Use [nvm]( to install a recent version of NodeJS. Download and unpack or clone this repository, and run the following in the root directory:
Install PostgreSQL, make sure password authentication is enabled (scram-sha-256) and create a database with a privileged user. For optimal search engine performance, copy `traxxx.stop` to your PostgresQL text search directory, usually `/usr/share/postgresql/tsearch_data/ or `/usr/local/share/postgresql/tsearch_data/`.
Do not modify `config/default.js`, but instead create a copy at `config/local.js` containing the properties you wish to change. If you have set `NODE_ENV`, copy `assets/js/config/default.js` to `assets/js/config/[environment].js`. After setting up PostgreSQL and configuring the details, run the following commands to create and populate the tables, and build the project:
*`--all`: Fetch updates from the channels and networks in the configuration file.
*`--channel [slug] [slug]`: Fetch updates from specific channels. The slug is the channel's name in lowercase and without cases or special characters. For example, Teens Like It Big is teenslikeitbig.
*`--network [slug] [slug]`: Fetch updates from all sites of a specific network. The network slug is composed similarly to the channel slug.
*`--after "[time]"`: Do not fetch scenes older than this period or date. Example values are: `"1 month"`, `"3 years"`, `"2019-01-01"`.
*`--scene [URL]`: Try to retrieve scene details from its official channel or network URL.
*`--deep`: Follow each release link found running `--channel` or `--network` and scrape it for more details. Enabled by default ; use `--no-deep` to only save information found on the overview pages.
#### Developers
*`--no-save`: Do not store retrieved information in local database, forcing re-fetch.
*`--level`: Change log level to `silly`, `verbose`, `info`, `warn` or `error`.