1150 lines
35 KiB
Executable File
1150 lines
35 KiB
Executable File
'use strict';
const config = require('config');
const util = require('util');
const Promise = require('bluebird');
const moment = require('moment');
const blake2 = require('blake2');
const DOMPurify = require('dompurify');
const { JSDOM } = require('jsdom');
const omit = require('object.omit');
const inquirer = require('inquirer');
const unprint = require('unprint');
const { window } = new JSDOM('');
const domPurify = DOMPurify(window);
// const logger = require('./logger')(__filename);
const knex = require('./knex');
const redis = require('./redis');
const scrapers = require('./scrapers/scrapers').actors;
const argv = require('./argv');
const include = require('./utils/argv-include')(argv);
const bulkInsert = require('./utils/bulk-insert');
const chunk = require('./utils/chunk');
const logger = require('./logger')(__filename);
const { toBaseReleases } = require('./deep');
const { associateAvatars, flushOrphanedMedia } = require('./media');
const { fetchEntitiesBySlug } = require('./entities');
const { deleteScenes } = require('./releases');
const actorsCommon = import('../common/actors.mjs'); // eslint-disable-line import/extensions, import/no-relative-packages
const geoCommon = import('../common/geo.mjs'); // eslint-disable-line import/extensions, import/no-relative-packages
const slugify = require('./utils/slugify');
const capitalize = require('./utils/capitalize');
const { resolveLayoutScraper } = require('./scrapers/resolve');
const getRecursiveParameters = require('./utils/get-recursive-parameters');
const commonContext = {
const hairColors = {
'jet-black': 'black',
'red-head': 'red',
'soft-black': 'black',
'brunette/raven': 'brown',
black: 'black',
blond: 'blond',
blonde: 'blonde',
blondie: 'blonde',
brown: 'brown',
bruin: 'brown',
brunette: 'brown',
fair: 'blonde',
grey: 'gray',
gray: 'gray',
raven: 'black',
red: 'red',
redhead: 'red',
'red head': 'red',
rood: 'red',
blue: 'blue',
green: 'green',
purple: 'purple',
pink: 'pink',
zwart: 'black',
const eyeColors = {
blauw: 'blue',
blue: 'blue',
brown: 'brown',
bruin: 'brown',
dark: 'brown',
gray: 'gray',
green: 'green',
groen: 'green',
grey: 'gray',
hazel: 'hazel',
const orientations = {
bi: 'bisexual',
biseksueel: 'bisexual',
bisexual: 'bisexual',
gay: 'gay',
hetero: 'straight',
heteroseksueel: 'straight',
heterosexual: 'straight',
homoseksueel: 'gay',
homosexual: 'gay',
straight: 'straight',
const ethnicities = {
'african american': 'black',
'african-american': 'black',
'native american': 'native american',
african: 'black',
aravic: 'arabic',
asian: 'asian',
black: 'black',
caucasian: 'white',
european: 'white',
hispanic: 'latin',
indian: 'indian',
japanese: 'japanese',
latin: 'latin',
latina: 'latina',
latino: 'latino',
white: 'white',
const bloodTypes = {
A: 'A',
'A+': 'A+',
'A-': 'A-',
B: 'B',
'B+': 'B+',
'B-': 'B-',
AB: 'AB',
'AB+': 'AB+',
'AB-': 'AB-',
O: 'O',
'O+': 'O+',
'O-': 'O-',
function getBoolean(value) {
if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
return value;
if (typeof value === 'string') {
if (/yes/i.test(value)) {
return true;
if (/no/i.test(value)) {
return true;
return null;
function toBaseActors(actorsOrNames, release) {
if (!actorsOrNames) {
return [];
const baseActors = actorsOrNames
.filter((actorOrName) => actorOrName && (typeof actorOrName === 'string' || actorOrName.name))
.map((actorOrName) => {
const [baseName, entryId] = (actorOrName.name || actorOrName).split(':');
const name = capitalize(baseName);
const slug = slugify(name);
// using top level parent widens the scope too much, e.g. different Gamma sites may not use the same actor database
// const entity = getRecursiveParent(release?.entity);
const entity = (release?.entity?.independent && release?.entity)
|| release?.entity?.parent
|| release?.entity
|| null;
const baseActor = {
entryId: (entity && (entryId || actorOrName.entryId)) || null,
suppliedEntryId: entryId,
hasProfile: !!actorOrName.name, // actor contains profile information
if (actorOrName.name) {
