Group Of Carbohydrates Known As Disaccharides`Sucrose
Food & Drink: A Sun-Dried Grape Is Known As A(N)`Raisin
Food & Drink: A Tayberry Is A Cross Between Which Two Fruits`Blackberry And Raspberry
Food & Drink: A Thin Indian Cake Of Unleavened Bread`Chapatti
Food & Drink: A Thin Pancake With Savoury Or Sweet Filling`Crepe
Food & Drink: At Mcdonalds In New Zealand, What Kind Of Pies Do They Serve Instead Of Cherry Ones`Apricot
Food & Drink: At North American Pizza Outlets, This Is Often Referred To As 'Canadian Bacon'`Ham
Food & Drink: At One Time It Was Believed That Citrus Fruits Could Provide Protection Against`Poisons
Food & Drink: At One Time It Was Believed That ______ ______ Could Provide Protection Against Poisons`Citrus Fruits
Food & Drink: At One Time It Was Recommended That ________ Be Used To Remove Freckles And Cure Snake Bite`Pumpkins
Food & Drink: At One Time It Was Recommended That Pumpkins Be Used To Remove Freckles And Cure _____`Snake Bite
Food & Drink: A Traditional ________ Breakfast Typically Consists Of A Bowl Of Rice, Miso Soup, Broiled Fish, And Pickled Vegetables`Japanese
Food & Drink: A Turkey's Furcula Commonly Known As`Wishbone
Food & Drink: A Twelfth-Century Egyptian Rabbi Was The First To Prescribe Soup Made From A ___ ___ For Colds`Fat Hen
Food & Drink: At What Temperature Should 'Rice Wine' Be Served`Warm
Food & Drink: A Type Of Pasta, Got Its Name From The Italian Word '________,' Meaning, 'Little Tongues.'`Linguine
Food & Drink: Australian City Home Of Castlemaine Xxxx Export Lager`Brisbane
Food & Drink: A Very Thin Pastry Used In Mediterranean Cooking`Filo
Food & Drink: Avocados Contain 60 Percent More Potassium Per Ounce Than`Bananas
Food & Drink: Avocado Trees Have Collapsed Under The Weight Of Their`Fruit
Food & Drink: Avocado Trees Have _________ Under The Weight Of Their Fruit`Collapsed
Food & Drink: A ____ Was A Thickened And Sweetened Wine. It Was Thickened By Boiling Down`Cuit
Food & Drink: A Wet _____ Is Easier To Peel Than A Dry One, Per Cooking Experts`Onion
Food & Drink: A ____-______ ___ Will Spin. An Uncooked Or Soft-Boiled Egg Will Not`Hard-Boiled Egg
Food & Drink: ____, A Wine Made From Honey, Is The National Drink Of Poland`Mead
Food & Drink: A Zanzibari Delicacy Is White Ant Pie. White Termites Are Combined With Sugar And ______ _____ And Mixed Into A Paste`Banana Flour
Food & Drink: Balausta Is An Old Term For The Fruit Of The`Pomegranate
Food & Drink: Bananas Are Actually What`Herbs
Food & Drink: Bananas Do Not Grow On__________, But On Rhizomes`Trees
Food & Drink: Bananas Do Not Grow On Trees, But On`Rhizomes
Food & Drink: ______ Beans Are Not Beans, But The Pits Of A Fruit That Resemble Beans`Coffee
Food & Drink: ______ ____________ Became Fondly Known As 'Penny Universities' Because A Person Could Buy A Cup Of Steaming Coffee For 1 Cent And Learn More At The Coffee House Than In Class`London Coffeehouses
Food & Drink: Beef Welington Is Fillet Steak Wrapped In ____`Puff Pastry
Food & Drink: Beef Welington Is ______ _____ Wrapped In Puff Pastry`Fillet Steak
Food & Drink: Beer Is A Drink Of Fermented ____, ____ ___`Hops, Malt And Barley
Food & Drink: Beers Made With Top Fermenting Yeasts, Usually At Warmer Temperatures`Ale
Food & Drink: Before It Was Used As A Food, _________ Was Considered A Cure For Heart Trouble And Toothaches`Asparagus
