export async function resolvePlace(query, context, options = {}) { if (!query) { return null; } const cacheKey = `place-${context.slugify(query)}`; const cachedPlace = await context.redis.hGetAll(cacheKey); if (options.useCache !== false && await context.redis.exists(cacheKey)) { await context.redis.expire(cacheKey, 3600 * 24 * 30); context.logger.debug(`Using cached place '${cacheKey}' for query '${query}': ${JSON.stringify(cachedPlace)}`); return cachedPlace; } // query is a nationality, lookup would get weird results (British resolves to British, Northern Ireland) const country = await context.knex('countries') .where('nationality', 'ilike', `%${query}%`) .orWhere('alpha3', 'ilike', `%${query}%`) .orWhere('alpha2', 'ilike', `%${query}%`) .orderBy('priority', 'desc') .first(); if (country) { return { country: country.alpha2, }; } try { // https://operations.osmfoundation.org/policies/nominatim/ const res = await context.unprint.get(`https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search?q=${encodeURI(query)}&format=json&accept-language=en&addressdetails=1`, { headers: { 'User-Agent': context.config.location.userAgent, }, interval: 1000, concurrency: 1, }); const [item] = res.body; if (item && item.address) { const rawPlace = item.address; const place = {}; if (item.class === 'place' || item.class === 'boundary') { const location = rawPlace[item.type] || rawPlace.city || rawPlace.place || rawPlace.town; if (location) { place.place = location; place.city = rawPlace.city || location; } } if (rawPlace.state) place.state = rawPlace.state; if (rawPlace.country_code) place.country = rawPlace.country_code.toUpperCase(); if (rawPlace.continent) place.continent = rawPlace.continent; context.logger.debug(`Resolved place '${query}' to ${JSON.stringify(place)}`); await context.redis.hSet(cacheKey, place); await context.redis.expire(cacheKey, 3600 * 24 * 30); return place; } } catch (error) { context.logger.error(`Failed to resolve place '${query}': ${error.message}`); } return null; }