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Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Ice Or Frost`Pagophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Ideas`Ideophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Injections`Trypanophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Insanity`Dementophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Insects`Entomophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Japanese, Japanese Culture, Etc`Japanophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Jealousy`Zelophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Jews`Judeophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Justice`Dikephobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Knowledge`Epistemophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Large Things`Megalophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Learning`Sophophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Light`Photophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Long Words`Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Many Things`Polyphobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Marriage`Gamophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Memories`Mnemophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Men`Androphobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Mind`Psychophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Monsters Or Deformed People`Teratophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Mother-In-Law`Pentheraphobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Mottephobia Is The Fear Of What`Moths
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Movement Or Motion`Kinetophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Mushrooms`Mycophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Music`Melophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Myths, Stories, Or False Statements`Mythophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Narrow Things Or Narrow Places`Stenophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: New Things Or Ideas`Cenophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Noises Or Voices`Phonophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Nudity`Gymnophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Numbers`Numerophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Objects At The Right Side Of The Body`Dextrophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Of What Are Xenophobics Afraid`Strangers
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: One Thing`Monophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Opening One's Eyes`Optophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Otters`Lutraphobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Panphopia A Fear Of`Everything
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Philosophy`Philosophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Phobias`Phobophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Pins`Enetophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Plants`Botanophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Pogonophobia Is The Fear Of`Beards
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Poison`Toxiphobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Politicians`Politicophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Poverty`Peniaphobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Priests Or Sacred Things`Heirophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Property`Orthophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Rabies Or Becoming Mad`Lyssophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Radiation, X-Rays`Radiophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Ranidaphobia Is The Fear Of What`Frogs
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Razors`Xyrophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Rectum`Proctophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Reptiles Or Creepy, Crawly Things`Herpetophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Returning Home`Nostophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Rivers Or Running Water`Potamophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Road Travel`Hodophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Rooms`Koinoniphobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Russians, Russian Culture, Etc`Russophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Saints Or Holy Things`Hagiophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: School`Scolionophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Sex`Genophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Sexual Perversion`Paraphobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Shadows`Sciophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Sharks`Selachophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Sleep`Somniphobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Slime`Myxophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Small Things`Microphobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Smells Or Odours`Osmophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Snakes`Ophidiophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Snow`Chionophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Society`Sociophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Speaking`Laliophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Specters Or Ghosts`Spectrophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Spiders`Arachnephobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Stars And Celestial Space`Astrophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Staying Single`Anuptaphobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Stealing`Kleptophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Strangers Or Foreigners`Xenophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Stuttering`Psellismophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Taste`Geumaphobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Technology`Technophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Teenagers`Ephebiphobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Teeth Or Dental Surgery`Odontophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Termites, Insects That Eat Wood`Isopterophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Theatres`Theatrophbia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: The Fear Of Prostitutes Is Called`Cyprinophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: The Heart`Cardiophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: The Moon`Selenophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: The Most Common Phobia, Arachnephobia, Is A Phobia Of`Spiders
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: The Night`Noctiphobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: The Northern Lights`Auroraphobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: The Ocean Known As`Thalassophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Theology`Theologicophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: The Opposite Sex`Heterophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: The Second Most Common Phobia, Anthropophobia, Is A Fear Of`People
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: This Is The Fear Of Enclosed Spaces`Claustrophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Thunder And Lightning`Brontophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Time`Chronophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Trees`Dendrophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Triskadekaphobia Is The Fear Of What Number`13
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Ugliness`Cacophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Urine Or Urinating`Urophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Vegetables`Lachanophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Vehicles`Ochophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Voids Or Empty Spaces`Kenophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Vomiting`Emetophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Waves`Kymophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Wealth`Plutophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: What Does A Panaphobe Fear`Everything
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: What Does A Person Look Like If Described As 'Wan'`Pale-Faced
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: What Does A Person Suffering From Kleptomania Want To Do`Steal
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: What Does A Person With Taphephobia Fear`Being Buried Alive
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: What Do You Fear If You Have 'Nephophobia'`Clouds
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: What Do You Fear Will Stick To The Roof Of Your Mouth If You Have Arachibutyrophobia`Peanut Butter
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: What Is Anthophobia A Fear Of`Flowers
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: What Is Bogyphobia`Bogeyman
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: What Is Ecclesiophobia The Fear Of`Church
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: What Is Emetophobia The Fear Of`Vomiting
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: What Is Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliaphobia The Fear Of`Long Words
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: What Is Pupaphobia`Fear Of Puppets
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: What Is Sinistrophobia The Fear Of`Things To The Left
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: What Is Spermophobia The Fear Of`Germs
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: What Is The Phobia 'Bibliophobia' A Fear Of`Books
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Wind`Anemophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Wines`Oenophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Women`Gynophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Words`Logophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Work`Ergophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Worms`Scoleciphobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Writing In Public`Scriptophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Phobias: Writing Or Handwriting`Graphophobia
Anatomy & Medical: Physcrophilia Is The ______ _______ By Cold`Sexual Arousal
Anatomy & Medical: Pockets Of Peritoneum In The Abdomen`Pouch
Anatomy & Medical: Podobromhidrosis`Smelly Feet
Anatomy & Medical: Polio Is Also Known As`Infantile Paralysis
Anatomy & Medical: Portion Of The Central Nervous System Contained Within The Skull`Brain
Anatomy & Medical: Powdered Tea Was Once Used As A Snuff To Stop ________`Bleeding Noses
Anatomy & Medical: Powdered Tea Was Once Used As A _____ To Stop Bleeding Noses`Snuff
Anatomy & Medical: Progressive Opacity Of Eye Lens`Cataract
Anatomy & Medical: Prosthetics Deals With The Making Of ________`Artificial Limbs
Anatomy & Medical: ________ Protects Against Heart Disease`Estragon
Anatomy & Medical: Pulley`Trochlea
Anatomy & Medical: Pulp, Crown, And Root Are Parts Of A(N)`Tooth
Anatomy & Medical: Pungent Crystalline Substance Used In Medicine And Mothballs`Camphor
Anatomy & Medical: Quinine Is An Alkaloid Extract Of The Bark Of The ________`Cinchona Tree
Anatomy & Medical: Quinine Is An Alkaloid Extract Of The ____ Of The Cinchona Tree`Bark
Anatomy & Medical: Quinine Is An ________ Extract Of The Bark Of The Cinchona Tree`Alkaloid
Anatomy & Medical: ___________ Recapitulation Is The Reason Our Extremities Develop Faster Than The Rest Of Us`Cephalacaudal
Anatomy & Medical: Red Blood Cells Are Produced In The ____`Bone Marrow
Anatomy & Medical: Removed With An Orchidectomy`Testicle
Anatomy & Medical: Renal Is A Term Given To Things Relating To Or Affecting Which Organ`Kidneys
Anatomy & Medical: ________ Repellents Don't Actually Repel... They 'Mask' You By Overwhelming The ________'S Senses`Mosquito
Anatomy & Medical: Roof`Tegmen
Anatomy & Medical: Sailors Lacking Vitamin C Would Contract Which Disease`Scurvy
Anatomy & Medical: Salicylic Acid Better Known As`Aspirin
Anatomy & Medical: Same As A Chiasma. A Crossing Of Fibers In The Form Of An X`Decussation
Anatomy & Medical: Scurvy Is A Lack Of Which Vitamin`C
Anatomy & Medical: Septicaemia Is Better Known As`Blood Poisoning
Anatomy & Medical: Sexually Transmitted Diseases Are The Major Cause Of ___________ _________ In American Men And Women`Preventable Sterility
Anatomy & Medical: Sexually Transmitted Diseases Are The Major Cause Of Preventable Sterility In American ___ ___`Men And Women
Anatomy & Medical: ___ _______'S First Hospital Was Opened In 1843`New Zealand
Anatomy & Medical: Sigmund Freud Bought His First Sample Of _______ For $1.27 Per Gram`Cocaine
Anatomy & Medical: Sperm Is The ________ ______ ____ In A Mans Body`Smallest Single Cell
Anatomy & Medical: Sperm Is The Smallest Single Cell In A ____`Mans Body
Anatomy & Medical: Spread Out, The Walls Of The Human Intestines Would Cover An Area Of About ___ _______ ______`One Hundred Square Feet
Anatomy & Medical: Spread Out, The Walls Of The Human Intestines Would _____ __ ____ Of About One Hundred Square Feet`Cover An Area
Anatomy & Medical: 'Stigmata' Is A Peculiar Condition In Which People`Bleed From The Hands And Feet, Like Christ
Anatomy & Medical: Strabismus Is Another Name For Which Affliction`Squint
Anatomy & Medical: Strabismus Is The Medical Term For Which Complaint`Crossed Eyes
Anatomy & Medical: Stroking The Sole Of The Foot Is Used By Doctor's To Produce The ________`Babinski Effect
Anatomy & Medical: Strong, Fibrous Tissues That Bind Joints Are Called`Ligaments
Anatomy & Medical: Supporting Fibrous Framework Of Tissue`Stroma
Anatomy & Medical: Syringomyelia Cyst Is Located Inside The`Spinal Column
Anatomy & Medical: _______ ______ _______ (Tga) Is A Rare Medical Problem That Occurs During Or Just After Sex. It Can Erase Short-Term Memory For Up To Six Hours, Including All Traces Of The Sexual Event Itself`Transient Global Amnesia
Anatomy & Medical: The Act Of _______ And Stretching Is Called Pandiculation`Yawning
Anatomy & Medical: The Amount Of Carbon In The Human Body Is Enough To Fill About 900 ____`Lead Pencils
Anatomy & Medical: The Amount Of Carbon In The Human Body Is Enough To Fill About ___ Lead Pencils`900
Anatomy & Medical: The Amount Of Carbon In The _____ ____ Is Enough To Fill About 900 Lead Pencils`Human Body
Anatomy & Medical: The Amount Of ______ In The Human Body Is Enough To Fill About 900 Lead Pencils`Carbon
Anatomy & Medical: The Anatomical Name For The Bones Of A Human's Fingers And Toes`Phalanges
Anatomy & Medical: The Ancient Greeks Believed That Boys Developed In The _____ ____ ____ Of The Womb And Girls In The Left Hand Side`Right Hand Side
Anatomy & Medical: The Ancient Greeks Believed That Boys Developed In The Right Hand Side Of The ____ And Girls In The Left Hand Side`Womb
Anatomy & Medical: The Ancient Greeks Believed That Boys Developed In The Right Hand Side Of The Womb And Girls In The ____ ____`Left Hand Side
Anatomy & Medical: The _____ And The Eye Are Self-Cleaning Organs`Vagina
Anatomy & Medical: The _____ __ _______ And The Girdle Of Venus Are Found On The Palm Of Your Hand`Mount Of Jupiter
Anatomy & Medical: The ______ ___ And The Pharynx Are Joined With The Eustachian Tube`Middle Ear
Anatomy & Medical: The Anticancer Drug Laetrile Is Derived From The Pit Of What Common Fruit`Apricot
Anatomy & Medical: The Aorta Is The _______ ______ In The Human Body, Measuring About 3cm In Diameter At The Heart`Largest Artery
Anatomy & Medical: The Aorta Is The Largest Artery In The Human Body, Measuring About 3cm In Diameter At The`Heart
Anatomy & Medical: The Aorta Is The Largest Artery In The Human Body, Measuring About ___ In Diameter At The Heart`3cm
Anatomy & Medical: The Aorta Is The Largest Artery In The _____ ____, Measuring About 3cm In Diameter At The Heart`Human Body
Anatomy & Medical: The Area Of A Human Lung Equals`Tennis Court
Anatomy & Medical: The _______Are Tubes In The Testes That Manufacture Sperm`Seminiferous Tubules
Anatomy & Medical: The Arteries And Veins Surrounding The Brain Stem Are Called What`Circle Of Willis
Anatomy & Medical: The Auricularis Muscles Are Used To ____ ___`Move The Ears
Anatomy & Medical: The Average Adult Human Has 32 Of These`Teeth
Anatomy & Medical: The Average Height Of A Man In The Middle Ages Was ____ ____ ___ Inches`Five Feet Six
Anatomy & Medical: The Average Height Of A Man In The ______ ____ Was Five Feet Six Inches`Middle Ages
Anatomy & Medical: The Average Human Body Contains Enough Carbon To Make`900 Pencils
Anatomy & Medical: The Average Human Body Contains Enough Fat To Make How Many Bars Of Soap`Seven
Anatomy & Medical: The Average Human Body Contains Enough Iron To Make How Many 3' Nails`1
Anatomy & Medical: The Average Human Body Contains Enough Of What To Kill All The Fleas On An Average Dog`Sulphur
Anatomy & Medical: The Average Human Body Contains Enough Of What To Make 2,200 Match Heads`Phosphorous
Anatomy & Medical: The Average Human Body Contains Enough Of What To Make 900 Pencils`Carbon
Anatomy & Medical: The Average Human Body Contains Enough Sulphur To Kill`All The Fleas On A Dog
Anatomy & Medical: The Average Human Body Contains Enough ____ To Kill All Fleas On An Average Dog`Sulphuric
Anatomy & Medical: The Average Human Brain Weighs ___`1.3 Kg
Anatomy & Medical: The Average Human Produces How Many Quarts Of Spit In A Lifetime`25,000
Anatomy & Medical: The Average Human Uses Which Muscles Most`Eye Muscles
Anatomy & Medical: The Average Human Uses Which Muscles Most`The Eye
Anatomy & Medical: The Average Lifespan Of A Tastebud`Ten Days
Anatomy & Medical: The Average _____ _____ Weighs 1.3 Kg`Human Brain
Anatomy & Medical: The _______ ______ Believed That Boys Developed In The Right Hand Side Of The Womb And Girls In The Left Hand Side`Ancient Greeks
Anatomy & Medical: The _____ Between Two Adjacent Neurones Is Called The 'Synapse'`Space
Anatomy & Medical: The Biggest Disqualifying Factor For Prospective Astronauts`Eyesight
Anatomy & Medical: The Binot-Simon Scale Used To Measure`Intelligence
Anatomy & Medical: The Black Death Claimed Roughly Forty Million Lives In The __________`Thirteenth Century
Anatomy & Medical: The Black Death Claimed Roughly _____ _______ Lives In The Thirteenth Century`Forty Million
Anatomy & Medical: The Bone At The End Of The Spine`Coccyx
Anatomy & Medical: The Bones Of A _____ Weigh Less Than It's Feathers`Pigeon
Anatomy & Medical: The Brain Uses More Than 25% Of The Oxygen Used By The _____`Human Body
Anatomy & Medical: The Brain Uses More Than 25% Of The ______ Used By The Human Body`Oxygen
Anatomy & Medical: The Brain Uses More Than __% Of The Oxygen Used By The Human Body`25
Anatomy & Medical: The Branch Of Medicine Dealing With Curing By Operative Procedures Is`Surgery
Anatomy & Medical: The Chinese Practice Of Treating Illness By Inserting Needles Into The Body Called`Acupuncture
Anatomy & Medical: The Classical Medical Symbol Of Two Serpents Wrapped Around A Staff Is Called A What`Nautiluscaduceus
Anatomy & Medical: The Clotting Protein In Blood Called`Fibrin
Anatomy & Medical: The Collarbone`Clavicle
Anatomy & Medical: The Common Name For Leucocytes, Found In The Blood`White Blood Cells
Anatomy & Medical: The Common Name For The Disease That Doctors Call 'Rubella'`German Measles
Anatomy & Medical: The Common Name For The Larynx`Voice Box
Anatomy & Medical: The Common Name For The 'Pharynx'`Throat
Anatomy & Medical: The Common Name For Tinea, A Fungal Skin Condition, When It Attacks The Feet`Athlete's Foot
Anatomy & Medical: The Common Name For 'Tinea Pedis'`Athletes Foot
Anatomy & Medical: The Common Name Of Scrivener's Palsy`Writer's Cramp
Anatomy & Medical: The Common Name Of The Disease Varicella`Chicken Pox
Anatomy & Medical: The Common Term For A 'Somnambulist'`Sleepwalker
Anatomy & Medical: The Concave Dish Shape Of A Liquid Inside A Glass Or Tube`Meniscus
Anatomy & Medical: The _____ ____ Contains About Sixty Thousand Miles Of Blood Vessels`Human Body
Anatomy & Medical: The _____ ____ Contains Enough Iron To Make A Spike Strong Enough To Hold Your Weight`Human Body
Anatomy & Medical: The ____ Continues To Grow Throughout Your Life`Nose
Anatomy & Medical: The Correct Name For The Voice Box Is The`Larynx
Anatomy & Medical: The Cortex And Medulla Are Parts Of What Organ`Kidney
Anatomy & Medical: The Creature Hirudo Medicinalis Was Used Extensively By Doctors, It`Leech
Anatomy & Medical: The Crystalline Quartz, Amethyst Was Once Believed To Prevent`Drunkenness
Anatomy & Medical: The Crystalline Quartz, ________ Was Once Believed To Prevent Drunkenness`Amethyst
Anatomy & Medical: The Cure Of Disease By Faith In Divine Power`Faith Healing
Anatomy & Medical: The Decrease In Size Of A Tissue Or Organ Due To Degeneration`Atrophy
Anatomy & Medical: The Disease Frequent In Asia, Africa And America, Which Is Believed To Result From Eating Polished Rice`Beri Beri
Anatomy & Medical: The Disease ____________, Is Best Known As Consumption`Tuberculosis
Anatomy & Medical: The Disease Tuberculosis, Is Best Known As`Consumption
Anatomy & Medical: The Drug That Is Used To Treat Parkinson's Disease`Dopamine
Anatomy & Medical: The Eardrum`Tympanic Membrane
Anatomy & Medical: ______ _______, The English Circus Freak, Had A Nose Which Was Seven And A Half Inches Long`Thomas Wedders
Anatomy & Medical: The Extensor ______ ______ _____ Is Used To Extend The Little Finger`Digiti Minimi Manus
Anatomy & Medical: The Femur Is A Bone In What Part Of The Body`Thigh
Anatomy & Medical: The Fibrous Covering Of A Bone`Periosteum
Anatomy & Medical: The Fissure Of _______, Would Be Found In The Human Brain`Rolando
Anatomy & Medical: The Fleshy Muscular Organ Joined To The _____ ____ Is The Tongue`Hyoid Bone
Anatomy & Medical: The _______ For Smallpox Was Developed In 1798`Vaccine
Anatomy & Medical: The 'Funny Bone' Is Not A Bone But A`Nerve
Anatomy & Medical: The Gall Bladder Is Located Directly Underneath What Large Organ`Liver
Anatomy & Medical: The General Term Used For Various Forms Of Insanity And Mental Derangement`Mental Illness
Anatomy & Medical: The Gland Responsible For Producing The Hormone That Regulates Growth Is Called The Pituitary Gland. It Is The Size Of A`Pea
Anatomy & Medical: The Gluteus Maximus Muscle Is The Bulk Of The`Buttock
Anatomy & Medical: The Hardest Substance In The Human Body`Enamel
Anatomy & Medical: The _____ ____ Has Enough Fat To Produce 7 Bars Of Soap`Human Body
Anatomy & Medical: The _____ ____ Has Fewer Muscles In It Than A Caterpillar`Human Body
Anatomy & Medical: The Human Body Contains About Sixty Thousand Miles Of`Blood Vessels
Anatomy & Medical: The Human Body Contains Enough Iron To Make A Spike Strong Enough To Hold Your ___`Own Weight
Anatomy & Medical: The Human Body Contains Enough Iron To Make A Spike ______ ______ To Hold Your Own Weight`Strong Enough
Anatomy & Medical: The Human Body Contains Enough ____ To Make A Spike Strong Enough To Hold Your Own Weight`Iron
Anatomy & Medical: The Human Body Has Enough Fat To Produce 7 Bars Of`Soap
Anatomy & Medical: The Human Body Has Enough Fat To Produce _ ____ Of Soap`7 Bars
Anatomy & Medical: The Human Body Has Fewer Muscles In It Than A`Caterpillar
Anatomy & Medical: The Human Body Has Over 600 What To Account For 40% Of The Body's Weight`Muscles
Anatomy & Medical: The Human Body Has ______ ___ To Produce 7 Bars Of Soap`Enough Fat
Anatomy & Medical: The Human Body's Second Biggest Organ`Liver
Anatomy & Medical: The Human Body Transmits _____ ________ At About 90 Metres A Second`Nerve Impulses
Anatomy & Medical: The Human Body Transmits Nerve Impulses At About __ ______ A Second`90 Metres
Anatomy & Medical: The Human Brain Is ___`80% Water
Anatomy & Medical: The _______ Human Brain Weighs 1.3 Kg`Average
Anatomy & Medical: The Human _____ Contains More Bones Than The Ankle`Wrist
Anatomy & Medical: The Human Head Is A Quarter Of Our _____ ______ At Birth, But Only An Eighth Of Our Total Length By The Time We Reach Adulthood`Total Length
Anatomy & Medical: The Human Head Is A Quarter Of Our Total Length At Birth, But Only An Eighth Of Our _____ ______ By The Time We Reach Adulthood`Total Length
Anatomy & Medical: The Human Head Is A Quarter Of Our Total Length At Birth, But Only An Eighth Of Our Total Length By The Time We Reach`Adulthood
Anatomy & Medical: The Human Head Is A Quarter Of Our Total Length At Birth, But Only An ______ Of Our Total Length By The Time We Reach Adulthood`Eighth
Anatomy & Medical: The Human Head Is A Quarter Of Our Total Length __ _____, But Only An Eighth Of Our Total Length By The Time We Reach Adulthood`At Birth
Anatomy & Medical: The Human Heart Creates Enough Pressure When It Pumps Out To The Body To Squirt Blood _______ Feet`30
Anatomy & Medical: The Human Heart Creates Enough ______ When It Pumps Out To The Body To Squirt Blood 30 Feet`Pressure
Anatomy & Medical: The Human Wrist Contains More Bones Than The`Ankle
Anatomy & Medical: The Human Wrist Contains ____ _____ Than The Ankle`More Bones
Anatomy & Medical: The Hydrochloric Acid In The Human Stomach Is Strong Enough To ________ A Nail`Dissolve
Anatomy & Medical: The Hydrochloric Acid In The Human Stomach Is Strong Enough To Dissolve A`Nail
Anatomy & Medical: The Hydrochloric Acid In The _____ _______ Is Strong Enough To Dissolve A Nail`Human Stomach
Anatomy & Medical: The ________ ____ In The Body Is The Stirrup Bone`Smallest Bone
Anatomy & Medical: The _______ ____ In The Human Body Is The Female Reproductive Cell, The Ovum. The Smallest Is The Male Sperm`Largest Cell
Anatomy & Medical: The ____________ ____ In The Human Stomach Is Strong Enough To Dissolve A Nail`Hydrochloric Acid
Anatomy & Medical: The _______ _____ __ _____ In The Late 19th Century Was Tuberculosis`Leading Cause Of Death
Anatomy & Medical: The ______ ____ ___________ Is 37 Celsius`Normal Body Temperature
Anatomy & Medical: The _____ _____ Is 80% Water`Human Brain
Anatomy & Medical: The _____ ____ Is A Quarter Of Our Total Length At Birth, But Only An Eighth Of Our Total Length By The Time We Reach Adulthood`Human Head
Anatomy & Medical: The Islands Of Langerhans Won't Be Found On A Map, They're A Group Of Cells Located In The`Pancreas
Anatomy & Medical: The Islands Of Langerhans Won't Be Found On A Map, They're A _____ __ _____ Located In The Pancreas`Group Of Cells
Anatomy & Medical: The Islands Of Langerhans Won't Be _____ __ _ ___, They're A Group Of Cells Located In The Pancreas`Found On A Map
Anatomy & Medical: The _______ __________ Is More Commonly Known As The Adam's Apple`Thyroid Cartilage
Anatomy & Medical: The '_____ ____' Is Not A Bone But A Nerve`Funny Bone
Anatomy & Medical: The _____ Is The Largest Artery In The Human Body, Measuring About 3cm In Diameter At The Heart`Aorta
Anatomy & Medical: The _____ Is The Largest Internal Organ Weighing About 10.5 Kilograms`Liver
Anatomy & Medical: The ______ ________ _____ Joined To The Hyoid Bone Is The Tongue`Fleshy Muscular Organ
Anatomy & Medical: The Junction Between Two Nerve Cells Called`Synapse
Anatomy & Medical: The Lack Of This Element In The Diet Is A Cause Of Goitre`Iodine
Anatomy & Medical: The Lack Of What Vitamin Causes Beriberi (Numbness In The Hands And Feet)`B1
Anatomy & Medical: The Largest And Most Complicated Joint In The Body`Knee
Anatomy & Medical: The Largest Cell In A Human Body`Ovum
Anatomy & Medical: The Largest Cell In The Human Body Is The Female Reproductive Cell, The Ovum. ___ ________ Is The Male Sperm`The Smallest
Anatomy & Medical: The Largest Cell In The Human Body Is The Female Reproductive Cell, The Ovum. The Smallest Is The ____`Male Sperm
Anatomy & Medical: The Largest Cell In The Human Body Is The Female Reproductive Cell, ___ ____. The Smallest Is The Male Sperm`The Ovum
Anatomy & Medical: The Largest Cell In The Human Body Is The ______ ____________ ____, The Ovum. The Smallest Is The Male Sperm`Female Reproductive Cell
Anatomy & Medical: The Largest Cell In The _____ ____ Is The Female Reproductive Cell, The Ovum. The Smallest Is The Male Sperm`Human Body
Anatomy & Medical: The Largest Gland In The Human Body`Liver
Anatomy & Medical: The Largest ______ In The Human Body Is The Buttock`Muscle
Anatomy & Medical: The Largest Muscle In The Human Body Is The`Buttock
Anatomy & Medical: The Largest Muscle In The _____ ____ Is The Buttock`Human Body
Anatomy & Medical: The Largest Single Organ Of The Human Body Is The`Skin
Anatomy & Medical: The Leading Cause Of Death In The Late 19th Century Was`Tuberculosis
Anatomy & Medical: The Leading Cause Of Death In The Late ____ _______ Was Tuberculosis`19th Century
Anatomy & Medical: The Left Lung Is Smaller Than The Right Lung, To Make Room For Which Organ`Heart
Anatomy & Medical: The Left Side Of The Brain Is Usually Responsible For The _______ __`Control Of Speech
Anatomy & Medical: The Left Side Of The _____ Is Usually Responsible For The Control Of Speech`Brain
Anatomy & Medical: The Legend Of Werewolves Has Been Explained As A Psychiatric Condition In Which A Person Believes S/He Is A Wolf. What Is This Condition Called`Lycanthropy
Anatomy & Medical: The Little Lump Of Flesh Just Forward Of Your Ear Canal, Right Next To Your Temple, Is Called A(N)`Tragus
Anatomy & Medical: The Liver Is The Largest ________ _____ Weighing About 10.5 Kilograms`Internal Organ
Anatomy & Medical: The Longest Tendon In The Body`Achilles Tendon
Anatomy & Medical: The Lumbar Spine Consists Of How Many Vertebrae`Five
Anatomy & Medical: The Malleus And The Incus Are Two Of The Three Auditory Ossicles. Which Is The Third`Stapes
Anatomy & Medical: The Medical Name For 'Hardening Of The Arteries'`Atherosclerosis
Anatomy & Medical: The Medical Name For The Thigh Bone`Femur
Anatomy & Medical: The Medical Name For The Voice Box Is The`Larynx
Anatomy & Medical: The Medical Term For A Black Eye Is _____________`Circumorbital Haematoma
Anatomy & Medical: The Medical Term For A _____ ___ Is Circumorbital Haematoma`Black Eye
Anatomy & Medical: The Medical Term For An Eyeball Shaped Like A Rugby Ball`Astigmatism
Anatomy & Medical: The Medical Term For Cancer Of The Blood`Leukemia
Anatomy & Medical: The Medical Term For Ear Wax`Cerumen
Anatomy & Medical: The Medical Term For Pain And Aching In The Lower Back`Lumbago
Anatomy & Medical: The Medical Term For Short Sightedness`Myopia
Anatomy & Medical: The Medical Term For The Cartilage In The Nose`Septum
Anatomy & Medical: The Medical Term For The Sudden And Complete Loss Of Memory`Amnesia
Anatomy & Medical: The Medical Term For Word Blindness`Dyslexia
Anatomy & Medical: The Middle Ear And The _______ Are Joined With The Eustachian Tube`Pharynx
Anatomy & Medical: The Misshapen Ear That Boxers Often Have`Cauliflower Ear
Anatomy & Medical: The Most _________ Cluster Of Nerves Is At The Base Of The Spine`Sensitive
Anatomy & Medical: The Most Common Blood Type In Humans`Type O
Anatomy & Medical: The Most Common Disease In The World`Tooth Decay
Anatomy & Medical: The Most __________ Drug In The United Kingdom In 1985 Was Valium`Prescribed
Anatomy & Medical: The Most Prescribed Drug In The ______ _______ In 1985 Was Valium`United Kingdom
Anatomy & Medical: The Most Prescribed Drug In The United Kingdom In 1985 Was`Valium
Anatomy & Medical: The Most Sensitive Cluster Of Nerves Is At The ____ __ ___`Base Of The Spine
Anatomy & Medical: The Most Sensitive _______ __ ______ Is At The Base Of The Spine`Cluster Of Nerves
Anatomy & Medical: The Mount Of Jupiter And The ______ __ _____ Are Found On The Palm Of Your Hand`Girdle Of Venus
Anatomy & Medical: The Mount Of Jupiter And The Girdle Of Venus Are Found On The ____ __ ____`Palm Of Your Hand
Anatomy & Medical: The _______ Muscle In The Human Body Is The Buttock`Largest
Anatomy & Medical: The Name For The Part Of The Bone That Fits Into A Socket To Form Hip And Shoulder Joints`Ball
Anatomy & Medical: The Name Given To Part Of The Large Intestine`Colon
Anatomy & Medical: The Name Of A Device Used To Stem The Flow Of Blood`Tourniquet
Anatomy & Medical: The Name Of The Big Muscle Used In Breathing That Separates The Chest From The Abdomen`Diaphragm
Anatomy & Medical: The Name Of The Body Part That Separates The Abdomen From The Thorax`Diaphragm
Anatomy & Medical: The Name Of The Body Part Which Separates The Nostrils`Septum
Anatomy & Medical: The Name Of The Bone At The Base Of The Human Spine`Coccyx
Anatomy & Medical: The Name Of The Bone In The Lower Leg`Tibia
Anatomy & Medical: The Name Of The Cartilage Flap At The Trachea Which Prevents Food Going Down The Wrong Way`Epiglottis
Anatomy & Medical: The Name Of The Cord Joining A Mother And Her Unborn Child`Umbilical Cord
Anatomy & Medical: The Name Of The Eating Disorder Where Binging Is Followed By Deliberate Vomiting And Purging`Bulimia Nervosa
Anatomy & Medical: The Name Of The Infection Of The Gums That Causes Them To Bleed`Pyorrhoea
Anatomy & Medical: The Name Of The Large Prominent Vein In The Side Of Your Neck`Jugular Vein
Anatomy & Medical: The Name Of Which Disease Comes From The Italian Meaning 'Bad Air'`Malaria
Anatomy & Medical: The Native Form In Which Dna Most Commonly Found`Double Stranded Helix
Anatomy & Medical: The N In Nmr Stands For`Nuclear
Anatomy & Medical: The Nose Continues To Grow __________ Your Life`Throughout
Anatomy & Medical: The _______ ______ Of A Man In The Middle Ages Was Five Feet Six Inches`Average Height
Anatomy & Medical: The ________ Of 'Cross-Eyed' Is 'Wall-Eyed'`Opposite
Anatomy & Medical: The ________ Of Haemophilia Are Never Displayed By Women, But Can Only Pass It On. With Men Is The Opposite`Symptoms
Anatomy & Medical: The _______ Of Rolando, Would Be Found In The Human Brain`Fissure
Anatomy & Medical: The ____ ____ Of The Brain Is Usually Responsible For The Control Of Speech`Left Side
Anatomy & Medical: The _____ Of The Brazilian Apinaly Tribe Bite Their Mates Eyebrows During Intercourse`Women
Anatomy & Medical: The Only Bone Not Broken So Far During Any Ski Accident Is The One Located In The`Inner Ear
Anatomy & Medical: The Only Head Bone That A Normal Human Can Move`Jawbone
Anatomy & Medical: The Only Part Of The Human Body That Cannot Repair Itself`Teeth
Anatomy & Medical: The Opposite Of 'Cross-Eyed' Is '____-____'`Wall-Eyed
Anatomy & Medical: The Opposite Of '_____-____' Is 'Wall-Eyed'`Cross-Eyed
Anatomy & Medical: The Other Term For German Measles Is`Rubella
Anatomy & Medical: The Part Of A Nerve Or Organ Which Arises From Another Structure`Root
Anatomy & Medical: The Part Of The Nose That Separates The Two Nostrils`Columella
Anatomy & Medical: The Part Of The Sole Between The Heel And The Ball Of The Foot`Shank
Anatomy & Medical: The Prevention Of Pregnancy`Contraception
Anatomy & Medical: The Process Of Converting Glucose To Energy In Cells Called`Respiration
Anatomy & Medical: The Purpose Of An Analgesic Drug`To Reduce Pain
Anatomy & Medical: The ___________ Quartz, Amethyst Was Once Believed To Prevent Drunkenness`Crystalline
Anatomy & Medical: The Rate Of Quadruplets Are 1 (Set) In Every ___ ___ Births`490 000
Anatomy & Medical: There Are 14 _________ (Finger Bones) In A Human Hand`Phalanges
Anatomy & Medical: There Are 14 Phalanges (Finger Bones) In A _____`Human Hand
Anatomy & Medical: There Are 14 Phalanges (______ _____) In A Human Hand`Finger Bones
Anatomy & Medical: There Are 45 Miles Of What In The Skin Of A Human Being`Nerves
Anatomy & Medical: There Are 5 Pairs Of Muscles In The Superficial Layer: _________, Latissimus Dorsi, Rhomboid Major, Rhomboid Minor And Levator Scapulae`Trapezius
Anatomy & Medical: There Are 5 Pairs Of Muscles In The Superficial Layer: Trapezius, Latissimus Dorsi, Rhomboid Major, ________ _____ And Levator Scapulae`Rhomboid Minor
Anatomy & Medical: There Are 5 Pairs Of Muscles In The Superficial Layer: Trapezius, Latissimus Dorsi, Rhomboid Major, Rhomboid Minor And _______`Levator Scapulae
Anatomy & Medical: There Are 5 Pairs Of Muscles In The Superficial Layer: Trapezius, Latissimus Dorsi, ________ _____, Rhomboid Minor And Levator Scapulae`Rhomboid Major
Anatomy & Medical: There Are 5 Pairs Of Muscles In The ___________ _____: Trapezius, Latissimus Dorsi, Rhomboid Major, Rhomboid Minor And Levator Scapulae`Superficial Layer
Anatomy & Medical: There Are 625 Sweat Glands In One Square Inch Of Human`Skin
Anatomy & Medical: There Are 625 Sweat Glands In What Area Of Human Skin`One Square Inch
Anatomy & Medical: There Are About __ Different Muscles In A Birds Wing`40
Anatomy & Medical: There Are How Many Miles Of Nerves In The Skin Of A Human Being`45
Anatomy & Medical: There Are __ Million Digestive Glands In The Stomach`35
Anatomy & Medical: There Are More Living Organisms On The ____ Of A Single Human Being Than There Are Human Beings On The Surface Of The Earth`Skin
Anatomy & Medical: There Are More Living Organisms On The Skin Of A Single Human Being Than There Are Human Beings On The _______ __ ___`Surface Of The Earth
Anatomy & Medical: There Are More Living Organisms On The Skin Of A ______ _____ _____ Than There Are Human Beings On The Surface Of The Earth`Single Human Being
Anatomy & Medical: There Are Over 100 Million _____ _________ _____ In The Retina`Light Sensitive Cells
Anatomy & Medical: There Are Over 100 Million Light Sensitive Cells In The`Retina
Anatomy & Medical: There Are __ Phalanges (Finger Bones) In A Human Hand`14
Anatomy & Medical: There Are __ Thousand Miles Of Arteries, Capillaries, And Veins In The Adult Human Body`62
Anatomy & Medical: There Is Enough Iron In A Human Being To Make`One Small Nail
Anatomy & Medical: There Is ____ _______ In Brown Eyes Than Blue`More Pigment
Anatomy & Medical: There Is More Pigment In _____ ____ Than Blue`Brown Eyes
Anatomy & Medical: There Is No ______ ____ Given To Describe The Back Of The Knee`Single Word
Anatomy & Medical: There Is No Single Word Given To Describe The ____ __ ___`Back Of The Knee
Anatomy & Medical: The Science Of Preparing And Dispensing Drugs Is`Pharmacy
Anatomy & Medical: These Animals Were Once Used To Bleed The Sick`Leeches
Anatomy & Medical: These Attach Muscles To Bones Or Cartilage`Tendons
Anatomy & Medical: The Second Growth Phase Of The Cell Cycle, Consisting Of The Portion Of Interphase After Dna Synthesis Occurs`G2 Phase
Anatomy & Medical: The Second Largest Bone In The Foot`Talus
Anatomy & Medical: These Essential Body Cells Do Not Contain Nuclei`Red Blood Cells
Anatomy & Medical: The Septum Linguae Is Found On The`Tongue
Anatomy & Medical: The Shin Bone`Tibia
Anatomy & Medical: The Smallest Bone In The Body Is The _______`Stirrup Bone
Anatomy & Medical: The Smallest Bone In The Body`Stapes`Stirrup
Anatomy & Medical: The Smallest Bone In The Body`Stirrup Bone
Anatomy & Medical: The Small Intestine Is Made Up Of The Duodenum, The Jejenum And The`Ileum
Anatomy & Medical: The Small Intestine Is Made Up Of The Jejenum, The Ileum And The`Duodenum
Anatomy & Medical: The Soft Areas Of The Cartilage On A Baby's Head Where The Skull Bones Haven't Joined Is Called What`Fontanelle
Anatomy & Medical: The Soft Tissue Inside Bones Called`Marrow
Anatomy & Medical: The Space Between ___ Adjacent Neurones Is Called The 'Synapse'`Two
Anatomy & Medical: The Space Between Two Adjacent ________ Is Called The 'Synapse'`Neurones
Anatomy & Medical: The Space Between Two Adjacent Neurones Is Called The '_______'`Synapse
Anatomy & Medical: The Stage Of The Heart Cycle In Which The Heart Muscle Contracts And The Chambers Pump Blood`Systole
Anatomy & Medical: The Strongest Muscle In The Body Is The`Tongue
Anatomy & Medical: The Strongest Muscle`Tongue
Anatomy & Medical: The Substance Obtained From Acacia Trees That Is Used In Medicine`Gum Arabic
Anatomy & Medical: The Sulphate Of Which Metal Is Used To Render The Alimentary Canal Opaque To X-Rays (Symbol Ba)`Barium
Anatomy & Medical: The _____ _______ Supplies The Liver With Oxygen`Hepatic Artery
Anatomy & Medical: The Surface Area Inside The Average Adult Human Lung (In Square Feet Only)`Twelve Hundred
Anatomy & Medical: The Surface Area Of A Human Lung Is Equal To A ______`Tennis Court
Anatomy & Medical: The Surface Area Of A _____ ____ Is Equal To A Tennis Court`Human Lung
Anatomy & Medical: The Symptoms Of ___________ Are Never Displayed By Women, But Can Only Pass It On. With Men Is The Opposite`Haemophilia
Anatomy & Medical: The Symptoms Of Haemophilia Are _____ _________ By Women, But Can Only Pass It On. With Men Is The Opposite`Never Displayed
Anatomy & Medical: The Symptoms Of Haemophilia Are Never Displayed By _____, But Can Only Pass It On. With Men Is The Opposite`Women
Anatomy & Medical: The Symptoms Of Haemophilia Are Never Displayed By Women, But Can Only Pass It On. With ___ Is The Opposite`Men
Anatomy & Medical: The Symptoms Of Haemophilia Are Never Displayed By Women, But Can Only Pass It On. With Men Is The`Opposite
Anatomy & Medical: The Symptoms Of Haemophilia Are Never Displayed By Women, But Can Only ____ __ __. With Men Is The Opposite`Pass It On
Anatomy & Medical: The Technical Term For Blood Poisoning`Toxaemia
Anatomy & Medical: The Technical Term For The Bones In The Fingers And Toes`Phalanges
Anatomy & Medical: The Teeth Used For Biting Or Cutting Are Known As`Incisors
Anatomy & Medical: The Term For A Mass Of Food Moving From Your Mouth To Your Stomach Called`Bolus
Anatomy & Medical: The Term For The Union Of Two Dissimilar Sexual Cells Or Gametes To Form A New Individual`Fertilisation
Anatomy & Medical: The Thyroid Cartilage Is More Commonly Known As The ____'_`Adam's Apple
Anatomy & Medical: The Tibia`Shin Bone
Anatomy & Medical: The Tips Of Fingers And The Soles Of Feet Are Covered By A Thick, Tough Layer Of Skin Called The What`Stratum Corneum
Anatomy & Medical: The _____ ____ Transmits Nerve Impulses At About 90 Metres A Second`Human Body
Anatomy & Medical: The Tube That Carries Urine From The Kidneys To The Bladder`Ureter
Anatomy & Medical: The Tympanic Membrane`Eardrum
Anatomy & Medical: The Vaccine For ________ Was Developed In 1798`Smallpox
Anatomy & Medical: The Vaccine Mmr Offers Protection Against Which Diseases`Measles Mumps And Rubella
Anatomy & Medical: The White Semicircle On A Fingernail`Lunula
Anatomy & Medical: The Women Of The _________ Apinaly Tribe Bite Their Mates Eyebrows During Intercourse`Brazilian
Anatomy & Medical: The Women Of The Brazilian Apinaly Tribe Bite Their Mates ________ During Intercourse`Eyebrows
Anatomy & Medical: The Women Of The Brazilian Apinaly Tribe ____ Their Mates Eyebrows During Intercourse`Bite
Anatomy & Medical: The Wrist, Or The Wrist Bones`Carpus
Anatomy & Medical: This Alkaloid Extracted From Cinchona Bark, ______ Is Commonly Used In Malaria Therapy`Quinine
Anatomy & Medical: This American Chemist, Along With Gertrude Elion, Developed Drugs For Leukemia, Malaria, And Other Bacterial Infections`George H. Hitchings
Anatomy & Medical: This Branch Of Medicine Deals With Old Age And Its Diseases`Geriatrics
Anatomy & Medical: This Cell Organelle Is Responsible For Protein Production`Ribosome
Anatomy & Medical: This Complex Substance Makes Up All Living Things`Protoplasm
Anatomy & Medical: This Disease Consists Of A Purposeless, Continual Growth Of White Blood Cells`Leukemia
Anatomy & Medical: This Is Known As 'The Royal Disease'`Haemophilia
Anatomy & Medical: This Is The Medical Name For Shoulder Blade`Scapula
Anatomy & Medical: This Is The Only Artery In The Human Body That Carries Deoxygenated Blood Away From The Heart`Pulmonary
Anatomy & Medical: This Large Bean-Shaped Lymph Gland Can Expand And Contract As Needed`Spleen
Anatomy & Medical: This Large Bean Shaped Lymph Gland Can Expand And Contract As Needed`The Spleen
Anatomy & Medical: This Organ Of The Excretory System Is Composed Of Small Tubules Called Nephridia`Kidney
Anatomy & Medical: This Small Gland Attached To The Brain Exerts A Control Over Growth`Pituitary
Anatomy & Medical: Thomas Wedders, The _______ Circus Freak, Had A Nose Which Was Seven And A Half Inches Long`English
Anatomy & Medical: Thomas Wedders, The English Circus Freak, Had A Nose Which Was _____ ___ _ ____ Inches Long`Seven And A Half
Anatomy & Medical: Thomas Wedders, The English Circus Freak, Had A ____ Which Was Seven And A Half Inches Long`Nose
Anatomy & Medical: 'Tinea Pedis' Is Commonly Known As`Athlete's Foot
Anatomy & Medical: Tissue Or Organ Of The Animal Body Characterized By The Ability To Contract, Usually In Response To A Stimulus From The Nervous System`Muscle
