'use strict'; const config = require('config'); const yargs = require('yargs'); module.exports = yargs.command('npm start -- --user ').option('users', { alias: 'user', describe: 'Reddit usernames to fetch posts from', type: 'array' }).option('posts', { alias: 'post', describe: 'Reddit post IDs to fetch', type: 'array' }).option('limit', { describe: 'Maximum amount of posts to fetch after filtering out ignored, cross- and reposts', type: 'number', default: config.fetch.limit }).option('sort', { describe: 'Property to sort posts by', choices: ['new', 'top', 'hot', 'controversial'], default: config.fetch.sort }).option('ignore', { describe: 'Ignore posts with any of these properties', type: 'array', choices: ['pinned', 'stickied', 'hidden', 'spoiler', 'over_18'] }).argv;