return {
return baseActor;
return baseActors;
function getCollisionLikely(actor) {
// actor with single name
return actor.name.match(/\w+/g).length === 1;
function curateActor(actor, withDetails = false, isProfile = false) {
if (!actor) {
return null;
const curatedActor = {
id: actor.id,
name: actor.name,
slug: actor.slug,
url: actor.url,
gender: actor.gender,
orientation: actor.orientation,
entityId: actor.entity_id,
aliasFor: actor.alias_for,
dateOfBirth: actor.date_of_birth,
age: actor.age,
birthCountry: actor.birth_country_alpha2,
...(withDetails && {
alias: actor.alias && {
id: actor.alias.id,
name: actor.alias.name,
slug: actor.slug,
gender: actor.alias.gender,
entity: actor.entity && {
id: actor.entity.id,
name: actor.entity.name,
slug: actor.entity.slug,
dateOfDeath: actor.date_of_death,
cup: actor.cup,
bust: actor.bust,
waist: actor.waist,
hip: actor.hip,
foot: actor.foot,
leg: actor.leg,
thigh: actor.thigh,
naturalBoobs: actor.natural_boobs,
penisLength: actor.penis_length,
penisGirth: actor.penis_girth,
circumcised: actor.circumcised,
height: actor.height,
weight: actor.weight,
shoeSize: actor.shoe_size,
eyes: actor.eyes,
hairColor: actor.hair_color,
hairType: actor.hair_type,
hasTattoos: actor.has_tattoos,
hasPiercings: actor.has_piercings,
tattoos: actor.tattoos,
piercings: actor.piercings,
bloodType: actor.blood_type,
...(isProfile && { description: actor.description }),
placeOfBirth: actor.birth_country && {
country: {
alpha2: actor.birth_country.alpha2,
name: actor.birth_country.name,
alias: actor.birth_country.alias,
state: actor.birth_state,
city: actor.birth_city,
placeOfResidence: actor.residence_country && {
country: {
alpha2: actor.residence_country.alpha2,
name: actor.residence_country.name,
alias: actor.residence_country.alias,
state: actor.residence_state,
city: actor.residence_city,
avatar: actor.avatar && {
id: actor.avatar.id,
path: actor.avatar.path,
width: actor.avatar.width,
height: actor.avatar.height,
size: actor.avatar.size,
source: actor.avatar.source,
...(actor.profiles && { profiles: actor.profiles?.map((profile) => curateActor(profile, true, true)) }),
return curatedActor;
function curateActorEntry(baseActor, batchId) {
const collisionLikely = getCollisionLikely(baseActor);
return {
name: baseActor.name,
slug: baseActor.slug,
entity_id: (collisionLikely && baseActor.entity?.id) || null,
entry_id: (collisionLikely && baseActor.entryId) || null,
batch_id: batchId,
function curateActorEntries(baseActors, batchId) {
return baseActors.map((baseActor) => curateActorEntry(baseActor, batchId));
function curateProfileEntry(profile) {
if (!profile.actorId) {
return null;
const curatedProfileEntry = {
...(typeof profile.update === 'number' && { id: profile.update }),
actor_id: profile.actorId,
entity_id: profile.entity?.id || null,
date_of_birth: profile.dateOfBirth,
date_of_death: profile.dateOfDeath,
age: profile.age,
url: profile.url,
gender: profile.gender,
orientation: profile.orientation,
ethnicity: profile.ethnicity,
description: profile.description,
description_hash: profile.descriptionHash,
birth_city: profile.placeOfBirth?.city || null,
birth_state: profile.placeOfBirth?.state || null,
birth_country_alpha2: profile.placeOfBirth?.country || null,
residence_city: profile.placeOfResidence?.city || null,
residence_state: profile.placeOfResidence?.state || null,
residence_country_alpha2: profile.placeOfResidence?.country || null,
cup: profile.cup,
bust: profile.bust,
waist: profile.waist,
leg: profile.leg,
thigh: profile.thigh,
foot: profile.foot,
hip: profile.hip,
penis_length: profile.penisLength,
penis_girth: profile.penisGirth,
circumcised: profile.circumcised,
natural_boobs: profile.naturalBoobs,
height: profile.height,
weight: profile.weight,
shoe_size: profile.shoeSize,
hair_color: profile.hairColor,
hair_type: profile.hairType,
eyes: profile.eyes,
has_tattoos: profile.hasTattoos,
has_piercings: profile.hasPiercings,
piercings: profile.piercings,
tattoos: profile.tattoos,
blood_type: profile.bloodType,
avatar_media_id: profile.avatarMediaId || null,