Anatomy & Medical: Tissue Which Lies Immediately Deep To The Skin Known As Subcutaneous Tissue. It Usually Consists Of A Layer Of Connective Tissue Which Contains Fat, And Of A Deep And More Fibrous Layer Which Adheres To The Surface Of The Underlying Muscle And Vessels`Fascia
Anatomy & Medical: Total Colour Blindness Is Medically Know As What`Monochromatism
Anatomy & Medical: ________ To The Posterior Shoulder Region: Transverse Cervical, Suprascapular, Circumflex Scapular, Dorsal Scapular And Posterior Humeral Circumflex`Arteries
Anatomy & Medical: To What Do The Tendons Attach The Muscles`Bones Or Cartilage
Anatomy & Medical: To Which Part Of The Body Does The Adjective 'Renal' Refer`Kidney
Anatomy & Medical: Treatment Of Disease And Correction Of Deformity Or Defect By Manual And Operative Procedures, With Or Without The Use Of Drugs`Surgery
Anatomy & Medical: Treatment Of Disease By Various Approaches`Therapy
Anatomy & Medical: Tuberculosis`Consumption
Anatomy & Medical: Tubular Sack Attached To The Large Intestine`Appendix
Anatomy & Medical: Type Of Spongiform Encephalopathy Affecting Human Beings And Leading To Dementia`Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
Anatomy & Medical: Ulna, Radius, And Clavicle Are Types Of`Bones
Anatomy & Medical: Until 1947, What Did 'Gripe Water' Contain`Opium
Anatomy & Medical: Until 1947, What Mixture Used For Calming Babies Contained Opium`Gripe Water
Anatomy & Medical: Used To Denote The Widest Part Of A Hollow Organ`Fundus
Anatomy & Medical: Used To Describe The Dilated Part Of A Duct`Ampulla
Anatomy & Medical: Various Methods Used To Prevent Pregnancy From Occurring`Birth Control
Anatomy & Medical: Vessels That Return Blood From Capillaries To The Heart`Veins
Anatomy & Medical: Victorian Women Tried To _______ _____ _______ By Bathing In Strawberries`Enlarge Their Breasts
Anatomy & Medical: Victorian Women Tried To Enlarge Their Breasts By Bathing In`Strawberries
Anatomy & Medical: Victorian Women Tried To Enlarge Their Breasts By _______ In Strawberries`Bathing
Anatomy & Medical: __________ Was First Used As A Medical Treatment In 2700 B.C. By Chinese Emperor Shen-Nung`Acupuncture
Anatomy & Medical: ________ ___ Was Once Used As A Snuff To Stop Bleeding Noses`Powdered Tea
Anatomy & Medical: _____ Was Used Widely As A Painkiller During The American Civil War. As A Result, Over One Hundred Thousand Soldiers Had Become Drug Addicts By The End Of The War`Opium
Anatomy & Medical: __________ Were Once Used To Treat A Bone Infection Called Osteomyelitis`Maggots
Anatomy & Medical: What Are Cocci, Spirilla And Streptococci`Bacteria
Anatomy & Medical: What Are Looser Than Normal In A Double Jointed Person`Ligaments
Anatomy & Medical: What Are Phalanges`Finger Bones
Anatomy & Medical: What Are The Front Cutting Teeth Called`Incisors
Anatomy & Medical: What Are The Grinding Teeth Called`Molars
Anatomy & Medical: What Are The Initials For Deoxyribonucleic Acid`Dna
Anatomy & Medical: What Are The Longest Cells In The Human Body`Neurones
Anatomy & Medical: What Are The Membranes Enveloping The Brain And Spinal Cord Called`Meninges
Anatomy & Medical: What Are The Pancreas Or The Thymus Gland Of Cattle More Commonly Known As`Sweetbreads
Anatomy & Medical: What Are You If Your Iq Is Below 25`Idiot
Anatomy & Medical: What Are You If You Suffer From Baker's Leg`Knock Kneed
Anatomy & Medical: What Attaches The Muscles To The Bones Or Cartilage`Tendons
Anatomy & Medical: What Blood Type Has Been Found In Less Than A Dozen People Since It Was First Discovered`Type Ah
Anatomy & Medical: What Body Organs Did Mae West Say Could Be An Asset If You Hide Them`Brains
Anatomy & Medical: What Body Part Contains The Smallest Bones`The Ear
Anatomy & Medical: What Body Part Is Measured With A 'Brannock Device'`Foot
Anatomy & Medical: What Body Parts Are Oversized In A Man Suffering From Gynecomastia`Breasts
Anatomy & Medical: What Bone Connects Your Shoulder Blade And Elbow Joint`The Humerus
Anatomy & Medical: What Carries Sensations From The Tongue To The Brain`Lingual Nerve
Anatomy & Medical: What Causes 'Baker's Itch'`Yeast
Anatomy & Medical: What Causes Gout`Uric Acid
Anatomy & Medical: What Childhood Disease Did 312 Americans Have In 1993, A Record Low`Measles
Anatomy & Medical: What Contagious Disease Was Scheduled For Complete Eradication On June 30,1999`Smallpox
Anatomy & Medical: What Did You Do 10 Million Times Last Year`Breathe
Anatomy & Medical: What Disease Claims About Forty Victims An Hour In America`Cancer
Anatomy & Medical: What Disease Did August Von Wassermann Develop A Scientific Test For In 1906`Syphilis
Anatomy & Medical: What Disease Had Its Virus Finally Identified In 1984`Hepatitis
Anatomy & Medical: What Disease Is Also Known As 'Rubella'`German Measles
Anatomy & Medical: What Disease Is Carcinomaphobia The Fear Of`Cancer
Anatomy & Medical: What Disease Is Carried By The Tsetse Fly`Sleeping Sickness
Anatomy & Medical: What Disease Is Caused By Raised Pressure Inside The Eye`Glaucoma
Anatomy & Medical: What Disease Is Caused By The Lack Of Or Inability To Assimilate Thiamin`Beri Beri
Anatomy & Medical: What Disease Is The Sabin Vaccine Used To Prevent`Polio
Anatomy & Medical: What Disease Was Once Known As The White Plague`Tuberculosis
Anatomy & Medical: What Do Enzymes Start While Food Is Still In The Mouth`Breakdown Of Food
Anatomy & Medical: What Does A Gynephobic Man Fear`Women
Anatomy & Medical: What Does A Myologist Study`Muscles
Anatomy & Medical: What Does An Androphobic Maiden Fear`Men
Anatomy & Medical: What Does A Narcomaniac Crave`Drugs
Anatomy & Medical: What Does An Optician Make`Spectacles
Anatomy & Medical: What Does A Ship Flying The Yellow Jack Flag Have On Board`Disease
Anatomy & Medical: What Does A Sinophobic Russian Fear`China
Anatomy & Medical: What Does A Sphygmomanometer Measure`Blood Pressure
Anatomy & Medical: What Does Dermatitis Affect`Skin
Anatomy & Medical: What Does Dna Stand For`Deoxyribonucleic Acid
Anatomy & Medical: What Does Encephalitus Affect`Brain
Anatomy & Medical: What Does Gastritis Affect`Stomach
Anatomy & Medical: What Does Hepatitis Affect`Liver
Anatomy & Medical: What Does Lacrimal Fluid Lubricate`Eyes
Anatomy & Medical: What Does One Square Inch Of Human Skin Contain 625 Of`Sweat Glands
Anatomy & Medical: What Does Pearl Stand For`Pupils Equal And Reactive To Light
Anatomy & Medical: What Does 'Rx' Mean To A Pharmacist`A Prescription
Anatomy & Medical: What Does Salk Vaccine Prevent`Polio
Anatomy & Medical: What Does 'Spf' Stand For On A Bottle Of Sunscreen`Sun Protection Factor
Anatomy & Medical: What Does The Body Release That Dilates Small Blood Vessels And So Causes A Person To Blush`Peptides
Anatomy & Medical: What Does The Hiv-Test Elisa Stand For`Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay
Anatomy & Medical: What Does The Lacrimal Gland Produce`Tears
Anatomy & Medical: What Does The Medical Abbreviation Ld Stand For`Lethal Dose
Anatomy & Medical: What Does The Medical Abbreviation Pm Stand For`Post Mortem
Anatomy & Medical: What Does The Red Blood Cell Not Have`Nucleus
Anatomy & Medical: What Do Humans Completely Shed And Regrow Every 27 Days`Skin
Anatomy & Medical: What Do Humans Shed About 1.5 Pounds Of Every Year`Skin
Anatomy & Medical: What Do Many Females Lack`Iron
Anatomy & Medical: What Do Pigments Give To Your Hair And Skin`Colour
Anatomy & Medical: What Do Tendons Join To Bones`Muscles
Anatomy & Medical: What Do The Auricularis Muscles Move`Ears
Anatomy & Medical: What Do The Brain Lung And Ear Have In Common`Lobes
Anatomy & Medical: What Do The Tendons Attach To The Bones Or Cartilage`Muscles
Anatomy & Medical: What Do You Call The Hollow Spaces In The Bones Surrounding Your Nose`Sinuses
Anatomy & Medical:What Do You Have If You Feel 'Crapula'`Hangover
Anatomy & Medical: What Do You Have Plenty Of If You Are Hirsute`Hair
Anatomy & Medical: What Do You Part With When Suffering From Phalacrosis`Hair
Anatomy & Medical: What Do You Take Dramamine For`Motion Sickness
Anatomy & Medical: What Drug Is Obtained From The Cinchona Tree`Quinine
Anatomy & Medical: What Drug Is Obtained From The Dried Bark Of An Evergreen Tree Native To South America`Quinine
Anatomy & Medical: What Drug Is Obtained From The Poppy Plant`Opium
Anatomy & Medical: What Drug Was Named For Morpheus, The Greek God Of Dreams`Morphine
Anatomy & Medical: What Facial Feature Typically Contains About 550 Hairs`Eyebrow
Anatomy & Medical: What Falls Out With Phalacrosis`Hair
Anatomy & Medical: What Finger Is The Most Sensitive`Forefinger
Anatomy & Medical: What Fleshy Muscular Organ Is Joined To The Hyoid Bone`Tongue
Anatomy & Medical: What Fluid Lubricates The Eye`Lacrimal Fluid
Anatomy & Medical: What Gas In The Blood Of Divers Can Cause The Bends`Nitrogen
Anatomy & Medical: What Genetic Disorder Is Also Known As Mongolism`Down's Syndrome
Anatomy & Medical: What Gives Its Name To A Protein Found In The Human Blood`The Rhesus Monkey
Anatomy & Medical: What Gland Is Known As The 'Third Eye'`Pineal
Anatomy & Medical: What Gland Washes The Eyes`Tear Gland
Anatomy & Medical: What Has Accumulated In The Muscles In Someone Suffering From Emphysema`Air
Anatomy & Medical: What Have You Suffered From If You've Had A Myocardial Infarct`Heart Attack
Anatomy & Medical: What Hormone Is Produced By The Adrenal Glands`Adrenaline
Anatomy & Medical: What In Medical Terms Does The Abbreviation A And E Represent`Accident And Emergency
Anatomy & Medical: What Instrument Do Doctors Usually Have Around Their Necks`Stethoscope
Anatomy & Medical: What Is About To Be Measured When A Doctor Or Nurse Straps A Sphygmomanometer On You`Blood Pressure
Anatomy & Medical: What Is A Buccula`Double Chin
Anatomy & Medical: What Is A Cancerous Tumour`Malignant
Anatomy & Medical: What Is A Device To Stem The Flow Of Blood Called`Tourniquet
Anatomy & Medical: What Is A Lunula`White Part Of Your Fingernail
Anatomy & Medical: What Is A Man's 'G-Spot'`Prostate
Anatomy & Medical: What Is An Abnormally Undersized Person Called`Dwarf
Anatomy & Medical: What Is An Osteopath`Bone Specialist
Anatomy & Medical: What Is Another Name For Globoid Cell Leukodystrophy`Krabbe's Disease
Anatomy & Medical: What Is Another Word For Ear Wax`Cerumen
Anatomy & Medical: What Is A Skin Specialist Called`Dermatologist
Anatomy & Medical: What Is Borborygmus`Stomach Noises
Anatomy & Medical: What Is Cerumen`Earwax
Anatomy & Medical: What Is Cut In A Vasectomy`Vas Deferens
Anatomy & Medical: What Is Earwax`Cerumen
Anatomy & Medical: What Is Improved If You Sleep On Your Right Side`Digestion
Anatomy & Medical: What is produced by the machine that records the electrical activity in the brain`Electroencephalogram
Anatomy & Medical: What Is Pulmonary Edema`Fluid In The Lungs
Anatomy & Medical: What Is Statistically The Safest Age Of Life`Ten
Anatomy & Medical: What Is The Biological Name For The Soft Membrane Protecting The Heart`Pericardium
Anatomy & Medical: What Is The Colloquial Name For Recklinghausen's Disease`Elephant Man Disease
Anatomy & Medical: What Is The Correct Name For The Cheek Bone`Zygomatic Arch
Anatomy & Medical: What Is The Eardrum`Tympanic Membrane
Anatomy & Medical: What Is The Fear Of Spiders Known As`Arachnophobia
Anatomy & Medical: What Is The Latin Name For The Shoulder Blade`Scapula
Anatomy & Medical: What Is The Latin Name For The Top Set Of Vertebrae`Cervical
Anatomy & Medical: What Is The Longest Bone In The Body`Femur
Anatomy & Medical: What Is The Medical Term For A Persistent Ringing Or Buzzing Sound In The Ear`Tinnitus
Anatomy & Medical: What Is The Medical Term For Cancer Of The Blood`Leukemia
Anatomy & Medical: What Is The Minimum Iq Score For The Genius Category`140
Anatomy & Medical: What Is The More Common Name For 'Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy'`Mad Cow Disease
Anatomy & Medical: What Is The More Common Name For The Tympanic Membrane`The Eardrum
Anatomy & Medical: What Is The More Common Name We Use For The Physical Affliction Known As 'Furfur'`Dandruff
Anatomy & Medical: What Is The Most Common Contagious Disease In Humans`Common Cold
Anatomy & Medical: What Is The Most Widely Used Tranquiliser In North America`Valium
Anatomy & Medical: What Is The Name Of A Device Used To Stem The Flow Of Blood`Tourniquet
Anatomy & Medical: What Is The Name Of The Bone In The Lower Leg`Tibia
Anatomy & Medical: What Is The Name Of The Tube That Conducts The Egg From The Ovary To The Uterus`Fallopian Tube
Anatomy & Medical: What Is The Normal Oxygen Flow For A Non-Rebreather`15 Lpm
Anatomy & Medical: What Is The Outer Layer Of Skin Called`Epidermis
Anatomy & Medical: What Is The Outermost Layer Of Skin Called`Epidermis
Anatomy & Medical: What Is The Primary Feature Of Moebius Syndrome`Facial Paralysis
Anatomy & Medical: What Is The Scapula`Shoulder Blade
Anatomy & Medical: What Is The Shin Bone`Tibia
Anatomy & Medical: What Is The Smallest Bone In The Body`Stirrup Bone
Anatomy & Medical: What Is The Tibia`Shin Bone
Anatomy & Medical: What Is The Tympanic Membrane`Eardrum
Anatomy & Medical: What Is Trisaidekaphobia`Fear Of The Number Thirteen
Anatomy & Medical: What Is Tuberculosis`Consumption
Anatomy & Medical: What Joins Muscles To Bones`Tendons
Anatomy & Medical: What Kind Of Condition Is 'Protanopia'`Colour Blindness
Anatomy & Medical: What Kind Of Poisoning Is Known As Plumbism`Lead Poisoning
Anatomy & Medical: What Measures Blood Pressure`Sphygmomanometer
Anatomy & Medical: What Medical Instrument Is Used For Examining The Interior Of Hollow Organs Eg. Stomach`Endoscope
Anatomy & Medical: What Medical Treatment Was First Used By Chinese Emperor Shen-Nung In 2700 Bc`Acupuncture
Anatomy & Medical: What Medicine Hastens The Emptying Of The Bowels`Laxative
Anatomy & Medical: What Membrane Controls The Amount Of Light Entering The Eye`Iris
Anatomy & Medical: What Mineral Salt Is An Important Constituent Of Bones And Teeth`Calcium
Anatomy & Medical: What Molecule, Known By Three Letters, Controls Heredity`Dna
Anatomy & Medical: What Muscle Is Joined By The Lingual Nerve To The Brain`Tongue
Anatomy & Medical: What Muscles Move The Ears`Auricularis
Anatomy & Medical: What Muscles Provide About 200 Pounds Of Force`Jaw Muscles
Anatomy & Medical: What Name Is Given To A Blood Vessel Which Takes Blood Away From The Heart`Artery
Anatomy & Medical: What Name Is Given To Any Muscle With Three Heads`Triceps
Anatomy & Medical: What Nerve Carries Signals From The Retina To The Brain`Optic Nerve
Anatomy & Medical: What Nutrient Is Required By The Body In Order To Build Up Muscles`Protein
Anatomy & Medical: What Optical Aids Was Nearsighted Model Grace Robin The First To Show Off, In 1930`Contact Lenses
Anatomy & Medical: What Organ Contains The Islands Of Langerhans`Pancreas
Anatomy & Medical: What Organ Did Aristotle Think The Blood Cooled`Brain
Anatomy & Medical: What Organ Endured Its First U.S. Transplant In 1954`Kidney
Anatomy & Medical: What Organ Of The Body Is Particularly Affected By Hepatitis`Liver
Anatomy & Medical: What Organ Recycles Old Blood Cells`The Spleen
Anatomy & Medical: What Organ Will Most Often Suffer Permanent Damage If You Have Amoebic Dysentery`The Liver`Liver
Anatomy & Medical: What Other Name Does Ebola Ivory Coast Go By`Ebola Tai
Anatomy & Medical: What Oval Shaped Organ Near The Stomach Purify's Blood`Spleen
Anatomy & Medical: What Part Of A Human Takes About 6 Months To Grow From Base To Tip`Nails
Anatomy & Medical: What Part Of A Person's Body Must Be Clutched To Feel The 'Biceps'`Upper Arm
Anatomy & Medical: What Part Of The Body Does A Chiropodist Treat`Feet
Anatomy & Medical: What Part Of The Body Does Lacrimal Fluid Lubricate`Eyes
Anatomy & Medical: What Part Of The Body Has A Crown, A Neck And A Root`Tooth
Anatomy & Medical: What Part Of The Body Is A Busby Worn On`Head
Anatomy & Medical: What Part Of The Body Is Affected By Conjunctivitis`The Eye
Anatomy & Medical: What Part Of The Body Is Covered With Enamel`Teeth
Anatomy & Medical: What Part Of The Body Is Inflamed In Hepatitis`Liver
Anatomy & Medical: What Part Of The Body Is Particularly Affected By Pneumonia`Lungs
Anatomy & Medical: What Part Of The Eye Continues To Grow Throughout A Person's Life`Lens
Anatomy & Medical: What Part Of The Eye Is Affected By Cataracts`Lens
Anatomy & Medical: What Part Of The Eye Is Stored In Banks`Cornea
Anatomy & Medical: What Part Of The Foot Is Called A Minimus`Little Toe
Anatomy & Medical: What Part Of The Human Body Grows To 20 Times Its Size At Birth`Nose
Anatomy & Medical: What Part Of The Human Body Has The Thinnest Skin`Eyelid
Anatomy & Medical: What Part Of The Human Body Is Most Commonly Bitten By Insects`Foot
Anatomy & Medical: What Part Of The Polar Bear Is Highly Intoxicating To Inuits`Liver
Anatomy & Medical: What Part Of You Is An Orthodontist Most Interested In`Teeth
Anatomy & Medical: What Part Of You Is A Periodontist Most Interested In`Gums
Anatomy & Medical: What Part Of You Is Probably Type A, B, Ab Or O`Blood
Anatomy & Medical: What Part Of Your Body Can Have A Gastric Ulcer`Your Stomach
Anatomy & Medical: What Part Of Your Body Is Elastic, Waterproof, Washable And Fits You Very Well`Skin
Anatomy & Medical: What Percentage Of The Average Human Brain Is Water`80`80%`80%
Anatomy & Medical: What Period Takes Place Shortly After Childbirth`Postpartum
Anatomy & Medical: What Physical Disability Is Also Known As Nanism`The Condition Of Being A Dwarf
Anatomy & Medical: What Pigment Affects The Colour Of The Hair And Skin`Melanin
Anatomy & Medical: What Pigment Allows Humans To See Better At Night`Rhodopsin
Anatomy & Medical: What Pigment Is Missing From The Skin Of Human Albinos`Melanin
Anatomy & Medical: What Population Group Is Most Likely To Suffer From Laryngolmalacia`Newborns
Anatomy & Medical: What Small Region At End Of Medulla Oblongata Serves As 'Bridge' To Brain`Pons
Anatomy & Medical: What Sort Of Body Fat Produces A Dimpled Effect On The Skin`Cellulite
Anatomy & Medical: What Sound Made By People Can Be Almost As Loud As The Noise Of A Pneumatic Drill`Snore
Anatomy & Medical: What Starts The Breakdown Of Food When It Is Still In The Mouth`Enzymes
Anatomy & Medical: What's The Common Term For The Lesions That Herpes Simplex 1 Cause On The Mouth And Face`Cold Sores
Anatomy & Medical: What's The Deadliest Disease To Be Unknown Prior To 1981`Aids
Anatomy & Medical: Whats The Largest Organ In The Human Body`Skin
Anatomy & Medical: What's The Medical Term For Ear Wax`Cerumen
Anatomy & Medical: What's The Medical Term For Inflammation Of The Cornea That Can Lead To Blindness`Keratitis
Anatomy & Medical: What's The Most Frequently-Broken Bone In The Body`Clavicle
Anatomy & Medical: Whats The Technical Name For The Skull`Cranium
Anatomy & Medical: What Strain Of Ebola Was Discovered First`Ebola Zaire
Anatomy & Medical: What Strain Was Of Ebola Was Discovered Third`Ebola Reston
Anatomy & Medical: What Takes A Human 17 Muscles To Do`Smile
Anatomy & Medical: What Takes A Human 43 Muscles To Do`Frown
Anatomy & Medical: What Term Describes A Pain In The Chest Usually Caused By Lack Of Oxygen`Angina
Anatomy & Medical: What Toe Is The Foot Reflexology Pressure Point For The Head`Big Toe
Anatomy & Medical: What Two Body Organs Benefit From Cardiovascular Exercise`Heart And Lungs
Anatomy & Medical: What Two Colours Are Blood Cells`Red And White
Anatomy & Medical: What Two Colours Are Most Colour Blind People Unable To Distinguish Between`Red And Green
Anatomy & Medical: What Two Large Veins Bring Blood Back To The Heart From The Upper And Lower Body Extremities`Vena Cava
Anatomy & Medical: What Two Sets Of Human Extremities Have Bones Called Phalanges`The Fingers And Toes
Anatomy & Medical: What Type Of Doctor Is A Gp`General Practitioner
Anatomy & Medical: What Type Of Fibrous Joints Are Found Only Between The Bones Of The Skull`Sutures
Anatomy & Medical: What Type Of Plant Does Broom Hilda Sell`Venus Flytrap
Anatomy & Medical: What Type Of Synovial Joint Allows Only Uniaxial Rotation, Such As In The Proximal Radiounlar`Pivot
Anatomy & Medical: What Viral Skin Condition Does Folklore Say Is Caused By Handling Toads`Warts
Anatomy & Medical: What Vitamin Deficiency Causes Rickets`Vitamin D
Anatomy & Medical: What Was Extracted Through The Nasal Passages Of Dead Pharaohs`Brain
Anatomy & Medical: What Was First Used As A Medical Treatment In 2700 Bc By Chinese Emperor Shen Nung`Acupuncture
Anatomy & Medical: What Was The Leading Cause Of Death In The Late 19th Century`Tuberculosis
Anatomy & Medical: What Was The Name Of The Drug Used As An Anti-Cancer Agent And Extracted From The Blue Periwinkle`Vincristine
Anatomy & Medical: What Was The Name Of The First Patented Contraceptive Pill`Enovid
Anatomy & Medical: What Was The Name Of The Medical Journal Established By Dr Thomas Wakely`The Lancet
Anatomy & Medical: What Was Used At One Time To Treat Osteomyelitis, A Serious Bone Infection`Maggots
Anatomy & Medical: When Recognising Someone's Face, You Use The _____ ____ Of Your Brain`Right Side
Anatomy & Medical: When Recognising Someone's Face, You Use The Right Side Of Your`Brain
Anatomy & Medical: When Recognising Someone's ____, You Use The Right Side Of Your Brain`Face
Anatomy & Medical: When Solid Substances In The Blood Are Removed, What Name Is Given To The Remaining Liquid`Plasma
Anatomy & Medical: When You ______, All Bodily Functions Stop ....Even Your Heart`Sneeze
Anatomy & Medical: When You Blush, Your _______ ______ Also Reddens`Stomach Lining
Anatomy & Medical: When You Blush, Your Stomach Lining Also`Reddens
Anatomy & Medical: When You _____, Your Stomach Lining Also Reddens`Blush
Anatomy & Medical: Where Are One Quarter Of The Bones In The Human Body`Feet
Anatomy & Medical: Where Are Phalanges`Hand
Anatomy & Medical: Where Are The Moons On The Body`Finger Nails
Anatomy & Medical: Where Do You Find The Medulla Oblongata`Brain
Anatomy & Medical: Where In The Body Are The Adenoids`Nose
Anatomy & Medical: Where In The Body Is The Axilla`Armpit
Anatomy & Medical: Where In The Body Is The Labyrinth`Ear
Anatomy & Medical: Where In The Body Is The Patella`Knee
Anatomy & Medical: Where In The Body Is The Tiniest Human Muscle`Ear
Anatomy & Medical: Where In The Body Would You Find The Bowman's Capsule`Kidney
Anatomy & Medical: Where In The Body Would You Find The Carpals`Wrist
Anatomy & Medical: Where In The Body Would You Find The Left Ventricle`Heart
Anatomy & Medical: Where In The Body Would You Find Your Olfactory Lobes`Nose
Anatomy & Medical: Where In The Human Body Is The Round Window`Ear
Anatomy & Medical: Where In The Human Body Is The Tragus`Ear
Anatomy & Medical: Where In The Human Body Would You Find Papillae`Tongue
Anatomy & Medical: Where Is The Human Skin The Thickest`The Back
Anatomy & Medical: Where Is The Metatarsal Arch`Foot
Anatomy & Medical: Where Is The Only Bone Not Broken Because Of A Skiing Accident`Inner Ear
Anatomy & Medical: Where Is The Septum Linguae`Tongue
Anatomy & Medical: Where On The Body Is The Jugular Vein`Neck
Anatomy & Medical: Where On The Body Is The Vena Cava`Heart
Anatomy & Medical: Where On The Human Skeleton Would You Find The Ilium`Hip
Anatomy & Medical: Where Will You Find Twenty Moons On The Human Body`The Base Of The Nails
Anatomy & Medical: Where Would You Find The 'Cornea'`Eye
Anatomy & Medical: Where Would You Find The Medulla Oblongata`Brain
Anatomy & Medical: Where Would You Find The Thickest Layer Of Skin On The Human Body`Feet
Anatomy & Medical: Which Acid Builds Up In The Body During Excessive Exercise`Lactic
Anatomy & Medical: Which Are The Most Used Muscles In The Body`Eye Muscles
Anatomy & Medical: Which Arteries Carry Blood To The Head And Neck`Carotid
Anatomy & Medical: Which Behaviourist Conducted The 'Little Albert' Experiment`John Watson
Anatomy & Medical: Which Bone In The Human Body Is At The Front But Sounds Like It Should Be At The Back`Sternum
Anatomy & Medical: Which Bony Structure Includes The Zygomatic, Ethmoid, And Vomer Bones'`Skull
Anatomy & Medical: Which Cellular Structures Are Composed Of Dna`Chromosomes
Anatomy & Medical: Which Cereal Diseases Can Cause Food Poisoning And Gangrene Of The Fingers If Consumed`Ergot
Anatomy & Medical: Which Chromosome Is Larger, The X Or Y`X
Anatomy & Medical: Which Compound Forms About 70% Of The Human Body`Water
Anatomy & Medical: Which Department Is The I.T.U In A Hospital`Intensive Therapy Unit
Anatomy & Medical: Which Disease Was Known As The Kings Evil`Scrofula
Anatomy & Medical: Which Drug Is Used In Medicine To Dilate The Pupils Of The Eyes`Atropine
Anatomy & Medical: Which Form Of Light Is Used To Treat Skin Diseases`Ultraviolet
Anatomy & Medical: Which Gland Is Enlarged In The Condition Known As 'Goitre'`Thyroid Gland
Anatomy & Medical: Which Gland Produces Insulin`Pancreas
Anatomy & Medical: Which Hard Substance, Closely Resembling Bone, Makes Up The Bulk Of A Tooth`Dentine
Anatomy & Medical: Which Hereditary Form Of Anaemia Largely Affects People Of Sub-Saharan African Descent`Sickle Cell Anaemia
Anatomy & Medical: Which Illness Literally Means Bad Air In Italian`Malaria
Anatomy & Medical: Which Infectious Disease Is Known As Kissing Disease`Glandular Fever
Anatomy & Medical: Which Is The Longest Muscle In The Human Body`Satorius
Anatomy & Medical: Which Is The Only Body Cell With No Nucleus`Red Blood Cell
Anatomy & Medical: Which Medical Condition Is Detected Using The Ishiharo Test`Colour Blindness
Anatomy & Medical: Which Of The Five Senses Are You Most Likely To Lose If Hit By Lightning`Hearing
Anatomy & Medical: Which Of The Following Is Not A Trade Name For Nitroglycerin (Nitroglo, Nitrony, Nitrobid, Nitrostat)`Nitroglo
Anatomy & Medical: Which Once-Common Disease Was Also Known As The 'White Death'`Tuberculosis
Anatomy & Medical: Which Organ In The Body Is Inflamed In Nephritis`Kidney
Anatomy & Medical: Which Organ Needs The Most Energy To Work`Inner Ear
Anatomy & Medical: Which Part Of The Body Is Affected By Encephalitis`Brain
Anatomy & Medical: Which Part Of The Body Is Most Affected By The Disease Diphtheria`Throat
Anatomy & Medical: Which Part Of The Body Is Operated On In A Meniscectomy`Knee
Anatomy & Medical: Which Part Of The Body Suffers From Ophthalmia`Eyes
Anatomy & Medical: Which Part Of The Body Would A Doctor Normally Examine With An Auriscope Or Otoscope`Ear
Anatomy & Medical: Which Part Of The Human Eye Controls The Size Of The Pupil`Iris
Anatomy & Medical: Which Part Of The Human Eye May Be Removed And Kept In An Eye Bank`Cornea
Anatomy & Medical: Which Part Of Your Body Might Suffer From A Stigmatism`Eyes
Anatomy & Medical: Which Sex Is Twice As Likely To Contract Leprosy`Male
Anatomy & Medical: Which Travels Slower, Pain Signals Or Touch Signals`Pain Signals
Anatomy & Medical: Which Type Of Synovial Joint Has A Flat Articular Surface, Moves In A Nonaxial/Slipping Manner, And Is Found In The Carpals, Tarsals, And Vertebrae`Plane
Anatomy & Medical: Why Did Louis Washkansky Achieve World Wide Fame In 1967`First Human Heart Transplant
Anatomy & Medical: Why Is The Funny Bone So Called`It's The Humerus
Anatomy & Medical: Widespread Disease Caused By The Infestation Of The Human Body By Flukes Fluke Commonly Called Blood Flukes, Of The Genus Schistosoma`Schistosomiasis
Anatomy & Medical: With Age, What Organ Shrinks Faster In Males Than In Females`Brain
Anatomy & Medical: With What Body Part Is Otology Involved`Ear
Anatomy & Medical: With What Branch Of Medicine Is Mesmer Associated`Hypnotism
Anatomy & Medical: With What Were Queen Victoria's Menstrual Cramps Eased`Marijuana
Anatomy & Medical: You About To Desquamate: What Is Going To Happen To Your Body`Shed Skin
Anatomy & Medical: You Can Only Smell 1/20th As Well As A`Dog
Anatomy & Medical: You Can't Kill Yourself By Holding Your`Breath
Anatomy & Medical: You Inhale About 700,000 Of Your Own ____ ______ Each Day`Skin Flakes
Anatomy & Medical: Your ____ Are Bigger In The Afternoon Than The Rest Of The Day`Feet
Anatomy & Medical: Your Body Is Creating And Killing 15 Million ___ ____ Cells Per Second`Red Blood
Anatomy & Medical: You're Born With 300 Bones, But When You Get To Be An Adult, You Only Have`206
Anatomy & Medical: You're Born With ___ Bones, But When You Get To Be An Adult, You Only Have 206`300
Anatomy & Medical: Your ____ Holds Your Head To Your Shoulders`Neck
Anatomy & Medical: Your Nares Are Your`Nostrils
Anatomy. Occurring or situated within the wall of a cavity or organ`intramural
Anatomy. Of or relating to any of numerous minute intestinal lymph-carrying vessels that convey chyle from the intestine to lymphatic circulation and thereby to`lacteal
Anatomy. Of or relating to the sclera`sclerotic
Anatomy. Of or relating to tissue that is capable of filling with blood and becoming rigid`erectile
Anatomy. Situated on or below the floor of the orbit of the eye`suborbital
Anatomy. Situated within or belonging solely to the organ or body part on which it acts. Used of certain nerves and muscles`intrinsic
Anatomy. The concave part of a joint that receives the end of a bone`socket
Anatomy. The highest point of the skull`vertex
Anatomy. The large blind pouch forming the beginning of the large intestine. Also called blind gut`ceca
Anatomy. The large middle section of the sternum`gladiola
Anatomy. The portion of the digestive tract that lies between the rear of the mouth and the esophagus and includes the fauces and the pharynx`throat
Anatomy. The soft palate`vela
Anatomy. The soft palate`velum
Anatomy : Your ____ holds your head to your shoulders.`neck
An attachment for starting an internal-combustion engine without hand cranking. Also called self`starter
An attack of these spasms. Often used with the`hiccoughs
An attendant spirit: a genius`demon
An attitude: a pose: 'assumed a ------- of angry defiance.'`posture
An attorney, especially a trial lawyer`counsellor
An attraction or appeal`lure
An attraction or appeal`luring
A natural environment or locality`habitation
A natural or acquired skill or talent`abilities
A natural ridge: a hogback`horseback
An authoritative principle, belief, or statement of ideas or opinion, especially one considered to be absolutely true. doctrine`dogma
A nautical`mile
An autobiography. Often used in the plural`memoir
an automobile speedometer operates on what type of gear?`worm
An automobile with a folding top: a convertible coupe`cabriolet
An automobile with an open driver's seat`brougham
An auxiliary device designed to facilitate fine adjustments or measurements on precision instruments`vernier
An auxiliary generator used to provide field current for a larger generator or alternator`exciter
An auxiliary jet-producing unit providing additional thrust for a takeoff`jato
An available supply that can be drawn on when needed. Often used in the plural`resource
An average human drinks about how many gallons of water in a lifetime`sixteen thousand`16,000
An average, in America, three sex change operations are performed _______`every day
An average of 51 cars a year overshoot and drive into the canals of -------------`amsterdam
an average of ---------- million credit cards are used every day in the united states`200
An average person uses the bathroom how many times per day`six
An average person uses the bathroom how many times per day`six`6
An aviary`birdhouse
an ---------- can stay under water for twenty-eight minutes`iguana
An ------ case`attach
Ancestors considered as a group`ancestries
Ancestry: (We cannot escape our ------s, however hard we try (James Baldwin)`origin
Ancient art practiced especially in the middle ages, devoted chiefly to discovering a substance that would transmute the more common metals into gold or silver & to finding a means of indefinitely prolonging human life`alchemy
Ancient drinkers warded off the devil by _____ their cups`clinking
Ancient Egyptians shaved their eyebrows to mourn the deaths of what`their cats
ancient egyptians slept on ---------- made of stone`pillows
ancient egyptians slept on pillows made of----------`stone
Ancient mariner who flew too near the sun waering wings attached with wax`Icarus
Ancient mariner who flew too near the sun wearing wings attached with wax`icarus
ancient mayan ruins are located on which peninsula`yucatan peninsula
Ancient name for France`gaul
Ancient name given to France`gaul
Ancient Roman citizen's long flowing robe`toga
Ancient Roman hall with colonnades`basilica
ancient ---------- slept on pillows made of stone`egyptians
Ancient U shaped stringed instrument`lyre
An _____ clock usually wakes you in the morning`alarm
An clock usually wakes you in the morning`alarm
Ancraophobia is the fear of`wind
ancraophobia or anemophobia is the fear of ____`wind
Andalusia is a region located in the south of which country`spain
and best actress in 1977`annie hall
And moreover: 'He was ill-favored, ---, hideous.'`nay
---------- and napolean both had only one testicle`hitler
Andre Previn made his name as what`orchestral conductor
Andrew Bonar Law was British Prime Minister from 1922-1923. In which country was he born`Canada
Andrew marvell's poem, little t.c. in a prospect of flowers, was named after whom`theophila cornewall
Androphobia is the fear of`males
Androphobia is the fear of `males
Androphobia is the fear of __________`Males
Androphobia is the fear of`men
"And the big wheel keep on turning neon burning up above and I'm just high on the world come on and take the low ride with me girl on the....." What's the Dire Straits song title?`tunnel of love
"AndthebigwheelkeeponturningneonburningupaboveandI'mjusthighontheworldcomeonandtakethelowridewithmegirlonthe....."What'stheDireStraitssongtitle`tunnel of love
'and the big wheel keeps on turning, neon burning up above ..' what is the dire straits song title`tunnel of love
"And through it all she offers me protection alot of love and affection" name the song and the artist`robbie williams angels
andy Griffith's Mayberry is located in what state`north carolina
Andy mccluskey &paul humphreys made up which 80's band`omd
A nearby, surrounding, or adjoining region: a neighborhood`vicinities
An early harmonious period in a relationship: 'The --------- between the new President and the press was soon over.'`honeymoon
An early settler or prospector, especially in Alaska and northwest Canada`sourdough
An early type of stage light in which lime was heated to incandescence producing brilliant illumination`limelight
An earnest admonition or reproof: a reprimand`lectures
A necklace`collar
A necklace made of such pieces`beads
A neck-shaped anatomical structure, such as the narrow outer end of the uterus`cervices
a necropsy is an autopsy on----------`animals
An edible, usually sweet and fleshy form of such a structure`fruit
An edible, usually sweet and fleshy form of such a structure`fruited
An edible, usually sweet and fleshy form of such a structure`fruiting
An edible, usually sweet and fleshy form of such a structure`fruits
An edited work: a new edition or revision`redaction
An educated or respected man in the Near East`effendi
An egg, upon release from the follicle can live for:`1 day
A negligent act or a failure to act`negligence
An egotist`egoist
An eighteenth century woman used only lard to 'wash' her face and hands and lived to the age of`one hundred and sixteen`116
An eighteenth century woman used only lard to 'wash' her face and hands and lived to the age of`one hundred & sixteen
An elaborate, often outdoor entertainment`fete
An elaborate, often outdoor entertainment`feting
An elderly woman of high social station`dowager
An electrical device for removing suspended impurities such as dust, fumes, or mist, from air or other gases`electrostatic precipitator
An electrically-charged particle`ion
An electrically operated device used for massage`vibrator
An electrical system, typically powered by a battery or magneto, that provides the spark to ignite the fuel mixture in an internal-combustion engine`ignition
An electric eel produces an average of ____________ volts`four hundred
An electric eel produces an average of ____________ volts`four hundred`400
an electroencephalogram measures what`brain waves
An electromagnet`magnets
An elementary or secondary school with a curriculum that includes religion and culture as well as general education`yeshiva
An elementary particle of the lepton family, having a mass about 3,550 times that of the electron, a negative electric charge, and a mean lifetime of 3 10-13 seconds`tau
An elementary textbook containing exercises that teach spelling`speller
An elephant can be pregnant for up to how many years`two
An elephant can be pregnant for up to how many years`two`2
An Elephant has the world's largest penis, weighing about _____ kg`twenty seven
An Elephant has the world's largest penis, weighing about _____ kg`twenty seven`27
An Elephant's trunk can hold over _____ litres of water`five
An Elephant's trunk can hold over _____ litres of water`five`5
An elevated, irregularly toothed ridge on the stigmas of certain flowers`crest
An elflike person`sprite
An embellishment that excites or stimulates: (Spritely tabasco onions, just a little crunch for the top, were an added ------ (Alison Arnett)`fillip
An emblem given as an award or honor`badge
An emblem of registration for a taxicab`medallion
An embodiment, as of a quality or concept: an archetype: 'the very ------ of cunning.'`avatar
An embolus`embolism
An embrace or hug`clasp
An emmet is which type of a creature in old language`ant
Anemophobia is the fear of`air drafts`wind
An emperor of Russia`tsar
An employee of the Roman emperor in civil affairs, especially in finance and taxes, in management of imperial estates and properties, and in governing`procurator
An empty or unoccupied space`vacancies
An empty space: a vacuum`vacuities
An emulsion of rubber or plastic globules in water, used in paints, adhesives, and various synthetic rubber products`latex
An emulsion of rubber or plastic globules in water, used in paints, adhesives, and various synthetic rubber products`latices
An enclosed compartment in a church that provides seating for a number of people, such as a family`pew
An enclosed place, such as a pond, into which wildfowl are lured for capture`decoy
An enclosing boundary`verge
An enclosure for livestock`kraal
An enclosure in which wild animals are kept`menagerie
An endowment or a subsidy, as that given by a government to an institution for research: a grant of financial aid`subvention
An end point on a transportation line or the town in which it is located`termini
An enemy in war`foe
An English country gentleman, especially the chief landowner in a district`squire
An English`muffin
An English translation is "Wind and Water". How do we know the more common original`feng shui
An English woman in Shakespeare's day would carry a "lady's apple"-a small peeled apple-in her armpit, which she would present to her ___ as a "love apple," full of her scent.`man
An enlisted person in charge of maintenance and repair of the small arms of a military unit`armorer
An enlisted person or a noncommissioned officer`soldier
An enneahedron is solid with ho many faces`nine
An enneahedron is solid with how many faces`nine`9
An entertainment routine or gimmick`shtick
An entertainment with an educational aspect`edutainment
An enthusiastic promoter, as of a sports team or school`booster
An enthusiastic supporter or follower: 'a ballet -------: a fashion -------.'`groupie
An entity that is representative of a class: a specimen. example`samples
An entrance hall: a vestibule`foyer
An entrance hall`hallway
An entrance or a doorway`threshold
An environment conducive to vigorous growth or development: a hotbed: With its mix of African, Latin, European, and pan-American influences, the Caribbean is truly a musical`hothouse
An episode in this game or a word or phrase so represented`charade
An equitable portion: 'do one's ----- of the work.'`share
An equivalent unit of composition measurement used in determining the dimensions of lines, illustrations, or printed pages`pica
An erect phallus or penis is correctly known as?`Ithyphallicus
An erg is a unit of what`energy
An Eskimo would be ingesting toxic doses of Vitamin A if he ate a polar bears ______`liver
An especially significant or interesting detail or event`highlight
An established disposition of the mind or character`habit
An established disposition of the mind or character`habits
An established right to precedence`priorities
An established rule, principle, or law`axiom
An establishment for smelting`smelter
An establishment that makes or sells perfume`perfumery
an estimated 80% of animals on earth have ---------- legs`six
An estimated __________ lab mistakes are made in the 100,000 laboratories in the U.S. every day`two million
an estimated ---------- of animals on earth have six legs`80%
An estimate or judgment made by guessing`guesswork
An ethnic group`ethnicity
A network of rabbit burrows`warren
An evening`primrose
An evenly layered sedimentary rock that can be split into paving stones`flagstone
An event for which all the tickets are sold`sellout
An event or experience that is intensely distressing`nightmare
An ever`glade
An evergreen shrub or tree (Conocarpus erectus) growing in mangrove forests of tropical America and western Africa and having alternate leathery leaves and small buttonlike heads ofgreenish flowers`buttonwood
An evildoer`malefactor
a new born baby breathes ---------- times faster than an adult man`five
A new Merseyside estate is the setting for which soap opera`brookside
An exact copy`replica
An exaggerated sense of strength or toughness: (People prefer raw-milk cheese for its subtlety and depth of flavor, not out of some kind of foodie --------`machismo
an exaggerated statement for emphasis is a .........`hyperbole
An examination given in the middle of a school year`midyear
An example of a metamorphic rock is`slate`marble
An example of an igneous rock is`granite`quartz
An example of`purism
An example of such omission`ellipsis
An example or examples of kitsch`kitschy
An example or result of such management: a saving`economy
An exasperated breathe yelled don't`tell me lies
An excavation for the removal of mineral deposits: a mine`pit
An excavation for the removal of mineral deposits: a mine`pits
An excavation for the removal of mineral deposits: a mine`pitting
An excellent quality or example that is used to test the excellence or genuineness of others: the qualities of courage and vision that are the ----------s`touchstone
An excessive or illegally high rate of interest charged on borrowed money`usury
An excess of blood in the circulatory system or in one organ or area`plethora
An exchange of views`conference
An exclusive group of people`clique
An excuse: a pretext: necessity,/The Tyrant's ---- (John Milton)`plea
An excuse: a pretext: necessity,/The Tyrant's plea (John Milton)`pleas
An expedition undertaken in medieval romance by a knight in order to perform a prescribed feat: 'the ----- for the Holy Grail.'`quest
An expedition undertaken in medieval romance by a knight in order to perform a prescribed feat: 'the quest for the Holy Grail.'`quests
An experimental model, especially of an electric circuit: a prototype`breadboard
An experimental performance of a play before its official opening`tryout
An expert in a field of endeavor`pro
An expert in a field of endeavor`pros
An expert in ------ship`penman
An explosion`detonation
An explosive`detonator
An explosive force equivalent to that of 1,000 metric tons of TNT`kiloton
An expressed conclusion: a judgment or opinion: 'the ------- of history.'`verdict
An expression of a desire, longing, or strong inclination: a petition`wish
An expression of disapproval, contempt, or dissatisfaction conveyed by use of this sound`hiss
An expression or utterance marked by a deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning`ironies
An expression to be divided by another: a dividend`numerator
An extended virtuosic section for the soloist usually near the end of a movement of a concerto`cadenza
An extensive area of land drained or irrigated by a river system`valley
An extensive area, such as a desert or ocean, that is barren or empty: a waste`wilderness
An extensive tract of uncultivated open land covered with herbage and low shrubs: a moor`heath
An extensive tract of uncultivated open land covered with herbage and low shrubs: a moor`heaths
An external agent that alters foetal development is called a`teratogen
An external work platform: a scaffold`framework
An extra strip of material put inside a shoe for comfort or protection. Also called innersole`insole
An extra strip of material put inside a shoe for comfort or protection. Also called innersole`insoles
An extremely hard substance`adamant
An extremely hot day`scorcher
An extremely precarious course or situation`tightrope
An exuberant act or expression`exuberance
An exudate`exudation
An eyelash`cilia
