'use strict'; const config = require('config'); const manticore = require('manticoresearch'); const args = require('yargs').argv; const knex = require('../knex'); const mantiClient = new manticore.ApiClient(); mantiClient.basePath = `http://${config.database.manticore.host}:${config.database.manticore.httpPort}`; const searchApi = new manticore.SearchApi(mantiClient); const utilsApi = new manticore.UtilsApi(mantiClient); const indexApi = new manticore.IndexApi(mantiClient); const update = args.update; async function fetchActors() { // manually select date of birth, otherwise it is retrieved in local timezone but interpreted as UTC... const actors = await knex.raw(` SELECT actors.*, date_of_birth AT TIME ZONE 'Europe/Amsterdam' AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' as dob FROM actors GROUP BY actors.id; `); return actors.rows; } async function init() { if (update) { await utilsApi.sql('drop table actors'); await utilsApi.sql(`create table actors( id int, name text, slug string, gender string, date_of_birth timestamp, country string, has_avatar bool, weight int, height int, cup string, natural_boobs int, penis_length int, penis_girth int )`); const actors = await fetchActors(); const docs = actors.map((actor) => ({ insert: { index: 'actors', id: actor.id, doc: { name: actor.name, slug: actor.slug, gender: actor.gender || undefined, date_of_birth: actor.dob ? Math.round(actor.dob.getTime() / 1000) : undefined, has_avatar: !!actor.avatar_media_id, country: actor.birth_country_alpha2 || undefined, height: actor.height || undefined, weight: actor.weight || undefined, cup: actor.cup || undefined, natural_boobs: actor.natural_boobs === null ? 0 : Number(actor.natural_boobs) + 1, // manticore bool does not seem to support null, and we need three states for natural_boobs: yes, no and unknown penis_length: actor.penis_length || undefined, penis_girth: actor.penis_girth || undefined, }, }, })); const data = await indexApi.bulk(docs.map((doc) => JSON.stringify(doc)).join('\n')).catch((error) => { console.log(error); }); console.log('data', data); knex.destroy(); return; } const result = await searchApi.search({ index: 'actors', query: { equals: { has_avatar: 1, }, }, limit: 3, sort: [{ slug: 'asc' }], }); console.log(result); console.log(result.hits?.hits); knex.destroy(); } init();