1125 lines
32 KiB
Executable File
1125 lines
32 KiB
Executable File
'use strict';
const config = require('config');
const util = require('util');
const Promise = require('bluebird');
const fs = require('fs');
const fsPromises = require('fs').promises;
const path = require('path');
const stream = require('stream');
const { nanoid } = require('nanoid/non-secure');
const mime = require('mime');
// const fileType = require('file-type');
const ffmpeg = require('fluent-ffmpeg');
const sharp = require('sharp');
const blake2 = require('blake2');
const { format } = require('date-fns');
const taskQueue = require('promise-task-queue');
const { Upload } = require('@aws-sdk/lib-storage');
const { S3Client, DeleteObjectsCommand } = require('@aws-sdk/client-s3');
const logger = require('./logger')(__filename);
const argv = require('./argv');
const knex = require('./knex');
const http = require('./utils/http');
const bulkInsert = require('./utils/bulk-insert');
const chunk = require('./utils/chunk');
const { get } = require('./utils/qu');
// const pipeline = util.promisify(stream.pipeline);
const streamQueue = taskQueue();
const s3 = new S3Client({
region: 'eu-central-1',
endpoint: 'https://s3.eu-central-1.wasabisys.com',
credentials: {
accessKeyId: config.s3.accessKey,
secretAccessKey: config.s3.secretKey,
function sampleMedias(medias, limit = argv.mediaLimit, preferLast = true) {
// limit media sets, use extras as fallbacks
if (medias.length <= limit) {
return medias;
const chunkSize = Math.floor(medias.length / limit);
const rest = medias.length - (limit * chunkSize);
const chunks = Array.from(
{ length: limit },
(value, index) => {
const start = (chunkSize * index) + Math.min(index, rest);
return medias.slice(
start + chunkSize + (index < rest ? 1 : 0),
// flip last chunk so the very last image (often the best cumshot) is tried first
const lastPreferredChunks = preferLast
? chunks.slice(0, -1).concat(chunks.slice(-1).reverse())
: chunks;
const groupedMedias = lastPreferredChunks.map((mediaChunk) => {
// merge chunked medias into single media with grouped fallback priorities,
// so the first sources of each media is preferred over all second sources, etc.
const sources = mediaChunk
.reduce((accSources, media) => {
media.sources.forEach((source, index) => {
if (!accSources[index]) {
return accSources;
}, [])
return {
id: mediaChunk[0].id,
role: mediaChunk[0].role,
return groupedMedias;
function itemsByKey(items, key) {
return items.reduce((acc, item) => ({ ...acc, [item[key]]: item }), {});
function isValidUrl(url) {
try {
const urlObject = new URL(url);
return !!urlObject;
} catch (error) {
return false;
function toBaseSource(rawSource) {
if (rawSource && (rawSource.src || (rawSource.extract && rawSource.url) || rawSource.stream)) {
const baseSource = {};
if (rawSource.src) {
if (!isValidUrl(rawSource.src)) {
return null;
baseSource.src = rawSource.src;
if (rawSource.quality) baseSource.quality = rawSource.quality;
if (rawSource.type) baseSource.type = rawSource.type;
if (rawSource.url) {
if (!isValidUrl(rawSource.url)) {
return null;
baseSource.url = rawSource.url;
if (rawSource.extract) baseSource.extract = rawSource.extract;
if (rawSource.expectType) baseSource.expectType = rawSource.expectType;
if (typeof rawSource.followRedirects === 'boolean') baseSource.followRedirects = rawSource.followRedirects;
if (rawSource.stream) {
baseSource.src = rawSource.stream;
baseSource.stream = rawSource.stream;
// reject source if response mimetype does not match specified type
if (rawSource.verifyType) baseSource.verifyType = rawSource.verifyType;
if (rawSource.referer) baseSource.referer = rawSource.referer;
if (rawSource.host) baseSource.host = rawSource.host;
if (rawSource.attempts) baseSource.attempts = rawSource.attempts;
if (rawSource.interval) baseSource.interval = rawSource.interval;
if (rawSource.concurrency) baseSource.concurrency = rawSource.concurrency;
if (rawSource.vr) baseSource.vr = rawSource.vr;