An eye`lid
An eyelid`lids
Angelo siciliano became famous under what name`charles atlas
Angel: What does Angel have that other vampires don't`a soul
Angel: Where is Angel set`los angeles
Angel: Which actor plays Angel`david boreanaz
Angel: Which Angel character lived in a cave for 5 years in Pylea`fred
Angel: Which ex-watcher is also a main character in Angel`Welsley Price
Angel: Which female character left Buffy and is now a main character in Angel`cordelia chase
Anger towards other road users experienced by a person when driving`road rage
Angie Dickinson said: 'I dress for women and I _______ for men'`undress
Angie Dickinson starred in...`policewoman
Anginophobia is the fear of`angina, choking`narrowness
angiocaths feature plastic catheters over ____?`needles
anglophobia is a fear of ____`england
Anglophobia is the fear of`england, english culture
angrophobia is the fear of ____`becoming angry
Angular forms, outlines, or corners`angularity
Angus Drummie Zeb Gaye is a member of which group`aswad
Angus young takes his band on a highway to`hell
An herb or drug described as haemostatic performs which effect`stops bleeding
An --------- house: 'a row of high-rise ---------s.'`apartment
ANIAMLS: What is a pangolin`ant-eater
an ibm protocol for program-to-program communications is called?`lu 6.2
An iced drink made of wine or liqueur, sugar, and citrus fruit`cobbler
An ideal example of a type: quintessence: 'an archetype of the successful entrepreneur.'`archetypal
An idea, proposal, or candidate with no chance of being accepted or successful: Many lawmakers are pronouncing the budget a ---------- (Christian`nonstarter
An idler or a loafer`wastrel
A nightmare`incubi
an iguana can stay under water for ---------- minutes`twenty eight
An illegal act`illegality
An illusory mental image. Also called --------a`phantasm
An illustrative and decorative element, such as a line drawing or photograph, used in a printed work, such as a book`artwork
An image or a fantastic invention created by the mind`fancied
An imaginary flower that never fades`amaranth
Animal between 1 and 2 years old`yearling
Animal Kingdom: What sort of animal is an Addaz.`Antelope
Animal of which the bontebok and kudu are types`antelope
Animal of which the bontebok & kudu are types`antelope
Animal or plant without the normal pigmentation of its species?`albino
Animal or plant without the normal pigmentation of its species`Albino
ANIMALS: 2002, Crufts - which breed of dog was chosen as Best in Show`poodle
ANIMALS:A deep sea shark, feeds on plankton`Megamouth
ANIMALS: After which marine animal is L'Anse aux Meadows in Newfoundland named`jellyfish
Animals: A group of kangaroos is called a ___?`Mob
Animals: A group of owls is called a ____?`Parliament
Animals: A group of ravens is called a ___?`Murder
Animals: A group of rhinos is called a ____?`Crash
Animals: A hedgehog's heart beats how many times a minute on average?`Three hundred
ANIMALS: An aquatic beaver like rodent native to south america but which has become naturalised in parts of europe`coypu
ANIMALS: Another name for a German Shepherd`alsatian
ANIMALS: Another name for an Alsatian dog`german shepherd
ANIMALS: A silvery freshwater fish with a long dorsal fin`grayling
ANIMALS: A single WHAT may catch and eat as many as 10,000 insects in the course of a summer`toad
ANIMALS: Australian egg laying mammal with webbed feet`duck-billed platypus
ANIMALS: Bactrian or dromedary`camel
Animals: Bats always turn a certain way when leaving a cave. Left or right?`Left
ANIMALS: Breed of dog that Lassie is`collie
ANIMALS:By what name is the Tibetan Lion Dog better known`Shih Tzu
ANIMALS: Creature of which the echida is an example`anteater
ANIMALS: Cross between a collie and a greyhound`lurcher
ANIMALS: Everyone knows you can call a group of fish a school, but what else can you call it`drought
ANIMALS: Extinct bird of Mauritius`dodo
ANIMALS: Fish with long snakelike bodies, smooth slimey skin and reduced fins`eels
ANIMALS: Food for horses or cattle particularly straw or hay`forage
ANIMALS:fourth stomach of a ruminant`Abomasum
ANIMALS: From which category of animal does the dik-dik come`antelope
ANIMALS: From which category of animal does the eland come`antelope
ANIMALS: From which category of animal does the impala come`antelope
ANIMALS: From which species is the London pigeon descended`rock dove
ANIMALS; from which species of goat is mohair obtained`angora
ANIMALS: Furry, omnivorous american mammals each with a ringed bushy tail and dark stripe across the face`raccoons
ANIMALS: german shepherd dog`alsatian
Animals: How long did the longest recorded flight of a chicken last, in seconds?`Thirteen
Animals: How long does an orgasm of a pig last, in minutes?`Thirty
Animals: How many hearts do earthworms have?`Five
Animals: How many hours does an antelope sleep at night?`one
Animals: How many legs does a crab have?`Ten
Animals: How many tentacles does a Squid have?`Ten
ANIMALS:Humped ox of India, East asia and africa`Zebu
ANIMALS: If an animal is an operculate what characteristics does it have`gills
ANIMALS: In the animal kingdom, the tiger is native to only one continent`asia
ANIMALS: Invertebrate with tufted gills living in burrows in muddy sand, often used as bait by fishermen`lugworm
ANIMALS: Joint on a horses hind leg`hock
ANIMALS:Large Iguana - like reptiles peculiar to New Zealand`Tuatara
ANIMALS: Large marine diving ducks with long narrow hooked bills with serrated edges`mergansers
ANIMALS: Large pachydermatous african and s asian animal, quadruped with horn or two horns on nose`rhinoceros
ANIMALS: Large wasp, Vespa crabro, capable of inflicting a severe sting`hornet
ANIMALS: Lupine animal`wolf
ANIMALS: Mainly which creatures belong to the order arachnida`spider
ANIMALS: Male honey bee`drone
ANIMALS: Merrythought is one of the popular names for which bony structure on a bird`wishbone
ANIMALS: Migratory bird with long wings and forked tail`swallow
ANIMALS: Name for a group of salmon`bind
ANIMALS: Name for the dirt covered clump of wool on a sheeps rear end (Nice!)`daglock
ANIMALS: Name given to young cows`heifers
ANIMALS: Name of the cloned sheep born in 1997`dolly
ANIMALS: name of which Russian explorer was given to the wild horse which he discovered in western Mongolia in the late 1870s`nikolai przhevalski
ANIMALS: Nocturnal mammal of southern Africa with a long extendible tongue`Aardvark
ANIMALS: North american elk`moose
ANIMALS:Old World bird with plain brown plumage, inhabiting marshes and similar habitats`Reed Warbler
ANIMALS: One that feeds off the flesh of its own species`cannibal
ANIMALS: On which island off Iceland was the last known great auk killed in 1844`ldey
ANIMALS: Organ that keeps a fish afloat`Swim bladder
ANIMALS: Puffinus puffinus, is the latin for which bird -hint, it is not the puffin!`manx shearwater
ANIMALS: Relating to anthropoid apes`simian
ANIMALS: sea eagle`erne
ANIMALS: Shorthorn cattle were the first breed to have their own herdbook, in which county were they developed`durham
Animals: Sleeping sickness is carried by which insect?`Tsetse fly
ANIMALS: Small armoured animal able to walk under water`armadillo
ANIMALS: Small catarrhine monkey common in N India`rhesus
ANIMALS: Stoats white winter fur`ermine
ANIMALS:Sun, spectacled, brown and sloth are all types of what`bear
ANIMALS: Tha larva of which insect is the rat tailed maggot`hoverfly
Animals that once existed and exist no more, are called ______`Extinct
Animals that once existed but don't exist now are said to be`Extinct
Animals that prey on game, such as foxes or weasels`vermin
ANIMALS: The Camberwell beauty, what is this butterfly called in the USA`mourning cloak
ANIMALS: The herdwick sheep is particularly found in which english national park`lake district
ANIMALS: The name of which breed of dog means badger dog in german`dachshund
Animals : There are about 130 species of`owl
Animals : There are about 40 different ---------- in a birds wing`muscles
Animals : There are about 5,000 species of ---------- known. Only about half of them build reefs`coral
Animals : There are close to 4,000 known species of frogs, including`toads
Animals : There are more than 100 million ---------- in the united states. Americans spend more than 5.4 billion dollars on their pets each year`dogs and cats`cats and dogs
Animals : There are more than 450 species of ---------- throughout the world`finches
Animals : There are no wild deer of any kind in Australia, and the small red deer is the only one found in`Africa
ANIMALS: The Tasmanian Devil is native to which country`australia
Animals : Thinking that its parents were a camel and a leopard, the Europeans once called the animal a "cameleopard". Today, it is called the`giraffe
ANIMALS: Thoth, the ancient egyptian god of wisdom was usually depicted with the head of which bird`ibis
ANIMALS: Totally useless fact: If a rabbits front teeth were not worn down by eating, to what length could they grow`ten feet
ANIMALS: To which animal does the adjsctive viverrine apply`ferrets
ANIMALS: To which group of animals do the cayman and the gavial belong`crocodile
ANIMALS:unidentified animal said to live in the Himalayas`Abominable snowman
ANIMALS: Web footed cackling birds`geese
Animals: What animal has bony plates and rolls up into a ball if its frightened?`Armadillo
ANIMALS: What are fingerlings`baby salmon
ANIMALS: What characterises stags that are referred to a hummels`no antlers
ANIMALS: What colour is a giraffes tongue`blue
Animals: What disease is carried by the Tsetse fly?`Sleeping sickness
Animals: What do crocodiles swallow to enable them to dive deeper`Rocks
ANIMALS: What is a collective word for a group of foxes`skulk
Animals: What is a dork?`A whale's penis
Animals: What is a female cat?`Queen
Animals: What is a female deer?`Doe
ANIMALS: what is a gribble`crustacean
Animals: What is a group of donkeys called?`Herd
Animals: What is a group of geese called?`Gaggle
Animals: What is a Hen less than a year old called`A Pullet
ANIMALS: What is also known as a pillbug (they were once used for medicinal purposes and swallowed like pills - yuk!!!)`woodlouse
Animals: What is a male cat?`Tom
Animals: What is a male deer?`Buck
ANIMALS: What is a mature horse below the height of 14 and a half hands called`pony
ANIMALS: What is an alan`hunting dog
ANIMALS: What is an army worm`caterpillar
ANIMALS: What is a Rana esculenta`edible frog
ANIMALS: What is a smaller form of Kangeroo usually called`wallaby
Animals: What is a whale's penis called?`A Dork
ANIMALS: What is the axolotl also called`salamander
ANIMALS: What is the collective term that is used to refer to animals that feed on the remains of dead animals or plants`detrivore
ANIMALS: What is the common name for the bird Passer domesticus`house sparrow
ANIMALS: What is the common name for the furcula in birds`wishbone
ANIMALS: What is the correct collective name for a litter of piglets`farrow
ANIMALS: What is the distinguishing feature of an animal classed as an ungulate`hooves
ANIMALS: What is the favorite fruit of the orang-utan`durian
Animals: What is the heart rate of the Blue Whale? How many beats per minute?`Nine
ANIMALS: What is the most poisonous fish in the world`stonefish
Animals: What is the most venomous snake?`King Cobra
Animals: What is the name for a pregnant gold fish?`Twit
Animals: What is the name of the largest lizard?`Komodo dragon
Animals: What is the only insect that can turn its head?`Praying mantis
ANIMALS: What is the only member of the cat family that cannot fully retract its claws`cheetah
ANIMALS: What is the popular name for crane flies`daddy long legs
ANIMALS: What is the smallest british bird`goldcrest
ANIMALS: What is the third name for the cougar or mountain lion`puma
ANIMALS: What kind of animal is a boomslang`snake
ANIMALS: What kind of animal is a Dandie Dinmont`scottish hunting terrier
ANIMALS: What kind of animal is a quagga`zebra
ANIMALS:What kind of animal is a snow shoe rabbit`Hare
ANIMALS: What kind of animal is a wapiti`american elk
ANIMALS; What kind of animal was featured in Gavin Maxwells 1960 best seller A ring of Bright Water`otter
ANIMALS: What name is given to a cows first milk after calving`beestings
ANIMALS: What name is given to a larva of the salamander whish never fully develops because of a hormone deficiency although it can breed`axolotl
ANIMALS: What name is given to a male falcon`tiercel
ANIMALS: What name is given to young salmon which has been to sea only once`grilse
ANIMALS: What physical characteristic do pinnipeds have`fins for feet
ANIMALS: What sort of insects belong to the order Odonata`dragonflies
ANIMALS: What type of animal is a Lippizaner`horse
ANIMALS: What type of bird is the Liver bird found on coats of arms of Liverpool`cormorant
ANIMALS: What type of creature is a colobus`monkey
ANIMALS: What were dachshunds originally bred to hunt`badgers
ANIMALS: Where do British swallows spend the winter`africa
ANIMALS: Where do demersal animals live`SEABED
Animals: Which animal always has 4 babies at a time, all the same sex?`Armadillo
Animals: Which animal can live several weeks without its head - eventually dying from starvation?`A cockroach
Animals: Which animal has four noses?`A slug
Animals: Which animal has the largest eyes?`Giant squid
Animals: Which animal has three eyelids to protect itself from blowing sand?`Camel
ANIMALS: Which animal is sometimes known as In velvet`deer
ANIMALS: Which animal lives in a citadel`mole
ANIMALS: Which animals are known for their blue and red faces and bums`mandrills
ANIMALS:Which animals collect in a crash`rhinoceroses
ANIMALS: Which animals is commonly known as The buhmans clock`kookaburra
ANIMALS: Which animals latin name is bufo bufo`toad
Animals: Which animal throws up by letting its stomach dangle out of its mouth, emptying the contents with its arms, then swallowing the stomach?`Frog
ANIMALS: Which animal was traditionally called Russell`fox
ANIMALS: Which Australian bird is known as the Laughing Jackass`kookaburra
ANIMALS: Which bird, crex crex, has a cry which can be imitated by moving two notched bones across one another`corncrake
ANIMALS: Which bird is also known as Cuddys duck because St Cuthbert protected it`eider
ANIMALS: Which bird is named after its habit of up ending stones to look for shellfish`turnstone
ANIMALS: Which bird is stuffed and displayed in the MCC Museumat Lords having been hit and killed by a cricket ball`house sparrow
ANIMALS: Which bird, popular as a cage bird, syMbolised the Passion of Christ in medieval religious paintings`goldfinch
ANIMALS: Which bird reestablished itself in Suffolk in the late 1940s and is the symbol of the RSPB`avocet
ANIMALS: Which breed of horse is tradionally ridden by the Spanish Riding School in Vienna`lipizzaner
ANIMALS: Which crab, having no hard shell of its own, protects itself by taking over the shells of dead molluscs`hermit crab
ANIMALS: Which creature gets its name from the spanish for lizard`alligator
ANIMALS: Which female animal on heat, seeks sex an average of 20 times a day`chimpanzee
Animals: Which is the only animal besides human that can get leprosy?`Armadillo
ANIMALS: Which is the only endemic species of bird confined entirely to Britain`scottish crossbill
ANIMALS: Which is the smallest mammal in the world`the pygmy shrew
ANIMALS: Which member of the anura order of amphibians was once used in pregnancy tests`clawed toad
ANIMALS: Which of the big cats have tear stain facial markings`cheetahs
ANIMALS: Which pigment is obtained from cuttlefish and squid`sepia
ANIMALS: Which proboscis has 40,000 muscles`elephants trunk
ANIMALS: Which sinister sounding beetle is a pest in the timbers of old buildings`deathwatch beetle
ANIMALS: which woodland birs performs a roding display flight in the breeding season`woodcock
ANIMALS: Whooper, mute and Bewicks are all types of what`swan
ANIMALS: Wild ass`onager
ANIMALS: With which mammal is the disease rabies commonly associated`dogs
ANIMALS: Woolly haired South amrican animal`llama
ANIMALS: Young swan`cygnet
Animal Trivia: A 42-foot sperm whale has about 7 tons of ---------- in it.`oil
Animal Trivia: A 4-inch-long ---------- can grip a rock with a force of 400 pounds. Two grown men are incapable of prying it up.`abalone
Animal Trivia: A baby gray ---------- drinks enough milk to fill more than 2,000 bottles a day.`whale
Animal Trivia: A baby ---------- is about six feet tall at birth.`giraffe
Animal Trivia: A bear in hibernation loses up to 25 percent of its ----------`body weight
Animal Trivia: A bird "chews" with its stomach. Since most birds do not have teeth, a bird routinely swallows small pebbles and gravel. These grits become vigorously agitated in the bird's stomach and serve to grind food as it passes through the ----------`digestive system
Animal Trivia: A bird sees everything at once in total focus. Whereas the human eye is globular and must adjust to varying distances, the bird's eye is flat and can take in everything at once in a ----------`single glance
Animal Trivia: A bison can jump ----------`6 feet
Animal Trivia: About 24 newborn opossums can fit in a teaspoon. They are about .07 ounce at ----------`birth
Animal Trivia: A camel can shut its nostrils during a ----------`desert sandstormanimal trivia: a camel with one hump is a dromedary, while a camel with two humps is a ----------`bactrian
Animal Trivia: A camel can shut its nostrils during a`sandstorm
Animal Trivia: a camel with one hump is a dromedary, while a camel with two humps is a`bactrian
Animal Trivia: A ---------- can advance 7 to 8 meters in a single stride, and the animal completes four strides per second. A stride is measured as the distance between successive imprints of the same paw.`cheetah
Animal Trivia: A ---------- can fall from a 5-story building without injury.`rat
Animal Trivia: A ---------- can go without water longer than a camel can.`giraffe
Animal Trivia: A ---------- can go without water longer than a camel can.`rat
Animal Trivia: A ---------- can lose up to 30 percent of its body weight in perspiration and continue to cross the desert. A human would die of heat shock after sweating away only 12 percent of body weight.`camel
Animal Trivia: A ---------- cannot jump if its tail is lifted off the ground. It needs its tail for pushing off.`kangaroo
Animal Trivia: A ---------- can open its mouth wide enough to accommodate a 4-foot-tall child.`hippopotamus
Animal Trivia: A ---------- can remember a specific tone far better than can a human.`dolphin
Animal Trivia: A ---------- can squeeze through an opening no larger than a dime.`rat
Animal Trivia: A ---------- can swallow a rabbit whole and may eat as many as 150 mice in a 6-month period.`python
Animal Trivia: A carnivore is a meat-eating animal. A ---------- is a fruit-eating animal.`frugivore
Animal Trivia: A cat has 32 muscles in ----------`each ear
Animal Trivia: A cat's arching back is part of a complex body language system, usually associated with feeling threatened. The arch is able to get so high because the cat's spine contains nearly 60 vertebrae which fit loosely together. Humans have only ----------`34 vertebrae
Animal Trivia: A cat's ---------- can't move sideways.`jaw
Animal Trivia: A cat uses its whiskers to determine if a space is too small to squeeze through. The whiskers act as feelers or ----------, helping the animal to judge the precise width of any passage.`antennae
Animal Trivia: According to experts, ---------- don't like to head straight for anything. For safety, they may run past and sweep around from the side.`squirrels
Animal Trivia: According to several studies, less than 3 percent of the ---------- population become man-eaters.`tiger
Animal Trivia: According to the National Wild Turkey Federation, the number of wild turkeys in the U.S. has increased from an all time low of 30,000 to more than 4 million today. One state park in Iowa now boasts more than ---------- turkeys per square mile.`one hundred
Animal Trivia: According to the National Wild Turkey Federation, the number of wild turkeys in the U.S. has increased from an all time low of 30,000 to more than 4 million today. One state park in Iowa now boasts more than ---------- turkeys per square mile.`one hundred`100
Animal Trivia: According to zoology experts, there is no real difference between doves and ----------. The choice of name rests almost altogether on custom and geography, although the smaller of the species is, more often than not, called a dove.`pigeons
Animal Trivia: A ---------- consumes about 33 percent of its body weight in a single meal.`pelican
Animal Trivia: A cow can't ---------- until she's given birth to a calf.`give milk
Animal Trivia: A crocodile can't stick out its ----------`tongue
Animal Trivia: Ad lie ---------- employ yawning as part of their courtship ritual`penguins
Animal Trivia: Adlie ---------- employ yawning as part of their courtship ritual.`penguins
Animal Trivia: A dog's ---------- has over 200 scent receiving cells.`nose
Animal Trivia: A donkey is an "as#", but an as# is not always a donkey. The word "as#" refers to several hoofed mammals of the genus Equus, including the`onager
Animal Trivia: A donkey is an "ass", but an ass is not always a donkey. The word "ass" refers to several hoofed mammals of the genus Equus, including the ----------`onager
Animal Trivia: AdTlie ---------- employ yawning as part of their courtship ritual`penguins
Animal Trivia: Adult electric eels 5ft to 7ft long produce enough electricity -- 600 volts -- to stun a ----------`horse
Animal Trivia: Adult polar bears usually eat just the skin and blubber of a seal. They leave the meat for cubs and scavengers. One seal will sustain an adult bear for ----------`11 days
Animal Trivia: A famous stallion will, on retirement, command an impressive stud fee for servicing approved mares. Specialist stud-farms house one or more stallions, each of which is allowed to service about ---------- per season.`40 mares
Animal Trivia: A female mouse may spawn as many as ten litters of eight to ten young during her lifetime - which is generally less than a year. The gestation period is three weeks, and the young mice reach maturity in only ----------`ten weeks`10 weeks
Animal Trivia: A ---------- fish can swim 100 miles in a single day.`tuna
Animal Trivia: A ---------- focuses its eye by changing the angle of its head, not by changing the shape of the lens of the eye, as humans do.`horse
Animal Trivia: A fox litter is typically 10 to 15 ----------`pups
Animal Trivia: A full-grown ---------- may be 8 feet high at the shoulder and weigh almost a ton.`moose
Animal Trivia: A garter snake can give birth to ----------`85 babies
Animal Trivia: A giant Pacific ---------- can fit its entire body through an opening no bigger than the size of its beak.`octopus
Animal Trivia: A giraffe's sticky, black tongue can be more than 18 inches long and is used to gather food into the mouth. Males typically feed with their head and neck at full vertical stretch, often with their tongues extended to reach the shoots on the underside of the mature tree canopy. Females feed at the body or knee height, with their necks ----------`curled over
Animal Trivia: A ---------- gives nearly 200,000 glasses of milk in her lifetime.`cow
Animal Trivia: A good milking cow will give nearly 6,000 quarts of ---------- every year.`milk
Animal Trivia: A group of bees can be called either a hive, a swarm, or a ----------`grist
Animal Trivia: A group of foxes is called a ----------`skulk
Animal Trivia: A group of owls is called a ----------`parliament
Animal Trivia: A ---------- has about 400 to 700 vibrissae, or whiskers, in 13 to 15 rows on its snout. Vibrissae are attached to muscles and are supplied with blood and nerves. A ---------- moves its snout through bottom sediment to find food. Abrasion patterns created by their tusks show that they are dragged through the sediment, but are not used to dig up prey.`walrus
Animal Trivia: A ---------- has no color vision, it sees only in black and white. Every part of its field of vision, however, is in perfect focus, not just straight ahead, as with humans.`squirrel
Animal Trivia: A herd of sixty cows is capable of producing a ton of milk in less than a ----------`day
Animal Trivia: A hibernating woodchuck breathes only ten times per hour. An ---------- woodchuck breathes 2,100 times an hour.`active
Animal Trivia: A hippopotamus can run faster than a ----------`man
Animal Trivia: A hippopotamus has a stomach 10 feet long, capable of holding 6 bushels of ----------`grass
Animal Trivia: A Holstein cow's spots are like a ---------- or a snowflake; no two cows have exactly the same pattern of spots.`fingerprint
Animal Trivia: A horse can sleep ----------`standing up
Animal Trivia: A horseshoe for a full-grown Clydesdale measures more that ---------- inches from end to end and weighs about five pounds. It is more than two times as long and four times as heavy as a shoe worn by a riding horse.`twenty two
Animal Trivia: A horseshoe for a full-grown Clydesdale measures more that ---------- inches from end to end and weighs about five pounds. It is more than two times as long and four times as heavy as a shoe worn by a riding horse.`twenty two`22
Animal Trivia: A ---------- in the wild usually makes no more than 20 kills a year.`lion
Animal Trivia: A jynx is a ----------, also know as the wryneck because of its peculiar habit of twisting its neck.`woodpecker
Animal Trivia: A ---------- keeps purring, no matter if it is inhaling or exhaling, a baffling accomplishment.`cat
Animal Trivia: A King Cobra is the biggest of all poisonous snakes and can grow to over 13 feet long. A bite from a King Cobra can kill an elephant in ----------`4 hours
Animal Trivia: A large Caribbean ---------- excretes a ton of sand a year. Using two oversized front teeth, it nibbles on seagrass and scrapes algae. Another set of teeth in its throat grinds up the coral it ingests.`parrot fish
Animal Trivia: All cows are females; the males are called ----------`bulls
Animal Trivia: Alligators and ---------- have something in common, at least auditorily. They can hear notes only up to 4,000 vibrations a second.`old people
Animal Trivia: All mammals have ----------`tongues
Animal Trivia: All porcupines float in ----------`water
Animal Trivia: Almost half the pigs in the world are kept by farmers in ----------`china
Animal Trivia: Although beavers live near rivers, streams, and lakes - they do not eat fish. Beavers eat only plants. They eat poplar trees, carrots, cattail, mushrooms, potatoes, berries, water plants, swamp wood, and fruit. Soft ---------- is the main food for a beaver.`bark
Animal Trivia: Although manatees are excellent ----------, the deepest that one has been observed diving is 33 feet. Typically, the large, gentle creatures feed no deeper than about ten feet below the surface of the water.`swimmers
Animal Trivia: Although the last of the ---------- in captivity died in Hobart in 1935, some may still roam Tasmania's high country. The wolflike marsupial's scientific name, Thylacinus cynocephalus, means "the pouched dog with a wolf head."`tasmanian devils
Animal Trivia: A male baboon can kill a ----------`leopard
Animal Trivia: A male ---------- becomes fully feathered when he is three years old, but can mate earlier.`peacock
Animal Trivia: A male kangaroo is called a boomer, and a female is called a ----------`flyer
Animal Trivia: A male pig is a boar. A female pig is a sow. A baby pig is a ----------`piglet
Animal Trivia: A male ---------- that has been neutered is known as a "wether."`goat
Animal Trivia: A marine catfish can taste with any part of its body. The female marine catfish hatches her eggs in her ----------`mouth
Animal Trivia: A mated pair of ---------- can produce up to 15,000 babies in one year.`rats
Animal Trivia: Americans consume more than 353 million pounds of turkey during National Turkey Lovers' Month (June). By comparison, more than 675 million pounds of turkey will be consumed at ----------`thanksgiving
Animal Trivia: A mole can dig a tunnel ---------- feet long in one night.`three hundred
Animal Trivia: A mole can dig a tunnel ---------- feet long in one night.`three hundred`300
Animal Trivia: A mother ---------- often gives birth while standing, so the newborn's first experience outside the womb is a 1.8-meter (6-foot) drop. Ouch!`giraffe
Animal Trivia: An adult lion's roar can be heard up to five miles away, and warns off intruders or reunites scattered members of the ----------`pride
Animal Trivia: An adult walrus typically eats about 3,000 ---------- per day.`clams
Animal Trivia: An alpaca is sheared only once every two years and yields only about 5 or 6 pounds of wool at each shearing. Because the yield is so small and the material so desirable, alpaca wool is ----------`very expensive
Animal Trivia: An average-size ---------- weighs about 150 pounds.`aardvark
Animal Trivia: An ---------- can go through 2,000 to 3,000 teeth in a lifetime.`alligator
Animal Trivia: Ancient Egyptians believed that "Bast" was the mother of all cats on Earth. They also believed that cats were ----------`sacred animals
Animal Trivia: An ----------, despite its ponderous appearance, can reach speeds up to 25 miles per hours on an open stretch.`elephant
Animal Trivia: ---------- and short-tailed shrews get by on only two hours of sleep a day.`elephants
Animal Trivia: An eagle can attack, kill, and carry away an animal as large as a young deer. The Harpy eagle of South America feed on ----------`monkeys
Animal Trivia: An ---------- egg can make eleven-and-a-half omelets.`ostrich
Animal Trivia: An elephant may consume 500 pounds of hay and 60 gallons of water in a ----------`single day
Animal Trivia: ----------, an essential ingredient of many expensive cosmetics, is, in its native form, a foul-smelling, waxy, tarlike substance extracted from the fleece of sheep.`lanolin
Animal Trivia: A ---------- never actually sees the food as it eats, since its eyes are on top of its head and its mouth and nostrils are on the bottom.`stingray
Animal Trivia: A newborn Chinese water ---------- is so small it can almost be held in the palm of the hand.`deer
Animal Trivia: A newborn gray whale calf is an average 16 feet long. For reasons unknown, all gray whale calves are born in the warm, shallow lagoons of Baja, ----------`california
Animal Trivia: A newborn turkey chick has to be taught to eat, or it will starve. Breeders spread feed underfoot, hoping the little ones will peck at it and get the idea. Turkeys tend to look up with their mouths open during rainstorms. As a result, many ----------`drown
Animal Trivia: An extinct species of ---------- had a head the size of a Shetland pony's and reached a height of more than ten feet.`kangaroo
Animal Trivia: An ---------- is nearly 6 feet long, yet its mouth is only an inch wide.`anteater
Animal Trivia: An ---------- may weigh as much as 300 pounds. Its intestinal tract is 45 feet long.`ostrich
Animal Trivia: A normal cow's stomach has ---------- compartments: the rumen, the recticulum (storage area), the omasum (where water is absorbed), and the abomasum ( the only compartment with digestive juices).`four
Animal Trivia: A normal cow's stomach has ---------- compartments: the rumen, the recticulum (storage area), the omasum (where water is absorbed), and the abomasum ( the only compartment with digestive juices).`four`4
Animal Trivia: An ostrich's eye is bigger than its ----------`brain
Animal Trivia: An ox is a castrated bull. A mule is a sterile cross between a male ass and a ----------`female horse
Animal Trivia: Antlers and horns are not the same. Horns grow throughout an animal's life and are found on both the male and female of a species. Antlers, composed of a different chemical substance, are shed ----------`every year
Animal Trivia: A pig is a hog - but a hog is not a pig. "Hog" is a generic name for all swine. Per hog-raising terminology, a pig is a baby hog less than ----------`ten weeks old`10 weeks old
Animal Trivia: A plaice, a large European flounder, can lie on a checkerboard and reproduce on its upper surface the same pattern of squares, for ----------`camouflage
Animal Trivia: A pregnant goldfish is called a ----------`twat
Animal Trivia: A pregnant goldfish is called a ----------`twit
Animal Trivia: A quarter horse gets its name from its speed in running the ----------`quarter-mile
Animal Trivia: Arabian horses have one less vertebra in their backbones than other ----------`horses
Animal Trivia: A racehorse averages a weight loss of between 15 and 25 pounds during a ----------`race
Animal Trivia: A rarity in birds, geese are among the very few in which the family stays together at the end of the ---------- season. Parents and the young raised during the summer establish strong family bonds and do not break up for about a year. In the fall, geese migrate in flocks that contain other family units, and each family stays together on the wintering grounds.`breeding
Animal Trivia: Arctic terns found in North America and the Arctic migrate each year as far south as Antarctica and back, a round trip of over 18,000 miles. Theirs is probably the longest ----------`migratory flight
Animal Trivia: ---------- are freeze-tolerant and spend winters frozen on land, only to thaw in the spring and begin their breeding process in vernal ponds.`wood frogs
Animal Trivia: ---------- are powerful jumpers. A 20-inch adult can leap 20 feet in a single bound.`jackrabbits
Animal Trivia: ---------- are social birds that congregate in huge flocks. While the flock grazes in a field, lookouts will be posted to watch for approaching danger. They'll raise the alarm if humans approach.`crows
Animal Trivia: ___ are the largest of the minnows it's a big family, including over 300 american species, mainly small freshwater fishes. true minnows are soft-rayed fish with teeth in their throats only`carp
Animal Trivia: ---------- are the largest of the minnows - it's a big family, including over 300 American species, mainly small freshwater fishes. True minnows (family Cyprinidae) are soft-rayed fishes with teeth in their throats only.`carp
Animal Trivia: ---------- are the only animals born with horns. Both males and females are born with bony knobs on the forehead.`giraffes
Animal Trivia: ---------- are the only truly social cat species, and usually every female in a pride, ranging from 5 to 30 individuals, is closely related`lions
Animal Trivia: ---------- are the smallest breed of dog used for hunting. They are low to the ground, which allows them to enter and maneuver through tunnels easily.`dachshunds
Animal Trivia: ---------- are voluntary breathers. For this reason, they sleep with only half of their brain at one time. The other half remains alert to regulate breathing. Resident whales typically remain near the surface, breathing and swimming in a pattern. When traveling together, resident pods have been observed to breathe in unison. Although it is not known why this occurs, it could be a way of helping the pod keep tabs on one another.`orca whales
Animal Trivia: ___ are voluntary breathers. for this reason, they sleep with only half of their brain at one time. the other half remains alert to regulate breathing. resident whales typically remain near the surface, breathing and swimming in a pattern. when traveling together, resident pods have been observed to breathe in unison`orca whales
Animal Trivia: A rhinoceros has ---------- toes on each foot.`three
Animal Trivia: A rhinoceros has ---------- toes on each foot.`three`3
Animal Trivia: A robin has nearly 3,000 ----------`feathers
Animal Trivia: A rodent's teeth never stop growing. They are worn down by the animal's constant gnawing on bark, leaves, and other ----------`vegetable matter
Animal Trivia: As a rule, many birds generally lay fewer eggs in a clutch in the ----------, where the amount of daylight is shorter than in northern latitudes. It is in the northern reaches of the world that more summer food for birds is available as a result of the longer days.`tropics
Animal Trivia: A shrimp has more than a hundred pairs of chromosomes in each cell nucleus. Man has only ----------`twenty three
Animal Trivia: A shrimp has more than a hundred pairs of chromosomes in each cell nucleus. Man has only ----------`twenty three`23
Animal Trivia: A shrimp has ---------- pairs of legs.`five
Animal Trivia: A shrimp has ---------- pairs of legs.`five`5
Animal Trivia: A single ----------, with its razor-sharp teeth, is still dangerous enough when out of water to rip off the flesh, or a finger or toe, from an unwary fisherman.`piranha
Animal Trivia: A skunk will not ---------- and throw its scent at the same time.`bite
Animal Trivia: A snail speeding along at three inches per minute would need 15 days to travel ----------`one mile
Animal Trivia: A snake has no ----------. However, its tongue is extremely sensitive to sound vibrations. By constantly flicking its tongue, the snake picks up these sound waves. In this sense, a snake "hears" with its tongue.`ears
Animal Trivia: A snake is capable of eating an animal four times larger than the width of its own ----------`head
Animal Trivia: A snake's ---------- is located in the front one-fifth portion of its body.`stomach
Animal Trivia: A South African ---------- can grow to be 35 inches (90 cm) in length - longer than your arm.`bullfrog
Animal Trivia: A species of ---------- known as the Linckia columbiae can reproduce its entire body - that is, grow back completely - from a single severed pieces less than a half-inch long.`starfish
Animal Trivia: A species of sponge, called the red sponge, can be pushed through a piece of fabric so that it is broken into thousands of tiny pieces. The animal does not die. Rather, all the pieces reassemble until the sponge returns to its ----------`original form
Animal Trivia: At birth, a ---------- is smaller than a mouse and weighs about four ounces.`panda
Animal Trivia: At birth, baby ---------- are only about an inch long - no bigger than a large waterbug or a queen bee.`kangaroos
Animal Trivia: At birth, the white whale is ----------`black
Animal Trivia: A tiger's paw prints are called ----------. A tiger's forefeet have five toes and the hind feet have four toes. All toes have claws. The claws are 80 to 100 mm in length.`pug marks
Animal Trivia: Atlantic ---------- are able to leap 15 feet high.`salmon
Animal Trivia: At seven inches long, the Wilson's storm petrel is the smallest bird to breed on the ----------`antarctic continent
Animal Trivia: A type of lizard, the ----------, escapes pursuers by crawling into a crack in a rock and inflating its body with air so that it is wedged tightly into the crack and can't be pulled out.`chuckwalla
Animal Trivia: Australia's ---------- is the world's most dangerous jellyfish. Its toxin is more potent than cobra venom and can kill a person in minutes`box jelly
Animal Trivia: A ---------- weighing 120 pounds exerts a force of about 1,540 pounds between its jaws. A human being's jaws exert a force of only 40 to 80 pounds.`crocodile
Animal Trivia: A ---------- weighs about 1,400 pounds and eats about 55 pounds of food per day.`cow
Animal Trivia: A wild cat, known as "the fishing cat" actually swims to catch fish. Called the Bengali Mach-Bagral, nature gave this cat extra-long claws, which it uses like fishhooks. The fishing cat is found in Nepal, Burma, Southern China and parts of ----------`india
Animal Trivia: A ---------- will lay bigger and stronger eggs if you change the lighting in such a way as to make them think a day is 28 hours long.`chicken
Animal Trivia: A "winkle" is an edible ----------`sea snail
Animal Trivia: A wolf's odor detecting ability is ---------- times greater than man's.`one hundred
Animal Trivia: A wolf's odor detecting ability is ---------- times greater than man's.`one hundred`100
Animal Trivia: A woodchuck breathes only ten times per hour while ----------, while an active woodchuck breathes 2,100 times an hour.`hibernating
Animal Trivia: A young male fur ---------- that is kept from the breeding grounds by the older males is called a bachelor.`seal
Animal Trivia: A young pigeon that has not yet flown is a ----------`squab
Animal Trivia: Baby beavers are called kits or ----------`kittens
Animal Trivia: Baby mink are born blind and remain sightless for a ----------`month
Animal Trivia: Baby opossums - upon birth when they move to the mother's pouch - are smaller than honeybees. An entire litter can fit in a ----------`teaspoon
Animal Trivia: Baby rattlesnakes are born in August and ----------`september
Animal Trivia: Baby rattlesnakes are born without ----------`rattles
Animal Trivia: Bald eagles are not bald. The top of their head is covered with slicked-down white feathers; from a distance, they appear ----------`hairless
Animal Trivia: Bats are the only mammals that are able to fly. The "flying squirrel" can only do what the gliding opposum does - glide for short ----------`distances
Animal Trivia: ---------- bats do not suck blood. They bite, then lick up the flow.`vampire
Animal Trivia: Because baby pigs grow so quickly, a succession of 48 little pigs were used in the title role during the filming of the 1995 movie hit ----------`babe
Animal Trivia: Because birds carrying messages were often killed in flight by hawks, medieval Arabs made a habit of sending important messages ----------`twice
Animal Trivia: Because it is continually losing body heat, the ---------- must keep moving to stay warm. If inactive for more than a few hours, the animal will lose enough body heat to freeze to death.`shrew
Animal Trivia: Because its eyeball is fixed, the ---------- must move its huge body to shift its line of sight.`whale
Animal Trivia: Because its tongue is too short for its beak, the ---------- must juggle its food before swallowing it.`toucan
Animal Trivia: Because of the giant panda's large size and the small size of their offspring, it is difficult to tell when a panda is ----------`pregnant
Animal Trivia: Because of their acute sense of smell, dogs are trained to sniff out everything from drugs to bombs to iron ore. In Ontario, Canada, instruments couldn't locate where natural gas was escaping from a pipeline buried 18 feet underground. Trained ---------- were brought in. The dogs worked in sub-zero temperatures and covered nearly 100 miles of frozen ground, ultimately finding more than 150 gas leaks.`german shepherds
Animal Trivia: Because the natural habitat of ---------- is of little use to man - the alkaline African lake waters support few fish and cannot be used for human consumption or irrigation - and also because their resting areas are typically inaccessible, the birds are rarely disturbed, unlike other African wild birds.`flamingos
Animal Trivia: Between the mid-1860's and 1883, the ---------- population in North America was reduced from an estimated 13 million to a few hundred.`bison
Animal Trivia: Bird droppings are a chief export of Nauru, an island nation in the ----------`western pacific
Animal Trivia: Birds do not sing because they are happy. It is a ----------`territorial behavior
Animal Trivia: Boredom can lead to madness in ----------. When caged by themselves and neglected for long periods of time, these intelligent, sociable birds can easily become mentally ill. Many inflict wounds upon themselves, develop strange tics, and rip out their own feathers. The birds need constant interaction, affection, and mental stimulation; some bird authorities have determined that some parrot breeds have the mental abilities of a 5-year-old human child. Should a neglected parrot go mad, there is little that can be done to restore it to normalcy. In England, there are "mental institutions" for such unfortunate creatures.`parrots
Animal Trivia: Boxers were named after their habit of playing. At the beginning of play with another dog, a Boxer will stand on his hind legs and bat at his opponent, appearing to "box" with his ----------`front paws
Animal Trivia: Bull giraffes forage higher in trees than cow giraffes which reduces food competition between the sexes. Long-legged giraffes walk with the limbs on one side of the body lifted at the same time. This gait is called a pace and allows a longer stride which saves ----------`steps and energy
Animal Trivia: By age 6 months, the voracious ---------- will have increased its 3-pound birth weight by 7,000 percent.`pig
Animal Trivia: Camel milk is the only milk that doesn't curdle when ----------`boiled
Animal Trivia: Camels were used as pack animals in ---------- and Arizona as late as 1870.`nevada
Animal Trivia: ---------- can climb trees faster than they can run on the ground.`squirrels