return curatedProfileEntry;
async function fetchProfiles(actorIdsOrNames) {
return knex('actors_profiles')
.select(knex.raw('actors_profiles.*, actors.name, row_to_json(media) as avatar'))
.leftJoin('actors', 'actors.id', 'actors_profiles.actor_id')
.modify((query) => {
if (actorIdsOrNames) {
.whereIn('actor_id', actorIdsOrNames.filter((idOrName) => typeof idOrName === 'number'))
.orWhere((builder) => {
.whereIn('actors.name', actorIdsOrNames.filter((idOrName) => typeof idOrName === 'string'))
.leftJoin('media', 'actors_profiles.avatar_media_id', 'media.id');
async function interpolateProfiles(actorIdsOrNames, refreshView) {
const { interpolateProfiles: interpolateProfilesUtil } = await actorsCommon;
try {
await interpolateProfilesUtil(actorIdsOrNames, commonContext, { refreshView });
} catch (error) {
async function curateProfile(profile, actor) {
if (!profile) {
return null;
const { resolvePlace } = await geoCommon;
try {
const curatedProfile = {
// id: profile.id,
update: profile.update,
actorId: profile.actorId,
profileId: profile.profileId,
name: profile.name,
url: profile.url,
avatar: profile.avatar,
scraper: profile.scraper,
entity: profile.entity,
curatedProfile.description = domPurify.sanitize(profile.description?.replace(/\s+/g, ' '), { ALLOWED_TAGS: [] }).trim() || null;
const hasher = curatedProfile.description && blake2
.createHash('blake2b', { digestLength: 24 })
curatedProfile.descriptionHash = curatedProfile.description && hasher.digest('hex');
curatedProfile.nationality = profile.nationality?.trim() || null; // used to derive country when country not available
curatedProfile.ethnicity = ethnicities[profile.ethnicity?.trim().toLowerCase()] || null;
curatedProfile.hairType = profile.hairType?.trim() || null;
curatedProfile.hairColor = hairColors[(profile.hairColor || profile.hair)?.toLowerCase().replace('hair', '').trim()] || null;
curatedProfile.eyes = eyeColors[profile.eyes?.replace(/eyes?/i).trim().toLowerCase()] || null;
curatedProfile.tattoos = profile.tattoos?.trim() || null;
curatedProfile.piercings = profile.piercings?.trim() || null;
curatedProfile.gender = (/female/i.test(profile.gender) && 'female')
|| (/shemale|trans/i.test(profile.gender) && 'transsexual')
|| (/male/i.test(profile.gender) && 'male')
|| null;
curatedProfile.orientation = orientations[profile.orientation?.trim()] || null;
const dateOfBirth = profile.dateOfBirth || profile.birthdate;
curatedProfile.dateOfBirth = (!Number.isNaN(Number(dateOfBirth)) // possibly valid date
&& new Date() - dateOfBirth > 567648000000 // over 18
&& dateOfBirth)
|| null;
curatedProfile.dateOfDeath = Number.isNaN(Number(profile.dateOfDeath)) ? null : profile.dateOfDeath;
curatedProfile.age = Number(profile.age) || null;
curatedProfile.height = Number(profile.height) || profile.height?.match?.(/\d+/)?.[0] || null;
curatedProfile.weight = Number(profile.weight) || profile.weight?.match?.(/\d+/)?.[0] || null;
curatedProfile.shoeSize = Number(profile.shoeSize) || profile.shoeSize?.match?.(/\d+/)?.[0] || null;
// separate measurement values
curatedProfile.cup = profile.cup || (typeof profile.bust === 'string' && profile.bust?.match?.(/[a-zA-Z]+/)?.[0]) || null;
curatedProfile.bust = Number(profile.bust) || profile.bust?.match?.(/\d+/)?.[0] || null;
curatedProfile.waist = Number(profile.waist) || profile.waist?.match?.(/\d+/)?.[0] || null;
curatedProfile.hip = Number(profile.hip) || profile.hip?.match?.(/\d+/)?.[0] || null;
curatedProfile.leg = Number(profile.leg) || profile.leg?.match?.(/\d+/)?.[0] || null;
curatedProfile.thigh = Number(profile.thigh) || profile.thigh?.match?.(/\d+/)?.[0] || null;
curatedProfile.foot = Number(profile.foot) || profile.foot?.match?.(/\d+/)?.[0] || null;
// combined measurement value
// ExCoGi uses x, Jules Jordan has spaces between the dashes, SpermMenia/Cum Buffet sometimes misses cup
const measurements = profile.measurements?.match(/(\d+)([a-z]+)?(?:\s*[-x]\s*(\d+)\s*[-x]\s*(\d+))?/i);
if (measurements) {
curatedProfile.bust = Number(measurements[1]) || null;
curatedProfile.cup = measurements[2] || null;
