'use strict'; const yargs = require('yargs'); const { argv } = yargs .command('npm start') .option('networks', { describe: 'Networks to include (overrides config)', type: 'array', alias: 'network', }) .option('sites', { describe: 'Sites to include (overrides config)', type: 'array', alias: 'site', }) .option('render', { describe: 'Fetch data without rendering interface', type: 'boolean', default: true, }) .option('scene', { describe: 'Fetch scene info from URL', type: 'string', }) .option('copy', { describe: 'Copy relevant result to clipboard', type: 'boolean', alias: 'c', }) .option('debug', { describe: 'Show error stack traces', type: 'boolean', }) .option('quit', { describe: 'Exit after fetching data. Usually used with --copy.', type: 'boolean', alias: 'q', }); module.exports = argv;