if (rawSource.credit !== undefined) baseSource.credit = rawSource.credit;
if (rawSource.comment) baseSource.comment = rawSource.comment;
if (rawSource.group) baseSource.group = rawSource.group;
if (rawSource.process) baseSource.process = rawSource.process;
return baseSource;
if (typeof rawSource === 'string') {
if (!isValidUrl(rawSource)) {
return null;
if (new URL(rawSource).pathname.match(/\.(m3u8)|(mpd)$/)) {
return {
src: rawSource,
stream: rawSource,
return {
src: rawSource,
if (typeof rawSource === 'function') {
return {
defer: rawSource,
return null;
function baseSourceToBaseMedia(baseSource, role, metadata) {
if (Array.isArray(baseSource)) {
if (baseSource.length > 0) {
return {
id: nanoid(),
sources: baseSource,
return null;
if (baseSource) {
return {
id: nanoid(),
sources: [baseSource],
return null;
function sortBaseTrailersByQuality(sources, role) {
if (role === 'trailers') {
const sortedSources = sources.toSorted((sourceA, sourceB) => {
if (config.media.trailerQuality.includes(sourceB.quality) && config.media.trailerQuality.indexOf(sourceA.quality) > config.media.trailerQuality.indexOf(sourceB.quality)) {
return 1;
if (config.media.trailerQuality.includes(sourceA.quality) && config.media.trailerQuality.indexOf(sourceA.quality) < config.media.trailerQuality.indexOf(sourceB.quality)) {
return -1;
if (config.media.trailerQuality.includes(sourceB.quality) && !config.media.trailerQuality.includes(sourceA.quality)) {
return 1;
if (config.media.trailerQuality.includes(sourceA.quality) && !config.media.trailerQuality.includes(sourceB.quality)) {
return -1;
return 0;
return sortedSources;
return sources;
function fallbackMediaToBaseMedia(rawMedia, role, metadata) {
const baseSources = rawMedia
.map((source) => toBaseSource(source))
const sortedBaseSources = sortBaseTrailersByQuality(baseSources, role);
return baseSourceToBaseMedia(sortedBaseSources, role, metadata);
function toBaseMedias(rawMedias, role, metadata) {
if (!rawMedias || rawMedias.length === 0) {
return [];
const baseMedias = rawMedias.map((rawMedia) => {
if (!rawMedia) {
return null;
if (Array.isArray(rawMedia)) {
// fallback sources provided
return fallbackMediaToBaseMedia(rawMedia, role, metadata);
const baseSource = toBaseSource(rawMedia);
return baseSourceToBaseMedia(baseSource, role, metadata);
const sampledBaseMedias = sampleMedias(baseMedias);
return sampledBaseMedias;
async function findSourceDuplicates(baseMedias) {
const sourceUrls = baseMedias
.map((baseMedia) => baseMedia.sources.map((source) => source.src))
const extractUrls = baseMedias
.map((baseMedia) => baseMedia.sources.map((source) => source.extract))
const [existingSourceMedia, existingExtractMedia] = await Promise.all([
// may try to check thousands of URLs at once, don't pass all of them to a single query
chunk(sourceUrls).reduce(async (chain, sourceUrlsChunk) => {
const accUrls = await chain;
const existingUrls = await knex('media').whereIn('source', sourceUrlsChunk);
return [...accUrls, ...existingUrls];
}, []),
chunk(extractUrls).reduce(async (chain, extractUrlsChunk) => {
const accUrls = await chain;
const existingUrls = await knex('media').whereIn('source_page', extractUrlsChunk);
return [...accUrls, ...existingUrls];
}, []),
const existingSourceMediaByUrl = itemsByKey(existingSourceMedia, 'source');
const existingExtractMediaByUrl = itemsByKey(existingExtractMedia, 'source_page');
return {
async function findHashDuplicates(medias) {
const hashes = medias.map((media) => media.meta?.hash || media.entry?.hash).filter(Boolean);
const existingHashMediaEntries = await chunk(hashes, 2).reduce(async (chain, hashesChunk) => {
const accHashes = await chain;
const existingHashes = await knex('media').whereIn('hash', hashesChunk);
return [...accHashes, ...existingHashes];
}, []);
const existingHashMediaEntriesByHash = itemsByKey(existingHashMediaEntries, 'hash');
const uniqueHashMedias = medias.filter((media) => !media.entry && !existingHashMediaEntriesByHash[media.meta?.hash]);
