Added stand-alone Spizoo sites.

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DebaucheryLibrarian 2022-02-07 21:58:27 +01:00
parent 5630b16e99
commit fffe9080f3
52 changed files with 127 additions and 17 deletions

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View File

@ -8537,6 +8537,51 @@ const sites = [
tags: ['solo'], tags: ['solo'],
parent: 'spizoo', parent: 'spizoo',
}, },
slug: 'mrluckypov',
name: 'Mr. Lucky POV',
url: '',
tags: ['pov'],
parent: 'spizoo',
slug: 'mrluckyvip',
name: 'Mr. Lucky VIP',
url: '',
tags: ['bts'],
parent: 'spizoo',
slug: 'mrluckyraw',
name: 'Mr. Lucky Raw',
url: '',
parent: 'spizoo',
slug: 'firstclasspov',
name: 'First Class POV',
url: '',
tags: ['pov'],
parent: 'spizoo',
slug: 'rawattack',
name: 'Raw Attack',
url: '',
parent: 'spizoo',
slug: 'realsensual',
name: 'Real Sensual',
url: '',
parent: 'spizoo',
slug: 'vlogxxx',
name: 'VlogXXX',
url: '',
parent: 'spizoo',
{ {
slug: 'exxxtrasmall', slug: 'exxxtrasmall',

View File

@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ async function scrapeScene(scene, entity, options) {
} }
} }
release.trailer = `${}/${scene.identifier}/preview.mp4`; release.teaser = `${}/${scene.identifier}/preview.mp4`; = =
.replace(/[! .]/g, '') .replace(/[! .]/g, '')

View File

@ -14,13 +14,16 @@ function scrapeAll(scenes) {
release.url = query.url('a'); release.url = query.url('a');
release.entryId = getEntryId(release.url); release.entryId = getEntryId(release.url);
release.title = query.cnt('.title-label a'); release.title = query.cnt('.title-label a, .thumb-title a, .p-7, .text h3');
release.actors = query.all('.update_models a').map((el) => ({ ='.date-label', 'MM/DD/YYYY');
release.actors = query.all(['.update_models a', '.tour_update_models a', '.pornstar-label span']).map((el) => ({
name: query.cnt(el), name: query.cnt(el),
url: query.url(el, null), url: query.url(el, null),
})); }));
release.poster = query.img('a img'); release.poster = query.img('a img');
release.teaser ='.leVideo source');
return release; return release;
}); });
@ -30,21 +33,21 @@ function scrapeScene({ query }, url) {
const release = {}; const release = {};
release.entryId = getEntryId(url); release.entryId = getEntryId(url);
release.title = query.cnt('#media-holder .title'); release.title = query.cnt(['#media-holder .title', '.content-holder h1', '#scene h1', 'h2.titular', 'title'])?.replace(/\s+-$/, ''); ='#sceneInfo .date', 'YYYY-MM-DD'); ='#sceneInfo .date, #trailer-data .date', 'YYYY-MM-DD');
release.duration = query.duration('#sceneInfo .data-others', /\d+:\d+/); release.duration = query.duration('#sceneInfo .data-others, #trailer-data', /\d+:\d+/);
release.description = query.cnt('#sceneInfo .description'); release.description = query.cnt('#sceneInfo .description, #trailer-data > div:first-child p');
release.actors = query.all('#sceneInfo .data-others a[href*="/models"]').map((el) => ({ release.actors = query.all('#sceneInfo .data-others a[href*="/models"], #trailer-data a[href*="/models"]').map((el) => ({
name: query.el(el, null, 'title'), name: query.el(el, null, 'title'),
url: query.url(el, null), url: query.url(el, null),
})); }));
release.tags = query.cnts('.categories-holder a'); release.tags = query.cnts('.categories-holder a, #sceneInfo a[href*="/categories"], #trailer-data a[href*="/categories"]');
const poster = query.img('#video-holder .update_thumb') || query.poster('#trailervideo'); const poster = query.img(['#video-holder .update_thumb', '#noMore .update_thumb', '#hpromo .update_thumb', '.trailer-thumb']) || query.poster('#trailervideo');
const posterPathname = poster && new URL(poster)?.pathname; const posterPathname = poster && new URL(poster)?.pathname;
release.poster = [poster, poster?.replace(/imgw=\w+/, 'imgw=680')]; release.poster = [poster, poster?.replace(/imgw=\w+/, 'imgw=680')];
@ -56,7 +59,8 @@ function scrapeScene({ query }, url) {
src, src,
]); ]);
release.trailer ='#trailervideo source'); release.trailer ='#trailervideo source[type="video/mp4"], #FulsSizeVideo source[type="video/mp4"]'); // sic
release.teaser ='#trailer-video source[src*="/videothumbs"]');
return release; return release;
} }
@ -127,7 +131,7 @@ function scrapeProfile({ query, el }) {
} }
async function fetchLatest(channel, page) { async function fetchLatest(channel, page) {
const res = await qu.getAll(`${channel.url}/categories/movies_${page}_d.html`, '.thumb-big'); const res = await qu.getAll(`${channel.url}/categories/movies_${page}_d.html`, '.thumb-big, .thumb-video, .thumbnail, .thumbnail-popular, .full-thumbnail');
if (res.ok) { if (res.ok) {
return scrapeAll(res.items, channel); return scrapeAll(res.items, channel);

View File

@ -117,13 +117,13 @@ function getElements(context, selector, first = false) {
return Array.from(context.querySelectorAll(selector)); return Array.from(context.querySelectorAll(selector));
} }
function q(context, selector, attrArg, applyTrim = true) { function q(context, selectors, attrArg, applyTrim = true) {
if (!selector && context.nodeName === '#document') { if (!selectors && context.nodeName === '#document') {
return null; return null;
} }
const attr = attrArg === true ? 'textContent' : attrArg; const attr = attrArg === true ? 'textContent' : attrArg;
const element = getElements(context, selector, true); const element = [].concat(selectors).reduce((acc, selector) => acc || getElements(context, selector, true), null);
if (!element) { if (!element) {
return null; return null;
@ -138,9 +138,9 @@ function q(context, selector, attrArg, applyTrim = true) {
return element; return element;
} }
function all(context, selector, attrArg, applyTrim = true) { function all(context, selectors, attrArg, applyTrim = true) {
const attr = attrArg === true ? 'textContent' : attrArg; const attr = attrArg === true ? 'textContent' : attrArg;
const elements = getElements(context, selector); const elements = [].concat(selectors).reduce((acc, selector) => acc || getElements(context, selector), null);
if (attr) { if (attr) {
return => q(el, null, attr, applyTrim)); return => q(el, null, attr, applyTrim));