curatedProfile.waist = Number(measurements[3]) || null;
curatedProfile.hip = Number(measurements[4]) || null;
curatedProfile.penisLength = Number(profile.penisLength) || profile.penisLength?.match?.(/\d+/)?.[0] || null;
curatedProfile.penisGirth = Number(profile.penisGirth) || profile.penisGirth?.match?.(/\d+/)?.[0] || null;
curatedProfile.circumcised = getBoolean(profile.circumcised);
curatedProfile.naturalBoobs = getBoolean(profile.naturalBoobs);
curatedProfile.hasTattoos = getBoolean(profile.hasTattoos);
curatedProfile.hasPiercings = getBoolean(profile.hasPiercings);
curatedProfile.bloodType = bloodTypes[profile.bloodType?.trim().toUpperCase()] || null;
if (argv.resolvePlace) {
const [placeOfBirth, placeOfResidence] = await Promise.all([
resolvePlace(profile.birthPlace, commonContext, { useCache: argv.placeCache, userAgent: config.location.userAgent }),
resolvePlace(profile.residencePlace, commonContext, { useCache: argv.placeCache, userAgent: config.location.userAgent }),
curatedProfile.placeOfBirth = placeOfBirth;
curatedProfile.placeOfResidence = placeOfResidence;
if (!curatedProfile.placeOfBirth && curatedProfile.nationality) {
const country = await knex('countries')
.where('nationality', 'ilike', `%${curatedProfile.nationality}%`)
.orWhere('alpha3', 'ilike', `%${curatedProfile.nationality}%`)
.orWhere('alpha2', 'ilike', `%${curatedProfile.nationality}%`)
.orderBy('priority', 'desc')
if (country) {
curatedProfile.placeOfBirth = {
country: country.alpha2,
curatedProfile.social = [].concat(profile.social).map((social) => {
if (!social) {
return null;
try {
const { origin, pathname } = new URL(social);
return `${origin}${pathname}`;
} catch (error) {
logger.warn(`Profile scraper for '${profile.entity.name}' returned invalid social link: ${social}`);
return null;
curatedProfile.scenes = toBaseReleases(profile.scenes || profile.releases, profile.entity, actor)
// attach actor to base scene, in case it was not scraped
.map((scene) => {
if (actor && !scene.actors?.find((sceneActor) => slugify(sceneActor) === actor.slug || slugify(sceneActor.name) === actor.slug)) {
return {
actors: [actor, ...(scene.actors || [])],
return scene;
if (profile.ethnicity && !curatedProfile.ethnicity) logger.warn(`Unrecognized ethnicity returned by '${profile.entity.name}' scraper: ${profile.ethnicity}`);
if ((profile.hairColor || profile.hair) && !curatedProfile.hairColor) logger.warn(`Unrecognized hair color returned by '${profile.entity.name}' scraper: ${profile.hairColor || profile.hair}`);
if (profile.eyes && !curatedProfile.eyes) logger.warn(`Unrecognized eye color returned by '${profile.entity.name}' scraper: ${profile.eyes}`);
return curatedProfile;
} catch (error) {
logger.error(`Failed to curate '${profile.name}': ${error.message}`);
return null;
async function insertProfiles(newProfiles) {
if (newProfiles.length > 0) {
const entries = await bulkInsert('actors_profiles', newProfiles);
logger.info(`Saved ${newProfiles.length} actor profiles`);
return entries;
return [];
async function upsertProfiles(profiles) {
const newProfileEntries = profiles.filter((profile) => !profile.update).map((profile) => curateProfileEntry(profile)).filter(Boolean);
const updatingProfileEntries = profiles.filter((profile) => profile.update).map((profile) => curateProfileEntry(profile)).filter(Boolean);
const newProfiles = newProfileEntries.length > 0
? await insertProfiles(newProfileEntries)
: [];
if (argv.force && updatingProfileEntries.length > 0) {
const transaction = await knex.transaction();
const queries = updatingProfileEntries.map(async (profileEntry) => knex('actors_profiles')
.modify((builder) => {
if (profileEntry.id) {
builder.where('id', profileEntry.id);
} else {
.where('actor_id', profileEntry.actor_id)
.where('entity_id', profileEntry.entity_id);
.returning(['id', 'actor_id'])
await Promise.all(queries)
.catch((error) => {
return transaction.rollback();
logger.info(`Updated ${updatingProfileEntries.length} actor profiles`);
if (profiles.length > 0) {