Animal Trivia: ---------- can clock an amazing 31 mph at full speed and cover about 3 times their body length per leap.`kittens
Animal Trivia: Canned herring were dubbed ---------- because the canning process was first developed in Sardinia, Italy.`sardines
Animal Trivia: ---------- can swim for a 1/2 mile without resting, and they can tread water for 3 days straight.`rats
Animal Trivia: ---------- can travel up to 40 miles per hour.`sharks
Animal Trivia: ---------- can withstand water pressure of up to 850 pounds per square inch.`seals
Animal Trivia: Catnip can affect lions and tigers as well as house cats. It excites them because it contains a chemical that resembles an excretion of the dominant female's ----------`urine
Animal Trivia: Cats are the only domestic animals that walk directly on their ----------, not on their paws. This method of walking is called "digitigrade". When cats scratch furniture, it isn't an act of malice. They are actually tearing off the ragged edges of the sheaths of their talons to expose the new sharp ones beneath.`claws
Animal Trivia: Cats have amazing hearing ability. A cat's ear has ---------- muscles that control the outer ear (by comparison, human ears only have six muscles). These muscles rotate 180 degrees, so the cat can hear in all directions without moving its head.`thirty
Animal Trivia: Cats have amazing hearing ability. A cat's ear has ---------- muscles that control the outer ear (by comparison, human ears only have six muscles). These muscles rotate 180 degrees, so the cat can hear in all directions without moving its head.`thirty`30
Animal Trivia: Cats have more than one hundred vocal sounds, while dogs only have about ----------`ten
Animal Trivia: Cats have more than one hundred vocal sounds, while dogs only have about ----------`ten`10
Animal Trivia: Cats, not dogs, are now the most common pets in America. Approximately 66 million cats to 58 million dogs are family pets, with parakeets "flying" a distant third at ----------`14 million`14,000,000
Animal Trivia: Cattle branding in the United States did not originate in the West. It began in ---------- in the mid-19th century, when farmers were required by law to mark all their pigs.`connecticut
Animal Trivia: Cattle branding was practiced 4,000 years ago. Old tomb paintings show ---------- branding their fat, spotted cattle.`egyptians
Animal Trivia: Certain birds of prey (the African serpent eagle and the American kestrel, for example) have ---------- acuity 2.4 to 2.6 times greater than humans. They can see a 1 mm long insect from a treetop 18 meters above ground.`visual
Animal Trivia: ---------- chinchillas were brought from the Andes Mountains in South America in the 1930's. All chinchillas presently in North America are descended from these ---------- chinchillas.`eleven
Animal Trivia: ---------- chinchillas were brought from the Andes Mountains in South America in the 1930's. All chinchillas presently in North America are descended from these ---------- chinchillas.`eleven`11
Animal Trivia: City ---------- will eat just about anything, and often, it's the junk food that people offer them that they prefer, like Cracker Jack peanuts. Many naturalists have concluded that a peanut diet is harmful to squirrels: it seems to result in a weakening of eyesight and a thinning of the animal's pelt.`squirrels
Animal Trivia: Clams have a row of ---------- around their shells.`eyes
Animal Trivia: ---------- communicate in sound waves below the frequency that humans can hear.`elephants
Animal Trivia: Communication within the prairie dog community is crucial to the creatures' survival. An appointed sentry, spotting a predator, will give a distinctive warning cry, which instantly sends all others grabbing up babies and scurrying to the safety of their burrows. An all-clear call later announces that danger is passed. Experts are fascinated by the prairie dogs' ----------`cooperative system
Animal Trivia: Cougars can kill animals ---------- times their size`eight
Animal Trivia: Cougars can kill animals ---------- times their size`eight`8
Animal Trivia: Cows have four stomachs. Often, when a calf is born, the farmer will make it swallow a magnet. This is to attract the various nails, staples, bits of wire, and so on, that the cow may ingest while grazing. This odd hunger is known as ----------`hardware disease
Animal Trivia: Cows provide 90 percent of the world's ----------`milk
Animal Trivia: Coyotes are extremely loyal to their mates. If one is caught in a trap, the other will bring small game for it to eat; it will soak itself in a river to allow its thirsty mate to chew on its damp fur for water. It has been documented that the free coyote will stay with its captive partner until ----------`death
Animal Trivia: Crabs and other crustaceans can escape danger by simply discarding an injured or trapped ----------`limb
Animal Trivia: ---------- crumble leaves in their mouths to make a type of sponge to sop up water from the hollows in trees when they can't reach the water with their lips.`chimpanzees
Animal Trivia: Dead sponges can resist bacterial decay for more than five years when submerged in ----------`fresh water
Animal Trivia: Deer have no ----------`gall bladders
Animal Trivia: Depending on the geographic region, about 30 to 60 percent of all animals brought in to animal shelters in the United States are ----------`euthanized
Animal Trivia: Despite man's fear and hatred of the wolf, it has not ever been proved that a non-rabid wolf ever attacked a ----------`human
Animal Trivia: Despite their finickiness, an average cat consumes about 127,750 calories a year, nearly 28 times their own weight in food and the same amount again in liquids. In case you were wondering, cats cannot survive on a ----------`vegetarian diet
Animal Trivia: Developed in Egypt about 5,000 years ago, the greyhound breed was known before the ninth century in England, where it was bred by aristocrats to hunt such small game as hares. Today the dog is widely used in ----------`racing
Animal Trivia: Dogs that do not tolerate small children well are the St. Bernard, the Old English sheep dog, the Alaskan malamute, the bull terrier, and the toy ----------`poodle
Animal Trivia: Domesticated ---------- (farm-raised) cannot fly. Wild ---------- can fly for short distances at up to 55 miles per hour. Wild ---------- are also fast on the ground, running at speeds of up to 30 miles per hour.`turkeys
Animal Trivia: ---------- do not breath automatically, as humans do, and so they do not sleep as humans do. If they become unconscious, they would sink to the bottom of the sea. Without the oxygen they need to take in periodically, they would die.`dolphins
Animal Trivia: ---------- don't fly by flapping their wings up and down. The motion is more forward and backward, like a figure eight on its side.`birds
Animal Trivia: Ducks will lay eggs only in the ----------`early morning
Animal Trivia: Due to a retinal adaptation that reflects light back to the retina, the night vision of tigers is six times better than that of ----------`humans
Animal Trivia: During the mating season, male ---------- bristle their quills at each other and chatter their teeth in rage before attacking. All ---------- at this time become very vocal: grunting, whining, chattering, even barking and mewing at each other.`porcupines
Animal Trivia: Each day, 100 or more whales are killed by ----------`fishermen
Animal Trivia: ---------- eagles hunt over a range of 100 square miles to feed their young.`golden
Animal Trivia: ---------- eat only moving prey.`toads
Animal Trivia: ---------- eels are not really eels but a kind of fish. Although they look like eels, their internal organs are arranged differently.`electric
Animal Trivia: ___ eggs which are incubated below 85 f (29.5 c) hatch into females, while those incubated above 95 f (35 c) hatch into males`crocodile
Animal Trivia: ---------- eggs which are incubated below 85 F (29.5 C) hatch into females, while those incubated above 95 F (35 C) hatch into males`crocodile
Animal Trivia: ---------- eggs which are incubated below 85 F (29.5 C) hatch into females, while those incubated above 95 F (35 C) hatch into males`crocodile
Animal Trivia: ---------- eggs which are incubated below 85 F (29.5 C) hatch into females, while those incubated above 95 F (35 C) hatch into males.`crocodile
Animal Trivia: Elephants are covered with ----------. Although it is not apparent from a distance, at close range, one can discern a thin coat of light ----------s covering practically every part of an elephant's body.`hair
Animal Trivia: Elephants, lions, and camels roamed ---------- 12,000 years ago.`alaska
Animal Trivia: Elephants perform greeting ceremonies when a member of the group returns after a long time away. The welcoming animals spin around, flap their ears, and ----------`trumpet
Animal Trivia: Elephant tusks grow throughout an elephant's life and can weigh more than 200 pounds. Among Asian elephants, only the males have tusks. Both sexes of ---------- elephants have tusks.`african
Animal Trivia: Ergonomic waterbeds are the latest must-have on the bovine circuit. The beds, listed at $175 each, are said to enhance cattle health by reducing ----------`joint damage
Animal Trivia: Every bird must eat at least half its own weight in food each day to survive. Young birds need even more. A young robin, for example, eats as much as 14 feet of ---------- a day.`earthworms
Animal Trivia: Every hour, nearly 12,500 puppies are born in the ----------`united states
Animal Trivia: Every ----------, there is a peak in Canada wildlife population, especially among the muskrats, red fox, skunks, mink, lynx, and rabbits. The population of grasshoppers of the world tends to rise and fall rhythmically in 9.2-year cycles.`9.6 years
Animal Trivia: Expressing recognition rather than love, Utah ---------- exchange "kisses." By the touching of incisor teeth, they quickly confirm the identity of group members.`prairie dogs
Animal Trivia: February 18, 1930 marks the first flight by a ---------- in an airplane.`cow
Animal Trivia: February is the mating month for ----------`gray whales
Animal Trivia: ---------- feel safest when they are crowded together, hundreds in a group.`flamingoes
Animal Trivia: Fish travel in schools, whales travel in pods or ----------`gams
Animal Trivia: Flamingoes live remarkably long lives - up to ----------`eighty years`80 years
Animal Trivia: Flamingos are not naturally pink. They get their color from their food, tiny green algae that turn pink during ----------`digestion
Animal Trivia: Flatfishes form a unique and widespread group that includes about 130 American species, common in both the Atlantic and ----------`pacific ocean
Animal Trivia: ---------- for most snakes is accomplished with one lung only. The left lung is either greatly reduced in size or missing completely.`breathing
Animal Trivia: Frogs never drink. They absorb water from their surroundings by ----------`osmosis
Animal Trivia: From crocodile farms, Australia exports about 5,000 crocodile skins a year. Most go to Paris, where a crocodile purse can sell for more than ----------`$10,000
Animal Trivia: Garter snakes, though reptiles, do not ----------. They bear young, just as mammals do.`lay eggs
Animal Trivia: ---------- gather in groups to sleep through the winter. Sometimes up to 1,000 of them will coil up together to keep warm.`rattlesnakes
Animal Trivia: Genuine ivory does not only come from elephants. It can come from the tusks of a boar or a ----------`walrus
Animal Trivia: Gibbons live in family groups and communicate to others through high-pitched songs which can be heard for several miles. Songs are specific to each family and convey information such as location, temper, and social ----------`position
Animal Trivia: Goats generally need their ---------- trimmed once a month.`hoofs
Animal Trivia: Goldfish have four color recepectors in their ---------- compared to our three - the mantis shrimp has ten color receptors.`eyes
Animal Trivia: Goldfish lose their color if they are kept in a dim light or they are placed in a body of running water, such as a stream. They remain gold when kept in a pond or in a bowl with adequate ----------`illumination
Animal Trivia: Gophers are ----------`hermits
Animal Trivia: Gorillas and ---------- sleep about fourteen hours a day.`cats
Animal Trivia: Gorillas do not know how to ----------`swim
Animal Trivia: Gray ---------- migrate 12,000 miles each year, farther than any other mammal.`whales
Animal Trivia: Groundhogs are "fossorial" - they live most of their lives underground. They dig burrows or "dens" that have several entrances. Each is connected with the main tunnel and the nesting chamber where the animal hibernates for the winter. A groundhog's whiskers help it ----------`navigate underground
Animal Trivia: Groups: A group of unicorns is called a ----------. A group of kangaroos is called a mob. A group of whales is called a pod. A group of geese is called a gaggle. A group of owls is called a parliament. A group of ravens is an unkindness. A group of crows is a murder. A group of bears is called a sleuth. Twelve or more cows is called a flink.`blessing
Animal Trivia: Guinea pigs were first domesticated by the ----------, who used them for food, in sacrifices, and as household pets.`incas
Animal Trivia: Hamadryas ----------, in ancient Egypt, were believed to be companions and oracles of the god Thoth. They were given the honor of being mummified when they died.`baboons
Animal Trivia: ---------- has more homeless cats per square mile than any other city in the world.`rome
Animal Trivia: ---------- have been trained to have recognition vocabularies of 100 to 200 words. They can distinguish among different grammatical patterns.`chimpanzees
Animal Trivia: ---------- have no ability to taste sweet things.`cats
Animal Trivia: ---------- have scent glands between their hind toes. The glands help them leave scent trails for the herd. Researchers say the odor smells cheesy.`reindeer
Animal Trivia: ---------- have the best eyesight of any breed of dog.`greyhounds
Animal Trivia: ---------- have three eyelids to protect themselves from blowing sand.`camels
Animal Trivia: Hedgehog quills are not barbed or poisonous. Hedgehogs do apply a foamy, foul-tasting saliva to their quills, which protects the animals from ----------`predators
Animal Trivia: Hens do not have to be impregnated to lay eggs. The ---------- is necessary only to fertilize the egg.`rooster
Animal Trivia: ---------- herds post their own sentries. When danger threatens, the sentry raises its trunk and though it may be as far as a half-mile away, the rest of the herd is instantly alerted. how this communication takes place is not understood.`elephant
Animal Trivia: Hippopotamuses have killed more people in Africa than all the lions, elephants, and water buffalo combined, usually by ----------`trampling
Animal Trivia: Horned ---------- eat ants. They wait in areas where ants are working and when one passes by, they flick out their tongue, catch their prey, and swallow without chewing. Apparently their digestive tract is immune to bites and stings.`lizards
Animal Trivia: Horses shorter than 141/2 hands (58 inches) at the withers (top of the shoulders) are technically ponies. The ----------, around 43 inches tall, is called a pony, not a miniature. Miniatures start 9 inches shorter, and prices go up as size goes down.`shetland
Animal Trivia: Hummingbirds are the smallest birds - so tiny that one of their enemies is an insect, the ----------`praying mantis
Animal Trivia: Hummingbirds cannot glide or soar as other bird do. They are the only bird that can ----------`hover continuously
Animal Trivia: If frightened or threatened, a mother rabbit may abandon, ignore, or ----------`eat her young
Animal Trivia: If they are well treated, camels in captivity can live to the age of ----------`fifty
Animal Trivia: If they are well treated, camels in captivity can live to the age of ----------`fifty`50
Animal Trivia: In 1874, the first animal purchased for the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago was a ----------, bought for $10.`bear cub
Animal Trivia: In 1880, there were approximately 2 billion passenger pigeons in the United States. By 1914, the species was ----------`extinct
Animal Trivia: In Alaska, it is legal to shoot ----------. However, waking a sleeping bear for the purpose of taking a photograph is prohibited.`bears
Animal Trivia: In ancient Rome, auburn-haired puppies were sacrificed to ensure a plentiful ----------`corn crop
Animal Trivia: In England, the most commonly used guide dog for the blind is the Yellow ----------`labrador retriever
Animal Trivia: In Korea, the deer is a symbol of long life, and is often portrayed in the company of ----------`immortals
Animal Trivia: In Milwaukee during the 1900s, 12,500 horses in the city left an estimated 133 tons of ---------- and urine on the streets per year.`manure
Animal Trivia: In one year, hens in America lay enough eggs to encircle the globe a ----------`one hundred times`100 times
Animal Trivia: In Pakistan, goats are often sacrificed to improve the performance of the ----------`stock market
Animal Trivia: In regions of India where the soil is red, elephants take on a permanent pink tinge because they regularly spray dust over their bodies to protect themselves against`insects
Animal Trivia: In Russia, dogs have been trained to sniff out ore deposits that contain ----------`iron sulfides
Animal Trivia: ---------- instinctively know their own endurance and will refuse to move beyond it. If their masters try to drive them farther, they will lie down and refuse to budge.`camels
Animal Trivia: In the air, puffins are powerful flyers, beating their ----------`300 to 400 times a minute to achieve speeds up to 40 miles per hour (64 kph).`wings
Animal Trivia: ---------- is one American breed of hardy hogs having drooping ears - it was allegedly named after the horse owned by the hog's breeder.`duroc
Animal Trivia: It is estimated that a single toad may catch and eat as many as 10,000 insects in the course of a ----------`summer
Animal Trivia: It is estimated that manatees live a maximum of 50 to 60 ----------`years
Animal Trivia: It is the female ---------- who does more than 90 percent of the hunting, while the male is afraid to risk his life, or simply prefers to rest.`lion
Animal Trivia: It may take longer than two days for a chick to break out of its ----------`shell
Animal Trivia: It seems to biologists that, unlike their humpback whale relatives whose underwater song evolves from year to year, killer whales retain individual ---------- unchanged over long periods, possibly even for life.`dialects
Animal Trivia: It takes a ---------- approximately seven years to grow to be one pound`lobster
Animal Trivia: It takes about 50 hours for a snake to digest one ----------`frog
Animal Trivia: It takes an average of 345 squirts to yield a gallon of milk from a cow's ----------`udder
Animal Trivia: It takes approximately 69,000 venom extractions from the ----------`to fill a 1-pint container.`coral snake
Animal Trivia: It would require an average of 18 ---------- to weigh in at 1 ounce.`hummingbirds
Animal Trivia: Javelinas are free-ranging, yet territorial animals that travel in small herds. One of the reasons they travel in numbers is so they can huddle to stay warm - they don't handle cold well and can`freeze to death quickly
Animal Trivia: Javelinas are free-ranging, yet territorial animals that travel in small herds. One of the reasons they travel in numbers is so they can huddle to stay warm - they don't handle cold well and can ----------`to death quickly.`freeze
Animal Trivia: Javelinas are very noisy animals among each other and squeal, snort, woof, and click their teeth to ----------`communicate
Animal Trivia: Just like people, mother ---------- often develop lifelong relationships with their offspring.`chimpanzees
Animal Trivia: Kangaroo rats never drink ----------. Like their relatives the pocket mice, they carry their own water source within them, producing fluids from the food they eat and the air they breathe.`water
Animal Trivia: Kangaroos usually give birth to one young annually. The young kangaroo, or joey, is born alive at a very immature stage, when it is only about 2 cm long and weighs less than a ----------`gram
Animal Trivia: Kittens are born both blind and deaf, but the vibration of their mother's purring is a physical signal that the kittens can feel - it acts like a ----------, signaling them to nurse.`homing device
Animal Trivia: Koalas and humans are the only animals with unique prints. Koala prints cannot be distinguished from human ----------`fingerprints
Animal Trivia: Komodo dragons eat deer and wild ----------`boar
Animal Trivia: Lemon sharks grow a new set of teeth every two weeks. They grow more than 24,000 new ---------- every year.`teeth
Animal Trivia: ----------, like grasshoppers - feel no pain. They have a decentralized nervous system with no cerebral cortex, which in humans is where a reaction to painful stimuli proceeds.`lobsters
Animal Trivia: ----------, like other equids, have three gaits: the walk, the trot, and the gallop.`zebras
Animal Trivia: Llamas are reported to be inquisitive, friendly animals. A llama greeting is marked by softly blowing on each other. According to animal experts, a soft blow to a person is the llama's way of saying ----------`hello
Animal Trivia: Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary opened in 1927 in ----------, Australia, and it was the first and is still the largest koala sanctuary in the world. Tourists can cuddle one of 130 koalas, hand feed kangaroos and emus, and see a large variety of Australian native wildlife in the 50-acre sanctuary, such as wombats, Tasmanian devils, and dingoes. Koala cuddling has been banned in New South Wales since January 1997, but cuddling is still permitted in Queensland, and especially at Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary. In Queensland, koalas can only be cuddled for less than 30 minutes per day. They must also get every fourth day off. At Lone Pine, koalas are timed for "clock on" and "clock off" when they go to the koala cuddling area.`brisbane
Animal Trivia: Macaws are the largest and most colorful species of the ----------`parrot family
Animal Trivia: Male cockatoos can be taught to speak, but females can only chirp and ----------`sing
Animal Trivia: Male ---------- have antlers 7 feet across. The antlers often weigh 60 pounds.`moose
Animal Trivia: Male ---------- lose the hair on their heads in the same manner men do.`monkeys
Animal Trivia: Male ---------- may have more than 100 wives and sometimes go three months without eating.`sea lion
Animal Trivia: Mallard ---------- are sometimes built at a height of 40 feet above ground. Surprisingly, when leaving their nests for the first time, chicks are very rarely hurt due to falling to the ground.`nests
Animal Trivia: Many corals receive nourishment from algae which grow inside their ----------`tissue
Animal Trivia: Many seabirds that swallow fishes too large for immediate digestion go about with the esophagus filled. Apparently without discomfort, the tail of the fish sticks out of the ----------`bird's mouth
Animal Trivia: Many sharks lay soft-shelled eggs but hammerheads give birth to live young that look like miniature versions of their parents. Young hammerheads are often born ----------, with the tip of their hammerhead folded backward to make them more streamlined for birth.`headfirst
Animal Trivia: Marie Antoinette's dog was a spaniel named ----------`thisbe
Animal Trivia: Marine iguanas, saltwater crocodiles, sea snakes, and sea turtles are the only surviving seawater-adapted ----------`reptiles
Animal Trivia: ---------- may travel great distances on their migrations. The Arctic tern travels from the top of the world, the Arctic - to the bottom, the Antarctic. Round trip in a single year: 25,000 miles in all.`birds
Animal Trivia: Mice, whales, elephants, giraffes, and humans all have seven neck ----------`vertebra
Animal Trivia: Migrating geese fly in a V-formation to save energy. A goose's wings churn the air and leave an air current behind. In the flying wedge, each bird is in position to get a lift from the current left by the bird ahead. It is easier going for all, except the leader. During a migration, geese are apt to take turns in the ----------`lead position
Animal Trivia: Milk delivered to the store today was in the cow ----------`two days ago
Animal Trivia: Milk snakes lay about 13 eggs - in piles of animal ----------`manure
Animal Trivia: Minnows have teeth in their ----------`throat
Animal Trivia: Monkeys will not eat red meat or ----------`butter
Animal Trivia: More ---------- are raised in California than in any other state in the United States.`turkeys
Animal Trivia: More people are killed in Africa by crocodiles than by ----------`lions
Animal Trivia: More species of ---------- live in a single tributary of the Amazon River than in all the rivers in North America combined.`fish
Animal Trivia: More than one million stray dogs and over 500,000 stray cats live in the ----------`new york city
Animal Trivia: Most cows give more milk when they ----------`listen to music
Animal Trivia: Most ---------- lived to be more than a hundred years old.`dinosaurs
Animal Trivia: Most tropical marine fish could survive in a tank filled with ----------`human blood
Animal Trivia: Most varieties of ---------- can go an entire year without eating a single morsel of food.`snake
Animal Trivia: Mother-of-pearl is not always ----------. It can be pink, blue, purple, gray, or even green. Nor is it produced only by the pearl oyster. The abalone and the pearl mussel both have shells that are lined with fine-quality mother-of-pearl.`white
Animal Trivia: Mother prairie dogs will nurse their young only while ---------- in the safety of the burrow. If an infant tries to suckle above ground, the mother will slap it.`underground
Animal Trivia: Mountain ---------- grow luxurious winter coats - more than three inches of cashmere-quality wool, overlaid with long hollow hairs. The hardy animals can endure winter temperatures as low as minus 50 degrees F, and powerful winds up to 100 miles per hour.`goats
Animal Trivia: Mussels can thrive in ---------- because of an inborn ability to purify bacteria, fungi, and viruses.`polluted water
Animal Trivia: Native peoples of South America catch ---------- and use their razor-sharp teeth to make tools and weapons.`piranha
Animal Trivia: ---------- need about 2 tablespoonfuls of blood each day. The creature is able to extract its dinner in approximately 20 minutes.`vampire bats
Animal Trivia: ---------- never walk or trot, but always hop or leap.`rabbits
Animal Trivia: Ninety percent of all species that have become extinct have been ----------`birds
Animal Trivia: Not all leeches are bloodsuckers. Many are predators which eat earthworms, etc. The nearest relatives of leeches are ----------`earthworms
Animal Trivia: Octopi and squid have ---------- hearts. Their main systemic heart pumps blood throughout the circulatory system, and two branchial hearts provide some additional push at each of the paired gills.`three
Animal Trivia: Octopi and squid have ---------- hearts. Their main systemic heart pumps blood throughout the circulatory system, and two branchial hearts provide some additional push at each of the paired gills.`three`3
Animal Trivia: Of all known forms of animals life ever to inhabit the Earth, only about ---------- still exist today.`ten percent`10%
Animal Trivia: Off the coast of southern California, around 200 ---------- still roam in Catalina Island's hinterlands, descendants of a few brought there in the 1920s for a movie and left there.`bison
Animal Trivia: ---------- of South and Central America and the Caribbean lay their eggs in February and March.`iguanas
Animal Trivia: Of the 250-plus known species of shark in the world, only about 18 are known to be ----------`dangerous to man
Animal Trivia: Oilbirds have a ---------- sense shared among known birds only in Southeast Asia's swiftlets (although very common among bats). The oilbird is a cave dweller, and it bounces its echoing clicks from rock walls to help navigate in the dark vaults where they nest by the hundreds.`sonar
Animal Trivia: One in ten Dalmatians is born ----------, and the breed lacks the ability to process urine completely, so they need a special diet low in flesh protein.`deaf
Animal Trivia: One Laysan ----------, tracked by biologists at Wake Forest University, flew more than 24,843 miles in flights across the North Pacific to find food for its chick in just 90 days - a flight distance equivalent to circling the globe.`albatross
Animal Trivia: One peculiar behavior of dachshunds is that they often roll around in odiferous things when they encounter them. This odd habit has been attributed to the dog's hunting instinct. Doing this is the dachshund's attempt to "lose its scent" so that its potential prey cannot ----------`smell it
Animal Trivia: One way birds learn is by trial and error. Scientists have discovered that many of their learned motor patterns are linked to appetite. For instance, young doves must learn to drink water. The pecking of domestic chicks improves about 30 hours after hatching. They snatch up a grain with increased efficiency. Simple trial-and-error learning is also believed to be very important in birds' ----------`nest-building
Animal Trivia: Only tom turkeys ----------. Hen turkeys make a clicking noise.`gobble
Animal Trivia: On the Baja coast, osprey couples return to the same nests year after year. These birds rebuild their old nest, carefully repairing any damage caused by winds, rain, and age. After years of rebuilding, some osprey nests can reach heights of ----------`four feet
Animal Trivia: On the Baja coast, osprey couples return to the same nests year after year. These birds rebuild their old nest, carefully repairing any damage caused by winds, rain, and age. After years of rebuilding, some osprey nests can reach heights of ----------`four feet`4 feet.`
Animal Trivia: Ostriches are such fast runners, they can outrun a horse. Male ostriches can ---------`roar like a lion
Animal Trivia: Ostriches live about 75 years and can reproduce for ----------`fifty years
Animal Trivia: Ostriches live about 75 years and can reproduce for ----------``fifty years`50 years
Animal Trivia: Out of the 650 known species of leeches, Hirudo medicinalis is the most common used by ----------`doctors
Animal Trivia: Pandas spend about 12 hours a day eating ----------`bamboo
Animal Trivia: Parrots, most famous of all talking birds, rarely acquire a vocabulary of more than twenty words. However, Tymhoney Greys and African Greys have been known to carry vocabularies in excess of ----------`one hundred words
Animal Trivia: Parrots, most famous of all talking birds, rarely acquire a vocabulary of more than twenty words. However, Tymhoney Greys and African Greys have been known to carry vocabularies in excess of ----------``one hundred words`100 words
Animal Trivia: Philip Gilbert Hamerton, English art writer and landscape painter, noted, "If animals could speak, the dog would be a blundering, outspoken, honest fellow - but the cat would have the rare grace of never saying a ----------`word too much
Animal Trivia: Pigeons and hummingbirds have tiny magnetic particles in their heads that respond to the Earth's magnetic fields and are used for ----------`navigation
Animal Trivia: Pigs are exceedingly loud creatures. A University of Illinois study measured average pig squeals that ranged from 100 to 115 decibels. The supersonic Concorde jet, by comparison, was originally banned from New York when its engines exceeded 112 decibels at ----------`takeoff
Animal Trivia: Pigs, walruses, and light-colored horses can be ----------`sunburned
Animal Trivia: Pink elephants? In regions of India where the soil is red, elephants take on a permanent pink tinge because they regularly spray dust over their bodies to protect themselves against ----------`insects
Animal Trivia: ---------- played a role in aerial warfare during World War I. Because of their acute hearing, parrots were kept on the Eiffel Tower to warn of approaching aircraft long before the planes were heard or seen by human spotters.`birds
Animal Trivia: Prior to migration a ---------- will consume the equivalent of up to 25 percent of its body weight per day, accumulating large amounts of fat. During the migration, geese may cover up to 600 miles per day. At the end of the migration, they often weigh less than before they started fattening up in preparation.`goose
Animal Trivia: Racehorses have been known to wear out ---------- in one race.`new shoes
Animal Trivia: Reportedly, ---------- mate for life.`beavers
Animal Trivia: Researchers don't know why killer whales like to rub their sensitive stomachs on the bottom of shallow beaches, but they think it may be a form of ----------`grooming
Animal Trivia: Scientists say that ----------, unlike all other domestic animals, arrive at solutions by thinking them through. ----------`can be - and have been - taught to accomplish almost any feat a dog can master, and usually in a shorter period of time.`pigs
Animal Trivia: ---------- sea otters spend almost all of their time in the water. Alaska sea otters often sleep, groom, and nurse on land.`california
Animal Trivia: Several poison-dart frog species are bred at the National Aquarium in Baltimore. There, researchers gauge the toxicity of poisonous species by taste. No danger is posed, because frogs caught in the wild gradually become less poisonous, and captive offspring are nontoxic. The change may be due to diet. The frog's natural menu - mostly tropical ants and springtails - cannot be duplicated in a ----------`terrarium
Animal Trivia: Sharks and rays are the only animals known to man that cannot succumb to cancer. Scientists believe this is related to the fact that they have no bone - only ----------`cartilage
Animal Trivia: Sharks can be dangerous even before they are born. Scientist Stewart Springer was bitten by a sand tiger shark embryo while he was examining its ----------`pregnant mother
Animal Trivia: Sheep will not drink from running water. Hence, the line in the Twenty-third Psalm: "He leadeth me beside the ----------`still waters
Animal Trivia: ---------- silk is an extremely strong material and its on-weight basis has been proven to be stronger than steel. Experts suggest that a pencil-thick strand of silk could stop a Boeing 747 in flight.`spider
Animal Trivia: Since housecats are clean and their coats are dry and glossy, their fur easily becomes charged with ----------`. sparks can be seen if their fur is rubbed in the dark.`electricity
Animal Trivia: Since white tigers have pigmented stripes and blue eyes, they are not ----------`albinos
Animal Trivia: Sir Walter Raleigh's black greyhound was named ----------`hamlet
Animal Trivia: Snails have ----------. They are arranged in rows along the snail's tongue and are used like a file to saw or slice through the snail's foot.`teeth
Animal Trivia: Some more names for groups of animals... a bale of turtles, a clowder of cats, a charm of goldfinches, a gam of whales, a knot of toads, a ---------- of tigers.`streak
Animal Trivia: Some ----------`pretend to be dead when captured, but quickly hop away when let go.`bullfrogs
Animal Trivia: Some sloths, opossum, and armadillos spend up to 80 percent of their lives sleeping or ----------`dozing
Animal Trivia: Some species of earthworms in ---------- can measure more than ten feet in length.`australia
Animal Trivia: Some species of freshwater eels migrate to the Sargasso Sea in the Atlantic Ocean to mate. After laying up to 20 million eggs, the female eel dies. The baby eels hatched from the eggs then make their way back to ----------`fresh water
Animal Trivia: Some species of rain forest birds migrate every summer from South America to Canada to ----------`breed
Animal Trivia: So that it can pull its lithe body into a tight, prickly little ball for defense, the hedgehog has a large muscle running along its ----------`stomach
Animal Trivia: Strange creatures, jellyfish are comprised mostly of water - more than 95 percent - and have no brain, heart, or bones, and no actual ----------`eyes
Animal Trivia: Sue, the world's largest, most complete, and best preserved ----------, made her grand debut to the public on May 17, 2000 at the Field Museum in Chicago, Illinois.`tyrannosaurus rex
Animal Trivia: Surviving all dangers, a wild ---------- may live up to 20 years.`cobra
Animal Trivia: ---------- swim in circles while they sleep with the eye on the outside of the circle open to keep watch for predators. After a certain amount of time, they reverse and swim in the opposite direction with the opposite eye open.`dolphins
Animal Trivia: ---------- that are seen wandering around in the wild do not make good pets. These are sexually mature males at the end of their life cycle - they will die within a few weeks or months.`tarantulas
Animal Trivia: The Adlie ---------- bears the name of French explorer Dumont d'Urville's beloved wife.`penguin
Animal Trivia: The AdTlie ---------- bears the name of French explorer Dumont d'Urville's beloved wife`penguin
Animal Trivia: The Alaskan ---------- is the largest deer of the New World. It attains a height at the withers in excess of 7 feet and, when fully grown, weighs up to 1,800 pounds.`moose
Animal Trivia: The albatross drinks sea water. It has a special desalinization apparatus that strains out and excretes all excess ----------`salt
Animal Trivia: The American opossum, a marsupial, bears its young just 12 to 13 days after conception. The Asiatic elephant takes 608 days to give birth, or just over ----------`20 months
Animal Trivia: The American ---------- weighs approximately one pound when fully grown.`crow
Animal Trivia: The American ----------, with its eyes placed toward the top of its head, can see backward and upward, and forward and upward, with binocular vision and, laterally, almost 180 degrees with each eye.`woodcock
Animal Trivia: The anaconda, one of the world's largest snakes, gives birth to its young instead of ----------`laying eggs
Animal Trivia: The ancient nautilus is considered the most intelligent of the invertebrates; it is said to have been as intelligent as a ----------`young cat
Animal Trivia: The ---------- - a relative of the mole - is the smallest mammal in North America. It weighs 1/14 ounce - less than a dime.`pigmy shrew
Animal Trivia: The armor of the ---------- is not as tough as it appears. It is very pliable, much like a human fingernail.`armadillo
Animal Trivia: The ----------, a small lizard generally measuring 6 or 7 inches, has a tongue several inches longer than its body. With a thrust of this remarkable appendage, it can catch insects some 10 inches away.`chameleon
Animal Trivia: The average adult male ----------, the world's largest living bird, weighs up to 345 pounds.`ostrich
Animal Trivia: The average adult ---------- pig weighs two pounds.`guinea
Animal Trivia: The average adult ---------- weighs 21 pounds.`raccoon
Animal Trivia: The average capacity of a pelican's ---------- is 12 quarts.`pouch
Animal Trivia: The average cod deposits between 4 and 6 million eggs at a single ----------`spawning
Animal Trivia: The average cow produces ---------- glasses of milk each day.`forty
Animal Trivia: The average cow produces ---------- glasses of milk each day.`fourty
Animal Trivia: The average cow produces ---------- glasses of milk each day.`fourty`40
Animal Trivia: The average elephant produces 50 pounds of ---------- each day.`dung`shit
Animal Trivia: The average giraffe's ---------- is two or three times that of a healthy man.`blood pressure
Animal Trivia: The average life expectancy of a leopard in captivity is ----------`twelve years`12 years
Animal Trivia: The average life expectancy of a rhinoceros in captivity is ----------`fifteen years`15 years
Animal Trivia: The average minimal speed of birds in order to remain aloft in flight is reported to be about 161/2 feet per second, or about ---------- miles per hour.`eleven
Animal Trivia: The average minimal speed of birds in order to remain aloft in flight is reported to be about 161/2 feet per second, or about ---------- miles per hour.`eleven`11
Animal Trivia: The average ---------- moves at a rate of approximately 0.000362005 miles per hour.`snail
Animal Trivia: The average porcupine has more than 30,000 quills. Porcupines are excellent swimmers because their quills are hollow and serve as pontoons to keep them ----------`afloat
Animal Trivia: The average ---------- weighs 14 pounds.`fox
Animal Trivia: The Bactrian camel is the only land mammal on Earth that can survive on ----------`salt water
Animal Trivia: The basenji is a mid-sized dog with a silky copper coat. Although they are considered a barkless dog, they are known to ---------- when they are happy.`yodel
Animal Trivia: The bat is the only mammal that can ----------`fly
Animal Trivia: The biggest frog is the appropriately named ---------- frog (Conraua goliath) of Cameroon. They reach nearly 30 cm (a foot) and weigh as much as 3.3 kilograms.`goliath
Animal Trivia: The ---------- bird can fly at a speed of 260 miles per hour.`frigate
Animal Trivia: The bite of a leech is painless due to its own ----------`anaesthetic
Animal Trivia: The black bear is not always black. It can be brown, cinnamon, ----------, and sometimes a bluish color.`yellow
Animal Trivia: The blow of a whale has a strong, foul odor. It apparently smells like a combination of spoiled fish and old oil. Because whales have such terrible breath, sailors believed at one time that a whiff of it could cause ----------`brain disorders
Animal Trivia: The blubber of a male ---------- is considered superior to that of the sperm whale for lubricating machinery.`elephant seal
Animal Trivia: The bluefin ---------- swims with its mouth partly open, relying on ramjet ventilation, unlike slower fish, which force water through their gills to remove oxygen and release carbon dioxide. Since seawater contains only about 2.5 percent as much oxygen it needs from the volume of water flowing through its mouth, the bluefin has proportionately one of the largest gill areas of any fish.`tuna
Animal Trivia: The blue whale is maintained by its blubber and can go up to half a year without ----------`eating
Animal Trivia: The blue whale weighs as much as thirty elephants, and is as long as three ----------`greyhound buses
Animal Trivia: The bottle-nosed ---------- can dive to a depth of 3,000 feet in two minutes.`whale
Animal Trivia: The breed of the Thoroughbred horse is only about 300 years old, although horse racing has been popular in England since Roman times, and can be traced back to Central Asia among ----------`prehistoric nomads
Animal Trivia: The brilliant colors in a hummingbird's ---------- are created by tiny platelets that resemble a pancake filled with air bubbles. They are called "interference colors," and are much like the shimmering colors seen in a soap bubble or in a drop of oil.`feather
Animal Trivia: The Cairn terrier is great at catching ----------`rats
Animal Trivia: The calories burned daily by the sled dogs running in Alaska's annual Iditarod race average 10,000. The 1,149-mile race commemorates the 1925 "Race for Life" when 20 volunteer mushers relayed medicine from Anchorage to Nome to battle a children's ----------`diphtheria epidemic
Animal Trivia: The ---------- can travel up to 45 miles per hour, whereas the rabbit can achieve an average speed of just 35 miles per hour.`hare
Animal Trivia: The ---------- can travel up to 9 miles per hour.`chicken
Animal Trivia: The cat was the symbol of liberty in ancient ----------`rome
Animal Trivia: The cells which make up the antlers of a ----------`are the fastest growing animal cells in nature.`moose
Animal Trivia: The chameleon has a tongue that is 1.5 times the length of its ----------`body
Animal Trivia: The Chinese, during the reign of Kublai Khan, used lions on hunting expeditions. They trained the big cats to pursue and drag down massive animals - from wild bulls to bears - and to stay with the kill until the ----------`hunter arrived
Animal Trivia: The color of the blood of an ---------- is bluish-green.`octopus
Animal Trivia: The common carp lives up to 25 years in the wild, and up to 40 years in captivity. The durable fish can survive in waters up to 90 degrees F, and can even withstand ---------- for short periods.`freezing
