'use strict'; /* eslint-disable newline-per-chained-call */ const Promise = require('bluebird'); const bhttp = require('bhttp'); const { JSDOM } = require('jsdom'); const moment = require('moment'); const knex = require('knex'); const { matchTags } = require('../tags'); const pluckPhotos = require('../utils/pluck-photos'); async function getPhoto(url) { const res = await bhttp.get(url); const html = res.body.toString(); const { document } = new JSDOM(html).window; const photoUrl = document.querySelector('.scenes-module img').src; return photoUrl; } async function getPhotos(albumUrl, site, siteUrl) { const res = await bhttp.get(albumUrl); const html = res.body.toString(); const { document } = new JSDOM(html).window; const lastPhotoPage = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.preview-image-container a')).slice(-1)[0].href; const lastPhotoIndex = parseInt(lastPhotoPage.match(/\d+.jpg/)[0], 10); // dogfart has massive albums, pick 25 or specified number of photos: first, last and evenly inbetween const photoLimit = (site.network.parameters && site.network.parameters.photoLimit) || 25; const photoIndexes = pluckPhotos(lastPhotoIndex, photoLimit); if (photoLimit > 25) { console.log(`${site.name}: Scraping ${photoLimit} album photos from ${siteUrl}, this may take some time...`); } const photoUrls = await Promise.map(photoIndexes, async (index) => { const pageUrl = `https://blacksonblondes.com${lastPhotoPage.replace(/\d+.jpg/, `${index.toString().padStart(3, '0')}.jpg`)}`; return getPhoto(pageUrl); }, { concurrency: 5, }); return photoUrls; } function scrapeLatest(html, site) { const { document } = new JSDOM(html).window; const sceneElements = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.recent-updates')); return sceneElements.reduce((acc, element) => { const siteUrl = element.querySelector('.help-block').textContent; if (`www.${siteUrl.toLowerCase()}` !== new URL(site.url).host) { // different dogfart site return acc; } const sceneLinkElement = element.querySelector('.thumbnail'); const url = `https://dogfartnetwork.com${sceneLinkElement.href}`; const { pathname } = new URL(url); const entryId = `${site.slug}_${pathname.split('/')[4]}`; const title = element.querySelector('.scene-title').textContent; const actors = title.split(/[,&]|\band\b/).map(actor => actor.trim()); const poster = `https:${element.querySelector('img').src}`; const trailer = sceneLinkElement.dataset.preview_clip_url; return [ ...acc, { url, entryId, title, actors, poster, trailer: { src: trailer, }, site, }, ]; }, []); } async function scrapeScene(html, url, site) { const { document } = new JSDOM(html).window; const title = document.querySelector('.description-title').textContent; const actors = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.more-scenes a')).map(({ textContent }) => textContent); const metaDescription = document.querySelector('meta[itemprop="description"]').content; const description = metaDescription ? metaDescription.content : document.querySelector('.description') .textContent .replace(/[ \t\n]{2,}/g, ' ') .replace('...read more', '') .trim(); const siteSlug = document.querySelector('.site-name').textContent.split('.')[0].toLowerCase(); const date = new Date(document.querySelector('meta[itemprop="uploadDate"]').content); const duration = moment .duration(`00:${document .querySelectorAll('.extra-info p')[1] .textContent .match(/\d+:\d+$/)[0]}`) .asSeconds(); const trailerElement = document.querySelector('.html5-video'); const poster = `https:${trailerElement.dataset.poster}`; const { trailer } = trailerElement.dataset; const lastPhotosUrl = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.pagination a')).slice(-1)[0].href; const { origin, pathname } = new URL(url); const photos = await getPhotos(`${origin}${pathname}${lastPhotosUrl}`, site, url); const stars = Math.floor(Number(document.querySelector('span[itemprop="average"]').textContent) / 2); const rawTags = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.scene-details .categories a')).map(({ textContent }) => textContent); const [channelSite, tags] = await Promise.all([ site.isFallback ? knex('sites') .where({ slug: siteSlug }) .orWhere({ url: `https://${siteSlug}.com` }) .first() : site, matchTags(rawTags), ]); return { url: `${origin}${pathname}`, title, description, actors, date, duration, poster, photos, trailer: { src: trailer, }, tags, rating: { stars, }, site: channelSite || site, }; } async function fetchLatest(site, page = 1) { const res = await bhttp.get(`https://dogfartnetwork.com/tour/scenes/?p=${page}`); return scrapeLatest(res.body.toString(), site); } async function fetchScene(url, site) { const res = await bhttp.get(url); return scrapeScene(res.body.toString(), url, site); } module.exports = { fetchLatest, fetchScene, };