Food & Drink: Belgian Monks At Places Like Chimay And Orval Brew Beers Given This Moniker`Trappist
Food & Drink: Belon, Kumamoto And Bluepoints Are Kinds Of`Oysters
Food & Drink: Benedictine Is A Green`Liqueur
Food & Drink: Besides Gin, What Other Alcoholic Drink Is Used To Make A White Lady Cocktail`Cointreau
Food & Drink: Better Teabags Contain These Small Particles Sifted Out Of Better Teas`Fannings
Food & Drink: Between 80 To 90 Percent Of The World's Caviar Comes From The _______ ___ Region`Caspian Sea
Food & Drink: Between 80 To 90 Percent Of The World's ______ Comes From The Caspian Sea Region`Caviar
Food & Drink: Between What Ages Is A Brandy Or Port Described As Vso`12 To 17 Years
Food & Drink: Between What Ages Is A Brandy Or Port Described As Vsop`20 To 25 Years
Food & Drink: Beverage Made From Rice`Arrack
Food & Drink: Beverage Produced By Fermenting The Juice Of Grapes`Wine
Food & Drink: Bhang Is An Indian Drink Prepared From The Leave And Shoots Of The ____ Plant`Hemp
Food & Drink: Big Mexican Food Chain, Ring Ding A Ling, Making You Run For The Border`Taco Bell
Food & Drink: Bitters Is An Alcoholic Beverage Of Sugar Herbs And Alcohol. The Herbs Used Are Naturally Bitter, Hence The Name, And May Include Gentian, _______, Angelica, Bog-Bean, Camomile, Hops, Centuary And Others`Quassia
Food & Drink: Bitters Is An Alcoholic Beverage Of Sugar Herbs And Alcohol. The Herbs Used Are Naturally Bitter, Hence The Name, And May Include Gentian, Quassia, ________, Bog-Bean, Camomile, Hops, Centuary And Others`Angelica
Food & Drink: Bitters Is An Alcoholic Beverage Of Sugar Herbs And Alcohol. The Herbs Used Are Naturally Bitter, Hence The Name, And May Include _______, Quassia, Angelica, Bog-Bean, Camomile, Hops, Centuary And Others`Gentian
Food & Drink: Biweekly Irc Beer Tastings, At 10pm Eastern Time, Are On This Channel`#Tasting
Food & Drink: Black Velvet Is A Drink Consisting Of Equal Proportions Of _____ And Champagne`Stout
Food & Drink: Black Velvet Is A Drink Consisting Of Equal Proportions Of Stout And`Champagne
Food & Drink: Blanquette De Veau Is A Ragout Or Stew Of ____ In A White Sauce`Veal
Food & Drink: Bohea Is An Inferior Kind Of _____`Black Tea
Food & Drink: Boned Steak Cut Off Sirloin`Entrecote
Food & Drink: Booze Grabbag: The Geometric Shape Found On The Bass Pale Ale Bottle`Triangle
Food & Drink: Borsch Is Based On What Vegetable`Beetroot
Food & Drink: Bosc And Anjou Are Varieties Of Which Fruit`Pears
Food & Drink: Bottled In Jeroboams`Champagne
Food & Drink: Bouillabaisse Is A Fish Stew From __________ Made With Rascasses And Other Mediterranean Fish`Marseilles
Food & Drink: Bouillabaisse Is A Fish Stew From Marseilles Made With _________ And Other Mediterranean Fish`Rascasses
Food & Drink: Bousa Is A Native Ethiopian Beer Which Is Brewed By ___________`Spontaneous Fermentation
Food & Drink: Bousa Is A Native _________ ____ Which Is Brewed By Spontaneous Fermentation`Ethiopian Beer
Food & Drink: Brand That Makes A Cameo Appearance In Das Boot`Becks
Food & Drink: Brandy Is An Alcoholic Beverage Of _________`Distilled Wine
Food & Drink: Brazil Nuts Are Rich In ________, A Potent Antioxidant`Selenium
Food & Drink: Brazil Nuts Are Rich In Selenium, A Potent`Antioxidant
Food & Drink: Bread, Cereals, Fruit And Vegetables Are Needed By The Body As Good Sources Of What`Fibre
Food & Drink: Breweries That Produce Less Than 15,000 Barrels Per Year Are Called`Microbreweries