Animal Trivia: The conception and birth of the armadillo are odd events. Although mating usually occurs in July, the embryos of the armadillo remain in a dormant state until November. Later in March, four young are born. Armadillos are the only mammals in which multiple young form from a single egg with any regularity. All four of the young, always of the same sex, are identical quadruplets and developed from the same egg. They even shared a single ---------- while in the womb.`placenta
Animal Trivia: The ---------- continually grows new sets of teeth to replace old teeth. It also cannot move its tongue. The tongue is rooted to the base of its mouth.`crocodile
Animal Trivia: The crayfish isn't a fish at all - it is related to the ----------`lobster
Animal Trivia: The crocodile is a cannibal; it will occasionally eat other ----------`crocodiles
Animal Trivia: The crocodile is surprisingly fast on land. If pursued by a crocodile, a person should run in a zigzag motion, for the crocodile has little or no ability to make sudden changes of ----------`direction
Animal Trivia: The Dalmatian dog is named for the Dalmatian Coast of ----------, where it is believed to have been originally bred.`croatia
Animal Trivia: The digestive juices of crocodiles contain so much ---------- that they have dissolved iron spearheads and 6-inch steel hooks that the crocodiles have swallowed.`hydrochloric acid
Animal Trivia: The ---------- does not chew its food, but swallows it whole. It carries several pounds of small stones in its stomach to aid in grinding up and digesting its nourishment.`crocodile
Animal Trivia: The dog and the turkey were the only two domesticated animals in ancient ----------`mexico
Animal Trivia: The domestic cat is the only species able to hold its tail vertically while walking. Wild cats hold their tail horizontally, or tucked between their legs while ----------`walking
Animal Trivia: The duckbill platypus of Australia can store up to 600 worms in its large cheek ----------`pouches
Animal Trivia: The ---------- eagle of Africa hunts over a territory of 250 square miles a day.`bateleur
Animal Trivia: The ---------- eagle, swooping at better than 100 miles per hour, can brake to a halt in 20 feet.`african
Animal Trivia: The ears of the Asiatic ---------- are larger than those of other bear species.`black bears
Animal Trivia: The ---------- eats nothing but eucalyptus leaves.`koala
Animal Trivia: The Egyptian ----------, a white bird about the size of a raven, throws stones with its beak to open ostrich eggs to eat. This bird is one of the very few animals that, like man, manipulates objects as tools.`vulture
Animal Trivia: The electric eel has thousands of electric cells running up and down its tail. Vital body organs, such as the heart, are packed into a small space behind the head. They use their electric sense to "see". Their electric sensors act like ----------. They send out weak impulses which bounce off objects.`radar
Animal Trivia: The electric eel is the most shocking animal on Earth - no other animal packs such a big charge. If attacking a large prey, a 9-foot-long eel can discharge about ----------. One zap could stun a human. The larger the eel, the bigger the charge.`800 volts
Animal Trivia: The electric eel lives in the Amazon River and its tributaries in South America. The rivers churn up a lot of mud and the eels cannot see well in them. Two less powerful electric fish are the electric catfish and ray. Electric rays live in warm ocean water, and they can give off a charge of sufficient force to stun a human. The biggest electric ray, the Atlantic torpedo ray, can weigh ---------- pounds.`two hundred
Animal Trivia: The electric eel lives in the Amazon River and its tributaries in South America. The rivers churn up a lot of mud and the eels cannot see well in them. Two less powerful electric fish are the electric catfish and ray. Electric rays live in warm ocean water, and they can give off a charge of sufficient force to stun a human. The biggest electric ray, the Atlantic torpedo ray, can weigh ---------- pounds.`two hundred`200
Animal Trivia: The electric eel's shocking power is so great that it can overtake its victims while ----------`15 feet away
Animal Trivia: The electric organs in an electric eel make up four-fifths of its ----------`body
Animal Trivia: The famous cow used as the corporate symbol on all Elmer's products is actually named ----------, and she is the spouse of Elmer, the steer who the company is named after.`elsie
Animal Trivia: The fastest animal on four legs is the ----------`cheetah
Animal Trivia: The fastest animal on four legs is the ----------`, which races at speeds up to 70 miles per hour in short distances. it can accelerate to 45 miles per hour in two seconds.`cheetah
Animal Trivia: The fastest dog, the ----------, can reach speeds of up to 45 miles per hour. The breed was known to exist in ancient Egypt more than 5,000 years ago.`greyhound
Animal Trivia: The fastest of all fish in the sea is the ----------, streaming forward at speeds near 68 miles per hour.`swordfish
Animal Trivia: The favorite horses of both Alexander the Great (Bucephalos) and Julius Caesar both had atavistic mutations - extra toes. Horses normally have only one toe per foot, but are descended from horses with three or four toes on ----------`each limb
Animal Trivia: The female American Oyster lays an average of 500 million eggs per year. Usually only one oyster out of the bunch reaches ----------`maturity
Animal Trivia: The female condor lays a single egg once every`two years
Animal Trivia: The female condor lays a single egg once every ----------`two years`2 years
Animal Trivia: The female ---------- inseminates herself. At mating time, the male deposits a conical mass of jellylike substance containing the sperm. The female draws the jelly into herself, and in so doing, fertilizes her eggs.`salamander
Animal Trivia: The female king crab incubates as many as 400,000 young for 11 months in a brood pouch under her ----------`abdomen
Animal Trivia: The female knot-tying weaverbird will refuse to mate with a male who has built a shoddy nest. If spurned, the male must take the nest apart and completely rebuild it in order to win the ---------- of the female.`affections
Animal Trivia: The female pigeon cannot lay eggs if she is alone. In order for her ovaries to function, she must be able to see another pigeon. If no other pigeon is available, her own ---------- in a mirror will suffice.`reflection
Animal Trivia: The first ---------- dragons to breed in the western world are at the National Zoo at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C.`komodo
Animal Trivia: The first medical use of leeches dates back to approximately 2,500 years ago. The leech's saliva contains a property that acts as an anticoagulant for ----------`human blood
Animal Trivia: The flamingoes of East Africa have few natural enemies. In general, the only predators an adult flamingo need fear are the fish eagle and the ----------`marabou stork
Animal Trivia: The flounder swims ----------`sideways
Animal Trivia: The flying ---------- of Java and Malaysia is able to flatten itself out like a ribbon and sail like a glider from tree to tree.`snake
Animal Trivia: The fur of the vicuna, a small member of the camel family which live in the Andes mountains of Peru, is so fine that each hair is less than two-thousandths of an inch. The animal was considered sacred by the Incas, and only royalty could wear its ----------`fleece
Animal Trivia: The gastric juices of a snake can digest bones and teeth - but not ----------`fur`hair
Animal Trivia: The giant African ---------- grows to a foot long and reaches weights greater than a pound.`snail
Animal Trivia: The giant ---------- is the largest creature without a backbone. It weighs up to 2.5 tons and grows up to 55 feet long. Each eye is a foot or more in diameter.`squid
Animal Trivia: The giraffe's ---------- is huge; it weighs 25 pounds, is 2 feet long, and has walls up to 3 inches thick.`heart
Animal Trivia: The great horned owl can turn its head ----------`270 degrees
Animal Trivia: The grebe, an aquatic bird, has an effective means of escaping danger while protecting its young. At the first sign of danger, it will sink into the water until its back is level with the surface. This allows its offspring to swim over and quickly climb onto its back. The parent grebe then rises up to its swimming position and ferries the chicks across the water to ----------`safety
Animal Trivia: The grizzly bear is capable of running as fast as the average ----------`horse
Animal Trivia: The ---------- has green bones.`garfish
Animal Trivia: The ---------- has only two toes, unlike most birds, which have three or four.`ostrich
Animal Trivia: The hides of mature female blue ---------- are more than twice as thick as those of males, probably as a protection against courtship bites.`sharks
Animal Trivia: The hippopotamus gives birth ---------- and nurses its young in the river as well, although the young hippos must come up periodically for air.`underwater
Animal Trivia: The hippopotamus has skin an inch-and-a-half thick, so solid that most ---------- cannot penetrate it.`bullets
Animal Trivia: The hippopotamus has the world's shortest ----------`sperm
Animal Trivia: The hippopotamus is, next to the elephants, the heaviest of all land mammals. It may weigh as much as 8,000 pounds. It is also a close relative of the ----------`pig
Animal Trivia: The Hirudo leech has three jaws with 100 teeth on each jaw - making 300 teeth in all. The ---------- leech uses a different method of sucking blood. They insert a long proboscis into the victim as opposed to biting.`amazon
Animal Trivia: The Hirudo leech lays its babies within a cocoon; the Amazon leech carries its babies on its ---------- - sometimes as many as 300.`stomach
Animal Trivia: The horned lizard of the American southwest may squirt a thin stream of ---------- from the corners of its eyes when frightened.`blood
Animal Trivia: The hummingbird is the only bird that can ----------`fly backwards
Animal Trivia: The hummingbird's tiny ----------, 4.2% of its body weight, is proportionately the largest in the bird kingdom.`brain
Animal Trivia: The hum of a hummingbird comes from the super-fast beat of the wings. The smallest ones beat their wings the fastest - up to 80 times per second. Even the slower beat of bigger hummingbirds (20 times per second) is so fast you can only see a ----------`blur
Animal Trivia: The individual hair of a chinchilla is so fine that ----------of them equal the thickness of a single human hair.`five hundred
Animal Trivia: The individual hair of a chinchilla is so fine that ----------of them equal the thickness of a single human hair.`five hundred`500
Animal Trivia: The ---------- is a little-known burrowing South American animal that is related to the armadillo, but is smaller in size. The ending of the animal's name is derived from the Spanish ciego, meaning "blind."`pichiciego
Animal Trivia: The ---------- is a member of the rodent family. The typical adult ---------- can weigh approximately 8 to 14 pounds and average about 22 inches in length. Groundhogs are also known as "woodchucks," "whistle pigs," and "marmots."`groundhog
Animal Trivia: The ---------- is one of the few land animals that does not need water to supplement its food.`koala
Animal Trivia: The ---------- is the first bird mentioned in the Bible. It was sent out by Noah to see if the waters had abated.`raven
Animal Trivia: The ---------- is the only bird that can swim, but not fly. It is also the only bird that walks upright.`penguin
Animal Trivia: The jackrabbit is not a rabbit; it is a ----------`hare
Animal Trivia: The Jardine River in Australia's Cape York Peninsula is home to Crocodylus porosus, the saltwater or estuarine crocodile. It is the largest and perhaps most dangerous of all ---------- species of crocodilians.`twenty three
Animal Trivia: The Jardine River in Australia's Cape York Peninsula is home to Crocodylus porosus, the saltwater or estuarine crocodile. It is the largest and perhaps most dangerous of all ---------- species of crocodilians.`twenty three`23
Animal Trivia: The kakapo is a nocturnal burrowing parrot of ---------- that has a green body with brown and yellow markings. Its name is from Maori and means "night parrot."`new zealand
Animal Trivia: The king crab walks ----------`diagonally
Animal Trivia: The kinkajou's tail is twice as long as its body. Every night, it wraps itself up in its tail and uses it as a ----------`pillow
Animal Trivia: The largest bird egg in the world today is that of the ostrich. Ostrich eggs are from 6 to 8 inches long. Because of their size and the thickness of their shells, they take 40 minutes to ----------`hard-boil
Animal Trivia: The largest Great White Shark ever caught measured 37 feet and weighed 24,000 pounds. It was found in a herring weir in New Brunswick in 1930. The harmless Whale Shark, holds the title of largest fish, with the record being a 59-footer captured in Thailand in ----------`1919
Animal Trivia: The largest jellyfish in the world has a bell that can reach 8 feet across and tentacles that extend over half the length of a ----------`football field
Animal Trivia: The largest known egg ever laid by a creature was that of the extinct ---------- of Madagascar. The egg was 9.5 inches long. It had a volume of 2.35 gallons.`aepyornis
Animal Trivia: The largest order of mammals, with about 1,700 species, is ----------. Bats are second with about 950 species.`rodents
Animal Trivia: The largest species of seahorse measures`eight inches
Animal Trivia: The largest species of seahorse measures ----------`eight inches`8 inches
Animal Trivia: The leech has 32 brains - 31 more than a ----------`human
Animal Trivia: The leech will gorge itself up to ---------- its body weight and then just fall off its victim.`five times
Animal Trivia: The life expectancy of the average mockingbird is`ten years
Animal Trivia: The life expectancy of the average mockingbird is ----------`ten years`10 years
Animal Trivia: The lungfish can live out of water in a state of suspended animation for ----------`three years`3 years
Animal Trivia: The male house ---------- builds several nests as part of his courtship ritual. Once the nests are completed, his potential bride looks them all over, then selects one as her preferred choice for the laying of her eggs.`wren
Animal Trivia: The male seahorse, not the female, carries the ---------- of the species. The female fills the male's brooch pouch with eggs, which remain in the swollen sac for a gestation period of eight to ten days.`embryo
Animal Trivia: The male ---------- sheds its antlers every winter and grows a new set the following year.`moose
Animal Trivia: The male ---------- will mate for life, and if the female dies, he remains single for the rest of his life. However, if the male dies, the female will hook up with a new mate.`fox
Animal Trivia: The massive skeleton of the African ---------- accounts for about 15 percent of the body weight, just as in a man of slender build; however, the elephant's skeleton supports as much as four tons per leg, and is thus stressed close to the physical limit for bone. To keep from damaging its skeleton, an African ---------- has to move sedately, never jumping or running. The "charge" of these animals is a fast walk on long legs, at about 15 miles per hour.`elephant
Animal Trivia: The maximum life span of ---------- has been documented to be over 200 years in exceptional cases. The average life span of the large colorful fish, however, is 25 to 35 years.`koi
Animal Trivia: The Mojave ground ----------, found mainly in the American West, hibernates for two-thirds of every year.`squirrel
Animal Trivia: The Mola Mola, or Ocean Sunfish, lays up to ---------- eggs at one time.`5,000,000
Animal Trivia: The more that is learned about the ecological benefits of ----------, the more home gardeners are going out of their way to entice these amazing winged mammals into their neighborhoods. ---------- are voracious insect eaters, devouring as many as 600 bugs per hour for 4 to 6 hours a night. They can eat from one-half to three-quarters their weight per evening. ---------- are also important plant pollinators, particularly in the southwestern U.S.`bats
Animal Trivia: The most carnivorous of all bears is the ----------. Its diet consists almost entirely of seals and fish.`polar bear
Animal Trivia: The most venomous of all snakes, known as the Inland Taipan, has enough venom in one bite to kill more than 200,000 ----------`mice
Animal Trivia: The mouse is the most common mammal in the ----------`united states
Animal Trivia: The mudskipper is a fish that can actually ----------`walk on land
Animal Trivia: The ----------, national bird of New Zealand, can't fly. It lives in a hole in the ground, is almost blind, and lays only one egg each year. Despite this, it has survived for more than 70 million years.`kiwi
Animal Trivia: The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans ages the equivalent of 5 human years for every day they live, usually expiring after 14 days. However, when stressed, the `worm goes into a state of suspended animation that can last for 2 months or more. the human equivalent would be to sleep for about ----------`200 years
Animal Trivia: The New Guinea Singing Dog's most unique characteristic is its dramatic ability to vary the pitch of its howl. They do not bark repetitively but have a complex vocal behavior, including yelps, whines, and single-note ----------`howls
Animal Trivia: The Nile crocodile averages about 45 years in the wild, and may live up to 80 years in ----------`captivity
Animal Trivia: The normal body temperature of the ---------- horse is 101 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius).`clydesdale
Animal Trivia: The now-extinct ancestor of the horse, ----------, had a short neck, a pug muzzle, and stood no higher than a medium-sized dog.`eohippus
Animal Trivia: The ---------- of a really famished camel may flop over and hang down the side of the body as the fat is used up.`hump
Animal Trivia: The ----------, often called "possum," dates back over 45 million years.`opossum
Animal Trivia: The once popular dog name ---------- is from Latin and means "fidelity."`fido
Animal Trivia: The only country in the world that has a Bill of Rights for Cows is ----------`india
Animal Trivia: The only ---------- to ever appear in a Shakespearean play was Crab in "The Two Gentlemen of Verona."`dog
Animal Trivia: The optimum depth of water in a birdbath, says the Audubon Society of America, is two and a half inches. Less water makes it difficult for birds to take a bath; more makes them ----------`afraid
Animal Trivia: The owl is the only bird to drop its upper eyelid to wink. All other birds raise their lower ----------`eyelids
Animal Trivia: The owl parrot can't fly, and builds its nest under tree ----------`roots
Animal Trivia: The oyster is usually ----------. It begins life as a male, then becomes a female, then changes back to being a male, then back to being female. It may go back and forth many times.`ambisexual
Animal Trivia: The Ozark blind salamander begins life with eyes and plumelike gills. As the animal matures, its eyelids fuse together and the gills ----------`disappear
Animal Trivia: The part of the foot of a horse between the fetlock and the hoof is the ----------`pastern
Animal Trivia: The penculine ---------- of Africa builds its home in such a sturdy manner that Masai tribesman use their nests for purses and carrying cases.`titmouse
Animal Trivia: The poison-arrow frog has enough poison to kill about ----------`2,200 people
Animal Trivia: The process of a snake shedding its skin or a crustacean casting off its outer shell is called ----------`ecdysis
Animal Trivia: The pronghorn ---------- can run up to 61 miles per hour.`antelope
Animal Trivia: The pronghorn ---------- is the fastest mammal to be found in North America, and second only to the cheetah as the fastest mammal on the planet.`antelope
Animal Trivia: The pupil of an octopus's eye is ----------`rectangular
Animal Trivia: The raccoon derives its name from the Indian word meaning "he who scratches with his ----------`hands
Animal Trivia: There are 1,600 known species of ---------- in the world.`starfishes
Animal Trivia: There are 328 species of ----------`parrots
Animal Trivia: There are 40,000 muscles and ---------- in an elephant's trunk. This makes it very strong and flexible, allowing an elephant to pluck a delicate flower or lift a huge log. The trunk is used for touching, grasping, sucking, spraying, smelling, and striking.`tendons
Animal Trivia: There are 690 known species of ----------`bats
Animal Trivia: There are about 130 species of ----------`owl
Animal Trivia: There are about 40 different ---------- in a birds wing.`muscles
Animal Trivia: There are about 5,000 species of ---------- known. Only about half of them build reefs.`coral
Animal Trivia: There are about 500 different kinds of cone snails around the world. All have a sharp, modified tooth that stabs prey with venom like a harpoon. Most cone snails hunt worms and other snails, but some eat fish. These are the ones most dangerous to people. The nerve toxin that stops a fish is powerful enough to also kill a ----------`human
Animal Trivia: There are close to 4,000 known species of frogs, including ----------`toads
Animal Trivia: There are fewer than 1,000 Bactrian camels left in the wild. They have survived in a land with no water in an area used for nuclear testing. Their numbers, however, are falling dramatically as humans encroach farther and farther into China's ----------`gobi Desert
Animal Trivia: There are ---------- in Poland. They live mainly in the area of the Bialowieza Forest and are known as "zubra." The well-known Polish vodka Zubrowka, which means "buffalo brand," takes its name from these animals.`buffalos
Animal Trivia: There are more than 100 million ---------- in the united states. americans spend more than 5.4 billion dollars on their pets each year.`dogs and cats
Animal Trivia: There are more than 100 million ----------`in the united states. americans spend more than 5.4 billion dollars on their pets each year.`dogs and cats`cats and dogs
Animal Trivia: There are more than 450 species of ---------- throughout the world.`finches
Animal Trivia: There are no penguins at the ----------. In fact, there are no penguins anywhere in the Northern Hemisphere (outside of zoos). All 17 varieties of the bird are found below the equator, primarily in the Antarctica.`north pole
Animal Trivia: There are no wild deer of any kind in Australia, and the small red deer is the only one found in ----------`africa
Animal Trivia: There are seven distinctive types of combs on ----------: rose, strawberry, single, cushion, buttercup, pea, and V-shaped.`chickens
Animal Trivia: There are some 50 different species of ----------, and all of them are venomous. They thrive in abundance along the coast from the Persian Gulf to Japan and around Australia and Melanesia. Their venom is ten times as virulent as that of the cobra. Humans bitten by them have died within two-and-a-half hours.`sea snakes
Animal Trivia: There are ---------- that nest in trees. These creatures may spend their whole life without ever touching the ground.`mice
Animal Trivia: The rear portion of the head of a horse is called the ----------`poll
Animal Trivia: There is approximately one ---------- for every human being in the world.`chicken
Animal Trivia: There is a substantial wild population of golden hamsters living in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Scientists speculate that all the domesticated golden hamsters in the world descended from a single female with twelve babies, which were dug from a burrow in Syria back in ----------`1930
Animal Trivia: There is just one known species of ---------- in the world - it is in the order of Struthioniformes.`ostrich
Animal Trivia: There is no mention of cats or rats in the ----------`bible
Animal Trivia: There is no single cat called the ----------. The name is commonly applied to the leopard, but it is also used to refer to the puma and the jaguar. A black ---------- is really a black leopard.`panther
Animal Trivia: There once were more sea lions on Earth than ----------`people
Animal Trivia: The ring-tailed ----------, a primate found only in Madagascar, meows like a cat.`lemur
Animal Trivia: The ruby-throated hummingbird beats its wings at the incredibly rapid speed of 50 to 70 times a second. If a 170-pound man expended energy at the rate of the hummingbird, he would have to eat 285 pounds of hamburger or twice his weight in potatoes each day in order to maintain his weight. He would have to evaporate 100 pounds of perspiration per hour to keep his skin temperature below the ----------`boiling point of water
Animal Trivia: The Rufous is the only species of hummingbird to nest in Alaska. They migrate 2,000 miles to Mexico each winter, and then back to Alaska in the ----------`spring
Animal Trivia: The sea cucumber, a purplish-brown creature covered with ----------, has a unique defense strategy. When attacked, it throws out sticky threads from its mouth, which entangles its enemy. The sea cucumber can then quickly escape.`warts
Animal Trivia: The sea lion can swim 6,000 miles, stopping only to ----------`sleep
Animal Trivia: The sea lion is susceptible to sunburn, and if put on board a ship, will get as seasick as a ----------`man
Animal Trivia: The sea otter's dark fur is the finest and densest of any animal fur. On an adult animal, there are approximately 650,000 hairs per square inch. A sea otter relies on its fur to keep it warm - it doesn't have blubber as other marine mammals do. Natural oils in a sea otter's fur repel ----------`water
Animal Trivia: The seeing-eye dog, or any dog trained to guide the blind, cannot tell a red light from a green one. When it lead its master across the street, it watches the traffic flow to tell when it is ----------`safe to cross
Animal Trivia: The shoebill ----------, native to Africa, is often compared to a statue. The bird will stand perfectly still for long periods waiting for fish to come to surface in the water.`stork
Animal Trivia: The shrew is known to eat up to its own weight about every three hours. Deprived of nutrition for a day, it may ----------`starve to death
Animal Trivia: The skin of baby ---------- is so transparent that one can actually see the milk flowing into them as they nurse.`mice
Animal Trivia: The smallest bird in the world is the Cuban bee ----------. It is less than 2 inches long from tip of beak to tip of tail. It weighs 6/100ths of an ounce.`hummingbird
Animal Trivia: The smallest frog is the Gold frog (Psyllophryne Didactyla) of ----------. It grows to only 9.8 mm (3/8 inch).`brazil
Animal Trivia: The smallest of American owls, the ----------, often nests in the Gila woodpecker's cactus hole after the woodpecker leaves. The owl measures barely 6 inches tall. It specializes in catching scorpions, seizing each by the tail and nipping off its stinger. It then swallows the scorpion's body, pincers and all.`elf owl
Animal Trivia: The smell of a ---------- can be detected by a human a mile away.`skunk
Animal Trivia: The snail mates only once in its entire life. When it does mate, however, it may take as long as ---------- to consummate the act.`12 hours
Animal Trivia: The ---------- snake found in the state of Arizona is not poisonous, but when frightened, it may hiss loudly and vibrate its tail like a rattlesnake.`gopher
Animal Trivia: The sound a ---------- makes is called "nuzzing".`camel
Animal Trivia: The spines on a newborn ---------- start to appear within 24 hours.`hedgehog
Animal Trivia: The spiny cheek, starsnout poacher, and monkeyface prickleback are all names of ----------`fish
Animal Trivia: The squirrel monkey's brain accounts for roughly 5 percent of its body weight - the largest percentage of any other animal. The human brain, by comparison, makes up about 2.3 percent of ----------`body weight
Animal Trivia: The star-nosed mole, with 22 pink ---------- on its snout, is said to have the most delicate sense of touch in the animal world.`tentacles
Animal Trivia: The stegosaurus had a brain that weighed only 2 ounces and was no bigger than a ----------`walnut
Animal Trivia: The striped ---------- can fire its musk stream accurately for up to 12 feet, and even farther with a cooperative downwind.`skunk
Animal Trivia: The tailorbird of Africa makes its nest by sewing together two broad leaves. It uses fiber as the thread and its bill as the ----------`needle
Animal Trivia: The tarantula spends most of its life within its burrow, which is an 18-inch vertical hole with an inch-wide opening. When male tarantulas are between the ages of 5 to 7 years, they leave the burrow in search of a female, usually in the early fall. This migration actually signals the end of their life cycle. The males mate with as many females as they can, and then they die around mid-----------`november
Animal Trivia: The three-toed ---------- of tropical America can swim easily, but it can only drag itself across bare ground.`sloth
Animal Trivia: The two ---------- of a dolphin's brain work independently. For 8 hours, the entire brain is awake. The left side then sleeps for 8 hours. When it wakes up, the right side sleeps for 8 hours. Thus, the dolphin gets 8 hours of sleep without ever having to stop physically.`hemispheres
Animal Trivia: The underwater mating song of the ---------- is so loud that sometimes it can be heard by humans on the shore.`toadfish
Animal Trivia: The venom of the king cobra is so deadly that one gram of it can kill ----------. Just to handle the substance can put one in a coma.`150 people
Animal Trivia: The Virginia opossum is the only marsupial (pouched mammal) indigenous to North America. They will play dead when threatened, and contrary to folklore, do not sleep hanging by their tails. They have a litter size of up to 22, but only a maximum of 13 offspring live. Their babies stay in the pouch for the first ----------`60 days
Animal Trivia: The weasel and the ermine are the same animal. This mammal's coat changes with the season - in its white winter coat, it is known as an ermine, in its brown coat, it is a ----------`weasel
Animal Trivia: The whale has the slowest metabolism of all animals. Despite its great size, it lives on one of the smallest of all creatures: the microscopic ----------, found throughout the sea.`plankton
Animal Trivia: The ---------- whale is often referred to as the "sea canary" because of the birdlike chirping sounds it makes.`beluga
Animal Trivia: The ---------- whale is the mammal with the heaviest brain - about six times heavier than a human's.`sperm
Animal Trivia: The whistling swan has more than ----------`feathers on its body.`25,000
Animal Trivia: The white elephant is the sacred animal of ----------`thailand
Animal Trivia: The woolly ----------, extinct since the Ice Age, had tusks almost 16 feet high.`mammoth
Animal Trivia: The word "puppy" comes from the French ----------, meaning "doll."`poupee
Animal Trivia: The word "struthious" refers to something that resembles or is related to ----------`ostriches
Animal Trivia: The world's fastest reptile (measured on land) is the spiny-tailed ---------- of Costa Rica. It has been clocked at 21.7 miles per hour.`iguana
Animal Trivia: The world's largest mammal, the blue whale, weighs 50 tons at birth. Fully grown, it weighs as much as ---------- tons`one hundred and fifty
Animal Trivia: The world's largest mammal, the blue whale, weighs 50 tons at birth. Fully grown, it weighs as much as ---------- tons`one hundred and fifty`150
Animal Trivia: The world's largest rodent is the Capybara. An Amazon water hog that looks like a guinea pig, it can weigh more than ---------- pounds.`one hundred
Animal Trivia: The world's largest rodent is the Capybara. An Amazon water hog that looks like a guinea pig, it can weigh more than ---------- pounds.`one hundred`100
Animal Trivia: Thinking that its parents were a camel and a leopard, the Europeans once called the animal a "camelopard." Today, it is called the ----------`giraffe
Animal Trivia: Thirty thousand monkeys were used in the massive three-year effort to classify the various types of ----------`polio
Animal Trivia: Though human noses have an impressive 5 million olfactory cells with which to smell, sheepdogs have 220 million, enabling them to smell 44 times better than ----------`man
Animal Trivia: Tiger cubs are born blind and weigh only about 2 to 3 pounds (1 kg), depending on the subspecies. They live on milk for 6 to 8 weeks before the female begins taking them to kills to feed. Tigers have fully developed canines by 16 months of age, but they do not begin making their own kills until about ----------`18 months of age
Animal Trivia: To a human, one giant octopus looks virtually the same as any other of the same size and species. This explains why divers claim to have seen the same octopus occupy a den for ten or more years. But an octopus seldom lives longer than ----------`four years`4 years
Animal Trivia: Today's oldest form of horse is the Przewalski, or Mongolian Wild Horse. Survivors of this breed were discovered in the Gobi Desert in ----------`1881
Animal Trivia: Toothed ---------- whales live in extended family units that, for families, constitute life-long associations. They differ from baleen whales, which form only temporary bonds.`sperm
Animal Trivia: To survive, most birds must eat at least half their own weight in food ----------`each day
Animal Trivia: Traveling at a rate of 2 to 3 miles per hour, camels can carry 500 to 1,000 pounds on their backs. They are able to keep up this pace for 6 or 7 hours a day. Camels will refuse to carry loads that are not properly ----------`balanced
Animal Trivia: Tunas will suffocate if they ever stop ----------. They need a continual flow of water across their gills to breathe, even while they rest.`swimming
Animal Trivia: Tuna swim at a steady rate of 9 miles per hour for an indefinite period of time - and they never stop moving. Estimates indicate that a 15-year-old tuna travels one million miles in its ----------`lifetime
Animal Trivia: ---------- turtles may breed for the first time when they are between 25 to 50 years old. This figure varies, depending upon the creature's range and the diet of the maturing turtle.`green
Animal Trivia: Turtles survived the upheavals of the last 200 million years, including the great extinction episode that eliminated the dinosaurs. Now, about half of the world's turtle species face possible extinction - due in large part to a growing demand for turtles as a popular dining delicacy and a source of ----------`traditional medicines
Animal Trivia: Two rats can become the progenitors of 15,000 rats in less than`one year`1 year
Animal Trivia: Unlike dolphins, porpoises are not very ----------`sociable
Animal Trivia: Unlike most fish, electric eels cannot get enough oxygen from water. Approximately every five minutes, they must surface to breathe, or they will drown. Unlike most fish, they can swim both ----------`backwards and forwards
Animal Trivia: Unrelated to the chicken, the male ---------- bird earned the name "cock" because of its rooster-like appearance and combative behavior. The female of the species influenced the word "rock" being added to the name because of her habit of nesting and rearing the young in sheltered rock niches.`cock-of-the-rock
Animal Trivia: Very unusual for carnivores, hyena clans are dominated by ----------`females
Animal Trivia: Wandering ---------- spread their wings, clack bills, and shake heads in a ritual dance. Bonds between courting birds may last the whole of a 50-year lifetime.`albatrosses
Animal Trivia: We are sure that whales and dolphins had land-living ancestors, but we don't know what they were like and we don't know how they ----------`evolved
Animal Trivia: Weighing approximately 13 pounds at birth, a baby caribou will double its weight in just ----------`10 days
Animal Trivia: ---------- were domesticated around 4,000 years ago.`camels
Animal Trivia: What do bats' wings, elephants' ears, flamingos' legs, rabbits' ears, goats' horns, and human skin all have in common? They radiate heat to providing ----------`cooling
Animal Trivia: When a desert ---------- spends the summer of the dry season in a burrow, it is "estivating." When an animal estivates, its metabolism slows and its temperature drops. Animals estivate or hibernate in response to extremes in temperature or lack of food or water.`tortoise
Animal Trivia: When a ---------- exerts itself, gets angry, or stays out of the water for too long, it exudes red, sweatlike mucus through its skin.`hippopotamus
Animal Trivia: When a ---------- is first born, it is male, and it gradually evolves to female as it matures.`shrimp`prawn
Animal Trivia: When a school of baby ---------- are threatened, their father opens his huge mouth and the youngsters swim inside to hide. When danger has passed, he reopens his mouth and lets the fry out.`catfish
Animal Trivia: When a snail hatches from an egg, it is a miniature adult, shell and all. The shell grows with the snail, and the snail never leaves the ----------`shell
Animal Trivia: When baby opossum are born, they are so small that an entire litter can fit in a tablespoon. They live inside their mother's pouch for ---------- before climbing out and riding on her back.`three months`3 months
Animal Trivia: When cows graze in their natural head-down position, their saliva production increases by ----------`17 percent`17%
Animal Trivia: When eating, ----------`often gorge themselves to the point that they can't fly. the bird will quickly regurgitate its meal to become light enough to escape if flight from an attacker is necessary.`vultures
Animal Trivia: When thirsty, a camel can swig down 25 gallons of water in less than ----------`three minutes
Animal Trivia: When under extreme stress, such as when held in captivity, some octopuses will eat their own arms, which ----------`grow back
Animal Trivia: When young abalones feed on red seaweed, their shells turn ----------`red
Animal Trivia: When young, the hoatzin, a crested, olive-colored South American bird, has claws on its ----------`wings
Animal Trivia: While awake, hummingbirds must eat at least every 30 minutes or they will starve to death. They need to eat 2.5 times their body weight every day - this takes hundreds of ---------- everyday.`flowers
Animal Trivia: While dangerous to swimmers, the fact remains that ---------- are much less dangerous than sharks.`barracudas
Animal Trivia: While many people believe that a camel's humps are used for water storage, they are actually made up of ----------. The hump of a well-rested, well-fed camel can weigh up to eighty pounds.`fat
Animal Trivia: While some sharks lay eggs, blue sharks give birth to live ----------, as do about two-thirds of all sharks, estimated at nearly 350 species.`pups
Animal Trivia: While the bones of most airborne birds are hollow for lightness, ---------- are endowed with solid bones for ballast when they dive, sometimes to 850 feet or more.`penguins
Animal Trivia: Wildlife biologists estimate that as many as five out of six fawns starve to death during a hard winter in ----------`vermont
Animal Trivia: With few exceptions, birds do not sing while on the ground. They sing during flight or while sitting on an object off the ----------`ground
Animal Trivia: Within the hawk, or birds of prey, family, there are ---------- species - eagles, hawks, kites, and Old World vultures, which are found nearly worldwide.`two hundred and eight
Animal Trivia: Within the hawk, or birds of prey, family, there are ---------- species - eagles, hawks, kites, and Old World vultures, which are found nearly worldwide.`two hundred and eight`208
Animal Trivia: With only a four-week gestation period, a cottontail ---------- can produce 5 to 7 litters, and as many as 35 offspring per year.`rabbit
Animal Trivia: Wolf packs could be found in all the forests of Europe, and in 1420 and 1438, wolves roamed the streets of ----------`paris
Animal Trivia: You can identify a ---------- bear's mark by the sign of five claws. A black bear will lacerate a tree trunk with four claws.`grizzly
Animal Trivia: You can tell the sex of a horse by its teeth. Most males have 40, females have ----------`thirty six
Animal Trivia: You can tell the sex of a horse by its teeth. Most males have 40, females have ----------`thirty six`36`
Animal Trivia: You could milk about ---------- cows per hour by hand, but with modern machinery, you can milk up to 100 cows per hour.`six
Animal Trivia: You could milk about ---------- cows per hour by hand, but with modern machinery, you can milk up to 100 cows per hour.`six`6
Animal Trivia: Young birds such as ducks, geese, and shore birds are born with their ----------`eyes open
Animal Trivia: Zebus are humped cattle found in India, China, and northern Africa. Zebubs are tsetse-like flies found in ----------`ethiopia
Animaniacs: The animaniacs have this popular lunch meat in their slacks.`bologna
Animaniacs: The Grim Reaper almost took Wakko because he ate too many what`swedish meatballs
Animaniacs: This is the argumentative "good feather"; also a popular pasta topping.`pesto
Animaniacs: This is the first year "The Animaniacs" was aired.`1994
Animaniacs tunes: in a quake what do the warners not have until its too late`insurance
Animaniacs tunes: magellan, in his ballad, is looking for`east indies
Animaniacs tunes: planet forgotten by yakko in the galaxy touring song`uranus
Animaniacs tunes: the very last word of the hello song`goodbye
Animaniacs: When the animaniacs are caught, they are put here, also their home.`the water tower
Anime: In which series is the witch Karla interested in maintaining power balance`lodoss wars
Anime: What city does _Evangelion_ take place in`tokyo 3
Anime: What is the name of the male lead in _Vision of Escaflowne_`van fanel
Anime: What is the name of the most recent Slayers series`slayers try
Anime: What is the name of the most recent Tenchi Muyo series`shin tenchi muyo
Anime: What is the thing that Miaka from _Fushigi Yuugi_ always enjoys doing`eating
Anime: What series contains a reference to a fruit spread`marmalade boy
Anime: What sound does Mokona make`puu
Anime: Where does Hitomi go to in Escaflowne`gaea
Anime: Which character in Escaflowne is hinted to be Isaac Newton`isaac
Anime: Which company is allowing Disney to do distribution of its work`studio ghibli
Anime: Who composed the majority of the music featured in _Vision of Escaflowne_`yoko kanno
Anime: Who provides the voice for Ayanami Rei`megumi hayashibara
An imitation: a sham`simulation
An imitation of gold`ormolu
An imitative appearance: a semblance`likeness
An immaterial asset or benefit, such as a service or personal accomplishment, regarded as an article of commerce`wares
An immature or inexperienced woman, especially a young woman`girl
An immeasurably large quantity, number, or extent: [His designs contain] an ---------- of forest shadings for the scenes with animals (Alan Rich)`infinitude
An immoral act or practice`immorality
An imparted color: a tint`tincture
An impelling force: a thrust`impulsion
An imperfection that causes inadequacy or failure: a shortcoming. blemish`defect
An impious act`impieties
An implement made of ---- alloy or similar metal, especially a bar heated for use in branding, curling hair, or cauterizing`iron
An implement made of iron alloy or similar metal, especially a bar heated for use in branding, curling hair, or cauterizing`ironed
An implement made of iron alloy or similar metal, especially a bar heated for use in branding, curling hair, or cauterizing`ironing
An implement of similar function, such as a snow`plow
An implement of similar function, such as a snowplow`plough
An implement of similar function, such as a snowplow`plows
An implement or a tool used for exploring: a probe`explorer
An implement or machine for loosening the soil and destroying weeds around growing plants`cultivator
An implement, such as a card for dressing and cleansing wool or other fiber, that resembles a hair comb in shape or use`combs
An implement, such as a card for dressing and cleansing wool or other fiber, that resembles a hair ---- in shape or use`comb
An implement with two or more prongs used for raising, carrying, piercing, or digging`fork
An important aspect in personal communication and public speaking is what`Making eye contact
