
441 lines
16 KiB

'use strict';
const config = require('config');
const Promise = require('bluebird');
// const bhttp = require('bhttp');
const mime = require('mime');
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const sharp = require('sharp');
const path = require('path');
const blake2 = require('blake2');
const logger = require('./logger')(__filename);
const knex = require('./knex');
const { get } = require('./utils/http');
const { ex } = require('./utils/q');
const chunk = require('./utils/chunk');
function getHash(buffer) {
const hash = blake2.createHash('blake2b', { digestLength: 24 });
return hash.digest('hex');
async function createThumbnail(buffer) {
try {
const thumbnail = sharp(buffer)
withoutEnlargement: true,
return thumbnail;
} catch (error) {
logger.error(`Failed to create thumbnail: ${error.message}`);
return null;
function groupFallbacksByPriority(chunks) {
Chunks naturally give priority to all of the first item's fallbacks, generally lower quality images.
This function ensures every item's first source is tried, before trying every item's second source, etc., example:
IN: [[1, 2, 3,], 10, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, 2, 3]]
OUT [[1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2], [3, 3, 3], [4], [5]]
return => group.reduce((acc, item) => {
if (Array.isArray(item)) {
// place provided fallbacks at same index (priority) in parent array
item.forEach((fallback, fallbackIndex) => {
if (!acc[fallbackIndex]) {
acc[fallbackIndex] = [];
return acc;
// no fallbacks provided, first priority
if (!acc[0]) {
acc[0] = [];
return acc;
}, []).flat());
function pluckItems(items, specifiedLimit, asFallbacks = true) {
const limit = specifiedLimit ||;
if (!items || items.length <= limit) return items;
if (asFallbacks) {
const chunks = chunk(items, Math.ceil(items.length / limit));
const fallbacks = groupFallbacksByPriority(chunks);
return fallbacks;
const plucked = [1]
Array.from({ length: limit - 1 }, (value, index) => Math.round((index + 1) * (items.length / (limit - 1)))),
return Array.from(new Set(plucked)).map(itemIndex => items[itemIndex - 1]); // remove duplicates, may happen when photo total and photo limit are close
function pickQuality(items) {
const itemsByQuality = items.reduce((acc, item) => ({ ...acc, [item.quality]: item }), {});
const item =, quality) => acc || itemsByQuality[quality], null);
return item || items[0];
async function getMeta(buffer) {
try {
const { entropy } = await sharp(buffer).stats();
const { width, height, size } = await sharp(buffer).metadata();
return {
} catch (error) {
logger.warn(`Failed to retrieve image entropy, using 7.5: ${error.message}`);
return 7.5;
async function extractItem(source) {
// const res = await bhttp.get(source.src);
const res = await get(source.src);
if (res.statusCode === 200) {
const { qu } = ex(res.body.toString());
return source.extract(qu);
return null;
async function fetchSource(source, domain, role) {
logger.silly(`Fetching ${domain} ${role} from ${source.src || source}`);
// const res = await bhttp.get(source.src || source);
const res = await get(source.src || source, {
headers: {
...(source.referer && { referer: source.referer }),
...( && { host: }),
if (res.statusCode === 200) {
const { pathname } = new URL(source.src || source);
const mimetype = mime.getType(pathname);
const extension = mime.getExtension(mimetype);
const hash = getHash(res.body);
const { entropy, size, width, height } = /image/.test(mimetype) ? await getMeta(res.body) : {};
logger.silly(`Fetched media item from ${source.src || source}`);
return {
file: res.body,
entropy: entropy || null,
size: size || null,
width: width || null,
height: height || null,
quality: source.quality || null,
source: source.src || source,
scraper: source.scraper,
copyright: source.copyright,
throw new Error(`Response ${res.statusCode} not OK`);
async function fetchItem(source, index, existingItemsBySource, domain, role, attempt = 1, originalSource = null, sourceIndex = 0) {
try {
if (!source) {
throw new Error(`Empty ${domain} ${role} source in ${originalSource}`);
if (Array.isArray(source)) {
if (source.every(sourceX => sourceX.quality)) {
// various video qualities provided
const selectedSource = pickQuality(source);
