
75 lines
2.1 KiB

<div class="filter">
label="bra size"
:max="cups.length - 1"
@enable="(checked) => emit('update', 'braSizeRequired', checked, true)"
@input="(range) => emit('update', 'braSize', range, false)"
@change="(range) => emit('update', 'braSize', range, true)"
<template #start><Icon icon="boobs-small" /></template>
<template #end><Icon icon="boobs-big" /></template>
<span class="filter-label">Enhanced Boobs</span>
:class="{ [['off', 'default', 'on'][naturalBoobsValues.indexOf(filters.naturalBoobs)]]: true }"
class="toggle-container noclick"
class="toggle-label off"
@click="emit('update', 'naturalBoobs', true, true)"
><Icon icon="leaf" /></span>
@change="emit('update', 'naturalBoobs', naturalBoobsValues[$], true)"
class="toggle-label on"
@click="emit('update', 'naturalBoobs', false, true)"
><Icon icon="magic-wand2" /></span>
<script setup>
import { computed } from 'vue';
import RangeFilter from '#/components/filters/range.vue';
const props = defineProps({
filters: {
type: Object,
default: null,
// cup range should probably not be used, because it becomes impossible to filter for larger values than the current results
cupRange: {
type: Array,
default: null,
function cupRangeToCups(cupA, cupB) {
const smallestCode = cupA.charCodeAt(0);
const biggestCode = cupB.charCodeAt(0);
return Array.from({ length: biggestCode - smallestCode + 1 }, (value, index) => String.fromCharCode(smallestCode + index));
const emit = defineEmits(['update']);
const naturalBoobsValues = [true, undefined, false];
const cups = computed(() => (props.cupRange ? cupRangeToCups(props.cupRange[0], props.cupRange[1]) : 'ABCDEFGHIJKZ'.split(''))); // add Z to allow for 'bigger than K' without wasting fidelity