354 lines
7.7 KiB
354 lines
7.7 KiB
:class="{ loading }"
<div class="filter">
placeholder="Search scenes"
class="search input"
:class="{ loading }"
<div class="meta">{{ total }} results</div>
@change="search({ autoScope: false })"
<!-- not selected in SSR without prop -->
:selected="scope === 'stashed'"
:selected="scope === 'results'"
<option value="latest">Latest</option>
<option value="upcoming">Upcoming</option>
<option value="new">New</option>
<option value="likes">Likes</option>
class="scope nolink"
:active="scope === 'latest'"
class="scope nolink"
:active="scope === 'upcoming'"
class="scope nolink"
:active="scope === 'new'"
class="scenes nolist"
v-for="scene in scenes"
<Scene :scene="scene" />
<Pagination />
:class="{ loading }"
<script setup>
import { ref, inject } from 'vue';
import { parse } from 'path-to-regexp';
import navigate from '#/src/navigate.js';
import { get } from '#/src/api.js';
import events from '#/src/events.js';
import { getActorIdentifier, parseActorIdentifier } from '#/src/query.js';
import Filters from '#/components/filters/filters.vue';
import ActorsFilter from '#/components/filters/actors.vue';
import TagsFilter from '#/components/filters/tags.vue';
import ChannelsFilter from '#/components/filters/channels.vue';
import Scene from '#/components/scenes/tile.vue';
import Pagination from '#/components/pagination/pagination.vue';
import Ellipsis from '#/components/loading/ellipsis.vue';
const props = defineProps({
showFilters: {
type: Boolean,
default: true,
showMeta: {
type: Boolean,
default: true,
showScopeTabs: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
defaultScope: {
type: String,
default: 'latest',
const { pageProps, routeParams, urlParsed } = inject('pageContext');
const {
actor: pageActor,
tag: pageTag,
entity: pageEntity,
stash: pageStash,
} = pageProps;
const scenes = ref(pageProps.scenes);
const aggActors = ref(pageProps.aggActors || []);
const aggTags = ref(pageProps.aggTags || []);
const aggChannels = ref(pageProps.aggChannels || []);
const currentPage = ref(Number(routeParams.page));
const scope = ref(routeParams.scope || props.defaultScope);
const total = ref(Number(pageProps.total));
const loading = ref(false);
const actorIds = urlParsed.search.actors?.split(',').map((identifier) => parseActorIdentifier(identifier)?.id).filter(Boolean) || [];
const queryActors = actorIds.map((urlActorId) => aggActors.value.find((aggActor) => aggActor.id === urlActorId)).filter(Boolean);
const networks = Object.fromEntries(aggChannels.value.map((channel) => (channel.type === 'network' ? channel : channel.parent)).filter(Boolean).map((parent) => [`_${parent.slug}`, parent]));
const channels = Object.fromEntries(aggChannels.value.filter((channel) => channel.type === 'channel').map((channel) => [channel.slug, channel]));
const queryEntity = networks[urlParsed.search.e] || channels[urlParsed.search.e];
const filters = ref({
search: urlParsed.search.q,
tags: urlParsed.search.tags?.split(',').filter(Boolean) || [],
entity: queryEntity,
actors: queryActors,
function getPath(targetScope, preserveQuery) {
const path = parse(routeParams.path).map((segment) => {
if (segment.name === 'scope') {
return `${segment.prefix}${targetScope}`;
if (segment.name === 'page') {
return `${segment.prefix}${1}`;
return `${segment.prefix || ''}${routeParams[segment.name] || segment}`;
if (preserveQuery && urlParsed.searchOriginal) {
return `${path}${urlParsed.searchOriginal}`;
return path;
async function search(options = {}) {
if (options.resetPage !== false) {
currentPage.value = 1;
if (options.autoScope !== false) {
if (filters.value.search) {
scope.value = 'results';
if (!filters.value.search && scope.value === 'results') {
scope.value = 'latest';
const query = {
q: filters.value.search || undefined,
const entity = filters.value.entity || pageEntity;
const entitySlug = entity?.type === 'network' ? `_${entity.slug}` : entity?.slug;
loading.value = true;
navigate(getPath(scope.value, false), {
actors: filters.value.actors.map((filterActor) => getActorIdentifier(filterActor)).join(',') || undefined, // don't include page actor ID in query, already a parameter
tags: filters.value.tags.join(',') || undefined,
e: filters.value.entity?.type === 'network' ? `_${filters.value.entity.slug}` : (filters.value.entity?.slug || undefined),
}, { redirect: false });
const res = await get('/scenes', {
actors: [pageActor, ...filters.value.actors].filter(Boolean).map((filterActor) => getActorIdentifier(filterActor)).join(','), // if we're on an actor page, that actor ID needs to be included
tags: [pageTag?.slug, ...filters.value.tags].filter(Boolean).join(','),
stashId: pageStash?.id,
e: entitySlug,
scope: scope.value,
page: currentPage.value, // client uses param rather than query pagination
scenes.value = res.scenes;
aggActors.value = res.aggActors;
aggTags.value = res.aggTags;
aggChannels.value = res.aggChannels;
total.value = res.total;
loading.value = false;
function updateFilter(prop, value, reload = true) {
filters.value[prop] = value;
if (reload) {
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flex-direction: column;
flex-grow: 1;
.meta {
display: flex;
flex-grow: 1;
justify-content: space-between;
align-items: center;
.scenes {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(20rem, 1fr));
gap: .75rem .5rem;
padding: .5rem 1rem 1rem 1rem;
.scopes {
display: flex;
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.scope {
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background: var(--background-dark-20);
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&.active {
background: var(--primary);
color: var(--text-light);
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opacity: .3;
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.ellipsis {
display: none;
position: absolute;
top: 1rem;
left: 50%;
&.loading {
display: flex;
@media(--small-10) {
.scenes {
grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(18rem, 1fr));
.scopes {
justify-content: center;
@media(--small-20) {
.scenes {
grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(16rem, 1fr));