const { selfDuplicateMedias, selfUniqueMediasByHash } = uniqueHashMedias.reduce((acc, media) => {
if (!media.meta?.hash) {
return acc;
if (acc.selfUniqueMediasByHash[media.meta.hash]) {
use: acc.selfUniqueMediasByHash[media.meta.hash].id,
return acc;
acc.selfUniqueMediasByHash[media.meta.hash] = media;
return acc;
}, {
selfDuplicateMedias: [],
selfUniqueMediasByHash: {},
const selfUniqueHashMedias = Object.values(selfUniqueMediasByHash);
const existingHashMedias = medias
.filter((media) => existingHashMediaEntriesByHash[media.entry?.hash || media.meta?.hash])
.map((media) => ({
entry: existingHashMediaEntriesByHash[media.entry?.hash || media.meta?.hash],
return { uniqueHashMedias: selfUniqueHashMedias, existingHashMedias };
async function extractSource(baseSource, { existingExtractMediaByUrl }) {
if (typeof baseSource.defer === 'function') {
const src = await baseSource.defer();
return {
if (typeof baseSource.extract !== 'function' || !baseSource.url) {
return baseSource;
const existingExtractMedia = existingExtractMediaByUrl[baseSource.url];
if (existingExtractMedia) {
// media entry found by extract URL
return {
entry: existingExtractMedia,
const res = await get(baseSource.url);
if (res.ok) {
const src = await baseSource.extract(res.item);
return {
throw new Error(`Could not extract source from ${baseSource.url}: ${res.status}`);
async function storeS3Object(filepath, media) {
const fullFilepath = path.join(config.media.path, filepath);
const file = fs.createReadStream(fullFilepath);
const status = await new Upload({
client: s3,
params: {
Bucket: config.s3.bucket,
Body: file,
Key: filepath,
ContentType: media.meta.mimetype,
await fsPromises.unlink(fullFilepath);
logger.silly(`Uploaded '${media.id}' from ${media.src} to S3 bucket '${status.Bucket}' at ${status.Location}`);
return status;
async function writeImage(image, media, info, filepath, isProcessed) {
if (isProcessed && info.pages) {
const imageBuffer = await image.toBuffer();
// convert animated image to WebP and write to permanent location
await fs.promises.writeFile(path.join(config.media.path, filepath), imageBuffer);
await image
.toFile(path.join(config.media.path, filepath));
await image
height: config.media.maxSize,
withoutEnlargement: true,
.jpeg({ quality: config.media.quality })
.toFile(path.join(config.media.path, filepath));
async function writeThumbnail(image, thumbpath) {
return image
.jpeg({ quality: config.media.thumbnailQuality })
height: config.media.thumbnailSize,
withoutEnlargement: true,
.toFile(path.join(config.media.path, thumbpath));
async function writeLazy(image, lazypath) {
return image
height: config.media.lazySize,
withoutEnlargement: true,
.jpeg({ quality: config.media.lazyQuality })
.toFile(path.join(config.media.path, lazypath));
async function storeImageFile(media, hashDir, hashSubDir, filename, filedir, filepath, options) {
logger.silly(`Storing permanent media files for ${media.id} from ${media.src} at ${filepath}`);
logger.debug(`Memory usage at image storage: ${process.memoryUsage.rss() / 1000000} MB (${media.src})`);
try {
const thumbdir = config.s3.enabled ? path.join(media.role, 'thumbs') : path.join(media.role, 'thumbs', hashDir, hashSubDir);
const thumbpath = path.join(thumbdir, filename);
const lazydir = config.s3.enabled ? path.join(media.role, 'lazy') : path.join(media.role, 'lazy', hashDir, hashSubDir);
const lazypath = path.join(lazydir, filename);
await Promise.all([
fsPromises.mkdir(path.join(config.media.path, filedir), { recursive: true }),
fsPromises.mkdir(path.join(config.media.path, thumbdir), { recursive: true }),
fsPromises.mkdir(path.join(config.media.path, lazydir), { recursive: true }),
const image = sharp(media.file.path, { pages: ['trailers', 'teasers'].includes(media.role) ? -1 : 1 }); // don't store posters as animation
const isProcessed = media.meta.subtype !== 'jpeg' || media.process;
const [info, stats] = await Promise.all([
options?.stats && image.stats(),
