	<div class="page">
		<Filters :results="total">
			<div class="filter search-container">
				<!-- onsearch not compatible with FF and Safari -->
					placeholder="Search actors"
					class="input search"







			<div class="filter">
					label="Require photo"
					@change="(checked) => updateFilter('avatarRequired', checked, true)"

		<div class="actors-container">
			<div class="actors-header">
				<div class="meta">
					<span class="count">{{ total }} results</span>

						@change="search({ autoScope: false })"
							:selected="order === 'stashed.desc'"

							:selected="order === 'results.desc'"

						<option value="name.asc">Name</option>
						<option value="likes.desc">Popular</option>
						<option value="scenes.desc">Scenes</option>

			<ul class="actors nolist">
					v-for="actor in actors"


<script setup>
import { ref, inject } from 'vue';
import { format, subYears } from 'date-fns';
import { parse } from 'path-to-regexp';

import navigate from '#/src/navigate.js';
import { get } from '#/src/api.js';
import events from '#/src/events.js';

import ActorTile from '#/components/actors/tile.vue';
import Pagination from '#/components/pagination/pagination.vue';
import Checkbox from '#/components/form/checkbox.vue';
import Filters from '#/components/filters/filters.vue';
import GenderFilter from '#/components/filters/gender.vue';
import BirthdateFilter from '#/components/filters/birthdate.vue';
import BoobsFilter from '#/components/filters/boobs.vue';
import PhysiqueFilter from '#/components/filters/physique.vue';
import CountryFilter from '#/components/filters/country.vue';

const pageContext = inject('pageContext');
const { pageProps, urlParsed, routeParams } = pageContext;

const q = ref(urlParsed.search.q);
const actors = ref([]);
const pageStash = pageProps.stash;
const countries = ref(pageProps.countries);
const cupRange = ref(pageProps.cupRange);

actors.value = pageProps.actors;

const currentPage = ref(Number(routeParams.page));
const total = ref(Number(pageProps.actorTotal || pageProps.total));
const order = ref(routeParams.order || urlParsed.search.order || 'likes.desc');

const filters = ref({
	gender: urlParsed.search.gender,
	ageRequired: !!urlParsed.search.age,
	age: urlParsed.search.age?.split(',').map((age) => Number(age)) || [18, 100],
	dobRequired: !!urlParsed.search.dob,
	dobType: urlParsed.search.dobt ? ({ bd: 'birthday', dob: 'dob' })[urlParsed.search.dobt] : 'birthday',
	dob: urlParsed.search.dob || format(subYears(new Date(), 21), 'yyyy-MM-dd'),
	country: urlParsed.search.c,
	braSizeRequired: !!urlParsed.search.cup,
	braSize: urlParsed.search.cup?.split(',') || ['A', 'Z'],
	naturalBoobs: urlParsed.search.nb ? urlParsed.search.nb === 'true' : undefined,
	heightRequired: !!urlParsed.search.height,
	height: urlParsed.search.height?.split(',').map((height) => Number(height)) || [50, 220],
	weightRequired: !!urlParsed.search.weight,
	weight: urlParsed.search.weight?.split(',').map((weight) => Number(weight)) || [30, 200],
	avatarRequired: !!urlParsed.search.avatar,

function getPath(preserveQuery) {
	const path = parse(routeParams.path).map((segment) => {
		if (segment.name === 'page') {
			return `${segment.prefix}${1}`;

		return `${segment.prefix || ''}${routeParams[segment.name] || segment}`;

	if (preserveQuery && urlParsed.searchOriginal) {
		return `${path}${urlParsed.searchOriginal}`;

	return path;

async function search(options = {}) {
	if (options.resetPage !== false) {
		currentPage.value = 1;

	if (options.autoScope !== false) {
		if (q.value) {
			order.value = 'results.desc';

		if (!q.value && order.value.includes('results')) {
			order.value = 'likes.desc';

	const query = {
		q: q.value || undefined,
		order: order.value,
		gender: filters.value.gender || undefined,
		age: filters.value.ageRequired ? filters.value.age.join(',') : undefined,
		dob: filters.value.dobRequired ? filters.value.dob : undefined,
		dobt: filters.value.dobRequired ? ({ birthday: 'bd', dob: 'dob' })[filters.value.dobType] : undefined,
		cup: filters.value.braSizeRequired ? filters.value.braSize.join(',') : undefined,
		c: filters.value.country || undefined,
		nb: filters.value.naturalBoobs,
		height: filters.value.heightRequired ? filters.value.height.join(',') : undefined,
		weight: filters.value.weightRequired ? filters.value.weight.join(',') : undefined,
		avatar: filters.value.avatarRequired || undefined,
		stashId: pageStash?.id,

	navigate(getPath(false), query, { redirect: false });

	const res = await get('/actors', {
		page: currentPage.value, // client uses param rather than query pagination

	actors.value = res.actors;
	total.value = res.total;

	countries.value = res.countries;


function paginate({ page }) {
	currentPage.value = page;

	search({ resetPage: false });

function updateFilter(prop, value, reload = true) {
	filters.value[prop] = value;

	if (reload) {

.gender-button {
    &.selected .gender .icon  {
        fill: var(--text-light);
        filter: none;

    &:hover:not(.selected) {
        .gender .icon {
            fill: var(--text-light);

        .male .icon  {
            filter: drop-shadow(0 0 1px var(--male));

        .female .icon  {
            filter: drop-shadow(0 0 1px var(--female));

    &:hover:not(.selected) .transsexual .icon  {
        fill: var(--female);
        filter: drop-shadow(1px 0 0 var(--text-light)) drop-shadow(-1px 0 0 var(--text-light)) drop-shadow(0 1px 0 var(--text-light)) drop-shadow(0 -1px 0 var(--text-light)) drop-shadow(1px 0 0 var(--male)) drop-shadow(-1px 0 0 var(--male)) drop-shadow(0 1px 0 var(--male)) drop-shadow(0 -1px 0 var(--male)) drop-shadow(0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5));

<style scoped>
.page {
	min-height: 100%;
	display: flex;
	flex-grow: 1;
	align-items: stretch;
	background: var(--background-base-10);

.actors-container {
	display: flex;
	flex-grow: 1;
	flex-direction: column;
	box-sizing: border-box;
	padding: 0 1rem 1rem 1rem;

.actors-header {
	display: flex;
	align-items: center;
	padding: .5rem 0 .25rem 2.25rem;
	margin-bottom: .25rem;

.meta {
	display: flex;
	flex-grow: 1;
	justify-content: space-between;
	align-items: center;

.actors {
	display: grid;
	flex-grow: 1;
	grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(10rem, 1fr));
	gap: .25rem;

@media(--small-40) {
	.actors {
		grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(7rem, 1fr));