return fetchItem(selectedSource, index, existingItemsBySource, domain, role, attempt, originalSource);
// fallbacks provided
return source.reduce((outcome, sourceX, sourceIndexX) => outcome.catch(
async () => fetchItem(sourceX, index, existingItemsBySource, domain, role, attempt, source, sourceIndexX),
), Promise.reject(new Error()));
if (source.src && source.extract) {
// source links to page containing a (presumably) tokenized photo
const itemSource = await extractItem(source);
return fetchItem(itemSource, index, existingItemsBySource, domain, role, attempt, source, sourceIndex);
if (existingItemsBySource[source]) {
return null;
return await fetchSource(source, domain, role, originalSource);
} catch (error) {
logger.warn(`Failed attempt ${attempt}/3 to fetch ${domain} ${role} ${index + 1} (${source.src || source}): ${error}`);
if (source && attempt < 3) {
// only retry if source is provided at all
await Promise.delay(5000);
return fetchItem(source, index, existingItemsBySource, domain, role, attempt + 1, originalSource, sourceIndex);
if (originalSource && sourceIndex < originalSource.length - 1) {
throw error; // gets caught to try next source
return null;
async function fetchItems(itemSources, existingItemsBySource, domain, role) {
return, async (source, index) => fetchItem(source, index, existingItemsBySource, domain, role)).filter(Boolean);
async function saveItems(items, domain, role) {
return, async (item) => {
try {
const dir = item.hash.slice(0, 2);
const subdir = item.hash.slice(2, 4);
const filename = item.quality
? `${item.hash.slice(4)}_${item.quality}.${item.extension}`
: `${item.hash.slice(4)}.${item.extension}`;
const filedir = path.join(`${role}s`, dir, subdir);
const filepath = path.join(filedir, filename);
await fs.mkdir(path.join(, filedir), { recursive: true });
await fs.writeFile(path.join(, filepath), item.file);
if (/image/.test(item.mimetype)) {
const thumbnail = await createThumbnail(item.file);
const thumbdir = path.join(`${role}s`, 'thumbs', dir, subdir);
const thumbpath = path.join(thumbdir, filename);
await fs.mkdir(path.join(, thumbdir), { recursive: true });
await fs.writeFile(path.join(, thumbpath), thumbnail);
logger.verbose(`Saved ${domain} ${role} with thumbnail to ${filepath}`);
return {
mimetype: item.mimetype,
extension: item.extension,
hash: item.hash,
size: item.size,
width: item.width,
height: item.height,
quality: item.quality,
entropy: item.entropy,
scraper: item.scraper,
copyright: item.copyright,
source: item.source,
logger.verbose(`Saved ${domain} ${role} to ${filepath}`);
return {
mimetype: item.mimetype,
extension: item.extension,
hash: item.hash,
size: item.size,
width: item.width,
height: item.height,
quality: item.quality,
entropy: item.entropy,
scraper: item.scraper,
copyright: item.copyright,
source: item.source,
} catch (error) {
logger.error(`Failed to store ${domain} ${role} from ${item.source}: ${error.message}`);
return null;
function curateItemEntries(items) {
return items.filter(Boolean).map((item, index) => ({
path: item.filepath,
thumbnail: item.thumbpath,
mime: item.mimetype,
hash: item.hash,
size: item.size,
width: item.width,
height: item.height,
quality: item.quality,
entropy: item.entropy,
source: item.source,
scraper: item.scraper,
copyright: item.copyright,
function groupItems(items) {
return items.reduce((acc, item) => ({
source: { ...acc.source, [item.source]: item },
hash: { ...acc.hash, [item.hash]: item },
}), {
source: {},
hash: {},
async function storeMedia(sources, domain, role, { entropyFilter = 2.5 } = {}) {
const presentSources = sources.filter(source => typeof source === 'string' || Array.isArray(source) || (source && source.src));
if (presentSources.length === 0) {
return {};
console.log(presentSources, presentSources.length);
// split up source list to prevent excessive RAM usage
const itemChunksBySource = await Promise.all(chunk(presentSources, 50).map(async (sourceChunk, index) => {
try {
// find source duplicates that don't need to be re-downloaded or re-saved
const existingSourceItems = await knex('media').whereIn('source', sourceChunk.flat().map(source => source.src || source));
const { source: existingSourceItemsBySource, hash: existingSourceItemsByHash } = groupItems(existingSourceItems);