Food & Drink: British: Fish And`Chips
Food & Drink: British Households Spend About 1.5 Billion Pounds A Year On ______ For Family Consumption`Cheese
Food & Drink: Britney Spears Sang For Me, What Cola Am I`Pepsi
Food & Drink: Broccio Is A ________ ______ Made From Goat's Milk Or Sour Ewes' Milk`Corsican Cheese
Food & Drink: Broccoli Was Once Called '___ ____ _______ __ _______,' By Joking Romans, After The Highest Of Their Gods`The Five Fingers Of Jupiter
Food & Drink: Brose Is A Scottish Dish Made By Stirring Boiling Water Or Milk Into`Oatmeal
Food & Drink: Bruce Willis, Arnold Schwarzenegger And Sylvester Stallone Own Which London Restaurant`Planet Hollywood
Food & Drink: ________ Bruises Easily And Is Sensitive To Temperature Changes. The Vegetable Should Be Handled With Care`Eggplant
Food & Drink: Bubble Gum Contains`Rubber
Food & Drink: Burgos Is A Very Soft _______ ______ Made In The Burgos Province Of Spain`Spanish Cheese
Food & Drink: Buridda Is An Italian ____`Fish Stew
Food & Drink: Butterscotch Is A Rich Flavouring Made Of _____ _____ And Butter`Brown Sugar
Food & Drink: By What Process Is Rum Created`Fermenting Molasses
Food & Drink: Cabernet _________ Is A Type Of Grape Used For Producing Red Wine. It Is One Of The Components Of French Bordeaux Wine`Sauvignon
Food & Drink: Caciocavallo, Herkimer, Mysost, And Trappist Are All Varieties Of What`Cheese
Food & Drink: Cakes Fall Into Two Basic Categories. One Is Foam Cakes, Such As _____ ____ And Sponge`Angel Food
Food & Drink: Cakes Fall Into Two Basic Categories. One Is ____ _____, Such As Angel Food And Sponge`Foam Cakes
Food & Drink: Calabrese Is A Form Of Which Vegetable`Broccoli
Food & Drink: California Is The Second-Largest Cheesemaking State After Wisconsin. It Is The Leader In Producing Hispanic-Style Cheeses Such As ________`Monterey Jack
Food & Drink: 'Calvados' Is A Brandy Made From What`Apples
Food & Drink: Camomile Is Often Used In Herbal Tea. What Is It Said To Promote`Sleep
Food & Drink: Canadians Eat More _____ ________ And Cheese Packaged Dinners Than Any Nationality In The World`Kraft Macaroni
Food & Drink: _____ Can Be Made From Asparagus`Paper
Food & Drink: _______ ____ Can Be Made With A Range Of Complicated Sauces, Often Including Many Kinds Of Chiles Plus Unsweetened Chocolate`Chicken Mole
Food & Drink: Candy Made From Pieces Of ______ ______ Was Outlawed In The United States In 1952 To Protect The Species`Barrel Cactus
Food & Drink: Candymakers Are Permitted To Substitute Other Ingredients, Usually Vegetable Oils, For _____`Cocoa Butter
Food & Drink: _____ _________ Can Grow To Be As Large As 14 Inches`Morel Mushrooms
Food & Drink: Cannibals Are Famous For Eating What`Human Flesh
Food & Drink: Caprino Is An Argentine ____'_ ____`Goat's Milk Cheese
Food & Drink: Carrot, ____, And Parsnip Are In The Parsley Family`Dill
Food & Drink: '____-___' Carrots Aren't Baby Carrots. They're Actually Full-Sized Ones Peeled And Polished Down To Size. And There's Nothing Small About Their Current Popularity: About 25 Percent Of California's Fresh Carrot Crop Is Turned Into 'Babies.'`Baby-Cut
Food & Drink: Carrots Were First Grown As A ________, Not A Food`Medicine
Food & Drink: 'Carryout' Food In New York Is Known As '________' In London`Takeaway
Food & Drink: Cascade Is An Australian Brewer Of`Beers