An important event, as in a person's career, the history of a nation, or the advancement of knowledge in a field: a turning point`milestone
An important or sensational piece of news. Often used in the plural`headline
An importunate demand for payment`dun
An importunate demand for payment`dunned
An impoverished person: a pauper`beggar
An improvised, often spontaneous spectacle or performance, especially one involving audience participation`happening
An im that guides action: an objective`intention
An inactive substance or preparation used as a control in an experiment or test to determine the effectiveness of a medicinal drug`placebo
An inappropriate or unwelcome addition`intrusion
An incidental critical remark: a gibe`sideswipe
An inclination or a habit`mindset
An inclination to change one's mind impulsively`caprice
An incomplete or isolated portion: a bit: 'overheard --------s of their conversation: extant --------s of an old manuscript.'`fragment
An inconclusive trial, as one in which the jurors fail to agree on a verdict`mistrial
An incorporated body: a corporation`commonalty
An incorporated municipality in the United States with definite boundaries and legal powers set forth in a charter granted by the state`cities
An incorporated municipality in the United States with definite boundaries and legal powers set forth in a charter granted by the state`city
An increase, as in movement or business activity`upswing
An increased flow of blood to the penis is called what?`erection
An increase intended to bring an amount or rate up to a standard: the statutory catch-up of Social Security benefits with the cost of living (Nation)`catchup
An indefinite area intermediate between two qualities or conditions: 'The ---------- between love and hate is often thin.'`borderline
An indefinite, large number: '-----s of errands to run.'`dozens
An indicated polar extreme: 'an electric terminal with positive polarity.'`polarities
An indication of impending danger or harm`threat
An indispensable or vital part: 'Capable workers are the --------- of the business.'`lifeblood
An indistinct, whispered, or confidential complaint: a mutter`murmur
An individual of specified character: 'a ------ of importance.'`person
An individual or a part that exhibits -------. Also called throwback`atavism
An individual portion or helping of food or drink`servings
An individual separated or distinguished from two or more of its group`singleton
An individual spiral or ring within such a series`coil
An indonesian dish of skewered meat served with a spicy sauce`satay
An indoor stand or platform for musicians and other performers`bandstand
An inept act or remark`ineptitude
An inexperienced person: a novice`rookie
An inexperienced person: a novice`tenderfeet
An inexperienced sailor: a land`lubber
An inexperienced young man`punker
An infant whale is called a what`calf
An infarct`infarction
An infection of the frog of a horse's foot, characterized by a foul-smelling discharge and often resulting from unhygienic stall conditions`thrush
An infectious disease of turkeys and some wildfowl that is caused by a protozoan (Histomonas meleagridis) and results in lesions of the intestine and liver. Also`blackhead
An infidel: a heretic`miscreant
An inflamed condition of this membrane`haw
An inflamed condition of this membrane`haws
An inflammation or infection of the ear and auditory canal, especially in dogs and cats`canker
An inflated sense of one's own importance: conceit. conceit`egotism
An informer`fink
An informer`snitch
An 'Ingle' is a ____ kept by a man for sexual pleasure?`Boy
An ingot is an oblong block of what`metal
An inhabitant of a colony`colonist
An inhabitant of quebec is called`quebecois
An inhalant`inhalation
An inherent, often contrasting quality: (There was a ------ of wildness in him (Olga Carlisle)`streak
An inheritance or legacy: heritage`patrimony
An injurious plant or animal, especially one harmful to humans`pest
An injurious plant or animal, especially one harmful to humans`pests
An injury to an organ, especially the brain, produced by a violent blow and followed by a temporary or prolonged loss of function`concussion
An injury to the cervical spine caused by an abrupt jerking motion of the head, either backward or forward`whiplash
An injury to the feelings`wounded
An inland vessel of any size`boat
An inn: a hotel`hosteling
An inn: a hotel`hostelries
An inn for travelers`tavern
An innocent or naive person`babe
An innovative or unusual mechanical contrivance: a gadget`gimmick
An insect or insect larva, such as the corn -----, that bores into the woody parts of plants`borer
An insect or similar organism, such as a centipede or an earwig`bug
An insect or similar organism, such as a centipede or an earwig`bugged
An insect or similar organism, such as a centipede or an earwig`bugging
An insignificant wound`pinprick
An insolent or arrogant remark or act`contumely
An inspired guess or presentiment`divination
An instance of a specified state or quality: 'false----.'`hood
An instance of bantering or teasing`railleries
An instance of being inaccurate: an error`inaccuracy
An instance of being inadequate: a failing or lack`inadequacy
An instance of being insolvent`insolvency
An instance of being intimate`intimacies
An instance of being perverse`perversity
An instance of being pregnant: 'Her second --------- was easy.'`pregnancy
An instance of being rigid`rigidities
An instance of being so heaved`upheaval
An instance of being unequal`inequality
An instance of deliberate deceptiveness: double-dealing`duplicity
An instance of disparity or unlikeness`difference
An instance of erupting`eruption
An instance of foolish behavior or speech: a jest`fooleries
An instance of great happiness`felicities
An instance of indirect reference: 'an -------- to classical mythology in a poem.'`allusion
An instance of insolent behavior, treatment, or speech`insolence
An instance of kind behavior: 'I will always remember your many --------es to me.'`kindness
An instance of pedantic behavior`pedantries
An instance of`pleonasm
An instance of prudish behavior or talk`pruderies
An instance of rigorous or excessive adherence to recognized forms`formalism
An instance of starting of a computer: a boot`bootstrap
An instance of the use of this delaying tactic`filibuster
An instance of this: 'a person with multiple chemical ---------s.'`addiction
An instance of this: What an extraordinary ---------- of genius and era (Rita Rack)`congruence
An instance of trickery or mischief`knaveries
An instance of wrong or improper conduct: a blunder`misstep
An institution for instruction in a skill or business: 'a secretarial ------: a karate ------.'`school
An institution for instruction in a skill or business: 'a secretarial school: a karate school.'`schools
An instrumental composition of a pensive, dreamy mood, especially one for the piano`nocturne
An instrument of death or destruction`sword
An instrument on a car to measure the distance travelled is called a(n) _________`odometer
An instrument on a car to measure the distance travelled is called a(n) `odometer
An instrument on a car to measure the distance travelled is called a(n) `Odometer
An instrument or a method for inflicting such pain`torture
An instrument or tool for cutting, clipping, or shearing. Often used in the plural: 'nail -------s.'`clipper
An instrument, such as an electron ----------, that uses electronic or other processes to magnify objects`microscope
An instrument, such as a paper cutter, similar in action to a`guillotine
An instrument that dilates a body part, such as a cavity, canal, or orifice`dilator
An instrument that measures circular arcs`cyclometer
An instrument thats shaken`maraca
An instrument used to monitor the operation or condition of an engine, furnace, electrical network, reservoir, or other physical system: a meter or gauge`indicator
An insulated flexible electric wire fitted with a plug or plugs`cord
An insulated flexible electric wire fitted with a plug or plugs`cording
An insulated flexible electric wire fitted with a plug or plugs`cords
An integer that is greater than 1 and is divisible only by itself and 1 is known as a(n) `prime
An integer that is greater than 1 and is divisible only by itself and 1 is known as a(n)`Prime number
An integer that is greater than 1 & is divisible only by itself & 1 is known as a(n) _______`prime number
An integrated group of materials or devices used for a particular purpose: 'dental ---------.' equipment`apparatus
An integument or outer layer of various invertebrates`epidermal
An intensely hot place: 'the ------- of the sun: an attic room that is a ------- in the summer.'`furnace
An intense or violent response: The discovery that your child has a learning disorder can set off a --------- of emotions (Judith Harkness Richardson)`firestorm
An intermediary: a go-between`middleman
An internal timber framed dividing wall`stud partition
An interpretation of a musical score or a dramatic piece`rendition
An interrogative sentence, phrase, or gesture`question
An intersection formed in this way`underpass
An interuption of breathing`apnea
An interval of time characterized by the prevalence of a specified culture, ideology, or technology: 'artifacts of the pre-Columbian ------.'`period
An interval of time characterized by the prevalence of a specified culture, ideology, or technology: 'artifacts of the pre-Columbian period.'`periods
An interval separating two points on this continuum: a duration: 'a long ---- since the last war: passed the ---- reading.'`time
An interval separating two points on this continuum: a duration: 'a long time since the last war: passed the time reading.'`times
An intimate view or description`closeup
An intoned utterance`intonation
An intricate, delicate, or fanciful ornamentation`filigree
An introduction or introductory chapter, as to a novel`prolog
An introductory occurrence or fact: a preliminary`preamble
An investor of capital in business, especially one having a major financial interest in an important enterprise`capitalist
An iron tool consisting of a long handle with a bulbous end, used when heated to melt tar or warm liquids`loggerhead
A(n) _________ is a person bound for a number of years to a master who undertakes to instruct him`apprentice
Anise seed`anise
An isolated observation: 'a sociopolitical -------- of the electorate.'`snapshot
Anita Brooker wrote this novel 'Hotel du`lac
An Italian vinegar matured in wooden barrels`balsamic
An itemized bill or statement of a sum due`reckonings
An item resembling one of the membranous sacs in animals: 'the ------- of a football.'`bladder
An item resembling this covering`stockings
An item that sells in a certain way: 'This washing machine has been an excellent ------.'`seller
An item that sells quickly is said to sell like what`hot cakes
Ankara is the capital of ______`Turkey
Ankylophobia is the fear of`immobility of a joint
an LCD is commonly found in calculators etc, what does LCD stand for`liquid crystal display
An ---lifier, especially one used to ---lify music`amp
Anna Magnani won the 1955 Best Actress Oscar for the film version of which play by Tennessee Williams`the rose tattoo
annapolis is the capital of what state?`maryland
Annapolis & Minneapolis contain the suffix "polis", which in Greek means ____`city
anna quindlen was the basis of which novel`one true thing
anna quindlen was the basis of which novel`one true`ulyanovsk
Anna Tellwright is the title character in a book by which author`arnold bennett
Anne Boleyn lost her head over this guy`henry viii
Anniversaries: 10th`Tin
Anniversaries: 11th`Steel
Anniversaries: 12th`Silk, Linen
Anniversaries: 13th`Lace
Anniversaries: 15th`Crystal
Anniversaries: 1st`Paper
Anniversaries: 20th`China
Anniversaries: 25th Anniversary Is Silver, What's The 6th`Iron
Anniversaries: 25th`Silver
Anniversaries: 2nd`Cotton
Anniversaries: 30th`Pearl
Anniversaries: 35th`Coral
Anniversaries: 3rd`Leather
Anniversaries: 40th`Ruby
Anniversaries: 4th`Fruit, Flowers
Anniversaries: 55th`Emerald
Anniversaries: 60th`Diamond
Anniversaries: 6th`Sugar
Anniversaries: 7th`Copper, Wool
Anniversaries: 9th`Pottery, Willow
Anniversaries: A 300th Anniversary Called`Tercentenary
Anniversaries: A _________ Anniversary Is Called A Quindecennial`Fifteenth
Anniversaries: A Diamond Anniversary`50 Years
Anniversaries: A Fifteenth Anniversary Is Called A`Quindecennial
Anniversaries: A Fifteenth ___________ Is Called A Quindecennial`Anniversary
Anniversaries: A Fifty Year Anniversary`Diamond Anniversary
Anniversaries: An Emerald Anniversary`Sixty Years
Anniversaries: A One Year Anniversary`Paper Anniversary
Anniversaries: A Paper Anniversary`One Year
Anniversaries: A Silver Anniversary`Twenty Five Years
Anniversaries: A Sixty Year Anniversary`Emerald Anniversary
Anniversaries: A Twenty Five Year Anniversary`Silver Anniversary
Anniversaries: Bronze, Pottery`Eight Years
Anniversaries: China`Twenty Years
Anniversaries: Copper, Wool`Seven Years
Anniversaries: Cotton`Two Years
Anniversaries: Diamond`Fifty Years
Anniversaries: Emerald`Sixty Years
Anniversaries: Fruit, Flowers`Four Years
Anniversaries: How Long Is A Silver Anniversary`Twenty Five Years
Anniversaries: How Many Years Of Marriage Are Celebrated By A Golden Wedding Anniversary`Fifty
Anniversaries: If You Are Celebrating Your Diamond Anniversary, How Many Years Have You Been Married`Sixty
Anniversaries: Ivory`Fourteen Years
Anniversaries: Lace`Thirteen Years
Anniversaries: Leather`Three Years
Anniversaries: Pearl`Thirty Years
Anniversaries: Pottery, Willow`Nine Years
Anniversaries: Ruby`Forty Years
Anniversaries: Sapphire`Forty Five Years
Anniversaries: Silver`Twenty Five Years
Anniversaries: Steel`Eleven Years
Anniversaries: Sugar`Six Years
Anniversaries: The Tenth Wedding Anniversary Is Commemorated With What`Tin
Anniversaries: Tin`Ten Years
Anniversaries: What Do You Give For A 55 Year Wedding Anniversary`Emerald
Anniversaries: What Do You Give For A One Year Wedding Anniversary`Paper
Anniversaries: What Is A 300th Anniversary Called`Tercentenary
Anniversaries: What Is The Crystal Anniversary`Fifteenth
Anniversaries: What Is The Traditional Gift For A 35th Wedding Anniversary`Coral
Anniversaries: What Symbolizes Your 11th Wedding Anniversary`Steel
Anniversaries: Wood`Five Years
Annoying, litigious (and possibly duplicitous) owner of Boston Beer Company`jim koch
Annoyingly unpleasant: repulsive: 'the creepy kids next door.'`creepier
An ------ number`octane
An oath describing the responsibilities of a physician is known as the________ ____`Hippocratic Oath
An obituary`necrology
An object, charm, or fetish used in the practice of this religion`obi
An object decorated with this substance`japan
An object having a sharp or tapered end: 'a stone projectile -----.'`point
An object having a sharp or tapered end: 'a stone projectile point.'`pointing
An object having such a coating, as in a piece of cloisonn`enamel
An object having such a coating, as in a piece of cloisonn`encamp
An objection`demurrer
An object likened to a slender, pointed missile either in shape, use, or effect`dart
An object made of this material`whalebone
An object made of this substance`porcelain
An object of aversion`antipathy
An object of the affections`pet
An object of the affections`pets
An object of the affections`petting
An object of unreasonably excessive attention or reverence: 'made a fetish of punctuality.'`fetich
An object or arrangement of objects or people in the shape of half a circle`semicircle
An object or structure made of planks`planking
An object shaped like a triangle`delta
An object similar in shape to a`saucer
An object, such as a brick or stone, used as a missile`dingbat
An object, such as a spool or barrel, around which material is wound`winders
An object, such as earthenware, porcelain, or tile, made of`ceramic
An object to be fired`projectile
A nobleman of continental Europe, ranked differently in various countries`barons
A nobleman`peers
An obligation or liability to pay or render something to someone else`debt
An obscuring haze, as of atmospheric dust or smoke`fogged
An obscuring haze, as of atmospheric dust or smoke`fogging
An "obsequious" person is ___________`meek
An observation or principle having general application: a generalization`generality
An obsession with excrement or excretory functions`scatology
An obsessive observer of sordid or sensational subjects`voyeur
An obsessive preoccupation`fixation
An obsolete sailing warship, smaller than a frigate, usually armed with one tier of guns`corvette
An obstacle to or a censoring of free speech`gag
An obstacle to or a censoring of free speech`gagged
An obstruction in a road, as fallen rocks or trees`roadblock
An ocarina is a what`wind instrument
An occupation, profession, or career`callings
An occurrence of a disease or disorder: 'a mild ---- of flu.'`case
An octopus has how many hearts`three
An offer, a deal, or an arrangement in which a single expense yields a dual return: 'Going to a wedding in New Orleans during Mardi Gras was a ------.'`twofer
An officer and a`gentleman
An officer charged with supervision of the horses belonging to a royal or noble household`equerries
An officer of a county or an administrative region in England, Northern Ireland, and Scotland, charged mainly with judicial duties`sheriff
An official agreement between governments at war, especially one concerning the exchange of prisoners`cartel
An official appointed to govern a colony or territory`governor
An official approbation: a sanction`approval
An official charged with the enforcement of certain laws and regulations: 'an air raid ------.'`warden
An official journal`gazette
An official journal`gazettes
An official permit issued by a foreign country allowing one to transport goods or to travel through that country`passport
An official position or grade: 'the ---- of sergeant.'`rank
An official record of daily proceedings, as of a legislative body`journal
An official visit for the purpose of inspection or examination, as of a bishop to a diocese`visitation
An often bipartisan coalition of legislators acting together for a common purpose or interest: 'the farm ---- in the U.S. Senate.'`bloc
An often lengthy and tedious speech of reproof or exhortation`sermon
An often unroofed outdoor grandstand for seating spectators. Often used in the plural`bleacher
An often-used word or phrase`byword
An often walled quarter in a European city to which Jews were restricted beginning in the Middle Ages`ghetto
An often walled quarter in a European city to which Jews were restricted beginning in the Middle Ages`ghettos
An often wedge-shaped piece cut from a larger, usually circular object: 'ordered a ----- of pie: shared a ----- of pizza.'`slice
a no i've got to keep on moving`break my stride
a no I've got to keep on moving`Break My Stride Matthew Wilder
An old game resembling whist`ruffing
An old hooped petticoat`farthingale
An old round dance often accompanied by singing`carol
An old, short, large bored gun`blunderbuss
An old sweet scented rose`damask
An old woman`grandam
An Old World songbird (Turdus merula), the male of which is black with a yellow bill. Also called merle1`blackbird
A nomadic Mongol tribe`horde
an omniscient person has unlimited ______`knowledge
An 'omniscient' person has unlimited `knowledge
An "omniscient" person has unlimited __________`knowledge
A non-cancerous tumor is said to be `benign
A non-cancerous tumor is said to be`Benign
A nonstop freight train`hotshot
Anonymous letters of hostility towards the recipient`hate mail
An open-air stadium with an oval course for horse and chariot races in ancient Greece and Rome`hippodrome
An open artificial channel or chute carrying a stream of water, as for furnishing power or conveying logs`flume
An open balcony in a theater`loggia
An opening affording passage: 'This door is the only --- into the attic.'`way
An opening for draining off water, as from a floor or the roof of a building`scupper
An opening for draining off water, as from a floor or the roof of a building`scuppers
An opening in a fortified wall: an embrasure`porthole
An opening in a wall or fence for entrance or exit`gate
An opening in a wall or fence for entrance or exit`gates
An opening in a wall or fence for entrance or exit`gating
An opening or perforation: 'a hole in the clouds: had a hole in the elbow of my sweater.'`holing
An opening or perforation: 'a ---- in the clouds: had a ---- in the elbow of my sweater.'`hole
An opening permitting the escape of fumes, a liquid, a gas, or steam`vent
An opening permitting the escape of fumes, a liquid, a gas, or steam`venting
An opening permitting the escape of fumes, a liquid, a gas, or steam`vents
An open, low shed`hovel
An open or enclosed gallery or room attached to the outside of a building: a verandah`porch
An open space serving as a passage or gap`openings
An operation or series of operations energetically pursued to accomplish a purpose: 'an advertising -------- for a new product: a candidate's political`campaign
An opinion, conviction, or principle: 'has some strange political -----.'`ideas
An opinion, conviction, or principle: 'has some strange political ----s.'`idea
An optical device for projecting images of celestial bodies and other astronomical phenomena onto the inner surface of a hemispherical dome`planetaria
An optometrist`oculist
An orange and black North American butterfly (Limenitis archippus), resembling but somewhat smaller than the monarch`viceroy
an orchestral introduction to an opera`overture
An orderly pile, especially one arranged in layers. heap`stack
An order of succession: an arrangement`sequence
An ordinance in Newcastle, Wyoming, specifically bans couples from having sex while standing in a store's?`walk-in meat freezer
Anorexia nervosa`anorexia
An organic defect preventing clear articulation: 'a speech ----------.'`impediment
An organic structure having the shape or function of a ----: a duct: 'a bronchial ----.'`tube
An organ in invertebrates that is similar to the vertebrate`liver
An organ in invertebrates that is similar to the vertebrate liver`livers
An organisation of business and professional men was founded in Chicago in 1905 out of a weekly luncheon club. What is it called`rotary
An organism at any time before full development, birth, or hatching`embryo
An organism belonging to such a category, represented in binomial nomenclature by an uncapitalized Latin adjective or noun following a capitalized genus name, as in Ananas comosus,the pineapple,`species
An organism descended asexually from a single ancestor, such as a plant produced by layering or a polyp produced by budding`clonal
An ------ organism other than a human, especially a mammal`animal
An organism's genetic material`genome
An organization chiefly concerned with building, maintaining, and using a database`databank
An organization sponsoring public programs and entertainment`lyceum
An organized society, such as a nation, having a specific form of government: His alien philosophy found no roots in the American polity (New York`polities
An organ stop usually of eight-foot or four-foot pitch yielding stringlike tones`violist
An organ with similar functions in some nonmammalian animals, such as certain sharks and reptiles`placenta
Anorgasmia is the _____?`inability to orgasm
An original, full-scale, and usually working model of a new product or new version of an existing product`prototype
An originator of a line of descent: a precursor`progenitor
An ornamental draping of cloth hung from the shoulders of an academic or ecclesiastical robe`hooded
An ornamental fringe at either end of an Oriental rug`selvage
An ornamental or protective plate, as for a keyhole`escutcheon
An ornamental terminating part, as on a post or piece of furniture`finial
An ornament, symbol, or architectural form having the appearance of a trifoliate leaf`trefoil
An ornament that resembles this clasp, such as a metal square on a shoe or hat`buckle
An 'ortanique' is a cross between which two fruits`orange and tangerine
A North African dish consisting of pasta steamed with a meat and vegetable stew`couscous
A North American duck (Aythya americana), the male of which has black and gray plumage and a reddish head`redhead
An ostritch's eye is bigger than its`brain
A notable event that marks the beginning of such a period. period`epoch
A notary`scrivener
A note prefixed to a literary, artistic, or musical composition dedicating it to someone in token of affection or esteem`dedication
Anothe name for an artists workshop or studio`ateller
Another British Pop BAND:albums include "Modern Life is Rubbish" "Parklife"`blur
Another device, such as a radio ------- or a gyro-------, used for determining geographic direction`compass
Another name for a boxer`pugilist
Another name for a detective`sleuth
Another name for a lasso`lariat
Another name for an artists workshop or studio`ateller
Another name for a nervous twitch`tic
Another name for a slaughter house`abattoir
Another name for a villain or scoundrel`blackguard
Another name for blood poisoning`septicaemia
Another name for graphite or black lead`plumbago
Another name for guardian angels is`watchers
Another name for phencyclidine hydrochloride`angel dust
Another name for the solar year is what`tropical year
Another name for wood alcohol is....`methanol
Another term for pure china clay is`kaolin
Another word for direct confrontation`face-off
another word for vaccination`immunization
An ounce of gold can be stretched into a wire how many miles long`fifty
An ounce of gold can be stretched into a wire how many miles long`fifty`50
An outbreak of many instances within a brief period: 'a rash of burglaries.'`rashes
An outbuilding, as on a farm`outhouse
An outburst of temper`blowup
An outburst or eruption: 'a flare-up of anger.'`flareup
An outer covering or casing, especially: The skin of a potato`jacket
An outfit or a disguise worn on Mardi Gras, Halloween, or similar occasions`costume
An outflow from a sewer or sewage system`effluent
An outlaw: a gangster`bandit
An outlet, such as a nozzle, used for emitting such a stream`jet
An outline for a screenplay`scenario
An outline map on which specific information, such as scientific data, can be plotted`chart
An outline that appears dark against a light background. outline`silhouette
An outset or emergence: 'the ------- of classical art and sculpture.'`sunrise
An outside piece cut from a log when squaring it for lumber`slab
An outward appearance: a guise: 'presented their radical ideas in the garb of moderation.'`garbed
An outward appearance: a guise: 'presented their radical ideas in the garb of moderation.'`garbs
An outward appearance: a guise: 'presented their radical ideas in the ---- of moderation.'`garb
A novel by Keith Waterhouse`billy liar
An overcharge, especially when unlawful`surcharge
An overdose of a substance or thing`odd
An overdose of MSG is also known as what`Kwoks Disease
An overly talkative person: a chatterbox`jay
An overnight guest`sleepover
An overwhelming, advancing force that crushes or seems to crush everything in its path: It doesn't assume that people need necessarily remain passive when confronted by what appears to bethe ---------- of history`juggernaut
An overwhelming desire or craving: 'a lust for power.'`lusts
An overwhelming outpouring: 'an --------- of third-class mail.'`onslaught
An oxlike antelope`gnu
An S-curve is called an`Ogee curve
Answering responsively, as in antiphony`antiphonal
antarctica has no native----------`population
antarctica's residents are ---------- and support staffs who usually stay no more than a year at a time`scientific
antarctica's residents are scientific and ---------- staffs who usually stay no more than a year at a time`support
anteaters prefer termites to----------`ants
anteaters prefer ---------- to ants`termites
Antelope considered as a group: 'a herd of ----.'`buck
Antelope considered as a group: 'a herd of buck.'`bucking
Antelope considered as a group: 'a herd of buck.'`bucks
anthocyanins are compounds which produce...`color
Anthocyanins are compounds which produce what`colors
anthomania is an obsession or crazed desire for ____ ____.`flowers
Anthophobia is the fear of`flowers
Anthrophobia is the fear of`people
anthrophobia or anthophobia is the fear of ____`flowers
Anthropoid (Ape) of equatorial Africa that, physically and genetically, is the animal most closely related to humans?`chimpanzee
Anthropoid (ape) of equatorial Africa that, physically & genetically, is the animal most closely related to humans`chimpanzee
Anthropophobia is the fear of`people`society
Antibiotic obtained from mould`penicillin
antino fargas in 'starsky and hutch'`huggy bear
Anti tank rocket launcher`bazooka
antlophobia is a fear of ____`floods
Antlophobia is the fear of`floods
Antoine Domino is better known the world by what name?`Fats Domino
Anubis was the egyptian god of the ______`dead
A nuclear-powered electric generating plant`nuke
A nuclear reactor was built beneath a Chicago football stadium in which year`1942
A NUKE InterNETWORK poll found that ________ percent of Internet users have cut back on watching TV in order to spend more time online; 12 percent have cut back on seeing friends`fifty two
A NUKE InterNETWORK poll found that ________ percent of Internet users have cut back on watching TV in order to spend more time online: 12 percent have cut back on seeing friends`fifty two`52
An ulcer located at the initial point of entry of a pathogen`chancre
An ulcer or an ulcerous condition`ulceration
A number: a sum`amount
A number of things produced: output`turnout
A number of wild animals of one species that remain together as a group: 'a herd of elephants.'`herding
A number of wild animals of one species that remain together as a group: 'a ---- of elephants.'`herd
A number or collection of varied things, especially of a particular group: an assortment: 'brought home a variety of snacks.'`varieties
A number written using the base 10`decimal
An unbordered picture, often a portrait, that shades off into the surrounding color at the edges`vignette
An unborn child: a fetus`babied
An unborn infant: a fetus`child
An unborn infant: a fetus`childless
An uncivil or discourteous act`incivility
An uncommitted independent, as in politics or social life`freelance
An uncontrolled fit, as of laughter: a paroxysm`convulsion
An undercoat of paint or size applied to prepare a surface, as for painting`primer
An underground layer of water filled rock is called an`aquifer
An underground party, with lots of dance music`rave
An undertaking of a questionable nature, especially one involving intervention in another state's affairs`adventure
An undertaking requiring concerted effort: 'a community cleanup -------: a government-funded irrigation -------.'`project
An undertaking requiring concerted effort: 'a community cleanup project: a government-funded irrigation project.'`projects
An unfavorable remark: a criticism`brickbat
An unforeseen incident: 'A series of happy --------s led to his promotion.'`accident
An unfortunate accident`mishap
An unobstructed path between sending and receiving antennas`loss
An unobstructed penis is capable of shooting semen anywhere from?`12 to 24 inches
An unobstructed penis is capable of shooting semen anywhere from __ to __ inches.`12 to 24
An unpredictable or unaccountable act or event: a vagary: 'a ----- of fate.'`quirk
An unpredictable or unaccountable act or event: a vagary: 'a quirk of fate.'`quirkiness
An unprincipled, ruthless person`cutthroat
An unqualified or dishonest practitioner: a charlatan`empiric
An unscrupulous, dishonest person: a scoundrel`rascal
An unsecured bond issued by a civil or governmental corporation or agency and backed only by the credit standing of the issuer`deb
An unsecured bond issued by a civil or governmental corporation or agency and backed only by the credit standing of the issuer`debenture
An unspecified or undetermined amount or extent: 'We know --------- about the early settlers in this area.'`something
An unstable condition, as in political, social, or economic affairs, involving an impending abrupt or decisive change`crises
An unusual, significant, or unaccountable fact or occurrence: a marvel`phenomena
An unwise or indiscreet act`imprudence
An upholstered low seat or cushioned footstool`ottoman
An upper or ruling class`gentries
An upper portion of a wall containing windows for supplying natural light to a building`clerestory
An upright post with a crosspiece, forming a T-shaped structure from which executed criminals were formerly hung for public viewing`gibbet
An upright support, such as a furniture leg, having a similar shape`baluster
anuptaphobia is the fear of ____`staying single
An urgent request: 'I called the office at the ------ of my assistant.'`behest
An utterance of grief or sorrow: a lamentation`plaint
Anvil, hammer and stirrup are all bones where`ear
Anxious: troubled: 'the --------- parents of youthful offenders.'`concerned
Any animal lacking a vertebral column, or backbone`invertebrate
Any comparatively small body of land completely surrounded by water`island
Any couple making out inside a vehicle, and accidentally sounding the horn during their lustful act, may be taken to jail according to a _________ ________, New Jersey law.`Liberty Corner
Any free-moving liquid in outer space will form itself into a sphere, because of it's surface ______`tension
Any group of 7 performers`septet
Any material that hardens & becomes strongly adhesive after application in plastic form`cement
Any member of a group of protozoa (single-celled animals) that are blood parasites`trypanosome
Any monophonic medieval liturgical music without strict meter and traditionally sung without accompaniment. Also called plainchant`plainsong
Any month that starts on a Sunday will have a ______________ in it`friday the 13th
A nymphomaniac or outrageous female flirt is called an?`Aposta
Any object worn as a charm may be called a(n) `amulet
Any of 9 goddesses inspiring music or poetry`muse
Any of a breed of domestic pigeons resembling ---s`owl
Any of a class of water-soluble crystalline carbohydrates, including sucrose and lactose, having a characteristically sweet taste and classified as`sugar
Any of a group of composite organisms made up of a fungus & an alga living in symbiotic association (symbiosis)`lichen
Any of a group of composite organisms made up of a fungus and an alga living in symbiotic association (Symbiosis)?`Lichen
Any of a group of organic compounds structurally related to ------, particularly adenine and guanine, and also caffeine, uric acid, theobromine, and`purine
Any of a large group of chemicals almost exclusively organic in nature, used for the coloring of textiles, inks, food products, & other substances`dyes
Any of a number of anonymous Jewish or Christian texts from around the second century B.C. to the second century A.D. containing prophetic orsymbolic visions, especially of the imminent destruction of the world and the`apocalypse
Any of a race of one-eyed giants, reputedly descended from these Titans, inhabiting the island of Sicily`cyclopes
Any of a series of graduated categories of dimension whereby manufactured articles, such as shoes and clothing, are classified`size
Any of as many as 50,000 marine, freshwater, & terrestrial species of mollusk`snail
Any of certain other ferns, such as the bracken or the cliff brake`brakes
Any of certain other wetland areas, such as a fen, having a peat substrate. Also called peat bog`bogged
Any of certain other wetland areas, such as a fen, having a peat substrate. Also called peat bog`bogs
Any of numerous anatomically distinct structures making up the skeleton of a vertebrate animal. There are more than 200 different ----s in the human body`bone
Any of numerous chiefly colonial marine polyps of the class Anthozoa that secrete such calcareous skeletons`coral
Any of numerous plants of the genus Iris, having narrow sword-shaped leaves and showy, variously colored flowers`irides
Any of numerous plants of the genus Iris, having narrow sword-shaped leaves and showy, variously colored flowers`iris
Any of numerous plants of the genus Mertensia, native to Asia, Europe, and North America and having blue, trumpet-shaped flowers`bluebell
Any of numerous shrubs or vines of the genus Rosa, having prickly stems, pinnately compound leaves, and variously colored, often fragrant flowers`roses
Any of numerous widely distributed marine fishes of the family Lutjanidae (or Lutianidae), many of which are prized as food fishes, that are foundchiefly in warm coastal waters`snapper
Any of several American parasitic shrubs, such as Phoradendron flavescens of eastern North America`mistletoe
Any of several Asian mynas of the genus Gracula`grackle
Any of several birds of the genus Rhipidura of eastern Asia and Australia, having a long, fan-shaped tail`fantail
Any of several bulbous European herbs of the genus Leucojum, having white or whitish flowers and fleshy fruit`snowflake
Any of several common, often asymptomatic, sexually transmitted diseases caused by the microorganism Chlamydia trachomatis`chlamydia
Any of several crimes in early English law that were punishable by forfeiture of land or goods and by possible loss of life or a bodily part`felonies
Any of several crimes in early English law that were punishable by forfeiture of land or goods and by possible loss of life or a bodily part`felony
Any of several devices used to drive, batter, or crush by forceful impact, especially: A battering`ram
Any of several devices used to drive, batter, or crush by forceful impact, especially: A battering ram`rams
Any of several early bicycles having pedals attached to the front wheel`velocipede
Any of several esters, other than the ethyl ester, of carbamic acid`urethane
Any of several felines, such as the cheetah or the snow`leopard
Any of several fishes of the family Cottidae, such as the sculpin and the miller's thumb`bullhead
Any of several freshwater bivalve mollusks of the genera Anodonta and Unio, found in the central United States, that burrow in the sand or mud of lakes`mussing
Any of several large wildcats related to or resembling the lion`lions
Any of several long-horned beetles of the genus Monochamus having larvae that bore large holes in living or dead wood`sawyer
Any of several marine food fishes of the genera Menticirrhus and Merluccius, including the corbina and the silver hake, of North American coastal waters`whitings
Any of several mildly euphoriant, intoxicating hallucinogenic drugs, such as ganja, hashish, or marijuana, prepared from various parts of this plant`cannabis
Any of several nonvenomous snakes, such as the milk snake of North America, popularly believed to be harmful`adder
Any of several onionlike plants, such as the leek or shallot`scallion
Any of several other birds that resemble the --------, such as the partridge`pheasant
Any of several other evergreen coniferous trees or shrubs, such as the Alaska -----, incense -----, or red`cedar
Any of several other leguminous plants, such as the rose`acacia
Any of several other plants having leaves or other parts somewhat resembling a bird's foot`crowfeet
Any of several other plants in the pea family, such as bush ------ and sweet`clover
Any of several other plants, such as the autumn`crocus
Any of several other plants, such as the autumn crocus`croci
Any of several other plants, such as the bog`asphodel
Any of several other related or similar melons`cantaloup
Any of several plants having underground tubers or nutlike parts`groundnut
Any of several plants of the genus Piper, as cubeb, betel, and kava`pepper
Any of several plants of the genus Piper, as cubeb, betel, and kava`peppers
Any of several plants of the mustard family, especially the dame's ------ and the sea`rocket
Any of several plants of the mustard family, especially the dame's rocket and the sea rocket`rockets
Any of several predatory sharks of the genus Sphyrna, having the sides of the head elongated into fleshy extensions with the eyes at the ends`hammerhead
Any of several ranks of noncommissioned officers in the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Marine Corps: 'master gunnery --------: staff --------.'`sergeant
Any of several rays of the family Mobulidae, inhabiting tropical and subtropical seas and having a large flattened body, winglike pectoral fins, a whiplike tail, and two hornlike fins that projectforward from the head. Also called devilfish, ----- ray,`manta
Any of several related aquatic plants`watercress
Any of several related fishes, such as the bonito`tuna
Any of several related plants in the mint family, such as the bee ---- and the horse`balm
Any of several related plants, such as penny----- and water`cress
Any of several salts of -------, especially ------- carbonate`lithium
Any of several shore birds related to and resembling the sandpipers, especially one of the genus Heteroscelus that is noted for its loud cry`tattler
Any of several similar fishes, such as the lamprey and electric`eel
Any of several similar fishes, such as the skipjack`bonito
Any of several similar marsupials of Australia belonging to the family Phalangeridae`opossum
Any of several similar or related hawks`goshawk
Any of several similar or related plants`dandelion
Any of several similar or related plants`hyssop
Any of several similar or related plants`privet
Any of several similar or related plants, such as Chinese`cabbage
Any of several similar or related trees, such as the Douglas`fir
Any of several similar or related trees, such as the Douglas fir`firs
Any of several similar plants`cacti
Any of several similar plants, such as the African`violet
Any of several similar plants, such as the lemon`verbena
Any of several soft metal alloys used to line bearings and bushings in order to reduce friction?`Babbitt Metal
Any of several spiny animals, such as the porcupine, that are similar to the`hedgehog
Any of several thick twilled cotton fabrics, such as corduroy, having a short nap`fustian
Any of several tropical sea birds of the genus Sula, resembling and related to the gannets`boobies
Any of several units of gold and silver currency formerly used in the Middle East`dinar
Any of several usually relatively thin, rigid, flat, or sometimes curved surfaces radially mounted along an axis, as a blade in a turbine or a sail on a windmill, that is turned by`vane
Any of several wetland plants of similar aspect, such as the papyrus and the cattail`bulrush
Any of the canine teeth of a carnivorous animal, such as a dog or wolf, with which it seizes and tears its prey`fang
Any of the celestial bodies visible at night from Earth as relatively stationary, usually twinkling points of light`starred
Any of the class Chondrichthyes, having a cartilaginous skeleton and including the sharks, rays, and skates`fish
Any of the class Chondrichthyes, having a cartilaginous skeleton and including the sharks, rays, and skates`fished
Any of the class Chondrichthyes, having a cartilaginous skeleton and including the sharks, rays, and skates`fishes
Any of the class Chondrichthyes, having a cartilaginous skeleton and including the sharks, rays, and skates`fishing
Any of the drugs used to reduce nervous tension or induce sleep`sedative
Any of the Khoisan languages of the San`bushman
Any of the larger wing or tail feathers of a bird`quill
Any of the light sails of a ship that are used only in a light wind`kite
Any of the non-metallic elements which form a salt when combined with a metal`halogen
Any of the orations of Cicero against Antony in 44 B.C`philippic
Any of these 22 pictoral cards used as trump in tarok`tarot
Any of the tight, branched clusters of flower buds that together form a head of cauliflower or broccoli`floret
Any of the various lines of ancestry united in an individual or a family: ancestry or lineage`strain
Any of the various lines of ancestry united in an individual or a family: ancestry or lineage`strains
Any of the ways, such as a canter, trot, or walk, by which a horse can move by lifting the feet in different order or rhythm`gaits
Any of the words belonging to this part of speech, as be, run, or conceive`verb
Any of the words belonging to this part of speech, as be, run, or conceive`verbs
Any of the words belonging to this part of speech, such as neighbor, window, happiness, or negotiation`noun
Any of the words belonging to this part of speech, such as white in the phrase a white house`adjective
Any of usually four membranous organs for flying that extend from the thorax of an insect`wing
Any of various alloys of copper, with or without tin, and antimony, phosphorus, or other components`bronze
Any of various ancient and modern instruments of similar construction`harp