if (media.process) {
Object.entries(media.process).forEach(([operation, processOptions]) => {
if (image[operation]) {
image[operation](...(Array.isArray(processOptions) ? processOptions : [processOptions]));
if (operation === 'crop') {
image.extract(...(Array.isArray(processOptions) ? processOptions : [processOptions]));
logger.warn(`Unknown image operation on ${media.id} (${media.src}): ${operation}`);
await writeImage(image, media, info, filepath, isProcessed);
await Promise.all([
writeThumbnail(image, thumbpath, info),
writeLazy(image, lazypath, info),
if (isProcessed) {
// file already stored, remove temporary file
await fsPromises.unlink(media.file.path);
} else {
// image not processed, simply move temporary file to final location
await fsPromises.rename(media.file.path, path.join(config.media.path, filepath));
await fsPromises.unlink(media.file.path);
if (config.s3.enabled) {
await Promise.all([
storeS3Object(filepath, media),
storeS3Object(thumbpath, media),
storeS3Object(lazypath, media),
logger.silly(`Stored thumbnail, lazy and permanent media file for ${media.id} from ${media.src} at ${filepath}`);
return {
file: {
path: filepath,
thumbnail: thumbpath,
lazy: lazypath,
meta: {
// 6 or 8 implies image is sideways, and size is not inherently adjusted for orientation
width: info.orientation === 6 || info.orientation === 8 ? info.height : info.width,
height: info.orientation === 6 || info.orientation === 8 ? info.width : info.height,
entropy: stats?.entropy || null,
sharpness: stats?.sharpness || null,
} catch (error) {
logger.error(`Failed to store ${media.id} from ${media.src} at ${filepath}: ${error.message}`);
await fsPromises.unlink(media.file.path);
return null;
async function storeFile(media, options) {
try {
const hashDir = media.meta.hash.slice(0, 2);
const hashSubDir = media.meta.hash.slice(2, 4);
const hashFilename = config.s3.enabled ? media.meta.hash : media.meta.hash.slice(4);
const filename = media.quality
? `${hashFilename}_${media.quality}.${media.meta.extension}`
: `${hashFilename}.${media.meta.extension}`;
const filedir = config.s3.enabled ? media.role : path.join(media.role, hashDir, hashSubDir);
const filepath = path.join(filedir, filename);
if (argv.forceMedia) {
try {
// remove old file to in case rename() does not overwrite (possibly on NFS setups)
await fsPromises.unlink(path.join(config.media.path, filepath));
} catch (error) {
// file probably didn't exist
if (media.meta.type === 'image') {
return storeImageFile(media, hashDir, hashSubDir, filename, filedir, filepath, options);
if (['posters', 'photos', 'caps', 'covers'].includes(media.role)) {
throw new Error(`Media for '${media.role}' must be an image, but '${media.meta.mimetype}' was detected`);
if (['teasers', 'trailers'].includes(media.role) && media.meta.type !== 'video') {
throw new Error(`Media for '${media.role}' must be a video, but '${media.meta.mimetype}' was detected in ${media.src}`);
const [stat] = await Promise.all([
fsPromises.mkdir(path.join(config.media.path, filedir), { recursive: true }),
// move temp file to permanent location
await fsPromises.rename(media.file.path, path.join(config.media.path, filepath));
if (config.s3.enabled) {
// upload the file to S3 storage, will remove original
await storeS3Object(filepath, media);
logger.silly(`Stored permanent media file for ${media.id} from ${media.src} at ${filepath}`);
return {
file: {
path: filepath,
meta: {
size: stat.size,
} catch (error) {
logger.warn(`Failed to store ${media.src}: ${error.message}`);
try {
await fsPromises.unlink(media.file.path);
} catch (unlinkError) {
logger.warn(`Failed to unlink ${media.file.path} from ${media.src}: ${unlinkError.message}`);
return null;
async function fetchHttpSource(source, tempFileTarget, hashStream) {
const res = await http.get(source.src, {
limits: 'media',
headers: {
...(source.referer && { referer: source.referer }),
...(source.host && { host: source.host }),
