The target format for logos is a PNG file with a resolution of 1000px or the highest available, ideally trimmed to its contents. SVGs should be considered additional assets.
* All words in a site or network name must be split up using a dash (`-`), even if the site or network itself connects the words
* Modifiers are suffixed using an underscore (`_`)
* Common compound words such as 'gangbang', 'gloryhole' or 'hardcore' are not necessarily split up
### Definitions
*`/network-name.png`: Primary logo for a network that does not have any sites, or a site that does belong to a network, and does not have any favicons or additional assets
*`/network-name/network-name.png`: Primary logo for network, original or edited
*`/network-name/site-name.png`: Primary logo for site, original or edited
*`/network-name/network-name_modifier.png`: Production ready variant of the network logo
*`/network-name/site-name_modifier.png`: Production ready variant of a site logo
*`/network-name/site-name_modifierA_modifierB.png`: Production ready variant of a site logo, with two different modifications
*`/network-name/`: Notes about logos and other assets for this network and its sites
*`/network-name/misc/`: Additional assets, such as alternative versions, original vector images, and reference files that are not production-ready
### Modifiers
*`_original`: Original unedited logo, used when the primary logo was edited. Suggested to be placed in `/network-name/misc/`
*`_dark`: Darkened to improve visibility on a light background
*`_light`: Lightened to improve visibility on a dark background
*`_basic`: Backgrounds or other arbitrary details were removed
*`_nourl`: Domain components such as `.com` are removed
*`_noslogan`: Slogans are removed
### Examples:
`/ddf-network/ddf-network.png`: Original primary network logo for DDF Network
`/ddf-network/ddf-network_dark.png`: Darkened network logo for DDF Network, for light backgrounds
`/jules-jordan/misc/the-ass-factory_original.png`: A copy of the original full-sized site logo for The Ass Factory on Jules Jordan, as the primary logo is cropped for readability