const newProfileIdMap = newProfiles.reduce((acc, profile) => {
if (!acc[profile.actor_id]) {
acc[profile.actor_id] = {};
acc[profile.actor_id][profile.entity_id] = profile.id;
return acc;
}, {});
const avatars = profiles.filter((profile) => !!profile.avatarMediaId).map((profile) => ({
actor_id: profile.actorId,
profile_id: profile.profileId || newProfileIdMap[profile.actorId]?.[profile.entity?.id],
media_id: profile.avatarMediaId,
if (avatars.length > 0) {
await knex('actors_avatars')
async function scrapeProfiles(actor, sources, entitiesBySlug, existingProfilesByActorEntityId) {
const validSources = actor.entity ? sources.filter((source) => source === actor.entity.slug) : sources;
const profiles = Promise.map(validSources, async (source) => {
try {
// config may group sources to try until success
return await [].concat(source).reduce(async (outcome, scraperSlug) => outcome.catch(async () => {
try {
const entity = entitiesBySlug[scraperSlug] || null;
const scraper = scrapers[scraperSlug];
const layoutScraper = resolveLayoutScraper(entity, scraper);
if (!layoutScraper?.fetchProfile) {
logger.warn(`No profile profile scraper available for ${scraperSlug}`);
throw new Error(`No profile profile scraper available for ${scraperSlug}`);
const context = {
// legacy
site: entity,
channel: entity,
network: entity?.parent,
scraper: scraperSlug,
parameters: getRecursiveParameters(entity),
const label = context.entity?.name;
if (!context.entity) {
logger.warn(`No entity found for ${scraperSlug}`);
throw new Error(`No entity found for ${scraperSlug}`);
const existingProfile = existingProfilesByActorEntityId[actor.id]?.[context.entity?.id || null];
if (existingProfile && !argv.force) {
logger.verbose(`Found existing profile for '${actor.name}' on '${label}', use --force to scrape again`);
return null;
logger.verbose(`Searching profile for '${actor.name}' on '${label}'`);
const profile = await layoutScraper.fetchProfile(curateActor({
}), context, include);
if (!profile || typeof profile === 'number') { // scraper returns HTTP code on request failure
logger.verbose(`Profile for '${actor.name}' not available on ${label}, scraper returned ${profile}`);
throw Object.assign(new Error(`Profile for '${actor.name}' not available on ${label}`), { code: 'PROFILE_NOT_AVAILABLE' });
logger.verbose(`Found profile for '${actor.name}' on '${label}'`);
return await curateProfile({
actorId: actor.id,
profileId: existingProfile?.id,
update: existingProfile?.id || false,
}, actor);
} catch (error) {
if (error.code !== 'PROFILE_NOT_AVAILABLE') {
logger.error(`Failed to fetch profile for '${actor.name}' from '${scraperSlug}': ${error.message}`);
// throw error to try next source
throw error;
}), Promise.reject(new Error()));
} catch (error) {
if (error.code !== 'PROFILE_NOT_AVAILABLE') {
logger.error(`Failed to fetch profile for '${actor.name}': ${error.message}`);
return null;
return profiles.filter(Boolean);
async function associateSocials(profiles) {
const profileEntries = await knex('actors_profiles').whereIn(['actor_id', 'entity_id'], profiles.map((profile) => [profile.actorId, profile.entity.id]));
const profileEntriesByActorIdAndEntityId = profileEntries.reduce((acc, profileEntry) => {
if (!acc[profileEntry.actor_id]) {
acc[profileEntry.actor_id] = {};
acc[profileEntry.actor_id][profileEntry.entity_id] = profileEntry.id;
return acc;
}, {});
profiles.reduce(async (chain, profile) => {
await chain;
if (!Array.isArray(profile.social) || profile.social.length === 0) {
const profileId = profileEntriesByActorIdAndEntityId[profile.actorId]?.[profile.entity.id];
if (!profileId) {
await knex('actors_socials')
.insert(profile.social.map((url) => ({
platform: new URL(url).hostname.match(/([\w-]+)?\.(\w+)$/)?.[1],
actor_id: profile.actorId,
profile_id: profileId,
}, Promise.resolve());
async function getActorNames(actorNames) {
if (actorNames.length > 0) {
return actorNames;
const actorsWithoutProfiles = await knex.raw(`
SELECT actors.name
FROM actors
FROM actors_profiles
WHERE actors_profiles.actor_id = actors.id
AND actors_profiles.updated_at <= (?)
