'use strict'; const config = require('config'); const logger = require('./logger')(__filename); const argv = require('./argv'); const knex = require('./knex'); const whereOr = require('./utils/where-or'); function curateEntity(entity, includeParameters = false) { if (!entity) { return null; } const curatedEntity = entity.id ? { id: entity.id, name: entity.name, url: entity.url, description: entity.description, slug: entity.slug, type: entity.type, parameters: includeParameters ? entity.parameters : null, parent: curateEntity(entity.parent), } : {}; if (entity.children) { curatedEntity.children = entity.children.map(child => curateEntity({ ...child, parent: curatedEntity.id ? curatedEntity : null, }, includeParameters)); } return curatedEntity; } async function curateEntities(entities, includeParameters) { return Promise.all(entities.map(async entity => curateEntity(entity, includeParameters))); } async function fetchChannelsFromArgv() { const rawNetworks = await knex.raw(` /* networks from argument with channels as children */ WITH RECURSIVE children AS ( SELECT entities.* FROM entities WHERE slug = ANY(?) AND entities.type = 'network' UNION ALL SELECT entities.* FROM entities INNER JOIN children ON children.id = entities.parent_id ) SELECT entities.*, row_to_json(parents) as parent, json_agg(children) as children FROM children LEFT JOIN entities ON entities.id = children.parent_id LEFT JOIN entities AS parents ON parents.id = entities.parent_id WHERE children.type = 'channel' GROUP BY children.parent_id, entities.id, entities.name, parents.id UNION ALL /* channels from argument as the child of network with parent */ SELECT entities.*, row_to_json(parents) as parent, json_agg(row_to_json(children)) FROM entities AS children LEFT JOIN entities ON entities.id = children.parent_id LEFT JOIN entities AS parents ON parents.id = entities.parent_id WHERE children.slug = ANY(?) AND children.type = 'channel' GROUP BY entities.id, parents.id; `, [argv.networks || [], argv.channels || []]); const curatedNetworks = await curateEntities(rawNetworks.rows, true); logger.info(`Found ${curatedNetworks.length} networks in database`); return curatedNetworks; } async function fetchChannelsFromConfig() { const rawNetworks = await knex.raw(` WITH RECURSIVE channels AS ( /* select configured channels and networks */ SELECT entities.* FROM entities WHERE CASE WHEN :includeAll THEN /* select all top level networks and independent channels */ entities.parent_id IS NULL ELSE ((entities.slug = ANY(:includedNetworks) AND entities.type = 'network') OR (entities.slug = ANY(:includedChannels) AND entities.type = 'channel')) END AND NOT ( (entities.slug = ANY(:excludedNetworks) AND entities.type = 'network') OR (entities.slug = ANY(:excludedChannels) AND entities.type = 'channel')) UNION ALL /* select recursive children of configured networks */ SELECT entities.* FROM entities INNER JOIN channels ON channels.id = entities.parent_id WHERE NOT ((entities.slug = ANY(:excludedNetworks) AND entities.type = 'network') OR (entities.slug = ANY(:excludedChannels) AND entities.type = 'channel')) ) /* select recursive channels as children of networks */ SELECT entities.*, json_agg(channels) as children FROM channels LEFT JOIN entities ON entities.id = channels.parent_id WHERE channels.type = 'channel' GROUP BY entities.id `, { includeAll: !config.include?.networks && !config.include?.channels, includedNetworks: config.include?.networks || [], includedChannels: config.include?.channels || [], excludedNetworks: config.exclude?.networks || [], excludedChannels: config.exclude?.channels || [], }); const curatedNetworks = rawNetworks.rows.map(entity => curateEntity(entity, true)); return curatedNetworks; } async function fetchIncludedEntities() { if (argv.networks || argv.channels) { return fetchChannelsFromArgv(); } return fetchChannelsFromConfig(); } async function fetchChannels(queryObject) { const sites = await knex('sites') .where(builder => whereOr(queryObject, 'sites', builder)) .select( 'sites.*', 'networks.name as network_name', 'networks.slug as network_slug', 'networks.url as network_url', 'networks.description as network_description', 'networks.parameters as network_parameters', ) .leftJoin('networks', 'sites.network_id', 'networks.id') .limit(100); return curateEntities(sites); } async function fetchChannelsFromReleases() { const sites = await knex('releases') .select('site_id', '') .leftJoin('sites', 'sites.id', 'releases.site_id') .groupBy('sites.id') .limit(100); return curateEntities(sites); } module.exports = { curateEntity, curateEntities, fetchIncludedEntities, fetchChannels, fetchChannelsFromConfig, fetchChannelsFromArgv, fetchChannelsFromReleases, };