Any of various animals similar to one of these long-tailed rodents`rat
Any of various animals similar to one of these long-tailed rodents`rats
Any of various animals similar to one of these long-tailed rodents`ratted
Any of various animals similar to one of these long-tailed rodents`ratting
Any of various articles or parts made of dressed or tanned hide, such as a boot or strap`leather
Any of various bacteria, especially a rod-shaped bacterium`bacilli
Any of various birds of the genus Nucifraga, especially N. caryocatactes of northern Eurasia and N. columbiana of western North America, that arerelated to the crow and feed chiefly on the seeds of`nutcracker
Any of various birds resembling the ------, such as the Australian bell ------ of the family Cracticidae`magpie
Any of various bladed, hand-held implements used as a cutting tool or weapon`axe
Any of various broad-billed ducks, such as the shoveler`spoonbill
Any of various carnivorous mammals of the family Canidae, such as the dingo`dog
Any of various carnivorous mammals of the family Canidae, such as the dingo`dogged
Any of various carnivorous mammals of the family Canidae, such as the dingo`dogs
Any of various chronic skin conditions characterized by ulcerative lesions that spread over the body. No longer in scientific use`lupus
Any of various cleaning agents for rugs, upholstery, or cars`shampoo
Any of various compounds containing the ----- radical, typically highly reactive, easily polymerized, and used as basic materials for plastics`vinyl
Any of various compounds or salts of`quinine
Any of various copulatory organs in males of lower animals`penes
Any of various copulatory organs in males of lower animals`penis
Any of various crawling insect larvae, such as a grub or a caterpillar, having a soft elongated body`worm
Any of various cylindrical or spherical devices that roll or rotate, especially: A small spokeless wheel, such as that of a ------ skate or caster`roller
Any of various devices, such as a radio ---------, used to detect and observe distant objects by their emission, transmission, reflection, or other`telescope
Any of various devices that apply pressure to a product in manufacturing or canning`presser
Any of various devices that regulate the flow of gases, liquids, or loose materials through piping or through apertures by opening, closing, or`valve
Any of various diseases characterized by abnormally high body temperature`fever
Any of various diseases characterized by abnormally high body temperature`fevers
Any of various diseases of domesticated animals, such as chickens, turkeys, or hogs, marked by severe gastroenteritis`cholera
Any of various externally applied cosmetic liquids`lotion
Any of various extinct or living animals related to either of these two animals`elephant
Any of various fishes having unusually large mouths`bigmouth
Any of various fishes of the family Cyprinidae`carp
Any of various fishes of the family Cyprinidae`carps
Any of various fishes of the genus Porichthys, having several rows of light-producing organs along their bodies`midshipman
Any of various fishes that are predominantly blue, such as the pollack`bluefish
Any of various flatfishes similar or related to this fish`turbot
Any of various forms of this plant cultivated for their edible leaves, such as radicchio`chicories
Any of various ground squirrels of the genus Citellus of North American prairies`gopher
Any of various marine plants`seaweed
Any of various Mediterranean shrubs of the genus Cytisus in the pea family, especially C. scoparius, having mostly compound leaves with three leaflets andshowy,`broom
Any of various metallic coatings, especially oxides, formed by corrosion`rust
Any of various mineral and industrial forms of calcium oxide differing chiefly in water content and percentage of constituents such as silica, alumina, and iron`lime
Any of various minor officers of parishes or other local authorities`rove
Any of various natural bitumens, such as mineral ----- or asphalt`pitch
Any of various often aromatic plants used especially in medicine or as seasoning`herb
Any of various optical devices used to facilitate the viewing of photographic transparencies by illuminating or magnifying them`viewer
Any of various other carnivorous mammals of the family Felidae, which includes the lion, tiger, leopard, and lynx`cat
Any of various other coniferous trees, such as the Norfolk Island`pine
Any of various other mammals of the genus Lama, such as the alpaca and guanaca`llama
Any of various other mostly aromatic plants of the genus Nepeta, cultivated for their ornamental foliage and clusters of blue, lavender, or white flowers`catnip
Any of various other rodents of the family Sciuridae, as the ground -------- or the flying`squirrel
Any of various other similar fishes, such as a young herring`sprat
Any of various other small, often silver-colored fishes`minnow
Any of various other underground plant parts, especially an underground stem such as a rhizome, corm, or tuber`roots
Any of various perennial plants of the Old World genus Asparagus having leaflike stems, scalelike leaves, and small flowers`asparagus
Any of various pharmaceutical preparations containing this hormone that are derived from the pancreas of certain animals or produced through genetic engineering and are used in the medicaltreatment and management of diabetes mellitus`insulin
Any of various picks or rods having a function or shape similar to a`skewer
Any of various plants of the genus Mentha, characteristically having aromatic foliage and nearly regular flowers. Some plants are cultivated for their aromatic oiland used`mint
Any of various plants of the genus Mentha, characteristically having aromatic foliage and nearly regular flowers. Some plants are cultivated for their aromatic oiland used`minter
Any of various plants of the genus Mentha, characteristically having aromatic foliage and nearly regular flowers. Some plants are cultivated for their aromatic oiland used`mints
Any of various plants of the genus Pelargonium, native chiefly to southern Africa and widely cultivated for their rounded, often variegated leaves and showy clusters of red, pink, or whiteflowers. Also`geranium
Any of various plants of the genus Veratrum, especially V. viride of North America, having large leaves and greenish flowers and yielding a toxic alkaloid`hellebore
Any of various predatory, flesh-eating mammals of the order Carnivora, including the dogs, cats, bears, weasels, hyenas, and raccoons`carnivore
Any of various preparations in the form of ------, as certain cosmetics and medicines`powder
Any of various procedures that result in such termination and expulsion. Also called induced`abortion
Any of various related birds of the family Cuculidae, having grayish-brown plumage and a slender body`cuckoo
Any of various related mammals of Asia, especially Mustela eversmanni of central Asia`polecat
Any of various related plants, such as the rose`mallow
Any of various scientific recording devices designed to register a person's bodily responses to being questioned?`polygraph
Any of various similar adhesives, such as paste, mucilage, or epoxy`glue
Any of various similar adhesives, such as paste, mucilage, or epoxy`gluing
Any of various similar birds of prey`hawk
Any of various similar birds, such as a swift`swallow
Any of various similar but unrelated fishes, such as the -----perch`trout
Any of various similar cetaceans, such as the killer whale`grampus
Any of various similar containers for domestic or industrial use, such as kneading or washing`trough
Any of various similar digging or cutting tools`spade
Any of various similar dipteran insects, such as the biting -----s of the family Ceratopogonidae`midge
Any of various similar finely ground or powdered foodstuffs, as of cassava, fish, or bananas`flour
Any of various similar New World birds of the family Icteridae`oriole
Any of various similar or related animals, such as the jumping mouse, the vole, or the jerboa`mice
Any of various similar or related bivalve mollusks, such as the pearl`oyster
Any of various similar or related coelenterates`jellyfish
Any of various similar or related New World birds, such as the bobwhite`quail
Any of various similar or related plants, such as belladonna`nightshade
Any of various similar or related plants, such as the day ---- or the water`lily
Any of various similar or related trees`spruce
Any of various similar reedless woodwind instruments, such as the recorder`flute
Any of various similar related crustaceans, such as the hermit crab or king crab`crabbed
Any of various similar shrubs or trees, especially of the genus Avicennia`mangrove
Any of various similar substances, such as a fertilizer prepared from ground fish parts`guano
Any of various similar trailing or twining plants, such as the black`bindweed
Any of various slender, narrow-winged hawks of the genus Circus, such as the marsh hawk, that prey on small animals`harrier
Any of various slow-moving, arboreal, edentate mammals of the family Bradypodidae of South and Central America, having long hooklike claws by which they hang upside down from tree branches andfeeding on leaves, buds, and fruits, especially: A member of the genus Bradypus, having three long-clawed toes on each forefoot`sloth
Any of various small, often brownish or grayish Old World songbirds of the family Silviidae, as the blackcap and the whitethroat`warbler
Any of various soft, solid, or semisolid organic compounds constituting the esters of glycerol and fatty acids and their associated organic groups`fatter
Any of various soft, solid, or semisolid organic compounds constituting the esters of glycerol and ---ty acids and their associated organic groups`fat
Any of various soluble mineral salts found in natural water and arid soils`alkali
Any of various South American birds of the family Furnariidae, especially of the genus Furnarius`ovenbird
Any of various spitits drunk in N.Europe`schnapps
Any of various submarine explosive devices, especially a submarine mine`torpedo
Any of various substances resembling or containing -----: 'hand -----.'`cream
Any of various substances, such as natural ------, used to stiffen cloth, as in laundering`starch
Any of various substances that smolder when ignited, used to light fireworks`punk
Any of various tropical American lizards of the genus Basiliscus, characterized by a crest on the head, back, and tail and the ability to run on the`basilisk
Any of various viral infections of domestic animals characterized generally by fever and respiratory involvement`influenza
Any of various viruses that are parasites of bacteria`bacteriophage
Any of various yellow gemstones, especially a yellow variety of sapphire or corundum`topaz
Any one of various other implements, such as one used in knitting or crocheting`needle
Any rough or coarse material`roughage
Any small, leafless branch of a woody plant`twig
Any structure of animals, plants, or insects that produces chemical secretions or excretions`gland
Any substance that produces disease conditions, tissue injury, or otherwise interrupts natural life processes when in contact with or absorbed into the body`poison
Anything that occupies space & has mass is generally known as ______`matter
Any type of machine that obtains mechanical energy directly from the expenditure of the chemical energy of fuel burned in a combustion chamber that is an integral part of the engine`internal combustion
Any type of self-propelled vehicle used by railroads to pull or push other types of rolling stock, including passenger, freight, & work cars`hovercraft
anywhere is a top 10 hit in 1995 for what band`enya
Anzac troops come from which 2 countries`australia and new zealand
a ---------- of russia is covered by forest`quarter
A one-dimensional array`vector
A one-humped camel is called a _________.`dromedary
A one-humped camel is called a `dromedary
A one-humped camel is called a`Dromedary
A one-piece garment consisting of a blouse or shirt with attached slacks or shorts`jumpsuit
A ___'_ orgasm lasts for 30 minutes. Something has to make up for their sty-ish living conditions.`pig's
a pack-day smoker will approx. lose 2 ---------- every ten years`teeth
A pack of dogs, especially hounds. flock1`kennel
A paddle designed to produce a loud whacking sound, formerly used by performers in farces`slapstick
A painful muscle spasm, as in the neck or back: a crick`kinking
A paint containing ------- resin`acrylic
A painting executed in this way`fresco
A painting of the Madonna and Child was saved for the nation with a 10.25million donation from the lottery, who painted it`botticelli
A painting of which famous Old Testament ruling, completed in 1495, is one of the earliest works by the artist Giorgione`judgment of solomon
A pair of animals, such as oxen, matched in size, strength, or color and driven as a team`span
A pair of animals, such as oxen, matched in size, strength, or color and driven as a team`spanned
A pair of binoculars. Often used in the plural`spyglass
A pair of curtains intended to be tied back`tiebacks
A pair of draft animals, such as oxen, joined by a`yoke
A pair of headphones with a voice transmitter attached`headset
A pair of small drums played with the fingers`bongo
A pair of tights or a leotard of such fabric, worn for ballet or gymnastics`maillot
A pale blue to light greenish blue`aquamarine
A pale to light or moderate purple`lilac
A pale yellow to brownish aromatic oil obtained from this plant, used chiefly in perfumery and also in some insect repellents and commercial flavorings`citronella
A pall`bearer
A Pan Am flight, which left London Heathrow bound for New York in December 1998, was blown up by a bomb over a small Scotish town Name the town`Lockerbie
A pander`procurer
A paradoxical, insoluble, or difficult problem: a dilemma: the ---------, thus far unanswered, of achieving full employment without inflation (Arthur`conundrum
A parent's stress level at the time of conception is a major factor in determining the child's sex. The child is usually the ______ sex as the less stressed parent.`same
A parking light on a motor vehicle`dimmers
A parsec is a unit of what`distance
A part, as of a branch, limb, or tooth, remaining after the main part has been cut away, broken off, or worn down`stump
Apart from being chemical elements, what have chlorine, platinum, zirconium and rubidium in common`names which describe their colour
Apart from being chemical elements, what have hafnium, holmium, lutetium and yttrium in common`all named after places
Apart from being rivers what do Thames, Shannon, Forth, Tyne & Humber have in common`sea/fishing areas (for weather forecasts)
Apart from cheese, what is the main ingredient of fondue`white wine
Apart from clarity and cut, what are the two C's of a diamond`Carat and color
Apart from each other either in position or in direction: 'The curtains had been drawn -------.'`asunder
Apart from eggs, what is the other essential ingredient in 'Eggs Florentine'`spinach
apart from england, which nation had the most carling premiership players representing them`norway
Apart from Gottfried Leibniz, which famous scientist developed the many techniques of calculus in mathematics`isaac newton
Apart from jugglers and jesters what, historically, was a 'jongleur'`minstrel
Apart from milk, what is the chief ingredient of Lyonnaise sauce`onions
A parthenophobic has a fear of`virgins
A partially opaque covering: 'Let the polish dry to a ---- before buffing it.'`haze
A partially opaque covering: 'Let the polish dry to a haze before buffing it.'`hazer
A partially opaque covering: 'Let the polish dry to a haze before buffing it.'`hazing
A partially or totally dark place, area, or location`gloom
A partially or totally dark place, area, or location`glooms
A partially vitrified brick or a mass of bricks fused together`clinker
A particle or shaving removed by a file: 'metal ------s.'`filing
A particular arrangement of words in poetry, such as iambic penta-----, determined by the kind and number of metrical units in a line`meter
A particular arrangement of words in poetry, such as iambic pentameter, determined by the kind and number of metrical units in a line`meters
A particular deficiency or absence: 'Owing to a lack of supporters, the reforms did not succeed. '`lacking
A particular deficiency or absence: 'Owing to a ---- of supporters, the reforms did not succeed. '`lack
A particular form of hurt, damage, or loss: 'a leg ------.'`injury
A particular form of this activity`sport
A particular form of this activity`sports
A particular form, variety, or manner: 'a mode of expression.'`modes
A particular form, variety, or manner: 'a ---- of expression.'`mode
A particular method of attending to or settling matters`disposal
A particular or precise time: 'at the ------- of combustion.'`instant
A particular section or item of a series in a written document, as in a contract, constitution, or treaty`article
A particular system of versification`prosodies
A particular variety: a sort: 'What ---- of soap do you like best?'`kind
A part in other vertebrates that corresponds to the human thorax`thoraces
A partition or wall serving a similar purpose in a vehicle, such as an aircraft or spacecraft`bulkhead
A partly charred substance that can burn further but without flame`cinder
A partly split long or round roll containing a filling`sandwich
A partner, especially one of a pair or team associated under the buddy system`buddies
A part of a mechanical or electrical complex`component
A part or device shaped like an inverted U in which something is supported, held, or fixed`stirrup
A part or division of the intestine: 'the large -----.'`bowel
A part or layer that forms the top`toppings
A part or structure in an embryo that influences the differentiation of another part`inducer
A part, portion, or share`moieties
A part that is curved or bent like a hook`crook
A party, banquet, or outing`junket
A passage for such a railroad`subway
A passage from such a writing or book`scripture
A passage of ensemble music intended to be executed by all the performers simultaneously`tutti
A passage through or under a barrier`tunnel
A passageway between rows of seats, as in an auditorium or an airplane`aisle
a "passed ball" is an error charged to which player`catcher
A pass or shot in hockey made with the back of the blade of the stick`backhand
A pasticcio of incongruous parts: a hodgepodge: In... a city of splendid Victorian architecture... there is a rather pointless -------- of Dickensian London down on`pastiche
A pastor's term of office with one congregation`pastorate
A pasty mass similar to this mixture`dough
A patch or covering of such plants`moss
A path between flower beds or trees in a garden or park`alley
A path, channel, or track over which something runs`runway
A path of this width made in mowing`swath
A path, route, or course indicated by such marks: 'an old wagon ----- through the mountains.'`track
A path, route, or course indicated by such marks: 'an old wagon track through the mountains.'`tracks
A pattern of thin lines forming large squares on a background of a different color`windowpane
A pattern or design consisting of a central disk with radiating spires projecting in the manner of sunbeams`sunburst
A patty of chopped meat or fish, usually coated with bread crumbs and fried: a flat croquette`cutlet
A patty of such meat`hamburg
A patty shell`patties
A pause or interruption, as in conversation: 'After another weighty ------- the senator resumed speaking.'`caesura
A pause or separation: a caesura`comma
A pause or separation: a caesura`commas
A paved highway`causeway
A pavement`pavings
A payment or fee of a fixed amount per person`capitation
A peafowl, either male or female`peacock
A pearl wedding anniversary celebrates how many years of marriage`thirty`30
A "pearl" wedding anniversary is celebrated after how many years`30
A peasant`boor
A pedicure is treatment for which part of the body`feet
Apeirophobia is the fear of`infinity
A pendulous part similar to this, such as the wattle of a bird`dewlap
A pennant, banner, or flag`pennon
A Penny whistle has ____ finger holes`six
A Penny whistle has ____ finger holes`six`6
A percentage or portion: 'She has invested a large percent of her salary.'`percents
A perception or feeling produced by a stimulus: sensation: 'a ----- of fatigue and hunger.'`sense
A perception or feeling produced by a stimulus: sensation: 'a sense of fatigue and hunger.'`sensing
A performance of or dialogue for such an entertainment`mime
A performance of or dialogue for such an entertainment`miming
A performer or writer of humorous material`humorist
A perfume: 'an expensive French -----.'`scent
A perilous circumstance or situation`deathtrap
A period approximately equal to a ---- in other calendars`year
A period approximately equal to a year in other calendars`years
A period during which one is seated and occupied with a single activity, such as posing for a portrait or reading a book`sittings
A periodic gathering of people of social or intellectual distinction`salon
A period of decline or diminution: Insistence upon rules of conduct marks the --- of religious fervor (Alfred North Whitehead)`ebb
A period of depression or unhappy listlessness`doldrums
A period of existence or persistence: 'sat quietly through the -------- of the speech.'`duration
A period of fruition, fulfillment, happiness, or beauty`summered
A period of immaturity: The bravest achievements were always accomplished in the ------ of a nation (Thomas Paine)`nonage
A period of temporary inactivity or rest`layoff
A period of temporary suspension of the usual functions of government or control`interregna
A period of this form of rest`sleep
A period of this form of rest`sleeping
A period of this form of rest`sleeps
A period of this form of rest`slept
A period of time following a disastrous event: 'in the --------- of war.'`aftermath
A period of time spent waiting`waitings
A period of time that is assigned to a person to serve: 'a six-year term as senator.' period`terming
A period of unrestrained, immoderate self-indulgence`binge
A period spent in warming up`warmup
A permanent army post`fort
A pernicious, evil influence or agent`pestilence
A perplexing speech or text: a riddle`enigma
A persistent decrease in the level of consumer prices or a persistent increase in the purchasing power of money because of a reduction in available`deflation
A persistent increase in the level of consumer prices or a persistent decline in the purchasing power of money, caused by an increase in available currency and credit beyond the proportion ofavailable goods`inflation
A persistently tormenting person, force, or passion: 'the demon of drug addiction.'`demons
A person 100 or more years old`centenarian
A personal defect or failing`weakness
A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship`religion
A personal trait, especially a character trait: (The most vital quality a soldier can possess is self-confidence (George S. Patton)`qualities
A person appointed to settle a dispute that mediators have been unable to resolve: an arbitrator. judge`umpire
A person associated with another in a subordinate or auxiliary capacity`adjunct
A person at his wit's end is said to be losing his what`marbles
a person at rest generates as much heat as a ---------- -watt light bulb`10
A person between 60-69 years old`sexagenarian
A person blamed for others faults`scapegoat
a person breathes ---------- quarts of air every minute`seven
A person characterized by or exhibiting machismo`macho
A person considered a suitable model for such a picture`pinup
A person considered to be reclusive, reactionary, out of date, or brutish`troglodyte
A person descended from or culturally related to the original French settlers of the southern United States, especially Louisiana`creole
A person described as 'bellicose' would be eager to do what`fight
A person employed to collect taxes, duties, or other payments`collector
A person employed to drive a car`chauffeur
A person engaged in a controversy or debate, especially in public: a disputant`gladiator
A person engaged in or inclined to controversy, argument, or refutation`polemic
A person from 90 to 99 years old`nonagenarian
A person gifted with profound moral insight and exceptional powers of expression`prophet
A person gifted with profound moral insight and exceptional powers of expression`prophets
A person given a position of nominal leadership but having no actual authority`figurehead
A person given to clowning and joking`buffoon
A person having great power: an autocrat: the square-jawed, ruddy complacency of Jack Farrell, the czar of the Fifteenth Street police station (Ernest`tsar
A person having great power: an autocrat: the square-jawed, ruddy complacency of Jack Farrell, the czar of the Fifteenth Street police station (Ernest`tzar
A person having great power: an autocrat: the square-jawed, ruddy complacency of Jack Farrell, the ---- of the Fifteenth Street police station (Ernest`czar
A person having the authority to perform and administer religious rites`priest
A person having the authority to perform and administer religious rites`priests
A person in an awkward situation is said to be up what kind of tree`gum tree
a person in his eighties is called a(n) __________.`octogenarian
A person in his eighties is called a(n) `octogenarian
A person in his eighties is called a(n) __________.`Octogenarian
A person in his eighties is called a`Octogenarian
A person in servitude: a serf`helot
A person interested principally in frivolous pleasure: 'a social ---------.'`butterfly
A person learning a trade by working for an agreed period`apprentice
A person living in seclusion`recluse
A person living in solitude`hermit
A person loyal to the british crown in the 1780's`loyalist
A person of extraordinary intellect and talent: One is not born a ------, one becomes a ------ (Simone de Beauvoir)`genius
A person of mixed white and Black ancestry`mulatto
A person of profound mental retardation having a mental age below three years and generally being unable to learn connected speech or guard against common dangers. The term belongs to aclassification system no longer in use and is now`idiot
A person of Swedish ancestry`swedes
A person opposed to war`pacifist
A person or an entity used to further the purposes of another: 'an underdeveloped nation that was a pawn in international politics.'`pawns
A person or animal lacking pigment in skin hair and eyes`albino
A person or animal that functions as a substitute for another, as in a social or family role`surrogate
A person or thing considered worthy of imitation`pattern
A person or thing of extraordinary power, significance, or importance: 'a ----- in the field of physics: automotive industry -----s.'`giant
A person or thing of unsurpassed excellence or beauty: a paragon`phoenix
A person or thing on which something depends or turns: the central or crucial factor`pivot
A person or thing regarded as a source of wisdom`oracle
A person or thing that provides protection`shield
A person paying a short social visit`caller
A person performing penance under the direction of a confessor`penitent
A person`personage
A person, place, or thing adjacent to or located near another`neighbor
A person promoting something undesirable or discreditable. Often used in combination: 'a scandal------: a war------.'`monger
A person putting a lot of effort into a task is said to be using`elbow grease
A person refusing to join a strike`blackleg
A person regarded as base, mean, or despicable: a stony adversary, an inhuman ------ (Shakespeare)`wretch
A person regarded as being insignificant: a nonentity`zilch
A person regarded as brutish or contemptible`swine
A person regarded as colorless and primly sedate`frump
A person regarded as colorless and primly sedate`frumps
A person regarded as despicable or treacherous`reptile
A person regarded as petty or stingy`piker
A person regarded as ruthless, greedy, or dishonest`shark
A person regarded as stupid`dingus
A person regarded as timid or cowardly`sissies
A person's dress or style of dress`toilette
A person's high standing among others: honor or esteem`prestige
A person skilled in languages`linguist
A person's relatives: kinfolk`kindred
A person suffering from polythelia has 3 _______`nipples
A person unfaithful to the marriage bed, is known as a what?`Bedswerver
A person: 'We saw many new ----- on the first day of classes.'`faces
A person: 'We saw many new ----s on the first day of classes.'`face
A person: When his ancient tank had broken down... he had jumped on the back of mine with a few other ---- (Robert Crisp)`bods
A person: When his ancient tank had broken down... he had jumped on the back of mine with a few other ---s (Robert Crisp)`bod
A person who believes that the existence of God is not provable`agnostic
A person who builds with stone`mason
A person who changes sides`turncoat
A person who deliberately sets fire to property`arsonist
A person who does not eat animals or animal products`vegan
A person who does not eat meat of fish`vegetarian
A person who eats only fruit`fruitarian
A person who hates humankind`misanthropist
A person who looks at men in a lewd way could be known as a?`Arrhenopiper
A person who makes a big fuss is said to raise which biblical character`cain
A person who operates a dishonest business`racketeer
A person who prepares and stuffs animal skins`taxidermist
A person who refrains from alcohol is said to be on the`wagon
A person who sells fruit etc. from a barrow`costermonger
a person who starts fires maliciously is a(n) _________.`arsonist
A person who starts fires maliciously is a(n) `arsonist
A person who works with iron`blacksmith
A person will die in approximately 10 days without what`sleep
A person with an inordinate capacity to receive or withstand something: 'a ------- for punishment.'`glutton
A person with artistic pretensions`artiste
A person with a strong desire to steal is a`kleptomaniac
A person with a strong desire to steal is a(n) ________`kleptomaniac
A person with a strong desire to steal is a(n) `kleptomaniac
A person with flat feet`flatfeet
A person with masterly skill or technique in the arts`virtuosi
A person without noble rank or title`commoners
A person with refined taste in food and drink`epicure
A person with such hair`towhead
A person with unlimited power or authority: 'a corporate --------.'`autocrat
A persuasive or flattering person is said to have the gift of what`the gab
A pervading impression of an observer: 'the somber mood of the painting.'`moods
A pervading impression of an observer: 'the somber ---- of the painting.'`mood
a pharmacological cure all is called a ____`panacea
aphenphosmphobia, haphephobia or haptephobia is the fear of ____`being touched
Aphenphosmphobia is the fear of`being touched
Aphids can give birth how long after being born themselves`10 days
A phon is a unit of what`loudness
A photic sneeze is caused by....`sunlight
A photographer's establishment`studio
A photosensitive coating, usually of silver halide grains in a thin gelatin layer, on photographic film, paper, or glass`emulsion
A phrase likening one thing to another`simile
A phrase used repeatedly, as in advertising or promotion: all the ------s and shibboleths coined out of the ideals of the peoples for the uses of`slogan
A phrenologist reads _________.`skulls
A phrenologist reads `skulls
A phrenologist reads`Skulls
Aphrodisiomania is an obsession or crazed desire for ____ ____.`sex
A physician or surgeon`medic
A physician or surgeon`medics
Apices Coincide With The Point Where The Axes Of The Wheels Would Meet`Bevel Gear
A pictorial device, such as a pie chart or bar graph, used to illustrate quantitative relationships. Also called chart`graphing
A pictorial device, such as a pie chart or bar -----, used to illustrate quantitative relationships. Also called chart`graph
A picture depicting an expanse of scenery`landscape
A picture in which the gradations of light are obtained by the relative darkness and density of tiny dots produced by photographing the subject through`halftone
A piece of broad, heavy, roughly dressed timber with one face finished flat`puncheon
A piece of burning wood`firebrand
A piece of cloth used for cleaning, washing, or dusting`rag
A piece of fabric remaining after the rest has been used or sold`remnant
A piece of flint used to produce a spark`flints
A piece of heavy equipment used to level or smooth road or other surfaces to the desired gradient`grader
A piece of jewelry containing such a gemstone`diamond
A piece of lean or bony meat, especially a neck of mutton`scrag
A piece of lean or bony meat, especially a neck of mutton`scrags
A piece of linen or frill of lace formerly worn by women around the neck and shoulders`tucker
A piece of material that conveys liquid by capillary action`wick
A piece of music for such a dance, written in 3/4 or 3/8 time with the second beat heavily accented`mazourkas
A piece of music for this dance`waltz
A piece of office furniture having a long flat top and often containing file drawers, a kneehole, and accessories for a computer`credenza
A piece of ----- or -----like substance in crayon form, used for marking on a blackboard or other surface`chalk
A piece of property available for renting: 'summer ------s by the beach.'`rental
A piece of real estate: 'has a swimming pool on the property.'`properties
A piece of small hand luggage`handbag
A piece of soft leather from sheep or goats`chamois
A piece of such a confection`candy
A piece of such cord`thread
A piece of such cord`threading
A piece of such fabric on which a painting, especially an oil painting, is executed`canvas
A piece of this rock cut for use as roofing or surfacing material or as a writing surface`slate
A piece of this rock`marble
A piece of this rock`marbles
A piece of this substance`coal
A piece of trickery: a trick`fraud
A piece of wood driven into a wall to act as an anchor for nails`dowel
A piece of wood, such as a tree branch, that is used for fuel, cut for lumber, or shaped for a specific purpose`stick
A piece of wood, such as a tree branch, that is used for fuel, cut for lumber, or shaped for a specific purpose`sticking
A piece of wood, such as a tree branch, that is used for fuel, cut for lumber, or shaped for a specific purpose`stuck
A piece or passage that emphasizes a performer's virtuosity`bravura
A piece or pieces of heavy fabric hanging straight in loose folds, used as a curtain`draperies
A piece usually produced in a standard width: 'a ------- of canvas.'`breadth
A pier: a wharf`dock
a pig always sleeps on its ---------- side`right
A pigment or dye having a red hue`redder
A pigment or dye having a red hue`redness
A pigment or dye having a red hue`reds
A pigment or dye having this hue`yellow
A pigment or dye imparting this hue`blue
A pigment or dye imparting this hue`blued
A pigment or dye imparting this hue`bluer
A pigment or dye imparting this hue`bluing
A 'pigskin' is another name for a(n) `football
A "pigskin" is another name for a(n) ________.`football
A pig's ------------ last for 30 minutes`orgasms
A pig's penis is shaped like a`corkscrew
A pigs penis is shaped like what`corkscrew
A pigs snout is called a`gruntle
A pile driver`gin
A pile fabric, usually woven of cotton, with uncut loops on both sides, used for bath towels and robes. Also called ----- cloth`terry
A pile fabric, usually woven of cotton, with uncut loops on both sides, used for bath towels and robes. Also called terry cloth`terries
A pile, mound, or heap`cumuli
A pile of combustibles`pyre
A pincerlike pair of movable appendages at the posterior end of the abdomen in certain insects, such as earwigs`forceps
A pink, odorless, tasteless powder of zinc oxide with a small amount of ferric oxide, dissolved in mineral oils and used in skin lotions`calamine
A pin-up photo of ----------- adorned the first test bomb dropped on Bikini atoll in the Marshall Islands in July 1946.`rita Hayworth
A pipe made from the root of this plant or from a similar wood`brier
A pipe or channel used to conduct gas or liquid around another pipe or a fixture`bypass
apiphobia is the fear of ____`bees
A pirate flag depicts a skull and what else`bones
A piston`rod
A piston rod`rods
A pita is a type of what`bread
A pit dug for the same purpose`silo
A pit filled with rubble or gravel into which water is drained`soakaway
A pith helmet is a type of what`sun hat
A pit`viper
A pivoted support that allows an attached object, such as a chair or gun, to turn in a horizontal plane`swivel
A place for catching fish`fishings
A place for cooking`cookeries
A place for discarding useless or worthless material`scrapheap
A place for such detention`quarantine
A place in which one may sit`seat
A place in which private or public funds are received, kept, managed, and disbursed`treasuries
A place offering protection and safety: a shelter`asylum
A place of fiery heat or destruction`inferno
A place of refuge or rest: a sanctuary`haven
A place of shelter: a refuge`harbor
A place of shelter: a refuge`harbours
A place of survival or refuge: 'one of the last ----------s of an age-old tradition.'`stronghold
A place of worship in an institution, such as a prison, college, or hospital`chapel
A place or condition of confinement or forcible restraint`prison
A place or condition of confinement or forcible restraint`prisons
A place or condition of suffering, expiation, or remorse: 'a --------- of drug abuse.'`purgatory
A place or situation into which entry can be swift and sudden but from which extrication can be difficult or impossible. Often used in the plural: This theory of the future entrapped [them]in the ---------s of Vietnam (Arthur M`quicksand
A place or situation regarded as drawing into its center all that surrounds it: As happened with so many theater actors, he was swept up in the`vortex
A place or source of manufacture or invention`minting
A place or structure to which a vessel or aircraft can be moored`moorings
A place providing a close view of a spectacle`ringside
A place providing protection or shelter`refuge
A place to sleep: a bed`kip
A place visited briefly in the course of a journey`stopover
A place where a placer deposit is washed to extract its mineral content`placers
A place where fish or other aquatic animals are caught`fisheries
A place where fish or other aquatic animals are caught`fishery
A place where goods are offered for sale`market
A place where goods are sold: a store`mart
A place where goods are sold: a store`marts
A place where milk and cream are stored and processed`dairies
A place where novices live`novitiate
A place where something is generated`womb
A place where something is or could be located: a site`location
A place where two or more roads meet`crossroads
A place where two things are joined: a junction or joint`juncture
A place where two things join or meet, especially a place where two roads or railway routes come together and one terminates`junction
A place where worn-out or obsolete equipment or objects are kept: 'an automobile ---------.'`graveyard
A plaited fabric made from this straw`leghorn
A planar region bounded by a`circle
A plan for performing work or achieving an objective, specifying the order and allotted time for each part: 'finished the project on --------.'`schedule
A plank, log, or timber, usually one of a pair, used as a support or as a track for sliding or rolling heavy objects`skid
A plant allied to the thistle with a partly edible flower`artichoke
A plan that is proposed`proposal
A plant having no permanent woody stem: an herb`planted
A plant having no permanent woody stem: an herb`plants
A plant having such a stem`cane
A plant often found growing on trees or rocks`lichen
A plant or animal that establishes itself in an area where it previously did not exist`immigrant
A plant or shrub resembling a ---- in form or size`tree
A plant produced by crossing different species is know as what`a hybrid
A plant that completes its entire life cycle in just one year is generally referred to as a(n):`annual
A plant that lacks chlorophyll`albino
A plant where steel is made: a foundry`steelworks
A plant yielding this bark`cinnamon
A plastic made from such resin`melamine
A plastic resin used in dentistry to coat the chewing surfaces of the back teeth to prevent the growth of cavity-causing bacteria`sealant
A platform extending outdoors from a floor of a house or apartment building`terrace
A platform or surface likened to a ship's`deck
A "platinum" wedding anniversary is celebrated after how many years`70
A plausible but misleading or fallacious argument`sophistry
A play by Lillian Hellman about hatred and greed in a southern family`little foxes
A playing card, die, or domino having one spot or pip`acing
A pleasant characteristic odor, as of a plant, spice, or food: 'the ----- of roses.' fragrance`aroma
A pleasing, agreeable scent or odor. fragrance`perfume
A pleat`plait
A plumed velvet cap with a full crown and small rolled brim, worn in 16th-century France`toque
A plume formerly used to trim women's hats`osprey
A plural of agendum`agenda
A plural of signora`signore
A plural of signore`signori
A pocket, especially in a woman's skirt`placket
A pocket-sized folder or case used to hold money and papers: a billfold`pocketbook
A poem in which the poet or speaker mourns another's death`monodic
A poem of fourteen lines is called a..`sonnet
A poem or song composed especially as a lament for a deceased person`elegies
a poem written to celebrate a ---------- is called a epithalamium`wedding
a poem written to celebrate a wedding is called a----------`epithalamium
A poem written to celebrate a wedding is called an`epithalamium
A poem written to celebrate a wedding is called a(n) ___________`mercury
A poet, especially a lyric poet`bard
A poet`singer
A point at which independent systems or diverse groups interact: the --------- between crime and politics where much of our reality is to be found`interface
A pointed and threaded tool for drilling and boring that is secured in a brace, ---stock, or drill press`bit
A pointed and threaded tool for drilling and boring that is secured in a brace, ----tock, or drill press`bits
A point equidistant from the vertices of a regular polygon`center
A point, line, or surface used as a reference, as in surveying, mapping, or geology`datum
A point or an area of traffic congestion`bottleneck
A point to which rays of light converge is called a`focus
A point to which rays of light converge is called a(n) ________.`focus
A point to which rays of light converge is called a(n) `focus
A poisonous atmosphere formerly thought to rise from swamps and putrid matter and cause disease`miasma
A poker hand consisting of three of a kind and a pair is called a `full house
A poker hand consisting of three of a kind and a pair is called a`Full house
A polar bear's skin is black. Its fur is not white, but actually`clear
A police organization that employs terroristic methods to control a populace`gestapo
A policy or practice of separating or segregating groups`apartheid
A policy toward a rival nation or bloc characterized by increased diplomatic, commercial, and cultural contact and a desire to reduce tensions, as`detente
A polite gesture or remark`courtesies
A polite social utterance: a civility: 'exchanged pleasantries before getting down to business.'`pleasantry
A political, economic, or social order resembling this medieval system`feud
A political or social unit that has such a government`democracy
A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government`fascism
A political policy or advocacy of nonalignment or noninvolvement in conflicting alliances and of attempting to mediate or conciliate in conflicts between states: Neutralism differs fromneutrality in that it is an attitude of mind in time of peace rather than a legal status in time of war`neutralism
Apollo and Zeus were two doberman pinchers on this TV series`magnum pi
Apollo was the greek god of ______ and _______`Prophecy and Archery
Apollo was the greek god of ___ and`prophecy and archery`archery and prophecy
Apollo was the greek god of ______ and`Prophecy and Archery`Archery and Prophecy`Archery Prophecy`Prophecy Archery
Apollo was the greek god of ______`prophecy and archery
apollo was the greek god of`prophecy and`sea
A poll taken shows that between 74 and 94 percent of workers in the United States and Canada take 5 to 15 minutes daily for a --------------.`morning coffee break
A poltroon is a`coward
A poltroon is a(n)....`coward
A polynesian garland of flowers`lei
A pommel is part of a what`saddle
A pool of money, especially one to which a number of people have contributed for a designated purpose`kitty`booty`slush fund`jackpot
A Poplolly is?`A mistress
A popular climbing plant with sweet smelling flowers`sweet pea
