'use strict'; const qu = require('../utils/qu'); const slugify = require('../utils/slugify'); function scrapeAll({ query }) { const urls = query.urls('td > a:not([href*=joinnow])').map(pathname => `http://killergram.com/${encodeURI(pathname)}`); const posters = query.imgs('td > a img'); const titles = query.all('.episodeheadertext', true); const actors = query.all('.episodetextinfo:nth-child(3)').map(el => query.all(el, 'a', true)); const channels = query.all('.episodetextinfo:nth-child(2) a', true).map(channel => slugify(channel, '')); if ([urls.length, posters.length, titles.length, actors.length, channels.length].every((value, index, array) => value === array[0])) { // make sure every set has the same number of items const releases = urls.map((url, index) => ({ url, entryId: new URL(url).searchParams.get('id'), title: titles[index], actors: actors[index], channel: channels[index], poster: posters[index], })); return releases; } return []; } function scrapeScene({ query, html }, url) { const release = {}; release.entryId = new URL(url).searchParams.get('id'); release.date = query.date('.episodetext', 'DD MMMM YYYY', /\d{2} \w+ \d{4}/); release.description = query.q('.episodetext tr:nth-child(5) td:nth-child(2)', true); release.actors = query.all('.modelstarring a', true); const duration = html.match(/(\d+) minutes/)?.[1]; const channelUrl = query.url('a[href*="ct=site"]'); if (duration) release.duration = Number(duration) * 60; if (channelUrl) { const siteName = new URL(`https://killergram.com/${channelUrl}`).searchParams.get('site'); release.channel = slugify(siteName, ''); } [release.poster, ...release.photos] = query.imgs('img[src*="/models"]'); return release; } async function fetchActorReleases({ query }, url, remainingPages, actorName, accReleases = []) { const releases = scrapeAll({ query }).filter(release => release.actors.includes(actorName)); if (remainingPages.length > 0) { const { origin, pathname, searchParams } = new URL(url); searchParams.set('p', remainingPages[0]); const nextPage = `${origin}${pathname}?${searchParams}`; const res = await qu.get(nextPage, '#episodes > table'); if (res.ok) { return fetchActorReleases(res.item, url, remainingPages.slice(1), actorName, accReleases.concat(releases)); } } return accReleases.concat(releases); } async function scrapeProfile({ query }, actorName, url, include) { const profile = {}; profile.avatar = { src: `http://thumbs.killergram.com/models/${encodeURI(actorName)}/modelprofilethumb.jpg`, process: { crop: { top: 4, left: 4, width: 289, height: 125, }, }, }; if (include.releases) { const availablePages = query.all('.pageboxdropdown option', 'value'); profile.releases = await fetchActorReleases(qu.init(query.q('#episodes > table')), url, availablePages.slice(1), actorName); } return profile; } async function fetchLatest(channel, page = 1) { const res = await qu.get(`${channel.url}&p=${((page - 1) * 15) + 1}`, '#episodes > table'); return res.ok ? scrapeAll(res.item, channel) : res.status; } async function fetchScene(url, channel) { const res = await qu.get(url, '#episodes > table'); return res.ok ? scrapeScene(res.item, url, channel) : res.status; } async function fetchProfile(actorName, entity, include) { const url = `http://killergram.com/episodes.asp?page=episodes&model=${encodeURI(actorName)}&ct=model`; const res = await qu.get(url, '#content', null, { followRedirects: false, }); return res.ok ? scrapeProfile(res.item, actorName, url, include) : res.status; } module.exports = { fetchLatest, fetchScene, fetchProfile, };