`, [argv.actorsUpdate || new Date()]);
return actorsWithoutProfiles.rows.map((actor) => actor.name);
async function storeProfiles(profiles) {
const profilesWithAvatarIds = await associateAvatars(profiles);
const actorIds = Array.from(new Set(profiles.map((profile) => profile.actorId)));
await associateSocials(profiles);
await upsertProfiles(profilesWithAvatarIds);
await interpolateProfiles(actorIds);
async function scrapeActors(argNames) {
const actorNames = await getActorNames(argNames);
const baseActors = toBaseActors(actorNames);
logger.info(`Scraping profiles for ${actorNames.length} actors`);
const sources = argv.profileSources || config.profiles || Object.keys(scrapers.actors);
const entitySlugs = sources.flat();
const [entitiesBySlug, existingActorEntries] = await Promise.all([
fetchEntitiesBySlug(entitySlugs, { types: ['channel', 'network', 'info'], prefer: argv.prefer }),
.select(knex.raw('actors.id, actors.name, actors.slug, actors.entry_id, actors.entity_id, row_to_json(entities) as entity'))
.whereIn('actors.slug', baseActors.map((baseActor) => baseActor.slug))
.leftJoin('entities', 'entities.id', 'actors.entity_id')
.groupBy('actors.id', 'entities.id'),
const existingActorEntriesBySlugAndEntryId = existingActorEntries.reduce((acc, actorEntry) => ({
[actorEntry.slug]: {
[actorEntry.entryId || null]: actorEntry,
}), {});
const newBaseActors = baseActors.filter((baseActor) => !existingActorEntriesBySlugAndEntryId[baseActor.slug]?.[baseActor.entryId]);
const [{ id: batchId }] = newBaseActors.length > 0 ? await knex('batches').insert({ comment: null }).returning('id') : [{ id: null }];
const curatedActorEntries = batchId && curateActorEntries(newBaseActors, batchId);
// TODO: associate entity when entry ID is provided
const newActorEntries = batchId && await bulkInsert('actors', curatedActorEntries);
const actors = existingActorEntries.concat(Array.isArray(newActorEntries) ? newActorEntries : []);
const existingProfiles = await knex('actors_profiles')
.select(knex.raw('actors_profiles.*, row_to_json(avatars) as avatar'))
.whereIn('actor_id', actors.map((actor) => actor.id))
.leftJoin('media as avatars', 'avatars.id', 'actors_profiles.avatar_media_id');
const existingProfilesByActorEntityId = existingProfiles.reduce((acc, profile) => ({
[profile.actor_id]: {
[profile.entity_id]: profile,
}), {});
const profilesPerActor = await Promise.map(
async (actor) => scrapeProfiles(actor, sources, entitiesBySlug, existingProfilesByActorEntityId),
{ concurrency: 10 },
const profiles = profilesPerActor.flat().filter(Boolean);
logger.info(`Scraped ${profiles.length} profiles`);
if (argv.report) {
console.log(util.inspect(profiles, { depth: Infinity, colors: true }));
if (argv.save) {
await storeProfiles(profiles);
return profiles;
async function getOrCreateActors(baseActors, batchId) {
// WHERE IN causes stack depth error and performance issues with a large amount of values, no knex VALUES helper available
const actorValues = baseActors.map((actor) => knex.raw('(:slug, :entityId, :entryId, :collisionLikely)', {
slug: actor.slug,
entityId: actor.entity.id,
entryId: actor.entryId,
collisionLikely: getCollisionLikely(actor),
})).join(', ');
const existingActors = await knex
.from(knex.raw(`actors, (VALUES ${actorValues}) AS base_actors (slug, entity_id, entry_id, collision_likely)`))
actors.slug = base_actors.slug
AND actors.entity_id IS NULL
AND NOT base_actors.collision_likely
actors.slug = base_actors.slug
AND actors.entity_id = base_actors.entity_id
AND ((actors.entry_id IS NULL AND base_actors.entry_id IS NULL)
OR actors.entry_id = base_actors.entry_id)
const actorIds = existingActors.map((actor) => actor.id);
const entityIds = Array.from(new Set(baseActors.map((actor) => actor.entity?.id).filter(Boolean)));