Food & Drink: __________ Cases Of Soft Drinks Produced In The Next Year Will Be Flatter Than A Bad Tire`5,517,200
Food & Drink: Cassiri Is An ____________ ______ Brewed In Guyana From Sweet Potatoes`Intoxicating Liquor
Food & Drink: Cassiri Is An Intoxicating Liquor Brewed In ______ From Sweet Potatoes`Guyana
Food & Drink: Cassiri Is An Intoxicating Liquor Brewed In Guyana From _____`Sweet Potatoes
Food & Drink: Celery, Coffee, Cola, Apple, And Chocolate Are _____ Flavors That Were Marketed, But Didn't Sell`Jello
Food & Drink: Cereal Used As Food And In Spirits`Barley
Food & Drink: Ceviche, An Ecuadorian Seafood Dish Marinated In Lemon And Onions, Is Always Dished Up With`Popcorn
Food & Drink: Chain With A Hat As A Logo, Makes Roast Beef Burgers Among Other Things`Arby's
Food & Drink: Chase And Sanborn Was The First Coffee To Be Sold In ______ ___ ____ In The United States In 1879`Sealed Tin Cans
Food & Drink: Chase And Sanborn Was The First ______ To Be Sold In Sealed Tin Cans In The United States In 1879`Coffee
Food & Drink: Cheddar Varieties Account For 57 Percent Of Volume Of Cheese Sold In`England
Food & Drink: Cheddar Varieties Account For 57 Percent Of Volume Of ______ Sold In England`Cheese
Food & Drink: Chefs Started Using __________ 5,000 Years Ago To Spice Up Their Cooking`Onions
Food & Drink: Chefs Started Using Onions __________ Years Ago To Spice Up Their Cooking`5,000
Food & Drink: Chenin Blanc Is A Type Of Grape Used To Produce White Wine. It Is Widely Cultivated In The French _____`Loire Valley
Food & Drink: Chewing ___ While Peeling Onions Will Keep You From Crying`Gum
Food & Drink: Chicago Isn't Just A City In Illinois: It Is Also A Slang Term For A`Pineapple
Food & Drink: Chicken __________ Have A Lower Ratio Of Meat To Bone And Skin Than The Other Parts Of A Chicken`Drumsticks
Food & Drink: China's Beijing Duck Restaurant Can Seat __________ People At One Time`9,000
Food & Drink: Chitlins Are Made From What Part Of The Pig`Intestines
Food & Drink: Chocolate Comes From The Seed Of The Theobroma Tree: Theobroma Is Greek For 'Food Of The ___')`Gods
Food & Drink: Chocolate Contains The Chemical Which Converts Into The Happy Hormone. It Is Also Known As`Serotonin
Food & Drink: Chocolate Contains Two Types Of Stimulants: ________ And The Alkaloid Theobromine, Purine`Caffeine
Food & Drink: Chocolate Contains Two Types Of Stimulants: Caffeine And The Alkaloid ___________,`Theobromine, Purine
Food & Drink: Chocolate Has More Than 500 Flavor Components, More Than Twice The Amount Found In __________ ___`Strawberry And Vanilla
Food & Drink: Chocolate Manufacturers Use 40 Percent Of The World's`Almonds
Food & Drink: Chorizo`Spanish Salami
Food & Drink: 'Chowder' A Type Of`Thick Soup
Food & Drink: Christopher Columbus Is Often Credited With Naming What Fruit That Is Known As 'Ananas' In France`Pineapple
Food & Drink: Clarified Double-Strength Brown Stock`Consomme
Food & Drink: Coal Is Sometimes Added To Softdrinks To Make Them`Sweeter
Food & Drink: Coca-Cola Was Named For The Extracts Of Which Of Its Two 'Medicinal' Ingredients`Coca Leaves And Kola Nuts
Food & Drink: Coca-Cola Was Originally`Green
Food & Drink: Coca-Cola Would Be _____ If Colouring Weren't Added To It`Green
Food & Drink: Coffee Made Under Steam Pressure`Espresso
Food & Drink: Coffee Originated In: Africa, Spain, Jordan, Or North America`Africa