stream: true, // sources are fetched in parallel, don't gobble up memory
followRedirects: source.followRedirects,
transforms: [hashStream],
destination: tempFileTarget,
...(source.interval && { interval: source.interval }),
...(source.concurrency && { concurrency: source.concurrency }),
if (!res.ok) {
throw new Error(`Response ${res.status} not OK`);
return {
mimetype: (source.expectType
? source.expectType[res.headers['content-type']]
: res.headers['content-type'])
|| mime.getType(new URL(source.src).pathname),
streamQueue.define('fetchStreamSource', async ({ source, tempFileTarget, hashStream }) => {
const meta = { mimetype: 'video/mp4' };
const video = ffmpeg(source.stream)
.outputOptions(['-movflags frag_keyframe+empty_moov'])
.on('start', (cmd) => logger.verbose(`Fetching stream from ${source.stream} with "${cmd}"`))
.on('error', (error) => {
logger.error(`Failed to fetch stream from ${source.stream}: ${error.message}`);
// await pipeline(video, hashStream, tempFileTarget);
await stream.promises.pipeline(video, hashStream, tempFileTarget);
logger.verbose(`Finished fetching stream from ${source.stream}`);
return meta;
}, {
concurrency: config.media.streamConcurrency,
async function fetchSource(source, baseMedia) {
const maxAttempts = source.attempts || argv.mediaAttempts;
logger.silly(`Fetching media from ${source.src}`);
logger.debug(`Memory usage before media fetch: ${process.memoryUsage.rss() / 1000000} MB (${source.src})`);
if (source.stream && !config.media.fetchStreams) {
throw new Error(`Stream fetching disabled, ignoring ${source.stream}`);
async function attempt(attempts = 1) {
const hasher = new blake2.Hash('blake2b', { digestLength: 24 });
let hasherReady = true;
try {
const tempFilePath = path.join(config.media.path, 'temp', `${baseMedia.id}`);
const tempFileTarget = fs.createWriteStream(tempFilePath);
const hashStream = new stream.PassThrough();
let size = 0;
hashStream.on('data', (streamChunk) => {
size += streamChunk.length;
if (hasherReady) {
const { mimetype } = source.stream
? await streamQueue.push('fetchStreamSource', { source, tempFileTarget, hashStream })
: await fetchHttpSource(source, tempFileTarget, hashStream);
const hash = hasher.read();
const [type, subtype] = mimetype.split('/');
const extension = mime.getExtension(mimetype);
if (source.verifyType && source.verifyType !== type) {
throw Object.assign(new Error(`Type '${type}' does not match type '${source.verifyType}' specified by source`), { code: 'VERIFY_TYPE' });
return {
file: {
path: tempFilePath,
meta: {
} catch (error) {
hasherReady = false;
if (error.code !== 'VERIFY_TYPE') {
logger.warn(`Failed attempt ${attempts}/${maxAttempts} to fetch ${source.src}: ${error.message}`);
if (attempts < maxAttempts) {
await Promise.delay(1000);
return attempt(attempts + 1);
throw new Error(`Failed to fetch ${source.src}: ${error.message}`);
return attempt(1);
async function trySource(baseSource, existingMedias, baseMedia) {
// catch error and try the next source
const extractedSource = await extractSource(baseSource, existingMedias);
const existingSourceMedia = existingMedias.existingSourceMediaByUrl[extractedSource.src];
if (!argv.forceMedia && extractedSource.entry) {
logger.silly(`Media page URL already in database, not extracting ${baseSource.url}`);
// media entry found during extraction, don't fetch
return extractedSource;
if (!argv.forceMedia && existingSourceMedia) {
logger.silly(`Media source URL already in database, skipping ${baseSource.src}`);
// media entry found by source URL, don't fetch
return {
entry: existingSourceMedia,
const source = await fetchSource(extractedSource, baseMedia);
return {
entry: extractedSource.entry || existingSourceMedia,
async function fetchMedia(baseMedia, existingMedias) {
try {
const source = await baseMedia.sources.reduce(
// try each source until success
(result, baseSource, baseSourceIndex) => result.catch(async (error) => {
if (error.message) {