const existingProfiles = await knex('actors_profiles')
.whereIn('actor_id', actorIds)
.whereIn('entity_id', entityIds);
// const existingActorSlugs = new Set(existingActors.map(actor => actor.slug));
const existingActorSlugs = existingActors.reduce((acc, actor) => ({
[actor.entity_id]: {
[actor.entry_id]: {
[actor.slug]: true,
}), {});
const uniqueBaseActors = baseActors.filter((baseActor) => !existingActorSlugs[baseActor.entity.id]?.[baseActor.entryId]?.[baseActor.slug] && !existingActorSlugs.null?.null?.[baseActor.slug]);
const curatedActorEntries = curateActorEntries(uniqueBaseActors, batchId);
const newActors = await bulkInsert('actors', curatedActorEntries);
const actorIdsByEntityIdEntryIdAndSlug = [...existingActors, ...newActors].reduce((acc, actor) => ({
[actor.entity_id]: {
[actor.entry_id]: {
[actor.slug]: actor.id,
}), {});
const profileIdsByActorIdAndEntityId = existingProfiles.reduce((acc, profile) => ({
[profile.actor_id]: {
[profile.entity_id]: profile.id,
}), {});
const newActorProfiles = await Promise.all(baseActors
.filter((actor) => actor.hasProfile)
.map((actor) => {
const actorId = actorIdsByEntityIdEntryIdAndSlug[actor.entity?.id]?.[actor.entryId]?.[actor.slug] || actorIdsByEntityIdEntryIdAndSlug.null?.null?.[actor.slug];
return {
update: profileIdsByActorIdAndEntityId[actorId]?.[actor.entity?.id],
.filter((actor) => !!actor.actorId)
.map((actor) => curateProfile(actor)));
await storeProfiles(newActorProfiles);
if (Array.isArray(newActors)) {
return newActors.concat(existingActors);
return existingActors;
async function associatePeople(releases, batchId, type = 'actor') {
try {
const baseActorsByReleaseId = releases.reduce((acc, release) => {
if (type === 'actors' && release.actors) {
acc[release.id] = toBaseActors(release.actors, release);
if (type === 'directors' && (release.director || release.directors)) {
acc[release.id] = toBaseActors([].concat(release.director || release.directors).filter(Boolean), release);
return acc;
}, {});
const baseActors = Object.values(baseActorsByReleaseId).flat();
if (baseActors.length === 0) {
return [];
const baseActorsBySlug = baseActors.reduce((acc, baseActor) => ({
[baseActor.slug]: baseActor,
}), {});
const uniqueBaseActors = Object.values(baseActorsBySlug);
const actors = await getOrCreateActors(uniqueBaseActors, batchId);
const personKey = ({
actors: 'actor_id',
directors: 'director_id',
const actorIdsByEntityIdEntryIdAndSlug = actors.reduce((acc, actor) => ({
[actor.entity_id]: {
[actor.entry_id]: {
[actor.slug]: {
[personKey]: actor.alias_for || actor.id,
alias_id: actor.alias_for ? actor.id : null,
}), {});
const releaseActorAssociations = Object.entries(baseActorsByReleaseId)
.map(([releaseId, releaseActors]) => releaseActors
.map((releaseActor) => ({
release_id: releaseId,
...(actorIdsByEntityIdEntryIdAndSlug[releaseActor.entity?.id]?.[releaseActor.entryId]?.[releaseActor.slug] || actorIdsByEntityIdEntryIdAndSlug.null.null[releaseActor.slug]),
const validReleaseActorAssociations = releaseActorAssociations.filter((association) => association.release_id && association[personKey]);
if (releaseActorAssociations.length > validReleaseActorAssociations.length) {
const invalidReleaseActorAssociations = releaseActorAssociations.filter((association) => !association.release_id || !association[personKey]);
await bulkInsert(`releases_${type}`, validReleaseActorAssociations, false);
await knex.schema.refreshMaterializedView('actors_meta');
logger.verbose(`Associated ${releaseActorAssociations.length} actors to ${releases.length} scenes`);
return actors;
} catch (error) {
logger.error(`Failed to associate actors: ${error.message} ${error.stack}`);
return [];