Food & Drink: Cognac (Brandy) And White Creme De Menthe Make A(N)`Stinger
Food & Drink: Collard Greens And _______ Are Sources Of Calcium`Oranges
Food & Drink: Collard Greens And Oranges Are Sources Of`Calcium
Food & Drink: Common Ending For The Names Of German Doppelbocks`Ator
Food & Drink: Common Name For A Tropical Tree (Mulberry), Grown On The Islands Of The South Pacific Ocean`Breadfruit
Food & Drink: Company That Brews Michelob Beer`Anheuser-Busch
Food & Drink: Company That Was Purveyor Of Vodka To The Imperial Russian Court (1886-1917)`Smirnoff
Food & Drink: ______ Consumers Drink An Average 88 Servings Of Coca-Cola Products Per Year`French
Food & Drink: Consumers Spend More Than $7 Billion A Year On`Chocolate
Food & Drink: ________ Contain 60 Percent More Potassium Per Ounce Than Bananas`Avocados
Food & Drink: ______ Contain More Sugar Than Strawberries`Lemons
Food & Drink: _________ Contains Two Types Of Stimulants: Caffeine And The Alkaloid Theobromine, Purine`Chocolate
Food & Drink: Cooking And Freezing Do Not Diminish The Heat Of A _____`Chili Pepper
Food & Drink: Coors, Budweiser, Miller, Samuel Adams, Old Milwaukee`Beer
Food & Drink: Copra Is The Dried Flesh Of The`Coconut
Food & Drink: Cranberries Are Sorted For Ripeness By Bouncing Them: A Fully Ripened Cranberry Can Be Dribbled Like A`Basketball
Food & Drink: Cranberry Jello, Is The Only Jello Flavor That Comes From The __________, Not Artificial Flavouring`Real Fruit
Food & Drink: Creamy Sauce Of Butter, Egg Yolks And Vinegar`Hollandaise
Food & Drink: Creme De Cacao, Cream, And Brandy Make A(N)`Brandy Alexander
Food & Drink: Cromwell Bitter Is A Gold, Fruity Cask Bitter From The _______ ____ _______, North Yorkshire`Marston Moor Brewery
Food & Drink: Cumberland Sauce Usually Served With`Game
Food & Drink: Dairy Products Account For About __________ Of All Food Consumed In The U.S`29%
Food & Drink: Dairy Products Can Give Semen A ____ Taste`Sour
Food & Drink: Darker Green _______ Leaves Are More Nutritious Than Lighter Green Leaves`Lettuce
Food & Drink: Darker Green Lettuce Leaves Are More Nutritious Than _______ _____ Leaves`Lighter Green
Food & Drink: Decon Gold Is A Straw-Coloured, Fruity, Summer Beer From Blackawton In _____`South Devon
Food & Drink: Defined As 'Dry Winged Fruits, As Of Ash Or Maple, Often Hanging With Others In Bunches'`Keys
Food & Drink: Delicate Egg Whites Baked At A High Temperature, Literally Means 'A Breath'`Souffle
Food & Drink: Despite Its Reputation For Fine Regional Dining, _____ Has Reluctantly Given In To The Demands Of Tourists And Locals For Quick, Inexpensive Eating`Paris
Food & Drink: ______, Dill, And Parsnip Are In The Parsley Family`Carrot
Food & Drink: Directors Is A Strong English Ale Brewed By ___ _______`The Courage Brewery
Food & Drink: Dish Consisting Of Flavoured Mince, Chilli And Beans`Chilli Con Carne
Food & Drink: Dish Of Food Covered With Alcohol And Set Alight`Flambe
Food & Drink: Dish Served Between Fish And Meat Courses`Entree
Food & Drink: Dolphin Best Is A Dry, Amber, Cask Bitter Brewed By The _____ _______, Dorset`Poole Brewery
Food & Drink: Double Diamond Is Ind Coope's Famous Dark Amber Bottled Pale Ale From ______-__`Burton-On-Trent
Food & Drink: Double Diamond Is ___ _____'S Famous Dark Amber Bottled Pale Ale From Burton-On-Trent`Ind Coope
Food & Drink: 'Dragon Whiskers' Is A Type Of Tea From What Country`China