return trySource(baseSource, existingMedias, baseMedia, baseSourceIndex);
Promise.reject(new Error()),
return {
} catch (error) {
return baseMedia;
function curateMediaEntry(media, index) {
if (media.entry) {
return media;
const curatedMediaEntry = {
id: media.id,
path: media.file.path,
thumbnail: media.file.thumbnail,
lazy: media.file.lazy,
is_s3: config.s3.enabled,
mime: media.meta.mimetype,
hash: media.meta.hash,
size: media.meta.size,
width: media.meta.width,
height: media.meta.height,
is_vr: media.vr,
entropy: media.meta.entropy,
sharpness: media.meta.sharpness,
source: media.src,
source_page: media.url,
scraper: media.scraper,
credit: media.credit,
comment: media.comment,
return {
newEntry: true,
entry: curatedMediaEntry,
async function storeMedias(baseMedias, options) {
await fsPromises.mkdir(path.join(config.media.path, 'temp'), { recursive: true });
// avatars often have different images at the same URL, skip URL dedupe until more advanced source deduping is implemented
const { existingSourceMediaByUrl, existingExtractMediaByUrl } = options.type === 'avatars'
? { existingSourceMediaByUrl: {}, existingExtractMediaByUrl: {} }
: await findSourceDuplicates(baseMedias);
const fetchedMedias = await Promise.map(
async (baseMedia) => fetchMedia(baseMedia, { existingSourceMediaByUrl, existingExtractMediaByUrl }),
// { concurrency: 100 }, // don't overload disk (or network, although this has its own throttling)
{ concurrency: 10 }, // don't overload disk (or network, although this has its own throttling)
const { uniqueHashMedias, existingHashMedias } = await findHashDuplicates(fetchedMedias);
const savedMedias = await Promise.map(
async (baseMedia) => storeFile(baseMedia, options),
{ concurrency: 100 }, // don't overload disk
if (argv.forceMedia) {
// overwrite files in case image processing was changed
await Promise.map(
async (baseMedia) => storeFile(baseMedia, options),
{ concurrency: 100 }, // don't overload disk
const newMediaWithEntries = savedMedias.filter(Boolean).map((media, index) => curateMediaEntry(media, index));
const newMediaEntries = newMediaWithEntries.filter((media) => media.newEntry).map((media) => media.entry);
try {
await bulkInsert('media', newMediaEntries, false);
return [...newMediaWithEntries, ...existingHashMedias];
} catch (error) {
throw Object.assign(error, { entries: newMediaEntries });
async function associateReleaseMedia(releases, type = 'release') {
if (!argv.media) {
const baseMediasByReleaseId = releases.reduce((acc, release) => ({
[release.id]: [
...(argv.images && argv.poster ? toBaseMedias([release.poster], 'posters') : []),
...(argv.images && argv.covers ? toBaseMedias(release.covers, 'covers') : []),
...(argv.images && argv.photos ? toBaseMedias(release.photos, 'photos') : []),
...(argv.images && argv.caps ? toBaseMedias(release.caps, 'caps') : []),
...(argv.videos && argv.trailer ? toBaseMedias([release.trailer], 'trailers') : []),
...(argv.videos && argv.teaser ? toBaseMedias([release.teaser], 'teasers') : []),
}), {});
const baseMediasByRole = Object.values(baseMediasByReleaseId)
.reduce((acc, baseMedia) => {
if (!acc[baseMedia.role]) acc[baseMedia.role] = [];
return acc;
}, {});
await Promise.reduce(['posters', 'covers', 'photos', 'caps', 'teasers', 'trailers'], async (chain, role) => {
// stage by role so posters are prioritized over photos and videos
await chain;
const baseMedias = baseMediasByRole[role];
if (!baseMedias) {
try {
const storedMedias = await storeMedias(baseMedias, { type });
const storedMediasById = itemsByKey(storedMedias, 'id');
const associations = Object
.reduce((acc, [releaseId, releaseBaseMedias]) => {
releaseBaseMedias.forEach((baseMedia) => {
const media = storedMediasById[baseMedia.id];
const mediaId = (storedMediasById[media?.use] && media?.use) || media?.entry?.id;
if (mediaId) {
[`${type}_id`]: releaseId,
media_id: mediaId,
return acc;
}, [])
if (associations.length > 0) {
await bulkInsert(`${type}s_${role}`, associations, false);
} catch (error) {