async function associateActors(releases, batchId) {
return associatePeople(releases, batchId, 'actors');
async function associateDirectors(releases, batchId) {
return associatePeople(releases, batchId, 'directors');
async function fetchActor(actorId) {
const actor = await knex('actors')
row_to_json(entities) as entity,
row_to_json(actor_alias) as alias,
row_to_json(birth_country) as birth_country,
row_to_json(residence_country) as residence_country,
row_to_json(media) as avatar,
json_agg(actors_profiles) as profiles
.modify((queryBuilder) => {
if (Number.isNaN(Number(actorId))) {
queryBuilder.where('actors.slug', actorId);
queryBuilder.where('actors.id', actorId);
.leftJoin('actors as actor_alias', 'actor_alias.id', 'actors.alias_for')
.leftJoin('actors_profiles', 'actors.id', 'actors_profiles.actor_id')
.leftJoin('entities', 'entities.id', 'actors.entity_id')
.leftJoin('countries as birth_country', 'birth_country.alpha2', 'actors.birth_country_alpha2')
.leftJoin('countries as residence_country', 'residence_country.alpha2', 'actors.residence_country_alpha2')
.leftJoin('media', 'media.id', 'actors.avatar_media_id')
.groupBy('actors.id', 'entities.id', 'actor_alias.id', 'birth_country.alpha2', 'residence_country.alpha2', 'media.id')
return curateActor(actor, true);
async function searchActors(query) {
const actors = await knex
.from(knex.raw('search_actors(?) as actors', [query]))
return actors.map((actor) => curateActor(actor));
async function flushProfiles(actorIdsOrNames) {
const profiles = await fetchProfiles(actorIdsOrNames);
const actorNames = Array.from(new Set(profiles.map((profile) => profile.name)));
const deleteCount = await knex('actors_profiles')
.whereIn('id', profiles.map((profile) => profile.id))
await interpolateProfiles(actorIdsOrNames);
await flushOrphanedMedia(); // don't flush until main avatar is detached by re-interpolating
if (actorNames.length > 20) {
logger.info(`Removed ${deleteCount} profiles for ${actorNames.length} actors`);
if (deleteCount > 0) {
logger.info(`Removed ${deleteCount} profiles for ${actorNames.join(', ')}`);
logger.info(`Removed ${deleteCount} profiles`);
async function deleteActors(allActorIdsOrNames) {
const deleteCounts = await Promise.map(chunk(allActorIdsOrNames), async (actorIdsOrNames) => {
const actors = await knex('actors')
.whereIn('id', actorIdsOrNames.filter((idOrName) => typeof idOrName === 'number'))
.orWhere((builder) => {
.whereIn('name', actorIdsOrNames.filter((idOrName) => typeof idOrName === 'string'))
const actorIds = actors.map((actor) => actor.id);
const sceneIds = await knex('releases_actors')
.whereIn('actor_id', actorIds)
.leftJoin('releases', 'releases.id', 'releases_actors.release_id')
const [deletedScenesCount, deletedActorsCount] = await Promise.all([
.whereIn('id', actorIds)
return { deletedScenesCount, deletedActorsCount };
}, { concurrency: 10 });
const deletedActorsCount = deleteCounts.reduce((acc, count) => acc + count.deletedActorsCount, 0);
const deletedScenesCount = deleteCounts.reduce((acc, count) => acc + count.deletedScenesCount, 0);
await flushOrphanedMedia();
logger.info(`Removed ${deletedActorsCount} actors with ${deletedScenesCount} scenes`);
return deletedActorsCount;
async function flushActors() {
const actorIds = await knex('actors').select('id').pluck('id');
const confirmed = await inquirer.prompt([{
type: 'confirm',
name: 'flushActors',
message: `You are about to remove ${actorIds.length} actors. Are you sure?`,
default: false,
if (!confirmed.flushActors) {
logger.warn('Confirmation rejected, not flushing actors');
const deleteCount = await deleteActors(actorIds);
await flushOrphanedMedia();
logger.info(`Removed ${deleteCount}/${actorIds.length} actors`);
module.exports = {