import config from 'config'; import { knexQuery as knex, knexManticore } from './knex.js'; import { utilsApi } from './manticore.js'; import { HttpError } from './errors.js'; import { fetchActorsById, curateActor, sortActorsByGender } from './actors.js'; import { fetchTagsById } from './tags.js'; import { fetchEntitiesById } from './entities.js'; function curateMedia(media) { if (!media) { return null; } return { id:, path: media.path, thumbnail: media.thumbnail, lazy: media.lazy, isS3: media.is_s3, width: media.width, height: media.height, }; } function curateMovie(rawScene, assets) { if (!rawScene) { return null; } return { id:, title: rawScene.title, slug: rawScene.slug, url: rawScene.url, date:, createdAt: rawScene.created_at, effectiveDate: rawScene.effective_date, description: rawScene.description, duration: rawScene.duration, channel: { id:, slug:, name:, type:, isIndependent:, hasLogo:, }, network: ? { id:, slug:, name:, type:, hasLogo:, } : null, actors: sortActorsByGender( => curateActor(actor, { sceneDate: rawScene.effective_date }))), directors: => ({ id:, slug: director.slug, name:, })), tags: => ({ id:, slug: tag.slug, name:, })), poster: curateMedia(assets.poster), covers: => curateMedia(cover)), photos: => curateMedia(photo)), createdBatchId: rawScene.created_batch_id, updatedBatchId: rawScene.updated_batch_id, }; } export async function fetchMoviesById(movieIds) { const [movies, channels, actors, directors, tags, covers, photos] = await Promise.all([ knex('movies').whereIn('id', movieIds), // channels knex('movies') .select('channels.*', ' as network_id', 'networks.slug as network_slug', ' as network_name', 'networks.type as network_type') .whereIn('', movieIds) .leftJoin('entities as channels', '', 'movies.entity_id') .leftJoin('entities as networks', '', 'channels.parent_id') .groupBy('', ''), // actors knex('movies') .select( 'actors.*', 'actors_meta.*', 'releases_actors.release_id', ' as movie_id', ) .distinctOn('', '') // cannot distinct on JSON column avatar, must specify .whereIn('', movieIds) .whereNotNull('') .leftJoin('movies_scenes', 'movies_scenes.movie_id', '') .leftJoin('releases_actors', 'releases_actors.release_id', 'movies_scenes.scene_id') .leftJoin('actors', '', 'releases_actors.actor_id') .leftJoin('actors_meta', 'actors_meta.actor_id', ''), // directors knex('movies') .whereIn('', movieIds) .leftJoin('movies_scenes', 'movies_scenes.movie_id', '') .leftJoin('releases_directors', 'releases_directors.release_id', 'movies_scenes.scene_id') .leftJoin('actors as directors', '', 'releases_directors.director_id'), // tags knex('movies') .select('', 'tags.slug', '', 'tags.priority', ' as movie_id') .distinct() .whereIn('', movieIds) .whereNotNull('') .leftJoin('movies_scenes', 'movies_scenes.movie_id', '') .leftJoin('releases_tags', 'releases_tags.release_id', 'movies_scenes.scene_id') .leftJoin('tags', '', 'releases_tags.tag_id') .orderBy('priority', 'desc'), // covers knex('movies_covers') .whereIn('movie_id', movieIds) .leftJoin('media', '', 'movies_covers.media_id'), // photos knex('movies') .whereIn('', movieIds) .leftJoin('movies_scenes', 'movies_scenes.movie_id', '') .leftJoin('releases_photos', 'releases_photos.release_id', 'movies_scenes.scene_id') .leftJoin('media', '', 'releases_photos.media_id'), ]); return => { const movie = movies.find((movieEntry) => === movieId); if (!movie) { console.warn('cannot find movie', movieId); return null; } const movieChannel = channels.find((entity) => === movie.entity_id); const movieActors = actors.filter((actor) => actor.movie_id === movieId); const movieDirectors = directors.filter((director) => director.release_id === movieId); const movieTags = tags.filter((tag) => tag.movie_id === movieId); const movieCovers = covers.filter((cover) => cover.movie_id === movieId); const moviePhotos = photos.filter((photo) => photo.release_id === movieId); return curateMovie(movie, { channel: movieChannel, actors: movieActors, directors: movieDirectors, tags: movieTags, covers: movieCovers, photos: moviePhotos, }); }).filter(Boolean); } function curateOptions(options) { if (options?.limit > 100) { throw new HttpError('Limit must be <= 100', 400); } return { limit: options?.limit || 30, page: Number(options?.page) || 1, aggregate: options.aggregate ?? true, aggregateActors: (options.aggregate ?? true) && (options.aggregateActors ?? true), aggregateTags: (options.aggregate ?? true) && (options.aggregateTags ?? true), aggregateChannels: (options.aggregate ?? true) && (options.aggregateChannels ?? true), }; } /* function buildQuery(filters = {}) { const query = { bool: { must: [], }, }; let sort = [{ effective_date: 'desc' }]; if (!filters.scope || filters.scope === 'latest') { query.bool.must.push({ range: { effective_date: { lte: Math.round( / 1000), }, }, }); } if (filters.scope === 'upcoming') { query.bool.must.push({ range: { effective_date: { gt: Math.round( / 1000), }, }, }); sort = [{ effective_date: 'asc' }]; } if (filters.scope === 'new') { sort = [{ created_at: 'desc' }, { effective_date: 'asc' }]; } if (filters.scope === 'likes') { sort = [{ stashed: 'desc' }, { effective_date: 'desc' }]; } if (filters.scope === 'results') { sort = [{ _score: 'desc' }, { effective_date: 'desc' }]; } if (filters.query) { query.bool.must.push({ bool: { should: [ { match: { title_filtered: filters.query } }, { match: { actors: filters.query } }, { match: { tags: filters.query } }, { match: { channel_name: filters.query } }, { match: { network_name: filters.query } }, { match: { channel_slug: filters.query } }, { match: { network_slug: filters.query } }, { match: { meta: filters.query } }, // date ], }, }); } if (filters.tagIds) { filters.tagIds.forEach((tagId) => { query.bool.must.push({ equals: { 'any(tag_ids)': tagId } }); }); } if (filters.entityId) { query.bool.must.push({ bool: { should: [ { equals: { channel_id: filters.entityId } }, { equals: { network_id: filters.entityId } }, ], }, }); } if (filters.actorIds) { filters.actorIds.forEach((actorId) => { query.bool.must.push({ equals: { 'any(actor_ids)': actorId } }); }); } if (filters.requireCover) { query.bool.must.push({ equals: { has_cover: 1, }, }); } return { query, sort }; } function buildAggregates(options) { const aggregates = {}; if (options.aggregateActors) { aggregates.actorIds = { terms: { field: 'actor_ids', size: config.database.manticore.maxAggregateSize, }, // sort: [{ 'count(*)': { order: 'desc' } }], }; } if (options.aggregateTags) { aggregates.tagIds = { terms: { field: 'tag_ids', size: config.database.manticore.maxAggregateSize, }, }; } if (options.aggregateChannels) { aggregates.channelIds = { terms: { field: 'channel_id', size: config.database.manticore.maxAggregateSize, }, }; } return aggregates; } async function queryManticoreJson(filters, options) { const { query, sort } = buildQuery(filters); console.log('query', query.bool.must); console.time('manticore'); const result = await{ index: 'movies', query, limit: options.limit, offset: ( - 1) * options.limit, sort, aggs: buildAggregates(options), options: { max_matches: config.database.manticore.maxMatches, max_query_time: config.database.manticore.maxQueryTime, field_weights: { title_filtered: 7, actors: 10, tags: 9, meta: 6, channel_name: 2, channel_slug: 3, network_name: 1, network_slug: 1, }, }, }); const movies = => ({ id: hit._id, ...hit._source, _score: hit._score, })); return { movies, total:, aggregations: result.aggregations && Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(result.aggregations).map(([key, { buckets }]) => [key, buckets])), }; } */ async function queryManticoreSql(filters, options) { const aggSize = config.database.manticore.maxAggregateSize; const sqlQuery = knexManticore.raw(` :query: OPTION field_weights=( title_filtered=7, actors=10, tags=9, meta=6, channel_name=2, channel_slug=3, network_name=1, network_slug=1 ), max_matches=:maxMatches:, max_query_time=:maxQueryTime: :actorsFacet: :tagsFacet: :channelsFacet:; show meta; `, { query: knexManticore(filters.stashId ? 'movies_stashed' : 'movies') .modify((builder) => { if (filters.stashId) {` as id, movies.title as title, movies.actor_ids as actor_ids, movies.entity_ids as entity_ids, movies.tag_ids as tag_ids, movies.channel_id as channel_id, movies.network_id as network_id, movies.effective_date as effective_date, movies.stashed as stashed, movies.created_at, created_at as stashed_at, weight() as _score `)); builder .innerJoin('movies', '', 'movies_stashed.movie_id') .where('stash_id', filters.stashId); } else {'*, weight() as _score')); } if (filters.query) { builder.whereRaw('match(\'@!title :query:\', movies)', { query: filters.query }); } filters.tagIds?.forEach((tagId) => { builder.where('any(tag_ids)', tagId); }); filters.actorIds?.forEach((actorId) => { builder.where('any(actor_ids)', actorId); }); if (filters.entityId) { builder.whereRaw('any(entity_ids) = ?', filters.entityId); } if (typeof filters.isShowcased === 'boolean') { builder.where('is_showcased', filters.isShowcased); } if (!filters.scope || filters.scope === 'latest') { builder .where('effective_date', '<=', Math.round( / 1000)) .orderBy('movies.effective_date', 'desc'); // can't seem to use alias if it matches column-name? behavior not fully understand, but this works } else if (filters.scope === 'upcoming') { builder .where('effective_date', '>', Math.round( / 1000)) .orderBy('movies.effective_date', 'asc'); } else if (filters.scope === 'new') { builder.orderBy([ { column: 'movies.created_at', order: 'desc' }, { column: 'movies.effective_date', order: 'asc' }, ]); } else if (filters.scope === 'likes') { builder.orderBy([ { column: 'movies.stashed', order: 'desc' }, { column: 'movies.effective_date', order: 'desc' }, ]); } else if (filters.scope === 'results') { builder.orderBy([ { column: '_score', order: 'desc' }, { column: 'movies.effective_date', order: 'desc' }, ]); } else if (filters.scope === 'stashed' && filters.stashId) { builder.orderBy([ { column: 'stashed_at', order: 'desc' }, { column: 'movies.effective_date', order: 'desc' }, ]); } else { builder.orderBy('movies.effective_date', 'desc'); } }) .limit(options.limit) .offset(( - 1) * options.limit) .toString(), // option threads=1 fixes actors, but drastically slows down performance, wait for fix actorsFacet: options.aggregateActors ? knex.raw('facet movies.actor_ids order by count(*) desc limit ?', [aggSize]) : null, tagsFacet: options.aggregateTags ? knex.raw('facet movies.tag_ids order by count(*) desc limit ?', [aggSize]) : null, channelsFacet: options.aggregateChannels ? knex.raw('facet movies.channel_id order by count(*) desc limit ?', [aggSize]) : null, maxMatches: config.database.manticore.maxMatches, maxQueryTime: config.database.manticore.maxQueryTime, }).toString(); // manticore does not seem to accept table.column syntax if 'table' is primary (yet?), crude work-around const curatedSqlQuery = filters.stashId ? sqlQuery : sqlQuery.replace(/movies\./g, ''); if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') { console.log(curatedSqlQuery); } const results = await utilsApi.sql(curatedSqlQuery); // console.log(results[0]); const actorIds = results .find((result) => (result.columns[0].actor_ids || result.columns[0]['movies.actor_ids']) && result.columns[1]['count(*)']) ? => ({ key: row.actor_ids || row['movies.actor_ids'], doc_count: row['count(*)'] })) || []; const tagIds = results .find((result) => (result.columns[0].tag_ids || result.columns[0]['movies.tag_ids']) && result.columns[1]['count(*)']) ? => ({ key: row.tag_ids || row['movies.tag_ids'], doc_count: row['count(*)'] })) || []; const channelIds = results .find((result) => (result.columns[0].channel_id || result.columns[0]['movies.channel_id']) && result.columns[1]['count(*)']) ? => ({ key: row.channel_id || row['movies.channel_id'], doc_count: row['count(*)'] })) || []; const total = Number( => entry.Variable_name === 'total_found')?.Value) || 0; return { movies: results[0].data, total, aggregations: { actorIds, tagIds, channelIds, }, }; } function countAggregations(buckets) { if (!buckets) { return null; } return Object.fromEntries( => [bucket.key, { count: bucket.doc_count }])); } export async function fetchMovies(filters, rawOptions) { const options = curateOptions(rawOptions); console.log(options); console.log(filters); const result = await queryManticoreSql(filters, options); const actorCounts = options.aggregateActors && countAggregations(result.aggregations?.actorIds); const tagCounts = options.aggregateTags && countAggregations(result.aggregations?.tagIds); const channelCounts = options.aggregateChannels && countAggregations(result.aggregations?.channelIds); const [aggActors, aggTags, aggChannels] = await Promise.all([ options.aggregateActors ? fetchActorsById( => bucket.key), { order: ['name', 'asc'], append: actorCounts }) : [], options.aggregateTags ? fetchTagsById( => bucket.key), { order: ['name', 'asc'], append: tagCounts }) : [], options.aggregateChannels ? fetchEntitiesById( => bucket.key), { order: ['name', 'asc'], append: channelCounts }) : [], ]); console.log(result.aggregations); console.log(aggActors); const movieIds = => Number(; const movies = await fetchMoviesById(movieIds); return { movies, aggActors, aggTags, aggChannels, total:, limit: options.limit, }; }