A popular mixer to drink with gin`tonic
A pork product that's often served for breakfast`bacon
A porridge made from rolled or ground oats`oatmeal
A portable enclosed chair for one person, having poles in the front and rear and carried by two other people. Also called ----- chair`sedan
A portable serving stand or table`dumbwaiter
A portion of something, such as a publication, issued at intervals`instalment
A position, appointment, or rank giving advancement, as of profit or prestige`preferment
A position in a scale of size, quality, or intensity: 'a poor ----- of lumber.'`grade
A position in which one is employed`job
A position midway between two extremes`midpoint
A position of proximity to others: 'a stranger in our -----.'`midst
A positive or negative integer used to represent this capacity: 'The -------s of copper are 1 and 2.'`valence
A poster depicting Lord Kitchener pointing outwards stated what message`your country needs you
A post or a pair of posts supporting a crossbar and either supporting or extending into the uprights of a goal, as in football`goalpost
Apotemnophobia is the fear of`persons with amputations
A potent alcoholic drink from aniseed`ouzo
A potentially explosive place or situation: 'referred to the crowded prison as a --------- of suppressed violence.'`tinderbox
A "pottery/willow" wedding anniversary is celebrated after how many years`9
A pouch hanging from a saddle or over the rear wheel of a motorcycle or bicycle`saddlebag
A pound of armadillo meat contains how many calories`780 calories
A powerful motivation or impulse`instinct
A powerful person: 'a ------ of vice and corruption.'`sultan
A powerful, shallow-draft boat with a broad bow, intended to push barges on rivers and canals`towboat
A powerful swinging punch delivered from the side`sidewinder
a power of appointment of property is granted`appointee
A power or effect that appears magical by its capacity to transform: 'computer wizardry.'`wizardries
Apparatus for making coffee by circulating water through ground beans`percolater
Apparatus mixing air with petrol vapour in an internal combustion engine`carburettor
Apparatus or specially constructed chamber for maintaining living organisms in an environment that encourages growth`incubator
Apparatus that converts molecules into ions and then separates the ions according to their mass-to-charge ratio?`Mass Spectrometer
Apparatus what was the first chinese dynasty`shang
Apparatus with tubes and mirrors for viewing objects otherwise out of sight`periscope
Apparently similar: '------coel.'`pseudo
Apparently sound but really fallacious: specious: '--------- refutations.'`sophistic
Apparition or double of living person`doppelganger
Appealingly provocative: 'a piquant wit.'`piquancy
Appealing to or gratifying the senses`sensuous
Appealing to or requiring the use of the intellect: intellectual rather than emotional: His approach is --------, analytical, cautious (Helen Dewar)`cerebral
Appearance: aspect: 'the bleak ------ of winter.'`visage
Appearance in public or in the mass media: 'an actor with much recent -------- in television.'`exposure
Appearance Signals Spring In The North Country Is The: Wren, Robin, Blue Jay, Or Cardinal`Robin
Appearance to the eye, especially from a specific vantage point`aspect
---------- appear in 4 shakespearian plays; julius caesar, richard iii, hamlet and macbeth`ghosts
Appearing inclined to fail: discouraging or disappointing: 'had a rocky start, but managed to succeed.'`rockier
Appearing inclined to fail: discouraging or disappointing: 'had a ----- start, but managed to succeed.'`rocky
Appearing singly or at widely scattered localities, as a plant or disease`sporadic
Apples are more efficient than ______ in keeping people awake in the mornings`caffeine
apples, not---------- , are more efficient at waking up in the morning`caffeine
appleton entered the uk charts at no2 in sept 2002 name the single`fantasy
Applicability to social issues: 'a governmental policy lacking ---------.'`relevance
Application of a wrong name`misnomer
Appreciative: 'was glad of the fire's warmth.'`gladly
Appreciative: 'was ---- of the fire's warmth.'`glad
Appropriate for or becoming to a lady. female`ladylike
Appropriate for or suggestive of a funeral: mournful: '-------- gloom.'`funereal
Appropriate to a devil, especially in degree of wickedness or cruelty`diabolic
Approx 800 people died at a firework display in Paris in what year`1770
Approx how long is the feature film "Dances With Wolves"`3 hours
Approximately 1/3 of the earth's land surface is----------`desert
Approximately 16 canadians have their ---------- removed when not required, everyday`appendixes
Approximately, 1 out of 25 people suffer from----------`asthma
Approximately, 1 out of ---------- people suffer from asthma`25
Approximately ---------- cakes of ivory soap had been manufactured by 1990`30 billion
Approximately every minute in the United States there are four marriages, seven ______ and two divorces.`births
Approximately how deep are the deepest mines`four km
Approximately how long after the atomic bombs were dropped on Japan did they surrender`one week
Approximately how long is The Panama Canal (nearest 10 Miles)`50
Approximately how long was the Brachiosaurus, in metres`twenty four
Approximately how long was the Diplodocus, in metres`twenty seven
Approximately how long was the Diplodocus, in metres`twenty seven`27
Approximately how many children did pharaoh ramses ii father`one hundred and six
Approximately how many children did pharaoh ramses ii father`one hundred and sixty
Approximately how many concertos were composed by Antonio Vivaldi`500
Approximately how many dreams does a person have every year`1460
Approximately how many genes are there on one human DNA molecule`80.000
Approximately how many inches are in a meter`Thirty-nine
Approximately how many inches are in a meter`thirty-nine`39`thirty nine
Approximately how many inches are in a metre`thirty nine
Approximately how many inches are there in one meter`thirty nine
Approximately how many inches are there in one meter`thirty nine`39
Approximately how many inches are there in one metre`thirty nine
Approximately how many pounds of cereal will the average american/canadian eat every year`11.9
Approximately how many species of butterfly are there`100 thousand`100,000
Approximately how many spoons are there in the 'New Jersey Spoon Museum'`five
Approximately how many spoons are there in the 'New Jersey Spoon Museum'`five`5
Approximately how many spoons are there in the new jersey spoon museum`five thousand four hundred
Approximately how many times a day does the human heart beat`one million
Approximately how many times a minute does lightning strike the earth`six
approximately how many times a minute does lightning strike the earth`six thousand
Approximately how many times sweeter is saccharin than sucrose`five hundred
Approximately how many times sweeter is saccharin than sucrose`five hundred`500
Approximately how much does the human brain weigh`three pounds
Approximately how much salt is in every gallon of seawater`quarter pound
Approximately how old is the first known written advertisement`three
approximately how old is the first known written advertisement`three thousand
approximately how old is the oldest piece of chewing gum`nine thousand years
Approximately how tall was the Brachiosaurus, in metres`twelve
Approximately how tall was the Brachiosaurus, in metres`twelve`12
Approximately what percentage of sexually active people have engaged in anal sex?`25%
Approximately what percentage of the earth do the oceans cover`seventy one
Approximately what percentage of the earth do the oceans cover`seventy one`71`71%
approximately what percentage of the earth do the oceans cover`seventy one percent
A practical joke`prank
A practical, matter-of-fact way of approaching or assessing situations or of solving problems`pragmatism
A practitioner of artistic or philosophic realism`realist
A practitioner of`hoodoo
A practitioner of minimalism`minimalist
A practitioner of psychoanalysis`analyst
A prayer book`missal
A prayer or other formula used in invoking, as at the opening of a religious service`invocation
A preceding occurrence, cause, or event. cause`antecedent
A precinct commander in a police or fire department, usually ranking above a lieutenant and below a chief`captain
A preconceived preference or idea`prejudice
A predatory person`harpy
A predetermined course of events considered as something beyond human power or control: Marriage and hanging go by destiny (Robert Burton)`destinies
A prediction: a forecast`prevision
A prediction of the future, made under divine inspiration`prophecies
A pregnant goldfish is called a`twit
A preliminary work or construction that serves as a plan from which a final product is to be made: 'a clay ----- ready for casting.'`model
A preparation from the cowpox virus that protects against smallpox`vaccine
A preparation made from the dried flower clusters and leaves of the cannabis plant, usually smoked or eaten to induce euphoria`marihuana
A preparation, such as a shoe or stove polish, that is used to impart a black color`blacking
A prepared dish containing ----- as its main ingredient`pasta
A pressing or urgent situation. crisis`exigencies
A pretense of courage: a false show of bravery`bravado
A pretentious or hypocritical show or ceremony`mummeries
A pretty child`doll
A pretty child`dolls
A prickle or thorn`pricker
April 1912 saw the loss of`the titanic
April 25 is which national holiday in Australia and New Zealand`anzac day
April 25th is what Australian holiday`anzac day
april dancer was "the girl" from this tv series?`the girl from uncle
April fool's day came from ________ when the Gregorian calendar was adopted.`france
A prime underlying element or theme: The ------- of the revolution settlement was personal freedom under the law (G.M. Trevelyan)`keynote
A princess in India ranking above a rani, especially the sovereign ruler of one of the former native states`maharanee
A princess or queen in India or the East Indies`ranee
A princess or queen in India or the East Indies`rani
A principle, rule, or law designed to control or govern conduct`regulation
A printed anthology of the works of one author or of writings on related subjects`omnibus
A printed or written literary work`book
A printed or written literary work`books
A printed or written sign used to represent an operation, element, quantity, quality, or relation, as in mathematics or music`symbol
A printed or written sign used to represent an operation, element, quantity, quality, or relation, as in mathematics or music`symbols
A printed page or image transmitted or received by a --- machine`fax
A printed translation of the dialogue of a foreign-language film shown at the bottom of the screen`subtitle
A print made by this method`silkscreen
A print made from a -------. Also called woodblock, woodprint`woodcut
A private box for incoming mail. Also called letterbox`mailbox
A private lounge adjacent to a legislative chamber`cloakroom
A private place where one is free from intrusion`sancta
A private place where one is free from intrusion`sanctum
A procession of motor vehicles`motorcade
A process or mechanism responsible for the development or motion of a system`dynamism
A proclamation of a czar having the force of law in imperial Russia`ukase
A product line so identified: 'a popular ----- of soap.'`brand
A product of contemplation: a thought. an elegant tapestry of quotations, ------s, aphorisms, and autobiographical reflections (James Atlas)`musing
A product of growing out: a projecting part or offshoot: 'an --------- of new shoots on a branch.'`outgrowth
A product of thinking. idea`thoughts
A professional copyist of manuscripts and documents`scribal
A professional copyist of manuscripts and documents`scribe
A professional warrior belonging to this class`samurai
A program of physical fitness that involves such exercise`aerobics
A prohibition by a government on certain or all trade with a foreign nation`embargo
A prohibition, especially in Polynesia and other South Pacific islands, excluding something from use, approach, or mention because of its sacred and`taboo
A prohibition, especially in Polynesia and other South Pacific islands, excluding something from use, approach, or mention because of its sacred and`tabus
A projecting forward part, such as the front end of a ski`prows
A projecting handle used to adjust or operate a mechanism`lever
A projecting mass or columnar part`jamb
A projecting mass or columnar part`jambs
A projecting or hanging piece usually intended to double over and protect or cover: 'the flap of an envelope.'`flapping
A projecting or hanging piece usually intended to double over and protect or cover: 'the ---- of an envelope.'`flap
A projecting piece of metal or hard rubber attached to the underside of a shoe to provide traction`cleat
A projecting rim or edge: 'the ---- of a hat.'`brim
A prolonged bitter quarrel`vendetta
A prolonged dearth or shortage`drought
A prolonged period, as of illness: 'a ----- of asthma.'`siege
A promenade, especially of planks, along a beach or waterfront`boardwalk
A prominent or notable person`notability
A promoter of speculative or fraudulent business enterprises`wildcatter
A prong on an implement such as a fork or pitchfork`tine
A pronounced feature or part: a highlight`salience
A propagative part of a plant, as a tuber or spore`seed
A propagative part of a plant, as a tuber or spore`seeding
A proposal to drink to someone or something or a speech given before the taking of such a drink`toast
A proposed or tentative project or course of action: 'had no ----s for the evening.'`plan
A prostitute with wealthy or upper class connections`courtesan
A protected stage of development`chrysalis
A protective casing for a system of gears`gearbox
A protective covering, especially a sheath to enclose the base of a floor-mounted gear shift lever in a car or truck`boot
A protective covering, especially a sheath to enclose the base of a floor-mounted gear shift lever in a car or truck`booting
A protective covering or sheath`cots
A protective pier or dock apron used as a buffer against floating ice`icebreaker
A protective, shell-like covering likened to that of a turtle or crustacean: He used to worry that Sarah would age the same way, develop the same`carapace
A psychological condition characterized by self-preoccupation, lack of empathy, and unconscious deficits in self-esteem`narcissism
Aptronyms: best little hairhouse in town`hairdresser
Aptronyms: the booby trap`lingerie
A publication containing various literary works`miscellany
A publication, such as a book or pamphlet, containing such a list or display: 'a ------- of fall fashions: a seed -------.'`catalog
A publication, such as a book, that presents such rules`syntax
A public institution that dispenses medicines or medical aid`dispensary
A public land surveying unit of 36 sections or 36 square miles`township
A public meeting place for open discussion`fora
A public meeting place for open discussion`forum
A public performance or display, especially one on a large or lavish scale`spectacle
A public place for such walking`promenade
A public room next to the assembly chamber of a legislative body`lobbied
A publisher's emblem or trademark placed usually on the title page of a book`colophon
A pudding of stewed fruit under bread`charlotte
a pugilist is a _________`boxer
A pugilist is a `boxer
A punishment by caning on the soles of the feet`bastinado
A purified form: an essence: Finally the President knows the most crucial things about every facet of reality, the pristine ---------- of the world's`distillate
A purifying or figurative cleansing of the emotions, especially pity and fear, described by Aristotle as an effect of tragic drama on its audience`catharses
A purple variety of corundum used as a gemstone`amethyst
A purplish red, one of the subtractive primary colors`magenta
A puzzling or apparently insoluble problem`cruces
A puzzling or apparently insoluble problem`crux
A quadrilateral or triangular sail set from the after part of the mainmast on a fore-and-aft rigged vessel`mainsail
A qualification or explanation`caveat
A quantitative assessment of homogeneity or uniformity`purity
A quantity broken`breakage
A quantity of goods or cargo that are shipped together`shipment
A quantity of something that has seeped`seepage
A quantity required for or produced as the result of one operation: 'made a ----- of cookie dough: mixed a ----- of cement.'`batch
A quarrel: a dispute`argument
a quarter of russia is covered by----------`forest
Aquatic Animals: Living up to the ripe old age of 200 years, this is the world's longest-lived marine animal`Bowhead Whale
Aquatic Animals: This fish has a recorded maximum speed of 112kph (69mph)`Sailfish
Aquatic Animals: With a maximum weight of 704kg (1,552lbs), this is the world's heaviest turtle species`Pacific Leatherback
Aquatic mollusc with hinged double shell`bivalve
A question: a query`enquiries
A question: a query`inquiries
A quick-witted person`smarties
A quilt stuffed with the down of the eider duck`eiderdown
A quiver is a container for what`arrows
A quoting of an authoritative source for substantiation`citation
Arab terrorists hijack Italian ocean liner _____ & kill an American passenger`achille lauro
A race in which a series of such barriers must be jumped without the competitors' breaking their stride`hurdles
A race on skis or in vehicles along such a course, laid out with markers such as flags`slalom
A race or a leg of a race in which this stroke is swum`backstroke
arachibutyrophobia is a fear of ______`peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth
Arachibutyrophobia is the fear of`peanut butter sticking to the roof of the Mouth
Arachnoid refers to what kind of creature`Spider
Arachnoid refers to what kind of insect`spider
arachnophobia is a fear of ______`spiders
Arachnophobia is the fear of`spiders
A racing sledge steered and braked mechanically`bobsleigh
A radian is a unit used to measure what`angle
A radiant light that appears usually in the form of a circle or halo about or over the head in the representation of a god, demigod, saint, or sacred person such as a king or`nimbi
A radiograph`radiogram
A railroad flatcar`flatbed
A railroad passenger car`coach
A railroad signal indicating full speed ahead`highball
A railroad switch`shunt
A raised platform on which theatrical performances are presented`stage
A rallying cry: 'Let our --------- be freedom.'`watchword
A rank or class`tier
A rapid, concentrated discharge of missiles, as from small arms`barrage
A rapid, excited flow of speech`burble
A rapid outburst or barrage: 'a --------- of insults.'`fusillade
A rare or unusual object`curio
a rat can last longer without ---------- than a camel`water
a rat can last longer without water than a----------`camel
A rate or charge based on weight in pounds`poundage
A rattlesnake`rattler
Araucaria or Chile Pine has a more common name, what is it`monkey puzzle tree
A rayon or cotton fabric that is imitative of this silk fabric`shantung
a ---------- razor removed from king tut's tomb was still sharp enough to be used`golden
Arbitrary thought or impulse: 'governed by ----.'`whim
Arborio, patna and basmati are all types of what`rice
Arbour or covered walk arched with climbing plants`pergola
Archaeology. A bifacial core tool flaked to produce a straight sharp edge at one end`cleaver
Archaeology. A crudely flaked core tool, especially one of the early Paleolithic Period`chopper
Archaeology. A mound or deposit containing shells, animal bones, and other refuse that indicates the site of a human settlement. Also called kitchen`midden
Archaeology. A stone fragment removed from a core or from another flake by percussion or pressure, serving as a preform or as a tool or blade itself`flaked
Archaeology. A stone fragment removed from a core or from another flake by percussion or pressure, serving as a preform or as a tool or blade itself`flaking
Archaic. A book on this kind of mathematics`arithmetic
Archaic. A brief flash of light`glimpse
Archaic. A brief verse or sentimental phrase, especially one inscribed on a trinket`posy
Archaic. A buffoon, especially a performing clown`antic
Archaic. A buffoon, especially a performing clown`antics
Archaic. A changeable, fickle person`changeling
Archaic. A country bumpkin: a rustic`hinds
Archaic. A cutting apart or off`concision
Archaic. A dagger with a hilt made of this wood`dudgeon
Archaic. A foot soldier: an infantryman`footman
Archaic. A magic spell: enchantment`glamor
Archaic. A magic spell: enchantment`glamors
Archaic. A magic spell: enchantment`glamours
Archaic. A merited gift or wage`meed
Archaic. A nation: a people`folk
Archaic. A nation: a people`folks
Archaic. An ecclesiastical benefice not attached to the spiritual duties of a parish`sinecure
Archaic. An economical person`economist
Archaic. An evil person`felon
Archaic. An evil person`felons
Archaic. A nickel`jitney
Archaic. An innkeeper`hosteler
Archaic. An insane asylum`bedlam
Archaic. A plait or braid of hair`tress
Archaic. A rumor`bruit
Archaic. A spring or stream of pure, clear water`lymph
Archaic. A ----------th or republic`commonweal
Archaic. A tiny animal, such as a mosquito`animalcule
Archaic. A weak point`blots
Archaic. A wedding: nuptials`hymeneals
Archaic. A writer for a gazette: a journalist`gazetteer
Archaic. Bad or foul air: miasma`malaria
Archaic. Being under obligation: obliged`bounden
Archaic. Coming too early: premature`timelier
Archaic. Dejected`damp
Archaic. Encircled as if by a girdle: girded`succinct
Archaic. Evil: wicked`felonious
Archaic. Exposed to harm, injury, or evil: The town... now lies --------- to its foes (John Bunyan)`obnoxious
Archaic. Faithless: dishonest`unjust
Archaic. Following that immediately: thereupon`thereon
Archaic. Frayed or worn out by use`trite
Archaic. Lacking or deficient`indigent
Archaic. Lacking usefulness or value`thriftless
Archaic. Linen articles, especially garments`lingerie
Archaic. Not sleeping: awake`watchful
Archaic. Pitying: compassionate`piteous
Archaic. Porridge`pottage
Archaic. Preferably: rather`fain
Archaic. Proceeding straight ahead`forthright
Archaic. Quick in producing a strong or marked effect`rash
Archaic. Quick in producing a strong or marked effect`rashest
Archaic. Rigid formality`buckram
Archaic. Silver or something resembling it`argent
Archaic. Standing out: projecting`extant
Archaic. Stately: majestic: imposing`portlier
Archaic. Suitable: handy`commodious
Archaic. Talkative: voluble`flippancy
Archaic. The art or profession of medicine`physicked
Archaic. The fastening belt on a clerical cassock: a cincture`surcingle
Archaic. The flesh of a game animal used as food`venison
Archaic. The necessary equipment for a saddle horse`furniture
Archaic. The pleasure of the table: food`trencher
Archaic. The sense of touch`tact
Archaic. The sense of touch`tacts
Archaic. The side of a ship`shipboard
Archaic. Thirsty`athirst
Archaic. To agree`atone
Archaic. To ask for urgently or repeatedly`importune
Archaic. To be familiar: associate`conversed
Archaic. To be of the same mind or opinion`consent
Archaic. To blindfold`hoodwink
Archaic. To capture`captivate
Archaic. To catch by guile: ensnare`deceive
Archaic. To cause to roll onward or downward`devolve
Archaic. To cause to stop`stint
Archaic. To disgrace`defame
Archaic. To dishonor: disgrace`scandalize
Archaic. To distinguish from something related`extricable
Archaic. To dye or stain into the fiber of`ingrain
Archaic. To exude (venom, for example)`swelter
Archaic. To make certain, definite, and precise`ascertain
Archaic. To make happy`felicitate
Archaic. To make thin or emaciated`extenuate
Archaic. To predict: foretell`boded
Archaic. To proclaim publicly`divulge
Archaic. To promise to marry`betroth
Archaic. To pull, draw, drag, or hoist`hale
Archaic. To speak ill of: belittle`detract
Archaic. To succeed`obtain
Archaic. To take (something valuable or necessary), typically by force`bereave
Archaic. Uncivilized`uncivil
Archaic. Ungenerous, mean, or stingy`illiberal
Archaic. Very wicked: heinous`enormous
Archaic. Vigilant: watchful`aware
Archaic. Watchful: vigilant`lidless
archduke francis ferdinand's murder precipitated which war`world war i
archduke francis ferdinand was murdered in 1912, 1913 or 1914`1914
Arched or domed recess at the end of a church`apse
Archfiend The Devil: Satan. Used with the`archfiend
Archie Bunker's name through the first two pilot films of "All In The Family`archie justice
Archie moore, was world champion in what sport from 1952-1962`boxing
architect of the labyrinth of knossos in crete`daedalus
Architectural style developed in the Eastern Empire`byzantine
Architecture. A design patterned after the leaves of one of these plants, used especially on the capitals of Corinthian columns`acanthi
Architecture. A long heavy horizontal timber used as a support or connector`stringer
Architecture. An ornamental rooflike projection over a niche, altar, or tomb`canopied
Architecture. Of or belonging to the Ionic order`ionic
Architecture. The curved edge at the junction of two intersecting vaults`groin
Architecture. The dimensions of a structural component, such as the base of a column, used as a unit of measurement or standard for determining the proportions of the rest`module
Architecture. The shaft of a column`trunk
Architecture: Which famous building was built by Shih Huang Ti `Great Wall of China
Arch of colours formed in the sky`rainbow
arch, which is essentially a central voussoir`keystone
Arc, radius, and sector are parts of a(n) `circle
Arc, radius, and sector are parts of a(n) _________.`Circle
Arc, radius, & sector are parts of a(n) _________`circle
Arctic white whale,male of wich has a long tusk`narwhal
Ardent emotional attachment or involvement between people: love: 'They kept the ------- alive in their marriage for 35 years.'`romance
A reactionary or dictatorial person`fascist
A reaction in which the atoms in an element lose electrons and the valence of the element is correspondingly increased`oxidation
Area in which aircraft are forbidden to fly`no-fly zone
"---------- are all in your mind."Anonymous`headaches
Are alloys generally weaker or stronger than pure metals`stronger
Area of commerce that encompasses farming or trapping certain furbearing animals, processing their skins for sale to manufacturers of fur garments, & marketing finished garments to retail outlets`fur industry
Area of debris carried down and deposited by glacier`moraine
A rear part or section`stern
A reason given for a particular action or event: 'What is the ------- for this loss?'`account
__________ Are A Warning Sign Against Intruders`Parrots
_______ are banned from looking at the genitals of a corpse.`Muslims
Are barnacles plant life or animals`animals
---------- are called brussel sprouts because they were discovered in brussels`brussel sprouts
A receiver that continuously broadcasts signals it detects from specified radio frequencies: 'heard about the robbery over the police officer's scanner.'`scanners
A recent arrival, participant, or convert: 'a company that was a --------- to the video-game market.'`latecomer
A recent Gallup poll shows that -------- percent of Americans believe they will go somewhere after death.`sixty nine
A recent Gallup Poll Social Audit on gambling showed that ----------- percent of Americans have bought a lottery ticket in the last 12 months, making lotteries by far the favorite choice of gamblers.`fifty seven
A recent Gallup survey showed that in the United States, 8 percent of kissers kept their eyes open, but more than --------------- percent confessed to an occasional peek. Forty-one percent said they experienced their first serious smooch when they were 13, 14, or 15 years old; 36 percent between the ages of 16 and 21.`twenty
A recently produced substance called moissonite has caused consternation in which trade`jewellery
A recent _______ magazine poll showed that 12% of women have posed nude for a photo.`Glamour
A recent study conducted by the Shyness Clinic in Menlo Park, California, revealed that almost 90 percent of Americans label themselves as --------`shy
A recent survey of prostitutes revealed that the most frequent sex act performed is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.`blowjob
A receptacle for holy water is a(n) ________`font
A receptacle for holy water is a(n) `font
A receptacle for sacred relics, especially in an altar`sepulcher
A recess or small valley in the side of a mountain`cove
Are chemical compounds used to kill or inhibit the growth of infectious organisms`antibiotics
---------- are chief export of nauru, an island nation in the western pacific`bird droppings
A recitation or recital, especially of prepared or memorized material`repetition
A record book with periodic entries`logbook
A recorded sound or picture`recordings
A recording made on such a tape`videotape
A record in hieroglyphic symbols`pictograph
A recreational facility, bar, or small general store formerly established for the patronage of soldiers`canteen
A rectangular area surrounded on all four sides by buildings`quadrangle
A rectangular house of one story: a ranch house`rancher
A recurring or persistent problem: the -------s that have plagued vision systems: high price and slow throughput (Lawrence A. Goshorn)`bugaboo
A reddish mark on the skin caused by amorous kissing, biting, or sucking`hickey
A reddish-orange dyestuff prepared from the dried and ground leaves of this plant, used as a cosmetic dye and for coloring leather and fabrics`henna
A reddish powder, chiefly ferric oxide, used to polish metals or glass`rouge
A reddish powder, chiefly ferric oxide, used to polish metals or glass`rouging
Are Dead, One Which Was Assassinated. What Am I`Mount Rushmore
A red fruit like a blackberry`raspberry
a red-haired man is more likely to go ---------- than anyone else`bald
A reed stop in an organ, having eight-foot pitch`tuba
A reed stop in an organ that produces a sound similar to that of the`oboe
"---------- are expected to do twice as much as men in half the time and for no credit. Fortunately, this isn't difficult."- Charlotte Whitton (1896 - 1975)`women
A reference file in a newspaper or magazine office`morgue
A reference standard or sample used for the quantitative comparison of properties: 'The standard kilogram is maintained as a ------- of mass.'`measure
A reflecting telescope`reflector
A refrigerator`icebox
A refuge: a haven`shelter
A refund or remittance, such as a discount on duties or taxes for goods destined for reexport`drawback
A refusal to grant the truth of a statement or allegation: a contradiction`denial
A region of the earth considered in relation to its distance from the equator: 'temperate --------s.'`latitude
A region of the earth having particular meteorological conditions: 'lives in a cold -------.'`climate
A region or condition of oblivion or neglect: 'Management kept her promotion in ----- for months.'`limbo
A region or locality marked by a distinguishing feature: 'went to the lake -------- for their vacation.'`district
A region, realm, or dwelling place conceived to be below the surface of the earth`underworld
A region remote from urban areas: backcountry`hinterland
A region yielding much grain`granaries
A regulated daily food allowance`dietaries
A regulated selection of foods, as for medical reasons or cosmetic weight loss`diet
Are _______ In Origin, Are Largely English-Speaking`Indian
---------- are in the same family as horses, and are thought to have inspired the myth of the unicorn`rhinos
A relationship between things or parts of things with respect to comparative magnitude, quantity, or degree: 'the proper ---------- between oil and vinegar in`proportion
A relationship between two different types of organism which live together for their mutual benefit.`symbiosis
A relationship of characteristic correspondence, equivalence, or identity among constituents of an entity or between different entities: 'the narrative`symmetries
A relationship of mutual benefit or dependence`symbioses
A relative degree, as of achievement, intensity, or concentration: 'an unsafe level of toxicity: a high level of frustration.'`leveling
A relative degree, as of achievement, intensity, or concentration: 'an unsafe level of toxicity: a high level of frustration.'`levelling
A relative degree, as of achievement, intensity, or concentration: 'an unsafe ----- of toxicity: a high ----- of frustration.'`level
A relative descended from a common ancestor, such as a grandparent, by two or more steps in a diverging line`cousin
A relatively small piece or fragment of such material`rock
A relatively small piece or fragment of such material`rocks
A relatively stable level, period, or state: 'Mortgage rates declined, then reached a -------.'`plateau
A relic of the past: living --------s of the world of vegetation (John Olmsted)`dinosaur
A religious body, especially one that has separated from a larger denomination`sect
A religious feast day: a holy day`holiday
"------------ are more dangerous foes of truth than lies."- Nietzsche`convictions
Are most cats right pawed or left pawed`left
A renaissance: a revival: 'a ------- of classicism in architecture.'`rebirth
A renaissance: a revival: 'a rebirth of classicism in architecture.'`reboot
Arenas what 1,300- foot column of basalt do wyoming indians want to keep people from climbing`devil's tower
"--------- aren't exactly people...they're a whole lot of people trying to be one person."- F. Scott Fitzgerald`writers
Are periwinkles animal, vegetable or mineral`vegetable
A repertory theater`reps
A reply or an answer`response
A report in the medical journal 'Lancet' found that children had significantly higher IQs if, as babies, they had been what?`Breast-fed
A representation: a copy`semblance
A representation of an object or structure seen from the side. form`profile
A representation of an ----- used as an emblem or insignia`eagle
A representation of such a being, especially in Christianity, conventionally in the image of a human figure with a halo and wings`angel
A representation of such an object`totem
A representation of such a string or garland, as in painting or sculpture`festoon
A representation of such a wreath or festoon, used as an architectural ornament or heraldic device`garland
A representation of this beetle, such as a ceramic or stone sculpture or a cut gem, used in ancient Egypt as a talisman and a symbol of the soul. Also`scarab
A representation of this ring or circlet, as in woodwork`wreath
A representation or description`portrayal
A representation or picture of a sacred or sanctified Christian personage, traditionally used and venerated in the Eastern Church`icon
A representation or picture of a sacred or sanctified Christian personage, traditionally used and venerated in the Eastern Church`icons
A representative portion: a sample: 'quoted ------es of the speech in his article.'`swatch
A representative to a conference or convention`delegate
A reproach, gibe, or taunt`twit
A reproduction on this kind of film`microfilm
A republic in central america`costa rica
A reputation for sound character or quality: standing: 'It is to their ------ that they worked so hard without complaining.'`credit
A required acceleration of work or production without an increase in pay`speedup
are reptiles warm or cold blooded?`cold
A research scientist is sometimes called this`boffin
A resentful mood: 'in a ----- about the delays.'`peeve
A reservation, as for accommodations at a hotel`bookings
A residence, often with a terrace, on the top floor or floors of a building`penthouse
A resident of a city or town, especially one entitled to vote and enjoy other privileges there`citizen
A resolving to do something`resolution
A resort area having mineral springs`spa
A resort area having mineral springs`spas
A resort to a higher authority or greater power, as for sanction, corroboration, or a decision: 'an ------ to reason: an ------ to her listener's`appeal
A resounding blow`smacker
A respite from a disagreeable state of affairs`truce
Ares, Thor and Mars are all what`gods of war
A restless longing for better circumstances`discontent
A restoration to use, acceptance, activity, or vigor: a revival`resurgence
A restriction`limitation
A restyling or modernization, as of a building`facelift
A result of total destruction`ruin
A result or effect that is intended or desired: an intention. intention`purpose
A retaliatory action, maneuver, or retort`riposte
A retaliatory means of discouraging enemy attack: 'a nuclear ---------.'`deterrent
Aretha franklin sang 'Think' in which film`Blues Brothers
Aretha Franklin sang this song in the original Blues Brothers movie?`Think
---------- are the oldest, most widely cultivated and extensively used nuts in the world`almonds
"------------ are the only creatures that allow their children to come home."- Bill Cosby (1937 - )`human beings
---------- are the only mammals that are retro-mingent (they pee backwards)`cattle
Are there any plants that use insects for food`yes
Are there more sheep than people in the Falkland Islands`yes
Are there ski resorts in Hawaii`yes
Are The Rules Of Boxing Named`John Shoto-Douglas
Are the Spenser Mountains in New Zealands North or South Island`south
A retractable vertical tube in a diesel-engine submarine that contains air-intake and exhaust pipes for the engines and for ventilation, permitting extended`snorkel
A return to an original theme`reprise
A return to a normal condition`recoveries
A return to a normal condition`recovery
A return to popularity: 'Wide ties are making a -------- this year.'`comeback
"------------- are useless. They can only give you answers."- Pablo Picasso`computers
A revised or new version, as of a book or other written material`revision
A revival in the 18th and 19th centuries in architecture and art, especially in the decorative arts, characterized by order, symmetry, and simplicity of`neoclassic
Are yabbies found in fresh or salt water`fresh
Are you a pervert?`Yes
"are you pondering what i'm pondering"where is this quote from`pinky & the brain
Are you standing or sitting when you put your coccyx on the floor`sitting
Argentina's capital city`buenos aires
Argentina's most infamous president`carlos menem
Argentina what do x and y chromosomes combine in making`males
Argentine actress, starred the oscar-winning movie the official story`norma aleandro
Argentine's best known tango superstar`carlos gardel
A rhea`ostrich
A Rhinologist specialises in the human`nose
A rhythmic cheer uttered or chanted in unison`yell
A ribbon made of this fabric`grosgrain
A rich broth resulting from the prolonged cooking of meat or vegetables, especially greens. Also called pot`liquor
A rich deep red color`crimson
A rich deep red colour`crimson
A rich or productive source: 'found the book an indispensable quarry of information.'`quarried
A rich supply or resource`stockpot
A riddle or a hard question`conundrum
A ride on a horse at this pace`trot
Ariel is a natural satellite of what planet`uranus
Ariel is a satellite of which planet in the solar system`uranus
A right-angled bend in a pipe or conduit: an elbow`ell
A right-angled bend in a pipe or conduit: an elbow`ells
A right circular`cone
A rigid framework, as of wooden beams or metal bars, designed to support a structure, such as a roof`truss
A ring: a circle`cirque
A rinsing agent used to give a silver tint to gray or graying hair`blueing
A rinsing agent used to give a silver tint to gray or graying hair`bluings
A rise of ground: a hill`eminence
Arising from, characterized by, or showing -------ness: 'a ------- whim.'`selfish
Arising from or based on differences among human racial groups: 'racial conflict: racial discrimination.'`racially
Arising from or marked by careful consideration: 'a ---------- decision.' voluntary`deliberate
arithmophobia is a fear of ____`numbers
Arithmophobia is the fear of`numbers
A river that runs through the Himalayas,Tibet and NE India joining the Ganges at its delta in Bangladesh`brahmaputra
Arkansas became a state on June 15 _______`1836
Arlanda is the airport which serves which European city`stockholm
arlington is the advanced form of what card game`rummy
Armadillos can walk where`underwater
Armoured glove`gauntlet
Arms in what language was bambi originally published`german
Armstrong Short, simple, descriptive poem idealizing country life`idyll
Army Did Admiral Nelson Defeat At The Battle Of Trafalgar`Napoleon
Army officer ranked below major-general`brigadier
Army unit usually of 300-1000 men`battalion
Army what bird has double-plumed feathers`emu
Arnold Schwarzeneggers screen name in his early career was`Arnold Strong
Arnold Strong was his screen name in his early career. What name is he known by now`Arnold Schwarzenegger
A road designed for fast-moving traffic: an expressway`speedway
A road, way, or track made for a particular purpose: 'a bicycle ----.'`path
A road, way, or track made for a particular purpose: 'a bicycle path.'`paths
A robe of office: a professional or ceremonial gown`toga
A robin's egg is blue, but if you put it in vinegar for thirty days, what color does it turn`yellow
A rock or mineral bearing such a mark or marks`dendrite
A rocky peak or hill`tor
A rod used to clean the barrel of a firearm`ramrod
A roll or throw of this ball, as in`bowling
A roll or throw of this ball, as in ----ing`bowl
A roman city buried by a volcano in AD79 was rediscovered in the 1700s, what was its name`pompeii
Aromatic bitter bark of S.American tree`angostura
Aromatic gum resin burnt as incense`frankincense
Aromatic herb used in cookery`marjoram
Aromatic herb with dull greyish green leaves`sage
Aromatic plant used for seasoning and salads`coriander
A roofed and arcaded passageway: a colonnade`piazza
A roofless inner courtyard, typically found in Spanish and Spanish-style dwellings`patio
A rooflike structure, often bearing a signboard, projecting over an entrance, as to a theater or hotel. Also called marquise`marquee
A roof`roofing
A room in a church used for meetings and classes`vestries
A room in a facility, such as a school, in which lunches may be purchased or those brought from home may be eaten`lunchroom
A room in which military prisoners are confined`guardroom
A room or booth containing such a fixture`toilet
A room or building i which dead bodies are kept`mortuary
A room or other place containing facilities for urinating`urinal
A room with a glass roof`solarium
A rope for picketing grazing horses or mules`lariat
A roselike marking or formation, such as one of the clusters of spots on a leopard's fur`rosette
A rotor or rotor blade`impeller
A rough cloth of camel's hair, goat hair, hemp, cotton, or flax`sackcloth
Around 3000 bc, what writing system originated in sumer`Cuneiform
A rounded globular mass of cells, such as the pressure receptor on certain nerve endings`corpuscle
A rounded handle, as on a drawer or door`knob
A rounded projection or swelling: a -----cle`tuber
A rounded protuberance formed by the bones in a joint`knuckle
around the perimeter of rome, a 250km labyrinth serves as a graveyard for the early christians is known as the`catacombs
A roundtrip on a passenger vehicle at a special low fare`excursion
Arousing contemptuous pity, as through ineptitude or inadequacy. pathetic`pitiful
Arousing doubt: doubtful: 'a ------- distinction.'`dubious
Arousing laughter`amusing
Arousing sexual desire`erogenous
A 'roux' is produced when making which food`sauce
A rowdy or violent young person`hoods
A rowdy`roughneck
A row of curbstones: a curb`curbings
A row of the hairs fringing the eyelid`eyelash
Arrhenphobia is the fear of`men
Arriving in New York, who famously said 'I have nothing to declare except my genius'`oscar wilde
Arrogant or boastful speech or manner`brag
Arrogant or proud: conceited`chestier
Arrogant or proud: conceited`chesty
Arrow who wrote the 'unfinished symphony'`wolfgang amadeus mozart
Arsenic trioxide`arsenic
Art and Literature: What did Sherlock Holmes keep in the toe of a Persian slipper`Pipe tobacco
art and literature: who painted self portrait with bandaged ear`vincent van gogh
Artemis was the greek goddess of the ______`hunt
ART: For which type of paintings are 16th century artists Nicholas Hilliard and Isaac Oliver chiefly known`miniatures
Articles of dress or adornment, especially accessories`trappings
Artificial barrier or obstacle on a motor racing course`chicane
Artificial rain was first used near _______, New Hampshire, in 1947 to fight a forest fire`concord
Artillery NCO below the rank of sergeant`bombadier
ART: In 1504 Michaelangelo completed the sculptureDavid which other Renaissance artist cast a bronze David in 1433`donatello