Food & Drink: Draught Burton Ale Is A Full-Bodied Ale From The _________-______ _______ In Burton-On-Trent`Carlsberg-Tetley Brewery
Food & Drink: Drawwell Bitter Is A Cask Beer From The _____ _______ In Shropshire`Hanby Brewery
Food & Drink: Dried Bananas Are Four Times As __________ As Fresh Bananas`Nutritious
Food & Drink: Drinking Water After Eating Reduces The Acid In Your Mouth By __________ Percent`Sixty One
Food & Drink: Drinking Water After Eating Reduces The __________ In Your Mouth By 61 Percent`Acid
Food & Drink: Dunkel Is A German Style Of Dark, Soft, Malty _____`Brown Lager
Food & Drink: During The Middle Ages, Onions Were Prescribed To Alleviate Headaches, __________, And Hair Loss`Snakebites
Food & Drink: During The Middle Ages, Onions Were Prescribed To Alleviate Headaches, Snakebites, And ____`Hair Loss
Food & Drink: During The Middle Ages, Onions Were Prescribed To _________ _________, Snakebites, And Hair Loss`Alleviate Headaches
Food & Drink: During Your Lifetime You Will Eat 60,000 Pounds Of Food, The Weight Of __________ Elephants`Six
Food & Drink: Dutch Cheese With Red Rind`Edam
Food & Drink: Dutch Origin: Inedible Casing: Mild: Appetizer, Dessert`Edam
Food & Drink: Dylans Ale Is An English Ale Brewed By The Brain, Crown Buckley Brewery Of Cardiff To Celebrate The Poetry Of _____ ______. It Is A Full-Bodied Mature Ale With A Mellow Flavour And A Subtle Hop Aroma`Dylan Thomas
Food & Drink: Eagle Ipa Is A Sweet, Malty, Amber Coloured Cask Beer From The _______ _____ _______ In Bedford`Charles Wells Brewery
Food & Drink: Earl Grey Is A China Tea Flavoured With What`Bergamot
Food & Drink: Eating A Cereal Like 'Cap'n Crunch 'Oops All Berries' Or 'Fruity Pebbles' Will ____ ____ _____`Turn Your Stool Green
Food & Drink: Eating Breakfast Cereals Like 'Fruity Pebbles' And 'Cap'n Crunch Berries' Will Cause Your ____ To Come Out Green`Faeces
Food & Drink: Ebi Is A _____ ____ Of Boiled Jumbo Prawn`Sushi Dish
Food & Drink: Ebi Is A Sushi Dish Of Boiled _____`Jumbo Prawn
Food & Drink: Edmund Ii Ironside Is A Tasty, Cask Conditioned Bitter From The _________ _______ In Andover`Hampshire Brewery
Food & Drink: Edmund Ii Ironside Is A Tasty, ____ ___________ ______ From The Hampshire Brewery In Andover`Cask Conditioned Bitter
Food & Drink: Eggs Are Easier To Separate When They Are ____, But Whites Whip Better At Room Temperature`Cold
Food & Drink: Eggs Are Easier To Separate When They Are Cold, But Whites ____ ______ At Room Temperature`Whip Better
Food & Drink: Eggs From A Lobster Are Referred To As What`Coral
Food & Drink: Egg Whites Were A Popular Form Of '_______ _________' During The Sixteenth And Seventeenth Centuries In England`Laundry Detergent
Food & Drink: Egyptian God Credited With First Making Beer`Osiris
Food & Drink: Eighteen Ounces Of An Average Cola Drink Contain As Much ________ As A Cup Of Coffee`Caffeine
Food & Drink: Elizabethan Is A Golden, British Barley Wine Originally Brewed To Mark The Queen's Coronation In 1953 By _______`Harveys Brewery
Food & Drink: Ellis Island Immigrants Were Often Served A Bowl Of ____-_ As A 'Welcome To America.'`Jell-O
Food & Drink: Ellis Island Immigrants Were Often Served A Bowl Of Jell-O As A '_______ __ _______.'`Welcome To America
Food & Drink: English Origin: Mild To Very Sharp: Snack, Cooking, Dessert`Cheddar