if (error.entries) {
logger.error(util.inspect(error.entries, null, null, { color: true }));
logger.error(`Failed to store ${type} ${role}: ${error.message} (${error.detail || 'no detail'})`);
}, Promise.resolve());
async function associateAvatars(profiles) {
if (!argv.media) {
return profiles;
const profilesWithBaseMedias = profiles.map((profile) => (profile.avatar
? {
avatarBaseMedia: toBaseMedias([profile.avatar], 'avatars', {
credit: profile.credit || profile.entity?.name || null,
scraper: profile.scraper || null,
: profile
const baseMedias = profilesWithBaseMedias.map((profile) => profile.avatarBaseMedia).filter(Boolean);
const storedMedias = await storeMedias(baseMedias, { type: 'avatars', stats: true });
const storedMediasById = itemsByKey(storedMedias, 'id');
const profilesWithAvatarId = profilesWithBaseMedias.map((profile) => {
const media = storedMediasById[profile.avatarBaseMedia?.id];
if (media) {
return {
avatarMediaId: media.use || media.entry.id,
return profile;
return profilesWithAvatarId;
async function deleteS3Objects(allMedia) {
const statuses = await chunk(allMedia).reduce(async (chain, media) => {
const acc = await chain;
const objects = media
.map((item) => [
{ Key: item.path },
{ Key: item.thumbnail },
{ Key: item.lazy },
.filter((item) => item.Key);
const deleteCommand = new DeleteObjectsCommand({
Bucket: config.s3.bucket,
Delete: {
Objects: objects,
Quiet: false,
const status = await s3.send(deleteCommand);
logger.info(`Removed ${status.Deleted.length} media files from S3 bucket '${config.s3.bucket}', ${status.Errors?.length || 0} errors`);
return acc.concat(status);
}, Promise.resolve([])).catch((error) => {
logger.error(`Failed to delete S3 objects: ${error.message}`);
throw error;
return statuses;
async function flushOrphanedMedia(stage = 1) {
logger.info(`Flushing orphaned media, stage ${stage}`);
const orphanedMedia = await knex('media')
.select('id', 'path', 'thumbnail', 'lazy', 'is_s3', 'source')
.where('is_sfw', false)
knex('actors').select(knex.raw('avatar_media_id as media_id')),
knex('actors_profiles').select(knex.raw('avatar_media_id as media_id')),
.whereRaw('associations.media_id = media.id'),
// .delete();
logger.info(`Found ${orphanedMedia.length} orphaned media entries in stage ${stage}`);
if (orphanedMedia.length === 0) {
await fs.promises.writeFile(`log/deletedmedia_${format(new Date(), 'yyyy-MM-dd_hh:mm:ss')}.log`, JSON.stringify(orphanedMedia, null, 4));
if (argv.flushMediaFiles) {
await Promise.all(orphanedMedia.filter((media) => !media.is_s3).map((media) => Promise.all([
media.path && fsPromises.unlink(path.join(config.media.path, media.path)).catch(() => { /* probably file not found */ }),
media.thumbnail && fsPromises.unlink(path.join(config.media.path, media.thumbnail)).catch(() => { /* probably file not found */ }),
media.lazy && fsPromises.unlink(path.join(config.media.path, media.lazy)).catch(() => { /* probably file not found */ }),
if (config.s3.enabled) {
await deleteS3Objects(orphanedMedia.filter((media) => media.is_s3));
logger.info(`Removed ${orphanedMedia.length} media files from database and storage`);
} else {
logger.info(`Removed ${orphanedMedia.length} media files from database, but not from storage`);
try {
await fsPromises.rm(path.join(config.media.path, 'temp'), { recursive: true });
await fsPromises.mkdir(path.join(config.media.path, 'temp'), { recursive: true });
logger.info('Cleared temporary media directory');
} catch (error) {
logger.warn(`Failed to clear temporary media directory: ${error.message}`);
// delete database entries last, so in case of failure we don't end up with unrecoverably orphaned external media
const deletedCount = await knex('media')
.whereIn('id', orphanedMedia.map((media) => media.id))
logger.info(`Deleted ${deletedCount} orphaned media entries from database`);
if (orphanedMedia.length > 0 && orphanedMedia.length >= config.media.flushWindow) {
await flushOrphanedMedia(stage + 1);
module.exports = {