// download media items from new sources
const fetchedItems = await fetchItems(sourceChunk, existingSourceItemsBySource, domain, role);
const { hash: fetchedItemsByHash } = groupItems(fetchedItems);
// find hash duplicates that don't need to be re-saved
const uniqueFetchedItems = Object.values(fetchedItemsByHash).filter(item => !entropyFilter || item.entropy === null || item.entropy >= entropyFilter);
const existingHashItems = await knex('media').whereIn('hash', => item.hash));
const { hash: existingHashItemsByHash } = groupItems(existingHashItems);
// save new items to disk
const newItems = uniqueFetchedItems.filter(item => !existingHashItemsByHash[item.hash]);
const savedItems = await saveItems(newItems, domain, role);
// store new items in database
const curatedItemEntries = curateItemEntries(savedItems);
const storedItems = await knex('media').insert(curatedItemEntries).returning('*');
const { hash: storedItemsByHash } = groupItems(Array.isArray(storedItems) ? storedItems : []);
// accumulate existing and new items by source to be mapped onto releases
const itemsByHash = { ...existingSourceItemsByHash, ...existingHashItemsByHash, ...storedItemsByHash };
const itemsBySource = {
...fetchedItems.reduce((acc, item) => ({ ...acc, [item.source]: itemsByHash[item.hash] }), {}),
};`Stored batch ${index + 1} with ${fetchedItems.length} of new ${domain} ${role}s`);
return itemsBySource;
} catch (error) {
logger.error(`Failed to store ${domain} ${role} batch ${index + 1}: ${error.message}`);
return null;
return itemChunksBySource.reduce((acc, itemChunk) => ({ ...acc, ...itemChunk }), {});
function extractPrimaryItem(associations, targetId, role, primaryRole, primaryItemsByTargetId) {
if (!primaryRole) {
return { [role]: associations, [primaryRole]: null };
if (primaryItemsByTargetId[targetId]) {
const remainingAssociations = associations.filter(association => association.media_id !== primaryItemsByTargetId[targetId].media_id);
return { [role]: remainingAssociations, [primaryRole]: null };
return {
[role]: associations.slice(1),
[primaryRole]: associations.slice(0, 1)[0],
function associateTargetMedia(targetId, sources, mediaBySource, domain, role, primaryRole, primaryItemsByTargetId) {
if (!sources) return { [role]: null, [primaryRole]: null };
const mediaIds = sources
.map((source) => {
if (!source) return null;
if (Array.isArray(source)) {
const availableSource = source.find(fallbackSource => mediaBySource[fallbackSource.src || fallbackSource]);
return mediaBySource[availableSource];
return mediaBySource[source.src || source];
// .sort((mediaItemA, mediaItemB) => mediaItemB.height - mediaItemA.height) // prefer high res images for primary item
.map(mediaItem =>;
const uniqueMediaIds = Array.from(new Set(mediaIds));
const associations = => ({ [`${domain}_id`]: targetId, media_id: mediaId }));
logger.silly(`Associating ${associations.length} ${role}s to ${domain} ${targetId}`);
return extractPrimaryItem(associations, targetId, role, primaryRole, primaryItemsByTargetId);
async function associateMedia(sourcesByTargetId, mediaBySource, domain, role, primaryRole) {
const primaryItems = primaryRole ? await knex(`${domain}s_${primaryRole}s`).whereIn(`${domain}_id`, Object.keys(sourcesByTargetId)) : [];
const primaryItemsByTargetId = primaryItems.reduce((acc, item) => ({ ...acc, [item[`${domain}_id`]]: item }), {});
const associationsPerTarget = await, ([targetId, sources]) => associateTargetMedia(targetId, sources, mediaBySource, domain, role, primaryRole, primaryItemsByTargetId));
const associations = => association[role]).flat().filter(Boolean);
const primaryAssociations = => association[primaryRole]).filter(Boolean);`Associated ${associations.length} ${role}s to ${domain}s`);
if (primaryRole)`Associated ${primaryAssociations.length} extracted ${primaryRole}s to ${domain}s`);
return Promise.all([
(associations.length > 0 && knex.raw(`${knex(`${domain}s_${role}s`).insert(associations).toString()} ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING`)),
(primaryAssociations.length > 0 && knex.raw(`${knex(`${domain}s_${primaryRole}s`).insert(primaryAssociations).toString()} ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING`)),
module.exports = {