A powerful utility to fetch almost all of a reddit user's content. It supports many image and video hosts and has offers extensive filenaming options.
### Features
Most features are optional and can easily be disabled!
* Freely configure target paths with variables like username, formatted date, post title, subreddit, image ID, index in album and many more. All variables can be used to create directories
* Fetch any (reasonable) amount of users in one go, with their profile image and description
*`--limit <number>`: Maximum amount posts per user to fetch content from. Limit is applied after filtering out ignored, cross- and reposts. Posts requested directly by ID may be discarded as duplicates, but are not otherwise affected by the limit.
*`--sort <method>`: How posts should be sorted while fetched. This affects the `$postIndex` variable, and in combination with a `--limit` decides what posts will be included.
*`--ignore <prop> [<prop>...]`: Ignore posts with any of the following properties: `pinned`, `stickied`, `hidden`, `over_18`, `spoiler`.
*`--exclude <source> [<source>...]`: Do not include posts from these sources (e.g. `self`, `reddit`, `imgur`, `gfycat`, ...). Should not be used in combination with `--include`.
*`--include <source> [<source>...]`: Only include posts from these sources (e.g. `self`, `reddit`, `imgur`, `gfycat`, ...). Should not be used in combination with `--exclude`.
The audio stream for videos with sound uploaded to reddit directly (v.redd.it) is hosted separately, and will be saved as such alongside the video (typically {filename}-0 and {filename}-1). For them to be muxed into a single file automatically, **ffmpeg must be available on the system**, and the separate source files will be deleted when muxing has succeeded. If ffmpeg is not available, the separate files will remain as is.
To change the configuration, please refer to `config/default.js`. I recommend not editing this file directly, but instead making a copy `config/local.js`, as the default configuration might be overwritten in updates and can be a useful reference for restoring any detrimental configuration errors. The structure of `config/local.js` must match the structure of the default configuration, but does not necessarily need to contain any properties you do not wish to override. If preferred, you may instead use JSON in `config/local.json`.
Unfortunately, it is necessary to register for the reddit and imgur APIs for this application to work reliably. Example details have been provided in `config/default.js`, but must be overwritten (preferably in `config/local.js`). More information on registering APIs will become available in this section soon.
*`{base.posts}` or `{base.direct}`: An optional variable intended to set the beginning most paths have in common, for content fetched via reddit and content fetched directly respectively. The variable must be added to each path manually and is not prefixed automatically as to allow for exceptions. The configuration for both will be overruled by the `--base` argument;
*`{label}`: Arbitrary text specified by the `--label` argument.
Many reddit users have a 'subreddit' of their own in the form of a profile (not to be confused with users that have created an *actual* subreddit for themselves). These variables are only available for users that have enabled this.
*`{profile.title}`: The title of the reddit user's profile
*`{profile.id}`: The ID of the reddit user's profile
*`{profile.description}`: The description of the reddit user's profile
*`{tags.over18}` (boolean): Whether the profile contains adult content and requires an 'over 18' age confirmation
Tags are variables that will only be inserted when another variable is present. When you use a tag, you must configure a string of text that is inserted in place of a tag variable when the associated variable is available.
The `{div}` variable will insert an arbitrary string as configured by the `divider` option, intended, of course, to be used as a divider between other components. Similar to tags, `{divs.*x*}` will insert a divider only when the specified variable is present. For example, `{divs.item.}title` will only insert a divider when `{item.title} is present. This makes sure a filename will look like, for example, either `./20191101 - abc123 - Hello world!.jpeg` when a title is available or `./20191101 - abc123.jpg` when no title is available, instead of `20191101 - abc123 - .jpeg` when a title is not available.
Affects the representation of `{item.date}`, `{album.date}` and `{post.date}` and defaults to `YYYYMMDD`. See [this documentation](https://date-fns.org/v1.29.0/docs/format) for an overview of all available tokens.
Titles can sometimes be longer than you prefer your filenames to be, or even overflow the operating system's limit (255 bytes for Linux). This property cuts off titles at a fixed number of characters.
Arrays start at 0, but as to not tire myself out debating the matter, you may offset it my any numerical value you like. Affects the `{item.index}` variable for album items.
The patterns represent Unix file paths, and a `/` therefore indicates a new directory. You may freely use directories in your patterns, but titles or descriptions may contain a `/` that is not supposed to create a new directory. All instances of `/` in a variable value will be replaced with the configured slash substitute.
Some albums contain only one image or video. By setting `extractSingleAlbumItem` to `true` (default), the item will be saved in accordance to the individual item patterns rather than the album patterns. An extracted item will inherit the title and description of the album if it has none of its own. Extracted items will have a truthy `{tags.extracted}` variable.