'use strict'; const qu = require('../utils/qu'); const slugify = require('../utils/slugify'); const http = require('../utils/http'); function scrapeAll(scenes, site, origin) { return scenes.map(({ query }) => { const release = {}; release.title = query.q('.card-title a, .videoContent h4 a', 'title'); release.url = `${site?.url || origin || 'https://pornworld.com'}${query.q('a', 'href')}`; release.entryId = release.url.match(/\/(\d+)$/)[1]; release.date = query.date('small[datetime]', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss', null, 'datetime'); release.actors = query.all('.card-subtitle a, .featuring a', true).filter(Boolean); release.description = query.q('h4 + p', true); const duration = parseInt(query.q('.card-info div:nth-child(2) .card-text', true), 10) * 60; if (duration) release.duration = duration; else release.duration = query.dur('.time'); release.poster = query.img(); return release; }); } async function scrapeScene({ query }, url, channel) { const release = {}; release.entryId = url.match(/\/(\d+)$/)[1]; release.title = query.meta('itemprop=name') || query.cnt('.video-title h1, .about-text .story-title, .video-specs h1') || query.cnt('h3'); release.description = query.cnt('.descr-box p') || query.cnt('.about-text p:not(.story-title)') || query.text('.description p'); release.date = query.date('meta[itemprop=uploadDate]', 'YYYY-MM-DD', null, 'content') || query.date('.actors time', 'MMMM DD, YYYY') || query.date('.title-border:nth-child(2) p', 'MM.DD.YYYY') || query.date('.length', 'MMMM DD, YYYY', /\w+ \d{2}, \d{4}/); if (query.exists('.pornstar-card > a')) release.actors = query.all('.pornstar-card > a', 'title'); else if (query.exists('.actors a')) release.actors = query.cnts('.actors a'); if (query.exists('.tags-tab')) release.tags = query.cnts('.tags-tab .tags a'); else if (query.exists('.tags-box')) release.tags = query.cnts('.tags-box .tags li'); release.duration = parseInt(query.cnt('.icon-video-red + span'), 10) * 60 || query.dur('.length') || null; release.likes = Number(query.cnt('.icon-like-red + span')) || null; release.poster = query.poster() || query.poster('dl8-video') || query.img('#videoBlock img'); release.photos = query.urls('.photo-slider-guest .card a'); release.trailer = query.all('source[type="video/mp4"]').map(trailer => ({ src: trailer.src, quality: Number(trailer.attributes.res?.value || trailer.attributes.quality?.value.slice(0, -1)) || null, vr: channel.tags?.some(tag => tag.slug === 'vr'), })); return release; } async function fetchActorReleases(urls) { // DDF Network and DDF Network Stream list all scenes, exclude const sources = urls.filter(url => !/ddfnetwork/.test(url)); const releases = await Promise.all(sources.map(async (url) => { const res = await qu.getAll(url, '.card.m-1:not(.pornstar-card)'); return res.ok ? scrapeAll(res.items, null, new URL(url).origin) : null; })); // DDF cross-releases scenes between sites, filter duplicates by entryId return Object.values(releases .flat() .sort((releaseA, releaseB) => releaseB.date - releaseA.date) // sort by date so earliest scene remains .reduce((acc, release) => ({ ...acc, [release.entryId]: release }), {})); } async function scrapeProfile({ query }, _url, actorName) { const keys = query.all('.about-title', true).map(key => slugify(key, '_')); const values = query.all('.about-info').map((el) => { if (el.children.length > 0) { return Array.from(el.children, child => child.textContent.trim()).join(', '); } return el.textContent.trim(); }); const bio = keys.reduce((acc, key, index) => { if (values[index] === '-') return acc; return { ...acc, [key]: values[index], }; }, {}); const profile = { name: actorName, }; profile.description = query.q('.description-box', true); profile.birthdate = qu.extractDate(bio.birthday, 'MMMM DD, YYYY'); if (bio.nationality) profile.nationality = bio.nationality; if (bio.bra_size) [profile.bust] = bio.bra_size.match(/\d+\w+/); if (bio.waist) profile.waist = Number(bio.waist.match(/\d+/)[0]); if (bio.hips) profile.hip = Number(bio.hips.match(/\d+/)[0]); if (bio.height) profile.height = Number(bio.height.match(/\d{2,}/)[0]); if (bio.tit_style && /Enhanced/.test(bio.tit_style)) profile.naturalBoobs = false; if (bio.tit_style && /Natural/.test(bio.tit_style)) profile.naturalBoobs = true; if (bio.body_art && /Tattoo/.test(bio.body_art)) profile.hasTattoos = true; if (bio.body_art && /Piercing/.test(bio.body_art)) profile.hasPiercings = true; if (bio.hair_style) profile.hair = bio.hair_style.split(',')[0].trim().toLowerCase(); if (bio.eye_color) profile.eyes = bio.eye_color.match(/\w+/)[0].toLowerCase(); if (bio.shoe_size) profile.shoes = Number(bio.shoe_size.split('|')[1]); const avatarEl = query.q('.pornstar-details .card-img-top'); if (avatarEl && avatarEl.dataset.src.match('^//')) profile.avatar = `https:${avatarEl.dataset.src}`; profile.releases = await fetchActorReleases(query.urls('.find-me-tab li a')); return profile; } async function fetchLatest(channel, page = 1) { /* ddfnetwork.com redirects to pornworld.com const url = site.parameters?.native ? `${site.url}/videos/search/latest/ever/allsite/-/${page}` : `https://ddfnetwork.com/videos/search/latest/ever/${new URL(site.url).hostname}/-/${page}`; */ const url = channel.parameters?.latest || `${channel.url}/videos/search/latest/ever/allsite/-/${page}`; const res = await qu.getAll(url, '.card.m-1:not(.pornstar-card), .allVideos .videoBlock'); if (res.ok) { return scrapeAll(res.items, channel); } return res.status; } async function fetchScene(url, site) { // DDF's main site moved to Porn World // const res = await http.get(`https://ddfnetwork.com${new URL(url).pathname}`); const res = await qu.get(url, '.content, #content, .taspVideoPage'); return res.ok ? scrapeScene(res.item, url, site) : res.status; } async function fetchProfile({ name: actorName }) { const resSearch = await http.post('https://ddfnetwork.com/search/ajax', { type: 'hints', word: actorName, }, { decodeJSON: false, headers: { 'x-requested-with': 'XMLHttpRequest', }, }); if (resSearch.statusCode !== 200 || Array.isArray(resSearch.body.list)) { return null; } if (!resSearch.body.list.pornstarsName || resSearch.body.list.pornstarsName.length === 0) { return null; } const [actor] = resSearch.body.list.pornstarsName; const url = `https://ddfnetwork.com${actor.href}`; const resActor = await http.get(url); if (resActor.statusCode !== 200) { return null; } return scrapeProfile(resActor.body.toString(), url, actorName); } module.exports = { fetchLatest, fetchProfile, fetchScene, };