Food & Drink: Enville Ale Is One Of A Range Of Honey Beers Produced By The _______ ____ _______ In Staffordshire. The Pale-Gold Ale Is Primed With Honey After A Rapid Initial Fermentation And Then Lagered. The Brewery Uses Its Own Honey And Barley`Enville Farm Brewery
Food & Drink: Ethanoic (Or Acetic) Acid Is The Major Constituent Of Which Everyday Condiment`Vinegar
Food & Drink: Even Though It Tastes Nothing Like Grapes, A ________ Is Often Eaten For Breakfast`Grapefruit
Food & Drink: Exmoor Ale Is A Pale-Brown, _____ ______ From The Exmoor Brewery In Wiveliscombe, Somerset`Malty Bitter
Food & Drink: Exmoor Ale Is A Pale-Brown, Malty Bitter From The Exmoor Brewery In ____________,`Wiveliscombe, Somerset
Food & Drink: Expensive Potato Patties Served For Breakfast`Hash Browns
Food & Drink: Experts Recommend Using _____ As A Cleaning Solution For Diamond Jewelry`Vodka
Food & Drink: Experts Recommend Using Vodka As A Cleaning Solution For _______`Diamond Jewelry
Food & Drink: _____ Explode When You Put Them In The Microwave`Grapes
Food & Drink: Export Mongrel Is A Bronze-Coloured Australian _____ ____, Produced By The Traditional Brewing Company, Is A Variation On Yellow Mongrel, Using A Light Crystal Malt As Well As Wheat And Barley Malts`Wheat Beer
Food & Drink: Extremely Popular In Spain And Southern Mexico, _________ Are Drinks Made By Steeping Nuts`Horchatas
Food & Drink: Extremely Popular In Spain And Southern Mexico, Horchatas Are Drinks Made By ________`Steeping Nuts
Food & Drink: Fanta __________ Is The Third Largest Selling Soft Drink In The World`Orange
Food & Drink: Fast Food Franchise: Taco`Bell
Food & Drink: Fava Beans - Known As 'Fave' In Italian - Are So Nourishing They Are Called '___ ____ __ ___ ____.'`The Meat Of The Poor
Food & Drink: Fedelini Is Very Fine Spaghetti. The Word Is Italian For '______ ________ ____.'`Little Faithful Ones
Food & Drink: Fedelini Is Very Fine _________. The Word Is Italian For 'Little Faithful Ones.'`Spaghetti
Food & Drink: Federal Regulations Specify That 90 Percent Of ______ ______ Has To Be Peanuts`Peanut Butter
Food & Drink: Fennel Was Used By The Ancient Chinese And Hindus As A Cure For _____`Snake Bite
Food & Drink: Fettucini, Linguini And Tagliatelle Are All Types Of What`Pasta
Food & Drink: Filet Mignon Is The Most Tender Of All Beef Cuts. However, It Lacks The Flavor Of`Porterhouse
Food & Drink: Filo Pastry Stuffed With Chopped Nuts And Honey`Baklava
Food & Drink: Finely Ground Powdered Sugar Called`Icing Sugar
Food & Drink: First Manufactured In 1930, The ________ ___ Is The Number-One Selling Candy Bar In The United States`Snickers Bar
Food & Drink: Fish Fillets Generally Come With The Skin On: ____ ______ Are Usually Skinless`Fish Steaks
Food & Drink: Fish Fillets Generally Come With The Skin On: Fish Steaks Are Usually`Skinless
Food & Drink: Five Jello Flavours That Flopped: Celery, Coffee, __________, Apple And Chocolate`Cola
Food & Drink: Five Jello Flavours That Flopped: Celery, Coffee, Cola, __________ And Chocolate`Apple
Food & Drink: Five Jello Flavours That Flopped: Celery, Coffee, Cola, Apple And`Chocolate
Food & Drink: Five Jello Flavours That Flopped: Celery, __________, Cola, Apple And Chocolate`Coffee
Food & Drink: Five Jello Flavours That Flopped: __________, Coffee, Cola, Apple And Chocolate`Celery
Food & Drink: Flaky, Buttery Pastry Shaped In A Quarter-Moon`Croissant